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Well , it arrived at last . |
There was a very hot summer ! |
It began to be hot in March . |
All the rivers were dried up . |
The grass did not grow . |
The corn did not grow . |
The thermometers exploded with heat . |
The barometers stood at SET FAIR . |
The people were much distressed , and came and broke the palace windows -- as they usually do when things go wrong in Pantouflia . |
The king consulted the learned men about the Court , who told him that probably a FIREDRAKE was in the neighbourhood . |
Now , the Firedrake is a beast , or bird , about the bigness of an elephant . |
Its body is made of iron , and it is always red-hot . |
A more terrible and cruel beast can not be imagined ; for , if you go near it , you are at once broiled by the Firedrake . |
But the king was not ill-pleased : `` for , '' thought he , `` of course my three sons must go after the brute , the eldest first ; and , as usual , it will kill the first two , and be beaten by the youngest . |
It is a little hard on Enrico , poor boy ; but anything to get rid of that Prigio ! '' |
Then the king went to Prigio , and said that his country was in danger , and that he was determined to leave the crown to whichever of them would bring him the horns -LRB- for it has horns -RRB- and tail of the Firedrake . |
`` It is an awkward brute to tackle , '' the king said , `` but you are the oldest , my lad ; go where glory waits you ! |
Put on your armour , and be off with you ! '' |
-LCB- `` Put on your armour and be off with you ! '' |
: p18.jpg -RCB- This the king said , hoping that either the Firedrake would roast Prince Prigio alive -LRB- which he could easily do , as I have said ; for he is all over as hot as a red-hot poker -RRB- , or that , if the prince succeeded , at least his country would be freed from the monster . |
But the prince , who was lying on the sofa doing sums in compound division for fun , said in the politest way : `` Thanks to the education your majesty has given me , I have learned that the Firedrake , like the siren , the fairy , and so forth , is a fabulous animal which does not exist . |
But even granting , for the sake of argument , that there is a Firedrake , your majesty is well aware that there is no kind of use in sending me . |
It is always the eldest son who goes out first and comes to grief on these occasions , and it is always the third son that succeeds . |
Send Alphonso '' -LRB- this was the youngest brother -RRB- , `` and he will do the trick at once . |
At least , if he fails , it will be most unusual , and Enrico can try his luck . '' |
Then he went back to his arithmetic and his slate , and the king had to send for Prince Alphonso and Prince Enrico . |
They both came in very warm ; for they had been whipping tops , and the day was unusually hot . |
`` Look here , '' said the king , `` just you two younger ones look at Prigio ! |
You see how hot it is , and how coolly he takes it , and the country suffering ; and all on account of a Firedrake , you know , which has apparently built his nest not far off . |
Well , I have asked that lout of a brother of yours to kill it , and he says -- '' `` That he does not believe in Firedrakes , '' interrupted Prigio . |
`` The weather 's warm enough without going out hunting ! '' |
`` Not believe in Firedrakes ! '' |
cried Alphonso . |
`` I wonder what you do believe in ! |
Just let me get at the creature ! '' |
for he was as brave as a lion . |
`` Hi ! |
Page , my chain-armour , helmet , lance , and buckler ! |
A Molinda ! |
A Molinda ! '' |
which was his war-cry . |
The page ran to get the armour ; but it was so uncommonly hot that he dropped it , and put his fingers in his mouth , crying ! |
-LCB- The page crying : p21.jpg -RCB- `` You had better put on flannels , Alphonso , for this kind of work , '' said Prigio . |
`` And if I were you , I 'd take a light garden-engine , full of water , to squirt at the enemy . '' |
`` Happy thought ! '' |
said Alphonso . |
`` I will ! '' |
And off he went , kissed his dear Molinda , bade her keep a lot of dances for him -LRB- there was to be a dance when he had killed the Firedrake -RRB- , and then he rushed to the field ! |
But he never came back any more ! |
Everyone wept bitterly -- everyone but Prince Prigio ; for he thought it was a practical joke , and said that Alphonso had taken the opportunity to start off on his travels and see the world . |
`` There is some dreadful mistake , sir , '' said Prigio to the king . |
`` You know as well as I do that the youngest son has always succeeded , up to now . |
But I entertain great hopes of Enrico ! '' |
And he grinned ; for he fancied it was all nonsense , and that there were no Firedrakes . |
Enrico was present when Prigio was consoling the king in this unfeeling way . |
`` Enrico , my boy , '' said his majesty , `` the task awaits you , and the honour . |
When you come back with the horns and tail of the Firedrake , you shall be crown prince ; and Prigio shall be made an usher at the Grammar School -- it is all he is fit for . '' |
Enrico was not quite so confident as Alphonso had been . |
He insisted on making his will ; and he wrote a poem about the pleasures and advantages of dying young . |
This is part of it : The violet is a blossom sweet , That droops before the day is done -- Slain by thine overpowering heat , O Sun ! |
And I , like that sweet purple flower , May roast , or boil , or broil , or bake , If burned by thy terrific power , Firedrake ! |
This poem comforted Enrico more or less , and he showed it to Prigio . |
But the prince only laughed , and said that the second line of the last verse was not very good ; for violets do not `` roast , or boil , or broil , or bake . '' |
Enrico tried to improve it , but could not . |
So he read it to his cousin , Lady Kathleena , just as it was ; and she cried over it -LRB- though I do n't think she understood it -RRB- ; and Enrico cried a little , too . |
However , next day he started , with a spear , a patent refrigerator , and a lot of the bottles people throw at fires to put them out . |
But he never came back again ! |
After shedding torrents of tears , the king summoned Prince Prigio to his presence . |
`` Dastard ! '' |
he said . |
`` Poltroon ! |
Your turn , which should have come first , has arrived at last . |
You must fetch me the horns and the tail of the Firedrake . |
Probably you will be grilled , thank goodness ; but who will give me back Enrico and Alphonso ? '' |
`` Indeed , your majesty , '' said Prigio , `` you must permit me to correct your policy . |
Your only reason for dispatching your sons in pursuit of this dangerous but I believe fabulous animal , was to ascertain which of us would most worthily succeed to your throne , at the date -- long may it be deferred ! |
-- of your lamented decease . |
Now , there can be no further question about the matter . |
I , unworthy as I am , represent the sole hope of the royal family . |
Therefore to send me after the Firedrake were -LCB- 25 -RCB- both dangerous and unnecessary . |
Dangerous , because , if he treats me as you say he did my brothers -- my unhappy brothers , -- the throne of Pantouflia will want an heir . |
But , if I do come back alive -- why , I can not be more the true heir than I am at present ; now can I ? |
Ask the Lord Chief Justice , if you do n't believe me . '' |
These arguments were so clearly and undeniably correct that the king , unable to answer them , withdrew into a solitary place where he could express himself with freedom , and give rein to his expression . |
How Prince Prigio was Deserted by Everybody . |
Meanwhile , Prince Prigio had to suffer many unpleasant things . |
Though he was the crown prince -LRB- and though his arguments were unanswerable -RRB- , everybody shunned him for a coward . |
The queen , who did not believe in Firedrakes , alone took his side . |
He was not only avoided by all , but he had most disagreeable scenes with his own cousins , Lady Molinda and Lady Kathleena . |
In the garden Lady Molinda met him walking alone , and did not bow to him . |
`` Dear Molly , '' said the prince , who liked her , `` how have I been so unfortunate as to offend you ? '' |
`` My name , sir , is Lady Molinda , '' she said , very proudly ; `` and you have sent your own brother to his grave ! '' |
`` Oh , excuse me , '' said the prince , `` I am certain he has merely gone off on his travels . |
He 'll come back when he 's tired : there are no Firedrakes ; a French writer says they are ` purement fabuleux , ' purely fabulous , you know . '' |
-LCB- `` My name , sir , is Lady Molinda , she said . '' |
: p29.jpg -RCB- `` Prince Alphonso has gone on his travels , and will come back when he is tired ! |
And was he then -- tired -- of me ? '' |
cried poor Molinda , bursting into tears , and forgetting her dignity . |
`` Oh ! |
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