stringlengths 46
| output
stringclasses 188
values |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Booleans
Some prompts require a yes-or-no response." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "A yes/no prompt will accept either yes or y for a positive
response, and no or n for a negative response." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Yes/no prompts are used for confirming potentially
dangerous actions such as overwriting an existing file, exiting without saving case, data, mesh, and so
on." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Some prompts require actual Scheme Boolean values (true or false)." | 3 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "These are entered with the Scheme
symbols for true and false, #t and #f.
Release 2019 R3 - © ANSYS, Inc." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "All rights reserved." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "- Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Text Prompt System
2.2.3." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Strings
Character strings are entered in double quotes, for example, “red”." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Plot titles and plot legend titles
are examples of character strings." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Character strings can include any characters, including blank spaces
and punctuation.
2.2.4." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Symbols
Symbols are entered without quotes." | 5 |
Given the context:
What are the names of the three examples of symbols? | Zone, surface, and material |
Given the context:
A symbol that starts with a letter and contains a blank space is valid or invalid? | invalid |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "You can use wild cards to specify zone names when using the TUI." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Some examples are:
• * will translate as “all zones”." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "For example,
– /display/boundary-grid * enables you to display all the boundary zones in the mesh." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "– /boundary/delete-island-faces wrap* enables you to delete island faces on all zones
prefixed by wrap." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "• > will translate as “all zones visible in the graphics window”." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "For example, /boundary/manage/delete >, yes enables you to delete all visible zones." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "• ^ will translate as “all zones selected in the graphics window”." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "For example, /boundary/manage/delete ^, yes enables you to delete all selected zones." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "•" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "[object_name will translate as “all zones with the name object_name”." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "For example, /boundary/manage/delete [box, yes enables you to delete all zones of an
object with the name box." | 4 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "•" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "[object_name/label_name will translate as "all zones with label_name of object_name"
For example, /boundary/manage/delete [fluid/box*, yes enables you to delete all
zones of an object with the name fluid and comprising face zone labels box*." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "If you use a wild card for an operation that requires a single zone as input, you will be prompted to
specify a single zone from the list of those that match the expression specified." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "> /boundary/manage/name wall* <Enter>
wall-1 wall-3 wall-5
wall-2 wall-4 wall-6
Zone Name [ ]
2.2.5." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Filenames
Filenames are actually just character strings." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "For convenience, filename prompts do not require the
string to be surrounded with double quotes." | 5 |
If, for some exceptional reason, a filename contains an
embedded space character, then the name must be surrounded with double quotes.
Q: What should be done to a filename with a space?
A: | surround it with double quotes |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Release 2019 R3 - © ANSYS, Inc." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "All rights reserved." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "- Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "12
Text User Interface
One consequence of this convenience is that filename prompts do not evaluate the response." | 3 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "For ex-
ample, the sequence
> (define fn "")
> hc fn
will end up writing a picture file with the name fn, not" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Since the filename prompt did
not evaluate the response, fn did not get a chance to evaluate “” as it would for most
other prompts.
2.2.6." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Lists
Some functions in ANSYS Fluent require a “list” of objects such as numbers, strings, Booleans, and so
on." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "A list is a Scheme object that is simply a sequence of objects terminated by the empty list, ’()." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Lists are prompted for an element at a time, and the end of the list is signaled by entering an empty
list." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "This terminating list forms the tail of the prompted list, and can either be empty or can contain
values." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "For convenience, the empty list can be entered as () as well as the standard form ’()." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Normally,
list prompts save the previous argument list as the default." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "To modify the list, overwrite the desired
elements and terminate the process with an empty list." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "For example,
element(1)" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "[()] 1
element(2)" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "[()] 10
element(3)" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "[()] 100
element(4)" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "[()]" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Enter
creates a list of three numbers: 1, 10, and 100." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Subsequently,
element(1)" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "[1] Enter
element(2)" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "[10] Enter
element(3)" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "[100] Enter
element(4)" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "[()] 1000
element(5)" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "[()]" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Enter
adds a fourth element." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Then
element(1)" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "[1] Enter
element(2)" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "[10] Enter
element(3)" | 5 |
Given the context: What will happen to the list? | only have 1 and 10 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Subsequently entering
element(1)" | 1 |
Given the context: What does the list contain? | numbers |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Finally, a single empty list removes all elements
element(1)" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "[1] ()
Release 2019 R3 - © ANSYS, Inc." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "All rights reserved." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "- Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Text Prompt System
A different type of list, namely, a “list-of-scalars” contains pick menu items (and not list items) for which
a selection has to be made from listed quantities, which are available at the Enter prompt." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Hence, a
list-of-scalars cannot be entered as a list." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "An example of a “list-of-scalars” consists of the following:
2.2.7." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Evaluation
All responses to prompts (except filenames, see above) are evaluated by the Scheme interpreter before
they are used." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "You can therefore enter any valid Scheme expression as the response to a prompt." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "For
example, to enter a unit vector with one component equal to 1/3 (without using your calculator),
/foo> set-xy
x-component" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "[1.0] (/ 1 3)
y-component" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "[0.0] (sqrt (/ 8 9))" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Release 2019 R3 - © ANSYS, Inc." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "All rights reserved." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "- Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates." | 1 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "14
Text User Interface
or, you could first define a utility function to compute the second component of a unit vector,
> (define (unit-y x) (sqrt (- 1.0 (* x x))))" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "unit-y
/foo> set-xy
x-component [1.0] (/ 1 3)
y-component [0.0] (unit-y (/ 1 3))
2.2.8." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Default Value Binding
The default value at any prompt is bound to the Scheme symbol “ _”" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "(underscore) so that the default
value can form part of a Scheme expression." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "For example, if you want to decrease a default value so
that it is one-third of the original value, you could enter
shrink-factor [0.8] (/ _ 3)
2.3." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Interrupts
The execution of the code can be halted by pressing the Ctrl+c, at which time the present operation
stops at the next recoverable location." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "2.4." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "System Commands
The way you execute system commands with the !" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "(bang) shell escape character will be slightly different
for Linux and Windows systems." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "For additional information, see the following sections:
2.4.1." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "System Commands for LINUX-based Operating Systems
2.4.2." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "System Commands for Windows-based Operating Systems
2.4.1." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "System Commands for LINUX-based Operating Systems
If you are running ANSYS Fluent under a Linux-based operating system, all characters following the !
up to the next newline character will be executed in a subshell." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Any further input related to these
system commands must be entered in the window in which you started the program, and any screen
output will also appear in that window." | 3 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "(Note that if you started ANSYS Fluent remotely, this input
and output will be in the window in which you started Cortex.)
> !" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "rm junk." | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "*
> !" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "vi script.rp
!" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "pwd and !" | 5 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "ls will execute the Linux commands in the directory in which Cortex was started." | 4 |
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "The
screen output will appear in the window in which you started ANSYS Fluent, unless you started it re-
motely, in which case the output will appear in the window in which you started Cortex." | 5 |
Subsets and Splits