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Raise your right hand. | Alce su mano derecha. | en-es |
Turn to the right. | 右に曲がりなさい。 | en-ja |
Gravity is the natural force by which objects are attracted to each other. | La gravedad es una fuerza natural por la que las cosas se atraen las unas a las otras. | en-es |
Let's turn back. | 我们掉头吧! | en-zh |
I persuaded him to give up the idea. | Je l'ai convaincu d'abandonner l'idée. | en-fr |
When was printing invented? | Matbaacılık ne zaman icat edildi? | en-tr |
Lightning precedes thunder. | La foudre précède le tonnerre. | en-fr |
After the lightning, came the thunder. | 稲妻が光ったと思うと雷がなった。 | en-ja |
She attracted me at first sight. | لقد جذبتني من النظرة الأولى . | en-ar |
What do you say to taking a rest? | Et si on faisait une pause ? | en-fr |
Give me chapter and verse. | 一部始終を聞かせてくれ。 | en-ja |
Where's the nearest drugstore? | Где находится ближайшая аптека? | en-ru |
Where's the nearest church? | Waar is de dichtstbijzijnde kerk? | en-nl |
Where's the nearest art gallery? | 一番近い画廊はどこにありますか。 | en-ja |
You can hear English on Channel 1, and Japanese on Channel 7. | 一番のチャンネルで英語が、7番のチャンネルでは日本語がお聞きになれます。 | en-ja |
Generally speaking, savings are increasing. | 一般的に言って、預金は増加している。 | en-ja |
Generally speaking, history repeats itself. | In het algemeen herhaalt de geschiedenis zichzelf. | en-nl |
It is impossible to master English in a year or so. | 一年やそこらで英語をマスターすることは不可能だ。 | en-ja |
There is nothing like a glass of beer after a whole day's work. | Nichts geht über ein Glas Bier nach einem vollen Arbeitstag. | en-de |
I remember seeing her once on the street. | أتذكر أني رأيتها مرة على الطريق. | en-ar |
Who's going to clear up all this mess? | 一体誰がこのように散らかった状態をすべて片づけるのだろうか。 | en-ja |
To kill two birds with one stone. | 一石二鳥。 | en-ja |
Study hard, and you'll succeed. | ادرس بجد و ستنجح. | en-ar |
He worked hard. | Lui lavorò duramente. | en-it |
One stayed and the other went away. | 一人はとどまり、もう一人は出て行った。 | en-ja |
I dislike being alone. | Ich bin nicht gerne alleine. | en-de |
Leave me alone. | Laissez-moi tranquille ! | en-fr |
Let me go alone. | Déjame ir solo. | en-es |
Did you come here alone? | ¿Has venido solo? | en-es |
The admission is ten dollars a person. | 一人10ドルです。 | en-ja |
Take me with you. | קח אותי אתך. | en-he |
Come with me, will you? | تعال معي إذا سمحت. | en-ar |
Would you play with me? | Benimle oynar mısın? | en-tr |
What do you say to going fishing with me? | 一緒に魚釣りに行きませんか。 | en-ja |
May I run with you? | Kan jeg løpe med deg? | en-nb |
I'm coming with you. | سآتي معك. | en-ar |
We are able to deliver within a week. | Мы можем сделать доставку в течение недели. | en-ru |
There are seven days in a week. | Uma semana tem sete dias. | en-pt |
I met her an hour ago. | L'ho conosciuta un'ora fa. | en-it |
I'll be back within an hour. | Bir saat içinde geri döneceğim. | en-tr |
I met her by chance on the train the day before yesterday. | פגשתי אותה באקראי ברכבת שלשום. | en-he |
January is the first month of the year. | 一月は年の一番目の月です。 | en-ja |
The whole family is out for a walk. | 一家そろって散歩に出かけている。 | en-ja |
A well is a place where you can get water. | 井戸は水を得られる所である。 | en-ja |
The well ran dry. | הבאר יבשה. | en-he |
So the doctor started to examine her. | Então o médico começou a examiná-la. | en-pt |
The doctor advised her to enter the hospital. | Лікар порадив їй лягти у лікарню. | en-uk |
The doctor advised me to give up smoking. | 医者は私に煙草を止めなさいと言った。 | en-ja |
Doctors have a difficult problem. | 医者は困難な問題を抱えています。 | en-ja |
The doctor examined the patients. | El médico examinó a los pacientes. | en-es |
Doctors are not as a rule trained in child rearing. | Ärzte haben in der Regel keine Ausbildung in Kindererziehung. | en-de |
What did he say? | O ne söyledi? | en-tr |
My doctor told me to lay off the liquor so I have this uneasy impatient feeling. | نصحني الطبيب بأن أترك الشراب المُسْكِر، ما أصابني بالتوتر وقلة الصبر. | en-ar |
You must see a doctor. | 医者に見せなければならない。 | en-ja |
Why not see the doctor? | 医者にみてもらったらどうかね。 | en-ja |
The doctors wore white masks over their mouths and noses. | ارتدى الأطباء أقنعة بيضاء تغطي أفواههم و أنوفهم. | en-ar |
The doctor advised that she take a holiday. | Le médecin lui a prescrit de prendre des vacances. | en-fr |
He died without having made a will. | Bir vasiyet yapmadan öldü. | en-tr |
Wrong. | غلط۔ | en-ur |
The speeding vehicle skidded and crashed head-on into the rear-end of a truck before the driver could say Jack Robinson. | Ускоряющееся транспортное средство заскользило и врезалось передней частью в заднюю часть грузовика, прежде чем водитель смог сказать Джек Робинсон. | en-ru |
No. I don't know. It's a lot of things. | لا، لا أعلم. هناك أشياء كثيرة. | en-ar |
My stomach hurts. | Mi fa male lo stomaco. | en-it |
Do you feel any pain in your stomach? | Hast du Magenschmerzen? | en-de |
Is everything all right? | Всё нормально? | en-ru |
I lost consciousness. | Je perdis conscience. | en-fr |
She is unconscious. | Lei è priva di sensi. | en-it |
The committee comprises ten members. | Комитет состоит из десяти членов. | en-ru |
The committee meets twice a month. | Il comitato si riunisce due volte al mese. | en-it |
The committee consists of twelve members. | समिति में बारह सदस्य हैं। | en-hi |
On your marks, get set, go! | На старт, увага... руш! | en-uk |
Professor Ito went to the United States for the purpose of studying linguistics. | Profesör Ito dilbilimi eğitimi için Amerika Birleşik Devletlerine gitti. | en-tr |
Mr Ito is a highly educated man. | Господин Ито — очень образованный человек. | en-ru |
I've always wanted to meet you. | Jeg har alltid ønsket å treffe deg. | en-nb |
Haven't we met before? | Találkoztunk mi már valahol? | en-hu |
Have we met before? | Sizinle daha önce tanışmış mıydık? | en-tr |
Is that all? | ¿Es todo? | en-es |
I was afraid of getting lost in the dark. | Temevo di perdermi al buio. | en-it |
You'd better hurry up if you want to get home before dark. | من الأفضل لك أن تسرع إذا أردت أن تصل إلى المنزل قبل حلول الليل. | en-ar |
You should stay in bed. | Тобі варто залишитися у ліжку. | en-uk |
At ease. | 安心しなさい。 | en-ja |
Thanks to the bad weather, the game was canceled. | أُلغيت المباراة بسبب تغير الجو. | en-ar |
Not bad. | 나쁘지 않네. | en-ko |
How easily one acquires bad habits! | 悪癖というのはなんと簡単に身についてしまうことか! | en-ja |
Don't be a bad boy. | لا تكن ولداً سيئاً. | en-ar |
Love and hate are opposite emotions. | Liebe und Hass sind gegensätzliche Emotionen. | en-de |
My pet dog was seriously ill. | كلبي مريض للغاية. | en-ar |
Charity begins at home. | الأقربون أولى بالمعروف. | en-ar |
Love and Peace. | Amour et Paix. | en-fr |
To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness. | Amar y ser amado es la felicidad más grande. | en-es |
We must take his youth into account. | Musimy uwzględnić jego młody wiek. | en-pl |
We foresaw the war. | تنبأنا بالحرب. | en-ar |
We are liable to err. | Wir neigen dazu, Fehler zu machen. | en-de |
We stood at the door and waited. | We stonden voor de deur en wachtten. | en-nl |
Our plane was flying above the clouds. | Наш самолёт летел над облаками. | en-ru |
We've received a lot of applications in answer to our advertisements. | われわれの広告に対してたくさんの申し込みがあった。 | en-ja |
Don't mention our plan to anybody. | No le cuentes nuestro plan a nadie. | en-es |
I'm working in Tokyo now. | Ich arbeite jetzt in Tōkyō. | en-de |
I'm tired now. | Ahora estoy cansado. | en-es |
I like both dogs and cats. | Mind a kutyákat, mind a macskákat kedvelem. | en-hu |
I swim once a week. | Ben haftada bir kez yüzerim. | en-tr |