# jQuery.counter (javascript + css3) |
Info + Demo: http://sophilabs.github.com/jquery-counter |
A jQuery counter based on http://code.google.com/p/jquery-countdown with more options. |
## Options |
Options can be set by attribute `data-<name>="value"` or in the options hash on counter initialization: `$(element).counter({name: value, ...})` |
**`direction: up|down`** Counter direction |
**`format: string`** Defines the format and the limit for each part - _e.g: 23:59:59_ |
**`interval: number`** Defines the time between each counter increment - _by default 1000 milliseconds_ |
**`stop: string`** Defines the counter limit - _eg: 10:00 (ten minutes)_ |
## Methods |
Methods can be call using `$(element).counter('method')` |
**`play`** Play counter |
**`reset`** Reset counter |
**`stop`** Stop counter |
## Events |
**`counterStop`** Raised when the counter reach limit |
## Example |
### 10 seconds countdown: |
<span class="counter counter-analog">0:10</span> |
<script> |
$('.counter').counter(); |
</script> |
### 120 seconds count: |
<span class="counter counter-analog" data-direction="up" data-format="120">0</span> |
<script> |
$('.counter').counter(); |
</script> |
## License |
jQuery.counter is Copyright (c) 2017 sophilabs, inc. It is free software, and may be |
redistributed under the terms specified in the [license](/LICENSE) file. |
## About |
[](https://sophilabs.co) |
jQuery.counter is maintained and funded by sophilabs, inc. The names and logos for |
sophilabs are trademarks of sophilabs, inc. |