{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Fish_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "5.3 ea. 3 oz servings", "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "5 ea. 3-ounce salmon steaks" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp canola oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp apple cider vinegar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 rosemary sprig" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tsp black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine the oil, vinegar, rosemary, and pepper. Add salmon steaks, and marinate for 15 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place the steaks on a hot grill, cooking on each side for 3 minutes until flaky." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Use cedar/alder planks or charcoal for added flavor." } ], "title": "Rosemary Grilled Salmon Steaks", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Bengali_recipes", "difficulty": 4, "servings": "6", "time": "45 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Rasgulla is a milk-based Bengali sweet, popular in Orissa and West Bengal." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp citric acid" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 liter milk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "5 cups sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cups milk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 cups water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 tsp plain wheat flour (maida)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Dissolve the citric acid in the water, and set aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bring the milk to a boil in a saucepan, stirring continuously." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove from the fire and stir for 5–7 minutes until the milk is slightly cool." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the citric acid solution and stir the milk gently." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "The milk mill curdle and the whey will separate. The whey has to be clear thus indicating the milk has completely curdled. Allow it to rest for 3–4 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Strain out all the whey using a clean damp muslin cloth." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Fold all the 4 sides of the muslin cloth and twirl it gently so that all the whey that is in the milk solids gets evenly drained out." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Gather the cloth from all 4 sides and squeeze the chenna lightly about 3 to 4 times so that most of the whey gets drained out." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove the chenna onto a clean plate and knead gently so that it is free of lumps, taking care not to apply too much pressure while kneading the chenna." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "It is advisable to use this almost immediately." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine the sugar, milk, and water in a large pan about 200 mm (8 inches) in diameter and 150 mm (6 inches) in height. Heat while stirring continuously until the sugar dissolves." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "When the syrup comes to a boil, the impurities in the sugar will begin to float on the surface, forming a grey layer. Do not stir at this point as the layer will break and it will not clarify the syrup." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "After about 5 minutes, slowly drizzle 1 cup of water form the sides of the pan with the help of a ladle. Water added at this stage will bring down the temperature of the sugar syrup and will not allow it to boil and break the grey layer." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Continue to simmer the syrup over a medium flame for about 10 minutes and then gently remove the grey layer using a slotted spoon." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bring the syrup to the boil once again and then slowly drizzle another cup of water from the sides of the pan using a ladle. remove all the remaining impurities from the syrup, again using a slotted spoon." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Increase the flame and boil vigorously for 1–2 minutes. Set aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Divide the chenna into 16 equals parts, and roll each part into a ball, taking care to see that the there are no cracks on the surface" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Dust the back of a flat plate (thali) lightly with the flour and place the rolled chenna balls on it." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix 2 tsp of the plain flour with ¾ cup of water to make a flour solution. Keep aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat the sugar syrup in a deep pan over a high flame and allow it to boil vigorously." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "When it boils, sprinkle half the flour solution in the sugar syrup. When the flour solution is added, a frothy layer is formed on the surface of the syrup." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the chenna balls by upturning the plate on which they are kept. Do not touch the chenna balls at this point as they are fragile." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "If the frothy layer begins to subside, sprinkle the remaining half portion of the flour solution." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "After this, keep on sprinkling water (minimum 1 cup) on the surface of the sugar syurp. Ensure that the syrup froths all the time while cooking the rasgullas." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cook for about 15 minutes, continuously sprinkling water to enable the froth to form." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Check if the rasgullas are cooked. This is determined by touch. If the rasgulla springs back and retains its shape when pressed, it is cooked. Another way of checking is to drop a rasgulla in a pan of cold water. If it sinks to the bottom, it is cooked." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove form the fire." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Transfer the rasgullas to a bowl along with 2 ladles of sugar syrup and 1 cup of water." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cool and chill for about 3 to 4 hours before serving." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Rasgullas should always be cooked on a very high flame." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "While cooking rasgullas, the sugar syrup must froth continuously." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The sugar syrup should fill about ⅓ of the pan." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "While making rasgulla shapes (see variation below), always ensure that there are no cracks on the surface of the shapes." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "While cooking, rasgullas expand to at least 4 times their original size." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "While sprinkling water on the syrup when the rasgullas are cooking, make sure you sprinkle a little water at a time (about 1 teaspoon at a time using your hands) and not large quantities." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The cooking time of the rasgullas will vary depending on their size. Large shapes will need more cooking time and versa." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "References", "text": "How to make Rasgulla at Home" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "References", "text": "" } ], "title": "Rosogulla (Bengali Milk Balls in Syrup)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Potato_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "Serves 1", "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Rösti is a potato dish from Switzerland. It was originally a common breakfast eaten by farmers in the canton of Bern, but today is eaten all over Switzerland. Many Swiss people consider rösti a national dish. Today it is more commonly served to accompany other dishes, rather than for breakfast." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 potato (either washed or peeled)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp vegetable oil" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Grate the potato into a dish, and squeeze out the excess moisture, discarding the liquid." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Split the mixture into two even piles." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour the oil into a frying pan and heat moderately." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place the two piles separately onto the pan, pushing down on top of them with a spatula in order to ensure that the piles stay intact." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Fry until the underside is golden brown, then carefully flip and cook the other side." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add salt and pepper to taste, and serve." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "There are many variations of rösti." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Various rösti use eggs, bacon, onion, or cheese. These can be mixed in with the potato before you start to fry the rösti." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Generally, any dry ingredients you use should be grated or diced before being added to the mix." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The outside of the rosti should be crisp. To achieve this the potato should be as dry as possible before it is fried." } ], "title": "Rosti (Swiss Potato Patties)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Italian_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Rosto is a dish is of Italian origin, and provides for two complete courses cooked in one pot without the need for an oven. Originally the pasta was served as a first course with the tomato sauce over it. This was followed by the sliced meat, usually a cheaper cut of pork instead of loin and a small piece at that, with the potatoes, carrots and mushrooms." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "It is still extremely popular although many people nowadays also cook it with chicken thighs or even a piece of beef instead of the traditional pork." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 kg pork loin" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 carrots" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 potatoes, cut in quarters" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 onion, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ kg penne or macaroni pasta" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ kg mushrooms" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ kg fresh tomatoes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tin ‘tomate triturado’ (tomato paste, or three peeled, de-seeded and puréed tomatoes)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 garlic clove" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Olive oil (for frying)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "White wine" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Sugar to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Grated cheese (Edam or Parmesan)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Fry crushed garlic clove and chopped onions until soft." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add tomatoes; fry for 5 minutes, then add pork loin and brown until sealed." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add tin of tomate triturado and a dash of white wine." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add potatoes and carrots, then cook until meat, potatoes and carrots are done." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the mushrooms about 10 minutes before the end." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add salt, pepper and sugar to taste." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Boil the macaroni until al dente." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove the meat from the stew and slice." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve meat, potatoes and pasta on same plate, pouring sauce over pasta and topping with grated cheese." } ], "title": "Rosto", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Soup_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": "4", "time": "60–90 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Rosół is a traditional Polish meat broth. The most popular variety is Rosół z kury, or clear chicken (hen) soup. It is commonly served with fine noodles, often home made, like Jewish lokshen. It is important to differentiate the type of meat used for the preparation of this particular dish. Young chicken meat will result in a different flavour than that obtained from an older cooking hen. Additionally, the type of meat will result in a different fat content. Finally, other meats, or a mix of beef and/or veal may be used." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 chicken" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 onion" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 small leek" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 carrots, peeled and sliced lengthwise" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ celery root" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2–3 sprigs green celery" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1–2 parsley roots" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 bunch of parsley" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "⅛ sweet cabbage" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Garlic, to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Bay leaf, to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Juniper seeds" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Dried wild mushrooms" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Allspice, to taste" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Quarter the chicken and place in a stock pot with ~1.5 cold water. Do not add salt at this time, as this may harden some meats. Bring to a boil on high heat, then simmer for 30–45 minutes. At this time, remove (skim) the surface flotsam (a mix of protein and some fat)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add peeled garlic clove, carrots, celery root, parsley root similarly prepared, and other vegetables previously washed." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Sauté onion halves in minimal oil to caramelize the flesh. Add to the soup. Omitting this step will result in a clearer, less-yellow product." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Simmer on low heat for approx 2 hours or more. Rosół should not boil, as this will result in a cloudy consistency." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Season to taste with salt, pepper, bay leaf, allspice, juniper seeds, dried wild mushrooms, etc." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Continue simmering. You may skim fat off the surface, if so desired (traditionally it should be as fat as possible)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove cabbage, parsley, celery root and any \"undesired\" vegetables. Carrots are usually left in and served with the broth." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve hot with noodles and fresh parsley. Individuals may season with maggi, soy sauce, freshly ground black pepper and/or chilli flakes." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Instead of chicken you may use ½ kg (1 lb) of veal or beef." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "In the traditional Polish way, the chicken is not quartered or cut whatsoever." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "To avoid having to remove surface flotsam use the blanching technique: bring large amount of water (unsalted) to a boil. Remember to leave enough space for the chicken. When in vigorous boil put the chicken in. Let it boil for about a minute. Take the chicken out and put under cold, running water until cold. Now you can add chicken to your rosół, and not worry about the flotsam. It will also make rosół clearer, which is one of the indicators of a good rosół dish." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Adding vegetable stock or a stock cube is a personal choice. Some argue that it is unnecessary, as the vegetable and meat give enough flavour to the broth." } ], "title": "Rosół (Polish Meat Soup)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Frosting_and_icing_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "About 1 cup", "time": "10 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Royal icing is a type of icing that dries to a hard sheen." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 large egg whites" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "⅛ teaspoon cream of tartar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 ½ cups (300 g / 11 oz) confectioners' sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Liquid or paste food coloring" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, beat the egg whites on low for about 1 minute until they become loose." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the cream of tartar and continue mixing on low until the whites become frothy, about 2 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Gradually add the confectioners' sugar with the mixer on low." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Continue to mix until the icing holds a stiff peak and is dull in appearance, about 2 minutes. The icing is ready to use for piping lines." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "If concerned about foodborne illness, use pasteurized eggs." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "If desired, divide the icing among smaller bowls and add coloring(s)." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "To store icing for later use:" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Clean the inner sides of the bowl or container to remove any drips." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Place a dampened paper towel directly on the surface of the icing and then cover the bowl very tightly with plastic wrap." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Refrigerate up to 5 days." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Uses", "text": "Use on top of gingerbread or any other cookies." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Uses", "text": "For flooding (filling in an icing outline), add a small amount of water to the frosting and mix until the icing reaches a looser consistency." } ], "title": "Royal Icing", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Pudding_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Roz bel laban is a classic Egyptian dessert loved for its creamy and comforting texture. Made with simple ingredients like rice, milk, sugar, and aromatic spices, it is a delightful treat that can be enjoyed warm or chilled. It is often served on special occasions and festive gatherings, bringing joy to those who indulge in its sweet flavors." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup rice, preferably short-grain" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 cups milk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup granulated sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon vanilla extract" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pinch of ground nutmeg" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pinch of salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Pistachios or almonds, chopped (for garnish)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Medium-size saucepan" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Wooden spoon or spatula for stirring" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Measuring cups and spoons" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Serving bowls or cups" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Refrigerator (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Rinse the rice under cold water until the water runs clear. Drain well." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In the saucepan, combine the rinsed rice, milk, sugar, vanilla extract, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt. Stir well to combine the ingredients." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place the saucepan over medium heat and bring the mixture to a gentle simmer, stirring occasionally to prevent the rice from sticking to the bottom of the pan." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Reduce the heat to low and let the mixture simmer uncovered, stirring occasionally, for about 30–40 minutes or until the rice is tender and the mixture thickens to a creamy consistency." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove the saucepan from the heat and let the roz bel laban cool for a few minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Once the pudding has cooled slightly, divide it between serving bowls or cups." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "If you prefer to enjoy the pudding warm, it can be served immediately. If you prefer it chilled, refrigerate the pudding for at least 2 hours or until it is cold and set." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Before serving, garnish with chopped pistachios or almonds for added texture and flavor." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Roz bel laban can be customized by adding additional ingredients such as raisins, saffron, or rose water for extra flavor." } ], "title": "Roz bel Laban (Egyptian Rice Pudding)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Pastry_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Rugelach is a Jewish pastry with a variety of fillings, such as raisins, walnuts, and sometimes chocolate." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cups (260 g) all-purpose flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup (65 g) plus 4 tsp white granulated sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp cinnamon" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup loosely packed golden raisins, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 ¼ cups walnuts (¼ lb), finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "16 tbsp (2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "8 oz (220 g) cream cheese, softened" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup apricot jam or raspberry jam" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Milk to brush" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Whisk flour and salt in a medium bowl." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Beat butter and cream cheese in a large bowl with a mixer until well combined." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir in flour until the contents is the consistency of dough." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Roll the dough into a ball and wrap in plastic; flatten into a 5 x 7 inch (12 x 17 cm) rectangle." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Refrigerate for 12–24 hours." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Line a large shallow baking pan with parchment paper. Preheat oven to 350°F." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut the chilled dough into 4 even pieces, and return all but 1 to the fridge in plastic wrap. Roll the remaining piece into a 12 x 8 inch (30 x 19 cm) rectangle on a floured surface with a floured rolling pin (to prevent sticking)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put the flattened dough on parchment paper, and then return to the fridge to chill while you repeat the flattening process on all other dough quarters." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "After you are done flattening the dough, return the last piece to the fridge." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Whisk the ½ cup sugar with cinnamon in a medium bowl." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Take one dough quarter out of the fridge and spread ¼ cup of the jam over the dough with a spatula. Over the dough, scatter ¼ cup of raisins and then walnuts, finally 2 tablespoons of the whisked cinnamon sugar." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Roll the dough quarter up into a tight cylinder. Place the dough cylinder seam-side down in the baking pan and close and tuck the ends." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Repeat the same process with the other 3 dough rectangles." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Finish the cylinders by brushing with milk, sprinkle each with a teaspoon of sugar. Using a large knife, score the dough cylinders with ¾ inch (2 cm) deep cuts, at one inch intervals." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake at 350°F (180°C) for 45–50 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Take out of the oven, cool in the pan on a wire rack for 30 minutes. Transfer cylinders to a cutting board and cut slices from the cylinders to make rugelach." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Instead of using raisins, try substituting mini chocolate chips." } ], "title": "Rugelach", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Indonesian_recipes", "difficulty": null, "servings": "1", "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Rujak cingur is a traditional food from Surabaya, Indonesia. This dish is made from cingur (cow's snout) and vegetables, which are drizzled with peanut sauce or petis sauce." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tablespoons fried peanuts" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cloves of fried garlic" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 bird’s eye chiles, or to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon palm sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ teaspoon terasi shrimp paste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ teaspoon salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tablespoons of petis shrimp paste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Tamarind water as needed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "100 grams boiled or fried cow’s snout (cingur)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 bunch of water spinach (kangkung), leaves picked and boiled" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "100 grams boiled bean sprouts (taoge)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cucumber, sliced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 slice of fried tempeh" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 slice of fried tofu" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 lontong rice cake, cut into pieces as desired" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "250 grams kerupuk crackers" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Prepare all the ingredients in advance." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "To make the sauce, grind the fried peanuts, garlic, chiles, palm sugar, terasi, and salt together until smooth." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the petis suace and tamarind water as needed. Mix until well blended." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Arrange all the ingredients for assembly onto a serving plate, starting with the cingur, then water spinach, bean sprouts, cucumber, tempeh, tofu, and rice cake." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Drizzle the sauce over the ingredients, and top with the crackers." } ], "title": "Rujak Cingur (Indonesian Cow Snout Salad)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Confection_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "This recipe involves no cooking." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup ground vanilla wafer cookies" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup pecan crumbs" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup powdered sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp Dutch-processed cocoa powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1½ tbsp light corn syrup" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup apple juice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Powdered sugar and pecan crumbs, for coating" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine ingredients." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Shape approximately 1 tbsp of dough into balls, approximately 1 inch in diameter." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Coat in powdered sugar or pecan crumbs. For best results, let age for a week or so in a tin." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "See also", "text": "Cookbook:Rum Truffles" } ], "title": "Rum Balls", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Dessert_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "8 oz semi-sweet chocolate" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup powdered sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¾ stick of butter" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 egg yolks" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 tbsp rum" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix by hand. Cream butter with sugar then add egg yolks and finally the rum. Soften the chocolate in a double boiler (don't let the inner pan touch the water in the outer pan) or a microwave." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine the melted chocolate with butter mixture, and beat with a spoon for about 5 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Refrigerate overnight." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Form into balls using a plastic bag as a mitt. Roll the balls in chopped nuts or chocolate sprinkles, powdered sugar, or anything else." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Store in refrigerator." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "See also", "text": "Cookbook:Rum balls" } ], "title": "Rum Truffles", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Appetizer_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Rumaki is a pūpū (hors d'œuvre) of faux-Hawaiian origin. Its ingredients and method of preparation vary, but usually it consists of water chestnuts and pieces of chicken liver wrapped in bacon and marinated in soy sauce and either ginger or brown sugar. This recipe is a classic (1940s–1960s) US party appetizer recipe, proving that anything wrapped in bacon tastes good—even chicken liver. But you can opt for scallops, shrimp, or stuffed olives, instead." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup soy sauce" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp fresh minced ginger" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp dry sherry" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "12 slices bacon, halved crosswise, or 8 slices, cut in thirds" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "12 oz (~350 g) chicken livers, halved" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "12 canned water chestnut slices, halved" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine soy sauce, ginger, sherry and sugar in a small bowl. Add the chicken livers and water chestnut pieces and marinate them in the refrigerator for at least ½ hour." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place 1 chicken liver piece and 1 chestnut piece in the center of each bacon piece, wrap, and secure with a toothpick." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place the rumaki on a broiler pan or shallow baking pan and broil, about 5–6 inches from the heat, until the bacon is crisp, about 10–15 minutes. Or, you may bake the appetizers in a 375°F oven for 20–25 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve hot." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Add fresh sliced scallions to the combination above." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Substitute sea scallops for the chicken livers and/or water chestnuts." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Omit marinade and wrap bacon around smoked oysters, stuffed green olives, or pineapple chunks." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Shrimp rumaki: 1 medium shrimp with 1 whole water chestnut and a piece of green onion, with or without the marinade." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Substitute 1 tsp organic honey for the sugar, or a small amount of pineapple marmalade." } ], "title": "Rumaki (Bacon-wrapped Chicken Liver and Water Chestnut)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Salad_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "In this Armenian version of Russian salad (Սալադ Րուս), there are equal amounts of peas, diced carrots, corn, diced potato, and about half that amount of diced cucumber pickles and mayonnaise." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup frozen corn" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup frozen diced carrots" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup peas" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup potatoes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup diced cucumber pickles" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cups mayonnaise" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Boil together the vegetables, then drain and transfer to a bowl." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the diced pickles and cool to room temperature." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the mayonnaise, and stir until uniformly mixed." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Finish by seasoning with some salt to taste." } ], "title": "Russian Salad", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Beverage_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup (250 ml) powdered orange flavor drink mix (e.g. Tang brand)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup (200 g) white granulated sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup (125 ml) instant tea" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp ground cinnamon" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp ground cloves" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp mixed spices" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pinch nutmeg" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix together thoroughly all ingredients." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Store in an airtight container." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add 2–3 teaspoons to 1 cup of hot water." } ], "title": "Russian Tea", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Cake_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": "1½-3 hours (plus several hours of waiting)" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "This recipe is for a Russian-style waffle cake, layered with caramelized sweetened condensed milk." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "6 eggs" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup white granulated sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "200 g butter, melted" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup all-purpose flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 can (390 g) sweetened condensed milk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "150 g butter" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Soviet-style waffle-iron for making very thin waffles" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Mixing bowl" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Ladle" }, { "line_type": "p", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Main recipe: Thin Waffles" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Crack the eggs into a mixing bowl, and add the sugar." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Gradually stir the flour into the egg mixture. Then, gradually mix in the melted butter." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat the waffle iron according to the manufacturer's directions until it is ready." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Ladle a sufficient amount of batter onto the waffle iron—it should just barely cover the surface. Close the iron, and cook until the waffle is medium-brown (about 2 minutes). Remove the cooked waffle from the iron." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Repeat the waffle cooking process until you have used up all the waffle batter." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Let the waffles cool." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place the sealed can of sweetened condensed milk in a pot of water. The water should completely cover the can by several inches." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bring the water to a boil, and simmer for 2–3 hours. Add more water if necessary during the cooking process—the can should always be fully covered with water." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove the cans from the heat, and let them cool completely. Do not try to open a hot can." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix the caramelized milk with the butter." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place one waffle on a sheet of foil or plastic wrap. Spread some caramel on the waffle, then place another waffle on top. Repeat this process until you have used up all the waffles and caramel." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Wrap the cake up, and put it in the fridge for several hours." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Slice the cake along the lines made by the waffle-iron, and serve!" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "If you want a big cake, double or triple the mixture. The size of the cake will vary depending on the amount of batter and the size of the waffle iron." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The waffles should not be thick. A rectangular waffle-iron is recommended so that the waffles are rectangular and it is easy to put the cake together." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Warnings", "text": "Be careful when boiling the sealed cans of sweetened condensed milk. If the water level gets low and the cans are allowed to overheat, they can explode. Never try to open a hot can." } ], "title": "Russian-style Waffle Cake", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Bread_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "This recipe makes dough for a 1.5 kg loaf of bread. It is intended for a bread machine but can also be made by hand." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "250 ml real ale (not lager), at room temperature (approx 21°C)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 tbsp (45 ml) sunflower oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp (30 ml) malt extract" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp (5 ml) table salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "150 g very strong (high-protein) white flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "150 g country grain wholemeal flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "70 g soft grain white flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "70 g strong wholemeal flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tsp (5 ml) easy bake yeast" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add ingredients to a bread machine in the order listed, select appropriate white loaf setting (according to manufacturers instructions), and press start." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove when cycle is complete. Cool and enjoy." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix the ingredients above into a dough, and knead on an unfloured surface until an smooth elastic dough is formed." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put into a greased baking tin or on a greased baking tray, cover with a dry towel and rest for approximately 1 hour." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place into a preheated oven at 180°C and bake for 20–40 minutes (baking times will change depending on altitude)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Use 1.5 tbsp (22.5 ml) demerara sugar instead of malt extract if you can't get hold of any." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Reduce each flour measurement by 10 g and add 40 g loose polenta to add a different texture to the bread." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Substitute bread flour for hard flour and/or pastry flour for soft flour." } ], "title": "Rustic Beer Bread", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:African_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Rwandan goat brochette, also known as Brochettes de Chèvre, is a popular street food in Rwanda consisting of tender grilled goat meat skewers. This flavorful dish is often enjoyed with a side of vegetables and served with a spicy sauce." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 pounds goat meat, cut into 1-inch cubes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 onion, finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 cloves of garlic, minced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tablespoons vegetable oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon paprika" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon cayenne pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Juice of 1 lemon" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Grill or barbecue" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Mixing bowl" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Cutting board" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Knife" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Wooden or metal skewers" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a mixing bowl, combine the chopped onion, minced garlic, vegetable oil, paprika, cayenne pepper, black pepper, salt, and lemon juice. Stir well to create a marinade." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the goat meat cubes to the marinade and mix until the meat is thoroughly coated. Cover the bowl and let it marinate in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, or overnight for best results." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Preheat your grill or barbecue to medium-high heat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Thread the marinated goat meat cubes onto the skewers, leaving a little space between each cube." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place the skewers on the preheated grill and cook for about 15–20 minutes, turning occasionally, until the meat is cooked to your desired level of doneness and nicely charred." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove the skewers from the grill and let them rest for a few minutes before serving." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "If you prefer less heat, you can adjust the amount of cayenne pepper in the marinade." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "It's important to cut the goat meat into evenly sized cubes to ensure even cooking." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Soaking wooden skewers in water for about 30 minutes before threading the meat can prevent them from burning on the grill." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "For more tender meat, choose cuts from the leg or shoulder of the goat." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "If a grill or barbecue is not available, you can also cook the brochettes on a stovetop grill pan or under the broiler in the oven" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Feel free to add additional spices or herbs to the marinade, such as ginger, thyme, or rosemary, to customize the flavor according to your preference." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "You can substitute goat meat with other meats like beef, lamb, or chicken, if preferred." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Leftovers can be refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 3 days. Reheat gently before serving." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Goat meat is a lean source of protein." } ], "title": "Rwandan Goat Brochette", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Bread_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Rye bread (Danish: rugbrød) is a type of bread common to Northern Europe in many varieties, but almost unknown in the south. This version is a typical Danish example. In Denmark, most people eat this type of bread on a daily basis." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1500 g rye flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1000 g cracked rye seeds" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "5 tsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "About 2 L water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "300 ml sourdough starter" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix the salt with the rye flour in a big bowl." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add 1.8 L of the water and mix it." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix in the sourdough starter. The result should be wet enough to flow very slowly." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover it with a cloth and let it rise for at 12–30 hours as convenient. Then add the cracked rye seeds." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "If the resulting dough feels dry, add a bit of water. The result should be just dry enough to retain an approximate shape, but no drier." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Take out 300 ml of dough to act as the starter next time you make this recipe." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Butter 3 bread forms and put the dough into it, forcing it into all corners with a spoon. Then using a fork, make deep holes as close as you can all over the bread." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Let it rise for 5–10 hours, and then bake it for about 90 minutes at about 180°C." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Let the bread cool for 15 minutes, and then tip them out to cool further on a table." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "The loaves can keep for about a week in a plastic bag. Do not refrigerate." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The bread is very difficult to cut for 2 hours or so after baking. Allow to cool before slicing." } ], "title": "Rye Bread", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Dessert_recipes", "difficulty": 4, "servings": "12–16", "time": "60+ minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Rugbrødslagkage (Danish for \"rye bread layered cake\") is a cake with whipped cream and layers of grated rye bread. Layered cakes of this type are eaten at birthday parties in Denmark, but this recipe with rye bread is quite rare." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "125 g dark rye bread without sunflower seeds etc." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "6 eggs" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "250 g granulated sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "15 ml (1 tbsp) cocoa powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "15 ml (1 tbsp) potato flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "5 ml (1 tsp) baking powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Butter for greasing baking paper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "500 ml cream for whipping" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Leave a couple of slices of unwrapped rye bread to dry outside of the fridge." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Grate the now-dry rye bread." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Turn on oven at 220°C (or 200°C for convection ovens)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Separate the eggs and whip the egg whites to stiff peaks." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a separate bowl, whip the egg yolk with sugar, cocoa, potato flour, baking powder, and grated rye bread. Carefully fold in the beaten whites with a spoon." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Spread the batter 1 cm thick on buttered baking paper in a cake form. The dough should be enough for 4 or 5 layers. Bake for 10 minutes at 220°C. Only in case of convection oven, more layers can be baked above each other." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Let the layers cool completely." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Whip two-thirds of the cream, and spread it between the layers. Cover and chill in the fridge overnight." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover top and sides with whipped cream." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Gallery", "text": "First step: grate the dry (!) rye bread" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Gallery", "text": "Beat egg whites first, then egg yolk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Gallery", "text": "Prepare dough for a cake layer on buttered baking paper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Gallery", "text": "After 10 min: A single baked cake layer" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Gallery", "text": "Just before cutting!" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Leaving the half-done cake in the fridge overnight improves the taste." } ], "title": "Rye Bread Layer Cake", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Nigerian_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Róbó is a delicacy common among the Yoruba people of Nigeria, consisting of fried melon seed (egusi) paste. It can be eaten as a snack or used to complement meals like pap (cold or hot), cereals, garri (cassava flakes), etc." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Melon (egusi) seeds" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Dried shombo (cayenne pepper)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Onions" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Spring onions" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pick out all dirt and debris from the melon seeds" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat a clean, dry frying pan over low heat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the seeds. Dry-fry them, stirring frequently, until golden all over. Do not let burn. Remove from heat and let cool." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine the toasted melon seeds and cayenne pepper. Grind to a smooth paste—no water is needed." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Blend the onions and spring onions to a fine smooth paste in a separate bowl." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place the melon seed paste on a clean dry tray. Add about one-third of the onion paste, and gradually knead with both hands until the mixture begins to release oil." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour the released oil into a separate bowl, and reserve it for frying. Continue to knead in the onion paste until it is used up and the melon seed paste does not release any more oil. By this time, the mixture should have become a semi-solid paste. Season with salt." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut the paste into small pieces, and create any shape that takes your fancy." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat the reserved oil in a clean pan over medium heat. A deeper pan is preferable." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the róbó pieces to the hot oil, and fry until each piece develops a crusty outer shell with a relatively soft inside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove from the oil, and drain away any excess." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Eat as a snack or an accompaniment to pap, garri, custard, oats, etc." } ], "title": "Róbó (Fried Egusi Paste)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Dessert_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": "4", "time": "5 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "S'mores are a traditional American campfire treat, prepared over an open fire or even in your own home." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 marshmallows" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 graham crackers (4 x 2 in / 10 x 5 cm)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 oz (55 g) chocolate bar" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Build a campfire for toasting the marshmallows." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Find a long, thin stick for roasting (a thin, long wooden dowel may be a good substitute but will catch fire easily). The stick, which is usually taken from the ground as part of a dead tree branch, does not have to be sterilized, but simply clear of any dirt or bark. Alternately, you may purchase a metal roaster stick. Don't use a coat hanger or chrome or galvanized metal (like fence wire)—use stainless steel." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Before roasting the marshmallows, break the crackers in half, so you have two 2 x 2 inch (5 x 5 cm) squares for each s'more. Break the chocolate bar into ½ oz (15 g) pieces." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Push a marshmallow on to the end of the stick. Using the stick to place the marshmallow directly above the flame or source of heat, toast the marshmallow until it is golden brown around the outside. Some prefer their marshmallow burned. Others like to burn the marshmallow and peel off the burned outer skin to get to the gooey center." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place the toasted marshmallow in between two pieces of graham cracker, with a layer of chocolate bar in between. The marshmallow should be hot enough to melt the chocolate. In a family setting, sometimes it is helpful for children to roast the marshmallows, and adults to supervise and assemble the s'more while preventing the child from touching the hot end of the stick. Enjoy!" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Prepare the pieces of graham cracker and chocolate as above." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place the chocolate on one of the pieces of graham cracker, and then place a marshmallow on top." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put it in the microwave for 15–25 seconds (depending on the microwave)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "After it has been microwaved, the marshmallow should be much bigger, fluffier, and molten, and the chocolate should be semi-melted. Place the other half of the graham cracker on top of the marshmallow and squish it down." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": "Variations", "text": "70 variations on the basic s'more recipe were published in 2007 in S'mores: Gourmet Treats for Every Occasion by Lisa Adams. If you are not camping, patio/backyard firepits work great." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Variations", "text": "Milk chocolate" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Variations", "text": "1 graham cracker, broken in half" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Variations", "text": "Fresh blueberries" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Variations", "text": "1 marshmallow" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Variations", "text": "1 thick strawberry slice" }, { "line_type": "p", "section": "Variations", "text": "Arrange the chocolate on half of the graham cracker. Set blueberries atop chocolate and melt, being careful not to lose the blueberries in transport. Roast the marshmallow. Once chocolate has melted, remove graham cracker from heat and lightly press blueberries to secure them in place. Top with the strawberry slice, roasted marshmallow, and remaining graham cracker." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Variations", "text": "1 marshmallow" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Variations", "text": "A handful of Junior Mints candies" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Variations", "text": "2 brownie squares" }, { "line_type": "p", "section": "Variations", "text": "Roast the marshmallow. If desired, melt chocolates on the brownie bottom. Once the chocolates have melted, remove brownie from heat. Add roasted marshmallow and top with remaining brownie square." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Variations", "text": "1 marshmallow" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Variations", "text": "2 chewy caramel candies" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Variations", "text": "2 green apple slices, about ½ inch thick" }, { "line_type": "p", "section": "Variations", "text": "Skewer the marshmallow, then the two caramels, on the same roasting stick. Roast the marshmallow and caramels. When the caramels have melted over the top of the marshmallow, and the marshmallow is cooked to your liking, slide the concoction onto one of the apple slices. Top with remaining apple slice." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Variations", "text": "1 set of s'more ingredients (can be any recipe, but usually the standard one)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Variations", "text": "2 red and/or black licorice strips" }, { "line_type": "p", "section": "Variations", "text": "Prepare the s'mores as usual, then at the end insert either a strip of red or black licorice (or both.)" } ], "title": "S'mores", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Sandwich_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Sabich is a popular Israeli sandwich based on what Iraqi Jews ate on Sabbath morning, featuring fried eggplant, boiled potato, and hard-boiled egg. Instead of serving the ingredients on a tray, as was traditional, sabich stuffs everything in a pita." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tomatoes, cored and chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ ea. cucumber, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 onion, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp minced parsley" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp lemon juice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 eggplant, sliced into 1 cm rounds" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 hard-boiled eggs, peeled and sliced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Vegetable oil, for frying" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 pita breads" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¾ cup hummus" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup tahini" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Amba sauce" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put the tomatoes, cucumber, onion, and parsley in a bowl." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Take another small bowl and mix the lemon juice, oil, and salt." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour the dressing over the vegetables and toss well, leave it to stand for a couple of minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Meanwhile, heat the oil in a large skillet over medium-high temperature. When the oil has become hot enough, fry the eggplant slices until they turn golden brown. Place the golden eggplant slices on a paper towel to remove the excess oil." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Spread the hummus evenly in each pita bread" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stuff the pitas with the slices of fried eggplants and the boiled eggs." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Spoon over some of the Israeli salad, drizzle the tahini and amba over the pitas, and serve." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Amba is pickled mango that is very popular in the Middle east. It may be difficult to find amba in some stores, but you can use hot sauce instead." } ], "title": "Sabich (Vegetable and Pita Sandwich)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Cake_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": "8", "time": "Prep: 30 minutesBaking: 45 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Sachertorte (Ger. ˈzɑxər ˈtɔrtə; Eng.ˈsɑkər ˈtɔrt) is a chocolate cake, invented by Franz Sacher in 1832 for Klemens Wenzel von Metternich in Vienna, Austria. It is one of the most famous Viennese culinary specialties." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "The cake consists of two layers of dense, not overly sweet chocolate cake with a thin layer of apricot jam in the middle and dark chocolate icing with shreds of chocolate on the top and sides. This is traditionally eaten with whipped cream, as most Viennese consider the Sachertorte too \"dry\" to be eaten without." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "The trademark for the \"Original Sachertorte\" was registered by the Hotel Sacher, which was built in 1876 by the son of Franz Sacher. The original recipe is a well-kept secret." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "6 eggs, separated" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup (120 ml) white granulated sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup (240 ml) flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup (240 ml) confectioner's sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "9 tbsp (135 ml) butter" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp (4 ml) vanilla extract" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 ½ oz (130 g) dark chocolate" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Butter a 9 in (22 cm) pan and line bottom with parchment paper. Preheat oven to 325°F (163°C or Gas Mark 3)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Melt chocolate in microwave, remove, and let cool, while stirring often." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Beat butter in mixer, then, on low, add confectioners sugar. Return to high, beat for 2 more minutes, beat in egg yolks one at a time, then add chocolate and vanilla." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Whisk egg whites and granulated sugar together in a bowl. Stir 1 quarter of it into the chocolate mix, then fold in the rest." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Sift half the flour into mixture, fold in, and repeat with remaining flour." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Spread evenly in pan, then bake for about 45 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Let cool 10 minutes, then remove from pan." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Glaze and frost cake to your liking." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The Original Sacher Torte" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Sachertorte (Duramecho version)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Glaze the cake with ½ cup (120 ml) apricot jam, either on the top or between two layers of cake (split the cake in two with a long knife)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Sample frosting: Melt 9 oz (260 g) dark chocolate with 2 oz (60 g) butter at low heat and let it cool off a bit. With a spatula, spread over the cake." } ], "title": "Sachertorte", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Dessert_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": "8", "time": "Prep: 30 minutesBaking: 80 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Sachertorte (Ger. ˈzɑxər ˈtɔrtə; Eng.ˈsɑkər ˈtɔrt; Ger. zah-khuhr tawr-tuh; sah-ker tawrt); is a chocolate cake, invented by Franz Sacher in 1832 in Vienna, Austria. It is one of the most famous Viennese culinary specialties. The word is sometimes split into Sacher torte." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "The cake consists of two layers of dense, not overly sweet chocolate cake with a thin layer of apricot jam in the middle and dark chocolate icing with shreds of chocolate on the top and sides. This is traditionally eaten with whipped cream, as most Viennese consider the Sachertorte too \"dry\" to be eaten without." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "The trademark for the \"Original Sachertorte\" was registered by the Hotel Sacher, which was built in 1876 by the son of Franz Sacher. That original recipe is a well-kept secret." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "6 eggs" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "200 g caster sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "100 g unsalted butter, soft but not melted" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "125 g dark (semi-sweet or bittersweet) eating chocolate, melted" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "125 g plain flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "5 ml vanilla extract" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "150 g apricot jam" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "150 g (100 ml) golden syrup" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "150 g dark eating chocolate (semi-sweet or bittersweet)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Oven" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "2 mixing bowls" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Whisk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Knife" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Scales" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Microwave oven with microwaveable bowl or a saucepan" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Round cake tin (preferably springform with removable bottom) about 20 cm diameter and 10 cm high" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "A cup or similar as temporary egg yolk container" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Greaseproof paper" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Preheat the oven to 170°C." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Separate the eggs, putting the whites in a mixing bowl." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Whisk the whites until fairly stiff and foamy. Add three quarters of the sugar. Whip until fully stiff and foamy, incorporating as much air as possible." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cream the remaining sugar with the butter and vanilla until pale and creamy." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Gently mix in the egg yolks, then the molten chocolate." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Fold the egg white foam into the batter." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Sift the flour over the batter, carefully avoiding lumps of flour. Mix very gently, folding the ingredients together. Ensure the heavy chocolate does not all end up at the bottom of the bowl." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Line the cake tin with greaseproof paper, and fill it with the batter." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake at 170°C for about 70 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Allow to cool in the tin upside down until the cake reaches room temperature (about 30 minutes)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Microwave the jam until it melts." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut the cake body in half horizontally and place the halves with inner (cut) faces uppermost." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour the molten jam onto both halves of the cake, and allow it to soak in." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Reassemble the cake, with cut surfaces together. Allow the surface to cool again." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Microwave the golden syrup and chocolate together until the syrup just starts to bubble. Stir until they are smoothly mixed, then cool to about 25°C. This mixture should be spreadable and able to support a thickness of about 2 mm on a vertical surface (test on the wall of the bowl) yet return to shiny soon after being spread. If it is too hard or soft, add more golden syrup or chocolate and go back to the microwaving stage." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Spread cake body with the glaze. Leave it to set." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The little bubbles in the egg white foam are what inflate the cake. Do not accidentally get any fat (from the egg yolks, butter, or chocolate) in the egg white mix or it will not foam properly." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Do not allow flour lumps in the mix, because lumps of white flour show up badly in this brown cake." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "To get the traditional perfectly cylindrical shape, trim the cake body into a circle with vertical edges, and cut the top off flat before glazing." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Adding alcohol to the cake is not a good idea. It is already very moist, and more liquid will make it soggy." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Don't use white chocolate in the cake body because it is fairly unnoticeable in flavour and colour, leaving only the moistening effect." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Don't use self-raising flour, which creates large bubbles in the cake." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "If carried out in the order above, no tool should need to be washed up more than once." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "There are several other recipes for Sachertorte—some use even more eggs in the cake and egg and cream in the glaze." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "References", "text": "Original Source: Duramecho Sachertorte included here in slightly edited format under GNU General Public License" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "References", "text": "The exact amount of syrup needed in the glaze depends on the sugar content of the chocolate. You want about equal weights of syrup and chocolate for normal UK plain eating chocolate (which is 50% cocoa solids) but more syrup if using darker (e.g. 70%) chocolate." } ], "title": "Sachertorte (Duramecho Version)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Dessert_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": "1 hour" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "This is the original Sachertorte recipe, obtained through the courtesy of Mrs Anna Sacher.[1]" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¾ cup (170 g) butter" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "6 ½ oz (180 g) semi-sweet chocolate" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¾ cup (170 g) white granulated sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "8 egg yolks" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup (120 g) flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "10 egg whites, stiffly whipped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp apricot jam" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup (225 g) white granulated sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "⅓ cup (80 ml) water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "7 oz (200 g) semi-sweet chocolate" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Preheat the oven to 275°F (140°C)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Beat butter until creamy." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Melt chocolate. Add sugar and chocolate to butter; stir." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add egg yolks one at a time. Add flour. Fold in egg whites. Grease and butter 8–9-inch cake tin. Pour mixture in." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake in oven about 1 hour. Test with toothpick or straw. Remove to a board; cool." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cook sugar and water to a thin thread." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Melt chocolate in top of double boiler." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add sugar syrup gradually to chocolate. Stir constantly until icing coats the spoon." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut the top off of cake and turn bottom up." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat apricot jam slightly and spread over cake. Cover with the chocolate icing." } ], "title": "Sachertorte (Original Version)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Porridge_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Sadza is also known as pap, nsima, or ugali in different regions. It's a simple and hearty maize porridge that's often served as a staple food. It’s a popular recipe in Zimbabwe" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 cups water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cups white maize meal (cornmeal or maize flour)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup cold water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Large cooking pot with a lid" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Wooden spoon or spatula" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bring the water to a boil in a large pot." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a separate bowl, mix the maize meal with the cold water. Stir until you have a smooth, lump-free paste." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Once the water in the pot is boiling, gradually add the maize paste into the boiling water while stirring continuously. This is crucial to prevent lumps from forming." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Continue stirring the mixture vigorously with a wooden spoon or spatula. It will start to thicken." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "After a few minutes of stirring, reduce the heat to low." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover the pot with a lid and let the sadza simmer on low heat for about 20–30 minutes. Stir occasionally to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pot." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add more water or maize meal as needed to achieve your desired consistency. Some prefer a thick, stiff sadza, while others like it softer." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Season with salt to taste and continue to cook for another 5–10 minutes, stirring occasionally." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Once the sadza has reached your preferred consistency and is cooked through, remove it from the heat. It should be smooth, stiff, and free from any raw taste of maize." } ], "title": "Sadza (Zimbabwean Corn Porridge)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Rice_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "4", "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Saffron rice is yellow or tan, with a taste reminiscent of spice breads and spice cakes. It goes well with chicken." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup long-grain rice (basmati preferred)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ teaspoon saffron threads" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cups chicken stock" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "6 tablespoons oil or ghee" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup minced celery" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 inch piece of cinnamon stick or equivalent ground cinnamon" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cloves" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1½ tablespoons brown sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1½ tablespoons molasses" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pinch of ground coriander" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pinch of ground cardamom" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Wash the rice in cool water until the water runs absolutely clear." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place the saffron threads in a teaspoon or tablespoon of boiling water to soak." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat the oil, cinnamon, and cloves in a heavy saucepan." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the celery to the saucepan." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the rice to the saucepan; stir for 5 minutes and/or until the grains are golden." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the stock, sugar, molasses, salt, coriander, and cardamom." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir to dissolve the sugar." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bring to a boil, then reduce to a low simmer." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the saffron mix, both water and threads, stirring gently." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover and cook 25 minutes, or until rice is tender and the liquid absorbed." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Fluff with a fork." } ], "title": "Saffron Rice", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Rice_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": "2–4", "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "This recipe originally started as a vegetarian approximation to paella. It has since diverged from its resemblance to paella." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup olive oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon curry powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 small potato, sliced extremely thin" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 big onion, cut into chunks or sliced thin" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2–3 red bell peppers, sliced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1–3 tomatoes, cut into cubes or slices" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "5–10 cloves garlic" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tablespoon pine nuts" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon caraway" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1–3 tablespoon ground oregano" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1–2 tablespoon ground chile or chile powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon paprika" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1–2 pinch(es) saffron" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon cumin" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup basmati rice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup red wine" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cube vegetarian bouillon" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 can black beans" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Cheese (Parmesan or cotija work best)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat the olive oil in a very large saucepan." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "When oil is hot, add curry powder, potatoes, onions, red peppers, and tomatoes. Stir and fry until potatoes are nearly done." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Reduce heat, then stir in crushed garlic, pine nuts, caraway, half the dried oregano, and chili powder." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a separate pot (with a lid) bring 1 ¾ cup water to a boil." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "While waiting for water to boil, make a rice spice mix from paprika, pinch of saffron, cumin, and remaining oregano." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix rice spice mix with basmati rice." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "When water has begun to boil, reduce heat, add rice and rice spice mix. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add wine and bouillon cube to the tomato mixture, stir, and turn the heat to low. Simmer, stirring occasionally, while the rice is cooking." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Let rice simmer for another 10 minutes, then remove from the heat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "When the contents of the saucepan appear to be frying again instead of simmering, stir in the rice." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "When liquid is absorbed by rice, stir in the beans." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Turn off heat and serve with cheese." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "For a vegan variation, serve without cheese." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "This dish is easier to cook if the potatoes are left out altogether." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Most vegetables go well in this dish. Feel free to chop up any vegetable and throw it in the pan during the initial frying stage." } ], "title": "Saffron Rice and Beans", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Rice_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 ½ cups rice (basmati is preferred)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 large scoop (⅛ tsp) saffron (expensive but worth it!)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup white granulated sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup raisins or currants" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼–½ cup slivered almonds, toasted if desired" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Wash rice and add enough water cover rice with water equal to the depth of the rice." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add salt, saffron, sugar, raisins." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cook over high heat until water disappears and steam is rising from holes in the surface of the rice." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Reduce heat to warm." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add almonds." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover tightly and let stand for 20 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "You may replace the sugar with 4 to 6 packets of SPLENDA sweetener." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Saffron sweet rice is a nice complement to Amar's Chicken and Amar's Tofu." } ], "title": "Saffron Sweet Rice", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Vegetable_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "150 g dried chana dal" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp minced ginger" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3–4 chiles, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 small bunches fenugreek leaves, finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 bunches spinach, finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Small amount of soy leaves, finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 average-size tomatoes, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 eggplants, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 potatoes, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "8–10 ea. okra" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "50 cloves garlic, minced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 pinches turmeric powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp red chile powder" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Soak the chana dal overnight. Drain and transfer dal to a pot." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the ginger and chiles to the dal. Cover with water, and boil for at least 5 minutes until tender. Drain." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat the oil in a pan. Add the fenugreek leaves, spinach, soy leaves, tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, and okra. Cook until the greens are well-wilted." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Fry the garlic in some oil until golden. Stir in the salt, turmeric, and chile powder." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir the garlic and dal into the vegetables." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve hot." } ], "title": "Sai Bhaji (Sindhi Vegetable Curry)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Sauce_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": "40 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Sailor's sauce is a deeply rich sauce that can be used for a number of meat-based dishes. This recipe is an interpreted method from the original recipe in Henry Hartshorne's the Household Cyclopedia.[1]" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 poultry liver" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 shallots" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 truffles or other mushrooms" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 tbsp oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 tbsp gravy" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "175 ml white wine" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp pepper" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Chop the liver, shallots, truffles or mushrooms." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat a saucepan with oil. Once hot, add the above mixture and fry for 1 minute." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the gravy, wine, salt, and pepper. Simmer for half an hour." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Strain contents and serve." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": "References", "text": "This page incorporates text from the public domain cookbook Household Cyclopedia by Henry Hartshorne." } ], "title": "Sailor's Sauce (Hartshorne)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/w/index.php?title=Category:Flatbread_recipes&action=edit&redlink=1", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "5", "time": "10–15 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Saj bread (Arabic: خبز الصاج) is a thin, unleavened flatbread baked on a griddle known as a saj." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "250 g water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix flour and water, adding water gradually, until left with a workable dough. Knead thoroughly." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover the dough and let rest for about 5 minutes. Add salt." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Separate from dough smaller portions and make into balls. Using a flat surface lined with flour, begin to roll out each ball into a flat piece of dough." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place flattened dough on griddle and bake until tender. On a heated griddle, cooking only takes a few seconds. Flip-over and cook the other side for only a few seconds." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove from griddle and allow to cool. Fold and store." } ], "title": "Saj Bread I", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Recipes_for_flatbread", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 kg flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3–4 cups water (at room temperature)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 tbsp vegetable oil" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix ingredients and knead thoroughly." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover the dough and let rest for about 30 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Once again knead the dough, and divide into smaller portions. Roll out each portion over a flat surface with a rolling pin. The surface should be sprinkled with flour to prevent sticking." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Take up rolled-out dough with a wooden rod and apply it to heated griddle. Turn over and bake on reverse side." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove and let cool. Fold and store." } ], "title": "Saj Bread II", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Recipes_for_flatbread", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "This is a Turkish method." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 kg flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "400 ml water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "200 ml milk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp dried yeast" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix ingredients and knead thoroughly." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover the dough and let rest for about 30 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Once again knead the dough, and divide into smaller portions. Roll out each portion over a flat surface with a rolling pin. Surface should be sprinkled with flour to prevent sticking." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Take up rolled-out dough with a wooden rod and apply it to heated griddle. Turn over and cook on the reverse side." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove and let cool. Fold and store." } ], "title": "Saj Bread III", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Stew_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Saka-saka is a popular West African dish that features tender cassava leaves cooked with a flavorful blend of spices and ingredients. This nutritious stew is commonly enjoyed in countries such as Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, and Congo." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 pounds (about 1 kg) fresh cassava leaves" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2–3 tablespoons palm oil (substitute with vegetable oil if needed)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 large onion, finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4–5 cloves of garlic, minced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pound (about 500 g) meat (e.g. chicken, beef, or goat), cut into bite-sized pieces" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1–2 fresh tomatoes, diced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1–2 Scotch bonnet chile peppers (adjust according to your spice preference)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon ground crayfish (optional, but recommended)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon dried shrimp (optional, but adds depth of flavor)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 African smoked fish (tilapia or mackerel), deboned and flaked" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1–2 cups chicken or vegetable broth" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Pepper to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Large pot or Dutch oven" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Wooden spoon or spatula for stirring" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Cutting board" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Knife" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Blender or food processor" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Bowl for washing cassava leaves" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Wash the cassava leaves thoroughly in a bowl of water to remove any dirt or debris. Drain and set aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Using a blender or food processor, blend the cassava leaves until they are finely chopped. Set aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat the palm oil in a large pot or Dutch oven over medium heat. Add the chopped onions and minced garlic to the pot, and sauté until they become translucent and fragrant." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the meat to the pot and cook until it is browned on all sides." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the diced tomatoes, Scotch bonnet peppers, ground crayfish, and dried shrimp to the pot. Stir well to combine, then allow the mixture to cook for a few minutes until the tomatoes start to soften." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the blended cassava leaves to the pot, along with the flaked smoked fish. Stir everything together to ensure the leaves are well coated with the flavors." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour in enough chicken or vegetable broth to cover the mixture. If you prefer a thicker stew, add less broth." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Reduce the heat to low, cover the pot, and let the stew simmer for about 1–2 hours. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking and to ensure even cooking." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "After the stew has simmered and the flavors have melded together, taste and adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper as desired." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve hot with a side of cooked rice, fufu, or plantains. Enjoy!" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Note, tips, and variations", "text": "Saka-saka is even more flavorful when left to sit for a few hours or overnight before serving. The flavors continue to develop and intensify over time." } ], "title": "Saka-Saka (Cassava Leaf Stew)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Salad_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut the cabbage into small pieces, and transfer to a salad bowl." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Toss the cabbage with parsley and sesame seeds." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Season with salt to taste, and add tomato sauce." } ], "title": "Salad Beijing", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Salad_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Salad shirazi is considered a fairly simple salad. It is popular, easy to make, and usually served in place of the green salad when there are health concerns." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Cucumber" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Onions" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Tomatoes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Lemon juice or vinegar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Dried mint" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Chop the cucumbers, tomatoes, and onions finely." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Marinate them in lemon juice or vinegar." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add salt and pepper. Sprinkle with the dried mint." } ], "title": "Salad Shirazi", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Salad_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": "8", "time": "1 hour" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "16 cups (loosely packed) frisee" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "About ½ cup Champagne Vinaigrette" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "8 goat cheese cakes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Crumbled crisp bacon pieces, for garnish" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a large mixing bowl, toss frisee with the Champagne Vinaigrette." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Divide salad among 8 salad plates." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Top each salad with a goat cheese cake." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Garnish with crumbled bacon." } ], "title": "Salade Frisee", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Salad_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Salata hara is a vibrant and spicy salad commonly enjoyed in Libyan cuisine. It is known for its bold flavors and fiery kick, making it a perfect accompaniment to grilled meats or as a refreshing side dish. This salad features a combination of fresh vegetables, herbs, and spices, creating a tantalizing blend of flavors." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 red bell peppers, roasted, peeled, and finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 green bell pepper, finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 hot chile pepper (such as jalapeno , finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tomato, finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 small onion, finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 clove of garlic, minced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon lemon juice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tablespoons olive oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon ground cumin" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ teaspoon ground cayenne pepper (adjust according to spice preference)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt, to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Pepper, to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Fresh chopped parsley or cilantro for garnish" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Mixing bowl" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Spoon or spatula" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Whisk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Plastic wrap" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a mixing bowl, combine the roasted and chopped red bell peppers, green bell pepper, hot chili pepper, tomato, onion, and garlic." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a small bowl, whisk together the lemon juice, olive oil, cumin, cayenne pepper, salt, and pepper." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour the dressing over the vegetables and toss well to coat all the ingredients." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes to allow the flavors to meld together." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Before serving, garnish the salad with chopped parsley or cilantro." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Adjust the spiciness of the salad by adding more or less chili peppers according to your preference." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "For a smoky flavor, you can roast the bell peppers over an open flame or under a broiler until the skin is charred. Then, peel off the skin before chopping." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "This salad can be made in advance and stored in the refrigerator for up to a day. Just give it a quick stir before serving to redistribute the flavors." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "For a milder version, you can remove the seeds and membranes from the hot chili pepper before chopping." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Serve the salad chilled for a refreshing and crisp texture." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Add diced cucumber or olives for additional crunch and flavor." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Sprinkle some sumac or paprika on top of the salad for an extra pop of color and tanginess." } ], "title": "Salata Hara (Libyan Spicy Salad)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Romanian_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "6–8", "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "This is a traditional Romanian dish, generally served during all festive and special occasions. It consists of a combination of finely chopped beef and root vegetables, folded in mayonnaise and finished with pickled vegetable garnishes. The name suggests a French culinary influence as the word boeuf is old French for cow and several well know French dishes such as Beef Bourguignon still use the term. The dish is usually made up in large quantities for the whole party. It's eaten as a side dish/salad to fried meats or as an appetiser/entree. Slight differences exist in quantities and these vary according to taste. The recipe below is my mother's and grandmother's. It requires a home made mayonnaise, for which a recipe is included." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 kg (2 lb 3 oz) red potatoes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "350 g (12 oz) carrots, peeled and cut in half along width and length" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "350 g roasting beef, cut in half" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 can of peas or 300 grams (10.5 oz) fresh peas" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "350 g pickled gherkins (not too sweet and very firm)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 hard boiled eggs, yolks removed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 fresh egg yolk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "250 ml (8.5 oz) canola or vegetable oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 lemon, juiced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp (5 ml) French mustard" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Boiled egg white, sliced into long thin strips" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Gherkins, sliced into long thin strips" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Pickled red peppers, sliced into long thin strips" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Sliced olives" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Boil the potatoes gently in their skins until tender. Cool, then remove the skins." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Boil the carrots until tender." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Gently boil the beef for 1 hour." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "If using fresh peas, boil or steam them well." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cube the potatoes, carrots, and beef about 5 mm across—essentially, everything should be about the size of the peas." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut the gherkins very finely by cutting 3 mm (⅛ inch) thick slices and then cutting them at 3 mm intervals again along the length and width." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Fold everything together gently. Do not season." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Beat the cooked egg yolks and the raw yolk until well mixed." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Slowly add the oil while beating the eggs until they start to thicken and form a mayonnaise." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the juice of the lemon and the mustard." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Reserve a small quantity of mayonnaise for garnish." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Fold the rest of the mayonnaise into the cubed meat and vegetables, making a nice consistency where the ingredients are well covered in mayonnaise but not suspended in it." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Season with salt and pepper." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place the salata de boeuf into one large or several smaller bowls." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Spread reserved mayonnaise over the top and garnish with the garnishes, arranging them in attractive shapes." } ], "title": "Salată de Boeuf (Romanian Beef Salad)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Fish_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1¼ pounds skinless wild salmon filet, cut into 2-inch cubes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Panko breadcrumbs" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp freshly ground black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 lemon, juiced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp grated lemon zest" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "8 ounces olive oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Melted butter" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Run salmon through a meat grinder on medium setting. If you don't have a grinder, ask your butcher to do so, but ask for it to be clean before they do." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine ground salmon, ¼ cup breadcrumbs, salt, pepper, lemon juice, and lemon zest. Form into 4 patties, each about 1¼ inch thick." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Insert a probe thermometer into one of the cakes. Place on a greased baking pan and bake at 350°F until internal temperature reaches 130°F." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "While the salmon cooks, heat olive oil in a cast iron skillet to 375°F. Once salmon is parcooked, dredge into more breadcrumbs then immediately transfer to oil. Cook until golden brown on both sides." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve immediately with melted butter." } ], "title": "Salmon Cakes", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Spice_mix_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¾ cup paprika" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup dehydrated lemon peel" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup granulated garlic" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 tbsp granulated sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup black peppercorns, cracked" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "⅓ cup salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 tbsp red pepper flakes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp cayenne pepper" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine all ingredients, mixing well." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Transfer to an airtight container with a shaker lid, and store in a cool dark place." } ], "title": "Salmon Seasoning", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": null, "difficulty": 2, "servings": "2", "time": "30 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "In this dish of salmon spaghetti, salmon, dill, and horseradish are going to work their magic on your guests! Even people who were not enthusiastic about salmon have really loved this dish. Salmon has a very distinctive taste, so the perfect herb for a delicious salmon dish is dill, whose soft and delicate flavor balances the rather prominent taste of the salmon." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp olive oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 small onion, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "250 g smoked or fresh salmon, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup (125 ml) white wine" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup (250 ml) cream" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp crème fraîche" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp fresh dill, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp horseradish, freshly grated" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pinch of black pepper, freshly ground" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pinch of salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "9 oz (250 g) spaghetti" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat the oil in a large frying pan, and gently sauté the onion for about 2 minutes until glassy." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put the salmon into the pan and cook for another 3 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the white wine, but be careful! Too much wine causes a distinctly winey taste." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Wait for about 1 minute, then add the cream; dissolve the crème fraîche and stir in the horseradish." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Let the sauce simmer until it thickens and absorbs the characteristic taste of the salmon. Add the dill last and season with a pinch of freshly ground black pepper and salt. Be very careful with the salt when using smoked salmon as it already contains a significant amount of salt." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put the spaghetti on two serving plates and add the sauce. Garnish the plate with a slice of lemon and some dill leaves. Serve immediately and offer white wine with the dish." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "To give the dish an extravagant touch, add horseradish. It is said that a slice of horseradish put into the wallet prevents the wallet from ever being empty again." } ], "title": "Salmon Spaghetti", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Salmon_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": "3", "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "250 g Atlantic salmon fillet (fresh or thawed)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 dl (300 ml) uncooked jasmine rice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "5.75 dl (575 ml) water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 dl (100 ml) crème fraîche" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "0.5 dl (50 ml) hot sauce" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "100 g carrots" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "100 g frozen peas" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Colander or sieve" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Cutting board" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Knife" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Peeler" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Stock pot" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Stovetop" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "If using frozen salmon, put the plastic-packaged fillets in the sink or a larger pot. Fill up the sink or pot with 40°C water so that the plastic salmon package floats. Let soak until thawed." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Prepare the oven and set it to 170°C with heat source top and bottom." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place uncooked rice in stock pot." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Fill the pot with cold water so the rice gets covered." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour water and rice from pot into a sieve or colander. Let the strainer stay inside the sink. It is okay if some rice stays behind in the pot after all the water has drained." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Transfer drained rice from strainer back into the stock pot using a large spoon. All remaining rice should end up in the pot." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the water to the pot with the rice, stirring to combine. Make sure that all rice is in the water, and put on the pot lid." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put pot on stove over the highest heat. Check the rice regularly, and when the rice starts boiling reduce the heat to low. It should at most be at a low simmer." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cook for 20 minutes, until the water is absorbed and the rice is cooked." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place the carrots on the cutting board." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place kitchen knife and peeler on cutting board." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Rinse the carrots under cold water." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Peel the carrots." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut the carrots in 4 equal in length pieces, and cut each one in the middle." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put carrots in an empty soup plate for salad." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put the frozen peas in a plate or soup bowl and thaw them in the strainer. Pour water on them so they will thaw quickly. Even just using cold water will still thaw them." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Once the salmon has fully thawed, open the container and drain off of any liquids it contains." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put the salmon in a cake pan." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Wash your hands to remove the smell of salmon, and discard the salmon packaging." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put the crème fraîche in a bowl using a spoon, then let spoon stay in bowl." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the hot sauce to the crème fraîche. Mix with spoon to make a mostly homogeneous sauce." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour the sauce over the salmon in the cake tin, so the sauce fully covers the salmon." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put cake tin in preheated oven, and bake for 15 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve the cooked salmon with the rice and prepared salad." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The following ingredients can be substituted for the standard ingredients of this recipe:" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Any kind of salmon" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Romaine lettuce instead of peas—cut the lettuce in 1 cm pieces and proceed with recipe." } ], "title": "Salmon with Rice and Sauce", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Spanish_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Salmorejo is a purée consisting of tomato and bread, originating from Córdoba, Spain. It is made from tomatoes, bread, oil and garlic. The tomatoes are skinned and then puréed with the other ingredients. The purée is served cold and may be garnished with diced Spanish serrano ham and diced hard-boiled egg." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pound (450 g) tomato" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1–2 cloves of garlic" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 ounce (50 g) white bread" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp (30 ml) vinegar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Olive oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Serrano ham" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 hard-boiled eggs" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Fresh bread" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Skin the tomatoes and remove their cores. If using canned whole tomatoes, add with their liquid." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Using a blender, liquefy the tomatoes and garlic and add the vinegar and salt." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Soak the bread in water until tender, then wring excess water out." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add half of the bread and blend until smooth." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Continue adding bread and a little olive oil and blending until the soup has a smooth, creamy consistency." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Chill the purée and then serve in a shallow bowl, garnished with ham and egg and accompanied by fresh bread." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "To skin tomatoes, you can blanch then and then peel them afterward." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The core is simply the tough part at the top of the tomatoes near where it grew on the vine." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The recipe can also be made with canned tomatoes." } ], "title": "Salmorejo (Spanish Tomato Garlic Purée)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Fermented_food_recipes", "difficulty": null, "servings": "8", "time": "Prep: 15 minutesFermentation: 2–3 days" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "This fermented salsa recipe produces a tangy tomato sauce with strong flavour. No cooking is required." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 kg (2 lb) fresh tomatoes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 large capsicum (bell pepper)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3–6 fresh chiles" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 fresh red onion" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3–4 cloves of garlic" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 bunch of fresh cilantro (coriander leaf, Chinese parsley)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1–2 teaspoons non-iodised salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "spices to taste (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Clean and dry a large (1 litre) preserves jar and a large bowl" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Dice the tomatoes" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Quarter and slice the capsicum" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Finely slice the chilis, removing the seeds if you prefer. Make sure to wash your hands right after cutting the chilis, and DO NOT touch your eyes or face for some time after handling the chilis—if you do, the chili juice residue could cause a very painful burning sensation.)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Peel and chop the onion and garlic finely. Roughly chop the cilantro." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix all ingredients together in the bowl with salt and (optional) spices; mix well!" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pack tightly into the jar, leaving 1 cm space at the top." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover the jar with a cloth or cling-wrap. Sit the jar in a bowl or on a plate, so that any juice that might overflow will be collected and won't make a mess. Leave to ferment at room temperature." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "The salsa will be fermented in 2–3 days, depending on the climate. Wipe any excess liquid from around the jar, and put the lid on tightly before moving it to the refrigerator. It will last well in the fridge, but will continue to slowly ferment, getting more sour as time passes." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "With the above fresh ingredients, there should be enough microbial load for the salsa to start fermenting by itself. Bubbles will begin rising to the top of the jar, showing that fermentation is under way—you should be able to see this through the side of the jar. Don't seal the jar while it is fermenting, as it will build up gas pressure and might break the jar. If you are concerned that fermentation will not start by itself, you can add a starter culture. A good starter culture is a little juice from a recently-fermented sauerkraut or kimchi, as this will bring across the necessary lactic acid bacteria and yeasts." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "This is best within a few days, unless you like it quite sour!" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The salt used should be non-iodised salt if possible (e.g. pickling salt, kosher salt). This is because the iodine in iodised table salt will inhibit the fermentation a little. Use what you've got, but best results will be obtained without the iodine." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Use fresh ingredients where possible; if you do use canned or dried ingredients, you may need to use a starter (see above)." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "This recipe prefers to ferment at a temperature between 18–22°C (64–72°F). It will happily ferment outside that range, but if you want to keep it in that range, there are some tips available on the fermentation page." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "There is a suggestion on the talk page that more salt is required; read the discussion and decide for yourself, but traditional French recipes add no salt during the fermentation of crushed tomatoes. Salt volume recommendations made without specifying brand (and therefore grain size and shape) are not precise in any case." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Warnings", "text": "When handling hot chilis, use gloves or take extra care to keep your hands away from eyes and other sensitive areas even after washing them." } ], "title": "Salsa (Fermented)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Sauce_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 can (14–16 oz) of peeled, diced tomatoes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 bunch of fresh cilantro (aka coriander leaf, Mexican parsley)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3–6 fresh serrano chili peppers (the more the spicier; start with 3)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ fresh finely chopped onion" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pinch of pepper and/or garlic to taste (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Blender or food processor" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add onion to blender." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Wash and chop the cilantro, removing only the very bottom of the stem. Add to blender." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Wash and chop the chile peppers, then add to blender." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Open the canned tomatoes, add to blender." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the salt." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Blend slowly, to thoroughly mix ingredients; do not completely blend." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve chilled, with a meal, as a dip for corn tortilla chips, as a garnish, etc." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Can be easily stored in a closed container in refrigerator for a week or ten days." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Be very careful not to touch your eyes, nose, or mouth after chopping or handling the chili peppers, the pain can be intense. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling." } ], "title": "Salsa (recipe)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Sauce_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "3 cups", "time": "15 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 garlic cloves" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 jalapeño chilis, sliced in half, seeded, and veined" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 medium onion" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup cilantro leaves" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 large, or 6 small tomatoes, cored" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Chop the ingredients in order listed." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "If using food processor or blender, drop in with the blades running, but avoid liquefying the tomatoes." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "If you plan to store the sauce in the refrigerator, place in a jar and pour a tablespoon of vegetable oil over the top." } ], "title": "Salsa Fresca", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Seafood_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Bacalhau à Gomes de Sá is a Portuguese dish of salt cod and potatoes created in the 19th century by Gomes de Sá at the restaurant Restaurante Lisbonense in the city of Porto.[1]" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 lb (900 g) salt cod" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup olive oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 medium-sized onions" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp garlic, finely-chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "6 medium-sized potatoes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "20 pitted black olives" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "6 hard-boiled eggs, sliced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp parsley, finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Starting the day before, soak the salt cod, refrigerated, in a container of water for 16–24 hours, changing the water 3–4 times." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Drain and rinse the cod. Place in a saucepan and fill with water to cover the fish by 1 inch (2.5 cm). Bring to a boil and then simmer for about 20 minutes until the fish flakes easily when tested with a fork. Drain thoroughly and flake the fish coarsely, removing any skin or bones with a paring knife. Set aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Boil the potatoes in their skins until easily pierced with a fork or skewer but not soft. Drain, cool and peel. Slice into ¼-inch (6 mm) slices. Set aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a heavy frying-pan, heat a ½ cup of olive oil over medium high heat for two minutes. Add the sliced onion and sauté for about 6–7 minutes until the onions are translucent and slightly brown. Stir in the garlic and remove from the heat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "To assemble, lay half the potatoes in the bottom of a casserole. Cover them with half the cod and then half the onion. Repeat with the rest and drizzle the rest of the olive oil over the top." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake for about 20 minutes in a 400°F/200°C oven until the top is lightly browned." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Garnish with olives and hard-boiled egg slices. Sprinkle with parsley." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve from the casserole with a cruet of olive oil and port vinegar on the side." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Footnotes", "text": "↑ Bacalhau is the Portuguese word for cod as well as for salt cod and the dishes made from it." } ], "title": "Salt Cod and Potato Casserole (Bacalhau à Gomes de Sá)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Seafood_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Bacalhau à zé do pipo is a traditional Portuguese cod dish. It can be confused with various other Portuguese dried/salted codfish recipes." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "500 g (18 oz / 1.1 lbs) white or golden potatoes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Milk (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Black pepper (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Lemon juice (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Eggs (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "100 g (3.5 oz) black olives" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "400 g (14 oz / 0.9 lb) salted dried cod" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Milk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "White pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "200 g (7 oz / ½ lb) of onions" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "5 g minced garlic" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Olive oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Mayonnaise" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Roast the potatoes in the oven until tender. Cool slightly." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mash the potatoes, mixing in the milk, pepper, lemon juice, and eggs, if using." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix in the olives. Season with salt to taste." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Prepare the cod by leaving it for 24 hours in water, changing the water once or twice." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "After the 24 hour period is up, put the cod in a pot with milk." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Boil the cod until slightly cooked, then season with salt and pepper. The milk will make the fish soft." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Slice the onions into rings, and fry in pan with garlic and lots of olive oil until slightly browned." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Preheat oven to 220°C (425°F)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place the cod in the center of a casserole or baking dish." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Surround the fish with 500 g of the mashed potatoes, then top it with the fried onion." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover the onion with a thick layer of mayonnaise, and sprinkle bread crumbs all over." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake until toasted on top." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve with a green wine from the north of Portugal." } ], "title": "Salt Cod and Potato Casserole (Bacalhau à Zé do Pipo)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Rice_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "5", "time": "15 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp cooking oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "20 g minced garlic" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "10 g red chopped chilli" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "20 g chopped spring onion" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "100 g salted fish" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "100 g shredded chicken" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "75 g bean sprouts" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup (500 g) cooked jasmine rice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp fish sauce" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp pepper" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat the oil in non-stick pan. Add the garlic, chilli, and spring onion, and stir-fry for 1 minute until fragrant." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the salted fish and chicken. Stir until the chicken and salted fish are changing color." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the rice and bean sprouts, then add the salt, pepper, and fish sauce." } ], "title": "Salted Fish Fried Rice", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Soup_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Salted mustard greens and shredded meat noodle soup (雪菜肉絲麵) is a Chinese dish composed of salted mustard greens (雪裡紅), shredded pork (肉絲), soup stock, and noodles. Many Chinese restaurants in the US serve this dish. All quantities are approximate." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Mustard greens" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Pork tenderloin" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Corn starch" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Soy sauce" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Soup stock" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Cooked noodles" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Wash and dry the mustard greens." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add salt to the greens." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Seal in a plastic bag and store in the refrigerator for several days." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut the pork tenderloin meat into tiny strips. Marinate the meat with corn starch, soy sauce, and sugar." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Retrieve the semi-pickled mustard greens and dice them." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Using a wok, stir-fry the meat until it is slightly brown. Remove the meat from the wok." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir-fry the salted mustard greens until slightly brown." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place the meat back into the wok and add soup stock and water. Simmer for a couple of minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve the soup with noodles." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "See also", "text": "Cookbook:Steamed Pork With Mustard Greens" } ], "title": "Salted Mustard Greens and Shredded Meat Noodle Soup", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Beverage_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Lassi are yogurt-based beverages in either sweet or salted flavors. The most common flavors include mango, rose water, and plain sugar-sweetened lassi." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 cups (1 L) yogurt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 cups (750 ml) cold water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Fresh green chile peppers (quantity according to taste), chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp cumin seeds, roasted and ground" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 tbsp lime or lemon juice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup (250 ml) crushed ice" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine all ingredients except ice in blender and blend until smooth." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add ice and continue blending until frothy." } ], "title": "Salty (Namkin) Lassi", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Sauce_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Sarza criolla is a refreshing topping for carbohydrate and meat-style foods. It is the South American equivalent of salsa, and it goes well on toast, slabs of boiled potatoes, seafood, meat, rice, tamales, and quesadillas." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 onion" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 lime" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Chopped cilantro (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Chopped boiled potatoes (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Chopped boiled or pickled beets (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Chopped (not mashed) avocado (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cleave the onion from top to bottom, along the grain, then slice it fine across the grain, forming half-rings." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Rinse in cold water, soak in cold water for around 5 minutes, and rinse again. This procedure washes away the contents of the plant cells destroyed by the knife, taking the sting out of the onion's flavor." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Squeeze over it the juice of the lime." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Optionally toss in the cilantro, potatoes, beets, or avocado." } ], "title": "Salza Criolla (South American Onion Relish)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Dessert_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": "4", "time": "30 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Salzburger nockerl is a sweet dish typical of Austrian cuisine that is especially popular in Salzburg, as its name implies. It has a subtle sweet taste; it is not too sugary but still delights the taste buds whenever you eat it. You can serve it as a main course, as a dessert, or even with coffee and tea, and there are hardly any people who do not like it." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "The original recipe contributor shared the following anecdote:" }, { "line_type": "blockquote", "section": null, "text": "\"When it comes to preparing Salzburger Nockerl, I know what I am doing. I grew up eating Salzburger Nockerl. My mother prepared them almost every Sunday when I was a child. I even think that this dish was my first real dessert after the \"joyful\" experience of eating pureed food as a baby. As a teenager I was not very interested in cooking and preferred pinching different ingredients from whatever my mother was cooking whenever she turned her back to me. The only dish I was really interested in was Salzburger Nockerl. At the age of about thirteen my mother taught me how to prepare it. Since then I have practiced hundreds of times and I would probably be able to make it blindfolded. So far I have only ever ruined it once—unfortunately, it was probably the most important time.\nKnown for my extraordinarily delicate Salzburger Nockerl, I wanted to impress my boyfriend’s parents when they visited my family for the first time. I planned everything a week in advance, because after telling them about my talent in great detail (what a mistake). I wanted everything to be perfect. I bought the best ingredients I could get and I even read up on the most suitable wine to go with this dish. Self-confident as always, I prepared my special dish. My boyfriend’s family was very excited and curious about my cooking. Everything worked out as I had planned. When I took the baking pan out of the oven I was very proud of the result. The dough had risen perfectly and looked like little mountains. I was completely satisfied with my work just, but that was before everything went awry. Without any plausible reason the Salzburger Nockerl collapsed, leaving an ugly mass of dough. Everybody in the dining room was hungry, having waited impatiently for my masterpiece, which was neither delicious nor a treat to the eyes. Full of shame, I presented my disaster. As everybody started laughing, my cheeks turned as red as the cranberry jam I wanted to serve with the dish.\n\nI still have no idea what went wrong and it has never happened to me again. Pride goeth before a fall! But the good thing is that I have never had to cook for anybody since, and whenever I make Salzburger Nockerl now, I have them all to myself.\"" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "7 egg whites" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 egg yolks" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup caster sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp vanilla sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 ½ tbsp flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Zest of half a lemon" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Jam or custard sauce (as base or to serve with)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Preheat oven to 200°C (~400°F)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Whip the egg whites, gradually adding the sugar, until they are very stiff." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Quickly beat in the 2 yolks, zest, and vanilla sugar without beating too hard." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Carefully fold in the flour." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Butter two oven-proof dishes (you may now line the bottom of the dish with jam or custard if desired)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heap three large dollops of the egg mass into the dish, sitting alongside each other, slightly offset. \"Mount\" them to resemble three little mountains." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake in the oven for 10 minutes until your Nockerl have become slightly brown on top." } ], "title": "Salzburger Nockerl (Sweet Austrian Soufflé)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Indonesian_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "100 g ikan bilis (dried anchovies)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 tbsp tempoyak" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp coconut milk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pinch of salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "10 bird's eye chillis (chilli padi)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp chili paste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cm piece fresh turmeric root" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "10 petai seeds, skin removed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 stalks lemon grass, smashed" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove heads and entrails from ikan bilis. Wash and soak for 10 minutes. Deep-fry until crisp." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine 2 tbsp of tempoyak, coconut milk, salt, chilis, chili paste, turmeric root, and petai seeds. Grind to make a paste." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat oil in a pan and stir-fry the sambal paste with lemon grass until it becomes fragrant." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the rest of tempoyak and boil gently over low heat until gravy is thickened." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add salt to taste. Serve with crisp ikan bilis, petai and rice." } ], "title": "Sambal Tempoyak (Anchovies with Fermented Durian Chili Paste)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Indian_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Sambar or sambhar (Kannada: ಸಾಂಬಾರ್‍, Malayalam: സാമ്പാർ, Tamil சாம்பார் (சாம்பாறு in Sri Lanka), Telugu: సాంబారు), pronounced \"saambaar\", is a dish common in southern India and Sri Lanka, made of dal (usually red gram, also called toor dal) and vegetables in a spicy tamarind and dal flour soup base. Sambar is usually poured over or alongside steamed rice. In the south of India, vada sambar and idli sambar are popular breakfast foods." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Several minor variants exist depending on the meal of the day, region, and the vegetable used. Sambar without dal (but with vegetables or fish) is called kozhambu in Tamil Nadu. There are major and minor variants of kozhambu (mor kozhambu, vathal kozhambu, rasavangi, etc.) Note that there are minor but subtle differences in preparation between all the variants (for instance, whether vegetables are added to the tamarind water or vice versa, which make them taste different)." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Sambar with rice is one of the main courses of both formal and everyday south Indian cuisine. It is also served with idli, dosa and vada. It is not uncommon to eat sambar rice with appalam (papad)." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup (240 ml) toor dal" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1½ cups water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 tbsp sambhar masala (see note)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup (240 ml) cubed mixed vegetables (see notes)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 big onion, cut into quarters" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 tbsp thickish tamarind pulp OR 1 tsp tamarind concentrate" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp oil or ghee" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tsp mustard seeds" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2–3 whole dry red chile peppers" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "7–8 leaves of curry leaves" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp chopped coriander leaves, to garnish" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Wash the dal, and cook in the water with the salt until absolutely tender and soft, with no grains remaining." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add sambhar masala, sugar and vegetables, including the onions, and cook until the vegetables are tender. Add the tamarind after the vegetables are tenderly cooked." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat oil in a saucepan, and add the mustard seeds. When they splutter, add the whole red peppers and the curry leaves." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir 2–3 times, then add the dal mixture. Bring to a boil, and then simmer for about 5 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Garnish with the coriander leaves." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "A variety of ingredients can be used for the mixed vegetables, including tomato, potato, brinjal (eggplant, aubergine, kath tharik kaai), drumsticks (moringa pods), lady's fingers (okra), and/or onions." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Sambar masala can be made by lightly toasting then grinding together the following spices: 5 tbsp coriander seeds, 3 tbsp split dried channa dal, 2 tbsp sesame seeds, 20 strands of chilli, 3 tbsp dried coconut, 20 curry leaves, ½ tbsp fenugreek seeds, and 1 tbsp asafoetida powder. It can be stored for 1 month." } ], "title": "Sambar I", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Indian_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup toor dal" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¾ tbsp asafoetida (kayam)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp chile powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp coriander powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp coriander seeds" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ ea. coconut, flesh shredded" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cups mixed vegetables (small onions, tomato, drumstick)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tbsp turmeric powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp tamarind paste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp mustard seeds" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Coriander leaves and curry leaves for garnishing, finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Wash and cook the dal until soft. Mash it." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat the pan and add 1 tsp oil. Add asafoetida, chili powder, coriander powder, and coriander seeds. Fry them well." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add coconut and fry until the mixture is dark red in colour (do not burn it). Remove from heat and let cool." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Wash the vegetables, and boil them in a pot of water with the turmeric powder." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "When the vegetables are almost done, add tamarind paste and allow it to boil for some time." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Grind the coconut mixture, then mix in the mashed dal. Stir this combination into the pot of vegetables, and let it boil for some time." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Season with salt to taste, and mix in the mustard seed and curry leaves." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve hot, garnished with the coriander leaves." } ], "title": "Sambar II (Kerala/Tamil style)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Indian_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": "5–6", "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "This recipe is a sambar variation. Served over steamed rice, it makes for a simple but filling meal." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup dry, split and hulled red lentils" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 cups water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ tsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp asafoetida (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup tamarind pulp or 1 tbsp concentrate" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup ghee, butter or vegetable oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp black or brown mustard seed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp fenugreek seeds" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp cumin seeds" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2–3 pinches of fresh or dry curry leaves" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2–3 chopped fresh or dry chile peppers (choose variety suited to your palate)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup chopped onion" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1–2 tsp chopped garlic" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1–2 tsp chopped or grated ginger" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup cubed eggplant" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup cubed potato" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup cubed carrot" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup cubed daikon" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼–1 tsp hot chile powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 ½ tsp sambar masalar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup green beans (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup drumsticks (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup chopped cilantro" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup cubed tomato" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bring the lentils and water to a boil. Reduce heat, add salt and asafoetida, and simmer until the lentils fall apart." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "To prepare the tamarind pulp, mix the tamarind mass with twice the amount of water, then work with a fork to remove pits; later strain the pulp." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat the fat/oil in a pan. Add the mustard seeds, and heat until they pop." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add fenugreek seeds, cumin seeds, curry leaves, chili peppers, and salt. Fry 1–2 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add onions, and fry until glazed." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add garlic, ginger, eggplant, potato, carrot, and daikon. Stir." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Move ingredients to side. Add chili powder to oil at the bottom of pot, then stir all." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add sambar masalar, and stir." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add 2 cups of water, and bring to boil. Reduce heat, and simmer 5–10 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add tomato, green beans, and drumsticks, then simmer 5–10 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add coriander, dhal (cooked lentils with their liquid), and tamarind. Simmer until vegetables are soft." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve hot over steamed rice." } ], "title": "Sambar III", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Indian_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": "1 hour" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ kg potatoes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Green peas combined" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 onions, sliced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 green chiles, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Spices (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 mint leaves" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 sprigs of cilantro (coriander)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Maida (all-purpose flour)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Olive oil or vegetable oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Vegetable oil, for deep frying" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Steam the potatoes and peas separately. Cut the potatoes into small pieces." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat a dash of olive oil in a frying pan. Add onions and chilis, and sauté until the onions turn transparent." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the potatoes, peas, and spices. Sauté them while stirring until they are completely cooked." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add mint leaves, and coriander leaves." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix the flour with enough water to make a stiff dough. Knead in 1 tablespoon of oil and a pinch of table salt. Knead it well." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Roll dough into even-sized balls (about 3.5 cm in diameter) and roll them out into circles using a rolling pin." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut each circle in half to make semi-circles." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place a spoonful of the vegetable mixture onto the dough semi-circles, and fold on three sides to make each one into a pyramid shape." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Deep fry the samosas until golden and crispy." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Multiple variations are possible for filling. Lamb and other meats work well with samosa, as do peppers, rice, paneer and mince (keema)." } ], "title": "Samosa", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Bean_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Also known as umngqusho, samp and beans is traditionally eaten in winter, often with rice or buttered bread. There is no one definitive recipe, as nearly every family has its own variation. Some other recipes use chicken or no meat at all." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Samp and beans mix" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Onions, finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 tbsp oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 lb beef or mutton, cut into pieces" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Tomato, grated" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1½ tbsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp ground black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp butter or margarine" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the samp and beans mix to a large pot. Rinse the mixture well, and half fill the pot with water." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add salt and bring to a boil. Boil on low heat until the samp and beans are cooked. Drain and discard the cooking liquid." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In another pot, sauté the onions in a pot with oil." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "When onions are cooked, add the meat and braise until tender." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add grated tomato and the drained samp and beans mixture. Cook on low heat for about one hour and a half." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Season with salt and pepper. Before serving, add the butter and let it simmer." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve in a bowl with a side plate or buttered bread or rice." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Samp and beans mix is a prepackaged mixture of samp (hominy) and dried beans." } ], "title": "Samp and Beans", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": null, "difficulty": 3, "servings": "1 loaf", "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 lb (450 g) grapes, stemmed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "12 oz (340 g) bread flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Water, as needed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "8½ oz (225 ml) water, warm (120°F / 49°C)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ oz (15 g) active dry yeast" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup (225 ml) sourdough starter" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 lb (450 g) flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 Tbsp (15 ml) salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 egg white, beaten" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mash the grapes thoroughly and place in a loosely-covered container. Allow to stand at room temperature for 48 hours." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Strain off the fermented juice and discard the pulp." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add warm water to the juice to make 1 pint (450 ml)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir in the flour, and leave at room temperature overnight." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Replenish with 1 pint of warm water and 2 cups of flour daily if the starter is kept at room temperature. If refrigerated, replenish twice a week." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a glass measuring cup, sprinkle the dry yeast onto the surface of 4 tablespoons of the warm water and allow to stand until it becomes foamy." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a bowl, combine the rest of the water with the sourdough starter." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add 1 cup of the flour. Stir until the dough starts to form and then add the yeast mixture. Mix for 5 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the remaining flour and the salt. Knead the dough until it is soft and elastic, 10 minutes or more." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place the dough in a greased bowl and cover with a damp cloth. Let rise in a warm place (ca. 80°F/27°C to 90°F/32°C) until doubled." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Punch down the dough and shape it into a round loaf. Place the loaf on a greased and cornmeal-dusted sheet pan." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Let the loaf rise in a warm place, covered with a damp cloth, until it has doubled in size." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Brush the loaf with beaten egg white and score the top of the loaf in a criss-cross pattern with a sharp knife." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake at 450°F (230°C) with a pan of boiling water under the oven rack for 10 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Reduce the oven temperature to 375°F (190°C), remove the water and continue baking until the bread is well browned (about 35–45 minutes)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cool on a rack." } ], "title": "San Francisco Sourdough Bread", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Seafood_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": "4–6", "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "A ceviche is a seafood dish, originating in Peru, that relies on acid rather than heat to cook the fish. This recipe adds a bit of a California twist by adding sliced avocado to the dish." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pound (450 g) bay scallops" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup (125 ml) lemon juice (about 3–4 lemons)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 red bell peppers, roasted, peeled, and seeded" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tablespoons (30 ml) balsamic vinegar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tablespoons (30 ml) extra-virgin olive oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ teaspoon (2.5 ml) ground cayenne pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt, to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 avocado, peeled and sliced" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a non-reactive bowl, combine the scallops and lemon juice. Add more juice as needed to cover the scallops." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Refrigerate, covered, and stir often for 2 hours, until the scallops become opaque." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine the bell peppers, vinegar, oil, cayenne, and salt into a food processor or blender, and purée." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "To serve, spoon the sauce onto individual plates, drain the scallops, and place them on the sauce. Garnish with slices of avocado." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "For a more Southwestern flavor, replace ¼ cup lemon juice with lime juice, and replace the bell peppers with New Mexico chili peppers." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Warnings", "text": "Eating raw seafood can cause illness if it is not fresh." } ], "title": "San Francisco style Scallop Ceviche", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Soup_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": "6", "time": "Marinating: 2 hoursCooking: 2 hours" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Sancocho is popular in the Dominican Republic and called by many its national dish." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 large orange, juiced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ bunch curly parsley, large stems removed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ bunch cilantro, large stems removed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tablespoons fresh oregano leaves" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cloves garlic, minced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Freshly ground black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pound (about 500 g) boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into bite-size pieces" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon clear oil, such as canola" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cups vegetable stock" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 cups water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 medium white onion, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 medium sweet potato, peeled and cut into ½-inch chunks" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 medium boiling potato, unpeeled and cut into bite-size chunks" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 green plantain, peeled and sliced into ½-inch thick slices (see notes)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 ear corn, quartered" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 jalapeño or habanero chile, seeded and minced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Pepper, to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Hot cooked rice (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Hot sauce (optional but not recommended)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Chopped cilantro (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In bowl of a food processor or blender, combine orange juice, lemon juice, parsley, cilantro, oregano, garlic, salt, and pepper, and process until combined." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour mixture into a non-reactive bowl, add chicken and stir to combine." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover and refrigerate 1–2 hours." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat oil in a large soup pot over medium heat. When hot, use a slotted spoon to lift the chicken out of the marinade and place in the pot, reserving marinade. Cook chicken until opaque, stirring occasionally." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add reserved marinade, vegetable stock and water to the pot, and bring to a boil." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add onion, sweet potato, potato, plantain, corn, jalapeño, salt and pepper." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bring back to a boil, reduce to low and cook partially covered for 1–1½ hours." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "To serve, ladle soup into bowls and top with a small scoop of rice, if desired. Pass hot sauce and cilantro at the table." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Because this soup has a long simmering time, choose an unripe green plantain rather than a ripe yellow or black-colored plantain, which has a softer texture." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Each cook makes his own recipe for sancocho, combining root vegetables with different kinds of meat, some with up to seven meats." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "To make the soup even more authentic, add a small peeled cubed yuca root to the broth, along with the other vegetables." } ], "title": "Sancocho (Dominican Meat and Vegetable Soup)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Sandwich_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": "10–15", "time": "1 hour" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Smörgåstårta or sandwich cake is a typical Swedish party dish, not to be confused with Smörgåsbord. The sandwich cake is a very rich sandwich with so much filling it resembles a cake. It is excellent for receptions and parties since it is served cold and can be prepared in advance. It is also possible to have great variation in the fillings to accompany most peoples taste. The dish can be served as a cake or in smaller piece as appetizers." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "This recipe is for shrimp and egg filling. This is only one of many variants, and other variants are listed at the end." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3–4 eggs" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 kg (~2.25 lbs) shrimp with shells on" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4.5 dl (450 ml / 1 pint) cottage cheese" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 dl (400 ml) mayonnaise" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 dl (100 ml) sour cream" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 loaves white sandwich bread" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Sprigs of dill or slices of lemon or lime for garnish" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Chopped dill or parsley for garnish" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Boil the eggs until hard, and peel the shrimp." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Set aside some shrimp (about ⅓) for garnishing. Chop the remaining shrimp, which will be used for filling." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix 1 dl mayonnaise with 1 dl sour cream in a cup or bowl, place in the refrigerator." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix the remaining mayonnaise with the cottage cheese in another bowl together with the chopped shrimp; this is the filling." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut the bread lengthwise to make eight 1 cm thick slices. Discard the top and bottom slice." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place two slices next to each other, preferably on a cutting board. Spread one third of the filling on top of the bread slices. Add two more bread slices on top. Spread half of the remaining filling and repeat for the final layer. The cake should now have four layers of bread with three layers of filling between them." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "If necessary even out the edges of the cake with a sharp knife." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Take the mayonnaise/sour cream mix out of the refrigerator and spread it thinly and evenly on the sides of and on top of the cake." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover the sides of the cake with chopped parsley or dill. Garnish with shrimp, sliced eggs, and dill sprigs or lemon slices." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The recipe above describes a four layer cake with only one type of filling. It is possible to use different fillings in different layers of the cake. However, make sure that the tastes of the fillings \"fit\" together. It is also possible to do a three layer cake." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Instead of serving the sandwich cake in cake form it is possible to cut it into pieces before serving. This makes an excellent appetizer or it can be more convenient way to serve the cake since guests do not have to cut it." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Since the sandwich cake can be quite heavy it is usually served with a mixed salad. Tortilla chips, various kinds of nuts, or almonds (roasted or fresh) can also be served on the side." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "When preparing the sandwich cake in \"appetizer style\" do not cut the bread lengthwise, instead cut normal slices. It is also possible to use pre-sliced bread. Only use two layers for the appetizers and use a tooth-pick to hold it together." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The basic filling consists of about 50/50 mayonnaise and cottage cheese. The proportions can be varied by taste. For a low fat version use more cottage cheese and/or substitute the mayonnaise for low-fat (do not use non-fat) mayonnaise. Different flavorings can be added to the basic filling, some examples follow." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Chopped canned tuna" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Chopped pâté and pickled cucumber" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Smoked ham and paprika" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Eggs, pickled cucumber, and curry" } ], "title": "Sandwich Layer-Cake", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Corn_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Sangah is a Cameroonian dish made with corn, cassava leaf, and palm kernel extract." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 kg palm nut cream" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "500 g cassava leaves, well-pounded" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Sweet corn kernels" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Homi" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Pot with lid" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Stovetop" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Mortar and pestle" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine the water and palm nut cream in a pot. Boil for a few minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir in the pounded cassava leaves. Cover with the lid, and boil for 20 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir in as much corn as desired. Season to taste with homi." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve hot." } ], "title": "Sangah (Cameroonian Corn and Cassava Leaf)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Beverage_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": "6", "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 L (8 cups) red wine" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 peaches" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 apple" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 banana" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 orange" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 lemons" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "125 ml (¼ cup) brandy" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 tbsp sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cinnamon stick (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour the wine in a container large enough to hold all the ingredients." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the lemon juice, orange and lemon segments, apple pieces, and banana slices." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add sugar and brandy; stir to mix well using a wooden spoon. Add cinnamon." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Keep in the fridge for at least an hour. Add ice cubes and let it stand 10 minutes before serving." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve in tall glasses, including fruit bits." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The longer the fruit is macerating in the wine, the better the taste (up to 24 hours total). In that case, add the banana slices ½–1 hour before serving to prevent them from getting too soft." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "You can use any kind of fruit you like. Try other liqueurs instead of brandy." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "For a sweeter version, add ½–1 L (2–4 cups) lemonade instead of the lemon juice." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Don’t forget a spoon to eat the fruit once finished with sangría." } ], "title": "Sangría", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Romanian_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Sarmale is a small handful of ground up meat (usually pork) mixed with rice and rolled up in pickled cabbage leaves or grape leaves and then boiled. The meat is seasoned to taste of course, including garlic, salt, pepper, etc." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "The recipe below is for a very large batch of sarmale, usually made for groups or for freezing." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 large heads of green cabbage" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¾–1 cup rice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4–8 slices of bacon" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1–1.5 kg ground pork" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3–6 medium to large white onions (8–12 onions if they are small)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 can tomato sauce" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 can tomato juice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 bunch of parsley, to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 jar sauerkraut" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Olive oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Pepper to taste" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Begin by heating olive oil in a pan; add onions and bacon and sauté until the onions are transparent. Chop parsley and add it to the mix when it is nearly done sauteing. Allow this mixture to cool." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a medium to large bowl, mix ground meat together. Add the onion mixture after it has cooled. Add dry rice, salt and pepper. Let this cool, as it is easier to work with cold meat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Begin to boil water in a very large pot, then reduce to a simmer. Make several deep incisions into the cabbage around the stem: this makes it easier to remove the leaves. Submerge the cabbage into the simmering water and cover; allow to steam until the cabbage turns a bright green. Do this for both cabbages. Do not use the tough or too-small innermost leaves; they may be chopped and added to the roasting pan." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "As the cabbage steams, remove the outer leaves using a roasting fork; spin the cabbage to find the stem, peel the leaves from the bottom to the top, placing them in a dish to cool and allowing the new \"outer leaves\" to steam." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Sprinkle olive oil into the bottom of a very large roasting pan, then line the pan with the outermost leaves of the cabbage." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "When the leaves have been steamed and allowed to cool, slice out the tough park of the stem, and follow the incision to the top of the leaf, cutting each leaf into two wraps." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Begin wrapping the mixture: spoon 1 tbsp of the meat mixture into the wrap, fold in the sides and roll lengthwise. Place rolled cabbage into the roasting pan in lines, layering one on top of another when the bottom of the pan is full. Between layers, sprinkle a few tablespoons of sauerkraut and part of the cans of tomato sauce and juice." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "When all the cabbage has been rolled, pour sauerkraut and the remainder of the tomato sauce and juice over the top of the rolls. Add water until the liquid is about an inch or so from the lip of the pan." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake covered at 350°F for 3–4 hours. The meat should be cooked, the water should have reduced, and the rice should be tender. A roll may be removed and unrolled to test, and then replaced if it is not done yet." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Sarmale may be eaten on its own or as a side dish. It may be enjoyed with a dollop of sour cream or plain yogurt." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Other ground meats may be used, but pork is traditional." } ], "title": "Sarmale (Romanian Cabbage Rolls)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Fish_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Sashimi is raw meat, sliced very thin. It is typically served with onigiri or sushi. Although the meat used is usually a kind of fish, beef can also be used." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Fresh fish fillet (e.g. salmon, tuna, etc.)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Slice fish as thinly as possible across the grain to keep it tender, like you would a steak." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Since the fish is raw, it is important that it be as fresh as possible." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Some people avoid freshwater fish (e.g. freshwater eel, salmon) entirely for sashimi, because they may contain parasites that do not live in saltwater." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Eel's blood contains a toxin, and eel needs to be cooked to break down the toxin." } ], "title": "Sashimi", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Stew_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Sauce feuilles is a delicious West African dish made with a variety of greens and typically served with a side of rice or fufu. It is a popular dish in West African cuisine. The stew is often cooked with palm oil, which gives it a distinct taste and vibrant color." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 bunch of spinach" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 bunch of kale or collard greens" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 bunch of bitterleaf (substitute with more spinach if unavailable)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 medium-sized onion, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 cloves of garlic, minced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tomatoes, diced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 scotch bonnet chile peppers, chopped (adjust according to spice preference)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pound meat or fish (chicken, beef, and smoked fish are commonly used)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup palm oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon ground crayfish (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon dried shrimp or prawns (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tablespoon bouillon powder or cubes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Large pot" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Wooden spoon or spatula" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Knife for chopping" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Cutting board" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Blender or food processor (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Wash the spinach, kale (or collard greens), and bitterleaf thoroughly to remove any dirt or grit. Remove any tough stems from the greens and chop them into small pieces. Set aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "If using meat, cut it into bite-sized pieces. If using smoked fish, remove any bones and shred into smaller pieces." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Season the meat or fish with salt and any other desired seasonings." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat the palm oil in a large pot over medium heat. If you prefer a milder flavor, you can mix palm oil with vegetable oil. Add the chopped onions and minced garlic to the pot and sauté until they become translucent and fragrant." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the diced tomatoes and scotch bonnet peppers. Cook for a few minutes until the tomatoes soften." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the seasoned meat or fish to the pot and cook until it is browned and cooked through. If using smoked fish, add it towards the end to prevent overcooking." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the chopped spinach, kale (or collard greens), and bitterleaf to the pot. Stir well to combine with the meat or fish and aromatics. If the pot is too dry, you can add a little water to prevent sticking. Cover the pot and let the greens cook down for about 10–15 minutes or until they are wilted and tender." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the ground crayfish (if using), dried shrimp or prawns (if using), and bouillon powder or cubes to the pot. Stir well to incorporate the flavors." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Taste the stew and adjust the seasoning with salt and additional spices if needed." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Reduce the heat to low, cover the pot, and simmer for another 10–15 minutes to allow the flavors to meld together." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Garnish with additional chopped onions or fresh herbs, if desired, and enjoy." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Note, tips, and variations", "text": "Remember, the ingredients and measurements can be adjusted according to your taste preferences and availability." } ], "title": "Sauce Feuilles (Greens Stew)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Stew_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Sauce gombo is a West African stew made with okra as the main ingredient. It is typically prepared with a combination of meat or seafood, tomatoes, onions, and various spices. The okra gives the stew a thick and slightly slippery texture, which is characteristic of this traditional dish. It is often served with rice or fufu, a starchy staple food." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "500 g okra" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "500 g meat (chicken, beef, or goat) or seafood (shrimp or fish)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tablespoons palm oil or vegetable oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 medium-sized onions, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 ripe tomatoes, diced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 cloves of garlic, minced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tablespoons tomato paste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 scotch bonnet chile peppers (optional for heat), chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon ground crayfish (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon ground nutmeg" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon ground ginger" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon ground paprika" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Pepper to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Fresh cilantro or parsley, chopped (for garnish)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Water or broth for cooking" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Large pot or Dutch oven" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Knife for chopping" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Cutting board" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Wooden spoon or spatula" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Cooking utensils" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Wash the okra and trim off the tops and tails. Cut the okra into small rounds or slice them lengthwise. Set aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "If using meat, wash and season it with salt, pepper, and spices. If using seafood, clean and season it with salt and pepper. Allow the meat or seafood to marinate for at least 30 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat the palm oil or vegetable oil in a large pot or Dutch oven over medium heat. Add the chopped onions and minced garlic, and sauté until they become translucent and fragrant." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the seasoned meat or seafood to the pot and cook until it browns on all sides. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Once the meat or seafood is browned, add the diced tomatoes, tomato paste, scotch bonnet pepper, ground crayfish, nutmeg, ginger, and paprika. Stir well to combine all the ingredients." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Allow the mixture to cook for a few minutes until the tomatoes start to soften and release their juices." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the chopped okra to the pot and stir to coat the okra with the tomato mixture. The okra will release a slippery liquid, which will help thicken the stew. If desired, you can add a little water or broth to prevent the stew from becoming too thick." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover the pot and let the stew simmer on low heat for about 30–40 minutes, or until the okra is tender and cooked through. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Taste the stew and adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper according to your preference." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Once the stew is cooked and the flavors have melded together, remove it from the heat. Garnish with freshly chopped cilantro or parsley." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve hot with cooked rice or fufu." } ], "title": "Sauce Gombo (Okra Stew)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Sauce_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Sauce mornay is a béchamel sauce with grated cheese" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup finely grated Parmigiano Reggiano" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup finely grated gruyère cheese" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1½ cups sauce béchamel" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ tsp cayenne pepper" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine both grated cheeses." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a saucepan, combine the sauce béchamel and the cayenne." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stirring constantly, heat the sauce until it comes to a simmer." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove the saucepan from the heat and stir in the grated cheese." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Taste for seasoning and adjust with salt and pepper if necessary." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "If not served immediately, you may dot the surface with butter to prevent a skin from forming." } ], "title": "Sauce Mornay", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Cookie_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "These saucepan fudge crackle cookies are true chocolate cookies. They are brownie-like or cake-like. They tend to have a dome-like surface that stands ½–¾-inch tall, and have a diameter of 2.5–5 inches. The surface is cracked." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon baking powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ teaspoon salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup margarine" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 ounces unsweetened baking chocolate" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup white granulated sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 eggs" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon vanilla extract" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup coarsely chopped nuts (for example, ½-inch walnut pieces)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Additional sugar for coating" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine the flour, baking powder, and salt." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a 3-quart saucepan on low heat, melt together the margarine and chocolate." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove the chocolate mixture from the heat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Into the chocolate mixture, mix the eggs, sugar, vanilla, and nuts." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix the flour mixture into the chocolate mixture." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover and refrigerate until firm. Overnight would be good." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Make 1½-inch balls of the mixture. As you make them, roll them in coarse sugar and place them onto a cool, ungreased, insulated cookie sheet. Be sure to allow room for expansion." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake at 300°F for 20 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Immediately remove the cookies from the cookie sheet. If you delay, the cookies will very strongly adhere to the cookie sheet." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "You can use butter instead of margarine, although this can overpower the taste of the chocolate." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The insulated cookie sheet avoids burning parts of the cookie while failing to fully cook other parts." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Hazelnuts and macadamia nuts go well in this recipe." } ], "title": "Saucepan Fudge Crackle Cookies", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Fermented_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": "Prep: 45 minutesFermentation: at least 1 week" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Sauerkraut is a traditional fermented vegetable food made from cabbage. This basic recipe produces a tangy sauerkraut with live bacteria. No cooking is required." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 large (2.5 kg / 5 lb) fresh cabbage" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2–3 tablespoons non-iodised salt" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Clean and dry a large (3 litres) preserves jar or crock, chopping board, and large bowls if needed." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Quarter the cabbage and remove the core." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Slice the cabbage finely or thickly, as you prefer." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "If desired, bruise the sliced cabbage by beating with a rolling pin or mortar and pestle." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Layer the cabbage in the jar or crock, sprinkling salt in between the layers." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pack tightly into the jar, leaving 1 cm space at the top; don't seal the jar yet." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Juice should rise to top of jar as you tightly pack the cabbage in; if not, add a little chlorine-free water." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover the jar with a clean cloth or cling-wrap. Set the jar in a bowl or on a plate, so that any juice that might overflow will be collected and won't make a mess. Don't seal the jar while it is fermenting, as it will build up gas pressure and might break the jar." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Every morning and evening, insert a narrow long object into the jar to let the air out, then collect the juice from the plate and re-add it to the jar. Ensure the temperature is kept constant during the fermentation—otherwise the fermentation may not proceed correctly, and the wrong bacteria may grow. If you don't heat your kitchen in winter then you will need to store the jar in your bedroom or another area with a steadier temperature throughout day and night." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "The sauerkraut will be fermented in three days to about a week. Wipe any excess liquid from around the jar, and put the lid on tightly before moving it to a cool place (e.g. the refrigerator) to mature. It is ready to eat after the first week, but it will improve with age as the bacteria slowly consume the more complex sugars in the cabbage." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The salt used should be non-iodised, since iodine can slightly inhibit the fermentation. Use what you've got, but best results will be obtained without the iodine." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Add other vegetables, fruits, or spices such as juniper berries, cored and sliced apple, diced pineapple, onion, chili, or grated carrot." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The cabbage can be quickly sliced to a regular thickness by using a mandoline." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "See also", "text": "Kimchi" } ], "title": "Sauerkraut I", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Fermented_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": "6–8 days in summer12 days in winter" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "5 pounds cabbage" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "10 teaspoons salt" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove old leaves from the cabbage heads." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Quarter heads and cut out the cores." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Shred cabbage." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put cabbage and salt in large pan and mix with hands." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Gently pack into crock using a potato masher." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "When crock is nearly full, cover with cloth, plate, and weight." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Check daily and remove scum." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "When the kraut is sour enough, you can leave it in crock and seal it with paraffin wax; it can also be sealed in sterilized glass jars, adding enough brine to fill the jar. Process for 15 minutes below boiling point." } ], "title": "Sauerkraut II", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": null, "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 large can (~28 oz) sauerkraut" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 medium onion, diced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 stick (8 tbsp) butter" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place sauerkraut and liquid in a pot filled with just enough water to cover the sauerkraut. Bring to a boil, then remove from stove and transfer to a colander." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Drain and rinse the sauerkraut well with cold water to prevent further cooking. With your hands, squeeze as much liquid from the kraut as you can to prevent the filling from being too soggy." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place the sauerkraut on a large cutting board and chop fine with a large, flat-bladed knife." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Fry the onion until it is translucent, then add the drained sauerkraut. Season with salt and pepper to taste." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Simmer for 15 minutes and let it cool before using. For best results, refrigerate a few hours before using to fill pierogi." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The sauerkraut boiling step may be omitted if you like really strong sauerkraut." } ], "title": "Sauerkraut Pierogi Filling", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Breakfast_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 small breakfast sausages" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 egg" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Cream cheese" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 ciabatta roll, sliced open" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Pepper" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut the sausages into small pieces and fry until done. Drain grease if needed and, if you desire, rinse very lightly, using a colander, then return to the pan." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the egg and mix into the sausage pieces until all the liquid is gone. Add salt and pepper for taste." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Thickly spread the cream cheese onto the ciabatta roll, and pile the egg and sausage mix into the roll." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve classic sandwich style or keep the halves separate." } ], "title": "Sausage and Egg Breakfast Roll", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Soup_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "10", "time": "1 hour" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Vegetable spray or 1 teaspoon olive oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 packages (2½ pounds) sweet Italian sausage" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cartons (1 pound) sliced, fresh mushrooms" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 bag (9 ounces) fresh baby spinach" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cans (1¾ pounds) diced tomatoes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cartons (2 quarts / 4 pounds) low-sodium chicken broth" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 package (1¾ pounds) fresh Three Cheese Tortellini (from dairy case)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Grated Parmesan cheese for garnish (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Coat a large stock pot with vegetable spray or 1 teaspoon olive oil." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove sausage from casings and heat over medium heat in stock pot until sausage is crumbled and no longer pink." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "When the sausage is completely cooked, add sliced mushrooms and cook, stirring occasionally, until they are sautéed." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the entire bag of baby spinach." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cook, stirring occasionally, until spinach is lightly sautéed." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add diced tomatoes and stir thoroughly." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add chicken broth and bring to a boil." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add tortellini and simmer on low for 10–15 minutes until the pasta is cooked." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Ladle into soup bowls and sprinkle generously with Parmesan cheese." } ], "title": "Sausage and Tortellini Soup", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Sausage_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "The sausage sizzle is an economical community or family event, common in Australia and New Zealand. Sometimes other food items are included, such as sliced onions cooked along with the sausages and used as a condiment, and some sort of salad might be available. This may be a fundraising event where the prepared food is sold, or it may be a group or family meal consumed outdoors. The quantity suggested here is more appropriate for a group or family meal, as each customer at a fundraising event is likely to purchase only one or two sausages wrapped in bread." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "About five Australian-style thin sausages (\"snags\") per person (thick sausages on special occasions)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Loaves of sliced sandwich bread (enough for one slice per sausage)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Australian tomato sauce (ketchup)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Sliced onions, with a little oil or butter (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Grill the sausages (eucalyptus wood fire is best) until the skins are partially black." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Grill the sliced onions, if desired." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Wrap each sausage in a slice of bread, running the sausage diagonally along the bread." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add grilled onions and tomato sauce to taste." } ], "title": "Sausage Sizzle", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Breakfast_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "6–8", "time": "3 hours altogether" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 package (16 ounces) of sage-flavored sausage" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Pinch of pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "6 eggs" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1½ cups milk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 cups cubed stale bread" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 ounces shredded cheddar cheese" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Brown sausage and sprinkle with pepper." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Drain off excess fat, and let sausage cool." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Beat eggs and add milk." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Fold in cubes of stale bread, cheese, and cooled sausage." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour into and 8 by 8-inch baking dish coated with cooking spray." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Refrigerate for at least an hour (or freeze for later)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Preheat oven to 325°F. Bake for 1 hour." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cool and cut into squares." } ], "title": "Sausage-Egg Breakfast Dish", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Meat_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": "1 hour" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "8 oz plain flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pinch salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pinch mustard powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 oz grated suet" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1.5 lb sausage meat" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 large onion" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Thyme" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Butter" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add 1 pinch of salt and 1 pinch of mustard powder to the flour." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix together the suet and flour with enough water to make a doughy consistency." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut the pastry into two portions one slightly larger than the other." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Roll out the larger portion and use it to line a small buttered pie dish." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Finely dice the onion." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix together the sausagemeat, diced onion, a pinch of thyme, and plenty of black pepper." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mash the mixture into the pie dish making sure there are no voids." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Wet the edge of the pastry where it covers the lip of the pie dish." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Roll out the remaining pastry and cover the pie." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Lightly crimp the edge with your thumb and trim." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut a hole in the top centre of the pie to allow steam to escape." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake in the oven at 180°C until golden brown on top (30–40 minutes)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve with a little gravy poured over the top." } ], "title": "Sausagemeat Pie", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Mushroom_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Put this on your next steak. It's almost like a sauce." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pound morel mushrooms, thinly sliced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tsp minced garlic" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ large onion, diced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Sprinkle mushrooms and onion with salt and black pepper." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat oil in large sauté pan over medium high heat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add garlic and cook 30–45 seconds. Add remaining ingredients and cook for 7–10 more minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove from pan and drizzle with pan juices. Serve." } ], "title": "Sauteed Mushrooms", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Vegetable_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 bunches broccoli rabe" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 medium garlic cloves, peeled and minced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tsp crushed red pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Freshly-ground black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt to taste" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Remove any tough or damaged outer leaves from the broccoli rabe. Peel the thick, lower stems, and tear the rabe into large pieces. Wash in cold water until all dirt is removed." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Blanch the broccoli rabe in several quarts of salted, boiling water, until bright green and leaves are tender, about 2–3 minutes. Remove from the hot water and immediately shock in ice water to stop the cooking process. Drain well and set aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Meanwhile, heat the extra-virgin olive oil in a sauté pan over medium heat. Add the garlic and crushed red pepper. Sauté the garlic until brown. Add the broccoli rabe to the pan and toss to coat with the garlic/pepper mixture and heat through. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper, if desired." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Add julienned red bell peppers to the pan with the garlic, and add pitted oil-cured black olives at the end for a colorful twist." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Add 3 tinned anchovy fillets to the olive oil with the garlic." } ], "title": "Sautéed Broccoli Rabe with Garlic and Olive Oil", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Sauce_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "This savory mustard sauce is great on filet mignon or pork tenderloin, or as a grilling baste for chicken." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup Dijon mustard" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup chicken broth" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 ¼ tsp cornstarch" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pinch of salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ tsp freshly ground black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp olive oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 shallot, very finely minced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 tbsp unsalted butter, divided" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat olive oil in a large slope-sided skillet over medium high heat. Add shallot and sauté until golden." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Meanwhile, combine broth and starch. Set aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Once shallot has cooked, add mustard, salt, and pepper to pan. Decrease heat to medium low heat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Once sauce heats to just below a simmer, add broth mixture. Cook, whisking continuously, until sauce thickens slightly." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Whisk in butter 1 tbsp at a time, waiting for the one before it to fully melt before adding another." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Once all butter has been used, remove sauce from heat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve with a steak or some pork tenderloin, or use as a grilling baste." } ], "title": "Savory Mustard Sauce", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Scone_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cups self-raising flour, sifted" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup skim milk powder" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 spring onions, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ tsp ground nutmeg" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¾ cup cold cooked pumpkin" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup buttermilk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup natural mineral water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Cottage cheese or butter, for serving (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Preheat oven to 220°C (430°F)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine the flour, milk powder, onion and nutmeg." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Fold in the pumpkin, buttermilk and mineral water to make the dough." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pat out the mixture onto a lightly floured board and roll out to a thickness of about ⅝ inch." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Using a 2-inch scone cutter, press out 12 rounds." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place these on a lightly floured baking tray and bake at 220°C for 12–15 minutes or until golden." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve with dollops of cottage cheese or butter." } ], "title": "Savory Pumpkin Scones", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Rice_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "6", "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1½ cups (360 ml) short grain rice, cooked" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 spring onions, finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 eggs, lightly beaten" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup (120 ml) grated parmesan cheese" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "500 g (1 lb) carrots, cauliflower, and broccoli" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1½ cups (260 ml) grated mozzarella cheese" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1½ tsp dried thyme" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup (240 ml) tomato salsa, for serving" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a large bowl, combine the cooked rice, spring onions, eggs and the Parmesan cheese. Season to taste with salt and pepper." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Press half the rice mixture into a greased 20 cm spring-form pan. Toss vegetables with one cup of mozzarella cheese, place into pan. Spoon on the remaining rice and press down firmly. Sprinkle evenly with remaining cheese and thyme." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C (400°F) for 30–35 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve with tomato salsa." } ], "title": "Savoury Rice Cake", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Fish_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Sayadeya is a delicious and aromatic Egyptian dish that features fish cooked with rice in a flavorful tomato-based sauce. It is a popular dish along the coastal regions of Egypt, where fresh fish is readily available. Sayadeya showcases the rich flavors of the sea combined with fragrant spices, making it a favorite among seafood lovers." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "500 grams white fish fillets (such as tilapia)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cups rice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tablespoons olive oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 large onion, finely chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 cloves garlic, minced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup tomato sauce" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 teaspoons ground cumin" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon ground paprika" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 teaspoon ground coriander" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Black pepper to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Chopped fresh parsley for garnish" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Lemon wedges for serving" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Large skillet or frying pan with a lid" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Mixing bowl" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Knife for chopping and mincing" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Cutting board" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Spoon or spatula for stirring" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Paper towels" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Rinse the fish fillets under cold water and pat them dry with paper towels. Cut them into medium-sized pieces and set aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a mixing bowl, combine the rice with enough water to cover it completely. Let it soak for about 15 minutes, then drain the water." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a large skillet or frying pan, heat the olive oil over medium heat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the finely chopped onion and minced garlic to the skillet. Sauté until the onions become translucent and the garlic becomes fragrant." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the drained rice to the skillet and stir well to coat the rice with the onion and garlic mixture." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour in the tomato sauce and add the ground cumin, ground paprika, ground coriander, salt, and black pepper. Stir to combine the ingredients and distribute the spices evenly." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place the fish fillets on top of the rice mixture in the skillet. Cover the skillet with a lid and let the dish simmer on low heat for about 20–25 minutes, or until the fish is cooked through and the rice is tender." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Once the fish and rice are cooked, remove the skillet from the heat and let it rest for a few minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Garnish the sayadeya with chopped fresh parsley. Serve hot, accompanied by lemon wedges for squeezing over the fish and rice." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Sayadeya is often enjoyed with a side salad or a traditional Egyptian condiment called \"dakka\" (a mixture of spices, herbs, and nuts)." } ], "title": "Sayadeya (Egyptian Fish with Rice)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Vegetable_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "4", "time": "10 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "This vegetable soup is a must-have item on the menu of every West Java (Sundanese) restaurant in Indonesia. This soup has some kind of appetizing effect because of the use of tamarind or (dried) sour starfuit as one of the ingredients. Sayur asem is a compliment to main dish such as ayam Ayam Goreng Kuning, Pepes Ikan or fried salty fish." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 fresh red chile pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 shallots" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 g terasi" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ tbsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "20 g fresh tamarind or asam jawa tamarind paste, or 5 dried bilimbi fruit" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "105 g galangal" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 salam leaves" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "100 g yardlong beans" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 chayote squash" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "50 g corn" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "100 g young jackfuit" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "50 g gnetum (melinjo/belinjau) leaves and fruits" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "50 g raw peanuts" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Sugar" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Grind together all the ingredients for the spice paste until smooth." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Clean the vegetables, and cut into bite-size pieces." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bring 1.2 liters of water to a boil in a pot. Stir in the spice paste, tamarind, galangal, and salam leaves." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Gradually add the vegetables, starting with those that require a longer cooking time." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Season with salt and sugar to taste." } ], "title": "Sayur Asem (Indonesian Tamarind Vegetable Soup)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Seafood_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "This recipe for scalloped oysters was adapted from the 1881 Household Cyclopedia and modernized." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "100 oysters, shucked" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 loaf bread, crumbed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 hard-boiled eggs, peeled" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt, to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Cayenne pepper, to taste" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Mace (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Chop the eggs very fine, and mix with the crumbs. Season with cayenne, salt, and mace." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover the bottom of a deep pie dish with the eggs and crumbs." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Use a fork to place a layer of oysters over the egg mixture, along with 2–3 small pieces of butter. Continue until all ingredients are used up, reserving sufficient crumbs for a final layer." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake 45 minutes at 375–400°F. Serve hot." } ], "title": "Scalloped Oysters", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Austrian_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "6", "time": "60 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Scheiterhaufen (literally \"funeral pyre\" or \"stake\") is a type of traditional sweet dish in Austria and Southern Germany. It was mentioned for the first time in a Roman cookbook in the 1st century AD by Marcus Gravius Apicius. In 1691 it first appeared in a German cookbook under the name Güldene Schnitten (golden slices). The term Armer Ritter (poor knight) was first used in 1787 and had its breakthrough in the 19th century." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "The name possibly refers to the way the slices of bread and fruit are layered to make this dish, which seems representative of the way in which ancient cultures used to pile up chunks of wood to make a funeral pyre. The name could also refer to the way the dish looks when served, since it tends to fall apart when put on a plate. Other names for Austrian and German variations are Rostiger Ritter, Fotzelschnitten, Semmelschnitten, Kartäuserklöße, Weckschnitten, Gebackener Weck, Pofesen, or Blinder Fisch." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "The dish is similar to the English poor knights of Windsor in England, Russian grenki, Dutch wentelteefje, American French toast, French pain perdu, Portuguese rabanadas, and Spanish torrijas." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "17.5 oz (500 g) stale white bread" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 apples" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 peaches" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 tbsp (60 g) refined sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pinch ground cinnamon" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 cups (½ L) milk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 eggs" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 tsp (20 ml) rum or a few drops of rum aroma" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp butter" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Wash the apples and peaches, and peel them if desired. Cut them into slices approximately ¼ inch (1 cm) thick." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut the bread into slices about the same size as the fruit." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour the milk into a bowl and add the eggs. Mix well. Then take the slices of bread and let them soak in the mixture for a few seconds. This will take longer if you use stale rather than fresh bread." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix the refined sugar and the cinnamon in a cup or a small bowl." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Grease an ovenproof dish, then layer the slices, bread, and fruit alternately in the dish. Sprinkle a bit of the sugar-cinnamon mixture on top of every layer. For the best result, start and end with a layer of bread. You can decide whether you want an apple and a peach layer or whether you would like to mix the different kinds of fruit." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Scatter a few flakes of butter on top, and put the dish into the oven for 45 minutes at 180°C/350°F." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Enjoy!" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "This recipe is rather a guideline; you can alter it according to your taste and wishes. Generally, there is not only one recipe for Scheiterhaufen, as people in former times were forced to use what they had available." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "You can take any kind of white bread you like, stale or fresh. You can use any kind of white bread that you have on-hand, but for an extra soft Scheiterhaufen, something like the white bread used for toast yields the best result. One variation is to roast the bread in a pan with a bit of butter before layering it (in this case you would have to pour the milk-egg-rum mixture on top of your layers)." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "You can use other kinds of fruit to suit your taste, but the traditional Austrian Scheiterhaufen recipe uses only apples. Plums are also a good choice, but frankly, you can use any fruit of the season. The selection above is a summer variation." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Some cooks like to add nuts like almonds or hazelnuts to create a distinctive taste. You can also add raisins; they are often used together with apples in Austrian cuisine." } ], "title": "Scheiterhaufen (Austrian Bread Pudding)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Dessert_recipes", "difficulty": 3, "servings": "12", "time": "about 3 hours" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Schwarzwälder kirschtorte, or Black Forest gateau in English, is a German dessert." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix the flour, cocoa and baking powder in a bowl. Mix the eggs with the sugar and vanilla sugar, then pour into a well in the middle of the flour." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix the liquid into some of the flour until it forms a porridge-like mass" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the cold butter, and rub into the dough." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix in the rest of the flour and knead briefly into a ball." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Rest the dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Roll the dough out to fit the base of a 20 cm (8 inch) springform cake pan." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake at 160°C (325°F) for 20 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix the flour, cornstarch, baking powder and cocoa powder with a whisk." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Whisk the 4 egg yolks with the warm water until it is foamy, and little by little add ⅔ of the sugar, the vanilla sugar, almond extract, and cinnamon." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Whip the egg whites to stiff peaks, and beat in the rest of the sugar a little at a time." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Fold the beaten egg whites into the egg yolk mixture." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Sprinkle the flour mixture onto the egg mixture and carefully incorporate." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour into a 20 cm (8 inch) springform pan lined with parchment paper." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake at 160°C (325°F) oven for about 35 minutes until a wooden skewer or toothpick comes out clean when the cake is pierced." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cool cake in pan for 15 minutes, then turn out onto a cooling rack to cool completely." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Drain the cherries in a sieve. Reserve the juice." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Begin heating ¾ of the juice in a saucepan, and mix the cornstarch with the rest." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "When the juice starts to boil, pour a little hot juice onto the cornstarch. Mix well, then stir it back into the saucepan. Cook until the mixture has thickened." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the sugar and stir to dissolve. Mix in the cherries in, then remove from the heat and allow to cool." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the Kirschwasser." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Sprinkle the gelatin onto the 3 tablespoons of water, and allow to bloom for 10 minutes, stirring from time to time." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat the gelatin carefully until melted. Allow to cool to room temperature, but don't let it set." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Whip the cream to soft peaks, and fold in the cool but still liquid gelatin. Whip until stiff, adding vanilla sugar to taste. If you don't have vanilla sugar, use 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract and granulated sugar to taste." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Spread ½ the cherry mixture then ⅓ of the whipped cream mixture onto the shortcrust base." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut the cake horizontally into two layers using a length of cotton thread." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Press one cake layer onto the filling." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Spread the rest of the cherry mixture onto the cake, along with half of the remaining whipped cream." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover the filling with the last layer of cake, and spread the remaining whipped cream on top." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Strew the top of the torte with shaved chocolate, and decorate with glacé or maraschino cherries." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Refrigerate for 4 hours or longer before serving." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The cake layers may optionally be sprinkled with Kirschwasser before assembly." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The bitter almond oil can be replaced by 2 tsp almond extract." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "If possible, use only cherries in real maraschino liqueur, not the imitation maraschino cherries found in grocers and supermarkets." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "↑ (If possible, use only cherries in real maraschino liqueur, not the imitation maraschino cherries found in grocers and supermarkets)" } ], "title": "Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte (Black Forest Cake)", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Cake_recipes", "difficulty": 4, "servings": "12–16", "time": "About 3 hours (can be divided over two or three days)" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Schwarzwälder kirschtorte, or Black Forest cake in English, is a traditional German dessert. This version puts two different kinds of cherries between layers of cocoa torte, filled with a generous amount of whipped cream. It is freely adapted from a recipe of the same name in the cookbook La dolce Wiener: Süße Verführungen von Apfelstrudel bis Zimtschnecken by German–Austrian television chef Sarah Wiener." }, { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "This is a celebration cake for events that benefits from being made the night before, so the flavors can blend. It must be stored in the refrigerator." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pit the cherries if needed." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cook everything except the liqueur in a medium-sized saucepan on the stovetop for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the cherries begin softening." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the liqueur and cook for another 10 minutes over medium heat. The cherries should be soft enough to eat easily, but not cooked so long that they become mushy or lose their shape." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Set the cherries aside to cool." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pit the cherries if needed." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cook the cherries and sugar in a medium-sized saucepan on the stovetop for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the cherries are softening. Because there is no added liquid, you may want to start cooking at a slightly lower temperature and raise it to medium." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the liqueur, and cook for another few minutes until the cherries are soft enough. Set them aside to cool." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "If you are making the cherries in advance, both kinds can be stored in the refrigerator (in separate containers) at this point for up to several days." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "After both kinds of cherries have been cooked, drain both types of cherries thoroughly and separately, saving all the drained syrup. The cherries need to be cooled and drained well enough that they won't dissolve the whipped cream filling when the cake is assembled. You will use some of the syrup to moisten the cake layers." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Line two 9-inch (23 cm) cake pans with parchment. If you don't have parchment paper, spread a very thin layer of butter only on the bottom of the pans. Do not butter the sides of the pans, and do not coat the pans with flour." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Preheat the oven to 350 °F (180 °F or gas mark 4–medium)." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Separate the eggs." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Whip the egg whites until stiff and set aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Whip the egg yolks and sugar until very light and fluffy. This will take several minutes with an electric mixer and longer if you are beating them by hand." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Sift the cocoa powder and flour together over the egg yolk mixture. Gently fold together all ingredients." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Scrape the batter into the two pans and bake until done, approximately 20–25 minutes. The internal temperature should be around 185–190 °F. Set the cakes aside to cool." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put the powdered gelatin in a small pan. Add an ounce or so (30 ml) of cool water and let it stand until the gelatin has \"bloomed\" (absorbed the water and softened). This usually takes at least 5 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the kirschwasser to the softened gelatin. If you do not want to use the kirschwasser, you can substitute an equal volume of syrup from the cherries." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat the gelatin mixture over low heat, stirring constantly. Remove from the heat when the gelatin has dissolved—it will look clear." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Set the pan aside to cool down to a warm room temperature. Do not place it in the refrigerator. If you have a cooking thermometer, an ideal temperature might be around 75–80°F (24–26 °C). If the gelatin begins to solidify, gently warm it until it is barely liquid again." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a large mixing bowl, whip the whipping cream halfway[clarification needed]." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir a large spoonful of the half-whipped whipping cream into the cooled but still liquid gelatin." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Resume whipping the remaining cream, gradually drizzling the gelatin mixture into the bowl while whipping." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Once the gelatin has been incorporated, add the powdered sugar and whip until firm but not grainy." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Collect everything you need:\nBoth kinds of cooked cherries, completely cooled and well-drained\nAbout 2 ounces (60 ml) of cherry syrup from cooking the cherries—choose your favorite one, or mix them together. You can add an extra ounce (30 ml) of kirschwasser to the syrup if you want.\n2 cake layers, completely cooled\nStabilized whipped cream\nChocolate shavings or sprinkles (if desired)\nA large platter (big enough to accommodate whipped cream on the side of the cake if desired)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Both kinds of cooked cherries, completely cooled and well-drained" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "About 2 ounces (60 ml) of cherry syrup from cooking the cherries—choose your favorite one, or mix them together. You can add an extra ounce (30 ml) of kirschwasser to the syrup if you want." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "2 cake layers, completely cooled" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stabilized whipped cream" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Chocolate shavings or sprinkles (if desired)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "A large platter (big enough to accommodate whipped cream on the side of the cake if desired)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Set aside about a dozen pretty, well-drained cherries for decorating the top layer." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place the first cake layer on the platter." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour some of the reserved cherry syrup over the cake layer.  The amount should be in the \"pancake topping\" range: enough to cover most of the cake, but not enough to make it soggy or to pour off the edges. Use a pastry brush to spread the syrup evenly across the surface." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Top the bottom layer with a small amount of whipped cream. Place a single layer of cherries on top of that. Top that with just enough whipped cream to completely fill the spaces between the cherries. Note that the cherries act as a structural element since the whipped cream can't support the weight of the top cake layer on its own. If you put too much whipped cream between the layers, it will squish out the sides when the top cake layer is added." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place the top cake layer on top of the cherries, and repeat the process of covering the cake layer with cherry syrup." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cover the cake with a generous layer of whipped cream (either on top only or on both the top and sides, as you prefer). The whipped cream can be piped with a pastry bag and tips if desired, or it can be spread on with a spoon or spatula. Arrange the reserved cherries in a decorative pattern on top of the cake." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "If desired, shave a block of semi-sweet chocolate to make chocolate curls. Add chocolate shavings to the top or sides of the cake." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place assembled cake in the refrigerator to rest for 4–12 hours before serving." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The cherries can be made several days in advance. You need both the cherries and the syrup." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The cake can be baked the day before or the day of serving. If made far in advance, it should be frozen—defrost before assembling the cake." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "If you want to have more cake layers, use a smaller cake pan, and halve the cakes horizontally to make four thin layers. This may change the cooking time for the cakes, and you will need more whipped cream if you want to completely coat the cake on all sides." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "The remaining cherry syrup can be used on top of pancakes, waffles, yogurt, ice cream, cheesecake, and other desserts, in fizzy drinks and cocktails, or as a glaze or marinade while cooking." } ], "title": "Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte (Black Forest Cake) II", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Chile_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "24 Scotch bonnet peppers" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 cup whole milk ricotta cheese" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup freshly-grated Parmesan cheese" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ cup minced onion" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "¼ pound Italian sausage" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Preheat oven to 350°F." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Fry sausage on medium-high heat, chopping as it cooks until it is the size of small peas. Drain and cool slightly." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a bowl, mix ricotta, Parmesan, and onion with sausage to form the filling." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cut tops of peppers about ¼ inch below the stem. Set tops aside." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "With a sharp knife, scoop out seeds and membrane from each pepper. Mix as much of the seeds and membrane into the filling as needed to regulate heat. For example, moderate poppers use seeds and membrane from 6–8 peppers. Moderate poppers nicely complement the cocktail hour. For very hot poppers, leave the seeds and membranes in each pepper." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Using your fingers, stuff each pepper with filling. Replace tops." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place poppers on parchment-lined tray and bake 15–20 minutes or until desired." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cool slightly before serving." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Warnings", "text": "Persons with sensitive skin may need culinary gloves. Take care to protect eyes when handling peppers." } ], "title": "Scotch Bonnet Pepper Poppers", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Bread_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "A recipe from Nova Scotia that is called both Scottish bannock and Irish soda bread." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 cups (950 ml) whole wheat flour" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup (120 ml) white granulated sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tsp baking soda" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1½ cups (360 ml) buttermilk" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 tbsp butter, cut into pea-sized cubes" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine dry ingredients. Rub in butter until crumbly." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Mix in buttermilk to make a soft, workable dough. Knead dough briefly." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Make dough into a disc about 3 inches thick. Cut an X shape in dough with a knife (1 cm or so deep). Transfer to an oiled or parchment-lined baking sheet." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake at 350°F (180°C) for 50–70 minutes (depending on your oven) until a skewer stuck in comes out with no \"gooeyness\" on it" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Let cool 5–10 minutes after taking from the oven, then break apart with your hands into serving-sized chunks." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "Optionally mix in blueberries, raisins, or cinnamon to taste." } ], "title": "Scottish Wheat Bannock Bread", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Egg_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2–4 eggs" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Black pepper, crushed" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Dried parsley flakes" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Basil, fresh or dried, crushed or torn into pieces" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Rosemary" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "~½ tablespoon water" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Small pan" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Small bowl" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Whisk (a fork is an adequate substitute)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Equipment", "text": "Corner spoon (any small spatula will suffice)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Spray pan with non-stick cooking spray—this is optional but recommended." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Put pan on stovetop at medium heat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Determine number of eggs to use—2 will serve one, 3 if especially hungry, and 4 will feed two." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Get a small bowl. Crack eggs on countertop, then split them so the whites and yolks fall into the bowl. Make sure no shell fragments get in; if they do, remove them." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Sprinkle salt, crushed black pepper, parsley flakes, and crushed basil onto the eggs." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add a small number (<7) of flakes of rosemary." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add a small amount (~½ tablespoon) of water." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Holding the bowl at an angle, quickly but carefully whisk the ingredients in the bowl, moving the whisk in a rapid circular motion. Continue until ingredients appear blended, with the eggs being a homogeneous yellow." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Pour mixture into pan, which should at this point have heated up." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Stir gently with corner spoon for several minutes until mixture begins to congeal into lumps." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Let the lumps sizzle briefly, then flip over to allow the other side to cook. Continue this until the entire surface area of all the scrambled eggs is no longer visibly wet." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve." } ], "title": "Scrambled Eggs with Herbs", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Egg_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "2", "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2–4 sausages" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "4 eggs" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2–3 pinches salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Chopped vegetables (optional)" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add the sausages to a hot frying pan. Fry, turning, until sausage is cooked through." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Beat the eggs with the salt." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Transfer egg mixture to pan along with vegetables, if using. Fry for 30–60 seconds." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve." } ], "title": "Scrambled Eggs with Sausage", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Egg_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "2", "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 medium tomatoes, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 medium cucumber, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 pinches salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3–4 eggs" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ small onion, chopped" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat a frying pan over medium heat, and add oil." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add tomato and cucumber to the pan. Cook for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add salt." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Beat the eggs with the onion and additional salt if desired. Transfer mixture to the pan." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Cook eggs and vegetables, turning every 30 seconds until cooked to taste." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Notes, tips, and variations", "text": "If desired, you can fry the eggs and vegetables separately." } ], "title": "Scrambled Eggs with Vegetables", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Egg_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": null, "time": null }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "This recipe was found in Githima, a small town outside the city of Nakuru in Kenya. If you ask for fried eggs in the West of Kenya, you'll probably have the eggs scribbled." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Tomatoes (optional), chopped" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "Scallion (optional), sliced" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 eggs" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Heat a small amount of oil in a skillet over medium heat." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "If using tomatoes, add them to the pan. Fry for a minute." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "If using scallion, add to tomatoes. Cook for another minute." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Beat the eggs well, and pour into the pan." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Start stirring the eggs—Kenyans call this scribbling. Cook like this until the egg is done." } ], "title": "Scribbled Eggs", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Italian_recipes", "difficulty": 2, "servings": "20", "time": "1 hours 20 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "300 g prawn, fried with 1 tbsp vegetable oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "8 crabsticks, cut into 6 parts and fried with 1 tbsp vegetable oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "5 fishballs, cut in circles and fried with 1 tbsp vegetable oil" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 tbsp parsley" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2 tbsp sugar" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp salt" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "3 baguettes, cut into 1.5 cm slices" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "In a bowl, combine prawn, crabstick, fishball, parsley, sugar, salt and black pepper. Stir with spoon until well-mixed." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Top each slice of baguette with some of the the topping mixture." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Bake the bruschetta at 190°C for 15 minutes." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Serve hot." } ], "title": "Seafood Bruschetta", "url": "" }
{ "infobox": { "category": "/wiki/Category:Sauce_recipes", "difficulty": 1, "servings": "1 cup", "time": "10 minutes" }, "text_lines": [ { "line_type": "p", "section": null, "text": "Cocktail sauce, sometimes also called seafood sauce, is typically a tomato-based sauce served with seafood." }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup ketchup" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "½ cup Heinz Chili Sauce (optional, and can be substituted with ketchup)" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tbsp lemon juice" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 tsp Worcestershire sauce" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "~¼ tsp Tabasco sauce" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "1 pinch coarsely ground black pepper" }, { "line_type": "ul", "section": "Ingredients", "text": "2–3 tbsp prepared grated horseradish" }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Combine all ingredients except horseradish." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Taste and adjust flavors to your liking. Some recipes call for the addition of celery salt or garlic juice." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Add a tablespoon at a time to get it to the taste you prefer. If your grated horseradish is fresh (a fresh bottle from the store), the recipe amount may be too much for your liking; if it is older, the recipe amount may not be enough." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Refrigerate until cold." }, { "line_type": "ol", "section": "Procedure", "text": "Place cold sauce into serving dish. Serve with seafood." } ], "title": "Seafood Cocktail Sauce", "url": "" }