(21:56 - 22:05)
And finally, there's so much of my body shutting down now. I can't wait. I really can't.
(22:06 - 24:09)
When my last life was Gandhi, people don't know, my whole body was already shutting down. Two-thirds of my organs in my body were already just, you know, in the process of death, and I don't mean aging, I'm talking about literally going down. I couldn't even walk.
I had to have help just to stand up and try to talk to people. Those four, not three, but those four bullets that, you know, took me out, all that was was finishing it off. So anyway, you know, there's all that to do.
I mean, you'll find all kinds of stuff about me. Folks, let people say what they want. It means nothing.
You know, you leave a department store or something, you see a dumpster outside, there's little roaches running around, what are you gonna do, nuke the garbage, you know, the trash, whatever it is, dumpster? Nah, just forget about it. You know, don't worry about it. So anyway, it's nice meeting those of you that aren't aware of me and those that have come back, I appreciate it.
And those of you that really know me, you know what I'm about. You know, I'm about you. That's my job, is to do everything I can to help you.
When we're in a body, we're very limited, okay? Y'all are so intelligent in spirit, and when you're free spirit, you feel more than when you're in the body. Now, that's hard to believe, but you do, you feel more. You're not hit with this constant bombardment of emotional stuff, stress, but your actual feelings, excuse me, you actually feel more, and it's cleaner, it's beautiful.
I always say, you know, please never physically harm yourself. But don't be afraid of death. You spend most of your life out of your body.
(24:11 - 25:55)
That's the way it was always supposed to be, but that was, there was some issues with that. As a matter of fact, that's why there's so many people have past life issues. On this planet, the way we measure time, and for the amount of time our lives are, you're supposed to have about 100, 150 years in between lives, and a lot of people have been going like, you know, 35, 45, 60, and that's not enough time in between lives for your energy to release the frustrations that build up from having a life, especially when the original first being male and female, they're dead now, they're gone, but when they were here, they were abusing everybody to make their spirit bigger, so they could divide them, split them up later, and create more like a farm.
They were literally building an applause machine for themselves. So anyway, on the books, they are a very slow read, okay? I know there's many intelligent people there, you can be really smart and read it quick. I've had people tell me, Jay, I read it six times, I got to read it again, and I said, man, just please, just go slow, you know, you're not going to die tomorrow, just go slow, and then grab every little piece, and the editors down at CreateSpace, they literally told me, there's so much information, they said, Jay, we like to have longer paragraphs, but we can't do it with your work, because there's so much information in there, it's like a cross between somebody talking openly about whatever, and then also like a textbook.
(25:56 - 27:30)
It is, folks, this information isn't anywhere else, okay? I can see this stuff, that's why I'm here, well, a lot of reasons why I'm here, but that's one of the three main reasons why I'm here, is to leave you the information, and then you do whatever you want with it, you know? But you won't find it anywhere else until enough people copy it, and you know, and that's, that's the idea, isn't it? Spread the information. Now, don't get me wrong, my stuff's copyrighted, don't go copying it, but you get that information, and you understand it for yourself, good, let other people know. Okay, we have to have money to keep going, that's how our society is, but it's not about money, it's about time, it's about people, it's time for everyone to understand who they really are, all the abilities they've always had, how to bring them forward, and become who they really are, because it's really neat.
Y'all are so much more than you've ever thought you could be, y'all are so much more than anyone's ever let you be. It was the original verse being male and female kept you down, and then the original first angels, they take their energy, go inside your crown, and run you like a puppet when they wanted to. It's all kinds of crazy stuff going on, again, in the books, okay? It's, they're your books.
Folks, love you man, I'm gonna go goof off with turkey. Have to get one.
(0:05 - 14:45)
Hey there folks, um It's gonna be a short one yay It's 831 Saturday, January 30th 832 Seem to be catching everything in right from one to the other boom boom 831 132 The self being with other people to attain knowledge All right for me that's Telling me I need to talk hurry up and be talking with other people about stuff as much as I can now and then to 832 to is understanding Being with people in a knowledge. They need that's what it means for me To can be harmony coming together and understanding So Coming together and understanding and threes meeting a whole lot of is meeting people people come together for a joint purpose If nothing else just to be happy together But then eight is knowledge and learning It's relative to something that came out on a video That happened during a video to last this morning I had to stop and talk with animals. They're showing me telling me what to do Telling me about stuff going on showing it to me They're finally getting realistic on the other side Anyway That's just about me getting out here Anyway, the crank up concerns.
Okay, that's what I want this to be about That's what it is about I'm saying that's really what I want to call it. Um a Lot of people concerned about crank ups when I talk to you a lot of people say Can I be cranked up? If you ask the question to yourself Can I be cranked up I'd say it's like 99% 99 point something percent. Yes Okay If you care enough to want to evolve that quick that hard Folks you don't have much negativity in you, okay There's people that have come up and said I'm ready for my crank up blah blah and I'm like, sorry man ain't happening, you know That almost never happens because negative people are brought my way Usually when it happens, it's more arrogance Now that's another thing a lot of people say Jay I'm so worried that I'm too arrogant to be cranked up Let me tell you something if you're honestly concerned about that.
The last thing you are is arrogant People when you're concerned About whether or not you're able to or if you're ready or something like that if you're really concerned about it 99.999 repetitive repetitive decimal percent of the time you are That is a thought process that for them, you know, if you're that concerned about it number one you're ready, okay number two Some of that worry that's put in your head is done to you to keep you from awakening Remember, there's still stuff on the other side that does not want you awake does not want your word It's not want you to see everything going on the other side because then you'll know that these certain little beings are not God Okay, there's still some souls running around messing with your head saying that They want you to think excuse me They want you to think they don't want you to see anything because they want you to think they're God Praise us. It's they think it's their turn. No doesn't work like that Everything's changed in the other side This Is something I need to tell you now too When I talk with folks and other planets when I talk to animals There's a feeling of heart that goes in and out Okay, there's a feeling of heart energy that goes in and out animals are incredibly powerful We have a lot of beings from other planets that they literally grow up understanding this is all real and factual and They've learned how to use their abilities pretty darn well There's a you know what? Most all of them are really cool.
You know why they're you when you're having a life in one of those bodies Did I want to talk yes, did I want you to feel them? Yes Bourjou has this Serpoian lady that she talks to all the time with heart and everything. It's wonderful. No, but she was really strong There's a reason for that, you know, she saw spirit inside that doesn't mean you know How many souls I know that can see stuff move around do all kinds of incredible stuff man It's amazing My friend quick quick who he's huge And I miss him.
I haven't seen him so long. I Be so nice to have a few moments to have a life anyway, whatever People it's time to wake up There's time to get stronger it's time for you to see what's going on Those of you that really feel pulled that they really want to wake up and see things for yourself no one understand and those of you that really want to Come alive and help other people You Have to meditate You have to relax open up, you know to yourself. Just go inside yourself and just open up by soft relaxed breathing you flow and Separating a conscious mind you flow down inside yourself And once you're down once you're you actually located from the heart to the inside of the hypothalamus Where that understanding goes back and forth.
That's where your spirit is And then you relax and then just you just flow out into your body and you're literally modifying common and modifying the active frequency level that you're at inside that your energy is inside that section and You flow into yourself. It's just like your whole core energy just softens and The frequencies actually change they soften stretch relax and then you come more alive Cranking up. This is not just awakening your abilities.
This is evolving your abilities your mind Your head when it gets bigger folks, it doesn't get an inch bigger on both sides or something like that No, it doesn't get like that a Lot of you don't care there's some of you that have actually brought that up and I said man you don't turn into a freak My head is growing like hell cuz it has to look at all the energy I run through it Look what I do. Look why I'm here It doesn't get like that But that's why I said if you use a string you will know after about three and a half months that there's a difference over 90% of the time Okay That depends on age nutrition a lot of other things So Anyway folks, I just want to address that because there's so many of you that were bringing that up. I needed to say it And there's a lot of souls running around Still hiding in and out here and there I'm sorry.
I got a lot to do. I can't see all these things Can you imagine taking out a cloud raindrop by raindrop? Okay I'm doing what I can And I don't want to be here anymore You know, this is getting handled anyway Everything's coming together finally so If you're concerned about it Then it's like a ninety nine point nine percent chance that you're ready So yeah, this just if you're concerned about it, you're ready Except for a tenth of a percent of the time What else can I help you with Today's tomorrow's leaders That's important It's important for you to it sounds like a What you'll call a commercial the Marines it's important for you to be all you can be To do what you want to do here And you will continue changing when I get out of here when I'm finally free And this part of me that's Jake and just slowly relax and dissolve into the rest of what I actually am You know in a way y'all are lucky that when you get out of your body you go home You could be just yourself I I Keep telling people this source thing, you know I did when I first started talking about so many people got so excited about it And so especially the folks that I told were sourcing but so many of them got headstrong arrogant and I'm like man, that's disgusting And I've said from the beginning source is the source of your problems We're family folks We're family so anyway, if those are your concerns about getting cranked up don't worry about it And If you really feel like you want to do it and there's something That keeps pushing you in a way and pushing pushing you away See if you can relax and feel something around your head like a little bit of a it's like it'll look like a little bit of Black anger, maybe even really dark gray That's what you'll see and feel inside your head and your spirit guides Your spirit guides will help you see and feel that They'll put the feeling in your heart your heart might pulse up a little bit or you might get that thought in your head a little bit Because remember their souls their outs They're you outside of a body helping a friend of yours in a body and they're right there with you, too And the other ones are doing it So they're gonna cause a commotion where even if they're not stronger than a soul that's messing with you It's gonna go back and forth and you'll feel that confusion. Okay? Things are a little weird right now, but in so many ways they've never been better And Now with the stuff going on around us out in the world that's different I'm talking about within you and your personal self There's no controls.
Everything's nuts on the outside world things happening on a planet. It's all going crazy It'll be stopped Anyway, all right folks look love you Don't worry about Getting cranked up if you want to get cranked up, okay, it's not there's no issues there The most important thing is for y'all to relax But gee that's easy right just okay, I'm relaxed Are you kidding our lives the way they are how crazy they are? Um Everything happening around us is hard Please take the time two or three times a day even for five or ten minutes in just five minutes And just sit there and practice relaxing Just let things go you have to remember Take the conscious mind think of the conscious mind like a whole bunch of gears Continually turning that sit on the top of your head you pull these two pins out and let those gears keep turning But they like a balloon helium balloon they keep going up until about ten foot over your head Let the conscious mind keep going just separate it from your own personal self from your energy And as you make that affirmation and see it go in your head What you're doing inside is separating your personal spirit from the spirit of the body from the spirit of the body or you know guy spirit is Separating from that a little bit and calming down So for it's like you're just going into a separate your spirit. That's in a body, which is a house It's like you walking into a different room The door is open the other part of your spirits right there that the energy The other part of your body spirits right there guys energy But it's in it's out of the doorway and it's out of sight and you can relax and be yourself That's what's happening when you're meditating Okay, folks, love you man, have a good one and happy awakening One other thing too when you're doing this stones really help Okay, something to calm calm you down relax you and again Celeste light I just got a bunch of it for a reason this stuff is really good Um, they really the energy really works with the hypothalamus in the middle of your head Which is kind of like a control point for all the different for all your most all your abilities Okay, it's like a central Essential point that the other abilities come in and out of okay, and it works directly with a heart Maybe one day I'll get a video out that explains that a little better Although I already did it pretty much in a video I put out about the brain and how it functions metaphysically All right, folks.
Love you. Have a good one
(0:05 - 2:14)
Good morning folks, it's 5.30. Wow, this morning is going by fast. 5.30 a.m. 75, 15. I figured it's about time.
I've told a lot of you individually, I've mentioned things here and there, but I want to put together for you right now, in one little video, how your brain works as far as your metaphysical abilities. Okay, we know Uncle Jay ain't no brain surgeon, okay, as far as an M.D., but it stands to reason that because I can go into your brain and do what no one else can, and I actually see your brain when I'm in there, and I watch everything firing up, and I actually manipulate it, and it makes these things happen. Yeah, that puts me on the first top step of the ladder when it comes to understanding the brain and its metaphysical abilities that it produces.
And actually, the brain, the body, is a mechanism that makes things happen, but your spirit is what really gets in there and gets things flowing. Can't have one without the other. You want to make something to eat, you got to have a skillet and a spoon.
Anyway, so much for the spoonies analogies, as you can tell it's early in the morning. I got up at 4.14, I wanted to hurry up and get things going. I do that a lot, so I can get something done in the book.
There is something I want to tell you about. Break this away from one of my little unicorn buddies. This is Chowa.
C-H-O-W-A. Okay, good stuff. It's very expensive.
It's a tea. It's chi tea. They call it tiger chi tea.
(2:16 - 2:52)
It literally helps your body come together. It literally helps your core energy flow. It puts your body in a state it needs to be in and feeds it what it needs to.
There's mushrooms and all kinds of stuff in that. It's expensive, but it's awesome. It flows in and out and it helps the core energy flow.
I have it. I mix it with my coffee every morning. I have two packages with one cup and then one or two packages with other cups.
(2:54 - 3:58)
I always seem to have my three cups of coffee in the morning almost every day. Okay, what else do I need to tell you? Oh yeah, before we get started, follow-ups. I do everything I can to help you to get things done, but I'm running out of time, people, okay? I'm going to set boundaries for when I can do follow-ups.
They're going to have to be done then or they won't be done at all. If you notice on the website, it says they're free. They are.
It's a free thing. I want to do it with you. It's like a check-up after I crank you up.
I can go to you and look, but I want to talk with you. I want you to talk with me. I want you to tell me about what you're feeling so I can help you understand it and help grow and get stronger.
You know I care about you, okay? We just recently had a gentleman call up, a real nice guy. I cranked him up January of 2014, okay? We never did his crank-up. That's a long time ago, okay? We're working on two years here.
No problem. I'm doing it. I want to do it.
(3:59 - 4:12)
You know, this is important. I had to do it by email because I had to fit in with all this other stuff, okay? My schedule is crazy. I'm doing everything I can, folks, for you, okay? It's about you.
(4:12 - 7:53)
It's about the animals, the plants. It's about everything, but this is the part I do for you and there's other parts of our that are in animal bodies and they're doing things relative to animals. This is a big thing.
This is what 2012 was supposed to be, but it couldn't be because the original male and female, the original first being male and female, excuse me, were causing all their problems. The war had to happen. The war is over.
They lost. You won. Now, let's get down to these awesome brains that guy has given us, okay? This is just the basic flow of things.
I want to ask you, if you can, go to the library or buy the book. It's better if you can afford it, buy it, but I know what it's like with the money issue, I really do. Please remember, four years ago, I was begging for food, so I understand what it's like, okay? A lot of people say, you shouldn't say this.
I don't care. The one thing you all know about me is I'm just flat out open. There I am.
What it is, it is. It's no big deal. I'm better than nothing else and nothing else is any better than me.