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1,178 | How does someone with a fear of doctors, and a trauma history, see a doctor like a “normal person?” I have tried different PCP’s through the years, and always have a similar experience. I never get through the Physical Examination: I become horribly uncomfortable, they guess my history, give me a PTSD diagnosis, tell me to get more therapy, and never call me back in. | null | 2No Distortion
2,484 | I am dating a guy that I really care about, he is generally really good to me and helps me better my life in terms of school and work. The idea of him talking to other girls bothers me, a lot. I’ve behaved very “crazy” like with him. I feel impulsive, out of control. I imagine all of these threats, and even if they are real, my behavior is out of control. I’m not asking this question so I could make my relationship better, I am asking because I am really concerned, and my behavior is affecting those around me. | I’ve behaved very “crazy” like with him. I feel impulsive, out of control. I imagine all of these threats, and even if they are real, my behavior is out of control. | 1Emotional Reasoning
1,599 | I am experiencing a vicious cycle that I want to break away from. I have seen doctors and have been on medicine and nothing seems to work so I thought I would a forum to see if any outside source may help. My mother and grandmother are very negative people who believe everyone should be miserable if they are. My mother though takes it to a new extreme by extreme guilt trips and pushing all the blame on everyone but her (usually it falls in my lap or my grandmothers because we are convenient) She always also tells everyone what a bad guy I am and how I show her no respect. I have gotten to the point where I am trying to tell her how I feel and what it is doing to me. I keep telling myself maybe she might get it and I try to stay strong but cry every time because of how bad she makes me feel. I try to sound strong mentally but it is killing me. | I keep telling myself maybe she might get it and I try to stay strong but cry every time because of how bad she makes me feel. I try to sound strong mentally but it is killing me. | 3Magnification
1,445 | I know this isn’t a simple question to answer for someone you’ve never met, but I’d like a basic answer on whether or not it seems as though I may be depressed. Lately, my eating habits have increased rapidly, while my personality and energy has been decreasing. I haven’t found many activities I used to do much fun anymore, and I’m constantly worn out or restless but I don’t know why. I have also noticed my sleeping pattern has changed, I have trouble staying asleep and I’m constantly tired no matter how long I sleep for. Also, I have been feeling sad and unmotivated, I feel like I’ll be able to achieve my true goals and I’m starting to lose hope with my future. I have absolutely no suicidal thoughts and like to think of myself as outgoing and I’m not sure I feel an overall depression constantly, but I have been clinically diagnosed with social anxiety disorder and most online tests I take (knowing they aren’t completely reliable) say I could be depressed. Do you have any idea? | null | 2No Distortion
858 | Ok i’m kind of have a feeling of being out of control. My ex and I broke up a month ago b/c he was a cheater and I found out many instances where he wasn’t faithful to me in our relationship-we were together for a year off and on (he flew out to visit ex g/f in cali and told me he was going mtn biking, emailed/chatted with Transexuals online, emailed girls on myspace, craigslist, dating websites etc). I’m 26 he is 27. | My ex and I broke up a month ago b/c he was a cheater and I found out many instances where he wasn’t faithful to me in our relationship-we were together for a year off and on (he flew out to visit ex g/f in cali and told me he was going mtn biking, emailed/chatted with Transexuals online, emailed girls on myspace, craigslist, dating websites etc). | 10Labeling
204 | From a teen in Canada: I’m 15, my sister has many mental disorders, when i was 12 i was depressed, i’;m happy now. i’m overwhelmingly sexually attracted to girls. I’m quite dark, i like dark humor, im nice, im also a jerk. I never show anger publicly, on my own i scream silently at the smallest things. Im a huge movie fan, when i see a scene where my favorite character gets attention i freak out. i love it. it’s like a walking seizure. I have a lot of desires. one day i want to be a hero, the other a villain. im really selfish, im a bit of a hypochondriac but i love mental illness. i really want one. I like fire. not in a dangerous way. i try really hard to be a rebel. i feel like i have multiple personalities mixed into one. my views and opinions on things change weekly. i fall in love with girls as long as their beautiful and good girls. | I’m quite dark, i like dark humor, im nice, im also a jerk. | 10Labeling
1,771 | Hello, so i have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorder, but bi polar also runs in our family and ive been feeling sypmtoms, like i will be crazy one day but in the dumps the next.also i was sexually assulted when i was 11 years old by a 13 year old boy and i havent really healed since then i used to self harm and was forced to go to therapy sessions but i stopped because i beilieve i dont need sessions any more. i constantly feel like someone is watching me, even on the toilet. i hate bugs because i believe they are really hidden cameras, the window nearest our front door is a two way mirror and people are watching me on the other side, theres a blow up toy swan in our bathroom that’s a camera too. i always feel suspicous of people because they may be fake people. My father says i am unhealthly obssesed with horror movies , serial killers, and i explore the deep web quite a bit, i have had alot of thoughts about killing people, not anyone who has angered me, that would be stupid because there would be a motive i plan and think of different ways i could kidnapp and kill diffrent people. i dont know whats going on, i will also add that at night i believe the trees hide spies, and the people in the house across the road are stalking me and are up to something sinister. i dont know if these are delusions or real life but i really want to know. | null | 2No Distortion
4,685 | I know there have been many in my situation, but I have yet to find a submission that has presented a clear answer to help with my situation. In October 2009 my wife found out I was cheating with a co-worker. I did not feel comfortable telling her all of the details at first so I continued lying as I felt I was protecting her already fragile state. I have been a liar since I can remember and I don’t know how to stop. I realize I personally make the decision to lie every time I do it, but that doesn’t seem to get in the way when it comes down to making a decision whether or not to lie. We have severe financial problems and will more than likely lose our home. My wife has told me we won’t be married after she graduates from nursing school but we haven’t separated yet because we have 3 children together and she doesn’t have an income. I have been getting payday loans to subsidize my income and have paid a significant amount towards those loans to keep things as normal as possible for the kids. So goes the lying. I get loans my wife doesn’t know about to keep things normal and she always finds out I have been getting money somewhere and I end up telling her the truth. She says I am childish for always lying and adds what I’ve done to the list of reasons we are getting divorced. I told her tonight I fear for my life sometimes because she doesn’t seem to have control over herself when she is in a fit of rage over what I’ve done. She has made comments in the past that she would “stab me” and she would “get off” if she were to kill me (because I cheated). I know what I did to her was terrible and I feel like a terrible person every day. I live in a manic world to keep myself from going off the deep end. I have been told I can’t leave my house because I will be abandoning my children and the courts will not award any custody to me if I do. She, however, wants me to leave immediately. I told her about my fear and she got extremely angry, told me I was selfish and started crying because that statement meant I didn’t care about what I put her through. The fact is, I didn’t know how to help her. I let myself get in the way a lot since she found out and she wouldn’t let me provide comfort when she was in pain. I have never, nor will I ever inflict harm on her, but I fear her statement are true and the mental anguish I have caused is the reason she cut herself some this past year and almost overdosed on drugs. I am writing this because I want to stop lying. I am writing this because I want to know how to get out of the situation I am in without a huge legal mess. I love my kids; I love to be around them. If I had my choice I would never leave their sides. I can’t, however, feel like I am a good parent for allowing them to live in the environment I have created. My wife has not recovered to the point where she can get out of bed at a decent hour and function with them. For months after she found out she would sleep most of the day while they were left to fend for themselves. I didn’t know what to do because I feared I would lose my job and make things even worse. PLEASE HELP!! Or, help me to find a good counselor in my area that accepts my insurance. I can’t afford to pay the co-pays all the time so that has kept me from going. The last counselor I had fell asleep in the chair while I was talking. | I love my kids; I love to be around them. If I had my choice I would never leave their sides. I can’t, however, feel like I am a good parent for allowing them to live in the environment I have created. | 5Personalization
694 | I think I’m depressed and I don’t know how to tell my parents. Please help me. I think I’m severely depressed because I’ve been so disconnected lately. I’ve been growing more and more anti-social, I’m suddenly losing sleep and becoming more irriatable even if I try hard to be nice. I’m also having at least 10 suicidal thoughts per day. Can you tell me how the heck I’m supposed to tell my parents when I can’t stop thinking that they’ll only make fun of me and not believe me? Please? | I think I’m severely depressed because I’ve been so disconnected lately. I’ve been growing more and more anti-social, I’m suddenly losing sleep and becoming more irriatable even if I try hard to be nice. Can you tell me how the heck I’m supposed to tell my parents when I can’t stop thinking that they’ll only make fun of me and not believe me? | 3Magnification
1,098 | From the U.S.: Alright, I am a male just shy of thirty. When I was fourteen years old I began having severe anxiety and have dealt with OCD since I was a child. I realize that OCD enables us to imagine things, which may be the case here. I have an uncle that is a psychopath. I realize that psychopaths aren’t wired to feel anxiety or irrational thinking, which, the anxiety alone would preclude me from possibly being a psychopath, but am still worried about the possibility of sociopathy. | I realize that psychopaths aren’t wired to feel anxiety or irrational thinking, which, the anxiety alone would preclude me from possibly being a psychopath, but am still worried about the possibility of sociopathy. | 1Emotional Reasoning
1,205 | I’ve been upset these days: I have a little sister who is several years younger than me. We grew up together and had a fine relationship back then. Up until I turned into a teenager in high school, her attitude started to change. I realized she started to bad-mouth people that she didn’t get along with so I keep a distance with her. Things get worse due to forceful interference from family members. Until later and even now, whenever I try to get over the barrier and mend our relationship a bit by looking to her fine points and praise her, she became so conceited. It gets to the point that she’d bad-mouth me or even her brother (also younger than me) to make herself look good in front of parents and others. | We grew up together and had a fine relationship back then. Up until I turned into a teenager in high school, her attitude started to change. | 0All-or-nothing thinking
1,909 | From the U.S.: Where to begin. About 5 years ago when I was very young (16) I met my first love, to whom I lost my virginity to and fell deeply in love with. However, his parents at the time were getting separated and he took this out on me. He didn’t treat me right and I broke things off after about 2 years – not because I didn’t still love him but because we had too many issues at the time. | null | 2No Distortion
621 | Hello everybody, I’m a 25 year old female from Greece. I suffer from borderline personality disorder, cannabis abuse disorder, Aspergers syndrome and ADHD (some psychiatrists believe I also have bipolar disorder). When I was a teenager I also had eating disorders. | null | 2No Distortion
2,531 | I am trying to figure out if certain problem I am currently experiencing is social phobia, paranoia, or it is something serious like schizophrenia. It started when I (age 26) went on a trip to Europe with my brother and I got a terrible flu, and on our tour bus I began having a psychosis. I thought I could hear the whole bus talking about me being stupid and ugly. Even outside where we couldn’t find people from our tour bus, I heard them talking about me, it freaked me out so much I had to ask my brother if he could hear it too , which he said no. I did have a high fever so that could have explained what was happening, but even after that occurrence there are times, not every day, I go out and I feel like I can hear people calling me ugly and stupid, or if they are laughing I think they are laughing at me. I moved to the city and I rarely want to go out because I’m afraid I will have an episode again. My boyfriend knows when I have these episodes because I become quiet and disoriented. That is because I try to listen to peoples conversations and find out if I’m going crazy or they are talking about me. Also, I do not hear voices when I am alone but only when there are people around talking so I do not know if it is because I keep mishearing or interpreting the wrong way. I am worried and not sure if I need to seek help from a therapist. Thank you for your help. I would like to add that I do not take any medications or drugs. | I thought I could hear the whole bus talking about me being stupid and ugly. | 8Mind Reading
1,271 | I’m a teen who has been diagnosed with depression and is currently receiving medication and therapy for it. But the medication just doesn’t seem to be working, even on the highest dose. I still can’t feel any emotion (besides frustration) or motivation, have horrible brain fog, and have no idea who I am. If you have any techniques or strategies to help deal with these symptoms, that would be great. | null | 2No Distortion
1,811 | It’s like that I always being alone everywhere. I’m comfortable with being alone. In school or going to some places, it’s really okay for me to be alone. Some people in school sees me weird for it, but I think it’s them who always need accompany just to go to toilet or canteen while they can do it their self. I have two best friends and don’t like to be in group. | null | 2No Distortion
1,572 | From the U.S.: I’m writing to ask for your help in understanding what I’m dealing with in terms of my parents (especially my mom). I hope you can help, as things are snowballing. I’m dealing with life issues (largely, career), as people do, and the response I get from my parents is (what I consider) unsupportive, negligent and wholly unresponsive. | I’m dealing with life issues (largely, career), as people do, and the response I get from my parents is (what I consider) unsupportive, negligent and wholly unresponsive. | 7Overgeneralization
1,565 | I struggle to maintain long term relationships, both with friends and partners. My last proper relationship was over 6 years ago. It was love at first sight. I was infatuated and when I felt he was straying I suffered get anxiety and developed anorexia (now self managed). He cheated on me. Since I’ve felt very alone and now I tend to get close to guys and find it very easy to be intimate. Once they develop more feelings I push them away. They become my friends and I enjoy having sex. I think I use sex to make myself feel better. I can spend a week with someone and we act like we are in a loving relationship, but as soon as I leave that friend I don’t retain those feelings. It’s almost like I have the opposite of attachment disorder because as soon as they attempt to make the relationship monogamous I run. One guy is quite a bit younger. I have been honest and told him we will not be in a relationship he has told me he is in love with me. Even still, when I am sad we have sex. I don’t want a relationship with him, but enjoy the intimacy. I know that when I end it again he will be hurt. There are others like this. I think it makes me a bad person even though I am fully honest with them. | I think it makes me a bad person even though I am fully honest with them. | 10Labeling
1,663 | My boyfriend’s little sister just turned 18, and has been posting various photos of herself naked in vulnerable positions and photos of masochistic and daddy dom/little girl and other sexually explicit material on instagram and tumblr. She also has a youtube channel where she explicates that her boyfriend, “daddy” is 10 years older than her, and they have been together for almost a year meaning she was a minor when they got together. She aspires to become a make up artists and have her own business and I am fearful that this will negatively damage her reputation. I am aware that both of these behaviours are types of sexual misconduct/disorders however when she was going though various mental situations a few years ago she completely refused help. I am very conflicted about how to handle the situation because I am assuming her parents don’t know, and her brother wants nothing to do with it but I feel like they should know. I am fearful for her safety in the short term and long term as well and was wondering how I should handle this situation. Do I confront her about her posting, tell her parents, or forget about it all together. (From Canada) | null | 2No Distortion
223 | From a teen in the U.S.: My mum had cheated on my dad twice before ;my dad knows about one time she cheated. my dad has cheated on her too once. I think he is okay with it , my mum has told me about this after a longer time. I stay with her now and dad stays in another state , few months back I had checked my mum’s text accidentally and I felt like she’s again having an affair I had asked her to open about her relationship if she ever had any but she said no at that time. | null | 2No Distortion
399 | I love cutting my skin open so much. Although sight of blood makes me sick (and seldom faint), I love watching blood oozing out of my self-inflicted wound. I am extremely addicted to it. I don’t understand. Why is this happening and what can I do to prevent it. (I have talked to a number of psychologist but that did not help.) | null | 2No Distortion
72 | I’ve been dealing with this issue for a little over 7 years. It started out as becoming easily agitated, to the point I’d break things, rip up clothing, and shut out anyone close to me. It progressed to feeling watched and feeling as though people were trying to poison or kill me. As of today, I can’t form relationships, as sometimes I tend to do things I don’t mean, such as laughing when told something serious or showing no emotion at all. People are trying to read my mind and steal my thoughts, and I hear voices of people telling me to do terrible things. I don’t know what to do at this point. I have a hard time maintaining a job, as there are days I can’t even leave the house out of fear. I’ve never seen anyone about this, as I’m told I just need a strong faith in God. | People are trying to read my mind and steal my thoughts, and I hear voices of people telling me to do terrible things. | 8Mind Reading
1,833 | Hello, I’m 15 and female.. for a while now, I’ve been having strong thoughts about going to school and killing as many kids as I can. with a shotgun or something. I don’t have many friends and I don’t talk to people as much as I used to. I am very interested in weaponry and I’ve had lots of practice. I don’t know what’s wrong with me and I know I need help.. but I’m nervous to talk to someone.When I feel like hurting someone, I can feel this energy running through me that makes me want to do it even more. I feel like I am about to do it when that feeling hits me but I try to stop myself by digging my nails in my palm. I fantasize about killing fellow students frequently. | null | 2No Distortion
2,084 | Six months ago I went on a camp with some friends. I slept with one of my best friends which was in a long-lasting relationship. We both enjoyed it and wanted to continue with that. We both knew it was a bad and immoral thing, but the pleasure was above all the morality. But I started to fall madly in love with him. Every time I saw him, touched him, kissed him I was feeling so good and appreciated. Nobody ever has given me a feeling like that. And we did not have a single quarrel in all this time. Everything was perfect except the fact that he was cheating on his girlfriend with me and our relationship was a secret. But he started to feel guilty about this relationship about a month ago and wanted to break up with me. I could not stand such a thing and I asked him to give me another chance to make him forget his girlfriend. It did not work out. He is trying to convince me that he is not the right person for me and he is in love with his girlfriend, although he tells me “I love you” every day. I am trying to be the perfect girlfriend for him and do anything he asks, but he still loves the other one more. What can I do to have him? Or should I forget him? I can’t forget him because I love him so much. He is my first true love. I can’t let this behind. (age 20, from Romania) | Everything was perfect except the fact that he was cheating on his girlfriend with me and our relationship was a secret. | 9Mental filter
136 | From a young man in the U.K.: It’s a long story but I was seeing someone romantically and it didn’t work out. They hurt me and I can’t shake the urge to just give up on life now I know they don’t want me anymore. People told me it would fade away over time but it still bothers me all the time even after 6 months. I’ve never been heartbroken before but it can’t usually be this bad. | They hurt me and I can’t shake the urge to just give up on life now I know they don’t want me anymore. | 3Magnification
2,037 | From the U.S.: I am a 22 year old about to graduate from college. My dad has been seriously ill for 6 years. Now, he is home and severely depressed all of the time, because he cannot support the family. My parents fight constantly. My mom uses his sickness to make people feel bad for her and to guilt trip him or my siblings and I. She blames him for all her problems and all my problems. They both confide in me with their marriage and their sex life. They cling to me when I am home from college, and make me feel guilty for leaving, even for just a few hours. I’ve been home for extended periods of time (like summer vacation) and only left the house a handful of times. | null | 2No Distortion
1,246 | My husband is a wonderful man who has many different interests. But, since we have been married, I have noticed that he gets his mind on a certain hobby and, well, almost obsesses about it. Last year, it was photography. He was talking about wanting to be a professional photographer. He bought many many books on how to become a photographer and to submit his photos to get them published. Although I believe his photos are very nice, he never once submitted one of them. He also convinced me to buy a very expensive digital camera which he has not used in months. At the time he wanted the camera, he said that if I bought it for him that he would help pay me back. This never happened. In fact, he began looking up other expensive lenses and equipment. He was constantly looking on websites and in catalogs to find more stuff for his photography. | But, since we have been married, I have noticed that he gets his mind on a certain hobby and, well, almost obsesses about it. | 8Mind Reading
2,126 | From the U.S.: After much suspicious behavior, I have ran across evidence on my wife’s phone which proves that she has been having at least an emotional affair with a business associate. I’ve discovered they have had “lunch dates”, and he has professed to love her, but she could not say that in return to him, for whatever reason. I don’t know if these are simply actual lunch dates, or if they go back to his hotel room (he is a traveling representative). | null | 2No Distortion
1,705 | 1. She arbitrarily ‘chooses’ people, distrusts them and thinks of them as liars, amoral, inferior, etc. People arbitrarily chosen are the ones close to me. 2. Thinks her family, her morals and beliefs are ‘superior’ to mine but bends her ‘superior morals’ whenever needed to suit her convenience. 3. My wife has a similar personality. She will make a fuss out of something, call her mother and trigger her off (Eg; During my wedding reception, my parents got carried away greeting guests. My wife blamed my parents for ‘not offering her water on purpose’ – she did not even ask for it. She triggered her mother. Her mother asked me to ‘offer water to a thirsty woman even if I am not willing to feed my wife’. Both women soon got enraged.) 4. Shows dual behavior – first she is this soft ‘parent-of-an-abused-girl-god-believer’, transforms into a raging verbally abusive woman derogating me and my family, cursing death/dismemberment/etc. to my parents. Later, she absolutely denies all she said in her anger and swears on gods that she never lies – I am the liar. 4. Every time we try to speak about these issues, she ‘faints’. My wife says there is ‘no oxygen flowing to her brain’ and asks her father to violently shake her head while blaming me for what happened to her mother. She ‘regains consciousness’ after a few minutes. Opportunity to address problems lost. 5. Recently, she began exhibiting literal split personality. She went into a trance – some ‘god’ had entered her. She said my birth was flawed and that god has come here to save me, threatened my parents with curses and death and asked me to treat my wife well. She physically hits my wife when angry. 6. My wife is very similar – dual behavior – shows affection, romance, we live normally for a few days and then finds a random fault with a sudden mood swing and goes into a rage-crying-despair cycle. In her rage mode she is absolutely uncontrollable. She hits me physically, abuses me verbally, weeps and threatens to call the cops and book me for ‘dowry harassment’, degrades me in front of her mother, plays the victim and so on. 7. My in-laws seem to act mostly on impulse without thoughts about consequences. My wife and FIL both rigidly obey my MIL. | My in-laws seem to act mostly on impulse without thoughts about consequences. | 8Mind Reading
1,492 | From the U.S.: I am a 22 year old graduate student who lives at home with my younger brother, my 47 year old mother, and grandmother. I found out my mother has an online dating profile while going through the computers search history looking for a website I found a few days earlier which isn’t a problem, but it isn’t a “normal” dating website. It’s a Spanking Dating profile. | null | 2No Distortion
329 | From the U.S.: My husband abandoned me – left in 2015, found out later he had blown through all of our money and there was another woman. He would be vague in communication or just not respond and he roadblocked divorce, and then I got cancer, which I’ve been fighting since early 2017. After I got cancer, he stopped communicating altogether and has since changed his phone number. He pays me no support (even though he agreed he would). He has never asked how I am, doesn’t seem to care that I’m financially struggling and fighting cancer. | He has never asked how I am, doesn’t seem to care that I’m financially struggling and fighting cancer. | 8Mind Reading
1,808 | From the U.S.: My son’s wife I believe brainwashed him. We were a very close family up till the day after he married this Armenian woman. We, meaning the whole family, grandmother, sister, cousins, and aunt. We are a small family. We are not allowed to know where they live. He admits that his wife is mean to me in hopes I never will visit again. He has allowed this behavior from her which I do not understand. | null | 2No Distortion
170 | From a woman in the U.S.: Well I just found out my man likes a lot of half naked women’s pictures on Instagram and I mean a lot. I feel bad because I thought I’m all he ever wants and dreamed of but it doesn’t feel that way. also he is doing it at the same time we are together like I’m on his Facebook everyone knows we are together but on Instagram I’m not on there it’s like I don’t exist but he’s on there more than he is on Facebook also these girls are opposite to how I look. I feel like he want someone else and is just with me because he can’t get those girls | I feel like he want someone else and is just with me because he can’t get those girls | 1Emotional Reasoning
4,518 | It really just occurred to me recently. I’ve always had vague, small, random memories of it in my mind over the past few years. I knew it was my life, I never gave it much thought. But recently I started thinking about it more and I realized those vague memories were kind of all I had now. | But recently I started thinking about it more and I realized those vague memories were kind of all I had now. | 0All-or-nothing thinking
1,830 | My mom has bipolar disorder and depression, she will spend a couple months never leaving her room and watching tv. Then will be super happy for a week, making family dinners and trying to bond with me. Oftentimes her mood swings are timed with her work, she free-lances so when she’s working her moods regulate, but she hasn’t had work for a few months so its been a downward spiral. | My mom has bipolar disorder and depression, she will spend a couple months never leaving her room and watching tv. | 7Overgeneralization
4,682 | Good day. I am an 18 year old Pakistani girl.My mother has been receiving treatment for schizophrenia for almost 25 years .She is a very unique case . She was an extremely brilliant student and was admitted to a well reputed medical college . There , she was unable to adjust because of a sort of phobia of flesh and dead bodies( which were included in anatomy dissections ),watching deliveries worsened her condition leading to a decision of abandoning the medical studies. She graduated privately and joined the teaching profession. She had always been an aggressive person .She was also very arrogant as “she was a perfect beauty with brains” women. Finding out about painless delivery she agreed to get married .She married my father( it was an arranged one).She has revolting point of views about religion, and lives in her own fantasy world .She sort of thinks that every man is after her. She also thinks that people are conspiring against her. She hates her her mother and her brothers .She has been receiving treatment from various psychiatrists but nothing has helped much.She is currently in an institution called Fountain house. But she does not cooperate much with her therapists as she thinks that she is much more intelligent than them.She does not accept her disease and thinks she has Insomia only. Another thing is that she cannot sleep for more than 3 hours a night without medicines. Presently she is taking 5 anti- psychotics .The names and doses are listed below: ziapine 100 mg 4 daily seductil 100 2 daily Ativan 2 daily Neurolith 1 daily Dosik 5 mg 1 daily Kempro 5 mg 2 daily Clonatril 2 mg 1 daily Injections ( fortnightly) Zyclidine 10 mg Fluefin Please do not disappoint me. I am myself a medical student and an only child .Dealing with my mother becomes very challenging as she is very very aggressive at times. Thanking you. | She was also very arrogant as “she was a perfect beauty with brains” women. | 10Labeling
2,061 | From the U.S.: I’ve been feeling a lot but not enough at the same time. I go through a lot of emotions but I can’t recognize them, and a lot of what I do feels disconnected and bland. I don’t enjoy what I used to, and even when I think I’m enjoying something, I don’t feel strongly enough about it. | I’ve been feeling a lot but not enough at the same time. I go through a lot of emotions but I can’t recognize them, and a lot of what I do feels disconnected and bland. I don’t enjoy what I used to, and even when I think I’m enjoying something, I don’t feel strongly enough about it. | 0All-or-nothing thinking
227 | From roughly the age of 9 I have had an extremely volatile relationship with my mother. From the outside looking in, she is a very law-abiding pilar of the community. Very pleasant to speak to within certain audiences, her family, our friends etc but when we are alone she is almost like a completely different person. As though her problems manifest into those few moments (I limit time alone with her now) and she lets it all out. How terrible her life and usually how myself and my father are to blame. I used to feel sorry for my father but now as an adult with my own children, I feel a sense of anger as to why he has allowed this to go on or was it that he doesn’t see the full extent of the emotional abuse. One time I remember as a child she was in one of her moods so I put my headphones in as a coping mechanism. We were in town and she grabs them out of my ears and told me to get lost (in polite terms) and I walked to my grandmother’s house which was around 4 miles away alone. My father came to collect me and I got told off as he did not believe it was my mother who told me to do this and I suppose that had a lasting impact as since then I don’t believe he trusts me as an innocent party. | My father came to collect me and I got told off as he did not believe it was my mother who told me to do this and I suppose that had a lasting impact as since then I don’t believe he trusts me as an innocent party. | 8Mind Reading
79 | Recently I cannot do things I used to do I don’t want to be social with my friends anymore and would rather stay on my own. Along with this, I can no longer have a conversation with my grandparents or dad because of social anxiety even though I could before. When in school now I will feel positive but I know somehow that I’m not and I then will go home afterward and completely change even though I don’t know why I just suddenly end up being really sad. I’ve heard of bi-polar but I don’t know if this is it or if it’s all just social anxiety. | Along with this, I can no longer have a conversation with my grandparents or dad because of social anxiety even though I could before. When in school now I will feel positive but I know somehow that I’m not and I then will go home afterward and completely change even though I don’t know why I just suddenly end up being really sad | 4Fortune-telling
282 | Hello, my brother is 24 and was diagnosed with borderline syndrome a year ago. However, it was managed only with medication because he refused psychotherapy. For the past 1.5 months, after my mother refused to give him money, he said that he would stop going out. And for the past 1.5 months he didn,’t go outside. Lately, he was a bit more anxious and he did drink alcohol again (not too much) and started smoking again. Nothing was too alarming until 3 days ago he received some messages, went outside for 1h and when he came back, he started talking to people that weren’t there, yelling, than talking quietly, and it was like he was hallucinating. At one point he even changed his personality. At hospital they said that it was brief reactive psychosis (f23. 9) and gave him clozapine and risperidon, and some other medication that i don’t know. Since then, he did sleep, but he still talks, quietly, but still does.What do you think how long is this going to last? When will he stop talking? And does these hallucinations indicate that he has schizophrenia? I am very worried, so please answer me. Thank you. | null | 2No Distortion
2,478 | I have been married just under a year to my now partner of nearly 4 years. It hasn’t been easy, but it hasn’t all been terrible. My partner, a year younger than me of 26, has been struggling with addiction for the entire time I’ve known him. He is mostly wonderful and highly functioning, except he would get into moods and lose his job or other. Now I am trying to discuss when we will move in together and he isn’t ready. Comes up with excuses, although agreed to go to a 29-day detox program in conjunction with what succeeding therapies would be recommended from the facility. Now he has been off anything illicit for over a year, but the alcohol is playing a big issue. He is worried that he isnt strong enough to return. | null | 2No Distortion
1,940 | I was professionally diagnosed with ADHD and I’ve struggled with it since childhood. Later I was diagnosed with BPD and GAD, and a different doctor diagnosed BD2. I am certain about the BPD and ADHD, but I think I might actually have MPD (not GAD and BD2) and I’m concerned. I always hate telling my parents or my doctors about problems I think I might have for fear of looking dramatic or “wanting to have problems.” I fit every description in the DSM5, but when I think of MPD I immediately picture the movie Sybil and I know I am not nearly as severe as her. I would like to get help but like I said, I’m afraid it will be seen as one of my “attention seeking behaviors” (but I’m extremely aware of those, and I’ve been making them healthier behaviors as much as I’ve been able) I wouldn’t even know what to do if it were MPD, all the treatment options sound so scary and the thought of being labeled as one of the so-called “crazy” disorders is also scary. | I am certain about the BPD and ADHD, but I think I might actually have MPD (not GAD and BD2) and I’m concerned. | 1Emotional Reasoning
1,120 | From a teen in the U.S.: I have an issue where whenever I do something stupid or wrong I hear my voice in my head telling me bad things about myself. For example, earlier today I had to stop drawing because my voice was telling me “You can’t do anything right.” “You should just go cut(or)kill yourself.”. I don’t know if it’s just my depression or a part of having dissociative identity disorder. I just want it to stop because it really effects my already low esteem. | I have an issue where whenever I do something stupid or wrong I hear my voice in my head telling me bad things about myself. For example, earlier today I had to stop drawing because my voice was telling me “You can’t do anything right.” “You should just go cut(or)kill yourself.” | 5Personalization
339 | What can I do if I suspect my mother has factitious disorder; she has, for many years, exaggerated sickness when lacking attention, persisted in problems to get possibly unnecessary surgery ( from which she inexplicably has difficulty or never recovers from), and most recently seriously mis-manages her type 2 diabetes. As example, recently when my sister, father and myself were away seeing to the needs of my grandmother who was very ill and eventually passed away, we received a call from a neighbor saying that she went to visit my mother and found her lying in the floor unable to get up because she was so weak. My mother claimed to have been there for 3 hours unable to get up because she was so weak from the flu. she was taken to the ER where she was cleared and given antibiotics and an inhaler for coughing. She has manipulated her insulin/food intake three times in as many years to bring about a seizure episode and requiring ambulance/hospital intervention. She did this just this weekend by pretending to eat breakfast after administering insulin injection, then not taking her purse containing the glycogen she keeps there, resulting in her making a scene saying that she needed chocolate then eventually ending in a seizure and ambulance ride to the hospital. She, of course, was examined and released once her blood sugar regulated. These seizures have ONLY occurred when extended family were present and she appeared to be ‘pouting’ for lack of perceived attention. She spends 98% of her time at home alone (she is retired, but insists that she isn’t well enough to do anything or much more than leave the sofa) and she has never had an ‘episode’ or seizure while alone. This is so dangerous to her and frustrating for us! What can we do?? | These seizures have ONLY occurred when extended family were present and she appeared to be ‘pouting’ for lack of perceived attention. | 8Mind Reading
4,614 | This happens mostly when I’m in a situation where everyone is minding their own business on the bus, subway or just while walking on the street and I am suppose to do the same, but I just can’t. I feel that my actions are not natural and are being constantly controlled by my conscious mind. My brain feels overwhelmed from all the information that it is receiving and I just can’t act normal (even if I look normal, I don’t feel normal). | I feel that my actions are not natural and are being constantly controlled by my conscious mind. My brain feels overwhelmed from all the information that it is receiving and I just can’t act normal (even if I look normal, I don’t feel normal). | 1Emotional Reasoning
1,892 | From the U.S.: My boyfriend and I have been together close to 10 years. Recently, I left him after an argument, one of many. It was the breaking point for me after spending years of him abusing me verbally, mentally, emotionally, and with his constant accusation of infidelity and drug abuse on a daily basis. | null | 2No Distortion
295 | From a woman in Australia: My husband cheated on me emotionally with a female work colleague. As far as I know and he promised me that it was not physical. I found out when her husband contacted my husband and told him to leave her alone. I was devastated as I felt cheated on and I have lost trust. | I was devastated as I felt cheated on and I have lost trust. | 1Emotional Reasoning
1,679 | My best friend and I are very different from each other but we have grown a very strong relationship over the years. She is a smart, highly educated, 32 year old virgin that I hardly think has ever even kissed someone. Myself, I have been in many relationships but am currently single, 32 years old as well. My friend has been growing as a person a lot over the last year, and in August she came to me and said she´d started dating someone she met online. I was very supportive that she started online dating, and thrilled that she wanted to go out for drinks, buy shoes with high heals, and I encouraged more social behaviour. She dated this guy for a few weeks and it ended. Then, about 6 weeks ago she called me at 00.30 on a Thursday night, asking if she could come over because she had something to tell me. I got a bit stressed thinking it must be serious, because it was so late, and because it could not wait. She told me that when she started dating that online-guy they had sex. He was her first, and they were not in love. Then she told me that she liked it rough and he could not give her what she wanted. She had therefore joined a sadomasochistic sex society, went to an information meeting and now attends meetings and parties. This just after having sex for the first time a few weeks earlier. She told me she didn’t want to lie to me and wanted me to know what was going on, because we are so close and I know everything that is going on in her life. This particular night she came straight from a 45-year-old man she had had sex with. My friend and I have hardly ever talked about sex, I have even wondered that she might be a lesbian without knowing it herself yet. I was shocked to say the least. We live in a small city with 300 000 inhabitants, big enough to be anonymous, but still. I want her to experience love and sex, not sex as a mechanistic act. The days after her confession I felt confused and sad, kind of like I’m losing her. Now she has a complete new side to her life that I cant share with her, and she has met so many new people. People of all sorts with a variety of sex-interests, some living in polygamist relationships. A lot that is new to me, but I wish to be open-minded. One week after the breaking news she attended a party and met a guy wearing latex clothes. Lets call him Alan. They jumped straight into a relationship, and one week after they first met, Alan and his friend joined my friend and I at a cabin trip (because he was going to Kuala Lumpur in a few days for work). He was rude to me and I did not like his attitude. He seems very emotionally unstable (I have a PhD in neuroscience), and recently got out of a 6-year relationship, just 2 months prior. He kept talking about his ex and how she being mentally ill had ruined their relationship. Apparently this ex-girlfriend grew up in several foster homes and was sexually abused, married a 25-year-older man that she left – including the children because she was an unfit mother. Later on it was revealed that this old father had abused the children too, and she got the custody back. Then she met Alan. Alan is dominant and my best friend likes to be dominated, apparently. I cant help but think that Alan sort of “liked” being with a damaged woman that he could help and further dominate. I don’t know, but it bothers me how negatively he was talking about her. All matters have two sides. Now my friend talks about Alan constantly and is in love. She has already introduced him to her parents and some of our other friends. After only 5 weeks acquaintance. She really wants me to like him. However, I find it really hard to like him and her new lifestyle. I feel like I have lost her and that our friendship has changed forever. It makes me really sad, she has been such an important part of my life for so long. I feel like she has put a lot on me, the sex-club in itself will take some time to accept. However, introducing a man to me just a few days after the confession and expecting me to like him, is just too much. How should I react to this? I am trying to be happy for her, but in a way I don’t want to. It’s quite possible that if I don’t like this new guy I will lose my best friend. Should I just move on and accept that we have become too different now? I would really appreciate some thoughts about this, I have no-one I can discuss it with. (From Norway) | I feel like I have lost her and that our friendship has changed forever. | 0All-or-nothing thinking
2,323 | Doctor, I’m lost. When I was three years old I told my mother I was responsible for her father’s death (died of a heart attack when I was 2 months old). Over the years I’ve had issues, first insomnia when I was seven (couldn’t stop thinking of the homeless sleeping under the rain). Always rebellious in school, I was diagnosed hyperactive and given ritalin when I was 10. I was later “disdiagnosed”. I often refused to go seek therapy because I thought “I’m not crazy”. I was in boarding school from 13-18, I was beaten up pretty badly when I was in my first year there because I disrespected the upper years. I had a couple of crushes throughout my life, none of which worked out or really mattered until a girl called Anna, my first love. She smashed my heart and got a boyfriend but I didn’t give up leading to further pain and pushed me to drink a lot. I started smoking weed when I was 16, it started with a gram/week but gradually built up to 10g/week (4months ago). Recently, 1 month and a half ago, a friend fell in a psychosis, came out to me. I told him I was straight but respected his way. He asked me to teach him how to live, and tried to kiss me twice. I was so scared that night, locked myself in my room scared he’d come rape me. For the following weeks I asked myself whether I might be gay and hadn’t realized. It didn’t bother me until one night after I hit a rough patch with a girl I love, and a friend said he thought I was gay as we were smoking. Henceforth I was convinced I was, for 3 weeks I kept smoking (5g/day by the end) thinking it would make it stop. When I got back to Paris I saw 2addiction experts and one psychiatrist, the first two said it was a bad trip and would pass with some time and antipsychotics. The second said it was anxiety related and triggered by weed-abuse.I then decided to get hospitalized and they said it was acute psychosis, sign of bipolarity or schizophrenia and that I could never drink or touch any drug again. I’m unsure of who to believe or what’s going on. I now know I’m straight but I now fear I’m suffering from the aforementioned illnesses. (From Paris) | When I was three years old I told my mother I was responsible for her father’s death (died of a heart attack when I was 2 months old). | 5Personalization
274 | From a young teen in Morocco: I have experienced hallucinations for about 9 years now. Mom refuses to take me to a doctor for it and makes me feel guilty for it, along with other issues. They’re just getting worse as time goes on, more intense, and they’re making me more dysfunctional. I am undiagnosed, and therefore do not know the cause of my hallucinations. Some people say it’s normal, but they interrupt my functionality in the world. Sometimes, my auditory hallucinations won’t shut up, which mostly occurs when I want to sleep, as a result, I can’t sleep in those cases. My visual hallucinations are a pain to deal with, and are the ones which occur most. I don’t get olfactory or gustatory hallucinations much, but if I do, they’re usually pleasant. Tactile hallucinations have decreased, but when my hallucinations are at a peak, they intensify as well. By “peak” I mean when my visual and auditory hallucinations merge and become excessive that I lost all ability to differ between reality and hallucinations, videos of simulations of psychotic episodes describe this pretty well. Could this be a disorder, or is it really something that’ll pass, and which I could potentially be causing myself(As my mom says.)? | Could this be a disorder, or is it really something that’ll pass, and which I could potentially be causing myself(As my mom says.)? | 5Personalization
1,194 | From the U.S.: I am 31 years old and female. When I was 23 I would work at a retail store night shift, would hear mumbling, laughing, vulgarity and talking all night, at the time I assumed it was just other people or co workers working in the aisle next to me. I would go outside and smoke at 3 am in the morning, the parking lot was empty, would still hear them, but, no one was there. Parking lot was empty. This happened night after night. | null | 2No Distortion
4,602 | The problem in a nutshell is that I have no close friends and when I’m single (which is the case right now) I’m completely lonely and more depressed than ever. In social situations where I don’t know anybody I fit the definition of a wallflower to a T. I’ve been so desperate to make friends that I’ve pushed myself to go to parties or events but when I get there I’m so awkward and introverted that I’m nearly brought to tears and usually leave early. Once I even traveled 40 minutes to a social event I found online just to see all the people there and turn around without even going inside. | The problem in a nutshell is that I have no close friends and when I’m single (which is the case right now) I’m completely lonely and more depressed than ever. | 0All-or-nothing thinking
652 | My regular therapist is advising me to get a social life, because not having one can apparently have negative health consequences. As I am health conscious, I have been attempting to follow his advice for several months now, with no success. I don’t like people. I always prefer to be alone and have no desire for a social life. I want to give up and just live alone so badly, but my therapist insists that I should find a social life. This onerous task gives me terrible anxiety. | This onerous task gives me terrible anxiety. | 9Mental filter
1,488 | I’m 16, and I’ve been diagnosed with depression, GAD, and gender dysphoria- I’m FtM- all of which I’ve struggled with for years. For a time during my most recent episode, I used cutting to cope. I was working hard in treatment before and during the episode, and I continue to fight as hard as I can. I’ll be two months clean at the end of March, and I’m proud of my progress since I began this journey a year and a half ago. | null | 2No Distortion
2,006 | Hi I am a 23 year old virgin. I was coming out of my shell and kissing and dating. I was really starting to enjoy life then I started having ED issues and my penis started to curve also. I was diagnosed with venous leak by a urologist. I had a complete nervous breakdown. I spent night after night hyper-ventilating and wishing for death as I felt totally worthless and very suicidal. It was all I thought about and it ruined me. I dropped out of university as I couldn’t focus on my work with my misery and obsessive intrusive thoughts. My libido went entirely and orgasm lost any mental benefit if anything it made me feel worse. This went on for a year. During this year my grandfather died and my cat went missing without a trace also. Any sexual reference made by friends or in show movies or books just made me feel horrible. Seeing a woman that I would have usually found sexually attractive was not arousing in the slightest and that is just upsetting beyond words. | I was diagnosed with venous leak by a urologist. I had a complete nervous breakdown. I spent night after night hyper-ventilating and wishing for death as I felt totally worthless and very suicidal. It was all I thought about and it ruined me. I dropped out of university as I couldn’t focus on my work with my misery and obsessive intrusive thoughts. | 3Magnification
28 | Since I was 9 (that’s 5 years), it feels like a haze follows me everywhere. The first few years it was probably puberty or something, but I felt a little less than neutral all the time, cried at night sometimes, and got irritated easily. I guess that’s still now, I remember being more “edgy” the first 2 years, that’s something to laugh at maybe. | Since I was 9 (that’s 5 years), it feels like a haze follows me everywhere. | 7Overgeneralization
2,515 | Since I was younger child I recall having a weird episode at night that distracts me from sleeping; this involves surges of anger throughout my body. However I feel incredibly numb physically, and heavy in all of my body. To cope with this, when younger, I would kick and scream in my bed until I finally would “pass out” (or fall asleep without intending to.) Now, I harm myself through punching, scratching, cursing at myself etc until I repeat “passing out.” This doesn’t happen every night, it’s occasional — but I don’t know what it is and I’ve never had chance to speak about it to anyone, however I’m studying psychology and discovering about mental issues, and I would like to resolve whatever these “episodes” are, or at least understand them. I have already been diagnosed with depression; I feel I have underlying issues excluding depression which are more psychotic however again I haven’t spoken to anyone about them (including my therapist) as I am worried they may not believe me or I would look stupid in telling them what I feel and think. | I feel I have underlying issues excluding depression which are more psychotic however again I haven’t spoken to anyone about them (including my therapist) as I am worried they may not believe me or I would look stupid in telling them what I feel and think. | 8Mind Reading
2,496 | I’m 15 years old and just started cutting myself last night, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. My biological father died the beginning of this month, and I just feel like crap. All my mom and step-dad do is yell at me, I have no friends and no one to talk to. I’m so far behind in my school work and I think about killing myself all the time. I’ve felt bad and had problems even before things started getting worse. I was actually diagnosed with bipolar when I was 10, but my mother took me out of therapy after the lady said I had bipolar. If I mention anything about the diagnosis she just says there is nothing wrong with me and that I’m fine. I go to an online schooling program so I never leave the house and spend most of my time in my room. I do start normal school next year though. Last night I just felt horrible and I just don’t know. I hate to admit it but I don’t really take care of myself either. It’s really hard for me to get out of bed and brush my teeth or take a shower. I don’t really do anything anymore. I don’t think I could be put in therapy. Even if my parents would allow me to go they wouldn’t be able to afford it. Everything just got worse after my dad died. We were not close so I didn’t think it would affect me when he died. He did drugs, cheated on my mom, he even threatened to kill us when I was a kid. I don’t think my mom really helped, she would tell us everything he would say. Doctors threatened to put me and my brother in foster care because of the condition we were living in. Now my mom has been married to this guy for 4 years and they fight all the time. We live in a trailer so I can always here when their fighting. My grades have dropped and I just don’t know. I feel like this is all over the place. What’s should I do? | All my mom and step-dad do is yell at me, I have no friends and no one to talk to. I’m so far behind in my school work and I think about killing myself all the time. It’s really hard for me to get out of bed and brush my teeth or take a shower. I don’t really do anything anymore. | 3Magnification
1,955 | I have been dating my boyfriend for about 1 year now. I moved from Arizona to Colorado to be with him. HE was living with his Mom and so I moved in as well. He paid her rent for his room and he did things for her around the house. When I moved in she also charged me for rent for sharing HIS Room. At first we got along but as time went on I began to notice things. She would constantly text him while we were just in the room next to her, she would constantly yell out his name for him to come… and just ask things of him. HE isn’t working as he is on disability and had been in jail. Well soon he got into some trouble again and his mom called the police on him and my mom and I had to bail him out ..his mom wouldn’t and sat around saying how glad she was he in jail. Now that he is out she is back to the same..this time we don’t live there but she is always asking him to do this and that and talking badly of me. They text constantly and even sometimes when he and I are talking he will text her. and it’s weird how handsome her son is and calls him her baby and sends him emoji’s like sunshines and things. I find it strange how he is always needing to go see her and will find any excuse to do so. While he was living with her he gave her all his money and she gave it out to him accordingly., I came along and I pointed out how he needs to be independent.. he is 48 years old!!!! so he did listen to me on that. But I can’t seem to understand this relationship with his mom. She isn’t very good to him and he is allows her to be so disrespectful to me. I am getting tired of it. | null | 2No Distortion
2,445 | I have been watching lot of psychopath series lately, and only after that I came to know more about psychopathic tendencies. I could relate them to myself very often. I am quite anti-social so I kind of like to be alone. I never used to feel this way before, but now, after watching those series, I have a huge knife which has no work in kitchen, I think about killing people, the thrill of it, and also I would like to get away with that. I have planned a lot about getting away with a perfect murder, on my laptop. Though I haven’t actually done any crime yet, but few nights earlier I killed the dog, which lived at the garage near my house, that frightened me and chased me twice before. My friends call me vampire because I rarely go out (only to smoke) and have my curtains on 24/7. Because of all these effects I took the psychopathy test and score top region of the middle range of scores. After those tests I actually realized I haven’t been an emotional person long before I started watching psychopathic series. It was a week earlier when I had a fight with my father I wanted to kill him, I even took the knife off the shelf but thought I would be in trouble, because I had learnt never to kill a person we know, because we will get under prime suspect. After I couldn’t kill him I just went inside my room and started slapping myself until my hands didn’t work well… what am i? AM i a PSYCHOPATH?? or is it just those series playing tricks with my mind because I have cried 5 or 6 times that I recall of (I meant after I was a grown guy maybe 16-20). Please guide me if i am misguided. Also I took your ADHD test and scored 51. Could I be a psychopath as well as a adhd patient? I don’t know what to think. | I am quite anti-social so I kind of like to be alone.My friends call me vampire because I rarely go out (only to smoke) and have my curtains on 24/7.AM i a PSYCHOPATH | 10Labeling
2,044 | I am a secretary in a private elementary school. Two years ago the former principal retired. She was a nun who had very deep ties to the community considering she had been principal since the 60s. The new principal is a lay person who came from a completely different diocese (an “outsider”), however she is a professional whereas the former principal played favorites. Since the change two mothers have become verbally abusive to the current administrator, myself, and others. Furthermore, they do this in front of the children and other parents and they spread malicious gossip and rumors. It is escalating and my boss just shrugs her shoulders and says “oh well.” I have been employed here for 8 years and I have never had problems with these two mothers (or anyone for that matter) before the retirement of the former principal. This issue needs to be resolved. | null | 2No Distortion
393 | From the U.S.: This is awkward but I need help. I am a 15 year old male and i’ve been diagnosed with OCD for a few months now due to what my psychiatrist thought was intrusive thoughts about harming children. I think its more than that, really. When I masturbate (sorry, awkward) I think about little kids, and I look at cartoon online, I always feel so guilty about it but it’s the only thing that i think about when i feel like that. It’s gotten worse now, when i see girls around 9 to 12 i find them attractive. I am mostly attracted to guys my age but i’ve been really concerned about my other attraction, if you’d call it that. Anyways, am I a pedophile??? | null | 2No Distortion
1,464 | Hello, I have a problem relating to my relationship. About three weeks, my boyfriend and I got into a stupid argument. This argument was based on jealousy, yes, I overreacted and he jumped out of bed and tried to stop me. It was not abusive in any manner, but he thinks that he hurt me. He really didn’t, there were no bruisings and I know it was because I was going to do something much worst. During this time, a lot of traumatic memories have come alive and started to overtake my mind. I overreacted to him talking to a girl about some game. I really didn’t mean to do it but he ended up having his dad book him a flight to Chicago, 1000 miles away. I was scared, he said he loves me and to trust him, that he will be back. He said he wanted to find himself and to just have space to think, that he thought he would become abusive and that he just wanted to think about his actions. I was okay with that, he still talks to me but it is very distant, like not as much texting as we usually do, which is weird to me because we are a close couple. | During this time, a lot of traumatic memories have come alive and started to overtake my mind. | 3Magnification
1,509 | I’ve been dating the same guy for two years since we were 16. We decided to break up for a bit because we were both going through a lot and we wanted to be able to focus more on school etc. We still act like we are a couple and tell each other we love each other, but we don’t date other people. We have become so incredibly close, I can say anything to him – and I would do anything for him, I have so much love for him. | null | 2No Distortion
1,675 | For the past two months, I’ve been plagued by insomnia (or what I believe to be insomnia; not diagnosed) every waking second I’m breathing on this earth. And this is really bad. I’m only sleeping two hours a day, maybe sometimes three, and then crashing on the sixth or seventh day sleeping around eight hours. | For the past two months, I’ve been plagued by insomnia (or what I believe to be insomnia; not diagnosed) every waking second I’m breathing on this earth. | 7Overgeneralization
1,141 | My girlfriend and I have been dating for more than two years now. We both love each other very much. My girlfriend likes making friends and she is a good listener. Whenever she talks to male friends I get jealous and I keep thinking about it whenever I’m not with her that oh she must be talking with him or she must be with him. She started liking this guy who she thinks he is cute and spending time with him at school while I’m in class or talking and texting to him all the time. We had argued about it and she said it’s nothing but just friends but I always doubted her and checked her phone that she made any calls to him or texted him and after a while she completely stopped talking or texting him. Then at work she was talking to this dude and giving rides to him to home after work in the night and again we had a fight over this issue and she stopped talking to him also. | Whenever she talks to male friends I get jealous and I keep thinking about it whenever I’m not with her that oh she must be talking with him or she must be with him. | 8Mind Reading
2,028 | To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to request advice regarding an issue I have with my current GP. I have a regular GP and have been generally dissatisfied with responses to my questions and information given in regards to my injury/ sickness. However overall my GP has been fairly good and I think the unsatisfactory answers may be due to my doctor being sick of seeing me. | null | 2No Distortion
1,562 | From a teen in the U.S.: My parents have been having marriage/relationship issues for a long time now. At this point, I am not sure why they are still together, but they are. They is always bickering or arguing going on between them, and I wait until the next “big fight” will break out (There has been about 5) where the screaming is unbearable and the police sometimes are involved. I feel like at times things can be good but right when I think that, arguing or something happens. | null | 2No Distortion
1,468 | Hi, I am a 24 year old guy and I’m currently dealing with a pretty bad social phobia and agoraphobia. I believe most of my anxiety stems from my paranoia. I am really paranoid… After reading a lot I believe I may have some ideas of reference. I also do not like people, I tend to keep very few close friends (currently only 2) and I keep them away from me. As in, I fake. Nobody really knows me for who I am. I have never understood people, so I learn from them. I learn their patterns, how they behave, what they like, in order to socialize with them if I have to. But I don’t like socializing and I’d rather be alone most of the time. | Nobody really knows me for who I am. | 7Overgeneralization
114 | I was abused physically, mentally, and emotionally by my mother for the majority of my life. I’ve recently left the situation and am now worried. I have (a few) gaps in my memory, remember things happening but like I was a passenger in my own body, and have heard voices from a small child, a grown woman, a teenage boy, amongst my own. They’re like fragments or me, but not at the same time, because they’re not me, if that makes any sense. I don’t know what to do. Am I broken? How do I fix this? | null | 2No Distortion
4,553 | Last year, because of a stupid mistake i made, i had a huge falling out with some of my best friends and the rest of them had betrayed me. After apologizing sincerely numerous times, they all trash-talked about me over the internet, and even told their boyfriends, and their boyfriend’s friends to do so as well, people that i dont even know. Thus, i began to hang out with my boyfriend and his friends alot, but now they have all gone away to college and i am still stuck in highschool. | Last year, because of a stupid mistake i made, i had a huge falling out with some of my best friends and the rest of them had betrayed me. | 7Overgeneralization
1,861 | From India: My parents have subjected me to physical harassment ever since I can remember. They tell me they love me and care about me but they continue to do so. I’m about to enter college and this hasn’t stopped. What makes it worse is that I am a girl. I was dealing with it until the other day my mom pulled me by my shirt almost that I choked and led me to my room where my dad was present. I tried to escape but my dad pulled me by my legs several times that my body aches still. I tried to get out but he tried to remove my clothes all while my mom was still present. I don’t understand what to do. There is no one in my house who still loves me anymore. I stopped eating and no one even came to check on me. I did have suicidal thoughts before but then I realized it’s my life and I can’t let other people control me. I don’t understand what triggered the outburst. I was in my room just doing my own thing. This has to stop. I am just like any other human and feel that I deserve love. Have a sibling and I love him. But this whole thing has put me in a bad light. I desperately want to leave the house but I’m not an adult and do not have the financial requirements. After a few days I am sure my parents will come and console me but nothing will ever erase this whole situation, which I’m sure ill never, forget. It’s becoming increasingly hard to live in this place. I don’t have that many friends either. I don’t think this will ever stop. No one believes that my parents are wrong. There was a time when I would silently take all the beatings. But now that I’m older I started to hit back. I deeply regret it but I don’t want anyone to think that they could get away with tormenting me. I’d hate to grow up and be such a bad example to my kids. This year wasn’t that great in terms of my grades and that caused my parents to resent me even more. | I don’t think this will ever stop. I deeply regret it but I don’t want anyone to think that they could get away with tormenting me. | 4Fortune-telling
4,541 | I have been married for 15 years. I have grown very much but he has not. He will not deal with any issues between us. He is really immature. He never accepts responsibility for his part in any problem. (Everything is always my fault according to him.) We went to counseling two times but the same thing happened. He only argued with the counselor and she said she couldn’t talk to him. | I have grown very much but he has not. He will not deal with any issues between us. He is really immature. He never accepts responsibility for his part in any problem. (Everything is always my fault according to him.) | 10Labeling
4,683 | I believe that I’ve got a mental illness, and that’s pretty obvious to me. The thing is that i also believe that i want to have one. Can this desire (to want to get worse, or to want to have a mental disorder) be considered as a mental disorder itself? | I believe that I’ve got a mental illness, and that’s pretty obvious to me. The thing is that i also believe that i want to have one. | 1Emotional Reasoning
2,149 | I have been dating my boyfriend for almost a year. He has recently come into some hard times. He lost his job, was forced to move back home, and has been faced with mounting financial debt. He broke things off briefly because he said he needed to focus on himself while he was dealing with these issues. While I felt hurt, he made the right decision. A few days after breaking it off, he called to say he missed me and wanted to work on things. While things in his life were not improving, our relationship was still going well. But the past few weeks it has taken a turn. A lot of times I try to reach out to him and get no response. I don’t think it has anything to do with our relationship but because of the outside stress he is facing. When he has faced stressful times in the past, he shuts down and shuts everyone and everything out. I know this is his way of coping. He usually is back to his old self within a day or two. The longer his situation remains the way it is, the more depressed I see him becoming. And the more distant he becomes. I try reaching out to him by text or phone and don’t get any response. I leave him messages telling him to call me or text me but if he doesn’t feel up to it, it’s ok too. | While things in his life were not improving, our relationship was still going well. But the past few weeks it has taken a turn. | 1Emotional Reasoning
1,422 | We’re both in our late 20’s and have been dating for 8 yrs now. We enjoy being with one another, he makes me laugh and I make him laugh too. But lately, I’ve been feeling very jealous. He works a lot and the only time we have together are on the weekends. But he doesn’t even want to spend that time with me. All he ever wants to do is hang out with his friends, and when I get mad at him, he thinks I’m being “crazy”, unreasonable, and can’t understand me. I’ve been getting mad pretty frequently lately. And I’m sick and tired of being mad. He thinks the part of the problem is me not wanting to hang out with his friends. Am I really being crazy? What can I do? | null | 2No Distortion
4,606 | When I was 1 year old I contracted Chicken Pox and Scarlet Fever. I had a temperature of 107*F for several hours. The doctors told my Mother that I would probably be a vegetable for the rest of my life. Thank goodness they were wrong. They considered my recover a “miracle”. Unfortunately not all things were rosy in my life afterwards. I was sexually abused at a young age and it went on for several years. Because of the abuse and several kinds of abuse over the years, I was diagnosed with PTSD in my late 30’s. I have had many different diagnosis over the years but PTSD has always been the first. I suffer from horrible bouts of debilitating depression and as I get older they seem to get worse. My question is if there is a connection between early brain health and major recurrent depression? | My question is if there is a connection between early brain health and major recurrent depression | 5Personalization
1,482 | Hi :) So I recently broke up with my boyfriend and best friend (two months ago). I am at rock bottom as I’ve experienced rape, abuse, dropped out of college to pursue my ambitions but it’s not working out. He was also going through a lot, a life changing surgery and recovery. He broke up with me because he felt that he needed to regain his strength alone before using his energy on a relationship and would like to meet up after he regained his confidence. I had accepted his decision and we remained best friends. He asked for space which hurt me as I need support during my trying times and I’m getting support from my friends but not from him. He ignored my email when I explained how I felt. I feel like it’s unacceptable to ignore someone at their worst as I was there for him at his worst. I don’t know if I can forgive him for this. Am I overreacting? We were always great at communicating but now he refuses to reach out and ask how I’m doing. He’s not there for me at my worst so he doesn’t deserve me at my best? Is this rational thinking? (From South Africa) | He’s not there for me at my worst so he doesn’t deserve me at my best? | 0All-or-nothing thinking
1,888 | Hello, Over approximately the last year and a half I feel as I have become a very unstable person. I am constantly becoming angry over very little things and sometimes I notice that I am angry for no reason at all. It is usually a very intense anger and I feel as it controls me and I mostly cannot control it. It is like every little thing sets me off into a rage and I make very poor decisions such as punching something, breaking something or throwing something. I have punched three holes into the walls of my house and have broken more things than I can count. I have also been having a constant feeling of emptiness, it is hard to describe but it literally feels like something is missing from inside me and nothing can fill it. Sometimes if I drink alcohol the feeling subsides but sometimes it can make it worse to. But nothing else I have tried make the feeling go away. | I am constantly becoming angry over very little things and sometimes I notice that I am angry for no reason at all. It is usually a very intense anger and I feel as it controls me and I mostly cannot control it. It is like every little thing sets me off into a rage and I make very poor decisions such as punching something, breaking something or throwing something. | 3Magnification
2,358 | When I was around 7 I used to break down crying because I felt guilty about doing something “bad”. At around 13 or 14 when I started developing sexual urges. I was semi religious/god fearing (although my family was not). I used to punch my arms, legs and head till I was bruised after masturbation. I was trying to train myself to stop. At around 15 I started developing symptoms of depression which worsened and became suicidal thoughts at around 16. At age 17 I planed a date and a method for my suicide but did not act or attempt it. | null | 2No Distortion
2,102 | From Canada: Hi, I’m a sixteen year old figure skater that’s very serious about my sport. Superstitious habits aren’t uncommon for athletes and I started mine about a year ago. Before getting on the ice for practice, I’d tap the boards four times and I’d think: four for good luck. | null | 2No Distortion
4,555 | So my boyfriend and me have been dating for more than 3 years now and we haven’t been truly & deeply happy for about 2 years of it now. After the 2nd year, we started to break up then make up and repeat over and over and over again. We would fight almost everyday and he would always lie to me and never gave me the love and support that I really needed. It even got to the point where I would have to ask him to show me that he loves me and appreciates me and all the stuff that a boyfriend should already do for his girlfriend. Let me start from where I come from and who I am. | We would fight almost everyday and he would always lie to me and never gave me the love and support that I really needed. It even got to the point where I would have to ask him to show me that he loves me and appreciates me and all the stuff that a boyfriend should already do for his girlfriend. | 7Overgeneralization
514 | So, in early October of 2017 I was suffering from intrusive/homicidal thoughts. Basically, I wanted to shoot up my school. I told an ex-friend about it and now I regret it. I’m so afraid she’s going to tell my school or someone in general and the fear is ruining my life. To clarify, I do not have these thoughts or urges anymore. At the time I was extremely obsessed with school shootings (for example: columbine). I think it is what encouraged me to think these things but what also encouraged me is the fact that I hated myself. I’ve always been insecure. I have never been good enough and it caused me to want to take out my anger on others. My home life is good and I do not get bullied which makes me feel worse about having these thoughts. I feel selfish and stupid. A girl on Instagram even messaged me at one point, asking me if I wanted to participate in carrying out a school shooting and I said yes (I never went through with it and I told her no later on). I just felt like I had nothing to lose. I had anger towards myself which led me to have anger towards others. I regret ever having these thoughts and this haunts me every day. I feel like I’m carrying around this huge secret and it’s ruining me. I feel like if everyone knew they would resent me. This whole situation has also caused me to self-harm again after being clean for a while. I hate myself for ever wanting to hurt anyone. The pain I’ve felt from this is unbearable. I’ve thought about suicide but I’m determined to feel better. I want to forgive myself, forget, and move on. Your advice would be much appreciated. Thank you. | I feel selfish and stupid. | 10Labeling
1,749 | I am depressed, lonely (seem to have nothing in common with those my age), sad and frankly a little desperate to be writing to an online forum. However, the cognitive therapy I have tried recently (four separate times) did not help at all – did not get the root of the problem. I have a terrible dread of my mom’s death. She is in her eighties and I feel I can’t go on without her. I have guilt about not moving to where she lives, to spend precious time with her, but I am law school here (went to law school because I thought it would cure depression) and have a good job also. In many ways, although my childhood was scary and violent, I wish I could be twelve again – maybe that way I wouldn’t have to face reality of aging and death. I had psychotherapy in my late 20s, early 30’s and was relatively okay til I got to mid 50s. I should also mention I take care of my younger sister who has fibromyalgia and who lives with me. Because of the pain she’s in, she can’t shop, cook, clean etc. so I do it all. I love her a lot, but this is draining and makes me angry at times. Not sure what to do. But, as Kilgore Trout once called out, “Make me young, make me young, make me young!” sums it up. | I have a terrible dread of my mom’s death. She is in her eighties and I feel I can’t go on without her. I have guilt about not moving to where she lives, to spend precious time with her, but I am law school here (went to law school because I thought it would cure depression) and have a good job also. | 9Mental filter
1,214 | My wife has been seeing the same psychiatrist for over eight years. I now accompany her since she doesn’t know why she’s still going to him and doesn’t remember what he says in the session. She has many hallmarks of early stage Alzheimer’s (about 18 months now) but has been on Celexa for many years for depression and sees him just to be monitored. She does not want to be tested for cognitive impairment or take drugs–doesn’t see purpose. Has trouble articulating/expressing herself and really hates being “interrogated” now. She obsesses whenever I tell her her appointment is coming up. Any advice on how to lessen her fear of being questioned and/or tested? I feel pretty stuck–her psychiatrist is being ethical to monitor her Celexa dosage, but I don’t know how to help her, and he has no advice so far. She knows she has memory problems and is not in denial–she just wants to avoid doing anything about it. She has short term memory limitations and can’t be persuaded to be tested. Discussions about it go nowhere–her fears/anxiety overshadow reasoning with her. Any advice or strategies on how to deal with this? Thanks. (From the USA) | She knows she has memory problems and is not in denial–she just wants to avoid doing anything about it. | 8Mind Reading
2,384 | Sometimes, especially when something traumatic has or is about to happen, I have these sort of black outs. It hurts like I am being pushed aside. I call them black outs, but I remember a small bit of what happened, how I couldn’t really control what I did. They like causing me pain, and laugh at me when I try to fight it. I don’t remember quite what happens, only how much it hurts and how funny they think it is for me to do so. The last time this happened I was texting my fiancé, and I started having an episode. When they took over, They told him that I should get a new nickname, Patches. Then continued to say that they would leave a scar to remind him. I woke back up holding the phone to my ear and my fiancé telling me to wake up. There is a small patch carved into my leg along with a few eraser burns. And all I can think about now, is the name, and how much they enjoyed the pain, and how, in a sick twisted way I do too. I have become reclusive, and I am afraid of my own shadow. The only person I can really talk to now is my fiancé. I am afraid that one day I am going to hurt someone, but I don’t want to get put away cause I am normal on the outside, suggestions? | They like causing me pain, and laugh at me when I try to fight it. I don’t remember quite what happens, only how much it hurts and how funny they think it is for me to do so. | 8Mind Reading
2,055 | From the U.S.: I have been in a relationship for over 5 years and it has been getting worse and worse. My boyfriend says it’s because I just don’t care. I do care, I just don’t know what to do or say in most situations, especially since he’s always in physical pain and blames the stress that I’m causing him for that pain. | null | 2No Distortion
664 | From the U.S.: I am 17 female. I don’t interact with people much. i think i don’t need them and I don’t want to appear needy. In fact I hate appearing needy. I’m too different I feel like I have nothing in common with them. I only interact with people to not appear weird. But the second someone chases me and seems interested in me I tell them all my secrets and we become intimate but most of the time they leave. I generally don’t know how to start a relationship or interacting with people and it makes me feel lonely but i am too arrogant to start chasing people. | In fact I hate appearing needy. I’m too different I feel like I have nothing in common with them. | 1Emotional Reasoning
2,003 | I’m a 34 year old male and for many years i went through phases where i was very hard on myself, no matter what i achieved, I would still tell myself that its not good enough and pretty much destroy any sort of “good feelings” that i assume come with such things. Thats not to say that i’m a perfectionist , the work i’m in now is far from impressive, nor is any other aspect in my life, in short to say that i’m a failure is a understatement. Over the past 16 months i have been going to counseling and talking about these feelings, along with some very strong feelings of anxiety, that almost lead me to taking my life, and things have got a little better , i’ll admit its nice to be able to sleep without first reliving almost every event of the pervious day and picking out the mistakes i made and how these mistakes will affect me. despite all this, i still feel that i’m the same person, i should be better , i should be in a better work position , i should be more outing , but i’m none of these and fear I never will be; simply because all of the things i’ve done so far are no good if i’m just going to remain in the same position. I’ve tired different methods of dealing with these feelings ( questioning them, standing up to them, positive self talk, exercise ) but none of these have worked out to well. At the moment i’m stuck, the strong feelings of anxiety have gotten a whole lot weaker, i don’t have a urges to hurt my self physically , but I still feel like the same person and fear i’ll remain like this forever (age 34, from Ireland) | Thats not to say that i’m a perfectionist , the work i’m in now is far from impressive, nor is any other aspect in my life, in short to say that i’m a failure is a understatement.despite all this, i still feel that i’m the same person, i should be better , i should be in a better work position , i should be more outing , but i’m none of these and fear I never will be; simply because all of the things i’ve done so far are no good if i’m just going to remain in the same position. | 6Should statements
738 | Last week my partner rung me because he was stuck at work and could I pick him up? I had just finished work myself and was just sinking onto the sofa so I said I’d rather not I’m so tired – can someone there drop you home? He said he’d asked and we hung up. About a minute later I called him back and apologized of course I would pick him up – I felt awful that I had even hesitated. My issue now is that I can’t get past my initial reaction despite the fact that my response was a positive one. What I want to know is which is a true indication of me as a person? I can’t seem to find a satisfactory answer online to is it your reaction or your response that denotes your values and morals. I feel awful that my first reaction was to be selfish and I feel that shows who I really am. Thanks | I feel awful that my first reaction was to be selfish and I feel that shows who I really am. | 10Labeling
1,099 | I appreciate this service and wondered if any light could be shed on my problem. I find that in my life, I have often grown very attached and love my girlfriends dearly. I have always been the type of person who loves people and I am proud that I am kind, have great empathy, and am loving to all those around me. Many people love to be around me and I have never had a problem socially and can get along with just about anyone. I listen VERY well and am always absorbing what others say and I take everything seriously and really think about others when they speak to me. I have this personality because I value and take friendships very seriously. | Many people love to be around me and I have never had a problem socially and can get along with just about anyone. | 7Overgeneralization
1,590 | From a teen in the U.S.: I don’t know if I’m delusional or a genius. I go through these stages where I have these weird thoughts. Like a few days ago, I convinced myself I was bipolar even though I’ve never had a manic episode or anything close, but I thought I had. I also convinced myself I was autistic, had OCD, and was schizophrenic, schizotypal or schizoid. Now I’m convinced I’m delusional. But that could just be a delusional? But then if it was a delusion I wouldn’t be delusional. It just has my mind in such a twist. | I don’t know if I’m delusional or a genius. | 0All-or-nothing thinking
469 | Hi, im 16 years old and when i was growing up my dad was never around, my mother kept on showing me pictures of him so i can remenber who he is, until i was 7 my dad knocked on the door, i opened it and he just passed right by me. Since then my dad has been living with me and my mom. I didnt notice anything, i was a happy little girl, then when i was 12 and i started my middle school, my grades were straight A’s so my parents were happy? i dont know, they never really showed any kind of emotion, | null | 2No Distortion
56 | Around two years ago I found out that one of my closest friends was being abused by her stepdad. I know he would physically abuse her, and I’m pretty sure he mentally abused her too. She always dismissed it saying that he was drunk, but I could tell she still resented him and was very scared of him. She assured me that he never really hit her anymore but recently she would come to school with cuts on her face. When I asked her about it all she said was that she had been missing school because she was sick and her stepdad hated when she missed school. I was immediately concerned and considered reporting it but I knew my friend was scared that if the abuse was reported that she would get taken away from her mom and have to live with her dad in Florida. She hates her dad so much that she would rather ive with her abusive stapdad and she insist that her real dad is not fit to take care of here. I know she trusts me not to report it and I know if I did she would feel betrayed and would probably never forgive me. I normally would talk to my mom about this whole situation but she is a teacher and therefore is a mandated reporter. I need help deciding what to do. I try to be there for her but I feel horrible letting the abuse happen. should i report it and hope that if she does get removed from the household that she would go live with another family, like her grandparents who live in the same town, or should I just continue to be there for my friend? | I know she trusts me not to report it and I know if I did she would feel betrayed and would probably never forgive me. | 8Mind Reading
1,581 | I don’t know what to do. I cut myself really bad. At first they were shallow cuts, but now the shallow ones don’t satisfy me anymore. The longer I cut, the deeper the cut has to be for me to feel any sense of relief. It’s been going on for about a year. My mother doesn’t know and I don’t plan to tell her. I don’t want her to think I’m more of a disgrace than I already am. And I’m scared to tell my doctor because I think she will tell my mom. I know there are confidentiality laws but I think those only come into play when you’re not hurting yourself or others. I don’t know what to do. I’ve lost friends because they want me to tell them whats wrong but I just can’t. I’m scared they will tell the administration. Who will then tell my mom. I only cut on my thighs now because if they are on my arms, people will see them. And that would give me more anxiety, which would make me cut more. It’s a vicious path I would rather not go down. I’m already addicted to cutting, and it’s really, really hard to stop. I know I can, I just don’t know how. Please help me. | My mother doesn’t know and I don’t plan to tell her. I don’t want her to think I’m more of a disgrace than I already am. | 8Mind Reading
411 | I cannot speak any languages without my original language. even I know these languages but I don’t know why I can’t talking with people sometimes I feel I don’t have a desire to do that even I need it at work and school. I feel I’m changed everything is different now. I’m was so active girl. I was having a work a lot of friend and perfect body. Now I’m fat I do everything but I can lose some weight everyday my weight is changing. I can’t focus on my study also I don’t have a desire to know new people. please help me because now I can’t even going to cinema I scared to know anyone because I can’t speak. I feel very calm and I do not want to feel anything. I remember my past life and I want to go back to it. I feel I do not have time to rebuild my life. I’m 29 now and I came to America two years ago. I graduated from college and had my work and friends. Never again. I’m scared. I feel sorry. Unfortunately, I know that I should not be. I tried to prevent myself from thinking this way, but to no avail. | Now I’m fat I do everything but I can lose some weight everyday my weight is changing. I can’t focus on my study also I don’t have a desire to know new people. please help me because now I can’t even going to cinema I scared to know anyone because I can’t speak. | 9Mental filter
2,441 | Everyday all day, most of what occupies my kind is various conversations with myself about Killing other people and being able to do it well. I’ve learned how to make various poisons, and really want to try them on my friends, who are the only people who make fun of me. My speech — to them is very strange — though I feel like I’m talking normal, and I don’t act the same around people who are not my friends. I don’t have a best friend, but I want to kill my closest one. I am anti-social for I do not talk a lot, except when the ball gets rolling fast. About the perception. I never agree with anyone. I believe humans are dirty and their major folly was being created in the first place. I am in no way suicidal,and my sister and some people I’ve been around for years say I’m very narcissistic. I have very very bad memory, and everything I do seems cloudy. I am always irritated though I do not show it. I am actually very timid. I feel no empathy or apathy. I seem to reflect people emotions back at them so I don’t seem monotone and out of place. I write — when I try — and talk somewhat eloquently. However, my brain always feels like it’s in a net. When ever a teacher give an assignment, I have to read or see it a few times before I can actually read the words; it is not like I do not comprehend; it’s more like I don’t read, even though I am. I feel like I have voices in my head, though I know they are myself, but they feel like other people, who have their own emotions. As well, I bite my nails a lot, and always have to be doing something with my hands, whether it’s touching something, biting them, or pulling on my hair, which I am somewhat pulling out. Moreover, I have no idea why I am writing this. It seems like a good detergent for me to actually kill, because I feel like this would be good evidence against me, expecially that I gave my good email, good username, city, zip, and state. This also plays into my extreme paranoia. | I am anti-social for I do not talk a lot, except when the ball gets rolling fast.I believe humans are dirty and their major folly was being created in the first place. | 10Labeling
9 | I’ve been talking to myself for over 6 years now. It’s only now that I realized I don’t have control over it. I don’t really talk to myself, I talk to people I no longer know and people I wish to know. I engage in long conversations with them that may last for 1~3 hour/s. I talk and imagine their answers in my head and then reply. I’ve been okay with it but for the past year, it started to bother me because I realized I waste about 30% of my day on it. I low-key like it, because it gives me chances I was never given and probably will never be given. I imagine myself doing all the stuff I couldn’t do. I started to feel really bad about it when I realized I don’t fully move on from any single thing in my life (a past lover or something I failed in before) because of this. I basically never forget anything that happened to me because I keep repeating everything in my head and also make up scenarios that never happened. It’s starting to get out of control because it makes me unable to focus, whenever I see a movie I keep pausing to talk for some time and then I go on with the movie and repeat, which ends up with me finishing a 2 hour movie in over 5 hours. I never felt bad about it but now I do because I came to know that’s basically why I never move on. I repeatedly think about things that happened years ago. I’ve had OCD since I was in grade 5 (about 8 years ago), I never fully recovered from it, it comes and goes. I don’t know if it might be related. I tried controlling myself and refusing any urges to talk to whoever I talk to but I always fail. Thing is, I fully understand I’m not talking to real human being and I’m merely pleasing myself by achieving stuff I couldn’t in real life, so I don’t think I’m crazy or something. I just need to know if it’s serious, and I certainly need help on how to stop this because I need the time I waste on doing it. (From Egypt) | I never felt bad about it but now I do because I came to know that’s basically why I never move on. I tried controlling myself and refusing any urges to talk to whoever I talk to but I always fail. | 7Overgeneralization
603 | I’ve spent the last thirty years living with severe depression, suicidal and homicidal thoughts. The first twenty years I lived thinking that the thoughts I was having was normal for a guy. I didn’t know that it wasn’t until my first suicide attempt ten years ago. That’s when I was diagnosed with depression. I never told any of my doctors about my homicidal thoughts at the time. I’ve had a few more suicide attempts since my first one and my homicidal thoughts have grown stronger. I’ve thought I could control what was going thru my head but the last couple of months it’s been a real struggle. In my mind age, sex and race are not a barrier about the thoughts I have about harming another person. I don’t have health insurance and cannot afford it. Where can I turn to for help? I’m afraid I will actually harm someone. Growing up I was very physically violent to the animals I had. | I’m afraid I will actually harm someone. | 4Fortune-telling
1,525 | From a teen in the U.S.: I am a total hermit, and prefer to stay at home and occasionally spend time with one or two extremely close personal friends. Aside from them, I feel little desire for companionship. (Sometimes I simply don’t like the idea of it. I find myself wishing I had a boyfriend but when the opportunity for one pops up I completely avoid it or back out even though I enjoy that person). | null | 2No Distortion
Subsets and Splits