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We are working in the interest of peace. | Unsere Arbeit gilt dem Frieden. | en-de |
We admire her for her bravery. | La ammiriamo per il suo coraggio. | en-it |
We cannot distinguish her from her younger sister. | No podemos distinguirla de su hermana menor. | en-es |
We argued him into going. | 我々は彼を説得して行かせた。 | en-ja |
We should follow his example. | עלינו לפעול על פי הדוגמה שלו. | en-he |
We received word of his death. | Нас известили о его смерти. | en-ru |
We took the enemy by surprise. | Wir überraschten den Feind. | en-de |
We named my son after my grandfather. | Abbiamo chiamato mio figlio come mio nonno. | en-it |
We are against war. | 我々は戦争に反対だ。 | en-ja |
We eat to live, not live to eat. | Noi mangiamo per vivere, non viviamo per mangiare. | en-it |
We found him alive. | Lo abbiamo trovato vivo. | en-it |
We live in a three-bedroom house. | Unser Haus hat drei Schlafzimmer. | en-de |
You may rest assured that we shall do all we can. | Elimizden geleni yapacağımızdan emin olabilirsin. | en-tr |
We arrived first. | Mi érkeztünk először. | en-hu |
We left the final decision to him. | Мы оставили окончательное решение за ним. | en-ru |
We stood face to face. | Мы стояли друг против друга. | en-ru |
We need to communicate with each other. | We moeten met elkaar communiceren. | en-nl |
We need action, not words. | نحتاج إلى العمل وليس الكلام. | en-ar |
We found the front door locked. | 我們發現前門被鎖上了。 | en-zh |
We should not be influenced in our decisions by our prejudices. | Мы не должны находиться под влияниям наших предрассудков при принятии нами решений. | en-ru |
We learn by experience. | Impariamo per esperienza. | en-it |
All of us want prices to decline. | Все мы хотим, чтобы цены снизились. | en-ru |
We must all take care to preserve our national heritage. | אנו חייבים לשמר את המורשה הלאומית שלנו. | en-he |
We danced to the music. | Nós dançamos com a música. | en-pt |
We set out when the rain had eased. | جیسے ہی بارش تھمی، ہم نکل گئے۔ | en-ur |
We are facing a violent crisis. | 我々は一大危機に直面している。 | en-ja |
We all had such a good time. | 我々はみんなとても楽しく過ごした。 | en-ja |
We all desire success. | كلنا نريد التفوق. | en-ar |
We should face up to this issue. | 我々はこの問題に立ち向かうべきだ。 | en-ja |
Our friendship did not last. | Arkadaşlığımız devam etmedi. | en-tr |
Our victory is secure. | הנצחון שלנו מובטח. | en-he |
Let's synchronize our watches. | لنضبط ساعاتنا على نفس التوقيت. | en-ar |
Winter sports are very popular in our country. | Les sports d'hiver sont très populaires dans notre pays. | en-fr |
Our company makes use of the Internet. | تستفيد شركتنا من الإنترنت. | en-ar |
We had an implicit agreement that we would support each other. | Wir hatten ein stillschweigendes Einverständnis, dass wir einander unterstützen. | en-de |
Stay here with us. | Bizimle burada kal. | en-tr |
Don't dwell on your past mistakes! | 過去の失敗をくよくよ考えるのはよしなさい。 | en-ja |
It is often said that sweets are bad for your teeth. | A menudo se dice que los dulces hacen mal a los dientes. | en-es |
Flowers bloom. | Kukat kukoistavat. | en-fi |
Don't touch the flowers. | Ne nyúlj a virágokhoz! | en-hu |
We must finish everything before Tuesday morning. | Musimy to wszystko dokończyć przed wtorkowym porankiem. | en-pl |
Mars resembles our planet in some ways. | Marte se parece a nuestro planeta en algunos aspectos. | en-es |
There is no sign of life on Mars. | 火星には生物の形跡はない。 | en-ja |
Is there any life on Mars? | Finnes det liv på Mars? | en-nb |
In case of fire, telephone the fire station. | En cas de feu, appelez la caserne de pompiers. | en-fr |
I lost my shoe in the fire. | איבדתי את הנעל שלי בשריפה. | en-he |
It was as clear as day that Shinji would die from hunger. | كان واضحاً كالشمس أن شنجي سيموت من الجوع. | en-ar |
The fire started in the kitchen. | На кухне начался пожар. | en-ru |
There is no smoke without fire. | Fără foc nu iese fum. | en-ro |
Let's sing and dance. | 歌って踊ろう! | en-ja |
Do you like singing? | אתה אוהב לשיר? | en-he |
What do you do in your free time? | Voi cosa fate nel tempo libero? | en-it |
I'm free. | Я свобідна. | en-uk |
I am determined to be a scientist. | Я решил стать ученым. | en-ru |
Scientists began to find answers to these questions. | Les savants commencèrent à trouver les réponses à ces questions. | en-fr |
I do not like science. | Non mi piace la scienza. | en-it |
My uncle's brother's son got involved in a shady business and disgraced the family. | Сын брата моего дяди был вовлечён в сомнительный бизнес и опозорил семью. | en-ru |
I rear cattle. | J'élève du bétail. | en-fr |
It's great to have a family. | Иметь семью - здорово. | en-ru |
I'll drive you home. | Ben sizi eve götüreceğim. | en-tr |
Let us go home. | Lasst uns nach Hause gehen. | en-de |
The house collapsed in an earthquake. | Das Haus stürzte bei einem Erdbeben ein. | en-de |
The houses caught fire one after another. | הבתים עלו באש בזה אחר זה. | en-he |
We have two cats; one is white, and the other is black. | 家はねこが2匹います。1匹は白で、もう1匹は黒です。 | en-ja |
She regretted deeply when she looked back on her life. | Hayatında geriye baktığında, o derin üzüntü duymuştur. | en-tr |
There is a fence about the house. | 家の周りには囲いがしてある。 | en-ja |
There is a garden at the back of my house. | 家の後ろに庭があります。 | en-ja |
My dog follows me whenever I go. | Il mio cane mi segue ovunque io vada. | en-it |
Our living room is sunny. | Il nostro salotto è soleggiato. | en-it |
There are always some chores to be done about the house. | 家の回りには何かしらいつも仕事がある。 | en-ja |
When I got home, I found I had lost my wallet. | Quando eu cheguei em casa, eu descobri que tinha perdido minha carteira. | en-pt |
I met a dog on my way home. | Ho incontrato un cane mentre tornavo a casa. | en-it |
I left my card at home. | שכחתי את כרטיס האשראי שלי בבית. | en-he |
We have two dogs. One is black and the other is white. | У нас два собаки. Один чорний, а інший — білий. | en-uk |
I prefer going out to staying at home. | Io preferisco uscire che restare a casa. | en-it |
I'll fix you some coffee. | Я зроблю тобі кави. | en-uk |
We felt the house shake a little. | Kissé megrázkódni éreztük a házat. | en-hu |
I delighted in going to his farm during the summer vacation. | انا مسرور للذهاب الى مزرعته خلال العطلة الصيفية . | en-ar |
Tourists poured into Karuizawa during the summer vacation. | دخل العديد من السياح الى كارويزاوا خلال عطلة الصيف . | en-ar |
I'm looking forward to your visit during summer vacation. | 夏休みにあなたがおいでになるのを楽しみにしています。 | en-ja |
Because it was summer vacation, I took a trip. | Dato che erano le vacanze estive, ho fatto un viaggio. | en-it |
I was in London most of the summer. | Ich habe den Großteil des Sommers in London verbracht. | en-de |
St Mark's Square in Venice is always swarming with tourists in the summer. | 夏のヴェニスのセント・マルコ広場はいつも人また人である。 | en-ja |
The town was deluged with tourists in summer. | בקיץ זורמים לעיר תיירים בהמוניהם. | en-he |
Tourists take over this island in the summer. | Los turistas se apoderan de esta isla en el verano. | en-es |
In the long summer days she sat in the sun and watched the trees cover themselves with leaves, and the white daisies cover the hill. | En los largos días de verano ella se sentaba al sol y miraba los árboles cubrirse de hojas y las margaritas blancas cubrir la colina. | en-es |
Who do you think you are? | למה מי אתה!? | en-he |
It snowed for many days together. | 何日間も続けて雪が降った。 | en-ja |
How many days does it usually take to get there? | Скільки днів зазвичай потрібно, щоб дістатись туди? | en-uk |
I tried again and again, but I couldn't succeed. | Újra meg újra megpróbáltam, de nem értem célt. | en-hu |
Thousands of people died of hunger. | Тысячи людей умерли от голода. | en-ru |
How many people? | Milyen sokan? | en-hu |
Some were late. | 有几个人来迟了。 | en-zh |
Where can I buy a ticket? | 切符はどこで買えますか。 | en-ja |
A fox is not caught twice in the same snare. | いつも柳の下に泥鰌は居らぬ。 | en-ja |
What time does this train reach Yokohama? | Hánykor éri el a vonat Jokohamát? | en-hu |
What time did you eat? | Wann hast du gegessen? | en-de |
What time does it start? | Hánykor kezdődik? | en-hu |
What time are you leaving? | A che ora parti? | en-it |
What time will the game start? | Во сколько начнётся игра? | en-ru |