{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Snack_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Inswa is a traditional Zambian delicacy made from fried flying ants. These nutritious and protein-rich insects are a seasonal delicacy and are enjoyed as a crunchy and flavorful snack." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tablespoons vegetable oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup fresh or dried flying ants" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt, to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Ground paprika, for seasoning (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Frying pan or skillet" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Tongs or spatula" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a frying pan or skillet, heat the vegetable oil over medium heat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the flying ants to the pan and fry them until they are crispy and lightly browned." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Use tongs or a spatula to stir and flip the flying ants to ensure they are evenly cooked." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Once the flying ants are crispy and golden, remove them from the pan and place them on a paper towel-lined plate to remove any excess oil." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Season the fried flying ants with salt to taste. For extra flavor, you can sprinkle some ground paprika over them." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve as a unique and crunchy snack, and enjoy them with your favorite beverage." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Flying ants are seasonal, so this delicacy is typically enjoyed during specific times of the year." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Make sure to clean the flying ants thoroughly before frying them." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Inswa is a traditional and sustainable source of protein in Zambia." } ], "title": "Inswa (Zambian Fried Flying Ants)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:African_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Inyama y'isugi is a traditional Rwandan dish of succulent grilled pork. The pork is marinated in a flavorful blend of spices and grilled to perfection, resulting in tender and juicy meat with a smoky flavor. It is a popular dish enjoyed at special occasions, gatherings, and barbecues." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon vegetable oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cloves garlic, minced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon ginger" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon paprika" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon cayenne pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon cumin" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon coriander" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ teaspoon black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 pounds (900 grams) pork loin or pork chops" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Fresh lemon juice, for garnish (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Grill" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Tongs" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Basting brush" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Preheat the grill to medium-high heat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a small bowl, combine the vegetable oil, minced garlic, grated ginger, paprika, cayenne pepper, cumin, coriander, salt, and black pepper. Mix well to form a paste." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Rub the spice paste all over the pork loin or pork chops, ensuring they are well coated." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place the marinated pork on the preheated grill and cook for about 4–5 minutes per side, or until the internal temperature reaches 145°F (63°C) for medium doneness." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "While grilling, baste the pork with any remaining spice paste using a basting brush to enhance the flavor and keep it moist." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Once cooked, remove the pork from the grill and let it rest for a few minutes before slicing." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Slice the grilled pork into thin strips and serve hot. If desired, drizzle fresh lemon juice over the grilled pork slices for a tangy twist." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "For a more intense flavor, marinate the pork in the spice paste for at least 2 hours, or overnight in the refrigerator." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Adjust the amount of cayenne pepper according to your preferred level of spiciness." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Inyama y'isugi pairs well with traditional Rwandan sides like isombe (cassava leaves with eggplant) or ibijumba (grilled plantains)." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Feel free to customize the spice blend by adding other herbs and spices such as turmeric or smoked paprika." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Pork is a rich source of protein, vitamins, and minerals." } ], "title": "Inyama y'Isugi (Rwandan Grilled Pork)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Rice_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "4", "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Iresi eyin is one of the Yoruba versions of a palm oil rice dish also called palm oil rice/native Jollof rice. It is more accurately described as a palm oil rice. It is different from Yoruba jollof/Yoruba Party Jollof/ Nigerian jollof, which is more popular. It is very nutritious and easy to prepare—all that is required is to mix the ingredients together in a pot." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 milk cups of rice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cooking spoons palm oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp locust beans" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp dried ground crayfish" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Dried catfish, or any other dried fish, soaked in hot salted water until soft, then shredded" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Pepper powder, to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Chopped onion, to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt, to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 sachet (50 g) tomato paste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Carrots, washed and chopped, to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Peas, washed and parboiled if necessary, to taste" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Wash the rice and parboil for about 8 minutes. Drain and set aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat the palm oil in a large, clean pot until the oil changes color." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the locust beans, onions, tomato paste, dry pepper, and a little water. Fry until the odour of the sauce changes and becomes more fragrant." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Simmer over medium heat for about 25 minutes until the liquid is absorbed and everything is cooked." } ], "title": "Iresi Eyin (Yoruba Palm Oil Native Rice)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:African_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Irio is a Kenyan staple food of peas, corn, and potatoes. It’s mostly found among East African nations." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Potatoes, quartered" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Fresh green peas" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Corn" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Stovetop" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Pot" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Knife" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Masher and/or wooden paddle" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine the potatoes, peas, and corn in a pot. Add enough water to cover the potatoes but not completely drown them." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Simmer, covered, for about 15–20 minutes until fork-tender but not mushy. The water should be nearly empty by the time the potatoes are fork-tender, but if there is still a significant amount, it is advisable to drain it and leave only a small amount left so that the potatoes will be simple to mash." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mash everything together, and season with salt and black pepper to taste." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve." } ], "title": "Irio (Kenyan Mashed Potatoes with Veggies)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Cake_recipes", "difficulty": null, "servings": "6–8", "time": "about 2 hours + cooling time" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "This is a variation of fruit cake that originated in Ireland." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 lb cake flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pinch of salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp baking powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 eggs" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 oz sultanas or golden raisins" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "6 oz white granulated sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "6 oz butter" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 oz citrus peel" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 oz dried cherries" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Preheat the oven to 350°F." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Sift together flour, salt and baking powder." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cream together butter and sugar; this may take 5–10 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Beat in eggs individually, incorporating each fully before adding the next." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Fold in fruits then the dry mixture." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Transfer batter to a greased and parchment-lined 8-inch cake pan." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake on the center rack for 75–90 minutes. Check for doneness after 60 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Let cake cool to room temperature in pan." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove to a wire tray, cover with towel, and allow to sit until completely cool." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "This particular version of the recipe does not include whiskey. If you were to add it, it would be added along with the butter and sugar. Approximately 1 quart should be used." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "This recipe uses raisins and cherries but apples, strawberries, or raspberries can be substituted." } ], "title": "Irish Fruit Cake", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Irish_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Not to be confused with its Cornish counterpart, the pastie could be considered one of Northern Ireland's national dishes at it is regularly bought from chip shops across the province and generally can't be found anywhere else. Here is a recipe to try your own version." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 lb ground pork or beef, cooked and drained" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup breadcrumbs" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 medium-sized onion, diced and sautéed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp chopped parsley" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ teaspoon pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup cold water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon ground coriander" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ teaspoon ground nutmeg" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 medium-sized potatoes, boiled, mashed, and cooled" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Fish batter" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine the cooked meat, breadcrumbs, cooked onion, parsley, salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce, water, coriander, and mashed potatoes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Form the mixture into a disc about 3 inches in diameter." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Dip the disc into the batter so it's completely covered." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Deep-fry in 375°F oil, and remove when golden brown." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve hot with chips (French fries)." } ], "title": "Irish Pastie", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Confection_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Irish potato candy is a potato-shaped sweet unique to the Philadelphia area and very popular around St. Patrick's day. Despite its name, it contains no potato. It's a common recipe to make with kids as it requires no cooking and it's very hard to mess up." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 part cream cheese" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 parts dry coconut shavings (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 parts confectioner's sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Vanilla extract" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Ground cinnamon" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Instructions", "text": "Place the sugar, cream cheese, coconut shavings, and a small amount of vanilla extract into a large bowl." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Instructions", "text": "Knead by hand until ingredients are thoroughly mixed. It should have the consistency of dough. If it's too dry, add more cream cheese. If it's too soft, add more sugar." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Instructions", "text": "Break off small amounts and roll them in your hands until they form balls. They should be small enough to be eaten in one bite" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Instructions", "text": "Roll the balls in cinnamon until they are completely coated." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Instructions", "text": "If desired, place the completed \"potatoes\" in the refrigerator for a few hours until they are firm." } ], "title": "Irish Potatoes", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Bread_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "8", "time": "Prep: 15 minutesBaking: 50-70 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Conventional bread, containing live yeast, leavens (rises) as the micro-organisms make carbon dioxide gas as a by-product of their metabolism. Similarly, soda bread utilizes the reaction between baking soda and vinegar, or some other acid, to make the bread rise through the production of carbon dioxide. This recipe uses buttermilk, or optionally a combination of milk and vinegar, but other recipes use sour cream." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 cups all-purpose flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon baking powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon baking soda" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "⅛ cup white sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 egg, lightly beaten" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cups buttermilk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup butter, melted" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Preheat oven to 325°F (160°C)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Grease and flour a 9x5-inch loaf pan." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, sugar, and salt in a large mixing bowl." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Blend egg and buttermilk together, and add all at once to the flour mixture." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix until just moistened. Too much mixing will make it tough." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir in butter; pour into prepared pan." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake for 65–70 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the bread comes out clean. The loaf should sound hollow if you tap the base." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cool on a wire rack." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Wrap in tea-towel or foil several hours or overnight for best flavor." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "May serve toasted and buttered." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Soda bread rises as a result of acid being mixed with baking soda. The acid is commonly in the form of vinegar, lemon juice, or buttermilk. A tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar in one cup of milk can be substituted for each cup of buttermilk." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "For best results, bake it at 375°F (190°C), for about 50 minutes, on a preheated baking stone." } ], "title": "Irish Soda Bread", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Stew_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Irish stew (Irish: stobhach gaelach) is a traditional Irish dish made from lamb or mutton as well as potatoes, onions and parsley. It originated in Ireland but appears in cookbooks all over Europe, including in Escoffier's Guide Culinaire. Although traditionally made with lamb or mutton, Irish stew was basically a cheap meal which was thrown together with left-overs and filled out with potatoes. Sometimes, lamb or mutton neckbones, shanks, and other trimmings were the only basis for the stock. Yet these would-be discards still held enough flavor after a long simmering process to do justice to a hearty bowl of stew. The root vegetables added further flavor and thickening power, as well as filling sustenance. Some cooks added turnips or parsnips, carrots, and barley when available." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "When the Irish people began immigrating to the United States, they naturally brought along their food traditions. The stew evolved and adapted to include the local offerings. Sheep were not as plentiful, so other types of meat were often substituted. The recipe has evolved to often include Guinness stout and paprika. More recently, Irish stew has been made with cheap beef. Some variations have exalted this original peasant dish to near gourmet status." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2½ lb (1.1 kg) deboned mutton, cut in chunks" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 large potatoes, peeled and thickly sliced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 large onions, thickly sliced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3–4 medium carrots, peeled and thickly sliced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 sprig of parsley, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cups (480 ml) water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Pepper" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Choose a pot with a well-fitting lid and put in the ingredients in layers, starting and finishing with potatoes. Pour in the water and season to taste." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover and put on a very low heat for about 2½ hours until the meat is tender and the potatoes have thickened the liquid." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The dish may also be made with lamb, in which case it requires only 1½ hours cooking time." } ], "title": "Irish Stew", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Nigerian_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Iru pepper soup is made with catfish and iru." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Catfish" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Bell pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Onions" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Iru" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Ground crayfish" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Condiments" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Cut the fish into pieces. Wash it very well with salt to remove all the slime and dirt." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Blend the pepper with the onions to make a paste." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Transfer the blended pepper to a pot with the iru, and allow to boil very well." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Add the fish and the crayfish, cover, and let steam a little. Add any condiments and salt to taste." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Allow to steam for 10 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Remove from the heat and serve with agidi." } ], "title": "Iru Pepper Soup", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Nigerian_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Isi ewu is a popular delicacy of stewed goat head, originating from eastern Nigeria. It is similar to Nkwobi but differs primarily in the meat used. Every single part of the goat head edible, including the brain." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Whole goat head, brain included" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Grated onion" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Seasoning cubes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Chile powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Palm oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Food-grade potash (akahun)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Ehuru seed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Ground crayfish" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Ukpaka" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Sliced onion" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Utazi leaves" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Pot" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Knife" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Bowl" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Stove" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the goat heat to a pot along with grated onion, seasoning cube, pepper, and salt. Cover with water, and boil until the meat is tender." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Dissolve the potash in a small amount of water, and strain out any solids." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove the brain from the goat head, and place it in a mortar. Mash the brain with a spoonful of chili pepper." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "When the meat is tender, separate the stock from the meat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat the palm oil into a dry pot. Gradually stir the potash liquid into the oil until it turns yellow and thickens." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the mashed brain, meat stock, ehuru seed, crayfish, and ukpaka. Stir until blended." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir the meat into the mixture. Heat until steaming hot." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Garnish with sliced onion rings and utazi leaves. Serve in a small wooden mortar." } ], "title": "Isi Ewu (Nigerian Stewed Goat Head)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Fish_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup freshly-squeezed lime juice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup freshly-squeezed lemon juice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup freshly-squeezed orange juice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp freshly-ground black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 ea. (8 ounces) pompano fillet, thinly sliced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 ea. (7 ounces) mahi-mahi fillet, thinly sliced" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine juices, salt, and pepper." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour into a gallon-size zip-top bag and add fish. Refrigerate overnight." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve." } ], "title": "Island Ceviche", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Salad_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": "2½ hours" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup minced red onion, scalded (see note)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 small, ripe avocados, peeled and diced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1–2 small serrano chilis (2½ inches long) or ½ small jalapeño chili, seeded and very finely minced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 tablespoons minced fresh cilantro" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ teaspoon ground cumin" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 teaspoons minced garlic" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1½ cups minced jicama" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "5 tablespoons fresh lime juice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 small ripe mango, diced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 tablespoons minced fresh mint" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1½ cups minced fresh pineapple (half a small pineapple)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½–¾ teaspoon salt" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine the avocados, minced chilis, cilantro, cumin, garlic, jicama, lime juice, mango, mint, pineapple, and salt in a medium-sized bowl. Add the onion." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix everything together thoroughly but gently." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Chill for about 2 hours, tightly covered." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "To scald the minced onion, pour about a quart of boiling water over the onion in a colander or strainer inside a bowl and let stand while preparing rest of recipe." } ], "title": "Island Salsa Salad", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:African_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Isombe is a flavorful and nutritious dish from Rwanda. Made with tender cassava leaves and eggplant, this dish is often enjoyed as a main course and is typically served with Rwandan staple foods like ugali or steamed rice." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 bunches of cassava leaves" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 medium eggplant, diced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 onion, finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cloves of garlic, minced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tablespoons vegetable oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tomato, diced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt, to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Large pot" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Cutting board" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Knife" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove the tough stems from the cassava leaves, and wash them thoroughly under running water. Chop the leaves into smaller pieces." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a large pot, heat the vegetable oil over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and minced garlic, and sauté until the onion is translucent and fragrant." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the diced eggplant to the pot and cook for about 5 minutes, until slightly softened." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the chopped cassava leaves and diced tomato to the pot. Stir well to combine all the ingredients." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour in the water and season with salt to taste. Stir again to ensure even distribution of the ingredients." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Reduce the heat to low, cover the pot, and let the mixture simmer for about 1 hour, or until the cassava leaves are tender and cooked through." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir occasionally during cooking, and add more water if necessary to prevent sticking and to achieve the desired consistency." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Taste and adjust the seasoning if needed, adding more salt or other spices according to your preference." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove the pot from the heat and let the isombe rest for a few minutes before serving." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "If cassava leaves are not available, you can substitute with spinach or collard greens for a similar taste and texture." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "It is important to thoroughly wash the cassava leaves to remove any dirt or impurities." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Leftover isombe can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat gently before serving." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "This dish pairs well with grilled meats, fish, or other Rwandan side dishes such as agatogo (steamed cassava leaves) or amatobe (steamed squash)." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Nutrition", "text": "Cassava leaves are rich in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as dietary fiber." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Nutrition", "text": "Eggplant is a good source of antioxidants and fiber, and it is low in calories." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Nutrition", "text": "This dish can be part of a healthy, plant-based diet." } ], "title": "Isombe (Rwandan Cassava Leaves with Eggplant)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:African_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Isombe na kariyo is a delightful Rwandan dish that combines tender cassava leaves with pumpkin. This flavorful and nutritious dish is a popular choice in Rwandan cuisine. The cassava leaves are cooked until tender and mixed with sautéed pumpkin, creating a delicious harmony of flavors." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 bunches of cassava leaves" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tablespoons vegetable oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 onion, finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cloves of garlic, minced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 small pumpkin, peeled and diced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Black pepper to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Large pot" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Knife" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Cutting board" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Wooden spoon" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove the tough stems from the cassava leaves, and wash them thoroughly under running water. Chop the leaves into smaller pieces." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a large pot, heat the vegetable oil over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and minced garlic, and sauté until the onion is translucent and fragrant." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the diced pumpkin to the pot and cook for about 5 minutes, until it begins to soften." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the chopped cassava leaves to the pot and stir well to combine with the pumpkin and onion mixture." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour in the water and season with salt and black pepper to taste. Stir again to distribute the ingredients evenly." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover the pot and let the mixture simmer for about 30–40 minutes, or until the cassava leaves are tender." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir occasionally during cooking, and add more water if needed to prevent sticking and to achieve the desired consistency." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Taste and adjust the seasoning if needed." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove from heat and transfer to a serving dish." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve hot as a main course or as a side dish with Rwandan staples like ugali or steamed rice." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "If cassava leaves are not available, you can substitute with other leafy greens like spinach or collard greens." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "You can add other vegetables like bell peppers or carrots to enhance the dish's flavor and nutritional value." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Adjust the seasoning according to your taste preference. Feel free to add spices like curry powder or chili flakes for an extra kick." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Leftover isombe na kariyo can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat gently before serving" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Cassava leaves are rich in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as dietary fiber. Pumpkin is a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A and potassium." } ], "title": "Isombe na Kariyo (Cassava Leaves with Pumpkin)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Israeli_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cucumber, chopped in 1 cm cubes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tomato, chopped in 1 cm cubes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 onion, chopped in 1 cm cubes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup chopped parsley" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp lemon juice or vinegar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp freshly-ground black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp za'atar (can substitute ¼ tsp thyme)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix cucumber, tomato, onion, and parsley." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, and za'atar to make dressing." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour dressing over vegetables. Correct seasoning to taste." } ], "title": "Israeli Salad", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Beef_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Short-ribs cooked in red wine with classic Italian herbs makes them flavorful, moist, and fork tender. Also see: Braised Shortribs." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 pounds English-cut short-ribs" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 quart red wine, preferably Chianti" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup tomato paste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ quart beef broth" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp olive oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "10 whole sprigs thyme" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 whole sprigs rosemary" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 tbsp finely-chopped oregano" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "18 basil leaves" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Freshly-ground black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Whisk together tomato paste and wine. Set aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Season shortribs with salt and black pepper." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat a 6-quart cast-iron or enamel Dutch oven over medium high heat. Pour in oil and add shortribs, one at a time, until browned on all sides. Remove and keep warm." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add wine mixture to Dutch oven and whisk continuously to dissolve browned bits. Add remaining ingredients and place in a cold oven. Set oven to 250°F and cook for 5 ½ hours." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove shortribs and strain sauce back into Dutch oven. Discard herb pieces and shred short ribs. Discard bones." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add shortribs back into sauce and heat over low heat just until heated through. Serve warm." } ], "title": "Italian Braised Shortribs", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Bread_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": "3–3½ hours" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Cookbook | Recipes | Ingredients | Equipment | Techniques | Cookbook Disambiguation Pages | Recipes | Italian cuisine | Vegetarian cuisine | Bread" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a large bowl, sprinkle yeast over warm water and let stand for 5 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir in oil, salt, and sugar." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add 2½ cups flour and mix to blend." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Using a spoon or heavy duty mixer, beat until elastic (about 5 minutes)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir in (you may want to use dough hooks) another cup of flour and the wheat germ to make a stiff dough." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Knead on a board or pastry cloth, floured with some of the last ½ cup flour, until dough is springy and smooth and develops small bubbles just under the surface (about 20–25 minutes—you may want to do this with the dough hooks)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put in greased bowl, turning to grease top, then cover with a cloth." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Rise until doubled, about an hour, depending on temperature." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Punch down dough, turn out, and divide in half." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Preheat oven to 375°F." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Shape each half of dough into a slender oval loaf about 15 inches long." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place on greased baking sheet, cover lightly and let rise until nearly doubled, about 30–40 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine cornstarch and cool water. Bring cornstarch mixture to a boil and stir until thick and clear. Brush loaves with mixture." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Slash loaf tops ½ inch with floured sharp knife or razor blade." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake until loaves browned and sound hollow when tapped, 25 to 30 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cool on wire racks." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "1 cup of whole wheat flour may be substituted for 1 cup of plain flour." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "To get a rapid initial rise, use water about 130–135°F, and pour into bowl with yeast mixed with initial flour and salt and sugar and start mixing." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "All rising should be in a warm place, like near the refrigerator." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "A baking stone, ceramic brick, or even an iron skillet or griddle preheated in the oven (to place the baking sheet on) will give a good \"spring\" or quick rise when the loaves are first placed in the oven." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Uses", "text": "Great with cheese and cold meats on a picnic." } ], "title": "Italian Bread", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Chicken_recipes", "difficulty": null, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 ounces ricotta cheese" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 ounces cream cheese" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup grated mozzarella cheese, divided" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut in half" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Freshly-ground black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup Italian Tomato Sauce" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine ricotta, cream cheese, and ½ cup mozzarella cheese. Set aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place chicken on a sheet of plastic wrap and cover with another. Pound out to ¼ inch thickness." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Sprinkle one side of chicken liberally with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Spread unseasoned side with cheese mixture and roll up." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place seam-side down in a greased 13x9-inch (or smaller) baking dish. Pour sauce over and bake in a 425°F oven 20 minutes or until internal temperature reaches 165°F." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat broiler. Sprinkle chicken with cheese and place under broiler until cheese is melted. Remove and serve warm." } ], "title": "Italian Chicken Rolls", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Chicken_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 ea. (24–32 ounces) boneless skinless chicken breasts" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup garlic-flavored croutons, finely crushed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup Italian seasoned breadcrumbs" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¾ cup all-purpose flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Canola oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp Italian seasoning" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp freshly-ground black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp paprika" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 eggs, beaten" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine flour and seasonings in a pie plate. Combine croutons and breadcrumbs in another pie plate, and place the eggs in another pie plate." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Dredge chicken in flour then dip into eggs. Dredge in crouton mixture and let rest 2–3 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Coat chicken with canola oil and place onto a greased sheet pan. Insert a probe thermometer into one of the pieces." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake in a 425°F oven until internal temperature reaches 165°F. Serve warm." } ], "title": "Italian Crispy Chicken", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Salad_dressing_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": "¾ cup", "time": "5 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup drained capers" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 clove garlic, pressed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 shallot, minced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup olive oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ teaspoon black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 small dried red chile, sliced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ teaspoon crushed fennel seed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon white Chianti or dry white wine" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tablespoons lemon juice" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine all ingredients in a jar with tight-fitting top." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Shake well." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Best if used fresh." } ], "title": "Italian Dressing I", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Salad_dressing_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup plus 2 tbsp water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup vinegar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp plus 1 tsp grated Parmesan cheese" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp vegetable oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tsp dry pectin" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ tsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ tsp pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ tsp dried whole Italian seasoning" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 large clove garlic, peeled" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine all ingredients except garlic in a jar." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover tightly and shake vigorously." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Press a wooden pick through garlic clove; add to dressing mixture." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover and refrigerate until thoroughly chilled." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "To serve, remove and discard garlic. Cover and shake dressing well." } ], "title": "Italian Dressing II", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Marinade_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup red wine, preferably from an Italian region" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp minced garlic" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 sprigs rosemary, finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp oregano, finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp basil, finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine all ingredients in the dish you're going to marinate your food in. Refrigerate for up to 2 weeks." } ], "title": "Italian Garlic and Herb Marinade", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Chicken_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "2", "time": "1 hour-Marinating: 30 minutesCooking: 15 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1¾ cups (420 g) chicken broth" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon canned diced tomatoes, drained" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon grated Parmesan cheese" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ teaspoon Italian seasoning, crushed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ teaspoon garlic powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "6 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix broth, tomatoes, cheese, Italian seasoning and garlic powder in a shallow non-metallic dish. Reserve half of this mixture." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add chicken to remaining marinade and turn to coat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove chicken from broth mixture. Discard the marinade." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Grill or broil chicken for 15 minutes or until done, turning and brushing often with reserved broth mixture." } ], "title": "Italian Marinated Chicken", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Italian_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "6", "time": "40 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "500 g (18 oz/1½ lb) minced veal meat" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ tsp oregano" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ tsp parsley" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 clove of garlic, minced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 large egg" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "125 g (4 oz/¼ cup) breadcrumbs" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "30 g (1 oz/1 Tbsp) grated Parmesan cheese" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Pepper to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Olive oil for frying" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl. Using your hands, squeeze all ingredients." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat a large skillet over medium heat and drizzle on a little olive oil. Preheat oven to 175°C (350°F) in the meantime." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Use your hands to roll meat into bite sized balls." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place the meatballs in the skillet and cook uncovered for 3 minutes, then roll them over and cook another 3 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Transfer the meatballs onto a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 20–25 minutes." } ], "title": "Italian Meatballs", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Meringue_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Italian meringue is a meringue made by whipping together egg whites and hot sugar syrup. It can be used to top various desserts such as lemon meringue pie or baked alaska, and it can also be used to make Italian meringue buttercream." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 oz (125 ml) water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "8 oz (250 g) egg whites" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 lb (500 g) granulated sugar" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a saucepan, dissolve the sugar in the water and bring to a boil." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Boil the syrup until it reaches 243°F (117°C)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "While the syrup is boiling, whip the egg whites to soft peaks." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "While beating, gradually pour the syrup into the egg whites in a steady stream." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Continue whipping until the meringue is completely cool and forms firm peaks." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Use as desired." } ], "title": "Italian Meringue", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Fish_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 ea. (24 ounces) salmon filets, pin bones removed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¾ cup red wine" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup tomato paste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp capers, finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Freshly-ground black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp olive oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp minced garlic" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp fresh rosemary" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tsp fresh thyme" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp lemon pepper" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine wine, tomato paste, and capers. Set aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a skillet large enough to hold all the salmon, heat 1 tbsp oil over medium high heat. Add garlic and cook until golden." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add wine mixture to garlic. Reduce temperature to 145°F, then keep at 145°F." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Rub salmon with remaining oil. Press seasonings into meat, then dredge all sides in flour. Set aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat a nonstick skillet over high heat. Add 2 filets, skin side up, and cook until browned on all sides. Repeat with remaining salmon." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Move to 145°F wine mixture, then cook until fish is pink throughout and flakes easily when tested with a fork. Serve immediately." } ], "title": "Italian Poached Salmon", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Rice_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "This dish has a lot of Italian flavors, like bay, thyme, rosemary, garlic, and Chianti wine." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cups uncooked white rice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp unsalted butter" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp freshly-ground black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 ½ cups low-sodium chicken broth" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup red wine, preferably Chianti" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 bay leaves" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "7 cloves garlic, smashed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "10 sprigs fresh thyme" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "5–6 sprigs fresh rosemary" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 large onion, finely diced" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Melt butter in a large saucepan over medium high heat. Add rice and onion and cook until rice is golden." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Meanwhile, combine remaining ingredients. Once rice has toasted, remove from pot and add mixture. Bring to a boil and add rice. Cook, stirring occasionally, 30 minutes or until rice is desired tenderness." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve warm with a steak, a glass of red wine, and maybe a vegetable sauté." } ], "title": "Italian Rice Pilaf", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Rice_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": "8", "time": "1½ hours" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cups (500 ml/1.1 pint) water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup (110 g/3.9 oz) risotto rice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ teaspoon salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon butter" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 cups (750 ml/1.6 US pt) half and half" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup (225 g/7.9 oz) granulated sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cinnamon stick" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 piece of lemon peel" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Ground cinnamon to garnish" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bring water to a boil, then add rice, salt, and butter." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover, lower heat to simmer, and cook for 20 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place rice in upper part of double boiler with half and half, sugar, cinnamon stick, and lemon peel." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bring to boil over direct heat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place over simmering water in double boiler and cook for 45 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove cinnamon stick and lemon peel." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour rice mixture into a 2-quart (1.9 L) casserole and allow to cool." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Sprinkle with cinnamon powder." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The rice should be plump, medium grain rice that contains a lot of starch, like Arborio or Carnaroli. Other rices that work well are Roma, Nano, Maratelli, and Vialone." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Mixture will thicken as it cools." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Best at room temperature or slightly warm." } ], "title": "Italian Rice Pudding", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Rice_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "6", "time": "1 hour" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 cups chicken stock" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "5 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 chopped shallots" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cups risotto rice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup dry white wine" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup Parmesan cheese" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 ounces (commercial) wild mushrooms, sliced and sautéed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon truffle oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Pepper to taste" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bring the stock to a simmer before you begin. It's important that the temperature is as high as possible, without letting the stock boil. The surface of the stock should just be moving a little." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Sauté the shallots in olive oil until soft." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the rice, stirring for 3–5 minutes, until coated with oil." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour in wine and about ½ cup of the hot broth and continue stirring." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Keep adding liquid as necessary and stir for an additional 15 minutes, keeping the rice creamy." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove from heat and add Parmesan cheese, mushrooms, and truffle oil." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve immediately." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The rice should be plump, medium grain rice that contains a lot of starch, like Arborio or Carnaroli. Other rices that work well are Roma, Nano Maratelli, and Vialone." } ], "title": "Italian Rice with Wild Mushrooms", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Spice_mix_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Italian seasoning is a dried herb blend traditionally containing basil, oregano, rosemary, thyme, garlic powder, sage, and/or coriander. The blend will differ between recipes and commercial manufacturers." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Basil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Garlic Powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Marjoram" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Oregano" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Crushed red pepper flakes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Rosemary" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Sage" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Savory" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Thyme" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix together well or pulse about a minute in a food processor." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Store in an airtight container." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Start with equal amounts, and modify to your own liking." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Basil, marjoram, oregano, and sage are considered essential, but any of the spices are optional." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Make only what you need and discard after about a year." } ], "title": "Italian Seasoning", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Soup_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Soupe all'Imperatrice is a soup made of poultry quenelles in broth." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "This page incorporates text from the public domain cookbook The Cook's Decameron: A Study In Taste, Containing Over Two Hundred Recipes For Italian Dishes by Emily Waters." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Poultry breast" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp ground rice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 egg yolk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pinch nutmeg" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Stock" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pound the poultry breast. Mix in ground rice, egg yolk, salt, pepper, and nutmeg." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pass the mixture through a sieve." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Form the mixture into quenelles." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Simmer the quenelles in the stock to make a soup." } ], "title": "Italian Soup with Poultry Quenelles", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Sauce_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 cups tomato paste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp dried basil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp dried oregano" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp Italian seasoning" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2–4 cloves of garlic, minced" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine all ingredients." } ], "title": "Italian Tomato Sauce", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Soup_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Soup alla Nazionale is a patriotic Italian soup." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "This page incorporates text from the public domain cookbook The Cook's Decameron: A Study In Taste, Containing Over Two Hundred Recipes For Italian Dishes by Emily Waters." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Savoury custard" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Spinach" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Tomatoes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Broth" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Make a savoury custard and divide it into three parts. Leave one white, color one red with tomato, and color the last one green with spinach." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put a layer of each colored custard in a buttered saucepan, and cook for about 10 minutes until solidified." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut the solidified custards into dice." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put the colored custard pieces into a soup tureen and pour broth over top." } ], "title": "Italian Tricolor Soup", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Soup_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "This page incorporates text from the public domain cookbook The Cook's Decameron: A Study In Taste, Containing Over Two Hundred Recipes For Italian Dishes by Emily Waters." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pound dried white beans (haricot or flagelot, not lima or butter beans)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Butter" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 carrot" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 onion, halved" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 leeks, in chunks" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 stalk celery" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Chicken or veal stock" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 egg yolks" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup cream" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Peas, boiled" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Croûtons" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Soak beans in water for 12 hours, then drain them." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the drained beans to a stock pot with a little salt, butter, carrot, onion, two leeks, and a stick of celery." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover with water, and simmer until the vegetables are well cooked." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Drain the beans and vegetables, discarding the vegetables." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Purée the beans, adding stock as necessary to get a smooth consistency." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Transfer purée to a pot, and add stock to get the desired consistency. Bring to a boil, and keep hot until serving." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine the egg yolks with the cream, and add this to the soup." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Transfer the soup to a warm tureen, add some boiled green peas, and serve with fried croûtons handed separately." } ], "title": "Italian White Bean Soup", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Pasta_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "5 tablespoons olive oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pound (450 g) onions, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 ounce (28 g) garlic, finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 ounces (110 g / 2 small tins) anchovy fillets or anchovy paste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 ounce (28 g) capers, thoroughly rinsed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1–3 fresh or dried hot chile peppers, deseeded and finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 standard, American-sized can (6 ounces / 170 g) pitted, black or kalamata olives, quartered" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 standard, American-sized cans (43.5 ounces / 1.23 kg) tomatoes, diced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon freshly-ground black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 tablespoons finely chopped parsley" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 gallon water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pound (450 g) dry spaghetti or linguine" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Fill a large pot with water and add a handful of salt." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Set heat on high to boil water." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat 4 tablespoons oil in a large skillet over medium heat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add onions to skillet and cook until soft, stirring occasionally. Be careful not to burn the onions." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add garlic and anchovies to skillet. Cook for 1 minute maximum, stirring to break up the anchovies." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add capers, chili peppers, olives, tomatoes, pepper and 1 tablespoon of salt to skillet." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bring to a boil then reduce heat to medium-low and simmer, uncovered, for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Taste to see if you want to add more salt." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Boil the pasta until al dente while the sauce is simmering. This should take about 12 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Drain the cooked pasta in a colander and replace it in the same pot." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour the sauce on top of the pasta and toss over low heat until it's thoroughly coated." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Take it off the heat and top with parsley and 1 tablespoon olive oil." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve hot." } ], "title": "Italian-American Spaghetti alla Puttanesca", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Chicken_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "This is a spicy, delicious chicken meal." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "10 cloves of garlic, puréed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 pinches of black pepper powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 tablespoons chile powder or 20 fresh puréed red habanero chillies" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 tablespoons dijon mustard" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 chicken bouillon cubes, crushed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 whole chicken" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine the garlic, pepper, chili powder, mustard, and bouillon cubes. Pour the mixture over the chicken and massage it very well. Let rest for about 20 minutes while you prepare the grill." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place the chicken on the grill, turning it regularly until each piece become golden brown." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "When it is done to your taste, serve with any complimentary side such as Ivorian tomato sauce or Ivorian salad and enjoy." } ], "title": "Ivorian Grilled Chicken", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Pastry_recipes", "difficulty": 4, "servings": "10", "time": "6–10 hours" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Jachnun is a Yemenite pastry made of worked dough (made without the use of yeast)[1] and traditionally eaten hot during the Sabbath morning meal, after being left to bake all throughout the night within a sealed pot in an oven." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 kg white wheat flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "10 g baking powder (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2–3 tbsp white granulated sugar (or to taste)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 leveled tbsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2¼ cups of water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Canola oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "200 g butter, soft margarine, or shortening" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "10 hard-boiled eggs" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine the flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt. Make a well in the center." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add some of the water to the well, and mix with your hands. Gradually knead in the rest of the water, then continue kneading for 15 minutes. The dough should not be too soft or sticky." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Tear off a piece of dough the size of your fist. Flatten and roll it out on your work surface, then shape again into a ball. Repeat this step for the rest of the dough, then brush all the balls with a thin coating of oil." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Allow the dough to rest for about 1–2 hours, until they have sunken slightly." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Roll and stretch each ball out on a greased surface until it is very thin. Try to make the dough as thin as possible without it tearing." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Spread some soft butter over the whole surface of the flattened dough. Make a triangular fold lengthwise, like a shirt fold: fold one-third of the dough toward the middle then fold the other side. Make a small fold up and down, and start rolling (with greased hands) from the bottom to the top, like folding a sleeping bag. You should be left with an elongated, slightly fat rolled jachnun. Repeat this shaping step for all the dough balls." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Preheat oven to 212 °F (100 °C). Line a pot with slices of bread or pita so that it does not become overly dry while baking in the oven." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place the unbaked jachnun into a cookie bag, with each bag holding a single layer of jachnun. This prevents loss of moisture. Stack the jachnun in the pot, with 2–3 rows stacked one on top of the other in a criss-crossed fashion (horizontally and vertically)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover the pot with the lid, and bake in the preheated oven for 6–10 hours." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve with hard-boiled eggs and tomato salsa, with a little zhug over the paste." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The dough cooks best when left to refrigerate for one day prior to baking." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Since hard-boiled eggs are served with the jachnun, they can be simultaneously cooked in a separate pot of water within the same heated oven." } ], "title": "Jahnun (Yemenite Layered Pastry)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Chili_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "This is a modern version of Jailhouse Chili, as served in the Texas prison system. In the early part of the 20th century, those likely to regularly spend time in local detention facilities in the American Southwest were said to rate the accommodations among themselves by the quality of the chili con carne they were served. This became a matter of local pride and competition with other communities." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "25 lbs (11 kg) coarse-ground beef" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ lb (225 g) cumin" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ lb (110 g) chili powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "⅛ lb (55 g) paprika" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 handfuls crushed dried red chile peppers" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ lb (225 g) finely-chopped garlic" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Sear beef in a little cooking oil (not lard) until lightly browned. Drop the seared beef and chili peppers in a large stock pot, and add enough water to keep the meat from burning. Bring to a boil, then lower heat, cover, and simmer about 30 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Take pot off the stove and add spices and garlic. Put back on the stove, bring to a boil again, lower heat, and simmer another 90 minutes, keeping the lid on as much as possible. Stir when necessary, but remember that too much stirring will tear the meat. Add a little more water if anything seems seriously in danger of burning (but as little water as possible)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Take pot off the stove and skim off all or most of the grease. Serve hot." } ], "title": "Jailhouse Chili", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Beverage_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": "1", "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Jal-jeera, alternatively spelled jaljira, is an Indian beverage flavored with cumin." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp cumin powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "⅛ tsp green mango powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pinch Himalayan black salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ tsp ground mint leaves (grind to paste)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp lemon juice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup plain soda water" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine all the ingredients in a glass." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve." } ], "title": "Jal-jeera (Cumin Mango Lemonade)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Egg_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "2", "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 onion" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 can of tomato beans" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pack (150 g) of bacon" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 slices of whole-wheat bread" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Margarine" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 eggs" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Pickled jalapenos (the kind you have on tacos)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Shredded cheese" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Chop and fry the onions, then set aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Warm the tomato beans over medium heat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Fry the bacon and set it aside. Reserve the bacon grease." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Slice the bread and apply margarine generously." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat a frying pan with the bacon grease." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Start frying 2 eggs. Do not crack the yolk." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "When the eggs are nearly done, draw aside the egg white so the yolk is clear." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Chop the pickled jalapeños and spread them over the eggs. Add some of the pickle juice as well." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Sprinkle some cheese over the eggs." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put a lid over the frying pan and let the cheese melt." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve the eggs on the bread with the onions, tomato beans, and bacon." } ], "title": "Jalapeno Eggs", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Fish_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 jalapeño chiles, stemmed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "⅛ cup chicken broth" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 ea. (12 ounces) Coho or silver salmon filets" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Freshly-ground black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tsp vegetable oil" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pulse chiles with broth in a food processor until a thick paste is formed. Set aside a small amount from the rest." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Brush salmon filets on all sides with chile mixture. Sprinkle liberally with salt and freshly ground black pepper, and discard the chile mixture used to brush it." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat oil in a large nonstick pan over medium heat. Place salmon filets and cook, skin side up, 1½ minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Turn on one of the smaller sides and cook 1 minute. Flip onto one of the bigger sides and cook 1½ minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Again, turn onto the uncooked smaller side and cook another 1 minute." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove to a plate and brush all sides liberally with reserved chile mixture. Cover with foil and let rest 5 minutes before serving with clean chile sauce." } ], "title": "Jalapeno Glazed Seared Salmon", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": null, "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Atomic buffalo turds (also known as ABTs) are a variation of the jalapeño popper." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Jalapeño peppers" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Cream cheese" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Cocktail sausages" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Bacon slices" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Halve the jalapeño peppers lengthwise and scrape out membrane and seeds." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Fill the peppers with cream cheese, and then place a cocktail sausage on top of the cream cheese." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut the bacon slices in half, and wrap each halved pepper in bacon. A cocktail stick or toothpick can be used to hold the ABTs together if needed." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cook the ABTs by barbecuing, baking, or grilling. They are done when the bacon is crisped and the jalapeño has softened but not to the point of collapsing. When oven-baked or indirectly grilled, they are typically cooked at approximately 275°F (135°C) for 2 hours, or until bacon is crisped." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Try using cheddar cheese or other cheese in place of the cream cheese." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "If the heat of the jalapeño peppers does not appeal, bell peppers may be used instead—quarter the bell peppers and scrape out the seeds before filling." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The ABTs can be basted with a barbecue sauce before being cooked." } ], "title": "Jalapeno Sausage and Bacon Appetizers (Atomic Buffalo Turds)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Indian_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": "7", "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Jalebi is a sweet fritter that is shaped like a slightly large, chaotic pretzel. It is traditionally prepared in India and Pakistan. Well-made jalebi has a tart element with a sweet taste." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 cups all-purpose flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup gram flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ teaspoon baking powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1½ cups water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 cups of vegetable oil/ghee for deep frying" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 cups white granulated sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 cups water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "⅛ teaspoon cream of tartar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Red and yellow food colorings" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon rosewater" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix up the batter ingredients until smooth." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Let the batter sit unrefrigerated and uncovered overnight (about 12 hours)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix the sugar, water, and cream of tartar for the syrup." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir the syrup over moderate heat until the sugar is dissolved." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put on high heat and boil for 5 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Let the syrup cool, and stir in the rosewater. Use food coloring to tint it light orange." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put the vegetable oil in a wide wok-like dish, and heat to about 350°F (175°C)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put the batter into a pastry bag with about a ¼ inch opening. If it is too dry to squeeze out, mix in a bit of water." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Squeeze the batter into the oil, making a couple of figure-eight shapes and loops on top of each other. The shape should be about 3 inches on its longest side." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Fry each jalebi until golden brown. Remove, let the oil drain off, then soak in syrup for a minute." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve." } ], "title": "Jalebi (Fritters in Syrup)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Fruit_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cups soft, fleshy fruit like strawberries, peaches, cherries, plums, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, etc." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup or less lemon juice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ teaspoon of butter" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup white granulated sugar (or 3 cups for bitter or sour fruits)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Pectin (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Clean the fruit, remove any stones, leaves, or other inedible parts, and wash it. If the fruit is not a small berry, then cut it up into small pieces." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Crush the fruit, then sprinkle with lemon juice and butter and stir well." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour the mixture into a sufficiently large cooking pot. Traditionally a copper pot is used, but any other cooking pot will do fine." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bring the mixture slowly to the boil on a full rolling boil, stirring regularly. Pour in sugar, and add pectin if needed." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Depending on the fruit, you will need to boil the mixture for about an hour. The jam is ready when it is thick enough. Check this by pouring a drop of the jam onto a cold plate. It should turn sticky and not be too runny." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "To preserve the jam well, you should pour it into glass flasks or containers that have been sterilized by boiling them in water. You can also pasteurize the containers by washing them with boiling water. The inside of lids as well as the flasks should be washed if the latter method is used. The jam should be poured rapidly into the still-hot containers. The containers should be sealed with lids. In this case it's best to let the air bubble that is in the flask traverse the still-hot jam by turning it upside-down after the lid has been placed on. This is to disinfect the air bubble. Or, instead of a lid, the jam can be protected by pouring molten paraffin on top of it, and closing of the jar with a paper that is held with a rubber band." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve with bread, toast, English muffins, or pancakes." } ], "title": "Jam (recipe)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Dessert_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": "4", "time": "1 hour, or 2.5 hours" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Jam roly-poly is a traditional British cuisine probably invented in the early 19th century. It is a flat-rolled suet pudding, which is then spread with jam and rolled up. In days past, Jam Roly-Poly was also known as shirt-sleeve pudding, because it was often steamed and served in an old shirt-sleeve. Because of this, another nickname for the pudding was dead-man's arm. Jam Roly-Poly features in Mrs Beeton's cookery book, as Roly-Poly Jam Pudding." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "250 g (1 cup or 8 oz) self-rising flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pinch salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "125 g (½ cup or 4 oz) shredded suet" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "90–120 ml (6–8 tbsp) water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 tbsp raspberry jam, warmed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "A little milk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 egg, beaten" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp caster sugar to glaze" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F or Gas Mark 6)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Sift the flour into a bowl with the salt. Add the suet and sufficient water to create a soft but not sticky dough." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Turn on to a floured board and roll out to a rectangle about 20×30 cm (8×12 inches)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Brush the pastry with the warmed jam, leaving a 1 cm (½ inch) border all around." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Fold in this border and brush with milk. With the short side towards you, roll up the pastry loosely and seal the ends well." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place on a greased baking sheet, with the sealed edge underneath. Brush with the beaten egg and sprinkle with caster sugar." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake in the oven for 35–40 minutes until golden brown." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove from the oven, sprinkle on a little more sugar and serve hot with home-made English custard." } ], "title": "Jam Roly-Poly", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Dessert_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "200 g self-raising flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "100 g vegetable suet" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Finely-grated zest and juice of 1 small lemon" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 medium egg, beaten" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2–4 tbsp milk or water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "200 g red jam of your choice such as plum, cherry, raspberry or strawberry" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pinch salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Custard or cream to serve." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir the flour, suet, salt and lemon zest together then work to a firm dough with the lemon juice, egg and milk or water." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Roll out to a rectangle about 25 x 20.5 cm (10 x 8 in) and spread jam to within 2.5 cm (1 in) of the edges. Roll up starting from a short end and seal the edges well with a little water." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Set the roll on a sheet of well buttered foil and wrap, making sure you seal the ends well. If you are feeling traditional use cheesecloth or a shirt sleeve to steam in." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Set in a steamer and steam for 2 hours." } ], "title": "Jam Roly-Poly (Steamed)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": null, "difficulty": 1, "servings": "1", "time": "Max 5 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "The jam sandwich is, as its name suggests, a sandwich filled with jam. It can be filled with any kind of jam." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 slices of bread" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Some jam (any flavor)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Spread the jam onto the first slice of bread." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put the second slice of bread on top of the side of bread you have put the jam on." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "If desired, the bread may be toasted before sandwich assembly." } ], "title": "Jam Sandwich", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Caribbean_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "25 fritters", "time": "20 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Jamaican banana fritters are a traditional dessert and snack dish in the Caribbean. They can be served by themselves, in a platter along with other fritters, or with different toppings, like cinnamon, coconut, or even ice cream." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 ripe bananas" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "200 grams all-purpose flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "60 ml room-temperature milk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 teaspoons baking powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 tablespoons brown or white sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ teaspoon vanilla extract" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pinch salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Oil for frying" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Peel the bananas and mash them in a bowl until runny." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat oil in a deep frying pan at medium heat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the sugar, milk, vanilla, salt, and flour to the bananas and mix until approximately the consistency of pancake batter or a bit thinner." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Drop tablespoons of the mixture into the heated oil, and fry until edges are firm, then flip to cook other side until golden brown." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Drain on a towel and serve hot." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Sprinkling sugar, nutmeg, cinnamon or coconut on the fritters after frying." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Serving with a scoop of ice cream." } ], "title": "Jamaican Banana Fritters", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Chicken_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": "4", "time": "15 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pound (500 g) boneless, skinless chicken breast" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 egg whites" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon (15 ml) honey" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 cups (750 ml) cornflakes, crushed to make 1 ½ cups" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 ½ teaspoons (7.5 ml) jerk seasoning" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup (125 ml) honey-mustard salad dressing" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon (5 ml) grated lime peel" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 mangoes, seeded, peeled, and sliced" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Preheat oven to 450°F." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Trim fat from chicken." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut chicken lengthwise into ¾ inch-wide strips." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In shallow dish whisk together egg whites and honey." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In another shallow dish combine cereal and jerk seasoning." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Dip chicken pieces in egg mixture and then roll dipped pieces in cereal mixture." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place the cereal-coated pieces in a single layer on an ungreased baking sheet." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake at 450°F for 11–13 minutes or until tender and no longer pink." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "While baking, in small bowl stir together salad dressing and lime peel." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve chicken and mango slices with salad dressing mixture." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "This recipe can also be served as an appetizer; it will make 12 servings." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Jerk seasoning can be bought ready-made or you can follow the recipe for Jamaican jerk spice" } ], "title": "Jamaican Chicken Fingers with Honey-Mustard Sauce", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Chicken_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": "1 hour 45 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Bulla cakes are a variety of Jamaican bread made with molasses. Here, the cakes are paired with a chicken curry." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 lb chicken meat" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Lime juice or vinegar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 green onions, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 onions, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 red chile peppers, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 packs of Jamaican curry powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Ground black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Just over ½ cup olive oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pack of bulla cakes" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut chicken in equally-sized pieces." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Rinse the chicken in lime juice." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine the chicken with the green onions, onions, chile peppers, curry powder, salt, and pepper. Let marinate 5–10 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat olive oil in a pot. Add the chicken mixture, and cook for 30–60 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve with bulla cakes." } ], "title": "Jamaican Curry Chicken with Bullga", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Chicken_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": "4", "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp ground allspice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp cayenne pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp ground ginger" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp ground cinnamon" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ tsp freshly-grated nutmeg" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tbsp dried thyme" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp dehydrated lemon peel" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 tbsp dark rum" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 boneless skinless chicken breasts" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup brown mustard" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine rum and mustard, and rub all over chicken." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine remaining ingredients and rub all over chicken. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour, but it is better to marinate overnight." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place chicken on a greased, preheated charcoal grill. Cook, turning constantly until internal temperature reaches 165°F. Remove and let rest for 10 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The spices always included allspice because the berries of the pimento tree are the source of allspice." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "When cooking the meat, barbecue is by far the best technique—failing that, oven bake. Basting with beer is worth trying." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Serve with rice and peas." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Warnings", "text": "See the chili pepper warnings." } ], "title": "Jamaican Jerk Chicken", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Spice_mix_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Jamaican jerk spice is a pungent, hot mixture of spices used to flavor meats before grilling or roasting." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tablespoons cayenne pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon cinnamon, ground" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon nutmeg, ground" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon allspice, ground" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon dried onion powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 teaspoons dried thyme" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon dried minced onion" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon salt" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine all ingredients together." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Store in an airtight container." } ], "title": "Jamaican Jerk Spice I", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Spice_mix_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Jamaican jerk spice is a pungent, hot mixture of spices used to flavor meats before grilling or roasting." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 tablespoon ground allspice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon ground dried thyme" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon paprika" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon ground red pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon garlic powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon onion powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ teaspoon black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine all ingredients." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Store in an airtight container." } ], "title": "Jamaican Jerk Spice II", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Jamaican_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "A Jamaican patty is a street food that contains various fillings and spices baked inside a flaky pastry shell. As its name suggests, it is commonly found in Jamaica, and is also eaten in other areas of the Caribbean. It is traditionally filled with ground beef, or with ground mutton or goat, and fillings also include chicken, vegetables, fish and cheese. Patties following recipes with halal meats or vegetable based substitutes can also be found." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "In recent years, the Jamaican meat patty can be found pre-made and frozen in Great Britain and North America, primarily Canada. Conventionally, patties are marked with a colored dot on the crust to indicate the filling:" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": null, "text": "No dot: ground beef" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": null, "text": "Red dot: Spicy ground Beef" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": null, "text": "Green dot: vegetables (often not vegetarian, containing animal suet, tallow, and/or other animal ingredients; vegetarians must inquire whether recipes are suitable for their diets)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 lbs ground beef" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 bundles fresh thyme" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp paprika" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ loaf of French bread (e.g. baguette)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp Island Spice Scotch Bonnet Soya Sauce" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 oz scallion or spring onion" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cups flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup lard" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup cold water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon ground turmeric (or ½ teaspoon Jamaican Curry Powder and ½ teaspoon annatto for coloring)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Beef filling for patties" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup milk" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Grind together scallion and Island Spice Scotch Bonnet Pepper Soya sauce. Add to ground beef along with salt and thyme." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cook beef." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "While beef is cooking, pour cold water over bread in a saucepan to cover. Soak for a few minutes, then squeeze dry, saving the water." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pass bread through a mincing mill, and return the ground bread to the water with thyme and cook until bread is dry. Combine meat and cooked bread." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add paprika and cook for 20 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove from heat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Allow to cool." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Sift flour, turmeric, curry powder, salt and knead in lard." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bind with water to form a firm dough and knead for 2 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Roll pastry ⅛ inch thick." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut out pastry rounds 6 inches in diameter." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Divide beef filling between patties, and brush edges with water." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Fold dough over filling, and seal. Brush with milk." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake on top shelf of oven for about 25 minutes at 450°F until golden brown" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "For extra crust flakiness, roll out dough, brush with lard, fold over and roll again. Do this about 3 times." } ], "title": "Jamaican Patty", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Jamaican_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": null, "text": "3 cups dried red peas (kidney beans) or gungo peas (pigeon peas)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": null, "text": "8 cups water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": null, "text": "½ tbsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": null, "text": "2 cloves garlic, crushed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": null, "text": "2 cups coconut milk or 1 packet coconut powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": null, "text": "1 Scotch bonnet pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": null, "text": "1 bunch scallions or 1 small white onion, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": null, "text": "1 tbsp thyme" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": null, "text": "¼ cup margarine" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": null, "text": "2 tbsp all-purpose seasoning" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": null, "text": "2 tbsp seasoning salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": null, "text": "1 tbsp chicken seasoning (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": null, "text": "1 ½ lb white or brown rice, rinsed and drained" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": null, "text": "Wash peas with clean water. Place them in a pot with the water, salt, and garlic. Stir and leave to soak overnight." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": null, "text": "Transfer the entire pot of soaked peas and liquid to the stovetop. Cover and bring to a boil over medium heat. Simmer, stirring occasionally, until the peas become tender (about 20 minutes). Add more hot water if the level drops too low." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": null, "text": "Lower the heat, then add the coconut milk, scotch bonnet pepper, scallion, thyme, margarine, all-purpose seasoning, seasoning salt, and chicken seasoning. Stir well." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": null, "text": "Cover and boil over medium heat for 10 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": null, "text": "Stir in the rice until evenly distributed. Cover, lower heat, and boil until the rice is soft and liquid is boiled out (about 10–15 minutes)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": null, "text": "Serve and enjoy!" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": null, "text": "The scotch bonnet pepper is extremely spicy, so it can be placed in the pot whole or finely chopped; it all depends on who it is being cooked for and your preferences." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": null, "text": "This dish can be eaten alone or with main dishes such as fried chicken, stewed pork, curried chicken, stewed beef, etc." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "" }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "" } ], "title": "Jamaican Rice and Peas", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Stew_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Jamaican rundown is a fish stew, often made with mackerel." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt mackerel" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Coconut milk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Onions, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Garlic, minced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Scallions" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Tomatoes, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Scotch bonnet chile pepper, seeded and chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Thyme" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Vinegar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "To remove some of the salt from the mackerel, soak in water overnight or boil in hot water for 30 minutes. A combination both this can be done if the mackerel is still salty." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Drain water off the mackerel and cut into small pieces." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine coconut milk and water in a frying pan, and boil until it looks oily." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the mackerel and cover the pot. Cook for 10–12 minutes on medium heat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir in the onion, garlic, scallion, tomatoes, scotch bonnet pepper, thyme, and vinegar." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add salt and pepper to taste" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Lower the heat and simmer for 10 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve with green bananas, yams or dumplings." } ], "title": "Jamaican Rundown", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Louisiana_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "3", "time": "1 hour" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Jambalaya, one of Louisiana's most famous dishes, is rooted in Spanish and French cuisine and is the New World version of paella." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Jambalaya originated in the French Quarter of New Orleans. It was the accidental result of Spaniards attempting to make paella in the New World where saffron was not readily available due to import costs. Consequently, tomatoes became the substitute for saffron.[1]" }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "As time went on, French influence became strong in New Orleans, and spices from the Caribbean changed this New World paella into a unique dish. In modern Louisiana, the dish has evolved into many variations but primarily there are two types of Jambalaya: Creole and Cajun." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Creole Jambalaya, also called red Jambalaya, is found primarily in and around New Orleans and is made with tomatoes which make it red.[2] Cajun Jambalaya, which has no tomatoes, originated in Louisiana's rural, low-lying swamp country. It has a distinct smokey flavor and brown color, the result of browning the meat in a cast iron pot.[3] Both versions can contain virtually any kind of meat and/or seafood but crayfish (called crawfish in Louisiana) is a popular inclusion." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "This famous dish is surprisingly simple to prepare and works well as an everyday meal. The below Creole Jambalaya recipe includes poultry and canned tomatoes." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 bay leaf" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ teaspoon savory" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ teaspoon salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon dried basil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon thyme" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1½ teaspoons cumin" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "⅓ cup chopped celery" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tablespoon butter" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "14.5 ounces (411 g) canned tomatoes, diced or torn apart" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "⅔ cup long-grain rice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1½ cups chicken broth" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cups cooked and chopped turkey or chicken" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 small can of sliced mushrooms (optional), drained" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix the salt, savory, basil, thyme, and cumin together, then grind them to a powder." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Prepare the canned tomatoes: tear them up, remove the stem ends, remove the seeds, etc. Keep the juice." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat a wide pan with a lid. Lightly fry the celery in the butter. Soften the celery but do not brown it." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add everything to the pan. You can add the basil, meat, and mushrooms later if you prefer." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bring to a boil, then cover and simmer for about 20 minutes. The rice will absorb the liquid." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Discard the bay leaf." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "External Links", "text": "Chef Paul Prudhomme's seafood jambalaya recipe" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "External Links", "text": "Chef Emeril Lagasse's Cajun jambalaya recipe" } ], "title": "Jambalaya I", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Rice_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": "6", "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 lbs (1400 g) cooked chicken strips" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup (240 ml) chopped onion" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup (240 ml) chopped green bell pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 ribs celery, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cloves garlic, minced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup (120 ml) diced cooked ham" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cans (29 ounces / 800 g total) stewed tomatoes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cups (480 ml) chicken broth" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup (240 ml) uncooked long grain rice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 Tbsp olive oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tsp thyme, crumbled" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp paprika" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 ½ tsp salt, or to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ tsp pepper" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat olive oil in a large skillet; add chicken and paprika, then brown on all sides." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove chicken from skillet." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add onion, green bell pepper, celery, and garlic. Sauté over low heat until onion is tender, about 10 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir in ham, tomatoes, chicken broth, rice, thyme, salt, and pepper." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add chicken and turn to coat with sauce. Bring to a boil." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 15 minutes." } ], "title": "Jambalaya II", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Pastry_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": "6–9", "time": "30 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Jambons are a type of square pastry filled with cheese and ham. The name is derived from the French word for ham, and they are common in Ireland and the UK." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 sheet of puff pastry" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp plain flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp butter" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "250 ml milk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "200 g diced ham" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "150 g grated cheese (Dubliner Cheese recommended, can be substituted)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 egg" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Preheat oven to 200°C (400°F)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Melt butter over medium heat and add flour. Cook for 5 minutes and begin adding milk gradually until the mixture thickens." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut your pre-prepared puff pastry into squares and spoon a generous amount of the mixture onto each square. Sprinkle some ham and grated cheese on top." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Fold the corners of the puff pastry so that they meet in the centre, forming a panier feuilleté (puff pastry basket) shape." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Beat the egg and brush it over each sealed panier feuilleté." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake for 20–25 minutes until puffed and golden brown." } ], "title": "Jambons (Cheese and Ham Pastries)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Pickle_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Umeboshi (梅干, pickled Japanese plum) is a kind of pickled food. It's one of the Japanese traditional foods and it has been popular in Japan. It is red and round, and its taste ranges from sour to sweet. The texture can range from dry and crunchy to saturated and \"globby\", depending on the method used to preserve it." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Japanese plums" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Red shiso" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salts" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Sterilize a jar and utensils with potable alcohol or boiling water." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove any damaged plums. Wash the remaining plums, and wipe them dry." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove the plum stems." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover plums with water and let stand overnight." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Drain water and place plums in a larger, non-reactive container." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put salt and plums in the container. Turn them repeatedly and vigorously." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place a plate on top of plums. Place big, heavy rock or bottle filled with water on top of the plate to increase the pressuring done to the plums." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Wait until the liquid increases in the jar—this will take two weeks or more." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Weather the Japanese plums for 3 days and 3 nights of sunny day in high summer on flat baskets or any other flat instrument." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Strain the liquid, and boil it to remove any impurities." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Rub salt into the shiso to remove scum. Squeeze the shiso to remove liquid." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put the plums, shiso, and boiled liquid into the jar." } ], "title": "Japanese Pickled Plums (Umeboshi)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Japanese_recipes", "difficulty": null, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "During the winter season, you can see various kinds of steamed buns at every convenience store in Japan. This is known as a kind of dim sum in America and Europe. Japanese-style buns are bigger. It is good for snacks." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 ⅔ oz (110 g) Japanese red beans (azuki)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "5 ⅓ oz (150 g) granulated sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoons starch syrup, for shining" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 dash salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1¼ oz package active dry yeast (2¼ teaspoons)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon granulated sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup lukewarm water (40-45°C)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 cups all-purpose flour (reserve 1 tablespoon if mixing by hand)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Wash the beans well." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place beans in a large saucepan, and add 14 oz (400 ml) water or enough to cover the beans. Bring to a boil over high heat, then drain the water. Do this step two more times to get rid of harsh flavors in the beans." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover beans with water again, and simmer over low heat for 30–40 minutes, removing any scum. Add more water if it falls below the level of the beans. If the bean can be crushed easily by fingers, it is done; if not, cook more." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover, remove from the heat, and steam for 10 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Drain the beans and liquid, reserving both the liquid and beans. Set the beans aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Return the bean liquid to saucepan, and add sugar and salt. Heat until the sugar and salt have dissolved, then remove from the heat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Transfer the beans to the pan of syrup. Let soak for 30 minutes or until sweet taste infiltrates to the beans." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Over low heat, boil the bean mixture until it becomes thick enough to form into a ball by hand. Be careful not to burn it." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Let it cool before using." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a small bowl, sprinkle yeast and sugar evenly over the lukewarm water; stir until yeast dissolves. Let stand 10 minutes or until foamy." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In large bowl or in food processor, combine flour and yeast mixture and mix well, or process 1 minute. If mixing by hand, sprinkle work surface with the reserved 1 tablespoon flour; turn dough out onto work surface and knead until dough is smooth and elastic, about 10 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Spray large bowl with non-stick cooking spray; place dough in bowl. Cover loosely with plastic wrap or a damp towel, and let rise until dough triples in volume, about 3 hours. Punch down and wrap in plastic until ready to use. Will keep 3 days in the refrigerator and up to 2 months in the freezer." } ], "title": "Japanese Red Bean Buns", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Salmon_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Salmon fillets are marinated in jerk spices, such as Scotch bonnet peppers, allspice, cinnamon, nutmeg, thyme, and ginger." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 ea. (24 ounces) salmon fillets with skin on one side" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp minced ginger" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 Scotch bonnet or habanero peppers, stemmed and seeded if you like" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 ½ tsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 ½ tsp freshly-ground black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ tsp freshly-ground Grains of Paradise, or more pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp freshly-ground allspice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp freshly-ground cinnamon" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ tsp freshly-grated nutmeg" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "8 sprigs thyme" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup olive oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "A heat-resistant towel tied with twine and soaked in oil" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a blender or food processor, purée all ingredients except salmon, and oil until smooth. With the machine running, slowly drizzle in the oil." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour into a gallon size zip-top bag. Add salmon and refrigerate for at least 10 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat about 28 charcoal briquets in a large chimney starter. Disperse evenly around the bottom of the grill." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Reapply the grate. Quickly grease the grate with the towel." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the salmon skin side down and cook, covered, turning often, until pink throughout and flakes easily when tested with a fork." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove to a plate and cover with aluminum foil. Let rest 5–7 minutes before serving warm." } ], "title": "Jerk Grilled Salmon", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Seafood_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": "4", "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Jerk lobster is a dish made popular by Nathanyay Chang." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 lobster tails" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tsp jerk seasoning" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup butter" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 whole scallions" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tsp lemon juice or lime juice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp Jamaican pickapeppa sauce or 3 drops of Jamaican hot pepper sauce (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Thinly slice the scallions." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Melt the butter in a small skillet." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Lightly sauté the scallions until golden." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the lemon juice." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add Jamaica pickapeppa sauce or hot pepper sauce (optional, depending on your taste)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Let it simmer for about 1 minute, then set aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove the membrane from the lobster tails." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Use a sharp knife to split the lobster tail in half lengthwise." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Brush butter sauce onto each tail." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Using the same brush, spread the jerk sauce over the tails, especially on the exposed meat. Set oven to broil." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put the lobster tails in oven on the meat side for 4 minutes, turn, and cook the shell side for 2 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "If you want a more smoked taste, cook for 2 minutes on each side in the oven, then place on a barbecue grill for 3 minutes. You may need to add more jerk sauce if using a grill." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve with Jamaican festival and/or bammy. You can also serve with Jamaican hardo bread." } ], "title": "Jerk Lobster", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Meat_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": "1", "time": "10 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 beef hot dog" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 strip bacon" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 large egg" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 slice American or cheddar cheese" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 bun" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Preheat deep fryer to 355°F." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Wrap bacon around the hot dog, securing at each end with a toothpick." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "When oil reaches 355°F, lower wrapped hot dog into fryer." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat frying pan and fry one egg." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place cooked egg on a small plate." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Open bun and place onto frying pan on low heat or in toaster oven to lightly toast." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "When bacon is firm and crispy, remove hot dog from oil." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place slice of cheese onto egg and microwave for 7-10 seconds." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place egg and cheese on to bun." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove toothpicks from hot dog, and add to bun." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add condiments and serve." } ], "title": "Jersey Breakfast Dog", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Fritter_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Jhilinga is a traditional Nepalese food popular specially during festivals.[1] Jhilinga is super crunchy, and is favoured by people of all age groups.[2]" }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "It is closely associated mostly with people of different caste like the Newars, Gurungs, Magars and many other Nepalese ethnic tribes.[3] Popularity of jhilinga still largely exists in villages and towns of Nepal. The making process of jhilinga is really simple and the ingredients are not complicated as well. However people need some good hands on skill to craft it in good circles as it can be tricky to make circles out of thin soft strips and set them to cook when required." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "The history of jhilinga is disputed and the dish is characterised by its frugality, reflecting agricultural hardship during ancient times. So it certainly was invented long time ago and would not surprise if someone said it was invented in one of many deep villages of Nepal." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "The consumption of jhilinga is largely during different occasions like weddings and birth ceremonies. It also is associated with different other rituals and has a significant cultural importance. From early days and until now it is used as Shagun (present) when visiting guests' or relatives' houses." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Rice flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Food coloring (for varieties of color)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Boil water in a deep pot." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Slowly add the required amount rice flour and food color into the boiling water, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. It is same as the process of making dhindo but without the ghee. The mixture should have a good balance and consistency of flour and water." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "After it is cooked, process the dough through a noodle machine that can make really thin strips." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Shape the dough strips into circles. Set out in the sun for a few days to dry and set." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Once evenly set, deep fry them in vegetable oil." } ], "title": "Jhilinga (Nepalese Rice Fritters)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Nigerian_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Ji abubo is a Nigerian dish of yam with vegetable sauce. It originates from the southeast of the country." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Yam, unpeeled and cut into pieces" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Ugwu pumpkin leaves" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Ukpaka" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Habanero pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Palm oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Ogiri" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Ground crayfish (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Dryfish (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Shaki (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Ponmo (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Rinse the pumpkin leaves and upaka. Tie them with strings." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place the yam pieces, pumpkin leaves, and upaka in a pot. Cover with water and cook until the vegetables are soft." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove the vegetables, and leave the yam to cook until it is tender." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pound the habanero pepper in a mortar until smooth. Add the cooked ukpaka and pumpkin leaves, and pound until smooth. Mix in the palm oil until it reaches the desired consistency." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Season the paste with salt and ogiri to taste, then blend with the pestle until smooth." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Drain the cooked yam, and serve hot with the pounded sauce." } ], "title": "Ji Abubo (Nigerian Yam and Vegetable Sauce)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Nigerian_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Ji akwukwo is a Nigerian dish made with yam, vegetables, and palm oil. You can use different vegetables according to your preferences." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Yam, peeled and diced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Onions, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Scotch bonnet chili pepper, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Ukpaka, crushed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Palm oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Green amaranth leaves, shredded" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Transfer the diced yam to a pot, and cover with water. Bring to a boil, then simmer until the yam is soft." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Drain the water from the yams, and return the yam to the pot." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the onion, pepper, and ukpaka to the yam, and stir over medium-high heat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Season the yam with salt and palm oil." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir in the shredded amaranth, then cover the pot and allow the mixture to steam." } ], "title": "Ji Akwukwo (Nigerian Yam and Vegetables)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Beverage_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Jigarthanda (literally \"heart-cooling\") is a milk-based beverage to cool the body in summer. It is a kind of street food, and it originated in Madurai, India." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp badam pisin (almond gum)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup (250 ml) water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "25 g Indian sarsaparilla root" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "300 ml water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "150 g sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 ½ L full-fat milk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 tbsp khova (milk solids)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup cream" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 L full-fat milk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup sugar" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Wash and soak almond gum in the water for 3–4 hours or overnight. It should expand in size and form a jelly." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Keep it in an airtight container in the fridge." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Wash and crush the sarsaparilla root." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan, then add the sarsaparilla." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Reduce the heat, and simmer until the water is reduced by half." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the sugar, and cook until you get a one-string syrup." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cool the syrup, then store in air-tight container." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Boil the milk, stirring continuously until it is frothy. Collect the malai (thick cream) that forms." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Beat the fresh cream, and stir it into the milk. Reduce the heat to medium-low." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir in the ¼ cup sugar until completely dissolved." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the milk solids, and mix well. Let cool slightly." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat the 2 tbsp sugar in a heavy-bottomed saucepan over low heat until it melts and caramelizes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Quickly and carefully add the hot milk mixture. It will sizzle. If the caramel seizes, keep heating it and it will melt in slowly." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Let cool, then pour into an airtight container and cover it with cling wrap. Freeze for 4–5 hours." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Once it sets, beat it well using a whisk or a blender. Repeat 3–4 times for creamier ice cream." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Freeze for 5–6 hours." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Simmer the milk in a heavy-bottomed saucepan until it is thickened and reduced to half its volume. Collect the malai (thick cream) that forms, and reserve it." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In another pan, gently heat the sugar until it melts and caramelizes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir the caramel into the milk. Mix it well until it is fully dissolved and the milk turns golden in color." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Simmer the milk for 10 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Let it cool and keep it in fridge." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add 1–2 tbsp soaked almond gum and 1 tbsp sarsaparilla syrup to a tall glass." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add enough jigarthanda milk to fill the glass ¾ full." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add a scoop of the jigarthanda ice cream." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Top with the collected malai, and serve immediately." } ], "title": "Jigarthanda Milk", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Nigerian_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Vegetable oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Beef, cooked and in bite-sized pieces" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Onions, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Carrot, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Red and green bell peppers, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Green peas" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Seasoning cube" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Sweetcorn kernels" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Tomatoes, blended" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Tomato paste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Beef stock" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Instant couscous" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat the vegetable oil in a pan. Add chopped beef, and fry until golden brown. Set aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add onions and carrots, and fry for a minute." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the chopped peppers and peas." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add seasoning cubes and salt to taste." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir in the corn kernels." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Transfer the cooked vegetables to a plate, and set aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat some more oil in the same pan, and add the blended tomatoes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir in the tomato paste, and fry for 3 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir in some beef stock or water." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir in the couscous, making sure the couscous is well-coated with the sauce. Cover with a lid, remove from the heat, and let rest until the liquid is absorbed." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir in the cooked beef and cooked vegetables." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve." } ], "title": "Jollof Couscous", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Meat_recipes", "difficulty": 4, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "From Mastering the Art of French Cooking Volume 1. Child recommends serving this dish \"in a casserole, or on a platter surrounded with steamed rice, risotto, or potato balls sautéed in butter\", and also states that \"buttered green peas or beans could accompany it, and a good red Bordeaux wine\".[1] She also points out that this is a dish that benefits from a day in the refrigerator." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "6 ounces (170 g) of chunk bacon" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 ½ tablespoons olive oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 pounds (1360 g) lean stewing beef, cut into 2-inch cubes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 carrot, sliced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 onion, sliced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tablespoons flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 cups red wine, young and full-bodied (like Beaujolais, Côtes du Rhone or Burgundy)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 ½–3 ½ cups brown beef stock" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon tomato paste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cloves mashed garlic" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ teaspoon thyme" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 crumbled bay leaf" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "18–24 white onions, small" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 ½ tablespoons butter" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Herb bouquet (4 parsley sprigs, ½ bay leaf, ¼ teaspoon thyme, tied in cheesecloth)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pound mushrooms, fresh and quartered" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Remove bacon rind and cut into lardons (sticks ¼-inch thick and 1½ inches long). Simmer rind and lardons for 10 minutes in 1½ quarts water. Drain and dry." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Preheat oven to 450°F (230°C)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Sauté lardons in 1 tablespoon of the olive oil in a flameproof casserole pan over moderate heat for 2–3 minutes to brown lightly. Remove to a side dish with a slotted spoon." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Dry beef in paper towels; it will not brown if it is damp. Heat fat in casserole until almost smoking. Add beef, a few pieces at a time, and sear until nicely browned on all sides. Add it to the lardons." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "In the same fat, brown the sliced vegetables. Pour out the excess fat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Return the beef and bacon to the casserole and toss with ½ teaspoon of salt and ¼ teaspoon of pepper." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Sprinkle on the flour and toss again to coat the beef lightly. Set casserole uncovered in middle position of preheated oven for 4 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Toss the meat again and return to oven for 4 minutes; this browns the flour and covers the meat with a light crust." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Remove casserole and turn oven down to 325°F (160°C)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Stir in wine and 2–3 cups stock (just enough so that the meat is barely covered)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Add the tomato paste, garlic, herbs and bacon rind. Bring to a simmer on top of the stove." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Cover casserole and set in lower third of oven. Regulate heat so that liquid simmers very slowly for 3–4 hours. The meat is done when a fork pierces it easily." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "While the beef is cooking, prepare the onions and mushrooms." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Heat 1½ tablespoons butter with 1½ tablespoons of the oil until bubbling in a skillet." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Add onions, and sauté over moderate heat for about 10 minutes, rolling them so they will brown as evenly as possible. Be careful not to break their skins. You cannot expect them to brown uniformly." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Add ½ cup of the stock, salt and pepper to taste, and the herb bouquet." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Cover and simmer slowly for 40–50 minutes until the onions are perfectly tender but hold their shape, and the liquid has evaporated. Remove herb bouquet and set onions aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Wipe out skillet and heat remaining oil and butter over high heat. As soon as you see butter has begun to subside, indicating it is hot enough, add mushrooms." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Toss and shake pan for 4–5 minutes. As soon as they have begun to brown lightly, remove from heat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "When the meat is tender, pour the contents of the casserole into a sieve set over a saucepan." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Wash out the casserole and return the beef and lardons to it. Distribute the cooked onions and mushrooms on top." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Skim fat off sauce in saucepan. Simmer sauce for a minute or two, skimming off additional fat as it rises. You should have about 2½ cups of sauce thick enough to coat a spoon lightly." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "If too thin, boil it down rapidly. If too thick, mix in a few tablespoons stock. Taste carefully for seasoning." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Pour sauce over meat and vegetables. Cover and simmer 2–3 minutes, basting the meat and vegetables with the sauce several times." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Serve in casserole, or arrange stew on a platter surrounded with potatoes, noodles or rice, and decorated with parsley." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "↑ Mastering the Art of French Cooking (Second Edition, 1983)" } ], "title": "Julia Child's Boeuf Bourguignon", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Bread_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "42", "time": "45–50 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Ka'ak (Arabic: كعك), is a biscuit traditionally baked while clinging to the wall of a clay oven, or on the floor of a masonry oven. The dough is enriched with oil, sugar, black cumin, and yeast, and flavored with condiments, such as honey or sugar, and it is basted with egg yolks (as desired). It is eaten extensively throughout the Middle East and Persia." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup lukewarm water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup vegetable oil (preferably canola oil)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "100 g soft margarine or butter" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 cups wheat flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp baking powder or dried yeast" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp light brown sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp sesame seeds" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp black cumin (Nigella sativa) (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "10 g dried marjoram, za'atar or oregano (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¾ tsp ground Mahaleb cherry (Prunus mahaleb) kernels (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 egg yolks (for basting), beaten" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine water, oil and soft margarine (or butter) in bowl." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix together flour, baking powder (or dried yeast), brown sugar, salt, and spices." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix dry ingredients with wet ingredients (except egg yolks) until you get a dough." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Let dough mixture rest for 30 minutes until it reaches its proper consistency." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut dough into half. Roll each half into a coil with your hands. You should now have 2 pieces." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut each coil in half, and again roll out each coil into a smaller coil with one's hands. You should now have 4 pieces." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut each coil in half, and again roll out each coil into a smaller coil with one's hands. You should now have 8 pieces." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut each coil at angles into 4 equal pieces. You should now have 32 pieces" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pinch together the ends of each coil so that it forms a ring. Place on a baking sheet, and let sit until the dough rises." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Brush each dough ring with egg yolk." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake in a preheated oven at a low heat (212–338°F / 100–170°C) until they begin to emit vapors. Then, remove from the oven.[1]" } ], "title": "Ka'ak (Savory Ring-Shaped Biscuit)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Meat_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "This kebab is prepared by marinating meat overnight and grilling it over an open fire. It is usually served with polo (white rice) or naan." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Olive oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 onions" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Garlic" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ teaspoon saffron" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 kg lamb, cut into 1 x 5 cm pieces" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine the olive oil, onions, garlic, saffron, salt, and pepper to make the marinade." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Toss the lamb pieces with the marinade. Cover, and marinate overnight in the refrigerator." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Thread the lamb onto metal skewers." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Brush the lamb with the marinade. Grill for 5–10 minutes on each side over an open fire." } ], "title": "Kabab Barg (Persian Grilled Meat)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Meat_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Ground beef or lamb" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Sumac powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Turmeric powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Onion, finely minced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Tomato" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Onion" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Cooked white rice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Naan" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Sumac powder for garnish" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine ground meat, pepper, sumac, turmeric, onion, and salt. Cover and chill for 4 hours, or up to overnight. The meat should turn slightly yellow from the turmeric." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Shape meat mixture around skewers." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Grill skewers, tomato, and onion until cooked through." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve kebabs, tomato, and onion with the rice or naan. Garnish with additional sumac to taste." } ], "title": "Kabab Kobide (Persian Minced Meat Kebab)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Ugandan_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Kabalagala, also known as Ugandan pancakes, are delicious and popular street food in Uganda. These deep-fried pancakes are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, making them a delightful treat for both kids and adults." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 ripe bananas, mashed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup all-purpose flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ teaspoon baking powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pinch of salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup milk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Vegetable oil, for deep-frying" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Bowl" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Whisk or spoon" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Deep frying pan or pot" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Slotted spoon or spider strainer" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Paper towels" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a bowl, combine the mashed bananas with the all-purpose flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Gradually add the milk to the banana-flour mixture, stirring continuously with a whisk or spoon until a smooth and thick batter forms. The consistency should be similar to that of regular pancake batter." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat vegetable oil in a deep frying pan or pot over medium-high heat. The oil should be deep enough to fully submerge the Kabalagala." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Carefully drop spoonfuls of the batter into the hot oil, working in batches to avoid overcrowding the pan. Each pancake should be about 3–4 inches in diameter." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Fry the pancakes until they turn golden brown and become crispy on both sides. This usually takes about 2–3 minutes per side." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Use a slotted spoon or spider strainer to remove the fried kabalagala from the oil and transfer them onto a plate lined with paper towels to drain excess oil." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve the kabalagala while still warm. They can be enjoyed on their own as a tasty snack or paired with a cup of tea or coffee." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Ripe bananas with black spots or fully yellow with black tips are ideal for making kabalagala, as they are sweeter and easier to mash." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "For a twist, you can add a pinch of ground cinnamon or nutmeg to the batter for extra flavor." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Traditionally, kabalagala is deep-fried, but you can try pan-frying them with a small amount of oil." } ], "title": "Kabalagala (Ugandan Pancakes)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Austrian_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "approx. 2–3", "time": "15 min." }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Kaiserschmarrn, which can be translated as \"the emperor’s mess\", is a traditional Austrian dish, which is renowned far across the Austrian borders." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "There are numerous stories about the recipe's origin, most of which center on Emperor Franz Josef I, who was Emperor of Austria from 1848 to 1916. One story says that the dish was first cooked by a farmer’s wife who was visited by the emperor as he was in need of shelter because of bad weather. The farmer’s wife made a common \"Holzfällerschmarrn\" (a sweet dish made from a dough of flour and fat), which she refined with eggs, milk, and fruits. Another of the numerous stories about the origin of Kaiserschmarrn says that it was invented by the Emperor’s personal cook. The cook's pancakes did not turn out the way they were supposed to, and that is why he just scrambled his pancakes, added cherries and raisins, put icing sugar on top and served the dish to the Emperor as a new creation. Some people also say that the Emperor liked pancakes for dessert. Whenever the pancakes did not turn out the way the cook wanted them to be, because they were too thick or because they ripped, they were served to the Emperor's servants as Kaiserschmarren (a mess that was not good enough for being served to the Emperor)." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Traditionally Kaiserschmarrn is served with stewed plums, but it is also possible to serve it with other compotes or jams like apple compote or cowberry jam." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 eggs" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cups (500 ml) milk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pinch salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 ½ cups (350 grams) flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp raisins" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp (30 grams) butter or margarine" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Icing sugar, for dusting" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Separate the whites from the yolks." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put yolks, milk, sugar and salt in a bowl and whip well." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Fold in the flour while stirring thoroughly until the mass is pasty." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the raisins to the mixture." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Whisk the whites until they are stiff and then fold them into the mixture." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Melt the butter in a frying pan, and add the dough." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cook until the pancake gets solid at the bottom." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Divide the mass into quarters with a wooden spoon or spatula and turn them over. After a little while start scrambling the quarters." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Keep turning the Kaiserschmarrn until it is done." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve with icing sugar on top." } ], "title": "Kaiserschmarrn (Austrian Shredded Pancake)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Confection_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Kaju Barfi is an Indian sweet made with cashew nuts." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¾ cup water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Ghee" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Cashew nut powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Edible silver leaf/foil" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine the sugar and water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add saffron to the solution and cook it till it forms a syrup of three-thread consistency." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Melt the ghee, and mix this into the syrup." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add cashew nut powder and mix it thoroughly." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Allow it to cool slightly." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Knead the mixture well, and roll it into a rectangle 0.5 cm thick." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Lay the silver foil over the rectangle. Cut it into diamond shapes of approximately 1.5-inch length." } ], "title": "Kaju Barfi (Indian Cashew Milk Confection)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Dessert_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": "1 hour" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Kal kals are a fried sweet traditionally made during Christmas in Christian communities of India." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cups (280 g) white wheat flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 egg" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ teaspoon baking powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup (120 g) powdered sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ teaspoon vanilla extract" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup (120 ml) oil" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine flour, egg, baking powder, powdered sugar, and vanilla to make a moist but not sticky dough." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Flatten teaspoon-sized balls of dough on the back of a fork (preferably with rounded tines) and roll off, forming small snail-shell-like curls." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Deep fry in hot oil (~350°F/180°C), six at a time, until golden brown." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Roll in more powdered sugar while still hot to coat." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Warnings", "text": "When deep frying, be careful not to splash hot oil on yourself." } ], "title": "Kal Kals (Sweet Curled Fritters)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Fritter_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Kala is a great and mouth watering snack, similar to Nigerian puff-puff." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon salt or to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3–4 cups warm water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4½ teaspoon active dry yeast" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "6–7 cups all purpose flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Vegetable oil for deep frying" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine the salt, sugar, warm water, and yeast in a medium-size bowl. Set aside for about 5–7 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the flour and mix very well; if you have a mixer, use it." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Let the mixture rise for approximately 2 hours." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour the vegetable oil in a large saucepan until it reaches at least 5 cm deep—too little oil will result in flatter fritter. Heat over medium heat—a drop of batter should rise to the surface and start sizzling." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Use a spoon or your hands to drop dollops of batter into the hot oil. Fry for a few minutes until golden brown on one side. Turn the ball to the other side and fry until golden brown." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Use a large perforated spoon to remove the fritters and place them on paper towels to soak up excess oil." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "If desired, roll the finished product in powdered sugar or table sugar." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Tips and Variations", "text": "If you want to get crunchy kala, do not overcrowd the frying pan while frying." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Tips and Variations", "text": "You can cut back on the salt as desired." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Tips and Variations", "text": "This delicious snack can be eaten for breakfast, during relaxation, and even as a side dish." } ], "title": "Kala (Liberian Fritters)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Pasta_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": "1 hour" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Kale and garlic pasta is a dish of cooked greens with chili flakes and pasta. The blanching and long cooking of the greens with garlic reduces the bitterness, and this dish can therefore be good for those who do not like the flavor of raw greens. The kale can be replaced or supplemented with other similar greens (see variations below)." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 tbsp butter" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "⅓ cup olive oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 head garlic, cloves peeled and sliced thin" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pinch chile flakes (or to taste)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1–2 bunches kale, deboned and cut into bite-sized pieces" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 lb dry linguine" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup finely-grated Parmesan cheese" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add butter and olive oil to a large frying pan. Heat over medium heat until the butter melts." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the garlic and chili flakes to the pan. Cook, stirring, until the garlic is softened. If the garlic starts to brown, turn off the heat until time to add the kale." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cook the kale in a large pot of very salty boiling water for about 4 minutes. It will turn bright green. Using a slotted spoon, transfer the softened kale to the pan with the garlic. Try to leave as much water behind as possible." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cook the kale and garlic over medium heat, stirring, until most or all of the liquid evaporates. The greens should become very dark and soft. Add a splash of water or olive oil if they stick to the pan too much." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Boil the pasta in the same salted water as the kale. When al dente, use tongs to transfer the pasta to the hot pan with the greens." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Toss the pasta and greens together. If the pan is too small, transfer everything to a large bowl and continue tossing until the pasta is well-coated." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the grated Parmesan, and continue tossing until it is melted and well-incorporated." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve hot." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes", "text": "This dish does contain a fair amount of oil. Feel free to reduce it as desired, though it does carry a fair amount of flavor." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes", "text": "Cooking the garlic and chili flakes in the oil infuses the oil with their flavor and helps it permeate the entire dish." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes", "text": "This dish is meant to be garlicky, so do add more garlic if you can only find small heads." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Variations", "text": "Substitute collard, beet, or any other hardy greens for the kale." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Variations", "text": "Toss in some diced or cherry tomatoes along with the cheese at the end." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Variations", "text": "Adjust the amount of cheese as desired." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Variations", "text": "Omit the greens and reduce the oil for a simple garlic and Parmesan pasta dish." } ], "title": "Kale and Garlic Pasta", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Armenian_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": "varies", "time": "15 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Kanachi (Կանաչի -- Armenian for herbs) consists of an assortment of various aromatic and tasty herbs that are served raw as an appetizer and/or side dish next to main courses of Armenian dishes. There is also a Persian cuisine equivalent called sabzi khordan." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "The herbs usually include basil (rehan, purple basil as well as green, specifically the lemon basil), mint (nana or daghdz), cress (kotem), tarragon (tarkhun). Usually also includes green onions (kanach sokh) and radishes (boghk). It can also include cilantro (hamem) and parsley (maghadanos)." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "It can also be served with lavash (a flatbread), cheese, walnuts and other ingredients as a light dinner." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Purple basil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Lemon basil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Cress" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Tarragon" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Radishes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Green onions" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Mint" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Remove extra stem endings, yellow leaves, and damaged parts from all herbs and wash them thoroughly. Drain." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Remove roots from green onions and radishes and majority of radish leaves (leaving only the younger ones). Wash them thoroughly and drain." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Mix them up or arrange them on a plate." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Preparation", "text": "Eat raw and enjoy!" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "To store for later, put the washed herbs in a semi-humid clean cotton bag which you can close by a string and keep in a refrigerator. Will keep well for a few days to a week." } ], "title": "Kanachi (Armenian Herb Salad)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": null, "difficulty": 2, "servings": "2", "time": "1 hour" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Kanafeh, a delectable Middle Eastern pastry, is a must-try dessert. It consists of delicate angel hair-like strands of kadaif, paired with akawi cheese and samneh or clarified butter. The pastry is baked to perfection, creating a delightful contrast of crispy outer layers and a lusciously melting interior. To enhance its flavors, the kanafeh is drizzled with a syrup infused with rose water and garnished with crushed walnuts." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "454 grams kadaif pastry" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "340 grams melted butter" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "325 grams white sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "225 grams mozzarella cheese" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "140 grams cream cheese" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp lemon juice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp rose water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp orange blossom water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "84 grams chopped walnuts" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Special equipment", "text": "10-inch cast iron skillet" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Special equipment", "text": "Oven" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Adjust the oven rack to the lower-middle position and preheat it to 400°F (204°C)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a medium bowl, combine the mozzarella cheese and cream cheese, then set it aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Slice the kadaif pastry crosswise into ¼–½-inch lengths and transfer it to a large bowl." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour the melted butter over the pastry in the bowl. Using your hands, gently toss the pastry with the butter, ensuring that all the shreds are evenly coated. Continue this process for about 5 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Transfer half of the coated pastry to the skillet, spreading it evenly along the bottom of the pan." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Spread the cheese mixture evenly over the first layer of pastry, leaving a ½-inch border along the rim." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Layer the remaining pastry over the cheese layer, firmly pressing it down." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake the prepared pastry in the preheated oven until it turns deeply golden brown, which takes about 40 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "While the pastry bakes, prepare the syrup. In a saucepan, combine the sugar, lemon juice, and 1 cup of water." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Simmer the syrup until it reaches a temperature of 234°F (112°C), or until a small amount dropped into ice water forms a soft ball consistency. Remove from the heat and cool." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "When the pastry is ready, add the rose water and orange blossom water to the syrup." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Invert the cooked pastry onto a serving platter and drizzle it with the syrup. Sprinkle chopped walnuts over the top and serve immediately." } ], "title": "Kanafeh (Egyptian Sweet Cheese Pastry)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Stew_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Kanda is a stew made with chicken or beef, peanuts, vegetables, and spices. It is a popular dish in the Central African Republic and known for its rich and nutty taste." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 pounds chicken or beef, cut into pieces (either bone-in or boneless)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup shelled unsalted peanuts" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 medium onions, finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tomatoes, diced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 bell peppers, diced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cloves garlic, minced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tablespoons tomato paste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tablespoons peanut butter" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tablespoons oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 cups chicken or beef broth" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon paprika" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon thyme" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Pepper to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Fresh parsley or cilantro for garnish (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Large cooking pot with lid" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Wooden spoon or spatula for stirring" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Blender or food processor" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "If using peanuts with skins, start by removing the skins. You can do this by roasting the peanuts in the oven for a few minutes until the skins loosen. Rub the peanuts between your hands or use a clean kitchen towel to remove the skins." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a blender or food processor, grind the peanuts until they form a fine powder. Set aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat oil in a large cooking pot over medium heat. Add the chopped onions and sauté until they become translucent." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the chicken or beef pieces to the pot and cook until they are browned on all sides. If using chicken with bones, this step helps enhance the flavor of the stew." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir in the minced garlic, diced tomatoes, and bell peppers. Cook for a few minutes until the vegetables start to soften." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the tomato paste, peanut butter, ground peanuts, paprika, thyme, salt, and pepper to the pot. Mix well to combine all the ingredients." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour in the chicken or beef broth and stir to incorporate everything. Bring the mixture to a boil." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Once it boils, reduce the heat to low and cover the pot with a lid. Allow the stew to simmer for about 1–1.5 hours, or until the meat is tender and the flavors have melded together." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Taste the stew and adjust the seasoning if needed, adding more salt, pepper, or spices according to your preference." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve the kanda hot, garnished with fresh parsley or cilantro if desired. It is commonly served over cooked rice or with fufu." } ], "title": "Kanda (Peanut Stew)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Thai_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Kanom piak poon is a thickened Thai sweet made of coconut, rice flour, and pandan." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "80 g rice flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "40 g arrowroot starch" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "200 g sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "600 ml limewater (saturated calcium hydroxide solution)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "200 ml fresh pandan juice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "200 ml of coconut milk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup grated coconut meat" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine the rice flour, arrowroot, and lime water. Stir in the sugar, water, pandan juice, coconut milk, and salt until the sugar dissolves. Strain this mixture into a brass pan or pot to remove any solids." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat the pan over low heat. Stir the mixture continuously over low heat to keep it from sticking to the bottom of the pan." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cook until the mixture is glossy and thickened. This will take about 30–40 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour the mixture into an oiled mold. Smooth the top, then let rest until cool." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "When the pudding is cooled, use a knife to cut into the desired shape. Serve with grated coconut." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "If the pot or pan starts to heat until the smoke rises, reduce the heat a little and stir the flour mixture quickly." } ], "title": "Kanom Piak Poon (Thai Coconut and Pandan Pudding)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Sauce_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 cups ketchup" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¾ cup molasses" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup Worcestershire sauce" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup soy sauce" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup cider vinegar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp cayenne pepper" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine all ingredients in a large saucepan, and bring to a boil over high heat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cook, stirring often for 15 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cool, and keep refrigerated in a nonreactive container for up to 2 months." } ], "title": "Kansas City Barbecue Sauce", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Okra_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Kanya is a flavorful and hearty okra soup that hails from Liberia. This delicious soup is made with fresh okra, chicken or fish, and a blend of aromatic spices. It is a beloved dish in Liberian cuisine and is often served with rice or fufu for a satisfying and comforting meal." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tablespoons palm oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 onion, finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cloves of garlic, minced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pound chicken or fish, cut into pieces" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cups chicken broth or water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tomato, diced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cups fresh okra, sliced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt, to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Large pot" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Cutting Board" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Knife" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a large pot, heat the palm oil over medium heat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the chopped onions and minced garlic to the pot. Sauté until the onions are soft and translucent." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the chicken or fish pieces to the pot and cook until they are browned on all sides." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour in the chicken or fish broth and bring the mixture to a simmer." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the sliced okra to the pot and stir well to combine with the other ingredients." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Let the soup simmer for about 20 minutes or until the okra is tender and cooked through." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir in the ground crayfish, ground pepper, and salt to taste. Adjust the seasoning according to your preference." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Continue to simmer the soup for another 5 minutes to allow the flavors to meld together." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove the pot from the heat and let the Kanya rest for a few minutes before serving." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "You can customize this soup by adding other vegetables like spinach, bell peppers, or tomatoes." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Some variations of Kanya include the addition of smoked fish or shrimp for added flavor." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "This soup can be made with any type of meat, such as beef or goat, according to your preference." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Kanya is traditionally served with rice or fufu, but it can also be enjoyed on its own as a hearty stew." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Nutrition", "text": "Okra is a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Nutrition", "text": "Chicken and fish are rich in protein and essential nutrients." } ], "title": "Kanya (Liberian Okra Soup)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Filipino_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Kare-kare is a Philippine stew derived from curry with a savory peanut sauce." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pack (1.5–2 lb) oxtail" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "6 cups water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup annatto seeds for coloring" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 eggplants" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 lb string beans" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 banana blossom" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 head garlic, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 onion, sliced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup cooking oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup ground peanuts" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup toasted ground rice" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Boil the oxtail in water until tender." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Soak annatto seeds in ½ cup water, set aside. Rub the seeds if necessary to bring out color." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut string beans in 3-inch lengths." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut eggplants diagonally, ½-inch thick." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut banana blossoms diagonally, ½-inch thick." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Parboil string beans, eggplants and banana blossoms, then set aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Sauté garlic and onions in cooking oil." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Take out the annatto seeds, add the water, and boil for 5 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir in ground peanuts and ground rice." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bring to a boil, then add the oxtail and vegetables." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add more water if needed to have enough sauce; it should be thick and not watery. Add fish sauce to taste." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve with steamed rice and shrimp paste (bagoong) on the side." } ], "title": "Kare-Kare (Oxtail and Vegetables in Peanut Sauce)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Salad_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": "30 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Karedok is an Indonesian raw vegetable salad dressed with peanut sauce." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Red pepper[clarification needed]" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Garlic" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Birds' eye chilli" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Grated galangal" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Peanuts" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Palm sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Shrimp paste (terasi/belacan)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Brackish water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Hot water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Cucumber, sliced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Bean sprouts" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Cabbage, sliced very thin" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Legumes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Thai basil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Eggplant" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Fried shrimp chips" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pound the red peppers, garlic, birds' eye chilli, galangal, peanuts, palm sugar, salt, and shrimp paste together." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add brackish water and hot water. Mix evenly to make a dressing." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add cucumber, bean sprouts, cabbage, basil, and eggplant. Toss them to coat with the dressing." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Top with fried shrimp chips." } ], "title": "Karedok (Indonesian Raw Vegetable Salad with Peanut Dressing)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Pastry_recipes", "difficulty": 4, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Karelian pasties (Karjalanpiirakat in Finnish) are traditional pasties from North Karelia, Finland. Today they are eaten throughout Finland. According to the traditional recipe, the pasties are made from a thin rye crust with a filling of rice. Butter, often mixed with boiled egg (munavoi), is spread over the hot pasties before eating." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "There are also versions with carrot or potato filling." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "500 ml boiling water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "300 ml short-grain white rice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "900 ml milk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1½ tsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "200 ml cold water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1½ tsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "350 ml rye flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "150 ml wheat flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "100 ml milk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "50 g butter" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "50 g butter, softened" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 hard-boiled eggs, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ tsp salt (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ can (125 g) cottage cheese (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix the rice into the boiling water. Boil until the water has saturated the rice." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the milk, and stir the filling for a few minutes. Reduce heat and agitate the porridge. Cook for about 40 minutes. Stir the porridge every now and then. When the porridge is ready, it will seem thick." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix in the salt, and cool the porridge." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix the flours and salt into the cold water." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Knead the dough until smooth and pliable." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Shape the dough into a block, and divide it into about twenty pieces." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Roll the pieces into balls, flatten them into small discs, and cover them with plastic." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Roll out the discs into thin circles, approximately 17 cm in diameter." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Spread some of the rice filling in an oblong shape on each dough circle." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Crimp the edges together with your fingers to make a crust." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake the pasties at about 250–300°C for about 15 minutes, until the crust is browned." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat the butter and milk together until the butter is melted." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Brush the pasties with hot milk and butter." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Lay the pasties on each other and rest them under a towel and baking paper." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Beat together the munavoi ingredients, and use it as butter on the pasties." } ], "title": "Karelian Pasties (Karjalanpiirakat)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Curry_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": "4", "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Kari ayam (chicken curry) is one of the signature dishes of Indonesian cuisine. In spite of the name \"curry,\" this dish does not use Indian curry spice, and is actually a spicy but sweet dish." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 lb (450 g) boneless, skinless chicken parts" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "5 Asian shallots, sliced (or ½ cup chopped onions)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cloves garlic, minced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp ginger, minced or grated" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp lemongrass, minced or grated" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "6 kimiri (candlenuts), ground" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 salam leaves (Indonesian bay leaves)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 kaffir lime leaves" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp turmeric root, ground or grated" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp galangal root, ground or grated" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup (240 ml) coconut milk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp salt (or to taste)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp gula jawa" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp cooking oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 hot chiles (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ tsp terasi (fermented shrimp paste)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Wash chicken parts." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a food processor or mortar and pestle, grind the garlic, ginger, kimiri nuts, turmeric, galangal, hot chilies, and terasi into a paste (bumbu)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a wok or skillet, cook the paste over medium heat for 1 minute." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the chicken parts to the wok, and brown them." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the shallots, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, and salam leaves to the wok, and sauté for another minute." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the coconut milk and bring to a light boil." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Simmer on low heat for 10 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Serve with white rice (nasi putih), yellow rice (nasi kuning), or coconut rice (nasi uduk)." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Top with fried shallots." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Substitute fish, shrimp, or lamb for the chicken." } ], "title": "Kari Ayam (Indonesian Chicken Curry)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Soup_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup toovar dhal (toovar/toor/togari dal)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 large (16 oz can) tomatoes OR 2 tbsp tamarind (concentrate extract) paste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ tsp salt or less to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp chilli powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp turmeric powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp asafoetida (hing) powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp grated coconut" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp coriander powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 tbsp oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp mustard seed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp cumin seed (jerra/jeerige, optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 sprigs curry leaves, washed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 bunch coriander leaves, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pressure cook the dhal with sufficient water." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "If using tomatoes, parboil first to remove skin, then chop roughly." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "To the cooked dhal, add salt, chilli powder, turmeric powder, and tomatoes or tamarind extract." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Simmer for 3–4 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the asafoetida, grated coconut, and ground coriander." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add any other spice as required." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Simmer for a few minutes to cook the coconut properly." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a separate frying pan, heat the oil over medium heat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the mustard seed and cumin seed." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "When the mustard seeds pop, remove from the heat and add to the soup along with the curry leaves." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Garnish with coriander leaves." } ], "title": "Karnataka-Style Rasam (Tamarind and Tomato Soup)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Cheese_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "2–3", "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Kashkaval pane (or Cașcaval pane) is a Bulgarian dish of fried Kashkaval, a type of cheese." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "12 oz yellow kashkaval cheese" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Oil for deep frying" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 eggs" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Flour seasoned with salt and freshly ground black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Bread crumbs" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Flat-leaf parsley to garnish" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut the yellow cheese into slices about ½ inch thick. Wet in water. Gently pat off any excess moisture with paper towels." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat the oil in a pot until a small piece of bread sizzles as soon as it is dropped in." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Beat the eggs in a shallow bowl, while the oil is heating." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Spread some seasoned flour on a plate and some bread crumbs on another plate." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Press the yellow cheese slices into the flour, coating them evenly with a thin layer of flour, shaking off any excess flour. Dip them into the egg, then into the bread crumbs, then once more into the egg, then again into the bread crumbs, covering the whole slice." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Fry immediately in the hot oil until golden brown." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Drain on paper towels and serve hot, garnished with parsley. Enjoy!" } ], "title": "Kashkaval Pane (Bulgarian Fried Cheese)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Indian_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": "4", "time": "40 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "This very fancy Kashmiri pulao, or Kashmiri Pallao, is from the Northern Indian state of Kashmir. Although it is a frozen region high in the Himalayas, Kashmir lies along the ancient overland trade routes between India and Central Asia, and the cuisine is famous for using a huge assortment of nuts and dried fruits from all over Central and Western Asia." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 tablespoons ghee or butter" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "5 cloves" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 pods green cardamom" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cinnamon tree leaf (or substitute 2 bay leaves)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 small onion, sliced thin" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 ½ teaspoons ginger-garlic paste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 green chillies, split lengthwise" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pinch of salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3–4 strands saffron" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon milk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ kilogram basmati or other long-grained rice, cooked and drained" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "100 grams dried dates, pitted and sliced thin" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "50 grams white raisins" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "50 grams cashew nuts" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "50 grams pistachio nuts" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "50 grams almonds, blanched and diced" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat ghee or butter in a large wide pan or wok." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the cloves, cardamom, and cinnamon tree leaf." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the chopped onion, and fry until it just begins to turn brown." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add ginger-garlic paste and chillies and fry for about 1 minute before tossing in all of the dried fruits and nuts." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add salt to taste." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Turn the flame down to low." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Soak the strands of saffron in milk, mixing until the milk turns orange." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour the cooked rice into the pan and sprinkle the saffron-milk on top." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir very carefully so as not to break or mash up the rice grains, mixing the flavourings and saffron colour in uniformly and heating the rice." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix in dried fruits and nuts." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add more ghee according to your preference." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve with a gravy such as the basic tomato gravy." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Try adding paneer fried in ghee to the pulao." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "See also", "text": "An Instant Pulav Recipe." } ], "title": "Kashmiri Pulao", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Main_course_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "3–4", "time": "25 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Kasnocken are small dumplings combined with melted cheese. In Germany, \"Nocken\" are called \"Spaetzle\". They have their origins in Schwaben, a region in Southern Germany, and are served as a side dish to roasts. People from Austria and from the Allgaeu, a district of Bavaria next to the Austrian border, refined the original Spaetzle and made up their own variety. They added cheese instead of meat and thus created a main dish. In Germany, this dish is called \"Kaesspaetzle\", whereas in Austria it is called \"Kasnocken\". Today, the Pinzgauer Kasnocken are probably the most famous type of cheese dumplings in Austria, and they are popular among both locals and tourists." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "In Salzburg, Kasnocken are traditionally made with the Bierkäse produced in the region of Pinzgau. However, it is also possible to use other sorts of cheese. In order to gain the best possible taste, connoisseurs recommend to prepare and serve the dish in a cast-iron pan. This is usually done in ski lodges and restaurants in the Pinzgau region. The final result, however, mainly depends on one's individual taste; the type of cheese, the amount of onions, and the spices will define the final flavor of the dish. However it is prepared, those who like cheese, will love Kasnocken. And perhaps even those who usually do not like cheese, will relish this traditional Austrian dish." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Kasnocken are usually served with lettuce and a glass of milk. Since this fare is rather hard to digest, especially for people not used to such opulent meals, the meal may be rounded off with a schnaps." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ L water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 eggs" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup (300 g) all-purpose flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup (70 g) butter" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "120 g fatty cheese plus 120 g low-fat cheese OR 250 g Pinzgauer Bierkäse cheese" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 big onion, cut into rings" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 bunch of chives, finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix flour, eggs, water, and salt carefully to get a dough; it should neither be stiff nor too soft." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pass the dough through a special press for dumplings into boiling, salted water." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Boil the small dumplings for about 3 minutes, then drain and rinse them with cold water." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Melt the butter in a pan, add the dumplings, and season them with salt and pepper." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Gradually add the grated cheese and stir vigorously." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "When all of the cheese has melted, heat butter in another pan, add the onion rings, and fry them until they become golden brown." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Top the dumplings with the onion rings and chives." } ], "title": "Kasnocken (Austrian Cheese Dumplings)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Rice_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 large onions, finely sliced and fried in ghee or butter" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cups yoghurt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 green chiles, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 bunch mint leaves, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 Tbsp ghee or butter" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp garam masala" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt, to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 Tbsp ginger-garlic paste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 lbs chicken" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Black cardamom pods" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Black cumin seeds (kala zeera)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Whole black peppercorns" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt, to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 Tbsp oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 ¾ cups uncooked rice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "8 Tbsp butter, in 4 pieces" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Lemon juice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pinch of saffron or a few drops yellow food coloring" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Milk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 green chillies, whole" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 bunch coriander leaves, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Fried onions" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Garam masala powder" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine fried onions, yoghurt, chopped green peppers, chopped mint leaves, ghee, garam masala powder, salt, ginger garlic paste. Add the chicken pieces, and leave this to marinate at least 4–5 hours." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bring a pot of water to a boil. Add cardamom, black cumin, peppercorns, cinnamon stick, salt, and oil. When the water boils, mix in the rice." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cook the rice until tender but not completely cooked—it will cook more later. Drain the water from the rice." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add a very thin layer of rice on the bottom of the pot to prevent the meat from sticking. Add the marinated chicken on top. Top the chicken with the remaining drained rice." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine the saffron and milk. Place one butter chunk in each quadrant of the pot. Pour the lemon juice and saffron milk over the rice, then stick the whole chiles in the rice." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the chopped coriander leaves, fried onions, and a sprinkle of garam masala." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover pot completely with foil so no steam can escape. Cook over high heat for about 10 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Reduce heat to medium. Continue cooking about 30–35 minutes, rotating the pot every 10 minutes for even heating." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Check to make sure the meat and rice are fully cooked." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "You can substitute lamb or goat for the chicken—in this case, marinate for 12 hours." } ], "title": "Katchi Biryani", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Ugandan_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Katogo is a traditional Ugandan dish usually eaten for breakfast. It was mostly regarded to as a poor man's food, but with time and creativity, even the rich love to eat it too." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "500 g peeled green bananas (matooke)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Cooking oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 medium-size onion, neatly chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 medium-size green pepper, neatly chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 medium-size grated tomatoes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cups water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon cumin" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon curry powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "250 g boiled beans" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedures", "text": "Chop the green bananas and set aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedures", "text": "Sauté the onions in a pot of cooking oil until lightly browned." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedures", "text": "Add the pepper and tomatoes, then season to taste with salt. Cook, stirring, for 1 minute." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedures", "text": "Add the banana, and stir for another minute." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedures", "text": "Add the water and cook for 10 minutes over medium heat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedures", "text": "Stir in the cumin, curry powder, and black pepper. Make sure all the spices are well-incorporated. Simmer for 2 minutes, and adjust the spices to taste." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedures", "text": "Rinse the cooked beans with clean water, then drain them well. Stir into the pot, and simmer for another 10 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedures", "text": "Serve hot, garnished with coriander." } ], "title": "Katogo (Ugandan Mixed Breakfast Vegetables)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Soup_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": "4–6", "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Choose 1 or 2 of the following items:" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 fresh whole Maltese sausages" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 shoulder-cut pork chops (ideally left attached in one piece and separated only after cooking)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 piece (300 g) fresh pork belly, salt-cured gammon, or smoked bacon" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 ham hock or a pig's trotter (not boned)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Oil for frying the onion" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 large onions, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 whole medium cabbage, cut into medium chunks" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 large potatoes, cut into medium chunks" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1–2 kohlrabi, cut into medium chunks" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 large slice of red-fleshed pumpkin (qargħa hamra; optional), cut into medium chunks" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 large slice of yellow-fleshed pumpkin (qargħa Torka; optional), cut into medium chunks" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ ea. medium cauliflower (optional), cut into medium chunks" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3–4 carrots (optional), cut into medium chunks" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Chopped green celery leaves (Maltese krafes)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1–2 tbsp tomato paste, diluted with a little water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "A few sprigs of flat-leaf parsley, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bring a pot of water to a rolling boil, and scald the hock or trotter in it for 10 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove the hock or trotter, discard the water, refill with fresh water and bring to the boil again." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place the hock or trotter in the boiling water with the other meats you are using, turn heat down, and cook a few minutes, skimming scum from the surface." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "When there is no more scum forming, remove the meats from the water. Reserve both the cooking water and all the meats." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a pot over medium heat, soften and wilt the onion in the olive oil without letting it brown." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the cabbage, potatoes, kohlrabi, pumpkin, cauliflower, carrots, and celery leaves. Season with salt and pepper, cover, and sweat together on low heat for 5–6 minutes" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the tomato paste and reserved meats." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add some of the water in which you boiled the meats (the quantity depends on whether you want a one-dish stew or a two course meal, see below). Simmer over moderately low heat until the meats are tender." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Five minutes from the end of cooking time, taste and adjust for seasoning, then add the chopped flat leaf parsley." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "If using salt-cured gammon, soak in cold water over night to remove the saltiness." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Maltese sausages are made of ground lean and fat pork with garlic, parsley, salt, black peppercorns, and coriander seeds." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "It is not traditional to cook pasta in the soup, neither is it customary to grate cheese on top." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "If serving as a one course meal, you are aiming for a chunky stew, so you don't want to add too much liquid. Serve with crusty bread." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "If serving as a two course meal, you will want enough liquid to serve a soupy first course. The meats you remove, slice if necessary and keep warm to serve alone or maybe with a little light tomato sauce. You can cook a small amount of rice in the vegetable soup if you wish, though it is hardly necessary." } ], "title": "Kawlata (Maltese Vegetable and Pork Soup)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Rice_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": "3–4", "time": "30–40 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Kedgeree (or occasionally kitcherie, kitchari or kitchiri) is a dish consisting of flaked fish (usually smoked haddock), boiled rice, eggs and butter. It originated amongst the British colonials in India hence was introduced to the United Kingdom as a popular English breakfast in Victorian times, part of the then-fashionable Anglo-Indian cuisine. During that time, fish was often served for colonial breakfasts so that fish caught in the early morning could be eaten while it was still fresh. It is rarely eaten for breakfast now, but is still a popular dish." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1–2 cups Basmati or long-grain white rice (see notes)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2–4 cups decent quality low-sodium chicken stock" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 bay leaf" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "500 g (1 lb) smoked haddock" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 medium shallots or 1 medium onion, chopped fairly fine" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Liberal amounts of unsalted butter" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "As much garlic as you can handle, minced or put through a garlic press" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "6 hard boiled eggs, chopped fairly fine" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "At least 3 tsp of prepared English mustard (1½ tsp of dry mustard)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Enough finely-chopped parsley or cilantro to add interest and colour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Fresh-ground pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Curry powder (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Heavy cream" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cook the rice in one and a half the amount of chicken stock with the bay leaf. When it is done and keeping warm, discard the bay leaf, fluff the rice with chopsticks, and place the raw smoked haddock slab on top. Close the lid and let the haddock steam on warm for 15 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove the haddock, and flake with forks to get rid of every last trace of bone. Place the haddock back with the rice." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Sauté the shallots in excess butter until light brown. Add the garlic, and cook for 1 minute more, making sure to not brown it. Transfer mixture to the rice." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the eggs, mustard, parsley, pepper, curry powder, and enough cream to make everything just slightly creamy. Mix it all up, gently and thoroughly (chopsticks are perfect for this). Season with salt to taste." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve immediately or later—it keeps well." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "A rice cooker is not essential, but makes the whole thing brainless. 1 cup of rice will yield a dish that is dense with egg and haddock; 2 cups will give you a dish with a more Asian proportion of rice." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The addition of 3–4 cloves and a few cardamom seeds to the rice whilst it is cooking, plus the addition of a level teaspoon of cumin powder to the finished product, gives the rice a wonderful aroma." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Leftovers may be served in kedgeree omelettes with a dribble of soy sauce or Worcestershire sauce." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Haddock is traditional. Smoked anything can substitute it." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Cartoned organic stock is much superior, but home-made still beats all comers." } ], "title": "Kedgeree (Rice and Smoked Fish)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Chicken_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Kedjenou chicken is a popular and delicious dish eaten in Ivory Coast. It usually does not need any added liquid and this helps to bring out its concentrated flavours." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 whole chickens, cut into medium pieces" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Black pepper to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tablespoons ginger paste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tablespoon garlic purée" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tablespoons fresh thyme" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 bay leaves" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 teaspoons smoked paprika" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon chicken bouillon cube" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 medium onions, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 green onions, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 fresh red or green bell peppers, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "6 medium size tomatoes, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 whole habanero peppers (optional), neatly cut" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 eggplants, diced" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Preheat the oven to 350 °F." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Trim excess fat of chicken and pat dry with a cloth or paper towel." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Season chicken with salt, garlic, ginger, thyme, smoked paprika, green onions, chicken bouillon cube, and onions. Let rest in the fridge for at least 2 hours to season well." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine the tomatoes, onions, green onions, and red or green pepper in a Dutch oven. Add the chicken, and cover with the lid." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place it in the oven, and bake for about an hour or until the chicken is cooked through. Shake the pot once or twice during cooking without opening the pot." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove from the oven. Serve with attieke or white rice and enjoy." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Note, tips, and variations", "text": "Ensure you shake the pot frequently while braising the chicken so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pot. The shaking of the pot is to be done within 5–10 minutes while cooking." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Note, tips, and variations", "text": "Make sure your Dutch oven is both wide and deep." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Note, tips, and variations", "text": "The vegetables will create a lot of liquid that helps the chicken to stay moist and tender; this is the main reason why no added liquid is required." } ], "title": "Kedjenou Chicken (Chicken and Vegetable Stew)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Dessert_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": "Cooking: 30 minutesCooling: 2+ hours" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "250 g butter, cut into chunks" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup Milo chocolate drink powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup cocoa powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup sweetened condensed milk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 eggs" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "About 1 cup water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 packets Marie Biscuits, broken into quarters" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup Nestum Cereal flakes" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat. Whisk in the Milo chocolate powder, cocoa powder, and condensed milk." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix in the eggs and water. Cook, stirring, until thickened." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove from the heat, and stir in the biscuit pieces and cereal flakes so everything is well coated with the chocolate mixture." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Transfer the mixture into a mold (e.g. cake pan, aluminum tin, tupperware) that has been lined with parchment or plastic." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Tap the mold a few times on a hard surface to even everything out." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Let cool completely, then unmold and cut into slices." } ], "title": "Kek Batik (Malaysian Tiffin)", "url": "" }