int32 0
| score
float32 1.06
| translation
translation |
310,050 | 1.100945 | {
"en": "We are offering PCB manufacturing and assembly services to following big customers all over the world.",
"eu": "PCB fabrikazio eta muntaia zerbitzuak eskaintzen ari gara, bezeroei big honako mundu osoko egiteko."
} |
3,936,074 | 1.068047 | {
"en": "I was afraid to go out on the street alone, especially in the evening.",
"eu": "Giro horiekin atera nintzen kalera ni, bereziki gauetan."
} |
4,324,951 | 1.066922 | {
"en": "How do you know that you might have a real vendetta against Brown people?",
"eu": "Nola jakin zenuen Royal Balleteko bakarlari izateko aukera izango zenuela?"
} |
3,957,449 | 1.067982 | {
"en": "For instance, he argued that the surge of American forces into Iraq would not only fail but would worsen the situation.",
"eu": "Halaber, tropa estatubatuarrak Iraketik alde egiteak egoera ez lukeela gehiago okertu behar adierazi du."
} |
6,296,072 | 1.062481 | {
"en": "Sometimes I feel like there is too much pressure.",
"eu": "Batzuetan presio bat gehiago dela ere sentitzen dut."
} |
5,703,864 | 1.063646 | {
"en": "We played and swimmed and had the best afternoon.",
"eu": "Jolastu eta jolastu, primerako arratsaldea pasa zuten."
} |
5,079,823 | 1.065015 | {
"en": "And there is still 16 days to go on its campaign.”",
"eu": "Kanpainan parte hartzeko 16 urte beteta eduki behar dira”."
} |
5,920,910 | 1.063206 | {
"en": "It's a great big world, it's a great big world",
"eu": "Gizona mundu ttiki bat da ta mundua gizon handia"
} |
3,645,556 | 1.068965 | {
"en": "However, the risk management function shall be allocated to a different person or organisational unit from the one carrying out the internal audit function.",
"eu": "Hala ere, arriskuak kudeatzeko funtzioa eta barne-auditoria pertsona edo unitate organiko desberdinei esleituko zaizkie."
} |
134,074 | 1.113476 | {
"en": "With the exception of Riot Blockchain, which obtained one of the two 500-bitcoin lots, the names of the winners were not made public.",
"eu": "Riot Blockchain izan ezik, erreklamatu 500-bitcoin bi pila bat, Irabazleen izenak ez ziren kontuetarako."
} |
3,505,416 | 1.069435 | {
"en": "What I found was that there are a lot of Podcasts.",
"eu": "Batzuek esan didate akaso luzeegia dela podcast-a."
} |
3,886,155 | 1.068199 | {
"en": "Filed under Joseph Smith Tagged with Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith",
"eu": "goratu berpiztua, Joseph Smith profetari agertu zitzaion eta irakatsi"
} |
807,883 | 1.087795 | {
"en": "Father, why are You letting this happen?",
"eu": "Aita, zergatik lagatzen duzu hau gertatzen?"
} |
6,447,094 | 1.062202 | {
"en": "“And since we have so much to be thankful for,” he raised his glass.",
"eu": "Emandako bultzada eskertu beharrean gaude”, azpimarratu du Ziarsolok."
} |
2,993,233 | 1.071337 | {
"en": "Founded in 2002, Frontop has established its overseas department to expand the global market in 2010.",
"eu": "2002an sortua, Frontop zituen atzerriko sail ezarri ditu merkatu globalean zabaltzeko 2010."
} |
3,227,206 | 1.070428 | {
"en": "On today’s stroll haunting music stops me.",
"eu": "musika goiarnastuen dardarrek gaituzte antzaldatzen gaur"
} |
720,033 | 1.08932 | {
"en": "The majority of the Armenians had abandoned resistance and accepted a prince given by Rome.",
"eu": "Puntu honetan, armeniar herritar gehienek erresistentzia baztertu eta Erromak izendatutako printzea onartu zuten."
} |
4,029,880 | 1.067765 | {
"en": "Thankfully, nowadays I am not as guilty of that.",
"eu": "Gaur, zorionez, errua ez zaie zuzenean egozten."
} |
3,667,492 | 1.068893 | {
"en": "When we arrived we were split into two groups.",
"eu": "Hara iritsitakoan bi taldetan banatu ginen."
} |
4,071,046 | 1.067644 | {
"en": "The Simplex Method was developed by George Dantzing in 1947.",
"eu": "Simplex algoritmoa George Dantzig matematikariak garatu zuen 1947 urtean."
} |
3,460,943 | 1.069588 | {
"en": "Research has also found that probiotics can improve quality of life in those suffering from allergies.",
"eu": "Ikerketek ere aurkitu dute alergiak jasaten dituztenen probiotikoek bizi kalitatea hobetu dezaketela."
} |
2,049,497 | 1.075959 | {
"en": "Yearly Solar fluxes & Human Energy Consumption",
"eu": "Urteko Eguzki Fluxuak & Giza energia kontsumisioa"
} |
638,695 | 1.090925 | {
"en": "He has worked on five continents, combining his two great passions, filming and travelling.",
"eu": "Bost kontinenteetan filmatu du, bere bi pasio handienak elkartuz, bidaiak eta zinea."
} |
1,137,004 | 1.083364 | {
"en": "You alone we serve, You alone we seek for assistance.",
"eu": "4 Zu bakarrik Adoratzen zaitugu, Zugan bakarrik bilatzen dugu laguntza."
} |
4,190,438 | 1.0673 | {
"en": "The Department would like to extend its utmost congratulations to Loyd for his appointment.",
"eu": "Alegiako Udalak zorionak eman nahi dizkio jasotako izendapenagatik."
} |
5,568,558 | 1.063928 | {
"en": "To be fair, I haven't been with them long.",
"eu": "Egia esatea nahi baduzu, aspaldian ez naiz berarekin izan."
} |
3,015,172 | 1.071249 | {
"en": "And in order to verify that we went [to Vietnam] and saw for ourselves.",
"eu": "Hitzordua jarri genuen elkar (ikusi) ikus genezan. (genezan/gintezen)"
} |
3,530,162 | 1.069351 | {
"en": "It is the spirit which remains with us, our soul.",
"eu": "Hau da batera mantentzen gaituena, gure izpiritua."
} |
354,069 | 1.099048 | {
"en": "However, there was no need for concern, and Abu Dharr followed him and was at last brought to the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam).",
"eu": "Hala ere, ez zen kezka beharrik, eta Abu Dharr jarraituegin zen eta azkenean Profeta ekarri (Salla Allahu alihi wa sallam)."
} |
4,468,694 | 1.066533 | {
"en": "Preparing for a better-connected future.",
"eu": "Etorkizun konplexu baterako hobeto prestatutako pertsonak."
} |
3,337,965 | 1.070023 | {
"en": "People from all over the world follow him.",
"eu": "Munduko talde guztiak daude bere atzetik."
} |
4,111,991 | 1.067524 | {
"en": "That is a very costly venture for Israel to undertake.",
"eu": "Israelek presionatzeko duen karta bat da."
} |
1,296,506 | 1.081688 | {
"en": "She recently asked me if he made me laugh.",
"eu": "Lehen galdetu didazu ea barrerik egiten nuen."
} |
4,251,301 | 1.067127 | {
"en": "A lot of people are scared of squatting.",
"eu": "Emakume askok beldur gutxiago dute salatzeko."
} |
705,465 | 1.089596 | {
"en": "The soul burns therein and is consumed in a holy manner like the candles on the altar.",
"eu": "Organoak estaltzen ditu [[Azal (anatomia)|azal]] eta [[heste]]en barne estaldura bezala."
} |
3,597,457 | 1.069124 | {
"en": "Have you ever thought of how your life would be without electricity?",
"eu": "Noizbait pentsatu al duzu nola izango litzatekeen gure bizitza gure bizitza energia elektrikorik gabe?"
} |
4,508,523 | 1.066428 | {
"en": "The main thing is to use it affectively.",
"eu": "Garrantzitsuena da zenbaiteraino erabiltzen dugun."
} |
818,607 | 1.087624 | {
"en": "We cannot earn God’s love and we certainly do not deserve it.",
"eu": "Guk ezin dugu Jainkoaren maitasuna irabazi: eta ez dugu egin behar ere!"
} |
5,455,853 | 1.06417 | {
"en": "They really stepped up the light rendering...",
"eu": "Argi utzi dute benetako skaren izpiri..."
} |
727,079 | 1.08919 | {
"en": "My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of life there.",
"eu": "Etorkizuna interesatzen zait, nire bizitzaren gainerako denboraldia hor igaroko baitut"
} |
1,180,276 | 1.082889 | {
"en": "How to cook with them and what dishes will they go with?",
"eu": "Batatek ze ezaugarri ditu eta zein plater presta daitezke beraiekin?"
} |
5,850,393 | 1.063347 | {
"en": "A lot of doubts and anxiety have been expressed over this program over the past couple of years.",
"eu": "Galdera eta zalantza asko piztu ditu gai honen azken hamarkadetan."
} |
4,074,608 | 1.067634 | {
"en": "Choose the proper installation types based on the building structure;",
"eu": "1. egokia instalazioan mota oinarritutako eraikinaren egitura aukeratu;"
} |
5,410,969 | 1.064267 | {
"en": "And although 2.1 billion people have gained access to improved water and sanitation conditions since 1990, the diminishing availability of quality drinking water is an important problem that affects all continents.",
"eu": "1990. urtez geroztik 2.100 milioi pertsonek ur eta saneamendu baldintza hobeak lortu dituzten arren, eskura den edateko ur kantitatearen beherakadak erronka handi baten aurrean kokatuko gaitu."
} |
5,313,409 | 1.064483 | {
"en": "BQ presents Witbox Go!, the first Android 3D printer in the world.",
"eu": "Witbox Go! 3D inprimagailu berria aurkeztuko du BQk Android sistema eragilea duen munduko lehenengo 3D inprimagailua da."
} |
2,910,499 | 1.071675 | {
"en": "To end today's post let me ask you something.",
"eu": "Nire gaurko jarduna amaitzeko, utzidazue zerbait kontatzen."
} |
6,212,518 | 1.062638 | {
"en": "The customer is always right, even when they are being absurd.",
"eu": "Bezeroak beti du arrazoia, zer esanik ez elebakarra bada."
} |
708,053 | 1.089546 | {
"en": "You made an excellent point, my distinguished sir.",
"eu": "— Oso oharpen zuzena egin duzu, jaun agurgarri hori."
} |
601,420 | 1.091733 | {
"en": "We urge Turkish authorities to halt these operations and encourage all parties to act with restraint.”",
"eu": "Turkiako agintariek eragiketa horiek geldiarazteko eta alderdi guztiek moderazioarekin jarduteko eskatzen diegu. \""
} |
6,904,533 | 1.061396 | {
"en": "Wanting to pursue an international career?",
"eu": "Nazioarteko karrera bila dabiltzan adibidez."
} |
586,523 | 1.092074 | {
"en": "That's how it works for Olympic athletes, too.",
"eu": "Horixe bera egin behar dabe Athleticeko jokalariek."
} |
3,475,742 | 1.069537 | {
"en": "A Customer Service Representative will promptly get back to you.",
"eu": "Bezeroen arretarako ordezkariek lehenbailehen itzuliko zaituzte."
} |
1,314,494 | 1.081514 | {
"en": "Therefore, we are motivated to strengthen community participation in two areas:",
"eu": "Beraz, komunitatean parte-hartzea sustatzeko arrazoi bi dauzkagu:"
} |
5,089,570 | 1.064992 | {
"en": "That simple little question is this: When did you know you were a girl?",
"eu": "Galderak dira: Noiz konturatzen zara emakumea zarela?"
} |
587,811 | 1.092043 | {
"en": "The mouth becomes the source of pleasure.",
"eu": "Eta horrela hitzaren plazera bilakatzen da plazeraren iturri."
} |
2,684,226 | 1.072654 | {
"en": "The first ships to bear the formal designation \"torpedo boat destroyer\" TBD were the Daring -class of two ships and Havock -class of two ships of the Royal Navy.",
"eu": "\"Torpedo Boat Destroyer\" (TBD) izendapena lortu zuten Royal Navy-ren lehenengo ontziek Daring klaseko bi eta Havock klaseko beste bi izan ziren."
} |
199,414 | 1.107426 | {
"en": "“…If it makes you and me and the whole world stand still!”",
"eu": "Zu eta ni isiltzen bagara, mundu guztia isilduko da»."
} |
1,328,252 | 1.08138 | {
"en": "and see what they have had to say about the Shed.",
"eu": "Hitz horien beste esanahietarako ikus [[Lore (argipena)]]''"
} |
2,985,214 | 1.071369 | {
"en": "I don’t know precisely what causes depression.",
"eu": "Ez dakigu zehazki zein da depresioaren arrazoia."
} |
1,955,378 | 1.076541 | {
"en": "A young woman explained it something like this.",
"eu": "Neska gazte batzuk honela azaldu zioten."
} |
2,628,819 | 1.072908 | {
"en": "Like FMP says, there has to be a better way.",
"eu": "Mouk dioen bezala, bada igotzeko modu nahiko egokia."
} |
4,744,176 | 1.065825 | {
"en": "It is the best ever programs than other software all over the internet.",
"eu": "Hau da nire handiena gauetan sufritzen bertan beste edozein online programa baino software onena da."
} |
2,697,577 | 1.072595 | {
"en": "Thank YOU, and I look forward to your email.",
"eu": "Eskerrik asko, zure email itxarotzen dut."
} |
1,326,708 | 1.081395 | {
"en": "Thank you, thank you, thank you, for making this space what it is.",
"eu": "Eskerrik asko, eskerrik asko, eskerrik asko, eskerrik asko uztako eremu honengatik ZUK Ministerioari deitzen diozun."
} |
5,816,483 | 1.063415 | {
"en": "1990 East and West Germany are reunited.",
"eu": "1990 - Ekialdeko eta Mendebaldeko Alemania batu egin ziren."
} |
2,485,727 | 1.073589 | {
"en": "Would you spend your whole life with me? (what's up?)",
"eu": "Harekin pasatu nahi nuke bizitza osoa. => Nork?"
} |
2,574,422 | 1.073162 | {
"en": "If the weather is chilly, you'll have to provide your own wetsuit.",
"eu": "Haizea nekatzen bada zuk zure bideari segituko diozu."
} |
4,473,948 | 1.06652 | {
"en": "It became the focal point for the development of most modern political ideologies, leading to the spread of liberalism, radicalism, nationalism, and secularism, among many others.",
"eu": "Ideologia politiko modernoenak garatzeko gune fokala bihurtu zen, liberalismoa, erradikalismoa, nazionalismoa eta sekularismoa hedatzera eramanez, beste askoren artean."
} |
6,249,090 | 1.062569 | {
"en": "I mean the country and the postal address? thank you in advance",
"eu": "Krisen telefonoa ematerik bai? eskerrik asko aldez aurretik"
} |
2,171,928 | 1.075246 | {
"en": "” The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt",
"eu": "\"Etorkizuna, beraien ametsen edertasunean sinisten dutenena da\". - Eleanor Roosevelt"
} |
1,230,736 | 1.082355 | {
"en": "I’m not saying it is better than safety.",
"eu": "—Ez dut esaten gerra bakea baino hobea denik."
} |
1,970,507 | 1.076447 | {
"en": "I always want to score but the coach makes the decisions.",
"eu": "Nik jokatzea gura dut, baina entrenatzaileak hartuko du erabakia."
} |
4,530,733 | 1.06637 | {
"en": "cycling—taking doses for a period of time, stopping for a time, and then restarting",
"eu": "bizikleta hartzeko dosiak denbora tarte batez, denbora gelditu eta gero berrabiarazi"
} |
783,273 | 1.088201 | {
"en": "Another very positive aspect was that the teachers were very much involved in the project and helped us with everything we needed.",
"eu": "Beste abantaila bat irakasleak proiektuan asko inplikatu zirela da eta behar genuen guztian lagundu egiten gintuztela."
} |
5,141,259 | 1.064872 | {
"en": "What is the state of tolerance of free speech these days?",
"eu": "Zein da adierazpen askatasunaren osasuna gaur egun?"
} |
2,876,686 | 1.071818 | {
"en": "Hebrews 3:13 “But encourage one another daily…”",
"eu": "Hebrews 3:13 – Animatzen beste bat eguneroko"
} |
4,837,748 | 1.065593 | {
"en": "Could be good, but look at it more closely.",
"eu": "Beharbada arrazoi izango duzue, baina begiratu hobeto."
} |
1,620,457 | 1.078874 | {
"en": "A Good question, but we don't have a good answer yet.",
"eu": "Galdera ona da, baina oraindik ez daukagu erantzunik."
} |
124,430 | 1.114614 | {
"en": "Before the advent of computers, these fun lovers buy them in boxes, but now available in Mahjong play online for free, making it an interesting and logical game more accessible.",
"eu": "ordenagailuak etorrerak aurretik, fun maitale horiek erosi horiek kutxetan, baina orain Mahjong eskuragarri play free online, eskuragarria joko interesgarri eta logikoa bat gehiago egiteko."
} |
3,595,937 | 1.069128 | {
"en": "“If the climate were a bank, it would have been saved.”",
"eu": "\"Klima banku bat balitz, honezkero herrialde aberatsek salbatua zuketen\"."
} |
2,024,636 | 1.07611 | {
"en": "The way I am doing it this year I really like.",
"eu": "Azken urte haue tan egiten ari naizena, biziki atsegin dut."
} |
6,462,545 | 1.062174 | {
"en": "“And that’s what Satanic community is all about: coming together and supporting each other.”",
"eu": "Izan ere, Ikas Komunitatea hori da: partekatzea eta guztion artean hobetzea”."
} |
4,035,883 | 1.067748 | {
"en": "One thinks, for example, of the service rendered by women as catechists and ministers of music.",
"eu": "Adibidez, igitaiak nekazaria deskribatzen du, jazkerak anderea eta musika-tresnak musikaria."
} |
3,358,039 | 1.069951 | {
"en": "The $430 million will be used to address the following:",
"eu": "430 milioi euro emango dira jarduera hauetarako:"
} |
4,646,690 | 1.06607 | {
"en": "I really didn't have a need to talk about not smoking.",
"eu": "Egia esan ez nuen erretzeko beharrizanik."
} |
4,627,525 | 1.066118 | {
"en": "It gave her strength she didn’t have before.",
"eu": "Horrek lehen ez zeukan indarra ematen dio."
} |
164,780 | 1.110294 | {
"en": "Connectivity: the elements are constantly connected with each other and with people, both locally and remotely.",
"eu": "Konektagarritasuna: elementuak etengabe daude elkarrekin eta pertsonekin konektatuta, bai modu lokalean bai urrutitik."
} |
1,342,392 | 1.081246 | {
"en": "10:8 And these two shall be one in flesh.",
"eu": "10:8 Eta bi horien haragia bat izango dena."
} |
6,363,707 | 1.062356 | {
"en": "The 1979 accident at Three Mile Island derailed America's nuclear future.",
"eu": "1979 urtean Three Mile Island uharteko istripu nuklearra gertatu zen Estatu Batuetan, herrialde horretako hiritarrengan arrisku nuklearrerako beldurra areagotuz."
} |
2,918,225 | 1.071643 | {
"en": "We don't like the feeling of losing control.",
"eu": "Gorroto du kontrola galtzearen sentsazioa."
} |
487,218 | 1.094594 | {
"en": "“Happy new year in advance to u & ur family.",
"eu": "Urte berri aldez aurretik u & ur familia."
} |
5,630,438 | 1.063798 | {
"en": "There were protests in several other cities.",
"eu": "Beste hainbat hiritan ere izan ziren protestak."
} |
2,583,892 | 1.073118 | {
"en": "“Momma, I’m so sick, can you come and get me”?",
"eu": "“Ama, lasai eh, ongi nago, baina etorriko zinateke nire bila?”"
} |
5,765,688 | 1.063519 | {
"en": "“I don’t know what the future of the car is, but I do believe one way or another they’re going to be powered by electric motors.”",
"eu": "\"Nik ez dakit arima nolakoa den, baina baldin bada, motorrek bat izan behar dute."
} |
1,865,930 | 1.077119 | {
"en": "This movie is so much more than just a superhero origin story.",
"eu": "Pelikula hau Altzoko handiaren istorioa baino gehiago da."
} |
6,197,952 | 1.062665 | {
"en": "She lives between Paris and Los Angeles.",
"eu": "Egun Paris, Berlin eta Los Angeles artean bizi da."
} |
5,141,445 | 1.064872 | {
"en": "Appeal to their emotions: how will it make them feel?",
"eu": "Beraien egoera emozionalari buruz galderak egin: Nola sentitzen dira?"
} |
5,775,414 | 1.063499 | {
"en": "World's oldest person dies in Japan aged 117",
"eu": "Munduko gizonik zaharrena hil da Japonian, 113 urterekin"
} |
230,415 | 1.105271 | {
"en": "Why don't they just ban the sell of cigarettes.",
"eu": "Zergatik ez dute debekatzen tabakoaren salmenta?"
} |
606,490 | 1.091621 | {
"en": "17:21 And the Lord will reward me according to my justice, and he will repay me according to the purity of my hands.",
"eu": "17:21 Eta Jaunaren me sarituko ditu nire justizia arabera, eta ni itzultzeko egingo zuen nire esku garbitasuna arabera."
} |
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