(22:41 - 23:09)
Um, uh, he was with me when I was Joan of Arc. And he had that rendition done. Um, uh, of when I, that's my life as Joan of Arc.
Um, and I had a rather special sword. We've talked extensively about what was on it and how things happened and the meaning of the, you know, different symbols on it. But anyway, uh, this is not a professional studio.
(23:10 - 23:20)
And as you can tell by my videos, they're not professional. You know, the thing is, for it to be what it is, just raw information. Okay? Alright, I've got to slide back into topic.
(23:20 - 23:52)
Uh, I want to talk about the main topic, but I want to give you background too. I'm not a, as you can tell, I'm, I've become more and more popular all the time. It's, it's people who want information.
It's not popularity that's a difference. I'm becoming more known instead of more popular. That's how I should have said it.
Okay? Um, my information is becoming more known. That's what's important. You know, don't worry about the guy in overalls.
(23:52 - 24:00)
This is about information for you. Okay? You can watch Emily when she was doing it. She could, she was actually taking the time to look.
(24:01 - 24:40)
That was real. She saw it. Okay? With me, it's a little different.
I'm just there. Okay? Um, I just focus on an area because my energy is right there. Um, but you can see, the more you see with your eyes, the more we can, you know, use with our physical senses, the easier it is for us to develop affirmations, little truths about something being real or not.
These folks are real. The blue sphere is real. They're not here to hurt us.
They're here to help us. Um, they have some strong abilities. The Central Intelligence Agency once used them.
(24:40 - 24:47)
Uh, cranking them up and trying to get to me, giving me a little bit of a hard time. I just kind of laughed. You know, the spheres just shut down.
(24:48 - 25:05)
Then I got freaked out. It's so funny. That's what happens when you get these big government agencies, you know? They get so arrogant.
They're so full of themselves. They don't understand. Everything's equal.
Nothing's any better than anything else. Different? Yeah. Better? No.
(25:06 - 25:21)
The only time better means anything is when we make ourselves better than we were previously. Anyway, um, so the blue spheres, what are they? They are Lordships. Okay? Um, they have these little, uh, spheres that come around and see you.
(25:22 - 25:30)
Okay? It's like little, uh, robotic spheres. They literally, um, uh, whatchamacallit, uh, beam in and out all the time and everything. Sometimes they'll fly around.
(25:30 - 26:02)
Um, they're pretty neat. They've been around a long time. A lot of people say, Jay, what's this blue orb? Well, sometimes it's spirit from the, uh, third, uh, stage of evolution of souls.
But usually it's spheres. Many spheres. The large ones, of course, we can put a lot of people in.
When I say people, I'm talking about, you know, human type beings from, or beings whatever. What we consider human, we think of as, as the, uh, have a visitor. That's funny.
(26:03 - 26:42)
Uh, anyway, um, uh, uh, uh, dude, a little less pressure. Okay. Um, I'm gonna talk to someone a little bit later.
Anyway, um, actually, I guess kind of soon. Um, who the hell was I? Um, um, it's, um, whatever. I'm trying to get away from it.
(26:42 - 27:10)
Um, there's stuff going on. It's actually related to Tyr, because we're talking about him. Uh, they can actually, they can hear it.
Like I said before, they get in electronics, they can see it. When I, um, I was talking about, uh, a friend of mine that was a Pleiadian that came in when he started waking up. I'd type something on a computer.
And, uh, uh, like for email, but I'd never send it. I'd just type it. And then I'd say, the next time I was told, okay, he's watching.
(27:10 - 27:42)
I was seeing it. I was told, and I'm like, really? And I went looking, and I saw him actually watching. So, I just typed it, and then the email did not send it.
And then I voided it out. And I said, the next time we talk, I want to talk about the Kelts. And all of a sudden, the next time I saw him, like a day later, he goes, Jay, I've been real busy, but next time we get together, let's talk about the Kelts.
And I'm like, okay, cool. And then I did it a second time, and I did it a third time. And he looked at me a third time, like, really? And I'm like, just kidding, just kidding.
And he's like, I've got nothing to do. You know, that's what's going on in his head. He's so cool.
(27:42 - 27:52)
He's awesome. One time, his boss from a ship was sent down to work underneath him. He worked at a Starbucks.
(27:52 - 28:05)
I'm sorry, he worked at a Barnes & Noble, but he was working a Starbucks thing. This guy was so incredibly intelligent. What is this guy doing pouring coffee, working in this place? You know, he's ridiculously intelligent.
(28:08 - 28:29)
And then this other guy came in that worked underneath him, but he was his boss. You could tell and feel and see everything around him. Of course, I could just see it anyway.
But the little kid was arrogant, and he pissed me off, so I'd give him a hard time in front of my buddy, and then my buddy would just be smiling. I'd like to say his name. I almost did it, but I don't want to do that.
(28:33 - 29:20)
Anyway, sorry, there's a lot going on around here right now. They've been anxious for me to talk about these Blue Spheres and everyone out there for a long time, but I've been more involved in trying to get the heck out of this body. I'm going to see, and I'm stuck here for a little bit.
It's time to get back there real quick. So anyway, folks, these people, all kinds of people from all different races, I should say planets, they've been coming here helping us, enjoying the flora for, I don't know, forever. David Wilcott says, this planet has been civilized for over 2 billion years.
(29:20 - 29:30)
Wrong. Wrong. They've been coming here, checking out the flora, taking samples, setting up little camps and stuff, coming in and out.
(29:30 - 29:41)
Yeah. But actual civilization? Setting down races? No. That didn't start until about 11, it started to form about 11 million years ago, but it wasn't quite there yet.
(29:45 - 29:58)
That's when the Adams and Eves came here, the five Adams and Eves. Anyway, these people are real. David Wilcott's really cool.
(29:58 - 30:05)
Please don't think I'm picking on him. I'm just making a statement, and I would love for him to listen to it. He takes too much stuff in conjecture.
(30:07 - 30:25)