stringlengths 37
| output
stringlengths 9
### Instruction:
in 2103, what are the five most frequent specimen tests given to patients within 2 months after being diagnosed with hearing loss nos?
### Response:
| SELECT t3.spec_type_desc FROM (SELECT t2.spec_type_desc, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.charttime FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'hearing loss nos') AND STRFTIME('%y', diagnoses_icd.charttime) = '2103') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, microbiologyevents.spec_type_desc, microbiologyevents.charttime FROM microbiologyevents JOIN admissions ON microbiologyevents.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE STRFTIME('%y', microbiologyevents.charttime) = '2103') AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.charttime AND DATETIME(t2.charttime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.charttime) AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, '+2 month') GROUP BY t2.spec_type_desc) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 5 |
### Instruction:
list the three most common lab tests that were given to patients within 2 months after receiving oth perc proc bil trct in 2104.
### Response:
| SELECT d_labitems.label FROM d_labitems WHERE d_labitems.itemid IN (SELECT t3.itemid FROM (SELECT t2.itemid, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'oth perc proc bil trct') AND STRFTIME('%y', procedures_icd.charttime) = '2104') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, labevents.itemid, labevents.charttime FROM labevents JOIN admissions ON labevents.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE STRFTIME('%y', labevents.charttime) = '2104') AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.charttime AND DATETIME(t2.charttime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.charttime) AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, '+2 month') GROUP BY t2.itemid) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 3) |
### Instruction:
what are the five most frequently prescribed drugs within 2 months to the acute respiratory failure male patients aged 30s after they have been diagnosed with acute respiratory failure since 2 years ago?
### Response:
| SELECT t3.drugname FROM (SELECT t2.drugname, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'acute respiratory failure' AND DATETIME(diagnosis.diagnosistime) >= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-2 year')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugname, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE patient.gender = 'male' AND patient.age BETWEEN 30 AND 39 AND DATETIME(medication.drugstarttime) >= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-2 year')) AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.diagnosistime < t2.drugstarttime AND DATETIME(t2.drugstarttime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.diagnosistime) AND DATETIME(t1.diagnosistime, '+2 month') GROUP BY t2.drugname) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 5 |
### Instruction:
what were the three most frequent lab tests those patients had within 2 months after having had a inject ca chemother nec procedure until 2103?
### Response:
| SELECT d_labitems.label FROM d_labitems WHERE d_labitems.itemid IN (SELECT t3.itemid FROM (SELECT t2.itemid, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'inject ca chemother nec') AND STRFTIME('%y', procedures_icd.charttime) <= '2103') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, labevents.itemid, labevents.charttime FROM labevents JOIN admissions ON labevents.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE STRFTIME('%y', labevents.charttime) <= '2103') AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.charttime AND DATETIME(t2.charttime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.charttime) AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, '+2 month') GROUP BY t2.itemid) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 3) |
### Instruction:
what were the four most commonly diagnosed diagnoses for patients who were previously diagnosed with ac alcoholic hepatitis within 2 months?
### Response:
| SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.short_title FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code IN (SELECT t3.icd9_code FROM (SELECT t2.icd9_code, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.charttime FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'ac alcoholic hepatitis')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.icd9_code, diagnoses_icd.charttime FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id) AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.charttime AND DATETIME(t2.charttime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.charttime) AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, '+2 month') GROUP BY t2.icd9_code) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 4) |
### Instruction:
what are the three most commonly ordered specimen tests for patients who had been diagnosed with hemorrhage complic proc before within the same month until 2104?
### Response:
| SELECT t3.spec_type_desc FROM (SELECT t2.spec_type_desc, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.charttime FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'hemorrhage complic proc') AND STRFTIME('%y', diagnoses_icd.charttime) <= '2104') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, microbiologyevents.spec_type_desc, microbiologyevents.charttime FROM microbiologyevents JOIN admissions ON microbiologyevents.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE STRFTIME('%y', microbiologyevents.charttime) <= '2104') AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.charttime AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, 'start of month') = DATETIME(t2.charttime, 'start of month') GROUP BY t2.spec_type_desc) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 3 |
### Instruction:
how much is the change of arterial bp [diastolic] of patient 28443 last measured on the current intensive care unit visit compared to the value second to last measured on the current intensive care unit visit?
### Response:
| SELECT (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 28443) AND icustays.outtime IS NULL) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'arterial bp [diastolic]' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime DESC LIMIT 1) - (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 28443) AND icustays.outtime IS NULL) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'arterial bp [diastolic]' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1) |
### Instruction:
what is the top five most frequent diagnosis that patients were diagnosed with within 2 months after being diagnosed with mitral valve disorder?
### Response:
| SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.short_title FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code IN (SELECT t3.icd9_code FROM (SELECT t2.icd9_code, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.charttime FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'mitral valve disorder')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.icd9_code, diagnoses_icd.charttime FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id) AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.charttime AND DATETIME(t2.charttime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.charttime) AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, '+2 month') GROUP BY t2.icd9_code) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 5) |
### Instruction:
among female patients diagnosed with chronic renal insufficiency in 2105, what are the top three most frequently prescribed medications that followed afterwards within the same hospital visit to the chronic renal insufficiency patients aged 20s?
### Response:
| SELECT t3.drugname FROM (SELECT t2.drugname, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime, patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'chronic renal insufficiency' AND STRFTIME('%y', diagnosis.diagnosistime) = '2105') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugname, medication.drugstarttime, patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE patient.gender = 'female' AND patient.age BETWEEN 20 AND 29 AND STRFTIME('%y', medication.drugstarttime) = '2105') AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.diagnosistime < t2.drugstarttime AND t1.patienthealthsystemstayid = t2.patienthealthsystemstayid GROUP BY t2.drugname) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 3 |
### Instruction:
calculate the one year survival probability among the patients who were prescribed midodrine hcl 5 mg po tabs after they were diagnosed with facial bone fracture - nasal fracture.
### Response:
| SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN patient.hospitaldischargestatus = 'alive' THEN 1 WHEN STRFTIME('%j', patient.hospitaldischargetime) - STRFTIME('%j', t4.diagnosistime) > 1 * 365 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) * 100 / COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT t2.uniquepid, t2.diagnosistime FROM (SELECT t1.uniquepid, t1.diagnosistime FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'facial bone fracture - nasal fracture' GROUP BY patient.uniquepid HAVING MIN(diagnosis.diagnosistime) = diagnosis.diagnosistime) AS t1) AS t2 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE medication.drugname = 'midodrine hcl 5 mg po tabs') AS t3 ON t2.uniquepid = t3.uniquepid WHERE t2.diagnosistime < t3.drugstarttime) AS t4 JOIN patient ON t4.uniquepid = patient.uniquepid |
### Instruction:
list all flights going from BOSTON to ATLANTA after 1800 o'clock on wednesday and before 700 o'clock am on thursday
### Response:
| SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, date_day, days, flight WHERE ((date_day.day_number = 24 AND date_day.month_number = 4 AND date_day.year = 1991 AND days.day_name = date_day.day_name AND flight.departure_time < 1800 AND flight.flight_days = days.days_code) OR (date_day.day_number = 23 AND date_day.month_number = 4 AND date_day.year = 1991 AND days.day_name = date_day.day_name AND flight.departure_time > 700 AND flight.flight_days = days.days_code)) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'BOSTON' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'ATLANTA' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code |
### Instruction:
what was the name of the prescription drug patient 012-85821 was prescribed during the same day after having received a vte prophylaxis - coumadin procedure in 04/2102?
### Response:
| SELECT t2.drugname FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, treatment.treatmenttime FROM treatment JOIN patient ON treatment.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '012-85821') AND treatment.treatmentname = 'vte prophylaxis - coumadin' AND STRFTIME('%y-%m', treatment.treatmenttime) = '2102-04') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugname, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '012-85821') AND STRFTIME('%y-%m', medication.drugstarttime) = '2102-04') AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.treatmenttime < t2.drugstarttime AND DATETIME(t1.treatmenttime, 'start of day') = DATETIME(t2.drugstarttime, 'start of day') |
### Instruction:
what are the four most common drugs prescribed to patients of the 40s in the same hospital visit after they have been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease the previous year?
### Response:
| SELECT t3.drugname FROM (SELECT t2.drugname, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime, patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'chronic kidney disease' AND DATETIME(diagnosis.diagnosistime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-1 year')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugname, medication.drugstarttime, patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE patient.age BETWEEN 40 AND 49 AND DATETIME(medication.drugstarttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-1 year')) AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.diagnosistime < t2.drugstarttime AND t1.patienthealthsystemstayid = t2.patienthealthsystemstayid GROUP BY t2.drugname) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 4 |
### Instruction:
how many people were diagnosed with cardiomyopathy and did not visit the hospital within 2 months during this year?
### Response:
| SELECT (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t1.uniquepid) FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'cardiomyopathy' AND DATETIME(diagnosis.diagnosistime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year')) AS t1) - (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t2.uniquepid) FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'cardiomyopathy' AND DATETIME(diagnosis.diagnosistime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year')) AS t2 JOIN patient ON t2.uniquepid = patient.uniquepid WHERE t2.diagnosistime < patient.hospitaladmittime AND DATETIME(patient.hospitaladmittime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year') AND DATETIME(patient.hospitaladmittime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t2.diagnosistime) AND DATETIME(t2.diagnosistime, '+2 month')) |
### Instruction:
is patient 16715's level of heart rate last measured on the last intensive care unit visit less than it was second to last measured on the last intensive care unit visit?
### Response:
| SELECT (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 16715) AND NOT icustays.outtime IS NULL ORDER BY icustays.intime DESC LIMIT 1) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'heart rate' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime DESC LIMIT 1) < (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 16715) AND NOT icustays.outtime IS NULL ORDER BY icustays.intime DESC LIMIT 1) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'heart rate' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1) |
### Instruction:
in 2104, what were the five most frequent drugs prescribed within 2 months to the hypotension / pressor dependent female patients aged 40s after they had been diagnosed with hypotension / pressor dependent?
### Response:
| SELECT t3.drugname FROM (SELECT t2.drugname, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'hypotension / pressor dependent' AND STRFTIME('%y', diagnosis.diagnosistime) = '2104') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugname, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE patient.gender = 'female' AND patient.age BETWEEN 40 AND 49 AND STRFTIME('%y', medication.drugstarttime) = '2104') AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.diagnosistime < t2.drugstarttime AND DATETIME(t2.drugstarttime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.diagnosistime) AND DATETIME(t1.diagnosistime, '+2 month') GROUP BY t2.drugname) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 5 |
### Instruction:
please show me airlines with round trip flights from BOSTON to DENVER stop PHILADELPHIA
### Response:
| SELECT DISTINCT airline.airline_code FROM airline, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_2, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, city AS CITY_2, fare, flight, flight_fare, flight_stop WHERE ((CITY_2.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_2.city_code AND CITY_2.city_name = 'PHILADELPHIA' AND NOT fare.round_trip_cost IS NULL AND flight_fare.fare_id = fare.fare_id AND flight_stop.stop_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_2.airport_code AND flight.flight_id = flight_fare.flight_id AND flight.flight_id = flight_stop.flight_id) AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'DENVER' AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'BOSTON' AND flight.airline_code = airline.airline_code AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code |
### Instruction:
is the value of the arterial bp mean of patient 22120 second measured on the first icu visit greater than first measured on the first icu visit?
### Response:
| SELECT (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 22120) AND NOT icustays.outtime IS NULL ORDER BY icustays.intime LIMIT 1) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'arterial bp mean' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1) > (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 22120) AND NOT icustays.outtime IS NULL ORDER BY icustays.intime LIMIT 1) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'arterial bp mean' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime LIMIT 1) |
### Instruction:
until 2102, what are the top five most commonly ordered lab tests for patients in the same month after being diagnosed with spinal stenosis nos?
### Response:
| SELECT d_labitems.label FROM d_labitems WHERE d_labitems.itemid IN (SELECT t3.itemid FROM (SELECT t2.itemid, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.charttime FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'spinal stenosis nos') AND STRFTIME('%y', diagnoses_icd.charttime) <= '2102') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, labevents.itemid, labevents.charttime FROM labevents JOIN admissions ON labevents.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE STRFTIME('%y', labevents.charttime) <= '2102') AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.charttime AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, 'start of month') = DATETIME(t2.charttime, 'start of month') GROUP BY t2.itemid) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 5) |
### Instruction:
what was the name of the drug prescribed to patient 030-53416 after having been diagnosed with hypovolemic shock in 05/2105 in the same day?
### Response:
| SELECT t2.drugname FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '030-53416') AND diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'hypovolemic shock' AND STRFTIME('%y-%m', diagnosis.diagnosistime) = '2105-05') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugname, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '030-53416') AND STRFTIME('%y-%m', medication.drugstarttime) = '2105-05') AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.diagnosistime < t2.drugstarttime AND DATETIME(t1.diagnosistime, 'start of day') = DATETIME(t2.drugstarttime, 'start of day') |
### Instruction:
Programming languages trends - inc. related tags.
### Response:
| SELECT YEAR(p.CreationDate), 100.0 * SUM(CASE WHEN t.Id IN (5, 21, 382, 75151, 3988, 57799, 106940, 114990, 8945, 8279, 14642, 984, 1581, 92312, 1661, 3437, 104777, 60676, 105840, 7528, 112569, 120888, 357, 78546, 26762, 3262, 63960, 98900, 99724, 2290, 66821, 1380, 81001, 5505, 107832, 85709, 2857, 72364, 44230, 38663, 88458) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) / COUNT(p.Id) AS phpPosts FROM Posts AS p JOIN PostTags AS pTags ON pTags.PostId = p.Id JOIN Tags AS t ON t.Id = ptags.TagId GROUP BY YEAR(p.CreationDate) |
### Instruction:
give me information on flights from ATLANTA to WASHINGTON on wednesday after 1600 and thursday before 900
### Response:
| SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, date_day, days, flight WHERE ((date_day.day_number = 24 AND date_day.month_number = 4 AND date_day.year = 1991 AND days.day_name = date_day.day_name AND flight.departure_time < 1600 AND flight.flight_days = days.days_code) OR (date_day.day_number = 23 AND date_day.month_number = 4 AND date_day.year = 1991 AND days.day_name = date_day.day_name AND flight.departure_time > 900 AND flight.flight_days = days.days_code)) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'ATLANTA' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'WASHINGTON' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code |
### Instruction:
how much is the changing of patient 14154 in heart rate last measured on the last icu visit compared to the second to last value measured on the last icu visit?
### Response:
| SELECT (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 14154) AND NOT icustays.outtime IS NULL ORDER BY icustays.intime DESC LIMIT 1) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'heart rate' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime DESC LIMIT 1) - (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 14154) AND NOT icustays.outtime IS NULL ORDER BY icustays.intime DESC LIMIT 1) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'heart rate' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1) |
### Instruction:
until 3 years ago, what are the five most frequent medications prescribed to the transaminase elevation female patients 20s after they have been diagnosed with transaminase elevation in the same hospital encounter?
### Response:
| SELECT t3.drugname FROM (SELECT t2.drugname, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime, patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'transaminase elevation' AND DATETIME(diagnosis.diagnosistime) <= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-3 year')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugname, medication.drugstarttime, patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE patient.gender = 'female' AND patient.age BETWEEN 20 AND 29 AND DATETIME(medication.drugstarttime) <= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-3 year')) AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.diagnosistime < t2.drugstarttime AND t1.patienthealthsystemstayid = t2.patienthealthsystemstayid GROUP BY t2.drugname) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 5 |
### Instruction:
what were the three most frequently prescribed medicines that patients were prescribed within 2 months after being diagnosed with hyperlipidemia nec/nos until 2102?
### Response:
| SELECT t3.drug FROM (SELECT t2.drug, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.charttime FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'hyperlipidemia nec/nos') AND STRFTIME('%y', diagnoses_icd.charttime) <= '2102') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, prescriptions.drug, prescriptions.startdate FROM prescriptions JOIN admissions ON prescriptions.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE STRFTIME('%y', prescriptions.startdate) <= '2102') AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.startdate AND DATETIME(t2.startdate) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.charttime) AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, '+2 month') GROUP BY t2.drug) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 3 |
### Instruction:
since 2102 what is the four most frequent medications prescribed within 2 months to hyperglycemia - stress related female patients of age 50s after they have been diagnosed with hyperglycemia - stress related?
### Response:
| SELECT t3.drugname FROM (SELECT t2.drugname, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'hyperglycemia - stress related' AND STRFTIME('%y', diagnosis.diagnosistime) >= '2102') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugname, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE patient.gender = 'female' AND patient.age BETWEEN 50 AND 59 AND STRFTIME('%y', medication.drugstarttime) >= '2102') AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.diagnosistime < t2.drugstarttime AND DATETIME(t2.drugstarttime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.diagnosistime) AND DATETIME(t1.diagnosistime, '+2 month') GROUP BY t2.drugname) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 4 |
### Instruction:
is the level of heart rate in patient 3911 last measured on the last intensive care unit visit less than the value second to last measured on the last intensive care unit visit?
### Response:
| SELECT (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 3911) AND NOT icustays.outtime IS NULL ORDER BY icustays.intime DESC LIMIT 1) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'heart rate' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime DESC LIMIT 1) < (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 3911) AND NOT icustays.outtime IS NULL ORDER BY icustays.intime DESC LIMIT 1) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'heart rate' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1) |
### Instruction:
calculate the three year survival probability of the patients who were prescribed metoprolol tartrate 25 mg tablet after having been diagnosed with pancreatitis - with pseudocyst formation.
### Response:
| SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN patient.hospitaldischargestatus = 'alive' THEN 1 WHEN STRFTIME('%j', patient.hospitaldischargetime) - STRFTIME('%j', t4.diagnosistime) > 3 * 365 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) * 100 / COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT t2.uniquepid, t2.diagnosistime FROM (SELECT t1.uniquepid, t1.diagnosistime FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'pancreatitis - with pseudocyst formation' GROUP BY patient.uniquepid HAVING MIN(diagnosis.diagnosistime) = diagnosis.diagnosistime) AS t1) AS t2 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE medication.drugname = 'metoprolol tartrate 25 mg tablet') AS t3 ON t2.uniquepid = t3.uniquepid WHERE t2.diagnosistime < t3.drugstarttime) AS t4 JOIN patient ON t4.uniquepid = patient.uniquepid |
### Instruction:
how many patients received the revise lg bowel anastom within 2 months after receiving the hemodialysis until 2104?
### Response:
| SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t1.subject_id) FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'hemodialysis') AND STRFTIME('%y', procedures_icd.charttime) <= '2104') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'revise lg bowel anastom') AND STRFTIME('%y', procedures_icd.charttime) <= '2104') AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.charttime AND DATETIME(t2.charttime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.charttime) AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, '+2 month') |
### Instruction:
how many patients were treated for kidney transplant nec within 2 months after choledochoenterostomy in 2105?
### Response:
| SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t1.subject_id) FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'choledochoenterostomy') AND STRFTIME('%y', procedures_icd.charttime) = '2105') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'kidney transplant nec') AND STRFTIME('%y', procedures_icd.charttime) = '2105') AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.charttime AND DATETIME(t2.charttime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.charttime) AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, '+2 month') |
### Instruction:
what are the three most commonly prescribed medications for patients who have received audiological evaluation before during the same month, during this year?
### Response:
| SELECT t3.drug FROM (SELECT t2.drug, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'audiological evaluation') AND DATETIME(procedures_icd.charttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, prescriptions.drug, prescriptions.startdate FROM prescriptions JOIN admissions ON prescriptions.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE DATETIME(prescriptions.startdate, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year')) AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.startdate AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, 'start of month') = DATETIME(t2.startdate, 'start of month') GROUP BY t2.drug) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 3 |
### Instruction:
count the number of people that died after being diagnosed with hpt c w/o hepat coma nos during the same month in this year.
### Response:
| SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t2.subject_id) FROM (SELECT t1.subject_id, t1.charttime FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.charttime FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'hpt c w/o hepat coma nos')) AS t1 GROUP BY t1.subject_id HAVING MIN(t1.charttime) = t1.charttime AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year')) AS t2 JOIN (SELECT patients.subject_id, admissions.hadm_id, patients.dod FROM admissions JOIN patients ON patients.subject_id = admissions.subject_id WHERE NOT patients.dod IS NULL AND DATETIME(patients.dod, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year')) AS t3 ON t2.subject_id = t3.subject_id WHERE DATETIME(t2.charttime, 'start of month') = DATETIME(t3.dod, 'start of month') |
### Instruction:
how many patients have received left heart cardiac cath after the first skull plate insertion in the same hospital visit until 1 year ago?
### Response:
| SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t1.subject_id) FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime, admissions.hadm_id FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'skull plate insertion') AND DATETIME(procedures_icd.charttime) <= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-1 year')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime, admissions.hadm_id FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'left heart cardiac cath') AND DATETIME(procedures_icd.charttime) <= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-1 year')) AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.charttime AND t1.hadm_id = t2.hadm_id |
### Instruction:
what difference was in the weight of patient 27739 last measured on the last hospital visit compared to the value second to last measured on the last hospital visit?
### Response:
| SELECT (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 27739 AND NOT admissions.dischtime IS NULL ORDER BY admissions.admittime DESC LIMIT 1)) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'admit wt' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime DESC LIMIT 1) - (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 27739 AND NOT admissions.dischtime IS NULL ORDER BY admissions.admittime DESC LIMIT 1)) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'admit wt' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1) |
### Instruction:
show me the arterial bp mean change for patient 10431 last measured on the first icu visit compared to the first value measured on the first icu visit?
### Response:
| SELECT (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 10431) AND NOT icustays.outtime IS NULL ORDER BY icustays.intime LIMIT 1) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'arterial bp mean' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime DESC LIMIT 1) - (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 10431) AND NOT icustays.outtime IS NULL ORDER BY icustays.intime LIMIT 1) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'arterial bp mean' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime LIMIT 1) |
### Instruction:
count the number of people who were prescribed chlorhexidine gluconate 0.12% oral rinse within 2 months following a diagnosis of oth spf gastrt w hmrhg until 2102.
### Response:
| SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t1.subject_id) FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.charttime FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'oth spf gastrt w hmrhg') AND STRFTIME('%y', diagnoses_icd.charttime) <= '2102') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, prescriptions.startdate FROM prescriptions JOIN admissions ON prescriptions.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE prescriptions.drug = 'chlorhexidine gluconate 0.12% oral rinse' AND STRFTIME('%y', prescriptions.startdate) <= '2102') AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.startdate AND DATETIME(t2.startdate) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.charttime) AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, '+2 month') |
### Instruction:
what is the name of the drug which was prescribed to patient 005-46456 during the same day after having received a implantation of heart pacemaker - temporary since 2 months ago.
### Response:
| SELECT t2.drugname FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, treatment.treatmenttime FROM treatment JOIN patient ON treatment.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '005-46456') AND treatment.treatmentname = 'implantation of heart pacemaker - temporary' AND DATETIME(treatment.treatmenttime) >= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-2 month')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugname, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '005-46456') AND DATETIME(medication.drugstarttime) >= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-2 month')) AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.treatmenttime < t2.drugstarttime AND DATETIME(t1.treatmenttime, 'start of day') = DATETIME(t2.drugstarttime, 'start of day') |
### Instruction:
what are the four year survival rates of patients who had been prescribed potassium chloride inj 2 meq/ml vial after having been diagnosed with acute respiratory distress?
### Response:
| SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN patient.hospitaldischargestatus = 'alive' THEN 1 WHEN STRFTIME('%j', patient.hospitaldischargetime) - STRFTIME('%j', t4.diagnosistime) > 4 * 365 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) * 100 / COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT t2.uniquepid, t2.diagnosistime FROM (SELECT t1.uniquepid, t1.diagnosistime FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'acute respiratory distress' GROUP BY patient.uniquepid HAVING MIN(diagnosis.diagnosistime) = diagnosis.diagnosistime) AS t1) AS t2 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE medication.drugname = 'potassium chloride inj 2 meq/ml vial') AS t3 ON t2.uniquepid = t3.uniquepid WHERE t2.diagnosistime < t3.drugstarttime) AS t4 JOIN patient ON t4.uniquepid = patient.uniquepid |
### Instruction:
are heart rate of patient 2518 measured at 2105-12-31 12:00:00 less than measured at 2105-12-31 09:00:00?
### Response:
| SELECT (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 2518)) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'heart rate' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') AND chartevents.charttime = '2105-12-31 12:00:00') < (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 2518)) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'heart rate' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') AND chartevents.charttime = '2105-12-31 09:00:00') |
### Instruction:
is the value of the heart rate of patient 31325 second measured on the last intensive care unit visit less than first measured on the last intensive care unit visit?
### Response:
| SELECT (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 31325) AND NOT icustays.outtime IS NULL ORDER BY icustays.intime DESC LIMIT 1) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'heart rate' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1) < (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 31325) AND NOT icustays.outtime IS NULL ORDER BY icustays.intime DESC LIMIT 1) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'heart rate' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime LIMIT 1) |
### Instruction:
until 1 year ago what were the five most commonly prescribed drugs for patients who had previously received oth perc proc bil trct within 2 months?
### Response:
| SELECT t3.drug FROM (SELECT t2.drug, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'oth perc proc bil trct') AND DATETIME(procedures_icd.charttime) <= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-1 year')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, prescriptions.drug, prescriptions.startdate FROM prescriptions JOIN admissions ON prescriptions.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE DATETIME(prescriptions.startdate) <= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-1 year')) AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.startdate AND DATETIME(t2.startdate) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.charttime) AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, '+2 month') GROUP BY t2.drug) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 5 |
### Instruction:
what are the three most commonly ordered specimen tests for patients who previously had been diagnosed with polyphagia within the same month in 2103?
### Response:
| SELECT t3.spec_type_desc FROM (SELECT t2.spec_type_desc, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.charttime FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'polyphagia') AND STRFTIME('%y', diagnoses_icd.charttime) = '2103') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, microbiologyevents.spec_type_desc, microbiologyevents.charttime FROM microbiologyevents JOIN admissions ON microbiologyevents.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE STRFTIME('%y', microbiologyevents.charttime) = '2103') AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.charttime AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, 'start of month') = DATETIME(t2.charttime, 'start of month') GROUP BY t2.spec_type_desc) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 3 |
### Instruction:
what are the three most frequently given diagnoses for patients who had previously had ot cerv fusion post/post within 2 months,?
### Response:
| SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.short_title FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code IN (SELECT t3.icd9_code FROM (SELECT t2.icd9_code, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'ot cerv fusion post/post')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.icd9_code, diagnoses_icd.charttime FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id) AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.charttime AND DATETIME(t2.charttime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.charttime) AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, '+2 month') GROUP BY t2.icd9_code) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 3) |
### Instruction:
since 2102, what were the five most frequent medications prescribed to the motor neuropathy - multiple sclerosis male patients 50s during the same month after they were diagnosed with motor neuropathy - multiple sclerosis?
### Response:
| SELECT t3.drugname FROM (SELECT t2.drugname, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'motor neuropathy - multiple sclerosis' AND STRFTIME('%y', diagnosis.diagnosistime) >= '2102') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugname, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE patient.gender = 'male' AND patient.age BETWEEN 50 AND 59 AND STRFTIME('%y', medication.drugstarttime) >= '2102') AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.diagnosistime < t2.drugstarttime AND DATETIME(t1.diagnosistime, 'start of month') = DATETIME(t2.drugstarttime, 'start of month') GROUP BY t2.drugname) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 5 |
### Instruction:
last year what were the top five most frequently prescribed medications to patients within 2 months after the prescription of chlorhexidine gluconate ud liq 15ml?
### Response:
| SELECT t3.drugname FROM (SELECT t2.drugname, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE medication.drugname = 'chlorhexidine gluconate ud liq 15ml' AND DATETIME(medication.drugstarttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-1 year')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugname, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE DATETIME(medication.drugstarttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-1 year')) AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.drugstarttime < t2.drugstarttime AND DATETIME(t2.drugstarttime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.drugstarttime) AND DATETIME(t1.drugstarttime, '+2 month') GROUP BY t2.drugname) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 5 |
### Instruction:
what are the three most commonly prescribed medications for patients who have been diagnosed with aortocoronary bypass before during the same month, until 3 years ago?
### Response:
| SELECT t3.drug FROM (SELECT t2.drug, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.charttime FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'aortocoronary bypass') AND DATETIME(diagnoses_icd.charttime) <= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-3 year')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, prescriptions.drug, prescriptions.startdate FROM prescriptions JOIN admissions ON prescriptions.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE DATETIME(prescriptions.startdate) <= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-3 year')) AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.startdate AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, 'start of month') = DATETIME(t2.startdate, 'start of month') GROUP BY t2.drug) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 3 |
### Instruction:
what is patient 6536's difference in the patient's sao2 second measured on the first icu visit compared to the value first measured on the first icu visit?
### Response:
| SELECT (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 6536) AND NOT icustays.outtime IS NULL ORDER BY icustays.intime LIMIT 1) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'sao2' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1) - (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 6536) AND NOT icustays.outtime IS NULL ORDER BY icustays.intime LIMIT 1) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'sao2' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime LIMIT 1) |
### Instruction:
until 2104, what are the top three most frequent medications prescribed within 2 months to the coronary artery disease female patients aged 20s after they have been diagnosed with coronary artery disease?
### Response:
| SELECT t3.drugname FROM (SELECT t2.drugname, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'coronary artery disease' AND STRFTIME('%y', diagnosis.diagnosistime) <= '2104') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugname, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE patient.gender = 'female' AND patient.age BETWEEN 20 AND 29 AND STRFTIME('%y', medication.drugstarttime) <= '2104') AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.diagnosistime < t2.drugstarttime AND DATETIME(t2.drugstarttime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.diagnosistime) AND DATETIME(t1.diagnosistime, '+2 month') GROUP BY t2.drugname) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 3 |
### Instruction:
when is the first time that patient 96833 has been prescribed albuterol 0.083% neb soln and nephrocaps at the same time in 12/this year?
### Response:
| SELECT t1.startdate FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, prescriptions.startdate FROM prescriptions JOIN admissions ON prescriptions.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE prescriptions.drug = 'albuterol 0.083% neb soln' AND admissions.subject_id = 96833 AND DATETIME(prescriptions.startdate, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year') AND STRFTIME('%m', prescriptions.startdate) = '12') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, prescriptions.startdate FROM prescriptions JOIN admissions ON prescriptions.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE prescriptions.drug = 'nephrocaps' AND admissions.subject_id = 96833 AND DATETIME(prescriptions.startdate, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year') AND STRFTIME('%m', prescriptions.startdate) = '12') AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE DATETIME(t1.startdate) = DATETIME(t2.startdate) ORDER BY t1.startdate LIMIT 1 |
### Instruction:
list the three most common microbiology tests done on patients who have previously received endotracheal tube - insertion within 2 months during the previous year?
### Response:
| SELECT t3.culturesite FROM (SELECT t2.culturesite, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, treatment.treatmenttime FROM treatment JOIN patient ON treatment.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE treatment.treatmentname = 'endotracheal tube - insertion' AND DATETIME(treatment.treatmenttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-1 year')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, microlab.culturesite, microlab.culturetakentime FROM microlab JOIN patient ON microlab.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE DATETIME(microlab.culturetakentime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-1 year')) AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.treatmenttime < t2.culturetakentime AND DATETIME(t2.culturetakentime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.treatmenttime) AND DATETIME(t1.treatmenttime, '+2 month') GROUP BY t2.culturesite) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 3 |
### Instruction:
what are the three most frequent drugs prescribed to valve replacement < 7days female patients of the 50s within the same month after they have been diagnosed since 4 years ago with valve replacement < 7days?
### Response:
| SELECT t3.drugname FROM (SELECT t2.drugname, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'valve replacement < 7days' AND DATETIME(diagnosis.diagnosistime) >= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-4 year')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugname, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE patient.gender = 'female' AND patient.age BETWEEN 50 AND 59 AND DATETIME(medication.drugstarttime) >= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-4 year')) AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.diagnosistime < t2.drugstarttime AND DATETIME(t1.diagnosistime, 'start of month') = DATETIME(t2.drugstarttime, 'start of month') GROUP BY t2.drugname) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 3 |
### Instruction:
what is the two year survival rate of patients prescribed with piperacillin-tazobactam 3.375 g ivpb after diagnosed with malignancy?
### Response:
| SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN patient.hospitaldischargestatus = 'alive' THEN 1 WHEN STRFTIME('%j', patient.hospitaldischargetime) - STRFTIME('%j', t4.diagnosistime) > 2 * 365 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) * 100 / COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT t2.uniquepid, t2.diagnosistime FROM (SELECT t1.uniquepid, t1.diagnosistime FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'malignancy' GROUP BY patient.uniquepid HAVING MIN(diagnosis.diagnosistime) = diagnosis.diagnosistime) AS t1) AS t2 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE medication.drugname = 'piperacillin-tazobactam 3.375 g ivpb') AS t3 ON t2.uniquepid = t3.uniquepid WHERE t2.diagnosistime < t3.drugstarttime) AS t4 JOIN patient ON t4.uniquepid = patient.uniquepid |
### Instruction:
give me the flights from NEW YORK to LAS VEGAS on sunday and the flights from MEMPHIS to LAS VEGAS on sunday
### Response:
| SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_2, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, city AS CITY_2, date_day, days, flight WHERE (CITY_2.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_2.city_code AND CITY_2.city_name = 'LAS VEGAS' AND date_day.day_number = 27 AND date_day.month_number = 8 AND date_day.year = 1991 AND days.day_name = date_day.day_name AND flight.flight_days = days.days_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_2.airport_code) AND ((flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'NEW YORK') OR (flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'MEMPHIS')) |
### Instruction:
what number of patients received a cardiopulm resuscita nos procedure in the same hospital encounter after receiving a dx ultrasound-heart procedure in 2105?
### Response:
| SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t1.subject_id) FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime, admissions.hadm_id FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'dx ultrasound-heart') AND STRFTIME('%y', procedures_icd.charttime) = '2105') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime, admissions.hadm_id FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'cardiopulm resuscita nos') AND STRFTIME('%y', procedures_icd.charttime) = '2105') AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.charttime AND t1.hadm_id = t2.hadm_id |
### Instruction:
what is the drug that patient 66015 was prescribed for after the closed bronchial biopsy during the previous month within 2 days?
### Response:
| SELECT t2.drug FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE admissions.subject_id = 66015 AND procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'closed bronchial biopsy') AND DATETIME(procedures_icd.charttime, 'start of month') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of month', '-1 month')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, prescriptions.drug, prescriptions.startdate FROM prescriptions JOIN admissions ON prescriptions.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE admissions.subject_id = 66015 AND DATETIME(prescriptions.startdate, 'start of month') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of month', '-1 month')) AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.startdate AND DATETIME(t2.startdate) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.charttime) AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, '+2 day') |
### Instruction:
was the temperature c (calc) value of patient 18159 last measured on the first icu visit greater than the value first measured on the first icu visit?
### Response:
| SELECT (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 18159) AND NOT icustays.outtime IS NULL ORDER BY icustays.intime LIMIT 1) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'temperature c (calc)' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime DESC LIMIT 1) > (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 18159) AND NOT icustays.outtime IS NULL ORDER BY icustays.intime LIMIT 1) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'temperature c (calc)' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime LIMIT 1) |
### Instruction:
calculate the five year survival rate of patients who were prescribed albuterol 2.5 mg/0.5ml ud inh soln after they had been diagnosed with pain?
### Response:
| SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN patient.hospitaldischargestatus = 'alive' THEN 1 WHEN STRFTIME('%j', patient.hospitaldischargetime) - STRFTIME('%j', t4.diagnosistime) > 5 * 365 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) * 100 / COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT t2.uniquepid, t2.diagnosistime FROM (SELECT t1.uniquepid, t1.diagnosistime FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'pain' GROUP BY patient.uniquepid HAVING MIN(diagnosis.diagnosistime) = diagnosis.diagnosistime) AS t1) AS t2 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE medication.drugname = 'albuterol 2.5 mg/0.5ml ud inh soln') AS t3 ON t2.uniquepid = t3.uniquepid WHERE t2.diagnosistime < t3.drugstarttime) AS t4 JOIN patient ON t4.uniquepid = patient.uniquepid |
### Instruction:
how many patients within 2 months in 2103 have received hemodialysis after the previous closed bronchial biopsy procedure?
### Response:
| SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t1.subject_id) FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'closed bronchial biopsy') AND STRFTIME('%y', procedures_icd.charttime) = '2103') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'hemodialysis') AND STRFTIME('%y', procedures_icd.charttime) = '2103') AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.charttime AND DATETIME(t2.charttime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.charttime) AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, '+2 month') |
### Instruction:
how much does the arterial bp [systolic] of patient 8116 vary second measured on the current intensive care unit visit compared to the first value measured on the current intensive care unit visit?
### Response:
| SELECT (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 8116) AND icustays.outtime IS NULL) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'arterial bp [systolic]' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1) - (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 8116) AND icustays.outtime IS NULL) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'arterial bp [systolic]' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime LIMIT 1) |
### Instruction:
what are the top five commonly prescribed drugs that patients were prescribed after having received a tracheostomy - performed during current admission for ventilatory support treatment during this year within 2 months?
### Response:
| SELECT t3.drugname FROM (SELECT t2.drugname, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, treatment.treatmenttime FROM treatment JOIN patient ON treatment.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE treatment.treatmentname = 'tracheostomy - performed during current admission for ventilatory support' AND DATETIME(treatment.treatmenttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugname, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE DATETIME(medication.drugstarttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year')) AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.treatmenttime < t2.drugstarttime AND DATETIME(t2.drugstarttime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.treatmenttime) AND DATETIME(t1.treatmenttime, '+2 month') GROUP BY t2.drugname) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 5 |
### Instruction:
what is the number of patients who died after diagnosis of atriovent block-1st degr in the same month during this year?
### Response:
| SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t2.subject_id) FROM (SELECT t1.subject_id, t1.charttime FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.charttime FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'atriovent block-1st degr')) AS t1 GROUP BY t1.subject_id HAVING MIN(t1.charttime) = t1.charttime AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year')) AS t2 JOIN (SELECT patients.subject_id, admissions.hadm_id, patients.dod FROM admissions JOIN patients ON patients.subject_id = admissions.subject_id WHERE NOT patients.dod IS NULL AND DATETIME(patients.dod, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year')) AS t3 ON t2.subject_id = t3.subject_id WHERE DATETIME(t2.charttime, 'start of month') = DATETIME(t3.dod, 'start of month') |
### Instruction:
what is the four most frequent laboratory test that patients had during the same month after they received a lingual thyroid excision procedure in 2105?
### Response:
| SELECT d_labitems.label FROM d_labitems WHERE d_labitems.itemid IN (SELECT t3.itemid FROM (SELECT t2.itemid, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'lingual thyroid excision') AND STRFTIME('%y', procedures_icd.charttime) = '2105') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, labevents.itemid, labevents.charttime FROM labevents JOIN admissions ON labevents.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE STRFTIME('%y', labevents.charttime) = '2105') AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.charttime AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, 'start of month') = DATETIME(t2.charttime, 'start of month') GROUP BY t2.itemid) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 4) |
### Instruction:
what are the top five most frequent lab tests that followed within 2 months for the patient who received normal saline administration - moderate volume resuscitation (150-250 mls/hr) in the last year?
### Response:
| SELECT t3.labname FROM (SELECT t2.labname, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, treatment.treatmenttime FROM treatment JOIN patient ON treatment.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE treatment.treatmentname = 'normal saline administration - moderate volume resuscitation (150-250 mls/hr)' AND DATETIME(treatment.treatmenttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-1 year')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, lab.labname, lab.labresulttime FROM lab JOIN patient ON lab.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE DATETIME(lab.labresulttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-1 year')) AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.treatmenttime < t2.labresulttime AND DATETIME(t2.labresulttime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.treatmenttime) AND DATETIME(t1.treatmenttime, '+2 month') GROUP BY t2.labname) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 5 |
### Instruction:
number of active users per month.
### Response:
| SELECT Months, (CASE WHEN n_posts > 5 THEN 'n>5' WHEN n_posts > 1 THEN '5>=n>1' ELSE 'n=1' END), COUNT(n_posts) FROM (SELECT COUNT(Id) AS n_posts, 1.000 * TIME_TO_STR(CreationDate, '%Y') + 1.000 * TIME_TO_STR(CreationDate, '%m') / 12 - 1.000 / 24 AS Months, OwnerUserId FROM Posts WHERE PostTypeId IN (1, 2) AND (1.000 * TIME_TO_STR(CreationDate, '%Y') + 1.000 * TIME_TO_STR(CreationDate, '%m') / 12 < 1.000 * TIME_TO_STR(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), '%Y') + 1.000 * TIME_TO_STR(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), '%m') / 12) GROUP BY OwnerUserId, 1.000 * TIME_TO_STR(CreationDate, '%Y') + 1.000 * TIME_TO_STR(CreationDate, '%m') / 12 - 1.000 / 24) AS a GROUP BY Months, (CASE WHEN n_posts > 5 THEN 'n>5' WHEN n_posts > 1 THEN '5>=n>1' ELSE 'n=1' END) ORDER BY Months |
### Instruction:
what is the name of the drug that patient 57050 was prescribed for within 2 days after being diagnosed since 04/2104 with embl suprfcl ves low ext?
### Response:
| SELECT t2.drug FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.charttime FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE admissions.subject_id = 57050 AND diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'embl suprfcl ves low ext') AND STRFTIME('%y-%m', diagnoses_icd.charttime) >= '2104-04') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, prescriptions.drug, prescriptions.startdate FROM prescriptions JOIN admissions ON prescriptions.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE admissions.subject_id = 57050 AND STRFTIME('%y-%m', prescriptions.startdate) >= '2104-04') AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.startdate AND DATETIME(t2.startdate) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.charttime) AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, '+2 day') |
### Instruction:
show me the five year survival probability of patients who were prescribed clonidine hcl 0.1 mg po tabs after having been diagnosed with s/p breast biopsy?
### Response:
| SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN patient.hospitaldischargestatus = 'alive' THEN 1 WHEN STRFTIME('%j', patient.hospitaldischargetime) - STRFTIME('%j', t4.diagnosistime) > 5 * 365 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) * 100 / COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT t2.uniquepid, t2.diagnosistime FROM (SELECT t1.uniquepid, t1.diagnosistime FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 's/p breast biopsy' GROUP BY patient.uniquepid HAVING MIN(diagnosis.diagnosistime) = diagnosis.diagnosistime) AS t1) AS t2 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE medication.drugname = 'clonidine hcl 0.1 mg po tabs') AS t3 ON t2.uniquepid = t3.uniquepid WHERE t2.diagnosistime < t3.drugstarttime) AS t4 JOIN patient ON t4.uniquepid = patient.uniquepid |
### Instruction:
what is the name of drug that patient 7112 was prescribed during the same hospital visit after being diagnosed with ocl crtd art wo infrct this month?
### Response:
| SELECT t2.drug FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.charttime, admissions.hadm_id FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE admissions.subject_id = 7112 AND diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'ocl crtd art wo infrct') AND DATETIME(diagnoses_icd.charttime, 'start of month') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of month', '-0 month')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, prescriptions.drug, prescriptions.startdate, admissions.hadm_id FROM prescriptions JOIN admissions ON prescriptions.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE admissions.subject_id = 7112 AND DATETIME(prescriptions.startdate, 'start of month') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of month', '-0 month')) AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.startdate AND t1.hadm_id = t2.hadm_id |
### Instruction:
what are the top three most frequent microbiological tests that patients took in 2105 within 2 months after receiving a normal saline administration - aggressive volume resuscitation (>250 mls/hr) procedure?
### Response:
| SELECT t3.culturesite FROM (SELECT t2.culturesite, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, treatment.treatmenttime FROM treatment JOIN patient ON treatment.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE treatment.treatmentname = 'normal saline administration - aggressive volume resuscitation (>250 mls/hr)' AND STRFTIME('%y', treatment.treatmenttime) = '2105') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, microlab.culturesite, microlab.culturetakentime FROM microlab JOIN patient ON microlab.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE STRFTIME('%y', microlab.culturetakentime) = '2105') AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.treatmenttime < t2.culturetakentime AND DATETIME(t2.culturetakentime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.treatmenttime) AND DATETIME(t1.treatmenttime, '+2 month') GROUP BY t2.culturesite) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 3 |
### Instruction:
what are the five most commonly prescribed medications for patients who were previously prescribed furosemide 10 mg/ml inj soln during the same hospital visit, during a year before?
### Response:
| SELECT t3.drugname FROM (SELECT t2.drugname, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugstarttime, patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE medication.drugname = 'furosemide 10 mg/ml inj soln' AND DATETIME(medication.drugstarttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-1 year')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugname, medication.drugstarttime, patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE DATETIME(medication.drugstarttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-1 year')) AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.drugstarttime < t2.drugstarttime AND t1.patienthealthsystemstayid = t2.patienthealthsystemstayid GROUP BY t2.drugname) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 5 |
### Instruction:
how many patients have received cont inv mec ven 96+ hrs since 2105 in the same hospital visit after receiving arthrocentesis?
### Response:
| SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t1.subject_id) FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime, admissions.hadm_id FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'arthrocentesis') AND STRFTIME('%y', procedures_icd.charttime) >= '2105') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime, admissions.hadm_id FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'cont inv mec ven 96+ hrs') AND STRFTIME('%y', procedures_icd.charttime) >= '2105') AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.charttime AND t1.hadm_id = t2.hadm_id |
### Instruction:
calculate the one year survival probability of patients who were prescribed a cefazolin 2gm syr after they were diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome - unstable angina.
### Response:
| SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN patient.hospitaldischargestatus = 'alive' THEN 1 WHEN STRFTIME('%j', patient.hospitaldischargetime) - STRFTIME('%j', t4.diagnosistime) > 1 * 365 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) * 100 / COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT t2.uniquepid, t2.diagnosistime FROM (SELECT t1.uniquepid, t1.diagnosistime FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'acute coronary syndrome - unstable angina' GROUP BY patient.uniquepid HAVING MIN(diagnosis.diagnosistime) = diagnosis.diagnosistime) AS t1) AS t2 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE medication.drugname = 'cefazolin 2gm syr') AS t3 ON t2.uniquepid = t3.uniquepid WHERE t2.diagnosistime < t3.drugstarttime) AS t4 JOIN patient ON t4.uniquepid = patient.uniquepid |
### Instruction:
the arterial bp [diastolic] of patient 15447 second measured on the current intensive care unit visit is less than the value first measured on the current intensive care unit visit?
### Response:
| SELECT (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 15447) AND icustays.outtime IS NULL) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'arterial bp [diastolic]' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1) < (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 15447) AND icustays.outtime IS NULL) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'arterial bp [diastolic]' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime LIMIT 1) |
### Instruction:
compared to last measured on the current icu visit, was the arterial bp [diastolic] of patient 1902 less than the value second to last measured on the current icu visit.
### Response:
| SELECT (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 1902) AND icustays.outtime IS NULL) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'arterial bp [diastolic]' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime DESC LIMIT 1) < (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 1902) AND icustays.outtime IS NULL) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'arterial bp [diastolic]' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1) |
### Instruction:
is heart rate of patient 22648 last measured on the last icu visit greater than the second to last value measured on the last icu visit?
### Response:
| SELECT (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 22648) AND NOT icustays.outtime IS NULL ORDER BY icustays.intime DESC LIMIT 1) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'heart rate' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime DESC LIMIT 1) > (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 22648) AND NOT icustays.outtime IS NULL ORDER BY icustays.intime DESC LIMIT 1) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'heart rate' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1) |
### Instruction:
what flights do you have between OAKLAND and BOSTON with a stopover in DALLAS FORT WORTH
### Response:
| SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_2, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_3, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, city AS CITY_2, city AS CITY_3, flight, flight_stop AS FLIGHT_STOP_0, flight_stop AS FLIGHT_STOP_1 WHERE ((CITY_2.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_2.city_code AND CITY_2.city_name = 'DALLAS FORT WORTH' AND FLIGHT_STOP_0.stop_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_2.airport_code AND flight.flight_id = FLIGHT_STOP_0.flight_id) AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'BOSTON' AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'OAKLAND' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code |
### Instruction:
tell me the change in the arterial bp [diastolic] of patient 14467 second measured on the current icu visit compared to the first value measured on the current icu visit?
### Response:
| SELECT (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 14467) AND icustays.outtime IS NULL) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'arterial bp [diastolic]' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1) - (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 14467) AND icustays.outtime IS NULL) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'arterial bp [diastolic]' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime LIMIT 1) |
### Instruction:
calculate the five year survival rate among the patients who were prescribed with pantoprazole sod after having been diagnosed with pericardial tamponade - by echocardiogram.
### Response:
| SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN patient.hospitaldischargestatus = 'alive' THEN 1 WHEN STRFTIME('%j', patient.hospitaldischargetime) - STRFTIME('%j', t4.diagnosistime) > 5 * 365 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) * 100 / COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT t2.uniquepid, t2.diagnosistime FROM (SELECT t1.uniquepid, t1.diagnosistime FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'pericardial tamponade - by echocardiogram' GROUP BY patient.uniquepid HAVING MIN(diagnosis.diagnosistime) = diagnosis.diagnosistime) AS t1) AS t2 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE medication.drugname = 'pantoprazole sod') AS t3 ON t2.uniquepid = t3.uniquepid WHERE t2.diagnosistime < t3.drugstarttime) AS t4 JOIN patient ON t4.uniquepid = patient.uniquepid |
### Instruction:
what's the name of the drug patient 52898 was prescribed with during the same hospital visit after having been diagnosed with defibrination syndrome in this month?
### Response:
| SELECT t2.drug FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.charttime, admissions.hadm_id FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE admissions.subject_id = 52898 AND diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'defibrination syndrome') AND DATETIME(diagnoses_icd.charttime, 'start of month') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of month', '-0 month')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, prescriptions.drug, prescriptions.startdate, admissions.hadm_id FROM prescriptions JOIN admissions ON prescriptions.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE admissions.subject_id = 52898 AND DATETIME(prescriptions.startdate, 'start of month') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of month', '-0 month')) AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.startdate AND t1.hadm_id = t2.hadm_id |
### Instruction:
how much different does patient 9297's weight differ last measured on the first hospital visit compared to the second to last value measured on the first hospital visit?
### Response:
| SELECT (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 9297 AND NOT admissions.dischtime IS NULL ORDER BY admissions.admittime LIMIT 1)) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'admit wt' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime DESC LIMIT 1) - (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 9297 AND NOT admissions.dischtime IS NULL ORDER BY admissions.admittime LIMIT 1)) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'admit wt' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1) |
### Instruction:
Can I enroll in 500 -level classes for the Spring or Summer term ?
### Response:
| SELECT DISTINCT COURSEalias0.department,, COURSEalias0.number, SEMESTERalias0.semester FROM (SELECT course_id FROM student_record WHERE earn_credit = 'Y' AND student_id = 1) AS DERIVED_TABLEalias0, course AS COURSEalias0, course_offering AS COURSE_OFFERINGalias0, semester AS SEMESTERalias0 WHERE COURSEalias0.course_id = COURSE_OFFERINGalias0.course_id AND NOT COURSEalias0.course_id IN (DERIVED_TABLEalias0.course_id) AND NOT COURSEalias0.course_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT COURSE_PREREQUISITEalias0.course_id FROM course_prerequisite AS COURSE_PREREQUISITEalias0 WHERE NOT COURSE_PREREQUISITEalias0.pre_course_id IN (DERIVED_TABLEalias0.course_id)) AND COURSEalias0.department = 'EECS' AND COURSEalias0.number BETWEEN 500 AND 500 + 100 AND SEMESTERalias0.semester IN ('SP', 'SS', 'SU') AND SEMESTERalias0.semester_id = COURSE_OFFERINGalias0.semester AND SEMESTERalias0.year = 2016 |
### Instruction:
how many patients in 2105 have received arterial catheterization in the same hospital encounter after being diagnosed with alcohol withdrawal?
### Response:
| SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t1.subject_id) FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.charttime, admissions.hadm_id FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'alcohol withdrawal') AND STRFTIME('%y', diagnoses_icd.charttime) = '2105') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime, admissions.hadm_id FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'arterial catheterization') AND STRFTIME('%y', procedures_icd.charttime) = '2105') AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.charttime AND t1.hadm_id = t2.hadm_id |
### Instruction:
what was the name of the drug that was prescribed to patient 030-53416 within 2 days after having received a inotropic agent procedure during their last hospital encounter.
### Response:
| SELECT t2.drugname FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, treatment.treatmenttime FROM treatment JOIN patient ON treatment.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '030-53416' AND NOT patient.hospitaldischargetime IS NULL ORDER BY patient.hospitaladmittime DESC LIMIT 1) AND treatment.treatmentname = 'inotropic agent') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugname, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '030-53416' AND NOT patient.hospitaldischargetime IS NULL ORDER BY patient.hospitaladmittime DESC LIMIT 1)) AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.treatmenttime < t2.drugstarttime AND DATETIME(t2.drugstarttime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.treatmenttime) AND DATETIME(t1.treatmenttime, '+2 day') |
### Instruction:
what are the top five most common diagnoses that followed within 2 months for those who received inject/infuse nec?
### Response:
| SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.short_title FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code IN (SELECT t3.icd9_code FROM (SELECT t2.icd9_code, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'inject/infuse nec')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.icd9_code, diagnoses_icd.charttime FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id) AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.charttime AND DATETIME(t2.charttime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.charttime) AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, '+2 month') GROUP BY t2.icd9_code) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 5) |
### Instruction:
what was the top five most frequent drugs that patients were prescribed in the same hospital visit after having been prescribed sertraline hcl 50 mg po tabs in this year?
### Response:
| SELECT t3.drugname FROM (SELECT t2.drugname, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugstarttime, patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE medication.drugname = 'sertraline hcl 50 mg po tabs' AND DATETIME(medication.drugstarttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugname, medication.drugstarttime, patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE DATETIME(medication.drugstarttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year')) AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.drugstarttime < t2.drugstarttime AND t1.patienthealthsystemstayid = t2.patienthealthsystemstayid GROUP BY t2.drugname) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 5 |
### Instruction:
among patients who received exc/dest hrt lesion open , what are the top four most frequent diagnoses that followed afterwards during the same hospital visit?
### Response:
| SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.short_title FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code IN (SELECT t3.icd9_code FROM (SELECT t2.icd9_code, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime, admissions.hadm_id FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'exc/dest hrt lesion open')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.icd9_code, diagnoses_icd.charttime, admissions.hadm_id FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id) AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.charttime AND t1.hadm_id = t2.hadm_id GROUP BY t2.icd9_code) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 4) |
### Instruction:
what are the three most common procedures for a patient who was diagnosed with osteomyelitis nos-pelvis previously within the same hospital visit?
### Response:
| SELECT d_icd_procedures.short_title FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.icd9_code IN (SELECT t3.icd9_code FROM (SELECT t2.icd9_code, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.charttime, admissions.hadm_id FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'osteomyelitis nos-pelvis')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.icd9_code, procedures_icd.charttime, admissions.hadm_id FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id) AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.charttime AND t1.hadm_id = t2.hadm_id GROUP BY t2.icd9_code) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 3) |
### Instruction:
what are the five most commonly ordered procedures for patients who have received ins drug-elut coronry st within 2 months previously?
### Response:
| SELECT d_icd_procedures.short_title FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.icd9_code IN (SELECT t3.icd9_code FROM (SELECT t2.icd9_code, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'ins drug-elut coronry st')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.icd9_code, procedures_icd.charttime FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id) AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.charttime AND DATETIME(t2.charttime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.charttime) AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, '+2 month') GROUP BY t2.icd9_code) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 5) |
### Instruction:
what are the top five most frequent specimen tests a patient had in the same hospital visit after being diagnosed with hypocalcemia during this year?
### Response:
| SELECT t3.culturesite FROM (SELECT t2.culturesite, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime, patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'hypocalcemia' AND DATETIME(diagnosis.diagnosistime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, microlab.culturesite, microlab.culturetakentime, patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM microlab JOIN patient ON microlab.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE DATETIME(microlab.culturetakentime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year')) AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.diagnosistime < t2.culturetakentime AND t1.patienthealthsystemstayid = t2.patienthealthsystemstayid GROUP BY t2.culturesite) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 5 |
### Instruction:
For the Spring or Summer term , can I take 100 -level classes ?
### Response:
| SELECT DISTINCT COURSEalias0.department,, COURSEalias0.number, SEMESTERalias0.semester FROM (SELECT course_id FROM student_record WHERE earn_credit = 'Y' AND student_id = 1) AS DERIVED_TABLEalias0, course AS COURSEalias0, course_offering AS COURSE_OFFERINGalias0, semester AS SEMESTERalias0 WHERE COURSEalias0.course_id = COURSE_OFFERINGalias0.course_id AND NOT COURSEalias0.course_id IN (DERIVED_TABLEalias0.course_id) AND NOT COURSEalias0.course_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT COURSE_PREREQUISITEalias0.course_id FROM course_prerequisite AS COURSE_PREREQUISITEalias0 WHERE NOT COURSE_PREREQUISITEalias0.pre_course_id IN (DERIVED_TABLEalias0.course_id)) AND COURSEalias0.department = 'EECS' AND COURSEalias0.number BETWEEN 100 AND 100 + 100 AND SEMESTERalias0.semester IN ('SP', 'SS', 'SU') AND SEMESTERalias0.semester_id = COURSE_OFFERINGalias0.semester AND SEMESTERalias0.year = 2016 |
### Instruction:
i would like a schedule of flights from DENVER to SAN FRANCISCO on tuesday
### Response:
| SELECT DISTINCT FLIGHT_0.arrival_time, FLIGHT_0.departure_time FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, date_day, days, flight AS FLIGHT_0, flight AS FLIGHT_1, flight_leg WHERE (CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'SAN FRANCISCO' AND date_day.day_number = 22 AND date_day.month_number = 3 AND date_day.year = 1991 AND days.day_name = date_day.day_name AND FLIGHT_1.flight_days = days.days_code AND FLIGHT_1.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'DENVER' AND FLIGHT_0.flight_id = flight_leg.leg_flight AND FLIGHT_1.flight_id = flight_leg.flight_id AND FLIGHT_1.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code |
### Instruction:
what was the name of the drug patient 015-59871 was prescribed within 2 days after having received a cultures - blood procedure in their last hospital visit.
### Response:
| SELECT t2.drugname FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, treatment.treatmenttime FROM treatment JOIN patient ON treatment.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '015-59871' AND NOT patient.hospitaldischargetime IS NULL ORDER BY patient.hospitaladmittime DESC LIMIT 1) AND treatment.treatmentname = 'cultures - blood') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugname, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '015-59871' AND NOT patient.hospitaldischargetime IS NULL ORDER BY patient.hospitaladmittime DESC LIMIT 1)) AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.treatmenttime < t2.drugstarttime AND DATETIME(t2.drugstarttime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.treatmenttime) AND DATETIME(t1.treatmenttime, '+2 day') |
### Instruction:
is the heart rate of patient 25300 last measured on the first icu visit less than second to last measured on the first icu visit.
### Response:
| SELECT (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 25300) AND NOT icustays.outtime IS NULL ORDER BY icustays.intime LIMIT 1) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'heart rate' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime DESC LIMIT 1) < (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 25300) AND NOT icustays.outtime IS NULL ORDER BY icustays.intime LIMIT 1) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'heart rate' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1) |
### Instruction:
what is the change in weight of patient 21454 second measured on the first hospital visit compared to the value first measured on the first hospital visit.
### Response:
| SELECT (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 21454 AND NOT admissions.dischtime IS NULL ORDER BY admissions.admittime LIMIT 1)) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'admit wt' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1) - (SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 21454 AND NOT admissions.dischtime IS NULL ORDER BY admissions.admittime LIMIT 1)) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'admit wt' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime LIMIT 1) |
### Instruction:
Can I take 300 -level classes in the Spring or Summer term ?
### Response:
| SELECT DISTINCT COURSEalias0.department,, COURSEalias0.number, SEMESTERalias0.semester FROM (SELECT course_id FROM student_record WHERE earn_credit = 'Y' AND student_id = 1) AS DERIVED_TABLEalias0, course AS COURSEalias0, course_offering AS COURSE_OFFERINGalias0, semester AS SEMESTERalias0 WHERE COURSEalias0.course_id = COURSE_OFFERINGalias0.course_id AND NOT COURSEalias0.course_id IN (DERIVED_TABLEalias0.course_id) AND NOT COURSEalias0.course_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT COURSE_PREREQUISITEalias0.course_id FROM course_prerequisite AS COURSE_PREREQUISITEalias0 WHERE NOT COURSE_PREREQUISITEalias0.pre_course_id IN (DERIVED_TABLEalias0.course_id)) AND COURSEalias0.department = 'EECS' AND COURSEalias0.number BETWEEN 300 AND 300 + 100 AND SEMESTERalias0.semester IN ('SP', 'SS', 'SU') AND SEMESTERalias0.semester_id = COURSE_OFFERINGalias0.semester AND SEMESTERalias0.year = 2016 |
### Instruction:
what were the three most frequent procedures that patients received within 2 months after the diagnosis of wbc disease nec?
### Response:
| SELECT d_icd_procedures.short_title FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.icd9_code IN (SELECT t3.icd9_code FROM (SELECT t2.icd9_code, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.charttime FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'wbc disease nec')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.icd9_code, procedures_icd.charttime FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id) AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.charttime AND DATETIME(t2.charttime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.charttime) AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, '+2 month') GROUP BY t2.icd9_code) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 3) |
### Instruction:
what was the name of the prescription drug that patient 002-8416 was prescribed during the same day after being diagnosed with s/p thoracotomy in the first hospital visit?
### Response:
| SELECT t2.drugname FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '002-8416' AND NOT patient.hospitaldischargetime IS NULL ORDER BY patient.hospitaladmittime LIMIT 1) AND diagnosis.diagnosisname = 's/p thoracotomy') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugname, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '002-8416' AND NOT patient.hospitaldischargetime IS NULL ORDER BY patient.hospitaladmittime LIMIT 1)) AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.diagnosistime < t2.drugstarttime AND DATETIME(t1.diagnosistime, 'start of day') = DATETIME(t2.drugstarttime, 'start of day') |
### Instruction:
Numbers most used in posts. totally useless. more of an experiment.
### Response:
| SELECT OwnerUserId AS "user_link", OwnerUserId, SUM(LENGTH(Body)) AS totalLen, SUM(LENGTH(Body) - LENGTH(REPLACE(LOWER(Body), '1', ''))) AS "1", SUM(LENGTH(Body) - LENGTH(REPLACE(LOWER(Body), '2', ''))) AS "2", SUM(LENGTH(Body) - LENGTH(REPLACE(LOWER(Body), '3', ''))) AS "3", SUM(LENGTH(Body) - LENGTH(REPLACE(LOWER(Body), '4', ''))) AS "4", SUM(LENGTH(Body) - LENGTH(REPLACE(LOWER(Body), '5', ''))) AS "5", SUM(LENGTH(Body) - LENGTH(REPLACE(LOWER(Body), '6', ''))) AS "6", SUM(LENGTH(Body) - LENGTH(REPLACE(LOWER(Body), '7', ''))) AS "7", SUM(LENGTH(Body) - LENGTH(REPLACE(LOWER(Body), '8', ''))) AS "8", SUM(LENGTH(Body) - LENGTH(REPLACE(LOWER(Body), '9', ''))) AS "9", SUM(LENGTH(Body) - LENGTH(REPLACE(LOWER(Body), '0', ''))) AS "0" FROM Posts WHERE OwnerUserId IN ('##UserID##') GROUP BY OwnerUserId |
### Instruction:
what are the five most frequently ordered procedures for patients that have previously been diagnosed with splenic trauma - with hematoma within 2 months in a year before?
### Response:
| SELECT t3.treatmentname FROM (SELECT t2.treatmentname, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'splenic trauma - with hematoma' AND DATETIME(diagnosis.diagnosistime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-1 year')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, treatment.treatmentname, treatment.treatmenttime FROM treatment JOIN patient ON treatment.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE DATETIME(treatment.treatmenttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-1 year')) AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.diagnosistime < t2.treatmenttime AND DATETIME(t2.treatmenttime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.diagnosistime) AND DATETIME(t1.diagnosistime, '+2 month') GROUP BY t2.treatmentname) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 5 |
### Instruction:
what are the top three commonly prescribed drugs that patients were prescribed after having received a entral infus nutrit sub treatment until 3 years ago in the same hospital encounter?
### Response:
| SELECT t3.drug FROM (SELECT t2.drug, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime, admissions.hadm_id FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'entral infus nutrit sub') AND DATETIME(procedures_icd.charttime) <= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-3 year')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, prescriptions.drug, prescriptions.startdate, admissions.hadm_id FROM prescriptions JOIN admissions ON prescriptions.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE DATETIME(prescriptions.startdate) <= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-3 year')) AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.startdate AND t1.hadm_id = t2.hadm_id GROUP BY t2.drug) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 3 |
### Instruction:
what was the name of the drug patient 66015 was prescribed with in the same hospital encounter after having received a closed bronchial biopsy procedure the previous month?
### Response:
| SELECT t2.drug FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime, admissions.hadm_id FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE admissions.subject_id = 66015 AND procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'closed bronchial biopsy') AND DATETIME(procedures_icd.charttime, 'start of month') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of month', '-1 month')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, prescriptions.drug, prescriptions.startdate, admissions.hadm_id FROM prescriptions JOIN admissions ON prescriptions.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE admissions.subject_id = 66015 AND DATETIME(prescriptions.startdate, 'start of month') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of month', '-1 month')) AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.startdate AND t1.hadm_id = t2.hadm_id |