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For those going to Cirebon and looking for a nice parking spot and quick-service food, it's best to come here since the parking spot is spacious and the atmosphere is comfy. | Kanggo nu nuju ka cirebon sareng milarian tempat nu raos parkirna sareng tuangeunna peryogi enggal, leuwih sae ka dieu kusabab parkiranna lega sareng suasanana rempes | eng-sun |
Mm, kinda sad to have to wait every time I come here. The noodles are hella hot. Hehe, maybe add more seats in so we don't have to wait, y'know. | Mm sedih euy mung ka dieu sok nungguan: Emina lada pisan. hehe bangkuna oge ditambihan atuh meh henteu nunggu | eng-sun |
But the fact is, we do own lotsa land here, whatcha gonna do about it?! Just work hard if you wanna be rich like us, don't just mock us all the time | Kanyataan yen urang gaduh seueur lahan di dieu, naon anu anjeun pikahoyong ?! Kusabab kitu damel supados anjeun tiasa kengingkeun seueur artos sapertos kami, ulah ngan saukur ngahujat | eng-sun |
The Valley restaurant has the number 1 view of the town. Enjoying the night vibes with twinkling lights is amazing | Restoran The Valley ieu pamandangan ka kota na nomor 1. Nganikmatan suasana dinten wengi ku lampu kedap-kedip endah pisan. | eng-sun |
When you're in Semarang, you gotta try this mie kocok. I think it's the best . Even though it's on the edge of the shop buildings and you gotta find your own seat, the taste is so worth it. They got a lot of cow gravel, and the tasty broth really goes well with the thin and wide noodles. It's also dirt cheap. For sure, he mie kocok is the best in semarang | Lamun ka Semarang kedah tuang mie kocok ieu, numutkeun kuring pang ngeunahna. Sanaos tempatna aya di sisi ruko, sareng kanggo tuangna kedah usaha heula keur kengingkeun korsi, tapi eta sae pisan upami dibandingkeun sareng raos na. Kikilna seueur, kuahna gurih pisan jeung miena lebar sareng ipis. Hargina oge kajangkau. Teh pangsaena mie kocok Semarang. | eng-sun |
The thief that has already been confirmed to be someone named Lulung. | Maling nu sebenerna tos pasti namina lulung | eng-sun |
Bruh, maybe fate just doesn't let me have a good Indomie Goreng, even though it's just a simple act of boiling noodles. How could you make it too soft? | Saleresna nya sapertosna abdi teu ditakdirkeun nikmatan indomie goreng, padahal ngan ngulub miena lho. Tiasa-tiasana leuleus teuing. | eng-sun |
Nike has released their newest shoe product. | Nike ngaluarkeun produk sapatu anyarna. | eng-sun |
When I went to that restaurant, the waiter came up to me and asked me for how many people I wanted the table to be. | Nalika kuring angkat ka restoran eta, palayan sumping ka kuring sareng naroskeun kanggo sabaraha jalmi. | eng-sun |
Roti Bakar Duti has been around for a long time. Even though the bread is nothing special, there's a lot of variety. Pretty much everything is on the menu. Sometimes I don't even know what fillings to choose. They also have porridge. That's also pretty good | Roti bakar duti ieu tos aya ti baheula didieu. Rotina biasa wae. Ngan pilihan menuna anu seueur pisan. Naon wae aya. Kuatka kadang bingung hoyong milih nu euisina naon. Aya ngajual bubur oge. Hade lah. | eng-sun |
My quota is drained dry just to see photos that make me jelly, and delicious food that makes my mouth water. | Kuota janteun seep kakuras kanggo ningali foto-foto anu janteun abdi sirik hungkul, tuangeunna raraos nu janteun ngadameul ngelay. | eng-sun |
I really love eating in this restaurant. Varied menu, awesome flavours, and not really that expensive. | Abdi resep pisan tuang di restoran ieu, menu tuangeunna rupa-rupa, raosna sae, hargana henteu awis teuing. | eng-sun |
You haven't visited Bandung if you haven't tasted any Batagor. Batagor Burangrang is one of the best when it comes to tasty batagor and exceptional sauce. | Kirang pas mung nganjang ka Bandung teu nyicip batagor. Batagor burangrang yaeta salah sahiji nu rasana raos sareng saosna ge gurih. | eng-sun |
Packed with customers eating and queuing. for the menu, its standard is just like home. Nothin' to write home about as far as flavour is concerned. Quality of taste is not worth the cost. | Anu ruang rame, antre, menu masakan, masakan standar sapertos di bumi. Rasana oge biasa. Pangaos teu cocog jeung kualitas rasa. | eng-sun |
I can confidently say that this resto is perfect for families. While my wife is buying souvenirs, I can enjoy my lunch in this resto. My children can also play around in the playground thanks to the affordable tickets. | Abdi tiasa nyarios ieu nyaeta restoran nu cocog kanggo kulawargi. Sabari pamajikan abdi balanja oleh-oleh, abdi tiasa nganikmatan tuang siang di resto ieu. Murangkalih abdi tiasa ameng di tempat ameng nu tiketna mirah. | eng-sun |
What a crowded place, food's varied. Comfortable design and environment. Cool breeze, lots of children's playgrounds. | Tempatna rame pisan, tuangeun rupi-rupi. Desain sareng lingkungan merenah. Udara tiis, seueur tempat ulin barudak. | eng-sun |
Alright, please wait for our team to respond to your issues regarding the Telkomsel provider. | Muhun kak, perkawis ngantosan kanggo kendala dina provider telkomsel enggal direspon ku rerencangan abdi. | eng-sun |
Poor Ungu personnels, can't find a gig after Pasha left | Watir personil ungu ayeuna, teu aya pagawean kusabab ditinggalkeun ku pasha | eng-sun |
If I have a ton of phone credits, I will activate my hotspot so that everyone can access the internet. | Upami aya pulsa sagudang, bakal ngaktifkeun wifi sadaya jalmi ambeh tiasa internetan | eng-sun |
The Minister of Finance states that the weakness of Rupiah holds more influence towards the current account deficit. | Menkeu nuturkeun nyaeta lemahna rupiah mangaruhan kana defisit transaksi anu keur jalan | eng-sun |
Early in the morning ... | Enjing enjing di tol cipali tos macet parah, jieun jengkel wae ieu | eng-sun |
Regarding the account change for the BPJS autodebit payment, Mr. Luqman may come to the branch office of Bank Mandiri for the corresponding autodebit proposal. We will close the account first and foremost. | Perkawis ngagentos rekening kanggo pembayaran autodebet BPJS, Bapak Luqman tiasa sumping ka kantor cabang Bank Mandiri pangajuan autodebet nu kasebat nya. Kanggo tiasa ditutup rekeningna langkung ti payun. | eng-sun |
The car Jeje uses for her day-to-day activities is a cream-coloured Toyota | Mobil nu unggal dinten dianggo jeje nyaeta merk toyota sareng warnana krem. | eng-sun |
Has a nice atmosphere, what with the ricefield and mountain, they even got a wine cellar. But the food was too expensive. The quality could've been a lot better especially since there're tons of deteriorating restaurants in Bandung right now. | Suasana sawah sareng gunung, aya wine cellarna. Tapi tuangeunana awis, kedahna kualitasna langkung sae kusabab seueur restoran anu sami di Bandung ayeuna tos dimana-mana | eng-sun |
My biggest pet peeve is when people are chatting while riding on their motorcycles, especially if the road is narrow. | Pang keuheulna mung aya nu ngarobrol di jalan sabari motoran komo mung jalanna sempit | eng-sun |
The servers aren't very active and friendly, often times unable to explain the available menu, making the customers feel ignored and neglected. | Palayanan kirang aktif sareng teu someah sareng kirang tiasa ngajentrekeun menu tuangeun nu aya, ku kituna tamu ngarasa teu diacuhkeun sareng dicicingkeun wae. | eng-sun |
Really good restaurant, with a view facing Bandar Lampung city, making for a breathtaking sight at night. The atmosphere is calming, and the decors look beautiful. I absolutely love this place. | Restoranna sae pisan, pamandanganna ngadep kota Bandar Lampung, janten endah lamun ti wengi. Suasanana tenang pisan, hiasan ruanganna geulis pisan. Abdi resep pisan tempat ieu. | eng-sun |
Aspiring applicants of the CPNS may only register for one institution and one position. | Calon pelamar cpns tiasa ngadaftar di 1 instansi sareng 1 formasi jabatan hungkul | eng-sun |
Food was alright, I ordered a spring roll but it was kinda oily, and the main course costed a bit too much. The building was unique but the location wasn't really ideal, making the place always look empty. When you order, make sure that you say what you want clearly, because what happened to us was we got 3 items when we only ordered 2. The waiters were very friendly, but the cashier was acting a bit odd. I probably wouldn't be coming back. | Tuangeunna lumayan, abdi mesen spring roll lumayan minyakan, pangaos tuangenna nu utami lumayan awis. Bangunan unik mung lokasi teu kitu sae, ku kitu tempat na katingali sepi. Sawaktos mesen kedah nyarios leuwih jelas, kusabab ku kajadian ka arurang, arurang mesen 2 mung narima 3 item. Palayan na darehdeh, mung sikap kasir na rada aneh. Jiga na urang moal balik deui. | eng-sun |
The griled gourami and stir-fried water spinach served in Reds Dipo which I ordered at lunchtime in November 2012, tasted quite okay. It's just that the chilli in the sambal and veggies such as: cucumbers, tomatoes, and the water spinach, and also the orange in the iced orange juice don't feel very fresh. | Ikan gurame bakar sareng cah kangkung anu disajikeun di red s dipo anu kuring peser sawaktos makan siang dina sasih nopember 2012, rasana mayan raoseun, ngan cabe dina sambelna jeung sayurannana sapertos: Bonteng, tomat, jeung kangkungna sareng es jerukna teu karasa seger. | eng-sun |
BCA Finance offers a job vacancy via the Karya Bakti programme for the relationship officer position in Pekanbaru | Karya bakti bca finance posisi relationship officer muka lowongan kanggo panempatan Pekanbaru | eng-sun |
Ate bakso while chatting with friends. The place is cool for eating. The price is also not too expensive. | Tuang bakso sabari ngobrol sareng rerencangan. Tempatna asik kanggo tuang. Pangaosna oge henteu awis teuing. | eng-sun |
In the middle of legal proceedings, residents of Tamansari Bandung face the threat of eviction. | Di tengah proses hukum, wargi tamansari bandung nyanghareupan tekanan penggusuran | eng-sun |
Wanna shop in that store today so I can get that cool cooking utensil plus a chance to vacay in the Netherlands. | Dinteun ayeuna bade balanja di toko eta supados tiasa nampi paralatan masak anu sae tambih kasempetan liburan ka Walanda. | eng-sun |
Forget 1 hour, I can't even play stories that takes about a couple seconds without loading forever. Just amazing, Indosat | Tong oge 1 jam, nyoo stories nu ngan sababaraha detik oge loadingna lami pisan, indosat luar biasa. | eng-sun |
Never boring and always amazing. Every time I come to Congo Kafe. The place is calming. Cozy. You should try coming here at night. It's more romantic. Especially with your loved one | Teu bosan jeung kataji. Unggal ka congo kafe. Tempatna kalem. Merenah. Cobian deh sumping dinten wengi. Leuwih romantis. Upami nyandak pasangan | eng-sun |
The price is incredibly affordable and the menu is hip and cool. The resto's decor is arranged well and uniquely. | Pangaosna kahontal pisan tur menu tuangeunna cekap kakiwarian. Tempat tuangna didekor sae tur unik. | eng-sun |
The place is not too clean. Going there is a bit difficult due to frequent traffic jams. Gotta think twice before coming back here. | Tempatna kirang beresih. Kanggo sumping ka ditu rada hese kusabab rawan macet. Janten mikir dua kali mung hoyong ka ditu deui. | eng-sun |
Terjemahan pada sheet translation sudah bagus, namun di sheet ini ini tidak terlihat lengkap. | Tim kuring bade ngayakeun tuangeun tema di burgundy. Tibatan nyasab, kuring sareng sekretaris nyobian ngariksa tempatna sapoe sateuacanna. Bari jeung pas dinten minggon sore janten macet. Atos dugi mah pamandangananana alus. Ngan tata layout restoran biasa wae. | eng-sun |
I use the Type-9210 BB, got an info since yesterday, and then got charged for GPRS | Abdi nganggo bb tipe 9210, abdi narima info ti kamari, keuna biaya gprs. | eng-sun |
I use a Lenovo phone. It fell into the sewer just 2 weeks after buying, fell onto the asphalt when I was speeding on my bike and its parts scattered everywhere, yet this phone still survives. You're awesome, Lenovo | Handphone abdi lenovo, kacemplung di comeran sawaktos 2 minggon nembe ngagaleuh, jatoh di aspal nuju ngebut momotoran nepi ka eusi na ka mana-mana, hape abdi masih keneh kuat, hade pisan emang lenovo. | eng-sun |
The batagor's huge and the meat is tasty. Simply amazing. The seasoning is spot on too. Perfect menu for an afternoon snack | Batagorna arageung tur dagingna karasa pisan. Mantap lah. Bumbuna rasana raos. Cocog upami dijantenkeun menu kanggo camilan dinten sonten. | eng-sun |
So tiring tonight. | meuni carapek wengi ieu. | eng-sun |
I've sent a complaint e-mail since my telephone call wouldn't go through. | Kuring parantos ngirim email keluhan sabab teleponna teu lebeut wae. | eng-sun |
The portion was plentiful. Crabs were around 100 thousand / portion. The grilled prawns are also great. The condiments were full of spice. Both the price and taste can rival Perahu Seafood in Sumatera Street. | Porsina seueur kapiting saharga 100 / porsi. Udang bakarna raoseun. Raos bungbuna pinuh ku rempah. Pangaos jeung rasana saingan jeung perahu seafood jalan sumatera | eng-sun |
Rizal Ramli explains how the price of rice can be stablized. | Rizal ramli ngajelaskeun carana ngestabilkeun pangaos beas | eng-sun |
As a Jakartan, I'm ashamed of some irresponsible people who wanna sweep the Bobotoh, man | Abdi salaku wargi jakarta isin kang ka oknum nu teu bertanggung jawab nu hoyong sweeping bobotoh | eng-sun |
Bali is one of the islands that becomes the destination of the tourists. | Bali teh salah sahiji pulau nu jadi tujuan destinasi para turis. | eng-sun |
Our current trip is to find a good place to recommend to our client. The distance from Bandung is pretty far, but it's all paid off once you see the beautifull night scenery while having great food and service | Perjalanan sawaktos ieu dina rangka perkawis milarian tempat nu disarankeun kanggo klien arurang. Jaral timpuh ti bandung kota cekap tebih emang, mung perkawis eta tiasa kabayar ku pamandangan nu sae di waktos wengi sareng tuang wengi ku tuangeun sareng palayanan okay. | eng-sun |
The location is kinda hidden in the corner of a housing area. The concept of this place is great, looks just like a house in a European village with wooden floors and walls. Aside from the interior, customers can enjoy their meal in the unique garden, utilizing old drums as seats. | Lokasina bener saeutik nyumput di sudut sahiji parumahan. Konsep tempatna sae, sapertos bumi di padesaan eropa ku lantai sareng dinding kai. Sanes di lebeut, pangunjung tiasa nikmatan tuangeunna dina kursi-kursi di area taman nu unik nganggo drum tilas. | eng-sun |
We sell premium one-meter HDMI cables. Buy 2 and get 1 for free in Rich Com Store vendor. | Arurang ngicalan kabel hdmi premium 1 meter meser 2 gratis 1 di lapak Rich Com Store. | eng-sun |
I don't care. I want my phone credits back. This is a robbery. Your telephone package is also a robbery. I just complained about it. | Teu hayang nyaho. Balikeun pulsa abdi. Ieu ngarana parampokan. Paket telepon anjeun oge parampokan. Nembe ieu abdi komplain. | eng-sun |
Leaves come in a variety of shapes | Daun gaduh rupi-rupi jenis bentuk | eng-sun |
Me and my family tried eating in Karamba Resto because our rental car driver recommended it. We did arrive kinda late at 21:00. Although the resto wasn't closed or preparing to close yet, some of the menus were already out. My mom and husband even had to order nasi timbel without the sayur asem since it's out of stock. It was replaced with sup sayur by the resto's staff. We didn't have many options to choose from. Not recommended. | Abdi sareng kulawargi nyobian emam di karamba resto kusabab sopir mobil sewaan abdi ngarekomen. Arurang sih sumping di lokasi rada wengian, sakitaran tabuh 21 sanajan restoran teu acan nutup atawa siap-siap nutup, ngan aya sababaraha menu anu tos seep. Malah, emak sareng caroge abdi mesen nasi timbel nu sayur haseumna tos seep, digentos ku sup sayur ku pihak resto. Teu seueur pilihan nu tiasa urang pilih. Kirang rekomendasi. | eng-sun |
After getting officially acknowledged as a university, BSI held a seminar on motivation. | Parobihan status janten universitas, bsi ngayakeun seminar motivasi | eng-sun |
A diner that has existed since a long time ago and yet the taste is just as delicious as it used to be, the chicken and krechek rice are very delicious. Sometimes I even would go out of my way to take some back home to enjoy later. | Rumah makan jaman kiwari mung rasa keneh sami raosna, hayam sareng nasi krecek na raos pisan, sakapeung abdi ngahaja meser dibungkus kanggo ka bumi. | eng-sun |
Needing to pass that street everyday is kinda irritating. The narrow, two-way street and its traffic jam have become an everyday occurrence at this point. | Rada jengkel oge lamun unggal poe liwat dinya wae. Heureut, dua arah, macet geus jadi kadaharan sapopoe. | eng-sun |
My younger brother got accepted in ITB's Environmental Engineering Faculty. | Adi abdi ditarima di Teknik Lingkungan ITB | eng-sun |
Please follow up my complaints ASAP, before there are more victims of GoPay hacking | Punten enggal tindak lanjut ngeunaan keluhan kuring, sateuacan korban peretas GoPay janten nambihan. | eng-sun |
Their signature main dish is the betutu chicken, with flavour variations ranging from mild to really spicy. Aside from chicken, there's also betutu duck with the same flavour variations. | Menu utama andalan aranjeunna nyaeta hayam betutu nu tiasa dipilih variasi rasana mimiti ti nu teu lada nepi lada pisan. Sanes ti hayam aya oge bebek betutu sareng variasi rasa nu sami. | eng-sun |
I never say rude things to my partner even for a joke / when I'm really angry because I respect him that much | Teu acan kantos tiasa nyarios kata-kata kasar ka pasangan sanajang bercanda hungkul / nuju ambek pisan kusabab saking hormatna abdi ka anjeunna | eng-sun |
Yesterday, they applied for the Djarum scholarship | Kamari maranehna ngadaftar beasiswa djarum | eng-sun |
Kak Adit, I'll have one Indomie, please. | A adit kuring mesen indomiena hiji | eng-sun |
By the way, the description said Note 3 Pro, but what I got was Note 3. What a letdown, man | Oh heeuh dina katerangan na ge note 3 pro, mung nu dikirimna note 3 nya, kuciwa juragan | eng-sun |
A man ran over some people with a car in France, 2 injured. | Lalaki nabrak warga ku mobil di prancis, 2 laluka | eng-sun |
I was curious and wanna eat here. When I ordered, the owner's voice was so low, oh my God. I coudn't tell what he was saying, it just sounded like "blubup blubup" haha. I ordered chicken noodles with 2 extra meatballs while my partner ordered bakso urat soun. Not long after, the order for my partner was served and it was below our expectations. | Abdi panasaran hoyong tuang di dieu. Sawaktos mesen, sora mas-mas na alit pisan, euleuh-euleuh teu tangtos nyarios naon blubup blubup kitu haha. Abdi mesen mi ayam 2baso ekstra, kabogoh abdi mesen bakso urat soun. Teu lami, pesenan kabogoh abdi datang, geuningan teu sesuai nu dipakaharap. | eng-sun |
My friend works at Gojek | Rerencangan abdi didamel di gojek | eng-sun |
Yes, I've called via Halo BCA. But my connections got cut off multiple times and my credits would run out if I kept calling over and over! | Ya, abdi tos ngahubungan liwat halo bca. Ngan kaputus wae sareng pulsa abdi kapotong seueur mung telepon sababaraha kali! | eng-sun |
Cool atmosphere, green, refreshing, and perfect to unwind and escape from mundane routines. As for the expensive food, personally it's not really a big deal because the great location matters a lot more. | Suasana sejuk, hejo, nyegerkeun sareng cocog pisan kanggo refreshing sawaktos lumpat ti rutinitas. Kanggo tuangeun nu awis numutkeun abdi lain masalah kusabab lokasi na nu sae leuwih penting. | eng-sun |
Bored of this world so full of hypocrisy. | Bosen ka dunya ieu nu pinuh ku kamunafikan | eng-sun |
People find it hard to appreciate others nowadays. | Jalmi ayeuna lolobana hese ngahargaan batur | eng-sun |
This place promised steaks and meat for a low price. But in reality, it wasn't really that low compared to the quality of the meat, which wasn't good at all. The meat was tough and had no flavur. | Tempat ieu ngiming-ngiming tuang steak sareng daging nu hargina mirah. Mung nyatana teu mirah upami dibandingkeun jeung kualitas dagingna nu teu raos. Dagingna heuras tur rasana hambar. | eng-sun |
Early morning and I'm already fuming at the Sanur bank branch's unprofessional and disappointing service. No wonder the customer reviews were all negative | Isuk geus ambek-ambeukan kusabab pelayanan di bank cabang sanur nu teu profesional jeung nguciwakeun! Teu salah loba penilaian pelanggan goreng. | eng-sun |
Went to have luch with 6 family members consisting of adults and children. We got a grotto that was far up above. Could you imagine walking to the top? Of course it was very tiring. The place was good overall, yes, but the faraway location of the grotto and the exhausting trip up was just.... My advice is if you wanna go there, don't go during lunch cuz it's sure to be full. The price was quite high. But the view was breathtaking. | Angkat kanggo tuangeun sareng 6 kulawarga nu dewasa sareng murangkalih. Urang kenging saung anu tebih diluhur. Bayangkeun we jalanna kedah kaluhur pasti cape pisan. Tempatna mah alus tapi lokasi saungna tebih jeung cape deui kaluhurna. Saran ti simkuring upami anjeun bade kaditu tong sumping waktos siang kusabab bakal pinuh. Pangaos tuangeunana rada misil. Tapi pamandanganna alus pisan. | eng-sun |
Steak's quite good. This eatery is perfect for students or uni kids hehehe cuz the price is affordable. For the food, it's okat, kay | Steikna lumayanlah raos. Warung ieu cocog kanggo palajar atawa mahasiswa hehehe kusabab pangaosna kahontal. Kanggo tuangeunna oke kok. | eng-sun |
In my opinion, eating here will grant you large portions for a cheap price, add to the fact that it's served quickly, too, and the place being clean and wide. | Numutkeun abdi tuang di dieu porsina seueur bari hargina mirah, teras tuangeunna enggal datangna deuih bari tempatna oge bersih jeung lega. | eng-sun |
Indonesian needs a visionary leader, not an entertainer | Urang Indonesia peryogi pamingpin anu visioner, sanes tukang ngahibur, | eng-sun |
Tong Dji serves various food and drinks, not only tea. Recommended ones are: earthenware rock sugar tea and fried rice | Tong dji nyuguhkeun rupa-rupa kadaharan jeung inuman, lain ukur teh. Nu disarankeun: teh Poci gula batuna sareng sangu goreng | eng-sun |
I am not a huge fan of goats since I can't stand the smell, but while eating in this place, it's as if I wasn't eating goat at all! The meat's tender, tasty, and odourless. The resto's atmosphere, too, is nice and comfy. | Abdi sanes nu resep embe kusabab teu tahan kana bauna, mung tuang di tempat ieu, abdi sapertos teu nuju tuang embe! Dagingna hipu, raos, sareng teu aya bauna. Suasana restona ge raos sareng merenah. | eng-sun |
I've been wanting to cancel my credit card for a few months now, y'see. | Abdi hoyong nutup kartu kiridit ti sababaraha sasih ka pengker, yeuh. | eng-sun |
The truly real ones, no set-ups | Nu bener-bener asli teu aya settingan | eng-sun |
Man, Indoesat is so disappointing. I was just about to register but they charged me per kb? My credits just got drained | Duh indosat nguciwakeun. Abdi bade nembean daftar kalahka keuna tarif per kb? Pulsa ngurangan drastis | eng-sun |
I ordered a mountain jacket from Eiger | Abdi mesen jaket gunung eiger | eng-sun |
The service was indeed quick, but the food was served carelessly, like they just wanted to push them out without care. I ordered shrimp with oyster sauce, and it was just the same crab as the one with padang sauce. The pliers for the crab was also not given unless we asked. | Palayan na sih heeuh enggal mung tuangeunna asal-asalan we, asal jadi asal asak we, mesen udang saos tiram, sami wae sareng masakan kepiting saos padang, tang kanggo kepiting teu dipasihan upami teu dipenta. | eng-sun |
A restaurant with the concept of beautiful dining experience, especially at nighttime with its lovely atmosphere thanks to their night lights. The food is just as good. Perfect for family gatherings. | Restoran anu konsep tempat tuangna asri pisan, hususna wengi suasana anu endah kalayan lampu-lampuna, tuangeunana oge ngeunah rasana. Cocog pikeun tempat kempel kulawarga. | eng-sun |
First tried this because of other people's reviews, but turns out the taste was nothing special. 30 thousand for a plate. Seat was hard to find | Kahiji cobi kusabab ulasan sababaraha jalmi mung nyatana rasana biasa wae. Sapiring 30 rebu. Hese milarian tempat diuk. | eng-sun |
I was told to just wait for the SMS, it's been a day and I still got nothing! | Nembe saurna dipiwarang nunggu wae dugi sms ditampi, tos sadinten teu aya wae! | eng-sun |
Time to make your own 360 degrees visual work with Samsung! Follow the easy steps in this video. | Waktosna ngadamel karya visual 360 derajat ku samsung! Ngiring langkah gampil dina video ieu. | eng-sun |
The description said chamomile aroma, but why does it stink so bad? | Ceunah detil aroma chamomile, tapi naha bau na teu ngeunah kieu sih | eng-sun |
I'm very satisfied with the specs of Asus' laptop. | Abdi puas pisan ku spesifikasi laptop asus | eng-sun |
Fun weekend with the family in a place with satisfactory facilities and affordable price. Our vacation became more fun with the strawberry grove where we can pick strawberries straight from the field. | Ahir minggu anu gumbira sareng kulawarga di tempat anu fasilitas na cekap sareng pangaosna kahontal. Liburan langkung gumbira ku ayana kebon stroberi anu tiasa dipeting langsung ti kebonna. | eng-sun |
Please hear us, Admin. The connection quality in Celeungsi Bogor is really bad. Even though we've paid a lot for this | Punten perhatosanna admin. Jaringan di cileungsi bogor awon pisan kualitasna. Padahal mayarna awis. | eng-sun |
The food's yummy: fried chicken, sauteed eggplant, fish soup, fried tempeh, sambal. The services are lovely, too. | Tuangeunna raos: hayam goreng, tumis terong, sop lauk, tempe goreng, sambel, Palayananna oge sae. | eng-sun |
First time to this place, I had reserved and got number 3. I asked for a spot on the lower ground so we didn't have to take the stairs because one of my mates had sore knees. Made to wait almost 40 minutes without any certainty. I ended up cancelling. At first I didn't want to give a 1-star rating because maybe it was just that crowded and my special request was too much to ask for. But, the waitress' rude attitude was the last straw. | Mimiti ka tempat ieu, reservasi jeung meunang nomor 3. Menta tempat di lantai handap jadi teu kudu naek tangga kusabab aya nu tuurna keur nyeri. Ngadagoan ampir 40 menit tanpa kapastian. Abdi batalkeun. Tadina teu hayang mere rating 1 kusabab emang meren ramai jeung kahayang abdi khusus, janten hese. Eh tetehna kalahka judes. | eng-sun |
The results of the Simultaneus Regional Elections quick count is full of surprises | Hasil quick count pilkada 2018 sarentak 2018 diwarnaan ku seueur kejutan. | eng-sun |
Nice landscape to relax together in the afternoon and at nighttime. enough. | Pamandangan sae kanggo nyalse sarengan dina dinten sonten atawa dinten wengi. Tuangeun cekap rupi-rupi sareng raos. | eng-sun |
Me and my wife's relative were spending time in Palembang. I looked for a place to eat and found Bakmi Jogya. When we got in, we were surprised, because we spent 35 minutes stranded while looking for an empty seat. After we ordered a mi godok, we had to wait for another hour and by then I've lost my appetite completely. I even asked the cook about my food. | Abdi sareng dulur pamajikan nuju nyeepkeun waktos di Palembang. Abdi milarian tempat tuang tepang sareng bakmi jogya. Pas lebet reuwas sabab kuring kedah milarian tempat calik sareng milarian tempat kosong nepika terlantar salami 35 menit. Saatos mesen menu Mi Godok. Kuring ngantosan deui sajam jeung geus ngajantenkeun kuring leungit napsu tuangna nepi nanyakeun ka anu masakna. | eng-sun |
The bed's filthy, the pillows all stink...makes your body itchy like there's a lot of animals, can't sleep well at all | Tempat sarena kotor, bantalna bau kabeh... nyieun awak janten ateul jiga loba satona, janten teu tiasa sare nu tibra. | eng-sun |
This night trip's really exhausting. | Lalampahan wengi ieu matak cape pisan. | eng-sun |
I came here with some friends to have lunch. The access road to the cafe's location was so narrow and steep, some parts were even damaged. We ordered a few things. After waiting for a long time the food arrived and the taste as well as the presentation were disappointing. Turns out the taste wasn't up to par. | Kuring ka dieu sareng jeung sababaraha babaturan keur dahar beurang. Akses jalan ka lokasi kafe ieu kacida heureut jeung lungkawing, malah sababaraha bagian ruksak. Urang mesen sababaraha menu tuangen. Sanggeus ngadagoan rada lila, nalika kadaharan datang rasa jeung penampilan anu nguciwakeun. Tetela rasana oge nguciwakeun. | eng-sun |