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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 3277.789794921875, 1399.5654296875, 4621.22607421875, 2656.858642578125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 3026.00717578125, 2934.74252734375, 3848.5531269531252, 5351.525050781251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "means that monkeys must be\nflown to the United States\nfrom abroad at great expense.\nIt is obviously undesirable to\nhave our vaccine supply de-\npendent on shipments of\nthese animals.\n\nOur situation would be\nmuch better if we had a\nnormal animal cell which\ncould be grown continuously\nin laboratories here, and\nwhich would in turn support\nthe growth of polio virus. A\nfew strains of such cells have\nbeen grown for as long as 16\nmonths, but none has been\nfound which will multiply\nrapidly enough to meet the\nenormous requirements of\nvaccine production.\n\nResearch to find the sort of\nnormal cell we need—and we\nbelieve that eventually we\nwill find it—is going on in\nlaboratories in Boston, Balti-\nmore, Philadelphia, Cleveland,\nMinneapolis, and Berkeley.\n\nFinally, we still have para-\nlytic polio. March of Dimes\naid must be given to the\nthousands of men, women\nand children already stricker\nwho depend on us for help\nWe must be ready to assis’\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2098.29248046875, 96.00401306152344, 3614.882080078125, 1321.5684814453125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 3870.468845703125, 2951.6658671875, 4694.611476562501, 5336.248195312501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "those who Wlii contract purr\nbefore we have sufficient vac-\ncine supplies for all who wish\nto be vaccinated.\n\nIn the last half-dozen years.\nwe have progressed from a\npoint where polio research\nstill seemed to be far from\nproviding successful preven-\ntion of the paralytic disease to\na situation in which millions\nof youngsters already have\nbeen vaccinated and more\nmillions will be in the months\nahead. The achievement has\nbeen without parallel in the\nlong history of medicine.\n\nWhat makes the ceaseless\n\nfight against polio unique, of\ncourse, is that it has been 4\nfight in which you and the\nother millions of American\npeople, through the March of\nDimes, have been part of 4\npartnership with scientists. I!\nshould make you as a con-\ntributor proud of what your\ndimes have accomplished. !'\nshould make us all realize\nwhat tremendous strength w«\nhave to accomplish a majo!\nundertaking, no matter how\ndifficult it may be, once Ww\nset our sights and get to wor!\nvoluntarily.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 3670.24448046875, 595.6033061523437, 4460.747707031251, 1315.283107421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "The new polio vaccine is be-\ning produced commercially\nby the nation’s leading phar-\nmaceutical houses under rig-\nid scientific standards. Safety\ntests are performed at each\nstep in the process, and any\nbatch of vaccine showing the\npresence of a live virus is\n\ndestroyed in the laboratory.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2164.937107421875, 2931.442966796875, 3008.0296894531252, 5364.028957031251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "but a few that show promise\nof effectiveness are being\nthoroughly investigated.\n\nThe delicate testing meth-\nods used in the vaccine field\ntrial have resulted in finding\nscores of hitherto unidentified\nviruses. We call these tiny\nparticles “orphan” viruses. It\nis possible that some may\ncause paralysis. Work must\ngo on toward learning more\nabout them, and toward com-\nbating any that may cause\npolio-like symptoms.\n\nA simple test is still seeded\nAlthough we have made\n\nprevention of paralytic polio,\n\nwe still do not have a simple,\n\naccurate, and rapid diagnostic\ntest for the disease. Such tests\nas are available are extremely\ncomplicated and are per-\nformed only in research lab-\noratories. For that reason,\ninvestigators in many parts of\nthe country are working to\nfind a quick, inexpensive di-\nagnostic test.\n\nThe polio vaccine now be-\ning used in this country is\nmade from virus grown on\ncells of monkey kidney. This\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 199.9613494873047, 2370.572509765625, 1963.3873291015625, 3510.583984375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2336.233154296875, 1479.5499267578125, 3110.12939453125, 2451.419189453125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 352.1526530761719, 3900.601658203125, 1905.4099384765625, 4147.129054687501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "The reason is the bias-cut elastic side panels that self-adjust\nto your every motion to give you complete comfort at all\ntimes... no matter how active you are, no matter what size!\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 150.22865295410156, 1047.85791015625, 1916.212646484375, 2013.1170654296875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 344.403564453125, 3558.3564453125, 1893.52197265625, 3885.65771484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Won't shift, ride or slide ever!\nPlaytex is the only bra that’s glorious for sports\n_..and glorifies your fashions, too!\n" }, "11": null, "12": null, "13": null, "14": { "bbox": [ 2160.897705078125, 2806.675537109375, 3450.78125, 2896.903076171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "SPaQpELEG ESPEeSs> (Continued)\n" }, "15": null, "16": null, "17": { "bbox": [ 1436.15625, 4182.17578125, 2030.7357177734375, 5181.109375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "18": null, "19": null, "20": null, "21": null, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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[ [ 1, 3 ], [ 1, 5 ], [ 3, 5 ] ]
[ 7290.18896484375, 10031.6796875 ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1867.563712890625, 951.6573408203125, 3211.5405351562504, 3950.958259765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "And so, Christmas comes again. With it come\nthe days of music. The beloved carols have |\nblended harmoniously with the wreaths and\nholly in our town squares. Church and home,\nthe country over, were sweetened with melody.\n\nFor, more than any other period in the year,\nChristmas is the time of music.\n\n“O Little Town of Bethlehem” ... “Come\nAll Ye Faithful” ... “Silent Night.” They’re all\npart of this annual emotional experience when\n‘most of us again savor for brief moments the\nclean, clear joyfulness of youth.\n\nThere is another great symphony which re-\nsounds through the Yuletide. There is the con-\ncord of sweetness and strength of a set of famil-\niar words—the story of the Christ Child’s birth\nas told in the Bible. :\n\nThe words are so few, just over 500. It is\nalmost shocking to find the few short para-\n_graphs—not pages—in St. Luke and St. Matthew\nwhich record an event that has forged the shape\nof history.\n| “And there were in the same country, shep-\nherds abiding in the field keeping watch over\n‘their flock by night.\n\n| “And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon\nthem, and the glory of the Lord shone ‘round\n| about them and they were sore afraid.\n\n| “And the angel said unto them, ‘Fear not: for,\n| behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy,\n‘which shall be to all people.\n\n“For unto you is born this day in the city of\n|David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.”\n\nThe chords swell and diminish. They tinkle\nlike tiny bells of cut glass. They engulf like warm\n\n‘rolling seas of organ music. The chorus carries\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 56.482666015625, 203.694580078125, 900.547119140625, 486.8981018066406 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Korean Crown {s\nFound Near Pusan\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 5438.0644453125, 580.8640668945312, 6323.8784257812495, 2174.565193359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "‘ng? ' all the crowd of packagc-\nJaden “returress” you'll see only\nap occasional man.\n\n| Also, there are plenty of hu.-\nbands who have learned from\nsad experience that they can’t\nplease the little woman with a\ngift thev choose themselves and\n‘so have resorted to giving her\nmoney and telling her to buy\n, what she wants. You don't know\n‘of any women who have been\npushed into that kind of gift-\n| gi ving, do you?\n\n| No, a woman has no fear of\nbuying her husband something\nhe won’t want because he always\nis enough of a gentleman to act\nas though what she bought him is\njust what he wanted.\n\nMaybe women are harder to\nplease and more calculating\nabout Christmas gifts because\nthey never give up the childish\nhabit of asking each other, “What\ndid you get for Christmas?” and\nshowing off their Christmas loot\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 5520.25634765625, 2303.162109375, 7222.2001953125, 4397.5634765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": " \n\nFROM EACH AND /* f EVERY ONE AT\n\nINDUSTRIAL\n\nPLUMBING & HEATING CO.\n606 Avenue G\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 4574.25439453125, 957.8280639648438, 4970.34130859375, 1559.81787109375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 151.91249084472656, 3140.571044921875, 1840.3447265625, 5342.3984375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n \n\n \n\noy ay the season\nbring life’s brightest\n\nornaments—the Joy of\n\nLoving, the Fun of Giving. j\n\n \n\nFROM ALL THE EMPLOYEES\n\n5. $. KRESGE CO.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 5529.90185546875, 4560.95654296875, 7199.818359375, 6751.95166015625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": " \n\nSLIM'S gg! SERVICE\n2\\lst & Avenue L\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1928.492431640625, 4013.235107421875, 3650.81640625, 5331.3603515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": " \n\nPainters Texaco Service\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 129.2181854248047, 1269.1043701171875, 1808.0799560546875, 2997.239013671875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": " \n\n” een +\n\nSessa\nGREETINGS ay\n\nx #f\na” ee\n\n \n\nEast End Florists\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 74.11908703613281, 540.292228515625, 959.7302324218749, 1155.1289140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "SEOUL, Korea (AP)—-A gold\ncrown adorned with thousands\nof gems and other articles from a\nmonarchy which began before the\ndawn of the Christian era have\nbeen unearthed near the south-\neast port of Pusan,\n\nOfficials og the National Mus-\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1949.2984619140625, 7849.83349609375, 3713.602783203125, 10031.6796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nTO OUR VALUED\nCUSTOMERS AND\nMANY FRIENDS\n\nWe hope te continue fo serve you with\nfriendliness and courtesy ‘til\n\nChristmas rolls ‘round once more.\n\nwat KARL'S CAFE\n. Del, Jim, Bertha,\n\nhy\n\n\\S< Mary, Thelma and\nNe Gloria\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 3801.056884765625, 6970.15966796875, 7290.18896484375, 9921.94921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n\nTROY\n\n“PICK-UP AS USUAL MONDAY”\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 6324.26219921875, 799.5410688476562, 7222.5708085937495, 1169.7576982421874 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "| ALEDO, Nl. (AP)—-Mrs. Bes-\nsie V. Lockhart, 28, of West Lib-\nerty, lowa, will killed Thurs-\nday night in a car accident while\nenroute to spend the Christmas\nholidays with Illincis relatives.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 3225.683341796875, 1846.9573896484376, 4570.36768359375, 3950.24121875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\nthe reedy resortance of Oriental! pipes, the “|\nverberation of struck gongs. And sometimes a\n\nreaches the tingling crescendo of a _ choir of |\n\ntrumpets. |\n\n“And suddenly there was with the angel a\nmultitude of the heavenly host praising God ~\nsaying. |\n\n“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth\npeace, good will toward men.”\n\ncomposers of al] ages have heard the music\nof the words and tried to capture it in their own\ncascades of notes, From music came music.\n\n“And when they were c ™ into the house,\nthey saw the young child w..n Mary his mother\nand fell down, and worshipped him.”\n\nThose who love Christmas will miss its\ngreatest music if they fail to reacquaint them-\nselves today with the swelling cadence found in\nthese words.\n\nAnd there is an obbligato of hope and promise\nin them, unmistakable, Does not man, who has\n_learned to speak one to the other with melodi-\nous words like these, have a greater destiny’\n' He must truly grow upward toward the stars in\npeace and justice and not—as the cynics fear—\ncrash into a beastly and abysmal final discord.\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 3709.033447265625, 3992.660888671875, 4574.4287109375, 4437.158203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Looking\nBackward\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1973.1324462890625, 5493.6748046875, 3612.0380859375, 7576.0615234375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nOUR CHRISTMAS\nGREETINGS TO\nALL OF YOU\nWHOM WE HAVE\nSO ENJOYED\nSERVING... fg\n\n \n \n \n \n\nDi phe Sit\n\nClem & Welch\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 163.5167236328125, 5491.74462890625, 1859.208984375, 7658.9228515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\nAs another Season approaches, we would like to\n\ntake this opportunity to wish our many friends\n\na wonderful Christmas!\n\nMadison Coaxial Antenna Inc.\n616 - 18th Street\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 3207.37059765625, 805.0482709960937, 4553.1836015625, 1790.02393359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "And suddenly there was with the ange! a|\nmultitude of the heavenly host praising God, ond |\nsaying, Glory to God in the highest, and me\nearth peace, good will toward men. And it came\nto pass, as the angels were gone away from\nthem into heaven, the shepherds said one to\nanother, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem,\nand see this thing which is come to pass, which\nthe Lord hath made known unto us. And they\ncame with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph,\nand the babe lying in a manger. —Luke 2:13-16.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 155.04380798339844, 7797.09228515625, 1876.1453857421875, 10024.8974609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": " \n\nOF OUR MANY FRIENDS!\n\nLARKIN STANDARD SERVICE\n10th Street and Avenue\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 964.7581098632812, 215.7198408203125, 1848.6583330078124, 1165.74170703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "jeum said the articles came fom\nthe ancient Sulla dynasty, which\nlasted for 1,000 years. They were\nfound near Kyongju,’ capital of\nthe Sylla dynasty,\n\nRoad builders came across\nthem in a burial mound. They\nalso found two pairs of gold ear\nrings, a gold bracelet, a gold\n\nnecklace, a silver bracelet, an\niron pot, bronze ware, an iron\nsword and several pieces of ear-\ntnenware.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 4995.1855390625, 916.04930859375, 5429.1796953124995, 1624.188484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Don’t get huf-\nfy about that\nstatement until\nyou test it out\na bit.\n\nYou've heard\n“lenty of wives\ncompiain the\nnnimaginative of\nin a p propriate\ngifts they get\nfeam their hiic-\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 6324.16747265625, 422.5948408203125, 7226.5483476562495, 673.4016801757813 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "‘to each other. Whereas, men open\ntheir gifis, act surprised and\n\npleased, and for them that ends\nthe whole business.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 3238.288818359375, 539.7127685546875, 4495.30078125, 723.6646118164062 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "DailyBibleThought\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 4545.3710859375, 672.54930859375, 5417.6396562499995, 927.0426713867187 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "| When it come to Christmas\ngifts the average husband is\nmore of a gentleman than his\nwife is a lady.\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 3723.03758984375, 6303.8163984375, 4589.99268359375, 6811.3559648437495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "CLEVELAND (AP) — Mrs.\nLoretta Giarrizzo, 70, filed a\n$25,000 damage suit against\nhouse painter Stanley Gonsior,\n53, Tuesday charging that he\npainted her arms green when\nshe criticized hig work on her\ngarage.\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 1898.326904296875, 548.15283203125, 3164.131103515625, 719.994873046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "The Democrat Says\n" }, "26": null, "27": { "bbox": [ 4557.51024609375, 1636.001212890625, 5440.2949296874995, 2678.3144609375004 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "‘bands, havent ) ou?\n\n| But husbands who each year\nare surfeited with shirts, socks,\npajamas, neckties and the kind\nof gadgets that look clever but\nrarely work don’t do any com-\nplaining.\n\nThey even manage to look sur-\niprised and pleased, though they\ncouldn’t posibly be surprised and\nlikely are only pleased that the\njatest crop of Christmas ties is\njnot quite so bed as last year's.\n\nWHO ARE THE “RETURNEES”?\n\nAnd who jams the department\nstores the day after Christmas\npaarsine gifts for credit or for\n\ni tte mitten w al thate aseen - sna\n\n \n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 4618.20751953125, 2870.60498046875, 5439.384765625, 6843.02490234375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Be At\nMertens\n\nEarly Tuesday\nmorning for\n\nTheir After Xmas\nClearance\n\nSale\n\n— Coats\nSuits\nDresses\nSkirts\nBlouses\nGowns\nSlips\n\nPajamas\nRobes\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 6479.21240234375, 734.5454711914062, 7058.529296875, 796.00732421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "ACCIDENT VICTIM\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 3822.4228515625, 6175.2900390625, 4469.61474609375, 6289.60107421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Paints Customer\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 6382.9013671875, 1278.8563232421875, 7196.384765625, 2149.321533203125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "How's\nYour Driving?\nCourtesy\n\nEagles Safety\nCommittee\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 3714.18016796875, 4507.36571484375, 4595.02881640625, 6089.3183671874995 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "aVv AVGES ©2650\n\nFire damaged the interior of\nthe home of Frank J. Hellige,\n1528 Avenue C.\n\n20 Years Ago\n\n“Fingerprints of Conscience,”\na one-act play dealing with po-\nlice solution of a murder prob-\nlem, was presented by a case of\nLegionnaires to members of the\nFort Madison Post No. 82 at the\nclose of the business session at\nthe post last night. Members of\nthe cast were C. C. Buffum,\nLeon Zern, John Chott, W. L.\nRichardson and Arthur Hutchin-\nson. The play was written by\n‘Bruce Cole.\n: 3@ Years Ago\n- The new boulevard stop signs,\nwhich were ordered by the city\nunder the new traffic ordinance,\nhave arrived and are being in-\nstalled on those streets that\nhave been designated as boule-\nvards and motorists are re-\nquired to stop before crossing or\n\nantaring\n" }, "33": null, "34": { "bbox": [ 1867.721923828125, 254.86741638183594, 4532.8935546875, 506.6432189941406 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "EDITORIAL COMMENT\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 4680.25927734375, 580.426513671875, 5298.55029296875, 660.340576171875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "BY RUTH MILLETT\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 3943.22119140625, 4470.1474609375, 4343.88623046875, 4523.884765625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "10 Vearse Avon\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 2109.745849609375, 805.36376953125, 2897.10595703125, 930.3202514648438 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "Music of the Spheres\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 2095.190185546875, 816.7106323242188, 2921.2177734375, 917.7328491210938 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "Music of the Soheres\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 6352.6650390625, 263.3961181640625, 7214.205078125, 382.501220703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "FT. VADISON, 14.. DEMOCRAT\n7 Saturday, Dec, 21, 1955\n" }, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 13 ], [ 2, 21 ], [ 9, 19 ], [ 20, 27 ], [ 23, 20 ], [ 27, 2 ] ]
[ [ 0, 13 ], [ 2, 20 ], [ 2, 21 ], [ 2, 23 ], [ 2, 27 ], [ 20, 21 ], [ 20, 23 ], [ 20, 27 ], [ 21, 23 ], [ 21, 27 ], [ 23, 27 ], [ 9, 19 ] ]
[ 7227.17822265625, 9854.080078125 ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2822.205330078125, 796.2218706054688, 3698.22020703125, 3000.066154296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (P -—— President\nEisenhower said today he is fasci-\nnated by the work of the presi-\ndency. But he gave no clear in-\ndication whether he intends to run\nagain,\n| A reporter at the President's\nnews conference reminded him\n‘that it will be three years tomor-\n‘row since Eisenhower returned\nhin Europe to begin the cam.\n/paign which gave him the Repub.\nlican presidential nomination and\n‘ended with his election in No\nvember 1952.\n| In the light of that fact the re\nporter asked the President how he\nlikes politics.\n| Eisenhower said the term poli\nitics has many meanings but s¢\noften it is used in a derogatory\n‘sense. In that general sense, he\n‘said, he does not like politics.\nBut he said any man possessing\nithe authority of the presidency anc\nithe influence that it carries it\n/working toward a peaceful worl\n.and minimizing the danger of wa\nfinds it fascinating.\n| In advance of the news confer\n,ence discussion of politics Sen\n' Inves (R-NY) said that if Repub\nlicans in Congress want Eisenhow\n‘er to run again next year they ha\nbetter give more support to hi\nlegislative program,\n\n‘| “If he doesn’t get Republica:\n‘support in Congress, that fac\n» alone might have quite an inflv\n\"lence on his decision,’’ Ives sai\n\n» in an interview.\n+\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 284.57305908203125, 6850.134765625, 1104.7315673828125, 9734.0986328125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": " \n\nSCoMIO\nSERVICE\nFor\n\nEXPERT REPAIR\n\nSERVICE\nON ALL\n\n® TV and RADIOS\n\n@ ELECTRONIC\nEQUIPMENT\n\n@ ELECTRIC\nAPPLIANCES\n\nPhone 108\n\nWi ARE AS NEAR AS\nJOUR TELEVHONE!\n\nFREE\n\nPick-Up and Delivery\nQuick Service and\nGuaranteed Work\n\nHOME\nAPPLIANCE CO.\n\n104 Fast Main\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1959.1300126953124, 912.33936328125, 2824.10008984375, 3325.504630859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (P--President Ei-\nsenhower said today antipolio vac-\ncination of first and second grade\nstudents should be completed in\n60 days.\n\nEisenhower told his news con-\nference that enough Salk vaccine\nto complete that campaign Will be\nmanufactured in the next 30 days.\n\nHis discussion of the vaccination\ndifficulties came as a Senate com-\nmittee considered proposals to\ngive the government reserve au-\nthority to control the distribution\nand use of the material. The ad-\nministration opposes the plan and\n‘Eisenhower today renewed his\nstated view that it is not needed.\n\nEisenhower said some of the\ndifficulties and inescapable snarls\nof manufacturing and distributing\nthe vaccine now are being sur:\nmounted,\n\nHe said the program of the Na.-\ntional Foundation for Infantile\nParalysis for the inoculation of\nfirst and second grade students\n_ find on the shelves within\nbes days all the necessary vaccine.\n\n| He added that within 60 days\nvaccination of the first and seconc\n‘graders could be completed,\n\nThe program then will be di\n‘rected toward completing the vac\nicination of all children from 5 t\n\\9 years old, he said. In this pro\njgram, the President continued, the\nfederal government will assume\nthe respensibility for the primar\nallocation of the vaccine to thi\nStates,\n\nThe states will be responsible fo\nadministering the vaccine after th\nallocation is made, he added.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 211.99062365722656, 4788.7714921875, 1106.64989453125, 6738.5634687500005 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (®—-The Supreme\nCourt today directed that public\nschool segregation of white and Ne-\ngro pupils be ended as soon as\nfeasible, taking local conditions\ninto account,\n\nChief Justice Warren, announc-\ning the court’s decision, said lower\ncourts could decide whether a\nprompt and reasonable start to-\nward full compliance was being\nmade by local school authorities.\n\nWarren said the high tribunal\nexpeets full compliance to be car-\nried out as early as practicable.\n\nHe added that lower courts, sit-\nting as courts of equity, ‘‘may\nproperly take into account local\nproblems.”\n\nWarren said the ‘‘validity’ of\nthe Supreme Court’s decisions in\nthe segregation cases cannot be\nyielded because of disagreement\nwith them.\n\nThe high tribunal on May 17,\n1954, had declared unanimously\nthat racial segregation in the\nschools was unconstitutional. In\nits opinion then the court said it\nrealized that ‘‘problems of consid.\nerable complexity’’ were involved.\n\nIt heard arguments for four aft-\nernoons last April on how to geo\nabout ending segregation\n\nDuring the arguments, attorneys\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1152.115478515625, 6212.2177734375, 2840.762939453125, 9756.5556640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": " \n\nMACSHORE CLASSICS\n\nPLAYING IT COOL\n\nThe Sleeveless Blouse\n\n$398\n\nWide Selection of High Necks and Low.\n\nReady { a idden date anytime this horseshoe\ncollar biouse by MACSHORE in Superfine broadcloth\nButton front, and, of course sleeveless, like any good\n\nhot weather fashion should be. White, navy, black, brown,\nred, lilac, beige. Sizes 30 to 38.\n\nELAINE’S ‘esc\n\n118 &. Main Phone 44\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 3695.423591796875, 645.1759721679688, 4564.45946484375, 942.4295576171876 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "| GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (Ph —\nProf. Arthur Mauch of Michigar\nState College says scientific re\nsearch in agriculture has changec\nfarming from a ‘‘way of life to ¢\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 3691.974853515625, 442.9342956542969, 4496.6982421875, 635.8142700195312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Farmer’s Life Changed\nBy Scientific Research\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2802.3515625, 450.9135437011719, 3559.40869140625, 754.6370849609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Presidency\nIs Fascinating\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 4587.2998125, 440.28098315429685, 5442.3559492187505, 945.9813154296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "way of making a living.”\n\nThe city limits sign today ii\nmerely a tax boundary, the pro\nfessor says. “It is no longer &\ncultural boundary, a recreational\neducational, social or economi\nboundary. The same kind of peo\nple live on one side as on thi\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1145.2855224609375, 4369.892578125, 2832.849853515625, 6078.82861328125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n\nMorning* and afternoon flights\ndaily to\n\nST. LOUIS\n\n-38 a.m.* e 12:53 p.m.\nnae time only 2 hours 27 minutes!\n\nExcellent connections at St. Louis for\n\nNEW YORK - CHICAGO\nOTHER EASTERN CITIES\nPhone Ozark \"Ob\n\nRy, Ozark\n\nM 4\nN's AIRLINE\n\n \n \n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2896.143310546875, 5597.57763671875, 7206.9228515625, 9854.080078125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Nearest thing to\n... FLYING SORCERY\n\n2 ye\naod &\n\n \n \n \n\na as habs “ b\nks The Hardtap with Fou\n+ Doors!\nHere i\noes - new hit in hardtops thet’s tak ng the country b\nVICKS Pioneering and pace-seti ng 4-Door Riv ¢\nconvertible’ look, with NO center posts — we\n“ti tor rear-seat Passengers. Shown her\n>PECIAL model — also Gvailable in the k\nSeries. Both now in volume\n\nELE LBL PL AMBBOW LABIAL AE\n\n(Mau! what Uiriable Pith Propellers\ndo foe Dypniaflow Drive!)\n\n] N A land vehicle, there’s never been any- whirling in oil inside your Dynaflow unit... robustly bolstered by walloping new horse-\n\nthing like the magic a pilot gets with his powers raised to record might.\nvariable pitch propellers.\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n, The\nbut with seporate\n© in the low-price\nigh-powered Crntury\nProduction to insure Prompt deliveries\n\nBecause you can switch the pitch of those pro-\n\npeller blades from high-economy angle that It's something you definitely ought to try—\nIle can angle the blades of his propellers gives you top gas mileage in cruising —to high- just to know what’s really new in auto-\nfor performance as he heads his plane down performance angle that gives you action plus... mobiles—and to see for yourself why Buick\na runway -—to get quick take-off and climb. sales are zooming to an all-time beste\n\nAnd because, when you call for that action by\n\nseller high.\npressing the gas pedal way down—you get it\n\nlle can switch the angle of those propellers\n\nfor economy aloft—to get more mileage from split-second quick and silky smooth ~an instan- Drop in today or tomorrow and we'll gladly\nthe fuel in his tanks. faneous power response for felaway, or for a arrange matters — show you, too, the prices\nAs we said—there’s never been anything sudden safety-surge of acceleration when needed. re a\" Reeping Buick in the tight circle of\n| . s America’s top sellers.\n\nlike thatin a land vehicle. But there is now. Fite « solid, soaring, pulse-quickening thrill ‘Tesaiew Dries cinaierd on Readuesder. eeitened as\nIt's in a Buick with Variable Pitch Dynaflow ~unlike anything you ever felt before —and extra cost om other Series\n\nmand you can take the word of thousands *\n\nof excited owners of new Buicks that it's\nthe closest thing to wheeled flight...\n\nBecause you have twenty propeller-like blades Thrill orf the yoar is Buick if\n\n \n\nGPPCAN YOU SEE * STEER * STOP SAFELY? CHECK YOUR CAR ~ CHECK ACCIDENTS WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM\n\nEnjoy cooled, filtered air\n\nfor less than you think , 4\nrad itche otor Co.\n\nAIRCONDITIONER 120 East Oak Phone 1089 Chanute, Kansas\n\nIt's a genuine Frigidaire\n\n \n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1929.34326171875, 465.1185302734375, 2748.14599609375, 886.0536499023438 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "60-Day Target\nIn Vaccine Plan\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 202.2287139892578, 4308.72705078125, 1078.05810546875, 4755.8359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Soon as Feasible\nFor Segregation\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 2897.929443359375, 4471.41455078125, 3733.538330078125, 5468.390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": " \n\nEmergency funds to\ndo anything that is\n\nwena, of be\n“s repeid from income\nAsk for tull detazls\n\nChanute Discount Co.\n\n17 8S. Evergreer Phone 1000\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 3776.507568359375, 1045.7960205078125, 7211.3681640625, 5516.1650390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "HARRISON'S SHOES\nSPRING CLEARANCE!\n\nMANY $$$ 5%\nIN SAVINGS FOR YOU\n\nALL FAMOUS BRAND NAME\nSHOES WILL BE ON SALE AT\n\nPRICES TOO HOT 100\nQUOTE!\n\nSALE STARTS WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE Ist, 9 A. M.\n\nWe Invite You to Come in for the Greatest\nShoe Buys Yet!\n\nHarrison’ s Shoes\n\n“PERFECT FIT EVERY TIME\"\nPhone 588\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1093.8839111328125, 3204.232177734375, 1881.47314453125, 3315.63525390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Weather Observations\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2953.4375, 3062.964599609375, 3651.637939453125, 3322.861328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "YES! PAIN RELIEF FOR\nARTHRITIS — RHEUMATISM\nSUFFERERS\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 171.0966112060547, 761.778572265625, 1074.2120283203126, 4234.4653242187505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n\nCottage Grove Ladies Aid will\nmeet Thursday afternoon with\nMyrtle Johnson.\n\nRural Grange will meet at &\np.m. Thursday at the school. Cup-\ncakes and coffee will be served.\n\nMr. and Mrs. John Peters, R. 3,\nattended the graduation of thei!\nson, Ben, from Friends University\nat Wichita Monday morning. They\nwere weekend guests of their son\nand wife and infant son, Benjamin\nChristopher, born May 21.\n\nMrs. L. E. Taylor, 724 S. Grant,\nreturned Saturday from a week’s\nvisit with her brother, Otto Olds,\nat Chicago, She was accompanied\nby her sister, Zoa Olds, Neodesha,\nwho remained for a longer visit.\n\nMrs. S. E. Barnes and Mrs. E.\nE. Hutson attended the graduation\nof the former's sister, Mrs. Bertha\nEisenbrandt, who received a\nBachelor of Arts degree Sunday\neveying at the University of Wichi-\nta. Mrs. Eisenbrandt is a teacher\nin Classen Grade Schoo] at Wichita.\n\nJerry Mitchell and Jimmy Fin-\nley, of Walnut, were first place\nwinners in the monthly talent con-\ntest sponsored by KOAM-TV, it\nwas reported today by their music\nteacher, Mrs. Edyth Young. The\nboys, both students at Walnut\npublic school, played a trumpet\nduet, accompanied by Mrs. Young.\n\n \n\nMr. and Mrs. Clare J. Anderson\nand sons, John and Lee Mack\nGardner, left today for their new\nhome in Wentzville, Mo. John will\ngo to Kansas City tomorrow t\ntake his physical examination foi\nthe Air Corps. Mr. Anderson i\nemployed in the internal auditing\ndepartment of an atomic energ)\nconstruction company, Fruin-Colon\nUtah. The home at 1705 8. Central\nis rented to Mrs. William Wells\n\nMr. and Mrs. Frank Sears, 110\nS. Washington, attended the funer\nal of Claude Marvin O’Dor, 42\nTuesday at Liberty, Mo. O’Dor\nchemist for Industrial Product\nMfg. Co., North Kansas City, die\nunexpectedly. \"He leaves his wife\nMrs. Opal Sears O'Dor, and a son\nSpn.aeliA Want at Taherty.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 5698.17237109375, 7479.89795703125, 6972.7905195312505, 7807.9897382812505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Here's the new hit in hardtops\n\nthet's taking the country by\nstorm — Buick’s Pioneering ond\n\nPace-setting 4-Door Rivierg. The\nconvertible” look, with no center posts — but with seporate\n\ndoors for rear-seat Passengers. Shown here in the low-price\nSPECIAL model — also Ovailable in the high-powered Cintury\nSeries. Both now in volume production to insure promot deliveria:\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 172.78057861328125, 471.7322998046875, 907.5748291015625, 638.0185546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "News Briefs\n" }, "20": null, "21": { "bbox": [ 2882.86573046875, 3337.711189453125, 3719.9453046875, 4401.2470625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Stop worrying about whether you'll ever\nfeel good again! Ease most arthritis pains\n--QUICKLY—SURELY with amazing new\nAR-PAN-EX. It soothes aching muscles\nand throbbing joints due to sciatica, neu-\nritis, lumbago, neuralgia—it does so SURE-\nLY, POSITIVELY ...or YOUR MONEY\nBACK! This is the TRUTH. AR-PAN-EX\nreally allays most pain—it worked for those\nwho TRIED EVERYTHING and GAVE\nUP—until AR-PAN-EX came with 7 scien-\ntific ingredients to bring relief and joy.\nWhy waste time’? Don’t suffer another\nminute. Let this TRUTH sink in... ac-\ncept AR-PAN-EX ... ease pain... lead\na normal life again. Have FAITH—BE-\nLIEVE the TRUTH — ACT now and be\nFREE from acute PAIN with AR-PAN-EX,\n\nMcCUNE DRUG STORE\n105 W. Main Chanute, Kan\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 1071.1307451171874, 931.2703325195313, 1954.79637890625, 3071.907951171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "(vee Vee Fh WHR aE ewe eI\nlact of Mareh 3, 1578.\nDa aiete calc iesansichangguaileiinsintieiliaesiiiniiadiieediananaale 1\nj\n‘Member Audit Burean of Cireulations\n|MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS:\n| The Associated Press is entitied ex~\nletusively to the use for republication of\njall the jocai news printed in this news\npaper as well as ali AP netvs dispatches.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n_- Subseription Rates tn.Nensho, Allen\nWilson and Woodson Counties\n\n®y Mail, one month . «..cccecce. ie. 8.\nBy Mail. three months . ... ce... . 082.00\n‘By Mail, six months « ...0..-c. 000, $37%\nBy Mail. on@ year « «.vecie. cece: $7.00\nSubscription Rates Ontside of Above Four\n: Counties\n\nBy Mail, one month Pe ere roe ye\nBy Mail, three months «2 53.0\nSy Mail. six months . «..c.c8..+..$6.00\n\n—— a\n\n \n\neaaenarmnensneinaseanieenen= re\n\n \n\n \n\nfor Southern states contended the\nhigh court should fix no deadline\nfor integration, should not issue\nspecific orders on how it should\nbe done, and should leave details\ntu. the states and their school\npoards, under supervision of local\nU. §. District Courts.\n- Counsel for Negro parents urged\n‘the tribunal to order segregation\nended by next September, or by\nSeptember 1956 at the latest.\nThe Eisenhower administration,\nthrough Solicitor General Sobeloff,\nsuggested the Supreme Court fol-\nJow a policy of ‘‘moderation with\na degree of firmness.\"’\n\nSobeloff suggested the lower\ncourts be told to grant 90 days for\nsubmission of plans for integration\nas soon as feasible. He said school\n‘boards could be given more than\n190 days if they made a prope\n\nchaurina that that timo wae 11nras.\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 5441.15674609375, 457.8983232421875, 6327.7729414062505, 692.7540815429687 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "other.\n31 “The country ‘hick’ of a genera-\n-ition or two ago has almost disap:\n1/peared from the American scene.’\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 5864.399421875, 7894.911140625, 7118.0346601562505, 8895.2187421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "robustly bolstered by walloping new horse-\npowers raised to record might.\n\nIt's something you definitely ought to try—\njust to know what’s really new in auto-\nmobiles—and to see for yourself why Buick\nsales are zooming to an all-time best-\nseller high.\n\nDrop in today or tomorrow and we'll gladly\narrange matters~—show you, too, the prices\nthat are keeping Buick in the tight circle of\nAmerica’s top sellers.\n\n*Dynaflow Drive is standard om Roadmaster, opronal at\nextra cost om other Series\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 6337.07569140625, 472.72007006835935, 7220.2763593750005, 908.0604780273437 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "yee ee eae Se ee a” =\n\nTuesday, May 31, 1955\n\n \n\nmen etn st\n\nlieaders of Russia—Communist par-\nty chief Nikita Khrushchev, Pre-\nmier Nikolai Bulganin and Deputy\nPremier A. I, Mikoyan—began a\n‘two-day tour of northern Yugo-\n\\slavia today,\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 5485.76806640625, 735.0306396484375, 6179.27001953125, 834.761962890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Tour of Yugoslavia\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 1992.8443603515625, 3403.387451171875, 2855.4365234375, 4279.8603515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "NOTICE\n\nCedar Lodge No.\n103, A.F. & A.M.,\nwill meet in Stat-\ned Communica-\ntion Wed., June\n1, 7:30 p.m. Bus-\niness at 8 p.m.\nThere will be\nwork in THIRD DEGREE. Re-\nfreshments. Visiting Brethren wel-\ncome.\n\nCECIL CAGE, W.M.\n\nJAY KLINGINSMITH, Sec'y.\njadw 49.317)\n\n \n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 245.08616638183594, 692.6976318359375, 1003.845947265625, 766.9232788085938 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "See EKLUND for Insurance.\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 5515.88623828125, 856.9414750976563, 6308.6606367187505, 934.7063520507813 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "POSTOJNA, Yugoslavia (Th\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 2399.72803515625, 3538.0898515625, 2848.499259765625, 3957.807853515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Cedar Lodge No.\n103, A.F. & A.M.,\nwill meet in Stat-\nped Communica-\ntion Wed., June\n1, 7:30 p.m. Bus-\nyiness at 8 p.m.\nThara aanill he\n" }, "31": null, "32": { "bbox": [ 5726.89208984375, 7345.9345703125, 6947.6923828125, 7480.8603515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "4s The Hardtop with Kour Qoore/\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 1987.977791015625, 3945.213875, 2846.115958984375, 4295.8769453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "LAUOLTeS Wadd Ve\nwork in THIRD DEGREE. Re\nfreshments. Visiting Brethren wel.\ncome.\n\nCECIL CAGE, W.M.\nJAY KLINGINSMITH, Sec'y.\n(adv. 42-11)\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 1513.624267578125, 6169.33447265625, 2477.515380859375, 6230.86279296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "As Seen in Charm and Mademoiselle\n" }, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 3, 22 ], [ 5, 8 ], [ 8, 23 ], [ 29, 25 ], [ 30, 33 ] ]
[ [ 3, 22 ], [ 8, 5 ], [ 8, 23 ], [ 5, 23 ], [ 25, 29 ], [ 33, 30 ] ]
[ 7268.5600859375, 10303.16653125 ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2615.654513671875, 7681.52731640625, 3513.402126953125, 8487.1948515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Various drugs are capable of\ndilating these arteries so that suffi-\ncient blood flows through and the\nindividual remains comfortable.\nBut he is seriously incapacitated if\nthe dilators fail to produce this\neffect or if the obstruction is mark-\ned.\nEven when this stage is reached,\nthe condition is not necessarily\nhopeless. Now and then disturb-\nances in nearby areas, such as\ngall bladder infection, peptic ulcer,\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 192.01245434570313, 1605.4593232421876, 1677.3153349609377, 3628.60451953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Postmaster General Summerfield has again asked\nCongress for higher postal rates. The Post Office\noperates at a deficit of between $300,000,000 and\n$400,000,000 a year, as the postmaster general pointed\nout, despite “recent economies and greater effici-\nency.” And despite greatly increased parcel post\nrates.\n\nIt is obvious that one main reason for this sad\nstate of affairs is that expenses of the postal system\nhave risen faster than its income. But Congress may\nbalk at raising the rate for sending a letter from three\ncents to four cents. It has rejected several similar\nrequests.\n\nCongressmen do not like to boost taxes, and they\nregard an increase in the postal rates in the same\nlight. Practically everybody has occasion to mail a\nletter now and then, and Congress is not convinced\nthat it should boost the cost one-third. There is a\nsizable school of thought which holds that the postal\nservice was set up to serve the people, not to make\nmoney or to break even.\n\nThe Post Office, in seeking higher rates, has\nmade public certain information on its operations.\nThus it says that in the fiscal year 1954 first class\nmail accounted for 52 per cent of all mail pieces\nhandled. To handle one first class letter cost 3.12\ncents, compared to 1.89 cents in 1932,\n\nWhether it would be more painful to the average\ncitizen to pay four cents to mail letters than to pay\ntaxes to meet the annual Post Office deficit is for\nCongress to say. In the past its answer has been in\nthe affirmative.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 4491.37497265625, 786.686251953125, 5397.7710234375, 3548.91408984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON— Here are some\nof the behind-the-scenes develop-\nments in the fast-moving Far East-\nern crisis.\n\nSome of the developments point\nto wry senators are worried over\ngiving too much authority to an\nambitious admiral who has wanted\na preventive war.\n\nThey also point to the fact that\nPresident Eisenhower is being ex-\ntremely careful so far to keep\nmilitary control in his own hands.\n\nFinally, they point to the fact\nthat the President, though a sin-\ncere believer in peace, can be an\nextremely bad picker of men and\nshould have thought twice before\nhe let Adm. Arthur Radford, dur-\ning a 50-minute refueling stop at\nIwo Jima, sweet-talk him into be-\nlieving Chiang Kai-shek could re-\ntake the Chinese mainland.\n\nMarine Landing? —Admiral Rad-\nford was so dead set upon aggres-\nsive action in the Far East that he\nasked the Marine Corps command-\nant for the exact breakdown of\nMarine units and landing craft\navailable for that area. Marine\nlanding craft, of course, are used\nonly to put invading or reinforc-\nint troops ashore; so Radford had\nin mind some kind of troop-land-\ning operation. When Eisenhower\nheard about this he exploded.\n\nIt should be stated that Rad-\nford believes the showdown with\nChina should be peaceful. However,\nhe believes there should be a defin-\nite showdown, and if it can't be\npeaceful, he is not opposed to\nrisking war.\n\nU. S. Observers — One dangerous\nFar Eastern complication is the\npresence of American ‘‘observers”\non about 80 of the off-shore islands.\nIf any of them should be killed\nin Red bombing raids, War tension\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 3532.445041015625, 7671.15719921875, 4443.08059375, 10303.16653125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "or hiatus hernia will interfere with\nthe coronary flow. Anginal pain\noften subsides when these dis-\norders are corrected.\n\nBut if adjacent structures are\nnormal, and the coronary flow is\ngreatly decreased, cardiac surgery\nmay be considered. Various at-\ntempts have been made in the last\n10 years to supply the heart wall\nwith a new blood supply.\n\nThe procedures usually follow\none of two patterns. In one, the\nchest wall is opened and small\nabrasions are made on the outside\nof the heart. The surface is then\ndusted with an irritating substance\nsuch as talcum or asbestos powder,\nor powdered beef bone.\n\nThe ensuing irritation causes the\nthin sac surrounding the heart to\nadhere to the wall of the old ticker.\nThis scar tissue connection con-\ntains new blood vessels that serve\nas supplementary pathways to the\nailing heart muscle. Even though\nonly a small amount of Ddlood is\nfurnished in this way, it helps the\nheart muscle to run more efficient-\nly, ‘\n\nThe other operation consists of\nconnecting the veins of the heart\nwith nearby blood vessels in the\nchest, This procedure is more dif-\nficult than the first but has greater\npotential value because more blood\nis brought to the heart muscle.\nAbout 80 per cent of all operated\npatients are able to go back to\nwork.\n\nNot all coronary victims are suit-\nable candidates for heart surgery.\nIn addition, the person with ad-\nvanced coronary disease is not as\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 2639.8051484375, 4005.02829296875, 3534.856716796875, 4956.289578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "only three votes against the joint\nresolution. It is to be hoped that\nnobody on the “left wing’ side,\nwhich is usually so ready to fling\nepithets of “isolationism” or ‘‘right\nwingism”’ against any senator who\ndoesn't go along with his party or\nwith the President, will condemn\nthe three senators for the exercise\nof their independent judgment\nthough, to be sure, one wonders\nwhat could have been said, per-\nhaps by those same three senators,\nif a certain senator from Wiscon-\nsin had been in the minority on the\nfinal vote.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 187.304171875, 3830.869845703125, 1674.6783720703127, 5037.00393359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "One of Cumberland’s widest known residents\npassed away Sunday in Baltimore when Harry “Big\nChick” Little succumbed in St. Joseph’s Hospital\nwhere he had been a patient since January 9.\n\nWhile he was well known and popular throughout\na wide area, there was one facet of Mr. Little’s life\nthat few people knew about and that was his desire\nto help the other fellow who had been less fortunate.\n\nMr. Little gave generously to the usual fund\ncampaigns for charitable purposes but his charity did\nnot end with that. Possibly no one will ever know\nhow many times Mr. Little anonymously sent food\nand clothing or money to people in pretty dire\ncircumstances.\n\nSo far as we know, this phase of Mr. Little's life\nhas been pretty much obscured through his own\ndesire but at this time we cannot permit it to pass\nunmentioned. Many people of this community have\nlost a good friend.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1693.3799775390626, 7538.05173046875, 2592.47121875, 8469.1714140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "The coronary arteries represent\nthe Achilles’ heel of the body. Our\nlife and comfort depend upon the\nability of these blood vessels to\nremain open so that blood can flow\nto the heart muscle.\n\nIf they become too narrow to\ndeliver an adequate quota of blood\nto the walls of the auricles and\nventricles, chest pain ( angina pec-\ntoris) ensues on exercising or after\neating or excitement. If the ves-\nsels become completely obstructed\n(coronary thrombosis), pain is\ngreater and the sufferer goes into\nshock,\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 6355.20114453125, 9492.743625, 7234.41653125, 10292.480007812499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "The lamprey is a slick looking\ncharacter, slippery and sly with\ntiny beady eyes. In other words—\nan eel,\n\nThe lamprey tears a hole in the\nside of a fish and then goes to work\non its innards. A Fifth —\nif we ever heard of one!\n\nSea lampreys, we read, are cot\nsidered a delicacy in Europe but\nare hard to digest—which is easily\nunderstandable,\n\n>\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 5421.5492890625, 918.3401826171875, 6322.48342578125, 4601.33791796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "would mount. Incidentally, Com-\nmunist fire has been accurate and\nobviously comes from well-train-\ned troops. The occupation of Yiki-\nang Island was executed in heavy\nseas and with deadly artillery fire\nThere's no question but that the\nReds are skilled in modern war-\nfare.\n\nCease-Fire Possibility — Presi-\ndent Eisenhower welcomes the\nNew Zealand overture to arrange\na cease-fire. But if a cease-fire pro-\nposal backfires, the President\nwants to invite other United Na-\ntions members to join us in patrol-\nling the Formosan Straits. He re-\nfers to this privately as a ‘‘police\naction,”” a term which a certain\nDemocratic president was criticiz-\ned for using in regard to Korea.\n\n‘ailed Airmen — The idea of Jet-\nting relatives visit the jailed Amer-\nican airmen actually originated\nwith Dag Hammarskjold, not Chou\nEn-Lai. The U.N. secretary is real-\nly sore at John Foster Dulles for\nvetoing it. Chou went along with\nthe idea when it was proposed by\nHammarskjold and even appeared\nwilling to release each prisoner as\nhis wife or mother came to visit\nhim in Peiping. Now that the State\nDepartment is denying visas to the\nrelatives, Hammarskjold is threat-\nening to give U.N. visas to any\nrelatives who want to go to Red\nChina.\n\nHammarskjold Mission — Orig-\ninally the State Department was so\ncertain the U.N. secretary general\nwould succeed in his mission to\nPeiping that it sent a special group\nof diplomats to the Far East in\norder to be all set to proceed with\nthe prisoner-release negotiations af-\nter Hammarskjold cleared the way.\nWhen the U.N. secretary returned\nwithout tangible accomplishments,\nSecretary Dulles gave him a pri-\nvate going-over. ”\n\nOther Mediators — Prime Minis-\nister Nehru of India has been en-\ncouraging direct negotiations be-\ntween the United States and Red\nChina. He wants the United States\nto withdraw from the smaller off-\nshore islands and put Formosa un-\nder a U.N. trusteeship. Meanwhile,\nthe prime minister of Burma is fit\nto be tied over the fact that he's\nnot been invited to Washington.\nAfter visiting Chou En-lai in China,\nthe Burmese premier announced\nhe was going to Washington to use\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 6349.87399609375, 781.6380341796875, 7261.07619921875, 4587.58987109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "his influence for better relations,\nSo far, the State Department has\nrefused to invite him. Result: he's\nlost face and is furious,\n\nHelp For Radford — One of the\nbest backstage supporters for Ad-\nmiral Radford is able Walter Robe\nertson, assistant secretary of state\nfor the Far East. He has been say-\ning privately that Chou En-lai’s\nthreats against Formosa constitute\nan act of war and that any build-\nup of troops to back up the threat\nwould be a legitimate target for\nU. S. bombers. In other words,\nRobertson indicates we already\nhave all the provocation we need\nto attack the Chinese mainland une\nder the terms of the resolution,\nWhile Robertsor says this is hig\nown view, not the administration's,\nhis chief, Secretary Dulles, also\nagreed during the Senate hearings\nthat the United States would have\nthe right to bomb Chinese troop\nconcentrations on the mainland.\n\nBlockade Of China — Earlier in\nthe Formosan crisis, Admiral Rade\nford called for a blockade of the\nChina coast. Significantly, he\nclaimed it would be impossible to\ndefend Formosa if the off-shore\nislands such as Quemoy and the\nTachens were lost. This was why\nhe also demanded the right to\nbomb concentrations of Chinese\ntroops on the mainland even bee\nfore an attack was made. (Such\nright is now in the joint resolue\ntion.)\n\nHowever, Eisenhower vigorously\ndisagreed about the defense of Fore\nmosa, claimed Red China had no\nintention of attacking Formosa proe\nper. He believed Foreign Minister\nChou En-lai would agree to a\ncease-fire and the re'ease of the\nAmerican airmen to strengthen his\nbargaining position for a seat in\nthe United Nations.\n\nEvacuation Of Tachen — Ade\nmiral Radford was bitter about the\nevacuation of Tachen. He objected\nto what he called ‘‘using the U. S,\nfleet as ferryboats.’’ American\nwarships, he felt, should be *used\nto fight, not ferry out civilians. He\nwas overruled, and the evacuation\nis now under way. The Navy has\nstrict orders not to engage the ene-\nmy. Navy planes are also ordered\nto keep clear of certain islands\nwhere they're most likely to clash\nwith Red fighters. Orders to Amer-\nican pilots are to fire only when\nfired upon,\n\n(Copyright, 1955,\nTing Bali\n\nRe SRendAirate ne }\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 4507.498046875, 233.78919982910156, 7161.36328125, 744.0042724609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Developments Behind Scenes Explain\nEisenhowers Far Eastern Message\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1696.8331025390626, 8927.774875, 2588.42434375, 10301.278835937499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Creations of the inimitable Fred\nAllen who reappear in his nostalgic\nbook, “Treadmill to Oblivion,”’ in-\nclude the only armless sculptor in\nthe world (he put the chisel in his\nmouth and his wife hit Him on the\nback of the head with a mallet);\nProfessor Gulpo, who swallowed\numbrellas ‘he was putting some-\nthing away for a rainy day); and\nan uncle who brought his goldfish\nto the aquarium every year for a\ntwo-week romp. One day, how-\never, Uncle fell into the tank him-\nself and they couldn't tell him from\nthe other fish.\n\nFinally, they threw a picture of\nAllen's aunt into the water—and\nwhen one of the fish recognized it\nand tried to escape from the tank\nthey grabbed him.\n\nFor 20 years, claims Fred, his\nmother in Boston kept a light burn-\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 5410.1840546875, 9473.3071015625, 6311.8511015625, 10279.752468749999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "War threatens to break out along\nthe U.S.-Canadian border and ev-\nerybody’s for it! The war is a\nplanned two-nation campaign\nagainst the sea lamprey, a true\ndictator of the deep.\n\nThe U. S. Senate is soon to de-\nbate joint action with the Cana-\ndian government to combat that\nfood fish-killing piscatorial pirate.\nFor once, we're heartily in favor\nof all our congressmen going fish-\ning!\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 201.5224151611328, 3653.89208984375, 1309.021728515625, 3816.9306640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "A Charitable Man\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 162.55267333984375, 1166.7276611328125, 1458.78955078125, 1588.32177734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Tuesday Morning, February 1, 1955\n» Higher Postal Rates\nAre Proposed Again\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 2626.152072265625, 5390.2719453125, 3537.58498828125, 7215.27932421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "You grab time by the forelock\nbecause he is bald behind.\n\nThe national campaign commit-\ntees are doing better than that.\nThey've reached out and grabbed\n1956 by the large red ears.\n\nTom Dewey sounded the biased\ntocsin at a partisan dinner when he\nsaid, “Waterloo was won on the\nbattlefields of eatin’.””\n\nNo truer word was ever said in\naspic. Ike will again carry the\nbanner with the strange device\nthat says everythiug is wrapped\nin excelsior,\n\nAnd guess who will be on the\nother side winking through the\nknothoje in the«spite fence? None\nother than that sterling citizen and\npart-time humanitarian Adlai\nStevenson,\n\nHe didn’t get the brass ring in\n1952. But he owns the donkey on\nthe merry-go-round.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 3569.338107421875, 4044.06833203125, 4456.4136015625, 4978.71340625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Crisis Not Over\nThe crisis is by no means over,\n\nof course, and there are lots of\npitfalls ahead including the pos-\nsible consequences of a tragic mis-\nunderstanding of American pur-\npose which seems to be chronic in\nsome European circles. Instead of\nseeing the over-all picture of an\nAmerican stand against aggression\nin Asia and the favorable effects\nwhich this must necessarily have\non the prestige of the free nations\nin the minds of the Asian peoples,\nthere is a tendency in some quar-\nters in London to see the action\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 5424.15478515625, 9084.5458984375, 6811.4677734375, 9338.83203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "You re Telling Me!\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 3541.4076875, 5378.94333203125, 4458.8530546875, 7215.4995390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "So it’s Ike against Adlai in 1956\nand may the victory dinners be\non the side with the most plates.\n\nThe 1956 campaign is not starting\nearly. The 1952 campaign is last-\ning longer than usual,\n\nThe campaigneers can brush up\nthe same old wrong-way fur, view\nwith endorsed alarm and point with\nmanipulated pride. Nixon can play\nback some of his speeches when\nIke’s running-mate forgot he was\nhitched tandem,\n\nThe Democrats claim Nixon\ncalled ‘em some words that are\nspelled out in front of children.\nAnd then discovered the kids could\nspell ‘em backward,\n\nIke stood by Nixon who apolo-\ngized neatly. If he said anything\nhe’s sorry for he’s glad of it.\n\nNo reason why either Ike or\nAdlai should bother about their\nghost writers. This time they can\ndo it with rubber stamps.\n\n(Distributed By INS)\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 5452.46044921875, 4643.42041015625, 6792.025390625, 4887.92333984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Too Bad, Too Bad\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1698.0950927734375, 8515.8291015625, 3076.897216796875, 8780.0390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Try And Stop Me!\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1698.9241943359375, 7247.5986328125, 5402.28466796875, 7502.21923828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Not All Coronary Victims Suitable For Heart Surgery\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2626.2392578125, 5018.703125, 4477.26171875, 5257.13525390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Baering Down On The News\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 1675.540283203125, 3569.18212890625, 5401.6103515625, 3822.605712890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Policy In Asia Inspires Hope For Avoidance Of War\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1852.2237548828125, 344.92218017578125, 4358.365234375, 3465.7001953125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "oe Ser wrers ws Ss ese “Sree we SS WEES FR arr Ee\n\na ee | 17\n\nSSN NOW YOU Jer\nLea “Sealy 4 STAY RIGHT\nae\n\n+9! Hines < : WHERE YOU ARE\neee\n\n \n \n\n \n\ndy\n\nPa\n{\n———\n\noo vik J Bil -- AND HERES |\nGo AROUND BRASS RING\n\n‘\ntg\n\n \n\n~*~\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\nf\nPr) sna\n\\\\\\VY,\na\ni, , a”\n\na, RE © 9 eli\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 5427.19675, 5086.61716015625, 6337.05666796875, 9049.4516875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "VERA AS, ZU Tia\n\nFor any citizen of the free world\nwith a spark of political sympathy,\nthere is something w\nmoving and pleasing ‘about a visit\nto this small, determined, hopeful\ncountry.\n\nThe enchantment is not on the\nsurface of life, to be sure. Rangoon\nhas not a trace of its old clean,\nstuffy prettiness, which this report-\ner remembers from the time when\nhe was here with Gen. Chennault,\nin the bad old imperialist days\nbefore Pearl Harbor. The city is\nstil war scarred, and street sweep-\ning does not stir the same enthu-\nsiasm in Free Burma as in the\nformer British Raj.\n\nWhat is enchanting, rather, is the\nspirit. It is the gleam of grim\npride in the eye of the tough young\nBurmese colonel reciting statistics\nto show that the Communists and\nother insurgents are now on the\nrun. It is the simple pleasure of\nthe man at the airline counter,\nexplaining how Burma has built up\nher own efficient national airline.\n\nIt is the intelligent enthusiasm\nof the able young official ‘in the\nBurmese government you are ven-\nerable at 40) who explains the\ngovernment's brilliantly original,\nyet simple, practical and success-\nful measures to bring a better life\nto the farmers in their rice fields.\nMerits Renewed Investment\n\nAnd in it the sardonic delight\nof the cabinet officer who announ-\nces that the great Bombay Burmah\ncompany, starters of the third\nBurmese war, first grand exploit-\ners of this country and stuffiest of\nall colonial enterprises, has at last\ndecided that Free Burma merits\nrenewed investment on the govern-\nment’s special joint plan for for-\neign capital.\n\nThese things, plus the quality of\nthe Burmese government itself\nwith its three remarkable leaders,\nU Nu, U Kyaw Nein and U Ba\nSwe, justify the most hopeful fore-\ncast. One of the wisest men in\nthis city, a brilliant Indo-Burman\nphysician, put the thing in a nut-\nshell. “I really begin to believe,”\nhe said, “that we have a great\nfuture here in Burma if the rest\nof the world will just let us alone.”’\n\nHis “if,” his careful proviso,\nsums up the potential tragedy of\nBurma, and indeed of the free\nworld. It also implies something\nvery important to Americans —\nthat there are other things to worry\nabout in Asia besides the future\nof Formosa.\n\nIn the long run the greatest\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 166.5146668701172, 5704.5981171875, 1664.1953398437502, 10295.38528125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "SS SOSA METS MN NE, 8 UE MNES FARR 60ST te\nBefore I went to the Russian Revolution in 1917, I was a\nskinny fellow, but once I reached China, I began to put\non weight. After not eating in Russia, eating became the\ngreatest of joys and, in China, I enjoyed myself.\n\nSo I upped the usual three meals a day to five. As\nbreakfast is the most important meal, according to the\ndietitians, I dutifully did my duty. Breakfast became a\nritualistic meal; the courses stretched out to take enough\ntime to read all the newspapers available. My cook was\na splendid artist who revelled at his master’s enjoyment\nof delicacies at breakfast. The Number One Boy enjoyed\nit too. Soon the Master would look like the Laughing\nBuddha which would surely bring the household good luck.\nBesides, they got 10 per cent of everything that we spent.\n\nLunch was supposed to be a smaller meal but\nsomehow, as prosperity came, it became the impertant\ntime of day to hold business conferences, to meet im-\nportant personalities. Whe could diet or skimp on such\nan occasion; it might annoy the guest or the host\nwhichever it might be?\n\nThen came tea. We lived in those days in a British\natmosphere and tea was very important. There are, of\ncourse, no calories in tea, but there are little sandwiches\nand crumpets and hot butter and muffins and cakes and\npate de fois gras and all the goodies that dre called snacks.\nNo one wants to offend a hostess by ignoring what she so\ncarefully prepared.\n\nOften I would visit an old Chinese friend, Tong Shao-yi,\nabout tea-time. Tong had studied at Columbia University\nin the 1870s and had become a great figure in both im-\nperial and republican China. Tea-time was when he took\nhis coffee. He said that his coffee came from Hawaii,\nand he made it carefully, fixing each cup with his delicate,\nartistic fingers. First, he put some stgar in the cup; then\nsome cream; then he poured half hot milk and half hot\ncoffee. It was a filling experience.\n\nIn China, it is an-offense not to accept an invitation.\nSometimes I would go to two or three or even more a\nnight, and sample such cuisine as is unimaginable to\nAmerican steak-eaters.\n\nI would always say that really I had had hardly\nanything to eat or drink but that was because I never\ndid learn how to multiply. Therefore late at night,\nafter copy was written and in, I would meet my wife\nsomewhere to dance, she having spent the evening on\nher own because most of my engagements were with\nmen only, sing-song girls not being counted as guests.\nHow is it possible to dance without eating something\nto pay for a seat at a table?\n\nSince then it has been a battle with obesity. Each\ndoctor has his own diet list—designed to discourage eating\nat all.\n\nThe doctors all gave me the wrong advice. Instead,\nI got a dog. My old dog, Brownie, who died was a gentle\nsoul who adjusted herself to me. I took her out when I\nchose or got someone else to do it. Presently, I have a\nDutchman who real name is Walsdaag but we call him\nJoe. Joe brooks no nonsense. Either he is taken out at\nthe right time or he produces clear evidence of his desires\nand needs. It is a question of saving the carpets.\n\nJoe has learned that as soon as he has performed, I\ntake him home, so he delays performance, particularly\nwhen it rains or snows, Joe loving water and cold weather.\nHe adores me; so he wakes me early each morning, at\ndaybreak, to take him out.\n\nSo here is the way to end obesity. Get a dog!\nEspecially if you live in a city apartment house where\nthere are no yards for dogs. Walk the sidewalk, go\ninto the windy parks, meet other dogs, have a\nwrestling match. Do it several times a day. Get a\nhigh-spirited dog, preferably a male because males\nlove to ruin things, particularly carpets, and that\nmakes you run faster to get out of the house before”\nit happens.\n\nBesides, the anxiety helps. Who wanted the dog, any-\nhow? When the wife says that, you lose six pounds\nstanding still.\n\n(Copyright, 1955, King Features Syndicate, Inc.)\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 6355.5326875, 5021.151828125, 7268.5600859375, 9015.613796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "danger in Asia is the political chain\nreaction that has started in Indo-\nchina. It is spreading, at this\nmoment, to South Viet Nam. If it\nis not halted at the border, Came\nbodia and Laos will come next,\nThen Thailand will fall. And after\nthe fall of Thailand, the rest of\nSouth Asia will be instantly ine\nvolved.\n\nInstruments Of Pressure '\n\nDespite Chou En-lai’s smooth\nprofessions to the Burmese gove\nernment, the Communists have ak\nready prepared their instruments\nof pressure for future use here,\nThey have their “autonomous fed-\nerations” to stir up the Kachin and\nThai peoples on the frontiers; their\n“progressive” front organizations\nthe Chinese are financing in Rane\ngoon; and of course their remain\ning insurgents. These things do not\nmatter much now. But let Thailand\nfall. Let the Communists stand on\nthree quarters of Burma's borders,\nLet all the timid and the doubtful\nbe swayed by enormous new Come\nmunist triumphs.\n\nAnd then the situation will arise\nof which Burma's U Nu has ak\nready warned India’s Jawaharlal\nNehru. According to authentic ree\nport, U Nu has frankly told Nehru\nthat the fall of Thailand will render\nBurma's polition “untenable,” even\nif there is no armed aggression to\nfear.\n\nTo make this potential tragedy\nstill more tragic, there is the\nfurther fact that neither the Asian\nnor the Western leaders are really\ndoing much to avert it. Both\nIndia’s and Burma’s future are ime\nmediately at stake. Yet the Indians\nand Burmese are reluctant to come\nmit themselves, by throwing their\nwhole political and moral weight\ninto the effort to halt the chain\nreaction where it can best be halt-\ned, in Lacs and Cambodia.\nReverse Of Enthusiasm\n\nMeanwhile, the American leaders\nare utterly preoccupied with For-\nmosa, which evokes the reverse of\nenthusiasm here. And by the same\ntoken, the American leaders ap»\npear to be utterly foregetful of the\nvast anc pressing danger of a come\nplete upset of ‘he world balance\nof power by the loss of South Asia,\n\nAll of which calls to mind what\nmad o'd Mossadegh said when a\nhigh American official warned him\nthe Communists were trying to\ntake over Persia. “Too Bad, toe\nbad,” he cried, giggling the while,\n“Too bad for us and too bad for\nyou!”\n\n(Copyright, 1955.\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 4480.686984375, 7522.1567109375, 5369.22170703125, 8313.1186796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "good a risk for cardiac surgery as\nare blue babies and young people\nwith heart leakage. But in my\nopinion there is a tremendous fu-\nture for this type of surgery.\n\nA group of New Jersey patients\nwere so pleased with the outcome\nof the operations they formed the\nCardiac Surgery Club. Their aims\nare to publicize this new field and\ngive financial assistance to worthy\nindividuals in need of the opera-\ntion.\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 4495.194796875, 4185.22458203125, 5397.72170703125, 7208.85549609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "the Formosa question in its im-\npact on world opinion. It is the\nnearest thing to a showdown which\nhas come from any nation in the\nfree world since the Korean War\nended in a stalemate and Indo-\nchina saw defeat. At last the\nUnited States — forced by circum-\nstances to stand alone—has given\nan example of firmness and reso-\nluteness which somehow the Unit-\ned Nations as an alliance thus far\nhas failed to give from the day\nit authorized the intervention in\nKorea.\n\nStill Some Misgivings\n\nThere are misgivings of various\nkinds, to be sure, among many\nmembers of Congress who voted\nfor the resolution. Some of these\nfears are that sooner or later the\ninsidious influence of the appeaser\nelements in world chancelleries\nwill be felt in ‘Vashington as ef-\nforts are made to create ‘two\nChina's” and finally to reward\nthe Chinese aggressor with a seat\nin the United Nations despite the\nfact that there is as yet no evidence\nof repentance for aggression com-\nmitted.\n\nThe American prisoners, more-\nover, have not yet been released\nby Communist China. There is a\npossibility too of more skirmishing\nin and around the islands just off\nthe coast of China. All this can\nproduce clouds on the horizon. But\nin the main there is reason for\nconfidence and for assurance be-\ncause the government of the United\nState is keeping faith with the\nyoung men who died in Korea to\nuphold the principle of collective\nsecurity. For while the joint resolu-\ntion passed by Congress was the\nact of one government to defend its\nown vital interests, it was also a\nstep taken for the collective pro-\ntection of Korea, Japan, the Phil-\nippines, and Southeast Asia,\n\n(Copyright, 1955,\nNew York Herald Tribune, Inc)\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 1702.3362763671876, 3889.413302734375, 2605.66701953125, 6419.80276171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "WAOTMINULUN —— ihere if BOOd\ncause for enthusiasm about the\nstate of the Government of the\nUnited States in the world today.\nFor the virtually unanimous action\nof both houses of Congress which\npledged both parties to support the\nleadership of the President in pro-\ntecting the far Pacific frontiers of\nthe free world is the most signifi-\ncant event that has happened since\nthe “cold war’’ began. It inspires\na real hope for the avoidance of\nlarge-scale war in Asia, Resist-\nance to aggression in Korea was\nintended to achieve that objective\nbut a lack of resoluteness crept in\nfrom Allied sources and conceded\nto the enemy a “privileged sanc-\ntuary” for its planes of their Man-\nchurian bases. This was miscon-\nstrued as a weakness and led to\nrenewed aggression in Indochina\nby the Communists.\n\nThe statesmanship in the new\nmove by the President and Con-\ngress is that the United States has\nwarned the Communist enemy\nthere will be no “‘privileged sanc-\ntuary’’ this time and that any at-\ntack on American troops or ships\nor planes from any bases close to\nthe mainland — or even from the\nmainland itself — will be met with\nmilitary force unrestricted § in\nweapons.\n\nBest War Prevention\n\nThere are always the timid who\ncry out “this may mean war.”\nDefeatism in the non-ag-\ngres¢or can be the biggest single\ncause of miscajculation by the ag-\ngressor as two worlc wars have\ntragically proved. Hence the reso-\nluteness of the policy of the United\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 2318.97265625, 8795.6484375, 2905.83154296875, 8895.9267578125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "By Bennett Cerf\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 2669.530517578125, 8913.0673828125, 3490.3974609375, 9893.49609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "~~\nve\nWoAGILG .\n7 hw\n\\\\\n\nFred |/\\/4len\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 6058.8544921875, 4911.02978515625, 6681.28857421875, 5001.892578125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "By Joseph Alsop\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 6045.50146484375, 9365.044921875, 6613.31494140625, 9465.8408203125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "By William Ritt\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 4468.12985546875, 8545.581515625, 5370.09670703125, 9348.714382812499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "nh. 1. writes: How does a person\nget a fungus in the ear? I never\ng0 swimming but am _ bothered\nwith this infection,\nREPLY\n\nThe organism usually floats in\nvia the air. The reason the condi-\ntion often is associated with swim-\nming is becayse dampness macer-\nates the skin. But when the ears\nare not dried carefully after wash-\ning them, moisture can accumulate\nin the same way and encourage the\nfungus to thrive.\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 153.1810302734375, 5080.1689453125, 1114.5662841796875, 5329.45166015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "These Days\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 2973.05126953125, 7535.8359375, 4071.89453125, 7634.1513671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "By Dr. Theodore R. Van Dellen\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 1695.8257783203126, 5742.12594921875, 2599.395046875, 7204.9878203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "pee eee eee Te Re eT ee 2 ee ee de FT\nmilitary force unrestricted in\nweapons.\n\nBest War Prevention\n\nThere are always the timid who\ncry out “‘this may mean war.”\nDefeatism in the non-ag-\ngres¢or can be the biggest single\ncause of miscajculation by the ag-\ngressor as two worlc wars have\ntragically proved. Hence the reso-\nluteness of the policy of the United\nStates today can be hailed as the\nbest preventive of war that could\nbe devised in dealing with enemies\nwho respect the forceful but have\nonly contempt .or the weak-kneed.\n\nIt is the fact that unrestricted\npower has been given to the U. S.\ncommander-in- chief by the Con-\ngress which is most encouraging.\nFor, despite the efforts of a mi-\nnority in the Serate to restrict\nthe scope of presidential authority\nat a time when jets fly 600 miles\nan hour. the final roll call showed\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 2611.484103515625, 9908.1801484375, 3519.18215625, 10289.926296874999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "ing in the window for him. When\nhe came home she gave him a\nroyal we'come and a gas bill for\n$729.\n\nCopyr cht, 1955, by Bennett Cerf.\nDistributed by King Features Syndicate\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 4481.16064453125, 9372.0029296875, 4995.5556640625, 9433.3740234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "VIRAL HEPATITIS\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 3101.38623046875, 5282.14453125, 3919.22216796875, 5371.2314453125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "By Arthur “Bugs” Baer\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 5559.9033203125, 777.0327758789062, 6215.23095703125, 888.3247680664062 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "By Drew Pearson\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 2364.1396484375, 247.3420867919922, 3872.681640625, 380.9775390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "Another Firm Offer From Russia\n" }, "44": null, "45": { "bbox": [ 4469.4106171875, 9447.228, 5369.15530078125, 9989.070828124999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "L. P. writes: Is infectious hepa-\ntitis contagious?\nREPLY\n\nYes. The causative virus reaches\nthe intestinal tract, through con-\ntaminated hands, water, milk, or\nfood. But the disease is not as\ncontagious as are measles, mumps,\nand the common cold.\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 194.6942596435547, 5495.87744140625, 765.5739135742188, 5631.52978515625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "Get A Dog!\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 507.7210388183594, 5365.21435546875, 1311.1640625, 5458.77392578125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "By George E. Sokolsky\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 4460.478, 9993.8598359375, 5355.08791796875, 10283.974148437499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "To the iimit of space, questions pertain-\ning to the prevention of disease wil) be\nanswered Persona! replies wil! be made\nwhen return stamped envelope is inclosed.\nTelephone inquiries not accepted. Dr. Van\nDellen will not make diagnoses or pre-\nscribe for individual diseases.\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 3209.581787109375, 3875.073974609375, 3881.594970703125, 3970.5693359375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "By David Lawrence\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 3203.29833984375, 3867.17529296875, 3890.560546875, 3966.1328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "By David Lawrence\n" }, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 3 ], [ 2, 8 ], [ 3, 28 ], [ 4, 16 ], [ 6, 0 ], [ 8, 9 ], [ 11, 39 ], [ 12, 7 ], [ 15, 18 ], [ 16, 29 ], [ 25, 27 ], [ 30, 38 ], [ 38, 4 ] ]
[ [ 0, 3 ], [ 0, 28 ], [ 0, 6 ], [ 3, 28 ], [ 3, 6 ], [ 28, 6 ], [ 8, 9 ], [ 8, 2 ], [ 9, 2 ], [ 4, 38 ], [ 4, 16 ], [ 4, 29 ], [ 4, 30 ], [ 38, 16 ], [ 38, 29 ], [ 38, 30 ], [ 16, 29 ], [ 16, 30 ], [ 29, 30 ], [ 12, 7 ], [ 11, 39 ], [ 18, 15 ], [ 25, 27 ] ]
[ 7363.1135703125, 9204.852828125 ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 6403.213578125, 562.9190834960938, 7306.74003515625, 1499.937056640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "be performed by the tenth grade.\nForwards and backwards, a bal\nlon relay, and a suitcase relay will\nmake up this group.\n\nLst on the program wili be the\nhighlight of the evening: the tra-\nditional finale done by the seniors.\nNot to be our-done by the bunny-\nhoppers of last year, this year’s\nseniors will present the Carrausel\nWaltz, done to ‘‘Melody of Love.”’.\n\nThe complete plans and prepara-\ntions for the exhibition have be\nunder the direction of Janis Holm-\nes, sical education ifistructor\nof junior and senior high girls.\n‘Miss Holmes also has classes from\nCentral grades. 8. 4.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 6414.51680078125, 2637.7965859375, 7312.5706015625, 4828.817671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Larry Diebold, as a cheerleader,\nhad the main role in one of the fun-\nniest parts of the play. He made\nhis entrance in a bearskin coat to\nget Anne, his date for the even-\ning. His loud voice, cheerleading,\nand noisy car didn’t make a very\ngood impression of Anne’s father.\n\nThe family council, organized for\ndemocracy and headed by Father,\ntook a big part in the play. Only\nthings of “general interest” were\ndiscussed and” these topics were\n\nalmost always* chosen by father.\nBut the question of boys, silk stock-\nings, and “painting’’ - (make-up)\ndid comie up in a meeting. Anné,\nNorma Morehead, was the cause\nfer this when she became interest-\ned in Larry, played by Dick Har-\nrington, Anne, the oldest of the\ntwelve, was also ““Miss I. Q. of\nMontclair High School.” »\n| Bette Bartl did a good job of get-\nting Anne in trouble several differ-\nent times, and also Gid a’ good job\nof acting. She and Ernestine, Elea-\nnor Hammer were the most inter-\nested in the romance between Anne\nand ‘Larry.\n\nOthers in the play, who also play-\ned their’parts well, were Carol Nel-\nson, Diane Desmond, Bill LaCrosse\nBob Decker, Flora’ Bingham, and\nEugene Crandall.\n\nThe scenery was very appro-\npriate, actually making the stage\nlook like a living room in the 1920's.\n\nThe play was presented both\nMarch 9 and 11 in the Central aud-\nitorum. Miss Joan Hoffman was\ndirector.\n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 5507.3415078125, 571.9615639648438, 6390.4202109375, 1488.601119140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "tinue with folk ball. “Lets Get Ac-\nquainted” and the “Virgnia Reel”\nwill catch the eye of square dance\nfans as the eighth graders keep in\nstep with the music.\n\nCompetition will arise as the\neleventh graders display their abil-\nity at volley ball. Following this\n\nJaekie Johnson, Alice Selles, Eve-\nlyn Brazelton, and Kathy Covey.\nThe boys aren't the only ones\nthat can play basketball. This will\nbe shown by teams of tenth, elev-\nenth.and twelfth grade girls.\nTeams will once more take the\nfloor asx a variety of relays will\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 4605.83027734375, 569.5133828125, 5496.40507421875, 1507.770552734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "The annual Girls’ Gym Exhibi-\ntion, torbe given March 18 at 8-00,\nwill consist of a variety of activ-\nities and wil) be highlighted by the\nsenior girls’ grand finale.\n\n‘Fo begin ‘(program will be peter\nvariety of marches and exercises\nperformed by the seventh th graders.\nFollowing this will be Chinese :\ncer, which will be ~played by the\nninth grade girls.\n\nSeveral specials will be done dur-\nhg ihe exhibition. The first will be\nan acrobatic dance, ‘Tweedie\nDee,”” by Jackie Willabee, Lola\nDiebold, Pasty Axsom, and Marcia\nCorey. The eighth grade will con-\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 4606.1305703125, 2764.136673828125, 5502.3245078125, 5872.0803671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Baseball gloves in classes, base-\nball ever-present in conversation,\na hurried rush at 3:00 and 4.00\np.m., what does this mean? It\ncan mean only one thing: baseball\nseason is here.\n\nThe Rams officially had their\nfirst baseball meeting on Friday,\nMarch 4, and have been meeting\nregularly since in the gym. As soon\nas the weather permits, ‘they will\nbe practicing outside at Ratcliffe\nField.\n\nThe varsity .returnees. on the\nsquad include Jim Dunn, Alden\nKnapp, Jack McCloughan, Al Pay-\nson and Art Roderick.\n\nThe first game for the Rams will\nbe on Friday, April 22, wi Por\ntage. The following Tuesday’ the\nsquad will journey to Otsego; This\nwill be followed by a game with\nVicksburg on the next Friday.\n\nState High will host the Rams on\nMay 3; and on May 6 our boys will\nencounter Plainwell here, followed\nin the next week by a home’ day-\nnight double header with Allegan.\n\nOf the five remaining games the\n| Rams will travel to Portage on\nMay 17, to Vicksburg on May 24,\nfe to Plainwell for thé* final play\n| on May 31,\n\nThe last two home games will be\n| en Friday 27, when the Rams are\nhost to State High, last year’s\nchamps, at Ratcliffe Field.\n\nState High won last year’s Wol-\nverine Conference crown, followed\nrespectively by Allegan and Por-\ntage. South Haven finished fourth,\nwhile Plainwell and Otsego ended\nthe season in fifth and sixth places.\nCompetition for positions in the\nleague last year was very keen.\n\n‘This year’s captain is Al Payson.\nThe success of the squad depends\nto some extent on the ability ol\nleadership shown by him.\n\nAt the recent meeting it was\nevident that the majority of the\ composed of seventh anc\neight: graders. They will make uf\nthe fotute teams and receive val\nuable assistance from observing\n‘and participating in the practice\nsessions of the squad. However, ¢\nshortage of Senior “/ Materia\nwas shown,\n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1926.89961328125, 6382.947953125, 2816.38847265625, 9204.852828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "DEAR MARY HAWORTH: I am\nin my early 30s. divorced nine\nyears, self-supporting, with a good\nposition, 1 find myself becoming\nincreasingly bitter. Lately I have\nbeen restless, thinking of children\nand a normal home life. But I\ndon’t. know how to set about getting\nthese things.\n\nI have onal ‘involved in an af-\nfair for over five years. I see this\none man; he too is divorced. He is\ncharming and _ intelligent but\ndoesn’t want to get married. He\ngives as his reason that I am too\nselfish, not mature enough. I cook\nand clean for him nearly\nevery evening after business hours,\nstill he claims this doesn't signify\nI would make a good wife,\n\n1 realize that | am entirely to\nblame for my present lot. I am\nweak, easily swayed by Tom's ver-\nsion of how to love. I have a¢cept-\ned money and gifts from him, We\nhave traveled extensively together.\n\nI don’t have a very good opinion\nof myself; and I feel myself floun-\ndering, trying to find a way out. I\ncan't turn to religion, as I've\nnever known religion. (Tom and I\nare of different faiths.) I know\nan outsider can think of me only\nas the poorest example of woman-\nhood. Amd I really don't know\nwhat you can tell me that I haven't\ntold. myself, time and again,\n\nPerhaps I just want to see my\nsituation in print, to study it ob-\njectively, as if it were another\nperson's problem. Or perhap I am\nturning to you as I might to my\nmother, who has been dead since\nshortly after my divorce. 1 have\nnobody else with whom to talk\n‘things over; so please don't put this\nletter aside unanswered: I think |\nam ready to don any: hairshirt you\ney iy K.Y.\n\n: “Man's ‘Malice ea\n\n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 5505.6579140625, 2674.59883203125, 6404.42265234375, 4565.37089453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "MY FSIS § Sree\n“Gosh, that was good,” “| just\nloved it,\" ‘They sure did a good\njob, didn't they?\"’ were some of\nthe remarks heard as the students\nleft the senior play, “Cheaper by\n: the Dozen.\"\n| It did turn out to be a smash hit.\nThe audience laughed through most\nof the play, but the story also had\na serious side.\n\nGene Wank as father of the Gil-\nbreth family did an excellent job.\n‘He wanted all his children to be\nextra smart and even skip grades\nevery once in a.while. He stressed\neducation all through the play: A\nteacher, Joan Haynes, came to the\nhouse to study his methods of home\neducation and give the children\nexams, which they all passed with\nflying colors.\n\nThe costumes worn by Rita\nHeald fit the 20’s exactly. Rita her-\nself fit her part and did an excel-\nlent job.\n\nEleanor Hammer and Al Tress-\nler, two of the older children, in-\ntroduced all three acts in front of\nthe curtain in a spotlight. From\n\n‘here the play was presented in\n| flashbacks.\n\nWayne Erny as Bill had a sense\nof timing that seemed to bring him\nin the room at all the wrong times\nto the en of his sis-\nter, Ann.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 4631.2585, 6177.29609765625, 5525.661421875, 7231.5061484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Van Buren County Teacher's In-\nstitute will be held Wednesday,\n“March. 16 -in~ the Central High\nSchool. The program will be in the\nafternoon when various topics will\n| be discussed.\n_ ‘The South Haven High School\n‘band will play some selections to\n“begin the meeting. “I like bad\n-boys\"’ is the topic of the after-\nnoon *peaker, Judge J. M. Braude,\n‘from Chicago. Discussions of dif-\nferent claSses and grades for all\nteachers will follow.\n| A dinner will be ‘served in the\nl/évening for all teachers in the\ngirls’ gym. The. guest speaker for\nthe evening will be Dr. Carl Win-\nters orating on *:What's Right with\n| Educators.”’\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 202.21823120117188, 7115.66943359375, 1845.3309326171875, 9163.599609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "ee Se ee\n\nreVigor! Less Figger!\nMinnie the Mermaid Says: .\n\nFer Tastier Lenten Menus, |\n- Serve Your Favorite Fish\n\n \n \n \n\neee\ni Dp :\n\n_ © ‘\n\n2 BE-MO\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 6442.900390625, 5778.98779296875, 7288.6318359375, 6212.52490234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Inner-School Boys\nContinue to Battle\nFor Top Positions\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 4635.21533203125, 5888.751953125, 5429.2529296875, 6168.16552734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Teachers to Hold\nCountv institute\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 4656.623734375, 7497.71797265625, 5555.632125, 9132.8030234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "CURRENT BIOGRAPHY 19M, is\nnow available to students of South\nHaven High School. Its addition to\nthe School library was announced\nby Miss Cora Thomassen, the lib-\nrarian.\n\nThis biography consists of. stor-\njes and pictures of 345 celebrities\nwho made.the headlines in 1954.\nIn the political picture such men\nas General William F. Dean, the\nfamous war prisoner, and Pierre\n-Mendes-France, the ‘‘almost-strong\nman” of France, are included.\nSports fans will be interested in\n‘the statistics which can be secured\n‘about Ralph Kinen, Al Rosen, Wal-\nter Aiston, and many others. |\n- Also, movie fans will be glad to\n‘find that biographies of stars such\nas Leslie Carson, Montgomery\nClift, Cyd Charisse, and Doris Day.\n“Oscar’ winners, Audery Hepburn\nand William Holden, are included.\n| The most ‘successful men and\n‘women of 1954, inside as well as\noutside the United States, are found\non ‘the pages of this book. Occupa-\ntions come from the field of ‘bus-\n‘total-of thirty-four- incor\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1908.8720703125, 5803.998046875, 3108.708984375, 6370.8310546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Mary Haworth\nDivorcee Involved in\n‘Affaire Desires Advice\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 4618.41748046875, 2385.440185546875, 5463.06103515625, 2747.660400390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Rams Await First\nBaseball Contest\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 3260.672607421875, 5816.60986328125, 3668.466796875, 6369.94189453125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 5481.302734375, 2390.63134765625, 7289.3974609375, 2607.3427734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "“Cheaper by Dozen’ Hit!\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1864.421875, 392.2578125, 3142.6533203125, 819.66943359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Synthetic Rubber Sale\nWould Create Monopoly\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 4652.26904296875, 7267.11669921875, 5409.54052734375, 7479.48193359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Library Receives\nRook on Stars\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 3723.236572265625, 183.73643493652344, 4533.345703125, 630.42041015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Radio, TV\nNetworks\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 108.1840142211914, 5287.43769921875, 994.0384360351562, 5763.7131796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "DES MOINES, lowa (UP)—The\nTowa has voted in fa\nvor of a bill allowing young cow-\nboy aad Thdians to pack cap pis-\n\nar Frank Thompson said any\nsuch a pistol is ‘‘just\na blood and thunder\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1871.9907998046874, 846.3163002929688, 2773.805708984375, 5767.895796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON—Democrats took\na long step toward throwing away\ntwo of their chief campaign issues\n—‘‘giveaways\" and helping small\nbusiness—when a top Democrat,\nCong. Carl Vinson of Georgia, buck\ned and bristled over giving a hear-\ning to the Small Business Com-\nmittee regarding the sale of Tl\ngovernment owned synthetic rub-\nber factories.\n\nVinson was all set to join with\nthe Ikeites in handing the syn-\nthetic rubber factories over to the\nbig tire and oil companies when\nhis fellow Democrat, Wright Pat-\nman of Texas, blew the whistle.\n\n' Patman, as chairman of the\nHouse Small Business Committee,\nhad..prepare resolution with his\ncolleague; 5S Yates of IMlinois,\npointing to the unfairness of the\nsynthetic rubber giveaway. But\nChairman Vinson of the Armed\nServices Committee didn't want to\nlisten. He even challenged Pat-\nman's veracity, which to a Texan\nof integrity is tantamount to high\ntreason.\n\n‘Mr. Patman, we are delighted\nto have you here this morning,”’\nthe Georgian gushed as the hear-\nings opened.\n\n“Thank you, Mr. Chairman,”\nreplied Patman, ‘I shall make—”\n\n‘Wait a minute,’’ cut in Vinson.\n‘Before you start, for. the record.\nI want to find out—are you speak-\ning in behalf of the Small Busi-\nness Committee, and by direction\nof that committee, or are you\nspeaking in your individual ca-\npacity as a member of Congress?”\n\n“My committee has had no time\nto call a meeting,”’ replied Pat-\nman. “But | was assured by a\nmajority of members of my com\n‘mittee that I could speak for them.\nIn addition, I. conferred _with the\nranking Republican member of my\ncommittee.”\n\n— Insulting a Texan—\n\n‘| suggest thet the names of\nthe members who~have authorized\nMr. Patman to speak for them be\ninserted in the record,\"’ broke in\nof Massachusetts.\n\n“Don't you think that is going\nvery far, Mr. Chairman?’’ inquired\nPatman, angrily.\n\nThe meeting almost blew up at\nthis point as several members, in-\ncluding Democrats Paul Kilday of\n‘Texas. and Mel Price of Illinois,\ntried to be recognized by the chair.\n\n“We will get along very well if\neverybody will be quiet,’’ thunder,\ned Vinson.\n\n“Do I understand that you are\ngoing to question the right of Mr.\nPatman to appear before this com.\nmittee?\"’ demanded Kilday. ©\n\n“No, sit,’’ sputtered Vinson\n‘Not at all. That wasn't even in\ntimated by any question of mine.’\n\n“Il am not too sure that i\nwasn't,\"” fejoined Kilday of Texas\n“What was the purpose of you\nquestion about his appearing fo\na majority of the Small Busines:\nCommittee?” -\n\n‘I just wanted the record te\n\n_. show that-he is, not. appearing b;\ndirection of the committee, bu\n\nrather in behalf of a majority o\n\n~ the committee,’’ explained Vinson\n\n® ‘Are you going to require hin\n® to corroborate himself by placin;\n\n- in the record the names of Smal\n\n' Business Committee members h\nis speaking for?'' insisted Kilday\n\n‘‘No,”’ back-tracked Vinson.\n\nC —Gas Station Monopolies-\n\n_ Patman then explained how hi\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 3741.754837890625, 7884.82930078125, 4643.895796875, 8613.382125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": " \n\nOLE\n\nupward course, read “Power\nThrough Constructive Thinking”\n(Harpers) by Emmet Fox. At pres-\nent you are hemmed in by doubts,\nfears, resentment and self-condem-\nnation; these are ‘the basic ene-\nmies of moral regeneration. Learn\nto master them, and your life will\n‘be transformed, 1 promise. M.H.\n\nMary Haworth counsels through\nher column, not by mail or per-\nsonal interview. Write to her in\ncare of this newspaper.\n\n \n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 193.39283752441406, 5810.24365234375, 1890.4906005859375, 7013.04541015625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nBeautiful\nSparkling Hair\n\nwhen you shampoo with\n\nPOMONA\nAdded lanolin gives lus\ntrous high - lights and\ngel waves lovely long\ner.\n\n| att Try “Glamour”\n\nee a: Hand and Skin Cream\n\nGent) vi sate added lanolin, it gives your hands\nee care during stormy weather.\n\nKitchen,\nue hypmee == oyapmt\n\n \n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 4561.6591796875, 210.42420959472656, 7270.7666015625, 533.1512451171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Exhibit To Display Talents\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 3235.782958984375, 239.22772216796875, 3635.18310546875, 820.134521484375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 2825.756546875, 6410.77949609375, 3735.35331640625, 9187.036421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "takes malicious advantage of your\nsocial isolation to trample your\nself-esteem such as you have. This\nhas a cumulatively damaging ef-\nfect on your rational faculties and\nmorally recuperative powers.\n\nHere is a typical illustration of\nSatan at work, sabotaging a soul\n(with a_victim's help)—the kind of\nskullduggery hatched in hell, de-\nscribed with such brilliant wit by\nC.S.Lewis in “The Screwtape Let-\nters’’ (Macmillan). The book con-\nsists of a series of letters written\nby Screwtape, ap important offi-\ncial in Hades, to his nephew Worm-\nwood, a junior devil on earth. The\nletters are instructions in how to\nmislead a certain young man and\nget him on the skids to hell. —\n\nAs Mr. Lewis makes clear, in\nthis and other lively books——for ex-\nample ‘Christian Behavior\" and\n‘The Great Divorce’ (Macmillan)\n—the irony of evil-doing is that it\ncolossally cheats the suckers who\nembrace it. It never pays off in\nthe coin of pleasure they looked to\nfind on the primrose path. Rather,\nfutility and frustration and bitter.\nheart-hunger..for the good life are\ninevitahle one of going as-\ntray.\n\nBasic Enemies\nOf Regeneration\n\nThe well known parable of he\nProdigal Son is a case in point.\nThis Scriptural story indicates the\ndivinely ordained correction of your\nkind of mistake. The answer is to\npull out of the company of swine\n(‘who turn and rend you\"’) and dis-\ncover true satisfaction in righteous\nliving, under the Father's tare. The\nfather in this parable is symbolic\nof God's love, of course—which be-\ncomes manifest to those who be-\nlieve that, He is (as the Bible tells\nus).\n\nym aes beg you should do;\n\nve lem is feel\n\n \n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 2772.126908203125, 863.0200356445313, 3679.77616796875, 5800.2493125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "resolution, prepared by the Small\nBusiness Committee, would stop\nthe sale of the rubber factories on\nMarch 26 as now scheduled by\nEisenhower. Supporting him, Con-\ngressman Yates présented a mas-\nterful report which impressed even\nhostile committee members.\n\nYates showed that under the Eis-\nenhower rubber sale, 87-‘2 per cent\nof all rubber production would be\nin the hands of the big four tire\ncompanies, who worked together\nto control the sale of tires. ~\n\nShell Oil, for instance, which\ntakes over the government frub-\nber factory in Los Angeles, has a\ncontract with Goodyear and Fire-\nstone to sell them rubber; then\nGoodyear and Firestone’ turn\nround and sell Shell tires. These\ntires are distributed'to the publit\nthrough Shell gasoline stations.\n\nAnd Congressman Yates showed\nhow any Shell dealer who tries to\nstock ahy other tire competing\nwith Goodyear or Firestone loses\nhis Shell franchise.\n\nThe Standard Oil companies also\nhave a deal with U.S. Rubber to\nmake Atlas tires, sold exclusively\nthrough Standard Oi! filling sta-\ntions. No other tire can be sold by\nStandard Oil stations except Atlas.\n\nThus the Eisenhower rubber sale\nplan, Congressman Yates said,\nwould tighten this monopoly. by\nputting all.the government rubber\nfactories in the hands of Shell,\nGoodyear, U.S. Rubber, Goodrich,\nFirestone, Phillips Petroleum, Tex-\nas Oil, Sears Roebuck, Anaconda\nCopper, Endicott Johnson, and\nDunlop Tires of England:\n\n—Credit for Argentina—\n\nPatman suggested that the\nHouse Armed Services Commmit-\ntee and the Senate Banking Com-\nmittee get together and negotiate\n\n‘ for the disposal of the synthetic\nplants—‘‘so the little fellow won't\nbe crowded out.”’\n\n‘It takes a pretty good-sized cor-\nporation to run one ofthese plants,\ninterjected Vinson. ‘‘As I visual.\nize it, it is not in the sphere of\nsmall business. This is big busi-\nness.’\n\n| When Patman explained that\n\nsmall business had no way of get-\n- ting ‘“‘bank credit’’ to buy the\n_esynthetic plants, without some\nhelp from the government, Vinson\nyawned: “Oh, well.”’\n\n“We find an agency of-this gov-\n\n' ernment (Export-Import Bank)\n. with $1,000,000,000 of capital- stock\nprovided by the taxpayers,’ con-\n. tinued Patman, ‘‘that is making a\ for a steel mill in Argentina\n. of $60,000,000, plus other advances\nfor*equipment that will. bring the\n. taxpayers’ outlay up to close t\n- $100,000,000 for that one plant ir\n’ Argentina.\nt “If we are able to spend sc\n. much money to help other coun\n* tries like Argentina build a stee\n* mill, why shouldn’t we be able te\n; help our own small business te\nbuy some of these synthetic rub\n> ber plants in order to have a com\ny petitive rubber market in the Unit\nt ed States?”’ :\nf Georgia's Vinson came bacl\n. with the stock query: ‘‘Why, then\n1 shouldn't we do that in every othe!\nz enterprise?’\n1 “The difference is,’’ replied Pat\ne man, ‘‘that in this case you are de\n. livering lock, stock and barrel t\nthe rubber industry, facilities tha\n- will be used against the taxpayer\n8 as a monopoly. \"\n\n \n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 3743.794388671875, 8699.2663125, 4650.493453125, 9169.028609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "*MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UP) — A\nMemphis Episcopal church is pay-\ning Mrs. Florence Greenwood's ex-\npenses to accompany her minister\nhusband to an Episcopal conven-\ntion in Hawaii because, it was de-\ncided, *‘Husbands can't be allowed\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 1004.102982421875, 5277.399125, 1902.9178916015626, 5751.43827734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (UP) —\nCustomers of a rural cooperative\ntelephone company have asked the\nIndiana Public Service Commis-\nsion to allow them to pay higher\nrates.\n\nThey said increased charges of\n\\up to $1 a month would improve\nservice.\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 102.50021362304688, 2380.65087890625, 1834.134521484375, 5154.5341796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nABERIAIF IT\n\nDAILY CROSSWORD i qaas 2\n\n \n \n\nACROSS 19. Indi- a\n1. Coins 1. herished spens- Nii |\n(Turk. ) animals able At\n6. Portion 2. Mine 20. Twilled\n12 lg of (Latvia) \"make\nLeneest wabe 23. ie\n13. A wild 5. Napkin ing\npiven a oe. © pronoun. 0 Veoterday'e Answer\n38, ond frora . dial.) 24. Before 37. Genitive of\na. a\nfe (Hawall) 9. —, 31. Marshy ° _—\n: : keeper S90. Things 35. repeeccl | floor (1h4.)\n_ 31. Pound to eat grove: . 41. Girl's name\nuae, “Get. ee oa\ncard note India) mound\n25. Comfort.\n_. able\n$ 27. Unit of\n_ weight in\n“ae t stones\nol eZ a\new) ane\n3 Sharp onde WA | lA\noe Frege\n: 7\n\n \n\nell DZ gh\n\nae 7Z\nool Hl al ZZ i\n( @Otsiw, Atom\nTTA\net 1b a tt\n\n5 t.l@\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 5624.84423828125, 4645.701171875, 6318.59814453125, 4786.0185546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "HONOR ROLL\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 6462.8864296875, 4903.07148828125, 7289.81034765625, 5739.02519140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Several members of _ the\nSouth Haven faculty attended\nthe Southwestern Michigan\nGuidance Conference at West-\nern Michigan College in Kala-\nmazoo Saturday, March 12.\n\nThe program included panel\ndiscussions in the morning and\n\na keynote address in the after-\n- hoon.\n\n| The main speaker was Dr.:\nCarl Williamson of the Univer-\nsity of Minnesota, nationally\nrecognized authority on guid-\nance activities. B. T.\n\n|\n\n \n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 3851.78173828125, 3103.33544921875, 4475.2509765625, 3175.335693359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "TELEVISION PROGRAMS\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 3727.39521875, 3242.694291015625, 4555.981734375, 6110.74198828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "7:00-—Kuk Alli ;\nCapt. Video—DuMont\nNorby—nbe\n7:16—John Daly—abeo aie\nMorgan Beatty—DuMont\n7:30— ate Fisher—nbe\nNe Broadcast—cbs\nDiseeytand Film Hr.—abe\n7:45-— News Caravan—nbo\nPerry Como—cbs\n\n8:00—Joan Davis Film—nbo |\nGodfrey Hour—cbsa\n8:30— Little Margie Film—nbe\nStu Erwin Film—abo\n9:00—TV Theater—nbc\nThe Millionatre—cba\nprapquerede Party~abe\nhicago Symphony—DuMont\n9:30—I' ve Got a Secret—cbse\nWho Said That?—abo\n10:00. This is Your Life—nbe\nBoxing—cbs\nWhat's the Story—DuMont\n10:30-——- Big Town Film—nbo\n\n11:30-—Steve Allen—nbo\nTHURSDAY, MAR. 17\n\nEvening\n6:00—News for.15 Min.—cbs\nVariety Hr. (rpt.)—mbs- west\n6:30—Sports & News—abc-east\n6:45—Newacast by Three—nbe\nNews & Comment—cbs\nSporte—abe |\n7:00—Newa & sommentary —nbe\nTennessee Ernie—cbs /\nNews ommentary—abc -\nNews mmentary—mbs\nTb—Delly C Commentary—abe\nDinner Date—mbs\n7:30—News Broadcast—nbo\nThe Choraliers—cbs\nSilver ;\nNews mment—mbs\n7:45—One Man's nase era\nNews Broadcast:\nBadie Fisher Show—mbs\n8:00—Roy Rogers—nbeo\nThe i bs\n\nJack Greene) ewsa—abo\n‘Detective\n——— H\nSY Wako oee\n\noe me Fighters—mbs\n\n9:00—News & Quiz—nbc\nRosemary pn i AO\n\nSerenade; News—abo\nNews & Story—mbe\n\noe Pate\n\n9:30— Where {£94 Beon—nbe * .\n\nmer. And e 60e Neue-aie\n\naie aed & ane\nDance Orchestra—c\nNews & Comment—a\nMusica! van—mbs\n10:16—Great Giidersieeve—nbo\n10:30-—June Pickens—nbo\nhestra Show—cbs\nFront & Center—abe\nnee Orchestra—mbe\n£4000. News & Varieties—ali nets\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 6467.12226953125, 8760.5836953125, 7361.53300390625, 8953.5842734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Thirty years ago, there were\net ae Sees fom\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 3880.843017578125, 6166.91357421875, 4498.31689453125, 6241.625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "TELEVISION PROGRAMS\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 5526.4801796875, 4884.908890625, 6421.6819296875, 9146.2131796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "period Nas deen released, itis com-\nposed of the students who received\nB. grades or bettr.\n\nSeventh Grade\n\nSandra Ashley, Betty Bauschke,\nLinda Bingham,..Shirley Boshell,\nCharles Christensen, Bonnie Covey,\nJudy Fowler, Carol Fritz, Bobbie\nGlover, Charles Goodnian, Neil\nGoodrich, Roger Griebe, Danny\nHall, Paul Hammer, Robert Hart-\nman, David Keithly, Waverly Kel-\nlogg, Arlene Levin, Ted Lilien-\nsteins, Susanna Makaryk, Alan\nMinert, Cynthia Monroe, Margaret\nNichols, Judith Olsen, Sally Patter-\nson, Michael Phelps, Elaine Ret-\nberg, Myra Reznik, Linda Sand-\nstrom, Janice Sieveds, Eileen\nSpratt, Julie Stein, Barbara Urist,\nMadelene Vincent Leta Williams.\n\nEighth Grade\n\nPatricia Axsom, Arthur Barnett,\nKaren Barth, Cheryl Brenner, Lola\nDiebold, Ann Fleming, Julie Hov-\ner, Janet MacKenzie, Elaine. Marrs,\n| Phil Niffenegger, Marian Nixon,\n| Francine Okun, Daniel Pacyna,\nBonnie Reeder, Arthur Retberg,\n| Roper, David Ross, Daniel Steb-\n| bins, Janet Steel.\n\nNinth Grade\n\nFrances Bingham, Barbara Bra-\nschler, Steve Brinks, Richard Brod-\nhagen, Sandra Carter, George\nFleming, Adelaide Fritz, Arthw\nHartman, Renald Kilgren, William\n\n| Knapp, Robert Kohlhoff, Kay Lad\n\n‘}enburger, Millicent Lahndorf\n\n‘|Mary Lee ‘Listiak, Paul Minert\n\n‘| Judith Myers, James Norden, Jo\nAnn Peck Sandra Reinhardt, Caro\nlyn Ringenoldus, Frank Steinmitz\nPat Tamandl, Orley Vaughan.\n\nTenth Grade\n\nBruce Appenzeller, David Apple\n‘i yard, Dennis Appleyard, -Davic\n‘| Barnett, Jack Brodhagen, Joyc\n>; Chitty, Fred Faux, James Force\n'| Zane Johnston, Anita Kuhn, Es\n\"| ther Lamb, Francis Lilly, Gilber\n“Okun, Charlotte Olson, Gary Smith\n-| Carolyn Sullivan, Brenda Tait, A)\n‘lice Tenhopen, Roberta Williams\n| Eleventh Grade\n,| Carol Buckborough, Carol Cobb\n;| Marilyn Covey, Richard Davis, Al\n| ten Dickerson, Joyce ne 209 ye\n|| ver, Mandolph Monroe, Twila Nc\n.| Vak, Carolyn Olson, Harold Rosen\nson, Arlene Snyder, Shirley Szy\n,| magski, Carol Thomas, James Tur\n, ner, Jean Winzenz* Joyce Latchaw\n\n: Twelfth Grade\na |\n\n \n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 3713.7340859375, 650.521927734375, 4581.7834921875, 3061.86112890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "9, Chicago .\nWEDNESDAY, MAR. ‘16\n\nfvening\n6 News tor 15 Min.—cbe\nariety Hr. (rpt,)—mbs- west\n6:30-—Sportsa & News—abc- east\n6:45—Newscast by Three—nbe\nNews & Comment—cbe\n\n7:00—News & mentary—nbe\nppanearee — i\news mentary\nNews é Realebiarb inte\n7:16—Dally Commentary—abe\nDinner Date—mbs\n7:20—News Browicast—nge\n_ The Choraliers—cbs “\"\"'\n\nRanger: News—-abe\nNews Comment—mbs\n7:45—One Man's Family—nbde\nNews Broadcast—c\nin the Mood—mbs\n. §:00—Dinah Shore-—-nbe\nFBI Drama; News—cbds\noo og pt News—abe\nad Room—mba\n: yipPrane Sinatra—nbe_\n:30—News, Adventure—nbe\ninct—-¢be\n\n— Precine\nsand Deamnwue\noa “Gteaibenake\nee ng weno Marx—nbe ,\nComo—cbs\n\nPerry\n\nSerenade; News—aboa\n\nNews & Story—mbs\n9:15—Bing Crosby—cbe\n9:30—Big Story —nbe\n\nAmos-Andy; News—cbs\n\nRecord Room; News—abe\n10:00—Fibber & Molly—nbeo\n\nDance Orchestra—cbs\n\nNews & Comment—abe\n\nLondon Melodies—mbs\n40'15—Qreat Gildersiceve—nbo\n10:30-—Keys to Capital—nbe\n\nDance Orchestra—cbs\n\nNews & Comment—abe\n\nJazz Quartet—mbs\n1100-—News & Varieties—all nets\n\ni\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 1026.6168212890625, 5189.7001953125, 1686.81884765625, 5261.748046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "WORTH THE PRICE\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 6441.72383203125, 6259.83906640625, 7354.33378515625, 8531.1799765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Upset mars Williams s siate\n\n‘A spirited bunch of cagers fought\noff the league leaders last Tuesday\nto raise Jensen's team to the undis-\nputed fourth place slot.\n\nLed by Don Zacker with ten\npoints, Jensen’s quintet knocked\nWilliams’s team into a first place\ntie with Stein’s men. Ken Holland\nand Jim Driver each tallied four to\nplace top on William's group.\nTom Hill amassed 28 points in a\nblasting of Lamb's team.\na close. first half Diebold’s\ngroup started to roll and really kept\nthe nets, busy in piling up a 62-33\nwin, Diebold and Curran dropped\nin 12 markers . apiece for the -vic-\ntors. Bob ‘DeHaven with ten amd\nDave Miller and Bob Overhuel,\neach with six, led Lamb’s team.\n\nStein’s slip by Knapp’s\n\nChuck Stein's team moved into\nfirst place by edging Knapp’s\nsquad 30 to 27. Knapp’s quintet, led\nby Mosier and Servatius with eight\nand seven points respectively,\ncame back in a hard fought second\nhalf but fell short by three tallies.\nBrazelton bucketed twelve for\nStein's cage team.\n\nNotes\n\nWilliam's loss put Stein’s and\n| Williams's teams into a first place\n| de with nine and two records .\n\nTom Hill dropped in thirteen field\n|} goals for an amazing 61 per cent\n‘|from the floor . .Knapp’s team\n'| played good clean ball by drawing\n‘| only three fouls in the third. match.\n} x. 7.\n\ns i\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 6478.9626015625, 8559.7497109375, 7352.8928671875, 8745.454390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "There are approximaetely 350\nchildren enrolled in the het lunch\nprogram this year.\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 3767.76611328125, 8639.2236328125, 4209.70849609375, 8699.8271484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "TOO RISK Y ?\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 6539.521484375, 6236.38916015625, 7246.5498046875, 6299.12646484375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "Upset mars Williams's slate\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 6458.73555078125, 8971.5368203125, 7363.1135703125, 9144.2600546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "In 1981 for the first time in Sev.\nevel yesre «Debate Beam ware\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 136.3508758544922, 484.4236145019531, 1775.17333984375, 2322.472900390625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "o Svs 9, 0% ze0 ce\né @% 'e 2\n\nneither?\n\nrot 2\n\n \n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 3783.01220703125, 7374.494140625, 4616.68701171875, 7842.048828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "MOTOROLA\nTELEVISION\n\nYe block se. of Phoenix on US-31\n\n \n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 3758.52949609375, 6268.68281640625, 4572.49003515625, 7316.19999609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": " \n\n7:00— Kukia, Ullle—abdeo\nCapt V pl\n7116—Jonn Valy—a\nMorgan Beatty DuMont\n7130— LD? Shore—nbe\newe Mponaaans--abe\nLone Ranger Film—abe\nre Naee Caray be\nJane Froman—c\n\nho Marx Fium—nbé\nRay tay Milland Flm—ebe\n\nMeg eee Drama—nbdo\nax-—cbs\nreaeure Men—abde «,\n9:00-—Lragryet Plims—nide”\nVUrama ow—abe\n0:30—F iim Theater— ndo\nFour Star Film—cba\nVv Tener\nMinute. ce— DuMont\n\n10100— Video Theater—nbe\nPublic Defender Film—cbde\n\n10:30—Name That Tune—cebds\n41:40—Steve Allen—nbo\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 131.19044494628906, 5197.9892578125, 903.9317016601562, 5266.71142578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "21 O0D AND THUNDER\n" }, "48": null, "49": { "bbox": [ 150.54771423339844, 478.4472351074219, 1767.5594482421875, 2368.741455078125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "eco ocege, fos\"\n\n%e @\n\n \n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 5704.09033203125, 2645.657958984375, 6190.744140625, 2693.44091796875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "hy Alice Tenhooen\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 5531.20723046875, 4810.748734375, 6420.09452734375, 5040.75077734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "The honor for the fourth marking\nperiod has been released. It is com-\nposed of the students who received\nB grades or bettr.\n" }, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 2, 0 ], [ 3, 2 ], [ 5, 25 ], [ 6, 1 ], [ 20, 26 ], [ 25, 21 ], [ 51, 36 ] ]
[ [ 0, 2 ], [ 0, 3 ], [ 2, 3 ], [ 1, 6 ], [ 25, 5 ], [ 25, 21 ], [ 5, 21 ], [ 26, 20 ], [ 51, 36 ] ]
[ 2827.3844589843748, 4158.07177734375 ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1067.730775390625, 1382.7877822265625, 1417.9304794921875, 2599.0272812499998 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "| Mr. and Mrs, Billy Yocum\njSpent the weekend with Mr. and\nMrs. Herman Yocum and fami.\nly. The former couple lives in\nChambersburg.\n\nClyde Hockenberry nf MeVey-\nfawn was a visitor of Mr. and\nMrs. Henry Goshorn Friday eve-\nning.\n\nMrs. Anuie Gushorn and Mrs.\nClara Coons drove fo New\nBloomfield one recent afternoon,\n\nLouise Peck spent Saturday in\n[Blairs Mills.\n\nMr. and Mrs. George McClure\nof York spent sume time over\n|the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.\nWilliam McClure.\n\nThe Blairs Mills Lions Club\nmembers were enteriained in\nthe community this week.\n\nThose who attended the YRE\nannual meeting at Huntingdon\non Saturday from this area were\nCharles Parson and Violet Yohn,\nMrs. Malie Erb, Mr. and Mrs.\nMelvin Goshorn and niece, Mr.\nand Mrs. Herman Yocum and\nfamily, Mr. and Mrs. Shorty Yo-\ncum and family, Mr. and Mrs.\nLawrence Chilcote and Mr. and\nMrs, Edd Goshorn..\n\nThose atlending the party held\nlat the social hall iast Friday\njevening were Mrs. Nellie Hock-\nenberry of MecVeytown, Mrs.\nHelen Rice, Mrs. Dorothy Sny-\n\n'der, Mrs. Arlene Burdge, Mr.\n‘Anna Hunsinger, Mrs. Beck\n|Love, Mrs. Estella Clayton, Mrs.\n‘Louise Yoho, Mrs. Lena Shear-\n‘er, Mrs. Sara Shearer, Violet\nHeater and Betty Clayton.\n| Lekman Book of Shade Vahey\nis a patient in the Lewistown\n\nUnentienl\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1424.5597548828125, 1524.2186904296875, 1773.101744140625, 2398.6620468749998 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "The Philadelphia Piano Trio\ncomprised of pianist Lambert\nOrkis, violinist Paul Windt and\nDavid Kadarauch, celloist will\nperform Wednesday, March 27\nat 4:50 p.m. in Oller Auditorium\non the Juniata College cam-\n‘pus.\n| A student at Philadelphia's\nCurtis Instilute’ and the Chicago\nMusic Academy, David Kad-\narauch is presently playing first\ncello with the Philadelphia Lyr-\nic Qpera Company and with\n‘46 Concerfo Soloists’. He has\nstudied under numerous promi-\nnent musicians including Or-\nJando Cole, Oscar Shumsky, and\nJascha Brodsky and has ap-\npeared at the International\nHouse and the Ethical Society\nin Philadelphia.\n\nLambert Orkis, pianist, began\nformal lessons when he was\nfive. Winner of numerous youth\ncompetitions, he «performed\nwith {he Frankford and Phila-\ndelphia Orchestras when he was\neleven. Two years later he was\nawarded a scholarship to the\nCurtis Institute where he stu-\ndied under Mrs. Eleanor Soko-\nloft.\n\n| Presently serving a8 a gradu-\n\nmis REERESAL SAA HaiGiT of intbn.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1774.5241103515625, 1534.2428603515625, 2125.5824570312498, 2383.4762558593748 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "national pianist, Maryan Filar,\n‘at Temple University, Mr. Orkis\n‘counts Balakirev's “Fantaisie\n‘Orientale, Islaney”, one of the\nimost difficult piano works writ-\n-ten, among his reperfoire.\nViolinist Paul Windt received\nhis early musical training from\n(Mihail Slolarevsky and made\n;his formal debut in the Y.M.\nand W.H.A. recital series in\n‘Philadelphia. He has played pri-\nate auditions for Eugene Or-\nrmandy and Isaac Stern and has\nstudied four years with Efrem\n‘Zimbalist at the Curtis Insti-\ntute. A 1966 fellowship winner to\niTanglewood, Mr. Wind! has pet-\nformed as guest artist with the\n‘Carnegie, Altoona, Pittsburgh,\n(McKeesport and Buller Sym-\nphony Orchestras,\n| The program for Wednesday\nt night's concert includes: Trio\nSonata in b minor by J, B.\nLoeillel, Trice in Eb, Op. 1, No. J\n‘by Beethoven and Schubert’s\nTrio in Bb, Op. 99.\nj Third in a series of four con-\n:cerls sponsored by the Depart.\n{ment of Music at Juniata Col-\nlege and a foundation grant, the\n\n‘event [s offered free to the pub-\n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2117.55035546875, 200.6627059326172, 2466.8646835937498, 851.6936630859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Mr. ard Mrs. Herman Hess\nspent Sunday with Mrs. Dorothy\nEsitrekin in Entriken.\n\nMrs. Elmer Smith and. Mrs.\nGrace Keifman visiled their\nfather, David Ford, a patient at\nthe Pennwood guest home on\nSunday.\n\nMr..and Mrs, Terry Hamm\nand daughter of Farrell visited\nMr. and Mrs, Raymond Hamm\nduring the weekend.\n\nMrs. J. A. Shuck visited on\nFriday Mrs. Betty Heck in Loys-\nburg.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Lewis Camerer\nof Roaring Spring and Mr. and\nMrs. Robert Dively of Sprowl\nvisited Mrs. Dollie Whysong on\nSunday evening,\n\nDennis Troutman, a student at\nShippensburg State College\nspent the weekend at home.\n\nMrs, Reba Cook and Mr. and\nMis, Zane Biack of Bedford yis-\nLited on Sunday in the Frank\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1424.402099609375, 1328.1134033203125, 2078.0927734375, 1508.9635009765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Piano Trio To Present\n\nConcert In Oller Hall\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2469.132142578125, 147.87231591796876, 2827.3844589843748, 733.2606186523437 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Guyton and John Cook homes,\nMr, and Mrs. Ottis Wigfield of\nEverett and Mrs. Mildred Lead-\ner of Everett visited Mrs, Ruth\nReplogle on Sunday. :\nRhonda Kay Barnes of Cham-\nibersburg is spending several\ndays with her grandparents, Mr.\nand Mrs. John Wenglik.\n~ Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Barnes\nand children, Mr. and Mrs. Lawe\nrence Mellott and children and\nMr, and Mrs. John Wenglik at-\ntended the wedding of Merfill\nBarnett and Miss Carol Brown\nin the Church of God at Saxion\non Saturday afternoon,\n\nThe Rey. Sheldon Snyder and\nsome of his parishioners from\n'the Grace Byelhren Church held\nservices for the guests at the\nChadwick rest home on Sunday\n| afternoon.\n\n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 739.60546875, 2691.38525390625, 1404.4271240234375, 4158.07177734375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Posers\n\nYOUTH CENTER\n| is\nready\nfor\n\nSpring & Easter\n\nIs Your\nChild?\n\nSHOP FRIDAY & MONDAY TILL # P.M.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1430.16552734375, 2427.333251953125, 2823.76513671875, 4145.7783203125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\nThe best selection in many a year...\n\nSPRING COATS\nand DRESS ENSEMBLES\n\nSee the latest in fashion fer Spring ‘6B\n«... Coat Ensembles (wool coat with\nmaiching shift) and Dress Ensembles\n(smart dress with light weight topper)\ni + +e they're besutifult\n\n*15” to ‘70°\nBig assoriment ef new\n\nSPRING DRESSES\n\nif Choose from complete size ranges s ¢ 9\n5-15, 10-20 and 14% te 2444.\n\nAe.\n\n§go0 $ o0\n(Ff 9” to ‘25\n* NOTE\nWe nearly sold out af sur eriginal shipment\nef NEW CAPES. However, we have re-srs\n\ndered more separate capes amd cape an:\nsembles and they ara expected te ative\n\n \n\nvery soon,\n\n** NOTL\n\nWe have jus! added # mew Jine of fashions\nwhich we know you'll like—Dresses in half-\naizes and misses sizes—.\"Forever Young” by\nPuritan.\n\n’ .\naden A Gentle Fall of attomen-stitch texturized\nacetate double knit frem the fightly\n\nthered yoke. Th holent AH\nLADIES’ STOKE gotheres yous ® nonchalant neckline\n\nis searfed with fresh pelke dots and pre«\n\nSHOP FRIDAY £ MONDAY TUL 9 wine peckere aecent the skirt, Sixes 10-20, ,\n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 739.40087890625, 2362.384521484375, 1047.406982421875, 2592.095947265625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "SPECIAL\n61 Chevrolet Impaia\n2-Dr. Hardtop\n$395\n\nRAMSEY\nAUTO SALES & SERVICE\nRt. 22, Maunt Union\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 8.526916061401367, 448.67746118164064, 360.00927587890624, 1220.2969345703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "DISS RAGA TATA UE itldaily persons\nregarding Jesus Christ runs\nsomething like this: Jesus wa:\na great and wise teacher. Time\nhas been dated from his birth\nHe was undoubtedly the mos’\ninfluential person that has eve:\ninhabited the planet.\n\nBut here they siop. Not so the\nNew Testament. in ihat collec.\ntion of twenty-seven books we\nget a picture of Jesus Christ\navhich is far different from tha!\nusually sketched by persons whe\ndo not have any deep convic.\ntions regarding what is referred\nto as Christian doctrine. Jesus\nwas a great man—bul beyond\nthal, nothing.\n\nGod Made Manifest\n\nThe Scriptures indeed teach\nus thaf Jesus was a man who\n\nThe Sunday School lesson\nfor March 24 is entitled,\n“Abiding in Christ.” John\n1521-12,\n\nhungered and lhirsted as we\nhunger and thirst, and died\nwhen subjected to a cruel form\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 21.64544105529785, 1234.16455078125, 351.3531799316406, 2194.74560546875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": " \n\nPYRAMID $575\nALSO $300 To 1975\n\nREGISTERED\necepsake?\n\nBlaMOND AIKGS.\n\nFamous for quality\n\nAte warid over,\n\nKeepsake is\n\nAmerica’s most neve\nwanted ee\ndiamond —_ 2SeodBessstesring\nting.\n\n \n\nJaymes\nJewelers\nMount Union\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2142.001953125, 844.8511962890625, 2815.603759765625, 2383.852294921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n\nNo doubt your home hes # ream\n\n \n \n\nyou consider a trouble spet . 2 4\nene that needs mare utilty space,\nmore space fer recreation . . . ar\n“just plain “dressing up.” That's\nwhere we cen help... with the\nmaterials, the crefimanship and the\ntraining and exparience fer remodel-\nIng. For a gasd Icaking ream, eall\n‘on us. We'll be glad to talk ever\nyour needs at @ time that suits yeu\nbest.\n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2159.31787109375, 140.46884155273438, 2420.55078125, 189.6721954345703 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Riddleshure\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1113.2808837890625, 1324.4888916015625, 1372.7022705078125, 1375.0677490234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Blairs Mills\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2467.9658828125, 745.8969130859375, 2820.1517929687498, 851.5687241210937 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "The Harriman Memorial\nAward is given to stimulate con-\n|servation of human tife on rail.\nyouds_\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1093.3192138671875, 88.46944427490234, 2089.750244140625, 1059.26953125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 360.93530419921876, 449.42941430664064, 715.2138046875, 2214.7374863281248 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "OF ExXechhion. But we believe\n‘more about him than that. Be-\nfond his greainess as a man.\niwe see his uniqueness as the\nSon of God. We believe that he\njis of the nature of God Him.\njSelf. We express this by saying\nthat he is the incarnation ot\n\\God, or the coming of God into\nhuman flesh in a way that has\nimever happened before and that\n;We believe will never happen\n‘again.\n\nOne of the outstanding as-\n‘pects of our faith in Christ is\nour conviction that after his\nivesurrection and sojourn of far-\nity days with his disciples te\nwas received up inlo heaven\nand there holds a place of hon-\ny at the right hand of God.\n‘Even more comforting and\nthrilling is the realization that\nalthcugh he has left the earth\nhe is spiritually stil here in the\nmidst of his people and in the\nhearts of believers. We believe\nthat through faith we ean turn\n‘to him, and the very essence of\nhis being will enter our hearts,\nigiving us guidance, slrengthen-\nng us int lime of temptation,\nilifting us up from our defeats\nand sorrows.\n\nBasic Dilferences\n\nOf no one else that has ever\nllived do we say that we are one\n;with him and he one with us.\nfioses was a great man, and\n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nj Xing David, and many of the\nprophets, and the ~ Christian\n| apostles. But we never speak of\n\n \n\ning one with Moses or one\nwith the Apastle Paul, much as\nwe honor these men and regard\nitheir achievements with Erati-\ntude. Bui we do speak of being\n‘one with Christ. The living\n;Christ himself enters into the\njhuman heart and we in turn\nenter into the life of Christ. We\nare in him, and he is in us. And\nthis relationship is a source of\nspiritual power whch causes\nihe fe of a Christian to be jull\niof expectation, confidence, com-\nfort and perseverance.\n\nThe Sunday School lesson For\n‘March 24 is entitled, “Abiding\nin Chrit\" and it deals with\nthis aspect of oneness which we\nmay have with the Saviour him-\nself. Here Jesus likens himse!\nto ihe vine, and his followers to\nthe branches. “He that abides\nin me, and I in him, he it is\nthai bears much iruil, for apart\nfrom me you can do nothing”\n\n(dobn 15:5),\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 28.054542541503906, 2328.532958984375, 709.102783203125, 4142.419921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n\nSAM HAYES, JR.\n\nRepublican Candidate\nGeneral Assembly\n\nAsa ‘Republican Candidate for Representa-\ntive to the General Assembly I would like to\noutline again one of the very critical issues\nfacing us.\n\n@ We in this district are in the Susquehanna Riyer Basin.\n\n@ The Susquehanna River Basia compact is to be an agree-\nmeni between Penosylvania, Maryland, New York and ;\nthe Federal Government.\n\n@ Four men are (o have the power to plan. Manage and\ncontrol our water and water resources (land, forests.\netc.}.\n\n@ Peansylvania has only one vote on the commission even\nthough we will contribute 7662 of the land and $1% ef\nthe population.\n\n@ Representative Snare has heen one of the persons plan-\nSing such a future for your wafer, water resources and\ntax dollars. He is sponsoring the Compact.\n\n@ Is this what you want? Is this proper representation?\n\nThis is where SAM HAYES, JR. stands:\n\n® Cerfainly we are for conservation. However, let us not\nthreaten our private rights and state economy all in\nthe -rame of conservation. We must also protect our\nProperty, communities and tay dollars.\n\n@ Your water, land and forests belong to you. A four man\ncommission should not have the power to plan, manage\nand contral these resources.\n\n@ Who is going to pay for all the projects the four man\ncommission is going (a dream-up? You, the taxpayer.\n\n@ Share has failed you and no longer represents your in-\nterests.\n\nVOTE HAYES APRIL 23\n\nRepublican Candidate\nGeueral Assembly\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 26.33353614807129, 55.22649383544922, 705.6412963867188, 243.6076202392578 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "LESSON FOR MARCH 24, 1968\n\nTrue Nature Of The Master\nBasic In Christian Faith\n" }, "19": null, "20": { "bbox": [ 718.8048720703125, 54.86868432617187, 1072.7139267578125, 1581.99554296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Vineyards played a large part\nin the life of the people to wham\nJesus spoke. Jesus likened him.\nself to the stock from which the\nbranches go out to bear fruit:\nGod the Father is the husband:\nman (the one who fends the\nvineyard), and He coristantly\nfakes away the branches that\nare dead, prunes back the vine\nso that it will bring forth more\nfruit-bearing branches. “If a\nman abjde not in me,\" said Je-\nsus, “he is cast forth as a\nbranch, and is withered; .., If\nye abide in me, and my words\nabide in you, ye shall ask what\nye Will, and it shall be done unia\nyou. Herein is my Father glori.\nfied, that ye bear much fruit; so\nshall ye be my disciples.\"\n\nSource Of Power\n\nGod will grant our petitions if\nwe meet his moval require\nments, namely, if we keep his\ncommandments. Jesus is the\nsource of life, in whom our life\nmay abide, and when our life\nabides in him and his life abides\nin us, the very power, presence\nand illumination of Christ comes\nin to endue and guide our lives.\nChr “an life, therefore, is a\nEfe lived in Christ. This may—\nand generally does — involve\nmembership in his Church. It\ninvolves the use of eveeds to the\nextent that they can be helpful,\nalthough all creeds, because\nthey are man's formulation of\ntruth, are but an incomplete:\nStatement of t “th. But the “ves.\nence of Christ the heare\nsomething different. The hus-\nbandman gets rid of the dead\nbranches—these aspects of our\nfives that are definitely infertile\nand keep us from producing’\nfruit. The husbandman makes\nit possible for us to abide in the\nSource of Infinite Power and\nthus indeed to live.\n\nSEVEN SENTENCE SERMONS!\n\nOne of the greatest Biblical\npromises is that of daily renew-\nal.\n\n \n\nLove is naver lost, for if it is\nnot reciprocaled it flows Dack\n" }, "21": null, "22": { "bbox": [ 41.69782257080078, 250.9784393310547, 690.0109252929688, 402.6283264160156 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Belief Of Christians Centers In A Divine Being -\nGospel Picture One Of Glory And Fellowship\nAncient Scenes Full Of Appeal To\nModern Man\n\n-— wer we sgenaurerae ces:\n" }, "23": null, "24": { "bbox": [ 29.58786538696289, 248.45533898925783, 697.1789536132812, 402.04528662109374 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Belief Of Christians Centers In A Divine Being —\nGospel Picture One Of Glory And Fellowship\nAncient Scenes Full Of Appeal To\nModern Man\n\n-— wer we sgenaurerae ces:\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 212.04188537597656, 385.5043640136719, 534.69287109375, 417.3459167480469 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "By FARL L. DOUGLASS\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 715.7445693359375, 2235.447328125, 1072.4258408203125, 2336.6395859374998 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": " \n\n: Impossible is a word only to\njbe found in the dictionary of the!\n| unwise. |\n\na. + en Pe\n" }, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 5 ], [ 9, 16 ], [ 16, 20 ], [ 20, 26 ], [ 24, 9 ] ]
[ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 5 ], [ 9, 16 ], [ 9, 20 ], [ 9, 24 ], [ 9, 26 ], [ 16, 20 ], [ 16, 24 ], [ 16, 26 ], [ 20, 24 ], [ 20, 26 ], [ 24, 26 ] ]
[ 6202.0361328125, 8793.4091796875 ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 3959.933408203125, 718.113583984375, 4708.2094140625, 1730.5462060546874 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Brass, but the oldtime, Dixie\nJand band in New. Orleans’\nPresérvtion Hall. Thete is a\ndifference between a sound and\n'& boul. But let no one overlook\nthe fact that Alpert sat in for a\nfine solo with the band in ‘Bit\nBailey.” ’\n\n‘The Tijuana Brass are young,\nrich, healthy, amiable - looking\nand play happy music. So how\n\nheart of America ‘is still a tot\nbigger than anyone suspects.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 3166.160888671875, 296.1080322265625, 4520.8251953125, 682.502685546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Production, Photography\nBrighten Brass Special\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 3198.5132421875, 747.46587890625, 3951.27923828125, 2839.9633203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "wem,\nCuriously, theugh, the part of\nhe hour £ found fost\ninteresting and attractive was\nthe work of Producer Difector\nJack Haley Jr., and photogra\npher Vilis Lapenieks, both of\nthem talents on the move.--\nThe reason I appreciated\ntheir work is that, although 1\nlike the Tijuana Brass and have\nsome of their albums, I find\nMore and nfore than a little bit\nof their music goes a long way.\nAnd so,i enjoyed the thematic\ndiversion..of the location” shots\naround the nation, with their\ngood-natured humor, and ofte\nlovely photography as well.\nHaley, who also guided the\nfine NBC-TV Special “Movin’\n‘With Nancy,” has a feel for the\ntimes, an eye for engaging gim-\nmickry and a good—sense-for\nmaking his better television ‘ef-\nforts seem of a piece. He is, by\nthe way, the son of the oldtime\nmovie star, Jack Haley, who,\namong other things played the\nTin Man in “hTe Wizard of Oz.”\nBy far the best sequence of\nthe hour was the section in New\nOrleans at Mardi Gras _ time.\nAhd here it was, ironically, that\nthe guttiest music of the show\nwas playéd—not by the Tijuana\n\n \n \n \n \n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1672.4030126953126, 1427.62603515625, 2428.4535546875, 3504.280458984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "TUESDAY, APRIL\n4:30 p.m. (Ch. 10)—April a\n (C)—Pat Boone, wet yones\n9 p.m, (Ch. 4)\n-—Prowse, Stanley we |\n11:90 p.m. (Ch. 10)—Call of the\nWild—Clark Gable,. Jackie\nOakie,\nWEDNESDAY, APRIL 2\n10 a.m. (Ch. 10)——For | the Love\nof Mary—Deanna Durbin, Ed-\n_ mond O’Brien.\n4:30 p.m. (Ch.—10)—Mr- Moto\nTakes a Chance—Peter Lorre\nRochelle Hudson. ~ .\n9 aonb pat 6)—I Aim at the\nrt Jergens. ‘»\n1:90. pm. (Ch. 10)—Knock ‘on\nAny Door Hemphrey ‘Bogart,\nJohn Derék,\n\nTHURSDAY, APRIL. ) -\n10 a.m. (Ch 10)—PFor the Love of\nMary—Part 2. 1\n\n4:0 p.m. (Ch. 10)—The Indian\n\nFighter = (C) — Kirk Douglas,\n\nElsa Martinelli: ;\n\n9 p.m, (Ch. 10)—-Abandon Ship\n_. ~iTyrone Power, Mai Zetter-\nling,\n\n11:38 p.m. (Ch. tb) Force of\n—Impulse—Robert ANG, J Car.\n\n- FRIDAY, APRIL 26\n\n4: 30 p.m, (Ch. 1¢)—Destination\nMoon — (C) — John caine’\nWarner Anderson... -\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 179.4919561767578, 815.2540258789063, 912.988466796875, 1284.514345703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "THE KNOWLEDGE about\narthritis is rapidly accumulat-\ning and the secrets about this\nchronic disablifig disease point\nto the possibility of prevention\nand more rapid cure, Research\nin hospitals and laboratories all\nover América continues uhdér\ndirection of the American RHetu-\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2426.65826171875, 719.573544921875, 3193.544375, 1197.7738671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "their leader, Herb Alpert, now\nhave become institutional idols.\n—something along the lines of\nBing Crosby, Pat Boone and\nAndy Williams—and the Mon\nday show treated them as such,\ntry, recording the adoration for\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 151.96261352539062, 1872.7846044921876, 903.7418237304687, 4077.98431640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "tion, hélps to distribute hopeful\n‘news about tis to the\n‘many. millions who: suffer from\nits pains and disabilities, <-\nDespite all intensive educa-\njc truths of arthritis and the\nlegitimate forms of treatment,\nuntold millions of dollars are\ntransferred from the meager\n—funds—of-the sufferers to the\nbanks of the quacks who ) exploit\nthe ‘trthritic.\n\nEvery “eonceivabhe. type: ot\ngadget, and “electronic” ma-\n_chine, “atomic_energy”—instru-\nments, copper wristbands, gold\nneedle acupuncture, and highly\nexpensive mineral and food sup-\nplements are purchased by the\nthousands. Perhaps if: we can\nclarify what arthritis is and\nwhat can be done about it we\ncan keep millions of our read-\ners from falling into the expen-\nsive trap-tlaid forthem-—by-un-\nconscionable- exploiters of the\nsick.\n\nArthritis is the general term\nfor inflammation and changes\nin one or more joints of the\nbody. There are many subdivi-\nsions. Rheumatism is a rather\nvague term which cannot be\nused interchangeably with arth-\nritis.\n\nRheumatism should obe used |\nto describe the pains, aches,\nsoreness and stiffness in mus-\ncles and joihts.\n\nThere are two major forms\n\n2 (© 9988, King Featu\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 221.31344604492188, 1298.26220703125, 518.4215087890625, 1754.64990234375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1811.7828369140625, 1234.625, 3090.773193359375, 1397.1617431640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "+ Movies on TV +\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 4791.19384765625, 543.9834594726562, 6167.2470703125, 1515.7342529296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 271.0287780761719, 650.620361328125, 1563.2158203125, 793.9208984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Confusion About Avtbritis\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 3202.773740234375, 2976.031552734375, 3970.918154296875, 3509.226748046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n \n\n~ MOSCOW (UPI) — Premier\nAlexei. N. on bea was back in\nolowing a_trip\nto-Pakisath—and—India—Official\ncommuniques said he stressed\nVietnam, the Mideast crisis and\nIndian-Pakistani relations dur-\ning four days of talks with\nIndian and Pakistani leaders.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 531.306455078125, 1282.79888671875, 911.7037988281251, 1857.569033203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "matism Associa\nation whose\npu is to\navoid.duplica-\ntion and. classi-\nfy. advances as\ngoon as | they\ncome out. A\nbranch. of this\nscientific organ-\nization, the Ar\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 206.6739959716797, 311.0445556640625, 1626.956298828125, 556.8125610351562 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Speaking of YOUR HEALTH...\n" }, "14": null, "15": { "bbox": [ 1681.751279296875, 714.9457983398438, 2419.466494140625, 1199.477236328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "HOLLYWOOD (UPI)—The Ti-\njuana Brass turned up for\nanother hour special on CBS-TV\nMonday night, and the format\nwas precisely in keeping with\ntheir happy-happy Anatitationdl\nsound,\n\nThat is to say, the brass pal\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 913.7506689453126, 831.2452368164063, 1663.47455078125, 4040.01556640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "of arthritis. The first, rhéuma-\ntold arthritis, is a chrenic in-\nflammatory process that in-\nNo Me the joints, ‘the muscles,\ntissues around them.\nih Sorder is seen more fre-\nee in “hh the “and may be~\nin eréré. thie abe of. thirty-\nfive. The @Xact cause ip still un-\nknown but suspicioh still rests\nheavily that there might be an\ninfected eae somewhere else\nie the body.\n\nThe becond Amportant classi-\n‘tieation is osteoarthritis which\nis a chronic condition that dib-\nturbs the joints and the bones,\néspecially the weight-bearing\nones like the ankles, knees, hips\nand back, Hard knobby enlarge-\nments of the joints of the spine,\nshoulders, wrists and hands\nmake movement difficult and\npaltiful.\n\nThe distinction can only be\nmade by the doctor after X-ray\nexamination and study of the\nblood. Then under his direction,\ntreatment can be started early\nto relieve the pain, and to avoid\n\n \n\nlies, as it does in #0 many oth-\ners, in early’ 1 n tion and\nintensive treatment. -\n\nCortisone and ACTH bis, of\ncourse, been the greatest step\nforward in the understanding\nand-tmeatmefit of all forms of\narthritis. Massage and ultra-\nsonic’ vibrations and water\ntherapy should be used only un-\nder the direct supervision of a\ndoctor, Thé horizons are widen-\nIng for the total prevention and\n: cure of this disease.\n\n* * *& r ;\nSS PRARING OF YOUR\nHEALTH-—Peanuts do not have\nenough nourishment to compen-\nsate for the potential dangers\nof feeding them to infants and\nyoung children.\n\nThese columns are designed\nto relieie your fears about\nhealth through a better under-—\nstanding of your mind and body.\nAll the hopeful new advances\nin medicine reported here are\nknown to doctors everywhere.\n\nYour individual medical prob-\nlems should be handled by your\nown dooter, He knows you best.\n—— Renticats Ine >\n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 904.6962255859376, 4358.63921875, 1664.1526513671874, 7911.1522851562495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "~Stop-sign- ‘violation—Harold. L.\nWalk, Marysville Rt. 4, $15 bond\nforfeit\n_ Defective _ exhaust—John - D.\n\n \n \n\nTraffic ‘sign ti oo i\nM. Mowery, Jr.,- Marion, fined\n$10 and $5 costs. .\nCases\n\nMarysville |\n\n_ Failure 4o-yield-the_right of\nway — Arthur C. Edelbhute,\nOstrander, $20 bond forfeit,\n\nFailute to file registration —\nJames M. Fox, Marysville Rt. 2,\n$20 beats forfeit; Robert M.\n‘Brundage, Columbus, $25 bond\nforfeit\n\n_. Tegal ecnek Aiea J. Blum\nenschein, Marysville Rt. 4, $15\nbond forfeit.\nStop sign - ‘violation—-William\nA. Simpson, Jr, Delaware. Simp\n$0n forfeited two $20 bonds for\ndriving illegally through two: td\nLS |... eee See\n\nFailed to iitliy *Keetas\nplates — James E, Geho, Rich\nwood, fined $10 and $5 costs.\nTraffic\n\nsign violation—Orville\nA. Pratt, ‘Nashville, ‘Tenn., $20\nbond ‘forfeit,\n\n‘Speeding — Keith 0, Webb,\nM2% S. Court St., $20 bond for-\nfeit. Jerry G, Kilgore, Lima, $15\nbond. forféit: Ross L. Arnold,\nStory’s Trailer Ct., $20 bond for-\nfeit; Gary L. Carty, Bacramen-\nto, $20 bond forfeit,\n\n‘ight violation — Nera\nt Boers, “108 Grand Ave., $20\n\nvans to yiéld the right of\nway—Grace H. Biamonte, 264\nW, Fifth St., $20 bond forfeit.\n‘sCase\nStep- sign violation—John M.\nHall, Worthington, $20 bond for-\nft. . ’\n\n~ * Regular State C@ses _\n\nInsufficient funds—R. Fogel,\nMarysville Rt. 3, fined $50 and\n$5 costs for writing a $20.20\ncheck to Shields Drug Store,\nFeb. 22, $25 Of the fine was sus-\npended. A $50 fine was suspend-\ned for writing a $20 check to\nScotties on. Feb, 9.\n\na ea a oe aa any\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 902.0073828125, 7990.6108984375, 1636.9771142578124, 8699.1566796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "John W. Groome, 26, of Co-\njumibus, ¢ustomer service, son\n\nof Carl W. Groome to Nancy C.\nVolicath 22, of Marysville, sec-\nretary, daughter of Clarence\nVollrath,\n\n‘Ronald A. Kissting, 27, ot Ken.\nton, factory - worker,\nRalph W. agen * to Sharon °.\n\nEastman, 24 est Mansfield\ne. RS daughter ot David D East.\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 3210.356201171875, 2876.661376953125, 3722.437744140625, 2950.4951171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "KOSYGIN RETURNS\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 4008.75048828125, 1898.359130859375, 6183.17236328125, 3518.919677734375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": " \n\nBaircen opens His store, |_| Ten Tue euy uP THe BLOCK GETS\nSWEEPS THE SIDEWALK, AND'HOSES | | His HOSE OUT AMO FLOATS ALL HIG\n_THE GUTTER NICE AND CLEAN--» 4 - BALLPEEN'S WAY!\"\n\nPT I -i7ie\n\n \n \n\n4 Pe\n*\n\nms\n\n- vals\nf Keng Feature Syndiwate, inc. (568. World rights ioeerved. S22 yy 4\n\n7\n*ea pee\n\n+)\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 2453.205380859375, 1399.195615234375, 3187.878603515625, 2384.245546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "1:30 p.m, (Ch. 6)—Tall Story—\nJane Fonda, Anthony Perkins.\n\n9 p.m. (Ch. 10)—The Defiant\nOnes —- Sidney. Poiter, Tony\nCurtis\n\n11:30 p.m, (Ch, 10)—Invasion of\nthe Saucer Men—Steve Terrell\nGloria Castello — Also — The\nInvisible Man—Claude Rains,\n\n_ Henry Travers. :\n\n1 a.m. (Ch. 6)—The Parson and\n\n, the Outlaw—Marie Windsor,\n\nBuddy Rogers.\n1 a.m. (Ch. 4)—Experiment Per-\nflous—Hedy Lamarr, George\n_ Brent. :\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 4512.13330078125, 1764.7841796875, 5715.94580078125, 1851.6409912109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": " \n\nHatlo’s They'll Do It Every Time\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 5197.97705078125, 7824.12451171875, 6155.2919921875, 8690.5478515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 2445.36041015625, 2446.89166015625, 3189.694521484375, 3514.491640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "7:30 a.m. (Ch. 4) — Slaughter\nTrail—Brian Donlevy, Virgin-\nia Gray.\n\n9 a.m, (Ch. 10)\\—Ma and Pa Ket-\ntle on Vacation — Marjorie\nMain, Percy Kilbride. -\n\n5 p.m. (Ch. 10)—Hell and High\nWater—(C) — Richard Wil-\nmark, Cameron Mitchell\n\n9 pm. (Ch. 4)—Fun in Acapulco\n—(C) — Elvis Presley, Ursula\nAndress. —\n\n11:30-p.n_(Ch_16)- + Mystery\nStreet — Ricardo Montalban,\nSally Forrest,\n\n11:30 p.m, (Ch. 4)—Raw Wind\nin Eden—Jeff Williams, Es-\nther Williams. —\n" }, "25": null, "26": { "bbox": [ 123.21410888671875, 4491.2144140625, 895.2183862304687, 8736.351015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "The estate of Martha A.. Rob-\ninson, a resident of Plain City\nRt. 1 who died Jan. 3, has been\nentered into probate court. Todd\nHoopes was appointed executor.\nThe inventory of the estate was\nlisted at $53,925. Appraisers\n~ were Robert Mitchell, Andrew\nCary atid Clarence Durban. The\nestate was bequtathed to Miss\nRobinson's mother, Mrs, Eliza-\nbeth L, ‘Rébinson.\n\nCaudill Estate\n\nCarrol. J. Caudill has been ap-\npointed administrator. of the es-\ntate of John A. Caudill, a Marys\nville Rt. 3 resident who died\nJan. 1 Appraisers were Fred E.\nJones, E. L. Disbennett Jr. and\nJohn A. Caudill.\n\nEllinwood Est®te\n~The estate of Truman G_ EI-\nlinwood, a resident of Richwood\nRt. 3 who died Dec,. 24, 1967 has\nbeen entered into — Probate\n_Court,_David_E._Reed-was-ap-\npointed executor. The inventory\nof the estate was listed at $2,600,\nThe deceased man’s wife was\nbequeathed the entire estate,\n‘Appraisers were Richard Gril-\nfith, Berkeley Smith ‘and, Dr.\nEdward Cowgill. . ee\nManley Estate ©\n“Hazel J. Delay has been ap-\npointed administratrix of the es-\ntate of Glendola Manley, a Jer-\nome Township resident who died\nDec, 27, 1967. Appraisers were\nRobert Maclvor, Ralph Beck\nand Everett Lorenz The invén-\ntory of the estate was listed at\n\n$12,755.\nThompson Estate\nThe estate of Millard Thomp-\nson, a resident of Unionville Cen\nter who died Jan, 7, has been\nentered, into probate court: A\ngrandson, Freddy, Thompson,\n“was appointed executor. The in-\nventory of the estate was listed\nat $3,500. Appraisers were Ed-\nwin Buck, Ralph Beck and Joe\nHenderson. -The entire estate\nwas bequeathed to the widow,\nMary Lee.\nJUVENILE TRAFFIC COURT\nParking on roadway--Steven\nK. Watson, 17, son of Mr. and\nMrs. David Watson, Marysville\nRt. 1, fined $15, $7.96 court costs\nand ordered to attend traffic\n§chool at 7:30 p.m, June 7\nMUNICIPAL COURT\nState Patrol Cases a\n\nSpeéeding—Richard Need,\nlumbus, $20 bond forfeit; Mabel\nM. Williams, DeGraff,\nforfeit; James W. Wagner, Rich\nArdyth 2d; Bennett, Newark, $20.\nbond forfeit; Garold F. Howell,\nWaynesfield, $20-bond forfeit.\n" }, "27": null, "28": { "bbox": [ 1857.9093017578125, 3602.604248046875, 3016.34521484375, 3841.0830078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "a’ PROGRAMS\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 3198.862548828125, 3698.10546875, 6202.0361328125, 4547.15087890625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "AND YOUR \\TSK.TsK!\nWIDE= CARELESS] ©\nOPEN! OF me!\n\n \n\nit Sa bn\neductlire E\n\n \n\nWah Dhaney Pr there\nWorld Rights Reserved\n" }, "30": null, "31": { "bbox": [ 4788.3173828125, 423.2787170410156, 5463.568359375, 526.9541015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "THE BETTER HALE\n" }, "32": null, "33": { "bbox": [ 3194.340087890625, 6785.56298828125, 6170.64453125, 7647.265625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 1031.450439453125, 7885.306640625, 1503.2293701171875, 7975.25537109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "PROBATE COURT\n" }, "35": null, "36": null, "37": { "bbox": [ 1671.2811279296875, 3899.862548828125, 3194.803466796875, 8642.9443359375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n3:00 a.m\n6:00 p.m, ‘| 4—News 10—Eadge of Nite (C)\n4—News 10—Cap, Kangaroo C| 4:00 p.\ngee ay Griffin (C) | “¢—J. Leanne (C) | 4—Match Game (C)\nae 9:00 a.m, 1\n10—Weather {C) 4—Paul Dixon (C) | 4:25 p.m.\n:30 p.m, Dialing for e sarge\n4—-News (6) 10—Luci Toyshop | 4:30 p.m,\n10--Cronkite (C)_- -\"|-19:¢b ge.) 4—Gilligan's Isle (C\nth oe) “4-Judgmtient (C) * | “10Movie “*~\n4—Twilight 6—D 5:00 p.m,\n10—News «Long (Ci | 19-Movie ~&-Perry Mason\n7:30 p-m. Bee RE a 10:30 . = £ . E Ed\n< 4—Clooney (C) 5:30 p.m,\n6—Garrison (R)\n10—Daktari (R) Rata Cavett (C) en igo Navy\noo de-tbve'eb-Life (C)\n\n4-Where Girls Are | 2% ve 10—The —\n\nBES E .§eeetod-Bq. {C)\n‘ to-Dick VanDyke, = mrating\n\n7300 x\nt-Winrs Cirle (©\n0—News (\n\n \n\né—Dream House (Cc\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nk 4—Run For Life (C)\n5:00 a.m. 6—Divorce Ct, (C) 10—Jon, Winters (C)\n4—Sun. Seminer 10—House Party (C) | 11:00 p.m,\n6:30 a.m 3:00 p.m, 4—News, DeMoss\n4—Forecast _ 4—Another World C| 6—News\n7:00 a.m, - 6~Gen, Hospital (C| 10—News, Pepper\n4—Today (C) 10—-Tell (c) | * P-™. os\nfas ee aga ie gral ~wd ‘© (Cc)\n6—Rocky 3:30 p.m, 10—Movie (C)\n; SaaS 1 Outer The |\n:\n_ CROSSWORD te, Set\nEAE haere a,\nACROSS ‘DOWN sb —deggent 3 Fairy\n1. Algonquian - 1. Trench 22. Compass 46. Female animal\nge Fo te ar\nSO os i ai: Fee\nte Meta, threads Scaneod 30 Add tional\n14, Haw, guitar (ab,)\n15. Hairdo\n17. Exigu-us\ntaal TURGone Gee\na ressiatoy =—--— SN\" NSN\" TT ISS\nFish BECP RECEP\n3 Ne Hard-grained -\nw. eral resort\n35. For example (ab,)\n3 Bi Ga a\nce\ntf Ibsen cnaract SS SS TTAS\nee PPCNPIPPCooee\n52. Omitm Fie ea a oe Oe a\n~~ ~~\nree ECON . ad be ad\n" }, "38": null, "39": { "bbox": [ 3264.9443359375, 5755.98388671875, 6113.869140625, 6638.93505859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "“( THE PRINGPAL WHAT?S\n\n \n" }, "40": null, "41": { "bbox": [ 3214.623779296875, 4683.24658203125, 6169.9267578125, 5601.46044921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "IREALY |}. TRY To Keep\nDREAD THis.’ HIM QUIET =\nHE PUTS UP FIND His\nSUCH A SOCKS FOR HIM\nSTRUGGLE! --AND PUSH\n; HIM TO THE\nMESS HALL\n\n \n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 3237.942138671875, 2901.461669921875, 6184.66748046875, 8793.4091796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "OSYGIN RETURNS\n\nMOSCOW (UPI) — Premier\n\\lexei N. Hof ee was back in; Lo\nMoscow today following a_trip| -—___—\no-Pakisatn— and India—Officiali- tre\nommuniques said he stressed\n‘ietnam, the Mideast crisis and\nndian-Pakistani relations dur-\nng four days of talks with\nndian and Pakistani leaders.\n\n \n \n\n \n\n\"sist\n\nWELL, HE FINALLY 2 -\nLOST HIS coo. f J\n— .\n\n‘ =\n\nWah Dianey Productiars of\nWorld Rights Rewerved\n\nTRY To Keep\nHIM QUIET --\n\nBUT WE'RE — ¢ AROUND? TO DIGGING ME UP. YEAH,\nNOT AT OUR \\yiseiae e-,> I KNOW YOUR BOY BOLTS GOING\n\n \n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 4318.740234375, 7848.29541015625, 5133.47998046875, 8689.072265625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "AROUND TO DIGGING ME UP. YEAH,\nI KNOW YOUR BOY BOLTS GOING\n__ LA? AGAINGT _OUPMOUTH;—4\n\n \n" }, "44": null, "45": { "bbox": [ 455.880126953125, 570.0014038085938, 1358.736083984375, 622.9925537109375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "—- By LESTER £. OOLRSANW. BD. —\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 2542.286865234375, 2392.175537109375, 3082.2578125, 2453.440673828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "SATURDAY. APRIT, 97\n" }, "47": null, "48": null, "49": { "bbox": [ 3223.425048828125, 7808.037109375, 4252.57763671875, 8674.8505859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "BUT WE'RE\n\n \n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 1786.901611328125, 1415.2679443359375, 2326.04052734375, 1466.6658935546875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "TUESDAY APRIT, 99\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 3250.919677734375, 3541.79541015625, 3892.54150390625, 3627.7001953125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "18\n\n41 Hilicw\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 3254.50732421875, 3542.19482421875, 3903.173095703125, 3631.95068359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "DONALD DUCK\n" }, "53": null, "54": { "bbox": [ 5643.8330078125, 448.0314636230469, 6155.2421875, 552.0150756835938 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "By Bob Barnes\n" }, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 3652.33481640625, 961.097267578125, 4502.3004375, 3938.504783203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "MIAMI, Fla. (AP) — The\nbountiful “River of Grass”\nflows once again down the flat\nface of South Florida, and Eyv-\nerglades National Park—a vast\nprimitive wilderness that just a\nyear ago was dying of- thirst—\nhas won a new lease on life,\n\nIn the spring of 1967, robbed\nof water by years of drought\nand man’s greed for water,\nwildlife in the park fought a\ndesperate battle against extine-\ntion\n\nStarving alligators thrashed\nthe waters of fast-vanishing\nponds, fighting over the last of\nthe garfish. Rookeries which\nonce teemed with hundreds of\nthousands of birds were aban-\ndoned. Marshes browned by the\nblazing sun were scourged by\nfire. Masses of dead fish floated\non oxygen-denleted pools, cast\ning a heavy stench of death over\nAmerica’s only great subtropic\nwater park.\n\nToday the picture is bright\nand hopes are high that the\npark never again will be forced\nto the brink of destruction.\n\nThe wide, shallow river that\nfor centuries poured over the\nsouth rim of Lake Okeechobee\nand drifted slowly down through\nthe sawgrass to the sea runs as\nit did before. It nourishes thou-\nsands of ponds, swales and\nsloughs filled with fish and crus-\ntaceans. On this rich food sup.\nply, birds, animals and reptiles\nthrive.\n\n“There is plenty of food now\nfor everything out there,’”’ says\nFrancis Nix, the park’s hydrau\nlic engineer,\n\nThe resurrection of the nark\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 5381.8216328125, 421.6733173828125, 6210.00209765625, 1252.73842578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "storage and distribution facili-\nties of the flood control district.\nIt promises the park a_ mini-\nmum of 315,000-acre-feet of wa-\nter a year through the flood-\ngates. In this wet year, the park\nalready has received 700,000\nacre-feet.\n\nNix knows that human de-\nmands of the future could re\nvive again the cries, ‘‘Water for\nalligators or people?’ and\n“Birds can’t vote.” These were\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1904.9740986328125, 646.4326557617187, 2757.1666484375, 1696.7895732421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "marched back to Virginia with-\nout attending the talks.\n\nDunmore later returned to\nEngland and the British ceded\nthe entire Northwest Territory\nto Virginia for her victory at\nPoint Pleasant.\n\nThe people of Lexington were\nunaware of the earlier Battle of\nPoint Pleasant when they duti-\nfully recorded ‘‘the shot heard\nround the world’’—so reason the\npeople of Point Pleasant.\n\nIn 1908 Congress’ granted\nfunds to erect a monument to\nthe men who died at Point\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2794.954201171875, 1742.1305927734375, 3650.281638671875, 3944.388572265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "social reformer, was leader of\nthe group which remained in\nNew Harmony from 1824 to 1826\nbefore breaking up.\n\nThe building became a tena-\nment house until 1857 when tak-\nen over by the Goldens, a travel-\ning theatrical group. It became\na garage in 1914 and remained\nthat until purchased by the state\nin 1964 for $9,599.\n\nAided by a $40,090 Indiana D>-\nvelopment of Natura] Reso rces\nerent, the restoration i-cludes\nthe original balcony with its\nmellowed gum wood, orchestra\npit, stage, two fireplaces, cur-\ntains and other ornate hangings.\n\nWorkmen have added air con-\nballroom. Robert Owen, a Welsh\nditioning and electric lights.\n\n“Plans are to let the Opera\nhouse be used for the same\nthing it was used for years ago\n—everything from church ba-\nzaars to political rallies,’ said\nDon Blair, New Harmony histo-\nrian. ‘“‘But its main purpose will\nbe as a theater. It won’t rival\nthe Roxy in New York, but a\ngood director will have a defi-\nnite opportunity here because of\nthe intimacy that can be estab-\nlished between the players and\nthe audience.’’\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 4519.756203125, 414.6366962890625, 5362.79897265625, 3036.42104296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "was brought about by two\nmonths of record-breaking\nrains, and a discovery that Flor-\nida has water enough, if proper-\nly controlled, for both man and\nbeast,\n\nIn May and June, double the\nnormal amount of rain deluged\nthe Everglades, And since June,\ngates from the reservoirs of the\nCentral and South Florida Flood\nControl District have been wide\nopen, pouring excess water\nsouthward into the park.\n\nNo one can be sure how much\npermanent damage the park\nhas suffered from drought and\nman’s interference with the bal-\nances of nature. When there 1s\nplenty of water, wildlife is scat-\ntered over the park’s 1.5 million\nacres, :\n\nRare birds like the roseate\nspoonbill, egret and white he-\nron, which once inhabited the\npark in large numbers, are\nmaking a comeback. It is esti-\nmated that 50,000 birds now oc-\ncuny the mainland area. And,\n\nwith plenty of food, a good nest-\ning season is in prospect this\nwinter.\n\nThe alligator, one of the\npark’s most prized denizens,\nhas been badly hurt, but more\n\nby poachers than by dro: ght.\nThe population has been slashed\n95 ner cent since the 1930s.\n\nPressure on Congress led te\nrecent approval of a construe.\ntion program that will improve\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1917.402443359375, 2195.01841015625, 2764.9127421875, 3958.6783671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "NEW HARMONY, Ind. (AP)\n— The New Harmony Opera\nHouse, silent more than 50 years\nafter serving two 19th century\nexperiments in communal liv\ning, will ring once again with\napplause.\n\nThe state has restored the 145-\nyear-old opera house and Gov.\nRoger D. Branigin will lead his-\ntorians and patrons in a dedica-\ntion Nov. 19.\n\nIt was once the second largest\ntheater in Indiana with room for\n700 persons. Seating capacity\nnow is 400.\n\nThe opera house was built in\n1823 as a dormitory for unmar-\nried Rappite males. The sect,\nwhich emigrated from Ger-\nmany, experimented with com-\nmunal living here from 1814 to\n1824, then moved to Pennsyi-\nvania. :\n\nA group of intellectuals, scien-\ntists and educators purchased\nthe building and used it as a\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2778.982033203125, 646.3578266601562, 3617.669578125, 1703.3669658203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Pleasant, although they re-\nfrained from taking the title of\n“First Battle of the Revolution”\nfrom Lexington,\n\nTo further their claim, the\nfolks around here point to ac-\nceptance of descendants of that\nbattle into the Sons and Daugh-\nters of the American Revolu-\ntion.\n\nAnd like the controversy of\nwho really discovered America,\nwho fired the first shot of Amer-\nican freedom will be debated\nwith equal fervor, at’ least in\nWest Virginia.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 3654.273193359375, 392.1996154785156, 4245.58544921875, 853.4273681640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Water, Life\nRestored To\nKverolades\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1914.9774169921875, 1744.24365234375, 2600.31103515625, 2180.793212890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "New Harmony\nOpera House\n\nIs Restored\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 159.2984089355469, 798.6584858398437, 1004.9909282226563, 5379.48744921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "POINT PLEASANT, W.Va.\n(AP)—If you think the Ameri-\ncan Revolution actually began\n\non those hallowed battlefields at\nLexington, Concord and Bunker\nHill, you're wrong.\n\nThe initial skirmish actually\ntook place on an all-but-forgot-\nten plain near this small Ohio\nRiver barge town and was\nfought between the forces of\nGen. Anthony Lewis of the Vir-\nginia Militia and Chief Corn-\nStalk, ‘Sachem of the Shawnees\nand King of the Northwestern\nConfederation.”\n\nAt least that’s what many\nWest Virginians would have you\nbelieve. They point to several,\nlittle-known turns of history to\nargue their point.\n\nTheir reasoning centers\naround the Battle of Point\nPleasant as (1) the first conflict\nwaged by colonists in defense of\ntheir homelands against the\nBritish allies and (2) the first\ninstance when an American offi-\ncer deliberately disobeyed an\norder of a superior British offi-\ncer,\n\nThe battle took place on Oct.\n10, 1774—six months before the\nMinutemen of Lexington fired\nthe famous “‘shot heard round\nthe world’ at the British red-\ncoats on April 18, 1775. Howev-\ner, the official reports of the\nWest Virginia battle were never\nfiled and generally have been\noverlooked.\n\nBraves of Chief Cornstalk’s\nconfederation had been harass-\ning colonists along the Ohio Riv-\ner for years, their attacks grow-\ning in furor and their numbers\nincreasing.\n\nIt was widely rumored that\nVirginia’s Tory governor at the\ntime, Lord Dunmore, actively\nsupported the Indian nation as a\nmeans of keeping the Ameri-\ncans from attempting the talked\nabout revolution.\n\nFinally, public outcries\nproved too much and in Septem.\nber of 1774, Dunmore with some\n2,000 soldiers, and his American\nmilitary commander, Lewis.\nwith about 1,100 backwoods\nkinsmen and friends, marched\nalong separate routes—agreeing\nto meet at Point Pleasant and\nattack tribal encampments a:\none force.\n\n“Their mission was to dictate 2\nlasting peace with the Indians\nAt least this was Dunmore’:\npublicly announced purpose.\n\nIf Dunmore had succeeded ir\n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 6248.8333515625, 411.08683056640626, 7083.2691875, 1242.96303515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "heard in 1966 when the National\nAudubon Society and other con-\nservation groups—fighting to\nstave off a monumental tragedy\nin the park—argued that enough\nwater could be spared from the\nreservoirs to save the wildlife,\n\nThe National Park Service re-\n\ncently made the Woolworth\nBuilding a national historic\nlandmark. |\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 158.7257843017578, 407.3055114746094, 2953.689208984375, 611.7830810546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "West Virginia Claims First Battle Of Revolution\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 5452.1767578125, 1331.7294921875, 7070.50244140625, 3928.1904296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": " \n \n\n \n\n24-HOUR\nON-THE-FARM AND\nROAD SERVICE!\n\nhays JZ\nz ‘ ip tg\n\n \n\nne\nhilt 4 \"te\n\nNEW EQUIPMENT — EXPERIENCED MEN\n\nEd Baldwin and Glen Sweet, Specialists\n\nee ee ca a oem ae nt\n\nDIAL 932-2163\n\nAFTER 5:30 P.M. — 932-3649\nIF NO ANSWER\nDIAL 932-2747 OR 932-253\n\n \n\n \n\nOpen Daily 8 A.M. - 5:30 P.M, —Friday ’Til 8 P.M.\n\nGOODFYEAR\nSERVICE STORE\n\n2nd at Morgan Phone 932-2163\n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1097.611572265625, 4037.031005859375, 1863.3831787109375, 5338.5048828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "DANCE\n\nRushville Community\nBuilding\n\nfeaturing\n\nThe Chalets\n\nSaturday\nNovember 16, 1968\n8 to 11 p.m.\n\nAdmission $1\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 4608.99365234375, 3088.17041015625, 5363.5166015625, 3934.856689453125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "MOOSE\nDance\n\nSaturday Night\n\n9:00 - 1:00\nMusic By\nBROWN BROTHERS and\nTHE COUNTRY DRIFTERS\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1022.3969501953125, 699.8705219726562, 1877.3933330078125, 3989.91908984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "His TUMOLCa Plath WO Have tie Abin\ndians annihilate Lewis and his\nmen, Virginia would have been\ntoo occupied protecting its west-\nern border. to join the revolu-\ntion.\n\nTold To Cross River\n\nAs it happened, Lewis and his\nforces arrived at the rendezvous\non Sept. 9. He later received or-\nders to meet Dunmore on the\nother side of the river—deep in\nhostile territory.\n\nThe next morning, before sun-\nrise, two hunters from Lewis’s\nparty came across a large In-\ndian encampment nearby. Al-\nthough one was killed, the other\nmanaged to warn the soldiers.\n\nLewis, thinking he had a\nsmall scouting party to contend\nwith, dispatched only 150 men.\nWhen the musket volleys in-\ncreased with more frequency\nthan he anticipated he mustered\nanother 200 men to sustain the\nnow sagging defense lines.\n\nHe finally threw his entire di-\nvision against what turned out\nto be an almost equal] number of\nIndians and found himself in the\nmidst of a furious battle.\n\nThe fight raged until near\nsundown when the _ Indians,\nfalsely believing themselves on\nthe verge of being outflanked,\nmanaged a skillful retreat with\nminimal losses.\n\nRealized Betrayals\n\nLewis was furious at what he\nnow realized was a betrayal by\nDunmore. He had reports of one\nof Cornstalk’s chief lieutenants\nmeeting with Dunmore both be-\nfore and after the battle.\n\nHe also heard of peace talks\ngoing on right that moment be-\ntween Dunmore and Cornstalk\nand, after twice refusing to obey\norders to turn back, he finally\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 234.53411865234375, 5389.5615234375, 1869.0701904296875, 9797.7734375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n\nYou can rent\nthis new\nautomatic\nfor less than\nold-fashioned\ntank-exchange\nwater softeners\n\n \n\nMany people are renting tank-exchange water soften-\ners simply because they once owned an old-style\n“manual” or “semi-automatic” softener and got tired\nof the fuss and muss.\n\nSo they'd rather put up with the inconvenience of\ntank delivery... even the problem of running out of\nsoft water before tank change day...than mess\naround with all the valve turning and flushing old-style\nsofteners required.\n\nToday, there’s a modern, trouble-free way to\nhave soft water in your home. The 1969 Lindsay\n\nwater softener is a fully automatic unit that\ngives you all the soft water you want, 365 days\na year.\n\n \n\nAnd Lindsay automatic means you never turn a valve,\nyou never change a tank and there’s never any fuss\nor muss.\n\nThe cost? You can usually rent or buy a beautiful\nLindsay automatic water conditioner for less than\nold-fashioned tank-exchange rental costs.\n\nWant proof? Just write or phone. Let us show you\nhow trouble-free, how inexpensive a modern, auto-\nmatic Lindsay water softener is. There's absolutely\nno obligation.’\n\nCALL 932-3148\n\nOVERLEESE\n\nWATER SERVICE\n\nLINDSAY 3rd Generation Serving Rush County\nR. R. 1, Rushville — Phone 932-3148\n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 2337.68359375, 4019.45703125, 6808.28466796875, 9789.865234375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n\nDOLLAR DAY AT DOLLAR GENERAL STORES—EVERY DAY IS DOLLAR DAY AT DOLLAR GENERAL STORES—EVERY DAY IS DOLLA\n\nDOLLAR GENERAL STORES\n\nTWO BIG STORES: N. SIDE SQUARE DOWNTOWN and 1535 N. MAIN\n\nPi RSES | PERMA PRESS LADIES’\nH : FTS and *You'll enjoy the easy stretch control.\n\n*60% Nylon, 26% Acetate and 14% Lycra*\n\nDRESSES spandex. *Panty and $6 °S, M, L. 8\n;, *In a blend of\nFortrel® Polyester\n; and avril, with Stay '\nbe ; Fresh finish.\n) 4 4 *Wide choice of aloes and\nKi\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n@Our selection of hand-\nbags offers you many\nsizes and shapes —\n\n@Accented by a bright\n\nmetal snap and frame.\n$3.49 Value\n\nINFANTS GOWNS\n\n* Soft 100% combed cotton knit\n® Easy open gripper neck fastenings\n\n® Ribbon draw strings for hands or mitten\ncuffs\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\nprints, stripes and ——\ncolors in the group.\n*Styles include\nbutton down shirt\nshifts, bermuda col\nlared sheaths, classic\nbutton front shirt\nwaist and low-belted\nwaistlines in Junior\nPetite and Misses\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\npenne 3.553\n\nNYLONS\n\n*1ist Quality Seamless Stretch 4\n\"| *Reinforced Heel and Toe\n‘| ¢Colors- Cinnamon and\nTaupetone\n— A (844-9)\n\nB (92-10)\nC (10%-11) $\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n® White or a print\npattern\n\n.\n. \\e 4\n¥\n=\nos\né<\nte E\ne\n©. %\n® na\n\nMEN’S SPORT AND DRESS\n\nSHIRTS :\n\n@First quality and American made, for long }\n\n \n \n\nOriginally\ngto $7.98\n\n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n| PADDED BRAS |\n\n*Gently foam shaped to uplift and accent\nFor the man who wants to @ eatural curves [\n\nJ *\n\n \n \n\n \n\nlasting good looks, it | 19, .\n\n: i DD : 2 fe\n& @Otiered in a brilliant choice HM Roy ee look his best and feel his best.’ wily ed\n> of solids, plaids, and stripes. “ek *Sizes\n\n@ Men's casual pants in Ivy League\nand Continental styles.\nS43 @Sizes 28-42\n\n@All S\nAmerican\nMade\n\nCASUAL DRESS AND a\n\n2 to 38 A & B's\n34 to 44 C’s §\n\n \n\n@Sizes,\nS, M, L\n\n0\nR\n\n \n\n \n\nLADIES’\n\nManagers Needed] KNIT SHIRTS=\n\nIn Our Fast-Growing Chain of Stores. \\ and raglan sleeves\n\nAmerican made opis i\nfor sale at much { /\\* Fleeced knits or all nylon\nExcellent Advancement Opportunities HBhigher prices. aw | $s f\\ bn apad ¢ sae\n\n4 hack\n@Value $3.98\nS$? 98 and\n$3.98 Values\n\nFor Information Write: PERMA-PRESS DRESS AND WORK\nBox 427 @Values to\nEVERY DAY IS DOLLAR DAY AT DOLLAR GENERAL STORES-EVERY DAY IS DOLLAR DAY AT DOLLAR GENERAL STORES - EVERY\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\nPersonnel Department @Sizes 28.42 @ §\n59\nScottsville, Ky. 42164 i R\n\n \n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 273.4142150878906, 658.25, 884.6978759765625, 783.6091918945312 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "by NILES JACKSON\nAssociated Presse Writer\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 3935.374755859375, 7330.01513671875, 5262.75146484375, 9691.6015625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "MEN'S PANTS\n\n|-y, For the man who wants to\nIS\" look his best and feel his best.\n\n@ Men's casual pants in Ivy oe\nand Continental styles.\n@Sizes 28-42\n\n@ All $\nAmerican\nMade\n\nCASUAL DRESS AND WORK\n\nValue $3.98 o! R\n\nERMA-PRESS DRESS AND WORK\n\naa |\n\n \n\nmerican made\nrr sale at much\nigher prices.\n\n \n\n \n\nSizes 28-42\nValues to\n$5.98\n\n \n\n \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 3772.39306640625, 885.1065063476562, 4375.36083984375, 941.488525390625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Associated Prece Writer\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 3885.153564453125, 4917.91259765625, 5269.70751953125, 7262.16015625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "PERMA PRESS\n\nSHIFTS and\nDRESSES\n\n*In a blend of\nFortrel® Polyester\nand avril, with Stay\nFresh finish.\n\n*Wide choice of\nprints, stripes and\ncolors in the group,\n\n*Styles include\nbutton down shirt\nshifts, bermuda col\nlared sheaths, classic\nbutton front shirt\nwaist and low-belted\nwaistlines in Junior\nPetite and Misses\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nj\nValues\nOriginally\nTo $7.98\n" }, "22": null, "23": { "bbox": [ 5323.517578125, 7149.22998046875, 6701.62060546875, 9660.123046875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "a 5 en\n\na\nPADDED BRAS\n\n~*Gently foam shaped to uplift and accent\n- gatural curves\n\n*Downy white\ncotton broadcloth.\n*Sizes\n\n322 to 38 A & Bs\n34 to 44 C's §\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\nLADIES’\n\nKNIT SHIRTS\n\n* Terry Velours with crew neck\nand raglan sleeves |\n* Fleeced knits or all nylon\nwith turtle neck and zipper |\n\nback\nS$? 98 and\n$3.98 Values\n" }, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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[ [ 26, 7 ], [ 8, 14 ], [ 24, 19 ] ]
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