token represents the masked patches that were not encoded.
Another positional encoding vector is added to all patches
and a sequence of transformer blocks decodes these patches
to form the original input image, which is used as the learning
Input Scale-MAE performs a super resolution reconstruc-
tion, where the input image Iis downsampled from a higher
resolution image Ihrat the ground truth GSD. Instead of
targeting the input image, Scale-MAE targets high frequency
and low frequency components of Ihr, which is common in
Laplacian pyramid super resolution models [64], where the
high frequency component is at the same resolution as the
ground truth image Ihrand the low frequency component
is at the same resolution as the input image I, as shown in
Figure 2. Following many works in super resolution [64], the
low frequency target image is obtained by interpolating Ihr
to a much lower resolution, rlowand then interpolating to the
same resolution as the input image I. The high frequency tar-
get image is obtained by downsampling Ihrto another lower
resolution rhigh-low , and then upsampling to the same resolu-
tion as the ground truth image Ihrand subtracting this image
Ihf=Ihr−Ihigh-low . The supplementary material provide
more information on the upsampling/downsampling method-
ology. The key components for Scale-MAE are described
GSD Positional Encoding Images from scale-dependent
domains have a metric which defines the absolute scale for
the image. This metric has different names across domains
and is referred to as the Ground Sample Distance (GSD) in
remote sensing. The GSD is critical to understanding, con-
ceptually, the kinds of features that will be available in an
image. An image with finer GSD (lower number) will have
higher frequency details than an image with coarser GSD
(high number). Models are generally unaware of absolute
scale when learning over a set of data. Specifically, even if
they implicitly learn that all images in a dataset share a vary-
ing resolution from input-space augmentations, then these
models do not explicitly condition on the GSDs encountered
in unseen data.
We extend the positional encoding from Equation (2) to
include GSD by scaling the positional encoding relative to
the land area covered in an image as depicted in Figure 3
and mathematically:
vgsd,x(pos,2i) = sing
vgsd,y(pos,2i+ 1) = cosg
Figure 3. Ground Sample Distance Positional Encoding (GS-
DPE). (Left) Input images at the same pixel resolution but different
GSDs are shown. The image on the bottom is a subset of the image
on the top. (Center) This overlap in location, albeit at a different
resolution, is reflected in the GSDPE. The finer image with smaller
spatial extent is represented by a corresponding subsection of the
overall sine wave on the bottom. (Right) A standard positional
encoding is strictly dependent on the image resolution and uses the
same embedding for both. The colors behind the sine waves show
the intensity and quantization of the encoding.
where gis the GSD of the image and Gis a reference GSD,
nominally set to 1m. Intuitively, an object imaged at a finer
resolution has more pixels representing it. When imaging the
same object at a coarser resolution, those pixels must map to
fewer pixels. In Equation (4), we interpolate the positional
encoding by a factor ofG
gto account for the ordering of the
coarser set of pixels. This simple idea underpins the GSD
Positional Encoding, visualized in Figure 3.
Scale-MAE decoder The standard MAE learns represen-
tations by tasking a network with reconstructing an image
after masking out most of its pixels. While the standard
MAE decoder reconstructs the input image at the same scale
as its input, the objective of Scale-MAE is to learn multi-
scale representations. We draw on works from progressive
super-resolution such as [56], that learn a high resolution,
high frequency image and a lower resolution low frequency
image, that when combined together, yield the input image
at a higher resolution.
The Scale-MAE introduces a novel decoder which de-
codes to multiple scales with a progressive Laplacian de-
coder architecture, replacing the traditional MAE “decoder”,
which is really a Transfomer encoder. This architecture
consists of three stages: decoding, upsampling, and recon-
struction, which are shown in Figure 2 and detailed below.
Decoding follows the standard MAE decoder where fol-
lowing the encoder, the removed mpatches are then placed
back into their original location in the sequence of patches
where a learned mask token represents the masked patches
that were not encoded, a positional encoding is added, and
then a series of transformer layers decode all patches. In
contrast to the standard MAE decoder, the Scale-MAE de-
coder uses fewer transformer layers (e.g. 3 layers instead of
8), which reduces the parameter complexity as quantified
in Section 5. The output of these layers is then fed into the
upsampling stage.
Upsampling The latent feature maps from the decoding
stage are progressively upsampled to 2x and 4x resolution
using deconvolution blocks, where the first deconvolution