14 values
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2 values
Function name: searchCVE, function description: Build and send GET request then return list of objects containing a collection of CVEs. For more information on the parameters available, please visit https://nvd.nist.gov/developers/vulnerabilities function arguments: cpeName (str): Please do not confuse this with keywordSearch; this requires the argument to start with "cpe", whereas the keywordSearch argument allows for arbitrary keywords. This value will be compared agains the CPE Match Criteria within a CVE applicability statement. (i.e. find the vulnerabilities attached to that CPE). Partial match strings are allowed. cveId (str): Please pass in a string integer, like "1" or "30". Returns a single CVE that already exists in the NVD. cvssV2Metrics (str): This parameter returns only the CVEs that match the provided CVSSv2 vector string. Either full or partial vector strings may be used. This parameter cannot be used in requests that include cvssV3Metrics. cvssV2Severity (str): Find vulnerabilities having a LOW, MEDIUM, or HIGH version 2 severity. cvssV3Metrics (str): This parameter returns only the CVEs that match the provided CVSSv3 vector string. Either full or partial vector strings may be used. This parameter cannot be used in requests that include cvssV2Metrics. cvssV3Severity (str): Find vulnerabilities having a LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, or CRITICAL version 3 severity. cweId (str): Please pass in a string integer, like "1" or "30". Filter collection by CWE (Common Weakness Enumeration) ID. You can find a list at https://cwe.mitre.org/. A CVE can have multiple CWE IDs assigned to it. hasCertAlerts (bool): Returns CVE that contain a Technical Alert from US-CERT. hasCertNotes (bool): Returns CVE that contain a Vulnerability Note from CERT/CC. hasOval (bool): Returns CVE that contain information from MITRE's Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL) before this transitioned to the Center for Internet Security (CIS). isVulnerable (bool): Returns CVE associated with a specific CPE, where the CPE is also considered vulnerable. REQUIRES cpeName parameter. isVulnerable is not compatible with virtualMatchString parameter. keywordExactMatch (bool): When keywordSearch is used along with keywordExactmatch, it will search the NVD for CVEs containing exactly what was passed to keywordSearch. REQUIRES keywordSearch. keywordSearch (str): Searches CVEs where a word or phrase is found in the current description. If passing multiple keywords with a space character in between then each word must exist somewhere in the description, not necessarily together unless keywordExactMatch=True is passed to searchCVE. lastModStartDate (str,datetime obj): These parameters return only the CVEs that were last modified during the specified period. If a CVE has been modified more recently than the specified period, it will not be included in the response. If filtering by the last modified date, both lastModStartDate and lastModEndDate are REQUIRED. The maximum allowable range when using any date range parameters is 120 consecutive days. lastModEndDate (str, datetime obj): Required if using lastModStartDate. noRejected (bool): Filters out all CVEs that are in a reject or rejected status. Searches without this parameter include rejected CVEs. pubStartDate (str,datetime obj): These parameters return only the CVEs that were added to the NVD (i.e., published) during the specified period. If filtering by the published date, both pubStartDate and pubEndDate are REQUIRED. The maximum allowable range when using any date range parameters is 120 consecutive days. pubEndDate (str, datetime obj): Required if using pubStartDate. sourceIdentifier (str): Returns CVE where the data source of the CVE is the value that is passed to sourceIdentifier. versionEnd (str): Must be combined with versionEndType and virtualMatchString. Returns only the CVEs associated with CPEs in specific version ranges. versionEndType (str): Must be combined with versionEnd and virtualMatchString. Valid values are including or excluding. Denotes to include the specified version in versionEnd, or exclude it. versionStart (str): Must be combined with versionStartType and virtualMatchString. Returns only CVEs with specific versions. Requests that include versionStart cannot include a version component in the virtualMatchString. versionStartType (str): Must be combined with versionStart and virtualMatchString. Valid values are including or excluding. Denotes to include the specified version in versionStart, or exclude it. virtualMatchString (str): A more broad filter compared to cpeName. The cpe match string that is passed to virtualMatchString is compared against the CPE Match Criteria present on CVE applicability statements. limit (int): Custom argument to limit the number of results of the search. Allowed any number between 1 and 2000. delay (int): Can only be used if an API key is provided. This allows the user to define a delay. The delay must be greater than 0.6 seconds. The NVD API recommends scripts sleep for atleast 6 seconds in between requests. key (str): NVD API Key. Allows for the user to define a delay. NVD recommends scripts sleep 6 seconds in between requests. If no valid API key is provided, requests are sent with a 6 second delay. verbose (bool): Prints the URL request for debugging purposes.
Function name: searchCPE, function description: Build and send GET request then return list of objects containing a collection of CPEs. function arguments: cpeNameId (str) – Returns a specific CPE record using its UUID. If a correctly formatted UUID is passed but it does not exist, it will return empty results. The UUID is the cpeNameId value when searching CPE. cpeMatchString (str) – Use a partial CPE name to search for other CPE names. keywordExactMatch (bool) – Searches metadata within CPE title and reference links for an exact match of the phrase or word passed to it. Must be included with keywordSearch. keywordSearch (str) – Returns CPE records where a word or phrase is found in the metadata title or reference links. Space characters act as an AND statement. lastModStartDate (str/datetime obj) – CPE last modification start date. Maximum 120 day range. A start and end date is required. All times are in UTC 00:00. A datetime object or string can be passed as a date. NVDLib will automatically parse the datetime object into the correct format. String Example: ‘2020-06-28 00:00’ lastModEndDate (str/datetime obj) – CPE last modification end date. Maximum 120 day range. Must be included with lastModStartDate. Example: ‘2020-06-28 00:00’ limit (int) – Limits the number of results of the search. key (str) – NVD API Key. Allows for a request every 0.6 seconds instead of 6 seconds. delay – Can only be used if an API key is provided. The amount of time to sleep in between requests. Must be a value above 0.6 seconds if an API key is present. delay is set to 6 seconds if no API key is passed. verbose (bool) – Prints the URL request for debugging purposes.
Function name: vt_get_dns_resolution_object, function description: This endpoint retrieves a Resolution object by its ID. A resolution object ID is made by appending the IP and the domain it resolves to together. Domain-IP resolutions. Resolution objects include the following attributes: date: <integer> date when the resolution was made (UTC timestamp). host_name: <string> domain or subdomain requested to the resolver. host_name_last_analysis_stats: <dictionary> last detection stats from the resolution's domain. Similar to the domains's last_analysis_stats attribute. ip_address: <string> IP address the domain was resolved to. ip_address_last_analysis_stats: <dictionary> last detection stats from the resolution's IP address. Similar to the IP address' last_analysis_stats attribute. resolver: <string> source of the resolution. function arguments: - id: string, required, Resolution object ID - x-apikey: string, required, Your API key
Function name: vt_get_objects_related_to_ip_address, function description: IP addresses have number of relationships to other objects. This returns ALL objects that fit the relationship. The relationships are documented here: - comments: The comments for the IP address. Returns a list of comments. - communicating_files: Files that communicate with the IP address. Returns a list of files. - downloaded_files: Files downloaded from the IP address. VT Enterprise users only. Returns a list of files. - graphs: Graphs including the IP address. Returns a list of graphs. - historical_ssl_certificates: SSL certificates associated with the IP. Returns a list of SSL certificates. - historical_whois: WHOIS information for the IP address. Retrurns a list of Whois attributes. - related_comments: Community posted comments in the IP's related objects. Returns a list of comments. - related_references: Returns the references related to the IP address. Returns a list of References. - related_threat_actors: Threat actors related to the IP address. Returns a list of threat actors. - referrer_files: Files containing the IP address. Returns a list of Files. - resolutions: Resolves the IP addresses. Returns a list of resolutions. - urls: Returns a list of URLs related to the IP address. Returns a list of URLs. function arguments: - ip, string, required, IP address - relationship, string, required, Relationship name (see the list of items from above) - x-apikey, string, required, Your API key - limit, int32, optional, Maximum number of comments to retrieve - cursor, string, optional, Continuation cursor
Function name: vt_get_ip_address_report, function description: Retrieve an IP address report. These reports condense all of the recent activity that VirusTotal has seen for the resource under consideration, as well as contextual information about it. This function specifically generates these reports using the IP address parameter. function arguments: - ip: string, required, IP address - x-apikey: string, required, Your API key
Function name: vt_add_votes_to_ip_address, function description: With this function you can post a vote for a given file. The body for the POST request must be the JSON representation of a vote object. Note however that you don't need to provide an ID for the object, as they are automatically generated for new votes. The verdict attribute must have be either harmless or malicious. Please ensure that the JSON object you provide conforms accurately to valid JSON standards. function arguments: - ip, string, required, IP address - data, json, Vote object - x-apikey, string, required, Your API key
Function name: vt_get_domain_report, function description: Retrieves a domain report. These reports contain information regarding the domain itself that VirusTotal has collected. function arguments: - domain: string, required, Domain name - x-apikey: string, required, Your API key
Function name: vt_get_comments_on_ip_address, function description: Retrieves the comments on a provided IP address. Returns a list of Comment objects. function arguments: - ip, string, required, IP address - x-apikey, string, required, Your API key - limit, int32, optional, Maximum number of comments to retrieve - cursor, string, optional, Continuation cursor
Function name: vt_add_comment_to_ip_address, function description: With this function you can post a comment for a given IP address. The body for the POST request must be the JSON representation of a comment object. Notice however that you don't need to provide an ID for the object, as they are automatically generated for new comments. However, please note that you will need to provide a valid data JSON for using this function. Any word starting with # in your comment's text will be considered a tag, and added to the comment's tag attribute. Returns a Comment object. function arguments: - ip: string, required, IP address - data: json, required, A comment object - x-apikey: string, required, Your API key
Function name: vt_get_object_descriptors_related_to_ip_address, function description: This specifically returns related object's IDs (and context attributes, if any). Please note that this will not return all attributes. You are expected to provide the relationship to the object you're interested in. The valid relationships are as follows. The relationships are documented here: - comments: The comments for the IP address. - communicating_files: Files that communicate with the IP address. - downloaded_files: Files downloaded from the IP address. VT Enterprise users only. - graphs: Graphs including the IP address. - historical_ssl_certificates: SSL certificates associated with the IP. - historical_whois: WHOIS information for the IP address. Retrurns a list of Whois attributes. - related_comments: Community posted comments in the IP's related objects. - related_references: Returns the references related to the IP address. - related_threat_actors: Threat actors related to the IP address. - referrer_files: Files containing the IP address. - resolutions: Resolves the IP addresses. - urls: Returns a list of URLs related to the IP address. function arguments: Here are some useful descriptions of the arguments in this API, with the format - name of this argument: type of the data, required or optional, description of this argument. - ip: string, required, IP address - relationship: string, required, Relationship name (see table) - x-apikey: string, required, Your API key - limit: int32, optional, Maximum number of comments to retrieve - cursor: string, optional, Continuation cursor
Function name: vt_get_objects_related_to_domain, function description: Objects are a key concept in the VirusTotal API. Each object has an identifier and a type. Each object has an associated URL, and each domain is associated with objects. This function returns ALL of the objects related to the domain, based on the specified relationship. The following describe the valid relationship: - caa_records: Records CAA for the domain. - cname_records: Records CNAME for the domain. - comments: Community posted comments about the domain. - communicating_files: Files that communicate with the domain. - downloaded_files: Files downloaded from that domain. - graphs: All graphs that include the domain. - historical_ssl_certificates: SSL certificates associated with the domain. - historical_whois: WHOIS information for the domain. - immediate_parent: Domain's immediate parent. - mx_records: Records MX for the domain. - ns_records: Records NS for the domain. - parent: Domain's top parent. - referrer_files: Refers to any and all files that contain this domain. - related_comments: Community posted comments in the domain's related objects. - related_references: Refers to the References related to the domain. - related_threat_actors: Refers to the threat actors related to the domain. A list of Threat Actors. - resolutions: DNS resolutions for the domain. - soa_records: Records SOA for the domain. - siblings: Refers to the Domain's sibling domains. - subdomains: Refers to the Domain's subdomains. - urls: Refers to the URLs that contain this domain. - user_votes: Refers to the current user's votes. function arguments: - domain: string, required, Domain name - relationship, string, required, Relationship name (see table) - x-apikey, string, required, Your API key - limit, int32, optional, Maximum number of comments to retrieve - cursor, string, optional, Continuation cursor
Function name: vt_get_object_descriptors_related_to_domain, function description: This specifically returns related object's IDs (and context attributes, if any). Please note that this will not return all attributes. This will return objects relating to a domain. - caa_records: Records CAA for the domain. - cname_records: Records CNAME for the domain. - comments: Community posted comments about the domain. - communicating_files: Files that communicate with the domain. - downloaded_files: Files downloaded from that domain. - graphs: All graphs that include the domain. - historical_ssl_certificates: SSL certificates associated with the domain. - historical_whois: WHOIS information for the domain. - immediate_parent: Domain's immediate parent. - mx_records: Records MX for the domain. - ns_records: Records NS for the domain. - parent: Domain's top parent. - referrer_files: Refers to any and all files that contain this domain. - related_comments: Community posted comments in the domain's related objects. - related_references: Refers to the References related to the domain. - related_threat_actors: Refers to the threat actors related to the domain. A list of Threat Actors. - resolutions: DNS resolutions for the domain. - soa_records: Records SOA for the domain. - siblings: Refers to the Domain's sibling domains. - subdomains: Refers to the Domain's subdomains. - urls: Refers to the URLs that contain this domain. - user_votes: Refers to the current user's votes. function arguments: - domain: string, required, Domain name - relationship: string, required, Relationship name (see table) - x-apikey: string, required, Your API key - limit: int32, optional, Maximum number of comments to retrieve - cursor: string, optional, Continuation cursor
Function name: vt_get_comments_on_domain, function description: This function will retrieve comments on a specified domain. function arguments: - domain, string, required, Domain name - x-apikey, string, required, Your API key - limit, int32, optional, Maximum number of comments to retrieve - cursor, string, optional, Continuation cursor
Function name: vt_get_votes_on_ip_address, function description: This function will retrieve votes on a provided IP address. function arguments: - ip: string, required, ip address

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