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Right you are.The ACLU heroes of my childhood who proudly fought for Civil Rights and against social injustice seem unrecognizable and bent of late .
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"Hilcorp personnel are working to identify the source of the bubbling". Maybe shut off the pipeline and see if the bubbles stop.
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The one fiftieth of one percent outcome is the most likely.
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All smoke and mirrors. I think they realize that it's much more profitable to build million dollar condos for non residents. Beautiful ocean front or ocean view properties will rake in millions with no regard on how it will affect the island or it's economy.
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I love these calls for an "honest discussion about gun control" from people who really mean "let's have more gun control." We've already had a HUGE discussion about gun control, and the result was the 2nd Amendment.
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Nice trolling; Nazi Germany would be proud. Adults do not abuse children, regardless of their mental abilities. This child was nonverbal. She was an adult paid to assist children with disabilities. Give me a break.
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I thought we were going to name it the Obama Gym!
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Yeah, but now we all know what a bad decision voting for Don-the-Con™ was!
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Boy, you know it must be bad when even an advertising executive is choking on the never-ending lies and misinformation.
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I'm sorry motley but I've never borrowed money regardless of circumstances. If she could borrow the money to keep from going to jail, perhaps she could of used that money and stayed honest and not lost her job which she misses so much. Oh and it wasn't a couple, lol. More questions?
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<<If you want to shut up the Archbishop, please don't forget everyone else. No one should have to suffer through a political speech in Church.>> Assuming you mean partisan politicking -- advocating for or against specific candidates, I agree wholeheartedly. However, the preacher/homilist cannot entirely avoid the issues of the day, nor should s/he try to avoid them. The maxim that the preacher "must hold the Bible in one hand and the morning newspaper in the other" has been attributed to Karl Barth. The maxim contains more than a grain of truth, and implicit in it is an expression of how difficult the task of the preacher is.
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Oh Concetta, I wish you could turn super powers on to pedestrians as well: the ones who hop out between parked cars and expect you to stop on a dime, the ones who dash across the crosswalk as the light turns yellow and long after the walk signal who stop traffic from clearing the intersection, the ones who never look up from their phones to see what traffic is doing around them, the ones who literally blend into the background but expect to be seen, and on it goes. I'm a both a pedestrian and a driver and neither side is without their faults in this. Both could use more common sense and respect for the other.
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Have you contacted Canadian Customs to eliminate a border crossing? Have you asked DOT to let you view web cams frame by frame on highways leading out of his home area? Have you checked his credit cards for use at gas stations/food stores? Just a couple of ideas
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More liberal projection.
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"irreparably politicized the court"? Get real! What they did had zero effect on politicizing the courts. That has been done for decades. By using Harry Reid's invention they simply put a judge in office. Nothing more. But why do you think they will lose the majority soon?
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What a waste of editorial space!
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Time to cut loses with Latimer.
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So proud of you!! I’m feeling more hopeful already!!
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See? This is the problem like you, not even being a Chinese but speak for Chinese. BTW, I am a Chinese.
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Not really semantics as I see it. You are overlooking the actual words to attribute a different meaning to the speaker. You may be right, but I've seen people on quests to "not find" something, and given that everyone wants to have success, it CAN influence behavior. That kind of search can subconsciously be a very different quest from being rewarded for finding something. I'm simply taking a common human desire for success or a good outcome and tying that directly to the words to determine meaning. Maybe those were just sloppy words, but sloppy words often reveal sloppy thinking which causes sloppy behavior.
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why not bailout Nortel then? It has a huge percentage of TSX at that time.
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The earliest women's marches and protests I participated in were as much, or more, concerned about employment/advancement, educational, compensation rights than abortion. Some of those protests predated the 1973 Roe decision.
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Come on, the Vatican's been into "alternative facts" for centuries.
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Good article Ryan - I can envision the use by real estate as being one of the greatest benefactors by producing photos for buyers and sellers to use in making a sale. Agricultural use would also be phenomenal as would be roofers, etc. As always, someone will ultimately push the envelope and necessitate some additional rules, but that's expected. I certainly hope we embrace the new developments and not resort to the very popular, "not in my backyard". posture, that us folks in the islands often resort to.
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Ever want to piss you pants laughing YouTube Freeland on the Bill Mayer show! Truly, the only thing this gal from Rosdale should be doing is running a beaver tail stand partime! She's a completely flake and has NO business in a high profile anything!!!!!!
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Of course complaining to God, especially about one's own defects and short falls is a marvelous form of prayer.
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Just wait until there are daily large scale attacks in the U.S. These gun banning sheep will be the first to beg for help. The criminals should be executed for first time violent crimes. No more catch and release, period!
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How are you not getting this? There were no problems to address. We still need to have an AGM to approve the financial statements and budget and appoint the auditor for the next year. We need 30% of people to show up for an hour or less once a year to achieve this task. A notice should be all that they need because they've all invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into their units. However, we also indicated that people should let us know if there are any issues they would like to discuss as we would ensure it was brought up during the meeting. We also said we would be open to hearing any issues people had at the meeting. We still had to go knocking door to door ten minutes before the meeting started in order to reach 30%. And we didn't even get 30% to go! Some people who were home STILL wouldn't come, but signed a proxy at their door. It's almost comical. We held the meeting in the lobby... downstairs... they could have worn their pajamas... I don't know what else we could do.
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from your comment it is readily apparent that you do not understand the reason for government. government exists to help the people with heath and safety, infrastructure, etc. any services provided by government are not charged to make money. they provide services because no one individual or business is able to provide that service to those in need. it is not a waste of taxpayer's money if the overall goal is to provide valuable services and a better quality of life to those in need. yes, projects do have cost overruns and other problems, but don' forget the antis contributed to a 2 year delay and cost overrun of over $2B due to their frivolous lawsuits.
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We are living in a cesspool.
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Just a few?
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He was a large man. I guess two were needed. What a waste of good silicone. Wait, wasn't that during the same timeline when Hillary's enemies were being executed or having 'inexplicable accidents​?'
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Conviction first, then sentencing after. Any possibility of a civil claim for losses?
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Saying the Benghazi lie was not intentional is a great example of Politifact parsing it's words and ignoring sources that don't conform to their desired outcome. Random demonstrations don't come with RPG rocket launchers as the attack had. Ambassador Stephens sent dozens of communications begging for more protection outlining the risks and WIKILEAKs gave us Hilary's emails to outsiders acknowledging that it was a terror attack. If you truly want to be unbiased you need to go to the source and not use political intermediary s like snopes or politifact who have been shown to be bias. Like wiki leaks or not they only put out the truth, or what people have said whether true or not, like Assange or not he will gore any ox on either side of the isle without injecting his own interpretation. That was Hilarys problem in the election, we got to see the real person and no one liked what they saw.
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Do you know where your oil/gas comes from if you live in Eastern Canada? Would you rather buy oil products from the Saudi regime or Canadian? I would rather have Energy East pipeline than Keystone to give Canadian pipeline and refining companies the business. As much as the Americans want to protect their interests, so should Canada. Who knows what kind of clauses Trump Inc. may insist on - it may be to the detriment of the other pipeline proposals and therefore eastern Canadian companies and oil/gas consumers.
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Elections have consequences. The Leftist scam to make global warming the excuse to bankrupt America and move toward globalization will hopefully die as Trump takes office.
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"I have to say that while not surprised, I'm disheartened by many of the comments here today." Wow... that sounds like a preconception at work. Tsk!
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I have nothing against the concept of a parliamentary democracy operating within the framework of a a onstitutional monarchy on the British (and Canadian) model.And I have nothing against Ms.Windsor or the other royals.But I still feel we must cut the tie with the UK whereby the head of the House of Windsor is automatically Canada's head of state.I feel this way because I regard Liz as a foreign and non-resident national whose first loyalty is to her own country (UK)-not Canada.Our head of state should be a CANADIAN-or at least someone who lives here.Sorry Liz, Chuck,and Will but you don't qualify.
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Just to inform you, the right to own guns is already regulated, quite heavily. If current gun laws were enforced we might see some improvement in the numbers of people killed by guns. The proposals being considered now will do nothing to improve the situation.
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“We did not — repeat — did not trade weapons or anything else for hostages — nor will we.--Ronald Reagan, Nov. 13, 1986 "A few months ago, I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and evidence tell me it is not."--Ronald Reagan, March 3, 1987
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This explains exactly why Trump got elected. We are sick of being used as a piggybank for the rich and the undeserving.
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If white folks want to show people-of-color that they oppose racism, they need to realize that being in the ranks of anti-racist activists involves negotiating 200+ years of white privilege and racial insularity. White folk can't expect these negotiations to be stress free and easy, or expect to somehow become icons of struggle just for showing up in that white skin. Want to leave no doubt about where you stand? Put your body on the line in a place where white power is normal and natural. Blood, bruises and arrest do a lot to assuage suspicion and ease the habit of insularity. I suspect that the AntiFa--I loathe the idea that anti-fascism is a fringe thing and not just a normal everyday American attitude--see themselves as doing exactly this. They assume that fascists have the upper hand anywhere the state allows them to mass and demonstrate. And, to be frank, they're not exactly wrong, as Heather Heyer's death makes abundantly clear.
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Mississauga has more than enough mistakes elsewhere to more than even things up. Lets not pop any corks yet, this project has not even had an EA yet. The costs of remediation have a funny way of changing projects.
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And opinions not based on facts can only be dismissed.
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that's just retarded the news is all over the place left wing cultural marxist thugs are attacking free speech, attacking people, destroying property. THEY are the Brownshirts 100%. Go read the accounts of the woman and others with direct experience in Nazi Germany, they all say the rioters shutting down speeches are exactly what Hitler and his supporters were doing. Your smug little put down is exactly that of an adolescent, attempting to deflect from reality in order to continue to be smug and lazy. One day we may have to kill these people as they are trying to destroy us and we will be killing Nazis when we do.
I'm not pro-abortion, but I always find it interesting that anti-abortion people are willing to kill people to keep those people from performing abortions. Perhaps their efforts would be better spent, assuming they have the intellectual capacity to do so, working to change the laws concerning abortions if they feel that strongly about the issue.
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Washington Post says they give advertisers wide latitude to have their say as long as ads do not advocate illegal actions. The ad clearly states Flint wants someone to "leak" President Trump's tax returns. That would be illegal. Therefore The Washington Post is lying right to our face again.
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That's about what a goldfish would say. How much of recent events is your memory able to recall?
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Well, it's not like the Liberals have ever walked away from a promise made while campaigning... have they?
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tRump's worse than any former Republican president. He's the anti-Christ.
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Although both Toronto and Vancouver are experiencing huge housing price increases, there are significant differences in the reasons in the two cities. Certainly China rich people storing their money in our new condos is a similar problem, but the buying of individual houses is different. Vancouver is experiencing more people from China living in their houses in Vancouver, such that the population mix has become very majority Chinese in Vancouver west and increasingly moving to the eastern GVRD.
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Free preschool for needy kids. Too many come in unprepared for school and fall behind and drop out. Looks like the DOE and the teachers refuse to acknowledge this problem. This program would pay for itself. Instead a nonprofit with insufficient resources funds this huge problem.
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You do, of course, realize that with this comment format, everyone can see that you're up-voting your own posts, right?
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People dumped on Obama throughout his presidency. The difference is that Obama is not a mean-spirited person like Drumpf is.
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A couple of days ago CNN reported that "reliable sources" said the Comey will deny that he told the President that he wasn't under investigation. Comey just said, he did say that to the President...THREE TIMES! WITHOUT THE PRESIDENT EVEN ASKING! Hey CNN if you want to remain a FakeNews.com subsidiary you better get your act together. Lie, but don't get caught. Bunch of wazoos who can't even lie straight.
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Just because Obama care enslave millions of Americans that fine, it helped you. And that's all that matters. I mean" freedom is certainly not worth dying for " said no American patriot hero, ever !
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Yes the Trump hating legal experts at CNN, how predictable.
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It's "too", not "to". Learn grammar. Lack of education seems to be why you people don't understand what you're doing to yourselves. Keep voting for more people who will cut public school budgets.
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Here in lies the dilemma. I can understand owners not wanting to, or in many cases not being able to pay for a sprinkler system, but how to do put a price on something like this, and what are the alternatives? If the reports are correct, none of the fatalities occurred in the unit where the fire started. That means, all three died minding their own business thinking they were safe in their own homes. At some point, a decision has to be made that is in the best interest of everyone involved. On a side note, I have not heard anything regarding whether or not the building had/has a functioning fire alarm system. While a fire alarm system will not prevent or stop a fire, it should give residents ample time to egress the building. I know that all transient accommodations here have to have both sprinkler and fire alarm systems, but I am not sure about residential units.
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The advancement of those dual-clutch racecar transmission is in the couple of milliseconds you gain in not briefly stopping acceleration to shift. This matters in a race, but for the common driver, there's no gain in "point and shoot' driving, at least not one that makes up for the loss of engagement in rowing your own. Is your goal driving, or going fast?
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The primary creator of poverty in South Africa is the government. http://www.politicsweb.co.za/opinion/behind-our-economic-decline. Mark Shuttleworth has done a lot for South Africa. Bill Gates & Warren Buffet are voluntarily spending their billions on philanthropic and charitable projects. To imagine that politicians and government bureaucrats are in any way really interested in eradicating poverty is absurd. They also skew things in their favour.
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Cable is no longer in my vocabulary. Streaming devices are the way to go these days. Netflix is alright, but you quickly get bored with the lack of content. Apple TV wasn't an option for me because I don't have that kind of money. I currently use a mymatrixtv streaming media player and happy with it so far. Lots of content which is what I look for. ( I typically use it for streaming movies.) The market is becoming flooded with these android boxes. Some are pure garbage. You just have to find the right one for you.
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I am very proud of my friends, both here and around the world, who took the time and made the effort to stand up for their beliefs, and for those who cannot stand for themselves. If you disagree with the protestors and their beliefs, it is your right to do so, but name-calling and ad hominem attacks are uncalled for and inappropriate. Argue your positions on their merits, not by denigrating and attacking others who don't share it.
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It was also "tongue in cheek"; taking obviously hyperbolic statements literally is the summit of tackiness.
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-- I also know things that other people don’t know so we cannot be sure,” Trump said. Putin phoned him and said he didn't do it and being good buddies Trump believed him.
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Outlaw abortion is an easy sentence. Who goes to jail and how does that stack up to equal protection. How would you justify punishing people who order the murder of adult with not punishing women who do so? Would you extend the investigative power of the police to all fetal deaths, including miscarriages? What about tort relief? If presumably you did this the constitutional way and had Congress move personhood to gastrulation (too much evidence shows it is not before that point) under its 14th Amendment power, every fetal death could involve a lawsuit. How would you deal with malpractice carriers not allowing their clients to see women until the second trimester? These are the real questions which come up. It won't be like before 73, where in most cases the penalty for abortion was a fine on the doctor, the same penalty as shooting your neighbor's dog. Luckily, even with control of Congress, you don't have the votes, but you should at least introduce the bill. Waiting for that
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Fake News AP. Nobody is abandoning Trump over his agendas. Maybe? Over sampling polls with Democrats ? Haaaaaaaaaaaaa. Yes I agree let's focus on our own problems and stop policing the world. MAGA
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Deep ecologists have never been known to let little things like facts get in the way of proselytizing their sad sick religion. Hide the decline
Less action please, actually. More action from Trudeau means more $80 Million 'centres of excellence', billions spent overseas on identity politics or green crusades, and of course more stealth taxes. He needs to be sent packing in 2019.
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A vessel normally dedicated to science should not be enabling tourism in an area like the Arctic, acknowledged by many to be one of the most vulnerable areas to climate change? http://scienceblogs.com/stoat/2016/08/13/a-vessel-normally-dedicated-to-science-should-not-be-enabling-tourism-in-an-area-like-the-arctic-acknowledged-by-many-to-be-one-of-the-most-vulnerable-areas-to-climate-change/
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Greetings.... sorry but I have no tears for Cardinal Pell! My concern is with the abused! Looks like Bernard Law will be renting out a room to Pell at Mary Major Basilica soon....birds of a feather flock together⚠
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I called for her resignation; what more do you want? Off with her head - LOL. I'm with the majority of Americans, who recognize Trump is a disaster.
'people don't like being slaves' - then why do they keep electing the overlords that KEEP them in servitude? It isn't anger - it's RAW disappointment in the people of these lovely islands.. For the record - I'm Agnostic...
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The baker's case is mostly about religious liberty since marriage is religious. Genesis 2:24. It was instituted in a creative capacity, IN THE IMAGE OF GOD who bound and blessed the male and female union as one. If traditional marriage was created in the Image of God, then the exact opposite is a façade giving a false appearance of the truth. And we know the Bible is correct since heterosexual union has proven true because it's how anyone whoever existed got here! But the counterfeit has reared its head through the Homosexual marriage falsehood, that has been labeled "same-sex marriage," or 666, which is just the opposite of traditional marriage in every aspect and reflects nothing but lies. From a religious standpoint, the SCOTUS does not have authority over the Image of God. Neither can it "create" a spectrum of non-productive sexes in the Image of God. This 100% indicates the mark of the beast as prophesied by Jesus. The baker must refuse to accept the mark of the beast.
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In the Indian subcontinent, Pakistan is ranked 74th in the order of birth rates. India is ranked 86th in the world and Bangladesh is ranked 89th. Also, when Europe went through its population explosion in the 19th and 20th centuries, they migrated to the new world in the millions. The same thing should be allowed for the Africans and Asians. The Africans will pour into Europe, and turn the natives there into a minority. Just like the immigrating Europeans turned the natives here into a minority.
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Anyone who says the BC provincial budget is balanced is lying. How can the budget be balanced when the provincial debt rises at the same time? To say the provincial budget is balanced is an outright lie. When will the people of BC wake up and realize this?
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Lets be honest. 1) The Ducks quit in the last game against the Huskies, so it's not like they don't quit under this coach. True they showed more heart in this game but 2) it is easier not to quit when you are playing (other than you) the worst team in the pac12. Cal is a horrible team, and to feel good about almost beating a horrible team and competing against a horrible team, is pretty pathetic compared to the team we used to be. We have really lowered the bar and are in danger of not only tolerating losing teams, but glorifying them. Go Ducks.
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It's irresponsible to call this election "disputed." Trump won by a landslide of 57% to 43% in the electoral college. No credible recount, or pressure on electors, offered anything to counter that. We should reserve certain terms for cases where they actually apply. 2000? Ok. 2016? Not so much. Wishing something doesn't make it so. These people should spend less time hissing, screaming and beating someone up in the vague name of "love," and more time trying to understand why they lost. Trump is our President now. Let's work with what we have.
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Thank you Hawaii for the hilarious but serious "LEI" funny! Hawaii is truly the Best! All I know is that one should not mess around when the FEDS get involved, for sure! Aloha!
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How do you know the animals were suffering? I doubt not having a drink of water for 45 minutes would be considered suffering.
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Really 5-0? "Cannot imagine what life must be like...", so their rich, so what. Why does it bother you people? I'm not rich, yet, so what. You can't BUY happiness. Both my wife and I work, we don't have the best jobs but, we're alright. Put the kids thru school(private) and college. We own our home, yet we're NOT rich. We plan, set goals and sacrificed when we needed to. Sure we would like to be rich, but we're not, yet again, so what. So for you rich haters, instead of *itchin on the rich, go make yourself rich. After all this is America, the land of opportunity.
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Sadly...I think you are right! Trump is fascist....closer to Germany in the early 30s.... The question is how can we have gotten to a place where around 50% of a major political party sticks to him like glue to the refrain of "lock her up"... Not 50% of the total pop or ALL the reps....(there still are some sane ones) but dear God....Germany in the early 30s started out with just a partial horror...too. I think post election, an awful lot of attention by both parties needs to be focused on these issues....and on the congressional gridlock issues which this situation provides and account for all that non legislative progress so often recently blamed on Hillary... We really really as a country need to work on these issues before it gets any worse....
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War is coming to America...the Israelis are still warning us they are still our allies against all enemies foreign and domestic.
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This was one specific action of many, including a 60-day suspension similar to Obama's.
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She has been a good MP and hard working interim leader. Truth be told she has more smarts and talent in her little finger than is found in the entire Trudeau cabinet, save and excepting perhaps, Marc Garneau.
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Obama Paid Over $1 Billion In Social Security To ILLEGALS
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1) Trump is the one who keeps conflating them. He sees the very mention of that issue as a denigration of his sincere belief that America wanted him to be president (America did not, deep down he knows that and he cannot stand it).
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From your lips to God's ears.
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Sounds like a dedicated teacher, making sure the tournament plans were carried out after this horrible attack. Wish him all the luck in the world with his recovery.
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Jesus didn't start a Church. He was Jewish and started a movement (Jewish sect) based on the Kingdom of God. "Authentic Catholicism" can't seem to understand this historical fact. Paul later started communities in area of modern day Greece and Turkey.
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Exactly. They boasted about having the most qualified candidates ever, and about being able to hit the ground running. What a joke. There is nothing original about this group, nothing particularly innovative or creative, even if we haven't seen this sort of thing in Canada before.
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Hmmmm...with lot's of caution......While I very much support the idea of vocational or CTE classes. Oregonians should remain mindful that Oregonian public schools have been under the direction of progressive democrats from the State legislative body to school district members, teachers/educators and their unions for nearly what now 25 or 30 years? Regardless of many different tax measures, increased tax spending, dollars spent per student Oregon public schools are still near the bottom nationally in educational achievement. I see no reason to believe this will produce any different results if passed. A few pennies on the dollar would be allocated to the idea of vocational or CTE classes, the remaining dollars will be wasted in support of who knows whatever else. Once again leaving students as the ultimate losers in the name of education.
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No, it was not acceptable, either. What happened to "RealChangeTM"?
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Let me see if I understand this. Duffy was not charged with accepting a bribe, he was acquitted on other charges and the "investigator" has no power to impose penalties even if there was any impropriety. Yet, Mr. Angus is all in for more taxpayer's dollars being squandered. How much did we, already, pay for this without any results?
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Im sorry your related to such a demon =-( God rest your poor soul little Issac!
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Nothing but love for these two 🙌🙌 Doing a great job guys!
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What you don't know won't hurt you, right? The only thing consistent about trump...he's living proof human beings can devolve when there's money and power at stake.
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That's good. Then he'll just about scrape by.
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