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Dataset Card for Top Quark Tagging

Table of Contents

Dataset Description

Dataset Summary

Top Quark Tagging is a dataset of Monte Carlo simulated events produced by proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider. The top-quark signal and mixed quark-gluon background jets are produced with Pythia8 with its default tune for a center-of-mass energy of 14 TeV. Multiple interactions and pile-up are ignored. The leading 200 jet constituent four-momenta (E,px,py,pz) (E, p_x, p_y, p_z) are stored, with zero-padding applied to jets with fewer than 200 constituents.

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

  • tabular-classification: The dataset can be used to train a model for tabular binary classification, which consists in predicting whether an event is produced from a top signal or quark-gluon background. Success on this task is typically measured by achieving a high accuracy and AUC score.

Dataset Structure

Data Instances

Each instance in the dataset consists of the four-momenta of the leading 200 jet constituents, sorted by pTp_T. For jets with fewer than 200 constituents, zero-padding is applied. The four-momenta of the top-quark are also provided, along with a label in the is_signal_new column to indicate whether the event stems from a top-quark (1) or QCD background (0). An example instance looks as follows:

{'E_0': 474.0711364746094,
 'PX_0': -250.34703063964844,
 'PY_0': -223.65196228027344,
 'PZ_0': -334.73809814453125,
 'E_199': 0.0,
 'PX_199': 0.0,
 'PY_199': 0.0,
 'PZ_199': 0.0,
 'truthE': 0.0,
 'truthPX': 0.0,
 'truthPY': 0.0,
 'truthPZ': 0.0,
 'ttv': 0,
 'is_signal_new': 0}

Data Fields

The fields in the dataset have the following meaning:

  • E_i: the energy of jet constituent ii.
  • PX_i: the xx component of the jet constituent's momentum
  • PY_i: the yy component of the jet constituent's momentum
  • PZ_i: the zz component of the jet constituent's momentum
  • truthE: the energy of the top-quark
  • truthPX: the xx component of the top quark's momentum
  • truthPY: the yy component of the top quark's momentum
  • truthPZ: the zz component of the top quark's momentum
  • ttv: a flag that indicates which split (train, validation, or test) that a jet belongs to. Redundant since each split is provided as a separate dataset
  • is_signal_new: the label for each jet. A 1 indicates a top-quark, while a 0 indicates QCD background.

Data Splits

train validation test
Number of events 1211000 403000 404000

Licensing Information

This dataset is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

Citation Information

  author       = {Kasieczka, Gregor and
                  Plehn, Tilman and
                  Thompson, Jennifer and
                  Russel, Michael},
  title        = {Top Quark Tagging Reference Dataset},
  month        = mar,
  year         = 2019,
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  version      = {v0 (2018\_03\_27)},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.2603256},
  url          = {}


Thanks to @lewtun for adding this dataset.