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correct answer
Context: X and Y are colleagues who are leaving work on a Friday at the same time. Question: Do you want me to give you a lift home? Response: I want me to give I a lift home .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X wants to know what activities Y likes to do during weekends. Question: Did you go anywhere last weekend? Response: I did go anywhere last weekend .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X and Y are childhood neighbours who unexpectedly run into each other at a cafe. Question: Should I give you my number? Response: You should give I my number .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: Y has just told X that he/she is considering switching his/her job. Question: Is your work physically demanding? Response: My position required that I sit in front of computer all day.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: Y has just travelled from a different city to meet X. Question: Would you like to watch a show? Response: Let's just get drunk at a bar.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: Y has just told X that he/she is thinking of buying a flat in New York. Question: Is New York your only option? Response: New York is my only option .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X wants to know what activities Y likes to do during weekends. Question: Do you like going to movies? Response: I like going to movies .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X and Y are childhood neighbours who unexpectedly run into each other at a cafe. Question: Did you move here? Response: I did move here .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: Y has just moved into a neighbourhood and meets his/her new neighbour X. Question: Do you have any pet? Response: We have nine dogs.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X wants to know about Y's music preferences. Question: Have you been to a live concert? Response: I have been to a live concert .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X wants to know what sorts of books Y likes to read. Question: Have you checked out the New York Times bestseller list? Response: I have checked out the New York Times bestseller list .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X wants to know about Y's music preferences. Question: Have you played any instruments before? Response: I have played instruments before .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X wants to know about Y's music preferences. Question: Do you like rock? Response: I like rock .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: Y has just moved into a neighbourhood and meets his/her new neighbour X. Question: Is travelling something you enjoy? Response: I is .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X wants to know about Y's music preferences. Question: Did you play a music instrument growing up? Response: I did play a music instrument growing up .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: Y has just travelled from a different city to meet X. Question: Do you want to go out to a restaurant? Response: I'm desperate for something to eat.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X wants to know what sorts of books Y likes to read. Question: Do you like fiction? Response: Thrillers are my favorite.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: Y has just told X that he/she is considering switching his/her job. Question: Will you work on the weekends? Response: I will work on the weekends .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: Y has just told X that he/she is thinking of buying a flat in New York. Question: Can I come visit you? Response: of course you can
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X and Y are childhood neighbours who unexpectedly run into each other at a cafe. Question: Did you become a teacher? Response: I did become a teacher .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X and Y are colleagues who are leaving work on a Friday at the same time. Question: Did you have a good day today? Response: I did have a good day today .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X wants to know about Y's music preferences. Question: Do you like any current artists in the charts? Response: I like current artists in the charts .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: Y has just moved into a neighbourhood and meets his/her new neighbour X. Question: Are you enjoying living here? Response: I am enjoying living here .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X wants to know about Y's food preferences. Question: Is your favorite food American food? Response: My favorite food is american food .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X and Y are colleagues who are leaving work on a Friday at the same time. Question: Do you mind if we walk to the bar? Response: I mind if we walk to the bar .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X and Y are colleagues who are leaving work on a Friday at the same time. Question: Did your day go well? Response: My day did go well .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: Y has just told X that he/she is thinking of buying a flat in New York. Question: When will you close on the property? Response: We are negotiating now.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X wants to know what sorts of books Y likes to read. Question: Do you like to read romances? Response: I prefer self-help books.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X and Y are childhood neighbours who unexpectedly run into each other at a cafe. Question: Does anyone else know you're here? Response: Anyone else does .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X wants to know what sorts of books Y likes to read. Question: Would a book of short stories appeal to you? Response: A book of short stories would appeal to I .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X wants to know about Y's music preferences. Question: Did you play an instrument at school? Response: I was a first chair flute player.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X wants to know what activities Y likes to do during weekends. Question: Do you like going to baseball games? Response: It's my favorite.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: Y has just told X that he/she is considering switching his/her job. Question: Do you get bored at your current job? Response: I often nod off while doing it.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: Y has just told X that he/she is thinking of buying a flat in New York. Question: Is there a secure parking area? Response: There is a secure parking area .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X wants to know what sorts of books Y likes to read. Question: Do you like salmon? Response: I like salmon .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: Y has just told X that he/she is considering switching his/her job. Question: Is your job challenging enough for you? Response: it usually is
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: Y has just moved into a neighbourhood and meets his/her new neighbour X. Question: Do you like this neighbourhood? Response: So far I do
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X wants to know what sorts of books Y likes to read. Question: Have you ever read any of Tolkien's works? Response: Lord of the Rings was pretty tough to get through.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X wants to know about Y's music preferences. Question: Would you start a band? Response: I would start a band .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X and Y are childhood neighbours who unexpectedly run into each other at a cafe. Question: Can I buy you a drink? Response: You can buy I a drink .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X wants to know what sorts of books Y likes to read. Question: Do you like short stories? Response: If I only have a little bit of time to read.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X and Y are colleagues who are leaving work on a Friday at the same time. Question: Are you leaving as well? Response: I have to go back and finish up.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X and Y are colleagues who are leaving work on a Friday at the same time. Question: Do you drive? Response: I drive .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X wants to know about Y's food preferences. Question: Are you wanting to try something new? Response: I am wanting to try something new .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X and Y are colleagues who are leaving work on a Friday at the same time. Question: Do you like cheeseburgers? Response: Only from Burger King.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: Y has just told X that he/she is thinking of buying a flat in New York. Question: Would you consider renting the flat out for extra money ? Response: I would rather not
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X and Y are colleagues who are leaving work on a Friday at the same time. Question: Should we go for a drink? Response: If you're buying.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X wants to know about Y's music preferences. Question: Do you like anime music? Response: I'm not a fan really
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X and Y are childhood neighbours who unexpectedly run into each other at a cafe. Question: Are you happy with your life now? Response: I am happy with my life .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: Y has just moved into a neighbourhood and meets his/her new neighbour X. Question: Do you like to workout or are into athletics? Response: I go to the gym every weekend.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: Y has just told X that he/she is thinking of buying a flat in New York. Question: Do you mind being in crowded places? Response: It doesn't bother me.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X and Y are childhood neighbours who unexpectedly run into each other at a cafe. Question: Have you stayed in contact with any of our other friends? Response: I have stayed in contact with of our other friends .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: Y has just moved into a neighbourhood and meets his/her new neighbour X. Question: Do you enjoy reading? Response: I enjoy reading .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X wants to know about Y's music preferences. Question: Have you been to warped tour? Response: Years ago I saw a lot of punk bands there.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: Y has just travelled from a different city to meet X. Question: Did it take a while to get here? Response: I was here pretty quickly.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: Y has just told X that he/she is thinking of buying a flat in New York. Question: Is New York an affordable place to buy in? Response: It's not the cheapest place to live.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: Y has just told X that he/she is considering switching his/her job. Question: Are you not happy with you work conditions? Response: Not really they are quire bad
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X wants to know what activities Y likes to do during weekends. Question: Do you play football on weekends? Response: I play football on weekends .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X wants to know about Y's music preferences. Question: Is classical music your favorite? Response: Classical music is my favorite .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X wants to know about Y's food preferences. Question: Can you eat meat? Response: It doesn't agree with me.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X wants to know about Y's music preferences. Question: Is country your favorite genre of music? Response: I wouldn;t say that
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X wants to know what sorts of books Y likes to read. Question: Do you get engulfed in the story? Response: I get engulfed in the story .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X and Y are colleagues who are leaving work on a Friday at the same time. Question: Got anything going on on Saturday? Response: Anything got going on on Saturday .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: Y has just moved into a neighbourhood and meets his/her new neighbour X. Question: Are you planning on living here for a long time? Response: I am planning on living here for a long time .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: Y has just told X that he/she is considering switching his/her job. Question: Do you want to switch fields? Response: I want to switch fields .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X wants to know what sorts of books Y likes to read. Question: Have you read the Harry Potter collection? Response: I've read all J K Rowling's books.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X wants to know about Y's music preferences. Question: Do you like songs with acoustic guitar? Response: I like songs with acoustic guitar .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X and Y are colleagues who are leaving work on a Friday at the same time. Question: Want to grab a coffee/drink? Response: My wife is expecting me in five minutes.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: Y has just travelled from a different city to meet X. Question: Do you want to go partying tonight? Response: I need to get up very early tomorrow morning.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: Y has just told X that he/she is considering switching his/her job. Question: Was your job stressful? Response: It has been stressful lately
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X wants to know about Y's food preferences. Question: Do you enjoy Italian cuisine? Response: Italian is my all time favorite
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X wants to know what sorts of books Y likes to read. Question: Are you into thrillers? Response: I am into thrillers .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X wants to know about Y's food preferences. Question: Do you drink alcohol? Response: I drink alcohol .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: Y has just told X that he/she is considering switching his/her job. Question: Have you worked in your company for a long time? Response: I consider three years to be quite a long time.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X wants to know what activities Y likes to do during weekends. Question: Are you into biking? Response: I hope to get in a 2-mile ride this weekend.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X wants to know about Y's food preferences. Question: Does Italian food appeal to you? Response: I like all Italian food.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: Y has just moved into a neighbourhood and meets his/her new neighbour X. Question: Do you like to read? Response: I'm afraid to see how much I spend on books.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X wants to know what activities Y likes to do during weekends. Question: Hey would you be interested in going to a local band's show this weekend? Response: I am would I be interested in going to a local band 's show this weekend .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X wants to know about Y's music preferences. Question: Do you still like classical music? Response: I listen to it every morning.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: Y has just moved into a neighbourhood and meets his/her new neighbour X. Question: What city did you move from? Response: I did I move from .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: Y has just told X that he/she is considering switching his/her job. Question: Do you usually have to work late? Response: I am late every day.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X wants to know about Y's food preferences. Question: Do you like fast food? Response: It's too unhealthy.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: Y has just told X that he/she is considering switching his/her job. Question: Do you work with people? Response: My work mostly involves caring for animals.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X and Y are colleagues who are leaving work on a Friday at the same time. Question: Will you be decorating for the holidays? Response: I don't have a lot of time to put up decorations.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X and Y are colleagues who are leaving work on a Friday at the same time. Question: Want to share a taxi back to Heswall ? Response: I want to share a taxi back to Heswall .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: Y has just told X that he/she is thinking of buying a flat in New York. Question: Is it close to a metro stop? Response: It's near a subway stop, the metro is in London.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X wants to know what activities Y likes to do during weekends. Question: Will you be participating in any sporting activities on Saturday ? Response: I hope to be
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X and Y are colleagues who are leaving work on a Friday at the same time. Question: Are you going to play golf today? Response: I don't play golf.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X wants to know about Y's food preferences. Question: Have you eaten Oven Fired Pizza? Response: I have eaten Oven Fired Pizza .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: Y has just told X that he/she is considering switching his/her job. Question: Do you have management experience? Response: I have management experience .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X wants to know about Y's music preferences. Question: Do you like African music? Response: I like African music .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: Y has just told X that he/she is considering switching his/her job. Question: Do you work at the weekends? Response: sometimes I have to
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: X and Y are colleagues who are leaving work on a Friday at the same time. Question: So, do you have plans for this weekend? Response: I do I have plans for this weekend .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X wants to know what sorts of books Y likes to read. Question: Do you have a library card? Response: I have had a card for some time now.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: Y has just travelled from a different city to meet X. Question: Are you enjoying your visit? Response: I am enjoying my visit .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: Y has just told X that he/she is considering switching his/her job. Question: Are you a Supervisor now? Response: I am now .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X wants to know what sorts of books Y likes to read. Question: Do you prefer reading nonfiction? Response: If it's an autobiography, I might enjoy it.
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Indirect answer
Context: Y has just moved into a neighbourhood and meets his/her new neighbour X. Question: Did you move here for work? Response: I did move here for work .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X wants to know what activities Y likes to do during weekends. Question: Do you enjoy clubs? Response: I enjoy clubs .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
Context: X and Y are colleagues who are leaving work on a Friday at the same time. Question: Are you coming to work tomorrow? Response: I am coming to work tomorrow .
[ "Direct answer", "Indirect answer" ]
Direct answer
End of preview. exists but content is empty.
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