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PA-24C-11-08/2023 | PEMOHON Land Success Engineering Sdn Bhd RESPONDEN Amindo Packaging Industries Sdn Bhd | CIPAA – Setting aside, stay and enforcement of adjudication decision – Whether denial of natural justice – Whether the adjudicator has not acted independently or impartially – Whether the adjudicator has acted in excess of her jurisdiction. | 30/01/2024 | YA Dato' Quay Chew Soon | |
30/01/2024 15:53:42
PA-24C-11-08/2023 Kand. 25
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m\—2ac-11»os/2n23 Kand. 25
an/amuza 13:52:42
m the High Com 0! Malaya m Panang
In me State 0! Pena;-g, Mahysxa
ongmaung Summons No P c as/zozs
Dalam perkara mengena: Kepulusan Aquaukaeu benankh ca
Ogos 2023 dengan nombur nqukan Ame/D/Am—45sa—2o2a
o\eh Adjudikamr Ehuvzneswan Krishnamurlhy anlava Land
Success Engineenng Sdn Ehd dan Ammdo Packagmg
lndusmes Sdn Bhd
Daram perkara mengenai Seksyen 2a dan pemnlukan undang —
undang di bawah Ana Pemhayzran dan Adwdwkasx lndusm
Pembmaan 2012
Da\em perkava mengenau Aluran 7‘ 22;‘ 69A den perunmkan
kaedah — kaedah da\am Kaedah — Kaedah Mahkamah 2012
Land Success Engineering Sdn Bhd . Plamllfl
Amindo Packagmg Industries Sdn Ehd Deferldam
Heam together wmn
In ma Hugh ceun uf Ma\aya m Penang
In the Sva|e or Penang, Malay a
Summ n No P so /2 23
0n n
Dalam pemaxa Seksyen 12. 15 dan we Ana Pembayaran darn
Afljudlkasl Vndusln Pemmnaan 2012‘
am s~amNaEyrJDS7s1Luzw
«we. Snr1I\nanhnrw\HI>e U... a may a. mm-y -mm: dnuamnl VI mum am
Dalam perkars Kepulusan Adwmkasx berlankh we 05 mm
dengan Adwdxkasx Rujukan Nu AIACIDIADJ-45ss—2o2a yang di
puluskan aleh Bhuvaneswan Knshnamurmy‘
Da\am perkara Aluran sen Kaedah - Kaedah Mankaman zmz.
Dawn perkara Amran 7 dan 293 dan muran 92 Kaedah 4 Kaedah
— Kaedah Mahkamah 2012
Ammdo Packagmg Vndusmes sun Bhd . Appncam
Land Success Engineering Sdn and ., Respundent
Grounds L71 Be on
1. There are [we vewaueu acflons belore me Namew
my Orlgmallng Summom Na FAr24C—11«05I2D23 man by Land Sums“
Engmaenng Sdn am runa Succui‘}un an a ma
ms ‘s an appirahon m eurmce ‘nniomnmlnl ap uliazn“) Ihe
Admdlcatmv Declimn new 13 a 2fl23(‘id]|l¢IcIflon .1. - nvaewerea
ny lha Adluduzilur Ehuvaneswan Knihnamunhy (‘.m1ju-ilumor‘) m an
Amudxtzmmn No NACJD/ADJAEBBJUZSPidjunluflan plncoodlllfj
me enrnmemsfll .ppw»ca«.m was made under suclmn 23 at me
canwucuon lndushy Paymem and Mjudlcalwon AcA2D12(‘C|PAA')‘ and
my Dngmnllnn Summons No FA—24C-13-‘Ufi/2021! Ned by Anundu Paumgmg
tndusmes Sdn am: (‘Amado’) on 22 9 ma
me ‘e an apmmm m ya asme me adludwcation domuun 4'-mun asldl
me semrv] aside anmmmn was made under b9won15oVC\PAA
sm smumN4vEydps7s7u:zw 2
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
defence raised by Ammdu, Vs nm a gvound to set aeme me amudlcallon
41. The admdlcalor ::nm:\uded ms: the urns to complete me pmjen had
been set at Verge. As Land Success was permllled to eennnue |o remain
ac lhe pmjact sme and carry out as works. And Ihere was no subsequent
oenificale ol nun — complelion wssued aner the rewsea commeuan date 01
so 11 2020
42. The deience rawsed by Ammdo wmn regard \ulI1e cemflcale at nun —
compleuon at 29.5 2020 had been Iaken Into accoum by the adiudwcator
ms appears at Fart P paraglaphs 10 and 11 oilhe adjudicalmn deusuon.
wmcn reads.
we The Reswllflerfl subrmls Ihmme am case wanna be msnnamsnea as .n
we um case me PAM Conlracl 2006 was avvhcable and Clause 22 pm»:
sam PAM eonlranl reqmres me so to wssue a Cemficals a! Non comm-an
bevere up can be warm
‘H The Respondnm a um mm as me Cmumcl .n queslmn .s nol a PAM
wlI|r-I<:| and (her: a no reqmremen| up Vssue a CNC helare LAD can be
Vewed me xhererme me case ewunp Km not appucabqs In any men:
we Responaem claws lha| cNc had been Immd an 2v a 2020 *
The ad udwcato lmdmg on road and dra §_q§ Qawm by Land Success
4:. Ammdo alleges than the adjudxcalor had umlalerafly vpund |ha|
Ammdo had accepled Land Success‘ claim nn road and drainage work
Tne aueganen Vs umenable. Tne aapmueacor consxdered Amlndds
Rejuinder, where Ammdu rawsed that me man and eramage work wmen
was In vanalmn order rm 2 had been De ed m me mlenm paymenc clam:
no 7. Noiwilhslanding me cenmcauon, Amlndu delved ma« me mad and
dramage work was commeled by Land Success
44 In any event, eppanunny was aeeemea to Amlndo lo pu| toward as
case Tne delenoe and eymenee ravssd by Amman were cnnswdered by
the Adjudwcawv ms appears at Pan 5 paragraph 1: el me adjudication
dectswcn, wmen veads
w Road a. Dva\nana- Vntsmal Road K0ng\na|WoIk!Y
a The Respondent m me Aepmmen Response claws man nem an my
Vmemnl am was nol my name by me Cmxmam The Responasm smas
max by way own 2 me mnslmcmn ov me ln|erna\ Road (Mam a 1 under
Road a manage) was vanad m Hum mats and hencslha D\aIman\$hou\d
am swmN4nEydDS7s1l-nzw “
“Nab: s.nn lunhnrwm be e... a mm s. snpnu-y mm: dnuamnl VI mum em
um be wlmed \a mam mow. lar m|ema\ mad and Ihsmlnm mas Ihe
Chlminl had been ovemam lar Item an
h The Claumanl m mew Repiy slam: max vo 2 was leraddlhonal s\ab works
and had nssn duly anpvvved bylhe so
u The Rexmnflenl m mew ns.o.mer snanss Ihat ma asnmaauan Vor man s.
Draulanze m we 1 mm to be sustamud The Rssponasm howevavstales
lhe|\|\sw\lhuulp1a]uuu>s on ma aamsmau lhal addulm-131 floor slab was run
sxssmaa The Reswnflem reflers to me Whakkpp wrwelsalmn M
15 3 2021 m Schedme 25 (wm»g\y marked as Swodule 32)
7: nssusmn
That: \s no dispute mm regavd to hem a 1, as ascapma by um R¢spnnwen|
The wnamaa mrwersanon does ml ‘and any anmance In ma
delenmnalmn M0-us Issue The -ssus suns Addmnnal F\ncrS\ab has naan
asan mm under voz havmnabove The cnamanra slam under Hem s < Is
mervlom anawsa as Inna C\aImam's whole aaxm undev Ham a -
Thea ud nzlofs nd
g cgn ra
on the Issue 0! me v >1 av me lermmauon ol
45 Land Sucoess dawms man the contract WES nc\ lelminaled. Whereas
Armndc contends that the oantract was lerrmnmed, when me prqem swle
was handled back «a Ammdu The disagreement an whether the connect
had been lerminaled was raised by hull’! pames, and ¢el\ squarely under
me adjudlcalofs junsmcnon
45. The adjudicator found that lhe oonlracl was no! pmpany (errmnmed
by Ammdo The answer reached in rfipem uflhe |emuneman 0' contract.
which differs fmm the names‘ subrnisswons, dues nu| render M an excess
oflhe ad;udvcamfs;unsd\ct\an Nor can (he adjudicahnr be blamed Io have
acled pafllafly.
47. The adjudicator then pmoseded In news on anomsr issue of
whether Am do us emmau to claim from Land Success lo! ma sxpansas
mowed In ng a Ihwd pafly to carry out the purportedly incomplete
works The adjudicator and not gram ma sum claimed by Amindo The
amudlcalar cannot be said |o have ac1ed m breach of na(ura\ ju ce or
acted pamaHy nr ac1ed In excess 0! her junsmcuon, when she applied he!
fmdmgs m raspesx ol the wmpmper Ie alien to same Am-nuns claim
lor such expenses.
4.5 ms appears at Pan 5 paraglaph l3(e) av Ihe adjumcaman deuswen.
wmch leads
am asam/4az,,a.svsnaza "
«am. am.‘ nmhnrwm a. med w mm s. saw-y mm: dnuumnl VII nF\uNG v-ma!
-e Declslon
l Vlrld (hal M none: was wlverl |o lhe clarmarrl prlol lhe appalvllmam am.
3'” pally Io do me wens l have found aamav men are lenrrrharreh was ml
cane aoaurdlnq In the eerrrlrselrral pmvlllunl rh clarrse 33 av lhe General
carralllorn an Conllad ll rs under Ihls I:lause|h.n|1he Respondent would
be enhliad la emplny an panyio cmvlplele walks allegedly ml eohe by me
The plumes plovlded by lhe Reipundsnl aa he: prove lrrsl lh. salfl wurks
were deiedrvely done by lhe aeswlaehl ue omen wix glven la lhe
clalmerrlanhwghlh. Raspolvflavll had by cnndudlsmlniled me eerrlrael
ln seplamesrzuzr
Furlhemwle lhe charges rrrerrrrea are In zuza whlch ls mom lharr a year
aha a hall aherslre pessessrorr was taken nylhe Rewnndvnl
I lherelere alsallew lhrs uounlutlalm bylhe nesperruem-
recllllcauon cosl
cm A an alarm cl Rmwa 411 lor the
as Thrs rs again anolner sllualron where Amindo rs purely unhappy wllh
lhe findlng el lhe aalrldrealnr There ls no challenge as to lhe quesllan
asked erwhelher Amlndo ls ehlllled to elslrn lor lrle ones to demolish and
redo lhe purpnrled undone or delsctwe works ll ls rncarreel lor Arnlhdo |n
allege lhal lhe aalrrrjrrsalur had acted ln breach el nalurel lusllce or panrally
or in excess of her lrrrrsalcllen, when she aeclaea lhal lhe quolalicn
(endeved were lnsumcrenl Io suppurl A dds clalrn.
so The aalualealer leunu lhal only a lhlm — pany quolaflun claleu
13.5 202311 year and a mohlhs aller lhe pmjecl slle was handed back re
Amlndn) was |erldered by Amlndol nul hol ah lhyolee nor recelpl The
‘quulaliuw would merely be an anlrelpalron and evaluallon lor lulure
losses whlch does run lrrsllly actual loss suflsred al lhe malerlal llrrle
when lhe claim was made
sl. Tms appears a| l=sn s paragraph 10(9) or the adludicalvon declslon,
whlch reads
-wrlh regard no me eerrnrerelalrrr rhe Responderll has urlly amylase e quomlnn
lrem a an puny || ls orrlslee lhe purvlaw ol lhls Mlrralcallerr lo Inllclpaie and
eyalrrale lrmrre losses om-e Relpondarl|
lalsallew lhe Rarrperraehrs wunher alarm aha llrld \h.n| rlre clarmahl ls ehllllea
la mu armrrrms as clalmed rh Revlsed Flawless clarm s rrhaer llerrr 51 mm
sm EAuNN4iEyrJfi7S7LaZw "
“Nana Smul luvlhnrwm rs. UIQG In my rs. arlrlmllry MIMI dnuavlml vn nFluNfl WVM
Ihm rm msuum nas been valsod wrrn regnm la rne amer wems under nsnr 5 and
unererora auowme rema-
The allegeg tenure at the ad uarcaror to con der Am gg s defence
52. II us no\ true that lhe adrudraator (arled |D consider Armrvdds defense‘
as alleged by Ammdo The aaruarcamr ma aoneraer Arninaosaerenpe arm
lhe evrdencs, mcludmg the photographic evidence submilled by A tin
rn consrdsnng Amlndds uerenee, ma aanmrcaror round rehance and
suppmt (mm the cemficaliun by the Supermlendenl cmcer in ma
uerlflicale M prograaa crarrn no, 7
53 Trris appears at Pan s paragraph 711:) unhe aaruarcanon aecrsrorr.
wmcrr reads
‘In new pun. I.ur1mn|me so nas uumflad me work: m we 1 V 3 rn rerar as
having paen mm mnrprerea m CanIfica1so¢Fmgre:: Payment Na 7‘ I sea In)
reason to quesuon the same rn. Raxpnndcnfs |:\nm\ mar ma Floursbab Work:
were nor cumpleled m apearaanae m specwrcarrans rs unsupsrannarea mm
urrsuppaneu by any ewdenee we Ualmanls cuarrnerprvo «-3 an aflewed Mm
no daduclmm “
‘1es| re rt‘ mdueed p A 'ndn m these raoesdln s were n
egg ga m the ad udncahnn prooee g
54 In Alnmdtfs allwdai/1| VI rep\y immled on 30 102023 (Enclosure 2|)
and filed in the sellmg aside Ongrnalmg Summons, a \esl vepcfl Issued by
we sort A Cuncvele Lab Sdn am: daled 410202: was exhumed. ‘rrna
IBDOR was issued puvpunedly pursuem to an mspeclxon carried out on
27 9 2023. TN5 repon was drsragarded by me 707 the IGHOMVVQ reasons.
55. rrrsuy, Ihls repon was any prepared aner me adjudlcalinn
pruaaearng had been compleled And aner |he adjumcahon decrsrprr had
been handed down 01118 5.2023 Obviously‘ me report :5 not a documenl
that was waned helore the adjudxcawr for mnsiderafion. II \s a document
prepared afier the mug M the sewing aswde Ongmahng Summons on
22 92023 VI was not made as a grow suppurl ol the asrtlmg aswde
Originating Summons m Amlndds afhdav in support aflvrned on
22.9.2023 (Endasure 2;. But on\y dlsdosed rarer m Amindds alfldavu In
55 Secondly, there was no Iorrnan arm proper applrcanon made by
Amman to adduce such “lresh evidence“ In these proceedings Neither
was any explanalmn provened «or rrra de\ay m omarrurrg and producing
rn aranrrwrreyapsrsnpzy. “
“Nana s.n.r nmhnrwm be LAIQ4 w my r... rmmnauly mm: dnuumrrl y.. .nuye war
lnis rspon Peninenlly, Amlndo was represenled by Ilie same sclicilcrs in
me adiudicaiian pmcsedlng and in these proceedings.
57 In any eueni, Ilie selling aside appliealion is subiecl to the Iiniiled
grounds sel oul in seclion 15 ol CIPAA Even fllhe repon is considered
il will nol aid Aniindo lo iuslily Inal Irie adiudicalion decision should be set
aside because Iris adiudiealol nas acled H1 breach ol nalural Iuslicei
pafllallyi or in excess cl her jurisdiction. Simply put me repon has no
deleiniining erlecl over me selling aside appliealion. More so wlien Ine
repon was uhlalrled niaie lnan 2 years aller me pmject sile was nanded
back lo Amirldo
The slay aoplicaliori
5a. Fremlssd on me above I lino Inal Amlndo has Iailed Io subslanliale
any silualien which walianls Ilie adiudioalion deal on lo be sel aside
pursuant Io seciian 15(b| [denial of naluial }usIlos]‘ seelion Isle) Illie
adiudicalor has nol acled independeiilly or inipaniallyj or secllun lsldl
[lne adiudicalor has acled in excess oi nis jurisdiclion] oi CIPAA I
lnerelare dlsinissed Irie selling aside application
59. Tile slay applicalicn Vlfle Enclosure 9 ocnlalned Iwo prayersi i.e
Ia) an Inielini slay M ins adludicaiisn decision oendinw me lull and final
dlsposal ollne seling aside aPD|lca|lorI and Enclosure Ia:
(D7 an oiderlorslay bl Ina adindieaiion duclxlon
so Recall lnal on 279 2023, I lied granled an ad inlerirn slay ol the
adiudicalion declsbon, pending llie disposal o1 lne selling aside
application Prayer (a) above became redundanl since I nad disposed of
me selling aside abpI‘icaIion.AI Ine heanrigi Arnindo irisisled on prayer (b)
above I e lo: a slay onne adiudiealion decision Bu| I was conlused as Io
wlial slay is Arnindo seeking » slay pending what‘)
51 The pre—reoui es Ior a losing pany lo seek a slay at an adiudicalion
dec ion under seaion 16 at CIPAA are (al lnere is an ongoing selling
aside apnlicalion [secliori 16(1)(a)], or (b) lnere is an ongoing civil suil uv
albiiralion [seclion leIl)lb)], Herei Ineie is no civil suil or arbitration
ooniinenoed by eiinei Amlrlda or Land success al Inis iunciure Hence,
lne pie — reduisile in seclion I€(1j(bj ol CIPAA is riol lullilled A slay
lnerelare carvIu| be souglil nor granied under seclian 16(1)(h)a1 CIPAA
As rnenlioned eavlleri a slay under seclion 16(1)|a)aVClPAA liad beoonie
academic. given lrial lne selling aside has been disposed ol
sru EwIilN4hEyrJN7s1l-nzw ‘5
“Nair s.n.i luvlhnrwlll as UIQG a may i... bflmruflly MIMI dnuavlml VI nFluNa Wm!
62 In wew Esteem Sdn and y Ema Puri Holdings Esn1sd[20|B] 2 MLJ
22, tne Federal cdun adopted a hberal apprdacn Io saouon 15 of CIPAA
An approach that wouk! anow some degree of nexrmmy to say an
admdvcatuon decrsron where lhere Vs dsar ermrr or ID meet me ‘uslma ov
me inmvwdual ease Nevennexess, M was made dear that a soay 0! an
adjudroauon decrsron ougm not be gwen readny. and caulmn must os
exercised when domg so
es The Federal Coun said (al page 4:3 — 49;
“[521 We are m Agreement mm ma mlllnnhun dune aoos»/am mat a mom hbuml
ruumrIgo(:16a?lh5 cum wuuld aflow me degree afflcxmamy In Iha mails
to my mo award mm mm um um mars. or rnmul flu/‘uxllcn ollne
mdmduor em 1: I: accepted that a say n! In: award nugm not bu aim
mdny Ind s. ian rnusl be ucmud Mun doing Sn fiowvvsv la nurrm
ma upplrcahan ors 15 or ma cum In the manner pmpused by the mgr. Court,
and me CourIalAppuL wauld oe In mp vl olany um/Iy’
en The burden lies on Annndo In snow Mal there have been dearerrots.
drcna¢ the Justice 01 me case warrants a stay dune adjudrcazion decxsxan
Ammdn has (exiled to do so Ammdo has not shown the exis|ence a! any
special crrcomsaances |hat wumd render such a slay necessary
65 The adjudwcalion decision must be respected and honoured al this
]unc1ure,Iegard|ess Many cw suucrarmrauon |hal may be med Beavmg
m mmd tha\ CIPAA atuudlcallon proceedmgs are mended |o be ior qmck
and umely paynrams.
Tna enloreemem agghcanon
as Pursuant 10 secucn 23 0| CIPAA. Land success apphed [or an order
In enfaroe the adyudicauon decnsmn as w u re a judgmenl dune Hvgh Cam
I aucwed ma cmcreernenc application. I sxercrsod my dlscveliun in do so
srnce me relevant reqmlemems are met. Namely,
(a) me adyudmacron dacman nu been made wn «aydur av and Success. me
my apvVY'V‘fi ccr um.
an Arnrndo, me oany agamsl wnorn the ad;udII:i|n7n deusmn was made, his
tamed In oay nne admmcatad sum oy me shnmaled date, and
my mere rs no pmmbllmn on me mun‘: dlscvemnaly power In gram leave (0
onrcrca the -Idguducauon dedsson
sm smuMN4vEydps7s7u:zw ‘S
«no. Snr1n\nmhnrw\HI>e med w my r... nrW\nnU|:I mm: dnuumnl y.. mum om
sm s~amNaEydDS7s1I-uzw
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
57 I !ollow the Court a! Apnea! decisxon in /nal Krara Sun and v Puten
Nusanlsra sun and [2019] 2 MLJ 362, [2019] 2 CLJ 229 al 235 Much
125] my Iha! ma awlrtantneods :9 do ya to samy lhe mm Court that mm It
an ldludlcnlon decision mama-1 been ruudued In ms a;‘IPllI:anl'r favour.
ma! mere hadbeerr non-payment ollhe Iqiadfcalodtum by m. dais spaaired
m ma ad)uL1»calroII fiscrston and Ina! mu: rs no prvhibirion in m. gunk ofkhn
man that was sought
125; By nus, we mean ms! the admrlmatuon seam has not been 59! am or
srayed. ma! mere I: no wnllsn samsmsnl or me sumac! manor bclwun m.
games, 9! Ina! man? /5 no final decmon rendered on me paynlcrvl dorm, whsmsr
mm m mmam or by =3 cum ollaw um um. nuflirx ... .sm:.m.:
as nunsrs or «m, the Urdu In onlizrw mm to n. ,....m: -
as For the reasons above, \ dwsmissed Ammdrfs apphcallun m set asxde
and may the amumcmion dec sxon Vaflowed Lend Success’ appl
enloree me amudlcalwon declswn.
as I ordered Ammdo to pay costs «a Land Success In me iollowing sums
— ta) RM5,0fl0 m mspem ol the enooreemem apphoalwon‘ (b) RM5,000 In
respea onne selling aside appncauon, am (:2) RMSDDO m respea oi me
slay application
Dated 12 December 2023
Quay Chew Soon
Hwgh Cour! nl Malaya‘ Penang
cm: nwism NCVC 1
Llm Wum Vmq am Les Hue: mg (The Chamoelsol Vu snm Gag] (nr um success
us K:1Jun(Mcuvs Waynu Slang, Km .4. ca; !arAmmda
sw suwN4wEyrJbS7s1Lnzw
«ms smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
2 in me setting aside originating summons. Aniindo nad iiied a notice
at appllualian t1a|ed 24 9 man vide Enclosure 9 la seek tor a stay oi tne
ad]udicaIion declslun (‘stay app: I(ion'). on 27.9 202:, I granted an ad
interim stay or the adiudication decision‘ pending rne disposal oi me
Sefllrlg aside application.
3 Both |he sriian:emeri| annltcalton and the setting aside application‘
as weii as me s|ay apphcslion, were neard rogerner on 1.12.2023 I
decided as follows.
tai I diarriiaaao mo ialilrvg unis ivnhcznmn uv Amindn
(bi ldisniissed ms siay apntmanen av Arirrnde. and
(ch 1 aimed Via amoioemam appi-cation ny Land Succus
4 Here are me grounds oi my decision
Background (acts
5. Pursuant la a letter at award dated 13.11 2019, Arninda app ' ed
Land success as tne main corilraclor in relation to a proJec1 lor reiniorceo
concrete work, steel slrucmrat wnrk and In1ra—s|mc1ura| work at a canlracl
sum o1 RM2 34 million
5. Land success nad rnade seven previous interim progressive claims
And Amindo nad paid an cemiiec sums ior tne seven interim ce ales
to Land success Progress claim No ts was subrriilled by Land success
to Ammdn var work done as at 29.1 2uz1 in the sum RM437.477.19. This
was not cenined by me Supennlendenl Offioer nor paid by Amindo
7. Notwithstanding, Land success conunued to carry am the works urim
near completion around September 2021. Al the request 01 Amvldflt the
proieci site was handed back to Arriindo around 17 9 2021
8 Land Suooess then re — assessed and valued its work done UD wilt‘
the handing ever at me preiect in Amman Arid submitled a revised
progress claim no 510 Amlndu an 2 9 2022, (DI the sum nYRM652,§72 1D
as ar 29.3 2022 Th kewise was not ceruired by the Sup sndent
oiiicer nor paid by Arnindo.
9. Thus a paymsnl dIspu|e arose eeiweeri Land success and Aniindo.
Land suocess carnmerioed tiie adiudreanen proceeding and ciainied tor
SIN s~ariiNaEyrJi)S7s1l-nzur 3
“Nana a.ii.i luvihnrwm be u... a may i... amimiirv MVMI dnuaviml vn .riuue v-mat
me arspmea sum ol RM652,572 10 agams\ Arnrnoo based on me revised
progress daim no a
10 on 18 a 2023 the admdlcalar rssuea me adwdwcahun deorsron. Tne
adrudrcaxor delemuned mar Armnao re [0 pay Lena success me sum of
RM425,622 so wrmrn 14 days, toge|hsr mm rnteresr and cosls
The eeumg asrde app ca n
11. The Ihree limbs oi semen 15 of CIFAA rehed on by Amlndo In lhe
selling aerpe applrcanon are:
151 demal or narurar ruenroa by live aorupreerpr [hmb (err
my me adjudlcatm has nnla:1edvndeper\deM\y oc rnrpanrauy nrrnn Lcjl, and
1:) me epruprparor has sued rn excess or rrer junsdlwon {rune (4))
12 It appears in me lhal the selling asrde aponearron 45 premised on
Annnpee grouse: about the vrnamgs made by me aojuorcaror. Armndo Is
anegrng |ha| me aoruprcarer has reached ervuneous ounemsrone Vn orner
words Ammdn re merely unhanny with me menrs pr rne adpmrcaupn
13 However, an aarourcarprs orrrorng 04 «acre re nor revrewaoxe in a
eemng esrae apphcauon Ammdds commaunls on me errors purpunedly
oonrrnmed by me aorudroaror rs In essence en apnea! agarnsr the meme
0! me apruaroarron oe on Such canned be enrenarned by |he caurl m a
ssllmg aerpe eppucarrorr An appurcarron ro set aerpe an adyudicallon
oeorsron enounp nor be treated as a mu 7 bluwn appeal pr rehsanng or
marfls by me gudge
14 me Cmmof Appeal m AOFM Engineering .9. Consmlclran San and V
Esslar Vrsrtm Sdlv Bhd & another appeal [2016] I LNS 1522 hem.
-[2v] rn the context oreeorrpn 15 p/crpm 24712 rr cannot b: m. llmcflon
ul rm cam rp look me or nvllw rm mlnu or me can pr to oaama ma
rem orrrre paae Tm rears Ira torn». eanrpmaror In men and dsads an Tm
Com‘: rurrerron in simply to rm .1 me munner In won me eqruoamor
conduriud mo hunting arm wbutnor ne Mdcommmed In lrrvralllwdmmg
matprubasx Sum error pr/aw males 10 wnomorhc hadacronfndpmctdunl
him!!! to ma Appouanr rn ma eprmm or (ms me, me eornprarnra pr rrre
Apps!/an! were rrpmrrrq but epmptainre nfllrlunl llndlnfls oltne Idludlcalor
which In our Vlcw clnmzk bu onronarnerr or us
em smpmN4vEydps7s7Lpzw ‘
“Nana s.n.r ...n.rwrr be p... m my r... nflmrraflly mm: dnuumrrl vu murm WM
424; me law as n exlxls /"law mnzclly limit: the Own‘: nmcuons wmcn
..p....w do 7191 Includt to rivhw ms curncmess n! the mudlcslon
dtclslon Awon-lledby the )earrlad)I1Dl?sl me some lrltslvwlllon ls unlym very
exoepnona! wcumslanms wmcll on far and law II! ouwecn rna prlma (acre
wsw 0/1/19 Com must as to a/rnn (ha Id/ufllcatofs dacuvon uness me Iosmg
new can show ma: ll had eon-nnsd wan thi mmsllalds llslsd n sacrum vs a!
cum 2:712 -
15 u IS not me task of the com lo conslder whether lne adjudlcalnr had
answered me lssues ccnecuy am lnslead, wnslner me adludlcalor had
duly consldered me velevan ues Any error by an adludlca|or can only
be remedled H1 an arbllrallorl or gallon
No dsn/a/ ofnamIa/ us!/cs
16 Mere verblage mm a flndlng as ‘breach ol natural lustlee‘ cannol be
pevmilled For Anundc lo succeed on denial ol natural lusuee, ll musl
prove that male was a lundanlenlal procedural unvanness golng lo lne
roeloilne decislon, such as where one party was heard and lne omer not
17 ‘Backdoor anemple‘ lo use allegalions ol nalural iusllce lo sel aslde
an adludlcanon oeclslon snould nol be allowed. so long as lne pames
were aooordsd an opponunny lo present men easel lnere eannol oe a
complaln: o1 denlal ol natural lustloe lsee lne coon ol Appeal case of
/reka Engrneenng and Carlstruchan son Bhd v PWC Corp sdn Bhd 3. anal
apnea! [2019] MLJU 35)
18 Here, Amlndo had been accorded wnn lne ophurmnily In nla lls
Adjudlcallon Response. wmcn ll dld Amlndo was also accorded wiln me
opponumly lo me me Paymsnl Response. oul eleeled nol to do so In any
event, me nun — nung cl lne Payment Response cesrs no ellecl. as I! ls
deemed lhal lne enllre claim oy Land success ls belng dlspuled.
19. cll=AA provides lor lne fllllng ol lne Adyudlcallun clalnl oy lne unpam
psny, lollewed by me Adludlcalion Response by the non — paylng carry,
and laelly me Adludlcallorl Reply by me unpaid parly Here, Armndo nad
subsequently reouesled lo We a Relolnder. ms was allowed and Ammdo
Indeed med a Relulnder There was no procedural unlalmess suflered oy
Amlndo W lne ad]udica|iun pmceedlng‘ as ample nppeflunlly was
accorded lo Amlndo to present NS case
20. Amlnda alleges lnal ll was denled nalural wsluce oy lne arblhatuv
Hawevsr, Amlrldo and no: snow lnal II was prevenled lrom lendenng
evidence or maklng suhmlsslon on the lssues ralsed In lne adludlcalion
sm s~ahlNaEydN7s1|-nzw
“None a.n.l nuvlhnrwlll s. o... a may s. snnnnn sun. dnuuvlml Vfl .nuno Wm!
proceeding it seems in ins |hal what Aniinu oonipiaining oi Is purely
ins iindings reached by iris aaiuaicaioi. and how sne weighed ine
evidence neioia nei niai is nu| an issue ol proceauisi a ess.
21. There niusi be no wniu fl bemesn an appiiaaiion to sel aside an
adiudicalmn decision ioi denial of naiuiai iusiiaa, which ni ges un
prouedural unfairness And appeahng againsllhe decision, wnien involves
a veview oflhe msms onne decls n Amindu ougiii not in be pemiiuieu
In rely on ma principle oi naiwai justice In set aside ina aaiuaissuon
decision, piainisaa on is cnaiisnge against me miuings M ins aaiuaicaior
The idudlc has not soled In excess of I nsdiciion
22 WW?! regard to the mmplainl that the adiudicalor has aded in excess
cMer1unsdicliori,Am do is velying an uis siniiiai grounds as Ihuse ieiiaa
on in rsspeci oi VIS oonipiainis legardmg asniai or natural iusiioe Which is
naming more irian niere dissaiislaciion WI|h iris oonciusions reached by
me adiiiaicaior.
23 i am salisfied that uis adjudlcalor did not aai uulside the scope oi ner
appointment and the dispulss raised belore riai The Issues mined by
the adiudicaluv were well wllhln the disputes ralsed by (he pames In the
saiuaicsiiun proceeding
The ad ud»ca!arII§§ acled inasgsnuenily or impgrialgy
24. Neiiner had Ainindo snown how the auiimicaior nad acled paniaiiy.
Am do aiinpiy raised its eompiainis aver ins findings made by iris
adjudicator on a 'ana / or basis And swept aii aiiniiar conipiainis to be a
purpcrled meacn oi naiurai iusiice and / DI the adjudicator acted pariiaiiy
and I or me aaiiiiiicami acted in excess oi her iuiisiiiicuan i consider inai
Amindu is raising these auegea breaches as a backdoor way |o set aside
the auiudicaiiun decision, wnicn was noi in its lavcur
Ainind Cu;
25. i move on to deal wiiri me cnaiiengas raised by Aminuu AI me slart
ol me aaiuaieaiiori decision, me aiiiuaicaici had sei out me issues for
1; issues
IN EAuNNA)‘lEydfi7S7LaZw
“Nair s.ii.i nuvihnrwm be LAIQ4 M van; i... nflginnflly MVMI dnuumnl VII nF\uNG puns!
Based on me Admdlcnlmn Clam: Aflpudnzamn Rzspanse, Reoly In
Aammaanon Respnnse. Relmnaer and reply in Reminder, I ma mal Ina
vouowma Vssues anse\n\h\sMA\x1Aca(Inn
1 Does the new-caxor havu junsdurllan «o decide «ms Adgudmahmw
Has me mmract been vmoefly |emumsled7
Has urne oeen sex ar Iaraew
Does mu 7 oanrmuon rarae a presurnmrorr Ina! work was nm ¢ona7
rs me malmam emmed re D5 van Vulwolk acme"
Has one crarrnan: arm-argue rt: ouraen or WW4 and Wnvnd rne
Quanmm ul II: r..rn and naa 01: moanaann Dmvud Ilx defence and
25. Ammdo am not onanenge men mese oueauorrs posed by me
aorumcacor are wrong. Rather‘ Amman ra purely onauengrng me
cunclusians reaoned by me Adjudicalur. wma. not |he|es|ln hsappllsd
oeororng whether or nu| an adjudlcauun de un augm to be set aame.
27. I am saflisfied Ihal the adJud\ca|nr had up oonsldered me uevences
rarsea by Arnrnae by Iakmg Into earrsrderauerr me documenls presented
more rrerr runrung rmo over 15 pages or me aaruaroauon aecrsren under
Fan S4 or; acted wlmm henurxsmclxon by aeorarng on me rasues raised by
both pamea prenuseo an the raons and me documents presented. and (In)
acled rrnaamany (awards oom sides
25. Here is my exnmnatrorr
nrsrruaaal of Arrundo‘s ceumemlarrrr for redmcallon coils ol sloien rterns
(or rnecnarw;a< and meclncal works
29. Ammdds munlelclawm fur recvfinatwan oasis 01 stolen Items hr
meorrarncal and e\ec1rica| works was my cunsideved by me aorumoator
The Adiudxcatcr do not wIHy mlly rmo ou\ ner runsdraron m uenernuning
defence. u was only aner vakrng rmo consroe n the argumems
raised. man the aaruoroacer decided lhat mas Issue rs beyond me scope or
me aaruareanon.
an Trns appears at Pan 5 paragrapn 1a 11! me adjudica|mn dam on,
men reads
we Rsipoluderns counnercnarrn vonasses due la man
a we Resvurvdlm cram. m an Adgudrcatmn Respunae mm due In mans ma:
eccurved on Ihe me we we Cmmam was rn amupmmn M Ihe sue, me
Respondent has smverea rosses as n has nan in may ror remmeauon works
srn s~nMNaEyrJDS7s1l-uzw ’
“None s.r1a\n.nmrwmne U... a may r... nrW\n|U|y -mm: dnuamnl VI murm war
In ine ernouni ol lwllea.nao.uo and RM3fl.5D0 on me Respundeni has
Iflducad lnlvolces lar reeimcaison work done in Schedule 19 a. 2n.
n The RespoiIderl| has pivduced police reporls by me clurnrunrs
Repmierllallve issnedule 17 RBOD7 end phmogizpm In suvnml ns claim
iscnedule is s. scneeule 27;
c we cluimenr nes siaied in men Reply la rne Auludnzuon Raupnnse Iliai
lhls aelnr ls loo wmanmus in be delernuned under llm Aflludlcailan and
mac M s. 2 works were ourslde lne sodoe nhlswurk:
e ins Neeoamenl claims lnel ii nr lndlsvmable rner lne Claimant had iull
l:nn|m|M|V1e srle wnen in. (MN: lmk plane and me cuuneni md luiled lo
nmnerly seeursine ene WHICH caused me losses Irlwrvsd
i, in me Cllim-ill‘: Reply |a ins Relomdu are C\alman|sIaies|ha1lIvmu V! e
lapu oi lime nerween lne dares SHDNH in pichues In Saladule 27
iii 3 mi 5 H QJD21) and me duleo lne rnelis look pleoe 122 5 mi A
s 6 20217
e Dsclslorl
me ioeue cl wnelner ins cl. am VS Ilahle ior lne wsii lncwrad by lne
Respondem ior Iachficallm c asses caused by ineiie an me slle srems
irorn a dalm in negligence men is oulilds in. scope ul lnie adjudbcahuil
ins neepondenl nus lo pursue me eleun elsewhere '
31 Amlrldu did nm cnallenge lnel ine adpudlaaioi nad asked me wmng
quesllon The adjudleelor had asked me ngniqueelmn oiwnelnermrndo
is enililed to ils oounierclelrn ior losses due In lneii wnei ls onellenged
by Arnindo is purely ine answer giyen oy ine adludlcslar The adludlcerdr
neld ihal on we issue oi lneii and negligence, Amlndo would seek lls
recourse In ine civil mime. lneiead oi via a caunierdlenrn in ine
adludlcallorl proceeding
32. secilcn 2 oi CVFAA siaies that CIPAA only applies In oorlslmellon
work as defined in secllon 4 oi CIPAA. Section 2 oi CIPAA reeds:
‘Thu An anwes lo every oonllmcimn eonrraa rnede ur willing releuno lo
Callslmchorl work umed aux wholly or only wllhlrl lne Iemlmy cl Malayxla
including a wnltmnnn mn|Iac|evll.eIadIn1l7 oylne Government.‘
33 seciion 4 a1 CIPAA read
'oons|mc1lon walk“ nreuns me wnsiiummn. exienslnn, lnslellailon. vsvalr
mslnlennnce. renewal. reimuvill renwemn ellerelron, dlulnarmlrlq, or dernnllrlon
srn sumlNaEydps7s7l.;-lzw ‘
“Nun: s.n.l nurlhnrwm r. u... e may r... unrn.l-r mini: dnuuvlml Vfl erluria Wm!
any bufldmg, arsmn, samss, stmmuve‘ wafl. «ma or chimney, whelher
wnunma whnfly ur plmy azma ar kmhw gmurvd met
any man, hamourwmks. rarmay. cableways canar or aaraarmna.
my dmrnnge rmgauan nrmeronmrcl work
any areannaar, nracnanrsax, walerr gas, on nenmsnarruaar
lelecommunlcauon work, av
any brI¢g9,vIadu:1rdamrvuelvmvraanmmrks,plpshrvesiswarsaqueflucl.
wlvsr\,dnvn,sha1|‘ lunnsi urmchmahun wurk.
and mchmes .
on any wurk wmch Vorms an rnneuraw pan or, u! are pupa-awry In ov
nemvorary tor Iha walk: dascnbad m varaamvhs (at k: may rnaua g
slla clearance, son mvnshgatuzn and Impmvumenl, cam:-moving
«cannon, rayrng nflmmdilmn. mu rexlamlmn and landsclvmflr ana
ta» orocurernanr al mnslmawn nraranals, equ-prnenn or worksa, at
nsaesarfly reumraa «or any works described m parauvapns (aHv1s7.'
34. The adrudrcaxor held mail me rssue cl smlen Kems lorlhe mechamcal
and elemncax works was not within me oumram, nor me defi n or
sonsuuclmn work under secucn 4 or CIPAA srnce me scope 0! works 01
Land Sumsss am not rncmae macnamcal and atecmcal works, which was
assrgnad |a one KPH Erecnnaal Engmaenng sun Ehd The adwdlcalor
dacrasa mat Amindds counterclaim on the stulen electnca\ work was a
mane! omslde henunsd>c1ron
35. Tnus, me adjuurcawr retused Io adwdicate on re, and aannnaa her
junsmduon tome cansnrucnon work wi in me contract pursuam |a CVPAA
Ammdds chauange on ms gmund rs a mere dlssauslacfinn wrcn me
adpz ‘camr's nnaxng, which us. not a ground to set aside |he adrudrcanun
The ad uu
3011 2020 and non - ennuernem m LAD
as. Ammdc clanna unax me oampxamn dale remained at 25 32020, and
the oerlificale of non » commeuon raauea on 29. .2021: remarna vahd. Tns
aajuaraacur huwever denuded max Arnrnau was not enhllsd to LAD
because me ungmal comple n dale was rewsed in aun.2u2u.
AmIndo's cnanenge on m s agam a mere drssacrsvacnran with the
ad;udrca1or‘s answer to me queshon 0! whether me nnne nas been set at
srn s~nmN4nEydDS7s1l-nzw “
“Nana s.n.r mnmrwm a. U... a may r... anmnauly -mm: dnunmnl VI mum war
37 In answsrmg nms auwien, me adjudmalcr had eonsraere-1 the
argunrene and me aeeurnenrs presemed lu her Amongst erhers, at Pan
P av me aanmicahen daclswon lrom paragraphs 1 to 12, and Pan 5
paragraph 22 of «he ad;udu:aIIon dec n Aller dmng so‘ me adjudwcalm
concmdea Ihanhe lime Inrcnmplenon enne project had been set at large
The adjudxcator lound Iha| a csmficale 0! non - cumplelinn is reqwed co
enhne Ammdo to rarse non — cnmmellon and rrnpose LAD agamsl Land
35 Thus appears al Pan P paragraph 12 a! me adwdwcalwon demsmn,
which reads:
~: Vsswe 37 Hasllme been sem large’)
12. Decmun
Clause an m me General Cowman: at Cunlmcl1ExhIh\H caom slates
mar hrhe connramervsrua tn camrdele me mm: by «he dale In me Form or
Tender orwnmn any extended lame Imdev Clause 3\ and me so eenrnes
m wmmg -
Smca we extended mrnpueoen date was an 11 mo. rhe Conlvaclnaqmves
mar me so cemflas In wvmng aher 3a<12n2n mal mu wnmd be
rm Rsspomenfs epnrenhon mat nu cm: was ml reemrea Is a\sa ml
aucemable as me so has prewauxy as-rep a one on 29 a mu wmch his
pm reheu on rmrre Rnpondwl
Amzr me 3011 mm. me (Nalmznl had mu nm wmpueree ms mas and
was afluwad \a vemam on sneuu 11 9 2021 '
39 The aanmrearor laund supporl m me supennnenaenr othoers own
Indlcahon «n me eenmeane ol pmgras payrnem rm 7 that the cprnplehen
dale lorlha project had been lunher re ' d m 30.11.2020 Tnrs appears
at Pan P paragraph 5 M Ihe adrumcahon decisrenr wmch reads:
-5 nu so lhen proceeded co exrer-a me oempnahan Dare to 30.11 me me
me Is apparem vrorh cemhcsu L11 Fmgress Payment No. 7 name an 2m
Deeemnar me me so has then pmmedad up aeuma me LAD er
Rwaesoo up our 91 days In cenmcare m Pvugwss Fiymem up 7, Much
ra pam<:u\lnzed as bemu LAD up to me data no me cenmcare or Prcgmn
Faymem No 7 -
A0 C\aar\y, mess were rssues vaised m the aaruarcaricn pmce
pre ed on the documents presented lherem. There us no ad
0! Junsdwcmon by «he adwdxcawr How me auruurearer anmysed the
am shph\N4vEydps7s7Lpzw ‘“
“Nana a.n.r mmhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w my r... nrwhrnflly mm: dnuumnl vu aF\uNG war
| 2,386 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
W-01(A)-255-05/2023 | PERAYU LOH SIEW HONG RESPONDEN 1. ) PENDAFTAR MUALAF NEGERI PERLIS 2. ) MAJLIS AGAMA ISLAM DAN ADAT ISTIADAT MELAYU PERLIS 3. ) DATO' ARIF PERKASA DR. MOHD ASRI BIN ZAINUL ABIDIN (DISAMAN SEBAGAI MUFTI NEGERI PERLIS) 4. ) Kerajaan Negeri Perlis | Civil Appeal - A case of a father who had consented to convert his three minor children (a twin girls aged 11 and a boy aged 9) from the Hindu religion to the religion of Islam without the knowledge and consent of the childrens’ mother, the appellant herein - unilateral conversion - The appellant challenged the legality of the conversion – judicial review – High Court : Dismissed the appellant’s judicial review application with no order as to costs - The main complaints of the appellant against the decision of the High Court is the learned High Court Judge did not address the two pertinent issues in the judicial review proceedings. The two issues are: (i) Whether the unilateral conversion is lawful; (ii) Whether section 117(b) of the Perlis Administration of the Religion of Islam (Amendment) Enactment 2016 is inconsistent with Article 12(4) of the Federal Constitution and is therefore unconstitutional, null and void; and (iii) Whether the Federal Constitution in the national language is the authoritative text – Court of Appeal held : (i) The respondents’ argument that the Malay translation of the Federal Constitution is the authoritative text is a non-starter because the prescription of the Federal Constitution in the national language has not been approved by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. Until such prescription is approved, the English version of the Federal Constitution is the authoritative text. Therefore, it is wrong for the respondents to say the decision of the Federal Court in Indira Gandhi on this issue is made per incuriam. It matters not whether there is a Malay version of the Federal Constitution but rather whether there is a prescription of the Federal Constitution in the national language as the authoritative text. Since there is no prescription, the learned High Court Judge is correct in his decision to follow Indira Gandhi; (ii) We chose to follow Indira Gandhi because that is the latest case decided by the Federal Court. We also agree and adopt the reasonings advanced by the Court of Appeal in Pendaftar Mualaf’s in that the Federal Court in Indira Gandhi had analysed the various provisions of the law and the previous decided cases including Subashini in coming to its decision; that by the principle of stare decisis, the High Court and Court of Appeal are bound by Indira Gandhi’s case. Pursuant to Indira Gandhi, the law is settled in that consent of both parents are required for conversion of a minor children; (iii) Based on Article 4 of the Constitution, we held that section 117 (b) of the Perlis Administration of the Religion of Islam (Amendment) Enactment 2016 is inconsistent with art.12 (4) of the Federal Constitution and is therefore null and void; and (iv) The appeal is allowed. The decision of the High Court is set aside. The appellant’s judicial review application in prayer (a) to (i) is allowed with no order as to costs. | 30/01/2024 | YA Dato' Hadhariah Bt Syed IsmailKorumYA Dato' Hadhariah Bt Syed IsmailYA Dato' Hashim Bin HamzahYA Datuk Azhahari Kamal bin Ramli | |
CIVIL APPEAL NO.W-01(A)-255-05/2023
[Dalam Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur
Bahagian Rayuan Dan Kuasa-Kuasa Khas
Permohonan Semakan Kehakiman No.WA-25-169-03/2022
Dalam perkara status agama
Sulochana a/p Nagahswaran (Sijil
Kelahiran No:CB 34247), Sulochini
a/p Nagahswaran (Sijil Kelahiran
No:CB34248) dan Thatchina Moorthi
a/l Nagahswaran (Sijil Kelahiran
30/01/2024 10:01:06
W-01(A)-255-05/2023 Kand. 44
S/N mOjqMHikOCD0Pjpkc6wg
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Dalam perkara mengenai
permohonan semakan kehakiman
untuk mendapatkan perintah-perintah
bersifat deklarasi, certiorari, larangan
dan mandamus;
Dalam perkara seksyen 25(2), dibaca
bersama perenggan 1 dalam Jadual,
Akta Mahkamah Kehakiman 1964;
Dalam perkara Aturan 53 Kaedah 1
(1), Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012;
Dalam perkara Aturan 15 Kaedah 16,
Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012;
Dalam perkara seksyen-seksyen 41,
42 dan 44(1) Akta Relif Spesifik 1950;
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Dalam Perkara 3 Fasal (1), Perkara 4
Fasal (1), Perkara 11 Fasal (1) dan
Perkara 12 Fasal (3) dan Fasal (4)
Perlembagaan Persekutuan;
Dalam perkara seksyen 117(b)
Enakmen Pentadbiran Agama Islam
Dalam perkara seksyen 7 Enakmen
Pentadbiran Agama Islam (Pindaan)
Loh Siew Hong - Pemohon
1. Pendaftar Mualaf Negeri Perlis
2. Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Istiadat Melayu Perlis
3. Dato’ Arif Perkasa Dr. Mohd Asri bin Zainul Abidin
(Disaman sebagai Mufti Negeri Perlis)
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4. Kerajaan Negeri Perlis - Responden-
[1] This is a case of a father who had consented to convert his three
minor children (a twin girls aged 11 and a boy aged 9) from the Hindu
religion to the religion of Islam without the knowledge and consent of the
childrens’ mother, namely Loh Siew Hong, the appellant herein. The
unilateral conversion is not disputed by the respondents.
[2] The appellant challenged the legality of the conversion. She
contended that without her consent, her childrens’ conversion to Islam is
null and void. She also contended that without her consent as the sole
guardian of the children, the first respondent cannot issue certificates of
conversion to her children; that the certificates are null and void and her
children remain as Hindus.
[3] The appellant then applied by way of Judicial Review Application at
the Kuala Lumpur High Court, seeking for the following reliefs:
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(a) perintah deklarasi untuk mengisytiharkan bahawa Sulochana
a/p Nagahswaran, Sulochini a/p Nagahswaran dan
Thatchina Moorthi a/l Nagahswaran adalah penganut-
penganut agama Hindu;
(b) perintah deklarasi untuk mengisytiharkan bahawa
Nagahswaran a/l Muniandy tidak mempunyai keupayaan dari
segi undang-undang untuk membenarkan responden
pertama mendaftarkan Sulochana a/p Nagahswaran,
Sulochini a/p Nagahswaran dan Thatchina Moorthi a/l
Nagahswaran sebagai mualaf, tanpa keizinan pemohon;
(c) perintah deklarasi untuk mengisytiharkan bahawa Sulochana
a/p Nagahswaran, Sulochini a/p Nagahswaran dan
Thatchina Moorthi a/l Nagahswaran, sebagai kanak-kanak,
tidak mempunyai keupayaan dari segi undang-undang untuk
memeluk agama Islam, tanpa keizinan pemohon;
(d) perintah certiorari untuk membatalkan Akuan-Akuan
Memeluk Agama Islam bertarikh 7 Julai 2020 yang
dikeluarkan oleh responden pertama atas nama-nama
Sulochana a/p Nagahswaran (Daftar No.JAIPs DAK.02 Fol
17/2020), Sulochini a/p Nagahswaran (Daftar No.JAIPs.
DAK 02 Fol 18/2020) dan Thatchina Moorthi a/l
Nagahswaran (Daftar No.JAIPs DAK.02 Fol 16/2020);
(e) perintah certiorari untuk membatalkan Kad-Kad Rasmi
Memeluk Agama Islam atas nama-nama Sulochana a/p
Nagahswaran, Sulochini a/p Nagahswaran dan Thatchina
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Moorthi a/l Nagahswaran, jika ia telah dikeluarkan oleh
responden pertama atau mana-mana pihak lain, atau
perintah larangan untuk menghalang responden pertama
atau mana-mana pihak lain mengeluarkan Kad-Kad Rasmi
Memeluk Agama Islam atas nama-nama Sulochana a/p
Nagahswaran, Sulochini a/p Nagahswaran dan Thatchina
Moorthi a/l Nagahswaran, jika ia masih belum dikeluarkan
(f) perintah mandamus untuk mengarahkan responden pertama
memadamkan atau membatalkan dalam Daftar Mualaf
Negeri Perlis nama-nama Sulochana a/p Nagahswaran,
Sulochini a/p Nagahswaran dan Thatchina Moorthi a/l
Nagahswaran, dan juga nama-nama Islam mereka iaitu Nur
Sulochana binti Nagahswaran, Nur Sulochini binti
Nagahswaran dan Muhammad Thatchina Moorthi bin
(g) perintah larangan untuk menghalang responden ketiga,
sama ada secara sendiri atau melalui mana-mana pegawai,
pekerja atau agen Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perlis, membuat
apa-apa kenyataan yang secara nyata atau tersirat boleh
membawa maksud bahawa Sulochana a/p Nagahswaran,
Sulochini a/p Nagahswaran dan Thatchina Moorthi ialah
kanak-kanak mualaf atau kanak-kanak beragama Islam;
(h) perintah deklarasi untuk mengisytiharkan bahawa seksyen
117(b) Enakmen Pentadbiran Agama Islam 2006, dalam
versi Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Inggeris, sepertimana
yang dipinda oleh seksyen 7 Enakmen Pentadbiran Agama
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Islam (Pindaan) 2016, setakat mana memberi kuasa
kepada responden pertama untuk mendaftarkan seorang
kanak-kanak sebagai mualaf hanya dengan keizinan
daripada ibu atau bapa kanak-kanak tersebut, walaupun
kedua-dua mereka masih hidup adalah tidak
berpelembagaan dan, oleh itu, adalah tidak sah dan batal,
setakat itu; dan
(i) perintah yang patut supaya responden ke-empat memberi
kesan kepada semua perintah-perintah di atas.
[4] On 11 May 2023, the learned High Court Judge dismissed the
appellant’s judicial review application with no order as to costs.
[5] Aggrieved with the decision of the High Court, the appellant
appealed to this court.
Facts of the case
[6] The appellant and her former husband, Nagahswaran a/l Muniandy
(Nagahswaran) were married under the Law Reform (Marriage and
Divorce) Act 1976 on 25.5.2008. The appellant was a Buddhist.
Nagahswaran was a Hindu.
[7] There were three children from the said marriage, as follows:
(i) Sulochana a/p Nagahswaran, born on 7.11.2008;
(ii) Sulochini a/p Nagahswaran, born on 7.11.2008; and
(iii) Tatchina Moorthi a/l Nagahswaran, born on 26.5.2011.
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[8] The appellant was separated from her three children from 3.3.2019
until 21.2.2022 after she was beaten up and chased out of their
matrimonial home by Nagahswaran.
[9] On 13.12.2019, the appellant filed a divorce petition at the Kuala
Lumpur High Court vide Divorce Petition No.WA-33-734-12/2019.In the
divorce proceedings, each party was represented by a legal counsel.
[10] On 7.1.2020, the appellant obtained an ad interim order from the
Kuala Lumpur High Court for the sole guardianship, care and control of
her three children. Despite having the full knowledge of the custody order
issued by the High Court, Nagahswaran refused to hand over the children
to the appellant. Her attempts to get back her children was
[11] A certificate of Decree Nisi made Absolute was issued on 22.9.2021.
Vide a High Court Order dated 31.3.2021, the appellant was granted sole
custody, care and control of all the three children.
[12] Prior to the fact stated in para 11 above, on 7.7.2020, one Abdul
Khadir, alleged to be an old friend of Nagahswaran brought Nagahswaran
together with the three children to the office of Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama
Islam Negeri Perlis (JAIPS) because Nagahswaran wanted to convert to
Islam along with the three children. When asked about the childrens’
mother, Nagahswaran told the second respondent that the appellant
had left him 2 years prior to 7.7.2020 and he does not know where
she is. This is a blatant lie by Nagahswaran because at the material time,
the divorce proceedings was ongoing and he knew the whereabout of the
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[13] Since section 117(b) of the Perlis Administration of the Religion of
Islam (Amendment) Enactment 2016 allows either the father or the mother
of the minor’s to consent to the conversion, the second respondent was
satisfied that the consent of Nagahswaran as the father fulfills the legal
requirement for the second respondent to proceed with the conversion of
the three children.
[14] Thereafter, the second respondent alleged that Nagahswaran,
along with the three children had, one after another, uttered the Islamic
affirmation of faith in Arabic, followed by its meaning in Malay,” Aku
menjadi saksi bahawa tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah dan aku menjadi saksi
bahawa Nabi Muhammad SAW ialah Pesuruh Allah”.
[15] Satisfied that Nagahswaran and the three children had fulfilled the
Islamic principles for conversion into Islam, the Registrar of Mualafs (the
first respondent) register their conversion to the Islamic faith in the
prescribed Register of Mualafs, and thereafter issued their respective
Certificate of Conversion into Islam (Akuan Memeluk Agama Islam as
(i) Akuan Memeluk Agama Islam Sulochana a/p Nagahswaran,
No. Kad Pengenalan: 081107-02-0616, No.Daftar: JAIPs.
DAK. 02 Fol. 17/2020 bertarikh 7.7.2020;
(ii) Akuan Memeluk Agama Islam Sulochini a/p Nagahswaran,
No. Kad Pengenalan: 081107-02-0616, No. Daftar: JAIPs.
DAK 02 Fol .18/2020 bertarikh 7.7.2020; and
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(iii) Akuan Memeluk Agama Islam Tatchina Moorthi a/l
Nagahswaran, No. Kad Pengenalan:110526-01-1239,
No.Daftar: JAIPs. DAK.02 Fol.16/2020 bertarikh 7.7.2020.
[16] When Nagahswaran was sentenced to imprisonment for a drug
related offence from 13.11.2020 to 11.11.2022, the three children were
placed in Islamic hostels by a Muslim preacher, one Nazirah
Nanthakumari binti Abdullah, who at the material time acted as the de
facto guardian of the three children.
[17] To get back her children, the appellant filed an application for a writ
of habeas corpus at the Kuala Lumpur High Court vide Criminal
Application No.WA-44-28-02/2022. Only when the High Court had issued
a writ of habeas corpus on 21.2.2022, that the appellant was able to get
the physical custody of her three children.
At The High Court
[18] The issues to be determined by the High Court are as follows:
(i) Whether the unilateral conversion of the three children is
lawful or constitutional.
(ii) Whether the Bahasa Malaysia version of the Federal
Constitution is the authoritative text.
(iii) Whether section 117(b) of the Perlis Administration of the
Religion of Islam (Amendment) Enactment 2016 which require
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the consent of either the father or the mother is inconsistent
with Article 12(4) of the Federal Constitution and is therefore
[19] The learned High Court Judge held the English version of the
Federal Constitution is the authoritative text. Nevertheless, His Lordship
dismissed the appellant’s application based on the following reasons:
(i) The Certificates of Conversion issued by the first respondent
to the three children are conclusive proof they were Muslim
and the conversion to Islam is valid. In coming to that
decision, His Lordship rely on the Court of Appeal decision in
the case of Majlis Agama Islam Selangor v Dahlia Dhaima
Abdullah & Anor Appeal [2023] 2 CL J513.
(ii) The three children continued professing the religion of Islam
when they were in the appellant’s custody. His Lordship rely
on the Federal Court decision in the case of Rosliza bt Ibrahim
v Kerajaan Negeri Selangor & Anor [2021] 3 CL J 301.
The Appeal
[20] The main complaints of the appellant against the decision of the
High Court is the learned High Court Judge did not address the two
pertinent issues in the judicial review proceedings. The two issues are:
(i) Whether the unilateral conversion is lawful; and
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(ii) Whether section 117(b) of the Perlis Administration of the
Religion of Islam (Amendment) Enactment 2016 is
inconsistent with Article 12(4) of the Federal Constitution and
is therefore unconstitutional, null and void.
[21] We noted that the respondents, in their written submission had
submitted that the Federal Constitution in the national language is the
authoritative text. To put matters at rest, we add the third issue as follow:
(iii) Whether the Federal Constitution in the national language is
the authoritative text.
[22] We proposed to deal with the third issue first.
Authoritative text
[23] Before us, the respondents still maintain their position that the
Federal Constitution in the national language is the authoritative text.
[24] The English version of Article 12(3) and (4) of the Federal
Constitution read as follows:
“12. Right in respect of education
(3) No person shall be required to receive instruction in or take
part in any ceremony or act of worship of a religion other than
his own.
(4) For the purposes of Clause (3) the religion of a person under
the age of eighteen years shall be decided by his parent or
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[25] The Bahasa Malaysia translation of Article 12 (4) in the national
language reads as follows:
“(4) Bagi maksud Fasal (3) agama seseorang yang di bawah
umur lapan belas tahun hendaklah ditetapkan oleh ibu atau
bapanya atau penjaganya.”
[26] Article 160B of the English version of the Federal Constitution
160B. Authoritative text
Where this Constitution has been translated into the national
language, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong may precribe such
national language text to be authoritative, and thereafter if there
is any conflict of disagreeing between such national language
text and the English language text of this Constitution, the
national language text shall prevail over the English language
[27] In dealing with Article 160B, the Federal Court in Indira Gandhi a/p
Mutho v Pengarah Jabatan Agama Islam Perak & Ors and other appeals
[2018] 3 CL J 145, Her Ladyship Zainun Ali (FCJ) said:
“[147] In the present appeals, despite the learned State Legal
Adviser’s reliance on art.160B, no evidence of the necessary
prescription was adduced by either of the respondents. In the
circumstances, we will proceed on the basis that the English
version to be the authoritative text.”
[28] Coming back to the present case. At the High Court, all the
respondents argued that:
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“The Yang di-Pertuan Agong has launched the Malay version of
the Federal Constitution on 29 September 2003, which according
to Article 160B should be the authoritative text. According to
Article 12 Clause (4) of the said Malay version, a minor’s religion
shall be determined by his mother or father (ibu atau bapa). As
such, the decision of the Federal Court in the case of Indira
Gandhi Mutho invalidating the unilateral conversion of the minors
to Islam, on the basis that there is no evidence of the existence
of the said Malay version, is made per incuriam.”
[29] In simple language, the respondents contended that the Malay
version which require the consent of either the father or mother to convert
a minor shall prevail over the English version.
[30] The learned High Court Judge rightly reject the respondents’
argument and held the English version of the Federal Constitution is the
authoritative text on the basis the prescription referred to in Art 160B of
the Federal Constitution could not mean a mere physical presence of the
Yang di-Pertuan Agong in an official function and the translation is not an
authoritative text of the national language.
[31] We took note that the Malay translation had put a caveat in the
following words:
Teks ini HANYALAH TERJEMAHAN oleh Jabatan Peguam
Negara bagi Federal Constitution. Melainkan jika dan sehingga
ditetapkan sahih di bawah Perkara 160B Perlembagaan
Persekutuan, teks ini bukan perundangan.
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[32] We also took note of the speech of the former Attorney General of
Malaysia at the Opening of the Legal Year 2023, wherein it was stated:
“The Federal Constitution acts as our cornerstone in
implementing the separation of powers. Therefore, for the year
2023, pursuant to Article 160A of the Federal Constitution, the
AGC plans to reprint the Federal Constitution to incorporate the
latest historic constitutional amendments. The AGC also plans to
propose to the Government that the prescription of the Federal
Constitution in the national language to be the authoritative text
in line with Article 160B of the Federal Constitution. These two
plans are subject to the approval of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.”
[33] Therefore, as day follow night, the respondents’ argument that the
Malay translation of the Federal Constitution is the authoritative text is a
non starter because the prescription of the Federal Constitution in the
national language has not been approved by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
Until such prescription is approved, the English version of the Federal
Constitution is the authoritative text. Therefore, it is wrong for the
respondents to say the decision of the Federal Court in Indira Gandhi on
this issue is made per incuriam. It matters not whether there is a Malay
version of the Federal Constitution but rather whether there is a
prescription of the Federal Constitution in the national language as the
authoritative text. Since there is no prescription, the learned High
Court Judge is correct in his decision to follow Indira Gandhi.
Unilateral Conversion
[34] In Indira Gandhi Mutho v Pengarah Jabatan Agama Islam Perak &
Ors and Other Appeals [2018] 3 CL J 151, the appellant’s former husband
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had converted their three minor children to the religion of Islam without
the consent of the appellant. One of the issue for determination by the
Federal Court is whether the mother and the father (if both are still
surviving) of a child of a civil marriage must consent before a certificate of
conversion to Islam could be issued in respect of that child.
[35] In delivering the judgment of the court, Zainun Ali FCJ held:
“[157] Conversion to another religion is a momentous decision
affecting the life of a child, imposing on him a new and different
set of personal laws. Where a decision of such significance as
the conversion of a child is made, it is undoubtedly in the best
interests of the child that the consent of both parents must be
sought. The contrary approach of allowing the child to be
converted on the consent of only one parent would give rise to
practical conundrums. A purposive reading of art.12 (4) of the
Federal Constitution that promotes the welfare of the child and is
consistent with good sense would require the consent of both
parents (if both are living) for the conversion of a minor.
[161] Since custody of the children had been granted to the
appellant, it was the appellant who exercised the dominant
influence in their lives. To allow the other spouse to unilaterally
convert the children without the appellant’s consent would
amount to a serious interference with the lifestyle of the family.
[175] Based on a purposive interpretation of art.12 (4) read with
the Eleventh Schedule of the Federal Constitution, and on
application of sections 5 and 11 of the GIA, it is concluded that
the consent of both the appellant and her husband are required
before a Certificate of Conversion to Islam can be issued in
respect of the children.”
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[36] A recent case of unilateral conversion is Pendaftar Muallaf Wilayah
Persekutuan v LCY & Ors And Another Appeal [2022] 2 MLRA 167. In
that case, the mother had converted her two minor children to Islam
without the consent of her husband. The custody, care and control of the
two children was given to the husband. The husband applied for an Order
of Certiorari to quash the conversion of religion of the children and the
decision of the appellant in issuing the Certificate of Conversion to Islam.
The High Court granted the husband’s application. The appellant
appealed to the Court of Appeal. At the Court of Appeal, the appellant
argued that Indira Gandhi’s case does not apply to all unilateral
conversion cases and that the said case was decided per incuriam.
[37] In dismissing the appellant’s appeal, His Lordship Nordin Hassan
JCA (now FC J) said:
“[28] The Federal Court in Indira Gandhi in answering a specific
question of law, had considered the relevant facts and applied
the law as can be seen from paras 142 until 181 of the grounds
of judgment. All relevant statutory provisions and previous
Federal Court decisions on the same issue including Subashini
has been analysed and considered before the decision on the
issue was decided. As such, the decision in Indira Gandhi that
consent of both parents are required before the Certificate of
Conversion to Islam can be issued, is in our view, the ratio
decidendi of the case.
[33] In the circumstances and based on the principles of stare
decisis, the High Court and this Court are bound by the decision
in Indira Gandhi.”
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[38] Relying on Indira Gandhi and Pendaftar Mualaf, learned counsel for
the appellant submitted that the learned High Court Judge had erred in
law and in fact in not following these two cases when the facts in the
present case is similar to those cases and the cases are binding on the
High Court.
[39] On the other hand, counsels for the respondents submitted that
Indira Gandhi does not apply to every case of unilateral conversion; that
Indira Gandhi was decided per incuriam; that this Court should follow
Subashini’s case (which held consent from either father or mother is
sufficient). In particular, the respondents’ stressed the point that the three
children had uttered the Affirmation of Faith (dua kalimah syahadah) in
Arabic before the first respondent.
[40] We are not persuaded by the respondents’ argument. We chose to
follow Indira Gandhi because that is the latest case decided by the Federal
Court. We also agree and adopt the reasonings advanced by the Court
of Appeal in Pendaftar Mualaf’s in that the Federal Court in Indira Gandhi
had analysed the various provisions of the law and the previous decided
cases including Subashini in coming to its decision; that by the principle
of stare decisis, the High Court and Court of Appeal are bound by Indira
Gandhi’s case.
[41] We also took note that pursuant to Indira Gandhi, the law is settled
in that consent of both parents are required for conversion of a minor
children. In Rosliza binti Ibrahim v Kerajaan Negeri Selangor & Anor
[2021] 2 ML J 181, at p.184 para 4, Her Ladyship Tengku Maimun Tuan
Mat (Chief Justice) held that based on the authority of Federal Court
decision in Indira Gandhi, Ibrahim (father) had no right in law to unilaterally
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convert Rosliza to the religion of Islam when she was a minor without
Yap’s (the mother) consent.
[42] In Chang Ah Mee v Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam, Majlis Ugama
Islam Sabah & Ors [2003] 5 ML J 106, a two year old girl was converted
to Islam by her father without the consent of the mother. The mother
challenged the legality of the conversion. She sought for a declaration
that her daughter’s conversion to Islam to be declared null and void.
In interpreting Article 12 (4) of the Federal Constitution, the High Court
Judge held:
“The Constitution does not discriminate against the sexes and
since the father and the mother have equal right over the person
and property of an infant, the term ‘’parent” in art 12 (4) must
necessary mean both the father and mother if both are living. To
construe otherwise would mean depriving, for example, a mother
of her right as a parent to choose the religion of the infant under
art 12 (4), if the father alone decides on the religion to be followed
by the infant. To allow just the father or the mother to choose the
religion would invariably mean depriving the other of the
constitutional right under art 12 (4).”
[43] We entirely agree with the High Court in Chang Ah Mee in the
interpretation of art 12 (4).
[44] Apart from its binding effect on the lower courts, Indira Gandhi has
established that:
(a) Both the father and mother had equal right to decide on the
religion of a minor child. This is the constitutional right of each
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spouse under art.12 (4). So, consent must be obtained from
both parents.
(b) When custody, care and control of the children is given to the
mother or father, the person who is entitled to the custodian
has the right to decide all questions relating to the upbringing
and education of the child including what religion the child
should have.
(c) Consent should have been obtained from the person who is
entitled to the custodian of the child before a child is converted.
If consent is not obtained, her constitutional right is violated
and the conversion is null and void.
[45] Coming back to the present case. We agree with the appellant’s
submission that the facts of this case is similar to that of Indira
Gandhi. Therefore, it is reasonable for the appellant to expect that the
High Court would follow Indira Gandhi and allowed her application.
[46] Unfortunately, the learned High Court Judge had disregarded Indira
Gandhi. Instead, His Lordship rely on the Court of Appeal decision in the
case of Majlis Agama Islam Selangor v Dahlia Dhaima Abdullah & Anor
Appeal [2023] 2 CL J 513. Briefly, the facts in that case is as follows. The
respondent was born in 1986 to non-Muslim parents. Her father was a
Hindu. Her mother was a Buddhist. Following her parents’ separation in
1991, the respondent lived with her mother. The respondent’s mother
visited Jabatan Agama Islam Malaysia (JAIS)/Pertubuhan Kebajikan
Islam Malaysia (PERKIM) to convert to Islam to marry a Muslim man.
After the conversion, both mother and daughter, who was five years old
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at the material time, were issued with conversion cards by JAIS. Based
on the cards issued by JAIS on 28.8.1993, the respondent had been
converted on 17.5.1991. This was done without the consent of the
respondent’s father.
[47] In 2013, the respondent, by then aged 27,filed a summons at
the Syariah High Court against Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan
(MAIWP Summons) for a declaration that she was no longer a
Muslim.She contends that she never professed the religion of
Islam.The Syariah High Court dismissed the MAIWP summons. The
respondent’s appeal to the Syariah Court of Appeal was also
[48] The respondent then commenced originating summons (OS) at the
High Court against the appellants, seeking for a declaration that she was
not a person professing the religion of Islam. The High Court allowed the
OS and granted the declaration sought by the respondent on the ground
inter alia that the conversion of the respondent, when she was a minor,
was in contravention of s 147 of the Selangor Administration of Muslim
Law Enactment 1952.
[49] Aggrieved, the appellant appealed to the Court of Appeal. The
Court of Appeal, in majority decision, allowed the appeal and held:
(i) The Syariah High Court and Syariah Court of Appeal have
already decided that the respondent is a Muslim. The OS is es
judicata. The High Court was wrong in holding the respondent
had never been a Muslim; and
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(ii) That a certificate of conversion to Islam is conclusive proof of
the facts stated therein.
[50] Based on the case of Dahlia Dhaima, the learned High Court Judge
held that the certificate of conversions issued by the first respondent to
the three children are conclusive proof they were Muslim and the
conversion was valid.
[51] Before us, learned counsel for the appellant submitted that it is
wrong for the learned High Court Judge to refer and rely on Dahlia
Dhaima’s on two grounds. First, that case does not deal with unilateral
conversion. Second, a specific issue of whether consent from both
parents are required before a certificate of conversion can be issued for
conversion of a minor was not an issue in that case. We agree with the
appellant’s submission on both grounds. The truth is the facts and issues
in Dahlia Dhaima and the present case is totally different. Having relied
on a wrong case, the learned High Court Judge had reached an
erroneous decision in that the certificate of conversion is conclusive
proof the children are Muslim when the act of issuing the certificates
is challenged by the appellant.
[52] The learned High Court Judge also relied on the case of Rosliza bt
Ibrahim v Kerajaan Negeri Selangor & Anor [2021] 3 CL J 301. The issue
in that case is whether Rosliza professes the religion of Islam. The
Federal Court found Rosliza was raised in the Buddhist faith.
[53] Applying Rosliza’s case, the learned High Court Judge held the
three children continued professing the religion of Islam when they were
in the appellant’s custody.
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[54] Our first response is the facts and issue in Rosliza’s case is totally
different from the present case. Thus, Rosliza case is not applicable.
Again, we find the learned High Court Judge had failed to address his
mind to the crucial issue on the consent of both parents. Whether the
children continue professing the religion of Islam is not an issue the parties
had asked the court to decide.
[55] To conclude, we find there were four error of law and fact committed
by the learned High Court Judge which warrant appellate’s intervention.
First, he had failed to abide the principle of stare decisis when he failed to
follow Indira Gandhi. Secondly, he relied on cases which had totally
different facts and issues from the case before him. Third, he had not
answered the issue raised by the parties i.e whether the unilateral
conversion is lawful. Fourth, he made a wrong decision. Had he followed
Indira Gandhi, he would have decided that without the consent of the
appellant, Nagahswaran had no right to convert the three children to Islam
and thus the unilateral conversion is unlawful.
Unconstitutional Law
[56] The second issue that the learned High Court Judge failed to answer
is whether section 117 (b) of the Perlis Administration of the Religion of
Islam (Amendment) Enactment 2016 is inconsistent with Article 12 (4) of
the Federal Constitution and is therefore null and void.
[57] The original section 117 (b) of the Perlis Administration of the
Religion of Islam 2006 provides as follows:
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Keupayaan untuk memeluk agama Islam 117. Bagi maksud
Bahagian ini, seseorang yang tidak beragama Islam boleh
memeluk agama Islam jika dia sempurna akal:
(a) sudah mencapai umur lapan belas tahun; atau
(b) jika dia belum mencapai umur lapan belas tahun, ibu dan bapa
atau penjaganya mengizinkan pemelukan agama Islam olehnya.
[58] Following Subashini’s case which held that consent from either
father or mother is sufficient to convert a minor, section 117(b) was
amended by virtue of section 7 of the Perlis Administration of the Religion
of Islam (Amendment) Enactment 2016. The new amended section
117(b) reads:
Pindaan seksyen 117
7. Subseksyen 117(b) Enakmen ibu dipinda dalam teks Bahasa
Malaysia dengan menggantikan perkataan “ibu dan bapa”
dengan perkataan “ibu atau bapa”.
[59] Since we have decided that the English version of the Federal
Constitution to be the authoritative text, it is instructive to follow the
Federal Court decision in Indira Gandhi which interpret Article 12 (4) as
“Since a literal construction of art.12 (4) would give rise to
consequences which the legislative could not possibly have
intended, the article should not be construed literally. A purposive
reading of art.12 (4) that promotes the welfare of the child and is
consistent with good sense would require the consent of both
parents (if both are living) for the conversion of a minor child.”
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[60] Based on Indira Gandhi, the word “parent” in Article 12 (4) means
both parent. Therefore, section 117(b) which used the singular word of
“mother or father” is inconsistent with Article 12(4).
[61] Article 4 of the Federal Constitution provides that the Constitution is
the supreme law of the Federation and any law which is inconsistent with
the Constitution is void to the extent of the inconsistency.
[62] Again, the learned High Court Judge failed to address his mind to
this issue. This is an error of law that justify appellate intervention.
Based on Article 4 of the Constitution, we held that section 117 (b) of the
Perlis Administration of the Religion of Islam (Amendment) Enactment
2016 is inconsistent with art.12 (4) of the Federal Constitution and is
therefore null and void.
Our Decision
[63] Based on the reasons mentioned above, we find there is merit in the
appeal. The appeal is allowed. The decision of the High Court is set
aside. Consequentially, we allow the appellant’s judicial review
application in prayer (a) to (i) with no order as to costs.
Dated: 22nd January 2024
- SGD -
Hadhariah binti Syed Ismail
Court of Appeal
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For the Appellant:
Srimurugan Alagan, Gunamalar Joorindanjn,
Dr. Shamsher Singh, Thind & Thian Yee Chin;
Messrs Srimurugan & Co.
For the 1st,3rd and 4th Respondents:
Mohd Radhi bin Abas & Ainul Wardah binti Shahidan;
State Legal Adviser Office, Perlis and
Attorney General Chambers, Putrajaya.
For the 2nd Respondent:
Mohamed Haniff bin Khatri Abdulla, Aidil bin Khalid,
Hariz bin Yusoff & Danial Farhan bin Zainul Rijal;
Chambers of Zainul Rijal.
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| 39,396 | Tika 2.6.0 |
PA-45A-11-06/2020 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya [Pendakwa Raya] TERTUDUH You Yong | Pengakuan salah-Seksyen 39B Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952-Akta 846 mengahapuskan hukuman mati mandatori, hukuman dibawah budibicara hakim bicara-pengakuan bersalah menjimatkan masa mahkamah-walaupun peruntukan seksyen 39B (2A) telah dimansuhkan melalui seksyen 54 Akta 846, ia tidak menghalang tertuduh untuk bergantung kepada kesemua atau mana-mana faktor yang disenaraikan dalam seksyen 39B (2A) tersebut sebagai faktor mitigasi-faktor-faktor mitigasi dalam kes ini adalah jauh mengatasi faktor pemberatan. | 30/01/2024 | YA Puan Rofiah Binti Mohamad | |
[ Passport No.: G55871458 ]
[1] Penghakiman ini disediakan berikutan dari Notis Rayuan kepada
Mahkamah Rayuan yang difailkan oleh Tertuduh melalui pihak penjara
bertarikh pada 27.10.2023 memohon agar hukuman yang dijatuhkan ke
atasnya oleh Mahkamah ini dikurangkan.
Latar Belakang Kes
[2] Tertuduh adalah seorang warganegara China yang telah dituduh di
Mahkamah ini dengan pertuduhan yang ditandakan sebagai eksibit P1
seperti berikut:
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PA-45A-11-06/2020 Kand. 85
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“Bahawa kamu pada 30 November 2019 jam lebih kurang 10.11 pagi bertempat
di Bahagian Pengimbas Terminal Berlepas Antarabangsa Lapangan Terbang
Antarabangsa Bayan Lepas Pulau Pinang, di dalam Daerah Barat Daya, di
dalam Negeri Pulau Pinang telah didapati mengedar dadah berbahaya jenis,
Heroin seberat 1381 gram, dan dengan itu kamu telah melakukan satu
kesalahan di bawah seksyen 39B (1) (a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan
boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 39B (2) Akta yang sama.”
[3] Fakta kes menunjukkan pada 30 November 2019 jam lebih kurang
10.11 pagi di Bahagian Pengimbas Terminal Berlepas Antarabangsa
Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Bayan Lepas Pulau Pinang, tertuduh
yang dalam perjalanan pulang ke Negara China telah dikesan membawa
1381 gram dadah jenis Heroin yang disembunyikan di dalam bengkong
(girdle) yang ketika itu dipakai oleh tertuduh di pinggangnya.
Kronologi Kes
[4] Tertuduh dihadapkan ke Mahkamah ini di hadapan Hakim-Hakim
terdahulu buat pertama kalinya pada 21.7.2020. Tertuduh tidak mengaku
salah dan memohon masa bagi melantik peguambelanya sendiri. Kes
telah ditangguhkan beberapa kali atas alasan yang sama. Kemudiannya
kes ini telah tertangguh buat sekian lamanya pula kerana Mahkamah tidak
bersidang ketika Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat berkuat kuasa
berikutan penukaran wabak Covid-19.
[5] Setelah Mahkamah kembali bersidang dan setelah beberapa kali
lagi peluang diberikan atas permohonan Tertuduh untuk melantik peguam
pilihannya sendiri, akhirnya pada 21.4.2021, Tertuduh mengakui bahawa
beliau dan keluarganya tidak mampu melantik peguam dan memohon
peguam lantikan Mahkamah disediakan untuk membelanya.
[6] Peguam lantikan Mahkamah, Dato’ Baldev Bhar telah hadir bagi
mewakili tertuduh buat pertama kalinya pada 27.10.2021 di mana
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dokumen-dokumen bawah seksyen 51 A Kanun Tatacara Jenayah telah
diserahkan oleh Pendakwa Raya kepada beliau selaku peguam Tertuduh.
[7] Ketika kehadiran keduanya di Mahkamah, peguam tertuduh
memaklumkan bahawa beliau akan memasukkan reprentasi kepada
Jabatan Peguam Negara. Setelah itu, perbicaraan kes ini telah
ditangguhkan beberapa kali kerana Mahkamah memberikan keutamaan
bagi menjalan perbicaraan kes-kes yang lebih lama dan juga sementara
menunggu maklum balas terhadap representasi berkenaan.
[8] Akhirnya pada 23 Oktober 2023, kes ini telah ditetapkan di hadapan
saya untuk perbicaraan penuh. Walau bagaimana pun, sebaik kes
dipanggil dan setelah Puan Timbalan Pendakwaraya memaklumkan
bahawa representasi tertuduh telah diterima oleh Jabatan Peguam
Negara, Tertuduh yang Ketika itu diwakili oleh peguam yang sama, telah
memaklumkan hasratnya untuk menukar pengakuannya kepada
[9] Justeru pertuduhan yang ditandakan sebagai P1 telah dibacakan
dan diterangkan oleh jurubahasa Cina dalam dialek Mandarin sekali lagi
kepada Tertuduh. Ketika pertuduhan dibacakan, Tertuduh kelihatan
menganguk-ngangukkan kepalanya sambil mengatakan sesuatu dalam
Mandarin. Berdasarkan makluman jurubahasa bahawa pertuduhan telah
dibacakan dan Tertuduh telah faham pertuduhan tersebut dan Tertuduh
mengaku bersalah. Tertuduh juga telah diterangkan dan beliau faham
akan sifat dan akibat dari pengakuan salahnya.
[10] Dari pengamatan mahkamah sendiri kepada riak wajahnya,
mahkamah berpuas hati bahawa sebelum membuat pengakuan bersalah
tersebut, tertuduh telah faham akan pertuduhan yang dikenakan
terhadapnya dan tertuduh juga telah dijelaskan akan akibat dari
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pengakuan bersalahnya iaitu beliau akan dihukum dengan hukuman-
hukuman sebagaimana yang diperuntukkan di bawah seksyen 39B(2)
Akta Dadah Merbahaya 1952 setelah Mahkamah mensabitkannya
dengan kesalahan tersebut.
[11] Setelah saya berpuas hati bahawa pengakuan bersalah tertuduh
adalah tanpa sebarang syarat dan dibuatnya dalam keadaan sedar dan
dengan sukarela tanpa sebarang paksaan dari mana-mana pihak serta
setelah tertuduh memahami pertuduhan serta tahu akan sifat dan akibat
dari pengakuannya, maka saya telah menerima dan merekodkan
pengakuan bersalah tertuduh.
[12] Setelah fakta kes yang intipatinya adalah sebagaimana yang
dihuraikan di atas diakui sepenuhnya oleh Tertuduh dan kesemua eksibit-
eksibit serta gambar-gambar barang kes dan tempat kejadian yang
dikemukakan dicam dan diakui oleh tertuduh, saya telah mensabitkan
tertuduh atas pertuduhan sebagaimana di eksibit P1.
[13] Sejurus itu, peguam tertuduh dan Puan Timbalan Pendakwa Raya
masing-masing telah mengemukan hujahan dalam mitigasi dan
pemberatan yang untuk kemudahan rujukan diperturunkan semula
seperti berikut:
OKT is now 48 years of age. Before being arrested he was a taxi driver in China
earning about RM 2000-RM 3000 per month. He is a divorcee and has one
child age 19 years old, a male. OKT is from China, Shenzhen District. He went
to school for 11 years, but never went to a college or university. His health is
good except for his right leg got problem in walking. By his pleading, guilty it
had saved the time of the court, of the learned DPP and of all the witness that
would have been called for this trial. He is sorry for the offence that he had
committed. He was tempted by the money given to him to transport the drug
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from Penang to China. His only role in this offence is that he was a courier or a
mule as some call them. He cooperated with the authority by providing the
name of the person who ask him to do the transportation. He did not bring any
drug into this country but instead taking the drug out from this country. He prays
for a minimum sentence from the date of his arrest that is 30.11.2019 and a
minimum number of strokes. That all.
Hujahan Pemberatan
Sebagaimana Yang Arif maklumi dengan adanya Abolition of Mandatory
Death Penalty Act 2023 yang berkuat kuasa pada 4.7.2023, di mana death
penalty tidak lagi menjadi kewajipan di dalam kes ini dan jika tidak dikenakan
mandatory death, hukuman yang digariskan adalah life imprisonment
sebagaimana definisi yang diberi di bawah Criminal Justice Amendment Act
2007 yang berkuatkuasa pada 7.9.2007 yang menggariskan bahawa life
imprisonment adalah sebanyak 30 tahun penjara. Dan di dalam hukuman 39 B
(2) juga jika tidak dikenakan hukuman mati, bersama-sama dengan hukuman
penjara 30 tahun adalah hukuman sebatan minimum 12 sebatan. Faktor-faktor
mitigasi adalah bersifat peribadi. Sewajarnya OKT sebagai seorang bukan
warganegara hormat dengan undang-undang kita yang melarang dengan
sekeras-kerasnya berkenaan dengan kesalahan dadah. Itu sahaja. Saya
sahkan tarikh tangkapan adalah pada 30.11.2019.
[14] Sebagaimana yang dibentangkan oleh Puan TPR yang bijaksana,
Akta 846 hanya menghapuskan hukuman mati yang bersifat mandatori.
Namun hukuman mati masih kekal menjadi antara dua pilihan hukuman
yang boleh dijatuhkan di bawah seksyen 39B (2) atas sabitan di bawah
seksyen 39B (1). Pemilihan hukuman adalah di bawah kuasa budibicara
Mahkamah yang semestinya dilaksanakan secara judiciously dengan
mengambil kira kesemua faktor-faktor mitigasi dan juga pemberatan
(aggravating). Kes Mahkamah Rayuan PP v. Morah Chekwube Chukwudi
[2017] 1 LNS 864; [2017] CLJU 864 telah dirujuk dan dijadikan panduan
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berkaitan dengan senarai contoh-contoh hal keadaan yang terjumlah
kepada faktor mitigasi.
[15] Setelah menimbangkan faktor-faktor mitigasi seperti pengakuan
salah tertuduh yang dibuat sebelum perbicaraan kes ini dimulakan yang
mana tidak boleh dinafikan telah menjimatkan masa dan kos kesemua
pihak jika kes ini dibicarakan. Pada masa yang sama, ia telah
memberikan ruang kepada Mahkamah untuk menggunakan masa
kehakiman (judicial time) dengan memberikan tumpuan untuk
melupuskan kes-kes lain.
[16] Selain itu satu fakta yang menarik perhatian dan telah diberikan
pertimbangan oleh Mahkamah ini adalah fakta bahawa ketika ditangkap,
Tertuduh sedang membawa keluar dadah berbahaya jenis heroin seberat
1381 gram tersebut dari Malaysia melalui Lapangan Terbang
Antarabangsa Bayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang. Walau pun tidak bermaksud
untuk memberikan nilaian yang berbeza-beza kepada kemaslahatan dan
nyawa antara warganegara dan bukan warganegara, namun, pada hemat
Mahkamah ini, fakta ini sewajarnya diberikan pengiktirafan di dalam
menjalankan kuasa budi bicara di dalam menjatuhkan hukuman ke atas
Tertuduh. Ini kerana pada hakikatnya kesan dan kemudaratan yang
besar sudah tentu akan diakibatkan kepada warga Malaysia dan negara
ini akan terbeban untuk mengatasi dan menangani segala masalah dan
gejala sosial yang akan timbul sekiranya dadah heroin seberat 1381 gram
tersebut berjaya diseludup masuk dan diedarkan di pasaran gelap dalam
Malaysia berbanding dengan jika ianya dibawa keluar dari negara ini
sebagaimana yang sedang dilakukan oleh Tertuduh ketika tertangkap.
[17] Fakta seterusnya yang diberi penekanan dan diambil kira ialah fakta
bahawa setelah tertangkap tertuduh telah memberikan kerjasama kepada
pihak berkuasa dengan mendedahkan indentiti dalang yang bertanggung
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jawab di sebalik aktiviti haram pengedaran dadah ini. Mereka ini lah yang
telah mengupan dan mengupah Tertuduh untuk menjadi keldai dadah
dengan sejumlah wang yang mampu mengelabui mata Tertuduh.
[18] Mahkamah ini juga bersetuju dengan pandangan YA Hakim
Mahkamah tinggi di dalam kes PP v. Umapathi Ganesan [2023] 9 CLJ 625
bahawa walaupun peruntukan seksyen 39B (2A) telah dimansuhkan
melalui seksyen 54 Akta 846, ia tidak menghalang tertuduh untuk
bergantung kepada kesemua atau mana-mana faktor yang disenaraikan
dalam seksyen 39B (2A) tersebut sebagai faktor mitigasi.
[19] Berdasarkan fakta kes ini, saya mendapati kesemua situasi-situasi
yang Mahkamah boleh mempertimbangkan dalam menjatuhkan hukuman
alternatif kepada hukuman mati iaitu tiada bukti jual beli dadah berbahaya
di masa Tertuduh ditangkap, kedua, tiada penglibatan ejen provokator,
ketiga, penglibatan Tertuduh adalah terhad kepada mengangkut,
membawa, menghantar atau menghantar dadah berbahaya, keempat,
bahawa Tertuduh telah membantu agensi penguatkuasaan dalam
membanteras aktiviti pengedaran dadah di dalam atau di luar Malaysia.
[20] Puan TPR yang terpelajar selain dari menegaskan bahawa
Tertuduh seharusnya menghormati undang-undang negara ini yang
sangat ketat terhadap kesalahan melibatkan dadah, tidak
mengemukakan apa-apa faktor pemberatan lain yang menonjol untuk
[21] Justeru saya mendapati bahawa faktor-faktor mitigasi dalam kes ini
adalah jauh mengatasi faktor pemberatan. Oleh yang demikian, saya
telah menjatuhkan hukuman penjara 30 tahun dari tangkap dan 12
sebatan rotan ke atas Tertuduh.
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[22] Sebagaimana yang telah dinyatakan sebelum ini, Mahkamah tidak
mempunyai pilihan hukuman lain di bawah seksyen 39B (2) Akta Dadah
Merbahaya 1952 selain dari hukuman mati dan pemenjaraan seumur
hidup iaitu selama 30 tahun dan 12 sebatan rotan. Sehubungan itu,
permintaan Tertuduh agar dijatuhkan hukuman lain yang lebih ringan
adalah di luar bidang kuasa Mahkamah ini.
Rofiah binti Mohamad
Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman
Mahkamah Tinggi Georgetown, Pulau Pinang.
29 Januari 2024.
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| 13,227 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-24IP-10-07/2023 | PEMOHON DELUXE CATERERS PRIVATE LIMITED RESPONDEN FOOD STACK CONCEPTS PTE LTD | Plaintiff applying; (i) under s. 46(1)(a) and (b) of the Trademarks Act, 2019 (“Act”) to revoke the registration of the Defendant’s Mark from the Register of Trademarks, Malaysia (“Register”); (ii) further and/or in the alternative, to invalidate the Defendant’s Mark under several provisions of the Act, namely sections 47(1), (3) and (6) and/or sections 76(3) and (4). | 30/01/2024 | YA Tuan Azlan bin Sulaiman | |
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HA—2dIP—1D—D7/2023 Kand. 25
in/DI/2024 n9:I3-114
oRI6INA‘rmG §ywaoNs No WA.-ZAIF D-\77I‘2013
A. lnlroducllan
1 On a balmy mghl In wem Bombay (as Mumbm was man known] In
I972‘ |ha excllemenl In Me aw was pa\pab\e Legendary new, nu-p
Kumar, whodomlnaled the mum mm mausny In me Vale AU. scs and
sea. was JK Kapurs honoured guesI al the grand npening I11 ma
Va((er‘s Inaugurm and flagship res|auranl rzafled Copper cmmney
2 FasI lorward so years Mound lwenly Copper Chmmey IesIauranIs
have smce opened In Vnma, MI?! 3 lurther Me In DubaI. UAE and
ans each In Inc UK and Kuwau. The P\amIIfl has luflher reglslelud
trademarks comalnvng ms word ‘Coupe! CmrnrIey' In Ihose
Put 1 at -1
am .I=wv»<qxa>«smsxzmma
-was saw as flied m mm a. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] .num wrm
countrtes and in Australia However, wrnte exptortng the tdea at
npentrtg ‘Copper cnrrnrrey‘ restaurants rn Malaysta, the Ptarrttrtt
dtsoovered that the Detendartt nad atready regts1ered tn Mataysra
Trademark No 2014007985, a stytrzed Word Mark in case 4310!
‘Services /dr pros/tdmg food and drmk: temporary morrrrrrodarrorr:
all rrrc/uded rrr class 43"rnetendant's Mark’) that looks trke trns:
3 Nevertnetess, tne P|atrtm1‘s tunner rnaurrres suggested mat, desprte
tegts|ertng me oatarrdarrt‘s Mark. «rte netendant had netlher opened
nor operated any restaurant under me name copper Chtmttey‘ tn
4 natarrrrrned lo proceed wttn tts man to gar snare me rays 01 tls
dehcmus eurstne wrtrt Mataysrarts and as a gateway tn the res|u1
ASEAN, by |ms Ovlgtnaltng Summuns cos‘), tne P\atn|iN ts
(1) under s. 46(1j(a) and ta) M the Trademarks Act, 2U19(“Ac|‘)
lo revoke me regrstratrort at me Detendanra Mark trorn the
Regts|er at Trademarks, Malaysia (‘RegtsIev“),
tn; turtnerartd/or tn tna atternatrve, Io rrwattdate trte Detertdanrs
Mark under sevarat ptovtstorts 0! the Ad, narnety seanona
47(1), ta) and ts; and/or aactrorta 75(3) and t4)
Pay 2 M 47
IN vtP1vItIIK~1kA:Hs7Mn5xzmm§
“Nana s.n.r tuvthnrwm .. LAIQ4 w my r... aflmrraflly mm: dun-mm VII mum v-mat
25 Thus, m awepllhe Defervdanfs conlenlmn that use omre Plammrs‘
Marks tor «nose services rm2l\y by me marnrrrr rs a pre—wndIlrun Io
me Prairmrr being regarded as an aggneved person‘ lhal would
place me Plimlflf In a classwc Ca|ch-22 situation It would mean |hal
me Premxrrr worm rmt be an aggrieved person (or nor rlavmg used
ma mammrs Marks Iocauy, and ar are same hrne n wnuld also nor
be an aggrieved person rr rt ma Nanaggneved if you did, non-
aggneved rryou marn Dru mac basrs. no onewoura be an aggnsved
person, and me reqmlemerlt under secluon 46 or me Act lor an
applicant In be an aqgrreved person could never pe made em As a
opnsequerrce, eecopn as rrselr wculfl pe rendered reaunaam and
urrenroroeeme. Thar oourd never have been me LegIs\a|ure‘s
rrnennorr, Io nave Iegrsrarea m varn
25 Secondly, lhe Federal Court Irv Lrwayway did no| say thal an
apphcsnl lor revocalwon pr a trademark wrll only be an aggnaved
person W rt has afimally used the trademark It wanls to revoke V1
Malaysia H anry agreed wllrr the proposition lhal an apphcanl
applyrng to revoke a registered trademark mus| Show that it has or
rs usmg an idermcal or summer mark (not rueoessanly In Maraysiap ar
who has a genume and preeem Inlernlon to use :1 m Meraysra
27. I accordingly repec1 mese Delerrdanfs oprecuons, and find that me
Framhff IS indeed an aggrieved person under S 45{1jnl|I1e AC1
That finding men opens the way to mnsldenng whether there has
been non-use or me Defendant‘: Mam rn Malaysia
v... 11 vi .1
IN vrP1v/VrK~1kA:Hs‘rMr«5xzmm9
«me smm ...m.mur be used m mm r.. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII nFruNG v-mm
her the Flam N has estamr n
25. As I sara earner. under semen 45(1) 1a) and (b). me marnnm wumd
nave |a esoaunsn prima (acfe non-use by me Detenuanrs Marks for
muse sennoes underclass 43 fora period was 201510 27 9.2013
and 0131 weast 25.7 2020 in 25 7 2023 The Vaw Iogreany requrrss an
apphcanl unaersemrun as 07 the Act to aslabhsh only pnrna raere
norH1se cflhe trademark |hal It seeks to revpke Tn: s because an
apphcarvf cannot be expected «p ooncmswexy know 01 or prove nan-
use since he wpma be speaking of the actwmy In reiahon to a
Imdemark ol somenne else
29. The P\aumf1ve\i2s on me lollowmg evmence up eslahlvsh pnrna /acre
nomuse \11|he Delendanfs Mark (or those periods‘
m A Search on me Googls pvaccpnn usmg me keywords -cepper
cnrrrrney Ma/sy::a' that up not reveal any resmxs ol the use
0! the oerenaanrs Mark er any such resvaurant named
‘Coppe< Chimney’ operaling in Matayswaz and
(:1) A Search pn me Delendanfs company wrm me cpmpanies
opmnussrun 0'1 Mamysxa (‘COM’) wmcn revealed that a
pornpany caned copper crnrnney Sdn Bhd had been
incorporated on 25 6 2019. buuhants status Is “Drssoh/so‘
rug: :1 M47
rn wP1v/vrK~1kA:Hs7><n5xzrnnw§
“Nana s.n.r n-nhnrwm .. LAIQ4 m my r... nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm vu .nunc v-mm
an ln my vtew. these two evtdenoes es|ab|ish trrat, prima facie, |he
Defendant had not out the Defendant's Mam to use in good latttt tn
Malaysta tor the pertod ol tnree years tram 28 9 2015 to 27 9 2g‘84
and also that use onne Defendants Mark rtad been suspended tor
a penod otlttree years lrorn at least 26.7 2020 to 25 7 2023 Fortwo
31. Firstly‘ as I satd earlier‘ lhe Delendsnts Malk ta regtstered in class
43 tor “Services /or proyrdrng food and drlrlk, temporary
accornrnodatton, all rncluded rn class 43' tn provtdtng trtose klrtds
at sen/lees, a restaurant or notet naturally oorne to rntnd Had trte
Delendant actually used ttte Delendants Mark tttrougn oneratlrtg
ettner a reslauranl or ttotel. trren surely tn tltrs day and age sucn
oustness would nave appeared tn a Google searcrt A nuwresull
searcn on me Google plattonn using tlte keywords -copper
Chimney MaIsysls"would mean tnat, prrrne tacrel Cooper crrtrnney
has not been used and is currently not being used hyany restaurant
or hotel tn Malaysia despite the reglslrallon ortne Defendant‘: Mark
32 secondly nad tne Derendent actually used ttte Delervdarws Mark tn
a restaurant or hotel. trren in all likeltttood surely a company would
be running and managlng tt Evert tl the Defendant‘: Mark was
owned by a loretgn entrty (ltlie ltere). tlten tn all llkallhood trte owner
would incorporate a company or suosldtary locally to do so trte
Detendant dtd tn tact do tnat However‘ trte CCM search revealed
trtat coppercrttntney Sdn Bhd tonal tlte Detendant incorporated tn
Maleystal was only incorporated on 26.6 zt7t9. wntcn ts alter tne
exnlry ot tnatnrst ttrree-year oenod and esters tne oontntenoernent
ottne seoond tnreeyeer penod. And tnat tt l5 now dissolved
st... 11 at .1
rn ytPtvIlIIK~1kA:Hs7Mn5xzntnt§
“None Snrtnl n-vlhnrwlll be u... M my r... oflnlnallly Mthln don-vlnrrt wa nFlt.lNG Wrul
\/Vhelher the Defgndant has used Ihe Delegdanls Marg my sgmg In
Class 43 I1urI'ng gny uflhnse Enods
33 The PIairI|4fl havmg eslahhshed pnma lacie nan-use ol the
DeIenI1arII‘s Malk during 25.92015 10 27.9.2016 and (mm an I935!
26 7 2020 In 25 7 2023. the burden men smfled to me DeIendanI Iu
establish use or proper reasons Inr nun—use of the Defendanfs Mark
var Ihose sennoes In Class A3 in Malaysia
34 In Ma|aysIa. one sIngIe an ar use [5 suflimenl in defeat an
appllcallorl In revoke a trademark Im nnn—u5e In E-Toyo Global
Slalionnry Sdn Bhd v. Toyu Ink 5:171 and 5 Anal (2004) 1 Cu
365, Ramln AII J sent
'0" ma quesnorv ulhaw much mrIs1m1Ies use fur ms purpose 0' s
4511; a! me Ac! me mm mm: the decmorv m wmoz fade Mam
[I952-[RFC I, men (he Mgr: Cam! auusme . Clmncary DIVIIIDII mm
In. single an arena v/5: wandered sulfimervl
35. on me Delendanfs own ewaence, I am max me navanaann could
only show use uflhe Dulendanfs Mark In sIngapaIe and na| : smgle
use in MaIaysIe In I-cI, In paragnapn II 01019 nucandanrs Alfidavit
In Reply |o the os, Ina Dslandanfs dvaclnf (whn had um
appomled III. Malaysla Ccumry Manager In January 2023; aaInIIIea
mm, In Smgaporu, the Duenaann II. “cI.nvenlIy opanazing two
Iamurnnzs andtwo school canmns: and In an: no: dspose (0 any
sum amle|s In MaIaysIa Hm Irma been an auflel In MaIaysIa, he
would nave mentioned II, and those eslabllshmenls In Singapore
would have been irrabvanl and InInIaIeIIaI.
so... II M n
IN .II=I.nzII<II>II:>ImIIIaxznnIg
mu. Snr1nI:uvIhnrwHII>e II... M my I... nrWIrI.H|y MIMI dun-mm wa nFIuNG WM!
35 nesprte ttrs absence of any restaurant rn Malaysta operatrnq under
the name ‘Copper Chtmney‘ the Deiendants atteqes tnat rt nas
nevertheless eslabitshed use ottne Deiertdanfs Mark In Mataysra
(rt rts restaurants In Stngapme, w *
ttre Detendant contends
are axceearngty popular amongst Mataystan crtrzens. as many
frequently Hack to tnerrr:
out by the Datanaanrs srgrrmcant amount ot markeltng and
aarrartrsrrrg oi rts restauranls and servtces antrne and tnrougrr
soctal mama, and
(Mt) by me fact ttrat tls restaurants rn Strtgapure have reserved
nruttrpte awards, racognrtron and good ravraws
However‘ I reject tnese oantanntans, as secliurt 46(1) at tne Act
dearly stipulates trrat the trademark rn tssue nrust be put to actuat
use in Mataysra
In Comic Enlnrprisas Ltd V Twlnllflh Cnnlury Fox Film
Ccrpor1Iton(Nn. 2) [201-1] EWNC as ten), Amt Flc V AnsulI's
Hinlllhaus KGBOHIIIH [I014] Lexis Citation 2522. Troian
Recording: Ltd V ARCO I.ld mu] Loxs citation 3375. Thu
Walt Disney Company v Rosull Fantasy Wurks [zoos] Lox I
Cilitiull 3133‘ and SINIDO Point Solution: SA V DHL
Illtumztionil Gmhflr the vanaus Ceuns have held that use M a
trademark is dentartstraleti by oerlatn cmerinrt These rnctude
r... 15 at u
srn rrPtv/vtt<~1>u:Hs7>ttt5xzrrrrvt§
-nna s.n.r ruvthnrwm be .n.. M mm r.. nrtmrrattly mrnr. dun-vtnrrt wa nrtuttc wnxt
tr) actual use and not just token use t.e sotety |c preserve the
nghls ocnfemad by regtstrattort:
(41) use that Is consistent wt|h the ESSeI'|1Ia"U7IC1\0fl of the mark,
whtch Is to guaranlee the raerrttty otthe ongtrt at the goods or
at oorriusiurr, to oisttrrgutsh the goods or sewtoes from others
servtees lo the mnsumer or end-user‘ wtthoul any po
wmch have annther ortgtn.
tun the use must he by way oteorrrrrrererat exptortatrorr or the mark
an the market tar those goods er servtoes. armed at
matnlzlrwtg or creaurrg an outtet fmm therrr or a share of the
(Iv) the use must be puptrcty and outwardly.
(u) trrternat use by the pruprtetor and the dtslnbtflton ol
prorrtotrorrat tterna to enccturage sale and as a reward tor the
purchase ol other gaods is not use
39 toeatty, VI paragraphs [19] and [20]o1ms Jurtgrnerrt In Just cranes
Mohamed J (as Hts Lorushtp than was) relerred lo mtrrrt-r AG v
Surly Group Co Ltd mas] All ER tn) 12a and the prrnerptes
therern |o derwe the meaning olgertutne use He said
var serrutrre use re a quumanvi arm rm! a quartttlaltve cmenon
ru utP1vItI!K~1kA:Hs7>th5xzmm§
-use s.r.r tuvthnrwm be used M vewtw ms nflmrraflly MW: dun-mm r.. arturtc v-mat
The use has to be msmm mm the cswnlmliunmon aims
Irsdermlrk, wmm rs to guamniee me mm, am: Lmgm nftlw
7». and has m be an the math! by Ina pmpuamr or an
aumannd mm: my and no! my mllmn/ us: by tho
The use has m be In mamtam or waste a mare m the marks!
The noun has m me we cor-mdsnlran an M5 ram and
cwcumllanxxs mm." lo lxlnblrxlhng wnum tn: eommsmal
upronanon or Ms mark has am N91, and m partrculel
whalncv such us: wowd be vrewed as warmnrad m In: Inadu
sector concerned to mam!-am nvcruls a sham m ms marketlor
in: relevant goads or semees pmreaed Dy me mark And
‘rm nllura of m goods m rmn such .3 ma c»ma.m.u ar
the rnarkatmnarnld and me scan and frequency own use
ems mark have to be tukan mm accourvl -
40 Further, section 3(1) M mo Act nrmndes me fellcwmg definmon or
'Trademsri<“ means any sign myable M bemg represarvred gmpmcalry
wmm I5 mpaoue aldtsungmsmrlg guods or services 17/ one undedakmg
hum moss o/anomev umnaung
V1]/A .1 M u
sm wFmvIK~1|A:Hs7Mn5xzmm§
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
41 Black‘s Law Drcuanary defines ‘trademark a
a want phrase /ago or prner graprrrc symbol used by a manulscmrev
9! saw! ra fllsbngmsh N: pmduct avpmdums imm those orpmers ma
mam purwse are tradsmark is to guarantee a product‘: genumerless
In eknx. me Iradcmuk rs me oommemal sumlmne lar me‘:
pgnarure '
42 Tne word ‘trade’ is mere car a reason too. E\ack's Law Dmronery
aennee man as “lhs busmus ol ouyrng and se/ling or Darlsnng
gooda or sslwcea," u only sums to reason |haI a Ilzdemalk Mme
i|s underlying purpose wnerr mere Is actual acmmeluifl aclwlty
usmg the creuemerk In mner words, oommerual axp\oIla|\on. Thil
necessnnly meene mar me use has m be pupncxy anu ou|wsM\y.
43 In conclusmnr 1 find |ha| me Dclzndanl has no| used me oerenaenre
Marx Vn Maleysra ar aH during me panods M enhar 2a 9.2u15 to
27.9 201: or at leasl tram 25 7.2020 re 25 1 2023
44 severe rnpvrng on |o whelhar me Derenaam has pmnered any
proper reesarrs var non-use. [here re one rnauer which Ms Cuurl
caNIu| uvaflook wrmour cemmenlmg on It, and mews wan urrnpsr
concern. Vn paragraph 2o 04 the Delendanfs Amuamr. me
Detenaanrs Dirsclor said (empnasrs ms)
1 am. mat II It crucvel 10 mm mm (he ran. and remgnrzron ruvnvvd
by ma Dnfundlnt rs not only /rrnaea rn Smgspove but has area spared
over to Malaysm
pm. 41
am wF1wVIK~1|A:Hs7Mn5xznrm§
“Nana s.n.r mmhnrwm r. med w my r... nflmnaflly mm: dnuumrrl VII muNG war
me Defendant has mam mum in Me mam: anu me
Mslsyauan consumers are /armlral wrm me nereneanr mrere an amt:/e
by Jane. Kala shows mar me Maraysran pub!/0 has knowledge or
The Dedendinl aaauoea lhal emote by Jnhur Kakt as Exhibit ‘K’.
45. The reason why lhts Conn vtaws mus wrtrr uunott concern is tnat, 47!
response, lhe Plalnml auaueea mat very same article, amy met me
vane Ihe Ptarntrfl etmueea centemea |he lnlluwing words which were
wneuy aaaent from Exmhll ‘K“ at the Delertdanfs Amaaurt
-orsmrrur Plan not: met me was en Invltld lullng '
46 ll true, Ihal
mat the Defendant has cremed presence m the market and that
clatmsr undennmes Ihe Delendanrs bold contermon
Mateyaran eansurners ere tarrrmar wrtr. trre Deteuaant. H rneana that
the wnler 0| Exnrtut K was ncluafly Invflad in do a testing, and had
nol gene to We neveneanrs Copoer cnuuney restaurant on ma own
volition or out of ms having hearts out, and rarees the possmrtity and
suspicton that ne may not have wntten me amde tndepenrsenuy ur
47 The crustal pmnl is tms. rt ts tmperalwe mat partrea adduce wmfler
unedrted documents. ll Indeed the author or met anicla want In the
Deteneanra restaurant an an invtled tesung, men the statement that
wvaraysran coneurnere are /enulier wrrn (he uelendanr where an
article by.loIvor Kala shows that me Maraya/an pub/)c has knowrsuge
or “COPPER CHIMNEY‘ Is sumzly not true
a... 19 M41
sru wF1wVIK~1|A:Hs7Mn5xzmm9
«mt. a.n.t mmhnrwm r. u... w my r... urumuu mm: dnuumrrl n. mum Wm!
Whelherlhg Detendaiit has Qmflered any proper gagiis lg[ ngu 5;
43. In its Amdaviis, me Dereriaani has proffered several reasons lor
non-use or the Detendaiirs Mark in Malaysia and me lnlerlllorl In
use me l:elendani's Maik in Malaysia, wliicn can he Summarlled as
ii) in August 2017 iwnicn was over imee years aaei H19
Defendant had applled to register lhe Defendanfs Mark and
irie Delenaani was approached by a business owner
prwaslng Ia operate ine Copper Chimney lraneiiise In
Malaysia. Haweyan iriai proposal did nai come to iniiiien as
lhal buslrless owner wanted to sews alwhol In those
Malaysian milieu, vmlch was ml in tandem WIH1 Ihe
Delendams vlslon for lfs proposed oullels lo caler
predaminarltly to Muslim cllsmele:
(ii; on 18 12 2013‘ me Delenuanl anpolnled one Raiiiii Jaoub as
iis cunsiiliani for Malaysia, whose mandate iiicliideil
regisieiing a company in Malaysia and opening a flagship
aullel iii Malaysla Hwwever, even irioiigh Copper cliininey
Sdn slid was incorporated on 27 5.2019. vial iiileniien in open
a iesiaiinini in Malaysia aid nol maieiializediiexoiiie COVlD-
ie pandemic, wriicri also caused iris dissoluhorl oi Copper
cniiniiey Sdn and. and
Pan iii M ii
IN iipiwixsxsmnnsxzmns
“Nair s.n.i In-vlhnrwlll be ii... M may i... nflnlnnllly MIMI dnunvlnnl y.. nFluNG Wml
5 In Part B unms Judgment I wm deal wnn me Plamurrs ravocahan
applicamm and wn Part C its applicancn to Invahdale me Delenaanrs
Mark under all oflhose provlsxons In Pan D I van set out the relief
sought and Ihe orders made.
3. Revocation of ma norendanrs Mark undnr s. 46 of the Act
e. Sectmn as ofme Act is me vmvlsvan fur revnking the regisxrauon of
a trademark on lhe ground Ihax n has not been used, ie. (or non-
use The avphcsuon Is made 10 Conn and, .1 n Is allowed. me nrder
for mvocauon Is made by the COUI1. wmch the Rsgxshar of
Trademarks, Malaysia cnegusnrar) than cames am
7 Saclmn 46 av the Acl pmwaes:
~11; The regtstnatmn era trademark may be revoked by com Court on
M appncauon by an aggneved person on anyalme gmumis as
(a) when WIYMIV . Wm ar Imus yd-rs followmg me can ol
Issuance own nahflcslmn Ifragumshon m. Indvmark has
not bocn ml! 1.: use w good «sun m Malaysia. by the
regnslered pmpvmlvr or wrm ms consent m re/almn to me
goods 0! servrces rm mm the magma /s rsgrstemd and
mm arunapropeusasons lurnan-use,
m um» um um am. good: or nrweu under paragraph (5;
has been mpenm rm an unmlvrwpred pomzd of was
years, and name an nu nvumr masons foi rvorwsv.
M. a cu:
sm wFwvIK~1|A:Hs7Mn5xzmm§
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
Vn January 2023. the Delendanl appomled one MHHDJ
Bavadekar as Ma\aysIa Country Manager ro exmore and
spearhead s|arlmg a cnarn or copper cnnnney reslauranls m
Maraysra Tms resuneo in me Delendam recewmg a Letter or
lnlenl dated 7421723 and a Partnersmp Proposal dated
2 5.2023 «ran. a Maraysran husmessman Vooklng Io sxpkxe
warkmg rogemar wnn me Defendant lo open Copper Chimney
resrauranrs In Manaysra.
A9 However‘ m my mew, mesa reasons do not consmule proper
reasons for non-use undzr holh hmbs (a) and (b) of secuon 4611) oi
so Firstly‘ as emcxdaled earner, me purpose of regrararrng a rraaarnark
rs «or the trademark in be aclwew usaa and sxpkmed The lad mac
5. 4su)(a) onne Acl provides (or revocabcm cor non—use Mlhm three
years of regrscerrng a kadamark rnaans mar Ma\ays\a rs senpus
about prompt anus! use of trademarks upun ragasxranon, By
mmparison, m lhe UK and srngapore, me perroo 01 non-use lor
revocation purposes rs me years
51 Secondly, Ihe natendarrrs own narrauon Mevenls shows a Vanse of
around two years vrorn ma ragrsuarrorr at me Devenoanrs
Trademark m 2015 lo we Daaendann s nrsr expressrorr ovwanurrg to
use rt H1 Maraysra rrr 2017 Even men. r: was no\ on the Defendant‘:
own vollhon but rn led by a proposal cram a business owner to
operate me copper cmrnney iranernss m Malaysva
p... 1. mn
rn vrP1wrKnkA:Hs7Mn5xzmm§
“Nuns Snr1n\n-nhnrwmbe used m mm ms n«rn.un mm: dun-mm wa muNG vwm
52 Thtrdlyt wnen that am not rrraterrattze. rt was over a year tater on
1512 2015 » thus aver four years aner tne Delertdanl had apnlted
In ragrstertne De1endanl‘s Trademark and overtnree years artarme
Cemficale of Reqtstmtton tor tl was Issued — trtat tne oetendant
appotrtled a cansutrant tor Malaysia In register a company tn
Mataysra and explore Dperwlg a ttagsntp store tn Malaysta. tt took
anomer Stx months to regtster the Mataystan oomparry. wttn stttt no
evidence of any defirtmvs prans to open a res|aurant tn Mataysta
53 Fourlhtyt tne ettects at me COVID-19 pandemic |mly struck tn earty
Mamh N20‘ whtclt was over six years after tne ueterraarrt rrao
aaptrea to register the DeVertdartl’s Trademark and nverftve years
attertne Cerlificale at Regtslralton for it was Issued In an that ttrne,
mere was no use at at at the Delendartfs Mark tn Mataysta_ and no
servraes orverea by the Dafendanl tor any r11 trre serytaes tar which
tne taeverrdanrs Mark was regrsterea
54 Frfiffly, in my vtew, the COVtD—19 pandemtc (10% not (met the
uetenoant any rssptle. It might have had the Detenaant been rn
aayanoea, final stages 01 preparaltun tor acluatty opening a Copper
Chtmney restaurant in Mataysta. but |he netanaanrs own evidence
dtd nut Show mat to be the case at all
55 tn the Untted Ktngdom case onrado Mark Irrtor Pam: Dcctaton
0/350/22‘ trre UK Trademark Regrstry had eanstdersd COVIDW as
a reason for nun-use Tnrs ts what was said rn trrat case
-rne cwra 19 Palmsrrttc started amulalrrtg in me UK In January 2020
MM me rrrsr narronsr /aawowrr orxurnng Vt Marm mo
IN vtPtv.IVtK~1kA:Hs7Mn5xzmm§
“Nana s.n.t ruvthnrwttt re used m mm the nflmnattly enn. dun-mm y.. .nune Wrut
m rslatron lo pmwdmg reasons brnan-use m Amrm Hauplv my Stvmmg
.4 Co KG Des: 9245/175‘ My Own uuusnoe 0/the Euvapean Llmon
vumm mu only ueltsclu nawnga aullrcoarvl/y am mmlrunsh/D
WWI . mu. m making 1!: we Amposslbls 9. urvralsannma and
Wm ansa mdnpvnvnntly aims my arms propnemr olmut mark
may be desmhed as vmnerrissons (oi nolbusfolthat mark ’
A pmmg ralsrancs Io msse events m rsnfianarv, mm: (mmer
madlicahan, as m Ivuw mu: ewnls rmpaded upun me Pmonelars
nus!»-mass: resasmal/y aw. ms! u 1: nu! ma wnu rm Pvvonuovs‘
nusu-Jane: an). arc mmcmn m III-muivu mam rnnhsr
uplannnorv ta demolvsrralu no/'v~u3s or 0.. marks an m. goods and
semen in amm >
55 Here, aparl (mm Incomeratmg Cnpper Chimney Sdn Bhd on
27.6 2019, the De¢enaant dud nm adduce any ewdence ov even
being near to opemng a restaurant usmg me Deieneams Mark up
to the tune the Plamlflf man this 05. ordetaxls or how the pandenm:
had slowed m In ms tracks
57 smnny, me Defendant has not disclosed any mnnemevempmencs
afler the Leller or lnlenl dated 7 4 2-123 and the Parlnersmp
Pmposax dated 1 5 2023 The lallerwas ahnostlhree months belore
the OS was Med, and was expressed in be valxd urml 2 ‘H 2023.
Surely N we mamurv were senous about openmg a Copper cmmney
.esoauran« Vocavy there would have been some developments
53 I aooerdmgry find mat the Defendant has no| made out any vmper
reasons tor narwseanne Delendanls Mark m serwoes m mass 43
Page 1; M11
sm wP1v/\/IK~1kA:Hs7Mn5xzmm§
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he .mmn.u-y mm: m.n.n VII mum pm.‘
59, In conclusion, Ifind that me Plenum \s an aggrieved person, and has
eslabhshed pnma Iacie Ihal me Defendant mo nm use me
Derenaanvs Mark for services In Class 43 durmg me penoas of
emner 23.9.2015 to 27 9.2015 or 26 7.2020 to 257 2023 I further
find that me ne4enoanx lafled to snow any use or me Defendant‘:
Mark smce nwas regwstered. or provvde any groper reasons Iorsuen
non—use Thus, we Plairum us enlvllsd la revake (he Defendant's
Mark under s as 01 me Act
C. Invaudanion of me Dam-danrs Mark
60 For Invalldahcn anne Defendants Mark,1ne.nmuIemenno|ne OS
mennons sections 41(1), (3) and (6), and secuens 75(3) and 14; or
the Act
51. Seaman 47(1) uhhe Acl expressly provides‘
-me regrstranon ul trademark may be declared rnvshd by me Conn
upon me appllcalvon by an agwrevsd person on me gmund ms! the
lmdemark was registered In bveadv oisecuon 2:
52 Sechon 23 01th: Ac| man Vs mennonea m seenon 47(1) eoneems
ansoluxe grounds [or Ihe Rsgxshar u: reluse to register a
uaaemark. In us Wn|Ian Submissions me Mamlm honed -n on
sub-yschon (5)(a) or s, 23, wmcn prowdes man a Rsgwslnar shall
muse In register a (rademark
so... 1. ml .1
m wP1v.IVrK~1kA:Hs7Mn5xzmm§
mm. s.nn n-nhnrwm .. med m mm s. nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
-ms use arme lrademark rs fivhely lo meme arcausu mnlllson m M:
Dllbln: ur wnmvy ta any wmm. law‘
es. Sec1mn 4713) ov me Acl expressly pmwaes
-ms rnglslrubalv 5/ lrudumvk Inly bu dodarvd mv:/rd Dy In Court
upon me appmuon by M spgrrand plrsun an we gmund mm A
(al Inem rs an aamarlvadsmsrk unaarsummm em, (2; mm 9.
/11! mm Is an same! right ummrsunsectnm um
64 01 lbs four subsemlons or s. 24 0! the Act that mesa pmvlslans
menhon. In ns Wrmen Sublmssrons the P\amUfl honed in on s
2413) vfme Act wmon provmes.
-ma Rlyrlhrnr mm mm 10 register a trademark yr.
u m mm: mm .. mm. m . mm...m. a..1..m. ma Is not
rugrsfnrad W Maraysra and ,1 .5 :9 he reaisleved for me mm
.1 semen of the Plwnuvuv ultha wslumawn mmm ~
65. Secnon 47(6)o1Ihe Act expressly pmvxdes
‘The ragrmalron cl trademark may be m/ma mud Dy me am
upon me nppmlm by an agar-ma Dfirsnn or me Rsgmm on the
ground aliraurt m m Miran-anon or ma! ma mgvalmlrarv was ublumsd
by mlrlpunnlflnm
run as .v :1
sm wF1wvIK~1h:Hs7Hn5xzmm§
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
65 searon 76(3) 0! the Act exnressly pruvrdes:
~,a pmulfctuv at at we/Hmwm trademark may auwy re me cam fur .
declzmnon orrnvslrdalravv alarugmsmd kadsrnark an the gmanfls that
me rugrstsred trademark r. mm: with or um!/Ir ya . mrrrnown
lndumark In Mnraysva and ms mgrnzrert Rama .5 regtslemd (or
any am; or surwaas warm DIE not mrmr at not slmrtar In M. In
...,,.cr arm. r..rr.r...m trsdcmurk —
{5} Ilme use aflhe mgvstsled Imdsrmrk m rulatron ra mm goods or
Jurwocs mm rndrcale a mnnemon bemwvv those goods or
gamma and In: pruwretal ar rrrs we/Hmnwn trademark,‘
rnr mare most; .5 rrrsrrrooa of mnmsrm an the par! ur the gum
Dummy nlsucll um‘ ma
1:) the Interest: a/ ma prvmclor ulmc wuflknown Irwdemerk are
lrkely to be damaged by such an
57. sectron 76(4) nflhe Am expressly provides:
‘A pr-opnelnr ola wel/-kvrown Iradomark may apo/y to ma Court Ivar a
ammrron ulmvalrdatron are reavsleved namm an ma gtnurvfls ul
ma rn m. regrslmtlon or ma: Ins ragrsrrahan was crammed by
m«srDVaaorvIaIrarv »
es. Lrke section may of me Acl, under subsechons 11). (3) and (6) of
section 47 n! ma Au rm apphcanl -mm be an aggrieved person
The mncepl or aggnaved person urmer bath sacxiuns as and 41 at
"19 Act Is ma same. Consequenlly, as I had already earlier laund
meal we Prarnm vs an aggrieved person lot us revecahcn applrcahon
under suction 45(1) oi the MI, :1 would ukmsa be an aggneven
person var W5 mvalxdzllen appnoauon under secuon 47 nllhe Am So
r .2; .4 .1
sm wF1wVrK~1|A:Hs7Mr«5xzmm§
«mm. smm mmhnrwm .. U... w my r... mrmu-y mm: dnuumrrl vn murm v-max
I need not go into ttiat issue again
69 in respect or an application under section 47(3) read wirti section
24(3t or ttie Act. and under seaions 7613) and 14) or ttie Act an
appticant woutd have to snow itiat ts trademark is a welt-known
trademark in tact, trorii ttie Ptaintttrs written suprnissicns, this
notion ot weH—knt:wn trademark was ttie mainstay or its case tcr
iriiiatidatidri ct ttie Deteridarits Mark.
7:: In prreprepn 5: Mine iztairititrs Wrillen sutnriissiens, ttie Ptaintirt
subminsd mat the DefErIdan|'s Mark shautd be irwaltdated under
Secnun 47(1). (3) arid ts) cri tne lotlowtrtg grounds.
ti) Iha| it is identical and I or eiinitar to a we||—known trademark
wtiieti is not registered in Mataysia and registered tar tdenticat
goods cr services. pursuant to s 47(3) read mgelhev witti s.
2413) ollhl Act
(ii) that use M ttie Defendant‘: is iikely tc deceive or cause
contusion to the pubtii: pursuant to s. 41(1) read together mtri
s. 2a(5)(a) crttie Act and
lhal the Detenoanrs registration was obtained by traud or
misrepresentation pursuant tc s 47(6) ct the Act.
71 Ttien, in paragraphs 55-56 oi the Plaintiffs written SMDIIIVSSWHS‘ ttie
Ptairititv attuded to ttie ability at the pmpnetor ola wettkncwn mark
being able to apply under st9c1ions 76(3) and (4) ct ttie Acl tor a
declaration M invalidation cta regrstered trademark
p... 17 at A1
rn viP1vItI/K~1kI:Hs7Mrt5xZmm§
“Nair s.ii.i In-vthnrwm be u... M may i... nflntrinflly MIMI flnulvtlnl VII nFtt.ING pmui
72. As me Plaimwrs mvalidahan appncanon prednmlnanfly mvolves me
notion and concept of “we||—known trademarks“, it wuu!d be
apprupnale and Dppaflune ax lhls junclurelo clarify wfvalthatmenns
and en|an\s.
73. section 4 of lhe Act prowdes a defimlmn av 'w9IH<n0wn trademark“
11; ‘Welt-Jmawrv l'radsmar)<'mezns any kademarir that .s welt-hvmwrv
m Malaysoa and malbelarvgs to a person wrm—
4.: »s a nahoualala Convention coumty, m
(a; u domnzhd, or has n real And mam mdullrml a.
commernal asrablahrmrvl ». a common cow-rvy
whether or not that yavsun cams on mmess, or nas any
gnaw:/L In Malaysia
(2; In ammmmg whallvsrnlrndumnvkns wnl/Jmawn In Mallysra ma
Rngrwsl or Me com am am mgm: to ma mm .5
74 The 'crr‘IeIra as presarbsd"lhaI smd seclion 4(2) speaks 0! are set
out m Regulafinn 5 01 (he Trademarks Regulations 2019
Regu|a\iuns'). but they are by no means exhausflve s
Regmatxm 5 prowdes‘
‘Criteria ovwewmawn ma-mm
m demmmmg wnamcra hudnnlam /5 known /71 Malaysia me Regrskar
arlhc Com sha/rhave rngam 1.. the /ulluwmg mtam,
u... 2: our
sm wFmvIK~1|A:Hs7Mn5xzmm§
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
(3) me extent of knawisdgv ov rswgmtvon oi the trademark m the
mlevirvt seam olme public:
4») ms mam and mm. and googmpmcu ml olarvy use aun-
re» Ms flumtvovv and extent olany pmmulran allha gums ovwrwoes
wher: ms trademark appnss andme geoovapmcal area when m
pmmahm rs named on!
ya) me amuon and Made or negmauon a. dumbon am 177512 at
nnpbcalmn Iorreglam1von,o(lhslraaamsnv. m mm mm that may
rI/490.1 u. or mcogmnon DNA: mmnem
1:; momvomofsuccessful enlnmenrenlufrfgmsm ma mmmm, m
Pamculav the extent to wmm m. trade/nalk was /scoamzed as
ws!H<nown by mmnemu aunmmes, and
m the value asaocraiad mm m. :r.a.m.u. -
75. A5 ma memuu Is eonu-nu-ng met me Flaimifis Marks are well—
known nraaamam. m Malaysia‘ man it heals the burden ul
eslnhhsmng so vn re: Spurn 5:17: am: v Bullrnn span
(M|l:yu.I) [2021] 1 ms 37¢, Quay Chew Soon J sand on
paragraphs [an] and 1351 00 his Judgment.
~ Seoandm Mull kmzwrv' m law 71:: . wry mfluunl murvlng and
aims! P I: not snmled m am. am mlhoul lulfiflma an mu
rvqmremsrlts under me ma zmanams Trademarks Regulations
20:: “
sm wFmvIK~1|A:Hs7Mn5xzmm§
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
A person an-gm a partlnu/ar fan! that ms llademarlr 75 well-
known In mm Colmlry. has me egslounven undsrssmorl ms onne
Ewosrlw 21211960 mumve gm. alm-
76. Funnel. V7 Ihls caselhe Plalnlm musl prove ulalme Plalnllffs Marks
were well-known Hademarks ln Malaysla by M 7 21114. being me
dale lnal lhe Delenflam had applleu lo reglsler lne Defendant‘:
Mark II cenainly cannol rely on any evlaence beyond me: date
because, if lnal were 50, men every trademark reglsured In
Malaysia woula be susoephbla In belng challenged lor lnvalldauon
by a slmllar or ldsnllcal nadelnark reglslered anywtleve In the world
lnal mlghl only nave became weIl—known long arler me Veglskallon
0! mal Malayslan trademark.
17. mal lne Plalnm must prove «real me Plalnllfrs Marks were well—
known llaaeunams by M 7 2014 IS also evlaenl «om secllon 76(5)
0! me AC1, which pnwldes:
-me pmunalor ufl mlmlawn mark me»: no! u mm/ed lo me my
ruler-led lo M subsacrlan rzl n m. us: or me Imdvmark began below
me pwpmlovs Iradcmark became wewmown m Malaysia lmlass me
vademsrk has been usod ln nan ralm *
73. In support at me os, me Plelnlm filed lwo affldavlls wlln mulllple
documentary exhlblls WV three volumes runnlng |o well over 1,000
fullas (uulleulvely, “Plalnuffs Alnaavlrl pmflemlg sevelal gruunds
for ecntendlng that me Plalnulrs Marks are wellrknawn, On muse
grounds and domlments, l make several observallons and findlngs
win so an)
sm lnP1v/lIrK~1kA:Hs7Mn5xzmm§
“Nair Smnl ...n.mll be HIGH M may he nflmnnllly mm: dun-mm VII nrlum mm
s Sermon 46(1) make: u clear that oruy an aggneved person an
mvoke I| However, ‘us! before discussing whether U19 P\amM'1|s an
aggnevea person and gmng In|o «he menls of me revocanprr
eppuceuorr, i\ may be expeurerrr In examme me nuances and
dfllerenoes belween an apprrceuorr under nrrrbs la) and (I7) 01 secuerr
46. After all, m Mcurerr International Ltd v. Lmr v.1 mm mm)
4 cu 149‘ Ahdm Aziz Mohamad FCJ sad:
‘The grounds in paras 1.; and rm are mdependen! a/(emalwe grounds
M37519 not related to one another “
Lvmb a
9 Under mu (3), me mreeyear perm av norvuse of the trademark m
rssue rs peggeu to me “npmrcerrorr uf registration”, which under
seam 36(2) of me Ad me Regrsrmr rssues to me successful
app1IcarI|/ propnelor. Under secuurr 1l6(3)ulthe Ac1.a oeruficale oi
regrsuauon rs eqmvalenua a rrmmcauon of regrsurauon rssuea under
semen 36(2)
10. In «ms case. we Defendant had apphed lo regrslerme Detenuerrrs
Mark on 14 7.2014 and me Oamficaxe er Regrsnrauun for me
Derenuanrs Mark I5 daled 23 92015. consequermy, tor me
purpose L71 hmb (a), me Pxarnurr would have us show mal the
De!endanl had not pm me Deienaanrs Mark to use m good term rrr
Meleysra lov a period ohhree years «mm 25 9 20151:: 27.9.2018,
and mamrere are no prcper reesuns for non-use omre Deiendanrs
Mark dunng that perm
run‘ 4 .r n
W urP1v/vrK~1kA:Hs7Mn5xzmm9
Nuns Snr1n\n-nhnrwmbe used m mm r.. nr1mn.HIy mm: dun-mm VI] .nuNG Wm
79. Firstly. Exhibit u to the Plaintnrs Amdavit shows that. even though
he Platrttttv alleges that It had used the nerne ‘Copper cltrrnnel/'
t-rorrt the cdrnnrenoerrtent or operations when tt opened tts hrst
restaurant in Bntrnbay tn tgvz, as at 147 mu the Platrmfl was
operating only that solttary restaurant. which the documents refer to
as ‘Copper Chimney WORLI‘ All of its other 24 restaurants
operating under the copper chtnrney nante tn lrtdta Kzm‘ UAE (2).
UK (I) and Kuwait tt), all at whteh use the Platntirrs Marks. were
opened onwards trorrt 5 t2 me That date was when the Platntnvs
seccnd restaurant opened‘ in Pune. In a The Platnttlrsrtrst copper
Chimney outlets beyond the shores ol lndta opened only rn 2020 tn
London. Dubat, and Kuwait That the Ftatntrft had only ventured
outside ol India In 2020 wrtn ns copper chimney restaurant ts
evidenced by the date tn Ekhtott :3 to the P|alnIlWs Amdaytt that
trrternattorrel sales only started generating in 2o2o—2u2t
so. secondly, Exhlbll u lo the vtatrtttlvs Amdayrt shows that, despite
opening tts ltrst restaurant in 1972, the Ptatntrrt only began
regrstenng the Platntttrs Mark tn 1987, with the ttrst regtstered in
631957. Even though lrorrt 1967 up to new the Plaintm has
registered an trademarks in Indra that contatn the word “Conner
Chimnefy as at 147.2014, only ts ol these had been registered.
Even then, none or those trademarks were regtstered in class 43.
not even the ones regtstered in 1957 The l=la n registered Mo ot
the Plarntttrs Marks in class 4: tor the rtrst trrne only on ts.9 2ol7,
which was over three years arflerlhe date the Delendanrs Mark was
regtstered tn Melaysra tn class 43. and A5 years alter the Plaintlfl
opened rts nrst restaurant’ laorrtoay in 1972
hp 11 ol .1
IN vtP1vIIIIK~1kA:Hs7Mh5xzntm§
«mt. s.rt.t n-nhnrwm be tr... M my r... oflmnetlly MVMI dnunvlnnl y.. eFluNG Wml
an. Trwony, Exh n u1o1ne Pnainms Amdavrn anso snows nnan, eunsrae
o1 lndna, as an 14 7 2014. 1ne Pnarnm had regnsnered me Pnarn1r11's
Marks in UAE (2010), Kuwaln 12011), Ausnrana 12013) and one UK
(2013). However‘ Exmbnl E no nne Pnarn1rn1°s Aflidavnl shuws 1rra1 |he
firstohnslhrae resnanrams nn UAE1une olwnrcn dosed in.nuny 2022)
and rns sone resnaurann in Kuwann opened onny nrl Augusn 2020‘ ns
sane resnauram nn lhe UK opened rrn Ocmbsr 20201 and mere was
no evndence on any Copper cnrrnney resnaurann naving eve( been
opened rn Ausnranra unn1l naw Thns means 1ne1, desprne regrsrenng
nnosa llademarks rn those oounnries. nnere was non-use on nna
Pnarnnrrrs Marks in UAE Kuwarn and 1ne UK for an leasn a decade
belore me Pnarnnm aanuanny opened nnosa res1auran1s and pm me
Plannl s Marks no aenuan use And asthe Pnarnnmnas neweraamanny
opened a copper Chnmney resnaurann nn Aushaliar nnera has been
no acnuan use an an! of me Pnainmrs Marks dawn under Evnuenuy.
muse sanre argumenns on nonarse rn Malaysia which one Pnainnm
argues agarnsn nne Defendant wnuld appny no one Pnainnm in an 0!
muse counnrres nn addmon. nne Plannlnfl also dnd non adduce any
evndenca nnan me Plainlifis Marks had become wenn-known
nraoernarks in those oounlrnes einner or even nn Indna 1or nna1 manner
by me (nme the Devenoanrs Mark was regrs1erea rn Manaysna
52 Fonmhlyr nrn respecn of ma P|annmTs evndence on 11s anneged
exoerrarnure rncurred nn pmmonmgr rnarkeung and advennsnng Ils
copper Chimney rersrauranns nncludnng onlnne and nnrougn socran
medna, aworerng no my cancunanrons, nna Pnainm spenn
usseoesas 00 nor me years 20072023 However, only around 3%
o1 man was spenn between 20074015 Thus, 91'-/. o1 nnar
p... :2 M n
rn urP1v/nIrK~1kA:>1s7>1n5xznrnw9
“None s.n.r nnvnhnrwm .. u... m my r... mn.u-1 mm: dun-mm vu .nune 0-man
exnendlluve was ac|uaHy Incurred aner the DeIendan1‘s Mark was
83 Fmhlyr In respeen at saIes generated, ExhIbII G lo we I=IaInmrs
Affidaw/II sndws IhaL bemeen 2007-2015, we IoIaI generated sales
was uss2a,9o2_349. wme me unaI generated saIes Ior 2007-2023
was uss7a,229,5o9 This means that aI Ieasl lwc—IhIrds of Its sales
were generated aflar lhe Detendanrs Mark was rEgIsIered Even
men, Exh4bI| u In one PIaIn|iff‘s Amdavn shows that In all‘ me
I2Ia.nm nas regmered me I>IainIIIrs Marks in 14 o|hsrCIasses apan
fmm crass 43(Ie.C|asses12,16,18,|9‘Z1,24.29‘30,3|,32.
33, 34, 39 and A2) and by 2014 me Plamlm had opened my one
resIauranI In Bombay. There IS nu ewdenoe man those amrna were
generaIed Iron: Ine PIaInhff‘s Bombay reslauranl aIone
34 As for bennq lealured In Ina mess and In magazines‘ me PIaInIIf1
adduced Iusl E fewarlmles in India (ram before 14 7 2014 and none
(mm abmad
55. In respecx or awards, \he only award mat the PIaIrrmI adduced
ewdence or from bevere 147.2014 was ‘Best Indran Cmsms
Restaurant chem — NaIronaI for 2013" by FRANCHISE INDIA we
can be seen from Exmbm F to me Plalnhifs Alfidavm There were no
awards shown Ivorn between 1972 to 2013 Just as one swauow
does nal a summer make, one award does not alone make a
lrademalk weII-known
rn .rerwr»<qxa~;ra.sxzmme
“Nair s.n.I In-vIhnrw\H .. LAIQ4 M my r... WWI-y mm: dun-mm VII aFIuNG perm
The Mavmflaisodxd noladduoeany evidence Manhne review: (mm
beicre 14.7 2014 The ms: was on 412 zmaa posled on Tnpadvrsor
[mm someone In Mumbau lndxa The firs! review cf lhe Copper
cmmnay restauram m Landon was m Ha/amwdguy, or a msm on
3.122020 Even then‘ In the latter, none 0' the (cod (hat was
sampled was gwen a mung at over 7/10, and one was rated omy
mmngemam 0! \he Pxainms Marks was m the Bombay Hugh Coon
[Commercial Dmsuonu, m 2015
me nniy suwessml prosecution L71 an action tor
I also no|eIhal ms Plamlrff only secured me use nmwa dcmam name
regwstrahon for “Copper cmmney in July 2022.
Lasfly. the Plamuff did not adduue any ewdence 01 a survey having
been carried out to Show that Ils Copper Chimney resnau-am or
brand was weH—km:wn m Malaysia,
In Aspucl Synuuy Sdn Bhd v Banyan rm Moldings Lm [mm
8 CLJ 97, me de!em1anl alleged lhal Ils mark was a we\|—known
trademark In Malaysxa Aparl (mm fmdmg that the deiervdanl had
«auaa |a es|abhsh «na« :15 mark fumed the crllena vorm well-known
(mdemarks set om m regulatIcn13BaHhs Trade Marks Regulations
1997(1ha\vr.~s.nfome at me um). Ramvy An J sand
‘arm nas not pmauasa any ewdsnw orsurwy reports to show me
extent anemgnman the BTHL‘s mark has In Malayan
IN wP1m/rxqknwsvnnsxzmmq
«ma saw be used m mm .. mxmuuy mm: dun-mm VII mum v-vrm
Them rs no recnrd a/ suwosdul wnlovwrwrvl omgnrs pmdmwd at and
NHL provrds any mfnrmahon as In Me value asmaaled wrlh the
am x mm am» than pvoalmmg some brochures and agvesmenls’
91. Based on the Pnannws awn documenns and evidence, I find than me
Pnannuw has failed \o auuuce any sumcnenn evndence (or nms Court In
hold man any onrne Pnannms Marks were weI|—Known trademarks as
an 14 7.2014.
92 Ccmsequernllyr as Ihe Pnammrs appnncannon no nnvahdale me
nanarnaann s Mark under secnnen 47(3) raau wnm seclnon 24(3) ohhe
Act and secnnons 76(3) and 7614) a! ma Act rnran requnra |he Pnanrnnm
|a esnablnsh man one P|ain|iWs Marks were welldmawn Irademarks
as an 14 7.2014 and me Plannlnll has faded Ia dn an, n find Iha| ma
Pnannnnws auampn lo nrwahdale lhe nenenaarnrs Mark under «nae
pmvnsnons oi the Acn nann
93 n ansa mane man, despnle bclh sacnnans 75(3) arm 75(4) an me Act
snannng lhat the propnetov an a weH»Krnowr\ trademark ‘may apply to
me com fol a dedaratnorn ol nnn/alndalnan of a rsgrstsrsd 1Jan1smark"n
me Plannlnfl and non even apply lor man aacnarannan in me 05 Since
nnosa provnsnans exprassny provide for such a aecnaraniun, 4 wound
Lhnnk man specnfically appnymg for man has to be par (or one course
nn order for the Courl no so order nllhe case had been made cm.
94. That new leaves the Court rnavmg no consider me Pnannmrs
apphcalmn lo invahdale me nelendanrs Mark under secuons 4711)
and 47(6) unne Am
r... as av n
m vnP1v/nIrK~1kA:Hs7Mn5xzmm9
“Nana sman n-vnhnrwm a. LAIQ4 w my r... ar1mn.uIy mm: flan-mm VII .rnma v-man
I v Hdalmn under seam 471 re w n n
95. semen 47(1) of me Act explessw provxdes:
‘The rwgrstmhon of kademavk may be declamd mvalrd by me Calm‘
upon In: nppbcalroll by an aggneved person on me gmund that the
nademark was Isgrstwvdm bvuam olsemxwv 23 "
96 Sub-section (snap at s 23 lhal me Plamun vocused on m W5
Wnuen Sublmsswons provides that a Regwslrar shall reluse |o
rag|s|er a Hademark:
‘um: use of m. Irsdnmuk rs like/yto aocsws Dr cause conlusoon m me
pubm: or mnlmry In any wmlan law
97 The purpose and rauonale 0! ms pmvvsmn \s to pmnem me
public The use ov a lmdemark Is likely to dsoewe or cause
curvfusmn to the pm: M :1 \s xdenhcal mm or sv '|ar In a
lvademark already used by analherlradsr,regan1\ess afwhemer
or nollhe trademark ws used m Malay '
ea In Yong mm Hing (trading as Hong Kong Tmdlng Co.) A Anor
u Wallon lnhurnational Ltd [2o121 5 ML! soc. zmm‘ c4 (Malaya)
As regards ms IVS! alconillsmn and Deoepban n .5 new wen served
The deasran nlllre Nous: 0/ Lord: m we base uIBal¢ Trade Mark
/1969] RPC :72 m mmpmnng 511 an m. ux ma. MuksAc! wmcn
rs Bqmvamnl to our 5 units; of me As! is mg!-vy Irulmcuva Lam
upprm ht/rim ma: can up 496 on the rest of/rhvlmnodaluunfilyon
and .1.»-mum as mow:
sm wPwvrK~1kA:Ms7Mn5xzmm§
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
wvmmnn mm 1917 Mrs rm: neceslsnlybe 5 queumarrm
anddzgvze mevnrycasu /rvsnolneoo.ssrymm1e¢1o imdmax
5 max allends non-m..u.a.. 11m Drnva Ina! mm .5 an actual
pmmmy or dlupkron /nmmg In pasmg M or u .44 u.
mmnglmdnl aamn n .s wmcm vi 4». resulv cl In: regrlvihwv
a! nu mm wut be that a numue. 0/perwn: ml be cam u
mm wllamurtmoghl nor be the use that me Ma prmucts came
Iran: the sum: samm -
99 m ‘ELEA" SpA v Fl-mmn sdn am: [20115] 3 MLJ 71:, Rsmn An J
“The clomtnl clean/Imon anvymmu m mm was Dulangmg to Ma
ummnr pvapnetwt mm srmvlar mark: are mmwrng in ms mm!
market m we mum: of am. ‘mom wowd not as any mnrusmn
bccause me applrcant has never um the mm mm m me wars: of
bade m Ma/ayua -
mo Given that. an me me me Defendant apphed kn mglsler me
nevenaams Mark, |he Flamufl was orfly uperalmg vane Ieslauram
nullel m Indu and had not opened any nufleis uu|sIde ol Vndla, and
had not IcluaHy put |o use me Lrademarks u had regIs|en:d m UAE,
Kuwait or Australia, I and that, even fllhe wendanc had used ma
trademark In Malaysia upon wt bemg registered, lhal use would not
likely deserve Of cause contusion to ma puhhc or mnlrary In any
wnllen waw.
wuc. oonsaquenuy, me Flalnmrs appucauon Ia mvahdale me
Delendanfs Mark under sashon 41(nreamogemerwun s 2.‘l(5)(a)
av me A51 vans.
sm wP1wvrK~1|A:Ms7Mn5xzmm§
mu. sum nmhnrwm .. u... m my u. mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
In a! me Ad
102. Section 47(6) onne Am expressly provides
‘The revlxrralran of naemam may be aedamd mm: by the Court
upon me applmalron by an aggneved usrson a Mo Regan on the
ground ammm me mgrshatlon 0! that we mgvslranon was nhtumzd
Dy rmareprusenlulym ~
103 To suc4:essluHy mvoke W5 provwsvon‘ me Ma-nun womd have In
ssvabfish man, an me me me navenaam apphed |o reg\s|er ma
Da1endan|’s Mark m Malaysia, « przcllced a fraud or
msrepreaemauon upon me Regislrar
104. In rm-o Enmprlu am: v Nauung chm [Inez] 4 on was‘
Mahadev Snankar said
may Am: bl:-an ma ma that .: hen rsfsrmd :9 ya nolmsl me mm
on Me for-vrvn manummmw ms M ma M ms Rvglslrpv and lhrwfih
Me Ragrstvar on other mar; and Ma Malaysmn puma *
105. m nga Gajah Cho Hlnu Sdn Ehd V Maluperak npung Burns
sun Bhd (199714 MLJ 5414. Kamalanalhan Ratnam JC expounded
W! What ‘hand’ entailed He said
‘Coming to me rssue or ma mom ma: «mm as dated in s 37 5/ M:
7m 197:: must and ought to mflen ma mmary meamng asmbed .-a ,1
and merelove show comluct mvowmg dvshulvssty oi deception. by walk!
.2. am at ormswon by word or need
sm wPwvrK~1kA:Hs7Mn5xzmma
«ma saw a. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: flan-mm VII mum v-vrm
me msmwwstymus: nu! be axswmed sa)e)yhyreas~nn a1 knwoeage of
an umegrsieredmleresi I! rs ngnlm my mew lo we examms as to what
may mnsmuts fraud by way a! I/Vusiranva hypctllctuxl condmons
bocausa each an mm dspond 1/pomll own spectfic selollncts lam
(nmfiod m m. waw Ina! Mold by mlymg o(Famy [Anal] Piy ua V ./R
Alixundsrlu Sam‘ :0; Ply mums; 75 cm 491 when m M!/ram: 4
saw a: p as:
Puma ma. ma wards al a yam: showd be gm mew nmvwr
ynmmllrut mumng ma avvmary mommy at me mvoivu
kirshmaflyaryuve mom culpability (aw Ru Avuryx mam;
ma: msvafureemevyes Wm Uvexecasests me Lvyauflrsabannflhvza
e/emuvts to mwosl wv uwabtnsmng ma mlesaecl an 32 aims ma
For mm to samsu, mm mm be
u; an bcluamucaptran Md mew. m dean/D.
m In .uu.«mmy at pa-sac. my by m us a« down, It
I3) ama: kmm/mtg: that run ad was cawlalld to mm on‘:
ms. In “ELBA"SpA, supra, Ramlu AI: J adcpled Ihese same uuee critena
for de|em\inIng whether tram has: been made am in lhalcase
107. Gwen man, at me lune me Defendam apphed to register me
De(em1anI‘s Mark, me Marnufi was only opelalmg one restaurant
nulls! VI India and had not opened any mmels ouvsxde D1|nd1a,and
had um pm to actual use the Inademarks n nan regxsteted m me
me. Kuwau and Ausuana, and was that me Plaunufls Marks were
nol well—knawn uauemams, \ rm than mere was nn hand by me
Defendant m the regwslrauon ol the Deiendanfs Mark In Malaysia,
. ..saam
am wF1wvrK~1|A:Hs7Mn5xzmm§
«mm. sm.‘ nmhnrwm s. LAIQ4 w my a. mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
and lhal me regishalnon at me Defendanfs Mark in Malaysia ms
not ubtained by mxsrepresenlalxun‘ an eimenhe Regvslmr or on the
general public.
Ccncms on
105 In conclusion. as the Pramms apphcauon lo mvaIIda|e me
Delendanfs Mark lails on an nve pravnsxans of me Aci max n seeks
In Invoke, |he Waxnliffs apphcauon lo Inva|Ida|e me Delendanrs
Mark 15 dusnussed wv|h casts
C4 Rolitf I order: sauna: and mad-
109 In prayer 1 name 05‘ me Plamtm saugm me rollowmg.
‘A Dedamlton ma! Ins P/arrmll rs me /aw mm and common Law
owner ofme Irarlenlark ‘COPPER cmmusr and vts man: Iheveaf
wnerz u .5 used m rs/alum to vts reslauranx basmess '
no. The Plawnlifl cannot be me Vega! owner 0! me “Copper Chimney“
trademark m Malaysxa because u was regxs|ersd by me
Deiendant, and the provnsuons Ior revocalmn 0! me Defendants
Mark do not have Dmvnsmns empowenng me Cour! to order n
uansvenaa to the Plammf
111 As for common raw awnensmp ov a trademark, | us usuany
dependent on much 01 me oompelmg pames was the nrst to use
me d-spunea mark wllhln Malaysia.
aw wP1v/vrK~1kA:Hs7Mn5xzmm§
«ma sm.‘ n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. mxmuuy mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
Lmlb h
11 Under hmb (D), the Plalnlrflwould have Ioshow thanhe use olgoods
and services under the Devenaanrs Mark m Ma\aysxa had been
suspended for an uninterrupted period of three years from at xeasc
26.7 2020 m 25 7 2023 and Ihal there are no wuper veasuns lor
m:n—use or the neianaanrs Mark The wane: data or 25 7 2023 Is
taken because me as was filed on 25.7 2023
12 Oomlng back to “aggrieved persan’ m samon am) of me Act
dearly provides mm the some may nvdev revocation Ma regszerea
trademark ”on the application 0/an aggrreved person", even before
oonsudenng whether there has been non-use 94 the Delsndanrs
Mark m Malaysia under erlher hmbs (a) or (b), me P|amhff as
appIII:an| ws firs! and foremost required to eslabhsh that VI Is an
aggrieved person M lhe P\am1ifffiii\slo do so, then me Issue at now
use of |he De7erIdanI‘s Mark under ellherhmh forawlher period need
not been conswdered. and the US would be dwsmxssed
13 Thus.|hethree1ssues(a be eansmerpd Inr lhe Mammrs applucanon
to revoke the regusu-anon nllhe Defendants Mark a
(1) wnemerme Plamm us an aggneved psrsun m relahun to me
Defendant s Mark‘
(2) H so, whemerlhe P\am|ifl has esxabnsnad mms lame manna
umenuam did not use the Dslendanfs Mark M Malaysia for
goods In Class 43 for bom whose psneus umme prescnbed
by both hmbs (a)and (D): and
v... 5 av n
m wP1mIrK~1kA:Hs7Mn5xzmm§
«ma Snr1n\nnnhnrw\HI>e LAIQ4 w may he nrW\nnH|:I mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
112. In Fszan/ddm brn Ibrahim, supra Abdw Malik lshak Jsaxdz
‘The new common law prmcvpb 75 Mrs ms nu: psrson Mm uses a
numm 5/an appmpnale rype mmm a country become: the pmprretor
ol the mark (R: Raymund Trado Mark Yanx’ ex 9 Amafigamalsd Tobacco
carp Ltd 1:952; 52 cu: m .1 p 203, Thu:-dcmard Pvoducli Corp v
Thnmdovbud Mann: Product: Pry Lid am; 131 cm 522 a: .2 son.
Moovyars Tobacco Co uu ./mm Mam: uu (No 21119541 59 ALJR 77;:
;1 23) n rs sardmal a Demon who became: nmmeluvafa Irsdumarlr m Mrs
way 5 emu/9:1 at wmrmwv law to restrain a person who my mmmer-mes
to use the maaennarlr ~
113. In Sy um zamaul H) ‘lamln Sdn Bhd 5. Ana: v Yong su Fun &
Anal [2006] 5 Mu 232, Ramn AI: J said
1: ya mm law ma: Inc m: to us: a mark m Mnlnysm wank! pmvavl
omemse u would 1334:)! m an armmaly in ma 1.», m ma ans: mu: m.
first and orlgmal user rs warmed by a subsequenl user -
114. In Lim vaw sing v Humme nlernaliorlal spans 7 Leisure NS
[1996] 3 Mu 7,Mana-12v Shankar sand:
-mm mm /aw rs vary Ismtma/m many awed: So, u m/Vbe useful
to keep m m: lwalronl ulowmmds may, however msiasiefu/n may be
re: a nanny m one country In sfipmpvlalz the mark an. lutungrv um.’
who vs usmg mu mark m . Iovsngn munuy, mum is mmmg umuwnu
undsllha mm mm Au ma /m . Muuyuun mu.’ :9 D-mnu (ha
rvgmvrani nrwlratw of 5 Iarergn mark mu Ihr mm (Dvmgrv
guarlspmvrdsd that me fvmyn mam has nu! been used at B//In
Ma/awe -
u... 4: M11
sm wP1wvrK~1|A:Ms7Mn5xzmm§
mu. sum nmhnrwm .. u... m mm u. mmnnuly mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
115, In Mesuma Spods‘ anarreterringm Fazarudd//7, SysrikelZsmanfH/
Tamm and Lrm Yaw Sing Azahar Mohamed FCJ said m paragraphs
(4s]am1[47| onne Judgment:
‘mus. me weN—se!(Ied legal requisites nawssary luv the aeqmsmon of
mmnnn law tvadsnrark rvghls over an mdrcatar and rdenhfie! rm I/we
mmmervaemenl of My pasmg arr muse or aclmn has always been
premised on a Iaclual reautrermmt mm. dtslmntvve use aime mdrcamr
or rduvwm m a trademark sense m the cams: unm-
85 m wwld r-om mil he mo /51: run: a Inmumurk awn: m. lard
trademark under common law and ma: sum mmmon raw av/nsrshrp
would In mm enlrlle mm in II): by rraamm appocabon as a bone me
apnlniam, purwanllv s25{1IoIAhe Tm V
116. As the Plarnm has not used a mark wrm “Conner ommney“ In
Malaysxar It lherelme cannot be the common raw owner at n. Thrs
rebel rs reduseu
117. In prayer 2 or me 05, lhe Plammi saugm the louowrrrg:
‘An Order ma! me Delsndanrs Ma/ayyan Yraflemark Rcgrsflslmn as
slslcdbmaw mm bun onrsrad mm ma Regratsr or Trademarks wlumul
salmnnlnnsm and/or wrongly Iomsmld .n ma Ragvstsb
la) Trademark Regtnmlvovv No 2014007995 for “COPPER
cmmvsv m Class 43 Wed on M or am (Imsrnsflar refined
Iv as ms 'Deiendim’s Malaysian RegIsInIian')“
vzgeu .1
sm vrF1wVIK~1|A:Hs7Mn5xzmm§
“Nana smm .. LAIQ4 w my r... mm-y mm: dnuumrrl VII .mm v-max
113 The wmds ‘snlsrsd mla [he Register 0:‘ Trademarks wnhaul
sulfcfenl mason and/ov wmngly remained in me Reg/star’ are
acwally a lhrvMzad< to me Trade Marks An. ms pnswoussy in
lame and naw vepealed. taken «mm secuon aw Ks) onne pnnnous
Tmde Marks Act, 1976, much provides
“saclian 45. Rcctificatron oi Me nsgrmn
m summ to me prawsrons 9/Ims Act-
(a) the cam! may on ma nppflalllon m mu pl-ucnbsd marmar or
any pnuun lggndvad by my nnnmufiron In or onnssmn
fmm My Pogvstsl alsny my or by any enlry mnda m the
Rsmster wrlhoul sulficnml cause or Dy any army wvongmfly
ramarmw In me Wegrsver, or by any error or demo! rn any
enzmn ms Regmer make wm Urdu farmakmg, emungmg
or wlymg sum envy as yr mms nr‘
119 Nevennuess, mesa wards are assouaued wnn the wrungvul
mguslrahon or a hademark and an apphcalmn to invalidate man
129 As I had found that me Plannhffs apphcahon in Inva ate Ihe
Devenaanrs Mark raneu‘ Lms rehei ws alsu refused.
121. In prayer 3 «:4 me Os, ma Plamm suugm me lullowlng
‘An Onier undcv sum 45(1}1aI & (on Seaman mu, (3) a pa; and /
at Sacnon ma; A 14; findnmnnvs Act 2019 that m. Dslandcvvl‘:
Ml/ayitan Remslmlrun DI ravokid, mvn/rdulcd and/on mnma born
:9. ma. Mums mgysw‘
pm as .1 .1
sm wF1wvIK~1|A:Hs7Mn5xzmm§
mm. s.nn nmhnrwm s. LAIQ4 w my me nflmnnflly mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
122. As I had found meme P arrnm ma succeeded enry In Ms apphcalxon
xa revoke me Deverruarrrs Mark under seeuerre as (1){a)&(b]aHne
AI,1.nn\‘{lhs|Darl av prayer 3 of me os relating In reveeecron ofthe
Delendanfs Mam Is aH0wefl
123. In prayer 4 It the 05. the P\ainlIW sough| me lollowmq
‘An Ovder for me Regrsver e/ Ymds Marks hum My/PO10 record ma
revorznon I rnverrnenarr or the Defendant‘: Malaysian Rcgnslrahan vr
me Regrstu at Trade Marks '
124. As Ihe Flaxnlifl had succeeded in us appureenorr |o revoke lhe
oevenaerrrs Mark undevsectlons 46 (1 pm a 1b)a1lhe Act, omy man
pan 0! prayer 4 av lhe 05 In reueuorr In recording me revocevon or
me Delendanfs Mark In the Register rs aHowed.
125 In pvzyer 4 0! me 05, me F\aInM sought an erdsv (or me Delendanl
m pay n were. Under order 59 Ms 3 ol me Rules 01 Court, 2012‘
costs will usually follow me evenl (Le me successful parly Is
awemea costs) except wnere 1: appears to me com me: rrr me
mumsrances ol me case some oznev ads! shouldbe made as (0
me whole orenypan a/me costs."
125 In my vrevv. auneugh the Plamlwfl succeeded In making a use [or
revoking me Defendant‘: Mark, mrs Is e case m vmrerr costs slmmd
not lnllaw me even| The P\aInnWs Amdavrz and exmmcs (man ran to
mree volumes) and as Wnllen sunmrsuons were devmed
subslzrmafly H) vs caselcr anemplmg lo estabhsh that me Puemnre
Marks are well-known lrademarks and «er Invahdalmg me
rrv vrP1v/\IrK~1kA:Hs7Mn5xzmm§
“Nair s.n.r nnnhnrwm .. v... w my r... nflmnnflly em. dun-mm wn mum vwm
uererruanrs Mark under «nose five provrsrons or the Act mar I
mentioned samer. ll rarred rn that endeavor As such‘ m my vrew.
|he Defendarn should run he ordered to pay me Flamlvff any cesrs
127 Acwldmgly. I made Ihe Iouowrng Orders
11) An Order under secuorr 46 (1 ua) A lb) olthe Trademarks AM,
21119 man the Deiendarrrs Trademark Regrsnrauurr Nu'
2014007985 lor-
be revoked lrom me Regrsner of Yrademarks kepl and
mamlamed by the Regrsrrar or Traderrrams under me
Trademarks Ad‘ 2019.
12) Thar upon service of |ms Order on me Regnslrar or
Trademarks In accuaarree wrm Rsgulanarr 52 0! ma
Trademarks Regulahuns, ma Registrar or Trademarks srrau
reoara me revocauorr or ma Deverraanrs Trademark
Regrsrrauarr No 2uuoo19a5 and mereafler cause such «act
0! ravocalrcn To be published rrr the Journal,
(3) ‘Hum me P\amW‘s applncauon to |nvaIIda|e Iha Darenaanrs
Trademark Regrsuauorr No 2n1Am79a5 underlhe prcvrsrms
ol me Trademarks Acc, 2019 be dnsrrflssed, and
(4; Tha| mere he no order as In oasis or this aclmn
Page .5 ..r n
ra vrP1v/vrK~1kA:Hs7Mr«5xzmm§
«ma sarm nnuhnrwm .. used m mm r.. mrmrr-y mm: dun-rurrl VII mum v-mar
Dated me ml" day of January, 2024
Ian Sulaiman
icial comfnlulomr
K II Lumpur Hlgh Cour!
Steven Check logelhev wim S00 An 0. (Messrs cnnstopner .4 Les Ong)
for me F\aIn||W
Falhma Ra] A/L Ramasamy (Messrs Famms Ra; Rsmasamy & Co.) «or
me Daiandanl
Llgl llnnz
Trademarks MI, 311 p, 36(2).36(3)‘45(1|(a)arm1b),47[1|‘
(3). and (sy, and 7E13|and (4)
Trade Marks Act 1976 secliun 45(1)(a)
c 1 mama:
Aspen Synergy Sdn Bhd v Banyan Tree Hmdmgs Lm [2009] 5 cu 97
has Pk: v Ansuns Herrenhaus KGBer1mev [2014] Lexis cnamun 2522
Cumin: Enlarpnses Lm v Twentieth Cenlury Fax Film Curparauun (Na 2)
[2014] EWHC was (Ch)
Dmmler AG v Sany Group Ca nu {zoos} All ER (D) 125
man‘ spA V Flamma Sdn Bhfl [2008] 3 MLJ 713
E—Tuyn G\oba\ scan-onery sun Ehd V Tcyn Vnk Sdn Ehd 5. Armor 12004) 7
cm 363
Fazaruamn mn uaramm v Pamson Corp sun am [1997] 4 MLJ JED
mus .1. u
m wP1mIrK~1kA:Ms7Mn5xzmm§
mm. snnnw n-nhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w my n. nrW\nnU|Y mm: dun-mm wa mum pm
Haw-O Emerpnse Bhd v Nguang Chan (19921 4 cm 1955
Just cranes GmbH a. Co KG v Josl cranes Sdn and [2910] 4 ML! 191
Lwn vew Sing v Humme\ Inzemauonax Spcrls 7 Leisure A15 [1995] 3 MLJ
Lxwayway markeung Corporallon v Osxm Group Public Co Lld [mm 5
cu 133
LB (Lian see) canrecuanery sun am: V om: us: [2012] 3 cm 661
MI:Laren Inxemamunal Ltd v. Lim Vat Mean [2009] 4 cu 749
Mesuma Spurls Sdn Bhd v Majhs Sukan Negars Malaysxa (201516 MLJ
Re Arnold D Pahusr In me Matter avnaae Mark Regxstralxon Na 3249
[1987] 2 MLJ 551
semee Pmnl Solutions SA v DHL lnlemallnnal GmbH
syanxax Zamani H. Tamin Sdn End 9 Anovv Yong sze Fun 5. Anor [zone]
5 MLJ 262
we GaJah cno Hang Sdn Bhd v Majupevak Tepung Eeras sun and
[1997] 4 MLJ 504
TCE Spons Sdn and v BuHzen span (Mzflaysxal [2923] 1 LNS 379
Trojan Recnrmngs Ltd v ARGO Ltd [2014] Lexus cmamon 3375
The Walt Disney company v Rasseu Fanuasy woms [zoos] Laxns c-«anon
Yong Tang Hung (trading as Hang Knng Trading Co ; a. Anur v waunn
lnlemalmnal Ltd [2012] 6 MLJ 609
me .1 m -1
m wP1mIIK~1kA:Hs7Mn5xznam§
mm. Snr1n\n-nhnrwmlxe 9... w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
13) It so‘ wnemer the Delendanl can Show that n did use the
Defendanfs Mark m Malaysia «or bath oflhose penods onune
forguods 4n Class 43, or pmvude proper reasons Var non-use.
wngnhsr the Hamhff ws aggngm gy me Delsndan s Mark
14. In Fazaruddin bin Ibrahim u Parksun Corp Sdn B?-d[1W7| 4 MLJ
aso, Abdul Mallk Ishak 4 expvessed the new [7151 any person whnse
appllcalrcn |O rwwsier a trademark has been thwarled by the
trademark n wishes to challenge would be aggneveu He sad:
‘The phmse ‘person aggnarwd‘ m s 45{1}(a7 or the Au Mould bu
Donshved Ivboral/y In myjildqmenl, yr Includes nny pqrwn wnose awn
appmnan rm Iegmrairon IS onsmmea by me opocsmg pany m the
15 rn an A-nola n Filmer In nu. mnnu u1Tv|do um Rnglnrnlnan
In an [M7] 2 ML! sat the smgapona Hugh Conn held |ha( ms
mare filmg cl an appucamn In rsg\s|er a trademark would no: make
maunerwn an aggnmd person, and man [here musthe more cnan
Sek Keong JC sal
rn. ngrslraborv al a have mam n ma nnml of a pmpmlor, once
eflecxed ought not m o. drsiurbed by person: who nm no nnang
neeren In me good: concsmed n an applvcanl my recnfimlmvv nns no
such nnmsz 10 mm mm, and merelnve cannot surfer any damage at
an by me zxrsnmae or a mn/hctmg made mark an the rvgnslsl, n cannot
bu r/QIII, In pvmaw: that In: me!-a Ming elm: apnrlcauon can mu/Irm-
mnsmry hmu: mnm an Ina lppflcant /or lho purpose of mmnnq
u... 5 .1
sm mwrxqxnmnnsxznng
“Nana s.nn n-nhnrwm n. LAIQ4 w my n. nnmnmy mm: mmn wa mnnc Wm!
Omslwvse the Iss1 nfgnevance VvpoanUCL1rnPawv/75 TMl1S94) 11
RFC 7, IVBWIAC a wow be oompmely rm//med by Ieaomng to ma
stmpie expedrency a/applymg to 7997519! me my mark the apphcalvl
sucks to upunge
16 In mum. Int nllonll Ltd v. Llm van M u [zoov] 4 cu nu,
Abdul Am Mahamnd FCJ reierved lo Fazsruddin bin nuamm and
1 person wlmsa epplncllron lav mgrsrrulrorv of ma rrndlmnrlx 1.:
pooumrsud by 5 mm cannot, wvlhuul mom, quulrly aa . gonna
aggneved because he muldbs a mom Dusyoady ’
17. Relemng men to me passage m Re Amold D Pa/mar. Abdul Aznz
Mohamed FCJ sad.
‘we understand malpassage as Vzyvngaown mepnncwe ma mam.
aggnsvsd rs a persnn me has used his mark at a trade mark — or who
has . garmme and pmssnl mtsrmun m use ms mark as . Irnds mam
m ma couul ml: Lrndl Wm.» /5 ma same A: or amulnr la the Irma d!
the mm, ollm rvgrsluud ma ma». that we ysrwn wants m haw
rvmovsd rmm me name: '
15. Then‘ m Momma spans Sdn and v. Mum sukan Ncgau
Malay [2015] 6 uIL.I 465, Azahar Mohamed FCJ Hater CM
(Ma\aya) concurred wnn and summed wha| Abdul Am Moharnad
FCJ had said in McLeren Imemanonar, and men added.
‘ms persun muslbe soured»: who nussolm element 17/fiegal mletesl,
rlglll at Mmlvnals wmaw. m us and mark mm a hung
subxlnnllnlfy mama by ma presence of the mgvstsmd tmda mark rm
mm: and mm must 1» legal at aw ‘
u... 1 M11
am wPwvIK~1kA:Hs7Mn5xzmm§
mm. Snr1n\nnnhnrwH\I>e LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: flan-mm VII mum pm
19 Thus‘ an aggrieved person ‘s sumecne who has used his mark as a
lrademark, or who has a genuine and plesem mlermon 10 use I115
mark as El trademark‘ in the course 0' a trade whvch vs the same as
or swmllar lo the trade 01 the owner ol the registered (lademark that
he wants to remove lwm |hs Regvsler. The person must also have
a |ega\ and |ega\ mlerash nghl er Iegwlimale expeclalron H1 H5 vwn
mark and that I! 15 subslarmally aflecled by the presence of the
regxslered mark The next (ask Is In see whelherlhe P\a\nIiW its me
20 The Fhaxnllff adduced evndenoe om-e trademarks n has used and
regnslered m India, UK. Kuwait and UAE (eowacuvely, 'P|zmlr|T‘s
Marks“), lhal it wants |u use lot the resLauranLslhahIwxsI1es In upen
hers.WhaHI1ey cam look We us 59! ou| bebw,
CH |.\INE\
(Zl)I‘l’|‘.R (1IlL\IXl'\'
‘#4 _
mu... .1
IN wP1m/rK~1kA:Hs7Mn5xzmm§
"Nab! smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
2n The Pnornun says men, because on the nenenoanns Mark nnen ns
ragnslered nere, rn rs unepne no do so on presenn as man may
conennnune nnlnngarmnl on me Delendarnrs Mark eno expose the
Flannlnfl no hademark rnnnngemenn pmoeednngs.
22 rue neneno-nn eorrnenes nnen me pnernnnu ns non an aggrneveu person
oeceuse n| has nor ecnnnenny useo nne Planrnlnffs Mlrks wnmn
Malaysna For nms, me uenenaann renres on Lnweywey Mark 9
corpor ion v o-nnn Group Public co. up [2017] 5 cn..n 13:.
23. I oo npn agree wnnn nne Delsrndenrs oonnennion. Fnrsfly, rune vnerrmrn
had enready opensd rns resneurenn In Malaysna usmg me Pnennnnre
Marks, |hern nl would have exposed nlssll no Defendant‘: anneganrons
on nreaerrum nnmngemenn Than rn rrsenn wound have deprived |hs
Pnenrmn at me opporlumly no regard nnsenn as an aggrieved person
Ind eoneeqnnerrnny me ahnh|y no even resonne s.45 onnne AM no eppry
no revoke me uenenaonrs Mark. Tnen was men happened nn LB
[Llnn an) confmnonery Sdn Blvd v QAF LId[2012]3 cu m
r»... g M47
rn wP1v/n/rK~1kn:Hs7Mn5xzmm§
«me senen n-vnhnrwm re used m mm ms nrwnnnflly mm. dun-mm VII mn.nNG v-mxn
24 In that case. QAF was regrsrered as me pwpnelor 0! me trademark
'Sqmggles“um1er mass 30 However‘ Lran aea had been usmg mar
rrrarx rrr Ma\aysia and had appwea lo expunge QAF's Mark, unders.
46(I}(b)o1\he Trade Marks AC1. 1976|hatwas men in force, OAF
apposed Lian Bee‘s appncarrprr anegrng lhat. because Lran see was
arready rrrrrrrrprng us trademark, n was not an aggrieved person and
|haI. as an trvfringer nl m\eHecmal properly nghls. me Oourl shumd
not assrsr il. Trre Federal Oourl heki mar, on me prrrreipxe of
oons|ruc1Aon rrr bonam partem an rrrmrrger M a trademark could not
be regarded as an aggrieved person hecauselhat would be contrary
to me umemnpured princrple mar a person cannm berrem from
their very own wrong pr urrrawmx aci ln paragraph [1 s] or me
ruagrrrern. zulkenr CJ Malaya sara:
‘In accordance mu. the pnnuu/5 af cans1vuc1Iarv rn bonam pattern ms
rmled mar the reamed rrarmge had round that the apperlant had been
m/rmgmg me regrslered trademark ‘sqmggI9s' since 2907 me
mgrxlzlafl trsdamark ‘squ/gglss‘ was mgulemd an 20 Augusi 2004
Umrl rls slnwladrvlanh mu mgrslorur! nmcmark rarrrarns . ragrsmud
trademark /n me can mm mm In: app/rcltvun /or .xaar.ganer.r,
rr» appsuanr had muawiu//y been usmg m. mlvrngmg mark kqww/H‘
winch rs can/usmgly srrmrar to the regrsremd lradamavk Ayptytrlg me
prmupre M omvslmdron m borram parrsm me appeuarrr cannot be
n:gLImtx1 as bemg a bona We ‘person aggrrewd‘ at a persm who Ix
Iawiurvy aggrrma rar ms purpose: ol s 4A(1;(n; or the rm
Furmalmaru, rm. lppuflanl rs to as regarded as . ‘person agglrzvad‘
fur mo pmpasls pr s 45mm 07 mo ma, :1 waard moan mu an
rrrrrrrraer. may nmfly In cxpunge me vary memarr. may hum pm
mmrrgmg and Mrs would be mnmsry lo the rrmempurea aware or
not a/Iuwvng mm tuber-rem from merrvelyawn wronguun/av/fu7i:t'
Pan re :4 -7
sm wFwvrK~1|A:Hs7Mn5xzmm9
“Nana sarm mmhnrwm a. LAIQ4 w my r... mmrrnflly mm: dnuumnl y.. nF\uNG war
| 6,103 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
W-01(A)-255-05/2023 | PERAYU LOH SIEW HONG RESPONDEN 1. ) PENDAFTAR MUALAF NEGERI PERLIS 2. ) MAJLIS AGAMA ISLAM DAN ADAT ISTIADAT MELAYU PERLIS 3. ) DATO' ARIF PERKASA DR. MOHD ASRI BIN ZAINUL ABIDIN (DISAMAN SEBAGAI MUFTI NEGERI PERLIS) 4. ) Kerajaan Negeri Perlis | Civil Appeal - A case of a father who had consented to convert his three minor children (a twin girls aged 11 and a boy aged 9) from the Hindu religion to the religion of Islam without the knowledge and consent of the childrens’ mother, the appellant herein - unilateral conversion - The appellant challenged the legality of the conversion – judicial review – High Court : Dismissed the appellant’s judicial review application with no order as to costs - The main complaints of the appellant against the decision of the High Court is the learned High Court Judge did not address the two pertinent issues in the judicial review proceedings. The two issues are: (i) Whether the unilateral conversion is lawful; (ii) Whether section 117(b) of the Perlis Administration of the Religion of Islam (Amendment) Enactment 2016 is inconsistent with Article 12(4) of the Federal Constitution and is therefore unconstitutional, null and void; and (iii) Whether the Federal Constitution in the national language is the authoritative text – Court of Appeal held : (i) The respondents’ argument that the Malay translation of the Federal Constitution is the authoritative text is a non-starter because the prescription of the Federal Constitution in the national language has not been approved by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. Until such prescription is approved, the English version of the Federal Constitution is the authoritative text. Therefore, it is wrong for the respondents to say the decision of the Federal Court in Indira Gandhi on this issue is made per incuriam. It matters not whether there is a Malay version of the Federal Constitution but rather whether there is a prescription of the Federal Constitution in the national language as the authoritative text. Since there is no prescription, the learned High Court Judge is correct in his decision to follow Indira Gandhi; (ii) We chose to follow Indira Gandhi because that is the latest case decided by the Federal Court. We also agree and adopt the reasonings advanced by the Court of Appeal in Pendaftar Mualaf’s in that the Federal Court in Indira Gandhi had analysed the various provisions of the law and the previous decided cases including Subashini in coming to its decision; that by the principle of stare decisis, the High Court and Court of Appeal are bound by Indira Gandhi’s case. Pursuant to Indira Gandhi, the law is settled in that consent of both parents are required for conversion of a minor children; (iii) Based on Article 4 of the Constitution, we held that section 117 (b) of the Perlis Administration of the Religion of Islam (Amendment) Enactment 2016 is inconsistent with art.12 (4) of the Federal Constitution and is therefore null and void; and (iv) The appeal is allowed. The decision of the High Court is set aside. The appellant’s judicial review application in prayer (a) to (i) is allowed with no order as to costs. | 30/01/2024 | YA Dato' Hadhariah Bt Syed IsmailKorumYA Dato' Hadhariah Bt Syed IsmailYA Dato' Hashim Bin HamzahYA Datuk Azhahari Kamal bin Ramli | |
CIVIL APPEAL NO.W-01(A)-255-05/2023
[Dalam Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur
Bahagian Rayuan Dan Kuasa-Kuasa Khas
Permohonan Semakan Kehakiman No.WA-25-169-03/2022
Dalam perkara status agama
Sulochana a/p Nagahswaran (Sijil
Kelahiran No:CB 34247), Sulochini
a/p Nagahswaran (Sijil Kelahiran
No:CB34248) dan Thatchina Moorthi
a/l Nagahswaran (Sijil Kelahiran
30/01/2024 10:01:06
W-01(A)-255-05/2023 Kand. 44
S/N mOjqMHikOCD0Pjpkc6wg
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Dalam perkara mengenai
permohonan semakan kehakiman
untuk mendapatkan perintah-perintah
bersifat deklarasi, certiorari, larangan
dan mandamus;
Dalam perkara seksyen 25(2), dibaca
bersama perenggan 1 dalam Jadual,
Akta Mahkamah Kehakiman 1964;
Dalam perkara Aturan 53 Kaedah 1
(1), Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012;
Dalam perkara Aturan 15 Kaedah 16,
Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012;
Dalam perkara seksyen-seksyen 41,
42 dan 44(1) Akta Relif Spesifik 1950;
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Dalam Perkara 3 Fasal (1), Perkara 4
Fasal (1), Perkara 11 Fasal (1) dan
Perkara 12 Fasal (3) dan Fasal (4)
Perlembagaan Persekutuan;
Dalam perkara seksyen 117(b)
Enakmen Pentadbiran Agama Islam
Dalam perkara seksyen 7 Enakmen
Pentadbiran Agama Islam (Pindaan)
Loh Siew Hong - Pemohon
1. Pendaftar Mualaf Negeri Perlis
2. Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Istiadat Melayu Perlis
3. Dato’ Arif Perkasa Dr. Mohd Asri bin Zainul Abidin
(Disaman sebagai Mufti Negeri Perlis)
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4. Kerajaan Negeri Perlis - Responden-
[1] This is a case of a father who had consented to convert his three
minor children (a twin girls aged 11 and a boy aged 9) from the Hindu
religion to the religion of Islam without the knowledge and consent of the
childrens’ mother, namely Loh Siew Hong, the appellant herein. The
unilateral conversion is not disputed by the respondents.
[2] The appellant challenged the legality of the conversion. She
contended that without her consent, her childrens’ conversion to Islam is
null and void. She also contended that without her consent as the sole
guardian of the children, the first respondent cannot issue certificates of
conversion to her children; that the certificates are null and void and her
children remain as Hindus.
[3] The appellant then applied by way of Judicial Review Application at
the Kuala Lumpur High Court, seeking for the following reliefs:
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(a) perintah deklarasi untuk mengisytiharkan bahawa Sulochana
a/p Nagahswaran, Sulochini a/p Nagahswaran dan
Thatchina Moorthi a/l Nagahswaran adalah penganut-
penganut agama Hindu;
(b) perintah deklarasi untuk mengisytiharkan bahawa
Nagahswaran a/l Muniandy tidak mempunyai keupayaan dari
segi undang-undang untuk membenarkan responden
pertama mendaftarkan Sulochana a/p Nagahswaran,
Sulochini a/p Nagahswaran dan Thatchina Moorthi a/l
Nagahswaran sebagai mualaf, tanpa keizinan pemohon;
(c) perintah deklarasi untuk mengisytiharkan bahawa Sulochana
a/p Nagahswaran, Sulochini a/p Nagahswaran dan
Thatchina Moorthi a/l Nagahswaran, sebagai kanak-kanak,
tidak mempunyai keupayaan dari segi undang-undang untuk
memeluk agama Islam, tanpa keizinan pemohon;
(d) perintah certiorari untuk membatalkan Akuan-Akuan
Memeluk Agama Islam bertarikh 7 Julai 2020 yang
dikeluarkan oleh responden pertama atas nama-nama
Sulochana a/p Nagahswaran (Daftar No.JAIPs DAK.02 Fol
17/2020), Sulochini a/p Nagahswaran (Daftar No.JAIPs.
DAK 02 Fol 18/2020) dan Thatchina Moorthi a/l
Nagahswaran (Daftar No.JAIPs DAK.02 Fol 16/2020);
(e) perintah certiorari untuk membatalkan Kad-Kad Rasmi
Memeluk Agama Islam atas nama-nama Sulochana a/p
Nagahswaran, Sulochini a/p Nagahswaran dan Thatchina
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Moorthi a/l Nagahswaran, jika ia telah dikeluarkan oleh
responden pertama atau mana-mana pihak lain, atau
perintah larangan untuk menghalang responden pertama
atau mana-mana pihak lain mengeluarkan Kad-Kad Rasmi
Memeluk Agama Islam atas nama-nama Sulochana a/p
Nagahswaran, Sulochini a/p Nagahswaran dan Thatchina
Moorthi a/l Nagahswaran, jika ia masih belum dikeluarkan
(f) perintah mandamus untuk mengarahkan responden pertama
memadamkan atau membatalkan dalam Daftar Mualaf
Negeri Perlis nama-nama Sulochana a/p Nagahswaran,
Sulochini a/p Nagahswaran dan Thatchina Moorthi a/l
Nagahswaran, dan juga nama-nama Islam mereka iaitu Nur
Sulochana binti Nagahswaran, Nur Sulochini binti
Nagahswaran dan Muhammad Thatchina Moorthi bin
(g) perintah larangan untuk menghalang responden ketiga,
sama ada secara sendiri atau melalui mana-mana pegawai,
pekerja atau agen Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perlis, membuat
apa-apa kenyataan yang secara nyata atau tersirat boleh
membawa maksud bahawa Sulochana a/p Nagahswaran,
Sulochini a/p Nagahswaran dan Thatchina Moorthi ialah
kanak-kanak mualaf atau kanak-kanak beragama Islam;
(h) perintah deklarasi untuk mengisytiharkan bahawa seksyen
117(b) Enakmen Pentadbiran Agama Islam 2006, dalam
versi Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Inggeris, sepertimana
yang dipinda oleh seksyen 7 Enakmen Pentadbiran Agama
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Islam (Pindaan) 2016, setakat mana memberi kuasa
kepada responden pertama untuk mendaftarkan seorang
kanak-kanak sebagai mualaf hanya dengan keizinan
daripada ibu atau bapa kanak-kanak tersebut, walaupun
kedua-dua mereka masih hidup adalah tidak
berpelembagaan dan, oleh itu, adalah tidak sah dan batal,
setakat itu; dan
(i) perintah yang patut supaya responden ke-empat memberi
kesan kepada semua perintah-perintah di atas.
[4] On 11 May 2023, the learned High Court Judge dismissed the
appellant’s judicial review application with no order as to costs.
[5] Aggrieved with the decision of the High Court, the appellant
appealed to this court.
Facts of the case
[6] The appellant and her former husband, Nagahswaran a/l Muniandy
(Nagahswaran) were married under the Law Reform (Marriage and
Divorce) Act 1976 on 25.5.2008. The appellant was a Buddhist.
Nagahswaran was a Hindu.
[7] There were three children from the said marriage, as follows:
(i) Sulochana a/p Nagahswaran, born on 7.11.2008;
(ii) Sulochini a/p Nagahswaran, born on 7.11.2008; and
(iii) Tatchina Moorthi a/l Nagahswaran, born on 26.5.2011.
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[8] The appellant was separated from her three children from 3.3.2019
until 21.2.2022 after she was beaten up and chased out of their
matrimonial home by Nagahswaran.
[9] On 13.12.2019, the appellant filed a divorce petition at the Kuala
Lumpur High Court vide Divorce Petition No.WA-33-734-12/2019.In the
divorce proceedings, each party was represented by a legal counsel.
[10] On 7.1.2020, the appellant obtained an ad interim order from the
Kuala Lumpur High Court for the sole guardianship, care and control of
her three children. Despite having the full knowledge of the custody order
issued by the High Court, Nagahswaran refused to hand over the children
to the appellant. Her attempts to get back her children was
[11] A certificate of Decree Nisi made Absolute was issued on 22.9.2021.
Vide a High Court Order dated 31.3.2021, the appellant was granted sole
custody, care and control of all the three children.
[12] Prior to the fact stated in para 11 above, on 7.7.2020, one Abdul
Khadir, alleged to be an old friend of Nagahswaran brought Nagahswaran
together with the three children to the office of Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama
Islam Negeri Perlis (JAIPS) because Nagahswaran wanted to convert to
Islam along with the three children. When asked about the childrens’
mother, Nagahswaran told the second respondent that the appellant
had left him 2 years prior to 7.7.2020 and he does not know where
she is. This is a blatant lie by Nagahswaran because at the material time,
the divorce proceedings was ongoing and he knew the whereabout of the
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[13] Since section 117(b) of the Perlis Administration of the Religion of
Islam (Amendment) Enactment 2016 allows either the father or the mother
of the minor’s to consent to the conversion, the second respondent was
satisfied that the consent of Nagahswaran as the father fulfills the legal
requirement for the second respondent to proceed with the conversion of
the three children.
[14] Thereafter, the second respondent alleged that Nagahswaran,
along with the three children had, one after another, uttered the Islamic
affirmation of faith in Arabic, followed by its meaning in Malay,” Aku
menjadi saksi bahawa tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah dan aku menjadi saksi
bahawa Nabi Muhammad SAW ialah Pesuruh Allah”.
[15] Satisfied that Nagahswaran and the three children had fulfilled the
Islamic principles for conversion into Islam, the Registrar of Mualafs (the
first respondent) register their conversion to the Islamic faith in the
prescribed Register of Mualafs, and thereafter issued their respective
Certificate of Conversion into Islam (Akuan Memeluk Agama Islam as
(i) Akuan Memeluk Agama Islam Sulochana a/p Nagahswaran,
No. Kad Pengenalan: 081107-02-0616, No.Daftar: JAIPs.
DAK. 02 Fol. 17/2020 bertarikh 7.7.2020;
(ii) Akuan Memeluk Agama Islam Sulochini a/p Nagahswaran,
No. Kad Pengenalan: 081107-02-0616, No. Daftar: JAIPs.
DAK 02 Fol .18/2020 bertarikh 7.7.2020; and
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(iii) Akuan Memeluk Agama Islam Tatchina Moorthi a/l
Nagahswaran, No. Kad Pengenalan:110526-01-1239,
No.Daftar: JAIPs. DAK.02 Fol.16/2020 bertarikh 7.7.2020.
[16] When Nagahswaran was sentenced to imprisonment for a drug
related offence from 13.11.2020 to 11.11.2022, the three children were
placed in Islamic hostels by a Muslim preacher, one Nazirah
Nanthakumari binti Abdullah, who at the material time acted as the de
facto guardian of the three children.
[17] To get back her children, the appellant filed an application for a writ
of habeas corpus at the Kuala Lumpur High Court vide Criminal
Application No.WA-44-28-02/2022. Only when the High Court had issued
a writ of habeas corpus on 21.2.2022, that the appellant was able to get
the physical custody of her three children.
At The High Court
[18] The issues to be determined by the High Court are as follows:
(i) Whether the unilateral conversion of the three children is
lawful or constitutional.
(ii) Whether the Bahasa Malaysia version of the Federal
Constitution is the authoritative text.
(iii) Whether section 117(b) of the Perlis Administration of the
Religion of Islam (Amendment) Enactment 2016 which require
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the consent of either the father or the mother is inconsistent
with Article 12(4) of the Federal Constitution and is therefore
[19] The learned High Court Judge held the English version of the
Federal Constitution is the authoritative text. Nevertheless, His Lordship
dismissed the appellant’s application based on the following reasons:
(i) The Certificates of Conversion issued by the first respondent
to the three children are conclusive proof they were Muslim
and the conversion to Islam is valid. In coming to that
decision, His Lordship rely on the Court of Appeal decision in
the case of Majlis Agama Islam Selangor v Dahlia Dhaima
Abdullah & Anor Appeal [2023] 2 CL J513.
(ii) The three children continued professing the religion of Islam
when they were in the appellant’s custody. His Lordship rely
on the Federal Court decision in the case of Rosliza bt Ibrahim
v Kerajaan Negeri Selangor & Anor [2021] 3 CL J 301.
The Appeal
[20] The main complaints of the appellant against the decision of the
High Court is the learned High Court Judge did not address the two
pertinent issues in the judicial review proceedings. The two issues are:
(i) Whether the unilateral conversion is lawful; and
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(ii) Whether section 117(b) of the Perlis Administration of the
Religion of Islam (Amendment) Enactment 2016 is
inconsistent with Article 12(4) of the Federal Constitution and
is therefore unconstitutional, null and void.
[21] We noted that the respondents, in their written submission had
submitted that the Federal Constitution in the national language is the
authoritative text. To put matters at rest, we add the third issue as follow:
(iii) Whether the Federal Constitution in the national language is
the authoritative text.
[22] We proposed to deal with the third issue first.
Authoritative text
[23] Before us, the respondents still maintain their position that the
Federal Constitution in the national language is the authoritative text.
[24] The English version of Article 12(3) and (4) of the Federal
Constitution read as follows:
“12. Right in respect of education
(3) No person shall be required to receive instruction in or take
part in any ceremony or act of worship of a religion other than
his own.
(4) For the purposes of Clause (3) the religion of a person under
the age of eighteen years shall be decided by his parent or
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[25] The Bahasa Malaysia translation of Article 12 (4) in the national
language reads as follows:
“(4) Bagi maksud Fasal (3) agama seseorang yang di bawah
umur lapan belas tahun hendaklah ditetapkan oleh ibu atau
bapanya atau penjaganya.”
[26] Article 160B of the English version of the Federal Constitution
160B. Authoritative text
Where this Constitution has been translated into the national
language, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong may precribe such
national language text to be authoritative, and thereafter if there
is any conflict of disagreeing between such national language
text and the English language text of this Constitution, the
national language text shall prevail over the English language
[27] In dealing with Article 160B, the Federal Court in Indira Gandhi a/p
Mutho v Pengarah Jabatan Agama Islam Perak & Ors and other appeals
[2018] 3 CL J 145, Her Ladyship Zainun Ali (FCJ) said:
“[147] In the present appeals, despite the learned State Legal
Adviser’s reliance on art.160B, no evidence of the necessary
prescription was adduced by either of the respondents. In the
circumstances, we will proceed on the basis that the English
version to be the authoritative text.”
[28] Coming back to the present case. At the High Court, all the
respondents argued that:
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“The Yang di-Pertuan Agong has launched the Malay version of
the Federal Constitution on 29 September 2003, which according
to Article 160B should be the authoritative text. According to
Article 12 Clause (4) of the said Malay version, a minor’s religion
shall be determined by his mother or father (ibu atau bapa). As
such, the decision of the Federal Court in the case of Indira
Gandhi Mutho invalidating the unilateral conversion of the minors
to Islam, on the basis that there is no evidence of the existence
of the said Malay version, is made per incuriam.”
[29] In simple language, the respondents contended that the Malay
version which require the consent of either the father or mother to convert
a minor shall prevail over the English version.
[30] The learned High Court Judge rightly reject the respondents’
argument and held the English version of the Federal Constitution is the
authoritative text on the basis the prescription referred to in Art 160B of
the Federal Constitution could not mean a mere physical presence of the
Yang di-Pertuan Agong in an official function and the translation is not an
authoritative text of the national language.
[31] We took note that the Malay translation had put a caveat in the
following words:
Teks ini HANYALAH TERJEMAHAN oleh Jabatan Peguam
Negara bagi Federal Constitution. Melainkan jika dan sehingga
ditetapkan sahih di bawah Perkara 160B Perlembagaan
Persekutuan, teks ini bukan perundangan.
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[32] We also took note of the speech of the former Attorney General of
Malaysia at the Opening of the Legal Year 2023, wherein it was stated:
“The Federal Constitution acts as our cornerstone in
implementing the separation of powers. Therefore, for the year
2023, pursuant to Article 160A of the Federal Constitution, the
AGC plans to reprint the Federal Constitution to incorporate the
latest historic constitutional amendments. The AGC also plans to
propose to the Government that the prescription of the Federal
Constitution in the national language to be the authoritative text
in line with Article 160B of the Federal Constitution. These two
plans are subject to the approval of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.”
[33] Therefore, as day follow night, the respondents’ argument that the
Malay translation of the Federal Constitution is the authoritative text is a
non starter because the prescription of the Federal Constitution in the
national language has not been approved by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
Until such prescription is approved, the English version of the Federal
Constitution is the authoritative text. Therefore, it is wrong for the
respondents to say the decision of the Federal Court in Indira Gandhi on
this issue is made per incuriam. It matters not whether there is a Malay
version of the Federal Constitution but rather whether there is a
prescription of the Federal Constitution in the national language as the
authoritative text. Since there is no prescription, the learned High
Court Judge is correct in his decision to follow Indira Gandhi.
Unilateral Conversion
[34] In Indira Gandhi Mutho v Pengarah Jabatan Agama Islam Perak &
Ors and Other Appeals [2018] 3 CL J 151, the appellant’s former husband
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had converted their three minor children to the religion of Islam without
the consent of the appellant. One of the issue for determination by the
Federal Court is whether the mother and the father (if both are still
surviving) of a child of a civil marriage must consent before a certificate of
conversion to Islam could be issued in respect of that child.
[35] In delivering the judgment of the court, Zainun Ali FCJ held:
“[157] Conversion to another religion is a momentous decision
affecting the life of a child, imposing on him a new and different
set of personal laws. Where a decision of such significance as
the conversion of a child is made, it is undoubtedly in the best
interests of the child that the consent of both parents must be
sought. The contrary approach of allowing the child to be
converted on the consent of only one parent would give rise to
practical conundrums. A purposive reading of art.12 (4) of the
Federal Constitution that promotes the welfare of the child and is
consistent with good sense would require the consent of both
parents (if both are living) for the conversion of a minor.
[161] Since custody of the children had been granted to the
appellant, it was the appellant who exercised the dominant
influence in their lives. To allow the other spouse to unilaterally
convert the children without the appellant’s consent would
amount to a serious interference with the lifestyle of the family.
[175] Based on a purposive interpretation of art.12 (4) read with
the Eleventh Schedule of the Federal Constitution, and on
application of sections 5 and 11 of the GIA, it is concluded that
the consent of both the appellant and her husband are required
before a Certificate of Conversion to Islam can be issued in
respect of the children.”
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[36] A recent case of unilateral conversion is Pendaftar Muallaf Wilayah
Persekutuan v LCY & Ors And Another Appeal [2022] 2 MLRA 167. In
that case, the mother had converted her two minor children to Islam
without the consent of her husband. The custody, care and control of the
two children was given to the husband. The husband applied for an Order
of Certiorari to quash the conversion of religion of the children and the
decision of the appellant in issuing the Certificate of Conversion to Islam.
The High Court granted the husband’s application. The appellant
appealed to the Court of Appeal. At the Court of Appeal, the appellant
argued that Indira Gandhi’s case does not apply to all unilateral
conversion cases and that the said case was decided per incuriam.
[37] In dismissing the appellant’s appeal, His Lordship Nordin Hassan
JCA (now FC J) said:
“[28] The Federal Court in Indira Gandhi in answering a specific
question of law, had considered the relevant facts and applied
the law as can be seen from paras 142 until 181 of the grounds
of judgment. All relevant statutory provisions and previous
Federal Court decisions on the same issue including Subashini
has been analysed and considered before the decision on the
issue was decided. As such, the decision in Indira Gandhi that
consent of both parents are required before the Certificate of
Conversion to Islam can be issued, is in our view, the ratio
decidendi of the case.
[33] In the circumstances and based on the principles of stare
decisis, the High Court and this Court are bound by the decision
in Indira Gandhi.”
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[38] Relying on Indira Gandhi and Pendaftar Mualaf, learned counsel for
the appellant submitted that the learned High Court Judge had erred in
law and in fact in not following these two cases when the facts in the
present case is similar to those cases and the cases are binding on the
High Court.
[39] On the other hand, counsels for the respondents submitted that
Indira Gandhi does not apply to every case of unilateral conversion; that
Indira Gandhi was decided per incuriam; that this Court should follow
Subashini’s case (which held consent from either father or mother is
sufficient). In particular, the respondents’ stressed the point that the three
children had uttered the Affirmation of Faith (dua kalimah syahadah) in
Arabic before the first respondent.
[40] We are not persuaded by the respondents’ argument. We chose to
follow Indira Gandhi because that is the latest case decided by the Federal
Court. We also agree and adopt the reasonings advanced by the Court
of Appeal in Pendaftar Mualaf’s in that the Federal Court in Indira Gandhi
had analysed the various provisions of the law and the previous decided
cases including Subashini in coming to its decision; that by the principle
of stare decisis, the High Court and Court of Appeal are bound by Indira
Gandhi’s case.
[41] We also took note that pursuant to Indira Gandhi, the law is settled
in that consent of both parents are required for conversion of a minor
children. In Rosliza binti Ibrahim v Kerajaan Negeri Selangor & Anor
[2021] 2 ML J 181, at p.184 para 4, Her Ladyship Tengku Maimun Tuan
Mat (Chief Justice) held that based on the authority of Federal Court
decision in Indira Gandhi, Ibrahim (father) had no right in law to unilaterally
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convert Rosliza to the religion of Islam when she was a minor without
Yap’s (the mother) consent.
[42] In Chang Ah Mee v Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam, Majlis Ugama
Islam Sabah & Ors [2003] 5 ML J 106, a two year old girl was converted
to Islam by her father without the consent of the mother. The mother
challenged the legality of the conversion. She sought for a declaration
that her daughter’s conversion to Islam to be declared null and void.
In interpreting Article 12 (4) of the Federal Constitution, the High Court
Judge held:
“The Constitution does not discriminate against the sexes and
since the father and the mother have equal right over the person
and property of an infant, the term ‘’parent” in art 12 (4) must
necessary mean both the father and mother if both are living. To
construe otherwise would mean depriving, for example, a mother
of her right as a parent to choose the religion of the infant under
art 12 (4), if the father alone decides on the religion to be followed
by the infant. To allow just the father or the mother to choose the
religion would invariably mean depriving the other of the
constitutional right under art 12 (4).”
[43] We entirely agree with the High Court in Chang Ah Mee in the
interpretation of art 12 (4).
[44] Apart from its binding effect on the lower courts, Indira Gandhi has
established that:
(a) Both the father and mother had equal right to decide on the
religion of a minor child. This is the constitutional right of each
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spouse under art.12 (4). So, consent must be obtained from
both parents.
(b) When custody, care and control of the children is given to the
mother or father, the person who is entitled to the custodian
has the right to decide all questions relating to the upbringing
and education of the child including what religion the child
should have.
(c) Consent should have been obtained from the person who is
entitled to the custodian of the child before a child is converted.
If consent is not obtained, her constitutional right is violated
and the conversion is null and void.
[45] Coming back to the present case. We agree with the appellant’s
submission that the facts of this case is similar to that of Indira
Gandhi. Therefore, it is reasonable for the appellant to expect that the
High Court would follow Indira Gandhi and allowed her application.
[46] Unfortunately, the learned High Court Judge had disregarded Indira
Gandhi. Instead, His Lordship rely on the Court of Appeal decision in the
case of Majlis Agama Islam Selangor v Dahlia Dhaima Abdullah & Anor
Appeal [2023] 2 CL J 513. Briefly, the facts in that case is as follows. The
respondent was born in 1986 to non-Muslim parents. Her father was a
Hindu. Her mother was a Buddhist. Following her parents’ separation in
1991, the respondent lived with her mother. The respondent’s mother
visited Jabatan Agama Islam Malaysia (JAIS)/Pertubuhan Kebajikan
Islam Malaysia (PERKIM) to convert to Islam to marry a Muslim man.
After the conversion, both mother and daughter, who was five years old
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at the material time, were issued with conversion cards by JAIS. Based
on the cards issued by JAIS on 28.8.1993, the respondent had been
converted on 17.5.1991. This was done without the consent of the
respondent’s father.
[47] In 2013, the respondent, by then aged 27,filed a summons at
the Syariah High Court against Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan
(MAIWP Summons) for a declaration that she was no longer a
Muslim.She contends that she never professed the religion of
Islam.The Syariah High Court dismissed the MAIWP summons. The
respondent’s appeal to the Syariah Court of Appeal was also
[48] The respondent then commenced originating summons (OS) at the
High Court against the appellants, seeking for a declaration that she was
not a person professing the religion of Islam. The High Court allowed the
OS and granted the declaration sought by the respondent on the ground
inter alia that the conversion of the respondent, when she was a minor,
was in contravention of s 147 of the Selangor Administration of Muslim
Law Enactment 1952.
[49] Aggrieved, the appellant appealed to the Court of Appeal. The
Court of Appeal, in majority decision, allowed the appeal and held:
(i) The Syariah High Court and Syariah Court of Appeal have
already decided that the respondent is a Muslim. The OS is es
judicata. The High Court was wrong in holding the respondent
had never been a Muslim; and
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(ii) That a certificate of conversion to Islam is conclusive proof of
the facts stated therein.
[50] Based on the case of Dahlia Dhaima, the learned High Court Judge
held that the certificate of conversions issued by the first respondent to
the three children are conclusive proof they were Muslim and the
conversion was valid.
[51] Before us, learned counsel for the appellant submitted that it is
wrong for the learned High Court Judge to refer and rely on Dahlia
Dhaima’s on two grounds. First, that case does not deal with unilateral
conversion. Second, a specific issue of whether consent from both
parents are required before a certificate of conversion can be issued for
conversion of a minor was not an issue in that case. We agree with the
appellant’s submission on both grounds. The truth is the facts and issues
in Dahlia Dhaima and the present case is totally different. Having relied
on a wrong case, the learned High Court Judge had reached an
erroneous decision in that the certificate of conversion is conclusive
proof the children are Muslim when the act of issuing the certificates
is challenged by the appellant.
[52] The learned High Court Judge also relied on the case of Rosliza bt
Ibrahim v Kerajaan Negeri Selangor & Anor [2021] 3 CL J 301. The issue
in that case is whether Rosliza professes the religion of Islam. The
Federal Court found Rosliza was raised in the Buddhist faith.
[53] Applying Rosliza’s case, the learned High Court Judge held the
three children continued professing the religion of Islam when they were
in the appellant’s custody.
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[54] Our first response is the facts and issue in Rosliza’s case is totally
different from the present case. Thus, Rosliza case is not applicable.
Again, we find the learned High Court Judge had failed to address his
mind to the crucial issue on the consent of both parents. Whether the
children continue professing the religion of Islam is not an issue the parties
had asked the court to decide.
[55] To conclude, we find there were four error of law and fact committed
by the learned High Court Judge which warrant appellate’s intervention.
First, he had failed to abide the principle of stare decisis when he failed to
follow Indira Gandhi. Secondly, he relied on cases which had totally
different facts and issues from the case before him. Third, he had not
answered the issue raised by the parties i.e whether the unilateral
conversion is lawful. Fourth, he made a wrong decision. Had he followed
Indira Gandhi, he would have decided that without the consent of the
appellant, Nagahswaran had no right to convert the three children to Islam
and thus the unilateral conversion is unlawful.
Unconstitutional Law
[56] The second issue that the learned High Court Judge failed to answer
is whether section 117 (b) of the Perlis Administration of the Religion of
Islam (Amendment) Enactment 2016 is inconsistent with Article 12 (4) of
the Federal Constitution and is therefore null and void.
[57] The original section 117 (b) of the Perlis Administration of the
Religion of Islam 2006 provides as follows:
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Keupayaan untuk memeluk agama Islam 117. Bagi maksud
Bahagian ini, seseorang yang tidak beragama Islam boleh
memeluk agama Islam jika dia sempurna akal:
(a) sudah mencapai umur lapan belas tahun; atau
(b) jika dia belum mencapai umur lapan belas tahun, ibu dan bapa
atau penjaganya mengizinkan pemelukan agama Islam olehnya.
[58] Following Subashini’s case which held that consent from either
father or mother is sufficient to convert a minor, section 117(b) was
amended by virtue of section 7 of the Perlis Administration of the Religion
of Islam (Amendment) Enactment 2016. The new amended section
117(b) reads:
Pindaan seksyen 117
7. Subseksyen 117(b) Enakmen ibu dipinda dalam teks Bahasa
Malaysia dengan menggantikan perkataan “ibu dan bapa”
dengan perkataan “ibu atau bapa”.
[59] Since we have decided that the English version of the Federal
Constitution to be the authoritative text, it is instructive to follow the
Federal Court decision in Indira Gandhi which interpret Article 12 (4) as
“Since a literal construction of art.12 (4) would give rise to
consequences which the legislative could not possibly have
intended, the article should not be construed literally. A purposive
reading of art.12 (4) that promotes the welfare of the child and is
consistent with good sense would require the consent of both
parents (if both are living) for the conversion of a minor child.”
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[60] Based on Indira Gandhi, the word “parent” in Article 12 (4) means
both parent. Therefore, section 117(b) which used the singular word of
“mother or father” is inconsistent with Article 12(4).
[61] Article 4 of the Federal Constitution provides that the Constitution is
the supreme law of the Federation and any law which is inconsistent with
the Constitution is void to the extent of the inconsistency.
[62] Again, the learned High Court Judge failed to address his mind to
this issue. This is an error of law that justify appellate intervention.
Based on Article 4 of the Constitution, we held that section 117 (b) of the
Perlis Administration of the Religion of Islam (Amendment) Enactment
2016 is inconsistent with art.12 (4) of the Federal Constitution and is
therefore null and void.
Our Decision
[63] Based on the reasons mentioned above, we find there is merit in the
appeal. The appeal is allowed. The decision of the High Court is set
aside. Consequentially, we allow the appellant’s judicial review
application in prayer (a) to (i) with no order as to costs.
Dated: 22nd January 2024
- SGD -
Hadhariah binti Syed Ismail
Court of Appeal
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For the Appellant:
Srimurugan Alagan, Gunamalar Joorindanjn,
Dr. Shamsher Singh, Thind & Thian Yee Chin;
Messrs Srimurugan & Co.
For the 1st,3rd and 4th Respondents:
Mohd Radhi bin Abas & Ainul Wardah binti Shahidan;
State Legal Adviser Office, Perlis and
Attorney General Chambers, Putrajaya.
For the 2nd Respondent:
Mohamed Haniff bin Khatri Abdulla, Aidil bin Khalid,
Hariz bin Yusoff & Danial Farhan bin Zainul Rijal;
Chambers of Zainul Rijal.
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| 9,432 | Tika 2.6.0 |
JA-63ES-12-03/2019 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa RayaORANG KENA SAMANP TECH RESOURCES SDN BHD | Pengakuan Salah bagi kesalahan dibawah peraturan peraturan kualiti alam sekeliling (udara bersih)- rayuan mitigasi dan hujahan pemberatan - tafsir tujuan akta digubal merupakan faktor kepentingan awam | 29/01/2024 | Dato' Che Wan Zaidi Bin Che Wan Ibrahim | |
KES NO: JA-63ES-12-03/2019, JA-63ES-13-03/2019,
JA-63ES-14-03/2019, JA-63ES-15-03/2019, JA-63ES-16-03/2019,
JA-63ES-17-03/2019, JA-63ES-18-03/2019 DAN JA-63ES-19-03/2019
[NO SYARIKAT: 1241183-X]
[1] Ini adalah rayuan silang oleh Pihak Pendakwaan dan juga Pihak
Pembelaan terhadap keputusan yang telah diberikan oleh
Mahkamah pada 30.11.2023. Pihak Pendakwaan telah memfailkan
Notis Rayuan bertarikh 04.12.2023 dan Pihak Pembelaan pula telah
memfailkan notis rayuan bertarikh 11.12.2023. Kedua – dua rayuan
tersebut adalah terhadap keputusan hukuman sahaja.
29/01/2024 16:00:51
JA-63ES-12-03/2019 Kand. 125
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[2] Orang Kena Saman (OKS) dan 3 orang Pengarah Syarikat OKS
pada awalnya telah dituduh dengan 60 pertuduhan di dalam kes JA-
63ES-12 hingga 71-03/2019. Namun, Pihak Pendakwaan telah
menarik balik 52 pertuduhan di dalam kes JA-63ES-20 hingga 71-
03/2019 ke atas OKS dan juga 3 orang Pengarah Syarikat OKS dan
hanya meneruskan 8 pertuduhan pindaan di dalam 8 kes yang
berasingan iaitu JA-63ES-12 hingga 19-03/2019 ke atas OKS sahaja.
Pertuduhan-pertuduhan pindaan tersebut adalah seperti lampiran B1
iaitu di bawah Peraturan 7(3), 7(4), 9(a), 9(b), 10(1), 16(1) dan
Peraturan 29 Peraturan – Peraturan Kualiti Alam Sekeliling (Udara
Bersih) 2014 Akta Kualiti Alam Sekeliling 1974 (Akta 127) dibaca
bersama Peraturan 5(1)(b), 5(1)(c), Peraturan yang sama dan boleh
dihukum di bawah Peraturan 29, di bawah Peraturan yang sama dan
pertuduhan adalah seperti berikut:
i) Kes JA-63ES-12-03/2019
“Bahawa kamu, P Tech Resources Sdn Bhd (1241183-X)
pada 11 Mac 2019, jam lebih kurang 12.15 tengahari,
bertempat di, P Tech Resources Sdn Bhd terletak di PLO
113, Jalan Nibong 2Kawasan Perindustrian Tanjung Langsat,
81700 Pasir Gudang, Johor, di dalam Daerah Johor Bahru, di
dalam Negeri Johor Darul Takzim didapati telah gagal
mengemukakan pemberitahuan bertulis kepada Ketua
Pengarah tidak kurang daripada tiga puluh (30) hari sebelum
kerja di premis yang terletak di PLO 113, Jalan Nibong 2,
Kawasan Perindustrian Tanjung Langsat dimulakan yang
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
boleh mewujudkan satu punca pengeluaran. Oleh itu kamu
telah melakukan satu kesalahan di bawah Peraturan 29
Peraturan-Peraturan Kualiti Alam Sekeliling (Udara Bersih)
2014 Akta Kualiti Alam Sekeliling 1974 [Akta 127] dibaca
bersama Peraturan 5(1)(b), Peraturan yang sama dan boleh
dihukum di bawah Peraturan 29, Peraturan yang sama."
Boleh didenda tidak melebihi RM 100,000.00 (Ringgit
Malaysia Satu Ratus Ribu) atau dipenjarakan selama tempoh
tidak lebih daripada 2 tahun atau kedua-duanya.
ii) Kes JA-63ES-13-03/2019
“Bahawa kamu, P Tech Resources Sdn Bhd (1241183-X)
pada 11 Mac 2019, jam lebih kurang 12.15 tengahari,
bertempat diP Tech Resources Sdn Bhd terletak di PLO 113,
Jalan Nibong 2 Kawasan Perindustrian Tanjung Langsat,
81700 Pasir Gudang, Johor, di dalam Daerah Johor Bahru, di
dalam Negeri Johor Darul Takzim didapati telah membina
premis yang mewujudkan satu punca pengeluaran yang baru
tanpa memberi pemberitahuan bertulis kepada Ketua
Pengarah tidak kurang daripada tiga puluh hari (30) hari
sebelum pembinaan premis itu. Oleh itu kamu telah
melakukan satu kesalahan di bawah Peraturan 29.
Peraturan-Peraturan Kualiti Alam Sekeliling (Udara Bersin)
2014 Akta Kualiti Alam Sekeliling 1974 [Akta 127] dibaca
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bersama Peraturan 5(1)(c) Peraturan yang sama dan boleh
dihukum di bawah Peraturan 29, Peraturan yang sama.
Boleh didenda tidak melebihi RM 100,000.00 (Ringgit
Malaysia Satu Ratus Ribu) atau dipenjarakan selama tempoh
tidak lebih daripada 2 tahun atau kedua-duanya.
iii) Kes JA-63ES-14-03/2019
“Bahawa kamu, P Tech Resources Sdn Bhd (1241183-X)
pada 11 Mac 2019, jam lebih kurang 12.15 tengahari,
bertempat di, P Tech Resources Sdn Bhd terletak di PLO
113, Jalan Nibong 2, Kawasan Perindustrian Tanjung
Langsat, 81700 Pasir Gudang, Johor, di dalam Daerah Johor
Bahru, di dalam Negeri Johor Darul Takzim didapati telah
gagal mengendalikan dan menyelenggarakan sistem
kawalan pencemaran udara mengikut amalan kejuruteraan
yang menyeluruh dan memastikan bahawa semua
komponen sistem kawalan pencemaran udara berfungsi
dengan baik. Oleh itu kamu telah melakukan satu kesalahan
di bawah Peraturan 29, Peraturan-Peraturan Kualiti Alam
Sekeliling (Udara Bersih) 2014, Akta Kualiti Alam Sekeliling
1974 (Akta 127] dibaca bersama Peraturan 7(3) Peraturan
yang sama dan boleh dihukum di bawah Peraturan 29,
Peraturan yang sama.
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Boleh didenda tidak melebihi RM 100,000.00 (Ringgit
Malaysia Satu Ratus Ribu) atau dipenjarakan selama tempoh
tidak lebih daripada 2 tahun atau kedua – duanya.
iv) Kes JA-63ES-15-03/2019
“Bahawa kamu, PTech Resources Sdn Bhd (1241183-X)
pada 11 Mac 2018 jam lah kurang 12.18 tengahari bertempat
di P Tech Resources Sdn Bhd terletak di PLO 113, Jalan
Nibong 2 Kawasan Perindustrian Tanjung Langsat, 81700
Pasir Gudang, Johor, d Daerah Johor Bahru, dalam Negeri
Johor Darul Takzim didapati telah gagal memastikan sistem
kawalan pencemaran udara diselia oleh orang yang
berwibawa yang bertugas sepanjang masa sistem kawalan
pencemaran udara beroperasi. Oleh itu, kamu telah
melakukan kesalahan di bawah Peraturan 29 Peraturan -
Peraturan Kualiti Alam Sekeliling (Udara Bersih 2014 Akta
Kualiti Alam Sekeliling 1974 Akta [127] dibaca bersama
Peraturan 7(4), Peraturan yang sama”
“Boleh didenda tidak melebihi RM 100,000.00 (Ringgit
Malaysia Satu Ratus Ribu) atau dipenjarakan selama tempoh
tidak lebih daripada 2 tahun atau kedua – duanya.
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v) Kes JA-63ES-16-03/2019
“Bahawa kamu, P Tech Resources Sdn Bhd (1241183-X)
pada 11 Mac 2019, jam lebih kurang 12.15 tengahari,
bertempat di P Tech Resources Sdn Bhd terletak di PLO 113
Jalan Nibong 2, Kawasan Perindustrian Tanjung Langsat,
81700 Pasir Gudang, Johor, di dalam Daerah Johor Bahru, di
dalam Negeri Johor Darul Takzim didapati telah gagal
melengkapkan premis dengan kelengkapan atau peralatan
yang berkaitan bagi menjalankan pemantauan prestasi
sistem kawalan pencemaran udara. Oleh itu kamu telah
melakukan satu kesalahan di bawah Peraturan 29 Peraturan-
Peraturan Kualiti Alam Sekeliling (Udara Bersih) 2014, Akta
Kualiti Alam Sekeliling 1974 [Akta 127] dibaca bersama
Peraturan 9(a) Peraturan yang sama dan boleh dihukum di
bawah Peraturan 29, Peraturan yang sama.
“Boleh didenda tidak melebihi RM 100,000.00 (Ringgit
Malaysia Satu Ratus Ribu) atau dipenjarakan selama tempoh
tidak lebih daripada 2 tahun atau kedua – duanya.
vi) Kes JA-63ES-17-03/2019
“Bahawa kamu, P Tech Resources Sdn Bhd (1241183-X)
pada 11 Mac 2019, jam lebih kurang 12.15 tengahari,
bertempat di P Tech Resources Sdn Bhd terletak di PLO 113
Jalan Nibong 2, Kawasan Perindustrian Tanjung Langsat,
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
81700 Pasir Gudang, Johor, di dalam Daerah Johor Bahru, di
dalam Negeri Johor Darul Takzim didapati telah gagal
menjalankan pemantauan prestasi bagi komponen sistem
kawalan pencemaran udara sebagaimana yamg ditentukan
oleh Ketua Pengarah. Oleh itu kamu telah melakukan satu
kesalahan di bawah Peraturan 29 Peraturan-Peraturan
Kualiti Alam Sekeliling (Udara Bersih) 2014, Akta Kualiti Alam
Sekeliling 1974 [Akta 127] dibaca bersama Peraturan 9(b)
Peraturan yang sama dan boleh dihukum di bawah Peraturan
29, Peraturan yang sama.
“Boleh didenda tidak melebihi RM 100,000.00 (Ringgit
Malaysia Satu Ratus Ribu) atau dipenjarakan selama tempoh
tidak lebih daripada 2 tahun atau kedua – duanya.
vii) Kes JA-63ES-18-03/2019
“Bahawa kamu, P Tech Resources Sdn Bhd (1241183-X)
pada 11 Mac 2019, jam lebih kurang 12.15 tengahari,
bertempat di P Tech Resources Sdn Bhd terletak di PLO 113
Jalan Nibong 2, Kawasan Perindustrian Tanjung Langsat,
81700 Pasir Gudang, Johor, di dalam Daerah Johor Bahru, di
dalam Negeri Johor Darul Takzim didapati telah gagal
menyenggarakan rekod bagi proses pengilangan, dan bagi
penyengaraan dan pemantauan prestasi bagi sistem kawalan
pencemaran udara sebagaimana yamg ditentukan oleh
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Ketua Pengarah. Oleh itu kamu telah melakukan satu
kesalahan di bawah Peraturan 29 Peraturan-Peraturan
Kualiti Alam Sekeliling (Udara Bersih) 2014, Akta Kualiti Alam
Sekeliling 1974 [Akta 127] dibaca bersama Peraturan 10(1)
Peraturan yang sama dan boleh dihukum di bawah Peraturan
29, Peraturan yang sama.
“Boleh didenda tidak melebihi RM 100,000.00 (Ringgit
Malaysia Satu Ratus Ribu) atau dipenjarakan selama tempoh
tidak lebih daripada 2 tahun atau kedua – duanya.
viii) Kes JA-63ES-19-03/2019
“Bahawa kamu, P Tech Resources Sdn Bhd (1241183-X)
pada 11 Mac 2019, jam lebih kurang 12.15 tengahari,
bertempat di P Tech Resources Sdn Bhd terletak di PLO 113
Jalan Nibong 2, Kawasan Perindustrian Tanjung Langsat,
81700 Pasir Gudang, Johor, di dalam Daerah Johor Bahru, di
dalam Negeri Johor Darul Takzim didapati telah gagal
menjalankan pemantauan berkala yang dikehendaki di
bawah Jadual (l)1, bagi bahanapi jenis cecair. Oleh itu kamu
telah melakukan satu kesalahan di bawah Peraturan 29
Peraturan-Peraturan Kualiti Alam Sekeliling (Udara Bersih)
2014, Akta Kualiti Alam Sekeliling 1974 [Akta 127] dibaca
bersama Peraturan 16(1) Peraturan yang sama dan boleh
dihukum di bawah Peraturan 29, Peraturan yang sama.
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“Boleh didenda tidak melebihi RM 100,000.00 (Ringgit
Malaysia Satu Ratus Ribu) atau dipenjarakan selama tempoh
tidak lebih daripada 2 tahun atau kedua – duanya.
[3] Pada 24.3.2019, kesemua kes telah dipanggil secara bersama dan
Pihak Pendakwaan telah mengemukakan izin untuk mendakwa dan
surat kuasa seperti dilampiran A-C, A1 dan B dan kesemua
pertuduhan dan hukuman di dalam 60 kes tersebut telah dibacakan
dan diterangkan kepada OKS dalam Bahasa Malaysia dan juga
Bahasa Inggeris. Kesemua OKS memahami pertuduhan dan faham
sifat dan akibat pengakuan dan memilih untuk minta bicara pada
tarikh tersebut dan kes seterusnya ditetapkan untuk beberapa tarikh
sebutan dan juga perbicaraan penuh. Setiap OKS juga telah diberi
jaminan sebanyak RM141,000 dengan 1 penjamin warganegara
Malaysia dan OKS dikehendaki melapor diri di balai polis terdekat
sekali sebulan.
[4] Setelah perbicaraan penuh berlangsung sehingga saksi
pendakwaan yang ke 37, pada tarikh pengurusan kes 30.11.2023,
Pihak Pendakwaan telah memaklumkan kepada Mahkamah bahawa
ada perkembangan terkini dalam kes ini. Berdasarkan keputusan
representasi, Pihak Pendakwaan ingin menarik balik 52 pertuduhan
di dalam kes JA-63ES-20 hingga 71-03/2019 ke atas OKS dan juga
3 orang pengarah syarikat OKS dan hanya meneruskan 8
pertuduhan pindaan di dalam 8 kes yang berasingan iaitu JA-63ES-
12 hingga 19-03/2019 ke atas OKS sahaja.
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[5] Kesemua pertuduhan dan hukuman di dalam 8 kes tersebut telah
dibacakan dan diterangkan sekali lagi kepada pengarah syarikat
yang mewakili OKS iaitu Yap Yoke Liang (No. KP: 770812-01-6261)
dalam Bahasa Malaysia. OKS memahami pertuduhan dan faham
sifat dan akibat pengakuan serta hukuman dan memilih untuk
mengaku salah ke atas kesemua pertuduhan tersebut.
[6] Pada mulanya, OKS telah memfailkan borang 28A iaitu permohonan
akuan rundingan di bawah seksyen 172C Kanun Tatacara Jenayah
namun, permohonan tersebut telah ditarik balik kerana masalah
teknikal di dalam permohonan yang dimasukkan. Mahkamah telah
membatalkan permohonan tersebut dan meneruskan dengan
prosiding pengakuan salah di bawah seksyen 173(b) Kanun Tatacara
[7] Seterusnya, Pihak Pendakwaan mengemukakan eksibit-eksibit
seperti berikut :
(i) fakta kes pindaan yang ditanda sebagai eksibit P57,
(ii) semua eksibit yang dikemukan sebelum ini dalam
perbicaraan yang ditanda sebagai eksibit P1 hingga
[8] OKS memahami fakta kes tersebut serta mengakuinya tanpa
syarat. OKS juga mengakui kesemua eksibit-eksibit P1 hingga P155
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[9] Mahkamah telah berpuas hati bahawa tertuduh faham akan sifat,
akibat dan kesan pengakuannya serta hukuman ke atas
pertuduhan-pertuduhan tersebut dan kemudiannya menerima
pengakuan salah OKS. Mahkamah seterusnya mendapati OKS
bersalah dan disabitkan dengan setiap pertuduhan di dalam kes JA-
63ES-12 hingga 19-03/2019.
[10] Di dalam rayuan mitigasi untuk meringankan hukuman,
peguambela OKS secara ringkasnya telah memaklumkan bahawa
OKS telah mengaku salah sebaik sahaja pertuduhan pindaan
dikemukakan kepada OKS. Pohon Mahkamah mengambil kira
pengakuan salah tersebut.
[11] OKS juga telah membuat rundingan dengan Jabatan Alam Sekitar
(JAS) sejak 2018 dan berdasarkan eksibit P98 dimana JAS telah
mengakui teknik yang diamalkan oleh OKS adalah “best available
technic” dalam industri pemprosesan tayar. OKS juga
memaklumkan bahawa 8 pertuduhan ini bukan melibatkan
kesalahan pencemaran tapi hanyalah kesalahan melibatkan
“administrative offence”. Selepas kes ini bermula, OKS telah
mengambil tindakan untuk mematuhi setiap arahan dan SOP yang
ditetapkan oleh JAS seperti surat di eksibit P133 dan juga surat -
surat lain yang disertakan. Laporan EIA yang dihantar juga
menunjukkan ianya diluluskan.
[12] OKS juga memaklumkan bahawa semenjak tindakan ini diambil,
pihak JAS telah menyita semua reaktor mulai dari tarikh tersebut
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sehingga September 2022 dan hanya selepas itu, perintah sitaan
dibuka. Akibat daripada sitaan tersebut, OKS tidak dapat beroperasi
untuk tempoh 3 tahun setengah dan juga pandemic covid-19 telah
menyebabkan OKS mengalami kerugian dan juga OKS telah
terpaksa untuk membayar kos sewa premis kilang dalam tempoh
[13] Dalam mengambil kira hukuman denda yang ingin dikenakan oleh
Mahkamah, OKS telah merujuk kepada kes lain yang dilaporkan di
dalam Utusan Malaysia dan Berita Harian Online bertarikh 2 April
2021 yang bertajuk “Kilang proses premix bitumen didenda
RM100,000” dan “Kilang di denda RM100,000 keluar habuk tanpa
kawalan”. OKS menghujahkan bahawa kes tersebut menunjukkan
bahawa Mahkamah Sesyen Klang hanya menjatuhkan hukuman
denda RM100,000.00 untuk kesemua 4 pertuduhan yang sama
seperti dalam kes OKS hari ini. Dalam kontek yang sama, OKS juga
merujuk Mahkamah kepada kes Abdullah Ang v PP, dimana
Mahkamah telah menetapkan prinsip undang-undang yang diterima
bahawa diskaun 1/3 daripada jumlah hukuman perlu diberikan
sekiranya OKS mengaku salah kepada pertuduhan yang
dikenakan. Akhirnya, OKS memohon agar hukuman denda yang
dikenakan ke atas OKS adalah seperti yang dihujahkan.
[14] Seterusnya, Pihak Pendakwaan dalam hujahan pemberatan pula
secara ringkasnya telah mengemukakan beberapa otoriti kes untuk
rujukan Mahkamah sebelum menjatuhkan hukuman ke atas OKS.
Pihak pendakwaan memohon agar hukuman denda maksimum dan
berbentuk deteren dikenakan ke atas OKS. OKS telah mendapat
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penjimatan yang banyak iaitu sebanyak RM70,000 dari denda
maksimum yang boleh dikenakan disebabkan beberapa pertuduhan
telah ditarik balik selepas representasi dibenarkan.
[15] Pihak pembelaan juga memohon untuk suatu hukuman yang
mencerminkan kepentingan awam dijaga berbanding kepentingan
OKS berdasarkan kes R v Ball dan kes -kes yang lain. Pihak
Pendakwaan menghujahkan bahawa isu alam sekitar adalah suatu
perkara yang tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa ianya adalah suatu
perkara yang melibatkan kepentingan awam.
[16] Dalam hal ini, Pihak Pembelaan telah merujuk kepada kes PP lwn
NCK Aluminium Extrusion Sdn Bhd [2002] 6 MLJ 96 yang telah
menimbangkan kepentingan awam dalam menjatuhkan hukuman
denda di dalam kes yang melibatkan pencemaran alam sekitar.
Pihak pembelaan menghujahkan bahawa Mahkamah hendaklah
memberi hukuman yang memberikan pengajaran kepada OKS dan
juga bagi mengelakkan orang lain untuk melakukan kesalahan yang
sama. Pencemaran yang berlaku akan menyebabkan “liberty of life”
terjejas seperti yang dinyatakan didalam kes tersebut.
[17] Seterusnya, berdasarkan kes yang sama telah memutuskan
bahawa tujuan Akta Kualiti Alam Sekeliling 1974 ini digubal adalah
bertujuan untuk mencegah dan mengawal pencemaran. Oleh itu,
kesalahan yang melibatkan isu alam sekitar adalah suatu kesalahan
yang dianggap serius. Hukuman ke atas kesalahan alam sekitar
juga telah dipinda dan dinaikkan kepada hukuman yang lebih tinggi
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dari denda RM5,000.00 ke RM10,000.00 dan penjara dari 1 tahun
ke 2 tahun untuk menunjukkan kesalahan ini adalah kesalahan
[18] Bagi memastikan dasar alam sekitar negara disokong, Mahkamah
perlu memainkan peranan untuk memberikan hukuman yang tinggi.
Kes ini adalah suatu kes perbicaraan penuh dan banyak kos telah
dibelanjakan dalam menjalankan kes ini. Pihak pendakwaan
memohon agar Mahkamah mengambil kira insiden pencemaran
Sungai Kim-Kim pada tahun 2019 yang telah memberi kesan
kepada orang awam setempat dan memohon untuk Mahkamah
juga mengambil kira kesan pencemaran udara yang berlaku.
Akhirnya, Pihak pembelaan memohon agar satu hukuman denda
maksimum dikenakan ke atas OKS.
[19] Dalam menentukan apakah bentuk hukuman bersesuaian terhadap
OKS, Mahkamah ini telah merujuk kepada suatu prinsip yang
dinyatakan secara jelas dalam kes PP v Jafa bin Daud (1981) 1
MLJ 315 seperti berikut:
“…. sentence according to law, means that the sentence
must not only be within the ambit of the punishable section
but it also be assessed and passed accordance with
established judicial priciples….”
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[20] Mahkamah ini juga merujuk kepada kes R V BALL [1951] 35 CR.
APP. R 164 yang mengariskan prinsip asas untuk menjatuhkan
sesuatu hukuman iaitu:
“In deciding the appropriate sentence a Court should always
be guided by certain considerations. The first and foremost
is the public interest. The criminal law is public enforced, not
only with the object of punishing crime, but also in the hope
of preventing it. A proper sentence, passed in public, serves
the public interest in two ways. It may deters others who
might be tempted to try crime and seeming to offer easy
money on the supposition that, if the offender is caught and
brought to justice, the punishment will be negligible. Such a
sentence may also deter the particular criminal from
committing a crime again, or induce him to turn from a
criminal to an honest life. The public interest is indeed
served, and best served, if the offender is induced to turn
from criminal ways to honest living. Our law does not
therefore, fix the sentence for a particular crime, but fixes a
maximum sentence and leave it to the court to decide what
is, within that maximum, the appropriate sentence for each
criminal in the particular circumstances of each case. Not
only in regard to each crime, but in regard to each criminal,
the court has the right and the duty to decide whether to be
lenient or severe.”
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[21] Hukuman yang hendak dikenakan terhadap OKS mestilah
setimpal dengan kesalahan dilakukan, “seriousness” kesalahan
dan tahap penglibatan pesalah – pesalah itu sendiri. Prinsip ini
telah digariskan di dalam kes R V. Ipeelee (2012) 1SCR433:
“…. proportionality… is not just a sanction. First, the
principles ensures that a sentence reflects the gravity of the
offence… it promotes justice for the victim and ensures
public confidence in the system of justice. Secondly, the
principles of proportionality ensures that a sentence does
not exceed what is appropriates, given the moral
blameworthiness of the offender….”
[22] Justeru itu, dalam menentukan suatu hukuman yang setimpal
adalah menjadi tugas Mahkamah ini untuk memberikan
pertimbangan yang sewajarnya kepada faktor – faktor
“aggravating” dan “mitigating” sebelum sesuatu hukuman tersebut
diputuskan. Mahkamah telah merujuk kepada kes Yusmarin
Samsuddin v PP (1999) CLJ 391, Mahkamah menegaskan
seperti berikut:
“…the principles of sentencing have long been entranched
and well settle in our criminal law jurisprudence and the
court seized with such jurisdiction is empowered to take into
account the following consideration :
a. the extend and seriousness of the offence committed;
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b. the guilty person’s antecendents and
c. the public interest
[23] Hukuman yang diperuntukkan bagi pertuduhan yang dikenakan ke
atas OKS adalah di bawah Peraturan 7(3), 7(4), 9(a), 9(b), 10(1),
16(1) dan Peraturan 29 Peraturan – Peraturan Kualiti Alam
Sekeliling (Udara Bersih) 2014 Akta Kualiti Alam Sekeliling 1974
(Akta 127) dibaca bersama Peraturan 5(1)(b), 5(1)(c), Peraturan
yang sama dan boleh dihukum di bawah Peraturan 29, di bawah
Peraturan yang sama iaitu denda sehingga RM100,000 atau
penjara sehingga 2 tahun atau kedua-duanya.
[24] Mahkamah telah menimbangkan prinsip undang – undang di atas
dan fakta kes dan eksibit-eksibit yang dikemukakan kepada
Mahkamah dan rayuan mitigasi tertuduh serta hujahan
pemberatan yang diberikan oleh Pihak Pendakwaan dan
mendapati bahawa hukuman yang diberikan adalah bersesuaian
dan adil di dalam lingkungan hukuman yang diperuntukkan
dikenakan ke atas OKS di atas faktor-faktor berikut:
(a) Kepentingan Awam.
Mahkamah mendapati bahawa pertuduhan yang dikenakan ke atas
OKS adalah suatu pertuduhan yang melibatkan kesalahan
pentadbiran dibawah Peraturan – Peraturan Kualiti Alam Sekeliling
(Udara Bersih) 2014, Akta Kualiti Alam Sekeliling 1974. Pada
hemah Mahkamah, walaupun peruntukkan kesalahan ini adalah
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suatu kesalahan pentadbiran tetapi ianya adalah suatu peruntukkan
penting untuk memastikan tujuan akta tersebut iaitu untuk
mencegah, menghapus, mengawal pencemaran dan membaiki
alam sekeliling dan bagi maksud-maksud yang berkaitan
dengannya. Peruntukkan kesalahan ini adalah untuk mencegah
sesuatu pencemaran dari berlaku di masa hadapan dan isu alam
sekitar ini adalah suatu isu yang melibatkan kepentingan awam.
Mahkamah telah merujuk kepada kes PP lwn NCK Aluminium
Extrusion Sdn Bhd [2002] 6 MLJ 96, YA Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi
telah menyatakan seperti berikut:
“Saya menyimpulkan apa yang perlu diberi pertimbangan
sewajarnya dalam kesalahan seperti ini ialah kepentingan
awam. Dalam kes Joiginder Sing v PP [1984] 2 MLJ 133,
Ajaib Singh H berkata (di ms140):
On the question of sentence, the courts invariably take
certain factors into consideration, the first and foremost
being the public interest. Then, the age of the offender, his
health, his character and background, the nature of the
offence and the circumstances and the manner in which the
offence is committed. The courts are duty bound to consider
all these matters before deciding upon a suitable sentence.
On an appeal on sentence from the subordinate courts
therefore the High Court wull not interfere with the sentence
imposed unless it can be shown to its satisfaction that in the
circumstances of the particular case, the sentence was
manisfestly excessive or inadequate, or that in fixing the
sentence, the subordinate court had failed to adequately
consider all relevant factors either for or against the
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(b) Fakta Kes dan Jenis Kesalahan
Selain daripada faktor kepentingan awam yang perlu diutamakan,
Mahkamah juga perlu menimbangkan faktor-faktor lain yang ada
termasuk faktor mitigasi dan juga faktor pemberatan. Berdasarkan
fakta kes pindaan seperti eksibit P157, OKS telah menjalankan
aktiviti pirolisis tayar terpakai melibatkan proses-proses utama iaitu
pembakaran bahan api (combustion), pyrolysis, pemeluwapan
(condensation) dan pemisahan minyak (oil separator) bagi
menghasilkan “pyrolysis oil, carbon ash dan steel wire”. Proses-
proses ini akan menghasilkan pencemaran udara sekiranya tidak
dijaga mengikut sop yang ditetapkan oleh pihak JAS dan kilang
perlu mempunyai alat kawalan pencemaran udara yang dibenarkan
oleh Ketua Pengarah JAS.
Semasa pemeriksaan dibuat dipremis, OKS telah didapati telah
mengoperasikan alat pembakaran bahan api iaitu 8 pyrolisis reactor
dan OKS juga mempunyai alat kawalan pencemaran udara iaitu
4 unit scrubber, 2 unit cyclone dan 1 unit cerobong tanpa
mengemukakan pemberitahuan bertulis kepada Ketua Pengarah
JAS terlebih dahulu sebelum memulakan operasi. OKS juga
didapati telah gagal menyelenggara dan mengendalikan sistem
kawalan udara tersebut dengan baik dan gagal menempatkan orang
yang berwibawa untuk memastikan sistem kawalan pencemaran
udara tersebut befungsi dengan baik. Selain itu, OKS juga telah
gagal melengkapkan peralatan yang berkaitan bagi menjalankan
pemantauan prestasi kepada alat-alat kawalan pencemaran udara
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tersebut dan gagal mengemukakan rekod pemantauan prestasi alat
kawalan pencemaran udara dan kualiti bahan api jenis cecair yang
digunakan apabila diminta.
Mahkamah telah melihat kepada fakta kes dan mendapati bahawa
8 pertuduhan yang dikenakan ke atas OKS adalah suatu kesalahan
yang berbentuk kesalahan pentadbiran. Pada takat ini, tiada kes
pencemaran alam sekitar melibatkan udara telah dibuktikan dan
telah dilakukan oleh OKS hasil daripada pengoperasian kilang OKS
dalam industri pyrolisis tayar. Fakta kes juga menunjukkan bahawa
OKS telah mempunyai sistem alat kawalan pencemaran udara di
premis OKS. Namun, Mahkamah mengakui bahawa peraturan-
peraturan yang ditetapkan dibawah Peraturan-Peraturan Kualiti
Alam Sekeliling (Udara Bersih) 2014, Akta Kualiti Alam Sekeliling
1974 ini adalah penting untuk dilaksanakan bagi menjaga
kepentingan awam dan mengelakkan insiden pencemaran alam
sekitar berlaku di masa hadapan. Mahkamah berpendapat satu
hukuman yang seimbang dan sewajarnya perlu dikenakan untuk
memenuhi tujuan AKAS 1974 digubal iaitu untuk mencegah dan
mengawal pencemaran alam sekitar.
(c) Latarbelakang dan Perlakuan OKS :
Sebelum menjatuhkan sesuatu hukuman, adalah wajar untuk
Mahkamah ini mempunyai pengetahuan dan menimbangkan
tentang latarbelakang dan perlakuan OKS “to strike a balance
between the interest of the public and interest of the OKT”
sepertimana yang diputuskan di dalam kes PP V MOHD FUAD
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[2001] 5 MLJ 549. Terdapat beberapa faktor untuk menetapkan
sesuatu hukuman. Semestinya Mahkamah ini mesti
mengimbangkan antara faktor mitigasi dan juga faktor pemberatan.
Mahkamah telah merujuk kepada kes PP V LOH OI LIN [1949] MLJ
120, yang telah menyatakan;
“that there are factors such as prevalence, difficulty of
detection and injury to public revenue which operate in the
direction of severity and others such as leniency to first
offenders which operate in the other direction and where as
frequently happens a number of these factors applied in one
case. The court must balance them as best as it can. Among
the factors more commonly advanced are age,
antecedence, family hardship, conduct subsequent to the
offence, impact of conviction, health, and delay in disposal
of cases.”
Secara am, antecedent OKS adalah satu faktor mitigasi tetapi
Mahkamah harus mengimbangi dengan the nature of the crime
committed by the OKT where it required the dare, the dash and the
defiance of the OKT in its commission seperti yang digariskan di
dalam kes PP V TEH AH CHENG [1976] 2 MLJ 186.
Di dalam kes ini, OKS adalah sebuah syarikat sdn bhd yang
menjalankan perniagaan dan aktiviti pirolisis tayar terpakai. Hasil
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proses tersebut akan menghasilkan “pyrolisis oil, carbon ash dan
steel wire” dan bahan-bahan tersebut akan dijual kepada pasaran
dalam dan luar negara. Mahkamah telah menimbangkan rayuan
mitigasi OKS dan juga menilai perlakuan OKS sebelum dan selepas
pertuduhan dikenakan. Mahkamah mendapati bahawa OKS telah
membuat rundingan dengan JAS mengenai perniagaan yang
dijalankan sejak tahun 2018. Bahkan, Pihak JAS juga telah
memperakui bahawa perniagaan dan teknik pemprosesan tayar
yang dijalankan oleh OKS adalah “best available technic” seperti
yang dinyatakan dalam surat JAS di eksibit P98. Mahkamah juga
telah mendapati bahawa setelah pertuduhan dikenakan, OKS telah
memberi kerjasama dan mengambil tindakan untuk mematuhi
arahan dan SOP JAS seperti disurat eksibit P133 dan surat-surat
lain yang berkaitan. Ini jelas dapat dilihat daripada laporan EIA yang
dihantar oleh OKS juga telah diluluskan. Mahkamah mendapati
OKS juga telah menerima pengajaran akibat kesalahan ini dan
terpaksa menanggung kerugian yang besar kerana tidak dapat
menjalankan perniagaan untuk tempoh yang panjang akibat akibat
peralatan yang telah disita oleh JAS dan tempoh pandemik covid
OKS pada awalnya juga telah dituduh bersama 4 orang yang lain
untuk kesalahan pencemaran Sungai Kim Kim dibawah seksyen
34B(4) Akta Kualiti Alam Sekeliling 1974. Walaubagaimanapun,
pertuduhan ke atas OKS dan juga 3 pengarah Syarikat OKS
tersebut telah ditarik balik dan OKS telah dilepaskan dan
dibebaskan dari pertuduhan tersebut. Dalam keadaan ini,
Mahkamah mendapati bahawa OKS tidak lagi dapat dikaitkan
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dengan mana-mana kesalahan kes pencemaran Sungai Kim Kim
tersebut dan hujahan bahawa OKS adalah pelaku pencemaran
Sungai Kim Kim adalah tidak lagi relevan dan terpakai. Sesuatu
keputusan keadilan tidak boleh dilaksanakan berdasarkan “virality”
dan pada hemah Mahkamah, sekiranya sesuatu keadilan itu
ditetapkan atas dasar “virality”, maka ianya adalah suatu keadilan
yang tersasar. Maksud keadilan yang sebenar adalah untuk
meletakkan sesuatu perkara itu pada tempatnya. Dalam hal ini,
Mahkamah ingin menegaskan bahawa adalah menjadi tugas
Mahkamah sebagai penjaga dan benteng terakhir keadilan untuk
menetapkan keadilan dan hukuman yang bersesuaian berdasarkan
fakta dan merit sesuatu kes tersebut.
Namun begitu, Mahkamah juga perlu lebih menimbangkan
kepentingan awam berbanding kepentingan OKS. Walaupun OKS
telah memiliki sistem alat kawalan pencemaran udara sendiri tetapi
OKS telah gagal memaklumkan, menyenggarakan dan
menempatkan orang yang berwibawa untuk memantau prestasi
alatan dan kualiti bahan api yang digunakan dalam pengoperasian
kilang OKS. Perbuatan OKS yang tidak mematuhi peraturan-
peraturan yang ditetapkan dibawah JAS boleh menyebabkan
berlakunya pencemaran udara di masa hadapan sekiranya alat-alat
kawalan pencemaran udara yang dimiliki oleh OKS gagal berfungsi
dan diselia dengan baik. Mahkamah percaya, satu hukuman yang
tinggi dan sewajarnya perlu diberikan bertujuan melindungi
kepentingan awam daripada ancaman pencemaran alam sekitar
yang mungkin berlaku akibat perbuatan OKS dan pemain industri
yang lain di masa hadapan.
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(d) Pengakuan Salah OKS :
Kes telah berlangsung untuk perbicaraan penuh sehingga saksi
pendakwaan yang ke 37. Walaubagaimanapun, OKS telah
mengaku salah sebaik sahaja pertuduhan pindaan dikemukakan
kepada OKS selepas keputusan representasi diperolehi.
Pengakuan salah tersebut sedikit sebanyak telah menjimatkan
masa dan kos Mahkamah serta Pendakwaan. Mahkamah telah
merujuk kepada kes PP V JESICCA LIM LU PING & ANOR [2004]
2 CLJ 763 dimana Mahkamah Tinggi telah memutuskan seperti
yang berikut:
“It is customary for the court to give the convict a reduced
sentence for pleading guilty. The court recognizes that a
plea of guilty disposes of a criminal case with lightning
speed; it eases the backlog of undisposed criminal cases
and unclogs the courts and prison of remand-prisoners. A
reduced sentence for pleading guilty encourages the
accused to be honest in admitting to the offence he has
committed. A discount of between one quarter and one third
of the sentence that would otherwise have been imposed is
usually given.”
Namun, Mahkamah perlu memberi pertimbangan yang sewajarnya
bagi faktor mitigasi ini setelah mengimbangkan dengan jenis
kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh OKS dan mendapati bahawa
kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh OKS adalah suatu kesalahan yang
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melibatkan kepentingan awam dan bertujuan untuk mencegah dan
mengawal pencemaran alam sekitar. Dalam keadaan ini, OKS tidak
seharusnya diberikan pengurangan hukuman yang terlalu ringan
dan sewajarnya dikenakan hukuman berbentuk deteren untuk
memberi pengajaran kepada OKS dan pemain industri yang lain
agar tidak mengulangi kesalahan yang sama.
(e)Kuantum dan Tren Hukuman :
Mahkamah telah merujuk kepada kes MOHAMED ABDULLAH
ANG SWEE KANG V PP [1988] 167. Mahkamah telah memutuskan
seperti yang berikut:
"In assessing the length of custodial sentence, the court
must look at the overall picture in perspective by
considering, firstly the gravity of the type of offense
committed. Secondly, the facts in the commission of the
offense, thirdly the presence or absence of mitigating
factors, and, fourthly, the sentences that have been imposed
in the past for similar offenses to determine the trend of
sentencing policy, if any. The fact that a sentence of
imprisonment is imposed as a deterrent does not justify the
sentence in passing a sentence of greater length than what
the facts of the offense warrant. The gravity of the type of
offense involved must be considered in the light of the
particular facts of the offense."
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Mahkamah telah merujuk kepada hukuman yang diperuntukkan
sebelum menjatuhkan hukuman tersebut terhadap OKS. Mahkamah
percaya hukuman tersebut adalah ‘proportionate and reasonable,
within the Court’s jurisdiction and the financial positon of the OKS
was also considered’ sepertimana yang digariskan di dalam kes
Di dalam kes ini, Mahkamah telah mengambil kira faktor hukuman
mengikut peruntukan undang-undang, keseriusan dan jenis
kesalahan, imbangan kepentingan awam dan kepentingan OKS,
pengakuan salah OKS, latarbelakang OKS, mitigasi OKS dan
rayuan balas pihak Pendakwaan sebelum menjatuhkan hukuman
tersebut. Mahkamah telah merujuk kepada tren hukuman semasa
bagi kes-kes alam sekitar yang melibatkan kesalahan pencemaran
dan pelepasan effluen perindustrian dan mengaku salah adalah
antara RM30,000 hingga RM90,000.00 bagi setiap pertuduhan.
Manakala, bagi pengakuan salah dalam kesalahan melibatkan
“administrative offence” dibawah Peraturan Kualiti Alam Sekeliling
(Udara bersih) 2014 pula antara RM10,000.00 hingga RM25,000.00
bagi setiap pertuduhan. Tren hukuman tersebut boleh dilihat di
jadual yang disertakan dibawah seperti berikut:
PER 11 & 12,
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PER 11 & 12,
PER 11 & 12,
MUAR 30,000.00
PER 11 & 12,
PER 11 & 12,
PER 11 & 12,
PER 11 & 12,
PER 11 & 12,
PER 11 & 12,
PER 11 & 12,
& JA-
PER. 5(1)
PER. 7(3)
PER. 7(4)
PER. 9(a)
PER. 9(b)
PER. 10(1)
PER. 16(1)
PER. 18(1)
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& JA-
PER. 7(3)
PER. 7(4)
PER. 9(a)
PER. 9(b)
PER. 10(1)
PER. 16(1)
PER. 5(1)(b)
PER. 5(1)(c)
SEGAMAT 25,000.00
PER. 5(1)
SEPANG 10,000.00
Pada hemah Mahkamah, jumlah denda yang dikenakan ke atas
OKS bagi setiap pertuduhan tersebut adalah memadai, adil dan
munasabah setelah mengambil kira kesemua faktor yang ada
termasuk faktor mitigasi OKS, hujahan pemberatan pihak
pendakwaan, imbangan kepentingan awam dan OKS, fakta kes
serta jenis kesalahan yang dilakukan serta tren hukuman semasa
bagi jenis kesalahan yang sama.
[25] Oleh itu berpandukan kepada kesemua prinsip-prinsip hukuman
yang telah dinyatakan, Mahkamah mendapati OKS bersalah dan
disabitkan dengan pertuduhan yang telah dihadapkan terhadapnya
dan menjatuhkan hukuman ke atas OKS dengan hukuman denda
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RM40,000.00 bagi setiap pertuduhan dan jumlah keseluruhan
denda ialah RM320,000.00 bagi 8 pertuduhan.
Bertarikh : 23 Januari 2024
Mahkamah Sesyen Jenayah (4)
Johor Bahru, Johor.
Pihak Pendakwaan diwakili
Abdul Ghafar bin Ab Latif, Nurul Syafiqah binti Sha’ari,
Sharifah Natasha binti Syed Ahmad dan Siti Hasyimah binti Sahari
Pihak Pembelaan diwakili
Subramaniam a/l Govindan Nair dan Selvanteran V. segaran
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WA-24-12-02/2023 | PEMOHON 1. ) RICHARD YEOH 2. ) RAYMAOND YEOH 3. ) ALEX YEOH RESPONDEN 1. ) Ketua Pengarah Pendaftaran Negara, Malaysia 2. ) Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Dalam Negeri 3. ) Kerajaan Malaysia | Originating Summons (OS) - A Declaration that the Plaintiffs are Malaysian citizens by operation of law under Article 14(1)(b) Sections 1(a) and 1(e) Part II of the 2nd Schedule of the Federal Constitution. | 29/01/2024 | YA Dato' Ahmad Kamal Bin Md. Shahid | |
29/01/2024 17:08:46
WA-24-12-02/2023 Kand. 23
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wA—24—12—o2/2023 Kand. 23
29/01/2n2L rvzaa-as
mum mnxmm nuscu MALAVA on xunxu LUIAPUR
mum wnuvm nznszxumm KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA
xaunmuu KUASA-KIJISA may
smm psuuu ND yggc ozmza
Da\am Femam Amkel-Amke\ 1mm
Jamal Knsdua Penemnaqaan Persekmuan
Dmam Penna Akla Pandaflaran Neqars
ma nan Paraturan smqap Penman-
Pemlman Pendzflaran Negara1990.
ma Rehl5pesWvk 1950
Dmam ream Alumn-Mnvan 1. 1: dan 76
Kaedah~Kaedah Mimcamah 2012
momma vEa1-1
(sun Kuvanlran Nu. mm. AL mm
{sun K mm. Mn. many as am)
: ALEX vsun
(sun xmmm. No. Dallzrfllwsl XA)
mm"; budlk mlndukwl m um. mm.-n van»,
wakll lmgasmyn] PLAlNTIF»PLAINYlF
p... 2 m .-
sm -yfiumneazotnnznomnpia
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
1. KEWA rzmmuu wzunzurunau uzcuu. vnuwsun
:. xsnunm nuuwsu ...n:rsunm-nzrsunm
1. The F\a1nlIf1s med an apnhcanon by way of Onginalmg Summons
ms) dated 10 2 21:23 (Enclosure 1) seeking mler alla the following
Ordars —
1.1. A dsclaralmn met me 1-‘, 2"“ and 3” P\ain|Ifls are Malaysuan
'izens1r1 accordance wnn Amcle I4(1)(b)read(ogs1her wun
secnon 1(a| Pan In. Second Schedme, Federa\Cons|1luucn of
Malaysia (FC):
1 2 A dedarallon man we 15‘ 2*’ and 3'“ P\ain|xfls are Ma|ays1an
cmzens In accardanoe with Amcxe 141I)(b| read rogamer wrm
secnan Hal Pan H. Second Schedme, Fe,
1 3 An order that the De4em1an|s Issueme 1", 2"“ and 3"‘ P\amufls
amn Oemficales Iha| states man we 1>', 2"-1 and 3* Plarnms
are Malaysian ciuzens within fourteen (14; days lmm the date
av me coun Ordel.
1 4 An order Ihal |he Devenaanxs Issue to the 1*‘ 2"’ and 3"’
marnmos an menmcauan card (MyKid) slaflng man me 1% 2"’
and 3” Wannhfls are Mamyman cmzens wuhvn 1our1eer1 (14)
days (mm me dale anne coun Orden
1 5 An oraarman me 1- Delandanl regulars and updales ms 11*,
2""ar1d 3'“ Plaintiffs’ namaslolhe Reglslry as smpmated under
Sechon A at the Nations! Regusuahan Act 1959 and
inn 1 gr :4
sm -yPuna1GaEu1AnEuoMnpIA
.~.» “Nana 5.11.1 nmhnrwm .. med m W10} 1... nr1g\n|HIy .1111. dnuumnl VI mum p-ma!
33 2 VI >5 sulficnenl (or the Plannlrfis Io pmve matlheydnd not acqunre
cnlnzernshlp of any country wnnnnn 1 year 01 men nnnn pursuant
(D Sechon 2(3) 0! the Samnd Schedule 57 me FC
:54 on me facts on nna case the Pnannnms submnl man the Pnannnms have
never aaqunrsd any nurangn cnuzsnshnp snnee nnnn By ragnslenng ma
Pnannnrvs as a -nun-cm’zen“ an nne P\anrnN‘fs' snnn cernmeane, lhe
Ddendants have Iherelore depnved me Pnannnms oflhenv Manaysnan
cmzernshnp Tney nave enecnweny caused me Pnannurns no he
snaneness. wnncn vs contrary no me imermon and nne sum! of me FC.
35 I am on me mew nnan rn mlerpneung secnnon 1(e) on Fan In an nna
saddnd Schedule of the Fc, nne Pnannnnvs misnrnlerpreted and
ngrnored nne requnremernl of ‘not born a cmzen on any country“ nn
Seclnan 1(a) wnnan reqmres Ihe evndence nl nnneage as esnannnsnad
by decided case law.
as In ns my vnew nr-an nne Planmnfls are an nnnegnnunane person an me Inme
o1 bmn and snnse me Pnannms bnonogncal manner ns an Indenesna
nannonamy, nne Plannlnfls hneage could only be nnaoaanle to me
amnognean mother who vs an lndunesnarn cmxen.
37 In is he be nonea man aeqmsnnan an cnizenshnp by operauon on law
under Annc1eI4|1j(b)o!nhe FC read mgelherwnlh S:cH0r\1(e), Pan
In, Second Schedule of me FC ns anenorad on both eonoepns at nus
sch and jus sangmnns Thns 15 based on me coun an Appea\‘s
decnsnons Llm Jon Hllan 5 Mar y. Konuu Pnnglrlln Jlblnn
Pandaruran Megan a. Or; [2017] 3 CL! 412;mn71 e unnnuuzs:
12013) 6 ML! 54:.
Anzvn Amcla urnxon Mme Fedeal Ccnllxlumn ammpmlatulha rsflulmrmmt
ul cmzenshnn mus sun 1 e by me pnaee or Dunn, whlle par: He) ofnn
nn. Soconfi Sch-duln Mun mm: Cmnlmulimn [not how: . nlllnn
of any eaumryy entzpsullln ma nvumnmenl 01 clllxnenshlp by nus
nngulnll n.- by nnood nr nnnug.
nun mm‘ n wanna apvell man Ina secornfl appennann wnulfl rnnd in 5:11:91
am on. mqulnmums 01 nus tall and jun nnwuinii in wduvwtulfll
Km leualrements of an money and 5 He) an pan nn. Sccmnni
smduna ohm Fldlul
nernpnasns added)
me 1: am
sm -yfiqdaneazotnnznsmnvn
.~.» “Nana sanan a. med w my .. annn.ny MIN: dnmmmn VI .nu~a v-man
35 Based on Amme 1A(1)(b| onne FC read «ogemen-nun Section 1(2).
Pan II, Second Schedule onne Fe, m Is clear max (ora person to be
a Mimyixan cmzen by uperauen ollaw pursusnuo mesa prowsions.
ms reqmsme quahficalions to be Mfifled are‘
. The person was born on or aner Mamyswa day‘
» The person was born wmmn me Fedemuon, and
m The person was nul burn a cmxen af any murury
39 ms com 45 at me mew mat the xmru quahficauon ‘.8. ms perm
was not mm a cmzen olany councry encapsmales me requirement
01 ]us sangmms, It refers to ma delermmatmn or me pevson's
nnaaga, lhal ws, me relahanshvp 0! ma person In ms blmoglcal
parents at me nn-e olhls bnrlh ms us based on me Cour!olAppeal's
decwsxons In the Iouowmg cases
r Than sum sang a Anur V4 Kulua Punnlnh Jalnun
Pendaluran mgara u. on [2011] 5 MLJ 662: [2017] 9 CLJ
1s:[zu17)a MLRA 35¢
“[27; me mnlenhuus Issue Is m respea or me requnemem of 5...
man n u otlhu sncond Snmduu nun.
mera: consmunan, :4 uxnrnud by me phrase. ‘win: Is no!
born . emun 01 any counlry‘ Fur - purnncl nl ml:
mum an. manna: mm m umrrnan. are sum: allu-
04 para 1(2) ‘was ml born a cilinn nl Iny
cnunln/n1 n to cm nllltunlhlp an Inn ucnnd appvllanlm
M5 him ma mom paunls at mo urn. of his birth Yhe
nmy avauame aocumemary ewaence me sswnu anpeflanls
mun ccmficale texh rsa . ay cumimod nu miurnulmn psflmnmg
as me b\o\o§Ina\ Dfirenls and me |e\ev.nn| pamwlars were
endunad Mm Makhnmm flask Dwpsmlehw
[351 Smce ma ndenmy at me am 3 lawful and b\o\ug\ca1par~enls are
unknown. in in not pouiblu to dukmnlm (M llnum M an
menu appellanl Ihnlvmuld Innbll nu. uwnd appnllalll In
bu so-mrna clllznnl u try um. cum uvnguwnrl
(emphasis added)
»..,.m.r u
sm uyvumaweazoinnzuomnpia
.~.» “Nam em mmhnrwm .. HIGH m M», .. mn.u.y mum: m.r.n VI mum pm
40. In the presenl case. the parents were naver mamed after me bmh
at me P\amMs. In me apphcamon oi secnon 11 of Pan III 0! me
Second scneauls, paranxs man ruegmnraxe mm 1; to be construed
as manner The evidence snows (hat ma Piammvs are born c
at mheroounlry that rs Indonesra.
41. The biological momer. Enggauna Nabul Is a cilizen of Vndcnesia
The Vaw 07 Indonesia regards an illegI\Ima|e child born I0 an
snaenssran molher as a cmzen ol nnaonasra Fasal 4(9) Undang-
Undang Repuhlik Vndorlesia Nombor I2 Tahun 2006 prwvndesz
-warga Nagnra rnanmxa adulan
(g)anik yang samr a. Iuar pelkaiwnnan yang uh nan mung mu
Wang: Nugara lnoonesm -
42 Based an Ihe above, n rs Ihe consmereu vwew 0! me Court man
ramsal in register \he Plarnws mnn mm me Indonesian
Government does ncl disbdge me «am max me Plarnnfls were born
a C: an at Vndaneswa as lhe Inaonesran law has me corresponding
pmvislun aflowing an ruegmrnnna chvld bom m an Indonaslan molhar
to acquire cmzenship oflndonesla.
43 Therefore, band on me «am: presented before this case, "we
Plarnms lauled to discharge me humen at prool In show mat they
were na| [mm a when M any omer counlry Hence, me Plamlms
not sansfy me mquvamen| or Aniaxa 14mm) and secuon I(e)
Pan ll 01 Second Schedme to be conferred mm the slams of
uuzenshlp by operauen av Law
44 Fremised on me avoresara reasons, I find war we Plamlms‘ os
(Enc\osur~a1)has no mam In ‘aw
»...u.r :-
srn -ywqasweazomnznomnvn
.~.» “Nam s.n.r nmhnrwm n. met! a M, .. .nnn.u., mm: dnunmnl VI mum p-max
45. As such. the Prammis‘ os rs drsmwssed war: no order as in costs.
Dalw Q1 January 2024
Ahmad Kamal n Md. 5715 .1
Hwgh Coun Kua\a Lumpur
Forms F\am1rWs. Cwk LEHSSH Ann Louis
Teluan Lee Swee Seng 3. Ca
Peguambela 5 Feguamcsra
unn 2m, Lave! 2. Bmck A.
Fusal Dagangan Phlleo Damansara 2‘
Jalan 16lI1, ON Jalan Damansara.
46350 Pslahng Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
(Ru. Tuan — ALSS/LAI4437/22)
cm Nuv mayu mm Amlr
Senior Fedem co-msax
Jabalan Peguam Negana,
Bahagnan Guaman.
No 45. Persiaran Perdana
Fresum A.
azwnu Fultalaya
p... u at 1.
sm ryfiunmeazotnnznsmnvn
.~_» «mm. Snr1l\nmhnrw\HI>e HIGH m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
Regulations 4, 11 and 14 al ll-is Nallnnal Regislrallon
Regulatiuns 1990:
16 An award for damages Including general damages (0 be
assessed for conslllullnnal rlgms violalions;
1 7 Cosl: and
1 13 Orders and/crdlrectlnns lnal lnls Honourable coun Ihlnks Ill
and fair
2 The greurms in suppan oi unis appllcallnn aniongsl elneis are as
lollaws ~
e. The hlnloglcal lailier cl Inc I", 2'4 and 3'“ Flairiliils is a
Malaysian cilizen,
n nie 1-‘ 2* and 3'“ Plamtifls was born in Malaysia,
1: The 1*, 2"’ and 3'“ Plairilms nas no naliorialiny in any olner
country: and
o The 1*. 2t and an P|ainliWs' binli cemfica|e states ‘Bukarl
3 In essencei lnis applioauon concerns lne cilizensnip o1 me 1“. 2"‘
and 3" Plainiiiis unoer me provisions ol in: F0.
4 After me nearing, I dismissed lhe PIainln1s' as (Enclosure 1). The
reasons lor lne decision are set dawn below
Background Facls
5 The background lams oi lnis 05 are galnered iruni lne cause
papers and ins submissions aflhe panias I respecliully aaopl lnerri
suoiecl to some rriodincaliens
s. The biological lainer oi me Flzlnhfls‘ IS Yeah Phee Henng, a
Malaysian Cllizen (b aqical ffllllfil) and llie biological riiolner oi
me Plainllfls is Enggellrla Nabul. 2: Gillian o1 Indonesia (bioluglonl
mes Nu
SIN -yfieasleazolnnz-omnvn
.~_» "Nair s.ii.i nuvlhnrwm .. .1... a may i... nflmnniily MIMI dnuuvlml Vfl nFluNfl Wm!
7 Although tnere was no record at a vatta -narnage. aecomrng to the
Plaintiffs, the btologtcat lalherand btolugtcat mother had atradtttonal
rnarnaga In 1985 and um nntregts|21lhstr mamaga omcratty
5. The 1-‘ Platnltfl was Dom on 27 A 1999 at Kttntk Bersatm dsn Saktl
Puan Bandur Surtway. Attrraugn tnare was no tsoord at a Vahd
mamaget trre narne at the atotegreat tatrrer was trtcluded in the Birth
CerItltca|e based on the consent at the parents tsee. Paragraph 5
(I) Do ndlnl'l Mfldlvll In Ropty (Enetesur. 5)]
9. The 2"= Platnttlf was Dom on 16 1 2002 at Tamart Jttnah Jaye Fan
Dtckson, and me 3"! Flatnltfl was burn on 2 11.2007 at Haspttal Fotl
Dtckson. nunrtg the regtstrat-on ot blrlh nf me 2"“ and am Platnlifis,
only the motogteat tatner was present and no record at a valtd
mamage was pmduced durtng me regrstrauon Hence, tne
rntonrtatmn of the btctogtcal mother is Enggelina Natrut and |he
rntornratran attne tatrrer was stated as Makturnat max Dtpemtem“
tsee. Plmgruph 5 (II) 5 mt), neterutarrrs Aflldavll In Reply
tsnctosuru 5)].
to As tnere was no vattd rnarnage between lhe btult3gical1a|her and
rnotner. tne Ptatnntts status was regtsteree as ‘Butcart
tt. Hawtg perused the cause papers and me retets sougnt by me
Ptatnlifls, I am 171 the vtzw that the tssues |u be detemwted are as
fnllows: -
a wnetner the Plamhfls are citrzens at Mataysra urmer Atttcle
14l|)(b) and Part II Section 1(5) at the Secand Schedulo 0'
the FC by virlue :11 tne r:t|tzenshtp status or tne tnotogtcat
father, and
h Whether the Ptetnmts are ctttzens at Mataysta under Amcte
Mmtbt and Part II Sechon 1(e)aHhe Second scneaute ot
the F0.
Put 1 at ll
sru uywqaateazotnnz-DMAVSA
.~.» «ma s.nn nutthnrwm a. med m vum r... ntwtruflly mm: dnuuvtml VI .nuua v-mat
Whether lh Plalnnlfa are cinx-us o1 Mnlay:|.I unacr Amcla 14(1)(b)
ma Part II suction ua) of me sacond scmdulo own PC by vlnua
cum clunmhlp tutu: of mu blologlul f-mu
12. Amde14m Part III enne FC mas as follows ~
"cltizmlshlp by operalian of I...
um Suhpea lo we pmvlssans of mu Pan. me lmhwmg persons are mums
byovenflnn m \:w, mac V5 to say.
(3) evsry person Dom name Mahuyswa my was It a unzen mme
Fad-lawn by wlun nl me pmvmnns cnmmnnd m PM 1 0! ma
s-mm Sohe<1u\e‘and
(ow wary person bum an 01 aflnr Mahysna Day‘ m: havm any cl
ms qualmcahons speufied m Fan in mm Second Schsnme '
13 secmnx Fan ll. Second Schedule cf the FC pruvides as «allows-
Pan u smna Schlflulo
cmzsusnuw av orssnnnn or LAW or reasons son»
an on AFYER muvsux nu
< Sumecl to me nmvmani av Pan m ul ms Consumlnn, me vanmmg
psrsans Dam on ur lnar Malaysia Day in c-Inxaru by opemlmn av lnw‘
mat Is to say
is) everv Dslwn born mmn me Fedemlmn Mvmnw vlrsnlsurw at
\eas| ‘s at the mm m the win enher a cmzen or permanmuy
rasmnm m m. Fad-vsbun, Ind
1h} every perwn born oulsne me Federalmn whose (3111:! ‘s at me
«me 0! 171: mm a mum mm mm Wu bum m we Fldarinon or
us an In: Mme m we mm m Ihe serwce ol the Federahon or of a
sum and
(c; every nelson bum oulsnu um ssamuan muse came: .5 atlhe
I-ma mm rmn . ullzlnarvd when om - mm on: y-my ms
occurrence or mm. such langsr period as me Federal
Gm/umm51\| may m pammlar mac anew, vaglilarod at a
wnwlale unm Federamn or, mucous m Brunet orma Iamlnry
pvesmbsc luv |ms purpose by Mia cl me Vang dw-Penuan
Agony ngm-ma walh the rum Gnvemmenl mm
a... 5 at :4
sm -ywqnswaazoinnz-omnvn
.~.» “Nam smuw nmhnrwm .. HIGH m M, .. mm.m, mm: dnuamnl VI mum pm
my everypelsnn bum VII Singapore Mwhcse parem one ai iaasi VS al
In: nnia oi the bran n cmzan and Min .3 not Dom a cinzen
mhemiselhan by man cum paragrapn an:
(e) Mn, permn bum Wllhm me Fednvamn me .a rim Dom n man
in any flmmlry nlherwlse man by Vlflue at INS paragliph‘
14 Eased on Anlcie I4(I Kb) Mme FC read lugalhef with Sacuon 115),
Part in, Second scneauie ofthe Fc, ii is dearmal iora person to be
a Malaysian citizen by cperaiion oi iaw pursuant Iolhese Brovisimls,
he requisites qualification lo be Fulfilled are
(a) The person was burn an or alter Maiaysia Day.
(:7) The person was born within the Faaaiauon: and
[(2) Al the time 01 me person‘: mnn, one 0! ms psrenls VS a
Malaysian citizen ur permanenlly remani in (he Federation
15. Hawever, i am unne Vlew that «me persnn was born out oiwediocki
he is an iliegmmaie peison at me time a! his win and me reierence
la 'pamni“ in secuon 1(a), Pan ii, Second scneauie oi me FC V! In
be construed as “moinert This is based nri section 17, Pan ‘H,
Seound Schedule of me FC whicn provides as loiiows:
17 For the anions: ul Pan Ill 01 Ihli Oumvilufion vlllrlncu In .
pencil‘: mm er In ms parent. or In on of 5 FIRMS. are in
raianonio a 9850!! wm i. m..mni n In bu non-Im-d n nhnncu
In his mum, and accoramqky seclinn 19 uf this saiauuia snail nui
am, In sum a pawn‘
(emphasis added)
16 I lmd suppon «oi my View based on me com omppaai case :2! Llm
Jon Hsian 5. Anal v. Kama Pangzrah Jnbalan Pmdafulln
Megan 1. 07: mm 5 MLRA 42 . [2011] 8 cm 412; [min] a
IILJ 54: where n was held: -
‘[36] the slmnd lppolllnfs llneage would only bl zumim In hli
Illllyulzn Nnlmbul hllur pvuvlflnfl um ml plum: wan in a IIMIAI
min 90. in In: can ofnn llngililrllb child, mo ward ‘pawn!’ II
construed in velermhis a logical mom-i.
am -yPi:m!1GEED4AnEn3MnpIA
.~.» “Nair s.n.i nuvihnrwm .. HIGH m mm .. nflginlflly MIMI dnuuvinnl VI .riuNG mi
secrrprr 17 an Pan In onrre Federal cdnsumdrr males as fulkzws
For nun purpose or PM In M lhls Cunshlmmv rvhrvncn to e
porporrs hlher orla ms per-m. me one onus parents, In
In r mm to . hum who 1. meemrrm. In p. mnllluuu --
revererrees In hi! rrromer, arrd aowrdm§\Y seclmn 15 or «ms
Scbedme shau not apuly up such a perm
(errrprrasrs added)
17 Further‘ W: Chen Tai Em a-rm Ila (aeorarrg di biwall umur din
merrmawa ndakarr ini m- In] bapa yang sah suna sahabat
wakunya Plalnm Kadun) 3. Anor v. Kelua Pengamh Pnndnnaran
Nogara. M 1y: I On [2020] MLRAU 51; man] 4 cu 597:
[mm] 1 MAR 421; [2020] 3 MLJ 534. the cm of Apnea! held
lhal —
131 Renmrvg nu above med pmvvsmn! we fivvd mm will run M my
pvoblum u a child ls barn Inullmlltzl up a reurer who Is a Manaysurr
cilinn mu n For up perrr pumda tin raderanerr. am In ms mum
lypoal me cmlfl was ham all m wudlnck. N: was lllegmmnm .4
mm mm ems mm. se mm cums rm Bmbiema. Sccllun :1 0!
Pin m oltm Socond Schuduh lpnclllcally lllpullul um ’1IlIItv"
in vvlalboll up a person and ix mnprurrraze rem re h mam. ~
(emphasvs added)
15 Commg hack to me vans in me presem case. n rs not mspuned at
me nrrre onhe Flavnhfls‘ binhs, the bxmogvcm father and rrmmer were
rrm vaudly rnamed.Tnere1ere, s clear |ha| me Plamms were Imm
am nlwedlock and me P\am(\Ws were rnegmruaxe perwnsa: me Mme
of lhav bmh
19 Based on me above, 1 am 11! me censrdered mew me: me Plamuffs
were Hlegrlimale persons at the true unneir mm, by vmue ofsechon
17, Part IH, Second Schsdme nfihe FC, me word ‘parent’ rn secuen
Ha), Fan II, second Schedme 111 me P!) shall be conslmed as
20 wmh regards to me Mfiflmenl a! me reqmsue quamcauerr for
emzerrsmp as alluded to earlxev. I am onne werw that me P\am|l|V!r
fumed lha firs! and me second -zualmcanen where they were born
after me Malaysia day on 27.4 1999, 15 1 20012 M 2007 and they
sm uywedaweazutnnzuomnpla
“Nana a.r.r nmhnrwm r. d... m my r... pflmrraflly am. dnuumnl vu aF\uNG WM
were Dom wllhln the Federallort. tn Selangorartd Negen Sembllart
However‘ the Platnlllts dld not lulitll the mint qttallflcallort because
metrrnotner rs not a Malayslan cllllen or pennanenlly resldem tn the
Federaltnrt but a pmzen ol lrtdonesia
2t. Tnerelere, applylng tne law to me facts ot the present case, ll ls clear
that me Ftairttlffs are rtnl a Metaystan Ctllzen by dperatipn oi law
under ArllcleI4(I)(b)readIogelherwl1h Sec1lort1(a)F':n lt Mlhe
second Schedule at lne FC and semen t7 Pan lll ol the second
scnedule at tne FC.
22 The above vtew taken wnuld not be complete wlmout relemng tome
recent Federal coun case at (3723 & Anor v. Kenna Pengaralt
Pcndllflnrln Nogaru. mleynln A On [2021] A MLRA en: [2021]
6 CL] 411; [1021] 5 AMR 661: (201114 ML] 235.
23 ‘me lssues In We present case ate subslanhally Slmllar tp tne lssues
In CTEE (supra) where both cases concern me sue el eitlzensmp
under Amcle ‘lA{1)1|>) ot the FC lead tpgetnerw section 1th), Part
II. Second schedule at the FC as well as me lssue pl lllegmrnete
cntld and the appllcallorl of sscllort 17‘ Pan lll_ second Schedule at
me FC
24. In cTEs(supral. the Chlld t.e me Flrsl Appellant was born outstae
Malaysta, k: a Malayslan tamer t.e the second Appellant and e
Flllnlrta matner and at the lime at ms blrlh, ms parents were not
legally married Hence the Flvst Appellant ls lllegmrnate at the tune
el ms blflh
25 The Appellanls had med an ortgtnetlng surnmens at the Hlgh court
to seek fleclalallcn that the Flrsl Appellant ls a Malayslalt clllzefl by
eperatron at law pursuant to Anlcle l4(l)(h) ol the FC The
Appellanrs nrlglnatlrtg summons was dismlssed by the Hlgh court
26. The Appellants men appealed to me ceun pl Appeal The Court of
Appeal dlsmlssod lha Appellants‘ appeal and affirmed the dectstan
dune High ceun. The judgment of the coun ohiopsal ls reppned
In Chan Yul Em Bemtlllts (seerang dl bawnrt umur den
mumluw: llll I|l| DID! ylng uh ru Ihlbll
Kudua) 5 Artur v. Kym: Pengiralt Putdaflantn
-III, Malaysla E Ors (supra).
Pt]! I at u
SIN ryPt:datGEEDtAnEflMhpiA
.~.» “Nair s.n.t mmhnrwlll .. u... e mm .. nflglnnllly MIN: dnuuvtnnl VII mum vtmxl
27 subsequently, the Appellanls were gmnted leave to appeal to the
Feoeral court agalnsllhe Calm omppeals declslcrl on 28 5 2021,
the Federal court by a maronty dismissed the Appellants‘ appeal
The orders olthe Hrgrr Conn as amrrned by the Cowl of Aapsal are
25 upon perusal otthe marorlty oeuslorl olthe Federal court VI cm:
lsupra), l find that the sahem legal principles can be ttisrrlleo which
are Is lollows.
zal Firstly, the aeqnrsrrron ot orlizenshrp by opemhorl oi law
under Artlcls 14 07 [he FC Is based on me fulflllmanl ol
quallficallons set out W the FC and such qualrflcallans mus|
be met at the Ilme of blfl
28.2 seeonoty, slrlce citizenship by operatlorr or law ls
determined at blrlh, other laws wnlch relrospectlvelyquahfy
a person such as Legrtirnacy Aci orAdopllun Acl oannot be
used to construe the ouallnra n at that person:
2a 3 Thlrdly. sectlon 17‘ Fan in, seoorro Schedule 0! the FC
applies to Sefllcn 1. Pan ll, second schedule of the PC by
wine at the qualllyrng woros VI section 1. Pan II. Second
Schedule olthe so and by wrlue el Amcle 31 of the Fe;
28 4 Founhly.sectlon17, Part III, Second Schedule of Ihe FC IS
clear and unambiguous mat the relerence to ‘Daren! or
‘1alher“ln relation \u an illeymmaie child ls la be construed
as -rnmnar Thereflclre, an illeglltmale child‘: or erlsmp
{allows the clllzenshlp DV his molher. and
25.5. Flflhlyt based on the legislative tnslory, ll is also the
Iruanllurl and positron ol the lramers ol the FC tnal an
rlleg mate chrlds mizenship is to follow the Cllllerlshlp at
the mother and not me lather
29 In the instant case, it ls not disputed that me Plarntms were born In
Malaysla on 27 4.1999, ta 1.2002 and 2 11 2007 to a Malaysian
biological latherand Ihe lrldovleslsn blologica! rnomer Hwvever, Ihe
Plalntrrts were not born In a lawml marnage as at the lime of the
Plalrrulfs were born, both the blclngical father and mother are riot
rnarrreo Theielore. rt ls rny oorrsroereo View that the Plalnlrlls are
sm -yfieasleazotnnz-omhpia
.~.» “Nair s.n.l nuvlhnrwm rs. med II: vuny r... .nrn.u., sun. dnuuvlml VI nrlutta ml
megmrnate at the «me or brrm This was dearly stated In CTEB
[supra] when we Federal Conn new as 1nl\aws* —
11571 Frum the express msuncmn fuv parent: arranrrerurarr Mleqmmzle mm
m 5 w. n n. abvloxumnl lhn word ‘plums’ In an sanhxl m plfl Ill
cl or. re rrum bu covlslmnd Io mm In mm: plums In :
mogmsea rrmmg. In um fuunnllun This country never Iegnlly
..m..«.¢ p y In mum amp-r
aisnncllons have may: um. ma. . our leglslaflon In And: 0
ammr-um human or. nuns: .4 plums‘ In a mom a
marrilul or alherwusn. Even under s 13 ac ma Ems arra Dsalns
Regrsllamn Act 1957 me Veglslaflnn makes a clenrdnslmnmn belweon
3 «mar av mulhw M an fllegxumaie cnrra rm. mnwlus um Darwr\i'
rerers always m regauy wedded parents‘ nol Dm\og|ca\ lslher and
(emphasis added)
30 Based on me above‘ It Is clearlhal |he Flamufls are rm 3 Mmaysran
cmzen by aperauon at law under amue MHMD) or me F0 read
(ogemar wrm sschun Ma), Pan In, Second Schedule ohhe FC and
secuon 17‘ Pan IH, semnd Schedule 0! the FC.
Wh-thur um Plai in: are ciliuns of Malaysia under An cle 1A(1)(b)
and Fun II sacnon 1(0) of the Second schedule of mo F:
3‘. rue P\a|n||ifs suarnrx thal me Plarrrnms who were mm m Ma\ays|a
and vamains sta|e\ess (or a year anar (haw bmh are 5 Malaysian
cmzens by eperauon nllaw underAmc|e M(1)(b)and Part II secuon
11s) and sewer: my 0! me Second Scheduie at me FC
32 Accordmg lo the Plamhfls, the phrase ‘not born a clhzen at any
country“ m Secnon 1(a) of me Second scneame 0! the FC must be
mad together wr|h Sectmn 213) 0' In Second Schedule 0! the FC in
delermmlng the cm‘; cmzsnsmp by operation of Vaw
:3 The Plarrmus iunner suhmll that.
as 1, me words ‘not born a cmzen or any country" in secnon 1(2) oi
the Second Scnedme av Ihe FC do not require me Plamhffs lo
prove me raenmy of their mulogrcal parents and man they are
not iorergn cmzsns, and
Fnge In M u
srn uywmaweazomnznamnpia
.~.» “Nam smnx mmhnrwm .. HIGH m vuflj r... nnmrrnuly mm: dnuumrrl VI mum p-max
| 1,875 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-25-309-10/2023 | PEMOHON UNITARA RESOURCES (M) SDN BHD RESPONDEN 1. ) MENTERI PERUMAHAN DAN KERAJAAN TEMPATAN 2. ) PENGAWAL PERUMAHAN KEMENTERIAN PERUMAHAN DAN KERAJAAN TEMPATAN 3. ) IMPIAN EKSPRESI SDN BHD | Administrative Law — Judicial review — Application for — Leave — Approach of court — Whether a scrutiny of the merits warranted — Circumstances where a scrutiny of the merits warranted – Issues of law of some significanceAdministrative Law — Judicial review — Application for — Leave – Whether application is frivolous or vexatious — Whether there is some substance in the grounds supporting the application | 29/01/2024 | YA Dato' Wan Ahmad Farid Bin Wan Salleh | |
29/01/2024 16:01:21
WA-25-309-10/2023 Kand. 24
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WA—25—309—1D/2023 Kand. 24
29/ouznu 15:01-21
PERMOMONAN sEMAxAu KENAK MAN no WA 25-:09 1012023
Delnm pencam Peuanflsn 4...: Bah
benmkh 4512 2017 m anlnm F-mutton
dzn neapumen K245 mengenal
nemmmu nansnh a. mum Ia‘
Kawasanau kwra-kIraV57me|erpelsegv
a. mam Menzm xarxmm 3 denqzn
anamanposmxmmc Curporilufiwwer
3. Plvlhon Damansars Heoghts. No. 3‘
Jilin Dimanhm sum Kuah Lumwh
wnayan Parukuluan Kuzla Lumpuv an
tab:-ah Dembnngunnn parumahan yang
mxem sebagax 'Pav1l1on Dzmansara
He\gM5, Kuala Lumour
Dalam Denkam m ngsnal Seksyen um
All: mum Sp-es: 1950
Deflam perxm pererggan 1 Jadual
xapmn ma Mahkamuh Kuruklmzn
Dllam pemare An. Psmawan
Pemmamn (kawatan den Pebserun)
Damn: venuva Peramran~pe¢a|uvIrI
Pamnluan Psvumahan (Knwihn dun
Dalam perkara menuunar Almin 53
Kaedzm- Kaaflah Mzhkamah 2m2 dan
bdrm: kulu mun an. Mnhkimlh
sm sLPmvnumrAuDsmcG
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y éw. dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
Dnlam Dlnrari manganavSeksyau 3:. 35
35A den sac Am lzlvgkarv Langkah
Semenlar: any Munwrllvgkan Kasan
Penyam Komnavwus zma (C0vu>¢9>
Da\am perkara mengeuaw Surarsural
Kvmsrxmnan Fnrumah-n um Kmapaan
Yemvalan benankh nsnzuzu nan
15032022, can suml Manlun
Femmahan dan Kerxuaan Ylmpaiarl
bedankh aaaazuza msngenau
penwecunlxan I-mwh Penman Kawnlan
Psvgerakan hag: pcnglraan mass
urahin lmhkan knmnu dzn/alau
human masa unluk serahan mmkan
(No. SVARIKAT: 342170»U) ..,PEMoNou
3. mm» EKSPRESI sun. sun. ...RE5PONDEN
(No. sumxm-: 513545-w) -RESPONDEM
,w._ W
nu Factual Background
[1] Tms rs an appficanan for leave to commence judicral revrew aga<ns1
ma putamve respondents
[21 The appncann emered into a sa\e and purchase agreement (‘SPA’)
dated 1812 2017 wan me puranve 3"’ respondent, lmpian Ekspresr
Sam and lo purchase a game! 07 property known as Level 10 au
Area wim a postal address idenlmed as 03—10~01,CorDorale Tower
3‘ Pavilion Darnansara Heigms Na. 3, Jalan Damanlma. 50490
Kama Lumpur (“the Pmpeny ). The Properly rs Vacated rn a
deveropnrenr known as “Pavlhan Damansar-a Hergms"
(31 The Property rs not a housing aeeennmaerron hu| an uffioe uml.
Hanna‘ one SPA Is not In |he prescnbed srauumry Form G‘ H or I of
me Housmg Development (Comm! and Llcensmg) Reguranans
19a9(“19a9 Regu\aIions')
[4] C1 5 2 rflme SPA provides as lollows
my Vaunl possessmn 01 me Pmpeny. mm
me cm: aurynruaa, snau be reudytu he
dslrvumd re lbs Purchastr nu mu man
my ergnr may months hum me anus no
mu Agroemum (‘ma Ounlrlclafl vp
4:21 IV we Vzrvdurlmls no hand nvav vicanl
poisessaon 07 me Pruoeny by me
connacnea w me, In Vmdor man no
name In pay me Pumhaner nquraanea
dnmngas nu ma delmry m D:
csk:u\a|sd on a day to day bans anne
rat: 0! eenr pemenl (3%) per annum at
me Pumhnse wnen «nun lhe exmrymma
Camvaded vv Dlls «mu vacanl
Donenmn alma vnw-ny e mid)/lo be
aenuerea to me Purchaser the cause cl
scum hy ma Pumnnser agnmfl me
Vendar for naymenl at me Vuquldaled
damages rm Inks dalmry nu any) snau
onw Qwus mm 5012:: «mm me cm. or
Ins Purchase: ram aauax wssessmn 01
me vmpeny as owmud (0 me aeennna
nravmon an we vakmg L71 vacant
sm are r vnumrmosmcn ;
“Nana Mn rs HIGH m vufit .. anmnauly mm: m.n.n VI muNG Wm!
Do§eslIfilV ei me Pmpeny by the
[5] Aeeeiding lo the applicant. the Pmpeny was only delivered on
i9.5.2o2a. There was a delay at 545 days in the delivery at vacant
possession ol the Piupeny.
[6] By a letter dated 7.7.2a23. the applicant demanded a sum oi
RM1 139,275 20 h g agreed liquidated damages lur late delivery
iaithe Pmperiy According to the letter, the 543 dayswereceleulaled
lmm1Q.12 2021 In 16.6. 2023
[7] The putative 3'“ respaiident replied to the applicant by its letter
dated 10.7 2023. citing lorce rnaieuie in cl 10.15 at the SPA as the
ground tor the delay The letuir iriteraiie states as follows‘
me In the Covndri 9 pandemic, me Gmemmlnl
uf Meiayua iriipienieiiied Vlflfilll fluuvul M
lockdmwns xnd riiovemeiit eeiiiiei nvev
pipioiiaee pemdl whim xigiiinmitiy aimed
ma pioeress eiaiiieensinictien wens these
.ie Fm» Melodie evarils ieniiig wllllln Clnual
io ispiii-ii mwsdwe sea
As yet. are Ewlm. Fivlllfill nanianeaia neients.
xiiaia Lllmvw is a niiiednmegreied
deviluymnvll mnipniiria eeipeiai. sullflli reiaii
and residential bower:
the Ministry 0! Heiaing in me axarusa in its
s1aluTcl‘{ pemeie under Ihe ienipemy
Msamms ipi immune the Inland in
oomiiavinis Disease 2D|91C<1vltH9MLl202fl
glanled us a tmnl uxlnnlton pi HIM ul 565 days
in deiiveiy ol vacant possess-en
[9] The subject of dispute in this application lor leave (or ]udK:laI review
are the three letters. which aie as (allows
lat Deled 5.112o2a, issued by the putative 2'-1 iespendeni, the
Housing controller.
ltii Dated 30.3 2021 issued by the pulalive 1' respondent, the
Minister or Housing and Local Gdvemrnerit: and
(c) Dauid 15 a 2022 issued by the tieueing cenlmller
rn sLFflYVliUnrtFAflDSmt:G 3
“Nair s.ii.i nuvlhnrwlll be i... m M», i... nflglnlllly
. dnuuvlml VI eFluNa Wm!
It is tne edmenlion oline putative aw respcndentlhal all ttrree letters
(“|hB impugned lallers‘) addressed ro ltte pulatrve 3"‘ respondent
nad purpunediy extended lne lime ot deltvery ol vacation
possession cutie Pmperty
Th loavc appllealrorr
[9] By way main application in Enel 1, made under 0 53 r 3 otltie Rules
ol Cnurl 2012 (“Room In commence proceedings leriudrcral review
inter elie, tor an order at oempnari la queen ttre decisions ol lhe
pulattve 1" and 2"“ respondents in ltte larrn of ttre impugned tellers
(‘the impugned dacislons“).
[in] The applicant also seeks tor a declaratory order trial the impugned
letters are ullra was the coind—1s Am
[11] ms application Ior leave is supponed by Lim Klan Loong in End 2
(-M52’) Enclk UN! is the dlreclnr nl tne applicant oompany The
grounds 01 me ipnlicalinri can be summarised irrlar eiia as tdllows-
la) The extension at lrrne lor vacant posscsslari under ss :5 and
also puns covtma Act is only enplrceple tor rtie sms «net
are based on me slalulory Farms (3, H, I and J of me 1989
(pi The puiaiive 2" respondent was acting ulna vines s ascial ol
the CWld~19 Ac! Smce {he SPA belweeri the appllcanl
company and [he putative 3*’ respondent was npl made
oursuentte the Housing Developmem (control and Licensing)
Act |9661“HDA“) nre Properly is an omoe will that does nal
tau under iris HOA
(C) in any event, rne power to extend me time tor delivery [or
VBC3r|| possession under the HDA and the CDWD-19 Act has
In the pu|a|lve1' respondent and cannot, ln law, bedelegaled
(D a lhlrd party
(dj Even ttttre putative 2"" and 3'" resppndenls tiad such power
to extend ltre Ilme tor dellvery ol vacant possession, suett
IN sLPl‘JyDIiLmr|FAuDSmcG 5
“Nair Smnl mmhnrwlll rs. LAIQ4 m M, i... nnglrrnllly
. dnuuvintrl VII nFluNG mi
Bxalcise of power was in bvezch 0' the pnnclplae 01 natural
lusllce and, lherelote, bad .n law.
[12] me leave awllcallnn was heard expafle on 22 ll 2023 As ls lne
lequlrernent under 0 53 v 3(3) dune Roc, me cause papers were
served on lne Allamey Gerleral‘s Chambers so even ll lne matter
ls neard ex pane, lne A6 or me representative nas lne rlghl lo be
presenl at me leave stage In wing to me court‘: allsnuon any
leelmes slmourldlrlg lrlel panlculsr camplalm lnal need lo be |akerl
ln|a eonslderalion by me eoun belore lne leave applled lor was
granled or relused. nns rule ls explalned by me vargnse George
vamgnese .lcA ln dellvenng nls ludgmenl an we coun of Appeal ln
my aunt Hang v Publdlmn Taburly P-ndtdlkan Tingql
Masloml [2015] MLJU 2255 CA Acoordlng la ms Loldsmp. lne role
or me AGO an we slage ls lo applalse the court or any parllcular
Veatuves o1 lhe ease lnal wmlld lsduelliy any leave belng granted:
As sum the lrlvulvamarll M me AG .n we
anpllcallon was planer at we presence wu lo
new the noun ln delennlnmg :1 male was any
uplcl 0! me use ml mwld Vandal .
dsnnssel all me applleanon
[13] Al me hearing‘ me AG was reoresenled by me Senior Federal
counsel, wnd had no oblecilon to me appllcallon for leave
[14] l have considered lhe appllcallon and granled leave for me same
[15] The grounds or my deelslon are as lollows‘
(3) ln ralslllg me applnzmlny ol lne COVID-l9Ac1arld me HDA
lo me rmmhuuslng development‘ which lncludes lne Properly
[winch 45 an olnee IANIL lne appllcarll has urged lne Own lo
declde on me lssues 01 law cl some slgnlflcanoe
(bl Al lnls leave slage, me Hbgh coun snduld nol go unto me
menls onne case The quesllon olwhemerlhe col/lD—l9 Act
and the HDA are appllcable snould only be vennlelea at me
sulzslanllve slage Likewlse, the issue el wnelner me COVID»
19 pandemic IS legorlsed as loroe maleure wllnln lhe
mearlmg ol cl 10.15 ollne SPA IS also a queshon ul menls. It
would be amlss to go ln|o me men|s or me applucallon at lnis
IN sLPlvyDnumrAuDsm:G
“None Smnl nuvlhnrwlll .. u... m mm .. nflnlnnllly Sm. dnuuvlnnl y.. .nuue ml
(c) in Tiny Kwar l-lam A Ors. v Pongurualn lzaiianma
lllasicnal and .1 Ors[2D0€] 1 cu 927 ca, me ccurl cl
Appeal neld lnai KM role cl inc High cuurl is only ic see ir lrie
applicahon lar leave is lr lous ll, lcr aiiainple, liie applieani
is a liusyccdy, or iiie applicalion is inade oiiial "me or againsl
a person or body inal Is irnrnunlsea lroni being irnpleaded in
legal proceedings lnen me High courl would be iuelrneo in
relusing leave in linilne.
la) The law can also oe irsced in lne iuogrneni cl ina supreme
courl in Anocillion or semi Officnrs, Pnnlrlsullr
Malaysla v Malayan commercial sanlrs Assccloucn
(19901 3 MLJ 223 so. Aialo singn sou, in delivering lne
iudgrnenl cllne coun, neld man.
in rile grounds cl lnilonieni lne llsamad Judicial
Commissioner nad gone MIME! man iris leave
slage and ¢mharkm1 on Suhslamlnl ssuu on
nierii we did iiol Ihlnk inal Ihl: WI: I giii
acpioapri when lrie applialion lor leave in firmly
lur an olvnr M aeniaian I! made in. giidlno
pmlclralas wan: to be moi me applicanm HIMSI
snow nnni. l as man ins apnlicamn is no:
Yllvnlnus or malious and lrial mere ls lama
mbflallca ln ine glmlrlds suppening lne
(al l will nol, lnerelcre. address on siioslanlial issues ol menus
lhai involve the inlerpraiaiions at liie SPA, iris covlme Act
and me HDA.
[ls] Based on AIS-3 and me slalenienl liled under 0 53 r 3(2) ol lrie
ROC, I am salisfieo lnal lhe applioanl riad a prime lacie arguable
case lcr lrie granilng ol lrie reliels lriel ilie appllcanl company is
seeking I am convinced me: lrie applicant‘: applicellcn is nai
lnvoious or vexallaus The issues al law oi some significance can
only be neard and delenriineo al the 5ubsIan|lve siege.
[17] In irie ciicunisiances. lrie applicant company has crossed lne low
Ihreshold expeoled al him ai this preliminary siege in View cl me
issues ol law involved, cerlainly nol lnvclous nr vexalicus.
[la] In shun, inere are sufficlenl grounds In consider me ssserlinne
made by me applicant I| lne suhs|arlIilIe iiaanng at liie iiidicial
IN sLF|‘1yhlUnr|FAflDSml:G
"Nah! s.n.i In-vlhnrwlll be i... m min i... nflnlnnllly Ziiii. dnuuvlnrll n. nFluNG WVM
[19] For these reasons, 1 am oflhe ocnsmered wewmauhe appncam be
given weave lo commence manual review agamsx me pmanve
respondents and I so hold,
Tankh: 29 Januari znu
Mahkamah Tmggx Kuala Lumpur.
Bag: Pmak Pemohan Luke wex Lun
Tetuan E E Ten
Bag! Flhak Raspnrvden: Muhammad maayac bun Wahah SFC
Jabalan Peguam Negara. Fultajaya
m up vymmmnuosmca
mm. in» .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y 5»
. dun-mm VII .mm mm
| 1,100 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-25-358-12/2020 | PEMOHON PUNCAK NIAGA MANAGEMENT SERVICES SDN BHD RESPONDEN MENTERI KEWANGAN MALAYSIA PENCELAH Ketua Pengarah Hasil Dalam Negeri | Judicial Review- Mandamus - Seeking for order for Minister of Finance to give direction to DGIR to set aside or exempt Notice of Additional Assessment deemed served on the Applicant - Non reply or non- response of Minister to Applicant's letter - Whether section 135 of ITA impose legal duty on Minister to make decision - Whether Applicant circumvented and failed to exhaust domestic remedy i.e SCIT under ITA. | 29/01/2024 | YA Dato' Ahmad Kamal Bin Md. Shahid | |
29/01/2024 12:29:02
WA-25-358-12/2020 Kand. 80
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w.\—25—35s—12/2n2n Kand.
29/01/2132: 12:29-n2
mum umumm nuusl mun nu KUALA LUIAPUR
PERMDHONAN am: mafia xznmum N aim mmg
Dalam Balkan suatu Penrmnonan yang
mun mm: kspada Responder: menunn
sexsyen 135 dam Sekiyen waxy ma
Cukiv Pendapnlnn may ylng z..n.m
2411 202::
Damm gem. mm 53 K-Id: .xm.r.
Mahkamah 2u12
Puucnx mus: MANAGEMEN1 sznv-cs: sun nun Pnmahcn
MENYERI xswmsm muvsu Respnnden
xsvua wsucnmm mam mum NEGERI Pencmah
1 The Appncam on 3122020. filed an appllcalion fov weave to
commence judlaal vewew proceedmg (Enclosure 1) under Order
53 or the Runes at com 21:12 (aoc) sacking mter aha, me
me 1 sun
sm nah: Mnflwxwvuanxw
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
I 1 An order ler irie Respondent lo exercise its power under
section 135 and/er section 12713A) ol the lriconie ‘lax Act
1957 (rm) to set aside or exempt lnlend Revenue Baavd‘s
(IRE) decrsion in trielorrn ol Notices emdditienal lusessmenl
(Form: J) lor me years olassessnieni tun) 2017 and 2015
tor irie teial sum el RMdi2au,555.ea on me grounds that irie
said Form J were illegal void. urilavwul and/or in exoess oi
auinomy, riad been inaiienal andloi unreasonable and
resulled in a denial oltne Applicants legitimate expecletione:
l.2 A Declarallon mat lrie Applicant is eriiilled In etaim me losses
in us 2017 and 2015 amounting lo RM2,292,la2s4 and
RMi,9a8,472 96 respectively surrendered by Puncak Niaga
Cons|ructlon sdn and (PNC) according lo the Group Reliei
sdieme provided underseciien «Am oHhelTA.
t 3 Trial all luntier proceedings including trie enlcioenient and
efieoi of the slid Form J be siayed until the lull and final
delerrninatien of ttie application to quash the said Farm J;
1 4 Trial all neoessery and consequential directions and orders tie
1.5 Tha| |he costs oltnis applicauen he costs in the cause, and
1.5 All otherand tunnel reliel wnicti ttiis Honourable courl deems
at and proper
2. In essence lne Applicant, Ftmcak Nlaga Management Services
sdn and med an appllcahon lei leave in ooninienoe iuoisiel review
against the Honouretile ' 'sier 0! Finance (Respondent) seeking
various reliefs eineng otriers an drderloi the Honeuietile MIVIISIEI of
Finance to exercise his powers under section 135 and/or Seclmn
11‘/|3A)oHhe WA to set aside ei exernpt ine No|ices ol Addiiionnl
Assessment (Form J) loi VA: 2017 and 2013 raised by me
3 Alieririe heanrig.|t1ISmls$ed\he Applicants application tor leave to
wrnnienoe iudleial levlew (Enclosure 1) I will now set out me
grounds for my decision.
«mu. s.n.i nuvlhnrwm be UIQG e may i... iniin.ii-i uni. dnulvllnl Vfl nFluNfl Wm!
argue onanapnlwczmnfaqudicwalvevwew Au ,Icammxagm. o.
5: .. 2(4) mull nalbc mm In Iaananm. n munbc ma eammuuly,
booilmrwilh o 5: 7. am which vmvwdes
[an Inn nub-ml: rlrudlnqnnnundin llulrpranlrconuxl Ilcln
he so that mm ma m: away: he an azmal at on by
ion! ~
[emphasis added)
19. I nausea lha| ma High Court has adopted a swmflar pasman m
aHowmg ;ud\c\a\ review against deemed decuswons made by public
auUmri|Ie5 In um regald‘ ma High Court has daaunaa to rely on
older decisions that were premised upan Order 53 Rule 214) or me
Rmes av mgn Conn 1950, where the amt al ramewabxe decwslons
Is hmned
20 I can provma no betler nevevenoa man me case oi Immun soloka
Sdn Bhd v. M-marl Kawaugan MI ylln [2022] MLJU 3479;
[2022] AMEJ 2020 wherein my learned bromer, wan Ahmad Fand
J held as vouaws —
1211 the lsamsd Semor raaaan Counsel anrzclefl my allenlmn \a ma
nmpugned mm Ind rvalervea me na me puflgmom -3! ma Com av Apr-ea:
Abdu1Rahmin bm Ab<1uHah Mmnrfln Orsv Datuk Sander Kual: Lumvur
5: Ma! [2006] a MLJ nu ca "1: lumen src mm auhmima man
an. Mmlikl nan-Iilpcnu za um lmnugmd mm um um
cansuma . dnculon wunm me melnmg 00 o 53 : 2:» In short the
waamaa src crmlarudsd man any auamm lo wrwnn a deemnd
doclsfnn" would give us. In an Artificial nwanlny to an wmd
- nclxlon."
[25] Wm resuecl um uumld Ippmalzhlhl dncnlon on «ms spaunc me
m mm Rihman hm Ahduflah Mumr mu. cluflon My reason ‘a nu;
rm declslun or Inn coun of Avneal is vnmiud on o 53 u an al
on lumnr Ruln a4 Nlgh cam 1I£D.IIsmes as renew; .
Any porson ma Vs adverswy aflnclad by me name"; at Iny
numlc ammnly shun he anlmvd Iv make Ihe apnnmamn
Nowuvlr nu now a 5: am cl um Roc pruvndas as rauawa .
Any plum who 1- Iflvustly llhclnd by (M duclilen. man
at omiuiun m rv\am>n in ma uxmsnca 0! ma pubhc duty or
vumm shaH be enlmad to make me apnheamn
u... 11 al In
am am» Hnflwxwvuanxw
«ma. saw nmhnrwm a. med w my a. nrW\ruH|Y am. dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
[29] The new a 5: . 2(4) 5:! an we has afldnd Iha pm... "oucision.
Icllon or omlnlnn In nlntlon In ma anmm am. ubllc duly o.
luncllon.‘ xn my ‘new ma word omission 5 simply a hnlnn m mnkn
. daclnlon. n In a non-dnclslnn. wm. ma Introduction en». wovd
“ominion” In Ibo ncw a s: r 1(1), (in quullon or an “anlllclal
dslslnn" um um um» um
[30] TM omlsslun ora non-dncisinn, tomy mm, is amevuhhlojnd an
n aw. m lama! hm rm: Nimmddm vYha Regnluarai Soaauasflmzl
Muu 1523 the apnlxcanl apuhed vdr mgmuauon at PAKAR under me
Souelxes An 1365 ms dedsxon m regnslev or nvvelwlse us wlmn me
mscrwan £71012 Rawnsvav Imdenhd Souvllu Au wse The Registrar
\5 enjoined M01: Somahes Am «a mnsuder me apphcalnon and maku a
dmm. ndwmv. we mgmm had hnlsd -.7 nuke a fllcmun . one
way onhe olher Ravmmran Paramagum .15 (now JCA) hem Ihal
m my opumdu me mdmmm. and oormnumg delay wnhom good reason
In me msvsnl can u squwalenl Lo ve¢usa\ m make a decmon As we
appncam has sumcxanl |ega\ Vnlevesl m we may mm. Rsgmvano make
a meclsaon on me appncamn m vegsm PAKAR. I held (hat Ihe :elusa\
In make a decrsmn u mama: and «ma mum Somalxes Act was
(emphasis added)
a) (See: Syarikzl Kapasl sdn Bhd v. Mneteri Kewangan
Mnlaysla and ulllu cans [z\113] AMEJ 0471; [2023] MLJU
up an Agvluullun (Malayua) sun and v. Munlnrl Kuwangin
Malaysia (202314 AMR nos; [mm] MLJU 4
cj cum lnvuslmanl Ltd v. mnml Kawangan Malaysia
[2022] MLJU 360)
21 Based on the above. m Is euaem Iha| me Respondents deemed
demsicn of 24.11 2020 Insmg hum I15 non-reply |o me Applvcanfs
lener can be amename m wdicxal review under Order 53 we 2(4)
a! me R00.
22. Thevefare, «ms ooun does not agree mm me can|enImn 0! Ike
learned src and SRO an rm omemnun
Dare :2 at za
sm bah: Hfl9WxTDVMalKw
«mm. am .. d... w my me mm-y mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
Thu Nottoe of Assessment niisud by the DGIR who was not named
as u partyterms neuon
2: The teamed SFC argued tner by not nernrng me new In tne present
stnt Is tndeed tnvotods and vexattous because tne sub|ec| matter
reIa|es to the assessment raised by the DGIR Henoe, tne
assessment by me DGIR Is the decrsron tnst tne Appltzanl is
drssetistted wrtn
24 However. pursuam to an order at tnts court dated te.2.2a23 rne
DG\R his been atlawad In intervene as in Inlervaner In tnis id cial
revtew auphnalran under order 53 Rate 8 ottne ROC Thereluvet I
mew rnat tne teamed srcs objeclton ts e nomssue and has
become academic
rare Applicant ru Hn meet : mlndlmul. Howovu. Ihu App: mt
r ad to estataltsn legal duty
25 The teamed src omected tttat tne Appttcant ts not entrtted to a relret
to onrnpet |he Respondent to set asrde tne Nottce cl Addthonal
Assessment resued by DG\R as the Respondent nss no teget duty
to do so
26 Tne Federal court in Minllur of Flnsn -, Government at Slbxh
v. Petrojese sdn Bhd [2005] 4 MLJ s4I;[1ntu}5 cu :21; [zonal
t MLRA 705. netd that an order of mandamus can be granted eitner.
(a) under sectton 44 of the specmr; Rettet Act 1950 (SRA):
(12) me eddttronat powers at the Hugh court provtdefl by
paragraph 1 tn! the scnedute to me courts ot Judicature
21. tr ts also In be noted tnat Order 53 Rule 1(2) of me ROG prnvmes
that Ims Order to. 5:; VS subjazfl |o the provtstans at Chaplet vm of
Fan 2 ottne SRA,
but rs M m
rn t2aYwL1IMu9WxTv\IManKw
“Nate s.n.t mmhnrwm r. .r.... m my r... nflmnnflly sun. dnuuvtnnl Vfl .nnne vtmxt
28. Triereiore, any application for an cider at mandamus made by way
cl judlclfll review proceedings niusi coinpiy wiin me lequiremenl al
Seclion 44 oflhe SKA.
29. seaion 44 mine SRA reads as loilows
Pamr wordlf public sm-nu and minis In an cumin soccilk: was
44 in A mg: may make in mfler requiring any spam: acl In be dun: or
lomomei uy any peisan naming a public amen. whefllev oi is perinansni UV .3
iunipoisiy nalum Hf by My uorporabon oi any eoun subardm . la in. uign
Pnwldsd |hal—
(n) in lnp\II:a\ioH Iur inch in order ha ma. by mi. pawn WNIEB
propefly inancnise or peisonsi ngni wauu be iniuiea by me
lomnring aiuaing sin. use mly he. at me snia so-civic In
in) such dmng nrlomeaflng in underany isw min. lime wng in [ONE
cieuny Incumbent on me person or mun in niwi lb gum»: cnamun
won me ooipmmn in iis Dulpovala cnamiei.
(c) in me opinion oi ins Judge [he dfimg nrfurbsarvig is umsoviam io
ngni ms lllllflfii
mi in. lpphcanl has no olharspeuflc ...i adnquals Inga! mnuiy, and
La) me remedy given oi the im1erappl>ed 1urwiH 5. mmphle
42) Nolhing in INS section shall he deemsa to sums aJi>d9%
iai In make any man! binding on [he Vang di-Famlari Agolvui
(Dim make my mien anyservani olam/Gavammuril in Malaysia as
sucn, memly la eniiome Ins iatiflachon M a claim upon llual
sovinnnieni, or
ici In mike any wear nniai is Mhemrnl Ixpanly axdudsd by any in
lnr the fims being in Force"
30. in Kenn Moi Chow v. Pniarn Sinuh [1072] I MLJ IIDE; [W12]1
MLRH 497. shamia J (as he men was) had nuuinea (our
pierequisiies essenusi in me issue or an order urine: seaian 44 of
lhe SRA or a mandamus-
but It ma
SIN nan: uinrrvmivuium.
“Nun: Smli navihnrwm be UIQG u may i... nrwinnflly MIMI m.i.n. VI nFi|.INfl Wm!
no wnenner nne Ap icann has a dear and spacnfic negan ngnn no
one rehei sougnt;
nu) Whether more is a duty imposed by iaw on ntre Respondents;
(Inn) Whemer such dmy is of In imperative mnnis|en1sI character
nnvoh/mg no judgment or dnsorenion on tna pan on nna
Respondents; and
(iv) wnetner me Auplncant has any remedy, onner nnan by way oi
mandamus, la! nne enloroement on tne right which has been
denied no rnrn
Based on nne case, in order to issue nrve order on mandamus. me
App|ir:Bn| must show not only nnat no nos a negan right no have me
an periomreo out tnan nne righ(mus1 oa so cnearn specific‘ and we"
denned as no he nree fmm any reasonable controversy The order
cannon be issued wnen nne right is douoniun, or is a ouan ed one or
where in depends upon an issue on ran to pa dene ed by nne
Resoondenn. Tne ianiure no snow tne existence on any iegan rignn no
aornoen nne penonnande on a negan duly cast upun nne Respondenn
will deny tne order 0! mandamus
Anomer rmpornann nordne man needs |o oe crossed oy tne Appnroann
nor an orderor mandamus VS no shuwthal nhere is a duty rmooaed oy
now on me Respondenn. In the absence o1 sucn Iegai duty, nne
mandamus shaH non lie against me Respondenn
Coming back no me «acts in the present case‘ Hind nnan nne Appnnoant
seeks an order no oompen nn Responden(1MinIs|er oi Finance) to
eeneside tne Notices on Ad nan Assessment The ouesnon is
whelhera negai duty exists fort s courn to grant a mandamus
n find nnan the rennet snughl by nhe Appnnoant is like mandamus n e no
compei nne Respondent no exercise its power under Section 135
and/or Sec(ian127(3A)oHhe|TA. itmuen oe borne in mind nnan lms
power is discrelnoniry and tne Respondent nas the niperty to
exercise nns pcwe( wnthout oemo lowed no do so.
Moreover. one exerrnmion oi tax sought try tne Anplnuant cannot be
gnven wilhcul oonsidering all nine reievann facts and documents on
the case The approach taken by me Applicant is as ni the
no 15 on In
ru haiwulflnfl/n/xTv\IManKw
“None semi luvnhnrwm be o... a may r... onnn.n-r mm: dnuaviml VI mono v-man
Respondem nas no oplion other than to agree and arms by me
Aupltcanrs tequest
35 Tneretote, {K is the respectiul vtew DHNS court tnat «nets 15 no tegat
duly |u be tmpcseu on me Respondent under any taw hence tne
Applicilnl ts not enmtea (a camper ms Respondent to set aside a
Names of Addtltonal Assessment Issued by DGIR reason bevlg
Responaent has no legal duly to sel astde the Names aiAddmDnal
Assessment under the ITA
Sncllulu 135 Ind 1Z7(3A) ol the IYA do um nay. nnxul to set a
the Notice uf Assessment Issued by an DGIR
37. Tne DGIR ts empowered by me tn to VEVSB the assessments and
me Apphcanl IS (lying to quash me said assessment by enlorctng
me Respcndanl to axeruse tts dtscmllonsry powers under Sectton
I35 and Sewer! 12713/UOHHB IT/-\ whtdl pmvvdes as (allows —
-135 psnuerutnuurto ulve dilecllons Lo mnctm Gnnuul
The Mlmslef may guts to ms Dtlcauv Geneml dtreatans cl a geneat charmer
(no! Inounstsmnl mm (ms Act; as In tn. mm... M tn. mnutons of ma Dlrenor
sensrat unset mus Am and me Dwenlcr senemt snsu give 3413:! In any
atrecwons sn given‘
as Secuun I27(3Ato1 the ITA reaas as rouaws —
Exemnlion mun ux: qlnufll
‘(3A) me Mtrus1er may tn any panmutarcm mmm any rnvwn «mm an ar
any 07 me pmvluon at ‘N5 N1, etlhei genetetty or VII lespen at any
tnmmu or s pamnulav tune or any can of tnmme nl e plrlntmir mm‘
39 Upon readmg Secuon135 and sectmn 127(3A) anne ITA, lflnd mat
both provtstons carry the word ‘may’ wntcn clearly shows mat the
Respandent has a dlscreltnn an wnemer to exercise as nowerernal
under tnase satd seaions and therefore, tne Apphcanl cannot
mmpet me Respondent tt me Respondent chooses not In do so.
40 The word 'may‘ eonnote a nnnntanaatery nature as tenectea V7 me
ms: 01 Lock w o Kacl v. Manta Hal Ehwal nalant Nngofl &
Ann! [1993] A CLJ 211: [1993] 3 MLJ 691: [1993] 1 MLRA 463;
1199312 AMR use where the men supreme court held that -
Fan la n! 2::
“Nair s.n.t nmhnrwm s. U... M my s. snnnnt-y mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum vtmxt
151 the significance otsech e ptohston in the ihtetptetenan Au wili remain
the ieeet drallmnn In aiways oontme the us: at the word’ II to II:
mandatory sense 3. contmt lo the use et Kin ward my which
denotes - p-nntuten udisnetion"
[emphasis added)
41 Going by the plain ruadirig otsecttons t27t:tA)or 135 Mine ITA, i
am at the view that no nght was given to the Appitcent ettherto ask
at dneci the Respondent to exempi the assessment raised by the
DGIR. but instead. I5 putoiy the dllttleltan puwar at the
Respondent to exercise or hot
42 TTNS court Is at the view that it Pariiamerd thienda to do $04
Parttameht will state that the Applicant may make the appitcattah to
the Respondent ot the Respondent may issue thstructions to the
DGIR on the Applicanfs appitcahen Theretore, the section musl be
read piathiy ea iegtsiated by the Fatitameht.
43. in interpreting such provisions, which are clear and unambiguous in
meaning‘ this Honourable Cnurl has eonsuieniiy held that such
provisions shouid begivsn tttetrpiem. rtaturalarid ordinary meaning
44 Further, eurSupsriorCourIs have held thettn irIlerpre|tng statutory
provisions, the courts shouid meteiygtye effect to the iaws enacted
by Parttameht and should not usurp the legislative tuncttoh by
exlarldirig a statute to meet a case tor which provision has cieatiy
and undoubiedly not been made
45 Based on the above. this court agrees with the submission at the
teamed SFC and sac that Secllnns 135 and I27(3At at the ITA do
not have nexus to set aside the Notices oi Addniohai Assessment
issued by the DGIR.
The Applicant clrcumvent and tuned to exhaust the domestic remedy
provided under the l'lA
As it is a tact no| spuled that the Appttceni chaitehged in the term at
Nottoea ofmid phat Assessment (Form J) on the Appitoaht tor us
2017 and znta sed hythe DGIR
v... 11 at so
m batwuiwnwvxwvuanxw
«we. sent naviherwiii a. ii... a may t... btwiheiily em. dnuaviml VI eriutifl vtmxi
47. The Applicant being dissatisfied aria aggrleved by an assessrnenl
in me Sald nolipes srioula make an appeal lo lrie special
commissioners at Income Tax (scrr) lor uelerniinalion. The riglil
lo appeal is Dmvlded linuer seclion 99 oi lrie ITA
4a irie Applicanl had lnslead shun Cllcml and lakerl a ‘sribncul lb
deal‘ willi lne additional assessrnenl ralsed by me DGIR llirougri
lrie iudiaal review applicalien againsl me Respondent.
49 since we Appiicanl had already med Farm 0 lo appeal in lhe sclT,
lrre application lnr ilmieial review by me Applicanl is lnvolous.
vexalmus and an abuse oi lrie probess pl me Courl Relerring ID
ine case M1: Wu Ruliy sun and v. Dlreeler Gnnlral of Inlnnd
Rnvnnuo [2004] 1 MLRH 154; [2004] 6 EU :98: [2005] 4 MAR
521; [mm] 6 ML] 53, me cairn relused lne application for leave
lor iuaiciel mvlew and held lnal.
1301 Flmtver. 1 arn awe or me view (he! ine cenumerll Nlllg no ine lrlsV:n|
appriumn and abpiieanis appeai beipre lne Spaclnl corrirnnsimrs
eenainiy wnsarlne a duplrclly or proceedings and VS Indeed inyaiairs.
veullous and an abuse bl lne prams no me calm ‘
50. Triere are numerous cases on lhis queslmn mwnelner an Applicanl
should exnailsl me damesllc remedy available belare making an
appliealion (or iuaieial review cases have decided thal lne
Aophcanl is nbl enlilled lb iniliale a iuaieial review prooesding
agalnsl lrie Resporiaenl as me Applicant had varied to exnausl lne
sialulary appeal procedure available (see Kama Pangaren Hull
Dalarn Nnqul v. Alum Lucenl Malzysia sari Bhd & Anor [2017]
1 MLRA 251, [2017] 2 CLJ 1; [21117] 1 ML! 55:; orienral
Aaaernbler Sdn Eric! V. MOIIMH Kewengan a. Aner [2o1a}
umuu 793; 1201311 LNS B75: 1- Wu Ruzlly Sdn Bhd V. Knu-
Penqavzh Hasil Dalam Negnrl a Anar [Inna] 2 MLRA151; [2009]
1 ILR 1; [21194] 4AMR 52 , [2003] a CLJ 235; [2009] 1 MLJ 555
(cairn M App: ); Robin Yuri Pong Neng y. Km. Plngnnh
Kasanran s-koria Mlllylln & Anny [2n1o11 MELR 51; [2010] 2
MLRA 511; (101015 cm 505; 1201112 ML! 451).
51 Based an lrie abeye inls cam is at me VIEW lnal ina Appllcarvfs
applicalian var ilmicial review is prernalure Tlie law pmvldes tor an
avenue lo appeal |o be exhausted iirsl belee lne son’ pursuani I0
seeiibri as urine in
r... .1 and
“Nair Sam mmhnrwm .. ll... M may i... nflnlriaflly MVMI dnuuvlnrrl n. nFll.ING Wm!
52 Premised on the amrsara reasons, r am :71 me View man ma
Apphcanrs appllcalmn for leave ru commence Judlcxal review rs
mvoucus and vexauous and an abuse pmcess av me Court
53. As such, I drsrmssed me Applicanfs apphcauon lo! Weave to
commence ;ud1c4a\ revrew (Encmsure I) wror costs 0! RM2,5ao.oo
«a me Honourabha Allnmey General and Irwarvanar wuhaux me
am: mrvee
Dated Jfi January2D24
Ahmad Kamal hm Md Shahld
Hugh ceun Kuala Lumpur
o... 15 .r In
m natzvununwvxwvuanxw
“Nana smm nmhnrwm .. U... m may r... mruu-r -mm: dnuamnl VI mum v-max
For (he Appllunli
For me Honuuralfle
Allorney Genera!
Fol lhe Vnlervener
En. s Saravana Kumar
(Cik Yap Wen Hm mm mm;
Teluan Rosll Daman Saravana Parlnership,
Pegunmnaxa den Fsguamcara.
Lswex 15‘ Menara 1 Dulamas.
Solans Duxamas.
No. 1, Jalan Duxamas 1.
50430 Kuala Lumpur
(Ru; Tuarr RDS/SKS/NH/2021/D441)
Tuan Muhammad Hn1aya\ Em Wahab
Senna: Federal counsex
Jabacan Peguam Negara.
Eahagxan Guaman,
45. Persxavan Ferdana.
Prasml A‘
62100 Pulrajaya.
En. Mohammad Hafldz Mn Ahmad. Senior
Revenue counsel.
(En Muhammad Asyral Bm Zakaria, Revenue
Counsel mm mm},
Lembags Hasu Dalam Negen Maflaysls‘
Jabalan Rayuan Khas‘
Na: 15‘ Menava Hasfl.
Fersiaran Rtmba Permm.
Cybev 3.
same Cybeuaya, Selangur
me zn cl :0
m natzaununi?/vxTv\IManKw
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
aackqmunds Facts
A The backgmund TacTs of True case are exTrac1ed fmm The sTaTemenT
wTlh suname modTficaTTon and are as Toudws. »
4.1 The Aup|Tcam IS a whoTTy mvhed suTzsidTary oi Puhcak Mega
T-ToTdTngs Eerhad (FNH) The pnhcTpaT acTTvTTy 01 The AppTTT:anT
Ts lo prowde menagemem sennoes Ta PNH Ind oTher
subsTdTenes of PNH which Thcludes PNC:
42 Th The course aT carrylng out he pmjecl. lsas ol PNC were
sunendered la The AppTTT:anT, but The TRE dTseTTdwed The same
on The premuse ThaT losses arose burn The uncompTeTed
proTecTs. T im advised by The Applxcanfs soIToT(ors and venly
T:eTTeve TheT The TRE has no basis In law To do so as The ITA
does run make any resIrTclTon T71 |his name;
As The uhdTspuTed chrurToTL)gy M Key eveme leadmg In This
appTicaTTon Ts es Tduaws 7
Dale Even:
14.2.2020 IRE has dxsallvwed The gmup reTTeT‘ Tm T/As
2nT7 and 2013 survendered by PNC |o The
23.2.2020 we a Teuer. The AppITT:anT Thvormed IRE Than
The losses elaumed by The Apphcanl Tn Tespecl
cl VAs 2017 and 2013 ave leg|uma|e Tn
aceardanoe wTTh Seclicn MA at The TTA
2. mm IRB Infarmed its TTnaT audTT Tmd-ngs by
disallowing The Tosses claimed by The
Applucalicun Th relahoh To group reTTeT
sunenaered by The PNC Ta The Anphcanl an
The Tea ThaT The project was not eompTeTed
and acwal loss had yeT To be ascenamed
Due 3 all!)
IN eeneuhaewmpmem.
«we. SnT1|TnavThnrwHTI>e T... It: may T... nTWTruH|y em. dnuamnl VI nFTuNa WVM
F T _
1 15.3.1020 1n rep\y 1c me IRE’: prewcus
ccrmspcrmances, the Applicant dusagreed
wnn the |RB's disauwances 01 me group1
rewrev tor ma vouuwmg basis
a) pus as a surrarmermg company would
sill‘ be m an adjusted Vcss position after
deductmg (ha ersfimaled V055 and have
aumcrcm adjusted \ass to surrender la‘
the Apphcanlr
l b) Havmg disregarded me es4irua1cd 105:
«ram me D44 prcyecn and BALE proren,
PNC would sIil\ vemam m an admslsd
loss nnsman pursuam to secnon 40 of
me HA By having a sumc1emad;us1sa
I055, ma 1>Nc1s angmls for group renew
arm was able |o surrender such loss In
me Appncam In acccrdance wan
Secuun MA of ma \TA:
:1 Accon1mgIy.mere womd be no xssue o1
undercharged |ax by Appncam as a
claimanloompan . nd
a; 4n me avanl man than us any amaum 04
tax underchargsd much we Apphcanl
demesl, 1: should be wmposed cn either
ma nlatmam ccmpany or ma
surrendermg company and not on mm
2n.1I.zo2n The IRE subscquanuy rawsed Form (3 for VA:
2017 and 2015 agamsl [he PNC and Form J
lor VA: 2017 and 2018 aga-nsx lhe Applucarn
24.11.2020 The Aunncanc submmec a request In me
Resnnnaem to give me Dveclor General or
lmand Revenue mrecuons under secnon 1:5
afme ITAandloranagQI11;alion pursuam m}
n...‘ ar In
m natwulurfl/vxTvvManKw
«mm. 5.1.1 nmhnrwm .. .1... 1: my 1... mm-y -mm: dnuamnl VI mum v-max
Sechon 127(3A) oi the ITA lo exempt me lax
rawsed arbmamy under we saw Form J
4 4 As ms Respondent had failed to respond to me Applicanrs
reques| |o wssue a dwecllnn under seauan 135 ol me ITA
and/or exempl under saunmn 1271:» of me ITA, ma |axes
arbm-snly rawsed ma lhe sard Form J. ma Appncam Vs makmg
ma present appll n |o presewe ns legal ngms The
Respondent‘: dam on m ms lafluve to respond .s Irsalsd as
rqecuung me Appncanrs apphcahon for requesl undar sacnun
135 of the ITA and/or apphcallcn var lax sxemplran under
sacuon l27(3A) oi ma ITA
nu uw
5 "19 Federal com m wnp ma Paclfln: Sdn Bhd v. Tenaga
Nlllorlll Bhd [2017] 4 CL‘ 47!: R012] 4 MLRA 257; [2011] 4
ML] 293 at 303, speakmg through Sunyadi Hallm Omar FCJ [as he
men was) held
~ Leave may be granted a me leave .Iup\u:a|\on I5 mnmugm Mas Vmolous
and n Weave I5 granrza. In arguama mass m lavor M grarmng mu mus» sougm
at me subslanlwe naanng may be Iha Iesullam amaum. A mm mm be
manned In the appncamn though rs unless the matter Var gudmlal remew .3
Imeruma la ,m.c.a: mvmw ahsmmary no menu my be enwaag-.1
6 The «as: land down for leave |o commence a mtiwcwal yamaw m WRP
ma Pacific Sdn and (man) are as vouuws-
5.1 whelher the sumac: mane: Is amanabre to zumual review‘ and
w so
6 2 (mm Ihe malenals avaxlame, wnelhar ma applltallon Is
(nvmous and we not thought as lnvnlous, lo consider max Ina
App cam has an arguable case to obvam me renet sougm an
«he subsuannve neanng.
vale 5 sun
m aanaumwmpmam.
«mm. saw .. U... a may he mm-y -mm: dnuamnl VI mum v-max
7. Tne prlnclples govemlng appllcallanslorleave lo oonlmenoeludlclal
reulew praceedlngs rrsve also been sel oul ln rang Kwor burn a.
01: v. Punnumnn Dnnlhlnl Na-lonal Ehd 5. on [zoos] 1
MLRH 507: [mas] l cu 917; [2006] 5 ML] an at as where Gopal
sn Ram JCA las he men was) neld:
lmr me mgn Conn rnuulu rm gn mm are rnenle 01 lne case al me leave
nag. lls rule ll only In we llms appllcalmrl Vol leave ll Mvuluus Soloo wlll
lne man be e«|l|led lo relune leave ll ll s .u use Mum lrle sumac: rnaller ol
me mtlaw ls one Mulch by selllea law lelmerwmlerl law urlne mmmon lawy rs
8 ll ls lnle that lne Appllcanl have In salrsry lne lesls ptopolmded ln
lhe abavarvlenllorlsd cases |o secure me leave (0 unmmenoe llle
ludlclal revlew prooeearngs. Al lrus slagel lne caurl need nulgo lnlo
lne msrlls or me use, bul only lo see ll lna subject rnaller ls
amenable to lualclal revlew or wlrelnerlne appllcallorl lor leave rs
In any evenh e judlclal revlew ls me alscrellan ol me courl, lrre
spphcatlcn for leave lo oumrnenee ludiclal revlew may be allowed rn
exoepllonal clrcumslanees as exolalned by lhe lnen supreme Court
Govanlmont al lllalayela 5. Anorv. .l-gale slngn man 2 ML]
1: , 185611 MLRA zln; [1937] cu REP 110 wnlen held
Wald allunlrru lneaupeal lmne aleaellan ls s(lH wvlh ln. mun: In act hy way
cl lualenl Ievlsw nul mere lnere rs an appeal prlwlsmrl avallzble lo Ihe
rnulrcanl, aerlruran snuula Mn nonnalry lnul wlleli lnera ls shown a char lick
lunsdnilan or a blalanl «allure lo perronrl sarne slellmry duty ur ln apwuprlzle
am a urleus bleach all». pnnaples or nanrral 1uS|lce ‘
nu ground: «or an luulelal uvlvw
10 The grounds ol rellel eougnl are based on me eonlenlron (ha| lne
Raswrldenfs declsion was lllegal, vale, unlawful, in excess ol
authanly‘ lrralronal, unreasonable and made ln breach ol the
Appllcanrs leglllrnala expeclallon. These mnlenuons are
supparled by several reasons among whlch lnelude lne lollawlng —
la 1 rrre sala Form J rs lllegah volu, unlawlul andler in exoess cl
aulhonty lerlne following grounds -
r... 5 cl rr
srn sane Hnflwxwvmanxw
“Nana s.n.l mrvlhnrwm .. UIQG a may r... nflnlnallly MIMI dnuuvlml Vfl aFluNa Wrul
(i) Fm. (here 15 no basis m law and (ad in musing
auamaner waxes on amn me Applicant and PNC as
Semian came; or me VTA cleariy pmyuues that (he
Dwecror Genera! oomd eflher mvoke secncn 44A(9)(a)
onne WA on me dawmanx cumpany ovsecuon 44A(9)1b)
oi me ITA on me sunendenng company;
(II) Second‘ the men Supreme Court In National Land
Finlllcl Cu-DPOIMIVO Socinty Lld V. Dluclor
General at Inland Ravanue 1199:] 1 MLRA 512;
[1994] 1 ML] 99; mm] 2 AMR 3531: [1993] 4 cu
an has held lha| Iaxmg Vegwsmwon musl ae mleruvsmd
s1r1cl\y, “nolhvng Is to be read H1, nothing Is to he wmphed
one can only look fatriy 5| me language used " This
posmnn 15 M50 adopcea by me Federar cum m Palm
on Research and Lmenopmem Board Malaysia I
Anorv. premium ve nubll one Seth and A Anolhur
Agplll (20041 1 MLRA «:1; [mu] 2 cu 255: [2004]
I AMR 202; [2005] 3 MLJ 97;
‘H the present mitten II is clear (ha| there VS no basrs I0
Impose such taxes on the Applicant as the I:|avman(
scmpany or PNC as me surrendering company,
(Hi) The was lafled (ogwe effecl to seem 44A{9)o1lhe urn
by arbllmmy ransmg Form e and Form J wuhnul
rugardmg the facis 07 the plcsem mailer:
(Iv) The ‘RB lafled to ask the quesnons winch ll ougm to
have askad whether he Said Farm J wal wssued on
the base of any Vega! and conslvlunnnm aulhnmy and n
Ihe akemalwe or addmonally, whether the IRB may
disregard |he decvsmns of out supener nmmsy
u is Inle Vaw that a pubhc deusion maker entrusted with
slamwry powers vs s|nc||y mnfined wnmn me name at
mew wnsdlctlun A decvsvon made by a public dec
maker that exceeds 105 aulhomy 13 sumecl to scrutiny
and rewsw by me H1gh com on me ground at ‘megamy.
102 Tne Respondent‘: decision had been xrrauonal and/or
unreasnname for me mllewmg grounds
ma 7 cl :0
m haYwL1|MnflWxT>\IManKw
«we. saw nmhnrwm e. .1... m my 1... mm-y mm: dnuumnl y. mune v-max
iii The Respondents decision I5 liable to D9 quasned on
Ihe ground that ll ts an unreasonable that no reasonable
person could have oonie to that decision This is
especially Irue when tne Respondent nad tailed to give
any valid iusuiicauon, reason or oasis lot as decision.
(H) There is also a gdoo oasis ior tne Applicant to believe
mat the Respondent nad exercised its antnonty
aroilranly endioi rneonanically wllhoul aoolytng its intnd
to tile iacts and circumstances oi the Aoplitznt as
nothing in tile Respondents decision suggests tnat tne
Respondent had given even the loneieitt oi tnougnt to
me explanation contained in the Applicants letter daled
24.ll 2020:
The Applicant at all matenai tirnes acted in good iaitn,
gave iull co-cpevallon, rnaoe toll and tank disclosure
Ind oblalnad oiolessional advice in managing I|S
nnance and lax aiiairs.
(ivy The decisions ottna supariuroourls and tnis Honourable
Calm in relation to tne interoietation and construction 01
legtslatien and case law are pan ottne laws or Malaysia
ano are bindtng on me Respondent The Respnridenl
nao ctearlyiailed to take cogrlixarlce oi trrose decisions
(V) Tne tenure to applectale andglve eiieet to tie true eiieot
end appltcalton oi the ITA amounts to a clear
corurave n oi Article 95 ot tne Federal Oonshlutlon
(FC) Ar\lcle96oi(hs FC clearty states that “No lsxor
rate shall be levied by or for me purpose o/ the
Federation except by or under the authority of Iederei
was The Respondent‘: decision was inade without having any
regard to tne legitimate expectations oi the Auplicant as the
Respondent tailed to wrlsldel the decisions of our supenoi
oonns and ttns t-tonottraole coun in relation to the
interpretation and oonstrtmion ot legislation and‘ nenee, tins
eonslitutes a dental oi the leglllmale expeclafinns or me
Aoplteant and tnat me Respondsru will take cognizance oline
run u out:
IN oatzvulilui?/vxwvmanxw
«wot. s.nn navlhnrwm be tn... e may i... onnnntn mini: dnuavlnnl VI .nuno Wm!
Case lor Ins Honourabll Attorney General and Inlervener
11 The learned Senior Federal Counse\ (srcy for me Honourame
Anamey General and learned Samar Revenue Counsel (sac) «or
he lnlervener raised a simwlar prahmmary Objafllon (P0). The P0
was premised on lhe vouowmg gruunas: ~
(i) No Decision. Act or Ormsilon was made by the Respondenl
tmmster oi Fmanoe) um1erOn1er 53 onne Rec.
4... Tna Nullua av Assessmern raised by DGIR who was no|
named as a party to |hrs aclno .
my The Aopficam ralref m efieci a mandamus huwsver lhs
Appucann fawled Io eslahhsh Vega! duly:
(W) SecImns135 and 12'/(SA) ol the ITA do not have nexus to sa|
aswde the Notice olAsssssmenl xssued by usnz,
M Appncam mrcumvenxaa and (sued to exhaust me aamasmc
remedy pruwded under me ITA
Yhe decision onno Conn
12 I wul now deal wmn the P05 raised bythe Veamed SFC and SRO
Mn necmon, Act or onussron was mad. bylhe Ruspondnnl (Mlmlhr
ol Flnnncl) under Order 5: .71 inc R06
13 Order 53 Rule 2(4) or me Roe expressly allows persons who are
‘adversely allecled“ by me aecusmn made by a pubh: amhnnly In
imliale mama: review appficalvons For ease of reverence, subrule 4
is reproduced as [allows
14) Any panon who ws advesrely aifened by me duclsuzm amen or mmsunn
m malmn In the mm“ ur me pumrc may or Vuncmn shafl he enmaa
m mnka ms avnlmauon ‘
r~ hatzpulunflwxwvuanxw
«mm. Snr1|\nuuhnrwH\I>e U... w my me mm-y mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum v-max
14 The leouiremenls oi Order 53 oi lrie ROG ale marldiwry and mlisl
be oonipliea wiln, railing wnicn me applioeiion wouio not be
erilenaineo by lne com
15. The learned SFC and sac sueniii mail me Resporioenl has made
no decision liial is amenable lo iudicial review and that lhe
Applicanrs application is prenialiule. It is to say than me
Responaenrs non-reply lo lne Applicanrs lellei does riol amounl lo
: eecision amenable lo judicial review under Order 53 oillie R00
is ii is lnie law |I‘laI iailuie oi iaiiisal by a public aiiinoiily lo make a
decision is also amenable lo iuoieial review
17 In amigo R-dorm Am v. Km: Poiigomi Hull Dal-m NIgor|
[2015] MLRHU las; [zine] 1 LNS :84: [2018] IIILJII 213. Azllih
Naviiawi J iiiaw JCA) had allowed lrie leave application and had
slaleo mar -
1i A] on me some day, llll aeiilleaiil also imne lo the new slziiiio lis
loool nnlillnn inel eiimiiinlie Amda ix aims MI|ayl4I—DenmIfk on
and me case iews Daymerlls lficelved by we aopiioaiil iioni wiia swe
aie nei Sllbpd lo wllhboldlrlg ieii riinnennoie, me applicant ieiieieiee
(him Amdu ix 471 me Ma|aySlasDerlm:ark on prevails DVEI 5 AA iiiil oi
lna WA ism m aoolluiii Illa Ixpullly mine In in» Ilflnr mu
ll lhc new lo mpeiio lavourlbly la (Ill aiiollc-nu
i-pi-uiiulien Illfl appeal, men lhe anp|icani1wil| III-ll ll! lppniul
.iiii llplll iimloii ii. ouiio ujochd oyllio now.
[15] won me new ieiis io respond lo me iippiiuiiis latlev dllad
29 :2 2016mm Bpplltarll lakes lne posioiin lzial lhn new s lalivl valid
29 i2 2016 II the decision ol me new aiio oeemeo la be have oeeii
SEIVBH on in. apoiieeni on 29 i 2oi1 Nllltli (M Ippllunl filnd nil.
apnllcatianhrjudl I IIV wIClinII."
(emphasis added)
is II is iniponanl lo nole inal oioei 53 oline ROC allows lei e oioeaei
soope oi ievieweole declslorls as compared lo llie pieinoiis
provisions iiiioer Ihe Rules oi me iligri coun ieso A decision
oeemad made by me Responoenl ii eiiinoieni lo iniieie an
epplioalion for judicial review. In rang Kwoi Ham 5. ois (supra)
me coun oi Appeal lielo: -
~lsol The nine palm iaiioo by learned counsel helnre iis Wllh la? less
€UHrlflEV\OSi1SlhB|lhB1BwBl7V=r:fl0 oeeiiiimi nyaiiyone Anosinoe
o. 53 i may seem iii a -oaoiion in aiiiiiicenls have no cause lo
mi in in IE!
sin sane niinwiiemeiio.
«nii. s.n.i nmlhnrvim be iii... a may i... iiiiniiiii MIMI Vfl miino vtmxl
| 2,644 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-25-366-12/2020 | PEMOHON DUNIA KUKUH SDN BHD RESPONDEN MENTERI KEWANGAN MALAYSIA PENCELAH Ketua Pengarah Hasil Dalam Negeri | Judicial Review- Mandamus - Seeking for order for Minister of Finance to give direction to DGIR to set aside or exempt Notice of Additional Assessment deemed served on the Applicant - Non reply or non- response of Minister to Applicant's letter - Whether section 135 of ITA impose legal duty on Minister to make decision - Whether Applicant circumvented and failed to exhaust domestic remedy i.e SCIT under ITA. | 29/01/2024 | YA Dato' Ahmad Kamal Bin Md. Shahid | |
29/01/2024 14:39:26
WA-25-366-12/2020 Kand. 77
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w.\—25—3s6—12/2n2n Kand. 77
29/01/2132: 1:1 :39-25
mum MAHKAMAH mace: mun nu KUALA LUMPUR
mum wuuwm psnssxumm KUALA LUIPUR. MALAYSIA
usammm KUASA-KIJASA must
psszmouoggu anon ssummu ggugxmnu ND wpzszmuygggg
Dalam nemam suam pavmolwnan yarva
lelah mam kavadx Ruuowuun memmn
Saksyen 135 dan Setsyen xzmm Aida
cm Pendapalan 1957 ynng mnmn
3011 mu
n. m perkzru Aluran 53 x...m..m.1.n
Ma kimah 2512
numn Kuxun sou END Pamahan
mzursm KEWANGAN muvsu Responder:
KEYUAPENGARAM sum mun nzczru Fencnmh
1 The Apphcanl on 912.2020, med an appncauon for leave tn
commence iudxcwal review pmoeedmg (Enclomro 1) under Omar
v... I V! n
sm Nnk5zlMF7uum3rGva\Gnu
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
53 at me Rules or com 2012 (Ron) seeking, mler aha the
1 1 An order Inr me Resporraem 1a exercise as pmver under
secuarr 1:15 and/or seerrorr 121(3A) o1 me Income Tax Act
199 (ITA) to se1 esrae or exenrpn me Nance M Assessmenl
dated 24.11.2020 for me yeav oi assessmenl (VA) 2009 (or
me sum e1 RM 27.6111, 234.30 on me gmunds that me serd
Nouoe oreseeeerrrem rs rnegau, Vera. unlawful andlarm excess
o1 eumonny, had been m1l1onal and/or unreasonatfle, and
resumed m a demal o1 me AppJ1can|‘s|egmma1e expecrauerrs.
1.2. A Decraralwon Mal the gains ansing (ram the disposal of ‘and
by [he Apphcanl In Greenslone Developmem Sdn Ehd W the
VA zone Ire subied |n real properly gems (ax under the Rue!
Property Gams Tax AcI1976(RFGYA).
1 3. mar all lurlher proceedings mrzludmg me envoreemem and
sweet of me deueron be sveyed until (he run and final
aerermrrranorr oi me apphcatwon 1o quash me decision,
1 4 That an necessary and con3equen|1:\ drreenrons and orders be
1 5. Tha||I1e ws1s oflms epnlrcanon he were m me cause. and
1 6. All omer and lunhar relrevwmcn mus Honourable cmm deems
m and proper
2. 1n essence, me Aapllcam, Duma Kukuh 5:111 and men an applrcemrr
lor leave 11: commence Audmal review agamsl me Honourable
Mlmsler on Finance (Reeporraem) seekvng varmus relreis, among
omere, en order for me Honourable Mrrus1er e1 Funance m exercise
his powers under secrrarr 1:15 and/or sec1ren 127(3A) ul |he rm 1o
se1 asrde or exempt me Nance o1 Assessment daled 24.11 21720 for
me VA 2009 rereen by me wervener for me sum or RM 27, 601.
234.80 on me grounds mm the sera Nome o1Assessmenl
3. Aner me hear1r1g.Id|sm1ssed me Applicanfs spphcalum for Veavelo
commence judxcnal rlvmw (Enclosure H I wfll new set out Ihe
grounds 107 my aecrsrerr
m Nnxszlwvuumzrevalfinu
“Nana Snr1|\nuv1hnrwH\I>e H... e may r... mruurr mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum WM
la. It ls Inte law lnal iallure or relusal by a publlc aulhonly In make a
aeclslon IS also amenable lo judrclfil review.
l7 In Oranno Rodnrlel Aps v. Kslun Punqlrlh Hasil Dalam Nouuri
mm] MLRMU 135; [Zml] 1 LNS 334; lzlmu 213. Azlzah
Nawawl J (now JCA) had alloweu lna leave app|lca||un and had
stated mac —
my On ln. um. day, (In Ippllnlnl Illa Itwlc lo In: new mung lu
leg: pou Ion lnal nulsuanl |a Anna. lx mm; Malayslzrmnmam on
and me case law! plymanlx mcalved by me nppzlscarllfmm Wlfa Swlre
are nmsublncl la wnvmoldmg lax Furlhammva ti»? awllcanl rellemled
lnax Amcle lx ohhe Ma\ayIla—Denmanl on prevalls my 5 ul lull ac
ma ma 1967 ms -pnllanl allo -xpmavy mud in iron mm Ihll
iv an new fills In nspand tavonrahlv to the Jppllcanfl
mpnllnllllon Ind nppnl. nun lhl pplsum will Inn lu -pm:
and mm:-nunon as nelnq mm-n by an DGIR.
[15] when me new «all. to respond Io Ihe appllcanlx lullsv amen
29 12 2015‘ me appllmnl lakes In: vfiilmn lnal me DGlR‘s lellzrdaled
29 :2 2016 I! the deasmn av on. new and damned (D be may boen
sewed on me apvhcanl an 29! 2017 l<-nc-, Ihn Ippllcim mm mus
-pplluuen Iarjudlal-I nvlcw -cllon.’
(emphasxs added)
13, ms lmpananflo nulelhal Order53 ollhe ROC allows lora broader
scope or ruvlewable aeclslons as compared to me previous
Drovlslons under the Rules at me Hlgh own 1950. A aeclslan
deemed made by lne Respondent ls sumclenl la lnmala an
npph::s|ion la: Jualalal revlew. In Tang Kwor mm A 0:: (supra)
me com o1Appea¥ held .
1w] Yhe amer pfllnl mm m laamed counsel balms -u. mn can lass
oonfldence. VS lhzlmers ms here no declslun“ byanyurla And 5lIIca
0 53 r 7L4) Speaks cl . ’deoIIlan' ne appllcanus have m muse lo
ugw on an applnnllun lmluaml re aw Au-ln.lunnmgr-. o.
53 u. 244) must no: be an III IIDIIIIDVI. n nmsl be new comenun
(again will 0. 5: 1. my whnih pmvldss
[51] mm sum-llu an rud Iogulhlrand In ml: pruplf mum. Ilcall
u. an mm mm mm! um mm b. .n aclual doclllon by
(emphasls added)
u»... n M :1
sm Nnk5ZlMF7Uum3FGVBIEnD
“Nair s.n.l .. UIQG M my me mln.l-y mm. mmn Vfl .nuna Wm!
19 I named that me Hxgh Court has adopted a slmflar pnsman in
anowmg ;udIcIa\ rewew against deemed decrslons made by public
aulhormes. In nms regard‘ the High court has declined to raly an
older dectsions that were premised upon Order 53 Rule 214)oHhe
Rules cl Hlgh Court 1980, where the ambit of revwewabb deasxons
.s lmuled.
20. I can pmwse no beller Ielerenee man me case av lmplln Seloka
Sun and v. Mumn Knwlngln M-llyslu [2922] un..:u 3479:
[2022] AME! zoza wherem my learned brother, Wan Ahmad Fand
J held asvouaws —
-[271 The leamsd Samar Federal comm altvadsd my anennm (0 me
mupuuned bllernnd Manna me to line ,uagmem u! on Cam ac Anpea\
Abdul mmm hm Abduflah Mvmr& Orsv mm Bender Kua\a Lurmw
:. my [2006] s MLJ 704 ca nu numen src mm suhmiltnd nm
on minim: nun-nlnnn to flu lmpuamd I-nu don nu]
conslimu Idnclslun wnmn he nuanmg oil) 53 r2(4) m shun Ihe
Vaamea src wnlandad that any anemia in semen a deemed
onld gin nu to in armlciil muninq to an vmrd
m mm Rahmun hm Ammn MW wnh clumn My mlwn 1 ms
nu dmmu ohhe court at Appull Is premised on o 53 r 2(4) nl
ch: Iomnr mu Mfllgh Conn ma. u mu; an lulluwi 7
My pevsm ma .. adversely afleclsa by Ina decxsmns ul my
pubhc amhonly mu bu mmled to make me npw-cmm
nmmm am now 0 5: r 244) aims Rec prvwdes as1oHows ~
Any pannn who Is ldwrsely -«mm by nu duchlnn. Icllon
ion m relanun to me axlshlvca av ma pmmc duty or
iuncnon she“ be enlnlsd to make me anbhmhon
[29] Tina nut o 5: r zmomu. noc ms mm lhn Dhvu ‘doc mu,
mm. avomkubon In nlnllon tn IM mmm nhhc Dnhllc my or
funcfiun, In myvnew ma ward omlulon II simnly a I-Hun lo mm
a declswn. n In . nun-dlclslon. wm. um inuodncnon m the mud
n ..- I: not lww o s: 1 214). an quullon 01 In mm: m
dlclslon" does not Ionglr arise.
[am] Thu nmlsslon or a non-doc n, In my mum, is imnuhlt Loiudicval
mm. m Zmnal hm nan Nasnmddm v The Rnglslrir ovsomenes [201 21
MLJU 1323 ms Iunlxcanlavnlmd so: mililmnn u1PAKAR mums
Suuenes M11966 Th: aecwsmn Ia regwslerur ems-we 45 wmln me
mmmn Mme nagmm under lhe Socmlms An was Thu Ragnlrir
v... u nV 1:
sm Nnk5ZlMF7uum3FGVaIEnD
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
ts untamed by me someues An In mnsner me annhtmmn and makz a
daemon Kawavavr me R-gtur-r nae varteu re make : aeetston — one
wayorlhe mner Ravmthran Pavamzgum JC [now JCA7 hem mat
tn my Damion rne tnamtnaha and wnlmutnw may wtmoul wad veawu
In use mslam case ts eqw m |a remsan to make a demstan As me
npnltunl nu lumdanl legal vmeresl vn ma duty of IM Ragtslmr In make
a aecisnn an lhe appltcahuvv |u vegIs1er PAKAR I hold met me newest
Ia mm n aecrsmt Vs uvvlymm ma ultra Wu rne $ocs9'(\asA.41 tees
temptrasts added)
a) (see. s kat Kapasi Sdn Bhd v. Mn-mi Kawangan
Mllaysl um other cases [zo231AMEJ 0471: [2023] MLJU
tat an Agrlcullun (Mnluyala) stir: and v. Monml Knwangan
M uynla [20:31 4 AMR us; [2023] uuu 43
ct cum lnvnsmlonl Lta v. mmert Kewangan Malaysia
[m2] MLJU sea)
21 Based on the above, it Is evment that the Respondents deemed
dectstorv 01712 2:220 anslng from us non-repty to me Apphoanm
lellev can be amenable to Juductal revrew under Order 53 Rule 2m)
oi tne R00
22. Therebrer true court does rum agree wi\h me cunlenlton o1 |he
teamed SFC and SRC on this amecnmn
‘nu Notlco afA.ssessmen1 raised by the DGIR who was not namnd
as a party lo ml: nation
2: The teamea ssc argued lha| by not namtng the nan: V7 me present
sml re mused tnvnlous and vexalious because the subject mailer
relates tn the assssmem reset: by the DGIR Hence, the
asssssmanl by me DGIR Is the aectsron tnet Ins Anpncant rs
drssattsned wun
24 However, pursuant to an order at [ms Cmm dazed 1s 22oz: me
DGIR nas been snowed In intervene as an Intervener Vn this tudtczat
review apphnalton under Order 53 Rule 8 a1 tne Roc. Therefore, I
IN Nnkszlwvuumzrevalfinu
“Nate smut mmhnrwm .. tn... w my r... nflmnnflly mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum vmm
vvew that Ihe learned sI=<:s umecnon Is a non-Issue and has
became acadermc
rne Appllum n Hn ofrecl a mandamus. I-Iowmr, Ihu Appllcnnl
fllllfl ID Ofilblllll log: duly
25 The Ieamed SFC obIsc|sd Inanha Ag lIcarIt Is not enlmed no a raIIaI
Io cornpeI Ina Respondent In set aside Ihe Mouse or Assessmem
Issued by DGIR daIed 24.11.2020 as me Respondent has no IagaI
my lo du su
25 The FedevaI coun rn Mlnlmr oi Fmance. Govemmenl of sabah
v. Pmrofiul Sdn Bhd (200514 ML! 541; [2005] 5 cm :21; [zonal
I MLRA7o5. held Ihat an omemvnnandarnus can be granted either
Ia) under Seclmn 44 or me Speclfic Rem Ad 1950 (Sm!
my me addihonal powers av Ina I-ugh cam prowded by
paragraph 1 of me saneaule to me couns o1JudIca(ure
Act I964 (c.IAI
27 l| IS aIsa Is he nmed (ha| Order 53 Me 112) ofthe ROC prayraas
mat mIs Omar I0 53; IS subyecl lo we prm/IsIons oI cnaprer VIII or
Pan 2 of ma sru
2a Tnerevore, any appllcallon {M an order ol mandamus made by way
at Iudrcial review pmceedmgs nrusx u:mpIy wI|h Ina raquuramanx uI
Sec1IorI 44 M Ihe SRA.
29 secuon 44 ov me SRA reads as IuIIaws-
"snroxcsmsur or PUBUC nuns:
Puwerm nnlu public urvlms anu olhecs Ia Isa cenun specific arts
as (1) A Judge may mnka an Lmlar raqmnng any sperm zcl Ia he done or
iurbomey by any person nmarng a pubhc Mflct. whether in a pemIan51I| or a
ttmpovary namra. or by any r:nrpcm|Inn ar Iny own more-nans In In: High
Pmwded Khm-
up I! M xx
rn Nnkszlwvuumzrevalfinu
“Nana s.naI nmhnrwm s. .I..a w my r... nr1nIruHIy mm: dnuumnl Vfl .rIuNa v-m:I
(a) an appucam «or sum an order be made by same psrson wmsa
properly, «manna, av perstum «gm wuuhl he Irumed hy me
farbeirmg mdomg. anne case may be‘ mine mm xpaulxc am.
m such damn m rmmnnq n. undev any Vaw lot um me being m Imus
clslny mcumbenl on me person or mun .n ms or us vubkc cnan-nan
m an m. ourpouuan II: wrpoula anamm
us) n the anmmn al ma Judge ma doing or lumsanng .s mnsonanl to
nm and mm.
my me appnaam Ms no alhuv mama and aaaauaua Veqal mnauy, Ind
uns mmady gwsn by (M order Inphofi lorwxll In mmpma
(2; Now»! Vn ws senunn am bu deemed to animals a Judfie—
(5)10 make any order hmdmg an In: mg at-Penuun Agony‘
my to nuke any Lwuavun any sewanmany Govemmem an Maliyswa. as
men. may «a autumn the sausvacmn at a swan. upon Inai
«cw to maxa any older mm ws alhervnsa axamsry axcnuuac by any law
lorme [me bemg in «me
30. In Koan Mal Chow v. Pmam singh [1912] I MLJ IIHB; [1972] I
IALRH W1, Sharma J [as he men was) had oullmea tour
premq les essenlm to ma vssue M an order under sacmm 44 or
me SRA or a mandamus
an wnamar the Appncann has a clear and specific Vega! rIgh| to
me rehev sougm
(n) Whether mare Is a duty imposed hy Vaw on ma Raspanusnva.
(m) Whether such duty IS 01 an mupeuauye rvunIs(er\a\ charader
Irwalvvng no wdgmenl or dvacrenon on ma pan of ma
Respondents: and
(M whether the An M has any remedy‘ olhur man by way of
mandamus, for the enforcement oi ma ngm which has been
demad Io mm
but as am
am Nnkszmrvuumzravalfinn
«mm. Snr1I\nauhnrwH\I>e U... a my me mn.u-y mum: flnuamnl VI mum am
Based on the case, WI order to issue the order ot mandamus, the
Appltcartt must show not onty that he has a tegat rtgh| |o have the
act pertormed out that the nghl must oe so clean specific‘ and well
denned as to oetree from any reesonebte pontroversy The order
cannot be tssued when the rtght ts douottut, or Is a ouatrned one or
where rt depends upon an tssue at test to he detennrned by the
Respondent. The tarture to show the exrstenoe ot any tegat nght to
compet the pertonnanoe ot a legal duty cast upon the Respondent
wrtt deny the order ot mandamus
Another rrnpdnanr hurdte that needs to be ctussed by the Apphcart!
tor en order at mandamus ts to show that there rs a duly rmpoeed by
taw on the Respondent. tn the absenoe of such tegat duty, the
mandamus shett not he agatrtst the Respondent
conrtng hack to the facts In the present Case, I ttnd that the Appltcznt
seeks an order to eompet the Respondent (N|ints1ev or Frnanoe) to
set-astde the Mouse ot Assessment dated 241! 2020 the
ouestron ts wnether a tegat duty extsts tor this court to gram a
t rrnd that the rehef sought by the Applicant Is hke mandamus t e to
compel the Respondent to exerctse rts power under section 135
and/or section 127(3A) at the tn ttmust oe oome In mrnd that thrs
power rs drsoretronary and the Respondent has the llberly to
exeretse as power wrthout betng toroed to do so.
Moreover, the exempttort 01 tax Saught by the Aaphcartl cannot be
gtven wnhout oonsrdenng all the reteyant tests and documents ot
the case The approach taken by the Appltcant We as It the
Reiwfldent has no 091107! other than to agvee and abide by the
Apptrcanrs request.
Theretore, rt rs the respectnrt urew ottnts court that there Is no teont
duty to be imposed on the Respondent under any law nenoe the
Appltcam rs not entrtted to oompet the Respondent to set esrde a
Notioe ot Assessment resued by DGIR dated 2411 2020 reasun
belng Respondent has no tegat duty to set aside the Notroe of
Assessment under the VTA.
rs... ts or n
ru Nnh5zlMF7uum3FGvatEnu
«we. s.n.r nuvthnrwm e. u... e may r... mrn.t-r snn. dnuuvtmt y. .nune vtmxt
soctions 135 and 1z7(3A) of the ITA do not have mxus to sit aside
ma Notlca omssassmom Iuued by lho DGIR
37 The DGIR IS empowered by the ‘TA In rawse the assessmenls and
he Applicant is (rying in quash [he Sam assessment by anion: q
me Respundem to sxennse ns msc-euonary powers under secuon
135 and Sechon 12713A)oHhelTA wmm pnames as inflows .
lurk) uwe dlreaians to Diruclov sums:
Yha Munster may we la nu Dweclor Genera! dlraclmns M a genera! character
mm mcanswslenl mm (ms Am as In me axumse on me Iunnnons M ms nnaaor
ssnmx under (N5 Ann, and In: Dwaclor Gcnernl mu awn Wad la my
dvreamns so gwen‘
as Se¢:n'un12713A)ofme ITA reads asmnows —
ex-mpunn cm In; an crll
um Th: M. stermay. Ill any Dnrlwcmavcase exemmany nemnnmn all or
.my 57? ms wuvlsmn av Mrs AC1. ermer aenerafly er wn mspecl av any
moome at a Dsr\Icu\a1kmd or any class u1Inoom:OVa vanwcmarknnd’
39 Upon readmg Sanlu:n135 and Seclron127(3A)o|lhe1TAJfind\ha(
bom prmnsions carry the word ‘may whvch dearly Shaw: that the
Respondent has a dtscrelvon on whelherlo Exemse Ms powercr not
under mass smd sections and lherelore. me App|u:an| cannot
survive! the Respondent n‘ the Respondent chooses not In do so.
40. The word may‘ connots a non-mandabry nalure as tsfloclea m the
case :2! Lock wu Keck V4 Mouton Mal Ehwal Dzlam Mogori 5
Am)! [1993] 4 cu 211; (159313 MLJ 691; [1393] 1 MLRA 463;
men] 2 AM}? 32511 where me man Supreme Cmm held max -
151 The swgmflcanca alsuaa a umvmon m was mcerprenamn Act wm temam
the legal drnlmun lo mwnyi cmflnn ma me o« In ward‘ nuII'ln1u
mandltnry sense, In commn to an us. of me wnni ‘mly‘ which
«noun a pmnmmn ordlluutlon“
|emphas\s added)
n... 17 u! 1:
sm Nnkszlwvuumzrevalfinu
«mm. Snr1|\nuuhnrwH\I>e U... w my n. nnnnnn mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum v-max
Golng by lhe plalrl reaolng ol Secllorls |27(3A) nr 135 ullhe ITA. l
am ol the Vlew than no nghl was given to the Aoplloanl ellherlo ask
or dived lhe Responuenl to exernpl lhe assassmenl ralsefl hy lha
DGIR. bul lnsleao. ll is purely lhe dlscrelion power of lhe
Responaenl lo exemlse or not.
ms coun IS ol the new that W Panlamenl lnlends In do so,
Parllamenl WIH $1319 Ihal the Appllcant may make the appllcatlon to
|7Ie Relvvorldarll or the Respondenl may Issue lnsltI.lc1lons la the
DGIR on IheAppllcanl s applicallon Tnerelere, lhe seclinn musl be
read plalnly as leglslaleo by me panlarnenl
ln lnlerpreling such pruvlslonsl wnlch are clear and unambiguous in
meamng. INS Honourable Cowl has ocrlslslerllly helo lhal such
provlslons shoulo heglverl lhelrplaln, nalural and omlnary meanlng
Funnel‘ our Superlor couns have helo that W lrllerprla|Irlg elalulory
provlsluns, zhe couns should mehelyglvs ellemlo the laws enecleu
by Farhament ano should no: usurp lhe laglslallve luncuon by
extendlng a slalule lo meal a case lor whlch pmvlslurl has clearly
and undoubtedly nol been made
Baseo on me above lhls coun Igvess wlch the submlsslon ohhe
learned SFC and SRClhat5ac1lans 135 and 127(3A) ol lhe ITA oo
no| have nexus lo sel asme me Name olAssessmerll l$S\lEd by me
The Appllaxnn olremnvehuno hllcd lo exh-umln domnllc rnmsdy
pmvldld lmdor me ITA
ll IS a facl nel dlspuled lhal me Appllcanl challenged V1 lhe lorm of
Nolloe of Assessment dated 24.11.2020 on the Aupllcant lor VA
2009 reused by the DGlR.
The Applicanl being dlssallsfied eno aggneved by an assessmenl
ln the said nolloes sheulo make an appeal lo lhe Speclal
connnn. ners ol Income Tax (SCIT) for eelernnnenon. The rlghl
lo appeal IS provided under Salmon 99 ollhe ITA
m Nnk5ZlMF7uum3FGVaIEnD
«wn. s.n.l n. UIQG o my n. nflfllnnllly unn. dnumlml Vfl .nunn pnnl
The Appllcarll had Instead shun clrcul| and taken a ‘shoncuf lo
deal‘ wllh lne addlhonal assessnuem ralsea by me DGlR Ilvuugh
ma judlclal ruvlew appllaallon agalnsl me Rzspondenl
slnoe me Apphcarll had already filed Form 1: lo appeal to the sour,
We appllcalmn fur yudlclal revlew by lhe Applicant ls mvolaus,
vexahous and an anus: of me pvooess cl lha coun Refervlng to
me case of Ta Wu Rulty Sun Bhd v. nlmlor Glnaral o1 Inland
Ravonun punt] 1 MLRH 154; [mu] 5 cu ass; 1200414 AMR
521: [2004] G MLJ 53. (he Courl rdused the ilppllcallon (or leave
(or ludlclal review and held lhal
1301 Further l mu am 5! Inc vlaw mm M: cnrwurrmll mung :21 me lnslanl
applmamn and =v|7llcan|s appeal helm: nu speclal Commlssloners
cenamly cnnslllula a dupllclly cl nmcmmgs am Is lnflsed lrwolous,
vaxallous and nn shun ollhe pmaeu ann. mun’
There are numerous cases on INS queshon ol whemev an Applltzru
should exnausl 1ne domestlc remeay avallable before malnng an
appllcallon lur judlclal ravlew cases have aeclueu lnal me
Appllcanx I5 not enllued lo lI'| s|e a yudlclal Vevlew pruoeedlng
agamsl me Rasponderll as the Appllcanl nan lsllaa |o axheusl me
statutory appeal prosedure avallanle (See Kama Pungaruh Hull
nalam Negui v. Alcml Lucenl lvlalaysla sun arm 5. Anal [N17]
1 MLRA 251; mm: 2 CLJ 1; mm 1 ML! 55:; Orlonl-I
Assemblur sun all-1 v. Munluri Kowanqan 5 Anor [ZEUS]
MLRNU 193; [Zola] 1 LNS 975; Ta Wu Rnlry sdn Bhd v. Kenna
Pang Ih Hnll nnlam N: on 5 Anal [zonal 2 MLRA 151; [zoos]
1 ILR mm] 4 MAR 521; [zoos] 5 11.1 235: lzoulu 1 ML] 555
(cuun of Appeal): Robin Tan Pang Hang v. Kuua Fannarulv
Klsaluall Snknrja ulalaysla 5 Ann: [ma] 1 MELR 151; 12010) 2
MLRA 51111201019 CLJ sus;[2o1ll2 ML! 457).
Based on me above, lnls com ls ol the vlew lna1 me Appl-canrs
appllcslmn (or .u.1lcial ruvlewls premallna. The law pruvldes loran
avenue lo appeal In he exhauslsa ml befave lhe sclT pursuanl la
Secllon 99 v1thelTA
so... 1! all)
sm Nnk5ZlMF7Uum3FGVB\GnD
“Nair Smnl n. .1... m mm 1... nflnlnnllly mm: dnuuvlnnl wa nFluNG Wm!
52 Premlsed on me avoresaid reasons, I am ov me view that the
Apphcanfs appncauon tor weave to commence Jummaw veview Is
Involous and vexahous and an abuse process of me com
53. As such‘ I msmnssea me Apphcanrs apphcalmn to: leave to
commence wdlclal rewew (Enclosure 1) wmn costs 0! RM2,
lo me Honourable Mmmay Genera! -nu lnlervsner wuhnul me
Dated: ifl January2024
Ahmad Kamal bin Md Shamd
Hugh com Kuah! Lumpur
m Nnk5ZlMF7uum3FGVaIEnD
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
Background Fact:
4 The background facts UHh<s case are exlraned from me Slalsmem
wnn suhable modiircaucn and are as fofluwsi -
4 1 The Appncant rs a company inwruarated rn Ma\ays\a and rs
pnncrpauy engaged in me busmess o1 Vnveslmenl properly
42. On 1110.200?‘ me Apphcanl acqmred a parcel at land
measurmg appraximamy 23 I7 heclsres known as H.S(D)
25235. F’! 32223 m we Muklm nl smawan, D\s1ric\ av
Maruung, Perak(L1nd)
43 vrde a Jew! vanrure Agreement da|ed 26.8 2009 (Joinl
vonune Agmnnm) between me Appncanc and Greenslone
Dsvekapmenl sen Ehd (Gnnnltonc). me Aapncanr agreed to
drspuse 0! ma sand and w Gnsanscane for me Iamar m
undenake ncusmg t1eve\apmempm;eds,T7Ie sahent |erms 01
me Agmemem are, inlar all:
a The Applmam agreed In aflow Greenstone to develop and
Greensmne nas agreed to devemp the said land we a
housing esxa|e:
5. The names hereby agree and expressly declare war we
Apphcant shau be enmled to enner ene(1)oHhs1oH0wxng
aphnns (Land Owner En ernenc)
r Aner the corwarsnon and subdivisron at me said
land mm separate building lets me Apphcanl snail
be summed to 25°/.. merecv xogelner wrm me
burldrngs Ia be erected Inereon tree lmm an
encurnmnoes, or
u. A casn payment hy way of 5313 of no wuss «nan RM
75. ooo.oon.oo omy
Dunng aH mitsrim urnes, ma Apphcant I: the regruared nwnar
ofme land whereas Greensnone Is the henafiural owner.
v... 1 n! 2:
m Nnkszlmvuumzrevalfinu
“Nana Snr1|\n-nhnrwmbe 5.... w my r... anmnauly mm: dnuumnl Vfl nF\uNa v-max
For me Avwhcanr
For me Honourame
Allomey Genemt
For me Incervener
En s Samvani Khmer
(cm Tan Jass Key wvlh mm)
Texuan Rash Daman Saravana Farlnersmp‘
Feguambeh flan Paguamcara,
Level 15, Menara 1 Dutamas.
Salans Dulamas‘
No 1, Jalan Dulama: 1.
50450 Kua\a Lumnur.
(Ru; Tuan RDSISKS/NH/2021/0441)
Tuan Luew Homg Seniuv Fedeva\ C0unse\
(Fuan Noomuqan Bmh Zamal Awm, Federal
Cmmse\ mm mm)
Jabatan Peguarn Negara‘
Bahagran Guzman,
A5. Persiaran Peraana,
Presml A.
azmo Puuqaya.
Cik Ashnna Ramlan Ah. semm Revenue
Lembaga Hm Da\am Negen Mmaysxa,
Jabalan Rayuan Khas‘
Aras (6, Menara Hasn,
Pelswaran Rlmba pennau.
Cyber 5‘
53000 cybecjaya, Se\angor
nun n at n
m Nnk5ZlMF7uum3FGVaIEnD
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
4.4. The Applicant opted hr the second opmon vflhe Land Owner
Emmemenl 1m a cash payment of no Vess man RM
1s.oaa.nnooo, m accordance mm ma piymanl Iarms
s||puYaIed by Greensnone
45 The chronology o1 key avams, wma. are run in dxspule,
leading la «ms applvcalrcn is as follows —
um Event
The Appncanu had subnuued us re|ums var
Real Property Gains Tax (mac?) 1n me 10mm
:11 Form CKHT 1A in respect oflhe disposal
unne sam lam:
The Vnland Revenue Board (IRE) mfarmed the
Apphcanl that me dxsposm of wand falls wmmn
} ma scape a1 Sermon 7 of ma RPGTA.
However, 171 view that the disposal occurred on
4.11.2015 25.3 2009. me gains ansmg from the dIsposa\ ‘
wave uempled (tom RPGT aomrdmg in Ihe
Rea! Propetty Gains Tax (Exemplmn) Order
2007 (PU. (A) 14512007) and the Anglican!
was no! Iequvred lo me 115 Form CKHT IA V
25 .2u11. Subsequently, we IRE raxsed Nouees a1
1 n.9.2o11. Assessmenl «or Ms mm 2012, 2013 and
}15.n.2m , 2014 5!! dated 2572017 «or mooms lax m
L respeclaflhe sale oi housmg un-1s erected an
11.1 1.21117 me send land by Gveenskme
The Apphcnnt, vlde ils |ax agam (Excluswe
7.x.2aI7, Tax Sen/mes Sdn Bhd), prowded delafled
17. 2011. explanauons along wnn suppomng
22.5.2011. aocumamsm Ihe IRS The Annlicam had aw.)
2s.11.2o17,.suhnu1ted Nuuees -:1 Appeav (Forms 0) In
1.2.2n1a. appeanng agamsl me sad Nomoes ul
1: .2111: Assessmem The Apphcanfs posmon was
5 Inter aha. as fcmwws: -
1.3.2111: :
a. M an mauanan nrnss, me Awllcam was
the rgpscered age: of me sad land
mm 11
m Nnkszlwvuumzrevalfinu
«mm. 5.11.1 .. .1... 1. may 1... mm-1 -mm: dnuumnl Vfl nF\uNa v-max
whereas Greenstene was the beneirerat
I) As the benencrat awner. Greensrone
was enlmed to lhegams ans g «mm me
sale of the erected nmrsrng units‘ and
rrreretore, such garns snould be
sumemea rp Greenslone rnstead ol the
r Apptrr-ant
I The IRB naa accepted me Apptrcanrs
r expranatipns and euewee rrs appears aparnsr
r me said Notces or Assessment lor us 2011
ta.1n.2ota ‘re 2014 Subsequently‘ tne ma rssuea
\ Notmcamarrs 0! Reduced Asxessmsnt (Farms
JR) for the VAS 2011 in 2014 all dates!
AI tnrs juncture, tne IRE re revrsrtrng tne tssue
rev rarsmg rneome lax upon tne game artsrng
2.11.2029 {from the drsposar ofland by me Anplicanl ta 1
tereensrane by way of me eard Joint Venture :
The IRS rssued a Narroe at Assessment for V
VA 2009 dated 24 11.2020 pensequerrt In W;
conduct rn suhreering tne gains arisrng fmm ,
tne drspasat at tend to rncarrre vex r
24.1 1.2020
rrre Anpltcanl suhmnted a request to tne
r Respondent to grve m the Dtreclur General 0!
10.11.2020 Inland Revenue drrectruns under sectron 135
of the IYA and/orto exempt the taxes ratsed
under sec n I27(3A) onne ITA.
4 s As me Respondent had rerled to respond to me App|manl‘s
request In reerre e drractrdn under sectren 135 of the ITA
and/crexempl Ihe taxes arbrtrarily rarsed via tne said Names
at Assessments undev sectron 127t3N at me tn, tne
Anphcanl ts making znrs present apptrcaoon re preserve rte
tegal rights The Respondents decrsron rn nrs rarlure to
respond rs treated as meclmg me Appttcenrs apprrearren lot
page 5 pm
r~ Nnkszlwvuumzrevatfinu
“Nana s.t.r luvthnrwm r. r... p may r... pflmruflly MW: dnuavtml VI mum vmut
requesl under Sachon 135 of the ITA and/o« aunllcalmn lor lax
exemption unuer section 127(5A) ol the ITA.
nu Law
5, The Federal Ccurl In WRF Asia Pacific Sdn and v. ‘ronaga
Nu onll Bhd lzolzl 4 CL! 41:; [2012] A MLRA :57: [2012] A
MLJ 296 at 303. speaking lhvough suriyadi Halirn Omar FCJ [as he
men was) held
' Laws may be gmrlled lime leave appllcalwn is hath-ought olaa flwulmzsl
and n leave I5 gmm, en arguable case in «am at gvamlng me Valle! scughl
ac me subxlamlve hearing may be me rexurulfl uulcnms A ndnr mun be
lllaalad to the apalmamn lmugh la unless me mailer «oi ludlaal review 4!
Inlenabls bu JIMVGVBI lavlaw abmhnely no Iuwesi may he anmm -
6 Tha lasi laid down (of leave lo commence a lumcial review in war
ALI: Pacific Sdn and (sum) are as «anew:
5.1 wheiher ihe sublet! maller is amenable In ]|AdICIaI review, anu
ll so
6.2. him the ma|erlals available, whether the application is
frivolous and ll not lhnughl as irivolous. lo consider that Ihe
Applicant has an arguable case to obtain one relief sought al
the suhsxanhve hearing
7 The principles governingappllcancnslorleavelo commence iuuicial
review preeeeuings have also been sel out 10 1'-ng Kwor run. 5
Dr: V. Penqurusan Dnnahlru Nalional mud n Ovs [zone] 1
MLRN 5n1: puns] I CL! 927; [2005] 5 ML: no at as where Gupal
sn Rum JCA (as he then was) held:
[ID]' ma High Calm should nai go lntu ma mans oi me case at lne leave
mg. MI role lsorlly Io see .1 xha ippllcfllnfl var lam Ii Vllvolous So we will
ihe Dhtlll bo anmlau lo heluse leave W n is u we wnaie lhe sumeci inane: ml
in. VEVIEWII cm which by itmad lawlelinerwmian law arm: nommorl lawns
nun-ludlclable '
ll la lune man «he Applicant have |a salisry the teens pmpmmded In
lhe abnvemenuoned cases to secure the leave to commence lhe
judicial review proceedlrlgs.AHl1ls slage, Ihe mun need nol go no
“Nair s.nn mmhnrwul .. U... a may he nflnlnnllly mm. dnuuvlml Vfl .nuna Wm!
me rnerlls of me case‘ but only to see if the sublec1 rnaner ls
erneneble |o ludlclal revrew or wneurer me appllcahon for leave ls
9 In any event‘ E judlclal lewew Is the dlscrehon 0! the com, me
appllcallorl {or leave (:1 oomrnencs Judicial review mly be illowed ln
exoepllonal crrcumsvances as exalalnsd by me men Supreme Cnurl
ln Govommont of Malaysia a Anorv. Jlgdls Slngh[1i!7] 2 ML!
Il5;[1DI6]1 MLRR 207: [1987] CLJ REP 1I|'l whlch held‘
Mela alluwlng me anneal tn the areaeuun ls sllll mm we own: In an by my
or rumsrsl revltw hul when: mu. ls an appeal Drovlslon mrrebre lo me
appllcaml cenmsn snoula ml normally lssue unless mere 45 slluwn a clear lack
;unsfllc|lull on bluunl hllun Ia percerrr. mm: xlammry duly M In sppmpnals
cases a senws brsaar mine Drmcllales 41 nalural nrsuu “
‘nu grounds tar lne jud lal rev:-w
10 The gmunus of we re soughl are based on me ounlentlun met
me Respenaenrs declslon was lllegal, vom, unlaw1uL exeess al
sumnrny. rrraubnslr unreasonable end made rn breach 0! leglllmale
axpecla ons These conlenlmrls ere supporled by several reasons
among whlcrl lrlcludelhelullowlng —
10 1 The said Nmioes ol Aadrlranal Assessment were ultra vlres,
lllegal, vold. unlawlul and/or In excess ol aulhorlly lor me
lallcwrng gmunds. ~
Frrslly, me IRE had aaed erbnrarrly ann exceeded us
aulhnrlly by comrevenrng e well-eslabllshed legal
pnnuple lard down by mrs Honourable coun ln NVF
Rnalty Sdn and v. Comptroller at Inllnd Rwenue
[1974] 1 MLRH 39: [was] 1 MTC 234; mas] 1 BLJ
234; [um] I MLJ 132 where the RB Is bound to lock
er me clvcumslances surmunfllng me fllsposal as a
whole ln escabllshmg whslhar an asset rs held «or me
purposes ol rnveslrnenl orlradmg
In the presem mlfiel. Ihe R5 was merely alleging that
the gems anslng lrurn me disposal by the Appllcanl
acnslltuled bu SS lnwme and killed to cansluer Ihe
clrcumsfannes surroundlng the a'sp°SaL
van 2 cl 2:
sru Nnkszlufiuumzrevalfinu
«wee s.n.r mmhnrwlll e. med e my r... bflnlrullly mm: m.r.n Vfl .rluNa vmul
b. Secondly the iRa rial: aaed arbiharilyand exceeded ils
aulrrorily by disregarding a walleslaeirsned legal
principle laid down by rrielneri supreme oourl iri Lowor
Porak cooperative Housing Society and v. Kolua
Pang: n llaell nalani Negarl [1994] 1 MLRA 202;
mu] :4 cu 5A1: [WM] 2 AM! 1135; mm 2 ML]
71:. where rl was rield max llie inlenuon lo lrade rnusl
be Show up nave exlsled at lrie rirne oi me aoeursiuori
ollrie Draverly
in me preserrr manner, the Appiiearil acquired and kept
me sad land lor invoslrnenl purposes. as agricullural
land. and lriere were no inrerilions on me pan of «lie
Applicant (0 Imde in land,
c. Fuflhefi me IRE iarled lo consider its dulies to provide
suliiaenl evidenoe |o eslahlish lrade or an advenlure or
earroe ri Ilka rrade as neld in VMF v. Kurtul Povlglilh
Hasl Dalarn Negeri mall IIISTC 3257. As no
evidenoe was provided lo supporl lire IRB‘s allegalions,
me Appircanls drspdsal lalls squarely wilriin lire scope
of «tie RPGTA
.1. There Is no basis lor lrra IRE lo allege lraoirig on me purl
at rrre Applicanl as lrre disposal 04 land via a Jornl
venlure Agreemen| belween a urxpayer and developers
does ricl prinra lacio arnourrl lo lradirig, as eslaplisried
in we case olVMF(supra);am1
e IrI1aCl,|he|RE riad inirially ackrimviedgefl |ha( lne galns
arising irnrn lrie dlsposal at |he said land laii under me
scope olsecucn 7 ollrie RPGTA Nevenrreiess, under
me Real Frcperly Gains Tax (Exemption) order zoav
(P.U. (A) 14$/2007)‘ sucri gains were exerripled lrorn
RPGT Al rnis iunclure, lliere is no basis lorlne IRE lo
revisir lriir issue agalri,
102 The Resporiderirs decision had been irrational andipr
unreasonable lor lne lollowirrg grounds —
a Trre Respondenrs decision is liable lo be quashed on
llie ground llial I! Is so unreesoriaole lrlal no reasonable
persnri could have come |o lhal decision. Triis is
v... r of xx
SIN Nrik5zlMF7l.lurn:lrGvalEdu
“None s.n.i nurihnrwiii be u.... m an i... nrwirrnilly MIMI dnuuvinrrl Vfl nFiuNG WVM
especeuy true when me Respnndem had failed to grve
any vafid jusuficaucn, reasan or bests fonts GECVSIOH not
to exempt the irmlranly raised taxes
p me Appncant at an matenel limes was In good 'i\Ul,
gave tun co-cpera|ion. made mu and frank msclasure,
and aptamed professronal advvce W managmg us
nnanoe and lax awatrs.
c The deusuons at the Superior oauns VI retanon tp Ihe
mlerprelahon and oanslruclton ol Iegtslatton and case
the Respondent The Respondent nad clearvy is ad to
lake cogmzanoe oi those decrsmns
d. Thelaflure tp apprectale and we effect lolhetme effecl
and appltcahorl ol the HA amounts In a ctear
conlravemmn M Amde 96 at me Feaemt Conslt|u|mn
(re) Amc\e as at the FC dearly s|aIes lhal ‘No tax or
rate snan be levied by or lor the purposes er the
Federauon except by ev undar me autnomy 0! team!
103 Tne Respundenrs decvslan was made wttneut havmg any
regard lo the dactsrcns at our Superior Courts tn retahan ta the
.nterpreveuun and ounskucllun of Vegtsmton and tins
consmulas a dental of ma Veglhmale expeclmlons DI Ihe
Applicant that the Responderfl WI" take cognizance uf the
case ior Iho Hnnourahle Attorney General and Innervensr
11. The Ieamed senmr Federal Counse\ (src) lor the Hcnaurame
Allomay General and teamed Same! Revenue counsel (sac) rm
me lntervener ravsed e strmlar pnshmlnary otnecuon (P0) The P0
was nrelmssd on me following grounds —
to No Deciston‘ Act or Omtssian was made by the Respondent
(Munster at Ftnanoe) under Order 53 ohm Roc,
me s 0121
m Nnk5ZlMF7uum3FGVaIEnD
«nu. s.n.t .. n... u may .. nrW\ruH|y -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum vmm
air) The Name of Assessment raised by DGiR whn was not
named as a party rd |his neuron.
(in) The Appiicant relrei In eaieex a mandamus however me
Appireani varied in esiapiisn Iegai duly‘
IN) sections 135 and 12‘/(BA) of me in do not have nexus |a set
asme me Noliae oi Assessmenl issued by DGIR;
M Applicant circumvented and lanled to exneusr the domestic
remedy pmvmed undenne ITA
The duclslon ol the Conn
12 I win new deai with me P05 raised by me iearned SFC and SRO
No Decision. Au or emission was made by are Respandenx (Minisur
ol Flnnncn) under order 5: Mun ROC
13 order 53 RM: 2(4) or me ROC expressiy aiiows persens who are
’adversaiy aiiecred" by me decision made by a pubiie authority in
inILia|e iudiual review apphcations For ease at re1ererice.subn.IVe 4
15 repreduced as Voilows
-up Any person who n adverseiy aueered bylhs uededn, aerien or mI\i$oari
m rennen ha in Ixarcau m (M puhiun duly er mncliun man he enmrae
|0 make me aw btfihun‘
14 The reeurrerrrerws 0! order 53 of me R00 are mandatory and rmrsi
be complied wixn iaiirrig which are application would not be
enterlained by the cam.
15 The iearrred SFC and sRc submit that the Respondent has made
no aecrsron man is amenabis |o judicial renew and max me
Appiicarrrs appireanon rs premature. II is to say Iha\ me
Respondenfs rron-repiy lo the Appiicanrs Ienerdees ROI arndunuo
e deasidn amename re judlaal review under order 5: ol me ROG
me In at n
r~ Nnkszlwvuumzrevalfinu
“Nair Semi mmhnrwiii r. n... w my r... nflmruflly mi. dnuuviml Vfl eFiuNfl Wm!
| 2,751 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
K-06B-72-12/2022 | PERAYU MOHD RAZIN BIN RAZALI RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya [Pendakwa Raya] | Criminal Appeal – Application for bail under section 13(3) of the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 [Act 747] (“SOSMA”) – Whether the ruling or decision by the High Court Judge in refusing bail to the appellants is appealable? – The ruling made by the learned High Court Judge in refusing bail to the Appellant did not finally dispose of the rights of the Appellant. Therefore, it was not a decision within the meaning of section 3 of the CJA and as such not appealable under section 50(2) of the same Act. | 29/01/2024 | YA Dato' Paduka Azman Bin AbdullahKorumYA Dato' Ahmad Zaidi Bin IbrahimYA Dato' Paduka Azman Bin AbdullahYA Dato' S.M. Komathy A/P Suppiah | |
29/01/2024 16:04:52
K-06B-72-12/2022 Kand. 47
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x—nsa—72—12/2022 Kand. 47
29/ax/mm ,5 A :1
[NRIC No.: D|l|l7231Afi921] APPELLANT
[In the matter of High Court of Malaya al Alor Sutar
In an sun of Kuaah Daml Aman. Malaysla
Criminal gggncauon No KA u A) 112022
Mohd Ruin bln Rauli
Public Pnmcucar
5w rnzmvqmamunumaqw
mm Sum M... M“ be used m M, M nugvuhly mm; nnmmnnl VII muua Wm
[1] N «ha Sessions Court ma Appeflant was charged wnh two auendss.
The rm charge was under seclmn zaa c1 lhe Arm-Tramcklng In Persons
and Anmsmuggnmg cl Mxgrants Act 2do7 [/191670] and the second undev
sectmn 130V(1) of the Pena! Code For (he firs! charge, the AppeHarI|'S
apphcahon Io be Iekeased on ball was aHowat1 by me mgr. ooun via
Cnmmal Appncsuon ND. KA-44(A|»5-In/2022.
[2] However, the Appellants apphcaliun for baxl under sermon 13(3|n1
me secumy Offenses (spsual Measures) A01 2012 [Act 7471 rsosuw)
In respect at me secnnd charge was dismvsssd by me Hugh Cuurl Hence
this Appeal,
omectiun in Encl. 26 on me ground mat the dsdsmn of me High Cour!
Judge on the issue of bad is not appeaxame and me appellanrs appeal ws
mus mcompetam as mass nm tau wnmn me denmuon v1‘dec|sIon” under
secuen 3 at me Cnurl of.|udiI:aIure Au|1964(“1ho cJA”j
The respondent, me Public Prosecuwr. filed a name at prehrmnary
sw rtrzwliqmamuuumuvw
-ms Sum IHIVVDIY WW be used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm
oralw and perusrng me reearrss o1apoeaI,we unammous\y struck our «ms
Aner reaamg lhs wrmen eummssrons filed, heanng oom genres
aDpeiL We now g\ve our reasons
[5] We noted that the Apoenam, m his apphcation lar barn at me on
Cam relied on me grounds mar he was suwerrng Irom nypenensron,
diabetes, hyperlnglycendemia, fully liver and hypermioemre (gout), The
learned Hrgn coun Judge disrmssed ms appucarrnn on me ground «he:
me Aopeusnr Vafled In pmve mar his memos: oonumon was we
threatening. The learned Hugh couruudgeoamero this ::onc\usmn based
on memcax repcn preparer: by Dr. Moor Hndeya nrmnr a medical omoer
ar the Nor serar prison.
[5] In ram, me learned High Courl Judge had oonsraerea various
aummmes such as new Sari Anwar Ibrahim v. PP (199911 ML! 32:, FF
v. Da|o‘ Emwanl Slngh [2ou214 cm 155, Rama" Shunmugham v pp
[2020] 2 CLJ era, eoomem all srnneya v more Prosecumr and other
appeals [2022] MLJU 2723, Mohamed FEVSEV Mohamed Sharif V. PP
[2UZ2]1 LNS122,Ravmdran Anemslsw V FP[2D22]1 LNS125,Ganesan
Muniandy Ywn Fendakwa Raya [2013] MLRU um and Jimmy Ssah
man Heng A Dr; v. PP [2019] 7 MLJ ans before he amvad al the
17] we now rum to dea\ first with the Respondenfs prslnrmnary
oorecuon u was suhmmed by me Responuem mar nus appea\ was
meumpslenl as n does not fall wrmin me defimllnn a! 'de ' ' :1" under
section 3 of me CJA. It was argued Ihal therehre, Ims coun has no
sw rtrzwliqhywamunumuvw
‘Nata sum ...m.. WW be used m mm o. nflmnnflly mm; dun-mm VI] muNG wrm
jurisdiv:|iun m curvsxderlhis appeal The Respondent rened on me uemsion
allms Cour] m we case o!Dsto'senAnwar/zaramm v PH1999] 1 cu
537 which new as loHow::
1 Mann made pending me man Mme crmgss :ga¥ns| me nppsflanl Is not.
In our mrmdecvd opmwrl, .3 dscwslan mm) mat had Ina aflscl av finafly
delenmmnw |he fights av III: anpI\|En| u Vs omy ma outcome ul ma ml mm
wonhl have me emu oH\naI\y disposmg av ms r1nhIs.A docuinn on bau {by me
mun mm: umanoe), whemsr the gram or refusal 01 u. wnl no|fln.Il\y datalmmu
me IIQNA Mme appelhm m ma omoome of his man That bemg 59.01: mduv ul
Inn mgr. Com m Iehmng m ndmllma appaflarma man u ml appuxam. In Ihe
Cour! 00199621 ~
[a1 Counsel lor the appsuam subrmllsd umerma. He submm/ed that
this Court has Jurisdiction hear [ms appeal and relerved |u me case at
Syarikilll gan Lumber Sdn and v. Takang Timber Sdn BM (200312 cu
117 wmch ham as laflaws
wm we mu. mrwever, mus| be empruma. mm equal «me man
scmlumsmg x 3 on as amended‘ u mm Im an rulmg mum ha mnda m the
muvse ov a mal, m hefiling Much emphasis‘ we «saw, .3 {Hand on Ins mm mm
of ma sum:-xme vamv-2‘ .does no| finafly dlspase av me um: 01 the gamer,
mus oveuwxmg me last (Ml me mung mun be made m we course L71 ; max nr
mung of my cauia ov malmr. Cnunse! we mm appeamd m be wecccuprqd
mm the aemmmmn ovwmo-enm rulmsi mspaa-as em rlgmi ur me partied‘
um paid icanl mgam In me mm as In at vmanunduva lhe xmd ruhng was made
Equal wawgm would be anamea In ma zmlrs ssmenoe :1! s 3 on an
amenasmorvmau mus: be aakoa, Is nulorfly vmelhera mlmg does noldlspose
me «man nuns Mme names um aha ma qussflnn whemer was a nlhng made
m I11: course no a ma! or healing‘ cl any came av mallet w u M: nm a man;
made ln lhe amuse Ma max av matter. mgnmlau of mu fact um u dld rum
flliposa M Ihu mm M n.. pinks. n mly um bu oxcludcd by the
N maummamuqumuw
um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
dnflnlllon of “dnci1ion" u puma-a In I4 s oflhl can as amamsa, and 1:
memlare avD9aIeh\e'
[91 The Appellant furlher submmed that the ban ap nun filed by me
Appeuam an Nor se4ar High Court was an appnaamn mat s1ocd on us
own and not relaled In me AppsHanl's max for charge nnderSeI:l\an13DV
of me panax Code. u was argued that me decision by me Ieamed High
Court Judge was not an Inlerlucmory older. or ruling made mmng lhe max.
because we Inal for me avranca charged had no| nommenced and m «am
We case was ye| we be lranslerred «mm ms Sesswans Cmm \o me Hwgh
com when me Appeflanfs sppHcauon was disrmssed
[10] Theiunsdncuon onhis com is derived [mm the slalmury pmwsions.
Aocurdmg NH Chan JCA in me case of Dam’ Sari Anwar Vbrahim v PP
[1999] 1 cu 537‘ “the nghl lo apnea! imm one oourl |o anumer must be
conlerred by some s|a(u|s, mhe
nnax "
9,012 decision vfevery cnun of Vaw we.
[11] semen so o1|he c.uA, prescnbss me mnsdvcfion cl this Courl. we
prowaes man ma coun of Appeal shaH have junsamn to hear and
determine any appeal against any dec on made by me man Court
[12] The Ie\e\mnt Issue here Is mu: wnemer the ruhng ardecision by me
Hugh coun Judge m rarusmg ban «a me appeflanls Is appea\able"'
am maunamamuauauaw
-ma Sum M“ be used m mm a. nflmnnflly MW; flan-mm wa anurm Wm!
[131 Tms same issue was mnsmerea In lhe case at Gnhinalh all
Slnnaya v Public Pros-culound olhnr Ippoal:[1|l22] IIILJU 2123 by
Nomm Hassan JCA where his Lordsmp held as Inflows.
my 1-»: qnesnun ovwnemenne dedslon on nan .5 awa.IInbVa ma abo been
enema by nn-n com -n Data $en Arvwar mraMm's case (sum) where Lnmm
Mam! Yunus Pm and W:
‘Th mm mm us us whulhnr an mum of mu II lppu
on com o1AnpuL Thu com no Judmallma Ar:l1E64 snefls out me
areas cl jmlsdxcflon for Ihe Conn ol Anna! on». cnrmnal and cnm us
cnmmaHur1sflIm>un Vs canna Mlhin Ina helm: ol 5 so aflha Am Sacbon
so amwnyi mu mm 'dec4sIun Mm nsdennmun Dmv-dedlorm s 3 A:
n nu been Iugganad (ha dafinmun nl ms word 'dec4a\un' would exclude
any mum on any mnner axlraneaus m we Issues In be dalelmmod n
ma mam case ThIs‘as\umers12nfl\|,wauld mun any uecinon Uflha
Hugh Cum! on Iny maltlv wou\d be appeahbda m Ins Ooml ampnem
rum mnnm be me mnnen cl Pamnmem nu mum M ball mly my
w M uxlrmoous come Issun he be ninunvnmd In IN mnln can.
sauna: It now». um Whlun -pm tale, A: la lnlnndud mun
cumnl man an of mu wn1I1"flncIxlon"Inthn|e aoclslons ann-
Nlgh com um um ms «nu afllnaliy dlxpoxlnu oflllu nnnu 01
name 1n gel bill In not Is 01 «gm. aau under: 333 M I11: Cflmmav
Pmcldun Coda -n granm anna wmv\e|e dnscreuon Mme mun
I'M my nnun of mu posunu no Ilumull al nnnnty. n It
wmnhlnfl M n nnpn .n II n mnchanlsm ramnmamy Iilwffrom
wnllunmumn Oncl 4: Wu n in cavahln n: mung wllhdnwn. Llpnn
niuu n an be mpg: .wnn mn grvalan 01 respect x am unable
In mam ma lnlarpmlmlnn as suhmmad by lhu hamud counsel forms
appellam I am lmvflnn nun. ulnar In my awn nnnn: um .n lppual
on an rnaummuu vi Incumpwlmtu bu ma bofonmis count nna
n rtrzwliqhywamuuumuvw
Nuns s.nn In-nhnv M“ be used m mm n. nnmnnuly mm; dun-mm wa munc pm
munfovv il rwmly drimllud wnn mm. the nmesedina: av flu:
morning would and “
(emphasis added)
[191 \n me same case NH mm JCA owned 1: lollowl
“A daemon made psndmg lha ma: av lha marge: agemst me nppeunnl
‘s not‘ m aur consxdered opminn, 3 uscmn (mungy mat um me eflect al
finafly flelemumml me fights ov rm anbeflam n I. only an mun. o1
um (rm um would rm. the client a)‘ llrully dlspculng of M. n.m..
A d-clulon on lull (by nu oourl ofllrullnllanoal‘ wmmm». gum
or nluul M I; will no! finally ammln. cm. mam: «NM Ippnlllnl
m cm nwtcomn o1hIslrI:l.ThIlb¢lnn In, m min ac nu Nlwh Court
In Munlmz to mm mm aw-Ham to an n: ma non nu. In an
Caml Appull -
ksmphaw added7
my Malunven than 5 rm mmy \n in appncauuu for ban as a vssn
apphoahon can be made u now davelapmenl awe: A: sum ma
daemon on nan, as nu ma prasem case‘ does no: mm aim“ A7101:
mm at am appuu.m nus Iuuu war aaumssu m Data‘ sen Ammr
\hmNm'scasaAsupI'H} '
[141 m a similar vem, m Data‘ Ssrl Anwar Ibramm v PF [1999] 1 ML!
321 the court made VI dear lhal "the very nature D? hafl possessu no
elemem M finality It Is snmeilwlg Of a respite. H Vs a mechanism {OF
(empovary renev from wnfinemenl. Once given m \s capable av oemg
wilhdrawn. Uncn refusal, N can be reapplied“
N maunqmamuqumuyw
um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
[15] ll ls clearlmm me cased dlswssed in me preceding paragraph lhal
me mllng made by me learned Hlgh calm Judge in refuslng ball lo lne
Appellenl did not llnally dlspose nl me ngms cl lhe Appellanl ‘rherelore,
ll was not a declslorl wllmn lhe meamng M seclion 3 04 me CJA and as
such not appealable under secflnn 5012) olme same Act
[15] ln me upsnm, we uphuld lne premnmary cbjecllon by lhe
Respondent We lnerelore slluck out me Appellanvs appeal
Cour! al Aunsal Melayela
Duo ollhdslon : 21 Sopl=mber2023
Grmlndl luuod :3'|January 2024
SW rtrzlvliqmamunumuvw
-we Sum mm. M“ be used m mm we pllnlrullly MIN; dun-mm vn erlum Wflxl
Legal Represenmion
For mo Anpoll-m » G Ravrshankar
uogemerwflh Mohd Nizam Azhar)
[Messrs. R Shankar ssndm a.
For Ihl ROIDBIIHOM : Aliqah hlnl} Abdul Kanm@Husa\ni
[Altumey General’: Chambers]
sw maunqmamuaumugw
-um Sum ...m.. WW be used m mm u. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm
| 1,231 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-25-121-05/2023 | PEMOHON MAXIS BROADBAND SDN. BHD. RESPONDEN MENTERI KEWANGAN MALAYSIA | Judicial Review- Mandamus - Seeking for order for Minister of Finance to give direction to DGIR to set aside or exempt Notice of Additional Assessment deemed served on the Applicant - Non reply or non- response of Minister to Applicant's letter - Whether section 135 of ITA impose legal duty on Minister to make decision - Whether Applicant circumvented and failed to exhaust domestic remedy i.e SCIT under ITA. | 29/01/2024 | YA Dato' Ahmad Kamal Bin Md. Shahid | |
29/01/2024 15:00:21
WA-25-121-05/2023 Kand. 40
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w.\—25—121—o5/2n23 Kand. 40
29/01/2132: Jszan-2)
nAuM wuuvm vznssxumua KUALA LLIMPLIR, uuuvsu
wsgmouoruw ans: ssmuuw ggzgmumu no wA«2s~12w5/2:221
Da\am pemam sumu pevmmvorun yang
«em dumm mm Runonden msnunn
Seksyen 135 can Seksyen uzmw Akla
Cukal Fendayilan um yang lnnnnlm
27:20:: aan Ksoulusan Responflen
yang flmnggap ummz pad: 5 5 2:221
Dalam wxava S:ksyen 3301(2) dzn
Ssksyen mom Akm Cukm Pandspzun
Dawam pelkam wnln pumohcnln unmk
amara ‘am. sum: Pmman cemom
mum penara Aluran 5: xaeaamaeaan
Mnhklmah zw
uums anmnamn sun sun Pemomn
msmsm KEWANGAN uALAvaIA Relpnnaen
sm uuzzavzmuaufirmmua
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
1 Tne Appiicani on 952023 med en apphcalion tor ieave in
eoirirnenoe iudioiai Isview proceeding (Euclomn 1) under order
53 ot the was 0! 0mm (Rec) seeking inter aiia ine iottowing .
1.1. An order tor tne Respondent to exercise its power under
section 135 and/or Suction 127(3A) oi the Income Tax Act
1967 (ITA) to give directions to the Director General or tniand
Revenue (DGIR) io set aside or exempt the Nuhce e1
Adaiiionei Assessment (Fovm JA) «or tne year or assessment
(VA) 2021 dated 19.4.2023 on the grounds met me said Form
JA was iiiegat, void, untew1ui and/at in excess o1autnoriiy,ned
been irrationei end/or unreesonaoie, and resulted in e aeniei
ottne Appricenrs legitimate expectations.
1 2 A Deoiaration tnai the Respondent is oound by and sheii give
effect to tne decision ofthe Fedeiei court in Dirlctor-Glnuul
ol I and Revertuo v. Rakynit aerjaya Sdn and [1993] I
MLRA 231; mu] 1 CLJ [Rap] me; [19:41 1 MLJ zu tnei
a iaxpayeris entrited to organize its afiairs in such a way as to
minimize tax:
1 3 A oeeiereiion that the Respondent rs bound by and snail give
etveot to tire decision onne ooun cl Appeal in Sabah aeiiaya
Sdn Bhd ir. Keiiie Plllg ii Mnll D: iii Nlgurl man] 3
MLJ 145 and nus Honourable coun in Ense rudi (M)
sdii Bhd e. Keiiie Pungiluh Ila ' uatani Negeri (No: 25-
101.05/2012) Ihal Seclinn I4D(1)nHr1e in is not applicable
where a tax advantage IS derived lrom an actual ouiiay or
expenditure which ieduoes ine lax llabllfly in oiroumsiarioes in
which ine taxing siaiuie affnrds a reduction in lax Iiahlhlyi and
1 4 A Deciaretion tnai me Respondeni is bound by and shalt give
enect |o Ihe decision at mis Honourable court in Port
Dickson Power Ehd v. Kllul Pengsiuh Ha I Deiani
uegeri [2012] MSTC 30-045 and Knlua Pongei-an Hasil
DI ninogonv. OKACancmulndu1lr| sun Bhd[2015]
MSTC JD-W1 that me DGWR has no autnonty ln diaaie how a
v... 1 er )5
ru Uuz:uV1DTUflHGrmmIlD
“Nair s.n.i mmhnrwm be ii... m may i... nflninnflly MW: dnuuvinril vu nFiuNG p-mxi
and il IS ml the provlnce M the Delk In dlclale how
me Apphcam IS 10 eenduel us nuslnese
lv Fcurlh. |he |rlIe pnnclple Ihal m a taxing acl. one can
only look falrly at We language used and what 45 cleariy
sin and lnsl m1lh' g ls to be read ln nor nnplred (See:
National land Finanu co-operallvo Socmy Ltd v.
Dlramor General of Inland lznvonuo [ma] 4 CLJ
v Flhh, me prlnclple mat a pruvrsrdn ln a laxlng slalule
musl In read smelly Is In be applled agalnsl me
revenue and nm In lls lavor. ll there ls any dnubl, ll
musl be resolved lnthelaxpayer‘s1avour.
ma The Respondent nad larled lo ask me quesliens wh it
ougm la neve asked Le whether lne Respondenls Declslnn
nes any legal and oonsmulinnel amhurlly and ln me
allemawe or addlhorlallyl wlrelner lne Respcndenl may
dlsnegard the declslnrls ol me supendr cams and «ms
Hunuurahle com
um The Respcndenl ls nol en Pxcepllun to me lurlsprudence
wnereuy every exerclse of s|a(uIcry power rnusl ndl only he
lrl canronmly wlth lne express words ollhe slime bul above
all rnusl also comply wllh cenaln lmpl ed legal requlremenls
Our supenor Calms ln lndlrl Glndhl -/ls Mumo V4
Pnngarah Jabatzn Aqama Islam Punk 5 on and ofllor
nppule [me] I Mu 545 and Pomhlnunn Batu Jay: sdn
Bhd v. Pony: n Tmlh dun Gillan. sslnngor a. Anor
[ms] 2 Mu 495 nave naoenlly remlnded lne Government
urel rr ls well-sellled law that every exerclse ol sralulory
power cannu| be arbllrarlly sxerclsad
Tne Calms nave always viewed suen an exemlse es en
abuse and merelare heal u as lilegal where Ihe exalclse Is
done lor an madmlssibls purpose or on rnelevanl grounds or
vnlnuul regard la relevant eonsmeralans or vnln gross
10.5. The Respondenrs ueclslon had been lrrallorlal and/or
unreasonable lor lne lalluwlng grounds —
so... 11 u! 15
m uemvzurumenenva
“Nair s.n.l nuvlhnrwm r. med m my r... uflmnnllly sun. m.n.n vn mum Wm!
i The Respondents Decision is liable to be quasned on
me gmurtd tnat it is so unreasonable tliat no
reasanabla person could nave come to trial dec
Tnis is especially tnie Mien ttie Respondent nad veiled
to give any valid iustincation, reason or oasis lor tne
Respondents Decision not to issue tne direction
and/clrexempl tne arprtranly raised Form JA.
There is also a good oasis tor tne Applicant to lielieire
trial tne Respondent nad exerdsed its auttiorily
aroitrenly andlor iiiecrianically witnoui applying its
mind to ine (acts and circunistnnces cl tne Applicant.
iii. The Applicant at all material times acted in good laitn,
gaue lull moperatlon, niede lull and lranlt disclosure
and obtained prolessional advice in managing its
nnance and tax atlairs.
iii Trie decisions cf tne superior courts in relation to tne
interpretation and construction or legislation and case
law are pan oline laws or Malaysia and are oindino on
tne Respondent The Respondent nad clearly tailed to
me oognizanoe oltnose de ' ' ns
v The (allure to appreciate Ind give effect to the true
erlect and application oi trie WA amounts to a clear
conlvaverltlal-l 0! Article 95 at the Federal Constitution
(FC) Amcle % 0' the FC clearly states that ‘No lax
or rate snail pe levied by or lor trie purposes ol tne
Federauurt except by or under trie authority ol lederal
in a, The Respondents Decision was made iuitriout naviiig any
regard to me leprtirnate expectations of trie Applicant as me
Respondent tailed to consider tne decrsions or our superior
courts and one Honourable court in relation to tne
interpretation and construction ollsgislalion arldi herlcei tnis
oonslttutes a denial of trie legitimate expemallons ol tne
Applicant and that trio Respondent will lake cognizance ol
the same
me xx sr 15
rri Uuz:uVZDTUfl1VErmmllO
«nu. s.n.i navlhnrwlll be iii... In may i... pflfllnlllly MVMI dnunvlmt VI nFlt.lNfl vtmxl
can (or me Nonourahl: Annrnuy Gnnoral
11 The Veamed Federal Counsel (F0) for the Honourame Anorney
General raised a preunrunary omecnen (so) The P0 was prermsed
an me Idwovnng grounds. -
qr) No Deersrnn, Act or ornrssron was made by me Respondent
(M-msxer av Finance) under order 53 oi me Roc,
(H) The News cl Assessment ransed by DGIR who was no|
named as a any to (ms acuund
(In) The Apphcanl rehel m even a mandamus however me
Appncann varied to es(ah\ish Vagal duty,
(w) SectIons135 end I27(3A) of me ITA do ncl nave nexus to set
as-de me Nance o1A5sessmen| xssued by DGIR:
M Apphcanl cxrcumvenled and faded lo exhaus| the domesuc
remedy prcvmed under me ITA
nu decision 0! Km Conn
12 Iwm new deal wuh me PO raised bylheleamed Fc.
No Dncmon. Am oroml--Ion wu nude bylho Rnpondann [unnlmr
nf Finincn) unduv order 53 oi tho Rec
13 order 53 Rude 2(4) of the ROC explessw aHows persdns who are
edversery afiec1ed' by me decision made by a public aulhanly to
mmale judvclal mrew apphca|mns. For ease ol reverence. sunme 4
.s reuroduced es rovdms
14; Any psrwn whu .5 adversew alaclm by me de<;\sAon,ac1>on or enumn
M menan be me exerese M une pnnne duly av iulvmon sneu be emmed
to make me enpucauw
so... 1: ans
rn Uuzzavznfllmfifirmmllo
“Nana s.n.r mmhnrwm .. med e may r... nrW\ruH|Y -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum we
The requlremems ol Omer 53 of lne Roc are rnandalory and mu5\
be camplled wlln, lalllng wlucn me appllcallan would not be
arllerlalned by me Court
The learned FC subml|s lnaune Responaenl has made no aeclsmn
Ihal amenable lo lualael revlew and met me Applleanrs
appllcal n rs premature. ll ls |o say lnal me Respondenrs non-
reply to me Appllcanrs leller does nu! amwnl ll: a ueclslon
amenable lo jufllclal review under Order 53 ol lhe ROG
ll IS lnle lew lha| lallure or relusal by a puhllc authority |o make a
ueelslan ls also amenable lo Judicial vsvlew
ln Orlngl Red-rlea AM u. Kemn Pongnnh msll Damn llegerl
[2013] MLRHU I65: [2015] 1 ms :34; [2018] MLJU Z18. Azlzen
Nawawl J (now JCAj had allowed lne leave appllcalion and had
sraled lnal: -
my on me same day, in nyplicznl also men to the new slaunn lls
lml pnllllnn mu wmnl la Amue lx cl lm M lay Denmark um
and me cau laws paymenls recelved by lhe nppl-cam hum Wlra ewe
are ml MNAEG la wvmlloldlrlg (ax Furlnermore‘ me apollcanl relleraled
lhal Amcle lx anne M=LIysla—Denmal1< an prevalls over 5 AA (nu M
me HA 1957 The appllczm also exnnslly stand in nu mm nu:
ll me DGIK um to n-pend hvnunhly In nu -unllml-x
mplesenufian Ind ppual, mun me applicanlwill Item snupnl
mm mm. ml on n being npeua by IM nnln.
[:51 wnen me DGlR lens lo respond (D we awllcams leflar dnlgd
2912 ms. mu annlrcanl lakes lhe vosman lnel me new . lelm men
29 12.2915 IS Ihe aeclslan 0! me new and aeenlea la be have been
sewsfl an me apnlluam an 291 2011 H-new on apulicanl fikd we
nppllennen Iur jlmlchl nvlnw Action."
(emphasis added)
l| ls lmpanarll to note Iha| Order 53 of me ROG allows (or a broader
scope 01 re»/iewable declslorls as compared in me previous
pmvlsions undar the Rules cl‘ |ha H h Cnurl I980 A daclslon
deemed made by me Respondenl IS sufficlerll lo Inmate en
appllcallon lor Judlaal review ln Tang Kwol Ham 5 Or: (supra)
ma coun afApDeal held .
160} me olber palm ralled by le.-men counsel eelme Ill, mm lay me:
cunfidurloe lilhillhaflvfls?1Ef9V\fl‘flb1:lslflV1“‘1y-llVyBVVI ma sme-
van [1 M 25
em uemvzmumlanmua
“Nair s.n.l mmhnrwul a. UIQG a may he nflmnnllly -mm: dnuunml Vfl nFluNa Wm!
o 53 r 244) speaks 0! a ‘dEGS\lm‘i me apvphnanls rim no cans: In
irgus DII an BPDIVCADQH Yov IUGICVM rsrisw Jqlln. lclnllnl lgru .. o.
53 r. zmrriiisi riiim iuii iii iwlxuon. nrriiimn man cunitllllllly,
lagelhtvwllil o, 5: r. sisiwnrcn Dim/‘dc:
[sq um supsruies are llld loqnhlrlnfl ii. flelrpvlvplrconmxv. ilcln
bu u mi mm III .4 mi. ray: p. In IGIIIII dcclllon ny
(empnasis aimed;
W. i HOIICSG Iha| me mgr. coiin nas adop|ed a similar posmon In
aupwing iuaiciai review agairis. deemed decisions rriaas by public
aumoriiies. In «ms regard, irie Higr. Conn has declined |o rely on
aiaer decisions mm were preniissu upon Omar 53 Ruie 2(4) Mme
Rules oi High Court 1930, wriere me anmii in rsviewabie decisions
is Iiniiiea.
20 I can pmvide nu bener relerenoe man me case at Irriplm Sololu
Sdn aria V. Merimri Knwangan Malaysia [2022] ML.Iu 3419;
[zo221AuIE.i zozu wnerein my learned brother, Wan Anrriau Farid
J held as lul|cws' -
1271 We issnpa Samar rsaeiai Coimsei IIIIIEIEU my aiisriiian ID the
impugned ismiir aria Mensa me in nip iudglvlinl mine cairn onxppeai
rxmui Rahmfifl bll Abdmlah Muriir LCISV Damk EanflarKua\a Lumpuv
5. Ann? iauuei 6 MLJ ma ca rm lllmlfl src Ihlll piinriiimii: .2...
oi. Minis.-rs non-response in mi inipwruu Ielkl does in.
cnrimin. a-smori wiinin (Iva manning ai o 5: r my in than. me
iezinpa SP9 mmended ma. any Ellzfllm In wrwsn a ‘deemed
dlcillou ma glvu nu to In nrmicui mllnlnfl an Inn ward
[29] win. resoecl. onlihmllfl approach "II minor. 0!! W5 svecmc issue
in Aimiii sunrnari DUI Azraiiiiar. mmiir wmi uulion My rsmri Ii mis.
vii: Sec pi. of mu coiin cf Appeal is pnrriis-a or. o 53 r 2(4)o'1
uiupriri niiin «mgr. Cour! 1IID.IIs(alns as mow. .
Any DGISOII mm is udvevsely alluded by (he decisions av any
piimic aiiimniy xhal he enlmud up make me apniimpn
Nuwavar iv.» rm. a 5: r 21:) pi in. wc prwiau as ioiiim ~
Any pmpii who is ndnnlly -mm: by Ina duclllon, Iclton
pr 0 ii .ri rsiaziori to me EXVSCEHOS iii in. pubhc duty or
iuricinn shall be erimiea in make me zpniicaiinri
srn Uuz:aV1DTUflHErmmllO
“Nair s.ii.i nuvihnrwm p. ....i ll! mm i... .ii.ii.ii.r MVMI flnulfllfll Vfl nFiuNfl piii.i
:29} his rm 0 5: r mm M me ROE nu «ma 1M pram “decision,
ncllon aromlulun In nlnuon up um um": ohm publltduly at
lum:(ion." In my mm mm wan: nmlssuon is lvmply : Vlilurl m link:
a music" I: Is a nu.-mum" wnn mu lntnaducllon av Km wnm
“omll on" In an mu 0 :2 7 am tin quullon of m “Irllficinl
due on” doc: rum longer arise.”
pay the onus: on non-declslon, m myminmlslmuuhlnlojudlual
:- ow m Zamal Mn Hap Nuwuddm v we Regnslravo!SomeI\es[2n12l
MLJU ms the apmmam appnea var regsstranon ac was underlhe
Sousltss An 1966 The aemsmn to vegwslsv or umamse .5 wmwv me
dmcrsban ovme Regrslmrundar hm $outIws An was The Regblrar
‘s erumnsd Iry me Sumehes An In mnsnderme appnuuun and make a
daemon HmN!VlV,l71e Regmrar had «mm m mm 1 mum. . mm
way nrlhe elhsr Ravmmran Paramagum JC {new guy new that
\n my owmnn me Iwlvmata and wnlnnuvng delay wvllmm ma reason
m Ine mslam case Is eqmvmenl \a yelusm m make a aacumn As me
nnpham ha: mrmem mum Imurafllnllvl dmy ullha Rugmrarto max-
2 aemsm an Ihe appncamn in register PAKAR. n mm mm lhe mm:
la man a daemon u ummm ma mu; was me Sm:|auesAcl was
[emphasis added)
a) (See Syarikat Klpasl sun and v. Mnezeri Kewangan
Mlllysla -mi omer casu[2013]AME.l 0411; [mm uuu
D) an Agllcullurv mmym) Sdn Bhd v. Menlzrl Kawangan
M-Iaym [2023] 4 AMR us; [2023] MLJU 430.
c) CMMT Invesunnm Ltd v. Planter Kewangan Malaysia
[2021] MLJU sea)
21 Based on the above‘ u \s ewuent mat |he Respondenfs deemed
decwswon e! 5 5 2023 ansmg rrom ms non-reply Io ms Apphcsnrs
\ene< can be amenable In judxcxal revwew under oraer 53 Rule 2(A)
a! me R00
22 Therefore, «ms coun does not agree mm the comenuon 0! me
learned FC on «ms omecnon
v... 15 ms
sm uuzzavzmuaufirmmuo
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
‘rite Nomi e at Assessment raised by the DGIR who was not named
as a party to this action
The teamed Fc argued that by not rtammg the DGIR tn the present
sutt ts indeed tnvbtous and vexatinus because the subyect rnatter
relates to the assessment tatsed by the DGIR. Hence. the
assessment by the Dem ts the deotsion that the Appttcant ts
dissatisfied wtth
tt ts my view that any order at tudgrnent whtoh tater made by ans
court, will dtreotty tnrpaot and attest the new as the rettet sought
are against an the assessments tatsed by the DGIR. This can be
seen horn the tettets sought by the Appttcant tn thetr Nottce oi
Appttoattbn tsnctosnre 1). whereby the Apptreant sought an avder to
exerrtpt the tax assessed agarnst the Applicant and an ordertot a
stay at proeeeotrtg agatnet the DGtR‘s decision tn tbttn ot the
it IS to be noted that the bore ts-we and dtssattstactton ol the
Apphcartl retrotyes around the Npttoes desptte the Appttcantsdentat
and ctatnred that the tudtoiat review ccrtcems on the tatttne of the
Respondent to reven the App toants ietter.
Theretbre. it ts cteat that the new wttt be ditectty aflecled wtth the
buteentetdeetstbn 0! (mi court because the exernpttort sought by
the Applicant is based truth the assessments and these
assessments are the crux tssue and dtssattstactron ol the Appttcant
In thts appttcatton it the court alluwed the Avnttcant s tudtctat teyten
and stay appttcatton. the DstR‘s tnterast will be ahaoted as such
aeotston wttt tnottr tosses on pan oi the DGtR and the Gcvemmertt
where the DGIR wttt not be able to botteot the taxes trbrn the
tn the tnstant Base, the Applicant is seeking tor an exetnptton hunt
the Respondent on the nottoes raised by the DGIR Thus, wttheut
the houses mised by the DGIR. there wttt be no exetnptton
apptteetton made by the Apphcart| to the Respondent.
ms Court ts ot the new that t! ts urttatrtor the Applimnt tn make an
applies 7! agathst the Respondent todtrect the DGIR to exempt |he
assessments raised by the DGIR agaFns1 lhe Applicant. but at the
same ttrne, oenytng the DGIR's nght to detence tts assssntents.
val: n at 1.
IN uamvzaruottahehtta
«mt. Smut mrrthhrwm be tn... In may t... bttmruitly MIMI dnuuvthrtt Vfl ariuttfl WVM
29. Fremlsed on me aloresald reasons, I am ollne yrewlnal me new
nas a dlrsc| mleresl M lnls ludlclal revlerw appllcalban and wrll as
subsnanllally aflecled by the courts delislon Tnerelore. lne l:GlR
should be named as a pany lo lnrs omoeedrng.
Tn. Applleanr rellal in enact a mandamus. However. ma Applicant
l led to maallsn legal duty
30 Inc learned FC abladed max lna Apolloanl ll nol annlled to e rellel
lo oornpel lne Responderll lu sel aslde me Name of Additional
Assessmam lssued by DGIR dated 19.4.2023 as me Respondenl
nas no legal duly to do so
31. The Federal courl In Mlnlmr M Flnanoo, Govemmenl of Sabah
y. Pnlmllu sun and [zoos] A ulL.l u1;[2nos]5 CLJ 321; laooal
I MLRA 105‘ held lnal an order o1 mandamus can be granted ellner
(an) under seclron 44 ullha Speclfi: Rellaf Aer 1950 (SRM:
(bl lna addrnonal puwers ol the Hugh coun oroyrded by
paragraph 1 or me schedule la lne corms ouudraamre
32 II ls also to be rmled lnal order 53 Rule 1(2) of me R00 pmvldes
mat lrns order (0 53) ls sublacl to me proyrsrons ol cnaplar vlll o1
Perl 2 ol me SEA
:3 Tnerelore, any appllcallon lor an order or mandamus made by way
cl ludlclal revlew proceedlngs rnusl comply wllh xne requrrernenl or
secllon 44 al the SRA
an Sedlon an arms SKA reads as lollows.
--suroncsmsm or vusuc nunss
Pow-r In nrdurpuhllc uvvlma and mum to do mun. Ipa:ll|c am
54 l1lAJud§I may Nuke nrl mum reqmvlng any sp-ecml: 3:! no he done or
loroorne, hy any person hnldlng a puulll: vffiue wnelnerol a oennanenl ma
rernporary nslure, or oy any aorpuralmn or any aonn more-nave lo ma non
van in .r as
rn uuzzavzmumlfirmnma
“None s.nn nuvlhnrwm a. med w my r... nflfllnnllly mm: dnuuvlml Vfl .nuna war
Fnmdm (hat-
(a) an apauunon Var sum an order he mm by some person v-moss
pvopeny frnncmu, or personal mm wont} be myurea by me
ranmmg urdmnq um. car: may Du. on»: sand suacm: an:
(nu ma com; ntiorbennng u unamnynamarma ma mmg m ram
maafly Incumbent an me Dersnn nr mun in msar us pubis: characier
or an We corporlbon In Rs celpotale character,
(c) m we nmmen at me Judg: am doing av lomearma Is umsonam to
nah! am mum
my me npphunl Hit N: amarspacma and mequme mm mmedyy am
(e) we remedy given by mu order appfled fovwm he wmplme
12)NolnmaIn Ims semnn shaH be deemsu \o mom. a Juage—
mm make any ordev mnmng an the Vang d>~Pemzan Agang.
my to make My alflerun any wvvam M any Goyemmam m Mawyswa as
such, merely to enma Inc sauavmm at a emu upon mm
euynmmem, or
(:1 In miku my mum wmch .. omunmn exuleuw excluded by any law
my me ma new m lame’
:45 In Koon MolChowv.PrtIam ' yh[1972]1MLJ1BOB: (197211
MLRM 491‘ snarma J (as he men was) had oumned 1am
prensqu -«es esasnuax to me xssus M an urdar undev sechnn 44 ac
Ihe SRA or a mandamus’
(uy wnemar me Appncam has a dear and specific Vega! mgm (0
me rahef sought:
Whalhar mare us a duly Vmpasad by Vaw on me Respnndems;
Whether such duty us at an imperalwe ministenal charader
Invclvmg no wdgmenl ov mscremon on ma pan a! he
Respondenls, and
(M Whemer the Applicant has any vemedy, other man by way of
manuamus, (or me enforuement ohhe ngm which has been
denied to m.
PI]! 19 n! 25
am uuznavzmurzwfimumuo
«mm. sm-1 nmhnrwm a. U... a my a. mm-y mum: flnuamnl VI muya Wm!
Based on the case in order to issue the order ol mandamus, the
Applicant must show not only that he has a legal right to have the
act performed but that the noht must be so clear, specific, end well
denned as to be tree lrorri any reasonable controversy The order
cannot be issued when the right is doubttul, or is a qualmed one or
where it depends upon an issue or tact to be detennined by the
Respondent The failure to show the existence at any legal right to
oompel the perlormence ol a legal duty rasl upon the Respondent
will deny the order cl mandamus
Artolnsr important hurdle that needs to be crossed by the Applicant
loren order ol mandamus is to show tnattheie is a duty imposed by
law on the Respondent. in the absence in such legal duty, the
mandamus shall not he against the Respondent
coming back to the facts in the present case, I ltnd that the Applicant
seeks an order to compel the Respondent (Minister 0! Finance) to
setaside the Notice oi Additional Assessment dated 19.4.2023.
The question is whether a legal duty exists lot this court to grant a
I find that the renal sought by the App|lcarl| IS like mandamus i e. to
compel the Respondent to exercise its power under section 135
and/er section 12713» ol the ITA it must be borne in mind that this
power is discretionary and the Respondent has the liberty to
exercise its power without being lorced to do so
Moreover. the exemption ottax sought by the Applicant cannot be
given w out considering all the relevant facts and documents ot
the case The approach Iaken by the Applicant is as it the
Respondent has no option other than to agree and abide by the
Applicant's request.
Therelore, it is the respecttul view ol this court that there is no legal
duty to be imposed on the Respondent under any law hence Ihe
Appllcam is not entitled to compel the Respondent to set aside a
Notice oi Additional Assessment issued by DGIR dated 19 A 2023
reason being Rspondent has no legal duty to set aside the Notice
ol Assessment undet the in.
IN Uuz:uVZDTUfl1!ErmmllO
«wet. s.n.i luvlhnrwm be UIQG a may i... oflnlnuflly MVMI dnuavlml VI .riuito perei
raxnayer shomd conduct ms business and a taxpayer rs at rrs
own hbeny re conduct Ils busrness wnn an avarlaole means re
make good prom and re mrugaur nrs rncroence or |:x.
1.5. Tha| consequent to me ptayev Vn paragrapn 1 1 above, all
lurlher proooedrngs mcmdlng me anfnrceman| and eflecl ol
the sand Form M be s1ayed unril the fun and final
de|ermIna|Ion onne rumcral review application
1 6 That all neoessary and consequenlval dlrecixans and orders be
1 1 That are costs of we appncariun be costs In the cause; and
I 5 All other and lunhev rehei Much rnrs r-ranourame ooun deems
m and mper
2 In essence, the Appllzzarn filed an applrcarron vor leave to commence
ruarual review for an nrder hr me Respondenl lo exercise its power
under Sectmn 135 and/or Sec1\on127(3A)r71me\TA(o set aside or
exenrpr me Names 0! Andnlonm Assessment lo! rrre YA 2a2I daled
3 Aner rne heanng. \ drsnrrseea me Applncanfs apphcalran lo! weave lo
oonrrnence ruororal revrew (Endusure r), I wru new sex eur rho
grounds lor my deozsron
Background Facts
4, ‘me backgmund lasts 01 «ms case are extracted fvom me Slavemenl
wrm smlable modrnca on and are as foflaws —
A1. The Applicant rs a prrrare company limited by shares
moorporaled M12 2 1992. where \he pnn::|palaI:lMIreso1|ne
Applicant are to pvvvlda 5 NH suvle 01 oovaraga
lelemmmunlcauonsr mgnax and mated servrces and
soluhons‘ and oorporare ena sennees lunclrcrns to rrs norarng
cumpanies and !elIww subsruranes and related names wrrnrrr
me Maxis Gruuv
m uuzzuvzmumvfirmnrua
“None s.n.r nmhnrwm r. med e may r... nflmnnflly mm: m.r.n VI mum p-ms!
Sections 135 and 1:74:11» 01‘ the ITA do not havn nuxnl to in um:
um Mono: cuss-ssrnunt luuod by me DGIR
42, me DGIR Is empowered bylhe ITA to ransstne asssssrnerns and
me Appllcanl Vs Irymg (0 quash ms sard assrsumenl by anlorclng
the Respondent to exemse As dacrenonary powers under secnon
135 and secuon 12713/K) of ma ITA mm promdes as lollows -
was flower M M mno uivu dnoenons Lo |ZIlre:.1or¢‘-Imrnl
ma Mmnsler rnay awe Ia Ihu Du-clurfinnaval drrosnons ova general enaranar
mm wvmrvsmenl wnn |ms Am as re ma exevcrse or me mncnons or me Dlrsnor
sanarar nndlr ma Au and ma Dvucmv Guam! -H mm aflacl Io any
mrermans so given"
A3 secmon 127(3A)aHhe ITA reads aslowdmvs -
Exnmmion Imm uxv aanmn
-rm Yhe MmIsle< rnay m any pamonar mse exempl any verwn «rpm an or
any or me pmv on or lhn Ac!‘ anher aanarauy or m rasoan or my
monme or a oanrunar kmd or any mass M Income (:12 pamcmar kind‘
44. upon reading secnon was and seenon 12713» dune NA, \ nnd \ha\
pom prmnsmns carry me word may wrncn dearly snows that me
neapondarn nas a mscrelwon on whelhsr |o axerose II: power or no|
under those sard sacnrdns and hwersfnrey me Aaphcanl cannol
mmpe\ the Respondent n (he Respondent chooses not to do so.
45 Tne word ‘may‘ oerIrIo|a a non-mandalary na|ure as reuecned in \he
mse of Lock Woe Kock v. Menteri Hal Enwal Dalam Nagari &
Arm [1993] 4 CLJ 111; [1991] 3 ML! :91; [1993] 1 MLRA 463;
[1093] 2 MAR new wnera \he then supreme Court held max. -
15} me slgmflcance on sun: a prowslnn .n ma lnlemrmamn An wfll remam
|he\egaH1ranm3n Ia arways cunlmv me we or In were «now In In
rnandamry unit, in comnsl to me use or me ward -my which
Gonnkl - pmnmuon ordnoaranon"
(ernpnasns added)
46 sound by me mam reading orsecnons 127(3A) or «:5 arms HA, I
arn 01 me view man no ngm was given xo me Appnoanz anner to ask
or dvacl ma Raspdndenn Io exsrnpx ma assessment rarsad oy the
srn Uuz:aV1DTUflHErmmll0
“None snn nunhnrwm a. d... w my r... nrW\ruU|Y mm: dnuumnl vn murm Wm‘
DGIR, but mslead. It is puuety the drscrehnn power cf the
Responaent Io exemtse or not
47 ms Court IS 01 the view (hat W Pamamsnl Intends to do so,
Pamament wm state met tne Apphcanl may make me appncsnon (0
me Responden|o1me Respondent may tssue InS|Nc(I0nS to tne
DGIR on me Apphcanfs application, Thereiore, tne ltectwan must be
read p\aH'I\y as tegtslatea by tne Parnament.
4B In mtervrelmg sud: pmvvsvonst vmmh are dear and unambiguous tn
meamngt thvs Hannuralfle Court has wnststenfly held that such
prmnswuns should begtven thew glam namraland oldlnary meamng.
49 Further. our Superior Couns have held thal WI mterpteling statutory
pmvtstons, |he Oourls should merely gwe effecl tn the Vaws enacted
by Parhamaru and snouvo not usurp me Vegtslaltve Iunaton by
exlending a statute (0 meal a case for whmh pIvV\s\0n has clearly
and undoubtedly ncI| been made
50 Based on the above. lhis Coun agrees wun the suonnsxnon of the
learned FC tnat secnons 135 and 12713A)v1Ihe WA do not have
nexus to set astde me Name a1AddxItonal Assessment tssued by
tne DGIR
Tho Appliclnl GIWMMVIHK Ind {Iliad Io lxhlull (III dam III: rnmldy
provided under Ihn IVA
51. n VS a fact nal msputed Ihal me App:-cent chauenged In one «arm of
Name of Addmana\ Assessment (Form JA) flaked t9 42023 on the
Apphcanl (or VA 2o2t ratsea by me DGIR
52 The Apphcanl bemg mssatisned and aggrieved by an assessment
In me sad noltoes should make an appeal In the Special
Commtssxoners 01 Income Tax (SCIT) (or delermmalxon. The fight
to appeal VS pmvmea under Section 99 onne ms.
53. we Applmant had Instead short cmnt‘ and Iaken a ‘shom:uI‘ is
‘deaf WW1 the additional assessment ratsed by the now? through
me judiual revxew apphnauon agemst the Respondent.
m uuzzuvzmumvfirmmua
“Nair s.nn lunhnrwm .. t... e may he nflmnnflly mm: dnuamnl VI mtma Wm!
54. Slrlse lhe Appllcam had already filed Form a la appeal lo we SCIT,
me Eippllcahon ior luulclal revlew by me Appllcant >5 involaus,
vexenaus and an abuse oi ine process cl me Court Relemng le
|he case MT: Wu Rualty Sdn Bhd v. lreaor Guiinrzl cf inland
Revenuo [2004] 1 MLRH 754; [20114] 6 CL: 395; [2004] 4 AMR
521; [2004] 9 MLJ 55, me coun relused |he appueallen lm leave
lor iudlclal mlew and held mai-
my Fuivllal I am also cl me view me: me oenounem mmg cl me lrlslanl
appllcaborl and annlicanis appeal were me Sbeclal Commlssloneii
cerizlrlly ouiisuluhe e dUDVu:l|Y cl vruceedlrlgs and .s lndeed irwnlous.
vuuhuus and an abuse m we moans: ullhacmm’
55. Thais are numerous cases on UIIS quesilun 0' whether an Appllcanl
should i=.xhaus| the domestic remedy avallabla balnre making an
applicaimn fur ludicial revlew. Cases have decided mal me
Appllcanl IS noi emlea Io lrllllaie a Judi al revlew primeedlng
agairlsl ihe Respondent as his Applicant had [alled lo exhaust the
statutory appeal nmceduie available, (599: mu. Poiignraii Hlsil
naiam Neg-rl v. Aleeiei Liicenl Malaysia sun Bhd 5 [mar min
1 MLRA 251; [2017] 2 cm 1; mm 1 MLJ sea; Orlnnlal
Axumhlnr sun and v. mm. K.w...g... 5 Anal [znia]
MLRHLI 79:; [man LNS 91 T: Wu Rnlly $dn Bhd V4 Kama
Fenglrlh Hull Dallm Nageri 5 Anor [2003] 2 MLRA 151; [2|'l09]
1 ILR 1F [2004] I AMR 521: [2008] B CLJ 235: [H109] I MLJ 555
(ceun oi Appeal); R0 Tan Ping Hung v. Kolua Fenqarah
Kesatuan Soknrin Malays a. Anor [2910] 1 MELR 51; [2010] 2
MLRA 571; [1010] 3 CL] 505: [2011] 2 ML! 457).
56. Based en me above. lhis Court ls of me VIEW that the Appllcanfs
appllnallan [oi judlclal review ls piemaluie. The law provides (or an
avenue in appeal to he exneueled ml oeime me sclr pursuam Io
seeuon as a1(he|TA
57 Premlsed on me eloresem reasons, I am oi the vlew mat the
Appllcarifs appllcallcri tor leave lo mmmenoe judlclal revlew IS
lnvolous and vexailous and an abuse process M (he Court.
m uezzevzmumisrmmun
“Nair Smnl nmlhnrwlll be u... m my 1... mm-y mm: dnuuvlnni v.. mum Wm!
sa As such, I drsmxssed the Apnlncanfs apphrztmrl luv leave |a
eommenoe pmuaaw rewew (Enclosure 1) with costs of RM2,5nn on
In me Hanourame Allomey General wnnam me aHo::a(ar (ea.
Fnvthe Appncanr
For me Honameme
Allomey Genera!‘
m uuzzuvzmumvfirmmua
“Nana sew e. H... e may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum v-ms!
Da\ed: 1*] January E024
Ahmad Kama‘ hm Mu Sharud
wan Conn Kua\a Lumpur
Eu 3. Saravana Kumar
(cm Lvm cmnn Wm(PDK)w|1h mm)
Teluan Rasli Dahlan Saravana Partnership.
Peguambexa flan Peguamcara.
Level 16, Msnara I Dulamas,
Salans Dmamas‘
No 1, Jalan Dulamas 1.
50480 Kuala Lumpur
(Ru; Tuan RDS/SKS/NH/2021/0441)
Cwk Krishna Pnya A/F Venugupal,
Fedeuex Counseh
Jabahan Feguam Negara,
Eahagwan Guaman,
A5, Persiaran Perdana.
Fresum 4,
62100 Puuamya
4 2 On 2.12 2015, the Applicant entered VHO Business Sale and
Purchase Agreements wnn tour oi its ieitow subsidiaries.
Maxis Mobiie Services Sdn Bhdi Maxis Mobile Sdn Bhd.
Maxis international Sdn one and Maxis coiieutions son Brio
(setting C:-mpanles) to acquire me husinesss ano
uniteriaxings at the saiiing Companies
4 3 The resIruI:|I.tring under Prujecl salu oonsotiaatea five at me
Maxls Grouu‘i businesses into one existing operarng entity
i.e the Appiicant The rationale (or Freieel sarii is to improve
tne Maxis Gmup's compellllve aavantage. provide greater
uperaliarl aglllfy and niixioiiity in tne euoiuing ane las| paced
teteoornniunicalien ineuslry, and allow tne Maxis Group to be
more cusiorner-eentne including through tne provision at
seamless Iniegvaled sarvim axpenenoe to iii. customers
4.4 Project satu was neeesseryestne Maxis Groups eonipetitars
in Malaysia. tor example nigi (l| tiie material time) and u
Mehiie operated their businesses under one entity, which
proiiitteo uieni with a competitive advamage in me market
inauoing aitowirig tneni to mooitize and mad taster to tne
demands or the market place.
4.5. To nnanoa the restructuring unuer Preiect satu. lhe Applicant
undertook loans ardebl transactions
4.6. The Applicant incurred interest expenses on the teens or dept
transactions tnal were duly paid by the Applicant. Tne interest
expenses tncurrea are tax deductible under semion 33(l K5)
0! me VTA Ind irtis nas not been disputed by tne DGIR.
4.7. The ioans or dept Iransaclions unttenaken oy tne Applicant
inipaeiett ine Applicants holding eempany, Maxis Bertieds
(MBHD) eriitity to henew irorn nnanoiel institutions as me
Maxis Group's leverage profiie, wnien is eaieulalee by the
Groups Net Debt to EBITDA iearnings oetore interest
expense, taxes. deprecrallan em: nrnortizelion) retro is tested
py tne financial institutions on a eonsoiittated basis.
4.5 This slipulnlion onlie Maxis Group s not Dab! lo EBITDA rilto
oovenant is retlectea in various other loan laoili s between
MBHD ann otrier financial institutions. wnicii stale tnat -the
ripiar 15
ni Lluz:uV1DTLlflWErmmll0
“None s.n.i navihnrwiii be UIQG a may in. aniin.iiii MVMI dnuaviml VI nFit.INfl vtmxi
ra of Net Dem |o EBNDA shaH not exceed 4 o1".Tms
svmlar slipmahun rs iouna Vn me agreements relalmg |u me
Applrcanvs Voans or debt mnsacninns «or Project Sam.
4 9 The loans or debt lmnsacllons unuenaken by me Appucanr
led me Ma 5 Groups Ne| Debt (0 EBITDA ralie lo approach
or surpassing the 4 0:1 thrashald above Consequenfly.
MBHD had |o make lhe necessary repaymenrs m senre ms
other kmmawlngs to prevent me Msxrs Group‘: Net Debl In
EEVTDA mic sxcsedmg 4 «nresnord.
4 r0 Pnwrousxy. me new had mso urumsruy invoked sacuon
Mum af Ihe ITA w arsregera me Appnsanvs Voans av debt
u-ansamic-us for Pmjeu sam In me ‘(As 2010 to 2020 The
DGIR srnurany auegea lha| ms mlsrasl expenses manned by
me Apphcanl on me loans ardehtlransacmns «or Pmectsalu
are not deducuble as Pmject Sam Is purpunedly a debt pusn-
damn scnerne wmn me sole mow: af uenvlng a Lax benefit by
clamnng aeauarons on me mleresl expenses -ncunea by me
411 For the VA: 201a m 2020, (he Applrcanl (hraugh us lax agenl
exmaxned In me DGIR mar lhe inleres1 expenses Incurred by
me Appueann on ma loans or sea: uansacnonsvor Fmrecn Sam
were Indeed paid by the Apphcanl Funner, In mamlam one
Maxrs Gmup‘s Ne| Debt to EEITDA ram helaw me A01
Ihreshmd, n was necessary lo: MEHD ro same 115 omer
4.12. Nolwmhslandmgr rne DGIR pmcesded |0 rarse Forms JA fur
me was 2016 to 2020.
A 13 Aggneved by me Forms JA rarsed for me vAs 2016 to 2020‘
me Anvlicanl had sirnnsny filed applicarmns fot waava lo
commence ;udicIa\ revvsw.
4.14 on 19 4 2023, me DGYR raised Form JA1orlha VA 2021. ‘rne
cmonnbgy 01 key events, which s not m dispuxe rs as rouows.—
rn uuzzuvzmumvfirmrnua
«mm. s.n.r lunhnrwm s. 0.... a may r... nflmnnuly -mm: dnuamnl VI muNa we
30.3.2022 2Y)£|:1App|\can| med us vax return lor the YA
Hue DGIR mvocmea the Appllcanl mat me
‘DGIR mamlains ils pesuien and allsged Iha|
me mterast expenses mourred bylhe Applicant
on me Voans av debt transactions lar Prqecl
Sam are not aeducume as Prmecl Sslu ‘e
purponetfly e debt pusmmm scheme
beiween remed mmpames mum Mans
Graup WIIVI the sale mauve of deflvlng a lax
benefit by dalming aeducnuns on me imeresc
expenses manned by me Appllcam. As such.
the DGIR proposed (0 rarse iddIlvor\a\ ‘
‘ 1 essessmems var me YA 2021
21 .1202:
gs ,
The Applucannhmugh i\s sencners exwaxnod no
me DGIR thallhere ave ongo1ngjudiz;4a\ vevwew
‘Hp canons at me Kuala Lumpur Hwgh coun
egemc ms Names of Addmonnl Assessmem
raxsed m respea av me purported debt push-
down seneme xssue and requested me DGIR
nut to raise 5 Names av Addmoner Auessmem
\ for me VA 2021.
The DG{R mamllmsd wk pasxhan and
19.4.1\723 ymoeedw to rawse me impugned Form JA1or
uhe VA 2021 amuunhng ID RM 7|,707,2Dd.Q0.
The Applicant subrmllsd an apphcanon via ils
Ieuer dated 27 4.2023 In me Resparmem en
exemse us power under Sermon 135 andlar
Secuan 127(3A) ev me ITA lo set aside or
i 2.. mm exemnnhe Form JA dated 19.4.2023.
The Aaphcanl also mgrmgmea be me
Respondent that an mlsnm slay of aH furlher
proceedings InL:lud\ng the enlomemenl of me
Names af Addmonsl Assassmenl for the was
201610 2020 on the same issue was granted
m Uuz:uVZDTUfl1!ErunmllO
«we. Snr1I\nanhnrwH\I>e H... e may he mm-y mum: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
‘ by me Kuaxa Lumpuv mgr. Courl .r. the
. vouomng ungmng j..a.c.nx mew applvcalmns
(.| Jud: al Rewew Appr.canor. No WA-
\ (... Judmal Rewew Nu. WA-
‘ 25-121474/202.; and
4...) Review Apphcaucn Na wA—
The Appnca... |hrough its s.uI.c..o.s suhmmed
‘an appea\ Iellerdated 5 5 2023 la me DGIR on
5.5.2021 the win. the xssuanoe of me ‘
. Form JA on me same day upon me rssuanoe‘
‘ ‘ nflhe sum. settlement wens. ‘
I The Respondenl am no! respond lo me ‘
Auplicanrs Vener dated 27 A 2023 and in dumg }
5.5.2023 so. deemed no. to issue one a..ec1.en andlor‘
axemm me armxranly rzflsed Farm JA (tho
Rcsnondunvn uocmon). ‘
The Law
5. The Fedsra\ Court 1!! WRP Asia Faclfll: Sdn and v. Tenaga
Nulon and mu] 4 CU 475; [2011] 4 MLRA 251; [2012] 4
mu 2:: at 303. spaakmg mmugr. suriyad. Hallm Omar FCJ1as he
men was) held’
“ Lem may be gnimud .v Ins Inve apphcemn .5 ml lmugm mu fvmfloui.
and n Weave .s uranled, an mguabls use ... (aver ul grzmmg Ihe .e..e« songm
n the sumllmwa ma/mg my u. I»: .u..r..... ouleome A Mar must he
sumac to me apchcahon Ihough . 2 unless he mane. vo. moan mew .s
amenzhle In ...a..:.xn ravaw zblohnaly no success may be =.....s..._;.a-
v... 1 ul .5
m uuzzuvzmumvfimamua
«w... 5.... .......w... .. ...... m may .. .n........ mm: dnuamnl VI .:.....a pm...
6 Ti-ie lesl iaiu aewri lcr leave to eoiriiiierioe a mi al review in WRP
Aslu l=-cm: sari Elia (supra) are as iollowsz
5 1 wriellierlhe subjecl nialleris amenable lo iudiciel review, and
ii so
5.2. «mm lhe maierials available. vmelher ine apnhcallon is
irivuious and II rial Ihm.Igh| as frivolous. la wnsldsr that me
Applicant has an arguable case ta Db n the raiief sought at
ine simslaniive nearing.
7 The principles gnvemlng anplicahuns lurieave |D commencsmdl al
review proceedings nave also been ser out in Tang Kwor Ham a.
Dr: v. Fungnmnn Danallarla Naslnnal Bhd & are [zno6| i
MLRH 507: [2006] 1 CLI 937: [1005] 5 NILI ED e169 wheve Gnnal
sri Ram JCA1as ne men was) held:
H0!’ in. nign com ahouid nei fin lulu in. marili Mlha can ai lhu iezva
siege lis ieie il anlylo 559 iiine appiiceiien forleave ie inimioiie So loo will
ine own he sfllfliod In muse iunva ii ii is a 525: Mare lhe simian maiiei er
me 1eVi9'wI5 one mien Ivy semen law ieilr-er wimen law or ine common iawi is
5. ii is inie met vie Applicerii have re saiisly the less pmpaunded in
me enovenieriiionei: cases is secure me leave lo Oammenoa me
judiflial review proceedings. Al iliie siege, ine eoim need rio| go iri|u
lne menls ei me case, but only in see il me siilaieci nianer is
amenable to iunioial review or wneiner ine epplieaiion lei leave is
9 In any event, a judicial review is (fie dlscralion (:7 Die couni the
applieaiieri lei leave In commence judicial review may be allowed in
exceiaiionel eireumsianees as explained by me lhen Supreme cam
in GOV/lrflrllllll oi Mlllysla :. Anar v. Jagdls Slngr-[1987] 2 ML!
185:[1DlG]1 MLRA 207: [1987] CL] REP I10 which held:
’Nelfl zliinwirlg ine appeal iiiine aiseieiian is snli wiin lbs owns 10 ea by way
ei iimiciei ieinew mil vmeie [here i! an aplzlai nvovlskm available lo me
zppiitAnL cellimari sneiiia ml rioniiaiiy issue unless ineie IS $N)Wl| . dual lack
iiinseicaen or I biahni isiiuie in peflclmi some llilmnry aria, W in spwupnsie
uses a serious breach eiine principles oinaiuiai luslioe"
SIN Lluz:aV1DTLlflifiErmmllO
“Nana s.n.i mmhnrwiii rs. UIQG e may i... nflniruiily Mihil dnuuviml Vfl nFiuNfl mi
The grounds lprmo judicre rwlnw
lo. Tne grounds ol rellel sought are based on me conlenllan ltlel lne
Raspondenls declsron was rllegal, vald, unlawlul. ln exness el
aulhonly, lnaclbnel, unreasonable and made ln breach bl me
Applicants legmmale expeclallon. These conlenlrans are supparled
by several reasons among wmbn lrlclud: lhe lallawmg —
ml The Respondenrs Dacls n aughl to be revlewed by lhls
Honourable com oansldering lhal ~
Frewausly, me DGIR had also arbllranly lnvnked
Seclmn mum of me WA ln dlsregard lne Applrcanrs
loans or debl lransablruns ler Propel salu lrl me ‘(As
2016 to 2020 The new slmllarly alleged lnal me
lnIeres| expenses lncurred by me Appllcant on me
loans or debl lrenseclrana lor Pmlacl sum are no|
deduclrble as Prelecl Sam is purpprledly a debl push-
down scheme wllh rne sale motive o1 deriving a lax
benenl by Clalmlng daduaupns on ma lnlsrasl
expenses manned by me Appllcanl
H Farlhe VA: 2016102020, ma Apphcam lnrbugh we lax
agenl explalned lo we DGIR lhallne lrlleresl expenses
lncurred by the Applicant on me loans or debt
transacllons lor Pmrecl selu were rndeed perd by me
Appllcant Furlner, w rnalnlaln lhe ulaxrs Group's Mal
Debl lo EBITDA vallu below me 4.D:1 mresnold. 4! was
necessary lar Mal-lu |n sellle rls other borrawlngs. The
Appllcant also nlghnghled me expected benefits and
cornmerclal Jusllflcsllorls at Prqecl Sam
nu. Nolwllhslarvdlng. me DGIR proceeded in VEISS Farms
M (or me ‘(As 2016 lo 2020
w Aggrieved by lhe Farms JA ralsed lor me YAS 2016 |0
2020, me Aapllcanl nad slmllaliy filed appllbaupns lor
leave In commence judlcial revlew.
102. The Raspondenrs Declslorl was ultra vlres. lllegal, vmd‘
unlewlul and/or ln excess M aulneruy lpr me lollowrng
u... g M 15
rn uuzzuvzmumvfirmnulla
“Nana Smnl navlhnrwlll .. med a may r... nflnlnnllly mm: dnuavlml VI .nuna ml
4 Frrsxr me Feaerai coumn Rairyar sarjaya (supra) has
decided lhala iaxpayens entitled to organize Ms aflairs
in aucn a way as to MITIIIYHZS lax. wanes, mars VS
nolhing wrong ai an wllh the Applicanl organize as
commercial iransacrrons in sucn a way as ro m mize
H Second. «he coun o1AppeaJ rn Sabah Herlawi (supra)
and this Honourable coun In Enuzo Gurudl (sums)
nave decided that Section mam oi ma ITA is not
applicable wnere a tax advamage is derived tram an
aciuai ounay or expenditure which reauoas ma lax
Iiabriiiy in cirounrsianoes in whrcn me taxing siaiuie
ariords a reduction In lax liabmy subsequeriiiy, ibis
rionourabia couns daorsmn In Enlco Gurudl uurzra)
was upheld by me Coun oi Apveai
in ma bresani rnaiier, ma rnieraai expenses incurred
by me Appiicani on ma loans or debl |ransac||uns in
acquire ins buslnessa and undertakings from me
Selling Companies are tax deductible under Section
33(1)(z| onne ITA and unis nas nctl bean dispmed by
me DGIR It IS undemabie that me aoquisiuon of
businesses and unaanaxings were aciuai lransaciiuns
and the iniarasi expenses incurred were indeed paid
out by lhe Apphcanl. Theredore, Pmrem saiu is not a
nmious arrangemam and cannoi be saan as a lax
avoidance acneme
HI Third, Chis Honourable Court n Pm‘! Dickson FOWIV
(supra) and on conmu iniiunriu (supra) new
that the DGIR has no authority In dictate how a
«axpayer should conuuu as business and a taxpayer is
at its own irbany In canauoi its business wnn an
avariabie means to make good prom and lo nriirgaie
his inciflenee 0! tax
in ma preseni rrianer, Project Salu was implemented
ior nnancrai, mmrneroiai and business raalilies and
obrnrnerorai and business raaimas arm rusiriioaiions It
must be noise: that Propel saru is capable ol
axpianauob by rersranoe Io ovdinary businsss ueaiings
p... 10 M 25
rn uazaavzmuaufirmniua
«war. s.n.r mmhnrwm .. u... u may r... bnrrn.i-y mini: dnumiml Vfl briurm war
| 3,156 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
BA-45B-32-10/2021 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH 1. ) ANGELA DEWI A/P GANAI SANNACY 2. ) VIJAYA A/L GANAI SANNACY | Perbicaraan jenayah - Pertuduhan kesalahan di bawah seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan dibaca bersama seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan;Di akhir kes pendakwaan, Mahkamah mendapati pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan suatu kes prima facie. Walaupun tiada saksi mata (eye witness), tapi keterangan-keterangan ikut keadaan (circumstantial evidence) dan inferens yang munasabah dibuat menjadikan kes pendakwaan yang kukuh dan menyakinkan;Di akhir perbicaraan, Tertuduh-tertuduh hanya sekadar membuat penafian semata-mata. Namun Tertuduh-Tertuduh langsung tidak menafikan keberadaan mereka pada masa dan tempat yang material. Mahkamah menerima "last seen person theory" untuk membuat suatu inferens yang cukup menyakin.Pihak pembelaan telah gagal menimbulkan apa-apa keraguan yang munasabah terhadap kes pendakwaan. Justeru, Mahkamah mendapati pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan suatu kes yang melampaui keraguan yang munasabah. Tertuduh-Tertuduh telah disabitkan dengan kesalahan membunuh.Setelah mendengar hujahan mitigasi dan pemberatan, Mahkamah tidak mendapati apa-apa keadaan yang mewajarkan pelaksanaan budi bicara untuk mengenakan hukuman pemenjaraan dan sebatan. Oleh itu, Mahkamah telah memerintahkan supaya Tertuduh 1 dan Tertuduh 2 dikenakan hukuman gantung di leher sampai mati menurut seksyen 277 Kanun Keseksaan. | 29/01/2024 | YA Tuan Hasbullah bin Adam | |
[NO. KP: 750816-08-6154]
[NO. KP: 780509-08-6485]
[1] Angela Dewi a/p Ganai Sannacy (“Tertuduh 1”) dan Vijaya a/l
Ganai Sannacy (“Tertuduh 2”) (secara kolektif dirujuk sebagai
“Tertuduh-Tertuduh”) telah dituduh dengan satu pertuduhan kesalahan
membunuh di bawah seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan dan dibaca
bersama seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan.
29/01/2024 12:17:30
BA-45B-32-10/2021 Kand. 146
S/N ReLBz6mipkKDk5pIdwswzA
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[2] Pertuduhan terhadap Tertuduh-Tertuduh [ekshibit P2] adalah
seperti berikut:
“Bahawa kamu pada 1.10.2020 di antara jam 12.00
tengahari hingga jam 1.00 petang bertempat di
rumah beralamat No. 10, Lorong Jati 1, Rumah
Murah PKNS Blok A, Kg Baru Sungai Chua, 43000
Kajang, dalam Daerah Hulu Langat di dalam Negeri
Selangor Darul Ehsan bagi mencapai niat bersama
kamu telah melakukan bunuh ke atas Devarajoo a/l
Rengasamy (No. KP: 610817-08-5415) dan oleh
yang demikian kamu telah melakukan kesalahan di
bawah seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan dan dibaca
bersama seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan.”
[3] Pada 25.5.2023, Mahkamah ini telah merumuskan di akhir kes
pendakwaan bahawa pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan
suatu kes prima facie bagi pertuduhan kesalahan membunuh (murder)
yang boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan terhadap
Tertuduh-Tertuduh seperti mana dalam pertuduhan [ekshibit P2]. Oleh
yang demikian, Tertuduh-Tertuduh telah dipanggil untuk membela diri ke
atas pertuduhan tersebut.
[4] Seterusnya di akhir perbicaraan (at the conclusion of the trial) pula,
Mahkamah ini telah memutuskan pada 21.9.2023 bahawa Tertuduh-
Tertuduh disabitkan dengan kesalahan membunuh dan seterusnya
dikenakan hukuman gantung di leher sampai mati menurut seksyen 277
S/N ReLBz6mipkKDk5pIdwswzA
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Kanun Tatacara Jenayah bagi pertuduhan kesalahan membunuh di
bawah seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan dibaca bersama seksyen 34
Kanun Keseksaan.
[5] Tertuduh-Tertuduh telah memfailkan rayuan terhadap keseluruhan
keputusan Mahkamah melalui notis rayuan ke Mahkamah Rayuan
Malaysia bertarikh 22.9.2023.
Ringkasan Kes Pendakwaan
[6] Perbicaraan kes ini di peringkat kes pendakwaan telah bermula
pada 27.2.2023 dan pihak pendakwaan telah menutup kes pendakwaan
pada 17.3.2023 setelah memanggil seramai 16 orang saksi pendakwaan
seperti berikut:
SP1 : Kpl Syarizwan bin Md Saad (Jurufoto)
SP2 : Dr Nour Izaquan bin Baharuddin (Pegawai Perubatan)
SP3 : Mohd Nasharuddin bin Mahat (Jiran mangsa)
SP4 : Kpl Mohd Ariff bin Hazmi (Jurufoto bedah siasat)
SP5 : Kpl Mohammad Na’im bin Ideres (Jurufoto tempat
kejadian dan barang kes)
SP6 : ASP Boby bin Tamat (Pegawai forensik PDRM)
SP7 : Dr Muhammad Firdaus bin Yusman (Peg Perubatan)
SP8 : Dr Khairul Anuar bin Zainun (Pakar Patologi Forensik)
SP9 : Sjn Ilham bin Hitam (Jurustor)
SP10 : Insp. Mohamad Faeez bin Norzah (Pegawai penyiasat
kes samun)
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SP11 : Janaky a/p Supurmany (Isteri kedua mangsa)
SP12 : Sangitha a/p Devarajoo (Cucu mangsa)
SP13 : Navaneethan a/l Devarajoo (Anak mangsa)
SP14 : Insp. Mohd Hazrani bin Hashim (Pegawai tangkapan)
SP15 : ASP S.Vekram a/l S.Sinnaiah (Pegawai Penyiasat)
SP16 : Muniandy a/l Sivalingam (Pemandu peribadi mangsa).
[7] Berdasarkan keterangan-keterangan yang dikemukakan di
peringkat kes pendakwaan, Mahkamah ini telah merumuskan fakta kes
pendakwaan secara ringkasnya seperti berikut:
(a) Pada 1.10.2020 jam lebih kurang 12 tengahari, Janaky a/p
Supurmany (SP11) yang merupakan isteri kedua yang
dikahwini secara adat oleh Devarajoo a/l Rengasamy
(“Mangsa”), telah keluar dari rumah di No. 10, Lorong Jati 1,
Rumah Murah PKNS Blok A, Kg Baru Sungai Chua, Kajang
(“Rumah tempat kejadian”) untuk menghantar 2 orang cucu
Mangsa ke sekolah iaitu Sangitha a/p Devarajoo (SP12) dan
seorang lagi bernama Mohanas Sree (Moganeswari), dengan
menaiki motorsikal;
(b) Sebelum bergerak ke sekolah, SP11 dan SP12 telah melihat
Tertuduh 1 (yang memakai night dress) dan Tertuduh 2 (yang
memakai t-shirt dan seluar pendek) sedang berbual di
kawasan garaj depan rumah;
S/N ReLBz6mipkKDk5pIdwswzA
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(c) Lebih kurang baru 5 minit meninggalkan Rumah tempat
kejadian tersebut, SP11 telah berpatah balik kerana secara
tiba-tiba dimaklumkan bahawa Mohanas Sree (Moganeswari)
berasa tidak sihat. Setelah sampai di rumah, SP12 telah
mendekati mangsa yang masih di atas sofa di kawasan
beranda rumah itu dan melihat mangsa dalam keadaan
berlumuran darah. SP12 menjerit dan SP11 turut datang serta
melihat mangsa yang berlumuran darah itu;
(d) Mohd Nasharuddin bin Mahat (SP3) yang merupakan
seorang jiran, telah datang ke rumah Mangsa apabila
mendengar kekecohan dan jeritan. SP3 telah membuat
panggilan kecemasan untuk memanggil ambulan;
(e) Dalam keadaan kelam kabut itu, SP11 dan SP12 boleh
melihat Tertuduh 1 berdiri berdekatan dengan kereta di
porch/garaj dan telah bertukar pakaian kepada tshirt dan
seluar. Manakala Tertuduh 2 tidak kelihatan di rumah itu;
(f) Setelah ambulan sampai, Mangsa telah di bawa ke Hospital
Kajang. Manakala Tertuduh 1 telah membuat satu laporan
polis iaitu Kajang Report No. 29818/20 bertarikh 1.10.2020
[ekshibit P24] iaitu pada petang hari yang sama menyatakan
ia adalah kejadian samun kerana rantai leher emas yang
dipakai oleh Mangsa telah tiada. Siasatan awal kejadian
tersebut di bawah seksyen 394 Kanun Keseksaan diambil
oleh Insp. Mohamad Faeez bin Norzah (SP10);
S/N ReLBz6mipkKDk5pIdwswzA
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(g) Mangsa telah disahkan meninggal dunia pada 10.10.2020.
Siasatan pihak polis telah diklasifikasikan semula kepada
seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan dan diambil alih siasatan oleh
ASP S. Vekram a/l S. Sinnaiah (SP15);
(h) SP15 telah membuat siasatan lanjut dan telah melawat ke
tempat kejadian. Hasil siasatan lanjut tersebut, SP15 telah
mengarahkan penangkapan ke atas Tertuduh 1. Tangkapan
ke atas Tertuduh 1 telah dijalankan oleh Insp. Mohd Hazrani
bin Hashim (SP14) dan beliau telah membuat laporan polis
penangkapan tersebut seperti mana dalam Kajang Report
No. 30880/20 [ekshibit P28] bertarikh 10.10.2020;
(i) SP14 juga telah membuat tangkapan ke atas Tertuduh 2 pada
17.10.2020 seperti mana dalam laporan polis Kajang Report
No. 31682/20 [ekshibit P29];
(j) Hasil siasatan lanjut ke atas Tertuduh 2, Tertuduh 2 telah
memandu arah SP14 dan pasukan polis ke sebuah stor di
Bukit Angkat, Kajang dan telah membawa kepada penemuan
1 penukul besi [ekshibit P15(1)(A)] di kawasan stor dan
seutas rantai leher emas [ekshibit P15(2)(B)] yang diletakkan
dalam sarung tangan getah hitam [ekshibit P15(4)(A1)] di
pangkal pokok pisang berhampiran dengan kawasan stor
tersebut, seperti mana dilaporkan oleh SP14 dalam Kajang
Report No.31683/20 [ekshibit P32–dengan mengambil kira
S/N ReLBz6mipkKDk5pIdwswzA
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beberapa frasa ayat yang diputuskan supaya
(k) Dr. Khairul Anuar bin Zainun, Pakar Patologi Forensik (SP8)
yang telah menjalankan bedah siasat ke atas mayat Mangsa
menjelaskan tentang punca kematian Mangsa (cause of
death) iaitu akibat komplikasi pendarahan selaput otak, kesan
dari trauma tumpul setempat yang dialami oleh Mangsa pada
bahagian kepala (blunt-force trauma to the head). Rujuk
laporan bedah siasat bertarikh 15.10.2020 [ekshibit P18].
Tugas Mahkamah di akhir kes pendakwaan
[8] Tugas Mahkamah di akhir kes pendakwaan adalah seperti mana
yang diperuntukkan di bawah seksyen 180(1) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah.
Prinsip-prinsip tugas Mahkamah di akhir kes pendakwaan telah
diputuskan di dalam beberapa kes tersohor termasuklah PP v. Mohd
Radzi Abu Bakar [2006] 1 CLJ 457 yang mana Mahkamah Persekutuan
telah memutuskan:
“[15] For the guidance of the courts below, we summarise
as follows the steps that should be taken by a trial court at
the close of the prosecution’s case:
(i) the close of the prosecution’s case, subject the
evidence led by the prosecution in its totality to a
maximum evaluation. Carefully scrutinise the
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credibility of each of the prosecution’s witnesses.
Take into account all reasonable inferences that
may be drawn from that evidence. If the evidence
admits of two or more inferences, then draw the
inference that is most favourable to the accused;
(ii) ask yourself the question: If I now call upon the
accused to make his defence and he elects to
remain silent am I prepared to convict him on the
evidence now before me? If the answer to that
question is “Yes”, then a prima facie case has been
made out and the defence should be called. If the
answer is “No” then, a prima facie case has not been
made out and the accused should be acquitted;”
[9] Elemen kesalahan membunuh terkandung dalam peruntukan
seksyen 299 dan seksyen 300 Kanun Keseksaan. Seksyen 299
mendefinisikan secara umum ‘culpable homicide’ seperti berikut:
“Whoever causes death by doing an act with the intention
of causing death, or with the intention of causing bodily
injury as is likely to cause death or with the knowledge
that he is likely by such act to cause death commits the
offence of culpable homicide.”
[10] Seterusnya seksyen 300 Kanun Keseksaan memperuntukkan
tentang ‘culpable homicide amounting to murder’ seperti yang berikut:
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“Except in the cases hereinafter excepted, culpable
homicide is murder:
(a) If the act by which the death is caused is done with
the intention of causing death;
(b) If it is done with the intention of causing such
bodily injury as the offender knows to be likely
to cause the death of the person to whom the
harm is caused;
(c) If it is done with the intention of causing bodily
injury to any person, and the bodily injury intended
to be inflicted is sufficient in the ordinary course
of nature to cause death; or
(d) If the person committing the act knows that it is
imminently dangerous that it must in all
probability cause death, or such bodily injury
as is likely to cause death, and commits such act
without any excuse for incurring the risk of
causing death, or such injury as aforesaid.”
(Penekanan ditambah)
[11] Oleh yang demikian, dengan berpandukan peruntukan seksyen
299 dan seksyen 300 tersebut, pihak pendakwaan dalam kes ini yang
melibatkan pertuduhan kesalahan di bawah seksyen 302 Kanun
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Keseksaan adalah bertanggungjawab untuk membuktikan elemen-
elemen pertuduhan seperti berikut:
(a) berlakunya kematian seorang yang bernama Devarajoo
a/l Rengasamy (“Mangsa”);
(b) kematian Mangsa disebabkan kecederaan yang
dialaminya (bodily injury);
(c) kecederaan ke atas Mangsa adalah disebabkan oleh
perbuatan Tertuduh-Tertuduh;
(d) perbuatan Tertuduh-Tertuduh yang menyebabkan
bencana tubuh atau kecederaan ke atas Mangsa telah
dilakukan pada masa, tarikh dan tempat seperti mana
dalam pertuduhan;
(e) bahawa dalam mengakibatkan kecederaan ke atas
Mangsa, Tertuduh-Tertuduh telah, sama ada -
(i) dengan niat menyebabkan kematian Mangsa;
(ii) dengan niat menyebabkan bencana tubuh ke atas
Mangsa yang diketahui oleh Tertuduh-Tertuduh
boleh menyebabkan kematian Mangsa;
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(iii) dengan niat menyebabkan bencana tubuh ke atas
Mangsa yang pada kebiasaannya boleh
menyebabkan kematian; atau
(iv) dengan pengetahuan bahawa perbuatan itu
sangat merbahaya dan semestinya dalam apa jua
kebarangkalian akan menyebabkan kematian atau
kecederaan badan yang boleh menyebabkan
kematian; dan
(f) bahawa Tertuduh-Tertuduh mempunyai niat bersama
untuk membunuh atau menyebabkan kematian Mangsa.
Analisis dan dapatan Mahkamah di akhir kes pendakwaan
Kematian Devarajoo a/l Rengasamy (mangsa)
[12] Adalah merupakan fakta yang tidak dipertikaikan oleh mana-mana
pihak dalam kes ini bahawa Mangsa telah mati pada 10.10.2020 seperti
mana dalam keterangan dokumentar Daftar Kematian [ekshibit P21].
[13] Adalah dapatan (finding) Mahkamah ini bahawa pihak pendakwaan
telah berjaya membuktikan elemen pertama bahawa Mangsa telah pun
mati melalui keterangan Dr. Muhammad Firdaus bin Yusman, Pegawai
Perubatan (SP7) dan keterangan dokumentar iaitu Laporan Bedah Siasat
bertarikh 15.10.2020 [ekshibit P18] oleh Dr. Khairul Anuar bin Zainun,
Pakar Patologi Forensik (SP8).
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Kematian Mangsa disebabkan kecederaan yang dialaminya
[14] Mahkamah ini juga mendapati bahawa kematian Mangsa adalah
disebabkan oleh kecederaan yang dialaminya. Keterangan Dr. Khairul
Anuar bin Zainun, Pakar Patologi Forensik (SP8) yang telah menjalankan
bedah siasat ke atas mayat Mangsa menjelaskan tentang punca
kematian Mangsa akibat komplikasi pendarahan selaput otak, kesan dari
trauma tumpul setempat yang dialami oleh Mangsa pada bahagian
kepala (blunt-force trauma to the head).
[15] SP8 semasa memberi keterangan dalam Mahkamah ini telah
menjelaskan bahawa kecederaan yang dialami oleh Mangsa pada
bahagian kepala tersebut adalah sangat serius dan walaupun rawatan
diberikan ia hanyalah sekadar untuk memanjangkan hayat Mangsa.
Namun kecederaan yang dialami oleh Mangsa akan menyebabkan
kematian juga kepada Mangsa. Manakala jangkitan paru-paru
(pneumonia) yang turut dijumpai ketika bedah siasat juga boleh
menyumbang dalam mempercepatkan kematian Mangsa pada waktu
tersebut tetapi bukanlah penyebab kepada sebab kematian.
[16] Mahkamah ini menerima keterangan SP8 tersebut dan berpuas hati
bahawa elemen kedua pertuduhan kesalahan telah berjaya dibuktikan.
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Kecederaan ke atas Mangsa adalah disebabkan oleh perbuatan
[17] Pihak pendakwaan telah bergantung kepada keterangan ikut
keadaan (circumstantial evidence) bagi membuktikan bahawa
kecederaan yang dialami oleh Mangsa tersebut adalah disebabkan oleh
perbuatan Tertuduh-Tertuduh.
[18] Walaupun tiada saksi mata (eye witness) yang melihat bagaimana
Mangsa menghadapi peristiwa yang menyebabkan kecederaan hingga
membawa kepada kematiannya, namun Mahkamah ini berpuas hati dan
menerima keterangan-keterangan mengikut keadaan (circumstantial
evidence) yang cukup menyakinkan (strong and convincing) bagi
membuat suatu kesimpulan tentang perbuatan Tertuduh-Tertuduh yang
telah menyebabkan kecederaan dan kematian Mangsa.
[19] Mangsa dalam kes ini adalah seorang lelaki india yang mempunyai
masalah penglihatan/buta yang sudah lama dialaminya akibat daripada
kemalangan. Pada hari-hari biasa, terdapat 9 orang lain lagi (selain
Mangsa) yang tinggal bersama-sama Mangsa di Rumah tempat kejadian
tersebut yang terdiri daripada 3 orang dewasa dan 6 orang kanak-kanak,
seperti berikut:
(a) Tertuduh 1 (isteri pertama Mangsa);
(b) Tertuduh 2 (adik lelaki Tertuduh 1);
(c) Janaky a/p Supurmany (SP11/ isteri kedua Mangsa);
(d) Navaneethan a/l Devarajoo (SP13/ anak dengan Tertuduh 1);
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(e) Sangitha a/p Devarajoo (SP12/ cucu yang dijadikan anak
(f) Kishok Kumar a/l Devarajoo (anak dengan Tertuduh 1;
(g) Vaishnavi a/l Devarajoo (cucu/ anak angkat);
(h) Varunavi a/l Devarajoo (cucu/ anak angkat); dan
(i) Mohana Sree a/p Devarajoo (cucu/ anak angkat).
[20] Walaupun mempunyai masalah penglihatan/buta, Mangsa masih
bekerja dengan bergantung kepada pemandu peribadinya iaitu Muniandy
a/l Sivalingam (SP16) untuk membawa beliau ke mana-mana atas urusan
kerja. Pada hari kejadian iaitu pada 1.10.2020, SP16 tidak hadir bekerja
kerana telah meminta cuti selama 3 hari dan pada hari kejadian tersebut
beliau hanya duduk di rumah sahaja dan hanya datang ke rumah Mangsa
setelah menerima panggilan telefon memaklumkan mengenai kejadian
yang berlaku ke atas Mangsa.
[21] Menurut keterangan SP11 dan SP12, pada hari kejadian tersebut
sebelum bergerak menuju ke sekolah, mereka telah nampak Mangsa
yang sedang duduk di atas sofa di bahagian beranda Rumah tempat
kejadian tersebut dengan memakai seluar pendek tanpa baju dan
memakai rantai emas di leher yang biasa dan telah lama dipakai oleh
Mangsa. Malahan SP12 dan Mohana Sree telah menghampiri dan
memeluk serta mencium Mangsa untuk memaklumkan mereka akan ke
sekolah. Sebelum bergerak ke sekolah, SP11 dan SP12 turut nampak
Tertuduh 1 dan Tertuduh 2 yang sedang berbual di garaj di hadapan
rumah seperti mana ditandakan dalam gambar rajah kasar [ekshibit P27].
Pada masa itu, Tertuduh 1 dikatakan memakai gaun baju tidur malam
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(night dress) dan Tertuduh 2 memakai seluar pendek dan t-shirt.
Manakala 4 orang lagi kanak-kanak yang tinggal bersama di rumah
tersebut tiada di rumah kerana mereka bersekolah sesi pagi.
[22] SP11 kemudiannya telah membawa kedua-dua cucu/anak angkat
Mangsa iaitu SP12 dan Mohana Sree menaiki motorsikal menuju ke
sekolah. Walau bagaimanapun, lebih kurang 5 minit daripada rumah,
Mohana Sree telah memaklumkan bahawa beliau tidak sihat. Oleh yang
demikian, SP11 telah berpatah balik ke rumah. Sampai sahaja di
hadapan rumah, SP12 terus menuju ke arah Mangsa yang masih berada
atas sofa yang sama. SP12 melihat badan Mangsa yang berlumuran
darah termasuk bahagian kepala Mangsa. SP12 telah menjerit dan SP11
terus masuk dan melihat keadaan Mangsa. Pada masa kekecohan itu,
SP11 dan SP12 tidak melihat Tertuduh 1 atau Tertuduh 2 di situ. Namun
Tertuduh 1 hanya datang kemudian dan berdiri di tepi kereta yang
diletakkan berdekatan dengan sofa tempat Mangsa duduk. Pada ketika
itu, SP11 dan SP12 dalam keterangannya memaklumkan bahawa
Tertuduh 1 tidak lagi memakai night dress tetapi telah menukar pakaian
kepada t-shirt dan seluar pendek. Manakala Tertuduh 2 tidak kelihatan.
[23] SP11 kemudiannya telah meminta bantuan daripada jiran untuk
menghubungi ambulan. SP3 dalam keterangannya mengesahkan
bahawa beliau merupakan jiran yang telah memanggil ambulan. SP11
telah menaiki ambulan tersebut mengiringi Mangsa dalam ambulan
tersebut menuju ke hospital. Manakala Tertuduh 1 telah menaiki kereta
bersama pemandu kepada Mangsa (SP16) yang tiba kemudian di Rumah
kejadian tersebut menuju ke hospital.
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[24] Pada petang hari yang sama kejadian tersebut juga, Tertuduh 1
telah membuat laporan polis [ekshibit P24] menyatakan bahawa
Tertuduh 1 telah mendengar jeritan kakaknya dan kemudiannya
mendapati Mangsa dalam keadaan cedera di kepala dan rantai emas
yang dipakai Mangsa juga turut hilang.
[25] Insp. Mohamad Faeez bin Norzah (SP10) merupakan pegawai
penyiasat awal bagi kes yang pada mulanya diklasifikasi sebagai kes
samun di bawah seksyen 394 Kanun Keseksaan. SP10 telah merakam
percakapan Tertuduh 1 dan isteri kedua Mangsa (SP11). SP10 turut
merakam percakapan pemandu peribadi Mangsa iaitu Muniandy a/l
Sivalingam (SP16) dan juga anak lelaki Mangsa.
[26] Selepas Mangsa disahkan meninggal dunia pada 10.10.2019, kes
telah dklasifikasikan semula untuk siasatan di bawah seksyen 302 Kanun
Keseksaan. Siasatan telah dijalankan seterusnya oleh Pegawai
Penyiasat, ASP S. Vekram a/l S. Sinnaiah (SP15). Dalam menjalankan
siasatan, SP15 telah mendapati sofa tempat kejadian di mana Mangsa
duduk kali terakhir sebelum kematiannya, telah tiada atau dibuang oleh
keluarga Mangsa. SP15 juga telah masuk ke dalam stor menyimpan
barangan katering yang mana menurut Tertuduh 1 beliau berada dalam
stor tersebut pada tengahari hari kejadian untuk mengemas barangan
katering. Hasil siasatan dan pemerhatian SP15 mendapati stor tersebut
hanyalah merupakan sebuah bilik kecil yang diletakkan barangan
katering. Namun menurut SP15 keadaan dalam stor tersebut adalah
sangat berhabuk, sempit, panas dan barang-barang dalam keadaan
berselerak. Hasil siasatan tidak menunjukkan perbuatan mengemas dan
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tidak munasabah untuk berada di dalamnya waktu tengahari yang sangat
[27] SP15 juga telah mengarahkan mayat Mangsa dihantar untuk tujuan
bedah siasat yang telah dijalankan oleh Dr. Khairul Anuar bin Zainun
(SP8). Dalam bedah siasat yang dijalankan ke atas mayat Mangsa, SP8
menemui adanya kesan luka mempertahankan diri atau pergelutan iaitu
luka di bahagian tangan kiri dan kanan Mangsa. SP8 turut menjelaskan
bahawa corak kecederaan yang dialami Mangsa adalah akibat ketukan
atau pukulan dengan objek atau senjata tumpul yang menyebabkan
kepatahan tulang tempurung kepala, pendarahan selaput otak dan
pembengkakan otak yang menyebabkan kematian Mangsa. Menurut
SP8 lagi bahawa berdasarkan corak kecederaan tersebut, ia boleh
diakibatkan oleh ketukan atau pukulan dengan objek atau senjata tumpul
yang mempunyai bahagian yang berbentuk bulat.
[28] Seterusnya Tertuduh 2 pula telah ditangkap oleh Insp. Mohd
Hazrani bin Hashim (SP14). Hasil siasatan ke atas Tertuduh 2 pula telah
membawa kepada pandu arah oleh Tertuduh 2 ke sebuah stor kitar
semula di Bukit Angkat, Sg Chua, Kajang berhadapan kuil Sri Maha Kali
Matha Illam hingga membawa kepada penemuan sebuah penukul besi
[ekshibit P15(1A)] yang diletakkan di atas tanah berdekatan stor tersebut
dan seterusnya membawa pasukan polis ke rimbunan pokok pisang di
mana ditemui satu sarung tangan hitam [ekshibit P15(4)(A1)] yang
mengandungi seutas rantai leher emas berbentuk bulat-bulat [ekshibit
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[29] ASP Boby bin Tamat (SP6) merupakan pegawai forensik PDRM
yang telah dipanggil ke lokasi tersebut bagi menjalankan ‘swabbing’ dan
cap jari ke atas barang-barang kes yang ditemui serta membuat ukuran
pada penukul besi berkenaan. SP6 telah menyerahkan semua barang
kes yang ditemui kepada SP15 seperti mana dalam Borang Serah
Menyerah Barang-Barang Kes [ekshibit P14].
[30] Keterangan saksi-saksi iaitu SP11, SP12, SP13 dan SP16 telah
mengecam rantai emas tersebut yang dikemukakan dalam Mahkamah
yang merupakan rantai emas yang dipakai oleh Mangsa semasa
hidupnya. Sifat unik rantai emas itu juga membantu dalam proses
pengecaman iaitu bentuk rantai leher bulat-bulat kecil. Malahan isu
pengecaman rantai leher emas ini juga tidak pernah dibantah atau diragui
semasa keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan oleh pihak pembelaan.
[31] Berdasarkan kepada keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan dan
walaupun tiada saksi mata yang dapat dikemukakan, namun keterangan-
keterangan ikut keadaan (circumstantial evidence) yang ada cukup kuat
dan menyakinkan bahawa Tertuduh 1 dan Tertuduh 2 merupakan orang
yang terakhir (last seen person) bersama Mangsa di Rumah tempat
kejadian. Malahan perbezaan masa SP11, SP12 dan Mohana Sree mula
meninggalkan rumah untuk ke sekolah dan berpatah balik ke rumah
hanyalah lebih kurang 10 minit dan kedudukan Mangsa yang masih kekal
di atas sofa di halaman rumah itu. Hanya orang yang berada di rumah
tersebut sahaja mengetahui Mangsa berada di rumah ketika itu.
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[32] Dalam kes Kagatree a/p Pechi v. Public Prosecutor & Another
appeal [2023] MLJU 275, rujukan telah dibuat kepada Sarkar Law of
“[56] Sarkar Law of Evidence, 18th Edition, Volume 1
page 140, states this:
‘The last seen theory comes into play where the time-gap
between the point of time when the accused and the
deceased were last seen alive and when the deceased is
found dead is so small that possibility of any person other
than the accused being the author of the crimes becomes
[33] Dalam kes di hadapan Mahkamah ini, keterangan SP11 dan
SP12 mengatakan bahawa semasa mereka hendak bergerak ke
sekolah, Tertuduh 1 dan Tertuduh 2 dilihat berada di garaj di hadapan
Rumah tempat kejadian tersebut. Malahan Tertuduh 1 dilihat sedang
memakai night dress. Apabila SP11 dan SP12 sampai semula ke
rumah setelah berpatah balik kerana Mohana Sree yang tidak sihat,
Mangsa masih pada kedudukan di atas sofa dan Tertuduh 1 dan
Tertuduh 2 sudah tidak lagi kelihatan di hadapan rumah. Jarak masa
lebih kurang 10 minit daripada mula SP11 dan SP12 meninggalkan
rumah hingga balik semula ke rumah adalah suatu masa yang
singkat. Tertuduh 1 dan Tertuduh 2 merupakan orang yang terakhir
berada di rumah dan tiada orang lain lagi yang berada di rumah ketika
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[34] Tertuduh 1 hanya muncul kemudian dengan memakai seluar
dan tshirt. Pembelaan cuba menyatakan pembelaan Tertuduh 1 di
peringkat kes pendakwaan lagi bahawa Tertuduh 1 berada di dalam
stor barangan katering di hadapan rumah dan cuba menyatakan
bahawa Mangsa telah disamun disebabkan rantai leher emas yang
dipakai Mangsa telah tiada. Namun siasatan SP15 mendapati
keadaan dalam stor barangan katering di garaj hadapan rumah
adalah sangat berhabuk, sempit, panas dan barang-barang dalam
keadaan berselerak yang tidak mungkin Tertuduh 1 berada dalam
stor tersebut pada waktu tengahari untuk mengemas barang-barang
katering. Versi pembelaan untuk mengatakan Mangsa telah disamun
berdasarkan kehilangan rantai leher emas Mangsa sedangkan cincin
yang dipakai oleh Mangsa masih ada adalah juga tidak menyakinkan
Mahkamah ini.
[35] Oleh yang demikian, berdasarkan penilaian secara
keseluruhan keterangan-keterangan ikut keadaan dan ‘last seen
person theory’, Mahkamah ini berpuas hati dan membuat dapatan
yang menyakinkan bahawa perbuatan Tertuduh-Tertuduh tersebut
yang telah menyebabkan kecederaan atau bencana tubuh ke atas
Mangsa hingga mengakibatkan kematian Mangsa.
Elemen mens rea bagi kesalahan membunuh
[36] Bagi membuktikan suatu kes prima facie bagi kesalahan
membunuh, salah satu elemen penting lagi yang perlu dibuktikan oleh
pihak pendakwaan adalah elemen mens rea seperti mana dijelaskan
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dalam seksyen 300 Kanun Keseksaan. Pihak pendakwaan hendaklah
juga membuktikan bahawa dalam mengakibatkan kecederaan ke atas
Mangsa, Tertuduh-Tertuduh telah, sama ada -
(a) dengan niat menyebabkan kematian Mangsa;
(b) dengan niat menyebabkan kecederaan tubuh ke atas
Mangsa yang diketahui oleh Tertuduh-Tertuduh boleh
menyebabkan kematian Mangsa;
(c) dengan niat menyebabkan kecederaan tubuh Mangsa yang
pada kebiasaannya boleh menyebabkan kematian; atau
(d) dengan pengetahuan bahawa perbuatan itu sangat
merbahaya dan semestinya dalam apa jua kebarangkalian
akan menyebabkan kematian atau kecederaan badan yang
boleh menyebabkan kematian.
[37] Pihak pendakwaan menghujahkan dan mengguna pakai cabang
(c) di bawah seksyen 300 Kanun Keseksaan bahawa Tertuduh-Tertuduh
mempunyai niat untuk menyebabkan kecederaan seperti yang dialami
oleh Mangsa yang mana secara lazimnya akan menyebabkan kematian
(sufficient in the ordinary course of nature to cause death).
[38] Mahkamah ini berpandangan bahawa seksyen 300(c) Kanun
Keseksaan tersebut menghendaki pihak pendakwaan membuktikan
bahawa Tertuduh-Tertuduh mempunyai niat (intention) untuk
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menyebabkan kecederaan atau bencana tubuh ke atas Mangsa yang
mana kecederaan atau bencana tubuh yang dilakukan itu secara
lazimnya akan menyebabkan kematian:
“(c) If it is done with the intention of causing bodily
injury to any person, and the bodily injury intended to be
inflicted is sufficient in the ordinary course of nature
to cause death;”
(Penekanan ditambah)
[39] Adalah merupakan suatu yang agak mustahil bagi membuktikan
niat atau pengetahuan seseorang pelaku melalui keterangan secara
langsung (direct evidence). Walau bagaimanapun, ia masih boleh
ditentukan melalui inferens yang dapat dibuat dengan bersandarkan
kepada segala fakta dan keadaan (facts and circumstances).
[40] Dalam kes Sainal Abidin v. PP [1999] 4 MLJ 497 telah diputuskan
bahawa niat adalah merupakan suatu perkara inferens yang boleh dibuat
dan sifat kecederaan yang dialami oleh mangsa termasuk bilangan luka
serta jenis senjata yang digunakan adalah dianggap sebagai petunjuk
(indicator) kepada niat pelaku dalam menyebabkan sesuatu kecederaan:
“Intention is a matter of inference. In the instant case, the
trial judge had carefully considered the evidence of the
doctor (medical evidence), the evidence of eye-witness
and the appellant on the issue of intention. After
considering the nature of the injuries sustained by the
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deceased, the number of wounds and the weapon used.
The trial judge had correctly regarded the nature of the
injuries sustained by the deceased as an indicator of
intention. The trial judge was correct in concluding that
the appellant possessed the intention of causing bodily
injuries to the deceased and that such injuries were
sufficient in the ordinary course of nature to cause death.”
[41] Manakala dalam kes Juraimi Husin v. PP [1998] 2 CLJ 383, adalah
diputuskan bahawa inferens niat dapat dibuat berdasarkan perbuatan
dan kelakuan (conduct) atau lain-lain keadaan.
[42] Berdasarkan segala keterangan yang ada, Mahkamah ini dapat
membuat apa-apa inferens yang sewajarnya bagi menunjukkan bahawa
Tertuduh-Tertuduh telah dengan niat (intention) menyebabkan
kecederaan tubuh Mangsa yang mana kecederaan tubuh yang dilakukan
itu secara lazimnya akan menyebabkan kematian, berdasarkan alasan-
alasan berikut:
(a) SP11, SP12, SP13 dan SP16 mengesahkan bahawa
Tertuduh 1 selalu bergaduh dengan Mangsa dan sudah lama
tidak bercakap. Mereka hanya bercakap apabila pergaduhan
berlaku. Apabila ditanya punca pergaduhan, semuanya
mengatakan ia akibat duit yang dipinjam oleh Mangsa
daripada Tertuduh1 dan belum dibayar. Malahan SP13 juga
mengatakan bahawa Tertuduh 1 marah apabila Mangsa
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membawa masuk SP11 (isteri kedua Mangsa) tinggal
bersama-sama dalam Rumah tempat kejadian tersebut;
(b) Malahan dalam keterangan SP13 (iaitu anak kandung lelaki
Tertuduh 1 dan Mangsa) ada menjelaskan bahawa Tertuduh
1 pernah menceritakan masalah antara Mangsa dengan
Tertuduh 1. Tertuduh 1 juga pernah mengatakan bahawa
beliau tidak berpuas hati dengan Mangsa dan meminta SP13
memasukkan suatu serbuk ke dalam makanan Mangsa.
Namun SP13 enggan untuk berbuat demikian tapi sekadar
mengiyakan sahaja arahan Tertuduh 1. Hal ini berlaku dalam
2 bulan sebelum kejadian Mangsa dibunuh;
(c) SP16 yang merupakan pemandu peribadi Mangsa juga ada
memberi keterangan bahawa Mangsa dan Tertuduh 1 kerap
bergaduh berpunca daripada duit. Malahan SP16 juga pernah
disuruh oleh Tertuduh 1 untuk memasukkan racun dalam kopi
Mangsa tetapi SP16 tidak melakukannya. Sebaliknya SP16
memberitahu kepada SP13 dan seterusnya diambil botol
berisi racun tersebut oleh SP13 dan dibuang ke dalam parit.
Tambahan menurut SP16 lagi bahawa Tertuduh 1 pernah
bertanya kepada beliau jika mengetahui mana-mana orang
yang sanggup untuk membunuh Mangsa dan akan diberikan
upah RM20 ribu;
(d) Manakala Tertuduh 2 pula sememangnya merupakan adik
lelaki kepada Tertuduh 1 dan Tertuduh 2 yang telah
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membawa dan memandu arah pihak polis hingga menemui
penukul besi serta rantai leher emas milik Mangsa;
(e) SP8 dalam keterangannya menjelaskan tentang kecederaan
yang dialami Mangsa adalah sangat teruk. Tempurung kepala
adalah suatu bahagian yang sangat keras dan untuk
kecederaan yang dialami Mangsa, ia menunjukkan satu daya
yang sangat kuat telah digunakan oleh pelaku untuk
mencederakan Mangsa. Kecederaan itu sendiri sudah jelas
menunjukkan bahawa ia mencukupi untuk menyebabkan
kematian kerana pelakunya memilih bahagian kepala dan
bukannya anggota badan yang lain. Oleh yang demikian, ia
mewajarkan inferens tentang niat pelakunya untuk
melakukan tindakan untuk mencederakan Mangsa yang
boleh menyebabkan kematian.
[43] Seterusnya, walaupun motif bukanlah merupakan salah satu
intipati (ingredient) kepada pertuduhan membunuh, namun Mahkamah
ini mendapati keterangan-keterangan tentang kewujudan motif dalam kes
ini. Tertuduh 1 sememangnya telah beberapa kali membuat percubaan
melalui SP13 dan SP16 untuk memasukkan ubat atau racun ke dalam
makanan Mangsa tetapi tidak berjaya apabila kedua-dua saksi tersebut
tidak melaksanakan arahan yang diberikan. Malahan Tertuduh 1 sampai
pernah meminta SP16 mencari pembunuh upahan dengan bayaran upah
RM20 ribu untuk membunuh Mangsa.
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[44] Dalam kes Priytharen Sundaramurthy v. PP & 1 lagi rayuan [2019]
1 LNS 47, Mahkamah Rayuan telah menjelaskan tentang penerimaan
motis sebagai keterangan sokongan seperti berikut:
“[33] …. Kami mengambil maklum bahawa motif
bukanlah salah satu inti pati pertuduhan namun hakim
bicara telah membuat pertimbangan berdasarkan kepada
fakta bahawa wujud motif di pihak Perayu Pertama untuk
membunuh si mati. Dapatan ini hanya satu keterangan
sokongan sahaja….”
[45] Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa pihak
pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan elemen mens rea menurut
seksyen 300(c) Kanun Keseksaan iaitu niat (intention) Tertuduh-Tertuduh
dengan perbuatan mengetuk dengan penukul besi pada bahagian kepala
Mangsa untuk menyebabkan kecederaan yang lazimnya boleh
mengakibatkan kematian (sufficient in ordinary course of nature to cause
Niat bersama oleh Tertuduh-Tertuduh
[46] Dalam kes ini, Tertuduh-Tertuduh telah dituduh secara bersama-
sama menurut seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan bagi kesalahan membunuh
[47] Mahkamah ini berpandangan bahawa berdasarkan keterangan-
keterangan ikut keadaan sebelum dan selepas kejadian pembunuhan
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tersebut telah mencukupi untuk menunjukkan ‘common design’ antara
keduanya. Dalam kes Aung Thun & Anor. [2013] 1 LNS 985 ada
menyatakan seperti berikut:
“It is now well established that to invoke section 34 it is
not a sine qua non for the prosecution to prove pre-
concert or pre-planning in the true sense. It will be
sufficient of the prosecution can establish that the
appellants were in the place and took part in the crime
and/or had nexus to the crime. Section 34 is not
substantive law but it is procedural in nature favouring the
prosecution such as that of presumption. The effect of the
application of section 34 is that once it is invoked in the
charge itself and evidence is led to show that the
appellants were involved in the crime, the appellants will
be required to speak of their innocence or non
involvement in the crime or that at the material time of the
crime they have disassociated from the crime. Nothing
[48] Mahkamah ini berpuas hati kepada ‘last seen person theory”
tentang keberadaan Tertuduh-Tertuduh sebagai orang terakhir berada di
Rumah tempat kejadian sebelum SP11, SP12 dan Mohanas Sree
meninggal rumah tersebut untuk ke sekolah. Mahkamah ini juga telah
menerima keterangan SP14 tentang tangkapan ke atas Tertuduh 2 yang
seterusnya telah memandu arah pihak polis membawa kepada
penemuan penukul besi dan rantai leher emas milik Mangsa. Perihal
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tangkapan ke atas Tertuduh 2 dan perihal pandu arah tersebut telah
dinyatakan dalam laporan polis yang dibuat oleh SP14 [ekshibit P32 dan
ekshibit P33]. Tanpa pandu arah oleh Tertuduh 2 kepada pihak polis,
sudah pasti barang-barang yang dirampas tersebut tidak akan ditemui.
Melihat kepada kedudukan barang-barang tersebut ditemui di mana
rantai leher emas milik Mangsa diletakkan dalam sarung tangan hitam
yang diletakkan dalam surat khabar dan plastik serta disorokkan pada
pangkal rumpun pokok pisang berdekatan Kawasan stor di Bukit Angkat,
Kajang itu pastilah agak mustahil untuk ditemui oleh pihak polis tanpa
dipandu arah oleh sesiapa atau Tertuduh 2.
[49] Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah ini berpuas hati dan mendapati
mendapati bahawa pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan niat
bersama (common intention) Tertuduh-Tertuduh bagi perbuatan
kesalahan membunuh seperti mana maksud peruntukan seksyen 34
Kanun Keseksaan, ‘in furtherance of the common intention which
presupposes permutation or pre-concept of mind’.
Keputusan Di Akhir Kes Pendakwaan
[50] Justeru, setelah meneliti secara keseluruhan dan membuat
penilaian maksimum ke atas keterangan-keterangan yang telah
dikemukakan di peringkat kes pendakwaan, Mahkamah ini telah
memutuskan pada 25.5.2023 di akhir kes pendakwaan bahawa pihak
pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan suatu kes prima facie terhadap
Tertuduh 1 dan Tertuduh 2 bagi pertuduhan kesalahan membunuh di
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bawah seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan dan dibaca bersama seksyen 34
Kanun Keseksaan.
[51] Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah ini telah memerintahkan supaya
Tertuduh 1 dan Tertuduh 2 dipanggil untuk membela diri bagi pertuduhan
kesalahan membunuh di bawah seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan dan
dibaca bersama seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan.
Ringkasan Kes Pembelaan
[52] Mahkamah ini telah menerangkan 3 pilihan kepada Tertuduh-
Tertuduh sama ada untuk memberi keterangan secara bersumpah
(sworn statement) dalam kandang saksi (witness box), memberi
keterangan tidak bersumpah (unsworn statement) daripada kandang
tertuduh atau berdiam diri. Tertuduh 1 dan Tertuduh 2 kemudiannya telah
memilih untuk memberi pengataan tanpa bersumpah secara bertulis dari
dalam kandang tertuduh [ditandakan sebagai WSD 1 dan WSD 2 masing-
masing]. Seterus pihak pembelaan telah menutup kes pembelaan tanpa
memanggil mana-mana saksi lain lagi.
[53] Secara ringkasnya, rumusan daripada pernyataan Tertuduh-
Tertuduh, mereka mengakui pada sebelah tengahari (tanpa menyatakan
masa yang spesifik) berada bersama-sama di hadapan rumah seperti
dalam pertuduhan sambil berbincang berkenaan perniagaan katering dan
apakah barang-barang yang perlu diambil dari stor katering di hadapan
rumah tersebut.
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[54] Menurut Tertuduh 2, selepas menerima barang-barang katering
yang diberikan oleh Tertuduh 1, Tertuduh 2 telah bertolak pula ke kedai
katering (yang dipercayai berada di Bukit Angkat, Kajang) bagi
menyerahkan barang-barang katering tersebut kepada pekerja di kedai
katering. Namun tiada mana-mana saksi lain atau pekerja di kedai
katering dipanggil bagi mengesahkan perkara tersebut.
[55] Manakala menurut Tertuduh 1 pula, beliau kemudiannya telah pergi
ke stor katering tersebut yang juga terdapat tempat sembahyang.
Menurutnya lagi, semasa berada di dalam stor katering itulah maka
terdengar jeritan yang kuat oleh Janaki a/p Supurmany (SP11). Tertuduh
1 telah berlari untuk melihat apa yang berlaku dan mendapati mangsa
dalam keadaan cedera di bahagian kepala serta rantai emas yang
dipakai oleh Mangsa telah hilang. Ini berbeza dengan keterangan SP11
dan SP12 sebelum ini bahawa Tertuduh 1 dilihat berada berdekatan
dengan kereta di garaj. Tertuduh 1 menyangkakan kejadian itu
merupakan suatu rompakan. Semasa Mangsa dimasukkan ke hospital,
Tertuduh 1 telah membuat laporan polis iaitu Kajang Report No.
29818/20 bertarikh 1.10.2020 [ekshibit P24] iaitu pada petang hari
kejadian yang sama. Adalah amat tidak munasabah untuk Tertuduh 1
menyangkakan kejadian itu sebagai samun hanya kerana kehilangan
rantai leher emas Mangsa sedangkan cincin emas di jari Mangsa tidak
pula diambil oleh pelaku.
[56] Tertuduh 1 juga menyatakan dalam pernyataan bertulisnya bahawa
serbuk putih yang dikatakan sebagai racun oleh SP13 dan SP16 adalah
sebenarnya serbuk yang digunakan bagi upacara keagamaan yang
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dipanggil sebagai “tinuru”. Walau bagaimanapun, Mahkamah ini
mendapati itu merupakan perkara baru dibangkitkan oleh Tertuduh1 yang
tidak pernah dicadangkan semasa peringkat kes pendakwaan.
Tugas Mahkamah Di Akhir Perbicaraan
[57] Tugas Mahkamah di akhir perbicaraan (at the conclusion of the
trial) adalah untuk mempertimbangkan segala keterangan yang telah
dikemukakan di hadapan mahkamah dan memutuskan sama ada pihak
pendakwaan berjaya membuktikan kes melampaui keraguan yang
munasabah (beyond reasonable doubt) seperti mana diperuntukkan di
bawah seksyen 182A Kanun Tatacara Jenayah:
“(1) At the conclusion of the trial, the Court shall
consider all the evidence adduced before it and shall
decide whether the prosecution has proved its case
beyond reasonable doubt.
(2) If the Court finds that the prosecution has proved its
case beyond reasonable doubt, the Court shall find the
accused guilty and he may be convicted on it.
(3) If the Court finds that the prosecution has not
proved its case beyond reasonable doubt, the Court shall
record an order of acquittal.”
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[58] Dalam kes Public Prosecutor v. Tan Chai Hing [2018] 6 CLJ 436
CA, Mahkamah Rayuan telah menyentuh tentang tanggungjawab
mahkamah di akhir kes pembelaan seperti berikut:
“[20] Under. S. 182A of the Criminal Procedure Code, it
is clearly the duty of the court to consider all the evidence
before it and shall decide whether the prosecution has
proved its case beyond reasonable doubt. This is a
mandatory requirement as evident by the use of the word
‘shall’ in that section. What it entails is that, at the end of
the defence, it is incumbent on the court to evaluate
the entire evidence placed before it including the
prosecution evidence. This was exactly what the
learned judge had undertaken at the end of the defence
case having considered the case of Jaafar Ali v. PP
[1999] 1 CLJ 410...”
(Penekanan ditambah)
[59] Mahkamah ini juga berpandukan kepada kes Mat v. Public
Prosecutor [1963] 29 MLJ 263 yang telah menggariskan sebagai panduan
tugas Mahkamah di akhir perbicaraan:
“If the court accepts the explanation given by or on behalf
of the accused, it must acquit. But this does not entitle the
court to convict if it does not believe that explanation, for
he is still entitled to an acquittal if the explanation raises a
reasonable doubt as to his guilt, as the onus of proving
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his guilt lies throughout on the prosecution. If upon the
whole evidence the court is left in a real state of doubt, the
prosecution has failed to satisfy the onus of proof which
lies upon it.”
[60] Walau bagaimanapun, Tertuduh-Tertuduh dalam kes ini telah
memilih untuk memberikan pernyataan tanpa sumpah dari kandang
tertuduh (unsworn statement from the dock). Dalam kes Rewang bin
Tempe v. PP [2016] 3 MLJ 586, Mahkamah Rayuan telah menyatakan
dalam penghakimannya seperti berikut:
“[20] In our view when the defence is called, it is the
appellant’s right to give an unsworn statement from
the dock. If he elects to give unsworn statement, it cannot
be the subject of cross-examination and its weight is not
the same as the evidence given on oath in the witness
box. The trial court is free to give the dock statement
the weight it deserves or not at all, having regard to the
whole evidence before the court.”
(Penekanan ditambah)
[61] Dalam kes Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim v. PP & Another Appeal [2015]
2 CLJ 145, Mahkamah Persekutuan telah menyatakan dalam
penghakimannya seperti yang berikut:
“In law, a trial judge will not give much weight to what
an accused has said in his unsworn statement as he
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is not subject to cross examination by the
prosecution nor can he be questioned by the trial
(Penekanan ditambah)
Penilaian Keterangan dan Dapatan Di Akhir Perbicaraan
[62] Di akhir perbicaraan (at the conclusion of the trial) adalah menjadi
tugas Mahkamah ini untuk mempertimbangkan segala keterangan yang
telah dikemukakan di hadapan mahkamah dan memutuskan sama ada
pihak pendakwaan berjaya membuktikan kes melampaui keraguan yang
munasabah (beyond reasonable doubt) seperti mana diperuntukkan di
bawah seksyen 182A Kanun Tatacara Jenayah.
[63] Adalah menjadi tanggungjawab mahkamah di peringkat kes
pembelaan ini untuk mempertimbangkan sama ada keterangan-
keterangan yang dikemukakan oleh pembelaan itu telah mewujudkan
apa-apa keraguan yang munasabah terhadap kes pendakwaan. Tugas
pihak pembelaan hanyalah untuk menimbulkan keraguan yang
munasabah ke atas kes pendakwaan.
[64] Walau apapun pembelaan yang dikemukakan dan walaupun
pembelaan yang dikemukakan itu adalah lemah, mahkamah masih
bertanggungjawab untuk memberikan pertimbangan sewajarnya ke atas
keterangan pembelaan tersebut bagi menentukan sama ada pembelaan
sedemikian mampu menimbulkan keraguan munasabah terhadap kes
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[65] Dalam kes Ganapathy Rengasamy v Public Prosecutor [1998] 2 CLJ
1, Mahkamah Persekutuan telah membuat pemerhatian berikut:
“It needs to be remembered that however weak a defence
may be, trial judges being judges of both fact and law
should not just brush aside the defence on the basis that
the prosecution witnesses are to be believed and not the
defence. Where the law casts the onus of giving an
explanation upon an accused person, and the
explanation is given, which if consistent with innocence,
the court is duty bound to consider whether it might
reasonably be true, although not convinced of its
(Penekanan ditambah)
[66] Mahkamah ini mendapati pembelaan Tertuduh-Tertuduh tersebut
adalah merupakan penafian semata-mata (mere denial) dan bukanlah
suatu pembelaan. Mahkamah ini juga berpandukan kepada kes PP v. Ku
Lip See [1981] 1 MLJ 258 menyatakan yang berikut:
“A mere denial without other proof to reasonably dislodge
the prosecution’s evidence is not sufficient.”
[67] Mahkamah ini juga telah merujuk kepada kes D A Duncan v PP
[1980] 1 LNS 12 yang memutuskan bahawa penafian semata-mata
bukanlah suatu pembelaan:
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“The defence was, in effect, a simple denial of the
evidence connecting the appellant with four boxes. We
cannot see any plausible ground for saying that the four
boxes were not his. In the circumstances of the
prosecution evidence, the High Court came, in our view,
to the correct conclusion that this denial did not cast a
doubt on the prosecution case against the appellant.”
(Penekanan ditambah)
Keputusan Di Akhir Perbicaraan
[68] Setelah meneliti segala keterangan yang dikemukakan di
hadapan Mahkamah ini secara keseluruhannya di peringkat kes
pendakwaan dan juga di peringkat kes pembelaan, Mahkamah ini
mendapati bahawa pihak pembelaan atau Tertuduh 1 dan Tertuduh
2 telah gagal untuk menimbulkan apa-apa keraguan yang
munasabah ke atas kes pendakwaan. Adalah dapatan (finding)
Mahkamah ini bahawa keterangan-keterangan saksi pendakwaan
adalah tetap utuh dan tiada keraguan munasabah yang telah
dibangkitkan oleh pihak pembelaan ke atas kebenaran kes
pendakwaan tersebut.
[69] Justeru, Mahkamah ini berpuas hati bahawa pihak pendakwaan
telah berjaya membuktikan suatu kes yang melampaui keraguan yang
munasabah (beyond reasonable doubt) menurut seksyen 182A (2) Kanun
Tatacara Jenayah.
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[70] Oleh yang demikian, di akhir perbicaraan setelah
mempertimbangkan segala keterangan yang dikemukakan di hadapan
Mahkamah ini adalah diputuskan bahawa Tertuduh 1 dan Tertuduh 2
adalah disabitkan dengan kesalahan membunuh di bawah seksyen 302
Kanun Keseksaan dibaca bersama seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan.
[71] Bagi hukuman kesalahan membunuh (murder), peruntukan
hukuman (sentencing provision) yang berkuat kuasa adalah seksyen 302
setelah mengambil kira pindaan yang dibuat dengan berkuat kuasa nya
Akta Pemansuhan Hukuman Mati Mandatori 2023 [Akta 846] pada 4 Julai
2023 [P.U.(B) 229/23], yang memperuntukkan seperti berikut:
“Whoever commits murder shall be punished with
death or imprisonment for a term of not less than
thirty years but not exceeding forty years and if not
sentenced to death, shall also be punished with whipping
of not less than twelve strokes.”
(Penekanan ditambah)
Hujahan Mitigasi dan Pemberatan Hukuman
[72] Pihak pembelaan dalam mitigasi memohon hukuman pemenjaraan
yang minimum dengan mengambil kira faktor-faktor berikut:
(a) Tertuduh 1 berumur 48 tahun dan Tertuduh 2 yang berumur
45 tahun;
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(b) Kesalahan pertama Tertuduh-Tertuduh;
(c) Tertuduh 1 dan Tertuduh 2 merupakan adik beradik;
(d) Masalah kesihatan Tertuduh-Tertuduh;
(e) Anak-anak mangsa yang telah kehilangan ayah akan
kehilangan ibu pula jika Tertuduh 1 dikenakan hukuman
(f) Supaya Tertuduh-Tertuduh diberi peluang untuk
menghabiskan sisa kehidupan dalam penjara;
(g) Tertuduh 1 merupakan pesalah wanita yang dikecualikan
daripada hukuman sebatan; dan
(h) Pohon hukuman sebatan ke atas Tertuduh 2 ditangguhkan
(stay) sehingga selesai proses rayuan.
[73] Pihak pendakwaan pula telah mengemukakan hujah pemberatan
ke atas hukuman seperti berikut:
(a) hukuman mati masih lagi relevan;
(b) dokumen perubatan yang dikemukakan oleh pihak
pembelaan bukanlah merupakan laporan perubatan terkini
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(c) kejadian pembunuhan tersebut merupakan suatu
pengkhianatan kepada kepercayaan di kalangan anggota
keluarga yang tinggal bersama dalam sebuah rumah; dan
(d) Mangsa merupakan seorang yang buta sepenuhnya yang
tidak berdaya untuk melawan atau melindungi diri sendiri.
[74] Pihak pendakwaan juga telah mengemukakan ‘victim’s impact
statement’ oleh anak lelaki Mangsa iaitu SP13 yang dikemukakan melalui
Pegawai Penyiasat ASP S. Vekram a/l S. Sinnaiah (SP15) yang telah
diterima masuk oleh Mahkamah ini menurut seksyen 183A Kanun
Tatacara Jenayah dan ditandakan sebagai ekshibit P46. Antara lain
SP13 dalam ekshibit P46 menyatakan tentang perasaan yang teramat
trauma, takut dan sedih beliau hinggakan tidak sanggup untuk hadir ke
Mahkamah ini bagi mengetahui keputusan kes mendiang bapanya.
[75] Setelah mendengar, meneliti dan mengambil kira hujah mitigasi oleh
peguambela dan hujah pemberatan oleh pihak pendakwaan serta
mengambil kira ‘victim’s impact statement’ (ekshibit P46) oleh anak
Mangsa yang bernama Navaneethan a/l Devarajoo (SP13), Mahkamah ini
tidak mendapati apa-apa keadaan yang mewajarkan pelaksanaan budi
bicara untuk mengenakan hukuman pemenjaraan dan sebatan menurut
peruntukan hukuman terkini seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan selepas
pindaan menurut Akta Pemansuhan Hukuman Mati Mandatori 2023 [Akta
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BA-45B-32-10/2021 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH 1. ) ANGELA DEWI A/P GANAI SANNACY 2. ) VIJAYA A/L GANAI SANNACY | Perbicaraan jenayah - Pertuduhan kesalahan di bawah seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan dibaca bersama seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan;Di akhir kes pendakwaan, Mahkamah mendapati pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan suatu kes prima facie. Walaupun tiada saksi mata (eye witness), tapi keterangan-keterangan ikut keadaan (circumstantial evidence) dan inferens yang munasabah dibuat menjadikan kes pendakwaan yang kukuh dan menyakinkan;Di akhir perbicaraan, Tertuduh-tertuduh hanya sekadar membuat penafian semata-mata. Namun Tertuduh-Tertuduh langsung tidak menafikan keberadaan mereka pada masa dan tempat yang material. Mahkamah menerima "last seen person theory" untuk membuat suatu inferens yang cukup menyakin.Pihak pembelaan telah gagal menimbulkan apa-apa keraguan yang munasabah terhadap kes pendakwaan. Justeru, Mahkamah mendapati pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan suatu kes yang melampaui keraguan yang munasabah. Tertuduh-Tertuduh telah disabitkan dengan kesalahan membunuh.Setelah mendengar hujahan mitigasi dan pemberatan, Mahkamah tidak mendapati apa-apa keadaan yang mewajarkan pelaksanaan budi bicara untuk mengenakan hukuman pemenjaraan dan sebatan. Oleh itu, Mahkamah telah memerintahkan supaya Tertuduh 1 dan Tertuduh 2 dikenakan hukuman gantung di leher sampai mati menurut seksyen 277 Kanun Keseksaan. | 29/01/2024 | YA Tuan Hasbullah bin Adam | |
[NO. KP: 750816-08-6154]
[NO. KP: 780509-08-6485]
[1] Angela Dewi a/p Ganai Sannacy (“Tertuduh 1”) dan Vijaya a/l
Ganai Sannacy (“Tertuduh 2”) (secara kolektif dirujuk sebagai
“Tertuduh-Tertuduh”) telah dituduh dengan satu pertuduhan kesalahan
membunuh di bawah seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan dan dibaca
bersama seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan.
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[2] Pertuduhan terhadap Tertuduh-Tertuduh [ekshibit P2] adalah
seperti berikut:
“Bahawa kamu pada 1.10.2020 di antara jam 12.00
tengahari hingga jam 1.00 petang bertempat di
rumah beralamat No. 10, Lorong Jati 1, Rumah
Murah PKNS Blok A, Kg Baru Sungai Chua, 43000
Kajang, dalam Daerah Hulu Langat di dalam Negeri
Selangor Darul Ehsan bagi mencapai niat bersama
kamu telah melakukan bunuh ke atas Devarajoo a/l
Rengasamy (No. KP: 610817-08-5415) dan oleh
yang demikian kamu telah melakukan kesalahan di
bawah seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan dan dibaca
bersama seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan.”
[3] Pada 25.5.2023, Mahkamah ini telah merumuskan di akhir kes
pendakwaan bahawa pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan
suatu kes prima facie bagi pertuduhan kesalahan membunuh (murder)
yang boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan terhadap
Tertuduh-Tertuduh seperti mana dalam pertuduhan [ekshibit P2]. Oleh
yang demikian, Tertuduh-Tertuduh telah dipanggil untuk membela diri ke
atas pertuduhan tersebut.
[4] Seterusnya di akhir perbicaraan (at the conclusion of the trial) pula,
Mahkamah ini telah memutuskan pada 21.9.2023 bahawa Tertuduh-
Tertuduh disabitkan dengan kesalahan membunuh dan seterusnya
dikenakan hukuman gantung di leher sampai mati menurut seksyen 277
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Kanun Tatacara Jenayah bagi pertuduhan kesalahan membunuh di
bawah seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan dibaca bersama seksyen 34
Kanun Keseksaan.
[5] Tertuduh-Tertuduh telah memfailkan rayuan terhadap keseluruhan
keputusan Mahkamah melalui notis rayuan ke Mahkamah Rayuan
Malaysia bertarikh 22.9.2023.
Ringkasan Kes Pendakwaan
[6] Perbicaraan kes ini di peringkat kes pendakwaan telah bermula
pada 27.2.2023 dan pihak pendakwaan telah menutup kes pendakwaan
pada 17.3.2023 setelah memanggil seramai 16 orang saksi pendakwaan
seperti berikut:
SP1 : Kpl Syarizwan bin Md Saad (Jurufoto)
SP2 : Dr Nour Izaquan bin Baharuddin (Pegawai Perubatan)
SP3 : Mohd Nasharuddin bin Mahat (Jiran mangsa)
SP4 : Kpl Mohd Ariff bin Hazmi (Jurufoto bedah siasat)
SP5 : Kpl Mohammad Na’im bin Ideres (Jurufoto tempat
kejadian dan barang kes)
SP6 : ASP Boby bin Tamat (Pegawai forensik PDRM)
SP7 : Dr Muhammad Firdaus bin Yusman (Peg Perubatan)
SP8 : Dr Khairul Anuar bin Zainun (Pakar Patologi Forensik)
SP9 : Sjn Ilham bin Hitam (Jurustor)
SP10 : Insp. Mohamad Faeez bin Norzah (Pegawai penyiasat
kes samun)
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SP11 : Janaky a/p Supurmany (Isteri kedua mangsa)
SP12 : Sangitha a/p Devarajoo (Cucu mangsa)
SP13 : Navaneethan a/l Devarajoo (Anak mangsa)
SP14 : Insp. Mohd Hazrani bin Hashim (Pegawai tangkapan)
SP15 : ASP S.Vekram a/l S.Sinnaiah (Pegawai Penyiasat)
SP16 : Muniandy a/l Sivalingam (Pemandu peribadi mangsa).
[7] Berdasarkan keterangan-keterangan yang dikemukakan di
peringkat kes pendakwaan, Mahkamah ini telah merumuskan fakta kes
pendakwaan secara ringkasnya seperti berikut:
(a) Pada 1.10.2020 jam lebih kurang 12 tengahari, Janaky a/p
Supurmany (SP11) yang merupakan isteri kedua yang
dikahwini secara adat oleh Devarajoo a/l Rengasamy
(“Mangsa”), telah keluar dari rumah di No. 10, Lorong Jati 1,
Rumah Murah PKNS Blok A, Kg Baru Sungai Chua, Kajang
(“Rumah tempat kejadian”) untuk menghantar 2 orang cucu
Mangsa ke sekolah iaitu Sangitha a/p Devarajoo (SP12) dan
seorang lagi bernama Mohanas Sree (Moganeswari), dengan
menaiki motorsikal;
(b) Sebelum bergerak ke sekolah, SP11 dan SP12 telah melihat
Tertuduh 1 (yang memakai night dress) dan Tertuduh 2 (yang
memakai t-shirt dan seluar pendek) sedang berbual di
kawasan garaj depan rumah;
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(c) Lebih kurang baru 5 minit meninggalkan Rumah tempat
kejadian tersebut, SP11 telah berpatah balik kerana secara
tiba-tiba dimaklumkan bahawa Mohanas Sree (Moganeswari)
berasa tidak sihat. Setelah sampai di rumah, SP12 telah
mendekati mangsa yang masih di atas sofa di kawasan
beranda rumah itu dan melihat mangsa dalam keadaan
berlumuran darah. SP12 menjerit dan SP11 turut datang serta
melihat mangsa yang berlumuran darah itu;
(d) Mohd Nasharuddin bin Mahat (SP3) yang merupakan
seorang jiran, telah datang ke rumah Mangsa apabila
mendengar kekecohan dan jeritan. SP3 telah membuat
panggilan kecemasan untuk memanggil ambulan;
(e) Dalam keadaan kelam kabut itu, SP11 dan SP12 boleh
melihat Tertuduh 1 berdiri berdekatan dengan kereta di
porch/garaj dan telah bertukar pakaian kepada tshirt dan
seluar. Manakala Tertuduh 2 tidak kelihatan di rumah itu;
(f) Setelah ambulan sampai, Mangsa telah di bawa ke Hospital
Kajang. Manakala Tertuduh 1 telah membuat satu laporan
polis iaitu Kajang Report No. 29818/20 bertarikh 1.10.2020
[ekshibit P24] iaitu pada petang hari yang sama menyatakan
ia adalah kejadian samun kerana rantai leher emas yang
dipakai oleh Mangsa telah tiada. Siasatan awal kejadian
tersebut di bawah seksyen 394 Kanun Keseksaan diambil
oleh Insp. Mohamad Faeez bin Norzah (SP10);
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(g) Mangsa telah disahkan meninggal dunia pada 10.10.2020.
Siasatan pihak polis telah diklasifikasikan semula kepada
seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan dan diambil alih siasatan oleh
ASP S. Vekram a/l S. Sinnaiah (SP15);
(h) SP15 telah membuat siasatan lanjut dan telah melawat ke
tempat kejadian. Hasil siasatan lanjut tersebut, SP15 telah
mengarahkan penangkapan ke atas Tertuduh 1. Tangkapan
ke atas Tertuduh 1 telah dijalankan oleh Insp. Mohd Hazrani
bin Hashim (SP14) dan beliau telah membuat laporan polis
penangkapan tersebut seperti mana dalam Kajang Report
No. 30880/20 [ekshibit P28] bertarikh 10.10.2020;
(i) SP14 juga telah membuat tangkapan ke atas Tertuduh 2 pada
17.10.2020 seperti mana dalam laporan polis Kajang Report
No. 31682/20 [ekshibit P29];
(j) Hasil siasatan lanjut ke atas Tertuduh 2, Tertuduh 2 telah
memandu arah SP14 dan pasukan polis ke sebuah stor di
Bukit Angkat, Kajang dan telah membawa kepada penemuan
1 penukul besi [ekshibit P15(1)(A)] di kawasan stor dan
seutas rantai leher emas [ekshibit P15(2)(B)] yang diletakkan
dalam sarung tangan getah hitam [ekshibit P15(4)(A1)] di
pangkal pokok pisang berhampiran dengan kawasan stor
tersebut, seperti mana dilaporkan oleh SP14 dalam Kajang
Report No.31683/20 [ekshibit P32–dengan mengambil kira
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beberapa frasa ayat yang diputuskan supaya
(k) Dr. Khairul Anuar bin Zainun, Pakar Patologi Forensik (SP8)
yang telah menjalankan bedah siasat ke atas mayat Mangsa
menjelaskan tentang punca kematian Mangsa (cause of
death) iaitu akibat komplikasi pendarahan selaput otak, kesan
dari trauma tumpul setempat yang dialami oleh Mangsa pada
bahagian kepala (blunt-force trauma to the head). Rujuk
laporan bedah siasat bertarikh 15.10.2020 [ekshibit P18].
Tugas Mahkamah di akhir kes pendakwaan
[8] Tugas Mahkamah di akhir kes pendakwaan adalah seperti mana
yang diperuntukkan di bawah seksyen 180(1) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah.
Prinsip-prinsip tugas Mahkamah di akhir kes pendakwaan telah
diputuskan di dalam beberapa kes tersohor termasuklah PP v. Mohd
Radzi Abu Bakar [2006] 1 CLJ 457 yang mana Mahkamah Persekutuan
telah memutuskan:
“[15] For the guidance of the courts below, we summarise
as follows the steps that should be taken by a trial court at
the close of the prosecution’s case:
(i) the close of the prosecution’s case, subject the
evidence led by the prosecution in its totality to a
maximum evaluation. Carefully scrutinise the
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credibility of each of the prosecution’s witnesses.
Take into account all reasonable inferences that
may be drawn from that evidence. If the evidence
admits of two or more inferences, then draw the
inference that is most favourable to the accused;
(ii) ask yourself the question: If I now call upon the
accused to make his defence and he elects to
remain silent am I prepared to convict him on the
evidence now before me? If the answer to that
question is “Yes”, then a prima facie case has been
made out and the defence should be called. If the
answer is “No” then, a prima facie case has not been
made out and the accused should be acquitted;”
[9] Elemen kesalahan membunuh terkandung dalam peruntukan
seksyen 299 dan seksyen 300 Kanun Keseksaan. Seksyen 299
mendefinisikan secara umum ‘culpable homicide’ seperti berikut:
“Whoever causes death by doing an act with the intention
of causing death, or with the intention of causing bodily
injury as is likely to cause death or with the knowledge
that he is likely by such act to cause death commits the
offence of culpable homicide.”
[10] Seterusnya seksyen 300 Kanun Keseksaan memperuntukkan
tentang ‘culpable homicide amounting to murder’ seperti yang berikut:
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“Except in the cases hereinafter excepted, culpable
homicide is murder:
(a) If the act by which the death is caused is done with
the intention of causing death;
(b) If it is done with the intention of causing such
bodily injury as the offender knows to be likely
to cause the death of the person to whom the
harm is caused;
(c) If it is done with the intention of causing bodily
injury to any person, and the bodily injury intended
to be inflicted is sufficient in the ordinary course
of nature to cause death; or
(d) If the person committing the act knows that it is
imminently dangerous that it must in all
probability cause death, or such bodily injury
as is likely to cause death, and commits such act
without any excuse for incurring the risk of
causing death, or such injury as aforesaid.”
(Penekanan ditambah)
[11] Oleh yang demikian, dengan berpandukan peruntukan seksyen
299 dan seksyen 300 tersebut, pihak pendakwaan dalam kes ini yang
melibatkan pertuduhan kesalahan di bawah seksyen 302 Kanun
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Keseksaan adalah bertanggungjawab untuk membuktikan elemen-
elemen pertuduhan seperti berikut:
(a) berlakunya kematian seorang yang bernama Devarajoo
a/l Rengasamy (“Mangsa”);
(b) kematian Mangsa disebabkan kecederaan yang
dialaminya (bodily injury);
(c) kecederaan ke atas Mangsa adalah disebabkan oleh
perbuatan Tertuduh-Tertuduh;
(d) perbuatan Tertuduh-Tertuduh yang menyebabkan
bencana tubuh atau kecederaan ke atas Mangsa telah
dilakukan pada masa, tarikh dan tempat seperti mana
dalam pertuduhan;
(e) bahawa dalam mengakibatkan kecederaan ke atas
Mangsa, Tertuduh-Tertuduh telah, sama ada -
(i) dengan niat menyebabkan kematian Mangsa;
(ii) dengan niat menyebabkan bencana tubuh ke atas
Mangsa yang diketahui oleh Tertuduh-Tertuduh
boleh menyebabkan kematian Mangsa;
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(iii) dengan niat menyebabkan bencana tubuh ke atas
Mangsa yang pada kebiasaannya boleh
menyebabkan kematian; atau
(iv) dengan pengetahuan bahawa perbuatan itu
sangat merbahaya dan semestinya dalam apa jua
kebarangkalian akan menyebabkan kematian atau
kecederaan badan yang boleh menyebabkan
kematian; dan
(f) bahawa Tertuduh-Tertuduh mempunyai niat bersama
untuk membunuh atau menyebabkan kematian Mangsa.
Analisis dan dapatan Mahkamah di akhir kes pendakwaan
Kematian Devarajoo a/l Rengasamy (mangsa)
[12] Adalah merupakan fakta yang tidak dipertikaikan oleh mana-mana
pihak dalam kes ini bahawa Mangsa telah mati pada 10.10.2020 seperti
mana dalam keterangan dokumentar Daftar Kematian [ekshibit P21].
[13] Adalah dapatan (finding) Mahkamah ini bahawa pihak pendakwaan
telah berjaya membuktikan elemen pertama bahawa Mangsa telah pun
mati melalui keterangan Dr. Muhammad Firdaus bin Yusman, Pegawai
Perubatan (SP7) dan keterangan dokumentar iaitu Laporan Bedah Siasat
bertarikh 15.10.2020 [ekshibit P18] oleh Dr. Khairul Anuar bin Zainun,
Pakar Patologi Forensik (SP8).
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Kematian Mangsa disebabkan kecederaan yang dialaminya
[14] Mahkamah ini juga mendapati bahawa kematian Mangsa adalah
disebabkan oleh kecederaan yang dialaminya. Keterangan Dr. Khairul
Anuar bin Zainun, Pakar Patologi Forensik (SP8) yang telah menjalankan
bedah siasat ke atas mayat Mangsa menjelaskan tentang punca
kematian Mangsa akibat komplikasi pendarahan selaput otak, kesan dari
trauma tumpul setempat yang dialami oleh Mangsa pada bahagian
kepala (blunt-force trauma to the head).
[15] SP8 semasa memberi keterangan dalam Mahkamah ini telah
menjelaskan bahawa kecederaan yang dialami oleh Mangsa pada
bahagian kepala tersebut adalah sangat serius dan walaupun rawatan
diberikan ia hanyalah sekadar untuk memanjangkan hayat Mangsa.
Namun kecederaan yang dialami oleh Mangsa akan menyebabkan
kematian juga kepada Mangsa. Manakala jangkitan paru-paru
(pneumonia) yang turut dijumpai ketika bedah siasat juga boleh
menyumbang dalam mempercepatkan kematian Mangsa pada waktu
tersebut tetapi bukanlah penyebab kepada sebab kematian.
[16] Mahkamah ini menerima keterangan SP8 tersebut dan berpuas hati
bahawa elemen kedua pertuduhan kesalahan telah berjaya dibuktikan.
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Kecederaan ke atas Mangsa adalah disebabkan oleh perbuatan
[17] Pihak pendakwaan telah bergantung kepada keterangan ikut
keadaan (circumstantial evidence) bagi membuktikan bahawa
kecederaan yang dialami oleh Mangsa tersebut adalah disebabkan oleh
perbuatan Tertuduh-Tertuduh.
[18] Walaupun tiada saksi mata (eye witness) yang melihat bagaimana
Mangsa menghadapi peristiwa yang menyebabkan kecederaan hingga
membawa kepada kematiannya, namun Mahkamah ini berpuas hati dan
menerima keterangan-keterangan mengikut keadaan (circumstantial
evidence) yang cukup menyakinkan (strong and convincing) bagi
membuat suatu kesimpulan tentang perbuatan Tertuduh-Tertuduh yang
telah menyebabkan kecederaan dan kematian Mangsa.
[19] Mangsa dalam kes ini adalah seorang lelaki india yang mempunyai
masalah penglihatan/buta yang sudah lama dialaminya akibat daripada
kemalangan. Pada hari-hari biasa, terdapat 9 orang lain lagi (selain
Mangsa) yang tinggal bersama-sama Mangsa di Rumah tempat kejadian
tersebut yang terdiri daripada 3 orang dewasa dan 6 orang kanak-kanak,
seperti berikut:
(a) Tertuduh 1 (isteri pertama Mangsa);
(b) Tertuduh 2 (adik lelaki Tertuduh 1);
(c) Janaky a/p Supurmany (SP11/ isteri kedua Mangsa);
(d) Navaneethan a/l Devarajoo (SP13/ anak dengan Tertuduh 1);
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(e) Sangitha a/p Devarajoo (SP12/ cucu yang dijadikan anak
(f) Kishok Kumar a/l Devarajoo (anak dengan Tertuduh 1;
(g) Vaishnavi a/l Devarajoo (cucu/ anak angkat);
(h) Varunavi a/l Devarajoo (cucu/ anak angkat); dan
(i) Mohana Sree a/p Devarajoo (cucu/ anak angkat).
[20] Walaupun mempunyai masalah penglihatan/buta, Mangsa masih
bekerja dengan bergantung kepada pemandu peribadinya iaitu Muniandy
a/l Sivalingam (SP16) untuk membawa beliau ke mana-mana atas urusan
kerja. Pada hari kejadian iaitu pada 1.10.2020, SP16 tidak hadir bekerja
kerana telah meminta cuti selama 3 hari dan pada hari kejadian tersebut
beliau hanya duduk di rumah sahaja dan hanya datang ke rumah Mangsa
setelah menerima panggilan telefon memaklumkan mengenai kejadian
yang berlaku ke atas Mangsa.
[21] Menurut keterangan SP11 dan SP12, pada hari kejadian tersebut
sebelum bergerak menuju ke sekolah, mereka telah nampak Mangsa
yang sedang duduk di atas sofa di bahagian beranda Rumah tempat
kejadian tersebut dengan memakai seluar pendek tanpa baju dan
memakai rantai emas di leher yang biasa dan telah lama dipakai oleh
Mangsa. Malahan SP12 dan Mohana Sree telah menghampiri dan
memeluk serta mencium Mangsa untuk memaklumkan mereka akan ke
sekolah. Sebelum bergerak ke sekolah, SP11 dan SP12 turut nampak
Tertuduh 1 dan Tertuduh 2 yang sedang berbual di garaj di hadapan
rumah seperti mana ditandakan dalam gambar rajah kasar [ekshibit P27].
Pada masa itu, Tertuduh 1 dikatakan memakai gaun baju tidur malam
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(night dress) dan Tertuduh 2 memakai seluar pendek dan t-shirt.
Manakala 4 orang lagi kanak-kanak yang tinggal bersama di rumah
tersebut tiada di rumah kerana mereka bersekolah sesi pagi.
[22] SP11 kemudiannya telah membawa kedua-dua cucu/anak angkat
Mangsa iaitu SP12 dan Mohana Sree menaiki motorsikal menuju ke
sekolah. Walau bagaimanapun, lebih kurang 5 minit daripada rumah,
Mohana Sree telah memaklumkan bahawa beliau tidak sihat. Oleh yang
demikian, SP11 telah berpatah balik ke rumah. Sampai sahaja di
hadapan rumah, SP12 terus menuju ke arah Mangsa yang masih berada
atas sofa yang sama. SP12 melihat badan Mangsa yang berlumuran
darah termasuk bahagian kepala Mangsa. SP12 telah menjerit dan SP11
terus masuk dan melihat keadaan Mangsa. Pada masa kekecohan itu,
SP11 dan SP12 tidak melihat Tertuduh 1 atau Tertuduh 2 di situ. Namun
Tertuduh 1 hanya datang kemudian dan berdiri di tepi kereta yang
diletakkan berdekatan dengan sofa tempat Mangsa duduk. Pada ketika
itu, SP11 dan SP12 dalam keterangannya memaklumkan bahawa
Tertuduh 1 tidak lagi memakai night dress tetapi telah menukar pakaian
kepada t-shirt dan seluar pendek. Manakala Tertuduh 2 tidak kelihatan.
[23] SP11 kemudiannya telah meminta bantuan daripada jiran untuk
menghubungi ambulan. SP3 dalam keterangannya mengesahkan
bahawa beliau merupakan jiran yang telah memanggil ambulan. SP11
telah menaiki ambulan tersebut mengiringi Mangsa dalam ambulan
tersebut menuju ke hospital. Manakala Tertuduh 1 telah menaiki kereta
bersama pemandu kepada Mangsa (SP16) yang tiba kemudian di Rumah
kejadian tersebut menuju ke hospital.
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[24] Pada petang hari yang sama kejadian tersebut juga, Tertuduh 1
telah membuat laporan polis [ekshibit P24] menyatakan bahawa
Tertuduh 1 telah mendengar jeritan kakaknya dan kemudiannya
mendapati Mangsa dalam keadaan cedera di kepala dan rantai emas
yang dipakai Mangsa juga turut hilang.
[25] Insp. Mohamad Faeez bin Norzah (SP10) merupakan pegawai
penyiasat awal bagi kes yang pada mulanya diklasifikasi sebagai kes
samun di bawah seksyen 394 Kanun Keseksaan. SP10 telah merakam
percakapan Tertuduh 1 dan isteri kedua Mangsa (SP11). SP10 turut
merakam percakapan pemandu peribadi Mangsa iaitu Muniandy a/l
Sivalingam (SP16) dan juga anak lelaki Mangsa.
[26] Selepas Mangsa disahkan meninggal dunia pada 10.10.2019, kes
telah dklasifikasikan semula untuk siasatan di bawah seksyen 302 Kanun
Keseksaan. Siasatan telah dijalankan seterusnya oleh Pegawai
Penyiasat, ASP S. Vekram a/l S. Sinnaiah (SP15). Dalam menjalankan
siasatan, SP15 telah mendapati sofa tempat kejadian di mana Mangsa
duduk kali terakhir sebelum kematiannya, telah tiada atau dibuang oleh
keluarga Mangsa. SP15 juga telah masuk ke dalam stor menyimpan
barangan katering yang mana menurut Tertuduh 1 beliau berada dalam
stor tersebut pada tengahari hari kejadian untuk mengemas barangan
katering. Hasil siasatan dan pemerhatian SP15 mendapati stor tersebut
hanyalah merupakan sebuah bilik kecil yang diletakkan barangan
katering. Namun menurut SP15 keadaan dalam stor tersebut adalah
sangat berhabuk, sempit, panas dan barang-barang dalam keadaan
berselerak. Hasil siasatan tidak menunjukkan perbuatan mengemas dan
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tidak munasabah untuk berada di dalamnya waktu tengahari yang sangat
[27] SP15 juga telah mengarahkan mayat Mangsa dihantar untuk tujuan
bedah siasat yang telah dijalankan oleh Dr. Khairul Anuar bin Zainun
(SP8). Dalam bedah siasat yang dijalankan ke atas mayat Mangsa, SP8
menemui adanya kesan luka mempertahankan diri atau pergelutan iaitu
luka di bahagian tangan kiri dan kanan Mangsa. SP8 turut menjelaskan
bahawa corak kecederaan yang dialami Mangsa adalah akibat ketukan
atau pukulan dengan objek atau senjata tumpul yang menyebabkan
kepatahan tulang tempurung kepala, pendarahan selaput otak dan
pembengkakan otak yang menyebabkan kematian Mangsa. Menurut
SP8 lagi bahawa berdasarkan corak kecederaan tersebut, ia boleh
diakibatkan oleh ketukan atau pukulan dengan objek atau senjata tumpul
yang mempunyai bahagian yang berbentuk bulat.
[28] Seterusnya Tertuduh 2 pula telah ditangkap oleh Insp. Mohd
Hazrani bin Hashim (SP14). Hasil siasatan ke atas Tertuduh 2 pula telah
membawa kepada pandu arah oleh Tertuduh 2 ke sebuah stor kitar
semula di Bukit Angkat, Sg Chua, Kajang berhadapan kuil Sri Maha Kali
Matha Illam hingga membawa kepada penemuan sebuah penukul besi
[ekshibit P15(1A)] yang diletakkan di atas tanah berdekatan stor tersebut
dan seterusnya membawa pasukan polis ke rimbunan pokok pisang di
mana ditemui satu sarung tangan hitam [ekshibit P15(4)(A1)] yang
mengandungi seutas rantai leher emas berbentuk bulat-bulat [ekshibit
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[29] ASP Boby bin Tamat (SP6) merupakan pegawai forensik PDRM
yang telah dipanggil ke lokasi tersebut bagi menjalankan ‘swabbing’ dan
cap jari ke atas barang-barang kes yang ditemui serta membuat ukuran
pada penukul besi berkenaan. SP6 telah menyerahkan semua barang
kes yang ditemui kepada SP15 seperti mana dalam Borang Serah
Menyerah Barang-Barang Kes [ekshibit P14].
[30] Keterangan saksi-saksi iaitu SP11, SP12, SP13 dan SP16 telah
mengecam rantai emas tersebut yang dikemukakan dalam Mahkamah
yang merupakan rantai emas yang dipakai oleh Mangsa semasa
hidupnya. Sifat unik rantai emas itu juga membantu dalam proses
pengecaman iaitu bentuk rantai leher bulat-bulat kecil. Malahan isu
pengecaman rantai leher emas ini juga tidak pernah dibantah atau diragui
semasa keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan oleh pihak pembelaan.
[31] Berdasarkan kepada keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan dan
walaupun tiada saksi mata yang dapat dikemukakan, namun keterangan-
keterangan ikut keadaan (circumstantial evidence) yang ada cukup kuat
dan menyakinkan bahawa Tertuduh 1 dan Tertuduh 2 merupakan orang
yang terakhir (last seen person) bersama Mangsa di Rumah tempat
kejadian. Malahan perbezaan masa SP11, SP12 dan Mohana Sree mula
meninggalkan rumah untuk ke sekolah dan berpatah balik ke rumah
hanyalah lebih kurang 10 minit dan kedudukan Mangsa yang masih kekal
di atas sofa di halaman rumah itu. Hanya orang yang berada di rumah
tersebut sahaja mengetahui Mangsa berada di rumah ketika itu.
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[32] Dalam kes Kagatree a/p Pechi v. Public Prosecutor & Another
appeal [2023] MLJU 275, rujukan telah dibuat kepada Sarkar Law of
“[56] Sarkar Law of Evidence, 18th Edition, Volume 1
page 140, states this:
‘The last seen theory comes into play where the time-gap
between the point of time when the accused and the
deceased were last seen alive and when the deceased is
found dead is so small that possibility of any person other
than the accused being the author of the crimes becomes
[33] Dalam kes di hadapan Mahkamah ini, keterangan SP11 dan
SP12 mengatakan bahawa semasa mereka hendak bergerak ke
sekolah, Tertuduh 1 dan Tertuduh 2 dilihat berada di garaj di hadapan
Rumah tempat kejadian tersebut. Malahan Tertuduh 1 dilihat sedang
memakai night dress. Apabila SP11 dan SP12 sampai semula ke
rumah setelah berpatah balik kerana Mohana Sree yang tidak sihat,
Mangsa masih pada kedudukan di atas sofa dan Tertuduh 1 dan
Tertuduh 2 sudah tidak lagi kelihatan di hadapan rumah. Jarak masa
lebih kurang 10 minit daripada mula SP11 dan SP12 meninggalkan
rumah hingga balik semula ke rumah adalah suatu masa yang
singkat. Tertuduh 1 dan Tertuduh 2 merupakan orang yang terakhir
berada di rumah dan tiada orang lain lagi yang berada di rumah ketika
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[34] Tertuduh 1 hanya muncul kemudian dengan memakai seluar
dan tshirt. Pembelaan cuba menyatakan pembelaan Tertuduh 1 di
peringkat kes pendakwaan lagi bahawa Tertuduh 1 berada di dalam
stor barangan katering di hadapan rumah dan cuba menyatakan
bahawa Mangsa telah disamun disebabkan rantai leher emas yang
dipakai Mangsa telah tiada. Namun siasatan SP15 mendapati
keadaan dalam stor barangan katering di garaj hadapan rumah
adalah sangat berhabuk, sempit, panas dan barang-barang dalam
keadaan berselerak yang tidak mungkin Tertuduh 1 berada dalam
stor tersebut pada waktu tengahari untuk mengemas barang-barang
katering. Versi pembelaan untuk mengatakan Mangsa telah disamun
berdasarkan kehilangan rantai leher emas Mangsa sedangkan cincin
yang dipakai oleh Mangsa masih ada adalah juga tidak menyakinkan
Mahkamah ini.
[35] Oleh yang demikian, berdasarkan penilaian secara
keseluruhan keterangan-keterangan ikut keadaan dan ‘last seen
person theory’, Mahkamah ini berpuas hati dan membuat dapatan
yang menyakinkan bahawa perbuatan Tertuduh-Tertuduh tersebut
yang telah menyebabkan kecederaan atau bencana tubuh ke atas
Mangsa hingga mengakibatkan kematian Mangsa.
Elemen mens rea bagi kesalahan membunuh
[36] Bagi membuktikan suatu kes prima facie bagi kesalahan
membunuh, salah satu elemen penting lagi yang perlu dibuktikan oleh
pihak pendakwaan adalah elemen mens rea seperti mana dijelaskan
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dalam seksyen 300 Kanun Keseksaan. Pihak pendakwaan hendaklah
juga membuktikan bahawa dalam mengakibatkan kecederaan ke atas
Mangsa, Tertuduh-Tertuduh telah, sama ada -
(a) dengan niat menyebabkan kematian Mangsa;
(b) dengan niat menyebabkan kecederaan tubuh ke atas
Mangsa yang diketahui oleh Tertuduh-Tertuduh boleh
menyebabkan kematian Mangsa;
(c) dengan niat menyebabkan kecederaan tubuh Mangsa yang
pada kebiasaannya boleh menyebabkan kematian; atau
(d) dengan pengetahuan bahawa perbuatan itu sangat
merbahaya dan semestinya dalam apa jua kebarangkalian
akan menyebabkan kematian atau kecederaan badan yang
boleh menyebabkan kematian.
[37] Pihak pendakwaan menghujahkan dan mengguna pakai cabang
(c) di bawah seksyen 300 Kanun Keseksaan bahawa Tertuduh-Tertuduh
mempunyai niat untuk menyebabkan kecederaan seperti yang dialami
oleh Mangsa yang mana secara lazimnya akan menyebabkan kematian
(sufficient in the ordinary course of nature to cause death).
[38] Mahkamah ini berpandangan bahawa seksyen 300(c) Kanun
Keseksaan tersebut menghendaki pihak pendakwaan membuktikan
bahawa Tertuduh-Tertuduh mempunyai niat (intention) untuk
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menyebabkan kecederaan atau bencana tubuh ke atas Mangsa yang
mana kecederaan atau bencana tubuh yang dilakukan itu secara
lazimnya akan menyebabkan kematian:
“(c) If it is done with the intention of causing bodily
injury to any person, and the bodily injury intended to be
inflicted is sufficient in the ordinary course of nature
to cause death;”
(Penekanan ditambah)
[39] Adalah merupakan suatu yang agak mustahil bagi membuktikan
niat atau pengetahuan seseorang pelaku melalui keterangan secara
langsung (direct evidence). Walau bagaimanapun, ia masih boleh
ditentukan melalui inferens yang dapat dibuat dengan bersandarkan
kepada segala fakta dan keadaan (facts and circumstances).
[40] Dalam kes Sainal Abidin v. PP [1999] 4 MLJ 497 telah diputuskan
bahawa niat adalah merupakan suatu perkara inferens yang boleh dibuat
dan sifat kecederaan yang dialami oleh mangsa termasuk bilangan luka
serta jenis senjata yang digunakan adalah dianggap sebagai petunjuk
(indicator) kepada niat pelaku dalam menyebabkan sesuatu kecederaan:
“Intention is a matter of inference. In the instant case, the
trial judge had carefully considered the evidence of the
doctor (medical evidence), the evidence of eye-witness
and the appellant on the issue of intention. After
considering the nature of the injuries sustained by the
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deceased, the number of wounds and the weapon used.
The trial judge had correctly regarded the nature of the
injuries sustained by the deceased as an indicator of
intention. The trial judge was correct in concluding that
the appellant possessed the intention of causing bodily
injuries to the deceased and that such injuries were
sufficient in the ordinary course of nature to cause death.”
[41] Manakala dalam kes Juraimi Husin v. PP [1998] 2 CLJ 383, adalah
diputuskan bahawa inferens niat dapat dibuat berdasarkan perbuatan
dan kelakuan (conduct) atau lain-lain keadaan.
[42] Berdasarkan segala keterangan yang ada, Mahkamah ini dapat
membuat apa-apa inferens yang sewajarnya bagi menunjukkan bahawa
Tertuduh-Tertuduh telah dengan niat (intention) menyebabkan
kecederaan tubuh Mangsa yang mana kecederaan tubuh yang dilakukan
itu secara lazimnya akan menyebabkan kematian, berdasarkan alasan-
alasan berikut:
(a) SP11, SP12, SP13 dan SP16 mengesahkan bahawa
Tertuduh 1 selalu bergaduh dengan Mangsa dan sudah lama
tidak bercakap. Mereka hanya bercakap apabila pergaduhan
berlaku. Apabila ditanya punca pergaduhan, semuanya
mengatakan ia akibat duit yang dipinjam oleh Mangsa
daripada Tertuduh1 dan belum dibayar. Malahan SP13 juga
mengatakan bahawa Tertuduh 1 marah apabila Mangsa
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membawa masuk SP11 (isteri kedua Mangsa) tinggal
bersama-sama dalam Rumah tempat kejadian tersebut;
(b) Malahan dalam keterangan SP13 (iaitu anak kandung lelaki
Tertuduh 1 dan Mangsa) ada menjelaskan bahawa Tertuduh
1 pernah menceritakan masalah antara Mangsa dengan
Tertuduh 1. Tertuduh 1 juga pernah mengatakan bahawa
beliau tidak berpuas hati dengan Mangsa dan meminta SP13
memasukkan suatu serbuk ke dalam makanan Mangsa.
Namun SP13 enggan untuk berbuat demikian tapi sekadar
mengiyakan sahaja arahan Tertuduh 1. Hal ini berlaku dalam
2 bulan sebelum kejadian Mangsa dibunuh;
(c) SP16 yang merupakan pemandu peribadi Mangsa juga ada
memberi keterangan bahawa Mangsa dan Tertuduh 1 kerap
bergaduh berpunca daripada duit. Malahan SP16 juga pernah
disuruh oleh Tertuduh 1 untuk memasukkan racun dalam kopi
Mangsa tetapi SP16 tidak melakukannya. Sebaliknya SP16
memberitahu kepada SP13 dan seterusnya diambil botol
berisi racun tersebut oleh SP13 dan dibuang ke dalam parit.
Tambahan menurut SP16 lagi bahawa Tertuduh 1 pernah
bertanya kepada beliau jika mengetahui mana-mana orang
yang sanggup untuk membunuh Mangsa dan akan diberikan
upah RM20 ribu;
(d) Manakala Tertuduh 2 pula sememangnya merupakan adik
lelaki kepada Tertuduh 1 dan Tertuduh 2 yang telah
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membawa dan memandu arah pihak polis hingga menemui
penukul besi serta rantai leher emas milik Mangsa;
(e) SP8 dalam keterangannya menjelaskan tentang kecederaan
yang dialami Mangsa adalah sangat teruk. Tempurung kepala
adalah suatu bahagian yang sangat keras dan untuk
kecederaan yang dialami Mangsa, ia menunjukkan satu daya
yang sangat kuat telah digunakan oleh pelaku untuk
mencederakan Mangsa. Kecederaan itu sendiri sudah jelas
menunjukkan bahawa ia mencukupi untuk menyebabkan
kematian kerana pelakunya memilih bahagian kepala dan
bukannya anggota badan yang lain. Oleh yang demikian, ia
mewajarkan inferens tentang niat pelakunya untuk
melakukan tindakan untuk mencederakan Mangsa yang
boleh menyebabkan kematian.
[43] Seterusnya, walaupun motif bukanlah merupakan salah satu
intipati (ingredient) kepada pertuduhan membunuh, namun Mahkamah
ini mendapati keterangan-keterangan tentang kewujudan motif dalam kes
ini. Tertuduh 1 sememangnya telah beberapa kali membuat percubaan
melalui SP13 dan SP16 untuk memasukkan ubat atau racun ke dalam
makanan Mangsa tetapi tidak berjaya apabila kedua-dua saksi tersebut
tidak melaksanakan arahan yang diberikan. Malahan Tertuduh 1 sampai
pernah meminta SP16 mencari pembunuh upahan dengan bayaran upah
RM20 ribu untuk membunuh Mangsa.
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[44] Dalam kes Priytharen Sundaramurthy v. PP & 1 lagi rayuan [2019]
1 LNS 47, Mahkamah Rayuan telah menjelaskan tentang penerimaan
motis sebagai keterangan sokongan seperti berikut:
“[33] …. Kami mengambil maklum bahawa motif
bukanlah salah satu inti pati pertuduhan namun hakim
bicara telah membuat pertimbangan berdasarkan kepada
fakta bahawa wujud motif di pihak Perayu Pertama untuk
membunuh si mati. Dapatan ini hanya satu keterangan
sokongan sahaja….”
[45] Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa pihak
pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan elemen mens rea menurut
seksyen 300(c) Kanun Keseksaan iaitu niat (intention) Tertuduh-Tertuduh
dengan perbuatan mengetuk dengan penukul besi pada bahagian kepala
Mangsa untuk menyebabkan kecederaan yang lazimnya boleh
mengakibatkan kematian (sufficient in ordinary course of nature to cause
Niat bersama oleh Tertuduh-Tertuduh
[46] Dalam kes ini, Tertuduh-Tertuduh telah dituduh secara bersama-
sama menurut seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan bagi kesalahan membunuh
[47] Mahkamah ini berpandangan bahawa berdasarkan keterangan-
keterangan ikut keadaan sebelum dan selepas kejadian pembunuhan
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tersebut telah mencukupi untuk menunjukkan ‘common design’ antara
keduanya. Dalam kes Aung Thun & Anor. [2013] 1 LNS 985 ada
menyatakan seperti berikut:
“It is now well established that to invoke section 34 it is
not a sine qua non for the prosecution to prove pre-
concert or pre-planning in the true sense. It will be
sufficient of the prosecution can establish that the
appellants were in the place and took part in the crime
and/or had nexus to the crime. Section 34 is not
substantive law but it is procedural in nature favouring the
prosecution such as that of presumption. The effect of the
application of section 34 is that once it is invoked in the
charge itself and evidence is led to show that the
appellants were involved in the crime, the appellants will
be required to speak of their innocence or non
involvement in the crime or that at the material time of the
crime they have disassociated from the crime. Nothing
[48] Mahkamah ini berpuas hati kepada ‘last seen person theory”
tentang keberadaan Tertuduh-Tertuduh sebagai orang terakhir berada di
Rumah tempat kejadian sebelum SP11, SP12 dan Mohanas Sree
meninggal rumah tersebut untuk ke sekolah. Mahkamah ini juga telah
menerima keterangan SP14 tentang tangkapan ke atas Tertuduh 2 yang
seterusnya telah memandu arah pihak polis membawa kepada
penemuan penukul besi dan rantai leher emas milik Mangsa. Perihal
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tangkapan ke atas Tertuduh 2 dan perihal pandu arah tersebut telah
dinyatakan dalam laporan polis yang dibuat oleh SP14 [ekshibit P32 dan
ekshibit P33]. Tanpa pandu arah oleh Tertuduh 2 kepada pihak polis,
sudah pasti barang-barang yang dirampas tersebut tidak akan ditemui.
Melihat kepada kedudukan barang-barang tersebut ditemui di mana
rantai leher emas milik Mangsa diletakkan dalam sarung tangan hitam
yang diletakkan dalam surat khabar dan plastik serta disorokkan pada
pangkal rumpun pokok pisang berdekatan Kawasan stor di Bukit Angkat,
Kajang itu pastilah agak mustahil untuk ditemui oleh pihak polis tanpa
dipandu arah oleh sesiapa atau Tertuduh 2.
[49] Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah ini berpuas hati dan mendapati
mendapati bahawa pihak pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan niat
bersama (common intention) Tertuduh-Tertuduh bagi perbuatan
kesalahan membunuh seperti mana maksud peruntukan seksyen 34
Kanun Keseksaan, ‘in furtherance of the common intention which
presupposes permutation or pre-concept of mind’.
Keputusan Di Akhir Kes Pendakwaan
[50] Justeru, setelah meneliti secara keseluruhan dan membuat
penilaian maksimum ke atas keterangan-keterangan yang telah
dikemukakan di peringkat kes pendakwaan, Mahkamah ini telah
memutuskan pada 25.5.2023 di akhir kes pendakwaan bahawa pihak
pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan suatu kes prima facie terhadap
Tertuduh 1 dan Tertuduh 2 bagi pertuduhan kesalahan membunuh di
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bawah seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan dan dibaca bersama seksyen 34
Kanun Keseksaan.
[51] Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah ini telah memerintahkan supaya
Tertuduh 1 dan Tertuduh 2 dipanggil untuk membela diri bagi pertuduhan
kesalahan membunuh di bawah seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan dan
dibaca bersama seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan.
Ringkasan Kes Pembelaan
[52] Mahkamah ini telah menerangkan 3 pilihan kepada Tertuduh-
Tertuduh sama ada untuk memberi keterangan secara bersumpah
(sworn statement) dalam kandang saksi (witness box), memberi
keterangan tidak bersumpah (unsworn statement) daripada kandang
tertuduh atau berdiam diri. Tertuduh 1 dan Tertuduh 2 kemudiannya telah
memilih untuk memberi pengataan tanpa bersumpah secara bertulis dari
dalam kandang tertuduh [ditandakan sebagai WSD 1 dan WSD 2 masing-
masing]. Seterus pihak pembelaan telah menutup kes pembelaan tanpa
memanggil mana-mana saksi lain lagi.
[53] Secara ringkasnya, rumusan daripada pernyataan Tertuduh-
Tertuduh, mereka mengakui pada sebelah tengahari (tanpa menyatakan
masa yang spesifik) berada bersama-sama di hadapan rumah seperti
dalam pertuduhan sambil berbincang berkenaan perniagaan katering dan
apakah barang-barang yang perlu diambil dari stor katering di hadapan
rumah tersebut.
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[54] Menurut Tertuduh 2, selepas menerima barang-barang katering
yang diberikan oleh Tertuduh 1, Tertuduh 2 telah bertolak pula ke kedai
katering (yang dipercayai berada di Bukit Angkat, Kajang) bagi
menyerahkan barang-barang katering tersebut kepada pekerja di kedai
katering. Namun tiada mana-mana saksi lain atau pekerja di kedai
katering dipanggil bagi mengesahkan perkara tersebut.
[55] Manakala menurut Tertuduh 1 pula, beliau kemudiannya telah pergi
ke stor katering tersebut yang juga terdapat tempat sembahyang.
Menurutnya lagi, semasa berada di dalam stor katering itulah maka
terdengar jeritan yang kuat oleh Janaki a/p Supurmany (SP11). Tertuduh
1 telah berlari untuk melihat apa yang berlaku dan mendapati mangsa
dalam keadaan cedera di bahagian kepala serta rantai emas yang
dipakai oleh Mangsa telah hilang. Ini berbeza dengan keterangan SP11
dan SP12 sebelum ini bahawa Tertuduh 1 dilihat berada berdekatan
dengan kereta di garaj. Tertuduh 1 menyangkakan kejadian itu
merupakan suatu rompakan. Semasa Mangsa dimasukkan ke hospital,
Tertuduh 1 telah membuat laporan polis iaitu Kajang Report No.
29818/20 bertarikh 1.10.2020 [ekshibit P24] iaitu pada petang hari
kejadian yang sama. Adalah amat tidak munasabah untuk Tertuduh 1
menyangkakan kejadian itu sebagai samun hanya kerana kehilangan
rantai leher emas Mangsa sedangkan cincin emas di jari Mangsa tidak
pula diambil oleh pelaku.
[56] Tertuduh 1 juga menyatakan dalam pernyataan bertulisnya bahawa
serbuk putih yang dikatakan sebagai racun oleh SP13 dan SP16 adalah
sebenarnya serbuk yang digunakan bagi upacara keagamaan yang
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dipanggil sebagai “tinuru”. Walau bagaimanapun, Mahkamah ini
mendapati itu merupakan perkara baru dibangkitkan oleh Tertuduh1 yang
tidak pernah dicadangkan semasa peringkat kes pendakwaan.
Tugas Mahkamah Di Akhir Perbicaraan
[57] Tugas Mahkamah di akhir perbicaraan (at the conclusion of the
trial) adalah untuk mempertimbangkan segala keterangan yang telah
dikemukakan di hadapan mahkamah dan memutuskan sama ada pihak
pendakwaan berjaya membuktikan kes melampaui keraguan yang
munasabah (beyond reasonable doubt) seperti mana diperuntukkan di
bawah seksyen 182A Kanun Tatacara Jenayah:
“(1) At the conclusion of the trial, the Court shall
consider all the evidence adduced before it and shall
decide whether the prosecution has proved its case
beyond reasonable doubt.
(2) If the Court finds that the prosecution has proved its
case beyond reasonable doubt, the Court shall find the
accused guilty and he may be convicted on it.
(3) If the Court finds that the prosecution has not
proved its case beyond reasonable doubt, the Court shall
record an order of acquittal.”
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[58] Dalam kes Public Prosecutor v. Tan Chai Hing [2018] 6 CLJ 436
CA, Mahkamah Rayuan telah menyentuh tentang tanggungjawab
mahkamah di akhir kes pembelaan seperti berikut:
“[20] Under. S. 182A of the Criminal Procedure Code, it
is clearly the duty of the court to consider all the evidence
before it and shall decide whether the prosecution has
proved its case beyond reasonable doubt. This is a
mandatory requirement as evident by the use of the word
‘shall’ in that section. What it entails is that, at the end of
the defence, it is incumbent on the court to evaluate
the entire evidence placed before it including the
prosecution evidence. This was exactly what the
learned judge had undertaken at the end of the defence
case having considered the case of Jaafar Ali v. PP
[1999] 1 CLJ 410...”
(Penekanan ditambah)
[59] Mahkamah ini juga berpandukan kepada kes Mat v. Public
Prosecutor [1963] 29 MLJ 263 yang telah menggariskan sebagai panduan
tugas Mahkamah di akhir perbicaraan:
“If the court accepts the explanation given by or on behalf
of the accused, it must acquit. But this does not entitle the
court to convict if it does not believe that explanation, for
he is still entitled to an acquittal if the explanation raises a
reasonable doubt as to his guilt, as the onus of proving
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his guilt lies throughout on the prosecution. If upon the
whole evidence the court is left in a real state of doubt, the
prosecution has failed to satisfy the onus of proof which
lies upon it.”
[60] Walau bagaimanapun, Tertuduh-Tertuduh dalam kes ini telah
memilih untuk memberikan pernyataan tanpa sumpah dari kandang
tertuduh (unsworn statement from the dock). Dalam kes Rewang bin
Tempe v. PP [2016] 3 MLJ 586, Mahkamah Rayuan telah menyatakan
dalam penghakimannya seperti berikut:
“[20] In our view when the defence is called, it is the
appellant’s right to give an unsworn statement from
the dock. If he elects to give unsworn statement, it cannot
be the subject of cross-examination and its weight is not
the same as the evidence given on oath in the witness
box. The trial court is free to give the dock statement
the weight it deserves or not at all, having regard to the
whole evidence before the court.”
(Penekanan ditambah)
[61] Dalam kes Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim v. PP & Another Appeal [2015]
2 CLJ 145, Mahkamah Persekutuan telah menyatakan dalam
penghakimannya seperti yang berikut:
“In law, a trial judge will not give much weight to what
an accused has said in his unsworn statement as he
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is not subject to cross examination by the
prosecution nor can he be questioned by the trial
(Penekanan ditambah)
Penilaian Keterangan dan Dapatan Di Akhir Perbicaraan
[62] Di akhir perbicaraan (at the conclusion of the trial) adalah menjadi
tugas Mahkamah ini untuk mempertimbangkan segala keterangan yang
telah dikemukakan di hadapan mahkamah dan memutuskan sama ada
pihak pendakwaan berjaya membuktikan kes melampaui keraguan yang
munasabah (beyond reasonable doubt) seperti mana diperuntukkan di
bawah seksyen 182A Kanun Tatacara Jenayah.
[63] Adalah menjadi tanggungjawab mahkamah di peringkat kes
pembelaan ini untuk mempertimbangkan sama ada keterangan-
keterangan yang dikemukakan oleh pembelaan itu telah mewujudkan
apa-apa keraguan yang munasabah terhadap kes pendakwaan. Tugas
pihak pembelaan hanyalah untuk menimbulkan keraguan yang
munasabah ke atas kes pendakwaan.
[64] Walau apapun pembelaan yang dikemukakan dan walaupun
pembelaan yang dikemukakan itu adalah lemah, mahkamah masih
bertanggungjawab untuk memberikan pertimbangan sewajarnya ke atas
keterangan pembelaan tersebut bagi menentukan sama ada pembelaan
sedemikian mampu menimbulkan keraguan munasabah terhadap kes
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[65] Dalam kes Ganapathy Rengasamy v Public Prosecutor [1998] 2 CLJ
1, Mahkamah Persekutuan telah membuat pemerhatian berikut:
“It needs to be remembered that however weak a defence
may be, trial judges being judges of both fact and law
should not just brush aside the defence on the basis that
the prosecution witnesses are to be believed and not the
defence. Where the law casts the onus of giving an
explanation upon an accused person, and the
explanation is given, which if consistent with innocence,
the court is duty bound to consider whether it might
reasonably be true, although not convinced of its
(Penekanan ditambah)
[66] Mahkamah ini mendapati pembelaan Tertuduh-Tertuduh tersebut
adalah merupakan penafian semata-mata (mere denial) dan bukanlah
suatu pembelaan. Mahkamah ini juga berpandukan kepada kes PP v. Ku
Lip See [1981] 1 MLJ 258 menyatakan yang berikut:
“A mere denial without other proof to reasonably dislodge
the prosecution’s evidence is not sufficient.”
[67] Mahkamah ini juga telah merujuk kepada kes D A Duncan v PP
[1980] 1 LNS 12 yang memutuskan bahawa penafian semata-mata
bukanlah suatu pembelaan:
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“The defence was, in effect, a simple denial of the
evidence connecting the appellant with four boxes. We
cannot see any plausible ground for saying that the four
boxes were not his. In the circumstances of the
prosecution evidence, the High Court came, in our view,
to the correct conclusion that this denial did not cast a
doubt on the prosecution case against the appellant.”
(Penekanan ditambah)
Keputusan Di Akhir Perbicaraan
[68] Setelah meneliti segala keterangan yang dikemukakan di
hadapan Mahkamah ini secara keseluruhannya di peringkat kes
pendakwaan dan juga di peringkat kes pembelaan, Mahkamah ini
mendapati bahawa pihak pembelaan atau Tertuduh 1 dan Tertuduh
2 telah gagal untuk menimbulkan apa-apa keraguan yang
munasabah ke atas kes pendakwaan. Adalah dapatan (finding)
Mahkamah ini bahawa keterangan-keterangan saksi pendakwaan
adalah tetap utuh dan tiada keraguan munasabah yang telah
dibangkitkan oleh pihak pembelaan ke atas kebenaran kes
pendakwaan tersebut.
[69] Justeru, Mahkamah ini berpuas hati bahawa pihak pendakwaan
telah berjaya membuktikan suatu kes yang melampaui keraguan yang
munasabah (beyond reasonable doubt) menurut seksyen 182A (2) Kanun
Tatacara Jenayah.
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[70] Oleh yang demikian, di akhir perbicaraan setelah
mempertimbangkan segala keterangan yang dikemukakan di hadapan
Mahkamah ini adalah diputuskan bahawa Tertuduh 1 dan Tertuduh 2
adalah disabitkan dengan kesalahan membunuh di bawah seksyen 302
Kanun Keseksaan dibaca bersama seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan.
[71] Bagi hukuman kesalahan membunuh (murder), peruntukan
hukuman (sentencing provision) yang berkuat kuasa adalah seksyen 302
setelah mengambil kira pindaan yang dibuat dengan berkuat kuasa nya
Akta Pemansuhan Hukuman Mati Mandatori 2023 [Akta 846] pada 4 Julai
2023 [P.U.(B) 229/23], yang memperuntukkan seperti berikut:
“Whoever commits murder shall be punished with
death or imprisonment for a term of not less than
thirty years but not exceeding forty years and if not
sentenced to death, shall also be punished with whipping
of not less than twelve strokes.”
(Penekanan ditambah)
Hujahan Mitigasi dan Pemberatan Hukuman
[72] Pihak pembelaan dalam mitigasi memohon hukuman pemenjaraan
yang minimum dengan mengambil kira faktor-faktor berikut:
(a) Tertuduh 1 berumur 48 tahun dan Tertuduh 2 yang berumur
45 tahun;
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(b) Kesalahan pertama Tertuduh-Tertuduh;
(c) Tertuduh 1 dan Tertuduh 2 merupakan adik beradik;
(d) Masalah kesihatan Tertuduh-Tertuduh;
(e) Anak-anak mangsa yang telah kehilangan ayah akan
kehilangan ibu pula jika Tertuduh 1 dikenakan hukuman
(f) Supaya Tertuduh-Tertuduh diberi peluang untuk
menghabiskan sisa kehidupan dalam penjara;
(g) Tertuduh 1 merupakan pesalah wanita yang dikecualikan
daripada hukuman sebatan; dan
(h) Pohon hukuman sebatan ke atas Tertuduh 2 ditangguhkan
(stay) sehingga selesai proses rayuan.
[73] Pihak pendakwaan pula telah mengemukakan hujah pemberatan
ke atas hukuman seperti berikut:
(a) hukuman mati masih lagi relevan;
(b) dokumen perubatan yang dikemukakan oleh pihak
pembelaan bukanlah merupakan laporan perubatan terkini
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(c) kejadian pembunuhan tersebut merupakan suatu
pengkhianatan kepada kepercayaan di kalangan anggota
keluarga yang tinggal bersama dalam sebuah rumah; dan
(d) Mangsa merupakan seorang yang buta sepenuhnya yang
tidak berdaya untuk melawan atau melindungi diri sendiri.
[74] Pihak pendakwaan juga telah mengemukakan ‘victim’s impact
statement’ oleh anak lelaki Mangsa iaitu SP13 yang dikemukakan melalui
Pegawai Penyiasat ASP S. Vekram a/l S. Sinnaiah (SP15) yang telah
diterima masuk oleh Mahkamah ini menurut seksyen 183A Kanun
Tatacara Jenayah dan ditandakan sebagai ekshibit P46. Antara lain
SP13 dalam ekshibit P46 menyatakan tentang perasaan yang teramat
trauma, takut dan sedih beliau hinggakan tidak sanggup untuk hadir ke
Mahkamah ini bagi mengetahui keputusan kes mendiang bapanya.
[75] Setelah mendengar, meneliti dan mengambil kira hujah mitigasi oleh
peguambela dan hujah pemberatan oleh pihak pendakwaan serta
mengambil kira ‘victim’s impact statement’ (ekshibit P46) oleh anak
Mangsa yang bernama Navaneethan a/l Devarajoo (SP13), Mahkamah ini
tidak mendapati apa-apa keadaan yang mewajarkan pelaksanaan budi
bicara untuk mengenakan hukuman pemenjaraan dan sebatan menurut
peruntukan hukuman terkini seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan selepas
pindaan menurut Akta Pemansuhan Hukuman Mati Mandatori 2023 [Akta
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| 56,042 | Tika 2.6.0 |
CB-82D-1-01/2022 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya [Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (TPR), Jabatan Peguam Negara] TERTUDUH MOHD JAMEL BIN AWANG @ ZAKARIA | Majistret bicara diikat dengan keputusan mahkamah yang lebih agong yang terkini - faktor pemulihan untuk kes 15 (1) (a) ADB - sama ada penjawat awam yang disabitkan atas kesalahan 15 (1) (a) ADB wajar dipenjarakan - sama ada satu hukuman yang diberikan sebagai obiter boleh diambil kira sebagai satu faktor trend hukuman - Garis panduan KKM dan Perintah tetap Ketua Polis Negara mempunyai kuasa undang-undang - kesalahan lampau di dalam mahkamah yang sama - pengiktirafan penghakiman berkenaan sabitan Tertuduh - keputusan saringan awal test strip berbeza dengan Laporan Patologi - individu yang paling kompeten untuk memberikan penjelasan berkenaan perbezaan keputusan saringan awal dan keputusan analisa makmal - proses metabolisma dalam badan semasa mengambil dadah - metabolite - test strip kaedah saringan awal yang kurang sensitif dan kurang spesifik | 29/01/2024 | Tuan Tan Chiew King | |
CB-82D-1-01-2022 Mohd Jamel bin Awang Final.pdf
[KES NO: CB-82D-1-01/2022]
[1] Tertuduh dalam kes ini merupakan seorang anggota polis yang telah
dituduh di bawah perenggan 15 (1) (a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952
( ADB ) kerana air kencing Tertuduh didapati mengandungi dadah
jenis Amphetamine dan Methamphetamine. Pertuduhan terhadap
Tertuduh adalah seperti yang berikut: -
29/01/2024 13:06:36
CB-82D-1-01/2022 Kand. 71
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[2] Tertuduh tidak mengaku salah dan telah mohon untuk dibicarakan.
[3] Berdasarkan perenggan 173 (h) (i) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah ,
mahkamah seharusnya memutuskan sama ada pihak pendakwaan
telah berjaya membuktikan satu kes prima facie terhadap Tertuduh.
Perenggan 173 (h) (i) KTJ juga memperuntukkan bahawa beban
pembuktian pihak pendakwaan di akhir kes pendakwaan adalah
suatu kes prima facie. Perenggan 173 (h) (iii) KTJ selanjutnya
menjelaskan bahawa satu kes prima facie wujud apabila bukti yang
dikemukakan oleh pihak pendakwaan mewajarkan satu sabitan kes
atas tertuduh sekiranya tidak disangkal oleh Tertuduh. Sekiranya
kes prima facie dibuktikan oleh pihak pendakwaan, maka Tertuduh
akan dipanggil untuk membela diri.
[4] Di dalam kes Looi Kow Chai v. Public Prosecutor [2003] 1 CLJ
734, Mahkamah Rayuan telah memutuskan bahawa:
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"the correct test to be applied in determining whether a
prima facie case has been made out under s. 180 of the
Criminal Procedure Code (and this would apply to a trial
under s. 173 of the Code ) is that as encapsulated in the
judgment of Hashim Yeop Sani FJ (as he then was) in
Dato' Mokhtar bin Hashim & Anor v. Public Prosecutor
[1983] 1 CLJ 138...It therefore follows that there is only
one exercise that a judge sitting alone under s. 180 of the
Code has to undertake at the close of the prosecution
case. He must subject the prosecution evidence to
maximum evaluation and ask himself the question: If I
decide to call upon the accused to enter his defence and
he elects to remain silent, am I prepared to convict him on
the totality of the evidence contained in the prosecution
case? If the answer is in the negative then no prima facie
case has been made out and the accused would be
entitled to an acquittal".
[5] Dalam kes Balachandran v. PP [2005] 1 CLJ 85, Yang Arif
Augustine Paul JCA telah mengikut autoriti yang telah
diketengahkan di dalam kes Looi Kow Chai & Anor v. PP [2003] 1
CLJ 734 dan telah selanjutnya menyatakan bahawa: -
"A prima facie case is therefore one that is sufficient for
the accused to be called upon to answer. This in turn
means that the evidence adduced must be such that it can
be overthrown only by evidence in rebuttal...
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The result is that the force of the evidence adduced must
be such that, if unrebutted, it is sufficient to induce the
court to believe in the existence of the facts stated in the
charge or to consider its existence so probable that a
prudent man ought to act upon the supposition that those
facts exist or did happen. On the other hand if a prima
facie case has not been made out it means that there is
no material evidence which can be believed in the sense
as described earlier. In order to make a finding either way
the court must, at the close of the case for the
prosecution, undertake a positive evaluation of the
credibility and reliability of all the evidence adduced so as
to determine whether the elements of the offence have
been established...
The test at the close of the case for the prosecution would
therefore be: Is the evidence sufficient to convict the
accused if he elects to remain silent? If the answer is in
the affirmative then a prima facie case has been made
[6] Langkah-langkah yang harus diambil oleh mahkamah pada akhir
kes pendakwaan juga telah disimpulkan di dalam kes PP v. Mohd
Radzi Bin Abu Bakar [2006] 1 CLJ 457, yang mana Mahkamah
Persekutuan telah menyatakan seperti yang berikut:
"For the guidance of the courts below, we summarise as
follows the steps that should be taken by a trial court at
the close of the prosecution's case:
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(i) the close of the prosecution's case, subject the
evidence led by the prosecution in its totality to a
maximum evaluation. Carefully scrutinise the credibility of
each of the prosecution's witnesses. Take into account all
reasonable inferences that may be drawn from that
evidence. If the evidence admits of two or more
inferences, then draw the inference that is most
favourable to the accused;
(ii) ask yourself the question: If I now call upon the
accused to make his defence and he elects to remain
silent am I prepared to convict him on the evidence now
before me? If the answer to that question is "Yes", then a
prima facie case has been made out and the defence
should be called. If the answer is "No" then, a prima facie
case has not been made out and the accused should be
(iii) after the defence is called, the accused elects to
remain silent, then convict;
(iv) after defence is called, the accused elects to give
evidence, then go through the steps set out in Mat v.
Public Prosecutor [1963] MLJ 263."
[7] Oleh itu, berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip di atas, pada tahap ini,
Mahkamah ini akan menimbangkan sama ada pihak pendakwaan
telah berjaya membuktikan kes prima facie terhadap Tertuduh atau
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[8] Pihak pendakwaan telah memanggil sebanyak 4 orang saksi dalam
kes ini iaitu: -
SP1: ASP G17374 Hisham bin Abdul Hamid - Pengadu
SP2: SI 123208 Rasli bin Ismail Juruiring
SP3: Puan Syuhaidah binti Sahabudin Pegawai Sains
SP4: Insp G26944 Nik Helmi bin Nik Hassan Pegawai
Penyiasat Kes
[9] SP1 di dalam keterangannya telah menyatakan bahawa pada 23
Januari 2022 jam lebih kurang 1.15pm, beliau bersama SP2 dan
seorang anggota polis telah mengarahkan Tertuduh untuk membuat
ujian saringan awal air kencing di Pejabat Bahagian Siasatan
Jenayah Nakrotik IPD Temerloh.
[10] SP1 telah menyediakan lima (5) botol urin yang dibungkus plastik
yang dibekalkan oleh Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM). SP1 telah
mengarahkan Tertuduh untuk memilih satu (1) botol daripada lima
(5) botol tersebut. Tertuduh mematuhi arahan tersebut dan memilih
satu (1) bungkusan botol urin yang bernombor siri SNB119999.
[11] Bungkusan botol urin tersebut telah dibuka oleh SP1 di hadapan
Tertuduh dan botol di dalam bungkusan SNB119999 tersebut telah
diserahkan kepada Tertuduh.
[12] SP2 kemudiannya telah mengiring Tertuduh ke tandas dalam bilik
urin di Pejabat Nakrotik IPD Temerloh dan beliau melihat sendiri
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Tertuduh memberikan sampel air kencing Tertuduh ke dalam botol
urin SNB119999.
[13] Setelah itu, Tertuduh membawa botol yang berisi air kencing dalam
keadaan botol tertutup kepada SP1 dan SP1 telah menjalankan
ujian saringan awal air kencing dengan menggunakan enam (6) test
strip iaitu METH, OPIATE, AMP, BENZO, KET dan THC dengan
meletakkan test strip tersebut ke dalam botol urin SNB119999 yang
berisi air kencing Tertuduh. Hasil saringan awal mendapati air
kencing Tertuduh dalam botol urin SNB119999 adalah positif dadah
[14] Tindakan selanjutnya oleh SP1 adalah untuk mencatit butiran
Tertuduh dan butiran spesimen serta menurunkan tandatangannya
di bahagian Pegawai Pemungut dan mengarahkan Tertuduh
menurunkan tandatangannya di bahagian Orang Yang Diperiksa
pada pelekat dan kemudiannya telah melekatkan pelekat tersebut
pada botol urin tersebut. Botol tersebut dimeteraikan.
[15] SP1 kemudiannya telah mengisi satu (1) Borang Permintaan Ujian
Pengesahan Dadah di Dalam Air Kencing (Borang UPD) untuk botol
urin SNB119999.
[16] Laporan Polis Temerloh Repot: 1398/22 [P1] dibuat bagi bacaan
positif saringan awal pada botol urin SNB119999.
[17] Kesemua barang kes termasuk satu Borang Permintaan Ujian
Pengesahan Dadah di Dalam Air Kencing (Borang UPD) dan botol
urin SNB119999 (dalam keadaan tertutup) serta Tertuduh
kemudiannya telah diserahkan kepada SP4 sebagai pegawai
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Penyiasat di mana sesalinan Borang Serah Terima telah
ditandatangani antara SP1 dan SP4.
[18] SP4 hari yang sama jam lebih kurang 6.05pm, SP4 telah menyimpan
semula botol urin SNB119999 di dalam peti sejuk berkunci
sementara menunggu botol tersebut dihantar kepada Pegawai Sains
untuk ujian pengesanan dadah dalam air kencing Tertuduh.
[19] Pada 25 Januari 2022, SP4 telah mengeluarkan botol urin
SNB119999 daripada peti sejuk berkunci dan menghantar botol urin
tersebut ke Hospital Kuala Lumpur. SP4 menyatakan bahawa
semasa botol urin SNB119999 dikeluarkan daripada peti sejuk
berkunci, keadaan botol tersebut adalah dalam keadaan baik serta
tiada kacau ganggu pada seal botol tersebut.
[20] Botol urin SNB119999 telah diterima oleh Pegawai Sains SP3 yang
menjalankan analisa ke atas botol urin B119999 dengan kaedah
Immunoassay dan Chromatography Mass Spectrometry /
telah mendapati air kencing Tertuduh mengandungi dadah
berbahaya jenis Amphetamine dan Methamphetamine. Satu laporan
patologi [P10] telah disediakan oleh SP3.
[21] Pihak pendakwaan berhujah bahawa kesinambungan rantaian
barang kes di dalam kes ini adalah tidak terputus berdasarkan
keterangan-keterangan SP1 sehingga SP4.
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[22] Pendakwaan juga berhujah bahawa elemen-elemen
dibawah perenggan 15 (1) (a) ADB telah berjaya dibuktikan yang
mana: -
(a) Tertuduh telah mengambil atau memasukkan sendiri dadah ke
dalam tubuhnya dengan sengaja
[23] Pendakwaan berhujah bahawa keterangan saksi-saksi dan dapatan
fakta mengesahkan bahawa prosedur di bawah seksyen 31A ADB
telah dipatuhi yang mana pengambilan sampel air kencing Tertuduh
oleh SP1 tanpa mendapatkan mahupun membuktikan usaha
mendapatkan Pegawai Perubatan adalah masih dalam ruang
lingkup seksyen 31A ADB berdasarkan kes PP v Samsul Arifin
Bakar [2020] 7 CLJ yang menyatakan seperti berikut: -
[9] Section 31A(1A) which was added as a sub-section in
2002 appears to target drug addicts specifically. As
pointed out by the learned Deputy Public Prosecutor, the
Parliamentary Secretary who tabled the Bill in Parliament
said in his speech that the main aim of s. 31A(1A)
provision is to preserve evidence as it may not be
practicable for a medical officer to procure a urine sample
from an arrested suspect. The aim of s. 31A(1A) is also
stated in the opening words of the provision, ie, "for the
purpose of preservation of evidence..." To our mind, these
words are the key to interpreting this provision. Otherwise,
the intention of Parliament in enacting the provision to
preserve evidence in the face of the exigencies faced by
enforcement authorities while carrying out operations
against drug addicts would be defeated.
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[10] The learned High Court Judge opined that several
pre-conditions must be satisfied before a urine sample
can be taken by a police officer not below the rank of
sergeant. His Lordship said that the police must prove in
court that it was not practicable for a medical officer to
obtain the urine sample from the arrested person. His
Lordship also said that the determination whether the
procurement of the urine sample by a medical officer is
practicable must be made by the medical officer himself.
In our view, such a reading of the provision is not
warranted by the words of s. 31A(1A). If the police are
obligated to wait for the determination of the medical
officer, precious time would be wasted and it is possible
that traces of drugs in the body of a suspect would have
disappeared by the time the urine sample is obtained.
[11] In respect of the argument that the police have to
"prove" that it was not practicable to send the suspect to
the hospital for the medical officer to obtain the urine
sample, we note that s. 31A(1A) does not impose that
duty. It is a provision designed to preserve evidence
depending on constraints of the situation faced by the
enforcement authorities. Therefore, the test result from a
urine sample is not rendered inadmissible merely
because the police could not prove that sending the
suspect to see a medical officer to take a urine sample is
not practicable.
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[12] We find analogical support for this view in the
judgment of this court in PP lwn. Mohd Safwan Husain
[2017] 7 CLJ 685; [2017] 5 MLJ 255 which was cited by
the learned DPP. In that case which also involved the
collection of urine sample under s. 31A(1A) of the
Dangerous Drugs Act 1952, the respondent was acquitted
on the ground that prosecution failed to prove that he was
an "arrested person" which appears to be a pre-condition
of s. 31A(1). The Court of Appeal reversed the decision of
the High Court and the Magistrate's Court and said as
Harus juga dicatat lanjut bahawa s. 31A ADB 1952
tidak menyebut di mana-mana bahawa kegagalan
untuk mematuhi kehendak di situ boleh
membuatkan apa jua bukti yang diperoleh hasil
daripada pemeriksaan yang dilakukan akan
menjadi tidak boleh diterima sebagai keterangan
(inadmissible). Ini berbeza dengan peruntukan s.
113 KPJ atau pun s. 37A ADB 1952 yang
memperuntukkan dengan jelas bahawa
percakapan tertuduh selepas ditangkap dan tanpa
diberikan kata-kata amaran tidak boleh diterima
sebagai keterangan (inadmissible). Seperti mana
yang dinyatakan di atas berkenaan dengan objektif
s. 31A, seksyen ini memberikan keabsahan
undang-undang (lawfulness) ke atas tindakan yang
dilakukan oleh pegawai-pegawai atau orang yang
disenaraikan dalam mengambil sampel dan
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membuat pemeriksaan ke atas orang yang
ditangkap. Pada pandangan kami itulah dasar
utama peruntukan s. 31A ini. Pada pengamatan
kami lagi, skema peruntukan tersebut jelas
membezakan antara pemberian kebenaran vis a vis
kesahan dengan kerelevanan sesuatu bahan bukti
yang diperoleh daripada tindakan tersebut. Ini dapat
dilihat daripada perkataan dan ungkapan yang
digunakan dalam s. 31A(1A) itu sendiri iaitu 'For the
purpose of preservation of evidence...'.
[13] Similarly, in the instant case, even if there was a
failure on the part of the prosecution to prove that it was
not practicable to send the respondent to see a medical
officer for the purpose of obtaining the urine sample, we
shall respectfully follow the principle enunciated in the
above-mentioned case and hold that the test result in
question is admissible.
[14] It is also our view that the determination whether it is
practicable to send a suspect to see a medical officer
must be made by the police officers on the ground who
must have regard to relevant circumstances with the
overarching aim of preserving the evidence. We have
reviewed two High Court cases that discussed the issue
at hand, namely PP v. Mohamad Rasid Jusoh [2009] 9
CLJ 557 and Choo Kah Chong lwn. PP [2019] 1 LNS 13.
In both cases, it was held that the distance from the
hospital and the point of arrest or the police station alone
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is not the determinative factor in deciding whether it is
"practicable" for the suspect to be brought to see a
medical officer. In the latter case, the High Court said as
Perayu kes semasa, ketika ujian saringan awal
hendak dibuat, dia tidak berada di hospital. Dia
berada di Balai Polis Sungai Siput Utara.
Mahkamah ini bersetuju dengan hujahan TPR, demi
mengambil segera sampel air kencing Perayu bagi
tujuan dianalisa oleh pegawai sains sebelum kesan
dadah hilang daripada air kencing Perayu, adalah
tidak praktikal untuk SP2 membawa Perayu ke
fasiliti perubatan kerajaan bagi tujuan diambil
sampel air kencing. Meskipun jarak perjalanan ke
fasiliti perubatan kerajaan itu hanya mengambil
masa 10 minit sahaja, faktor lain perlu diambil kira
seperti keutamaan mendapat sampel seberapa
segera bagi menjaga keutuhan sampel yang
diberikan, pengangkutan, eskot, dan aspek
keselamatan yang lain. Pada hemat Mahkamah ini,
pihak polis sebagai agensi yang melakukan
penyiasatan lebih berupayaan (knows best) untuk
menentukan sama ada praktikal atau tidak untuk
menghantar suspek yang disyaki memasukkan
atau menggunakan dadah ke dalam badan ke
hospital bagi tujuan pengambilan air kencing.
Sementelah pula, pengambilan sampel air kencing
tidak memerlukan sebarang kepakaran khusus.
Yang penting ialah pelabelan yang sempurna pada
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botol sampel yang berisi air kencing suspek supaya
tidak bertukar dengan sampel air kencing suspek
yang lain dan memastikan tiada kacau ganggu ke
atas sampel tersebut bermula daripada masa
sampel diambil sehingga selesai dianalisa oleh
pegawai sains.
[24] Seterusnya pihak pendakwaan juga berhujah bahawa andaian
subseksyen 37(k) ADB adalah terpakai yang mana terdapat andaian
bahawa Tertuduh mengambil atau memasukkan sendiri dadah
berbahaya ke dalam badannya dengan sengaja tanpa kebenaran
yang sah.
(b) Dadah Tersebut Adalah Jenis Yang Disenaraikan Dalam
Bahagian III Jadual Pertama ADB
[25] Pendakwaan merujuk kepada keterangan oleh SP3 dan Laporan
Makmal [P10] bagi membuktikan elemen kedua dan bahawa
Tertuduh telah menggunakan dadah berbahaya jenis Amphetamine
dan Methamphetamine sepertimana disenaraikan di Bahagian III
Jadual Pertama ADB.
[26] Mahkamah ini mendapati terdapat 2 isu utama yang telah
dibangkitkan oleh pihak pembelaan.
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[27] Hujahan pembelaan di akhir kes pendakwaan telah
mengetengahkan isu sama ada Inspector General's Standing Order
F103 ("IGSO F103") dan Garis Panduan Bagi Ujian Pengesanan
Penyalahgunaan Dadah Dalam Air Kencing Bil. 6/2002 oleh
mempunyai kuasa undang- force of law diambil
kira oleh Mahkamah ini.
[28] Isu ini telah banyak dibahaskan dan mengetengahkan dua
keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan iaitu kes Noor Shariful Rizal Noor
Zawawi v. PP [2017] 4 CLJ 434 yang diputuskan pada 22 Februari
2017 dan PP v. Rosman Saprey & Satu Lagi Rayuan [2019] 4 CLJ
767 yang diputuskan pada 23 April 2018.
[29] Dalam kes Noor Shariful Rizal Noor Zawawi, Mahkamah Rayuan
memutuskan bahawa IGSO F103 dan Garis Panduan KKM
mempunyai kuasa undang-undang. Oleh sebab itu, kegagalan pihak
polis menggunakan dua (2) botol untuk mendapatkan sampel air
kencing Tertuduh dalam kes tersebut telah mematahkan kes
[30] Selanjutnya, dalam kes PP v. Rosman Saprey & Satu Lagi Rayuan
[2019] 4 CLJ 767 pula, Mahkamah Rayuan telah memutuskan
bahawa IGSO F103 dan Garis Panduan KKM hanyalah garis
panduan pentadbiran dan tiada kuasa undang-undang. Oleh itu
kegagalan pihak polis menggunakan dua (2) botol untuk
mendapatkan air kencing Tertuduh dalam kes tersebut tidak
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mematahkan kes pendakwaan. Kes ini diikuti dalam kes Mahkamah
Tinggi Mustadzimaludin Bin Musimin v. PP [2022] 1 LNS 2289
dan kes Mahkamah Rayuan PP v. Samsul Arifin Bakar [2020] 7
CLJ 503.
[31] Dalam keadaan yang mana terdapat dua keputusan Mahkamah
Rayuan yang berbeza, Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada kes PP v.
Ahmad Saiful Islam Mohamad [2023] 2 CLJ 714 yang mana
Mahkamah Rayuan telah memberikan panduan yang jelas kepada
mahkamah-mahkamah rendah berkenaan kes mana yang mengikat
Mahkamah ini. Dalam kes tersebut, Majistret yang bijaksana telah
memutuskan bahawa dalam situasi yang mana mahkamah yang
setanding mengeluarkan keputusan yang berbeza, beliau diikat
dengan keputusan terkini Mahkamah Rayuan. Namun di peringkat
rayuan di Mahkamah Tinggi, Yang Arif Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi
telah memutuskan bahawa mahkamah mempunyai opsyen untuk
memilih keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan.
[32] Berhubung dengan perkara ini, Yang Arif Hashim Hamzah JCA telah
memutuskan seperti yang berikut:
Appeal conflict on a point of law, the later decision prevails
over the earlier decision. If the subordinate courts can
choose either decision of the Court of Appeal, there will
be no finality to the issue and no certainty in the law. This
would defeat the purpose of judicial precedent and stare
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[44] Judicial hierarchy must be observed for the orderly
development of legal rules and for the courts and lawyers
to regulate their affairs, and to avoid chaos and
misapprehensions in the judicial system.
[47] Based on the reasons above, we agree with the
learned DPP that the learned Magistrate was correct
when he followed the decision in Rosman Saprey as he
was bound by it.
[48] On our part, we see no reason to depart
[33] Berdasarkan keputusan kes Ahmad Saiful Islam di atas,
Mahkamah ini juga tidak mempunyai pilihan lain selain mengikuti
keputusan kes Rosman Saprey. Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah
ini memutuskan bahawa IGSO F103 and the Garis Panduan KKM
tidak mempunyai kuasa undang-undang.
[34] Sehubungan dengan itu, Mahkamah ini berpandangan bahawa tiada
keperluan untuk mempertimbangkan isu-isu yang dibangkitkan oleh
pihak pembelaan berkenaan dengan ketidakpatuhan IGSO F103
and the Garis Panduan KKM.
(b) Sama ada terputusnya rangkaian keterangan mengenai sampel
air kencing yang diambil untuk dianalisiskan.
[35] Isu kedua yang dikemukakan oleh pihak pembelaan adalah
berkenaan dengan keputusan saringan awal botol urin SNB119999
yang positif Methamphetamine menggunakan test strip. Ini adalah
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kerana terdapat perbezaan antara bacaan saringan awal test strip
dan hasil analisa SP3 di [P10]. Bacaan saringan awal test strip
mengesan Methamphetamine sahaja manakala hasil analisa SP3
di [P10] mengesan 2 jenis dadah iaitu Amphetamine dan
[36] Bagi isu ini, Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada satu kes Mahkamah
Tinggi yang inter alia telah membincangkan isu yang sama. Dalam
kes Pendakwa Raya v. Azahari bin Abdul Wahab [2009] MLJU
898, Yang Arif Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman Zamani A Rahim (pada
ketika itu) telah menyatakan seperti berikut: -
Another disturbing feature or evidence is this. When SP1
carried out preliminary screening, the accused urine was
positive for Methamphetamine, whilst P4 stated that it was
positive for Amphetamine.
The difference between Amphetamine and Methamphetamine
was not satisfactorily explained. The competent person to
explain most probably the IMR (Institute For Medical
Research) officer who carried out the examination and
analysis of the accused urine sample
[37] Kes Azahari bin Abdul Wahab telah memberi bimbingan kepada
Mahkamah ini berkenaan dengan individu yang paling kompeten
untuk memberikan penjelasan berkenaan perbezaan keputusan
saringan awal dan keputusan analisa makmal adalah individu atau
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pegawai yang menjalankan analisa terhadap sampel air kencing
Tertuduh di makmal.
[38] Adalah dapatan Mahkamah ini bahawa penjelasan yang
memuaskan telah diberikan oleh SP3 selaku Pegawai Sains yang
menjalankan analisa air kencing Tertuduh semasa pemeriksaan
utama dan pemeriksaan semula.
[39] Semasa pemeriksaan utama, SP3 telah menjelaskan bahawa jika
seseorang mengambil dadah, dadah tersebut akan melalui satu
proses di dalam badan yang dipanggil metabolisma. Proses ini akan
menukarkan sebahagian bentuk asal dadah kepada bentuk yang
lain. Amphethamine adalah metabolite kepada Methamphetamine.
Oleh itu, seandainya seseorang mengambil dadah
Methamphetamine, Amphetamine juga akan dikesan dalam analisa
makmal memandangkan Methamphetamine akan menjalani proses
metabolisma di dalam badan sejurus menghasilkan Amphetamine
yang merupakan metabolite kepada Methamphetamine.
[40] Pada pemeriksaan semula pula, SP3 telah menjelaskan bahawa
ujian mengesan dadah menggunakan test strip adalah satu kaedah
saringan awal yang kurang sensitif dan kurang spesifik manakala
kaedah menggunakan GC/MS iaitu ujian pengesahan yang
dijalankan di makmal adalah sangat sensitif dan spesifik. Beliau
menjelaskan bahawa ada kemungkinan test strip tidak dapat
mengesan dadah tertentu kerana ujian test strip adalah kurang
sensitif jika dibandingkan dengan kaedah GC/MS.
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[41] Sehubungan dengan itu, Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa
perbezaan hasil saringan antara ujian saringan awal menggunakan
test strip dan analisa makmal yang menggunakan analisa kaedah
GC/MS telah dijelaskan dengan memuaskan (satisfactorily
explained) oleh SP3 sebagai Pegawai Sains yang menjalankan
analisa terhadap botol urin SNB119999.
[42] Keputusan berbeza saringan awal menggunakan test strip yang
mengesan Methamphetamine sahaja dengan hasil analisa SP3 di
[P10] yang mengesan Amphetamine dan Methamphetamine tidak
menyebabkan terputusnya apa-apa rangkaian keterangan
mengenai sampel air kencing.
[43] Hakikatnya, mahkamah ini menerima keterangan SP3 dan [P10]
yang jelas menyatakan bahawa dadah jenis Amphetamine dan
Methamphetamine yang disenaraikan dalam Bahagian III Jadual
Pertama ADB dapat dikesan di dalam air kencing Tertuduh sebagai
keterangan yang membuktikan intipati pertuduhan dadah yang
terkandung dalam air kencing Tertuduh.
[44] Setelah mendengar pemeriksaan saksi-saksi yang dikemukakan
oleh pihak pendakwaan serta mempertimbangkan kredibiliti mereka,
mendengar dan mempertimbangkan hujahan-hujahan kedua-dua
pihak pendakwaan dan pembelaan, Mahkamah ini bersetuju dengan
pihak pendakwaan dan mendapati kesinambungan rantaian barang
kes di dalam kes ini adalah tidak terputus berdasarkan keterangan-
keterangan SP1 sehingga SP4 yang kredibel. Oleh itu, Mahkamah
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ini berpuas hati bahawa elemen-elemen di bawah perenggan 15 (1)
(a) ADB telah berjaya dibuktikan oleh pihak pendakwaan setelah
membuat penilaian secara maksima terhadap keterangan-
keterangan yang dikemukakan.
[45] Dengan itu, Mahkamah ini mendapati pihak pendakwaan telah
berjaya membuktikan satu kes prima facie terhadap Tertuduh dan
memanggil Tertuduh untuk membela diri.
[46] Setelah Mahkamah ini memberikan keputusan di akhir kes
pendakwaan, Mahkamah ini telah membaca dan menerangkan
kepada Tertuduh berkenaan 3 pilihan yang boleh dibuat oleh
Tertuduh sepertimana yang terkandung dalam subseksyen 173 (ha)
KTJ iaitu: -
i. memberikan keterangan bersumpah dari kandang saksi;
ii. memberikan keterangan tidak bersumpah dari kandang
tertuduh; atau
iii. berdiam diri.
[47] Tertuduh dalam kes ini faham pilihan-pilihan yang diterangkan oleh
mahkamah dan telah memilih untuk berdiam diri. Tertuduh tidak
mengemukakan apa-apa keterangan mahupun memanggil mana-
mana saksi sama ada saksi sendiri atau saksi yang ditawarkan oleh
pihak pendakwaan.
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[48] Kes Balachandran sekali lagi dirujuk yang mana Yang Arif
Augustine Paul JCA menyatakan: -
said to have been proved
beyond reasonable doubt only at the conclusion of the trial
upon a consideration of all the evidence adduced as
provided by s. 182A(1) of the Criminal Procedure Code.
That would normally be the position where the accused
has given evidence. However, where the accused
remains silent there will be no necessity to re-evaluate the
evidence in order to determine whether there is a
reasonable doubt in the absence of any further evidence
for such a consideration. The prima facie evidence
which was capable of supporting a conviction beyond
reasonable doubt will constitute proof beyond
reasonable doubt.
[49] Berdepan dengan situasi ini, Mahkamah ini berpendapat pada tahap
ini, Mahkamah berpuas hati bahawa keterangan-keterangan prima
facie yang dikemukakan oleh pihak pendakwaan semasa kes pihak
pendakwaan yang berupaya menyokong satu sabitan melampaui
keraguan munasabah telah membentuk bukti melampaui keraguan
munasabah (The prima facie evidence adduced by the prosecution
which was capable of supporting a conviction beyond reasonable
doubt has constituted to be proof beyond reasonable doubt).
Tertuduh didapati bersalah dan disabitkan seperti pertuduhan di
bawah perenggan 15 (1) (a) ADB.
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[50] Peruntukan hukuman di bawah seksyen 15 ADB adalah denda tidak
melebihi lima ribu Ringgit (RM5,000.00) atau penjara boleh sampai
dua (2) tahun. Seksyen 38B ADB menetapkan Tertuduh yang
didapati bersalah di bawah seksyen 15 ADB dikenakan perintah
pengawasan selama tempoh tidak kurang dua (2) tahun dan tidak
melebihi tiga (3) tahun.
[51] Bagi rayuan hukuman, peguambela menyatakan bahawa Tertuduh
berumur 34 tahun, mempunyai 2 anak kecil yang berumur 6 dan 7
tahun, mempunyai tanggungan ibu bapa di Kelantan, setakat ini
tidak mempunyai rekod lampau dan ingin merakamkan rasa insaf
beliau. Tertuduh melalui peguambela juga mohon satu hukuman
denda sahaja berdasarkan kepada kes Azhar Ibrahim v. PP [2022]
1 LNS 2607.
[52] Pihak pendakwaan memohon hukuman berat dan pemenjaraan
yang maksima di bawah seksyen 15 ADB serta pengawasan di
bawah seksyen 38B ADB atas dasar melindungi kepentingan awam
yang mana kepentingan awam hendaklah diutamakan melebihi
kepentingan Tertuduh. Pihak pendakwaan menghujahkan bahawa
mahkamah juga perlu mengambil kira kesiriusan kesalahan dan
kekerapan penyalahgunaan dadah di kalangan masyarakat dan
mempertimbangkan bahawa Tertuduh merupakan anggota polis
yang bertugas di Balai Polis Temerloh ketika kesalahan dilakukan
serta penelanan kos dan masa mahkamah. Pihak pendakwaan juga
menghujahkan bahawa Tertuduh mempunyai rekod lampau sabitan
di bawah seksyen dan akta yang sama di mahkamah ini di mana
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satu hukuman denda dan perintah pengawasan selama 2 tahun
telah diberikan kepada Tertuduh.
[53] Sebelum menjatuhkan hukuman, Mahkamah ini telah merujuk
kes Lim Guan Eng v. PP & Other Appeals [1998] 3 CLJ 769;
[1998] 3 MLJ 14, yang mana Mahkamah Rayuan telah memutuskan
seperi berikut:
The principles governing sentencing have been stated on
numerous occasions and we think no assistance is to be
had by going through all the authorities on the subject.
Suffice to say that a court should, when sentencing an
accused, take into account all considerations relevant to
the case, including the gravity of the offence, the
circumstances surrounding the commission of the
offence, the antecedents of the accused, the deterrent
effect that punishment is to have, any factor that warrants
special attention either in favour or against the accused
and above all the public interest
[54] Oleh itu, dalam kes ini Mahkamah telah mengambil kira faktor
hukuman mengikut peruntukan undang-undang, kepentingan awam,
keseriusan kesalahan, mitigasi oleh peguam, hujahan pemberatan
Timbalan Pendakwa Raya, latar belakang Tertuduh dan faktor
pencegahan sebelum menjatuhkan hukuman.
[55] Selanjutnya, Mahkamah ini juga mengambil kira dan ingin
menekankan faktor pemulihan untuk kesalahan di bawah seksyen
15 ADB yang mana hasrat penggubalan undang-undang seksyen 15
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ADB dan Akta Penagih Dadah (Rawatan dan Pemulihan) 1983 telah
diterangkan dengan komprehensif oleh Yang Arif Pesuruhjaya
Kehakiman Roslan Mat Nor (pada ketika itu) dalam kes Azhar
Ibrahim v. PP [2022] 1 LNS 2607. Yang Arif Pesuruhjaya
Kehakiman menyatakan seperti berikut ketika mengulas berkenaan
hubungkait perenggan 15 (1) (a) ADB dan Akta Penagih Dadah
(Rawatan dan Pemulihan) 1983: -
Di samping itu Mahkamah juga harus memahami
jenis kesalahan yang melibatkan penyalahgunaan dadah
dan juga kesalahan-kesalahan di bawah Akta Dadah
Berbahaya agar dapat memahami jenis-jenis kesalahan
dan hukuman yang diperuntukkan. Apa yang jelas
daripada peruntukan di bawah s. 15 ADB 1952 tersebut
ialah ia memberikan hukuman denda sehingga
RM5,000.00 dan pemenjaraan sehingga tidak melebihi
dua tahun penjara dan memperuntukkan peruntukan di
bawah s. 38B ADB 1952 iaitu perintah pengawasan. Ini
bermakna kesalahan di bawah s. 15 ADB 1952 ini
mempunyai serampang dua mata iaitu hukuman
kesalahan memasukkan dadah ke dalam badan di
samping memberi peluang kepada pesalah tersebut
untuk dimasukkan ke dalam skim pemulihan ketagihan
dadah di bawah s. 38B ADB 1952 tersebut. Ia adalah
peruntukan undang-undang yang memperkuatkan
peruntukan- peruntukan di bawah Akta Penagih Dadah
(Rawatan dan Pemulihan) 1983 yang mewujudkan skim
rawatan dan pemulihan di bawah s. 6, 8, dan 9 Akta
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Pemahaman kepada peruntukan s. 15 (1) (a) ADB
1952 dan Akta Penagih Dadah (Rawatan dan Pemulihan)
1983 serta keupayaan untuk menghubungkaitkan kedua-
dua undang-undang tersebut dapat membantu
mahkamah memahami peruntukan undang-undang yang
berkaitan dengan penyalahgunaan dan rawatan kepada
penagih dadah. Ia tidak boleh ditafsirkan secara
berasingan dalam menentukan hukuman yang diberikan.
Jika itu dilakukan seseorang yang dituduh di bawah s. 15
(1) (a) ADB 1952 akan dianggap sebagai penjenayah
tegar seperti kesalahan-kesalahan jenayah yang serius
yang lain sehingga tidak memberikan peluang untuk
pesalah tersebut melalui proses pemulihan seperti yang
dinyatakan dalam undang-undang. Kegagalan
memahami peruntukan-peruntukan tersebut akan
menyebabkan hukuman yang dijatuhkan akan tersasar
dan tidak membolehkan matlamat untuk memulihkan
pesalah di bawah s. 15 (1) (a) ADB 1952 dilaksanakan
seperti yang diharapkan oleh undang-undang.
[40] Selain daripada itu peruntukan-peruntukan di
bawah s. 39C ADB 1952 adalah suatu gambaran bahawa
sekiranya pesalah yang melakukan kesalahan di
bawah s. 15 (1) (a) ADB 1952 telah diberikan peluang
pengawasan di bawah s. 38B ADB 1952 dan masih
melakukan kesalahan yang sama seperti yang
dinyatakan di bawah s. 39C (a) hingga (e) ADB
1952 maka ketika itu mahkamah boleh menjatuhkan
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hukuman pemenjaraan minima tidak kurang daripada
lima tahun. Ia mencadangkan bawah setelah peluang
diberikan kepada pesalah di bawah s. 15 (1) (a) ADB
1952 di atas kesalahan pertama tetapi masih juga terlibat
di dalam penyalahgunaaan dadah di bawah s. 15 (1) (a)
ADB 1952 maka ketika itu mahkamah boleh menjatuhkan
hukuman yang wajarnya disebabkan pesalah tersebut
tidak menggunakan kesempatan untuk memulihkan
dirinya daripada ketagihan dadah seperti yang di
bawah s. 38B ADB 1952. Ia menyebabkan beliau wajar
diberikan hukuman pemenjaraan di bawah s. 39C (i) ADB
[56] Keadaan Tertuduh yang dinyatakan dalam kes Azhar Ibrahim
adalah lebih kurang sama dengan kes di hadapan Mahkamah ini
yang mana Tertuduh dalam kes tersebut juga merupakan penjawat
awam yang merupakan anggota polis serta kes telah dibicarakan
secara penuh. Majistret yang bijaksana dalam kes tersebut telah
mengutamakan fakta bahawa Tertuduh dalam kes itu adalah
seorang penjawat awam dan telah mencemarkan nama balik
perkhidmatan awam. Selanjutnya, Tertuduh dalam kes itu telah
dijatuhkan hukuman dua tahun penjara dari tarikh sabitan dan
perintah pengawasan selama dua tahun.
[57] Yang Arif Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman setelah merungkai hasrat
penggubalan undang-undang perenggan 15 (1) (a) ADB telah
menggantikan hukuman Majistret kepada hukuman denda
RM4,000.00 gagal bayar enam bulan penjara dan diletakkan untuk
pengawasan selama dua tahun di bawah seksyen 38B ADB.
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[58] Oleh itu, Mahkamah ini juga dipandu oleh penghakiman Yang Arif
Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman berkenaan dengan jenis hukuman yang
sesuai bagi kes di hadapan Mahkamah ini. Tertuduh dalam kes ini
haruslah diberi kesempatan dan peluang untuk memulihkan dirinya
daripada ketagihan dadah.
[59] Mahkamah juga merujuk kepada kes Mohamad Fadhilah Bantut v
PP [2022] 1 LNS 2879. Dalam kes tersebut, YA Pesuruhjaya
Kehakiman Soo Tiang Joo telah mendapati bahawa sabitan di
Mahkamah Majistret setelah perbicaraan penuh untuk satu
pertuduhan di bawah perenggan 15 (1) (a) ADB adalah tidak selamat
dan seterusnya melepaskan dan membebaskan tertuduh dalam kes
tersebut. Namun begitu, Yang Arif Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman
seterusnya telah menyatakan bahawa sekiranya beliau khilaf dan
sabitan tersebut sebenarnya adalah selamat, Yang Arif Pesuruhjaya
Kehakiman akan menambah hukuman denda RM3,500 gagal bayar
8 bulan penjara kepada hukuman penjara 7 bulan dari tarikh tangkap
bersama dengan dua (2) tahun pengawasan yang dijatuhkan oleh
[60] Walaubagaimanapun, Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa pandangan
Yang Arif Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman tersebut berhubung dengan
hukuman hanyalah suatu dapatan obiter sahaja memandangkan
sabitan dalam kes tersebut telah diketepikan dan oleh itu isu
berhubung dengan hukuman tidak sepatutnya lagi berbangkit.
[61] Kes tersebut juga menyenaraikan kes-kes yang serupa dengan kes
di Mahkamah ini yang mana akan diulangi oleh Mahkamah ini: -
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ough the law reports yielded a disturbing
number of cases involving self-administration of drugs by
those entrusted with law enforcement. I set out hereunder
a list of the cases involving policemen convicted of drug
abuse or self-administration of [dangerous] drugs
pursuant to section 15 (1) (a) DDA and the sentences
i) Fakhrurrazi Ismail v. PP [2021] 1 LNS 1221 (HC)
the accused, a policeman, was found guilty after a full
trial of a single charge under section 15(1)(a) DDA and
sentenced to a fine of RM3,500 in default of payment
8 months imprisonment and upon appeal an added 2
years of supervision;
ii) Pendakwaraya lwn. Raof Aziz [2016] 5 LNS 24
(Magistrates' Court) the accused, a policeman with
11 years of service, was found guilty after a full trial of
three charges under section 15(1)(a) DDA and
sentenced to a fine of RM2,500 in default of payment
12 months imprisonment plus 2 years of supervision
for each of the three offences;
iii) PP lwn. Abd Halil Hamzah [2016] 2 SMC 45
(Magistrates' Court) the accused, a policeman with
the rank of Assistant Superintendent of Police, with 30
years of service was found guilty after a full trial of a
single charge under section 15(1)(a) DDA and
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sentenced to a fine of RM5,000 in default of payment
12 months imprisonment plus 2 years of supervision;
iv) PP lwn. Mohd Fadir Che Kob [2013] 1 SMC 85
(Magistrates' Court) - the accused, a policeman, was
found guilty after a full trial of a single charge under
section 15(1)(a) DDA and sentenced to a fine of
RM3,700 in default of payment 10 months
imprisonment plus 2 years of supervision
[62] Oleh itu, Mahkamah ini mendapati trend hukuman masih tidak
berubah kerana kes-kes yang mana Tertuduh yang merupakan
penjawat awam yang merupakan anggota atau pegawai polis benar-
benar (dan bukan sekadar perbincangan akademik) dijatuhkan
dengan hukuman dikenakan denda antara RM2,500 sehingga
RM5,000 bersama perintah pengawasan. Mahkamah ini
berpandangan demi keadilan dan ketekalan, layanan yang sama
patut diberikan kepada Tertuduh.
[63] Apa yang menariknya untuk kes ini adalah Tertuduh ini pernah
disabitkan setelah bicara penuh untuk kesalahan di bawah seksyen
dan akta yang sama yang dilakukan pada tahun 2021 di Mahkamah
ini dalam no. kes CB-82D-2-05/2021. Berhubungan perkara ini,
Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada kes Tan Shy Wen v. Public
Prosecutor [2021] MLJU 1849 yang telah menyatakan seperti
berikut: -
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a magistrate may use his judicial knowledge from
matters that are made known to him from inside his own
courtroom. If a matter has reached the court, he may take
judicial notice of it, what more if it reached his own court.
A Magistrate is also allowed to use his knowledge of the
facts proved in a previous action that had been tried
before him previously and previous conviction is a fact
[64] Oleh itu, berdasarkan kepada kes di atas, kesalahan lampau
Tertuduh dalam kes ini sepatutnya diambil kira oleh Mahkamah ini.
[65] Namun begitu, pada tarikh jatuh hukum di mana kes ini telah
ditetapkan untuk hujahan mitigasi dan pemberatan, rayuan Tertuduh
terhadap sabitan untuk kes CB-82D-2-05/2021 dalam kes CB-
41S(A)-1-04/2023 telah dibenarkan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi
Temerloh. Oleh itu, Mahkamah ini memberi pengiktirafan
penghakiman bahawa sabitan Tertuduh di Mahkamah ini telah
diakaskan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Temerloh dan menganggap
Tertuduh ini sebagai seorang yang tidak mempunyai apa-apa
sabitan lampau setakat tarikh jatuh hukum.
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[66] Mengambil kira semua faktor-faktor di atas dan juga pemerhatian
trend-trend hukuman, Mahkamah ini telah menjatuhkan hukuman
denda RM3,500 gagal bayar 8 bulan penjara dan Tertuduh juga
diletakkan di bawah pengawasan Agensi Antidadah Kebangsaan
Daerah Kubang Kerian selama dua tahun seperti mana peruntukan
seksyen 38B ADB.
Mahkamah Majistret Temerloh
22 Januari 2024
Khairunnisa binti Zaffar dan Faizah Khalilah binti Zaberi (Timbalan
Pendakwa Raya) untuk Pihak Pendakwaan
Richard Bong Chong Fook dan Ivan Bong Hongjie (Bong & Co.) untuk
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| 46,417 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-83-230-01/2022 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH MOHD EFFENDY BIN A. JAMIL | Rayuan hukuman-kesalahan seksyen 323 dibaca bersama 326A Kanun Keseksaan-Akta Kehadiran Wajib Pesalah-Pesalah 1954- hukuman pemulihan | 29/01/2024 | Puan Wong Chai Sia | |
(DALAM KES JENAYAH NO: WA-83-230-01/2022
[1] Tertuduh telah dituduh dengan pertuduhan bagi kesalahan di bawah
Seksyen 323 Kanun Keseksaan dan dibaca bersama seksyen 326A
Kanun Keseksaan. Pihak pendakwaan telah mengemukakan
pertuduhan seperti berikut:-
Bahawa kamu pada 13.02.2021, jam lebih kurang 06:00 pagi, di
alamat Aras 2 Pintu 7 Pangsapuri Bunga Raya PULAPOL Kuala
Lumpur, di dalam daerah Wangsa Maju, dalam Wilayah
Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, didapati dengan sengaja
menyebabkan kecederaan kepada penama Roslinah binti Abu No
KP: 750422-04-5042. Oleh yang demikian, kamu telah melakukan
satu kesalahan di bawah seksyen 323 Kanun Keseksaan dan
dibaca di bawah seksyen 326A Kanun Keseksaan.
29/01/2024 15:23:59
WA-83-230-01/2022 Kand. 44
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Jika disabitkan dengan kesalahan ini, kamu boleh dikenakan
penjara selama dua tahun
[2] Tertuduh tidak mengaku bersalah terhadap pertuduhan dan mohon
perbicaraan. Pihak pendakwaan telah memanggil 7 saksi di peringkat
pendakwaan bagi membuktikan kes prima facie. Mahkamah telah
memutuskan bahawa terdapat kes prima facie dan tertuduh diarahkan
membela diri. Di peringkat pembelaan, tertuduh telah memberikan
keterangan bersumpah dan telah memanggil telah 2 saksi pembelaan
dan memanggil semula SP2. Ketiga-tiga saksi pembelaan merupakan
anak kepada pengadu dan tertuduh.
[3] Mahkamah telah menilai kesemua keterangan dan memutuskan
tertuduh bersalah dan disabitkan ke atas pertuduhan. Setelah
Mahkamah telah mendengar hujahan mitigasi dan pemberat,
Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa hukuman yang sesuai dikenakan
adalah perintah kehadiran wajib 2 jam setiap hari bagi tempoh 4 bulan
di bawah Akta Kehadiran Wajib Pesalah-Pesalah 1954.
[4] Pihak pendakwaan tidak berpuas hati dengan hukuman yang
dikenakan oleh Mahkamah ini dan memfailkan rayuan terhadap
hukuman manakala tiada rayuan difailkan oleh pihak tertuduh ke atas
sabitan dan hukuman. Oleh itu, Mahkamah hanya akan
membincangkan prinsip kehakiman ke atas rayuan hukuman.
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[5] Tertuduh dan pengadu (SP1) merupakan suami isteri dan mereka
telah bernikah sejak 11.2.1998 seperti mana dalam sijil nikah, ekhibit
P2. Dalam tempoh perkahwinan, SP1 dan tertuduh mempunyai 3 anak
iaitu SP2, SD2 dan SD3. Pada 13.2.2021, apabila tertuduh dan SP1
sedang tidur di dalam bilik tidur mereka, tertuduh telah bangun dan
bertengkar dengan SP1 mengenai mesej dalam telefon bimbit SP1.
SP1 menyatakan tertuduh marah dan telah memukul SP1 lalu SP1
telah pengsan. SP2 yang merupakan anak sulung telah dikejutkan oleh
tertuduh dan diminta untuk melihat ibunya. SP2 nampak SP1 meracau
dan mengetuk-ketuk kepalanya di tepi bucu katil. SP2 ada bertanyakan
sebab SP1 pengsan kepada SP1 dan tertuduh. SP1 menyatakan
tertuduh telah lempang kepalanya dan tertuduh turut menyatakan
perkara yang sama. Tertuduh menghubungi SP3 untuk meminta
bantuan SP3 untuk membawa SP1 ke hospital kerana SP1 telah jatuh.
Apabila ditanya oleh SP3 sama ada SP1 jatuh atau dipukul oleh
tertuduh, tertuduh telah memberitahu SP3 bahawa dia telah memukul
SP1 kerana SP1 mempunyai lelaki lain. Ketika itu, SP1 dikatakan
dalam keadaan tidak sedar dan tidak boleh mengecam ahli
keluarganya. SP1 telah dibawa ke hospital Kuala Lumpur untuk
mendapatkan rawatan. SP1 dimaklumkan oleh anaknya bahawa
tertuduh telah membawa SP1 ke hospital. Selepas SP1 telah
menerima rawatan di bahagian kecemasan, SP1 telah dirujuk kepada
bahagian psikriatik. SP1 tidak membuat laporan polis dan hanya
membuat laporan polis pada 12.9.2021 apabila setelah berbincang
dengan ahli keluarga.
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[6] Berkenaan dengan kecederaan yang dialami oleh SP1, SP1 telah
menyatakan bahawa dia telah dipukul dibbahagian mata dan belakang
kepala. Keterangan SP2 di peringkat pendakwaan adalah terdapat
kesan lebam sekitar mata SP1. Saksi pendakwaan SP6 tidak boleh
mengesahkan kecederaan SP1 memandangkan kejadian telah
berlaku pada bulan Februari 2021 tetapi SP1 dirujuk semula ke
hospital bulan September 2021. Namun laporan P8 telah
mengesahkan rekod sejarah bahawa SP1 pernah menerima rawatan
pada 13.2.2021 dan menyatakan SP1 memaklumkan bahawa dia telah
dipukul dan telah pengsan.
[7] Mahkamah telah mendapati kesemua elemen pertuduhan di bawah
seksyen 323 Kanun Keseksaan berjaya dibuktikan. Semasa peringkat
pembelaan, tertuduh telah menafikan ada memukul SP1. SP2
dipanggil semula di peringkat pembelaan dan SP2 telah menukar
keterangannya mengenai lebam pada mata SP1. Semasa
pemeriksaan balas, SP2 menyatakan tidak pasti bahawa itu adalah
kesan lebam atau kesan parut akibat kemalangan yang dialami oleh
SP1 pada 24.3.2020. Pihak pendakwaan memohon mencabar
kredibiliti SP2 dan pohon keterangan SP2 tidak dipertimbangkan
secara keseluruhan.
[8] Ketiga-tiga saksi, SD2, SD3 dan SP2 tidak melihat kejadian dalam bilik
tidur dan hanya diminta oleh tertuduh untuk melihat ibu mereka setelah
tertuduh keluar dari bilik. Tertuduh turut mengemukakan tangkapan
skrin perbualan Whatsapp antara SP1 dengan lelaki lain dan
menyatakan SP1 telah curang. Setelah menilai kesemua keterangan,
Mahkamah mendapati kesemua saksi pembelaan berada di rumah
namun kronologi kejadian diberikan oleh kesemua saksi adalah
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berbeza. Adalah mustahil bahawa SD2 dan SD3 yang bersama-sama
masuk ke bilik boleh melihat perkara yang berbeza terutama keadaan
SP1. SD2 menyatakan ibu terbaring di atas katil manakala SD3
menyatakan terbaring atas lantai. Selain itu, saksi pembelaan
memberikan keterangan yang berbeza tentang kehadiran mereka di
hospital. Mahkamah mendapati keterangan saksi pembelaan adalah
tidak konsisten dan bercanggah antara satu sama. Mahkamah
mendapati keterangan bahawa kecederaan di bahagian mata adalah
parut akibat kemalangan pada tahun 2020 adalah tidak disokong.
[9] Pihak pembelaan dan pendakwaan telah bergantung kepada laporan
perubatan P9 namun perlu ditekankan di sini, kedua-dua pihak telah
tersalah arah untuk bergantung kepada P9. Nilai keterangan P9 adalah
amat rendah kerana pemeriksaan kecederaan dilakukan pada bulan
September 2021 di mana tiada lagi kesan kecederaan dapat dikenal
pasti. Mahkamah ingin menekankan bahawa sepanjang perbicaraan di
peringkat pendakwaan, keterangan SP1 adalah "Saya dipukul
bahagian mata dan bahagaian belakang kepala saya" dan kemudian
SP1 pengsan. Laporan P9 menyatakan kejadian 11.6.2021 dan bukan
kejadian dalam pertuduhan. Dalam laporan polis, P3 turut menyatakan
dua insiden pada tarikh yang berbeza maka laporan P9 adalah tidak
relevan dengan pertuduhan.
[10] Mahkamah mendapati keterangan SP1 adalah konsisten dan
kredibel berkenaan dengan insiden SP1 dipukul dengan berbanding
tertuduh dan saksi pembelaan. Adalah fakta yang tidak dapat
dipertikaikan bahawa SP1 telah jatuh pengsan akibat dipukul dan
dibawa ke hospital untuk rawatan. Walapun tiada gambar kecederaan
atau laporan kecederaan, keterangan SP1 adalah kredibel dan kukuh
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bahawa beliau telah mengalami kesakitan. Namun begitu, Mahkamah
mendapati keterangan kecurangan SP1 adalah konsisten oleh saksi
pembelaan berbanding keterangan SP1 yang menafikan
kecurangannya. Namun begitu, ianya tidak menjejaskan kredibiliti SP1
berkenaan dengan kejadian SP1 dipukul. Kecurangan SP1
mengukuhkan punca pertengkaran antara SP1 dan tertuduh sehingga
tertuduh memukul SP1 apabila mengetahui SP1 masih curang dengan
lelaki lain. Setelah menilai kesemua keterangan saksi mengikut prinsip
undang-undang, Mahkamah mendapati tertuduh bersalah dan
disabitkan ke atas pertuduhan.
[11] Prinsip undang-undang bagi mahkamah yang mendengar rayuan
hukuman untuk dijelaskan di dalam kes PP v. Loo Choon Fatt [1976]
2 MLJ 256 seperti berikut:
The principles to be applied in imposing sentence however are
the same in every case. The High Court sitting in exercise of
its revisionary powers will not normally alter the sentence
unless it is satisfied that the sentence of the lower court is
either manifestly inadequate or grossly excessive or illegal or
otherwise not a proper sentence having regard to all the facts
disclosed on the record or to all the facts which the court ought
to take judicial notice of, that is to say, that the lower court
clearly has erred in applying the correct principles in the
assessment of the sentence. It is a firmly established practice
that the court will not after a sentence merely because it might
have passed a different sentence.
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[12] Dalam memutuskan hukuman yang bersesuaian, Mahkamah
merujuk kepada kes Public Prosecutor v Mohammad Zulhiznie bin
Zaini [2021] 12 MLJ 780 di Mahkamah Tinggi menjelaskan tujuan
hukuman dikenakan seperti berikut:
“…On the other hand, purposes of sentencing are the aims or
the outcomes wished to be achieved and realised by the
courts in line with the law. A sentence may have a sole or
multiple purpose it wishes to achieve based on the
circumstances of each case in particular. A magistrate when
determining this must ask oneself: ‘by imposing this sentence,
what will the punishment achieve (within the ambits of the
[26] As it is well known the four classical purposes to be
applied when considering the appropriate sentence are
retribution, deterrence, prevention and rehabilitation. Some
heinous offences such as murder, culpable homicide, rape,
robbery and those which involve violence retribution,
deterrence and prevention would be the main focus of the
punishment and not rehabilitation.
[27] As for rehabilitation, which is often seen solely as a way
to aid an accused in becoming an efficacious member of
society but it is also aimed benefiting society. By rehabilitating
offenders, it is hoped that offenders will be equipped with the
right mind set and skills to live a life by making choices that
are well reasoned and grounded. Thus, by achieving this, the
criminal tendency of that person will be suppressed and
society will be safeguarded against crimes as the said person
would no longer be bent on committing crimes.
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[28] In addition, reparation which is a form of restorative justice
is also a purpose of sentencing which has shown much
emergence recently particularly in the criminal justice systems
of western nations. Reparation is based on the notion
demanding that a criminal make amends to victims by
countervailing the wrong that they have committed in order to
correct their crimes.
[13] Mahkamah turut mempertimbangkan faktor mitigasi dan pemberat
dalam memutuskan hukuman yang bersesuaian dengan tujuan
hukuman diberikan.
[14] Untuk faktor mitigasti, peguam bela berhujah bahawa tertuduh
merupakan duda dan menanggung anak bongsu yang masih
bersekolah. Tertuduh kini tinggal bersama-sama ketiga-tiga anaknya
memandangkan bekas isteri, SP1 telah berkahwin baru dan menetap
di Ipoh dengan suami. Tertuduh berasa tertekan dengan prosiding di
Mahkamah ini dan juga Mahkamah Syariah. Kini, anak bongsu hanya
boleh bergantung kepada tertuduh memandangkan ibunya telah
berkahwin dengan lelaki lain.
[15] Tertuduh mempunyai latar belakang yang baik dan mempunyai
kerjaya di sektor pembankan. Peguam bela menyatakan bahawa
pengadu dan tertuduh telah bercerai dan pengadu telah kahwin
semula dengan lelaki lain dan berpindah ke Ipoh maka tiada
kemungkinan kejadian boleh berulang. Peguam bela memohon
hukuman yang ringan dikenakan memandangkan tertuduh merupakan
pesalah pertama.
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[16] Timbalan pendakwa raya yang terpelajar telah memohon suatu
hukuman yang deteran dikenakan ke atas tertuduh atas dasar
kepentingan pengadu. Di samping itu, timbalan pendakwa raya juga
menegaskan 326A, hanzard pengubalan undang-undang adalah untuk
mengelakkan pergaduhan antara suami isteri maka graviti kesalahan
dan kekerasan perlu dipertimbangkan. Pihak pendakwaan
menyatakan kes yang melibatkan keganasan rumah tangga wajar
diberikan hukuman tinggi sebagai peringatan kepada orang awam
bahawa kesalahan sebegini adalah satu kesalahan yang serius dan
wajar dikenakan hukuman yang setimpal. Akhirnya pihak pendakwaan
juga memohon Mahkamah untuk mengambil kira status pengadu
selaku seorang polis juga tidak terlepas daripada kes keganasan
[17] Mahkamah kurang bersetuju dengan pihak pendakwaan bahawa
kesalahan dilakukan adalah kesalahan serius. Tafsiran kesalahan
serius telah diperuntukkan di bawah seksyen 52B Kanun Keseksaan.
Seksyen 323 dibaca bersama seksyen 326A merupakan kesalahan
tidak serius sepertimana dalam seksyen 52A Kanun Kesesakan
Penggubalan undang-undang seksyen 326A yang membawa
hukuman lebih tinggi untuk menampilkan usaha pihak kerajaan dalam
mengurangkan keganasan rumah tangga yang melibatkan hubungan
kekeluargaan dan bukan terhad kepada suami dan isteri.
[18] Walapun hukuman merupakan budi bicara mahkamah, Mahkamah
perlu mempertimbangkan kesemua faktor dan kepentingan awam
untuk mencapai kesimbangan dalam kepentingan awam dan
kepentingan tertuduh. Kes dirujuk adalah seperti PP v Loo Choon Fatt
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[1976] 2 MLJ 256, Mohamed Jusoh bin Abdullah and another v
Public Prosecutor [1947] 1 MLJ 130.
[19] Mahkamah ini telah mempertimbangkan latar belakang tertuduh
yang kini merupakan duda dan masih menanggung anak bongsu yang
masih bersekolah. Tertuduh tidak mempunyai rekod lampau atau
merupakan yang penjenayah tegar. Tertuduh mempunyai pekerjaan
yang baik dan sekiranya hukuman penjara dikenakan, tertuduh akan
kehilangan sumber pendapatan dan peluang pekerjaan yang baik
untuk meneruskan kehidupan. Anak-anak tertuduh akan terkesan
memandangkan pengadu tidak lagi menjaga mereka. Hal ini dapat lihat
daripada keterangan SP2 yang tidak lagi menetap bersama dengan
pengadu semasa peringkat pembelaan dan telah berpindah semula
dengan tertuduh.
[20] Dalam mencapai keseimbangan, Mahkamah turut mengambil kira
tahap kecederaan dialami oleh SP1. SP1 mengalami kecederaan yang
tidak dapat dikenal pasti tahap keseriusan memandangkan SP1 tidak
membuat laporan polis sejurus kejadian dan hanya melaporkan
setelah pengadu pulih dan kesan kecederaan tidak lagi dapat dikenal
pasti. Laporan perubatan P2 adalah merujuk kepada insiden kedua
dan bukan insiden dalam pertuduhan. Merujuk Ratanlal & Dhirajlal’s
Law of Crimes: A Commentary on the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (Bharat
Law House, 27th Ed, 2013) at page 2088, di mana hukuman wajar
dikenakan berdasarkan keseriusan kecederaan. Pihak pendakwaan
gagal menunjukkan bahawa hukuman penjara wajar dikenakan atas
faktor kecederaan yang dialami. Pihak pendakwaan telah memohon
keterangan SP2 tidak diterima maka keterangan SP1 mengenai
kecederaan lebam di mata kini tidak disokong oleh mana-mana
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keterangan dan keterangan oleh SP2. Dengan itu, selain keterangan
SP1, tiada keterangan sokongan berkenaan dengan kesan lebam di
mata. Gambar kecederaan dikemukakan oleh SP1 juga mempunyai
nilai keterangan rendah memandangkan kerana tidak menunjukkan
tarikh dan masa gambar tersebut diambil. Gambar asal telah hilang
kerana telefon bimbit telah rosak dan SP1 hanya mengambil semua
salinan daripada ‘messenger’. Oleh itu, Mahkamah tidak dapat
mempertimbangkan hukuman berdasarkan kecederaan yang dialami
sebagai faktor pemberat.
[21] Mahkamah menyatakan tujuan hukuman pengajaran atau
pencegahan adalah tidak bersesuaian kerana pihak-pihak telah
bercerai dan pengadu tidak lagi mempunyai apa-apa ancaman di masa
hadapan. Berdasarkan fakta kes, pengadu telah curang sekian lama
dan menyebabkan tertuduh sering bertengkar dengan SP1 sehingga
tertuduh telah bertindak memukul SP1. Keterangan SP1 mengenai
kecurangan adalah tidak konsisten dengan bukti-bukti serta
keterangan saksi pembelaan. Seperti mana dihujahkan oleh pihak
pendakwaan, SP1 merupakan anggota polis wajar mengetahui
bahawa laporan polis dan pemeriksaan kecederaan wajar dilakukan
secepat mungkin dan bukan mengambil masa yang lama. SP1 gagal
memberikan keterangan tentang tahap kecederaan dialami dan
laporan perubatan P9 adalah tidak relevan dan mempunyai nilai
keterangan yang amat rendah.
[22] Setelah Mahkamah telah menilai keterangan lisan dan dokumen,
Mahkamah tidak dapat mencapai kesimpulan bahawa terdapat
kecederaan tetapi hanya boleh mencapai kesimpulan terdapat
kesakitan dirasai oleh SP1. Oleh itu, adalah tidak wajar satu hukuman
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berbentuk pemenjaraan dikenakan bagi tahap kecederaan yang tidak
dapat dikenal pasti. Hukuman berbentuk pemulihan wajar diberikan
supaya tertuduh boleh berubah di kalangan masyarakat dan bukan di
dalam penjara. Tertuduh mempunyai pekerjaan yang stabil selaku
pegawai bank dan perlu menanggung anak yang masih belajar. Selain
mempertimbangkan keadaan mental pengadu yang dihujahkan oleh
pihak pendakwaan seperti mana dalam laporan P8, Mahkamah juga
perlu memberi pertimbangan sewajarnya kepada tertuduh juga
menghadapi kesan daripada kecurangan oleh SP1. SP1 bukan sahaja
mendatangkan tekanan kepada tertuduh tetapi juga anak-anak SP1
yang telah mengetahui kelakuan SP1 yang tidak bermoral.
[23] Berdasarkan prinsip kehakiman di atas, Mahkamah menukarkan
hukuman penjara kepada perintah kehadiran wajib. Akta Kehadiran
Wajib Pesalah-pesalah 1954 telah dipinda agar pihak Mahkamah
dapat mempertimbangkan hukuman alternatif sebagai langkah
pemulihan kepada pesalah-pesalah yang wajar diberikan peluang
[24] Hukuman penjara hanya akan memudaratkan keluarga tertuduh
dan tertuduh serta tidak mendatangkan kesan baik kepada
masyarakat. Hukuman penjara hanya menyebabkan lebih ramai
banduan dan kesesakkan dalam penjara. Hukuman penjara tidak
membantu pemulihan bagi pesalah kesalahan tidak serius malah akan
menyebabkan tertuduh yang mempunyai latar belakang baik untuk
bergaul dengan penjenayah lain di dalam penjara serta boleh
memusnahkan kehidupan tertuduh. Apabila tertuduh kehilangan
kerjaya dan mempunyai rekod penjara, kemungkinan tertuduh akan
kesukaran mendapatkan kerja yang baik dan menanggung keluarga
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tertuduh. Oleh itu, Mahkamah tidak bersetuju dengan permintaan
dengan pihak pendakwaan bagi hukuman penjara berdasarkan fakta
kes dan faktor-faktor di atas.
[25] Dalam kes ini, Mahkamah berpendapat hukuman yang sesuai
adalah hukuman berbentuk pemulihan dalam masyarakat di mana
tertuduh boleh berubah, bekerja dan menjaga anak-anaknya.
Mahkamah merujuk kepada Seksyen 5 Akta Kehadiran Wajib Pesalah-
pesalah 1954.
5. Compulsory Attendance Order
(1) Where a person who resides within the prescribed distance from
a Centre—
(a) has been convicted of an offence for which he is liable to
be sentenced to imprisonment for a period not exceeding
three years; or
(b) is liable to be committed to prison for failure to pay a fine
or debt, the Court may, instead of such sentence or committal,
make a Compulsory Attendance Order requiring such person
to attend daily at a Centre to be specified in such Order and
to undertake compulsory work for a period not exceeding
twelve months and for such number of hours each day not
exceeding four as may be specified in such Order, and may,
for further ensuring due compliance with such Order, require
the offender to enter into a bond with or without sureties.”;
(1A) The Court, when making the Compulsory Attendance Order
under subsection (1), shall consider the character of such person,
the nature and seriousness of the offence or the circumstances of
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such person’s failure to pay, as the case may be, and all the other
circumstances of the case.
(2) Where the Court has reason to doubt whether any such person
is physically capable for employment on compulsory work the
(a)may cause him to be medically examined;
(b)shall not make a Compulsory Attendance Order unless it is
shown to the satisfaction of the Court that he is so capable;
(c)shall specify in the Compulsory Attendance Order, if such
an order is made, any compulsory work for which the Court is
satisfied he is not physically capable.
(3) The number of hours each day during which the offender shall
be required to be employed under subsection (2) shall not exceed
four exclusive of any intervals prescribed for meals, refreshment or
rest and shall, if the offender is gainfully occupied in employment,
occupy only that part of the offender's time which would represent
leisure hours.
(4) The Court shall, before making a Compulsory Attendance Order,
explain to the person concerned in ordinary language the effect of
such Order and the consequence of failure to comply therewith and
shall not make the order unless such person expresses his
willingness to comply with the requirements thereof.
[26] Kesalahan di bawah seksyen 323 Kanun Keseksaan dibaca
bersama seksyen 326A Kanun Keseksaan membawa hukuman
penjara paling tinggi adalah dua tahun dan masih boleh
dipertimbangkan kehadiran wajib di bawah seksyen 5(1)(a) Akta
Kehadiran Wajib Pesalah-pesalah 1954. Sepertimana yang
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diperuntukkan di bawah Seksyen 5(4) Akta Kehadiran Wajib Pesalah-
pesalah 1954, sebelum Mahkamah memberikan perintah kehadiran
wajib, Mahkamah telah mempertimbangkan kemampuan tertuduh
untuk melaksanakan kerja wajib dan jumlah masa tertuduh yang boleh
bekerja. Mahkamah juga menerangkan kepada tertuduh tentang
perlanggaran perintah kehadiran wajib dan kerja wajib yang perlu
dilakukan. Tertuduh telah faham dan bersetuju menerima hukuman di
bawah Akta Perintah Kehadiran Wajib Pesalah-Pesalah 1954.
Mahkamah memerintahkan tertuduh melakukan kerja-kerja wajib
selama 2 jam sehari untuk tempoh 4 bulan dengan wang cagaran
sebanyak RM2000 dengan seorang penjamin setelah mengambil kira
waktu bekerja tertuduh dan komitmen tertuduh.
Disediakan oleh:
Wong Chai Sia
Mahkamah Kuala
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| 24,499 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-83-230-01/2022 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH MOHD EFFENDY BIN A. JAMIL | Rayuan hukuman-kesalahan seksyen 323 dibaca bersama 326A Kanun Keseksaan-Akta Kehadiran Wajib Pesalah-Pesalah 1954- hukuman pemulihan | 29/01/2024 | Puan Wong Chai Sia | |
(DALAM KES JENAYAH NO: WA-83-230-01/2022
[1] Tertuduh telah dituduh dengan pertuduhan bagi kesalahan di bawah
Seksyen 323 Kanun Keseksaan dan dibaca bersama seksyen 326A
Kanun Keseksaan. Pihak pendakwaan telah mengemukakan
pertuduhan seperti berikut:-
Bahawa kamu pada 13.02.2021, jam lebih kurang 06:00 pagi, di
alamat Aras 2 Pintu 7 Pangsapuri Bunga Raya PULAPOL Kuala
Lumpur, di dalam daerah Wangsa Maju, dalam Wilayah
Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, didapati dengan sengaja
menyebabkan kecederaan kepada penama Roslinah binti Abu No
KP: 750422-04-5042. Oleh yang demikian, kamu telah melakukan
satu kesalahan di bawah seksyen 323 Kanun Keseksaan dan
dibaca di bawah seksyen 326A Kanun Keseksaan.
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WA-83-230-01/2022 Kand. 44
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Jika disabitkan dengan kesalahan ini, kamu boleh dikenakan
penjara selama dua tahun
[2] Tertuduh tidak mengaku bersalah terhadap pertuduhan dan mohon
perbicaraan. Pihak pendakwaan telah memanggil 7 saksi di peringkat
pendakwaan bagi membuktikan kes prima facie. Mahkamah telah
memutuskan bahawa terdapat kes prima facie dan tertuduh diarahkan
membela diri. Di peringkat pembelaan, tertuduh telah memberikan
keterangan bersumpah dan telah memanggil telah 2 saksi pembelaan
dan memanggil semula SP2. Ketiga-tiga saksi pembelaan merupakan
anak kepada pengadu dan tertuduh.
[3] Mahkamah telah menilai kesemua keterangan dan memutuskan
tertuduh bersalah dan disabitkan ke atas pertuduhan. Setelah
Mahkamah telah mendengar hujahan mitigasi dan pemberat,
Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa hukuman yang sesuai dikenakan
adalah perintah kehadiran wajib 2 jam setiap hari bagi tempoh 4 bulan
di bawah Akta Kehadiran Wajib Pesalah-Pesalah 1954.
[4] Pihak pendakwaan tidak berpuas hati dengan hukuman yang
dikenakan oleh Mahkamah ini dan memfailkan rayuan terhadap
hukuman manakala tiada rayuan difailkan oleh pihak tertuduh ke atas
sabitan dan hukuman. Oleh itu, Mahkamah hanya akan
membincangkan prinsip kehakiman ke atas rayuan hukuman.
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[5] Tertuduh dan pengadu (SP1) merupakan suami isteri dan mereka
telah bernikah sejak 11.2.1998 seperti mana dalam sijil nikah, ekhibit
P2. Dalam tempoh perkahwinan, SP1 dan tertuduh mempunyai 3 anak
iaitu SP2, SD2 dan SD3. Pada 13.2.2021, apabila tertuduh dan SP1
sedang tidur di dalam bilik tidur mereka, tertuduh telah bangun dan
bertengkar dengan SP1 mengenai mesej dalam telefon bimbit SP1.
SP1 menyatakan tertuduh marah dan telah memukul SP1 lalu SP1
telah pengsan. SP2 yang merupakan anak sulung telah dikejutkan oleh
tertuduh dan diminta untuk melihat ibunya. SP2 nampak SP1 meracau
dan mengetuk-ketuk kepalanya di tepi bucu katil. SP2 ada bertanyakan
sebab SP1 pengsan kepada SP1 dan tertuduh. SP1 menyatakan
tertuduh telah lempang kepalanya dan tertuduh turut menyatakan
perkara yang sama. Tertuduh menghubungi SP3 untuk meminta
bantuan SP3 untuk membawa SP1 ke hospital kerana SP1 telah jatuh.
Apabila ditanya oleh SP3 sama ada SP1 jatuh atau dipukul oleh
tertuduh, tertuduh telah memberitahu SP3 bahawa dia telah memukul
SP1 kerana SP1 mempunyai lelaki lain. Ketika itu, SP1 dikatakan
dalam keadaan tidak sedar dan tidak boleh mengecam ahli
keluarganya. SP1 telah dibawa ke hospital Kuala Lumpur untuk
mendapatkan rawatan. SP1 dimaklumkan oleh anaknya bahawa
tertuduh telah membawa SP1 ke hospital. Selepas SP1 telah
menerima rawatan di bahagian kecemasan, SP1 telah dirujuk kepada
bahagian psikriatik. SP1 tidak membuat laporan polis dan hanya
membuat laporan polis pada 12.9.2021 apabila setelah berbincang
dengan ahli keluarga.
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[6] Berkenaan dengan kecederaan yang dialami oleh SP1, SP1 telah
menyatakan bahawa dia telah dipukul dibbahagian mata dan belakang
kepala. Keterangan SP2 di peringkat pendakwaan adalah terdapat
kesan lebam sekitar mata SP1. Saksi pendakwaan SP6 tidak boleh
mengesahkan kecederaan SP1 memandangkan kejadian telah
berlaku pada bulan Februari 2021 tetapi SP1 dirujuk semula ke
hospital bulan September 2021. Namun laporan P8 telah
mengesahkan rekod sejarah bahawa SP1 pernah menerima rawatan
pada 13.2.2021 dan menyatakan SP1 memaklumkan bahawa dia telah
dipukul dan telah pengsan.
[7] Mahkamah telah mendapati kesemua elemen pertuduhan di bawah
seksyen 323 Kanun Keseksaan berjaya dibuktikan. Semasa peringkat
pembelaan, tertuduh telah menafikan ada memukul SP1. SP2
dipanggil semula di peringkat pembelaan dan SP2 telah menukar
keterangannya mengenai lebam pada mata SP1. Semasa
pemeriksaan balas, SP2 menyatakan tidak pasti bahawa itu adalah
kesan lebam atau kesan parut akibat kemalangan yang dialami oleh
SP1 pada 24.3.2020. Pihak pendakwaan memohon mencabar
kredibiliti SP2 dan pohon keterangan SP2 tidak dipertimbangkan
secara keseluruhan.
[8] Ketiga-tiga saksi, SD2, SD3 dan SP2 tidak melihat kejadian dalam bilik
tidur dan hanya diminta oleh tertuduh untuk melihat ibu mereka setelah
tertuduh keluar dari bilik. Tertuduh turut mengemukakan tangkapan
skrin perbualan Whatsapp antara SP1 dengan lelaki lain dan
menyatakan SP1 telah curang. Setelah menilai kesemua keterangan,
Mahkamah mendapati kesemua saksi pembelaan berada di rumah
namun kronologi kejadian diberikan oleh kesemua saksi adalah
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berbeza. Adalah mustahil bahawa SD2 dan SD3 yang bersama-sama
masuk ke bilik boleh melihat perkara yang berbeza terutama keadaan
SP1. SD2 menyatakan ibu terbaring di atas katil manakala SD3
menyatakan terbaring atas lantai. Selain itu, saksi pembelaan
memberikan keterangan yang berbeza tentang kehadiran mereka di
hospital. Mahkamah mendapati keterangan saksi pembelaan adalah
tidak konsisten dan bercanggah antara satu sama. Mahkamah
mendapati keterangan bahawa kecederaan di bahagian mata adalah
parut akibat kemalangan pada tahun 2020 adalah tidak disokong.
[9] Pihak pembelaan dan pendakwaan telah bergantung kepada laporan
perubatan P9 namun perlu ditekankan di sini, kedua-dua pihak telah
tersalah arah untuk bergantung kepada P9. Nilai keterangan P9 adalah
amat rendah kerana pemeriksaan kecederaan dilakukan pada bulan
September 2021 di mana tiada lagi kesan kecederaan dapat dikenal
pasti. Mahkamah ingin menekankan bahawa sepanjang perbicaraan di
peringkat pendakwaan, keterangan SP1 adalah "Saya dipukul
bahagian mata dan bahagaian belakang kepala saya" dan kemudian
SP1 pengsan. Laporan P9 menyatakan kejadian 11.6.2021 dan bukan
kejadian dalam pertuduhan. Dalam laporan polis, P3 turut menyatakan
dua insiden pada tarikh yang berbeza maka laporan P9 adalah tidak
relevan dengan pertuduhan.
[10] Mahkamah mendapati keterangan SP1 adalah konsisten dan
kredibel berkenaan dengan insiden SP1 dipukul dengan berbanding
tertuduh dan saksi pembelaan. Adalah fakta yang tidak dapat
dipertikaikan bahawa SP1 telah jatuh pengsan akibat dipukul dan
dibawa ke hospital untuk rawatan. Walapun tiada gambar kecederaan
atau laporan kecederaan, keterangan SP1 adalah kredibel dan kukuh
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bahawa beliau telah mengalami kesakitan. Namun begitu, Mahkamah
mendapati keterangan kecurangan SP1 adalah konsisten oleh saksi
pembelaan berbanding keterangan SP1 yang menafikan
kecurangannya. Namun begitu, ianya tidak menjejaskan kredibiliti SP1
berkenaan dengan kejadian SP1 dipukul. Kecurangan SP1
mengukuhkan punca pertengkaran antara SP1 dan tertuduh sehingga
tertuduh memukul SP1 apabila mengetahui SP1 masih curang dengan
lelaki lain. Setelah menilai kesemua keterangan saksi mengikut prinsip
undang-undang, Mahkamah mendapati tertuduh bersalah dan
disabitkan ke atas pertuduhan.
[11] Prinsip undang-undang bagi mahkamah yang mendengar rayuan
hukuman untuk dijelaskan di dalam kes PP v. Loo Choon Fatt [1976]
2 MLJ 256 seperti berikut:
The principles to be applied in imposing sentence however are
the same in every case. The High Court sitting in exercise of
its revisionary powers will not normally alter the sentence
unless it is satisfied that the sentence of the lower court is
either manifestly inadequate or grossly excessive or illegal or
otherwise not a proper sentence having regard to all the facts
disclosed on the record or to all the facts which the court ought
to take judicial notice of, that is to say, that the lower court
clearly has erred in applying the correct principles in the
assessment of the sentence. It is a firmly established practice
that the court will not after a sentence merely because it might
have passed a different sentence.
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[12] Dalam memutuskan hukuman yang bersesuaian, Mahkamah
merujuk kepada kes Public Prosecutor v Mohammad Zulhiznie bin
Zaini [2021] 12 MLJ 780 di Mahkamah Tinggi menjelaskan tujuan
hukuman dikenakan seperti berikut:
“…On the other hand, purposes of sentencing are the aims or
the outcomes wished to be achieved and realised by the
courts in line with the law. A sentence may have a sole or
multiple purpose it wishes to achieve based on the
circumstances of each case in particular. A magistrate when
determining this must ask oneself: ‘by imposing this sentence,
what will the punishment achieve (within the ambits of the
[26] As it is well known the four classical purposes to be
applied when considering the appropriate sentence are
retribution, deterrence, prevention and rehabilitation. Some
heinous offences such as murder, culpable homicide, rape,
robbery and those which involve violence retribution,
deterrence and prevention would be the main focus of the
punishment and not rehabilitation.
[27] As for rehabilitation, which is often seen solely as a way
to aid an accused in becoming an efficacious member of
society but it is also aimed benefiting society. By rehabilitating
offenders, it is hoped that offenders will be equipped with the
right mind set and skills to live a life by making choices that
are well reasoned and grounded. Thus, by achieving this, the
criminal tendency of that person will be suppressed and
society will be safeguarded against crimes as the said person
would no longer be bent on committing crimes.
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[28] In addition, reparation which is a form of restorative justice
is also a purpose of sentencing which has shown much
emergence recently particularly in the criminal justice systems
of western nations. Reparation is based on the notion
demanding that a criminal make amends to victims by
countervailing the wrong that they have committed in order to
correct their crimes.
[13] Mahkamah turut mempertimbangkan faktor mitigasi dan pemberat
dalam memutuskan hukuman yang bersesuaian dengan tujuan
hukuman diberikan.
[14] Untuk faktor mitigasti, peguam bela berhujah bahawa tertuduh
merupakan duda dan menanggung anak bongsu yang masih
bersekolah. Tertuduh kini tinggal bersama-sama ketiga-tiga anaknya
memandangkan bekas isteri, SP1 telah berkahwin baru dan menetap
di Ipoh dengan suami. Tertuduh berasa tertekan dengan prosiding di
Mahkamah ini dan juga Mahkamah Syariah. Kini, anak bongsu hanya
boleh bergantung kepada tertuduh memandangkan ibunya telah
berkahwin dengan lelaki lain.
[15] Tertuduh mempunyai latar belakang yang baik dan mempunyai
kerjaya di sektor pembankan. Peguam bela menyatakan bahawa
pengadu dan tertuduh telah bercerai dan pengadu telah kahwin
semula dengan lelaki lain dan berpindah ke Ipoh maka tiada
kemungkinan kejadian boleh berulang. Peguam bela memohon
hukuman yang ringan dikenakan memandangkan tertuduh merupakan
pesalah pertama.
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[16] Timbalan pendakwa raya yang terpelajar telah memohon suatu
hukuman yang deteran dikenakan ke atas tertuduh atas dasar
kepentingan pengadu. Di samping itu, timbalan pendakwa raya juga
menegaskan 326A, hanzard pengubalan undang-undang adalah untuk
mengelakkan pergaduhan antara suami isteri maka graviti kesalahan
dan kekerasan perlu dipertimbangkan. Pihak pendakwaan
menyatakan kes yang melibatkan keganasan rumah tangga wajar
diberikan hukuman tinggi sebagai peringatan kepada orang awam
bahawa kesalahan sebegini adalah satu kesalahan yang serius dan
wajar dikenakan hukuman yang setimpal. Akhirnya pihak pendakwaan
juga memohon Mahkamah untuk mengambil kira status pengadu
selaku seorang polis juga tidak terlepas daripada kes keganasan
[17] Mahkamah kurang bersetuju dengan pihak pendakwaan bahawa
kesalahan dilakukan adalah kesalahan serius. Tafsiran kesalahan
serius telah diperuntukkan di bawah seksyen 52B Kanun Keseksaan.
Seksyen 323 dibaca bersama seksyen 326A merupakan kesalahan
tidak serius sepertimana dalam seksyen 52A Kanun Kesesakan
Penggubalan undang-undang seksyen 326A yang membawa
hukuman lebih tinggi untuk menampilkan usaha pihak kerajaan dalam
mengurangkan keganasan rumah tangga yang melibatkan hubungan
kekeluargaan dan bukan terhad kepada suami dan isteri.
[18] Walapun hukuman merupakan budi bicara mahkamah, Mahkamah
perlu mempertimbangkan kesemua faktor dan kepentingan awam
untuk mencapai kesimbangan dalam kepentingan awam dan
kepentingan tertuduh. Kes dirujuk adalah seperti PP v Loo Choon Fatt
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[1976] 2 MLJ 256, Mohamed Jusoh bin Abdullah and another v
Public Prosecutor [1947] 1 MLJ 130.
[19] Mahkamah ini telah mempertimbangkan latar belakang tertuduh
yang kini merupakan duda dan masih menanggung anak bongsu yang
masih bersekolah. Tertuduh tidak mempunyai rekod lampau atau
merupakan yang penjenayah tegar. Tertuduh mempunyai pekerjaan
yang baik dan sekiranya hukuman penjara dikenakan, tertuduh akan
kehilangan sumber pendapatan dan peluang pekerjaan yang baik
untuk meneruskan kehidupan. Anak-anak tertuduh akan terkesan
memandangkan pengadu tidak lagi menjaga mereka. Hal ini dapat lihat
daripada keterangan SP2 yang tidak lagi menetap bersama dengan
pengadu semasa peringkat pembelaan dan telah berpindah semula
dengan tertuduh.
[20] Dalam mencapai keseimbangan, Mahkamah turut mengambil kira
tahap kecederaan dialami oleh SP1. SP1 mengalami kecederaan yang
tidak dapat dikenal pasti tahap keseriusan memandangkan SP1 tidak
membuat laporan polis sejurus kejadian dan hanya melaporkan
setelah pengadu pulih dan kesan kecederaan tidak lagi dapat dikenal
pasti. Laporan perubatan P2 adalah merujuk kepada insiden kedua
dan bukan insiden dalam pertuduhan. Merujuk Ratanlal & Dhirajlal’s
Law of Crimes: A Commentary on the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (Bharat
Law House, 27th Ed, 2013) at page 2088, di mana hukuman wajar
dikenakan berdasarkan keseriusan kecederaan. Pihak pendakwaan
gagal menunjukkan bahawa hukuman penjara wajar dikenakan atas
faktor kecederaan yang dialami. Pihak pendakwaan telah memohon
keterangan SP2 tidak diterima maka keterangan SP1 mengenai
kecederaan lebam di mata kini tidak disokong oleh mana-mana
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keterangan dan keterangan oleh SP2. Dengan itu, selain keterangan
SP1, tiada keterangan sokongan berkenaan dengan kesan lebam di
mata. Gambar kecederaan dikemukakan oleh SP1 juga mempunyai
nilai keterangan rendah memandangkan kerana tidak menunjukkan
tarikh dan masa gambar tersebut diambil. Gambar asal telah hilang
kerana telefon bimbit telah rosak dan SP1 hanya mengambil semua
salinan daripada ‘messenger’. Oleh itu, Mahkamah tidak dapat
mempertimbangkan hukuman berdasarkan kecederaan yang dialami
sebagai faktor pemberat.
[21] Mahkamah menyatakan tujuan hukuman pengajaran atau
pencegahan adalah tidak bersesuaian kerana pihak-pihak telah
bercerai dan pengadu tidak lagi mempunyai apa-apa ancaman di masa
hadapan. Berdasarkan fakta kes, pengadu telah curang sekian lama
dan menyebabkan tertuduh sering bertengkar dengan SP1 sehingga
tertuduh telah bertindak memukul SP1. Keterangan SP1 mengenai
kecurangan adalah tidak konsisten dengan bukti-bukti serta
keterangan saksi pembelaan. Seperti mana dihujahkan oleh pihak
pendakwaan, SP1 merupakan anggota polis wajar mengetahui
bahawa laporan polis dan pemeriksaan kecederaan wajar dilakukan
secepat mungkin dan bukan mengambil masa yang lama. SP1 gagal
memberikan keterangan tentang tahap kecederaan dialami dan
laporan perubatan P9 adalah tidak relevan dan mempunyai nilai
keterangan yang amat rendah.
[22] Setelah Mahkamah telah menilai keterangan lisan dan dokumen,
Mahkamah tidak dapat mencapai kesimpulan bahawa terdapat
kecederaan tetapi hanya boleh mencapai kesimpulan terdapat
kesakitan dirasai oleh SP1. Oleh itu, adalah tidak wajar satu hukuman
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berbentuk pemenjaraan dikenakan bagi tahap kecederaan yang tidak
dapat dikenal pasti. Hukuman berbentuk pemulihan wajar diberikan
supaya tertuduh boleh berubah di kalangan masyarakat dan bukan di
dalam penjara. Tertuduh mempunyai pekerjaan yang stabil selaku
pegawai bank dan perlu menanggung anak yang masih belajar. Selain
mempertimbangkan keadaan mental pengadu yang dihujahkan oleh
pihak pendakwaan seperti mana dalam laporan P8, Mahkamah juga
perlu memberi pertimbangan sewajarnya kepada tertuduh juga
menghadapi kesan daripada kecurangan oleh SP1. SP1 bukan sahaja
mendatangkan tekanan kepada tertuduh tetapi juga anak-anak SP1
yang telah mengetahui kelakuan SP1 yang tidak bermoral.
[23] Berdasarkan prinsip kehakiman di atas, Mahkamah menukarkan
hukuman penjara kepada perintah kehadiran wajib. Akta Kehadiran
Wajib Pesalah-pesalah 1954 telah dipinda agar pihak Mahkamah
dapat mempertimbangkan hukuman alternatif sebagai langkah
pemulihan kepada pesalah-pesalah yang wajar diberikan peluang
[24] Hukuman penjara hanya akan memudaratkan keluarga tertuduh
dan tertuduh serta tidak mendatangkan kesan baik kepada
masyarakat. Hukuman penjara hanya menyebabkan lebih ramai
banduan dan kesesakkan dalam penjara. Hukuman penjara tidak
membantu pemulihan bagi pesalah kesalahan tidak serius malah akan
menyebabkan tertuduh yang mempunyai latar belakang baik untuk
bergaul dengan penjenayah lain di dalam penjara serta boleh
memusnahkan kehidupan tertuduh. Apabila tertuduh kehilangan
kerjaya dan mempunyai rekod penjara, kemungkinan tertuduh akan
kesukaran mendapatkan kerja yang baik dan menanggung keluarga
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tertuduh. Oleh itu, Mahkamah tidak bersetuju dengan permintaan
dengan pihak pendakwaan bagi hukuman penjara berdasarkan fakta
kes dan faktor-faktor di atas.
[25] Dalam kes ini, Mahkamah berpendapat hukuman yang sesuai
adalah hukuman berbentuk pemulihan dalam masyarakat di mana
tertuduh boleh berubah, bekerja dan menjaga anak-anaknya.
Mahkamah merujuk kepada Seksyen 5 Akta Kehadiran Wajib Pesalah-
pesalah 1954.
5. Compulsory Attendance Order
(1) Where a person who resides within the prescribed distance from
a Centre—
(a) has been convicted of an offence for which he is liable to
be sentenced to imprisonment for a period not exceeding
three years; or
(b) is liable to be committed to prison for failure to pay a fine
or debt, the Court may, instead of such sentence or committal,
make a Compulsory Attendance Order requiring such person
to attend daily at a Centre to be specified in such Order and
to undertake compulsory work for a period not exceeding
twelve months and for such number of hours each day not
exceeding four as may be specified in such Order, and may,
for further ensuring due compliance with such Order, require
the offender to enter into a bond with or without sureties.”;
(1A) The Court, when making the Compulsory Attendance Order
under subsection (1), shall consider the character of such person,
the nature and seriousness of the offence or the circumstances of
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such person’s failure to pay, as the case may be, and all the other
circumstances of the case.
(2) Where the Court has reason to doubt whether any such person
is physically capable for employment on compulsory work the
(a)may cause him to be medically examined;
(b)shall not make a Compulsory Attendance Order unless it is
shown to the satisfaction of the Court that he is so capable;
(c)shall specify in the Compulsory Attendance Order, if such
an order is made, any compulsory work for which the Court is
satisfied he is not physically capable.
(3) The number of hours each day during which the offender shall
be required to be employed under subsection (2) shall not exceed
four exclusive of any intervals prescribed for meals, refreshment or
rest and shall, if the offender is gainfully occupied in employment,
occupy only that part of the offender's time which would represent
leisure hours.
(4) The Court shall, before making a Compulsory Attendance Order,
explain to the person concerned in ordinary language the effect of
such Order and the consequence of failure to comply therewith and
shall not make the order unless such person expresses his
willingness to comply with the requirements thereof.
[26] Kesalahan di bawah seksyen 323 Kanun Keseksaan dibaca
bersama seksyen 326A Kanun Keseksaan membawa hukuman
penjara paling tinggi adalah dua tahun dan masih boleh
dipertimbangkan kehadiran wajib di bawah seksyen 5(1)(a) Akta
Kehadiran Wajib Pesalah-pesalah 1954. Sepertimana yang
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diperuntukkan di bawah Seksyen 5(4) Akta Kehadiran Wajib Pesalah-
pesalah 1954, sebelum Mahkamah memberikan perintah kehadiran
wajib, Mahkamah telah mempertimbangkan kemampuan tertuduh
untuk melaksanakan kerja wajib dan jumlah masa tertuduh yang boleh
bekerja. Mahkamah juga menerangkan kepada tertuduh tentang
perlanggaran perintah kehadiran wajib dan kerja wajib yang perlu
dilakukan. Tertuduh telah faham dan bersetuju menerima hukuman di
bawah Akta Perintah Kehadiran Wajib Pesalah-Pesalah 1954.
Mahkamah memerintahkan tertuduh melakukan kerja-kerja wajib
selama 2 jam sehari untuk tempoh 4 bulan dengan wang cagaran
sebanyak RM2000 dengan seorang penjamin setelah mengambil kira
waktu bekerja tertuduh dan komitmen tertuduh.
Disediakan oleh:
Wong Chai Sia
Mahkamah Kuala
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| 24,499 | Tika 2.6.0 |
W-01(NCvC)(W)-82-02/2022 | PERAYU 1. ) FITTERS Diversified Berhad 2. ) Fitters Marketing Sdn Bhd 3. ) Pyro-Tech Systems Sdn Bhd RESPONDEN 1. ) Mohd Roslan Mahayudin 2. ) Saifuddin Nasution Bin Ismail 3. ) Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna 4. ) Kerajaan Malaysia | Defamation - elements of tort of defamation - malicious falsehood - statements issued by authorities at a press conference - liability for continued publication - defence of justification and qualified privilege | 29/01/2024 | YA Dato' Mohd Nazlan Bin Mohd GhazaliKorumYA Datuk S. Nantha Balan A/L E.S. MoorthyYA Dato' Mohd Nazlan Bin Mohd GhazaliDato' Dr. Choo Kah Sing | |
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RAYUAN SIVIL NO: W-01(NCvC)(W)-82-02/2022
1. FITTERS Diversified Berhad
(No. Syarikat: 149735-M)
2. Fitters Marketing Sdn Bhd
(No. Syarikat: 401415-D)
3. Pyro-Tech Systems Sdn Bhd
(No. Syarikat: 411757-X) …PERAYU-PERAYU
1. Mohd Roslan Mahayudin
(Disaman sebagai Pengarah,
Bahagian Penguatkuasa)
2. Saifuddin Nasution bin Ismail
(Disaman sebagai Menteri)
3. Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri,
dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna
(Dahulunya dikenali sebagai
Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri,
Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan)
4. Kerajaan Malaysia …RESPONDEN-RESPONDEN
GUAMAN SIVIL: WA-21NCvC-100-12/2018
1. FITTERS Diversified Berhad
(No. Syarikat: 149735-M)
29/01/2024 11:28:17
W-01(NCvC)(W)-82-02/2022 Kand. 42
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2. Fitters Marketing Sdn Bhd
(No. Syarikat: 401415-D)
3. Pyro-Tech Systems Sdn Bhd
(No. Syarikat: 411757-X) …PLAINTIF-PLAINTIF
1. Mohd Roslan Mahayudin
(Disaman sebagai Pengarah,
Bahagian Penguatkuasa)
2. Saifuddin Nasution bin Ismail
(Disaman sebagai Menteri)
3. Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri,
dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna
(Dahulunya dikenali sebagai
Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri,
Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan)
4. Kerajaan Malaysia …DEFENDAN-DEFENDAN]
[1] This appeal arises from the dismissal of the appellants’ claim
for defamation and malicious falsehood against the respondents for the
published statements issued by the third respondent at a press
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conference held in respect of its seizure of alleged counterfeit goods
which the appellants claimed belonged to them.
[2] Having heard the appeal - which was conducted via Zoom
video technology, examined the appeal records and considered the
submissions by parties, we unanimously decided to dismiss the appeal
and affirm the judgment of the High Court.
[3] These grounds of judgment contain the full reasons for our
Key Background Facts
The Parties
[4] The appellants are a group of companies that are primarily
involved in the business of manufacturing and trading of fire-resistant door
sets, safety, firefighting equipment, and other industrial products. The first
respondent was at the material time the Director of the Enforcement
Division of the former Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs -
the third respondent.
The Impugned Statements
[5] The third respondent’s Enforcement Division, on the basis of
a complaint against the second appellant made on 3 June 2015 by Doretti
Resources Sdn Bhd (“Doretti”), carried out a raid of a factory operated by
the second appellant a day after, on 4 June 2015 which resulted in the
seizure of many items of product bearing the “PYRO” trademark. At that
point, relevant documents showed that Doretti was the registered owner
of these PYRO goods.
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[6] On 15 June 2015, the first respondent led a press conference
on the raid, and on the seizure of the PYRO goods. The third respondent
had also issued its own press statement on the matter, which was
disseminated to the reporters from the media institutions who were
[7] The title of the said press statement is “Barang Tiruan PYRO”.
News coverage was from that day of 15 June 2015 not only published on
the third respondent’s Twitter account, but also on the online versions of
Utusan Malaysia and Harian Metro as well as a blog website.
[8] For better appreciation of the facts, it is imperative that the
statements the appellants complained about in their pleadings (“the
impugned statements”) be set out hereunder:
(a) Twitter Account of the third defendant
“Rampasan terbesar barang tiruan kelengkapan pintu
jenama PYRO dengan anggaran nilai rampasan RM 2.46
(b) Utusan Malaysia - as it appeared on the
1. “Bahagian Penguat Kuasa Kementerian Perdagangan
Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan (KPDNKK)
merampas 80,000.00 unit barang perkakasan pintu tiruan
berjenama PYRO bernilai RM 2.46 juta selepas menyerbu
Gudang di Sungai Buloh Selangor...”.
2. “Pengarah Penguat Kuasa Kementerian, Mohd Roslan
Mahayudin berkata, serbuan dilakukan selepas pihaknya
menerima maklumat daripada Doretti Resources Sdn Bhd
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berkaitan penggunaan cap dagang berdaftar milik syarikat
berkenaan iaitu PYRO yang berdaftar di Perbadanan
Harta Intelek Malaysia (MYIPO)”.
3. “Siasatan juga mendapati barang tiruan tersebut hampir
sama barangan asli milik Doretti Resources Sdn Bhd, kes
ini disiasat di bawah seksyen 8 (2) (b) Akta Perihal
Dagangan 2011 iaitu membekalkan atau menawarkan
barangan dagangan palsu.”
4. “Jika sabit kesalahan, pemilik barangan tiruan terbabit
boleh di denda di bawah seksyen yang sama iaitu bagi
suatu pertubuhan perbadanan denda tidak lebih RM
15,000 bagi setiap barangan yang diletakkan perihal
dagangan palsu.”
(c) Harian Metro - as it appeared on the
1. “Sebanyak 80,000 unit barang berkelengkapan pintu
berjenama tiruan dianggarkan bernilai RM 2.46 juta dalam
operasi oleh sepasukan penguatkuasa Kementerian
Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan (KPDNKK) di
sebuah Gudang di Sungai Buloh, Selangor...”.
2. “Barang kelengkapan pintu yang menggunakan cap
dagang PYRO itu bukan sahaja menggunakan pek
pembungkusan hampir sama, sebaliknya turut
memasarkan rangkaian produk sama yang dipasarkan
produk jenama asli.”
3. “Pengarah Bahagian Penguatkuasa KPDNKK Mohd
Roslan Mahayudin berkata, antara barangan tiruan
dirampas termasuk pintu rintangan api dan engsel.”
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4. “Beliau berkata, pihaknya melakukan serbuan
berkenaan selepas menerima aduan daripada Doretti
Resources Sdn Bhd pemilik cap dagang PYRO mengenai
penjualan produk tiruan berkenaan”.
5. “Menerusi aduan dibuat, pengadu mendakwa pihak
berkenaan mengimport barang tiruan itu dari luar negara
sebelum memasarkanya di negara ini.”
6. “Hasil pemantauan mendapati, barang tiruan itu dijual
bersama-sama barangan asli kerana fizikal, bentuk dan
pembungkusannya yang hampir sama selain dijual pada
harga yang menyamai produk asli,” katanya pada sidang
media di sini, semalam.”
6. “...kes berkenaan disiasat mengikut seksyen 8 (2)(b)
Akta Perihal Dagangan 2011 dan jika sabit kesalahan
boleh didenda RM 10,000 bagi setiap barang atau penjara
tiga tahun manakala syarikat pula boleh di denda RM
15,000 bagi setiap barang yang dirampas, katanya”.
(d) On a blog with the name known as
1. “Bahagian Penguat Kuasa Kementerian Perdagangan
Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan (KPDNKK)
merampas 80,000 unit barangan perkakasan pintu tiruan
berjenama PYRO bernilai RM 2.46 juta selepas menyerbu
Gudang di Sungai Buloh Selangor.”
2. “Pengarah Penguatkuasa Kementerian, Mohd Roslan
Mahayudin berkata, serbuan dilakukan selepas pihaknya
menerima maklumat daripada Doretti Resources Sdn Bhd
berkaitan penggunaan cap dagang berdaftar milik syarikat
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berkenaan iaitu PYRO yang berdaftar di Perbadanan
Harta Intelek Malaysia (MYIPO)”.
3. “Dorretti Resources Sdn Bhd membuat laporan kerana
cap dagang berdaftar milik mereka iaitu PYRO yang
berdaftar dengan MYIPO telah diciplak untuk digunakan
pada barangan tiruan yang diimport dari luar negara,
barangan yang dirampas dipercayai untuk pasaran
4. “Siasatan juga mendapati barang tiruan tersebut hampir
sama dengan barangan asli milik Doretti Resources Sdn
Bhd, kes ini disiasat di bawah seksyen 8(2)(b) Akta Perihal
Dagangan 2011 iaitu membekalkan atau menawarkan
barangan dagangan palsu.”
[9] For completeness it should be stated that the appellants also
submitted that the aforesaid statements were further aggravated by the
description under the picture on Harian Metro's website, stating “Mohd
Roslan melihat barang tiruan kelengkapan pintu jenama PYRO di
KPNDKK”, and on the said blog stating “Mohd Roslan Mahayudin
menunjukkan barang kelengkapan pintu tiruan yang dirampas di Sungai
Buloh, Selangor, semalam.”
The Court Verdict on the Trademark Ownership of PYRO
[10] Following the raid and seizure, criminal charges were in fact
brought against the directors of the second appellant company for
offences under Section 8(2) of the Trade Description Act 2011 (“the
TDA”) . At the same time the appellants and Doretti were also embroiled
in a separate legal dispute on the trademark ownership of the PYRO
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[11] Significantly, on 24 March 2017, the High Court ruled that the
second appellant was the bona fide first user and common law owner of
the trademark PYRO, such that Doretti’s name was ordered to be
expunged from the Register of Trademarks. On 4 May 2017 charges
against the directors of the second appellant were withdrawn by the third
respondent. This decision of the High Court was later affirmed by the
Court of Appeal on 5 April 2018.
The Case of the Appellants
[12] The appellants sued the respondents for defamation and
malicious falsehood. They pleaded that the impugned statements were
directed at them and had therefore damaged their reputation and
business. The appellants’ position was that since they believed that they
have been using the word “PYRO” for a substantial period of time, the
reference to the word “PYRO” would indicate that the statements
especially the words “barang tiruan” were directed at them. They asserted
that the use of the word “PYRO” would mean that a reasonable person
would have understood the raid to be referring to their warehouse and
items seized to be their goods.
[13] It was also pleaded that by their ordinary and natural meaning
and / or by way of innuendo, the defamatory publication meant or were
understood to mean amongst others as follows.
[14] First, pursuant to the third respondent’s raid following the
complaint lodged by Doretti, the appellants had committed a criminal
offence under Section 8(2) (b) of the TDA which carried a sentence upon
conviction of a fine not exceeding RM 15,000.00 for each good with the
false description, and for a second or subsequent offence, to a fine not
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exceeding RM 30,000 for each good bearing the false trade description or
to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or both prison and
fine for the appellants’ directors.
[15] Secondly, pursuant to the raid, and after allegedly having
investigated the complaint, the third respondent made a finding that the
appellants’ “PYRO” products were goods bearing false trade description
by virtue of first respondent describing it as “barang tiruan”.
[16] Thirdly, in light of the third respondent’s raid and the
discovery of the “barang tiruan” in the appellants’ warehouse, the
appellants had conducted their trade and business by wrongful means; in
a dishonest, improper and reprehensible manner and lacked integrity - by
employing “barang tiruan”.
[17] Given the raid and seizure of the “barang tiruan” in the
appellants’ warehouse, the appellants were not the lawful and registered
owners of the trademark "PYRO" and had thus defrauded the business
and public communities of Malaysia and abroad by representing as such
all this while.
[18] More significantly, the appellants alleged that they were
aggrieved in that the impugned statements were continuously published
even after the civil suit on the issue of ownership of the trademark “PYRO”
had been resolved in favour of the appellant. Publication on the third
respondent’s Twitter was from 15 June 2015 until 20 September 2018.
Whilst the republication of the first respondent’s statements on Utusan
Malaysia, Harian Metro and the said blog website was all from 15 June
2015 to 22 February 2021.
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[19] The appellant therefore contended that the continued
publication of the said statement constituted malice and was evidence of
bad faith on the part of the respondents.
The defence of the Respondents
[20] The crux of the defence of the respondents was their position
that the impugned statements were not defamatory of the appellants,
principally by asserting that the said statements were not directed at the
appellants to begin with since no reference was made to the appellants at
all. It was also pleaded that the statements were made to the public as
part of the third respondent’s statutory duties under the TDA. In any event,
even if the impugned statements were defamatory, the respondents were
entitled to rely on the defences of justification and qualified privilege.
[21] The respondents further claimed that the statements they
made were as contained in the third respondent’s press statement
distributed on that 15 June 2015 at the press conference, but that the
impugned statements by the media and the blog were not in accordance
with the contents of the press statement. The respondents had no control
over the statements made by the media and the blog, more so as no
confirmation was sought from the respondents in respect of the
publication by the media and the blog.
The Essence of the Decision of the High Court
[22] The High Court dismissed the appellants’ suit for defamation
and malicious falsehood. For present purposes it ought to be highlighted
that the Court principally ruled that the words “Barang Tiruan PYRO” did
not refer to the appellants. Further it was also first held that the use of the
words “Barang Tiruan PYRO” in the impugned statements attributed to
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the first and third respondents did not bear any defamatory meaning when
published as at the date of the press conference on 15 June 2015.
[23] It therefore followed that since the impugned statements were
not defamatory, despite the continued publication of the impugned
statements, the respondents cannot be held liable due to an alleged
change of circumstances which resulted from the decision of the High
Court on the trademark ownership of PYRO on 24 March 2017.
Primary Grounds of Appeal
[24] The grounds of appeal of the appellants vis-à-vis the dismissal
of their suit by the High Court may be fairly grouped in terms of four
principal arguments. The first is that the High Court was wrong in its
finding that the words “Barang Tiruan PYRO” in the impugned statements
were not defamatory or maliciously false. In other words, the High Court
was in error when it held that the statements did not bear any of the above-
stated defamatory imputations as pleaded by the appellants.
[25] Secondly, the appellants maintained that it was erroneous for
the High Court not to have found defamation in respect of the continued
publication on the third respondent’s own Twitter, on Utusan Malaysia,
Harian Metro and the earlier mentioned blog, of the impugned statements,
particularly the reference to “Barang Tiruan PYRO” despite and after the
High Court decision on 24 March 2017 which had determined that the
trademark ownership of the PYRO products validly vested in the second
appellant. The appellants contended that the continued publication
without retraction or correction each day after the said decision constituted
a fresh accrual of the cause of action for defamation and malicious
falsehood against the respondents.
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[26] Thirdly, the appellants submitted that even though the
impugned statements and the words “Barang Tiruan PYRO” did not
expressly mention the name of the appellants, evidence at trial did
establish that on a balance of probabilities such defamatory imputations
concerning “Barang Tiruan PYRO” referred to the appellants.
[27] Fourthly, the appellants contended that the High Court erred
in law in concluding that the respondents were entitled to the defence of
qualified privilege and of justification.
[28] Other issues raised by the appellants in their memorandum of
appeal and their written and oral submissions are largely related to any
one of more of the aforesaid four principal areas of appeal. These four will
be examined next. But before that, it would be helpful to refer briefly to the
principles governing appellate intervention.
Principles on appellate intervention
[29] The law is well-established in that an appellate court will not
interfere unless the trial court is shown to be plainly wrong. The Federal
Court in Dream Property Sdn Bhd v Atlas Housing Sdn Bhd [2015] 2 MLJ
441, in the judgment written by Azahar Mohamed FCJ (later CJM)
reaffirmed the principle to be followed by an appellate court when
reversing findings of fact by a trial court:
“[60] It is now established that the principle on which an appellate
court could interfere with findings of fact by the trial court is 'the
plainly wrong test' principle; see the Federal Court in Gan Yook
Chin (P) & Anor v Lee Ing Chin @ Lee Teck Seng & Ors [2005] 2
MLJ 1 (at p 10) per Steve Shim CJ (Sabah & Sarawak). More
recently, this principle of appellate intervention was affirmed by
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the Federal Court in UEM Group Bhd v Genisys Intergrated
Engineers Pte Ltd & Anor [2010] 9 CLJ 785 where it was held at
p 800:
It is well settled law that an appellate court will not
generally speaking, intervene with the decision of a trial
court unless the trial court is shown to be plainly wrong in
arriving at its decision. A plainly wrong decision happens
when the trial court is guilty of no or insufficient judicial
appreciation of evidence (see Chow Yee Wah & Anor v
Choo Ah Pat [1978] 1 LNS 32; Watt v Thomas [1947] AC
484; and Gan Yook Chin & Anor v Lee Ing Chin &
Ors [2004] 4 CLJ 309)”.
[30] The Court of Appeal in Nor Azlina Abdul Aziz v Expert Project
Management Sdn Bhd [2017] 5 CLJ 58 in the judgment of the Court
delivered by Harmindar Singh JCA (now FCJ) held thus:
“[20] Nevertheless there are occasions when appellate
interference is warranted and these occasions have been well set
out in numerous cases. Some of these occasions are:
(a) where the trial judge took into account irrelevant
considerations and failed to give due weight to relevant
considerations (see Director of Forestry, Sabah & Anor v.
Mau Kam Tong & Ors And Another Appeal [2010] 3 CLJ
377; [2010] 3 MLJ 509);
(b) where there was no proper evaluation of the evidence
by the trial judge (see Lee Nyan Hon & Brothers Sdn Bhd
v. Metro Charm Sdn Bhd [2009] 6 CLJ 626; [2009] 6 MLJ
(c) where the decision arrived at by the trial court was
without judicial appreciation of the evidence (see Gan
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Yook Chin & Anor v. Lee Ing Chin & Ors [2004] 4 CLJ 309;
[2005] 2 MLJ 1);
(d) where a trial court has so fundamentally misdirected
itself, that no reasonable court which had properly directed
itself and asked the correct questions, would have arrived
at the same conclusion (see Raja Lob Sharuddin Raja
Ahmad Terzali & Ors v. Sri Seltra Sdn Bhd [2008] 2 CLJ
284; [2008] 2 MLJ 87);
(e) where the trial judge was plainly wrong in arriving at his
decision (see Lee Ing Chin & Ors v. Gan Yook Chin & Anor
[2003] 2 CLJ 19; [2003] 2 MLJ 97);
(f) where a trial judge had so manifestly failed to derive
proper benefit from the undoubted advantage of seeing
and hearing witnesses at the trial, and in reaching his
conclusion, has not properly analysed the entirety of the
evidence which was given before him (see First Count Sdn
Bhd v. Wang Yew Logging & Plantation Sdn Bhd [2013] 1
LNS 625; [2013] 4 MLJ 693 which followed the Privy
Council case of Choo Kok Beng v. Choo Kok Hoe & Ors
[1984] 1 LNS 40; [1984] 2 MLJ 165); and
(g) where the judgment is based upon a wrong premise of
fact or of law (see Perembun (M) Sdn Bhd v. Conlay
Construction Sdn Bhd [2012] 1 LNS 1416; [2012] 4 MLJ
[31] In a more recent Federal Court pronouncement on the
principles surrounding appellate intervention in Ng Hoo Kui & Anor v
Wendy Tan Lee Pen, Administrator of the Estates of Tan Ewe Kwang,
Deceased & Ors [2020] 10 CLJ 1 which cited the decision of the Federal
Court in Gan Yook Chin (P) & Anor v Lee Ing Chin
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@ Lee Teck Seng & Ors [2005] 2 MLJ 1 it was reaffirmed that the position
has always been that a decision which is arrived at due to a lack of judicial
appreciation of evidence is plainly wrong.
Evaluation & Findings of this Court
Elements of the Tort of Defamation
[32] For proper context, before we analyse whether the cause of
action of defamation is made out we should in summary fashion state the
key elements of the tort of defamation that must be proven by the
appellants. The key elements of defamation are well-established. In order
to prove a claim of libel in defamation, it is essential that the offending
words not only bear defamatory imputation, but also that they identify the
plaintiff as the person defamed and are published to a third party. It is for
the plaintiff as the claimant, to prove these three elements in order to
succeed in his defamation action.
[33] All these were made abundantly plain in Ayob Saud v TS
Sambanthamurthi [1989] 1 MLJ 315; [1989] 1 CLJ 152, where Mohamed
Dzaiddin J (later Chief Justice) held that:
“In our law on libel, which is governed by the Defamation Act
1957, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff to show (1) the words
are defamatory; (2) the words refer to the plaintiff; and (3) the
words were published.”
[34] In this case before us however, the fact that there were
publications of the impugned statements - specifically the mention of
“Barang Tiruan PYRO” - in the third respondent’s Twitter account, on the
online news of Utusan, of Harian Metro and on the said blog are not
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disputed. This fact was also one of the agreed facts confirmed prior to the
start of the trial. And given the said medium of communication and the
purpose of the coverage, it is equally not in dispute that these publications
were plainly and obviously made to third parties, being the readers. As
such this element of the tort of defamation was not an issue raised by any
of the parties. The opposite however is true for the other two elements, as
reflected in the key ground of appeals raised by the appellants.
Whether the impugned statements and references to “Barang Tiruan
PYRO” bear a defamatory meaning or imputation
[35] The leading text on defamation - Gatley on Libel and Slander
10th Ed (2004) at para 1.5 page 8 states as follows:
“What is defamatory? There is no wholly satisfactory definition of
a defamatory imputation. Three formulae have been particularly
(1) Would the imputation tend to ‘lower the plaintiff in the
estimation of right-thinking members of society generally’? (2)
Would the imputation tend to cause others to shun or avoid the
plaintiff? And (3) Would the words tend to expose the plaintiff to
‘hatred, contempt or ridicule’? The quotation “what is
defamatory?” relates to the nature of the statement made by the
defendant: words may be defamatory even if they are believed by
no one and even if they are true, though in the latter case they
are not, of course, actionable…”.
[36] As mentioned, the test of whether a statement published or
spoken is defamatory is well-established. In Syed Husin Ali v Sharikat
Pencetakan Utusan Melayu Bhd & Another [1973] 2 MLJ 56, Mohd Azmi
J (as he then was) formulated the test as follows:
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“Thus, the test of defamatory nature of a statement is its tendency
to excite against the plaintiff the adverse opinion of others,
although no one believes the statement to be true. Another test
is: would the words tend to lower the plaintiff in the estimation of
right-thinking members of society generally? The typical type
of defamation is an attack upon the moral character of the plaintiff
attributing crime, dishonesty, untruthfulness, ingratitude or
[37] As for the concept of ordinary and natural meaning, Duncan &
Neill on Defamation, 4th edition, explained as follows at paragraphs 5.25
to 5.28:
“In order to determine the natural and ordinary meaning of the
statements of which the claimant complains it is necessary to take
into account the context in which it appeared and the mode of
publication... It follows from the principles set out above that a
claimant cannot select an isolated passage in an article and
complain of that alone if other parts of the article throw a different
light on that passage.”
[38] In order to ascertain whether this important element is
established Courts have followed a two-stage test. Essentially the first is
whether the impugned words are capable of bearing a defamatory
meaning and secondly whether they in fact bear the meaning alleged. The
first stage is a question of law, and the second is one of fact. Further
elucidation on the application of the relevant principles in this respect may
be found in the decision of the Court of Appeal in Chok Foo Choo v The
China Press Bhd [1999] 1 MLJ 371; [1999] 1 AMR 753; [1999] 1 CLJ 461
where Gopal Sri Ram JCA (as he then was) stated thus:
“It cannot, I think, be doubted that the first task of a court in an
action for defamation is to determine whether the words
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complained of are capable of bearing a defamatory meaning. And
it is beyond argument that this is in essence a question of law that
turns upon the construction of the words published. As Lord
Morris put it in Jones v Skelton [1963] 3 All ER 952 at p 958:
The ordinary and natural meaning of words may be either
the literal meaning or it may be an implied or inferred or an
indirect meaning: any meaning that does not require the
support of extrinsic facts passing beyond general
knowledge but is a meaning which is capable of being
detected in the language used can be a part of the ordinary
and natural meaning of words (see Lewis v Daily
Telegraph Ltd [1963] 2 All ER 151). The ordinary and
natural meaning may therefore include any implication or
inference which a reasonable reader, guided not by any
special but only by general knowledge and not fettered by
any strict legal rules of construction, would draw from the
words. The test of reasonableness guides and directs the
court in its function of deciding whether it is open to a jury
in any particular case to hold that reasonable persons
would understand the words complained of in a
defamatory sense.
In my judgment, the test which is to be applied lies in the question:
do the words published in their natural and ordinary meaning
impute to the plaintiff any dishonourable or discreditable conduct
or motives or a lack of integrity on his part? If the question invites
an affirmative response, then the words complained of are
defamatory. (See JB Jeyaretnam v Goh Chok Tong [1985] 1 MLJ
334.) Richard Malanjum J, in an admirable judgment in Tun Datuk
Patinggi Haji Abdul-Rahman Ya'kub v Bre Sdn Bhd & Ors [1996]
1 MLJ 393, collected and reviewed the relevant authorities upon
this branch of the subject and I would, with respect, expressly
approve the approach adopted by him.
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Having decided whether the words complained of are capable of
bearing a defamatory meaning, the next step in the inquiry is for
a court to ascertain whether the words complained of are in fact
defamatory. This is a question of fact dependent upon the
circumstances of the particular case……”.
[39] And in Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn Bhd v Hue Shieh
Lee [2019] 3 MLJ 720 the Federal Court emphasised:
“[38] The test involved in determining whether or not the words
complained of are defamatory is a two-stage process. Firstly, it
must be considered what meaning the words would convey to an
ordinary person; and secondly, it must be considered whether
under the circumstances in which the words were published, a
reasonable man would be likely to understand that in a
defamatory way (see: Wong Yoke Kong & Ors v Azmi M Anshar
& Ors [2003] 4 MLJ 96; [2003] 6 CLJ 559)”.
[40] In light of the authorities, the words complained of are
defamatory if the said words, as published, in their natural and ordinary
meaning impute to the plaintiff any dishonourable or discreditable conduct
or motives or a lack of integrity on its part. An imputation would therefore
be defamatory if its effect is to expose the plaintiff, in the eyes of the
community, to hatred, ridicule or contempt or to lower him in their
estimation or to cause him to be shunned and avoided by them. To be
clear, the natural and ordinary meaning of the impugned words includes
not only their literal meaning but also any inferences which the ordinary
reasonable person would take from the words due to his general
knowledge and common sense - in other words, not extrinsic facts passing
beyond general knowledge. The words plainly cannot be read in isolation
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and must instead be read in the proper context they were used, and the
meaning must be gathered from the whole publication.
[41] Words can also be defamatory in their innuendo sense where
whilst they may not be defamatory to the ordinary reasonable person, are
instead defamatory to persons with knowledge of extrinsic facts. Here, it
bears repetition that in this case, as set out above (in paragraphs [12] to
[15]) the appellants had pleaded what they said the ordinary and natural
meaning of the impugned words “Barang Tiruan PYRO” are, and what
imputation they carried, as well as their innuendo meaning.
[42] Essentially the appellants alleged, as they pleaded, that the
words meant that the appellants had committed a criminal offence under
Section 8(2) (b) of the TDA, that the appellants' "PYRO" products were
goods bearing false trade description, that the appellants had conducted
their trade and business by wrongful means, and in a dishonest, improper,
reprehensible manner as well as lacked integrity, and that the appellants
were not the lawful and registered owners of the trademark "PYRO" and
had thus defrauded the business and public communities of Malaysia and
abroad by representing as such all this while.
[43] The High Court disagreed. This is how the learned JC
explained his findings on this issue, which we think useful to reproduce:
“[42] When I consider the statements made in the said Twitter
account and the websites of the newspapers as well as on the
blog, I am of the opinion, that a reasonable reader would have
understood that: -
(i) A raid was undertaken by the Defendants on 5-6-2015
pursuant to a complaint by the then registered proprietor
of the trademark "PYRO", Doretti Sdn Bhd, that counterfeit
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products bearing the same brand name were confiscated
at a warehouse in Sungai Buloh.
(ii) The counterfeit product confiscated included fire-
resistant doors and door accessories bearing the
trademark PYRO and bearing a similar physical
appearance and packaging utilised under the PYRO
(iii) An investigation is underway in accordance
with section 8(2)(b) of the Trade Descriptions Act and if
found liable the guilty party may be made liable for the sum
of RM 10,000.00 for each item found, imprisonment and
the corporation may be liable for the sum of RM 15,000.00.
The statements clearly state "Jika disabit kesalahan", this
would indicate that the issues are still pending
investigation and such persons may be found liable if they
were found guilty by a court of law.
[43] Therefore, I find that the natural and ordinary meaning of the
articles are not defamatory as suggested by the Plaintiffs. I
believe a reasonable reader would not impute the meaning as
suggested by the Plaintiffs. This would even extend to a
reasonable reader who knew that the Plaintiffs and the group of
companies in the FITTERS group had been undertaking its trade
utilising the "PYRO" trademark or related trademark (hereinafter
referred collectively as "PYRO") as suggested by the Plaintiffs.
[44] The fact that the statements refer to the trademark "PYRO"
will not automatically lead a reasonable reader to assume or
understand that it was the Plaintiffs' warehouse that was raided
and that it was the Plaintiffs that were being investigated by the
Defendants at the material time. As seen earlier, the reasonable
reader is assumed not to be susceptible of suspicion and not an
avid fan [sic] of scandal.
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[45] I am also of the view that the reasonable reader would have
understood that the statements indicate that the Defendants, in
particular, the 1st and 3rd Defendants had only at the time of the
publication had raided an unidentified premise on the allegation
made by the then owner of the trademark, Doretti Resources Sdn
Bhd. A reasonable person reading the newspaper report, the blog
and the press release, would understand the articles to mean that
the Defendants had undertaken an investigation based on the
complaint of the registered trademark owner and raided a
warehouse that they suspect contains pirated goods. As of 18-6-
2015, the Defendants only stated that they were undertaking an
investigation and no finding of guilt could be attributed to any party
at that time. The Defendants also did not make any disparaging
remarks to any party, to any product or any brand or trademark.
They had only stated what they had undertaken as of 18-6-2015
as part of their duties”.
[44] We are inclined to agree with the High Court. To a certain
extent. We understand from the above that the High Court did not consider
the impugned statements defamatory primarily because first, the raid of
the warehouse and the confiscation of the stated “Barang Tiruan PYRO”
was clearly being undertaken as part of the third respondent’s
investigation and secondly, that no mention was therein made of the
appellants at all.
[45] Whilst we agree that the impugned statements made no
mention of the appellants (which we find to be especially crucial, as
discussed below) we do not share the finding of the High Court that words
stating matters such as counterfeit goods or “Barang Tiruan PYRO”, raid
on warehouse, and an on-going investigation, if published in reference to
a plaintiff, did not bear any defamatory imputation.
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[46] We should briefly say that in the case of Ng Koo Kay Benedict
and another v Zim Integrated Shipping Services Ltd [2010] 2 SLR 860
reference was made to the English case of Chase v News Group
Newspapers [2002] ECWA Civ 1772 which categorised three levels of
meanings which could be stated as - first, the imputation of the
commission of an offence, secondly the existence of reasonable grounds
to suspect the commission of the offence and thirdly, the presence of
grounds to investigate into the same. However, Ng Koo Kay Benedict
observed that “All three [Chase] levels are generally regarded as being
defamatory, though in varying degrees”.
[47] In other words, in our view, words such as the raid by an
enforcement agency of a warehouse as part of an investigation where
counterfeit goods were confiscated would be defamatory of the person
who is being investigated, whose factory is raided, and whose products
have been seized.
[48] Cases where the impugned words concerning some
accusation or allegation of criminal conduct have been held to be
defamatory include DP Vijandran v Karpal Singh & Ors [2000] 3 MLJ 22
where the words referred to the allegation of cheating under Section
420 of the Penal Code; and perhaps more similar to the instant case
before us, Sin Heak Hin Pte Ltd and another v Yuasa Battery Singapore
Co Pte Ltd [1995] 3 SLR (R) 123 where the allegation was on the sale of
counterfeit car batteries; DHKW Marketing and another v Nature’s Farm
Pte Ltd [1998] 3 SLR (R) 774 where the allegation was on the sale of
counterfeit health product; and Microsoft Corp and others v SM Summit
Holdings Ltd and another and other appeals [1999] 3 SLR (R) 465 where
the allegation was on the sale of counterfeit software.
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[49] We reiterate that in our judgment, the impugned statements
which contained the words raid, seizure, and investigation vis-à-vis the
expression “Barang Tiruan PYRO” - the very words complained of by the
appellants, even if described instead as “disyaki Barang Tiruan PYRO”
when examined in the context of the entirety of all of the impugned
statements in a reasonable and objective manner, if they were in
reference to the appellants herein, would certainly carry the imputation,
if not the direct meaning, which would tend to “lower the appellants in the
estimation of right-thinking members of society generally” (Gatley on Libel
and Slander 10th Ed (2004) at para 1.5 page 8), have the tendency “to
excite against the appellants the adverse opinion of others” (Syed Husin
Ali (supra)), and “impute to the appellants any dishonourable or
discreditable conduct or motives or a lack of integrity on his part” (Chok
Foo Choo (supra).
[50] It bears emphasis that after all, as stated in Chok Foo Choo
(supra), the ordinary and natural meaning of the impugned words may be
either the literal meaning or it may be an implied or inferred or an indirect
meaning: in the sense that it is a meaning that does not require the support
of extrinsic facts passing beyond general knowledge. We therefore find
that the words “Barang Tiruan PYRO” are certainly capable of a
defamatory meaning in the context of the first in a two-stage test to
ascertain whether the relevant impugned statements are defamatory of
the appellant. We emphasise that the first stage is a question of law as to
whether the impugned words are capable of bearing a defamatory
meaning in terms of what would the words convey to an ordinary person.
We have just answered this in the affirmative, somewhat departing from
the answer given by the High Court.
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[51] In respect of the second stage where it must be asked whether
under the circumstances in which the words were published, a reasonable
man would likely to understand that in a defamatory way. This concerns a
question of fact, as to whether the words in fact bear the meaning alleged.
Again, we find it compelling to hold that the said words “Barang Tiruan
PYRO” in the circumstances of the case, considering the background
facts, the raid, seizure and investigation, which are all published in the
impugned statements as appeared on the third respondent’s Twitter, in
Utusan, Harian Metro and the blog, did in fact carry the defamatory
[52] As such, the first element of the tort of defamation had been
made out since the impugned statements made and published in this case
are defamatory, either by way of their ordinary meaning or by innuendo.
[53] Before discussing the other element of defamation, we wish
to state that the appellants herein in our view gave too much emphasis on
their grievance that the impugned statements all mentioned “Barang
Tiruan PYRO” despite the appellants then were merely suspected of
selling or supplying the said “Barang Tiruan PYRO”. As such, the
appellants insisted that without qualifying the statements by employing the
word “suspected” or “disyaki”, the respondents had defamed the
[54] It bears repetition that at the time of the press conference on
15 June 2015, the investigations into the status of the PYRO products
which had been confiscated - whether fake or genuine - was still on-going.
In their submissions the appellants stressed that the third respondent’s
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own officers when testifying agreed that the third respondent was merely
(in this context) an investigative body, and the question whether a
particular product was a counterfeit or otherwise would be a matter for the
Court to decide, not the third respondent.
[55] When an enforcement agency like the third respondent or for
that matter the Police calls for a press conference or issues statements to
the media to announce to the public certain discoveries or arrests
undertaken pursuant to investigations under their respective remits, we
do not for a moment think that the status of these seizures and arrests are
in any manner conveyed or intended to be understood by any reasonable
reader to be definitive. In all likelihood investigations are still in progress,
just like in the instant case when the press conference was held on 15
June 2015.
[56] And we would certainly like to think that it would by now
generally be understood by the ordinary and reasonable reader if not the
general public that the determination on the status of any items seized or
persons arrested - whether counterfeit or illegal or otherwise, and whether
guilty or not - will only be conclusively made by the Courts (if brought
before the Courts) pursuant to the justice system in this country.
[57] In other words, whether the words “Barang Tiruan PYRO”
ought to have been qualified by the word “disyaki” as argued by the
appellants is in our view immaterial as any such announcement or
statement by enforcement agencies must in any event be taken as non-
definitive as to the legal status of the underlying matter being investigated.
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[58] In our view therefore, “Barang Tiruan PYRO” even if qualified
with “disyaki” and despite its legal status in any event being non-
conclusive as yet, would objectively still be viewed by a reasonable reader
to be a negative term which would have the effect of lowering the
reputation of the person associated with the said expression. This, in
comparison, would be no less defamatory of a person who is announced
by authorities to have been arrested for suspicion of committing a criminal
Whether the Impugned Words Refer to the Appellants
[59] Now, given that it has been established that the impugned
statements bear defamatory meanings and imputations, the appellants
must show that the defamatory words in question were published of and
concerning the appellants. The words must be capable of referring to them
or of identifying them.
[60] However we must point out that whilst we found the impugned
words to be defamatory, it is not at all the case that the appellants had
succeeded in showing that the ordinary and natural meaning of the
impugned statements and the imputation they bore was in the manner
how the appellant had set out in their pleadings as stated in
paragraphs [12] to [19] above. This is because whilst we say the
impugned statements bear defamatory imputation under the first element
of the tort of defamation, the meaning of the impugned statements as
ascribed to and pleaded by the appellants, had already combined or
married the two key elements of defamation in this case – namely that the
words must bear a defamatory imputation and that they refer to the
appellants. We reiterate that we find the impugned statements in the
publication to be defamatory. But we disagree they refer to the appellants.
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[61] In other words, whilst words such as the raid, the seizure of
“Barang Tiruan PYRO” and the investigation are defamatory, as
mentioned earlier, in order to make out a case in a tort of defamation,
these words must also be published (which is not in dispute) and refer to
the person who alleges to have been defamed vis-à-vis the publication of
these words.
[62] However in this case, what the appellants had pleaded (as
stated in paragraphs [12] to [19] above) as to how these words had
defamed them presupposed that the impugned statements as made by
the first and third respondents actually are in reference to the appellants.
We stress that unless it is proved that the subject matter of the action was
published of and concerning the plaintiff, the action is bound to fail (see
Chew Sew Khian @ Chew Hua Seng v Saniboey Mohd lsmail [2003] 5
MLJ 91).
[63] Based on the totality of the evidence we are unable to
conclude that the words referred to the appellants. We should also say
that the High Court too did not find the impugned statements defamatory
of the appellants. We need only state that for all intents and purposes,
whilst we did not share the same conclusion with the High Court on the
issue of whether the impugned words bore any defamatory imputation, we
are nevertheless in full agreement with the High Court that they do not
refer to the appellants.
[64] This as touched on earlier is also one main reason why the
High Court determined the words were not defamatory, since in its
analysis of the issue of whether the words did bear any defamatory
imputation (the first element in the tort of defamation), much emphasis
had already been placed on the finding that the impugned statements had
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nothing to do with the appellants, which under the law is concerning the
second element in the tort of defamation.
[65] This comes out clearly in the grounds of judgment of the High
Court where under the discussion topic of “Whether the impugned
statements refer to the Plaintiffs” in paragraph 71 it is stated that the
“second part of this two-stage test concerns whether the words or
statements are defamatory of the Plaintiffs”. This is not entirely erroneous.
But it is trite that the two-stage test is the test to determine the first of three
elements to found a cause of action in defamation - which is whether the
impugned statements bear a defamatory imputation. The second is
whether they refer to the appellants as the plaintiffs and the third is
whether they are published to a third party. In our analysis, the High Court
had already considered the second element in the first, thus unnecessarily
conflating the issues somewhat.
[66] We therefore repeat the following passage from the judgment
of the Federal Court in Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn Bhd (supra) on
the two-stage test vis-à-vis the first element on the determination whether
the impugned words bear defamatory imputations, as follows:
“[38] The test involved in determining whether or not the words
complained of are defamatory is a two-stage process. Firstly, it
must be considered what meaning the words would convey to an
ordinary person; and secondly, it must be considered whether
under the circumstances in which the words were published, a
reasonable man would be likely to understand that in a
defamatory way (see: Wong Yoke Kong & Ors v. Azmi M Anshar
& Ors [2003] 6 CLJ 559)”.
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[67] In our view, as is clear from the above, judicial determination
on whether the impugned statements refer to or identify the plaintiff should
rightfully be made in the analysis of the second element, and less so in
the first, which focusses on whether in the first place, the words in question
bear defamatory meaning or imputations. In any event, in the instant case
before us, whilst we, unlike the High Court, find the impugned statements
did bear defamatory imputations, we nevertheless agreed with the High
Court that the action in defamation cannot be sustained because it has
not been proven that the impugned statements refer to or identify the
[68] In our view, the impugned statements, as published, do not
refer to the appellants. Our reasons for saying so are as follows.
[69] In the first place, there was without any doubt no mention of
the appellants at all in any of the impugned statements attributed to the
respondents, Utusan, Harian Metro or the blog.
[70] It is true that it is not necessary that a plaintiff must be
mentioned by name in the publication in question - but to succeed in the
action in defamation he must show that there are matters in the
defamatory publication that describe or identify him. A careful reading of
the entire press statement in the impugned statements in this case
discloses absolutely no mention of the appellants. And it cannot be
emphasised enough that nowhere in the statements is it stated that the
warehouse had anything to do with the appellants.
[71] Therefore it bears repetition that the essence of the impugned
statements, as attributed to the first and third respondents was merely that
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based on the complaint by Doretti (then evidenced to be the registered
owner of the PYRO trademark), in respect of the use and sale of
counterfeit products using the said PYRO trademark, the raid was
conducted by the enforcement team of the third respondent at a
warehouse in Sungai Buloh. There and then, various counterfeit PYRO
items (which included fire-resistant doors and door accessories bearing
the trademark PYRO and bearing a similar physical appearance and
packaging utilised under the PYRO trademark) were confiscated as a
result. The investigation was being carried out under Section 8 (2) (b) of
the TDA which provided for the punishment of fine and imprisonment if
found guilty.
[72] We are mindful that the appellants contended that the
statements referred to them and pleaded that the second appellant had
started providing fire services using the trademark PYRO since 1986, and
other related products in combination with other words such as
PYRODOR, PYROSUIT and PYROLINE. In 2001, the third appellant
started the use of PYRO for products such as locks and ironmongeries,
with the first appellant being engaged to manufacture and supply the
same. Thus, the appellants had over the years recorded substantial sales,
and undergone certification and examination of their PYRO products,
resulting in their having acquired substantial reputation and goodwill.
[73] As such, it was specifically pleaded that relevant trade and
business organisations, as well as the public have come to associate
PYRO trademark and PYRO products with the appellants.
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[74] We are mindful that on the requirement that the impugned
words must be capable of referring to the appellants or of identifying them,
the Privy Council in a leading case on the subject - Knupffer v London
Express Newspaper Limited [1944] AC 116, had this to say:
“It is an essential element of the cause of action for defamation
that the words complained of should be published "of the plaintiff",
where he is not named the test of this is whether the words would
reasonably lead people acquainted with him to the conclusion that
he was the person referred to. The question whether they did so
in fact does not arise if they cannot in law be regarded as capable
of referring to him”.
[75] We are of the view that the fact that the impugned statements
refer to the trademark "PYRO" would not without more lead a reasonable
reader to understand that it was the second appellant’s warehouse that
had been raided or that it was the appellants which were being
investigated by the third respondent at the material time. This would be
the case to a reasonable reader who was even aware that the appellants
and their group of companies had been undertaking their trade using the
"PYRO" trademark as claimed by the appellants.
[76] The appellants called two witnesses. Their senior sales
manager Lai Fook Eng (PW1) and one Liew Kok Foo (PW2), who was a
supplier of the parts employed by the appellants. Their evidence was
intended by the appellants to support their position, as pleaded, on the
meaning to be attributed to impugned statements complained of, and how
this would translate into the defamatory meaning complained by the
appellants. Their evidence was relevant for the purposes of the knowledge
concerning the word "PYRO" and the ownership of the intellectual
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property relating to the said word that should be imputed of a reasonable
[77] After all, the law in this respect says that the reasonable
reader is taken not to be susceptible of suspicion; nor is he avid for
scandal. To begin with, the overall tone of the language in the impugned
statements is distinctly neutral without suggesting blame to any party vis-
à-vis the subject matter of the “Barang Tiruan PYRO”. We cannot but
agree with the observation made by the High Court that the reasonable
reader will not necessarily assume that it was the appellants’ warehouse
or factory that was raided since Sungai Buloh is a very large industrial
area containing several factories and warehouses out of which many
companies operate from.
[78] The reasonable reader would merely have understood that the
various impugned statements simply affirmed that the first and third
respondents were carrying out their investigative duties following a
complaint without identifying the warehouse, what more the identities of
the suspects. Not only was there no finding of guilt, but also that none
could be attributed to any party at that time.
[79] The respondents, as correctly pointed out by the High Court,
did not make any disparaging remarks directed at any party, any product
or any brand or trademark (other than stating the fact about the
confiscation of the counterfeit PYRO products). We should add that
neither did evidence show that the third respondent had made any
announcement of the subsequent prosecution of the directors of the
appellants under the TDA, or linking the same to the earlier raid.
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[80] Even if it was true that the appellants were known in the
industry to be associated with the “PYRO” products, news of the
authorities seizing fake “PYRO” products would not necessarily without
more lead a reasonable reader to assume and conclude that the culprit
was the appellants.
[81] It could equally be argued that since the appellants were
known for such “PYRO” products, the counterfeit versions of “PYRO” must
have been or could have been produced by other irresponsible parties.
The counterfeit PYRO products could thus have been nefariously
produced or sold by a different entity altogether, especially if what was
claimed by the appellants that they had substantial goodwill and long-
standing business in the PYRO products is true.
[82] The High Court stated the law correctly in that when the Court
considers the evidence of a witness produced to explain their pleaded
ordinary natural meaning of the words, or their imputation, the Court must
still consider the testimony objectively for, in the final analysis, it is the
meaning which reasonable and fair-minded people, relying on their
common sense, would understand the words to have (see the High Court
decision in Kumarasamy a/l Naciappan v The News Straits Times Press
(M) Bhd [2013] 7 MLJ 361).
[83] The following self-explanatory passages as quoted in Chew
Sew Khian @ Chew Hua Seng v Saniboey Mohd lsmail [2003] 5 MLJ 91
are especially instructive. The first passage we will refer to is from David
Syme v Canavan [1918] 25 CLR 234 which stated thus:
"The test of whether the words that do not specifically name the
plaintiff refer to him or not in this: Are they such as reasonably in
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the circumstances would lead persons acquainted with the
plaintiff to believe that he was the person referred to? That does
not assume that those persons who read the words know all the
circumstances or all the relevant facts. But although the Plaintiff
is not named in words, he may, nevertheless, be described so as
to be recognized; and whether the description takes the form of a
word-picture of an individual or the form of a reference to a class
of persons of which he is or believed to be a member or any other
form, if in the circumstances the description is such that a person
hearing or reading the allege libel would reasonably believe that
the plaintiff was referred to, that is sufficient reference to him."
[84] The second passage is from Morgan v Odhams Press
Ltd [1971] 1 WLR 1239 which emphasised that the test in determining the
question of identity is an objective one, as follows:
"In my view, a somewhat more exacting test should be predicated
where the question is one of identity. It is not sufficient for the
reader to say "I wonder if the article refers to Johnny Morgan" nor
is pure speculation sufficient. Nor is it sufficient that a reasonable
person believes that the words refer to the Plaintiff. The test is an
objective one. The ordinary reader must be fair minded and not
avid for scandal. He must not be unduly suspicious. The ordinary
reader must have rational grounds for his belief that the words
refer to the plaintiff."
[85] It is so trite that he who alleges must prove and the onus is on
the person making the allegation - the plaintiff - to do so. This is also
enshrined in Section 103 of the Evidence Act 1950. And as case law
authorities have so amply stated, the burden in on the appellants as the
plaintiffs in a defamation action to prove the words in question are
defamatory, refer to them and are published to a third party.
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[86] We are cognisant of the fact that the said witnesses of the
appellants in the case now before us were called to support the appellants’
pleaded case on how the impugned words were understood by the
witnesses, which the appellants claimed were defamatory, more for the
understanding the innuendo pleaded by the appellants concerning the
usage of the word “PYRO” and all related “PYRO” words, and especially
also whether the statement could be understood to be referring to the
appellants. The appellants contended that the ordinary reader would have
understood that the word “PYRO” and all such related words is a
trademark developed by the group of companies within the Fitters Group
and as a result any reference to the said trademark would have attributed
the said statements or allegations to them. And further the appellants must
comply with Order 78 rule 3(1) of the Rules of Court 2012, which provides
that where the plaintiff alleges the words complained of were used in a
defamatory sense other than their ordinary meaning, he must give
particulars of the facts and matters on which he relies in respect of such
[87] However, as stated above, only two witnesses were
summoned. One - PW1 - purportedly to show the implications
encountered by the appellants following the publication and the other -
PW2 - on how a third party viewed the same. In essence, the appellants
asserted that based on the testimony of these two witnesses, when the
word “PYRO” is used, a reasonable reader would have understood this to
refer to any of the appellants or the companies within the Fitter Group.
[88] Evidence in any trial is of course to be weighed, not counted.
But we find that the High Court was not wrong to disbelieve that PW2 had
called the appellants' representative and chastised them after allegedly
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reading the impugned statements, considering that he was not a customer
but a supplier of products to the appellants and thus must have relied on
the business of the appellants. In any event, when cross-examined, and
questioned by the Court, PW2 actually agreed that the impugned
statements did not necessarily mean that it was the appellants’ products
that had been confiscated, for there was a chance or possibility that
someone else could also be producing the said PYRO products, thus for
all intents and purposes almost wholly negating any utility of his evidence
towards supporting the case of the appellants.
[89] As for PW1, his evidence was that after the publication, he
was inundated with calls and enquiries from many of the appellants’ trade
or business partners and clients who had seen and read the publication
(and republication) on the internet; and who immediately believed that the
appellants were selling or marketing or distributing or owned fake “PYRO”
[90] We however note from the record of appeal that in cross-
examination PW1 agreed that he was working with the second appellant
company Fitters Marketing Sdn Bhd only. As such he clearly had no locus
to give evidence on behalf of the first appellant Fitters Diversified Berhad
and the third appellant Pyro-Tech Systems Sdn Bhd. In fact, neither did
the appellants - specifically the second appellant, produce any
authorisation for PW1 to even testify for his own employer, the second
[91] At the same time, interestingly, and somewhat curiously, none
of the directors of the board of directors of any of the three appellant
companies, not a single one, were called to give evidence for the
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appellants at trial. The submission of the respondents that the absence of
the directors had also prevented the respondents to cross examine the
directors of the appellants is also not without merit. And it bears emphasis
that all these are despite the obvious fact that the decision to initiate this
defamation action must have been made by the boards of the appellants
in the first place. This is also not to mention the absence of evidence of
losses claimed to have been suffered by the appellants due to the alleged
[92] Furthermore, the appellants only sued the respondents
despite their complaint being also directed against articles published by
news articles Utusan Malaysia, Harian Metro and the said blog website
http:/ Neither did the appellants who bear the
onus of proving their case against the respondents at trial call any
witnesses from amongst the journalists or the blogger who were actually
responsible for writing their respective pieces which are claimed by the
appellants to be defamatory, vis-à-vis the media statement of the third
respondent. The appellants also did not offer any explanation for this
[93] We therefore find the High Court was correct when concluding
on this point as follows:
“[55] To reiterate, the meaning of the words complained has to
be ascertained by this Court objectively. The evidence of SP-1
and SP-2 is of assistance only to understand the alleged
imputation of facts that are relied on by the Plaintiffs. Therefore, I
am of the view that SP-1 and SP-2’s personal interpretation is of
no help to the Plaintiffs to prove the objective meaning of the said
words. This issue must be interpreted by this Court in accordance
with the legal position as I have stated earlier.”
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[94] In any event, as we have discussed earlier, whilst we disagree
with the High Court in its finding that the impugned statements did not
bear any defamatory meaning, we are however in agreement with its
conclusion that the same did not refer to the appellants. This therefore
must mean that the appellants’ action in defamation against the
respondents fails, and the High Court was entirely correct in dismissing
the defamation suit.
Liability for continued publication
[95] Although we have dealt with the two principal questions in this
appeal, we will also address other related issues of significance raised by
the appellants in their memorandum of appeal and submissions before us.
It is trite that a cause of action in defamation arises at the point when the
words in question are published to third parties. The facts at the point of
publication are key (see Grappelli v Derek Block (Holdings) Ltd [1981] 1
WLR 822). We have determined that the words “Barang Tiruan PYRO”
and the impugned statements attributed to the first and third respondents
did not bear any defamatory meaning when published as at the date of
the press conference on 15 June 2015 because reference to the
appellants could not be proven.
[96] It therefore follows that despite the alleged continued
publication of the impugned statements, the respondents cannot be held
liable in light of the decision of the High Court on the trademark ownership
of PYRO on 24 March 2017 which adjudged the second appellant as the
owner of the PYRO trademark.
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[97] The crucial point is since the initial publication did not in the
first place identify the appellants, the “continued publication” of the same,
exact statement, despite the supervening High Court decision, still did not
subsequently change anything about the impugned statements as first
published. There was still no reference to the appellants in the same
impugned publication. And, neither did, for example, the said High Court
decision (or any statement published concerning the decision, none of
which was tendered, if any) make any cross-reference to the earlier
impugned publication.
[98] The decision of the High Court on the true ownership of
“PYRO” on 24 March 2017 and the fact that the criminal charges against
the appellants were unsuccessful as they were subsequently granted a
discharge not amounting to an acquittal on 4 May 2017, did not in any
manner mean that the various actions of the first and third respondents in
respect of the investigation, the raid, the seizure and the making of
statements to the media, all of which had taken place almost two years
prior, become unsustainable. We emphasise that the impugned
statements were not defamatory when they were published and they
continued to be so even after the said decision of the High Court.
[99] We accordingly agree with the following observation by the
High Court:
“[64] As the statements were not originally defamatory, even
their continued existence after the outcome of the Civil Suit would
change its character. As I have said earlier, the reader of these
statements is assumed to be a reasonable person and is neither
naive nor suspicious. Such a person would be expected to know
and appreciate that the statements were of the situation at the
time they were made. The original statements remain concerning
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the facts that existed on 15.6.2015. A reasonable reader would
appreciate that subsequent events may have overtaken the facts
of the case especially in circumstances where an investigation is
being undertaken by the authorities”.
Evidence of picture of product linked to appellants
[100] As stated earlier on, the appellants did try raise a specific point
to show that the impugned statements appeared to refer to the appellants.
This occurred when the appellants tried, at the stage of the cross
examination of one of the respondents’ witnesses, to introduce pictures
which appeared in the press statements - specifically in the Harian Metro
and the blog articles - of the first respondent who allegedly showed door
lever handles claimed to be associated with the appellants. This was
objected to by the respondents as it was not pleaded. This objection was
upheld by the High Court.
[101] This was not even included in the list of issues to be tried. In
our judgment, the High Court was correct. We must state that the un-
pleaded matter cannot be considered for it has been emphasised many a
times that it is a cardinal rule in civil litigation that parties are bound by their
pleadings and are not allowed to adduce facts and issues which they have
not pleaded (see the Federal Court decisions in, to name a couple, Giga
Engineering & Constructions Sdn Bhd v Yip Chee Seng & Sons Sdn Bhd
& Anor [2015] 9 CLJ 537, and Samuel Naik Siang Ting v Public Bank Bhd
[2015] 8 CLJ 944).
[102] In particular, in lftikar Ahmed Khan (as the executor of the
estate for Sardar Mohd Roshan Khan, deceased) v Perwira Affin Bank
Bhd (previously known as Perwira Habib Bank Malaysia Bhd) [2018] 2
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MLJ 292, the Federal Court - on the same issue - made the point that a
decision based on an un-pleaded issue is liable to be set aside, as follows:
“[27] It is settled law that parties are bound by their pleadings and
are not allowed to adduce facts and issues which they have not
pleaded: Samuel Naik Siang Ting v Public Bank Bhd [2015] 6
MLJ 1, State Government of Perak v Muniandy [1986] 1 MLJ
490, Veronica Lee Ha Ling & Ors v Maxisegar Sdn Bhd [2011] 2
MLJ 141; [2009] 6 CLJ 232. In Lee Ah Chor v Southern Bank
Bhd [1991] 1 MLJ 428; [1991] 1 CLJ Rep 239 it was held that
where a vital issue was not raised in the pleadings, it could not be
allowed to be granted and to succeed on appeal. A decision
based on an issue which was not raised by the parties in their
pleadings is liable to be set aside: Yew Wan Leong v Lai Kok
Chye [1990] 2 MLJ 152. In The Chartered Bank v Yong
Chan [1974] 1 MLJ 157 the Federal Court set aside the judgment
of the trial judge as it was decided on an issue not raised on the
pleadings. In that case the trial judge erred in concluding that the
pleadings included a claim for breach of contract as well as a
claim for libel”.
Defence of Justification
[103] As the impugned statements have been affirmed not to be
defamatory, the need for the respondents to prove their defence becomes
irrelevant since only if the elements of defamation have been satisfied by
the plaintiff, would the burden then shift to the defendant to prove that the
words authored by the latter, alleged to be defamatory, are not defamatory
(see Lim Guan Eng v Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd [2012] 2 CLJ 619).
[104] However for completeness, since the matter was addressed
by the High Court, we shall also deal with the defences raised by the
respondents, albeit in summary fashion.
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[105] The respondents relied on the defences of justification and
qualified privilege. It is trite that the burden of proving these defences rests
entirely on the respondents as the defendants.
[106] In this regard, for the defence of justification, reference ought
to be made to Section 8 of the Defamation Act 1957 which reads:
Justification 8. In an action for libel or slander in respect of words
containing two or more distinct charges against the plaintiff, a
defence of justification shall not fail by reason only that the truth
of every charge is not proved if the words not proved to be true
do not materially injure the plaintiff’s reputation having regard to
the truth of the remaining charges.
[107] It is trite that it is unnecessary to prove the truth of every
defamatory allegation if the words not proved to be true do not materially
injure the plaintiff’s reputation. The defendants need only to show
substantial justification of the whole defamation, not the truth of every
word of the defamation. And the defendant must prove it on the balance
of probabilities.
[108] We agree with the finding of the High Court that the
respondents were entitled to rely on the defence of justification. This is
because the impugned statements were factually substantially, if not
entirely true when made at the press conference on 15 June 2015, as
[109] This is especially so considering the indisputable fact that on
the date of the publication of the impugned statements, Doretti was the
registered proprietor of the relevant trademark under the Trade Mark Act
1976, and further that there was in fact a raid based on the complaint by
the then registered proprietor, in pursuance of the investigation carried out
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by the third respondent into trademark infringement and whether
counterfeit products were being produced unlawfully, as well as criminal
charges having been filed as a result thereof.
The Defence of Qualified Privilege
[110] The respondents also relied on the defence of qualified
privilege. Two key elements must be shown before one can succeed in
relying on the defence of qualified privilege. The first is there is a legal,
moral or social duty to make the statement on the one part, and secondly,
there is a corresponding interest to receive it on the other part.
[111] The British Columbia Supreme Court in PB v RVE [2007]
B.C.J. No. 2305 identified four main areas where qualified privileged has
been recognised. These are first, the protection of one's own interest;
secondly, common interest or mutual concern; thirdly, moral or legal duty
to protect another's interest; and fourthly the public interest. The item on
'moral or legal duty to protect another's interest' is relevant here. The
Court held that the assessment is that of an objective test, in the following
“[344]…..the issue is not whether the defendant had a right to
make the communication or thought that he or she had a duty to
make it, but rather whether a reasonable person would feel
compelled by a duty to make the communication."
[112] This in our view accords well with the pronouncement of the
Federal Court in the case of Dato’ Dr Low Bin Tick v Datuk Chong Tho
Chin & Other Appeals [2017] 8 CLJ 369, as per the following:
“[46] Qualified privilege depends on the occasion upon which the
communication is made, and not the communication itself. A
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qualified privilege occasion is an occasion where the person who
makes a communication has an interest or a duty, legal, social or
moral to make it to the person to whom it is made, and the person
to whom it is so made has a corresponding interest or duty to
receive it. If the communication were made in pursuance of a duty
or on a matter in which there was a common interest in the party
making and the party receiving it, the occasion is said to be one
of qualified privilege. Whether an occasion is a privileged
occasion depends on the circumstances of each case, the nature
of the information and the relation of speaker and recipient. It is
for the judge alone to determine as a matter of law whether the
occasion is privileged (Adam v. Ward [1917] AC 309; [1916-17]
All ER Rep. 157).”
[113] It must be emphasised that qualified privilege concerns an
occasion where the person who makes a communication has an interest
or a duty, legal, social, or moral, to make it to the person to whom it is
made, and the person to whom it is so made has a corresponding interest
or duty to receive it. The privilege attaches to the occasion and not the
statement. Further, the element of reciprocity is significant (see also the
leading authorities of Abdul Rahman Talib v Seenivasagam & Anor [1965]
1 MLJ 142 and Reynolds v Times Newspapers Ltd and Others [2001] 2
AC 127).
[114] We do not find any flaws in the assertion that in this case,
given its facts and cicumstances, the impugned statements were made to
fulfil especially the third respondent’s responsibility and to promote and
protect the interests of the public. This, we accept, is found in the
testimony given by the first respondent, as follows:
“Dalam persidangan akhbar yang diadakan, bukan sahaja
persidangan akhbar pada 15 Jun itu, malah di lain-lain
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persidangan akhbar sekalipun yang saya buat, tujuannya
adalah untuk memaklumkan tentang tindakan yang kami ambil
dan tujuannya adalah untuk memaklumkan bahawa sesuatu
perbuatan itu salah dan dalam situ mesejnya adalah untuk
mengingati orang ramai supaya sentiasa berhati-hati, jangan
mudah tertipu dan kepada pemilik-pemilik harta intelek seperti
pemilik-pemilik cap dagang, kami menyatakan bahawa kami
bersedia untuk melindungi harta intelek mereka lah. Jadi, itulah
peranan kami. Kita nak mewar-warkan kepada orang ramai
tentang peranan kami, apa yang kami buat untuk kepentingan
pengguna. Kita tak mahulah kalau ada peniaga-peniaga yang
tidak bertanggungjawab menjual barang-barang contohnya
menggunakan jenama yang terkemuka padahal ia dianggap
tiruan dan dijual pada harga yang sama dengan yang, yang
asli. Jadi, kita nak ingatkanlah supaya pengguna sentiasa
berhati-hati dan juga kepada pemilik-pemilik cap dagangan itu,
kita nak memberi mesej bahawa adulah kepada kami dan kami
bersedia untuk melindungi harta intelek mereka. Itu gist nya
[115] In similar vein, in Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Kok Ping, JP lwn. The New
Straits Times Press (Malaysia) Bhd & Yang Lain [2010] 3 CLJ 614 the Court
held as follows:
"[50] Saya bersetuju dengan hujah peguamcara defendan
bahawa tujuan pengedaran, penyiaran dan penerbitan berita itu
adalah bagi menunjukkan bahawa di negara ini tiada sesiapa yang
bebas daripada undang-undang sedia ada, maka ia penting
dilaporkan jauh sekali bertujuan untuk mendapatkan sensasi terbit
daripada penyiaran berita tersebut, lagi pun saya berpuas hati
bahawa laporan itu merupakan laporan kepada perkara yang benar-
benar terjadi di mana siasatan polis telah pun mengambil tempat,
siasatan sahaja tidak bermakna plaintif dimaksudkan bersalah, ini
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jelas kerana selepas itu tiada pertuduhan dibuat terhadap plaintif di
mana-mana mahkamah”.
[116] Now, under the law, once qualified privilege is established,
the burden is shifted to the plaintiff to show actual or express malice on
the part of the defendant in making the impugned publication, which if
proven, defeats the defence of qualified privileged (see Ayob bin Saud
v TS Sambanthnamurthi [1989] 1 CLJ(Rep) 321).
[117] In the leading case of Raub Australia Gold Mining Sdn Bhd
(supra) the Federal Court further clarified the meaning of malice in the
following terms:
[40] “Malice” has been judicially interpreted by the courts as
being reckless, unreasonable, prejudice or unfair belief in the
truth of the statement. “Malice” may be established by showing
that the defendant did not believe in the truth of what he uttered
(see: Horrocks v. Lowe [1974] 1 All ER 662 and Watt v.
Longsdon [1930] 1 KB 130 at 154, [1929] All ER 284 at 294).
[41] As defined in the Osborn’s Concise Dictionary (7th edn.),
the word “malice” means:
Ill-will or evil motive: personal spite or ill-will sometimes
called actual malice, express malice or malice in fact. In
law an act is malicious if done intentionally without just
cause or excuse. So long as a person believes in the
truth of what he says and is not reckless, malice cannot
be inferred from the fact that his belief is unreasonable,
prejudiced or unfair (Horrocks v. Lowe [1972] 1 WLR
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[42] In law, an act is malicious if done intentionally without
just cause or excuse. So long as a person believes in the truth
of what he says and is not reckless, “malice” cannot be
inferred from the fact that his belief is unreasonable,
prejudiced or unfair (see: Anne Lim Keng See v. The New
Straits Times Press (M) Bhd & Anor And Other Appeals [2008]
6 CLJ 697; [2008] 3 MLJ 492, Horrocks v. Lowe (supra).”.
[118] It is of interest to refer to the case Mohamad Ezam bin Mohd
Nor & Ors v Tan Sri Norian Mai & Ors [2013] 3 MLJ 110 where the first
defendant, who was then the Inspector General of Police was sued,
among others, for defamation for the press statement he had issued at
a press conference on the arrest of the defendants who were said in the
statement to have been involved in violent or aggressive militant
activities capable of overthrowing the government.
[119] The High Court in that case ruled that (not unlike the present
case) the first defendant had the legal duty to issue the press statement
to inform the public about matters affecting public interest. The Court in
addressing the defence of qualified privilege stated thus:
“[93] The first defendant as the IGP, the highest-
ranking officer in the police force is endowed with the powers
under the Police Act 1967, amongst others, to enforce the
laws, crime prevention and be responsible for the security of
the country. Seen in this context, in my view, it is not only the
first defendant's privilege but also, he has a legal duty to make
the press statement to members of the press at the press
conference to inform the general public/community at large in
Malaysia on matters affecting public interest and concern in the
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[120] However, the defence of qualified privilege failed (unlike in
this case before us) because of the finding by the High Court of the
presence of malice on the part of the first defendant. The Court in that
case held as follows:
“[100] Bearing in mind the matters stated, it has been
shown none of the allegations hurled at the plaintiffs by the first
defendant as contained in the press statement and which the
first defendant caused to be published as per the 'berita' in the
respective newspaper were true; this implies malice on the part
of the first defendant. In the circumstances I find there is proof
of malice which vitiates the defence of qualified privilege”.
[121] Now, in the instant case before us, we find no error in the
finding of no malice by the High Court given that the contents of the
impugned statements are essentially neutral in its choice of words and
did not contain unnecessary language or aspersions. There was no
mention of the appellants nor was it followed up with news on the
prosecution of the appellants. The overarching theme was plainly that
the matter concerning whether the seized PYRO items were counterfeit
was still under investigation. The statements were made professionally
by the third respondent in its capacity as the enforcement agency
responsible for the matter in a neutral and not partial manner, by
demonstrating the work they had undertaken and in order to protect the
[122] We thus find the High Court was not in error when it
concluded that there was no malice, in the following manner:
“[107] I also do not find any form of malice on the part
of the Defendants to negate the right to rely on the defence of
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qualified privilege. I do not find any evidence of malice either
expressly or due to recklessness that could be attributed to the
Defendants. The statements were made by the Defendants
and their officers as part of their duties to the public”.
Claim of Malicious Falsehood
[123] We should also address albeit in summary fashion the appeal
against the decision of the High Court which had dismissed the appellants’
claim for malicious falsehood against the respondents.
[124] It is of interest to appreciate that both defamation and
malicious falsehood claims are mentioned in the Defamation Act 1957, in
particular in its long title which states to be an Act relating to the law of
libel and slander and other malicious falsehoods. Both claims essentially
concern the publication of false statements. A key distinction between the
two however is that in a malicious falsehood claim the statement in
question does not have to bear a defamatory meaning. Another is non-
necessity of proving damage to reputation. It is essential that the
statements in question are published with improper motive or malice, and
also that it has caused actual financial loss.
[125] As Gopal Sri Ram JCA (as he then was) explained in SV
Beverages Holdings Sdn Bhd & Ors v Kickapoo (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
[2008] 4 CLJ 20 malicious falsehood and libel are distinct torts. In the
former, the burden of proof that the words are false, malicious and
calculated to damage the plaintiff is on the plaintiff. In the latter however,
the plaintiff does not have to prove that the statement is false, because
the law presumes that in his favour, that it is false and malicious. It is for
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the defendant writer to prove that the statement is true or the comment
fair, in order to succeed in his defence.
[126] Other than clarifying the meaning of “malice” as set out earlier,
the Federal Court in Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn Bhd (supra) also
usefully and concisely explained the elements of malicious falsehood in
the following terms:
“The Law on Malicious Falsehood
[39] In order to establish a claim under malicious falsehood, it is
trite law that the plaintiff bears the burden of proving the following
(i) that the defendant published about the plaintiff words
which are false;
(ii) that the words were published maliciously; and
(iii) that special damage followed as the direct and natural
result of the publication.
(see: Tan Chong & Son Motor Co Sdn Bhd v. Borneo Motors (M)
Sdn Bhd & Anor [2001] 4 CLJ 296; [2001] 3 MLJ 140; Ratus
Mesra Sdn Bhd v. Shaikh Osman Majid & Ors [1999] 8 CLJ 499;
[1999] 3 MLJ 529; Kaye v. Robertson [1991] FSR 62 (EWCA))”.
[127] We agree with the finding of the High Court that the appellants
had failed to discharge the burden that the statements were false. The
appellants failed to show that the impugned statements are false or that
the respondents had maliciously made such statements against the
appellants, considering the facts and circumstances of the case,
especially given the reason for the first and third respondents to have
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made the press conference as authorities responsible for the subject
matter of counterfeit consumer goods.
[128] Furthermore, it certainly cannot be said that the respondents
had recklessly made the impugned statements and there is no evidence
to even suggest that they did not believe in the truth of the statements.
[129] As the claim for malicious falsehood was not made out, it was
as such correctly dismissed by the High Court.
Conclusion & Decision
[130] In conclusion, in light of the foregoing analysis and reasons,
we are of the view that there are no appealable errors in the judgment of
the High Court to warrant our intervention. We are satisfied that the
learned trial judge certainly cannot be said to be plainly wrong in
dismissing the appellants’ claims of defamation and malicious falsehood
against the respondents. We accordingly affirm the Order of the High
Court and dismiss this appeal, with costs of RM30,000.00 to the
17 January 2024
Court of Appeal
Putrajaya, Malaysia
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For the Appellants
Damian Kiethan & Nurul Hanani Azamuddin
(Messrs Raj, Ong & Yudistra, Kuala Lumpur)
For the Respondents
Zetty Zurina Kamarudin SFC & Safiyyah Omar FC
(Attorney General’s Chambers, Putrajaya)
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| 94,897 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-25-354-12/2020 | PEMOHON MAXIS BROADBAND SDN BHD RESPONDEN MENTERI KEWANGAN MALAYSIA PENCELAH Ketua Pengarah Hasil Dalam Negeri | Judicial Review- Mandamus - Seeking for order for Minister of Finance to give direction to DGIR to set aside or exempt Notice of Additional Assessment deemed served on the Applicant - Non reply or non- response of Minister to Applicant's letter - Whether section 135 of ITA impose legal duty on Minister to make decision - Whether Applicant circumvented and failed to exhaust domestic remedy i.e SCIT under ITA. | 29/01/2024 | YA Dato' Ahmad Kamal Bin Md. Shahid | |
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KEYLIA wzusuun rusn. mum nzrssm Funcshh
1 The Apphcanl an M22020 med an apnllcauon «or leave to
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1 1 An order lor tne Respondent to exemlss tts power under
Secllon 135 and/or searton 12713A) ol tne Income Tax Act
191:7 (ITA) to set aslde oraxerrrot ttte tnlenu Revenue Eoard‘s
(ma) dsclslon In trre torrn ot Notroes olmidtllnnal Assessment
tor the years oiassessmenl (us) 2016 and 21:17 tor me total
sum or RM 140,054,144 as all dated t7112o2o on the
gruunds lhal ttre satd Notrees o1 Additlonal Assessment were
tllegat, Void, unlawtul and/or m excess ot almtorlly. had been
rrrational and/or unreasonable. and resulted ln a dame: ot tne
Applicants Ieglltmale expectallartst
1 2 A neclaralron tnat Ihe Respondent ls bound by and shall glve
effed |o tne dectsion etttre Federal court tn Dlnclol-Gcnurnl
ot lnland Revenue \1. Raltyat taerlaya sdn Bhd [1 sea] 1
MLRA zal; [IBM] 1 CLJ(RIp)10B;[19lA] 1 ML! 24: tttat
a taxpayer IS entttled to organlze rts atlatrs H1 stlen a way as to
mtnlmlze tax.
1 3 A Deetaratton 1tta1 tne Respondsrtl ls bound by and snarl gtve
ettect to tne dectston cllhe court ofAppeal V7 Sahall Berjaya
son and y Kama Parrgarstt ua I nalam Nlgori [1999] 1
MLRA :25, (199913 CLJ 531: [N99] 3 MAR 3264- [199913
MLJ 145 and tttts l-lonoumole Courl tn Ensm Gem M) sdn
and y. Katua F-ngnuh ltasll nalam Nlgurl (No. 25101-
nslzalzlt that sectton 14011 t of tne ITA ts nutappllcable wnere
a tax advantage ts denved lmm an actual outlay or
exoendrlure wtnon reduces the tax hablmy tn ctlcumslances ln
wnrcn me taxtng statute alwords a reduclton tn tax ltaartrty, and
I 4 A Deolaratron tnat ttre Rasponderu ls bound by and snall give
eflecl lo lhe declslorl at true Honourable court in Pun
ntcttscat Power Bhd v. Ketua Pengaratt Haall nalam
Nagarl (2|‘lI2) Msrc 30-1145 and Katua Plngarah Null
nalarn Noueri v. OKA Concrulo lnduslrlu sdn End [2015]
Marc 30-091 tltat me was ttas no autttonty to dtotate now a
taxpayer sttoulu conduct tls buslrtess and a Iaxnayer ls at lts
own llberly to mnduct tts busrness wlltt all available means to
make good pmfll and to mvllga|e nrs lncldence oltax.
1 5 that all lurttter proceedings tneludtng the enloroernerrt and
effect ol the salt! N s ol Addittonal Assessmertl he stayed
unltl tne lull and lrnal deterrrttnatton oltne aopllcatlon In quasn
the salt‘! Nallces omddtttonal Assessmanlt
me 2 9111
rrl lpILla'maDn:AnEGxlxsKvn
«not. s.n.r taamharwlll be u... ta mm r... nflmnallly am. dnuuvlartl n. aFlt.lNG war
Can for the Honourable Atwmey General and Intervener
n The teamed Fedemt Counsel (FC) to: the Honourable Allamey
Generat and learned Revsnue ceunset (RC) (or the tntervener
raisad a stnuter preltmtnary obtecliun (P0) The P0 was premtwed
on the fonowtng grounds .
to No Dectsten, Ant at Omission was made by the Respondent
(Mtntsler of Ftnannet under Order 53 or the ROC:
tn) The Names of Assessment mused hy DGIR who was not
named as a party to s ectton;
(m) The Appltcam rettet In eviecx a menaemus however the
Apattcant fatten In establish Ieget duty;
(W) secuons 1:5 and I27|3A) of the ITA do not have nexus to set
aside the Name a1Assessment tssuea by DG\Rt
(vj Aaphcartl ctrcunwentea and «em to exhaust the domsshc
remedy crowded urtde1lhelTA
The aectatnn of the Conn
12 twttt new deal with the P05 reused by the teamed FC and RC
No Decisiun. Actor anti:-ton was made bylho Respondent (Mtntmr
nf rtnence) under order 53 of the ROC
13 one: 53 Rure 2(4) at the ROC expressly allows persons who are
*at1versety aflacled“ by the aectston made by e pubttc euthonty to
Inmiite Judictal review appltcahons FD? eaee 0' reference. subrute 4
ts reproduced as vouows
14) Any persurt who I5 advuvuiy enema by the demon‘ ncltort Or amtssrun
VII rstahon to the axe/use al the pump uuty tr vunettun shan be entmed
lo mskl the lbmtcalton‘
v... tt 1:! 12
m vpeuemuuemeeuxswe
“Nun: s.n.t .. med u may t... mh.u-y mm. dnuavtnnl VI .nuua Wm!
The requwremenws at Order 53 oflhe ROG are manaalmy and must
be cumplwed wwlh, wawwwng whwoh me appwwcaoan would now be
enlenawned by me com
we learned FC and RC submwl lhal me Responaenn has made nu
den: n lhal ws amenable to wudwcwaw vevwew and that (he App:-cam s
app|Ica| rw ws premature wx ws In say mat lhe Responaenrs non»
Iepwy to me Appwwcanrs letter does nu| amount in a decision
amanable to wudlcwal vevwew under Order 53 cf me R00
u us We waw max failure or retusaw by e pubwwc aulhorwly |u make a
decwsworw ws nwso amanabwe to wdwcial revwew
In Onngu iadurlo\AnI v. Kenn Fengarah Nasll Dalarn Nagcri
[2o1a] MLRHU 155: [ms] 1 Lus 334: [2013] IIILJII 215. Azlzah
Nawaww J (now JCA) ned awwuwed the weave appllcalwon and nad
slated mat: -
'[w 41 on me same day, nu lppllcanl also wmte to me new sming as
up: pumon mt pwsunnl m Arlwcla wx ul um M:layua—Denm:wK an
anu the me waws, pay-nems received by my apvwlcam «nun Wwra Swwre
are no! sumecl m wlmrwoldwng vzx mnennme, me appwnmrwl reiterated
thaw Amcle IX Mme Mawaysnarbanmark on prevails over 5 4A (m) at
lhewTA1957 me applicant also -xprixlly mm m on mm mat
at my new run: to amend «muuawy lo mu nppucunn
repnsemltinn um Ippul. Ihen me app: m will mm . s appull
and nmunuuon .. bclug n]Ic1od by Inn DGIR.
us} wmn me new Vawls Io mspom to In: awwwennw. leucv dmzd
2912 zme |heappwIcan|1akes me pasmon um me rxsuz ; waliu amen
29 wz zma 5 me decmun 0! me new and deemed m be have been
served on me Bpvlwcnnl an 2912917 no-nu, tn. Ivhllunt lllnd mu
.ppncauon fouufllclal mm. nation.”
(emphasws added)
It Is Important |u nula (ha! Order 53 cl [ha ROC alwaws (ova broader
scope or revwawabwe use ions as compared lo the prevwaus
pvovwsions under me Ruwes at the Hwgn Own 1930 A decwswen
deemed mnde by {he Respnndenl ws sulficuanl In wrIwIwI|8 an
applwcaharw for wdwcwal rev" w In Ting Km. Him a. On (supra)
the Conn 07Appeaw held‘ -
1301 me one! polrn raised by waamad cuurwwi nevme us‘ mn var wess
mnfrflerwce nsmauhera was here r\o‘dec|srnn“ byanyone Ana Since
0 5: v 2<nw ipcaki ow a -eeamn mu npplwcinlx nm nu um ho
but n ma
sm wpmavvxunannzaxwxswn
«we. sm-w mnmrwwww .. H... e may he mwnnwwuy -mnwn mmn VI nrwuwwa vtmxw
argue on an appucauon vnquamax rsvxsw Nwm, I ciunut agree 0.
5: : 2(4) mun not could ma-onmn n muslbc mu eamm..::y,
Iugolhnrwim o 5: 7. ans; whsch pmwdes
151) mm Iuh-mln n ma lagulhuvanfl In Mr proporconlnxl, um
bu nun um Inn: need nu alntys bu In lulu! docixioll by
(amphasxs added)
19. I named that me High com nas adopted a smxar pnsmon m
anowmg judicial review against deemed aecumns made by pubhc
aumnrmes Vn «ms regard‘ the High Court has dechneu to rely on
older decwsions me! were premised upon order 53 Rule 214) onne
Rmes of Hugh cam case, where me arm or re»/Iewab\e declsxans
Is hunted.
20 I can pmwde no beusr reference lhan me case of lmpl-In salon
Sdn Bhd v. M-m-ri Kvwlngun MI y [znzz] MLJU 3479
[2022] my zoza wherein my learned bmmen Wan Ahmad Farid
J held as loHows —
1211 The Veamed Semuv Fedevm Course! attracted my allsrmon «a ma
wmvug/and mar and relarmd an to ma mgmema: me Court ov Auneav
Abdm Rahman hm Abdmlah Munwa Gnu Dam Ezndzrkumz Lumcur
a Alvm [man] 5 ML! 704 CA rm lelmnd src cm. unmnua mu
m. Mmun noumspom in mi mpuqmd I-um dun um
msmuu a umsim. mm the meamng ov a 53 r 244; In sum. me
Veamed src nmtendad m my Inemnl In canvsn a deemod
u C! on" would ulve an in nu artificial munmu In the wow
pa; wun respect one should Ippvoichlhl umsnon on mus soecmc Vssue
m Ancm Rihman hm Abduuah Mumv wan caution My reasnn .5 ml:
nu ducvllnn ul me Count of Apnlll is pmmua on o 53 7 21:) of
IV: urmlr Rulu MNIDVI Coun1lID.\umu .muow. .
Any person MI: rs gammy awncxed by me aemsms av any
publw: 1ulhomysha|\ be sawed m make me appmm.
However, on nlw a 5: r 2(4) 0! lm RDC pruvvflas as Imlmn .
Any pom... mm Advil:-Iy .n-ma um. duc|Ilon.Ic|lon
or omission vn relalmn to ma musnca or me pubhc my or
lunohun shall 5: anmlsd to make me appflmlmn
p... 1: n! n
sm Vpluavwxunannzaxwxswn
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
[291 my new 0 5: r any of nnn non: ha mnaa me puns. "dociiinn.
mnon or nmlulon nn 1 nnunn ma xlxhncl uilhu publlc dnny or
lunclion -- M myvnew in: mm: nmnximn Ilxlmplya n-annnm In links
a mnannn. II n n namucnanau. wmn me lnlroducllon ohm ward
“omll on” in mu m o 5: 7 am. an qnmnnon a! In --an ul
dscluon" anus nan lungernilt.“
[30] Thu omnulon on nnn—6:r:lsicn,nu my mind‘ 1: amovuhle bopmlcnal
:. In. nn zamn hm Ha;nNas<run1flnn V The Regnslmv an Sncneuas [201 21
MLJU new we :pD\n:aN amahea (or regnsualran an nuxna wndevlvva
souannes AL1 was The flecwun to Iagnster or an-nenwnse ns mnnm me
dnscrslsorn Mme Rsgnslrxr undarnhe Sooelnes M11956 Yhe Regnurnr
ns truamed by me Soaelnes Ad in wrmdev ms apnnncauon and make a
daemon Hawmr, Ins Rewnslmr um um na maka a ducnsnon — one
way nrlhe other Ravmmrarn Paramagum no {now Join) nena man
nn my onnnnon. nu. nnordnnale am oarnlnnunna delay wvlmul quad vealon
nu ma nnslarnl case ns eqwanam In navnuan no make a decnsnnn As me
apphcanl has iuM:nenHegI!nmurI11nMm duty olnhe Rsgnslrarlo make
a flennsnon an 015 aupucamrn w regslev PAKAR. n hold Wm 01: nsfusan
na make a docmcm .. nn\aMu\ and nuns was the Saclzhax Act was
nempnasns added)
an (See Syarikat nopasn Sdn Bhd v. Mu. orl Kowangan
Mllaysla and other can: [2021] AMEJ D471: [2023] MLJU
on an Agllcullun (mnnym) Still and v. M-nmn Klwlngln
Mullylln mm] A AMR as , 2013) MLJU 4: .
c) cum nnmnmom Lm v. unemarn Kownngun Mllaysln
[20:21 MLJU Mo)
21 Based on me above, .1 Is evident man Ihe Resnondenfs deemed
aacnsnun 0! 30.11 zozu aris g «mm nls rIon»reD\y Io me Apphcarnfs
nenner can be amenable no jumcnan revnew under Order 53 Rule 214)
onnne R00
22 Therefuve, this Court does non agnee with me ccn|srnlnan of lime
learned so and RC on nms abjeclnon.
v... u an :2
am Vv'UE‘mxDn:AnE5xnxsKvn
“Nana smnn nuvnhnrwm a. U... a may n... anwn-y am. dnuuvnml Vfl nrnunna v-man
The Nation of Assassmonn raised by nu DGIR who was non named
an a party to Ihls action
23 The learned FC argued nnan by nol namnng nne Dena In nne presenn
sun ns nndeed vrwalnus and vexanaue because nne subnecl mallar
renanes no nne assessmenn ranaeu by the DGIR Hence. nne
assessmem by nne Dom Is «he decnsnon nnan nne Apphcann ns
dnssatnsfled wnlh
24 However‘ pursuant m an order 01 nms Courl dated 152 mm me
DGIR nas been auuwau no mnervane as an nnnervenar nn |hn5 nudncnan
revnew applncanmn under Order 53 Rule 5 07 me ROC Therefore‘ I
vnew man the neamed FC s obnecnorn ns a ncumssue and has became
Th Anpllcnnl hn mm - mind-mul. Howe nnnno Appllclnl
1 ed In astablnsh Inga: auny
25 The neamed FC umecled man we Applncanl 5 non enmneu to a renier
to compel me Respondent nu sen asnde me Name 01 Addnlronal
Assessmann nssued by Dena aanau nmn 2020 as me Respondent
has no nagan du|y to do so
25 The Feuaran coun in Minnmr av Fnnnnco, Gomnnn-nn ol Saball
v. Potrajasa sdn Bhd[20031 4 MLJ 541; [zoos] 5 cu 121:[2ooa1
1MLRA 105‘ new man an order o1 mandamus can be granned euner:
(a) under secnnan 44 ofnhe speufic Re\ieVAL':I1950(SRA):
my me auumanan powers 0! (he Hngh Courl pmvnded by
paragraph 1 Mme scnedune no nne cauns auudncanure
Acn 1964 (CM)
27 In Is also no be noned than Order 53 Rune 112) ornne RDC pmvmes
man |hIs Order (0. 53; ns subpem no me pmvnsnons o!Chap(erVlllo1
Pan 2 of nne SRA
me as m:
ru rpruemeuameenxswe
«mu sane! nuvnhnrwm be u... m my .. anmnannly mm: dnuumnl Vfl arnum v-man
25. Therefore, any appnaaman var an order or manaamus mane by way
no ;ud1cIa\ renew proceedings must comply wnn me requirement of
Sechon 4.: ol une SRA.
29. seamen 44 0! the SRA mads as Iouows
‘ENFORCEMENT or ruauc nuns:
Fowur boamnv public urvanls am on»... us. do cumin Ipuclllc am
44 m A Judge may mnku an my nqumng any spaafin an In bu noun 0!
mama, by any person hmdmg a pubhc umoe. wnemer cl a permanent nr a
Itmpoviry rurun. m by any znnpovamn av any mun wboudmalu In Inc Hwgh
Pmwded lhnl-—
1:] an appncanon Var such in man In madv by scum penal: whasa
property. Vvancmse‘ or personal ngm would be wruurked by me
vomaanng m dumg 3| the case may as. or me an»: lpacmc :51.
(11) mm domg ouomeanng Vs. Imdev any Vawmvme me bemg m lame.
cllanylncumbenlon me Darwmzvuoun m m or :15 nubhc anarauan
own the cnrporzmon m ns oorpnrale chamnler.
(c) m the opvmon U! the Judge nna Gama arlomeanng Vs mnsnnam Ia
mam Ind Mm.
(aw M5 applxam has no amer Ipemfic and aasquaxe Vega! remedy. and
(3; me remedy gwen by me ameranplrm ramu be 500191919
427 Nonnmg m W5 seclm sh.nH {redeemed m amhanze a Judge-
mm make any order hmdmg on on ‘(any uwenuan Agxma‘
my in nuke any urdavon any servanl at any Govlmmsnl m Mahywa. as
such. meve\y In enema me sa||s1ac1mn ov a emu upon «nu
Govemmnnt, m
(c; In mlka any alder wmcn us mum... axpmary excluded by any law
corms wrla bemg .n lame‘
an. In Koon Hal Chow v. Fmam smgn [1012] I MLJ nus; mm I
MLRH 491, snanna .I [as ne then was) had oullmed fnur
prerequisites essenlm la the Issue at an order under semen 44 of
ms SRA or a mandamus
D259 xi at u
an varuamuu.nnzanxswu
«mm. san-1 lunhnrwm a. U... a my me nrW\n|U|y mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm‘
(t) whether the Apohcartt has a dear and specific Iegat right to
the rettet sought,
tn) whether there ts a duty trnposed bylaw on the Respondents:
(my whether such duty a at an tmperalwa nnntstenet ehereater
rrwalvmg no judgment or dtscreltort on the pan ot the
Respondents, and
(tv) whether the Appltcant has any remedy. other than by way at
mandamus, tor the enforcement otthe right whtch has been
dented to htm
Based on the ease, V1 order to Issue the order ot mandamus. the
Apptteent must show nu| onty that he hes a tegat rrght to have the
act oertornted out that the nght ntust oe so dear, specmc, and weH
denrted as to he tree trorn any reesonahte controversy The order
csrvtnl he issued when the nghl rs douhttut or is a qualified one or
where i| depends upon an tssue oi fad to he detemwled by the
Respondent The tarture to Shaw the extslence ot any tegat nght to
oernper the pertorrnenoe ot a tegat duty cast upon the Respondent
‘MU deny the order or mandamus
Another rrnponent hurdte lhI| needs to be crossed hy the Appltcaru
for an order of mandamus V5 to show that there ts a duty trnoosed by
law on the Respondent. tn the aosenoe ot such tegat duty, the
mandamus shat: not he agamsl the Respondent
Oamtng hackle the tests In the present case, I find that the Appttcant
seeks an order to cantoet the Respondent (MWsIer ot Ftnance) to
set-astde the Name or Addthonat Assessment dated t7 tt.2u2o.
The ouestton ts whether a tegal duty extsts tor thts Courl to grant a
I find that the retiet sought by the Apphcant ts Ilke mandamus LE to
oornpet the Respondent to exerctse tts power under sectton 135
and/or seetton t27(3A) Mme ITA H must he home In rnrnd that the
power is dtscrettonary and the Respondent has the hbeny to
exercise tls power wtthout oetng tdroed to do so
Moreover, the eterrt n ottex sought by the Aophcanl cannot be
gtyen wtthout constdermg an the reteyent teots and documents ot
the case The approach |aken by the Apphcant to as rt the
»...n mu
rn vpmavvxrmannzaxtxswn
«mu. s.n.t luvthnrwm be u... a may r... unnnnu MW: dnunvtmt VI erturta p-mat
Respondent nas nu uplron other than to agree and abide by me
Appln:anrs raques|
36 Tnerelore l| 45 tne respectlul vlew ettnls calm that lhere is no legal
duty la b rrnpused on me Respondent under any law hence lne
Applicant ls nol enlrttee to compel lne Respondem lo set uses a
Notice M Addltlonal Assessment lssued by DGVR dated 17 I1 2u2o
reason belrlg Respondent nas no legal duty to sel aslde me Name
0! Assessment under me me
Stctionl 135 Ind 1Z1(3A] ed the In use nul tun noxus to t uluu
the Notice of Assoasmunt Issued by Ina DGIR
37 Tne DGIR ls empowered byme ITAIo rarse tne assessments and
me Applrcant ls lrylng to quash lne sera assessment by enlorclng
tne Respondent lo axerclse rxs dlscrellonary powers under sealer.
135 and Secilan 12713A)oi|he VTA wnrcn pmvldes as lullows -
was wmr la! Mlnlnu to pin flincllcm In Dinner emrsl
rns Mmlsler may we lo tne Dlrccluv ssnersl uulsclnonsal a general enaraerer
lnanneensrstent wnn lhss mlasm ln. sxsvclse ovtne Iumnms ollhe urreemr
General undev tnu An and tne Dlreclar Geneml snsll glvs aflecl lo any
dlreamns an glx/an’
as Secllnn 127(3A)uHhe [TA reads as Iollnws ~
Exlmptlnn lmm lax: general
‘ml The Mrnrster may ln any parllculzr ease exempl any person trmn all ol
any nl Ina pmvtnarl at me An, arlnsr generally er ln rupncl no .ny
lnwme Ma panlcularklnd or any class or lnmme of a Dalllcularkl
39 Upon readlng Secllon 135 and Secliurl 127(3A)0HheITA. I find tnat
trotn provlslorls carry me ward ‘may wnlcn clearly shwws that me
Respondent hasa screuen on wnetner lo exerolsa as power or not
under those said sectlorls and therefore, the Applicant cannot
compel the Respondent rl tne Respondent cnooses not In do so.
AD. The word ‘may’ connate a namnrandalery nature as rellected ln tne
ease of Lock Wu Kock y. ulerrteri Hal Etrwal Dalam Nsgeri &
Anar [1993] 4 cu 21:; [I993] 3 Mu M11; HD9311 MLRA 463;
[1 59:] 2 AMR 3289 where the man supreme Oman held ltnet, -
n... 1: D4 n
rn lpluavwxnnannzfixlxwvn
«me s.nn nuvlhnrwm be UIQG a may r... nflnlnsllly unn. dnuuvlml Vfl .nenn v-mxl
-tst me stgntfrcance at mm a provtstort tn the tnterpretaton an wrtt mmam
the lsgnt dvnlnun I always oarrttne me use at tn. wore -r II’ to II:
rrraneatory un rt covthntn to e It“ :4 mo won‘! -my which
dmolu a plmusllnn er discretion"
tempnasts added)
41. Gulng by the ptern raadlng M Sacltons 127(3A| or 135 orthe ITA, t
am at the vtew that no nght was gtven to the Aopttoant etther to ask
av (West the Resaonoent to exempt the assessment rarseo try me
new out tnlrleadt rt ts purely the dtmreltnn power at the
Respondent |a exerctse or not
42 Yhis Cmm ts ot the Vlew tnat tr Pafltamenl tntenos to on so‘
Parttarnent wiH state mat the Appltcant may make the appttoatton to
the Respnndertl or the Respcrtdanl may issue tnstructipns to the
DGIR on the Appttcanrs apptteatton Theretore, the secltun must be
read otatnty as tegtslated by the Fartrament
43 tn tnterprettng such plovtstons, which are ptear and tmambtguous tn
meaning lhts Honourabte court has ponsrstenuy here that such
pmvlstons should be grven tnerrp naturatand Drdtnary meanrng.
44 Further, our superior Cams hava hate that tn rntarprettng sta|u\nry
provtstons, the courts should merety gtve attest lo the laws enacled
by Parttarnent aha snouto not usurp the leglslilrve tunctron by
extentttng a statute In meal a case lat whtch provtsron has otearty
and unaoutrtedty no| been made
45 Based on the above, ttus court agrees wttn the suhmtsston otthe
tearneo FC and RC that seottons 1:5 and t27(3A) ml the ITA do not
have nexus to set astde the Nouoe at Assessment tsslled by the
‘nu Aapllclnl otrcurrmnt amt tuned to exhaust the dorrrutte romody
pro d undo! (hr mt
46 It ts a tact not dtsputett tha| the Appttcant chaltengett tn the term at
Noltoe olAddi\Icna\ Assessment dated 17 1t 2020 on the Apnttcant
tor ‘(As 2016 and 2017 ratseo by the DGIR
Dal: I! M 12
ru n.ruarr.uuartnzaxtxsxve
«rue s.r.t luvthnrwm be mad a may r... MIMI dnunvtmt VI .nuue vtmxt
47 Tns Applleanl belng dlssatlsfied and aggrieved hy an assessmenl
In me sald nohoes snellm make an appeal lo the speclal
COMHIISSVOVVSIS ol Income Tax (SCIT) in! delermlnahon The 1157!!
to appeal ls crowded undev Secllorl 99 mne rm
AB. The Appllcanl had vls|ead shon Ollcull and1akerl a shoncul lp
deal wlm me addlhanal asysssmenl valsad by me DGIR lhrcugh
me judlaal revlew applleallon against me Respandenl
4a SWO! me Anphcam had iiraady med Form cl lo appeal |o me saw,
me appllcallon lor lualclal review by me Appllpanl is fnvoluus.
vexauaus and an abuse pl ms process 0! the calm Relemng le
lne case M1: wu Rualty sun Bhd v. Dlroctor Gonorll o1 Inllnd
Rwvtnun [2004] 1 MLRM 154: 121104] 5 cu alla: [29114] 4 MAR
521; [zonal s MLJ 5:, me cpun refused lne appllcallon cm leave
lor lualclal revlew and held lnal
1:0] Flmher 1 am also at me vlsrw ma! me concurrent ilima M lne mslanl
apphcahorw nun lpplllzanls appeal Debra lne Soeclal Commlsslenevs
cenalnly Oflnslllulz a duvllclly pr proceadmgs and ls mesa irwolous
vexahmls and an abuse pllne pmoess pnne calm ‘
so There are numerous cases an lms quesllon olwnelrler an Appllcanl
slmulu exnausl me aomesllc remedy avallaple belore maklng an
appllcallun lar lualclal nevlew cases have decldsd lhal lna
Appllcanl is nol enllllea lo lmhale a lualelal VEVWEW pmceedlng
agalnsl me Responaenl as me Appllcanl naa lallea In exhaust the
slaluloryappaal procedure avallaple. (See Kolul Fongulh Hull
Dallm Nag v. Alcal-I Luconl Maluyxll sdn Bhd 3. Anor [2017]
1 MLRA 251, [2011] 2 CLJ 1; R017] 1 MLJ 553: Oriental
Assembler Sdn am: V. Melllen Kewangan A Anal [2015]
MLRHU nu; [2013] 1 ms 115; 1- Wu Rally sun arm 1/. Kulun
Pellgar-ll Hull nalam Negeri a. Anur [2003] 2 MLRA151: [2009]
1 ILR1:[2D04]4AMR 521; [zoos] 5 cu z35:|2noe]1 MLJ 555
(com :4 Appeal); Robln Tln Pnng mug v. Knlua Puugnuh
Kusauun sum}. Malaysia .1. Anor [2010] 1 MELR 61; [2010] 2
MLRA 511; [2010] 9 CL! 5115; [N11] 2 MLJ 457).
51 Based on the abeve, (NS Court 15 6101: Vlew |ha( the Appllcarlfs
applisalmn for luuielal revlsw ls pnenlamle The law provlds furan
avenue la appeal \o be exnauslea ml before me sen pursuam In
Sacllan 99 M me ‘TA
1»... 19 M x:
m VpIL1E7‘1xDn:AnEExlXSKVG
“Nair s.n.l nuvlhnrwm be .1... M my 1... nflnlrlnfllli MW: dnuuvlnnl VII nFluNG Wm!
1 a That all necessary and oonsequenttat dlrecllons and orders be
I 7 That ttre costs at this appllcallan be costs VII the cause: and
1.5 All other and runner relrel whlch trus Honourable ceun deems
rlt and nroper
2. In essence, the Appltcanl filed the appllcauun for leave ID
commence Judlclal renew agalrlst the Honourable Menlarl
Kewangan Malaysre (Respondent) seeklng vannus relleds, among
others, on order tor me Respondent to exerclse ms powers under
Sec1lonl35 and/or Sectlon 12713A)o1thelTAto exempt the Notlces
0! Addltlcnal Assessment tor vm ms and 2017 all dated
I7.H 2020 (lhl NDHGBI] ralsed by the Dlrbclov General 57 Inland
Revenue (lnlnrvonlr).
3 Allev the hearlng, \ dlsmtssed the App|lCan|‘s appllcallon for leave to
oummence Iudlclal ravlew (Enclosure H I wlll rlmv set out the
grounds lor my ueorsron
Background Facts
4 The background lacls nfthls case are extracted from lne statement
wltn sultable moamcetlon and are as lollows. »
4 1 The Anpllmnt a pnvate eornoeny lrrnned by snares
Incorporated on 12.2 I992‘ where one OI me prlnclpal
actlvllles onne Aypllcanl lsta pmvide a lull sulta ulcanverged
teleoornrnunicatlons, drgnel and related semoes end
solutlunsr and corporate and servings funworls to Its haldlng
comparttes and fellow subsldlalles wllhln me Maxls Group
4 2 on 2.12.2015, me Appllcanl entered lnlo Euslness sale and
Purcnase Agreements wrlh tour or as lellow sutaslalanes.
Ma Moblle Senllces sun land, Mexls Mohlle Sdn Bhd,
Mexrs lntematronsl son and and Mzxts collectlens Sdn EM
tsulllnu Camplnin) to acqutnr the bustnesses and
urlderlaktngs oltne selling cornpanles.
me a om
rn rpruerr.eosnnzenxswe
“Nair s.n.l luvlhnrwm s. UIQG e may r... mn.u-y mm: dnuavlnnl VI nFlt.lNa vtmxl
52 Fremxsed on me aroresam reasons, 1 am of me mew mat me
Appncanrs appucamun lcr leave to commence ]ud\c|a| revxew us
mvolous ena vexalmus and an arms: process 0! me cam,
53. As such‘ 1 dismissed the Apphcenrs appncauon for leave to
commence judicial rewew (Enclusure 1) mm cos|s ov RM2.50D.O0
|e me Hannurabla Anarney Genera! and Imervener wnhoux me
Dated: 941 January 2024
Ahmad Kama) um Md Shamd
Hwgh Cnurl Kuara Lumpur
p... x: n! u
m vymzvvxunannzaxwxswa
«mm. smuw .. U... m may he mn.u-y -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
Far the Apphcanl
For the Honourable
Attorney General
Put me Vnxsrvenev
m vvmavvxrmannzaxwxswn
«mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
En s Saravana Kumar
[OAK Llm Chvnn Wev (PDK) with my
Teluan Rash Daman Saravana Pannersnip,
Peguambaxa dam Paguammra,
Law 15, Menara 1 Dulamas‘
Solans mamas,
Nu 1,JaIan Dulamas 1.
50430 Kuala Lumpur
(Rm. ruan: RDS/SKSINH/2021/0441)
cm Krishna Pnya A/P venugupax,
Fedem Counsel‘
Jaba|an Peguam Negara.
Bahaglan euaman,
45‘ Perslaran Peruana.
Fvesinl 4,
52100 Punrqaya
cm Suram Bum: Che Ismau, Revenue Counse\
(En Alhan Fans Ammerry Bin Hussein, Revanue
Counse\ wnn her),
Lembaga Hasu Dalam Megan Malaysia‘
Janaean Rayuan Khas‘
Ara: 15, Menara Hasrl,
Fersuaran Rumba Farmal,
Cyber a
63000 Omerjaya, Selangor.
4 3 Trie restructuring iinuei Project Sam ennsolldaled «ire oflhe
Maxis Groups taiisiriesses Inlo uiie exlsllng operahng aniiiy
i a iris Applicant the rationale lei Froiect satu isle lmpmvu
trie Maxis Gmiips Dumpelfllve aauaiiiage. provide greater
operahon agility and llexiuility in the aimtviiig and last paced
telecommunication riiaiisiry. and straw trie Maxis Gmup to be
more cuswrrier-oeiiliic including lriruugn the provision al
seaniliss iiitegnitea service experlerlue to its cuslnmers
A 4. Froieat Sam was necessary as me Maxis Group's Dcmpelltors
In Malaysia, for example nigi and u Mobile operated their
businesses under one eiiiiiy, wriicii pimiitau irierii witri a
cumpemlve advantage In me market including alluwlng men.
to mobilize and ream taster Ia tne ueriiaiias at the markel
4 5 To liriance the iesuuctuniig iiniter Protect Sam. the Applicant
iinitertimk loans or debt lransamlons
A e Trie Aupli.-ant iiicuiied interest exizenses on the loans or item
transactions duly paid by trie Appllcanl.
4.7 The lnans or deb| transactions undertaken by the Appllcanl
lmpacled me Applicarits mining company, Maxis laeiriairs
(MBHD) anilrty lo barrow from financial institutions as Ihe
Maxis Gmup‘s leverage profile, wliicn is calculated by the
Group‘: Net Debt |o EEITDA (earnings belore interest
expense, taxes, depreciation and arriortizatiaiil ratio is tested
by the financial institutions on a consolidated basis
4 8 This lillpulallon oflha Maxis Group‘: Net Debt to EBITDA ram:
covenant is lefiemed In various other loan laclhllfi between
MBHD and other financlal lnsmuflflns which s|a|e that “me
nalin ul Ne| Debt to EEVTDA shall not exceed If D 1', This
similar stipulation is iauriit in me agreements relating lo the
Applii;ant‘s loans or dam zransaninris lor Protect saiu.
4.9 The loans or debt Iransacmans undenakeii by tne Applicant
led itie Maxis Group's Mal Dem |u EBITDA ratio to approach
or surpassing the 4.0.1 lriiesnalit above. consequently.
MBHD had to make are necessary repayments to settle lls
Pal: I .i n
“Nair s.i.i luvlhnrwm be UIQG a may i... nflnlruflly mi. dnuavlnnl VI .riiiiia Wm!
other borruwmgs to prevent the Maxts Group‘: Net Debt to
EBWDA rifle alosedlng the 49:1 threshold.
4.10 on 25 5 2019. the IRB conducted a tax audit on the Apultcam.
Tue emonotogy at key events, which IS not VI dtsflute VS as
lolluws .
nan Evnm
me IRE tssued tts audit tmumg letter (or me
VA: 2016 and zow etregtng. Imnng others,
that the mterest expenses incurred by the
‘ Appltcam on the loans or debt hansazzuuns tor
‘ m.v.2otv Protect setu are not oeouctmte es Protect setu
‘ VS ourooneoty a debt push—dawn scheme wttn
‘the sole molwe ol dertvlng a tax tzenent by
V lctaumng deduchans on the tntetost expenses
inctmed by the Applicant
t Th: Applicant mruugh tls |aK agent requested
2a.9.2n19 Mot an exlenston ofhme to moono to the IRB s
‘audttimdtn letter
The {RB agreed to the Apphcanfs request for
27 -3°" enextenstonontme 1
The Applicam through as |ax agent responded
mm detailed explanaltons In lite IRE. Among
others, the Apphcanl explained Iha| the mterest
expenses Incurred by the Aooncent on the
reans or debt Iransacttons lor Project setu
22 “mm 1 were mdeed paid bylhe Applicant. Further, m
- - ‘matntaln the Maxis Group’: Net Debt to
V EBITDA ratto uetow the 4 o t threshold‘ n was
neoessary tor MBHD to settte :15 other
bermwtngs. The no nl also htghltghled the
expected benefits and oommerctat
tusltftcauons at Project Salu.
m vptuavvxunannzfixtxwvn
“Nair amt be t... e may he mm-y -mm: mm. VI mum vtmxt
,7 }Among mhers. lhe ma mamlaunsd us posmon ;
2a.11.2o19;1na1 Pm;ec1 Sam 15 purponemy a debt push—
aawn scheme.
‘ The Apphcanl requested (nrume to reply 10 mi
""“-2°" \RB‘sIeIIeruated 2311,2019 .
‘me was agreed 1a the Apphcanls request fur‘
29.11.1019 lame (I: reply (0 [he IRES Wetter daled
23.11 2019 an me Project Salu -ssua.
1“2_2a" The Applicant mamlsmed us pnsilmn on me
Prwect sam Issue
nun” ‘During Inns period, me was had on mumple
' '_ ‘occaslons requested furlunher documents 1o
‘wmch ms Agphcanl nr 115 lax agem had duly
I 21.9.2021) Wm“
. me IRE ma|r1Ia1ned||s posman and proceeded
no 11159 lhe impugned Names o1 Aaamanal
‘Assessmem. dezaus or Much are as louows -
VA 2015 RM 44,456.12? 30
VA 2017 RM 95.595015 53
Total: RM 14a.o54,1u.s3
The Anplucam suhmmed an application dated
23.11 zuzo in me Respnndenn to exeruse us
23 11 2°20 powar under secmn 135 and/or Sechon
' ‘ IZ7(3A) at the lTA1o set aside or exempt the
ma‘; asmsmn 171 me (arm 51 the sam Nauces
o1 Add1IIana\ Asszvssment dalod 17.11 2020.
he Respundem am no: respond |o me‘
Apphcanfs letter da|ed 23112o2o and m;
an H am doing 50. decwded not to issue we dvemon
' ' and/ot exempt me amllrarfly reused Nolxces oi
Admnunal ksussmem (lho Ruponumn
De sion
v... 1 ma
«mm. 1.... 1: may 1... 11111.1-y -mm: dnuamnl VI .m1a v-max
The Law
5 The Federal Court ln WRP Asia Pacific sun Bhd v. Ynnaua
Naslollal all-1 [znu] 4 CU An; znlz] A MLRA 257; [2012] 4
MLJ 29¢ 31303. spaaklng lmougn sunyaal Hallm Omar FCJ (as ne
men was) held
Leave malf be elaniaa ll in. law Inpllcallon is no: lrlmm M an (nvolaus.
and a leave Vi gramed. an arguable sass ll fave! or grammg ille lellei sought
al me subsl-mlva hsalmg may a lna Imultlrll nulwme A nusl musl be
zllaniled lo lhc apnllcamrl Ihouqh le nnlm ma menel vol ludlaal levlev. IS
amenable la nmlclal revlew nbwluialy no slmss nlav be envisaged‘
e Tlle lesi laid down lor leave [0 commence a judicial VBVISW ln WRP
Am Pnnlllc san aim (Iupn) ala as lallows
5.1. wnelner me sunlecl mane! IS amenable lo lualclal review‘ and
li so
62. irom me maienals available. whelher me appllcauun ls
lnvolous and ii rln| Ihoughl es lrlvolous, to consider inai me
Applicant has an arguable case In ublain me relief sought at
me sunsianilve hearing.
7 The pnnaples govemlng appllcailans luvleave \u commence iualclal
ievlew pmeeedlngs have also been sel out in Tang Kwor Ham 5.
On v. P-ngum-an Dlnlnaru Na lanai Bhd a. 07: [zone] 1
IILRH 507: [2006] I cu n21:[2aac1 5 IALJ an al so where Gopal
sn Ram JCA1as he men was) held
[m]' we Hlfih Cfilm smuld not 90 me me menls cl ma ms: :1 lm luau
gage Ms mle ls only lo see «me appllcamrl vol leave ls lrwolnus so me lvlll
ill. mun bv snmled la Muse la-vs ll II n a can where Ihe svbpci matter M
the review IS one wnlch by senlea law lennal wmlerl law anlle common lawl IS
nan-ludlclnbla *
a II is irlle lllai lne Appllcam nave Io sausiy the tests pmpounded in
the ahovumerfliorlad cases la snows me leave |a commence me
llmiaal review pmoeedlngs M llns stage. me coun need not 90 mm
me merits 01 me case. but only to see ll me subleci matter ls
amenable lo lvalclal ievlew or wflamer me appllcallon lat leave it
am Vv'UB7vxDn:AnEExlXSKVG
"Nana s.n.l luvlhnrwlll .. UIQG e vuny l... nflnlrullly ml. mm. vn muva Wm!
9 In any event. a mdncial rewsw vs me dlscrelvon M me mun, me
npphcauon lor leave to commence juducxal review may be auowed m
exoenlinnal cvcumslanees as explained by me man Supreme Coun
.n Governmcnl of Malaysua a. Anorv. Jagdls Slngh [1957] 2 MLJ
lI5;[1IH6]1 MLRA 207; mm CLJ REP no wrncn new
-Hem sumng me appeal. (mnemsaeuen n sunwnn ms wnnsmam byway
M ‘mama! vewew nu! wnm than n an amen pravmon av: ms to me
appvunx oermrznshnuvd nutnonnawylssne umesslher: ws shown e cbavlack
wnsmclwon av s hlavanx vaume la penunn some stahnorydmy or .n avnmnnate
cans: a wnous hmach nnhe pnnclplu ol nalural wsuee ‘
‘rm grounds for ma iudiclal nviuw
10 The grounds of relvels souqm are based on me canleminn mm the
Responaenrs demsvon was megaly vmd, .n excess or aulhonly.
unreasoname, vvauonal and made m meacn ov Iegmmate
expecxenon These oomennens are supponea by severfl reasons
among wmch Include me Ionowmg: -
wt The Respondents Daemon was mlra vnres. megeu. yo-u,
unuamux andlor H1 excess of aumunly for me followlng
1:) Furs!‘ the Fedexa\ mm m Rakya: Berjaya lsupm) has
decwded me: a laxpaysr Is an|i\led mcrganlxe us arms
In sucn a way as (0 rmrnnnxo (ax. Hence, there Vs
nothing wrong at al\ W117! the Applicant orgamze Ks
cornmercuel xransacnons m such a way as to nnnnnzs
(u) Second, lhe Courl 0! Appeal IV! saban aeuaya (supra)
and «ms Honourable Cam In Enlco Gorudl (supra)
nave deemed that secuon 140(1) ov me ITA \s not
applicable where a lax advanlage ws derived [mm an
actual ouflay of expenditure which reduces me lax
habmty m circumstances .n which me taxing sfatme
awards a veduchon In |ax neznnuy.
In the present manev. \he Inleres! exuenses Incurred
by me Applucanl on me loans or debt Iransacuans for
n... ; M12
sm nuuemuusnnzenxswu
«mu. s.nn s. med u may he nrwhuflly -mm: dnunmnl VI mum v-max
me purpose at acqulring lne businesses ana
undenaklrlgs mm the Selllng Companies are lax
deducllble undev seounn 3311){a) of me VTA no me
has nol been dlspuled by the ma. ll ls lmdemahle mat
lhe aoquislllon or busmesses and undsnaklngs were
eelual lransacnens ano me lnleresl expenses lncurrad
were Indeed Dald out by me Aupllcanl Yneretorel
Fvolecl Salu Is rlo| e ficllllous arrangernenl and cannol
be scan as a lax evoioanoe scheme
nu) Thlrdl lhls Honourable coun ln Pun Dickson Power
Izrupra) and on Concnlo Indualrln (supra) naa
declded that me lRB has no aulnenry Io dlcrale how a
taxpayer snoulu conduct lls Duslness and a laxpayev ls
al us own llhany |o conducl lts buslrless wnn all
available means la make a good prom and lo nnugale
ms lncluerlee al lax.
In the present matter, Prolecl Sam was Implemented
lor llnanclal. oummerclal ano buslness reellues and
lusllficavilons || mus| be nn|ed lnal Prolecl Salu V3
capable of explanatlcn by relarenee la ordlnary
buslness deallngs and ll VS nol me provlnoe ol me R3
in dlclale haw lhs Appllcam ls (0 condua l|5 buslness.
(lvj Founn me |rlte pnrlclple Iha| ln a Iaxlng am, one mu
anlyleok larrly al |ha language used and man IS clearly
Sald and that nolmng >5 (0 be read In nor lmplled (See
Nnlonal Land Firlancn co-opmlive Society no V.
nluem Gnnuul M I Ind Rlvlnun [1923] 1 IIILRA
54; [1993] 1 MLRA 51 [1:94] 1 ulL.l 99: (199312
AMR 3531; [1993] 4 cu 3:9;
M Flnn, me pnnclple that a provlslorl WI a (axlng slalule
rnual be read slnuly ls lo be aopueo agalnsl lhe
revenue and max ll’! lle lavor ll meve VS any doubl '
rnus1 be resolved WV me laxpayere lavour.
192 TM Respondenls Deslslorl had been muonal analor
unreasonable lor me loklowlng grounds —
U) The Respondent s Declslon IS Mable m be quashed on
the ground mal ll ls su unreasonable that no
Dale 5 am
r~ lpluavwxnnannzaxlxswn
«mu. smnl nuvlhnrwm be u... u may r... uun.l-r -mm: dnuuvlml vn .nuun Wm!
reasonama person could have come to man dec an
Tms Vs aspamauy me when the Respondent had laxlsd
to give any vahd jusuficslvon. veasan ov aasa var Ks
decision mil to issue ma amuan and/av axemac me
aramamy vatsed Nonces owmmanav Assessment.
on There vs also a good bass for me Apphcam xa behave
that me Rsspanaem had exercised ms sulhonly
arbitrarily and/or mechamcafly wnlhoul apprymg us
rmnd to ma facls and cvrcumslances anne Applicant
(III) The Applmanl 3| EH maxenal wuss acied m good '3V"‘L
gave mu caoparauan. made can and lmnk disclosure
and obuimed pravessmnaz advxce in managmg Ils
finnnca and tax affavs
(rv) The decwsmns at me supenar owns m re\auon |o me
mnarnraxauan and aonsxrucnan o1 Vegmauon and case
Vaw are pan arms Varws of Malaysia and are bmdlng on
me Respondenl. The Respondent had clearly «awed In
lake rmgrvzanee 01 mass decnsmns
(V) The lavlure la apprecwahe and gwe eflect to ma true
enact and aaancauan M the HA amounts lo a dear
conlraveminn r:1Anic\e 96 a! ma Federa\ Consmullon
(F0). Amcle 96 avme FC dearty states man “No lax
ar rile shafl be levied ay or hr the purposes 01 me
Federafinn except by or under Ihe aumonny uf federal
10.3 The Resoannenrs Dec an was made w-mam havmg any
regard |o the lagnlxmale expecn-mans oi the Appnaanc as the
Respondent laH3d xa cansmav the decxsxons of am supencr
owns and mi: Honourabh cam m relaliun In one
|n|erpreIaunn and conslruclron oflegnslalmn and, hence, lhvs
consumes a demal av me legmmaxa expeclalmn av me
App HI and max ma Rasaanaem wm lake aagmzance of
the same.
page In at u
m vpmavvxrmannzaxwxswn
«ma. sm.‘ nmhnrwm .. met! a may a. mm-y -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
| 2,900 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-25-550-10/2022 | PEMOHON 1. ) FAHRI, AZZAT & CO. 2. ) MUHAMMAD KHAIRUL ANWAR BIN KHAIRUDDIN RESPONDEN LEMBAGA KELAYAKAN PROFESION UNDANG-UNDANG MALAYSIA PENCELAH MAJLIS PEGUAM MALAYSIA | Judicial Review - Certiorari to quash the decision of the Respondent to disallow the 2nd Applicant's application as an articled clerk according to Rule 4 of the Legal Profession (Articled Clerk) Rules 1979 - Whether the Respondent had acted in excess of jurisdiction, irrational and/or unreasonable. | 29/01/2024 | YA Dato' Ahmad Kamal Bin Md. Shahid | |
29/01/2024 17:06:38
WA-25-550-10/2022 Kand. 35
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w.\—25-55u»1n/2n22 Kand. 35
29/an/znu 17:06-32;
mum wnxmc wanssxuwum «um LUIIPIJR. MALAYSIA
xammuu KUASA-KUASA xms)
pzmo pun uurux szm KEHAKIIMN N w Mn/21:22
oaram Perkara mengenar kenmusan
LIMBBQB Kellynkln Pmlsnm Und:ng—
Undang Mauym buunkh 5 egos 2:122
bemurmbor mum LKPU 100-
Dan aawam Pslkava mangema kepulusan
Lemhifia mnymn Pmlasm Urmnwr
Umarw Mamyxm a. mes‘/uaral s Januzn
Dan flilam Pulkiu mangaruu pm" 5
dan Pemzm 44 Pevlsmbagaan
Dan uahm Perkana marvganlw uklyun 5.
semen s. seksyen 2:: dan seksyen 21
Ana nmmn ummg-unaang 1973‘
Din aawam Penkara mengennv Kmdah 2,
K.-sedan 3 am. Km»; o Kaedah—Kaedzh
Proiesmn Undalvn-Undang (K:rIni
Bavamkal) 1919.
Dan damn Paruru -mg-nax pemtgganl
mum knpnda ma Mahkamah
nu. as!-m P-nun: menwm mm
pemmmnln mum penmah oemman‘
peflnlah mandamus‘ vamulth Vamngan Gan
Dan damn Pemam mengenau Amran 5:
xnann-K.-1-n Mshkamah zmz
sm Euoqlwsfiyn-savzwnrwuun
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
(1) mm, AIZAV A co.
(szaum ruzm)
(2) rnunmuun smunuu. ANWAR am KNAARIIDDM
[ND.KlP:BIOBIl—0G-5103) Fumnhnn-Pumohnn
swans: xsumum pnorssnou uunmeamnmu . Runoman
1 The Apphcams filed an lpphcauun lar judldal revvew (snclusurs a)
undel Order 53 of Ina Rules of com 2012 (soc).
2 Leave was granled in me Applicants lor apphcauon co: ]ud|c\z\
review agamsx (he Respondent to seek (ha rouawmg reuevs -
2: Sualu perinlah serlxoran unluk memba|alkan kepmusan
Respandsn dalam benmk sum: benankh 5 3.2022 bemombor
mjukan LKPU 100-2/15/JI(1)/122321) ans masan bahawa
xepumsan Responden ada\ah menyalahl undang-undang,
melabvm kuasa‘ «max munasabah alnu merupakan penaflan
lerhadap Jangkaan sah Pemonowpemonan avau
kessmuanya alau ssbahagwan danpadanya;
22 Sualu penmah uerliorarl unluk memnaxaxkan kepulusan
Responden yang Man dlbual :1. mesyuaral 81 I985 mas
a\asan bahawa Kepulusan $11935 adahah menyalnm
undangrundang, melebihl kuasa. mask munasaball avau
merupakan penafan lemadap Jangkaan san Pemonon.
Pemohen alau kesemuanya mu ssbahagxan daripadanya,
2.3 Eahawa Femohon-Pemahon dlbenkan kebenaran unluk
memahun sualu dekkarasl bahawa Kepulusln Responden
adalah menyeflam ma Pmieswon Undang-Undang ms dan
m Eflflqtwsfiyh-savzwurwuun
«mm. smm nmhnrwm s. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
la) Evury aupllcillon undlr ucnon mu pe mane bysummnns in
cnlmbcn an on pulllnwl of mo nppulllnl ll no nu men e punlon,
othivwill by oriqlnahnq summon); me Juduu n nnp me application
may ln ms dlscufion -dlourn Ibo Ippllcatlon mm open Court.
ul Every sumnnnl .n chambers or or-errunnu Slmmum. n ms me May
be, mall oe suppofled by awruerlea on amoan: and shall be served voaamar
mm ma zmdavll on me Board sum summons n cnampers av anglnalmg
wmmorls shall non ha nearu oevore me exprry el lwalvu day! one: me am or
servlce on me Euard
lsl N or perore me neon.-g on me applncahon me man: may subrlll up we
Judge a wnlldarlllal repon on me appllcarlll such repon shall ml be mad lfl
Calm bu! a may (heme! shnll pa Vllmlxhld la «n. avollcanl
ls) A mnmermal repon under lms seclmn shall no plwlleged
(emphasis added)
we secllon 2s onne LPA above clearly shows mac mere am pronsrone
In lna LPA lor appeals agalnsl me declslurls or me Respondent. The
Appllcsnls carvln| unllalerally Ignore (ms avenue of appeal In
cneaslng to do so, mls male-al revlew appllcahun IS delecllve
19. H :5 my vlew man smoe ma suojeel rnaner cerlcemed IS me oeelalon
onhe Respondent. Instead clapplylng In a Juogelora re»/law ol lna
oaorslon by way or orlgmalmg summons‘ me Appllcanls had shorl
clrculled by nlmg the lualclal revlew appllcauon la «ms com.
20 Tnerelpre. l s my View lnal me Applicants lherelrl are nol ermllea
In lnlllafe a juorclal review prooeedlngs agalnsl lhe Respondent
hereln as me Appllcanls had felled lo exnausl me grlevance
prooedura under seellen 26 av me LPA more rlllng «ms ludlclal
revlaw applleallon belore mls com
21 In Rubln Tun rang Hung V. mu. Pnngnrlh Kn nman Slkirja
M-ll-Iyl ll Anor [2010] I MELR E1, [2010] 2 MLRA 571:[20|1]
2 mu 457; [2010] 9 CL! so: the Federal Counwas posed wllh the
following questmn.
whelner ma exlslsnce cfa slalulory appeal procedure I allerrlallve
remedy IS a bar on judiclal revlew or oeclarawry rellel.
am Enoqlwsfiyh-savzwkrwuun
“Nair Smnl nuvlhnrwlll be met! a may he prwlrullly -mm: dnuuvlml Vfl erlum vtmxl
The Federal Conn relerrea la the speech by Lard Templaman .r. Rs
Fresxon 11955] I AC 535 (ha!
.Iud\<:\a\ rewev. process smuld ml he aHuwed no supplant me norms! slammry
avhul u...e.a.....
And answered the queshon rr. the posmvs.
22 The Federal cm... decvsron m Rob Tan Pang Kong (supra) .s
me.ero.e an aumonly (or me pvopa an ma. me exIs|ence or a
statutory appsm procedure \s a bar (awdxcnal revxew.
23 Funher m me case awlck Hos Formul Steel Sdn arm ... Tribunal
Rnyunn rum... a. Anor [mo] 3 MLRH 454; [mm] 1 cu 544
Azwah All J [as she men was) held that
[51 1... -ppm... mould rm. .x.....n.¢ IM Ippoll mm . mo.-
stage, as .1 would urlumounl to | with on 1-‘ nxpondlnt
1...... ..u..r.g cm appul p....x..... balm‘ rm. and ..s rrgm under Ihe law
an the maner ruarngrepn 2:»
( added!
24 Further reference Is made (0 me case or Pengarill Kasum NIQIH
Juno! 5 Anor V. Kldl Mlkan Kobun T07! (Suton Utlml) Sdn
End a. ors and AnolhorAppeaI[1014]5 MLRAZ-12$; (201414 MLJ
:m;[2o141m1'c 53-, (2014): cu m where me Courlo1Appea\
[19] Ag r.‘ mm regard .o In: xmurnry remedy as conlavnefl under s an er
the sexes Tax Act 1912 (supra) we are or me we" me. me Dosmnn .r.
sun. 3 use .5 mher ....e ms mm .s guuisd by a s\ew of cases
amanamw «mm mgh e...r.e...y such as Nhnpgar v Govammem or
Sarawak A Annr [1370] . ms an new) 2 Mu M. Govemmam or
Mllaysm s Armrv Jlgdws Smgh user] 1 cm :51. mm Cu man»
no 2 ML! ms and Rnhm Tan Pans] Hang v Kema Fengalah Kesiman
Sabrina Malaysxa a. Amv 12010] 9 cu 505 mesh cases have demand
man when a slalult ms avenues for a runner nmman co 3..
m.r..».a pany. um. .. would mm... imcumbcm um ncourse
.....-mm bu run In mu:
n mm. In an own: vo. mm .. Illlnllnlly . re . Yhe apex Com m Ins Ran.» Tan case Asuom) was
gmdad by Mm Lon! re...paer..a.. nan ma m me Ra Praskm ease [1935]
1 AC 335m me loHowvna swear
me 11 1:71]
em Euoqnwsvyn-savzwurwuun
“Nair s.... nmhnrwm .. ..... m my .. ..«....u-y mm: dnuumnl vu mum pm...
“Jumcta\ renew process ihouki nor be auewea m supetam ma rmrrrat
suhflory apaaat pracodum‘
tempnase added)
25 Thus, tne lanure M the Applicants to exhaust the recourse or
renreates under Seclmn 25 at me LFA ts a bar lor a plooeedtng
under tudIcra\ rewew It would flso be an abuse of court emaeas
wnrm makes me tuaraal review apptrcatron premature.
26 Prermsed on tne areresam reasons, 1 find that me P0 ratsed by the
Respondent nas rrrents and awormrrgly, I uphmd tne Responderrrs
nbjemon However‘ var completeness. I wfll now deal wnn the
meme Mme applicalton
Tho R pendant mod illlqllly bnynnd nu powlr ny Iholuhlng
Amcle clerkship
nra Ruponaerrt Irratinnany rejected tn. 2"‘ Appllunft Iyplicn on
27 The Appllcanls submit (hat .
27 1 Gwen tnat rt Is mandalnry and/or dwecmry Var tne Resperruent
to carry out lheir lunctmns about Amded Clarkshtp, lhe
Respondem cannot nnw ignore me sad lunwons by
unrlaterauy dedanng me Amcled Clerksmp abullshed.
espeerauy when thou provlsmns rrr me LPA are nol repealed
although 7 amendments were made since 8.1.1985;
27.2 The Responaent taitea ta show thew daetsron la Ibohsh
Anicled cterksmp was necessary and rncreental m lhetr
responsitnmtes. The Apphcanls submfl the aHeged abchlrcn
aeteats me Isgtslamre s tnlanhon 0! Salmon 5 at me LPA and
(or thrs reason ti cannot be eonsmerea as necessary and
27.3 Amcle Clerkshlp was mtroduced as a mode of adm en 0!
advocates and sohottols vlde the LPA. a Partrarnentary Acl.
Tneretore. rt rs onty ratranexe I1Amc\ed Clerkshtp rs abolished
by tne same Pamanrerrtary Act ttrat enforced n VI the firs:
use 13 em
m Efloqlwsfiyh-savzwnrwuun
«war. smut mmhnrwm a. U... w my r... nrW\ruH|Y mm: dnuumnl Vfl nF\uNa v-mat
place. and not the Respondent who ls merely a body
eslabhshed under lne LPA
27.4 By lne Respondents leller dated 5 8 2022 the 2"“ Appllcanrs
appllcallan was relected purportedly because the Respondent
had abolished Anlcle Clerkshlp during lne rrlsetlng on
8.1.1985 and no langer accepted any ragletrallons.
275 However, on 522023, In mar Aflldavlt tn Reply, lne
Respurrdenlclalrnea lney relecled theappllcallan because the
Applicants are not empty wlln the requlrerrrerrls urmer the
1979 Rules. Tnlrl reason was glven 5 manths after men
5 5 2022 letter and ls clearly an aflermoughlr
27 6 Tne Respondent should be eeloppea lmrrl enarrglng ILS reason
tar rejecting the 2'" Applicant’: applicallon
25. Upon perusal althe cause papers filed pelere lnls court, I fmd mat
lne Appllcanls have lalled to comply wlln the requlrenlerrrs under
me 1979 Rules lt ls clear Item the Respondents‘ Aflidavll ln Reply
mat lrre appllcallon has been decllrlea due to me Applicants‘ nnrl~
oompllanoe wlln seueral rules. notably Rules 3 and 4 ol me 1979
Rula, among olllers
(I) lneleaa or the 2"‘ Applleant. rt was me 1* Appllcelll who
purporled la pmduce the documents under Rule 3.
la) Among other documents produced was a copy pl “amuse”
that had been executed by me Appllcants. not the proposed
anlcles as requlred under me 1979 Rules, and
(CI The “amcles“ that had been executed by the Applicants had
prwlded for a data when the anlcles commenced This ls
contrary to the 1979 Rules whlch pmvldu tea: the date 01
reglslrallurl olarllcles srlall be when the arllclesara raglslered
and n0| when the arllcles are slgned /executed.
29. Gwen lne above, I am ollhe vlew lnal reasons Vorthe decislorl may
be glven at a Ilme later when the parry was notified ol the declslan
lncludlng during pmceadlngi Further‘ ll wnuld not be ms! or the
Iallule ofthe Respondent in slate reasons at the malerlal llme when
there IS no duty to give reasons
run la .l 11
rn EMOvtwsfiyh-sBvEwHFwuQA
“Nana Smut luvlhnrwm .. UIQG e may r... pflmnnllly sun. mm. VI .nuna Wm!
30 Hind suppml lor my wew by relerringlolhe OourIafAppsal demsmn
m me case of nu sum Mlnuals Managnmont Aulhomy
smwuk v. Guam om a Ruoulou Sun and mm; 1 ML!
263: [2020] Muu s7n; [znzoy MLRAU 119 where Mary Llm .IcA
(now FCJ) held as follows —
1:251 Th: learned mdaa look n m be me waw |ha( mere .5 ndw a common ‘aw
duly In gwe nelson! whln as wecen see lnev: ws none ma xnvucahon av Ina!
duly us nnnmgn a menu process and un\y m axcapmnar clrcumslances It [5
am mw max um lppulIInL5' hllure to slam nlnnm u an mlblnal um
{I not r.u|..
[65] run [xmhorny] mu disclose mm mam for mu rvfusal, amen In
In: mu.-ma man In unpmlubn Io Ihc ppnuuon fur Judlclnl nvllw .nd
In the nmner amdamx. ham 4% ma pennanenx seaeury m the aulhnnly and
ma cammumcatsd ma max appeuanu vemsal In me Iawondenl
[721 1n. Iumid mg. did no: Iddnu my of mm nasnns u -u,
Iaklng me pa n Irulbluuse no reasons mu givnn at cm llml otlhe
u-dam M m. mugn-d mu... a ralsonuma mlumnua :n.n me link
aupzflanl nad not exemsefl strewn m accordance mun the ad was
Inggumu Tm; undulllndlng Ind nppllullun mm uw. too, {I lnconocl.
mnougn m axons my MI han mn gsv-n II III: mlhrlll llme cum
Iunnn. [M run an n. uuum uunnl mm man known um: um. at
wnildcraflon ny Ni: Lurdllup Once waned name We mun we ma may
Baum Ia exarmna and wnsmerxmae reasons with a vnswm ascenammg flme
Iflewimani cl mam: onna Mes cl nn|uli\ ,d cu nm om made out‘ lhal
me decnsmns reached was devuud ul reason a d wnvam underwednesbury
prmmmes and dwscvmmn mun bu axsmsad m mam nl quasmng mos:
(emphasis added)
31 Further, the com of Appeax m me case 01 Malayan Amino: Bhd
v. Monlorl Sumbcr Illanuiia. M will a On man} u cu 74:;
[2020] s MLRA 1n7 neld thallhe adure In gwe reasons does notof
nsew neoessan|ysugges| wauonamy ol nne decwsxon when n held as
Mlows. —
15:; n panama. Panubuhan V mm Jualme Jmggul [201 31 2 cm 362.
[2013] 3 MLJ16 The Faderzl Cflufl hawd mamme an Ac! cl Pamamenl does
not pm:/Me an express slaluwry dulylo guve reasons. men me sad duty does
um anse
me xs at 1:
am ENDqIws‘1yD-sBvEwHFwuuA
«mm. smm nmhnrwm .. d... w my n. nVW‘nlWY mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
Wrm respsn I am unable to agree wnn me app|II:an| Flrxfiy II 45 an
Iubllum pa-IIIonsII.wmI».mI nu II-»mIamyur.In Iy
unpma ml all 4-mien Milan in win reasons var Imir Iincmcn.
Snconflly.$oc1mn|1l[1):nflIl Man an do not rvqulu the R05
in nivt nun": Io: Inn an an. mu ll nu uvnu mmorv
duly Imnossa on In. R05 to give reasons to lhe Awliunl.
[591 In Mm4s1eral Labour. Mamym u cnsn Menu YuerI[1997l 4 cu Iaaa:
[I992] I cu (Rap) 216‘ [1991] 2 ML! :37 Ins Sunrsma Conn mwralsd ma
gsne«s.I pnncwfla Ihat me com unnoi campal III. duclllon-nukcrla gm
masons Ior his Iinclllun mm mm Is no my Impond by Inw mac :0.
However whali In. ducIlIun—ma| mu nm am. my reason) lav ms dacmon
Il may he a basIs lnr Ins com to make 2 nnmng um Ins decIsIoII was made
Mlhum any rahonm reasnm Tm Supreme Court quoted Ins use av a V
Sscratarynlslale Iurrraae and Inmmry, ex I; Lunmu me 4 [1939] I wm 525
men Lam Kzun MKIAIISI 5316 In me House M Lam:
Yhu Ihuncl at renmnx Iur . dnclllon when there Is no duty In gin mm.
cannon of llnfl providn uny Iunpon luv lhl -nuoutnn imtionnlhv ur Dal
Is-cvxion. The omy sIQrIIm:ance aI Ins absence M reasons I5 |hz| n 2H amer
known I. s Ind mun-snsnsss spam (0 pom! marwhalrrungly WI hvnur :1 s
dmevenl fle<:IsInn ma asusmrnsxer who has given no masons can:-In
mrnpIaIn I, the noun draws me Imnrmuze um us nss no rsIIansI reason (m In:
Iemphasns added)
32. Based an we above. and me provIsIons o! the LPA, I am oflhe wew
|hal Ins Respondent IS non abliglted |o pmwde reasons under Ins
LPA However, In Ins Inseam case. me Respondent. In Ian, has
supplied reasons In Ms Affidawl In Remy on 3.2.2023. Tnerevoae,
the Apphcams‘ argument |ha\ Ins Respondent IS hatred Irorn
affenng reasons «or the norrcompllance wnn Ina 1979 was.
mnsuaenng II a beIaIea altempl, due |u us absenoe (mm me
daemon made on 5 a.2n22 Is unIsnubIs snu wIInouI rum
3:. Therefore, I am at me vIew InsI Ine Apphcams‘ suzmssron Ihal |he
Respondent Is esuwped {mm lumIshirIg such reasons (or non-
compliance based on the 1979 Rmes as It is 10 be an afterthought
attempt, consmenng us absence (mm the dez:IsIcrI made an
5 s 2022 Is mIsconcaIvad and mIsp\aI:ed
34 Furmer, I find man case Law seems to sugges\ ma: sIoppeI cannm
override Ina law as. If we law requires maI somelhmg Is to be done
In a panicmar way, men Ins Iaw snowd be comphed wnh
van Is .I u
srn Efloqlwsfiyh-savzwkrwuun
«mm. s.n.I nmhnrwm be I... It: may I... nrW\ruU|Y mm: dnuumnl Vfl nF\uNa MI
35. Tms pnncxpla oi law nas been dearly slated by the Federa\ Com m
we case at Dunk Blndzr Kuala Lumpur v. Parbadanan
Pnnqumnn Yr: u 5 on Ind nlhci up [man] A MLRA
H4; [2023] 3 MLJ 819: [2023] 5 CLJ 167; [ 23] 4 AMR 121.
where m was nerd as louaws. -
‘[451][vm) Horweven a. mm and unwind poslllml ms oemhexl is
um uloppol I. Immnnn In m. not of mm. or nu .w. um. IW4
uqulvu Ina! sumfihinq is to In don: -n . parliculavway, m (ms mrlanoe
lhmugh . vapresemauve scum, mlhel man Waugh me marmg2men|
cnvporallums or [am] managemenx hndses bncnwa Ihava _ nu uilulury am.
In brmg [ml .3] rewew umcsedmgs m mun. on man Mme reswflenls of mew
Lxmdomwnu 5, nm. m. .. m..:.: :. ompllud wun. In ml: cnnuxl. nu
qnusflonofsundlng go1slaIhI]uriIdIc|ion om. w«fl(seeRv$ecre!afy
n4 sum om swan Servsees and mum at vane cnnu Fuvevly Aclmn Gmup
and amev:|1989]1 All an mm n [s um cunnclm mnmn.nm»g am. we
at esmppsx or mnsenl mm a slams ewes no such capamly lo a slamlary
body 4.. dicllun .1 m. court cunnol u cunlcma By
conurn. Pm, esloppul cannvl ovum Ill: law:
(emphasis added)
(See also. Kok Hocng v. Loony cmong Kwcng unms Ltd
[1963] 1 MLRA 34:; [1964] 1 MLJ 4:; [men] 1 ms 51; [1064] 1
AIIER son)
as Gwen me above, «ms Caurl Is of the view mm when a “s(=|uIary
obhgahcn ov an unoondmonal characlev" exis1s, me coun does not
have me aunnomy na aHaw me pany bound by lhat annganun «a be
excused from Mfllling n based on me ooncepl ol eslappet Tne
smunory duty lakes precedence over escape], and the pany mus!
nommy wuh xne stamlory reqmremenl reganflss ol any esIDppe\
argumems they may reuse,
37 The Respondent had svaxea m mew we-«er dated 5 A 2022 mat |he
Apphcams‘ Amcled Clerksmu regvsuamun was re]ec1ed due 10 ns
abommn. However, me Respandenl look a dmevem posi|ion in men
mean: m Reply, stahng mat (he re]ec|Iun was due Io me
App|n:an|s' nuntomaliance mm the reqwemems under Inc 1979
Rules Therefore, acoordmg to me Apphcanl [ms [5 a dear mse of
sm Euoqnwsvyn-savzwurwuun
«mm. smn .. U... w my me mm-y mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm]
3a This Coon is 01 me view that in any cncunrswance wnere the
Respondent presents varmus reasons for ils decision to the
Apphcinu. we Oaurl rnlmiams |ha discleuun ID uphald any 0! Ihe
reasons by Ihe Respondenl. as long as any uniavorahle reasons
provided by the Respandem does not dominate Ihe basis 10! me
39 I find suppurl for my view by retening to are com umppeal case at
Dr. Mam! Nnlr bln HIIl||m v. Mlnurl Dallm Nu url M-I-yu-
[2008] 2 MLRA 395: [2006] 6 MLJ 213; [20171] 1 CLJ Is where n
was new man —
[24] Here we have a mass whsra ms Mmmer rem an Iwn wounds to deny
rsgmramn av vs»: at me nalmrul men ans. Isl haw snrssay said‘ Is
a me mason Ybe alher n . aaa ramn In my judglmm unm -
public dlcixion-maknr guns Mo mason — a new one am a had
on _ «or m. dI:ll|un um calm in nmlllod In uphnld an ummm
decision nnmm am are bad msen was not me ovecrldinfl
eenuamuon on which ma dtclxlun I: hind. ‘flu -ulllorlllu an
an puml an lonlon.
[251 In Slate M Mih-Irilmrz V Eabmal Kflparim Yakkanwm NR mean so
13§3.BachawalJ when dehvenng the mflgmenl m on Inman supreme
Conn um
rm nun:-we undenlymg xne.a daemons appslri us he am. An
admnmsnralwe er nuns!-gndwcwil emu based on merax qmunds. an
taken Iogemer, cannot be sustamed w u use Immd llIa| same at me
gmlmds an mmqxmam or -rmevam Ind um 15 nmmng In shcwmat
me amnomy wauki have yasued me order an me basis 01 the mar
m\n|n| and uxwslmg around: on ma ulh-v hand‘ :1: order based on
sevuramvounds some olvmxch are Iuundlu Demon-ex\s'lsmarInI\avllIIn
can use susmmed n the Own is sausfled that me aumomy would have
passed ma amer on ma bas4s ul nne o(he( |e\evan!am1 ensung gmunds
and me ex:.1us\on 07 me Inehvam ar nun4x1s|en1 grounus wuld not
have alhcled ma ummlh nprmon av asamn
[251 In Zari Smgh V m Timon AIR new 5:: m1. Smut J are
the Man can was ngnx m hulmng maleven mnere were amangslme
renscns gwen hymu carnmnmner same men were exlmneous‘ me
resx were relevvam um could be wvmdewd sulficuzm. me
cumnnssmnnra mnellmmll wuuld run he vnmed ms pnnaxute max u
same nuns reasons renee on by a Tnbunalfnrwts wnausnn tum omlu
a. txlnmoux uvu|haIw\se unsascanaaua, nu daemon would be nnmea‘
spam in cues wn wnmn lhe cancmsnn us amvefl ax not an nuelumenl
aiahpeawe 431:1: ar e»ndenL2,m1l on subpdlva salmamon The reason
vs Ihal menu m um whom the daemon ws based on subpeclrve
me n a. an
srn Efloqlwsiyh-savzwkrwuun
“Nana sanuw nmhnrwm a. H... e vsfly he annnnn mum: dnunmnl vn mum Wm!
sanslacmrl I1 souls ul ms masons mm om lo he lnele-vzn| nr walla ll
would M lmvusslhle Int 5 supevlm Ouufl In um um wmcn ul the nusorlsl
Ialevarll m lrvelevarll, mm er lnvahd, had uruuqm about man
sallsvscmn am VI! a case were me mnclnslorl IS cased on amealve
hzlx am evident: wch s amsully would rm nun W ll n «ma ml
were ms legal evldencc balm Irv: Trlbunah even n some or ll was
lnulmnl, . supemv Calm wuuld ml lrltuflere .l lru Mndlng an be
snstalned on lhe lest ul me swam The reason VS mat m a wrn pelman
lol uemnvsn ms wpsnor Conn lines um sn ln appeal, hu| exzluse: nvlly
supvvllory wnsalcllun. and (herehre dues not snler "nu ma uuullorl
ol slmlcency cl evldvlce
129} ll. Ihe mesevll lnsvsrlee, l\ VS crystal clear mat the reason advanced on
gmundl at nallonsl sammly win ml ms pmdumlnnnl reach 70! ms
Ml-nslers declsmrl ll stands as a «palm: and mslmu gmwld lm
leiusmg reglltralnorl at the nalmnal level ll V5 rlcl enlarlgled am mlxbd
up wlln ms elm: reason ll am rlo| metehm mlinnilly slum ln.
dsuslon based ml glmmd! olaspsnmsnlal pohq Accordingly‘ lms ls
a case m vmn mu Mmls|II'l daclllun IL) deny vsvl mgmrahon al Ins
nsllonal leved may be upheld And lwoula do so
(emphasls added]
40, ll IS not dlipuled mm In ma lnslanl case, we Rewondenl nus
provided al leasl lwo dlsllnct reasons lor relectlng lne Annllcams
avullcauon. rust, there was apparenllya declsionlo abollsh Anlcles
of Clerkxhip during a maeung or me Reaponderll on s.1.l9a5, ana
seconds me Appllcanls‘ nonaompllanoe wlth Rule 3 and Ruie 4 al
me 1979 Rules
41 ms Courl is of the oplnlan that even n‘ the am reason ls fnund
wanllng, we second reason |haI denlonslrales lnal me Appllcams‘
appllcallan lar Anlclus was nu ma ml place llawea.
42. The Appllcanls canncn fume the Respondent to aceepl an
applloallon mal ln ma nrsl plaw does not comply w n the 1979
Rules. TVISVEVOVE I vlew that the Anpllcanfs submis an that ll ls
mandatory for the Respondent m anoept a flawed applcallun has
nu marlls In law
43. Further. nus Courl ls oi me vlew lhal the Respondent has dlsarellan
Io asclde on me mglslrallon ol 5 palun as an Anlcled clerk, laklng
mm accmlnl me obzecllves outlmaa ln seclinn 6 0701: LPA
rue ls cl 1]
sm Efloqlwsiyh-savzwkrwurm
“Nair Sum luvlhnrwm s. UIQG In my me snnnll-y mum: flnuavlml VI srlum Wm!
The wororng tn Semlun 6 uses the word ‘m y", wnton stpnmes tnat
me Respondent has dtscreunnary powers In oorng any necessary
eno retevam azls to carry out tne purposes ot this Part and tte
Further‘ ttns court s ov me vtew tnat rneeung tne corrd
cntena necessary to oornmenoe Amcles ooes nu| autnm
confer upon me 2"“ Appllcanlme nghl to pe autornattcauy regtstersd
as In Ameteo Clerk. Tnts Is aspectany so N |he appllcahon ror
Antctes was rn tne nrst place flawed and not tn oornplranoe wdh tne
I979 Runes
Ii tnts court were to aooeot tne interpretatton asserted by the
Appttoants, rtwouto eflectwety stnp tne Respondent oi tts otscretron
to eyatuare me ellgthlltly ano/or entrttament or tnorvrouats epptymg
to oeoome Amded cterks, leavmg tne Respondent to act as a
rubber stamp ms cannot tre tne true purpose ot tne LPA
The Appncsnts have rarteo to exhaust tne reoourse or vemedtes
provided unoer tne LPA ano snouto not he porrmneo to pursue tne
tuotoat review apptrcatron
rne Appttcente nave tattoo to oornpty wrtn tne requtrements unoer
tne 1979 Rules and tne judictal retnew oppltcatton wound be an
exerorse tn tummy as me Appttoants‘ apptrcatton IS tlaweo.
Tne Appuoant's argument tnat me Rsspnndenl is estpppeo trom
ouering reasons other than tne one on 5.5 2022 is mtsconoeweo
based on tne Goqrtn Opllmn (supra) dectsion
Tne Respondent has not meae any attempt to atter rts reason but
has. In fad, provvded addvhonal reasons for re]et:1mg tne Appttcams‘
sppncatron ror Aructe.
Premlsed on me atoresaro reasons‘ t am or tne View tnat tne
duo on 04 me Respondem Is not Iamled with sny error 01 Vawt
irrat nahty and/or unreasonableness tnat warrants me Inlervenlton
or ttus court.
Pale 10 M n
rn EMOqIws‘1yh-sBvEwHFwuuA
“Nair s.n.t mmhnrwm .. med a may t... unrn.u-r sun. dnuumnl y. .rtuno Wm!
Kaeaankaedan Fmfesiun Undang—Um1ang (Kerini
2A suam deldarasl bahawa Keputusan 5.1 V985 adaran
menyavanmkua Pmfeslcn Undang4Jndang197G dan Kaeaan
Kacdah Pmvesmn UrIdang»Undang (Keram senamken 1979,
2 5 Suatu permwh larangan be ujuan menghalang Responaen
danpafla mangguna pakal kepulusan Respcndan m
mesyuara| a1 1955 kersna kepulusan |e:sebu( menyalahl
Akta Pmlesion Undang»Un(1ang 1976 dan Kaedah—Kaedah
Prorenon Undang-Undang (Keraru Ber-amksI)1979‘
26 Suatu pennlah mandamus yang mengarahkan Respcnden
unluk mendaflarankan kemasukan Femuhorl Kedua dalam
amkel selaras Akta Pmle n Undang-Undang 1915 den
Kaedah-Kaedah Pmlesmn Undang-Undang (Kemm
Eevamke\)1979 dalam mass 14 han Gar! Iarikh penghakiman
permohunan inn
2 1 aanawa segava arahan dan penmah yang penu dan berakmal
2 a Bahawa kos pemmhcnan um, nan
2 9 Apa—apa veuev yang dlsflalkan sesual oleh Mahkamah yang
Mulua mi
3 In essence, the Applvcsms med «ms apphcalvan In nmucuaxxy revwew
me Respondenrs deusmn on 8.1.1985 lo dzsaHaw me 2'”
Appncanrs application as an Amcvaa Clerk acmldmg xo Rule 4 of
the Legal Professwon |Arlicled C\erk| Rules 1979 (lho 1919 Rulus).
4 me Respondent‘: daemon was made accordmg In Sermon a nflha
Legal Pmfesslon Acl 1975 (LPN
5. Afler me haanng, 1 dlsmxsaed lha Apphcanfs Judlolil revxew
applicanon (Enclosure 8). ‘runs pmgmenl slites the reason lor my
m Efloqlwsfiyh-savzwnrwuun
«mm. smm .. U... m may he nrW\ruH|y -mm: dnuumnl Vfl muNa Wm!
52 As such. ma Apphcants‘ appnaauan fur1udic4a|IevIew1Enc|usure a)
V5 msrmssed WWI costs at RMCLDOO DO sumac! to the allocator
Dated ya Januan/2024
Ahmad Kama! hm Md snamd
mgn Court Kuala Lumpur
For me Aunllcanls En. Joshua Wu Ka\—Ming mu Sabnna Muhd
Amsen mm mm)
Teman Fahn, Azzan 5. Co
Fsguamnaxa dan Paguamcara
15. Jalan mu 7/16A‘
Munam Damansara.
A7800 Psiahng Jays‘
Selanfiur Darul Ehsan.
(Rn. Tuan 5911 FA SM)
For «us Respondent: En Khoo rsuan Hual (En Muhammad Dams!
lman mn Ahmad Ternmdm (pux) with mm)
Taluan Sknne
Peguambela flan Peguamcam
Tingkal a, Wnsma UOA Damansara,
50, Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights‘
50490 Kuala Lumpur
Watching anav for
me Mains Peguarrv En. Fare: Mend Ah Jmnan
Teman Fare: Jmnah
Feguambela Gan Feguamcara
A—11a05‘ Plaza Taragun Kelanan
No, 3, Jalan ss 6/6.
47301 Pevahng Jaya,
Se1ar\9fir namv Ehsan
m Euoqlwsfiyh-savzwnrwuun
«mm. saw nmhnrwm s. U... a may s. nrwhuflly -mm: dnunmnl VI nF\uNa Wm!
Buckgraund Facts
6. The background tacts of ttte application gatheted from tne cause
papers and sutuntsstons at the names are targety undtspmed and
can be summanzed as tondws: -
3.1 on 27.5 2022. true 2"‘ Apphcanl underwem an Inlervtew
conducted by tne 1= Appltcam, WM ma mtant at being
assessed tor tne pmspective rate at an Amcle ctetk;
6 2 Subsequently, an |he 30,6 2022. an offer was extended by the
2w Anphcant lo the 1* Anphcant, propo ng the apputnlmenl
at me 2“ Apphcam tor tne posmon at Amded Clerk wnmn me
1“ l\DDhcarIt's firm?
5 3 on 1 7.2022, the 2"“ Applicant submtllefl documents tor the
purpose M rsgtslrahnn for the Amctss at cterksntp, |a the
Respondent tor constderatton,
ts 4 on 7.7 2022 the 2"‘ Appheanl tonnatly executed an tnstmntent
otctentstup, oonfimtmg tne 2“ Appttcants appotntntent as an
Amcled cterk, under tne tutelage of the 1“ Appltcant;
6 5 on 29 7.2022‘ the 1*‘ Auphcanlsenl a Iettartntne Respondent
wtm the Regtslralmn Appltcatton, tnctuswe at some supporltve
5 6 However, on 5 5.2022. the Respondent issued a tetter to ttta
1-‘ Apphcanl, reteclmg tn» 2"“ Appttcants Amcted ctentsmp
B 7 Pursuant to the Respondent s te1ec1tonIeuer,Itte Respondent
axptatned me 2"“ Appncanrs anplicatinn tut Amcled ctarkstup
was repecled due to the abclmorl t7fArliz:Ied Clerksmp;
as Aucordtrtg lo the Respondent, was ttte above tenet, ma
Respondent decided to abolish Amcled clerkship dunng a
meeting held on 5.1.1985; and
Pill a M n
m znoqtwmmsevzwmuua
«mu s.n.t .. u... u may t... nrW\n|“|Y -mm: dnuuvtml Vfl mutta v-mat
a 9 on mat basis, the Appllcanls filed tnls appllcalmn la ludloially
revlew the Respondent's declslorl In relecl me Appllcarlts‘
appllcalron tor Amcled Clerkshlv on the gmurrds lhal Arlinlad
Clerkshlp was aballshed on 8.1.1965
The around: «or ju al review
7. Eased on the Statement, me Appllcanls seek In challenge we
declslon dttne Respondenl on me ground that me Respondent had
acted In excess cl lunsdlcuarl and acted NI an irrational /
unreasdnanle manner The Applicants argue mat;
7 1 tne Respendenrs declsiorl and lne Decision on 31 1955
wmch relecled me Applrcanis appllcauon ldr leglstrallorl as
an Arliclsd Clark llicanlrary to Ihe Respdndenrs vuncllons and
fesponsiblllllss provided under Secllon 5 anne LPA,
1.: Rule 4 dune 1979 Rules dblrgales lne Responder“ to reglxlel
the 2" Annllcant as an Amcled Clerk alter salrsiying all the
cnndrlrdns pmvlded,
7 3 the Raspondenrs Dsclslorl and in: Declliion on B 1 1955 is lrl
canlradlcllon ld Arltcle 44 ol the Federal cdnslllulion (Fc)
whlch provides that Federal leglslahve power shall be vesled
in Parliamenl:
7.4 tne Rspondenfs Decision and the Decision on 81 I985
cdnllrcts Wllh Amcle 5 dune FC as n denies U152“ Applrcanrs
right to support mmselt and the 1" Applrcanrs ngnt ld provlde
a living allowance in the 2* Applicant as an Anrcled Clerk
which had been provided ldr under the 1979 Rules:
75 under section 5 dl (he LPA. me Respondenl IS duly
empowered to make rules and do all necessary and mdenlal
Ihlngs ld lmplemenl tne purposes ol the section.
vuesut 11
rn znoqiwmmsavswnmea
"Nair Smnl mmhnrwlll be UIQG a may i... innn.u-y mm: dnuurlml Vfl .nuna vtmxl
7 e the Respondent‘: declslnn shomd oe quashed as n 15
unreasonable as me 2*’ Apphcanl has met an the wndmons
my the reglsu-Ilvon e1 me Anmles o1 Clarksmp promdea under
me 1979 Rules mrough the supply of documems (or me
purpose M reg1s1ra1ion as an Amored clerk,
7.7 we De on on 5.1 was shank! ha annuuao an 11 is
unreasonable. considering lhe Responoenrs funcfians under
me 1979 Rules which reouu-es me Respondem 1o nanore me
enlry o1 any person mmugn (he AmI:\es o1 C\e1Ksh1p mm me
aim o1 bemg admmeo as an advacala and salicnorz and
7.3 me Responoenrs oecmon and me daemon on s 1 1955 have
den1ed1he1“App\1cam‘sIegmmala exaac1auanIhal
7.a.1as long as me A1Jp\icants oomphed with me rules
provided by me Respondent, me Responoem wouki
naqis|sr me 2"“ Aupllcanl as an Amcled mark by Rule 4
oHr1e19‘/9 R1115.
7.5 2 ma Rasponoenu wm oompuy war. and gwe eflecl 10 ms
rules aeooromg 1o Section 5 of me LPA‘
7 6.: me Responoenu will oomply wnlh me LPA no me 1979
Rubs m pervonning (heir dunes; and
7.8.4 the Respondem will pubhdy publish lhe declsxons made
dunng Ihe meelings wmcn mmally were not open (0 the
pubhc irldudirlg me Reapenoenrs dacwsmn at me
31 1935 meelmg on wmch me Respondent‘: Decismn
15 based.
Tho Lxw
8. Judi al Review 1! generaHy concerned with the decismn making
process where me unpugneo omson 1s flawed on the ground of
procedural mlpmpnely
m Euoqlwsvyh-savzwkrwuun
«mm. saw .. 1.... 1: may 1... mm-y -mm: dnuamnl VI .m1a v-max
9 However, me law has now developed la allow a ueclslon |a be
challenged on grounds ol lllegalily and lnallanamy, whlch men
permlls me ca-ms losclulinlzelhe dGOl3lOH nol onlylorme process,
10 ll ls saflled law lhal me Hlgh Own wlll rml lnlervere wlth a daemon
01 the Respondent unless ll can be eslabllshed man we aeuslon ls
lnlecled wllh srmrs ol law
11. In me Federal ccun case ol Aklra sales 5. sarviou (M) Sfln Bhd
v. Nadlan lee tn. Ahdullah and another appeal mm] 3 MLRA
sac; (201312 cu 513; [2013] 2 MELR 3:17: (2013:: MLJ 5:7, lhe
liberal approach an lualclal levlew In R. R-ma clundnn v. Yhe
lllduslnal Court at Malaysia 5 Anor [1991] 1 MLJ 145; [I991] 1
CLJ 147 has been re-amphasllad as Iollows
1451 ln me same anneal, Edgar Joseph Jr rca lEusnN cu... u. agveenwm) uld
Iha| an award could in luvlvwed Io! suhslanoe .3 wall u rm mural!
‘ll nnen we lhal luaml ml/aw .1 cmlclmad nu ma lha declsvcm am
we decvilulrmaklrln Wuoess {See e 9 cm Constable m Nam Wallis
Pollce V EvaMl19B2]1 wm H55) Tmspmpnslllon allulllace value
may well convey ma lmu.-mu lhal me lunsdlalen ol the mm; m
Judlclal Rawsw plvoeedlngs ls oonflned In nus! what: we aggnaved
may nu ml IEDGIVM lav lrealmavfl «mm Iumorlly nu Much he has
been subleaed Fuldmerermy. In me wmds mm Dlplmzk Cmmcil
alclvll s-me. Unlnn: L011 V4 Mlnlunrlwlhn cm: smlcn lmsl
AC an were me lmpugnsu dnclslon ls flawed an the gmuno av
proceduval lmpmpm,
Bm Lam Dlplecks ml grounds lol lmpugnlng a fleusmn mcepnma
lo Jur.1l:laIRavlaw mm H -bundanliy clear lhal Inch 1 duclllon l. 9
open : challenpn on gmumlu ul lllugamy and ‘ mnlonalny and ln
prlC“€Cu Inn rnnnlu (M mm to Knnlnlu uch dlclnlovll ml
only lav Froclssl bln also for subuuvwu.
In (N: nonlaxl, ll -s mm lo Hula haw Lon! omlua lat DD 4104!!)
defined mslmee qmlmdsoi review m M! (l) lllagamy, my manunamy
and llul Dmmdunl lmnmpllaly Yhls IS Mwhe pm ll
ly ‘llhgallly’ as a grmmd om Judlclal Rmnew I mean Inzl me
declsnn mm mm undamarld coneqly Ina law lhzl ngulalu
Ins aecmumuak-nu nmram mus|glve anacllo ll Whelherhe
run a. Huh par axcallenca - qnuhun la la. dacldld.
m the am almspme. by mass persanx. me lungs; by wmm
Ihe Jmlcml paw ulme um ls axemlsable
sm zuoqlmwymsavzwumm
“Nair ml mmhnrwlll .. U... m may he mm-y -mm: dnuuvlml Vfl nFluNa Wm!
By n-union-lily‘. I mean mal ran by now be weclnmy velarved
In an wsanasaay unmnmnnblumll (see Assaclalea mpymal
plows Nnuses Lm y wsamlamy cam mus] l xa ml ll
apphumldeclskm whlch Vsmnulmgaausln nsasnanpsomgm
aralwcsdrad maul alanaama man no ulmhla person who naa
appllaa ms mm In ma querllcn m be deemed mllla have almed
al ll Whmhav a dlcmnn lam mum ms aalawry la a uuman
mat luapes py mslr llama-p and expenence smuld be well
Oaulppld In answer‘ DY alsa mare would D5 samalnlng badly
wvong wvm our ludlclal syflem To lurnfy ms D0\AflS' exsmlsa ol
ws me. man l mlnk ls «may rm lnngu needuu lo vlspwm
lzaaumaa Innumous swlanalmn m Edwards y IrIlnw|1955]
AC «A or lrrallonalny as a Qmulld for a mums reversal ul a
dicllon by Iuznblnu ll In an lulu-an Ihuuuh unaavmapla mluukt
at law by Ina asalsm maksr ‘lnallunalflf ny new can slanfl en
la own lscl as an assumed ground on was» a daslslarl may as
anasm by Juumlal Review
l have doacvlbed ll-a ma mean as ' mwmvrlnty
-amsl marl «allure la observe uaslc nlles ol natural lusllaa or
l.llu.-la asmln pmneauul lllmoulmvanislha palaan mu wlll
be afiecled by ms deizslons ms rs beuusa suID€P|ll>lHP/ lo
lualclal mlaw undev ma head wvevs alsa fallme by an
aamlnlslrallya llap-ml up observe Drocedunsl rules man ma
expvessly lala down Vn the laglslalm lnslvumenl by Much us
lunsdbnllml VI wnlsrvedl even wtluva such Vlfluva dou ml lrlvowe
any aemal cl M|uml luslms.
Lnrfl olploa am merlmnefl ‘proportionality’ as a possmls lolmh
qmund cl VBVIBW Much callaa WW dtvelwmenl‘
(smpllasls added)
12. Further‘ me calm oi Appeal m Dale‘ 5 ul. Ahmad zanm hin
Namldl, Menleli Dalam Nsgsri. Ksmanurian Dalam Nsgul a.
Or: a. See LIIII A On ulna] 1 MLRA us; mm} a Cu 235;
[2019] 1 MAR :35; [2013] 2 ML! was explained me Iesl cl
reasanableness In a luulclal revlew as iollpws
1391 nu |ei1 cl reasonableness has been me supleclotmany nasesaverlms
decades m mile! Corwflonweallh lunsaualans. Fm example‘ la deallllg
willl ma ulwmrlancss unoerwhich on own ppm lnlervene lo quash
the deaslon at an admmlslmllve amaal or umunal on ground pl
unnasarublenan oi lrvslnonllllyl rlsnaly J of ma lm. COIAII m ma
slals (all me Proseculmn of John «aspen and Emn J lysagml y nu
Smuun vlam oompensallan Ynblmal {maul IR 542 sala number at
am. wwmlanass ll. alnalsm (vmi. They are’
me n M 11
am Efloqlwsiyh-savzwkrwuun
«ma. a.n.l navlhnrwm a. UIQG a my l... nflnlnnflly mum: flnuavlml VI nF\|.INfl Wm!
1 u rs ounaarnamauy an vanincs with reason and mmmnn
2 n Is Irtdalenswe (av neanng .n me team 01 mam reason ana
common sense. an
: Becnuu ma court rs aanrsnaa hm hm amrnn-rnaxar his
meacnea ms umsgalxm vmenehy me 'mus( ml flagrarmy rem
or disregard lumnmanul raasan oannnan sense m reaching
his demskvn
my In Maadvws V Mlmsler Vov Juslwcl Equlny and Law rmann ana omen
12mm IESC 3 nennarn J n hermaa may set ml the lolluwmw lest
we rean rncmaes me rrnpm uons1nu|ranaH|Mamn Mwnidwcmn m an
docmon»mak\ng men anecu ngms and Gulls Imar aua -na aeermn.
mmr smuld nor dnscegmd mnaamenrar reason or mmrnan senu In
ruachmg ms or ner aesrsron me mnsuluhurml lvmtamn L7HImsa\a.rcn
anses m|er nh: hum luv may onna mm: m prmoa ooni1nm-onamuhls
Whcn a denswannmaker makes a decnsnan Much ameaa nghls men nr
mvlvwmg ma r-aaonamarraaa ml the «sermon, (ar ma rnaane mull In
vamnmly curmanad lo the nb1s\‘.1w: ems Veglslanon and nor armrary.
unlavr or based on av uflmul consmnralnns. Ln) me nghll av nne person
musl be rrnparraa as mm as pussrme: ana mare died an ngms shomd
he pmpomonal to me objeclwe ‘
13 In addmon, a aaaisron that Anvowes an error or Vaw is sub;sc| to
Judicial ravrem as explamea by me Federal Com! m Mnjlls
Pamnaann Pulnu Plnlug v. Syurikal Bnknrl mum.
semaguna Sungal GI ugor nengan Tanggungan [1999] 1
MLRA33fl:[1BED]3 cu as;[1u9s1:uuR 3523; uses} a mu 1,
wn mmnewr marevare. unm-mans are spacrar nueumslancesgavemmg
a ptmww case rwlwilhnanmng a pnvalwe clause at ms ‘nu: Io bu
challenged. etc kmd, Judicial mm. will III to Imveuh all ermrs of
In: men. by In Irdmlnillutivl bwfly nr lnbun unn, wt would mar
rnvenor omms In In. words or Lam Dennmg In Psanman v narrow
Schuul «arm an 9 747 no courl ot mu hi: my jufllulcltnn In
rum an mm M It-van which me dnusmn .n flu an fluvtllus. If
um um I: warn anerm, Ilgnu nmakdn n.s1une¢|suan ana mum’:
will use an cmnn n."
(emphasis added]
14. Based on me foregmng gassagea, it rs my view mane suooeea rn
an appllcallon [or Jududal review‘ the AppH::anls mus: snow |ha| ma
Respondent naa, amcng amers- -
srn Efloqnwsvyh-savzwurwuun
“Nana s.n.r lunhnrwm rs. U... a may rs. mmnuflly mm: dnuamnl vn mum mar
a. Asked «sear irie wrorig questions,
I: Considered imslevanl mallersi
c. Failed |u lake reievani nieuers inw consideialion
-1. Feiieu Io eepiytiie proper prinI:ip|e(s)a1lawi and/or
a. Reached a decision iriai was no perverse Ihal no reasnrienie
lnbunal under similar eireumsianees would have reecriea ii
imiiniinery Objlclion (F0)
15 Al iiie ouiseiunhe hearing. me ieemed oourisei rer me Resvcriaeni
raised a F0 on irie ground iriai me iudiciai review appiicaiiun was
riled prerriaiiireiy and eeieeiive as me Appiicanis had nolexhausled
irie grievance procedure below vesorllng 10 me iudiciei review.
nie dcclllon emu Conn
wimiier me judlclll rovllw is delectlvl
is It is ie be noted ma\ me Applicants are chaiienging ine decision of
crie Reeuonaeric wriicri rejeclnd irie Ipphcalion 01 irie V‘ Applicanl
to register me 2"‘ Appiicerii as an Anicied Clerk
17 seciiari 2s imrie LPA provides as fulluws .
Apnul «mi the aeeision offlnnrd iv Judy:
2a in Any vnrson dlssallsfitd Wilh any duclslon M we seen: mly
Ipaly lo - meg. oer . uvluw nlmc music...
(27 ii the seam Vail: Ia aeiemiirie any ieeuesi wflhifl SIX weak: mr ii vies
mri mi submillsd ie in in. eppiicani mly eepiy iniaeii Ilzhun .. ii ine
liquesl riea been eeieniiiiiea adversely |o riiiri
r... In 17' 11
em zuoqiwmmsevswurmea
“Nair s.ii.i nurihnrwm be UIQG M my i... nflmruflly mi. dnuuriml vn nFiuNfl Wm!
| 2,772 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-25-22-01/2021 | PEMOHON TIMREST SDN BHD RESPONDEN MENTERI KEWANGAN MALAYSIA PENCELAH Ketua Pengarah Hasil Dalam Negeri | Judicial Review- Mandamus - Seeking for order for Minister of Finance to give direction to DGIR to set aside or exempt Notice of Additional Assessment deemed served on the Applicant - Non reply or non- response of Minister to Applicant's letter - Whether section 135 of ITA impose legal duty on Minister to make decision - Whether Applicant circumvented and failed to exhaust domestic remedy i.e SCIT under ITA. | 29/01/2024 | YA Dato' Ahmad Kamal Bin Md. Shahid | |
29/01/2024 12:47:44
WA-25-22-01/2021 Kand. 79
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WA—25—22—01/2021 Kand. 79
29/01/2n2L mu-u
mum ummum rmecu MALAVA nu KLIALA LUMPUR
mum wuuvm pznssxumm KUALA LUIIPUII. uuuvau
(anvwsum xuAsA.xu:sA mus)
we M AN snenssrmmc no wxzszz n1/2-:21
Da\am Pemava sualu penmmnnn ying
talah mm: mm Ralpunflun manurm
Stksysn «:5 dan Seksyen «man Akm
cum Fund-pawn 1967 yang benankh
a 1 2021 uan Kepunusan Responder! yang
dwaflflwav dmakpz-un121 2021‘
Damn pemw Mural! 5: Kaedah—Kaedah
Mahkaman 2012
numssr sun arm Femumn
MENYERI xawmmu muvsu Rllnunden
KETUA psumuam MASIL mum NEGERI Pancelah
1. The Ap m on 1.51.2021, filed an apphcauon (or weave Io
cammenoe zumcm rawew pmceeding (Encloluvn I) under Order
53 ollhe Mes olCaIm 2012 (Roe) seekvng mxeranachevauawing —
sm -m«5Sw5nk§;.5xaFDqsEoQ
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
1.1 An order 1dr me Respondent td exevuse wts power under
Semen 135 and/or Sec11on 127(3A) o1 Income Tax A11 1967
(ITA) 1:: set ds1de or axempl tne Nulice a1 Assessment var me
years of assessment mu) 2012 2014, 2015 and Names d1
Additmna1 Assessment lor me \/As 2010, 2011, 2013, 2016
and 2017 an dened 2312 2G2D1ssu3d egemsc me Apphcanl
(tn. Assulments) luv tne sum e1 RMSS, 321111 11 14 on the
grounds met me said Assessmenls are .11ega1, void, unlawful
and/or 1n excess 01 aulhanly, nad been matmnal and/or
unreasonable and rasulled 171 a demar 01 the App\1canl‘s
1eg.tima1e expeclauons:
1 2 A Declaralvon met me galns ansmg 1mm tne dvspusal o1
cunwduon ngnus allhe s1mun;an Estate by me Appncant III the
VA 2015 are subjscl to real properly gatns lax under me Real
Properly Gams Tax Act1976(RPGTAj,
1.3 That an mnner pmceedmgs tncludlng tne enlcrcemenl and
alien ol the deas1on be stayed unm me 1011 and 11na1
deIerrvIIr1aI1or1 a1 tne apphcanion to duasn 1ne decusmn‘
1.4 That all necessary and oonsequanaal direclluns and order: be
1.5 That tne casts of H115 apphcallon be eosns In me cause. and
1 s All other and mnnev vellef M11571 1n1s Hcnnurable Conn deems
at and Drover.
2. 1n essence, me Appltcanmled an applicauun 1m leave 1c commence
judn:ia1 review based on me artegauon tnet Menten Kswangan
Malaysia (Respondent) nad vailed |0 respond to me appucatmn
made by me Apphnanl under secnon 135 and semen 127(3A) of
the HA In exempt the Names e1Aesessment1or us 2012. 2014
and 2015 and Notices o1Add1t1dnaI Aisessmer1Il0rYAs 2010. 2011.
2013, 2016 and 2017 an dated 2312,2020 ralsed by me lnlervener
3. N12! the hem"? l msmissed the Appltnanrs applicamon for leave 10
commence Judloual review (Enclosure 1) I Wlll now set out lhe
gmundslor rI\ydec1s1or1
P21: 1 M21
m -Rm55w5nkEA.5tnFDr1eEDQ
«we. d... It: may 1... mn.1-1 mm: dnuumnl Vfl .nuna M1
Sunenar Ccurlln remlxon to me vn|emre|aIvon and eonsuucnon
of legnslauon and this consumes a denim of the Vegmmate
expeexeuans of ma Appllcanl mm ma Respnnden| will Lake
cogmsanue onhe same.
case for mu Honourable Anomuy Gonuul and Imemnnr
11 The learned Federa\ Counse\ (FC} Vor the Honourable Anemey
General and learned Revenue Counsel (R0) «or me lnlervener
raised a swmdar prelnmmary amecuon (P0). The so was prenneea
en mevouawung grounds .
1») No Daemon, Acl M onus;-on was made by me Respondenl
(Mrmsler e1 Fmanee) under Order 53 onhe ROC:
(u) The Nmice at Assessment raxsed by new whn was no!
named as a pany «:2 [his aclmn.
The Apphcam rehel m effem a mandamus however we
Apphczrvt canned ta eexebwsn legal duty:
(w) secuons 135 an: »2713A) of me ITA do not have nexus to set
esme the Nance of Aeeeesmen: xssued by DGIR:
M Applicant cmsumvemed and men to exhaust the uomesu:
remedy pnmdea under the ITA
The decision at me Court
12 I wm now dea\ mu me we raxsed by me learned FC and RC
No a n. Act or Dmlnion was made bylho R yomltnl(MinlIInr
at Funance) undnr order 5: mm: Rec
13 Order 53 Rure 2(4)o1|ne Rot: expressly allows persons who are
'adversery aflecied“ by me decxsxon made by a pubhc aulhonly to
me 11 M12
m -Rm5Sw5nk§A.5lnFDueEDQ
“Nana saw nmhnrwm e. n... e my n. mn.u-y em. dnuumnl Vfl mum em
Inlllile ludlolal revlew apphcallorls, For ease cl relerence, subrule 4
IS reproduced as follows
14) Any person mu m adversely alleclad by me dsclsoon action nramlssnn
m relamn lo the axarma av Ihn puulc duly at Yulldlon am In Imrflod
|a make the anflkcallan '
The raqmramenls dl Order 53 at the R06 are mandalory and must
he aamplled wrm. lailing wmcn me applrsalldn would rml he
emerlalrled by me Courl.
The learned FC and RC submrl |haI the Rssparldam has made no
declslon mal ls amenable to judlclal revlew and mal me Appllcanrs
appllcallon ls prumalura. ll V3 to say that ma Respondanfs non-
reply lo me Appllcarlfs lallar does nol amourll lo a decislun
amenable lo Judlual revlew under order 53 ullhe ROG
II ls late law lhal faulure or refusal by a publlc aulhorlly to make a
daemon la also amenable to judlnlal levlew
In Orange Ruderlel N): v. Kama Pengarah Hasil nalam new:
lzml MLRHU 155; [2013] 1 ms nu; lzml rnuu zla, Azlzah
Nawiwl J (Haw JCA) had allowed the leave appllcallon ind hid
slaled (halt —
an 41 On ma sama day‘ In: appllcaul Ilw mm to mo DGIR lining in
llgal poslllun lhal pursdanna Anlue IX 0! ma Malays4a~D5rlmaIk DTA
and me can laws Dlymenls moalvud by lhl Ivvllcnrrflmm WK! Swlva
are um wnlecnd wrthholdmg lax Flmhelmnre‘ lhe app\lcsn| rerlelaled
mm Amcle lx an ma Malaysla-Denmark rm prevalls over 5 AA llur al
me ma new The appncaru also uxpuilly slam In an Iclur Ina!
rt am new all; In nspami flnmunbly to ma Iplillclnfs
rap: unhuon Ami apml, am. nu upllcanl mu mm: In aw--r
and mmnmauon as bdnu relemd hymn new.
us] when me new falls to respond lo ma zppllczms leller dalad
2912 2a1S.Ihe npbllcml hku ma poilllon line! we DGIRS laulardalad
2912 me I! ma dauwn 0! ma new and deemed to be have been
iervad on me apvhclsnl an 29 1 2017 Mona, m lwnllcirrl "Inc an:
Ippllcalinn lorjlmlclal ravlaw aclian.
lempnasla added)
so... xx 1:! )1
am -Rm55w5nk§A.5lnFDrlsEDQ
“Nair ml nurlhnrwm a. d... a may r... mm-y -mm: dnuurlml Vfl aFluNfl Wm!
15, II Is Imparlanl to nme that Order 53 onne ROC aflows car a bvoader
scope M revrewame decIsIans as compared |u Ine pnewous
provmons under Ine Rulas 01 (ha mgr. Cmm I930 A aecman
deemed made by me RuponaenI Is sufficIerI( lo Inmate an
appIrcaIIorr Ior IudicIa\ rewew, In Tnng Kwor mm a on (supra)
me Caurl uIAppeeI held -
1501 Ins olner pom 1a4sed by Ieamed oourwel more us‘ Mm Iar lass
confidence‘ rs max (here was mvv nu 'de<:IsIIxI‘ try anyone And Smoe
o 53 Y 214» speaks al a ‘deasIan‘, me .rppImms me no cause In
Iran: on anapp\>cahan(ovIuflIcIi\ rm». A.fil|n.lclnnuIlgnI o.
53 r 2(4) must run Benin In Isomm. ll mus! ha ma canmmn y,
Iagmhtr mm o. as r 1(5) wmch pmvvdes
[51] mm sub-rules an mu Inqnivnrlnd III uuIr pinpurcovlhlxt. II can
bc mn mu mm mud rum lluuyn B: an nclual doclllnn by
(ernpnasre added)
19 I named Ina: Ine HIgh ceun has adapted e srrnner posmon In
allowmg ,uuIcIaI revlew agamst deemed deusmns made by nubIIc
euInorIIres. In nus regavd, me Hlgh com nae flecllnefl |o naIy an
oldsrdecminns Inamere prervused upon omer 53 we zmoune
Rules at HIgh (Dunn 1930‘ were me ambn cl revrewame dec1sIons
Is |ImIIed
20 I can provide no beller reference man me case I11 Irnpiarr Seloka
Sdn and v. Menlnrl Kuwangan Mllayala [2022] MLJU 3479;
[2022] AME! 20:0 whemm my Iearned bmlhan Wan Anrnaa Fand
J held as Ionows: -
1211 WI: Keamod Setwv mm-I cmrnm mrerm my allanl-on In Ina
rrnpugnea Iearer and Ieferved nre (0 Ine mgn»enI more com otAppeaI
Abdul Ruhlvun bun Abdullan Mum 5. cm Damk Banaav MI; Lumpur
L Aner {anus} 5 MLJ m ca nu lllnwd src am. xuhmilhd max
rm MInI.I.n non-vuponn In In. lmpunned lengr dues ml
can! «I. u dnclllon wIIhIrI Ine mnanmg cn o 53 r 244) In short Ins
Iezrnea src mnxended IneI any anemm |o conven 2 ‘deemed
muIm~ would gm I-In In In .mIeI.I munlmz In In. were
[231 wmr reauem. nnnshmld approach mm. on an lms snacvfic Issue
In Abdm Rahman hm Abdullah Mumr wrm cauflon My reason IS Inrs
nu do llun In In. co-In M Appul II prumlud on o 53 r am of
Ihelanur Rules am uh com: «um. II states as Isms V
r... 11 aux
em -m«5Sw5nks;.5IaFDqeEDQ
“Nana s.n.I mmhnrwm .. I... M my me nrW\ruU|Y mm: dnuumnl Vfl nFIuNa v-m:I
Any person mo vs .adverse\y aflefled by me «seems av any
publw; xulmnly mu be ennmed to make me epnudmn
Hmaevev, on nut o 5: r 2(A)uV me ROC pmxdes Bs(aHaws .
Any person mm is advnrsuly an-cued by me decblun, acllon
07 em -Inn m relalmn In me emzm-,e on me awn: duty or
m-mm snau be enwed Ia maks me aunneawn
my Thu rww o 5: mm M ma no: but name an pr... -am;-nu,
nclion or em on m nlillen In me ulslence oflhe nun duly nr
lunctlan.” In myvluw. Ilsa mm! omlulon 1- Implynllllun uemm
an n u . non-duclilon. wm. the introduction on». ward
“om llon n me new 0 as r 2;‘). In. qunllon of an "-nmem
flocliiovn" docs not aongu . us-
[an] rm umlulon or u Mm-dc n. In my mind, 1. ........m- In |Iml:|-I
review. In um: um Hap Naswuddm v we Reg: Irar Msoaexies [201 21
MLJU 1523, the avnhcanl lnplmd am vvgtslraluon ea uxm under me
Sumehes Am 1966 We dacmon Io vewstemr olhemsa .5 wvlmn me
ductahun Mme Ramslmr unflev me seceues Act me me Registrar
ws unpmnld by me Socnelves Act In mnsnder ma nppmzlllnn and maka e
deasuon Hflwever, me aegm-er had men «a make a decwsum — one
wnyar me alhav vmlhnn Furamzguw JC mow JCA7 we mat:
m my apmbn (M murdlrlibe and wnlunmng new wvxmm good mason
m the msmnl cau ws equwvakanl to remsal m make a demon As me
apphcam has sumcxem Vega! mlzvesl m ma aw, dc me Rsgwslral w nuke
a decwsnn on me Epnhcnlmn m vagina! wanna H1u\dthI\\he remax
m make a dwwsmn ws umawfm and we vnres Ihe Souemes Act 1966
(emuhasvs added)
a) (See Syarikat Kapll Sdn Bhd v. Mnmn Kuwanuan
Malaysia and mm eases (20231 AMEJ M71, [znza] uuu
b) an Agriculnm Malaysia) Sdn Bhd v. Memari Kawangau
Malaysia [2023] 4 MR 961: [2023] MLJU 430:
ch CMMT lnvasfment Lld v. Mam-ri Kowangan Malaysia
[2022] MLJU Mo)
21. Based an me above‘ r: us evident that me Respondents deemed
decision of 12.1 2021 ansmg lmm we nan-reply to the Apphcanfs
lane! can be amenable In maven renew under Ordev 53 Rule 2(4)
Put In at 11
em -m«5Sw5nks;.5mFDs1eEoQ
«mm. smm .. d... m my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
22 Thelefme, «ms Courl does not agree mm the oanlenlmn oi the
Ieamsd FC and RC on this onjeuuon.
The Mouse 0! Assnssmom umd by mo DGIR who was um namad
u u puny lo ml: acuon
2: ma Iaamad FC argued lhal by not nimmg me DG\R vn ma present
sml ws mdsed vnvolous and vexauous because we sumect manar
relates w me assessmems raised by me new Hence, me
aasusmenli by ma DGIR Is ma dacwswon lhal ma Aopluzanl ws
dussausfied mm
24. Huweven pursuam to an war of thy: Caurl dated 15 2.2u23 me
DGIR has been allowed to xnlervene as an Vnlervener m Ims ;udxaa\
review apphcaucn under Order 53 Rme 3 oi me RDC. Tnerewre, x
View |haI ms weamse FC s omecnon is a nun-wssue and has became
Tho Aonlicam to n affect a mandamus‘ However, the Ann mam
Ialled lo eslahllsh Inga: duly
25. The Ieamed FC omected ma: me Appncam Is ndx enlnled |u a rehel
lo comps! ma asspnndam |o san inside me Asssssmsms Issued by
DGIR an dated 2312 2020 as me Respondent has no Vega! duiy to
do 50.
2s The Federa\ caun m Mlnlalnr at Financl. Government of Sabah
v. Pelrojasa Sdn Bhd [znon] 4 ML: 041; [znnnj 5 cm 32:; [21155]
1 MLRA 105, new man an order at mandamus can he gramad either
(3) under Section 44 dune Speufic RehelAc11950(SRA).
(1)) me addmona\ powers at the Hugh Courl pmmdad by
paragraph 1 av ma Schedule m ma cudns ul Judicalure
Act 196A|C.lAj
u... :5 at 22
m ->m5Sw5nks;.5xnFDqsEoQ
«mm. and .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
27 II 15 also to he named that Order 53 Rule 1(2) anne ROC pmwdes
mallhis Order (0 53 ' surzyeaxotne prevwslons aicnapcervm of
Pan 2 01 me SRA.
25 Trverelora. any apphcanun «or an order of mandamus made by way
of yuu maaw prmaaanga must oump\y with (he ruquxmmsnl 0!
season 44 Mme srm
2»: Salmon 44 of me SRA raads as Ioflowst
“ENFORCEMENT or ruauc nuns:
Pnwev lo alder mnhlicurvanlsand others to do eamin spocific am
44 (1) A Judge may make an aide! vsqumng any speaflc an In be dams ur
Vovbcme by my pawn nouamg a gum: amaa, Mamet av a pannanant ur a
mmporsry nalum. av by any wvwralnn at any court subordmale In me man
vmmea |haI—
(51 an apancam «much an ardev he mark by sum: person wnuse
pmperlyy Vrancmse, oi pmanax mm would be wwred by me
vomearing ardmnn u Ivva can may be, am: am specrfic -II!‘
ya) man dmng or iorbearmg ya, unflar nny \Iw car In: mm: mm m (mum
uaanyincumzum on me Vevsan nrcoun m msnr us nuI7Iw<;chavaaar«
man the oarpovnlmn m ua I>uIvaa|e amaanar.
(c) m me npmnn 0! lbs Judge me doing or (arbennrvg Vs ounwnanl to
nahmnd yuxhcw:
mm In: Ipphcanl has In mflur Iplclrc and Idequnla may rumedy Ind
(9) ma mmady gwsn by me amnr appuaa levwm bl cunpma
(27 Nuwng m Ims sacum mun DI ueamau |o aulhanze a Judge-
{aim make any amev bmdng on In: View d4—Fefluan Agong:
1») in make any mderon any sewanl of any Guvarnmem m MzlHY5\z. as
such. manly (0 enioma ma sa|\:lnc\mn nl . cmm -pun mat
Gavummumy M
m Do Make lny urdurwmdl omm-am exvnssly lxcludud by any law
my me mm mm; m lame.
v... u M :1
am amfiswsnksmuwoquzoa
“Nair saw be H... a my me mm-y am. flnuamnl y. muya may
In Koon Hol Chow v. Prntam Singh[1D72]1 MLJ tnoa: [1972] 1
MLRH 497. snanna J (as ne men was) nad outllned four
preroqumles assantlal lo the rssue at an order under seollon 44 of
tne SRA or a mandamus-
Il) Whether \he Aoolrcant has a clear and sperm legal ngm to
me velielscughlt
wnatner lnera VS a duty lmposed by law on lhe Raspondenls,
wnalner suen duly IS at an rmperallve mtnistenal onaraelar
lrwclving no judgment or dtscreoon on ma pm 0! ma
Respondents, and
(iv) wnecner the Apphcanl nas any remedy‘ olnar rnan by way ol
mandamus, forme enforcement at me ngnl wnlon nas been
derlled Io ntm
Based on me case, in older to lssue lne order oi mandamus, lne
App:-cant must snow not only mat ne nas a legal rlghl to have the
act pertormed hu| lhat tne ngnt must be so clear, specific, and wall
donned as to be free tram any reasonable oorltmversy The order
cannot be lssued when lhe rIgh| ls dnuhllul, U a quillfied one or
where ll depends upon an lssue 01 (ad |o be delermlned by {he
Respondent The larlura to snow tne exIs|ence of any legal ngnt to
compel lhe performance of a legal duty I251 upon the Rsspondem
wlll deny (ha alder at mandamus
Anolher important nurdle lnat needs to be crossed by me Appllranl
lor an order at mandamus ls to snow that lnere la a du|y trnposed by
law on tne Respondent ln tne absenoe oi soon legal duty, tne
mandamus shall not he against tne Respondent.
Oomlng backholhe facts tn lne nrlsen|case.|find(l1Il|he Anpllcant
seeks an order to compel me Respondent tminlslerol Finance) to
sat-aside lne Assessments all dated 23 t2.zo2o Tne queshon ls
wnelner a legal duly exlsts «or (Ms court to grant a mandamus
I nnd mat the relre4 sougnl by the Appllcanl ls Hke mandamus I e. to
oompel lne Respondent to examse rls power undev section 135
and/or Secllon 127(3A) oltne rm ll must be borne in mind Ihatlhls
power IS disoreuonary and ma Respondent has the tlberty In
exerclse tts power wllhoul belng loroed to do so.
u... n M22
m -Rm55w5nk§;.5ldFDrl-E00
«ma. Sum! navlhnrwm a. n... a may r... nflmnnllly sun. dnuavlml VI .nuna vtmxl
35 Mpreouer, me exernotran of tax sauont by me Apphcanl cannot be
gtven wrmput wnsrdenng all the rerevant «acts and documents 0!
ma case The aoproaen taken by me Applrcanl rs as .1 me
Respondent has no aplwon other tnan to agree and awe by tne
Apptrcant s request
36 rrterevore, rt S the respeottut mew ollhis court that there S no tegal
duty |o be rmppsed on the Respondent under any law hence the
Appncarrt 15 not antrued lo pompax the Respondent to 591 asrde the
Assessment Issued by DGIR all dated 2312 2020 reason petnp
Respondent has no tegal duly in set aside ute Assasments under
me ITA
section: 135 Ind 127(3A) M the ITA do not hnvo noxus to an utd.
the Noticn of Assessment Ilsuad by lhl DGIR
31 The new V5 empowered by the ITA lo rarse tne assessments and
the Applicant Is Irytng Io quasn me sad assessment by entommg
|he Respondent to exams: Its dtscrettonary puwers under Section
135 and Seaman 127(3A) of H13 ITA whwch provides as follows’ —
“us Fowl: M Mlnkurla pm dtrmtoru ta numtor Gcnnul
Yhe Mtmlllr may an. [0 me DtranovGan:ra\avrec1.mns pt . generet charauer
(um rnoonsrstent wtth tnrs Act) as no true exemvse at me (unchuns ot tna Dweclor
senerat under um An. and me nnectar senarat snau awe eeteat In any
dmacuons so p-van V
38 seexmn I27(3A) 4% me ITA reads as Iouows -
E-umvmut lmm lax: general
‘mm The Munster may H1 any pamunav mse exempl any vemun trom an or
my at the pronson M lhts Acl. snhar penarany pr VII respact at any
rnponte at a Damcuvsr ktnd :17 any was: or muwme at a pameuvar MM‘
39 upon readrng Sec n 135 and sectron 127(3A| pnne In t find met
bo|h pravvstons parrytne word may wmcn cleany snows tnat the
Respondent has a dlscreharl an wnetnerm exeretse tts poweror not
under tnose said secttans and therelora‘ tne Applicanl cannot
oornpet tne Respondent rttne Respondent enooses not to do so.
rn -Rm55w5nkEA.5|rPDq-EDQ
“None Snr1|\nanhnrwH\I>e med u may r... pflmnnflly mm: dnuamnl VI .nuna WM
The word ‘may oonnole a ncwmandarory nanure as reflecned In nnne
case on Lock Wee Keck v. Munneri Han Ehwll Danam Negeri 5.
Ana: (199314 CLJ :11; [van] cc MLJ 531: mu] 1 MLRA Asa;
[M9312 AMR 3169 where the nhern Supreme Cnurl he\d1haI:-
‘nan ms mg-nnnnaama 04 men a pvovmon nn ma nnnanp.-nannmn Acl wnnn renum
(heleg:\dna1lman|o always enmfnna me use on me wnm smnr In its
In-ndxlnry A-nu. In cnnlrnl to ms us. a! nu Marv ‘may’ whleh
dunonn a mm on ur dlwnllnn"
namphasns added)
Going by the plam readnng on Sections 12713/n) or 135 or the ma, I
am ohm vnew man no ngh| was gnven no the Apphcam enher no ask
or dnrecl the Respondent (O exempt lhe assessmsru ransed by me
DGIR. but nnsnaaa, in Is purely me drscretnun power of ma
Respondenl (0 exemse or not
Tms courn ns on the vnew man :1 Parnnamenn nnlsnds no an SD‘
Parlnimenl wnnn snana nrnan nrne Appnicann may make me appnncannon no
the Respondent or me Respandsnn may nssus nnsnrucnnons In nnne
DGIR on (he Applncanrs appnncannon. Therelore‘ nnne secnnan muslbe
read plannly as negnsnanaa by nrne Parhamernl.
nn nmnerpreling such provisions‘ wmsh are clear and unambnguous nrn
meannng, this Honourable courn has ounsns1ermy nnenn nnan such
provnsnons snnuuna be gwern um pnann, nanunan and ordnnary mesnnng.
Furlher, our Supernor Courts have new man In innerprelmg sna|I.nlnry
pmunsnorns, the Courts shnuld msreny gnve awacn In the laws enacnea
by Pirhament and srnouna non usurp |ha le anive lunclrorn by
exlendnrng s snanuns to meet a case «or which pmvnsion has cnaany
and unuaunansuny non been made
Based on the above. nms courn agrees wnnnn one submnssnorn of me
neamed FC and RC man secniuns 135 and n21naA)o1nnne ITA :15 non
nnaua nexus la sen asnde |he Assessmenns issued by ms DGIR.
m -Rm55w5nk§;.5nnFDrnsEDQ
«wan. smnn mmnmwm .. u... u may n... mnmmny mm: dnuuvnml Vfl muua v-man
Tho Appllcam circumvent and failed to Ixhanst the damuslil: mrrody
provided nndu mo ITA
46 ll ls a van nol mspurea mat me Appllcanl challenged In me «arm at
Nehces el Assassmems on me Appllcanl for VA: 24112, mm and
2015 and Nollces otmmluonal Assessments lur ‘(As 2010. 2011,
2013,2016 and 2017 allaaled 2312 2020 ralseu by me DGVR
47 The Apphcarll belrlg dlssahsfied and aggvieved by an assessmenl
nu me said rlouces should make an appeal la me Speclal
Oommlssluners 01 Income Tax (scln for delermlnallorl The rlghl
no appeal is provlaea under Secuon as Mme VTA
Afi. The Applltam had lnslead ‘shorl Elrculf and taken a ‘shancur to
deal Wllh me addl|mrlal assassmem ralsed by me new Ihrougn
the judlaal review applicatlon agalrlst ma Respondent
49 slnoe me Appllcant had already med Farm 0 lp appeal |o me son,
«he applraalron tor luaiclel levlew by lha Applicarn is mvplpus,
vexatlous and an abuse of the process pr me COWI Revemng to
me case :2! Ta wu Realty Sdn and v. Dlrecmr Gennral at Inland
Rovonun [mu] 1 MLRN 154; (2004) u cu awn: [1004] 4 MAR
52¢; [zonal 6 ML! 5:, me Conn re4used |he applleauon (or leave
tar lualclal revlew and held that
‘[30] Further l mu also of me vlew mal the canwnem may or me lnslinl
appilcaluzn am apphcams appeal uevpre me spepral Commsslnners
canalrlly cansllluve . duvlrcllv ul Dvocgadmnl ind ll lndiad Invuluus
velrztlaus and an almse mine pmcess enne mun *
50 There are numerous cases on lhls quesllon Mwhelhev an Apyllcanl
shpula exnausl me domestic remedy available belore maklng an
apphcallon for Judlclal vevlew, Cases have decldefl lhal me
Aunllcanl ls not enmled in Inmate a ludlclal revlew pvooeedlng
agalns| the Responder“ as the Appllcanl had falled lo exhausl Ihe
slalulory appeal prppedure avallaple (See mu. Fongarah Hasll
um... Nlgurl v. Aleml Luconl M ml. Sdn End 3. Ana: [2011]
1 MLRA 251; [2017] 2 cu mm 1 MLJ sss; Orlonlal
Assombler Sdn Bhd v. Msnlari Knwangsm 5. Ann! [2o1a1
MLRNU 795; [2015] 1 LNS D15; Ta Wu Rlilly SI!!! Bhd V. Kellla
Punqarnh Hail Dlllm M. 'a. Anor meal 2 MLRA 151; lzml
so... to al .2
m -Rm55w5nk§A.5lnFDqeEDQ
“Nair s.n.l mmhnrwm .. .l... m may he nflmnnllly ml. dnuuvlnnl VII .mm Wm!
Background Facts
4 The hackgmund iaicls oi tnis case are extracted inani tna statement
wlln suitable modification and are as iolluws: -
4 1 The Applicant is a company lnwivoraled in Malaysia and a
wnolly owned Subsidiary ol Rtmburlan Sawit aeinao (R53).
The Applicant is principally engaged in itia businesses oi
eiiltivaiien of oil palm
4.2 viaa an Agreement and a Deed oi Asslgnmani tmiti ttaiao
30.12.2009 belween Rejarlfi Heipnt sun and and R53, the
latter nasal had acquired an absolute assignment oi
eeniineicial ngnt an Licence toi Flamed Faiesl tuvsl to
eaiahlisn, develop and maintain tne plantation area locates in
an estate known as siinunlan (cultivation ilgtita It trio
siniuni-n Eat-t
4 3 on tne same day‘ RSB tiad assigned its ngnts over the LFF
to me Applicant ioi lne latter ta carry out the cultivation at oil
palni trees The assignment at lne cultlvatinrl rlghls at oie
siriiunian Estate lo tne Applicant was undertaken wun me
(a) apaiio lne oil palm culhvatiun business in Malaysia,
particulafly in Sarawiki
(b) Become one oi tne major oil palm plantation oonipaiiis
listea in Malaysia, and
let Extract greater tmsiiiess and cost synergies wniist
boosting tne plofllahillty and assets tiase oi tlia
oonipanieit iinitei ass incluaing tne Applicant.
4.4 Consaqltenuy. due to the decline in crude palm Oil pnoes in
2013, the Applicant encountered varlou: wmnllcaiians over
rlslrlg operational casts, coupled with weak eeininpaity prices
and crap pmduclmn Hence, me Applicant had decided In
dispose of VIE cuitlvatlori rights at the Simurllxrl Estate as part
oi the R53 Gmup's strategy to its |Dng—term piowtn plan. in
doing so, the Applicant disposed of its culllvaliurl rights at the
SWIUYIJEII Estate lo RSE vlde an agreamerfl dalad 20.2 2017.
IN -Rm55w5nkEI.5inFDusEDQ
“Nair a.n.i nuvlhnrwlll a. UIQG In may i... nrtfllruflly MIMI dnuuvlnrll Vfl .nuna vlmxl
1 ILR 1; (200414 AMR 521; [2005] 5 CLJ 235: [2000] 1 MLJ 555
(court at Appeal): Romn Tan Pang Hang v. Kenna Fangamh
Kenmn S-knrjn Mnlnynla a. Annr [mu] 1 mam 41; [2010] 2
MLRA 571; (201019 Cu 505: [2011] 2 MLJ 457).
51 Based on me above, ms Caun \s or me view Iha| me Apphcanrs
appIvI:ahanlar]ud\cIa\ rewew-s premalure Thelaw pmwdas loran
avenue la apnea‘ to be exhausted ms: before me scn pursuant m
Semen 99 0! me Im
52 Premlsed on me abresaxd reasons, \ am o1\he View met me
Apphcanfs zpplmahcn «or leave |o commence judwcwm review ws
mvulnus and vexahous and an abuse pmoess olthe com
53 As such, I msmnssed me Appllcams appucanon (or weave to
commence Judicial vewew (Enclosure 1) mm cosls 01 RM2.5o0 00
lo the Hanourame Allamey Genem and Imervener wnhom me
Dated lfl January 2024
Ahmad Kama! bm Mu Shamd
Hwgh Court Kuala Lumpur
m -m«5Sw5nk§;.5xaFDqeEoQ
«mm. smm .. 0.... m my s. mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
Fov ma Apphcanl
For the Honaurame
Anomey General:
For me Intervene!
En s Sarsvanl Kumar
(Cvk Tan Jess Key with him)
Teluan Rash Dahlan Saravana Pannersmp,
Feguamhela dam Paguamcara.
Level 15, Menara 1 Dmamas‘
Solans Dmamas.
No 1, Jalan Dulamas 1.
50450 Kuala Lumpur
(Ru; Tuan: RDS/SKS/NH/2021/0441)
cm Krishna Prvya A/P Venugopat
Jabatan Fesuarn Nagara,
Eahaglan Gunman.
45, Persiaran Pervana‘
Presxnl J.
52100 Pulmjaya.
cux Swan: Emu Ch: Vsmaxl‘ Revenue Counsel
Lembaga Hasil Da\am Negen Mamysxa,
Jabatan Rayuan Knas,
Ara: 16,Menava Hasfl.
Psvswaran Rimba Formal,
C)/her 8.
63000 Cybeqaya. Se\anger.
m -Rm55w5nk§;.5|dFDrq-E00
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
4.5 The chronology at key events leadmg to me vssuance or the
assessments‘ much are not VI mspute Is as foilows —
‘ 1a.7.2n2n The lmand Revenue Eaard(lRB)suhrmI1ed a
I request to me Apphnant In iumrsn all
V Informalwcn or documams, pursuant |o sectron
B1 a1Ihe1TA,\n order1orlha\RB to connect
tax eumt upon me Applrcant tor the me 2015,
2016, 2017 and 2015.
Ulppltcanl. the IRE Issusd mt findings vid
‘1e||ev dared 12.10 2020 stong wrm Ils re sea
lax eampmauens. Amnng me Vssues menu by
the IRB are’
11.1t1.2ozn Pursuant to a lax auflll nonducled on the:
ta; The Applteanfs arsposex at (he
cullwalvon ngms at the Swnuman Estate
oonsmutes an adventure or wncem in
cm nature a! true pursuant |o Saclmn
4(3) olthe ITA.
(b)The chartering lees Incurred by me
Appltcanl are not deuuctmle on the users
that such expendtlures were na| mcurrsd
In the course of proaucuan of grass
Income under sectron 3341) at me ITA.
(cmre payment nl labor costs Vn respect to
nervesting and loading at tresn fnm
bunches is no| deducnble nn me nests
Ihalsuch expendnures were no eurrea V
in me course at produclion of gross‘
rneerne unuer Semmn 33(1) et the ITA,
Bullet 11
m -Rmfiswsnksuatrforr-E00
«we. s.n.t lunhnrwm .. H... e may r... snmnsmy mm: dnuamnl VI .nuna Wm!
(d|The expenditure manned by me
Applicant in velaliun to me planting
aciwilius an me Swmunjan Eslala were
revenue in name and hence me
Apphuanrs claim lor agnounme
aHewsnce Is d11aHawed.
} 1u.1n.2a2n The| vpde 1!: Lu agem firm, Crows
Tax (Samwak) Sdn Bhd. pvuvided damned
‘explanations at the Issues raised by me IRB
Mme via Ianerdaled 19 10 2020. Among others.
me Apphcanfs tax agent ekaboulsd m dam
upon me lax creaxmem at me Appncanrs
dlspnsal ol cuuwanon rights a| me Simuman
11.11.2020 The IRS mamnamed as posman mm respect M
1113 audit vmdings. However, me >RB had;
.pmvmea an oppcnumly lor me Applicant lo‘
provide further exmanahons. but at me same
ume. slated 1s mtenhons 0! raising atmlnonm ‘
lax assessments (or me us mm 2010 no!
2.7 _
25.11.2020 The Appvcanrs tax agent mmusnea turmer
‘ axmanalvons w1neIRB
14.12.2020 consequenuy, the RB had pn-mdea as
response as loflwvs:
(a)The gams ansmg from the Apphcanfs
$59053‘ of the culllvalmn righls at the
Simunian Es\a|s III ruvenue m name
and hence can mm. me soaps Msecmn
4(5) at me IYA. 1
(b)The Appncam-s daxm my agncuuure‘
aflmvanoe .s disallawed on the bass max}
an 1205!: manned by the Agghcam uurmg
m -Rmfiswsnksafinwfoq-E00
«mm. 5.11.1 .. .1... 1: my 1... mm-y mum: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
r the bass penod nap been computed as‘
tna amount of mnstderalicn recewed
(C)The IRE aHowed tne Apptrrants exam for
aeaumtons upon tne expenartures
tnourreo on tne payment or Vabar posts VI
respect to nan-estrng and loadmg aflresh
trutt bundtes bul dtsallcwed me
Appticanfscl rn tor oeauettons upon Ihe
expendtlures incurred on enartenngtees.
5.1.2021 The tRs tssued the disputed assessments,
wmctr were reoetved by tne Appltcam on
r Th: Appltcam submtued s requesl to tne
5.1.2021 Respondent to one to tne Dtrector General of
tntana Revenue diredions unoer seetron 135
5. or tne ITA and/at Io exempl tne lattes rateao
under Seclton 127(3A) of the ITA
The Appltcanl tmprsssad upon the Respondent
on tne urgency or me matter as me Appht:an|'s
obhgatlon to pay tne addmonal taxes was
‘around the corner
4 e As tne Respondent had lartea to respono to ttta Applicant‘:
reques| to tssue a dtrectton unoer sect 135 o1 tne VTA
and/or exempt trre [axes arbnranty ra ed via the said
Assessments nude! sectton 127m) ottrte ma, tn. Auphcanl
ls makrng Ihls present application to preserve as tegat ngnta.
Tne Reeponttenrs dactston tn ms tenure to respona ts treated
as retecttng tne Apptreants apptrcatron tar request under
sectron 135 oi tne ITA ana/or appllcauon tor lax exemption
under Seaton t27taA)o1tna ITA
IN -Rmfiswsnksuattfort-E00
«war. smut ...n.rmr rs tr... e may r... pflmnuflly mm: dnunmnt vn mum vmut
The uw
5 The Federal calm m WRP Asia Pacific Sdn and v. Tunuua
Nesional and [2012] 4 CL: 413; [2012] 4 MLRA 257; [2012] A
MLJ 205 aI303.spaaklng1hmugh Sunyadl Hallm Omar Fc.l (as he
men was) held:
Luv: muy bu meme: ll me have Ippllcilnun ll lIfl|\7$0Llfi'1(O'lSHIVD‘DU5l
and ll leave is gvarlhud. an arguable mse lll lavur algranllng me new sought
al lha slthslamlve heanng my be In: rusurlanl mnlonme A my musl be
ememea la me appllcalmn mwgn LE unless me mallev for pudimal mew l3
smsrlablelolhdlclal mew emlmely rm suucsss may be snvlsaged
The lest Iald down for leave lo commence a ]udICIE7 review in WRP
MI: P-clflc Sdn and lsupu) are as lellows:
5 1 whether lhe sumecl matter ls amenable lo ludlclil review‘ and
ll so
6 2 (mm me malerlals available, wnelner me apnllcelm l5
lrwoleus and W nol lhflughl as (nvolous, lo cmslder mat me
Appllcanl has an arguable case le oblam me relleleeugm at
me subslanllve hearing.
The gun nles gavemingappllcallonslor leave (a cummenoe ludlcial
review pmoeedlngs have also been set em m Tang Kwar Ham 5.
on V. Flngumsnn Dlnahnru Nnlonal am: a On [zone] 1
IILRH 507; [zoos] 1 cu an; [2006] 5 ML! so at ea where Gupal
sn Ram JCA [as he men was) held:
my me me» ce-m emu ml go me me meme olme case El me lenve
sage us mla ls only to see me epplmun for law: .5 lrlvnleus Sn coo wlll
mu own he enlllled lo muse lenva n n. . us: were me nublnd matter 01
me lemems ours vlmch zw semen Lew: . erwmlen law urlne can-nan law) l5
mn-Judlclnnlt '
a. II ls me that me Applrcant have to sallsly me leele propaunded m
me abovemanlluned eases lo secure me leava la commence me
ludlcial review pmceedmgs. Al lhls slage. me court need not go lnlo
me merils cl the case, bul only to see ll me sumecl maner IS
amensbla lo lumclel revlew or wrlelher me appllealmn lar leave I5
u... 7 at 12
em -Rm5Sw5nk§;.5lnFDqeEDQ
“Nana ml nuvlhnrwlll e. H... e van! he mm-y -mm: dnuuvlml Vfl .mm mm
9 in any eireirl. a iudioial review is lrie disoialion ol llie Ooufli lne
appllcallnrl lor leave lo ooninienoe iiidicial revlew may be allowed in
exoeolional sircurirsianoes as explained oy me than supreme coun
irl Govlmmlnl of Malaysia 5 Nlorv. Jagdis Singll (133712 MLJ
us; [1933] I MLRA 207; [1957] CL! REF l1n wniai neld
-Held allwwlrvg ms appeal (1) lliedisiaelion is still wiln lne mims In may my
oi llafllclll iamw iiul wriere in-re IS an appeal droviiiori avalllbls id ins
zppllum. eeneniri srrouid nol rioirriairy ISIHE Wlllli irisis is sriowii a clear lack
lurlsdrcuorl or a niaianl iiiiliiia la Derlorrn same Slalulnly dlfly or in appvoplllla
cases a serious branch orliie prlnclples oi riaiiirai iiisiiea -
The around: to: ma judicial II aw
10 The grmmds ol ieliels sougni are based on «lie oonlonliori lnal lne
Rasoondeiirs decision was illegal, void, in excess of aulnonly,
unieasoriaole. iriaiioiial and riiade in oreaen ol me Applioanrs
legi(lma|e exooolalion Tnese oonieriiioiis aio siioooned by seveval
reasons among wnioli include lrie (allowing: -
la 1 Thu said Assessrnenls are ullra wres, illegal‘ vuldi unlawful
and/or in excess otamnonly loi lne lollowing grounds —
(5) Firsily, lrie Resporidenl lailed lo realize lrial uiracloi
General of Inland Revenue (DGIR) liad tailed to
ooneidei lne express provisions olllie RPGTA, wrieieny
pursuanl to section 2(1)‘ a ‘real prepefly' lncludss ‘any
inierest, option or other nghls in or over such land’
in |hI5 eorilexi, ii is clear lriai ine Apolioanl derived a
degree ol ooininercial rignls in or over llie siinunian
Eslale, and suoli culllvaliun rignis oonlened no me
Aoolioani sriduld be ieoognizod as me Aoolicanrs ‘veal
piopeny lurlne purposes ol laxaiiori.
(22) By siioieolirig lne gains arising iroiii lne Applieanra
disposal or! oiillivalion iigriis al llie siinunian Eslale In
Section 4(3) ol me in, lrie Respondenl tailed to realize
lnel irie DGIR nad lailed lo lake cogriizarioo and
disregarded lrie lrile pnnoiples established by me
coininonweallri ooun wherehy ine disposal of iigrizs in
or overland are cupllal in naiuia
v... I or n
IN -Rm55w5nkEA.5lwPDrl-EDQ
“None Smnl luvlhnrwlll be UIQG a may i... nflnlrullly MIMI dnunvlml VI aFluNfl vtmxl
tn McCLURE (tnspecto: 01 Taxes) u. Petr. (1993) 1
WLR 1355. tne Engttsn rttgh Coun ttad netd that me
paymems received by ttte laxpayar tn punstdarattpn tot
ttte disposal at a ttcertse to use tne tand lor depcsmng
sptt were like eapttat and not revenue payments
tn Able (UK) Ltd v. Rlvlnul and Cusloms
Commllslonars [zoos] src m. ttta Engltsh cpttn ol
Appear ttad dectded that ttte oortstdera|inrt received by
ttte taxpayer consequent to tne dtsposat at the ngttt to
use me tand as a tandtttt ttpptng stte ecnstttutee a capttat
tn Thu Glenbnlg utttpn Fl lay op. Lid .4. ttte
Corllmllllnnorl DI Inllnd Rlvlnul 12 TC 417 me
Ertgttsn Courl otsesston nettt tttat ttte paymenl recetved
tor mmpensalton tn respect M trte disposal of me ngttt
lo work mtrtarats on ma land was Hal 3 pmfil earned In
the course at the taxpayefs trade, but was a capttal
recetplt betng at payment made lur ttte stenttzattpn 0! a
capttal asset.
Apptytng lhe above estabttstted pnnctptes |o the present
rVLa||Bft tt ttt cleav tttat |he gams ttnstng from ttte dtspussl
at me cutttyatton rights at tne Stmuman Estate by ttte
Appttcsnt ate captta nature and such gatns tau
squarely wttntn ttta tour watts at Ihe RPGTA,
(C) In detemnning wttetnet a partrcutat redetpt ts a reyenue
at capitat tn nature, ttte Respnndart| snputd have
realized tttat DGIR ts bound to look at the ctrcttrnstanees
sttnpundtng tne dtsppsat as a wttote as evident tn NVF
Rully Still and y. cntttpttattu of lnllnd Rotratttta
[1974] 1 MLRH 39: [1935] 1 MTG 134; [1935] t ELI
234; [1974] 1 ML! 152 where ttte cautt ttetd tttat “the
«peat patnt al Inquiry ts tne damtnant purpose «pr wtttatt
ttte parttcular property was artginatty acqutred".
tn lho present matter‘ twautd have been ouvtous to me
Respcndenl tnat tttere ts elettrty no basts ttarttte new
to merely tatse me ptesurnpucn |ha| tne gatns anstng
(torn ttte dtsposat M trte Appttcants cutttyauon righ|s
Dale s 0721
ru nRm55v5nkEI.5lnFDfisEDQ
“Nair s.n.t nuvthnrwm be tn... M my t... nflmnnflly mm: dnuuvtnnl Vfl .nttne vtmxt
mnsllmre buslrless lncarne wllhoul lakmg cognizance ol
lne arcurnslances; and
(.1) llwuuld have been abvlous to me Respondent. There
l5 no basls lorlne DGIR la msallaw lne Apphcanfs alarm
«or agnounure allowance upon me expandilums lrlcurrad
on planllng acuwlies at me srmunlan EsIa|e desplle lne
Appllcanl havlng sallsfied all me requlvemenls lrsred
under Paragraph 7 Schedula 3 cl lne ln and lne llza 5
Public Rullng No. 1/2016
1o2 The Rasponaenrs daclslun had bcen lrrsllonal and/or
unreasonable lnrlne lollowrng grounds —
(at The Rssnonderlfs dcclsion is liable |a be quashad on
the ground lnal ll is so unreasonable man no reasonama
person could nave some m lnal deal n Thls ls
aspeclally lrue when ms Respondenl had (ruled Io glve
any valid ]|lVlcaIlon reason or laaslsvor as dsclslon not
to exempt (I19 amltranly valsed taxes.
(bl The Applrcanl a( all malenal limes amea rn good fallh,
gave lull co-aperalmn, made lull and crank alsclosure
and am.-lned pmlassienal same In managlng us
finance and lax aflalrsr
(C) The declsiuns 0! me comrnanwealln cams and our
super-or corms ln ralallon Io lne rnlerurevanon and
oonslrucllorl at leglslallon and case law are pan ol lne
laws cl Malaysla and hlndlng on ma Responnenl The
Respondent had clearly lalled la lake oagnlzance at
muse deuslons; and
(:1) The lallure loappreclale and glve effect to the true efiacl
and appllcallorl ol Ihe ITA arnounls m a clear
mrllravenllon OI Amda 96 U1 lhe Federal Consllmllon
lrc) Anrcle es onna rc clearly states Ihal ‘No tax or
rare snall be levied by or lor the purposes of me
Fedarauon except by or under the aulhcrily of federal
10.3 The Responaenrs declslon was made wrlnoul navrng any
regard In the decrsions of me comrnonwaalln Cllufls and our
In: in n n
m .nnssasnrs;.srar=o»..eoa
“Nana Sum! navlhnrwm .. U... a may r... nflmnallly mm. mm. VI .nuna war
| 2,897 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
AA-38-842-05/2023 | PLAINTIF MBSB BANK BERHAD DEFENDAN SARASWATHI A/P SHANMUGAM | Civil Procedure - stay of proceeding cannot be proceeded by the Defendant without prior sanction of Director General of Insolvency under s.38(1)(a) of Insolvency Act 1967 - Leave to set aside the Default Judgment in an unrelated case involving different party has no bearing on the Plaintiff's foreclosure proceedings. - A stay of proceedings cannot be granted to the Defendant based on an unrelated case involving different Plaintiffs but the same Defendant | 28/01/2024 | YA Tuan Moses Susayan | |
GOJ Saraswathi v MBSB -(FINAL).pdf
28/01/2024 22:03:45
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‘Nat! Sum M... M“ be use: m mvv ». .m.m m M nnmmgnl M muuc vim!
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SAMAN PEMIJLA No. AA-Z4MFC»10<fl1!2|l23
PERLAKSANAAN no AA-33-B42—n5I2I)23
Dalam Perkava Mengvnai Seksyen 255
Elm: 251, Kamm mm. Negnm. 1955
Dalam mum Mengenal Gndalan ke
alas hananah dikenali sebagai GERAN
mas: LOT 403653 MUKIM KAMPAR
nnsmm KAMPAR PERAK mululul
Perserahan No. 11374l2n1s beflankh:
Dalam Perkarz Di hawah Alurzn :1 dan
as Kaeaah-Kaenah Mahkamah zn1z.
MBSE mum EERHAD 1115122.»)
(Na. Pendaflaran: 2on5mn3a9a1) Plalmlfl/Martgagee
(Nu. K/P: 720516-035152) ...Da¢em1amIMungaguv
.e m. In (ms case, We Delendantmed an appuceuon (m Enclosure :7; on
a cenilmate ev uvgenq seexmg an Ovdev |L7 s|ay an upcmmng
e\ectrL7rHc Dublin anchor: schadmad Var December 5, 2023‘ at 11 on
AM on me e LELONG websue. ms auchon penams xo (he
Devenaenrs properly‘ Much has been schedmed for sa\e as a
45 vesull ol the Ordev lo! Sale and auclmn aheady obiamed an
[21, The Delendanfs pnmery argumem rewowes around an apphcahon
filed an August 29, 2023. seekmg weave |o se| asme me Delaull
an Judgment ememea on February 12‘ 2020, m men Sasswcns Coun
under sun no AA-A52NCC-61-01/2020. u .s -mponanx co note max
(ms sums unrelated In me PVAWIMV here In me puesem aamn The
sun nu AA—A52Nccmm/2020 was Insmuled by Ma\ayan
Eankmg Bamad. where a Default Judgment was ublamad agamsl
55 me nevenaam and two zziomere by Malayan aenkmg Berhad. ms
us evldern «mm ‘Exhlml s.r m me Deveaaenns emaevu suppomng
me zpphcallon m Enclusure 17
(31. The Delsndam asserts me« her apnhcahnn m set aside me delauh
sn Judgment has smug menls‘ e nenev subslarmaled Dy eawce «mm
her cmmse\ She malmams mm .« her appllcalwon ws successlm m
N 5\H»;\vxMusn:GPuF5zusn
we Sum M... M“ be used m mm e. nvW\ruH|Y mm; nnmmnnl VII mum Wm
aw smqwxmusnmwarszusn
ma Sum nu-nhnv WW he used m mm a. nflmnnflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm
Inst Pewam Ftamlfl (mm membangkukan bahawa Guamsn
smr up 22. 56-20475 (alan mamml ks alas Ptarmfl karma
msndapa! sarvksr nlelv KPI sslaras dsrvgan sek J8(1)(a) Akra
350 yang merwakakan
‘ya; in: bankrupt shall be mmmpetenl in mamtam any
aclmrv folhsrflvan an action Yardamayss m Iespecl DY
an mjury (0 ms versofll wvmom me Drevrous sancuan a!
me Drrecmr Gzrvzrsl 0/ Vnwlvancy,
Therelore. I hold that me Delendant Vacks me reams-me slandma lo
file lhe appumauan m Enclosure «7, am, as a mam‘ me sad
Endusure Is msmissad.
In any case, conoermng me menls ol me uevenaanrs avbluzauorh
I agvee wnh me Hammers algumern mat me prooeedmgs
relevenced m Enclusme 15 ¢Exmm 54; do um pertain |o the
Flam|\fl‘s case. The lawsr cmm nroceadmgs‘ m wmcn ma
nevenaam sought m set aside me Default Judgmem, are enhrew
dmerent and unrelated to me Flamlw or man mreclosme achon
The Plaimifl in Ihis mallev has already obtained a valid and move!
coun ‘mdsr for sale‘ based an me mungaga and vmacuaaura
Even n ma netemanva appllcahan for leave In sel aswde Ihe
Dsfauh Juagmam were |o succeed‘ wt wumd not have any heanng
on Ihe Plenum lnredosure nrooeemngs and the aucuon
scheduled cor December 5, zuza. The P\mnm1's ioneclnsure
pmceedlngs ale enlnaly lrldependerltuf ma Delendanfs actions VI
ma lower own by Malayan Eanklng Bemad. The Flalnllfl relalns
me nghl to proceed Wllh (he calm-oraeleu sale and aucllon, whlch
320 V5 based on lne lareclosule prooeedlngs ln-llalea due lo the
uaranaanrs delaull W paymanl, leadlng la lna Issuance ul a
slalulury nullce under Folm 16D VI accurdarlce wllh Sec1ion 254
onln Mauovul Land Col1n(RevII u Zfl2fl![Ac1B2l).resulllnQln
lhe sulasequenl Order lor Sale
[IE]. snnllany, lna clrcumslanoes sulmlmdlrlg ma sui| W lpull Sessluns
com Case no AA-ASZNCC-E1-01/2020, lrwolvlrlg a mllaranl
pany, do nol amaunl lo a special clrcumslanoe jusllfylng a slay or
pvoceedlrlgs In lne Plalrlmfs lureclosure acllan
[20]. whlle I do sympalhlza wl|h me nelennanl, who ls al rlsk ol Ioslrlfl
me me! ovev her new and nave sugges|ed lnal lne pames explore
ways la prevent the pmperly llum belng aucllanea m a mm party,
I am nanemelass rlcl mcllned |L7 gram a stay nus declslorl ls based
135 on ma reasons I have Drevlnusly alaleal and l am also unwlHH'|§ lo
pmvlde addlllunal Mme lorlhe Devendanl lo seek approval «mm me
Dlleclor Geneml av Insolvency, pnnlanly because there IS no
pending appeal or appllaallan Io sal aslde ma order cm sale
Funllennorul even ll ona were lo s(rs|ch |helr lmaglnallon and
w conslder ma: me appllcal-on lo sel ESVHG lhe aelaull luagmenl WI
me lower mun sull nu AA—A52NCC(i1—UI/2020, has some
relevance la the P\aln|lf1. n IS important In Hale mamna apphcallon
was man very lale nu ma proaeaalngs. The nelaull Judgmem was
N 5H1qlvxMuSnIGPuF52uSD ‘1
ma Sum M... wlll be used m mm a. nlwlrulllv mm; nnmmnnl VII .mna pm
wssued m zuzo, whfle the apphcallon m se| :4 mm was mad m
145 Sep\ember2D23. Vn «ms regam, it \s wunh recallinqlhe rulmg Mme
Feaerax Court m me case nf Tum H-wllilhmed Abdul Rlhman v
Ann-Malayslnn Flnnnco End (1995) 1 cu 241,- [1995] 1 MLJ
Havmg samnannsnnmuue eddedmanhe epplrcanou to set
Asa ssrde such sludgment Shawl! :2 made is! wvllv reasonable
ymmymufla m nllvarwoms wwwv a rsawnama lime, mm;
before me aersuaam has taken any nssn step alverbsmmmg
aware .71 the vrregulanb’ “
[21]. In conausmn. me Delendam Vacks wows la malnlamthe avplvcanon
and m any event me apphcauon Vacks mm and acmmmgly, I
msrmss Enclosure 17 mm no omens as «o costs
m Date: 23 January 2024
ass Judicial Oummissioner
High Court In Malaya
at Ipnh. Perak
N smqwvxmasnmwurszusn B
W; Sum M... M“ be used m mm u. nvVWuH|Y mm; “Mm. VII mum Wm
m For m.-mm Ashmafll omman
uogemer mm Mohamad man Naum hm
Mend Alma}
Mvacales and Soncwor
[Messrs Zulpadlu s Eflham. Ku.a\.a Lumpuv]
For Delendanl 1 Teehan Kumar
Mvacales and Sohcuov
[Messrs Kesh‘ Dave & Parlnevs. Kampar]
m [Nance ms Gmunds afflecrsnon IS subject ya amoral ednorra! revision)
cm Procedure — 5|ay of pmoeemng cannot be pwoeeded by me
Defendant wrlhum nnar sanmmn av Director General av lnsoh/ency under
us s.3am(a> M msalvency Act 1957 - Leave «a sec awe me Derauu
Judgment m an unlemed case mvulwng dlllerent party has no nemg on
me Flamlwfs lL7vec\osure pmceedings. — A s1ay of pruoeedings calvml be
granted mm Davsnaan: based on an unrelated case mvomng dIWarsn|
Plamms but me same Defendanl
N 5mq\vxMusn:GPaF51usn
mm Sum IHIWDIY M“ be used m mm u. mm.“-y mm; mm. VII nF\uNG pm
me Ipan Sessluns cam, me necadn Judgment would el1ec|we\y
became aaadenna rendenng any aucmon unnecessary Tneyenne
the never-dam argues «nan -n Vs essenI\a\ for her appucanon m be
as heard and deemed before me adcuon proceeds mus pom wm be
daauwun later m me gmunds]
(41. It ws me Defenflanfs sunnnssmn max w me am-on nroceeds as
scheduled on December 5, 2023, u could render herapphcahan lor
m slay yeaunaang palemlally Weeding In Llmusl consequences ms
concern stems from me pussmimy that ma uevenaanc may
umrnansxy succeed In ssmng as-de me devaun mdgmenx, onw lo
find her pmpeny avesfly aucuoned W.
75 [5]. In summary, the Detendanrs appncanon seeks a stay of ma
auclxon Drooesdmgs to saveguard her ngma and nrevam any
Dolenum nusuce or Voss uesumng Vrom me sa\e of her uesmence
Define her appllcahon m se| asma me delaml wagynenn ws heard
and de|emw1ed
an Puaimivrs objecliun
[s]. The Plamull amacns In me Delendanfs appncanon for me stay 0! me
puhhc auction. The Plaintiffs key arguments can be summanzed as
N 5mq\vxMusn:GPaF5zusn
we Sum M... Mu be used m mm a. mwvuulv mm; nnmmnnl VII mum pm
xi 3) Fllslly, Irle Plalnlm mnlerlds mal lns Delendam, who was
declared bankrllnl on March 3. 2021 and SW 15 an
undlscharged barlKND|. musl oblalrl Drlur permlsslon and
ssncllnn Imm me Insolvency nepsnrnenl before pursulng her
an bl seconaly. lne Plalnhfl mgnllgnls lnal lne nelenaanrs
sppllcallnn lm slsy was made and filed wflhuut ohlalmrlg any
speclficsancllun llum lne lnscll/ency Depanmenl. ms lack nl
aumoilzalmny acouldlng |c me Plalnhfly renders me
Delenaanrs aPD|II:a|lon null and mm
m. The Plalnml submits lne oolecllon on me nelenasnrs lack ol locus
In Me Enclosure 17 (slay sppllcallonl is alone smclsnl lo dlsmlss
me avnllcallony wllhuul havmg la consider |h2 mems DI me
[8]. The Dslsnaanrs lack ol locus slsrns lmm Irle playlslon als.3a(ll(sl
ol Insolvency Acl1967 whlch plumes
‘:5 (1; Where a Dankruplllas nammslnsa NS mssnsygk
(a) me barlkmplshallbelrmompelelll to mamlam any achorl Ntller
ms Man an a:1lorl /ar damages WI nsspscl alsn m/M7 In M: Dersanl
without the preylons sarlcnovl n! {he Dlvular General at
[5]. The Delenannl-s appllcahorl ln Enclosure 17 {or a slay ul ms
nu zuchon pmceedlrlg was suppuned by me Dslsnaanrs slnasyll (me
undlschzrgad bankrupt) The zmazyn in suppcn nellher slzles nor
N 5H1q\vxMOSnIGPuF51uSD
ms Sum IHIWDIY wn be HSQG M yaw n. nnn.l-y Mvvls mm. y.. .;lm WM!
exhlbl|s any sannlon «mm the Dlveclur General al lnsulvency On
me mher hand, me Plalrlllfl, VI lhelr afildavll opnusmg me
appllcallorl. ralsed obletmorls |o me luelenaanrs filing ol me
115 appllcallon Wlmoul ohlalrllng pflof sanchon lrom lhe Dlreclor
eansval cl Insolvency There has been no [espouse «mm the
Defendant la the Plalnlllrs allluavll m uvpusnlon
nu). On the dale of lhe hearlng were me‘ whlch was on 4 December
nu zuza, me Dalanaan: argued lhatlhere was no need hr sanctlorl
because there was already an apphcallun Ned m ma lawerculm la
set aslde lhe nelaull Judgmenl |ha| lea |D me nelenaanrs
bankruptcy The Delenaanrs poslllon was lhal ll lhe ludgmerll IS
suscasslully set aside, ms bankmplcy ovdev agalrlsl her would also
115 be lnvalidated. ll VS lmnunanl |L7 nala mat me ludgmenl H1 ualaull
and ma resulllng bankmmcy amer agalnsl ma Dalanaanl were
lssued by an umelslea pany, not me Plalnllfl
[II]. The Delendanfs argument al nal needlng a szncllun la mamlam
no her apflhcallorl ol slay ln Enclosure :7. IS misplaced.
m]. In me case M Re Klma Klm Nack mm} 2 ML! 29, I| was
eslabhshed that me requirement lm sammon does um avply m
cenaln slmallans. These excenllarls Include cases where me
135 bankrupt ls seeking lo challenge in order m bankmplcy, applylng
for dlscrlavge, or requeshng me wurfs dlscrellml in levlew,
yescma, urvary any uldel lssued by me colm under lts bankruptcy
N 5lH»;lvxMasnlGPaF5zusn
ma Sum M... M“ be used m mm ua nlwlrulllv Mvvls nnmmnnl VII .;lma Wm
mnsdizmnn The mlmnale behind this exception \s m ensue ms
bankrum m chaflenge an urders wssued by a bankruptcy noun‘
Mn mcmmng appeals and appln:a|\ons m sel aside judgments that are
Dan 01 the uanxmpxcy pmesamgs, wumwn ms necessny of
omammg approval lmm me omman Asslgnee ms principle was
aniculalad by Hws mmsmp Muhamad Azrm J as lolluws
‘Has/mg cansmared ms pmwsmns a1 Nye Eankmplcy Act as a
us whole and the servo» rtsell u rs my mnmrea aprnrun (ha!
me samman reumremervl ms nu! aw/y to 05525 where the
Darvkmpfi rs sacking :0 ch:/fangs an omsr m nankruFI1‘?Y or
where he vs apwymylu be drsmargw orwhere he rs seskmfl
live caurl‘s drscrelmn m revrew rescmd D7 vary my mm
.5» made by u undzrns bankruptcy/unsd:<lmn'
[13]. The present case does not (all mm. me same sltuauon m Re
Khoo Kim Nock(supn). The judgment m delauh andlhe resuhmg
bankrunlcy aclvnn ws unmaled In one presem case. The same
155 asme app:-canon of ms judgment m uevaun and me bankruplcy
pmceedmg ws helween me Delendam and Malayan Eankmg
[u]. On the comrary, sanchon .s usqum m Ihe preseru case, and
m Secllan 33(1][a) at the Insolvency Act 1931 deals wwh me
moumuelenoe of an unmscnargsu bankrupt m maintain legal
actions mmoun Dnor sumo»/a1 Imm me Dnractor General 01
Insowenom n emphasizes ma: me term 'ac1Ion‘ rsrsrs In cwnl Iega\
pvoceedmgs, wmch encumpass vanous pmcesses such as filing
155 appeals‘ appwying for stays. sellmg aside defauh ;udgmen|s, and
N 5mq\vxMusn:GPaF52usD 5
ms Sum IHIWDIY WW be used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII nF\uNG pm
asserlmg cmmlevclalms Faflure In amam pnnr mnsem renders
any achuns |aken null and vmd. Funhennoru‘ il 15 \mpL7rIan| |u nme
man me rsnmremenl lnr War avbrovm Is no! merely a inrmalily but
a cmusw asped our-e hankNp|'s legs! capawy, ms prmcwple was
extenswely explamed m me declswcn by me Cuurl of Appea\ m
Perwira Min Bank Bhd V Sardzr Mom! Rushzn Khan paw] 4
ML! 2a1. which Iflnd we am lo reproduce here
“[17; u VS .mmu, mm us that M:/udgment m mmm
Tlide s Deve7npmervISdn am, rs m rm position m assrslms
customer m me mum appeal as the /3515 are subslarma/Vy
dissimilar The mm»: Alter: nan nu! taken any iurlner step
or anhcm m Ma plocsecnnys mm m the Wflcwsment aims
021': sanclron Indeed, the bankrupt had my taken stem 6!
sclmns VI ma pmcceflmgs sitar be men secured III: on
mm/mus sarmmzrv Hanca, the ram m... are raamly
drslvrwurshable rm moss m the man: apnea!
rm Sznron 35(1Hu7 set: am the mcmvwaiemre m an
unmschargad bankrupt m mamtam an spoon in m. mwmg
m Whzre 5 bankrupt has not oblarned hr: mscnarge
(aims barvkrunl man be mcompelsvu lo marmarn any
man (alherllvsn an aclmn /ordamagfis m rssuecta/an
In/my (L7 hrs nzrsunf wtlnum the yrevmus samclmrv L7] ma
Director General or Insolvency
[19] We [ind n Perlrr-van! In mu m Disc: me nmmp/ex
enuncrutcd by me mun: m mnsldzrmg s asmm as ruuaws
mm wold 'aolmn‘, wm has no! been defined m the
Act‘ Mme grverv us mam meemngre crvv/acuon arcm!
pmczeflmgs m mun perAugus1me my .10 (now H211
m cm Tm Hang Re 5. parts Came! {M} scm
sw 5mg\vxMusrm3PuF51usn
um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
Bm1[1995] ML./U 647111199712 AW? 1253‘ at p 1250
mm; mm WHMIIV m mm mferrzd mk V
:capna;emss1uu 231
(21 Such cn/ll aclmn orpmceedtnvs Include
(nun: Mmg an nalme Dfapm.-5! Amps wurmm Dawe V
owrupmsm a Cummcrua! Bank ma; End new 1
ML./ 2342‘ 5: pa 231492 1:0» Re Low Kok Tush Ex u
Ami:-Malaysran mmn.m am 5II<1I7-FYGIMUU M2.
(179714 cu 155, at p 1895 mm, aw Eathamam a/p
S:/Farah V Southern Fmance Cu Bhd 1209015 ML] 421
.x p 4:05 rm:/.
{D)an apphcatrorv rarstay arm oamumm»ucm.»gs
Re Lav Hes Sang Exams cmmema: Fmanm WI Blvd
I2nm7IMLJu 475, [zonal 7:143:72 3117 am.
{nun anprmm m 5.: um. : mm» ,..agm.m upon
Wm ms banknmtoy Pwcsedlnys are founded Sabah
Bank am: V Syankal Ernlarvg Yengsh Sdn em: [1592] 2
MLJ 555‘ at p 550 mm,
12041014 MLI2m al 211
Supreme Frmsnce WI End V Marvamad New My
Everway ram Centre) 5 Or:[1§§.’!] 2 ML1 22 at p :1
(Ho; andfls Ma! San bm Hamid, en ,, Umlsd As4an
Bank 5m1[1993] 1 (14202 an: 203. max
(.1). caunlzrdatm GM Eng M V W: Luksamams
may Evin and 1290413 ML./ 97, atp 11J1cA);
(See arm Know Kay mm Law and Praclme af
Earvkruntcy m Malawi (Ind an up zvs/.
(J)(a)The word ’mamIim' does rm! mean that a bankrupt
car-mo! my am any scum vwmom me prevrau:
sarvctran gr m: cm, m. Dankmpl »x nut reqmmd m
wrlhdraw that action and We am-ssh upon oblammg ms
sm 5mg\vxMnsnu3PaF51usn
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
senctran as y: would mm msuce an the
bankrupt Rnrmand ma; 5 Devzlnpmzrvl San am, and
(J)(b)Ths wan}: ’mamlam any amen’ are we enough
to mm mm the Magma or canunmng av an acuon
already bmughl K rmur Garvey Ruwllvar and CD, my
aeremam V MA Abdu/ Kader ms amoral assrymze arms
oropevty o!KF' Peer Mohamed, A sanmpt (1933) mm
28 «CA ms/,
{l)TIve acimnircalvorv or a parry as a bankrupt does not
mean ma! Bl/pendmg scum ufmalpsrly womd reuse
manual: on thutacmunl, urlhutihe bankmpled Daily ,5
rec-ma to wvlhdraw the aalonspendrng the amarmng or
sancnun mm the 0A Whal that party could no! do
wrl/mu! such 5 sarmbon was In take any mam.» stay m
m. proedpdrngs S51 1». mauomy ,.mgm.m ur ma
Smgapcm Cam orAp,~»ea/ m Tan Kmg Hrang v Llmred
Envmeer: (smgunam PI: udlzanfil 3 sue 523 at p
5:5, mm cmmdarlds 1.’l1(1)[a)L7/msBankmplcyAc1
(cap 20, mo Rev Ed) or Smyauors lwlvmlv rs
Bvur;-alien: in am: asrws»
(5)11: mmm saltcvmrmufidne amemdta pzrsarufly
paycosm Yorfi/mg an angmalmg malrmv rorms bankrupt
who was rm! comnetent to nmceed wrlh mat ongmam
molrun as this rs a ham: pnmme u/law wmm emy
rsamrvalfly cmvlpslervl solrulor would have known Tan
Kmg Mm.
(6)ln an I-:1mn mm M Drench af cuniract by m:
aersnaam res oppnsed 10 an anion m rsspecl or an
mluly In me bsnkmprg ueuarw the bankrupt‘: estate
and cause a! when an: v:s1ed m the an upon
adjucltcalwm and unless the pnov sandton or me 0»: 5
oblalned m mamtam me man, me bsnxmm rs
sm 5mg\vxMnsnu3PaF51usn
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
mcomvetent m do so m M: own name Dr in emwav an
advocate and sulrcttur An ad M his own Denali wnlvmn
the sanchon Clun Kan Nam 5 Anal V Char ‘fun Plwl
Deve/oumenl Sdrv and 119961 4 ML./ 271 a!
;: 275.[1s55l 1 cu m .1 p 445 HC smn am
am Tan Kmg Htsng s 244;, gas and Re Law Kak
mam [man MLJ 201 3: 2:2
mm requirement afa sunclmn IS nut/us! . fumramy, :1
909510 his capacrly per new Hamrd Mohamed sex
(lateral Maraym) In Guh Eng Nwa. (CAI sky :04 and
(B) The signs flaky! Dy 5 Durvkmnl .n wn when ur
pvocseamgs wvrhoul me plevwus omen: or the on m
mnsmenuan afs 38(17Y&)are nu//and ma Sch Ervv
nm on, Rrcmami mm & Develoumznt Sun and,
(Ho; and Chnsloplver ran Kok Chmg v Ealhassan Dm
Dr !199B]ML4L/533‘ 1199915 on 177 (NC)
“[10] Dr da/am nas Tanavarvus Sdn smt v smn Jrnqkrw
Pfrlgyuan I7995]2Mu 554 Isiah druutuxkan uleh Mahhamuh
‘11{V[By vmus 075 s aims Au, allsrme mamng or
5 receiving order agems: the defendant me credrtor m
whom the dzfenflanl wax mflzbled m r=:D:c1 gr any
«so: pmvaora In oanmmay could not cammsncs an)’
/my Dmceedlnv agamsx the defendant vn respect of
SMEII ma unless luvs a! the cam‘! have bzen my
syn 5mg\vxMus4nu3PaF51usn
um smm n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII .nuNG pm
[15]. The same was common taken m sunnm bln Abdul mum v. mu
Abd mnnn om Abdul Jam (2022) MLJU 255, wheve me mgn
Cnurl sam-
| 1,912 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
KA-A73KJ-200-04/2022 | PLAINTIF 1. ) SEMAN BIN PIN (MENDAKWA SEBAGAI BAPA / TANGGUNGAN YANG SAH KEPADA MUHAMMAD SAFWAN BIN SEMAN, SI MATI) 2. ) RAHMAN BINTI ISHAK (MENDAKWA SEBAGAI IBU / TANGGUNGAN YANG SAH KEPADA MUHAMMAD SAFWAN BIN SEMAN , SI MATI ) DEFENDAN 1. ) SELVENDRAN A/L RAVI 2. ) SYED MOHD HIDZIR BIN SYED RODZI 3. ) UMI KHALSOM BINTI MOHD ADANALPIHAK KETIGA1. ) Mohd Khairul Anuar Bin Abdul Rahman 2. ) Jainudah Binti Raseh @ Suzlinah Rasi | Kemalangan jalan raya; liabiliti 70% Plaintif, Defendan Pertama 15%, Defendan Kedua dan Defendan Ketiga 15%; Kemalangan Pertama di laluan kecemasan. Si Mati dijumpai berhampiran pembahagi lebuh raya. Pihak Ketiga berhenti di laluan kecemasan sebab kehabisan minyak. Kos pengkebumian RM 2000 sahaja, tiada resit atau bukti. Gantirugi tanggungan RM 400 sebulan. | 28/01/2024 | Puan Siti Nor Hasliza Binti Md Ali | |
28/01/2024 08:52:28
KA-A73KJ-200-04/2022 Kand. 47
S/N /r4cyNK0OE6Q9OcvHKKQfw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[1]! Mahkamah! telah! memutuskan! bahawa! Defendan! Pertama! bertanggungan!22!
sebanyak! 15%,! Defendan! Kedua! dan! Defendan! Ketiga! bertanggungan!23!
sebanyak!15%!dan!Plaintif!70%!sumbang!cuai!di!dalam!kes!kemalangan! ini.!24!
Pihak-pihak! tidak! berpuashati! dengan! keputusan! Mahkamah! dan! telah!25!
[2]! Pihak! Plaintif! dan! Defendan! Pertama! telah! memfailkan! rayuan! di! atas! isu!28!
[3]! Secara!ringkasnya,!fakta!kes!adalah!seperti!berikut.!Pada!23!Februari!2020,!34!
[4]! Kemalangan!ini!melibatkan!sebuah!motorsikal!bernombor!pendaftaran!KEE!38!
dipandu! dan! dimiliki! oleh! Pihak! Ketiga! Pertama! dan! Pihak! Ketiga! Kedua!!41!
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(selepas! ini! dirujuk! sebagai! �motorkar! Pihak! Ketiga! tersebut�),! sebuah!42!
motokar! bernombor! pendaftaran! KEE! 9385! yang! dipandu! oleh! Defendan!43!
Kedua! dan! milik! Defendan! Ketiga! (selepas! ini! dirujuk! sebagai! �motokar!44!
Defendan! Kedua! dan! Defendan! Ketiga! tersebut�! )! dan! sebuah! motokar!45!
bernombor! pendaftaran! JMX! 1102! yang! dipandu! oleh! Defendan! Pertama!46!
[5]! Pihak!Plaintif!telah!memanggil!empat!(4)!orang!saksi!iaitu:-!49!
(i) !Inspektor!Ahmad!Shukri,!seorang!Pegawai!Penyiasat!Ganti!(selepas!ini!51!
(ii) Seman!bin!Pin,!iaitu!Bapa!Si!Mati!yang!juga!Plaintif!Pertama!(selepas!54!
(iii) Rahmah!binti!Ishak,!iaitu!Ibu!Si!Mati!yang!juga!Plaintif!Kedua!(selepas!57!
(iv) Seni!bin!Saad,!iaitu!Majikan!Si!Mati!(selepas!ini!dirujuk!sebagai!�SP4�).!60!
[6]! Manakala!pihak!Defendan-Defendan!menutup!kes!tanpa!memanggil!mana-62!
[7]! Bagi!Pihak!Ketiga,!Mahkamah!ini!merujuk!kepada!minit!Majistret!terdahulu!65!
yang! bertarikh! 5! Januari! 2023! yang! mana! telah! mengarahkan! supaya!66!
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[8]! Tiada! versi! daripada! penunggang! motorsikal! KEE! 6062! kerana! telah!70!
meninggal! dunia! disebabkan! kemalangan! ini.! Empat! orang! saksi! yang!71!
dikemukakan!oleh!Plaintif! bukan!merupakan! saksi! yang!berada!di! tempat!72!
[9]! Versi! kemalangan! di! dalam! pernyataan! tuntutan! Plaintif! menyatakan!75!
Arah! Selatan! [LRUS(S)]! di!mana! Si!Mati! telah! terjatuh! akibat! kemalangan!78!
dengan!motorkar! PCB! 1367! yang! dipandu! dan! dimiliki! oleh! Pihak! Ketiga.!79!
Defendan!Kedua!dan!dimiliki!oleh!Defendan!Ketiga!yang!datang!dari! arah!82!
[10]! Tiada! juga! versi! kemalangan! yang! dikemukakan! oleh! Defendan-Defendan!85!
dan! Pihak! Ketiga! kerana! tiada! seorang! pun! yang! hadir! memberikan!86!
keterangan! dalam! Mahkamah! Terbuka.! Oleh! itu,! Mahkamah! ini! hanya!87!
[11]! Defendan!Pertama!!dalam!! laporan!polisnya!menyatakan!bahawa!pada!23!90!
Februari!2020! jam!2.00!pagi,!Defendan!Pertama!memandu!motorkar! JMX!91!
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di! KM! 52.3! LRUS! (U),! motorkar! Defendan! Pertama! telah! terlanggar!93!
motorsikal! KEE! 6062! yang! berada! di! atas! lebuhraya! yang! terjatuh! akibat!94!
[12]! Manakala!Defendan!Kedua!pula!menyatakan!dalam!laporan!polisnya!bahawa!97!
[13]! !Pihak! Ketiga! pula! menyatakan! dalam! laporan! polisnya! bahawa! pada! 23!103!
minyak.! Semasa! Pihak! Ketiga! berhenti,! Pihak! Ketiga! rasa! hentakan! di!107!
belakang! motorkar! dan! mendapati! sebuah! motorsikal! telah! melanggar!108!
[14]! Sebelum! mahkamah! mempertimbangkan! isu-isu! yang! dipertikaikan,!113!
membuktikan! tuntutan.!Adalah!menjadi! tanggungjawab!Mahkamah!untuk!115!
membuat! penilaian! di! atas! imbangan! kebarangkalian! keseluruhan!116!
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keterangan! saksi-saksi! dan! keterangan! dokumen! samada! Plaintif-plaintif!117!
telah! berjaya! dalam! membuktikan! tuntutan! sebelum! beban! pembuktian!118!
[15]! Mahkamah! merujuk! seksyen! 101! Akta! Keterangan! 1950! di! mana!121!
�101.! (1)! Barang! siapa! berkehendakkan! mahkamah! memberi!124!
undang! dengan! bergantung! pada! adanya! fakta-fakta! yang!126!
(2)! Apabila! seseorang! terikat! untuk! membuktikan! adanya!128!
sesuatu! fakta,! maka! adalah! dikatakan! bahawa! beban! bukti!129!
[16]! Mahkamah!juga!merujuk!kepada!seksyen!102!Akta!Keterangan!1950!yang!132!
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[17]! Begitu!juga!dengan!seksyen!103!Akta!Keterangan!1950!di!mana!dinyatakan!139!
�Beban! bukti!mengenai! sesuatu! fakta! tertentu! terletak! pada! orang!142!
itu,! melainkan! jika! ada! diperuntukkan! oleh! mana-mana! undang-144!
undang!bahawa!bukti!mengenai! fakta! itu! terletak!pada!mana-mana!145!
[18] Selanjutnya,! prinsip! undang-undang! ini! juga! dinyatakan! di! dalam! kes! di!148!
Mahkamah! Persekutuan,! Wong!Thin!Yit! v.! Mohamed! Ali! [1971]! 1! LNS!149!
whether! or! not! the! defendant! gives! evidence.! The! plaintiff! cannot!152!
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that!which! leads!to!a!conclusion!as!to!the!truth!or!falsity!of!alleged!155!
facts! which! are! the! subject! of! inquiry.! Evidence,! if! accepted! and!156!
[19]! Pihak!yang!menuntut!di!dalam!kes! ini!adalah!Plaintif-plaintif,!maka!beban!159!
pembuktian!adalah!diletakkan!diatas!bahu!mereka.! Lanjutan!daripada! itu,!160!
Plaintif-plaintif! juga! perlu! mencapai! standard! pembuktian! iaitu! di! atas!161!
[20]! Asas!bagi!standard!pembuktian!ini!telah!banyak!dijelaskan!dan!diputuskan!164!
�[13]!The! standard! of! proof! in! civil! cases! is! the! legal! standard! to!170!
probabilities.! In! civil! litigation,! the! question! of! the! probability! or!172!
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actually! taken! place! or! not.! In! the! case! of!Miller! v.! Minister! of!175!
(a) Isu!Liabiliti!185!
[21]! Dalam! kes! ini,! keterangan! di! dalam! Mahkamah! Terbuka! hanya! daripada!187!
[22]! Walau! bagaimanapun,! dalam! menentukan! versi! kemalangan! mana! yang!191!
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[23]! SP1,! Pegawai! Penyiasat!Ganti! (Pegawai! Penyiasat!Asal! telah!berpindah! ke!197!
KLIA)! dalam! keterangannya! secara! bersumpah! di! Mahkamah! telah!198!
menyatakan! bahawa! semasa! Pegawai! Penyiasat! sampai! di! tempat!199!
kemalangan,! Si! Mati! telah! dijumpai! di! bahagian! kanan! laluan! A2! -A3!200!
berdekatan! besi! penghadang! tengah! lebuhraya! yang! ditandakan! sebagai!201!
�I�di!dalam!rajah!kasar.! Jarak!antara!motorsikal!Si!Mati!dengan! tempat!Si!202!
[24]! SP1!juga!menyatakan!bahawa!terdapat!serpihan!komponen!kenderaan!dan!205!
serpihan! kaca! yang! ditandakan! sebagai! �G�berdekatan! garisan! A3,! laluan!206!
[25]! Berdasarkan!siasatan,!SP1!menyatakan!bahawa!kemalangan!pertama!antara!!209!
Semasa! pegawai! penyiasat! sampai! di! tempat! kejadian,! kedudukan!211!
[26]! Berdasarkan! keterangan! SP1! yang! merujuk! kepada! siasatan! pegawai!214!
antara! motorsikal! Si! mati! dan! motorkar! Pihak! Ketiga! adalah! di! laluan!216!
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[27]! SP1!dalam!keterangannya!menyatakan!kemalangan!pertama!berlaku!antara!219!
motokar!Pihak!Ketiga!telah!berhentikan!motorkarnya!di! laluan!kecemasan!221!
[28]! Dalam! situasi! ini,! kemalangan!pertama! yang!berlaku! di! laluan! kecemasan!224!
menunjukkan! terdapat! kecuaian! di! pihak! si! Mati! kerana! menunggang!225!
[29]! !Walau!bagaimanapun,!disebabkan!tiada!saksi-saksi!mata!atau!Pihak!Ketiga!228!
sendiri! mahupun! Defendan! yang! hadir! untuk! memberikan! keterangan! di!229!
atau! apa! punca! yang! berlakunya! kemalangan! sehingga! menyebabkan!231!
kematian! Si!Mati,!maka!Mahkamah! ini! dalam!memutuskan! kes! ini! hanya!232!
[30]! Mahkamah!ini!berpandangan!berdasarkan!keterangan!SP1!dan!keterangan!236!
senyap! yang!ada,! kemalangan!pertama!yang!berlaku!di! laluan! kecemasan!237!
bukan!merupakan!punca!utama!kematian!Si!Mati!dalm!kes!ini.! !238!
[31]! Melalui! keterangan! SP1! dan! bukti! senyap,! Mahkamah! ini! berpandangan!240!
telah! berlakunya! perlanggaran! kedua! yang! mana! telah! menyebabkan!241!
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[32]! Sepertimana!yang!dikatakan!bahawa!tiada!keterangan!saksi!mati!mahupun!244!
Defendan-Defendan! dan! juga! Pihak! Ketiga! yang! hadir! untuk!memberikan!245!
keterangan,! maka! keputusan! Mahkamah! hanya! bergantung! kepada!246!
[33]! Dalam!membincangkan!berkaitan!ketidakhadiran!Defendan-Defendan!untuk!249!
[34]! Mahkamah!juga!merujuk!kepada!kes!yang!telah!diputuskan!oleh!Raja!Azlan!258!
the!plaintiff�s! lawful!path!was!due!to!a!specific!cause!and!that!such!263!
is!due! to!some!cause!unknown!but!he!himself! throughout!exercised!265!
that! degree! of! reasonable! care.! Unfortunately,! since! the! defendant!266!
failed! to! turn!up! in!court!during! the! trial!and!his! counsel! elected! to!267!
proceed!to!submit!at!the!close!of!plaintiff�s!case,! the!defendant!has!268!
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failed! to! show! that! he! was! not! negligent! whilst! driving! that! white!269!
[35]! Dalam!mempertimbangkan!isu!tersebut,!mahkamah!ini!juga!sedar!bahawa!272!
Defendan-Defendan! patut! didapati! sepenuhnya! cuai,! melainkan! terdapat!274!
[36]! Dalam!keadaan!tersebut,!adalah!menjadi!tugas!Mahkamah!ini!untuk!menilai!277!
keseluruhan! keterangan! dalam! menentukan! samada! Defendan-Defendan!278!
v.! Mohd! Yunan! bin! Che! Ya! [2009]! 1! LNS! 851,! di! mana! VT! Singham! H!281!
tugas! untuk!menilai! keterangan! keseluruhan! (there!must! be! proper!285!
dan! kedua,! sekiranya! Defendan! Pertama! didapati! cuai,! sama! ada!288!
[37]! Namun,!keadaan!yang!mana!dinyatakan!bahawa!Si!Mati!ditemui!di!bahagian!291!
dan! jarak! antara! Si! Mati! ditemui! dengan! motorsikal! Si! Mati,! tempat!293!
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[38]! Disebabkan! tiada! keterangan! daripada! pihak! Defendan! Pertama! dan!298!
Defendan! Kedua! yang! dapat! menyangkal! bahawa! tiada! sebarang!299!
kemalangan! yang! berlaku! dengan! Si! Mati,! maka! Mahkamah! ini!300!
berpandangan! terdapat! perlanggaran! yang! telah! berlaku! antara! Si! Mati!301!
dengan! Defendan! Pertama! dan! Defendan! Kedua! yang! mana! telah!302!
[39]! Oleh! itu,! dengan! mengambilkira! kesemua! faktor! di! atas! Mahkamah!307!
berpendapat! bahawa! Plaintif! juga!menyumbang! cuai! di! atas! kemalangan!308!
Defenda-Defendan.! Walaubagaimanapun! Plaintif! turut! menyumbang! cuai!311!
[40]!! Maka,! berdasarkan! keterangan! saksi-saksi! dan! keterangan! senyap! yang!314!
dikemukakan! di! Mahkamah! dan! setelah! menimbangkan! kes! ini! secara!315!
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[41]! !Justeru,! Mahkamah! ini! telah! memutuskan! Defendan! Pertama! adalah!319!
bertanggungan! 15%,! Defendan! Kedua! dan! Defendan! Ketiga! adalah!320!
bertanggungan! 15%! manakala! Plaintif! bertanggungan! 70%! terhadap!321!
kemalangan! yang! berlaku.! Kemalangan! ini! mungkin! dapat! dielakkan!322!
sekiranya! kedua-dua!pihak! lebih! berhati-hati! di! dalam!penunggangan!dan!323!
(b) Isu!Kuantum!!326!
[42]! Akibat!daripada!kemalangan!tersebut,!Si!Mati!telah!meninggal!dunia.!330!
[43]! Dalam!mempertimbangkan!award!ini,!Mahkamah!telah!merujuk!kepada!nas!332!
undang-undang! yang! diputuskan! sebelum! ini! dan! juga! kepada! trend! dan!333!
[44]! Mahkamah!menggunapakai!garis!panduan!di!dalam!kes! Inas!Faiqah!Mohd!337!
Aziz)! v.! Kerajaan!Malaysia! &! Ors! [2016]! 2! CLJ! FCJ,! di! mana!Mahkamah!339!
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and! award! fair! compensation! based!on! cogent! evidence.! The! court!345!
those!evidence,!which! form!the!basis!of!any! risk!of! future!damage,!347!
must! therefore! still! be! undertaken.! And! the! trial! judge! can! only!348!
evaluate! such! evidence! based! on! the! recognizes! balance! of!349!
[45]! Mahkamah!telah!memutuskan!bahawa:!352!
(i)! Item!! (a)!Kerosakan!motosikal!354!
(ii)! Item!! (e)!Kos!laporan!polis,!rajah!kasar!dan!kunci!gambar!kemalangan!361!
! ! ! (f)!Kos!laporan!post!mortem!362!
! ! ! (g)!Kos!carian!JPJ!363!
[46]! Manakala!bagi!kos!kesedihan!telah!diputuskan!seperti!berikut:!367!
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Item!! (i)!Kos!kesedihan!-dibenarkan!sebanyak!RM!30,000.00!seperti!yang!368!
[47]! Kos! kesedihan! ini! dibenarkan! sebanyak! RM! 30,000.00! sepertimana! yang!371!
ditetapkan! di! bawah! Akta! Undang-Undang! Sivil! 1956.! Amaun! ini! juga!372!
[48]! Bagi!kos!pengkebumian!iaitu:!375!
Item! (j)!Kos!pengkebumian!�!dibenarkan!sebanyak!RM!2,000.00.!377!
[49]! Dalam!keterangan!yang!dikemukakan!oleh!saksi-saksi!di!Mahkamah,! tiada!379!
[50]! Mahkamah! ini! telah! membenarkan! sebanyak! RM! 2,000! sahaja! dengan!383!
mengambilkira! tiada! sebarang! bukti! dokumentari! yang! dikemukakan! oleh!384!
saksi-saksi! kepada! Mahkamah.! Mahkamah! ini! berpandangan! RM! 2,000!385!
[51]! Seterusnya,!Mahkamah!ini!telah!memutuskan!seperti!berikut!bagi!gantirugi!389!
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Item! (k)! Kehilangan! tanggungan! �! dibenarkan! sebanyak! RM! 400.00!392!
! RM!400!x!12!bulan!x!16!tahun!=!RM!76,800.00!395!
[52]! Mahkamah! ini! berpandangan! RM! 76,800.00! adalah! satu! jumlah! yang!397!
munasabah!memandangkan! tiada! sebarang! bukti! yang! dikemukakan! oleh!398!
pihak! Plaintif! di! Mahkamah! ini.! Keterangan! majikan! iaitu! SP4! gagal!399!
membuktikan! pendapatan! Si! Mati.! Tiada! bukti! yang! dikemukakan! di!400!
Mahkamah! ini! yang! dapat! membuktikan! bahawa! gaji! Si! Mati! adalah! RM!401!
kepada! mereka! RM! 400! sebulan! yang! mana!menjadikan! jumlah! RM! 800!403!
[53]! Tuntutan! Plaintif-Plaintif! telah! dibenarkan! dengan! kos! sebagaimana! skala!406!
lazim!dibenarkan.! Faedah!pada! kadar! 5%! setahun! atas! ganti! rugi! am!dari!408!
kemalangan!sehingga!tarikh!penghakiman!dan!5%!setahun!ke!atas! jumlah!410!
[54]! Maka,! setelah! meneliti! semua! faktor! di! atas! dan! setelah! Mahkamah!415!
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yang! dikemukakan! di!Mahkamah,! ekshibit-ekshibit! serta! hujahan-hujahan!417
yang!difailkan!oleh!pihak-pihak!dan! setelah!menimbangkan! kes! ini! secara!418
keseluruhannya,! Mahkamah! memutuskan! bahawa! pihak! Plaintif-Plaintif419
Namun,! Mahkamah! mendapati! Plaintif! juga! telah! menyumbang! cuai! di!421
dalam!kemalangan! ini.!Oleh! itu,!Mahkamah!membenarkan!tuntutan!pihak!422
Plaintif! dengan! Defendan Pertama! adalah! bertanggungan! 15%,! Defendan!423
Kedua!dan!Defendan!Ketiga! adalah! bertanggungan! 15% manakala! Plaintif!424
Bertarikh:!25 Januari!2024427
Bagi!pihak!Plaintif! :!Tetuan!N.M.!Tiong!&!Co436
Bagi!pihak!Defendan Pertama :!Tetuan!Gan,!Ho!&!Razlan!Hadri437
Bagi!pihak!Defendan!Kedua!&!Ketiga :!Tetuan!Dass,!Jainab!&!Ass438
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| 27,579 | Tika 2.6.0 |
DD-A73KJ-47-05/2022 | PLAINTIF FATIMAH BINTI NOOR DEFENDAN RAHMAN BIN MOHAMAD PENCELAH ZURICH GENERAL INSURANCE BERHAD | Interlokutori - permohonan defendan meminda pliding - permohonan defendan memanggil semula saksi plaintif untuk disoal balas - sama ada surat akuan bersumpah memadai - sama ada ketiadaan laporan polis penafian mencukupi - sama ada defendan lewat dalam membuat permohonan - sama ada permohonan defendan bona fide - sama ada defendan telah menjelaskan kelewatan - sama ada alasan kelewatan membuat permohonan defendan memadai - dalam kepentingan keadilan - sama ada mahkamah betul dalam menggunapakai budi bicara - sama ada defendan sambil lewa dalam pengendalian kes - sama ada defendan tidakn kompeten dalam pengendalian kes - sama ada prejudis kepada pihak lawan - sama ada permohonan akan membuka floodgates | 27/01/2024 | Tuan Mohd Fauzan Bin Mohd Suhairi | |
GUAMAN SIVIL NO.: DD-A73KJ-47-05/2022
(Permohonan Defendan untuk Meminda Pembelaan dan
Memanggil Semula Saksi Plaintif untuk Disoal Balas)
[1] Kes ini melibatkan tuntutan Plaintif ke atas Defendan berkaitan satu kemalangan
jalan raya yang dikatakan telah berlaku pada 23.11.2021 pada jam lebih kurang 2.00
petang di Jalan Padang Melintang, Bachok, Kelantan di antara Plaintif yang menunggang
motosikal jenis Honda Beat bernombor pendaftaran TBV 741 dan Defendan yang
27/01/2024 21:58:42
DD-A73KJ-47-05/2022 Kand. 62
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merupakan pemilik berdaftar dan pemandu bagi motokar jenis Proton Wira bernombor
pendaftaran WGJ 6563.
[2] Perbicaraan penuh bagi kes ini telah berlangsung sehingga ke peringkat pihak
Plaintif telah pun menutup kes pada 22.11.2022 setelah selesai memanggil dua (2) orang
saksi pihak Plaintif iaitu Penolong Pegawai Penyiasat (SP1) dan Plaintif (SP2).
[3] Setelah perbicaraan untuk kes pihak Defendan ditangguhkan beberapa kali atas
permohonan Peguam bela Defendan, atas alasan kegagalan untuk menghubungi
Defendan sendiri, dan akhirnya Defendan berjaya dihubungi, telah membawa kepada
pemfailan permohonan di Kandungan 19 iaitu permohonan kebenaran untuk Defendan
meminda Pernyataan Pembelaan dan Saksi-Saksi Plaintif dipanggil semula untuk disoal
[4] Pada 13.11.2023, Mahkamah ini telah menolak permohonan pihak Defendan di
Kandungan 19 dengan kos sebanyak RM 1,000.00.
[5] Justeru, ini adalah alasan penghakiman Mahkamah ini.
[6] Aturan 20 Kaedah 5 Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 menyatakan seperti
Rule 5. Amendment of writ or pleading with leave (O. 20 r. 5)
(1) Subject to Order 15, rule 6, 6A, 7 and 8 and the following provisions
of this rule, the Court may at any stage of the proceedings allow the plaintiff
to amend his writ, or any party to amend his pleading, on such terms as to
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costs or otherwise as may be just and in such manner (if any) as it may
[7] Dalam kes Yamaha Motors Ltd v Yamaha Malaysia [1983] CLJ Rep 428,
Mahkamah Persekutuan telah menggariskan prinsip undang-undang berkaitan pindaan
ke atas pliding, sebagaimana berikut:
“Under O. 20 of the Rules of the High Court 1980, which is equivalent to O.
28 Rules of Supreme Court, a Judge has a discretion to allow leave to
amend pleadings. Like any other discretion, it must of course be exercised
judicially … The general principle is that the Court will allow such
amendments as will cause no injustice to the other parties. Three basic
questions should be considered to determine whether injustice would or
would not result, (1) whether the application is bona fide; (2) whether
prejudice caused to the other side can be compensated by costs and (3)
whether the amendments would not in effect turn the suit from one character
into a suit of another and inconsistent character. If the answers are in the
affirmative, an application for amendment should be allowed at any stage
of the proceedings particularly before trial, even if the effect of the
amendment would be to add or substitute a new cause of action, provided
the new cause of action arises out of the same facts or substantially the
same facts as a cause of action in respect of which relief has already been
claimed in the original statement of claim.”
[8] Pihak Defendan dalam alasan permohonannya menyatakan seperti berikut:
i. Pada 21 Februari 2023, Defendan telah membuat surat akuan bersumpah
di hadapan pesuruhjaya sumpah di Mahkamah Majistret Bachok
mengatakan beliau dan motokar nombor WGJ 6563 tidak terlibat dalam
kemalangan pada 23 November 2021, dengan motosikal nombor
pendaftaran TBV 741 yang ditunggang oleh Plaintif. Laporan polis beliau
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sebelum itu yang mengakui penglibatan adalah semata-mata untuk
menolong Plaintif membuat tuntutan palsu.
ii. Oleh kerana sebelum ini Defendan mengatakan beliau terlibat, Pernyataan
Pembelaan telah difailkan berdasarkan laporan polis Defendan.
iii. Pernyataan Pembelaan perlu dipinda selari dengan surat akuan sumpah
iv. Peguam bela pihak Defendan pada awalnya gagal untuk menemubual
Defendan. Pemfailan Pembelaan asal adalah untuk mengelakkan
penghakiman ingkar daripada dimasukkan.
v. Terdapat beberapa perkara yang mencurigakan dalam laporan polis.
Peguam bela pihak Defendan telah meminta pihak penyelaras untuk
membuat siasatan. Defendan telah mengaku membuat laporan polis palsu
bagi menolong Plaintif membuat tuntutan palsu.
Sama ada permohonan pihak Defendan bona fide
[9] Berdasarkan kronologi panjang sebutan kes sehingga ke peringkat perbicaraan
penuh bagi kes ini, Mahkamah ini berpendapat bahawa permohonan pihak Defendan
adalah tidak bona fide. Hal ini demikian kerana permohonan yang dibuat adalah pada
peringkat yang agak lewat iaitu setelah pihak Plaintif selesai memanggil kesemua
saksinya dan telah pun menutup kes. Bahkan setelah Mahkamah ini dengan
menggunakan budi bicaranya telah membenarkan beberapa siri penangguhan sambung
bicara bagi kes pihak Defendan atas permohonan Peguam bela pihak Defendan yang
memberikan alasan yang sama iaitu gagal untuk menghubungi Defendan. Perkara ini
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adalah suatu senario yang tidak boleh diterima dalam konteks perbicaraan kes di
Mahkamah. Ini juga menunjukkan bahawa Peguam bela pihak Defendan telah
mengendalikan kes sejak dari awal lagi secara sambil lewa dan semberono tanpa
mengambil serius terhadap keseluruhan kepentingan kes. Sudah tentunya situasi ini
telah mengakibatkan prejudis kepada pihak Plaintif.
[10] Pihak Defendan dalam Afidavit Sokongan turut menyatakan bahawa akibat
kegagalan Peguam menghubungi Defendan, barulah pada ketika itu Peguam
mengarahkan pihak penyelaras untuk menjalankan penyiasatan kes. Ternyata hal ini
menunjukkan bahawa pihak Defendan bagai “baru bangun daripada tidur” dan terus
mengambil tindakan-tindakan yang sepatutnya dilakukan sebelum perbicaraan bermula
lagi. Mahkamah ini berpendapat bahawa Mahkamah tidak seharusnya memberikan budi
bicara kepada pengendalian kes yang tidak serius dan tidak kompeten yang secara
langsung menyebabkan prejudis kepada pihak lawan serta melengah-lengahkan proses
keadilan di Mahkamah. “Vigilantibus non dormientibus jura subveniunt.” Mahkamah ini
juga berpandangan bahawa demi kepentingan keadilan kepada kes-kes yang
dibicarakan di Mahkamah, permohonan dalam konteks seperti kes semasa adalah tidak
wajar dibenarkan mengambil kira faktor “floodgates”.
Sama ada pihak Defendan telah menjelaskan berkaitan kelewatan memfailkan
[11] Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa pihak Defendan telah memfailkan permohonan
untuk meminda Pernyataan Pembelaan agak lewat iaitu setelah pihak Plaintif selesai
menutup kes. Satu-satunya alasan yang dikemukakan kerana kelewatan pemfailan
permohonan ialah disebabkan Peguam bela pihak Defendan baru sahaja dapat
menghubungi Defendan sendiri. Mahkamah ini berpendapat bahawa ini bukanlah satu
alasan yang kukuh dan munasabah serta patut untuk diterima bagi menjustifikasikan
kelewatan pemfailan permohonan.
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[12] Dalam kes semasa juga, tiada laporan polis lanjut dibuat oleh Defendan bagi
menafikan keterlibatan dalam kemalangan yang berlaku. Defendan hanya membuat
Surat Akuan Sumpah untuk menafikan perkara berkenaan.
[13] Rujukan dibuat kepada kes Worldwide Corporation Ltd v Gpt Ltd & Anor [1998]
EWCA Civ 1894, yang menyatakan seperti berikut:
“Where a party has had many months to consider how he wants to put his
case and where it is not by virtue of some new factor appearing from some
disclosure only recently made, why, one asks rhetorically, should he be
entitled to cause the trial to be delayed so far as his opponent is concerned
and why should he be entitled to cause inconvenience to other litigants?
The only answer which can be given and which, Mr Brodie has suggested,
applies in the instant case is that without the amendment a serious injustice
may be done because the new case is the only way the case can be argued,
and it raises the true issue between the parties which justice requires should
be decided.
We accept that at the end of the day a balance has to be struck. The court
is concerned with doing justice, but justice to all litigants, and thus where a
last minute amendment is sought with the consequences indicated, the
onus will be a heavy one on the amending party to show the strength of the
new case and why justice both to him, his opponent and other litigants,
requires him to be able to pursue it.”
Sama ada cadangan pindaan telah mengubah karakter Pernyataan Pembelaan
[14] Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa cadangan pindaan kepada Pernyataan
Pembelaan yang difailkan oleh pihak Defendan akan mengubah asas dan karakter
kepada pembelaan pihak Defendan yang sedia ada. Hal ini demikian kerana pihak
Defendan telah menafikan penglibatan Defendan dalam kemalangan yang berlaku.
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Walaupun ianya selari dengan Surat Akuan Sumpah yang telah dibuat oleh Defendan,
tiada sebarang laporan polis lanjut yang berbentuk penafian dibuat dan/atau difailkan
oleh pihak Defendan. Pernyataan Pembelaan asal yang telah difailkan oleh pihak
Defendan tidak menafikan penglibatan Defendan dalam kemalangan yang berlaku
sebagaimana cadangan pindaan kepada Pernyataan Pembelaan.
[15] Merujuk kepada kes Mohamad Farid Asyraf Dasuki v Masdi Javiran [2021] 1
LNS 448, Mahkamah Tinggi menyatakan seperti berikut:
“The proposed amendments would make the claim against the Appellant a
sham claim dan defamatory in nature. It sets the Writ as well as the
Statement of Claim as be libellous and no less serious, the imputation that
the police would be involved. To stretch it a little further the aspersions cast
on the conduct of the solicitors acting for the Appellants that the 1st
Statement of Defence was improperly prepared and filed.”
[16] Dalam kes Tokio Marine Insurance (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd v Rathakrishnan
Ramatasu & Anor and Anor Appeal [2017] 3 CLJ 678, Mahkamah Rayuan telah
memutuskan seperti berikut:
“This amendment was also inconsistent with the first defendant’s police
report. We are of the view, this amendment and the conduct relating to the
amendment as well as the evidence in court do not promote administration
of justice. The first defendant as an insured, cannot be treated, to use the
words of Mac Kinnon LJ in Groom’s case, supra, “as a mere pawn in the
game of “the insurer and the claimant.”
[17] Justeru, cadangan pembelaan yang difailkan oleh pihak Defendan yang
bertentangan dengan laporan polis yang telah dibuat oleh Defendan sendiri yang secara
jelas tidak menafikan penglibatan Defendan dalam kemalangan yang berlaku, dan hanya
bergantung sepenuhnya semata-mata kepada Surat Akuan Sumpah adalah tidak tuntas
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dan tidak bermerit. Hal ini juga telah sama sekali mengubah asas dan karakter
pembelaan pihak Defendan.
[18] Seksyen 138(4) Akta Keterangan 1950 menyatakan seperti berikut:
Section 138. Order of examinations and direction of re-examination.
(4) The court may in all cases permit a witness to be recalled either for
further examination-in-chief or for further crossexamination, and if it does
so, the parties have the right of further cross-examination and re-
examination respectively.
[19] Pada akhirnya, ianya adalah satu kuasa budi bicara Mahkamah dalam membuat
keputusan berkenaan isu pemanggilan semula saksi dengan mengambil kira prinsip asas
iaitu kepentingan keadilan. Dalam kes Ong Yoke Eng & Anor v Lim Ah Yew [1982] 1
MLJ 226, Hakim Arulanandom dalam penghakimannya menyatakan seperti berikut:
“In civil proceedings, it is in the discretion of the court of first instance to
recall a witness or call further witnesses after his case is closed. Although
under ordinary circumstances it may not be necessary or permissible to
allow a witness once examined and dismissed by a party to be recalled for
it is expected that the advocate will interrogate him on all material points
touching his case, unforeseen situations may develop and there may be
also inadvertent omissions. In such a case the court may at its discretion
allow a witness to be recalled, but surprise or prejudice to the other party
should be guarded against. The objection by the defendant to the
application was however not on these anticipated grounds. Nevertheless on
allowing the application the court granted liberty to the defendant to cross-
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examine the recalled witness and further witnesses and call evidence in
rebuttal. (Emphasis added.)”
[20] Dalam kes Prince Court Medical Centre Sdn Bhd v Germguard Technologies
(M) Sdn Bhd [2016] 4 MLJ 1, Mahkamah Rayuan menyatakan seperti berikut:
“[8] In my judgment, the better view is that expressed in Ong Yoke Eng. A
trial judge must be given a wide discretion on matters relating to evidence.
After all, the Evidence Act 1950 itself places the matter of relevance and
therefore admissibility upon the court, for it provides as follows in s 136(1):
(1) When either party proposes to give evidence of any fact,
the court may as the party proposing to give the evidence in
what manner the alleged fact, if proved, would be relevant;
and the court shall admit the evidence if it thinks that the fact,
if proved, would be relevant, and not otherwise.
[9] The view that I have taken is supported by the decision in TD Canada
Trust v McMaster et al [2003] BCD (Civ) 16394, where Garson J said: In
Dudas v Munroe [1993] BCJ 2035 (SC) (QL), Braidwood J (as he then was)
summarised the law concerning the court’s discretion to reopen a trial
before judgment is entered as follows: In deciding whether or not to reopen
a case, the governing considerations are first, would a miscarriage of justice
probably occur without a rehearing; and second, would a rehearing probably
produce a change of result?
The discretion to reopen a trial before judgment is entered is an unfettered
discretion but one that should be used sparingly (Sykes v Sykes (1995) 6
BCLR (3d) 296 (CA)) and has its purpose the correction of what would
otherwise be a miscarriage of justice (Kemp v Wittenberg 1999 BCJ 810
(SC)). (Emphasis added.)
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[10] We take the view that if the application in encl 71 were to be allowed, it
will allow the appellant to rectify, repair or cover up any loophole in their
case after having the benefit of evaluating the evidence of the respondent’s
witnesses and the respondent’s submissions. This will not be fair to the
respondent and is not how litigation should be conducted in our adversarial
system of justice.
[11] Most importantly, the discretion to allow a party to reopen its case is a
discretion that should be exercised sparingly: see Sykes v Sykes (1995) 6
BCLR (3d) 296 which the Court of Appeal cited with approval in Tan Kah
Khiam referred to in para 9 above.
[12] The policy consideration behind this is obvious, and that is to avoid
opening the floodgates for similar applications in the future. In cases such
as the one before us, the discretion should only be exercised in exceptional
circumstances and to prevent a miscarriage of justice.
[21] Manakala dalam kes Silver Bird Group Bhd & Ors v Dato’ Tan Han Kook & Ors
[2016] 9 MLJ 503, Hakim Azizah Nawawi (pada ketika itu) menyatakan sebagaimana
“…the courts have a wide discretion to recall witnesses after the case is
closed, where the application is based on unforeseen circumstances which
may develop or that there may be inadvertent omissions, subject to issue
of surprise or prejudice to the other party. As such, it depends on the factual
matrix of each case as to where the justice of the case lies.”
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[22] Dalam kes semasa, pihak Plaintif telah pun selesai menutup kes dengan
pemanggilan dua (2) orang saksi iaitu Penolong Pegawai Penyiasat (SP1) dan Plaintif
(SP2). Pihak Defendan telah memohon penangguhan perbicaraan kes Defendan
beberapa kali walaupun terdapat bantahan daripada pihak Plaintif. Satu-satunya alasan
yang dikemukakan kepada Mahkamah dalam memohon penangguhan ialah kegagalan
Peguam bela untuk menghubungi Defendan. Setelah Peguam bela berjaya menghubungi
Defendan, Peguam bela memaklumkan kepada Mahkamah bahawa pihak Defendan
akan memasukkan permohonan semasa kerana terdapatnya isu fraud.
[23] Dalam memperhalusi isu ini, Mahkamah ini mendapat panduan berkenaan prinsip
asas iaitu “in the interest of justice”. Satu-satunya alasan dalam membuat permohonan
semasa yang dikemukakan oleh pihak Defendan ialah Defendan sendiri telah
memperakui membuat laporan polis palsu dan mengatakan bahawa tidak terlibat dalam
kemalangan yang berlaku. Defendan, dalam bergantung kepada pernyataan ini, telah
membuat Surat Akuan Bersumpah. Mahkamah ini berpendapat bahawa dalam ketiadaan
laporan polis lanjut yang menafikan keterlibatan Defendan dalam kemalangan yang
berlaku, ianya tidak akan membawa apa-apa faedah dalam pemanggilan semula saksi
Plaintif terutamanya melibatkan SP1 iaitu Penolong Pegawai Penyiasat.
[24] Selain itu, isu prejudis kepada pihak lawan iaitu pihak Plaintif dalam kes ini sudah
tentunya merupakan isu yang material dalam konteks keseluruhan pembawaan kes pihak
Plaintif. Keseluruhan kertas kausa dan strategi pembawaan kes pihak Plaintif akan
tergugat dengan permohonan semasa jika ianya dibenarkan. Ianya juga adalah satu
peluang kepada pihak Defendan, “to have second bite at the cherry”. Mengambil kira
situasi kes semasa, Mahkamah ini berpandangan adalah tidak wajar untuk membenarkan
permohonan pemanggilan semula saksi-saksi Plaintif untuk disoal balas hanya
bersandarkan dan berdasarkan semata-mata kepada Surat Akuan Bersumpah yang
dibuat oleh Defendan. Pada hemat Mahkamah, ianya adalah tidak memadai dan tidak
mencukupi dalam konteks kepentingan keadilan keseluruhan kes.
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[25] Pada akhirnya, Mahkamah ini tidak dapat menjustifikasikan kebenaran untuk
permohonan semasa, “at the risk of repetition”, akibat keseluruhannya daripada
pengendalian kes yang tidak kompeten oleh Peguam bela Defendan. Ini akan
menyebabkan “threshold” kebenaran bagi permohonan semasa menjadi lebih ringan dan
membuka “floodgates”.
[26] Berdasarkan alasan-alasan di atas, permohonan pihak Defendan tidak
mempunyai sebarang merit. Permohonan pihak Defendan di Kandungan 19, adalah
dengan ini, ditolak dengan kos sebanyak RM 1,000.00.
Bertarikh pada 27 Januari 2024
Mahkamah Majistret Bachok
Bagi pihak Pemohon/Defendan : NORIAH BINTI MUHAMMAD
Tetuan Shaharuddin Hidayu & Marwaliz
Bagi pihak Plaintif : NOR ANIS BINTI HISHAM
Tetuan Kuay & Partners
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| 21,324 | Tika 2.6.0 |
CB-12B-15-11/2022 | PERAYU 1. ) SRIRAJA HOLDINGS SDN. BHD. 2. ) VELLAITHAN A/L MURUGAN RESPONDEN MOHAMAD HAFIZ BIN GHOZALI | Rayuan sivil tuntutan gantirugi kemalangan jalan raya - Rayuan terhadap amaun gantirugi - Tiada kekhilafan yang memerlukan campurtangan mahkamah yang mendengar rayuan - Rayuan ditolak. | 26/01/2024 | YA Tuan Roslan bin Mat Nor | |
Microsoft Word - CB-12B-15-11-2022 SRIRAJA HOLDING v MOHD HAFIZ GHOZALI -edited
RAYUAN SIVIL NO. CB-12B-15-11/2022
(NO. SYARIKAT: 575530W]
GUAMAN SIVIL NO. CB-A53KJ-303-12/2020
(NO. SYARIKAT: 575530W]
26/01/2024 11:44:06
CB-12B-15-11/2022 Kand. 18
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[1] Ini adalah rayuan terhadap keputusan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen
yang telah membenarkan gantirugi khas yang keseluruhannya
berjumlah RM1,122,311.40 dengan faedah 5 % setahun kepada
gantirugi am dan 2.5 % setahun bagi gantirugi khas. Bagi maksud
alasan ini, pihak-pihak akan dirujuk sepertimana prosiding di
Mahkamah Sesyen iaitu Perayu-perayu adalah Defendan-Defendan
manakala Responden adalah Plaintif.
[2] Tuntutan Plaintif ini adalah berkaitan dengan kemalangan jalan
raya yang berlaku pada 24.01.2018. Kemalangan itu telah
menyebabkan kecederaan dialami oleh Plaintif.
[3] Plaintif dan Defendan-Defendan telah sudi bersetuju dengan
liabiliti dalam kes ini semasa perbicaraan di Mahkamah Sesyen iaitu
Plaintif bertanggungan 10 % dan Defendan-Defendan bertanggungan
90 %. Oleh itu rayuan dalam kes ini adalah berkaitan kuantum gantirugi
[4] Plaintif telah mengemukakan empat orang saksi termasuk Plaintif.
Di samping itu laporan-laporan pakar turut dikemukakan bagi
menyokong tuntutan Plaintif. Ini dapat dilihat di halaman 51 hingga 58,
73 hingga 150, 192 hingga 263 Rekod Rayuan.
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[5] Penentuan gantirugi dalam kecederaan yang dialami oleh individu
adalah sesuatu yang sukar. Ia memerlukan penelitian kepada
kecederaan yang dialami dan laporan pakar berkaitan kecederaan
tersebut. Di samping itu pertimbangan juga perlu dibuat kepada keilatan
yang dihadapinya itu telah menghalang Plaintif daripada menikmati
kehidupan seperti biasa sebelum kecederaan itu dialami olehnya.
[6] Hakikat gantirugi ekoran daripada kecederaan yang dialami oleh
Plaintif telah dirumuskan dengan menarik oleh Dewan Pertuanan
(House of Lord) dalam kes Parry v Cleaver [1970] A.C. 1 di mana Lord
Morris of Borth-Y-Gest menyatakan seperti berikut:
“To compensate in money for pain and for physical
consequences is invariably difficult but it is recognised that no
other process can be devised than that of making a monetary
assessment. No sort of arithmetical calculation is possible.
Money cannot really compensate for the loss of a limb or for
any permanent deprivation of physical abilities or indeed for
pain and suffering. There can be no equation between
purchasing power and those things which cannot be
purchased. But a money award is all that is possible. It is the
best that can be done.”
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[7] Semasa mendengar rayuan berkenaan dengan gantirugi
Mahkamah ini perlu mempertimbangkan panduan yang diberikan oleh
Mahkamah Agong keadaan di mana mahkamah yang mendengar
rayuan boleh campur tangan di dalam gantirugi yang telah diputuskan
oleh Mahkamah Bicara. Ini dinyatakan dalam kes Tan Kuan Yau v
Suhindrimani [1985] 2 MLJ 22 seperti berikut:
“The principle that could guide this court in determining
whether it should interfere with the quantum of damages is
crystal clear. What is also clear is that much depends on the
circumstances of each case, in particular the amount of the
award. In a particular case therefore it is for the appeal court
to consider whether in the light of the circumstances of that
case there is an erroneous estimate of the amount of the
damage in that, either there was an omission on the part of
the Judge to consider some relevant materials, or he had
admitted for purposes of assessment some irrelevant
considerations. If the court is satisfied or convinced that the
Judge has acted upon wrong principles of law then it is
justified in reversing; indeed, it is its duty to reverse the finding
of the trial Judge.”
[8] Begitu juga dalam kes Topaiwah v Salleh [1968] 1 MLJ 284 yang
turut menegaskan garis panduan bilakah hakim bicara boleh campur
tangan dalam gantirugi yang telah diputuskan oleh hakim bicara.
Mahkamah Persekutuan menyatakan seperti berikut:
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“Or another way of putting it – that it is a matter of assessment
but not of calculation. So far as this court is concerned we
should, to paraphrase Greer L.J. in Flint Levell [1935] 1 KB
354 360 be disinclined to reverse the finding of a trial judge as
to the amount of damages merely because we think that if we
had tried the case in the first instance we would have given a
lesser sum. To justify reversing him, we should be convinced
that he acted upon some wrong principle of law, or that the
amount awarded was so extremely high or so very small as to
make it an entirely erroneous estimate of the damage. The
assessments which the courts have made over the years form
some guide to the kind of figure which is proper and which the
appellate court will follow in the light of the special facts of
each particular case.”
[9] Penelitian kepada kes-kes di atas menunjukkan bahawa ruang
untuk hakim yang mendengar rayuan campur tangan dalam keputusan
hakim bicara berkenaan gantirugi adalah tidak luas. Ia hanya boleh
dilakukan sekiranya didapati bahawa hakim bicara telah memutuskan
gantirugi tersebut tidak berdasarkan kepada prinsip undang-undang
berkenaan dengan gantirugi, jumlah yang diberikan adalah tidak sejajar
dengan keputusan-keputusan yang lalu berkenaan dengan gantirugi
tersebut atau gantirugi tersebut terlampau rendah atau terlampau
berlebihan. Di samping itu sekiranya gantirugi tersebut diberikan tanpa
sokongan keterangan yang sewajarnya boleh juga menjadi asbab
kepada campur tangan hakim rayuan dalam keputusan gantirugi
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Head Injury with Traumatic Brain Injury
[10] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen dalam kes ini telah memutuskan
bahawa jumlah gantirugi bagi maudhu’ ini adalah RM100,000.00.
Peguam pihak Defendan menyatakan bahawa jumlah yang sepatutnya
diberikan dalam kes ini adalah sebanyak RM70,000.00. Sementara
peguam Plaintif memohon supaya dipertimbangkan jumlah
RM300,000.00. Dalam hal ini Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah meneliti
laporan pakar pihak Defendan yang telah memperincikan kelemahan
yang dihadapi oleh Plaintif ekoran daripada kecederaan tersebut seperti
yang dinyatakan di muka surat 4 alasan penghakiman Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen.
[11] Sementara itu jika diteliti kepada laporan yang dikemukakan oleh
pakar Plaintif iaitu Dr. Khairul Muhsein Abdullah menyatakan bahawa
kecederaan yang dialami oleh Plaintif adalah keilatan kekal. Oleh yang
demikian ia telah menjadi sandaran kepada hujahan peguam Plaintif
untuk meningkatkan gantirugi kepada RM300,000.00. Pada masa yang
sama Mahkamah ini juga meneliti keputusan dalam kes Cheong Voon
Han v Thevan a/l Subramaniam & Anor [2019] 11 MLJ 220 dan Ang
Yee Cheng & Anor v Ang Siang Hock (person under disability suing
through Koh Beng Guek, litigation representative) [2016] 9 MLJ 238
yang telah mengesahkan jumlah yang diawardkan kepada kecederaan
yang melibatkan otak ialah RM300,000.00.
[12] Berdasarkan laporan pakar yang disediakan oleh Dr. Khairul
Muhsein Abdullah tersebut pada pandangan doktor pakar tersebut
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keilatan yang akan dihadapi oleh Plaintif adalah melibatkan sakit kepala
dan ia boleh dikawal dengan perubatan seperti ubat penahan sakit yang
akan dialami oleh Plaintif sepanjang hayat beliau. Keilatan kognitif
adalah sesuatu yang sukar dirawat dan ia adalah akan kekal.
Mahkamah mendapati dalam kes ini Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah
membandingkan laporan pakar Plaintif dan laporan pakar pihak
Defendan dan berpendapat bahawa jumlah yang sewajarnya adalah
RM100,000.00 walaupun ia adalah lebih rendah daripada
RM300,000.00 yang dinyatakan dalam kes di atas dan juga seperti yang
dinyatakan dalam kes Tan Cheong Poh & Anor v Teow Ah Keow
[1995] 3 MLJ 89. Namun pertimbangan yang dibuat oleh Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen tersebut tidak mempunyai asas untuk Mahkamah
ini mengganggu dapatan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen. Ia hanya boleh
dilakukan sekiranya dapatan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen itu dibuat
dengan hanya berdasarkan kepada laporan pakar Plaintif semata-mata.
Namun dalam kes ini Mahkamah berpendapat kedua-dua laporan pakar
tersebut telah diteliti dengan sewajarnya oleh Hakim Mahkamah
Sesyen. Oleh itu Mahkamah berpendapat jumlah award tersebut
adalah dikekalkan.
Closed Fracture Proximal 3rd Left Humerus
[13] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah mengawardkan sejumlah
RM25,000.00 bagi kecederaan ini. Ia dalah berdasarkan kepada
keputusan dalam kes Ramesh a/l Kumaran v Zamri bin Abdullah &
Anor [2022] 1 PIR 58 yang telah mengawardkan RM27,000.00 bagi
kecederaan ini. Dalam hal ini secara perbandingan Mahkamah ini
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merujuk kepada kes Majlis Perbandaran Kota Bharu Bandar Raya
Islam (MPKB-BRI) lwn Muhammad Nafiz bin Zulkifli [2021] MLJU
2121 di mana Mahkamah Tinggi telah mengesahkan jumlah
RM22,000.00 bagi gantirugi bagi kecederaan ini.
[14] Mahkamah ini berpendapat pertimbangan yang dibuat oleh Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen berkenaan dengan jumlah tersebut adalah wajar
dan tidak perlu diganggu oleh Mahkamah ini.
Left Preganglionic Brachial Plexus Injury
[15] Bagi kecederaan ini Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah
mengawardkan sejumlah RM90,000.00. Peguam pihak Defendan
menyatakan bahawa jumlah yang sewajarnya adalah RM75,000.00.
Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen dalam kes ini telah merujuk kepada kes
Purubakaran a/l Sandran v Mohammad Benjamin bin Ahmad Faizal
& 2 Ors [2021] 1 PIR 19. Sebaliknya Peguam pihak Defendan
menyatakan bahawa kecederaan yang dialami oleh Plaintif dalam kes
ini bukannya keseluruhan tangan bagi mewajarkan jumlah tersebut.
Namun begitu jika dilihat kepada laporan perubatan menyatakan
bahawa Plaintif telah mengalami kecederaan complete brachial plexus
dan juga claviculothoracic dislocation. Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah
meneliti kecederaan yang dialami oleh Plaintif dalam maudhu’ ini dan
mengambil perhatian kepada keadaan kecederaan itu telah
menyebabkan Plaintif telah hilang rasa sentuhan pada bahagian kiri C5
dan juga T1. Mahkamah ini berpendapat pertimbangan Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen tersebut berkenaan kehilangan rasa sentuhan yang
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dikaitkan dengan kecederaan tersebut adalah suatu yang mewajarkan
jumlah RM90,000.00 diawardkan kepada Plaintif.
Left Pneumothorax
[16] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah mengawardkan RM10,000.00.
Peguam pihak Defendan menyatakan bahawa kecederaan yang
dialami adalam kes ini adalah tidak serius jika dibandingkan dengan
keputusan yang terdapat dalam kes Muhammad Shahid b Mohd Toha
v Alwee Alywin bin Azlim [2020] 2 PIR 40. Oleh itu award yang
sepatutnya diberikan adalah sebanyak RM5,000.00 sahaja. Namun
begitu selain daripada alasan tersebut tiada hujahan daripada Peguam
pihak Defendan yang menunjukkan bahawa award tersebut adalah
tersasar daripada yang sewajarnya. Oleh itu Mahkamah berpendapat
jumlah RM10,000.00 tersebut dikekalkan.
Hyposmia Secondary to TBI (Loss of Smell – 50 %)
[17] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah mengawardkan RM35,000.00. Ia
adalah berdasarkan kepada laporan yang menunjukkan bahawa
keilatan yang dialami oleh Plaintif telah menyebabkan Plaintif telah
mengalami hilang rasa bau iaitu 50 %. Oleh itu pertimbangan Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen yang tidak membenarkan tuntutan sebanyak
RM45,000.00 oleh peguam Plaintif dan peguam Defendan jumlah
RM20,000.00 oleh Defendan adalah suatu yang munasabah dan wajar
dengan meneliti kepada kadar kehilangan bau yang dialami oleh Plaintif
dalam kes ini. Oeh itu jumlah tersebut dikekalkan oleh Mahkamah ini.
S/N G05gOdTnFECupML7KgahDQ
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[18] Peguam Plaintif memohon supaya jumlah yang diberikan
sebanyak RM30,000.00. Sementara peguam Defendan mencadangkan
jumlah sebanyak RM12,000.00. Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen setelah
menimbangkan parut-parut yang berada pada tubuh badan
Plaintif/Responden dan telah membenarkan award sebanyak
RM15,000.00 dengan juga mengambil kira kecederaan dan keilatan
yang dialami oleh Plaintif. Mahkamah berpendapat award tersebut
adalah suatu yang wajar dan tidak perlu gangguan daripada Mahkamah
Hematoma Over Left Eyebrow
[19] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah membenarkan award sebanyak
RM8,000.00 dan menolak tuntutan RM10,000.00 dan bersetuju dengan
hujahan Defendan iaitu Plaintif bahawa laporan perubatan awal tidak
menunjukkan kecederaan ini. Namun demikian dalam laporan
perubatan Plaintif di muka surat 94 yang sebenarnya tiada laporan yang
sedemikian. Penelitian Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa laporan yang
berkaitan adalah di muka surat 107 hingga 111 dalam Rekod Rayuan
Jilid 1. Namun demikian ia tidak dihujahkan secara mendalam oleh
peguam pihak Defendan semasa perbicaraan di Mahkamah Sesyen.
Oleh itu Mahkamah berpendapat bahawa jumlah tersebut telah
dipertimbangkan berdasarkan kepada laporan daripada pakar yang
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Small Puncture Wound Over Left Chest Wall
[20] Jumlah yang diberikan oleh Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen adalah
RM5,000.00. Ia adalah berdasarkan kepada kecederaan dan keilatan
yang terdapat dalam laporan perubatan yang telah diteliti oleh Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen. Oleh itu sukar Mahkamah ini untuk mengenepikan
jumlah tersebut tanpa keterangan yang dapat mengakaskan dapatan
Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen tersebut. Oleh itu jumlah itu dikekalkan.
Left Cribriform Plate Fracture
[21] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen berpendapat bahawa jumlah sebanyak
RM5,000.00 boleh diberikan kepada Plaintif walaupun dalam laporan
perubatan awal tidak dinyatakan kecederaan ini. Namun begitu rujukan
kepada kecederaan yang dialami oleh Plaintif, Hakim Mahkamah
Sesyen berpendapat ia wajar diberikan jumlah sedemikian. Mahkamah
ini tidak dalam kedudukan untuk mengenepikan dapatan Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen terhadap berkenaan award tersebut. Oleh itu ia
[22] Sementara itu bagi kos rawatan masa hadapan Mahkamah telah
meneliti secara terperinci alasan penghakiman yang dinyatakan
berkenaan dengan perkara ini iaitu yang terdapat di halaman 16 hingga
21 iaitu di butiran 21 (a) hingga (g). Setelah meneliti hujahan pihak
Plaintif dan Defendan-defendan Mahkamah mendapati tiada alasan
yang wajar untuk dapatan-dapatan tersebut diketepikan oleh
S/N G05gOdTnFECupML7KgahDQ
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Mahkamah ini. Mahkamah ini mengesahkan dapatan dan award yang
diberikan oleh Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen.
[23] Sementara itu bagi gantirugi khas yang tertera di halaman 22
hingga 28, penelitian kepada alasan penghakiman dan hujahan pihak-
pihak serta dokumen-dokumen yang dikemukakan juga tidak
memberikan alasan untuk Mahkamah ini mengganggu dapatan
tersebut. Ia adalah dikekalkan.
[24] Secara keseluruhannya Mahkamah ini berpendapatan tiada
alasan untuk campur tangan dengan dapatan yang dibuat oleh Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen. Oleh itu rayuan oleh pihak Perayu adalah ditolak.
Keputusan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen terhadap kuantum adalah
dikekalkan dan kos RM5,000.00 tertakluk kepada fi alokator.
Bertarikh: 26 hb. Januari 2024
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Bagi Pihak Perayu/Defendan
Koh Jun Wen
Tetuan Gan Ho & Razlan Hadri
Kuala Lumpur
Bagi Pihak Responden/Plaintif
Balvinder Singh
Tetuan Saleem Gill & Partners
Bentong, Pahang Darul Makmur
S/N G05gOdTnFECupML7KgahDQ
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| 17,741 | Tika 2.6.0 |
CB-12B-15-11/2022 | PERAYU 1. ) SRIRAJA HOLDINGS SDN. BHD. 2. ) VELLAITHAN A/L MURUGAN RESPONDEN MOHAMAD HAFIZ BIN GHOZALI | Rayuan sivil tuntutan gantirugi kemalangan jalan raya - Rayuan terhadap amaun gantirugi - Tiada kekhilafan yang memerlukan campurtangan mahkamah yang mendengar rayuan - Rayuan ditolak. | 26/01/2024 | YA Tuan Roslan bin Mat Nor | |
Microsoft Word - CB-12B-15-11-2022 SRIRAJA HOLDING v MOHD HAFIZ GHOZALI -edited
RAYUAN SIVIL NO. CB-12B-15-11/2022
(NO. SYARIKAT: 575530W]
GUAMAN SIVIL NO. CB-A53KJ-303-12/2020
(NO. SYARIKAT: 575530W]
26/01/2024 11:44:06
CB-12B-15-11/2022 Kand. 18
S/N G05gOdTnFECupML7KgahDQ
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[1] Ini adalah rayuan terhadap keputusan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen
yang telah membenarkan gantirugi khas yang keseluruhannya
berjumlah RM1,122,311.40 dengan faedah 5 % setahun kepada
gantirugi am dan 2.5 % setahun bagi gantirugi khas. Bagi maksud
alasan ini, pihak-pihak akan dirujuk sepertimana prosiding di
Mahkamah Sesyen iaitu Perayu-perayu adalah Defendan-Defendan
manakala Responden adalah Plaintif.
[2] Tuntutan Plaintif ini adalah berkaitan dengan kemalangan jalan
raya yang berlaku pada 24.01.2018. Kemalangan itu telah
menyebabkan kecederaan dialami oleh Plaintif.
[3] Plaintif dan Defendan-Defendan telah sudi bersetuju dengan
liabiliti dalam kes ini semasa perbicaraan di Mahkamah Sesyen iaitu
Plaintif bertanggungan 10 % dan Defendan-Defendan bertanggungan
90 %. Oleh itu rayuan dalam kes ini adalah berkaitan kuantum gantirugi
[4] Plaintif telah mengemukakan empat orang saksi termasuk Plaintif.
Di samping itu laporan-laporan pakar turut dikemukakan bagi
menyokong tuntutan Plaintif. Ini dapat dilihat di halaman 51 hingga 58,
73 hingga 150, 192 hingga 263 Rekod Rayuan.
S/N G05gOdTnFECupML7KgahDQ
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[5] Penentuan gantirugi dalam kecederaan yang dialami oleh individu
adalah sesuatu yang sukar. Ia memerlukan penelitian kepada
kecederaan yang dialami dan laporan pakar berkaitan kecederaan
tersebut. Di samping itu pertimbangan juga perlu dibuat kepada keilatan
yang dihadapinya itu telah menghalang Plaintif daripada menikmati
kehidupan seperti biasa sebelum kecederaan itu dialami olehnya.
[6] Hakikat gantirugi ekoran daripada kecederaan yang dialami oleh
Plaintif telah dirumuskan dengan menarik oleh Dewan Pertuanan
(House of Lord) dalam kes Parry v Cleaver [1970] A.C. 1 di mana Lord
Morris of Borth-Y-Gest menyatakan seperti berikut:
“To compensate in money for pain and for physical
consequences is invariably difficult but it is recognised that no
other process can be devised than that of making a monetary
assessment. No sort of arithmetical calculation is possible.
Money cannot really compensate for the loss of a limb or for
any permanent deprivation of physical abilities or indeed for
pain and suffering. There can be no equation between
purchasing power and those things which cannot be
purchased. But a money award is all that is possible. It is the
best that can be done.”
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[7] Semasa mendengar rayuan berkenaan dengan gantirugi
Mahkamah ini perlu mempertimbangkan panduan yang diberikan oleh
Mahkamah Agong keadaan di mana mahkamah yang mendengar
rayuan boleh campur tangan di dalam gantirugi yang telah diputuskan
oleh Mahkamah Bicara. Ini dinyatakan dalam kes Tan Kuan Yau v
Suhindrimani [1985] 2 MLJ 22 seperti berikut:
“The principle that could guide this court in determining
whether it should interfere with the quantum of damages is
crystal clear. What is also clear is that much depends on the
circumstances of each case, in particular the amount of the
award. In a particular case therefore it is for the appeal court
to consider whether in the light of the circumstances of that
case there is an erroneous estimate of the amount of the
damage in that, either there was an omission on the part of
the Judge to consider some relevant materials, or he had
admitted for purposes of assessment some irrelevant
considerations. If the court is satisfied or convinced that the
Judge has acted upon wrong principles of law then it is
justified in reversing; indeed, it is its duty to reverse the finding
of the trial Judge.”
[8] Begitu juga dalam kes Topaiwah v Salleh [1968] 1 MLJ 284 yang
turut menegaskan garis panduan bilakah hakim bicara boleh campur
tangan dalam gantirugi yang telah diputuskan oleh hakim bicara.
Mahkamah Persekutuan menyatakan seperti berikut:
S/N G05gOdTnFECupML7KgahDQ
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“Or another way of putting it – that it is a matter of assessment
but not of calculation. So far as this court is concerned we
should, to paraphrase Greer L.J. in Flint Levell [1935] 1 KB
354 360 be disinclined to reverse the finding of a trial judge as
to the amount of damages merely because we think that if we
had tried the case in the first instance we would have given a
lesser sum. To justify reversing him, we should be convinced
that he acted upon some wrong principle of law, or that the
amount awarded was so extremely high or so very small as to
make it an entirely erroneous estimate of the damage. The
assessments which the courts have made over the years form
some guide to the kind of figure which is proper and which the
appellate court will follow in the light of the special facts of
each particular case.”
[9] Penelitian kepada kes-kes di atas menunjukkan bahawa ruang
untuk hakim yang mendengar rayuan campur tangan dalam keputusan
hakim bicara berkenaan gantirugi adalah tidak luas. Ia hanya boleh
dilakukan sekiranya didapati bahawa hakim bicara telah memutuskan
gantirugi tersebut tidak berdasarkan kepada prinsip undang-undang
berkenaan dengan gantirugi, jumlah yang diberikan adalah tidak sejajar
dengan keputusan-keputusan yang lalu berkenaan dengan gantirugi
tersebut atau gantirugi tersebut terlampau rendah atau terlampau
berlebihan. Di samping itu sekiranya gantirugi tersebut diberikan tanpa
sokongan keterangan yang sewajarnya boleh juga menjadi asbab
kepada campur tangan hakim rayuan dalam keputusan gantirugi
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Head Injury with Traumatic Brain Injury
[10] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen dalam kes ini telah memutuskan
bahawa jumlah gantirugi bagi maudhu’ ini adalah RM100,000.00.
Peguam pihak Defendan menyatakan bahawa jumlah yang sepatutnya
diberikan dalam kes ini adalah sebanyak RM70,000.00. Sementara
peguam Plaintif memohon supaya dipertimbangkan jumlah
RM300,000.00. Dalam hal ini Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah meneliti
laporan pakar pihak Defendan yang telah memperincikan kelemahan
yang dihadapi oleh Plaintif ekoran daripada kecederaan tersebut seperti
yang dinyatakan di muka surat 4 alasan penghakiman Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen.
[11] Sementara itu jika diteliti kepada laporan yang dikemukakan oleh
pakar Plaintif iaitu Dr. Khairul Muhsein Abdullah menyatakan bahawa
kecederaan yang dialami oleh Plaintif adalah keilatan kekal. Oleh yang
demikian ia telah menjadi sandaran kepada hujahan peguam Plaintif
untuk meningkatkan gantirugi kepada RM300,000.00. Pada masa yang
sama Mahkamah ini juga meneliti keputusan dalam kes Cheong Voon
Han v Thevan a/l Subramaniam & Anor [2019] 11 MLJ 220 dan Ang
Yee Cheng & Anor v Ang Siang Hock (person under disability suing
through Koh Beng Guek, litigation representative) [2016] 9 MLJ 238
yang telah mengesahkan jumlah yang diawardkan kepada kecederaan
yang melibatkan otak ialah RM300,000.00.
[12] Berdasarkan laporan pakar yang disediakan oleh Dr. Khairul
Muhsein Abdullah tersebut pada pandangan doktor pakar tersebut
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keilatan yang akan dihadapi oleh Plaintif adalah melibatkan sakit kepala
dan ia boleh dikawal dengan perubatan seperti ubat penahan sakit yang
akan dialami oleh Plaintif sepanjang hayat beliau. Keilatan kognitif
adalah sesuatu yang sukar dirawat dan ia adalah akan kekal.
Mahkamah mendapati dalam kes ini Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah
membandingkan laporan pakar Plaintif dan laporan pakar pihak
Defendan dan berpendapat bahawa jumlah yang sewajarnya adalah
RM100,000.00 walaupun ia adalah lebih rendah daripada
RM300,000.00 yang dinyatakan dalam kes di atas dan juga seperti yang
dinyatakan dalam kes Tan Cheong Poh & Anor v Teow Ah Keow
[1995] 3 MLJ 89. Namun pertimbangan yang dibuat oleh Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen tersebut tidak mempunyai asas untuk Mahkamah
ini mengganggu dapatan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen. Ia hanya boleh
dilakukan sekiranya dapatan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen itu dibuat
dengan hanya berdasarkan kepada laporan pakar Plaintif semata-mata.
Namun dalam kes ini Mahkamah berpendapat kedua-dua laporan pakar
tersebut telah diteliti dengan sewajarnya oleh Hakim Mahkamah
Sesyen. Oleh itu Mahkamah berpendapat jumlah award tersebut
adalah dikekalkan.
Closed Fracture Proximal 3rd Left Humerus
[13] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah mengawardkan sejumlah
RM25,000.00 bagi kecederaan ini. Ia dalah berdasarkan kepada
keputusan dalam kes Ramesh a/l Kumaran v Zamri bin Abdullah &
Anor [2022] 1 PIR 58 yang telah mengawardkan RM27,000.00 bagi
kecederaan ini. Dalam hal ini secara perbandingan Mahkamah ini
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merujuk kepada kes Majlis Perbandaran Kota Bharu Bandar Raya
Islam (MPKB-BRI) lwn Muhammad Nafiz bin Zulkifli [2021] MLJU
2121 di mana Mahkamah Tinggi telah mengesahkan jumlah
RM22,000.00 bagi gantirugi bagi kecederaan ini.
[14] Mahkamah ini berpendapat pertimbangan yang dibuat oleh Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen berkenaan dengan jumlah tersebut adalah wajar
dan tidak perlu diganggu oleh Mahkamah ini.
Left Preganglionic Brachial Plexus Injury
[15] Bagi kecederaan ini Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah
mengawardkan sejumlah RM90,000.00. Peguam pihak Defendan
menyatakan bahawa jumlah yang sewajarnya adalah RM75,000.00.
Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen dalam kes ini telah merujuk kepada kes
Purubakaran a/l Sandran v Mohammad Benjamin bin Ahmad Faizal
& 2 Ors [2021] 1 PIR 19. Sebaliknya Peguam pihak Defendan
menyatakan bahawa kecederaan yang dialami oleh Plaintif dalam kes
ini bukannya keseluruhan tangan bagi mewajarkan jumlah tersebut.
Namun begitu jika dilihat kepada laporan perubatan menyatakan
bahawa Plaintif telah mengalami kecederaan complete brachial plexus
dan juga claviculothoracic dislocation. Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah
meneliti kecederaan yang dialami oleh Plaintif dalam maudhu’ ini dan
mengambil perhatian kepada keadaan kecederaan itu telah
menyebabkan Plaintif telah hilang rasa sentuhan pada bahagian kiri C5
dan juga T1. Mahkamah ini berpendapat pertimbangan Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen tersebut berkenaan kehilangan rasa sentuhan yang
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dikaitkan dengan kecederaan tersebut adalah suatu yang mewajarkan
jumlah RM90,000.00 diawardkan kepada Plaintif.
Left Pneumothorax
[16] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah mengawardkan RM10,000.00.
Peguam pihak Defendan menyatakan bahawa kecederaan yang
dialami adalam kes ini adalah tidak serius jika dibandingkan dengan
keputusan yang terdapat dalam kes Muhammad Shahid b Mohd Toha
v Alwee Alywin bin Azlim [2020] 2 PIR 40. Oleh itu award yang
sepatutnya diberikan adalah sebanyak RM5,000.00 sahaja. Namun
begitu selain daripada alasan tersebut tiada hujahan daripada Peguam
pihak Defendan yang menunjukkan bahawa award tersebut adalah
tersasar daripada yang sewajarnya. Oleh itu Mahkamah berpendapat
jumlah RM10,000.00 tersebut dikekalkan.
Hyposmia Secondary to TBI (Loss of Smell – 50 %)
[17] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah mengawardkan RM35,000.00. Ia
adalah berdasarkan kepada laporan yang menunjukkan bahawa
keilatan yang dialami oleh Plaintif telah menyebabkan Plaintif telah
mengalami hilang rasa bau iaitu 50 %. Oleh itu pertimbangan Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen yang tidak membenarkan tuntutan sebanyak
RM45,000.00 oleh peguam Plaintif dan peguam Defendan jumlah
RM20,000.00 oleh Defendan adalah suatu yang munasabah dan wajar
dengan meneliti kepada kadar kehilangan bau yang dialami oleh Plaintif
dalam kes ini. Oeh itu jumlah tersebut dikekalkan oleh Mahkamah ini.
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[18] Peguam Plaintif memohon supaya jumlah yang diberikan
sebanyak RM30,000.00. Sementara peguam Defendan mencadangkan
jumlah sebanyak RM12,000.00. Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen setelah
menimbangkan parut-parut yang berada pada tubuh badan
Plaintif/Responden dan telah membenarkan award sebanyak
RM15,000.00 dengan juga mengambil kira kecederaan dan keilatan
yang dialami oleh Plaintif. Mahkamah berpendapat award tersebut
adalah suatu yang wajar dan tidak perlu gangguan daripada Mahkamah
Hematoma Over Left Eyebrow
[19] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah membenarkan award sebanyak
RM8,000.00 dan menolak tuntutan RM10,000.00 dan bersetuju dengan
hujahan Defendan iaitu Plaintif bahawa laporan perubatan awal tidak
menunjukkan kecederaan ini. Namun demikian dalam laporan
perubatan Plaintif di muka surat 94 yang sebenarnya tiada laporan yang
sedemikian. Penelitian Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa laporan yang
berkaitan adalah di muka surat 107 hingga 111 dalam Rekod Rayuan
Jilid 1. Namun demikian ia tidak dihujahkan secara mendalam oleh
peguam pihak Defendan semasa perbicaraan di Mahkamah Sesyen.
Oleh itu Mahkamah berpendapat bahawa jumlah tersebut telah
dipertimbangkan berdasarkan kepada laporan daripada pakar yang
S/N G05gOdTnFECupML7KgahDQ
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Small Puncture Wound Over Left Chest Wall
[20] Jumlah yang diberikan oleh Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen adalah
RM5,000.00. Ia adalah berdasarkan kepada kecederaan dan keilatan
yang terdapat dalam laporan perubatan yang telah diteliti oleh Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen. Oleh itu sukar Mahkamah ini untuk mengenepikan
jumlah tersebut tanpa keterangan yang dapat mengakaskan dapatan
Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen tersebut. Oleh itu jumlah itu dikekalkan.
Left Cribriform Plate Fracture
[21] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen berpendapat bahawa jumlah sebanyak
RM5,000.00 boleh diberikan kepada Plaintif walaupun dalam laporan
perubatan awal tidak dinyatakan kecederaan ini. Namun begitu rujukan
kepada kecederaan yang dialami oleh Plaintif, Hakim Mahkamah
Sesyen berpendapat ia wajar diberikan jumlah sedemikian. Mahkamah
ini tidak dalam kedudukan untuk mengenepikan dapatan Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen terhadap berkenaan award tersebut. Oleh itu ia
[22] Sementara itu bagi kos rawatan masa hadapan Mahkamah telah
meneliti secara terperinci alasan penghakiman yang dinyatakan
berkenaan dengan perkara ini iaitu yang terdapat di halaman 16 hingga
21 iaitu di butiran 21 (a) hingga (g). Setelah meneliti hujahan pihak
Plaintif dan Defendan-defendan Mahkamah mendapati tiada alasan
yang wajar untuk dapatan-dapatan tersebut diketepikan oleh
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Mahkamah ini. Mahkamah ini mengesahkan dapatan dan award yang
diberikan oleh Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen.
[23] Sementara itu bagi gantirugi khas yang tertera di halaman 22
hingga 28, penelitian kepada alasan penghakiman dan hujahan pihak-
pihak serta dokumen-dokumen yang dikemukakan juga tidak
memberikan alasan untuk Mahkamah ini mengganggu dapatan
tersebut. Ia adalah dikekalkan.
[24] Secara keseluruhannya Mahkamah ini berpendapatan tiada
alasan untuk campur tangan dengan dapatan yang dibuat oleh Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen. Oleh itu rayuan oleh pihak Perayu adalah ditolak.
Keputusan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen terhadap kuantum adalah
dikekalkan dan kos RM5,000.00 tertakluk kepada fi alokator.
Bertarikh: 26 hb. Januari 2024
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Bagi Pihak Perayu/Defendan
Koh Jun Wen
Tetuan Gan Ho & Razlan Hadri
Kuala Lumpur
Bagi Pihak Responden/Plaintif
Balvinder Singh
Tetuan Saleem Gill & Partners
Bentong, Pahang Darul Makmur
S/N G05gOdTnFECupML7KgahDQ
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| 17,741 | Tika 2.6.0 |
B-09(H)-107-03/2022 | PERAYU MUHAMAD MIZAN BIN SAHARI RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya | Section 288 (5) of the Criminal Procedure Code - Appellant being a male adult of 35 years old is subjected to be whipped up to a statutory maximum of 24 strokes only - Appellant appealed against sentence for a shorter jail term - The total term of imprisonment handed down by the learned High Court Judge had a crushing effect on the Appellant - Unanimously find that the sentence imposed by High Court Judge is not manifestly excessive or inadequate – The High Court Judge had not erred in coming to this decision as he had taken relevant factor such as the age of both the Appellant and the victim and the Appellant as the guardian of the victim into consideration - The argument on the issue of whether the sentences was manifestly excessive or otherwise is not a new argument – The paramount importance in the administration of criminal justice is that the court below applies the correct judicial principles in the assessment of the sentence - The punishment meted out is within the sentencing trend for the similar type of offence - “guideline” to set out the wide range of factors or circumstances that the court can consider - (a) the gravity, seriousness and heinous of the crime committed;(b) age of the victim;(c) early plea of guilt or claim trial;(d) traumatic experience, emotional harm, humiliation and degradation suffered by the victim;(e) the protection of public interest;(f) crushing effect on the accused;(g) victim’s impact statement;(h) strong message to the public of the court's disapproval of this kind of crime;(i) court not to succumb to emotions and go overboard in passing impossible sentence;(j) current trend of sentencing in cases of similar nature;(k) previous conviction on record or first offender;(l) time spent in remand at the time of sentencing;(m) accused personal and family background which may include good character, job, age, marital status, parent, children and other relevant factors;(n) retribution, deterrence, prevention and rehabilitation;(o) lack of remorse;(p) any physical injuries that occurred to the victim;(q) relationship between the accused and the victim;(r) any weapon use and how?;(s) involvement of violence / no violence / low level of violence;(t) the minimum and maximum sentence prescribed for the offence;(u) number of charges;(w) planning the crime;(x) co-operation with authorities;(y) concurrent or consecutive imprisonment terms; and(z) the involvement of more than one accused.-Unanimously affirmed the sentences meted out by the High Court in reducing the total number of imprisonments from 1050 to 42 years - Affirmed the conviction and sentence by the High Court - The total strokes of whipping from 210 to 24 to bring it to within the limit mandated by the Criminal Procedure Code is also affirmed. | 26/01/2024 | YA Dato' Azmi Bin AriffinKorumYA Dato' Hadhariah Bt Syed IsmailYA Dato' Ahmad Zaidi Bin IbrahimYA Dato' Azmi Bin Ariffin | |
CRIMINAL APPEAL NO: B-09(H)-107-03/2022,
B-09(H)-108-03/2022, B-09(H)-109-03/2022 &
[In the Matter of the High Court of Malaya at Klang
(Criminal Division)
Criminal Trial No:B-42JSKS-89-02/2021
Muhamad Mizan Bin Sahari - Appellant
Public Prosecutor - Respondent]
26/01/2024 17:09:53
B-09(H)-107-03/2022 Kand. 50
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[1] The Appellant was charged with 105 charges for offences under
section 376B of the Penal Code for raping his stepdaughter, who was 12
years old at the time of incident.
[2] The Appellant pleaded guilty to all the charges. He understood the
nature and consequences of his plea. The facts of the case were tendered
as exhibit along with other documentary evidence which were admitted as
true by the Appellant. He was then convicted on the same.
[3] After hearing the mitigation from the Appellant and the submission
by the learned Deputy Public Prosecutor for the Respondent, the learned
Sessions Court Judge sentenced the Appellant to 10 years imprisonment
from the date of arrest (20/2/2021) and 2 strokes of whipping for each of
the said charges. The sentences were to run consecutively, making the
total period of imprisonment to be 1050 years.
[4] Aggrieved by the decision, the Appellant filed an appeal to the High
Court for the imprisonment term be shortened and to run concurrently.
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Decision of the High Court
[5] On 7/3/2022, the learned High Court Judge allowed the Appellant
appeal and altered the sentence imposed by the learned Sessions Court
Judge for being manifestly excessive. From the cumulative term of 1050
years imposed by the learned Sessions Court Judge, the imprisonment
period was reduced to 42 years. The details of the sentenced imposed by
the learned High Court Judge are as follows:
(a) For the 58 charges of rape that took place in 2018, the Appellant
was sentenced to 14 years imprisonment from the date of arrest
(20/2/2021) for each offence and 2 strokes of whipping for each
offence in total he would receive 116 strokes of the rotan. The
imprisonment term to run concurrently.
(b) For the 35 charges of rape that took place in 2019, the Appellant
was sentenced to 14 years imprisonment from the date of arrest
(20/2/2021) and 2 strokes of whipping for each offence. In total
he would receive 70 strokes of the rotan. The imprisonment term
to run concurrently.
(c) For the 12 charges of rape that took place in 2020, the Appellant
was sentenced to 14 years imprisonment from the date of arrest
(20/2/2021) for each offence and 2 strokes of whipping for each
offence in total he would receive 24 strokes of the rotan. The
imprisonment term to run concurrently.
(d) The term of imprisonment for the commission of rape that took
place in 2018, 2019 and 2020 were to run concurrently.
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[6] After considering the combined term imprisonment which is to run
concurrently, the Appellant has to serve 42 years imprisonment from the
date of arrest.
[7] As regard the sentence of whipping, notwithstanding a total number
of 210 strokes were imposed on the Appellant, by virtue of s.288 (5) of the
Criminal Procedure Code, the Appellant being a male adult of 35 years
old, is subjected to be whipped up to a statutory maximum of 24 strokes
only. Section 288 provides as follows:
288. (1) When the accused is sentenced to whipping the number of
strokes shall be specified in the sentence. In no case shall the
whipping exceed twenty-four strokes in the case of an adult or
ten strokes in the case of a youthful offender, anything in any
written law to the contrary notwithstanding.
(5) When a person is convicted at one trial of any two or more
distinct offences any two or more of which are legally
punishable by whipping, the combined sentences of whipping
awarded by the court of any such offences shall not, anything
in any written law to the contrary notwithstanding, exceed a total
number of twenty-four (24) strokes in the case of adults and ten
strokes in the case of youthful offenders.
[8] Dissatisfied, the Appellant appealed to the Court of Appeal against
sentence for a shorter jail term. His ground is that the total term of
imprisonment handed down by the learned High Court Judge had a
crushing effect on him.
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Our Decisions
[9] After considering the facts from the notes of proceedings which
requires no repetitions, mitigation and the seriousness of the offence, we
unanimously find that the sentence imposed by learned High Court Judge
is not manifestly excessive or inadequate. We now give our reasons.
[10] In explaining the reason for reducing the imprisonment sentences,
the learned High Court Judge in his ground of judgment which we
reproduce herein below said:
[9] Dari segi hukuman, Seksyen 376B Kanun Keseksaan
memperuntukkan bahawa hukuman penjara yang boleh dijatuhkan
adalah mencapai 30 tahun dan dengan itu, hukuman 10 tahun
penjara bagi setiap pertuduhan adalah satu hukuman yang berada
di dalam kerangka hukuman yang boleh dijatuhkan oleh Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen bagi pertuduhan ini.
[10] Walau bagaimanapun, Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen di dalam kes
ini menggunakan budi bicaranya untuk kesemua 10 tahun penjara
tersebut berjalan secara berasingan ataupun consecutive dan ini
telah menjadikan keseluruhan hukuman penjara mencecah 1050
tahun penjara laltu satu jumlah yang boleh dikatakan sebagai satu
rekod untuk pemenjaraan di negara kita.
[11] Bagi kes ini, semua pertuduhan melibatkan mangsa yang sama
dengan kejadian berlaku di alamat yang sama. Bila diteliti fakta-fakta
kes, semua kejadian adalah berlaku dengan cara yang lebih kurang
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[13] Sehingga kini, tiada nas yang mengatakan bahawa jumlah
hukuman yang boleh dijatuhkan oleh sesuatu Mahkamah bagi
pertuduhan yang banyak (multiple charges) tidak boleh melebihi
suatu angka yang disifatkan sebagai maksima (there is no authority
that states that the total amount of imprisonment by the Court for
multiple charges should not exceed a certain figure deemed as a
[14] Namun begltu, Mahkamah dalam menjatuhkan hukuman perlu
menilai banyak faktor dalam menjatuhkan hukuman dan perlu juga
ditekankan di sini dalam mengatakan bahawa hukuman yang telah
dijatuhkan adalah keterlaluan ke atas Perayu, namun Mahkamah
tldak boleh memandang sepi terhadap nasib yang telah dialaml oleh
mangsa yang mana di dalam kes ini baru berusia 12 tahun semasa
kejadian jenayah bermula.
[15] Di dalam nas Tuan Mat bin Tuan Lonik v PP [2009] 4 CLJ 638
telah dibuat pemerhatian bahawa umur lelaki Malaysia secara
puratanya adalah 70 tahun.
[16] Memetik nas tersebut:
"It Is statistically accepted that the average lifespan of a
Malaysian man is 70 years old whilst that of a Malaysian woman
75 years. In time the average lifespan will increase that being so
with the Appellant now 48 years old, on average he has 22 years
of good life left. To impose a sentence that will take him until the
age of 123 years old and knowing fully well that he will never
serve that full term, not only is bizarre but strains the intelligence
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of the Court. Any illogical sentence may attract unnecessary
scrutiny and negative comments from the public on how we
awkwardly conduct ourselves."
[17] Nas ini memberi panduan kepada Mahkamah bahawa sesuatu
hukuman yang dljatuhkan tidak boleh bersifat tidak logik dan adalah
tidak munasabah untuk hukuman yang dijatuhkan melebihi jangka
hayat seseorang pesalah.
[18] Namun begitu, terdapat nas yang menunjukkan Mahkamah tidak
mengelak dari menjatuhkan hukuman yang amat berat bila ianya
bersesuaian dan dibuat dengan pertlmbangan yang betul.
[19] Nas Abdul Rahim bin Abdul Rahman v. Public Prosecutor [2010]
8 CLJ 519, adalah dirujuk. Di dalam kes tersebut, OKT menghadapi
22 pertuduhan di bawah Seksyen 377B Kanun Keseksaan terhadap
mangsa yang berumur 14 tahun 7 bulan. Pertuduhan berjalan di 2
Mahkamah Sesyen berlainan.
[20] Bagi 10 pertuduhan di hadapan Mahkamah Sesyen 5 hukuman
dijatuhkan adalah pemenjaraan untuk tempoh berjumlah 28 tahun
manakala di hadapan Mahkamah Sesyen 6 pula menjatuhkan
hukuman pemenjaraan untuk tempoh berjumlah 32 tahun untuk 12
pertuduhan lagi. Hukuman penjara adalah berjalan secara
consecutive untuk hukuman-hukuman yang dijatuhkan oleh 2
Mahkamah Sesyen tersebut menjadikan tempoh pemenjaraan
mencapai 60 tahun. Walaupun dirayu, jumlah hukuman 60 tahun
penjara tersebut telah dikekalkan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi dan juga
Mahkamah Rayuan.
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[21] Di dalam rayuan di hadapan Mahkamah ini, bila diteliti Alasan
Penghakiman, Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen seolah-olah tidak
mempertimbangkan langsung latar belakang Perayu dalam
menjatuhkan hukuman.
[22] Perayu sekarang berumur 34 tahun dan mengambil iktibar
daripada keputusan di dalam nas Tuan Mat Tuan Lonik tentang had
umur seorang lelaki Malaysia, Mahkamah lni mendapatl hukuman
1050 tahun adalah satu hukuman yang sememangnya tidak
munasabah kerana ianya tidak mungkin akan dapat dijalani kerana
Perayu mustahil akan mencapai umur tersebut. Malahan umur 100
tahun pun jarang dicapai oleh seisi penduduk dunia.
[23] Mahkamah dengan ini mendapati bahawa hukuman yang
dijatuhkan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen adalah bersifat suatu
"emotional judgment” dan jelas "manifestly excessive". lanya juga
adalah nyata suatu hukuman yang berbentuk "crushing sentence”
dan oleh itu, campurtangan di peringkat rayuan adalah suatu
[11] The learned High Court Judge had rightly evaluated and considered
the totality of the facts and evidence before imposing the appropriate
sentence on the Appellant. We are unable to say that the learned High
Court Judge had erred in coming to his decision as he had taken relevant
factor such as the age of both the Appellant and the victim and the
Appellant as the guardian of the victim into consideration.
[12] Having cited the case of Tuan Mat bin Tuan Lonik (supra) in his
written judgment and provided the reasons why he had to reduce the
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lengthy imprisonment sentenced, we find it necessary to take a close look
again and reproduced the impeccable reasoning given by the Court of
Appeal in that decided case.
[13] What do the case say?
[5] The Appellant is the stepfather of the victim. His acts of raping
the victim came to light only when she delivered a baby boy at a
hospital on 22 July 2004. The victim's mother promptly lodged a
police report of the rape incidents and on 28 July 2004 the Appellant
was arrested. Investigations revealed that the victim had been raped
by the accused since year 2001 when she was only 12 years old.
She was last raped in November 2003 when she was 14 years
seven months old. The question of consensual defence did not arise
here as at the time of the rape incidents she never passed the age
barrier of 16 years (s. 376B (b) of the Penal Code).
[6] At the Sessions Court after the plea of guilt, and also before the
High Court Judge, the Appellant had pleaded for leniency, and
ventilated regrets for what he had done. He pleaded that he had a
family comprising seven children of whom five were his own and two
being stepchildren. The eldest child is 17 years old and the youngest
nine months old. He ventilated that he supported his parents by
sending RM50 to them every month. At the High Court he also
pleaded that the sentences run concurrently.
[8] The learned High Court Judge found that the punishment
imposed by the Sessions Court was not excessive and indeed did
commensurate with the seriousness of the offences. The learned
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judge opined that in these types of offences despite the Appellant
having pleaded guilty, no amount of mitigating factors could override
public interest. The Appellant had failed his family, when instead of
protecting his step-daughter, had instead taken advantage of her
[14] Speaking through Suriyadi Halim Omar JCA (as he then was), in a
great detailed judgment, His Lordship held as follows:
[13] When this panel imposed the above sentences, we had to
consider several factors but due to the factual matrix of the case,
the factor of public interest was uppermost in our mind. Public
interest varies with place, time and circumstances of each case
including the age of the offender and the prevalence of the offence.
A certain type of sentence may not satisfy public interest at another
place (New Tuck Shen v. Public Prosecutor [1982] CLJ 606 (Rep);
[1982] CLJ 38;[1982] 1 MLJ 27). The sentence must be deterrent
enough, in that the prisoner will realize crime does not pay, with the
punishment being debilitating to his freedom. Not only will would-be
offenders be deterred from trying but so will it deter repeat offenders
(Rex v. Kenneth John Ball [1951] 35 Cr. App. R 164).
[14] The concept of retribution akin to 'tooth for a tooth', normally
takes front stage if the offence is considered an offence against a
member of the public, especially here when a step-daughter has
been raped repeatedly since of tender age. Due to the special
relationship here between the victim and the Appellant, let alone the
rape incidents were repeatedly carried out until an illegitimate child
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was born, the demand to satisfy society's needs to avenge the
wrongful act of the Appellant must take centre stage.
[16] Likewise it was also timely that we show our abhorrence of
incestuous rape and impose the appropriate sentence in the
circumstances of the case. Despite the above supplied facts and
prognosis, this panel did not go overboard by ignoring the law or
even rationality, and impose impossible sentences. We had
occasion to remark in open court that judges should not be blinded
by emotion and react emotionally as the law is not as evil as the
Appellant. In the circumstances of the case, anything less than 30
years in jail would not suffice to qualify as retributive, hence that
span of time ordered against the Appellant.
[19] In the circumstances of the case, a lenient sentence, or
reformative sentences may not be suitable.
[20] The Appellant here had pleaded guilty to all the despicable
offences committed during those years, when the stepdaughter was
his ward. Even though a plea of guilt is a mitigating factor, and some
credit or discount is normally given, not all pleas of guilt may be
accorded that privilege. A court has the discretion not to entertain
such discounts (Sau Soo Kim v. PP [1975] 1 LNS 158; [1975] 2 MLJ
134; Melvani v. PP [1971] 1 LNS 78; [1971] 1 MLJ 137; PP v.
Sulaiman Ahmad [1992] 4 CLJ 2283; [1992] 3 CLJ (Rep) 447; PP v.
Ravindran & Ors [1992] 1 LNS 47; [1993] 1 MLJ 45). It is widely
known that incest statistically appears to be on the rise, with the
victim getting younger by the day, as reported daily by the local
media. And no amount of consensual defence will be accepted, be
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it on ground of religion, morality or law. With the facts as they were,
let alone public interest demands a retributive and deterrent
sentence, discounts are not appropriate here (PP v. Govindnan a/l
Chinden Nair [1998] 2 CLJ 370; PP v. Dato' Nallakaruppan
Solaimalai [1999] 2 CLJ 596).
[21] The Appellant is the authority in the household, and every
member of the family would inevitably look up to him, not only for
guidance, but also protection. Unfortunately, the trust was betrayed
when he took advantage of his power of strength by regularly forcing
himself on the victim.
[24] An appellate court will not be overly ready to interfere with any
sentence imposed by the trial court unless there are very good
reasons to do so. For purposes of this case, suffice if we merely
peruse the sentences meted down, subsequently to be affirmed by
the High Court, from the point of view of logic. It is statistically
accepted that the average life span of a Malaysian man is 70 years
whilst that of a Malaysian woman 75 years. In time the average life
span will increase. That being so, with the Appellant now 48 years
old, on average he has 22 years of good life left. To impose a
sentence that will take him until the age of 123 years old, and
knowing fully well that he never will serve the full term, not only is
bizarre but strains the intelligence of the court. Any illogical sentence
may attract unnecessary scrutiny and negative comments from the
public on how we awkwardly conduct ourselves.
[25] With the sentences of the first and second charges to run
consecutively, thus factually reducing the length of time of
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incarceration to 30 years, and with deductions thrown in for good
behavior, by the time he is released he will be about 70 years of age
ie, the average life of a Malaysian man. Even if he lives to smell
freedom at that age the likelihood of him besetting and causing
trauma to anyone is slim. Our orders not only has taken public
interest into account but also made the sentence sensible and fair.
[29] Based on all the above reasons we allowed the appeal. We
varied the High Court order as we refused to submit to public
opinion; public opinion is like the sword of Damocles that hover over
the head of any trial judge, constantly intimidating the court to
surrender to the unreasonable demands of the public
[15] Our observation of the above judgment makes it clear that it was
perfectly legitimate for the learned High Court Judge to interfere with the
finding made by the Sessions Court. Therefore, the duration of
imprisonment is fair in this light. We find no substantial and compelling
reasons for disagreeing with the finding.
[16] Turning to the present appeal, we would like to stress that the
argument on the issue of whether the sentences was manifestly excessive
or otherwise is not a new argument. In dealing with this, it is always of
paramount importance in the administration of criminal justice to see that
the court below applies the correct judicial principles in the assessment of
the sentence and that the punishment meted out is within the sentencing
trend for the similar type of offence. What would be the adequate sentence
would depend on the particular circumstances of each case.
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[17] In Mohd Abdullah Ang Swee Kang v. Public Prosecutor [1987]
CLJ Rep 209; [1988] 1 MLJ 167 the Supreme Court held that:-
“In assessing the length of custodial sentence, the court must look
at the overall picture in perspective by considering, firstly, the gravity
of the type of offence committed; secondly, the facts in the
commission of the offence; thirdly, the presence or absence of
mitigating factors, and, fourthly, the sentences that have been
imposed in the past for similar offences to determine the trend of
sentencing policy, if any. The fact that a sentence of imprisonment
is imposed as a deterrence does not justify the sentencer in passing
a sentence of greater length than what the facts of the offence
warrant. The gravity of the type of offence involved must be
considered in the light of the particular facts of the offence."
[18] In Bhandulananda Jayatilake v. Public Prosecutor [1981] 1 LNS
139; [1982] 1 MLJ 83, Raja Azlan Shah A.g. LP (as His Royal Highness
then was) had occasion to say:-
“Is the sentence harsh and manifestly excessive? We would
paraphrase it in this way. As this is an appeal against the exercise
by the learned judge of a discretion vested in him, is the sentence
so far outside the normal discretionary limits as to enable this court
to say that its imposition must have involved an error of law of some
description? I have had occasion to say elsewhere, that the very
concept of judicial discretion involves a right to choose between
more than one possible course of action upon which there is room
for reasonable people to hold differing opinions as to which is to be
preferred. That is quite inevitable. Human nature being what it is,
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different judges applying the same principles at the same time in the
same country to similar facts may sometimes reach different
conclusions (see Jamieson v. Jamieson [1952] AC 525, 549). It is
for that reason that some very conscientious judges have thought it
their duty to visit particular crimes with exemplary sentences; whilst
others equally conscientious have thought it their duty to view the
same crimes with leniency. Therefore. sentences do vary in
apparently similar circumstances with the habit of mind of the
particular judge. It is for that reason also that this court has said it
again and again that it will not normally interfere with sentences, and
the possibility or even the probability, that another court would have
imposed a different sentence is not sufficient, per se, to warrant this
court's interference."
[19] Finally, to take the points a little further, we find it useful as a
“guideline” to set out the wide range of factors or circumstances that the
court can consider when deciding an appropriate sentence for a convicted
person. Some of these factors include:
(a) the gravity, seriousness and heinous of the crime committed;
(b) age of the victim;
(c) early plea of guilt or claim trial;
(d) traumatic experience, emotional harm, humiliation and
degradation suffered by the victim;
(e) the protection of public interest;
(f) crushing effect on the accused;
(g) victim’s impact statement;
(h) strong message to the public of the court's disapproval of this
kind of crime;
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(i) court not to succumb to emotions and go overboard in passing
impossible sentence;
(j) current trend of sentencing in cases of similar nature;
(k) previous conviction on record or first offender;
(l) time spent in remand at the time of sentencing;
(m) accused personal and family background which may include
good character, job, age, marital status, parent, children and
other relevant factors;
(n) retribution, deterrence, prevention and rehabilitation;
(o) lack of remorse;
(p) any physical injuries that occurred to the victim;
(q) relationship between the accused and the victim;
(r) any weapon use and how?;
(s) involvement of violence / no violence / low level of violence;
(t) the minimum and maximum sentence prescribed for the offence;
(u) number of charges;
(w) planning the crime;
(x) co-operation with authorities;
(y) concurrent or consecutive imprisonment terms; and
(z) the involvement of more than one accused.
[20] We find no merits in the appeal. The appeal in R25, R26, R27 and
R28 is dismissed.
[21] We unanimously affirmed the sentences meted out by the High
Court in reducing the total number of imprisonments from 1050 to 42
years. We affirmed the conviction and sentence by the High Court. The
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total strokes of whipping from 210 to 24 to bring it to within the limit
mandated by the Criminal Procedure Code is also affirmed.
Date: 26 January 2024
- sgd -
Azmi bin Ariffin
Court of Appeal Malaysia
For the Appellant : K Annamalai Ramu a/l Kandasamy
[Law Practice of K.A. Ramu (Ayer Keroh)]
For the Respondents : Dhiya Syazwani Izyan Binti Mohd Akhir
[Deputy Public Prosecutor]
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| 26,389 | Tika 2.6.0 |
AA-42S-8-03/2022 | PERAYU Naaresh A/l Thirunukarasoo RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya [Pendakwa Raya] | Undang-undang Jenayah – rompakan – tertuduh ditangkap semasa melarikan diri selepas meragut mangsa – sama ada pembelaan membangkitkan keraguan yang munasabah dalam kes pendakwaan.Tatacara Jenayah – HukumanSama ada hukuman yang dijatuhkan memadai – sama ada kekerapan jenayah ragut, keseriusan kesalahan dan kepentingan awam di ambil kira oleh mahkamah perbicaraan. | 26/01/2024 | YA Dato' Bhupindar Singh A/L Gurcharan Singh Preet | |
26/01/2024 15:13:55
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1u\—a2s—a—u3/2u22 Kand. 25
25,0;/22:4 ,:-12 55
RAYUAN JENAVAH N ~AA-425-3-03/znzz
[1] Rayuan dalam kes N0 AA—42S—5—03/2022 mevupakan rayuan
perayu Henuduh‘) lerhadap sabllan din hukuman manakma rayuan
dalam kes AA42H—34.)Z/2022 Isiah rayuan Pendakwa Ray: Ierhadap
hukuman Pada 1522022‘ selepas permcaraan, Hakim Mankamah
Sesyen yang buaksana or-ems‘) telah measabllkan Ierluduh dan
merualuhkzn hukuman pemeruaraan selama tlgz tahun bermma den
we 2 2022 dan satu sebatan man
Lam helakang kn
[2] Pada 2a 9 ma, lanuduh lelah dnuduh dengan senrang lam IaI|u
Knshnakumar all Sakaran (‘lerluduh kedua') dmgan pefluduhan sepem
yang benkul
Pelmm/nan Asa!
llama! Nu m Leann Taman Panama, mm kr1sma_ da/am Duran
lpah da/am Nsasn Vurik, mm mslakukan mmpakan Dovkumpman dun
dengsn S9/rga/a mnnyubnckan csaerz pm» ksaada An May @ Cheang
Lea Venn, dsn dengan Mu kamu Marv msmrukun kuxarahan yam Down
drhukum m bawah seksyen 395 Karmn Ksnkxaan mbzca balsam:
seksyen 397 Kamm yang sunu ~
13] Fenuduhan pmdaan Ielah mkemuxakan padi 712 2016 den
selelah perluduhan pnndaan dlbaca dan dllerangkan kepada lerluduh dan
sm xuzzznvwviuazrszauyq
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans!
beflaku pada so 12 2021 Se1e\ah mehha| rakaman cm saya mendapall
bahawa HMS Imah menerangkan secala terpennm Kenya-(Iga pmnan :1.
bawah perenggan 173|ha)KTJ Kepada Kerluduh Tenuduh man dlwaknln
aleh dua urang peguam hela pada lankh Iersebul Iaflu Encxk snamugam
aan Puan Km Selepas kel\ga—||ga pmhan mterangkan kepada lsnuduh,
Enclk Shamugam (e\ah membemanu mahkamah bahawa Ierluduh
memllm Lmluk member: Keterangan bersumpah Kemudlarmya. HMS
mengesahkan perkara tevsehut yang lerluduh mgm member! kelevangan
hersumpah aan menanya dalam bahasa apa |er!uduh mgun memuen
kelerangan Jawapan yang dlbenkan valah Bahasa Me\ayu dan Lertuduh
lelah mmmua pergw Ks Kandang saksl Lmluk member: xezevangan
[22] Berdasarkan rakaman CRT adalah jelas macara yang
dmerunlukkan an hawah peranggan 1731ha) KTJ man mpalum men Au,
nuaxterdapax salah laksana keadilan alau kegagalzn peradulan dalam kes
In: dan wsu yang mkemukakan meh pembelaan udak berasss Vangsung
(231 Semasa penghmahan m Mahkamah, peguam new lenuduh hanya
mengangka| dua Isu sahaja sepem yang dvlerangkan m alas Wa\au
bagalmanapun damn muahan bermhsnya, peguam belz le\sh
men-bangm Isu mengenm pengecaman «enuuun oleh sm dan SP2 sena
m xuzzznvwviuuzrszauyq
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans!
‘denim beg |angan (lD10|, halo! air Iemms (mm, salu rangkax 4 kunm
am; An) dan wang lunaw hercamplmcampur uoza) Feguam be\a le\ah
menyalakan ferdapal lompang dalam kes pendakwasn kerana barang
xes ml max dlkemukakan sebagai eksh
[24] Oleh sebab‘ lerdapal wsu lam dalam hujanan berlulls peguam Dela
«en-mun, Mahkamah mu wga akan menyenluh mengenal perkava Iersehul
dalam penghaklman mu Perm duebskan bahawa Isu-wsu yang dmmbwkan
.m (elah mpemmbangkan cleh Mahkamah Rayuan semass mengarahkan
|enuduh unluk membela dm lsu-Isu Inl lldak sepalulnya dmngkn Wag:
kevana Mahkamah Rayuan lelah memuluskan blhiwi Ierdapal sua|u kes
prllrm /‘acre aan xenudun dlpennlahkan unluk membela dun.
[25] Mahkamah Rayuan damn kes Kwok Pin Hwee Iwn. PF [2011] 1
LNS 533. Ielah menerangxan
“[17]!/mtangrundang mm man "man lernang permekalan yang hams
dumbrl men v4 Hakrm mcam aaram ksadaantervuduh wan amnnaman
unluk membem am wen Mallkamah Rm." Frmstp rm man :1:/9/askan
dalam bebslaaa kos Dalnm has Pendakwa Rm V Sularman hm Sardm
/247m] v cu m, 12011713 MLJ 383 Suleiman Daud mm msruallskarv
-[271 Sebelum msmmuskan rsu auu Isa-mu yang henzangkrl mm
myuan VI! kalm msndapall palm unluk mengumngr bahawa mnmn
le/an drpanggll Imtuk mambe/a mn solemn mahkamzh rm, dalam
rayuan Iuntnhulu‘ mengstsptkan Ksputusan nakrm meals a. akmrko:
psrldnkwuan ssnunumn dsngarv rm, harm mandapal: ma
sm xuzzznvwviuuzrszauyq
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dnuumnl VII mum pom!
Kspefluan bag! kaml AIMHK Ilbanrmballgkl/V samula mlsll yang Iehll
dlflllluskslll ohm mahkamah IN lerdshulll mengenm ISAHSII ynrvg le/ah
dmungkflknrv m ml ks: pandshwszn. mm m is/dapal
Ksterangarrkelerangan Dam my drbarlgkflksn aleh pmlk
pemoolaarv yang oalarl msmmbulklrv keraguarr ml/nasaball K0 was
kas pandnhwsnn ~
Ferkara yang same man almlam jvga dahm Ala: Muhd Aznn mm on.
Mon v Pnndakwa Ray: [201V] 1 ms 1304, 124121 l ,/vu 459 mumlm
pangmamn mus: Mohamed NMR (kellka lru;
v32). sspemmana yang my nymun sebeatar mdl. panel
Mahlvamah Rayuan Huh msmuluskun Davis 3 0105 me bahawa
lcrdapal ks: puma /we lemma psliyu Mm Inerv/adl
Innggungawab pemyu wlluk msnyanglul ks: pnndnkwaan ml
swam, psrayll Dolelv drsabflkafl ms: ketersrvqan yrlma rm.
levsebur seklrinyi pauyu gagul manrmbulkan ksraguan mullllsahah
kn all: kg: pendakwaan -
seglm ma da/am mmnmlmn M mm V PP /2014} 1 ms lllz,
Izavsj 1 MU la, dlnurusknn
722; In me wurse ulme SUDWVSSWHS, m hudsvughl cfianllcalmn lmm
reamed nounsslandlt was made c/earls U: ml what we wore urged
In no will: In mm the daemon ollhs firs‘/V0115 panclollllfs mm».
callmg upon me appellants to my on me» dalance
1231 WINS! [ho uppnilanls may, Wu... an appeal ls pursued Illrlhsr at
Me Federal Court, argue me] me clwnomppsalma m cnlilng upon
me appellanm ll: enter on ma» deienu, Wu‘ on Durpall were W m
million to ruvrew ln. ml: dectsvnn oflhu mm; panel alme Cowl
DI/lppeal nl. mml appeal, in HM] wrw, snallla malls DIV wnolhsv
Ins dslancs had fbued .9 lmmols doubt on ma pluwwhun case
sm luzaznvwvillazrszllnyq
“Nair Sum! mmhnrwm be l... M mm .. mln.ll.y ml. dnuumnl VI mum puns!
125/ rn me mxlanl anpeal, smca all the sppvllanls ware called upon by
me coma/Appaal lo orvleron lnslrdsllnce u musmscsssarvlymean
Ina! Ihe com uVAppaal was sulufred mu ms pnzsscuoon nmpmea
art live Angmdvsnls a/me mm, mo/wmg ms sosmene or common
rntenborn before cannludmg that a plum um case naa been made
out by Ina pmseculfnn man, was Ihemfms no necsssrfy for u: m
rewsft me muss on whelher s pnma /am case had been made
out What we need In consaoor was wnexnsr ma swdsmxs ivom ma
cayenne ma cast a masanabla am: an me DIw9cIIIrorv’s cm
[Vfl]Saln/1:: dengsn pnruly .1 ms harm mangsmml pendman osnm
karm luiak gm msrmvma/vgkan ssmula rswsu yang eeran dmanykrlkm
den dmuluskan an aklm kss pandukwaan clan Malvksmah Ruyuan
zmanmu kscuan nu lardnpm‘ kslemrvgan ham yang amngman aleh
pl/Ink panyu mm. memmbmkzn lmraguan yang nmnaman Xe alas
kes pendakwaan Dengan nu, apa yang paint my aemmbangkzn adafialv
same .943 ketaringan yang dtkunlukakan my pembelain mun beqnyn
msmmbulkarv kslnguun yang munasabalv ks aras has psrvdnkwnan -
[26] Semras dengan nas dx a(as, Mahkamah Im Deriu
mempemmbangkan same sea Kelerangan yang dxkemukakan meh
pembelaan (elah benaya memmhmkan Keriguan yang munasabah ke
alas kes pendakwaan Versl pembelaan (enuduh ada\ah bevswfal penafuan
semaoamaca dan lenuduh menaflkan yang ma lelah mengimbll beg
\angan SP1
[27] Perkara yang penllng dan hams dnberl penekanan \aVaI1 da\am kes
ml‘ spa man mellhal kqadmn (ersebul. mengejar dam menangkap
xenudun SP3 dalam pemenksaan mama menyacakan
sm uszaznvwviuuzrszauyq
«mm. smm nmhnrwm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mn.u.y mm: dnuumnl y. mum my
4 sum Ielakr bslpskman baju memn darn barium keledar msralv
sedang mongul ssouan hag lmgan kapwvyaan sawsng
Demmnuan cm
5 Born kamu cam... Inga! Mgtknh uda A-euranq Ielakr lm1>I. Lu;u
me/‘uh pskm my keledar mslah ssdarvg rmragu! hag langan
pemmyusn Ema, Kama mgal ram yang maria sllu tunuduh VH7
v sup. yang pukmbu/u menw
saw Nearest: yang pakal hem msmh darn Dollop! kllpdnr marsh
Maksud Naaresh yang anmnoeg psrimpuun an M
v Ya.
. Apl pm. purzmarv Knshnskumarsemsia ewak Isngok kqldurv
nmgm benakw
.: Duduk alas molostkalf
Semasa pemenlsaan hams SP3 (elah mengesihkan perkara W
-5 . Saw msncadangknrv kamu sabsnamya man we: kcndran
mamgul hanya mendengsnsnlan sahaja
J max setuju say: lmal
Ana yam: kamu Ma!’
4 Say: lmal sum lelskr /I-mus Isiah mvraqul salu Deg klpunynun
pmmnuan one
5 Dan srspmmh Valnkr‘ ynng kamu ksna/paxlr Inemgal perumpuan
4 Salu felakl Indus yang aria awn kundlrvg Iunudun bemsmn
Naeresh M. Vwvrvuhmwu “
Sswaklu memben ketarangan dw peringkaf pembelaan, lerluduh |e\ah
mengesahkan ketsrangan pendakwaan ‘am;
5 Sudnll mm Ma new molosrlal Kama Derdua nun pm, helmel
unluk kasalamalarn aamn
sm uszaznvwviuazrszauyq
«mm. s.nn nmhnrwm .. HIGH m M, .. nrimruflly mm: dnuumnl VI mum Mn
J sum
5 Dan Krfshnukumsr pm. helmet mm mm, ksmu pakar no/mot
kalermemh. new
.1 Sam!
s Mucam yang EIILVK Naarssh cent: (am my ks/oaer yang drnampa:
clan Ermk Naarasn ndnla/'1 herwsma marsh. mm
4 asm
2 halmcl yang dvrampas arsn pays, Emnk Nasrssn wamn nmn,
Enmk Kn:/ma wama my mum
J Balm
5 Sam Enmk Nauush yang berwamz marsh, berm
J Eatul -
[25] Anna! jslas lenuduh telah mengakul bahiwa semasa kepdxan ma
memakal ham dan (op: ke\edav belwama mevah Kelerangan (enuduh
selaras dengan keterangan SP3 yang melmax lermduh memkukan
perbualan rngm dengan herpakavan baju merah dzn mp. keledar merah
Bap: dan lop! ke\edar lenuduh lelah cmampas smelah lemmuh anangkap
dan mcamxan oleh SP3 ldenllh lenuduh lelih d\kena\ pzsm dsngan lepa\
sebagal orang yang meragul beg eangan SP1 Pembexaan |erluduh lldak
merumbulkan apa—apa Keriguan yang munasabah dalam kas
[291 Vsu uauang Kes yang dlkemukakan oleh peguam bela Ierluduh max
menjejaskan kes pendakwaan kerana terluduh telah amnax me\akukan
sm uszzznvwviuazrszauyq
mm. smnw nmhnrwm .. LAIQ4 m yam .. mn.ny mm: dnuumnl y.. mum pom!
kesalahan yang mmauh dan umangkap asyurus selspas nu Ana yang
panung walah lerdapal kelerangan yang menoukupx bag: mensihwkan
lenuduh melampaul keraguan yang rmmasabah Bag! suam kssalahan
rompakan‘ walaupun barang kes max dmemun, avang yang dlluduh masm
man maamkan uka e\emen kesalahan mmpakan amukuxan memmpaul
keraguan yang munasabah.
[30] Damn Turumacanan an Teaguajan and Anor y. Public
Pronculor, Mahknrnan Rayuan dalam Rayuan Jenayah Na: 5.0901)»
154414/2:222 a. B»4'l9(H)»159-04/2022 neuan memuluskan
727/ rn aw mm, the namdtscovery ana m1n—pmdu:!»on a( ma vobbsd Item
is no: men undzrsecuan 395 o7Psmzl Code ummazary, u does na: change
the (ac! NvatSF1 was ruobad ayma appeuanos Tms gmundloo lid:
:25) rn Gunalarv Rnmacnandmn a 17:5 y PP[2004] 4 cu 551, Abdu/Hamvd
Mnhamud./@155 he man was; Ivoldthar
" as far «:1 am aware mere rs na law ma! ma axhfbfl reooversd
must :2. mama m cow! and yv M1 ma pm.Iecu!Ian‘5 case must
necessunry van n may or r: may nol, aaan aapanmng an me has and
me mmumsllncns mam can Evan m a munkr lnal, ma dead body vs
no! pmducedm aaan rn sannyang y Puhlrc Pmsecu!ar[1965] 2 ML./
1F5{FC)me bodyolme w:1rm was nal evzn rec-ovsmd yet ma accused
was canvmted o/nmnur Whal me pmsecmmn has m pm. .5 ma: .
paflmu/al persan had men and me aawaeu naa caused Ins death The
dezllv an». vvclrm rs nul amysa ay making at ms remams .n mun am
by swaorvca DI witnesses‘ ma madncnl mpnfl, me tdenllly cam me
P"°409'sphx andmon swarm ma dnagtra/Wokmg casa, ma drug may
aa mt or aeslmyad subssquenl to ;: havmg been anarma by ma
sm uazzznvwviuazrszauyq
“Nana s.n.‘ nmhnrwm a. a... m van; .. ananny mm: dnuumnl van mum perm
chem/:1. men; may be a gap m Ihe chem a« the peopm lmopmg custody
am sulmequenf to «I ha!/my been ans/yssdby ma charms! unm Ins aan
av mat, but so am as more 15 no mum Ina! my my analysed by me
chslvusl was ma same Ma ms! was rucavsrsd m we can and :1 vs m
rsxpacl av that drug that the accused a mgaa, and there 1: a
reasonable explanzlmn as 10 haw u was lost or destroyed or the reason
Iorme gap, them rsno reason »1my!h:prn:ecuImn':cas9 shnufidlnfl -
[:11 Bevballk kepada kes W, bavang kes P2‘ P3. P4 dan P5 ls\al1
mkemukakan darn mcamkan cleh saiswsaksx lermasuk sm Barang kes
mga |e|ah dnmmkan oleh sm, sn=2 aan spa me\a|ux gambar umo, m1 1‘
ID12 dun lD23 Ie\ah mcamkan oleh pegawaw penywasat kes (SP5)
Meskupun (eruapeu barang Res yang hflak mtandakan sebagal eksmblt‘ Va
mak menmaskan kes pendakwaan kerana «ana damn kes Im dengan
Ierang Ielah membuknkan lerluduh Iebah mdakukan mmpakan lersebul
Tenuduh felah dmhat melakukan kesahhan kalsebul dan dnangkap u\eh
SP3 semasa melankan dun
[32] Mahkamah W menaapan bahawa HMS udak lerkhllaldan segx lakta
mahupun undang-undang apabua mendapatl «emmm bersalah bag:
penuduhan plndaan yang an-mm max Ierdapat apa—apa salah Iaksana
keauuan alau kegagalan perauuan dmarn kes Im HMS (E|aIV menflaw
dengan (elm pembelaan yang mkemuxakan dan Ielah membual
kepulusin yang betul Iaum pembexaan gaga\ memmbulkan sebarang
keraguan yang munasabah da\am kes pendakwaan flan pendakwaan
“Nana Snr1n\nnuhnrw\HI>e med .a van; a. nnmnauuy MIMI dnuumnl VII mum perm
xeran beljaya membukllkan kes melampaul keraguan yang munasabah
Eerasaskan a\asan—a\asan an alas‘ rayuan mmmun 1emauap sabllan
Rayuzn Hukuman (Rayuan Janlylh No: AA42H.a—n2rzo22)
[33] Du penngkal rayuan mengenaw hukuman‘ pvinslp undang-undang
ada\ah manlap bahawa Mahkamah hanya akan mengganggu hukuman
mankaman perblcaraan sexwanya hukuman yang dua|uhkan mevupakan
nukuman yang temyata beneuman atau uermu nngan atau menyanarn
undang-undang Keadaan lam yang membenarkan campur (angan
Mankaman msngenal sesuatu hukuman ada\ah apabfla |erdapa|
keknuacan uleh mankaman permcaraan lenlang undang-undarvg alau
penumn pIInsIp—pr|ns|p hukuman darn hukuman yang duahmkan adalah
max sesuar dengan Vakta dan na< Keadaan yang Ielah dxbuklxkan
(hha1 Public Pmsmnor y. Mohamed Not 5 Or: [1995] 2 MLJ zan,
Ehandulananfll Jaynlilake v. Public Pmacucor [1992] I ML] 33;
[1931] 1 LN5 139 dan Public Prosecutor v. Loo Chaon Fn1(197s] 1
LNs1a2;[19ss]2 ML! 255;
[34] Mahkamah Rayuan dalam kes FF Iwn Moran Chekwnhe
Chukwudi (2017) 1 LNS 554 (elah mengganskan beberspa laklor yang
IN uazaznvwviuazrszauyq
-um s.nn n-nhnrwm be 1;... m van; .. mn.u.y mm: dun-mm VIZ mum pans!
perm mpemmbangkan oxen mahkamah ssbemm memaluhkan hukuman
bagw sesuam Kssmahan
“[51 n 5 wen Isubllshad that liver: am . number or facturs znex cow‘: lake
rum carmderation before eenoencmg some allmm am as In/lows {5} the
grawly or seventy of me 7301; consmultng me onence, m; we
wnumstances In wen u ms aamnnned. 4:) me rampanry nlsuch allerms
m 1». men‘ [U] ma mnaersprevnm mcom, (9)019 ollsndefs mnmbulmn
and suppofl to In: rsrnuy members (/7 me onenam means, 49; me emu
oi convmwolv and sentence on M5100 opnan-"vim, /m ms eye and mm-
oune accused, n; whalharn 1.1 me am aflence U; wlvsmir me socusarlhad
eoopomrea mm me peace sue: me comrmssmn oftha ollsncs, M wnemar
me accused neameeaeaguury. {u status Dime accused {ml wnomsrlhva
was vmence aunng me crlma, 4n; pub/M: mmesl, etc -
[351 HMS semasa menjelaskan hukuman yang duamhkan lerhadap
uenumm, dslam alasan penghaklmannya, sekadar menyarakan
-5 14 Mahkamah men ms/uatuhkan Ivukmnan p.n,s.e 3 laflun aan salu
seamen mlarv borflaurkan prmsAu~pnrmp purlghukumun
Ivlemarvdungkan Velmdu/1 msrupakm pssalah porlamu, men me
am pemah gsyfi/ msrvglvamn nlankamsh Mahkamalv juga
mengumm/kw laklorbahau man lambs! dalsm ssbarang msodun
pneym sew. din has my
5 vs Mulvkamah /uga msngambvfklri mar pandemlk mass mu dan
msmumskan hukumsn pervjara dun sebalan ruler! temodsy
Tsmmun adalah add dun saksams -
[as] Manxaman W mendapall bahawa HMS udak mempemmbangkan
kesevlusan kesawanan, kepenlmgan awam dzn trend hukuman bagx
Kesmahan rompakan da\am merualuhkan hukuman Dalam kes Mom!
sm uszaznvwviuuzrszauyq
«mm. sen» nmhnrwm .. med M mm .. nrighvnflly mm: dnuumnl VI mum pom!
lenuduh kedua, mereka (elah faham perluduhan pmdaan dan mamohon
agar kes mmcaraxan Penuauhan plndaan (ersebm berbunyn
pmug Ivy! Pfndaun
'Bahawn kamu hsIsama—samI plda zomms, M mum kw-ulvg 13:7
yslang m Ivadapan mm ntamnl Nu m Lsbulv Taman Panama, mm
Panama rpm, 4. am» Daemh Kmlz‘ av dalam Negsn Perak om
Rrdzusn, man melakukan rumpakan banumupu/an 4.m.a.p An May Q
Cheong Lee Yuan (No KP 440722-11-5132; aangun mengamml samlan
beg Iangarv‘ mm msmandll, kadAYMdarv wIIvgIu0srRM1P6dan semnsn
mmpakan lulsubul knmu bersamzrsama awgsrv saws]: menyababkan
mm kepada Ah May @ Chsarvg Lao Yum om yang uemrmn Kamu
Isiah melakukan mm komlnhan yang pom ovhukum .1; bawalv xsksyerv
394 Kamm Kasaluaan‘
[4] D1 akhir kes pendakwaan, HMS (e\ah memumskan bahawa pmak
pendakwaan Ie\ah gaga\ membukllkin sua\u Kes prime lame bag:
penuauhan plndaan dan kedua—t1ua tenuduh le\ah dlbebaskan dan
dflepaskan Pmax pendakwaan |elah memlillkan vayuan lsmadap
kepmusan HMS dan paaa 5 10 2019, rayuan bendakwaan telah auolax
ms»: Mahkamah Tmggl Selevusnya. pmak pendakwaan lelah merayu ke
Mahkamah Rayuan
[51 Semasa :1. Mahkamah Ray-‘an, rayuan Pendakwa Raya lsrhadap
Ienuduh kedua lelah dlbatalkan kerana nous perbmaraan rayuan twdak
dapal dwserahkan Kepada |emmuh kedua Oleh mu rayuan an Mahkamah
Rayuan hanya dnleruskan (emadap lenuauh sshaja Mahkzmah Rayuan
sm uszaznvwviuazrszauyq
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dnuumnl VII mum pom!
Rldwan Mohd Vumlv. PP [2n14]1 LNS194n,Mahkamah Rayuan Ie\ah
711/ w .7. In this .p....: dolling with . snatch Mlk nlhnce arm.
m. .mpmy altnls fypv nrorv-nu cnnlmuu unzbated. m victim:
oltnalcn mm rncrdultt mm: . lrumondms amount onnum. n (Om
Mm 0! m. p..,..n.:m with mm. cflmm-I .-mm. Some mm
grlvlphyltrll lndumorlanzlstruu. somm. wan mm. m Coun:
when asxessmg an zppmpnale mum (0 be meled mus! mun mmd
ms modus operand! of ma wvongdoerm cmnmrtlmg ms sort 0! ullznces
Mos! akun llvarv rial, the modu: apslandl m march mere mm; m cnme
and curllvmg For mabsnoe deadly wsapons of vfalence are um willy ms
Wen] m lhrsats/1 and lo mam /ear upon the vmhm The 1/aumaltc mm
M! on the mm, m. wny m. wcnm: am Ihmalsmad wrllv mum rllhey an
not do .5 mslructed, are «mm mm wsvgh nsavrry agams! mmy m the
sentencmg oi such mum V1/E are of In: cansrdsled View mat the
sentencsspsssedsllouldaervu the Iulluwmg Lwupwposss Frrsfly, rrshauld
my punish (Iv: accused for {he grave 0/mvw Ihat ». mm mmmrfled and
secondly, m the mass: :2! the publrc, ,4 should m as . wmmg and
darelrence 2.: MI pofunlulalhndux
[121 w. would lika 1.: nmlnd mu court‘ boluw to bk-judiclll mm or
an trmrluing numhtrnicnmcs all My (:1 match men as ewdsnl mm:
news cum oflencas Dung mnslnntly reparledm the med»: Cauns must
be mcapm and Prearlhe rm cry Vouusltos mm m. snclebytn match melt
new .5 in (In: case. and mspam by rmposfngl . pmyer sentence The
rmuasmon nlzn appmprvalu pumxllmenl vs the manneurv which m. Conn:
resound :9 Inc snugly‘: cull lar /uslm agsnml mm cnmmnls ma .
demand: mu: m. Court: should Irnpnu punuhmlnk mm-.., me
ermla :0 mm in mums in: public’: Ibhwnrvcc 12! such crime. Evory
punishment lmpornd rt huund (:1 nm n. urhcl nol only on we
Accused nlone, but also an m. aaciuty u . whore. u rs the duty or (he
Courts to 595 mu nnpmnnale sentence /5 rmoossdrsgaru Dung mm In my
commrssmn DI the cmns and us Impact on Ills meta! me, 1:... Guru
sm xuzzznvwviuuzrszauyq
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans!
sasmm, Q Eenne Seklana vs Sm: alkamalaku, 12012; a soc m
2012 /nuraw so 252)
Ipennkanam drrambalvl
my man dapal dlnallkan kesalahan kes ragul kerap beflaku den
,nnnannya ssmakm memngkal sellap nan Lazlmnya warga amas dan
wanna duadwkan sasaran Ksrana meraka lldak berupaya banawan mu
memperlahankan dm danpada serangan peugm Benla kecederaan
yang dmaml oxen mangsa kes ragul sudah meruam Vumrah dw laman
akhbar |empatan Damn kes W mangsa IaI|u SP1 berumur 71 (ahun
semasa kejadlan dan aknhal perbualan lelluduh, SP1 nuangaxaynu
ksoederaan pavah wawtu keretakan pads vertebra L2 Semeshnya mangsa
mengaxann Kesakflan teruk aklhat kere|akan unang belakang dan lrauma
danpada ke,aman nu Cfleh nu, nukuman yang dusluhkan nenaaklan
sellmpal dengan Kesalahan yang gnakuxan uleh tenuduh kerana
kesalahan vagul mempakan kesamvan yang senus
[351 Kepennngan awam menghendakx seorang pesa\ah kes ragm
dlkenzkan hukuman pemenjalaan yang ssnmpal dan apaona dlperlukan
dualuhkan hukuman yang Iemn lama agar kesmamalan arang swam
nenannn Mahkamah mempunyal tanggungjawab unluk mehndungu orang
awam danpada Kasalahan ragut yang semakln henemasa Ovang awam
(emlamanya warga emas dan wanna mempunyal hak unmk bergerak
am nszzznvwviuazrsznuyq
mm. snnnw .. LAIQ4 m yam .. nrighvnflly mm: dun-mm y.. mum pans!
bebas G1 CENIDEII awam I’-VVD3 DBVVIA nsau akan kesebamatan mereka O\eh
sebab nu, seslapa yang melikukin kesmahan ragut yang menggugat
keselamatan awam mesh auaumxan hukuman yang sew/a1amya
[39] Da\am kes Mom Ridwan Mohd Vuaof (supra) Mahkamah Rayuan
juga lelah memwk (rend hukuman bag: kesalahan ragul apama
mengekalkan hukuman Mahkamah Tmggl mm 10 lahun pemenwaan
dan 5 sebalan man yang msngeleplkin hukuman Mahkamah Sesyen‘
pemeniaraan se\ama uga tahun aan lankh (angkap
~ The Vsamsd Dem/ly r-um Fmsvculur was ngllt m M momma: mu
MI crmnct mlpolul lylinsl mu Apptllnmwu out ouup mm m.
frindolllnllncing inwandby this own which w. wnuld name! an
Caurt: below lo Inflow We would Ilko tom/aria me in/rwlnq cases
4:; Rapsrgumrv J/Ilxlanasegedam V PF(N4792J—u1r2o14), the cm
o(Appeula/1 21Augusl2D14 had ssnlormd me gncused m mm Mrs
rmgnsanmenl rm a charm unacrlha! can m which the accusedamihrs
fnsnd mm mm a km]: rm nopaed the wclrm at me mama and
robbed ms ma yhone and money
nu Yuhaman am Abdu/ wmb (P-as-174-17740131, me Conn‘ cl
Apusa/ on 17 Ayn! 2471: had smrmsdlhe decman aims Hrgll cm lhal
Me Lqrm or em: gals rmmsonmen! su/hood var m. use In max case
In: mm was me amussrfslmynboun :Igud60,whvchlIIesccusedIvax1
come from me back or m. vrctvm and snatched ms worm gem
nu; Mend Fsrzal Em mam warm v pp 4a.a9¢5;.25s.os/zmzy, lhe
cm aIApuea/ an s FeDruaIy2l71A hsrlamrmedlhe decrsron aims um
cmm rival Hzdmcraased lne rmviaonmenl terms «mm We 10 051515»:
sm xuzzznvwviuuzrszauyq
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dnuumnl VII mum pom!
A Iherwfmh o(wn .!nI/on-rmsemeacvusedhad
svrzed a bag oamamlng mobvle uhone men was camod by Ina vmhm
rm vtclm mixed and managed lo mm ms accused rm mm bag
was mm on the aucusufl nlatumyds
av) wnsmmsa Amer hm Yaakab 1/ PF (VI/—a9-m.u4/2m), me
counomwearon v January 2l71l.Iva:1amIvmd!)ve decvslan allne Hm
Court llml sunk tho accusvd :9 mm M gn mar: wvlh lnrse stroke: 0/
wmgmg ms Incl: showed that me worm is Aady} wan Irv sun mu
armed al name, and smsmy me mum ma mm to slash ma vicflm
usmv n ‘DIrIIIP97"bur no mlunls wan rvponsu
M PP V Nlk Mohamad K/ulru! mu mm rH7Nm7—12rza12L the com
ulApp9a/on 28/Iugusl 2m Ivadsstasrdslhe domsnun a/me Nfgh cm
and rvfrlstutsd me docvsnon or the Sassrons Cour! mm the accused be
sent In gm... [or seven Ms wvm (Ive make: 9! wflmm In (N: case,
the accused had snatched ms nerghboufs rrecklaco The mm, was
was 57 Vials or agu was news huvsshold mm when M: mcrdenl
azsnsmsnsn dvtamballl
[40] TPR yang mengendallkan Iayuan Im wga teaah mengemukakan
trend hukuman bagx kesalahan vornpak sepem yang benkul
an Nukunun
4 Muhammad um ‘. Feuyurrwnilkuslllh
uluxnm V. w Denudunan an bauah
‘ nnyansmxx
Izomums-as \. Hnkxmidihkimahsntyan
marualuhkan mm... s
cm... vim-n 4... 2
wayum Pmyu ke am
nbizn flan mm..."
mum men Mlhkrvuh
sm wuzaznwvviuazrszaflvfl
«mm. smm nmhnrwm s. U... us my s. nflmnnflly -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
[mm Mun :51
3 pr Y. Mom
Hm:-u Rauly
I1:-M11 ms u
2 1».,..1.k... my. .
busmih din a.:.mux.n u.
bawah s-men :94 xx
mum hukumxn 5 Karma
Rayuan men ma we-n 5 ‘
u.<.»m..» mm
mambonavkan rayuan
Hukumnn pen;-.4 yams
mxmxan macaw
Raxvnndgn dmllvnnvkuu k:
x mm uruuon a un
Resfinnuen mnmu um.
Dmudnlunm bawah
mm» :94 xx
mm Mznkzmah s yun
menllluhkln hukunun s
lihufl Dewar:
¢ Human V. pp
mm] s cu us
5 pp Dunn-unm
mm 1 ms ms
Fzliyu .»--um nllh
Penud-Man dw bum
nksyan m xx
mm Mihkimlh Sesyen
man,-luhknn hukunun m
mum penw: um um
xman rich wx x: mm
Mahkzmlh um.
n.emm.m. ra‘/um
Nukumm pinma yang
mxmm wmpanv
Reswnden amamnam kg
12 um «mun. 5 un
mm oleh Petay-A
mamclmn mlmman
Mankzmzn nm‘
memuluskun Vlukumln to
uhun n-um, dlknkalkan
a... 1mm. uhal
a.x....m... hula: s
fiesvnnden manna» ulah
n-nuuumn a. bamh
mam an. xx
mm Mzhkzman Sesyen
muuillmxsn hummin WI
Trend hukuman
dx alas yang dvkemukakan
mm men wk mm
Mzhkamzn mam
membevuvxm fiavunn am
dwganlwkzn mg."
nukumxn pun:-n . .m
mm an Inn: -mun
oleh TPR
kebanyakannya \a\ah bag‘ kes terludxm mengaku bersalah lsaapi dakam
kes W perbmaraan pemm te\ah dualankan Hukuman yang dualunkan
oleh HMS pugs adalah ‘sun lebm vendah danpada trend hukuman yang
dlnyalakan dalam xes Molld Ridwnn Mom: vuml (supra) Mahkamah Inn
sm wullznvwviuazrszaflvfl
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
mendapall hukuman yang dualuhkan men HMS hdak memadaw dan |er\alu
nngan sena «max menggambarkan kesenusan kesalanan yang dllakukan
oxen (ertuduh
[42] Berdasarkan kepada a\asan—a\asan dan prlnsvp urmangmmang
yang dmya\akan dw a|as dan seIe\ah mengamnu klra segala ha! Keadaan
dalam kes ml‘ Mahkamah WU mengelspwkan hukuman pemeniaraan
se\ama uga |ahun nan sam sebalan‘ flan menggannxannya dengan
hukuman pemeruaraan selama Vapan tahlm belmma dam 7 <2 2023 dan
empsl sezman mm Hukuman um beraas dalim halasan hukuman kes—
kes lsrdahulu aan la mga menoermmkan trend hukuman semasa yang
pads pengama|an saya adalah wager, berpatutan sens seumpax dengan
kesalahan Ierluduh
Benankh 26 Januan 2024
Mahkamah Tmggu Ma\aya
m wuzzznvwviuuzrszaflvfl
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
Bagx Pendakwaan Khaznn Ham: um Khahl, T\mba\an Fendakwa Raya
Negen Ferak
Bagx pmak Tenuduh Nathan Knshnan bersnma Dayang Nor Emma
Teluan Nam, Guns 8. Farmers
m xuzzznvwviuazrszauyq
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans!
telah memumskan banawa suam kes pnma lame Celah benaya
dikemukakan nleh pmak pendakwaan dam memenntahkan supaya
Iertuduh dipanggn untuk membela dm lsmadap perluduhan pmdaan
lersebut Kemudlannya‘ kes Aelan dulelapkan semula dw Mahkamah
Sesyen unluk lenuduh membela dm
[6] Fada 1522022, ssmah msndangar pembelaan Ierluduh, HMS
[shah memumskan bahawa pembelaan Isiah gagal memmbmkan
keraguan yang munasabah dalam kes penaakman dan pmak
pendakwaan |e|ah membukllkan kes melampam keraguan yang
munasabah Oleh VIII‘ tertuduh telah dxsabllkan dan dljallmkan hukuman
nagx penuduhan pmdaan Tenuduh dan pmak pendakwaan masIng-
masmg le\ah memlaflkan rayuan sepem yang xercam an perenggan
Rmnkasln lnkla kes
m Fads 209 2015 pm lehxh Kurang 1 so Iengah han, mangsa (sun
man balnk danpada memnemuelah clan ma kemav dan kenderaan yang
mpandu suammya (SP2) unluk membukz pmm pagar rurnahnya Tuba’
[ma dalang terluduh menalak plnlu kerelanya dan merampas beg langin
SP1 yang dllalakkan an bahaglan Ielak kikw dx hadapan lempa| duduk
penumpang sm menjem darn Cuba merampas bank beg zangannya, lalu
m xuzzznvwviuazrszauyq
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans!
benaku pergelulan antala SP1 den lerluduh yang menyebabkan SP1
[5] Selepas tsnatuh SP1 «max dapal bangun sendnn dan lerduduk dw
smu SP1 lelah mehhal (enuduh Van bersama Ierluduh kedua dengan
menggunakan mukzswkal Pada masa yang sama. SP1 nampak dua orang
anggota pans yang berada m kawasan nu mengejar molosxkal berkenaan
[9] Menurul SP1‘ beg tangannya rnengandungw dumpet mm (exsmbn
P2), kad pengenawannya (eksmblt P3), kad ATM mihk SF1 (eksmmc P4),
Vesen memandunyi (ekshlbn P5) dan wang tuna! Kmerangan SP1
dlsokong meh SP2 yang lurul melmat kefidlan lersebm SP2 uaak sempal
mengew moIL)sxka\ berkenaan letapv lelah mehhzl dua orang anggola
polls mengemr moIos\ka\ nu smepas kejadmn ragut tersebul
[m] Koperal Kamanduan um Kassum Baba (SP3) dan Lans Knperal
Bohby Pawns pada masa kejadwan sedang membual Iugas wndaan
peneegaharv jenayah a. temper! kejadlan SP3 telah menyiksxkan
bagalmana kejadwan ragut (erhadap SP1 benaku danpada ;arak Iebm
kuvang A2 kaku SP3 dun Lans Kapera\ Bobby Paulus lelah menge]ar
kedua-dua Kerluduh flan benaya menangkap mereka m hadapan Church
m xuzzznvwviuazrszauyq
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans!
cl Tnaveetmn Kudaram Beg tangan yang dvagul aleh terluduh lelah
benaya dllampas kembah
[11] Dr Mnk Chung {spay \a\ah duklnr pakar pevundlng Onopedlk dan
Hospwtm Falumah lpch yang merawat SP1 pada 2192015 dan Ie\ah
menyedlakan laporan perubalin SP1 (eksmbn F15) Menurut eksmbil
P15, sm mengalarm ‘compress/on Inmwe of 1.2 vertebra mm
Isu yang dihangkilkan dun dapmn Mahkamah
[121 Isu perlama yang amangknkan oleh peguam Dela Kerluduh Ialah
HMS Is\ah xemmai dan segw undang-undang dan lam apablla
membenarkan pendakwaan mengemukakan perluduhan pmdaan me\aluI
hum-an benulls pnhak pendakwaan dv akhlr kes pemheiaan dan
penuduhan pmdaan tersebut «max mbacakan semu\a dan mterangkan
kepada lenuduh Perkara mu hsnenlangan dengan seksyen 158 Kanun
Talacara Jsnayah (‘KN’)
[13] Asas hujahan In: berganlung kepada ma ke|evangan yang len:a(a|
m muka suraI107 mngga ma Rekud Rayuan (‘RR’) ma 2 Oleh nu, amal
penhng supaya no|a keterangan lersebul dwllhat dengan menu Nola
kelerangan pada 16 2 2022 bevmma dengan
m uszzznvwviuazrszauyq
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans!
ma» Kg: unIukksuu!usan.permgkaIakmruembthnrv‘
Pa B9narFuan
Man Adv punuduharv pmdaan ken yang dtksmukakan dulam
submusron Kan
we EenarPuan
Man Tenma mm
n=R o... Pusn, “mm dvbenarkan Puan Jrka mjuk kepada
hu/shun psn<1akwun,pads muka sum! 2 palmduhan pmdaan
Man ¢. Iakjslas ;-
talah mendengar rakaman CRT dan membaca nala kelerangan yang
las \a\ah hahaglan perlama nma Kelerangan (ersehut Says
mxemukakan HMS Ielah menanya "Ada penuuunan pmdaan kan ygg
dfkemukakan dalam submrssran kan" Jwka anelm akan mdapall bahiwa
penuduhan plndaan yang xemacax dalam hugahan benulls pendakwaan an
akhlr kes pembelaan umac RR ma 4 ml: ea) merupakan pemmunan
plndaan yang sama‘ yang «emn mxernukakan peas 7 \2 2016 (lmal RR
ma 1 m/s 5) la juga merupakan penuduhan pmdazn yang sama yang
Rem: dwbacakan dsn dnerangkan kepada keduardua Ienuaun sebelum
permcarnan bermula pads 54 2017 mm RR ma 2 ms 1) Penuduhan
plndaan lrll Ialah penuduhan pmdaan yang same semasa Mahkamah
Rayuan meremltkan kes ke Mahkamah Sesyen unmk (enuduh mpanggn
me-nbexa am Penu dllekankan bahawa Tlmbalan Fendakwa Ray:
NPR‘) uaak mengemukakan spa-apa pefluduhan plndaan yang haharu
m xuzzznvwviuuzrszauyq
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmny mm: dun-mm VII mum pans!
\1a\am penghwahan berluhs pendakwaan an akhvr kes pembelaan din apa
yang dukatakan oleh peguam bela Iertuduh adalah udak berasas
[151 Nola keterangan selerusnya ada\ah sepem ylng benkut
Pun, mm that says tsrsrlap tun: Puan, bslsarrnamarru .rhL7u(d
rm! be m the pevluduharv pmdum senem man: yurvg Mal naaa
Dsrkataan Datum:-sums
Porluduhan ;1md.nan7
Dalam psnurluhan pmdaan yang dmsrlkan sebelum mm mm.
pelmgkal Bsndakwian
Be!-samarsaml m min ma
' ssrsammama link ads Puany saya typo almrdalam IN
ox, says an have
mm kasm Fuan
Mahkaman szfela/1 menslm ksssmui kslamngnn an den
kslslangun keseluruhan ms, maka mama" on gags!
mzntmculkan ksriguan mumssabah dslam kss rm wan yang
demmsn, pmakpendakwaan I9/zhmambuklrkan ks: ms/ampam
keraguan yang mnasanan mum oxrmapg. bsrsalgg gm
rsabvlksn am; an hon a m am
[15] Jelas danpada nota keterangan an alas‘ HMS menanyikan «emang
penuduhan pmdaan din kemumannya menymakan bahawa "Balsami-
sama lak ada Kan" dan TPR menjawab ‘Bersama-sama rak ads P:/an,
says typo envr dalam lnl “ Sm men-iapam Cerdapil seam: kekellruan
dmam perbualan anlara HMS flan TPR, yang cuba mmanlaaxkan oleh
paguim bela terluduh Im ada\ah Kerana dalam perluduhan pmdaan yang
dlkemukakan afau dllallkan sebemm W (paaa 7 12 2015; sememzngnya
sm uszaznvwvsuazrsayuyq
mm. Snr1n\nuuhnrwH\I>e LAIQ4 w my .. mmmy mm: dnuumnl VII mum am.‘
lerdapal perkataan “bersama-same’ umac RR JIhd1 m/s 3 dan RR Jam 4
ml: 61) Fendakwaan dalam hujahan berluhs m akmr kes pembelaan
telah merujuk kepafla pemmuhan pmdaan nu dan bukannya penuduhan
asal Inn adzdah kerana pefluduhan asal lakah dipmda pada 7.12 we
Danpada perbualan dw alas, Nada apa—apa penuduhan plndaan bahavu
dlkemukakan kepada Mankamah dan Mahkamah pun lldsk menandakan
sxau menenma apa—apa penuduhan pmdaam baharu
[17] Apa yang dlkatakan OVEN HMS Ia¥ah ‘OK saya dah bass’ mm
mevujuk kepada pefluduhan plndaan yang yam: ads Perkara ml
dlsokong dengan dapalan bersmah den sahnan Ke alas (enuduh yang
dlbuakoleh HMS berdasarkan pertuduhsn pmdaan sepem mmdun Dalam
alasan penghakxman HMS ]uga menuuk aan menca|aIkan penuduhan
plndaan yang sedla ad: (hha( RR Jmd 1 ms 17) Tambahan pula Nada
sebarang perluduhan plndaan baharu dusenakan dalim Rekud Rayuan
OVEN Ru, ada\ame\as hada penuduhan plndaan haham mkemukakan afau
dwlenma oleh Mahkamah dan (enuduh telah dwbwcarakan dan didapah
hersalah alas penuduhan plndaan sepem yang dlluduh Txiak Um!‘/U‘ Isu
bihawa terdapal perluduhan pmdaan yang Valn alau bahnru Berdasarkan
alasan an mas‘ Mahkamah mendapam nsu yang amangkwkan oleh
pemnexaan uaak berment
m uszzznvwviuazrszauyq
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans!
[13] Vsu kedua yang dwbenlangkan uVeh psguam hem lenuduh .a|an nga
pllman db bawah pelenggan 173(ha) KTJ Ildak dxbacakan dan \1I|erangkan
kepada tenuduh men HMS, selepas Mahkamah Rayuan memanncanxan
lerluduh membela am bag: perluduhan pmdaan Akwbal danpada
kegagalan tersebut lerdapal kemudarauzn kepada lenuduh sena
ksgagalan pevadflan (larlure alplslmaj yang meruidlkan perhlcarasn ml
max sah dan sabman palm dlkeleplkan
[191 Pewnlukkan perenggan 173(ha) KTJ aaaxan sepem yang benkul
‘VI/hen me Cour! calls upon ms accused 1.: enter on ms an/Mme unaar
subparagrapn mm, 1». Own may read and expram :n. was aplrons to
ma accuud winch m as (wows
4,; lo gws swam evrdsncw In the wttnsss mu,
«u to gvvs unswom statement (mm me am or
(M) to rsmam sum -
[20] Berdasarkan muka sural so mngga 95 RR Jam 2 memarvg hdak
mcatatkan an manarmana yang uga pmnan dw bawah perenggan wama)
KTJ lelah dvbaca dan dnerangkan kepada Ienuduh sebelum (enuduh
member: Keterangan DaVam kes ml‘ (ertuduh pada so 12 M21 telah
member! kelerangan nsrsumpan dan mengemukakan pemyalaan berluhs
yang dI|indakan sebagau ekshnbn D23
[21] Sebemm membual kepmusan bag: rayuan ml, says lemh mermma
saunan rakaman CRT untuk manna: dan mendengar ape sebenarnya
m uzzzznvwviuuzrsayuyq
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. my.u.y mm: dun-mm y.. mum pans!
| 3,541 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
PA-24NCvC-764-06/2023 | PEMOHON 1. ) KHALIQ MEHTAB BIN MOHD ISHAQ 2. ) ZOLKIFLY BIN MD LAZIM 3. ) ZULKIFLI BIN IBRAHIM 4. ) AFIF BIN BAHARDIN RESPONDEN 1. ) DEWAN UNDANGAN NEGERI PULAU PINANG 2. ) LAW CHOO KIANG (Disaman sebagai Yang di-Pertua Dewan Undangan Negeri Pulau Pinang) | Originating Summons - Plaintiffs seek inter-alia declarations that a motion dated 10th February 2023 pursuant to Article 14A of the Constitution of the State of Penang tabled and debated during the Penang State Legislative Assembly on 6th March 2023 which was duly passed and led to the four Plaintiffs having to vacate their seats as State Assemblymen was void/unlawful.The Plaintiffs also seek declarations that the Plaintiffs remained members of the State Legislative Assembly until its dissolution in June 2023 and entitled to all remunerations.Article 14A provides for vacancy if a member having been elected as a candidate of a political party, then resigns, is expelled or ceases for any reason whatsoever to be a member of that party. Issue - Was the Impugned Motion ex-facie defective?- Whether the Defendants had acted within the legal framework of Article 14A of the Constitution of the State of Penang in declaring the Plaintiffs’ seats vacant?- Whether the Impugned Motion and any resolution passed in pursuant thereto are non-justiciable by virtue of Article 18 of the Constitution of the State of Penang and/or Article 72(1) of the Federal Constitution and therefore cannot be questioned by this Honourable Court?The Court hold that the motion was not defective as it was clearly put before the 1st Defendant for it to resolve and declare the four seats vacant with the consequential decision that if such a declaration was passed, for the Election Commission to be informed of such vacancy as per Article 14(4) of the Constitution of the State of Penang. - there was no ambiguity in relation to the said motion. The Court conclude that the 1st Defendant had acted in excess of jurisdiction when it vacated the seats of the 1st and 2nd Plaintiffs as they are members of Bersatu at all material times and remains members of Bersatu till to date.In so far as the 3rd and 4th Plaintiffs are concerned the Court concludes that they were properly removed as they had been elected as a candidate of the political party PKR and has since been expelled as a member of PKR. Matters raised now on the propriety of such expulsion i.e. without reasons or without a hearing are not matters that needs to be considered by this Court. The 1st Defendant clearly had the power to remove them based on the express provision of Article 14A.The Court therefore allows the claim by the 1st and 2nd Plaintiffs but dismiss the claims by the 3rd and 4th Plaintiffs with no order as to costs. | 26/01/2024 | YA Dato' Anand Ponnudurai | |
26/01/2024 11:36:05
PA-24NCvC-764-06/2023 Kand. 27
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25/01/20“ nzlb-(V3
SAMAN FEMULA N0.: PA-24Ncvc~7uos/2023
sw a7mmx.au5xu\mavcznrA
Da\am Defkara Ferkara—Perkam 5,
8, 10, 13 an MBA Penembagaan
Dmam Derkara Perknra HA
Penembagaan Nagen Pulau Pmang
danlalau Enakmen Paflamhagaan
Pulau P1nang1PmdaanJ2012,
Da\am perkala Seksyen 25(2) Akva
Mahkamah Kehakmlan 1964.
Dalam perkara Aluran 92 Kaedah-
Kaedah Mahkamah 2:112 flan kuasa
yams ada Mahkamah Tinggv
um Sum ...m.. WW be used m mm u. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm
nalam perkara Seksyen 41 darn
seksyen 44(1) Akna Rem Spa Ik
(ND. KIP: veaezsoz-5517)
2. ZOLKIFLV am MD uzm
(no. KIP: 541113103959)
(N0. mp: 191130-a1-5179)
mo. mp: 350513-10-5115)
u. uiwm uumusm NEGERI PULAU mums
(blsaman ubagal Ylng an mu. Duran Ulld-ng-n
Nogari Pulnu Plnlng) . DEFENDAN-DEFENDAN
sw a7mmx.au5ux\mavczDrA m. 1 Mil
mm Sum IHIWDIY M“ be used m mm u. nvVWuH|Y mm; mm. VII mum pm
(s)hnVInv bun aloctud u . candidalu ala political
party, In Iulgns or In oxpollnd from, M ceases
for any menu whnlsoovtr la lu . membewl
rhatparly: or
(wlavlng been elected umelwrse man as a candidate
ole polmcalperry, he jams a political perry
l2)A member of me Legislative Assembly shall no! he
required 2.; vacate his saarpursuanllo ma Artlcle only
be reason af—
(a)Ihe dfssolmlon or cancellallon ol me reglszlallon of
ms parry; ol
(b)hls resignatlan lrom the membershlp ol the pany
upon dscllon as a Speaker
{3)NolwImslandl'ng anythlng corllalnad m Amcls 13(5), 5
member of the Legls/allw Assembly who vacales his
see! under lms Anlcle may seek re-e/action all any
ensulng elm.-lmn.
mm. Speaks! shall notify me Electron Corrlmlssion
upon me occurrence of: vacancy umlsl lms Ame/5."
12a] The rdervznl par! of Anlelo 14A at me PSC wN::h W5 perIman| in
ms mailer avnears to be Anlclc IM(I)(a} olme Psc
sw a7lhmx.ml5kux\x:;:vczDr»\ me n 2131
‘Nata Snr1n\n-nhnrwmlxe used m mm a. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] nF\uNG pm
[271 The Wavlmfls suhmil lhal mere are Iwe Memenks which must be
satisfied before Aflicln unmu) of mu Psc can be triggered.
which are as inflows
a. The assemblyman must be ekzcled as a ndvdale ol 5
golmcal $5 and
b The assemmyman must rwgn or be expelled mm, or cease
fcrany reason whatsoever to be a member mm pany.
me] In my view, me above lwo elemems are required which sets out the
lega\ lmms wnlmn which ma seat a1 a member ol me Penanfi Stale
Legxslalwe Assemmy can be vacaled.
[29] Beanng m mind man we fauna! curoumsnanoes remmg I/.3 me1’“ and
2" Plamnfls mfler rrom man 01 me 3'“ and 4“ Plmmms, I propose to
deal mm eam paw separalmy and m «ms regard, I will am! wnh the
3" and 4'“ Plainws first.
The 1" and 4" Plllntllh
[30] Having oonsxderad me lads and aircumscances no me 3'“ and 4!"
Plamliffs. lo wu. lhal may wear: elected as candldales oHhe Pmnuml
parw PKR and have sinaa been exneuaa by PKR, n appear: Ihal
Arficln14A(1)(I)°fflIn Psc applnas to mesa two Flairmfis In fact‘
wmm Valmad Counsel tor me Plaimms conwdes mm 1! does at firs1
blush apuear In be applrcabxe, he ansmpls to persuade me 10
IN a7:hmuzu5kux\b;:vczDrA rm :1 will
-ma s.n.r n-uhnrwm be used m mm ms nrW\nnU|Y mm: flan-mm VI] muNG Wm
mlerpret the provision in such a way so as lo render ll lnappltcable
lo the 3” and 4*" Platnlills
[31] ln lms regara, it ls submllled bylhe Plamtrws lhatthe words ‘expel/ed
from, or ceases for any reason whatsoever to be a member 0/ that
parry in Arliclu 14Alt)(a) Mme FSC must be read to lnclude an
element o1 lrltenliorlal conducl ln otherwnrds,lorAnIc|n14A(1)(a)
al the Psc la he apallcable, an Assemblyman who has been
sublecled In expulsmrt eraessaheh olmembershtp must have done
scmethmg la lusnfy lhe stpulslon er eessauen ol membership
[32] The above is corrtended to be ln Ilne wlth me lnlemlon onhe fl-amels
ol Article 14A ohm Psc, as revealed WI the Hansaru exhlbfled as
Exhlbll “LCK- “ or the Defendants‘ Affidavll WI Reply wmch may
contend Is to prevent the rll or Inlenllunal parly hopplng whrch could
give nse to deslablllzatlon, II ls lurlher oonlellded that ll IS esnarnly
not the lnlenlounlcle 14A ofthn Psc In punlsh an Assemblyman
who dtd not switch alleglanm.
[33] The relavanl excerpt or the Hansam rs reproduced as below.
‘Rang Undarlg-Undany ml‘ berrl.l/uarl unluk msmbual
suslu pmdasll yang ems! pontlng kepada Per/embagaan
Nsgarl Fulau Huang I ll mflnblntslli hlld I lldlk
sllul darr tidak bunrllta, molompat dlrlpadn ntu pnm
kn um pml uorrrlnenuerr palm, menegnkknn l/llegnly
darl akaunllbilill swam sane msmularlgkan kl/asa
demokrallk unlmt ms!-nillh Kerzyasrl den wskrl-wakll vakyal
Kepada rakyal '
SIN B7lI7mx.BL15kuxlb;=\IC1DrA rm 1: n4 :-
Nuns Smnl I-vlhnrwlll as used m van; me nflglrullly sum. glam. VIZ arlum wml
[34] The Pieiniifls ihen subrnil lhal me 3'“ and 4“ Plsrnilfls were
lnvoiurrieniy exbelieu as members or PKR without reasons given
and wilhcul ins nghi ie be heard and mat ihey did not rnlenlronally
switch parll.
[35] Reierence was also drawn in me newly and recenlly passed Article
In oi the Federal constitution which provides mat a member er
the House oi Representailves shell not oease lo be a member by
reason of expulsion oi his membership oi his political parry
Reference was alsn drawn to Section s of the Consliultinvl
(AmIIIdmnm)(No.J)A|:1 2n22 which also pmvidss ihei : member
shall not cease to be a member only by reason oi expulsion oi
membership from his po cal pany However. whilst Article 49A of
mo Fldural Conslitiniovl is not applicable to a Slate Assembly and
so rl 6 of (hi Consliluliun (Amendmonl)(No.3)Ael1nz2 use
yet (0 come into Iowa in me State of Penang, the Pialnlifis urge INS
court to inlerprel Article 14A bnhe PS5 so as in be consistent min
the law in (he lulurs and that me court should read Articln 1411 M
are Psc in such a way to reflect current use.
[351 In (his regard, the Plaintiffs submit Ihai a hamlomous reading or
Atlloln 14.1 of the Psc and Aniclu 49A oi the Federal
corrsiilulior. can be adwleved ii one includes en elernenz av
volumariness lo warrani vacating a seei. II is finally suhmlfled by lhe
Plainlms inai Article 14A of mo Psc should noi be helu applicable
to me 3"’ and 4" Plalntifis who were (mad Ia switch parlies afler
SIN B7l|7mx£U5k|xibla\IC1DrA me u an at
we s.n.i ...m.. will re used M van; me nligiruiily sun; dun-vlnhl VIZ briurm we
they were expelled fmm their pamas esnscvafly when no grounds
were provided for the expulsion
[37] From the above, K can be gleaned Ihal despne me express wnrdmg
alArllclo MA amm FSC, the 3'“ and 4“ Plainliws are In suhsoanee
\x2n|ending that may were uniamy expelled (tom PKR without any
reason and wnnum bemg afforded the nghl to be heard.
[as] In my view‘ having considered an mslters, In respea er the 3'“ and
4' Plalnhfls, I find ma mamnrva oonlenuans to be wimom ment.
Flrslly, WhHS1llIS contended Iha(Ar1I:lo IAA Oflhfi PSC Sholfld be
read harmoniously wilh Article IYA of file Federal Conalilulion,
me Fedeva\ Cowl in me veoent vase of lkl mm bln Mubarrak v
Kerajaan Negeri Selangor 5. Annr[1DZl] 2 ram 323 has
determined that akhuugh the Cnnsmmmn must be mlerpreled
havmuniously. i7 the plain mwning ohhe words IS dear, men It must
be grven ewaa w. Azahar Mohamed cm enuncialed as Inflows:
“[105] As can be seen, me FC deliberately used specific
language m descnbmg me nature dime prec/uaron clause In my
opmion, ma wordmgs of ma ptsmluslon dauss are aampemng/y
clear and urvequrvoval and admu olna amar mtslplslatron The
clause rs as pla/n and clear as language can express n “
[:59] Furlherrncre, as auuuad Io eamar, newhev Anlcla an M on
Foduul connnuuon nor Sncllon c 04 mi Covumutlnn
(Amandmam)(No.a) Acl 2022 are applicable \n «ma regard, me
mawnms nava no| SDLAQM any dac\ara|mn that Anlcla MA of «no
an a7mmx.au5xax\a;=\IczDrA rue Is at :1
‘Nate and n-nharwm be used m van; .. nr1g\ruHIy mm: dun-mm VIZ aF\uNG puns!
Psc ls unconslilullenal lor being lneunsuslenl wllh Article ABA el
lne F-dml corulllulion
[Au] ln my lunher oonsldsred oplnion. Aniclu ml oHlla PSO ls clear
and l5 appllcableln me 3-“ and 4'" Plainllwslorlnelollawing reasons
[41] Flrsny, there ls no dispunng mac lhey were belh members ol PKR
and were elected during GE-14 as candidates anne pallllcal pally
l>l<R. They have also admlued ln lne Allidavll ln suppon that they
were expelled as members at me palmcal party PKR on 1* July 2020
after the Sheraton Move
[42] Ills nerlinent tu rrme that me 3"’ and Al" Plalnlma ma nal challenge
me validlly oflhe expulsluns desulle me law pravldlng lhsm wllh an
avenue to do so The nlgnesl Ccurlcll or cormnmee .n any aaeeqy
-s bound by us consmuuun and does not have me power lo exceed
lls junsdlclion by a wrong mterpretahun 0| such Cclnslllulmn. The
Federal COW‘ nss an M0 occaslons de(ermined lnal me Conn:
relaln lrre pcmer lo quash declslorls al seuetles made ln breach ol
me rules of natural jusllne or wnlcn are arbitmry. [See the cases cl
Dawk Pnsamanlckam 5. Anal v Agnes Joaopu R NI
[law] 2 MLJ 92 and Tan Srl Hajl Muhylddln am my Mom:
vaaaln 5. Anal v Dalllh Bln Hnjl Salloh [1 see] : MLJ Au]
[431 As seen earller, me 3” and 4"‘ r=lalnu«s aver ln men Amaavll In
supporunal M5 neoesaary lo lnlmduoe an elernenl ulvulurlvarlness
to ma pmase “expel/ad (mm, or seams let any mason whatsoever
In by a member olmal party’ In me lnlarprslmlon ol Anlclo 14A of
mo PSC la Irlgger lhe dlsquallllcalion lo sen clear legal lrrnil cl me
slN B7l|7mx.EL15kuxlbl=\IC1DrA 724: N am
we Smnl In-vlhnrwlll be flied a van; me mn.u.y sun. dun-mm vla .nuns wnxl
power lo dlsquallfy a member anna slaxa Assembly wllrl respea,
In my waw, sucn contenlian dues vlolanoa lo |he wordlrlg ol Anlclu
14A onho use l agree wlln Laamed counsel (or me Defendants
that Arlicll 14A(1) of mu PSC uses the Wold ‘Ies4grls" as e
sepamle limb as us plan and nalural meaning have an dement or
volunlanness wnaraas me plan and nauural maamng ol 'expella.r
connotes an element of mvnlumanness as s an adverse decision
made by a Nghel anlhorlly agalnst me subien [See aannmcns ol
-,es»'gns'anu ”expe0ed"m me Merrlam-Webs1er nlcnanary]
[44] ln my vlew. In add an alamanl ol valurllarlness to ma 2“ and all
limbs ln Anlclo 1M(I) at the rsc would nlsl, be lnherenfly
conh-adlc1ory Io ma plain mearwlg Mme wens 'sxpa/led‘ and “for
any reason wnalsoavar, and secondly, render me man: “reslgn"
[45] In oonauslan. nawng mnsldered all maflers and upon a close
scrunny of me lasls relatlng to me am and 4* Plalnuws as well as
cnnslderlng me provisions ol Annals 14A of me Psc. I nave no
hesnallon Vfl concluding Ihal me same was applicable as me 3'“ and
4“ Plalnuiis and may am not ennuaa to me aaclarauons scughl.
Thu 1-‘ and 2'" Plslnurls
[45] In so far as me 1-I and 2"“ Plamtlffs are concerned. lne Plalnmls
submll mal based on the lalaln reading and natural mearllng oi
Anlch |4A(1)(a) afllle PSO, me pmvlslnn IS Inappllcable lo the I"
and 2" plalnulls.
sln B7l|7mx.EL15kuxlbl=\ICZDrA rue n at ;I
-use s.n.l be used m mm ms nflmnnllly sun. dun-mm wa nFluNG ma
[47] ms Is because me 1“ Ind 2"" Plamlifls have arways been and
remaxn member: 0! Bersalu Even \Hhe1“ and 2" Plainlifls ran for
GE—1A under me Inga uf FKR as part 01019 PH mahhon, may have
nevev been membevs ul PKR It Is subnuuea max me use aune wage
a1 anomer no ice! paI1)/(PKR) m «he GE-14 does not change the
svams annew memberemp in Balsam.
[431 n is further contended met me facl that Bersam was pan 0! an
unregisvereu we n (PH) We nol change or afiec1 en
membersmp -n aerssm. In fact, Eersam was run a pen orany formal
coahfion new as PH «set! was nola regxslered pulmml pany allhal
maledal |ime.
[49] u nas also been hlghhghled men one I“ and 2" P\a\n|iffs had
wnlesled as Balsam members wn me GE-14(de5pIle using the PKR
logo] and may remem members at Bersalu |a this day. They have
always been members at Bersalu and were nm and never have
been members at FKR In other won1s,lhey have not Iefl the political
party they were e\ec1ed |o and they cenainly have not resigned,
been expelled, oveeased we be members av Bersalu.
[so] Renance was a\sn planed on the Hansard my me Fenang Stale
Leg\s\aUve Asse-nmy svllmg on 6* March 2023, vmerehy me reason
Ior vlcaung me seal: 9! me 1-‘ ana 2"-= Puainnm was only on me
hasls ma: Esrsalu had exned ma PH maman
[51] It IS mus noncenuea mac qune apart «mm In: ten men PH was not a
regmerea puma: pany an the «maria! tune and also me far: that
IN a7mmx.au5kux\b;=\IczDnx Page 11 m :-
-nne s.nn n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. nrW\nnU|:I mm: dun-mm VI] mune pm
the 1‘ and 2"‘ Plannlnfls had oanles1ed and Man the seat as Bersalu
members (and not as members of PH M PKR). the basis In remove
mam was cleariy Inwnsnsnenl wnlh ma plann readnng an Anncn.
unnmna) offllu Psc whnm uses ms word “havmg been elected as
a candidate nf a polrlncal part}/‘ and ‘ceases for any reason
whatsoever to be a member 0/thafpanf
[521 As such, nl ns oonlended man one resolunon passed nn solar as me
1- and 2m n=na.nnn«s are aoncemed vnonanea Anin:la14A ems PSC
whncll camamounu to the Dananaanns axeaaanng as legal nnmns nn
this rward. it ns also submilted by the Fnalnllfls that me mere idea vf
a pomncal parry Iealngning nnsenr benng a Xngger Ia dnsquilrfy ils
members is a gluss overreach and does not amount Io party
hnppnng as highhghted by the Mnnnster timing the Pannamamary
debate on Arlicln an M me Fedoral Oonsflmflorn.
[53] The Denendanns on me other hand submit lha| ms Pnannnnnns‘
onnlermorn above ns mnspnaoea. In this regard. wmnsn nn ns nomnspuled
man the Hand 2"“ Pnannnnrns were Indeed members onaensam dunng
(35-14 and have non ceased no be members of Bersam Io dale. ma
crnnncal wards lo he wnsnaama m Anlclo In 0! an Pat: is me
meamng of the words “political party“ The Densnaanna draw ma
courts ananuon nu ma deflmlnon an ponnuml parly nn ma soclnun
Act nun and submfls man it nnanuaaa a pnlmcal coalmnn whnch has
been regnsneraa under ma socnauu Act 11m. The n:-enanaanna
than snmmnn that the fact man Plkalan Harapan was nm mgnslersd
an me um 1:! ma anaanon ns nmmanannan and man wnnl was manenan
was man we 1- and 2- Fnannnnnns had chosen ma PKR pannnncan puny
IN a7nhmx.au5kunbn=\IczDnx ma :5 M31
'NnI2 sman nnvnhnrwm be used m van; ..a nflgnnnnnly mm: dun-mm Va nF\uNG wnxn
symooI when It stood for eIeclIon and It was that basis upon wmon
voters cast Inetrvotes
[54] WIIIV respecl I0 ‘earned Counsel for the Defendants, whilst the I“
and 2'“ Plairmfis do indeed wn|es1 In GE—14 under the PKR
syrnboI, I am hard-pressed to agree wttn met submIssIon1haHhsy
are tnereime m be omtsmerad as having been eIeaea as a
candtdale M PKR In my VIEW, Ihe mere use 0! the symbm 07 Ihe
PKR logo wnen mey contested VI (SE44 dues nul and cannot make
them members ottne nolmwt party, PKR Even if I were to agree
tnet they were so eIecteo as a oanaiaate ol PKR. I an uenainly not
prepared to agree arlo oonduds mallheseoand lImboiArticln14A
oi the PS6 Is applmable as In my vtew, may have certainly not
resigned, expelled Iran. or ceased Ior any reason to he a member
0! ma; party In my vtew, the wards ‘mat party’ must necessanry
mean that vety same pany onwntoh the Aasembryrnan was elected.
In UIIS case, mere is no dIspu|e that me 1‘ and 2"’ Plalnufls are SI!“
members nl Estsatu |o date.
[551 Even it tne 1- and 2"‘ Pletnms have sinue wtlhdmwn tneir support
Ior the PH state Govemmenl ano women than suppan Ior aersatu,
mat In my vtew, aces not hung them wttmn the ammt or Anlolo
I4A(!)(a)I:1lhI P56
[56] In the upshm, as opposed In ma facts/siluaflcn In :aIatIon In ma 3'"
and 4" Plainlnfls, In my view‘ ma 1" and 2-‘ Ptetntms have oanamty
made out a case tnat Anlcln MA olmo PSI: was not appllcante Io
tnern Ind as a rem lhereel, tne decIsIovI Ior mam to mate lhw
IN a7Ihmx.au5kuxIo;=\IczDrA Panza M11
‘Nata Snr1nIn-vthnrwmlxe used m mm ms ot1mn.HIy mm: dun-mm wa aFIuNG Wm
[1] The law Flalnllfls were all previously duly elected Assemblyman lor
lhe slale of Penang at me 14'" Malayslan General Eleclm
(hereinafler rerenea to as -(35.14-l A molmn dated mm February
2023 pmsuam lo Arliclo MA M an consmullan al the scale :20
Fenang (harelnafler relerrsd to as ‘me PS0‘) was tabled and
deba|ed durlng the Penang slale Lsglslalwe Assembly an 5% Maren
2023 whlch was duly passed which led to ma [our Plalnlms havlng
In vacale meir seats as slale Assemblyman.
[21 Through lhis Origlnalmg Summons. me lam Flalnnffs seek mlerana
declavallcns man me sad vesolulion passed was vnla/unlamul and
as a resull thereof also seek declamtluns ma: Ihe Plalmlfls remalned
members at me Stale Leg-slalive Assembly unhl ils dlssnlulmn m
June zczs.
[3] ma Dllglnalmg Summons nnngs lo tore me sunslanlwe lssue for
ludi al aalannlnauun asm whelherlha Delendanls had ac1ed wlmm
the legal lramework cl Anlnlu MA ol nu Psc In aeolavlng ma
Plsmllf1s' seals vacanl am llnal, whelherme lmpugnea mallon and
rasolullnrl passed |hera|u am non—jus|lclah|a by vlrlue ol Anlm I!
cum Psc and/or Anleln 11(1)-71 ma Fndual conallmuen
[4] Upon hearing cmmaal wnn me aid ol malr wnllen submisslons, I
had on ma 3* Decembev 2023 allowed me ualm 0! ma 1" and 2'“
Plamllus anu dlsmlssed me clalm at me 3“ and 4" Plainnws Them
aw a7lbmx£u5l«uxlbl=\IczDrA Page a M 3:
‘Nate s.n.l n-vlhnrwlll as used m van; me nflglnnllly sum. dun-mm wa aFluNG wnxl
seals being vmd ur unlawfm. ‘nus men leads me to me next Issue of
whemer nr nm me mzmon passed/deciswon made is non-|usm:Iah\e
lnu Wholhor mo lmgugnod Mmlun me my moluuon guud In
Emmm moruto urn nnn- uullel-hlc by vlnuu ov Ame g 1; of gm
Cunllllulicn arm. smu o1 P-nan Ind/orArflc|n 12 1 am" Fan-
Covulilullon ma Ihlnloru cumin! bu gunuomd by (hi: Hunourlblu
[571 The slamng pom: must be Anloln 13 of an PSC wmcn reads as
“ Dacislon as to msqua/mcarron
(1):! any quusfian -nus whornu . mambo: 0! Me
Logislakivo Anlmbly nu bocomo disqualifiud Iw
mombarship, rm decision oIthoA:5vmbIy shallbe
tiktn and shall bu final
Prowdsd that this Amue man not he taken In prevent
Ins plasma 0/ the Assembly POS’IDOIving a decrsran m
we: :0 allow ta me Iakmg at dstsnmnafion of any
proceed/ngs max may aflecf [he deovsran (including
pmcesdmgs «or removal olme aisqua/mcanan)
(2)WheveemembeI a/me Legis/an-/9 Assembly becomes
dlsqualrfsd under psmgrapn (e) ol Clause (1; III the
mm. 13, or under sny (aw memronea rn paragraph (a
sw a7mmx.au5m\mavczurA m. u .1 n
-m sum ...m.. WW be .15.. m van; M m\g\ruHIy mm; dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
of Clause (1) olArricls 13, me forsgiwig Clause (1;
she/V I70! apply. and he SPIBN cease in be 3 member of
ms Legisiawe Assemmy, and his seal shall becvme
vacant, mrmeuiaraiy upon as disquaimaauan Iak/rig
effect in accordance with C/auss (3; omricie 13 ~
[53] As expected, the Deiondanis reiy on Anicin 13(1) onhe PS0 and
contend inai ‘ms decision olms Assemb/y man be iaken and shaii
be frnar and argue i.haHhe1‘ Deienoanrs decisian lo qualify the
Plainlifis is nunju able and cannm be quasnoned by mis Conn.
The Irue efieci oi Anicle 1B(I) oi in: PS6 and similar provisions
such as Aniciu 72 oi the Fsdomi Conslllutlon have been
considered by our Apex coun in numerous reoeni cases.
[59] in one case oirno speaker or Dewar: Umiang Nagerl afslruwnk
imuk Amlr Mohlmnd Asfia Awang uassar v Ting Tiong moon
I. On and oiner Appuis [2020] A MLJ 30:. the issue [here
onnoemsd me operairon o1AnIclo 19:71 me Sarawak Coiislltutlon
which was identical in Anlcla 1a(1io1 me PS0. in man case, me
Sarawak Siale usembiy had disquaiifisd an Assenmiyrnan irurn
ins Dewan on ine basis that he had acquired Vnraign mlizenship
belore his simian. The issue to be oeiennined there was wnemer
me Dewan had acted wiinin ns junsdimion The High court had new
mar Ihe newen had no power lo aisquairry me kssembiyman am
man there was a moon or the ruies oi naiurai Justice. A1 in Cuuri
r11AppeaL ino maiorily dismissed inespeakers appeal on one basis
met me Dewan had not amen wimin irs .urisa' non. upon a funhu
-ppoai io me Federal coun. Ihe appeai by ma Speaker was allowsd
SIN B7ihmx.au5i«exii:;=\IczDrA Page 22 of 3:
'NnI2 s.n.i I-vihnrwiii be used M van; .. nflgiruiily sum. dun-mm VIZ urium wmi
by a maiomy decision However. an the issue oi iiisiiaaniiiiy, David
Wong CJS5 (as one oi the mlnnnty iiiagesi hid iieid ai paragraph
so ifllhe iiiagmeni wim raiaiance ia me case 01 DIWIII umiaiigai.
Nogorl saiaiiuor a. On v Muhalnad Nafarlum hln Hnlun (211151
I MLJ 831 that a decision (:78 DUN is jushciabie Whllsl the majority
iii in-a Fedeml com had concluded Ihal me Speaker had acled
wiiiiiii ice iiiiisiiiaiaii on ma iiacuiiai «ms or that case, uia iaiiwiiig
Mmalks by Abdul Rahman semi FCJ (as His Lordship men was)
speaking forms majority is periineiiiimieia HIS Lnmshlp enunciated
as follows:
‘[155] me question wnemera membev continues to be
quaiified as an a/aeiaa msmbel or me oewan afisr his
appuirltmeni‘ in iiia House is me sde iremgaciva of the
muse to dams M11119! art. 1911) or me Sarawak
consiiiinian. riie member’: romodylfllo is dissafislled
Will! file deeisiun is to bring [In mil!!! to the court
[156] Anicie 1911; miisr be given a purposive
inzevpreiaiion wnicri, iradapiea, mnlers an me Dewar! me
siiou/i1 vacala ms seal wriaiiaver vie quesllofl ol riis
qiiamicaiibn "arises
(1921 ma paw In «some on me qiia/mcaiion 0/ ma
responaam as ii member «If ma Dawaii resides m ma
Dewsn iinasr an 19(1) of ma Sarawak Corlslllumm and
mi ma mun. I! is ma com, irai a//, iiiai will by inlringing
on me dcctrms iv I! wars in intarfem wnri mo axamiss ol
IN B71hmx£U5k|x\b;=\IC1DrA Bags 1; ai ;I
‘Nab! s.ii.i nnvihnrwm be flied ia van; me nflginnflly MIME dnunmnl Va nF\uNG mi
ma: power unkggif an M shown um um gwer had
bun Ixoccisnd imgmgly And In ucoss at the
[so] In ma case of Tang chanq Kim (aupnling as speam of
Selangor sum Leg ativu Assembly) :1 Bndrul Hisllan: hir:
Ahdullah 5. Ana: (mm: s MLJ 557 wmch re\aled in me issue that
me Speaker declared the sea: vacant due to ma Assemb\yrr:sn's
absence‘ me Fsdeml Own concluded that me Speakers t1ec:s:an
was nmamenahle lo :::d::::a\ pmeeamgs as he had ac1ed wmmn ma
hrmls 01 me power gwen and wlthm parameters.
[51] In the case or Dewar: Undang new: so nnor as 0:: v Nluhd
Nafarixan bin Hanm [2010] 4 mu m as well aslhe case owaug
Diperlua, Dewan Rakyat a 0:: v Gohlnd Slngl: |1oo[20l4] s
u::..: :12. (he Federal Courl have a:sa enur:c:a(sd Ihauhe Drotecuan
01 Article 72(1) a: ma Fodual cansmuuon .s pmvmed :: me
Assembly had acted wmhv: us cor:s\:wI:or:a| and Vega! powers and .:
there was a :ega: bas:s to make me decision made
[521 Based on me above declsmnsa ma :>:amu«s submn ma: wrule me
flecismr: as wdisqualmcanon oflhe P amms wswimm me mrlsdvcuon
and prerogauva at me 1- ne:anaan:, :: can sun be queslmnad by
r: was made vnpropeily and IN
ms Honourable cow: :: [he den:
zxoess or junsdmlon and/or mmou: saga: bas:s.
[as] The above denuded cases appeared to be uuthanly 10: me
pmpasman Ihal :: the de:::s:::r: In msquamy ma Plammfs was made
sw B7:|7mx£L15nx\b:aVC1DrA Pa]: 2- :71 :-
‘Nab! s..:.: In-nhn: M“ be :5... m van; me n:\g\ruHIy mm; dun-mm vn JVLING Wm:
-n excess of the Vega! framework 01 Anicln MA at the P50, rt can
sun be Iegaw challenged and quesncned by this Court
Amcla 7211) n! ma Fsdarul Cnnsnumon
[541 u Vs Ina Dslendlnts‘ vunner mrnpmror. lhal me prasenl meant. was
non-;uslxc\a|:\e m ngm o1Anlc|o 12(1) M tho spam: cmsaumen
wmcn provides prwusge [or me Legislative Axsambly
[65] Anlclu 12(1) olhlu Fld-ml Cunllilulion pmvidei me:
"Me Va/rdfry 0/ any proceedrngs rru (ha Lagrslatrve
Assemb/y 0/ my Stale shall not be qussnonsd rr. any
[56] The pmv an protects lhe proceedings 07 me State Legislative
Assembly (mm bemg mlerfsnad with or questioned by me owns
[57] Noiwilfmarldlng me abave, n Is now estabhshed (halArI1c|o 72(1)
of mu Fa ml consmmioru womd only be applrcame n me Stale
Lsglslahve Aseempry had med within me power uonlerred upon
mm and that me immumty does not anse me Slate Legvslalive
Assemuy acted outside ofovexueeds its powers In this ragard, me
Federal Com m me case owing Tioun Chnon (supra) enunciated
as follows:
rp a71hmuzu5kux\b;=\ICzDrA me 15 0111
we sprm n-nhnrwm be pp... m van; .. nrimnnflly mm: dun-mm VIZ nF\uNG puns!
-12011 The sifsnl afar! 72(1) or me Federal Consmuhon
on ma dacrsmn by (he Dawsn lo discus//fy and remove me
respondent from me House is that the dacfsron ‘shall not
be quexlrcmad in any court‘ Thus so may as tho Dcwnn
had acted within the limits 0! its pawei, the com
would be in brush of an 12(1) 01 the Federal
consmmron II it inmrmd with (In exorcise al ma:
[as] The Feuerar Conn in van Dale‘ Drlanlbry AN Kaaira Dr:
V vs Sivakumar all Varatharaiu Naidu (Anomey General
Mnlwysia, inlorvoner) [me] 4 ML] 24 had a\so concluded Ihal
Aniclu 72(1) of ma mm: Constitution does not oust me
Junsdlnllon ov me Court In that the Com has me Aunsdumon ca
asceflam wnemer particular pmver has been pmwded for. n was
new m that case as loliowsz
-145] /1 /ouows ma: m 72(1) must be rud as may
subject to me existence on pone! Mjurlalflcflon and
mm the caumus mejurisdlzllnn to lszertaln whether
a Mrllcullr power um has boon c/almod has in fact
been pmvldcct fur. The Issues named by me spplrcanls
am lnerslorsjusucielz/3 "
[59] Vn Tang cmng mm (lppanllng as upon r :2! Solnngor sun
Lcqnlnthn Alnmbly) V mum: Hlshnm an. Abdulllll 5 Anal
mm 5 ML: 551. the Federal coun held Iha|
sw a7mmuzu5nx\mavczDrA My 2: m :1
mm Sum IHIVVDIY WW be used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm
-123] Thus, there can be no doubt met me buslrress cl
Perirernent and stale Legislative Assernnires ere immune
from ruarcrai rnterterence The courts have no power to
interfere with me tnternei rrreneqernenl oi Parliament er
any state Legislative Asserrroiy. Tnisirnrnunityarices lrurn
the .-tectrlne olsepemriori afpowsrs between the three
prlncIpB/ organ: at government, namely, the executive,
trre legislature and me rudlcrary.
135) me questron rs wlrertier lhs speeiters action in
declaring Blsdm/’s seat (or trre constituency of me
Pslamlhan Klsrig mean! at a press conference was In
sxsmtse aims Iunetierrs to regulate the rrrlemel allalrs of
the SLA and was lmmune lrcrn criellerrge in mun. our
answer IS in the emrrneliue, Fimfy, tore ueelerettan wes
purelyrneue wltrnn are parameters set out by an 6? of
me selerrgor constitution. Secondly, the aecleremn
was rrteulteoly connected In the essential zzusrness ultrre
5m and was made in me pofiomtance of tile sneakefs
essential Iunalon as e speaker.
[37] nreretere, we ere 0/ wow trrat the spukel In trre
present use nee ectea regeuy undo! art as of lhl
selenyor canstttutlon ln eeciertng eeururs ms
Feieeunan Kieng Consltrusricy seal vacant, rrre course
Ialrsn by me speukar ls non-jusllclsbls as I! rs protected
by an 72(1) oltne Federal Corlstiluliorl and peres 2 — 30!
me scrreauie to en 77 wire selangcr constrruilerr
IN B7|hmx.ELl5kux\b;=\IC1DrA me 17 em
-nee Sunni ruvihnrwm be used m van; .. nflginnflly sun. dun-mm VIZ mum we
[491 on appeal, we Conn e/Appeal upnam me aecisron
DI the High Court On M71719! appeal [his cum in
dismissing me appear, amangsr others, he/d
(£6145 regards mis appear, it Is our [udgmtm
ma unmbly must is! within us
cunslilulional pnu legal powurs bclure we
pmtecfian pravidedfolby .n my can arise
before passing a nesa/won olan an ofcontempl’
naving been comlmfled beyond ma w.a«s pnne
assemb/y The assemblys powers are /tmrtsd by
the Se/angor szare consmunon
/50) As ll! ZamDry‘s case, on me lads, Haranzams case
»s also distinguishable from me piessnl mass. /n pom
cases, ma nspmm Laglslative Assembues ma
exceeded ll: /unsdlcuons as pmvided under me
Cansmutlon a! no» sure mnea mm was room for
judicial lnterlevence.
15v} rn concmsmn, we are 0/ me wew that m ma present
me, me speaker in: acunq wmun lho /Innns or me
power ylvul to him undei an as of ma Solangol
Connlmflon when be amazed me ~45 Pslabuhan Klang
canmpanay seat vacanl. Even though me dec/alabbn
was made outside ma SLA pmcaaumgs .1 was mewtzlb/y
connected wun ma essential businass aims sun, mm.
wnmn me parnmlvva :1! ml! by an an em. Salinger
sw a7mmx.au5xu\mavczDrA rule 2- pa :-
-nme s.nn nnnhnv mu be used m van; me m\g\ruHIy mm; dun-mm VIZ mum em
Constitution and was made to ragulale me rnrernal
affarrs 0/ the SLA. corrsequarmy, we me that the
speaker's act is nomiusricrable and me speaker is entitled
to are protection olpsmnrnemary privilege enjoyed by me
su: as pmvidsd for under an 72(1) ar the Federal
cor-rsrinmon and paras 2 9 of lhe Schedule to an 77 :21‘
the se/anger Consfilulio "
[70] In Teng chang Kmm (uupra), me Speakev was empowered by
Arlide ea uflho selangor sme cammution In dedare the seat
vacant upon a members absence wxlhaul weave (or a penod of 6
momhs once sum primer was asnenauneu, me Cour! gave full
regard to the immunity awarded to that declsmn.
[71] In upholdmg me same pnnapner me Cauns nave oonversery
decided mat me vmmunily shall cease to be appncanne when the
State Assemmy had exceeded us junsmcnon.
[72] The Fedelal coun wn me case ov Vang D|pem1a.Deonn Rnkyal a.
On v Gonlna slngh Dee [2014] 6 MLJ 512 new as lullwwsi
“[26] The judrcrav proncuuncemanls at ma Fsdsrsl Com
rn as Date‘ Dr Zambry bin Abd Kauu 5 Dr: V vs
Slvakumar all Varalhalaw Nam (Anomey General
Malayua, rruervaner) (2009; I MLJ 2: apply mm aqua:
fame nu ma argument on ma /ssue cl nonjusltciabilhy
pmmrsad on an 53(1) oflho Consllnmon, even mougn max
case was In Ia/alum m pmcsedmgs n a Lagmlarivs
Assembly urmar m72(1) of the Conslmmon In mu
aw a7mmx.au5kux\b;=\IczDrA vase is m 1:
‘Nate saw nnnhnrwm be used m van; .. nr1g\ruHIy mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
ma, ma Fvdolal Court h-Id ml! in 72(1) of ma
Conflmlflon mun bi road Is bring Illbllcl la the
oxistonco of me Conslfmtian lnusl be mad as laalng
subjlct to ma uxistvnn of: powor aliurisdicllon (be
it inharvnt or expnss) ta do wharlrvcr (ha! has been
mana and that me court hud ma jurisdiction In
ascemln wlmlm ma pawn! that has been daimcd
nas been provided for, nanaallng ma issue raised by
Ihn applicant in that case/llnlciabla.
[40] ll ls mevelole in concelvable that Parllamenl. alzel
nssslng a monon, /S permmed lo allude Ia slandfng orders
when laced wlln me want af slamzoly authorlry, to
suspend the remunevarbn olme respondent, a course cl
acllon mal unwlmngry renders a corlsllluhanal pmvlslorl
mesnlngless /n we mumslances of ms csss ll IS
lhers/ole mantles!/y pazenl ma: me nlalion lo ulsenmle
me rexpandom of llls allowance and benefits was
devoid ollegnl Iaundlflon. A consmmlonal pmkecllon
granted la Memhets cl! Flllllmont by the rlnpmuve
provision clan 84 (2! me Federll conmmlon, which
II :5 ln mo fuml ol me rlouses ol Parliament
(Prtvlleges lndFowlra)Acl1952, cnuld nalslnlply ne
displaced In one nnsenee alclelrlaw ~
[73] Funnel. ln Dvwan Undungan Nnglfl salnngar a. On v Mohd
Hlfnrlxlm bln nnrun [2015] 4 ML! wan ma Fsdem Court held as
sw B7|bmx£U5Mx\b|iVCZDrA
we Sum IHIWDIY Mu be used m van; ae m\g\luHIy MVM5 dun-mm VII mum puns!
rm so (2131
has been no appesx by the weneanes agains1 my decman ta aflow
me dam: afIhe1“am1 2“ Hannlifls em me aw and 4'“ P1amlvffs have
en me am January 2024 med an swam against my demsrun to
dismiss mew clawm.
[51 As such. I wI\| set out me badground facts. me anpneabue my and
pmvide my ana\ys\s oflhesame with e wart evpmviamg me reeenns
an my declsmn m dlsrmssing me 3N and 4*" PlavrmfYs' c\aIm and in
euawing me 1-‘ and 2-"4 Plawmflfs‘ damn.
kgroumi Fan:
[6] The background facts are Vargew undwspuled and can be
summansed es ldlcws.
[7] The Pakatan Harapan (heremafler referred to as “FH") cnalmon
wntesled In (35-14 that was he\d on 9!" May 2015 Al man metenal
pain! In ume, PH was naca regwslaed polmcal parlyand did no: have
any members oi as mm.
[51 The 1-‘ and 2"-1 Plamufis are members or Pam Pnbumw Bersalu
Malayaxa (namznaner revemad to as 'Eursatu'| They have always
been members at Bersalu and mey remain solo this day. The 1"
and 2° Hammrs had In run lurGE-I4 under me logo/symbo\ alPani
Keaanen Rakyal (heremnhu retarrea to as ‘nun-) smce PH was
men unregmered, and my warn suocasslully abated as me scans
Assammymen lmlhe mnsmueney seats at Eenam (N 2)lrId Telok
Bahang (N 40) respecuyaxy
IN a7mmz.au5kex\b;=\Icznnx Fun am
-we em.‘ n-nhnrwm be used m van; me mm.u.y mm: dun-mm vu mum we
-[37] ll is 10 be noted ms: lns conszmcl-‘on afan‘ 7211; has
come up for dslsmwlallon by our apex com a number al
nmes On this palm ll must always ln berm in mind
that tho pan: al Farfiamlrll and tin Lugfslalivo
An-mbllu nf ma Suits in Malaysia in Ilmlted by
me Fudeul Consllrlnlon and tin snare constitution
mspectlvely Thls prlnclple 75 as stated by sums» LP m
lhe case olAn Thlan v Guvemmenf oIMsIsysls (197512
MLJ 112 al p 113 which reads as follows’
The doctrine pl supremacy of Par/lamenl does
not apply In Ms/aysla Here we have a wmten
consmumn The power of Pariiamenl and ol
Stale Lsglslslules rn Malaysra VS Ilmiled by me
consmumn, and they cannot make any /aw they
[45] As regards lhls lppell, II I: out judymult the
assembly must act within Ils zmlsfllullonll and loyal
pawns below me pmtocrion pnwlded Ior by -n 12(1)
an arln, lmon pmlng a nmlullon ol In act of
contomplilaving been comnlmad myomm. mlls pr
ms usonlbly. The assamnlys powers Ira Ilmlnd by
the Selnngor Still Conumullon
[l7]A calelul perusal oflhe pmvislons alms Schedule m
ms Salangol srale Colvstllllllcn. wmch corlivrs the paws:
and prlvilsgss al ms assembly, reveal no pmvlslan Illa!
IN a7lhmxml5ux\blavczDrA bk )1 mu
-m Sum mm. WW he used M van; M m\g\luHIy mm; dun-mm VII mum puns!
provides for contempt committed outside lna lagislaiive
assembly. Ina delandanzs loo have fafied ro show which
pravisron II! Inc schedule was nailed on Io pass the
resolution. The assembly has [hernias exceeded Ihe
/unsdiaren pmvldsd for in me Schedule
[74] Based on llie aulrlanlres relerred to above, lne Plainlms subniii trial
Aniula 72(1) of the Fodoul constimlimi does not hanhis Cour!
lmni enquiring inlb ilie matter oenipiained at in Enciosure 1 In
delerrnine wnellier me Delandanl had acted in excess on their
powers presbnbed ulldel Article MA ol the Psc.
[75] It is aniy when it Is ascertained that the Deleridanls had acted within
me powe( collierled upon them by Artlnln 14A at tile PSC ||'ial il
can be immune nan. legal aiallenge In iigni el Anlcln 12(1) el Ihe
Fedoul conammlon.
[75] In a nulsneii, learned caunsei for me Flalrllnfls Ill leiialice on the
above cases submit man lne decision In Va®|e llie l=lainlills' saals
is iusliuiabie. in ms regard, ll is eanlended that in so lar as me 1"
and 2"’ Plainmls are bonoemad, ma Delendanl had acvad in excess
01 iurisdiclmn as Anlcln MA bl lnu Psc does no: appiy la main Iri
lne rirsl plane in sn lar as lne 3'" and 4“ Piainlills ale udncamed, in
is submmed lnnl lne decision was sirnilariy plshclable as lne
exercise at power lied been exelused improperly againal lrieni.
[17] ‘rlie above decisions el llia Federal own are clelriy binding on ma
Caull. Learned ceurisal lar ma Dalendanle also releis la some bl
iN a7.en.ausmieavczars ,.,, ,, E. ,.
-use Smni l-vihnrwiii as used a van; me nflgiliniily Minis dun-vinlll VIZ aFiuNG wmi
the above cases and submits that they lay dawn a single pnzpesitidri
of law in that there must firsl be a legislative tzasis for the House or
the State Legislative Assembly to act it is thus submitted by the
Defendants that rt there is no legislative basis to act‘ the courts can
intervene on the oantrery, ilthete is a legislative basis |o act‘ the
court must retrain trorri interleiing as per Arttcle 12 at are Federal
[73] in my view, in summary, and in reality, it is the ex s enoe at a power
to act that can be questioned However, once: s determined that
there exists such a power, the exercise at that power cannut be
questioned er interlered with.
[79] Having set am the above, the crucial quesban then is whether or not
the 1-‘ Detlendant had a legislative basis to make the declstorl it
made on 5'" Match 2023 tor the Plalntitte la vacate their teats For
the reasons set out earlier in this iudgrnent based on the lacie
Pena to the 3'" and A“ Plaintilts, I would conclude that there
was oenarnly a legislative basis to make the decision penalning ie
their seats. since Anlnle mt at the Psc was applicable to them
and there was legislative haste tor the mtanzlse of that pwer to
remove therri, as such‘ is ndniustleiatrle and cannot be intedered
with. I would further conclude that the exerase of such power in
rerniwe theni was not exercised inipmpeity as contended.
[so] The position visa-vis the M end 2"‘ Plairitiws is however dittererit
trurn the 3"’ end 4” Plelnutte as highlighted eartler in this iudginent.
in my view, having mnctudsd earlier that Anlele 14(1)(n) of the
no was not applieatite |o them in the tirst plane, there is certainly
in B7lhmx.EU5kIxlbl=\ICZDrA run 1: mil
we s.i.i In-vlhnrwfll re used M mm s. nflfllrieflly MIN: flnunvllnl v.. eFluNG WM!
mam In "191! cI.)n|eMton Ihat mare was no leglslalwe bests for them
to vacale their seats In my vtew, II was a stlualmn where there was
no tegat tcwnuaticn tn lhefirsl ptaec rc even move the motion agatnsl
the 1- and 2"-1 Ptatnrtrrs
131] tn my cnnstdered vtew, as held in the case of Gohind Sinfih Doc
(zupru), tr the House had made a deciston rn excess or ns
turtsfltnion, the deni on was tushcrarate and the Cowl ts snfnled In
[82] In the upshot, having considered an matters, tn my oplmon the
mollnn for the 1- and 2"" Ptatrmffs to vacate thetr seats was devuld
at Ieget fuundalmn tn mat Arliclu 14A of are no was not
applicabte to them m the frrsl ptaee, This ts nul a srtuarmn where the
Cuurl ‘ts rnterverrng wrrn the decrsrorr at the Detendahts or no
determine whether :1 was wneclly made bul rather the court
concluding that the dectsmn was made tn excess of us runearcnen
wtnoh allows mum lcr jumctet Interference
[ea] As hem by the rrrajortry in Thug Tlong choort (supra), whrtst the
uower to deade on me quatmcanen restdes in the Dewart, the court
Is entttted to rnrervere it tr can be shtwvn that the power had been
exercised tn excess 01 junsdrcflon. tn my vtew, thts is a case where
the Cowl rs or [M vraw mat the I" Derermanr had acted rn excess
of yurrsdrctmn in vacalmg the seats at the M and 2" Ptatntme.
rw a7tnmx£u5kuxte;:vczDrA M, ,. ,,,.
'NnI2 s.n.r In-vthnrwm be used m van; me nngtrrnuly sun. dun-mm y.. artum wnxt
[341 In the upsnoa (ha uinims at mhals suugnx by me 3“ and 4* Plalnfifls
are dismissed. Howevav, tne claims :2! ma 1" and 2"-1 Piainnus are
allowed -nu ma Cour! makes me ioiimung dscla
"c) A demlaratmn that (Its 152 Plairlflfl was andnmameda member
0/ Stale Legislative Assembly III Fenang representing the
constituency o/Barium (N 2; rev tne duration ollha Hm Shara
Lsgislalive Assambry sun. Stat: oIPon-rig unlilils aissoiution.
d) A declaration tnai ins 2nd Piainnfl was andmmamed n member
of State Legislative Assembly of Panang representing lire
consliruericy of reiok sanang {N 40) rm ms duration onne Min
State Legislative Assembly of the Stat: of Pa-Hang untii tts
g) A decimation me: any iener from the 2nd Defendanfinforming
the Election Commission may a vacancy has arisen in ine state
Lsgvs/am/s Assembly oipsnang in respect onne constituency
DI Banam (N2) is I/nod,’
n) A dedaralian mat any /erter from tne 2nd Defendanrinfamling
tns Elsclion commission the! 3 vacancy has arisen in tne state
Legisiaiive Assembly olF’enang in respect unns constituency
oi Teiok izanang (N40) is you,
k) That the 1s( P/ainiiffns paid all financiai sntillsmsms as a sraie
assembtyman for me constituency of Bsnam (N2) for me
IN,=uczm ...,, ,5 ,,, ,.
-nu; s.n.i n-nhnrwm be used M yam .. mn.u.y MIN: dun-mm VIZ mum mu
dumtrcn between me date the /mpugned Manon and Impugrmd
Resolution were passed unlil Ins drssolm/on or the 2nd
Defendant, indudfng but not /muted Ia all salanes, remuneration
and allowances: and
n The! one 2nd Prainmrbe para an finarvcial enmlsmenls as a stale
assemblyman for me consmusncy ol Tslok Bahsng (N40) for
me duralmn between me dale me lmpugned Malian and
lnwugnud Rssomnon were passed unm ms dissolmron of the
2m uarenaanr. mzzluding am no: limited In all ssranss,
remuneration and a/Iuwances:
[us] As for cusvs, bearing m mind that new pames have been pamy
successful. m me exemse av my msmanon, I make no me: as In
00515 and each pafly us to bee! their own casts.
Dated 12-” January 21:24
VA Anand Pznnudurui
Georgetown High Coun
sw a7mmx.au5kux\b;=\Iczunx ms as an!
-ms Snr1n\nnuhnrw\HI>e used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] nfluNG pm
cnun ( )
Tan Sri Datuk Azhar Bin Aztzan @ Hanan together with Mr cnetan
Jelhwani and Ms Ava Gae vmm Messrs. Chelan Jetnwani 5 Company for
the Plaintms
Data‘ Malik Irrmaz Sarwar wgetnevwm Ms Khoo Suk Chyv from Messrs.
Mahk Imuax Salwar and Mr Surendra Ananlh Vmm Masrs. Sumndra
Anamh lurlhe Defendants
c I R [crud
Daluk Pssamamckam 3. Anor I/Aynes Joseph R Narayanan (193012 ML]
Dewar: L/ndangan Negen Setangor 4. 073 v Mohamed Hafanzam hm
Hamn [21716] 4 ML] 551
no Pulls hm Mubamak v Kerafian Negen’ semnga & Anor 121221) 2 ML]
Tan su Haj! Muhytddtn Em Hay Mohd Vassin 5. Am)! v Dot/an Efn Ha]:
Sal/011199913 ML] 454
Tang Chang Krm (appealing as speaker of Selangtv Stale Leg/’:/alive
Assembly) v Badrul Msham bm Abdullah & Am)! 12:21:; 5 ML] 557
The Speaker nfbewsn L/ndang Nogen ofsarawak Daruk Amar Molvamad
As1ra Awang Nasser V mg nong Cnoan 5 Or: and Olhel Appeals [2020]
4 ML! 30.?
ms Dalo'DIZambry am And Kalil! 5. Or: V vs Sivukumara/I VarsIh.!ra[u
Naldu {Attorney General Malaysia, mlsrvsnsl) [2009] 4 ML] 24
Yang Dlperlua, Dswan Rukyul & Ors V Gobmd Smgh D80 [ZOV4] 5 ML]
sw a1mmx.au5ku\b;=\Icznnx lane :1 at :-
um am.‘ be ts... m van; .. nr1g\ruHIy mm. dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
uglslan nsR term: in
Article 14A aftha Consfitution ollha Slate ofPenang
Federal Constitution, Amy: 10, 1-9. 49A and 72 (1)
Sarawak Constifuricm, Arride 19
sslsngor Stare Conslmllion, Mine 69
IN a7mmuzu5kux\b;=\IczDnx vagealmu
-um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
[9] It is undwspuled mat the 1* and 2"‘ P\amriffs have naver been
members or PKR on the other nand, the 3'“ and 4'" Fkalnllfls were
3| ms ma«ann\ lime in 2015 members av PKR and may canlasled
under the rage olPKR. Tney war: suacesamny esecnad as (he Stale
Assemblyman for me oonsmuency seals ov Sungai Acheh (N. 21)
and Seberang Jaya (N. 10).
no] In or around June mo, me a~ and 4"‘ Phlnlrffs wave waened from
their pawns! pany, PKR. They now contend that my wave nm
awmdad mm a prior nghl to be neard and no reason was gwen lor
[11] On 1u~ February 2023, a molten was tabled m me1- Defendanl cm
the four P\a|nIiHs' seals |o be vacated pursuant In Article MA on
the FSC (heremafler refierrm In as me unupugnad moImn'). Tna
impugned mmmn was dmanad dunng the Penang State Leg\s\aIwe
kssembiv simng on 5" Marm 2023 and was passed The Plamnfis
were men asked to leave me 1- uevendanz on the same day usau
wmch me (our Plainlflfs duly did.
[12] The Hansard rm ma Fsnang scans Legislative Aasanmly smmg on
5- March zaza revewslhallhe impugned mdudn was basedlpassed
an we rdudwing grounds/reasons:
a In ralauon in me 1- and 2*“ Pluinms 4 because Eersalu naue
exiled (mm the PH ooanuoa.
n In ralaxion In ma 3'“ and 4' Plain-ms » because may were
axpaned lwm PKR
yn a7mmx.au5kux\b;=\IczDn\ ray 5 ac :-
-ma am.‘ be used m mm .. mmnuuy mm: dun-mm VI] mum pm
[I3] Pnor to this Originallnfi summons, it is to be noted that there was a
similar niatien set to be tabled in the state Assembly in late Oclnber
2020. However, that motion was retracted and not tabled due lo
legal proceedings filed by the Plalnllfls. Those legal proceedings
were aimed at challenging the uonsatutmnality elArt1clet4A omie
P50 and the Federal court ultinietely on 3'“ August znzziaund that
Article 14A at the Psc is net inconsistent with Article 10 al the
Federal constitution and determined that Article 14A of the P50
is not unconstitutional There were several other appeals pending
on other related matters but all have SW09 been wrthdiawn based
on the understanding between the parlies that the issua penaining
to the val] ty ol the Plaintms having to vacate their seats would be
lully canvassed in this 05.
1' To mined And rtln
[14] it is the r=iaintiils' contention that the impugned motion and any
resolutions passed pursuant thereto are invalid because it was not
made within the parameters set by Afliclu 14A of the PS6 which
will thus allow curial intervention.
come its
[151 The Defendants are contending the opposite in that they posit tnat
his court cannot question or interlere with the decision of the 1“
Delendarit by virtue al Anlclo 15 af the PS0 and Article 72(1) of
the Federal constitution ie . that the decslon is nan-iusticiatale.
sin B7l|7mx.EU5kuxlbli\IC1DrA 92:: 5 all]
-use s.ii.i Ilnvlhll will be used M van; me nllglrullly MIN; m.i.i. VIZ nFlt.ING wml
[1 s1 Nlemalively. |he Defendant cnmends mat even an the menls of the
aeaIsian, Amos IA! of use use was cnrveclly appIIea to all me
[171 However, belore I oansder in gem and analyse (‘he above two
subslanhva Issues, I wIu nneny deal with the Plmnms‘ uomention
mauneInIpIIgnaI1 mmlon that was Iamed was ax-laoie delecuve
based on its cements
Inn Imgugn MuIlonExFac De! Iv 7
[18] The Plamms at me ouIseI somana nIaI due la the language used In
the Impugnea Inauan, II was not a pmper nIoIIon max would operane
In vacale the saaIs M ma P|aInIms. In Ims regard, II was rIIgrIIIgmee
by learned counsel for ma Plamllfls that Ina omsclmn raIaea In Ims
Iegald was nm a mans: e1 sarnanma. hul beanng In mind man we
are aaanng mm a resnluuan av Ina Slate Assembly (and nol maI of
a prvvaleenlerprise), II I5 aifical matme Iasoluuon has In be precise
and slave uaclly wnan In Amends In do It Is pernaps am that I set um
me 2023 resomuon wrII’uI reads as vouows:
In B7|hmx.EU5k|x\b;=\IC1DrA Page 1 was
we s.n.I n-nhnrwm be used M mm s. nrW\nnU|Y MIME dun-mm wa nF\uNG WM!
E3TI£'Z‘m.n :G'n'§‘
[19] Learned counsel [or me Flalnmh submlllhallhe above Is flelacuve
S marely a mnllon In oonsmera mmbon am! not: motion ID as
passed and Ihal anolher mmion wank: he raquimd mereafler. In
fact. a compafisnn was dfilwn lo Ihe earlier mmlorl in 2020 which
was withdrawn which learned Counsel mnlznds should have been
me pmpu wmvlng of me 21:23 matron. The previous zozc mmlnn
man: In falwusl
‘Euhawa Dewan ml me/u/usknn fling aran
kek in am 1 4 kalusl Dewar: Urldan Ne I
Pmau Pmang ukibat kagaga/an MI/—ah/I Dswan Undang
Negod yang bmsnaan unmk mangoscngkan kemsf
menka :12 Damn Porkva 14;: Fan! 1 Perlembagaln
Negan PM-u Finnng rr-ngnyunmn nn-nun.
m s7nmx.au5kuxIm:vczurA Page n all!
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
Ssnsrsi kemsi nisn Ahh Dawan Undang Nagen yang
namoan aaaian sspsrli bsnkul:
seberany Jaya(~1u)— vs Dr Amzin Bahavnfin
sungai Acheh (N21) — VB zulkmi DWI Vbvahml
Bensm(N2J - W. Khaliq Melirab bin Mohd
(iv) Teiok sanang (mu) — YE. Zolknfiy bm Md Lax/m“
[20] In is run dnspuled nnan no further maliori was presenned and that me
Plainhffs had vacanao nnan saans upnri the above 2023 resoiunion
being tabled, aaoanaa and passsa.
121] The Delendanls on ma anhor hand oanumd nnan nrie manion was nun
an em delacliva and was nan a mnnmn no pass a iunure resalunon.
[22] in my viaw, having considered all mailers, n rim: no mann In Ihe
Plarnlrlfs‘ oonien|im and am ollhe opinion inan ma saia mnlton VS
nun defecuve In my vbew, wnunsn the 2023 moliun may be singnuy
unrisrennny waded Is compared no nne same: 2020 monion, me said
monion oould nan have naan ananaa any aiaanar in was clanrly pun
before ma 1-‘ Defendant «or I! no rosoiva and declare in rain saana
vaoanlwrlh nne nansequenuai oscision man «such a oeciaranion was
passaa, ion Ins Election Commission no he nnionnea :71 men
vacancy. There was oernainny no oounn in anyonos mmd as no wnan
was being nabieu and in: decisxan nnanwas made Even the Piannuns
when I»: have no doubt anaun nna aocisnon made and ins effect
wnsn may immsdiataiy iain ma 1-‘ naianaann arm men manunnon
in s7nhmx.au5kuxib;:vczDrA Pa|< 9 am
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CB-12B-16-11/2022 | PERAYU ZAINAL ABIDIN BIN ISMAIL RESPONDEN NOR PADILLAH BINTI AWANG | Rayuan sivil tuntutan gantirugi kemalangan jalan raya - Rayuan terhadap amaun gantirugi - Tiada kekhilafan yang memerlukan campur tangan mahkamah yang mendengar rayuan - Rayuan ditolak. | 26/01/2024 | YA Tuan Roslan bin Mat Nor | |
Microsoft Word - CB-12B-16-11-2022 ZAINAL ABIDIN ISMAIL v NOR PADILAH AWANG -edited
RAYUAN SIVIL NO. CB-12B-16-11/2022
GUAMAN SIVIL NO. CB-A53KJ-314-12/2020
26/01/2024 10:06:01
CB-12B-16-11/2022 Kand. 18
S/N 2em58sjKmkesobxjwwOUHQ
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[1] Ini adalah rayuan terhadap keputusan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen
berkaitan dengan tuntutan gantirugi kemalangan jalan raya. Kejadian
malang itu telah berlaku pada 22.12.2018. Ia telah menyebabkan
kecederaan yang dialami pada Responden/Plaintif. Perayu/Defendan
tidak berpuas hati dengan keputusan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen
tersebut. Dalam alasan ini Perayu dan Responden akan dirujuk
sepertimana kedudukan pihak-pihak semasa prosiding di Mahkamah
[2] Plaintif dan Defendan semasa di Mahkamah Sesyen telah dapat
bersetuju bahawa liabiliti di dalam kes adalah 50 % kepada Plaintif dan
50 % kepada Defendan. Oleh itu isu liabiliti tidak menjadi isu dalam kes
ini. Kes ini hanyalah berkaitan dengan kuantum sahaja.
[3] Mahkamah Sesyen pada 07.11.2022 telah memutuskan semua
gantirugi am dan gantirugi khas kesemuanya berjumlah
RM2,141,512.05 dengan faedah 5 % setahun terhadap gantirugi am
dan 2.5 % terhadap gantirugi khas.
[4] Defendan tidak berpuas hati terhadap kuantum gantirugi tersebut
di dalam beberapa maudhu’ tertentu. Maudhu’ tersebut yang tidak
dipersetujui oleh Defendan.
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[5] Dalam kes ini Plaintif telah mengemukakan tiga orang saksi.
Penelitian kepada nota keterangan tidak menunjukkan bahawa
Defendan mengemukakan saksi. Namun begitu Mahkamah telah
membenarkan pihak-pihak mengemukakan dokumen-dokumen iaitu
laporan pakar bagi diteliti oleh hakim bicara untuk pertimbangan
kuantum gantirugi am dan gantirugi khas.
[6] Penentuan gantirugi dalam kecederaan yang dialami oleh individu
adalah sesuatu yang sukar. Ia memerlukan penelitian kepada
kecederaan yang dialami dan laporan pakar berkaitan kecederaan
tersebut. Di samping itu pertimbangan kepada ilat yang dihadapinya itu
telah menghalang Plaintif daripada menikmati kehidupan seperti biasa
sebelum kecederaan itu dialami olehnya.
[7] Dalam hal ini pandangan Lord Goddard dalam kes British
Transport Commission v Gourley [1956] A.C 185 adalah menarik
untuk diteliti apabila dinyatakan seperti berikut:
“The assessment of general damages in these cases is
always a matter of difficulty. I do not think that restitutio in
integrum has any application to general damages. The
plaintiff receives compensation and not restitution. If he has
lost an eye or a limb he can be compensated by money, but
that will not restore what he has lost. So, too, if his earning
capacity is lessened or destroyed, the loss cannot be
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measured so as to ensure that he is no worse off in the future
than he was in the past, and, indeed, if it turned out that the
amount of his disability was less than was anticipated at the
trial, he might even be overcompensated. On this matter I
would quote Lord Dunedin in Admiralty Commissioners v.
Susquehanna (Owners): "If the damage be general, … the
quantification of such damage is a jury question. … For a jury
question no rigid rules, or rules that apply to all cases, can be
laid down, but in each set of circumstances certain relevant
considerations will arise which, were the matter before a
judge, it would be the duty of the judge in the case to bring
before the jury." A judge sitting without a jury must act on the
same principles and bear in mind the same considerations as
he would direct a jury to do as to the fair amount to award both
for pain and suffering and for loss of earning capacity, and I
think it would be well to remember that it has always been laid
down that damages cannot be a perfect compensation. Lord
Wensleydale, when one of the judges of the King's Bench, as
he was for six years, so charged the jury in Armsworth v.
South Eastern Railway Co., and his direction was approved
by the Exchequer Chamber in Rowley v. London & North
Western Railway Co.”
[8] Mahkamah juga perlu menimbangkan bahawa penentuan suatu
gantirugi adalah bukannya semata-mata pengiraan angka dan jumlah
tetapi ia adalah bergantung kepada keterangan-keterangan yang
diputuskan oleh hakim bicara setelah meneliti laporan-laporan dan
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keterangan-keterangan pakar berkenaan dengan kemalangan tersebut.
Hakikat gantirugi itu telah dinyatakan oleh Lindley LJ dalam kes
Rodocanachi v Milburn [1886] Q.B.D. 67 seperti berikut:
“The next question is as to the damages. It must be
remembered that the rules as to damages can in the nature
of things only be approximately just, and that they have to be
worked out, not by mathematicians, but by juries.”
[9] Semasa mendengar rayuan berkenaan dengan gantirugi
Mahkamah ini perlu mempertimbangkan panduan yang diberikan oleh
Mahkamah Agong keadaan di mana mahkamah yang mendengar
rayuan boleh campur tangan di dalam gantirugi yang telah diputuskan
oleh Mahkamah Bicara. Ini dinyatakan dalam kes Tan Kuan Yau v
Suhindrimani [1985] 2 MLJ 22 seperti berikut:
“The principle that could guide this court in determining
whether it should interfere with the quantum of damages is
crystal clear. What is also clear is that much depends on the
circumstances of each case, in particular the amount of the
award. In a particular case therefore it is for the appeal court
to consider whether in the light of the circumstances of that
case there is an erroneous estimate of the amount of the
damage in that, either there was an omission on the part of
the Judge to consider some relevant materials, or he had
admitted for purposes of assessment some irrelevant
considerations. If the court is satisfied or convinced that the
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Judge has acted upon wrong principles of law then it is
justified in reversing; indeed, it is its duty to reverse the finding
of the trial Judge.”
[10] Begitu juga dalam kes Topaiwah v Salleh [1968] 1 MLJ 284 yang
turut menegaskan garis panduan bilakah hakim bicara boleh campur
tangan dalam gantirugi yang telah diputuskan oleh hakim bicara.
Mahkamah Persekutuan menyatakan seperti berikut:
“Or another way of putting it – that it is a matter of assessment
but not of calculation. So far as this court is concerned we
should, to paraphrase Greer L.J. in Flint Levell [1935] 1 KB
354 360 be disinclined to reverse the finding of a trial judge as
to the amount of damages merely because we think that if we
had tried the case in the first instance we would have given a
lesser sum. To justify reversing him, we should be convinced
that he acted upon some wrong principle of law, or that the
amount awarded was so extremely high or so very small as to
make it an entirely erroneous estimate of the damage. The
assessments which the courts have made over the years form
some guide to the kind of figure which is proper and which the
appellate court will follow in the light of the special facts of
each particular case.”
[11] Penelitian kepada kes-kes di atas menunjukkan bahawa ruang
untuk hakim yang mendengar rayuan campur tangan dalam keputusan
hakim bicara berkenaan gantirugi adalah tidak luas. Ia hanya boleh
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dilakukan sekiranya didapati bahawa hakim bicara telah memutuskan
gantirugi tersebut tidak berdasarkan kepada prinsip undang-undang
berkenaan dengan gantirugi, jumlah yang diberikan adalah tidak sejajar
dengan keputusan-keputusan yang lalu berkenaan dengan gantirugi
tersebut atau gantirugi tersebut terlampau rendah atau terlampau
berlebihan. Di samping itu sekiranya gantirugi tersebut diberikan tanpa
sokongan keterangan yang sewajarnya boleh juga menjadi asbab
kepada campur tangan hakim rayuan dalam keputusan gantirugi
Severe Head Injury (GCS 8/12) Multiple Intracranial Bleed Award
[12] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah memberikan award sebanyak
RM250,000.00. Peguam Defendan menyatakan sepatutnya tidaklah
terlalu tinggi, sepatutnya diberikan sebanyak RM130,000.00 sahaja. Ini
adalah kerana laporan Doktor Ravi yang menyatakan Plaintif
mengalami kesan sampingan dari ubat psikiatri bukan dari kemalangan
dan keterangan itu ditambah pula dengan fakta bahawa Plaintif boleh
hadir di Mahkamah dan memberi keterangan di Mahkamah dengan baik
dan beliau juga telah mencadangkan RM130,000.00 diberikan.
Sebaliknya peguam Plaintif menyatakan jumlah RM250,000.00 adalah
kecil dan perlu dinaikkan kepada RM400,000.00 kerana ia adalah
merupakan kecacatan kekal yang dihadapi oleh Plaintif.
[13] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen berpandangan bahawa walaupun
keadaan terkini Plaintif dalam laporan menunjukkan terdapatnya
pembelian awal namun kecederaan tersebut telah membawa
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perubahan kepada sikap, mood dan halusinasi. Plaintif juga dikatakan
pada tahap yang tidak membolehkan Plaintif berjalan bersendirian dan
juga tidak boleh bekerja. Dalam kes tersebut Mahkamah Sesyen telah
merujuk kepada kes Mohd Syukor bin Mohd Rasip v Nurdiana binti
Ismail & Anor [2021] 1 PIR 3. Mahkamah ini berpendapat Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen telah memberi pertimbangan yang wajar berkenaan
dengan keadaan Plaintif ekoran daripada kemalangan tersebut dan
telah mengambil kira kecederaan dan keilatan yang dialami oleh
Plaintif. Jumlah award tersebut adalah tidak wajar diganggu oleh
Mahkamah ini.
Maxillary Anterior Dentoalveolar Fracture with Soft Tissue Injury
[14] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah mengawardkan RM15,000.00.
Peguam Defendan telah berhujah ia wajar diturunkan kepada
RM9,000.00 kerana terdapat kekeliruan dalam facial bones maxilla
yang dicadangkan RM14,500.00 hingga RM30,000.00. Ia sepatutnya
dirujuk kepada facial bones – alveolus yang dicadangkan oleh pihak
Defendan adalah sebanyak RM7,000.00 hingga RM9,500.00 kerana
terdapatnya kecederaan di tulang rahang maka dicadangkan sebanyak
RM9,000.00. Peguam Plaintif mencadangkan bagi item ini award
adalah munasabah dan perlu dikekalkan. Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen
menyatakan bahawa asas kepada penentuan jumlah RM15,000.00
tersebut adaah disebabkan kecederaan yang dinilai oleh Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen dan tahap pemulihan baik Plaintif dan tiada keilatan
teruk seperti yang dinyatakan dalam laporan pakar yang dikemukakan.
Mahkamah ini berpendapat bahawa penetapan jumlah tersebut oleh
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Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen adalah berdasarkan kepada penelitian hakim
bicara kepada laporan pakar yang tidak mewajarkan jumlah yang lebih
tinggi yang diberikan oleh hakim bicara iaitu RM 15,000.00. Mahkamah
ini tiada alasan untuk mengganggu dapatan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen
Subcutaneous Emphysema Of Posterior Right Chest Wall
[15] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen mengawardkan sebanyak
RM35,000.00 dan award ini mengikut hujahan peguam pihak Defendan
telah melebihi trend yang dinyatakan dalam Compendium iaitu
RM4,000.00 hingga RM5,000.00 per rib tetapi dalam kes ini ia telah
melebihi dan mencadangkan supaya award global diberikan sebanyak
RM27,000.00. Peguam Plaintif berhujah bahawa kecederaan yang
dialami adalah parah dan jumlah RM35,000.00 itu adalah suatu yang
tidak munasabah dan hendaklah dinaikkan kepada RM50,000.00.
Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah memberikan jumlah tersebut
berdasarkan kepada lima kepatahan pada tulang rusuk. Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen telah merujuk kepada Guidelines for Awards in
Personal Injury Claim dan mendapati award yang boleh diberikan bagi
setiap kepatahan tulang rusuk adalah RM4,000.00. Mahkamah ini
berpandangan jumlah RM27,000.00 bagi lima kepatahan tulang rusuk
tersebut adalah wajar dan tiada alasan untuk Mahkamah ini campur
tangan dalam jumlah yang diawardkan tersebut.
[16] Begitu juga adalah tidak wajar untuk jumlah tersebut dinaikkan
kepada RM50,000.00 seperti yang dicadangkan oleh pihak Plaintif. Ini
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adalah kerana keparahan yang dialami oleh Plaintif tersebut tidak boleh
dilihat secara berasingan dengan jumlah tulang rusuk yang telah patah
seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen tersebut.
Grade IV Liver Injury
[17] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah mengawardkan sebanyak
RM20,000.00. Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah berpandukan kepada
Guidelines for Awards in Personal Injury Claim di mana dinyatakan
jumlah yang paling rendah adalah RM12,000.00 dan paling tinggi
adalah RM18,000.00. Mahkamah bicara telah menetapkan
RM20,000.00 sebagai suatu yang sesuai dilihat kepada kecederaan
yang dialami oleh Plaintif. Mahkamah ini mendapati ianya suatu yang
tidak perlu kepada campur tangan Mahkamah. Ini ditambah pula
terdapat keterangan menunjukkan terdapatnya kecederaan tahap 4
pada bahagian hati Plaintif.
Grade I Splenic Injury
[18] Sementara bagi Grade I Splenic Injury Peguam Defendan
berhujah ia melebihi daripada trend dan dicadangkan sebanyak
RM10,000.00 dan Peguam Plaintif mencadangkan ia dikekalkan. Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen telah mengambil kira kecederaan dan keilatan yang
dialami oleh Plaintif dan memutuskan bahawa jumlah RM15,000.00
adalah bersesuaian berdasarkan juga kepada panduan dalam kes
Mohd Nazri bin Abu Bakar & Anor v Khalijah binti Man & Anor
S/N 2em58sjKmkesobxjwwOUHQ
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[2019] 1 PIR 56. Mahkamah ini juga berpendapat tiada alasan untuk
mengubah dapatan hakim bicara.
Closed Right Neck of Scapula Fracture
[19] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah memberikan award sebanyak
RM20,000.00. Peguam Defendan menyatakan jumlah tersebut tidak
sepatutnya sedemikian disebabkan tiada sebarang kependekkan dan
tidak melibatkan pembedahan. Peguam Defendan mencadangkan
jumlah yang wajar adalah sebanyak RM14,000.00. Namun demikian
Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen mendapati bahawa terdapatnya kecederaan
yang dialami oleh Plaintif iaitu malunited fracture of scapula with medial
displacement of glenoid process. Ia telah menyebabkan berlakunya
kesakitan kekal pada bahu kanan Plaintif. Kesakitan tersebut pada
hemat Mahkamah ini adalah suatu sebab yang kukuh untuk jumlah
sebanyak RM20,000.00 diberikan oleh hakim bicara sebagai gantirugi
dan menolak jumlah RM25,000.00 yang dicadangkan oleh Plaintif dan
RM14,000.00 yang diutarakan oleh Defendan. Ia adalah berpatutan dan
tiada alasan untuk Mahkamah ini mengganggu jumlah tersebut.
Closed Fracture of Right Midshaft Clavicle with 1cm Shortening
[20] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah mengawardkan sebanyak
RM30,000.00 yang ianya melebihi daripada trend iaitu RM20,000.00
tetapi mengikut peguam Plaintif ia adalah munasabah dan berpatutan
dan memohon supaya dikekalkan. Mahkamah ini berpendapat jumlah
tersebut adalah wajar dan berpatutan. Tiada keterangan yang
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dikemukakan bagi membolehkan jumlah tersebut diganggu oleh
Mahkamah ini.
Traumatic Total Amputation of The Distal Phalanx of Right 5th Toe
[21] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah mengawardkan sebanyak
RM14,000.00 dan dihujahkan bahawa Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah
terkhilaf dalam hal tersebut dan ia tidak bergantung kepada garis
panduan dan ia tidak tepat. Peguam Defendan memohon jumlah
tersebut dikurangkan. Penelitian kepada alasan penghakiman Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen yang mengawarkan sejumlah RM14,000.00
tersebut bersandarkan kepada kecederaan yang dialami oleh Plaintif
dan berlaku pemotongan jari kaki sebelah kanan dan ia adalah suatu
kecederaan kekal. Mahkamah ini berpendapat jumlah RM14,000.00
tersebut jika dilihat dengan kecederaan dan pemotongan jari kaki kanan
tersebut ia merupakan kecederaan kekal adalah sesatu yang wajar
diberikan dan tidak perlu campur tangan Mahkamah ini.
Open Undisplaced Fracture of Proximal Phalanx of The Right 5th
[22] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah memberikan award sebanyak
RM7,000.00. Peguam Plaintif mencadangkan jumlah yang sepatutnya
diberikan adalah RM10,000.00. Mahkamah ini berpandangan jumlah
RM7,000.00 itu adalah wajar berdasarkan kepada kecederaan yang
dialami oleh Plaintif dan tidak perlu dilakukan sebarang penambahan
kepada jumlah tersebut.
S/N 2em58sjKmkesobxjwwOUHQ
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Left Eye Chemosis
[23] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah mengawardkan sebanyak
RM8,000.00 kerana Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen mengambil kira
kecederaan tambahan yang berlaku. Peguam Defendan menyatakan
ia adalah tidak wajar. Sementara peguam Plaintif menyatakan ia adalah
suatu yang munasabah. Asas kepada jumlah RM8,000.00 yang
ditetapkan oleh Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen adalah berdasarkan kepada
kecederaan yang dialami di bahagian kiri mata yang dikenali sebagai
left periobital haematoma with chemosis. Pada hemat Mahkamah ini
kecederaan tersebut adalah suatu yang wajar diberikan jumlah yang
sedemikian dan adalah tidak wajar untuk Mahkamah ini mengganggu
jumlah tersebut.
Multiple Scars
[24] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah memberikan award sebanyak
RM15,000.00 dan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah memberikan alasan
mengapa beliau memberikan RM15,000.00 tersebut. Ia tidak menjadi
apa-apa pertikaian dalam kes ini dan jumlah tersebut dikekalkan oleh
Loss of Teeth
[25] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah memberikan jumlah sebanyak
RM15,000.00. Peguam Defendan menyatakan bahawa gantirugi itu
adalah tidak wajar diberikan kerana tiadanya diagnosis kehilangan gigi
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tersebut. Sebaliknya Mahkamah berpendapat bahawa ia harus
dibenarkan disebabkan terdapatnya butiran kecederaan tersebut
dinyatakan dalam laporan perubatan awal walaupun ia tidak dinyatakan
dalam laporan perubatan pakar. Secara khusus terdapat laporan pakar
yang mengesahkan bahawa Plaintif telah kehilangan beberapa gigi.
Oleh kerana itu Mahkamah berpendapat garis panduan yang digunakan
oleh Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen dalam memberikan award sebanyak
RM25,000.00 hingga RM30,000.00 bagi kehilangan gigi adalah wajar
untuk diberikan. Sejumlah RM15,000.00 kesemuanya dalam
kehilangan gigi Plaintif dalam kes ini.
Muscle Wasting
[26] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah mengawardkan sebanyak
RM10,000.00. Ia disebabkan terdapat laporan yang menunjukkan
bahawa terdapat muscle wasting pada dua bahagian knee joint Plaintif.
Tiada keterangan yang dapat menyanggah laporan tersebut dan ia
adalah suatu yang betul untuk Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen bersandarkan
kepada laporan tersebut bagi mengawardkan jumlah RM10,000.00.
Bilateral Moderate to Severe Mixed Hearing Loss
[27] Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah mengawardkan sebanyak
RM40,000.00. Namun ia dibantah oleh pihak Defendan disebabkan
laporan ENT Defendan tidak menunjukkan kecederaan yang
sedemikian. Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen berpendapat bahawa terdapat
keterangan daripada laporan pakar Plaintif yang menunjukkan bahawa
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Plaintif mengalami masalah pendengaran pada kedua-dua bahagian
telinga dan keilatan tersebut adalah bersifat kekal. Sekali lagi dalam kes
ini Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah merujuk kepada Guidelines for
Awards in Personal Injury Claim yang menetapkan jumlah paling rendah
adalah RM36,000.00 dan jumlah tertinggi adalah RM55,000.00. Ia
adalah sesuai untuk Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen memberikan award
sebanyak RM40,000.00 berdasarkan kepada kecederaan yang dialami
oleh Plaintif.
Kos Rawatan Masa Hadapan
[28] Seterusnya berkenaan dengan kos rawatan masa hadapan bagi
kecederaan pergigian dan bantuan pendengaran, Mahkamah
mendapati bahawa berdasarkan laporan pakar Plaintif berdasarkan
kecederaan tersebut dan rawatan yang perlu dijalani untuk pemulihan
kecederaan Plaintif dan setelah Mahkamah Sesyen membandingkan
laporan Plaintif dan laporan Defendan pada hemat Mahkamah
keputusan jumlah RM5,000.00 untuk rawatan kecederaan pergigian
(dental injuries) dan RM75,000.00 untuk tujuan bantuan pendengaran
dan RM15,000.00 untuk cord vocal adalah sesuatu yang wajar dan tidak
membolehkan Mahkamah ini mengganggu dapatan tersebut.
[29] Begitu juga dengan dapatan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen
berkenaan dengan gantirugi khas berkaitan pendapatan masa
hadapan, kos penjagaan sebelum perbicaraan, penjagaan sebelum
perbicaraan dan penjagaan selepas perbicaraan. Kesemua itu
Mahkamah berpendapat penelitian yang wajar telah dibuat oleh Hakim
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Mahkamah Sesyen dalam mencapai jumlah yang telah diberikan atau
menolak tuntutan-tuntutan tersebut.
[30] Mahkamah ini tidak bercadang untuk membincangkannya secara
terperinci tetapi memadai untuk menyatakan bahawa setelah meneliti
alasan penghakiman dan keterangan saksi-saksi serta dokumen-
dokumen yang dikemukakan keputusan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen
dalam hal tersebut adalah wajar dan tidak ada sebarang alasan untuk
Mahkamah ini mengganggu dapatan tersebut.
[31] Adalah jelas dan nyata bahawa Mahkamah ini tidak boleh
mengenepikan atau mengganggu dapatan hakim bicara berkenaan
dengan kuantum gantirugi semata-mata disebabkan tidak berpuas hati
atau bersetuju dengan jumlah yang diputuskan oleh hakim bicara.
Sebaliknya Mahkamah perlu meneliti sama ada hakim bicara telah
mempertimbangkan keterangan-keterangan saksi-saksi, laporan-
laporan pakar dan keterangan-keterangan lain di samping meneliti
panduan yang telah diputuskan oleh Mahkamah berkenaan dengan
kuantum gantirugi tersebut. Jika Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah
meneliti kesemua perkara-perkara tersebut dalam memutuskan jumlah
amaun yang sewajarnya Mahkamah ini berpendapat tiada alasan untuk
Mahkamah ini mengganggu dapatan tersebut. Dalam kes ini Mahkamah
berpendapat Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah mempertimbangkan
perkara-perkara tersebut sebelum menetapkan jumlah amaun gantirugi
seperti yang diputuskan dalam kes ini.
S/N 2em58sjKmkesobxjwwOUHQ
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[32] Setelah menimbangkan semua itu Mahkamah memutuskan
rayuan oleh Perayu adalah ditolak. Keputusan Hakim Mahkamah
Sesyen terhadap kuantum dikekalkan dan kos RM5,000.00 tertakluk
kepada fi alokator.
Bertarikh: 26 hb. Januari 2024
Bagi Pihak Perayu/Defendan
Koh Jun Wen
Tetuan Gan Ho & Razlan Hadri
Kuala Lumpur
Bagi Pihak Responden/Plaintif
Balvinder Singh
Tetuan Saleem Gill & Partners
Bentong, Pahang Darul Makmur
S/N 2em58sjKmkesobxjwwOUHQ
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| 24,910 | Tika 2.6.0 |
AA-42H-3-02/2022 | PERAYU Pendakwa Raya [Pendakwa Raya] RESPONDEN Naaresh A/l Thirunukarasoo | Undang-undang Jenayah – rompakan – tertuduh ditangkap semasa melarikan diri selepas meragut mangsa – sama ada pembelaan membangkitkan keraguan yang munasabah dalam kes pendakwaan.Tatacara Jenayah – HukumanSama ada hukuman yang dijatuhkan memadai – sama ada kekerapan jenayah ragut, keseriusan kesalahan dan kepentingan awam di ambil kira oleh mahkamah perbicaraan. | 26/01/2024 | YA Dato' Bhupindar Singh A/L Gurcharan Singh Preet | |
26/01/2024 15:09:52
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1u\—a2H—3—u2/2u22 Kand. 38
25,0;/22:4 ,:-09 :2
RAYUAN JENAVAH N ~AA-425-3-03/znzz
[1] Rayuan dalam kes N0 AA—42S—5—03/2022 mevupakan rayuan
perayu Henuduh‘) lerhadap sabllan din hukuman manakma rayuan
dalam kes AA42H—34.)Z/2022 Isiah rayuan Pendakwa Ray: Ierhadap
hukuman Pada 1522022‘ selepas permcaraan, Hakim Mankamah
Sesyen yang buaksana or-ems‘) telah measabllkan Ierluduh dan
merualuhkzn hukuman pemeruaraan selama tlgz tahun bermma den
we 2 2022 dan satu sebatan man
Lam helakang kn
[2] Pada 2a 9 ma, lanuduh lelah dnuduh dengan senrang lam IaI|u
Knshnakumar all Sakaran (‘lerluduh kedua') dmgan pefluduhan sepem
yang benkul
Pelmm/nan Asa!
llama! Nu m Leann Taman Panama, mm kr1sma_ da/am Duran
lpah da/am Nsasn Vurik, mm mslakukan mmpakan Dovkumpman dun
dengsn S9/rga/a mnnyubnckan csaerz pm» ksaada An May @ Cheang
Lea Venn, dsn dengan Mu kamu Marv msmrukun kuxarahan yam Down
drhukum m bawah seksyen 395 Karmn Ksnkxaan mbzca balsam:
seksyen 397 Kamm yang sunu ~
13] Fenuduhan pmdaan Ielah mkemuxakan padi 712 2016 den
selelah perluduhan pnndaan dlbaca dan dllerangkan kepada lerluduh dan
sm xkmunvzqwxumnavsu
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans!
beflaku pada so 12 2021 Se1e\ah mehha| rakaman cm saya mendapall
bahawa HMS Imah menerangkan secala terpennm Kenya-(Iga pmnan :1.
bawah perenggan 173|ha)KTJ Kepada Kerluduh Tenuduh man dlwaknln
aleh dua urang peguam hela pada lankh Iersebul Iaflu Encxk snamugam
aan Puan Km Selepas kel\ga—||ga pmhan mterangkan kepada lsnuduh,
Enclk Shamugam (e\ah membemanu mahkamah bahawa Ierluduh
memllm Lmluk member: Keterangan bersumpah Kemudlarmya. HMS
mengesahkan perkara tevsehut yang lerluduh mgm member! kelevangan
hersumpah aan menanya dalam bahasa apa |er!uduh mgun memuen
kelerangan Jawapan yang dlbenkan valah Bahasa Me\ayu dan Lertuduh
lelah mmmua pergw Ks Kandang saksl Lmluk member: xezevangan
[22] Berdasarkan rakaman CRT adalah jelas macara yang
dmerunlukkan an hawah peranggan 1731ha) KTJ man mpalum men Au,
nuaxterdapax salah laksana keadilan alau kegagalzn peradulan dalam kes
In: dan wsu yang mkemukakan meh pembelaan udak berasss Vangsung
(231 Semasa penghmahan m Mahkamah, peguam new lenuduh hanya
mengangka| dua Isu sahaja sepem yang dvlerangkan m alas Wa\au
bagalmanapun damn muahan bermhsnya, peguam belz le\sh
men-bangm Isu mengenm pengecaman «enuuun oleh sm dan SP2 sena
m xkmunvzqwxumnovsu
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans!
‘denim beg |angan (lD10|, halo! air Iemms (mm, salu rangkax 4 kunm
am; An) dan wang lunaw hercamplmcampur uoza) Feguam be\a le\ah
menyalakan ferdapal lompang dalam kes pendakwasn kerana barang
xes ml max dlkemukakan sebagai eksh
[24] Oleh sebab‘ lerdapal wsu lam dalam hujanan berlulls peguam Dela
«en-mun, Mahkamah mu wga akan menyenluh mengenal perkava Iersehul
dalam penghaklman mu Perm duebskan bahawa Isu-wsu yang dmmbwkan
.m (elah mpemmbangkan cleh Mahkamah Rayuan semass mengarahkan
|enuduh unluk membela dm lsu-Isu Inl lldak sepalulnya dmngkn Wag:
kevana Mahkamah Rayuan lelah memuluskan blhiwi Ierdapal sua|u kes
prllrm /‘acre aan xenudun dlpennlahkan unluk membela dun.
[25] Mahkamah Rayuan damn kes Kwok Pin Hwee Iwn. PF [2011] 1
LNS 533. Ielah menerangxan
“[17]!/mtangrundang mm man "man lernang permekalan yang hams
dumbrl men v4 Hakrm mcam aaram ksadaantervuduh wan amnnaman
unluk membem am wen Mallkamah Rm." Frmstp rm man :1:/9/askan
dalam bebslaaa kos Dalnm has Pendakwa Rm V Sularman hm Sardm
/247m] v cu m, 12011713 MLJ 383 Suleiman Daud mm msruallskarv
-[271 Sebelum msmmuskan rsu auu Isa-mu yang henzangkrl mm
myuan VI! kalm msndapall palm unluk mengumngr bahawa mnmn
le/an drpanggll Imtuk mambe/a mn solemn mahkamzh rm, dalam
rayuan Iuntnhulu‘ mengstsptkan Ksputusan nakrm meals a. akmrko:
psrldnkwuan ssnunumn dsngarv rm, harm mandapal: ma
sm xkwmvzqmxumwavsu
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dnuumnl VII mum pom!
Kspefluan bag! kaml AIMHK Ilbanrmballgkl/V samula mlsll yang Iehll
dlflllluskslll ohm mahkamah IN lerdshulll mengenm ISAHSII ynrvg le/ah
dmungkflknrv m ml ks: pandshwszn. mm m is/dapal
Ksterangarrkelerangan Dam my drbarlgkflksn aleh pmlk
pemoolaarv yang oalarl msmmbulklrv keraguarr ml/nasaball K0 was
kas pandnhwsnn ~
Ferkara yang same man almlam jvga dahm Ala: Muhd Aznn mm on.
Mon v Pnndakwa Ray: [201V] 1 ms 1304, 124121 l ,/vu 459 mumlm
pangmamn mus: Mohamed NMR (kellka lru;
v32). sspemmana yang my nymun sebeatar mdl. panel
Mahlvamah Rayuan Huh msmuluskun Davis 3 0105 me bahawa
lcrdapal ks: puma /we lemma psliyu Mm Inerv/adl
Innggungawab pemyu wlluk msnyanglul ks: pnndnkwaan ml
swam, psrayll Dolelv drsabflkafl ms: ketersrvqan yrlma rm.
levsebur seklrinyi pauyu gagul manrmbulkan ksraguan mullllsahah
kn all: kg: pendakwaan -
seglm ma da/am mmnmlmn M mm V PP /2014} 1 ms lllz,
Izavsj 1 MU la, dlnurusknn
722; In me wurse ulme SUDWVSSWHS, m hudsvughl cfianllcalmn lmm
reamed nounsslandlt was made c/earls U: ml what we wore urged
In no will: In mm the daemon ollhs firs‘/V0115 panclollllfs mm».
callmg upon me appellants to my on me» dalance
1231 WINS! [ho uppnilanls may, Wu... an appeal ls pursued Illrlhsr at
Me Federal Court, argue me] me clwnomppsalma m cnlilng upon
me appellanm ll: enter on ma» deienu, Wu‘ on Durpall were W m
million to ruvrew ln. ml: dectsvnn oflhu mm; panel alme Cowl
DI/lppeal nl. mml appeal, in HM] wrw, snallla malls DIV wnolhsv
Ins dslancs had fbued .9 lmmols doubt on ma pluwwhun case
sm xk|7vmVEumxuH:wnVSO
“Nair Sum! mmhnrwm be l... M mm .. mln.ll.y ml. dnuumnl VI mum puns!
125/ rn me mxlanl anpeal, smca all the sppvllanls ware called upon by
me coma/Appaal lo orvleron lnslrdsllnce u musmscsssarvlymean
Ina! Ihe com uVAppaal was sulufred mu ms pnzsscuoon nmpmea
art live Angmdvsnls a/me mm, mo/wmg ms sosmene or common
rntenborn before cannludmg that a plum um case naa been made
out by Ina pmseculfnn man, was Ihemfms no necsssrfy for u: m
rewsft me muss on whelher s pnma /am case had been made
out What we need In consaoor was wnexnsr ma swdsmxs ivom ma
cayenne ma cast a masanabla am: an me DIw9cIIIrorv’s cm
[Vfl]Saln/1:: dengsn pnruly .1 ms harm mangsmml pendman osnm
karm luiak gm msrmvma/vgkan ssmula rswsu yang eeran dmanykrlkm
den dmuluskan an aklm kss pandukwaan clan Malvksmah Ruyuan
zmanmu kscuan nu lardnpm‘ kslemrvgan ham yang amngman aleh
pl/Ink panyu mm. memmbmkzn lmraguan yang nmnaman Xe alas
kes pendakwaan Dengan nu, apa yang paint my aemmbangkzn adafialv
same .943 ketaringan yang dtkunlukakan my pembelain mun beqnyn
msmmbulkarv kslnguun yang munasabalv ks aras has psrvdnkwnan -
[26] Semras dengan nas dx a(as, Mahkamah Im Deriu
mempemmbangkan same sea Kelerangan yang dxkemukakan meh
pembelaan (elah benaya memmhmkan Keriguan yang munasabah ke
alas kes pendakwaan Versl pembelaan (enuduh ada\ah bevswfal penafuan
semaoamaca dan lenuduh menaflkan yang ma lelah mengimbll beg
\angan SP1
[27] Perkara yang penllng dan hams dnberl penekanan \aVaI1 da\am kes
ml‘ spa man mellhal kqadmn (ersebul. mengejar dam menangkap
xenudun SP3 dalam pemenksaan mama menyacakan
sm xkwmvzqluxumwavsu
«mm. smm nmhnrwm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mn.u.y mm: dnuumnl y. mum my
4 sum Ielakr bslpskman baju memn darn barium keledar msralv
sedang mongul ssouan hag lmgan kapwvyaan sawsng
Demmnuan cm
5 Born kamu cam... Inga! Mgtknh uda A-euranq Ielakr lm1>I. Lu;u
me/‘uh pskm my keledar mslah ssdarvg rmragu! hag langan
pemmyusn Ema, Kama mgal ram yang maria sllu tunuduh VH7
v sup. yang pukmbu/u menw
saw Nearest: yang pakal hem msmh darn Dollop! kllpdnr marsh
Maksud Naaresh yang anmnoeg psrimpuun an M
v Ya.
. Apl pm. purzmarv Knshnskumarsemsia ewak Isngok kqldurv
nmgm benakw
.: Duduk alas molostkalf
Semasa pemenlsaan hams SP3 (elah mengesihkan perkara W
-5 . Saw msncadangknrv kamu sabsnamya man we: kcndran
mamgul hanya mendengsnsnlan sahaja
J max setuju say: lmal
Ana yam: kamu Ma!’
4 Say: lmal sum lelskr /I-mus Isiah mvraqul salu Deg klpunynun
pmmnuan one
5 Dan srspmmh Valnkr‘ ynng kamu ksna/paxlr Inemgal perumpuan
4 Salu felakl Indus yang aria awn kundlrvg Iunudun bemsmn
Naeresh M. Vwvrvuhmwu “
Sswaklu memben ketarangan dw peringkaf pembelaan, lerluduh |e\ah
mengesahkan ketsrangan pendakwaan ‘am;
5 Sudnll mm Ma new molosrlal Kama Derdua nun pm, helmel
unluk kasalamalarn aamn
sm xkI7vmVEumxuHmavsu
«mm. s.nn nmhnrwm .. HIGH m M, .. nrimruflly mm: dnuumnl VI mum Mn
J sum
5 Dan Krfshnukumsr pm. helmet mm mm, ksmu pakar no/mot
kalermemh. new
.1 Sam!
s Mucam yang EIILVK Naarssh cent: (am my ks/oaer yang drnampa:
clan Ermk Naarasn ndnla/'1 herwsma marsh. mm
4 asm
2 halmcl yang dvrampas arsn pays, Emnk Nasrssn wamn nmn,
Enmk Kn:/ma wama my mum
J Balm
5 Sam Enmk Nauush yang berwamz marsh, berm
J Eatul -
[25] Anna! jslas lenuduh telah mengakul bahiwa semasa kepdxan ma
memakal ham dan (op: ke\edav belwama mevah Kelerangan (enuduh
selaras dengan keterangan SP3 yang melmax lermduh memkukan
perbualan rngm dengan herpakavan baju merah dzn mp. keledar merah
Bap: dan lop! ke\edar lenuduh lelah cmampas smelah lemmuh anangkap
dan mcamxan oleh SP3 ldenllh lenuduh lelih d\kena\ pzsm dsngan lepa\
sebagal orang yang meragul beg eangan SP1 Pembexaan |erluduh lldak
merumbulkan apa—apa Keriguan yang munasabah dalam kas
[291 Vsu uauang Kes yang dlkemukakan oleh peguam bela Ierluduh max
menjejaskan kes pendakwaan kerana terluduh telah amnax me\akukan
sm xkmmvzqwxumwavsu
mm. smnw nmhnrwm .. LAIQ4 m yam .. mn.ny mm: dnuumnl y.. mum pom!
kesalahan yang mmauh dan umangkap asyurus selspas nu Ana yang
panung walah lerdapal kelerangan yang menoukupx bag: mensihwkan
lenuduh melampaul keraguan yang rmmasabah Bag! suam kssalahan
rompakan‘ walaupun barang kes max dmemun, avang yang dlluduh masm
man maamkan uka e\emen kesalahan mmpakan amukuxan memmpaul
keraguan yang munasabah.
[30] Damn Turumacanan an Teaguajan and Anor y. Public
Pronculor, Mahknrnan Rayuan dalam Rayuan Jenayah Na: 5.0901)»
154414/2:222 a. B»4'l9(H)»159-04/2022 neuan memuluskan
727/ rn aw mm, the namdtscovery ana m1n—pmdu:!»on a( ma vobbsd Item
is no: men undzrsecuan 395 o7Psmzl Code ummazary, u does na: change
the (ac! NvatSF1 was ruobad ayma appeuanos Tms gmundloo lid:
:25) rn Gunalarv Rnmacnandmn a 17:5 y PP[2004] 4 cu 551, Abdu/Hamvd
Mnhamud./@155 he man was; Ivoldthar
" as far «:1 am aware mere rs na law ma! ma axhfbfl reooversd
must :2. mama m cow! and yv M1 ma pm.Iecu!Ian‘5 case must
necessunry van n may or r: may nol, aaan aapanmng an me has and
me mmumsllncns mam can Evan m a munkr lnal, ma dead body vs
no! pmducedm aaan rn sannyang y Puhlrc Pmsecu!ar[1965] 2 ML./
1F5{FC)me bodyolme w:1rm was nal evzn rec-ovsmd yet ma accused
was canvmted o/nmnur Whal me pmsecmmn has m pm. .5 ma: .
paflmu/al persan had men and me aawaeu naa caused Ins death The
dezllv an». vvclrm rs nul amysa ay making at ms remams .n mun am
by swaorvca DI witnesses‘ ma madncnl mpnfl, me tdenllly cam me
P"°409'sphx andmon swarm ma dnagtra/Wokmg casa, ma drug may
aa mt or aeslmyad subssquenl to ;: havmg been anarma by ma
sm xkmmvzqmxumwvsu
“Nana s.n.‘ nmhnrwm a. a... m van; .. ananny mm: dnuumnl van mum perm
chem/:1. men; may be a gap m Ihe chem a« the peopm lmopmg custody
am sulmequenf to «I ha!/my been ans/yssdby ma charms! unm Ins aan
av mat, but so am as more 15 no mum Ina! my my analysed by me
chslvusl was ma same Ma ms! was rucavsrsd m we can and :1 vs m
rsxpacl av that drug that the accused a mgaa, and there 1: a
reasonable explanzlmn as 10 haw u was lost or destroyed or the reason
Iorme gap, them rsno reason »1my!h:prn:ecuImn':cas9 shnufidlnfl -
[:11 Bevballk kepada kes W, bavang kes P2‘ P3. P4 dan P5 ls\al1
mkemukakan darn mcamkan cleh saiswsaksx lermasuk sm Barang kes
mga |e|ah dnmmkan oleh sm, sn=2 aan spa me\a|ux gambar umo, m1 1‘
ID12 dun lD23 Ie\ah mcamkan oleh pegawaw penywasat kes (SP5)
Meskupun (eruapeu barang Res yang hflak mtandakan sebagal eksmblt‘ Va
mak menmaskan kes pendakwaan kerana «ana damn kes Im dengan
Ierang Ielah membuknkan lerluduh Iebah mdakukan mmpakan lersebul
Tenuduh felah dmhat melakukan kesahhan kalsebul dan dnangkap u\eh
SP3 semasa melankan dun
[32] Mahkamah W menaapan bahawa HMS udak lerkhllaldan segx lakta
mahupun undang-undang apabua mendapatl «emmm bersalah bag:
penuduhan plndaan yang an-mm max Ierdapat apa—apa salah Iaksana
keauuan alau kegagalan perauuan dmarn kes Im HMS (E|aIV menflaw
dengan (elm pembelaan yang mkemuxakan dan Ielah membual
kepulusin yang betul Iaum pembexaan gaga\ memmbulkan sebarang
keraguan yang munasabah da\am kes pendakwaan flan pendakwaan
sm xkwmvzqwxummvsu
“Nana Snr1n\nnuhnrw\HI>e med .a van; a. nnmnauuy MIMI dnuumnl VII mum perm
xeran beljaya membukllkan kes melampaul keraguan yang munasabah
Eerasaskan a\asan—a\asan an alas‘ rayuan mmmun 1emauap sabllan
Rayuzn Hukuman (Rayuan Janlylh No: AA42H.a—n2rzo22)
[33] Du penngkal rayuan mengenaw hukuman‘ pvinslp undang-undang
ada\ah manlap bahawa Mahkamah hanya akan mengganggu hukuman
mankaman perblcaraan sexwanya hukuman yang dua|uhkan mevupakan
nukuman yang temyata beneuman atau uermu nngan atau menyanarn
undang-undang Keadaan lam yang membenarkan campur (angan
Mankaman msngenal sesuatu hukuman ada\ah apabfla |erdapa|
keknuacan uleh mankaman permcaraan lenlang undang-undarvg alau
penumn pIInsIp—pr|ns|p hukuman darn hukuman yang duahmkan adalah
max sesuar dengan Vakta dan na< Keadaan yang Ielah dxbuklxkan
(hha1 Public Pmsmnor y. Mohamed Not 5 Or: [1995] 2 MLJ zan,
Ehandulananfll Jaynlilake v. Public Pmacucor [1992] I ML] 33;
[1931] 1 LN5 139 dan Public Prosecutor v. Loo Chaon Fn1(197s] 1
LNs1a2;[19ss]2 ML! 255;
[34] Mahkamah Rayuan dalam kes FF Iwn Moran Chekwnhe
Chukwudi (2017) 1 LNS 554 (elah mengganskan beberspa laklor yang
perm mpemmbangkan oxen mahkamah ssbemm memaluhkan hukuman
bagw sesuam Kssmahan
“[51 n 5 wen Isubllshad that liver: am . number or facturs znex cow‘: lake
rum carmderation before eenoencmg some allmm am as In/lows {5} the
grawly or seventy of me 7301; consmultng me onence, m; we
wnumstances In wen u ms aamnnned. 4:) me rampanry nlsuch allerms
m 1». men‘ [U] ma mnaersprevnm mcom, (9)019 ollsndefs mnmbulmn
and suppofl to In: rsrnuy members (/7 me onenam means, 49; me emu
oi convmwolv and sentence on M5100 opnan-"vim, /m ms eye and mm-
oune accused, n; whalharn 1.1 me am aflence U; wlvsmir me socusarlhad
eoopomrea mm me peace sue: me comrmssmn oftha ollsncs, M wnemar
me accused neameeaeaguury. {u status Dime accused {ml wnomsrlhva
was vmence aunng me crlma, 4n; pub/M: mmesl, etc -
[351 HMS semasa menjelaskan hukuman yang duamhkan lerhadap
uenumm, dslam alasan penghaklmannya, sekadar menyarakan
-5 14 Mahkamah men ms/uatuhkan Ivukmnan p.n,s.e 3 laflun aan salu
seamen mlarv borflaurkan prmsAu~pnrmp purlghukumun
Ivlemarvdungkan Velmdu/1 msrupakm pssalah porlamu, men me
am pemah gsyfi/ msrvglvamn nlankamsh Mahkamalv juga
mengumm/kw laklorbahau man lambs! dalsm ssbarang msodun
pneym sew. din has my
5 vs Mulvkamah /uga msngambvfklri mar pandemlk mass mu dan
msmumskan hukumsn pervjara dun sebalan ruler! temodsy
Tsmmun adalah add dun saksams -
[as] Manxaman W mendapall bahawa HMS udak mempemmbangkan
kesevlusan kesawanan, kepenlmgan awam dzn trend hukuman bagx
Kesmahan rompakan da\am merualuhkan hukuman Dalam kes Mom!
sm xkmmvzqwxumwavsu
«mm. sen» nmhnrwm .. med M mm .. nrighvnflly mm: dnuumnl VI mum pom!
lenuduh kedua, mereka (elah faham perluduhan pmdaan dan mamohon
agar kes mmcaraxan Penuauhan plndaan (ersebm berbunyn
pmug Ivy! Pfndaun
'Bahawn kamu hsIsama—samI plda zomms, M mum kw-ulvg 13:7
yslang m Ivadapan mm ntamnl Nu m Lsbulv Taman Panama, mm
Panama rpm, 4. am» Daemh Kmlz‘ av dalam Negsn Perak om
Rrdzusn, man melakukan rumpakan banumupu/an 4.m.a.p An May Q
Cheong Lee Yuan (No KP 440722-11-5132; aangun mengamml samlan
beg Iangarv‘ mm msmandll, kadAYMdarv wIIvgIu0srRM1P6dan semnsn
mmpakan lulsubul knmu bersamzrsama awgsrv saws]: menyababkan
mm kepada Ah May @ Chsarvg Lao Yum om yang uemrmn Kamu
Isiah melakukan mm komlnhan yang pom ovhukum .1; bawalv xsksyerv
394 Kamm Kasaluaan‘
[4] D1 akhir kes pendakwaan, HMS (e\ah memumskan bahawa pmak
pendakwaan Ie\ah gaga\ membukllkin sua\u Kes prime lame bag:
penuauhan plndaan dan kedua—t1ua tenuduh le\ah dlbebaskan dan
dflepaskan Pmax pendakwaan |elah memlillkan vayuan lsmadap
kepmusan HMS dan paaa 5 10 2019, rayuan bendakwaan telah auolax
ms»: Mahkamah Tmggl Selevusnya. pmak pendakwaan lelah merayu ke
Mahkamah Rayuan
[51 Semasa :1. Mahkamah Ray-‘an, rayuan Pendakwa Raya lsrhadap
Ienuduh kedua lelah dlbatalkan kerana nous perbmaraan rayuan twdak
dapal dwserahkan Kepada |emmuh kedua Oleh mu rayuan an Mahkamah
Rayuan hanya dnleruskan (emadap lenuauh sshaja Mahkzmah Rayuan
sm xkmmvzqwxumwavsu
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dnuumnl VII mum pom!
Rldwan Mohd Vumlv. PP [2n14]1 LNS194n,Mahkamah Rayuan Ie\ah
711/ w .7. In this .p....: dolling with . snatch Mlk nlhnce arm.
m. .mpmy altnls fypv nrorv-nu cnnlmuu unzbated. m victim:
oltnalcn mm rncrdultt mm: . lrumondms amount onnum. n (Om
Mm 0! m. p..,..n.:m with mm. cflmm-I .-mm. Some mm
grlvlphyltrll lndumorlanzlstruu. somm. wan mm. m Coun:
when asxessmg an zppmpnale mum (0 be meled mus! mun mmd
ms modus operand! of ma wvongdoerm cmnmrtlmg ms sort 0! ullznces
Mos! akun llvarv rial, the modu: apslandl m march mere mm; m cnme
and curllvmg For mabsnoe deadly wsapons of vfalence are um willy ms
Wen] m lhrsats/1 and lo mam /ear upon the vmhm The 1/aumaltc mm
M! on the mm, m. wny m. wcnm: am Ihmalsmad wrllv mum rllhey an
not do .5 mslructed, are «mm mm wsvgh nsavrry agams! mmy m the
sentencmg oi such mum V1/E are of In: cansrdsled View mat the
sentencsspsssedsllouldaervu the Iulluwmg Lwupwposss Frrsfly, rrshauld
my punish (Iv: accused for {he grave 0/mvw Ihat ». mm mmmrfled and
secondly, m the mass: :2! the publrc, ,4 should m as . wmmg and
darelrence 2.: MI pofunlulalhndux
[121 w. would lika 1.: nmlnd mu court‘ boluw to bk-judiclll mm or
an trmrluing numhtrnicnmcs all My (:1 match men as ewdsnl mm:
news cum oflencas Dung mnslnntly reparledm the med»: Cauns must
be mcapm and Prearlhe rm cry Vouusltos mm m. snclebytn match melt
new .5 in (In: case. and mspam by rmposfngl . pmyer sentence The
rmuasmon nlzn appmprvalu pumxllmenl vs the manneurv which m. Conn:
resound :9 Inc snugly‘: cull lar /uslm agsnml mm cnmmnls ma .
demand: mu: m. Court: should Irnpnu punuhmlnk mm-.., me
ermla :0 mm in mums in: public’: Ibhwnrvcc 12! such crime. Evory
punishment lmpornd rt huund (:1 nm n. urhcl nol only on we
Accused nlone, but also an m. aaciuty u . whore. u rs the duty or (he
Courts to 595 mu nnpmnnale sentence /5 rmoossdrsgaru Dung mm In my
commrssmn DI the cmns and us Impact on Ills meta! me, 1:... Guru
sm xkmunvzqwxumnovsu
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans!
sasmm, Q Eenne Seklana vs Sm: alkamalaku, 12012; a soc m
2012 /nuraw so 252)
Ipennkanam drrambalvl
my man dapal dlnallkan kesalahan kes ragul kerap beflaku den
,nnnannya ssmakm memngkal sellap nan Lazlmnya warga amas dan
wanna duadwkan sasaran Ksrana meraka lldak berupaya banawan mu
memperlahankan dm danpada serangan peugm Benla kecederaan
yang dmaml oxen mangsa kes ragul sudah meruam Vumrah dw laman
akhbar |empatan Damn kes W mangsa IaI|u SP1 berumur 71 (ahun
semasa kejadlan dan aknhal perbualan lelluduh, SP1 nuangaxaynu
ksoederaan pavah wawtu keretakan pads vertebra L2 Semeshnya mangsa
mengaxann Kesakflan teruk aklhat kere|akan unang belakang dan lrauma
danpada ke,aman nu Cfleh nu, nukuman yang dusluhkan nenaaklan
sellmpal dengan Kesalahan yang gnakuxan uleh tenuduh kerana
kesalahan vagul mempakan kesamvan yang senus
[351 Kepennngan awam menghendakx seorang pesa\ah kes ragm
dlkenzkan hukuman pemenjalaan yang ssnmpal dan apaona dlperlukan
dualuhkan hukuman yang Iemn lama agar kesmamalan arang swam
nenannn Mahkamah mempunyal tanggungjawab unluk mehndungu orang
awam danpada Kasalahan ragut yang semakln henemasa Ovang awam
(emlamanya warga emas dan wanna mempunyal hak unmk bergerak
am xkm/x.uVEuB1JxUHIvmVSD
mm. snnnw .. LAIQ4 m yam .. nrighvnflly mm: dun-mm y.. mum pans!
bebas G1 CENIDEII awam I’-VVD3 DBVVIA nsau akan kesebamatan mereka O\eh
sebab nu, seslapa yang melikukin kesmahan ragut yang menggugat
keselamatan awam mesh auaumxan hukuman yang sew/a1amya
[39] Da\am kes Mom Ridwan Mohd Vuaof (supra) Mahkamah Rayuan
juga lelah memwk (rend hukuman bag: kesalahan ragul apama
mengekalkan hukuman Mahkamah Tmggl mm 10 lahun pemenwaan
dan 5 sebalan man yang msngeleplkin hukuman Mahkamah Sesyen‘
pemeniaraan se\ama uga tahun aan lankh (angkap
~ The Vsamsd Dem/ly r-um Fmsvculur was ngllt m M momma: mu
MI crmnct mlpolul lylinsl mu Apptllnmwu out ouup mm m.
frindolllnllncing inwandby this own which w. wnuld name! an
Caurt: below lo Inflow We would Ilko tom/aria me in/rwlnq cases
4:; Rapsrgumrv J/Ilxlanasegedam V PF(N4792J—u1r2o14), the cm
o(Appeula/1 21Augusl2D14 had ssnlormd me gncused m mm Mrs
rmgnsanmenl rm a charm unacrlha! can m which the accusedamihrs
fnsnd mm mm a km]: rm nopaed the wclrm at me mama and
robbed ms ma yhone and money
nu Yuhaman am Abdu/ wmb (P-as-174-17740131, me Conn‘ cl
Apusa/ on 17 Ayn! 2471: had smrmsdlhe decman aims Hrgll cm lhal
Me Lqrm or em: gals rmmsonmen! su/hood var m. use In max case
In: mm was me amussrfslmynboun :Igud60,whvchlIIesccusedIvax1
come from me back or m. vrctvm and snatched ms worm gem
nu; Mend Fsrzal Em mam warm v pp 4a.a9¢5;.25s.os/zmzy, lhe
cm aIApuea/ an s FeDruaIy2l71A hsrlamrmedlhe decrsron aims um
cmm rival Hzdmcraased lne rmviaonmenl terms «mm We 10 051515»:
sm xkmmvzqwxumwavsu
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dnuumnl VII mum pom!
A Iherwfmh o(wn .!nI/on-rmsemeacvusedhad
svrzed a bag oamamlng mobvle uhone men was camod by Ina vmhm
rm vtclm mixed and managed lo mm ms accused rm mm bag
was mm on the aucusufl nlatumyds
av) wnsmmsa Amer hm Yaakab 1/ PF (VI/—a9-m.u4/2m), me
counomwearon v January 2l71l.Iva:1amIvmd!)ve decvslan allne Hm
Court llml sunk tho accusvd :9 mm M gn mar: wvlh lnrse stroke: 0/
wmgmg ms Incl: showed that me worm is Aady} wan Irv sun mu
armed al name, and smsmy me mum ma mm to slash ma vicflm
usmv n ‘DIrIIIP97"bur no mlunls wan rvponsu
M PP V Nlk Mohamad K/ulru! mu mm rH7Nm7—12rza12L the com
ulApp9a/on 28/Iugusl 2m Ivadsstasrdslhe domsnun a/me Nfgh cm
and rvfrlstutsd me docvsnon or the Sassrons Cour! mm the accused be
sent In gm... [or seven Ms wvm (Ive make: 9! wflmm In (N: case,
the accused had snatched ms nerghboufs rrecklaco The mm, was
was 57 Vials or agu was news huvsshold mm when M: mcrdenl
azsnsmsnsn dvtamballl
[40] TPR yang mengendallkan Iayuan Im wga teaah mengemukakan
trend hukuman bagx kesalahan vornpak sepem yang benkul
an Nukunun
4 Muhammad um ‘. Feuyurrwnilkuslllh
uluxnm V. w Denudunan an bauah
‘ nnyansmxx
Izomums-as \. Hnkxmidihkimahsntyan
marualuhkan mm... s
cm... vim-n 4... 2
wayum Pmyu ke am
nbizn flan mm..."
mum men Mlhkrvuh
sm xk|7vm‘(EL1WxuH:waVSO
«mm. smm nmhnrwm s. U... us my s. nflmnnflly -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
2 1p.,..¢.u... Run . 5 ‘
Iluhnmmnd 2». mm."
Em Mlrzulu nmman dun ammum a. u.<.»m..» Tmgql
om» s-men :94 xx mambonavkan rayuan
[mm Mun :51 deunm hukumxn 5 Karma mx...m pen]!!! yang
mm. mum umaaav
Raxvnmgn dmlnrnnvkuu k:
x mm uruuon a un
3 wmm... . »\.n.....,.....
am... Rouly pnnudnlunm bawah hukumnn
:eksy:»394KK Mahk:mmYIm7S1I
Ilrusluusu . HakxmM2nk2mahS yun membenmmnrawnn
menllluhklnhukununfi Nukumulplnmayanq
um Dewar: mk.n.y.....n..m
mm." d\D=Ni"9k:n ke
. y........y.» . s...ym.....“....... Rnyuarwolei-«Petey-A,....h memnlmnmltuman
Iznmmms §.y..nm< mg...m
. .«.mM...y.....ns..yen
man,-luhknn hukunun m memuluskun nukumln to
{alum venlv-I um ‘H2 mum Dlnliu dlkukalkan
W." a...;
5 pp . .m.m.,.y.......u....i... Flyuanolehtfikkearzs
I-m-ll p...m..m.:..y..n myu.m
mm" 3» xx Mzhkamzn nrw
|1n1Il1Lus12!5 . nammmzmumansesyen nvembennvkmfiayunndun
muuiluhksn mmumin WI mganukzn derugan
nukumxn pun:-n . .m
mm an Inn: -mun
[41] Trend hukuman dw alas yang dvkemukakan oleh TPR
kebanyakannya \a\ah bag‘ kes lerludxm mengaku bersalah laaapi dakam
kes W perbmaraan pemm te\ah dualankan Hukuman yang dualunkan
oleh HMS pugs adalah ‘sun lebm vendah danpada trend hukuman yang
dlnyalakan dalam Res Molld Ridwnn Mom: vuml (supra) Mahkamah Inn
sm xklrm-NEuIuxu>4mavsu 5
“Nair smm mmhnrwm .. HIGH w my .. mmmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum W
mendapall hukuman yang dualuhkan men HMS hdak memadaw dan |er\alu
nngan sena «max menggambarkan kesenusan kesalanan yang dllakukan
oxen (ertuduh
[42] Berdasarkan kepada a\asan—a\asan dan prlnsvp urmangmmang
yang dmya\akan dw a|as dan seIe\ah mengamnu klra segala ha! Keadaan
dalam kes ml‘ Mahkamah WU mengelspwkan hukuman pemeniaraan
se\ama uga |ahun nan sam sebalan‘ flan menggannxannya dengan
hukuman pemeruaraan selama Vapan tahlm belmma dam 7 <2 2023 dan
empsl sezman mm Hukuman um beraas dalim halasan hukuman kes—
kes lsrdahulu aan la mga menoermmkan trend hukuman semasa yang
pads pengama|an saya adalah wager, berpatutan sens seumpax dengan
kesalahan Ierluduh
Benankh 26 Januan 2024
Mahkamah Tmggu Ma\aya
m xkm/xnviuiuxunuvmvsu
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
Bagx Pendakwaan Khaznn Ham: um Khahl, T\mba\an Fendakwa Raya
Negen Ferak
Bagx pmak Tenuduh Nathan Knshnan bersnma Dayang Nor Emma
Teluan Nam, Guns 8. Farmers
m xkmunvzqwxumnovsu
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans!
telah memumskan banawa suam kes pnma lame Celah benaya
dikemukakan nleh pmak pendakwaan dam memenntahkan supaya
Iertuduh dipanggn untuk membela dm lsmadap perluduhan pmdaan
lersebut Kemudlannya‘ kes Aelan dulelapkan semula dw Mahkamah
Sesyen unluk lenuduh membela dm
[6] Fada 1522022, ssmah msndangar pembelaan Ierluduh, HMS
[shah memumskan bahawa pembelaan Isiah gagal memmbmkan
keraguan yang munasabah dalam kes penaakman dan pmak
pendakwaan |e|ah membukllkan kes melampam keraguan yang
munasabah Oleh VIII‘ tertuduh telah dxsabllkan dan dljallmkan hukuman
nagx penuduhan pmdaan Tenuduh dan pmak pendakwaan masIng-
masmg le\ah memlaflkan rayuan sepem yang xercam an perenggan
Rmnkasln lnkla kes
m Fads 209 2015 pm lehxh Kurang 1 so Iengah han, mangsa (sun
man balnk danpada memnemuelah clan ma kemav dan kenderaan yang
mpandu suammya (SP2) unluk membukz pmm pagar rurnahnya Tuba’
[ma dalang terluduh menalak plnlu kerelanya dan merampas beg langin
SP1 yang dllalakkan an bahaglan Ielak kikw dx hadapan lempa| duduk
penumpang sm menjem darn Cuba merampas bank beg zangannya, lalu
m xkmunvzqwxumnovsu
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans!
benaku pergelulan antala SP1 den lerluduh yang menyebabkan SP1
[5] Selepas tsnatuh SP1 «max dapal bangun sendnn dan lerduduk dw
smu SP1 lelah mehhal (enuduh Van bersama Ierluduh kedua dengan
menggunakan mukzswkal Pada masa yang sama. SP1 nampak dua orang
anggota pans yang berada m kawasan nu mengejar molosxkal berkenaan
[9] Menurul SP1‘ beg tangannya rnengandungw dumpet mm (exsmbn
P2), kad pengenawannya (eksmblt P3), kad ATM mihk SF1 (eksmmc P4),
Vesen memandunyi (ekshlbn P5) dan wang tuna! Kmerangan SP1
dlsokong meh SP2 yang lurul melmat kefidlan lersebm SP2 uaak sempal
mengew moIL)sxka\ berkenaan letapv lelah mehhzl dua orang anggola
polls mengemr moIos\ka\ nu smepas kejadmn ragut tersebul
[m] Koperal Kamanduan um Kassum Baba (SP3) dan Lans Knperal
Bohby Pawns pada masa kejadwan sedang membual Iugas wndaan
peneegaharv jenayah a. temper! kejadlan SP3 telah menyiksxkan
bagalmana kejadwan ragut (erhadap SP1 benaku danpada ;arak Iebm
kuvang A2 kaku SP3 dun Lans Kapera\ Bobby Paulus lelah menge]ar
kedua-dua Kerluduh flan benaya menangkap mereka m hadapan Church
m xkmunvzqwxumnovsu
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans!
cl Tnaveetmn Kudaram Beg tangan yang dvagul aleh terluduh lelah
benaya dllampas kembah
[11] Dr Mnk Chung {spay \a\ah duklnr pakar pevundlng Onopedlk dan
Hospwtm Falumah lpch yang merawat SP1 pada 2192015 dan Ie\ah
menyedlakan laporan perubalin SP1 (eksmbn F15) Menurut eksmbil
P15, sm mengalarm ‘compress/on Inmwe of 1.2 vertebra mm
Isu yang dihangkilkan dun dapmn Mahkamah
[121 Isu perlama yang amangknkan oleh peguam Dela Kerluduh Ialah
HMS Is\ah xemmai dan segw undang-undang dan lam apablla
membenarkan pendakwaan mengemukakan perluduhan pmdaan me\aluI
hum-an benulls pnhak pendakwaan dv akhlr kes pemheiaan dan
penuduhan pmdaan tersebut «max mbacakan semu\a dan mterangkan
kepada lenuduh Perkara mu hsnenlangan dengan seksyen 158 Kanun
Talacara Jsnayah (‘KN’)
[13] Asas hujahan In: berganlung kepada ma ke|evangan yang len:a(a|
m muka suraI107 mngga ma Rekud Rayuan (‘RR’) ma 2 Oleh nu, amal
penhng supaya no|a keterangan lersebul dwllhat dengan menu Nola
kelerangan pada 16 2 2022 bevmma dengan
m xkmunvzqwxumnovsu
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans!
ma» Kg: unIukksuu!usan.permgkaIakmruembthnrv‘
Pa B9narFuan
Man Adv punuduharv pmdaan ken yang dtksmukakan dulam
submusron Kan
we EenarPuan
Man Tenma mm
n=R o... Pusn, “mm dvbenarkan Puan Jrka mjuk kepada
hu/shun psn<1akwun,pads muka sum! 2 palmduhan pmdaan
Man ¢. Iakjslas ;-
talah mendengar rakaman CRT dan membaca nala kelerangan yang
las \a\ah hahaglan perlama nma Kelerangan (ersehut Says
mxemukakan HMS Ielah menanya "Ada penuuunan pmdaan kan ygg
dfkemukakan dalam submrssran kan" Jwka anelm akan mdapall bahiwa
penuduhan plndaan yang xemacax dalam hugahan benulls pendakwaan an
akhlr kes pembelaan umac RR ma 4 ml: ea) merupakan pemmunan
plndaan yang sama‘ yang «emn mxernukakan peas 7 \2 2016 (lmal RR
ma 1 m/s 5) la juga merupakan penuduhan pmdazn yang sama yang
Rem: dwbacakan dsn dnerangkan kepada keduardua Ienuaun sebelum
permcarnan bermula pads 54 2017 mm RR ma 2 ms 1) Penuduhan
plndaan lrll Ialah penuduhan pmdaan yang same semasa Mahkamah
Rayuan meremltkan kes ke Mahkamah Sesyen unmk (enuduh mpanggn
me-nbexa am Penu dllekankan bahawa Tlmbalan Fendakwa Ray:
NPR‘) uaak mengemukakan spa-apa pefluduhan plndaan yang haharu
m xkm/mvzqmxumnovsu
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmny mm: dun-mm VII mum pans!
\1a\am penghwahan berluhs pendakwaan an akhvr kes pembelaan din apa
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| 3,514 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
S-05-185-05/2021 | PERAYU 1. ) Liew Ket Boh 2. ) Kenny Liew Ket Weng RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya [Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (TPR), Jabatan Peguam Negara] | Forfeiture proceeding under AMLATFPUAA - Whether every transactions in a bank account must be specifically linked to unlawful activity - Whether section 112 statements can be considered by AMLATFPUAA investigating officer. | 26/01/2024 | YA Datuk Ravinthran a/l ParamaguruKorumYA Datuk Nor Bee Binti AriffinYA Datuk Ravinthran a/l ParamaguruYA Dato' Haji Ghazali bin Haji Cha | |
CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. S-05-185-05/2021
(NRIC NO. 870113-49-5417)
(NRIC NO. 871005-12-5229)
[In the Matter of High Court of Sabah and Sarawak at Kota Kinabalu
Criminal Application No. BKI-44-20/12-2019
Public Prosecutor
1. Centrowest Trading
(Company No. 0000121700-T)
2. Sun Constructions
(Company No. 00015503-T)
3. Liew Ket Boh
(NRIC No. 870113-49-5417)
4. Kenny Liew Ket Weng
(NRIC No. 871005-12-5229)]
26/01/2024 15:49:06
S-05-185-05/2021 Kand. 48
S/N 3umbFqtlMEe8I/1LsCjGsw
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[1] This is an appeal against the decision of the High Court that
allowed the application of the Public Prosecutor to forfeit monies in bank
accounts belonging to Liew Ket Boh, Kenny Liew Ket Weng (Kenny Liew)
and two others, namely Centrowest Trading and Sun Construction. The
application was made under section 56(1) of the Anti-Money Laundering,
Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities (the
AMLATFPUAA). Centrowest Trading and Sun Construction did not
contest the application of the Public Prosecutor. Liew Ket Boh and Kenny
Liew opposed the application. The High Court allowed the application of
the Public Prosecutor. Now, Liew Ket Boh and Kenny Liew who were the
third and fourth respondents in the High Court have appealed against the
forfeiture order made against the monies in their seized bank accounts.
Affidavit evidence of the Public Prosecutor
[2] The brief background facts summarized from the grounds of
decision of the learned High Court Judge and the affidavits filed by the
Public Prosecutor are as follows.
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[3] One Ferdinand Fascol complained that he lost the money that he
had invested in a scheme initiated by an entity known as Grow Asia
Capital Ventures (Grow Asia). He was led to believe that Grow Asia was
involved in the business of exporting durians to China. He deposited a
sum of RM12,000 into a current account under the name of Carousell
Capital. Initially, he received a “return” on his “investment” but
subsequently the payments ceased and he was unable to recover his
deposit. He lodged a police report stating that he was cheated.
[4] The police officer appointed to investigate the police report was
Sarjan Zairey Lee. He is the predicate offence investigating officer. He
investigated the case under section 420 of the Penal Code. The Public
Prosecutor did not charge anyone with a criminal offence at the conclusion
of the investigation. Forfeiture proceedings were instituted instead.
[5] Sarjan Zairey Lee filed a lengthy affidavit to support the forfeiture
application. Sarjan Zairey Lee confirmed in his affidavit that Ferdinand
Fascol deposited RM12,000 on 9.11.2018 into a numbered account with
CIMB Bank Berhad under the name of Carousel Capital. Ferdinand was
promised a daily return of RM720 for a period of 78 days for his investment
of RM12,000. However, Ferdinand only received a total of RM3,6000 for
the period 12.11.2018 to 15.11.2018. He did not receive the promised
returns or the balance of his deposit.
[6] Sarjan Zairey Lee also discovered that 29 other complainants had
lodged similar police reports in respect of their supposed investments in
Grow Asia. The said complainants’ police reports are exhibited in the
affidavit of Sarjan Zairey Lee. The monies of these investors were
deposited into the account of Carousel Capital and another account under
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the name of Grow Asia with CIMB bank. Sarjan Zairey Lee discovered
that the bank accounts of Carousel Capital and Grow Asia received
deposits of various sums of money from “investors” during the second half
of 2018.
[7] Sarjan Zairey Lee also discovered that Grow Asia was issued with
a business registration licence by the Dewan Bandaran Kota Kinabalu
(DBKK). It was registered under the name of one Wilton Sikin (Wilton).
The monies from these two accounts were subsequently transferred to
the Ambank account of Centrowest Trading and the Hong Leong Bank
account of Sun Construction. On the same day, i.e. 30.11.2018, the CIMB
accounts of Carousel Capital and Grow Asia were closed.
[8] The Centrowest Trading and Sun Construction trading licenses
issued by DBKK were registered in the name of Muhammad Jazrul bin
Abdul Aziz (Jazrul). In his section 112 Criminal Procedure Code (CPC)
statement, Wilton said that Jazrul wanted to use his name for the trading
licence of Grow Asia and promised him a “commission”. The apparent
reason for using Wilton’s name was to shield Jazrul’s employer from being
accountable for tax liabilities related to a road project awarded to his
company. Wilton further claimed he was not aware of any of the
transactions in the bank accounts in question as they were managed by
Jazrul, who even retained control of the ATM cards. Armed with this
information, Sarjan Zairey Lee proceeded to investigate Jazrul.
[9] In his section 112 CPC statement, Jazrul explained that towards
the end of 2015, Liew Ket Boh offered him a job and tasked him with
registering trading licences and opening bank accounts to avoid tax
liability. Jazrul said he convinced two individuals, namely, Anirah and
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Wilton to allow him to use their names for the said trading licenses and
bank accounts. Wilton’s name was used for Grow Asia’s account whereas
Anirah’s name was used for Carousel Capital’s name. However, Sarjan
Zairey Lee was unable to locate Anirah during the investigation.
[10] Jazrul said the registration of the trading licences was arranged by
Mariana binti Amat Alan under the instructions of Liew Ket Boh. Jazrul
admitted that the Ambank account of Centrowest Trading and the Hong
Leong Bank account of Sun Construction were registered under his name.
However, he said that all transactions on these accounts were controlled
by Liew Ket Boh. Jazrul’s involvement was limited to instances when he
visited the bank for cash withdrawals. On these occasions, the withdrawn
cash was later handed over to Liew Ket Boh and Kenny Liew. Jazrul also
admitted that he had requested Wilton to sign cheques for the purpose of
withdrawing cash from Grow Asia’s account in CIMB Bank. The cash was
subsequently handed over to Liew Ket Boh.
[11] Sarjan Zairey Lee also obtained a section 112 CPC statement from
Mariana, who had been working for Liew Ket Boh since 2016 with a
monthly salary of RM1,200. She corroborated Jazrul’s claim that Liew Ket
Boh instructed her to register a trading licence under his name and open
a bank account as well. She was later instructed by Liew Ket Boh to
transfer monies in accordance with a list of business entities and bank
accounts. Nine other employees were given the same task. However, she
was asked to cease performing that task in November of 2018.
[12] Sarjan Zairey Lee continued his investigation by taking a section
112 CPC statement from Kenny Liew, the second appellant herein. Kenny
Liew said that Liew Ket Boh, also known as Ryan, is his cousin. He denied
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being involved in Grow Asia’s business or the investment scheme in
question. However, he admitted to the following in his statement. In
November of 2018, Liew Ket Boh requested him to collect cash in the sum
of RM400,000 from Jazrul and deposit it into an account under his name
with CIMB bank. Kenny Liew carried out the said task for Liew Ket Boh.
[13] In his section 112 CPC statement, Liew Ket Boh denied any
involvement in collecting deposits from investors under the Grow Asia
scheme. He said that he was only running a construction business. He
also denied being in control of the accounts of Grow Asia or Carousel
[14] The prosecution also relied on the affidavit of ASP Nor Hazwani
binti Jasman to support the forfeiture application. She was the officer who
conducted the money laundering investigation under the AMLATFPUAA.
She accessed and studied all relevant documents including the
statements of the bank accounts of Carousell Capital and Grow Asia.
[15] She found that between July of 2018 and December of 2018,
monies were frequently deposited into these accounts. She also
examined the transactions between these bank accounts and the bank
accounts of Centrowest Trading and Sun Construction. The Ambank
account of Centrowest Trading was only opened on 12.10.2018. However,
soon after that, a total sum of RM8,162,532.82 was transferred from the
CIMB account of Carousell Capital and credited to the Ambank account
of Centrowest in a series of 45 transactions. Additionally, RM3,256,998.00
was transferred from the CIMB account of Grow Asia into the same
Ambank account in a series of 18 transactions.
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[16] ASP Hazwani also meticulously examined the Hong Leong Bank
account of Sun Construction in connection to the account of Carousell
Capital. The account was only opened on 8.10.2018. However,
RM3,456,359.00 was transferred from the account of Carousell Capital
and credited to the account of Sun Construction in a series of 18
transactions. Only RM18,066.32 remained in the account of Carousell
Capital. A sum of RM2,701,675.00 was also transferred from the bank
account of Grow Asia and credited to the same account in a series of 11
transactions. Only RM22,210.50 remained in the account of Grow Asia.
ASP Hazwani noted that most of the monies in the accounts of Centrowest
and Sun Construction were withdrawn through cash transactions.
[17] ASP Hazwani proceeded to investigate the bank accounts of Liew
Ket Boh and Kenny Liew. The MBB Account 51014365497 of Liew Ket
Boh was opened on 8.7.2015. She noted two transactions involving cash
between 25.10.2018 and 1.11.2018. A cash sum of RM40,000.00 and
RM240,000.00 was deposited into this account during the said period. The
customer service officer of the MBB Karamunsing branch in Kota Kinabalu
confirmed that Liew Ket Boh personally deposited RM240,000.000 in cash
into the said account on 1.11.2018. The balance at the time of seizure of
the account under section 50(1) of the AMLATFPUAA by the Public
Prosecutor was RM134,217.11.
[18] The CIMB bank Fixed Deposit Account 50044655333 of Liew Ket
Boh was opened on 24.10.2018 which was during the period that the
victims of the Grow Asia scheme were depositing monies into the bank
accounts registered in the name of Wilton and Anirah. RM200,000.00 was
transferred to this fixed deposit account on the same day from the CIMB
Current Account 8009653108 of Liew Ket Boh. On 1.11.2018,
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RM315,000.00 was transferred to the same fixed deposit account from
the CIMB Current Account 2589 of Liew Ket Boh. The remaining balance
in the CIMB bank Fixed Deposit Account 50044655333 when it was
seized under section 50(1) of the AMLATFPUAA was RM515,000.00.
[19] ASP Hazwani also investigated CIMB Current Accounts belonging
to Liew Ket Boh from which monies were transferred to his CIMB bank
fixed deposit account 50044655333. He discovered that a cash sum of
RM420,000.00 was deposited over the counter into CIMB Current
Account 80081222589 on 1.11.2018. The balance in that current account
prior to the said huge cash injection was only RM1,818.58. As stated
earlier, on the same day, a sum of RM315,000.00 was transferred from
that current account to Fixed Deposit Account 50044655333 CIMB bank.
At the date of the seizure of CIMB Current Account 80081222589, the
remaining balance was RM106,804.24.
[20] In respect of CIMB Current Account 8009653108, ASP Hazwani
noted that it was opened on 24.10.2018 with an over the counter cash
deposit of RM160,000.00. On the same date, RM91,000.00 was
transferred into this account from CIMB Current Account 8602170656
which also belonged to Liew Ket Boh. A sum of RM200,000.00 was then
transferred from CIMB Current Account 8009653108 to the CIMB Fixed
Deposit Account 5333 of Liew Ket Boh. At the date of seizure, the balance
in CIMB Current Account 8009653108 was RM51,068.09. The remaining
balance in CIMB Current Account 8009653108 that was seized was
[21] The explanation that Liew Ket Boh gave in his statement recorded
under section 32 of the AMLATFPUAA for above mentioned deposits in
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his bank accounts and the related cash transactions is that he received
the said monies in his capacity as a broker for real estate purchasers from
investors. However, he failed to refer to any specific sale and purchase
[22] ASP Hazwani also investigated the personal bank accounts of
Kenny Liew. It must be recalled that in his statement, Kenny Liew had only
admitted to collecting a cash sum of RM400,000.00 from Jazrul and
depositing it into Liew Ket Boh’s bank account. However, ASP Hazwani
found movement of large sums of money between various bank accounts
of Kenny Liew during the period the “investors” of the Grow Asia scheme
were duped.
[23] Kenny Liew had opened CIMB Current Account 8009657699 on
25.10.2018. A sum of RM329,147.00 was transferred to this account from
his CIMB Savings Account 7061229385. Thereafter, RM150,000.00 each
were transferred to his CIMB Fixed Deposit Account 5006962359 and
CIMB Fixed Deposit Account 5800744150. The balance remaining in the
above-mentioned accounts of Kenny Liew at the time of seizure under
50(1) of the AMLATFPUAA are as follows. In CIMB Fixed Deposit
Accounts 5006962359 and 5800744150 there was RM150,000.00 each.
In Current Account 8009657699 there was RM36,264.46 whereas in
CIMB Savings Account 7061229385 there was RM57,195.26.
Affidavit evidence of Liew Ket Boh and Kenny Liew
[24] In his affidavit to oppose the forfeiture application, Liew Ket Boh
denied any involvement in the Grow Asia investment scheme, as stated
in his section 32 AMLATFPUAA statement. He said he has no link to
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Centrowest Trading and Sun Construction and that he is not the registered
owner. He said that Jazrul had falsely accused him during police
investigation to escape prosecution. He also denied giving instructions to
Mariana to transfer funds to various accounts according to a list supplied
by him. He said that Sarjan Zairey Lee acted in bad faith by linking him to
the Grow Asia Scheme to cheat investors. He contended that the
RM400,000 that was deposited into his bank account was his commission
from a successful sale of a property. However, he did not exhibit any
supporting documents. He said that monies that were seized also
represented his earnings from positions he held in his family companies.
He said that the AMLATFPUAA investigation officer, i.e. ASP Hazwani
acted in bad faith during investigations.
[25] Kenny Liew also denied being involved in the Grow Asia
investment scheme. He had no interest in Centrowest Trading or Sun
Construction. He said that the transactions in his accounts were for the
purpose of his business and private matters. He said his family company
by the name of All Master Express Sdn Bhd was involved in marketing the
“Amelia” brand ice cream throughout Sabah. All the monies in his
accounts that were seized were derived from legitimate business and are
not derived from unlawful activity.
Decision of High Court
[26] The evidence collected by the predicate investigating officer
(Sarjan Zairey Lee) in the form of statements recorded under section 112
of the CPC from all the complainants and from Wilton, Jazrul, Mariana,
Liew Ket Boh and Kenny Liew was before the learned High Court Judge.
An objection was taken to the section 112 CPC statements by their
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counsel on the ground that it is not allowed by section 113 of the Criminal
Procedure Code. The High Court case of Public Prosecutor v CPO
Resources and Others [2019] 1 LNS 846 was cited in support. However,
the learned High Court Judge noted that the prosecution also adduced a
statement given by Sarjan Zairey Lee under section 32 of the
AMLATFPUAA. The contents of the section 112 CPC statements of the
witnesses that Sarjan Zairey Lee interviewed for the predicate offence
were repeated in that statement. In addition, as we stated earlier Sarjan
Zairey Lee also affirmed an affidavit in which he repeated the evidence he
gathered in the section 112 CPC statements.
[27] Based on the above evidence, the learned High Court Judge found
as follows. The unsuspecting investors made numerous deposits into the
bank accounts of two entities that held trading licences; Grow Asia and
Carousell Capital. Grow Asia was registered under the name of Wilton.
Subsequently, the monies were transferred to the bank accounts of
Centrowest and Sun Construction that also held trading licences
registered under the name of Jazrul. The monies of the depositors flowed
into these two accounts. Jazrul said that the two accounts were actually
controlled by Liew Ket Boh under whose instruction he acted. The learned
High Court Judge also noted that Kenny Liew admitted collecting a sum
of RM400,000.00 from Jazrul to be deposited into Liew Ket Boh’s bank
account. The learned High Court Judge was satisfied that Sarjan Zairey
Lee, the predicate offence investigating officer and ASP Hazwani, the
AMLATFPUAA investigating officer had carried out a careful investigation.
The learned High Court Judge made a finding on a balance of probabilities
that the monies seized in the accounts of the appellants, Centrowest and
Sun Construction are linked to an illegal investment scheme in which
investors were cheated.
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[28] The learned High Court Judge also gave careful consideration to
the explanations of Liew Ket Boh and Kenny Liew in their affidavits in
reply. Liew Ket Boh said that the huge sums of money that were seized in
his bank accounts represented his earnings and his real estate dealings.
The learned High Court Judge rejected the explanation as no details were
given to support the said assertion. He rejected a similar explanation from
Kenny Liew as well for the same reason.
[29] His Lordship directed himself that the prosecution need not prove
that the appellants committed the predicate offence under section 420 of
the Penal Code but only need to prove on a balance of probabilities that
the assets sought to be forfeited are derived from unlawful activity. As
there was a link between the monies that were seized in the accounts of
Liew Ket Boh and Kenny Liew and the investment scheme and their
explanation in respect of the source of the monies was not satisfactory,
the learned High Court Judge found that the prosecution had proved on a
balance of probabilities that the said monies are proceeds of unlawful
activity. Consequently, application was allowed and all the monies in
seized bank accounts were forfeited.
[30] Liew Ket Boh and Kenny Liew were represented by the same
counsel. He raised the following commons issues on behalf of both:
(1) That the Public Prosecutor failed to identify which transactions
are in respect of the proceeds of the predicate offence;
(2) That the Public Prosecutor had failed to prove that his clients
committed or abetted or participated in the commission of the
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predicate offence for two reasons. The first reason is that the
court cannot rely on the section 32 AMLATFPUAA statement
of Sarjan Zairey Lee. The second reason is that the High Court
allegedly relied on the section 112 CPC statements which are
hearsay and inadmissible evidence.
Identification of monies or transactions
[31] Counsel for appellants submitted that the respondent failed to
prove that the monies seized were derived from unlawful activity, i.e. the
predicate offence of cheating under section 420 of the Penal Code. He
cited the following passage from the judgment of the High Court and
criticised it on the ground that it was unclear which transactions in the
bank accounts were linked to the predicate offence. The passage is as
As for statements by ASP Hazwani in her Affidavit which was relied by the
applicant to support the application. It was obvious she has checked the
details and the transaction of the monies in the account and concluded that
the proceeds were from the predicate offence was deposited into various
account that are the subject matter of the present application.
[32] Counsel for the appellants then submitted that the respondent
failed to demonstrate the money trail between the predicate offence and
the bank accounts of the appellants. He also argued that the respondent
must point out the “exact transactions” on the bank statements of the
appellants that were derived from the proceeds of the predicate offence.
[33] We shall now address the issue whether there is a duty on the part
of the respondent to prove that the “exact transactions” on the bank
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statements of the appellants were the “exact” amounts of monies derived
from unlawful activity.
[34] In the instant case, the predicate offence was cheating under
section 420 of the Penal Code. The general public were lured into
investing in a fraudulent investment scheme with the promise of high
returns. While numerous investors participated in the scheme, only 29 of
them filed police reports. From the evidence that we summarized earlier,
the total sum of deposits made by the investors amounted to millions of
ringgit as evidenced by the bank statements Grow Asia and Carousel
[35] In a forfeiture application under section 56(1) of the AMLATFPUA,
the central question is whether, on a balance of probabilities, the
prosecution has proven that the balances in the bank accounts of the
appellants are the proceeds of unlawful activity. We find that the Public
Prosecutor had tendered cogent evidence to prove this fact. However, in
our opinion, it is not necessary to link the monies deposited into the bank
accounts of Grow Asia and Carousel Capital by investors to every single
transaction in the bank accounts of the appellants. This is what counsel
for the appellants suggested that should have been done by the Public
Prosecutor. He argued that the Public Prosecutor failed to prove that the
“exact transactions” on the bank accounts of the appellant were linked to
the unlawful activity.
[36] We find that the authority cited for the said proposition by counsel
for the appellants, i.e. the Court of Appeal case of Public Prosecutor v
Billion Nova & Ors [2016] 4 MLRA 226 is distinguishable on the facts.
Furthermore, we are of the view that the said authority does not impose
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an onerous duty on the Public Prosecutor to prove the direct relationship
of every transaction in a bank account to the unlawful activity in question.
[37] But before we consider the facts of the Billion Nova case and its
applicability to the instant case, for the sake of context, we shall briefly
discuss the forfeiture regime set out in the AMLATFPUAA in cases where
no prosecution is instituted by the Public Prosecutor as is the situation in
this case.
Forfeiture scheme under the AMLATFPUAA
[38] Under section 56(1) of the AMLATFPUAA, if there is no
prosecution, the respondent can apply for forfeiture of immovable or
movable properties on the ground that it had been obtained as a result of
or in connection with an offence under subsection 4(1) of the
AMLATFPUAA. Section 56 read as follows:
(1) Subject to section 61, where in respect of any property frozen or seized
under this Act there is no applicant or conviction for an offence under
subsection 4(1) or a terrorism financing offence, the Public Prosecutor
may, before the expiration of twelve months from the date of the freeze
or seizure, apply to a judge of the High Court for an order of forfeiture of
that property if he is satisfied that such property had been obtained as a
result of or in connection with an offence under subsection 4(1) or a
terrorism financing offence, as the case may be, or is terrorist property.
(2) The judge to whom an application is made under subsection (1) shall
make an order for the forfeiture of the property if he is satisfied--
(a) that the property is the subject-matter of or was used in the
commission of an offence under sub-section 4(1) or a terrorism
financing offence or is terrorist property; and
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(b) that there is no purchaser in good faith for valuable consideration
in respect of the property.
(3) Any property that has been seized and in respect of which no application
is made under subsection (1) shall, at the expiration of twelve months
from the date of its seizure, be released to the person from whom it was
(4) In determining whether or not the property has been obtained as a result
of or in connection with an offence under subsection 4(1) or a terrorism
financing offence or is terrorist property, the court shall apply the
standard of proof required in civil proceedings. (emphasis ours)
Section 4(1) (a) of the AMLATFPUAA, in part, reads as follows:
Any person who:
(a) engages in, or attempts to engage in; or
(b) abets the commission of,
money laundering, commits an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a
fine not exceeding RM5 million or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
five years or to both.
[39] In section 3(1), "money laundering" means the act of a person who:
(a) engages, directly or indirectly, in a transaction that involves proceeds of
any unlawful activity;
“Unlawful activity" is defined in section 3(1) as:
“any activity which is related, directly or indirectly, to any serious offence or
any foreign serious offence”.
As for "serious offence", in the same definition section, it means-
(a) any of the offences specified in the Second Schedule;
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In the Second Schedule, the offence of cheating under section 420
of the Penal Code is included as a serious offence.
[40] We must also point out that under section 56(1) of the
AMLATFPUAA, it is plain that there is no requirement on the part of the
respondent to obtain a conviction against the owner of the property or
anyone else for a money laundering offence or terrorism offence in order
to apply for forfeiture. A section 56(1) proceeding is against property and
not any individual. It is for this reason that section 61 of the AMLATFPUAA
contains a provision for bona fide third parties to come forward to stake
their claim to the seized property. In the instant case, no third parties came
forward. The appellants herein are owners of the seized bank accounts.
[41] The burden to prove that the monies in the bank accounts of the
appellants were derived from unlawful activity is on the Public Prosecutor
as the applicant. However, the standard of proof is the civil standard, i.e.
on a balance of probabilities as stated in section 56(4). Furthermore,
section 70 says that any question of fact in proceedings under the
AMLATFPUAA, apart from proceedings to prove an offence, shall be
decided on a balance of probabilities.
The Billion Nova case
[42] We shall turn to the Billion Nova case that was heavily relied upon
by counsel for the appellants to argue that the monies in the accounts
were not exactly identified as the monies that were derived from the
unlawful activity in question, i.e. the offence of cheating committed
through the fraudulent Grow Asia investment scheme.
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[43] The facts of the Billion Nova case are significantly different. There
was no individual victim of the predicate offence in that case. Thus, no
victim gave a section 112 CPC statement. It was the public purse that was
the alleged victim as the predicate offence that was investigated was
customs duty evasion under section 135(g) of the Customs Act 1967. It is
an offence listed in the Second Schedule of the AMLATFPUAA.
[44] Billion Nova Sdn Bhd was based in the Federal Territory of Labuan
which is a duty-free zone. It was allowed to sell duty-free cigarettes and
liquor only in Labuan. The accusation against Billion Nova Sdn Bhd was
that it sold dutiable items outside of Labuan, namely Miri and Kota
Kinabalu without payment of export duty. However, the investigation was
not based on evidence of smuggled goods on which customs duty was
not paid. Goods on which duty were not paid were not seized from Billion
Nova Sdn Bhd while in transit out of Labuan. The investigation was based
on purely on documentary evidence. The evidence uncovered during the
investigation was that 82 cash deposits were made into 24 bank accounts
of Billion Nova Sdn Bhd in Labuan from Miri and Kota Kinabalu. The
investigating officer could not find a corresponding book keeping entry
evidencing sale of goods in relation to the 82 cash deposits in the standard
ledger book of Billion Nova. The Court of Appeal held that even if the 82
deposits were stated as cash sales for cigarettes in the standard ledger,
it would be insufficient to conclude that an offence under section 135(g)
of the Customs Act 1967 had been committed without evidence of a sale
transaction in both locations, in Miri and Kota Kinabalu. The Court of
Appeal also observed that there was no evidence of transportation of the
cigarettes to Miri and Kota Kinabalu and that nothing in the law prohibits
payment to be made for goods purchased in Labuan from Miri or Kota
Kinabalu. Thus, the case for the existence of the predicate offence wholly
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hinged on the evidence that payments were made from outside a duty-
free zone to a supplier who is based within a duty-free zone. Both the High
Court and Court of Appeal found that this was not sufficient.
[45] However, counsel for the appellants in the instant case cited the
above-mentioned case to argue that the AMLATFPUAA investigating
officer never pointed out the “exact transactions on the bank statements
of the first appellant’s accounts allegedly derived from the proceeds of the
predicate offence”. In support, he cited paragraph [30] of the judgment in
the Billion Nova case which reads as follows:
Thus, save for their mere averment in the affidavits on the 82 cash deposits
amounting to RM2,675,090, the appellant failed to prove that the remaining
cash deposits were actually in respect of the cash sales of duty free cigarettes.
The entries in the Labuan account merely indicate payments from Miri and
Kota Kinabalu. Standing on its own, these entries in the Labuan account,
without proof of corresponding entries in the standard ledger book, do not
show that the cash deposits were indeed in respect of the cash sales for
cigarettes. We are in no position to identify which entries in these documentary
exhibits are in respect of the 82 cash deposits stated in the second affidavit
save for the 16 cash deposits earlier-mentioned. It would not be sufficient for
the appellant to persuade the court to accept these sums with the argument
urged on its behalf that we should draw a conclusion that these were cash
deposits in respect of cash sales of duty free cigarettes outside Labuan when
there was a serious and glaring omission on their part to show the court these
relevant entries. In any event, even assuming that all the 82 cash deposits
were stated as cash sales for cigarettes in the standard ledger book, this is
still insufficient to prove that the cigarettes were sold in Miri and Kota Kinabalu
in the absence of any evidence of such sale transactions in both locations. If
there is no such evidence, then surely the appellant could not expect the court
to hazard a guess that these sums were in fact the proceeds of the
respondents’ unlawful activity for this in our view would tantamount to sheer
speculation. (emphasis ours)
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[46] In our view, the above-mentioned passage does not support the
argument canvassed by counsel for the appellants. As we said earlier, in
the Billion Nova case, the entire case for the existence of the predicate
offence was based on the 82 cash deposits made from outside of Labuan
into the accounts of the company. There was no other evidence of the
predicate offence. This is the reason that the Court of Appeal said that
“mere averment in the affidavits on the 82 cash deposits” is not enough.
For the same reason, the Court of Appeal also said that “standing on its
own”, the entries in the bank accounts without proof of corresponding
entries in the standard ledger book cannot show that the deposits were in
respect of cash sales of cigarettes. Thus, no evidence of the predicate
offence was presented.
[47] However, in the instant case, there is evidence that a cheating
offence had been committed. This is the predicate offence. Twenty-nine
victims lodged police reports and gave section 112 CPC statements
saying that they had been cheated in the Grow Asia investment scheme
and that they had lost their investment. Whether they had been cheated
or not is question of fact. Under section 70 of the AMLATFPUAA, such a
question of fact can be decided on a balance of probabilities. The High
Court decided that they had been cheated. It is immaterial that the
appellants or other individuals were not convicted of the offence of
cheating as that is not a pre-condition under section 56(1) of the
[48] Similarly, as we said earlier, there is no requirement to obtain a
conviction for a money laundering offence under section 4(1) of the
AMLATFPUAA against any individual before instituting forfeiture
proceedings. Under the broad definition of money laundering, any
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engagement directly or indirectly with proceeds of unlawful activity would
be sufficient. And for the purpose of forfeiture proceedings, the standard
of proof is the civil standard namely, balance of probabilities. Thus, the
flow of the victims’ monies into any bank account is sufficient to prove the
existence of the offence of money laundering on a balance of probabilities
even though no individual was charged or convicted. This fact was clearly
proven by the Public Prosecutor as found by the High Court.
[49] We are of the view that the argument of counsel for the appellants
that all the “exact transactions” on the bank accounts must be linked to
the unlawful activity is not envisaged in the AMLATFPUAA.
[50] “Proceeds of unlawful activity” is defined in section 3(1) as any
property, any economic advantage or economic gain from such property,
within or outside Malaysia –
(a) which is wholly or partly-
(i) derived or obtained, directly or indirectly, by any person from any
unlawful activity;
(ii) derived or obtained from a disposal or other dealings with the
property referred to in subparagraph (i); or
(iii) acquired using the property derived or obtained by any person
through any disposal or other dealings referred to in
subparagraph (i) or (ii); or
(b) which, wholly or partly, due to any circumstances such as its nature,
value, location or place of discovery, or to the time, manner or place of
its acquisition, or the person from whom it was acquired, or its proximity
to other property referred to in subparagraph (a)(i), (ii) or (iii), can be
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reasonably believed to be property falling within the scope of
subparagraph (a)(i), (ii) or (iii); (emphasis ours)
[51] A careful reading of paragraph (b) would support the proposition
that any property found together with property derived from unlawful
property as defined in paragraph (a) can also be “reasonably” considered
as proceeds of unlawful property if certain conditions are present.
[52] In the instant case, the Public Prosecutor has successfully
established the offence of cheating based on the statements of the victims
involved in the Grow Asia’s investment scheme. The appellants have also
been implicated on the scheme for the following reason. The monies of
the victim were deposited into accounts under the names of Wilton and
Anirah, with Jazrul instructing the opening of these accounts. He retained
the ATM cards for these accounts, withdrew cash using cheques and
subsequently handed over the withdrawn cash to Liew Ket Boh and Kenny
Liew. Jazrul was employed by Liew Ket Boh who also gave instructions to
Mariana and other employees in his company about the transfer of
monies. For this purpose, a list of business entities and bank accounts
was given to his employees. Thus, the large sums of monies in the seized
accounts of Liew Ket Boh and Kenny Liew are clearly, as found by the
High Court on a balance of probabilities, linked to the predicate offence.
[53] Since the seized properties in question are liquid assets, it
becomes a formidable challenge for enforcement authorities to prove the
direct correlation of every single cash deposit or transaction in a seized
bank account with the unlawful activity. However, in our view, the broad
definition of “proceeds of unlawful activity” should come to the aid of the
Public Prosecutor. Drawing an analogy, if the property in question is an
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immovable asset purchased using partly proceeds of unlawful activity and
partly other legitimate funds, the entire property would be caught by the
said broad definition. Any other interpretation would jeopardize the
objective of the AMLATFPUAA, which is aimed at depriving serious crime
offenders of their ill-gotten gains.
[54] For the above reasons, we find no merit in the first issue raised on
behalf of both appellants.
Admissibility of section 112 CPC statements
[55] The second issue argued by counsel for the appellant is that all the
section 112 CPC statements, in particular the statement of Wilton and
Jazrul, that was recorded by the predicate offence investigating officer
cannot used in a section 56(1) application. This argument was accepted
by the learned High Court Judge. However, His Lordship relied on the
statement of the predicate offence investigating officer that was recorded
under section 32 of the AMLATFPUAA. Counsel for the appellant
submitted the section 32 AMLATFPUAA statement is based on
information derived from the section 112 CPC statements of Wilton and
Jazrul. Therefore, according to counsel, the section 32 statement of the
predicate offence investigating officer that was recorded by the
AMLATFPUAA investigating officer cannot be relied upon. It follows that
there is no evidence of the involvement of the appellants in the Grow Asia
[56] We shall first consider the argument that section 112 CPC
statements cannot be used in a proceeding under section 56(1) of the
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AMLATFPUAA. The argument is based on section 113 of the CPC.
Section 113 reads as follows:
(1) Except as provided in this section, no statement made by any person to
a police officer in the course of a police investigation made under this
Chapter shall be used in evidence.
(2) When any witness is called for the prosecution or for the defence, other
than the accused, the court shall, on the request of the accused or the
prosecutor, refer to any statement made by that witness to a police officer
in the course of a police investigation under this Chapter and may then,
if the court thinks fit in the interest of justice, direct the accused to be
furnished with a copy of it and the statement may be used to impeach
the credit of the witness in the manner provided by the Evidence Act
1950 [Act 56].
(3) Where the accused had made a statement during the course of a police
investigation, such statement may be admitted in evidence in support of
his defence during the course of the trial.
(4) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to apply to any statement made
in the course of an identification parade or falling within section 27 or
paragraphs 32(1)(a), (i) and (j) of the Evidence Act 1950.
(5) When any person is charged with any offence in relation to-
(a) the making; or
(b) the contents,
of any statement made by him to a police officer in the course of a police
investigation made under this Chapter, that statement may be used as
evidence in the prosecution's case. (emphasis ours)
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[57] On the other hand, the learned Deputy Prosecutor argued that the
section 112 CPC statements are admissible under section 71 of the
AMLATFPUAA. Section 71 reads as follows:
Where the Public Prosecutor or any enforcement agency has obtained any
document or other evidence in exercise of his powers under this Act or by
virtue of this Act, such document or copy of the document or other evidence,
as the case may be, shall be admissible in evidence in any proceedings under
this Act, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any written law. (emphasis
[58] The same issue arose in the High Court case of Public Prosecutor
v CPO Resources and Others (supra). In that case, the learned High Court
Judge disallowed the section 112 CPC statements. His Lordship’s
reasons are found in the following passages of the judgment:
[57] It is clear from a reading of section 113 that a statement taken
under section 112 can be used to impeach the credibility of a witness other
than an accused person. However, an accused himself may utilize his
statement in support of his defence.
[58] The intent of section 113 is thus obvious. To hold otherwise as
contended by the Applicant would be to render admissible through the back
door what has been prohibited through the front door.
[59] Further, if the statement made the accused under section 112 of the
CPC is allowed to be used under the AMLA, it would be manifestly unfair if
such statement was made under threat, inducement or promise and thus
involuntary as there does not exist any mechanism for determining the
voluntariness or otherwise of the statement in the AMLA proceedings.
[60] I therefore find that the phrase "evidence" in section 68(2) of AMLA does
not include a statement taken under section 112 of the CPC. I also find that
the phrase "under this Act or by virtue of this Act" in section 71 of AMLA is
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confined to that Act alone i.e. AMLA and does not extend to cover the
provisions of the CPC.
[61] The Applicant therefore cannot rely upon the statements of the
Respondents taken pursuant to section 112 of the CPC in order to prove the
[59] The learned High Court Judge in the instant case followed the
above-mentioned authority and did not consider the section 112 CPC
statements. However, his Lordship considered the section 32
AMLATFPUAA statement and the affidavit of the predicate offence
investigating officer in which he repeated the contents of the section 112
CPC statements that he recorded.
[60] In our respectful view, the section 112 CPC statements of Jazrul,
Wilton and Mariana can be used in a section 56 proceedings for the
following reasons. The references in section 113 are all associated with a
criminal trial such as “accused”, “witness”, “impeachment proceedings”
and “identification parade”. Thus, a holistic reading of all the limbs of
section 113 of the CPC points to the conclusion that a section 112 CPC
statement is barred from being used by the prosecution in a criminal trial
only. It bears repeating that a section 56(1) proceeding under the
AMLATFPUAA is not a trial against any accused person. It is a quasi-
criminal proceeding against proceeds derived from unlawful activity only.
[61] Furthermore, section 71 of the AMLATFPUAA is drafted widely and
contains the words “notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any written
law. It allows any “document” or “evidence” obtained by the Public
Prosecutor or enforcement agency to be used in a section 56(1)
proceeding. In the instant case, the AMLATFPUAA investigating officer
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using her powers under the said Act, accessed all the relevant documents
and evidence including that obtained by the predicate offence
investigating officer as stated in her affidavit. The information collected by
the predicate investigating officer through the section 112 CPC
statements of Jazrul and Wilton were repeated in his section 32
AMLATFPUAA statement. In the premises, in our view, the information
contained in the section 112 CPC statements recorded by the predicate
offence investigating officer clearly fall within the ambit of section 71 of the
[62] In addition, given that the AMLATFPUAA is a special law governing
matters connected with the offence of money laundering and forfeiture
proceedings, the general provision of section 113 of the CPC should yield
to section 71 of the former. In any event, section 71 is only concerned with
admissibility of documents and evidence. As to the weight to be attached
to such documents and evidence, it entirely up to the first instance court
to consider the credibility and reliability of them. Therefore, we find no
error on the part of the learned High Court Judge when His Lordship
considered the section 32 AMLATFPUAA statement and affidavit of the
predicate offence investigating officer that repeated the contents of the
impugned section 112 CPC statements.
[63] We are also fortified in reaching this conclusion by the decision in
the Federal Court case of Public Prosecutor v Awalluddin Sham Bokhari
[2018] 1 CLJ 305. The Federal Court considered section 40 of the
AMLATFPUAA which reads as follows:
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40. Statement to be Admissible
The record of an examination under paragraph 32(2)(a), any property,
document or information produced under paragraph 32(2)(b) or any statement
under paragraph 32(2)(c) shall, notwithstanding any written law or rule of law
to the contrary, be admissible as evidence in any proceedings in any court for,
or in relation to, an offence or any other matter under this Act or any offence
under any other written law, regardless whether such proceedings are against
the person who was examined, or who produced the property, document or
information, or who made the written statement on oath or affirmation, or
against any other person.
[64] The Federal Court held that any statement of police officers under
section 32(2) is not hearsay by virtue of section 40 as it was acquired in
the course of investigation. The relevant passage is as follows:
[33] Any property, record, report or document obtained by the investigation
officer pursuant to s. 32(2) of the Act are, by virtue of s. 40 of the Act,
admissible as evidence in any proceedings in any court for or in relation to an
offence or any other matter under the Act or any offence under any other
written law. The Court of Appeal was clearly in error in holding that para. 32
of the investigation officer’s affidavit was “purely hearsay”. It also erred in
ruling that the learned trial judge committed an error in relying “on an affidavit
which is not worth the paper it is written on”. What had been deposed by these
two senior police officers in their affidavits, which were based on their personal
knowledge acquired in the course of investigation under s. 32 of the Act, could
not be said as purely hearsay.
[65] For the same reasons, we are of the view that the information
contained in the statement of the predicate offence investigating officer
(Sarjan Zairey Lee) recorded under section 32(2) of the AMLATFPUAA
by ASP Nor Hazwani that was considered by the High Court is not hearsay
as argued by the counsel for the appellants.
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[66] For all the above reasons, we find no merit in the two issues raised
by counsel for the appellants. We also find that the learned High Court
Judge finding that the balances in the seized bank accounts of the two
appellants are proceeds of unlawful activity does not warrant appellate
interference for reasons that we adverted to earlier. We shall therefore
dismiss the appeals of both the first and second appellants.
Court of Appeal Malaysia
Dated: 24th January 2024
Parties Appearing:
For the Appellants:
Goldam bin Hamid
[Messrs Liau Kee Siong & Co]
For the Respondent:
Zaki Asyraf bin Zubir
Deputy Public Prosecutor
Attorney General’s Chamber
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| 53,127 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-24C-112-07/2023 | PEMOHON GAMMERLITE SDN BHD RESPONDEN JAMBATAN KEDUA SDN BHD | there is an adjudication decision that has been rendered in the applicant's favor; - there has been non-payment of the adjudicated sum by the date specified in the adjudication decision; - there is no prohibition to the grant of the order that is sought in that the adjudication decision has not been set aside or stayed; there is no written settlement of the subject matter between the parties, or there is no final decision rendered on the payment claim, whether made in arbitration or by a court of law | 26/01/2024 | YA Dato' Hajah Aliza binti Sulaiman | |
(Company No.: 824573-U) ... PLAINTIFF
(Company No.: 180947-D) ... DEFENDANT
(Company No.: 180947-D) ... PLAINTIFF
(Company No.: 824573-U) ... DEFENDANT
26/01/2024 12:53:12
WA-24C-112-07/2023 Kand. 26
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[1] These suits involve the following applications:
(a) the application by Jambatan Kedua Sdn Bhd (‘JKSB’) pursuant
to s 16 of the Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication
Act 2012 [Act 746] (‘CIPAA’) in Originating Summons No. WA-
24C-87-05/2023 (‘O.S. No. 87’) to stay the Adjudication Decision
dated 28.4.2023 (‘AD’) by the learned Adjudicator, Mr. Ho June
Khai (‘Adjudicator’) pending the final determination by way of
arbitration (‘Stay Application’); and
(b) the application by Gammerlite Sdn Bhd (‘Gammerlite’) pursuant
to sub-s 28(1) CIPAA in O.S. No. WA-24C-112-07/2023 (‘O.S.
No. 112’) to enforce the AD as corrected on 15.5.2023
(‘Enforcement Application’).
[2] The parties agreed for the Stay Application and the Enforcement
Application to be heard together. After having considered the affidavit
evidence and the oral and written submissions of the parties, I had, on
27.9.2023, allowed the Enforcement Application and also the Stay
Application in the alternative prayer i.e. for a conditional stay whereby
the sum of RM8,137,527.93 is to be placed in a stakeholder and
interest bearing account held by Gammerlite’s solicitors, within 30 days
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from the date that the Order is sealed, until final determination of the
disputes between the parties by arbitration.
[3] JKSB is aggrieved with my decision in allowing the Enforcement
Application whilst Gammerlite is dissatisfied with my decision in
allowing the alternative prayer in the Stay Application. I now provide
my full grounds of judgment for the purpose of the parties’ appeals.
The Cause Papers
[4] The cause papers in each application are as follows:
The Stay Application:
(a) JKSB’s O.S. dated 29.5.2023 (encl. 1);
(b) JKSB’s Affidavit In Support (‘AIS’) affirmed by its Chief Executive
Officer, Faisal Bin Shahbudin on 29.5.2023 (encls. 2 - 5);
(c) Gammerlite’s Affidavit In Reply (‘AIR’) affirmed by its Project
Director, Wan Razali Bin Wan Muda on 16.6.2023 (encl. 8); and
(d) JKSB’s AIR affirmed by the same deponent on 28.6.2023 (encl.
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The Enforcement Application:
(a) Gammerlite’s O.S. dated 14.7.2023 (encl. 1);
(b) Gammerlite’s AIS affirmed by the same deponent on 14.7.2023
(encl. 2);
(c) JKSB’s AIR affirmed by the same deponent on 9.8.2023 (encl.
(d) Gammerlite’s Supplemental Affidavit affirmed by the same
deponent on 18.8.2023 (encl. 7); and
(e) Gammerlite’s AIR affirmed by the same deponent on 21.8.2023
(encl. 8).
Background Facts
[5] JKSB is wholly owned by the Minister of Finance Incorporated and has
a registered address at 7th Floor, Bangunan Setia 1, 15 Lorong
Dungun, Bukit Damansara, 50490 Kuala Lumpur and a business
address at the 4th Floor of the same building. JKSB’s nature of
business is constructing, developing and operating Jambatan Sultan
Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah or the Second Penang Bridge (‘Bridge’).
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[6] Gammerlite has its business and registered address at Shoplot 117,
1st Floor, Taman Jindo, Jalan Kolam, 88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Its
business is the undertaking of contract and maintenance works.
[7] JKSB is the concessionaire responsible for the design, construction,
management, operation and maintenance of the Bridge.
[8] By the Letter of Acceptance of Tender dated 12.1.2015 (‘LoA’), JKSB
appointed Gammerlite as the contractor for the Integrated Asset
Management System for the Bridge (‘Works’) for the sum of
RM133,168,000.00, which was later revised to RM134,280,728.15.
[9] Other than the LoA, the parties executed, amongst others, the
Standard Form of Design and Build Contract PWD Form DB (Rev.
1/2010) and its addendum (‘Contract’).
[10] The Works were divided into the Development Stage and the
Implementation Stage.
[11] The date for possession of the site was 19.1.2015. The original
contract period was seven years with the date for completion for the
whole of the Works was 18.1.2022. This was later extended to
[12] The original date for completion for the Development Stage was
18.1.2016 and this was also extended to 28.2.2017.
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[13] According to Gammerlite, other than granting the extension of time
(‘EoT’) until 28.2.2017, JKSB also certified that the actual percentage
of work progress for the Development Stage as of 11.1.2017 is
[14] On 28.3.2017, JKSB issued a Certificate of Practical Completion
(‘CPC’) subject to, among others, the completion of the minor
outstanding works as listed under Appendix 1, and certified that the
Development Stage was satisfactorily completed on 28.2.2017 and
taken for implementation on 1.3.2017.
[15] The whole of the outstanding works as listed in Appendix 1 was to be
completed on or before 30.4.2017, however, JKSB alleged that
Gammerlite failed to do so.
[16] In respect of the whole of the Works, Gammerlite requested for EoT to
complete the same, but this was rejected by the Project Director. A
Certificate of Non-Completion was issued on 9.3.2022 (‘CNC’).
[17] Gammerlite then served a Payment Claim dated 7.6.2022 on JKSB
pursuant to sub-s 5(1) CIPAA for the unpaid sums of RM16,387,889.60
[without Liquidated Ascertained Damages (‘LAD’)] or
RM19,044,272.00 (with LAD) as per Progress Claim No. 75.
[18] On 22.6.2022, JKSB served its Payment Response on Gammerlite
disputing the entire claim.
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[19] This was followed with the service of the Adjudication Claim dated
16.12.2022. In essence, Gammerlite claimed for the sum of
RM3,655,033.26 as outstanding payment for certified work and
RM17,457,032.71 for uncertified work.
[20] In JKSB’s Adjudication Response dated 17.1.2023, it sought for,
among others, Gammerlite’s claim to be dismissed with costs.
[21] Ultimately the Adjudicator determined that:
246. …
1) The Respondent shall pay to the Claimant the
sum of RM7,881,924.96. This is hereby recorded
as the Adjudicated Sum.
2) The Respondent shall bear the full Adjudication
Cost and pay the Claimant the amount of
3) The Adjudicated Sum together with the
Adjudication Cost shall be paid by the
Respondent to the Claimant within thirty (30)
calendar days from the date of this adjudication
decision, ie. on or before 28th May 2023. This date
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shall be called the Due Date for payment of the
Adjudicated Sum and Adjudication Cost.
4) The Respondent shall pay to the Claimant simple
interest at a rate of 5% per annum from the Due
Date for payment until full payment of the
Adjudicated Sum and Adjudication Cost.”.
[22] Meanwhile, JKSB issued a notice to Gammerlite on 22.3.2023 to
remedy the alleged events of defaults/ breaches and this was followed
with a notice to terminate the Contract dated 11.4.2023.
[23] On 25.5.2023, JKSB commenced arbitration proceedings against
[24] JKSB initially raised the issue of non-compliance with O. 69A, r. 5(3)
of the Rules of Court 2012 as Gammerlite did not exhibit the original or
a certified true copy of the AD in exhibit “WR-4A” in the AIS (encl. 2).
[25] However, on the hearing date, Ms. Victoria Loi informed that JKSB will
not be pursuing that ground as Gammerlite had filed a Supplementary
Affidavit exhibiting a certified true copy of the AD (see exhibit “WR-7”,
encl. 7).
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[26] The provision on the enforcement of an adjudication decision as a
judgment is provided in s 28 of the CIPAA which states that:
“Enforcement of adjudication decision as judgment
28. (1) A party may enforce an adjudication decision by
applying to the High Court for an order to enforce the
adjudication decision as if it is a judgment or order of the High
(2) The High Court may make an order in respect of the
adjudication decision either wholly or partly and may make an
order in respect of interest on the adjudicated amount
(3) The order made under subsection (2) may be
executed in accordance with the rules on execution of the
orders or judgment of the High Court.”.
[27] In the AIR, JKSB averred that there is no failure to pay on its part as
alleged by Gammerlite and the AD should not be enforced because,
whilst the Adjudicator decided that Gammerlite is entitled to the sum of
RM8,137,527.96 under the AD (‘Adjudicated Sum’), the Adjudicator
had also found that the CNC is valid and JKSB is contractually entitled
to impose LAD on Gammerlite. The Adjudicator had accordingly
imposed LAD on Gammerlite in the sum of RM1,258,443.00 calculated
from 9.3.2022 until 4.4.2022.
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[28] Pursuant to Clause 45.2 of the Conditions of Contract (‘CoC’), JKSB
asserted that it is entitled to impose LAD until the date of issuance of
the CPC or the date of termination of the Contract on 11.4.2023. Thus,
to JKSB, in addition to the LAD in the sum of RM1,258,443.00, it is
entitled to further LAD calculated from 5.4.2022 until 11.4.2023
amounting to RM17,338,548.00 (RM46,609.00 x 372 days).
[29] JKSB submitted that the LAD has since accumulated to a sum that far
exceeds the Adjudicated Sum and hence, the Adjudicated Sum is
completely extinguished. JKSB is also entitled, pursuant to Clause
45.2 CoC, to recover the sum of RM17,338,548.00 as a debt due from
Gammerlite and JKSB therefore has the right to set off the same
against the Adjudicated Sum. Basically, it is Gammerlite that owes
JKSB the sum of RM9,201,020.04 (RM17,33 8,548.00 -
[30] JKSB additionally averred that the subject matter of the adjudication
that culminated in the AD is pending final determination in the
arbitration which was commenced by JSB vide the Notice of Arbitration
dated 25.5.2023. In paragraph 16 of the AIR, JKSB provided a
summary comparison of the issues in the adjudication and arbitration
proceedings as shown below:
Adjudication Arbitration
(a) Works purportedly carried
out by the Plaintiff and the
valuation of such works as
(a) Works purportedly carried out
by the Plaintiff and the
valuation of such Works as at
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at 22.3.2022 (i.e., the date of
valuation in IPC No. 75);
(b) Imposition of LAD by the
Defendant on the Plaintiff
(until 4.4.2022);
(c) Validity of the CNC issued
by the P.D. in respect of the
whole of the works; and
(d) Plaintiff’s failure to fulfil its
contractual obligations,
including failure to complete
the Works.
11.4.2023 (i.e., date of
termination of the contract);
(b) Imposition of LAD by the
Defendant on the Plaintiff
(until termination of the
contract on 11.4.2023);
(c) Validity of the CNC issued by
the P.D. in respect of the
whole of the works;
(d) Validity of the CPC issued by
the P.D. in respect of the
Development Stage;
(e) Plaintiff’s failure to fulfil its
contractual obligations,
including failure to complete
the Works; and
(f) Validity of the termination of
the contract by the
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[31] Section 13 of the CIPAA provides the effect of an adjudication decision
in these terms:
“13. The adjudication decision is binding unless –
(a) it is set aside by the High Court on any of the
grounds referred to in section 15;
(b) the subject matter of the decision is settled by a
written agreement between the parties; or
(c) the dispute is finally decided by arbitration or the
[32] It is indisputable that JKSB did not file an application pursuant to s 15
CIPAA to set aside the AD. The subject matter of the AD has not been
settled by a written agreement between JKSB and Gammerlite and the
dispute has also not been finally decided by arbitration or the court.
[33] Section 28 CIPAA confers a discretion on the High Court which must
be exercised judiciously, having regard to the underlying facts and the
applicable principles under the CIPAA. This discretionary power does
not extend to requiring the applicant to show that there are no grounds
for setting aside the adjudication decision under s 15 CIPAA. All that
the applicant needs to do is to satisfy the court that –
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(a) there is an adjudication decision that has been rendered in the
applicant’s favor;
(b) there has been non-payment of the adjudicated sum by the date
specified in the adjudication decision; and
(c) there is no prohibition to the grant of the order that is sought in
that the adjudication decision has not been set aside or stayed;
there is no written settlement of the subject matter between the
parties, or there is no final decision rendered on the payment
claim, whether made in arbitration or by a court of law
[see Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd v. Puteri Nusantara Sdn Bhd [2019] 2 MLJ 362
(CA) at paragraphs 24 - 26, pp 370 and 371].
[34] As all requirements laid down in Inai Kiara have been satisfied, I was
persuaded to allow the Enforcement Application in keeping with the
overarching purpose of statutory adjudication which is to facilitate
speedy cash flow in the construction industry and the “pay now, argue
later” dispute resolution process (see among others, Inai Kiara (supra,
at paragraph 28, p 371), Martego Sdn Bhd v Arkitek Meor & Chew Sdn
Bhd and another appeal [2020] 6 MLJ 224 (FC) at paragraphs 46 - 55,
pp 242 - 246 and ASM Development (KL) Sdn Bhd v Econpile (M) Sdn
Bhd and other appeals [2022] 6 MLJ 392 (CA) at paragraph 40, p 406).
[35] A dispute in respect of “payment” under a “construction contract” as
defined in s 4 of the CIPAA, may, of course, be referred concurrently
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to adjudication, arbitration or the court (see sub-s 37(1) CIPAA). In the
circumstances of this case, I was not swayed by JKSB’s arguments
regarding its entitlement to LAD which is said to extinguish the
Adjudicated Sum or gives it a right to set off, and is pending final
determination in the arbitration proceedings, as a reason to justify
dismissing the Enforcement Application.
[36] Among the grounds raised by JKSB in defending the Enforcement
Application is that there are serious doubts as to Gammerlite’s ability to
repay the Adjudicated Sum. These same grounds can be found in the
Stay Application which will be discussed next.
[37] The Stay Application was made pursuant to s 16 of the CIPAA which
reads as follows:
“Stay of adjudication decision
16. (1) A party may apply to the High Court for a stay of an
adjudication decision in the following circumstances:
(a) an application to set aside the adjudication
decision under section 15 has been made; or
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(b) the subject matter of the adjudication decision is
pending final determination by arbitration or the
(2) The High Court may grant a stay of the adjudication
decision or order the adjudicated amount or part of it to be
deposited with the Director of the KLRCA or make any other
order as it thinks fit.”.
[38] There is no doubt that JKSB has met the threshold requirement to
apply for a stay of the AD as the subject matter of the AD is pending
final determination by arbitration. However, this does not automatically
result in the granting of a stay (see Subang Skypark Sdn Bhd v
Arcradius Sdn Bhd [2015] 11 MLJ 818 (HC) and Pasukhas Sdn Bhd v
Empire Multiple Sdn Bhd and another appeal [2019] MLJU 1393 (HC)
which were referred by the Court of Appeal in ASM Development (KL)
Sdn Bhd v Econpile (M) Sdn Bhd and other appeals (supra) at pp 404
and 405; see too PWC Corp Sdn Bhd v Ireka Engineering &
Construction Sdn Bhd and another appeal [2018] MLJU 152 (HC),
Ireka Engineering and Construction Sdn Bhd v PWC Corp Sdn Bhd
and another appeal [2019] MLJU 35 (CA) and the decisions of this
Court in Puncak Niaga Construction Sdn Bhd v Mersing Construction
& Engineering Sdn Bhd (and 2 Other Originating Summonses) [2022]
1 AMR 249 at paragraph 69, pp 286 - 287 (affirmed by the Court of
Appeal on 8.8.2022, see [2022] MLJU 2107) and JEKS Engineering
Sdn Bhd v PALI PTP Sdn Bhd and another case [2022] 9 MLJ 541 at
paragraph 124, p 588).
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[39] The test as to whether a stay of the AD is to be allowed was laid down
by the Federal Court in View Esteem Sdn Bhd v Bina Puri Holdings
Bhd [2018] 2 MLJ 22 namely, the applicant must establish that there
are clear errors in the AD, or that it is in the interest of justice for the
enforcement of the AD to be stayed. The correct approach under s 16
of the CIPAA would be to evaluate the individual case on its merits
where the financial capacity of the unpaid party to repay the
adjudicated sum could be a factor but is not the only factor to be
considered (see paragraphs 79 and 82 of the judgment at pp 47, 48
and 49).
[40] JKSB averred in paragraph 40 of the AIS that it is in the interest of
justice that the enforcement of the AD be stayed as –
(a) the sum of RM8,137,527.96 which was awarded to Gammerlite
pursuant to the AD had been extinguished completely owing to
the accrued LAD and it is Gammerlite that owes JKSB a sum of
RM9,201,020.04 (see paragraphs 41 - 47 of the AIS);
(b) the subject-matter of the adjudication forms part of the subject-
matter in the arbitration pursuant to the arbitration agreement
between the parties and is pending final determination, in
particular, Gammerlite’s entitlement to the sum of
RM8,137,527.96 is subject to the issue of LAD for the
Development Stage and JKSB’s claim for reimbursements being
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finally decided in the arbitration (see paragraphs 49 - 59 of the
AIS); and
(c) there is a real possibility that Gammerlite is unable to repay the
Adjudicated Sum to JKSB in the event that the outcome of the
arbitration is in JKSB’s favour (see paragraphs 61 - 70 of the
[41] There are several cases which have discussed how the tests of clear
and unequivocal errors and justice of the case are to be applied in the
exercise of the discretion of the court whether to grant a stay or
otherwise (see EA Technique (M) Sdn Bhd v. Malaysia Marine And
Heavy Engineering Sdn Bhd [2021] 1 AMR 594, Maju Holdings Sdn
Bhd v. Spring Energy Sdn Bhd [2020] 1 LNS 1194, Pinnacle Supreme
Sdn Bhd v. DSG Projects Malaysia Sdn Bhd [2021] 1 LNS 852, Sun
Plaza Development Sdn Bhd v. Hejingkang Sdn Bhd [2021] 1 LNS 629
and CRCC Malaysia Bhd v M101 Entity Sdn Bhd and other cases
[2021] MLJU 1305).
[42] The determination as to what is right and fair so as to meet the justice
of the individual case must necessarily be dependent on the factual
matrix in each case. Justice of the case involves the exercise of
discretion; whether the conscience of the court is pricked in the special
circumstances of the case such that it is minded in granting the stay.
Considerations of justice of the individual case to justify the stay of an
adjudication decision have to be stringently applied lest it would defeat
the statutory intent of the CIPAA to ensure cash flow in the construction
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industry (see Genbina Sdn Bhd v. Bina Puri Construction Sdn Bhd and
another appeal [2020] 2 MLRH 101 at p 111, EA Technique (M) Sdn
Bhd v Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering Sdn Bhd (supra, at p
603), Zeta Letrik Sdn Bhd v JAKS Sdn Bhd and other cases [2022]
MLJU 2734 and RA Suria Sdn Bhd v Cedy Third Contracting and
Trading (M) Sdn Bhd and other cases [2023] MLJU 247).
[43] In so far as the grounds as stated in subparagraphs 40 (a) and (b) are
concerned, I agree with the submission by Mr. Ashok Kandiah for
Gammerlite that the fact there is an ongoing arbitration between the
parties and the subject-matter of the adjudication forms part of the
subject-matter in the arbitration are irrelevant. The merits of JKSB’s
case in the arbitration is also not a relevant consideration in the Stay
Application [see ASM Development (supra) and Ireka Engineering
[44] I was, however, persuaded by the submission by Ms. Victoria Loi for
JKSB, relying on the Companies Commission of Malaysia Search
(‘CCM Search’) on Gammerlite as at 19.5.2023 and Gammerlite’s
“Financial Report for the financial year ended 31 May 2021” (exhibit
“JKSB-11”, encl. 5) that there are serious doubts as to Gammerlite’s
ability to repay the Adjudicated Sum if JKSB succeeds in the
arbitration. My reasons are as follows:
(a) Gammerlite’s current assets stands at RM32,200,388.00 and
non-current assets is RM255,006.00 giving a total of
RM32,455,394.00. Approximately 50% of Gammerlite’s current
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assets is made up of “Cash and bank balances” in the sum of
RM16,533,125.00 whereby the sum of RM16,513,087.00 is
“Fixed deposit pledged for banking facilities” and
RM7,714,944.00 is a bank overdraft resulting in a cash and cash
equivalents of negative RM7,694,906.00 (see paragraph 9 in the
“Notes to the Financial Statements” at p 32 of the Financial
Report which has a remark that “All fixed deposits are pledged
with the licensed bank for committed bank facilities.”). The cash
and cash equivalents for financial year end (‘FYE’) 2020 is
negative RM8,379.310.00. The total cash at banks and cash in
hand is RM20,038.00 only. Gammerlite’s current assets have
also reduced from RM34,800,814.00 for FYE 2020 to
RM32,200,388.00 for FYE 2021.
(b) Gammerlite has current liabilities of RM15,425,045.00 and non-
current liabilities of RM116,714.00. The total liabilities for FYE
2021 increased to RM15,541,759.00 as compared to
RM15,429,591.00 for FYE 2020.
(c) Gammerlite recorded a gross loss in FYE 2021 of RM239,663.00
and a meagre gross profit in FYE 2020 of RM23,560.00. Its
administrative expenses are, however, substantial at
RM3,403,613.00 for FYE 2021 and RM4,778,540.00 for FYE
2020 which far exceeds the gross profit. This reflects an
unhealthy trend. Gammerlite made consecutive losses of
RM2,860,916.00 (after tax) for FYE 2021 and RM3,950,802.00
(after tax) for FYE 2020.
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(d) Gammerlite’s current assets, after deducting the “Cash and bank
balances” is RM15,667,263.00. With the total liabilities at
RM15,541,759.00, Gammerlite does not have sufficient current
assets to be liquidated to repay the sum of RM8,137,527.96.
(e) Gammerlite has 11 unsatisfied charges in the total sum of
RM65,342,300.00. This amount substantially exceeds its current
assets of RM32,200,388.00, revenue of RM7,089,794.00 and
retained earnings of RM15,413,634.00. In any event, retained
earnings are not current assets that Gammerlite can utilise to
repay the Adjudicated Sum to JKSB. In paragraph 11 in the
“Notes to the Financial Statements” at p 33 of the Financial
Report, it is stated that “… the Company will be able to distribute
dividends out of its entire retained profits under the single tier tax
system.”. Hence, the retained earnings may be distributed as
dividends to the shareholders.
(f) Gammerlite’s attempt in comparing its financial position with that
of JKSB’s is misconceived because in determining whether a
stay of the AD is warranted in the circumstances of this case, the
relevant consideration is Gammerlite’s financial status, and not
[45] In the course of submissions, the learned counsels for the parties have
relied on case authorities such as Perkapalan Dai Zhun Sdn Bhd v
Formosa Plastics Marine Corporation & Ors and another case [2020]
1 LNS 737 and Wabina Constructions & Engineering Sdn Bhd v
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Fulloop Sdn Bhd and other cases [2022] MLJU 2744 to support the
argument for, or against, the finding on Gammerlite’s ability to repay
the Adjudicated Sum. However, in my opinion, each case has to be
evaluated based on the facts as affirmed by the parties in their
affidavits and the documents produced whether in the form of the CCM
Search, Financial Report(s) and/ or CTOS Report.
[46] After giving utmost consideration to the CCM Search and the Financial
Report for FYE 2021 and the parties’ affirmations and submissions on
the contents of these documents, I was persuaded that, albeit no
application was made by JKSB to set aside the AD under s 15 of the
CIPAA, this is an appropriate case for the enforcement of the AD to be
stayed in the interest of justice due to the precarious financial position
of Gammerlite which raises a real concern as to its ability to repay the
Adjudicated Sum if required to do so following the outcome of the
arbitration proceedings.
[47] In the exercise of my discretion, I was minded to allow the Stay
Application in the alternative prayer i.e. to grant a conditional stay
whereby the sum of RM8,137,527.93 is to be placed, not in a fixed
deposit account jointly held by the parties’ solicitors as stakeholders as
prayed, but instead in an interest bearing account to be held by
Gammerlite’s solicitors as stakeholders until the final determination of
the disputes between the parties in the arbitration proceedings. Initially,
I ordered that this is to be done within 30 days from the date of the
decision, however, upon the request by JKSB’s counsel, the period of
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30 days would start to run only from the date of issuance of the sealed
Order of the Court.
[48] The order for a conditional stay would achieve the objective of striking
a balance between the competing commercial interests of the parties
in that, recognition is given to the Adjudicated Sum as reflected in the
AD and the fear or concern of Gammerlite’s inability to repay the same
is obliviated as the Adjudicated Sum will be earning interest in the
stakeholder account (see Punj Lloyd Sdn Bhd v Ramo Industries Pte
Ltd & Anor and another case [2019] 11 MLJ 57 at paragraphs 128 -
132, Samsung C & T Corporation UEM Construction JV Sdn Bhd v
Eversendai Constructions (M) Sdn Bhd [2022] MLJU 2642 at
paragraphs 21 - 25, Mudajaya Corporation Bhd v KWSL Builders Sdn
Bhd and another case [2023] MLJU 669 at paragraphs 21 - 25 and
Samsung C&T Corporation UEM Construction JV Sdn Bhd v
Eversendai Constructions (M) Sdn Bhd [2023] MLJU 2555 at
paragraph 28).
[49] On a final note, I have allowed the Enforcement Application and the
alternative prayer in the Stay Application as I am of the view that,
legally there is no impediment for such orders to be made. There are
no express prohibitions in the CIPAA to the effect that applications for
stay of adjudication decisions must be dismissed if the applications for
enforcement of the same adjudication decisions are allowed.
Furthermore, an adjudication decision is not merged into a judgment if
an application under s 28 CIPAA is allowed since an order obtained
pursuant to that provision merely permits the adjudication decision to
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be enforced as a judgment of the court; it is not a judgment in itself
(see paragraphs 23 and 24 in ASM Development (supra), EA
Technique (supra) and the decision of this Court in ASM Development
(KL) Sdn Bhd v. Econpile (M) Sdn Bhd [2023] MLRHU 939 which
involved ASM Development’s application against Econpile and its
directors for contempt of court).
[50] There are several cases decided by the High Court where the
applications to enforce the adjudication decisions and to stay the same
have both been allowed (see Kuasatek (M) Sdn Bhd v HCM
Engineering Sdn Bhd and other appeals [2018] MLJU 1919, Punj Lloyd
(supra), Mudajaya Corporation (supra) and Marvesco Sdn Bhd v Apex
Communications Sdn Bhd and another case [2022] MLJU 127).
[51] As at the date of hearing (5.9.2023) and decision (27.9.2023) of the
Enforcement Application and the Stay Application, the Court and the
learned counsels were aware of the decisions by the Court of Appeal
as delivered by Mohd Nazlan Ghazali JCA and Abu Bakar Jais JCA in
ASM Development (supra; ‘CIPAA 1’) and ASM Development (KL)
Sdn Bhd v Econpile (M) Sdn Bhd & other appeals [2023] 4 MLJ 720
(‘CIPAA 2’), respectively, and that the motions by the disgruntled
parties for leave to appeal to the Federal Court in respect of the
decisions in the applications pursuant to s 16 of the CIPAA have been
[52] In the appeal against the decision in CIPAA 1, one of the questions of
law posed to the Federal Court is “Whether an adjudication decision,
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after having been enforced pursuant to s. 28 CIPAA as an Order of the
Court, can be stayed pursuant to s. 16(1)(b) CIPAA”.
[53] As at the time of writing these grounds of judgement, the Federal Court
has decided, on 3.10.2023, to allow the appeal by Econpile (M) Sdn
Bhd in CIPAA 1 and to dismiss the appeal by ASM Development in
CIPAA 2. The full grounds of judgment have yet to be released.
[54] Based on the aforesaid considerations, both the Enforcement
Application in O.S. No. 112 and the Stay Application in O.S. No. 87
were allowed.
[55] In the circumstances, I exercised my discretion in making no order as
to costs for both applications.
Dated: 26 December 2023
Construction Court 2
High Court
Kuala Lumpur
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Counsels/ Solicitors:
For the Plaintiff in O.S. No. 87 and the Defendant in O.S. No. 112:
Victoria Loi Tien Fen (Hoo Yee Huan and Kienan Yeo with her)
Messrs. Shook Lin & Bok
Advocates & Solicitors
20th Floor, AmBank Group Building
55, Jalan Raja Chulan
50200 Kuala Lumpur
For the Plaintiff in O.S. No. 112 and the Defendant in O.S. No. 87:
Ashok Kandiah (David Soosay and Ashvinderjeet Kaur with him)
Messrs. Haris Ibrahim Kandiah Partnership
Advocates & Solicitors
Suite 12.01, Level 12
Menara Choy Fook On
Jalan Yong Shook Lin
46050 Petaling Jaya
Cases, legislation and other sources referred to in the submissions by
learned counsels and in the Grounds of Judgment:
Aliran Asia Sdn Bhd v Astaka Padu Sdn Bhd [2021] MLJU 2562
ASM Development (KL) Sdn Bhd v Econpile (M) Sdn Bhd and other appeals
[2022] 6 MLJ 392; [2023] 1 CLJ 1 (CA)
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ASM Development (KL) Sdn Bhd v. Econpile (M) Sdn Bhd [2023] MLRHU
939 (HC)
Bumimetro Construction Sdn Bhd v Mayland Universal Sdn Bhd and another
appeal [2017] MLJU 2245
CRCC Malaysia Bhd v M101 Entity Sdn Bhd and other cases [2021] MLJU
Duli Yang Amat Mulia Tunku Ibrahim Ismain Ibni Sultan Iskandar Al-Haj v.
Datuk Captain Hamzah Mohd Noor & Another Appeal [2009] 4 CLJ 329
EA Technique (M) Sdn Bhd v. Malaysia Marine And Heavy Engineering Sdn
Bhd [2021] 1 AMR 594
Genbina Sdn Bhd v Bina Puri Construction Sdn Bhd and another appeal
[2019] MLJU 1933; [2020] 2 MLRH 101
Hamidah Fazilah Sdn Bhd v Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
[2017] 7 MLJ 274
Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd v Puteri Nusantara Sdn Bhd [2019] 2 MLJ 362 (CA)
Ireka Engineering & Construction Sdn Bhd v Tri Pacific Engineering Sdn Bhd
and another summons [2020] MLJU 548
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Ireka Engineering and Construction Sdn Bhd v PWC Corp Sdn Bhd and
another appeal [2019] MLJU 35 (CA)
Kuasatek (M) Sdn Bhd v HCM Engineering Sdn Bhd and other appeals
[2018] MLJU 1919
Leong Keng Chiang v Prema Bonanza Sdn Bhd [2021] MLJU 714
Low Cheng Soon v. TA Securities Sdn Bhd [2003] 1 CLJ 309
Maju Holdings Sdn Bhd v. Spring Energy Sdn Bhd [2020] 1 LNS 1194
Marvesco Sdn Bhd v Apex Communications Sdn Bhd and another case
[2022] MLJU 127
Mudajaya Corporation Bhd v KWSL Builders Sdn Bhd and another case
[2023] MLJU 669
Ng Choon Mei v Yap Kean Hong [2021] MLJU 1096
Office 2 Go (M) Sdn Bhd v Probina Project Sdn Bhd [2021] MLJU 2009
Pasukhas Sdn Bhd v Empire Multiple Sdn Bhd and another appeal [2019]
MLJU 1393 (HC)
Perkapalan Dai Zhun Sdn Bhd v Formosa Plastics Marine Corporation & Ors
and another case [2020] 1 LNS 737
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Pinnacle Supreme Sdn Bhd v. DSG Projects Malaysia Sdn Bhd [2021] 1 LNS
Puncak Niaga Construction Sdn Bhd v Mersing Construction & Engineering
Sdn Bhd (and 2 Other Originating Summonses) [2022] 1 AMR 249 (HC)
Puncak Niaga Construction Sdn Bhd v Mersing Construction & Engineering
Sdn Bhd [2022] MLJU 2107 (CA)
Punj Lloyd Sdn Bhd v Ramo Industries Sdn Bhd & Anor and another case
[2019] 11 MLJ 574
Pwc Corp Sdn Bhd v Ireka Engineering & Construction Sdn Bhd and another
appeal [2018] MLJU 152; [2018] 1 LNS 163
RA Suria Sdn Bhd v Cedy Third Contracting and Trading (M) Sdn Bhd and
other cases [2023] MLJU 247
Samsung C & T Corporation UEM Construction JV Sdn Bhd v Eversendai
Constructions (M) Sdn Bhd [2022] MLJU 2642
Samsung C&T Corporation Uem Construction JV Sdn Bhd v Eversendai
Constructions (M) Sdn Bhd [2023] MLJU 2555
Seal Properties (KL) Sdn Bhb v. Wabina Constructions & Engineering Sdn
Bhd [2022] 1 LNS 680
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Skyworld Development Sdn Bhd v. Zalam Corp Sdn Bhd and Other Appeals
[2019] 1 LNS 173
Subang Skypark Sdn Bhd v Arcradius Sdn Bhd [2015] 11 MLJ 818
Sun Plaza Development Sdn Bhd v. Hejingkang Sdn Bhd [2021] 1 LNS 629
Syarikat TD Sdn Bhd v Jeks Engineering Sdn Bhd and another case [2019]
MLJU 1754
Terminal Perintis Sdn Bhd v Tan Ngee Hong Construction Sdn Bhd and
another case [2017] MLJU 242
Uzma Engineering Sdn Bhd v. Khan Co. Ltd and another summons [2020] 1
LNS 1153
View Esteem Sdn Bhd v Bina Puri Holdings Bhd [2018] 2 MLJ 22; [2019] 5
CLJ 479
Wabina Constructions & Engineering Sdn Bhd v Fulloop Sdn Bhd and other
cases [2022] MLJU 2744
YKS Enterprise Sdn Bhd v. Aspirasi Ternama Sdn Bhd [2019] 1 LNS 1697
Zeta Letrik Sdn Bhd v JAKS Sdn Bhd and other cases [2022] MLJU 2734
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Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act 2012, ss 5, 13,16 & 28
Rules of Court 2012, O. 1A, O. 2, O. 32, O. 69A rr. 2, 3, 4 and 5 & O. 92 r. 4
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| 39,147 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-24C-87-05/2023 | PEMOHON JAMBATAN KEDUA SDN BHD RESPONDEN GAMMERLITE SDN BHD | there is an adjudication decision that has been rendered in the applicant’s favor; - there has been non-payment of the adjudicated sum by the date specified in the adjudication decision; - there is no prohibition to the grant of the order that is sought in that the adjudication decision has not been set aside or stayed; there is no written settlement of the subject matter between the parties, or there is no final decision rendered on the payment claim, whether made in arbitration or by a court of law | 26/01/2024 | YA Dato' Hajah Aliza binti Sulaiman | |
(Company No.: 824573-U) ... PLAINTIFF
(Company No.: 180947-D) ... DEFENDANT
(Company No.: 180947-D) ... PLAINTIFF
(Company No.: 824573-U) ... DEFENDANT
26/01/2024 12:48:29
WA-24C-87-05/2023 Kand. 36
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[1] These suits involve the following applications:
(a) the application by Jambatan Kedua Sdn Bhd (‘JKSB’) pursuant
to s 16 of the Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication
Act 2012 [Act 746] (‘CIPAA’) in Originating Summons No. WA-
24C-87-05/2023 (‘O.S. No. 87’) to stay the Adjudication Decision
dated 28.4.2023 (‘AD’) by the learned Adjudicator, Mr. Ho June
Khai (‘Adjudicator’) pending the final determination by way of
arbitration (‘Stay Application’); and
(b) the application by Gammerlite Sdn Bhd (‘Gammerlite’) pursuant
to sub-s 28(1) CIPAA in O.S. No. WA-24C-112-07/2023 (‘O.S.
No. 112’) to enforce the AD as corrected on 15.5.2023
(‘Enforcement Application’).
[2] The parties agreed for the Stay Application and the Enforcement
Application to be heard together. After having considered the affidavit
evidence and the oral and written submissions of the parties, I had, on
27.9.2023, allowed the Enforcement Application and also the Stay
Application in the alternative prayer i.e. for a conditional stay whereby
the sum of RM8,137,527.93 is to be placed in a stakeholder and
interest bearing account held by Gammerlite’s solicitors, within 30 days
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from the date that the Order is sealed, until final determination of the
disputes between the parties by arbitration.
[3] JKSB is aggrieved with my decision in allowing the Enforcement
Application whilst Gammerlite is dissatisfied with my decision in
allowing the alternative prayer in the Stay Application. I now provide
my full grounds of judgment for the purpose of the parties’ appeals.
The Cause Papers
[4] The cause papers in each application are as follows:
The Stay Application:
(a) JKSB’s O.S. dated 29.5.2023 (encl. 1);
(b) JKSB’s Affidavit In Support (‘AIS’) affirmed by its Chief Executive
Officer, Faisal Bin Shahbudin on 29.5.2023 (encls. 2 - 5);
(c) Gammerlite’s Affidavit In Reply (‘AIR’) affirmed by its Project
Director, Wan Razali Bin Wan Muda on 16.6.2023 (encl. 8); and
(d) JKSB’s AIR affirmed by the same deponent on 28.6.2023 (encl.
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The Enforcement Application:
(a) Gammerlite’s O.S. dated 14.7.2023 (encl. 1);
(b) Gammerlite’s AIS affirmed by the same deponent on 14.7.2023
(encl. 2);
(c) JKSB’s AIR affirmed by the same deponent on 9.8.2023 (encl.
(d) Gammerlite’s Supplemental Affidavit affirmed by the same
deponent on 18.8.2023 (encl. 7); and
(e) Gammerlite’s AIR affirmed by the same deponent on 21.8.2023
(encl. 8).
Background Facts
[5] JKSB is wholly owned by the Minister of Finance Incorporated and has
a registered address at 7th Floor, Bangunan Setia 1, 15 Lorong
Dungun, Bukit Damansara, 50490 Kuala Lumpur and a business
address at the 4th Floor of the same building. JKSB’s nature of
business is constructing, developing and operating Jambatan Sultan
Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah or the Second Penang Bridge (‘Bridge’).
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[6] Gammerlite has its business and registered address at Shoplot 117,
1st Floor, Taman Jindo, Jalan Kolam, 88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Its
business is the undertaking of contract and maintenance works.
[7] JKSB is the concessionaire responsible for the design, construction,
management, operation and maintenance of the Bridge.
[8] By the Letter of Acceptance of Tender dated 12.1.2015 (‘LoA’), JKSB
appointed Gammerlite as the contractor for the Integrated Asset
Management System for the Bridge (‘Works’) for the sum of
RM133,168,000.00, which was later revised to RM134,280,728.15.
[9] Other than the LoA, the parties executed, amongst others, the
Standard Form of Design and Build Contract PWD Form DB (Rev.
1/2010) and its addendum (‘Contract’).
[10] The Works were divided into the Development Stage and the
Implementation Stage.
[11] The date for possession of the site was 19.1.2015. The original
contract period was seven years with the date for completion for the
whole of the Works was 18.1.2022. This was later extended to
[12] The original date for completion for the Development Stage was
18.1.2016 and this was also extended to 28.2.2017.
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[13] According to Gammerlite, other than granting the extension of time
(‘EoT’) until 28.2.2017, JKSB also certified that the actual percentage
of work progress for the Development Stage as of 11.1.2017 is
[14] On 28.3.2017, JKSB issued a Certificate of Practical Completion
(‘CPC’) subject to, among others, the completion of the minor
outstanding works as listed under Appendix 1, and certified that the
Development Stage was satisfactorily completed on 28.2.2017 and
taken for implementation on 1.3.2017.
[15] The whole of the outstanding works as listed in Appendix 1 was to be
completed on or before 30.4.2017, however, JKSB alleged that
Gammerlite failed to do so.
[16] In respect of the whole of the Works, Gammerlite requested for EoT to
complete the same, but this was rejected by the Project Director. A
Certificate of Non-Completion was issued on 9.3.2022 (‘CNC’).
[17] Gammerlite then served a Payment Claim dated 7.6.2022 on JKSB
pursuant to sub-s 5(1) CIPAA for the unpaid sums of RM16,387,889.60
[without Liquidated Ascertained Damages (‘LAD’)] or
RM19,044,272.00 (with LAD) as per Progress Claim No. 75.
[18] On 22.6.2022, JKSB served its Payment Response on Gammerlite
disputing the entire claim.
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[19] This was followed with the service of the Adjudication Claim dated
16.12.2022. In essence, Gammerlite claimed for the sum of
RM3,655,033.26 as outstanding payment for certified work and
RM17,457,032.71 for uncertified work.
[20] In JKSB’s Adjudication Response dated 17.1.2023, it sought for,
among others, Gammerlite’s claim to be dismissed with costs.
[21] Ultimately the Adjudicator determined that:
246. …
1) The Respondent shall pay to the Claimant the
sum of RM7,881,924.96. This is hereby recorded
as the Adjudicated Sum.
2) The Respondent shall bear the full Adjudication
Cost and pay the Claimant the amount of
3) The Adjudicated Sum together with the
Adjudication Cost shall be paid by the
Respondent to the Claimant within thirty (30)
calendar days from the date of this adjudication
decision, ie. on or before 28th May 2023. This date
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shall be called the Due Date for payment of the
Adjudicated Sum and Adjudication Cost.
4) The Respondent shall pay to the Claimant simple
interest at a rate of 5% per annum from the Due
Date for payment until full payment of the
Adjudicated Sum and Adjudication Cost.”.
[22] Meanwhile, JKSB issued a notice to Gammerlite on 22.3.2023 to
remedy the alleged events of defaults/ breaches and this was followed
with a notice to terminate the Contract dated 11.4.2023.
[23] On 25.5.2023, JKSB commenced arbitration proceedings against
[24] JKSB initially raised the issue of non-compliance with O. 69A, r. 5(3)
of the Rules of Court 2012 as Gammerlite did not exhibit the original or
a certified true copy of the AD in exhibit “WR-4A” in the AIS (encl. 2).
[25] However, on the hearing date, Ms. Victoria Loi informed that JKSB will
not be pursuing that ground as Gammerlite had filed a Supplementary
Affidavit exhibiting a certified true copy of the AD (see exhibit “WR-7”,
encl. 7).
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[26] The provision on the enforcement of an adjudication decision as a
judgment is provided in s 28 of the CIPAA which states that:
“Enforcement of adjudication decision as judgment
28. (1) A party may enforce an adjudication decision by
applying to the High Court for an order to enforce the
adjudication decision as if it is a judgment or order of the High
(2) The High Court may make an order in respect of the
adjudication decision either wholly or partly and may make an
order in respect of interest on the adjudicated amount
(3) The order made under subsection (2) may be
executed in accordance with the rules on execution of the
orders or judgment of the High Court.”.
[27] In the AIR, JKSB averred that there is no failure to pay on its part as
alleged by Gammerlite and the AD should not be enforced because,
whilst the Adjudicator decided that Gammerlite is entitled to the sum of
RM8,137,527.96 under the AD (‘Adjudicated Sum’), the Adjudicator
had also found that the CNC is valid and JKSB is contractually entitled
to impose LAD on Gammerlite. The Adjudicator had accordingly
imposed LAD on Gammerlite in the sum of RM1,258,443.00 calculated
from 9.3.2022 until 4.4.2022.
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[28] Pursuant to Clause 45.2 of the Conditions of Contract (‘CoC’), JKSB
asserted that it is entitled to impose LAD until the date of issuance of
the CPC or the date of termination of the Contract on 11.4.2023. Thus,
to JKSB, in addition to the LAD in the sum of RM1,258,443.00, it is
entitled to further LAD calculated from 5.4.2022 until 11.4.2023
amounting to RM17,338,548.00 (RM46,609.00 x 372 days).
[29] JKSB submitted that the LAD has since accumulated to a sum that far
exceeds the Adjudicated Sum and hence, the Adjudicated Sum is
completely extinguished. JKSB is also entitled, pursuant to Clause
45.2 CoC, to recover the sum of RM17,338,548.00 as a debt due from
Gammerlite and JKSB therefore has the right to set off the same
against the Adjudicated Sum. Basically, it is Gammerlite that owes
JKSB the sum of RM9,201,020.04 (RM17,33 8,548.00 -
[30] JKSB additionally averred that the subject matter of the adjudication
that culminated in the AD is pending final determination in the
arbitration which was commenced by JSB vide the Notice of Arbitration
dated 25.5.2023. In paragraph 16 of the AIR, JKSB provided a
summary comparison of the issues in the adjudication and arbitration
proceedings as shown below:
Adjudication Arbitration
(a) Works purportedly carried
out by the Plaintiff and the
valuation of such works as
(a) Works purportedly carried out
by the Plaintiff and the
valuation of such Works as at
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at 22.3.2022 (i.e., the date of
valuation in IPC No. 75);
(b) Imposition of LAD by the
Defendant on the Plaintiff
(until 4.4.2022);
(c) Validity of the CNC issued
by the P.D. in respect of the
whole of the works; and
(d) Plaintiff’s failure to fulfil its
contractual obligations,
including failure to complete
the Works.
11.4.2023 (i.e., date of
termination of the contract);
(b) Imposition of LAD by the
Defendant on the Plaintiff
(until termination of the
contract on 11.4.2023);
(c) Validity of the CNC issued by
the P.D. in respect of the
whole of the works;
(d) Validity of the CPC issued by
the P.D. in respect of the
Development Stage;
(e) Plaintiff’s failure to fulfil its
contractual obligations,
including failure to complete
the Works; and
(f) Validity of the termination of
the contract by the
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[31] Section 13 of the CIPAA provides the effect of an adjudication decision
in these terms:
“13. The adjudication decision is binding unless –
(a) it is set aside by the High Court on any of the
grounds referred to in section 15;
(b) the subject matter of the decision is settled by a
written agreement between the parties; or
(c) the dispute is finally decided by arbitration or the
[32] It is indisputable that JKSB did not file an application pursuant to s 15
CIPAA to set aside the AD. The subject matter of the AD has not been
settled by a written agreement between JKSB and Gammerlite and the
dispute has also not been finally decided by arbitration or the court.
[33] Section 28 CIPAA confers a discretion on the High Court which must
be exercised judiciously, having regard to the underlying facts and the
applicable principles under the CIPAA. This discretionary power does
not extend to requiring the applicant to show that there are no grounds
for setting aside the adjudication decision under s 15 CIPAA. All that
the applicant needs to do is to satisfy the court that –
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(a) there is an adjudication decision that has been rendered in the
applicant’s favor;
(b) there has been non-payment of the adjudicated sum by the date
specified in the adjudication decision; and
(c) there is no prohibition to the grant of the order that is sought in
that the adjudication decision has not been set aside or stayed;
there is no written settlement of the subject matter between the
parties, or there is no final decision rendered on the payment
claim, whether made in arbitration or by a court of law
[see Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd v. Puteri Nusantara Sdn Bhd [2019] 2 MLJ 362
(CA) at paragraphs 24 - 26, pp 370 and 371].
[34] As all requirements laid down in Inai Kiara have been satisfied, I was
persuaded to allow the Enforcement Application in keeping with the
overarching purpose of statutory adjudication which is to facilitate
speedy cash flow in the construction industry and the “pay now, argue
later” dispute resolution process (see among others, Inai Kiara (supra,
at paragraph 28, p 371), Martego Sdn Bhd v Arkitek Meor & Chew Sdn
Bhd and another appeal [2020] 6 MLJ 224 (FC) at paragraphs 46 - 55,
pp 242 - 246 and ASM Development (KL) Sdn Bhd v Econpile (M) Sdn
Bhd and other appeals [2022] 6 MLJ 392 (CA) at paragraph 40, p 406).
[35] A dispute in respect of “payment” under a “construction contract” as
defined in s 4 of the CIPAA, may, of course, be referred concurrently
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to adjudication, arbitration or the court (see sub-s 37(1) CIPAA). In the
circumstances of this case, I was not swayed by JKSB’s arguments
regarding its entitlement to LAD which is said to extinguish the
Adjudicated Sum or gives it a right to set off, and is pending final
determination in the arbitration proceedings, as a reason to justify
dismissing the Enforcement Application.
[36] Among the grounds raised by JKSB in defending the Enforcement
Application is that there are serious doubts as to Gammerlite’s ability to
repay the Adjudicated Sum. These same grounds can be found in the
Stay Application which will be discussed next.
[37] The Stay Application was made pursuant to s 16 of the CIPAA which
reads as follows:
“Stay of adjudication decision
16. (1) A party may apply to the High Court for a stay of an
adjudication decision in the following circumstances:
(a) an application to set aside the adjudication
decision under section 15 has been made; or
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(b) the subject matter of the adjudication decision is
pending final determination by arbitration or the
(2) The High Court may grant a stay of the adjudication
decision or order the adjudicated amount or part of it to be
deposited with the Director of the KLRCA or make any other
order as it thinks fit.”.
[38] There is no doubt that JKSB has met the threshold requirement to
apply for a stay of the AD as the subject matter of the AD is pending
final determination by arbitration. However, this does not automatically
result in the granting of a stay (see Subang Skypark Sdn Bhd v
Arcradius Sdn Bhd [2015] 11 MLJ 818 (HC) and Pasukhas Sdn Bhd v
Empire Multiple Sdn Bhd and another appeal [2019] MLJU 1393 (HC)
which were referred by the Court of Appeal in ASM Development (KL)
Sdn Bhd v Econpile (M) Sdn Bhd and other appeals (supra) at pp 404
and 405; see too PWC Corp Sdn Bhd v Ireka Engineering &
Construction Sdn Bhd and another appeal [2018] MLJU 152 (HC),
Ireka Engineering and Construction Sdn Bhd v PWC Corp Sdn Bhd
and another appeal [2019] MLJU 35 (CA) and the decisions of this
Court in Puncak Niaga Construction Sdn Bhd v Mersing Construction
& Engineering Sdn Bhd (and 2 Other Originating Summonses) [2022]
1 AMR 249 at paragraph 69, pp 286 - 287 (affirmed by the Court of
Appeal on 8.8.2022, see [2022] MLJU 2107) and JEKS Engineering
Sdn Bhd v PALI PTP Sdn Bhd and another case [2022] 9 MLJ 541 at
paragraph 124, p 588).
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[39] The test as to whether a stay of the AD is to be allowed was laid down
by the Federal Court in View Esteem Sdn Bhd v Bina Puri Holdings
Bhd [2018] 2 MLJ 22 namely, the applicant must establish that there
are clear errors in the AD, or that it is in the interest of justice for the
enforcement of the AD to be stayed. The correct approach under s 16
of the CIPAA would be to evaluate the individual case on its merits
where the financial capacity of the unpaid party to repay the
adjudicated sum could be a factor but is not the only factor to be
considered (see paragraphs 79 and 82 of the judgment at pp 47, 48
and 49).
[40] JKSB averred in paragraph 40 of the AIS that it is in the interest of
justice that the enforcement of the AD be stayed as –
(a) the sum of RM8,137,527.96 which was awarded to Gammerlite
pursuant to the AD had been extinguished completely owing to
the accrued LAD and it is Gammerlite that owes JKSB a sum of
RM9,201,020.04 (see paragraphs 41 - 47 of the AIS);
(b) the subject-matter of the adjudication forms part of the subject-
matter in the arbitration pursuant to the arbitration agreement
between the parties and is pending final determination, in
particular, Gammerlite’s entitlement to the sum of
RM8,137,527.96 is subject to the issue of LAD for the
Development Stage and JKSB’s claim for reimbursements being
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finally decided in the arbitration (see paragraphs 49 - 59 of the
AIS); and
(c) there is a real possibility that Gammerlite is unable to repay the
Adjudicated Sum to JKSB in the event that the outcome of the
arbitration is in JKSB’s favour (see paragraphs 61 - 70 of the
[41] There are several cases which have discussed how the tests of clear
and unequivocal errors and justice of the case are to be applied in the
exercise of the discretion of the court whether to grant a stay or
otherwise (see EA Technique (M) Sdn Bhd v. Malaysia Marine And
Heavy Engineering Sdn Bhd [2021] 1 AMR 594, Maju Holdings Sdn
Bhd v. Spring Energy Sdn Bhd [2020] 1 LNS 1194, Pinnacle Supreme
Sdn Bhd v. DSG Projects Malaysia Sdn Bhd [2021] 1 LNS 852, Sun
Plaza Development Sdn Bhd v. Hejingkang Sdn Bhd [2021] 1 LNS 629
and CRCC Malaysia Bhd v M101 Entity Sdn Bhd and other cases
[2021] MLJU 1305).
[42] The determination as to what is right and fair so as to meet the justice
of the individual case must necessarily be dependent on the factual
matrix in each case. Justice of the case involves the exercise of
discretion; whether the conscience of the court is pricked in the special
circumstances of the case such that it is minded in granting the stay.
Considerations of justice of the individual case to justify the stay of an
adjudication decision have to be stringently applied lest it would defeat
the statutory intent of the CIPAA to ensure cash flow in the construction
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industry (see Genbina Sdn Bhd v. Bina Puri Construction Sdn Bhd and
another appeal [2020] 2 MLRH 101 at p 111, EA Technique (M) Sdn
Bhd v Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering Sdn Bhd (supra, at p
603), Zeta Letrik Sdn Bhd v JAKS Sdn Bhd and other cases [2022]
MLJU 2734 and RA Suria Sdn Bhd v Cedy Third Contracting and
Trading (M) Sdn Bhd and other cases [2023] MLJU 247).
[43] In so far as the grounds as stated in subparagraphs 40 (a) and (b) are
concerned, I agree with the submission by Mr. Ashok Kandiah for
Gammerlite that the fact there is an ongoing arbitration between the
parties and the subject-matter of the adjudication forms part of the
subject-matter in the arbitration are irrelevant. The merits of JKSB’s
case in the arbitration is also not a relevant consideration in the Stay
Application [see ASM Development (supra) and Ireka Engineering
[44] I was, however, persuaded by the submission by Ms. Victoria Loi for
JKSB, relying on the Companies Commission of Malaysia Search
(‘CCM Search’) on Gammerlite as at 19.5.2023 and Gammerlite’s
“Financial Report for the financial year ended 31 May 2021” (exhibit
“JKSB-11”, encl. 5) that there are serious doubts as to Gammerlite’s
ability to repay the Adjudicated Sum if JKSB succeeds in the
arbitration. My reasons are as follows:
(a) Gammerlite’s current assets stands at RM32,200,388.00 and
non-current assets is RM255,006.00 giving a total of
RM32,455,394.00. Approximately 50% of Gammerlite’s current
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assets is made up of “Cash and bank balances” in the sum of
RM16,533,125.00 whereby the sum of RM16,513,087.00 is
“Fixed deposit pledged for banking facilities” and
RM7,714,944.00 is a bank overdraft resulting in a cash and cash
equivalents of negative RM7,694,906.00 (see paragraph 9 in the
“Notes to the Financial Statements” at p 32 of the Financial
Report which has a remark that “All fixed deposits are pledged
with the licensed bank for committed bank facilities.”). The cash
and cash equivalents for financial year end (‘FYE’) 2020 is
negative RM8,379.310.00. The total cash at banks and cash in
hand is RM20,038.00 only. Gammerlite’s current assets have
also reduced from RM34,800,814.00 for FYE 2020 to
RM32,200,388.00 for FYE 2021.
(b) Gammerlite has current liabilities of RM15,425,045.00 and non-
current liabilities of RM116,714.00. The total liabilities for FYE
2021 increased to RM15,541,759.00 as compared to
RM15,429,591.00 for FYE 2020.
(c) Gammerlite recorded a gross loss in FYE 2021 of RM239,663.00
and a meagre gross profit in FYE 2020 of RM23,560.00. Its
administrative expenses are, however, substantial at
RM3,403,613.00 for FYE 2021 and RM4,778,540.00 for FYE
2020 which far exceeds the gross profit. This reflects an
unhealthy trend. Gammerlite made consecutive losses of
RM2,860,916.00 (after tax) for FYE 2021 and RM3,950,802.00
(after tax) for FYE 2020.
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(d) Gammerlite’s current assets, after deducting the “Cash and bank
balances” is RM15,667,263.00. With the total liabilities at
RM15,541,759.00, Gammerlite does not have sufficient current
assets to be liquidated to repay the sum of RM8,137,527.96.
(e) Gammerlite has 11 unsatisfied charges in the total sum of
RM65,342,300.00. This amount substantially exceeds its current
assets of RM32,200,388.00, revenue of RM7,089,794.00 and
retained earnings of RM15,413,634.00. In any event, retained
earnings are not current assets that Gammerlite can utilise to
repay the Adjudicated Sum to JKSB. In paragraph 11 in the
“Notes to the Financial Statements” at p 33 of the Financial
Report, it is stated that “… the Company will be able to distribute
dividends out of its entire retained profits under the single tier tax
system.”. Hence, the retained earnings may be distributed as
dividends to the shareholders.
(f) Gammerlite’s attempt in comparing its financial position with that
of JKSB’s is misconceived because in determining whether a
stay of the AD is warranted in the circumstances of this case, the
relevant consideration is Gammerlite’s financial status, and not
[45] In the course of submissions, the learned counsels for the parties have
relied on case authorities such as Perkapalan Dai Zhun Sdn Bhd v
Formosa Plastics Marine Corporation & Ors and another case [2020]
1 LNS 737 and Wabina Constructions & Engineering Sdn Bhd v
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Fulloop Sdn Bhd and other cases [2022] MLJU 2744 to support the
argument for, or against, the finding on Gammerlite’s ability to repay
the Adjudicated Sum. However, in my opinion, each case has to be
evaluated based on the facts as affirmed by the parties in their
affidavits and the documents produced whether in the form of the CCM
Search, Financial Report(s) and/ or CTOS Report.
[46] After giving utmost consideration to the CCM Search and the Financial
Report for FYE 2021 and the parties’ affirmations and submissions on
the contents of these documents, I was persuaded that, albeit no
application was made by JKSB to set aside the AD under s 15 of the
CIPAA, this is an appropriate case for the enforcement of the AD to be
stayed in the interest of justice due to the precarious financial position
of Gammerlite which raises a real concern as to its ability to repay the
Adjudicated Sum if required to do so following the outcome of the
arbitration proceedings.
[47] In the exercise of my discretion, I was minded to allow the Stay
Application in the alternative prayer i.e. to grant a conditional stay
whereby the sum of RM8,137,527.93 is to be placed, not in a fixed
deposit account jointly held by the parties’ solicitors as stakeholders as
prayed, but instead in an interest bearing account to be held by
Gammerlite’s solicitors as stakeholders until the final determination of
the disputes between the parties in the arbitration proceedings. Initially,
I ordered that this is to be done within 30 days from the date of the
decision, however, upon the request by JKSB’s counsel, the period of
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30 days would start to run only from the date of issuance of the sealed
Order of the Court.
[48] The order for a conditional stay would achieve the objective of striking
a balance between the competing commercial interests of the parties
in that, recognition is given to the Adjudicated Sum as reflected in the
AD and the fear or concern of Gammerlite’s inability to repay the same
is obliviated as the Adjudicated Sum will be earning interest in the
stakeholder account (see Punj Lloyd Sdn Bhd v Ramo Industries Pte
Ltd & Anor and another case [2019] 11 MLJ 57 at paragraphs 128 -
132, Samsung C & T Corporation UEM Construction JV Sdn Bhd v
Eversendai Constructions (M) Sdn Bhd [2022] MLJU 2642 at
paragraphs 21 - 25, Mudajaya Corporation Bhd v KWSL Builders Sdn
Bhd and another case [2023] MLJU 669 at paragraphs 21 - 25 and
Samsung C&T Corporation UEM Construction JV Sdn Bhd v
Eversendai Constructions (M) Sdn Bhd [2023] MLJU 2555 at
paragraph 28).
[49] On a final note, I have allowed the Enforcement Application and the
alternative prayer in the Stay Application as I am of the view that,
legally there is no impediment for such orders to be made. There are
no express prohibitions in the CIPAA to the effect that applications for
stay of adjudication decisions must be dismissed if the applications for
enforcement of the same adjudication decisions are allowed.
Furthermore, an adjudication decision is not merged into a judgment if
an application under s 28 CIPAA is allowed since an order obtained
pursuant to that provision merely permits the adjudication decision to
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be enforced as a judgment of the court; it is not a judgment in itself
(see paragraphs 23 and 24 in ASM Development (supra), EA
Technique (supra) and the decision of this Court in ASM Development
(KL) Sdn Bhd v. Econpile (M) Sdn Bhd [2023] MLRHU 939 which
involved ASM Development’s application against Econpile and its
directors for contempt of court).
[50] There are several cases decided by the High Court where the
applications to enforce the adjudication decisions and to stay the same
have both been allowed (see Kuasatek (M) Sdn Bhd v HCM
Engineering Sdn Bhd and other appeals [2018] MLJU 1919, Punj Lloyd
(supra), Mudajaya Corporation (supra) and Marvesco Sdn Bhd v Apex
Communications Sdn Bhd and another case [2022] MLJU 127).
[51] As at the date of hearing (5.9.2023) and decision (27.9.2023) of the
Enforcement Application and the Stay Application, the Court and the
learned counsels were aware of the decisions by the Court of Appeal
as delivered by Mohd Nazlan Ghazali JCA and Abu Bakar Jais JCA in
ASM Development (supra; ‘CIPAA 1’) and ASM Development (KL)
Sdn Bhd v Econpile (M) Sdn Bhd & other appeals [2023] 4 MLJ 720
(‘CIPAA 2’), respectively, and that the motions by the disgruntled
parties for leave to appeal to the Federal Court in respect of the
decisions in the applications pursuant to s 16 of the CIPAA have been
[52] In the appeal against the decision in CIPAA 1, one of the questions of
law posed to the Federal Court is “Whether an adjudication decision,
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after having been enforced pursuant to s. 28 CIPAA as an Order of the
Court, can be stayed pursuant to s. 16(1)(b) CIPAA”.
[53] As at the time of writing these grounds of judgement, the Federal Court
has decided, on 3.10.2023, to allow the appeal by Econpile (M) Sdn
Bhd in CIPAA 1 and to dismiss the appeal by ASM Development in
CIPAA 2. The full grounds of judgment have yet to be released.
[54] Based on the aforesaid considerations, both the Enforcement
Application in O.S. No. 112 and the Stay Application in O.S. No. 87
were allowed.
[55] In the circumstances, I exercised my discretion in making no order as
to costs for both applications.
Dated: 26 December 2023
Construction Court 2
High Court
Kuala Lumpur
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Counsels/ Solicitors:
For the Plaintiff in O.S. No. 87 and the Defendant in O.S. No. 112:
Victoria Loi Tien Fen (Hoo Yee Huan and Kienan Yeo with her)
Messrs. Shook Lin & Bok
Advocates & Solicitors
20th Floor, AmBank Group Building
55, Jalan Raja Chulan
50200 Kuala Lumpur
For the Plaintiff in O.S. No. 112 and the Defendant in O.S. No. 87:
Ashok Kandiah (David Soosay and Ashvinderjeet Kaur with him)
Messrs. Haris Ibrahim Kandiah Partnership
Advocates & Solicitors
Suite 12.01, Level 12
Menara Choy Fook On
Jalan Yong Shook Lin
46050 Petaling Jaya
Cases, legislation and other sources referred to in the submissions by
learned counsels and in the Grounds of Judgment:
Aliran Asia Sdn Bhd v Astaka Padu Sdn Bhd [2021] MLJU 2562
ASM Development (KL) Sdn Bhd v Econpile (M) Sdn Bhd and other appeals
[2022] 6 MLJ 392; [2023] 1 CLJ 1 (CA)
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ASM Development (KL) Sdn Bhd v. Econpile (M) Sdn Bhd [2023] MLRHU
939 (HC)
Bumimetro Construction Sdn Bhd v Mayland Universal Sdn Bhd and another
appeal [2017] MLJU 2245
CRCC Malaysia Bhd v M101 Entity Sdn Bhd and other cases [2021] MLJU
Duli Yang Amat Mulia Tunku Ibrahim Ismain Ibni Sultan Iskandar Al-Haj v.
Datuk Captain Hamzah Mohd Noor & Another Appeal [2009] 4 CLJ 329
EA Technique (M) Sdn Bhd v. Malaysia Marine And Heavy Engineering Sdn
Bhd [2021] 1 AMR 594
Genbina Sdn Bhd v Bina Puri Construction Sdn Bhd and another appeal
[2019] MLJU 1933; [2020] 2 MLRH 101
Hamidah Fazilah Sdn Bhd v Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
[2017] 7 MLJ 274
Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd v Puteri Nusantara Sdn Bhd [2019] 2 MLJ 362 (CA)
Ireka Engineering & Construction Sdn Bhd v Tri Pacific Engineering Sdn Bhd
and another summons [2020] MLJU 548
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Ireka Engineering and Construction Sdn Bhd v PWC Corp Sdn Bhd and
another appeal [2019] MLJU 35 (CA)
Kuasatek (M) Sdn Bhd v HCM Engineering Sdn Bhd and other appeals
[2018] MLJU 1919
Leong Keng Chiang v Prema Bonanza Sdn Bhd [2021] MLJU 714
Low Cheng Soon v. TA Securities Sdn Bhd [2003] 1 CLJ 309
Maju Holdings Sdn Bhd v. Spring Energy Sdn Bhd [2020] 1 LNS 1194
Marvesco Sdn Bhd v Apex Communications Sdn Bhd and another case
[2022] MLJU 127
Mudajaya Corporation Bhd v KWSL Builders Sdn Bhd and another case
[2023] MLJU 669
Ng Choon Mei v Yap Kean Hong [2021] MLJU 1096
Office 2 Go (M) Sdn Bhd v Probina Project Sdn Bhd [2021] MLJU 2009
Pasukhas Sdn Bhd v Empire Multiple Sdn Bhd and another appeal [2019]
MLJU 1393 (HC)
Perkapalan Dai Zhun Sdn Bhd v Formosa Plastics Marine Corporation & Ors
and another case [2020] 1 LNS 737
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Pinnacle Supreme Sdn Bhd v. DSG Projects Malaysia Sdn Bhd [2021] 1 LNS
Puncak Niaga Construction Sdn Bhd v Mersing Construction & Engineering
Sdn Bhd (and 2 Other Originating Summonses) [2022] 1 AMR 249 (HC)
Puncak Niaga Construction Sdn Bhd v Mersing Construction & Engineering
Sdn Bhd [2022] MLJU 2107 (CA)
Punj Lloyd Sdn Bhd v Ramo Industries Sdn Bhd & Anor and another case
[2019] 11 MLJ 574
Pwc Corp Sdn Bhd v Ireka Engineering & Construction Sdn Bhd and another
appeal [2018] MLJU 152; [2018] 1 LNS 163
RA Suria Sdn Bhd v Cedy Third Contracting and Trading (M) Sdn Bhd and
other cases [2023] MLJU 247
Samsung C & T Corporation UEM Construction JV Sdn Bhd v Eversendai
Constructions (M) Sdn Bhd [2022] MLJU 2642
Samsung C&T Corporation Uem Construction JV Sdn Bhd v Eversendai
Constructions (M) Sdn Bhd [2023] MLJU 2555
Seal Properties (KL) Sdn Bhb v. Wabina Constructions & Engineering Sdn
Bhd [2022] 1 LNS 680
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Skyworld Development Sdn Bhd v. Zalam Corp Sdn Bhd and Other Appeals
[2019] 1 LNS 173
Subang Skypark Sdn Bhd v Arcradius Sdn Bhd [2015] 11 MLJ 818
Sun Plaza Development Sdn Bhd v. Hejingkang Sdn Bhd [2021] 1 LNS 629
Syarikat TD Sdn Bhd v Jeks Engineering Sdn Bhd and another case [2019]
MLJU 1754
Terminal Perintis Sdn Bhd v Tan Ngee Hong Construction Sdn Bhd and
another case [2017] MLJU 242
Uzma Engineering Sdn Bhd v. Khan Co. Ltd and another summons [2020] 1
LNS 1153
View Esteem Sdn Bhd v Bina Puri Holdings Bhd [2018] 2 MLJ 22; [2019] 5
CLJ 479
Wabina Constructions & Engineering Sdn Bhd v Fulloop Sdn Bhd and other
cases [2022] MLJU 2744
YKS Enterprise Sdn Bhd v. Aspirasi Ternama Sdn Bhd [2019] 1 LNS 1697
Zeta Letrik Sdn Bhd v JAKS Sdn Bhd and other cases [2022] MLJU 2734
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Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act 2012, ss 5, 13,16 & 28
Rules of Court 2012, O. 1A, O. 2, O. 32, O. 69A rr. 2, 3, 4 and 5 & O. 92 r. 4
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| 39,146 | Tika 2.6.0 |
W-05(SH)-267-06/2022 | PERAYU Ithisham Noor Elahi RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya [Pendakwa Raya] | An appellate court should be slow in disturbing the sentence meted out by the learned trial judge - Unless there are substantial and compelling reasons for disagreeing with the decisions - The learned deputy public prosecutor urged not to disturbed the sentence handed down by the learned trial judge - Having regard to the public interest as well as the gravity of the offence - Whether the sentence was manifestly excessive? - Paramount importance in the administration of criminal justice - The court below applies the correct judicial principles in the assessment of the sentence - The punishment meted out is within the sentencing trend for the same type of offence at that material time - Appropriate sentence of fifteen (15) years imprisonment to run from the date of arrest would serve its purpose – Appeal allowed - Set aside the sentence imposed by the High Court and substituted to that as ordered above. | 26/01/2024 | YA Dato' Azmi Bin AriffinKorumYA Dato' Hadhariah Bt Syed IsmailYA Dato' Paduka Azman Bin AbdullahYA Dato' Azmi Bin Ariffin | |
CRIMINAL APPEAL NO: W-05(SH)-267-06/2022 &
In the Matter of the High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur
Federal Territory Criminal Trial No: WA-45B-24-03/2017
Public Prosecutor - Appellant
Ithisham Noor Elahi - Respondent
26/01/2024 16:46:37
W-05(SH)-267-06/2022 Kand. 29
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[1] The appellant and another individual (Muhammad Said bin A.
Zamzani) were originally charged at the High Court Kuala Lumpur for the
following offence:
“Bahawa kamu bersama-sama dengan seorang lagi yang telah
dituduh iaitu Muhammad Said bin A. Zamzani (No. KP: 960110- 05-
5191), pada 4 Oktober 2016 pada jam lebih kurang 7.00 malam, di
Blok C-17-16, Flat Danau Kota, Jalan 2/23D, Off Jalan Genting
Klang, Setapak, di dalam Daerah Wangsa Maju, di dalam Wilayah
Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, dalam mencapai niat bersama, telah
melakukan bunuh dengan menyebabkan kematian terhadap
ABDUL AZIZ BIN SURI (NO. KP: 570715-05- 5027), dan dengan itu
kamu telah melakukan satu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum di
bawah seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan dibaca bersama dengan
seksyen 34 Kanun yang sama."
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[2] At the conclusion of the trial, the said Muhammad Said bin A.
Zamzani was acquitted and discharged. The appellant was however found
guilty for the offence of culpable homicide not amounting to murder under
section 299 of Penal Code and sentenced to seventeen (17) years of
imprisonment under section 304(a) of the same Code.
[3] On 5/6/2022, the appellant filed an appeal against conviction and
sentence to this Court.
[4] On 10/6/2022, the respondent filed an appeal against the whole of
the learned trial judge decision delivered on 25/5/2022.
[5] The appeal before us was heard on 5/12/2023.
[6] However, at the start of the party’s submission, the learned deputy
public prosecutor agreed to retract their appeal on both conviction and
sentence. Consequently, the appellant also retracts its appeal on
conviction and will only confined his submission on the sentence.
[7] Hence, the appeal before us was only in respect of the sentence.
Brief Facts
[8] We shall now lay out the background facts leading to the charge as
encapsulated by the High Court, with slight modifications. During the trial,
the prosecution had called 19 witnesses to testify against the appellant.
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[9] PW16 (Nur Azielia Binti Abdul Aziz) was a daughter of the deceased
and former wife of the appellant. She lived at Block C-17-16 at Flat Danau
Kota in Setapak, Kuala Lumpur.
[10] At the material time, PW16, who worked in an insurance company,
stayed at the flat with two others, namely her two-year old son and her
father, a taxi driver and who is the deceased named in the charges.
[11] In the morning of 4/10/2016 before going to work, PW16 sent her
son to a childminder at a unit on the 7th floor at the same Flat Danau Kota.
In the evening, back from work and after fetching her son, she entered the
front door of her flat unit at around 7.00pm.
[12] Once they were both inside, she tried to switch on the lights but as
it did not turn on, she proceeded to the main switch to check. At that point,
from behind her, someone put his hand over her mouth. She recognized
his voice as the appellant’s. She also managed to see his face. PW16 also
saw another person who was wearing a face mask (covering the nose and
below) got hold of her son. She later identified him as the Muhammad
Said bin A. Zamzani. She also saw dark patches on the carpet which she
immediately recognized were splatters of blood.
[13] PW16 and her son were held captive and confined to their home by
the two until 6/10/2016. On that day, the appellant took PW16 and her son
out of the flat to run away with PW16 driving her car. Whilst stopping at a
McDonald restaurant for a take away, PW16 drove off with her son,
leaving behind the appellant who was at the purchase counter. PW16
made a police report at 3.15 pm on that 6/10/2016.
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[14] PW16 had first after her escape, telephoned her aunt (PW2) who
testified that PW16 sounded terrified and panicky when the latter said
someone wanted to harm her and her child. PW16 and her son then made
it to the home of PW2.
[15] Following the report, on the same day, a police team went to the flat
at Block C-17-16, broke open the door, and found the body of the
deceased in one of the rooms. The body was confirmed to be that of the
deceased by his daughter, PW16, and the investigating officer (PW19).
[16] The pathologist (PW12) who conducted the post mortem on the
deceased concluded that the cause of death is "attributable to fatal
stabbed wound to the body”, as stated in her report in P63.
[17] At the end of the prosecution case, the learned High Court Judge
found that a prima facie case of murder was established against the
appellant. He was called upon to enter this defence on the charge. He
elected to give evidence under oath.
[18] At the end of the defence case, the learned trial judge found the
appellant guilty and thus convicted him for the commission of the offence
of culpable homicide not amounting to murder under section 299
punishable under section 304 (a) of the Penal Code. The appellant was
accordingly sentenced to 17 years of imprisonment with effect from the
date of arrest.
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The Law on Appellate Intervention
[19] The law on the appellate intervention is quite settled. An appellate
court should be slow in disturbing the sentence meted out by the learned
trial judge unless there are substantial and compelling reasons for
disagreeing with the decisions. The appellate court can and will interfere
in the sentence imposed by the lower court if it is satisfied that any of the
following four grounds are made out:
(a) The sentencing judge had made a wrong decision as to the
proper factual basis for the sentence;
(b) There had been an error on the part of the trial judge in
appreciating the material facts placed before him;
(c) The sentence was wrong in principle; or
(d) The sentence imposed was manifestly excessive or
(See R v. Ball [1951] 35 Cr App. R 164; Loo Weng Fatt v. Public
Prosecutor [2001] 3 SLR 313 at para [65]; Public
Prosecutor v. UI [2008] 4 SLR (R) 500).
[20] The Supreme Court in Mohd Abdullah Ang Swee Kang v. Public
Prosecutor [1987] CLJ Rep 209; [1988] 1 MLJ 167 held that:-
“In assessing the length of custodial sentence, the court must look
at the overall picture in perspective by considering, firstly, the gravity
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of the type of offence committed; secondly, the facts in the
commission of the offence; thirdly, the presence or absence of
mitigating factors, and, fourthly, the sentences that have been
imposed in the past for similar offences to determine the trend of
sentencing policy, if any. The fact that a sentence of imprisonment
is imposed as a deterrence does not justify the sentence in passing
a sentence of greater length than what the facts of the offence
warrant. The gravity of the type of offence involved must be
considered in the light of the particular facts of the offence."
[21] In Bhandulananda Jayatilake v. Public Prosecutor [1981] 1 LNS
139; [1982] 1 MLJ 83, Raja Azlan Shah A.g. LP (as His Royal Highness
then was) had occasion to say:-
“Is the sentence harsh and manifestly excessive? We would
paraphrase it in this way. As this is an appeal against the exercise
by the learned judge of a discretion vested in him, is the sentence
so far outside the normal discretionary limits as to enable this court
to say that its imposition must have involved an error of law of some
description? I have had occasion to say elsewhere, that the very
concept of judicial discretion involves a right to choose between
more than one possible course of action upon which there is room
for reasonable people to hold differing opinions as to which is to be
preferred. That is quite inevitable. Human nature being what it is,
different judges applying the same principles at the same time in the
same country to similar facts may sometimes reach different
conclusions (see Jamieson v. Jamieson [1952] AC 525, 549). It is
for that reason that some very conscientious judges have thought it
their duty to visit particular crimes with exemplary sentences; whilst
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others equally conscientious have thought it their duty to view the
same crimes with leniency. Therefore, sentences do vary in
apparently similar circumstances with the habit of mind of the
particular judge. It is for that reason also that this court has said it
again and again that it will not normally interfere with sentences, and
the possibility or even the probability, that another court would have
imposed a different sentence is not sufficient, per se, to warrant this
court's interference."
Our Decisions
[22] On the question of sentence, this is what the learned trial judge said:
“[260] The teamed counsel for the second accused in the mitigation
for his client informed this Court that he was the eldest in the family,
and his parents are still depending on him for his income to support
them. He was working as a security guard at a salary of RM1,500
per month. He had already been in remand for the past five years,
and impressed on this Court that a long custodial sentence would
be wasteful especially considering that one of the principles of
sentencing is reformation of the convict. As for the commission of
the offence, the second accused attributed to what he referred to as
provocation and his former wife's infidelity. Nevertheless, he was a
first offender with no criminal records in this country or elsewhere.
[261] Learned counsel also referred to a number of previous
decisions which exhibited a range of custodial sentence of between
15 years and 18 years. These included the recent aforementioned
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case of Pubalan a/l Peremal v. Public Prosecutor [2020] 5 MLJ 442
where the murder conviction was set aside and a jail term of 15 years
under Section 304 (a) was ordered instead.
[262] The prosecution, in response, briefly highlighted that the crime
in question was very serious. A life had been lost for no good reasons
at all. Public interest must be given paramount consideration such
that since the original charge was murder, the second accused was
deserving of a long custodial sentence.
[263] My assessment on sentencing had taken into consideration all
relevant factors for the purpose of meting out the sentence. It is
clear, that the seriousness of the crime committed by the second
accused is a significant aggravating factor. Whilst the rampancy of
such violent offences must never be taken lightly. A person has lost
his life. This is irreversible.
[264] And these must be weighed against mitigating factors raised
by the appellant as mentioned earlier. It is also plain that this Court
must be especially mindful of considerations of public interest -
particularly on the need to send a signal that this crime is downright
abhorrent, with emphasis on the sentencing principle of deterrence.
Reference must also be made to similar cases and ensure the
achievement of a pursuit of seeking a sentence that as closely as
possible reflect the key sentencing objectives of retribution and
reformation but also especially prevention and deterrence (see PP
v. Teh Ah Cheng [1976] 2 MLJ 186).
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[265] In my judgment, the sentence to be meted out against the
second accused-of 17 years' imprisonment from the date of arrest-
is in consonance with a careful attempt to strike a balanced
determination of the most proportionate, fair and appropriate
punishment for the second accused for his conviction under Section
304(a) of the Penal Code.
[266] The second accused is therefore sentenced to a term of
imprisonment of 17 years from the date of his arrest under Section
304(a) of the Penal Code, for his conviction of the offence of
culpable homicide not amounting to murder.”
[23] In mitigation, the learned counsel for the appellant pleaded for
leniency from this Honourable Court and states as follows:
(a) He is currently 30 years old. He was only 23 years old when he
was arrested in 2016 and has been in remand for seven (7)
years from the date of his arrest (18/10/2016)
(b) He is the eldest child in his family. His parents who reside in
Pakistan are dependent on him to support them financially
given the fact that they are elderly and have difficulties to garner
sufficient income for themselves. The appellant is indeed a filial
son to his parents.
(c) Prior to his arrest, the appellant being a foreigner in this country,
was earning a measly RM1,500 as a security guard and sent
part of his monthly income to his family to alleviate their
financial burden. The family now wishes for the appellant to
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return to Pakistan and continue supporting them for their
(d) He is a first offender with no past criminal record in this country
or elsewhere.
(e) He should be given an opportunity to reform himself and turn
his criminal ways around to resume a normal and useful role in
(f) The consideration of public interest should not only reflect the
abhorrence of society against the crime by imposing elements
of retribution and deterrence in the sentence, but should also
ensure the promotion of rehabilitation and reformation on the
part of the appellant himself.
(h) A long period or incarcenation would be contrary to public
interest as it would impose an onerous burden on taxpayers
who will have to bear the costs of the appellant’s upkeep in jail.
(g) Giving the appellant lengthy term of incarceration would
undoubtedly deprive his family of his presence, love and
financial support. In the end, a longer term of imprisonment
would inevitably make the innocent people in his life be the
victims of his incarceration and would further plunge them into
depths of hardship and poverty.
(i) The appellant wishes to express his regret and remorse over
his actions and wishes to become a better person to support
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his family. The appellant apologises to the Court and other
parties, especially the family of the victim, and promises never
to repeat his mistaken ways.
(j) The appellant has served almost seven (7) years of
imprisonment in Malaysian prison. An unduly lengthy
imprisonment sentence would have caused him severe
(k) Given the circumstances of the present case and the trend of
sentencing, an imprisonment term of ten (10) years from the
date of arrest is appropriate.
[24] On the other hand, the learned deputy public prosecutor urged this
court not to disturbed the sentence handed down by the learned trial judge
having regard to the public interest as well as the gravity of the offence.
[25] In this regard, it is plain that the argument on the issue of whether
the sentence was manifestly excessive or otherwise is not a new
argument. While, we acknowledge that the punishment now imposed may
not be ideal and palatable to everyone, however, is it always of paramount
importance in the administration of criminal justice to see that the court
below applies the correct judicial principles in the assessment of the
sentence and that the punishment meted out is within the sentencing trend
for the same type of offence at that material time.
[26] Having carefully considered the submissions from both sides, and
the facts of the present case, we are of the unanimous view that an
appropriate sentence of fifteen (15) years imprisonment to run from the
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date of arrest would serve its purpose. We therefore allow the appeal and
set aside the sentence imposed by the High Court and substituted to that
as ordered above.
Date: 16 January 2024
- sgd -
Azmi bin Ariffin
Court of Appeal Malaysia
For the Appellant : Dato' Rajpal Singh, Cik Siti Anis Che Ab
[Rajpal, Firah & Vishnu]
For the Respondents : Parvin Hameedah Natchiar
[Deputy Public Prosecutor]
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| 18,577 | Tika 2.6.0 |
P-05(M)-577-12/2019 | PERAYU Seyedmohsen Namazikivaj Seyedreza RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya [Pendakwa Raya] | Section 2 of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 - 'trafficking' - ‘manufacture’ - Section 39B(1) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 - Section 34 of the Penal Code - The essence of the accused defence was that the exhibits identified and marked before the learned Senior Assistant Registrar in the absence of the learned trial judge - The procedure not provided under 172B of the Criminal Procedure Code - The exhibits tendered are said to be inadmissible - Contravention of section 172B (2)(vi) of the Criminal Procedure Code - Case Management - The record in the Notes of Proceedings does not shows what transpired on the 18/2/2019 and 19/2/2019 - All the exhibits tendered in court, was exactly the same exhibit that was seized from the premises - The identity of the drugs and the unbroken chain of evidence is never in doubt - Neither there were serious infirmities that had caused any prejudiced or occasioned miscarriage of justice - The case for the prosecution was not based on custody or control - The act of manufacturing does not require the act of possession to be proved in order to constitute trafficking in section of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 - The prosecution can rely primarily on direct evidence of trafficking - No presumptions in section 37 of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 thereof to facilitate proof of that fact or the requirement to prove the existence of possession - The appellants were involved in the manufacturing of methamphetamine - Whether possession needs to be proven in a case involving ‘manufacturing’ before the trafficking definition can be invoked? - Existed nexus between the accused and the act of ‘manufacturing’ - Noticeable odour of chemicals and the running of the fans firmly establishes not only knowledge but also a common intention of the three accused to manufacture the drugs - DNA, fingerprint lifting or even traces of drugs are only corroborative in nature when all other overwhelming evidence of manufacturing are proven. | 26/01/2024 | YA Dato' Azmi Bin AriffinKorumYA Dato' Hadhariah Bt Syed IsmailYA Dato' Ahmad Zaidi Bin IbrahimYA Dato' Azmi Bin Ariffin | |
CRIMINAL APPEAL NO: P-05(M)-577-12/2019
In the Matter of the High Court of Malaya at Georgetown
In The State of Penang
Criminal Trial No: PA-45A-59-09/2017
Public Prosecutor
1. Balakrishnan a/l Jaganathan
2. Mohammad Abbasi Younes
3. SeyedMohsen Namazivaj SeyedReza
4. Lacheme Devi a/p Balasundram
26/01/2024 16:22:36
P-05(M)-577-12/2019 Kand. 94
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CRIMINAL APPEAL NO: P-05 (M)-595-12/2019
In the Matter of the High Court of Malaya at Georgetown
In The State of Penang
Criminal Trial No: PA -45A -59-09/2017
Public Prosecutor
1. Balakrishnan a/l Jaganathan
2. Mohammad Abbasi Younes
3. SeyedMohsen Namazivaj SeyedReza
4. Lacheme Devi a/p Balasundram
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CRIMINAL APPEAL NO: P-05 (M)-609-12-12/2019
In the Matter of the High Court of Malaya at Georgetown
In The State of Penang
Criminal Trial No: PA -45A -59-09/2017
Public Prosecutor
1. Balakrishnan a/l Jaganathan
2. Mohammad Abbasi Younes
3. SeyedMohsen Namazivaj SeyedReza
4. Lacheme Devi a/p Balasundram
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[1] This is an appeal against the conviction and sentence of the three
(3) Appellants i.e SeyedMohsen Namazivaj SeyedReza (first appellant),
Balakrishnan a/l Jaganathan (second appellant) and Mohammad Abbasi
Younes (third appellant) on the amended charge under section 39B(1)(a)
of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952.
[2] All the three Appellants were found guilty and convicted of the
offence by the Penang High Court. They were each sentenced to death.
[3] Being dissatisfied with the said decision, the three Appellants
appeal to this court.
The Charge
[4] To begin with, initially there were four (4) accused charged in the
High Court at Georgetown, Penang under section 39B(1)(c) of the
Dangerous Drugs Act 1952.
[5] They were as follows:
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i) Balakrishnan a/l Jaganathan as the first accused;
ii) Mohammad Abbasi Younes as the second accused;
iii) SeyedMohsen Namazivaj SeyedReza being the third accused;
iv) Lacheme Devi a/p Balasundram being the fourth accused.
[6] The original charge preferred against all the four accused reads as
“Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 20/8/2015 jam lebih kurang
2210 hrs di premis No. 57B, Perindustrian Kecil Taman Sri
Rambai, dalam Daerah Seberang Perai Tengah, di dalam Negeri
Pulau Pinang telah melakukan suatu perbuatan bagi
persediaan bagi tujuan mengedar dadah berbahaya jenis
Methamphetamine seberat 48,623 gram. Oleh itu kamu telah
melakukan suatu kesalahan di bawah seksyen 39B (1)(c) Akta
Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen
39B (2) Akta yang sama dan dibaca bersama seksyen 34 Kanun
[7] At the end of the prosecution case, the learned High Court Judge
found that a prima facie case of trafficking by way of manufacturing was
established against all the accused and amended the charge to one of an
offence under section 39B(1)(a) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952. The
four accused were called upon to enter their defence on the amended
charge. They elected to give evidence under oath.
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[8] At the end of the defence case, the learned trial judge acquitted and
discharged the 4th accused for having successfully raised a reasonable
doubt in the prosecution case. Whilst the present three
appellants/accused were convicted and sentenced to suffer death.
Against the said order, the three appellants appeal.
[9] We will for convenience in this appeal, refer the three appellants in
the manner they were referred to in the High Court.
The Prosecution’s Case
[10] The case of the prosecution was well laid out by the learned trial
judge in his grounds of judgment which is reproduced herein:
“1. The prosecution's evidence shows that the police had
targeted a premise for surveillance at the address of 57B,
Perindustrian Kecil Taman Sri Rambai, dalam Daerah Seberang
Perai Tengah, Penang ("the premise").
2. The surveillance was carried out by 2 separate teams of police
officers at different times. The first team was led by ASP Mohd
Suhaimi (SP7). SP7 testified that on 19/8/2015 at about 9AM he had
received a tip off of drug processing taking place at the premise.
3. SP7 arrived outside the premise at 5PM on 19/8/2015 and
started the surveillance from a distance of 50 to 70 meters where he
could see the entrance of the premise. SP7 divided his team into a
number of groups each with their respective instructions. At 5PM
SP7 saw a lorry with a red head arrive at the premise. He saw an
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Indian man later identified in court as the 1st accused alighting from
the lorry. The 1st accused carried out a few boxes from the lorry and
brought them into the premise. The 1st accused then left the
4. At about 6.41 pm the same day SP7 saw the 1st accused
return to the premise in a black MyVi car bearing the registration
number WVT 3454. This time the 2nd 3rd and 4th accused who were
with the 1st accused alighted from the car and entered into the
5. At about 9.30 pm SP7 saw the 1st and 4th accused leaving
the premise and return at 10.30 pm bringing back food packets and
they again entered the premise. None of the 4 accused came out of
the premise that night.
6. The next morning at 6.45 am SP7 saw the 1st and 4th accused
come out of the premise with the 1st accused carrying 2 black plastic
bags whereas the 4th accused carried 1 plastic bag. All the plastic
bags were put into the MyVi and both the 1st and 4th accused left
the premise.
7. SP7 decided to follow the MyVi leaving another team to
continue surveillance of the premise. SP7 tailed the MyVi car to a
distance of 4 to 5 km until the car stopped at a rubbish dump
container. SP7 saw the 4th accused take out the 3 plastic bags and
throw into the waste dump container.
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8. SP7 retrieved the 3 plastic bags and opening the plastic bags
found in 1 plastic bag which he marked as A, 5 plastic trays labelled
as Phosphorous Red, in the 2nd plastic which SP7 marked as B,
SP7 saw 33 transparent plastic wrappers yellowish in colour and
from the 3rd plastic bag which SP7 marked as C, SP7 found a plastic
hose, 1 mineral bottle and 48 bundle of plastic wrappers.
9. After retrieving the plastic bags SP7 returned to the premise
and sought the assistance of Inspector Mohamad Zaidi (SP1) to
continue the surveillance of the premise. SP1 and his team were the
second team who continued with the surveillance after taking over
from SP7 at about 8 pm.
10. Meanwhile SP7 went to the police station and lodged a police
report as well as handed the items seized to the Investigating Officer
11. At 10pm while SP1 was on duty of look out nearby the premise
he saw a Volvo car bearing registration plate PGK 265 stop in front
of the premise. The 1st accused alighted from the car and entered
into the premise. SP1 then directed his men to standby to carry out
a raid on the premise.
12. At 10.10pm the 1st accused came out of the premise
prompting SP1 to spring into action and approach the 1st accused.
SP1 identified himself as a police officer and detained the 1st
accused. SP1 then entered the premise and went to the 1st floor
and upon entering smelled a smell of acid emanating from the 1st
floor as well as heard loud sound of fan rotating. SP1 also saw 3
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metal containers boiling some chemicals on 3 stoves. SP1 also saw
2 large exhaust fans.
13. Upon further search SP1 saw the 2nd and 3rd accused in a
room on the 1st floor. All 3 accused were searched and SP1
recovered the identity card of the 1st accused as well as assortment
of keys. SP1 saw a lot of items on the 1st floor and listed down all
the items in the search list which was tendered in court as P10.
14. SP1 continued the search on the ground floor and found many
boxes containing chemical labelled as hydraulic acid, toluene, red
phosphorous and others. SP1 and his men then searched the
houses using the keys found on the 1st accused. In one house
Inspector Mohammed Amirullah (SP10) found the 4th accused and
detained her.
15. All the items seized by SP1 and all the 4 accused were handed
to SP3 on 21/8/2015 at 4am. SP3 on receiving information about the
raid had already arrived at the premise at about 1.30am and had
brought along the police photographers who took all the
photographs on the direction of SP3 after SP1 gave details of the
raid to SP3. SP3 confirmed the smell of chemical emanating at the
1st floor. SP3 also drew a sketch plan of both the ground floor as
well as the 1st floor detailing out the finding of the various items in
the premise.
16. On reaching the police station and after being handed over all
the seized items SP3 contacted the chemistry department to get the
assistance of the chemist to visit the premise. At 11AM the chemist
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from the Chemistry Department Penang Puan Afizawati(SP4)
arrived at the premise and took samples of all liquids at the premise
as well as took swabs. Her finding on analysis of all samples given
to her as well as items seized were reduced into her report which
was tendered in court and marked as P23. SP4 on analyzing all the
items as well as seeing the premise concluded that the premise was
used to process the dangerous drugs methamphetamine.
17. The police forensics team also visited the premise and took
samples and swabs from the premise as well as the cars used by
the 1st accused and prepared a forensics report which was tendered
in Court.”
Findings of The Learned Trial Judge at The End of The Prosecution’s
[11] In the instant appeal, the learned trial judge, citing various
authorities, centred his findings on the four accused’s involvement in
manufacture of the dangerous drug, break in chain of evidence pertaining
to the seized drugs, doubt in respect of the identity of the drug produced
in court and failure to consider the element of possession, etc. The
learned trial judge addressed to the aforesaid issues in the following’s
18. The burden upon the prosecution at the end of the
prosecution's case is to prove a prima facie case.
19. The judgement in Looi Kow Chai v. Public Prosecutor [2003]
2 AMR 89 the Court of Appeal held:
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[26] “It therefore follows that there is only one exercise that a
judge sitting alone under s180 of the CPC has to undertake at
the close of the prosecution case. He must subject the
prosecution evidence to maximum evaluation and to ask
himself the question: if I decide to call upon the accused to
enter his defence and he elects to remain silent, am I prepared
to convict him on the totality of the evidence contained in the
prosecution case? If the answer is in the negative then no
prima facie case has been made out and the accused would
be entitled to an acquittal."
20. One of the challenges faced by the police in this case was to
seize and mark every item found on the premise which amounted to
hundreds of items. Some of the items were too bulky and hazardous
to be brought to the court and had to be kept in special rooms at the
police storage facility. To overcome this obstacle of tendering of this
item as exhibits the court decided to have a proceeding of the court
at the police storage facility, to mark, label and see the items seized.
This was done in the presence of all the 4 accused and their defence
counsel. The whole exercise took nearly 4 hours. In the court's
observation all the items were well kept with the markings of the
seizing officer as well as the markings of the investigating officer and
the chemist all intact. In short there is no break in the chain of
evidence of the items seized and which were later sent to the
chemist and finally produced before the Court.
21. In the case of Gunalan a/l Ramachandran & Ors v. PP [2004]
4 MLJ 489, the Court of Appeal decided:
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“[41] First, by way of a general observation, I am of the view
that, in a drug trafficking case what is important is that it must
be proved that it is the substance that was recovered that was
sent to the chemist for analysis and it is that same substance
that is found to be heroin or cannabis etc and it is in respect of
that substance that an accused is charged with trafficking. So,
the chain of evidence is more important for the period from the
time of recovery until the completion of the analysis by the
chemist. Even then it does not necessarily mean that if the
exhibit is passed from one person to another, every one of
them must be called to give evidence of the handing over from
one person to another and if there is a break, even for one
day, the case falls. There should be no confusion between
what has to be proved and the method of proving it. What has
to be proved is that it is the substance that was recovered that
was analysed by the chemist and found to be heroin, cannabis
etc, and it is for the trafficking of that same substance that the
Accused is charged with.”
“[42] The proof of the chain of evidence is only a method of
proving that fact. The fact that there is a gap does not
necessarily mean that that fact is not proved. It depends on
the facts and circumstances of each case. There may be a gap
in the chain of evidence. But, if for example, during that 'gap'
the exhibits are sealed, numbered with identification numbers,
there is no evidence of tempering, there is nothing that would
give rise to a doubt that that exhibit is the exhibit that was
recovered in that case and that was analysed by the chemist,
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the fact that there is a gap, in the circumstances .of the case,
may not give rise to any doubt of that fact."
22. The Court also accepted the evidence of the chemist especially
on her observation visiting the premise that it was used as a place to
process the dangerous drug methamphetamine. The evidence of the
chemist was not shaken during cross examination and the court had
no reason to disregard her testimony.
23. In this case the Court concluded that there was direct evidence
of trafficking without resorting to any presumption. The raid drew a
clear picture of the complicity of all the 4 accused in processing the
drugs. The complicity of the 1st accused was further established by
the fact that the premise belonged to a Company in which he was a
Director. Being in the premise overnight with the noticeable odour of
chemicals and the running of the fans firmly establishes not only
knowledge but also a common intention to manufacture the drugs.
24. The Court this case also determined that another suspect in this
case by the name of Hariharan who was a purported tenant of the 1st
floor of the premise and not called as a witness did not raise any
adverse inference against the case for the prosecution. This person
even if he was a tenant was not a material witness and his non-calling
did not leave any gap in the case for the prosecution. The prosecution
had tendered sufficient evidence to prove on prima facie base the
complicity of the 4 accused in the manufacture of the drugs.
25. The Federal Court in Amri Ibrahim & Anor v. PP [2017] 1 CLJ 617
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“[56] The issue of the non-calling of Phee Chin Guan was
argued before the Court of Appeal by the defence. The Court
of Appeal held inter alia that Phee Chin Guan was not an
essential or material witness to the prosecution in order to
establish a prima facie case at the close of its case or to prove
its case beyond reasonable doubt at the end of the defence
case and the non-calling of Phee Chin Guan did not leave a
gap in the prosecution's case. It was also held that on the facts
of the case, the learned trial judge did not err in not invoking
s. 114(g) of the Evidence Act 1950 against the prosecution.”
“[57] The power of the court to draw an adverse inference
under s. 114(g) of the Evidence Act 1950 is discretionary. It
depends on the circumstances of the case and particularly in
cases where the material witnesses are not produced (see Lau
Song Seng v. PP [1998] 1 SLR 663). The scope of s. 114(g)
has been explained by the Supreme Court in Munusamy
Vengadasalam v. PP [1987] 1 CLJ 250; [1987] CLJ (Rep) 221
at p. 223; [1987] 1 MLJ 492 at p. 494:
... It is essential to appreciate the scope of section 114(g) lest
it be carried too far outside its limit. Adverse inference under
that illustration can only be drawn if there Is withholding or
suppression of evidence and not merely on account of failure
to obtain evidence. It may be drawn from withholding not just
any document, but material document by a party in his
possession, or for non-production of not just any witness but
an important and material witness to the case.”
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“[58] On the facts of the case we agree with the finding of the
Court of Appeal that adverse inference under s. 114(g) of the
Evidence Act ought not to be drawn against the prosecution
for not calling Phee Chin Guan as its witness. We agree with
the reasons given by the Court of Appeal.”
26. Taking into consideration the entire evidence of the prosecution
the court was satisfied that the prosecution had led sufficient
evidence to prove that all the 4 accused were involved in the
manufacture of the dangerous drug methamphetamine and were not
merely preparing to manufacture the drugs. The finding of 48,623
grams of methamphetamine together with chemicals being boiled
showed that further manufacture of the drugs was taking place. The
court therefore taught it fit to amend the charge as the court is
authorized to do so.
27. The amended charge by the court reads:
“Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 20/8/2015 jam lebih
kurang 10.10 malam di No. 57B, Perindustrian Kecil Taman
Sri Rambai, dalam daerah Seberang Perai Tengah, di dalam
negeri Pulau Pinang, telah mengedar dengan cara
pembuatan (manufacturing) dadah berbahaya jenis
Methamphetamine. Oleh itu, kamu telah melakukan suatu
kesalahan di bawah seksyen 39B(1)(a) Akta Dadah
Berbahaya 1952 dan boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 39B(2)
Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan dibaca bersama seksyen 34
Kanun Keseksaan."
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28. The offence of manufacturing dangerous drugs however would
not need for the element of possession to be first proved. The Court
of Appeal in Lee Boon Siah & Ors v. PP [2014] 3 CLJ 584 ruled:
“[32] For the proper determination of this issue, It must be borne-
in mind that, as stated in s.2 of the DDA, the term ‘manufacture'
includes numerous and diverse processes or procedures namely
making, producing, compounding, assembling, refining or
transformation of the offending drugs. For that reason, in our
judgment, unlike for example the act of keeping, concealing,
storing, transporting and carrying dangerous drugs which
constitute 'trafficking' as defined in s.2 of the DDA that involve
the requirement of possession, the manufacturing of dangerous
drugs as in the present case does not involve possession (see:
PP v. Chia Leong Foo [2000] 4 CLJ 649; [2000] 6 MLJ 705 and
Public Prosecutor v. Mansur Md Rashid & Anor [1997] 1 CLJ
233; [1996] 3 MLJ 560). In other words, possession of the
impugned drugs need not be proven in a case involving
'manufacturing' before the trafficking definition in s.2 of the DDA
can be invoked.”
29. Upon amending the charge, the charge was read and
explained to the accused and all of them still claimed trial. The
defense counsel also did not avail the opportunity given by the court
to recall any witnesses. The court therefore directed all the 4 accused
to defend themselves on the amended charge.
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The Case for The Defence
[11] The four(4) accused defence had also been summarised by the
learned trial judge, and we now reproduce:
“30. In his defense the 1st accused sought to shift the blame to a
person whom he had rented out the 1st floor of the premise by the
name of Hariharan. According to the 1st accused he was a
legitimate businessman and this was supported by the fact that
there were numerous sacks of gloves which he traded in kept on the
ground floor. Both the 2nd and 3rd accused were his customers and
had ordered a huge quantity of gloves which needed to be sorted
out and packed. This was done with the assistance of the 4th
accused. The 2nd and 3th Accused had used the room upstairs to
await the preparation of the documentation and consignment.
According to the 1st accused the 2nd and 3rd accused were not in
the premise overnight but had gone back to the place they were
staying via the back door.
31. The 2nd and 3rd accused echoed the entire evidence of the 1st
accused and further added particulars of their business in their
home country. According to them they had come to Malaysia with
the sole intent of buying a huge consignment of the gloves. They
had got the 1st accused contact number online and had then come
to Penang from Kuala Lumpur.
32. The 4th accused testified that she was employed by the 1st
accused to do cleaning of the ground floor and had never gone up
to the 1st floor. She further testified that she only assisted the 1st
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accused when he called for her. She only came to the premise on
an irregular basis once a week. On the day of the police raid she
admitted that she was at the premise to sort out the gloves ordered
by the 2nd and 3rd accused.”
Findings of The Learned Trial Judge at The Conclusion of The Trial
[12] The learned trial judge then analysed the evidence of the all the
four(4) accused and concluded:
“36. The evidence of the all the 4 accused is hardly believable and
in fact borders upon absurdity. The attempt to shift the blame to his
tenant by the 1st accused was pathetic. The 1st accused could not
even produce any tenancy agreement although according to him he
was receiving a rental of RM3,000 a month. Even more obvious is
the fact that although he had rented the premise the 1st accused did
not seem to have surrendered the possession of the 1st floor as he
was free to use the 1st floor which he did in this case by allowing in
his own words the 2nd and 3rd accused to wait in the room above.
37. Further the strong odour of the chemicals could have alerted
anyone that something was literally cooking on the 1st floor and
should be investigated. The 1st accused ignored all the alarm bells
and in fact even allowed his tenant to keep large consignment of
chemicals on the ground floor. The 1st accused is clearly lying and
the Court made a firm finding that both the ground floor and the 1st
floor belonged to the 1st accused and was used by him for his illicit
trade. The sacks of gloves were just a front to camouflage the
manufacture of the drugs.
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38. The photographs taken by the police speaks a thousand
words and show a large number of paraphernalia being used in the
production of the drugs. Even a blind man could see the drugs being
cooked yet the 2nd and 3rd accused sitting in the room outside of
which the chemicals were boiling in the containers feigned
ignorance of any knowledge.
39. The evidence of the 2nd and 3rd accused that they were in
the premise for a short period of time and had gone back to their
apartment is a clear lie. The evidence of the police which the Court
had no reason to disbelieve was that there were a number of teams
holding a surveillance of the entire surroundings of the premise yet
they did not see anyone leaving even from the back door. Further
the photograph shows although there is a back exit it inaccessible
due to large number of boxes blocking the way to the exit. The Court
gain made a firm finding of fact that all the 4 accused were in the
premise throughout the night and until the time the police raided the
40. The evidence of the 2nd and 3rd accused that their sole
purpose of coming to Malaysia was to source for gloves is hardly
convincing for a number of reasons. The 3rd accused showed a
photograph of his shop in his home country and it is apparent that
the shop is too small to store the number of gloves which both the
2nd and 3rd accused claim that they were purchasing. Further in
their testimony although they claimed their main intention of coming
to Malaysia was to source for gloves yet they spent a large number
of days sightseeing. Even more puzzling is although they claim to
be such big and busy businessman they have not purchased a
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return ticket back to their country. In short, the evidence of the 1st,
2nd and 3rd accused is fictitious, imaginary and does not even raise
an iota of doubt in the face of the overwhelming evidence led by the
42. As to the evidence of the 4th accused her testimony that she
was working only part time for the 1st accused was not challenged
by the prosecution. From the fact it is clear that she was aware of
what was happening at the premise. In short, she knew something
was being cooked but there is a reasonable doubt in the Court's
mind of whether the 4th accused knew what actually cooking was
illicit drugs. The 4th accused did not come across as being very
intelligent and might not have fathomed that the 1st accused was
involved in illicit trade. Therefore, the Court is of the view that it is
more probable that the 4th accused did not have knowledge about
the manufacturing of the dangerous drugs in the premise.
44. Therefore, this Court finds the 1st, 2nd and 3rd accused guilty
on the amended charge and sentences them to death by hanging
per the amended charge. There is also no evidence put forward that
the three the accused falls under any of the provisions pursuant to
section 39B(2A) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 to be spared from
a death sentence. As for the 4th accused, the Court is of the opinion
that there is reasonable doubt and hereby the 4th accused is
acquitted and discharged.”
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The Appeal
[13] Before us, although the petition of appeal contained several
grounds, learned counsels for the first, second and third accused
submitted that they will be confined to only the following grounds of
appeal. The combined grounds relied on by them were:
(i) The learned trial judge erred in law and fact in amending the
charge proffered against the appellants from one under section
39B(1)(c) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 to one under section
39B(1)(a) of the same Act at the end of the prosecution's case.
(ii) The learned trial judge erred in law and fact in finding the
appellants guilty of an offence of drug trafficking by way of
manufacturing under section 39B (1)(a) of the Dangerous Drugs Act
1952 without first making an affirmative finding of possession.
(iii) The learned trial judge erred in hastily dismissing the
appellants' defence without having accorded maximum evaluation
and adequate judicial appreciation to it.
(iv) The learned trial judge erred in law and fact in finding there
was a common intention between the appellants to commit an
offence of drug trafficking under Section 39B(1)(a) of the Dangerous
Drugs Act 1952.
(v) The learned trial judge erred in law and/or fact when His
Lordship convicted the appellants based upon inadmissible
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evidence i.e., exhibits which were not identified nor marked in His
Lordship's presence.
The Relevant Provision of Laws
(i) Section 2 of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 defines 'trafficking' as
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires-
“trafficking" includes the doing of any of the following acts, that is to
say, manufacturing, importing, exporting, keeping, concealing,
buying, selling, giving, receiving, storing, administering,
transporting, carrying, sending, delivering, procuring, supplying or
distributing any dangerous drug otherwise than under the authority
of this Act or the regulations made under the Act;
(ii) Section 2 of the of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 defines
‘manufacture’ as follows:
‘manufacture': in relation to a dangerous drug, includes-
(a) the making, producing, compounding and assembling of the
(b) the making, producing, compounding and assembling a
preparation of the drug;
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(c) the refining or transformation of the drug into another
dangerous drug; and
(d) any process done in the course of the foregoing activities.
(iii) Section 39B(1) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 reads as follows:
“39B. Trafficking in dangerous drugs.
(1) No person shall, on his own behalf or on behalf of any other
person, whether or not such other person is in Malaysia-
(a) traffic in a dangerous drug;
(b) offer to traffic in a dangerous drug; or
(c) do or offer to do an act preparatory to or for the purpose of
trafficking in a dangerous drug."
(iv) Section 34 of the Penal Code provides as follows:
“When a criminal act is done by several persons, in furtherance of
the common intention of all, each of such persons is liable for that
act in the same manner is if the act were done by him alone."
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Our Decision
[14] Having considered the submissions of both the learned counsels
and learned deputy public prosecutor and having perused the appeal
records, we unanimously decide as follows:
[15] The essence of the accused defence was that the exhibits identified
and marked before the learned Senior Assistant Registrar in the absence
of the learned trial judge is a procedure not provided under 172B of the
Criminal Procedure Code. Thus, the exhibits tendered are said to be
inadmissible due to its clear contravention of section 172B (2)(vi) of the
Criminal Procedure Code.
[16] For ease of reference, section 172B of the Criminal Procedure Code
is reproduced below:
Case Management
172B. (1) A Magistrate, Sessions Court Judge or Judge of the High Court,
as the case may be, shall commence a case management process within
sixty days from the date of the Accused being charged and claims to be
(2) At the case management, the Magistrate, Sessions Court Judge or
Judge shall -
(i) take into consideration all matters that have been considered
and agreed to by the Accused and his advocate and the
prosecution during the pre-trial conference; and where a plea
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bargaining has been agreed between the accused and his
advocate and the prosecution during the pre-trial conference, the
Magistrate or the Sessions Court Judge or the Judge trying the
case shall decide on the voluntariness of the accused in the plea
bargaining according to the provisions of section 172c;
(ii) where no pre-trial conference has been held on the ground that
the accused is unrepresented, discuss with the accused and the
prosecution any matter which would have been considered
under section 172a;
(iii) assist an accused who is unrepresented to appoint an advocate
to represent the accused;determine the duration of the trial;
(iv) subject to subsection (3), fix a date for the commencement of
the trial;
(v) subject to the consent of the accused and his advocate, and
the prosecution, admit any exhibits; and
(vii) give directions on any other matter as will promote a fair and
expeditious trial.
(3) A subsequent case management, if necessary, may be held not less
than two weeks before the commencement of the trial.
(4) The trial shall commence not later than ninety days from the date of
the accused being charged.
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(5) Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (4), a failure for the case
management or the trial to commence according to the time period
specified in the subsections shall not
(a) render the charge or prosecution against the accused as
defective or invalid; or
(b) be considered as a ground for appeal, review or revision.
(6) Notwithstanding the provisions of the Evidence Act 1950, all matters
that have been reduced into writing and duly signed by the accused, his
advocate and the prosecution under subsection 172A(5) shall be
admissible in evidence at the trial of the accused.
[17] To answer those questions, it plainly requires us to closely
examined the Notes of Proceedings in its entirety.
[18] On 23/1/2019, the learned trial judge had exercised his power under
section 172B(2)(vi) of the Criminal Procedure Code to allow the
prosecution's application to have certain exhibits identified and marked at
the storeroom located at Seberang Perai Utara, Kepala Batas, in view of
the voluminous exhibits seized from the arrest.
“Mahkamah: Ya ok. Untuk tujuan PTC pagi ini, saya ingat bolehkah
pihak-pihak bersetuju tentang saksi dan juga dokumen.
Barang kes fizikal terlalu banyak.
TPR: Ya Yang Arif.
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Mahkamah: Tak apa you buat yang ini dulu. Saya akan putuskan
sama ada dan adalah permohonan DPP untuk pergi ke
mana, balai ka?
TPR: Pergi ke Stor Terkumpul di SPU (Seberang Perai Utara)
di Kepala Batas.
Mahkamah: Untuk melihat itu, tak boleh bawa sini, terlalu banyak?
TPR: Satu terlalu banyak. The other one is hazardous Yang Arif
sebab dia disimpan di bilik khas dekat bahan-bahan
Mahkamah: Ok untuk sementara ini seperti yang saya kata, saya akan
putuskan first case ditetapkan bulan depan.
TPR: Ya Yang Arif.
Mahkamah: Boleh buat arrangement ka since jurubahasa ada dengan
tertuduh mungkin boleh pergi tengahari ini.
TPR: Tengahari ini Yang Arif.?
Mahkamah: Ya. Boleh buat persediaan untuk pergi tengahari ini
because tak ada masa lain kerana bulan depan bicara.
You buat persediaan pergi kalau tengahari boleh, saya
nak pergi tengahari ini.
TPR: Saya akan cuba tanya kepada IO.
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Mahkamah: Yang lain buat sekarang, yang ptc lain buat sekarang.
TPR: Boleh Yang Arif. Mohon tangguh sebentar.
(see Notes of Proceedings dated 23/1/2019, pages 3-4, Vol. 2A
Records of Appeal, Enclosure 17).
[19] Having allowed the said application, the learned trial judge had
further directed the following:
(a) A case management be fixed on 18/2/2019 and 19/2/2019 to
facilitate the identification and marking of the exhibits at the
(b) List of Exhibits be prepared during the identification and marking of
the exhibits at the storeroom at Seberang Perai Utara, Kepala
TPR: Untuk makluman Yang Arif, barang - barang kes ini masih
belum disusun.
Mahkamah: Kalau macam itu, you sediakan list ekshibit fizikal dan
sediakan ekshibit itu untuk mahkamah melawat tempat itu
atau pergi ke tempat itu so apa tarikh yang dicadangkan
because saya nak dibuat sebelum tarikh bicara."
TPR: 18,19 of Februari Yang Arif. Saya cadangkan untuk dua
tarikh jika dapat siapkan satu hari because that date
dates had been fixed before.
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Mahkamah: 18 saya ada kes kan. So okay ini saya akan tetapkan
18hb Februari yang sesuai untuk semua pihak tapi saya
akan tetapkan pada 2.30 petang so you buat
arrangement 2.30 petang kita akan pergi ke tempat itu.
Semua pihak termasuk tertuduh. So TP kena issue untuk
mereka pergi ke tempat itu satu hari dah cukup untuk
tengok saja kan.
TPR: Saya takut peguam nak tengok marking tandaan-tandaan
pada barang kes ini. Yang Arif setakat ini tandaan barang
kes dadah saja yang boleh bawa ke mahkamah, barang-
barang kes lain tak boleh Yang Arif.
Mahkamah: 18 saya akan hadir sendiri ke tempat itu, tapi 19 tak perlu
saya akan hantar SAR tapi kalau 19 masa pagi kalau
SAR boleh pergi dia akan pergi daripada pagi lah. Untuk
19 saya tetapkan 10 pagi.
TPR: 19, 10 pagi dan 18, 2.30 petang.
Mahkamah: Ya
TPR: Baik Yang Arif.
(see Notes of Proceedings dated 23/1/2019, page 7, Vol. 2A Records
of Appeal, Enclosure 17).
[20] From the Notes of Proceedings, the learned trial judge had clearly
stated that he will be present for the case management to have the
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exhibits identified, marked and admitted as exhibits at the storeroom
located at Seberang Perai, Kepala Batas. Unfortunately, the record in the
Notes of Proceedings does not shows what transpired on the 18/2/2019
and 19/2/2019 at the said location. Hence, we are not in the position to
exactly say what had actually transpired during the case management on
these two scheduled dates.
[21] Thus, it will not be correct for us to made assumption that the
learned trial judge was not present on these two dates as submitted by
the learned counsels. Be that as it may, from our examination of all the
exhibits tendered in court, we find that it was exactly the same exhibit that
was seized from the premises. To our mind the identity of the drugs and
the unbroken chain of evidence is never in doubt. The chemist, SP4 had
also identified each and every exhibit during the course of the trial before
the learned trial judge.
[22] To support our view in this regard, perhaps reference can also be
made to the Notes of Proceedings at page 15 Vol. 2A Records of
Appeal, Enclosure 17, where SP4 in evidence in chief said:
TPR: Yang Arif, semua barang-barang ekshibit ini telah
ditandakan semasa di Stor Barang Kes sebelum ini.
Mahkamah: Ya, saya ingat semua peguambela bersetuju dengan
pengecaman barang ini adalah mencukupi.
Peguambela OKT-OKT: Ya
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[23] Their concession in this case undoubtedly speak volume. Now,
before us, the learned counsels for the accused had also fairly, and quite
properly conceded that the tendering and marking of all the items seized
at the police storage facility was done in their presence and witness by all
the four accused persons.
[24] Having view the whole of the Notes of Proceeding and the evidence
objectively and from all angles, we can safely say that the present
complaint raised about the exhibits which were not properly identified nor
marked in the learned trial judge’s presence have been over -emphasized,
truly unacceptable and merely an afterthought. Neither there were serious
infirmities that had caused any prejudiced or occasioned miscarriage of
justice to all the accused. Hence, the learned counsels’ complaint on this
ground of appeal is bereft of any merit.
[25] Learned counsels next attacked the finding of the learned trial judge
when he found the accused guilty offence of drug trafficking by way of
manufacturing under section 39B(1)(a) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952
without first making an affirmative finding of possession and the learned
trial judge failure to do so amounted to a misdirection warranting appellate
[26] To fortify this finding, we can do no better than referring to the
learned trial judge’s discussion on this issue. In short, this is what he says:
[28] The offence of manufacturing dangerous drugs however would
not need for the element of possession to be first proved. The Court
of Appeal in Lee Boon Siah & Ors v. PP [2014] 3 CLJ 584 ruled:
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“[32] For the proper determination of this issue, It must be borne in
mind that, as stated in s.2 of the DDA, the term ‘manufacture'
includes numerous and diverse processes or procedures namely
making, producing, compounding, assembling, refining or
transformation of the offending drugs. For that reason, in our
judgment, unlike for example the act of keeping, concealing, storing,
transporting and carrying dangerous drugs which constitute
'trafficking' as defined in s.2 of the DDA that involve the requirement
of possession, the manufacturing of dangerous drugs as in the
present case does not involve possession (see: PP v. Chia Leong
Foo [ 2000] 4 CLJ 649; [2000] 6 MLJ 705 and Public Prosecutor v.
Mansor Md Rashid & Anor [1997] 1 CLJ 233; [1996] 3 MLJ 560). In
other words, possession of the impugned drugs need not be proven
in a case involving 'manufacturing' before the trafficking definition in
s.2 of the DDA can be invoked.”
[27] To this, perhaps we should add that the case for the prosecution was
not based on custody or control thereby invoking the notion of men rea
possession of the said drugs or attracting the presumption of possession
and knowledge under section 37(d) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 or
invoking the presumption of trafficking under section 37(da) of the same
Act. We are mindful that before any act of trafficking within the definition
of trafficking under section 2 of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 could be
invoked, possession of the drug in question has to be proved. Augustine
Paul J (as he then was) in PP v. Chia Leong Foo [2006] 6 MLJ 705, said:
“It must be observed that most of the acts that constitute ‘trafficking’
as defined in s2 of the Act like, for example, keeping, concealing,
storing, transporting and carrying drugs involve the prerequisite
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element of possession…… It follows that a person cannot keep,
conceal, store, transport, or carry dangerous drugs within the
meaning of ‘trafficking’ in the Act without being in possession of
[28] However, in the instant appeal, the act of manufacturing does not
require the act of possession to be proved in order to constitute trafficking
in section 2 of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952. The reason is obvious
which we will deal with now.
[29] Gleaning from the entire evidence, we hold that when the learned
trial judge at the end the prosecution case amended the charge to one of
trafficking by way of manufacturing under section 39B(1)(a) of the
Dangerous Drugs Act 1952, there is certainly no necessity for the learned
trial judge to first make an affirmative finding of possession.
[30] At the risk of repeating, it is significant to remember that for an
offence of trafficking by way of manufacturing, generally the laws does not
imposes an obligation on the prosecution to prove possession of the
impugned drugs to constitute ‘trafficking’ within the meaning of section 2
of the of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952. Thus, the prosecution can rely
primarily on direct evidence of trafficking to prove their case against the
accused on the amended charge as there are no presumptions in section
37 of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 thereof to facilitate proof of that fact
or the requirement to prove the existence of possession. Hence, we find
that the learned trial judge had not committed any appealable error in his
decision for failing to make a definite finding of possession when he
ordered the accused to enter their defence on the amended charge. Upon
subjecting the entire evidence, we are satisfied that the first, second and
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third accused had failed to exonerate themselves from their involvement
in the trafficking of the impugned drugs.
[31] As decided by authorities, most of the acts of trafficking, other than
buying, selling, manufacturing and supplying, would invariably involve the
essential element of possession of the dangerous drugs. In the case of
Lee Boon Siah (supra) (affirmed by the Federal Court on 26/1/2015 in
Lee Boon Siah & Ors v. PP Criminal Appeal No.: (05-182-08/2013), the
facts showed that all the five appellants were jointly charged and tried
together for trafficking in 29,460.17gram of methamphetamine with
common intention, an offence in contravention of section 39B(1)(a) of the
Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 read with section 34 of the Penal Code. They
were arrested at the factory, which is said to be a drug manufacturing
setting and clandestine drug laboratory.
[32] The Court of Appeal found that the appellants were working at the
said factory premise and that they are not there by accident. Though there
was no eye witness who say that any of the appellants were in the act of
manufacturing, there were pieces of evidence that incriminated the
appellants. Chemical materials and other items that are needed to
produce methamphetamine were discovered. The clothes they were
wearing had stains of the same drugs found. Toothbrush, canned food,
instant noodles, pillows and blankets were found. These show that the
appellants was in the said factory during the day and night. All of which
lead the Court of Appeal to hold that the appellants were involved in the
manufacturing of methamphetamine. They were convicted and sentenced
to death.
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[33] The Court of Appeal speaking through Azahar Mohamed JCA (as
he then was), in a great detailed judgment held among others as follows:
[32] For the proper determination of this issue, it must be borne in
mind that, as stated in s. 2 of the DDA, the term 'manufacture'
includes numerous and diverse processes or procedures namely
making, producing, compounding, assembling, refining or
transformation of the offending drugs. For that reason, in our
judgment, unlike for example the act of keeping, concealing,
storing, transporting and carrying dangerous drugs which
constitute 'trafficking' as defined in s. 2 of the DDA that involve
the requirement of possession, the manufacturing of dangerous
drugs as in the present case does not involve possession (see: PP
v. Chia Leong Foo [2000] 4 CLJ 649; [2000] 6 MLJ 705 and Public
Prosecutor v. Mansur Md Rashid & Anor [1997] 1 CLJ 233; [1996]
3 MLJ 560). In other words, possession of the impugned drugs
need not be proven in a case involving 'manufacturing' before the
trafficking definition in s. 2 of the DDA can be invoked.
[34] Moving on, in Keong Gim Chye v. PP & Anor Appeal [2018] 1
LNS 592, the appellants were jointly charged and tried in the High Court
at Penang with two offences of trafficking in dangerous drugs under
section 39B(1)(a) of the Dangerous Drugs Act, 1952 (‘the Act’) read with
section 34 of the Penal Code. At the conclusion of the trial, the learned JC
found both the appellants guilty and convicted them on both the charges.
They were then sentenced to the mandatory death penalty prescribed
under the Act. In dealing with the complaint of the offence of trafficking by
way of ‘manufacturing’ the Court of Appeal held that once manufacturing
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setting is proved, it is no longer incumbent upon the prosecution to prove
the element of possession.
[35] Kamardin Hashim JCA (as he then was), delivering the grounds of
judgment of the court said:
“[27] We agree with the learned JC’s findings at pages 16-21 of the
Appeal Record Volume 1 regarding the same issue which we
reproduce below:
[25] SP2, the chemist, testified that from his examination of the
house and the implements and articles found in there, the house
were being used to manufacture Methamphetamine and to conduct
a “heroin cutting process” in order to reduce the purity of its content.
[29] From his analysis of the liquid discovered in the apparatus in
the rooms, SP2 confirmed they contained amongst others, iodine,
chloroform, ethanol, caffeine, diethyl ether, chloroquine and
methanol. SP2 said that iodine and phosphorous were some of the
ingredients used to produce Methamphetamine. SP2 also said that
chloroform, ethanol and methanol were organic reagents needed to
produce chemical reaction while caffeine, chloroquine were
substances used to add into heroin in order to reduce its purity.
[30] The above evidence clearly showed that the house was used
for the manufacturing of dangerous drugs.”
[33] In Public Prosecutor v. Chia Leong Foo [2000] 6 MLJ 705, it
was held:
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“It must be observed that most of the acts that constitute ‘trafficking’
as defined in s. 2 of the Act like, for example, keeping, concealing,
storing, transporting and carrying dangerous drugs involve the
prerequisite element of possession unlike, for instance, the sale
and supply of dangerous drugs which need not necessarily involve
possession as demonstrated by Pendakwa Raya v. Mansor bin
Mohd Rashid & Anor [1996] 3 MLJ 5560. It making, producing,
compounding, assembling, refining or transformation of the
offending drugs. For that reason, in our judgment, unlike for
example the act of keeping, concealing, storing, transporting and
carrying dangerous drugs which constitute ‘trafficking’ as defined
in s. 2 of the DDA that involve the requirement of possession, the
manufacturing of dangerous drugs as in the present case does not
involve possession (see: PP v. Chia Leong Foo [2000] 4 CLJ 649;
[2000] 6 MLJ 705 and Public Prosecutor v. Mansur Md Rashid &
Anor [1997] 1 CLJ 233; [1996] 3 MLJ 560). In other words,
possession of the impugned drugs need not be proven in a case
involving ‘manufacturing’ before the trafficking definition in s. 2 of
the DDA can be invoked. (Emphasis added).
[37] From a distillation of the above-mentioned authorities, unlike
those cases which involve the act of keeping, concealing, storing,
transporting and carrying dangerous drugs which constitute
‘trafficking’ as defined in s.2 of the DDA that involve the
requirement of proving possession, in the case of manufacturing
under section 2, it is unnecessary for the prosecution to prove
possession. In any event, possession could be inferred from the
circumstances of the instant case.
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[38] What is evident from the facts of the case, was that there was
no one else besides both accused who were in the house at the
time of the raid by the police. The prosecution evidence also
indicated that at the time of the raid, the first accused was seen
running downstairs and toward the direction of the back door while
the second accused was arrested while trying to escape from the
upstairs balcony.
[39] The forensic evidence which revealed DNA profiles consistent
with both accused persons on a face mask, towel and jeans found
at the house further established their presence at the house. The
fact that there was no forensic evidence found on other items for
example, fingernails clippings did not prejudice the prosecution
case in the light of the other overwhelming evidence.
[40] There were various equipment and instruments for
manufacturing drugs found in the rooms upstairs. Drugs of various
types were also found there. The chemist, SP2, visited the house
on 13.5.2011 at around 5.10 p.m. and carried out an examination
of the house. He confirmed that the house was used to process
Methamphetamine and to “cut” the drugs which is a process used
to dilute the thickness of Heroin.”
His Lordship then continued:
“[28] Once manufacturing setting is proven, it is no longer incumbent
upon the prosecution to prove the element of possession as was
decided in Chia Leong Foo, supra. In Lee Boon Siah & Ors, supra,
this Court reiterate the position in Chia Leong Foo, supra, as follows:
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[31] It is true, as argued by learned counsel for the all the accused
persons, that there was no eye witness who saw any of the accused
persons in the act of making, producing, compounding, assembling
or refining the impugned drugs. Still in our judgment, even without
the evidence, there were a number of pieces of evidence as we have
enumerated above that incriminated all the five accused persons in
the commission of the offence. All of which leads us to conclude that
all the five accused had knowledge and were involved in the
manufacturing of methamphetamine because they were in a drug
manufacturing setting in the factory premise. The clothes of all the
accused persons, toothbrush as well as canned food and instant
noodles were found in the middle room at the lower floor. A total of
eight mattresses and pillows were also found. These show that they
were in the said factory during the day and night. According to PW5,
all the accused persons were in a state of fright and their clothing
were in disarray, as if they had just completed carrying out some
work. All the five accused persons were working in the said factory
premise and that they were not there by accident. They were
participants in the making and producing methamphetamine in the
said factory. All this admissible circumstantial evidence when taken
together, irresistibly and unmistakably lead to the conclusion that the
five accused persons were actively involved in the manufacturing of
methamphetamine in the said factory. As the Court of Appeal said
in Idris v. Public Prosecutor [1960] 1 LNS 40; [1960] MLJ 296,
circumstantial evidence should be such that when you look at all the
surrounding circumstances, you find such a series of undersigned,
unexpected coincidences that, as a reasonable person, you find
your judgment is compelled to one conclusion.
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[32] For the proper determination of this issue, it must be borne in
mind that, as stated in s. 2 of the DDA, the term ‘manufacture’
includes numerous and diverse processes of procedures namely
making, producing, compounding, assembling, refining or
transformation of the offending drugs. For that reason, in our
judgment unlike for example the act of keeping, concealing, storing,
transporting and carrying dangerous drugs which constitute
‘trafficking’ as defined in s. 2 of the DDA that involve the requirement
of possession, the manufacturing of dangerous drugs as in the
present case does not involve possession (see: PP v. Chia Leong
Foo [2000] 4 CLJ 649; [2000] 6 MLJ 705 and Public Prosecutor v.
Mansur Md Rashid & Anor [1997] 1 CLJ 233; [1996] 3 MLJ 560). In
other words, possession of the impugned drugs need not be proven
in a case involving ‘manufacturing’ before the trafficking definition in
s. 2 of the DDA can be invoked.”.
[36] With respect, this ground of appeal too has no merits.
[37] However, before concluding on this critical issue of whether
possession needs to be proven in a case involving ‘manufacturing’ before
the trafficking definition can be invoked, our attention had been drawn to
the case of Chan Wei Loon v. PP & Anor Appeal [2021] 6 CLJ 623
which the learned counsels had relied heavily on where the Federal Court
in overturning the convictions and unanimously acquitted the appellants
reiterated that trite law requires a trial judge to firstly consider and make
findings vis-a-vis 'possession' in cases where the charge is one of
trafficking by way of 'manufacturing' under section 39B(1)(a) of the
Dangerous Drugs Act 1952. Zaleha Yusof FCJ (as she then was)
speaking on behalf of three judges of the Federal Court held as follows:
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“[77] Looking at the DDA 1952 further, the word "manufacturing" or
the definition of ''manufacturer" under s.2 of the DDA 1952 is used
as a verb. Verbs have traditionally been defined as words that show
action or state of being. What it means, if a person is charged with
manufacturing the dangerous drugs, it is the duty of the prosecution
to provide that at the time of the police raid, the Accused person is
in action, namely, is engaged in the acts of "manufacture" as defined
by s.2 of the DDA 1952; for example, he was in the act of producing
or making or refining the drugs. The evidence of such act must be
there. This is what happened in Ong Hooi Beng, supra, and even
Lee Boon Siah, supra.
[78] Generally, we are of the view that possession is an essential
ingredient to be proved for manufacturing cases. But of course,
there will always be exceptions depending on the facts and
circumstances of the particular case. For example, when an
Accused person is caught giving instruction to others to process the
drugs when he himself is not having the drugs on his body or not
touching the machine. His presence there is not mere presence but
for the purpose of manufacturing the drugs. The nexus is there, or
as in the case of Lim Son Heng, supra, even though the Accused
was not caught in action, based on the facts and circumstances of
the case, he was still found to be in possession of all things inside
the premises.
[85] We are of the view that where the appellants were actually
arrested in this case was extremely important to appreciate, as
unlike the factual matrix in Lee Boon Siah, supra, it is doubtful
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whether they actually had control and custody of the items found on
the ground floor if they were caught or arrested on the first floor.
[88] In the light of the contradictions inherent in the prosecution
evidence, we could not but agreed with learned counsel for the
appellants that there was grave doubt on the question of whether
the appellants were arrested on the first or ground floor of the said
premises and the benefit of the doubt ought to be resolved in favour
of the appellants.
[90] Our view is clear. The case of Lee Boon Siah, supra, and the
case of Ong Hooi Beng, supra can readily be distinguished from the
instant case. In those two cases, the present of the drugs on the
appellants’ persons was a key element which provided the nexus
between the appellants and the preparatory act of processing the
drug. In consequence, they were arrested while they were engaging
in the act of manufacturing. While in the instant appeal, there were
no traces of drugs found on the persons of the appellant at the
material time when they were caught. There were also no traces of
drugs on their nails or clothes they were wearing then. There was
also no evidence of the processing of the drugs found then, not even
by the chemist. Therefore, we could not find any nexus between the
appellants and the act of manufacturing.
[95] We could not find any nexus to connect the appellant with the
act of manufacturing. To reiterate, in our view, whether or not
possession is necessary ingredients to be proven in a case involving
manufacturing of dangerous drugs, would depend on the facts and
circumstances of a particular case. In this instant appeal based on
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the facts and circumstances on when and how the appellants were
arrested, we were of unanimous view that possession needs to be
proven. Unfortunately, the prosecution in our view had failed to do
so. The courts below in our view had misdirected themselves by way
of non-directions in not considering the ingredient of possession.
[96] On the totality of the evidence before us, we found that the
conviction on the first charge on this ground alone was unsafe. We
need not consider the other issues. We therefore allowed the appeal
of both the appellants on the first charge and quashed the conviction
as ordered by the High Court and affirmed by the Court of Appeal,
and set aside the sentence of death. Consequently, we ordered both
the appellants to be acquitted and discharged on the first charge.
[97] On the second charge, for the purpose of appeal before us, the
second charge was only against the first appellant. It was the
learned trial judge’s finding that the premises of the second charge
was used to store the drugs I manufactured in the first charge:
[98] Learned counsel for the first appellant submitted that as
premises in for the second charge was purportedly used to store the
drugs purportedly manufactured by the first appellant, if the first
charge against the first appellant fails, the second charge must also
fail and the second charge against the first appellant must be
reduced to mere possession.
[99] We found merit in this argument. Especially so when there were
other occupants in the house at the time of the raid. Hence, on the
second charge, we quashed the conviction, set aside the sentence
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of death under sub-s.39B(2) against the first appellant and
substituted for an offence punishable under sub-s.12(3) of the DDA
1952. After taking into consideration the mitigation put forward by
the first appellant, we sentenced the first appellant to imprisonment
for a period of five years with effect from the date of arrest.”
[38] In this context, it is significant to emphasise that the Federal Court
in Chan Wei Loon (supra) had acknowledged that possession can be
relevant in some manufacturing cases while not in others. The Federal
Court held that there has been an exception for manufacturing cases as
decided in Lee Boon Siah (supra), Ong Hooi Beng (supra) and Keong
Gim Chye (supra). In these cases, the Court held that there was sufficient
evidence to show that the accused persons were participants in the
process of manufacturing dangerous drugs.
[39] In these regards, we find ourselves in agreement with the learned
deputy public prosecutor when he submitted that the case of Chan Wei
Loon’s case is distinguishable and therefore has no application in the
present case.
[40] To recapitulate, in Chan Wei Loon the drugs and the apparatus
were found on the ground floor. It was unclear whether the appellants
were arrested in the first floor or the ground floor. The raiding officer in his
police report (D184) stated that the appellants were arrested in the first
floor, while the defence’s story was that they were arrested on the upper
floor. However, during trial, he said that the appellants were arrested on
the ground floor. The original charge reads "Lot 185-1" which was the
addressed of the first floor of the shop house. This address was amended
to "Lot 185" only after the prosecution had called 16 witnesses. The
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Federal Court held that it was doubtful whether the appellants had
possession of the drugs and other apparatus. The apex court had decided
as such in light of D184 and the sudden amendment to the charge.
Further, there were no traces of drugs found on the appellants at the
material time when they were caught.
[41] However, in the instant appeals, the three accused were arrested
while they were engaging in the act of manufacturing. Support for this on-
going manufacturing activities of methamphetamine can be found in the
testimony of SP1 during the operation and we now reproduced (Notes of
Proceedings dated 27/6/2019, pages 94-95 Vol.2A Records of Appeal,
Enclosure 17).
“Saya bersama pasukan serbuan lapan naik ke tingkat atas dan
semasa perjalanan ke tingkat tersebut, saya telah mencium bauan
yang menusuk hidung, bau asid dan bunyi deruman kipas yang
sangat kuat di tingkat atas tersebut. Apabila sampai di tingkat atas,
saya telah melihat tiga bekas aluminium yang bertangkai berada di
atas dapur elektrik yang terpasang dengan keadaan ketiga-tiga
bekas aluminium bertangkai itu ada cecair yang sedang mendidih
dan saya juga melihat dua kipas besar sedut udara sedang
terpasang yang diubahsuai di dinding premis tersebut untuk
menyedut udara keluar daripada ruang tamu tingkat atas rumah
Kemudiannya saya melihat dua lelaki berada dalam bilik di bahagian
atas itu seterusnya saya terus mengarahkan tangkapan dibuat ke
atas kedua-dua lelaki tersebut yang pada masa tersebut saya syaki
lelaki warganegara timur tengah dan setelah tangkapan dibuat ke
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atas suspek. Suspek yang pertama yang ditangkap dibawah dikenali
sebagai Balakrishnan, yang ditangkap di bilik pertama tingkat atas
Mohd Abassi dan Mohamed Namazi, kedua-dua pada masa tersebut
secara lisan Yang Arif, yang ditangkap di bahagian atas.
Seterusnya saya melakukkan pemeriksaan badan tiada barang salah
dijumpai dan saya seterusya menjalankan pemeriksaan yang
menyeluruh di tingkat atas tersebut yang mana di ruang tamu tingkat
atas tersebut saya telah jumpai pelbagai peralatan dan juga
termasuk bahan kimia yang mana rampasan yang saya buat di
tingkat atas itu saya tandakan sebagai A di setiap item yang luar
seterusnya kotak saya telah tandakan sebagai A1 sehingga A61
Yang Arif.
Semua item yang berada di kawasan ruang tamu di luar bilik dan di
ruang tamu tersebut juga saya tandakan ke atas tandaan L yang
mana L1 hingga L5 adalah melibatkan kepada bekas aluminium yang
mempunyai cecair yang mendidih dan L1A merujuk kepada dapur
elektrik yang sedang terpasang. Seterusnya bekas kedua saya
tandakan sebagai L2, dapur elektrik L2A dan bekas aluminium
bertangkai L3, dapur bertangkai L3A. Seterusnya L4 saya tandakan
pada satu bekas plastik/tong besar warna biru, satu bekas plastik
besar bertudung hijau yang dalamnya mempunyai cecair disyaki
dadah jenis syabu anggaran berat 150.4 kg Yang Arif. L5 saya
tandakan pada bekas biru bertudung biru juga mempunyai cecair
disyaki dadah jenis syabu anggaran berat 120.10kg, seterusnya saya
membuat pemeriksaan dalam bilik yang tangkap suspek yang disyaki
warganegara timur tengah tadi.”
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[42] SP4, testified and we now reproduced (Notes of Proceedings
dated 21/3/2019, pages 20 - 21 Vol. 2A Records of Appeal, Enclosure
TPR: Boleh puan maklumkan apa dapatan yang puan boleh buat
hasil pemeriksaan dan tempat kejadian ini puan.
SP4: Saya dapati di premis tersebut bahan-bahan dan juga
kelengkapan yang ada disitu adalah kelengkapan dan
bahan-bahan yang kebiasaannya digunakan untuk
memproses dadah methapathime, Yang Arif.
Mahkamah: Ok
TPR: Dan dapatan puan berdasarkan apa puan.
SP4: Dapatan saya adalah berdasarkan analisa saya dan
penglihatan saya Yang Arif.
TPR: Dan puan maklumkan hasil pemeriksaan puan seperti
Perenggan 11 puan maklumkan terdapat cecair hidroklorik
asid. Saya rujuk kepada Perenggan 11A-1. Ada juga cecair
toluene. Betul.
SP4: Betul Yang Arif.
TPR: Ada juga red phosphorus, manik yang berwarna putih iaitu
sodium hidroksid asidton, selain daripada asid hidroklorik
dan juga kesan methapathime. Boleh puan terangkan apa
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fungsi untuk setiap cecair dan juga manik putih sodium
hidroksid, satu persatu.Boleh.
SP4: Asid hidroklorik, toluene, red phosphorus, dan sodium
hidroside dan juga asothon digunakan untuk memproses
bahan asas P-2P untuk menjadi methapathime, Yang Arif.
Mahkamah: Apa dia?
SP4: Phenyl-2-Propanone, Yang Arif.
Mahkamah: Ini adalah bahan asas untuk methapathime.
SP4: Ya, Yang Arif
[43] Stretching the matter a little further, SP4 during cross examination
had this to say:
SP4: …. bagi saya bahan kimia dan juga peralatan yang ada di
situ telah mencukupi untuk menyatakan bahawa premis
tersebut digunakan untuk memproses dadah
methamphetamine Yang Arif.
TPR: Cukup untuk apa puan.
SP4: Telah mencukupi untuk menyatakan bahawa tempat
tersebut digunakan untuk memproses dadah
methamphetamine Yang Arif.
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[44] To sum up, based on the evidence, facts and circumstances of the
instant case, it is crystal clear that the present appeals fall under the
exception as decided in the case of Chan Wei Loon. Far from casting any
doubt that there existed nexus between the accused and the act of
‘manufacturing’, evidences presented clearly shows that the three
accused were involved in trafficking the drugs in question.
[45] Regarding common intention, we accept that it is virtually impossible
to directly prove a pre-arranged plan between the accuseds. Common
intention is a question of fact. The proof of common intention is the matter
of inference from the circumstances. It is derived from the conduct of the
three accused. This inference of their involvement in the manufacturing of
methamphetamine in the said factory can be gathered when the three
accused were seen together before the premises were raided. They were
not there by accident or coincidence. The three accused were arrested at
the premise. There was more than credible evidence that can be inferred
that the three accused acted in concert or were participant in the
manufacturing setting of methamphetamine in the said factory. All these
acts when combined together proved the nexus between the three
accused persons and the dangerous drugs exhibits seized. With the
noticeable odour of chemicals and the running of the fans firmly
establishes not only knowledge but also a common intention of the three
accused to manufacture the drugs. We are with the learned trial judge.
[46] There are many celebrated cases in this area of the law. Suffice for
us to refer to a few leading local authorities. Way back in 1983, Hashim
Yeop A Sani J (as he then was) in PP v. Dato’ Mokhtar Hashim [1983]
1 CLJ 138; [1983] CLJ (Rep) 721 at p.749 held as follows:
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“Under section 34 of the Penal Code, to succeed the prosecution
must prove that the criminal act was done in concert pursuant to the
prearranged plan or arrangement. In practice it is of course difficult
to produce direct evidence to prove the intention of an individual. In
most cases, however, it can be inferred from his act or conduct or
other relevant circumstances of the case. (see Mahbub Shah v. King
Emperor [1945] 72 I.A. 148,153).”
Then, His Lordship continued:
Thus, it is clear that the leading feature of section 34 of the Penal
Code is the element of participation in action. Two preliminary
elements are in fact necessary to fulfil the requirement of section 34.
First, there must be evidence (direct or by inference) the Accused
was present at the scene of the crime. Secondly, there must be
evidence to show that there was prior concert or prearranged plan
involving the Accused. This is logical because how can there be
participation without physical presence. Even passive participation
may require physical presence.”
[47] In somewhat similar situation, the Supreme Court in Namasiyiam
Doraisamy v. PP & Other Cases [1987] 1 CLJ 540; [1987] 2 MLJ 336
speaking through Syed Agil Barakbah SCJ (as he then was) set out the
law to be applied on the question of common intention. The words still ring
in our ear where His Lordship said (at pages 344-345):
“In law, common intention requires a prior meeting of the minds and
presupposes some prior concert. Proof of holding the same intention
or of sharing some other intention, is not enough. There must be
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proved either by direct or by circumstantial evidence that there was
(a) a common intention to commit the very offence of which the
Accused persons are sought to be convicted and (b) participation in
the commission of the intended offence in furtherance of that
common intention.
Where the prosecution case rests on circumstantial evidence, the
circumstances which are proved must be such as necessarily lead
only to that inference. Direct evidence of a prior plan to commit an
offence is not necessary in every case because common intention
may develop on the spot and without any long interval of time
between it and the doing of the act commonly intended. In such a
case, common intention may be inferred from the facts and
circumstances of the case and the conduct of the Accused. (see the
Supreme Court (of India) on Criminal Law 1950-1960 by J.K
Soonavala page 188 to 193).”
[48] The accused further complained that no DNA, fingerprint evidence
or traces of drugs were found on either accused. It was argued that these
essential facts are confirmed by the prosecution which show the absence
of link between the accused and the impugned drugs. With respect, we
are constrained to say that the argument is entirely fallacious. In whatever
way one look at it, it does seem a little bit far-fetched. It is salutary to
emphasis here that DNA, fingerprint lifting or even traces of drugs are only
corroborative in nature when all other overwhelming evidence of
manufacturing are proven. Here again, as we have indicated, there is
ample evidence connecting the three accused with the commission of the
offence rendering the forensic evidence to be of little relevant.
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[49] In Yeo Kwee Huat v. Public Prosecutor [2011] 5 CLJ 630, the
Court of Appeal speaking through Sulaiman Daud HMR (as he then was)
held as follows:
“[31] Adalah tidak dipertikaikan bahawa kotak kek P13 dan kedua-
dua bungkusan plastik asal dadah yang dipersoalkan (P14A dan
P14B) telah dihantar untuk pengesanan cap jari tetapi tiada
penimbulan cap jari yang positif dikesan pada ekshibit-ekshibit
tersebut. Atas alasan ini, peguam terpelajar perayu menghujahkan
ketiadaan cap jari pada ekshibit-ekshibit tersebut turut menjejaskan
kes pendakwaan. Kami mendapati tiada merit mengenai
penghujahan sedemikian. Tujuan untuk menimbulkan cap jari pada
sesuatu ekshibit adalah untuk menentukan identiti pesalah atau
orang yang pernah mengendalikan ekshibit tersebut. Dalam kes
sekarang ini tidak dipertikaikan bahawa semasa ditahan perayu
sedang membawa beg P15 yang di dalamnya terdapat kotak kek
P13 yang mengandungi dadah yang dipersoalkan. Oleh itu tiada
keraguan bahawa dia mempunyai jagaan dan kawalan ke atas beg
serta kotak kek dan dadah yang terkandung di dalamnya. Setelah
elemen jagaan atau kawalan ini terbukti, maka anggapan di bawah
s.37(d) terpakai bagi menunjukkan milikan atau pengetahuan. Oleh
itu kami mendapati ketiadaan kesan cap jari pada ekshibit- ekshibit
tersebut tidak langsung menjejaskan kes pendakwaan, lebih-lebih
lagi setelah menolak watak “Peter” yang dikatakan oleh perayu
orang yang memasukkan kotak kek tersebut ke dalam begnya.”
[50] In PP v. Mansor Md Rashid & Anor [1996] 3 MLJ 233 at p. 250,
Chong Siew Fai CJ (Sabah and Sarawak) had the occasion to say the
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“Where the identity of a culprit is in question or is required to be
proved, fingerprint evidence will be of a great significance and
immense value. In the present case under appeal, however, the
charge alleged trafficking in the form of a ‘sale’ and there was
evidence indicating the identities of the alleged offenders and the
sale transaction. Fingerprint evidence on the newspaper wrapping,
white plastic and the loytape, therefore, assumed little value or
[51] In Ong Hooi Beng & Ors v. PP [2015] 3 MLJ 812, the appellants
were charged for manufacturing of dangerous drugs read with section 34
of the Penal Code. They were arrested during a raid at a factory suspected
to be used as a clandestine drug processing laboratory. At the time of their
arrest, all of them were inside the factory where the drugs and drugs
manufacturing apparatus were found. Further, traces of
methamphetamine were found on the appellants' clothing. The Court of
Appeal found that the evidence indicated the appellants' active
involvement in processing the drugs at the factory.
[52] There is one last point which we should deal and this arose from the
accused persons concerns that the learned trial judge had misdirected
himself when he failed to adequately appreciate the defence of the
accused which was given under oath. We find it difficult to accept the
criticisms levelled towards the learned trial judge evaluation of the defence
evidence. A scrutiny of the said judgment revealed that he had judicially
considered the defence advanced by the accused persons and weigh all
their evidence before coming to a definite finding of fact. The learned trial
judge had not run foul of the principles of law as laid down by the Supreme
Court in Mohamad Radhi Yaakob v. Public Prosecutor [1991] 3 CLJ
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2073, which requires no repetitions. With respect, we are not persuaded
by such argument.
[53] Furthermore, it is clear from the judgment that he had addressed his
judicial mind to the defence, placed significance emphasis to it,
meticulously considered their versions and adequately explained why he
chose to disbelieve the evidence of the defence. Even after giving due
appreciation at the defence evidence, the learned judge had no slightest
doubt that the accused were at the premise throughout the night and until
the time the police raided the place and were involved in the manufacture
of methamphetamine. He found the explanation of the three accused
unacceptable. That is a definite finding that the trial judge made. Again,
on the facts and evidence analysed by the learned trial judge, we do not
see how he can be said to be wrong. The learned trial judge was right
when he finally makes a strong finding of fact that the defence was merely
a mere denial and has not been able to raise any reasonable doubt in his
mind. In this kind of situation, we are very mindful of our limitation sitting
on an appellate capacity reading the record and without the benefit of oral
[54] It is trite that credibility of a witnesses is within the domain of a trial
judge (see Dato’ Mokhtar bin Hashim v. PP [1983] 2 MLJ 232 at 275;
Dato’ Seri Anwar İbrahim and Anor Appeal [2015] 2 MLJ 293 at 313;
Adiswaran a/l Tharumaputrintar v. PP & Anor Appeals [2014] 3 MLJ
228; Md Zainudin bin Raujan v. PP [2013] 3 MLJ 773 at 787].
[55] On the approach to be taken in dealing with the credibility of a
witness, the Court of Appeal in Ong Hooi Beng & Ors v. PP (supra)
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speaking through Abdul Rahman Sebli JCA (as he then was) held as
[29] In other words the learned trial judge disbelieved the appellants
claim that they did not know they were processing drugs.
Undoubtedly this is a finding of fact that is dependent on the trial
judge’s assessment of the appellants credibility as witnesses, which
is primarily a matter for the trial judge: Watt or Thomas v Thomas
[1947] AC 484 487; Antonio Dias Caldeira v. Frederick Augustus
Gray [1936] 1 MLJ 110 111.
[30] Having had the audio-visual advantage of seeing and hearing
the appellants while they gave evidence, the learned trial judge was
in the best position to assess their credibility and reliability, and
certainly not us at the appellate stage who only have the benefit
going through their evidence in cold print. It is true that the present
day technology allows us to capture court proceedings so that we
can always play back the audio-visual recordings to see for
ourselves how the witnesses behaved or reacted to certain
questions, but there is no substitute for seeing and hearing them first
hand and in real time.
[31] To entitle us to overturn the trial courts finding under such
circumstances and substitute it with our own finding that the
appellants were actually credible witnesses and that the belief that
they entertained was in fact reasonably true, the burden is on the
appellants to show that the finding is perverse and that the learned
trial judge had failed to take proper advantage of his having seen
and heard them giving evidence. We are not satisfied that the
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appellants have discharged that burden. In Powell and Wife v.
Streatham Manor Nursing Home [1935] AC 243; 104 LJKB 304; 152
LT 563; 79 Sol Jo 179; 51 TLR 289 Lord Wright in dealing with a
similar issue said:
Two principles are beyond controversy. First it is clear, that, in an
appeal of this character, that is from the decision of a Trial Judge
based on his opinion of the trustworthiness of witnesses whom he
has seen, the Court of Appeal must, in order to reverse, not merely
entertain doubts whether the decision below is right, but must be
convinced that it is wrong.
[56] Now, that the above key issues are settled and put to bed, we find
it no longer necessary to dwell on the other ancillary issues (if any)
submitted in the course of the respective submission by all parties. Our
views on them would have no effect on our finding.
[57] Having deliberated on the entire defence evidence, we unanimously
are of the view that the three (3) accused has failed to raise a reasonable
doubt in the prosecution case, their version were unbelievable and
inconsistent with their innocence. This is especially so where the findings
of facts rest upon the substratum of oral evidence, the credibility of which
is entirely for the learned trial judge to decide. For the reasons discussed,
we find no real substance in this appeal to merit our interference. The
evidence against the three accused was so clearly overwhelming. The
conviction against the three accused is therefore safe. The appeal against
conviction is dismissed.
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[58] On sentence, with the Abolition of Mandatory Death Penalty Act
2023 (Act 846) which came into effect on 4/7/2023, the Court may
consider the mitigating and aggravating factors in the exercise of its
discretion in determining the appropriate sentence with either death by
hanging or life imprisonment with whipping of not less than 12 strokes.
Having considered the facts of the case, the element of public interest, the
enormous quantity of the drugs manufactured, the mitigation by the
learned counsel on behalf of the three accused persons and the call by
the learned deputy public prosecutor to impose the death penalty, we find
that the aggravating factors outweighs the mitigating factors. Hence, the
sentence meted out by the learned trial judge is affirmed as it
commensurate with the offence committed.
Date: 26 January 2024
- sgd -
Azmi bin Ariffin
Court of Appeal Malaysia
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For the Appellant : 1. Foong Kitson
2. Vam Shir Mooi
[ Kit & Associates (Kuala Lumpur)]
For the Respondents : Mohd Khushairy Bin Ibrahim
(Public Prosecutor)
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| 90,553 | Tika 2.6.0 |
AB-12BNCvC-3-03/2021 | PERAYU Kunasegaran a/l Vadevelloo RESPONDEN Berjaya Sompo Insurance Berhad | Civil Procedure - Schedule 9 of Financial Services Act 2013 Principle of Uberrimae Fidei whether applicable - Appeal against decision of Sessions Court in dismissing the Plaintiff's claim for insurance pay out by 4 licensed insurers - Exclusion Clauses - Non-disclosure of material fact - Plaintiff did not declare existence of other policies at time of renewal of policies - Deceased did not possess valid licence to drive - Commission of unlawful act under RTA 1987 - Whether insurers entitled to repudiate liability - Appeals dismissed | 26/01/2024 | YA Puan Noor Ruwena binti Md Nurdin | |
[NO. K/P: 680329085479] …PERAYU
[No. Syarikat: 91603-K] …RESPONDEN
Yang didengar bersama-sama dengan:
26/01/2024 05:37:55
AB-12BNCvC-3-03/2021 Kand. 71
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[No. Syarikat: 1246486-D] …RESPONDEN
[No. Syarikat: 735426-V] …RESPONDEN
[NO. K/P: 680329085479] …PLAINTIF
[No. Syarikat: 91603-K] …DEFENDAN
Yang digabung dan didengar serentak dengan:
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[GUAMAN SIVIL NO: AB-A52NCC-12-08/2019
[No. Syarikat: 735426-V] …DEFENDAN
GUAMAN SIVIL NO: AB-A52NCC-14-08/2019]
[No. Syarikat: 1246486-D] …DEFENDAN
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[1] Originally there were 4 appeals which were heard together by this
Court. On 22.9.2023 this Court affirmed the decision of the Sessions Court
in Taiping delivered on 26.2.2021 that had dismissed the Appellant’s claim
against the Respondents with costs. Dissatisfied with this Court’s
decision, the Appellant then filed 2 Notices of Appeals on 13.10.2023 in
respect of Appeal Nos. AB-12BNCVC-2-03/2021 and AB-12BNCVC-3-
[2] For convenience, I have prepared this Grounds of Judgment to
encompass both appeals as they involved the same Plaintiff
(Kunasegaran A/L Vadevello) but different insurance companies, in
respect of the same subject-matter, which was one Raja A/L Krishnan
(deceased) who was the Plaintiff’s employee. I will refer to the parties as
the “Plaintiff” and “Defendant 1” (Pacific Insurance Berhad) and
“Defendant 2” (Berjaya Sompo Insurance Berhad) since the trials were
heard together by the Sessions Court. The Plaintiff took 4 separate
actions against the two Defendants abovementioned as well as against
refer to the other two insurers as “Defendant 3” and “Defendant 4”,
where necessary.
[3] The crux of the Plaintiff’s claim was the failure of the 4 insurers to
pay him the agreed policy amounts due to the death of the deceased.
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[4] Before delving into the issues at hand, it is noted that these suits
were registered under commercial disputes by the Plaintiff and not as road
accident claim. The evidence adduced in respect of the accident which
occurred on 14.12.2018 were the precursor to the claim for compensation
totalling RM990,000.00 which the Plaintiff claimed he was entitled,
pursuant to the death of his employee. The Defendants refused to make
payment under the respective policies, namely on 2 grounds i.e. that the
deceased was riding a motorcycle without a valid licence at the time of the
accident, and failure of the Plaintiff to declare that he had obtained policies
with other insurers during the same period.
[5] The Plaintiff had taken out 3 Group Personal Accident policies
under the deceased’s name with Pacific Insurance, Berjaya Sompo and
Allianz General. Then he took out 1 Group Personal Accident policy i.e.
Syarikat Takaful insurance in respect of his 4 employees, including the
deceased. Copies of the identity cards of the three (3) other employees
were as per exhibit P19(A-C) and their names were as follows:
i. Babelan A/L Kunasegaran;
ii. Mathialegen A/L Nyanasgar; and
iii. Nyanasgar A/L Vadevello.
[6] Based on the names and address in the 3 identity cards above, it
appeared that they were all related to the Plaintiff, unlike the deceased. It
was the Plaintiff’s contention that Raja A/L Krishnan (the deceased) was
offered employment via letter dated 9.5.2017 with a salary of RM4,500.00
as a General Worker (page 410 of the Record of Appeal, Part C).
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[7] Details of the renewed insurance policies taken out by the Plaintiff
were as follows:
Policy No. And Name
Issuer and
Date of
1. CPN-PO174058-A4
(Pacific Super
pages 426-479 RRBC
22.10.2018 11.10.2018
2. 18DTP/PQCE000042
(Ultima V3-Plan 5)
pages 480-512 RRBC
5.10.2018 12.10.2018
3. PGP-P0052438-30-
AGT-17 (Polisi
Kemalangan Diri
Takaful Berkelompok)
pages 561-599 RRBC
Takaful Am
18.12.2017 29.12.2017
4. No. 17PTP0000254-01
(Allianz Shield Plan 04)
pages 513-560 RRBC
15.10.2018 11.10.2018
Total 990,000.00
[8] A total of 7 witnesses testified for the Plaintiff and 6 witnesses
testified for the Defendants. The Plaintiff’s witnesses were the
Investigation Officer (SP1) and 2 other police personnel (SP3 and SP4),
the medical officer and personnel (SP2 and SP5) as well as the owner of
the motorcycle (SP6) and the Plaintiff (SP7). Meanwhile the witnesses
who had testified for the Defendants were SD1 and SD2 (Defendant 1),
SD3 (Defendant 2), SD4 and SD 5 (Defendant 4) and SD6 (Defendant 3).
[9] Prior to the hearing of the appeal on 8.8.2023, the Court heard an
application made by the Plaintiff in Encl. 18 (Defendant 1) and Encl. 14
(Defendant 2), Encl. 14 (Defendant 3) and Encl. 20 (Defendant 4) in the
respective appeal numbers for extension of time to file the Draft Index of
the Records of Appeal in accordance with O. 55 r.4 of the Rules of Court
2012 (ROC) after the Defendants raised preliminary objections on the
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Plaintiff’s failure to serve the same in accordance with the rules. The
Plaintiff’s explanation for the delay was because of the extensive written
grounds of judgment of the Sessions Court Judge (SCJ) and the Draft
Index were inadvertently left out from the Records of Appeal and there
was no prejudice to the Defendants. The Defendants argued that the
prejudice they suffered was they were unable to comment on the inclusion
or exclusion of documents in the records of appeal.
[10] However, the Court noted that the Defendants did not deny when
the Plaintiff stated they only included relevant documents from the lower
court. The Court had considered the period of delay, the reason, chances
of appeal succeeding if time was allowed and the prejudice caused to the
opponent, and whether this could be compensated by costs. The Court
also considered and applied O.1A of the ROC. The application was
allowed and ordered the Plaintiff to pay costs to the Defendants.
[11] The Plaintiff was a businessman who owned 2 registered
businesses, namely as sole proprietor of Kunasegaran a/l Vadivelloo (“the
business”) and a partner for 11 years in Pesona Sdn Bhd with his wife
Law Hooi Poh (“the company”). The business of the Plaintiff was to supply
construction materials, retail goods, trader of oil palm fruits, fruits,
furniture, poultry, agricultural products and metal scraps. He employed
the deceased as a lorry driver to transport oil palm fruits from the
surrounding areas of Selama and Pondok Tanjung in May 2017 with a
monthly salary of RM4,500.00 (refer to pages 410-414 of the RR Part C).
It appeared from the salary slips exhibited that the employer and
employee was not contributing to EPF and SOCSO. The Plaintiff testified
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that he took out the insurance cover for the deceased as an incentive for
his worker.
[12] In 2017, the Plaintiff purchased the policies of insurance (as set out
above). About 1.5 - 2 months after the policies were renewed in 2018, the
deceased met with an accident on 14.12.2018 at approximately 1.03 pm
at KM 27 Jalan Taiping – Selama after a motorcycle bearing registration
No. AFU 1730 on which he was riding alone was believed to have skidded
and crashed. There were no eye-witnesses to the accident and the
circumstantial evidence pointed to the fact that the deceased lost control
of the motorcycle, was flung off and fell on the road. As he was not
wearing a helmet at that time, the deceased sustained severe injuries to
his head. He was warded at the Hospital Taiping wherein he passed away
on 15.12.2018 at 6.38 pm due to “Severe traumatic brain injury” (refer to
Exhibits P3, P4, P9 and P10). According to SP2, the injury was due to a
hard fall from motor vehicle accident.
[13] Although during the trial, counsel for Defendant 3 disputed the
cause of the accident, nevertheless, the Investigation Officer (SP1) was
firm in his findings that the accident occurred due to the deceased’s own
carelessness. This was due to the fact that from a JPJ search in 2019
(page 415 of RR Part C) showed that the deceased did not possess a
valid driving licence but had only obtained a Class B learner driver’s
licence (L-licence) on 3.8.2001 which expired on 25.5.2003 and was never
renewed thereafter, despite the Plaintiff claiming that the deceased was
employed as a lorry driver.
[14] The main issue of the disputes was the Defendants’ refusal to make
out the compensation payments for the death of the deceased under the
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4 policies although the Plaintiff had paid the required premiums (refer to
the schedule above) and death occurred during the validity period of all
the policies. The Defendants contended that they could not honour the
respective agreement because the deceased was riding the motorcycle
without a valid licence at the material time, which came within Exclusion
No. 12 under the terms of the policy for Defendant 1, Exclusion No. 2 for
Defendant 2, Exception 2(b) for Defendant 3 and Exclusion No. 13 for
Defendant 4. Moreover, the Plaintiff failed to declare in the Proposal
Forms during the renewal that he had obtained policies from other
insurers, namely Defendant 2 and Defendant 3.
[15] The grounds of complaint against the decision of the SCJ in the
Memorandum of Appeal (refer to Encl. 5 and/or 45 pages 14-34) and
Additional Memorandum of Appeal (refer to Encl. 13 and/or 52, pages 6-
43) were extensive and many of them repetitive. The Memorandum of
Appeal contained 60 grounds and the Additional Memorandum of Appeal
contained 85 grounds. The Defendants raised objections that the Plaintiff
had filed an Additional Memorandum of Appeal without leave of the Court
whereas it should have been filed as Amended Memorandum of Appeal.
It was not an amended Memorandum of Appeal but the contents were
additional grounds after the grounds of judgment of the SCJ was obtained.
The Court did not make a ruling on this and proceeded to hear the appeal.
The records of appeal were re-filed after the application for extension of
time to file the Draft Index was granted. The issues in the appeal as
summarised were as follows:
(i) whether the insurance policy fell within the ambit of a
consumer insurance contract or non-consumer insurance
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(ii) if the Court finds that it is a consumer insurance contract,
whether there has been compliance by the parties with the
whole prosess or procedure under Paragraph 5, Part II
Schedule 9 of the Financial Services Act 2013 [Act 758];
(iii) whether the Plaintiff received any notice in writing in respect
of the pre-contractual duty to disclose prior to entering into the
contract of insurance;
(iv) can the Defendants be allowed to rely on a new ground which
was never raised in the repudiation letter rejecting the
Plaintiff’s claim;
(v) has it been proved on a balance of probabilities that the
deceased died by accidental means;
(vi) does the basis clause apply if the court finds that the contract
of insurance is a consumer insurance contract;
(vii) can the Defendants repudiate liability by relying on the
Exclusion Clauses; and
(viii) should section 114(g) Evidence Act 1950 be invoked against
the Defendants for failing to call as a witness their authorised
agent(s) who filled up the proposal form on behalf of the
Plaintiff who could not speak and understand the English
[16] It is trite that an appellate court would be slow to disturb the decision
of the trial court unless the Court was convinced that there have been
substantial misdirection of facts and law in the trial court which merited
appellate intervention. Therefore, the appellant must convince the
appellate court that the decision appealed from was wrong. The rationale
for this is that the trier of fact would have had the benefit and advantage
of seeing and hearing the witnesses and the opportunity to assess their
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demeanour: Rasidin Bin Partojo v Frederick Kiai [1976] 2 MLJ 214.
The trial judge would have had first-hand opportunity to evaluate and
appraise the evidence of the witnesses who testify before him.
[17] The appellate court then examines the trial court's process of
evaluation of the evidence adduced and application of the relevant laws
in arriving at its decision and compares them against the grounds raised
in the Memorandum of Appeal. At the end of the day, similar to the trial
court, the duty of the appellate court in a civil appeal is to determine
whether the appellant has proved his case on a balance of probabilities.
The legal burden of proof lay on the Plaintiff to prove his case that the
Defendants have repudiated the respective contract of insurance without
any legal basis.
[18] The Court noted that the SCJ prepared 4 grounds of judgments but
the contents were almost similar. In coming up with the decision on the
appeals, the Court has used the grounds of judgment for Berjaya Sompo
(Defendant 2) as reference for all the appeals since the SCJ has ruled the
trials to be heard together but the issues for the 4 claims be dealt with
separately. As stated earlier, the Plaintiff filed 2 notices of appeals to the
Court of Appeal against Defendant 1 which had taken the view that the
contract was a consumer insurance contract and Defendant 2 that
purportedly argued it was a non-consumer insurance contract.
[19] The Plaintiff’s evidence can be summarised as follows:
i. That the Defendants’ agents by the name of Fong Kok Wai
(Defendants 1 and 3), Yew Kai Chong (Defendant 2), and
Abdul Saidi Bin Badri (Defendant 2) attended to him the first
time when the Plaintiff wanted to purchase insurance for his
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ii. That the insurance agents had filled up the proposal forms
whereby they would ask him questions and he supplied the
iii. That he had fulfilled his obligations to disclose when the
proposal forms were being prepared by the said insurance
iv. That they had never asked him whether the proposed insured
had a valid driving licence and road tax;
v. That had they asked him those questions, he would have gone
to see the employee to get his confirmation and then he would
reverted to the respective agents with the answer(s);
vi. That they also never asked him those questions upon renewal
of all the policies;
vii. All the said agents filled up the forms for him when he
attempted to make the claims after the death of the deceased;
viii. That all the policies had never been cancelled despite them
rejecting his applications;
ix. That the Defendants had never stated the reason why his
applications were rejected; and
x. That the agents of the Defendants had never asked him to
make a disclosure as required under s.129, Part 2(4)(4) of the
Financial Services Act 2013.
[20] In summary, paragraph 19 of the grounds of judgment contained the
SCJ’s finding that the Plaintiff did not come to court with clean hands
because he did not disclose in the proposal forms that he did not know
about or was ignorant of the Important Notice. He blamed the insurance
agents who had filled out the proposal forms for him, namely Fong Kok
Wai, Yew Kai Chong and Abdul Saidi Bin Bakri. However, the facts
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showed that it was the Plaintiff who signed the proposal forms and
therefore the SCJ held that the Plaintiff owed the duty to disclose as
required under the law. It was noted that this was not pleaded in the
Statement of Claim but instead in his Reply to Defence the Plaintiff
brought up the issue that he was not asked about those questions in the
proposal forms. The Defendants pleaded that the duty to disclose existed
separately from any duty to fill out the forms.
[21] In paragraph 20, the SCJ found that despite claiming that he was
not familiar with the terms of the contract (ignorance), the SCJ found that
he was a smart businessman who was maths-savvy (celik matematik) as
he was the one who would gather the facts and figures for the proposal
forms. He paid for all the premiums which the payout would add up to
almost RM1,000,000.00. The deceased died about 2 months after the
policies were renewed but no one saw how the accident happened. SP1
concluded from his investigations that the deceased was not wearing a
helmet and did not have a valid driving licence, road tax (expired in
February 2011) and the motorcycle was not insurance-covered (refer to
the summary of SP1’s evidence in page 21). SP1 concluded that the
deceased was incapable of handling the motorcycle and it was his own
negligence that caused the accident. The deceased obtained an L-licence
in the beginning but that was all. SP6, the owner of the motorcycle refused
to cooperate with the police during the investigation stage. In paragraph
37, the SCJ found that clearly the deceased had breached the law. It was
without doubt too that SP6 at the material time had breached the law when
he allowed the deceased to use that motorcycle regardless of the fact that
he stated in evidence the said motorcycle was not meant to be used on
the road.
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[22] Needless to say, as the trier of fact, the SCJ had the benefit of
directly observing and assessing the demeanour of each witness who
testified before her. This Court noted that the SCJ in the grounds of
judgment had noted her observations in respect of the Plaintiff’s evidence
at the trial. For ease of reference, I refer to the following paragraphs which
are pertinent to her conclusion that the Plaintiff “was not as illiterate or
ignorant such as he claimed to be”:
“[61] Semasa perbicaraan, Plaintif juga menyatakan bahawa beliau juga
menjalankan perniagaan memungut dan membeli 'besi buruk' yang hanya
dibantu oleh Raja a/l Krishnan iaitu melakukan kutipan besi buruk di sekitar
Daerah Larut Matang dan Selama dan Daerah Kerian, Perak. Mahkamah
berpendapat walaupun Plaintif tidak berpelajaran tinggi tetapi beliau tidak
terhalang untuk berniaga dan menguasai pelbagai bahasa termasuklah
bahasa Cina atau Inggeris untuk berkomunikasi dengan isteri, pemilik
ladang berbangsa Cina, ejen insurans dan rakan perniagaan di sekitar
Daerah Larut Matang dan Selama dan Daerah Kerian.
[63] Berdasarkan soalan dan jawapan dalam PSP7, dirumuskan bahawa
SP7 sebagai majikan memainkan peranan yang penting dalam memperoleh
fakta dan angka untuk untuk menginsuranskan Raja a/l Krishnan di bawah
polisi dengan 4 syarikat penanggung insurans, iaitu Pacific Insurance, Berjaya
Sompo Insurance, Allianz General Insurance dan Takaful Malaysia. Naratif kes
Plaintif dalam Penyata Saksi (yang ditandakan sebagai PSP7, Encl.74 dalam
Saman AB-A52NCC-7-05/2019, mengandungi 164 soalan dan jawapan yang
dibuat oleh Plaintif sendiri serta jawapan diaku benar oleh Plaintif) telah
mengemukakan dokumen dalam Ikatan C dan D Encl.44 dan 45 dalam Saman
AB-A52NCC-7-05/20191 bagi menyokong tuntutan terhadap 4 syarikat
penanggung insurans, iaitu Pacific Insurance, Berjaya Sompo Insurance,
Allianz General Insurance dan Takaful Malaysia.
[64] SP7 telah menggunakan khidmat jurubahasa semasa memberi
keterangan kerana mendakwa dia tidak fasih berbahasa Malaysia atau
Inggeris. Mahkamah meragui perkara ini kerana SP7 telah menulis surat
Tawaran Pekerjaan (ekshibit P20) dengan penggunaan bahasa dan
penyusunan ayat yang baik dan jawapan kepada 164 soalan dalam Penyata
Saksi dibuat dalam Bahasa Malaysia itu diaku benar dibuat olehnya sendiri?
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[70] Plaintif yang mengisytiharkan dalam borang cadangan untuk polisi
'Pacific Super Protector' bahawa maklumat peribadinya dalam Borang
Cadangan bertarikh 11/10/2017 adalah benar (merujuk di muka surat 33 Ikatan
D dalam Encl, 45) dan Plaintif bersetuju bahawa cadangan itu dijadikan dasar
kontrak di antara pihak-pihak ('klausa asas'). Merujuk kepada soalan 1(d),
hanya mengisytiharkan polisi yang dipohon kepada Allianz General Insurance.
[71] Pacific Insurance ('defendan') menginsuranskan Raja a/l Krishnan (‘si
mati’) dalam jumlah RM300,000 terhadap kematian akibat kemalangan. Plaintif
telah memperbaharu polisi asal CPNPOI 74058-A4 yang luput pada
11/10/2018, maka tempoh sah laku dilanjutkan bagi tempoh dari 11/10/2018
hingga 10/10/2019. Bagaimanapun, tiada borang cadangan baru ditanda
tangan oleh Plaintif. Plaintif, semasa membaharukan polisi, tidak
mengisytiharkan polisi diisu oleh Takaful Malaysia yang sah laku hingga
29/12/2018 atau polisi Berjaya Sompo Insurance yang bertarikh 05/10/2018
semasa melanjutkan tempoh sah laku polisi CPN-POI 74058-A4.
[72] Apabila polisi insurans bernombor CPN-POI 74058-A4 yang luput pada
11/10/2018 diperbaharu untuk tempoh tetap dengan persetujuan bersama,
borang cadangan asal polisi insurans bernombor CPN-POI 74058-A4 itu
digabungkan dengan polisi bertarikh 22/10/2018 yang diperbaharui itu dan
berterusan membentuk asas kontrak. Begitu juga dalam kes ini, terma
mengenai pembaharuan dengan jelas menyatakan bahawa pembaharuan
tarikh kuat kuasa tersebut adalah ‘tertakluk kepada semua terma, syarat dan
pengindorsan dalam polisi asal’ [di muka surat 43 Ikatan D], ia termasuklah
deklarasi dalam borang cadangan asal yang membentuk asas kontrak iłu. Itu
juga membentuk sebahagian daripada polisi yang diperbaharui [rujuk di muka
surat 51 Ikatan D].
[74] Plaintif yang mengisytiharkan dalam borang cadangan untuk polisi
'Group Allianz Shield' bahawa maklumat peribadinya dalam Borang Cadangan
bertarikh 11/10/2017 adalah benar [merujuk di muka surat 120 Ikatan D dalam
Encl. 45] dan Plaintif bersetuju bahawa cadangan itu dijadikan dasar kontrak
di antara pihak-pihak ('klausa asas'). Merujuk kepada soalan 1(d), hanya
mengisytiharkan polisi Pacific Super Protector CPN-POI 74058-A4 [merujuk di
muka surat 119 Ikatan D dalam Encl. 45] sedangkan polisi Takaful Group
Personal Accident' [merujuk ekshibit D43] masih sah laku sehingga
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[75] Allianz General Insurance ('defendan') menginsuranskan Raja a/l
Krishnan ('si mati') dalam jumlah RM240,000 terhadap kematian akibat
kemalangan. Plaintif telah memperbaharu polisi asal 'Allianz Shield Plan 04'
bernombor 17PTP0000254-01 yang luput pada 11/10/2018, maka tempoh sah
laku dilanjutkan bagi tempoh dari 11/10/2018 hingga 10/10/2019.
Bagaimanapun, tiada borang cadangan baru ditandatangan oleh Plaintif.
Plaintif tidak mengisytiharkan polisi diisu oleh Takaful Malaysia yang sah laku
hingga 29/12/2018 atau polisi Berjaya Sompo Insurance yang bertarikh
05/10/2018 semasa melanjutkan tempoh sah laku polisi 'Allianz Shield Plan 04'
bernombor 17PTP0000254-01.
[77] Berjaya Sompo Insurance ('defendan') menginsuranskan Raja a/l
Krishnan ('si mati') dalam jumlah RM300,000 terhadap kematian akibat
kemalangan, bagi tempoh dari 12/10/2018 hingga 11/10/2019. Bagaimanapun,
Plaintif tidak mengisytiharkan polisi diisu oleh Takaful Malaysia yang sah Iaku
hingga 29/12/2018 atau polisi Allianz General Insurance dan Pacific Insurance
yang sah hingga 10/10/2019 semasa ejen Yew Kai Chong mengisikan Borang
Cadangan Yang Ditanda tangan oleh Plaintif bagi Polisi Kemalangan Diri
Ultima \/3.
[78] Peguam Defendan bagi kes AB-A52NCC-12-08/2019 memohon supaya
Plaintif disoal balas mengenai status kewangan dengan merujuk kepada
dokumen Cukai Pendapatan (Borang B) bagi tahun Taksiran 2017 dan 2018
perniagaan Kunasegaran a/l Vadevello. Maka pemeriksaan balas ditangguh
kepada 24/09/2020 bagi membolehkan Plaintif membawa dokumen e/B 2017
— 2018 bagi pemeriksaan balas oleh peguam Defendan-defendan.
[79] Pada 24/09/2020, pemeriksaan balas disambung dengar dengan
penandaan e/Be Tahun 2017 (Ekshibit P51) dan e/B Tahun 2018 (Ekshibit
P52). Semasa diperiksa balas oleh peguam Defendan yang mewakili Berjaya
Sompo Insurance, SP7 juga dicabar atas kegagalan SP7 untuk mendedahkan
fakta berkenaan perlindungan takaful khususnya merujuk pekerja bernama
Raja a/l Krishnan semasa SP7 mengisi Borang Cadangan memperbaharu
polisi insurans yang diisu oleh Pacific Insurance dan Allianz General Insurance.
SP7 didapati gagal mendedahkan fakta bahawa SP telah memperoleh polisi
insurans yang diisu oleh Pacific Insurance dan Allianz General Insurance
semasa dia meminta ejen Yevv Kai Chong mengisikan Borang Cadangan
untuk memperoleh Polisi Kemalangan Diri Ultima V3 [ekshibit P32] dari Berjaya
Sompo Insurance.
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[80] Semasa pemeriksaan balas oleh peguam Defendan yang mewakili
Alianz General Insurance, SP7 hanya merujuk ekshibit PI 9 (A) - (C) mengenai
pekerja bernama Kabelan a/l Kunasegaran [Encl. 45, Ikatan D di muka surat
25] yang diakui ialah anak SP7 yang mula bekerja sejak 5 tahun lalu dan
dibayar RM3,000.00 sebulan. Mathialegen a/l Nyanasegar [Encl. 45, Ikatan D
di muka surat 26] pula ialah anak saudara SP7 yang mula bekerja sejak 4 tahun
lalu dan dibayar RM2,800.00 sebulan. Nyanasegar a/l Vadivelloo [Encl. 45,
Ikatan D di muka surat 27] ialah adik SP7 yang mula bekerja sejak 7 tahun lalu
dan dibayar RM4,500.00 sebulan.
[81] Terdapat seorang lagi pekerja bernama 'Devanthiran' yang tidak disebut
di bawah Sijil Kemalangan Diri Takaful Berkelompok bertarikh 04.01 2017. SP7
dirujuk kepada senarai pekerja yang dinamakan di bawah Sijil Kemalangan Diri
Takaful Berkelompok bertarikh 04.01.2017 yang sah Iaku bagi tempoh
29/12/2016-28/12/2017, termasuk Devanthiran yang didakwa menggantikan
Raja a/l Krishnan. Pada tahun 2016, senarai pekerja dalam Sijil
Kemalangan Diri Takaful Berkelompok adalah termasuk Raja a/l Krishnan
tetapi dokumen Surat Tawaran Kerja bertarikh 10/05/2017 (ekshibit P201
menunjukkan Raja mula kerja sejak 10/05/2017 dengan SP7 sebagai
pemandu lori dalam kawasan ladang sawit.
[82] Menurut SP7, Raja melakukan pelbagai kerja am di ladang bagi
memunggah kelapa sawit dan lazimnya kerja mengutip buah kelapa sawit
bermula jam 10-10.30 pagi dan dia mengambil masa 2-3 jam untuk
memungut buah kelapa sawit bergantung kepada luas kawasan ladang
sawit, dan ladang Ah Ling adalah berkeluasan lebih kurang 18 ekar sahaja.
Lazimnya Raja selesai memungut buah sawit di ladang berkeluasan 60 ekar
ialah dalam masa 4 - 5 jam.
[83] Menurut SP7, gaji sebulan dibayar kepada Raja ialah RM4,500.00. Bukti
penyata bayaran gaji (dalam ekshibit P21 yang disediakan kerani bernama
Nadiana) tidak ada tandatangan Raja kerana Raja buta huruf. Peruntukan
mengenai cuti rehat yang diperuntukkan juga tidak dinyatakan atas slip gaji.
Gaji Raja dibayar penuh tanpa tolakan bayaran SOCSO. Raja tidak ada
masalah kewangan atau membuat apa-apa pinjaman dengan Plaintif. Raja
dilindungi polisi insurans pekerja yang diperoleh Plaintif sebagai majikan
sepanjang Raja bekerja untuk perniagaan 'Kunasegaran a/l Vadevello' yang
berdaftar sejak 2014 serta milikan tunggal SP7.
[84] SP7 mengenali Govindasamy a/l Sinnian (pemilik motorsikal AFU1730)
sejak 10 tahun dan mengenali majikan Govindasamy, Ah Ling yang berbangsa
Cina. Luas ladang Ah Ling ialah 18 ekar. Raja a/l Krishnan dihantar 3 kali
sebulan untuk mengutip buah sawit di ladang Ah Ling. SP7 yang akan
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menghantar Raja dengan lori untuk mengangkut buah sawit. Selepas Raja
dan lori dihantar ke ladang Ah Ling, SP7 balik ke pejabat dengan meminta
bantuan kawan atau pekerja di Ladang Ah Ling untuk menghantarnya
pulang ke pejabat di Batu Kurau. Pada 14/12/2018, Raja dihantar ke ladang
Ah Ling untuk mengutip buah sawit.
[85] Menurut SP7, Raja yang bekerja sebagai pemungut besi buruk, baru
dikenali sejak setahun lalu. Raja a/l Krishnan hanya ada ibu dan seorang abang
manakala bapanya telah meninggal dunia. SP7 tidak ada nombor telefon ibu
atau abang Raja. Kumaran a/l Muniandy ialah abang sepupu Raja a/l Krishnan.
SP7 menafikan dia telah menghubungi Kumaran untuk menyuruhnya membuat
laporan polis mengenai nahas yang menimpa Raja. Ahli keluarga Raja a/l
Krishnan bukan 'nominee' si mati bagi polisi yang diperoleh untuk
menginsuranskan Raja atas kematian akibat kemalangan dan mereka
berkemungkinan tidak ada pengetahuan tentang polisi insurans yang
diperoleh Plaintif bagi perlindungan dari kecederaan diri atau kematian
akibat kemalangan atas nama simati.
[86] Semasa pemeriksaan balas oleh peguam Berjaya Sompo, SP7
mengatakan dia tidak ada pengetahuan bahawa motorsikal AFU1730
tidak dilindungi insurans dan cukai jalan motorsikal telah luput. Malah
SP7 tidak ada pengetahuan sama ada si mati mempunyai lesen
menunggang atau memandu kenderaan yang sah atau tidak.
[87] Plaintif (SP7) menafikan dakwaan dalam soal balas oleh peguam
Defendan-defendan bahawa terdapat perlanggaran prinsip uberimae fidei atau
niat suci hati dan meletakkan beban ke atas 3 ejen penanggung insurans yang
membantunya mengisikan Borang Cadangan atau dia tidak dijelaskan oleh 3
ejen penanggung insurans iaitu Fong Kok Wai, Yew Kai Chong dan Abdul Saidi
bin Bakri tentang keperluan untuk isytiharkan semua polisi yang
menginsuranskan Raja a/l Krishnan.
[88] Di peringkat pemeriksaan semula oleh peguamnya, SP7 mengatakan
bahawa dia tidak pernah ditanyakan oleh ejen atau diberikan notis mengenai
keperluan si mati untuk mempunyai lesen menunggang motorsikal atau
memandu kenderaan yang sah jika polisi perlindungan insurans hendak dibeli
atas penama Raja a/l Krishnan atau berkenaan batasan aktiviti memandu atau
menunggang motorsikal dalam polisi-polisi sedia ada atas nama Raja a/l
[22] I have highlighted the paragraphs above from the grounds of
judgment as these were important points to note for the Court in deciding
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whether the Defendants were justified in not honouring the claims
submitted by the Plaintiff not long after the deceased died. A perusal of
her summary of the Plaintiff’s evidence in paragraphs 76 and 77 showed
that the SCJ found he did not declare that he had obtained coverage
from Defendant 2 and Defendant 4. He had declared with Defendant 3,
or rather, the agent Fong Kok Wai made the declaration, only when he
applied for renewal of the coverage from Defendant 1 (refer to paragraphs
81-82) and he admitted that the deceased’s family may not know about
the policies.
[24] Then, the SCJ made her finding on the issue of the deceased not in
possession of a valid full licence in paragraphs 206-207. This is where
s.26 of the RTA comes in, namely, the requirement to have valid licence.
The SCJ agreed with the Defendants’ submissions (refer to paragraphs
212, 213, 215). In paragraph 220 she found the insurers were not
liable for repudiation of the insurance contract. The burden of proof
was on the Plaintiff to prove his case that the accident was not caused by
other things in order to qualify for the pay out but this he failed to do (refer
to paragraphs 226 -231. The SCJ concluded in paragraph 232 that the
deceased died due to a motor vehicle accident (MVA) but the exclusion
clause(s) applied (refer to paragraphs 234 – 237). The SCJ stated in
paragraph 249 that the Plaintiff was bound by his pleadings and this issue
of consumer contract/life insurance was not pleaded; he was therefore
barred from raising it at the submissions stage.
[25] Finally, the SCJ arrived at the following conclusions:
“[252] Setelah meneliti keterangan-keterangan lisan saksi-saksi plaintif dan
defendan serta keterangan dari dokumen-dokumen yang dikemukakan dan
setelah membaca hujahan bertulis peguam plaintif dan peguam defendan serta
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hujahan balas yang difailkan dan setelah mendengar hujahan lisan pihak-
pihak, keputusan saya dalam kes ini adalah seperti berikut:
(i) Berdasarkan isu awalan ini sahaja, Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa
peruntukan Jadual ke-10 Akta 758 yang dibaca secara harmoni dengan terma
Polisi Insurans Kemalangan Diri Peribadi Ultima V3 - Plan 05 [ekshibit P31 di
muka surat 98 Ikatan D] bahawa pembayaran wang polisi apabila berlaku
kematian orang yang diinsurankan adalah dibuat kepada wakil peribadi Orang
Yang Diinsurankan (Raja a/l Krishnan). Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa oleh
sebab Plaintif, tidak mempunyai hubungan kekeluargaan dengan simati, bukan
waris kadim dan bukan nominee yang dinamakan dalam Borang Penamaan
(ekshibit P32, rujuk muka surat 86 Ikatan D) adalah tidak tergolong sebagai
wakil peribadi dan diputuskan Plaintif tidak ada locus dan tidak layak
dibayar atas tuntutan pampasan di bawah polisi insurans Kemalangan Diri
Peribadi Ultima Plan 05 [ekshibit P31 yang bernombor 18DTP/PQCE000042].
(ii) terdapat ketidakdedahan fakta penting oleh Plaintif atau ketaknyataan
yang material kepada soalan 6 dalam Borang Cadangan [rujuk muka surat 86
Ikatan D, encl. 45) yang mewajarkan penolakan liabiliti (dipli dalam perenggan
6 Pembelaan dalam encl. 5 dan Pembelaan Terpinda dalam encl. 21);
(iii) penolakan liabiliti secara dasarnya adalah bergantung kepada Polisi
yang diisu oleh Defendan di bawah terma pengecualian 2 (d) dan (e) mengenai
ketakpatuhan Orang Yang Diinsuranskan (Raja a/l Krishnan) untuk memenuhi
terma-terma, syarat-syarat dan pengendorsan Polisi ini setakat mana ia
berhubung kait dengan apa sahaja yang perlu dilakukan atau dipatuhi oleh
orang yang diinsuranskan iaitu Raja a/l Krishnan;
(iv) faktor berlakunya kecederaan parah semasa ditimpa malang akibat
kecuaian sendiri oleh orang yang diinsuranskan iaitu Raja a/l Krishnan yang
tidak memakai topi keledar semasa menunggang motorsikal, dan perlakuan
yang menyalahi kepentingan dan polisi awam/undang-undang sedia ada, iaitu
menunggang motorsikal yang tidak dilindungi insurans dan tiada cukai jalan;
(v) Mahkamah, dalam keadaan kes ini, dengan mempertimbangkan maxim
“ex turpi causa non oritur” Mahkamah tidak menyetujui kemungkiran undang-
undang oleh orang yang diinsuranskan iaitu Raja a/l Krishnan yang ternyata
telah melakukan beberapa perbuatan yang menyalahi peraturan dan undang-
undang jalan raya sedia ada.
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[26] While I agreed with the decision of the SCJ in not allowing the
Plaintiff’s claim, there were some errors made in her grounds of judgment.
These errors, in my view, do not require appellate intervention because
having considered the submissions and case laws cited by the parties, I
am of the view that the SCJ’s decision can be upheld by this Court as
there was no substantial miscarriage of justice. There must have been
insufficient judicial appreciation of the relevant evidence which had
occasioned a serious miscarriage of justice: Mackt Logostics (M) Sdn.
Bhd. v Malaysian Airline System Berhad [2014] 5 CLJ 851. An
appellate court has a duty to intervene where a trial court has so
fundamentally misdirected itself, that one may say that no reasonable
court which had properly directed itself and asked the correct questions
would have arrived at the same conclusion: Sivalingam a/l Periasamy v
Periasamy [1995] 3 MLJ 395.
[27] From the numerous grounds raised in the Memorandum of Appeal
and Additional Memorandum of Appeal, I agree with the Plaintiff to narrow
down the issues to be decided by this Court as follows:
(i) has it been proved on a balance of probabilities that the
deceased died by accidental means;
(ii) whether the insurance policy fell within the ambit of a
consumer insurance contract or non-consumer insurance
(iii) does the basis clause apply if the court finds that the contract
of insurance is a consumer insurance contract;
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(iv) if the Court finds that it is a consumer insurance contract,
whether there has been compliance by the parties with the
whole prosess or procedure under Paragraph 5, Part II
Schedule 9 of the Financial Services Act 2013 [Act 758]
including the duty of disclosure;
(v) whether the Plaintiff received any notice in writing in respect
of the pre-contractual duty to disclose prior to entering into the
contract of insurance;
(vi) can the Defendants be allowed to rely on a new ground which
was never raised in the repudiation letter rejecting the
Plaintiff’s claim; and
(vii) should section 114(g) Evidence Act 1950 be invoked against
the Defendants for failure to call their authorised agent(s) who
filled up the proposal form on behalf of the Plaintiff as a
(i) Has it been proved on a balance of probabilities that the deceased
died by accidental means
[28] I do not wish to spend a lot of time on this issue because the
evidence from SP2 were very clear that the deceased died of “Severe
traumatic brain injury” due to hard fall during motor vehicle accident. This
finding was supported by the investigation of SP1 which concluded that
the deceased was not wearing any helmet at the material time, based on
SP5’s evidence who was among the first to arrive at the scene and did not
find any helmet nearby the body. The SCJ found that the fatal injuries
were due to hard fall sustained during an accident as explained by SP1
and SP2 and there was no reason not to accept the investigation officer’s
evidence. There was also no evidence that the deceased was attacked by
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known or unknown persons. The Plaintiff has proved this issue on a
balance of probabilities despite the questions in cross-examination by the
Defendants’ respective counsels.
(ii) Whether the insurance policy fell within the ambit of a consumer
insurance contract or non-consumer insurance contract
[29] The SCJ in her grounds of judgment at paragraph 187 (Defendant
1’s suit) stated the issue of “consumer insurance contract” and “non-
consumer insurance contract” was without merit as it was not pleaded by
the Plaintiff. Nevertheless, this was a misdirection on the part of the SCJ
as the court eventually still has a duty to determine the issue. The regime
for insurance in Malaysia is comprehensively provided in s. 129(1) of Act
758 which sets out the pre-contractual duty of disclosure and
representations for contracts of insurance in Part 2, and the remedies for
misrepresentations relating to contracts of insurance in Part 3. For ease
of reference, the relevant provisions of the law (Schedule 9) are
reproduced as follows:
2. In this Schedule— “consumer” means the individual who enters into, varies or
renews a consumer insurance contract, or proposes to do so with a licensed insurer;
“consumer insurance contract” means a contract of insurance entered into, varied or
renewed by an individual wholly for purposes unrelated to the individual’s trade,
business or profession.
Pre-contractual disclosure and representation
Pre-contractual duty of disclosure for insurance contracts other than consumer
insurance contracts
4. (1) Before a contract of insurance other than a consumer insurance contract is
entered into, varied or renewed, a proposer shall disclose to the licensed insurer a
matter that—
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(a) he knows to be relevant to the decision of the insurer on whether to accept
the risk or not and the rates and terms to be applied; or
(b) a reasonable person in the circumstances could be expected to know to be
(2) The duty of disclosure shall not require the disclosure of a matter that—
(a) diminishes the risk to the licensed insurer;
(b) is of common knowledge;
(c) the licensed insurer knows or in the ordinary course of his business ought
to know; or
(d) in respect of which the licensed insurer has waived any requirement for
(3) Where a proposer fails to answer or gives an incomplete or irrelevant answer to a
question contained in the proposal form or asked by the licensed insurer and the matter
was not pursued further by the insurer, compliance with the proposer’s duty of
disclosure in respect of the matter shall be deemed to have been waived by the insurer.
(4) A licensed insurer shall, before a contract of insurance is entered into, varied or
renewed, clearly inform a proposer in writing of the proposer’s pre-contractual duty of
disclosure under this paragraph, and that this duty of disclosure shall continue until the
time the contract is entered into, varied or renewed.
Pre-contractual duty of disclosure for consumer insurance contracts
5. (1) Before a consumer insurance contract is entered into or varied, a licensed insurer
may request a proposer who is a consumer to answer any specific questions that are
relevant to the decision of the insurer whether to accept the risk or not and the rates
and terms to be applied.
(2) It is the duty of the consumer to take reasonable care not to make a
misrepresentation to the licensed insurer when answering any questions under
subparagraph (1).
(3) Before a consumer insurance contract is renewed, a licensed insurer may either—
(a) request a consumer to answer one or more specific questions in accordance
with subparagraph (1); or
(b) give the consumer a copy of any matter previously disclosed by the
consumer in relation to the contract and request the consumer to confirm or
amend any change to that matter.
(4) It is the duty of the consumer to take reasonable care not to make a
misrepresentation to the licensed insurer when answering any questions under
subsubparagraph (3)(a), or confirming or amending any matter under
subsubparagraph (3)(b).
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(5) If the licensed insurer does not make a request in accordance with subparagraph
(1) or (3) as the case may be, compliance with the consumer’s duty of disclosure in
respect of those subparagraphs, shall be deemed to have been waived by the insurer.
(6) Where the consumer fails to answer or gives an incomplete or irrelevant answer to
any request by the licensed insurer under subparagraph (1) or subsubparagraph
(3)(a), or fails to confirm or amend any matter under subsubparagraph (3)(b), or does
so incompletely or provides irrelevant information, as the case may be, and the answer
or matter was not pursued further by the insurer, compliance with the consumer’s duty
of disclosure in respect of the answer or matter shall be deemed to have been waived
by the insurer.
(7) A licensed insurer shall, before a consumer insurance contract is entered into,
varied or renewed, clearly inform the consumer in writing of the consumer’s pre-
contractual duty of disclosure under this paragraph, and that this duty of disclosure
shall continue until the time the contract is entered into, varied or renewed.
(8) Subject to subparagraphs (1) and (3), a consumer shall take reasonable care to
disclose to the licensed insurer any matter, other than that in relation to subparagraph
(1) or (3), that he knows to be relevant to the decision of the insurer on whether to
accept the risk or not and the rates and terms to be applied.
(9) Nothing in this Schedule shall affect the duty of utmost good faith to be exercised
by a consumer and licensed insurer in their dealings with each other, including the
making and paying of a claim, after a contract of insurance has been entered into,
varied or renewed.
[30] In relation to a non-consumer insurance contract, a proposer shall
disclose to the licensed insurer a matter that (a) he knows to be relevant
to the decision of the insurer on whether to accept the risk or not and the
rates and terms to be applied, or (b) a reasonable person in the
circumstances could be expected to know to be relevant. Whereas in the
case of a consumer insurance contract, it is the duty of the consumer
to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation to the
licensed insurer when answering any questions. The policy speech of
the then Deputy Finance Minister I, Datuk Dr. Awang Adek Hussin, when
introducing the Financial Services Bill provided the reason why Parliament
had enacted the Bill which created such distinct classes as aforesaid:
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“Keenam, rang undang-undang ini akan menyediakan rangka kerja yang
kukuh bagi perlindungan pengguna kewangan. Ini dicapai melalui:
(i) …;
(ii) …;
(iv) memperuntukkan tanggungjawab penanggung insurans untuk
memberi panduan kepada pengguna mengenai penzahiran yang
diperlukan semasa peringkat pra kontrak dalam hal salah nyata atau
misrepresentation yang dibuat oleh pengguna.
Rang undang-undang ini memperuntukkan remedi bagi penanggung
insurans yang lebih saksama bergantung sama ada salah nyata oleh pengguna
tersebut dibuat secara sengaja atau melulu, cuai, atau tidak sengaja.
Pada masa sekarang, kontrak insurans boleh dielak, avoidable secara
langsung oleh penanggung insurans tidak kira sama ada salah nyata oleh
seseorang pengguna tersebut dibuat secara sengaja atau melulu, cuai atau
pun tidak sengaja.”.
((Dewan Rakyat Hansard) [DR 27.11.2012] at 1810)
[31] The SCJ in paragraph 197 (Defendant 2’s grounds of judgment)
stated that the policy was a consumer contract and this was in relation
to the claim by the Plaintiff against Defendant 2 which allegedly had
submitted it was a non-consumer contract. Upon perusal of Defendant 2’s
submission, I found that this was misconceived by the Plaintiff as
Defendant 2 contended it was clearly a consumer insurance contract. The
Defendants submitted on the importance of disclosure and the court had
analysed this issue in paragraphs 184 onwards. Specifically, I refer to the
following paragraphs of the SCJ’s analysis for ease of reference:
“[197] Polisi Kemalangan Diri Ultima V3-Plan 05 ini adalah suatu polisi
Kontrak Insurans Pengguna (Consumer Insurance Contract, di muka
surat 85 Ikatan D) dan satu notis penting (“Important Notice”) telah
diberikan kepada Plaintif yang berniat memohon insurans yang
memperuntukkan dalam Borang Cadangan (ekshibit P32 (m/s 1 1 encl 9, dan
ekshibit P32 di muka surat 85 Ikatan D), bahawa:
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“Kontrak Insurans Pengguna
Menurut Perenggan 5 Jadual di bawah Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan
2013, sekiranya anda memohon Insurans ini sepenuhnya bagi tujuan
yang tidak berkaitan dengan perdagangan, perniagaan atau profesion
anda, anda mempunyai kewajipan mengambil penjagaan munasabah
supaya tidak membuat salah nyataan semasa menjawab soalansoalan
di dalam Borang Cadangan dan/atau semua soalan-soalan yang
dikehendaki oleh Syarikat dengan penuh dan tepat dan mendedahkan
apa-apa perkara lain yang anda ketahui berkaitan dengan keputusan
kami dalam menerima risiko dan dalam menentukan kadar dan terma
yang hendak dipakai, jika sebaliknya ini boleh menyebabkan kontrak
terbatal, penolakan atau pengurangan tuntutan, penukaran terma atau
penamatan kontrak.
Anda juga mempunyai kewajipan memaklumkan kepada kami dengan
segera sekiranya pada bila-bila masa, selepas kontrak insurans dibuat,
diubah atau diperbaharui dengan pihak kami, sebarang maklumat yang
diberikan adalah tidak tepat atau telah berubah.”
[32] In regard to the Defendant 2’s policy, that policy covered work-
related accidents; this can be gathered from the evidence of SD3 and the
absence of an exclusion clause of work-related accidents in the policy
(Exclusion Clause No.7 only excludes subordinates not the life insured).
This could attract the definition of consumer insurance policy having
regard to the intention of the Plaintiff (where he alleged the policies served
as an incentive to his employees) and the evidence of SD3 itself.
[33] It is noted that paragraph 10 of Schedule 9 is only applicable to
consumer insurance contract and renders any basis clause in a consumer
insurance contract of no effect. It reads:
“Any representation made before a consumer insurance contract was entered
into, varied or renewed shall not be converted into a warranty by means of any
provision of the consumer insurance contract or of any terms of the variation or
of any other contract, whether by declaring the representation to form the basis
of the contract or otherwise.”
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[34] In the analysis of the evidence before me, as the policies do not
cover work-related accidents, the policies were unrelated to the
individual’s trade, business or profession, and therefore, they come within
the ambit of the definition of a consumer insurance contract.
Notwithstanding the Plaintiff’s assertion, as well as the evidence of SD1,
the construction of the policies prevailed as it was in accordance with the
intention of Schedule 9.
[35] It was evident from grounds of judgment of the SCJ she had
concluded that the policies were consumer insurance contracts. But
the SCJ also stated in paragraph 200 that the Proposal Form did form
the basis clause of the contract with the insurer as follows:
“[200] Dalam kes ini, Plaintif telah mengesahkan bahawa semua maklumat
yang dinyatakan dalam Borang Cadangan itu (yang dibuat tanpa pendedahan
tentang polisi pelbagai jenis dengan penanggung insurans Iain) merupakan
maklumat penuh, lengkap dan benar dan merupakan asas bagi pembentukan
kontrak insuran dengan Defendan. Ternyata, Borang Cadangan yang
membentuk kontrak insurans ditandatangan oleh Plaintif sendiri [merujuk di
muka surat 87 Ikatan D dalam Encl. 45] yang memperaku dan memberi
perisytiharan bahawa semua butiran (yang diisikan ejen bagi pihaknya) adalah
benar. Yew Kai Chong (ejen insurans Berjaya Sompo Insurance) hanya diminta
untuk mengisi Borang Cadangan. Sehubungan itu, Plaintif adalah terikat
dengan perisytiharan dan bersetuju bahawa Cadangan itu dijadikan dasar
kontrak di antara pihak-pihak (“klausa asas”) [ekshibit P31, merujuk di muka
surat 88 Ikatan D dalam Encl. 45].”
(iii) Does the basis clause apply if the court finds that the contract of
insurance is a consumer insurance contract
[36] The SCJ discussed the merits of the basis clause in analysing the
evidence as can be seen above. Does this mean that automatically her
grounds of judgment is totally wrong by virtue of paragraph 10 of Schedule
9? I think not.
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[37] In the case of Chong Lai Keng v. Prudential Assurance Malaysia
Bhd [2024] 1 CLJ 293, the facts were similar on the issue of the insured
person had not disclosed to the proposed insurers the existence of a few
other policies. The learned Judicial Commissioner Jamhirah Binti Ali
“[48] As previously elucidated, para. 5 of Schedule 9 of the FSA which
pertains to the pre-contractual duty of disclosure for consumer insurance
contracts, imposed a statutory duty on the consumer to exercise
reasonable care in avoiding any misrepresentation to the insurer. This
duty was especially significant when responding to specific questions
posed by the insurer, which were essential in the insurer’s determination
of whether to accept the risk and in establishing the applicable rates and
terms. The principle of uberrimae fidei remained applicable to the parties
involved in an insurance contract. In accordance with this principle, the
consumer was held to a standard of care defined as that of a ‘reasonable
consumer’. Consequently, based on the underpinning of uberrimae fidei,
the life assured, as the consumer, bore the duty of utmost good faith,
necessitating full disclosure of all material facts within his knowledge. In
Leong Kum Whay v. QBE Insurance (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors [2006] 1 CLJ 1; [2006]
1 MLJ 710, the Court of Appeal held as follows:
[15] It is settled beyond dispute that a contract of insurance is one that
imposes a mutual duty on the parties to it to act uberrimae fides towards
each other. On the part of the insured, he or she must make full
disclosure of all material facts. It is not for him or her to decide in
his or her own mind what is material. The duty is on the insured to
make full disclosure of material facts within his knowledge.
(emphasis added)
[49] After careful examination of the evidence, the submitted documents, and
the relevant law, I concluded that the existence of the three AIA policies
constituted a “material fact”. This finding stemmed from the evidence that their
disclosure would have had a negative impact on the defendant’s underwriting
decision. If the defendant had been aware of the three AIA policies, they would
not have issued the policies in question. Further, based on the factual
circumstances and the sequence of events in this case, I concluded that the life
assured had deliberately concealed or suppressed and had fraudulently
misrepresented the existence of the three AIA policies.”.
[Emphasis added]
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[38] The Court refers to the provision in paragraph 6 of Schedule 9 which
provides the following:
“Duty to take reasonable care
6. (1) In determining whether a consumer has taken reasonable care not to make a
misrepresentation under subparagraph 5(2) or (4), the relevant circumstances may be
taken into account including—
(a) the consumer insurance contract in question and the manner in which the
contract was sold to the consumer;
(b) any relevant explanatory material or publicity produced or authorized by the
licensed insurer; and
(c) how clear and specific, the licensed insurer’s questions were.
(2) Subject to subparagraph (3), the standard of care required of the consumer under
subparagraphs 5(2) and (4) shall be what a reasonable consumer in the circumstances
would have known.
[39] Although the third issue is to be answered in the negative, based on
the construction of Paragraph 6 of Schedule 9 as well as Division 2 which
will be analysed later I am of the view that the court still has a duty to
evaluate the evidence and make a finding whether there has been
misrepresentation at the point of submission of the Proposal Form.
(iv) If the Court finds that it is a consumer insurance contract, whether
there has been compliance by the parties with the whole prosess or
procedure under Paragraph 5, Part II Schedule 9 of the Financial
Services Act 2013 [Act 758] including the duty of disclosure
[40] It was the Plaintiff’s contention that the Defendants had waived the
Plaintiff’s duty of disclosure as the insurers did not make a request in
accordance with subparagraph (1) or (3) of Paragraphs 5(5) and/or 5(6).
Moreover, Paragraph 5(7) requires a licensed insurer, before a consumer
insurance contract is entered into, varied or renewed, to clearly inform the
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Plaintiff in writing of the consumer’s pre-contractual duty of disclosure and
that this duty of disclosure shall continue until the time the contract is
entered into, varied or renewed.
[41] I will deal with the fourth and fifth issues together; the fifth issue was
whether the Plaintiff received any notice in writing in respect of the pre-
contractual duty to disclose prior to entering into the contract of insurance.
“[211]... Notis juga diberikan kepada Plaintif bahawa “Jika Plaintif tidak
memberikan maklumat ini dengan sepenuhnya dan sejujurnya, polisi
insurans mungkin tidak sah atau Polisi mungkin tidak melindungi orang
yang diinsurankan/pekerja dengan sepenuhnya”. Tiada sebab untuk
mahkamah ini menyimpang daripada kedudukan undang-undang am
mengenai kewajipan pendedahan fakta yang material di pihak Plaintif.
[212] Saya juga bersetuju dengan hujah peguam defendan bahawa hujah-
hujah peguam Plaintif adalah tidak bermerit dan tidak selari dengan Pemakaian
perenggan 5 Jadual Kesembilan Akta 758 [rujukan kepada kes: Balamoney
Asoriah v. MMIP Services Sdn Bhd [2020] 1 CLJ 476] mengenai kewajipan
untuk mengambil langkah yang munasabah untuk tidak salah nyata dalam
menjawab soalan yang terdapat dalam Borang Cadangan (atau semasa
permohonan insurans ini) dan perlu menjawab soalan-soalan dengan penuh dan
tepat. Kegagalan dalam mengambil langkah munasabah dalam menjawab soalan-
soalan boleh mengakibatkan pembatalan kontrak insurans, keengganan atau
pengurangan gantirugi, perubahan terma atau penamatan kontrak insurans
selaras dengan remedi di Jadual 9 Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan 2013 [Akta 758].
Plaintif juga dikehendaki mendedahkan perkara-perkara lain yang dia tahu akan
mempengaruhi keputusan Defendan dalam menerima risiko dan menentukan
kadar dan terma yang akan dikenakan.
[215] Pada setiap masa yang material, Plaintif mendakwa dia tidak
diperjelaskan tentang kandungan dalam borang dan tidak ditanyakan tentang lain-
lain polisi yang dia ada miliki sewaktu ejen mengisikan Borang Cadangan bagi
polisi insurans Kemalangan Diri Peribadi Ultima V3 - Plan 05 (merujuk penyata
saksi dalam encl. 74 yang hanya difailkan pada 13/05/2020 dan Plaintif memberi
keterangannya pada 18/09/2020). Dalam kes ini, Plaintif mengelakkan diri dari
bertanggungan untuk menzahirkan pegangan polisi insurans yang
dipegangnya dengan mendakwa dia menurunkan tanda tangan atas borang
sebelum ejen Yew Kai Chong mengisikan butiran dan dia tidak fasih
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membaca dalam Bahasa Malaysia atau Bahasa Inggeris dan khidmat ejen
insurans digunakan bagi mengisi borang. Pada setiap yang material, Plaintif
mendakwa dia tidak diperjelaskan tentang kandungan dalam borang dan
tidak ditanyakan tentang lain-lain polisi yang dia ada miliki sewaktu ejen
mengisikan Borang Cadangan bagi polisi insurans Kemalangan Diri Peribadi
Ultima — Plan 05. Tidak ada keterangan menyokong dipanggil dari pihak ejen
Yew Kai Chong mengenai dakwaan Plaintif yang dibuatnya…”.
[42] The SCJ did apply Balamoney’s Case (supra) which has been
affirmed by the Federal Court in the case of Amgeneral Insurance Bhd
v. Sa' Amran Atan & Ors And Other Appeals [2022] 8 CLJ 175. With
respect, I am of the view that the Federal Court case above did not directly
apply to the present case because there the issue again was in respect of
avoiding liability under s.96(3) of the RTA and it concerned third party
insurance. One of the issues was whether the insurer could avoid liability
when the vehicle that was involved in an accident had been
sold/transferred to another party. The issue in that Federal Court case can
be compared with the facts in Balamoney’s Case (supra).
[43] The SCJ found that the Plaintiff claimed that the notice was never
explained to him but also found that he had willfully ignored the notice.
Pursuant to the paragraphs above, since the Plaintiff had acknowledged
that the notice was explained to him and regardless of his intention of what
kind of policy he actually wanted to purchase, this Court found that the
Defendants had sufficiently discharged their burden under Schedule
9 to explain to the proposer of his duty of disclosure in writing. The
SCJ found further that the Plaintiff had failed to disclose that he had 2
other insurance policies other than with Defendant 3 which was stated in
the proposal form. In the case of Defendant 2 he had omitted to fill in the
question. I have no reason to disturb her finding that there was non-
disclosure of the existence of the other 2 policies on the part of the
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Plaintiff. The question is, does this amount to a breach in his duty of
disclosure? I refer to the case on uberrima fide as stated in Leong Kum
Whay v. QBE Insurance (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors [2006] 1 CLJ 1; [2006] 1
MLJ 710 where Gopal Sri Ram JCA propounded:
“[15] It is settled beyond dispute that a contract of insurance is one that
imposes mutual duty on the parties to it to act uberrimae fides towards
each other... On the part of the insured, he or she must make full and frank
disclosure of all material facts. It is not for him or her to decide in his or
her own mind what is material... The duty is on the insured to make full
disclosure of material facts within his knowledge.
[19] So much for the insured's duty. For completeness I would add that there is
a corresponding duty on the part of an insurer to act with utmost good faith
towards its insured. In Maschke Estate v. Gleeson (1986) 54 OR (2d) 753 at p
756, Montgomery J put the duty in this way:
A contract of insurance is one of uberrimae fides, the utmost of good
faith. This is not a situation where an insurer is indemnifying its assured
and paying a third party. This is a case where the insurer is being asked
to pay its own insured. The duty to act promptly and in good faith arises
the day the insurer receives the claim. To find otherwise is to fail to
understand the realities of the market place.”.
[Emphasis added]
[44] The principle of uberrimae fidei has been entrenched in Paragraph
5 of Schedule 9 as well, with some modification where a consumer no
longer needed to voluntarily disclose information to the insurer but only to
give information that was requested upon him, with reasonable care, to
the insurer. The Plaintiff alleged that he had omitted to fill all of the policy
because the insurer’s agent did not explain the question to him which led
him to not completely filling them as he was not conversant in English.
Later he said he was unsure whether the agent explained the
questions in the Proposal Form. His counsel had contended that the
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Plaintiff did not breach the uberrima fide duty because, by virtue of
paragraph 5(6), an incomplete information that was not further pursued by
the insurer was deemed waived, as pointed out earlier.
[45] I refer to the relevant paragraphs in the SCJ’s grounds of judgment
for effect:
[198] Merujuk kepada Borang Cadangan [ekshibit P32) bagi memperoleh polisi
insurans Kemalangan Diri Peribadi Ultima — Plan 05 yang hendak diisu oleh
Defendan, soalan 6 [ekshibit P32, merujuk muka surat 86 Ikatan D] menanya
kepada Plaintif tentang permohonan serupa atau pembaharuan polisi
kemalangan diri atas nama Orang Yang Diinsurankan, Raja a/l Krishnan:
“Have you or any person to be insured ever had an application for life or
Personal Accident Insurance accepted with Sum Insured reduced or the
renewal premium increased?” dan dijawab oleh ejen “No”.
[199] Jawapan kepada soalan 6 ternyata tidak benar atau tidak tepat
kerana dokumen yang dikemukakan oleh Plaintif dalam Ikatan D (dalam
encl. 45 difailkan dalam Saman AB-A52NCC-7-05/2019 berikutan perintah
gabung dengar bertarikh 17/09/2019 dan 16/10/2019) yang melibatkan 4
penanggung insurans, ternyata bahawa polisi perlindungan takaful ada
dalam pegangan Plaintif sejak Disember 2016 tetapi pemerolehan polisi
perlindungan Kemalangan Diri Takaful Berkelompok bertarikh 04/01/2017
yang juga melindungi penama Raja a/l Krishnan ini tidak pernah
dimaklumkan kepada Defendan dan pemerolehan 2 lagi polisi insurans
kemalangan diri atas nama Raja a/l Krishnan juga gagal didedahkan oleh
[201] Peguam Defendan berhujah bahawa beban pendedahan penuh dan
tepat oleh Plaintif adalah dari permulaan kontrak insuran dimasuki dan beban
itu akan berterusan sehingga tempoh kuatkuasa perlindungan insuran luput. la
adalah undang-undang matan bahawa kewajipan pihak yang diinsuranskan
untuk mendedahkan maklumat material kepada penginsurans merupakan
kewajipan yang wujud secara berasingan daripada apa-apa borang cadangan
[Kes: Tan Mooi Sim & Anor v United Overseas Bank (M) Bhd & Anor [2011]
8 MLJ 556 dan American International Assurance Co, Ltd v Nadarajan a/l
Subramaniam [2013] 5 MLJ 195].
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[202] Di bawah tajuk “Kewajipan Pendedahan”; (di muka surat 88/(BM) muka
surat 98 Ikatan D) dalam Polisi Kemalangan Diri Ultima V3-Plan 05 (ekshibit
P31 di muka surat 98 Ikatan D], diperuntukkan bahawa:
“Apabila Orang yang Diinsuranskan telah memohon insurans ini
sepenuhnya bagi tujuan yang tidak berkaitan dengan perdagangan,
perniagaan atau profesion Orang yang Diinsuranskan, Orang yang
Diinsuranskan mempunyai kewajipan mengambil penjagaan
munasabah supaya tidak membuat salah nyataan semasa menjawab
soalan-soalan di dalam Borang Cadangan (atau semasa membuat
permohonan Insurans ini). Orang yang Diinsurans perlu menjawab
soalan dengan penuh dan tepat. Kegagalan dalam mengambil langkah
yang munasabah dalam menjawab soalan-soalan boleh mengakibatkan
pembatalan kontrak Insurans, keengganan atau pengurangan ganti rugi,
perubahan terma atau penamatan kontrak Orang yang Diinsurans
selaras dengan remedi di Jadual 9 Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan 2013.
Orang yang Diinsurans juga dikehendaki mendedahkan apa-apa
perkara lain yang Orang yang Diinsurans tahu akan mempengaruhi
keputusan Syarikat dalam menerima risiko dan dalam menentukan
kadar dan terma yang dikenakan.
Orang yang Diinsurans juga mempunyai kewajipan untuk memberitahu
Syarikat dengan serta merta jika pada bila-bila masa selepas kontrak
insurans Orang yang Diinsurans ditanda tangani, diubah atau
diperbaharu dengan Syarikat, apa-apa maklumat yang diberikan dalam
Borang Cadangan (atau semasa membuat permohonan Insurans ini)
tidak tepat atau telah berubah.”
[203] Berdasarkan terma polisi di atas, Plaintif juga mempunyai kewajipan
untuk memberitahu Defendan dengan serta-merta jika pada bila-bila masa
selepas kontrak insurans ditandatangani, diubah atau diperbaharui dengan
Defendan, apa-apa maklumat yang diberikan di dalam Borang Cadangan (atau
semasa permohonan insurans ini) tidak tepat atau telah berubah. Kewajipan
untuk mendedahkan fakta material, dan kewajipan tersebut tidak dilepaskan
semata-mata atas akuan fakta bahawa pihak yang satu lagi telah gagal
menanya mengenai fakta material yang tidak didedahkan, tetapi fakta
pemerolehan polisi-polisi yang lain adalah, pada setiap masa yang material
dalam pengetahuan pihak Plaintif, bukan ejen yang mempunyai pengetahuan
tersebut. Dalam mempertimbangkan hujah mengenai fakta yang dipli dalam
Pembelaan berkaitan Borang Cadangan, tidak pernah berbangkit isu sama ada
Borang Cadangan diisikan oleh ejen bagi pihak Plaintif.
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[204] Merujuk kes Tan Jing Jeong v Allianz Life Assurance Malaysia [2012]
7 MLJ 179; [2011] 4 CLJ 710 mengenai kewajipan berterusan di pihak-pihak
di bawah kontrak insurans, bahawa —
“Sebaik sahaja kewajipan positif diberikan kepada sesuatu pihak oleh
undang-undang untuk bercakap benar, termasuk untuk mendedahkan
fakta material, kewajipan tersebut tidak dilepaskan semata-mata atas
akuan fakta bahawa pihak yang satu lagi telah gagal menanya mengenai
fakta material yang tidak didedahkan, tetapi fakta yang dalam
pengetahuan pihak yang mempunyai pengetahuan tersebut.”.
[218] … Berdasarkan jawapan yang diberi kepada soalan dalam penyata
saksi SP7 (encl. 74 dalam Saman AB-A52NCC-7-05/2019) dan semasa
pemeriksaan balas pada 23/09/2020 oleh peguam Defendan, dihujahkan
bahawa jawapan kepada isu yang membangkitkan kewajipan pendedahan
pemerolehan polisi-polisi (dipli dalam perenggan 3 dan 6 encl.7) adalah
satu pemikiran terkemudian untuk membangkitkan pembelaan pada
tahap ini. Namun apabila Plaintif memberi keterangan pada 18/09/2020 dan
23/09/2020 mengenai dokumen polisi yang hendak dijadikan asas tuntutannya
terhadap Defendan-defendan, syarikat penanggung insurans terlibat, atau
semasa disoal balas mengenai butir lanjut nama pekerja yang disenarai dalam
polisi Takaful, siapa pekerjanya yang diberikan manfaat di bawah polisi-polisi
yang diambilnya dengan Takaful Malaysia dan jumlah perlindungan takaful
bagi empat pekerjanya (yang ada kaitan tali persaudaraan dengannya) selain
Raja a/l Krishnan, dirumuskan bahawa Plaintif adalah seorang peniaga
yang sangat cerdik, yang celik angka/ matematik kerana dalam setiap
polisi yang dibeli olehnya sebagai majikan, dia yang memainkan peranan
yang penting dalam memperolehi fakta dan angka untuk dimasukkan
dalam polisi; pihak Plaintif juga yang membayar premium bagi orang
yang diinsuranskan bagi kesemua polisi atas penama yang sama iaitu
Raja a/l Krishnan (si mati). Sekiranya terjadi kematian kemalangan menimpa
pekerjanya Raja a/l Krishnan, jumlah pampasan yang akan dipungutnya akan
mencecah RM1j. Semasa disoal balas peguam, Plaintif mengatakan insurans
yang diperoleh itu mungkin tidak diketahui oleh ahli keluarga Raja a/l Krishnan.
Oleh itu, fakta material mengenai polisi-polisi yang dipegang Plaintif
sememangnya dalam pengetahuannya pada setiap masa yang material,
bukan ejen insurans. Malah adalah satu perkara yang mustahil dan/atau
subjektif untuk ejen mengetahui apakah yang perlu didedahkan pada masa
mengisikan Borang Cadangan bagi pihak Plaintif.
[219] Plaintif hadir ke mahkamah tidak secara suci hati kerana Plaintif
tidak benar-benar menjelaskan bagaimana beliau boleh memperoleh
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polisi-polisi insurans yang dipegangnya. Plaintif lazim memberi jawapan
menyatakan bahawa dia tidak tahu (atau sengaja mengabaikan “Notis
Penting” yang tertulis dalam dokumen kesemua polisi yang diperoleh)
tentang kewajipan mengambil penjagaan munasabah supaya tidak
membuat salah nyataan mengenai risiko yang berkaitan perlindungan
yang hendak diberi atas seorang pekerja sahaja iaitu, Raja a/l Krishnan.
Plaintif mengelakkan kewajipannya membuat pendedahan atau kewajipan
memberi maklumat tepat tentang pemerolehan polisi-polisi dengan meletakkan
beban ke atas 3 ejen insurans yang didakwa gagal menerangkan “Notis
Penting” dalam dokumen polisi dan/atau kandungan Notis tidak dalam
pengetahuannya disebabkan ejen insurans yang membantunya memperoleh
polisj-polisi insurans dalam milikannya itu gagal menanyakan soalan-soalan
material kepadanya, terutamanya berkaitan pemegangan lessen memandu
yang sah oleh Raja a/l Krishnan. Semasa disoal balas peguam-peguam yang
mewakili Defendan-defendan pada 18/09/2020 dan 23/09/2020, Plaintif
mengatakan kandungan polisi yang diperolehnya terutamanya mengenai terma
Pengecualian itu tidak pernah dijelaskan oleh ejen insurans kepadanya.”.
[46] The Plaintiff contended that the SCJ misdirected herself when she
applied Tan Mooi Sim’s Case (supra) which was decided before Act 758
was enacted by Parliament. Nevertheless, Act 758 did not abolish the duty
to disclose by the consumers but rather, it had codified the duty and made
it an offence under s.129(2) of Act 758 if a person contravened the duty
of disclosure under Paragraph 11 of Schedule 9. The SCJ had made her
findings of fact that the Plaintiff has not abided by the uberrimae fidei duty
and that his version was an afterthought. But Paragraph 5.6 provided if
the disclosure was not pursued further by the insurer, it was deemed
waived. The burden to prove the matter lies on the Defendants. In
Balamoney’s Case (supra), the Court of Appeal stated:
“[49] Under sub-subparas. 5(3)(a) and (b), the respondent may do either of two
things when there is an application to renew the insurance policy. The
respondent may request Selvamani or whoever was renewing the insurance
policy to answer one or more specific questions in accordance with sub-para.
(1). The questions asked being specific questions that are relevant to the
respondent's decision whether or not to accept the risk, and the rates and terms
to be imposed. Alternatively, the respondent may give Selvamani or whoever
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was renewing the insurance policy, a copy of any matter previously disclosed
by Selvamani in relation to the contract and request Selvamani or whoever was
renewing the insurance policy, to confirm or amend any change to the matter.
[50] Where the respondent makes either of these requests, Selvamani or
whoever was renewing the insurance policy, has a duty under sub-para. 5(4)
"to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation to the licensed insurer
when answering any questions under sub-subpara. (3)(a), or confirming or
amending any matter under sub-subpara. (3)(b)''.
[47] From the facts of the case and findings of the SCJ, I found that the
Defendants have discharged this burden of proof. Counsel for Defendant
2 referred to the decision in Tan Siew Wei v Great Eastern Life
Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad [2021] 1 LNS 770, Liberty Insurance
Bhd v Marrison Sidai & Anor [2019] 8 CLJ 380, Etiqa General Takaful
Berhad v Personal Representative of Fatimah Adam (Deceased) &
Ors [2022] 6 CLJ 385 and Ulaganathan Muthiah v Prudential
Assurance (Malaysia) Bhd [2020] 9 CLJ 435 in support of its case on
the issue of pre-contractual disclosure and I agreed with the rationale of
the learned Justices of the High Courts in the abovementioned cases.
[48] In my broad grounds earlier, I had distinguished Balamoney’s Case
(supra). I now give my reasons for doing so. I am of the view that the facts
of that case warranted the Court of Appeal to intervene and grant the
remedy that should have been granted to the appellant, unlike the present
case. The facts were as follows:
“On 28 October 2016, Jayandran Mathan ('Jayandran'), a minor, was riding
pillion on a motorcycle which was involved in a collision with a motor van driven
by the first defendant and owned by the deceased ('Selvamani'). Jayandran's
mother ('the appellant') decided to sue on her son's behalf. As required under s.
96(3) of the Road Transport Act 1987 (‘Road Transport Act’), she served a
notice on the insurer ('the respondent') prior to the filing of the suit ('the civil
suit'). It was, however, discovered that Selvamani had passed away on 20 April
2016, well before the accident. It was also discovered that the insurance policy
that Selvamani had taken with the insurers ('the policy') had expired on 4 May
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2016, after his demise. The policy was nevertheless renewed in Selvamani's
name from 10 May 2016 to 9 May 2017. The respondent filed an originating
summons before the High Court seeking declaratory orders to the effect that it
was not the insurer of the said motor van at the time of the accident; and that
the insurance policy was null and void by reason of a fundamental breach of
the principle of uberrimae fidei or duty of utmost good faith, the breach of which
entitled the respondent to void the insurance contract. The High Court, in
granting the respondent's application, held that when the material fact that
Selvamani had already passed away was not disclosed to the insurer at the
time the insurance policy was renewed by whoever had done the renewal, there
was a breach of the principle of utmost good faith which entitled the insurer to
void the renewed policy. Hence, the appellant appealed against the decision of
the High Court. Held (allowing the appeal and setting aside the judgment of the
High Court):
(1) The declaratory orders sought by the respondent concerned the status and
validity of the insurance contract made not between the parties, but between
the respondent and Selvamani, who was not a party in the appeal. Given the
nature of the issue, its determination by way of an exchange of affidavits
and with the critical parties not before the court was not appropriate. The
respondent's allegations of misrepresentation by Selvamani or by
whoever had renewed the insurance policy without evidence of the
circumstances as to how or when the insurance policy was actually
renewed were necessarily questions of mixed fact and law; and the issue
certainly involved Selvamani as well as the driver of the motor van.
Further, no reasons were proffered as to their absence or lack of
participation in the proceedings before the High Court. The appellant, who
was not a party to the insurance policy, was not in the position to answer
or even deal with the issue(s) posed by the respondent. The circumstances
and conditions surrounding the renewal were clearly beyond the capacity and
remit of the appellant to address, let alone answer. Hence, such applications
ought not to be dealt with in the manner done, especially where the relevant
and necessary parties were not before the court. (paras 21-23)
(4) The respondent had not discharged its burden of proof under s.129 read
together with Schedule 9 of the Financial Services Act so as to be entitled to
the discretionary remedies. It never posed any questions to Selvamani or
whoever was renewing the policy. This court did not see how just the fact that
Selvamani was deceased ipso facto invalidated the renewed policy. This was
incorrect. The whole process or procedure under Schedule 9 must be complied
with and answered. There was no evidence at all of the respondent doing
any of the matters that were mentioned in Schedule 9, especially sub-
para. 5(3) nor of the judge addressing these critical matters. Under such
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conditions, it was not open to the respondent to approach the court and
complain that there was misrepresentation. The failure of the trial judge to
apply s.129 and Schedule 9 was sufficient reason for this court to intervene and
set aside the decision of the trial judge granting the declaration sought under s.
96(3) of the Road Transport Act 1987 (paras 48, 52 & 53)
(5) Devoid of any compliance of the mandatory requirements emplaced
under s. 129 and Schedule 9 of the Financial Services Act, the respondent was
not at all entitled to the orders granted by the High Court. It would be in direct
contravention of s. 129 and Schedule 9 of the Financial Services Act were this
court to condone such breaches. It would bring untold injustice and
prejudice to innocent third parties such as the appellant in this appeal,
the parties who were the intended recipients of the benefits behind ss. 90
and 96 of the Road Transport Act 1987 and s. 129 of the Financial Services
Act. There was no basis for the exercise of discretion in granting the
declarations sought by the respondent. In fact, it would be unjust for the
court to grant such orders. (paras 60 & 63).
[Emphasis added]
[49] The highlighted parts are the distinguishing features of that case
with the present case. The SCJ in this case had heard all the evidence in
a full trial and parties had been given the opportunity to fully ventilate their
issues before the judge, unlike in Balamoney’s Case (supra) which was
by way of exchange of affidavits (presumably by way of an Originating
Summons application). In regard to the last point above, clearly there had
been injustice to the victim’s family where a declaration under s.96(3) of
the RTA was granted and liability avoided in respect of a third-party
insurance such as in that case. I would just add further that in
Balamoney’s Case (supra), the Court of Appeal did mention that
misrepresentation is fact sensitive:
“[45] As can be seen from sub-para. 7(4), much will depend on knowledge on
the part of Selvamani or whoever renewed the insurance policy at the material
time. Whether misrepresentation exists is therefore very much fact
sensitive, confirming our earlier opinion on the unsuitability of how the
whole application was conducted by the High Court. The burden is on the
respondent to prove the existence of misrepresentation; that it would not
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have entered into or renewed the insurance policy had it been aware of
the true facts; and we have no information as to when the policy was
actually submitted for renewal and the circumstances of the renewal.”.
[Emphasis added]
[50] In the present case, having gone through the notes of evidence in
the records of appeal I found that the SCJ had not made any error in her
assessment of the facts and evidence adduced by the Plaintiff and her
observations in regard to the surrounding circumstances of the manner in
which the policies were renewed. It was the Plaintiff’s contention that he
took out the policies as an incentive to his employees but I found that the
“bulk” of the policies amount payable.e. RM840,000.00 was made under
the name of the deceased alone (3 of the policies, except Takaful). He
also admitted that the deceased’s family members did not know about the
policies taken in the name of the deceased and he did not know them
personally (the family members). It appeared that the only beneficiary
of the Group Policy was the Plaintiff.
[51] The Plaintiff contended that the absence of a valid licence/road
tax/insurance were trivial matters. He also contended that the deceased’s
cooupation was a lorry driver and therefore, the absence of a valid
motorcycle licence/road tax/insurance was irrelevant to his death. I agree
with the Defendants’ submissions that these were not trivial matters as it
would in effect have a bearing on the decision of the insurers to take on
the risk of providing coverage for the deceased who was not in possession
of a valid licence. The absence of of a valid licence was specifically spelt
out in their respective exclusion clauses. This also constituted an
“unlawful act” under the policies thereby triggering the exclusion clause
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therein: Allianz General Insurance Malaysia v KL Chan & Associates
[2017] 8 CLJ 517 (COA).
[52] I am mindful of SD3’s evidence that the insured person need not
possess a valid licence at the point of time when the Proposal Form was
submitted as he could obtain one later. What was important for the
insurers would be at the time when a claim was submitted (for instance
due to death of the insured person), whether there was any breach of the
law i.e. he had been riding without a valid licence. SP6’s evidence
admitted the motorcycle was without a valid insurance and road tax.
Therefore, SP6 had breached the provisions of s. 26(1), s.15(1) and
s.90(1) of the RTA.
[53] The Plaintiff contradicted himself when he stated that the
deceased was employed as a lorry driver but the evidence was that
he would drive “the lorry driver” to work in the oil palm plantation.
Obviously, the Court can conclude that the Plaintiff had to do so as he
was fully aware of the fact that the deceased did not possess a valid
driving licence. He condoned this situation and it was clearly against the
provision of s.26(1) of the RTA 1987. On a balance of probability, I
found the Plaintiff’s evidence, that if he had known the deceased did
not possess a valid licence he would have asked the deceased (then)
to obtain one, was inherently improbable. The Plaintiff drove the
deceased to work probably almost everyday (3 times weekly), it was
highly improbable that he did not know or have the opportunity to ask the
latter about it.
[54] A person employed as a lorry driver must possess a valid and full
licence to drive and operate such a “potentially dangerous” vehicle. A
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motorcycle rider too must have a valid licence to ride, even if it was just
an L-licence. That is a requirement of the law and it is proof of one’s
capability and qualification to operate a vehicle be it a motorcycle, car,
lorry, bus or whatever. The Courts should not condone the illegal
behaviour of riding a motorcycle or driving a motor vehicle without a valid
licence, insurance and road tax. The RTA is in place to ensure the safety
of all road users. Full-stop. On this ground alone, I found that the
Defendants were entitled to rely on this exclusion clause (riding/driving
without a licence) to repudiate their respective liabilities: Lee Boon Siong
v Great Eastern Life Assurance Malaysia Berhad [2020] MLJU 1376.
[55] Therefore, separately from the duty of disclosure in respect of the
deceased’s non-possession of a valid licence, I found that the Plaintiff was
not forthcoming about the reason why he wanted to purchase the policies
under the name of the deceased who did not possess a valid licence when
the Plaintiff claimed that he (the deceased) was employed as a lorry
driver: Ulaganathan Muthiah’s Case (supra). This will be discussed
further later in this Grounds of Judgment.
[56] I have answered issues (iv) and (v) in my analysis above. The
Plaintiff as early as at the time when the Proposal Form had been filled up
had not complied with the procedures under Paragraph 5, Schedule 9 to
take care when making the representation whereas the Defendants had
complied with the provisions of the law.
(v) Can the Defendants be allowed to rely on a new ground which was
never raised in the repudiation letter rejecting the Plaintiff’s claim
[57] The new ground was the attempt by the Defendants to avoild liability
by relying on SP1’s (and to a certain extent SP5) evidence that the
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deceased was not wearing a helmet. The repudiation letters all stated that
the insurers would not make the payment despite the Plaintiff’s claims
because the deceased was found to be riding a motorcycle without a valid
licence. This sixth issue was a non-issue as the Court found the exclusion
clauses for each of the 4 insurers pertaining to riding a motorcycle without
a valid licence was sufficient to enable the insurers to repudiate liability.
[58] I refer to Paragraph 7(1)(b) of Schedule 9 which is applicable here
and it provides:
Misrepresentation in respect of insurance contracts
7. (1) Part 3 of this Schedule—
(a) in Division 1, makes provision for a misrepresentation made in relation to a contract
of life insurance, whether or not a consumer insurance contract, which has been
effected for a period of more than two years; and
(b) in Division 2, sets out the remedies available to a licensed insurer for a
misrepresentation made in respect of—
(i) a consumer insurance contract of life insurance which has been
effected for a period of two years or less; and
(ii) a consumer insurance contract of general insurance.
(2) The remedies set out in Division 2 shall be available to a licensed insurer for a
misrepresentation made by a consumer before a consumer insurance contract referred
to in subsubparagraph (1)(b) was entered into, varied or renewed if—
(a) the consumer has made a misrepresentation in breach of his duty under
subparagraph 5(2) or (4); and
(b) the licensed insurer shows that had it known the true facts, it would not have
entered into the contract, or agreed to the variation or renewal, or would only
have done so on different terms.
(3) For the purposes of this Schedule, a misrepresentation for which a licensed insurer
has a remedy in Division 2 against a consumer may be classified as—
(a) deliberate or reckless;
(b) careless; or
(c) innocent.
(4) A misrepresentation is deliberate or reckless if the consumer knew that—
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(a) it was untrue or misleading, or did not care whether or not it was untrue or
misleading; and
(b) the matter to which the misrepresentation related was relevant to the
licensed insurer, or did not care whether or not it was relevant to the insurer.
(5) A misrepresentation made dishonestly is to be regarded as having being made
deliberately or recklessly.
(6) A misrepresentation is careless or innocent, as the case may be, if it is not
deliberate or reckless.
(7) It is for the licensed insurer to show that a misrepresentation was deliberate or
reckless on a balance of probability.
(8) Unless the contrary is shown, it is to be presumed that the consumer knew that a
matter about which the licensed insurer asked a clear and specific question was
relevant to the insurer.
Division 2
Remedies for misrepresentation
Application of Division
14. This Division sets out the remedies available to a licensed insurer for a
misrepresentation by a consumer made in respect of—
(a) a consumer insurance contract of life insurance which has been effected for a
period of two years or less; and
(b) a consumer insurance contract of general insurance.
Remedies for deliberate or reckless misrepresentation
15. If a misrepresentation was deliberate or reckless, a licensed insurer may avoid the
consumer insurance contract and refuse all claims.
[59] From the above there are 3 degrees of “culpability” in respect of
misrepresentation by a consumer, namely deliberate or reckless, careless
or innocent. In paragraph 7(5), a misrepresentation made dishonestly is
to be regarded as having being made deliberately or recklessly. I had
concluded earlier from the evidence, that the Plaintiff was fully aware of
the fact that the deceased did not possess a valid licence and which was
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why he drove the deceased to work in the plantation. This wilful act of the
Plaintiff smacks of dishonest misrepresentation!
[60] Section 26(1) of the RTA provides:
“26. (1) Kecuali sebagaimana diperuntukkan selainnya dalam Akta ini, tiada
seorang pun boleh memandu sesuatu kenderaan motor daripada apa-apa
kelas atau perihalan, di sesuatu jalan melainkan jika dia adalah pemegang
sesuatu lesen memandu yang membenarkannya memandu sesuatu
kenderaan motor daripada kelas atau perihalan itu, dan tiada seorang pun
boleh mengambil kerja atau membenarkan seseorang lain memandu
sesuatu kenderaan motor di jalan melainkan jika orang yang diambil kerja
atau dibenarkan memandu itu adalah pemegang sesuatu lesen memandu
[61] The evidence of SP6, the Plaintiff’s own witness also confirmed that
the Plaintiff would send the deceased to work when the fact was that the
deceased was employed to work as a lorry driver. In my view, this is the
most material of all facts in this case when the Plaintiff did not disclose
that the deceased only possessed an expired L-licence.
[62] The law has not abolished the duty to disclose on the part of the
consumer and that in this case and this Court opines that we should not
miss the forest for the trees. We must not lose focus of the fact that it was
the Plaintiff who wanted to take out the policies of insurance from the
insurers to cover his employee(s) allegedly as an incentive to the
deceased. Was he acting honestly when he purchased the policies? He
had been employing the deceased since 10.5.2017 as a lorry driver
despite knowing the deceased did not have a licence, drove him to
work in the plantation 3 times weekly and then in October 2017,
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purchased the policies from Defendants 1, 2 and 4 to cover him
alone. Meanwhile, the Takaful policy was purchased in late 2016.
[63] The SCJ further noted the submission of the Defendant 2 in the
grounds of judgment:
“[149] Berdasarkan jawapan SP7 kepada soalan-soalan semasa pemeriksaan
balas yang bermula pada 18/09/2020, SP7 mengaku sebenarnya bahawa
selain polisi kemalangan diri yang diambil untuk pekerja, dia juga memperoleh
polisi kemalangan diri untuk diri sendiri dan memiliki insurans bagi kenderaan
bermotor yang dimiliki iaitu 2 buah motorvan Hilux, 4 buah lori (muatan 1 dan
3 tan) dan mesin jengkaut meratakan tanah. SP7 juga memiliki lesen memandu
kenderaan bermotor yang sah dan lesen menunggang motorsikal. SP7 tidak
perlu dijelaskan tentang keperluan mematuhi peruntukan Akta Pengangkutan
Jalan 1987 dan dirumuskan sebagai seorang yang celik undang-undang
jalanraya serta didedahkan dengan keperluan memiliki perlindungan insurans!
Malah, Plaintif adalah seorang peniaga yang sangat cerdik yang celik angka/
matematik kerana dalam setiap polisi yang dibeli olehnya sebagai majikan, dia
yang memainkan peranan yang penting dalam memperolehi fakta dan angka
untuk dimasukkan dalam polisi; pihak Plaintif juga yang membayar premium
bagi orang yang diinsuranskan bagi kesemua polisi atas penama yang sama
iaitu Raja a/l Krishnan (si mati). Sekiranya terjadi kematian kemalangan
menimpa pekerjanya Raja a/l Krishnan, jumlah pampasan yang akan
dipungutnya akan mencecah RM1j.
[150] Rumusan dibuat oleh peguam Defendan berkait motif SP7 (yang
sepatutnya dipertanggungkan membuat pendedahan maklumat) semasa
pemerolehan polisi insurans atas nama Raja a/l Krishnan adalah berdasarkan
kedudukan kewangan SP7 yang kurang kukuh dan jumlah pampasan yang
bakal diperoleh SP7 sekiranya terjadi kematian kemalangan menimpa Raja a/l
Krishnan. Oleh itu, motif pengambilan 4 polisi Kemalangan Diri atas nama Raja
a/l Krishnan itu bukanlah untuk perlindungan risiko kecederaan atau kematian
kemalangan si mati tetapi ada niat mendapat pampasan yang hampir RM1j...
Plaintif telahpun berpengalaman memperoleh pelbagai insurans termasuklah
pemerolehan polisi perlindungan insurans kemalangan diri untuk perlindungan
Takaful bagi dirinya sendiri sejak 2016, selain memperoleh insurans
perlindungan kenderaan bermotor seperti jentera jengkaut, 4 buah Iori muatan
1 dan 3 tan, juga kenderaan pacuan 4 roda iaitu 2 buah Hilux!”.
[64] In Ulaganathan Muthiah’s Case (supra), the learned High Court
Judge held that:
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“Clearly, the deceased knew that his answers to the questions in the proposal
form were untrue or misleading. He did not care whether or not they were untrue
or misleading and had acted in breach of his duty of uberrimae fidei. His
answers were relevant to the defendant for its assessment of the risks and
whether to accept the risks … if the defendant had known of the non-disclosed
information or deliberate and/or reckless misrepresentation, which clearly
increased the defendant’s insurance risk, the defendant would either not have
entered into the insurance policy or it would have done so on different terms.”.
[65] The court in that case concluded that pursuant to paragraphs
7(1)(b), 7(2), 7(4), 7(8) and (15) of Schedule 9, the defendant was entitled
to avoid the policy and to refuse all claims under the policy by reason of
the deceased’s breach of his duty of uberrimae fidei and to reject the
plaintiff’s claim. I need not go any further then to conclude that Paragraph
15 is applicable in these cases and it enables the insurers to avoid the
consumer insurance contract and refuse all claims. If Paragraph 5 is to be
upheld at all times in favour on the consumers, why does Act 758 also
provide for remedies for insurers when misrepresentation is proved?
(vi) Should section 114(g) Evidence Act 1950 be invoked against the
Defendants for failure to call as a witness their authorised agent(s)
who filled up the proposal form on behalf of the Plaintiff
[66] It was submitted for the Plaintiff that s.114(g) of the Evidence Act
1950 should have been invoked by the SCJ against the Defendants for
their failure to call the 3 agents as witnesses in the trial. However, I found
that as the Plaintiff himself had subpoenaed them and then dismissed
them without calling them to testify on his behalf, the presumption of
adverse inference in s.114(g) cannot be applied in his favour.
[67] In the often-cited case of Munusamy v PP [1987] 1 MLJ 492, the
Supreme court held:
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"Adverse inference under that illustration can only be drawn if there is
withholding or suppression of evidence and not merely on account of failure to
obtain evidence. It may be drawn from withholding not just any document, but
material document by a party in his possession, or for non-production of not just
any witness but an important and material witness to the case."
[68] The Plaintiff contended, inter alia, an adverse inference ought to be
drawn against the Defendants because it was for the Defendants to prove
that they have complied with the provisions of Schedule 9. The failure of
the agents to explain to him his duty of disclosure and/or the failure of the
agent to properly explain the question in the proposal form amounted to a
breach of the insurer’s duty under Act 758. The Defendant 1’s counsel
submitted (paragraphs 10-10.4 of Encl.68), that the Plaintiff did not raise
this presumption in the trial. In order to invoke the presumption, there must
be withholding or suppression of evidence, which the Defendants did not
commit as the Plaintiff had subpoenaed the agents and later dismissed
them. Since it was the decision of the Plaintiff to not put them in the
witness stand, thus the Court must not punish the Defendants for the
Plaintiff’s decision aforesaid.
[69] I refer to paragraphs 250-251 of the grounds of judgment below:
“[250] Hujah tentang isu yang dibangkitkan mengenai pemakaian seksyen 114
perlu dipertimbangkan dengan merujuk kepada persetujuan peguam Plaintif
pada 15/01/2020 untuk tidak meneruskan panggilan sepina berkaitan Borang
Cadangan yang diisikan oleh ejen bagi pihak Plaintif. Dengan berbuat
demikian, Plaintif diestop untuk tidak menimbulkan isu pemakaian seksyen 114
terhadap Defendan, sebaliknya Plaintif sendiri yang terhalang membangkitkan
apa-apa isu tentang pemanggilan ejen insurans untuk memberi keterangan di
hadapan Mahkamah setelah bersetuju mengetepikan hak Plaintif untuk
mendapatkan keterangan ejen-ejen insurans yang memberi khidmat mereka
untuk mengisikan Borang Cadangan untuk memperoleh polisipolisi insurans
bagi pihak Plaintif.
[251] Ternyata, Borang Cadangan yang membentuk kontrak insurans
ditandatangan oleh Plaintif sendiri. Justeru, 3 saksi yang disepina oleh Plaintif
itu tidak diperlukan memberi keterangan mengenai apa-apa butiran yang telah
dinyatakan dalam Borang Cadangan kerana kewajipan membuat pendedahan
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fakta material termasuklah mengenai pemerolehan Polisi adalah kewajipan di
pihak Plaintif, bukanlah ejen Plaintif yang menurunkan tandatangannya atas
semua Borang Cadangan dan semua butiran diaku benar oleh Plaintif, bukan
ejen yang mengisi Borang. Ketiga- tiga mereka dilepaskan dan dikecualikan
kehadiran memberi keterangan bagi pihak Plaintif dalam kes di sini.
[70] The SCJ found that the Defendants had discharged their duties
under Act 758 since the Plaintiff had signed the acknowledgement clause,
that the Plaintiff admitted the agent Fong Kok Wai did ask him questions
in the Proposal Form and the agent filled it. As such, adverse inference
need not be invoked against any of the parties in these circumstances.
[71] To end this issue, I would also briefly allude at this stage to the point
raised by the Plaintiff that being members of LIAM, it was incumbent upon
the insurers to make background checks with each other upon receving
the Plaintiff’s proposal forms through their respective agents. Specifically,
I refer to paragraphs 107 – 108 of the SCJ’s grounds of judgment:
“[107] Dicabar semasa pemeriksaan balas mengenai butiran dalam Borang
Cadangan Yang Ditanda tangan oleh Plaintif bagi Polisi Kemalangan Diri
Ultima V3 / Berjaya Sompo Insurance [ekshibit P32, Encl. 45, Ikatan D di muka
surat 85- 87] dengan pengataan bahawa Defendan boleh menyemak status
polisi sedia ada dan status lesen memandu yang dimiliki si mati, SD3 tidak
bersetuju bahawa pada masa itu terdapat keperluan atau tanggungan ke
atas Defendan untuk membuat apa-apa carian atau semakan status
pemerolehan polisi-polisi insurans yang sedia ada milik Plaintif.
[108] SD3 menekankan bahawa Plaintif yang bertanggungan untuk mematuhi
“prinsip uberimae fidei atau niat suci hati” dan mendedahkan fakta
pemerolehan polisi-polisi insurans yang sedia ada miliknya di bulan Oktober
2018, semasa Plaintif memperbaharu polisi-polisi insurans atau semasa Plaintif
mengisi borang cadangan bagi mendapatkan polisi insurans baru yang
melibatkan orang yang dinsurankan yang sama iaitu Raja a/l Krishnan.”.
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[72] Since I have made my decision that the representation was made
dishonestly in 2017, I do not consider it necessary to address at length
the issue of locus standi that was discussed by the SCJ upon submission
of Defendant 2’s counsel. She has ruled that the Plaintiff did not have
locus standi to bring the claim as he was not a nominee of the deceased.
If the policies were taken out without dishonest misrepresentation on the
part of the Plaintiff, I would agree with the Defendant 2’s submission that
the family of the deceased stood as the rightful beneficiaries of the policies
and the Plaintiff, as the employer, would be the right person to commence
the claims on behalf of the deceased’s family members. Paragraph 8 of
Schedule 10 may be applicable here (refer to paragraphs 22-30 of
Defendant 2’s written submissions).
[73] Lastly, I will briefly touch on the issue of ex turpi non causa oritur
that was raised by the Defendants in this appeal. Defendant’s counsel
submitted at para 8 - 8.5 that the maxim applied since the deceased was
riding without a safety helmet and also without a valid license. Counsel
submitted that the Court should not lend its aid to a man whose cause of
action was founded upon an illegal act. The Plaintiff submitted that the
maxim applied to minor or trivial offences e.g. traffic violations. Counsel
for the Plaintiff tried to trivialise the issue by stating the violations were
punishable with fines and that the present case was on all fours with the
recent Court of Appeal case of Ahmad Zulfendi Anuar v Mohd Shahril
Abdul Rahman [2022] 9 CLJ 307 where the plaintiff did not hold a valid
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licence to ride a motorcycle which also had not road tax and no policy of
insurance against third party risks. The Court of Appeal went on to hold:
“While violation of traffic laws must only be dealt with under the specific laws
creating the relevant offences, such as in the Road Transport Act 1987 (“RTA”),
the RTA does not contain any provision which restrict, let alone prohibit, the
rights of any road user from making personal injury claims by reason of the
claimant breaching the RTA, including in respect of the requirement for holding
the requisite licence, road tax and insurance.”.
[74] In Tay Lye Seng & Anor v. Nazori Teh & Anor [1998] 3 CLJ 466
the Court of Appeal held (per Siti Norma Yaakob JCA):
“[1] While public policy would defeat any claim based on illegality, a
balance has to be drawn based on the peculiar facts and circumstances
of each case.
[2] The maxim ex turpi causa non oritur actio has limited application in tort. The
role of the maxim lies mainly and most exclusively in actions based on contract.
[3] The fact that the first respondent had no valid work permit per se, could not
affect his claim for loss of earnings in Singapore. This was because the first
respondent was working legally in Singapore initially. He had a valid work
permit issued by the Singapore authorities but unfortunately that expired four
months before the accident. The obligation to renew the work permit laid
squarely with the first respondent’s employers and since there was no evidence
that the had done so the first respondent had therefore not been culpably
responsible for the predicament that he later found himself to be in. In these
circumstances, the maxim ex turpi causa non oritur actio lacked moral
justification and was not applicable in this appeal.”.
[Emphasis added]
[75] The Sessions Court Judge (SCJ) in her very lengthy grounds of
judgment summarised the evidence and findings of SP1 in paragraphs
33-38 on the deceased’s liability. It was submitted that here the illegal act
was of the deceased not the Plaintiff. Moreover, it was SP6 who owed the
duty as the owner of the motorcycle to make sure it had a valid insurance
cover and road tax at all time of and it the deceased must have a valid
licence when riding the motorcycle; the Plaintiff cannot be faulted since
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the breaches of the RTA were by SP6 and the deceased. This argument
does not hold water in my view. At the risk of repeating myself, I reiterate
the fact that it was the Plaintiff in the first instance who had not made a
true representation of the deceased’s status of not having a valid licence
when he purchased the policies. The above case can be distinguished on
the facts as here, the claims were founded on illegal act of the Plaintiff in
making a dishonest representation to the insurers.
[76] I have considered the submissions and case laws cited by the
Plaintiff but I am unable to agree with his position. He has misconstrued
the law in regard to the duty to take care to disclose material facts to the
insurers. The facts of the case showed that the Plaintiff’s claims were
untenable wherein the insurers can repudiate the contract in accordance
with Paragraph 15 of Schedule 9.
[77] The Plaintiff had failed to prove his claims on a balance of
probabilities and therefore, the SCJ dismissed the claims. It was
unnecessary for me to disturb the decisions of the SCJ. Premised on the
above considerations, I dismissed the 4 appeals with costs.
Appeals dismissed with costs.
Dated 24 January 2024
Judicial Commissioner
High Court of Malaya, Taiping
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For the Appellant:
Ms. Shuroma Guha Thakurta
Messrs Manjit & Co., Bukit Mertajam
For the Respondents:
For The Pacific Insurance Berhad
Mr. Ananth Shanmugam
Messrs. Azim, Tunku Farik & Wong, Kuala Lumpur
For Berjaya Sompo Insurance Berhad
Ms. Vinoshini Saminathan
Messrs. Isharidah, Ho, Chong & Menon, Kuala Lumpur
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| 115,219 | Tika 2.6.0 |
AB-12BNCvC-2-03/2021 | PERAYU Kunasegaran a/l Vadevelloo RESPONDEN The Pacific Insurance Berhad | Civil Procedure - Schedule 9 of Financial Services Act 2013 Principle of Uberrimae Fidei whether applicable - Appeal against decision of Sessions Court in dismissing the Plaintiff's claim for insurance pay out by 4 licensed insurers - Exclusion Clauses - Non-disclosure of material fact - Plaintiff did not declare existence of other policies at time of renewal of policies - Deceased did not possess valid licence to drive - Commission of unlawful act under RTA 1987 - Whether insurers entitled to repudiate liability - Appeals dismissed | 26/01/2024 | YA Puan Noor Ruwena binti Md Nurdin | |
[NO. K/P: 680329085479] …PERAYU
[No. Syarikat: 91603-K] …RESPONDEN
Yang didengar bersama-sama dengan:
26/01/2024 05:31:00
AB-12BNCvC-2-03/2021 Kand. 76
S/N iJ8voK9zTkCxxuy6xpeG0w
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[No. Syarikat: 1246486-D] …RESPONDEN
[No. Syarikat: 735426-V] …RESPONDEN
[NO. K/P: 680329085479] …PLAINTIF
[No. Syarikat: 91603-K] …DEFENDAN
Yang digabung dan didengar serentak dengan:
S/N iJ8voK9zTkCxxuy6xpeG0w
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[GUAMAN SIVIL NO: AB-A52NCC-12-08/2019
[No. Syarikat: 735426-V] …DEFENDAN
GUAMAN SIVIL NO: AB-A52NCC-14-08/2019]
[No. Syarikat: 1246486-D] …DEFENDAN
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[1] Originally there were 4 appeals which were heard together by this
Court. On 22.9.2023 this Court affirmed the decision of the Sessions Court
in Taiping delivered on 26.2.2021 that had dismissed the Appellant’s claim
against the Respondents with costs. Dissatisfied with this Court’s
decision, the Appellant then filed 2 Notices of Appeals on 13.10.2023 in
respect of Appeal Nos. AB-12BNCVC-2-03/2021 and AB-12BNCVC-3-
[2] For convenience, I have prepared this Grounds of Judgment to
encompass both appeals as they involved the same Plaintiff
(Kunasegaran A/L Vadevello) but different insurance companies, in
respect of the same subject-matter, which was one Raja A/L Krishnan
(deceased) who was the Plaintiff’s employee. I will refer to the parties as
the “Plaintiff” and “Defendant 1” (Pacific Insurance Berhad) and
“Defendant 2” (Berjaya Sompo Insurance Berhad) since the trials were
heard together by the Sessions Court. The Plaintiff took 4 separate
actions against the two Defendants abovementioned as well as against
refer to the other two insurers as “Defendant 3” and “Defendant 4”,
where necessary.
[3] The crux of the Plaintiff’s claim was the failure of the 4 insurers to
pay him the agreed policy amounts due to the death of the deceased.
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[4] Before delving into the issues at hand, it is noted that these suits
were registered under commercial disputes by the Plaintiff and not as road
accident claim. The evidence adduced in respect of the accident which
occurred on 14.12.2018 were the precursor to the claim for compensation
totalling RM990,000.00 which the Plaintiff claimed he was entitled,
pursuant to the death of his employee. The Defendants refused to make
payment under the respective policies, namely on 2 grounds i.e. that the
deceased was riding a motorcycle without a valid licence at the time of the
accident, and failure of the Plaintiff to declare that he had obtained policies
with other insurers during the same period.
[5] The Plaintiff had taken out 3 Group Personal Accident policies
under the deceased’s name with Pacific Insurance, Berjaya Sompo and
Allianz General. Then he took out 1 Group Personal Accident policy i.e.
Syarikat Takaful insurance in respect of his 4 employees, including the
deceased. Copies of the identity cards of the three (3) other employees
were as per exhibit P19(A-C) and their names were as follows:
i. Babelan A/L Kunasegaran;
ii. Mathialegen A/L Nyanasgar; and
iii. Nyanasgar A/L Vadevello.
[6] Based on the names and address in the 3 identity cards above, it
appeared that they were all related to the Plaintiff, unlike the deceased. It
was the Plaintiff’s contention that Raja A/L Krishnan (the deceased) was
offered employment via letter dated 9.5.2017 with a salary of RM4,500.00
as a General Worker (page 410 of the Record of Appeal, Part C).
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[7] Details of the renewed insurance policies taken out by the Plaintiff
were as follows:
Policy No. And Name
Issuer and
Date of
1. CPN-PO174058-A4
(Pacific Super
pages 426-479 RRBC
22.10.2018 11.10.2018
2. 18DTP/PQCE000042
(Ultima V3-Plan 5)
pages 480-512 RRBC
5.10.2018 12.10.2018
3. PGP-P0052438-30-
AGT-17 (Polisi
Kemalangan Diri
Takaful Berkelompok)
pages 561-599 RRBC
Takaful Am
18.12.2017 29.12.2017
4. No. 17PTP0000254-01
(Allianz Shield Plan 04)
pages 513-560 RRBC
15.10.2018 11.10.2018
Total 990,000.00
[8] A total of 7 witnesses testified for the Plaintiff and 6 witnesses
testified for the Defendants. The Plaintiff’s witnesses were the
Investigation Officer (SP1) and 2 other police personnel (SP3 and SP4),
the medical officer and personnel (SP2 and SP5) as well as the owner of
the motorcycle (SP6) and the Plaintiff (SP7). Meanwhile the witnesses
who had testified for the Defendants were SD1 and SD2 (Defendant 1),
SD3 (Defendant 2), SD4 and SD 5 (Defendant 4) and SD6 (Defendant 3).
[9] Prior to the hearing of the appeal on 8.8.2023, the Court heard an
application made by the Plaintiff in Encl. 18 (Defendant 1) and Encl. 14
(Defendant 2), Encl. 14 (Defendant 3) and Encl. 20 (Defendant 4) in the
respective appeal numbers for extension of time to file the Draft Index of
the Records of Appeal in accordance with O. 55 r.4 of the Rules of Court
2012 (ROC) after the Defendants raised preliminary objections on the
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Plaintiff’s failure to serve the same in accordance with the rules. The
Plaintiff’s explanation for the delay was because of the extensive written
grounds of judgment of the Sessions Court Judge (SCJ) and the Draft
Index were inadvertently left out from the Records of Appeal and there
was no prejudice to the Defendants. The Defendants argued that the
prejudice they suffered was they were unable to comment on the inclusion
or exclusion of documents in the records of appeal.
[10] However, the Court noted that the Defendants did not deny when
the Plaintiff stated they only included relevant documents from the lower
court. The Court had considered the period of delay, the reason, chances
of appeal succeeding if time was allowed and the prejudice caused to the
opponent, and whether this could be compensated by costs. The Court
also considered and applied O.1A of the ROC. The application was
allowed and ordered the Plaintiff to pay costs to the Defendants.
[11] The Plaintiff was a businessman who owned 2 registered
businesses, namely as sole proprietor of Kunasegaran a/l Vadivelloo (“the
business”) and a partner for 11 years in Pesona Sdn Bhd with his wife
Law Hooi Poh (“the company”). The business of the Plaintiff was to supply
construction materials, retail goods, trader of oil palm fruits, fruits,
furniture, poultry, agricultural products and metal scraps. He employed
the deceased as a lorry driver to transport oil palm fruits from the
surrounding areas of Selama and Pondok Tanjung in May 2017 with a
monthly salary of RM4,500.00 (refer to pages 410-414 of the RR Part C).
It appeared from the salary slips exhibited that the employer and
employee was not contributing to EPF and SOCSO. The Plaintiff testified
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that he took out the insurance cover for the deceased as an incentive for
his worker.
[12] In 2017, the Plaintiff purchased the policies of insurance (as set out
above). About 1.5 - 2 months after the policies were renewed in 2018, the
deceased met with an accident on 14.12.2018 at approximately 1.03 pm
at KM 27 Jalan Taiping – Selama after a motorcycle bearing registration
No. AFU 1730 on which he was riding alone was believed to have skidded
and crashed. There were no eye-witnesses to the accident and the
circumstantial evidence pointed to the fact that the deceased lost control
of the motorcycle, was flung off and fell on the road. As he was not
wearing a helmet at that time, the deceased sustained severe injuries to
his head. He was warded at the Hospital Taiping wherein he passed away
on 15.12.2018 at 6.38 pm due to “Severe traumatic brain injury” (refer to
Exhibits P3, P4, P9 and P10). According to SP2, the injury was due to a
hard fall from motor vehicle accident.
[13] Although during the trial, counsel for Defendant 3 disputed the
cause of the accident, nevertheless, the Investigation Officer (SP1) was
firm in his findings that the accident occurred due to the deceased’s own
carelessness. This was due to the fact that from a JPJ search in 2019
(page 415 of RR Part C) showed that the deceased did not possess a
valid driving licence but had only obtained a Class B learner driver’s
licence (L-licence) on 3.8.2001 which expired on 25.5.2003 and was never
renewed thereafter, despite the Plaintiff claiming that the deceased was
employed as a lorry driver.
[14] The main issue of the disputes was the Defendants’ refusal to make
out the compensation payments for the death of the deceased under the
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4 policies although the Plaintiff had paid the required premiums (refer to
the schedule above) and death occurred during the validity period of all
the policies. The Defendants contended that they could not honour the
respective agreement because the deceased was riding the motorcycle
without a valid licence at the material time, which came within Exclusion
No. 12 under the terms of the policy for Defendant 1, Exclusion No. 2 for
Defendant 2, Exception 2(b) for Defendant 3 and Exclusion No. 13 for
Defendant 4. Moreover, the Plaintiff failed to declare in the Proposal
Forms during the renewal that he had obtained policies from other
insurers, namely Defendant 2 and Defendant 3.
[15] The grounds of complaint against the decision of the SCJ in the
Memorandum of Appeal (refer to Encl. 5 and/or 45 pages 14-34) and
Additional Memorandum of Appeal (refer to Encl. 13 and/or 52, pages 6-
43) were extensive and many of them repetitive. The Memorandum of
Appeal contained 60 grounds and the Additional Memorandum of Appeal
contained 85 grounds. The Defendants raised objections that the Plaintiff
had filed an Additional Memorandum of Appeal without leave of the Court
whereas it should have been filed as Amended Memorandum of Appeal.
It was not an amended Memorandum of Appeal but the contents were
additional grounds after the grounds of judgment of the SCJ was obtained.
The Court did not make a ruling on this and proceeded to hear the appeal.
The records of appeal were re-filed after the application for extension of
time to file the Draft Index was granted. The issues in the appeal as
summarised were as follows:
(i) whether the insurance policy fell within the ambit of a
consumer insurance contract or non-consumer insurance
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(ii) if the Court finds that it is a consumer insurance contract,
whether there has been compliance by the parties with the
whole prosess or procedure under Paragraph 5, Part II
Schedule 9 of the Financial Services Act 2013 [Act 758];
(iii) whether the Plaintiff received any notice in writing in respect
of the pre-contractual duty to disclose prior to entering into the
contract of insurance;
(iv) can the Defendants be allowed to rely on a new ground which
was never raised in the repudiation letter rejecting the
Plaintiff’s claim;
(v) has it been proved on a balance of probabilities that the
deceased died by accidental means;
(vi) does the basis clause apply if the court finds that the contract
of insurance is a consumer insurance contract;
(vii) can the Defendants repudiate liability by relying on the
Exclusion Clauses; and
(viii) should section 114(g) Evidence Act 1950 be invoked against
the Defendants for failing to call as a witness their authorised
agent(s) who filled up the proposal form on behalf of the
Plaintiff who could not speak and understand the English
[16] It is trite that an appellate court would be slow to disturb the decision
of the trial court unless the Court was convinced that there have been
substantial misdirection of facts and law in the trial court which merited
appellate intervention. Therefore, the appellant must convince the
appellate court that the decision appealed from was wrong. The rationale
for this is that the trier of fact would have had the benefit and advantage
of seeing and hearing the witnesses and the opportunity to assess their
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demeanour: Rasidin Bin Partojo v Frederick Kiai [1976] 2 MLJ 214.
The trial judge would have had first-hand opportunity to evaluate and
appraise the evidence of the witnesses who testify before him.
[17] The appellate court then examines the trial court's process of
evaluation of the evidence adduced and application of the relevant laws
in arriving at its decision and compares them against the grounds raised
in the Memorandum of Appeal. At the end of the day, similar to the trial
court, the duty of the appellate court in a civil appeal is to determine
whether the appellant has proved his case on a balance of probabilities.
The legal burden of proof lay on the Plaintiff to prove his case that the
Defendants have repudiated the respective contract of insurance without
any legal basis.
[18] The Court noted that the SCJ prepared 4 grounds of judgments but
the contents were almost similar. In coming up with the decision on the
appeals, the Court has used the grounds of judgment for Berjaya Sompo
(Defendant 2) as reference for all the appeals since the SCJ has ruled the
trials to be heard together but the issues for the 4 claims be dealt with
separately. As stated earlier, the Plaintiff filed 2 notices of appeals to the
Court of Appeal against Defendant 1 which had taken the view that the
contract was a consumer insurance contract and Defendant 2 that
purportedly argued it was a non-consumer insurance contract.
[19] The Plaintiff’s evidence can be summarised as follows:
i. That the Defendants’ agents by the name of Fong Kok Wai
(Defendants 1 and 3), Yew Kai Chong (Defendant 2), and
Abdul Saidi Bin Badri (Defendant 2) attended to him the first
time when the Plaintiff wanted to purchase insurance for his
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ii. That the insurance agents had filled up the proposal forms
whereby they would ask him questions and he supplied the
iii. That he had fulfilled his obligations to disclose when the
proposal forms were being prepared by the said insurance
iv. That they had never asked him whether the proposed insured
had a valid driving licence and road tax;
v. That had they asked him those questions, he would have gone
to see the employee to get his confirmation and then he would
reverted to the respective agents with the answer(s);
vi. That they also never asked him those questions upon renewal
of all the policies;
vii. All the said agents filled up the forms for him when he
attempted to make the claims after the death of the deceased;
viii. That all the policies had never been cancelled despite them
rejecting his applications;
ix. That the Defendants had never stated the reason why his
applications were rejected; and
x. That the agents of the Defendants had never asked him to
make a disclosure as required under s.129, Part 2(4)(4) of the
Financial Services Act 2013.
[20] In summary, paragraph 19 of the grounds of judgment contained the
SCJ’s finding that the Plaintiff did not come to court with clean hands
because he did not disclose in the proposal forms that he did not know
about or was ignorant of the Important Notice. He blamed the insurance
agents who had filled out the proposal forms for him, namely Fong Kok
Wai, Yew Kai Chong and Abdul Saidi Bin Bakri. However, the facts
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showed that it was the Plaintiff who signed the proposal forms and
therefore the SCJ held that the Plaintiff owed the duty to disclose as
required under the law. It was noted that this was not pleaded in the
Statement of Claim but instead in his Reply to Defence the Plaintiff
brought up the issue that he was not asked about those questions in the
proposal forms. The Defendants pleaded that the duty to disclose existed
separately from any duty to fill out the forms.
[21] In paragraph 20, the SCJ found that despite claiming that he was
not familiar with the terms of the contract (ignorance), the SCJ found that
he was a smart businessman who was maths-savvy (celik matematik) as
he was the one who would gather the facts and figures for the proposal
forms. He paid for all the premiums which the payout would add up to
almost RM1,000,000.00. The deceased died about 2 months after the
policies were renewed but no one saw how the accident happened. SP1
concluded from his investigations that the deceased was not wearing a
helmet and did not have a valid driving licence, road tax (expired in
February 2011) and the motorcycle was not insurance-covered (refer to
the summary of SP1’s evidence in page 21). SP1 concluded that the
deceased was incapable of handling the motorcycle and it was his own
negligence that caused the accident. The deceased obtained an L-licence
in the beginning but that was all. SP6, the owner of the motorcycle refused
to cooperate with the police during the investigation stage. In paragraph
37, the SCJ found that clearly the deceased had breached the law. It was
without doubt too that SP6 at the material time had breached the law when
he allowed the deceased to use that motorcycle regardless of the fact that
he stated in evidence the said motorcycle was not meant to be used on
the road.
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[22] Needless to say, as the trier of fact, the SCJ had the benefit of
directly observing and assessing the demeanour of each witness who
testified before her. This Court noted that the SCJ in the grounds of
judgment had noted her observations in respect of the Plaintiff’s evidence
at the trial. For ease of reference, I refer to the following paragraphs which
are pertinent to her conclusion that the Plaintiff “was not as illiterate or
ignorant such as he claimed to be”:
“[61] Semasa perbicaraan, Plaintif juga menyatakan bahawa beliau juga
menjalankan perniagaan memungut dan membeli 'besi buruk' yang hanya
dibantu oleh Raja a/l Krishnan iaitu melakukan kutipan besi buruk di sekitar
Daerah Larut Matang dan Selama dan Daerah Kerian, Perak. Mahkamah
berpendapat walaupun Plaintif tidak berpelajaran tinggi tetapi beliau tidak
terhalang untuk berniaga dan menguasai pelbagai bahasa termasuklah
bahasa Cina atau Inggeris untuk berkomunikasi dengan isteri, pemilik
ladang berbangsa Cina, ejen insurans dan rakan perniagaan di sekitar
Daerah Larut Matang dan Selama dan Daerah Kerian.
[63] Berdasarkan soalan dan jawapan dalam PSP7, dirumuskan bahawa
SP7 sebagai majikan memainkan peranan yang penting dalam memperoleh
fakta dan angka untuk untuk menginsuranskan Raja a/l Krishnan di bawah
polisi dengan 4 syarikat penanggung insurans, iaitu Pacific Insurance, Berjaya
Sompo Insurance, Allianz General Insurance dan Takaful Malaysia. Naratif kes
Plaintif dalam Penyata Saksi (yang ditandakan sebagai PSP7, Encl.74 dalam
Saman AB-A52NCC-7-05/2019, mengandungi 164 soalan dan jawapan yang
dibuat oleh Plaintif sendiri serta jawapan diaku benar oleh Plaintif) telah
mengemukakan dokumen dalam Ikatan C dan D Encl.44 dan 45 dalam Saman
AB-A52NCC-7-05/20191 bagi menyokong tuntutan terhadap 4 syarikat
penanggung insurans, iaitu Pacific Insurance, Berjaya Sompo Insurance,
Allianz General Insurance dan Takaful Malaysia.
[64] SP7 telah menggunakan khidmat jurubahasa semasa memberi
keterangan kerana mendakwa dia tidak fasih berbahasa Malaysia atau
Inggeris. Mahkamah meragui perkara ini kerana SP7 telah menulis surat
Tawaran Pekerjaan (ekshibit P20) dengan penggunaan bahasa dan
penyusunan ayat yang baik dan jawapan kepada 164 soalan dalam Penyata
Saksi dibuat dalam Bahasa Malaysia itu diaku benar dibuat olehnya sendiri?
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[70] Plaintif yang mengisytiharkan dalam borang cadangan untuk polisi
'Pacific Super Protector' bahawa maklumat peribadinya dalam Borang
Cadangan bertarikh 11/10/2017 adalah benar (merujuk di muka surat 33 Ikatan
D dalam Encl, 45) dan Plaintif bersetuju bahawa cadangan itu dijadikan dasar
kontrak di antara pihak-pihak ('klausa asas'). Merujuk kepada soalan 1(d),
hanya mengisytiharkan polisi yang dipohon kepada Allianz General Insurance.
[71] Pacific Insurance ('defendan') menginsuranskan Raja a/l Krishnan (‘si
mati’) dalam jumlah RM300,000 terhadap kematian akibat kemalangan. Plaintif
telah memperbaharu polisi asal CPNPOI 74058-A4 yang luput pada
11/10/2018, maka tempoh sah laku dilanjutkan bagi tempoh dari 11/10/2018
hingga 10/10/2019. Bagaimanapun, tiada borang cadangan baru ditanda
tangan oleh Plaintif. Plaintif, semasa membaharukan polisi, tidak
mengisytiharkan polisi diisu oleh Takaful Malaysia yang sah laku hingga
29/12/2018 atau polisi Berjaya Sompo Insurance yang bertarikh 05/10/2018
semasa melanjutkan tempoh sah laku polisi CPN-POI 74058-A4.
[72] Apabila polisi insurans bernombor CPN-POI 74058-A4 yang luput pada
11/10/2018 diperbaharu untuk tempoh tetap dengan persetujuan bersama,
borang cadangan asal polisi insurans bernombor CPN-POI 74058-A4 itu
digabungkan dengan polisi bertarikh 22/10/2018 yang diperbaharui itu dan
berterusan membentuk asas kontrak. Begitu juga dalam kes ini, terma
mengenai pembaharuan dengan jelas menyatakan bahawa pembaharuan
tarikh kuat kuasa tersebut adalah ‘tertakluk kepada semua terma, syarat dan
pengindorsan dalam polisi asal’ [di muka surat 43 Ikatan D], ia termasuklah
deklarasi dalam borang cadangan asal yang membentuk asas kontrak iłu. Itu
juga membentuk sebahagian daripada polisi yang diperbaharui [rujuk di muka
surat 51 Ikatan D].
[74] Plaintif yang mengisytiharkan dalam borang cadangan untuk polisi
'Group Allianz Shield' bahawa maklumat peribadinya dalam Borang Cadangan
bertarikh 11/10/2017 adalah benar [merujuk di muka surat 120 Ikatan D dalam
Encl. 45] dan Plaintif bersetuju bahawa cadangan itu dijadikan dasar kontrak
di antara pihak-pihak ('klausa asas'). Merujuk kepada soalan 1(d), hanya
mengisytiharkan polisi Pacific Super Protector CPN-POI 74058-A4 [merujuk di
muka surat 119 Ikatan D dalam Encl. 45] sedangkan polisi Takaful Group
Personal Accident' [merujuk ekshibit D43] masih sah laku sehingga
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[75] Allianz General Insurance ('defendan') menginsuranskan Raja a/l
Krishnan ('si mati') dalam jumlah RM240,000 terhadap kematian akibat
kemalangan. Plaintif telah memperbaharu polisi asal 'Allianz Shield Plan 04'
bernombor 17PTP0000254-01 yang luput pada 11/10/2018, maka tempoh sah
laku dilanjutkan bagi tempoh dari 11/10/2018 hingga 10/10/2019.
Bagaimanapun, tiada borang cadangan baru ditandatangan oleh Plaintif.
Plaintif tidak mengisytiharkan polisi diisu oleh Takaful Malaysia yang sah laku
hingga 29/12/2018 atau polisi Berjaya Sompo Insurance yang bertarikh
05/10/2018 semasa melanjutkan tempoh sah laku polisi 'Allianz Shield Plan 04'
bernombor 17PTP0000254-01.
[77] Berjaya Sompo Insurance ('defendan') menginsuranskan Raja a/l
Krishnan ('si mati') dalam jumlah RM300,000 terhadap kematian akibat
kemalangan, bagi tempoh dari 12/10/2018 hingga 11/10/2019. Bagaimanapun,
Plaintif tidak mengisytiharkan polisi diisu oleh Takaful Malaysia yang sah Iaku
hingga 29/12/2018 atau polisi Allianz General Insurance dan Pacific Insurance
yang sah hingga 10/10/2019 semasa ejen Yew Kai Chong mengisikan Borang
Cadangan Yang Ditanda tangan oleh Plaintif bagi Polisi Kemalangan Diri
Ultima \/3.
[78] Peguam Defendan bagi kes AB-A52NCC-12-08/2019 memohon supaya
Plaintif disoal balas mengenai status kewangan dengan merujuk kepada
dokumen Cukai Pendapatan (Borang B) bagi tahun Taksiran 2017 dan 2018
perniagaan Kunasegaran a/l Vadevello. Maka pemeriksaan balas ditangguh
kepada 24/09/2020 bagi membolehkan Plaintif membawa dokumen e/B 2017
— 2018 bagi pemeriksaan balas oleh peguam Defendan-defendan.
[79] Pada 24/09/2020, pemeriksaan balas disambung dengar dengan
penandaan e/Be Tahun 2017 (Ekshibit P51) dan e/B Tahun 2018 (Ekshibit
P52). Semasa diperiksa balas oleh peguam Defendan yang mewakili Berjaya
Sompo Insurance, SP7 juga dicabar atas kegagalan SP7 untuk mendedahkan
fakta berkenaan perlindungan takaful khususnya merujuk pekerja bernama
Raja a/l Krishnan semasa SP7 mengisi Borang Cadangan memperbaharu
polisi insurans yang diisu oleh Pacific Insurance dan Allianz General Insurance.
SP7 didapati gagal mendedahkan fakta bahawa SP telah memperoleh polisi
insurans yang diisu oleh Pacific Insurance dan Allianz General Insurance
semasa dia meminta ejen Yevv Kai Chong mengisikan Borang Cadangan
untuk memperoleh Polisi Kemalangan Diri Ultima V3 [ekshibit P32] dari Berjaya
Sompo Insurance.
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[80] Semasa pemeriksaan balas oleh peguam Defendan yang mewakili
Alianz General Insurance, SP7 hanya merujuk ekshibit PI 9 (A) - (C) mengenai
pekerja bernama Kabelan a/l Kunasegaran [Encl. 45, Ikatan D di muka surat
25] yang diakui ialah anak SP7 yang mula bekerja sejak 5 tahun lalu dan
dibayar RM3,000.00 sebulan. Mathialegen a/l Nyanasegar [Encl. 45, Ikatan D
di muka surat 26] pula ialah anak saudara SP7 yang mula bekerja sejak 4 tahun
lalu dan dibayar RM2,800.00 sebulan. Nyanasegar a/l Vadivelloo [Encl. 45,
Ikatan D di muka surat 27] ialah adik SP7 yang mula bekerja sejak 7 tahun lalu
dan dibayar RM4,500.00 sebulan.
[81] Terdapat seorang lagi pekerja bernama 'Devanthiran' yang tidak disebut
di bawah Sijil Kemalangan Diri Takaful Berkelompok bertarikh 04.01 2017. SP7
dirujuk kepada senarai pekerja yang dinamakan di bawah Sijil Kemalangan Diri
Takaful Berkelompok bertarikh 04.01.2017 yang sah Iaku bagi tempoh
29/12/2016-28/12/2017, termasuk Devanthiran yang didakwa menggantikan
Raja a/l Krishnan. Pada tahun 2016, senarai pekerja dalam Sijil
Kemalangan Diri Takaful Berkelompok adalah termasuk Raja a/l Krishnan
tetapi dokumen Surat Tawaran Kerja bertarikh 10/05/2017 (ekshibit P201
menunjukkan Raja mula kerja sejak 10/05/2017 dengan SP7 sebagai
pemandu lori dalam kawasan ladang sawit.
[82] Menurut SP7, Raja melakukan pelbagai kerja am di ladang bagi
memunggah kelapa sawit dan lazimnya kerja mengutip buah kelapa sawit
bermula jam 10-10.30 pagi dan dia mengambil masa 2-3 jam untuk
memungut buah kelapa sawit bergantung kepada luas kawasan ladang
sawit, dan ladang Ah Ling adalah berkeluasan lebih kurang 18 ekar sahaja.
Lazimnya Raja selesai memungut buah sawit di ladang berkeluasan 60 ekar
ialah dalam masa 4 - 5 jam.
[83] Menurut SP7, gaji sebulan dibayar kepada Raja ialah RM4,500.00. Bukti
penyata bayaran gaji (dalam ekshibit P21 yang disediakan kerani bernama
Nadiana) tidak ada tandatangan Raja kerana Raja buta huruf. Peruntukan
mengenai cuti rehat yang diperuntukkan juga tidak dinyatakan atas slip gaji.
Gaji Raja dibayar penuh tanpa tolakan bayaran SOCSO. Raja tidak ada
masalah kewangan atau membuat apa-apa pinjaman dengan Plaintif. Raja
dilindungi polisi insurans pekerja yang diperoleh Plaintif sebagai majikan
sepanjang Raja bekerja untuk perniagaan 'Kunasegaran a/l Vadevello' yang
berdaftar sejak 2014 serta milikan tunggal SP7.
[84] SP7 mengenali Govindasamy a/l Sinnian (pemilik motorsikal AFU1730)
sejak 10 tahun dan mengenali majikan Govindasamy, Ah Ling yang berbangsa
Cina. Luas ladang Ah Ling ialah 18 ekar. Raja a/l Krishnan dihantar 3 kali
sebulan untuk mengutip buah sawit di ladang Ah Ling. SP7 yang akan
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menghantar Raja dengan lori untuk mengangkut buah sawit. Selepas Raja
dan lori dihantar ke ladang Ah Ling, SP7 balik ke pejabat dengan meminta
bantuan kawan atau pekerja di Ladang Ah Ling untuk menghantarnya
pulang ke pejabat di Batu Kurau. Pada 14/12/2018, Raja dihantar ke ladang
Ah Ling untuk mengutip buah sawit.
[85] Menurut SP7, Raja yang bekerja sebagai pemungut besi buruk, baru
dikenali sejak setahun lalu. Raja a/l Krishnan hanya ada ibu dan seorang abang
manakala bapanya telah meninggal dunia. SP7 tidak ada nombor telefon ibu
atau abang Raja. Kumaran a/l Muniandy ialah abang sepupu Raja a/l Krishnan.
SP7 menafikan dia telah menghubungi Kumaran untuk menyuruhnya membuat
laporan polis mengenai nahas yang menimpa Raja. Ahli keluarga Raja a/l
Krishnan bukan 'nominee' si mati bagi polisi yang diperoleh untuk
menginsuranskan Raja atas kematian akibat kemalangan dan mereka
berkemungkinan tidak ada pengetahuan tentang polisi insurans yang
diperoleh Plaintif bagi perlindungan dari kecederaan diri atau kematian
akibat kemalangan atas nama simati.
[86] Semasa pemeriksaan balas oleh peguam Berjaya Sompo, SP7
mengatakan dia tidak ada pengetahuan bahawa motorsikal AFU1730
tidak dilindungi insurans dan cukai jalan motorsikal telah luput. Malah
SP7 tidak ada pengetahuan sama ada si mati mempunyai lesen
menunggang atau memandu kenderaan yang sah atau tidak.
[87] Plaintif (SP7) menafikan dakwaan dalam soal balas oleh peguam
Defendan-defendan bahawa terdapat perlanggaran prinsip uberimae fidei atau
niat suci hati dan meletakkan beban ke atas 3 ejen penanggung insurans yang
membantunya mengisikan Borang Cadangan atau dia tidak dijelaskan oleh 3
ejen penanggung insurans iaitu Fong Kok Wai, Yew Kai Chong dan Abdul Saidi
bin Bakri tentang keperluan untuk isytiharkan semua polisi yang
menginsuranskan Raja a/l Krishnan.
[88] Di peringkat pemeriksaan semula oleh peguamnya, SP7 mengatakan
bahawa dia tidak pernah ditanyakan oleh ejen atau diberikan notis mengenai
keperluan si mati untuk mempunyai lesen menunggang motorsikal atau
memandu kenderaan yang sah jika polisi perlindungan insurans hendak dibeli
atas penama Raja a/l Krishnan atau berkenaan batasan aktiviti memandu atau
menunggang motorsikal dalam polisi-polisi sedia ada atas nama Raja a/l
[22] I have highlighted the paragraphs above from the grounds of
judgment as these were important points to note for the Court in deciding
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whether the Defendants were justified in not honouring the claims
submitted by the Plaintiff not long after the deceased died. A perusal of
her summary of the Plaintiff’s evidence in paragraphs 76 and 77 showed
that the SCJ found he did not declare that he had obtained coverage
from Defendant 2 and Defendant 4. He had declared with Defendant 3,
or rather, the agent Fong Kok Wai made the declaration, only when he
applied for renewal of the coverage from Defendant 1 (refer to paragraphs
81-82) and he admitted that the deceased’s family may not know about
the policies.
[24] Then, the SCJ made her finding on the issue of the deceased not in
possession of a valid full licence in paragraphs 206-207. This is where
s.26 of the RTA comes in, namely, the requirement to have valid licence.
The SCJ agreed with the Defendants’ submissions (refer to paragraphs
212, 213, 215). In paragraph 220 she found the insurers were not
liable for repudiation of the insurance contract. The burden of proof
was on the Plaintiff to prove his case that the accident was not caused by
other things in order to qualify for the pay out but this he failed to do (refer
to paragraphs 226 -231. The SCJ concluded in paragraph 232 that the
deceased died due to a motor vehicle accident (MVA) but the exclusion
clause(s) applied (refer to paragraphs 234 – 237). The SCJ stated in
paragraph 249 that the Plaintiff was bound by his pleadings and this issue
of consumer contract/life insurance was not pleaded; he was therefore
barred from raising it at the submissions stage.
[25] Finally, the SCJ arrived at the following conclusions:
“[252] Setelah meneliti keterangan-keterangan lisan saksi-saksi plaintif dan
defendan serta keterangan dari dokumen-dokumen yang dikemukakan dan
setelah membaca hujahan bertulis peguam plaintif dan peguam defendan serta
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hujahan balas yang difailkan dan setelah mendengar hujahan lisan pihak-
pihak, keputusan saya dalam kes ini adalah seperti berikut:
(i) Berdasarkan isu awalan ini sahaja, Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa
peruntukan Jadual ke-10 Akta 758 yang dibaca secara harmoni dengan terma
Polisi Insurans Kemalangan Diri Peribadi Ultima V3 - Plan 05 [ekshibit P31 di
muka surat 98 Ikatan D] bahawa pembayaran wang polisi apabila berlaku
kematian orang yang diinsurankan adalah dibuat kepada wakil peribadi Orang
Yang Diinsurankan (Raja a/l Krishnan). Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa oleh
sebab Plaintif, tidak mempunyai hubungan kekeluargaan dengan simati, bukan
waris kadim dan bukan nominee yang dinamakan dalam Borang Penamaan
(ekshibit P32, rujuk muka surat 86 Ikatan D) adalah tidak tergolong sebagai
wakil peribadi dan diputuskan Plaintif tidak ada locus dan tidak layak
dibayar atas tuntutan pampasan di bawah polisi insurans Kemalangan Diri
Peribadi Ultima Plan 05 [ekshibit P31 yang bernombor 18DTP/PQCE000042].
(ii) terdapat ketidakdedahan fakta penting oleh Plaintif atau ketaknyataan
yang material kepada soalan 6 dalam Borang Cadangan [rujuk muka surat 86
Ikatan D, encl. 45) yang mewajarkan penolakan liabiliti (dipli dalam perenggan
6 Pembelaan dalam encl. 5 dan Pembelaan Terpinda dalam encl. 21);
(iii) penolakan liabiliti secara dasarnya adalah bergantung kepada Polisi
yang diisu oleh Defendan di bawah terma pengecualian 2 (d) dan (e) mengenai
ketakpatuhan Orang Yang Diinsuranskan (Raja a/l Krishnan) untuk memenuhi
terma-terma, syarat-syarat dan pengendorsan Polisi ini setakat mana ia
berhubung kait dengan apa sahaja yang perlu dilakukan atau dipatuhi oleh
orang yang diinsuranskan iaitu Raja a/l Krishnan;
(iv) faktor berlakunya kecederaan parah semasa ditimpa malang akibat
kecuaian sendiri oleh orang yang diinsuranskan iaitu Raja a/l Krishnan yang
tidak memakai topi keledar semasa menunggang motorsikal, dan perlakuan
yang menyalahi kepentingan dan polisi awam/undang-undang sedia ada, iaitu
menunggang motorsikal yang tidak dilindungi insurans dan tiada cukai jalan;
(v) Mahkamah, dalam keadaan kes ini, dengan mempertimbangkan maxim
“ex turpi causa non oritur” Mahkamah tidak menyetujui kemungkiran undang-
undang oleh orang yang diinsuranskan iaitu Raja a/l Krishnan yang ternyata
telah melakukan beberapa perbuatan yang menyalahi peraturan dan undang-
undang jalan raya sedia ada.
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[26] While I agreed with the decision of the SCJ in not allowing the
Plaintiff’s claim, there were some errors made in her grounds of judgment.
These errors, in my view, do not require appellate intervention because
having considered the submissions and case laws cited by the parties, I
am of the view that the SCJ’s decision can be upheld by this Court as
there was no substantial miscarriage of justice. There must have been
insufficient judicial appreciation of the relevant evidence which had
occasioned a serious miscarriage of justice: Mackt Logostics (M) Sdn.
Bhd. v Malaysian Airline System Berhad [2014] 5 CLJ 851. An
appellate court has a duty to intervene where a trial court has so
fundamentally misdirected itself, that one may say that no reasonable
court which had properly directed itself and asked the correct questions
would have arrived at the same conclusion: Sivalingam a/l Periasamy v
Periasamy [1995] 3 MLJ 395.
[27] From the numerous grounds raised in the Memorandum of Appeal
and Additional Memorandum of Appeal, I agree with the Plaintiff to narrow
down the issues to be decided by this Court as follows:
(i) has it been proved on a balance of probabilities that the
deceased died by accidental means;
(ii) whether the insurance policy fell within the ambit of a
consumer insurance contract or non-consumer insurance
(iii) does the basis clause apply if the court finds that the contract
of insurance is a consumer insurance contract;
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(iv) if the Court finds that it is a consumer insurance contract,
whether there has been compliance by the parties with the
whole prosess or procedure under Paragraph 5, Part II
Schedule 9 of the Financial Services Act 2013 [Act 758]
including the duty of disclosure;
(v) whether the Plaintiff received any notice in writing in respect
of the pre-contractual duty to disclose prior to entering into the
contract of insurance;
(vi) can the Defendants be allowed to rely on a new ground which
was never raised in the repudiation letter rejecting the
Plaintiff’s claim; and
(vii) should section 114(g) Evidence Act 1950 be invoked against
the Defendants for failure to call their authorised agent(s) who
filled up the proposal form on behalf of the Plaintiff as a
(i) Has it been proved on a balance of probabilities that the deceased
died by accidental means
[28] I do not wish to spend a lot of time on this issue because the
evidence from SP2 were very clear that the deceased died of “Severe
traumatic brain injury” due to hard fall during motor vehicle accident. This
finding was supported by the investigation of SP1 which concluded that
the deceased was not wearing any helmet at the material time, based on
SP5’s evidence who was among the first to arrive at the scene and did not
find any helmet nearby the body. The SCJ found that the fatal injuries
were due to hard fall sustained during an accident as explained by SP1
and SP2 and there was no reason not to accept the investigation officer’s
evidence. There was also no evidence that the deceased was attacked by
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known or unknown persons. The Plaintiff has proved this issue on a
balance of probabilities despite the questions in cross-examination by the
Defendants’ respective counsels.
(ii) Whether the insurance policy fell within the ambit of a consumer
insurance contract or non-consumer insurance contract
[29] The SCJ in her grounds of judgment at paragraph 187 (Defendant
1’s suit) stated the issue of “consumer insurance contract” and “non-
consumer insurance contract” was without merit as it was not pleaded by
the Plaintiff. Nevertheless, this was a misdirection on the part of the SCJ
as the court eventually still has a duty to determine the issue. The regime
for insurance in Malaysia is comprehensively provided in s. 129(1) of Act
758 which sets out the pre-contractual duty of disclosure and
representations for contracts of insurance in Part 2, and the remedies for
misrepresentations relating to contracts of insurance in Part 3. For ease
of reference, the relevant provisions of the law (Schedule 9) are
reproduced as follows:
2. In this Schedule— “consumer” means the individual who enters into, varies or
renews a consumer insurance contract, or proposes to do so with a licensed insurer;
“consumer insurance contract” means a contract of insurance entered into, varied or
renewed by an individual wholly for purposes unrelated to the individual’s trade,
business or profession.
Pre-contractual disclosure and representation
Pre-contractual duty of disclosure for insurance contracts other than consumer
insurance contracts
4. (1) Before a contract of insurance other than a consumer insurance contract is
entered into, varied or renewed, a proposer shall disclose to the licensed insurer a
matter that—
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(a) he knows to be relevant to the decision of the insurer on whether to accept
the risk or not and the rates and terms to be applied; or
(b) a reasonable person in the circumstances could be expected to know to be
(2) The duty of disclosure shall not require the disclosure of a matter that—
(a) diminishes the risk to the licensed insurer;
(b) is of common knowledge;
(c) the licensed insurer knows or in the ordinary course of his business ought
to know; or
(d) in respect of which the licensed insurer has waived any requirement for
(3) Where a proposer fails to answer or gives an incomplete or irrelevant answer to a
question contained in the proposal form or asked by the licensed insurer and the matter
was not pursued further by the insurer, compliance with the proposer’s duty of
disclosure in respect of the matter shall be deemed to have been waived by the insurer.
(4) A licensed insurer shall, before a contract of insurance is entered into, varied or
renewed, clearly inform a proposer in writing of the proposer’s pre-contractual duty of
disclosure under this paragraph, and that this duty of disclosure shall continue until the
time the contract is entered into, varied or renewed.
Pre-contractual duty of disclosure for consumer insurance contracts
5. (1) Before a consumer insurance contract is entered into or varied, a licensed insurer
may request a proposer who is a consumer to answer any specific questions that are
relevant to the decision of the insurer whether to accept the risk or not and the rates
and terms to be applied.
(2) It is the duty of the consumer to take reasonable care not to make a
misrepresentation to the licensed insurer when answering any questions under
subparagraph (1).
(3) Before a consumer insurance contract is renewed, a licensed insurer may either—
(a) request a consumer to answer one or more specific questions in accordance
with subparagraph (1); or
(b) give the consumer a copy of any matter previously disclosed by the
consumer in relation to the contract and request the consumer to confirm or
amend any change to that matter.
(4) It is the duty of the consumer to take reasonable care not to make a
misrepresentation to the licensed insurer when answering any questions under
subsubparagraph (3)(a), or confirming or amending any matter under
subsubparagraph (3)(b).
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(5) If the licensed insurer does not make a request in accordance with subparagraph
(1) or (3) as the case may be, compliance with the consumer’s duty of disclosure in
respect of those subparagraphs, shall be deemed to have been waived by the insurer.
(6) Where the consumer fails to answer or gives an incomplete or irrelevant answer to
any request by the licensed insurer under subparagraph (1) or subsubparagraph
(3)(a), or fails to confirm or amend any matter under subsubparagraph (3)(b), or does
so incompletely or provides irrelevant information, as the case may be, and the answer
or matter was not pursued further by the insurer, compliance with the consumer’s duty
of disclosure in respect of the answer or matter shall be deemed to have been waived
by the insurer.
(7) A licensed insurer shall, before a consumer insurance contract is entered into,
varied or renewed, clearly inform the consumer in writing of the consumer’s pre-
contractual duty of disclosure under this paragraph, and that this duty of disclosure
shall continue until the time the contract is entered into, varied or renewed.
(8) Subject to subparagraphs (1) and (3), a consumer shall take reasonable care to
disclose to the licensed insurer any matter, other than that in relation to subparagraph
(1) or (3), that he knows to be relevant to the decision of the insurer on whether to
accept the risk or not and the rates and terms to be applied.
(9) Nothing in this Schedule shall affect the duty of utmost good faith to be exercised
by a consumer and licensed insurer in their dealings with each other, including the
making and paying of a claim, after a contract of insurance has been entered into,
varied or renewed.
[30] In relation to a non-consumer insurance contract, a proposer shall
disclose to the licensed insurer a matter that (a) he knows to be relevant
to the decision of the insurer on whether to accept the risk or not and the
rates and terms to be applied, or (b) a reasonable person in the
circumstances could be expected to know to be relevant. Whereas in the
case of a consumer insurance contract, it is the duty of the consumer
to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation to the
licensed insurer when answering any questions. The policy speech of
the then Deputy Finance Minister I, Datuk Dr. Awang Adek Hussin, when
introducing the Financial Services Bill provided the reason why Parliament
had enacted the Bill which created such distinct classes as aforesaid:
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“Keenam, rang undang-undang ini akan menyediakan rangka kerja yang
kukuh bagi perlindungan pengguna kewangan. Ini dicapai melalui:
(i) …;
(ii) …;
(iv) memperuntukkan tanggungjawab penanggung insurans untuk
memberi panduan kepada pengguna mengenai penzahiran yang
diperlukan semasa peringkat pra kontrak dalam hal salah nyata atau
misrepresentation yang dibuat oleh pengguna.
Rang undang-undang ini memperuntukkan remedi bagi penanggung
insurans yang lebih saksama bergantung sama ada salah nyata oleh pengguna
tersebut dibuat secara sengaja atau melulu, cuai, atau tidak sengaja.
Pada masa sekarang, kontrak insurans boleh dielak, avoidable secara
langsung oleh penanggung insurans tidak kira sama ada salah nyata oleh
seseorang pengguna tersebut dibuat secara sengaja atau melulu, cuai atau
pun tidak sengaja.”.
((Dewan Rakyat Hansard) [DR 27.11.2012] at 1810)
[31] The SCJ in paragraph 197 (Defendant 2’s grounds of judgment)
stated that the policy was a consumer contract and this was in relation
to the claim by the Plaintiff against Defendant 2 which allegedly had
submitted it was a non-consumer contract. Upon perusal of Defendant 2’s
submission, I found that this was misconceived by the Plaintiff as
Defendant 2 contended it was clearly a consumer insurance contract. The
Defendants submitted on the importance of disclosure and the court had
analysed this issue in paragraphs 184 onwards. Specifically, I refer to the
following paragraphs of the SCJ’s analysis for ease of reference:
“[197] Polisi Kemalangan Diri Ultima V3-Plan 05 ini adalah suatu polisi
Kontrak Insurans Pengguna (Consumer Insurance Contract, di muka
surat 85 Ikatan D) dan satu notis penting (“Important Notice”) telah
diberikan kepada Plaintif yang berniat memohon insurans yang
memperuntukkan dalam Borang Cadangan (ekshibit P32 (m/s 1 1 encl 9, dan
ekshibit P32 di muka surat 85 Ikatan D), bahawa:
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“Kontrak Insurans Pengguna
Menurut Perenggan 5 Jadual di bawah Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan
2013, sekiranya anda memohon Insurans ini sepenuhnya bagi tujuan
yang tidak berkaitan dengan perdagangan, perniagaan atau profesion
anda, anda mempunyai kewajipan mengambil penjagaan munasabah
supaya tidak membuat salah nyataan semasa menjawab soalansoalan
di dalam Borang Cadangan dan/atau semua soalan-soalan yang
dikehendaki oleh Syarikat dengan penuh dan tepat dan mendedahkan
apa-apa perkara lain yang anda ketahui berkaitan dengan keputusan
kami dalam menerima risiko dan dalam menentukan kadar dan terma
yang hendak dipakai, jika sebaliknya ini boleh menyebabkan kontrak
terbatal, penolakan atau pengurangan tuntutan, penukaran terma atau
penamatan kontrak.
Anda juga mempunyai kewajipan memaklumkan kepada kami dengan
segera sekiranya pada bila-bila masa, selepas kontrak insurans dibuat,
diubah atau diperbaharui dengan pihak kami, sebarang maklumat yang
diberikan adalah tidak tepat atau telah berubah.”
[32] In regard to the Defendant 2’s policy, that policy covered work-
related accidents; this can be gathered from the evidence of SD3 and the
absence of an exclusion clause of work-related accidents in the policy
(Exclusion Clause No.7 only excludes subordinates not the life insured).
This could attract the definition of consumer insurance policy having
regard to the intention of the Plaintiff (where he alleged the policies served
as an incentive to his employees) and the evidence of SD3 itself.
[33] It is noted that paragraph 10 of Schedule 9 is only applicable to
consumer insurance contract and renders any basis clause in a consumer
insurance contract of no effect. It reads:
“Any representation made before a consumer insurance contract was entered
into, varied or renewed shall not be converted into a warranty by means of any
provision of the consumer insurance contract or of any terms of the variation or
of any other contract, whether by declaring the representation to form the basis
of the contract or otherwise.”
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[34] In the analysis of the evidence before me, as the policies do not
cover work-related accidents, the policies were unrelated to the
individual’s trade, business or profession, and therefore, they come within
the ambit of the definition of a consumer insurance contract.
Notwithstanding the Plaintiff’s assertion, as well as the evidence of SD1,
the construction of the policies prevailed as it was in accordance with the
intention of Schedule 9.
[35] It was evident from grounds of judgment of the SCJ she had
concluded that the policies were consumer insurance contracts. But
the SCJ also stated in paragraph 200 that the Proposal Form did form
the basis clause of the contract with the insurer as follows:
“[200] Dalam kes ini, Plaintif telah mengesahkan bahawa semua maklumat
yang dinyatakan dalam Borang Cadangan itu (yang dibuat tanpa pendedahan
tentang polisi pelbagai jenis dengan penanggung insurans Iain) merupakan
maklumat penuh, lengkap dan benar dan merupakan asas bagi pembentukan
kontrak insuran dengan Defendan. Ternyata, Borang Cadangan yang
membentuk kontrak insurans ditandatangan oleh Plaintif sendiri [merujuk di
muka surat 87 Ikatan D dalam Encl. 45] yang memperaku dan memberi
perisytiharan bahawa semua butiran (yang diisikan ejen bagi pihaknya) adalah
benar. Yew Kai Chong (ejen insurans Berjaya Sompo Insurance) hanya diminta
untuk mengisi Borang Cadangan. Sehubungan itu, Plaintif adalah terikat
dengan perisytiharan dan bersetuju bahawa Cadangan itu dijadikan dasar
kontrak di antara pihak-pihak (“klausa asas”) [ekshibit P31, merujuk di muka
surat 88 Ikatan D dalam Encl. 45].”
(iii) Does the basis clause apply if the court finds that the contract of
insurance is a consumer insurance contract
[36] The SCJ discussed the merits of the basis clause in analysing the
evidence as can be seen above. Does this mean that automatically her
grounds of judgment is totally wrong by virtue of paragraph 10 of Schedule
9? I think not.
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[37] In the case of Chong Lai Keng v. Prudential Assurance Malaysia
Bhd [2024] 1 CLJ 293, the facts were similar on the issue of the insured
person had not disclosed to the proposed insurers the existence of a few
other policies. The learned Judicial Commissioner Jamhirah Binti Ali
“[48] As previously elucidated, para. 5 of Schedule 9 of the FSA which
pertains to the pre-contractual duty of disclosure for consumer insurance
contracts, imposed a statutory duty on the consumer to exercise
reasonable care in avoiding any misrepresentation to the insurer. This
duty was especially significant when responding to specific questions
posed by the insurer, which were essential in the insurer’s determination
of whether to accept the risk and in establishing the applicable rates and
terms. The principle of uberrimae fidei remained applicable to the parties
involved in an insurance contract. In accordance with this principle, the
consumer was held to a standard of care defined as that of a ‘reasonable
consumer’. Consequently, based on the underpinning of uberrimae fidei,
the life assured, as the consumer, bore the duty of utmost good faith,
necessitating full disclosure of all material facts within his knowledge. In
Leong Kum Whay v. QBE Insurance (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors [2006] 1 CLJ 1; [2006]
1 MLJ 710, the Court of Appeal held as follows:
[15] It is settled beyond dispute that a contract of insurance is one that
imposes a mutual duty on the parties to it to act uberrimae fides towards
each other. On the part of the insured, he or she must make full
disclosure of all material facts. It is not for him or her to decide in
his or her own mind what is material. The duty is on the insured to
make full disclosure of material facts within his knowledge.
(emphasis added)
[49] After careful examination of the evidence, the submitted documents, and
the relevant law, I concluded that the existence of the three AIA policies
constituted a “material fact”. This finding stemmed from the evidence that their
disclosure would have had a negative impact on the defendant’s underwriting
decision. If the defendant had been aware of the three AIA policies, they would
not have issued the policies in question. Further, based on the factual
circumstances and the sequence of events in this case, I concluded that the life
assured had deliberately concealed or suppressed and had fraudulently
misrepresented the existence of the three AIA policies.”.
[Emphasis added]
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[38] The Court refers to the provision in paragraph 6 of Schedule 9 which
provides the following:
“Duty to take reasonable care
6. (1) In determining whether a consumer has taken reasonable care not to make a
misrepresentation under subparagraph 5(2) or (4), the relevant circumstances may be
taken into account including—
(a) the consumer insurance contract in question and the manner in which the
contract was sold to the consumer;
(b) any relevant explanatory material or publicity produced or authorized by the
licensed insurer; and
(c) how clear and specific, the licensed insurer’s questions were.
(2) Subject to subparagraph (3), the standard of care required of the consumer under
subparagraphs 5(2) and (4) shall be what a reasonable consumer in the circumstances
would have known.
[39] Although the third issue is to be answered in the negative, based on
the construction of Paragraph 6 of Schedule 9 as well as Division 2 which
will be analysed later I am of the view that the court still has a duty to
evaluate the evidence and make a finding whether there has been
misrepresentation at the point of submission of the Proposal Form.
(iv) If the Court finds that it is a consumer insurance contract, whether
there has been compliance by the parties with the whole prosess or
procedure under Paragraph 5, Part II Schedule 9 of the Financial
Services Act 2013 [Act 758] including the duty of disclosure
[40] It was the Plaintiff’s contention that the Defendants had waived the
Plaintiff’s duty of disclosure as the insurers did not make a request in
accordance with subparagraph (1) or (3) of Paragraphs 5(5) and/or 5(6).
Moreover, Paragraph 5(7) requires a licensed insurer, before a consumer
insurance contract is entered into, varied or renewed, to clearly inform the
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Plaintiff in writing of the consumer’s pre-contractual duty of disclosure and
that this duty of disclosure shall continue until the time the contract is
entered into, varied or renewed.
[41] I will deal with the fourth and fifth issues together; the fifth issue was
whether the Plaintiff received any notice in writing in respect of the pre-
contractual duty to disclose prior to entering into the contract of insurance.
“[211]... Notis juga diberikan kepada Plaintif bahawa “Jika Plaintif tidak
memberikan maklumat ini dengan sepenuhnya dan sejujurnya, polisi
insurans mungkin tidak sah atau Polisi mungkin tidak melindungi orang
yang diinsurankan/pekerja dengan sepenuhnya”. Tiada sebab untuk
mahkamah ini menyimpang daripada kedudukan undang-undang am
mengenai kewajipan pendedahan fakta yang material di pihak Plaintif.
[212] Saya juga bersetuju dengan hujah peguam defendan bahawa hujah-
hujah peguam Plaintif adalah tidak bermerit dan tidak selari dengan Pemakaian
perenggan 5 Jadual Kesembilan Akta 758 [rujukan kepada kes: Balamoney
Asoriah v. MMIP Services Sdn Bhd [2020] 1 CLJ 476] mengenai kewajipan
untuk mengambil langkah yang munasabah untuk tidak salah nyata dalam
menjawab soalan yang terdapat dalam Borang Cadangan (atau semasa
permohonan insurans ini) dan perlu menjawab soalan-soalan dengan penuh dan
tepat. Kegagalan dalam mengambil langkah munasabah dalam menjawab soalan-
soalan boleh mengakibatkan pembatalan kontrak insurans, keengganan atau
pengurangan gantirugi, perubahan terma atau penamatan kontrak insurans
selaras dengan remedi di Jadual 9 Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan 2013 [Akta 758].
Plaintif juga dikehendaki mendedahkan perkara-perkara lain yang dia tahu akan
mempengaruhi keputusan Defendan dalam menerima risiko dan menentukan
kadar dan terma yang akan dikenakan.
[215] Pada setiap masa yang material, Plaintif mendakwa dia tidak
diperjelaskan tentang kandungan dalam borang dan tidak ditanyakan tentang lain-
lain polisi yang dia ada miliki sewaktu ejen mengisikan Borang Cadangan bagi
polisi insurans Kemalangan Diri Peribadi Ultima V3 - Plan 05 (merujuk penyata
saksi dalam encl. 74 yang hanya difailkan pada 13/05/2020 dan Plaintif memberi
keterangannya pada 18/09/2020). Dalam kes ini, Plaintif mengelakkan diri dari
bertanggungan untuk menzahirkan pegangan polisi insurans yang
dipegangnya dengan mendakwa dia menurunkan tanda tangan atas borang
sebelum ejen Yew Kai Chong mengisikan butiran dan dia tidak fasih
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membaca dalam Bahasa Malaysia atau Bahasa Inggeris dan khidmat ejen
insurans digunakan bagi mengisi borang. Pada setiap yang material, Plaintif
mendakwa dia tidak diperjelaskan tentang kandungan dalam borang dan
tidak ditanyakan tentang lain-lain polisi yang dia ada miliki sewaktu ejen
mengisikan Borang Cadangan bagi polisi insurans Kemalangan Diri Peribadi
Ultima — Plan 05. Tidak ada keterangan menyokong dipanggil dari pihak ejen
Yew Kai Chong mengenai dakwaan Plaintif yang dibuatnya…”.
[42] The SCJ did apply Balamoney’s Case (supra) which has been
affirmed by the Federal Court in the case of Amgeneral Insurance Bhd
v. Sa' Amran Atan & Ors And Other Appeals [2022] 8 CLJ 175. With
respect, I am of the view that the Federal Court case above did not directly
apply to the present case because there the issue again was in respect of
avoiding liability under s.96(3) of the RTA and it concerned third party
insurance. One of the issues was whether the insurer could avoid liability
when the vehicle that was involved in an accident had been
sold/transferred to another party. The issue in that Federal Court case can
be compared with the facts in Balamoney’s Case (supra).
[43] The SCJ found that the Plaintiff claimed that the notice was never
explained to him but also found that he had willfully ignored the notice.
Pursuant to the paragraphs above, since the Plaintiff had acknowledged
that the notice was explained to him and regardless of his intention of what
kind of policy he actually wanted to purchase, this Court found that the
Defendants had sufficiently discharged their burden under Schedule
9 to explain to the proposer of his duty of disclosure in writing. The
SCJ found further that the Plaintiff had failed to disclose that he had 2
other insurance policies other than with Defendant 3 which was stated in
the proposal form. In the case of Defendant 2 he had omitted to fill in the
question. I have no reason to disturb her finding that there was non-
disclosure of the existence of the other 2 policies on the part of the
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Plaintiff. The question is, does this amount to a breach in his duty of
disclosure? I refer to the case on uberrima fide as stated in Leong Kum
Whay v. QBE Insurance (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors [2006] 1 CLJ 1; [2006] 1
MLJ 710 where Gopal Sri Ram JCA propounded:
“[15] It is settled beyond dispute that a contract of insurance is one that
imposes mutual duty on the parties to it to act uberrimae fides towards
each other... On the part of the insured, he or she must make full and frank
disclosure of all material facts. It is not for him or her to decide in his or
her own mind what is material... The duty is on the insured to make full
disclosure of material facts within his knowledge.
[19] So much for the insured's duty. For completeness I would add that there is
a corresponding duty on the part of an insurer to act with utmost good faith
towards its insured. In Maschke Estate v. Gleeson (1986) 54 OR (2d) 753 at p
756, Montgomery J put the duty in this way:
A contract of insurance is one of uberrimae fides, the utmost of good
faith. This is not a situation where an insurer is indemnifying its assured
and paying a third party. This is a case where the insurer is being asked
to pay its own insured. The duty to act promptly and in good faith arises
the day the insurer receives the claim. To find otherwise is to fail to
understand the realities of the market place.”.
[Emphasis added]
[44] The principle of uberrimae fidei has been entrenched in Paragraph
5 of Schedule 9 as well, with some modification where a consumer no
longer needed to voluntarily disclose information to the insurer but only to
give information that was requested upon him, with reasonable care, to
the insurer. The Plaintiff alleged that he had omitted to fill all of the policy
because the insurer’s agent did not explain the question to him which led
him to not completely filling them as he was not conversant in English.
Later he said he was unsure whether the agent explained the
questions in the Proposal Form. His counsel had contended that the
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Plaintiff did not breach the uberrima fide duty because, by virtue of
paragraph 5(6), an incomplete information that was not further pursued by
the insurer was deemed waived, as pointed out earlier.
[45] I refer to the relevant paragraphs in the SCJ’s grounds of judgment
for effect:
[198] Merujuk kepada Borang Cadangan [ekshibit P32) bagi memperoleh polisi
insurans Kemalangan Diri Peribadi Ultima — Plan 05 yang hendak diisu oleh
Defendan, soalan 6 [ekshibit P32, merujuk muka surat 86 Ikatan D] menanya
kepada Plaintif tentang permohonan serupa atau pembaharuan polisi
kemalangan diri atas nama Orang Yang Diinsurankan, Raja a/l Krishnan:
“Have you or any person to be insured ever had an application for life or
Personal Accident Insurance accepted with Sum Insured reduced or the
renewal premium increased?” dan dijawab oleh ejen “No”.
[199] Jawapan kepada soalan 6 ternyata tidak benar atau tidak tepat
kerana dokumen yang dikemukakan oleh Plaintif dalam Ikatan D (dalam
encl. 45 difailkan dalam Saman AB-A52NCC-7-05/2019 berikutan perintah
gabung dengar bertarikh 17/09/2019 dan 16/10/2019) yang melibatkan 4
penanggung insurans, ternyata bahawa polisi perlindungan takaful ada
dalam pegangan Plaintif sejak Disember 2016 tetapi pemerolehan polisi
perlindungan Kemalangan Diri Takaful Berkelompok bertarikh 04/01/2017
yang juga melindungi penama Raja a/l Krishnan ini tidak pernah
dimaklumkan kepada Defendan dan pemerolehan 2 lagi polisi insurans
kemalangan diri atas nama Raja a/l Krishnan juga gagal didedahkan oleh
[201] Peguam Defendan berhujah bahawa beban pendedahan penuh dan
tepat oleh Plaintif adalah dari permulaan kontrak insuran dimasuki dan beban
itu akan berterusan sehingga tempoh kuatkuasa perlindungan insuran luput. la
adalah undang-undang matan bahawa kewajipan pihak yang diinsuranskan
untuk mendedahkan maklumat material kepada penginsurans merupakan
kewajipan yang wujud secara berasingan daripada apa-apa borang cadangan
[Kes: Tan Mooi Sim & Anor v United Overseas Bank (M) Bhd & Anor [2011]
8 MLJ 556 dan American International Assurance Co, Ltd v Nadarajan a/l
Subramaniam [2013] 5 MLJ 195].
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[202] Di bawah tajuk “Kewajipan Pendedahan”; (di muka surat 88/(BM) muka
surat 98 Ikatan D) dalam Polisi Kemalangan Diri Ultima V3-Plan 05 (ekshibit
P31 di muka surat 98 Ikatan D], diperuntukkan bahawa:
“Apabila Orang yang Diinsuranskan telah memohon insurans ini
sepenuhnya bagi tujuan yang tidak berkaitan dengan perdagangan,
perniagaan atau profesion Orang yang Diinsuranskan, Orang yang
Diinsuranskan mempunyai kewajipan mengambil penjagaan
munasabah supaya tidak membuat salah nyataan semasa menjawab
soalan-soalan di dalam Borang Cadangan (atau semasa membuat
permohonan Insurans ini). Orang yang Diinsurans perlu menjawab
soalan dengan penuh dan tepat. Kegagalan dalam mengambil langkah
yang munasabah dalam menjawab soalan-soalan boleh mengakibatkan
pembatalan kontrak Insurans, keengganan atau pengurangan ganti rugi,
perubahan terma atau penamatan kontrak Orang yang Diinsurans
selaras dengan remedi di Jadual 9 Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan 2013.
Orang yang Diinsurans juga dikehendaki mendedahkan apa-apa
perkara lain yang Orang yang Diinsurans tahu akan mempengaruhi
keputusan Syarikat dalam menerima risiko dan dalam menentukan
kadar dan terma yang dikenakan.
Orang yang Diinsurans juga mempunyai kewajipan untuk memberitahu
Syarikat dengan serta merta jika pada bila-bila masa selepas kontrak
insurans Orang yang Diinsurans ditanda tangani, diubah atau
diperbaharu dengan Syarikat, apa-apa maklumat yang diberikan dalam
Borang Cadangan (atau semasa membuat permohonan Insurans ini)
tidak tepat atau telah berubah.”
[203] Berdasarkan terma polisi di atas, Plaintif juga mempunyai kewajipan
untuk memberitahu Defendan dengan serta-merta jika pada bila-bila masa
selepas kontrak insurans ditandatangani, diubah atau diperbaharui dengan
Defendan, apa-apa maklumat yang diberikan di dalam Borang Cadangan (atau
semasa permohonan insurans ini) tidak tepat atau telah berubah. Kewajipan
untuk mendedahkan fakta material, dan kewajipan tersebut tidak dilepaskan
semata-mata atas akuan fakta bahawa pihak yang satu lagi telah gagal
menanya mengenai fakta material yang tidak didedahkan, tetapi fakta
pemerolehan polisi-polisi yang lain adalah, pada setiap masa yang material
dalam pengetahuan pihak Plaintif, bukan ejen yang mempunyai pengetahuan
tersebut. Dalam mempertimbangkan hujah mengenai fakta yang dipli dalam
Pembelaan berkaitan Borang Cadangan, tidak pernah berbangkit isu sama ada
Borang Cadangan diisikan oleh ejen bagi pihak Plaintif.
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[204] Merujuk kes Tan Jing Jeong v Allianz Life Assurance Malaysia [2012]
7 MLJ 179; [2011] 4 CLJ 710 mengenai kewajipan berterusan di pihak-pihak
di bawah kontrak insurans, bahawa —
“Sebaik sahaja kewajipan positif diberikan kepada sesuatu pihak oleh
undang-undang untuk bercakap benar, termasuk untuk mendedahkan
fakta material, kewajipan tersebut tidak dilepaskan semata-mata atas
akuan fakta bahawa pihak yang satu lagi telah gagal menanya mengenai
fakta material yang tidak didedahkan, tetapi fakta yang dalam
pengetahuan pihak yang mempunyai pengetahuan tersebut.”.
[218] … Berdasarkan jawapan yang diberi kepada soalan dalam penyata
saksi SP7 (encl. 74 dalam Saman AB-A52NCC-7-05/2019) dan semasa
pemeriksaan balas pada 23/09/2020 oleh peguam Defendan, dihujahkan
bahawa jawapan kepada isu yang membangkitkan kewajipan pendedahan
pemerolehan polisi-polisi (dipli dalam perenggan 3 dan 6 encl.7) adalah
satu pemikiran terkemudian untuk membangkitkan pembelaan pada
tahap ini. Namun apabila Plaintif memberi keterangan pada 18/09/2020 dan
23/09/2020 mengenai dokumen polisi yang hendak dijadikan asas tuntutannya
terhadap Defendan-defendan, syarikat penanggung insurans terlibat, atau
semasa disoal balas mengenai butir lanjut nama pekerja yang disenarai dalam
polisi Takaful, siapa pekerjanya yang diberikan manfaat di bawah polisi-polisi
yang diambilnya dengan Takaful Malaysia dan jumlah perlindungan takaful
bagi empat pekerjanya (yang ada kaitan tali persaudaraan dengannya) selain
Raja a/l Krishnan, dirumuskan bahawa Plaintif adalah seorang peniaga
yang sangat cerdik, yang celik angka/ matematik kerana dalam setiap
polisi yang dibeli olehnya sebagai majikan, dia yang memainkan peranan
yang penting dalam memperolehi fakta dan angka untuk dimasukkan
dalam polisi; pihak Plaintif juga yang membayar premium bagi orang
yang diinsuranskan bagi kesemua polisi atas penama yang sama iaitu
Raja a/l Krishnan (si mati). Sekiranya terjadi kematian kemalangan menimpa
pekerjanya Raja a/l Krishnan, jumlah pampasan yang akan dipungutnya akan
mencecah RM1j. Semasa disoal balas peguam, Plaintif mengatakan insurans
yang diperoleh itu mungkin tidak diketahui oleh ahli keluarga Raja a/l Krishnan.
Oleh itu, fakta material mengenai polisi-polisi yang dipegang Plaintif
sememangnya dalam pengetahuannya pada setiap masa yang material,
bukan ejen insurans. Malah adalah satu perkara yang mustahil dan/atau
subjektif untuk ejen mengetahui apakah yang perlu didedahkan pada masa
mengisikan Borang Cadangan bagi pihak Plaintif.
[219] Plaintif hadir ke mahkamah tidak secara suci hati kerana Plaintif
tidak benar-benar menjelaskan bagaimana beliau boleh memperoleh
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polisi-polisi insurans yang dipegangnya. Plaintif lazim memberi jawapan
menyatakan bahawa dia tidak tahu (atau sengaja mengabaikan “Notis
Penting” yang tertulis dalam dokumen kesemua polisi yang diperoleh)
tentang kewajipan mengambil penjagaan munasabah supaya tidak
membuat salah nyataan mengenai risiko yang berkaitan perlindungan
yang hendak diberi atas seorang pekerja sahaja iaitu, Raja a/l Krishnan.
Plaintif mengelakkan kewajipannya membuat pendedahan atau kewajipan
memberi maklumat tepat tentang pemerolehan polisi-polisi dengan meletakkan
beban ke atas 3 ejen insurans yang didakwa gagal menerangkan “Notis
Penting” dalam dokumen polisi dan/atau kandungan Notis tidak dalam
pengetahuannya disebabkan ejen insurans yang membantunya memperoleh
polisj-polisi insurans dalam milikannya itu gagal menanyakan soalan-soalan
material kepadanya, terutamanya berkaitan pemegangan lessen memandu
yang sah oleh Raja a/l Krishnan. Semasa disoal balas peguam-peguam yang
mewakili Defendan-defendan pada 18/09/2020 dan 23/09/2020, Plaintif
mengatakan kandungan polisi yang diperolehnya terutamanya mengenai terma
Pengecualian itu tidak pernah dijelaskan oleh ejen insurans kepadanya.”.
[46] The Plaintiff contended that the SCJ misdirected herself when she
applied Tan Mooi Sim’s Case (supra) which was decided before Act 758
was enacted by Parliament. Nevertheless, Act 758 did not abolish the duty
to disclose by the consumers but rather, it had codified the duty and made
it an offence under s.129(2) of Act 758 if a person contravened the duty
of disclosure under Paragraph 11 of Schedule 9. The SCJ had made her
findings of fact that the Plaintiff has not abided by the uberrimae fidei duty
and that his version was an afterthought. But Paragraph 5.6 provided if
the disclosure was not pursued further by the insurer, it was deemed
waived. The burden to prove the matter lies on the Defendants. In
Balamoney’s Case (supra), the Court of Appeal stated:
“[49] Under sub-subparas. 5(3)(a) and (b), the respondent may do either of two
things when there is an application to renew the insurance policy. The
respondent may request Selvamani or whoever was renewing the insurance
policy to answer one or more specific questions in accordance with sub-para.
(1). The questions asked being specific questions that are relevant to the
respondent's decision whether or not to accept the risk, and the rates and terms
to be imposed. Alternatively, the respondent may give Selvamani or whoever
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was renewing the insurance policy, a copy of any matter previously disclosed
by Selvamani in relation to the contract and request Selvamani or whoever was
renewing the insurance policy, to confirm or amend any change to the matter.
[50] Where the respondent makes either of these requests, Selvamani or
whoever was renewing the insurance policy, has a duty under sub-para. 5(4)
"to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation to the licensed insurer
when answering any questions under sub-subpara. (3)(a), or confirming or
amending any matter under sub-subpara. (3)(b)''.
[47] From the facts of the case and findings of the SCJ, I found that the
Defendants have discharged this burden of proof. Counsel for Defendant
2 referred to the decision in Tan Siew Wei v Great Eastern Life
Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad [2021] 1 LNS 770, Liberty Insurance
Bhd v Marrison Sidai & Anor [2019] 8 CLJ 380, Etiqa General Takaful
Berhad v Personal Representative of Fatimah Adam (Deceased) &
Ors [2022] 6 CLJ 385 and Ulaganathan Muthiah v Prudential
Assurance (Malaysia) Bhd [2020] 9 CLJ 435 in support of its case on
the issue of pre-contractual disclosure and I agreed with the rationale of
the learned Justices of the High Courts in the abovementioned cases.
[48] In my broad grounds earlier, I had distinguished Balamoney’s Case
(supra). I now give my reasons for doing so. I am of the view that the facts
of that case warranted the Court of Appeal to intervene and grant the
remedy that should have been granted to the appellant, unlike the present
case. The facts were as follows:
“On 28 October 2016, Jayandran Mathan ('Jayandran'), a minor, was riding
pillion on a motorcycle which was involved in a collision with a motor van driven
by the first defendant and owned by the deceased ('Selvamani'). Jayandran's
mother ('the appellant') decided to sue on her son's behalf. As required under s.
96(3) of the Road Transport Act 1987 (‘Road Transport Act’), she served a
notice on the insurer ('the respondent') prior to the filing of the suit ('the civil
suit'). It was, however, discovered that Selvamani had passed away on 20 April
2016, well before the accident. It was also discovered that the insurance policy
that Selvamani had taken with the insurers ('the policy') had expired on 4 May
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2016, after his demise. The policy was nevertheless renewed in Selvamani's
name from 10 May 2016 to 9 May 2017. The respondent filed an originating
summons before the High Court seeking declaratory orders to the effect that it
was not the insurer of the said motor van at the time of the accident; and that
the insurance policy was null and void by reason of a fundamental breach of
the principle of uberrimae fidei or duty of utmost good faith, the breach of which
entitled the respondent to void the insurance contract. The High Court, in
granting the respondent's application, held that when the material fact that
Selvamani had already passed away was not disclosed to the insurer at the
time the insurance policy was renewed by whoever had done the renewal, there
was a breach of the principle of utmost good faith which entitled the insurer to
void the renewed policy. Hence, the appellant appealed against the decision of
the High Court. Held (allowing the appeal and setting aside the judgment of the
High Court):
(1) The declaratory orders sought by the respondent concerned the status and
validity of the insurance contract made not between the parties, but between
the respondent and Selvamani, who was not a party in the appeal. Given the
nature of the issue, its determination by way of an exchange of affidavits
and with the critical parties not before the court was not appropriate. The
respondent's allegations of misrepresentation by Selvamani or by
whoever had renewed the insurance policy without evidence of the
circumstances as to how or when the insurance policy was actually
renewed were necessarily questions of mixed fact and law; and the issue
certainly involved Selvamani as well as the driver of the motor van.
Further, no reasons were proffered as to their absence or lack of
participation in the proceedings before the High Court. The appellant, who
was not a party to the insurance policy, was not in the position to answer
or even deal with the issue(s) posed by the respondent. The circumstances
and conditions surrounding the renewal were clearly beyond the capacity and
remit of the appellant to address, let alone answer. Hence, such applications
ought not to be dealt with in the manner done, especially where the relevant
and necessary parties were not before the court. (paras 21-23)
(4) The respondent had not discharged its burden of proof under s.129 read
together with Schedule 9 of the Financial Services Act so as to be entitled to
the discretionary remedies. It never posed any questions to Selvamani or
whoever was renewing the policy. This court did not see how just the fact that
Selvamani was deceased ipso facto invalidated the renewed policy. This was
incorrect. The whole process or procedure under Schedule 9 must be complied
with and answered. There was no evidence at all of the respondent doing
any of the matters that were mentioned in Schedule 9, especially sub-
para. 5(3) nor of the judge addressing these critical matters. Under such
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conditions, it was not open to the respondent to approach the court and
complain that there was misrepresentation. The failure of the trial judge to
apply s.129 and Schedule 9 was sufficient reason for this court to intervene and
set aside the decision of the trial judge granting the declaration sought under s.
96(3) of the Road Transport Act 1987 (paras 48, 52 & 53)
(5) Devoid of any compliance of the mandatory requirements emplaced
under s. 129 and Schedule 9 of the Financial Services Act, the respondent was
not at all entitled to the orders granted by the High Court. It would be in direct
contravention of s. 129 and Schedule 9 of the Financial Services Act were this
court to condone such breaches. It would bring untold injustice and
prejudice to innocent third parties such as the appellant in this appeal,
the parties who were the intended recipients of the benefits behind ss. 90
and 96 of the Road Transport Act 1987 and s. 129 of the Financial Services
Act. There was no basis for the exercise of discretion in granting the
declarations sought by the respondent. In fact, it would be unjust for the
court to grant such orders. (paras 60 & 63).
[Emphasis added]
[49] The highlighted parts are the distinguishing features of that case
with the present case. The SCJ in this case had heard all the evidence in
a full trial and parties had been given the opportunity to fully ventilate their
issues before the judge, unlike in Balamoney’s Case (supra) which was
by way of exchange of affidavits (presumably by way of an Originating
Summons application). In regard to the last point above, clearly there had
been injustice to the victim’s family where a declaration under s.96(3) of
the RTA was granted and liability avoided in respect of a third-party
insurance such as in that case. I would just add further that in
Balamoney’s Case (supra), the Court of Appeal did mention that
misrepresentation is fact sensitive:
“[45] As can be seen from sub-para. 7(4), much will depend on knowledge on
the part of Selvamani or whoever renewed the insurance policy at the material
time. Whether misrepresentation exists is therefore very much fact
sensitive, confirming our earlier opinion on the unsuitability of how the
whole application was conducted by the High Court. The burden is on the
respondent to prove the existence of misrepresentation; that it would not
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have entered into or renewed the insurance policy had it been aware of
the true facts; and we have no information as to when the policy was
actually submitted for renewal and the circumstances of the renewal.”.
[Emphasis added]
[50] In the present case, having gone through the notes of evidence in
the records of appeal I found that the SCJ had not made any error in her
assessment of the facts and evidence adduced by the Plaintiff and her
observations in regard to the surrounding circumstances of the manner in
which the policies were renewed. It was the Plaintiff’s contention that he
took out the policies as an incentive to his employees but I found that the
“bulk” of the policies amount payable.e. RM840,000.00 was made under
the name of the deceased alone (3 of the policies, except Takaful). He
also admitted that the deceased’s family members did not know about the
policies taken in the name of the deceased and he did not know them
personally (the family members). It appeared that the only beneficiary
of the Group Policy was the Plaintiff.
[51] The Plaintiff contended that the absence of a valid licence/road
tax/insurance were trivial matters. He also contended that the deceased’s
cooupation was a lorry driver and therefore, the absence of a valid
motorcycle licence/road tax/insurance was irrelevant to his death. I agree
with the Defendants’ submissions that these were not trivial matters as it
would in effect have a bearing on the decision of the insurers to take on
the risk of providing coverage for the deceased who was not in possession
of a valid licence. The absence of of a valid licence was specifically spelt
out in their respective exclusion clauses. This also constituted an
“unlawful act” under the policies thereby triggering the exclusion clause
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therein: Allianz General Insurance Malaysia v KL Chan & Associates
[2017] 8 CLJ 517 (COA).
[52] I am mindful of SD3’s evidence that the insured person need not
possess a valid licence at the point of time when the Proposal Form was
submitted as he could obtain one later. What was important for the
insurers would be at the time when a claim was submitted (for instance
due to death of the insured person), whether there was any breach of the
law i.e. he had been riding without a valid licence. SP6’s evidence
admitted the motorcycle was without a valid insurance and road tax.
Therefore, SP6 had breached the provisions of s. 26(1), s.15(1) and
s.90(1) of the RTA.
[53] The Plaintiff contradicted himself when he stated that the
deceased was employed as a lorry driver but the evidence was that
he would drive “the lorry driver” to work in the oil palm plantation.
Obviously, the Court can conclude that the Plaintiff had to do so as he
was fully aware of the fact that the deceased did not possess a valid
driving licence. He condoned this situation and it was clearly against the
provision of s.26(1) of the RTA 1987. On a balance of probability, I
found the Plaintiff’s evidence, that if he had known the deceased did
not possess a valid licence he would have asked the deceased (then)
to obtain one, was inherently improbable. The Plaintiff drove the
deceased to work probably almost everyday (3 times weekly), it was
highly improbable that he did not know or have the opportunity to ask the
latter about it.
[54] A person employed as a lorry driver must possess a valid and full
licence to drive and operate such a “potentially dangerous” vehicle. A
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motorcycle rider too must have a valid licence to ride, even if it was just
an L-licence. That is a requirement of the law and it is proof of one’s
capability and qualification to operate a vehicle be it a motorcycle, car,
lorry, bus or whatever. The Courts should not condone the illegal
behaviour of riding a motorcycle or driving a motor vehicle without a valid
licence, insurance and road tax. The RTA is in place to ensure the safety
of all road users. Full-stop. On this ground alone, I found that the
Defendants were entitled to rely on this exclusion clause (riding/driving
without a licence) to repudiate their respective liabilities: Lee Boon Siong
v Great Eastern Life Assurance Malaysia Berhad [2020] MLJU 1376.
[55] Therefore, separately from the duty of disclosure in respect of the
deceased’s non-possession of a valid licence, I found that the Plaintiff was
not forthcoming about the reason why he wanted to purchase the policies
under the name of the deceased who did not possess a valid licence when
the Plaintiff claimed that he (the deceased) was employed as a lorry
driver: Ulaganathan Muthiah’s Case (supra). This will be discussed
further later in this Grounds of Judgment.
[56] I have answered issues (iv) and (v) in my analysis above. The
Plaintiff as early as at the time when the Proposal Form had been filled up
had not complied with the procedures under Paragraph 5, Schedule 9 to
take care when making the representation whereas the Defendants had
complied with the provisions of the law.
(v) Can the Defendants be allowed to rely on a new ground which was
never raised in the repudiation letter rejecting the Plaintiff’s claim
[57] The new ground was the attempt by the Defendants to avoild liability
by relying on SP1’s (and to a certain extent SP5) evidence that the
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deceased was not wearing a helmet. The repudiation letters all stated that
the insurers would not make the payment despite the Plaintiff’s claims
because the deceased was found to be riding a motorcycle without a valid
licence. This sixth issue was a non-issue as the Court found the exclusion
clauses for each of the 4 insurers pertaining to riding a motorcycle without
a valid licence was sufficient to enable the insurers to repudiate liability.
[58] I refer to Paragraph 7(1)(b) of Schedule 9 which is applicable here
and it provides:
Misrepresentation in respect of insurance contracts
7. (1) Part 3 of this Schedule—
(a) in Division 1, makes provision for a misrepresentation made in relation to a contract
of life insurance, whether or not a consumer insurance contract, which has been
effected for a period of more than two years; and
(b) in Division 2, sets out the remedies available to a licensed insurer for a
misrepresentation made in respect of—
(i) a consumer insurance contract of life insurance which has been
effected for a period of two years or less; and
(ii) a consumer insurance contract of general insurance.
(2) The remedies set out in Division 2 shall be available to a licensed insurer for a
misrepresentation made by a consumer before a consumer insurance contract referred
to in subsubparagraph (1)(b) was entered into, varied or renewed if—
(a) the consumer has made a misrepresentation in breach of his duty under
subparagraph 5(2) or (4); and
(b) the licensed insurer shows that had it known the true facts, it would not have
entered into the contract, or agreed to the variation or renewal, or would only
have done so on different terms.
(3) For the purposes of this Schedule, a misrepresentation for which a licensed insurer
has a remedy in Division 2 against a consumer may be classified as—
(a) deliberate or reckless;
(b) careless; or
(c) innocent.
(4) A misrepresentation is deliberate or reckless if the consumer knew that—
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(a) it was untrue or misleading, or did not care whether or not it was untrue or
misleading; and
(b) the matter to which the misrepresentation related was relevant to the
licensed insurer, or did not care whether or not it was relevant to the insurer.
(5) A misrepresentation made dishonestly is to be regarded as having being made
deliberately or recklessly.
(6) A misrepresentation is careless or innocent, as the case may be, if it is not
deliberate or reckless.
(7) It is for the licensed insurer to show that a misrepresentation was deliberate or
reckless on a balance of probability.
(8) Unless the contrary is shown, it is to be presumed that the consumer knew that a
matter about which the licensed insurer asked a clear and specific question was
relevant to the insurer.
Division 2
Remedies for misrepresentation
Application of Division
14. This Division sets out the remedies available to a licensed insurer for a
misrepresentation by a consumer made in respect of—
(a) a consumer insurance contract of life insurance which has been effected for a
period of two years or less; and
(b) a consumer insurance contract of general insurance.
Remedies for deliberate or reckless misrepresentation
15. If a misrepresentation was deliberate or reckless, a licensed insurer may avoid the
consumer insurance contract and refuse all claims.
[59] From the above there are 3 degrees of “culpability” in respect of
misrepresentation by a consumer, namely deliberate or reckless, careless
or innocent. In paragraph 7(5), a misrepresentation made dishonestly is
to be regarded as having being made deliberately or recklessly. I had
concluded earlier from the evidence, that the Plaintiff was fully aware of
the fact that the deceased did not possess a valid licence and which was
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why he drove the deceased to work in the plantation. This wilful act of the
Plaintiff smacks of dishonest misrepresentation!
[60] Section 26(1) of the RTA provides:
“26. (1) Kecuali sebagaimana diperuntukkan selainnya dalam Akta ini, tiada
seorang pun boleh memandu sesuatu kenderaan motor daripada apa-apa
kelas atau perihalan, di sesuatu jalan melainkan jika dia adalah pemegang
sesuatu lesen memandu yang membenarkannya memandu sesuatu
kenderaan motor daripada kelas atau perihalan itu, dan tiada seorang pun
boleh mengambil kerja atau membenarkan seseorang lain memandu
sesuatu kenderaan motor di jalan melainkan jika orang yang diambil kerja
atau dibenarkan memandu itu adalah pemegang sesuatu lesen memandu
[61] The evidence of SP6, the Plaintiff’s own witness also confirmed that
the Plaintiff would send the deceased to work when the fact was that the
deceased was employed to work as a lorry driver. In my view, this is the
most material of all facts in this case when the Plaintiff did not disclose
that the deceased only possessed an expired L-licence.
[62] The law has not abolished the duty to disclose on the part of the
consumer and that in this case and this Court opines that we should not
miss the forest for the trees. We must not lose focus of the fact that it was
the Plaintiff who wanted to take out the policies of insurance from the
insurers to cover his employee(s) allegedly as an incentive to the
deceased. Was he acting honestly when he purchased the policies? He
had been employing the deceased since 10.5.2017 as a lorry driver
despite knowing the deceased did not have a licence, drove him to
work in the plantation 3 times weekly and then in October 2017,
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purchased the policies from Defendants 1, 2 and 4 to cover him
alone. Meanwhile, the Takaful policy was purchased in late 2016.
[63] The SCJ further noted the submission of the Defendant 2 in the
grounds of judgment:
“[149] Berdasarkan jawapan SP7 kepada soalan-soalan semasa pemeriksaan
balas yang bermula pada 18/09/2020, SP7 mengaku sebenarnya bahawa
selain polisi kemalangan diri yang diambil untuk pekerja, dia juga memperoleh
polisi kemalangan diri untuk diri sendiri dan memiliki insurans bagi kenderaan
bermotor yang dimiliki iaitu 2 buah motorvan Hilux, 4 buah lori (muatan 1 dan
3 tan) dan mesin jengkaut meratakan tanah. SP7 juga memiliki lesen memandu
kenderaan bermotor yang sah dan lesen menunggang motorsikal. SP7 tidak
perlu dijelaskan tentang keperluan mematuhi peruntukan Akta Pengangkutan
Jalan 1987 dan dirumuskan sebagai seorang yang celik undang-undang
jalanraya serta didedahkan dengan keperluan memiliki perlindungan insurans!
Malah, Plaintif adalah seorang peniaga yang sangat cerdik yang celik angka/
matematik kerana dalam setiap polisi yang dibeli olehnya sebagai majikan, dia
yang memainkan peranan yang penting dalam memperolehi fakta dan angka
untuk dimasukkan dalam polisi; pihak Plaintif juga yang membayar premium
bagi orang yang diinsuranskan bagi kesemua polisi atas penama yang sama
iaitu Raja a/l Krishnan (si mati). Sekiranya terjadi kematian kemalangan
menimpa pekerjanya Raja a/l Krishnan, jumlah pampasan yang akan
dipungutnya akan mencecah RM1j.
[150] Rumusan dibuat oleh peguam Defendan berkait motif SP7 (yang
sepatutnya dipertanggungkan membuat pendedahan maklumat) semasa
pemerolehan polisi insurans atas nama Raja a/l Krishnan adalah berdasarkan
kedudukan kewangan SP7 yang kurang kukuh dan jumlah pampasan yang
bakal diperoleh SP7 sekiranya terjadi kematian kemalangan menimpa Raja a/l
Krishnan. Oleh itu, motif pengambilan 4 polisi Kemalangan Diri atas nama Raja
a/l Krishnan itu bukanlah untuk perlindungan risiko kecederaan atau kematian
kemalangan si mati tetapi ada niat mendapat pampasan yang hampir RM1j...
Plaintif telahpun berpengalaman memperoleh pelbagai insurans termasuklah
pemerolehan polisi perlindungan insurans kemalangan diri untuk perlindungan
Takaful bagi dirinya sendiri sejak 2016, selain memperoleh insurans
perlindungan kenderaan bermotor seperti jentera jengkaut, 4 buah Iori muatan
1 dan 3 tan, juga kenderaan pacuan 4 roda iaitu 2 buah Hilux!”.
[64] In Ulaganathan Muthiah’s Case (supra), the learned High Court
Judge held that:
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“Clearly, the deceased knew that his answers to the questions in the proposal
form were untrue or misleading. He did not care whether or not they were untrue
or misleading and had acted in breach of his duty of uberrimae fidei. His
answers were relevant to the defendant for its assessment of the risks and
whether to accept the risks … if the defendant had known of the non-disclosed
information or deliberate and/or reckless misrepresentation, which clearly
increased the defendant’s insurance risk, the defendant would either not have
entered into the insurance policy or it would have done so on different terms.”.
[65] The court in that case concluded that pursuant to paragraphs
7(1)(b), 7(2), 7(4), 7(8) and (15) of Schedule 9, the defendant was entitled
to avoid the policy and to refuse all claims under the policy by reason of
the deceased’s breach of his duty of uberrimae fidei and to reject the
plaintiff’s claim. I need not go any further then to conclude that Paragraph
15 is applicable in these cases and it enables the insurers to avoid the
consumer insurance contract and refuse all claims. If Paragraph 5 is to be
upheld at all times in favour on the consumers, why does Act 758 also
provide for remedies for insurers when misrepresentation is proved?
(vi) Should section 114(g) Evidence Act 1950 be invoked against the
Defendants for failure to call as a witness their authorised agent(s)
who filled up the proposal form on behalf of the Plaintiff
[66] It was submitted for the Plaintiff that s.114(g) of the Evidence Act
1950 should have been invoked by the SCJ against the Defendants for
their failure to call the 3 agents as witnesses in the trial. However, I found
that as the Plaintiff himself had subpoenaed them and then dismissed
them without calling them to testify on his behalf, the presumption of
adverse inference in s.114(g) cannot be applied in his favour.
[67] In the often-cited case of Munusamy v PP [1987] 1 MLJ 492, the
Supreme court held:
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"Adverse inference under that illustration can only be drawn if there is
withholding or suppression of evidence and not merely on account of failure to
obtain evidence. It may be drawn from withholding not just any document, but
material document by a party in his possession, or for non-production of not just
any witness but an important and material witness to the case."
[68] The Plaintiff contended, inter alia, an adverse inference ought to be
drawn against the Defendants because it was for the Defendants to prove
that they have complied with the provisions of Schedule 9. The failure of
the agents to explain to him his duty of disclosure and/or the failure of the
agent to properly explain the question in the proposal form amounted to a
breach of the insurer’s duty under Act 758. The Defendant 1’s counsel
submitted (paragraphs 10-10.4 of Encl.68), that the Plaintiff did not raise
this presumption in the trial. In order to invoke the presumption, there must
be withholding or suppression of evidence, which the Defendants did not
commit as the Plaintiff had subpoenaed the agents and later dismissed
them. Since it was the decision of the Plaintiff to not put them in the
witness stand, thus the Court must not punish the Defendants for the
Plaintiff’s decision aforesaid.
[69] I refer to paragraphs 250-251 of the grounds of judgment below:
“[250] Hujah tentang isu yang dibangkitkan mengenai pemakaian seksyen 114
perlu dipertimbangkan dengan merujuk kepada persetujuan peguam Plaintif
pada 15/01/2020 untuk tidak meneruskan panggilan sepina berkaitan Borang
Cadangan yang diisikan oleh ejen bagi pihak Plaintif. Dengan berbuat
demikian, Plaintif diestop untuk tidak menimbulkan isu pemakaian seksyen 114
terhadap Defendan, sebaliknya Plaintif sendiri yang terhalang membangkitkan
apa-apa isu tentang pemanggilan ejen insurans untuk memberi keterangan di
hadapan Mahkamah setelah bersetuju mengetepikan hak Plaintif untuk
mendapatkan keterangan ejen-ejen insurans yang memberi khidmat mereka
untuk mengisikan Borang Cadangan untuk memperoleh polisipolisi insurans
bagi pihak Plaintif.
[251] Ternyata, Borang Cadangan yang membentuk kontrak insurans
ditandatangan oleh Plaintif sendiri. Justeru, 3 saksi yang disepina oleh Plaintif
itu tidak diperlukan memberi keterangan mengenai apa-apa butiran yang telah
dinyatakan dalam Borang Cadangan kerana kewajipan membuat pendedahan
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fakta material termasuklah mengenai pemerolehan Polisi adalah kewajipan di
pihak Plaintif, bukanlah ejen Plaintif yang menurunkan tandatangannya atas
semua Borang Cadangan dan semua butiran diaku benar oleh Plaintif, bukan
ejen yang mengisi Borang. Ketiga- tiga mereka dilepaskan dan dikecualikan
kehadiran memberi keterangan bagi pihak Plaintif dalam kes di sini.
[70] The SCJ found that the Defendants had discharged their duties
under Act 758 since the Plaintiff had signed the acknowledgement clause,
that the Plaintiff admitted the agent Fong Kok Wai did ask him questions
in the Proposal Form and the agent filled it. As such, adverse inference
need not be invoked against any of the parties in these circumstances.
[71] To end this issue, I would also briefly allude at this stage to the point
raised by the Plaintiff that being members of LIAM, it was incumbent upon
the insurers to make background checks with each other upon receving
the Plaintiff’s proposal forms through their respective agents. Specifically,
I refer to paragraphs 107 – 108 of the SCJ’s grounds of judgment:
“[107] Dicabar semasa pemeriksaan balas mengenai butiran dalam Borang
Cadangan Yang Ditanda tangan oleh Plaintif bagi Polisi Kemalangan Diri
Ultima V3 / Berjaya Sompo Insurance [ekshibit P32, Encl. 45, Ikatan D di muka
surat 85- 87] dengan pengataan bahawa Defendan boleh menyemak status
polisi sedia ada dan status lesen memandu yang dimiliki si mati, SD3 tidak
bersetuju bahawa pada masa itu terdapat keperluan atau tanggungan ke
atas Defendan untuk membuat apa-apa carian atau semakan status
pemerolehan polisi-polisi insurans yang sedia ada milik Plaintif.
[108] SD3 menekankan bahawa Plaintif yang bertanggungan untuk mematuhi
“prinsip uberimae fidei atau niat suci hati” dan mendedahkan fakta
pemerolehan polisi-polisi insurans yang sedia ada miliknya di bulan Oktober
2018, semasa Plaintif memperbaharu polisi-polisi insurans atau semasa Plaintif
mengisi borang cadangan bagi mendapatkan polisi insurans baru yang
melibatkan orang yang dinsurankan yang sama iaitu Raja a/l Krishnan.”.
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[72] Since I have made my decision that the representation was made
dishonestly in 2017, I do not consider it necessary to address at length
the issue of locus standi that was discussed by the SCJ upon submission
of Defendant 2’s counsel. She has ruled that the Plaintiff did not have
locus standi to bring the claim as he was not a nominee of the deceased.
If the policies were taken out without dishonest misrepresentation on the
part of the Plaintiff, I would agree with the Defendant 2’s submission that
the family of the deceased stood as the rightful beneficiaries of the policies
and the Plaintiff, as the employer, would be the right person to commence
the claims on behalf of the deceased’s family members. Paragraph 8 of
Schedule 10 may be applicable here (refer to paragraphs 22-30 of
Defendant 2’s written submissions).
[73] Lastly, I will briefly touch on the issue of ex turpi non causa oritur
that was raised by the Defendants in this appeal. Defendant’s counsel
submitted at para 8 - 8.5 that the maxim applied since the deceased was
riding without a safety helmet and also without a valid license. Counsel
submitted that the Court should not lend its aid to a man whose cause of
action was founded upon an illegal act. The Plaintiff submitted that the
maxim applied to minor or trivial offences e.g. traffic violations. Counsel
for the Plaintiff tried to trivialise the issue by stating the violations were
punishable with fines and that the present case was on all fours with the
recent Court of Appeal case of Ahmad Zulfendi Anuar v Mohd Shahril
Abdul Rahman [2022] 9 CLJ 307 where the plaintiff did not hold a valid
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licence to ride a motorcycle which also had not road tax and no policy of
insurance against third party risks. The Court of Appeal went on to hold:
“While violation of traffic laws must only be dealt with under the specific laws
creating the relevant offences, such as in the Road Transport Act 1987 (“RTA”),
the RTA does not contain any provision which restrict, let alone prohibit, the
rights of any road user from making personal injury claims by reason of the
claimant breaching the RTA, including in respect of the requirement for holding
the requisite licence, road tax and insurance.”.
[74] In Tay Lye Seng & Anor v. Nazori Teh & Anor [1998] 3 CLJ 466
the Court of Appeal held (per Siti Norma Yaakob JCA):
“[1] While public policy would defeat any claim based on illegality, a
balance has to be drawn based on the peculiar facts and circumstances
of each case.
[2] The maxim ex turpi causa non oritur actio has limited application in tort. The
role of the maxim lies mainly and most exclusively in actions based on contract.
[3] The fact that the first respondent had no valid work permit per se, could not
affect his claim for loss of earnings in Singapore. This was because the first
respondent was working legally in Singapore initially. He had a valid work
permit issued by the Singapore authorities but unfortunately that expired four
months before the accident. The obligation to renew the work permit laid
squarely with the first respondent’s employers and since there was no evidence
that the had done so the first respondent had therefore not been culpably
responsible for the predicament that he later found himself to be in. In these
circumstances, the maxim ex turpi causa non oritur actio lacked moral
justification and was not applicable in this appeal.”.
[Emphasis added]
[75] The Sessions Court Judge (SCJ) in her very lengthy grounds of
judgment summarised the evidence and findings of SP1 in paragraphs
33-38 on the deceased’s liability. It was submitted that here the illegal act
was of the deceased not the Plaintiff. Moreover, it was SP6 who owed the
duty as the owner of the motorcycle to make sure it had a valid insurance
cover and road tax at all time of and it the deceased must have a valid
licence when riding the motorcycle; the Plaintiff cannot be faulted since
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the breaches of the RTA were by SP6 and the deceased. This argument
does not hold water in my view. At the risk of repeating myself, I reiterate
the fact that it was the Plaintiff in the first instance who had not made a
true representation of the deceased’s status of not having a valid licence
when he purchased the policies. The above case can be distinguished on
the facts as here, the claims were founded on illegal act of the Plaintiff in
making a dishonest representation to the insurers.
[76] I have considered the submissions and case laws cited by the
Plaintiff but I am unable to agree with his position. He has misconstrued
the law in regard to the duty to take care to disclose material facts to the
insurers. The facts of the case showed that the Plaintiff’s claims were
untenable wherein the insurers can repudiate the contract in accordance
with Paragraph 15 of Schedule 9.
[77] The Plaintiff had failed to prove his claims on a balance of
probabilities and therefore, the SCJ dismissed the claims. It was
unnecessary for me to disturb the decisions of the SCJ. Premised on the
above considerations, I dismissed the 4 appeals with costs.
Appeals dismissed with costs.
Dated 24 January 2024
Judicial Commissioner
High Court of Malaya, Taiping
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For the Appellant:
Ms. Shuroma Guha Thakurta
Messrs Manjit & Co., Bukit Mertajam
For the Respondents:
For The Pacific Insurance Berhad
Mr. Ananth Shanmugam
Messrs. Azim, Tunku Farik & Wong, Kuala Lumpur
For Berjaya Sompo Insurance Berhad
Ms. Vinoshini Saminathan
Messrs. Isharidah, Ho, Chong & Menon, Kuala Lumpur
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| 115,219 | Tika 2.6.0 |
DA-22NCvC-29-05/2019 | PLAINTIF 1. ) WON HAN CHAI 2. ) WON HANG HOO DEFENDAN 1. ) ON A WAN @ WAN HAN CHUAN 2. ) WON ENG SOON | WASIAT - sama ada 3 Wasiat Tersebut yang dikatakan dibuat oleh Si Mati terbatal dan tidak sah berdasarkan kepada satu atau semua alasan berikut - Si Mati tidak mempunyai keupayaan berwasiat pada masa material - terdapat keadaan sekeliling yang meragukan dalam membuat 3 Wasiat Tersebut - Pihak Defendan telah menggunakan pengaruh tidak berpatutan (undue influence) ke atas Si Mati dalam memastikan penyediaan dan pelaksanaan 3 Wasiat Tersebut - sama ada penemuan dan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi dalam Kes No.1 dan keputusan rayuan oleh Mahkamah Rayuan menimbulkan suatu halangan di bawah doktrin res judicata dan/atau estoppel secara terhad atau meluas dalam dakwaan Pihak Defendan berhubung dengan keupayaan Si Mati untuk berwasiat dan/atau keujudan keadaan yang meragukan dan/atau pengaruh tidak berpatutan dalam memastikan keujudan 3 Wasiat Tersebut - sama ada Si Mati meninggal dunia tanpa berwasiat - sama ada Pihak Plaintif perlu melantik Pentadbir Pesaka Si Mati dan diberikan Surat Mentadbir Pesaka. | 25/01/2024 | YA Dato' Roslan Bin Abu Bakar | |
Microsoft Word - DA-22NCVC-29-05-2019
[1] Pihak Plaintif dalam tuntutan ini antara lainnya memohon untuk
mengenepikan tiga buah wasiat masing-masing bertarikh 7.4.2014,
18.5.2014 dan 12.6.2014 (selepas ini dipanggil “3 Wasiat
Tersebut”) sebagai tidak sah dan terbatal.
[2] Plaintif 1 dan Plaintif 2 adalah saudara lelaki kepada Si Mati,
manakala Defendan 1 (telah meninggal dunia) juga adalah saudara
lelaki Si Mati dan Defendan 2 (anak Defendan 1) menjadi wakil diri
dalam pertikaian ini.
[3] Mendiang Won Siok Wan (selepas ini dipanggil “Si Mati”) adalah
pembuat wasiat kepada 3 Wasiat Tersebut dan satu lagi wasiat
bertarikh 19.6.2014 (selepas ini dipanggil “Wasiat Tidak Sah)”).
Sebelum kes ini, Plaintif 1 dan seorang lagi telah berjaya
mengenepikan Wasiat Tidak Sah sebagai tidak sah dan terbatal
pada 21.9.2017 oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Kota Bharu vide DA-
22NCVC-8-03/2016 (selepas ini dipanggil “Kes No. 1”) antara
lainnya atas alasan tidak menggambarkan niat Si Mati, keadaan
yang meragukan (suspicious circumstances) dan keupayaan Si
Mati untuk membuat wasiat (testamentary capacity). Keputusan
Mahkamah Tinggi ini telah disahkan oleh oleh Mahkamah Rayuan
pada 11.4.2018.
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DA-22NCvC-29-05/2019 Kand. 82
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[4] Selepas pelupusan Wasiat Tidak Sah dalam Kes No.1, Pihak
Plaintif mendapati ada tiga lagi wasiat lain (3 Wasiat Tersebut) yang
dibuat oleh Si Mati sebelum dia meninggal dunia pada 5.7.2014.
[5] Isu-isu yang perlu dibicarakan adalah:
(i) sama ada 3 Wasiat Tersebut yang dikatakan dibuat oleh Si
Mati terbatal dan tidak sah berdasarkan kepada satu atau
semua alasan berikut:
a) Si Mati tidak mempunyai keupayaan berwasiat pada
masa material.
b) terdapat keadaan sekeliling yang meragukan dalam
membuat 3 Wasiat Tersebut.
c) Pihak Defendan telah menggunakan pengaruh tidak
berpatutan (undue influence) ke atas Si Mati dalam
memastikan penyediaan dan pelaksanaan 3 Wasiat
(ii) sama ada penemuan dan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi dalam
Kes No.1 dan keputusan rayuan oleh Mahkamah Rayuan
menimbulkan suatu halangan di bawah doktrin res judicata
dan/atau estoppel secara terhad atau meluas dalam dakwaan
Pihak Defendan berhubung dengan keupayaan Si Mati untuk
berwasiat dan/atau keujudan keadaan yang meragukan
dan/atau pengaruh tidak berpatutan dalam memastikan
keujudan 3 Wasiat Tersebut.
(iii)Ekoran dari itu:
a) sama ada Si Mati meninggal dunia tanpa berwasiat.
b) sama ada Pihak Plaintif perlu melantik Pentadbir
Pesaka Si Mati dan diberikan Surat Mentadbir Pesaka.
Kes Pihak Plaintif
[6] Secara ringkasnya intipati kes/hujahan Pihak Plaintif adalah
bahawa penemuan serta keputusan Kes No. 1 adalah relevan dan
penting kepada kes ini kerana melibatkan isu-isu yang sama yang
perlu diputuskan oleh mahkamah dalam perbicaraan ini iaitu:
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(i) niat Si Mati dalam membuat 3 Wasiat Tersebut.
(ii) keupayaan Si Mati untuk membuat wasiat pada bulan Mei dan
Jun 2014.
(iii) terdapatnya keadaan yang mencurigakan dalam penyediaan
3 Wasiat Tersebut iaiitu peranan Defendan 1, peranan
peguam yang menyediakan wasiat-wasiat berkenaan dan
ketiadaan doktor atau pakar yang memberikan
pendapat/nasihat berhubung dengan keadaan mental Si Mati
pada masa material.
(iv) terdapatnya pengaruh tidak berpatutan ke atas Si Mati dalam
penyediaan dan pembuatan wasiat-wasiat tersebut.
(v) saksi-saksi Pihak Defendan tidak kredible dan tidak boleh
[7] Oleh yang demikian disebabkan Mahkamah Tinggi dalam Kes No.
1 telah meneliti dan telah menutuskan Kes No. 1 berdasarkan
alasan yang sama, maka dihujahkan doktrin res judicata adalah
terpakai dalam perbicaraan ini.
Kes Pihak Defendan
[8] Pihak Defendan menghujahkan antara lainnya, pertamanya,
tuntutan Pihak Plaintif ini adalah merupakan suatu “probate action”
kerana melibatkan “contentious probate proceedings”. Oleh yang
demikian Aturan 72, Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 (selepas ini
dipanggil “KKM 2012”) adalah terpakai. Aturan 72 adalah
mandatori dan kegagalan mematuhinya adalah fatal kepada kes
Pihak Plaintif (prinsip kes Kok Chee Yoong & Anor v Wong Lee
Yuen [2018 MLRAU 265 CA).
[9] Kedua, Pihak Defendan menghujahkan doktrin res judicata tidak
terpakai dalam kes ini kerana Kes No. 1 hanya melibatkan suatu
wasiat sahaja (Wasiat Tidak Sah) dan tidak melibatkan 3 Wasiat
Tersebut. Selain dari itu isu-isu, perkara pokok (subject matter) dan
saksi-saksi adalah berbeza.
[10] Ketiga, Pihak Defendan menghujahkan mereka telah berjaya
melepaskan beban untuk menunjukkan bahawa Si mati mempunyai
keupayaan membuat wasiat, menandatanganinya dan memberikan
efek kepada 3 Wasiat Tersebut.
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Penelitian dan penemuan mahkamah
[11] Mahkamah akan bermula dengan penghujahan Pihak Defendan
bahawa Pihak Plaintif telah gagal mematuhi keperluan Aturan 72,
KKM 2012 kerana tidak memfailkan “Affidavit of Testamentary
Scripts” dalam suatu “contentious probate proceedings”.
[12] Saya mendapati tujuan Aturan 72, Kaedah 9, KKM 2012
memperuntukan sedemikian adalah kerana pertama, memberikan
detail apa yang termaktub dalam scripts (wasiat) Si Mati. Kedua,
adalah untuk memaklumkan dimana scripts (wasiat) itu berada.
[13] Saya bersetuju dengan hujahan Pihak Plaintif bahawa mereka telah
mematuhi keperluan aturan tersebut tetapi tanpa melabelkannya
secara khusus sebagai “Affidavit of Testamentary Scripts”. Afidavit-
afidavit seperti keperluan aturan tersebut telah pun difailkan oleh
Pihak Plaintif diperingkat probate/letter of administration sebelum
memulakan writ saman ini. Malah dalam ikatan dokumen yang
difailkan dalam kes ini juga telah dimasukkan affidavit-afidavit
tersebut. Ini dapat dilihat dalam Bundle A5, muka surat 796, affidavit
oleh Ong Chin Siong [SP1] yang diikrarkan pada 28.1.2019, Bundle
A4, muka surat 482, affidavit oleh Won Hai Chai [SP3] yang
diikrarkan pada 19.12.2018, Bundle A5, muka surat 482, affidavit
oleh Won Chin Siong [SP3] yang diikrarkan pada 19.12.2018.
[14] Saya berpendapat afidavit-afidavit ini telah mencukupi untuk Pihak
Defendan mengetahui butiran dalam wasiat dan dimana wasiat
tersebut berada serta mematuhi keperluan Aturan 72, Kaedah 9,
KKM 2012. Ini selaras dengan keputusan kes In the matter of the
estate of Patrick Dempsey. Michael Prendergast, Plaintiff v
Liam Mcloughlin, Defendant [2010] 3 IR 445:
“[27] It is also necessary to have regard to the fact that, in
testamentary litigation, the plaintiff and defendant must
file what is known as an affidavit of scripts or affidavit
as to scripts. The relevant requirement is to disclose,
by affidavit, all testamentary scripts of the deceased,
executed or unexecuted, which have at any time come
into the possession or knowledge of the parties. The
affidavit concerned must describe any testamentary
script of the deceased whose estate is the subject of
the action of which the deponent has any knowledge
or, if it be the case, state that the deponent knows of
no such script…
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[29] As can be seen from the above, procedural rules on
affidavits as to scripts clearly envisage that such an
affidavit should disclose all written instructions which
are in the possession or knowledge of the deponent.
The definition of scripts does not seem to cover any
oral instructions.”
[15] Selanjutnya saya meneliti pula kepada merit kes. Pada masa
material (2014), Si Mati berumur 59 tahun. Si Mati disahkan
mengidap kanser pancreas tahap 4 pada bulan Februari 2014.
Penyakit ini kemudiannya merebak ke bahagian paru-paru dan liver.
Si Mati dimasukkan ke Hospital Selayang, Selangor untuk rawatan.
Pada sekitar bulan tersebut hingga Mac 2014, Si Mati dihinggapi
penyakit jaundis. Di hospital berkenaan, Si Mati menjalani beberapa
prosedur rawatan, namun penyakit jaundis datang semula.
[16] Pada sekitar bulan Mac-April 2014, Si Mati dimasukkan pula ke
Hospital KPJ, Kota Bharu, Kelantan kerana mengidap penyakit
demam yang tinggi dan inflammation of bile duct (selain dari
penyakit kanser dan jaundis). Selanjutnya Si Mati dipindahkan ke
Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab 2, Kota Bharu, Kelantan pada
14.5.2014. Semasa di hospital ini, Si Mati telah dimasukan antibiotic
[17] Pada 11.6.2014, Si Mati dimasukkan pula ke Hospital Universiti
Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan untuk prosedur rawatan
“percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage” kerana terdapatnya
infection on pancreatic duct”. Kemudian pada 15.6.2014, Si Mati
dipindahkan semula ke Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab 2.
[18] Disebabkan penyakitnya bertambah teruk dan tempoh hayat yang
singkat, Si Mati dikeluarkan dari hospital berkenaan dan dibawa
pulang ke rumahnya. Pada 5.7.2014, Si Mati meninggal dunia iaitu
lebih kurang 5 bulan setelah dikesan mengidap kanser tahap 4.
[19] Bermula dari bulan April 2014 hingga Jun 2014, Si Mati telah
menyediakan sebanyak 4 buah wasiat iaitu wasiat bertarikh
7.4.2014 (eksibit D1), wasiat bertarikh 18.5.2014 (D2), wasiat
bertarikh 12.6.2014 (D3) dan wasiat bertarikh 19.6.2014 (Wasiat
Tidak Sah). Keempat-empat wasiat ini mempunyai ciri-ciri yang
sama iaitu:
(i) niat Si Mati
(ii) harta-harta yang sama.
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(iii) disediakan oleh seorang peguam bernama Ting Hun Ying
(selepas ini dipanggil “Ms Ting”) dari Tetuan Zaid Ibrahim
& Co.
(iv) disaksikan oleh saksi-saksi yang sama iaitu Ms Ting dan
seorang lagi bernama Wee Siok Cheng (selepas ini
dipanggil “Mdm Wee”).
(v) Plaintif, Defendan dan ahli-ahli keluarga telah dinamakan
sebagai benefisiari.
(vi) Pihak Defendan menjadi executors.
[20] Alasan-alasan yang digunakan untuk mengenepikan keempat-
empat wasiat berkenaan adalah hampir sama iaitu berkisar kepada:
(a) Si Mati tidak mempunyai keupayaan berwasiat pada masa
material (tahap kesihatan).
(b) keadaan sekeliling yang meragukan dalam membuat wasiat.
(c) Pihak Defendan telah menggunakan pengaruh tidak
berpatutan (undue influence) ke atas Si Mati dalam
memastikan penyediaan dan pelaksanaan wasiat-wasiat
[21] Berdasarkan kepada keterangan-keterangan yang dikemukakan
dalam perbicaraan ini, saya mendapati terdapat persamaan fakta,
isu, tuntutan, pihak-pihak dan harta terlibat seperti yang telah
dibicarakan dan diputuskan dalam Kes No.1. Sehubungan itu saya
bersetuju dengan hujahan Pihak Plaintif bahawa Kes No. 1 adalah
relevan dan berkait rapat dengan fakta-fakta material kes ini.
[22] Isu-isu utama seperti niat Si Mati kepada siapa untuk mewasiatkan
hartanya, keupayaan Si Mati membuat wasiat (melibatkan keadaan
kesihatan Si Mati), keujudan keadaan yang meragukan dalam
penyediaan serta pembuatan wasiat dan pengaruh tidak berpatutan
dari orang-orang sekeliling Si Mati telah pun diteliti dan
dipertimbangkan oleh Yang Arif Hakim dalam Kes No. 1. Kesemua
isu inilah yang dapat menentukan sama ada wasiat-wasiat yang
dibuat Si Mati adalah sah atau tidak.
[23] Walau pun Kes No. 1 hanya melibatkan satu wasiat sahaja (Wasiat
Tidak Sah), namun pertimbangannya juga adalah terpakai kepada
3 Wasiat Tersebut jika ketiga-tiga wasiat dalam kes ini dibicara
dalam Kes No. 1. Ini bermaksud penelitian, penemuan dan
keputusan Kes No. 1 berhubung dengan isu-isu di atas menjadi
finality dan adalah sama dengan kita yang dibicarakan ini.
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[24] Sehubungan itu saya berpendapat doktrin res judicata adalah
terpakai dalam kes ini selaras dengan prinsip mantap dalam kes
Cheng Hang Guan & Ors v Perumahan Farlim (Penang) Sdn
Bhd & Ors [1988] 3 MLJ 93:
“For a judicial decision to operate as res judicata, it must be
final in the sense that it leaves nothing to be judicially
determined or ascertained thereafter in order to render it
effective and capable of execution, and is absolute, complete,
and certain, and when it is not lawfully subject to subsequent
rescission, review or modification by the tribunal which
pronounced it. The true test of res judicata in its wider sense
or issue estoppel may be stated thus: has there been a final
determination of the issue? That is the crucial factor.
Cheng Hang Guan & Ors v Perumahan Farlim
(Penang) Sdn Bhd & Ors [1988] 3 MLJ 90 at p. 93 @
[Tab 12, PBA] [p. 213, Encl. 75].
Lin Wen-Chih & Anor v Pacific Forest Industries Sdn
Bhd & Anor [2021] 4 MLJ 367 (CA) at [188] @ [Tab 13,
PBA] [p. 269, Encl. 75] 158.
Asia Commercial Finance (M) Berhad v Kawal Teliti Sdn Bhd
[1995] 1 MLRA 611 FC:
“[23] What is res judicata? It simply means a matter
dadjudged, and its significance lies in its effect of
creating an estoppel per rem judicature. When a matter
between two parties has been adjudicated by a Court
of competent jurisdiction, the parties and their privies
are not permitted to litigate once more the res judicata,
because the judgment becomes the truth between
such parties, or in other words, the parties should
accept it as the truth; res judicata pro veritate accipitur.
The public policy of the law is that it is in the public
interest that there should be finality in litigation -
interest rei publicae ut sit finis litium. It is only just that
no one ought to be vexed twice for the same cause of
action - nemo debet bis vexari pro eadem causa. Both
maxims are the rationales for the doctrine of res
judicata, but the earlier maxim has the further elevated
status of a question of public policy.”
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[25] Bagi tujuan melengkapkan penghakiman ini saya merujuk kepada
keupayaan Si Mati membuat wasiat (testamentary capacity).
Tempoh di mana Si Mati dikesan mengidap kanser pancreas
peringkat 4 iaitu pada bulan Februari 2014 hingga beliau meninggal
dunia pada 5.7.2014 adalah selama lebih kurang lima bulan. Dalam
tempoh itu penyakit kanser merebak pula ke bahagian paru-paru
dan liver. Kemudian ditambah lagi dengan penyakit-penyakit lain
seperti jaundis, penyakit demam yang tinggi dan inflammation of
bile duct.
[26] Dalam mengubati penyakit-penyakit tersebut, prosedur antibiotic
intravenously telah dilakukan kepada Si Mati. Menurut Dr. Zuad
Firdaus bin Rapiah dari Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab 2 yang
memberikan keterangan dalam Kes No. 1, menyatakan antibiotik
tersebut memberikan kesan confusion, altered sensorium and
altered behavior kepada Si Mati. Kesan ini akan menyebabkan Si
Mati mengalami hallucination and experience decreased level of
consciousness (muka surat 296-297, Bundle A).
[27] Selepas itu Si Mati juga diberikan satu lagi antibiotic jenis
“Ertapenem” yang memberikan kesan sampingan seperti sakit
kepala, a confused state of mind, hallucianations and experience
decreased level of consciousness (muka surat 299, Bundle A).
[28] Merujuk kepada keadaan kesihatan dan rekod perubatan Si Mati ini,
sebagai seorang yang munasabah tentu akan dapat memahami
kesakitan, kesedihan, tekanan dan ketakutan kepada Si Mati.
Tambahan pula kanser di bahagian pancreas adalah di tahap 4 dan
kebiasaannya sukar lagi untuk semboh. Keadaan-keadaan ini telah
menyebabkan Si Mati “terlihat” lembaga-lembaga nenek
moyangnya dan memerlukan rawatan spiritual Taoist dan Buddhist.
Keterangan SP1, SP2 dan SP3 menyokong kepada keadaan
kesihatan Si Mati pada masa material.
[29] Keadaan-keadaan ini pada pendapat saya tidak membolehkan Si
Mati mempunyai keupayaan untuk berwasiat lagi dan tiada lagi
dalam pemikirannya untuk membuat wasiat dengan memberikan
harta-harta tertentu kepada ahli keluarga. Perlu diingat Si Mati
mempunyai sebanyak 27 buah harta untuk diwasiatkan. Dari jumlah
tersebut, sebanyak 24 buah harta dalam wasiat bertarikh 7.4.2014
diberikan kepada Defendan 1, 25 buah harta dalam wasiat bertarikh
18.5.2014 diberikan kepada Defendan 1 dan 26 buah harta dalam
wasiat bertarikh 12.6.2014 diberikan kepada Defendan 1.
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[30] Saya berpendapat dengan keadaan fikiran Si Mati yang bercelaru,
tidak stabil dan tidak fokus, daya ingatan sememangnya telah
berkurangan. Dengan itu tidak mungkin Si Mati dapat
memperincikan setiap butiran hartanya kepada Ms Ting untuk
disediakan 3 Wasiat Tersebut. Keupayaannya memberikan butir-
butir 24 hingga 26 buah hartanya kepada Ms Ting menimbulkan
suatu keadaan yang mencurigakan.
[31] Seorang doktor pakar perlu dipanggil pada masa material bagi
mengesahkan keadaan mental Si Mati sebelum boleh dikatakan
berupaya membuat wasiat. Surat perubatan bertarikh 18.5.2014
oleh Dr. Rosemi Salleh yang digunakan oleh Pihak Defendan
adalah tidak mencukupi kerana Dr Rosemi sendiri mengakui dia
bukanlah pakar dalam bidang kesihatan mental.
[32] Tambahan pula yang mendapat faedah terbanyak dalam 3 Wasiat
Tersebut adalah Defendan 1. Keterangan menunjukkan Defendan
1 mempunyai hubungan perniagaan dengan Ms Ting termasuk
menjadi pemegang saham sebuah syarikat keluarga Si Mati.
Dengan keadaan kesihatan mental dan fizikal Si Mati itu juga saya
berpendapat boleh berlakunya pengaruh tidak berpatutan (undue
influence) dari orang-orang sekelilingnya.
[33] Keadaan kesihatan mental dan fizikal Si Mati pada masa material
pada pendapat saya gagal memenuhi keperluan undang-undang
untuk menjadikan sesuatu wasiat itu sah seperti yang diputuskan
dalam kes:
Lim Kang Hai & Ors v Lim Chik Lock [2013] MLJU 614:
[7] Thus there are two basic legal requirements for a valid
will, as follows:
(1) The testator must be capable of understanding
what he is doing when he makes the will; and
(2) What is in the will must truly reflect what he
freely wishes to be done with his estate on his
Gan Yook Chin (P) v Lee Ing Chin @ Lee Teck Seng & Ors [2005]
2 MLJ 1 FC:
[16] It is trite law that for a will to be valid, a testator must
have testamentary capacity. Whether a testator has
testamentary capacity depends on the facts of each
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case. What is meant by testamentary capacity has
been laid down by Chief Justice Cockburn more than a
century ago in Banks v Goodfellow (1870) LR 5 QB
549. This case was cited copiously by the Court of
Appeal in the instant case. For the sake of emphasis it
is appropriate to repeat the sentiments expressed by
Cockburn CJ who said inter alia.”
[34] Malah saya mendapati Si Mati dalam keadaan sedemikian tidak
mempunyai sedikit pun keupayaan untuk membuat 3 Wasiat
Tersebut yang melibatkan 26 buah harta. Ini selaras dengan
keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Tho Yow Pew &
Anor v Chua Kooi Hean [2002] 4 MLJ 97:
“The cases in which Wills have been held invalid for lack of
testamentary capacity involve testators who were utterly
insane either upon the finding of the probate court or by
reason of an order appointing a committee on the ground of
insanity of the testator.”
[35] Berdasarkan kepada penemuan-penemuan tersebut saya
berpendapat Pihak Defendan sebagai propounder telah gagal
melepas beban untuk menunjukkan bahawa Si Mati mempunyai
keupayaan untuk membuat 3 Wasiat Tersebut, tidak berlakunya
pengaruh tidak berpatutan dan gagal menangkis keadaan yang
mencurigakan dalam penyediaan dan pembuatan 3 Wasiat
[36] Berdasarkan kepada penemuan-penemuan yang sama dan atas
imbangan kebarangkalian, saya membenarkan tuntutan Pihak
Plaintif seperti relif yang dipohon iaitu:
(i) suatu pengisytiharan wasiat-wasiat bertarikh 7.4.2014,
18.5.2014 dan 12.6 2014 adalah batal dan tidak sah serta
tidak mempunyai sebarang kesan undang-undang.
(ii) suatu pengisytiharan bahawa Si Mati (Won Siok Wan) telah
mati tanpa wasiat.
(iii) suatu pengisytiharan bahawa Won Han Chai dan Won Hang
Hoo dilantik sebagai Pentadbir Harta Pesaka Si Mati.
(iv) suatu pengisytiharan bahawa Pentadbir yang tertera di atas
(perenggan [iii]) diberi surat-surat kuasa mentadbir berhubung
dengan pusaka Si Mati.
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(v) suatu pengisytiharan bahawa harta pusaka Si Mati
dibahagikan menurut Akta Pembahagian harta 1958.
(vi) kos sebanyak RM25,000 diberikan kepada Pihak Plaintif.
Bertarikh: 11 Disember 2023.
Mahkamah Tinggi Kota Bharu.
Bagi pihak Plaintif: Tetuan Benedict Cheang Naziruddin & Co,
Lot 717, Tingkat 2,
Seksyen 9, Jalan Sultanah Zainab,
15000 Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
Bagi pihak Defendan: Tetuan Yeap & Ang,
No.5P5 & 5P12, Tingkat 5,
Kota Bharu City Point,
Jalan Ismail Hilir,
15000 Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
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| 22,285 | Tika 2.6.0 |
DA-45B-9-09/2018 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya [Pendakwa Raya] TERTUDUH MUHAMMAD AZWAN BIN ZULKARNAI | Mahkamah berpendapat bahawa hukuman pemenjaraan adalah lebih sesuai kepada OKT. Berdasarkan kepada mitigasi yang telah dibuat oleh Peguam OKT, Mahkamah menjatuhkan hukuman penjara selama 30 tahun dari tarikh tangkap dan 12 kali sebatan rotan. Eksibit-eksibit fizikal dipulangkan kepada TPR dan untuk dilupuskan setelah tempoh rayuan tamat Eksibit-eksibit dokumentari dikepilkan pada fail kes. | 25/01/2024 | YA Dato' Roslan Bin Abu Bakar | |
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DA—I5E-9-09/2015 Kand. 380
25/01/2024 n»n:A2
PEREICARAAN .:EN51A>4 No mus -as/ma
m Omng yang kena Iuduh (: pat In: avpun ‘I “0KT")d:luduh dz
hawah Ssksyen an: Kanun Keslksaan sepeni hsnkul
-mm kamu nndn 4 920VHeDmkumrrg]Im1?30LevIunIv
n.n bsrlsmp-1 m Klmpung Kama, r.manyan_ m flalnm
J-yllvan Mzmsny, duulam Nngenxelnmnnman mamnumm
Rasmadr hm Abdul am (No K» asnrnauuas; dun
dnngan Mu kamu mm mnfakukan mam knalalvarv yang
halal: mmnmm :14 new snksyan aaz Kunwl xnseman ~
rzy Pads 4 9 20:7 mu le . knrang 12 so Iengah nan dv |empe(
k-nauian (naaapan sshuah mmah m Kampnng Kenna, Temangan,
Machzng, Kelaman) semnsa s. Man sedang herbual dan melmal
pzip an a. hadapen nlmahnya bersama dangan panama Mohd
Rusm bm Hussam, on dengan menggunikan wpucuk senapang
paun kepunyaan s Man lalah melepaskan dua das lembakin yang
menganaw Si Man an manyebahkan kemahannyn
[:1 Akiha|kan wmbakan |eIsehnl(ben1isaIkan Vaporan badah stasalj
sy Man Lelah msngalaml sebanyak 15 MG lembakan yang mssuk
di bahaglln sis: kni dan hadspan k badan nu tslah menyehabkan
keaudersan pada ulganvrgan wla u ‘arming. paru—pnnI, hepar
dan nmp. yang manyehabkan kamahannya
[4] om man dllangkap pnlrs an rumahnya yang huseneranan mrnan
5. Man (hampat kejadnn) pada han yang sama den baring-baring
kars Ie\ah anarnpas
n mnvewwnwm zvm/co
-’n.._ s.n.n...n..MnLL3.n...nmy..nnnnnnn.m.n.n.n..n_.nn W
[51 Bag: mammmkan perluduhan mmadap on‘ Plhak Pendakwaan
psriu membukllkan elemewelemen perlufluhan lersebul Imlu
my berlakunya sualu kemnmm talhsdap Rasmam bin Abdul Am
(um:-s Inl alp--mall “s: M.Itl"D.
my s. Mnh man mama: aan keeederaan yang u. alammya.
pm kecedsraan yang malanu Iersebul aaaxah aklhat dan
new-man on, dam.
(w) aalam manyebabkan kecederaan he atas Sw Man on cam:
sauna ada
(37 dengan max mnyababkan kemauan s: Man. alau‘
I07 aengan mad unluk menyebabkan keesderaan
badan yang on mengananm buleh
menyababkan kamalnan‘ alau‘
(c) dangan mal umuk menyebabkan keuedevaan
badan yang cukup umuk rnsnyehabkan kemalian
dalam keadaan biasa (summsnl in ma ordinary
muss olnslura to was damn), alau‘
(.1) dengan pengelnhuan bahawa pamuaxan nu
aaman amal memanaya den akan menylbabkan
kamauan nan kecadevaan yang akan
maflnbabkan kemahan
Fomlltlln din p-nun-nan nlahlumah di akhir kls pandallwaan
[bedakumg sualu kemamn lam:-mag Rnsmafln n Ana lAzIz
[51 Elemen Ini mempevurnukan mawa bellekunya sualu kemaflan
|e<hndaDSvMa1I Suya mendapahtsrdipal kahsringan-kalerangan
vans: memnuknkan sleman WU vaI|u
m kelevangan amk un Si Mam yang bemama auman hum
lbruhxm (spa)
spa menyalakan selapas ksjidmn sn Mun dlhsmbak
pafln nun berkenun, 3: Man eehn mmwa xe KIN-nk
Temangan‘ Macnann. Kelauun D: khmk nemeoann S1
Mall flsankan «em momnggal mmla spa wga man
danst mengscam mam S1 Man
IN mNvewwwwLaLq2vm/co
-ma Snr1n\n-nhnrwmbe used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm
pengambtlan amt. bag: menennngkan mm akwhal gangguan
bisikan yang dw ahamwnya
[32] Da\am pembeiusn im Pmak Fanbulaan manghwahksn bahawi
on adalah mm wars: (unsound mind) pad: mas: kejadlin
Pemyalaan Im dtsokong oleh sum (Dr. Slramah mm: Mom Is: -
Pakar Fstklam Hospital Bahwua um Kmca, Fsrik) mam Layman
Pembanan Forenslk Psiklaln on Asksihul F'33)Ie|ah manyesahkan
bimawa on mengalamu geia\a pswkusls mm kuvang 2 lahun
sehelum kqaman aklbat penyzlahgunaan dadah Lapavan
Derkanaan guga menwlakzln on mengalamw gangguan bwslknn
suala ghaib (auditory nullucmatuunj an dams: paranma (paruncnd
[33] Pihak Pemhelaan dengan r|u mengmqahkan hahawi on Dalah
nenayu manunlnkan (eslibnshed) nada masa d|a maxakukan
pemuuhin ssptm. pamlduhan‘ dia ada\ah Iwdak mm (:71 unsound
mmd) merlgwkul keperluan kes John alk Nyumbci V up man 1
MLJ zos CA yang memumskan
m The res! rm msamty mm: 5 94 071/15 Penal Code .a 5
Iagnvm rmta modma!lu1,Lc9armsanIly under: 54
rsolsum a um4m:.mpm ma mgnam I...-mm av
. psrwn n mun miles M Mower mvsuarxe av
mm-g mu nalws aims 304.01 ma! mm rm a mm
.5 many or conlmy to law 1599 paras vua;
,2; mm 7»: dclsvrcs o/msarnty .s mlsod a cum! mun!
camvdsr um rouawmg mums
{:1 many my mum flwsun ms
smxessiuw sslzbwshmi. as a
pmmmary isms‘ llml at the mm av
I=omrm!W|9 Me an as was ol unsound
mm um
M 4 he was omumma mmd, wnezm he
Ims pluwn mallus unsomldmss uhmnd
was on mm In mm Ium mcaplnk
uflmawvng I»-natum allus attach-wry
wrung N agullul m. llw mu noun
mama um zwvsmir m. cxmumsllncli
rruturrll mm-mnrllmn m flncoflmy
wllalhu m. .,W.m: ma nluflud m.
lesmmimslllsslnfilns 155.277’
5w mvewmwmmzvamo
«ms smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
[34] senanmnya Pmak Fem|7e\aan menghnjahkan sexeuan dapa|
menurwkan bahawa on |idak warns semasa memkukan
perbualan Inrsebm, langkah selevusnya adalah umuk msnunmknn
bahawa on dlsehnbkan meh keudakwams (evsebul, dla um
manlml Kmcafiame on mangenahux sihat vsmumannya sibah alau
menyalahv undang—undang
[35| nu ‘uga qmenuma Pthak Pembelann) lelah benay: dilimhulksn
dsngan psrlakuan on Iallu sepem keaerangannya yang
-mun. 5; ma nmamanmarn, oxnnonymkun ma nm
monambak 5; Man Ian»! nsmr om marlyllukan ma mm
Innu suhub an. am In nmmya rmmsmhak 5: Man komna
Mmn m..«..m dvuababkun mmn lunobal ow /um!
mmnlakan dm bum/—bsM man): an sun mensmbak
sealfloa sahlm mm: mama yam am unmask mesa nu
on ma msnyamkm dva um bole» mm» baham
monomhak Mam) nu saran dun mak mu bahawa yemaaun
/mluna man ‘
[36] Plhak Pembelaan menghuphhan wag. dengin dwamhan pula
aengan ganaguan msman mm din kessn Dswkosrs dun
pengimbulan dadah‘ lelih menysbabkan on mengalaml
unscundness nlmmd yang manyebabkan dia sampal kspada vanap
hdak «am. bahzwa verbumannya adalan salzn
[:71 Salemsnya Pihak Pembelaan telah menquk kepada keterangan
sma dalam Iapnmrmya (P33) wng menyalakzan hahawa -on
mampu lahu aklbal flan pemumannya admah Aalah can
bemenmnnan an 5151 undlrm-undann ' Pmik Pembexsan
menflhnyankan sum hanya penu mambenkan pendapalbemnbung
a gen modcul insamty sauna‘: Iartu iama ada on Vayak
di carakan sms lidak >ayax nmnben pandangan berkailan
dengan legal Insanity yang merupakan bidangknasa mahkzmah
Pmak Pemhelaan meruiuk kepada kepumsan Mahkamah Rayuan
dakam kes pp v sn. In: El |2n16] 1 mu m yang menyalaknn
Isa! WM . ma/wdae hm in do .. me first area m
aommrnlw Whether the dalsncc or msamlr has new
ammvshod Is to sea moms! ms mum: wss
mmcawy Insane 3! me have he cummdlsd the ac!
am Inodnoal swdnwe IS nmmry as me qmwn
av wlnemovhe was mmcaavy man: u any flamcwar
sw mvewmwmmzvamo
"Nuns smnw n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
uwnrmuma mm mmnnn wamnsnannnaa nn rm!
snmammq my the com! can nelemlmz wrmaul me
bensfil alexpevl Oflmon
I54] Gnu ma! Wmshmd is crossed the ma slag n la! the
ma: mag» 10 nollsrdsl wholhon by reaanrv M msdmal
NEW ms accusad was mcanab/e ol knowma the
nannn nl ms an! or Ma! was! no wns mom was sulnor
wrung av conlmry to raw Expert mdrca( aammn .5
mll-van! :5 ma queshon o/whslhsl the accused was
mnlpabld nlknawmg Ins nalulv at an nu 0! ma: he
was domy vmnlwas my wrung urconlraly m law n
a nnnm In n. mlund Imm the pmvad Ind: and
wannmnm Md no: rnzm upon mace! npmn 1:
n unruly a Azulmalv nl Ian /0! ms mar mg» 10
flelennmz -
[331 Saya man marvel kepada napman herkenaan (P33) ann
msmaaam pemyataan (ersehm ndalah an muka sum 4 . 5.
perenggan23(h)’ In
‘lmsamnsflfltmdansepemyanv mdakwnpndalsaprpmbar
son, bslmu man. 4! nnan. Aeadnun nanm my wnms
dan radar akan 54/94 dan nnnn davlnadu namnann lzrnuu
ma mnmpu umuk merwerahur mm pannnnan nmnn
adalulv sun duv bamnlnrvgbn dun aeav undamrundmg -
[as] Adalah Jena; dan pemyavaan Ienehm, sws me\ah membenkan
pandangan bsrkallan dengin legal Insanity Bevdasarkan kapadz
kes yang dlksmukaksn Peguambala on Iallu PP v snannu
[supn] aan ks:-«ex \am is‘ in FF van: ' ' NznIi[2fl16]1 LNS 52
an FM on-one Taik Kaon [Iupm]. saya memuluskan penflapal
sma balkallan dengan mgnl insamly dilalak den lidak holeh
Kn Pihak Pnndlkwnn dnlnm pombolun on
[40] Pvhak Pendakwaan pula msnghuyahkan on man gagal dzlam
pen-wean um waras (Insanity) dw hawah Seksyan 34 Kamm
Kaslksuan. Ini adalah kelanz on an pemvgkm panama lag: Iehlh
gagax maunbuknixan hallzwa ma adalah seomng yang nnennnny
insane semasa kqadran Lnpman paknr psmam (P33) man
mengssahkan on bends da|am keadsan mental yang wams
samasa kejndmn plda 4 9 znw naaa kamangan dalam P33 yang
menyalakan om semng yang memos/Vyrnsane semasa kqadian
sw mnvewwynwunqzvm/co
"Nuns s.nn n-nhnrwm be used m mm ms annnnn mm: m.n.n vu munc v-vrm
my Kelerangan om senmn (sun manunjuknn lungs! mental dam
fizikalnya berada an (snap nannal nanu szpem panam-
1.; memecah mssuk ks rnmsh sn Man malalm pmm bewaxang
(n; memaaan masuk ke bnhk an mana sanipang dan pamm
mengaku lmmgamhvl ianapeng dan pamnmya.
msnambak sv Mam
(421 Dnmnanxan pada masa kejaman on «max Magi berafla dl bawnh
pengaluh dadah kerana walau pun nawan makan 5 bljl pd kuda pads
malam sebelum kejadxan flan harass terung‘ pm pagl him
kegadlnn om masm Veg: |emengar bvslkan bevkanaan dun
memhuslnya maran onen nu on wax wag. bslada dalam keadaan
[431 naaa ma varaapan kelerangan sama ad: daviSP13. P33 dan dam
on sendlrl banawa suarz hislkan berkenaan menyumhnya
mangambu sanapang, memasukan peluvu aan menembnk Sr Man
[441 Semasa dIsaa\ hula: pula Pmsk Pendakwaan mengrnnankan on
be alum nanawa sermpnng adalan unma memanaya din psrlu
mpan salami! Pads mm a. sail balas. on menyalakan \iada
pangavanuan bahawa S1MI(ImamI|ik\senapeng.D\akmrsua\balas
pura on menyalakan mangalahui Sw Mad me senapang
dan dlgunakan u¥eh s Ma unluk msnambak hem
us] xasemua kamangan ml dlhujzhkan msnunjukan mnga memal flan
flzlkal on bevadz ananap nmnnn rnlerens yang wen umum
ada\ah on sedar apa yang dllakukannya xaaann nu ma
;ahkan on mempu rnembus| perancannan unluk manembak
s Mali Kedunrdua (embukin yang dvlapaskln dmuukan kapada S1
Man an bukan kapada SP14 dv mana Kamhakan kadua adauan
semasa sn Man man rebah Jelas disxm mmnankan om
mempnnyin nial unluk memhunuh Si Man
[46] Salem dad nu hndakan oxr memncah masuk ke rumah Sv Man
melalun pinlu helakang samaan «iaaa seslapa an rumah uwebm
aaanan jams menuluukan on menyedan perbnakannyi adalah
[471 Kdernngan sm. spa, sm dan sns hanyalah bemial -Inecdols
tam: nawa msnaenoakan Iatamslakang sikap on :12" km: yang
IN mNveww9«wLaLq2vm/co
-ma am.‘ n-nhnrwm be used m mm ms mm-y mm: dun-mm VII .mm mm
wk: manyendin, javang hevgaw dengan adik betamk, uaaa kawan,
ma menjavfl waklu malam flan suka mencomeng dmdmg Tmda
ksterangan pagzvwal perubetnn dlkemukakan bag! menuruukan
kezdazn memax on yang mxaxakan mink wars: Dmwahkan juga
adalah hdak munasabsh sepem ka|erangan soz bahawa on
|eli!h mengnlaml keidaan sedsrmklan labvh dari 20 Iahun din Mada
Imdukan alau usaha hemmgguh ole?! ahh kaluavga unluk
menguban om soz msnyalakan mak danat membawa on
unwk rawa|an kuana om enggan dan masalah kewangan,
Punumlan nan pm-muan mankimnh sum ken pembelnn
[43] Secara amnya pnnswp mama daham pembelsan Udlk wares IN
u) selmp orang ada\ah dlanggan waras melamkan dapal
dlhukukan sahihknya.
FF‘ v Channy mu Kenn |7fl1E]MLJU ssa:
m: m Fawn ans! dshbamnan expuundodaslnuows
pmaumsd m be sans, an-11:: mm . mm: «gm N
mason m be msounsm mm mmn, mm zummry a.
mmm mmsausmuan, and that to aysanm . nalanva an
IM ground olmsamly u mus! a. may Dmved mm, at me
lune at me mmmulmg av ma sci, mo pm amusud wu
laboumvg Imdsruucn 5 mm m..m, /mm muan a/Illa
mmd, as not an mm m. mu. undauumy oflha .4 n. was
com or. mammwn lhalhadadnalknowhewusrlilw
wnal was many ‘
(H) tmda beban pembuklran keplda Pmik Pandakwaan
urnuk memnuknxan oxr seorang yang wams
(mi beban pernbulman max wiras adzlah |aI\9tak sepanuhnya
kepadz OKT
Guh Yoke v PF[1i55]l ms 43:
‘A mm mus! no Prusumod to a. sane mm»: pr-was
m (In eommry me qwslrovv, mmram, u rm! whether
M9 mum was Msaund mmd om mm M Ma
maduoullllamc wamuarsaumamma llwss mu/ol
5w mvewmwmmzvamo
mm smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
ma nmmm la pmve mm the mzclued wns Msawni
mmd -
PF 14 Inn. bin Ibrnhim|1ii3].1 MLJ :4:
"ma mm on om oipmvmq msamfy is on the accused
Imd¢rs1D5 olma Evmm M17850 u wm I/vsrvlbw
be aburvod mu 5 s4 ombuoves ma Iundamamal
mmom Lfcnmmll law, mar rs to say. an act done does
not cunnltuh . mm. unlcss dam mm a gun
mtlnhan Thus. Mm: . pm urmsr Inns snhon has
Dun sumassmlly rluad, ma ma rs [MI mm It rm».v.
ma momma man: ma .: 1». mm. nlzummmmy we
mm me! u follow: me ma uuulum ullnu gum nl
the accused am no{ gnaw .; n. cannot a. sun is
have onmmmsd any allmms Tnsvdwu, ma llw
manna: that an mdar uluvwm musl n. mm: mm
ragani to the mac nmlaned Iguana! mm m. mun
neon/ylsomrudmmakatsfinmvrv mama:
mmmllrod me am orvmt“
Sekl un ms Kanun Kniknan:
~s-mu 105. commmmom and cmtinuancn 1:! me
man: olprrvm mam olpropony.
(11 7»: rvgnl ol pma. dllsmza ol plupeny eomrncwot
mun . Ilasarmnld flfifilllvlrmon m danglr m 1».
pmn-nx I-‘nmmnnus
:2; ma nvm ulnrmla aster-2 arpmo-vry «gums: mall
mntmuu M De aflalrder Ins .nm.: In: ulna! mm
In: Dmnedy, M M nsausluuz 1:! MI publrc uumnnunx
rsomametl arnttmepmvmq/nuxnpunmcuvuvd
(3; The mm atpm/at: flcluvnz utpmpeny nvlsmsvmabnry
Ixtnbmn as long I: mm mm. muss: m all-mm:
m musetn anynerlmldeam mmn ormangrm
msvmm. was mg as me leer armmm mm, m at
mum mm at ullnnanl uavmnalmslrntnr conmme:
(41 me Whrnfwrvale delencenlplfilierly mum mminnl
Imspasa mmmw mwmuos as Iona as the mom:
conlmuos m ms commtsalon av Mmmal mass or
15; ms rlvmolmvaza dslumse olpmoeny iaamslnouse
bmakrrul uy mom mums as mg as ha44se—!resDIss
wmcn has been begun by sm: house-omakmg
conlmuss -
sw mvewmwmmzvama
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
my lahap pemhuklian ketidakwarasan adalah alas Imbangan
kebzrangkahan (pnnslp dalam kzs—kes PP v Jung cmn Ehln
um] I MLJ zoo, Rajagopzl v PP (197711 ML! 5 din PP v
Nnnalwnri [1994] 3 ML! 463)
(v) kelldukwavasnn memax buknnlah dan segl peruhalan
(mamcavy mune) te1spi din segl undangmndang (lsyally
PP v Muhammnn SuhaImlAI1duIAzIz[20Iu]1 cu m:
‘Ills sstllvd/awlmtllu unfunny almsnmfy mm 34
.; zancnmcd mm Illa Jcrzusvdl fwal rusawvsnbwy .1
m. Irml afme Ellngad Dfiunu and not um. mremelhe
wis "many mszml an mm (mm
Ratanlal and nnlujlarn um 01 Crime: (25% Earl), page
Wudlcahlrsanuy and ‘Inga! ms.umly' . Than a . me:
am oldtlhrancn M..." mm: msunlly/' and -my
»nsamly'1nfl mm: m 1>mn:Im-G my mm ma my
mm: 1». manual npaa on». mnmr n vs not any
mm nllmnln: Immnar ur somatnmy unmmunlubla m
. men: ncbon, malpamraiumourmbaamadmsn )0
1:: uuemm Imm uumsnmem n #5 m4 mm
encenmfllfr m smaulamy almarmev ma: would Mm
memes ahnsunvfy Anmmlpmy almlnd >5 not by mu
m/um: (H mm mm me mum mus! mm: mm
Mule oi unsmmd mm Sum sxsmpllon cm on
alarmed omy men M mum pnrwn xs mcapabla u!
wmnv «contrary to law -
[49] Bag: memnuxnxxn pembelaan Ildak warns, beban sepemmnya
adalah kepaaa OKT dan mun Dfimhukllan ml mm atas
Imbangan kebarangklllan Daflam mamuxusm sum: ads behan mi
beliaya uihukukan o\sh oxr. mahkamah penulan menlmhangkan
(i) samz ada on semasa melakukan Delbusun senem dllum
penuduhan tusahut adalah searing yang hdak waras
5w mvewmwmmzvamo
«ms smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
dlsababkzn oieh kelldakmvasan nu, adakah on man
hunlvaya (rncapama an mengananu. swan pelbualannya rm
ada\ah sa\ah ztau menyalahi undzngmndang
Bagi memnuman aia (mak wavzs, on menyalnkan dla mganggu
uleh suara biswknn sejak lammzmfi Pads malam sebelum kejaulan
manembak s. Mali. on mengalaml gangguan |ev:ahuI lag: Bag:
mavadakan gangguan suara sevsawu, on man memakan
sebanynk 3 my pu kudi. Namun pana pay! han kqadnan, ow
manyacakan masnh ada suava ganggnan yang mamberllallwuya ada
orang Vngin bargaduh dsngannya Ialapi max lahu slapa
Fada pagi Ievsebul on keluar manm setmah manoakan dengan
mambewa sebflah parang yang masannya Saya bevp2ndape|
mangasah palzrlg inn admah bemmksud memamknn parting
berkanaan mam on kemar unluk mencan omng yang mgm
bevgaduh dangannya temp: uaak benumpa seswapa
om balk samula ke mmahnya dan suara berkenaan
mamhamammya hahawa sns mmnya). SP81kaksk saudam om
dan Si Mali sedang bersemhun dalnm sehuah mum helkuncl m
mmah 5! Man on kemudlannya henmdnk dengan {ems
menendang pmm mnk belkenann mngga Lemuka dun menduplh
liada seslapa m flalamnya sewammnya on menyacakan apanua
pmm nmx barkenaan vamuxa, ma lernampak Iabuah bag senapang
flan Iaupmsnana vemru d1 atas Vanlal. on Ielah mengamhil
senapang flan Ialvmnggang palum belksnzan dan halik ke
Semasz sampal an Iuar mmahnya, om le\an |emnmpak mclakar
kawan Si Mam ¢sP14 — Rosfll Husmn) misuk ke kwasan ruman
on cams memasukan pamm ks dalam yenapang bevkenann dan
manglkut matnkar nu nan hemkang Setelah momokar nu berhelm an
haflapan Nmah su Mam oxr bavaaa d1beIa5<angnya(rmInkar)
om dalam kalavangannya Iagw menyatakan apebfla sv Mali keluzr
davl ksrela helkanaall, ma terns menembak 5: Man lanpa berflklv
on menyalakan ma hdak mm sehah spa flan apa matnya
menemhak 5' Man kemna fikwan bevsemhul dlsehabkan mazkan
|ersebm on jugs menyalskan am balul-befiul mamh dun am
menembak sesmpn samqa urang panama yang ma nampak mass
nu on mga menynlakan ma (task buleh berflur bahawa
menembak amng ilu salah clan hank Dahu bahawa pemuatan nu
jugz salah
[551 Dalam menimhangkan pembalian mm wins on mi‘ say:
mevujuk kzpcfla uuan yang dlpuluskan da\am kas PP v Julri
Nnnti llullvll:
1:5; Smtwasdeuvlmmrmmd, malmdulummmgwmlvrar
an m mm he cutagnmzndxs and mm M: lmaumud
1.: an act .1 msamty mm mm 54 n1 4». pm:
cm 2: would -mus», mvntvv . mum lnruu
Fm Inemmualbe . «mg. baaodmbnlyon m-mm!
smug!/on Dy 5 uaymm mm 1». amlsvd pflrmn
was surfacing from some ma urwmm unnmnon
mat was allscllrw hm mum lacullws .: 4». mm-nu!
Mus W5 can-smnn mny am . vanuly u! lnrmx as
msmczw flesvmbant such .3 n. b-wry Iiamsuznll And
so mm. Yhal common my cum 5 pm" as beinv
mmauy mm am m.ammmpm. mm: mm":
n; no auhrmmala ur oonolusrve ov me an my me
aocuwd Pwmn IS many ms-no. . mam. Mm
wlucll udmn 54 an». Penal cm 1.1 aolmmod mm
naynnovaloclsmmundsvlhalaw renew-Ivy
mm as ooaossdlo my musty mwmlvy mane.
rm Person mus! m dslsrmmad by the payclliamsr m
have lot! ms ooqmrrvs mm In . decree such max
hmsrnpiflobtnalknamnymo Mmrsnlms arm mm:
wnntllsts do--ms wvrmvwconlrirym/nw rmvaflul
amum ammtcallosl. rm INS twovrdmnesu: a
my us! Lnanm1Ju.|IAL'1 mm Znksm JCA II: he
men Hail] mmm m. nu...“ Li mnmy urmav
-2: ;. sauna m m: m. flalwca aims-my mm
sscdon at .5 zomzamod with ma Imunds rm:
mapanslbfibty mm mm mm. nttngndunpnn ma nut
wan wheduorhowaum-danaflrmxnnanilhnllrnua 5..
maama Ray! V Zsmal Abudm am MnIZnn1[1ii3l1
cu u7,P6-v mmmaaj V cm 759,, Iv991)JMA./
495 mm. ms mma authors ar Rmnm and
Dmmnafls my a! Cams, 5:» am a! pact: 239 nm
msarmyun-torseolunn ac olmsknal cm «man
how :9 oomvdur mo manor: Mmaly W mmnm
zemad Wan» Ma 1m:¢us51u/[V aaummod, as a
P'Immr-iryrssw, llulntms rm ohaommmnfime M!
n. wnalunsuulld mm arrdflvlima wns almlmund
.......:, whumma nu ptuven mm m: ummanm ol
5w mvewmwmmzvama
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
msubanod la that me avowed was mcapama or
Imawvllalhsrlalura uihrsaansbmnv wroflvovaflsmsl
ml rus lhsrsfwu mamas mama: ms Appenanwma mu
burden al sslamvsrrmg me: he was or medmlir
unswnd mm! nu: ma: he was my an mrsms and
u-moses Vegafty Insane when na cunllmrfsd ma
dlslnmiyaclmihnndlammncnnrgv -
[56] Ssrdaiarkan kapadz prinsip kes hannanaan, ujian unanap panama
yang perlu mpnnnsxan mahkamah adalah sama ads on
mengala medically Insane Says mendapaliliada ke|erangan nan
pakar psi Iaui yang menyalakan om mengalzum sedenuklan
Ke|e<an§an SP13(PeKar Psmmn) din Lapoun Pembalan Fovenswk
Psmam (P33) ma mak manyulakan seaannman oxen yang
demlmn om telall aagax manunukan ma mangalamv medically
[571 Menuuk pula kepada kelevangan yang mberikan men snz, sna,
am dan sus nanyaxan kelemngan nngkiss bevsIla| anamara Imlu
mencemakan Ialsr helakang slknp on flan kecfl yang suka
menyendin, flung uargaux dengan an beradlk. had: kaman. sun
menlem wakhn "mam din snka maneonlzeng dlndmg saya
oerpenaapat adalall Irdik munasabah ssplm kamangan snz
bahawa on man mangaxann keadaan sedsrmklan lawn nan 2n
lahun |91ap' ahh keluarga hdak mengamhil hndakan serius unmk
menguhali ow Saya max dapal rnenanma kslerangan snz
bahavm arm kemarga max naval membawa on unluk yamcan
kerana on enggnn dan masanan kewangan
[55] man (ship kedua pun: aaalan unluk menenlukan slmada on
«man nuang cagnmve /acumes ke mam «snap dv mana ma ndak
ban-naya ofknowmg Mn natur! ofhis ac? or wrung ur contrary to
[591 Meneliri kepadz aanaknan on lerulamanyn msngambll sepucuk
senapang flan tall pmggang hens: peluru pads pendapa|snya wanya
menunjukan unap mama: aan pervuklmn on yang mien berfiknr
secar: muons: wanu managunakan aenapang bersaml pslum
aaaah vamn belkssan din menggunaxan pirang.
[so] saya mak dapa| msnerima nnanan on bahawa seswapa saha;a
lermasuk kaI\ak—kanak boleh memzsukan Pemru ke da\am
N mnvewwyawmmzvavco
ma a.nn n-nhnrwm be used m mm ms nrW\nnU|:I mm: dun-mm wa mum Wm
my kemvangan Pegawal Felubalan yang mennaxankan
bedah slasal mayal 5. Man mm D! Ahmad Hafilam bun
Elemen 2 (54 Man man ax kg dan kecederaan Eng as alzrrurlya)
m Elemen kedua ml mampsrnnmkan bahawa mangsa telzh maxi
nkman flan keoeduraan yang dialamlnya. Bag: memuluskan sama
ada elsman kedua berjaya dlpenuhv uleh Pmak Pendakwaan‘ saya
merumk din menulili kevzda kalerangan sma nnu Pegawal
Perubalan yang merumankan bedah slasnl mznyal SI man pad:
5 9 201: pm Iebih kuvang 4 15 pelang SPIBIdaIah seorang Pakar
Pembalan Fmenslk darn Hnsp1l.alKusIs Lmnpur.
[a| sma menyalakan terdapal benyak Iuka dan kesan hsmbakan yang
masuk keluav den badan Sw Mali. Luke :11 badan 5: Man mi
xnuaklorlnya auavan dan alah km ke kanan dan menemhusl hanyak
shuklur organ wax daVaman Si Man sepem ;ancung, pam-vim‘
hapar dan limpa yang menu xennn menyebshkan ke!na|n
Keharangkallzn luka—Iulm lersehul menyababkan kemalian adalah
(91 nan marpno\ogv1ukn-lukamnbakan mssuk sen: Iaburan \uka—luka
bemennan‘ SF-15 berpendanit seniata yang drgurlakan adalah jen
seruala benana: nun sapam sanapang panan yang menggunakan
pelum penabur swa sswanjunnya menyanaknn heuau mga
berpangalaman mallhal jams lukx-Huka yang sama sebalum Kes -nu.
no] Manurul spm lagw bevdasarkan keadaan din ‘ems I-ma-xuka
Iavsabul pads hadan SI Man, beltau borah mambuzt keslmpulan
hahawa ‘amt! lembaknn yang mlapaskan adalah malabmi 1o kaki
saya mendnpall kewangan rnenuenax jarak Iamhzkan um adalah
selan dengan kememngan SP11 lam ASP Omar bin Semen,
searing Fegawav Polls Cawingan Fovenswk n=»< Kelanlan yang
lelsh nnmalankan pemalikszan an Iempnl kemilan
[11] Betdaszrkan kepada ketarangan~ke1erIngsn lelsebm an alas. saya
belpuas nan‘ alsmen kedua penuduhsn IN dibuklikan men Pmak
IN mnvewmwmmzvamo
-nan snnnw be used m mm .. nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
senapang kemna m asanan sualu proaes mudah yang boleh
dnnalqavi semssa menoman TV alau mam. saya bevpsndapit
sesemang i|u memevlulun walu oanap pem. wan yang rislorm
hagi memasukan pelum ke dilsm wanapang x a bahagxan hadavan
alau belakang peluvu. Iarl\pa| memasukan pemm‘ membuka tarnpal
mimasukan pelum dan kemudian memnupnya samma Kaadaan
mania! yang rasio an Jnga dipariukan bag! mengacukan senapang
den mlnamhak s. Mali (saszran) Says menflapnli waluu pun
lerdinzn Sw Mz(i husamz spm |eIap\ sasalan adalah kapaaa 5.
Man dangan dua das Iembakan lnl bevmaksud on memasukan
paluru dua kall ke dalam senapang berkenaan dan menambak
sasalan mg sum:
[61] Keadaan menm on sumasa malakukan pamuanan bevkznaan
jug: psflu mllhal pafla lsbalum, samasa dan selepas xayaman
lpnnsvp k-5 FF v Plum 1: Tuyel Mai [ma] 5 ML! 404 EA)
sapam yang sayz nyalakan |ad|, keadaun on sehelum kepdwan
adalah masa nan baleh bemklr dengin bank. Selapai kqadwan
menembak msebm‘ on [ems nalk xa mmarmya dan enygan
menyerah am am lurun dan mmah sahlnggalall ditangkap pohs.
Ferbunhn ml jugs pada panaapat saya manumukan pemdqlan on
yang waras dart mengetahm sna| parbuatannya nu adaVah salah
alau manyuxam undang»undang
[521 Dalam melaksanakan hlgas diperingkal akhir kes pembelnnn my
mallkamah perlulah menimbangkan semua kelelangan yang Kehh
dvkamukakan aleh keduadua pmak (lemusuk xemevangsn
dlpenngkal kes pendakwaan) sama ads Pmak Panaakwm rah?!
buqaya memnuman kesnya malampam kalaguan yang
[53] Im ‘alas dipenmlukun di bzwah Ssksyen mu Kanun Fmsedm
um... nu Pmeudun at tho cnncluslun oltho mu
m A! the mnmusmn olm: mu ma caun mu mwluflar
an ma swam. naduuau am. y Ind mun am.
whathov mo Wnsscunun Iv-5 Dmvufl in run Myand
vuaaanabla flout)!
42; 11 1». Cam mm Ina! ms pmsscuhon has mm us
use bayc-m1 rusonabla mom ms comunau mm»
nccustdallllry and »a may bu cvvmdod an n
N mvewmwmmzvamo
ma Snr1n\n-nhnrwmbe used .a mm ms mm-y mm: dun-mm y.. muNG wrm
m n ma Conn Imds ml Ina Dmsoculmn m noipmvsd
mu mass bsyom rnasnnable com, me Cowl ma
rscmd .n mm of nzvum -
[541 Pnnslp bemantan dengan penkara m. page lelah dlpmuskan
dmsm Ice:-kes
om. Mahkamah Pevsskuman dalam ks: PP v Mohd Rndzl Abu
Balm! [Iupn]:
-so.m.gumm.;m..u..«.uasm, wilumnlnrnllsladlawsrlln
rwv mu m. «Max um, me mm mm to runnm Mm!
mm zwwm M mm. mm .; cnitad ms nzvssd am. In
gvvecvvdanuu 1ne«vu1mvu9IvInesleps::Lu1nmMmvFF(va£37
Mu as.-r
Dan dalam kes Malv FP[1flS2]MLl 25::
-maposmm may be mnmmny smart as loltows—
Isl Ilyml ans sarrsfiod oeywm rsawnama mm: 25 m the
accused‘: own com:
to» um amar ovbehsw ms atcusudls axp/imalmrv
11:} Ifyoudvrralzuxplorbolmvu mnaacund
Do not wnwcl mu nonsm-r m. nul :11!!!
m; Nyuudanntnuzpfnrnzhevelnenecued
arnlamannn and Ina.‘ uplausnalvan noes not mine m
ynurmtmiumamnablefloualuslulusgm/I Cmmv
vs; II yuu an In)! an-.119! o. behave me mum
arnlaunalmn but nevemmeaa a mass m yaw mmd .
mnsonabte dauhlaala me want new -
[as] Se|e|ah mensni din manimblngkln kmenngin den ksdua-dun
ak, saw mandapani on halal! §aga\ menimnuxxan pemnexa-n
Insanny dw hawzh Seksyen 34 Kanun Kesnlmaan Sehubungan nu
sw mnvemsxwmmzvama
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
saya memumsknn r-max Pemiakwean man benaya mstubukhkan
kesnyz memmpauv keragnan munsslbah on dangan mu mam
salah dan dwhabllkan dengan mduhan an bawah Saksysn :02
Kamm Keslksaan
[as] Sebemm mankaman menjaluhkan hukuman Iemadap on
mahkamah mangarahkan pwhakplhak umuk memhual mm" dan
mmgasi khasnya pemakaian Akin Pemansuhan Nukuman Man
Mandztori 202: (Akla may
[57] Selelah memmbangkan pengmanan kedus-dui pmak, say: man
menggunakan panduan kepulusan Mahkamah Rayuan dalam kas
Alowouln oluw.-luwon anmn v PP [2023] MLJU mo yang |e|ah
meruluk kn: Deapak Rai v State ulliihzr [zany 4 MLJ(CRL)171'
-m; Lbokmg 54 ms pvnvmon, m an olllvu wow lllal ma
Iemstnlrvl Wflwsv of M Imwlflmnnl rs mtsndod m
mm ssmm olrmbrrsonlmnlafla m wysars me
win Vorarl orrme urmwummmmmrma mum
M dum fur Ina mos! exzsoholvally sums, mt,
wuw mumers arm n. callous In an arms:
unbnhlvmla dngru -
[say Mahkimah Rayuin iuga meruiuk kepada kapuhlsan Mahkamah
Perwekuluan oalam ms Lon Hock Selig v PP[19w]2 ML.I13'
‘[25] :1 un n. 9151046 from m. cm: anwsmv m I!!!
pnnsdnly pnmpmpllx mt cm sunhmx olnum ha:
Donn mama wlmu an. mmdars cummmad mm
mmuy mm. mm mm“ gmdsnml,
mm honmrdw: urnmlnt nnd wmclv shacks nalnlw
mmnm of ma may A: . mm Wrdalmu, .1 .;
am waw mat me am. pnnalw wnuld na Iusvmm in
mm wrm. amar-v omen, Mad and mm! mm
moss mm mm and kill mar vrdmv: my uurnma: :2!
mm wmm dnmembor Ina mum av my
vuclfma amsmua amm who we «mm mm
mass me man a murder and execute u m .4 mm:
mm manner -
5w mvewmwmmzvamo
«ms smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
Saya |e\aII memhua| panimnangmpennmbangan bsnkul sebamm
memuluskan hukuman lemadap DKT.
my gangguan sham ghmh henarusan yang maharm on walau
pun max sampal kepada tahap msanily
Valamelakang kehldupln dan pembesaran on dengan
keliadaan hapa den dvbesalkan oleh mu bersamz dengan llma
(5) arang amx beradik lam
poringal atau kelakuan on sqak kecrl yang men walau pun
mask sampav kepada lahap msermy ianu lvdak bergiul sarna
ads dengan ahli keluarga man masyarikal‘ maluenl pads
wak|u |engah malam‘ menconlanq umumg mmah dangan
puvkztaan 'Nlah“ am sebagamyl.
penggunaan senapnng yang Mak ncang dan awax lelapx
dllemui semm on memecah masuk ks dalam sehuah brhk
mmah s. Man pads han keiadlan
ksbergsn|ungan on kepada dadah
nsnduan kepulusan dan Mahkamah Rayuan da\am ms
Alawunll Oluwaiuwun Guam v FF [lupm] yang menuuk
kepada bebempa nas lam dalem msmmn hukumzrl ansmam
salain dan hukumnn man mu Bxtrame/y savage, heinuus,
diabolical, gruesome, cruel. nonsnaous or must and wmbh
shocks not only me1udmaleonscienw Du! mu Ins cafiective
conscience ume socmfy
Say: mga msnuapan dan fzkla dan ke|erangan kes W eamawa
ianya mask sempav kspada 6ak|ar—laklor levsebul an alas Juga
sebagav "Lama yurdelmes' dun kes uarxenaan, oKr bukanlah a
Med and nurval kt//ers, rape and km Merv wcflms‘ n1rsmemb9r the
bodies dan sehagamya
mi) da\zm usla sekarung (25 lama!) dun semasa wnsiden (20
lahun)‘ saya berpendapal on barpahmnn un|uk m reform
Iemadip keulahan yang telah dwlakukannya
Dsngin nu berdasavkan kepada kuasa aan pemnlukan \mdana—
undang yang ads. says barpandapm hukuman psmenjarazn adalah
lahih sesuaw, bevmunnlanl kepada on can mencapzw kepemingan
Eevdasarkan kepma rnmgasv yang mnuax nleh peguambela OKT,
say: menmuhkan hukuman neniara salzma so lahun flan mum
tnngkap din 12 xan sebatan mtan.
[72] Eksib ekslbfl nuke! dlpulangkan kupada Pihak Pendakwaan dan
akan dllupuskan seteiah tampon Iayuan lama: Manama eks '
emon bevbemuk dokumen dikepllkan dz\am van kes
Bnnnrikh: 14 Diumbar 202:.
(Rosuu snow)
Mahkamah Tlnggl Kola Eharu.
Ban! pmak Pamiakwaan TPR Knaiml Anuar bin Wahah‘
Twmbalan Fendskwa Ruya,
Penna! Panasmal Undang—Undang
Negsri Kelantzn. Txngkzl Bawah.
Blok 5, ma mmmzum.
15050 Kola Ehalu‘ Ke\an'an
Bagr pmak Terluduh Hahm Ashgav hm Mahd Hum.
Teluan mum Ashgar.
2625. Jalin Azman. Taman Guru,
«.5100 Kola Bharu. Keiaman
IN mmvewwmwumazvm/co
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
Elemen 3 kecgdevsan yang dv srsmi tersehul adalah aklbal dan
L12) Ere"-en kalrga im mempsmnmksn hihawa kecederaan yang
dlahmv lsrsebm adalah sums: flan uevausran on Mangenai
elsmen ml says Ielah menelm kepuda kalsrangamkelerangan
(u kemfangan adlk an 5: Man yang Demamz Ruhlah mm.
Ibrahim 1sPE)
SP8|s1ah mengecamkan on dawn mahkumah spa
manyalakan pada pagl kepadmn. on (em: mengamuk
iawlu me¥ibas—lihaskan dengan sebnlah parang spa iuna
maIiha(OKT pergl ke rumah SI Man flan mengsmk pmlu
hadapan rumah dengin paring berkanaan sambal
mengajak SI Mun berglduh Akmmys spa malmat Si
Msu benaya menenangkan on dam on msnsm
momma: dan vergv davi silu Selepas nu spa belgerak
perm ke Machang Sehelum ms bergarak. as (Jane!
msnmsn Iakan s. Man, seomng bemama Mohd Rcwi bx
Hssssm (SI-"14) dsnsng mengajnk s. Muu keluardengan
sehuzh moiukav
Dalam mm nsngsnsn ‘am Veblh many 12 an — 1 oo
patang, semssa spa aslsm peria\anan pursng dari
Mschang ke Kampong Karilla‘ dia «srsh bemuhung
asngsn S1 Man dan berjumpa dangzn 5\ M "a. sehuah
ksam mikan a. kampong berkenaan Dan si|u spa asn
suaml bergerak unluk ssuk ke rumsh su Man an
lmmpong berkennan
Apsbus ssmpsi a. hadapan rumah bsrdakalan dengan
sehuah pm as spa ledlhal 51 Man Ierbann an alas
csnsn spa asn suaml mask bamm msngham '5. Man
kenana lerdengar sans (Bmbakan. Apshus uswsn
datang. spa |s\ah msmangku kepala S! Mam flan
mehha| darah keluav dan mu!u| dan hiflung spa pga
mshllal ham s. Mali berluhang asn terdapm kesan
Pada msss yang sama spa Ietllhsl oKr udang
menyomk an amavs rumannys asngan mmsn Mamsllna
N mvewwmzasaszvsmo
-ass ms n-nhnrwm as used s mm s. nflmnnflly sums dun-mm VII mum pm.‘
(ibu an den sepupu spa) spa (elah dapal meumau
separun badan on paua mas: mu.
Selamulnya saueuan keidain reds. spa mendapalu
Mum belaksng mmah 3. Man lelah dupacahkan, kayu
pmuu uenmyak flan muuk-muuk Ieniapal kesan dupecahkan
serta diselongkar inmlasuk yang Si Man
menyumr-an ssnapanu SP8;uga mehhatse . pavang
uyang digunakan on pada pagl haru keuaduaru) dan
sabuah |uku| di alas lama:
(iu) kelerangan Mohd Rasnu hm Hussauuu (spun
spu adllan kawan Su Malu. Sal pas minum dengan si
Man du sebuah kedau makan du kampurlg rm [Jada hari
ueuaauan. nanauam ueum kurzng12.DOIerugahan su Mall
din sp14 bemerak ke mmah
honor m hadapan mmah
Semasz sedang bemlncang denguin Su Mun, sum
Ierdengar salu flas bunyu bedlrauu den meumau Su Man
uebah ke man dengan menyenuu perkalaan Allah
spu berlan ke aran suahu kawassn hularu bsrdskalan
daru (erdengar sa|u lagu bunyu bedilan. Pada masa nu
sp14 merasa pemuu du langan kanan daru mendupau
langarunya melecuv
kstauangan pegawau pemmuan, saomrug beunama Dr
5 ' urKhaumh bumi Mann Roza1u|SP5)
sps benuaas du Hasmal Machanfl aan mengesahkan
ueua» nuevawel spu pad: jam 2 so pakang nan yang
same sum merugalamu keoadamzn nrugan pada
lamian kanan akubat lembakaru pehuu Iabuv dari
senapang paiah
(uv) ketemrugzm ASP Zukalli bun Said uspus)
sP15 nuauan peaawau yana m-nangkap DKT daru
merampas selaras senaviulfl bemma pouum du
dalanunya dalu OKT.
IN mmvewwmwmmzvaumo
-um s.n.u be used m mm .. mumuuuy mu. dun-mm VII nruuum v-mxu
Satslah mendapat makIuma| kejaman, SP15 lelan ke
iemnat kajamzn Dalzm sehuah mmah .1. swm‘ sP15
msngintal dan luav mmah dan melihal on sedang
be:-rzda dalam rumah nu SP15 dan anggnu
kemudiarmya telah memumk on umuk menyenm am
Eeberapa mlmt kemudlin on keluar dari mmah
(evsebul flan anangksv oxen suns dan pasukannya
Apabfla ananya‘ on mamhsmalw ianapang
belkenlan berad: an mman nu Pumankiaan nlsh 5915
mendapen ssnavang ilu ada\ah jams Hamngmn a.
Richardsun dan |evdapal sebum pemru dmam
wsmbernya (PEA)
(V) kelenangan spa
sr=9 adalnh scoring bekas Puuruluaya RELA Daevah
dan mengasahkan s. Man sebagzw semang anggmn
RELA Ielall dibekalkan senapang herkenaan we») can
lssen membzwa sena menggnnakannya (P22[7—151)
spa mg: telah mengecam mayal s. Mal: melalul
gambar (P22[7])
(vr) ke|erangan spa
swa adalah seorana bemama ASP Nomlsyim Ian
Ismail yam banvszas dv UM atan aalasnk. Makma\
Farensvk PERM, Cheras, Kuala Lummlr ma lalah
marlsnma sepucuk senapang yang dlvampas
bevkenazn (PEA) bersama sebum peluru den 2
ke\nns/any pelum (Pm flan Pam )
SPID ielah merwewhkan senapinfl can palum
berkenaan kepada Inwekmr Ahmad Ikhwan an. M1
Nazv (sum) umuk nmnbuan wan sommmmy
Lapnran unan «amount, senapami berksnaan belsama
sa|u kekznsong pe\uru lelah msuanxan kamhalv pada
s|=1n pada nan yang sama
swm telah merqalankan analisa dan mendupnn
kekwnsong pe\um yang diserahkan oleh srm selepns
nqlan semceamlny rnempnnyai persarnaen man
Infllwdual karekwsnx dengan dua kebnwng pelum
N mvewmwmmzvamo
Nuns s.nn be used m mm n. nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm wa mum pm
yang d1|emuId|Iempalke]adIan(P7Al dzn FBA1). Hasul
anahsn nleh spm lelah mendapali kuligamga
kelansang peluru Iersehm airspaskan a|au ditemhak
dan salu senjahpl yang sauna iauu PEA
kelsrangan SP1?
spn adalah secrang bsrnama ASP Omar m Seman
mu ka|ua pasukan Vovurvilc. IPK Kelaman yang
memumpal 2 kskinsong psmm senaping an (empal
kejafllan (PVAI dan pm)
[13] walau pun uengan xenauaan sum mats‘ dengan merujuk kepada
keselunman kemangan Plhak Pandakwsan Ialxu
msmen pada pagA kepadian antara on dengan s. Man
pemecahan darn penyslnngkzran mm moan Si Man
menylmpan sennpengnya (PGA)
on dlllhat aleh spa semasa mnmangku kepala s.
penemuan sanapang (PEA) dw lempal on harada
semasa pegawul manangkap sampax
keoedevaan pada sy Manman kebarangkahan hnlen man
penqesahan 2 kalolmmg pemm an temps! kapidlan
adalah sama dengan salu kelmsong pemna yang «mum
ujlan survioeabr/fly Sana digunakan pada senapang
yang same:
rmmmggu s. Mam new dun mam makan pada
rsngahan nan kqadwan
mak S1Mafl cflmmbak.
menambak dangan sanu peluru aan kemudlannya
mengisl dengan salu lag: dan lam: menimbak lag!
sasanan peda Si Mali sahaja pada lambskin panama
walau pun spu belada belsamz Si Man.
[141 Keaernua kalarangan-kelavangan Im an kaselumhzn kularingan
dallm ks: Pmak Pendakwnan‘ pada pendapal saya menunjukan
kapada salu ksumpman sahsja mm on mempunyal nial unluk
msmbunuh sx Man. O\eh yang demlklan saya memumskzn aleman
keempa| juga |a|aII bsqiya dvbuklvkin oleh Fmax Pendakwaan
IN mnvewwynwuwqzvm/co
Nuns smm n-nhnrwm be used m van; .. mn.u.y mm: dun-mm VII mum pans!
u 51 saya mg: mamyuk kepada soal hula: on |arhadnp sakaaaxs.
Pmak Pendakwaan ‘am; sualu pembelaan hahawa on mengammw
masalah mamal, Mask wams can «max sedar Kepada pemualannya
{ca} SPI3seorang Fake!PslklamdanHosp|laIEihagIa,Tg Rambulan.
Perak nemn membua| pamlman xamadap on SP13 mandapau
dan merumuskan bahawa on mengalami masalah
kehefsanumgan kevada dadah dan Dslkusls akibat
venyanahgunaan dadah yang lelah Dulm
[<71 sma Iuga mandapah om adalah dalam keadaan menial yang
waras. Sada! sllam sena zk\be| pemualannw, mampu mengelahul
hahawa pemuaxannya adalah salah din berlenlangan dengsn
undanudmdang sens sedardan waras kehka melakukan xesawanan
separli pemlduhan
[ma] Pemuavan-pevbuatannya sepeni yang szya huvalkan m peranggan
e G! alas ‘adh nada pendapal saya menuruukan on adalah
sanvarlg yang mempunyai memal yang mvas, sedar sflal sens
aklbat psvhualannya, mampu mengemhul hahawn psrbualannya
adalah salah dan benenlangan dengan undangmndang sans udav
dan was kellka mehakukan kesalahan sepem penuduhan
Kwhtuun an Ikhlv ku Dflldakwun
[I9] Salsiah menelili dan menlmbangkzn secara makswmum (maximum
svslusmzn) herhadap keselumhan keterangan Pmak Psndakwaan
lermasuk sualarrsnalan balas Pihak Femhelaan Iemadap snks4—
Saks: Pendakwaan, says herpuas nan Pwhak Pendakwaan |eIah
herjaya memhukhknn suam plmla raua case mhaaap on dan
memennvanxan cm unwx membela dun (Dun:-ID kas Laol Kow
an 3 Ana! y PP [Z0031 1 cu 734, kev Balachandnn y PF
[ms] 1 cu as dan kas FF y Ram bin Ahu Eaknv mos] 1 cm
Pnrlngkal kn pamhnlaan
[ml nga cam pemheman Isiah auuangkan flan myauaskan kepada on
flan om‘ mem-um unluk mmnenkan xexerang-n seeara bevsumpah
den kandang sax:-. Sehm dam on sendm mzmbenkan
ketarannan (sabanav sm). seraman empat (4) salm Vam oelan
msmbnnkan kebsrsngan baa: mhik oKr Iallu sm llbu siudsli
om. sns (kakak om. SD4 (adlk omdan sns tsmak on)
N M/vvewwyawmmzvavco
-ma Snr1n\nnnhnrwH\I>e used m mm .. mxmuuy mm: dun-mm wa muNG wrm
[211 Dalam pembelaznnya on relah menggunakan pembelaan max
wavas manta‘ (dsfsnce ol Imamly) an biwah Seksysn a4 Kanun
xesmsaan Seksyen um memperumukan iapam bsnkut
"sndiun -4 m oh: gum aiunsound ma.
~ammg.s.nomm wmmsoaneoyapumwna mm
hma nf mg «L by reason 12! mmanm pl rmnd, rs
mrzapnblz nfknowmg Ina nature aims act, or max he a my
wens mmprwrullg orwnmlym law’
Kn plmlnlun ext
[221 on qsrm bemmur 2n mhun se<na$a kqadlan Dalam
kelarangannya‘ on menyalakam ma menghadapi masa\ah
gangguan suara blslkan sank oamm 2019 dan meniadl szmzkm
lemk dengan kemallan kawan banknyi Iailu senrang bemama my
pada mum yang uma. Mereka bevdua beksrja di Mam Se|eJah
kemnhan kamn emem on bemenli kewja mm pulang ke
kampung paaa akmrlahun 2016 5 kameusenmmenyebank-nma
lerlekan flan fiklran hersevabm Eagw mengnllangkan gangguan
m 'kan (ersabm, on mengamhll dadah jams pu kuda
my Pads mulam sabemm kejadlan‘ 0KT(elih mengambil sehanyak 5
:2. ml kudn bag: mangmlangkan mekanan flan keserahulan man
ukibal gangguan msukan msehun. Gangguan |ersebul mlang
sekenp swap den kemudiannya dalang balxk Akmamya on naak
dips! mm semalaman.
(241 Fada pani nan kqadian pula oxr mermeogar bnslkan yang
msmbarilahunya hahnwa ads seseolang mgm bergaduh
dsnuznnya may max Iahu slaps. OKT kemudiannya mengamm
sebwlah paring din mengasahnya dv luir rumah. Selesax
mengasnh. on masuk ke dalam rumah isksyzp dan menunggzxkan
parang berkenaan m Vuar mmah Apahila om ksluzr semula dari
rumah. amapaunya parzllg belkenaan lelah aada
[251 OKT|erus kavumah 5. Man (bersebelarmn dengan rumnh 0KT)dan
benanyakan kapada emaknfi (5135; an mam pemng nenkenasn.
Apabila dibsnlahu Iidak mm uleh SD5, on Xelnh mengamuk sns
kemuuiunnya mambavikan pnrang herkenuan kepadi OKT. sns
mga membenkan kuncx mo|csi<a\ xsnemn mnunua men on
N mnvewwwwuwqzvm/co
um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm
[26] cm kamudlarmyz keluav dengan mmosika! dengan membawa
parang berkanaan Im|uk mencan nrang yang mam beruadun
dengarmya sspem msikan berkenaan on mak benumpa sesiapa
pun dan kemudwannya pulang ks rumnh Sampaw an mmahnya, on
masm menflengav suara yang msmhmkan bar-am sos, sr-a
(emak sepupu om flan su Mall sedang barada dallm rumih s-
[271 on rnanyalakan drsebabkan mam: kerana hdak bsryumpi dengan
orang yang handak berg:-duh dengannyi, dva laws ke rumzh 5‘
Man dan didzpah nada saslana dv nawamnya Salaruumya suzra
tarsehm memmsikan bahawa sns, spa den 51 Man sedang
beisemhunyi dalam sebuah bwlik berkunci an rumah SI Mari om
|ems me dang pmlu om berkanaan mngga lemuka can
mendapan um or-any di dalamnya om manyalakan apiblla plnlu
|evbuKa am Iemnmpak sebum: beg senapang dan lallplnggsng
pelum dl ams Ianm on Kemuduannya mengimbnl senlpang
berkenaan dan talpmggang peluru din balvk ka mmahnya
[2a} Samoa. . uarmmalmya‘ on Inmampak mamkarkavmn mangsa
(spa — Rusdl Husawn) masuk ks kawasan Iumah on (ems
memasukzn pehml ke dalam senapang herkanaan an mangIku|
rmlukar ilu dari newamg Setehh mama: nu barhanll an hidapan
mmn 5. Man. om beraaa ax belakanqnya uuoooxan
[291 Apabna sy Man keluar din karma, on manyanakan ma talus
menembak 5. Man «am new on mervyilakan dia max lahu
sebab apa dan apa nialnya menemhak 5; Man kerana flkivan
barssrabul msehabkan hisvkzn Ielsebm on ma mcnyalakan ma
nenunaenul mamh dun ak/an menembak sssiape sins}; olang
panama yang dxa nampak mus mu omuga menyalakan mauaak
mm. wow bahama menembak orang Au um flan max lahn
bahawa Pevhualan nu ma saw:
(any salenas kafldwan flu‘ on milk ka rumahnya dan duduk menghlsip
max iahingualall sm tadlknyz) sarla bapa (Irmya dzlang
beuumpe dan kemumannya dlranukap palis
[an Selanpnnyn kelamngan den spa, 502 (mu saudara am, so;
(kakak am, 504 (mm on; nan sns (emak om «em.
mengeuhkan bahavwa om telah mengalaml gejala penynkn
memax senak kecul lam mu sebelum on (erIIba| dengnn
IN mnvewwwwuwqzvm/co
-um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm
| 3,281 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
BA-22NCC-3-01/2021 | PLAINTIF Mulpha Ventures Sdn Bhd DEFENDAN 1. ) Mula Holdings Sdn Bhd 2. ) Bestari Sepang Sdn Bhd 3. ) Spanstead Sdn Bhd 4. ) Seri Ehsan (Sepang) Sdn Bhd | Moneylenders – Moneylending transactions – Effect of non-compliance with Moneylenders Act 1951 – Whether unenforceable, void and/or illegal.Contract – Of unenforceable, void and illegal contracts – Restitution under section 66 of the Contracts Act 1950.Remedies – Restitution – Money had and received – Unjust enrichment.Limitation – Whether applicable to void contracts – Acknowledgment and fresh accrual of action | 24/01/2024 | YA Dr Choong Yeow Choy | |
(NO. SYARIKAT: 464989-X)
(NO. SYARIKAT: 18588-D)
(NO. SYARIKAT: 383742-D)
24/01/2024 15:07:46
BA-22NCC-3-01/2021 Kand. 110
S/N fh4BKgcAf0qAVbSarur8Sw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[1] “Never lend books, for no one ever returns them; the only books I
have in my library are books that other folks have lent me.” Does this apply
to money lent? After all, as observed by one economist, “all loans, in the
eyes of honest borrowers, must eventually be repaid”.
[2] In a matter that involves a moneylending transaction, as in the
present case, the law that governs moneylending dealings are well
established. These precepts have repeatedly been invoked and applied
by the courts. Nevertheless, the matter before this Court requires it to
once again examine one of the principles relating to moneylending
transactions by a licensed moneylender and a number of related legal
[3] The Plaintiff’s principal claim against the Defendants is predicated
on 3 Loan Agreements pursuant to which the Plaintiff had lent the Second
Defendant a total sum of RM41,191,801.20 (“Loans”). The Plaintiff is also
seeking to recover from the Defendants charges incurred for and on
account of the Fourth Defendant comprising the overdue and outstanding
quit rent and assessments in respect of the land belonging to the Fourth
Defendant amounting to RM7,652,603.60 plus accrued interest
[4] This matter was filed as a Writ action. However, the parties reached
an agreement that it be decided pursuant to Order 14A of the Rules of
Court 2012 on the following Questions of Law:
S/N fh4BKgcAf0qAVbSarur8Sw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
1. Whether the Loan Agreements are void and unenforceable due
to a breach of s 16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951.
1.1. If yes, then whether the Loans and/or Outgoings are
recoverable by virtue of:
(a) money had and received to the use of the Plaintiff;
(b) s 66 of the Contracts Act 1950; and/or
(c) unjust enrichment.
1.2. If no, then whether the Loans and/or Outgoings are
recoverable for a breach of the Loan Agreements,
Security Documents and the Restructuring Documents
collectively known as ‘the Documents’.
2. Whether the Defendants are barred by res judicata (in the
wider sense) and/or by judicial admission from challenging the
validity of the Loan Agreements based on the pleadings,
evidence given and affidavits filed in the Shah Alam High
Court Civil Suit No. 22NCvC57-01/2015 (‘Shah Alam Suit’),
and Shah Alam High Court Originating Summons No. BA-
243NCvC-1001-09/2020 (‘OS Proceedings’).
3. Whether the Plaintiff is debarred by limitation from pursuing
recovery of the Loans and/or Outgoings. In this regard:
3.1. Whether limitation applies if the Loan Agreements are
held to be illegal, void and/or unenforceable.
S/N fh4BKgcAf0qAVbSarur8Sw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
3.2. Whether the Defendants acknowledged that the Loans
are due and owing in the Shah Alam Suit and/or OS
Proceedings thereby resulting in a fresh accrual of the
Plaintiff’s claim on the respective dates of
acknowledgment by the Defendants and consequently
extending the period by which limitation sets in on the
Plaintiff’s claim for recovery of the Loans and/or
The Core Issues
[5] The first of three principal issues to be resolved is whether the Loan
Agreements are void and unenforceable due to a breach of section 16 of
the Moneylenders Act 1951?
[6] In the event that the answer to the above issue is in the affirmative,
the next key question for consideration is whether the Plaintiff is entitled
to its alternative claims for (i) Restitution under section 66 of the Contracts
Act 1950; and/or (ii) Restitution for Money Had and Received and/or
Unjust Enrichment?
[7] If this Court were to conclude that the Plaintiff is entitled to pursue
its alternative claims, the third major issue relating to the defence of
limitation becomes relevant.
The Parties and Their Contentions
[8] The Plaintiff, Mulpha Ventures Sdn Bhd, is a company and a
licensed moneylender under the Moneylenders Act 1951.
S/N fh4BKgcAf0qAVbSarur8Sw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[9] The First Defendant, Mula Holding Sdn Bhd, is the Ultimate Holding
Company of the Second, the Third and the Fourth Defendants, namely,
Bestari Sepang Sdn Bhd, Spanstead Sdn Bhd and Seri Ehsan (Sepang)
Sdn Bhd respectively. The Defendants are part of a Group of Companies.
[10] The loans were disbursed to the Second Defendant. The First, the
Third and the Fourth Defendants are the security parties to these
moneylending transactions.
Validity and Enforceability of the Loan Agreements
[11] On the issue of whether the Loan Agreements are valid and
enforceable, the Defendants in this suit have raised the defence that these
moneylending transactions are illegal on the ground that they violate
section 16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951 and consequently the
agreements are unenforceable and/or void.
[12] Section 16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951 provides as follows:
Moneylending agreement to be given to the borrower
16. (1) No moneylending agreement shall be enforceable unless
the agreement has been signed by all the parties to the agreement
and a copy of the agreement duly stamped is delivered to the
borrower by the licensee before the money is lent.
(2) A licensee who executes a moneylending agreement which
does not comply with this section shall be guilty of an offence under
this Act and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding ten thousand
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ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding twelve months
or to both.
[13] The Defendants also referred to section 2(g) of the Contracts Act
1950 (interpretation section) which states that “an agreement not
enforceable by law is said to be void”.
[14] It is not disputed that the loan sums pursuant to the 3 agreements
were released to the Second Defendant before the agreements were
stamped. As a matter of fact, and as noted below, one of these Loan
Agreements remains unstamped. The dates in which the pertinent event
had taken place re the 3 Loan Agreements are as follows:
1st Moneylending Agreement
Details Date
1. Moneylending Agreement 10.9.2013
2. Agreement signed 10.9.2013
3. Loan amount 3,500,000.00
4. Loan released/disbursed 10.9.2013
5. Moneylending Agreement stamped 18.9.2013
6. Date of delivery of the duly stamped
copy of the Moneylending Agreement
to Defendants 24.9.2013
2nd Moneylending Agreement
Details Date
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1. Moneylending Agreement 25.3.2014
2. Agreement signed 25.3.2014
3. Loan amount 34,700,000.00
4. Loan released/disbursed 25.3.2014
5. Moneylending Agreement stamped 28.3.2014
6. Date of delivery of the duly stamped
copy of the Moneylending Agreement
to Defendants 2.4.2014
3rd Moneylending Agreement
Details Date
1. Moneylending Agreement 13.6.2014
2. Agreement signed 13.6.2014
3. Loan amount 3,000,000.00
4. Loan released/disbursed April 2014
5. Moneylending Agreement was stamped Unstamped
6. Date of delivery of the copy of the
Moneylending Agreement to Defendants 24.8.2014
[15] In other words, the above point to a clear violation of the express
requirements mandated in section 16(1) of the Moneylenders Act 1951.
[16] The Defendants argued that this section does not call for any rule of
interpretation as it is crystal clear.
[17] In addition, the Defendants further submitted that as a result of the
contravention of section 16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951, the 3 impugned
Loan Agreements are rendered illegal and that this Court should not lend
any assistance to the Plaintiff to enforce an illegal contract as there are
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no exceptions provided for any violation of Section 16 of the
Moneylenders Act 1951.
[18] As section 2(h) of the Contracts Act 1950 provides that an
agreement enforceable by law is a contract, the Defendants reasoned and
submitted that “an agreement unenforceable in law is not a contract”.
[19] The Defendants also relied on Golden Wheel Credit Sdn Bhd v Dato’
Siah Teong Din (No 2) [2023] AMEJ 0798; [2023] 6 CLJ 438; [2023] 11
MLJ 647; [2023] MLRHU 661 (“Golden Wheel Credit No 2) to support their
argument that the Loan Agreements in this instant case ought to be
declared as void and/or unenforceable.
[20] On the decision of the Supreme Court in Patel v Mirza [2016] UKSC
42, the Defendant urged this Court take cognizance of section 3(1) of the
Civil Law Act 1956 and to draw a distinction between a statutory illegality,
which they submit as forming the root of the present case, as opposed to
common law illegality, as was the substance before the Supreme Court in
Patel v Mirza. In other words, for purposes of the present matter, the
Defendants is urging this Court to disregard Patel v Mirza.
[21] In response, the crux of the Plaintiff’s arguments is that a
transgression of section 16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951 merely renders
a moneylending agreement as void and unenforceable but not illegal nor
[22] This Court was also referred to section 17A of the Interpretations
Acts 1948 and 1967 which requires one to construe a provision of an Act
in a manner “that would promote the purpose and object underlying the
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Act”. In this regard, this Court was urged to take judicial notice of the
purpose and object of the Moneylenders Act 1951, which as spelt out in
its preamble is “for the regulation and control of the business of
moneylending, the protection of borrowers of the monies lent in the course
of such business, and matters connected therewith”.
[23] The Plaintiff reasoned that “the underlying purpose (object) or
mischief sought to be addressed by section 16 of the Moneylenders Act
1951 is the protection of the borrower by ensuring that he is in possession
of the terms of his contract of repayment prior to the loan being disbursed
and received”. Whereas section 27 of the Moneylenders Act 1951 “calls
for the attestation of the moneylending agreement with the attestor
explaining the terms of the moneylending agreement to the borrower and
certifying the borrowers understanding of it”. Hence, according to the
Plaintiff, when section 16 is read together with section 27 of the
Moneylenders Act 1951, one will see that the “underlying purpose
(object)/mischief is not violated in this case”.
[24] The Plaintiff repeatedly alluded to the fact that the Defendants,
being “sophisticated entities who were always legally represented”, were
not prejudiced by the alleged non-compliance with section 16 of the
Moneylenders Act 1951.
[25] In addition to the above submissions, it was also contended by the
Plaintiff that even if the section 16 defence applies, it only affects the Loan
Agreements, that is, claim for the sum of RM41,191,801.20. According to
the Plaintiff, this section 16 defence has no bearing on its claim for the
charges incurred for and on account of the Fourth Defendant comprising
the overdue and outstanding quit rent and assessments in respect of the
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land belonging to the Fourth Defendant amounting to RM7,652,603.60
plus accrued interest.
Judicial Estoppel and Res Judicata
[26] The Plaintiff alluded to two previous Suits involving the same parties
and contended that since the Defendants had “treated the Loans as valid
and regular in the Shah Alam Suit and the OS Proceedings, the Mula
Parties are estopped and barred by res judicata from now asserting that
the Loans are void and unenforceable – which is a diametrically opposite
and mutually exclusive position from that taken previously by the Mula
Parties”. The point raised by the Plaintiff is that the Defendants “could
have raised the alleged non-compliance of s 16 of the Moneylenders Act
1951 in the previous proceedings but they failed to do so” and instead
“elected to treat the Loan Agreements as valid and regular”.
[27] On this ground, the Plaintiff relied on Leisure Farm Corp Sdn Bhd v
Kabushiki Kaisha Ngu (formerly known as Dai-Ichi Shokai) & Ors [2017]
5 MLJ 63 (FC) at para [16]; [2017] CLJU 499, Syarikat Rodziah v Malayan
Banking Bhd [2021] 5 CLJ 170 (CA) at paras [45] to [49]; [2021] AMEJ
0133; [2021] MLJU 166; [2021] 3 MLRA 556, Asia Commercial Finance
(M) Bhd v Kawal Teliti [1995] 3 CLJ 783 (SC) at 791 F-G, 792 A-B, 793
E-I; [1995] 3 AMR 2559; [1995] 3 MLJ 189; [1995] 1 MLRA 611 and Lin
Wen-Chih v Pacific Forest Industries Sdn Bhd [2023] 6 AMR 561; [2023]
8 CLJ 671; [2023] 6 MLRA 1 (FC).
[28] In reply, the Defendants pointed out that the provisions of law raised
in the previous suits were sections 67 and section 132(g) of the
Companies Act 1965 and that the issue of section 16 of the Moneylenders
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Act 1951 was never raised and considered. Hence, there was no final
determination by the Shah Alam High Court on the validity of the 3
moneylending agreements mentioned herein.
Alternative Claims
[29] In the event that the Defendants are successful in invoking section
16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951 with the Loan Agreements declared as
void and unenforceable, the Plaintiff has proffered the following alternative
claims, namely:
(a) Restitution under s 66 of the Contracts Act 1950; and
(b) Money had and received and unjust enrichment under common
[30] In advancing its argument that it is entitled in law to the above
alternative claims, the Plaintiff underscored the following points, that is, (i)
the Loan Agreements were not prohibited moneylending agreements; (ii)
there is no statutory prohibition for the granting of the loans as the purpose
of the loan was not made with the object to commit an illegal act; and (iii)
since there is neither statutory nor common law illegality about these
loans, none of the limbs in section 24 of the Contracts Act 1950 is
[31] The position that the Plaintiff has adopted is that even though the
Loan Agreements were unenforceable under the Moneylenders Act 1951,
its recovery of the money lent is not confined to the said Act. In other
words, the Plaintiff is nevertheless entitled to recover the loan under “any
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other principle of law”. Indeed, Mary Lim J (as she then was) had made
the above observation in Orix Credit Malaysia Sdn Bhd v Choong Keong
Kor [2011] 1 LNS 111 at paras [25]-27]; [2011] 2 AMCR 110; [2011] MLJU
182; [2011] 2 MLRH 891 (“Orix Credit Malaysia”).
Restitution under Section 66 of the Contracts Act 1950
[32] Section 66 of the Contracts Act 1950 reads as follows:
66. Obligation of person who has received advantage under void
agreement, or contract that becomes void
When an agreement is discovered to be void, or when a contract
becomes void, any person who has received any advantage under the
agreement or contract is bound to restore it, or to make compensation for
it, to the person from who he received it”
[33] It is the Plaintiff’s contention that since the Loan Agreements are not
agreements that are void ab initio, section 66 of the Contracts Act 1950
applies to the present case. Based on this provision and the Federal Court
case of Tan Chee Hoe & Sons Sdn Bhd v Code Focus Sdn Bhd [2014] 3
AMR 9; [2014] 3 CLJ 141; [2014] 3 MLJ 301; [2014] 4 MLRA 11, the
Plaintiff submitted that it must succeed in its alternative claim for restitution
premised on section 66 of the Contracts Act 1950.
[34] In reply to the above submissions, the Defendants asserted instead
that as a result of the contravention of section 16 of the Moneylenders Act
1951, the 3 moneylending agreements are thus illegal. The Defendants
further submitted that this Court should not lend any assistance to the
Plaintiff to enforce an illegal contract and that there are no exceptions
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provided for any violation of section 16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951. The
defendants then argued that since section 2(h) of the Contracts Act 1950
provides that “an agreement enforceable by law is a contract”, an
agreement unenforceable in law is not a contract.
[35] It is noteworthy that the Defendants made reference to Golden
Wheel Credit (No. 2) and Mahmood bin Ooyub v Li Chee Loong & Other
Appeals [2020] 1 LNS 660; [2020] 6 MLJ 755; [2021] 1 MLRA 609
(“Mahmood bin Ooyub”). In the latter case, it was pointed out by the
Defendants that the Court of Appeal had made further reference to section
24 of the Contracts Act 1950, which outlines “what considerations and
objects are lawful, and what not”, with “an agreement which is forbidden
in law” as falling under the latter category.
Money had and received and unjust enrichment
[36] The elements for a claim of money had and received are:
1. that the defendant must have been enriched by the receipt of a
2. that the benefit must have been obtained at the plaintiff’s
expense; and
3. that it would be unjust to allow the defendant to retain that
benefit. [See Golf & Jones – The Law of Restitution]
and those for unjust enrichment are:
1. that the respondent was enriched by receiving a benefit;
2. that the benefit received was at the appellant’s expense; and
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3. that the retention of the benefit by the respondent was unjust.
[See Air Express International (M) Sdn Bhd v MISC Agencies
Sdn Bhd [2012] 4 MLJ 59]
[37] The Plaintiff referred this Court to the Federal Court case of Dream
Property Sdn Bhd v Atlas Housing Sdn Bhd [2015] 2 AMR 601; [2015] 2
CLJ 453; [2015] 2 MLJ 441; [2015] 2 MLRA 247 which elucidated the
nature and concept of restitutionary remedies and the United Kingdom
Supreme Court case of Patel v Mirza concerning the “trio of
considerations” when dealing with the illegality doctrine.
[38] According to the Plaintiff, based on the facts in this case, all the
elements for a claim in money had and received, and unjust enrichment
are clearly met and fulfilled. Hence, the Plaintiff argued that it must
succeed also in its alternative claim for restitution premised on money had
and received and unjust enrichment for the sums claimed.
[39] Another defence raised by the Defendants is that the Plaintiff’s
claims are statute barred by section 6 of the Limitation Act 1953. The basis
of this limitation defence is that the Plaintiff’s cause of action would have
arisen in the year 2013, when the monies were disbursed under the
[40] The Defendants placed reliance on AmBank (M) Bhd v Abdul Aziz
bin Hassan & Ors [2010] 7 CLJ 553; [2010] 3 MLJ 784; [2009] 4 MLRA
458 and Thameez Nisha Hasseem (as the administrator of the estate of
Bee Fathima @ dll, deceased) v Maybank Allied Bank Bhd [2023] 5 AMR
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581; [2023] 5 CLJ 874; [2023] 4 MLJ 145; [2023] 4 MLRA 492 in support
of their limitation defence.
[41] Predictably, the Plaintiff argued otherwise, contending that the claim
and/or the alternative claims to recover the loans were filed within the
statutory limitation period. The Plaintiff put forward two principal reasons.
[42] The first reason relates to the terms in the Loan Agreements. The
Plaintiff pointed out that all the 3 Loan Agreements contain the following
“Right of action”, clauses, that is:
Right of action
5. (1) If the Borrower –
(a) fails to repay any sum of instalment payable or any part thereof
and any interest payable specified in Section 5 of the First
Schedule for any period in excess of twenty-eight days after its due
date; or
(b) commits an act of bankruptcy or enters into any composition or
arrangement with his creditors or, being a company, enters into
liquidation, whether compulsory or voluntary, the Lender may
terminate this Agreement.
(2) Upon the occurrence of any of the events specified in subclause
(1) herein, the Lender shall give the Borrower not less than
fourteen days a written notice to treat this Agreement as having
been repudiated by the Borrower and unless in the meanwhile such
default alleged is rectified or such unpaid sum of instalment and
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interest are paid, this Agreement shall at the expiry of the said
notice, at the option of the Lender be deemed to be annulled.
(3) In the event this Agreement has been terminated or annulled,
the Lender may claim the balance outstanding from the Borrower
in accordance with the provisions under Order 45 of the
Subordinate Court Rules 1990 [P.U. (A) 97/1990] in case the
balance outstanding does not exceed two hundred and fifty
thousand ringgit or Order 79 of the Rutes of the High Court 1980
[P.U. (A) 50/1980] in case the balance outstanding is higher than
two hundred and fifty thousand ringgit.
[43] The Plaintiff alluded to the fact that a demand for the principal sum
of RM41,191,801.20 was made on 21 January, 2015 and a 7-day period
for payment of it to be made was given. The 7-day period expired on 28
January, 2015. The Second Defendant was given a notice on 27
February, 2015 to rectify the default or pay the sum demanded within 14
days of 27 February, 2015, failing which the Loan Agreements will be
terminated at the expiry of the said 14 days. As the 14-day period had
passed without any rectification of the default or payment, the Loan
Agreements terminated at the end of it, that is, on 14 March, 2015. This
date, according to the Plaintiff, is the date on which date the cause of
action to sue arose. That being the case, limitation would only set in on
13 March, 2021. Since the action was filed on 8 January, 2021, the action
is not time barred.
[44] As for the alternative claims, as these were added by way of
amendment on 3 March, 2021. The application of the doctrine of relation
back meant that these alternative claims are deemed to have been
commenced on 8 January 2021, the date the writ was issued. In any
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event, these alternative claims were added even before limitation had set
in on 13 March, 2021.
[45] The second ground relied by the Plaintiff to challenge the limitation
defence is premised on a proposition enunciated by the Court of Appeal
in Khatijah bt Abdullah & Ors v Mohd Isa bin Biran [2017] 2 AMR (refd);
[2017] 7 CLJ 513; [2017] 2 MLJ 1; [2017] 2 MLRA 509. The relevant part
of the judgment reads as follows:
[31] We agree with the appellants that the SPA had become void and s
33 of the Contracts Act 1950 applies. A void contract does not generate
any enforceable right or duty. Where there is neither right nor duty,
limitation cannot be invoked (see Hubah Sdn Bhd & Ors v Koperasi
Pusaka (Penampang) Bhd & Ors. The defence of limitation is thus not
available to the respondent.
[46] Last but not least, the Plaintiff also raised the provisions in sections
26 and 27 of the Limitation Act 1953 in support of its assertion that its
claims are not time barred under the Limitation Act 1953. This line of
argument is raised in the event that this Court finds that the cause of action
had arisen more than six years before the writ was issued.
[47] The Plaintiff highlighted the following facts as amounting to an
acknowledgment of debts and thereby giving rise to a fresh accrual of
action, that is, (i) when the Defendants filed the Amended Defence &
Counterclaim in the Shah Alam Suit on 17 August, 2015; and (ii) more
recently on 21 September, 2020 when they filed the Originating Summons
Proceedings to repay the debts and to redeem the land/securities; and (iii)
when the Defendants through their principal and primary director
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acknowledged and admitted in the Shah Alam Suit the sums advanced by
the Plaintiff towards the Outgoings Incurred, and that it was a continuing
loss that the Plaintiff had to incur. Hence, it is the Plaintiff’s contention that
the right of action to recover the Loans and Outgoings Incurred shall be
deemed to have accrued on 17 August, 2015 or 21 September, 2020,
rendering the claim and/or the alternative claims to recover the loans as
not time-barred.
[48] This acknowledgement and henceforth fresh accrual of action
argument was met with the counter argument by the Defendants that there
was an absence of an unequivocal admission of any precise amount owed
by the Defendants.
[49] In rejecting this acknowledgment ground as raised by the Plaintiff,
the Defendants relied on the provisions in sections 26(2) and 27 of the
Limitation Act 1953, the Federal case of Wee Tiang Teng v Ong Chong
Hooi & Anor [1978] 1 LNS 234; [1978] 2 MLJ 54; [1978] 1 MLRA 366 on
what constitutes as a sufficient acknowledgment and the Court of Appeal
decision of Lay Hong Food Corp Sdn Bhd (previously known as Lay Hong
Poultry Processing Sdn Bhd) v Tiong Nam Logistics Solutions Sdn Bhd
[2017] 10 CLJ 680; [2018] 2 MLJ 66 that had explained that an
acknowledgement must be unequivocal.
The Decision of this Court
[50] On the first principal issue of whether there has been a breach or
non-compliance with section 16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951, the
answer is undoubtedly in the affirmative. The strict and express
requirement in the said provision mandates that the Loan Agreements are
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to be stamped and delivered to the borrower before the loans are
disbursed. This explicit pre-requisite has been flouted by the Plaintiff
[51] Crucially, the legal effect of such non-compliance with section 16 of
the Moneylenders Act 1951 must be determined. In this regard,
references may be made to section 16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951 itself
and section 2(g) of the Contracts Act 1950.
[52] Section 16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951 unmistakeably declares
any such moneylending agreement as unenforceable and by virtue of
section 2(g) of the Contracts Act 1950, “an agreement not enforceable by
law is said to be void”.
[53] This Court is of the considered view that the argument by the
Plaintiff to the effect that the Defendants are “sophisticated entities” and
were at all times “legally represented” and thus were not prejudiced by the
alleged non-compliance with section 16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951
does not hold water. The same can also be said of the Plaintiff. It too must
be a sophisticated entity and not wanting in legal representation.
[54] This Court has also considered the contention by the Plaintiff that in
construing section 16 of the Moneylending Act 1951, it should be carried
out in a manner that would promote the purpose and object underlying the
said Act and when section 16 is read together with section 27 of the
Moneylenders Act 1951, one will see that the underlying purpose or
mischief is not violated in this case.
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[55] However, in light of the clear contravention of an express and
explicit requirement laid down in the Moneylenders Act 1951 and the
obvious resulting legal consequence, the 3 Loans Agreements in this
present case are unenforceable and void.
[56] Be that as it may, while the breach of section 16 of the
Moneylenders Act 1951 has adversely affected the Loan Agreements, this
section 16 defence has no bearing on the Plaintiff’s claim for the charges
incurred for and on account of the Fourth Defendant comprising the
overdue and outstanding quit rent and assessments in respect of the land
belonging to the Fourth Defendant amounting to RM7,652,603.60 plus
accrued interest, that is, the outgoings incurred.
[57] As for the Judicial Estoppel and Res Judicata ground raised by the
Plaintiff, this Court has carefully considered the authorities cited by the
Plaintiff against the background of this case. Unfortunately, it is unable to
agree with the Plaintiff that Judicial Estoppel or the concept of Res
Judicata, even in the wider sense, applies in the instant case.
[58] This brings us to the Plaintiff’s alternative claims. As noted in
paragraphs [29] – [31] above, the crux of the Plaintiff’s contention is that
it is entitled to seek Restitution under section 66 of the Contracts Act 1950
and for money had and received and unjust enrichment under common
[59] As this Court is in total agreement with the High Court in Orix Credit
Malaysia Sdn Bhd that a Plaintiff is not confined to invoking the
Moneylenders Act 1951 when seeking to recover a loan but may resort to
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“any other principle of law”, it is apposite that the provision in section 66
of the Contracts Act 1950 be examined detail.
[60] The Defendants have adopted the position that as a result of the
contravention of section 16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951, the 3
moneylending agreements are illegal.
[61] Section 66 of the Contracts Act 1950 deals with situations “when an
agreement is discovered to be void, or when a contract becomes void”.
There is no mention of illegality.
[62] The authorities cited by the Defendants, namely, Golden Wheel (No
2) and Mahmood bin Ooyub did refer to section 66 of the Contracts Act
1950. Nevertheless, this Court observes that in these cases, there were
elements of illegality in the moneylending transactions.
[63] In Mahmood bin Ooyub, the Court of Appeal held that the sale and
purchase agreements were a sham, to disguise illegal moneylending
transactions to circumvent the strict provisions of the Moneylenders Act
1951. Two of the lenders were also unlicensed moneylenders.
[64] Likewise, in Golden Wheel (No 2), one of the material provisions of
the Moneylenders Act 1951 that the plaintiff had contravened was section
17 which stipulated that the interest for a secured loan shall not exceed
12% per annum. As observed by the High Court in that case, the
contravention of this provision was a serious matter. More importantly,
there was wrongful deduction and retention of the loan sums, conduct
expressly prohibited and, as once again noted by the High Court, “a
feature most commonly found in illegal moneylending by loan sharks or
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'Along'”. These were in addition to the failure to provide stamped copies
of the moneylending agreements and the statements of accounts. These
factors clearly distinguish Golden Wheel (No 2) from the present case.
[65] Unlike the above cases cited and relied on by the Defendants, there
is no such element of illegality in the present case.
[66] Admittedly, the 3 Loan Agreements are not agreements that were
discovered to be void. However, they are contracts that subsequently
became void. The events that rendered the contracts as subsequently
becoming void was the release of the monies before the agreement were
stamped and delivered. When the first Loan Agreement was signed on 10
September, 2013, it was a valid agreement. Similarly, when the second
Loan Agreement was signed on 25 March, 2014, it was a valid agreement.
The same can be said of the third Loan Agreement, when it was signed
on 13 June, 2014. There was no evidence before this Court to suggest
that these agreements are tainted by elements of illegality.
[67] The upshot to this is that the Plaintiff may avail itself the provision in
section 66 of the Contracts Act 1950.
[68] In the event that this Court is incorrect in invoking section 66 of the
Contracts Act 1950, it is also of the considered view that the Plaintiff may
rely on the doctrine of money had and received and/or unjust enrichment.
[69] The elements for these restitutionary remedies as outlined
paragraph [36] are present in the instant case.
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[70] As it is this Court’s findings that the issue of illegality does not arise
in the present case, there is no necessity to deliberate on Patel v Mirza’s
trio of consideration to the present case.
[71] This Court is also aware of the recent decision in Triple Zest Trading
& Supplies & Ors v Applied Business Technologies Sdn Bhd [2023] 8
AMR 225; [2023] 10 CLJ 187; [2023] 6 MLJ 818; [2023] 1 MLRA 144
where the Federal Court had disallowed the return of the principal loan
sum, which the Court of Appeal had ordered the borrowers to pay back to
the lender. Suffice to say that this decision of the Federal Court is
distinguishable from the present case and the principle enunciated therein
is not applicable to the instant case.
[72] On the issue of limitation, this Court finds that the requirement for a
valid acknowledgement has not been made out by the Plaintiff. Hence,
the issue of a fresh accrual of action does not arise.
[73] Regardless, the absence of acknowledgment has no bearing on this
limitation point. Since the 3 Loan Agreements are unenforceable and void,
the terms relating to the “Right of action” cannot be invoked. However, this
Court is bound by the principle enunciated by the Court of Appeal in
Khatijah bt Abdullah & Ors v Mohd Isa bin Biran that “a void contract does
not generate any enforceable right or duty” and “where there is neither
right nor duty, limitation cannot be invoked”. As in Khatijah bt Abdullah &
Ors v Mohd Isa bin Biran the defence of limitation is thus not available to
the Defendants in the present case.
[74] In view of the above findings, the Plaintiff’s claims for the loans
disbursed to the Second Defendant amounting to RM41,191,801.20 with
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interest of 5% per annum from the date of the Writ until date of full
payment and the outgoings incurred amounting to RM7,652,603.60 plus
interest incurred as pleaded in paragraph 22(4) of the Amended
Statement of Claim are allowed with costs.
[75] The Defendants to pay costs of RM40,000 to the Plaintiff, subject to
Dated: 18 January, 2024
Judicial Commissioner
High Court of Malaya
Shah Alam
Gopal Sreenevasan with Conrad Young, Mark Lau and Kristen Tan for
the Plaintiff
(Messrs. Sreenevasan Young)
Ahmad Amir Mahmood for the Defendants
(Messrs. Gunaseelan & Associates)
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| 38,089 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-25-508-09/2022 | PEMOHON NATIONAL UNION OF BANK EMPLOYEES RESPONDEN 1. ) MAHKAMAH PERUSAHAAN MALAYSIA 2. ) HSBC BANK MALAYSIA BERHAD | Judicial Review — High Court — Application for judicial review on Award of Industrial Court — Industrial Relations Act 1967 (“IRA”) — s 29(fa) — Application to strike off the respondent Bank’s action at the Industrial Court — Industrial Court dismissed the application to strike off Labour law — Trade Union — Trade Union Act 1959 (“TUA”) — s 22(1) – The nature of immunity - Whether s 22(1) can be a ground to strike off the claim summarily at the Industrial Court under s 29(fa) of the IRA -— Whether immunity is carte blanche or only applicable when the tortious acts complained of were “committed by or on behalf of the trade union” — Who is to establish “committed by or on behalf of the trade unionLabour Law — Industrial Court — Jurisdiction — Reference under s 20(3) of the IRA — Whether jurisdiction of Industrial Court could be challenged without challenging the Minister's reference — Whether the threshold jurisdiction of the Industrial Court could be challenged by way of a preliminary objection | 24/01/2024 | YA Dato' Wan Ahmad Farid Bin Wan Salleh | |
24/01/2024 17:01:26
WA-25-508-09/2022 Kand. 45
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WA—25—508—U9/2022 Kand. 45
za/nuznu 1":a1-25
Dawn Dsrkava Mnmumxh P-mialcaan m
Kuala Lumvllmzs No m-2831/21‘
mam ulnar: Award mxenm No 19::
(alum 2022 dlpuluskan uleh Mahkamah
Pcrunhaan m s<...:.. Lumpuv bonankh
1 12022‘
Dalam perm: Aluran 53 Kaedah—Kasaxh
Mahkamah 2012
Da\am pemarn smysn 22 um Akla
Kasawan Sakena 1959.
Da\am pelxara Seksyevv woe» Akla
Femummgan Perusanaan 1967.
Dalam perkara mdang kuasa ssdla ada
Mihknmah yang Muha m. flan/nun
menunn Am; Mahkamah Keha Imam man
dan/alau menum1AkuI RehI$pes\flk 1950
(No.svARIKA - 127776-VI) RESPONBEN
sm waMz1mE21Tmmax\w
3%.. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
Yhe mural background
[1] The applicam is me Naimnal union M Bank Employees a lrade
union for Customer service Bankers, 5Del:Ia| clencal and Non-
clancal bank employees and duly rsgiaiereu under s I2 urine Trade
Unions Act 1959 |“TUA“|.
[21 A lraus dispma was rilsa by nssc Bank Malaysia semsa, me 2~=
iesponnenl, under s 18 oi the Industrial Relaliens Am 1967 l-IRA“)
Under s 18(I)(b) or lne IRA‘ wners a trade aispuie uiss, max
dlspu|a, W olherwise na| rasalvad. may be veporled In he Dlredar
General or lndusinal Relalions (“Dlrec1crGenera|")
[31 Tneaispuie was suhssquenlly relerred in me lnauslnal Ccurl by ina
Mmlslef :11 Human Resources rune MlrllsleF') under s 2612) of iris
[4] The cumplainis by me 2"“ vesporlderll Bank in relaiion Io Ina
appllmnfs lnduslnal aclwilies are as lollwws:
4,1 Publishing various puslings. slalernenls. remarks aridlor
oornmenls man were disparaging, aisrespecilul, dewgalory,
andlor aeiamamry in naluru againsi ins 2"-1 iespanaenl Bank
on its/theirwebslla and/or social media acoounis
4.2. REISIHQ a complain: lo lne ‘UK Naiianal Cnrllact Psini lor me
OECD Guidelines Ior Mullinalional Enlernrlses“ againsl me
2"“ respolldem Bank. alleging violations oi ins OECD
Guidelines by lne ri respundanl
4 3, Raising a mmplalm lo me Labour Department of
Semenanjung Malaysia on me alleged unlair labour pracilees
by the 2'” respondent.
[51 Pursuanl [0 me raleianee, me 24 respundem Bank lnsn prepared
me sialerneni or case and sought ins louwnng reliefs iur me
industrial Cuurl IO:
la) Order me applicant lo cease and desisl from‘ and
(D) Slriks down.
IN RalMlZlmEtlTmL1dx\v
“Nair a.n.i nuvlhnrwm s. LAIQ4 w may i... nflnlnallly snn. dnuuvlnril VII arlum vtmxl
evidence belore making any lindings of tact. It oertainly cannot
be disposed at summarily
(1) The legitimate ewpemalioni it any‘ must be based on the
eonsct interpretation ol 5 22(1) or TUA
[40] There is another issue that needs to be addressed ll is this ll
lndsed the applicanl ls aggrieved by the Ministerial relerenoe. the
proper cause cf action would be to commence a iudiciei review
action to challenge the reverence and, secondly, to seek an oideroi
prohibition against the Industrial court in Kalmrave/LI Ganesani
eopal sn Ram JCA (later FCJ) remarked as toilowe:
it Ialltlws that a pen, In . aispute who wlshes to
contend that the industrial court was not have
iuiisaictioii to enter upon tne inquiry, eg
bicauielhe dispute is extra-lamlunal in nature
lVluS| do so by seeking to quash the Ministers
Mamnna, aria. in the nine appllciflnn ask car
an order or pronipiiiori against that com! in
other warns the rhrashotu iuiisaielian or the
liiduniiai Cowl cannot be diaflenund wlmolfl
pining the Minister aria seeking ieiiei agalns1
[41] Aflhuugh Kalhiravelu Gsnssan was decided prlorto the mummy into
force Ms zstlai or the in on 23 2 2005. the ralin is still applicable
In other words, s 29(iat does not have the ellect orovetruiing the
ratio In kathiravelu eanesan since the apphcam was inviting the
industrial court to nullity the Ministerial reverence without totning the
Minister That would be tantamount to a breach oi the principles or
natural jus|ioe. i do not think by introducing s 29(la), Parliament
intended to do away with the right ol the Mlnietierro be heard
[42] Finallyi I| is not accurate to suggest that lhe matter belore the
industrial court is purely legal, which enables the court to make a
nllirig an the preliminary issue. As retiecteo in the statement or
case, the issues raised are main legal and «actual. Issues such as
the 2"" respondent aank's alleged attempt to seize the Leadership
o1 staw supports club, unlair assessment ol perlomiance rating or
brutal harassment lnr questioning appraisal rating are an laotual in
IN RnlHi2lflEt!TmLmx\v
“Nope s.n.i nuvlhnrwm be u... a my i... aniin.iiii uni. dnumlnnl Vfl nFiuNQ puiui
[431 In the cwcunvslanoes, me factual "amen can only be delemwued
and adwdlcaled by way 0! a proper healing and not summarily.
[441 For me aforesaxd reasons, mere was no serious error made by [he
Vnduslrial Courl in me «arm of Wsdnssnury unreasonauleness or
procedural rmproprrecy m dismissing me apphcanrs ap ' ‘
End 22A Iha| womd make me Award amaname In Ju al rewew.
[45] ‘(he Indusunal Cnurl was corvect m vssumg the Award,
[45] The mauer rs, lherefore. rermnen re me Irmusmar couruorche Court
la proceed with was hearing and evemuar adrudrcauon
[47] ms applwahon var Judwcm review As merevore msrmssad with casts
n1 RM3,oou sub;sc| |o auacanur.
Huh :4 Jnnuari 2014
(WAN mum mun am wm SALLEH}
Mahkamah Tinggr Kuala Lumpur
m Ramrzlmzzwmumw
“Nana smm mmhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w my r... mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII muNG v-max
Sam Pmx pamumn Na»/sen mm. Sa\nrvu7n a. Jmeph Km!
muan Man Weng Kwm & Aswmau-s
Bag! Pmak Responflen 2 Swabamh Nnmmjah‘ Bunadm um»
Rnenn Enbtsogavam
Teman Sheam Delaware 5. 00
sm mmzzummum
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
tne atieged derogatory and deiamatory media posting.
At tit ndustriat court
[51 The applicant was 0! the View that the reliefs souont by the
respondent Bank are in Ihe nature of imurto tons to pronrort and
order tne applic-!n| Union to cease and destsllmm the swat media
postings that were purportedry derogatory and defamatory
[7] me applicam trten filed a nottoe of apottcattort under s 2B(fa]v1the
iRA to Strike off the respondent Bank‘: action at the Industrial court.
Under the subsection the industrtai court has the power to order a
case to he !r|ruck of! or reinstated.
[3] The application to strike oil in End 22A was ancrtored on s 2211 t at
TUA. || pmwdes as iattows.
Asmlagsinsta registered trade tmmn avagatrtst
any members or n In theme! on behalf at
thsmseives and an 9 er members or me trade
union M tespccl or any human: at:| alieged to
have been committed oy or an oatmr or in.
trade union snati not be entenatrtsd by any
on 1.9.2022. the appiioation to s|nke on was dismissed by the
Industrial Count
[9] The grounds or me decisron or me Industrtai Ooun can be
summarised as follows
9 1 me industnai court was M me View that a dispute between
tne parties was on the rrnptementatrorr or apph::a|Ion of arty
oiause in a collective Agreement will “clearly oe a trade
dispute‘. The teamed chairman 010:: tndustnai court cited
the tudgrnnnl oi ttra Supreme court In Dunlap Indusrms
Employees Uniart V Dunlap Ma yall Industries 5 Anal
[1987] 2 ML! 61 sc The supreme court held that s 55(2) oi
the wt oieariy arroowarad tne irrdusrnai court to mike an
award dealing wilh tne oamp|atn| in respect to any none
mmphance wrtrr the cottective Agreement
ru Rdt>trzIt'lE2t1mumiw
“None S-rm nuvthnrwm rs. ti... w my r... mrr.rru sun. dnuuvtnrrl vn nrit.tNG v-mat
9 2 ones the Minister at Hunian Resouroes (“the Minister) revere
a tradedispute under s 26(2) otthe IRAartt1 the reference was
not set aside or quashed oy the High court, the industnai
Own is theretore seized with the power and jurisdiction to
hear the trade dispute between the parties and determine the
issues oetore I|. tn Kethtmetu zieriesun A Anor v Kajlu
Holdings and [1 9971 3 cu 777 SQ the seine situation amse
vmen the Minister referred a trade dispute to the tndustnal
court. The supreme Ccurl heid that in an cases where a party
to e trade dispute intends to question the threshoid iunsdiotron
or the Industrial court to make an adiudicatrpn. save upon the
tirrnted ground that the representations under s 20(1) were
made out of Ilmei he must do so by seeking to quash,
by cerzioran, the Ministers reference and, in the same
proceedings, seek an order tor pronihrziori against the
tndustriei Ooun trorri entertaining the dispute upon the ground
that the iatter has no iurisdrctipn to make an adiudication
9.3 The Industrial court has wide powers pursuant to s 291g) or
the IRA, which states that the court may generally dtrect and
do an suoh things as are necessary or expedient tor the
expediuous deternun ' oithe malterbefarstt According to
the teamed chainriari oi the industnai court, the powers
under s 2919) must not he used by shutting the doors oi the
Conn by summarily dispasing the use purety on a preinninary
ooieaion without giving the parties all the opportunity to
we re their respective oases to the tuitest.
[In] For the aioresaid reasons the Iridustriet court, by a unanimous
decision, dismissed the application to strike on in Encl 22A.
The Judtcte Review
[11] Aggneved, the eppheant cornrneriued this appiioation tor iudiciai
review to quash the same.
[12] Yhis appticauori tor iudieiat review is supported by the amdavit oi
sendagran soienion all Joseph Ptlchay in Ent:I 2 t'Ats—2'i.
[ta] Leave to commence iudioiai reinew was granted by this court on
28 9 2022.
ru RalMiZlDIEt!TmLmx\v
“None s.r.i nuvthnrwm a. u... is may i... arrii.ii-y MIMI dnuuvtnnl n. eF\t.ING Wm!
[14] The appllcanfs case is premised on the ground that-
(a) No nuestrens enact must be dealt with and taken into ewount
belore a lull award can he handed down
(I2) since there are no ques|iorls 0! last to be detennlned, the
matter should be disposed at on a question at law‘ namely,
whether s 22(l l of TUA applies
The applicant contended that the industrial court should have
applied s 22(l ) at TUAand that the utalm ol the 2” respondent Bank
shduld not have been entenained In short, it sneuld have been
struck M1.
[15] Before me. learned edunsel tor the applicant raised three main
issues alder lo establish that the impugned Award ought tu be
la) The Award is tainted with illegality
(bl The lndustnal court had acted irraudnally and unreasonably.
(c) The applicants legitimate expectation that the immunity under
s 22(1) 0! TUA should have been upheld by the lndustnal
The illegality argument
[15] Learned counsel lor the applicant attracted my altenhnrt that s 22m
employs the phrase ‘shall nut be entertained by any court‘. This is
in contrast with s 2t 0! mm whlch pidvides that no legal
prepeedings shall be malrltairlable in any ClVl/ court agatns| any
trade Lmlcn or its omders in respect to any as! done in conletrlpl
or tunheranpe at a trade dispute.
[1 71 In short, learned cnunsel eentended that the phrase any court in s
22 should include the lndustnat Courl. citing the iudpmsnt of the
Federal claim in rel-iiri [7/n Mostepe v Hulhl-Dnnynl hin sail.
[2o2n] 4 ML! 721 F0, learned wunsel lor |he appltran|$ubmlt1ed
that where the wards dta statute are unamblguous, ptain and clear.
they must be glverl their natural and ordinary meaning
ru RalHlZlflEtlTmLmxlw
“Nair s.n.i nuvlhnrwlll be u... m my i... nflnlnnllly MVMI dnuuvlml Vfl .riuua mi
[18] Annrylng me pvoposlllon lo lhe lnslsrll cesel learned counsel lrren
argued meme wnrdlngsofs22|1)cDuld nol be more urlamblglmus,
plaln and claar and the prrrese sha/lllclbe enlerlalnea by any coun
nrusl be glverl lls plan and enlrn-ry meanlng
[19] My auenllen was when drawn to anmner luagrnenl pl lne Federal
court In lsrn-ll Nu-Iruddin bin Abdul Wullnb v Mrrlayslur Ami e
sysmrr BM [2022] 6 Mu 414 FC. In lnlerprellng ss 21 and 22 of
me TUA, lhe Federal Court held mar
An emulayee cugnl no| la be dlimlsaad
luv pulllclpalkln ln me unnrl rcllurlm
carnee am In Ms capaltlly as e lreue
urllon Mficcr or member‘ unless lne
acllvllws are exlreneous lo made umcn
allalls, or were carved out mnlllmusly, m
In p manner mlcn knowingly or
recklessly alsregaras |l-le rruln
Lsamed counsel men urged lrus cpun |o conclude lnal ss 22 crme
TUA epplres lo the lnduslrlpl Courl.
[20] Au |olhe quesllon ollmlrlunllyr learned counsel referred rnelo lhe
ludgmenl pl me coon pl Appeal In Nur Rasldlll bl Jarnaludin v
Mnlnyln Blnklng arm .5 or Appnls [2015] 3 MLJ 127 CA The
case ccrrles lhe Dl'DDOslllon mat a unlon is covered under me
slelulury lmmunlly pgalnsl any [art at llbel regardless 01 the fad
wnerner a lrade alspule exlels pelwcen me unlpn and the Bank
[21] In llre clrcumsranoes, me appllcanr suprrrmed lnal the Award by me
lndusmal Conn ls lernlea wlln lllegallly as ll runs aloul ol s 2211) cl
lne TUA
The Award rs Irrational and unreasonable
[221 Learned counsel luv me applicant nlgnlrgnrea lc the calm (ha| lne
cases railed upon by me lnduslllal Court In dlsmlssing llre
applrcahun |o slnke ell lne applrcanrs Clalm were all declded prlor
(0 the lrllroducllorl sub«sec|l:m 2903), which came lnw (arcs an
25.2 zoos
ru RalMlzIl'lE2lTmLmxlw
«nu. s.n.l nuvlhnrwlll rs. med w my r... nrwlrrnllly ml. dnuuvlnrrl Vfl .nuue ml
[23] in any event, learned oourisel contended trial tne issue or immunity.
unlike otrier pretiminary oblecliorls. oirglit to be decided at ltie
outset. Learned oounsel relied on lslerrrle Flnlnclll services
aoerd vMarliri Falrol Mohd Faroqrre ts Anrrr [2010] e CLJ in In
tliat case. the l-tigli coun lield triat an issue on )LlVISdlC1lOfIi namely
immunity lrorn suit or legal process, is a question ol law wliiori
should be taken at ttie outset and witttout needing to tiearttie merits
ol any partieilar application or suit.
[24] Applying me said proposition |o ttie laets or trie casei learned
counsel submitted lnat more an issue at immunity is raised an the
preliminary stage. me Industrial court ougrit to address it first
without delving into ltie merits
[25] For the aloresaid reason. ttie applicant contended that ttie lndustnal
Calm‘: eandusion ttiet it oould not strike M1 ttie 2"’ resporiderivs
aarix case is irrational and unreasonable
The legitrmale expeciallort
[25] Acmrdlng lo the applicant, ttie Industrial court's dismissal oi tne
appltcams application to sink! otl ttie 2"‘ respondents olairri
constitutes an inlrinoernent on ttie applicants statutory immunity.
[271 The dismissal olleridstne rigm olttie applicant asa registered union
to operate and carry out its lunclioris witlieut lear of legal I ity in
relation to any tartious allegations lrom any party, lncludlng Ihe 2"‘
respondent Bank
[25] Let me begln by revi ing s 22(1) ol ma. The suoseclion employs
ttie wards a “sull against a legislated trade tmlcrl“. Nowi lne
quesaon is, could tlie claim filed by ltie 2"‘ respondent Bank at tlie
lndustnal Court in the lorm eta trade dispute be considered a “suit"
Wllhlh tlie meaning at s 22(1)? 'rtie word suit in it 2211) does stand
on ns own it is in relation to “any lortieus act alleged lo have oeen
committed by or on oetiall oltrie trade I.lrIIol'I'.
ru RalMi2mIEtlTmLmxlw
“Nair s.n.i nuvlhnrwlll i. u... M my i... ntwlriellly MIMI dnuuvlnril y.. eFluNG mi
[29] Tns second quesiion is. man is a «odious a:I7 Rstaianoa is to be
made in me iudgmem on via coun nf Appeal in Elnk Bumiputra
umysin EM 1/ Ems 5-mu Sdn End a. Anor Appoll [2014] 2
MLJ 49 CA. Abdul Wahab Paiaii JCA, in delivering we iudgineni oi
me Court, remarked as loiiaws.
The iaw ul ions encompasses a Venue oi cm:
wmiigs socn as nsgiigsnoa, osiainauoii.
nuisance, harlvan .no Dislrig on ll irivuli/as
ieineoy wneie iniuiy or damage is caused to
Inolhlr rna iiaoiiny V! inioo-an on . psim
mo inlerihonaily or negligenfly ms or laih to
m in 2| pamcuiar manner
[30] The uiim quesiiuri is, vimai is the cause oi action ai ine inousinai
Oourl? Para 2 of the 2"‘ respondenfs sisiiemeni at Case ai ma
industrial Courl states as ioiiows.
in ms IS a ima aimuis flied by Illa Bank
imders is oi the inousinai Rsianons Am
1967 rim 1967'). mieieoy the
i-ionouiaois Minister at Humnn
Resamms nao oeciosa io -isnvis same
in mi. nonoumoia Omm Imfl-I ssciiai.
2542) in me IRA Io!’ aaiuoicaiion on ins
Vniiewing innu-
2 i asiooaiory ano osi.nisio.y social
media amino: nmi Duhiiulmnl
made by ins union aqainsi me
22 mi unions alegalnn oi
breaches and unfair Vabuur
puciious say we Bank
There an: aisio olher issues raised by iris 2"’ rasponosni that iao to
the ' sleviai reference, which Include a deliberaia deiay OI Ihe
Oolleclive Aglaamenl renewal bmween the appilcaril Union and Me
2“ responaeni Bank There was a iunnei aiisgauan of me 2“
respuriderifs breach 0! the Calleciive Agreement including the
unhygisnlc working can ns and the 2” issponoenrs Bunk iaiiuia
to set up an occupaiionai saieiy and Health coinininae, see paia
3.9 oi hie Sia|emenI of Case
SIN RnIHi2li‘lEtiTmLmxiw
“Nair s.n.i nuvihnrwm s. UIQG In may i... nflflinnflly MIMI dnumiml Vfl nFiuNfl Wm!
[311 me exislence at me Sald allegalrons was Vim denied by me Unlun
on me comrary. me Umon agreed (0 ll as reneued in para 16 7 or
me unions slalerneni WI Reply
15.7 Paragraphs 3 9 la 3 12 is [soc] reienea m
...d Igmad so tar as mnllan rim bun rulsafl
er way 471 gnmianoes by me rnernoers cl lne
[32] ll VS quite apparent mar me lrsde dispute referred id is errerrared on
lhe alleged breach 0' Ihe Collective Agreement. II ls not purely
based on “iofllous act alleged In have been eomrllifled by or on
behall 01 me lrade union‘ wllhln me meaning of s 22(1) cl me TUA
[33] ll Is my considered view, lrre union’: avewellanoe on Nrrr Rssidah
auarnaludrrr rs misplaced My reasons are these. To begin with Nur
Rasldan IS nor e judicial review case which ernanaied lrom me
lnduslrial coun ll is a evil sun in oral case, the sale issue in me
appeals nelare me Courl or Agpeal was wrielher s 22 e1 TUA
awarded absolme lmmuruly la five employees against an acrion lur
libel laken agalnsl lnern hy lnerr employer bank (“Mayhank"L The
five employees were separalely sued by Maybank in me High Courl
lo! publicly making dlsparaglng sraiernenls abou| me hank W
conneclinn wrln an alleged unlarr labour pl1choama| had become
lne subject of an drrgmng lrade drspule be|ween me Nalrdnel union
at Bank Employees and Mayhank.
[34] It was, merelore, an acllfln in libel where me High Conn was me
eodrl al nrsl rnslance.
[asl Tne Cuurl cl Appeal rreld lnal lrade lrmens and lnerr members or
umoers were alasoluiely Immune [mm asliuns premised upon me
ion of Ilbel pursuanl to s 22(1l ol TUA when in lorlinus ens
complained of were ‘committed by or on nenall ol the trade union‘
[351 Nu! Rasidah rs, lrrereldre, dislinguished.
re expeclallon, lne ceurl of Agnes: In Znkllh bte
Duran Nulu s Inga! Darul Ennrr [2005] s MLJ
517 CA was nflhe vlew lnellor egmrnale expeclalran to arise. lnere
rnusr be evidence 0! a promise or undertaking made by me
respondenl in that eflem Anmn zakeria FCJ (as me lonnsr crriel
Jusuoe men was) remarked as lollews:
rn RaIMizIl'lEtlTmLmxlw
“Nana s.nn nuvlhnrwlll r. d... m vufli r... nflnlnnllly mini: dnuuvlnnl Vfl .nune war
ln law lol leglllmzle expecmen la anse mere
muel be avldenca nl a Dmmwi e. undulzklrlg
made by lne lasplmderl| lo lnel eflecl we find
no such evrdancl b-lure mo aaun On ma:
wemlse we find lha| Ml elalm lo» blesrfn M
legmmale upeaamn V5 whuly uniurlalnable
[33] Applying me law lo lne melanl case, mere 15 no evldenoe of any
represenlallon Of pmmlse maae to me unlon.
[39] Under lhe olrcmnslancs, my nnalngs so far, are as lolIwws'
Thu word 'SulI' In a 22m el me TUA does nel Include my
Mlnlsvenal reverence In one lnduslnel Coun under s 2612) of
me IRA
lb) The lunsmctmn olme Industrial Court under s 26 ullne IRA is
llnulea la |rade dlspules and lnerelare emlld nm lndude a
elalm based purely on lomous eel The dlspms an lha
lnuuslnal ceurl, as reflecled in the pleadings ollne parties, ls
male than a lmel dalm II goes beynnd iL The Union even
conceded In lna slalemenl WI Reply lnal me dlspu|e Includes
allegaoons or lhe rBspl:nden|'s alleged breach or me
Calleclive Agreement.
(e) Llkewlse. VI order la give meanlng lo s 22(1)olTUA‘ lne word
“any mun‘ M s 22(1) enne sermon must have relenea |c avll
cuurls Only crvll oourls have iurisdlcllon In hear crvll wrung:
lnal lrlvclve negllgense, defamalion (as can be seen n Nur
Rasrdah), nulsanoe, trtspass and passlrlg ofl.
la; The anendanl consequences al my nna-ng are me: e unlons
lmmlmlly ln raped 0! lorllous sols can only be claimed al Ihe
clvil cmlfis, or allemallvely. il the clalm at the lnduslrlel Court
is purely based an ‘lemons acts" and naming more
(a) ln any event, evarl lne coun al Awesl ln Nur Rasidah did nul
say lha1 lne lmmunily under s 22(1) of TUA l5 cane blanene
The ahsnlule lrnmunlly, aocomlng In lhe Cuurl of Appeal ale
only appllaable wnen lne lorlious aels cnmplalned ol were
“oommmed by or on behall a1 lne lrade unlon' The nniy way
lo eslaullsh whether we alleged Iorlious acts were commllled
by or on benell ol lne Unionls1or(hBlnduilnalCour\m hear
m RalHlzIl'lE2lTmLmxlw
“Nana Smnl be U... m my me nflnlnnllly sun. dnuuvlml Vfl .nuna ml
| 1,735 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-12ANCC-47-07/2023 | PERAYU ONYX ENGINEERING SDN BHD RESPONDEN I CONZ DEVELOPMENT SDN BHD | Appeal from Sessions Court – Application to set aside JID - No Reasonable Explanation for the Delay to the application to set aside the JID - Failure of solicitors to act in time does not justify the exercise of the power of the Court to set aside the default judgment unless it is shown that the Appellant did not act with diligence when dealing with the suit - Documents produced shows goods were sold and delivered – No evidence of rejection or complaint as to price or quality of goods – Issuance of a cheque admitting liability – No Draft defence filed | 24/01/2024 | YA Dato' Indera Mohd Arief Emran Bin Arifin | |
GOJ Onyx Engineering not allowing appeal.pdf
24/01/2024 16:46:47
WA-12ANCC-47-07/2023 Kand. 18
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WA—12ANCC—l7—D7/2023 Kand. 15
Ii/0lyl04A 1; Lb-4'
RAVUAN SIVIL No WA-12ANcc-47-n7/2023
A lnlmduciian
1 The Appellant is unhappy with me decwswon of me Sessions Conn
WVHCVV had not allowed We appllcahon I0 set Esme the Judgment m Delaull
omppsaranoe (ha| was entered by the ssssmns Caurl on 7-124022.
5w mMNvayMEaaxnEuao2EKv
was Sum M... M“ be used m mm me nvwvufilv mm; “mm. VII mum Wm
2 The Appeuanrs uaunsex admns mat me Judgment In Deraun cf
Appearance dated 7—12—2u22 was vahd\y emered
Background Facts
3. The P\amm's/ Responaenrs dawn xsiorgood sald to the Deiendam
/Appellant «or me mal sum of RM 337‘ 543 09.
A The Appellant failed to emer appearance to me enann aespne me
wt and the slalement 01 New being validly served on n The ADDe|lan|
naa apnmmed Messrs Syahniah Raw 3. Co as sohcllors to erner
appearance, but the sam nrrn had (alled |o undsnaks ms aicrssaxd (ask.
5 Judgment m Devamc was enlered an 7422022 sunsequenw me
Appeflant received a Mouse in WW1 Up the company under secuon 455
0! me Ccmpames Act dated M-1-2023 and a Wmdmg Up Fe dated
16- 2023.
5. u was my aner me Appellant recenea mess names and me
Pemion did wt deude to Iermmate the services of Messrs Syahiifah Rani
sw mMNvGyMEaaxnEnao2EKv
‘Nata Sum M... wm be used m mm me mwmnnulv mm; “mm. VII mum Wm
24 The Appellant also contends tnat tne sald loan dtd not some to lull
trumen and as a result tne Appellant now sullers finanstal dlrltculttes and
could not complete the works for the sald LRT 3 project.
25. The Appellant lunner contends tnat all tne works and gaods
supphed are wttntn tne personal knowledge of Denms Lau. The
documents requlred te delend ttns Sm! also allegedly are m tne nands at
Dennls Lau To support tnese eententtons the Appellant reters to true
Dollce reports il med tn relatton lo Denis Lau.
25. ll ls to be noted tnat tne Appellant dld not produce any documentary
evldence ol the exlslence ol ||'lls alleged lotnt venture agreement Netther
dld tt produce any Evldence at any letters or cunespunderlue hewveen
parties evldenclng tne pcsslblllty of the exlslence dt suen a relatiunsntp
between the names. There is also no evidence produced to snow the
exlslenoe ol any loan as suggested oy tne Appellam. These allegallons
are mere bare avermenls oy tne Appellant not supported oy any
documentary evldence.
N mMNt/GyMEaaxoEeao2EKll
we Sum um... wlll be used m mm ea nlwlrulllv sun; flnntmnnl vn mung wrul
Documents produced shows goods were sold and delivered — no
em enee oi reieoiion or cnmplzinl as to price in ouaiiry oi goods.
27 insiead, the documentary evidence before me shows inai me
pumhase orders. invoices and dehvery orders oi the goods soid were
produced by «he Resuondeni jushlying me sums claimed againsi the
Appeuani. The Appeuani did not prdduoe any evidence to show mat the
Invoices were onauenged at me me when ine goods and irwulces were
28. My opinion IS further ouuressed by me vac: mai ine invoicesr
purchase orders end dellveiy orders pmducsd oy the Respondems In
response show me! me goods have been dehvered and accepted by me
29. I hnd the evidence disdosed in the aihdaviis filed shows that me
Resnuridem is enhiied Io be paid tor me goods suoohed The Appeuani
has no| shown ihai ine goods were reiected. insieadr the Appeuani
received kepnne goods irmma|ing an intenhon to relam inem The aueged
arguments raised by me AppeHan| do nei «an under any oi ine caiegones
juwfying a inai oi this claim Reier to wee Lian Consvucriori sdn Bhd
sw unurwaymzaaxozoaozzm
-use Sam M... on re used m mm we uvwinuulv Mime nnmmnnl VIA mum wrui
v I..gersou—./ax.’ (211101 1 cu 201 and Mukand Lm .. Malaysia Steel
Works (KL) 5.1.. 5...: 1201.71 5 cm 2.22
so. Tr.e.evo.e, havmg relamed me goods, lhe AppeHan\ .5 reqwed (0
pay mam H1 accordance Wllh sections 12 and 55 of the S11: of Goods
Act. I reier to the ‘augment of Gapal SH Ram In Interdeals Auramation
(M) 5.1.. and v Hang Hang 12.7.1912 ELJ J21 —
“[10]/is I have already sent Mrs .5 not a case ornnnaocapzanoa n vs a case
... w...c.-. mere was acczplarvna of goods and .. refusal In [my rm mam
Accordmg/V» me app/mama nrovvsmn .5 5 5511; or the Act Much prescnbes me
remedy or ar. sa/rar Arm {hrs .5 wna. .1 says
Where under a contract af Sara the pmazny .r. the guads has passed In the
buyer and (he buyer wmngmfly neglecl: or refuses .0 pay «or me goods
accordmg 142 the terms o/ms comracl, me sener may sue hrm rarme prrce or
me gnarl:
1.. myjurlgmern, the ..a.....:,-ma should have apnlred m.-s secflon and
found for me pIarr...rra.. me a.o..r.a ma. 4. was ar. ....para seller argaaas
ma: r.... z..... .....m-4. Icnaptud ...a ...... Dy nr. duiundlnt ... .1.
bInvfiL A: «ar llve counlerclarm arm: ma /udge Immd ugsrnsl I/1: defendant
on me me. (ha! went in ma avurdancs and breach I2/me barman! he was
aa..g.a to drsmrss .: . would therefore upheld his decrston on ma. pan of In:
N murwaymzaaxnzaaozzxv
ma 5.... M... WW be .5... m mm ..a ........... an... nnmmnnl VII mum W...
Appeiiani issued a cheque aiiinining iia ily.
31 More so when Ihe Appellant did Issue a cheque for the Sum of RM
24, 333 12 to ihe nespoiiueni This cheque was stopped by me Appeiiaiii
wiiricui glvlng any ieiisons lor lrie siiia decision
32. ii islfile law ihai issuance afa cheque which ouuiu not he pieseiiieu
lur paymem cieaies a cause uf aciicn under section 47 al the Bills of
Exchange Act Reiei lo Yea Hiap sei-ig vAustraIian Faopd carp Pte
Ltd (19911 3 MLJ 144 and Yee reek Wah v Lee criee Mona 120201
MLJU 1054
33. The issuance of ihe saie cheque aiso shows Ihat ihe Said allegation
cnhe existence cian aiiegee ]C|InI venture is iiicie ihan hkeiylo be uniiue
The Appeiiaiii has simply cieaiea a haiiious delence to iusiiiy its aIIemp|
Io sei aside me Judgment in Delauli
34. Theieiaie. I do not him any reasons juslilyirig senirig asiae me
Judgment iii Deiauii The Appeiiant has iaiieu to show any issue ihai
iequiies a iiiai and has ' e in show any bona fide ueience ic hie
Respunaenrs ciaiin
-use s.ii.i llumhlv vim be used M WWW ne nVWiruH|Y Minis flnnuiinril vn AFVLING WM!
35 on me lssue allna pullue reparls, I also find tha| lne puliue reparls
only concern the Appellanrs dispule wiln lls lnrnler employee Dennls Lau
and nol wnh lne Respondent. I llnd me lnlernal dispule lne Appellanl has
wlln Dennis Lau does ndl lllsmy seulng aslde lne Judgmerll ln Delallll.
No man nevence filed.
as Flnally, I also find |I1atIheAppeHan| nas m:| filed or even pryvared
a draft delence lo me clalm nle llllng of a drall defence would have
shown al me very least a serlous lnlenllon ln delend me clalrn and wduld
have asslsled lna Appellant's aflsmpl lo snaw a lnable lssua er a lmna
nae delence lnslllylng selllng aslde the Judgment ln Delaull ms was nol
dons, and um explanahun was awarded In lnls caunlorlne lallurs |o ms a
drain defence to the Respdndenrs clalm
37. I never lo llneludgrnenl al surlyadl Hallnr ornar J (as he men was) In
Penqnlen cdneme sun Bhd v Chow Moo! 5 Anal [2lw:l] 5 cu 326
/I ls Irlla ms: rn a datnu!t[udgmsn1‘s Cass, ms sattlng asrd. ar matjrb mar rs
generally me naml Thepresrdmy calmbelure sa dalng an the olherhsrld must
have mrrre 900:1 reason and ma Mere ls a defence ml the rnenls adduced
balms Me calm (Tan Om cm s Anal V Karlclllng Really Sdrl sadness; l
n mMNvGyMEaaxnEuao2EKll
we Sum Mn... wn be used M mm na nlwlrulllv sun; nnmmnnl vn AFVLING Wm
ms 226, pm; 1 ML./ 519/ me supposed gaad Ieasan grverv by me
aerenasnas, as /acmunrsed me ewdence was #15! may were unaware olme
case oemg called up «n mun an 9 Aprv/Z001, Ioundsd on me abovemsrmoned
raiser! nrnensennee afme wms Factully, even n I were re suhmn‘ ta Mose
evtdenualasseflmns, by 5 Apn/20171 they wens already In Ms/eys.e mnee neye
before Iherrnasss were ca/led up In mm As / was ssnsneamamuoa service
had taken praee Mrs pan of the mgrsdrsnl m, good rsaswv‘ had isnen an
The next Ingredient m be eslsblnshed by the de/ervdsnls was whether mm was
a defense olment before me for mnsrderznon Is‘ by at less! n/mg men dram
defences in Van: H] Se/Jen V Fedsm! Auto Holdmgs Bna[1s75[ 1 ms as,
(197912 ML./1A1$M:d Agr! Ezmskbun J had new to say
The mnns In s case a/Mrs nnnne wefarlham be acceded an meals and no
no» mvon pmmdwal miss m Prevent s defendant from serenmng an uclmn
unless n nes no mints m ms aw/»ca»on
The man in Ten cmang Bmlhers Mamie 151 Fla m V Lmuwewn: Concrete
sun Bnd(19v7] e cu 75Pm srrm/ar Vern had remarked
A aerem on the merits means a delsncv when dhsdosoi an arguable and
(name Issue n dons not have In thaw that Mars .s a real asuacl cl means: or
malrmas m cztrysomedagma u/mnvzwan
/7! the current case n was mdupulsme I/wanna defendant: had (sued m pmmece
ma! eu rmwfianl drsfl slalemenls o/defense wnnom menn /was mus wnnom
any opnen but to find agarn farms plamtm‘, even on ms second mgrsdlvrvl No!
enw was mere no pnm. lune dafence, rsrsmg sennus 7:51.125 as bans
nae neesoneme aerenee msmugm to be Mem but (here was nor even a sham
one {Hasu Ewm Perumahan s Or: v Umtsd Malayan sanxwy snamsu v cu
1237 Nut wrsmng la Mcuumg: . snsm aerense, and mzmnc esnve wns: else
could have I done? conmn sense wou/d convmce anyone me: m a/Vow me
appsa/, and 59! asme a asraumudgmen: when rm puma lame aefencs wnnny
u/nonstdzmltun was Delays me mart wuum pannay me sum! as lame ducks
om/angmg the agony A7! en Dame: wnnom them before me r could on/y
syn mum/uyMEaaxnEuaozEKv
wee sum In-uhnv wm he used m mm we nflmnnflly MW; dun-mm vn mum pm
mm:/ude that In: dz/zndanls were definitely not senau: m than attempts In
challenge we marnnfkielsyrng and deleelmq me /atler (ram Iakmg up mare
anlmrpalory drama acmms durmg these bad llmss, and wamnq Yo! belts! ones‘
bzmg an: arm canclusmns mm mm amve .: '
33. For me above reasons. I do not nno |haHhe Veamed Sessions com
Judge had oommmeu any ermrs ma: warrant appeHat2 mterlerence by
«ms Court
E. Ordnrs onhis own
39. For me above reasons. this Court dismisses |he Appellant's appeal
wnh costs of RM soon on sumect to aHocator.
Dated «em January 2024
Data‘ Vndera Muhd Anal Emran hm Anfin
High Ooun of Ma\aya al Kuala Lumpur
N «MN»/OyMEaaxnEeao2EKv
we Sum M... M“ be used m mm we nvVWuH|Y mm; nnmmnnl VII mum Wm
Muhammad Nm Tamrin lor me Appeflant
Messrs Zablr Imran 8. Partners
Advocates 8. Snhcnms
Prakash Chandrakant fur the Respondent
Messrs Prakash & Cu
Advocates & Sohcnors
N .mwaymz.=x.z.,aozzxy
mm Sum IHIWDIY M“ be used m mm u. mm.“-y mm; mm. VII nF\uNG pm
ll. Co by leuer dated 2052023 The Appellenl only appolnled as current
sul lclrs en so 2023
7. The apnlicalldn to sel aslde me Judgmerll in Delaull was only filed
on 3l»3-2023 Tnls ls a delay olaeoul 113 days lmm lne dale wnen lne
judgmem was enlered. The prevlous snllcltars lo: me Appellenl nan
renewed me ludgmenl W ueleull un a—12—2n2a and (ms IS rlul eenlesled
by me Appellanl
3. The learned Sesslorls cdun Judge ned eonsldered lne apdlleendn
nled by me Appellant and deemed lnal lne appllcallorl does nut warrant
|he exerclse cl‘ me powers onne Conn m se| aslde me Sald Jddgrnenl H1
Aggellale Powers onne gh Cnurl
9. ll is Irile lewlnal when deallng wlln an appeal lrorn e declsldn nylne
lcrwsr Courh thls Conn wlH be slow le mlenere wlln the nndlnge made by
me codn below unless I| IS snewn lheune declslon was plalnly wrong lnel
no reasonable oampe(en| Judge could have made
sw vDNN»IGyMEaaxnEeaOzEKv
-we Sum M... wlll be used m mm we nlwlrulllv mm; flnmmnnl VII .;lma Wm
1D I raver to me dECI$ICm cl |he Faaeiai Court W Ng Moo Kui 5. Armr v
Wendy Tan Lee Pang. Admi "strata! ol me Esme or Tan Ewe Kwang,
Doceasod & 015 12020110 CL.I1where Zabanah Mohd vusov FCJ hem‘
A: mg as (he Inaliu-1ge‘s condusron can be supported an . rational basis In
View oflhe maianai amma live fact that ma apnenaie mun Yes/5 /Ike ll mm
have muse rmfsisrvlly VS woman: In other WOMS, a finding of /act Mat wamd
noi be remignsm to common sense ought not In be disturbed The insi iudge
should be aocamsd a margin of spnrecialmn man his (ream-vent (:1 me
evidence 75 examined by the appellate cuurls
I1. I also reproduce me laHawmg paragraphs «mm the judgmenl or me
Conn \31Appea\ In Mm: Di! 5 Gas Engineering V ran Back Kwee pins]
4 CLJ 665‘ where Na||In' Pammznaman JCA (as she men was) skated —
mi The mwuiwmsnt my me ma/judge (0 have owns (0 a finding which was
‘plainly W70/w' before an appellate court may Intervene VS llvelefum well
enuenchedinauraflfle/ValePhi/asfinhyandyructice in Henderson V Faxwmlh
/nveslmerus Lid and anumen Lord my considered the meaning to be
acculded to ma Phrisd Mainly wrong‘
(here may be same value III mnsidzrmg the meaning almatpllruse There
IS anskmslrl maybe mismersioaa The adverb ‘iaiain/woes M1 refer lo the
dsgrss olwnfidencs 19!! by the aiwsiiaia court that n wnuia not have isamaa
ma same mndusmn as In: Ina!/unge ll am nu! marten mm whatever degree
or aenainry mai me spueuaxe mun canwers that M would have reached a
dtflsrsnl conclusion Whafmaflersls wnsmeime aacision undsraflfisahs one
am no reusanablz/udge could hav: macficd
SIN mMNvGyMEaaxnEuao2EKv
nan Sum M... M“ be used m mm a. nflmrufllv mm; nnmmnnl VII AFVLING pm
1.5; 7...5 .5 5 pnml alsume Imyunance beams: .. ..n..e.5m.e5 me .e...on5.e
....m..e sppeuaae mums Hots!/rbefly to reverse armtefleretn me Iirvdmg ova
maljwge even me appenaxe mm .5 0/eafly oune mew ma. .. wm: no. have
.e.ene.. me mne...5...n me ...5....age ma .... me evmerme 5.. recmd befurz ..
.. require: n.a.e The .eq...5ne ... mnee. standard ... be anplrcd .5
ma! no masunablsjwgs. on me ewaencs on remm e......: have reached ma
wrlclusrorv om... Ivrafjuflgs rn omervmms, so long as me «..a...g5 otllle ma!
/mfg: are p.5..5.:..e .... me ewdznce on .e.»n1, me.e .5 .... mum /e..n.e..e.e..ce
mere/y an me grounds ma! me aweflale em... Iomvs a umerenx oltvmun an me
same evrdervcs
[!A[TIvere:s,IIa»1/ever,/rt!/2 mom for vnnahan ... me apphcalrun af me prrncrple
ohnlen/enuun wnen me .na/mags .5 ‘Flam/V wrung‘ Alwel/an: courts uugn. m
as cansrslvnr .n ervsurmg (ha! appeuene mtervsnllon any names abuul when .a
lrvul ...age reaches 5 mnnlusmn ..n..5n rm rnasumable /udg: 5...... have
reached A lack olsuch wnsmencynn appmaen would We nsemconxrderable
uncerlamly .n we prams 5...: prowess Lrlrganls mmuyr. men
counsel 5n....... be ewe ... assess wnn same degree alczrhsmry, an c/zarund
dmvncl/y aynlredmvncrp/esol/aw, whemeramdgmenloblamedallirslmstance
.5 nxery ... be avarlumsd ... no! This .5 only possrbls .r there .5 a cansrslervt
apphcitmn mm: 'pLlmly wmng'pIln:1pl= Ip;1:/Llletmenmnnan
1111 The abverse or countevvan .9 me .eq....e...e... re. aapeflate .e...5.... ...
deannfl wun firrdms offer! by the ma/JWQS .5 ms nmdamenlal .equ..e.nen:
that filejudgmant a/ms. mslarme does ... lac.‘ amuurv! m a mmwar-ervsm and
cohesrve detenmnatron olme n.5.e...e....e.:e.s commmrvq me sublect manero.‘
a.:.a..;e bslore me mallwgs Tms mawes me ma. mge to undertake a mu
av:/nation am... evmenee andtssuss pracea nsim me court A ms: ...5.anc5
mdgnlervl .5 aperv ... rhal/zngz wnen .. /5.5 ... address 5. who/Lv rgnmes n.5.5n5.
ememe oussues p/zcsd before ... ... wnen bald findmgs arm. as made wrm
no Ieamnwg or evidence to substannare such Ymdmgs Equally errors allav/. a a«.e.e..5... evrderm: and 5...’. 5.eany..1e..m.5o.e e.....5
w... EN mnmbule towards 5 decmon ma! waw be consrdered Io be ‘ms.../y
5... mmwuymzaaxnzuaozzxv
we 5.... ...n... WW be .55.. 5 mm ... .........-y 5...; dnnnmnl ... .5.....c Wm.
my Judrcml decrsums are requrred to be harmed dawn exrreanrarrsry .rrr1 wrm
mrmmum delay However lms orrgm not to comuramrse the fundamental
rewwernerrr mar mauudyes undertake a commnensrve and no/rsnc apmam
ya me evalualmn L7/evidence rrr ruclvmg Mztrllrmtrvgs at ilrsfmslamze A txflure
In consrder Me Bnlrrery rr/me evrderm: and rrrrrrerrsr Issues . Isrlure (L7 make
nrrarnns or fan or me mzkmg or bars fimiwgs or Iacl, an avow for answers
rmemnerarr Apart imm me real possrbrmy at a rruscamage ouusm, such
umtssmns by 5 lrml/udge reqmre me sprreurrre cuurl: In rm on Me ml: rr/ma
mslancejwves am revvew me ewdence m us er-mrety avresh ms m lum
amounts In a strain oruudrcrafmsourcvs The rmponancs cl: comprsnensm
mnsrdzmlrun a/ me matter at first Instance rrrrrrrrrr be suflmervfly errrpnssrsea
Equany wnerr mere has been Ms! such a ho/mm HIJWD-ach aaapreu. mere
should be mnsmerab/s appeuare Ies1IamIex9Ic1sed when Ievrswmg a rrrsr
rnslarvc:[udgIvIerv( an appeal “
I emu accept me: the appeal against any decision av lhe Sessions
Court Is by way av rshearmg Tms appears m semran 29 unne Courts av
Jumcamre Ad
Although the above referred deusrans were concermng apueals
aller mans, \ believe me same cesc would be avmicame oonoermng any
Inlsrioculnry ascrsrons made by the lower Court.
sw mum/uyMEaaxaEuaozEKv
we sum nawmv WW re used m mm re nflmnnflly mm; dun-mm VII nF\uNG wrm
n on s cairn
I have considered me grounds omie sessions com and found that
the iearned Judge did not corrirrin any errors 0! iaw or fact that shouid be
iriierierea wnri by «his coim
Na Reasonable Explanalion for the Delay In the application In set
aside me Judgrrierir iii Defzull
15 Firstly me Appeiiam has iailed to show ariyiusrincaiiun furlhe delay
in the Buplicalion to set aside the Judgment iri Defaun. hie sole ground
raised by me Appeiiarii is based on the alleged failure oi We previous
soiiciior |a lake s|eps iri iris pmcesairigs below and asisriu me ciaim
against iris Appeiiani
It is «me law that the Appellan ' required to show that he has acted
eously and wimiri lhe 30-day period 40 iustiiy sening aside the iudgrriem
in aelauu. I re!er lo me aecisinri oi Ganal sri Ram JCA (as rie then was)
in Knor cherry wan v surrgei Wal Leasing Sdn 5IId[1.W7] 1 cu us:
"It is a caldmalpmvcrp/5 uflaw, me: when a Vilvgantsnks ma rfllervalllvofl DI the
mm! H‘! a matter that affect: his nghls H: must da SD eimamiy me
vigiianrirairs mm doM'IleN!buS,[I1fE Suhvermml mougri havinw its mains in me
SN mMNi/0yMEaaxnEuao2EKv
-we s.ii.i Mi... MU be used M mm we niwirufllv MW; nnmmnnl VII AFVLING WM!
Cour! ul Chancery. rs ul uruversal apphcal/on Even m cases were a new
rsexarcrsams ex dsbrlojuslvlvae, .3 coun maylsluss mnmuan mdofiervl/mgant
In .uc.m in which may in nppmlching m. caurl :. in mm, m. am...
rs upon me Illlvanl who has aetamuo render: satlsIacloI1eXDlanalInn
for IL Whelnu the explmnon In a ylven use It mmmory ar .:.,..nus upun m. rm: mu cimumlunml alnch m. and
in . matter which .-"mm the exercise aldiacrerfon, it is I.» the/‘udge in
whom the Iawpflmarlly vests the discretion. .
17 The lame oi summers to act in «me does not jushiy me exemse or
the power onne coumo set asme the de(au\I judgment umess il ws shown
|haHhe Appellanl dud nntacl wnh amgence when dealing wnn me sun The
Appsuam cannot mers\y stand by on the sme am my abso\me\y on ms
soncuors They must show mau they have auempxeu In protectmeur ngm
13, I vefev |o the decision 0! the cam ompueax in Mam or Ibrahim v
Ros-my Effandy {mm renum Knaml L cc [2013] 2 ML] we In mat
case the Cmm ol Appeal held: -
‘[27] 1: rs generally accepted mat a drum shomd not suffar «mm the rvaghgence
or mrstake 0/ the mm», Eu: :1 rm realms: in be eslsmnshed that me
negngem at mrslake .5 the act 0! the solncuor Omerwrxe, u wrll become
common praclrcs lo ablarn a second bile al the chewy by changing counsel
and mmmng ma ermrs m the Ivsluclmn A./pan MEEIEVIGMSSD/M21107, wnnautuny
cm! sml Dem commenced and mamrarned agams: mat prams so/mrror n
mum make a mockery arms system nl/ushce -
N mMrwGymEaaxnEuao2EKv
mm Sum mm... mm be used m mm u. nflmrufllv mm; “Mm. VII mum Wm
19 I again relerlo the judgment :1! Gupal Sn Ram in me earher quoted
case 0! row: Cheng war: It Sungei Wai Leasing Sdn Bhd (supra)
where he stated: -
/n we present case, me exnlanatmn cf the «am delendsnl for (he delay In
making his explanamm «s, m summarvse ms awawra ma! its p/acsd me
conduct of ms defence In ms was of a soltwur who am M79 (0 protect ms
/5 the! a masoname exp/anal/on7 The /earned Judqé ma Hm mm m was mm
agree mm mm Undoubtedly tms Court mu not, whenever feastb/5 allow a
chem ta su/fer /or Me negligence aims mm: 12:, Cheaw Chew mm V
Abauuonan bm Abdu/Ranman[1995] 4 cu 127 an: 152 (199514 cm 127,
mp 490 part/C George JCA
Em there are /mm: In what may he done m ma Interest: af/usme Afler an
luxuce is no! only for a de/aumng delendanl I! 75 Ior the D/amlrllas wefl And 2!
the and arms day, a cammexamtrvahorv nfmv iacls and circumstance: reveals
Ma! [he mm dzlandum um nolllmg m cammumcafle mm M: sa/Mylar a! any
ear/terpomrm Irme lo drscoverlhe xlale In wmch me mam aaamslmm stood
sum/yt n wamd as vyusncs In vrsrlme cmlsstlusrmes aim: tndrflsrence upnn
ma hlsrnhlfs head “
zu. Tneratcrs, t do not accep| that me Appettam has shown any
reasonable raasan why may and not wm. due a game set aside the
Judgment tn Defau|| wn ' the me lrame pmvided under 42 me ta at
5w vt3MNvGyMEaaxnEuao2EKv
ma Sum IHIWDIY Mu be .a.. m mm a. nvW\ruH|Y MW; nan-mm VII AFVLING mm
lne Rules ulCour1 Also reler |u Adnan bin Ishak 5 co vAF'TAssoci.ales
Sdn and 1201512 AMR 2312
No Dulerlce to me claim shown by mu Appnllarlt.
21. As stated earller, lne clalrn agaIns| lhe Appellanl ls lor .9 Gem urlpald
lor goods sold and supplled lo ll.
22 The Appellanfs argument Ihal mere should be a mal ol the clalm
and iuslily the selllng aside of lhe Judgmerll oi nelaull revolves around
me alleged loin: verlmre agreernenl loelween lne Appellarrl and me
Rsspurlderll tor the LRT 3 Damarlsara pmjecl lor Mudalaya Graup
2: The Appellanl wnlends mal me Respondent l Flalnllfl had taken a
loan lrorn a lmrd puny for Denrus Lau Klrl wal. The sloressla loan was
allegedly In asslsl wlln me said prolecl and me prom lrom me Sald prolecl
wlll be shared belween lne Appellant and me Rsspanasm Therelors, lns
Appellant oanlends mat the Sald goods supplled should nol he charged
(or is lull prlDE
sw vl7NNvOyMEaaxnEuaozEKv
'NnI2 Sum M... wn be used M mm o. nlwlrulllv sun; nnmmnnl VII nFlLING Wltll
| 2,435 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
JB-12ANCvC-8-07/2023 | PERAYU 1. ) SAFIRUL BIN SABRI (SEORANG KANAK-KANAK MENDAKWA MELALUI IBUNYA ATAU SAHABAT WAKIL SA'DIAH BINTI SA'ADON) 2. ) SA'DIAH BINTI SAADON RESPONDEN 1. ) Wan Zeity Mazura Bin Wan Sahak (Wakil Persendirian Kepada Harta Pusaka Iskandar Bin Ibrahim, Simati) 2. ) IBRAHIM BIN AB GHANI | Interlocutory Appeal – Decision from Sessions Court – Allowing recalling of witnesses for further cross-examination - Application to stay the proceedings - Pending Appeal to Court of Appeal – Principles applicable – Whether rare and compelling circumstances – Or special circumstances – Appeal will become nugatory – Merits of the appeal. | 24/01/2024 | YA Tuan Suria Kumar a/l Durairaj Johnson Paul | |
24/01/2024 11:24:27
JB-12ANCvC-8-07/2023 Kand. 23
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JB—l2AIlCvC-B-D7/2023 Kand, 23
RAVUAN SIVIL N0.: JmzAucvc.u.n1Izu2a
1. SAFIRUL am sum
(scoring kinak-Jxznak m-ndakwa
llllalul Inunya mu nhabaz
Wnkil SNDIAH awn $A'ADON)
1. wm zzmr mzum am WAN snmx
Iwakn wunaxnnn kapada mm punk.
ISKANDAR am naruuuu. Sim: )
(NO. K/P : nmn2411.o1s1)
2. IERANIM am AB an-mm
(N0.KIF:1104n§—fl3-5031) RESFONDEN-RESPONDEN
rgalam Purkara Illlnglnai Mahknmah Sesfln DI mm
Gunman No: JE-AEJKJ-4a~lI2 TAHUN zuzm
1. SAFIRUL am swan
(sealing knuk-buluk mnnd.|kw|
Mala: unya alau nhabal
wmu SNDIAH amn swxuorc)
IN ca/uDmFMu¢uVqmzwrA
‘NEVA sum ...m., M“ be sued p. vecly M nhgmnhlv M W. mm. VII mun: W.‘
ummucvc-am/zozzi E
1. wag glrv mzmu am wan smm
(wakil pnunndlrhn mad: ham punk:
ISKAMDAR am uaruruuu, Slmali)
(N0. KIP : nmnz-n1ms1)
2. maximum am AB srwu
[1] Vni adarah Rayuan Pevayu—Perzyu/P\aInM-P\a\MW‘ hrhadap
kepumsan ms VB pads «annex menalak permonunan meveka
unluk penggarmmgan pmsmmg seliruulnyi sehmgga Rayuun ke
Mahkamah Rayuan barkauan sam kepulusan pevmchunan
m|er1uku|ori oleh HMS YB yang d|keka\kan uleh Mahkamah mi
IN ca/uDmrMuuuvq\nzxPrA —
‘NEVA sum ...m., M“ be mad p. vevly M nH§\nnH|Y M W. mm. VII mun: NM‘
up uucvc 7/znu] E
[:2] Tambahan lag!‘ mammn PlaInm—P1amul, saks\~saksISP1 dan svz
tsrssbm telah pun diwalbalas aleh bekas peguamcara Daranaar»
Dave-wan dengan soalan-Amman my new anany: semen
panmraan levsebul
pa: Mahkamah lwdak dapal mananrna hujahan P|ain|fl—P\ain|rfinI kelana
dalam Rawan Pia-um-Plamnr nemaaap kauumsan was vs umuk
memanggnl semula saxsiaaks. sm flan spz, Mahkamnh nu |e|an
pun memumskan bahawa kepulusan >-was va uruuk membenarkan
saknisaksi sm dan spz mpanggn samula unluk moan balas uleh
Defsndun-Delendan ida\ah mas pelakaanaan ('sxam:e”}
budiblcaranya sendln s$aga\ Ham aura (-my wage”) dalam
pvoswdmg parbiczraan yang sedang beqalan cxan yang dermkian,
Mahkamah mi max haleh camp-r fangan dangan numcaua HMS
vs levsebm
[341 Lebm-Isbm lagn, pida kank: Mahkamah ml manmsk Rayuan
P\aInl\r-Plalnm (erssbul, Mahkamah Jug: man mengirshksn agar
pih:k~pmak meneruskan dengan sambung mcara di Mahkamah
[351 Maka bevdasalkan alasarvalasan Iarsebul dw alas, Mahkamall mv
memuluskan bahawa Plamm-P\amM gaaal unluk menuruukkan
wupmnya kaaaamxeaaaan khns un|uk Sam Penmzh
pengganmngan pmsldmg sawanjumya sehmgga Rayuan mereka kc
Mahkamah Rayuan uuupusxan.
IN ca/unnFMuquVq\n2wrA
‘Nate sum runny wm ... M a «My Due nH§\mH|V MW; mm. Vfl muws rum
[la—1zAncvr:—n-n7/Ian] E
[as] web Yang uemuxun, Rlyuin Flam
mtnlak dengan kos
asmrm. pads 11 Dnsember 2u23 dv Muar da\am Negen Juhov Daml
sunu KUMAR nu PAUL
Pesunmjaya Kehakxman
Mahkamah Tmggi Mahya
Jahov Darul Ts‘1Im
Muhammad msrm wamae Em
Mohd Nasir
Bag: p -k Rulpunden-Rupandan YuwlFsrhan Elm Kanm
3:; E k Pang xu
mu... chum, Jan & Auacmn
Peguambeln flan Peguamcali
Na 44—« Jalan am 2
Taman Eukrt menu Muhara
75150 Melaka
IN ca/uDmFMuquVq\nzwrA _
‘NEVA sum ...m., M“ be mad p. vevly M nH§\nnH|Y M W. mm. VII mun: NM‘
I1a.mua/wow/znz:1 E
[Nu Ru .. CJA/ACO/MR/412119)
Bngi pl :11 msgmmnnaa-ganuun
Tlluan Vin Pannm
Peguambela din Peguamoara
No 1311, men 13. Black a
Phllen Damansara 2‘ 15‘ Jalan is/1
ovualan Dzmznsarz
45350 Selanaor
[lto.Ru sIPII13I1/2I111K(HS)]
Tarlkh Ponaonqann 11 Dlsember 202:
mm. Kaputuun n Dlsernber 2023
IN ca/uDmFMuquVq\nzwrA
‘NEVA sum ...m., M“ be mad p. vecly M nH§\nnH|Y M W. mm. VII mun: NM‘
Luz mucvca 1/zuzsl E
[11 Mankamah man menmsk Rayuln mu dan sekarang membenkan
alasavnalasan m sun
[5] Plhak hak am aummk seblflal Plalnhf-P\amIN flan Duhndam
Dsfendan flalim pengnakman ml
[ll Tmdakan W nmnm ukmax salu kamalinnin Jalunviya vada
1412 zma .1. mm P\:Irml Penzma, sealang kanak-kanak yang
menunggang mmumkal Na AFJ 1522 an KM 14, Jalan 59 Man —
Eukrt Gamblr asngan mamrsnkal No. JCX 5414 mm Dafundan
Kedua yang dmmggang aleh Decenusn Panama. man Plamm
Panama Ielah menga\amr kecederaan Kemk akuhm kemalangan
|eIsabul dan kin: |a|aII Vumpuh dan hsrlanlardan membawa |un|man
melaml Plamm Kean; Ibunya
m Sewzkhl vemicaraan kee P|ain|i1—P\amI\I, Defendambelendzn
maliww pegusmcara him merek: man mamvaukan satu
permahonan Imluk memanggn semma snkswsnksx Plamm—FlmnuI
IaI|u Femandu Ambulans (SP1) dan Panuknng Pegawaw Perulxatan
dari Kfimk Kssihflan Sungav Man‘ zspz) -mm menyual halas Ian.-n
kaduadus saksl m\
[51 Pad: 132022‘ HMS YE |e|ah munbenalkzn pemmhonan
caveman-uevunaan bevsebm.
m Laruulan danpadz i|u, P|aAn|i1—P1am|\l man berpuasham dengan
kspuhnsan HMS vs xamm din man mstayu ks Mallkamah mv
IN ca/unnFMuquVq\n2wrA
‘Nate sum runny WW ... M » «My n.. nH§\mH|V MW; mm. Vfl muws NM!
IW-m"M+"7/"“I %
[31 Fed: 12:72 2023. Mahkamah mi |e|ah menulak Rayuan Pla\mfl—
Phirml (ersehul flan lelah mengsrlhkan agav perbkzaraan m
Mahkamah Sesyen dnemskan
[91 P\smM manm max bamuashah an m ssdang merzyu ke
Mahkamah Rnyuan (emaflap Kevulussn Mahksmah W Oersabul
[101 Sememari IVIM P<=unm=Ia.nnn man memahnn zgav pmsiding a.
Mahkamah Sesyen wganmng sehmgga Rayuzn mereka ke
Mahkamah Rayuan dllupuskan
[11] Mahkamah Sesyen man menulak pennonanan Plamn1«Plnm(il
lersebul dsn wm sdalah Rayuan (emadap ksuumsan luriubm
Isu punnulain
[121 Fada pendaval Mankaman, Dmsadur yang sanamsnya diwkmx oleh
PIzunlW~Plam(Il edalah umuk memohon ks Mahkamah Tmggv dan
hukannya ke Mahksmah Sesyen unluk salu Penman
panggznnmgan samngga Rayuan ke Mahkamnh Rayuan
(111 lni aaaxan kerzna Penman yang drrnyul nleh Pmnlwf-Plaxnlxf Ice
Mahkamah Rayuan ada\ah (erhzdap kupuluszn Mahkamah Tmggl
yang wan mengakalxan kepulusan Mahkamah Sssyen dan imipali
pemmnanan unluk mengganlung pmshdmg Im aaaxan Immk
ynng Iehah
mengganlung pelzksanaan kepumszn Mahkamah
mengekalkan kepmussn Mahkamah Sesyen
yn ca/unnmuquvqwnzwrn
‘Nate sum runny wm ... U544 u. «my n.. mm» MW; mm. Vfl grwuus NM‘
Us zmcv: 7/may E
[I41 Menurul saxsysn 73 Am Mahksmah Kshakrman mo »
‘An Iwasal shall not upstate as a slay of exscuhon 0: ol
mocaadmas under me dsclsron appeamd Imm umass the
gem! new or me Cou/1 ol 42%: so order: and no
mlelmedmte uclurpmceeding slmllbs rnva/rdntsd amp: so
Isrls the Court omppea/ may drrsct‘
[15] Marvakala m9nmu!Ka9\1ah 13 Kauai»-Kaednh Mshkaman Rayuan
1994 —
“ 13 5:51 olgficnmg on aggm
An appeal shall nolupelsts aa a my e/axacunan arof
pvocssdings under me decision appealed [mm unless
the mgn com or me Cour! so order: and no
mfelmedrats act or pmceedilvg ma/I be invalidated
excapm: /alas me Court may direct‘
us) Akmr sekali menurul Kaeaen 14 Kaedan—K5edah Mankamah
14. mzmum mm my be mgde snhsr m Hg)! com or
Cmmal A/Iobem :7 M
Exes»! as omerw/ss pmvlded by any wnflsn Iaw,
whenever appncamn may be mas either to me Htgh
comma me com, nsnen be made m ma Itrxnnstsnce
to the man Court '
IN ca/unnrMu.uvq\n2wrA
W. sum ...m.., M“ e. wed Ix: my me angmuly Wm nnumeul VI arwuus rmm E
[111 Bernandukan kevada Derunlukkan-perunmkkan m. Mzhkamzh
herpendapal Mahkamah Sesyen ma kuisa unmx memennunkan
agar pmswdmg digarmmgkan sehingga Rayuan Pwamuwlaimn ke
Mahkamah Rayuan terhadap kapulusan Mahkamah Tmggl
m1 Tamhzhan pula, Mzhkamah mendapafi PIainm—P\ainM gags! Immk
mengemukakan ghdwg da\am Rskud Rayuan subagaimanz
menuvul Amran 55 Kaedsn 513) (Is) KKM 2012
m1 Walaupun Pembe\aan mane» dilmal dalnm Ahdawt Sokongan
Plmrmf-F'|amM dilam Rskad Riyuan‘ namun wm din Pemyalaan
runman langsung hunk mkemuxakan
no: men yang uenman, Rayuan Plz\n(if—P\a|n|fl mi baleh ditmak di alas
alasamalasan mu anal:
Samzda Paarmiu-Iaimirbunak umuk mu puinhll ponygannmqan
[211 Delendalrbeiendan memhznlah permuhanan im dun barman
behawa PIain|W—P|aimil periu manunjukkzn wmudnya “ram and
compellm circumstances’ umuk mampemlsm sam Fsvlmah
pengganxungan pmslding sehmgga Rayuan meleka ke Mar-kaman
Rayuan dilupuskan.
{:1} Dalam membuat muanan ml, Dekmdan-Detandan bemamung
kepada olnrin Mahksmah Rayuan aaram kes Pmlssm End v Tey
Par Yie 5. Another Appeal [2012] 5 cu 299 m mana Mahkamzh
Rayuan memuluskan sepem benkur.
IN ca/unnruuauvqwnzwrn
‘Nate sum ...m., wm ... M Ix; «My Due nH§\mH|V MW; mm. Vfl muws NM!
us znncvc M7/2:213! E
“(:21 We have covmdsrvd lhs sulhomies mmmea ny mm
peruas The law in rerenon ro zrra usue of staymg
prncoedmys Igamsl nenpanree pending Mbmuhon rs
rrer rn substance -1/Ifsmm‘ n ma cornmonweanr.
[ufisdicflans However, we threshold to be apalkyd m
rarenon In ma rigm olnarrpsltles to proceed wvlh Iherr
actrons noernznsunarng amllratuhn egreernenzs, does
[:3] /n ma United Kingdom, the mrasnord mar mas to be
reached to warrant the gram of e slay ofproceedmg:
egarns: non-pamss pendmg irtmllran, was eensmered
by Lord arngrrarn nl comnm cm In Rmchhold Norway
ASA and Anomer v Goldman Seem lnlemalronal
(2000) 2AI/ ER 579 ('RsrchhnId Norway 7 me: standard
was stated m be
(a) /nvokadin ~rara and mmpelhng cimumstuncss'.'
(:1) Them ougm to he very strong reason: rorgrermng
such a slay,
(c) ‘I7-vs oenms //Ksly to result rmrn grannng such a
stay of pmcaedmg: mus! oreerry ourwargr. any
dvsacfl/alvlags 10 me nonparry
[:41 (See also Mabey and Johnson v. Dams and carers
(mm All ER (D) 177, where rne English Hrgn Court
Islussd a my agamsl a non-parry to ma smrtrution
rnere me allegation: were hand Md eonsprreoy which
IN ca/unnrMuauvq\n2wrA
-rm. sum number wm e. wed n my me ongmuly Wm nnumgul vn erxuws rmm
us zimtvc av/zml Z
new a pammg Issemblsmte to me mszam apps-I/S
Them the court highlighted me Importance or hearrrvg
the "human wmrasses'in a public [Drum m rvlalmn la the
allegsbaru ol oonuwacy and ma. Anolher my factor
that Influenced Inemdgs was (M! the non-parry mkmg
the stay appealed m be taking savamsgs or the my
gram: 2» me srbflrzlrng panics to suggest am he
Wm./Id be uni-my Msmd/cad. The com rajecfsd nus
eantanlvhn /n ma course ofaxolmmg /Is dnclshon me
/eamedjudgs mm the! me /am aaanoc fall wmmn ms
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circumstances‘ ssbagawmana yang dlpuluskan clah Mahkamah
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| 1,749 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-22NCC-17-01/2021 | PLAINTIF 1. ) TECH FOOD INGREDIENTS SDN BHD 2. ) A ONE PILING SDN BHD DEFENDAN 1. ) BLUE SEAL (M) SDN BHD 2. ) LYE SAM YUT 3. ) CHEAH CHEE MENG 4. ) CHIA HEONG LIN 5. ) ONG KIM HAI 6. ) PANG KIM WAH | Breach Of Contract-Negligence-Misleading -Inducement, Fraudulent Misrepresentation And Deceit-Lifting Of The Corporate Veil- Breach Of Fiduciary Duty-Evidence Of Breach Of Contract- Damage And Quantum . | 24/01/2024 | YA Tuan Wan Muhammad Amin Bin Wan Yahya | |
GUAMAN SIVIL NO: WA-22NCC-17-01/2021
(No. Syarikat: 689104-H)
(No. Syarikat: 1194561-X) … PLAINTIF-PLAINTIF
(No. Syarikat: 682694-V)
(No. K/P: 760423-06-5183)
(No. K/P: 650823-06-5361)
(No. K/P: 760620-14-5100)
(No. K/P: 670124-09-5025)
(No. K/P: 680802-05-5225) … DEFENDAN-DEFENDAN
(Didengar Secara Bersama Dengan)
24/01/2024 15:17:57
WA-22NCC-17-01/2021 Kand. 470
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GUAMAN SIVIL NO: WA-22NCC-518-11/2021
(No. Pendaftaran : 200501005647 (682694-V)) … PLAINTIF
(No. Pendaftaran: 201601023622 (1194561-X)
(No. Pendaftaran : 201001026168 (910087-X)
(Post Trial)
[1] This was primarily a case involving a contract to construct a cGMP
(Current Good Manufacturing Practice) Processing Plant
(“Factory”) in Klang between the 1st Plaintiff/2nd Plaintiff (“Tech
Food” / “A One Piling”) and the 1st Defendant (“Blue Seal”).
[2] The Factory was intended to be a refrigerated storage facility which
includes cold rooms, freezer rooms and food processing rooms.
[3] Tech Food and A One Piling’s claim was essentially that the
Factory which was constructed by Blue Seal was not done in
accordance with the contract, contained various defects in terms of
the material used and workmanship and that the construction was
not completed.
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[4] This case took some time to dispose given multiple interlocutory
applications filed by parties.
[5] As this case involves two cases and several parties, the cases and
the respective parties will be referred to as follows:
i) Main suit (WA-22NCC-17-01/2021) - “Suit 17”;
ii) Second suit (WA-22NCC-518-11/2021) - “Suit 518”;
iii) 1st Plaintiff (in Suit 17) - “Tech Food”;
iv) 2nd Plaintiff (in Suit 17) and 2nd Defendant (in Suit 518) - “A
One Piling”;
v) 1st and 2nd Plaintiffs (in Suit 17) – collectively as “Plaintiffs”;
vi) 1st Defendant (in Suit 17) and Plaintiff (in Suit 518) - “Blue
Seal” or “1st Defendant”;
vii) 2nd to 6th Defendants (in Suit 17”) - “2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th
Defendants”. The 2nd to 5th Defendants are directors of Blue
Seal while the 6th Defendant is the Project Coordinator of the
Project employed by Blue Seal;
viii) The 1st to 6th Defendants (in Suit 17) – collectively referred to
as “the Defendants”.
ix) Truepro Consult Sdn Bhd (in Suit 518) - “Truepro”. Truepro
is the Consultant and Superintending Officer (“SO”) appointed
by Tech Food for the Project.
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[6] By Order dated 20.10.2021 Suit 518 was transferred from the
Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court to this Court to be heard together
with the main suit, Suit 17.
[7] Suit 518 contained a Counterclaim by the Defendants therein, A
One Piling and Truepro.
[8] On 20.6.2022, the following transpired in respect of Suit 518:
i) Blue Seal withdrew its entire claim against both the
Defendants, A One Piling and Truepro. Blue Seal’s main claim
was then struck out with costs of RM40,000.00 in favour of A
One Piling and Truepro;
ii) A One Piling withdrew its entire Counterclaim against Blue
Seal. A One Piling’s Counterclaim was then struck out with
costs of RM40,000.00 in favour of Blue Seal; and
iii) Truepro withdrew part of its Counterclaim against Blue Seal
and only the reliefs in paragraphs 73.11, 73.14, 73.17 and
73.20 of the Amended Defence and Amended Counterclaim
remained, they are mainly:
a) Special damages of RM10,207,614;
b) General damages to be assessed for loss of income and
business opportunity
[9] Given this turn of events what remained in respect of this case is:
i) For Suit 17: Tech Food and A One Piling’s claim against the
Defendants; and
ii) For Suit 518: The remainder of Truepro’s Counterclaim
against Blue Seal.
[10] At the trial of this action and at the end of the Tech Food and A
One Piling’s case, Blue Seal together with the 2nd to 5th Defendants
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and the 6th Defendant submitted “no case to answer” and no
evidence was led by any of their respective witnesses listed in the
1st to 5th and 6th Defendants’ list of witnesses.
[11] By way of a Letter of Award dated 6.5.2019 (“1st LOA”) Tech Food
appointed Blue Seal as its Nominated Sub-Contractor (“NSC”) in
respect of a project known as “Cadangan Membina Sebuah Kilang
Di atas Lot 158490 (HSD 135860), Jalan Sungai Pinang 4/10,
Kawasan Perindustrian Pulau Indah, Mukim Klang, Daerah Klang,
Selangor Darul Ehsan Untuk Tetuan Tech Food Ingredients Sdn
Bhd” for the construction and completion of a factory (“Project”) or
otherwise known as a cGMP Processing Plant (“Factory”) subject
to the terms and conditions of the 1st LOA and Blue Seal’s quotation
dated 26.4.2019 (“Quotation”).
[12] Tech Food is known as the “Owner/Employer” of the Project whilst
the A One Piling is appointed as the Main Contractor of the Project
by Tech Food and a contract was entered between Tech Food and
A One Piling to that effect.
[13] By a letter dated 19.7.2019 entitled “Supersede Letter of Award”
(“Supersede Letter of Award”) Tech Food wrote to Blue Seal,
inter alia, as follows:
“Refer to the above matter and Letter of Award from Tech Food Ingredients
Sdn. Bhd. to Blue Seal (M) Sdn. Bhd. on 6th May 2019.
We are writing to you to supersede the letter of award. All NSC letter of award
shall be issue by the Main Contractor.
However, your payment terms shall be paid by us. Kindly submit your
payment schedule. You are required to write to us within 48 hours if you do not
accept the supersede of this letter.”
(own emphasis added)
[14] By letter dated 23.8.2019 (“Acceptance Letter”) Blue Seal
accepted the terms of the Supersede Letter of Award, inter alia, as
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“Refer to the above matter and letter in relation to supersede Letter of Award
from Tech Food Ingredients Sdn, Bhd. to Blue Seal (M) Sdn. Bhd. on 19th July
We are writing to you and are pleased to accept the supersede Letter of Award.
Enclosed the duly signed Letter of Award issued by A One Piling Sdn. Bhd.
to Blue Seal (M) Sdn Bhd on 6th May 2019.
Payment terms shall be paid by Tech Food Ingredients Sdn. Bhd. directly to
Blue Seal (M) Sdn Bhd, the Nominated Subcontractor.”
(own emphasis added)
[15] Another Letter of Award also dated 6.5.2019 was then issued, this
time by A One Piling to Blue Seal (“2nd LOA”).
[16] Under the 2nd LOA the quotations in the Project have to be
approved by Tech Food instead of A One Piling.
[17] Tech Food and A One Piling claim that both the 1st and 2nd LOA
are effective and enforceable while the 1st to 5th Defendants take
the position that the 1st LOA has been terminated and no longer
[18] The 1st to 5th Defendants claim that pursuant to the 2nd LOA, the
only contract is now between the A One Piling and Blue Seal.
[19] Tech Food, A One Piling and the 1st to 5th Defendants agree that
the Project is subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated in
the 1st LOA, 2nd LOA and Quotation (collectively referred to as “the
[20] Pursuant to the 2nd LOA the date of “Site Possession and
Commencement of Works” shall be 20.5.2019 and the “Date of
Completion” shall be 30.9.2019.
[21] On 17.5.2019 Tech Food paid 10% as down payment in the sum
of RM342.500.00 directly to Blue Seal.
[22] Blue Seal commenced work to construct the Factory and between
20.8.2019 to 20.12.2019 Blue Seal submitted progress claims
(Progress Claims Nos. 1 to 5) to Truepro and/or Blue Seal.
Payments were made towards these Progress Claims until around
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[23] On 24.2.2020 Truepro issued a list of defects and “Make Good 2”
[24] However, problems occurred from around 5.3.2020 when the
director of Tech Food, Narendranath a/l T.V. Ramana (“PW-1”),
raised a complaint against Blue Seal’s supervisor that he was
playing games in the car and the employees are without PPE
(personal protective equipment) attire while working at the site of
the Project.
[25] Thereafter, several joint physical and visual inspections of the
Factory was conducted as follows:
i) 9.3.2020 in the presence of Tech Food and A One Piling’s
representatives together with the 2nd and 3rd Defendants;
ii) 11.3.2020 in the presence of Tech Food and A One Piling’s
representatives together with the 2nd and 3rd Defendants;
iii) 12.3.2020 in the presence of Tech Food and A One Piling’s
representatives together with the 2nd, 4th and 5th Defendants.
iv) On all the above 3 joint inspections, it was observed by the
Defendants who attended that there were bubbles/blisters on
the PU panels that were installed in the Factory.
[26] Between 11.3.2020 to 12.3.2020, PW-1 raised issues regarding
the Factory and specifically in respect of:
i) the PU panels which had blisters/bubbles in them; and
ii) that it was subsequently discovered that the PU panels that
were installed were not certified Class “O” by the Jabatan
Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia (“Bomba”).
[27] There were several correspondences in the form of emails
pertaining to the issue of repair, rectification and/or replacement of
the said PU panels primarily between Tech Food and Blue Seal.
[28] The dispute between parties culminated in a notice terminating the
contract by Blue Seal. Some of the material correspondences
between the parties between 12.3.2020 to 18.3.2020 are stated
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[29] By letter dated 12.3.2020 A One Piling informed the 1st Defendant,
inter alia, as follows:
“We refer to the above mentioned reference & project. From today onwards not
allow to enter project site until further notice.”
[30] By its solicitors’ letter dated 15.3.2020 (“Blue Seal’s Termination
Letter”), Blue Seal informed A One Piling, inter alia, as follows:
“c) the said Letter informing that our client was barred from entering the
project site is wrong in law and in fact and in breach of the Contract;
d) your actions as aforesaid clearly evince an intention on your part not to
be bound by the terms of the Contract which amounts to a repudiatory
breach of the Contract and which reputation our client accepts and the
Contract is hereby terminated.”
(own emphasis added)
[31] The Plaintiffs’ solicitors then responded to Blue Seal’s Termination
Letter vide their letter dated 18.3.2020, inter alia, as follows:
“Thus, it is your client that has breached the terms of the contract by supplying
and installing defective PU Panels which in fact your client has acknowledged
and/or admitted in their e-mails transmitted on 11.3.2020 at 11.29 a.m. and
10.16 p.m. Your client’s attempt now to state otherwise and/or reasons for
saying so is not contemporaneous with the documents and their conduct at the
material time. As you are aware, our client’s rights are protected under the Sale
of Goods Act 1957 in regards to your client’s warranty and representation that
the goods namely the PU Panels are merchantable and fit for the purpose it was
purchased and intended for.
Our client has instructed us to inform you that they are accepting your client’s
unlawful repudiation of the contract and will commence proceedings to recover
the full contract sum and consequential losses which will include appointment
of a third party contractor to rectify the defective PU Panels unless your client
do take immediate steps to address and rectify the defective PU Panels
supplied by your client.”
[32] Blue Seal did not return to the Project site to do any further work or
rectification work and the work on the Factory ceased.
[33] By 17.5.2020 Tech Food had paid Blue Seal a total sum of
RM3,093,854.38. The total contract sum under the 2nd LOA was
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[34] Suit 518 was subsequently filed on 25.6.2020 and Truepro’s (and
A One Piling) Counterclaim against Blue Seal was filed on
[35] Suit 17 was filed on 1.7.2020.
[36] Below are the reasons for my decision in respect of the Plaintiffs’
claim against the Defendants in respect of Suit 17. Truepro’s
Counterclaim against Blue Seal in Suit 518 will be dealt with
separately in this Judgment.
[37] The Plaintiffs’ claim against the Defendants arises primarily from
the allegation that the Defendants had failed to construct the
Factory in accordance with the terms of the Contract. The Plaintiffs
further claim that there were several defects in the 1st Defendant’s
[38] The Plaintiffs’ claim against the Defendants are based on the
following causes of action:
i) Breach of contract (against Blue Seal only);
ii) Negligence;
iii) Misleading and fraudulent misrepresentation (“Fraudulent
iv) Deceit; and
v) Inducing the Plaintiff to enter into the LOAs knowing that they
were not going to fulfil their contractual obligations and that
their representations to the Plaintiffs are not true.
[39] The reliefs sought by the Plaintiffs against all the Defendants,
jointly and severally are, inter alia, as follows:
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“83.1. A declaration that the corporate veil of the 1st Defendant be lifted by
reason of deceit and fraudulent misrepresentation committed by the
1st to 5th Defendants and this action may be brought personally against
its directors namely the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Defendants herein;
83.2. A declaration that the entire cGMP Processing Plant that the 1st
Defendant had supplied, manufactured, designed, built and installed in
the Project is defective, unmerchantable and unfit for the 1st
Plaintiff’s use, needs and purpose of business;
83.3. A declaration that the Defendants had committed deceit and/or
fraudulent misrepresentation as the NSC for the cGMP Processing
Plant in the Project;
83.4. A declaration that the Defendants had committed breach of contract
of the 1st Loa and 2nd LOA as the NSC for the cGMP Processing Plant
in the Project;
83.5. A declaration that the 1st to 5th Defendants had committed breach of
fiduciary duties as the NSC for the cGMP Processing Plant in the
83.6. A declaration that the Defendants were negligent in carrying out its
and/or his duties as the NSC for the cGMP Processing Plant in the
83.7. An order compelling the Defendants to forward to the Plaintiffs within
three (3) days from the date of this order all relevant forms and/or
documents that have to be submitted to local authorities and agencies
such as Forms C1 and C2 and other similar forms and documents
required for the purpose of obtaining CCC;
83.8. An order compelling the Defendants to hand over the keys to all doors
in the premises of the Project that had been installed by the 1st
Defendant to the 2nd Plaintiff within three (3) days from the date of this
order or alternatively special damages of RM40,000.00 being costs of
replacing all the keys;
83.9. An order compelling the Defendants to return to the 2nd Plaintiff within
three (3) days from the date of this order, the overpaid progress claim
monies of RM98,255.80 that was over certified;
83.10. Alternatively, an order that the Plaintiffs is entitled to trace and recover
the overpaid progress claim monies of RM98,255.80 from any fund
and/or asset of the Defendants which the said monies have contributed
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83.11. An order allowing the 2nd Plaintiff to retain and utilise the balance 5%
of the contract sums as part payment of the refurbishment costs of the
83.12. Special damages of RM20,767,364.26 being the rectification costs of
the factory as stated in Paragraphs 55 to 56.21.6 above;
83.13. Special damages of RM264,000.00 being cost for the loss of warranty
on machines due to dismantle and reinstallation of machine and
83.14. General damages to be assessed by this Honourable Court against the
Defendants for breach of contract and/or breach of fiduciary duties
and/or responsibilities and/or negligent;
83.15. General damages to be assessed by this Honourable Court for the
Plaintiffs’ loss of reputation and business confidence as pleaded at
Paragraphs 57 to 57.4 above;
83.16. General damages against the Defendants to be assessed by this
Honourable Court for the Plaintiffs’ loss of income and business
opportunity as pleaded at Paragraphs 58 to 58.3 above;
83.17. Aggravated damages to be assessed by this Honourable Court against
the Defendants for the deceit and fraudulent misrepresentation
committed against the Plaintiffs;
83.18. Damages against the Defendants to be assessed by this Honourable
Court for the mental anguish, health issues and embarrassment
caused to the Plaintiffs as pleaded at Paragraphs 59 to 60 above;”
(own emphasis added)
[40] As can be seen above the reliefs sought by Tech Food and A One
Piling are very wide and convoluted, whereas the “actual” claim
itself (primarily premised on breach of contract) is, with respect,
quite straight forward. The long windedness of Tech Food and A
One Piling’s pleaded claim did not assist their case and made in
unnecessarily complicated. I will address this in more detail in the
course of this Judgment.
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[41] Blue Seal made, inter alia, the following admission (paragraphs 8,
9 and 12 of the “Statement of Agreed Fact (between Plaintiffs and
1st to 5th Defendants” (Bundle D (Enclosure 294)).
Paragraph 8
“By the Contract, the 1st Defendant was to supply and install PU panels that are
not defective and are fit for purpose and are merchantable quality and are fire
retardant and certified class “O” by Jabatan Bomba Dan Penyelamat Malaysia.
Paragraph 9
“The 1st Defendant admits liability that the PU panels supplied to the
Plaintiffs and installed at the 1st Plaintiff's CGMP Plant by the 1st Defendant
are not certified class ‘O’ and that is the Breach of Contract.”
Paragraph 12
“The cGMP Processing Plant cannot be used or operated as cGMP Processing
Plant as the PU panels supplied and installed by the 1st Defendant are not class
‘O’ certified panels.”
(own emphasis added)
[42] It must be highlighted that this admission was made on 23.5.2022,
about a month before the commencement of the trial.
[43] Given Blue Seal’s above admission, the 1st to 5th Defendants’
defence is essentially:
i) Notwithstanding the admission of the 1st Defendant above, the
Plaintiffs are not entitled to damages for the various causes of
action set out in the Re-Amended Statement of Claim
(“Statement of Claim”) as they have asked for one lump sum
of RM20,767,364.26 at paragraph 83.12 without setting out
the amount of damages claimed for each cause of action.
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ii) Given that there are different elements to be proved for each
cause of action including damages, this then makes the claim
for a lump sum wrong in law.
iii) The 2nd to 5th Defendants are not parties to the contract and
are only named as defendants based upon allegations of
iv) Even if fraud is proven on a balance of probabilities, the
Plaintiffs cannot rely on fraud as a basis for damages as they
have not rescinded the contract (which it is alleged they were
induced to enter into). In fact, they have affirmed the contract
and asked for a declaration that the contract has been
v) The 1st to 5th Defendants have not caused the Plaintiffs any
damage save that the PU panels need to be replaced.
vi) There is no negligence or breach of fiduciary duties or fraud
committed by any of the Defendants.
[44] The 6th Defendant defence is essentially that as an employee of
Blue Seal, he merely carries out Blue Seal’s instructions and the
scope of work for which he is employed. He committed no
wrongdoing. The Plaintiffs’ claim against him is misconceived and
mala fide.
[45] The contract to construct the Factory was initially between Tech
Food and Blue Seal and is evidenced by the 1st LOA.
[46] The 1st LOA was then superseded by the Supersede Letter of
Award which like its namesake superseded the 1st LOA.
[47] Blue Seal accepted the terms of the Supersede Letter of Award
vide its Acceptance Letter.
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[48] Thereafter, A One Piling issued the 2nd LOA to Blue Seal which
was also dated 6.5.2019, the same date as the 1st LOA (issued by
Tech Food).
[49] The Supersede Letter of Award read together with the Acceptance
Letter by Blue Seal and the 2nd LOA clearly show that the 1st LOA
is no longer valid and has been replaced by the 2nd LOA. The
contents of these letters are clear and do not contain any
[50] The 2nd LOA is not a tripartite agreement. Only A One Piling and
Blue Seal are parties to the 2nd LOA and the 2nd LOA makes no
reference to the 1st LOA or that it is still applicable.
[51] It must be noted that it is Tech Food itself, being the owner of the
Project, who had designed the contractual relationship of the
parties involved to be in this manner. It cannot then change its
stand on this.
[52] Although Tech Food continued to be involved in the Project where,
inter alia, its approval was required on certain matters, this does
not make Tech Food a party to the 2nd LOA nor does it establish a
contractual nexus as pleaded in paragraph 19 of the Statement of
[53] The same applies even where payments are made directly by Tech
Food to Blue Seal. In paragraph 19 of the Statement of Claim, it
was pleaded that due to Tech Food’s continued involvement in the
Project a contractual nexus is established. However, as the 1st
LOA is no longer valid, Tech Food’s said involvement is only as the
owner of the Project and is transmitted contractually through Tech
Food’s main contractor, A One Piling.
[54] Therefore, the only contract that is in existence and enforceable in
the present case is the 2nd LOA and any claim for breach of
contract can only be made by A One Piling and not Tech Food.
[55] I am aware that as the owner of the Project and the Factory, Tech
Food may have ultimately suffered losses arising from a breach of
contract by Blue Seal under the 2nd LOA but that is something Tech
Food will have to take up with A One Piling. Tech Food has no
privity or right to initiate a contractual claim against Blue Seal.
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[56] Thus, the contract relationship between parties can be summarised
as follows:
i) Between Tech Food and A One Piling (Owner and Main
Contractor); and
ii) Between A One Piling and Blue Seal (Main Contractor and
NSC or Nominated Sub-Contractor).
[57] In the circumstances the proper plaintiff in this case in respect of a
breach of contract claim is A One Piling only.
[58] Before I deal with the various causes of action raised by the
Plaintiffs, the implication of the Defendants’ decision to submit of
“no case to answer” needs to addressed first.
[59] I will begin with the cases cited by learned counsel for the 1st to 5th
Defendants on this issue and they are as follows:
i) Yui Chin Song & Qrs v. Lee Ming Chai & Ors [2019] 6 MLJ
417 (FC);
ii) Keruntum Sdn Bhd v. The Director of Forests & Ors [2017]
3 MLJ 281 (FC);
iii) Syarikat Kemajuan Timbermine Sdn Bhd v. Kerajaan
Neqeri Kelantan Darul Naim [2015] 3 MLJ 609 (FC);
iv) Leolaris (M) Sdn Bhd v. Bumiputra Commerce Bank Bhd
[2009] 10 CLJ 234 (HC);
[60] I am in agreement with learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants’
submission that it can be distilled from the above cases with
regards to the submission of “no case to answer” that:
i) It is for the plaintiff to prove his case on a balance of
probabilities and the fact that the defendant has led no
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evidence or called no witnesses does not absolve the plaintiff
from discharging his or her burden in law.
ii) The mere fact that the defendant elects not to lead evidence
does not mean that all the plaintiff’s evidence is automatically
to be believed.
iii) The defences of the defendant are not under consideration. It
is the plaintiff’s case that is to be scrutinised for the sole
purpose of establishing whether the plaintiff has proved his or
her case on a balance of probabilities.
iv) A submission of “no case to answer” can be on the basis that:
a) accepting the plaintiff’s evidence at face value, no case
has been established at law; or
b) the evidence led for the plaintiff is so unsatisfactory or
unreliable that the court should find that the burden of
proof has not been discharged.
v) Even though the defendant does not call any evidence, it does
not mean that the trial judge must believe everything the
plaintiff has adduced.
[61] In other words, just because the Defendants have elected to submit
“no case to answer” does not mean the Plaintiffs’ claim will be
automatically allowed. The Plaintiffs have to still prove their case.
[62] However, what learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants did not
submit on is how and what happens to the evidence adduced by
the plaintiff’s where the defendant’s have chosen to submit “no
case to answer”.
[63] Before I continue on this issue and refer to the cases that were not
cited by learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants, it is important
for me to first highlight some key factual features of the cases he
had referred to:
i) In Yui Chin Song (supra) all the defendants save for one
made a submission of no case to answer. The plaintiffs’ claim
was dismissed.
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ii) In Kerumtum (supra) the second defendant did not give
evidence and a total of 9 witnesses gave evidence for the
defence. The plaintiff’s claim was dismissed.
iii) In Syarikat Kemajuan Timbermine (supra) no witnesses
were called by the defendant and the plaintiff had failed to
prove on a balance of probabilities the existence of a
settlement agreement which the plaintiff claimed existed. The
plaintiff called 3 witnesses. The plaintiff’s claim was
iv) In Leolaris (supra) the defendant did not call any witnesses or
cross-examine the plaintiff’s four witnesses. The plaintiff’s
claim was allowed.
[64] How the burden of proof is treated and the shifting of the burden in
a case where the defendant makes a submission of “no case to
answer” was decided in Keruntum (supra) where the Federal court
held as follows:
“[78] ]t is settled law that the burden of proof rests throughout the trial on the
party on whom the burden lies. Where a party on whom the burden of proof
lies, has discharged it, then the evidential burden shifts to the other party
(see UN Pandey v Hotel Marco Polo Pte Ltd [1980] 1 MLJ 4). When the burden
shifts to the other party, it can be discharged by cross-examination of
witnesses of the party on whom the burden of proof lies or by calling
witnesses or by giving evidence himself or by a combination of the
different methods. See Tan Klim Khuan v Tan Kee Kiat (M) Sdn Bhd [1998] 1
MLJ 697.”
(own emphasis added)
[65] Learned counsel for the Plaintiffs, on the other hand, relied on the
Federal Court case of Takako Sakao v. Ng Pek Yuen & Anor
[2009] 3 MLRA 74 where the 1st respondent failed to attend court
and give evidence. The appellant’s claim was allowed by the
Federal Court and held, inter alia, as follows:
“[4] In our judgment, two consequences inevitably followed when the first
respondent who was fully conversant with the facts studiously refrained from
giving evidence. In the first place, the evidence given by the appellant
ought to have been presumed to be true. As Elphinstone CJ said in Wasakah
Singh v. Bachan Singh [1931] 1 MC 125 at p 128:
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If the party on whom the burden of proof lies gives or calls evidence
which, if it is believed, is sufficient to prove his case, then the judge is
bound to call upon the other party, and has no power to hold that the
first party has failed to prove his case merely because the judge does not
believe his evidence. At this stage, the truth or falsity of the evidence is
immaterial. For the purpose of testing whether there is a case to answer,
all the evidence given must be presumed to be true.
Now, what the trial judge did in the present case is precisely what he ought
not to have done. He expressed dissatisfaction with the appellant’s evidence
without asking himself that most vital question: does the first defendant/
respondent have a case to answer? This failure on the part of the trial judge
is a serious non-direction amounting to a misdirection which occasioned a
miscarriage of justice. The trial judge was at that stage not concerned with his
belief of the appellant’s evidence. She had given her explanation as to the
discrepancies in the figures. And her evidence does not appear to be
either inherently incredible or inherently improbable. In these
circumstances it was the duty of the judge to have accepted her evidence
as true in the absence of any evidence from the first respondent going
the other way. He however failed to direct himself in this fashion thereby
occasioning a serious miscarriage of justice.”
[5] The second consequence is that the court ought to have drawn an adverse
inference against the first respondent on the amount of the appellant’s
contribution to the purchase price as well as the existence and the terms of
the mutual understanding or agreement that she had with the first respondent.
Where, as here, the first respondent being a party to the action provides
no reasons as to why she did not care to give evidence the court will
normally draw an adverse inference. See Guthrie Sdn Bhd v. Trans-Malaysian
Leasing Corp Bhd [1990] 1 MLRA 532; [1991] 1 MLJ 33; [1991] 1 CLJ (Rep) 155.
See also, Jaafar Shaari & Siti Jama Hashim v. Tan Lip Eng & Anor [1997] 1 MLRA
605; [1997] 3 MLJ 693; [1997] 4 CLJ 509 where Peh Swee Chin FCJ said: “The
respondents had chosen to close the case at the end of the appellants’
case. Although they were entitled to do so, they would be in peril of not
having the evidence of their most important witness and of having an
adverse inference drawn against them for failing to call such evidence
should the circumstances demand it.” There are two other authorities that
are of assistance on the point. In Wisniewski v. Central Manchester Health
Authority [1998] PIQR 324, Brooke LJ when delivering the judgment of the
Court of Appeal quoted from a number of authorities including the following
passage from the speech of Lord Diplock in Herrington v. British Railways
Board [1972] AC 877:
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The appellants, who are a public corporation, elected to call no witnesses,
thus depriving the court of any positive evidence as to whether the
condition of the fence and the adjacent terrain had been noticed by any
particular servant of theirs or as to what he or any other of their servants
either thought or did about it. This is a legitimate tactical move under
our adversarial system of litigation. But a defendant who adopts it
cannot complain if the court draws from the facts which have been
disclosed all reasonable inferences as to what are the facts which the
defendant has chosen to withhold.
Brooke LJ then went on to say this:
From this line of authority I derive the following principles in the context
of the present case:
(1) In certain circumstances a court may be entitled to draw adverse
inferences from the absence or silence of a witness who might be
expected to have material evidence to give on an issue in an action.
(2) If a court is willing to draw such inferences, they may go to
strengthen the evidence adduced on that issue by the other party or
to weaken the evidence, if any, adduced by the party who might
reasonably have been expected to call the witness.
(3) There must, however, have been some evidence, however weak,
adduced by the former on the matter in question before the court
is entitled to draw the desired inference: in other words, there must
be a case to answer on that issue.
(4) If the reason for the witness’s absence or silence satisfies the
court, then no such adverse inference may be drawn. If, on the other
hand, there is some credible explanation given, even if it is not wholly
satisfactory, the potentially detrimental effect of his/her absence or
silence may be reduced or nullified.
The other case is Crawford v. Financial Institutions Services Ltd (Jamaica) [2005]
UKPC 40, where Lord Walker of Gestingthorpe when delivering the Advice of
the Privy Council said:
It is well settled that in civil proceedings the court may draw adverse
inferences from a defendant’s decision not to give or call evidence
as to matters within the knowledge of himself or his employees.
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[7] In the present instance, there is no doubt that the first respondent had
intimate knowledge of the material facts relevant to the dispute and that
she was privy to the several steps through which the transaction had
proceeded. Based on the authorities already cited, it is patently clear that the
trial judge in the present case ought to have held that the failure of the first
respondent to give evidence apart from discrediting her case
strengthened the appellant’s case on those vital points that lay at the axis
of the dispute between the parties. This, the trial judge clearly omitted to
do. Instead, he treated the first respondent’s failure to appear and give
evidence as a matter of no apparent consequence. His non-direction upon
such a crucial point as this certainly amounts to a misdirection which has
occasioned a miscarriage of justice. To conclude the first issue, it is our
judgment that there was no judicial appreciation of the appellant’s evidence.
A reasonable tribunal correctly directing itself on the facts and the relevant law
would have held that the appellant had indeed contributed RM194,610
towards the purchase price of the building; that there was a mutual
understanding between the appellant and the first respondent that they shall
be beneficial co-owners of the property in question in equal shares; and that
the first respondent had acted in breach of that understanding.”
(own emphasis added)
[66] In Takako Sakao (supra), the Federal Court held that the effect of
the defendant’s failure to give evidence, discredits his case and
strengthens the plaintiffs case.
[67] Justice Mary Lim (as she then was), in Leolaris (supra), examined
the effect of the pleaded defence where the defendant submitted
“no case to answer” and held as follows:
“[23] In a submission of no case to answer, the defences pleaded are not
under consideration. To put it bluntly, on such an occasion the defendant is
actually saying that it need not bother to offer and lead any evidence on
any of the pleaded defences because the plaintiff’s case is bad as it has
not been made out and ought therefore to be dismissed without more. It is
still the plaintiffs case that is scrutinised for the sole purpose of establishing
whether the defendant has made a right submission. If the submission is
properly taken on the law and on the facts, then the plaintiffs case would be
dismissed. However, where the defendant fails in its submission and the
plaintiff succeeds in discharging the burden of proof, the plaintiffs case will be
allowed. That is why it is said that the defendant will stand or fall by the
(own emphasis added)
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[68] It can thus be summarised that while it is a given that the burden
of proof lies with the plaintiff, however, in a situation where the
defendant submits “no case to answer” the Court needs to be
satisfied that:
i) the evidence adduced by the plaintiff is sufficient to prove his
case (Keruntum (supra); Takako (supra));
ii) where the defendant provides no reasons (or credible
reasons) as to why he did not care to give evidence the Court
will normally draw an adverse inference (Takako (supra));
iii) if such an adverse inference is drawn, it may strengthen the
evidence adduced by the plaintiff or weaken the evidence, if
any, adduced by the defendant (Takako (supra));
iv) there must, however, have been some evidence, however
weak, adduced by the plaintiffs before the Court is entitled to
draw the desired inference: in other words, there must be a
case to answer on that issue (Takako (supra));
v) the defendant’s defence will not be taken into consideration
(Leolaris (supra); Takako (supra)).
[69] I will conclude with the following passage from Yui Chin Song
(supra) which in turn referred to a passage from the case of Mohd
Nor Afandi bin Mohamed Junus v. Rahman Shah Along
Ibrahim & Anor [2008] 3 MLJ 81:
“[50] In this regard, Suriyadi, JCA (as His Lordship then was) in Mohd Nor
Afandi bin Mohamed Junus v Rahman Shah Along Ibrahim & Anor [2008] 3
ML] 81, recognised the above riding in the following passage:
There are, however, two sets of circumstances under which a defendant
may submit that he has no case to answer. In the one case there may be
a submission that, accepting the plaintiff’s evidence at its face value,
no case has been established in law, and in the other that the evidence
led for the plaintiff is so unsatisfactory or unreliable that the court
should find that the burden of proof has not been discharged.
(own emphasis added)
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[70] Therefore, to put it simply, as the Defendants have submitted “no
case to answer” the issue is whether the evidence adduced by the
Plaintiffs in this case is “so unsatisfactory or unreliable that the
court should find that the burden of proof has not been discharged”
(Mohd Nor Afandi (supra); Yui Chin Song (supra)). It therefore
follows that if the Plaintiffs succeed in discharging that burden of
proof, then the Defendants shall have no defence against the
Plaintiffs’ claim.
[71] It must also be borne in mind that the evidence tendered by the
Plaintiffs must also be examined in light of the admissions of liability
made by Blue Seal regarding, inter alia, the PU panels coupled with
the fact that the Defendants chose not to adduce any evidence by
calling any witness or tendering any document to oppose the
Plaintiffs’ evidence and case. The Defendants’ do so at their own
peril (Takako (supra)) and it is a risk that they take.
[72] I will deal with the Plaintiffs’ causes of action in respect of
Inducement, Fraudulent Misrepresentation and Deceit first and
then followed by the cause of action on Breach of Contract.
[73] The Fraudulent Misrepresentation and Deceit allegations are
essentially the same and I see no reason to treat them separately.
They are in fact overlapping and it complicates matters to treat
them as though they are two separate causes of action as was
done by the Plaintiffs. Hence, my reference to Fraudulent
Misrepresentation would include Deceit.
[74] Ultimately, the Fraudulent Misrepresentation here revolve around
the installation of the PU panels which are not Class “O” certified
and the allegation that the Defendants concealed this fact from the
[75] Unlike learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants, learned
counsel for the Plaintiffs did not, in his written submissions,
specifically or clearly submit on how the Inducement, Fraudulent
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Misrepresentation and Deceit affected the LOAs with reference to
the Contracts Act 1950 (“CA 1950”).
[76] Therefore, the Statement of Claim needs to be examined to see
how the Inducement, Fraudulent Misrepresentation and Deceit are
pleaded in relation to the contract, i.e. the LOAs. Some of the
material parts of the Statement of Claim on these causes of action
are reproduced below:
Paragraph 27
“Plaintif memplidkan bahawa Defendan Pertama melalui Pengarah- Pengarah
dan pegawai-pegawainya terutama Defendan Ke-2, Ke-3, Ke-4, Ke-5 dan Ke-
6 telah berulang kali, dengan sengaja, dengan niat dan melulu menyatakan
dan/atau mengakui (“represented”) melalui kelakuan dan perkataan kepada
Plaintif-Plaintif bahawa Defendan Pertama adalah seorang profesional yang
berkebolehan dan mempunyai kemahiran dalam mereka bentuk,
membuat, membekalkan, membina dan memasang mereka bentuk dan
membina Loji Pemprosesan cGMP termasuk bilik sejuk, bilik sejuk beku dan
bilik pemprosesan makanan yang mematuhi cGMP dan sesuai dengan sifat dan
kegunaan perniagaan Plaintif Pertama. Plaintif-Plaintif juga merujuk butir-butir
salah nyata fraud oleh Defendan-Defendan Pertama hingga Ke-5 dan Defendan
Ke-6 secara masing-masing dalam perenggan-perenggan termasuk keseluruhan
perenggan 72 (a)(72.1 hingga 72.3) dan (b) 72.3.i hingga 72.3.vii di bawah.”
Paragraph 28
“Defendan Pertama di dalam Profil Syarikat (“Company Profile”) yang telah
diberikan kepada Plaintif-Plaintif dalam usaha untuk
mendorong/menggalakkan perlantikan sebagai SKD untuk Loji
Pemprosesan cGMP dalam Projek tersebut juga telah antara lainnya
menyatakan dan/atau mengakui seperti berikut:- …..”
Paragraph 29
“Sebagai sebahagian daripada usaha-usaha untuk mendorong/ menggalakkan
Plaintif-Plaintif untuk melantik Defendan Pertama sebagai SKD untuk
Loji Pemprosesan cGMP di dalam Projek tersebut, Defendan Ke-2 sebagai
salah seorang pengarah bagi Defendan Pertama telah secara dan dengan sengaja
pada atau sekitar April 2019 mempelawa dan membawa Pengarah-Pengarah
Plaintif Pertama untuk melawat sebuah kilang Kellogs’ di Negeri Sembilan
yang mana telah kononnya juga, berdasarkan makluman oleh Defendan Kedua,
melantik Defendan Pertama untuk mereka bentuk dan membina bilik
pemprosesan makanan patuh cGMP yang serupa dengan kegunaan yang
diperlukan oleh Plaintif Pertama.”
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Paragraph 33
“Berdasarkan dan bergantung kepada semua pernyataan- pernyataan dan
jaminan-jaminan di atas yang telah dibuat oleh Defendan Pertama melalui
Pengarah-Pengarah dan pegawai- pegawainya terutama Defendan Ke-2, Ke-3,
Ke-4, Ke-5 dan Ke-6, Plaintif-Plaintif telah bergantung kepadanya dan
bertindak ke atas representasi-representasi tersebut dan telah didorong
untuk melantik Defendan Pertama sebagai SKD untuk Loji Pemprosesan
cGMP dalam Projek tersebut. Plaintif-Plaintif mengulangi dan
menggunapakai kepada Perenggan-perenggan 24 hingga 26.7 di atas di sini.
Plaintif-Plaintif juga merujuk butir-butir salah nyata fraud oleh Defendan-
Defendan Pertama hingga Ke-5 dan Defendan Ke-6 secara masing-masing
dalam perenggan-perenggan termasuk keseluruhan perenggan 72 (a)(72.1
hingga 72.3) dan (b) 72.3.i hingga 72.3.vii di bawah.”
Paragraph 72.4
“Plaintif-Plaintif mengulangi dan menggunapakai kepada Perenggan-
perenggan 27 sehingga 33 di atas di sini dan seianjutnya menyatakan bahawa
berdasarkan dan bergantung kepada semua pernyataan-pernyataan dan
jaminan-jaminan di atas yang telah dibuat oleh Defendan Pertama terutama
melalui Defendan Ke-2, Plaintif Pertama dan Plaintif Ke-2 telah bergantung
kepadanya dan bertindak ke atas representasi-representasi tersebut dan
telah didorong untuk melantik Defendan Pertama sebagai SKD untuk Loji
Pemprosesan cGMP dalam Project tersebut”
(own emphasis added)
[77] Therefore, the Inducement as pleaded in this case is the
persuasion by the Defendants for Tech Food to enter into the 1st
LOAs and for A One Piling to enter into the 2nd LOA.
[78] The Inducement on its own does not amount to any wrongdoing
but the Fraudulent Misrepresentation makes it wrongful.
[79] The Fraudulent Misrepresentation here is essentially the allegation
1st to 5th and 6th Defendants
i) The 1st to 5th Defendants misrepresented that Blue Seal was
capable of constructing the Factory;
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ii) The Defendants induced the Plaintiffs to enter into the
Contract knowing that Blue Seal was not able (or do not have
the capability) to construct the Factory in accordance with the
6th Defendant
iii) The 6th Defendant had dishonestly and fraudulently hidden
from Linear Panel Marketing Sdn Bhd (“Linear Panel”) that
the PU panels were not Class “O” certified;
iv) The 6th Defendant conspired with the 1st to 5th Defendants to
defraud the Plaintiffs by concealing that the PU panels were
not Class “O” certified, are defective and not suitable to be
used in the Project.
v) Conspired with Blue Seal and the 2nd to 5th Defendants to
sabotage the Project by intentionally allowing work to be
carried out at the Project site without proper safety measures
and safety equipment which may cause a “Stop Work Order”
to be imposed.
[80] Therefore, the fraud or Fraudulent Misrepresentation here must be
in connection with the Contract.
[81] Under CA 1950, the definition of “misrepresentation” can be found
in Section 18 while the definition of “fraud” in Section 17 as stated
Section 18 CA 1950
““Misrepresentation” includes -
(a) the positive assertion, in a manner not warranted by the information of
the person making it, of that which is not true, though he believes it to
be true;
(b) any breach of duty which, without an intent to deceive, gives an
advantage to the person committing it, or anyone claiming under him,
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by misleading another to his prejudice, or to the prejudice of anyone
claiming under him; and
(c) causing, however innocently, a party to an agreement to make a mistake
as to the substance of the thing which is the subject of the agreement.”
Section 17 CA 1950
““Fraud” includes any of the following acts committed by a party to a contract,
or with his connivance, or by his agent, with intent to deceive another party
thereto or his agent, or to induce him to enter into the contract:
(a) the suggestion, as to a fact, of that which is not true by one who does
not believe it to be true;
(b) the active concealment of a fact by one having knowledge or belief of
the fact;
(c) a promise made without any intention of performing it;
(d) any other act fitted to deceive; and
(e) any such act or omission as the law specially declares to be fraudulent.”
(own emphasis added)
[82] Thus, in the context of the present case, the Inducement for Tech
Food to enter into the 1st LOA and for A One Piling to enter into the
2nd LOA is alleged to have been accomplished through the
Fraudulent Misrepresentation (which includes Deceit) committed
by the Defendants.
[83] What then is the legal consequence of a contract which was
entered into through fraud. The answer lies in Section 19 CA 1950
which provides as follows:
“(1) When consent to an agreement is caused by coercion, fraud, or
misrepresentation, the agreement is a contract voidable at the option of the
party whose consent was so caused.
(2) A party to a contract, whose consent was caused by fraud or
misrepresentation, may, if he thinks fit, insist that the contract shall be
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performed, and that he shall be put in the position in which he would have
been if the representations made had been true.
Exception - If such consent was caused by misrepresentation or by
silence, fraudulent within the meaning of section 17, the contract,
nevertheless, is not voidable, if the party whose consent was so caused
had the means of discovering the truth with ordinary diligence.
Explanation - A fraud or misrepresentation which did not cause the
consent to a contract of the party on whom the fraud was practised, or
to whom the misrepresentation was made, does not render a contract
(own emphasis added)
(see Kheng Chwee Lian v. Wong Tak Thong [1983] 2 MLJ 320
(FC); Abdul Razak bin Datuk Abu Samah v. Shah Alam
Properties Sdn Bhd and another appeal [1999] 2 MLJ 500
(COA); Seqar Oil Palm Estate Sdn Bhd v. Tay Tho Bok & Anor
[1997] 3 MLJ 211 (COA))
[84] In Abdul Razak (supra) the Court of Appeal made the position
clear on the rights of the representee in circumstances where the
contract was entered through fraudulent or negligent
misrepresentation, and held as follows:
“Fraudulent or negligent misrepresentation renders a contract voidable at
the instance of the representee. See the Contracts Act 1950, s 19(1). The
representee is therefore entitled to apply to a court for a decree of rescission
from a court and also to an award of damages. See Archer v Brown [1985] 1
QB 401. Damages are available in addition to rescission because an action for
fraudulent misrepresentation is grounded upon the tort of deceit, and in the
case of negligent misrepresentation upon the tort of negligence.”
“A representee who is the victim of a fraud may, at his election, abandon his
right to rescind and may instead insist that the contract be performed,
and that he be put in the position in which he would have been if the
representations made had been true. See the Contracts Act 1950, s 19(2).
(own emphasis added)
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[85] In the present case the Plaintiffs have prayed for the LOAs to be
affirmed. In fact, they specifically prayed in paragraph 83.4 of the
Statement of Claim for a declaration that the 1st to 5th Defendants
committed a breach of contract, of the LOAs.
[86] It is clear therefore that the Plaintiffs have decided not to rescind
the LOAs but to affirm them instead.
[87] In Segar Oil Palm (supra) which facts have some similarity to the
present case the Court of Appeal held, inter alia, as follows:
“….. Unfortunately, neither counsel nor indeed the trial judge went into the real
significance of the passage cited from Chesire, Fifoot and Furmston’s Law of
Contract at p 430. We will repeat it here with the necessary emphasis:
It is a fundamental principle that the effect of a misrepresentation is to
make the contract voidable and not void. This means that the contract is
valid unless and until it is set aside by the representee. On discovering
the misrepresentation, the representee may elect to affirm or
rescind the contract. (Emphasis added.)
It is elementary law that a party to a contract, who alleges fraud, cannot avoid
one part of the contract and affirm another, unless the parts are so severable
as to be independent contracts. This proposition can be found in Kerr on Fraud
and Mistake (7th Ed) pp 515 and 517 where the cases are set out. See also
Vendor and Purchaser by RM Stoneham (1994) at p 815. The same proposition
is repeated on The Indian Contract and Specific Relief Acts (9th Ed) by Pollock
and Mulla at p 458 which reads:
... a man cannot rescind a contract in part only, when he decides to
repudiate it, he must repudiate it altogether.
Having been put on notice on 9 August 1988 in no uncertain terms, the
only option the purchasers had was either to perform the agreement
according to its terms, or repudiate it altogether and sue for damages for
(own emphasis added)
[88] I agree with learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants that based
on the, inter alia, Section 19 CA 1950 read together with the cases
such as Abdul Razak (supra) and Segar Oil Palm (supra), the
Fraudulent Misrepresentation that the Plaintiffs allege induced
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them to enter into the Contract had the effect of nullifying their
“consent” to enter into the LOAs. To put it another way the entire
contract was voidable by reason of the fraud as there was a lack of
consent and the contract could be easily unravelled.
[89] In this regard, the Federal Court in Integrated Training and
Services Sdn Bhd v. Kerajaan Malaysia & Ors [2022] 3 MLJ 77
had this to say on this point:
“[22] In Campbell v Edwards [1976] 1 AH ER 785 it' was held, inter alia, where
two parties had agreed that the price of the property was to be fixed by a
valuer on whom they should agree and the valuer gave his valuation honestly
and in good faith in a non-speaking report, ie one that did not give reasons or
calculations, the valuation could not be set aside by either party on the ground
that the valuer had made a mistake, for, in the absence of fraud or collusion,
the valuation was binding on the parties by contract. Lord Denning MR at p
788 had stated the following:
... It is simply the law of contract. If two persons agree that the price
of property should be fixed by a valuer on whom they agree, and he
gives that valuation honestly and in good faith, they are bound by
it. The reason is because they have agreed to be bound by it. If there
were fraud or collusion, of course, it would be different. Fraud or
collusion unravels everything.”
(own emphasis added)
[90] Therefore, the Contract which was entered into was voidable and
is valid unless and until set aside. The Plaintiffs then had a choice
to either rescind the contract and sue for damages or to affirm the
contract and continue with it.
[91] The victim of fraud must either set aside the agreement and sue
for damages for fraud or affirm the contract (Section 19 of CA
1950; Segar Oil Palm (supra)).
[92] The Plaintiffs cannot sue for both Fraudulent Misrepresentation
and Breach of Contract.
[93] Putting it another way, what the Plaintiffs are saying is that the
Defendants’ Fraudulent Misrepresentation had caused them to
enter into the Contract (the LOAs). They would not have entered
into the Contract or consented to enter into it had they known of
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the fraud. However, instead or unravelling or setting aside the
Contract the Plaintiffs affirm it and then rely on it to say that Blue
Seal has breached its terms. By doing this, Fraudulent
Misrepresentation allegation no longer becomes an issue.
[94] It is illogical for the Plaintiffs to plead they were induced by
Fraudulent Misrepresentation by the Defendants to enter into the
LOAs and at the same time rely on the very same LOAs to claim
for breach of contract.
[95] With respect, the Plaintiffs’ claim for Inducement, Fraudulent
Misrepresentation and Deceit is flawed and can be dismissed on
this ground alone.
[96] It therefore follows that the reliefs in the Statement of Claim related
to fraud or Fraudulent Misrepresentation cannot be maintained.
[97] With respect to the Plaintiffs, further to what I had stated in
paragraph 40 above, their pleaded case specifically in respect of
Inducement, Fraudulent Misrepresentation and Deceit is
fundamentally flawed.
[98] It is of utmost importance that there is correlation between the
cause of action pleaded and the relief(s) that follow, if not, the claim
would make no sense.
[99] I would conclude with a passage by the Federal Court in Giga
Engineering & Construction Sdn Bhd v. Yip Chee Seng & Sons
Sdn Bhd & Anor [2015] 6 MLJ 449 where it was held as follows:
“[42] Now, it is trite law that the plaintiff is bound by its own pleadings (see
R Rama Chandran v The industrial Court of Malaysia & Anor [1997] 1 MLJ 145;
Anjalal Anmal & Anor v Abdul Kareem [1969] 1 MLJ 22; Gimstern Corporation
(M) Sdn Bhd & Anor v Global Insurance Co Sdn Bhd [1987] 1 MLJ 302 (SC); Joo
Chin Kia v Loh Seng Tek [1987] 1 CLJ 194; KEP Mohamed AH v KEP Mohamad
Ismail [1981] 2 MLJ 10 (FC)). The plaintiff is not permitted to improve its
pleading in any other manner other than by way of an application to
amend. Otherwise it would be unfair and prejudicial to the defendants if the
plaintiff could now be allowed to raise an issue that was not within the
contemplation of the parties in the first place (see Esso Petroleum Co Ltd v
South Port Corpn [1956] AC 218; Playing Cards (M) Sdn Bhd v China Mutual
Navigation Co Ltd [1980] 2 MLJ 182 (FC)).”
(own emphasis added)
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[100] Notwithstanding the above, for the purpose of completeness, I
have nevertheless still considered the alleged individual acts of the
Defendants that is said to constitute Fraudulent Misrepresentation
and the evidence adduced by the Plaintiffs on this issue.
[101] The Fraudulent Misrepresentation pleaded by the Plaintiffs is to
justify the lifting of the corporate veil or to go behind the corporate
veil to make the Defendants liable together with the 1st Defendant.
[102] An elaborate definition of “misrepresentation” can be found in Sim
Thong Realty Sdn Bhd v. Teh Kim Dar @ Tee Kim [2003] 3 MLJ
460 in which the Court of Appeal held as follows:
“Now, it is trite that the expression ‘misrepresentation’ is merely descriptive
of a false pre-contractual statement that induces a contract or other
transaction. But it does not reflect the state of mind of the representor at
the relevant time. The state of mind of the representor at the time he made
the representation to the representee varies according to the circumstances
of each case. It may be fraudulent. It may be negligent. Or it may be
entirely innocent, that is to say, the product of a mind that is free of deceit
and inadvertence (see Abdul Razak bin Datuk Abu Samah v Shah Alam
Properties Sdn Bhd. Put another way, a misrepresentation is innocent ‘where
the representor believes his assertion to be true and consequently has no
intention of deceiving the representee.’ (Chesire & Fifoot, Law of Contract (6th
Ed)). It is the particular state of mind of the representor that determines
the nature of the remedy available to the representee. So, if the
misrepresentation is made fraudulently, then the representee is entitled to
rescission and all damages directly flowing from the fraudulent
(own emphasis added)
[103] Therefore, the Plaintiffs must show that the Fraudulent
Misrepresentation was:
i) Made before the contract; and
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ii) The state of mind of the Defendants at the time the
Fraudulent Misrepresentation was made, in that the
Defendants intended to deceive the Plaintiffs.
[104] First and foremost, as I have decided earlier, the Fraudulent
Misrepresentation allegation cannot stand in view of the Plaintiffs
reliance on the Contract to sue Blue Seal for breach thereof.
[105] Secondly, and in any event, it is clear from paragraphs 72.3J to
72.3.vii of the Statement of Claim that all the matters relied on by
the Plaintiffs occurred after the Contract was entered into and
hence cannot amount to a pre-contractual false statement of fact
that had induced the Plaintiffs to enter into the Contract with Blue
Seal (Sim Thong Realty (supra)).
[106] Thirdly, though the allegations against the Defendants are made
jointly, the pleaded particulars are only in respect of the 2nd
Defendant (paragraphs 29 to 31 of the Statement of Claim).
[107] The case of Bukit Baru Villas Sdn Bhd v. Yeoh Teen Earn & Ors
[2017] MLJU 2058 involved the joint allegation of fraud and Justice
Mohd Nazlan (as he then was) observed the following:
“[54] The plaintiff must furnish the requisite particularity by pleading the
circumstances of material facts as to the questions of “who, what, where,
when and how" of the alleged fraud and conspiracy in order to enable the
defendants to provide a meaningful response. It cannot be emphasised
enough that general statements which are vague and containing conclusory
allegations do not satisfy the requirements of Order 18 r 7 and r 12. The
statement of claim too cannot hide behind purported averments which in truth
are nothing but merely a set of formulaic recitation of the ingredients of a
cause of action.
[55] Pleadings sans particularisation is bad pleading because matters such as
fraud and conspiracy cannot be expected to be inferred from statements which
are vague and general in nature, more so as the concept of fraud itself is not
immutable. Similarly, when alleging fraud and conspiracy against more
than one defendants, like presently, the plaintiff must specify, with
particularity, each of the fourth and fifth defendant's offending conduct.
The defendants cannot be grouped together without identifying which
defendant has committed which wrong.”
(own emphasis added)
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[108] It is pleaded at paragraph 27 of the Statement of Claim that Blue
Seal acted through the 2nd to 5th Defendants. It follows that the
circumstances of how the fraud occurred must be pleaded and
proved in Court in particular:
i) What each of these Defendants had done; and
ii) How each of them had either ordered or procured the fraud in
question before the Contract was entered into.
[109] As the above two elements/facts were not pleaded or proved, it
would appear that Fraudulent Misrepresentation was raised
against the 2nd to 5th Defendants merely because they are directors
of Blue Seal and against the 6th Defendant as he is Blue Seal’s
employee. In this regard, the Court of Appeal in Victor Cham &
Anor v. Loh Bee Tuan [2006] 5 MLJ 359 held as follows:
“[8] In C Evans & Sons Ltd v Spritebrand Ltd & Anor, Slade LJ relying on the
case of Performing Right Society Ltd v Ciryl Theatrical Syndicate Ltd [1924] 1
KB 1 stated the legal position in the following words:
The mere fact that a person is a director of a limited company does
not by itself render him liable for torts committed by the company
during the period of his directorship: see, for example, Rainham
Chemical Works Ltd (in Hq) v Belvedere Fish Guano Co Ltd [1924] 2 AC
465 at 488,.... Nevertheless, judicial dicta of high authority are to be
found in English decisions which suggest that a director is liable for those
tortuous acts of his company which he has ordered or procured to be
[9] In Wah Tat Bank Ltd and another v Chan Cheng Kum [1975] 2 All ER 257,
two banks brought an action against a shipping company and C, the company
chairman and managing director, claiming damages jointly against them for
conversion. In holding C liable, the Privy Council in its judgment delivered by
Lord Salmon stated:
No doubt the fact that the respondent is chairman and managing
director of HSC does not of itself make him personally liable in respect
of that company’s tortuous acts. A tort may he committed through an
officer or servant of a company without the chairman or managing
director being in any way implicated. There are many such cases
reported in the books. If however the chairman or managing director
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procures or directs the commission of the tort he may be personally
liable for the tort and the damage flowing from it: Performing Right
Society Ltd v Ciryl Theatrical Syndicate Ltd per Arkin LJ. Each case
depends on its own particular facts. In the instant case the un-
contradicted evidence proves that early in 1961 the respondent, as
chairman and managing director of HSC, agreed with the directors of
TSC the terms on which HSC would continue wrongfully to convert
goods consigned to the banks just as they had done in the past. Their
Lordships consider that in all the circumstances there is no answer to the
banks’ contention that the respondent was personally liable for the
conversion in respect of which judgement has been entered against
“[11] In Thomas Bruce Morgan v Government of Saskatchewan, Neal Hardy
and Darrel Binkley [1985] Sask R 129, the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal made
the following observation:
On this branch of the case we refer to the following passage from
judgment of Disber J, in Einhorn v Westmount Investments Ltd and
Belzberg et al. (1969), 69 WWR (NS) 31, at p 36:
Ordinarily an agent is subject to the control of another person, his
principal. A company perforce is only able to act through its
agents and servants. Consequently, while company directors are
referred to as ‘agent’, the cold fact is that they control the
company. As the directors pull the strings so the company must
of necessity jump. Particularly is this true where, as here, the
individual defendants were in 'complete control' of the company.
This court in the exercise of its common-law jurisdiction in the
field of tort considers the realities of the situations which come
before it for decision, and the court is not restricted in so doing
because individual carries out intentional tortuous acts through
the medium of a puppet corporation whose every action they
control. Individuals guilty of intentional tortuous acts do not
escape personal liability by this device of clothing themselves in a
corporate veil of their own spinning.
And further the court said:
So a director is not to be held liable merely because he is a director but
may be liable when he participates in or orders a tortuous act and cannot
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escape personal liability by asserting that his act was merely the act of
the corporation. In other words, the 'corporate veil’ is not to be used as
a shield to protect shareholders and directors when they have been
guilty of wrongdoing. This approach is consistent with the notion that
everyone should be answerable for his tortuous acts.”
(own emphasis added)
[110] The pleaded allegations of Fraudulent Misrepresentation against
the 2nd Defendant are essentially in relation to:
i) The visit to Kellogg’s Factory; and
ii) The 1st Defendant’s company profile.
[111] As for the Kellogg’s Factory visit, I do not find there to be evidence
of Fraudulent Misrepresentation for the following reasons:
i) PW-1 himself testified that PW-1 initiated the trip to the
Kellogg’s Factory by “requesting” that the 2nd Defendant take
him there. This alone negates the allegation of inducement;
ii) It is alleged that the 2nd Defendant told PW-1 that the panels
installed in the Kellogg’s Factory were going to be the same
as the panels to be installed at the Factory. The Plaintiffs
have not proven the existence of the element of “fraud” or
“dishonesty” in this statement (CIMB Bank Bhd v. Veeran
Ayasamy (Wakil Diri Kepada Letchimi Muthusamy, Si
Mati) [2015] 7 CLJ 289). This is simply because the Plaintiffs
have not provided any evidence of the type of panels installed
at the Kellogg’s Factory or that the panels installed at the
Factory are sub-standard compared to those installed at the
Kellogg’s Factory. This would have required the Plaintiffs to
actually adduce evidence of the panels at the Kellogg’s
Factory which they did not do;
iii) The truth of the statement is one thing but the issue of
“dishonesty” is required to be proven where Fraudulent
Misrepresentation is alleged. The Plaintiffs have failed to
prove there was any dishonesty in the statement made by the
2nd Defendant.
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[112] Regarding Blue Seal’s company profile, it was not pleaded and
neither was there clear evidence on how the Plaintiffs obtained the
said profile, in particular from which of the Defendants.
[113] As a company acts through its “agent” (Victor Cham (supra)) the
Plaintiffs must plead and prove which of the Defendants, if any, had
given Blue Seal’s company profile to the Plaintiffs. PW-1 had then
named the 2nd Defendant in his oral testimony before the Court but
this cannot be permitted. In this regard, the Federal Court in
Gimstern Corporation (M) Sdn. Bhd. & Anor. v. Global
Insurance Co. Sdn. Bhd. [1987] 1 MLJ 302 held as follows:
“These issues brought up at the trial had not been pleaded in the
Statement of Defence, and this was a contravention of Order 18 Rule 8 of
the Rules of the High Court, and therefore the contentions should not
have been entertained (Attorney General v. Lord Mayor etc. of City of
(own emphasis added)
[114] Even if is accepted that the 2nd Defendant or either of the 3rd to 5th
Defendants had given Blue Seal’s company profile to the Plaintiffs,
it has not been shown that there is anything stated in Blue Seal’s
company profile which is inaccurate or untrue and how it is
tantamount to Fraudulent Misrepresentation.
[115] In so far as conspiracy is concerned the requirements laid down
in Renault SA v. Inokom Corp Sdn Bhd & Anor [2010] 5 MLJ
394 have not been fulfilled in that the following have not been
clearly pleaded or proven:
i) an agreement between the 6th Defendant and the 1st to 5th
ii) an agreement for the purpose of injuring the Plaintiffs;
iii) the overt acts that were done in execution of the agreement;
iv) that the overt acts were done in execution of the agreement;
v) what are the acts purportedly done by each of the Defendants
in execution of the agreement.
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[116] There is no direct evidence tendered by the Plaintiffs to prove
Fraudulent Misrepresentation against any of the Defendants and in
particular that they “knowingly” committed the alleged acts
associated with the allegation of Fraudulent Misrepresentation,
fraud and conspiracy. The following passages by the Federal
Court in Keruntum (supra) is instructive on this issue:
“[70] In order for the plaintiff to succeed in its case that the cancellation of its
licence was to serve a political purpose, it is necessary for the plaintiff to
adduce evidence if believed, sufficient to prove that the second defendant
knew about the Ming Court affair prior to the cancellation of the plaintiff’s
licence. Both the High Court and the Court of Appeal found that the plaintiff
had not adduced direct evidence to show that the second defendant
knew about it. It was also the finding of the courts below that to link the
aforesaid cancellation to a political motive is a mere conjecture.”
(own emphasis added)
[117] In order to prove the Defendants’ knew that the panels were not
certified Class ‘O’ even before they were installed, the Plaintiffs
relied on the letter dated 31.3.2019 from Bahagian Perancangan
dan Penyelidikan Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat to Linear Panel
(“Bomba’s Letter”). This is the main evidence that the Plaintiffs
relied on to show knowledge of the Defendants.
[118] However, I agree with learned counsel for the Defendants that
Bomba’s Letter does support the Plaintiffs’ allegation as:
i) Bomba’s Letter is only addressed to Linear Panel and not to
any of the Defendants. It is also not copied to any of the
ii) Bomba’s Letter merely states that Linear Panel’s application
to obtain a renewal for “Coldroom Panel (50mm thickness)” for
Class ‘O’ was rejected;
iii) nowhere in Bomba’s Letter is it mentioned whether the Class
‘O’ certificate (for which the renewal was rejected) referred to
in the letter is in respect of PU panels or whether it is in respect
of another type of cold room panel. The Quotation indicates
EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) panels (which both parties
agree was later changed to PU panels).
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iv) Pooi Chee Hoog who is a director of Linear Panels mentioned
in PW-1’s witness statement (WS(A)-PW1) was never called
to testify by the Plaintiffs;
v) the Defendants are not mentioned in Bomba’s Letter.
[119] Hence, the summary of my findings are as follows:
i) The Defendants did not commit Fraudulent Misrepresentation;
ii) The Fraudulent Misrepresentation in the context of the
Plaintiffs’ pleaded case is fundamentally wrong. The Plaintiffs
cannot say they were induced to enter into the Contract
(LOAs) but at the same time rely on the same contract to claim
for breach thereof.
iii) In the absence of fraud or Fraudulent Misrepresentation there
is no ground to lift the corporate veil in the present case. In
this regard the Court of Appeal in Lam Kam Loy & Anor v.
Boltex Sdn Bhd & Ors [2005] 3 CLJ 355 held as follows.
“In my judgment, in the light of the more recent authorities such as
Adams v Cape Industries Plc, it is not open to the courts to disregard the
corporate veil purely on the ground that it is in the interests of justice to
do so. It is also my respectful view that the special circumstances to
which Lord Keith referred include cases where there is actual fraud at
common law or some inequitable or unconscionable conduct
amounting to fraud in equity. The former, that is to say, actual fraud,
was expressly recognised to be an exception to the doctrine of corporate
personality by Lord Halsbury in his speech in Salomon v A. Salomon &
Co Ltd [1897] AC 22, the seminal case on the subject.”
(own emphasis added)
(see also Solid Investments Ltd v. Alcatel-Lucent (M) Sdn
Bhd (previously known as Alcatel Network Systems (M)
Sdn Bhd) [2014] 3 MLJ 784 (FC))
[120] I must stress here that Fraudulent Misrepresentation, fraud as well
as conspiracy to defraud are serious allegations and in the
absence of “dishonesty” as well as proof of the state of mind the
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Defendants, these allegations remain nothing more than mere
[121] Further, the causes of action of this nature involving fraud and
dishonesty must not only be specifically pleaded but there must
also be clear evidence to prove the nexus between the alleged
wrongful acts and the defendant who is said to have committed
those wrongful acts. The Plaintiffs have failed to do either of this.
[122] The Plaintiffs also included, in addition to the multiple causes of
action, a claim based on negligence and breach of fiduciary duty.
[123] The negligence as pleaded is that the Defendants were negligent
in, inter alia, supplying, constructing and carrying out installation
work at the Factory.
[124] The allegation on negligence is also attached to the allegation of
defective and latent defect in the material used, design and work
[125] These are all allegations regarding the Contract. The Plaintiffs
claim for negligence and breach of fiduciary duty is premised on
the Contract (the LOAs).
[126] This is further confirmed in the answer to Question 33 in WS(A)-
“Question 33: Apart from the above-mentioned breaches, can you explain
to the Court, what are the other failures of the Defendants
in supplying, manufacturing, designing, installing and
delivering the cGMP processing plant to the Plaintiffs?
Answer 33: a) Following from the admission by the D1 that PU panels
supplied to and installed at the 1st Plaintiff’s cGMP
processing plant are not certified as Class O and that is
breach of contract, it is inter-related and evidently
proved that D1 and its directors D2-D5 are negligent
in carrying out their duties of care and skill, when
Defendants knew that they were appointed
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specifically as NSC for the Projects, so they owe a
duty of care to us. ”
(own emphasis added)
[127] The negligence claim is pleaded jointly against all the Defendants
based on the “Particulars of Negligence” against the Defendants in
paragraphs 81.1 to 81.16 of the Statement of Claim.
[128] At paragraph 80 of the Statement of Claim, it is also pleaded these
same Defendants jointly owe a duty of care to the Plaintiffs as
“Selanjutnya dan/atau secara alternatif Plaintif-Plaintif menyatakan bahawa
pada setiap masa yang material Defendan-Defendan mempunyai
kewajipan berjaga-jaga dan mengguna kemahiran tehadap Plaintif-
Plaintif selaku SKD untuk membekal, membuat, mereka bentuk dan membina
Loji Pemprosesan cGMP bagi Projek selari dengan SA No. 1 tersebut, SA No.
2 tersebut, undang-undang berkaitan di Malaysia dan semua representasi-
representasi yang telah dibuat sama ada melalui tindakan atau perkataan yang
telah diberikan terhadap dan dijaminkan kepada Plaintif-Plaintif. Plaintif-
Plaintif mengulangi dan menggunapakai kepada Perenggan-perenggan 27
sehingga 33 di atas di sini.”
(own emphasis added)
[129] The Contracts do not involve the 2nd to 6th Defendants and as such
they do not owe the Plaintiffs a duty of care regarding the Contract.
[130] Further, I have stated earlier that the only contract in existence is
the 2nd LOA between A One Piling and Blue Seal.
[131] Therefore, the Plaintiffs claim for negligence and breach of
fiduciary duty cannot be maintained against the 2nd to 6th
Defendants who have no contractual relationship with the either of
the Plaintiffs.
[132] When it comes to Blue Seal, I find that the claim for negligence
overlaps with the Plaintiffs’ claim for breach of contract. That being
the case, the Plaintiffs’ claim for breach of contract will supersede
their claim for negligence.
[133] The issue of an obligation in contract superseding a duty in tort was
dealt with in the Tai Hing Cotton Mill Ltd v. Liu Chong Hing Bank
Ltd [1986] AC 80 in which the Privy Council held as follows:
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“Their Lordships do not believe that there is anything to the advantage
of the law's development in searching for a liability in tort where the
parties are in a contractual relationship. This is particularly so in a
commercial relationship. Though it is possible as a matter of legal semantics
to conduct an analysis of the rights and duties inherent in some contractual
relationships including that of banker and customer either as a matter of
contract law when the question will be what, if any, terms are to be implied or
as a matter of tort law when the task will be to identify a duty arising from the
proximity and character of the relationship between the parties, their
Lordships believe it to be correct in principle and necessary for the avoidance
of confusion in the law to adhere to the contractual analysis: on principle
because it is a relationship in which the parties have, subject to a few
exceptions, the right to determine their obligations to each other, and for the
avoidance of confusion because different consequences do follow according
to whether liability arises from contract or tort, e.g. in the limitation of action.
“Their Lordships do not, therefore, embark on an investigation as to whether
in the relationship of banker and customer it is possible to identify tort as well
as contract as a source of the obligations owed by the one to the other. Their
Lordships do not, however, accept that the parties' mutual obligations in
tort can be any greater than those to be found expressly or by necessary
implication in their contract. …”
(own emphasis added)
[134] The same position was taken by the Court of Appeal in Credit
Guarantee Corp Malaysia Bhd v. SSN Medical Products Sdn
Bhd [2017] 2 MLJ 629 in respect of an attempt by the respondent
there to impose a tortious duty of care on the appellant who was
sued for negligence. The Court of Appeal referred to the case of
Tai Hing Cotton Mill (supra) and held as follows:
“[36] In essence therefore, and harkening to the fair, just and reasonable
requirement as set out in Caparo, in cases where the parties must be taken
to have intended their rights and obligations to be governed exclusively
by the contract or contracts which, they have entered, especially in a
commercial contract, that factor to be taken as a compelling one, or in
some cases a decisive one, against the imposition of a duty of care in
(own emphasis added)
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[135] Therefore, to summarise my findings on this issue:
i) The Plaintiffs have no cause of action for negligence or breach
of fiduciary duty against the 2nd to 6th Defendants;
ii) As A One Piling has a contract with Blue Seal under the 2nd
LOA, it supersedes A One Piling’s claim for negligence and
breach of fiduciary duty against Blue Seal.
iii) Tech Food has no contractual claim or nexus with Blue Seal
as the 1st LOA is no longer valid. Blue Seal owes no fiduciary
duty to Tech Food and no claim for negligence can be
maintained by Tech Food against Blue Seal in respect of the
work Blue Seal carried out for A One Piling under the 2nd LOA,
as the NSC of the Project.
[136] I now come to A One Piling’s claim for breach of contract against
Blue Seal. This is the only part of the Plaintiffs’ claim that can be
maintained and it is only confined to A One Piling’s claim against
Blue Seal for breach of contract.
[137] As stated earlier in paragraph 40 above, Blue Seal has admitted to
liability for breach of the terms of the 2nd LOA but the admission is
limited to the following:
i) Under the Contract, A One Piling was to supply and install PU
panels that are not defective, are fit for the purpose, are of
merchantable quality, fire retardant and certified Bomba
class “O”;
ii) Blue Seal failed to supply and install Bomba Class ‘O’
certified PU panels at the Factory;
iii) As a result of this failure the Factory cannot be used or
operated as a cGMP Processing Plant.
[138] At the outset, Blue Seal’s admission was only made on 23.5.2022
about a month before the trial was scheduled to commence, i.e.
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20.6.2022. Even then it was after numerous requests and/or
challenges made by the Plaintiffs for the documents to prove that
the PU panels installed at the Factory were in fact Bomba certified
class “O”.
[139] Blue Seal’s failure to make this disclosure or admission works to
its detriment and ultimately affects Blue Seal’s credibility.
[140] Based on the admission of liability, the Factory could not be used
or operated as a cGMP Processing Plant as intended because of
Blue Seal’s failure to supply and install Bomba certified class “O”
PU panels at the Factory.
[141] However, as alleged by the Plaintiffs, the breach by Blue Seal is
not only limited to the fact that the PU panels installed at the
Factory were no Bomba certified class “O” but also that:
i) The PU panels had bubbles or blisters on them. This is not
denied by the Defendants.
ii) The PU panels were in fact defective and damaged which
became evident subsequent to their installation. The PU
panels cover a large portion of the Factory. The entire Factory
is a huge refrigeration storage facility.
iii) The damage does not only extend to the PU panels
themselves but also the other components that make up or
come with the PU panels. As the Factory is used as a
refrigerated storage facility the PU panels have to be installed
with proper insulation and support. This is because the PU
panels are installed at the inner walls, doors and ceilings of
the Factory and they form a complete system (“Refrigeration
system”). Perhaps in more simple or lay terms, the PU panels
are like the inner walls of a fridge and the damage to the inner
walls can cause a catastrophic effect to the whole fridge. This
is what has happened to the Factory.
iv) Blue Seal had failed to construct the Factory properly to
enable it to function as a refrigerated storage facility, the very
purpose for which Blue Seal was engaged.
[142] Having examined the evidence adduced by the Plaintiffs in this
case I find that the evidence substantiates A One Piling’s above
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allegations namely that the PU panels were defective and that the
installation of the PU panels and the overall Refrigeration system
were not done properly.
[143] In connection to this, there was a dispute raised by Blue Seal that
the Contract and in particular the 2nd LOA did not include “design”
work”. Whilst the terms of the 2nd LOA may not be absolutely clear
on this and this had caused parties to engage in lengthy
submissions, however, respectfully, I do not find the issue as
complicated as it seems. This is based on the 2nd LOA (read
together with the Quotation and other relevant documents) the
construction of the Factory is very comprehensive. There can be
no mistake or confusion that the Factory was to be used as a
refrigerated storage facility and even a cursory review of the 2nd
LOA and the Quotation will show that. Blue Seal’s work was to
construct the Refrigeration system to enable the Factory to
operate as a refrigerated storage facility. Thus, even if it is not
explicitly stated, it can still be clearly implied that when Blue Seal
constructs the Factory, it must ensure that the Factory can function
as a refrigerated storage facility.
[144] It would not make sense for Blue Seal to construct the Factory
when it knows and ought to know that the Factory, upon being
constructed, would not be able to function as a refrigerated storage
facility. Therefore, Blue Seal cannot deny that there is a “design”
element in the construction of the Factory. This is one of the
complaints that was raised by the Plaintiffs, i.e. on the design work,
which was also addressed by their expert, Raymond Graaf
(“PW-2”), in his reports and oral testimony at the trial.
[145] Thus, in the construction of the Factory, Blue Seal must ensure that
the Factory will ultimately function as a refrigerated storage facility
and the work must be “designed” to achieve that. It is not open for
Blue Seal to allege it only did what the Plaintiffs told it to do (e.g. to
instal the PU panels) and if the Factory cannot operate as intended
Blue Seal cannot be faulted as it did not design the Factory.
[146] It must be borne in mind that the work under the 2nd LOA is
comprehensive. Blue Seal must have the technical knowledge and
ability to construct the Factory and use that knowledge and ability
so that the Factory will function as a refrigerated storage facility.
This is the reason for which A One Piling engaged Blue Seal and
relied on Blue Seal’s expertise.
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[147] Regarding the allegations stated in paragraph 141 above PW-2
had testified, inter alia, as follows in his witness WS(A)-PW2:
“Question 9 : Can you explain what is the opinion in your Assessment
Answer 9 : In summary, my opinion is as follows:
a) Taking the general inadequate project conditions into
consideration, which will result in high operational
power consumption cost, accelerated depreciations,
insurmountable deterioration, further bubble/blister
phenomena, further delamination of the PPGI and
structural stress damages on insulation and civil
structures, substantial increased wear and tear on all
related components, in particular the refrigeration
equipment, insulation and possible concrete floor
heaving, (it is paramount, to understand the problems
and have raised awareness that expensive unforeseen
repair- and replacement solutions during full
operational periods will become inevitably.
b) Having conducted the extensive survey and study of the
Temperature-Controlled Production Facility concerned,
that the most obvious recommendation that can be
concluded is, to replace all insulation works and
respective concrete floating floors, redesign the method
statements and consider to conduct a thorough capacity
calculation on the refrigeration equipment versus heat
loads and thermal conductivity computations of the
installed insulation systems.
c) If however, the most obvious recommendation of
replacement will not be implemented, it needs to be a
paradigm of continuous monitoring the inspected and
found defects, non-appliance parts of the method
statements, inadequate applicable method statements,
ice build-up in the tongue and groove panel
connections, expected deterioration continuation, as
well as the overall conditions of the total contracted
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d) It is obvious that a pre-operational trial runs need to be
executed on all mechanical components that have been
subject to a long period of a non-activity status
combined with a thorough cleaning of the entire ex- and
internal facility.”
[148] PW-2 further testified on the condition of Factory as at 16.6.2022
(which is a few days before the trial) as follows:
“Question 15 : Can you briefly explain about your assessment??
Answer 15 : a) I conducted another site assessment inspection at the
request of Tech food Ingredients Sdn. Bhd. on
16.06.2022 for the purpose of a comparison with my
Assessment Report No. 1 dated 11.06.2020 and
composed the assessment as Updated Status Report
No. 1 dated 16.06.2022 and marked as Exhibit RDG-
3 in the Plaintiffs’ Expert Affidavit (No. 2) affirmed
by me on 17.06.2022.
b) In brief, I found all previous inspected external
phenomenon of bubble/blister of PU walls-, partition
walls-, and walkable/suspended ceiling sandwich
insulation panels, the phenomenon of
delamination/debonding on the external side of the
walkable/suspended ceiling PU insulation sandwich
panels, as well as the inadequate essential vapor
barriers, door- & relief ports components and
equipment in comparison to my Assessment Report
1, dated 11.06.2020 to be substantially deteriorated,
no improvement whatsoever on the PU finishing
floors, additional corrosion on the refrigeration
equipment, dust and cobwebs.
c) For these reasons, the only conclusion I can make is
to demolish the entire PU insulation system, the PU
floor insulation slabs in Freezer 1 & 2, combined
with the concrete top floors, the freezer door frames
and a thorough review of the conditions of the
refrigeration systems and individual equipment of all
capacities, heat load calculations, corrosion in order
to re-design the entire system and amend the method
statements on the entire insulation system in
accordance with Bomba class ‘O’ certification.”
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[149] In relation to this, it is crucial to note that Blue Seal or the other
Defendants did not produce any expert report either on their own
or in rebuttal.
[150] In the absence of their own expert report or expert testimony, the
cross-examination conducted by the Defendants on PW-2 in
respect of technical or scientific matters would not have much of
an impact on PW-2’s testimony unless the expert evidence is
“obviously lacking in defensibility” and “is not supported by the
basic facts of the case” (Majuikan Sdn Bhd v. Barclays Bank Plc
[2015] 1 MLJ 171). This is not the situation in the instant case.
[151] Any of the Defendants’ counsel who cross-examines PW-2 cannot
presuppose he has knowledge on the scientific area involved
without support from another expert report or testimony to base his
cross-examination on (see Syed Abu Bakar bin Ahmad v. Public
Prosecutor [1983] 1 MLRA 318; PB Malaysia Sdn Bhd v.
Samudra (M) Sdn Bhd [2008] 6 MLRH 841 on how the Court
treats expert reports).
[152] Therefore, this falls squarely under one of the circumstances in
which adverse inference may be drawn under Section 114
illustration (g) of the Evidence Act 1950 (“EA 1950”) and especially
in the present case where the Defendants have submitted “no case
to answer” (Takako (supra)).
[153] To prove its claim for breach of contract A One Piling had adduced
both documentary and viva voce evidence which are summarised
as follows:
i) One “Part A” bundle of documents where the authenticity and
contents of the documents are agreed;
ii) Eight “Part B” bundle of documents where the contents of the
documents are disputed and not their authenticity.
iii) One “Part C” bundle of document which only contains
“Whatsapp” messages totalling 2 pages.
iv) Six witnesses testified for the Plaintiffs.
[154] The documentary evidence included pictures of the Factory and
video recordings of the inspection carried out at the Factory.
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[155] It is proven from the totality of the evidence presented at the Trial
that the Factory was not constructed properly (including defective
or wrong materials used) and the construction work was
incomplete. Even visibly, the damage especially to the PU panels
can be seen in that most, if not all, of the PU panels installed at the
Factory have blisters/bubbles on them.
[156] To put it plainly, the Factory was in poor condition and in a
deteriorated state.
[157] The condition of the Factory was a direct result of Blue Seal’s
failure to construct the Factory in accordance with the Contract and
the entire Refrigeration system as stated in paragraph 141 above.
This is clearly borne out by the evidence.
[158] The condition of the Factory was described in detail in PW-2’s
expert reports and in his oral testimony. PW-2 had inspected the
Factory at least twice.
[159] There is no reason for me to doubt or question PW-2’s testimony
though learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants had argued
that he was not independent. There is no evidence of this except
for the attempts by learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants to
challenge PW-2’s credibility during cross-examination. During
cross-examination I observed that PW-2 remained resolute,
unwavering and consistent in his testimony which were supported
by scientific explanation and data.
[160] Given the admissions made by Blue Seal in particular that the
Factory cannot be used or operated together with the totality of the
evidence adduced by the Plaintiffs, I find that Blue Seal had
committed breach of contract. Blue Seal had essentially failed to
construct the Factory in accordance with the 2nd LOA and namely
as stated in paragraph 141 above.
[161] The said breach had then caused A One Piling to suffer losses.
[162] Though there were multiple reliefs prayed for by A One Piling in
respect of its the breach of contract claim, I had only allowed those
which were the direct consequence of the breach and related to
the 2nd LOA.
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[163] It must be noted at this juncture that some of the reliefs were
withdrawn by the Plaintiffs such as the relief in prayers 83.10 and
83.13 of the Statement of Claim. The Plaintiffs also requested for
“appropriate general damages” to be granted by the Court in place
of prayers 83.7 and 83.11 of the Statement of Claim.
[164] A One Piling’s contractual claim which I had allowed were confined
to, inter alia, the following main reliefs in the Statement of Claim:
i) Prayer 83.2 as prayed for;
ii) Prayer 83.4 but only in respect of a declaration that there was
a breach of contract of the 2nd LOA by Blue Seal as the NSC
for the Project;
iii) Prayer 83.9 for the refund of RM98,000.00 that was overpaid;
iv) Prayer 83.11 for A One Piling to utilise the balance 5% of the
Contract Sum which it is holding, against the costs of rectifying
the Factory; and
v) Prayer 83.12 for special damages but reduced to the sum of
RM19,498,666.73 being the costs of rectifying the Factory;
[165] Therefore, the two main relief for liquidated sums in the Statement
of Claim which I allowed for breach of contract are:
i) Prayer 83.9 for the refund of RM98,000.00 that was overpaid;
ii) Prayer 83.12 for special damages of RM19,498,666.73 being
the costs of rectifying the Factory.
[166] I will begin with the overpayment claim of RM98,000.00 which is
specifically pleaded in the Statement of Claim.
[167] Based on the testimony of PW-5, after Blue Seal terminated the 2nd
LOA, PW-5, as the SO of the Project, was required to prepare the
final account in respect of the same. At that point of time, after
recalculation and inspection, it was discovered that the Project was
over certified and many of the works that were supposedly done
were not completed as claimed. In the circumstances, revised
progress payment certificates were prepared, i.e. Progress
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Payment Certificate No. 4A and Progress Payment Certificate No.
[168] In support of its claim, A One Piling had produced pictures of the
above incomplete works which were attached together with the
Progress Claim No. 5A (Bundle B1).
[169] It was submitted on behalf of the Plaintiffs, that the RM98,000.00
overpayment was calculated as follows:
“a) Progress Payment Certificate No. 4A: RM151,970.38 (add)
b) Progress Payment Certificate No. 5A: -RM1 39,280.54 (less)
c) Payment made by 2nd Plaintiff on 13.02.2019: RM110,945.64
Total: RM98,255.80”
[170] As the 1st to 5th Defendants’ arguments against the evidence in
respect of A One Piling’s claim for the overpayment of
RM98,000.00 and special damages of RM19,498,666.73 are
similar, I will deal with them together after addressing the said
special damages claim.
[171] Regarding A One Piling’s claim for special damages, the actual
amount prayed in prayer 83.12 of the Statement of Claim, being
the costs involved to rectify the Factory, was RM20,767,364.26.
The particulars of this special damages were pleaded in, inter alia,
paragraphs 56, 56.1 to 56.21.6 of the Statement of Claim.
[172] A One Piling pleaded in detail the work and costs involved to rectify
the Factory covering, inter alia, the work involved to the materials
required and the related costs.
[173] However, at the trial A One Piling was only able to prove special
damages amounting to RM19,498,666.73. This was based on,
inter alia, the testimonies of PW-5 and PW-6 as well as the
documentary evidence adduced in, inter alia, Bundles B4 and B5
which include a document entitled “Summary For Loss and
Damages (until 4/5/2022)” together with its supporting documents
involving numerous quotations issued by various contractors and
suppliers. The special damages of RM19,498,666.73 essentially
represents the costs of rectifying the Factory.
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[174] In addition to this, PW-2, as an expert witness, had also testified
on the what was needed to be done to rectify the Factory and to
put it in working condition.
[175] The 1st to 5th Defendants challenged the evidence adduced by A
One Piling in respect of the above overpayment and special
damages claim based on the following grounds:
i) All the documents which were brought to the Court’s attention
during post trial submissions are in Part B of the agreed bundle
and the contents are disputed.
ii) The Plaintiffs have presented their entire case without reading
out any documents during the trial. They merely asked the
Court to refer to certain pages in the agreed bundle and told
the Court that the documents at those pages supported their
case. No attempt was made to read out any document in
iii) By reason of issues (i) and (ii) above, the quotations were not
properly admitted in evidence and their contents proved.
iv) PW-2 is not a true expert in the area and his reports and
testimony ought to be disregarded.
[176] With regards to the issue at paragraph 175(i) above, it is not in
dispute and is the correct position of law that the documents placed
in Part B are disputed as to their contents and not their authenticity.
The two cases below make it clear as to how Part B documents are
to be treated:
i) Melawangi Sdn Bhd v. Lim Kian Hian [2017] MLRAU 376
where the Court of Appeal held as follows:
“[24] It is clear that Bundle B contains documents where the authenticity
of the same is not disputed but contents are. What that means is simply
this. There is no requirement to call any evidence to prove the
authenticity or existence of the document in question. However, if any
party wants to rely on the contents of that document, he or she must
call for the evidence, oral or otherwise, to prove the truth of the
same. Unless that is done, the trial Court cannot give any evidential value
to the contents of that document.”
(own emphasis added)
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ii) Tiow Weng Theong v Melawangi Sdn Bhd [2018] 6 MLRA
52 in which the Court of Appeal held as follows:
“[36] To answer that question it is necessary to consider O 34 r 2(2)(e). It
provides that documents where the authenticity is agreed but the
contents are in dispute, the documents are to be placed in Part B. This in
turn means that while the parties are in agreement that such a document
exists and is not a fabrication, the contents of the document remain in
dispute. So the relevant witness is to be present at trial to be cross-
examined on the contents only, of the document.”
(own emphasis added)
[177] Based on the above authorities, A One Piling will have to prove the
contents of the documents that were placed in Part B by calling for
the evidence, oral or otherwise (Melawangi (supra)) and where
oral testimony is given the relevant witness must be in Court to be
cross-examined by the Defendants (Tiow Weng Theong (supra)).
[178] In the present case A One Piling had tendered the Part B
documents and called the relevant witnesses to testify on those
documents. A One Piling’s witnesses were then offered to the
Defendants for cross-examination. Therefore, it is clear to me that
A One Piling has satisfied the above two requirements laid out in
Melawangi (supra) and Tiow Weng Theong (supra).
[179] The next issue (paragraph 175(ii) above) pertains to the 1st to 5th
Defendants’ argument that the said documents in Part B were only
referred to by the Plaintiffs’ witnesses but were not read out in
Court. Therefore, they do not form part of the evidence in the
present case.
[180] Whilst I agree that for A One Piling to prove the contents of the
documents in Part B, the said documents must be referred to
specifically by the relevant witness, however, I do not agree that
they (i.e. the contents of these documents) need to be specifically
read out in Court at the trial.
[181] In this regard, the Supreme Court in Jaafar bin Shaari & Anor
(suing as administrators of the estate of Shofiah bte Ahmad,
deceased) v. Tan Lip Eng & Anor [1997] 3 MLJ 693 had clearly
addressed this issue in, inter alia, the following passages:
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“Thirdly, such documents therein do not form automatically a part of the
evidence of the case in question ipso facto, but any of such documents does
become part of such evidence if it is read or referred to by either of the
parties, wholly or partly, at length or in a briefest of mention, either in
examination of any witness, in submission at any stage or even on any
unilateral drawing of court's attention to it by either of the parties at any
time before the conclusion of the case.
Fourthly, at the end of the whole case, the truth of the contents of any of the
document is up to the court to determine, regard being had, inter alia, to any
absence of challenge by either of the parties on any part of the document
and similarly, the question of weight, eg either great or no weight to be
given to any part of any document is also a matter for the trial court, which
considers the documents including any 'written hearsay' contained therein.
The court may refuse to give any weight at all to any document, but then it is
accountable like in other matters, to the parties and to the appellate court for
reasons for such refusal.”
(own emphasis added)
[182] Learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants had a different
interpretation of the first paragraph of the above passages quoted
from Jaafar bin Shaari (supra). He contends that the documents
placed in Part B must be read in Court as the terms, “referred to”
and “read” have different functions. With respect, I disagree. The
wording of the above passages from Jaafar bin Shaari (supra) is
clear. The word “or” in the passage “if it is read or referred to by
either of the parties” is disjunctive. I am of the considered view that
the party proving the contents of a Part B document may either
“read” the document or “refer” to it at the trial, either through the
witness’s statement or his oral testimony when he is examined.
[183] I am also of the considered view that when the witness “refers” to
a document placed in Part B, he only needs to identify the
document in his testimony either “wholly or partly, at length or in a
briefest of mention” (Jaafar bin Shaari (supra)).
[184] Thus, there is no necessity for the witness to read the document at
the trial as argued by learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants.
[185] Learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants also referred to the
case of Borneo Co. (M) Sdn. Bhd. v. Penang Port Commission
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[1975] 2 MLJ 204 to support his argument that Part B documents
must be read in Court and quoted the following passage from the
said case:
“Now Odgers on Pleading and Practice, 12th Edition, page 298 has this to say:
“If the correspondence is voluminous it will be necessary to have an agreed
bundle for the use of the judge, the paging of which should be identical with
that of the bundles for counsel on both sides. In default of special
agreement, only such letters in the bundle as are actually read at the trial
will be taken to be in evidence, and agreeing a bundle does not constitute
an admission that all letters contained in it are admissible in evidence.”
(own emphasis added)
[186] With respect, I find learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants’
reliance on the above passage from Borneo Co. (supra) misplaced
and taken out of context. Firstly, the use of an agreed bundle of
documents were perhaps not a common thing in those days (in
1975) and preparing an agreed bundle was something relatively
new. Secondly, it is clear from the words, “In default of special
agreement” in Odgers on Pleading and Practice, 12th Edition,
means that parties must agree on how the document is to be
treated or categorised. The compilation and placing of documents
in an “agreed bundle” in the context of the above passage is
understood to mean for convenience and easy reference at the
trial only. This is where the “special agreement” comes in on how
the documents in the said agreed bundle are to be treated. In this
day and age where the rules of civil procedure in Malaysia is now
governed by the Rules of Court 2012, agreed bundles are
categorised Parts A, B and C by agreement of parties well before
the trial. Therefore, it is not useful nor instructive to refer to the
above passage from Borneo Co. (supra).
[187] In the present case, A One Piling’s witnesses had referred to the
documents in Part B and in some instances had even given
explanation on them during their testimonies. As such the contents
of these Part B documents have been proven.
[188] On the issue of whether the maker of a Part B documents needs to
be called to testify, I find the Court of Appeal’s decision in Yeo Ing
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King v. Melawanqi Sdn Bhd [2016] 5 MLJ 631 to be instructive,
in which it was held as follows:
“[10] If there is a dispute as to contents and/or its truth, it has to be placed in
Bundle B. For example, in a case where the plaintiff is suing the defendant for
breach of facility granted by the bank and the amount of claim is in dispute,
the defendant can admit a bank statement to be placed in Bundle B and even
agree to dispense with the maker of the statement to give evidence, to save
costs and time and proceed to call his own witness such as a chartered
accountant to show that the sum claimed in the bank statement is erroneous.
In essence, placing a document in Bundle B does not mean that the maker
must be called but if the opposing party dispense with the calling of the
maker then that document must be marked as exhibit subject to proof of
the contents. In any event, the court may want to give some probative
force to that document taking into account a holistic view of the facts of
the case (see Recaliva Design Steel (M) Sdn Bhd v Vista Access Sdn Bhd [2008]
6 MLJ 604; [2008] 10 CLJ 491 and YB Dato’ Hj Husam bin Hj Musa v Mohd
Faisal bin Rohban Ahmad [2015] 3 MLJ 364; [2015] 1 CLJ 787). In addition, the
makers for Bundle B documents may be dispensed with, if the exception to the
hearsay rule provided under the Evidence Act becomes applicable (see the EA
1950 ss 32, 73A, 90A, etc). In such event, the relevant documents must be
marked as exhibits during trial.”
(own emphasis added)
[189] In the instant case, it was made clear to the parties well before the
trial during case managements that if the maker of the document
is required to be called by the opposing party then the document
should be placed in Part C as formal proof is required for the
documents to be admitted. Since parties have agreed for the
documents to be placed in Part B, it is not a must for the maker to
be called though it still falls upon the Court to determine the weight
that should to be placed on the said document.
[190] In connection with this, it was held in Melawangi (supra) as follows:
“[27] Our view can be said to be corroborated by the many directions given by
us when we were sitting as High Court Judges. Those directions were that
there would be three bundles to be used at trial, namely Bundles A, B and
C and documents therein must be agreed as what we have set out above.
That has been the accepted practise among the legal practitioners prior
to the Rules of Court 2012. This practice is in fact confirmed by counsel for
the Appellant at trial as evidenced in this interchange between the learned
Judge and counsel:
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YA : But the documents are in B?
DRV : Yes it's in B. The documents are there, But the veracity are still
subject to cross-examination.
YA : Subject for cross, yes. Yes.
DRV : So just because it's in B, it's not automatically like how it is in A.”
(own emphasis added)
[191] This then takes us to the issue of the cross-examination of the
witnesses and the documents.
[192] First and foremost, it is trite law that “it is essential that a party’s
case be expressly put to his opponent’s material witnesses when
they are under cross-examination.” (Aik Ming (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors
v. Chang Ching Chuen & Ors & Another Appeal [1995] 3 CLJ
[193] It was also held in Lau Tiong Ik Construction Sdn Bhd v Lau
Chung Ping & Anor (2015) MLRHU 1371 as follows:
“[40] From what PW1 had stated above, the cash flow statement for FYE 1998
showed that there was no cash inflow of RM1,631, 200.00 which would have
been the proceeds from the sale of the shares to the 1st defendant. The cash
and bank balances in the said cash flow statement also did not increase by a
proportionate amount of RM1,600,000.00. He said that this meant that there
was no payment made by the 1st defendant and no payment received by the
plaintiff. It is noteworthy that although deemed critical to the 1st defendant's
case, PW1 was never cross- examined on this aspect of his evidence. This was
to the detriment of the 1st defendant because it is a well settled rule of
essential justice that wherever an opponent had declined to avail himself of
the opportunity to put his essential and material case in cross-examination, it
must follow that he believed that the testimony given could not be disputed
at all (see AEG Carapiet v. AYDerderian AIR 1961 Cal 359 at 362 applying
Browne v Dunn (1893) 6 R 67). In Ayoromi Helen v. PP [2004] 2 MLRA 322;
[2005] 1 MLJ 699; [2005] 1 CLJ 1; [2005] 1 AMR 405 the Court of Appeal held
that the failure to cross-examine a witness on a crucial part of the case
will amount to an acceptance of the witness' testimony.”
(own emphasis added)
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[194] Whilst the 1st to 5th Defendants makes an issue of the manner in
which the Part B documents were tendered by A One Piling,
however, they themselves have failed to cross-examine A One
Piling’s witnesses on these documents either entirely or specifically
on material issues.
[195] Learned counsel for the Defendants’ cross-examination of A One
Piling’s witnesses were somewhat cursory and there was no
specific reference to the documents which they now seek to
challenge despite the fact that the said documents (mainly in Part
B) were referred to by A One Piling’s witnesses at the trial.
[196] PW-6 in particular was not cross-examined at all by the
Defendants’ counsel.
[197] As far as A One Piling is concerned it has discharged its evidential
burden to prove its case and in this regard the contents of the Part
B documents. Hence the burden shifts to Blue Seal (Keruntum
[198] A One Piling has adduced evidence to prove its overpayment claim
of RM98,000.00 as well the special damages claim but only up to
the sum of RM19,498,666.73. The details of these claims were
specifically pleaded and both oral and documentary evidence
adduced at the trial to support them.
[199] Therefore, in respect of the issue in paragraph 175(iii) above, the
quotations were properly admitted. The special damages were
specifically pleaded and particularised and proved by documentary
evidence (Rohgetana Mayathevan v Dr Navin Kumar & Ors and
Other Appeals [2017] 3 MLRA 53 at paragraph 16). Further the
quotations can be used to prove loss or damages suffered (Chong
Nge Wei & Ors v Kemajuan Masteron Sdn Bhd [2022] 3 MLJ
[200] As far as the issue in paragraph 175(iv) is concerned, I reiterate
my grounds in paragraphs 147 to 152 and 159 above. PW-2
testified that he had the expertise in the relevant area and the
cross-examination of PW-2 by the Defendants were without any
basis when in fact the Defendants did not adduce any contrary
expert report or testimony to challenge PW-2’s expertise in the
area. In any event I did not find the expert evidence of PW-2 to be
obviously lacking in defensibility (Majuikan (supra)). PW-2 is well
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qualified and has vast experience in the area. He had backed his
reports and opinion with scientific facts and supporting data.
[201] As I find that the evidence adduced by A One Piling satisfactory
and reliable (Mohd Nor Afandi (supra); Yui Chin Song (supra)),
it is therefore the Court’s duty to accept the evidence as true in the
absence of any evidence from the Blue Seal to the contrary
(Takako (supra)).
[202] Blue Seal has also failed to provide any reason why it did not care
to give evidence and therefore it is justified for the Court to draw
adverse inference against Blue Seal (Takako (supra)).
[203] In this situation, Blue Seal’s defence cannot be taken into account
or considered (Leolaris (supra); Takako (supra)).
[204] I find that the loss and damages were in fact suffered by A One
Piling arising from Blue Seal’s breach of the 2nd LOA (Datuk Mohd
Ali Hj Abdul Majid & Anor v. Public Bank Bhd [2014] 4 MLRA
397) and this entitles A One Piling to the RM98,000.00
overpayment claim and the RM19,498,666.73 special damages
claim which it has proven (Rohgetana Mayathevan (supra)).
[205] I must emphasise that notwithstanding the evidence adduced by A
One Piling to prove the losses and damages it suffered, it bears
repeating that Blue Seal had admitted in no unclear terms that:
“The cGMP Processing Plant cannot be used or operated as cGMP Processing
Plant as the PU panels supplied and installed by the 1st Defendant are not
class ‘O’ certified panels.”
(own emphasis added)
[206] Hence, it is only reasonable for A One Piling to be compensated
for having to rectify the Factory which was not able to be used as
a refrigerated storage facility for several years since Blue Seal
terminated the 2nd LOA.
[207] For brevity, only A One Piling’s claim against Blue Seal for breach
of contract, as the contracting parties under the 2nd LOA, is allowed.
The 2nd to 6th Defendants are not privy to this contractual claim and
therefore they cannot be made liable.
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[208] The Plaintiffs had prayed for a multitude of reliefs which include:
i) General damages for breach of contract and/or fiduciary
duties and/or negligence;
ii) General damages for loss of reputation, business, income and
business opportunity;
iii) General damages for deceit and fraudulent misrepresentation;
iv) General damages for mental anguish, health issues and
[209] As I had stated earlier the Plaintiffs’ claim against the Defendants
for Deceit, Fraudulent Misrepresentation, Negligence and Breach
of Fiduciary Duties are without merits and this has been dealt with
earlier in this Judgment. Therefore, all the Plaintiffs’ claims and
the reliefs connected to these causes of action are dismissed.
[210] In so far as the general damages sought in relation to breach of
contract is concerned, A One Piling’s special damages claim has
covered these losses or damages and therefore A One Piling
cannot be allowed the same claim twice or given a “second bite of
the cherry” (Tekun Nasional v. Plenitude Drive (M) Sdn Bhd and
another appeal [2021] 6 MLJ 619 (FC)).
[211] In any event, the reliefs which were not allowed were all unproven
and no evidence were even adduced to prove that the losses were
[212] It does not assist the Plaintiffs’ case by claiming a multitude of
reliefs when they are not able to back those claims with actual
evidence. It is also of utmost importance for the Plaintiffs to have
first established the nexus between their claims and the reliefs
sought before making those claims.
[213] Save and except for A One Piling’s claim against Blue Seal for
breach of contract, the other claims are devoid of merit.
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[214] In the present case, as a result of a large number of the Plaintiffs’
claims being dismissed, costs for those dismissed claims were
then awarded in favour of the Defendants.
[215] Earlier in this Judgment, I had discussed the Plaintiffs’ claims
against all the Defendants including the 6th Defendant concerning
Deceit, Fraudulent Misrepresentation, Negligence, Breach of
Fiduciary Duties and Breach of Contract. However, I consider it
necessary to specifically address the Plaintiffs’ claim against the
6th Defendant.
[216] Firstly, the 6th Defendant is an employee of Blue Seal. He carries
out his duties in accordance with the instructions given to him by
Blue Seal and this would also be in line with his employment
contract with Blue Seal. Blue Seal is the NSC of the Project and
not the 6th Defendant. In the Statement of Claim, the Plaintiffs
continuously ties the alleged wrongdoings of the 2nd to 6th
Defendants with Blue Seal as the NSC of the Project. There is no
direct nexus between the Plaintiffs’ claim and the 6th Defendant.
[217] Secondly, there is nothing for the 6th Defendant to gain by
committing Deceit and Fraudulent Misrepresentation unless he
was conspiring with the other Defendants and this is what the
Plaintiffs have alleged against him.
[218] There is no evidence of conspiracy between the 6th Defendant and
the other Defendants to commit Deceit and Fraudulent
Misrepresentation against the Plaintiffs. There is no evidence of
the 6th Defendant committing Deceit and Fraudulent
Misrepresentation on his own either.
[219] Thirdly, the 6th Defendant owes a duty to Blue Seal, not the
Plaintiffs. If during the course of his employment the 6th Defendant
commits an error in his work or is negligent in the execution of his
duties related to the Project, Blue Seal would assume liability.
[220] Hence there was no real reason or justification for the 6th Defendant
to have been made a party to this action and as such I awarded a
higher sum of costs in favour of the 6th Defendant.
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Suit 518
[221] Truepro’s Counterclaim against Blue Seal in Suit 518 is almost
identical to the Plaintiffs’ claim against the Defendants in Suit 17,
with the sole distinction being that Truepro is only seeking
damages and not pursuing any declaratory reliefs.
[222] Truepro is not a party to the contract between Blue Seal and the
Plaintiffs in Suit 17. Truepro has no contract with Blue Seal.
Truepro is merely the Consultant and Superintending Officer
appointed by Tech Food for the Project.
[223] Truepro has not provided justification or cause of action for its
Counterclaim against Blue Seal.
[224] On this ground alone Truepro’s Counterclaim can be dismissed.
[225] Nevertheless, for completeness, I have still examined the evidence
given by PW-5 who testified for Truepro. PW-5 is a director of
[226] When PW-5 was asked to provide the basis for Truepro’s
Counterclaim against Blue Seal, this was the answer he gave:
“KS Ok. Can you explain to the Court the basis of your claim against Blue
Seal? What is it, based on what, I mean the, based on the contract or
whatever it is, can you please explain?
SOO Yang Arif, ok. If we recall back, under this 518, ok? Blue Seal put A
One and Truepro as a Defendant. If you say, we don't have the
contract, and then, I cannot claim them, why they can sue me? Put
in me as a Defendant? Ok? So, the, my, this is my counterclaim in the
suit 518, ok, page 2. Ok? Under item (a)(i), 73.11, we are put there,
“Special damage for the sum of RM250,000 incurred for the
additional consultation and the administration, administrative costs
for the project”. Ok? Because of the Blue Seal breach of contract,
all the cGMP plant need to demolish and rebuild. Ok? Are you
[227] The following can be deduced from PW-5’s above testimony:
i) PW-5 does not seem to know the reason for Truepro’s
Counterclaim against Blue Seal;
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ii) It would appear the Counterclaim was because Truepro was
made a party, 2nd Defendant in the main suit (Suit 518).
iii) Truepro incurred additional costs which is it now claiming
because of the breach of contract by Blue Seal in failing to
construct the Factory properly.
[228] There is no contractual or causal link between the special damages
claimed by Truepro and Blue Seal.
[229] If Truepro’s claim is a contractual claim then its nexus is with Tech
[230] Truepro presented evidence through PW-5, whom, during his
testimony, failed to provide any justification for his claim against
Blue Seal, except for requesting specific damages totalling
RM250,000.00 and RM169,840.02, along with general damages to
be determined by the Court. PW-5 submitted these figures without
offering any explanation as to how they are derived.
[231] It is important to note that Truepro’s Counterclaim only arose after
Suit 518 was filed by Blue Seal.
[232] Truepro’s pleaded claim is for special damages in the sum of
RM10,207,614.00 but at the trial Truepro’s had limited its claim
against Blue Seal to RM250,000.00 and RM169,840.02. No
explanation was given nor any evidence tendered as to how any of
these amounts were derived or why Truepro’s pleaded claim was
about RM9.7 million higher.
[233] As far as Truepro’s Counterclaim is concerned, it has not proven
its case. Therefore, there is no case for Blue Seal to answer as
the evidence led for Truepro is so unsatisfactory or unreliable that
the burden of proof has not been discharged (Mohd Nor Afandi
(supra); Yui Chin Song (supra)).
[234] For the reasons stated above, in respect of Suit 17, I allowed A
One Piling’s claim against Blue Seal for breach of contract only and
essentially the following relief with some changes:
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i) Prayers 83.2, 83.4, 83.9, 83.11, 83.12 for the sum of
RM19,498,666.73 and 83.19;
ii) Costs of RM90,000.00 to be paid by Blue Seal to A One Piling
in respect of A One Piling’s claim which was allowed;
iii) Costs of RM40,000.00 to be paid by the Plaintiffs to the 1st to
5th Defendant in respect of the part of the Plaintiffs’ claim which
was dismissed;
iv) Costs of RM30,000.00 to be paid by the Plaintiffs to the 6th
[235] In relation to Suit 518, I dismissed Truepro’s Counterclaim against
Blue Seal with costs of RM10,000.00 to be paid by Truepro to Blue
Dated this 19th day of January, 2024
High Court of Malaya,
Kuala Lumpur
(Commercial Division (NCC 3))
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Dato’ Jasbeer Singh (Nur Hakimah Mohamad and Rachel Varghese
together with him)
Messrs Jasbeer, Nur & Lee
No. 6-2nd Floor, Block C, Wisma RKT
Jalan Raja Abdullah
off Jalan Sultan Ismail
50300 Kuala Lumpur
Tel.: 03-2694 8908
Email: [email protected]
K. Sureindhren (Lee Yoke Chew together with him)
Messrs Lee Y C & Co.
No. 9, 2nd Floor, Jalan SS15/4G
47500 Subang Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel.: 03-5631 6861
Email: [email protected]
Dato’ Lee Chan Leong
Messrs Chan Leong & Co
No. 3-4B, Jalan Anggerik Vanilla N 31/N,
Kota Kemuning, Seksyen 31,
40460 Shah Alam
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel.: 03-5124 9863
Email: [email protected]
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Evidence Act 1950
▪ Section 114 illustration (g)
Contracts Act 1950
▪ Section 17
▪ Section 18
▪ Section 19
1. Abdul Razak bin Datuk Abu Samah v. Shah Alam Properties Sdn Bhd
and another appeal [1999] 2 MLJ 500
2. Aik Ming (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors v. Chang Ching Chuen & Ors & Another
Appeal [1995] 3 CLJ 639
3. Bukit Baru Villas Sdn Bhd v. Yeoh Teen Earn & Ors [2017] MLJU
4. Borneo Co. (M) Sdn. Bhd. v. Penang Port Commission [1975] 2 MLJ
5. CIMB Bank Bhd v. Veeran Ayasamy (Wakil Diri Kepada Letchimi
Muthusamy, Si Mati) [2015] 7 CLJ 289
6. Credit Guarantee Corp Malaysia Bhd v. SSN Medical Products Sdn
Bhd [2017] 2 MLJ 629
7. Chong Nge Wei & Ors v Kemajuan Masteron Sdn Bhd [2022] 3 MLJ
8. Datuk Mohd Ali Hj Abdul Majid & Anor v. Public Bank Bhd [2014] 4
MLRA 397
9. Giga Engineering & Construction Sdn Bhd v. Yip Chee Seng & Sons
Sdn Bhd & Anor [2015] 6 MLJ 449
10. Gimstern Corporation (M) Sdn. Bhd. & Anor. v. Global Insurance Co.
Sdn. Bhd. [1987] 1 MLJ 302
11. Integrated Training and Services Sdn Bhd v. Kerajaan Malaysia & Ors
[2022] 3 MLJ 77
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12. Jaafar bin Shaari & Anor (suing as administrators of the estate of
Shofiah bte Ahmad, deceased) v. Tan Lip Eng & Anor [1997] 3 MLJ
13. Keruntum Sdn Bhd v. The Director of Forests & Ors [2017] 3 MLJ 281
14. Kheng Chwee Lian v. Wong Tak Thong [1983] 2 MLJ 320
15. Leolaris (M) Sdn Bhd v. Bumiputra Commerce Bank Bhd [2009] 10
CLJ 234
16. Lam Kam Loy & Anor v. Boltex Sdn Bhd & Ors [2005] 3 CLJ 355
17. Lau Tiong Ik Construction Sdn Bhd v Lau Chung Ping & Anor (2015)
MLRHU 1371
18. Mohd Nor Afandi bin Mohamed Junus v. Rahman Shah Along Ibrahim
& Anor [2008] 3 MLJ 81
19. Majuikan Sdn Bhd v. Barclays Bank Plc [2015] 1 MLJ 171
20. Melawangi Sdn Bhd v. Lim Kian Hian [2017] MLRAU 376
21. PB Malaysia Sdn Bhd v. Samudra (M) Sdn Bhd [2008] 6 MLRH 841
22. Renault SA v. Inokom Corp Sdn Bhd & Anor [2010] 5 MLJ 394
23. Rohgetana Mayathevan v Dr Navin Kumar & Ors and Other Appeals
[2017] 3 MLRA 53
24. Syarikat Kemajuan Timbermine Sdn Bhd v. Kerajaan Neqeri Kelantan
Darul Naim [2015] 3 MLJ 609
25. Seqar Oil Palm Estate Sdn Bhd v. Tay Tho Bok & Anor [1997] 3 MLJ
26. Sim Thong Realty Sdn Bhd v. Teh Kim Dar @ Tee Kim [2003] 3 MLJ
27. Solid Investments Ltd v. Alcatel-Lucent (M) Sdn Bhd (previously
known as Alcatel Network Systems (M) Sdn Bhd) [2014] 3 MLJ 784
28. Syed Abu Bakar bin Ahmad v. Public Prosecutor [1983] 1 MLRA 318
29. Takako Sakao v. Ng Pek Yuen & Anor [2009] 3 MLRA 74
30. Tai Hing Cotton Mill Ltd v. Liu Chong Hing Bank Ltd [1986] AC 80
31. Tiow Weng Theong v Melawangi Sdn Bhd [2018] 6 MLRA 52
32. Tekun Nasional v. Plenitude Drive (M) Sdn Bhd and another appeal
[2021] 6 MLJ 619
33. Victor Cham & Anor v. Loh Bee Tuan [2006] 5 MLJ 359
34. Yui Chin Song & Qrs v. Lee Ming Chai & Ors [2019] 6 MLJ 417
35. Yeo Ing King v. Melawanqi Sdn Bhd [2016] 5 MLJ 631
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| 138,894 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-22NCC-17-01/2021 | PLAINTIF 1. ) TECH FOOD INGREDIENTS SDN BHD 2. ) A ONE PILING SDN BHD DEFENDAN 1. ) BLUE SEAL (M) SDN BHD 2. ) LYE SAM YUT 3. ) CHEAH CHEE MENG 4. ) CHIA HEONG LIN 5. ) ONG KIM HAI 6. ) PANG KIM WAH | Breach Of Contract-Negligence-Misleading -Inducement, Fraudulent Misrepresentation And Deceit-Lifting Of The Corporate Veil- Breach Of Fiduciary Duty-Evidence Of Breach Of Contract- Damage And Quantum . | 24/01/2024 | YA Tuan Wan Muhammad Amin Bin Wan Yahya | |
GUAMAN SIVIL NO: WA-22NCC-17-01/2021
(No. Syarikat: 689104-H)
(No. Syarikat: 1194561-X) … PLAINTIF-PLAINTIF
(No. Syarikat: 682694-V)
(No. K/P: 760423-06-5183)
(No. K/P: 650823-06-5361)
(No. K/P: 760620-14-5100)
(No. K/P: 670124-09-5025)
(No. K/P: 680802-05-5225) … DEFENDAN-DEFENDAN
(Didengar Secara Bersama Dengan)
24/01/2024 15:17:57
WA-22NCC-17-01/2021 Kand. 470
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GUAMAN SIVIL NO: WA-22NCC-518-11/2021
(No. Pendaftaran : 200501005647 (682694-V)) … PLAINTIF
(No. Pendaftaran: 201601023622 (1194561-X)
(No. Pendaftaran : 201001026168 (910087-X)
(Post Trial)
[1] This was primarily a case involving a contract to construct a cGMP
(Current Good Manufacturing Practice) Processing Plant
(“Factory”) in Klang between the 1st Plaintiff/2nd Plaintiff (“Tech
Food” / “A One Piling”) and the 1st Defendant (“Blue Seal”).
[2] The Factory was intended to be a refrigerated storage facility which
includes cold rooms, freezer rooms and food processing rooms.
[3] Tech Food and A One Piling’s claim was essentially that the
Factory which was constructed by Blue Seal was not done in
accordance with the contract, contained various defects in terms of
the material used and workmanship and that the construction was
not completed.
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[4] This case took some time to dispose given multiple interlocutory
applications filed by parties.
[5] As this case involves two cases and several parties, the cases and
the respective parties will be referred to as follows:
i) Main suit (WA-22NCC-17-01/2021) - “Suit 17”;
ii) Second suit (WA-22NCC-518-11/2021) - “Suit 518”;
iii) 1st Plaintiff (in Suit 17) - “Tech Food”;
iv) 2nd Plaintiff (in Suit 17) and 2nd Defendant (in Suit 518) - “A
One Piling”;
v) 1st and 2nd Plaintiffs (in Suit 17) – collectively as “Plaintiffs”;
vi) 1st Defendant (in Suit 17) and Plaintiff (in Suit 518) - “Blue
Seal” or “1st Defendant”;
vii) 2nd to 6th Defendants (in Suit 17”) - “2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th
Defendants”. The 2nd to 5th Defendants are directors of Blue
Seal while the 6th Defendant is the Project Coordinator of the
Project employed by Blue Seal;
viii) The 1st to 6th Defendants (in Suit 17) – collectively referred to
as “the Defendants”.
ix) Truepro Consult Sdn Bhd (in Suit 518) - “Truepro”. Truepro
is the Consultant and Superintending Officer (“SO”) appointed
by Tech Food for the Project.
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[6] By Order dated 20.10.2021 Suit 518 was transferred from the
Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court to this Court to be heard together
with the main suit, Suit 17.
[7] Suit 518 contained a Counterclaim by the Defendants therein, A
One Piling and Truepro.
[8] On 20.6.2022, the following transpired in respect of Suit 518:
i) Blue Seal withdrew its entire claim against both the
Defendants, A One Piling and Truepro. Blue Seal’s main claim
was then struck out with costs of RM40,000.00 in favour of A
One Piling and Truepro;
ii) A One Piling withdrew its entire Counterclaim against Blue
Seal. A One Piling’s Counterclaim was then struck out with
costs of RM40,000.00 in favour of Blue Seal; and
iii) Truepro withdrew part of its Counterclaim against Blue Seal
and only the reliefs in paragraphs 73.11, 73.14, 73.17 and
73.20 of the Amended Defence and Amended Counterclaim
remained, they are mainly:
a) Special damages of RM10,207,614;
b) General damages to be assessed for loss of income and
business opportunity
[9] Given this turn of events what remained in respect of this case is:
i) For Suit 17: Tech Food and A One Piling’s claim against the
Defendants; and
ii) For Suit 518: The remainder of Truepro’s Counterclaim
against Blue Seal.
[10] At the trial of this action and at the end of the Tech Food and A
One Piling’s case, Blue Seal together with the 2nd to 5th Defendants
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and the 6th Defendant submitted “no case to answer” and no
evidence was led by any of their respective witnesses listed in the
1st to 5th and 6th Defendants’ list of witnesses.
[11] By way of a Letter of Award dated 6.5.2019 (“1st LOA”) Tech Food
appointed Blue Seal as its Nominated Sub-Contractor (“NSC”) in
respect of a project known as “Cadangan Membina Sebuah Kilang
Di atas Lot 158490 (HSD 135860), Jalan Sungai Pinang 4/10,
Kawasan Perindustrian Pulau Indah, Mukim Klang, Daerah Klang,
Selangor Darul Ehsan Untuk Tetuan Tech Food Ingredients Sdn
Bhd” for the construction and completion of a factory (“Project”) or
otherwise known as a cGMP Processing Plant (“Factory”) subject
to the terms and conditions of the 1st LOA and Blue Seal’s quotation
dated 26.4.2019 (“Quotation”).
[12] Tech Food is known as the “Owner/Employer” of the Project whilst
the A One Piling is appointed as the Main Contractor of the Project
by Tech Food and a contract was entered between Tech Food and
A One Piling to that effect.
[13] By a letter dated 19.7.2019 entitled “Supersede Letter of Award”
(“Supersede Letter of Award”) Tech Food wrote to Blue Seal,
inter alia, as follows:
“Refer to the above matter and Letter of Award from Tech Food Ingredients
Sdn. Bhd. to Blue Seal (M) Sdn. Bhd. on 6th May 2019.
We are writing to you to supersede the letter of award. All NSC letter of award
shall be issue by the Main Contractor.
However, your payment terms shall be paid by us. Kindly submit your
payment schedule. You are required to write to us within 48 hours if you do not
accept the supersede of this letter.”
(own emphasis added)
[14] By letter dated 23.8.2019 (“Acceptance Letter”) Blue Seal
accepted the terms of the Supersede Letter of Award, inter alia, as
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“Refer to the above matter and letter in relation to supersede Letter of Award
from Tech Food Ingredients Sdn, Bhd. to Blue Seal (M) Sdn. Bhd. on 19th July
We are writing to you and are pleased to accept the supersede Letter of Award.
Enclosed the duly signed Letter of Award issued by A One Piling Sdn. Bhd.
to Blue Seal (M) Sdn Bhd on 6th May 2019.
Payment terms shall be paid by Tech Food Ingredients Sdn. Bhd. directly to
Blue Seal (M) Sdn Bhd, the Nominated Subcontractor.”
(own emphasis added)
[15] Another Letter of Award also dated 6.5.2019 was then issued, this
time by A One Piling to Blue Seal (“2nd LOA”).
[16] Under the 2nd LOA the quotations in the Project have to be
approved by Tech Food instead of A One Piling.
[17] Tech Food and A One Piling claim that both the 1st and 2nd LOA
are effective and enforceable while the 1st to 5th Defendants take
the position that the 1st LOA has been terminated and no longer
[18] The 1st to 5th Defendants claim that pursuant to the 2nd LOA, the
only contract is now between the A One Piling and Blue Seal.
[19] Tech Food, A One Piling and the 1st to 5th Defendants agree that
the Project is subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated in
the 1st LOA, 2nd LOA and Quotation (collectively referred to as “the
[20] Pursuant to the 2nd LOA the date of “Site Possession and
Commencement of Works” shall be 20.5.2019 and the “Date of
Completion” shall be 30.9.2019.
[21] On 17.5.2019 Tech Food paid 10% as down payment in the sum
of RM342.500.00 directly to Blue Seal.
[22] Blue Seal commenced work to construct the Factory and between
20.8.2019 to 20.12.2019 Blue Seal submitted progress claims
(Progress Claims Nos. 1 to 5) to Truepro and/or Blue Seal.
Payments were made towards these Progress Claims until around
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[23] On 24.2.2020 Truepro issued a list of defects and “Make Good 2”
[24] However, problems occurred from around 5.3.2020 when the
director of Tech Food, Narendranath a/l T.V. Ramana (“PW-1”),
raised a complaint against Blue Seal’s supervisor that he was
playing games in the car and the employees are without PPE
(personal protective equipment) attire while working at the site of
the Project.
[25] Thereafter, several joint physical and visual inspections of the
Factory was conducted as follows:
i) 9.3.2020 in the presence of Tech Food and A One Piling’s
representatives together with the 2nd and 3rd Defendants;
ii) 11.3.2020 in the presence of Tech Food and A One Piling’s
representatives together with the 2nd and 3rd Defendants;
iii) 12.3.2020 in the presence of Tech Food and A One Piling’s
representatives together with the 2nd, 4th and 5th Defendants.
iv) On all the above 3 joint inspections, it was observed by the
Defendants who attended that there were bubbles/blisters on
the PU panels that were installed in the Factory.
[26] Between 11.3.2020 to 12.3.2020, PW-1 raised issues regarding
the Factory and specifically in respect of:
i) the PU panels which had blisters/bubbles in them; and
ii) that it was subsequently discovered that the PU panels that
were installed were not certified Class “O” by the Jabatan
Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia (“Bomba”).
[27] There were several correspondences in the form of emails
pertaining to the issue of repair, rectification and/or replacement of
the said PU panels primarily between Tech Food and Blue Seal.
[28] The dispute between parties culminated in a notice terminating the
contract by Blue Seal. Some of the material correspondences
between the parties between 12.3.2020 to 18.3.2020 are stated
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[29] By letter dated 12.3.2020 A One Piling informed the 1st Defendant,
inter alia, as follows:
“We refer to the above mentioned reference & project. From today onwards not
allow to enter project site until further notice.”
[30] By its solicitors’ letter dated 15.3.2020 (“Blue Seal’s Termination
Letter”), Blue Seal informed A One Piling, inter alia, as follows:
“c) the said Letter informing that our client was barred from entering the
project site is wrong in law and in fact and in breach of the Contract;
d) your actions as aforesaid clearly evince an intention on your part not to
be bound by the terms of the Contract which amounts to a repudiatory
breach of the Contract and which reputation our client accepts and the
Contract is hereby terminated.”
(own emphasis added)
[31] The Plaintiffs’ solicitors then responded to Blue Seal’s Termination
Letter vide their letter dated 18.3.2020, inter alia, as follows:
“Thus, it is your client that has breached the terms of the contract by supplying
and installing defective PU Panels which in fact your client has acknowledged
and/or admitted in their e-mails transmitted on 11.3.2020 at 11.29 a.m. and
10.16 p.m. Your client’s attempt now to state otherwise and/or reasons for
saying so is not contemporaneous with the documents and their conduct at the
material time. As you are aware, our client’s rights are protected under the Sale
of Goods Act 1957 in regards to your client’s warranty and representation that
the goods namely the PU Panels are merchantable and fit for the purpose it was
purchased and intended for.
Our client has instructed us to inform you that they are accepting your client’s
unlawful repudiation of the contract and will commence proceedings to recover
the full contract sum and consequential losses which will include appointment
of a third party contractor to rectify the defective PU Panels unless your client
do take immediate steps to address and rectify the defective PU Panels
supplied by your client.”
[32] Blue Seal did not return to the Project site to do any further work or
rectification work and the work on the Factory ceased.
[33] By 17.5.2020 Tech Food had paid Blue Seal a total sum of
RM3,093,854.38. The total contract sum under the 2nd LOA was
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[34] Suit 518 was subsequently filed on 25.6.2020 and Truepro’s (and
A One Piling) Counterclaim against Blue Seal was filed on
[35] Suit 17 was filed on 1.7.2020.
[36] Below are the reasons for my decision in respect of the Plaintiffs’
claim against the Defendants in respect of Suit 17. Truepro’s
Counterclaim against Blue Seal in Suit 518 will be dealt with
separately in this Judgment.
[37] The Plaintiffs’ claim against the Defendants arises primarily from
the allegation that the Defendants had failed to construct the
Factory in accordance with the terms of the Contract. The Plaintiffs
further claim that there were several defects in the 1st Defendant’s
[38] The Plaintiffs’ claim against the Defendants are based on the
following causes of action:
i) Breach of contract (against Blue Seal only);
ii) Negligence;
iii) Misleading and fraudulent misrepresentation (“Fraudulent
iv) Deceit; and
v) Inducing the Plaintiff to enter into the LOAs knowing that they
were not going to fulfil their contractual obligations and that
their representations to the Plaintiffs are not true.
[39] The reliefs sought by the Plaintiffs against all the Defendants,
jointly and severally are, inter alia, as follows:
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“83.1. A declaration that the corporate veil of the 1st Defendant be lifted by
reason of deceit and fraudulent misrepresentation committed by the
1st to 5th Defendants and this action may be brought personally against
its directors namely the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Defendants herein;
83.2. A declaration that the entire cGMP Processing Plant that the 1st
Defendant had supplied, manufactured, designed, built and installed in
the Project is defective, unmerchantable and unfit for the 1st
Plaintiff’s use, needs and purpose of business;
83.3. A declaration that the Defendants had committed deceit and/or
fraudulent misrepresentation as the NSC for the cGMP Processing
Plant in the Project;
83.4. A declaration that the Defendants had committed breach of contract
of the 1st Loa and 2nd LOA as the NSC for the cGMP Processing Plant
in the Project;
83.5. A declaration that the 1st to 5th Defendants had committed breach of
fiduciary duties as the NSC for the cGMP Processing Plant in the
83.6. A declaration that the Defendants were negligent in carrying out its
and/or his duties as the NSC for the cGMP Processing Plant in the
83.7. An order compelling the Defendants to forward to the Plaintiffs within
three (3) days from the date of this order all relevant forms and/or
documents that have to be submitted to local authorities and agencies
such as Forms C1 and C2 and other similar forms and documents
required for the purpose of obtaining CCC;
83.8. An order compelling the Defendants to hand over the keys to all doors
in the premises of the Project that had been installed by the 1st
Defendant to the 2nd Plaintiff within three (3) days from the date of this
order or alternatively special damages of RM40,000.00 being costs of
replacing all the keys;
83.9. An order compelling the Defendants to return to the 2nd Plaintiff within
three (3) days from the date of this order, the overpaid progress claim
monies of RM98,255.80 that was over certified;
83.10. Alternatively, an order that the Plaintiffs is entitled to trace and recover
the overpaid progress claim monies of RM98,255.80 from any fund
and/or asset of the Defendants which the said monies have contributed
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83.11. An order allowing the 2nd Plaintiff to retain and utilise the balance 5%
of the contract sums as part payment of the refurbishment costs of the
83.12. Special damages of RM20,767,364.26 being the rectification costs of
the factory as stated in Paragraphs 55 to 56.21.6 above;
83.13. Special damages of RM264,000.00 being cost for the loss of warranty
on machines due to dismantle and reinstallation of machine and
83.14. General damages to be assessed by this Honourable Court against the
Defendants for breach of contract and/or breach of fiduciary duties
and/or responsibilities and/or negligent;
83.15. General damages to be assessed by this Honourable Court for the
Plaintiffs’ loss of reputation and business confidence as pleaded at
Paragraphs 57 to 57.4 above;
83.16. General damages against the Defendants to be assessed by this
Honourable Court for the Plaintiffs’ loss of income and business
opportunity as pleaded at Paragraphs 58 to 58.3 above;
83.17. Aggravated damages to be assessed by this Honourable Court against
the Defendants for the deceit and fraudulent misrepresentation
committed against the Plaintiffs;
83.18. Damages against the Defendants to be assessed by this Honourable
Court for the mental anguish, health issues and embarrassment
caused to the Plaintiffs as pleaded at Paragraphs 59 to 60 above;”
(own emphasis added)
[40] As can be seen above the reliefs sought by Tech Food and A One
Piling are very wide and convoluted, whereas the “actual” claim
itself (primarily premised on breach of contract) is, with respect,
quite straight forward. The long windedness of Tech Food and A
One Piling’s pleaded claim did not assist their case and made in
unnecessarily complicated. I will address this in more detail in the
course of this Judgment.
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[41] Blue Seal made, inter alia, the following admission (paragraphs 8,
9 and 12 of the “Statement of Agreed Fact (between Plaintiffs and
1st to 5th Defendants” (Bundle D (Enclosure 294)).
Paragraph 8
“By the Contract, the 1st Defendant was to supply and install PU panels that are
not defective and are fit for purpose and are merchantable quality and are fire
retardant and certified class “O” by Jabatan Bomba Dan Penyelamat Malaysia.
Paragraph 9
“The 1st Defendant admits liability that the PU panels supplied to the
Plaintiffs and installed at the 1st Plaintiff's CGMP Plant by the 1st Defendant
are not certified class ‘O’ and that is the Breach of Contract.”
Paragraph 12
“The cGMP Processing Plant cannot be used or operated as cGMP Processing
Plant as the PU panels supplied and installed by the 1st Defendant are not class
‘O’ certified panels.”
(own emphasis added)
[42] It must be highlighted that this admission was made on 23.5.2022,
about a month before the commencement of the trial.
[43] Given Blue Seal’s above admission, the 1st to 5th Defendants’
defence is essentially:
i) Notwithstanding the admission of the 1st Defendant above, the
Plaintiffs are not entitled to damages for the various causes of
action set out in the Re-Amended Statement of Claim
(“Statement of Claim”) as they have asked for one lump sum
of RM20,767,364.26 at paragraph 83.12 without setting out
the amount of damages claimed for each cause of action.
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ii) Given that there are different elements to be proved for each
cause of action including damages, this then makes the claim
for a lump sum wrong in law.
iii) The 2nd to 5th Defendants are not parties to the contract and
are only named as defendants based upon allegations of
iv) Even if fraud is proven on a balance of probabilities, the
Plaintiffs cannot rely on fraud as a basis for damages as they
have not rescinded the contract (which it is alleged they were
induced to enter into). In fact, they have affirmed the contract
and asked for a declaration that the contract has been
v) The 1st to 5th Defendants have not caused the Plaintiffs any
damage save that the PU panels need to be replaced.
vi) There is no negligence or breach of fiduciary duties or fraud
committed by any of the Defendants.
[44] The 6th Defendant defence is essentially that as an employee of
Blue Seal, he merely carries out Blue Seal’s instructions and the
scope of work for which he is employed. He committed no
wrongdoing. The Plaintiffs’ claim against him is misconceived and
mala fide.
[45] The contract to construct the Factory was initially between Tech
Food and Blue Seal and is evidenced by the 1st LOA.
[46] The 1st LOA was then superseded by the Supersede Letter of
Award which like its namesake superseded the 1st LOA.
[47] Blue Seal accepted the terms of the Supersede Letter of Award
vide its Acceptance Letter.
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[48] Thereafter, A One Piling issued the 2nd LOA to Blue Seal which
was also dated 6.5.2019, the same date as the 1st LOA (issued by
Tech Food).
[49] The Supersede Letter of Award read together with the Acceptance
Letter by Blue Seal and the 2nd LOA clearly show that the 1st LOA
is no longer valid and has been replaced by the 2nd LOA. The
contents of these letters are clear and do not contain any
[50] The 2nd LOA is not a tripartite agreement. Only A One Piling and
Blue Seal are parties to the 2nd LOA and the 2nd LOA makes no
reference to the 1st LOA or that it is still applicable.
[51] It must be noted that it is Tech Food itself, being the owner of the
Project, who had designed the contractual relationship of the
parties involved to be in this manner. It cannot then change its
stand on this.
[52] Although Tech Food continued to be involved in the Project where,
inter alia, its approval was required on certain matters, this does
not make Tech Food a party to the 2nd LOA nor does it establish a
contractual nexus as pleaded in paragraph 19 of the Statement of
[53] The same applies even where payments are made directly by Tech
Food to Blue Seal. In paragraph 19 of the Statement of Claim, it
was pleaded that due to Tech Food’s continued involvement in the
Project a contractual nexus is established. However, as the 1st
LOA is no longer valid, Tech Food’s said involvement is only as the
owner of the Project and is transmitted contractually through Tech
Food’s main contractor, A One Piling.
[54] Therefore, the only contract that is in existence and enforceable in
the present case is the 2nd LOA and any claim for breach of
contract can only be made by A One Piling and not Tech Food.
[55] I am aware that as the owner of the Project and the Factory, Tech
Food may have ultimately suffered losses arising from a breach of
contract by Blue Seal under the 2nd LOA but that is something Tech
Food will have to take up with A One Piling. Tech Food has no
privity or right to initiate a contractual claim against Blue Seal.
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[56] Thus, the contract relationship between parties can be summarised
as follows:
i) Between Tech Food and A One Piling (Owner and Main
Contractor); and
ii) Between A One Piling and Blue Seal (Main Contractor and
NSC or Nominated Sub-Contractor).
[57] In the circumstances the proper plaintiff in this case in respect of a
breach of contract claim is A One Piling only.
[58] Before I deal with the various causes of action raised by the
Plaintiffs, the implication of the Defendants’ decision to submit of
“no case to answer” needs to addressed first.
[59] I will begin with the cases cited by learned counsel for the 1st to 5th
Defendants on this issue and they are as follows:
i) Yui Chin Song & Qrs v. Lee Ming Chai & Ors [2019] 6 MLJ
417 (FC);
ii) Keruntum Sdn Bhd v. The Director of Forests & Ors [2017]
3 MLJ 281 (FC);
iii) Syarikat Kemajuan Timbermine Sdn Bhd v. Kerajaan
Neqeri Kelantan Darul Naim [2015] 3 MLJ 609 (FC);
iv) Leolaris (M) Sdn Bhd v. Bumiputra Commerce Bank Bhd
[2009] 10 CLJ 234 (HC);
[60] I am in agreement with learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants’
submission that it can be distilled from the above cases with
regards to the submission of “no case to answer” that:
i) It is for the plaintiff to prove his case on a balance of
probabilities and the fact that the defendant has led no
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evidence or called no witnesses does not absolve the plaintiff
from discharging his or her burden in law.
ii) The mere fact that the defendant elects not to lead evidence
does not mean that all the plaintiff’s evidence is automatically
to be believed.
iii) The defences of the defendant are not under consideration. It
is the plaintiff’s case that is to be scrutinised for the sole
purpose of establishing whether the plaintiff has proved his or
her case on a balance of probabilities.
iv) A submission of “no case to answer” can be on the basis that:
a) accepting the plaintiff’s evidence at face value, no case
has been established at law; or
b) the evidence led for the plaintiff is so unsatisfactory or
unreliable that the court should find that the burden of
proof has not been discharged.
v) Even though the defendant does not call any evidence, it does
not mean that the trial judge must believe everything the
plaintiff has adduced.
[61] In other words, just because the Defendants have elected to submit
“no case to answer” does not mean the Plaintiffs’ claim will be
automatically allowed. The Plaintiffs have to still prove their case.
[62] However, what learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants did not
submit on is how and what happens to the evidence adduced by
the plaintiff’s where the defendant’s have chosen to submit “no
case to answer”.
[63] Before I continue on this issue and refer to the cases that were not
cited by learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants, it is important
for me to first highlight some key factual features of the cases he
had referred to:
i) In Yui Chin Song (supra) all the defendants save for one
made a submission of no case to answer. The plaintiffs’ claim
was dismissed.
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ii) In Kerumtum (supra) the second defendant did not give
evidence and a total of 9 witnesses gave evidence for the
defence. The plaintiff’s claim was dismissed.
iii) In Syarikat Kemajuan Timbermine (supra) no witnesses
were called by the defendant and the plaintiff had failed to
prove on a balance of probabilities the existence of a
settlement agreement which the plaintiff claimed existed. The
plaintiff called 3 witnesses. The plaintiff’s claim was
iv) In Leolaris (supra) the defendant did not call any witnesses or
cross-examine the plaintiff’s four witnesses. The plaintiff’s
claim was allowed.
[64] How the burden of proof is treated and the shifting of the burden in
a case where the defendant makes a submission of “no case to
answer” was decided in Keruntum (supra) where the Federal court
held as follows:
“[78] ]t is settled law that the burden of proof rests throughout the trial on the
party on whom the burden lies. Where a party on whom the burden of proof
lies, has discharged it, then the evidential burden shifts to the other party
(see UN Pandey v Hotel Marco Polo Pte Ltd [1980] 1 MLJ 4). When the burden
shifts to the other party, it can be discharged by cross-examination of
witnesses of the party on whom the burden of proof lies or by calling
witnesses or by giving evidence himself or by a combination of the
different methods. See Tan Klim Khuan v Tan Kee Kiat (M) Sdn Bhd [1998] 1
MLJ 697.”
(own emphasis added)
[65] Learned counsel for the Plaintiffs, on the other hand, relied on the
Federal Court case of Takako Sakao v. Ng Pek Yuen & Anor
[2009] 3 MLRA 74 where the 1st respondent failed to attend court
and give evidence. The appellant’s claim was allowed by the
Federal Court and held, inter alia, as follows:
“[4] In our judgment, two consequences inevitably followed when the first
respondent who was fully conversant with the facts studiously refrained from
giving evidence. In the first place, the evidence given by the appellant
ought to have been presumed to be true. As Elphinstone CJ said in Wasakah
Singh v. Bachan Singh [1931] 1 MC 125 at p 128:
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If the party on whom the burden of proof lies gives or calls evidence
which, if it is believed, is sufficient to prove his case, then the judge is
bound to call upon the other party, and has no power to hold that the
first party has failed to prove his case merely because the judge does not
believe his evidence. At this stage, the truth or falsity of the evidence is
immaterial. For the purpose of testing whether there is a case to answer,
all the evidence given must be presumed to be true.
Now, what the trial judge did in the present case is precisely what he ought
not to have done. He expressed dissatisfaction with the appellant’s evidence
without asking himself that most vital question: does the first defendant/
respondent have a case to answer? This failure on the part of the trial judge
is a serious non-direction amounting to a misdirection which occasioned a
miscarriage of justice. The trial judge was at that stage not concerned with his
belief of the appellant’s evidence. She had given her explanation as to the
discrepancies in the figures. And her evidence does not appear to be
either inherently incredible or inherently improbable. In these
circumstances it was the duty of the judge to have accepted her evidence
as true in the absence of any evidence from the first respondent going
the other way. He however failed to direct himself in this fashion thereby
occasioning a serious miscarriage of justice.”
[5] The second consequence is that the court ought to have drawn an adverse
inference against the first respondent on the amount of the appellant’s
contribution to the purchase price as well as the existence and the terms of
the mutual understanding or agreement that she had with the first respondent.
Where, as here, the first respondent being a party to the action provides
no reasons as to why she did not care to give evidence the court will
normally draw an adverse inference. See Guthrie Sdn Bhd v. Trans-Malaysian
Leasing Corp Bhd [1990] 1 MLRA 532; [1991] 1 MLJ 33; [1991] 1 CLJ (Rep) 155.
See also, Jaafar Shaari & Siti Jama Hashim v. Tan Lip Eng & Anor [1997] 1 MLRA
605; [1997] 3 MLJ 693; [1997] 4 CLJ 509 where Peh Swee Chin FCJ said: “The
respondents had chosen to close the case at the end of the appellants’
case. Although they were entitled to do so, they would be in peril of not
having the evidence of their most important witness and of having an
adverse inference drawn against them for failing to call such evidence
should the circumstances demand it.” There are two other authorities that
are of assistance on the point. In Wisniewski v. Central Manchester Health
Authority [1998] PIQR 324, Brooke LJ when delivering the judgment of the
Court of Appeal quoted from a number of authorities including the following
passage from the speech of Lord Diplock in Herrington v. British Railways
Board [1972] AC 877:
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The appellants, who are a public corporation, elected to call no witnesses,
thus depriving the court of any positive evidence as to whether the
condition of the fence and the adjacent terrain had been noticed by any
particular servant of theirs or as to what he or any other of their servants
either thought or did about it. This is a legitimate tactical move under
our adversarial system of litigation. But a defendant who adopts it
cannot complain if the court draws from the facts which have been
disclosed all reasonable inferences as to what are the facts which the
defendant has chosen to withhold.
Brooke LJ then went on to say this:
From this line of authority I derive the following principles in the context
of the present case:
(1) In certain circumstances a court may be entitled to draw adverse
inferences from the absence or silence of a witness who might be
expected to have material evidence to give on an issue in an action.
(2) If a court is willing to draw such inferences, they may go to
strengthen the evidence adduced on that issue by the other party or
to weaken the evidence, if any, adduced by the party who might
reasonably have been expected to call the witness.
(3) There must, however, have been some evidence, however weak,
adduced by the former on the matter in question before the court
is entitled to draw the desired inference: in other words, there must
be a case to answer on that issue.
(4) If the reason for the witness’s absence or silence satisfies the
court, then no such adverse inference may be drawn. If, on the other
hand, there is some credible explanation given, even if it is not wholly
satisfactory, the potentially detrimental effect of his/her absence or
silence may be reduced or nullified.
The other case is Crawford v. Financial Institutions Services Ltd (Jamaica) [2005]
UKPC 40, where Lord Walker of Gestingthorpe when delivering the Advice of
the Privy Council said:
It is well settled that in civil proceedings the court may draw adverse
inferences from a defendant’s decision not to give or call evidence
as to matters within the knowledge of himself or his employees.
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[7] In the present instance, there is no doubt that the first respondent had
intimate knowledge of the material facts relevant to the dispute and that
she was privy to the several steps through which the transaction had
proceeded. Based on the authorities already cited, it is patently clear that the
trial judge in the present case ought to have held that the failure of the first
respondent to give evidence apart from discrediting her case
strengthened the appellant’s case on those vital points that lay at the axis
of the dispute between the parties. This, the trial judge clearly omitted to
do. Instead, he treated the first respondent’s failure to appear and give
evidence as a matter of no apparent consequence. His non-direction upon
such a crucial point as this certainly amounts to a misdirection which has
occasioned a miscarriage of justice. To conclude the first issue, it is our
judgment that there was no judicial appreciation of the appellant’s evidence.
A reasonable tribunal correctly directing itself on the facts and the relevant law
would have held that the appellant had indeed contributed RM194,610
towards the purchase price of the building; that there was a mutual
understanding between the appellant and the first respondent that they shall
be beneficial co-owners of the property in question in equal shares; and that
the first respondent had acted in breach of that understanding.”
(own emphasis added)
[66] In Takako Sakao (supra), the Federal Court held that the effect of
the defendant’s failure to give evidence, discredits his case and
strengthens the plaintiffs case.
[67] Justice Mary Lim (as she then was), in Leolaris (supra), examined
the effect of the pleaded defence where the defendant submitted
“no case to answer” and held as follows:
“[23] In a submission of no case to answer, the defences pleaded are not
under consideration. To put it bluntly, on such an occasion the defendant is
actually saying that it need not bother to offer and lead any evidence on
any of the pleaded defences because the plaintiff’s case is bad as it has
not been made out and ought therefore to be dismissed without more. It is
still the plaintiffs case that is scrutinised for the sole purpose of establishing
whether the defendant has made a right submission. If the submission is
properly taken on the law and on the facts, then the plaintiffs case would be
dismissed. However, where the defendant fails in its submission and the
plaintiff succeeds in discharging the burden of proof, the plaintiffs case will be
allowed. That is why it is said that the defendant will stand or fall by the
(own emphasis added)
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[68] It can thus be summarised that while it is a given that the burden
of proof lies with the plaintiff, however, in a situation where the
defendant submits “no case to answer” the Court needs to be
satisfied that:
i) the evidence adduced by the plaintiff is sufficient to prove his
case (Keruntum (supra); Takako (supra));
ii) where the defendant provides no reasons (or credible
reasons) as to why he did not care to give evidence the Court
will normally draw an adverse inference (Takako (supra));
iii) if such an adverse inference is drawn, it may strengthen the
evidence adduced by the plaintiff or weaken the evidence, if
any, adduced by the defendant (Takako (supra));
iv) there must, however, have been some evidence, however
weak, adduced by the plaintiffs before the Court is entitled to
draw the desired inference: in other words, there must be a
case to answer on that issue (Takako (supra));
v) the defendant’s defence will not be taken into consideration
(Leolaris (supra); Takako (supra)).
[69] I will conclude with the following passage from Yui Chin Song
(supra) which in turn referred to a passage from the case of Mohd
Nor Afandi bin Mohamed Junus v. Rahman Shah Along
Ibrahim & Anor [2008] 3 MLJ 81:
“[50] In this regard, Suriyadi, JCA (as His Lordship then was) in Mohd Nor
Afandi bin Mohamed Junus v Rahman Shah Along Ibrahim & Anor [2008] 3
ML] 81, recognised the above riding in the following passage:
There are, however, two sets of circumstances under which a defendant
may submit that he has no case to answer. In the one case there may be
a submission that, accepting the plaintiff’s evidence at its face value,
no case has been established in law, and in the other that the evidence
led for the plaintiff is so unsatisfactory or unreliable that the court
should find that the burden of proof has not been discharged.
(own emphasis added)
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[70] Therefore, to put it simply, as the Defendants have submitted “no
case to answer” the issue is whether the evidence adduced by the
Plaintiffs in this case is “so unsatisfactory or unreliable that the
court should find that the burden of proof has not been discharged”
(Mohd Nor Afandi (supra); Yui Chin Song (supra)). It therefore
follows that if the Plaintiffs succeed in discharging that burden of
proof, then the Defendants shall have no defence against the
Plaintiffs’ claim.
[71] It must also be borne in mind that the evidence tendered by the
Plaintiffs must also be examined in light of the admissions of liability
made by Blue Seal regarding, inter alia, the PU panels coupled with
the fact that the Defendants chose not to adduce any evidence by
calling any witness or tendering any document to oppose the
Plaintiffs’ evidence and case. The Defendants’ do so at their own
peril (Takako (supra)) and it is a risk that they take.
[72] I will deal with the Plaintiffs’ causes of action in respect of
Inducement, Fraudulent Misrepresentation and Deceit first and
then followed by the cause of action on Breach of Contract.
[73] The Fraudulent Misrepresentation and Deceit allegations are
essentially the same and I see no reason to treat them separately.
They are in fact overlapping and it complicates matters to treat
them as though they are two separate causes of action as was
done by the Plaintiffs. Hence, my reference to Fraudulent
Misrepresentation would include Deceit.
[74] Ultimately, the Fraudulent Misrepresentation here revolve around
the installation of the PU panels which are not Class “O” certified
and the allegation that the Defendants concealed this fact from the
[75] Unlike learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants, learned
counsel for the Plaintiffs did not, in his written submissions,
specifically or clearly submit on how the Inducement, Fraudulent
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Misrepresentation and Deceit affected the LOAs with reference to
the Contracts Act 1950 (“CA 1950”).
[76] Therefore, the Statement of Claim needs to be examined to see
how the Inducement, Fraudulent Misrepresentation and Deceit are
pleaded in relation to the contract, i.e. the LOAs. Some of the
material parts of the Statement of Claim on these causes of action
are reproduced below:
Paragraph 27
“Plaintif memplidkan bahawa Defendan Pertama melalui Pengarah- Pengarah
dan pegawai-pegawainya terutama Defendan Ke-2, Ke-3, Ke-4, Ke-5 dan Ke-
6 telah berulang kali, dengan sengaja, dengan niat dan melulu menyatakan
dan/atau mengakui (“represented”) melalui kelakuan dan perkataan kepada
Plaintif-Plaintif bahawa Defendan Pertama adalah seorang profesional yang
berkebolehan dan mempunyai kemahiran dalam mereka bentuk,
membuat, membekalkan, membina dan memasang mereka bentuk dan
membina Loji Pemprosesan cGMP termasuk bilik sejuk, bilik sejuk beku dan
bilik pemprosesan makanan yang mematuhi cGMP dan sesuai dengan sifat dan
kegunaan perniagaan Plaintif Pertama. Plaintif-Plaintif juga merujuk butir-butir
salah nyata fraud oleh Defendan-Defendan Pertama hingga Ke-5 dan Defendan
Ke-6 secara masing-masing dalam perenggan-perenggan termasuk keseluruhan
perenggan 72 (a)(72.1 hingga 72.3) dan (b) 72.3.i hingga 72.3.vii di bawah.”
Paragraph 28
“Defendan Pertama di dalam Profil Syarikat (“Company Profile”) yang telah
diberikan kepada Plaintif-Plaintif dalam usaha untuk
mendorong/menggalakkan perlantikan sebagai SKD untuk Loji
Pemprosesan cGMP dalam Projek tersebut juga telah antara lainnya
menyatakan dan/atau mengakui seperti berikut:- …..”
Paragraph 29
“Sebagai sebahagian daripada usaha-usaha untuk mendorong/ menggalakkan
Plaintif-Plaintif untuk melantik Defendan Pertama sebagai SKD untuk
Loji Pemprosesan cGMP di dalam Projek tersebut, Defendan Ke-2 sebagai
salah seorang pengarah bagi Defendan Pertama telah secara dan dengan sengaja
pada atau sekitar April 2019 mempelawa dan membawa Pengarah-Pengarah
Plaintif Pertama untuk melawat sebuah kilang Kellogs’ di Negeri Sembilan
yang mana telah kononnya juga, berdasarkan makluman oleh Defendan Kedua,
melantik Defendan Pertama untuk mereka bentuk dan membina bilik
pemprosesan makanan patuh cGMP yang serupa dengan kegunaan yang
diperlukan oleh Plaintif Pertama.”
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Paragraph 33
“Berdasarkan dan bergantung kepada semua pernyataan- pernyataan dan
jaminan-jaminan di atas yang telah dibuat oleh Defendan Pertama melalui
Pengarah-Pengarah dan pegawai- pegawainya terutama Defendan Ke-2, Ke-3,
Ke-4, Ke-5 dan Ke-6, Plaintif-Plaintif telah bergantung kepadanya dan
bertindak ke atas representasi-representasi tersebut dan telah didorong
untuk melantik Defendan Pertama sebagai SKD untuk Loji Pemprosesan
cGMP dalam Projek tersebut. Plaintif-Plaintif mengulangi dan
menggunapakai kepada Perenggan-perenggan 24 hingga 26.7 di atas di sini.
Plaintif-Plaintif juga merujuk butir-butir salah nyata fraud oleh Defendan-
Defendan Pertama hingga Ke-5 dan Defendan Ke-6 secara masing-masing
dalam perenggan-perenggan termasuk keseluruhan perenggan 72 (a)(72.1
hingga 72.3) dan (b) 72.3.i hingga 72.3.vii di bawah.”
Paragraph 72.4
“Plaintif-Plaintif mengulangi dan menggunapakai kepada Perenggan-
perenggan 27 sehingga 33 di atas di sini dan seianjutnya menyatakan bahawa
berdasarkan dan bergantung kepada semua pernyataan-pernyataan dan
jaminan-jaminan di atas yang telah dibuat oleh Defendan Pertama terutama
melalui Defendan Ke-2, Plaintif Pertama dan Plaintif Ke-2 telah bergantung
kepadanya dan bertindak ke atas representasi-representasi tersebut dan
telah didorong untuk melantik Defendan Pertama sebagai SKD untuk Loji
Pemprosesan cGMP dalam Project tersebut”
(own emphasis added)
[77] Therefore, the Inducement as pleaded in this case is the
persuasion by the Defendants for Tech Food to enter into the 1st
LOAs and for A One Piling to enter into the 2nd LOA.
[78] The Inducement on its own does not amount to any wrongdoing
but the Fraudulent Misrepresentation makes it wrongful.
[79] The Fraudulent Misrepresentation here is essentially the allegation
1st to 5th and 6th Defendants
i) The 1st to 5th Defendants misrepresented that Blue Seal was
capable of constructing the Factory;
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ii) The Defendants induced the Plaintiffs to enter into the
Contract knowing that Blue Seal was not able (or do not have
the capability) to construct the Factory in accordance with the
6th Defendant
iii) The 6th Defendant had dishonestly and fraudulently hidden
from Linear Panel Marketing Sdn Bhd (“Linear Panel”) that
the PU panels were not Class “O” certified;
iv) The 6th Defendant conspired with the 1st to 5th Defendants to
defraud the Plaintiffs by concealing that the PU panels were
not Class “O” certified, are defective and not suitable to be
used in the Project.
v) Conspired with Blue Seal and the 2nd to 5th Defendants to
sabotage the Project by intentionally allowing work to be
carried out at the Project site without proper safety measures
and safety equipment which may cause a “Stop Work Order”
to be imposed.
[80] Therefore, the fraud or Fraudulent Misrepresentation here must be
in connection with the Contract.
[81] Under CA 1950, the definition of “misrepresentation” can be found
in Section 18 while the definition of “fraud” in Section 17 as stated
Section 18 CA 1950
““Misrepresentation” includes -
(a) the positive assertion, in a manner not warranted by the information of
the person making it, of that which is not true, though he believes it to
be true;
(b) any breach of duty which, without an intent to deceive, gives an
advantage to the person committing it, or anyone claiming under him,
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by misleading another to his prejudice, or to the prejudice of anyone
claiming under him; and
(c) causing, however innocently, a party to an agreement to make a mistake
as to the substance of the thing which is the subject of the agreement.”
Section 17 CA 1950
““Fraud” includes any of the following acts committed by a party to a contract,
or with his connivance, or by his agent, with intent to deceive another party
thereto or his agent, or to induce him to enter into the contract:
(a) the suggestion, as to a fact, of that which is not true by one who does
not believe it to be true;
(b) the active concealment of a fact by one having knowledge or belief of
the fact;
(c) a promise made without any intention of performing it;
(d) any other act fitted to deceive; and
(e) any such act or omission as the law specially declares to be fraudulent.”
(own emphasis added)
[82] Thus, in the context of the present case, the Inducement for Tech
Food to enter into the 1st LOA and for A One Piling to enter into the
2nd LOA is alleged to have been accomplished through the
Fraudulent Misrepresentation (which includes Deceit) committed
by the Defendants.
[83] What then is the legal consequence of a contract which was
entered into through fraud. The answer lies in Section 19 CA 1950
which provides as follows:
“(1) When consent to an agreement is caused by coercion, fraud, or
misrepresentation, the agreement is a contract voidable at the option of the
party whose consent was so caused.
(2) A party to a contract, whose consent was caused by fraud or
misrepresentation, may, if he thinks fit, insist that the contract shall be
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performed, and that he shall be put in the position in which he would have
been if the representations made had been true.
Exception - If such consent was caused by misrepresentation or by
silence, fraudulent within the meaning of section 17, the contract,
nevertheless, is not voidable, if the party whose consent was so caused
had the means of discovering the truth with ordinary diligence.
Explanation - A fraud or misrepresentation which did not cause the
consent to a contract of the party on whom the fraud was practised, or
to whom the misrepresentation was made, does not render a contract
(own emphasis added)
(see Kheng Chwee Lian v. Wong Tak Thong [1983] 2 MLJ 320
(FC); Abdul Razak bin Datuk Abu Samah v. Shah Alam
Properties Sdn Bhd and another appeal [1999] 2 MLJ 500
(COA); Seqar Oil Palm Estate Sdn Bhd v. Tay Tho Bok & Anor
[1997] 3 MLJ 211 (COA))
[84] In Abdul Razak (supra) the Court of Appeal made the position
clear on the rights of the representee in circumstances where the
contract was entered through fraudulent or negligent
misrepresentation, and held as follows:
“Fraudulent or negligent misrepresentation renders a contract voidable at
the instance of the representee. See the Contracts Act 1950, s 19(1). The
representee is therefore entitled to apply to a court for a decree of rescission
from a court and also to an award of damages. See Archer v Brown [1985] 1
QB 401. Damages are available in addition to rescission because an action for
fraudulent misrepresentation is grounded upon the tort of deceit, and in the
case of negligent misrepresentation upon the tort of negligence.”
“A representee who is the victim of a fraud may, at his election, abandon his
right to rescind and may instead insist that the contract be performed,
and that he be put in the position in which he would have been if the
representations made had been true. See the Contracts Act 1950, s 19(2).
(own emphasis added)
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[85] In the present case the Plaintiffs have prayed for the LOAs to be
affirmed. In fact, they specifically prayed in paragraph 83.4 of the
Statement of Claim for a declaration that the 1st to 5th Defendants
committed a breach of contract, of the LOAs.
[86] It is clear therefore that the Plaintiffs have decided not to rescind
the LOAs but to affirm them instead.
[87] In Segar Oil Palm (supra) which facts have some similarity to the
present case the Court of Appeal held, inter alia, as follows:
“….. Unfortunately, neither counsel nor indeed the trial judge went into the real
significance of the passage cited from Chesire, Fifoot and Furmston’s Law of
Contract at p 430. We will repeat it here with the necessary emphasis:
It is a fundamental principle that the effect of a misrepresentation is to
make the contract voidable and not void. This means that the contract is
valid unless and until it is set aside by the representee. On discovering
the misrepresentation, the representee may elect to affirm or
rescind the contract. (Emphasis added.)
It is elementary law that a party to a contract, who alleges fraud, cannot avoid
one part of the contract and affirm another, unless the parts are so severable
as to be independent contracts. This proposition can be found in Kerr on Fraud
and Mistake (7th Ed) pp 515 and 517 where the cases are set out. See also
Vendor and Purchaser by RM Stoneham (1994) at p 815. The same proposition
is repeated on The Indian Contract and Specific Relief Acts (9th Ed) by Pollock
and Mulla at p 458 which reads:
... a man cannot rescind a contract in part only, when he decides to
repudiate it, he must repudiate it altogether.
Having been put on notice on 9 August 1988 in no uncertain terms, the
only option the purchasers had was either to perform the agreement
according to its terms, or repudiate it altogether and sue for damages for
(own emphasis added)
[88] I agree with learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants that based
on the, inter alia, Section 19 CA 1950 read together with the cases
such as Abdul Razak (supra) and Segar Oil Palm (supra), the
Fraudulent Misrepresentation that the Plaintiffs allege induced
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them to enter into the Contract had the effect of nullifying their
“consent” to enter into the LOAs. To put it another way the entire
contract was voidable by reason of the fraud as there was a lack of
consent and the contract could be easily unravelled.
[89] In this regard, the Federal Court in Integrated Training and
Services Sdn Bhd v. Kerajaan Malaysia & Ors [2022] 3 MLJ 77
had this to say on this point:
“[22] In Campbell v Edwards [1976] 1 AH ER 785 it' was held, inter alia, where
two parties had agreed that the price of the property was to be fixed by a
valuer on whom they should agree and the valuer gave his valuation honestly
and in good faith in a non-speaking report, ie one that did not give reasons or
calculations, the valuation could not be set aside by either party on the ground
that the valuer had made a mistake, for, in the absence of fraud or collusion,
the valuation was binding on the parties by contract. Lord Denning MR at p
788 had stated the following:
... It is simply the law of contract. If two persons agree that the price
of property should be fixed by a valuer on whom they agree, and he
gives that valuation honestly and in good faith, they are bound by
it. The reason is because they have agreed to be bound by it. If there
were fraud or collusion, of course, it would be different. Fraud or
collusion unravels everything.”
(own emphasis added)
[90] Therefore, the Contract which was entered into was voidable and
is valid unless and until set aside. The Plaintiffs then had a choice
to either rescind the contract and sue for damages or to affirm the
contract and continue with it.
[91] The victim of fraud must either set aside the agreement and sue
for damages for fraud or affirm the contract (Section 19 of CA
1950; Segar Oil Palm (supra)).
[92] The Plaintiffs cannot sue for both Fraudulent Misrepresentation
and Breach of Contract.
[93] Putting it another way, what the Plaintiffs are saying is that the
Defendants’ Fraudulent Misrepresentation had caused them to
enter into the Contract (the LOAs). They would not have entered
into the Contract or consented to enter into it had they known of
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the fraud. However, instead or unravelling or setting aside the
Contract the Plaintiffs affirm it and then rely on it to say that Blue
Seal has breached its terms. By doing this, Fraudulent
Misrepresentation allegation no longer becomes an issue.
[94] It is illogical for the Plaintiffs to plead they were induced by
Fraudulent Misrepresentation by the Defendants to enter into the
LOAs and at the same time rely on the very same LOAs to claim
for breach of contract.
[95] With respect, the Plaintiffs’ claim for Inducement, Fraudulent
Misrepresentation and Deceit is flawed and can be dismissed on
this ground alone.
[96] It therefore follows that the reliefs in the Statement of Claim related
to fraud or Fraudulent Misrepresentation cannot be maintained.
[97] With respect to the Plaintiffs, further to what I had stated in
paragraph 40 above, their pleaded case specifically in respect of
Inducement, Fraudulent Misrepresentation and Deceit is
fundamentally flawed.
[98] It is of utmost importance that there is correlation between the
cause of action pleaded and the relief(s) that follow, if not, the claim
would make no sense.
[99] I would conclude with a passage by the Federal Court in Giga
Engineering & Construction Sdn Bhd v. Yip Chee Seng & Sons
Sdn Bhd & Anor [2015] 6 MLJ 449 where it was held as follows:
“[42] Now, it is trite law that the plaintiff is bound by its own pleadings (see
R Rama Chandran v The industrial Court of Malaysia & Anor [1997] 1 MLJ 145;
Anjalal Anmal & Anor v Abdul Kareem [1969] 1 MLJ 22; Gimstern Corporation
(M) Sdn Bhd & Anor v Global Insurance Co Sdn Bhd [1987] 1 MLJ 302 (SC); Joo
Chin Kia v Loh Seng Tek [1987] 1 CLJ 194; KEP Mohamed AH v KEP Mohamad
Ismail [1981] 2 MLJ 10 (FC)). The plaintiff is not permitted to improve its
pleading in any other manner other than by way of an application to
amend. Otherwise it would be unfair and prejudicial to the defendants if the
plaintiff could now be allowed to raise an issue that was not within the
contemplation of the parties in the first place (see Esso Petroleum Co Ltd v
South Port Corpn [1956] AC 218; Playing Cards (M) Sdn Bhd v China Mutual
Navigation Co Ltd [1980] 2 MLJ 182 (FC)).”
(own emphasis added)
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[100] Notwithstanding the above, for the purpose of completeness, I
have nevertheless still considered the alleged individual acts of the
Defendants that is said to constitute Fraudulent Misrepresentation
and the evidence adduced by the Plaintiffs on this issue.
[101] The Fraudulent Misrepresentation pleaded by the Plaintiffs is to
justify the lifting of the corporate veil or to go behind the corporate
veil to make the Defendants liable together with the 1st Defendant.
[102] An elaborate definition of “misrepresentation” can be found in Sim
Thong Realty Sdn Bhd v. Teh Kim Dar @ Tee Kim [2003] 3 MLJ
460 in which the Court of Appeal held as follows:
“Now, it is trite that the expression ‘misrepresentation’ is merely descriptive
of a false pre-contractual statement that induces a contract or other
transaction. But it does not reflect the state of mind of the representor at
the relevant time. The state of mind of the representor at the time he made
the representation to the representee varies according to the circumstances
of each case. It may be fraudulent. It may be negligent. Or it may be
entirely innocent, that is to say, the product of a mind that is free of deceit
and inadvertence (see Abdul Razak bin Datuk Abu Samah v Shah Alam
Properties Sdn Bhd. Put another way, a misrepresentation is innocent ‘where
the representor believes his assertion to be true and consequently has no
intention of deceiving the representee.’ (Chesire & Fifoot, Law of Contract (6th
Ed)). It is the particular state of mind of the representor that determines
the nature of the remedy available to the representee. So, if the
misrepresentation is made fraudulently, then the representee is entitled to
rescission and all damages directly flowing from the fraudulent
(own emphasis added)
[103] Therefore, the Plaintiffs must show that the Fraudulent
Misrepresentation was:
i) Made before the contract; and
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ii) The state of mind of the Defendants at the time the
Fraudulent Misrepresentation was made, in that the
Defendants intended to deceive the Plaintiffs.
[104] First and foremost, as I have decided earlier, the Fraudulent
Misrepresentation allegation cannot stand in view of the Plaintiffs
reliance on the Contract to sue Blue Seal for breach thereof.
[105] Secondly, and in any event, it is clear from paragraphs 72.3J to
72.3.vii of the Statement of Claim that all the matters relied on by
the Plaintiffs occurred after the Contract was entered into and
hence cannot amount to a pre-contractual false statement of fact
that had induced the Plaintiffs to enter into the Contract with Blue
Seal (Sim Thong Realty (supra)).
[106] Thirdly, though the allegations against the Defendants are made
jointly, the pleaded particulars are only in respect of the 2nd
Defendant (paragraphs 29 to 31 of the Statement of Claim).
[107] The case of Bukit Baru Villas Sdn Bhd v. Yeoh Teen Earn & Ors
[2017] MLJU 2058 involved the joint allegation of fraud and Justice
Mohd Nazlan (as he then was) observed the following:
“[54] The plaintiff must furnish the requisite particularity by pleading the
circumstances of material facts as to the questions of “who, what, where,
when and how" of the alleged fraud and conspiracy in order to enable the
defendants to provide a meaningful response. It cannot be emphasised
enough that general statements which are vague and containing conclusory
allegations do not satisfy the requirements of Order 18 r 7 and r 12. The
statement of claim too cannot hide behind purported averments which in truth
are nothing but merely a set of formulaic recitation of the ingredients of a
cause of action.
[55] Pleadings sans particularisation is bad pleading because matters such as
fraud and conspiracy cannot be expected to be inferred from statements which
are vague and general in nature, more so as the concept of fraud itself is not
immutable. Similarly, when alleging fraud and conspiracy against more
than one defendants, like presently, the plaintiff must specify, with
particularity, each of the fourth and fifth defendant's offending conduct.
The defendants cannot be grouped together without identifying which
defendant has committed which wrong.”
(own emphasis added)
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[108] It is pleaded at paragraph 27 of the Statement of Claim that Blue
Seal acted through the 2nd to 5th Defendants. It follows that the
circumstances of how the fraud occurred must be pleaded and
proved in Court in particular:
i) What each of these Defendants had done; and
ii) How each of them had either ordered or procured the fraud in
question before the Contract was entered into.
[109] As the above two elements/facts were not pleaded or proved, it
would appear that Fraudulent Misrepresentation was raised
against the 2nd to 5th Defendants merely because they are directors
of Blue Seal and against the 6th Defendant as he is Blue Seal’s
employee. In this regard, the Court of Appeal in Victor Cham &
Anor v. Loh Bee Tuan [2006] 5 MLJ 359 held as follows:
“[8] In C Evans & Sons Ltd v Spritebrand Ltd & Anor, Slade LJ relying on the
case of Performing Right Society Ltd v Ciryl Theatrical Syndicate Ltd [1924] 1
KB 1 stated the legal position in the following words:
The mere fact that a person is a director of a limited company does
not by itself render him liable for torts committed by the company
during the period of his directorship: see, for example, Rainham
Chemical Works Ltd (in Hq) v Belvedere Fish Guano Co Ltd [1924] 2 AC
465 at 488,.... Nevertheless, judicial dicta of high authority are to be
found in English decisions which suggest that a director is liable for those
tortuous acts of his company which he has ordered or procured to be
[9] In Wah Tat Bank Ltd and another v Chan Cheng Kum [1975] 2 All ER 257,
two banks brought an action against a shipping company and C, the company
chairman and managing director, claiming damages jointly against them for
conversion. In holding C liable, the Privy Council in its judgment delivered by
Lord Salmon stated:
No doubt the fact that the respondent is chairman and managing
director of HSC does not of itself make him personally liable in respect
of that company’s tortuous acts. A tort may he committed through an
officer or servant of a company without the chairman or managing
director being in any way implicated. There are many such cases
reported in the books. If however the chairman or managing director
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procures or directs the commission of the tort he may be personally
liable for the tort and the damage flowing from it: Performing Right
Society Ltd v Ciryl Theatrical Syndicate Ltd per Arkin LJ. Each case
depends on its own particular facts. In the instant case the un-
contradicted evidence proves that early in 1961 the respondent, as
chairman and managing director of HSC, agreed with the directors of
TSC the terms on which HSC would continue wrongfully to convert
goods consigned to the banks just as they had done in the past. Their
Lordships consider that in all the circumstances there is no answer to the
banks’ contention that the respondent was personally liable for the
conversion in respect of which judgement has been entered against
“[11] In Thomas Bruce Morgan v Government of Saskatchewan, Neal Hardy
and Darrel Binkley [1985] Sask R 129, the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal made
the following observation:
On this branch of the case we refer to the following passage from
judgment of Disber J, in Einhorn v Westmount Investments Ltd and
Belzberg et al. (1969), 69 WWR (NS) 31, at p 36:
Ordinarily an agent is subject to the control of another person, his
principal. A company perforce is only able to act through its
agents and servants. Consequently, while company directors are
referred to as ‘agent’, the cold fact is that they control the
company. As the directors pull the strings so the company must
of necessity jump. Particularly is this true where, as here, the
individual defendants were in 'complete control' of the company.
This court in the exercise of its common-law jurisdiction in the
field of tort considers the realities of the situations which come
before it for decision, and the court is not restricted in so doing
because individual carries out intentional tortuous acts through
the medium of a puppet corporation whose every action they
control. Individuals guilty of intentional tortuous acts do not
escape personal liability by this device of clothing themselves in a
corporate veil of their own spinning.
And further the court said:
So a director is not to be held liable merely because he is a director but
may be liable when he participates in or orders a tortuous act and cannot
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escape personal liability by asserting that his act was merely the act of
the corporation. In other words, the 'corporate veil’ is not to be used as
a shield to protect shareholders and directors when they have been
guilty of wrongdoing. This approach is consistent with the notion that
everyone should be answerable for his tortuous acts.”
(own emphasis added)
[110] The pleaded allegations of Fraudulent Misrepresentation against
the 2nd Defendant are essentially in relation to:
i) The visit to Kellogg’s Factory; and
ii) The 1st Defendant’s company profile.
[111] As for the Kellogg’s Factory visit, I do not find there to be evidence
of Fraudulent Misrepresentation for the following reasons:
i) PW-1 himself testified that PW-1 initiated the trip to the
Kellogg’s Factory by “requesting” that the 2nd Defendant take
him there. This alone negates the allegation of inducement;
ii) It is alleged that the 2nd Defendant told PW-1 that the panels
installed in the Kellogg’s Factory were going to be the same
as the panels to be installed at the Factory. The Plaintiffs
have not proven the existence of the element of “fraud” or
“dishonesty” in this statement (CIMB Bank Bhd v. Veeran
Ayasamy (Wakil Diri Kepada Letchimi Muthusamy, Si
Mati) [2015] 7 CLJ 289). This is simply because the Plaintiffs
have not provided any evidence of the type of panels installed
at the Kellogg’s Factory or that the panels installed at the
Factory are sub-standard compared to those installed at the
Kellogg’s Factory. This would have required the Plaintiffs to
actually adduce evidence of the panels at the Kellogg’s
Factory which they did not do;
iii) The truth of the statement is one thing but the issue of
“dishonesty” is required to be proven where Fraudulent
Misrepresentation is alleged. The Plaintiffs have failed to
prove there was any dishonesty in the statement made by the
2nd Defendant.
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[112] Regarding Blue Seal’s company profile, it was not pleaded and
neither was there clear evidence on how the Plaintiffs obtained the
said profile, in particular from which of the Defendants.
[113] As a company acts through its “agent” (Victor Cham (supra)) the
Plaintiffs must plead and prove which of the Defendants, if any, had
given Blue Seal’s company profile to the Plaintiffs. PW-1 had then
named the 2nd Defendant in his oral testimony before the Court but
this cannot be permitted. In this regard, the Federal Court in
Gimstern Corporation (M) Sdn. Bhd. & Anor. v. Global
Insurance Co. Sdn. Bhd. [1987] 1 MLJ 302 held as follows:
“These issues brought up at the trial had not been pleaded in the
Statement of Defence, and this was a contravention of Order 18 Rule 8 of
the Rules of the High Court, and therefore the contentions should not
have been entertained (Attorney General v. Lord Mayor etc. of City of
(own emphasis added)
[114] Even if is accepted that the 2nd Defendant or either of the 3rd to 5th
Defendants had given Blue Seal’s company profile to the Plaintiffs,
it has not been shown that there is anything stated in Blue Seal’s
company profile which is inaccurate or untrue and how it is
tantamount to Fraudulent Misrepresentation.
[115] In so far as conspiracy is concerned the requirements laid down
in Renault SA v. Inokom Corp Sdn Bhd & Anor [2010] 5 MLJ
394 have not been fulfilled in that the following have not been
clearly pleaded or proven:
i) an agreement between the 6th Defendant and the 1st to 5th
ii) an agreement for the purpose of injuring the Plaintiffs;
iii) the overt acts that were done in execution of the agreement;
iv) that the overt acts were done in execution of the agreement;
v) what are the acts purportedly done by each of the Defendants
in execution of the agreement.
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[116] There is no direct evidence tendered by the Plaintiffs to prove
Fraudulent Misrepresentation against any of the Defendants and in
particular that they “knowingly” committed the alleged acts
associated with the allegation of Fraudulent Misrepresentation,
fraud and conspiracy. The following passages by the Federal
Court in Keruntum (supra) is instructive on this issue:
“[70] In order for the plaintiff to succeed in its case that the cancellation of its
licence was to serve a political purpose, it is necessary for the plaintiff to
adduce evidence if believed, sufficient to prove that the second defendant
knew about the Ming Court affair prior to the cancellation of the plaintiff’s
licence. Both the High Court and the Court of Appeal found that the plaintiff
had not adduced direct evidence to show that the second defendant
knew about it. It was also the finding of the courts below that to link the
aforesaid cancellation to a political motive is a mere conjecture.”
(own emphasis added)
[117] In order to prove the Defendants’ knew that the panels were not
certified Class ‘O’ even before they were installed, the Plaintiffs
relied on the letter dated 31.3.2019 from Bahagian Perancangan
dan Penyelidikan Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat to Linear Panel
(“Bomba’s Letter”). This is the main evidence that the Plaintiffs
relied on to show knowledge of the Defendants.
[118] However, I agree with learned counsel for the Defendants that
Bomba’s Letter does support the Plaintiffs’ allegation as:
i) Bomba’s Letter is only addressed to Linear Panel and not to
any of the Defendants. It is also not copied to any of the
ii) Bomba’s Letter merely states that Linear Panel’s application
to obtain a renewal for “Coldroom Panel (50mm thickness)” for
Class ‘O’ was rejected;
iii) nowhere in Bomba’s Letter is it mentioned whether the Class
‘O’ certificate (for which the renewal was rejected) referred to
in the letter is in respect of PU panels or whether it is in respect
of another type of cold room panel. The Quotation indicates
EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) panels (which both parties
agree was later changed to PU panels).
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iv) Pooi Chee Hoog who is a director of Linear Panels mentioned
in PW-1’s witness statement (WS(A)-PW1) was never called
to testify by the Plaintiffs;
v) the Defendants are not mentioned in Bomba’s Letter.
[119] Hence, the summary of my findings are as follows:
i) The Defendants did not commit Fraudulent Misrepresentation;
ii) The Fraudulent Misrepresentation in the context of the
Plaintiffs’ pleaded case is fundamentally wrong. The Plaintiffs
cannot say they were induced to enter into the Contract
(LOAs) but at the same time rely on the same contract to claim
for breach thereof.
iii) In the absence of fraud or Fraudulent Misrepresentation there
is no ground to lift the corporate veil in the present case. In
this regard the Court of Appeal in Lam Kam Loy & Anor v.
Boltex Sdn Bhd & Ors [2005] 3 CLJ 355 held as follows.
“In my judgment, in the light of the more recent authorities such as
Adams v Cape Industries Plc, it is not open to the courts to disregard the
corporate veil purely on the ground that it is in the interests of justice to
do so. It is also my respectful view that the special circumstances to
which Lord Keith referred include cases where there is actual fraud at
common law or some inequitable or unconscionable conduct
amounting to fraud in equity. The former, that is to say, actual fraud,
was expressly recognised to be an exception to the doctrine of corporate
personality by Lord Halsbury in his speech in Salomon v A. Salomon &
Co Ltd [1897] AC 22, the seminal case on the subject.”
(own emphasis added)
(see also Solid Investments Ltd v. Alcatel-Lucent (M) Sdn
Bhd (previously known as Alcatel Network Systems (M)
Sdn Bhd) [2014] 3 MLJ 784 (FC))
[120] I must stress here that Fraudulent Misrepresentation, fraud as well
as conspiracy to defraud are serious allegations and in the
absence of “dishonesty” as well as proof of the state of mind the
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Defendants, these allegations remain nothing more than mere
[121] Further, the causes of action of this nature involving fraud and
dishonesty must not only be specifically pleaded but there must
also be clear evidence to prove the nexus between the alleged
wrongful acts and the defendant who is said to have committed
those wrongful acts. The Plaintiffs have failed to do either of this.
[122] The Plaintiffs also included, in addition to the multiple causes of
action, a claim based on negligence and breach of fiduciary duty.
[123] The negligence as pleaded is that the Defendants were negligent
in, inter alia, supplying, constructing and carrying out installation
work at the Factory.
[124] The allegation on negligence is also attached to the allegation of
defective and latent defect in the material used, design and work
[125] These are all allegations regarding the Contract. The Plaintiffs
claim for negligence and breach of fiduciary duty is premised on
the Contract (the LOAs).
[126] This is further confirmed in the answer to Question 33 in WS(A)-
“Question 33: Apart from the above-mentioned breaches, can you explain
to the Court, what are the other failures of the Defendants
in supplying, manufacturing, designing, installing and
delivering the cGMP processing plant to the Plaintiffs?
Answer 33: a) Following from the admission by the D1 that PU panels
supplied to and installed at the 1st Plaintiff’s cGMP
processing plant are not certified as Class O and that is
breach of contract, it is inter-related and evidently
proved that D1 and its directors D2-D5 are negligent
in carrying out their duties of care and skill, when
Defendants knew that they were appointed
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specifically as NSC for the Projects, so they owe a
duty of care to us. ”
(own emphasis added)
[127] The negligence claim is pleaded jointly against all the Defendants
based on the “Particulars of Negligence” against the Defendants in
paragraphs 81.1 to 81.16 of the Statement of Claim.
[128] At paragraph 80 of the Statement of Claim, it is also pleaded these
same Defendants jointly owe a duty of care to the Plaintiffs as
“Selanjutnya dan/atau secara alternatif Plaintif-Plaintif menyatakan bahawa
pada setiap masa yang material Defendan-Defendan mempunyai
kewajipan berjaga-jaga dan mengguna kemahiran tehadap Plaintif-
Plaintif selaku SKD untuk membekal, membuat, mereka bentuk dan membina
Loji Pemprosesan cGMP bagi Projek selari dengan SA No. 1 tersebut, SA No.
2 tersebut, undang-undang berkaitan di Malaysia dan semua representasi-
representasi yang telah dibuat sama ada melalui tindakan atau perkataan yang
telah diberikan terhadap dan dijaminkan kepada Plaintif-Plaintif. Plaintif-
Plaintif mengulangi dan menggunapakai kepada Perenggan-perenggan 27
sehingga 33 di atas di sini.”
(own emphasis added)
[129] The Contracts do not involve the 2nd to 6th Defendants and as such
they do not owe the Plaintiffs a duty of care regarding the Contract.
[130] Further, I have stated earlier that the only contract in existence is
the 2nd LOA between A One Piling and Blue Seal.
[131] Therefore, the Plaintiffs claim for negligence and breach of
fiduciary duty cannot be maintained against the 2nd to 6th
Defendants who have no contractual relationship with the either of
the Plaintiffs.
[132] When it comes to Blue Seal, I find that the claim for negligence
overlaps with the Plaintiffs’ claim for breach of contract. That being
the case, the Plaintiffs’ claim for breach of contract will supersede
their claim for negligence.
[133] The issue of an obligation in contract superseding a duty in tort was
dealt with in the Tai Hing Cotton Mill Ltd v. Liu Chong Hing Bank
Ltd [1986] AC 80 in which the Privy Council held as follows:
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“Their Lordships do not believe that there is anything to the advantage
of the law's development in searching for a liability in tort where the
parties are in a contractual relationship. This is particularly so in a
commercial relationship. Though it is possible as a matter of legal semantics
to conduct an analysis of the rights and duties inherent in some contractual
relationships including that of banker and customer either as a matter of
contract law when the question will be what, if any, terms are to be implied or
as a matter of tort law when the task will be to identify a duty arising from the
proximity and character of the relationship between the parties, their
Lordships believe it to be correct in principle and necessary for the avoidance
of confusion in the law to adhere to the contractual analysis: on principle
because it is a relationship in which the parties have, subject to a few
exceptions, the right to determine their obligations to each other, and for the
avoidance of confusion because different consequences do follow according
to whether liability arises from contract or tort, e.g. in the limitation of action.
“Their Lordships do not, therefore, embark on an investigation as to whether
in the relationship of banker and customer it is possible to identify tort as well
as contract as a source of the obligations owed by the one to the other. Their
Lordships do not, however, accept that the parties' mutual obligations in
tort can be any greater than those to be found expressly or by necessary
implication in their contract. …”
(own emphasis added)
[134] The same position was taken by the Court of Appeal in Credit
Guarantee Corp Malaysia Bhd v. SSN Medical Products Sdn
Bhd [2017] 2 MLJ 629 in respect of an attempt by the respondent
there to impose a tortious duty of care on the appellant who was
sued for negligence. The Court of Appeal referred to the case of
Tai Hing Cotton Mill (supra) and held as follows:
“[36] In essence therefore, and harkening to the fair, just and reasonable
requirement as set out in Caparo, in cases where the parties must be taken
to have intended their rights and obligations to be governed exclusively
by the contract or contracts which, they have entered, especially in a
commercial contract, that factor to be taken as a compelling one, or in
some cases a decisive one, against the imposition of a duty of care in
(own emphasis added)
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[135] Therefore, to summarise my findings on this issue:
i) The Plaintiffs have no cause of action for negligence or breach
of fiduciary duty against the 2nd to 6th Defendants;
ii) As A One Piling has a contract with Blue Seal under the 2nd
LOA, it supersedes A One Piling’s claim for negligence and
breach of fiduciary duty against Blue Seal.
iii) Tech Food has no contractual claim or nexus with Blue Seal
as the 1st LOA is no longer valid. Blue Seal owes no fiduciary
duty to Tech Food and no claim for negligence can be
maintained by Tech Food against Blue Seal in respect of the
work Blue Seal carried out for A One Piling under the 2nd LOA,
as the NSC of the Project.
[136] I now come to A One Piling’s claim for breach of contract against
Blue Seal. This is the only part of the Plaintiffs’ claim that can be
maintained and it is only confined to A One Piling’s claim against
Blue Seal for breach of contract.
[137] As stated earlier in paragraph 40 above, Blue Seal has admitted to
liability for breach of the terms of the 2nd LOA but the admission is
limited to the following:
i) Under the Contract, A One Piling was to supply and install PU
panels that are not defective, are fit for the purpose, are of
merchantable quality, fire retardant and certified Bomba
class “O”;
ii) Blue Seal failed to supply and install Bomba Class ‘O’
certified PU panels at the Factory;
iii) As a result of this failure the Factory cannot be used or
operated as a cGMP Processing Plant.
[138] At the outset, Blue Seal’s admission was only made on 23.5.2022
about a month before the trial was scheduled to commence, i.e.
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20.6.2022. Even then it was after numerous requests and/or
challenges made by the Plaintiffs for the documents to prove that
the PU panels installed at the Factory were in fact Bomba certified
class “O”.
[139] Blue Seal’s failure to make this disclosure or admission works to
its detriment and ultimately affects Blue Seal’s credibility.
[140] Based on the admission of liability, the Factory could not be used
or operated as a cGMP Processing Plant as intended because of
Blue Seal’s failure to supply and install Bomba certified class “O”
PU panels at the Factory.
[141] However, as alleged by the Plaintiffs, the breach by Blue Seal is
not only limited to the fact that the PU panels installed at the
Factory were no Bomba certified class “O” but also that:
i) The PU panels had bubbles or blisters on them. This is not
denied by the Defendants.
ii) The PU panels were in fact defective and damaged which
became evident subsequent to their installation. The PU
panels cover a large portion of the Factory. The entire Factory
is a huge refrigeration storage facility.
iii) The damage does not only extend to the PU panels
themselves but also the other components that make up or
come with the PU panels. As the Factory is used as a
refrigerated storage facility the PU panels have to be installed
with proper insulation and support. This is because the PU
panels are installed at the inner walls, doors and ceilings of
the Factory and they form a complete system (“Refrigeration
system”). Perhaps in more simple or lay terms, the PU panels
are like the inner walls of a fridge and the damage to the inner
walls can cause a catastrophic effect to the whole fridge. This
is what has happened to the Factory.
iv) Blue Seal had failed to construct the Factory properly to
enable it to function as a refrigerated storage facility, the very
purpose for which Blue Seal was engaged.
[142] Having examined the evidence adduced by the Plaintiffs in this
case I find that the evidence substantiates A One Piling’s above
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allegations namely that the PU panels were defective and that the
installation of the PU panels and the overall Refrigeration system
were not done properly.
[143] In connection to this, there was a dispute raised by Blue Seal that
the Contract and in particular the 2nd LOA did not include “design”
work”. Whilst the terms of the 2nd LOA may not be absolutely clear
on this and this had caused parties to engage in lengthy
submissions, however, respectfully, I do not find the issue as
complicated as it seems. This is based on the 2nd LOA (read
together with the Quotation and other relevant documents) the
construction of the Factory is very comprehensive. There can be
no mistake or confusion that the Factory was to be used as a
refrigerated storage facility and even a cursory review of the 2nd
LOA and the Quotation will show that. Blue Seal’s work was to
construct the Refrigeration system to enable the Factory to
operate as a refrigerated storage facility. Thus, even if it is not
explicitly stated, it can still be clearly implied that when Blue Seal
constructs the Factory, it must ensure that the Factory can function
as a refrigerated storage facility.
[144] It would not make sense for Blue Seal to construct the Factory
when it knows and ought to know that the Factory, upon being
constructed, would not be able to function as a refrigerated storage
facility. Therefore, Blue Seal cannot deny that there is a “design”
element in the construction of the Factory. This is one of the
complaints that was raised by the Plaintiffs, i.e. on the design work,
which was also addressed by their expert, Raymond Graaf
(“PW-2”), in his reports and oral testimony at the trial.
[145] Thus, in the construction of the Factory, Blue Seal must ensure that
the Factory will ultimately function as a refrigerated storage facility
and the work must be “designed” to achieve that. It is not open for
Blue Seal to allege it only did what the Plaintiffs told it to do (e.g. to
instal the PU panels) and if the Factory cannot operate as intended
Blue Seal cannot be faulted as it did not design the Factory.
[146] It must be borne in mind that the work under the 2nd LOA is
comprehensive. Blue Seal must have the technical knowledge and
ability to construct the Factory and use that knowledge and ability
so that the Factory will function as a refrigerated storage facility.
This is the reason for which A One Piling engaged Blue Seal and
relied on Blue Seal’s expertise.
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[147] Regarding the allegations stated in paragraph 141 above PW-2
had testified, inter alia, as follows in his witness WS(A)-PW2:
“Question 9 : Can you explain what is the opinion in your Assessment
Answer 9 : In summary, my opinion is as follows:
a) Taking the general inadequate project conditions into
consideration, which will result in high operational
power consumption cost, accelerated depreciations,
insurmountable deterioration, further bubble/blister
phenomena, further delamination of the PPGI and
structural stress damages on insulation and civil
structures, substantial increased wear and tear on all
related components, in particular the refrigeration
equipment, insulation and possible concrete floor
heaving, (it is paramount, to understand the problems
and have raised awareness that expensive unforeseen
repair- and replacement solutions during full
operational periods will become inevitably.
b) Having conducted the extensive survey and study of the
Temperature-Controlled Production Facility concerned,
that the most obvious recommendation that can be
concluded is, to replace all insulation works and
respective concrete floating floors, redesign the method
statements and consider to conduct a thorough capacity
calculation on the refrigeration equipment versus heat
loads and thermal conductivity computations of the
installed insulation systems.
c) If however, the most obvious recommendation of
replacement will not be implemented, it needs to be a
paradigm of continuous monitoring the inspected and
found defects, non-appliance parts of the method
statements, inadequate applicable method statements,
ice build-up in the tongue and groove panel
connections, expected deterioration continuation, as
well as the overall conditions of the total contracted
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d) It is obvious that a pre-operational trial runs need to be
executed on all mechanical components that have been
subject to a long period of a non-activity status
combined with a thorough cleaning of the entire ex- and
internal facility.”
[148] PW-2 further testified on the condition of Factory as at 16.6.2022
(which is a few days before the trial) as follows:
“Question 15 : Can you briefly explain about your assessment??
Answer 15 : a) I conducted another site assessment inspection at the
request of Tech food Ingredients Sdn. Bhd. on
16.06.2022 for the purpose of a comparison with my
Assessment Report No. 1 dated 11.06.2020 and
composed the assessment as Updated Status Report
No. 1 dated 16.06.2022 and marked as Exhibit RDG-
3 in the Plaintiffs’ Expert Affidavit (No. 2) affirmed
by me on 17.06.2022.
b) In brief, I found all previous inspected external
phenomenon of bubble/blister of PU walls-, partition
walls-, and walkable/suspended ceiling sandwich
insulation panels, the phenomenon of
delamination/debonding on the external side of the
walkable/suspended ceiling PU insulation sandwich
panels, as well as the inadequate essential vapor
barriers, door- & relief ports components and
equipment in comparison to my Assessment Report
1, dated 11.06.2020 to be substantially deteriorated,
no improvement whatsoever on the PU finishing
floors, additional corrosion on the refrigeration
equipment, dust and cobwebs.
c) For these reasons, the only conclusion I can make is
to demolish the entire PU insulation system, the PU
floor insulation slabs in Freezer 1 & 2, combined
with the concrete top floors, the freezer door frames
and a thorough review of the conditions of the
refrigeration systems and individual equipment of all
capacities, heat load calculations, corrosion in order
to re-design the entire system and amend the method
statements on the entire insulation system in
accordance with Bomba class ‘O’ certification.”
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[149] In relation to this, it is crucial to note that Blue Seal or the other
Defendants did not produce any expert report either on their own
or in rebuttal.
[150] In the absence of their own expert report or expert testimony, the
cross-examination conducted by the Defendants on PW-2 in
respect of technical or scientific matters would not have much of
an impact on PW-2’s testimony unless the expert evidence is
“obviously lacking in defensibility” and “is not supported by the
basic facts of the case” (Majuikan Sdn Bhd v. Barclays Bank Plc
[2015] 1 MLJ 171). This is not the situation in the instant case.
[151] Any of the Defendants’ counsel who cross-examines PW-2 cannot
presuppose he has knowledge on the scientific area involved
without support from another expert report or testimony to base his
cross-examination on (see Syed Abu Bakar bin Ahmad v. Public
Prosecutor [1983] 1 MLRA 318; PB Malaysia Sdn Bhd v.
Samudra (M) Sdn Bhd [2008] 6 MLRH 841 on how the Court
treats expert reports).
[152] Therefore, this falls squarely under one of the circumstances in
which adverse inference may be drawn under Section 114
illustration (g) of the Evidence Act 1950 (“EA 1950”) and especially
in the present case where the Defendants have submitted “no case
to answer” (Takako (supra)).
[153] To prove its claim for breach of contract A One Piling had adduced
both documentary and viva voce evidence which are summarised
as follows:
i) One “Part A” bundle of documents where the authenticity and
contents of the documents are agreed;
ii) Eight “Part B” bundle of documents where the contents of the
documents are disputed and not their authenticity.
iii) One “Part C” bundle of document which only contains
“Whatsapp” messages totalling 2 pages.
iv) Six witnesses testified for the Plaintiffs.
[154] The documentary evidence included pictures of the Factory and
video recordings of the inspection carried out at the Factory.
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[155] It is proven from the totality of the evidence presented at the Trial
that the Factory was not constructed properly (including defective
or wrong materials used) and the construction work was
incomplete. Even visibly, the damage especially to the PU panels
can be seen in that most, if not all, of the PU panels installed at the
Factory have blisters/bubbles on them.
[156] To put it plainly, the Factory was in poor condition and in a
deteriorated state.
[157] The condition of the Factory was a direct result of Blue Seal’s
failure to construct the Factory in accordance with the Contract and
the entire Refrigeration system as stated in paragraph 141 above.
This is clearly borne out by the evidence.
[158] The condition of the Factory was described in detail in PW-2’s
expert reports and in his oral testimony. PW-2 had inspected the
Factory at least twice.
[159] There is no reason for me to doubt or question PW-2’s testimony
though learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants had argued
that he was not independent. There is no evidence of this except
for the attempts by learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants to
challenge PW-2’s credibility during cross-examination. During
cross-examination I observed that PW-2 remained resolute,
unwavering and consistent in his testimony which were supported
by scientific explanation and data.
[160] Given the admissions made by Blue Seal in particular that the
Factory cannot be used or operated together with the totality of the
evidence adduced by the Plaintiffs, I find that Blue Seal had
committed breach of contract. Blue Seal had essentially failed to
construct the Factory in accordance with the 2nd LOA and namely
as stated in paragraph 141 above.
[161] The said breach had then caused A One Piling to suffer losses.
[162] Though there were multiple reliefs prayed for by A One Piling in
respect of its the breach of contract claim, I had only allowed those
which were the direct consequence of the breach and related to
the 2nd LOA.
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[163] It must be noted at this juncture that some of the reliefs were
withdrawn by the Plaintiffs such as the relief in prayers 83.10 and
83.13 of the Statement of Claim. The Plaintiffs also requested for
“appropriate general damages” to be granted by the Court in place
of prayers 83.7 and 83.11 of the Statement of Claim.
[164] A One Piling’s contractual claim which I had allowed were confined
to, inter alia, the following main reliefs in the Statement of Claim:
i) Prayer 83.2 as prayed for;
ii) Prayer 83.4 but only in respect of a declaration that there was
a breach of contract of the 2nd LOA by Blue Seal as the NSC
for the Project;
iii) Prayer 83.9 for the refund of RM98,000.00 that was overpaid;
iv) Prayer 83.11 for A One Piling to utilise the balance 5% of the
Contract Sum which it is holding, against the costs of rectifying
the Factory; and
v) Prayer 83.12 for special damages but reduced to the sum of
RM19,498,666.73 being the costs of rectifying the Factory;
[165] Therefore, the two main relief for liquidated sums in the Statement
of Claim which I allowed for breach of contract are:
i) Prayer 83.9 for the refund of RM98,000.00 that was overpaid;
ii) Prayer 83.12 for special damages of RM19,498,666.73 being
the costs of rectifying the Factory.
[166] I will begin with the overpayment claim of RM98,000.00 which is
specifically pleaded in the Statement of Claim.
[167] Based on the testimony of PW-5, after Blue Seal terminated the 2nd
LOA, PW-5, as the SO of the Project, was required to prepare the
final account in respect of the same. At that point of time, after
recalculation and inspection, it was discovered that the Project was
over certified and many of the works that were supposedly done
were not completed as claimed. In the circumstances, revised
progress payment certificates were prepared, i.e. Progress
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Payment Certificate No. 4A and Progress Payment Certificate No.
[168] In support of its claim, A One Piling had produced pictures of the
above incomplete works which were attached together with the
Progress Claim No. 5A (Bundle B1).
[169] It was submitted on behalf of the Plaintiffs, that the RM98,000.00
overpayment was calculated as follows:
“a) Progress Payment Certificate No. 4A: RM151,970.38 (add)
b) Progress Payment Certificate No. 5A: -RM1 39,280.54 (less)
c) Payment made by 2nd Plaintiff on 13.02.2019: RM110,945.64
Total: RM98,255.80”
[170] As the 1st to 5th Defendants’ arguments against the evidence in
respect of A One Piling’s claim for the overpayment of
RM98,000.00 and special damages of RM19,498,666.73 are
similar, I will deal with them together after addressing the said
special damages claim.
[171] Regarding A One Piling’s claim for special damages, the actual
amount prayed in prayer 83.12 of the Statement of Claim, being
the costs involved to rectify the Factory, was RM20,767,364.26.
The particulars of this special damages were pleaded in, inter alia,
paragraphs 56, 56.1 to 56.21.6 of the Statement of Claim.
[172] A One Piling pleaded in detail the work and costs involved to rectify
the Factory covering, inter alia, the work involved to the materials
required and the related costs.
[173] However, at the trial A One Piling was only able to prove special
damages amounting to RM19,498,666.73. This was based on,
inter alia, the testimonies of PW-5 and PW-6 as well as the
documentary evidence adduced in, inter alia, Bundles B4 and B5
which include a document entitled “Summary For Loss and
Damages (until 4/5/2022)” together with its supporting documents
involving numerous quotations issued by various contractors and
suppliers. The special damages of RM19,498,666.73 essentially
represents the costs of rectifying the Factory.
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[174] In addition to this, PW-2, as an expert witness, had also testified
on the what was needed to be done to rectify the Factory and to
put it in working condition.
[175] The 1st to 5th Defendants challenged the evidence adduced by A
One Piling in respect of the above overpayment and special
damages claim based on the following grounds:
i) All the documents which were brought to the Court’s attention
during post trial submissions are in Part B of the agreed bundle
and the contents are disputed.
ii) The Plaintiffs have presented their entire case without reading
out any documents during the trial. They merely asked the
Court to refer to certain pages in the agreed bundle and told
the Court that the documents at those pages supported their
case. No attempt was made to read out any document in
iii) By reason of issues (i) and (ii) above, the quotations were not
properly admitted in evidence and their contents proved.
iv) PW-2 is not a true expert in the area and his reports and
testimony ought to be disregarded.
[176] With regards to the issue at paragraph 175(i) above, it is not in
dispute and is the correct position of law that the documents placed
in Part B are disputed as to their contents and not their authenticity.
The two cases below make it clear as to how Part B documents are
to be treated:
i) Melawangi Sdn Bhd v. Lim Kian Hian [2017] MLRAU 376
where the Court of Appeal held as follows:
“[24] It is clear that Bundle B contains documents where the authenticity
of the same is not disputed but contents are. What that means is simply
this. There is no requirement to call any evidence to prove the
authenticity or existence of the document in question. However, if any
party wants to rely on the contents of that document, he or she must
call for the evidence, oral or otherwise, to prove the truth of the
same. Unless that is done, the trial Court cannot give any evidential value
to the contents of that document.”
(own emphasis added)
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ii) Tiow Weng Theong v Melawangi Sdn Bhd [2018] 6 MLRA
52 in which the Court of Appeal held as follows:
“[36] To answer that question it is necessary to consider O 34 r 2(2)(e). It
provides that documents where the authenticity is agreed but the
contents are in dispute, the documents are to be placed in Part B. This in
turn means that while the parties are in agreement that such a document
exists and is not a fabrication, the contents of the document remain in
dispute. So the relevant witness is to be present at trial to be cross-
examined on the contents only, of the document.”
(own emphasis added)
[177] Based on the above authorities, A One Piling will have to prove the
contents of the documents that were placed in Part B by calling for
the evidence, oral or otherwise (Melawangi (supra)) and where
oral testimony is given the relevant witness must be in Court to be
cross-examined by the Defendants (Tiow Weng Theong (supra)).
[178] In the present case A One Piling had tendered the Part B
documents and called the relevant witnesses to testify on those
documents. A One Piling’s witnesses were then offered to the
Defendants for cross-examination. Therefore, it is clear to me that
A One Piling has satisfied the above two requirements laid out in
Melawangi (supra) and Tiow Weng Theong (supra).
[179] The next issue (paragraph 175(ii) above) pertains to the 1st to 5th
Defendants’ argument that the said documents in Part B were only
referred to by the Plaintiffs’ witnesses but were not read out in
Court. Therefore, they do not form part of the evidence in the
present case.
[180] Whilst I agree that for A One Piling to prove the contents of the
documents in Part B, the said documents must be referred to
specifically by the relevant witness, however, I do not agree that
they (i.e. the contents of these documents) need to be specifically
read out in Court at the trial.
[181] In this regard, the Supreme Court in Jaafar bin Shaari & Anor
(suing as administrators of the estate of Shofiah bte Ahmad,
deceased) v. Tan Lip Eng & Anor [1997] 3 MLJ 693 had clearly
addressed this issue in, inter alia, the following passages:
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“Thirdly, such documents therein do not form automatically a part of the
evidence of the case in question ipso facto, but any of such documents does
become part of such evidence if it is read or referred to by either of the
parties, wholly or partly, at length or in a briefest of mention, either in
examination of any witness, in submission at any stage or even on any
unilateral drawing of court's attention to it by either of the parties at any
time before the conclusion of the case.
Fourthly, at the end of the whole case, the truth of the contents of any of the
document is up to the court to determine, regard being had, inter alia, to any
absence of challenge by either of the parties on any part of the document
and similarly, the question of weight, eg either great or no weight to be
given to any part of any document is also a matter for the trial court, which
considers the documents including any 'written hearsay' contained therein.
The court may refuse to give any weight at all to any document, but then it is
accountable like in other matters, to the parties and to the appellate court for
reasons for such refusal.”
(own emphasis added)
[182] Learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants had a different
interpretation of the first paragraph of the above passages quoted
from Jaafar bin Shaari (supra). He contends that the documents
placed in Part B must be read in Court as the terms, “referred to”
and “read” have different functions. With respect, I disagree. The
wording of the above passages from Jaafar bin Shaari (supra) is
clear. The word “or” in the passage “if it is read or referred to by
either of the parties” is disjunctive. I am of the considered view that
the party proving the contents of a Part B document may either
“read” the document or “refer” to it at the trial, either through the
witness’s statement or his oral testimony when he is examined.
[183] I am also of the considered view that when the witness “refers” to
a document placed in Part B, he only needs to identify the
document in his testimony either “wholly or partly, at length or in a
briefest of mention” (Jaafar bin Shaari (supra)).
[184] Thus, there is no necessity for the witness to read the document at
the trial as argued by learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants.
[185] Learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants also referred to the
case of Borneo Co. (M) Sdn. Bhd. v. Penang Port Commission
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[1975] 2 MLJ 204 to support his argument that Part B documents
must be read in Court and quoted the following passage from the
said case:
“Now Odgers on Pleading and Practice, 12th Edition, page 298 has this to say:
“If the correspondence is voluminous it will be necessary to have an agreed
bundle for the use of the judge, the paging of which should be identical with
that of the bundles for counsel on both sides. In default of special
agreement, only such letters in the bundle as are actually read at the trial
will be taken to be in evidence, and agreeing a bundle does not constitute
an admission that all letters contained in it are admissible in evidence.”
(own emphasis added)
[186] With respect, I find learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants’
reliance on the above passage from Borneo Co. (supra) misplaced
and taken out of context. Firstly, the use of an agreed bundle of
documents were perhaps not a common thing in those days (in
1975) and preparing an agreed bundle was something relatively
new. Secondly, it is clear from the words, “In default of special
agreement” in Odgers on Pleading and Practice, 12th Edition,
means that parties must agree on how the document is to be
treated or categorised. The compilation and placing of documents
in an “agreed bundle” in the context of the above passage is
understood to mean for convenience and easy reference at the
trial only. This is where the “special agreement” comes in on how
the documents in the said agreed bundle are to be treated. In this
day and age where the rules of civil procedure in Malaysia is now
governed by the Rules of Court 2012, agreed bundles are
categorised Parts A, B and C by agreement of parties well before
the trial. Therefore, it is not useful nor instructive to refer to the
above passage from Borneo Co. (supra).
[187] In the present case, A One Piling’s witnesses had referred to the
documents in Part B and in some instances had even given
explanation on them during their testimonies. As such the contents
of these Part B documents have been proven.
[188] On the issue of whether the maker of a Part B documents needs to
be called to testify, I find the Court of Appeal’s decision in Yeo Ing
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King v. Melawanqi Sdn Bhd [2016] 5 MLJ 631 to be instructive,
in which it was held as follows:
“[10] If there is a dispute as to contents and/or its truth, it has to be placed in
Bundle B. For example, in a case where the plaintiff is suing the defendant for
breach of facility granted by the bank and the amount of claim is in dispute,
the defendant can admit a bank statement to be placed in Bundle B and even
agree to dispense with the maker of the statement to give evidence, to save
costs and time and proceed to call his own witness such as a chartered
accountant to show that the sum claimed in the bank statement is erroneous.
In essence, placing a document in Bundle B does not mean that the maker
must be called but if the opposing party dispense with the calling of the
maker then that document must be marked as exhibit subject to proof of
the contents. In any event, the court may want to give some probative
force to that document taking into account a holistic view of the facts of
the case (see Recaliva Design Steel (M) Sdn Bhd v Vista Access Sdn Bhd [2008]
6 MLJ 604; [2008] 10 CLJ 491 and YB Dato’ Hj Husam bin Hj Musa v Mohd
Faisal bin Rohban Ahmad [2015] 3 MLJ 364; [2015] 1 CLJ 787). In addition, the
makers for Bundle B documents may be dispensed with, if the exception to the
hearsay rule provided under the Evidence Act becomes applicable (see the EA
1950 ss 32, 73A, 90A, etc). In such event, the relevant documents must be
marked as exhibits during trial.”
(own emphasis added)
[189] In the instant case, it was made clear to the parties well before the
trial during case managements that if the maker of the document
is required to be called by the opposing party then the document
should be placed in Part C as formal proof is required for the
documents to be admitted. Since parties have agreed for the
documents to be placed in Part B, it is not a must for the maker to
be called though it still falls upon the Court to determine the weight
that should to be placed on the said document.
[190] In connection with this, it was held in Melawangi (supra) as follows:
“[27] Our view can be said to be corroborated by the many directions given by
us when we were sitting as High Court Judges. Those directions were that
there would be three bundles to be used at trial, namely Bundles A, B and
C and documents therein must be agreed as what we have set out above.
That has been the accepted practise among the legal practitioners prior
to the Rules of Court 2012. This practice is in fact confirmed by counsel for
the Appellant at trial as evidenced in this interchange between the learned
Judge and counsel:
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YA : But the documents are in B?
DRV : Yes it's in B. The documents are there, But the veracity are still
subject to cross-examination.
YA : Subject for cross, yes. Yes.
DRV : So just because it's in B, it's not automatically like how it is in A.”
(own emphasis added)
[191] This then takes us to the issue of the cross-examination of the
witnesses and the documents.
[192] First and foremost, it is trite law that “it is essential that a party’s
case be expressly put to his opponent’s material witnesses when
they are under cross-examination.” (Aik Ming (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors
v. Chang Ching Chuen & Ors & Another Appeal [1995] 3 CLJ
[193] It was also held in Lau Tiong Ik Construction Sdn Bhd v Lau
Chung Ping & Anor (2015) MLRHU 1371 as follows:
“[40] From what PW1 had stated above, the cash flow statement for FYE 1998
showed that there was no cash inflow of RM1,631, 200.00 which would have
been the proceeds from the sale of the shares to the 1st defendant. The cash
and bank balances in the said cash flow statement also did not increase by a
proportionate amount of RM1,600,000.00. He said that this meant that there
was no payment made by the 1st defendant and no payment received by the
plaintiff. It is noteworthy that although deemed critical to the 1st defendant's
case, PW1 was never cross- examined on this aspect of his evidence. This was
to the detriment of the 1st defendant because it is a well settled rule of
essential justice that wherever an opponent had declined to avail himself of
the opportunity to put his essential and material case in cross-examination, it
must follow that he believed that the testimony given could not be disputed
at all (see AEG Carapiet v. AYDerderian AIR 1961 Cal 359 at 362 applying
Browne v Dunn (1893) 6 R 67). In Ayoromi Helen v. PP [2004] 2 MLRA 322;
[2005] 1 MLJ 699; [2005] 1 CLJ 1; [2005] 1 AMR 405 the Court of Appeal held
that the failure to cross-examine a witness on a crucial part of the case
will amount to an acceptance of the witness' testimony.”
(own emphasis added)
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[194] Whilst the 1st to 5th Defendants makes an issue of the manner in
which the Part B documents were tendered by A One Piling,
however, they themselves have failed to cross-examine A One
Piling’s witnesses on these documents either entirely or specifically
on material issues.
[195] Learned counsel for the Defendants’ cross-examination of A One
Piling’s witnesses were somewhat cursory and there was no
specific reference to the documents which they now seek to
challenge despite the fact that the said documents (mainly in Part
B) were referred to by A One Piling’s witnesses at the trial.
[196] PW-6 in particular was not cross-examined at all by the
Defendants’ counsel.
[197] As far as A One Piling is concerned it has discharged its evidential
burden to prove its case and in this regard the contents of the Part
B documents. Hence the burden shifts to Blue Seal (Keruntum
[198] A One Piling has adduced evidence to prove its overpayment claim
of RM98,000.00 as well the special damages claim but only up to
the sum of RM19,498,666.73. The details of these claims were
specifically pleaded and both oral and documentary evidence
adduced at the trial to support them.
[199] Therefore, in respect of the issue in paragraph 175(iii) above, the
quotations were properly admitted. The special damages were
specifically pleaded and particularised and proved by documentary
evidence (Rohgetana Mayathevan v Dr Navin Kumar & Ors and
Other Appeals [2017] 3 MLRA 53 at paragraph 16). Further the
quotations can be used to prove loss or damages suffered (Chong
Nge Wei & Ors v Kemajuan Masteron Sdn Bhd [2022] 3 MLJ
[200] As far as the issue in paragraph 175(iv) is concerned, I reiterate
my grounds in paragraphs 147 to 152 and 159 above. PW-2
testified that he had the expertise in the relevant area and the
cross-examination of PW-2 by the Defendants were without any
basis when in fact the Defendants did not adduce any contrary
expert report or testimony to challenge PW-2’s expertise in the
area. In any event I did not find the expert evidence of PW-2 to be
obviously lacking in defensibility (Majuikan (supra)). PW-2 is well
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qualified and has vast experience in the area. He had backed his
reports and opinion with scientific facts and supporting data.
[201] As I find that the evidence adduced by A One Piling satisfactory
and reliable (Mohd Nor Afandi (supra); Yui Chin Song (supra)),
it is therefore the Court’s duty to accept the evidence as true in the
absence of any evidence from the Blue Seal to the contrary
(Takako (supra)).
[202] Blue Seal has also failed to provide any reason why it did not care
to give evidence and therefore it is justified for the Court to draw
adverse inference against Blue Seal (Takako (supra)).
[203] In this situation, Blue Seal’s defence cannot be taken into account
or considered (Leolaris (supra); Takako (supra)).
[204] I find that the loss and damages were in fact suffered by A One
Piling arising from Blue Seal’s breach of the 2nd LOA (Datuk Mohd
Ali Hj Abdul Majid & Anor v. Public Bank Bhd [2014] 4 MLRA
397) and this entitles A One Piling to the RM98,000.00
overpayment claim and the RM19,498,666.73 special damages
claim which it has proven (Rohgetana Mayathevan (supra)).
[205] I must emphasise that notwithstanding the evidence adduced by A
One Piling to prove the losses and damages it suffered, it bears
repeating that Blue Seal had admitted in no unclear terms that:
“The cGMP Processing Plant cannot be used or operated as cGMP Processing
Plant as the PU panels supplied and installed by the 1st Defendant are not
class ‘O’ certified panels.”
(own emphasis added)
[206] Hence, it is only reasonable for A One Piling to be compensated
for having to rectify the Factory which was not able to be used as
a refrigerated storage facility for several years since Blue Seal
terminated the 2nd LOA.
[207] For brevity, only A One Piling’s claim against Blue Seal for breach
of contract, as the contracting parties under the 2nd LOA, is allowed.
The 2nd to 6th Defendants are not privy to this contractual claim and
therefore they cannot be made liable.
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[208] The Plaintiffs had prayed for a multitude of reliefs which include:
i) General damages for breach of contract and/or fiduciary
duties and/or negligence;
ii) General damages for loss of reputation, business, income and
business opportunity;
iii) General damages for deceit and fraudulent misrepresentation;
iv) General damages for mental anguish, health issues and
[209] As I had stated earlier the Plaintiffs’ claim against the Defendants
for Deceit, Fraudulent Misrepresentation, Negligence and Breach
of Fiduciary Duties are without merits and this has been dealt with
earlier in this Judgment. Therefore, all the Plaintiffs’ claims and
the reliefs connected to these causes of action are dismissed.
[210] In so far as the general damages sought in relation to breach of
contract is concerned, A One Piling’s special damages claim has
covered these losses or damages and therefore A One Piling
cannot be allowed the same claim twice or given a “second bite of
the cherry” (Tekun Nasional v. Plenitude Drive (M) Sdn Bhd and
another appeal [2021] 6 MLJ 619 (FC)).
[211] In any event, the reliefs which were not allowed were all unproven
and no evidence were even adduced to prove that the losses were
[212] It does not assist the Plaintiffs’ case by claiming a multitude of
reliefs when they are not able to back those claims with actual
evidence. It is also of utmost importance for the Plaintiffs to have
first established the nexus between their claims and the reliefs
sought before making those claims.
[213] Save and except for A One Piling’s claim against Blue Seal for
breach of contract, the other claims are devoid of merit.
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[214] In the present case, as a result of a large number of the Plaintiffs’
claims being dismissed, costs for those dismissed claims were
then awarded in favour of the Defendants.
[215] Earlier in this Judgment, I had discussed the Plaintiffs’ claims
against all the Defendants including the 6th Defendant concerning
Deceit, Fraudulent Misrepresentation, Negligence, Breach of
Fiduciary Duties and Breach of Contract. However, I consider it
necessary to specifically address the Plaintiffs’ claim against the
6th Defendant.
[216] Firstly, the 6th Defendant is an employee of Blue Seal. He carries
out his duties in accordance with the instructions given to him by
Blue Seal and this would also be in line with his employment
contract with Blue Seal. Blue Seal is the NSC of the Project and
not the 6th Defendant. In the Statement of Claim, the Plaintiffs
continuously ties the alleged wrongdoings of the 2nd to 6th
Defendants with Blue Seal as the NSC of the Project. There is no
direct nexus between the Plaintiffs’ claim and the 6th Defendant.
[217] Secondly, there is nothing for the 6th Defendant to gain by
committing Deceit and Fraudulent Misrepresentation unless he
was conspiring with the other Defendants and this is what the
Plaintiffs have alleged against him.
[218] There is no evidence of conspiracy between the 6th Defendant and
the other Defendants to commit Deceit and Fraudulent
Misrepresentation against the Plaintiffs. There is no evidence of
the 6th Defendant committing Deceit and Fraudulent
Misrepresentation on his own either.
[219] Thirdly, the 6th Defendant owes a duty to Blue Seal, not the
Plaintiffs. If during the course of his employment the 6th Defendant
commits an error in his work or is negligent in the execution of his
duties related to the Project, Blue Seal would assume liability.
[220] Hence there was no real reason or justification for the 6th Defendant
to have been made a party to this action and as such I awarded a
higher sum of costs in favour of the 6th Defendant.
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Suit 518
[221] Truepro’s Counterclaim against Blue Seal in Suit 518 is almost
identical to the Plaintiffs’ claim against the Defendants in Suit 17,
with the sole distinction being that Truepro is only seeking
damages and not pursuing any declaratory reliefs.
[222] Truepro is not a party to the contract between Blue Seal and the
Plaintiffs in Suit 17. Truepro has no contract with Blue Seal.
Truepro is merely the Consultant and Superintending Officer
appointed by Tech Food for the Project.
[223] Truepro has not provided justification or cause of action for its
Counterclaim against Blue Seal.
[224] On this ground alone Truepro’s Counterclaim can be dismissed.
[225] Nevertheless, for completeness, I have still examined the evidence
given by PW-5 who testified for Truepro. PW-5 is a director of
[226] When PW-5 was asked to provide the basis for Truepro’s
Counterclaim against Blue Seal, this was the answer he gave:
“KS Ok. Can you explain to the Court the basis of your claim against Blue
Seal? What is it, based on what, I mean the, based on the contract or
whatever it is, can you please explain?
SOO Yang Arif, ok. If we recall back, under this 518, ok? Blue Seal put A
One and Truepro as a Defendant. If you say, we don't have the
contract, and then, I cannot claim them, why they can sue me? Put
in me as a Defendant? Ok? So, the, my, this is my counterclaim in the
suit 518, ok, page 2. Ok? Under item (a)(i), 73.11, we are put there,
“Special damage for the sum of RM250,000 incurred for the
additional consultation and the administration, administrative costs
for the project”. Ok? Because of the Blue Seal breach of contract,
all the cGMP plant need to demolish and rebuild. Ok? Are you
[227] The following can be deduced from PW-5’s above testimony:
i) PW-5 does not seem to know the reason for Truepro’s
Counterclaim against Blue Seal;
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ii) It would appear the Counterclaim was because Truepro was
made a party, 2nd Defendant in the main suit (Suit 518).
iii) Truepro incurred additional costs which is it now claiming
because of the breach of contract by Blue Seal in failing to
construct the Factory properly.
[228] There is no contractual or causal link between the special damages
claimed by Truepro and Blue Seal.
[229] If Truepro’s claim is a contractual claim then its nexus is with Tech
[230] Truepro presented evidence through PW-5, whom, during his
testimony, failed to provide any justification for his claim against
Blue Seal, except for requesting specific damages totalling
RM250,000.00 and RM169,840.02, along with general damages to
be determined by the Court. PW-5 submitted these figures without
offering any explanation as to how they are derived.
[231] It is important to note that Truepro’s Counterclaim only arose after
Suit 518 was filed by Blue Seal.
[232] Truepro’s pleaded claim is for special damages in the sum of
RM10,207,614.00 but at the trial Truepro’s had limited its claim
against Blue Seal to RM250,000.00 and RM169,840.02. No
explanation was given nor any evidence tendered as to how any of
these amounts were derived or why Truepro’s pleaded claim was
about RM9.7 million higher.
[233] As far as Truepro’s Counterclaim is concerned, it has not proven
its case. Therefore, there is no case for Blue Seal to answer as
the evidence led for Truepro is so unsatisfactory or unreliable that
the burden of proof has not been discharged (Mohd Nor Afandi
(supra); Yui Chin Song (supra)).
[234] For the reasons stated above, in respect of Suit 17, I allowed A
One Piling’s claim against Blue Seal for breach of contract only and
essentially the following relief with some changes:
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i) Prayers 83.2, 83.4, 83.9, 83.11, 83.12 for the sum of
RM19,498,666.73 and 83.19;
ii) Costs of RM90,000.00 to be paid by Blue Seal to A One Piling
in respect of A One Piling’s claim which was allowed;
iii) Costs of RM40,000.00 to be paid by the Plaintiffs to the 1st to
5th Defendant in respect of the part of the Plaintiffs’ claim which
was dismissed;
iv) Costs of RM30,000.00 to be paid by the Plaintiffs to the 6th
[235] In relation to Suit 518, I dismissed Truepro’s Counterclaim against
Blue Seal with costs of RM10,000.00 to be paid by Truepro to Blue
Dated this 19th day of January, 2024
High Court of Malaya,
Kuala Lumpur
(Commercial Division (NCC 3))
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Dato’ Jasbeer Singh (Nur Hakimah Mohamad and Rachel Varghese
together with him)
Messrs Jasbeer, Nur & Lee
No. 6-2nd Floor, Block C, Wisma RKT
Jalan Raja Abdullah
off Jalan Sultan Ismail
50300 Kuala Lumpur
Tel.: 03-2694 8908
Email: [email protected]
K. Sureindhren (Lee Yoke Chew together with him)
Messrs Lee Y C & Co.
No. 9, 2nd Floor, Jalan SS15/4G
47500 Subang Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel.: 03-5631 6861
Email: [email protected]
Dato’ Lee Chan Leong
Messrs Chan Leong & Co
No. 3-4B, Jalan Anggerik Vanilla N 31/N,
Kota Kemuning, Seksyen 31,
40460 Shah Alam
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel.: 03-5124 9863
Email: [email protected]
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Evidence Act 1950
▪ Section 114 illustration (g)
Contracts Act 1950
▪ Section 17
▪ Section 18
▪ Section 19
1. Abdul Razak bin Datuk Abu Samah v. Shah Alam Properties Sdn Bhd
and another appeal [1999] 2 MLJ 500
2. Aik Ming (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors v. Chang Ching Chuen & Ors & Another
Appeal [1995] 3 CLJ 639
3. Bukit Baru Villas Sdn Bhd v. Yeoh Teen Earn & Ors [2017] MLJU
4. Borneo Co. (M) Sdn. Bhd. v. Penang Port Commission [1975] 2 MLJ
5. CIMB Bank Bhd v. Veeran Ayasamy (Wakil Diri Kepada Letchimi
Muthusamy, Si Mati) [2015] 7 CLJ 289
6. Credit Guarantee Corp Malaysia Bhd v. SSN Medical Products Sdn
Bhd [2017] 2 MLJ 629
7. Chong Nge Wei & Ors v Kemajuan Masteron Sdn Bhd [2022] 3 MLJ
8. Datuk Mohd Ali Hj Abdul Majid & Anor v. Public Bank Bhd [2014] 4
MLRA 397
9. Giga Engineering & Construction Sdn Bhd v. Yip Chee Seng & Sons
Sdn Bhd & Anor [2015] 6 MLJ 449
10. Gimstern Corporation (M) Sdn. Bhd. & Anor. v. Global Insurance Co.
Sdn. Bhd. [1987] 1 MLJ 302
11. Integrated Training and Services Sdn Bhd v. Kerajaan Malaysia & Ors
[2022] 3 MLJ 77
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12. Jaafar bin Shaari & Anor (suing as administrators of the estate of
Shofiah bte Ahmad, deceased) v. Tan Lip Eng & Anor [1997] 3 MLJ
13. Keruntum Sdn Bhd v. The Director of Forests & Ors [2017] 3 MLJ 281
14. Kheng Chwee Lian v. Wong Tak Thong [1983] 2 MLJ 320
15. Leolaris (M) Sdn Bhd v. Bumiputra Commerce Bank Bhd [2009] 10
CLJ 234
16. Lam Kam Loy & Anor v. Boltex Sdn Bhd & Ors [2005] 3 CLJ 355
17. Lau Tiong Ik Construction Sdn Bhd v Lau Chung Ping & Anor (2015)
MLRHU 1371
18. Mohd Nor Afandi bin Mohamed Junus v. Rahman Shah Along Ibrahim
& Anor [2008] 3 MLJ 81
19. Majuikan Sdn Bhd v. Barclays Bank Plc [2015] 1 MLJ 171
20. Melawangi Sdn Bhd v. Lim Kian Hian [2017] MLRAU 376
21. PB Malaysia Sdn Bhd v. Samudra (M) Sdn Bhd [2008] 6 MLRH 841
22. Renault SA v. Inokom Corp Sdn Bhd & Anor [2010] 5 MLJ 394
23. Rohgetana Mayathevan v Dr Navin Kumar & Ors and Other Appeals
[2017] 3 MLRA 53
24. Syarikat Kemajuan Timbermine Sdn Bhd v. Kerajaan Neqeri Kelantan
Darul Naim [2015] 3 MLJ 609
25. Seqar Oil Palm Estate Sdn Bhd v. Tay Tho Bok & Anor [1997] 3 MLJ
26. Sim Thong Realty Sdn Bhd v. Teh Kim Dar @ Tee Kim [2003] 3 MLJ
27. Solid Investments Ltd v. Alcatel-Lucent (M) Sdn Bhd (previously
known as Alcatel Network Systems (M) Sdn Bhd) [2014] 3 MLJ 784
28. Syed Abu Bakar bin Ahmad v. Public Prosecutor [1983] 1 MLRA 318
29. Takako Sakao v. Ng Pek Yuen & Anor [2009] 3 MLRA 74
30. Tai Hing Cotton Mill Ltd v. Liu Chong Hing Bank Ltd [1986] AC 80
31. Tiow Weng Theong v Melawangi Sdn Bhd [2018] 6 MLRA 52
32. Tekun Nasional v. Plenitude Drive (M) Sdn Bhd and another appeal
[2021] 6 MLJ 619
33. Victor Cham & Anor v. Loh Bee Tuan [2006] 5 MLJ 359
34. Yui Chin Song & Qrs v. Lee Ming Chai & Ors [2019] 6 MLJ 417
35. Yeo Ing King v. Melawanqi Sdn Bhd [2016] 5 MLJ 631
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| 138,894 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-22NCC-17-01/2021 | PLAINTIF 1. ) TECH FOOD INGREDIENTS SDN BHD 2. ) A ONE PILING SDN BHD DEFENDAN 1. ) BLUE SEAL (M) SDN BHD 2. ) LYE SAM YUT 3. ) CHEAH CHEE MENG 4. ) CHIA HEONG LIN 5. ) ONG KIM HAI 6. ) PANG KIM WAH | Breach Of Contract-Negligence-Misleading -Inducement, Fraudulent Misrepresentation And Deceit-Lifting Of The Corporate Veil- Breach Of Fiduciary Duty-Evidence Of Breach Of Contract- Damage And Quantum . | 24/01/2024 | YA Tuan Wan Muhammad Amin Bin Wan Yahya | |
GUAMAN SIVIL NO: WA-22NCC-17-01/2021
(No. Syarikat: 689104-H)
(No. Syarikat: 1194561-X) … PLAINTIF-PLAINTIF
(No. Syarikat: 682694-V)
(No. K/P: 760423-06-5183)
(No. K/P: 650823-06-5361)
(No. K/P: 760620-14-5100)
(No. K/P: 670124-09-5025)
(No. K/P: 680802-05-5225) … DEFENDAN-DEFENDAN
(Didengar Secara Bersama Dengan)
24/01/2024 15:17:57
WA-22NCC-17-01/2021 Kand. 470
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GUAMAN SIVIL NO: WA-22NCC-518-11/2021
(No. Pendaftaran : 200501005647 (682694-V)) … PLAINTIF
(No. Pendaftaran: 201601023622 (1194561-X)
(No. Pendaftaran : 201001026168 (910087-X)
(Post Trial)
[1] This was primarily a case involving a contract to construct a cGMP
(Current Good Manufacturing Practice) Processing Plant
(“Factory”) in Klang between the 1st Plaintiff/2nd Plaintiff (“Tech
Food” / “A One Piling”) and the 1st Defendant (“Blue Seal”).
[2] The Factory was intended to be a refrigerated storage facility which
includes cold rooms, freezer rooms and food processing rooms.
[3] Tech Food and A One Piling’s claim was essentially that the
Factory which was constructed by Blue Seal was not done in
accordance with the contract, contained various defects in terms of
the material used and workmanship and that the construction was
not completed.
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[4] This case took some time to dispose given multiple interlocutory
applications filed by parties.
[5] As this case involves two cases and several parties, the cases and
the respective parties will be referred to as follows:
i) Main suit (WA-22NCC-17-01/2021) - “Suit 17”;
ii) Second suit (WA-22NCC-518-11/2021) - “Suit 518”;
iii) 1st Plaintiff (in Suit 17) - “Tech Food”;
iv) 2nd Plaintiff (in Suit 17) and 2nd Defendant (in Suit 518) - “A
One Piling”;
v) 1st and 2nd Plaintiffs (in Suit 17) – collectively as “Plaintiffs”;
vi) 1st Defendant (in Suit 17) and Plaintiff (in Suit 518) - “Blue
Seal” or “1st Defendant”;
vii) 2nd to 6th Defendants (in Suit 17”) - “2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th
Defendants”. The 2nd to 5th Defendants are directors of Blue
Seal while the 6th Defendant is the Project Coordinator of the
Project employed by Blue Seal;
viii) The 1st to 6th Defendants (in Suit 17) – collectively referred to
as “the Defendants”.
ix) Truepro Consult Sdn Bhd (in Suit 518) - “Truepro”. Truepro
is the Consultant and Superintending Officer (“SO”) appointed
by Tech Food for the Project.
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[6] By Order dated 20.10.2021 Suit 518 was transferred from the
Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court to this Court to be heard together
with the main suit, Suit 17.
[7] Suit 518 contained a Counterclaim by the Defendants therein, A
One Piling and Truepro.
[8] On 20.6.2022, the following transpired in respect of Suit 518:
i) Blue Seal withdrew its entire claim against both the
Defendants, A One Piling and Truepro. Blue Seal’s main claim
was then struck out with costs of RM40,000.00 in favour of A
One Piling and Truepro;
ii) A One Piling withdrew its entire Counterclaim against Blue
Seal. A One Piling’s Counterclaim was then struck out with
costs of RM40,000.00 in favour of Blue Seal; and
iii) Truepro withdrew part of its Counterclaim against Blue Seal
and only the reliefs in paragraphs 73.11, 73.14, 73.17 and
73.20 of the Amended Defence and Amended Counterclaim
remained, they are mainly:
a) Special damages of RM10,207,614;
b) General damages to be assessed for loss of income and
business opportunity
[9] Given this turn of events what remained in respect of this case is:
i) For Suit 17: Tech Food and A One Piling’s claim against the
Defendants; and
ii) For Suit 518: The remainder of Truepro’s Counterclaim
against Blue Seal.
[10] At the trial of this action and at the end of the Tech Food and A
One Piling’s case, Blue Seal together with the 2nd to 5th Defendants
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and the 6th Defendant submitted “no case to answer” and no
evidence was led by any of their respective witnesses listed in the
1st to 5th and 6th Defendants’ list of witnesses.
[11] By way of a Letter of Award dated 6.5.2019 (“1st LOA”) Tech Food
appointed Blue Seal as its Nominated Sub-Contractor (“NSC”) in
respect of a project known as “Cadangan Membina Sebuah Kilang
Di atas Lot 158490 (HSD 135860), Jalan Sungai Pinang 4/10,
Kawasan Perindustrian Pulau Indah, Mukim Klang, Daerah Klang,
Selangor Darul Ehsan Untuk Tetuan Tech Food Ingredients Sdn
Bhd” for the construction and completion of a factory (“Project”) or
otherwise known as a cGMP Processing Plant (“Factory”) subject
to the terms and conditions of the 1st LOA and Blue Seal’s quotation
dated 26.4.2019 (“Quotation”).
[12] Tech Food is known as the “Owner/Employer” of the Project whilst
the A One Piling is appointed as the Main Contractor of the Project
by Tech Food and a contract was entered between Tech Food and
A One Piling to that effect.
[13] By a letter dated 19.7.2019 entitled “Supersede Letter of Award”
(“Supersede Letter of Award”) Tech Food wrote to Blue Seal,
inter alia, as follows:
“Refer to the above matter and Letter of Award from Tech Food Ingredients
Sdn. Bhd. to Blue Seal (M) Sdn. Bhd. on 6th May 2019.
We are writing to you to supersede the letter of award. All NSC letter of award
shall be issue by the Main Contractor.
However, your payment terms shall be paid by us. Kindly submit your
payment schedule. You are required to write to us within 48 hours if you do not
accept the supersede of this letter.”
(own emphasis added)
[14] By letter dated 23.8.2019 (“Acceptance Letter”) Blue Seal
accepted the terms of the Supersede Letter of Award, inter alia, as
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“Refer to the above matter and letter in relation to supersede Letter of Award
from Tech Food Ingredients Sdn, Bhd. to Blue Seal (M) Sdn. Bhd. on 19th July
We are writing to you and are pleased to accept the supersede Letter of Award.
Enclosed the duly signed Letter of Award issued by A One Piling Sdn. Bhd.
to Blue Seal (M) Sdn Bhd on 6th May 2019.
Payment terms shall be paid by Tech Food Ingredients Sdn. Bhd. directly to
Blue Seal (M) Sdn Bhd, the Nominated Subcontractor.”
(own emphasis added)
[15] Another Letter of Award also dated 6.5.2019 was then issued, this
time by A One Piling to Blue Seal (“2nd LOA”).
[16] Under the 2nd LOA the quotations in the Project have to be
approved by Tech Food instead of A One Piling.
[17] Tech Food and A One Piling claim that both the 1st and 2nd LOA
are effective and enforceable while the 1st to 5th Defendants take
the position that the 1st LOA has been terminated and no longer
[18] The 1st to 5th Defendants claim that pursuant to the 2nd LOA, the
only contract is now between the A One Piling and Blue Seal.
[19] Tech Food, A One Piling and the 1st to 5th Defendants agree that
the Project is subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated in
the 1st LOA, 2nd LOA and Quotation (collectively referred to as “the
[20] Pursuant to the 2nd LOA the date of “Site Possession and
Commencement of Works” shall be 20.5.2019 and the “Date of
Completion” shall be 30.9.2019.
[21] On 17.5.2019 Tech Food paid 10% as down payment in the sum
of RM342.500.00 directly to Blue Seal.
[22] Blue Seal commenced work to construct the Factory and between
20.8.2019 to 20.12.2019 Blue Seal submitted progress claims
(Progress Claims Nos. 1 to 5) to Truepro and/or Blue Seal.
Payments were made towards these Progress Claims until around
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[23] On 24.2.2020 Truepro issued a list of defects and “Make Good 2”
[24] However, problems occurred from around 5.3.2020 when the
director of Tech Food, Narendranath a/l T.V. Ramana (“PW-1”),
raised a complaint against Blue Seal’s supervisor that he was
playing games in the car and the employees are without PPE
(personal protective equipment) attire while working at the site of
the Project.
[25] Thereafter, several joint physical and visual inspections of the
Factory was conducted as follows:
i) 9.3.2020 in the presence of Tech Food and A One Piling’s
representatives together with the 2nd and 3rd Defendants;
ii) 11.3.2020 in the presence of Tech Food and A One Piling’s
representatives together with the 2nd and 3rd Defendants;
iii) 12.3.2020 in the presence of Tech Food and A One Piling’s
representatives together with the 2nd, 4th and 5th Defendants.
iv) On all the above 3 joint inspections, it was observed by the
Defendants who attended that there were bubbles/blisters on
the PU panels that were installed in the Factory.
[26] Between 11.3.2020 to 12.3.2020, PW-1 raised issues regarding
the Factory and specifically in respect of:
i) the PU panels which had blisters/bubbles in them; and
ii) that it was subsequently discovered that the PU panels that
were installed were not certified Class “O” by the Jabatan
Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia (“Bomba”).
[27] There were several correspondences in the form of emails
pertaining to the issue of repair, rectification and/or replacement of
the said PU panels primarily between Tech Food and Blue Seal.
[28] The dispute between parties culminated in a notice terminating the
contract by Blue Seal. Some of the material correspondences
between the parties between 12.3.2020 to 18.3.2020 are stated
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[29] By letter dated 12.3.2020 A One Piling informed the 1st Defendant,
inter alia, as follows:
“We refer to the above mentioned reference & project. From today onwards not
allow to enter project site until further notice.”
[30] By its solicitors’ letter dated 15.3.2020 (“Blue Seal’s Termination
Letter”), Blue Seal informed A One Piling, inter alia, as follows:
“c) the said Letter informing that our client was barred from entering the
project site is wrong in law and in fact and in breach of the Contract;
d) your actions as aforesaid clearly evince an intention on your part not to
be bound by the terms of the Contract which amounts to a repudiatory
breach of the Contract and which reputation our client accepts and the
Contract is hereby terminated.”
(own emphasis added)
[31] The Plaintiffs’ solicitors then responded to Blue Seal’s Termination
Letter vide their letter dated 18.3.2020, inter alia, as follows:
“Thus, it is your client that has breached the terms of the contract by supplying
and installing defective PU Panels which in fact your client has acknowledged
and/or admitted in their e-mails transmitted on 11.3.2020 at 11.29 a.m. and
10.16 p.m. Your client’s attempt now to state otherwise and/or reasons for
saying so is not contemporaneous with the documents and their conduct at the
material time. As you are aware, our client’s rights are protected under the Sale
of Goods Act 1957 in regards to your client’s warranty and representation that
the goods namely the PU Panels are merchantable and fit for the purpose it was
purchased and intended for.
Our client has instructed us to inform you that they are accepting your client’s
unlawful repudiation of the contract and will commence proceedings to recover
the full contract sum and consequential losses which will include appointment
of a third party contractor to rectify the defective PU Panels unless your client
do take immediate steps to address and rectify the defective PU Panels
supplied by your client.”
[32] Blue Seal did not return to the Project site to do any further work or
rectification work and the work on the Factory ceased.
[33] By 17.5.2020 Tech Food had paid Blue Seal a total sum of
RM3,093,854.38. The total contract sum under the 2nd LOA was
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[34] Suit 518 was subsequently filed on 25.6.2020 and Truepro’s (and
A One Piling) Counterclaim against Blue Seal was filed on
[35] Suit 17 was filed on 1.7.2020.
[36] Below are the reasons for my decision in respect of the Plaintiffs’
claim against the Defendants in respect of Suit 17. Truepro’s
Counterclaim against Blue Seal in Suit 518 will be dealt with
separately in this Judgment.
[37] The Plaintiffs’ claim against the Defendants arises primarily from
the allegation that the Defendants had failed to construct the
Factory in accordance with the terms of the Contract. The Plaintiffs
further claim that there were several defects in the 1st Defendant’s
[38] The Plaintiffs’ claim against the Defendants are based on the
following causes of action:
i) Breach of contract (against Blue Seal only);
ii) Negligence;
iii) Misleading and fraudulent misrepresentation (“Fraudulent
iv) Deceit; and
v) Inducing the Plaintiff to enter into the LOAs knowing that they
were not going to fulfil their contractual obligations and that
their representations to the Plaintiffs are not true.
[39] The reliefs sought by the Plaintiffs against all the Defendants,
jointly and severally are, inter alia, as follows:
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“83.1. A declaration that the corporate veil of the 1st Defendant be lifted by
reason of deceit and fraudulent misrepresentation committed by the
1st to 5th Defendants and this action may be brought personally against
its directors namely the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Defendants herein;
83.2. A declaration that the entire cGMP Processing Plant that the 1st
Defendant had supplied, manufactured, designed, built and installed in
the Project is defective, unmerchantable and unfit for the 1st
Plaintiff’s use, needs and purpose of business;
83.3. A declaration that the Defendants had committed deceit and/or
fraudulent misrepresentation as the NSC for the cGMP Processing
Plant in the Project;
83.4. A declaration that the Defendants had committed breach of contract
of the 1st Loa and 2nd LOA as the NSC for the cGMP Processing Plant
in the Project;
83.5. A declaration that the 1st to 5th Defendants had committed breach of
fiduciary duties as the NSC for the cGMP Processing Plant in the
83.6. A declaration that the Defendants were negligent in carrying out its
and/or his duties as the NSC for the cGMP Processing Plant in the
83.7. An order compelling the Defendants to forward to the Plaintiffs within
three (3) days from the date of this order all relevant forms and/or
documents that have to be submitted to local authorities and agencies
such as Forms C1 and C2 and other similar forms and documents
required for the purpose of obtaining CCC;
83.8. An order compelling the Defendants to hand over the keys to all doors
in the premises of the Project that had been installed by the 1st
Defendant to the 2nd Plaintiff within three (3) days from the date of this
order or alternatively special damages of RM40,000.00 being costs of
replacing all the keys;
83.9. An order compelling the Defendants to return to the 2nd Plaintiff within
three (3) days from the date of this order, the overpaid progress claim
monies of RM98,255.80 that was over certified;
83.10. Alternatively, an order that the Plaintiffs is entitled to trace and recover
the overpaid progress claim monies of RM98,255.80 from any fund
and/or asset of the Defendants which the said monies have contributed
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83.11. An order allowing the 2nd Plaintiff to retain and utilise the balance 5%
of the contract sums as part payment of the refurbishment costs of the
83.12. Special damages of RM20,767,364.26 being the rectification costs of
the factory as stated in Paragraphs 55 to 56.21.6 above;
83.13. Special damages of RM264,000.00 being cost for the loss of warranty
on machines due to dismantle and reinstallation of machine and
83.14. General damages to be assessed by this Honourable Court against the
Defendants for breach of contract and/or breach of fiduciary duties
and/or responsibilities and/or negligent;
83.15. General damages to be assessed by this Honourable Court for the
Plaintiffs’ loss of reputation and business confidence as pleaded at
Paragraphs 57 to 57.4 above;
83.16. General damages against the Defendants to be assessed by this
Honourable Court for the Plaintiffs’ loss of income and business
opportunity as pleaded at Paragraphs 58 to 58.3 above;
83.17. Aggravated damages to be assessed by this Honourable Court against
the Defendants for the deceit and fraudulent misrepresentation
committed against the Plaintiffs;
83.18. Damages against the Defendants to be assessed by this Honourable
Court for the mental anguish, health issues and embarrassment
caused to the Plaintiffs as pleaded at Paragraphs 59 to 60 above;”
(own emphasis added)
[40] As can be seen above the reliefs sought by Tech Food and A One
Piling are very wide and convoluted, whereas the “actual” claim
itself (primarily premised on breach of contract) is, with respect,
quite straight forward. The long windedness of Tech Food and A
One Piling’s pleaded claim did not assist their case and made in
unnecessarily complicated. I will address this in more detail in the
course of this Judgment.
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[41] Blue Seal made, inter alia, the following admission (paragraphs 8,
9 and 12 of the “Statement of Agreed Fact (between Plaintiffs and
1st to 5th Defendants” (Bundle D (Enclosure 294)).
Paragraph 8
“By the Contract, the 1st Defendant was to supply and install PU panels that are
not defective and are fit for purpose and are merchantable quality and are fire
retardant and certified class “O” by Jabatan Bomba Dan Penyelamat Malaysia.
Paragraph 9
“The 1st Defendant admits liability that the PU panels supplied to the
Plaintiffs and installed at the 1st Plaintiff's CGMP Plant by the 1st Defendant
are not certified class ‘O’ and that is the Breach of Contract.”
Paragraph 12
“The cGMP Processing Plant cannot be used or operated as cGMP Processing
Plant as the PU panels supplied and installed by the 1st Defendant are not class
‘O’ certified panels.”
(own emphasis added)
[42] It must be highlighted that this admission was made on 23.5.2022,
about a month before the commencement of the trial.
[43] Given Blue Seal’s above admission, the 1st to 5th Defendants’
defence is essentially:
i) Notwithstanding the admission of the 1st Defendant above, the
Plaintiffs are not entitled to damages for the various causes of
action set out in the Re-Amended Statement of Claim
(“Statement of Claim”) as they have asked for one lump sum
of RM20,767,364.26 at paragraph 83.12 without setting out
the amount of damages claimed for each cause of action.
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ii) Given that there are different elements to be proved for each
cause of action including damages, this then makes the claim
for a lump sum wrong in law.
iii) The 2nd to 5th Defendants are not parties to the contract and
are only named as defendants based upon allegations of
iv) Even if fraud is proven on a balance of probabilities, the
Plaintiffs cannot rely on fraud as a basis for damages as they
have not rescinded the contract (which it is alleged they were
induced to enter into). In fact, they have affirmed the contract
and asked for a declaration that the contract has been
v) The 1st to 5th Defendants have not caused the Plaintiffs any
damage save that the PU panels need to be replaced.
vi) There is no negligence or breach of fiduciary duties or fraud
committed by any of the Defendants.
[44] The 6th Defendant defence is essentially that as an employee of
Blue Seal, he merely carries out Blue Seal’s instructions and the
scope of work for which he is employed. He committed no
wrongdoing. The Plaintiffs’ claim against him is misconceived and
mala fide.
[45] The contract to construct the Factory was initially between Tech
Food and Blue Seal and is evidenced by the 1st LOA.
[46] The 1st LOA was then superseded by the Supersede Letter of
Award which like its namesake superseded the 1st LOA.
[47] Blue Seal accepted the terms of the Supersede Letter of Award
vide its Acceptance Letter.
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[48] Thereafter, A One Piling issued the 2nd LOA to Blue Seal which
was also dated 6.5.2019, the same date as the 1st LOA (issued by
Tech Food).
[49] The Supersede Letter of Award read together with the Acceptance
Letter by Blue Seal and the 2nd LOA clearly show that the 1st LOA
is no longer valid and has been replaced by the 2nd LOA. The
contents of these letters are clear and do not contain any
[50] The 2nd LOA is not a tripartite agreement. Only A One Piling and
Blue Seal are parties to the 2nd LOA and the 2nd LOA makes no
reference to the 1st LOA or that it is still applicable.
[51] It must be noted that it is Tech Food itself, being the owner of the
Project, who had designed the contractual relationship of the
parties involved to be in this manner. It cannot then change its
stand on this.
[52] Although Tech Food continued to be involved in the Project where,
inter alia, its approval was required on certain matters, this does
not make Tech Food a party to the 2nd LOA nor does it establish a
contractual nexus as pleaded in paragraph 19 of the Statement of
[53] The same applies even where payments are made directly by Tech
Food to Blue Seal. In paragraph 19 of the Statement of Claim, it
was pleaded that due to Tech Food’s continued involvement in the
Project a contractual nexus is established. However, as the 1st
LOA is no longer valid, Tech Food’s said involvement is only as the
owner of the Project and is transmitted contractually through Tech
Food’s main contractor, A One Piling.
[54] Therefore, the only contract that is in existence and enforceable in
the present case is the 2nd LOA and any claim for breach of
contract can only be made by A One Piling and not Tech Food.
[55] I am aware that as the owner of the Project and the Factory, Tech
Food may have ultimately suffered losses arising from a breach of
contract by Blue Seal under the 2nd LOA but that is something Tech
Food will have to take up with A One Piling. Tech Food has no
privity or right to initiate a contractual claim against Blue Seal.
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[56] Thus, the contract relationship between parties can be summarised
as follows:
i) Between Tech Food and A One Piling (Owner and Main
Contractor); and
ii) Between A One Piling and Blue Seal (Main Contractor and
NSC or Nominated Sub-Contractor).
[57] In the circumstances the proper plaintiff in this case in respect of a
breach of contract claim is A One Piling only.
[58] Before I deal with the various causes of action raised by the
Plaintiffs, the implication of the Defendants’ decision to submit of
“no case to answer” needs to addressed first.
[59] I will begin with the cases cited by learned counsel for the 1st to 5th
Defendants on this issue and they are as follows:
i) Yui Chin Song & Qrs v. Lee Ming Chai & Ors [2019] 6 MLJ
417 (FC);
ii) Keruntum Sdn Bhd v. The Director of Forests & Ors [2017]
3 MLJ 281 (FC);
iii) Syarikat Kemajuan Timbermine Sdn Bhd v. Kerajaan
Neqeri Kelantan Darul Naim [2015] 3 MLJ 609 (FC);
iv) Leolaris (M) Sdn Bhd v. Bumiputra Commerce Bank Bhd
[2009] 10 CLJ 234 (HC);
[60] I am in agreement with learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants’
submission that it can be distilled from the above cases with
regards to the submission of “no case to answer” that:
i) It is for the plaintiff to prove his case on a balance of
probabilities and the fact that the defendant has led no
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evidence or called no witnesses does not absolve the plaintiff
from discharging his or her burden in law.
ii) The mere fact that the defendant elects not to lead evidence
does not mean that all the plaintiff’s evidence is automatically
to be believed.
iii) The defences of the defendant are not under consideration. It
is the plaintiff’s case that is to be scrutinised for the sole
purpose of establishing whether the plaintiff has proved his or
her case on a balance of probabilities.
iv) A submission of “no case to answer” can be on the basis that:
a) accepting the plaintiff’s evidence at face value, no case
has been established at law; or
b) the evidence led for the plaintiff is so unsatisfactory or
unreliable that the court should find that the burden of
proof has not been discharged.
v) Even though the defendant does not call any evidence, it does
not mean that the trial judge must believe everything the
plaintiff has adduced.
[61] In other words, just because the Defendants have elected to submit
“no case to answer” does not mean the Plaintiffs’ claim will be
automatically allowed. The Plaintiffs have to still prove their case.
[62] However, what learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants did not
submit on is how and what happens to the evidence adduced by
the plaintiff’s where the defendant’s have chosen to submit “no
case to answer”.
[63] Before I continue on this issue and refer to the cases that were not
cited by learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants, it is important
for me to first highlight some key factual features of the cases he
had referred to:
i) In Yui Chin Song (supra) all the defendants save for one
made a submission of no case to answer. The plaintiffs’ claim
was dismissed.
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ii) In Kerumtum (supra) the second defendant did not give
evidence and a total of 9 witnesses gave evidence for the
defence. The plaintiff’s claim was dismissed.
iii) In Syarikat Kemajuan Timbermine (supra) no witnesses
were called by the defendant and the plaintiff had failed to
prove on a balance of probabilities the existence of a
settlement agreement which the plaintiff claimed existed. The
plaintiff called 3 witnesses. The plaintiff’s claim was
iv) In Leolaris (supra) the defendant did not call any witnesses or
cross-examine the plaintiff’s four witnesses. The plaintiff’s
claim was allowed.
[64] How the burden of proof is treated and the shifting of the burden in
a case where the defendant makes a submission of “no case to
answer” was decided in Keruntum (supra) where the Federal court
held as follows:
“[78] ]t is settled law that the burden of proof rests throughout the trial on the
party on whom the burden lies. Where a party on whom the burden of proof
lies, has discharged it, then the evidential burden shifts to the other party
(see UN Pandey v Hotel Marco Polo Pte Ltd [1980] 1 MLJ 4). When the burden
shifts to the other party, it can be discharged by cross-examination of
witnesses of the party on whom the burden of proof lies or by calling
witnesses or by giving evidence himself or by a combination of the
different methods. See Tan Klim Khuan v Tan Kee Kiat (M) Sdn Bhd [1998] 1
MLJ 697.”
(own emphasis added)
[65] Learned counsel for the Plaintiffs, on the other hand, relied on the
Federal Court case of Takako Sakao v. Ng Pek Yuen & Anor
[2009] 3 MLRA 74 where the 1st respondent failed to attend court
and give evidence. The appellant’s claim was allowed by the
Federal Court and held, inter alia, as follows:
“[4] In our judgment, two consequences inevitably followed when the first
respondent who was fully conversant with the facts studiously refrained from
giving evidence. In the first place, the evidence given by the appellant
ought to have been presumed to be true. As Elphinstone CJ said in Wasakah
Singh v. Bachan Singh [1931] 1 MC 125 at p 128:
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If the party on whom the burden of proof lies gives or calls evidence
which, if it is believed, is sufficient to prove his case, then the judge is
bound to call upon the other party, and has no power to hold that the
first party has failed to prove his case merely because the judge does not
believe his evidence. At this stage, the truth or falsity of the evidence is
immaterial. For the purpose of testing whether there is a case to answer,
all the evidence given must be presumed to be true.
Now, what the trial judge did in the present case is precisely what he ought
not to have done. He expressed dissatisfaction with the appellant’s evidence
without asking himself that most vital question: does the first defendant/
respondent have a case to answer? This failure on the part of the trial judge
is a serious non-direction amounting to a misdirection which occasioned a
miscarriage of justice. The trial judge was at that stage not concerned with his
belief of the appellant’s evidence. She had given her explanation as to the
discrepancies in the figures. And her evidence does not appear to be
either inherently incredible or inherently improbable. In these
circumstances it was the duty of the judge to have accepted her evidence
as true in the absence of any evidence from the first respondent going
the other way. He however failed to direct himself in this fashion thereby
occasioning a serious miscarriage of justice.”
[5] The second consequence is that the court ought to have drawn an adverse
inference against the first respondent on the amount of the appellant’s
contribution to the purchase price as well as the existence and the terms of
the mutual understanding or agreement that she had with the first respondent.
Where, as here, the first respondent being a party to the action provides
no reasons as to why she did not care to give evidence the court will
normally draw an adverse inference. See Guthrie Sdn Bhd v. Trans-Malaysian
Leasing Corp Bhd [1990] 1 MLRA 532; [1991] 1 MLJ 33; [1991] 1 CLJ (Rep) 155.
See also, Jaafar Shaari & Siti Jama Hashim v. Tan Lip Eng & Anor [1997] 1 MLRA
605; [1997] 3 MLJ 693; [1997] 4 CLJ 509 where Peh Swee Chin FCJ said: “The
respondents had chosen to close the case at the end of the appellants’
case. Although they were entitled to do so, they would be in peril of not
having the evidence of their most important witness and of having an
adverse inference drawn against them for failing to call such evidence
should the circumstances demand it.” There are two other authorities that
are of assistance on the point. In Wisniewski v. Central Manchester Health
Authority [1998] PIQR 324, Brooke LJ when delivering the judgment of the
Court of Appeal quoted from a number of authorities including the following
passage from the speech of Lord Diplock in Herrington v. British Railways
Board [1972] AC 877:
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The appellants, who are a public corporation, elected to call no witnesses,
thus depriving the court of any positive evidence as to whether the
condition of the fence and the adjacent terrain had been noticed by any
particular servant of theirs or as to what he or any other of their servants
either thought or did about it. This is a legitimate tactical move under
our adversarial system of litigation. But a defendant who adopts it
cannot complain if the court draws from the facts which have been
disclosed all reasonable inferences as to what are the facts which the
defendant has chosen to withhold.
Brooke LJ then went on to say this:
From this line of authority I derive the following principles in the context
of the present case:
(1) In certain circumstances a court may be entitled to draw adverse
inferences from the absence or silence of a witness who might be
expected to have material evidence to give on an issue in an action.
(2) If a court is willing to draw such inferences, they may go to
strengthen the evidence adduced on that issue by the other party or
to weaken the evidence, if any, adduced by the party who might
reasonably have been expected to call the witness.
(3) There must, however, have been some evidence, however weak,
adduced by the former on the matter in question before the court
is entitled to draw the desired inference: in other words, there must
be a case to answer on that issue.
(4) If the reason for the witness’s absence or silence satisfies the
court, then no such adverse inference may be drawn. If, on the other
hand, there is some credible explanation given, even if it is not wholly
satisfactory, the potentially detrimental effect of his/her absence or
silence may be reduced or nullified.
The other case is Crawford v. Financial Institutions Services Ltd (Jamaica) [2005]
UKPC 40, where Lord Walker of Gestingthorpe when delivering the Advice of
the Privy Council said:
It is well settled that in civil proceedings the court may draw adverse
inferences from a defendant’s decision not to give or call evidence
as to matters within the knowledge of himself or his employees.
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[7] In the present instance, there is no doubt that the first respondent had
intimate knowledge of the material facts relevant to the dispute and that
she was privy to the several steps through which the transaction had
proceeded. Based on the authorities already cited, it is patently clear that the
trial judge in the present case ought to have held that the failure of the first
respondent to give evidence apart from discrediting her case
strengthened the appellant’s case on those vital points that lay at the axis
of the dispute between the parties. This, the trial judge clearly omitted to
do. Instead, he treated the first respondent’s failure to appear and give
evidence as a matter of no apparent consequence. His non-direction upon
such a crucial point as this certainly amounts to a misdirection which has
occasioned a miscarriage of justice. To conclude the first issue, it is our
judgment that there was no judicial appreciation of the appellant’s evidence.
A reasonable tribunal correctly directing itself on the facts and the relevant law
would have held that the appellant had indeed contributed RM194,610
towards the purchase price of the building; that there was a mutual
understanding between the appellant and the first respondent that they shall
be beneficial co-owners of the property in question in equal shares; and that
the first respondent had acted in breach of that understanding.”
(own emphasis added)
[66] In Takako Sakao (supra), the Federal Court held that the effect of
the defendant’s failure to give evidence, discredits his case and
strengthens the plaintiffs case.
[67] Justice Mary Lim (as she then was), in Leolaris (supra), examined
the effect of the pleaded defence where the defendant submitted
“no case to answer” and held as follows:
“[23] In a submission of no case to answer, the defences pleaded are not
under consideration. To put it bluntly, on such an occasion the defendant is
actually saying that it need not bother to offer and lead any evidence on
any of the pleaded defences because the plaintiff’s case is bad as it has
not been made out and ought therefore to be dismissed without more. It is
still the plaintiffs case that is scrutinised for the sole purpose of establishing
whether the defendant has made a right submission. If the submission is
properly taken on the law and on the facts, then the plaintiffs case would be
dismissed. However, where the defendant fails in its submission and the
plaintiff succeeds in discharging the burden of proof, the plaintiffs case will be
allowed. That is why it is said that the defendant will stand or fall by the
(own emphasis added)
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[68] It can thus be summarised that while it is a given that the burden
of proof lies with the plaintiff, however, in a situation where the
defendant submits “no case to answer” the Court needs to be
satisfied that:
i) the evidence adduced by the plaintiff is sufficient to prove his
case (Keruntum (supra); Takako (supra));
ii) where the defendant provides no reasons (or credible
reasons) as to why he did not care to give evidence the Court
will normally draw an adverse inference (Takako (supra));
iii) if such an adverse inference is drawn, it may strengthen the
evidence adduced by the plaintiff or weaken the evidence, if
any, adduced by the defendant (Takako (supra));
iv) there must, however, have been some evidence, however
weak, adduced by the plaintiffs before the Court is entitled to
draw the desired inference: in other words, there must be a
case to answer on that issue (Takako (supra));
v) the defendant’s defence will not be taken into consideration
(Leolaris (supra); Takako (supra)).
[69] I will conclude with the following passage from Yui Chin Song
(supra) which in turn referred to a passage from the case of Mohd
Nor Afandi bin Mohamed Junus v. Rahman Shah Along
Ibrahim & Anor [2008] 3 MLJ 81:
“[50] In this regard, Suriyadi, JCA (as His Lordship then was) in Mohd Nor
Afandi bin Mohamed Junus v Rahman Shah Along Ibrahim & Anor [2008] 3
ML] 81, recognised the above riding in the following passage:
There are, however, two sets of circumstances under which a defendant
may submit that he has no case to answer. In the one case there may be
a submission that, accepting the plaintiff’s evidence at its face value,
no case has been established in law, and in the other that the evidence
led for the plaintiff is so unsatisfactory or unreliable that the court
should find that the burden of proof has not been discharged.
(own emphasis added)
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[70] Therefore, to put it simply, as the Defendants have submitted “no
case to answer” the issue is whether the evidence adduced by the
Plaintiffs in this case is “so unsatisfactory or unreliable that the
court should find that the burden of proof has not been discharged”
(Mohd Nor Afandi (supra); Yui Chin Song (supra)). It therefore
follows that if the Plaintiffs succeed in discharging that burden of
proof, then the Defendants shall have no defence against the
Plaintiffs’ claim.
[71] It must also be borne in mind that the evidence tendered by the
Plaintiffs must also be examined in light of the admissions of liability
made by Blue Seal regarding, inter alia, the PU panels coupled with
the fact that the Defendants chose not to adduce any evidence by
calling any witness or tendering any document to oppose the
Plaintiffs’ evidence and case. The Defendants’ do so at their own
peril (Takako (supra)) and it is a risk that they take.
[72] I will deal with the Plaintiffs’ causes of action in respect of
Inducement, Fraudulent Misrepresentation and Deceit first and
then followed by the cause of action on Breach of Contract.
[73] The Fraudulent Misrepresentation and Deceit allegations are
essentially the same and I see no reason to treat them separately.
They are in fact overlapping and it complicates matters to treat
them as though they are two separate causes of action as was
done by the Plaintiffs. Hence, my reference to Fraudulent
Misrepresentation would include Deceit.
[74] Ultimately, the Fraudulent Misrepresentation here revolve around
the installation of the PU panels which are not Class “O” certified
and the allegation that the Defendants concealed this fact from the
[75] Unlike learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants, learned
counsel for the Plaintiffs did not, in his written submissions,
specifically or clearly submit on how the Inducement, Fraudulent
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Misrepresentation and Deceit affected the LOAs with reference to
the Contracts Act 1950 (“CA 1950”).
[76] Therefore, the Statement of Claim needs to be examined to see
how the Inducement, Fraudulent Misrepresentation and Deceit are
pleaded in relation to the contract, i.e. the LOAs. Some of the
material parts of the Statement of Claim on these causes of action
are reproduced below:
Paragraph 27
“Plaintif memplidkan bahawa Defendan Pertama melalui Pengarah- Pengarah
dan pegawai-pegawainya terutama Defendan Ke-2, Ke-3, Ke-4, Ke-5 dan Ke-
6 telah berulang kali, dengan sengaja, dengan niat dan melulu menyatakan
dan/atau mengakui (“represented”) melalui kelakuan dan perkataan kepada
Plaintif-Plaintif bahawa Defendan Pertama adalah seorang profesional yang
berkebolehan dan mempunyai kemahiran dalam mereka bentuk,
membuat, membekalkan, membina dan memasang mereka bentuk dan
membina Loji Pemprosesan cGMP termasuk bilik sejuk, bilik sejuk beku dan
bilik pemprosesan makanan yang mematuhi cGMP dan sesuai dengan sifat dan
kegunaan perniagaan Plaintif Pertama. Plaintif-Plaintif juga merujuk butir-butir
salah nyata fraud oleh Defendan-Defendan Pertama hingga Ke-5 dan Defendan
Ke-6 secara masing-masing dalam perenggan-perenggan termasuk keseluruhan
perenggan 72 (a)(72.1 hingga 72.3) dan (b) 72.3.i hingga 72.3.vii di bawah.”
Paragraph 28
“Defendan Pertama di dalam Profil Syarikat (“Company Profile”) yang telah
diberikan kepada Plaintif-Plaintif dalam usaha untuk
mendorong/menggalakkan perlantikan sebagai SKD untuk Loji
Pemprosesan cGMP dalam Projek tersebut juga telah antara lainnya
menyatakan dan/atau mengakui seperti berikut:- …..”
Paragraph 29
“Sebagai sebahagian daripada usaha-usaha untuk mendorong/ menggalakkan
Plaintif-Plaintif untuk melantik Defendan Pertama sebagai SKD untuk
Loji Pemprosesan cGMP di dalam Projek tersebut, Defendan Ke-2 sebagai
salah seorang pengarah bagi Defendan Pertama telah secara dan dengan sengaja
pada atau sekitar April 2019 mempelawa dan membawa Pengarah-Pengarah
Plaintif Pertama untuk melawat sebuah kilang Kellogs’ di Negeri Sembilan
yang mana telah kononnya juga, berdasarkan makluman oleh Defendan Kedua,
melantik Defendan Pertama untuk mereka bentuk dan membina bilik
pemprosesan makanan patuh cGMP yang serupa dengan kegunaan yang
diperlukan oleh Plaintif Pertama.”
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Paragraph 33
“Berdasarkan dan bergantung kepada semua pernyataan- pernyataan dan
jaminan-jaminan di atas yang telah dibuat oleh Defendan Pertama melalui
Pengarah-Pengarah dan pegawai- pegawainya terutama Defendan Ke-2, Ke-3,
Ke-4, Ke-5 dan Ke-6, Plaintif-Plaintif telah bergantung kepadanya dan
bertindak ke atas representasi-representasi tersebut dan telah didorong
untuk melantik Defendan Pertama sebagai SKD untuk Loji Pemprosesan
cGMP dalam Projek tersebut. Plaintif-Plaintif mengulangi dan
menggunapakai kepada Perenggan-perenggan 24 hingga 26.7 di atas di sini.
Plaintif-Plaintif juga merujuk butir-butir salah nyata fraud oleh Defendan-
Defendan Pertama hingga Ke-5 dan Defendan Ke-6 secara masing-masing
dalam perenggan-perenggan termasuk keseluruhan perenggan 72 (a)(72.1
hingga 72.3) dan (b) 72.3.i hingga 72.3.vii di bawah.”
Paragraph 72.4
“Plaintif-Plaintif mengulangi dan menggunapakai kepada Perenggan-
perenggan 27 sehingga 33 di atas di sini dan seianjutnya menyatakan bahawa
berdasarkan dan bergantung kepada semua pernyataan-pernyataan dan
jaminan-jaminan di atas yang telah dibuat oleh Defendan Pertama terutama
melalui Defendan Ke-2, Plaintif Pertama dan Plaintif Ke-2 telah bergantung
kepadanya dan bertindak ke atas representasi-representasi tersebut dan
telah didorong untuk melantik Defendan Pertama sebagai SKD untuk Loji
Pemprosesan cGMP dalam Project tersebut”
(own emphasis added)
[77] Therefore, the Inducement as pleaded in this case is the
persuasion by the Defendants for Tech Food to enter into the 1st
LOAs and for A One Piling to enter into the 2nd LOA.
[78] The Inducement on its own does not amount to any wrongdoing
but the Fraudulent Misrepresentation makes it wrongful.
[79] The Fraudulent Misrepresentation here is essentially the allegation
1st to 5th and 6th Defendants
i) The 1st to 5th Defendants misrepresented that Blue Seal was
capable of constructing the Factory;
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ii) The Defendants induced the Plaintiffs to enter into the
Contract knowing that Blue Seal was not able (or do not have
the capability) to construct the Factory in accordance with the
6th Defendant
iii) The 6th Defendant had dishonestly and fraudulently hidden
from Linear Panel Marketing Sdn Bhd (“Linear Panel”) that
the PU panels were not Class “O” certified;
iv) The 6th Defendant conspired with the 1st to 5th Defendants to
defraud the Plaintiffs by concealing that the PU panels were
not Class “O” certified, are defective and not suitable to be
used in the Project.
v) Conspired with Blue Seal and the 2nd to 5th Defendants to
sabotage the Project by intentionally allowing work to be
carried out at the Project site without proper safety measures
and safety equipment which may cause a “Stop Work Order”
to be imposed.
[80] Therefore, the fraud or Fraudulent Misrepresentation here must be
in connection with the Contract.
[81] Under CA 1950, the definition of “misrepresentation” can be found
in Section 18 while the definition of “fraud” in Section 17 as stated
Section 18 CA 1950
““Misrepresentation” includes -
(a) the positive assertion, in a manner not warranted by the information of
the person making it, of that which is not true, though he believes it to
be true;
(b) any breach of duty which, without an intent to deceive, gives an
advantage to the person committing it, or anyone claiming under him,
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by misleading another to his prejudice, or to the prejudice of anyone
claiming under him; and
(c) causing, however innocently, a party to an agreement to make a mistake
as to the substance of the thing which is the subject of the agreement.”
Section 17 CA 1950
““Fraud” includes any of the following acts committed by a party to a contract,
or with his connivance, or by his agent, with intent to deceive another party
thereto or his agent, or to induce him to enter into the contract:
(a) the suggestion, as to a fact, of that which is not true by one who does
not believe it to be true;
(b) the active concealment of a fact by one having knowledge or belief of
the fact;
(c) a promise made without any intention of performing it;
(d) any other act fitted to deceive; and
(e) any such act or omission as the law specially declares to be fraudulent.”
(own emphasis added)
[82] Thus, in the context of the present case, the Inducement for Tech
Food to enter into the 1st LOA and for A One Piling to enter into the
2nd LOA is alleged to have been accomplished through the
Fraudulent Misrepresentation (which includes Deceit) committed
by the Defendants.
[83] What then is the legal consequence of a contract which was
entered into through fraud. The answer lies in Section 19 CA 1950
which provides as follows:
“(1) When consent to an agreement is caused by coercion, fraud, or
misrepresentation, the agreement is a contract voidable at the option of the
party whose consent was so caused.
(2) A party to a contract, whose consent was caused by fraud or
misrepresentation, may, if he thinks fit, insist that the contract shall be
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performed, and that he shall be put in the position in which he would have
been if the representations made had been true.
Exception - If such consent was caused by misrepresentation or by
silence, fraudulent within the meaning of section 17, the contract,
nevertheless, is not voidable, if the party whose consent was so caused
had the means of discovering the truth with ordinary diligence.
Explanation - A fraud or misrepresentation which did not cause the
consent to a contract of the party on whom the fraud was practised, or
to whom the misrepresentation was made, does not render a contract
(own emphasis added)
(see Kheng Chwee Lian v. Wong Tak Thong [1983] 2 MLJ 320
(FC); Abdul Razak bin Datuk Abu Samah v. Shah Alam
Properties Sdn Bhd and another appeal [1999] 2 MLJ 500
(COA); Seqar Oil Palm Estate Sdn Bhd v. Tay Tho Bok & Anor
[1997] 3 MLJ 211 (COA))
[84] In Abdul Razak (supra) the Court of Appeal made the position
clear on the rights of the representee in circumstances where the
contract was entered through fraudulent or negligent
misrepresentation, and held as follows:
“Fraudulent or negligent misrepresentation renders a contract voidable at
the instance of the representee. See the Contracts Act 1950, s 19(1). The
representee is therefore entitled to apply to a court for a decree of rescission
from a court and also to an award of damages. See Archer v Brown [1985] 1
QB 401. Damages are available in addition to rescission because an action for
fraudulent misrepresentation is grounded upon the tort of deceit, and in the
case of negligent misrepresentation upon the tort of negligence.”
“A representee who is the victim of a fraud may, at his election, abandon his
right to rescind and may instead insist that the contract be performed,
and that he be put in the position in which he would have been if the
representations made had been true. See the Contracts Act 1950, s 19(2).
(own emphasis added)
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[85] In the present case the Plaintiffs have prayed for the LOAs to be
affirmed. In fact, they specifically prayed in paragraph 83.4 of the
Statement of Claim for a declaration that the 1st to 5th Defendants
committed a breach of contract, of the LOAs.
[86] It is clear therefore that the Plaintiffs have decided not to rescind
the LOAs but to affirm them instead.
[87] In Segar Oil Palm (supra) which facts have some similarity to the
present case the Court of Appeal held, inter alia, as follows:
“….. Unfortunately, neither counsel nor indeed the trial judge went into the real
significance of the passage cited from Chesire, Fifoot and Furmston’s Law of
Contract at p 430. We will repeat it here with the necessary emphasis:
It is a fundamental principle that the effect of a misrepresentation is to
make the contract voidable and not void. This means that the contract is
valid unless and until it is set aside by the representee. On discovering
the misrepresentation, the representee may elect to affirm or
rescind the contract. (Emphasis added.)
It is elementary law that a party to a contract, who alleges fraud, cannot avoid
one part of the contract and affirm another, unless the parts are so severable
as to be independent contracts. This proposition can be found in Kerr on Fraud
and Mistake (7th Ed) pp 515 and 517 where the cases are set out. See also
Vendor and Purchaser by RM Stoneham (1994) at p 815. The same proposition
is repeated on The Indian Contract and Specific Relief Acts (9th Ed) by Pollock
and Mulla at p 458 which reads:
... a man cannot rescind a contract in part only, when he decides to
repudiate it, he must repudiate it altogether.
Having been put on notice on 9 August 1988 in no uncertain terms, the
only option the purchasers had was either to perform the agreement
according to its terms, or repudiate it altogether and sue for damages for
(own emphasis added)
[88] I agree with learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants that based
on the, inter alia, Section 19 CA 1950 read together with the cases
such as Abdul Razak (supra) and Segar Oil Palm (supra), the
Fraudulent Misrepresentation that the Plaintiffs allege induced
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them to enter into the Contract had the effect of nullifying their
“consent” to enter into the LOAs. To put it another way the entire
contract was voidable by reason of the fraud as there was a lack of
consent and the contract could be easily unravelled.
[89] In this regard, the Federal Court in Integrated Training and
Services Sdn Bhd v. Kerajaan Malaysia & Ors [2022] 3 MLJ 77
had this to say on this point:
“[22] In Campbell v Edwards [1976] 1 AH ER 785 it' was held, inter alia, where
two parties had agreed that the price of the property was to be fixed by a
valuer on whom they should agree and the valuer gave his valuation honestly
and in good faith in a non-speaking report, ie one that did not give reasons or
calculations, the valuation could not be set aside by either party on the ground
that the valuer had made a mistake, for, in the absence of fraud or collusion,
the valuation was binding on the parties by contract. Lord Denning MR at p
788 had stated the following:
... It is simply the law of contract. If two persons agree that the price
of property should be fixed by a valuer on whom they agree, and he
gives that valuation honestly and in good faith, they are bound by
it. The reason is because they have agreed to be bound by it. If there
were fraud or collusion, of course, it would be different. Fraud or
collusion unravels everything.”
(own emphasis added)
[90] Therefore, the Contract which was entered into was voidable and
is valid unless and until set aside. The Plaintiffs then had a choice
to either rescind the contract and sue for damages or to affirm the
contract and continue with it.
[91] The victim of fraud must either set aside the agreement and sue
for damages for fraud or affirm the contract (Section 19 of CA
1950; Segar Oil Palm (supra)).
[92] The Plaintiffs cannot sue for both Fraudulent Misrepresentation
and Breach of Contract.
[93] Putting it another way, what the Plaintiffs are saying is that the
Defendants’ Fraudulent Misrepresentation had caused them to
enter into the Contract (the LOAs). They would not have entered
into the Contract or consented to enter into it had they known of
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the fraud. However, instead or unravelling or setting aside the
Contract the Plaintiffs affirm it and then rely on it to say that Blue
Seal has breached its terms. By doing this, Fraudulent
Misrepresentation allegation no longer becomes an issue.
[94] It is illogical for the Plaintiffs to plead they were induced by
Fraudulent Misrepresentation by the Defendants to enter into the
LOAs and at the same time rely on the very same LOAs to claim
for breach of contract.
[95] With respect, the Plaintiffs’ claim for Inducement, Fraudulent
Misrepresentation and Deceit is flawed and can be dismissed on
this ground alone.
[96] It therefore follows that the reliefs in the Statement of Claim related
to fraud or Fraudulent Misrepresentation cannot be maintained.
[97] With respect to the Plaintiffs, further to what I had stated in
paragraph 40 above, their pleaded case specifically in respect of
Inducement, Fraudulent Misrepresentation and Deceit is
fundamentally flawed.
[98] It is of utmost importance that there is correlation between the
cause of action pleaded and the relief(s) that follow, if not, the claim
would make no sense.
[99] I would conclude with a passage by the Federal Court in Giga
Engineering & Construction Sdn Bhd v. Yip Chee Seng & Sons
Sdn Bhd & Anor [2015] 6 MLJ 449 where it was held as follows:
“[42] Now, it is trite law that the plaintiff is bound by its own pleadings (see
R Rama Chandran v The industrial Court of Malaysia & Anor [1997] 1 MLJ 145;
Anjalal Anmal & Anor v Abdul Kareem [1969] 1 MLJ 22; Gimstern Corporation
(M) Sdn Bhd & Anor v Global Insurance Co Sdn Bhd [1987] 1 MLJ 302 (SC); Joo
Chin Kia v Loh Seng Tek [1987] 1 CLJ 194; KEP Mohamed AH v KEP Mohamad
Ismail [1981] 2 MLJ 10 (FC)). The plaintiff is not permitted to improve its
pleading in any other manner other than by way of an application to
amend. Otherwise it would be unfair and prejudicial to the defendants if the
plaintiff could now be allowed to raise an issue that was not within the
contemplation of the parties in the first place (see Esso Petroleum Co Ltd v
South Port Corpn [1956] AC 218; Playing Cards (M) Sdn Bhd v China Mutual
Navigation Co Ltd [1980] 2 MLJ 182 (FC)).”
(own emphasis added)
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[100] Notwithstanding the above, for the purpose of completeness, I
have nevertheless still considered the alleged individual acts of the
Defendants that is said to constitute Fraudulent Misrepresentation
and the evidence adduced by the Plaintiffs on this issue.
[101] The Fraudulent Misrepresentation pleaded by the Plaintiffs is to
justify the lifting of the corporate veil or to go behind the corporate
veil to make the Defendants liable together with the 1st Defendant.
[102] An elaborate definition of “misrepresentation” can be found in Sim
Thong Realty Sdn Bhd v. Teh Kim Dar @ Tee Kim [2003] 3 MLJ
460 in which the Court of Appeal held as follows:
“Now, it is trite that the expression ‘misrepresentation’ is merely descriptive
of a false pre-contractual statement that induces a contract or other
transaction. But it does not reflect the state of mind of the representor at
the relevant time. The state of mind of the representor at the time he made
the representation to the representee varies according to the circumstances
of each case. It may be fraudulent. It may be negligent. Or it may be
entirely innocent, that is to say, the product of a mind that is free of deceit
and inadvertence (see Abdul Razak bin Datuk Abu Samah v Shah Alam
Properties Sdn Bhd. Put another way, a misrepresentation is innocent ‘where
the representor believes his assertion to be true and consequently has no
intention of deceiving the representee.’ (Chesire & Fifoot, Law of Contract (6th
Ed)). It is the particular state of mind of the representor that determines
the nature of the remedy available to the representee. So, if the
misrepresentation is made fraudulently, then the representee is entitled to
rescission and all damages directly flowing from the fraudulent
(own emphasis added)
[103] Therefore, the Plaintiffs must show that the Fraudulent
Misrepresentation was:
i) Made before the contract; and
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ii) The state of mind of the Defendants at the time the
Fraudulent Misrepresentation was made, in that the
Defendants intended to deceive the Plaintiffs.
[104] First and foremost, as I have decided earlier, the Fraudulent
Misrepresentation allegation cannot stand in view of the Plaintiffs
reliance on the Contract to sue Blue Seal for breach thereof.
[105] Secondly, and in any event, it is clear from paragraphs 72.3J to
72.3.vii of the Statement of Claim that all the matters relied on by
the Plaintiffs occurred after the Contract was entered into and
hence cannot amount to a pre-contractual false statement of fact
that had induced the Plaintiffs to enter into the Contract with Blue
Seal (Sim Thong Realty (supra)).
[106] Thirdly, though the allegations against the Defendants are made
jointly, the pleaded particulars are only in respect of the 2nd
Defendant (paragraphs 29 to 31 of the Statement of Claim).
[107] The case of Bukit Baru Villas Sdn Bhd v. Yeoh Teen Earn & Ors
[2017] MLJU 2058 involved the joint allegation of fraud and Justice
Mohd Nazlan (as he then was) observed the following:
“[54] The plaintiff must furnish the requisite particularity by pleading the
circumstances of material facts as to the questions of “who, what, where,
when and how" of the alleged fraud and conspiracy in order to enable the
defendants to provide a meaningful response. It cannot be emphasised
enough that general statements which are vague and containing conclusory
allegations do not satisfy the requirements of Order 18 r 7 and r 12. The
statement of claim too cannot hide behind purported averments which in truth
are nothing but merely a set of formulaic recitation of the ingredients of a
cause of action.
[55] Pleadings sans particularisation is bad pleading because matters such as
fraud and conspiracy cannot be expected to be inferred from statements which
are vague and general in nature, more so as the concept of fraud itself is not
immutable. Similarly, when alleging fraud and conspiracy against more
than one defendants, like presently, the plaintiff must specify, with
particularity, each of the fourth and fifth defendant's offending conduct.
The defendants cannot be grouped together without identifying which
defendant has committed which wrong.”
(own emphasis added)
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[108] It is pleaded at paragraph 27 of the Statement of Claim that Blue
Seal acted through the 2nd to 5th Defendants. It follows that the
circumstances of how the fraud occurred must be pleaded and
proved in Court in particular:
i) What each of these Defendants had done; and
ii) How each of them had either ordered or procured the fraud in
question before the Contract was entered into.
[109] As the above two elements/facts were not pleaded or proved, it
would appear that Fraudulent Misrepresentation was raised
against the 2nd to 5th Defendants merely because they are directors
of Blue Seal and against the 6th Defendant as he is Blue Seal’s
employee. In this regard, the Court of Appeal in Victor Cham &
Anor v. Loh Bee Tuan [2006] 5 MLJ 359 held as follows:
“[8] In C Evans & Sons Ltd v Spritebrand Ltd & Anor, Slade LJ relying on the
case of Performing Right Society Ltd v Ciryl Theatrical Syndicate Ltd [1924] 1
KB 1 stated the legal position in the following words:
The mere fact that a person is a director of a limited company does
not by itself render him liable for torts committed by the company
during the period of his directorship: see, for example, Rainham
Chemical Works Ltd (in Hq) v Belvedere Fish Guano Co Ltd [1924] 2 AC
465 at 488,.... Nevertheless, judicial dicta of high authority are to be
found in English decisions which suggest that a director is liable for those
tortuous acts of his company which he has ordered or procured to be
[9] In Wah Tat Bank Ltd and another v Chan Cheng Kum [1975] 2 All ER 257,
two banks brought an action against a shipping company and C, the company
chairman and managing director, claiming damages jointly against them for
conversion. In holding C liable, the Privy Council in its judgment delivered by
Lord Salmon stated:
No doubt the fact that the respondent is chairman and managing
director of HSC does not of itself make him personally liable in respect
of that company’s tortuous acts. A tort may he committed through an
officer or servant of a company without the chairman or managing
director being in any way implicated. There are many such cases
reported in the books. If however the chairman or managing director
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procures or directs the commission of the tort he may be personally
liable for the tort and the damage flowing from it: Performing Right
Society Ltd v Ciryl Theatrical Syndicate Ltd per Arkin LJ. Each case
depends on its own particular facts. In the instant case the un-
contradicted evidence proves that early in 1961 the respondent, as
chairman and managing director of HSC, agreed with the directors of
TSC the terms on which HSC would continue wrongfully to convert
goods consigned to the banks just as they had done in the past. Their
Lordships consider that in all the circumstances there is no answer to the
banks’ contention that the respondent was personally liable for the
conversion in respect of which judgement has been entered against
“[11] In Thomas Bruce Morgan v Government of Saskatchewan, Neal Hardy
and Darrel Binkley [1985] Sask R 129, the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal made
the following observation:
On this branch of the case we refer to the following passage from
judgment of Disber J, in Einhorn v Westmount Investments Ltd and
Belzberg et al. (1969), 69 WWR (NS) 31, at p 36:
Ordinarily an agent is subject to the control of another person, his
principal. A company perforce is only able to act through its
agents and servants. Consequently, while company directors are
referred to as ‘agent’, the cold fact is that they control the
company. As the directors pull the strings so the company must
of necessity jump. Particularly is this true where, as here, the
individual defendants were in 'complete control' of the company.
This court in the exercise of its common-law jurisdiction in the
field of tort considers the realities of the situations which come
before it for decision, and the court is not restricted in so doing
because individual carries out intentional tortuous acts through
the medium of a puppet corporation whose every action they
control. Individuals guilty of intentional tortuous acts do not
escape personal liability by this device of clothing themselves in a
corporate veil of their own spinning.
And further the court said:
So a director is not to be held liable merely because he is a director but
may be liable when he participates in or orders a tortuous act and cannot
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escape personal liability by asserting that his act was merely the act of
the corporation. In other words, the 'corporate veil’ is not to be used as
a shield to protect shareholders and directors when they have been
guilty of wrongdoing. This approach is consistent with the notion that
everyone should be answerable for his tortuous acts.”
(own emphasis added)
[110] The pleaded allegations of Fraudulent Misrepresentation against
the 2nd Defendant are essentially in relation to:
i) The visit to Kellogg’s Factory; and
ii) The 1st Defendant’s company profile.
[111] As for the Kellogg’s Factory visit, I do not find there to be evidence
of Fraudulent Misrepresentation for the following reasons:
i) PW-1 himself testified that PW-1 initiated the trip to the
Kellogg’s Factory by “requesting” that the 2nd Defendant take
him there. This alone negates the allegation of inducement;
ii) It is alleged that the 2nd Defendant told PW-1 that the panels
installed in the Kellogg’s Factory were going to be the same
as the panels to be installed at the Factory. The Plaintiffs
have not proven the existence of the element of “fraud” or
“dishonesty” in this statement (CIMB Bank Bhd v. Veeran
Ayasamy (Wakil Diri Kepada Letchimi Muthusamy, Si
Mati) [2015] 7 CLJ 289). This is simply because the Plaintiffs
have not provided any evidence of the type of panels installed
at the Kellogg’s Factory or that the panels installed at the
Factory are sub-standard compared to those installed at the
Kellogg’s Factory. This would have required the Plaintiffs to
actually adduce evidence of the panels at the Kellogg’s
Factory which they did not do;
iii) The truth of the statement is one thing but the issue of
“dishonesty” is required to be proven where Fraudulent
Misrepresentation is alleged. The Plaintiffs have failed to
prove there was any dishonesty in the statement made by the
2nd Defendant.
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[112] Regarding Blue Seal’s company profile, it was not pleaded and
neither was there clear evidence on how the Plaintiffs obtained the
said profile, in particular from which of the Defendants.
[113] As a company acts through its “agent” (Victor Cham (supra)) the
Plaintiffs must plead and prove which of the Defendants, if any, had
given Blue Seal’s company profile to the Plaintiffs. PW-1 had then
named the 2nd Defendant in his oral testimony before the Court but
this cannot be permitted. In this regard, the Federal Court in
Gimstern Corporation (M) Sdn. Bhd. & Anor. v. Global
Insurance Co. Sdn. Bhd. [1987] 1 MLJ 302 held as follows:
“These issues brought up at the trial had not been pleaded in the
Statement of Defence, and this was a contravention of Order 18 Rule 8 of
the Rules of the High Court, and therefore the contentions should not
have been entertained (Attorney General v. Lord Mayor etc. of City of
(own emphasis added)
[114] Even if is accepted that the 2nd Defendant or either of the 3rd to 5th
Defendants had given Blue Seal’s company profile to the Plaintiffs,
it has not been shown that there is anything stated in Blue Seal’s
company profile which is inaccurate or untrue and how it is
tantamount to Fraudulent Misrepresentation.
[115] In so far as conspiracy is concerned the requirements laid down
in Renault SA v. Inokom Corp Sdn Bhd & Anor [2010] 5 MLJ
394 have not been fulfilled in that the following have not been
clearly pleaded or proven:
i) an agreement between the 6th Defendant and the 1st to 5th
ii) an agreement for the purpose of injuring the Plaintiffs;
iii) the overt acts that were done in execution of the agreement;
iv) that the overt acts were done in execution of the agreement;
v) what are the acts purportedly done by each of the Defendants
in execution of the agreement.
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[116] There is no direct evidence tendered by the Plaintiffs to prove
Fraudulent Misrepresentation against any of the Defendants and in
particular that they “knowingly” committed the alleged acts
associated with the allegation of Fraudulent Misrepresentation,
fraud and conspiracy. The following passages by the Federal
Court in Keruntum (supra) is instructive on this issue:
“[70] In order for the plaintiff to succeed in its case that the cancellation of its
licence was to serve a political purpose, it is necessary for the plaintiff to
adduce evidence if believed, sufficient to prove that the second defendant
knew about the Ming Court affair prior to the cancellation of the plaintiff’s
licence. Both the High Court and the Court of Appeal found that the plaintiff
had not adduced direct evidence to show that the second defendant
knew about it. It was also the finding of the courts below that to link the
aforesaid cancellation to a political motive is a mere conjecture.”
(own emphasis added)
[117] In order to prove the Defendants’ knew that the panels were not
certified Class ‘O’ even before they were installed, the Plaintiffs
relied on the letter dated 31.3.2019 from Bahagian Perancangan
dan Penyelidikan Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat to Linear Panel
(“Bomba’s Letter”). This is the main evidence that the Plaintiffs
relied on to show knowledge of the Defendants.
[118] However, I agree with learned counsel for the Defendants that
Bomba’s Letter does support the Plaintiffs’ allegation as:
i) Bomba’s Letter is only addressed to Linear Panel and not to
any of the Defendants. It is also not copied to any of the
ii) Bomba’s Letter merely states that Linear Panel’s application
to obtain a renewal for “Coldroom Panel (50mm thickness)” for
Class ‘O’ was rejected;
iii) nowhere in Bomba’s Letter is it mentioned whether the Class
‘O’ certificate (for which the renewal was rejected) referred to
in the letter is in respect of PU panels or whether it is in respect
of another type of cold room panel. The Quotation indicates
EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) panels (which both parties
agree was later changed to PU panels).
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iv) Pooi Chee Hoog who is a director of Linear Panels mentioned
in PW-1’s witness statement (WS(A)-PW1) was never called
to testify by the Plaintiffs;
v) the Defendants are not mentioned in Bomba’s Letter.
[119] Hence, the summary of my findings are as follows:
i) The Defendants did not commit Fraudulent Misrepresentation;
ii) The Fraudulent Misrepresentation in the context of the
Plaintiffs’ pleaded case is fundamentally wrong. The Plaintiffs
cannot say they were induced to enter into the Contract
(LOAs) but at the same time rely on the same contract to claim
for breach thereof.
iii) In the absence of fraud or Fraudulent Misrepresentation there
is no ground to lift the corporate veil in the present case. In
this regard the Court of Appeal in Lam Kam Loy & Anor v.
Boltex Sdn Bhd & Ors [2005] 3 CLJ 355 held as follows.
“In my judgment, in the light of the more recent authorities such as
Adams v Cape Industries Plc, it is not open to the courts to disregard the
corporate veil purely on the ground that it is in the interests of justice to
do so. It is also my respectful view that the special circumstances to
which Lord Keith referred include cases where there is actual fraud at
common law or some inequitable or unconscionable conduct
amounting to fraud in equity. The former, that is to say, actual fraud,
was expressly recognised to be an exception to the doctrine of corporate
personality by Lord Halsbury in his speech in Salomon v A. Salomon &
Co Ltd [1897] AC 22, the seminal case on the subject.”
(own emphasis added)
(see also Solid Investments Ltd v. Alcatel-Lucent (M) Sdn
Bhd (previously known as Alcatel Network Systems (M)
Sdn Bhd) [2014] 3 MLJ 784 (FC))
[120] I must stress here that Fraudulent Misrepresentation, fraud as well
as conspiracy to defraud are serious allegations and in the
absence of “dishonesty” as well as proof of the state of mind the
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Defendants, these allegations remain nothing more than mere
[121] Further, the causes of action of this nature involving fraud and
dishonesty must not only be specifically pleaded but there must
also be clear evidence to prove the nexus between the alleged
wrongful acts and the defendant who is said to have committed
those wrongful acts. The Plaintiffs have failed to do either of this.
[122] The Plaintiffs also included, in addition to the multiple causes of
action, a claim based on negligence and breach of fiduciary duty.
[123] The negligence as pleaded is that the Defendants were negligent
in, inter alia, supplying, constructing and carrying out installation
work at the Factory.
[124] The allegation on negligence is also attached to the allegation of
defective and latent defect in the material used, design and work
[125] These are all allegations regarding the Contract. The Plaintiffs
claim for negligence and breach of fiduciary duty is premised on
the Contract (the LOAs).
[126] This is further confirmed in the answer to Question 33 in WS(A)-
“Question 33: Apart from the above-mentioned breaches, can you explain
to the Court, what are the other failures of the Defendants
in supplying, manufacturing, designing, installing and
delivering the cGMP processing plant to the Plaintiffs?
Answer 33: a) Following from the admission by the D1 that PU panels
supplied to and installed at the 1st Plaintiff’s cGMP
processing plant are not certified as Class O and that is
breach of contract, it is inter-related and evidently
proved that D1 and its directors D2-D5 are negligent
in carrying out their duties of care and skill, when
Defendants knew that they were appointed
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specifically as NSC for the Projects, so they owe a
duty of care to us. ”
(own emphasis added)
[127] The negligence claim is pleaded jointly against all the Defendants
based on the “Particulars of Negligence” against the Defendants in
paragraphs 81.1 to 81.16 of the Statement of Claim.
[128] At paragraph 80 of the Statement of Claim, it is also pleaded these
same Defendants jointly owe a duty of care to the Plaintiffs as
“Selanjutnya dan/atau secara alternatif Plaintif-Plaintif menyatakan bahawa
pada setiap masa yang material Defendan-Defendan mempunyai
kewajipan berjaga-jaga dan mengguna kemahiran tehadap Plaintif-
Plaintif selaku SKD untuk membekal, membuat, mereka bentuk dan membina
Loji Pemprosesan cGMP bagi Projek selari dengan SA No. 1 tersebut, SA No.
2 tersebut, undang-undang berkaitan di Malaysia dan semua representasi-
representasi yang telah dibuat sama ada melalui tindakan atau perkataan yang
telah diberikan terhadap dan dijaminkan kepada Plaintif-Plaintif. Plaintif-
Plaintif mengulangi dan menggunapakai kepada Perenggan-perenggan 27
sehingga 33 di atas di sini.”
(own emphasis added)
[129] The Contracts do not involve the 2nd to 6th Defendants and as such
they do not owe the Plaintiffs a duty of care regarding the Contract.
[130] Further, I have stated earlier that the only contract in existence is
the 2nd LOA between A One Piling and Blue Seal.
[131] Therefore, the Plaintiffs claim for negligence and breach of
fiduciary duty cannot be maintained against the 2nd to 6th
Defendants who have no contractual relationship with the either of
the Plaintiffs.
[132] When it comes to Blue Seal, I find that the claim for negligence
overlaps with the Plaintiffs’ claim for breach of contract. That being
the case, the Plaintiffs’ claim for breach of contract will supersede
their claim for negligence.
[133] The issue of an obligation in contract superseding a duty in tort was
dealt with in the Tai Hing Cotton Mill Ltd v. Liu Chong Hing Bank
Ltd [1986] AC 80 in which the Privy Council held as follows:
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“Their Lordships do not believe that there is anything to the advantage
of the law's development in searching for a liability in tort where the
parties are in a contractual relationship. This is particularly so in a
commercial relationship. Though it is possible as a matter of legal semantics
to conduct an analysis of the rights and duties inherent in some contractual
relationships including that of banker and customer either as a matter of
contract law when the question will be what, if any, terms are to be implied or
as a matter of tort law when the task will be to identify a duty arising from the
proximity and character of the relationship between the parties, their
Lordships believe it to be correct in principle and necessary for the avoidance
of confusion in the law to adhere to the contractual analysis: on principle
because it is a relationship in which the parties have, subject to a few
exceptions, the right to determine their obligations to each other, and for the
avoidance of confusion because different consequences do follow according
to whether liability arises from contract or tort, e.g. in the limitation of action.
“Their Lordships do not, therefore, embark on an investigation as to whether
in the relationship of banker and customer it is possible to identify tort as well
as contract as a source of the obligations owed by the one to the other. Their
Lordships do not, however, accept that the parties' mutual obligations in
tort can be any greater than those to be found expressly or by necessary
implication in their contract. …”
(own emphasis added)
[134] The same position was taken by the Court of Appeal in Credit
Guarantee Corp Malaysia Bhd v. SSN Medical Products Sdn
Bhd [2017] 2 MLJ 629 in respect of an attempt by the respondent
there to impose a tortious duty of care on the appellant who was
sued for negligence. The Court of Appeal referred to the case of
Tai Hing Cotton Mill (supra) and held as follows:
“[36] In essence therefore, and harkening to the fair, just and reasonable
requirement as set out in Caparo, in cases where the parties must be taken
to have intended their rights and obligations to be governed exclusively
by the contract or contracts which, they have entered, especially in a
commercial contract, that factor to be taken as a compelling one, or in
some cases a decisive one, against the imposition of a duty of care in
(own emphasis added)
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[135] Therefore, to summarise my findings on this issue:
i) The Plaintiffs have no cause of action for negligence or breach
of fiduciary duty against the 2nd to 6th Defendants;
ii) As A One Piling has a contract with Blue Seal under the 2nd
LOA, it supersedes A One Piling’s claim for negligence and
breach of fiduciary duty against Blue Seal.
iii) Tech Food has no contractual claim or nexus with Blue Seal
as the 1st LOA is no longer valid. Blue Seal owes no fiduciary
duty to Tech Food and no claim for negligence can be
maintained by Tech Food against Blue Seal in respect of the
work Blue Seal carried out for A One Piling under the 2nd LOA,
as the NSC of the Project.
[136] I now come to A One Piling’s claim for breach of contract against
Blue Seal. This is the only part of the Plaintiffs’ claim that can be
maintained and it is only confined to A One Piling’s claim against
Blue Seal for breach of contract.
[137] As stated earlier in paragraph 40 above, Blue Seal has admitted to
liability for breach of the terms of the 2nd LOA but the admission is
limited to the following:
i) Under the Contract, A One Piling was to supply and install PU
panels that are not defective, are fit for the purpose, are of
merchantable quality, fire retardant and certified Bomba
class “O”;
ii) Blue Seal failed to supply and install Bomba Class ‘O’
certified PU panels at the Factory;
iii) As a result of this failure the Factory cannot be used or
operated as a cGMP Processing Plant.
[138] At the outset, Blue Seal’s admission was only made on 23.5.2022
about a month before the trial was scheduled to commence, i.e.
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20.6.2022. Even then it was after numerous requests and/or
challenges made by the Plaintiffs for the documents to prove that
the PU panels installed at the Factory were in fact Bomba certified
class “O”.
[139] Blue Seal’s failure to make this disclosure or admission works to
its detriment and ultimately affects Blue Seal’s credibility.
[140] Based on the admission of liability, the Factory could not be used
or operated as a cGMP Processing Plant as intended because of
Blue Seal’s failure to supply and install Bomba certified class “O”
PU panels at the Factory.
[141] However, as alleged by the Plaintiffs, the breach by Blue Seal is
not only limited to the fact that the PU panels installed at the
Factory were no Bomba certified class “O” but also that:
i) The PU panels had bubbles or blisters on them. This is not
denied by the Defendants.
ii) The PU panels were in fact defective and damaged which
became evident subsequent to their installation. The PU
panels cover a large portion of the Factory. The entire Factory
is a huge refrigeration storage facility.
iii) The damage does not only extend to the PU panels
themselves but also the other components that make up or
come with the PU panels. As the Factory is used as a
refrigerated storage facility the PU panels have to be installed
with proper insulation and support. This is because the PU
panels are installed at the inner walls, doors and ceilings of
the Factory and they form a complete system (“Refrigeration
system”). Perhaps in more simple or lay terms, the PU panels
are like the inner walls of a fridge and the damage to the inner
walls can cause a catastrophic effect to the whole fridge. This
is what has happened to the Factory.
iv) Blue Seal had failed to construct the Factory properly to
enable it to function as a refrigerated storage facility, the very
purpose for which Blue Seal was engaged.
[142] Having examined the evidence adduced by the Plaintiffs in this
case I find that the evidence substantiates A One Piling’s above
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allegations namely that the PU panels were defective and that the
installation of the PU panels and the overall Refrigeration system
were not done properly.
[143] In connection to this, there was a dispute raised by Blue Seal that
the Contract and in particular the 2nd LOA did not include “design”
work”. Whilst the terms of the 2nd LOA may not be absolutely clear
on this and this had caused parties to engage in lengthy
submissions, however, respectfully, I do not find the issue as
complicated as it seems. This is based on the 2nd LOA (read
together with the Quotation and other relevant documents) the
construction of the Factory is very comprehensive. There can be
no mistake or confusion that the Factory was to be used as a
refrigerated storage facility and even a cursory review of the 2nd
LOA and the Quotation will show that. Blue Seal’s work was to
construct the Refrigeration system to enable the Factory to
operate as a refrigerated storage facility. Thus, even if it is not
explicitly stated, it can still be clearly implied that when Blue Seal
constructs the Factory, it must ensure that the Factory can function
as a refrigerated storage facility.
[144] It would not make sense for Blue Seal to construct the Factory
when it knows and ought to know that the Factory, upon being
constructed, would not be able to function as a refrigerated storage
facility. Therefore, Blue Seal cannot deny that there is a “design”
element in the construction of the Factory. This is one of the
complaints that was raised by the Plaintiffs, i.e. on the design work,
which was also addressed by their expert, Raymond Graaf
(“PW-2”), in his reports and oral testimony at the trial.
[145] Thus, in the construction of the Factory, Blue Seal must ensure that
the Factory will ultimately function as a refrigerated storage facility
and the work must be “designed” to achieve that. It is not open for
Blue Seal to allege it only did what the Plaintiffs told it to do (e.g. to
instal the PU panels) and if the Factory cannot operate as intended
Blue Seal cannot be faulted as it did not design the Factory.
[146] It must be borne in mind that the work under the 2nd LOA is
comprehensive. Blue Seal must have the technical knowledge and
ability to construct the Factory and use that knowledge and ability
so that the Factory will function as a refrigerated storage facility.
This is the reason for which A One Piling engaged Blue Seal and
relied on Blue Seal’s expertise.
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[147] Regarding the allegations stated in paragraph 141 above PW-2
had testified, inter alia, as follows in his witness WS(A)-PW2:
“Question 9 : Can you explain what is the opinion in your Assessment
Answer 9 : In summary, my opinion is as follows:
a) Taking the general inadequate project conditions into
consideration, which will result in high operational
power consumption cost, accelerated depreciations,
insurmountable deterioration, further bubble/blister
phenomena, further delamination of the PPGI and
structural stress damages on insulation and civil
structures, substantial increased wear and tear on all
related components, in particular the refrigeration
equipment, insulation and possible concrete floor
heaving, (it is paramount, to understand the problems
and have raised awareness that expensive unforeseen
repair- and replacement solutions during full
operational periods will become inevitably.
b) Having conducted the extensive survey and study of the
Temperature-Controlled Production Facility concerned,
that the most obvious recommendation that can be
concluded is, to replace all insulation works and
respective concrete floating floors, redesign the method
statements and consider to conduct a thorough capacity
calculation on the refrigeration equipment versus heat
loads and thermal conductivity computations of the
installed insulation systems.
c) If however, the most obvious recommendation of
replacement will not be implemented, it needs to be a
paradigm of continuous monitoring the inspected and
found defects, non-appliance parts of the method
statements, inadequate applicable method statements,
ice build-up in the tongue and groove panel
connections, expected deterioration continuation, as
well as the overall conditions of the total contracted
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d) It is obvious that a pre-operational trial runs need to be
executed on all mechanical components that have been
subject to a long period of a non-activity status
combined with a thorough cleaning of the entire ex- and
internal facility.”
[148] PW-2 further testified on the condition of Factory as at 16.6.2022
(which is a few days before the trial) as follows:
“Question 15 : Can you briefly explain about your assessment??
Answer 15 : a) I conducted another site assessment inspection at the
request of Tech food Ingredients Sdn. Bhd. on
16.06.2022 for the purpose of a comparison with my
Assessment Report No. 1 dated 11.06.2020 and
composed the assessment as Updated Status Report
No. 1 dated 16.06.2022 and marked as Exhibit RDG-
3 in the Plaintiffs’ Expert Affidavit (No. 2) affirmed
by me on 17.06.2022.
b) In brief, I found all previous inspected external
phenomenon of bubble/blister of PU walls-, partition
walls-, and walkable/suspended ceiling sandwich
insulation panels, the phenomenon of
delamination/debonding on the external side of the
walkable/suspended ceiling PU insulation sandwich
panels, as well as the inadequate essential vapor
barriers, door- & relief ports components and
equipment in comparison to my Assessment Report
1, dated 11.06.2020 to be substantially deteriorated,
no improvement whatsoever on the PU finishing
floors, additional corrosion on the refrigeration
equipment, dust and cobwebs.
c) For these reasons, the only conclusion I can make is
to demolish the entire PU insulation system, the PU
floor insulation slabs in Freezer 1 & 2, combined
with the concrete top floors, the freezer door frames
and a thorough review of the conditions of the
refrigeration systems and individual equipment of all
capacities, heat load calculations, corrosion in order
to re-design the entire system and amend the method
statements on the entire insulation system in
accordance with Bomba class ‘O’ certification.”
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[149] In relation to this, it is crucial to note that Blue Seal or the other
Defendants did not produce any expert report either on their own
or in rebuttal.
[150] In the absence of their own expert report or expert testimony, the
cross-examination conducted by the Defendants on PW-2 in
respect of technical or scientific matters would not have much of
an impact on PW-2’s testimony unless the expert evidence is
“obviously lacking in defensibility” and “is not supported by the
basic facts of the case” (Majuikan Sdn Bhd v. Barclays Bank Plc
[2015] 1 MLJ 171). This is not the situation in the instant case.
[151] Any of the Defendants’ counsel who cross-examines PW-2 cannot
presuppose he has knowledge on the scientific area involved
without support from another expert report or testimony to base his
cross-examination on (see Syed Abu Bakar bin Ahmad v. Public
Prosecutor [1983] 1 MLRA 318; PB Malaysia Sdn Bhd v.
Samudra (M) Sdn Bhd [2008] 6 MLRH 841 on how the Court
treats expert reports).
[152] Therefore, this falls squarely under one of the circumstances in
which adverse inference may be drawn under Section 114
illustration (g) of the Evidence Act 1950 (“EA 1950”) and especially
in the present case where the Defendants have submitted “no case
to answer” (Takako (supra)).
[153] To prove its claim for breach of contract A One Piling had adduced
both documentary and viva voce evidence which are summarised
as follows:
i) One “Part A” bundle of documents where the authenticity and
contents of the documents are agreed;
ii) Eight “Part B” bundle of documents where the contents of the
documents are disputed and not their authenticity.
iii) One “Part C” bundle of document which only contains
“Whatsapp” messages totalling 2 pages.
iv) Six witnesses testified for the Plaintiffs.
[154] The documentary evidence included pictures of the Factory and
video recordings of the inspection carried out at the Factory.
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[155] It is proven from the totality of the evidence presented at the Trial
that the Factory was not constructed properly (including defective
or wrong materials used) and the construction work was
incomplete. Even visibly, the damage especially to the PU panels
can be seen in that most, if not all, of the PU panels installed at the
Factory have blisters/bubbles on them.
[156] To put it plainly, the Factory was in poor condition and in a
deteriorated state.
[157] The condition of the Factory was a direct result of Blue Seal’s
failure to construct the Factory in accordance with the Contract and
the entire Refrigeration system as stated in paragraph 141 above.
This is clearly borne out by the evidence.
[158] The condition of the Factory was described in detail in PW-2’s
expert reports and in his oral testimony. PW-2 had inspected the
Factory at least twice.
[159] There is no reason for me to doubt or question PW-2’s testimony
though learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants had argued
that he was not independent. There is no evidence of this except
for the attempts by learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants to
challenge PW-2’s credibility during cross-examination. During
cross-examination I observed that PW-2 remained resolute,
unwavering and consistent in his testimony which were supported
by scientific explanation and data.
[160] Given the admissions made by Blue Seal in particular that the
Factory cannot be used or operated together with the totality of the
evidence adduced by the Plaintiffs, I find that Blue Seal had
committed breach of contract. Blue Seal had essentially failed to
construct the Factory in accordance with the 2nd LOA and namely
as stated in paragraph 141 above.
[161] The said breach had then caused A One Piling to suffer losses.
[162] Though there were multiple reliefs prayed for by A One Piling in
respect of its the breach of contract claim, I had only allowed those
which were the direct consequence of the breach and related to
the 2nd LOA.
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[163] It must be noted at this juncture that some of the reliefs were
withdrawn by the Plaintiffs such as the relief in prayers 83.10 and
83.13 of the Statement of Claim. The Plaintiffs also requested for
“appropriate general damages” to be granted by the Court in place
of prayers 83.7 and 83.11 of the Statement of Claim.
[164] A One Piling’s contractual claim which I had allowed were confined
to, inter alia, the following main reliefs in the Statement of Claim:
i) Prayer 83.2 as prayed for;
ii) Prayer 83.4 but only in respect of a declaration that there was
a breach of contract of the 2nd LOA by Blue Seal as the NSC
for the Project;
iii) Prayer 83.9 for the refund of RM98,000.00 that was overpaid;
iv) Prayer 83.11 for A One Piling to utilise the balance 5% of the
Contract Sum which it is holding, against the costs of rectifying
the Factory; and
v) Prayer 83.12 for special damages but reduced to the sum of
RM19,498,666.73 being the costs of rectifying the Factory;
[165] Therefore, the two main relief for liquidated sums in the Statement
of Claim which I allowed for breach of contract are:
i) Prayer 83.9 for the refund of RM98,000.00 that was overpaid;
ii) Prayer 83.12 for special damages of RM19,498,666.73 being
the costs of rectifying the Factory.
[166] I will begin with the overpayment claim of RM98,000.00 which is
specifically pleaded in the Statement of Claim.
[167] Based on the testimony of PW-5, after Blue Seal terminated the 2nd
LOA, PW-5, as the SO of the Project, was required to prepare the
final account in respect of the same. At that point of time, after
recalculation and inspection, it was discovered that the Project was
over certified and many of the works that were supposedly done
were not completed as claimed. In the circumstances, revised
progress payment certificates were prepared, i.e. Progress
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Payment Certificate No. 4A and Progress Payment Certificate No.
[168] In support of its claim, A One Piling had produced pictures of the
above incomplete works which were attached together with the
Progress Claim No. 5A (Bundle B1).
[169] It was submitted on behalf of the Plaintiffs, that the RM98,000.00
overpayment was calculated as follows:
“a) Progress Payment Certificate No. 4A: RM151,970.38 (add)
b) Progress Payment Certificate No. 5A: -RM1 39,280.54 (less)
c) Payment made by 2nd Plaintiff on 13.02.2019: RM110,945.64
Total: RM98,255.80”
[170] As the 1st to 5th Defendants’ arguments against the evidence in
respect of A One Piling’s claim for the overpayment of
RM98,000.00 and special damages of RM19,498,666.73 are
similar, I will deal with them together after addressing the said
special damages claim.
[171] Regarding A One Piling’s claim for special damages, the actual
amount prayed in prayer 83.12 of the Statement of Claim, being
the costs involved to rectify the Factory, was RM20,767,364.26.
The particulars of this special damages were pleaded in, inter alia,
paragraphs 56, 56.1 to 56.21.6 of the Statement of Claim.
[172] A One Piling pleaded in detail the work and costs involved to rectify
the Factory covering, inter alia, the work involved to the materials
required and the related costs.
[173] However, at the trial A One Piling was only able to prove special
damages amounting to RM19,498,666.73. This was based on,
inter alia, the testimonies of PW-5 and PW-6 as well as the
documentary evidence adduced in, inter alia, Bundles B4 and B5
which include a document entitled “Summary For Loss and
Damages (until 4/5/2022)” together with its supporting documents
involving numerous quotations issued by various contractors and
suppliers. The special damages of RM19,498,666.73 essentially
represents the costs of rectifying the Factory.
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[174] In addition to this, PW-2, as an expert witness, had also testified
on the what was needed to be done to rectify the Factory and to
put it in working condition.
[175] The 1st to 5th Defendants challenged the evidence adduced by A
One Piling in respect of the above overpayment and special
damages claim based on the following grounds:
i) All the documents which were brought to the Court’s attention
during post trial submissions are in Part B of the agreed bundle
and the contents are disputed.
ii) The Plaintiffs have presented their entire case without reading
out any documents during the trial. They merely asked the
Court to refer to certain pages in the agreed bundle and told
the Court that the documents at those pages supported their
case. No attempt was made to read out any document in
iii) By reason of issues (i) and (ii) above, the quotations were not
properly admitted in evidence and their contents proved.
iv) PW-2 is not a true expert in the area and his reports and
testimony ought to be disregarded.
[176] With regards to the issue at paragraph 175(i) above, it is not in
dispute and is the correct position of law that the documents placed
in Part B are disputed as to their contents and not their authenticity.
The two cases below make it clear as to how Part B documents are
to be treated:
i) Melawangi Sdn Bhd v. Lim Kian Hian [2017] MLRAU 376
where the Court of Appeal held as follows:
“[24] It is clear that Bundle B contains documents where the authenticity
of the same is not disputed but contents are. What that means is simply
this. There is no requirement to call any evidence to prove the
authenticity or existence of the document in question. However, if any
party wants to rely on the contents of that document, he or she must
call for the evidence, oral or otherwise, to prove the truth of the
same. Unless that is done, the trial Court cannot give any evidential value
to the contents of that document.”
(own emphasis added)
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ii) Tiow Weng Theong v Melawangi Sdn Bhd [2018] 6 MLRA
52 in which the Court of Appeal held as follows:
“[36] To answer that question it is necessary to consider O 34 r 2(2)(e). It
provides that documents where the authenticity is agreed but the
contents are in dispute, the documents are to be placed in Part B. This in
turn means that while the parties are in agreement that such a document
exists and is not a fabrication, the contents of the document remain in
dispute. So the relevant witness is to be present at trial to be cross-
examined on the contents only, of the document.”
(own emphasis added)
[177] Based on the above authorities, A One Piling will have to prove the
contents of the documents that were placed in Part B by calling for
the evidence, oral or otherwise (Melawangi (supra)) and where
oral testimony is given the relevant witness must be in Court to be
cross-examined by the Defendants (Tiow Weng Theong (supra)).
[178] In the present case A One Piling had tendered the Part B
documents and called the relevant witnesses to testify on those
documents. A One Piling’s witnesses were then offered to the
Defendants for cross-examination. Therefore, it is clear to me that
A One Piling has satisfied the above two requirements laid out in
Melawangi (supra) and Tiow Weng Theong (supra).
[179] The next issue (paragraph 175(ii) above) pertains to the 1st to 5th
Defendants’ argument that the said documents in Part B were only
referred to by the Plaintiffs’ witnesses but were not read out in
Court. Therefore, they do not form part of the evidence in the
present case.
[180] Whilst I agree that for A One Piling to prove the contents of the
documents in Part B, the said documents must be referred to
specifically by the relevant witness, however, I do not agree that
they (i.e. the contents of these documents) need to be specifically
read out in Court at the trial.
[181] In this regard, the Supreme Court in Jaafar bin Shaari & Anor
(suing as administrators of the estate of Shofiah bte Ahmad,
deceased) v. Tan Lip Eng & Anor [1997] 3 MLJ 693 had clearly
addressed this issue in, inter alia, the following passages:
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“Thirdly, such documents therein do not form automatically a part of the
evidence of the case in question ipso facto, but any of such documents does
become part of such evidence if it is read or referred to by either of the
parties, wholly or partly, at length or in a briefest of mention, either in
examination of any witness, in submission at any stage or even on any
unilateral drawing of court's attention to it by either of the parties at any
time before the conclusion of the case.
Fourthly, at the end of the whole case, the truth of the contents of any of the
document is up to the court to determine, regard being had, inter alia, to any
absence of challenge by either of the parties on any part of the document
and similarly, the question of weight, eg either great or no weight to be
given to any part of any document is also a matter for the trial court, which
considers the documents including any 'written hearsay' contained therein.
The court may refuse to give any weight at all to any document, but then it is
accountable like in other matters, to the parties and to the appellate court for
reasons for such refusal.”
(own emphasis added)
[182] Learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants had a different
interpretation of the first paragraph of the above passages quoted
from Jaafar bin Shaari (supra). He contends that the documents
placed in Part B must be read in Court as the terms, “referred to”
and “read” have different functions. With respect, I disagree. The
wording of the above passages from Jaafar bin Shaari (supra) is
clear. The word “or” in the passage “if it is read or referred to by
either of the parties” is disjunctive. I am of the considered view that
the party proving the contents of a Part B document may either
“read” the document or “refer” to it at the trial, either through the
witness’s statement or his oral testimony when he is examined.
[183] I am also of the considered view that when the witness “refers” to
a document placed in Part B, he only needs to identify the
document in his testimony either “wholly or partly, at length or in a
briefest of mention” (Jaafar bin Shaari (supra)).
[184] Thus, there is no necessity for the witness to read the document at
the trial as argued by learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants.
[185] Learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants also referred to the
case of Borneo Co. (M) Sdn. Bhd. v. Penang Port Commission
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[1975] 2 MLJ 204 to support his argument that Part B documents
must be read in Court and quoted the following passage from the
said case:
“Now Odgers on Pleading and Practice, 12th Edition, page 298 has this to say:
“If the correspondence is voluminous it will be necessary to have an agreed
bundle for the use of the judge, the paging of which should be identical with
that of the bundles for counsel on both sides. In default of special
agreement, only such letters in the bundle as are actually read at the trial
will be taken to be in evidence, and agreeing a bundle does not constitute
an admission that all letters contained in it are admissible in evidence.”
(own emphasis added)
[186] With respect, I find learned counsel for the 1st to 5th Defendants’
reliance on the above passage from Borneo Co. (supra) misplaced
and taken out of context. Firstly, the use of an agreed bundle of
documents were perhaps not a common thing in those days (in
1975) and preparing an agreed bundle was something relatively
new. Secondly, it is clear from the words, “In default of special
agreement” in Odgers on Pleading and Practice, 12th Edition,
means that parties must agree on how the document is to be
treated or categorised. The compilation and placing of documents
in an “agreed bundle” in the context of the above passage is
understood to mean for convenience and easy reference at the
trial only. This is where the “special agreement” comes in on how
the documents in the said agreed bundle are to be treated. In this
day and age where the rules of civil procedure in Malaysia is now
governed by the Rules of Court 2012, agreed bundles are
categorised Parts A, B and C by agreement of parties well before
the trial. Therefore, it is not useful nor instructive to refer to the
above passage from Borneo Co. (supra).
[187] In the present case, A One Piling’s witnesses had referred to the
documents in Part B and in some instances had even given
explanation on them during their testimonies. As such the contents
of these Part B documents have been proven.
[188] On the issue of whether the maker of a Part B documents needs to
be called to testify, I find the Court of Appeal’s decision in Yeo Ing
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King v. Melawanqi Sdn Bhd [2016] 5 MLJ 631 to be instructive,
in which it was held as follows:
“[10] If there is a dispute as to contents and/or its truth, it has to be placed in
Bundle B. For example, in a case where the plaintiff is suing the defendant for
breach of facility granted by the bank and the amount of claim is in dispute,
the defendant can admit a bank statement to be placed in Bundle B and even
agree to dispense with the maker of the statement to give evidence, to save
costs and time and proceed to call his own witness such as a chartered
accountant to show that the sum claimed in the bank statement is erroneous.
In essence, placing a document in Bundle B does not mean that the maker
must be called but if the opposing party dispense with the calling of the
maker then that document must be marked as exhibit subject to proof of
the contents. In any event, the court may want to give some probative
force to that document taking into account a holistic view of the facts of
the case (see Recaliva Design Steel (M) Sdn Bhd v Vista Access Sdn Bhd [2008]
6 MLJ 604; [2008] 10 CLJ 491 and YB Dato’ Hj Husam bin Hj Musa v Mohd
Faisal bin Rohban Ahmad [2015] 3 MLJ 364; [2015] 1 CLJ 787). In addition, the
makers for Bundle B documents may be dispensed with, if the exception to the
hearsay rule provided under the Evidence Act becomes applicable (see the EA
1950 ss 32, 73A, 90A, etc). In such event, the relevant documents must be
marked as exhibits during trial.”
(own emphasis added)
[189] In the instant case, it was made clear to the parties well before the
trial during case managements that if the maker of the document
is required to be called by the opposing party then the document
should be placed in Part C as formal proof is required for the
documents to be admitted. Since parties have agreed for the
documents to be placed in Part B, it is not a must for the maker to
be called though it still falls upon the Court to determine the weight
that should to be placed on the said document.
[190] In connection with this, it was held in Melawangi (supra) as follows:
“[27] Our view can be said to be corroborated by the many directions given by
us when we were sitting as High Court Judges. Those directions were that
there would be three bundles to be used at trial, namely Bundles A, B and
C and documents therein must be agreed as what we have set out above.
That has been the accepted practise among the legal practitioners prior
to the Rules of Court 2012. This practice is in fact confirmed by counsel for
the Appellant at trial as evidenced in this interchange between the learned
Judge and counsel:
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YA : But the documents are in B?
DRV : Yes it's in B. The documents are there, But the veracity are still
subject to cross-examination.
YA : Subject for cross, yes. Yes.
DRV : So just because it's in B, it's not automatically like how it is in A.”
(own emphasis added)
[191] This then takes us to the issue of the cross-examination of the
witnesses and the documents.
[192] First and foremost, it is trite law that “it is essential that a party’s
case be expressly put to his opponent’s material witnesses when
they are under cross-examination.” (Aik Ming (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors
v. Chang Ching Chuen & Ors & Another Appeal [1995] 3 CLJ
[193] It was also held in Lau Tiong Ik Construction Sdn Bhd v Lau
Chung Ping & Anor (2015) MLRHU 1371 as follows:
“[40] From what PW1 had stated above, the cash flow statement for FYE 1998
showed that there was no cash inflow of RM1,631, 200.00 which would have
been the proceeds from the sale of the shares to the 1st defendant. The cash
and bank balances in the said cash flow statement also did not increase by a
proportionate amount of RM1,600,000.00. He said that this meant that there
was no payment made by the 1st defendant and no payment received by the
plaintiff. It is noteworthy that although deemed critical to the 1st defendant's
case, PW1 was never cross- examined on this aspect of his evidence. This was
to the detriment of the 1st defendant because it is a well settled rule of
essential justice that wherever an opponent had declined to avail himself of
the opportunity to put his essential and material case in cross-examination, it
must follow that he believed that the testimony given could not be disputed
at all (see AEG Carapiet v. AYDerderian AIR 1961 Cal 359 at 362 applying
Browne v Dunn (1893) 6 R 67). In Ayoromi Helen v. PP [2004] 2 MLRA 322;
[2005] 1 MLJ 699; [2005] 1 CLJ 1; [2005] 1 AMR 405 the Court of Appeal held
that the failure to cross-examine a witness on a crucial part of the case
will amount to an acceptance of the witness' testimony.”
(own emphasis added)
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[194] Whilst the 1st to 5th Defendants makes an issue of the manner in
which the Part B documents were tendered by A One Piling,
however, they themselves have failed to cross-examine A One
Piling’s witnesses on these documents either entirely or specifically
on material issues.
[195] Learned counsel for the Defendants’ cross-examination of A One
Piling’s witnesses were somewhat cursory and there was no
specific reference to the documents which they now seek to
challenge despite the fact that the said documents (mainly in Part
B) were referred to by A One Piling’s witnesses at the trial.
[196] PW-6 in particular was not cross-examined at all by the
Defendants’ counsel.
[197] As far as A One Piling is concerned it has discharged its evidential
burden to prove its case and in this regard the contents of the Part
B documents. Hence the burden shifts to Blue Seal (Keruntum
[198] A One Piling has adduced evidence to prove its overpayment claim
of RM98,000.00 as well the special damages claim but only up to
the sum of RM19,498,666.73. The details of these claims were
specifically pleaded and both oral and documentary evidence
adduced at the trial to support them.
[199] Therefore, in respect of the issue in paragraph 175(iii) above, the
quotations were properly admitted. The special damages were
specifically pleaded and particularised and proved by documentary
evidence (Rohgetana Mayathevan v Dr Navin Kumar & Ors and
Other Appeals [2017] 3 MLRA 53 at paragraph 16). Further the
quotations can be used to prove loss or damages suffered (Chong
Nge Wei & Ors v Kemajuan Masteron Sdn Bhd [2022] 3 MLJ
[200] As far as the issue in paragraph 175(iv) is concerned, I reiterate
my grounds in paragraphs 147 to 152 and 159 above. PW-2
testified that he had the expertise in the relevant area and the
cross-examination of PW-2 by the Defendants were without any
basis when in fact the Defendants did not adduce any contrary
expert report or testimony to challenge PW-2’s expertise in the
area. In any event I did not find the expert evidence of PW-2 to be
obviously lacking in defensibility (Majuikan (supra)). PW-2 is well
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qualified and has vast experience in the area. He had backed his
reports and opinion with scientific facts and supporting data.
[201] As I find that the evidence adduced by A One Piling satisfactory
and reliable (Mohd Nor Afandi (supra); Yui Chin Song (supra)),
it is therefore the Court’s duty to accept the evidence as true in the
absence of any evidence from the Blue Seal to the contrary
(Takako (supra)).
[202] Blue Seal has also failed to provide any reason why it did not care
to give evidence and therefore it is justified for the Court to draw
adverse inference against Blue Seal (Takako (supra)).
[203] In this situation, Blue Seal’s defence cannot be taken into account
or considered (Leolaris (supra); Takako (supra)).
[204] I find that the loss and damages were in fact suffered by A One
Piling arising from Blue Seal’s breach of the 2nd LOA (Datuk Mohd
Ali Hj Abdul Majid & Anor v. Public Bank Bhd [2014] 4 MLRA
397) and this entitles A One Piling to the RM98,000.00
overpayment claim and the RM19,498,666.73 special damages
claim which it has proven (Rohgetana Mayathevan (supra)).
[205] I must emphasise that notwithstanding the evidence adduced by A
One Piling to prove the losses and damages it suffered, it bears
repeating that Blue Seal had admitted in no unclear terms that:
“The cGMP Processing Plant cannot be used or operated as cGMP Processing
Plant as the PU panels supplied and installed by the 1st Defendant are not
class ‘O’ certified panels.”
(own emphasis added)
[206] Hence, it is only reasonable for A One Piling to be compensated
for having to rectify the Factory which was not able to be used as
a refrigerated storage facility for several years since Blue Seal
terminated the 2nd LOA.
[207] For brevity, only A One Piling’s claim against Blue Seal for breach
of contract, as the contracting parties under the 2nd LOA, is allowed.
The 2nd to 6th Defendants are not privy to this contractual claim and
therefore they cannot be made liable.
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[208] The Plaintiffs had prayed for a multitude of reliefs which include:
i) General damages for breach of contract and/or fiduciary
duties and/or negligence;
ii) General damages for loss of reputation, business, income and
business opportunity;
iii) General damages for deceit and fraudulent misrepresentation;
iv) General damages for mental anguish, health issues and
[209] As I had stated earlier the Plaintiffs’ claim against the Defendants
for Deceit, Fraudulent Misrepresentation, Negligence and Breach
of Fiduciary Duties are without merits and this has been dealt with
earlier in this Judgment. Therefore, all the Plaintiffs’ claims and
the reliefs connected to these causes of action are dismissed.
[210] In so far as the general damages sought in relation to breach of
contract is concerned, A One Piling’s special damages claim has
covered these losses or damages and therefore A One Piling
cannot be allowed the same claim twice or given a “second bite of
the cherry” (Tekun Nasional v. Plenitude Drive (M) Sdn Bhd and
another appeal [2021] 6 MLJ 619 (FC)).
[211] In any event, the reliefs which were not allowed were all unproven
and no evidence were even adduced to prove that the losses were
[212] It does not assist the Plaintiffs’ case by claiming a multitude of
reliefs when they are not able to back those claims with actual
evidence. It is also of utmost importance for the Plaintiffs to have
first established the nexus between their claims and the reliefs
sought before making those claims.
[213] Save and except for A One Piling’s claim against Blue Seal for
breach of contract, the other claims are devoid of merit.
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[214] In the present case, as a result of a large number of the Plaintiffs’
claims being dismissed, costs for those dismissed claims were
then awarded in favour of the Defendants.
[215] Earlier in this Judgment, I had discussed the Plaintiffs’ claims
against all the Defendants including the 6th Defendant concerning
Deceit, Fraudulent Misrepresentation, Negligence, Breach of
Fiduciary Duties and Breach of Contract. However, I consider it
necessary to specifically address the Plaintiffs’ claim against the
6th Defendant.
[216] Firstly, the 6th Defendant is an employee of Blue Seal. He carries
out his duties in accordance with the instructions given to him by
Blue Seal and this would also be in line with his employment
contract with Blue Seal. Blue Seal is the NSC of the Project and
not the 6th Defendant. In the Statement of Claim, the Plaintiffs
continuously ties the alleged wrongdoings of the 2nd to 6th
Defendants with Blue Seal as the NSC of the Project. There is no
direct nexus between the Plaintiffs’ claim and the 6th Defendant.
[217] Secondly, there is nothing for the 6th Defendant to gain by
committing Deceit and Fraudulent Misrepresentation unless he
was conspiring with the other Defendants and this is what the
Plaintiffs have alleged against him.
[218] There is no evidence of conspiracy between the 6th Defendant and
the other Defendants to commit Deceit and Fraudulent
Misrepresentation against the Plaintiffs. There is no evidence of
the 6th Defendant committing Deceit and Fraudulent
Misrepresentation on his own either.
[219] Thirdly, the 6th Defendant owes a duty to Blue Seal, not the
Plaintiffs. If during the course of his employment the 6th Defendant
commits an error in his work or is negligent in the execution of his
duties related to the Project, Blue Seal would assume liability.
[220] Hence there was no real reason or justification for the 6th Defendant
to have been made a party to this action and as such I awarded a
higher sum of costs in favour of the 6th Defendant.
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Suit 518
[221] Truepro’s Counterclaim against Blue Seal in Suit 518 is almost
identical to the Plaintiffs’ claim against the Defendants in Suit 17,
with the sole distinction being that Truepro is only seeking
damages and not pursuing any declaratory reliefs.
[222] Truepro is not a party to the contract between Blue Seal and the
Plaintiffs in Suit 17. Truepro has no contract with Blue Seal.
Truepro is merely the Consultant and Superintending Officer
appointed by Tech Food for the Project.
[223] Truepro has not provided justification or cause of action for its
Counterclaim against Blue Seal.
[224] On this ground alone Truepro’s Counterclaim can be dismissed.
[225] Nevertheless, for completeness, I have still examined the evidence
given by PW-5 who testified for Truepro. PW-5 is a director of
[226] When PW-5 was asked to provide the basis for Truepro’s
Counterclaim against Blue Seal, this was the answer he gave:
“KS Ok. Can you explain to the Court the basis of your claim against Blue
Seal? What is it, based on what, I mean the, based on the contract or
whatever it is, can you please explain?
SOO Yang Arif, ok. If we recall back, under this 518, ok? Blue Seal put A
One and Truepro as a Defendant. If you say, we don't have the
contract, and then, I cannot claim them, why they can sue me? Put
in me as a Defendant? Ok? So, the, my, this is my counterclaim in the
suit 518, ok, page 2. Ok? Under item (a)(i), 73.11, we are put there,
“Special damage for the sum of RM250,000 incurred for the
additional consultation and the administration, administrative costs
for the project”. Ok? Because of the Blue Seal breach of contract,
all the cGMP plant need to demolish and rebuild. Ok? Are you
[227] The following can be deduced from PW-5’s above testimony:
i) PW-5 does not seem to know the reason for Truepro’s
Counterclaim against Blue Seal;
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ii) It would appear the Counterclaim was because Truepro was
made a party, 2nd Defendant in the main suit (Suit 518).
iii) Truepro incurred additional costs which is it now claiming
because of the breach of contract by Blue Seal in failing to
construct the Factory properly.
[228] There is no contractual or causal link between the special damages
claimed by Truepro and Blue Seal.
[229] If Truepro’s claim is a contractual claim then its nexus is with Tech
[230] Truepro presented evidence through PW-5, whom, during his
testimony, failed to provide any justification for his claim against
Blue Seal, except for requesting specific damages totalling
RM250,000.00 and RM169,840.02, along with general damages to
be determined by the Court. PW-5 submitted these figures without
offering any explanation as to how they are derived.
[231] It is important to note that Truepro’s Counterclaim only arose after
Suit 518 was filed by Blue Seal.
[232] Truepro’s pleaded claim is for special damages in the sum of
RM10,207,614.00 but at the trial Truepro’s had limited its claim
against Blue Seal to RM250,000.00 and RM169,840.02. No
explanation was given nor any evidence tendered as to how any of
these amounts were derived or why Truepro’s pleaded claim was
about RM9.7 million higher.
[233] As far as Truepro’s Counterclaim is concerned, it has not proven
its case. Therefore, there is no case for Blue Seal to answer as
the evidence led for Truepro is so unsatisfactory or unreliable that
the burden of proof has not been discharged (Mohd Nor Afandi
(supra); Yui Chin Song (supra)).
[234] For the reasons stated above, in respect of Suit 17, I allowed A
One Piling’s claim against Blue Seal for breach of contract only and
essentially the following relief with some changes:
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i) Prayers 83.2, 83.4, 83.9, 83.11, 83.12 for the sum of
RM19,498,666.73 and 83.19;
ii) Costs of RM90,000.00 to be paid by Blue Seal to A One Piling
in respect of A One Piling’s claim which was allowed;
iii) Costs of RM40,000.00 to be paid by the Plaintiffs to the 1st to
5th Defendant in respect of the part of the Plaintiffs’ claim which
was dismissed;
iv) Costs of RM30,000.00 to be paid by the Plaintiffs to the 6th
[235] In relation to Suit 518, I dismissed Truepro’s Counterclaim against
Blue Seal with costs of RM10,000.00 to be paid by Truepro to Blue
Dated this 19th day of January, 2024
High Court of Malaya,
Kuala Lumpur
(Commercial Division (NCC 3))
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Dato’ Jasbeer Singh (Nur Hakimah Mohamad and Rachel Varghese
together with him)
Messrs Jasbeer, Nur & Lee
No. 6-2nd Floor, Block C, Wisma RKT
Jalan Raja Abdullah
off Jalan Sultan Ismail
50300 Kuala Lumpur
Tel.: 03-2694 8908
Email: [email protected]
K. Sureindhren (Lee Yoke Chew together with him)
Messrs Lee Y C & Co.
No. 9, 2nd Floor, Jalan SS15/4G
47500 Subang Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel.: 03-5631 6861
Email: [email protected]
Dato’ Lee Chan Leong
Messrs Chan Leong & Co
No. 3-4B, Jalan Anggerik Vanilla N 31/N,
Kota Kemuning, Seksyen 31,
40460 Shah Alam
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel.: 03-5124 9863
Email: [email protected]
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Evidence Act 1950
▪ Section 114 illustration (g)
Contracts Act 1950
▪ Section 17
▪ Section 18
▪ Section 19
1. Abdul Razak bin Datuk Abu Samah v. Shah Alam Properties Sdn Bhd
and another appeal [1999] 2 MLJ 500
2. Aik Ming (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors v. Chang Ching Chuen & Ors & Another
Appeal [1995] 3 CLJ 639
3. Bukit Baru Villas Sdn Bhd v. Yeoh Teen Earn & Ors [2017] MLJU
4. Borneo Co. (M) Sdn. Bhd. v. Penang Port Commission [1975] 2 MLJ
5. CIMB Bank Bhd v. Veeran Ayasamy (Wakil Diri Kepada Letchimi
Muthusamy, Si Mati) [2015] 7 CLJ 289
6. Credit Guarantee Corp Malaysia Bhd v. SSN Medical Products Sdn
Bhd [2017] 2 MLJ 629
7. Chong Nge Wei & Ors v Kemajuan Masteron Sdn Bhd [2022] 3 MLJ
8. Datuk Mohd Ali Hj Abdul Majid & Anor v. Public Bank Bhd [2014] 4
MLRA 397
9. Giga Engineering & Construction Sdn Bhd v. Yip Chee Seng & Sons
Sdn Bhd & Anor [2015] 6 MLJ 449
10. Gimstern Corporation (M) Sdn. Bhd. & Anor. v. Global Insurance Co.
Sdn. Bhd. [1987] 1 MLJ 302
11. Integrated Training and Services Sdn Bhd v. Kerajaan Malaysia & Ors
[2022] 3 MLJ 77
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12. Jaafar bin Shaari & Anor (suing as administrators of the estate of
Shofiah bte Ahmad, deceased) v. Tan Lip Eng & Anor [1997] 3 MLJ
13. Keruntum Sdn Bhd v. The Director of Forests & Ors [2017] 3 MLJ 281
14. Kheng Chwee Lian v. Wong Tak Thong [1983] 2 MLJ 320
15. Leolaris (M) Sdn Bhd v. Bumiputra Commerce Bank Bhd [2009] 10
CLJ 234
16. Lam Kam Loy & Anor v. Boltex Sdn Bhd & Ors [2005] 3 CLJ 355
17. Lau Tiong Ik Construction Sdn Bhd v Lau Chung Ping & Anor (2015)
MLRHU 1371
18. Mohd Nor Afandi bin Mohamed Junus v. Rahman Shah Along Ibrahim
& Anor [2008] 3 MLJ 81
19. Majuikan Sdn Bhd v. Barclays Bank Plc [2015] 1 MLJ 171
20. Melawangi Sdn Bhd v. Lim Kian Hian [2017] MLRAU 376
21. PB Malaysia Sdn Bhd v. Samudra (M) Sdn Bhd [2008] 6 MLRH 841
22. Renault SA v. Inokom Corp Sdn Bhd & Anor [2010] 5 MLJ 394
23. Rohgetana Mayathevan v Dr Navin Kumar & Ors and Other Appeals
[2017] 3 MLRA 53
24. Syarikat Kemajuan Timbermine Sdn Bhd v. Kerajaan Neqeri Kelantan
Darul Naim [2015] 3 MLJ 609
25. Seqar Oil Palm Estate Sdn Bhd v. Tay Tho Bok & Anor [1997] 3 MLJ
26. Sim Thong Realty Sdn Bhd v. Teh Kim Dar @ Tee Kim [2003] 3 MLJ
27. Solid Investments Ltd v. Alcatel-Lucent (M) Sdn Bhd (previously
known as Alcatel Network Systems (M) Sdn Bhd) [2014] 3 MLJ 784
28. Syed Abu Bakar bin Ahmad v. Public Prosecutor [1983] 1 MLRA 318
29. Takako Sakao v. Ng Pek Yuen & Anor [2009] 3 MLRA 74
30. Tai Hing Cotton Mill Ltd v. Liu Chong Hing Bank Ltd [1986] AC 80
31. Tiow Weng Theong v Melawangi Sdn Bhd [2018] 6 MLRA 52
32. Tekun Nasional v. Plenitude Drive (M) Sdn Bhd and another appeal
[2021] 6 MLJ 619
33. Victor Cham & Anor v. Loh Bee Tuan [2006] 5 MLJ 359
34. Yui Chin Song & Qrs v. Lee Ming Chai & Ors [2019] 6 MLJ 417
35. Yeo Ing King v. Melawanqi Sdn Bhd [2016] 5 MLJ 631
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| 138,894 | Tika 2.6.0 |
JB-12ANCvC-8-07/2023 | PERAYU 1. ) SAFIRUL BIN SABRI (SEORANG KANAK-KANAK MENDAKWA MELALUI IBUNYA ATAU SAHABAT WAKIL SA'DIAH BINTI SA'ADON) 2. ) SA'DIAH BINTI SAADON RESPONDEN 1. ) Wan Zeity Mazura Bin Wan Sahak (Wakil Persendirian Kepada Harta Pusaka Iskandar Bin Ibrahim, Simati) 2. ) IBRAHIM BIN AB GHANI | Interlocutory Appeal – Decision from Sessions Court – Allowing recalling of witnesses for further cross-examination - Application to stay the proceedings - Pending Appeal to Court of Appeal – Principles applicable – Whether rare and compelling circumstances – Or special circumstances – Appeal will become nugatory – Merits of the appeal. | 24/01/2024 | YA Tuan Suria Kumar a/l Durairaj Johnson Paul | |
24/01/2024 11:24:27
JB-12ANCvC-8-07/2023 Kand. 23
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JB—l2AIlCvC-B-D7/2023 Kand, 23
RAVUAN SIVIL N0.: JmzAucvc.u.n1Izu2a
1. SAFIRUL am sum
(scoring kinak-Jxznak m-ndakwa
llllalul Inunya mu nhabaz
Wnkil SNDIAH awn $A'ADON)
1. wm zzmr mzum am WAN snmx
Iwakn wunaxnnn kapada mm punk.
ISKANDAR am naruuuu. Sim: )
(NO. K/P : nmn2411.o1s1)
2. IERANIM am AB an-mm
(N0.KIF:1104n§—fl3-5031) RESFONDEN-RESPONDEN
rgalam Purkara Illlnglnai Mahknmah Sesfln DI mm
Gunman No: JE-AEJKJ-4a~lI2 TAHUN zuzm
1. SAFIRUL am swan
(sealing knuk-buluk mnnd.|kw|
Mala: unya alau nhabal
wmu SNDIAH amn swxuorc)
IN ca/uDmFMu¢uVqmzwrA
‘NEVA sum ...m., M“ be sued p. vecly M nhgmnhlv M W. mm. VII mun: W.‘
ummucvc-am/zozzi E
1. wag glrv mzmu am wan smm
(wakil pnunndlrhn mad: ham punk:
ISKAMDAR am uaruruuu, Slmali)
(N0. KIP : nmnz-n1ms1)
2. maximum am AB srwu
[1] Vni adarah Rayuan Pevayu—Perzyu/P\aInM-P\a\MW‘ hrhadap
kepumsan ms VB pads «annex menalak permonunan meveka
unluk penggarmmgan pmsmmg seliruulnyi sehmgga Rayuun ke
Mahkamah Rayuan barkauan sam kepulusan pevmchunan
m|er1uku|ori oleh HMS YB yang d|keka\kan uleh Mahkamah mi
IN ca/uDmrMuuuvq\nzxPrA —
‘NEVA sum ...m., M“ be mad p. vevly M nH§\nnH|Y M W. mm. VII mun: NM‘
up uucvc 7/znu] E
[:2] Tambahan lag!‘ mammn PlaInm—P1amul, saks\~saksISP1 dan svz
tsrssbm telah pun diwalbalas aleh bekas peguamcara Daranaar»
Dave-wan dengan soalan-Amman my new anany: semen
panmraan levsebul
pa: Mahkamah lwdak dapal mananrna hujahan P|ain|fl—P\ain|rfinI kelana
dalam Rawan Pia-um-Plamnr nemaaap kauumsan was vs umuk
memanggnl semula saxsiaaks. sm flan spz, Mahkamnh nu |e|an
pun memumskan bahawa kepulusan >-was va uruuk membenarkan
saknisaksi sm dan spz mpanggn samula unluk moan balas uleh
Defsndun-Delendan ida\ah mas pelakaanaan ('sxam:e”}
budiblcaranya sendln s$aga\ Ham aura (-my wage”) dalam
pvoswdmg parbiczraan yang sedang beqalan cxan yang dermkian,
Mahkamah mi max haleh camp-r fangan dangan numcaua HMS
vs levsebm
[341 Lebm-Isbm lagn, pida kank: Mahkamah ml manmsk Rayuan
P\aInl\r-Plalnm (erssbul, Mahkamah Jug: man mengirshksn agar
pih:k~pmak meneruskan dengan sambung mcara di Mahkamah
[351 Maka bevdasalkan alasarvalasan Iarsebul dw alas, Mahkamall mv
memuluskan bahawa Plamm-P\amM gaaal unluk menuruukkan
wupmnya kaaaamxeaaaan khns un|uk Sam Penmzh
pengganmngan pmsldmg sawanjumya sehmgga Rayuan mereka kc
Mahkamah Rayuan uuupusxan.
IN ca/unnFMuquVq\n2wrA
‘Nate sum runny wm ... M a «My Due nH§\mH|V MW; mm. Vfl muws rum
[la—1zAncvr:—n-n7/Ian] E
[as] web Yang uemuxun, Rlyuin Flam
mtnlak dengan kos
asmrm. pads 11 Dnsember 2u23 dv Muar da\am Negen Juhov Daml
sunu KUMAR nu PAUL
Pesunmjaya Kehakxman
Mahkamah Tmggi Mahya
Jahov Darul Ts‘1Im
Muhammad msrm wamae Em
Mohd Nasir
Bag: p -k Rulpunden-Rupandan YuwlFsrhan Elm Kanm
3:; E k Pang xu
mu... chum, Jan & Auacmn
Peguambeln flan Peguamcali
Na 44—« Jalan am 2
Taman Eukrt menu Muhara
75150 Melaka
IN ca/uDmFMuquVq\nzwrA _
‘NEVA sum ...m., M“ be mad p. vevly M nH§\nnH|Y M W. mm. VII mun: NM‘
I1a.mua/wow/znz:1 E
[Nu Ru .. CJA/ACO/MR/412119)
Bngi pl :11 msgmmnnaa-ganuun
Tlluan Vin Pannm
Peguambela din Peguamoara
No 1311, men 13. Black a
Phllen Damansara 2‘ 15‘ Jalan is/1
ovualan Dzmznsarz
45350 Selanaor
[lto.Ru sIPII13I1/2I111K(HS)]
Tarlkh Ponaonqann 11 Dlsember 202:
mm. Kaputuun n Dlsernber 2023
IN ca/uDmFMuquVq\nzwrA
‘NEVA sum ...m., M“ be mad p. vecly M nH§\nnH|Y M W. mm. VII mun: NM‘
Luz mucvca 1/zuzsl E
[11 Mankamah man menmsk Rayuln mu dan sekarang membenkan
alasavnalasan m sun
[5] Plhak hak am aummk seblflal Plalnhf-P\amIN flan Duhndam
Dsfendan flalim pengnakman ml
[ll Tmdakan W nmnm ukmax salu kamalinnin Jalunviya vada
1412 zma .1. mm P\:Irml Penzma, sealang kanak-kanak yang
menunggang mmumkal Na AFJ 1522 an KM 14, Jalan 59 Man —
Eukrt Gamblr asngan mamrsnkal No. JCX 5414 mm Dafundan
Kedua yang dmmggang aleh Decenusn Panama. man Plamm
Panama Ielah menga\amr kecederaan Kemk akuhm kemalangan
|eIsabul dan kin: |a|aII Vumpuh dan hsrlanlardan membawa |un|man
melaml Plamm Kean; Ibunya
m Sewzkhl vemicaraan kee P|ain|i1—P\amI\I, Defendambelendzn
maliww pegusmcara him merek: man mamvaukan satu
permahonan Imluk memanggn semma snkswsnksx Plamm—FlmnuI
IaI|u Femandu Ambulans (SP1) dan Panuknng Pegawaw Perulxatan
dari Kfimk Kssihflan Sungav Man‘ zspz) -mm menyual halas Ian.-n
kaduadus saksl m\
[51 Pad: 132022‘ HMS YE |e|ah munbenalkzn pemmhonan
caveman-uevunaan bevsebm.
m Laruulan danpadz i|u, P|aAn|i1—P1am|\l man berpuasham dengan
kspuhnsan HMS vs xamm din man mstayu ks Mallkamah mv
IN ca/unnFMuquVq\n2wrA
‘Nate sum runny WW ... M » «My n.. nH§\mH|V MW; mm. Vfl muws NM!
IW-m"M+"7/"“I %
[31 Fed: 12:72 2023. Mahkamah mi |e|ah menulak Rayuan Pla\mfl—
Phirml (ersehul flan lelah mengsrlhkan agav perbkzaraan m
Mahkamah Sesyen dnemskan
[91 P\smM manm max bamuashah an m ssdang merzyu ke
Mahkamah Rnyuan (emaflap Kevulussn Mahksmah W Oersabul
[101 Sememari IVIM P<=unm=Ia.nnn man memahnn zgav pmsiding a.
Mahkamah Sesyen wganmng sehmgga Rayuzn mereka ke
Mahkamah Rayuan dllupuskan
[11] Mahkamah Sesyen man menulak pennonanan Plamn1«Plnm(il
lersebul dsn wm sdalah Rayuan (emadap ksuumsan luriubm
Isu punnulain
[121 Fada pendaval Mankaman, Dmsadur yang sanamsnya diwkmx oleh
PIzunlW~Plam(Il edalah umuk memohon ks Mahkamah Tmggv dan
hukannya ke Mahksmah Sesyen unluk salu Penman
panggznnmgan samngga Rayuan ke Mahkamnh Rayuan
(111 lni aaaxan kerzna Penman yang drrnyul nleh Pmnlwf-Plaxnlxf Ice
Mahkamah Rayuan ada\ah (erhzdap kupuluszn Mahkamah Tmggl
yang wan mengakalxan kepulusan Mahkamah Sssyen dan imipali
pemmnanan unluk mengganlung pmshdmg Im aaaxan Immk
ynng Iehah
mengganlung pelzksanaan kepumszn Mahkamah
mengekalkan kepmussn Mahkamah Sesyen
yn ca/unnmuquvqwnzwrn
‘Nate sum runny wm ... U544 u. «my n.. mm» MW; mm. Vfl grwuus NM‘
Us zmcv: 7/may E
[I41 Menurul saxsysn 73 Am Mahksmah Kshakrman mo »
‘An Iwasal shall not upstate as a slay of exscuhon 0: ol
mocaadmas under me dsclsron appeamd Imm umass the
gem! new or me Cou/1 ol 42%: so order: and no
mlelmedmte uclurpmceeding slmllbs rnva/rdntsd amp: so
Isrls the Court omppea/ may drrsct‘
[15] Marvakala m9nmu!Ka9\1ah 13 Kauai»-Kaednh Mshkaman Rayuan
1994 —
“ 13 5:51 olgficnmg on aggm
An appeal shall nolupelsts aa a my e/axacunan arof
pvocssdings under me decision appealed [mm unless
the mgn com or me Cour! so order: and no
mfelmedrats act or pmceedilvg ma/I be invalidated
excapm: /alas me Court may direct‘
us) Akmr sekali menurul Kaeaen 14 Kaedan—K5edah Mankamah
14. mzmum mm my be mgde snhsr m Hg)! com or
Cmmal A/Iobem :7 M
Exes»! as omerw/ss pmvlded by any wnflsn Iaw,
whenever appncamn may be mas either to me Htgh
comma me com, nsnen be made m ma Itrxnnstsnce
to the man Court '
IN ca/unnrMu.uvq\n2wrA
W. sum ...m.., M“ e. wed Ix: my me angmuly Wm nnumeul VI arwuus rmm E
[111 Bernandukan kevada Derunlukkan-perunmkkan m. Mzhkamzh
herpendapal Mahkamah Sesyen ma kuisa unmx memennunkan
agar pmswdmg digarmmgkan sehingga Rayuan Pwamuwlaimn ke
Mahkamah Rayuan terhadap kapulusan Mahkamah Tmggl
m1 Tamhzhan pula, Mzhkamah mendapafi PIainm—P\ainM gags! Immk
mengemukakan ghdwg da\am Rskud Rayuan subagaimanz
menuvul Amran 55 Kaedsn 513) (Is) KKM 2012
m1 Walaupun Pembe\aan mane» dilmal dalnm Ahdawt Sokongan
Plmrmf-F'|amM dilam Rskad Riyuan‘ namun wm din Pemyalaan
runman langsung hunk mkemuxakan
no: men yang uenman, Rayuan Plz\n(if—P\a|n|fl mi baleh ditmak di alas
alasamalasan mu anal:
Samzda Paarmiu-Iaimirbunak umuk mu puinhll ponygannmqan
[211 Delendalrbeiendan memhznlah permuhanan im dun barman
behawa PIain|W—P|aimil periu manunjukkzn wmudnya “ram and
compellm circumstances’ umuk mampemlsm sam Fsvlmah
pengganxungan pmslding sehmgga Rayuan meleka ke Mar-kaman
Rayuan dilupuskan.
{:1} Dalam membuat muanan ml, Dekmdan-Detandan bemamung
kepada olnrin Mahksmah Rayuan aaram kes Pmlssm End v Tey
Par Yie 5. Another Appeal [2012] 5 cu 299 m mana Mahkamzh
Rayuan memuluskan sepem benkur.
IN ca/unnruuauvqwnzwrn
‘Nate sum ...m., wm ... M Ix; «My Due nH§\mH|V MW; mm. Vfl muws NM!
us znncvc M7/2:213! E
“(:21 We have covmdsrvd lhs sulhomies mmmea ny mm
peruas The law in rerenon ro zrra usue of staymg
prncoedmys Igamsl nenpanree pending Mbmuhon rs
rrer rn substance -1/Ifsmm‘ n ma cornmonweanr.
[ufisdicflans However, we threshold to be apalkyd m
rarenon In ma rigm olnarrpsltles to proceed wvlh Iherr
actrons noernznsunarng amllratuhn egreernenzs, does
[:3] /n ma United Kingdom, the mrasnord mar mas to be
reached to warrant the gram of e slay ofproceedmg:
egarns: non-pamss pendmg irtmllran, was eensmered
by Lord arngrrarn nl comnm cm In Rmchhold Norway
ASA and Anomer v Goldman Seem lnlemalronal
(2000) 2AI/ ER 579 ('RsrchhnId Norway 7 me: standard
was stated m be
(a) /nvokadin ~rara and mmpelhng cimumstuncss'.'
(:1) Them ougm to he very strong reason: rorgrermng
such a slay,
(c) ‘I7-vs oenms //Ksly to result rmrn grannng such a
stay of pmcaedmg: mus! oreerry ourwargr. any
dvsacfl/alvlags 10 me nonparry
[:41 (See also Mabey and Johnson v. Dams and carers
(mm All ER (D) 177, where rne English Hrgn Court
Islussd a my agamsl a non-parry to ma smrtrution
rnere me allegation: were hand Md eonsprreoy which
IN ca/unnrMuauvq\n2wrA
-rm. sum number wm e. wed n my me ongmuly Wm nnumgul vn erxuws rmm
us zimtvc av/zml Z
new a pammg Issemblsmte to me mszam apps-I/S
Them the court highlighted me Importance or hearrrvg
the "human wmrasses'in a public [Drum m rvlalmn la the
allegsbaru ol oonuwacy and ma. Anolher my factor
that Influenced Inemdgs was (M! the non-parry mkmg
the stay appealed m be taking savamsgs or the my
gram: 2» me srbflrzlrng panics to suggest am he
Wm./Id be uni-my Msmd/cad. The com rajecfsd nus
eantanlvhn /n ma course ofaxolmmg /Is dnclshon me
/eamedjudgs mm the! me /am aaanoc fall wmmn ms
‘mm and campefiing circumstances“ envisaged rn
Rwcllhold Amway)
ms lflrashohi of ‘rare and compelling mun-muses‘
was awed by Komamy Supwah JC in the case :7!
Jacob and ram» Caruumng Sdn and 5 Or: v. s»sm-ms
Vnduslry samm. emrm 3 Ca And Or: [2013] 1 ms
914 whats It was new mams tssflo be uh/nssdwaslml
that o spew umumszsncss“ nur rather the an and
compelling cflcurvlslunces“ lest anunmered m Retchnold
Norway The teamed judge rsawned mar n was
cormstsnl wnn a runaamemsr ru/5 mm plamhffwas not
only entrrted out rammed to Wuascuts ms crmm my mum
expedfltous/y and pmceed mm Ins!
On appeal, mu court ma not drssglss mm ms tssl
app/fad bythe H»gh Court“
[:3] Manama Hamnl-Plamlrl Dula mrmuan bahawa panggamungan
pmsmmg semenlara menunggu Rayuan ke Mankamah Rayuin
IN ca/unnFMu.uvq\n2wrA
W. sum ...m.., M“ .. wed » mm m. nngmuly MW; mm. VI muus NM!
Idalah waJar din hams dmenarkan kerana wuwdnya headlan-
keadaan khns dengan belganlung Kspwa omummriu Mzhkamah
finggw wailu Maer Technology Sam and v Premlumtel Sdn sn.112019}
MLJU 1999 dan Ksrsmn Malaysia v Esq'aya Times Square Sdn
Bhd 120131 ML./LI 675
[241 Manurul P1zmM—FkainIi1‘ wwud keadaan-keadaan khas da\am
parmohonin msieka W ksrina sekzranya pemanggllan semms
snkmaku SP1 aan SP2 unmk dnsaal balas Ianjut hdak asgannmg,
flan perhiczvaan dneruskan sanemm Riyuan kc Mahkamah
Rayuan dipumskan, maka Rnyuan Plamm-F\aIrmf new man
meruadv ma-ma rnugazoz/) sihaja.
[25] Mahkamah mendapzm prlnswp undang-undsng ‘rare and camoeumg
circumstances‘ ssbagawmana yang dlpuluskan clah Mahkamah
Rayuan aaram ks: Pmmco BM (supra) darn dlhnqzhkan oleh
Defandan—Defendan terpnkai kepuda satu pengganlungan
plvtidxng lerhzdap “mm—pam'es pending arhrtrabon“ can bukinnyi
kepads kes-xas pmelcflng mu biasa an|arz prhalepwhak kepadi
pmslding |ersehu(
[25] Mahkamah man menganzflsa ntnrifimnmw bevkenaun pnnslp
undang-undang pangganumgan pmsmng semngga satu Rayuan
dflupuskan dan menaapan kaporiuan unluk manuruukkan
wuwdnya keadaankczdaan khas adahah ujlan yang maslh larpakaw
[211 Mahxamah Rayuan hsvwbam Im dalam kes Nwman or Tali!) A 073
V Mohd Nastr am Hasselv A on 120231 MLJU 2557 man pumskan
sessonng pemohan perm memhuknkan wuwdnya kewaam
keadann 511: Ma mjuk kepafl: ks: Mahkamah Ylnggv Nansen
IN ca/unnFMuquVq\n2wrA —
‘Nate sum ...m.., WW ... uud » «My n.. nH§\mH|V MW; ....m. _ muus W
nmuncvc -a1/1.021] I
Qusny Pmducls Sdn Blvd s on cnong soon Hang 5. Or: (2472:)
ML./U 5917 can AMBIHK (M) and v Metal Reclsmalran [Industries]
Sun and 5 Or: /2015} 10 cm 205 yang dipumskzn o\eh Wang Klan
Khenng .1 (pad; kelxka nu)
[23] Da\am dapatan Mahkamah‘ kepmusln Mihkamnh Sesyen unmk
memanggm semulil saks\—saks\ SP1 dan SP2 unmk dam‘ balas
blunt Lfleh D2f2ndan—DufundalI manurut palakiinaan ("exemsfi
budwbwcala hzkim bi-2r: (‘Mi//0499') dillm presiding perblcanan
yzng sedang benalan hukimah saw keadain-keadaan khas
[:91 lni adahah kerzna apa yang naming adalih unmk aayamana Mama!
mendzkwa Aunmxannya secara ‘9xpsdIIw.3u:7y'dengan menemskan
pevblcaraln taupe kelengahsn dew xsaauan
Merit>mIriI Rayuln
[so] P\aInlW-Plalnm jug: se\an‘u|nya hermuah bernenzan menhmam
rayuan mevekz Menurul P\anrmf»FlainM, pemlahonan Defendan-
Defendan un|uK mernanggu sen-ma uks»-smn PlmnM—Plz|inli1udnk
wmsrdlbenalkan clan HMS YB
[:11 Memmfl P\ainlW—P|ainn1, nn adalah kemna had: kepefluan unluk
mumanggll ssmula saw Pemanflu Amhulnns (SP1) dan Pennkmg
Pagawat Pemhnvan dari Klimk Kesihalan Sungai Mali (SP2)
memandangkan mareka |a|ah pun membenkan kamevangan
sepenuhnya pad: an 11 2021 flan mm nevenaan-uevanaan wga
pang xem nu amkm oleh bekas peguamnam mereka
IN ca/unnrMuuuvqm2nPrA
wane sum rutnhu wm ... M n my ... nngwnnuly wm flnumeul VI mung my
| 1,749 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
BA-22NCC-3-01/2021 | PLAINTIF Mulpha Ventures Sdn Bhd DEFENDAN 1. ) Mula Holdings Sdn Bhd 2. ) Bestari Sepang Sdn Bhd 3. ) Spanstead Sdn Bhd 4. ) Seri Ehsan (Sepang) Sdn Bhd | Moneylenders – Moneylending transactions – Effect of non-compliance with Moneylenders Act 1951 – Whether unenforceable, void and/or illegal.Contract – Of unenforceable, void and illegal contracts – Restitution under section 66 of the Contracts Act 1950.Remedies – Restitution – Money had and received – Unjust enrichment.Limitation – Whether applicable to void contracts – Acknowledgment and fresh accrual of action | 24/01/2024 | YA Dr Choong Yeow Choy | |
(NO. SYARIKAT: 464989-X)
(NO. SYARIKAT: 18588-D)
(NO. SYARIKAT: 383742-D)
24/01/2024 15:07:46
BA-22NCC-3-01/2021 Kand. 110
S/N fh4BKgcAf0qAVbSarur8Sw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[1] “Never lend books, for no one ever returns them; the only books I
have in my library are books that other folks have lent me.” Does this apply
to money lent? After all, as observed by one economist, “all loans, in the
eyes of honest borrowers, must eventually be repaid”.
[2] In a matter that involves a moneylending transaction, as in the
present case, the law that governs moneylending dealings are well
established. These precepts have repeatedly been invoked and applied
by the courts. Nevertheless, the matter before this Court requires it to
once again examine one of the principles relating to moneylending
transactions by a licensed moneylender and a number of related legal
[3] The Plaintiff’s principal claim against the Defendants is predicated
on 3 Loan Agreements pursuant to which the Plaintiff had lent the Second
Defendant a total sum of RM41,191,801.20 (“Loans”). The Plaintiff is also
seeking to recover from the Defendants charges incurred for and on
account of the Fourth Defendant comprising the overdue and outstanding
quit rent and assessments in respect of the land belonging to the Fourth
Defendant amounting to RM7,652,603.60 plus accrued interest
[4] This matter was filed as a Writ action. However, the parties reached
an agreement that it be decided pursuant to Order 14A of the Rules of
Court 2012 on the following Questions of Law:
S/N fh4BKgcAf0qAVbSarur8Sw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
1. Whether the Loan Agreements are void and unenforceable due
to a breach of s 16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951.
1.1. If yes, then whether the Loans and/or Outgoings are
recoverable by virtue of:
(a) money had and received to the use of the Plaintiff;
(b) s 66 of the Contracts Act 1950; and/or
(c) unjust enrichment.
1.2. If no, then whether the Loans and/or Outgoings are
recoverable for a breach of the Loan Agreements,
Security Documents and the Restructuring Documents
collectively known as ‘the Documents’.
2. Whether the Defendants are barred by res judicata (in the
wider sense) and/or by judicial admission from challenging the
validity of the Loan Agreements based on the pleadings,
evidence given and affidavits filed in the Shah Alam High
Court Civil Suit No. 22NCvC57-01/2015 (‘Shah Alam Suit’),
and Shah Alam High Court Originating Summons No. BA-
243NCvC-1001-09/2020 (‘OS Proceedings’).
3. Whether the Plaintiff is debarred by limitation from pursuing
recovery of the Loans and/or Outgoings. In this regard:
3.1. Whether limitation applies if the Loan Agreements are
held to be illegal, void and/or unenforceable.
S/N fh4BKgcAf0qAVbSarur8Sw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
3.2. Whether the Defendants acknowledged that the Loans
are due and owing in the Shah Alam Suit and/or OS
Proceedings thereby resulting in a fresh accrual of the
Plaintiff’s claim on the respective dates of
acknowledgment by the Defendants and consequently
extending the period by which limitation sets in on the
Plaintiff’s claim for recovery of the Loans and/or
The Core Issues
[5] The first of three principal issues to be resolved is whether the Loan
Agreements are void and unenforceable due to a breach of section 16 of
the Moneylenders Act 1951?
[6] In the event that the answer to the above issue is in the affirmative,
the next key question for consideration is whether the Plaintiff is entitled
to its alternative claims for (i) Restitution under section 66 of the Contracts
Act 1950; and/or (ii) Restitution for Money Had and Received and/or
Unjust Enrichment?
[7] If this Court were to conclude that the Plaintiff is entitled to pursue
its alternative claims, the third major issue relating to the defence of
limitation becomes relevant.
The Parties and Their Contentions
[8] The Plaintiff, Mulpha Ventures Sdn Bhd, is a company and a
licensed moneylender under the Moneylenders Act 1951.
S/N fh4BKgcAf0qAVbSarur8Sw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[9] The First Defendant, Mula Holding Sdn Bhd, is the Ultimate Holding
Company of the Second, the Third and the Fourth Defendants, namely,
Bestari Sepang Sdn Bhd, Spanstead Sdn Bhd and Seri Ehsan (Sepang)
Sdn Bhd respectively. The Defendants are part of a Group of Companies.
[10] The loans were disbursed to the Second Defendant. The First, the
Third and the Fourth Defendants are the security parties to these
moneylending transactions.
Validity and Enforceability of the Loan Agreements
[11] On the issue of whether the Loan Agreements are valid and
enforceable, the Defendants in this suit have raised the defence that these
moneylending transactions are illegal on the ground that they violate
section 16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951 and consequently the
agreements are unenforceable and/or void.
[12] Section 16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951 provides as follows:
Moneylending agreement to be given to the borrower
16. (1) No moneylending agreement shall be enforceable unless
the agreement has been signed by all the parties to the agreement
and a copy of the agreement duly stamped is delivered to the
borrower by the licensee before the money is lent.
(2) A licensee who executes a moneylending agreement which
does not comply with this section shall be guilty of an offence under
this Act and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding ten thousand
S/N fh4BKgcAf0qAVbSarur8Sw
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ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding twelve months
or to both.
[13] The Defendants also referred to section 2(g) of the Contracts Act
1950 (interpretation section) which states that “an agreement not
enforceable by law is said to be void”.
[14] It is not disputed that the loan sums pursuant to the 3 agreements
were released to the Second Defendant before the agreements were
stamped. As a matter of fact, and as noted below, one of these Loan
Agreements remains unstamped. The dates in which the pertinent event
had taken place re the 3 Loan Agreements are as follows:
1st Moneylending Agreement
Details Date
1. Moneylending Agreement 10.9.2013
2. Agreement signed 10.9.2013
3. Loan amount 3,500,000.00
4. Loan released/disbursed 10.9.2013
5. Moneylending Agreement stamped 18.9.2013
6. Date of delivery of the duly stamped
copy of the Moneylending Agreement
to Defendants 24.9.2013
2nd Moneylending Agreement
Details Date
S/N fh4BKgcAf0qAVbSarur8Sw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
1. Moneylending Agreement 25.3.2014
2. Agreement signed 25.3.2014
3. Loan amount 34,700,000.00
4. Loan released/disbursed 25.3.2014
5. Moneylending Agreement stamped 28.3.2014
6. Date of delivery of the duly stamped
copy of the Moneylending Agreement
to Defendants 2.4.2014
3rd Moneylending Agreement
Details Date
1. Moneylending Agreement 13.6.2014
2. Agreement signed 13.6.2014
3. Loan amount 3,000,000.00
4. Loan released/disbursed April 2014
5. Moneylending Agreement was stamped Unstamped
6. Date of delivery of the copy of the
Moneylending Agreement to Defendants 24.8.2014
[15] In other words, the above point to a clear violation of the express
requirements mandated in section 16(1) of the Moneylenders Act 1951.
[16] The Defendants argued that this section does not call for any rule of
interpretation as it is crystal clear.
[17] In addition, the Defendants further submitted that as a result of the
contravention of section 16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951, the 3 impugned
Loan Agreements are rendered illegal and that this Court should not lend
any assistance to the Plaintiff to enforce an illegal contract as there are
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no exceptions provided for any violation of Section 16 of the
Moneylenders Act 1951.
[18] As section 2(h) of the Contracts Act 1950 provides that an
agreement enforceable by law is a contract, the Defendants reasoned and
submitted that “an agreement unenforceable in law is not a contract”.
[19] The Defendants also relied on Golden Wheel Credit Sdn Bhd v Dato’
Siah Teong Din (No 2) [2023] AMEJ 0798; [2023] 6 CLJ 438; [2023] 11
MLJ 647; [2023] MLRHU 661 (“Golden Wheel Credit No 2) to support their
argument that the Loan Agreements in this instant case ought to be
declared as void and/or unenforceable.
[20] On the decision of the Supreme Court in Patel v Mirza [2016] UKSC
42, the Defendant urged this Court take cognizance of section 3(1) of the
Civil Law Act 1956 and to draw a distinction between a statutory illegality,
which they submit as forming the root of the present case, as opposed to
common law illegality, as was the substance before the Supreme Court in
Patel v Mirza. In other words, for purposes of the present matter, the
Defendants is urging this Court to disregard Patel v Mirza.
[21] In response, the crux of the Plaintiff’s arguments is that a
transgression of section 16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951 merely renders
a moneylending agreement as void and unenforceable but not illegal nor
[22] This Court was also referred to section 17A of the Interpretations
Acts 1948 and 1967 which requires one to construe a provision of an Act
in a manner “that would promote the purpose and object underlying the
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Act”. In this regard, this Court was urged to take judicial notice of the
purpose and object of the Moneylenders Act 1951, which as spelt out in
its preamble is “for the regulation and control of the business of
moneylending, the protection of borrowers of the monies lent in the course
of such business, and matters connected therewith”.
[23] The Plaintiff reasoned that “the underlying purpose (object) or
mischief sought to be addressed by section 16 of the Moneylenders Act
1951 is the protection of the borrower by ensuring that he is in possession
of the terms of his contract of repayment prior to the loan being disbursed
and received”. Whereas section 27 of the Moneylenders Act 1951 “calls
for the attestation of the moneylending agreement with the attestor
explaining the terms of the moneylending agreement to the borrower and
certifying the borrowers understanding of it”. Hence, according to the
Plaintiff, when section 16 is read together with section 27 of the
Moneylenders Act 1951, one will see that the “underlying purpose
(object)/mischief is not violated in this case”.
[24] The Plaintiff repeatedly alluded to the fact that the Defendants,
being “sophisticated entities who were always legally represented”, were
not prejudiced by the alleged non-compliance with section 16 of the
Moneylenders Act 1951.
[25] In addition to the above submissions, it was also contended by the
Plaintiff that even if the section 16 defence applies, it only affects the Loan
Agreements, that is, claim for the sum of RM41,191,801.20. According to
the Plaintiff, this section 16 defence has no bearing on its claim for the
charges incurred for and on account of the Fourth Defendant comprising
the overdue and outstanding quit rent and assessments in respect of the
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land belonging to the Fourth Defendant amounting to RM7,652,603.60
plus accrued interest.
Judicial Estoppel and Res Judicata
[26] The Plaintiff alluded to two previous Suits involving the same parties
and contended that since the Defendants had “treated the Loans as valid
and regular in the Shah Alam Suit and the OS Proceedings, the Mula
Parties are estopped and barred by res judicata from now asserting that
the Loans are void and unenforceable – which is a diametrically opposite
and mutually exclusive position from that taken previously by the Mula
Parties”. The point raised by the Plaintiff is that the Defendants “could
have raised the alleged non-compliance of s 16 of the Moneylenders Act
1951 in the previous proceedings but they failed to do so” and instead
“elected to treat the Loan Agreements as valid and regular”.
[27] On this ground, the Plaintiff relied on Leisure Farm Corp Sdn Bhd v
Kabushiki Kaisha Ngu (formerly known as Dai-Ichi Shokai) & Ors [2017]
5 MLJ 63 (FC) at para [16]; [2017] CLJU 499, Syarikat Rodziah v Malayan
Banking Bhd [2021] 5 CLJ 170 (CA) at paras [45] to [49]; [2021] AMEJ
0133; [2021] MLJU 166; [2021] 3 MLRA 556, Asia Commercial Finance
(M) Bhd v Kawal Teliti [1995] 3 CLJ 783 (SC) at 791 F-G, 792 A-B, 793
E-I; [1995] 3 AMR 2559; [1995] 3 MLJ 189; [1995] 1 MLRA 611 and Lin
Wen-Chih v Pacific Forest Industries Sdn Bhd [2023] 6 AMR 561; [2023]
8 CLJ 671; [2023] 6 MLRA 1 (FC).
[28] In reply, the Defendants pointed out that the provisions of law raised
in the previous suits were sections 67 and section 132(g) of the
Companies Act 1965 and that the issue of section 16 of the Moneylenders
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Act 1951 was never raised and considered. Hence, there was no final
determination by the Shah Alam High Court on the validity of the 3
moneylending agreements mentioned herein.
Alternative Claims
[29] In the event that the Defendants are successful in invoking section
16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951 with the Loan Agreements declared as
void and unenforceable, the Plaintiff has proffered the following alternative
claims, namely:
(a) Restitution under s 66 of the Contracts Act 1950; and
(b) Money had and received and unjust enrichment under common
[30] In advancing its argument that it is entitled in law to the above
alternative claims, the Plaintiff underscored the following points, that is, (i)
the Loan Agreements were not prohibited moneylending agreements; (ii)
there is no statutory prohibition for the granting of the loans as the purpose
of the loan was not made with the object to commit an illegal act; and (iii)
since there is neither statutory nor common law illegality about these
loans, none of the limbs in section 24 of the Contracts Act 1950 is
[31] The position that the Plaintiff has adopted is that even though the
Loan Agreements were unenforceable under the Moneylenders Act 1951,
its recovery of the money lent is not confined to the said Act. In other
words, the Plaintiff is nevertheless entitled to recover the loan under “any
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other principle of law”. Indeed, Mary Lim J (as she then was) had made
the above observation in Orix Credit Malaysia Sdn Bhd v Choong Keong
Kor [2011] 1 LNS 111 at paras [25]-27]; [2011] 2 AMCR 110; [2011] MLJU
182; [2011] 2 MLRH 891 (“Orix Credit Malaysia”).
Restitution under Section 66 of the Contracts Act 1950
[32] Section 66 of the Contracts Act 1950 reads as follows:
66. Obligation of person who has received advantage under void
agreement, or contract that becomes void
When an agreement is discovered to be void, or when a contract
becomes void, any person who has received any advantage under the
agreement or contract is bound to restore it, or to make compensation for
it, to the person from who he received it”
[33] It is the Plaintiff’s contention that since the Loan Agreements are not
agreements that are void ab initio, section 66 of the Contracts Act 1950
applies to the present case. Based on this provision and the Federal Court
case of Tan Chee Hoe & Sons Sdn Bhd v Code Focus Sdn Bhd [2014] 3
AMR 9; [2014] 3 CLJ 141; [2014] 3 MLJ 301; [2014] 4 MLRA 11, the
Plaintiff submitted that it must succeed in its alternative claim for restitution
premised on section 66 of the Contracts Act 1950.
[34] In reply to the above submissions, the Defendants asserted instead
that as a result of the contravention of section 16 of the Moneylenders Act
1951, the 3 moneylending agreements are thus illegal. The Defendants
further submitted that this Court should not lend any assistance to the
Plaintiff to enforce an illegal contract and that there are no exceptions
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provided for any violation of section 16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951. The
defendants then argued that since section 2(h) of the Contracts Act 1950
provides that “an agreement enforceable by law is a contract”, an
agreement unenforceable in law is not a contract.
[35] It is noteworthy that the Defendants made reference to Golden
Wheel Credit (No. 2) and Mahmood bin Ooyub v Li Chee Loong & Other
Appeals [2020] 1 LNS 660; [2020] 6 MLJ 755; [2021] 1 MLRA 609
(“Mahmood bin Ooyub”). In the latter case, it was pointed out by the
Defendants that the Court of Appeal had made further reference to section
24 of the Contracts Act 1950, which outlines “what considerations and
objects are lawful, and what not”, with “an agreement which is forbidden
in law” as falling under the latter category.
Money had and received and unjust enrichment
[36] The elements for a claim of money had and received are:
1. that the defendant must have been enriched by the receipt of a
2. that the benefit must have been obtained at the plaintiff’s
expense; and
3. that it would be unjust to allow the defendant to retain that
benefit. [See Golf & Jones – The Law of Restitution]
and those for unjust enrichment are:
1. that the respondent was enriched by receiving a benefit;
2. that the benefit received was at the appellant’s expense; and
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3. that the retention of the benefit by the respondent was unjust.
[See Air Express International (M) Sdn Bhd v MISC Agencies
Sdn Bhd [2012] 4 MLJ 59]
[37] The Plaintiff referred this Court to the Federal Court case of Dream
Property Sdn Bhd v Atlas Housing Sdn Bhd [2015] 2 AMR 601; [2015] 2
CLJ 453; [2015] 2 MLJ 441; [2015] 2 MLRA 247 which elucidated the
nature and concept of restitutionary remedies and the United Kingdom
Supreme Court case of Patel v Mirza concerning the “trio of
considerations” when dealing with the illegality doctrine.
[38] According to the Plaintiff, based on the facts in this case, all the
elements for a claim in money had and received, and unjust enrichment
are clearly met and fulfilled. Hence, the Plaintiff argued that it must
succeed also in its alternative claim for restitution premised on money had
and received and unjust enrichment for the sums claimed.
[39] Another defence raised by the Defendants is that the Plaintiff’s
claims are statute barred by section 6 of the Limitation Act 1953. The basis
of this limitation defence is that the Plaintiff’s cause of action would have
arisen in the year 2013, when the monies were disbursed under the
[40] The Defendants placed reliance on AmBank (M) Bhd v Abdul Aziz
bin Hassan & Ors [2010] 7 CLJ 553; [2010] 3 MLJ 784; [2009] 4 MLRA
458 and Thameez Nisha Hasseem (as the administrator of the estate of
Bee Fathima @ dll, deceased) v Maybank Allied Bank Bhd [2023] 5 AMR
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581; [2023] 5 CLJ 874; [2023] 4 MLJ 145; [2023] 4 MLRA 492 in support
of their limitation defence.
[41] Predictably, the Plaintiff argued otherwise, contending that the claim
and/or the alternative claims to recover the loans were filed within the
statutory limitation period. The Plaintiff put forward two principal reasons.
[42] The first reason relates to the terms in the Loan Agreements. The
Plaintiff pointed out that all the 3 Loan Agreements contain the following
“Right of action”, clauses, that is:
Right of action
5. (1) If the Borrower –
(a) fails to repay any sum of instalment payable or any part thereof
and any interest payable specified in Section 5 of the First
Schedule for any period in excess of twenty-eight days after its due
date; or
(b) commits an act of bankruptcy or enters into any composition or
arrangement with his creditors or, being a company, enters into
liquidation, whether compulsory or voluntary, the Lender may
terminate this Agreement.
(2) Upon the occurrence of any of the events specified in subclause
(1) herein, the Lender shall give the Borrower not less than
fourteen days a written notice to treat this Agreement as having
been repudiated by the Borrower and unless in the meanwhile such
default alleged is rectified or such unpaid sum of instalment and
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interest are paid, this Agreement shall at the expiry of the said
notice, at the option of the Lender be deemed to be annulled.
(3) In the event this Agreement has been terminated or annulled,
the Lender may claim the balance outstanding from the Borrower
in accordance with the provisions under Order 45 of the
Subordinate Court Rules 1990 [P.U. (A) 97/1990] in case the
balance outstanding does not exceed two hundred and fifty
thousand ringgit or Order 79 of the Rutes of the High Court 1980
[P.U. (A) 50/1980] in case the balance outstanding is higher than
two hundred and fifty thousand ringgit.
[43] The Plaintiff alluded to the fact that a demand for the principal sum
of RM41,191,801.20 was made on 21 January, 2015 and a 7-day period
for payment of it to be made was given. The 7-day period expired on 28
January, 2015. The Second Defendant was given a notice on 27
February, 2015 to rectify the default or pay the sum demanded within 14
days of 27 February, 2015, failing which the Loan Agreements will be
terminated at the expiry of the said 14 days. As the 14-day period had
passed without any rectification of the default or payment, the Loan
Agreements terminated at the end of it, that is, on 14 March, 2015. This
date, according to the Plaintiff, is the date on which date the cause of
action to sue arose. That being the case, limitation would only set in on
13 March, 2021. Since the action was filed on 8 January, 2021, the action
is not time barred.
[44] As for the alternative claims, as these were added by way of
amendment on 3 March, 2021. The application of the doctrine of relation
back meant that these alternative claims are deemed to have been
commenced on 8 January 2021, the date the writ was issued. In any
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event, these alternative claims were added even before limitation had set
in on 13 March, 2021.
[45] The second ground relied by the Plaintiff to challenge the limitation
defence is premised on a proposition enunciated by the Court of Appeal
in Khatijah bt Abdullah & Ors v Mohd Isa bin Biran [2017] 2 AMR (refd);
[2017] 7 CLJ 513; [2017] 2 MLJ 1; [2017] 2 MLRA 509. The relevant part
of the judgment reads as follows:
[31] We agree with the appellants that the SPA had become void and s
33 of the Contracts Act 1950 applies. A void contract does not generate
any enforceable right or duty. Where there is neither right nor duty,
limitation cannot be invoked (see Hubah Sdn Bhd & Ors v Koperasi
Pusaka (Penampang) Bhd & Ors. The defence of limitation is thus not
available to the respondent.
[46] Last but not least, the Plaintiff also raised the provisions in sections
26 and 27 of the Limitation Act 1953 in support of its assertion that its
claims are not time barred under the Limitation Act 1953. This line of
argument is raised in the event that this Court finds that the cause of action
had arisen more than six years before the writ was issued.
[47] The Plaintiff highlighted the following facts as amounting to an
acknowledgment of debts and thereby giving rise to a fresh accrual of
action, that is, (i) when the Defendants filed the Amended Defence &
Counterclaim in the Shah Alam Suit on 17 August, 2015; and (ii) more
recently on 21 September, 2020 when they filed the Originating Summons
Proceedings to repay the debts and to redeem the land/securities; and (iii)
when the Defendants through their principal and primary director
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acknowledged and admitted in the Shah Alam Suit the sums advanced by
the Plaintiff towards the Outgoings Incurred, and that it was a continuing
loss that the Plaintiff had to incur. Hence, it is the Plaintiff’s contention that
the right of action to recover the Loans and Outgoings Incurred shall be
deemed to have accrued on 17 August, 2015 or 21 September, 2020,
rendering the claim and/or the alternative claims to recover the loans as
not time-barred.
[48] This acknowledgement and henceforth fresh accrual of action
argument was met with the counter argument by the Defendants that there
was an absence of an unequivocal admission of any precise amount owed
by the Defendants.
[49] In rejecting this acknowledgment ground as raised by the Plaintiff,
the Defendants relied on the provisions in sections 26(2) and 27 of the
Limitation Act 1953, the Federal case of Wee Tiang Teng v Ong Chong
Hooi & Anor [1978] 1 LNS 234; [1978] 2 MLJ 54; [1978] 1 MLRA 366 on
what constitutes as a sufficient acknowledgment and the Court of Appeal
decision of Lay Hong Food Corp Sdn Bhd (previously known as Lay Hong
Poultry Processing Sdn Bhd) v Tiong Nam Logistics Solutions Sdn Bhd
[2017] 10 CLJ 680; [2018] 2 MLJ 66 that had explained that an
acknowledgement must be unequivocal.
The Decision of this Court
[50] On the first principal issue of whether there has been a breach or
non-compliance with section 16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951, the
answer is undoubtedly in the affirmative. The strict and express
requirement in the said provision mandates that the Loan Agreements are
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to be stamped and delivered to the borrower before the loans are
disbursed. This explicit pre-requisite has been flouted by the Plaintiff
[51] Crucially, the legal effect of such non-compliance with section 16 of
the Moneylenders Act 1951 must be determined. In this regard,
references may be made to section 16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951 itself
and section 2(g) of the Contracts Act 1950.
[52] Section 16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951 unmistakeably declares
any such moneylending agreement as unenforceable and by virtue of
section 2(g) of the Contracts Act 1950, “an agreement not enforceable by
law is said to be void”.
[53] This Court is of the considered view that the argument by the
Plaintiff to the effect that the Defendants are “sophisticated entities” and
were at all times “legally represented” and thus were not prejudiced by the
alleged non-compliance with section 16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951
does not hold water. The same can also be said of the Plaintiff. It too must
be a sophisticated entity and not wanting in legal representation.
[54] This Court has also considered the contention by the Plaintiff that in
construing section 16 of the Moneylending Act 1951, it should be carried
out in a manner that would promote the purpose and object underlying the
said Act and when section 16 is read together with section 27 of the
Moneylenders Act 1951, one will see that the underlying purpose or
mischief is not violated in this case.
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[55] However, in light of the clear contravention of an express and
explicit requirement laid down in the Moneylenders Act 1951 and the
obvious resulting legal consequence, the 3 Loans Agreements in this
present case are unenforceable and void.
[56] Be that as it may, while the breach of section 16 of the
Moneylenders Act 1951 has adversely affected the Loan Agreements, this
section 16 defence has no bearing on the Plaintiff’s claim for the charges
incurred for and on account of the Fourth Defendant comprising the
overdue and outstanding quit rent and assessments in respect of the land
belonging to the Fourth Defendant amounting to RM7,652,603.60 plus
accrued interest, that is, the outgoings incurred.
[57] As for the Judicial Estoppel and Res Judicata ground raised by the
Plaintiff, this Court has carefully considered the authorities cited by the
Plaintiff against the background of this case. Unfortunately, it is unable to
agree with the Plaintiff that Judicial Estoppel or the concept of Res
Judicata, even in the wider sense, applies in the instant case.
[58] This brings us to the Plaintiff’s alternative claims. As noted in
paragraphs [29] – [31] above, the crux of the Plaintiff’s contention is that
it is entitled to seek Restitution under section 66 of the Contracts Act 1950
and for money had and received and unjust enrichment under common
[59] As this Court is in total agreement with the High Court in Orix Credit
Malaysia Sdn Bhd that a Plaintiff is not confined to invoking the
Moneylenders Act 1951 when seeking to recover a loan but may resort to
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“any other principle of law”, it is apposite that the provision in section 66
of the Contracts Act 1950 be examined detail.
[60] The Defendants have adopted the position that as a result of the
contravention of section 16 of the Moneylenders Act 1951, the 3
moneylending agreements are illegal.
[61] Section 66 of the Contracts Act 1950 deals with situations “when an
agreement is discovered to be void, or when a contract becomes void”.
There is no mention of illegality.
[62] The authorities cited by the Defendants, namely, Golden Wheel (No
2) and Mahmood bin Ooyub did refer to section 66 of the Contracts Act
1950. Nevertheless, this Court observes that in these cases, there were
elements of illegality in the moneylending transactions.
[63] In Mahmood bin Ooyub, the Court of Appeal held that the sale and
purchase agreements were a sham, to disguise illegal moneylending
transactions to circumvent the strict provisions of the Moneylenders Act
1951. Two of the lenders were also unlicensed moneylenders.
[64] Likewise, in Golden Wheel (No 2), one of the material provisions of
the Moneylenders Act 1951 that the plaintiff had contravened was section
17 which stipulated that the interest for a secured loan shall not exceed
12% per annum. As observed by the High Court in that case, the
contravention of this provision was a serious matter. More importantly,
there was wrongful deduction and retention of the loan sums, conduct
expressly prohibited and, as once again noted by the High Court, “a
feature most commonly found in illegal moneylending by loan sharks or
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'Along'”. These were in addition to the failure to provide stamped copies
of the moneylending agreements and the statements of accounts. These
factors clearly distinguish Golden Wheel (No 2) from the present case.
[65] Unlike the above cases cited and relied on by the Defendants, there
is no such element of illegality in the present case.
[66] Admittedly, the 3 Loan Agreements are not agreements that were
discovered to be void. However, they are contracts that subsequently
became void. The events that rendered the contracts as subsequently
becoming void was the release of the monies before the agreement were
stamped and delivered. When the first Loan Agreement was signed on 10
September, 2013, it was a valid agreement. Similarly, when the second
Loan Agreement was signed on 25 March, 2014, it was a valid agreement.
The same can be said of the third Loan Agreement, when it was signed
on 13 June, 2014. There was no evidence before this Court to suggest
that these agreements are tainted by elements of illegality.
[67] The upshot to this is that the Plaintiff may avail itself the provision in
section 66 of the Contracts Act 1950.
[68] In the event that this Court is incorrect in invoking section 66 of the
Contracts Act 1950, it is also of the considered view that the Plaintiff may
rely on the doctrine of money had and received and/or unjust enrichment.
[69] The elements for these restitutionary remedies as outlined
paragraph [36] are present in the instant case.
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[70] As it is this Court’s findings that the issue of illegality does not arise
in the present case, there is no necessity to deliberate on Patel v Mirza’s
trio of consideration to the present case.
[71] This Court is also aware of the recent decision in Triple Zest Trading
& Supplies & Ors v Applied Business Technologies Sdn Bhd [2023] 8
AMR 225; [2023] 10 CLJ 187; [2023] 6 MLJ 818; [2023] 1 MLRA 144
where the Federal Court had disallowed the return of the principal loan
sum, which the Court of Appeal had ordered the borrowers to pay back to
the lender. Suffice to say that this decision of the Federal Court is
distinguishable from the present case and the principle enunciated therein
is not applicable to the instant case.
[72] On the issue of limitation, this Court finds that the requirement for a
valid acknowledgement has not been made out by the Plaintiff. Hence,
the issue of a fresh accrual of action does not arise.
[73] Regardless, the absence of acknowledgment has no bearing on this
limitation point. Since the 3 Loan Agreements are unenforceable and void,
the terms relating to the “Right of action” cannot be invoked. However, this
Court is bound by the principle enunciated by the Court of Appeal in
Khatijah bt Abdullah & Ors v Mohd Isa bin Biran that “a void contract does
not generate any enforceable right or duty” and “where there is neither
right nor duty, limitation cannot be invoked”. As in Khatijah bt Abdullah &
Ors v Mohd Isa bin Biran the defence of limitation is thus not available to
the Defendants in the present case.
[74] In view of the above findings, the Plaintiff’s claims for the loans
disbursed to the Second Defendant amounting to RM41,191,801.20 with
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interest of 5% per annum from the date of the Writ until date of full
payment and the outgoings incurred amounting to RM7,652,603.60 plus
interest incurred as pleaded in paragraph 22(4) of the Amended
Statement of Claim are allowed with costs.
[75] The Defendants to pay costs of RM40,000 to the Plaintiff, subject to
Dated: 18 January, 2024
Judicial Commissioner
High Court of Malaya
Shah Alam
Gopal Sreenevasan with Conrad Young, Mark Lau and Kristen Tan for
the Plaintiff
(Messrs. Sreenevasan Young)
Ahmad Amir Mahmood for the Defendants
(Messrs. Gunaseelan & Associates)
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| 38,089 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-22NCvC-662-10/2021 | PLAINTIF PERIGI EMAS RESOURCES (M) SDN BHD DEFENDAN INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA | Mah membatalkan tuntutan Plf dengan kos RM5000. Tertakluk kepada 4% alukator fi. The Court in this case dismissed the Plaintiff’s claim as the Plaintiff failed to attend Court on the scheduled date of case management which was also the date fixed for the hearing of the Plaintiff’s counsel’s application to discharge himself from representing the Plaintiff. The Plaintiff’s counsel applied to discharge himself as he had not received any instructions from the Plaintiff pertaining to the case. The Plaintiff’s counsel had served the application on to the Plaintiff and had also informed the Plaintiff of the date of hearing of the application.The Court’s decision to dismiss the Plaintiff’s claim with a cost of RM5,000 is therefore appropriate in the present case. | 24/01/2024 | YA Dato' Haji Akhtar Bin Tahir | |
NO. GUAMAN SIVIL : WA-22NCvC-662-10/2021
200301014703/617123-P) …PLAINTIF
198391995860/101067-P) …DEFENDAN
24/01/2024 15:08:08
WA-22NCvC-662-10/2021 Kand. 20
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1. The Court in this case dismissed the Plaintiff’s claim as the Plaintiff
failed to attend Court on the scheduled date of case management
which was also the date fixed for the hearing of the Plaintiff’s
counsel’s application to discharge himself from representing the
2. The Plaintiff’s counsel applied to discharge himself as he had not
received any instructions from the Plaintiff pertaining to the case.
The Plaintiff’s counsel had served the application on to the Plaintiff
and had also informed the Plaintiff of the date of hearing of the
3. Despite being informed of the date of hearing the Plaintiff failed to
appear in Court on the date fixed. After considering the Plaintiff’s
counsel’s application the Court duly allowed the application and
discharged the Plaintiff’s counsel.
4. However, as the Plaintiff did not appear, the Court could not give
further directives for the disposal of the Plaintiff’s claim against the
5. The Plaintiff’s absence without any explanation as well as failure to
give instructions to his counsel indicated to the Court that the
Plaintiff was disinterested in pursuing his claim against the
Defendant. It would be an injustice to postpone the case further
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especially since the counsel for the Defendant was present and
ready to proceed.
Order 34 of the Rules of Court 2012 (“the Rules”)
6. The Court is empowered under the Rules to dismiss a claim on a
non-compliance of any Court’s directive which will prevent a just,
expeditious and economical disposal of a proceedings, even at the
case management stage:
1. Orders and directions for just, expeditious and
economical disposal of proceedings (O. 34 r. 1)
(1) Notwithstanding anything in these Rules, the Court
may, at any time after the commencement of
proceedings, of its own motion, direct any party or
parties to the proceedings to appear before the
Court, in order that the Court may make such order
or give such direction as it thinks fit so that-
(a) all matters which must or can be dealt with on
interlocutory applications and have not already
been dealt with may so far as possible be dealt
with; and
(b) such directions may be given as to the future
course of the action as appear best adapted to
secure the just, expeditious and economical
disposal thereof.
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(2) Where the Court makes orders or gives directions
under paragraph (1), the Court may take into
account whether or not a party has complied with
any relevant pre-action protocol or practice
direction for the time being issued.
(3) Where any party fails to comply with any order
made or direction given by the Court under
paragraph (1), the Court may dismiss the action,
strike out the defence or counterclaim or make
such other order as it thinks fit.
(4) The Court may, in exercising its powers under
paragraph (1), make such order as to costs as it
thinks fit.
(5) Any judgment, order or direction given or made
against any party who does not appear before the
Court when directed to do so under paragraph (1)
may be set aside or varied by the Court on such
terms as it thinks just. (emphasis mine)
7. However, the above provision also gives the Plaintiff an option to
reinstate the case. In this case the Plaintiff has not availed himself
this option and has instead chosen to appeal the Court’s decision.
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8. The Court’s decision to dismiss the Plaintiff’s claim with a cost of
RM5,000 is therefore appropriate in the present case.
Dated: 23.1.2024
High Court of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
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For the Plaintiff:
Nama Peguamcara: Wong Zhun Huei
Tetuan G. Ragumaren & Co.
No. 56-1, RGA Chambers
Jalan Telawi
Bangsar Baru
59100 Kuala Lumpur.
For the Defendant:
Nama Peguamcara: Gayathri A/P Chandrakasan
Tetuan Rao & Kamal
No. 15-3, 3rd Mile Square Business Centre
No. 151, Old Klang Road
58100 Kuala Lumpur.
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
WA—22NCvC—662—lD/2021 Kano. 23
24, n,, mu 17 324;»
200301014703/617123?) .PLA\NTlF
195391995360/IaIos7—P) . DEFENDAN
sw xczEakuDvEzNLurhuoaVq
-ms Sum M... W!“ be H544 M MW be nvwvufilv mm; nnmmgnl M mus Vin!
«. The coun «h ||'hs case msrmssea me P\a«n|IWs claim as me P\aTn«|H
laflecl |o aflend cam on me scheuulea «1a|e oi case managemem
when was also «he aa«e hxea for me heanng e« «he Waunmfs
eeunsers apphcaheh «a discharge mmseh «mm represenhng me
2. The P\am«|ffs eeuhsex applied |o mscharge mmseh as he had no|
received any ms«mchehs from «he P\a|n«|W penammg «e me case
The P\am«|ffs cmms«e\ has served me apphcemn en «a «he P\aTn«|H
and had a\so mlarmed me P\aTrmff oi the date of heanng of me
3. Despxte bemg mlarmed ol the «1a«e of heanhg «he mamhu «anea «e
appear WI com on me «1a«e fixed Aner eohsmenhg «he P\a|n«|Ws
eeunsers applucaheh «he ceun duly aHawed «he apphcamh and
mscharged «he mamhrrs c0Ims«e\
4. However, as «he Plammv am he: appear, the cam eemu ne« gwe
lurther mrecmes (or me msposal oi me mamms clam agams« me
5. The Plamhffs absence w««heu« any exwanelwon as well as «anme «e
we «hs«mc««ehs «e |'HS cmmse\ m«ea«ea |o the cam ma| me
Plalnhfl was msm«eres«e«1 «h pursmng ms mam agaIns| me
De«enaan«. «« would he an Tmushce «e pc«s|pane «he case further
N xczrakuDvE2NLoThunaVq
we Sam M... am he used m wow u. nvwvufilv mm; nnmmnnl VII muna VWLIT
especlafly smce me wunsex fur me Delendant was present and
ready In pruceed
Order :4 of me Rules of com: 2012 (“me Rules")
6 The com rs empowered under me Rmes ta dismiss a dam en a
nunwrnpxranae 01 any Cuurfs dlrechve wnrcn wm prevent a ;usL
expedlllaus and ecanernrcax arspesax al a pruceedmgs. even at me
case managemem stage
Orders and dire
ns for jusl. exped us and
posal of proceedings (0. :4 r. 1)
(1) Nolwilhslanding anyl IheseRuIes,Il1e ceun
e aner the commencement av
may, at any
pmcee gs. of Is own nr
rr, direct any pany or
pauses in are proceedings to appear before the
cerrn. in orderlhal are com may make such order
or give such direction as it thinks on so that-
(a) an maners which musl or can be dean with on
inlerloculory applicacions and have not already
been deall with may so car as pos e be dean
wim: and
(:2; such directions may be g err as to me Iulure
couvse enne action as aggeav hesl adagled to
secure are "us: exged mrs and economical
gosal Ihereol.
N xczrakunvzznwrhnoavq
we Sum '/“DH mu 3. use: m mvv K-e mwvuulv m we nnvnvenl V: mum: varw
(2) where the court makes orders or gives directions
under paragraph (1). the coun may take into
account whether or not a party has complied with
any relevant pre-action protocol or practice
direction for the time being issued.
(3) where any pag lails to comgly with anv order
made or direction given by the court under
paragraph 1) the coun mav dismiss the action
st ke out Ihe defence or counlevcl or make
suchotherorderas t nksnt.
(4) The coun may. in exerc p ils powers under
paragraph (1), make such order as to costs as it
(5) Any 'udgrnent order or dire n p en or made
against any gag who does not aggar oeiore the
coun when cted to do so under ara ra h 1
max he set as de or varied hv the coun on such
terms as it thinks 'ust. (emphasis mine]
7 However. the aoove provision aiso gives me Piairiiih an option to
reIns|a(e me case In ihis case the Piaintirr has notavaiied himseii
this opinion and has irisiead chosen to appeai me Court’: decision
N x<:zrakuDvE2NLuThimaVq
ioe s.ii.i '/“DEV MM 3. use: m may I‘: DVWVHMVIY m VHS mmi. v. EFVUNG Pam!
a. The Court‘: aemsm to msnuss me Plammrs clam w||h a cost of
RMSDUO Is thereiore appmpnate m me presem case.
Dated 23.1.2(l2A
High Court of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
sw xczrakubvzzmamrmavq
-ma Sum M... M“ be used m mm ua nflmrufllv mm; nnmmnnl VII mum Wm
For me Fla Iilf:
Nama Peguamcara Wong Zhun Hue:
Teman G. Ragumaren a. Ca.
Na sew, RGA Chambers
.|a\an Te\aw\
Bangsar Barn
sgcou Kua\a Lumpur
For me Defendant:
Nama Peguamcara Gayamn A/P Chandrakasan
Teman Rao 5. Kama!
Na 154, sue me Square Busmess Centre
Na 151, mu mang Raad
sacou Kua\a Lumpur
sw xczrakubvzzmarhrmavq
-ms Sum M... M“ be used m wow u. nvwvufilv mm; “Mm. VII mum Wm
| 5,147 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-12ANCC-47-07/2023 | PERAYU ONYX ENGINEERING SDN BHD RESPONDEN I CONZ DEVELOPMENT SDN BHD | Appeal from Sessions Court – Application to set aside JID - No Reasonable Explanation for the Delay to the application to set aside the JID - Failure of solicitors to act in time does not justify the exercise of the power of the Court to set aside the default judgment unless it is shown that the Appellant did not act with diligence when dealing with the suit - Documents produced shows goods were sold and delivered – No evidence of rejection or complaint as to price or quality of goods – Issuance of a cheque admitting liability – No Draft defence filed | 24/01/2024 | YA Dato' Indera Mohd Arief Emran Bin Arifin | |
GOJ Onyx Engineering not allowing appeal.pdf
24/01/2024 16:46:47
WA-12ANCC-47-07/2023 Kand. 18
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WA—12ANCC—l7—D7/2023 Kand. 15
Ii/0lyl04A 1; Lb-4'
RAVUAN SIVIL No WA-12ANcc-47-n7/2023
A lnlmduciian
1 The Appellant is unhappy with me decwswon of me Sessions Conn
WVHCVV had not allowed We appllcahon I0 set Esme the Judgment m Delaull
omppsaranoe (ha| was entered by the ssssmns Caurl on 7-124022.
5w mMNvayMEaaxnEuao2EKv
was Sum M... M“ be used m mm me nvwvufilv mm; “mm. VII mum Wm
2 The Appeuanrs uaunsex admns mat me Judgment In Deraun cf
Appearance dated 7—12—2u22 was vahd\y emered
Background Facts
3. The P\amm's/ Responaenrs dawn xsiorgood sald to the Deiendam
/Appellant «or me mal sum of RM 337‘ 543 09.
A The Appellant failed to emer appearance to me enann aespne me
wt and the slalement 01 New being validly served on n The ADDe|lan|
naa apnmmed Messrs Syahniah Raw 3. Co as sohcllors to erner
appearance, but the sam nrrn had (alled |o undsnaks ms aicrssaxd (ask.
5 Judgment m Devamc was enlered an 7422022 sunsequenw me
Appeflant received a Mouse in WW1 Up the company under secuon 455
0! me Ccmpames Act dated M-1-2023 and a Wmdmg Up Fe dated
16- 2023.
5. u was my aner me Appellant recenea mess names and me
Pemion did wt deude to Iermmate the services of Messrs Syahiifah Rani
sw mMNvGyMEaaxnEnao2EKv
‘Nata Sum M... wm be used m mm me mwmnnulv mm; “mm. VII mum Wm
24 The Appellant also contends tnat tne sald loan dtd not some to lull
trumen and as a result tne Appellant now sullers finanstal dlrltculttes and
could not complete the works for the sald LRT 3 project.
25. The Appellant lunner contends tnat all tne works and gaods
supphed are wttntn tne personal knowledge of Denms Lau. The
documents requlred te delend ttns Sm! also allegedly are m tne nands at
Dennls Lau To support tnese eententtons the Appellant reters to true
Dollce reports il med tn relatton lo Denis Lau.
25. ll ls to be noted tnat tne Appellant dld not produce any documentary
evldence ol the exlslence ol ||'lls alleged lotnt venture agreement Netther
dld tt produce any Evldence at any letters or cunespunderlue hewveen
parties evldenclng tne pcsslblllty of the exlslence dt suen a relatiunsntp
between the names. There is also no evidence produced to snow the
exlslenoe ol any loan as suggested oy tne Appellam. These allegallons
are mere bare avermenls oy tne Appellant not supported oy any
documentary evldence.
N mMNt/GyMEaaxoEeao2EKll
we Sum um... wlll be used m mm ea nlwlrulllv sun; flnntmnnl vn mung wrul
Documents produced shows goods were sold and delivered — no
em enee oi reieoiion or cnmplzinl as to price in ouaiiry oi goods.
27 insiead, the documentary evidence before me shows inai me
pumhase orders. invoices and dehvery orders oi the goods soid were
produced by «he Resuondeni jushlying me sums claimed againsi the
Appeuani. The Appeuani did not prdduoe any evidence to show mat the
Invoices were onauenged at me me when ine goods and irwulces were
28. My opinion IS further ouuressed by me vac: mai ine invoicesr
purchase orders end dellveiy orders pmducsd oy the Respondems In
response show me! me goods have been dehvered and accepted by me
29. I hnd the evidence disdosed in the aihdaviis filed shows that me
Resnuridem is enhiied Io be paid tor me goods suoohed The Appeuani
has no| shown ihai ine goods were reiected. insieadr the Appeuani
received kepnne goods irmma|ing an intenhon to relam inem The aueged
arguments raised by me AppeHan| do nei «an under any oi ine caiegones
juwfying a inai oi this claim Reier to wee Lian Consvucriori sdn Bhd
sw unurwaymzaaxozoaozzm
-use Sam M... on re used m mm we uvwinuulv Mime nnmmnnl VIA mum wrui
v I..gersou—./ax.’ (211101 1 cu 201 and Mukand Lm .. Malaysia Steel
Works (KL) 5.1.. 5...: 1201.71 5 cm 2.22
so. Tr.e.evo.e, havmg relamed me goods, lhe AppeHan\ .5 reqwed (0
pay mam H1 accordance Wllh sections 12 and 55 of the S11: of Goods
Act. I reier to the ‘augment of Gapal SH Ram In Interdeals Auramation
(M) 5.1.. and v Hang Hang 12.7.1912 ELJ J21 —
“[10]/is I have already sent Mrs .5 not a case ornnnaocapzanoa n vs a case
... w...c.-. mere was acczplarvna of goods and .. refusal In [my rm mam
Accordmg/V» me app/mama nrovvsmn .5 5 5511; or the Act Much prescnbes me
remedy or ar. sa/rar Arm {hrs .5 wna. .1 says
Where under a contract af Sara the pmazny .r. the guads has passed In the
buyer and (he buyer wmngmfly neglecl: or refuses .0 pay «or me goods
accordmg 142 the terms o/ms comracl, me sener may sue hrm rarme prrce or
me gnarl:
1.. myjurlgmern, the ..a.....:,-ma should have apnlred m.-s secflon and
found for me pIarr...rra.. me a.o..r.a ma. 4. was ar. ....para seller argaaas
ma: r.... z..... .....m-4. Icnaptud ...a ...... Dy nr. duiundlnt ... .1.
bInvfiL A: «ar llve counlerclarm arm: ma /udge Immd ugsrnsl I/1: defendant
on me me. (ha! went in ma avurdancs and breach I2/me barman! he was
aa..g.a to drsmrss .: . would therefore upheld his decrston on ma. pan of In:
N murwaymzaaxnzaaozzxv
ma 5.... M... WW be .5... m mm ..a ........... an... nnmmnnl VII mum W...
Appeiiani issued a cheque aiiinining iia ily.
31 More so when Ihe Appellant did Issue a cheque for the Sum of RM
24, 333 12 to ihe nespoiiueni This cheque was stopped by me Appeiiaiii
wiiricui glvlng any ieiisons lor lrie siiia decision
32. ii islfile law ihai issuance afa cheque which ouuiu not he pieseiiieu
lur paymem cieaies a cause uf aciicn under section 47 al the Bills of
Exchange Act Reiei lo Yea Hiap sei-ig vAustraIian Faopd carp Pte
Ltd (19911 3 MLJ 144 and Yee reek Wah v Lee criee Mona 120201
MLJU 1054
33. The issuance of ihe saie cheque aiso shows Ihat ihe Said allegation
cnhe existence cian aiiegee ]C|InI venture is iiicie ihan hkeiylo be uniiue
The Appeiiaiii has simply cieaiea a haiiious delence to iusiiiy its aIIemp|
Io sei aside me Judgment in Delauli
34. Theieiaie. I do not him any reasons juslilyirig senirig asiae me
Judgment iii Deiauii The Appeiiant has iaiieu to show any issue ihai
iequiies a iiiai and has ' e in show any bona fide ueience ic hie
Respunaenrs ciaiin
-use s.ii.i llumhlv vim be used M WWW ne nVWiruH|Y Minis flnnuiinril vn AFVLING WM!
35 on me lssue allna pullue reparls, I also find tha| lne puliue reparls
only concern the Appellanrs dispule wiln lls lnrnler employee Dennls Lau
and nol wnh lne Respondent. I llnd me lnlernal dispule lne Appellanl has
wlln Dennis Lau does ndl lllsmy seulng aslde lne Judgmerll ln Delallll.
No man nevence filed.
as Flnally, I also find |I1atIheAppeHan| nas m:| filed or even pryvared
a draft delence lo me clalm nle llllng of a drall defence would have
shown al me very least a serlous lnlenllon ln delend me clalrn and wduld
have asslsled lna Appellant's aflsmpl lo snaw a lnable lssua er a lmna
nae delence lnslllylng selllng aslde the Judgment ln Delaull ms was nol
dons, and um explanahun was awarded In lnls caunlorlne lallurs |o ms a
drain defence to the Respdndenrs clalm
37. I never lo llneludgrnenl al surlyadl Hallnr ornar J (as he men was) In
Penqnlen cdneme sun Bhd v Chow Moo! 5 Anal [2lw:l] 5 cu 326
/I ls Irlla ms: rn a datnu!t[udgmsn1‘s Cass, ms sattlng asrd. ar matjrb mar rs
generally me naml Thepresrdmy calmbelure sa dalng an the olherhsrld must
have mrrre 900:1 reason and ma Mere ls a defence ml the rnenls adduced
balms Me calm (Tan Om cm s Anal V Karlclllng Really Sdrl sadness; l
n mMNvGyMEaaxnEuao2EKll
we Sum Mn... wn be used M mm na nlwlrulllv sun; nnmmnnl vn AFVLING Wm
ms 226, pm; 1 ML./ 519/ me supposed gaad Ieasan grverv by me
aerenasnas, as /acmunrsed me ewdence was #15! may were unaware olme
case oemg called up «n mun an 9 Aprv/Z001, Ioundsd on me abovemsrmoned
raiser! nrnensennee afme wms Factully, even n I were re suhmn‘ ta Mose
evtdenualasseflmns, by 5 Apn/20171 they wens already In Ms/eys.e mnee neye
before Iherrnasss were ca/led up In mm As / was ssnsneamamuoa service
had taken praee Mrs pan of the mgrsdrsnl m, good rsaswv‘ had isnen an
The next Ingredient m be eslsblnshed by the de/ervdsnls was whether mm was
a defense olment before me for mnsrderznon Is‘ by at less! n/mg men dram
defences in Van: H] Se/Jen V Fedsm! Auto Holdmgs Bna[1s75[ 1 ms as,
(197912 ML./1A1$M:d Agr! Ezmskbun J had new to say
The mnns In s case a/Mrs nnnne wefarlham be acceded an meals and no
no» mvon pmmdwal miss m Prevent s defendant from serenmng an uclmn
unless n nes no mints m ms aw/»ca»on
The man in Ten cmang Bmlhers Mamie 151 Fla m V Lmuwewn: Concrete
sun Bnd(19v7] e cu 75Pm srrm/ar Vern had remarked
A aerem on the merits means a delsncv when dhsdosoi an arguable and
(name Issue n dons not have In thaw that Mars .s a real asuacl cl means: or
malrmas m cztrysomedagma u/mnvzwan
/7! the current case n was mdupulsme I/wanna defendant: had (sued m pmmece
ma! eu rmwfianl drsfl slalemenls o/defense wnnom menn /was mus wnnom
any opnen but to find agarn farms plamtm‘, even on ms second mgrsdlvrvl No!
enw was mere no pnm. lune dafence, rsrsmg sennus 7:51.125 as bans
nae neesoneme aerenee msmugm to be Mem but (here was nor even a sham
one {Hasu Ewm Perumahan s Or: v Umtsd Malayan sanxwy snamsu v cu
1237 Nut wrsmng la Mcuumg: . snsm aerense, and mzmnc esnve wns: else
could have I done? conmn sense wou/d convmce anyone me: m a/Vow me
appsa/, and 59! asme a asraumudgmen: when rm puma lame aefencs wnnny
u/nonstdzmltun was Delays me mart wuum pannay me sum! as lame ducks
om/angmg the agony A7! en Dame: wnnom them before me r could on/y
syn mum/uyMEaaxnEuaozEKv
wee sum In-uhnv wm he used m mm we nflmnnflly MW; dun-mm vn mum pm
mm:/ude that In: dz/zndanls were definitely not senau: m than attempts In
challenge we marnnfkielsyrng and deleelmq me /atler (ram Iakmg up mare
anlmrpalory drama acmms durmg these bad llmss, and wamnq Yo! belts! ones‘
bzmg an: arm canclusmns mm mm amve .: '
33. For me above reasons. I do not nno |haHhe Veamed Sessions com
Judge had oommmeu any ermrs ma: warrant appeHat2 mterlerence by
«ms Court
E. Ordnrs onhis own
39. For me above reasons. this Court dismisses |he Appellant's appeal
wnh costs of RM soon on sumect to aHocator.
Dated «em January 2024
Data‘ Vndera Muhd Anal Emran hm Anfin
High Ooun of Ma\aya al Kuala Lumpur
N «MN»/OyMEaaxnEeao2EKv
we Sum M... M“ be used m mm we nvVWuH|Y mm; nnmmnnl VII mum Wm
Muhammad Nm Tamrin lor me Appeflant
Messrs Zablr Imran 8. Partners
Advocates 8. Snhcnms
Prakash Chandrakant fur the Respondent
Messrs Prakash & Cu
Advocates & Sohcnors
N .mwaymz.=x.z.,aozzxy
mm Sum IHIWDIY M“ be used m mm u. mm.“-y mm; mm. VII nF\uNG pm
ll. Co by leuer dated 2052023 The Appellenl only appolnled as current
sul lclrs en so 2023
7. The apnlicalldn to sel aslde me Judgmerll in Delaull was only filed
on 3l»3-2023 Tnls ls a delay olaeoul 113 days lmm lne dale wnen lne
judgmem was enlered. The prevlous snllcltars lo: me Appellenl nan
renewed me ludgmenl W ueleull un a—12—2n2a and (ms IS rlul eenlesled
by me Appellanl
3. The learned Sesslorls cdun Judge ned eonsldered lne apdlleendn
nled by me Appellant and deemed lnal lne appllcallorl does nut warrant
|he exerclse cl‘ me powers onne Conn m se| aslde me Sald Jddgrnenl H1
Aggellale Powers onne gh Cnurl
9. ll is Irile lewlnal when deallng wlln an appeal lrorn e declsldn nylne
lcrwsr Courh thls Conn wlH be slow le mlenere wlln the nndlnge made by
me codn below unless I| IS snewn lheune declslon was plalnly wrong lnel
no reasonable oampe(en| Judge could have made
sw vDNN»IGyMEaaxnEeaOzEKv
-we Sum M... wlll be used m mm we nlwlrulllv mm; flnmmnnl VII .;lma Wm
1D I raver to me dECI$ICm cl |he Faaeiai Court W Ng Moo Kui 5. Armr v
Wendy Tan Lee Pang. Admi "strata! ol me Esme or Tan Ewe Kwang,
Doceasod & 015 12020110 CL.I1where Zabanah Mohd vusov FCJ hem‘
A: mg as (he Inaliu-1ge‘s condusron can be supported an . rational basis In
View oflhe maianai amma live fact that ma apnenaie mun Yes/5 /Ike ll mm
have muse rmfsisrvlly VS woman: In other WOMS, a finding of /act Mat wamd
noi be remignsm to common sense ought not In be disturbed The insi iudge
should be aocamsd a margin of spnrecialmn man his (ream-vent (:1 me
evidence 75 examined by the appellate cuurls
I1. I also reproduce me laHawmg paragraphs «mm the judgmenl or me
Conn \31Appea\ In Mm: Di! 5 Gas Engineering V ran Back Kwee pins]
4 CLJ 665‘ where Na||In' Pammznaman JCA (as she men was) skated —
mi The mwuiwmsnt my me ma/judge (0 have owns (0 a finding which was
‘plainly W70/w' before an appellate court may Intervene VS llvelefum well
enuenchedinauraflfle/ValePhi/asfinhyandyructice in Henderson V Faxwmlh
/nveslmerus Lid and anumen Lord my considered the meaning to be
acculded to ma Phrisd Mainly wrong‘
(here may be same value III mnsidzrmg the meaning almatpllruse There
IS anskmslrl maybe mismersioaa The adverb ‘iaiain/woes M1 refer lo the
dsgrss olwnfidencs 19!! by the aiwsiiaia court that n wnuia not have isamaa
ma same mndusmn as In: Ina!/unge ll am nu! marten mm whatever degree
or aenainry mai me spueuaxe mun canwers that M would have reached a
dtflsrsnl conclusion Whafmaflersls wnsmeime aacision undsraflfisahs one
am no reusanablz/udge could hav: macficd
SIN mMNvGyMEaaxnEuao2EKv
nan Sum M... M“ be used m mm a. nflmrufllv mm; nnmmnnl VII AFVLING pm
1.5; 7...5 .5 5 pnml alsume Imyunance beams: .. ..n..e.5m.e5 me .e...on5.e
....m..e sppeuaae mums Hots!/rbefly to reverse armtefleretn me Iirvdmg ova
maljwge even me appenaxe mm .5 0/eafly oune mew ma. .. wm: no. have
.e.ene.. me mne...5...n me ...5....age ma .... me evmerme 5.. recmd befurz ..
.. require: n.a.e The .eq...5ne ... mnee. standard ... be anplrcd .5
ma! no masunablsjwgs. on me ewaencs on remm e......: have reached ma
wrlclusrorv om... Ivrafjuflgs rn omervmms, so long as me «..a...g5 otllle ma!
/mfg: are p.5..5.:..e .... me ewdznce on .e.»n1, me.e .5 .... mum /e..n.e..e.e..ce
mere/y an me grounds ma! me aweflale em... Iomvs a umerenx oltvmun an me
same evrdervcs
[!A[TIvere:s,IIa»1/ever,/rt!/2 mom for vnnahan ... me apphcalrun af me prrncrple
ohnlen/enuun wnen me .na/mags .5 ‘Flam/V wrung‘ Alwel/an: courts uugn. m
as cansrslvnr .n ervsurmg (ha! appeuene mtervsnllon any names abuul when .a
lrvul ...age reaches 5 mnnlusmn ..n..5n rm rnasumable /udg: 5...... have
reached A lack olsuch wnsmencynn appmaen would We nsemconxrderable
uncerlamly .n we prams 5...: prowess Lrlrganls mmuyr. men
counsel 5n....... be ewe ... assess wnn same degree alczrhsmry, an c/zarund
dmvncl/y aynlredmvncrp/esol/aw, whemeramdgmenloblamedallirslmstance
.5 nxery ... be avarlumsd ... no! This .5 only possrbls .r there .5 a cansrslervt
apphcitmn mm: 'pLlmly wmng'pIln:1pl= Ip;1:/Llletmenmnnan
1111 The abverse or countevvan .9 me .eq....e...e... re. aapeflate .e...5.... ...
deannfl wun firrdms offer! by the ma/JWQS .5 ms nmdamenlal .equ..e.nen:
that filejudgmant a/ms. mslarme does ... lac.‘ amuurv! m a mmwar-ervsm and
cohesrve detenmnatron olme n.5.e...e....e.:e.s commmrvq me sublect manero.‘
a.:.a..;e bslore me mallwgs Tms mawes me ma. mge to undertake a mu
av:/nation am... evmenee andtssuss pracea nsim me court A ms: ...5.anc5
mdgnlervl .5 aperv ... rhal/zngz wnen .. /5.5 ... address 5. who/Lv rgnmes n.5.5n5.
ememe oussues p/zcsd before ... ... wnen bald findmgs arm. as made wrm
no Ieamnwg or evidence to substannare such Ymdmgs Equally errors allav/. a a«.e.e..5... evrderm: and 5...’. 5.eany..1e..m.5o.e e.....5
w... EN mnmbule towards 5 decmon ma! waw be consrdered Io be ‘ms.../y
5... mmwuymzaaxnzuaozzxv
we 5.... ...n... WW be .55.. 5 mm ... .........-y 5...; dnnnmnl ... .5.....c Wm.
my Judrcml decrsums are requrred to be harmed dawn exrreanrarrsry .rrr1 wrm
mrmmum delay However lms orrgm not to comuramrse the fundamental
rewwernerrr mar mauudyes undertake a commnensrve and no/rsnc apmam
ya me evalualmn L7/evidence rrr ruclvmg Mztrllrmtrvgs at ilrsfmslamze A txflure
In consrder Me Bnlrrery rr/me evrderm: and rrrrrrerrsr Issues . Isrlure (L7 make
nrrarnns or fan or me mzkmg or bars fimiwgs or Iacl, an avow for answers
rmemnerarr Apart imm me real possrbrmy at a rruscamage ouusm, such
umtssmns by 5 lrml/udge reqmre me sprreurrre cuurl: In rm on Me ml: rr/ma
mslancejwves am revvew me ewdence m us er-mrety avresh ms m lum
amounts In a strain oruudrcrafmsourcvs The rmponancs cl: comprsnensm
mnsrdzmlrun a/ me matter at first Instance rrrrrrrrrr be suflmervfly errrpnssrsea
Equany wnerr mere has been Ms! such a ho/mm HIJWD-ach aaapreu. mere
should be mnsmerab/s appeuare Ies1IamIex9Ic1sed when Ievrswmg a rrrsr
rnslarvc:[udgIvIerv( an appeal “
I emu accept me: the appeal against any decision av lhe Sessions
Court Is by way av rshearmg Tms appears m semran 29 unne Courts av
Jumcamre Ad
Although the above referred deusrans were concermng apueals
aller mans, \ believe me same cesc would be avmicame oonoermng any
Inlsrioculnry ascrsrons made by the lower Court.
sw mum/uyMEaaxaEuaozEKv
we sum nawmv WW re used m mm re nflmnnflly mm; dun-mm VII nF\uNG wrm
n on s cairn
I have considered me grounds omie sessions com and found that
the iearned Judge did not corrirrin any errors 0! iaw or fact that shouid be
iriierierea wnri by «his coim
Na Reasonable Explanalion for the Delay In the application In set
aside me Judgrrierir iii Defzull
15 Firstly me Appeiiam has iailed to show ariyiusrincaiiun furlhe delay
in the Buplicalion to set aside the Judgment iri Defaun. hie sole ground
raised by me Appeiiarii is based on the alleged failure oi We previous
soiiciior |a lake s|eps iri iris pmcesairigs below and asisriu me ciaim
against iris Appeiiani
It is «me law that the Appellan ' required to show that he has acted
eously and wimiri lhe 30-day period 40 iustiiy sening aside the iudgrriem
in aelauu. I re!er lo me aecisinri oi Ganal sri Ram JCA (as rie then was)
in Knor cherry wan v surrgei Wal Leasing Sdn 5IId[1.W7] 1 cu us:
"It is a caldmalpmvcrp/5 uflaw, me: when a Vilvgantsnks ma rfllervalllvofl DI the
mm! H‘! a matter that affect: his nghls H: must da SD eimamiy me
vigiianrirairs mm doM'IleN!buS,[I1fE Suhvermml mougri havinw its mains in me
SN mMNi/0yMEaaxnEuao2EKv
-we s.ii.i Mi... MU be used M mm we niwirufllv MW; nnmmnnl VII AFVLING WM!
Cour! ul Chancery. rs ul uruversal apphcal/on Even m cases were a new
rsexarcrsams ex dsbrlojuslvlvae, .3 coun maylsluss mnmuan mdofiervl/mgant
In .uc.m in which may in nppmlching m. caurl :. in mm, m. am...
rs upon me Illlvanl who has aetamuo render: satlsIacloI1eXDlanalInn
for IL Whelnu the explmnon In a ylven use It mmmory ar .:.,..nus upun m. rm: mu cimumlunml alnch m. and
in . matter which .-"mm the exercise aldiacrerfon, it is I.» the/‘udge in
whom the Iawpflmarlly vests the discretion. .
17 The lame oi summers to act in «me does not jushiy me exemse or
the power onne coumo set asme the de(au\I judgment umess il ws shown
|haHhe Appellanl dud nntacl wnh amgence when dealing wnn me sun The
Appsuam cannot mers\y stand by on the sme am my abso\me\y on ms
soncuors They must show mau they have auempxeu In protectmeur ngm
13, I vefev |o the decision 0! the cam ompueax in Mam or Ibrahim v
Ros-my Effandy {mm renum Knaml L cc [2013] 2 ML] we In mat
case the Cmm ol Appeal held: -
‘[27] 1: rs generally accepted mat a drum shomd not suffar «mm the rvaghgence
or mrstake 0/ the mm», Eu: :1 rm realms: in be eslsmnshed that me
negngem at mrslake .5 the act 0! the solncuor Omerwrxe, u wrll become
common praclrcs lo ablarn a second bile al the chewy by changing counsel
and mmmng ma ermrs m the Ivsluclmn A./pan MEEIEVIGMSSD/M21107, wnnautuny
cm! sml Dem commenced and mamrarned agams: mat prams so/mrror n
mum make a mockery arms system nl/ushce -
N mMrwGymEaaxnEuao2EKv
mm Sum mm... mm be used m mm u. nflmrufllv mm; “Mm. VII mum Wm
19 I again relerlo the judgment :1! Gupal Sn Ram in me earher quoted
case 0! row: Cheng war: It Sungei Wai Leasing Sdn Bhd (supra)
where he stated: -
/n we present case, me exnlanatmn cf the «am delendsnl for (he delay In
making his explanamm «s, m summarvse ms awawra ma! its p/acsd me
conduct of ms defence In ms was of a soltwur who am M79 (0 protect ms
/5 the! a masoname exp/anal/on7 The /earned Judqé ma Hm mm m was mm
agree mm mm Undoubtedly tms Court mu not, whenever feastb/5 allow a
chem ta su/fer /or Me negligence aims mm: 12:, Cheaw Chew mm V
Abauuonan bm Abdu/Ranman[1995] 4 cu 127 an: 152 (199514 cm 127,
mp 490 part/C George JCA
Em there are /mm: In what may he done m ma Interest: af/usme Afler an
luxuce is no! only for a de/aumng delendanl I! 75 Ior the D/amlrllas wefl And 2!
the and arms day, a cammexamtrvahorv nfmv iacls and circumstance: reveals
Ma! [he mm dzlandum um nolllmg m cammumcafle mm M: sa/Mylar a! any
ear/terpomrm Irme lo drscoverlhe xlale In wmch me mam aaamslmm stood
sum/yt n wamd as vyusncs In vrsrlme cmlsstlusrmes aim: tndrflsrence upnn
ma hlsrnhlfs head “
zu. Tneratcrs, t do not accep| that me Appettam has shown any
reasonable raasan why may and not wm. due a game set aside the
Judgment tn Defau|| wn ' the me lrame pmvided under 42 me ta at
5w vt3MNvGyMEaaxnEuao2EKv
ma Sum IHIWDIY Mu be .a.. m mm a. nvW\ruH|Y MW; nan-mm VII AFVLING mm
lne Rules ulCour1 Also reler |u Adnan bin Ishak 5 co vAF'TAssoci.ales
Sdn and 1201512 AMR 2312
No Dulerlce to me claim shown by mu Appnllarlt.
21. As stated earller, lne clalrn agaIns| lhe Appellanl ls lor .9 Gem urlpald
lor goods sold and supplled lo ll.
22 The Appellanfs argument Ihal mere should be a mal ol the clalm
and iuslily the selllng aside of lhe Judgmerll oi nelaull revolves around
me alleged loin: verlmre agreernenl loelween lne Appellarrl and me
Rsspurlderll tor the LRT 3 Damarlsara pmjecl lor Mudalaya Graup
2: The Appellanl wnlends mal me Respondent l Flalnllfl had taken a
loan lrorn a lmrd puny for Denrus Lau Klrl wal. The sloressla loan was
allegedly In asslsl wlln me said prolecl and me prom lrom me Sald prolecl
wlll be shared belween lne Appellant and me Rsspanasm Therelors, lns
Appellant oanlends mat the Sald goods supplled should nol he charged
(or is lull prlDE
sw vl7NNvOyMEaaxnEuaozEKv
'NnI2 Sum M... wn be used M mm o. nlwlrulllv sun; nnmmnnl VII nFlLING Wltll
| 2,435 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-24NCvC-848-03/2023 | PEMOHON FAMILA SDN BHD RESPONDEN 1. ) GOLDPAGE ASSETS SDN BHD (dalam likuidasi) 2. ) PLUSBURY DEVELOPMENT SDN BHD 3. ) BANK ISLAM MALAYSIA BERHAD | This Court considered the circumstances of this case and finds that it is reasonable that both Bank Islam and Famila be awarded costs that ought to be paid forthwith. Goldpage is required to pay RM40,000 as costs to Bank Islam and RM25,000 to Famila. Plusbury is ordered to pay Bank Islam RM25,000 and to Famila the sum of RM25,000 as costs. Those amount are for both suits (OS 3741 and OS848). | 23/01/2024 | YA Puan Roz Mawar binti Rozain | |
23/01/2024 10:38:54
WA-24NCvC-848-03/2023 Kand. 39
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**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
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**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
WA—2dNCvC—8d8—03/2023 Kand. 39
23/01/2024 10:32-54
ORIGINATING surmous N0: WA»24NCvC-J141.1DI1022
GOLDPAGE ASSE1 SDN sun (In Liqmdafiun)
[COMPANY No: 2unan1o1ss1:msea1A)1 rumnrs
lcomnuv Nu: 1sm1nu2su (M121-K)]
[COMPANY No. 2on4n1o2n7oo(nso2o4.K)] .. DEFENDANYS
sw vxamrsRx:uuNqPsymYsrA
-um smm be used M mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm
ORIGINATING summons :4
A mcvc-345 312023
lcamuuv No :u22u1on2:1:(1uea7n-Pu PLAINTIFF
1 GOLDPAGE ASSEY sou am: (In Liqumllion)
[COMPANY No: 2nnao1n15s13 (u1eao3.A)1
[COMPANY Nu: 2no4u1o2o1nn [esvznuq]
[comunv Nu:19I3flI0fl29M[9B1Z1-l()] DEFENDANTS
sw vxamrsRx:uuNqPsymYsrA
-um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm
mnderlhe SPA‘ which ns a cnonoe -n ac|non. In nnus courrs eunsndemd vnew
allme oenehns and advantages aocmed tn Galdpage unaenhs SPA nnusn
nnsnooe the puwer on sale. The sucnon nsno oy Bank nsnsm was pmsuanl
no Go|dpags‘s oonaunn can no naken as dnspcsmg i rigms by way on a
nunnen assngnmenl There occurred 2 uausner on Bank nsnsnrs legal nohn
no me those nn uonnon no Famnna As hono by Ina Federal Court. (here was
no neoessnly nor Bank nsnsm no wail no: me nm uv nognsuauon on a negan
charge Io onspose on the comraausn nahns uhoav ma SPA assngnoo no nl
[231 rsnuna, upon Ihe pvcpar suo uuooossnun oumnau oflhe property by
way on me aucnnon‘ had awumsd the rnqmi, nnIeres| and oonemns undor
nne spa The memorandum In me Pruclamauun on sans aanoo 12 9 2n22
ekonessny pro»/Idad msnn Yhe nssuancs on me nor wax never a
pmraliunsnne 1m Bank nsnarn no make nh ' ngnns onaosonune as5nqnmen|
Plusbuny can and ougm In Irans1er nhe nor ousnny no Famnla upon me
issuance onme same. (Reneno ocac Bank (Malaysia) Ehd v Nz sm-
Sdn am 5 Anal [2022] 3 cu 572, onus nsnumis Bank Bind v
Klvaimddrn Abu Mass-n [2021] 4 cm 375;
[24] Thus legal pasnnnon ns unassannaone no me angumehns by Goldpags
and Plusbury Tms coun oosewea nhe conouon on me pan 0! sonapage
wvuch may no ohlannnng nne nnancnng lacnlmes derrnonsvalad vdlnass no
aosonuneny assnqh us horns no Bank nsnam when in due used For nl As
oppuud no mo rbiuctanca no some by nhose same (arms when nho
snnuannon oscame uhnsvouraone whumoy Bank nsnum had amen aooommg
no nhu very |enm1 aonoeo upon. The authorities cnlad by munsal lor
condoms and Plushury are mnsapp no no mo cam and cnrcums|ancas on
son was .kuuo»on=aynnn
«mu. sunun luvnhnrwm .. u... o mm o. oflmnuflly mum: flnuavnml VI .nuuo v-man
ms cxe. |PnIlIoAIIiId Bank (M) and v Euptrum Singlv u/I Av-lur
singn 4 Anal [2002] 2 MLJ 513, Sin many fee A Dr: v char-g su
Kenn 5 Ors 12015“ Mm 133)
[251 To allowlhs assemons by Gowpege and Flusbury lhat lhe SPA and
not come: me Dower M sa\e «a comma would be akin In aHuwmg
amnrary resmclwe coruracmax cavenan| upon Bank mam. The Caurl cl
App A! r. Lu Chln wan 5 Arm v Sllnc Calporullon Sdn arm 120231
5 cu 232 up 96 max rx wwxu Vead m passmla abuse ms coun reiscls
lha sara zssanahnns . . bonvwmg the wards ol Jushce Lee Swee song
in me send case Upon the 55/9. mo vendor /0555 5" ms statutory rrgr-us
that we prevrousmrra: attached :9 the land‘ In mi; case‘ we purchase
{man had been samsnen by Goldpaga to Pmsbury Also relsrred to by «hrs
own are me damswcns ulme Supreme com in Voah Ah cm: v Ln
Chang Hai [1994] 3 cu 20 and me Federal Cnun m ran Om: E!!! v
man Kim Hang [2016] 3 cu 193.
(251 n meal certainly rs true man 11 rs no: me duly or nus Conn la Iewrile
cuntracis for me Dames wrum may were capable to have drawn, agrsea
m and yelled on Io! (he financing and seounnsalmn my me enmmcus loan
amount m 2013 The Coun heveby imerpms and enforces me
unammguous express harms m mac me asswgnmenl was absolute and
Bank Islam ma nghlly Invoked Ihe powers prwuea lhsvslo (599
Cal nyl sun Bhd v Snuppolnl Sdn sm1|2o21]2 MLJ 114 r
sm vxao uRnu0Nwr=aymrsrA
«mm. sm-w nmhnrwm .. U... w my r... mm-y mum: flnuamnl vn mum WM
Ros Inflcal /Issue Eslngggl
[27] u was hughlugmeo dunng argurnsnns that me sun filed by Pmsnury m
2022 In mnmcl me ms: auclkan earned out by sank ls\am un May 2022;
was on ma wmng and mistaken prevmse max sank Islam was a charges
Al no poml Vn urns was there a uagax malge lodged m Eank warns favour
as In: um was ysx ro be Issued Plushury had minnned sank mam wnan
n agmed In the ahsmube mrgrnnsn: over ma pmpeny man chargus and
cavaau wars not permilled to be lodged an as master mls as n womd
eomphcala and runner Plusbury lo devebp omsrpans ullhs nana
[zay rna learned counul «or Famula sunnunea |hsl ax man argument
wnara Prusnury awed us grievances |hal sank Islam had no: wnsunoa n
on lhe reserved pnoe. Flusbury scum have questioned sank |s\am‘s
pawer av sale m we firs! mace Much sank Islam cons:s|enuy mamlamed
that R was a right and power as absmutely assigned. In lalhng and/or
reiusmg «a do so, u was subrnmed that me docmne of res nmrcace has sel
Vn No! yusl agamst Pmsbury but also Gampaga wrra was cried as Ihe
Second nerenaant In Pmsnurys aouon and a pan onne pmeemngs
[291 The validlly at me aucuan conducled by sank wsnarn rs undoubtedly
an we nean or ms argmnenrs In these we SLIVLS nos 3471 and 05 am)
The aarreaness Mme said aucuon was chaflenged :1: me Flusbury sun
n mararare csnnol be said man bum canaarnaa me .nxe-preuauan ov me
DoA ms Cowl agms mm ms oonlanhsn Iha| ham Plulbury and
Gnldwlga oould have and oughl lo hive mind this angra allhs argurnanx
in ms Fluxbury sun They mmrm are prevented norn vanmamng n nara
— sea me Supreme cuuns enahlushed merpnlshon of mu: means: In
srn vxao aRnu0NqPBymrsrA
“Nana Snr1I\nanhnrwH\I>e HIQG s my r... nflmnuflly mum: flnuamnl VI .HuNa v-max
Asia Commercial Frnancu (M; Bhd v Kawal Tedlti Sdn Ehd [I995] 3
[an] n a\s/.1 goes unescapad max nne ammm| reahsed by Bank mam lmm
me sucoessfm auclmn In seH me progeny |o Famulz Is mum Vess man me
auxsvenmng owad by Golflpage win» (he acuudncalnon ol Plusburys
xmuncnon apphcalmn, as am .5 seen suspsexouely here as e means m
(umar dehy and lruuvate Bank lslams enane m mlkmg good me
callalaral «er sanepegee maemeeneee wnn me anemm to ram: me or
ralhav van! um Issuls men cughl In havn been argued .n (ha! nmor sun
by Fhnburv
[31] The DOA emerged as me paramount ween of eviaence. The
aecumanx 'n|egrzl (0 unee-sxenmng nne Imuzl terms agreed upon by pom
pames— sorupage and Bank Islam mun concurrence of Plushury), prayea
a crucial me In sneddmg hghl on me namre mane agreement psmculany
regarding me asslgnmenl of me pmpeny as eecunuy «or me wean The
om, by ms very essence. em:apsuIa|ed me In|ermons ane uneemanmngs
ov me names a| me «me onne \oan's ncepuen A nnuough exennnenon
men n macaw In delemunlng one extent aims ngme and nbhgahuns lha|
were convened upon eeen party‘ eseeaeuy in velalmn Io Bank ‘slams
conduct cl auchon no realize ma assel upon delaull
my me count Md: me: Bank mam nee nuhfly ana Vegally mvukefl me
powers M sa\a wmen was alasomlew eeugnee |a by Galdpage men
rusunea xn Farnue being nne succexsfw bidder, were me sane an
em vxao afinuowqfiaymrxn
«we. s.nn be HIQG e vsfly he nrW\n|H|Y mum: m.n.n VI mum v-ma!
pumnase were a\so mnducled lav./Fully Premvsed on me emenoe and
me auvlicable laws, «ms Conn declares
(a) The sale cl ms Dmpeny by Bank Islam |o Famfla by way of a
aubuc aucnan cm 19 9.2022 5 valid,
(:1) Fanula ws me uenenuax owner av me progeny, and
4c) Conssnl omuswywasnm requrrad (or am Islam |o asugn
absclulely |o Finula the rims, benefits and m|emrsls m
relauon tn me property and (he SPA beiwean Plusbury and
Goldpsqs pursuant In me Dull
[33] It ws me Lmiev oi «ms com me: Plusbury deliver an Famua wmw.
seven days from me issuance of me separate document of we to me
(a) The ongmal xssue dmumenta1m1e(s] to Ihe properly‘
(a) A auvy sxecmod, valid and reglsllame (but unsumped)
nnslrumen|oH1ansVs1VorIhe lransler of me pmpenylo Famnla,
Ina (mm all lrans, charge; and olher encumbrances
wnansumn xi necessary.
(C) The cemfied we copy of ms cunem year qun rent and
assessment receipts m rupee! arms pmpemr, and
my All ulhev documems requvred of Flusbury m laminate me
vagmrahun cl aznsfer m lavaur ov Famfla, indudmg. wnnam
sm vxao .a.uo»».»=amnn
«mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e HIQG w may he mmuny mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
Hmrtanom ma requlsfle oorporaie am: sxamumy documsms or
mummy, duly certified as we onpies by us secretary.
[341 ms cam oonamama the czrmmslanbes cums case and finds Iha|
m a reasonable max bum Bank Islam and Fzmda be awarded coscs mat
oughlla be pamlonhwnlh Gompegsls required «a pay RMJO,D00as costs
(0 Bank mam and RM25,Dnu :5 Farms Flusbury Is ardemd In pay Bank
mam RM2§,DO0 and In ramua (he sum av nwzsoao as costs Those
3/noun| are «or how: suns (us 3741 am cssaa)
JUDVCIAL cow/ussxousa
For me P/smwl Alvm Tang and Low vun Hm together with Tea
4.; u
rm Bodfpalar Pnnnudurar De S«/vs
Fovma 1"Defendan1s Aedyta Dm Boksn
T/n Nassor wan: Nam A Rtmm
For ms 2~ Dolendanrs 5 Raven, s Davenossn, Dam‘ Mallk lmllaz
Sarwur and Wang Mm Yen
m. s Ravenasan
For the Wart/ans! Gopal Smervevasan and Hazel Srau Ju Shusn
rm snzaocm Lau
; sm»apaymnn
mm. Snr1I\nmhnrw\HI>e HIQG a may he mm-y mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
m In the realm M finance and legal agreements, n :5 a eom-non
phenomanun In wmess a aresuc sum nu ma exanca er names inmmea
when urcumsnanoes allev, pamwlany m cases cl Voan defaulls. Al me
inoeplmn al a rmanaal arrangemen|. when Ihe neeo for mone1ary
asswslance Is paramount borrowers onen axnutma wmmgness (0 agree H:
a vanely nnenns‘ mdudlng me pledqxng massels as security (or me man
Thesa agreements, |u have been made m gm lawn and men clear
mcennons, serve as a guaranhzelcr me lenderand a means to ssuure me
raqmmd mnas lor me burrvwsr
[2) Howvvev. me Vandstape cl such agreemenu can dramatically
change \n me even! at a «(sun ms case presents a qumlsssenhal
enamma when we borrower. nanng Imhllly asugnea an assan as
caHalIral, a new conlulmg ma legalnly av nls salt pun-anvann. The
mxnmars canlenhon mngls on me clam nna« wrma may had maeaa
ssxiimud me 2553! my Ihu purpose of secunnq me man may had nnl
exnressry oonhrmd Ina power of sale upun me Vendor This wdden
N-:versa\ oc stance, ass-ninq a lack at power m assign the power of ab
enne assel m me Venden ceaxwea banks! to me arguments of mm suns
[3] The pamas lo me sums are Bank \s\am semaa (Bank wswam) max
granhad finanung homes M RM1E,UOD‘DO0 m eompaga Asset sun and
(Goldpage) In zma The secunty la man was an absulme Deed mi
Assvgnmem dated xx 12 zma (DIM) which was pursuant la a commuted
purchase xransacnon 01 property by eompage «mm Pmsbury
Development Sdn arm (Plusburyj nmugn me master Inle was sull under
am vxao -Rnu0NqPaymrsrA
“Nana smn lunhnrwm s. met! a mm s. mn.u-y mum: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
Plusbnfly Tne umpeny oampnsefl of two parcels M commercial onnnmng
nanos wnnn one and new storey hypsrrriarlnel building ans car perkmg ions
oeanng oosnan address No 1 Jalan Feri Lama, Faslv Penambang, 45000
Kuals Selallgm sanangor iornnng pan M HSKD) 250907, Lon Nu FT was
Sechon 2 (Funrnerny pan of Geran susse, Lon 619 5. 62a Muknm Keane
Selzrngar, sons of Selangor Dzml Ensan; Upon nne oeieunn oi ina
nnanonng iacnnmes. sank isnem proceeded in sell me oiooeay
conaneraiisao In raninna Sdn sno (Familz) nnmogn an auctmn on
19 9.2022
{4} son. auina — Oliunnahrlg Summons No WA-24NCv(>37A1-10/2022
nos 3741) ano wn 24-NC»/C aae-on/202: nos may saughl inn oomvs
oeciaianon as no me valldfiy M nne aocnion exeeoneu oy sank Islam
omsunnn no ma non. os 3741 inmaneo oy soiooeoe eeeke inns Cuurls
oioer no invalldzle ano nulhfy ma aucficm wninsn rarniia men 05 am for a
deciaranion nnan nne sale was the auction was valid and man in is not nne
negan and beoenoiai owner on me property nogenner winn omer
conaseuennai orders
[51 Feahnred «mm and cennren in oonn nne suns is me DoA eondoaoe
argued nnannne assngnmenzaia non monuoe me mmeno seH me pmpeny
Its argunienn was based on me posimn ms! was nne oeoeinoiei ownemf
me omoeny with no soon powers no mean mn and/or uispose on nine
property as nna mas|er nine was annnn leglslsrsd no Plusbury in cnrn|ernded
nnen sank isnani s assigned ngnis oouno non oe grsalsr man Goiooage s,
max sank mam nao no ngnns oi pawsr onaene om nne properly pursuant
no me Dem onm nne glam on me nssoa cl Dncumant on Tine um) and me
axacmmn on in. negai charge In sank tslanfs tavaur Plusbury anonao
«saw no nne Dosnhnn or conooeors, Rehvenoe was maoa no Soulhlm
em vxao aRou0NwiPaymrsrA
“None s.n.i luvnhnrwm e. med e mm o. onnnn-y MIMI flnuavnml VI ariuna v-man
smnsn Nauon-I rrusn Ltd v Pilher ac 3700037‘ Rodman v rm
Pemnanmn Trustee co alum South warns ac 1souo2a
The mod oVAsI|nnmonl
[en The DuA wmnh was execunld as secnmly my me paymem by
Galdpaga no Bank nsnam cl me nmemeanus Provnded Ihan Goidpage
assngned Io Bank Islam ‘awn/Mary me property and m M and mm
bsnafltand advznnllgs avanu urndsrlhe Vnslmmantav m/9 and a//ngnnrs),
omnmn mIarlst[s) and um msmnrn nogezrm mm all ramming: thanaln Iar
the pnlrposl aramocnng mo Vnsbumenl o(TnlIe 5.! secnmly lo! the payment
no [Bunk Is/am] or the rndabladneu and an em» rnwruu plyable and
covemnnau to be uwd by /Go/dpsga] to [Bank /mm} hemumiir
PROVIDED THAT nolhmg m tin: Assfgnnmnl rs to be constructed or
dumad as an assignment to me am ol Ihn obhgarnons and lrabflmes ol
[Go/dpagel under me msnmmenn 0/ me '— Clause 3 n Doll
[71 The nnsnmmenn or me relerred no me sane and Purchase
Aqrsemem between Gcldpags and Plusbury dalsd we H N11 15»).
The pmpany remanned pan cf the nnasna nnnne held by Plnnsbury man. I|
was ohlngaled um: ms SPA la appny fur the nm and have m same
translerred In sonapage
[an An und\spuned1ac|ns man Flushury had consenleo no me DoA nu nns
Endarsemenl or Bonsanl cl Ina wen dale, Pnusnury expressed Ins
undanaking Io delnver no Bank mam nu. sapzrzls documenl ml we on
slrala we to ma pmperly loglmur wilh ma mgnsnnabna lranslar nn mums
01 oonuuaga |a secure the ragnsnralnon of sonupage as me rsgnflemd
prupnenor on ma prvuarly. Pnusnmy mm connmua man nl had new and
sm vxao .a.uo~».»=aymnn
“Nana smun luvnhnrwm .. med w my n... mnnuny mum: flnuavnml VI mum v-man
was Iaking aH reasanable sIeps Io oblaln a sepaIa|e dowmenl pt Iille or
slmla «me ha me vmpedy
[91 The next day on Is I2 2013 Plusbury Issued a Ienev to Bank Islam
Ina: cnnflmled sompagn was me beflefimal owner cl me propeny wmch
had been Band In IIIII
[10] In cm rrmnarna, nnII| a legal charge In Iawour cl Bunk mam over
me properly was execmed am the IDT was Issued Bank Islam “shall
have me sale and absolute rrgm and power (:7 dial wrlh Ina Property In
any malmrv in its unsarma uucrurron r'ncIudrr-g me Irynl and Power 0/ sale
wneznsr by publrc suclmn mby pm/ale Ixmlracl as rm were me sore and
beneficial owner Inereal PROVIDED THA rm power 0/ sale shall not he
sxsrcrsed by [Bank Islam] accept the nappenrrrg or occwvence b any or
me Even olbeiaull as perms Frnanmrg Dacumern “— Clause 3 9 DOA
[11] The DDA gramea Bank Islam Ina power aranomey ‘to dealwtlhlhe
Prppsrvy rn snymannsr wnalsoever. ' The broad powers expressly stated
Influded up seH “under me paws! of sale mnfsrred bylms AssrgrrmenI
|ha| Bank Islam deemed necessary an any sale o1GoIdpages ngms, We
or Imevesl In Irre pmpsny underlhe porwei o1saIe. Gnldpage undertook |o
thereafter rauvy and oennrrn Ine same — mause 4 DDA.
[I21 Upon dalaufl when me rmaueanass became due and payable.
Bank IsIarn had (no power wuhoul Iunhar name |o Gmdpaga up‘ amangsl
omen. ‘Iran:/at nr mrgr-I Ins Property or any part lherwlal such pncs
sm vxao aRpu0NwI=ayrnrsrA
“Nana Snr1|In.rIhnrwHII>e UIQG In my me MEVHIUIY mum: flnuamnl VI .rIuNa WM
er pnnes and In sum manner as me Bank shall m its abm/me dlscrelran
mmk fit‘ — mause 7 2 MA
[13] mass dauses are rewewem and mmenal as Bank ls\am nan
pmmlsefl us anon: on me powers provided Ihelem 1oHammg <3aI¢page‘s
menu as avmanl In Bank Islam‘: may at demand dated 1 7 2021 man
also sawed as a nouns av lermnnahon of meme wnn Ina nnenuen Xa sen
me pmpany and me demand tor aemry of mam pcssasskzn. The
arnounx wlsundlng awed by Gompage In sank lllim was
RM27,5U0,125 es Gnfldpaga had aereunea m as monlhly paymenls as it
was wounu up Dursuinl to a uafiunn med by a mum nany In 2021
ml Pursuanl to me D°VVers m lhe DOA. Bank ma-n oummsnuea
corecmsure Drvcsedings auams| me pmpeny An eucnsn data 01
25.3.2022 was fixed Aunosl on me we onhe auction. Plusbury umalned
an nnenm Ivquncfion (mm me Kua\a Lumpur >-ngn Court on 23.3.2022 In
sum me aucmm Gompage was mad as the Second Defendam ny
Flusbury. ms mlenm Iruunchan was set aside and msrmssed an
31 5 zu2z.
us} Bank rsram pmoeeded wun ma aucxian on 15 7 2u22 but (here was
na bidder A samnfl aucuen was cnnducled on I9 92022 men Fame
had managed 2 sueeessmu ma var ma properly Famnla has settled me
balanu price on 1312 2022.ba1nru Ina sue me lnr Inn same Goldpsae
(M Hauudahonj mac os 374: lg: sx aanx Islam and Pmshury
em vxao -RnuoNru=aymrsrA
«mm. s.nn nmhnrwm .. HIQG a my me nrW\n|H|y mum: flnuamnl VI .HuNa v-ms!
ggunnenus cunlendlng Bank Isl-un .1 Mn have the gem of
no} Far as 374: zsampage took me posmon mac me DOA msmly
asmgnad mewngms unflerlne spa |o Bank ls\am The SPA contained no
express powsrolsala m Goidpage nor ma n gaannaa powarol allomey In
Gohiplge lo enher dean wwh and/or duspase av me pvcpeny. eampage-s
urgumenl stralched (o stale lnzl Imhl Ina nu: av ma properly Imulerrad
and ramslarafl \n ma Mme o( cumpage. n had no pmpflehry ngms uvar
lharc nrcpeny and (hus not enluled m “H ma pmpany Gnldpage
mama Iha| Bank |s|zm‘s assigned nghxs ware my anlarcezhle agnmsl
Pmhury ax lrustea and nm m respect aftha pmplny
[171 Fhlsbury‘ m sunporl :1! as 3741 and avwsmu 05 ans‘ luck me
same posman as Govapage Phxsbury ocmended|ha(vHhe|rIns1erM|he
prvpenym Gnldpage coma not be commeted or regvsk-grad Galdpage has
me ngm (0 either Isrmmale me SPA of pursue me remedy av spemfic
peflorrnance as pa clauses 6 and QSPA In answeno |ms <:o«n's query
as (u mat Iemedyfies) avau Bank Isnanu, Plusbury slated manna smmon
was me same as man mm eumpage - Io enher lermmale and/or enlmce
me SPA by way 0! specmc pervonnance
[we] A wamng M me on us. unequwocally c\aar .n its language Ind
mlem. oompzga, .n a me In secure me nonowmg :71 m
zma, had unamblgucuny assigned ngmseveune propenym Bank Islam.
sm vxao .n.uo~».»=aynnn
«mm. s.nn nmhnrwm .. U... n may he nrW\n|H|Y mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
The asslgnmsnl csnrlm be nut merely symbolic om came: MN’! ll Ihs
subslanllve right of Bank Islam up exelclsle lla absolute mscrenon lo deal
wllh me properly ln llls event cf aelaull by Goldpage. The crux :2! me
DoA‘5 purpose was to enable Bank lslam lo leallze me value at me
splapagas maebleansss through me properly, Much was expllully
provided as callalsaal and secunly lor me mmmlg ms arrangement,
as laid oul lfl me DoA leaves rla loam vol amlugullyl oonrllmlng me
pmpafly‘S 10!: as a ssculsd asssl agalnsl me flnanclal obllgamans ol
ml Far ease nha1alanoe.s4(37Cwll Liw m 1955 ll raproducad hare
as l ls relled on by ma aulhnnllas and lms own s oormderali
“Any absolute asslgnmenl. by mung, under nu hand al ma
asslynor nol purpmlng to be Dy way a/charge an/y. olany den! or
othar legal chose m anlan ol which axpnss notl'r:e in wrlllng has
been glven lo the debtor, lmszea or other persons from whom ma
assigns! would have been enllllea In receive orclalm me meal or the
chose ln acllpn, snall be, and be deemed to have been, elraaual m
law, subject In all aqumss which would have been enlll/ed lo prlomy
01/67 the ngm ame asslgnee lmdsv ma law as If axlsvsa m the Stale
aelpm ma dale o/me comlllg into me onms Act, In pass and
tranxler me legal ngm ol the am afchase ln actlon, from the 11519 of
ma males, and all legal and oillel Iemudlas (at me same, and ma
paws! Ia glvfi a good dlscrlsrge lot Ina same, wllhaut ma
concurrence a! la. asslgnur "
am vxao aRhLIONqFB‘1mYsFA
“Nair Smnl navlhnrwlll as UIQG a may he nlwlnnlllll mm. flnuavlml VI nFl|.INQ Wm!
[201 The roman cam ruled m Damal Fnlghl (M) Sdn Ehd v Alfin
Bank Bemad [2015] 4 MLJ1A9|n delarmmmg vmemer an assvgnmsnl ws
absomle referred «a the msuumema and us |em\s slated As me was
‘abso/ulely sssvgns were used n Mas new at para 25 alpI51
-ma /aw m to/anon to absolute assrg/Imenl rs clear. An absomla
amgnmanz .5 an squrtnb/u mmgaga and (he amnce ol :3
morlguga rs Inst than u a lrlnshv nvma mummy or a chase m
lcnon, not the /and, la the mortgagee (:99 Bupmdur Smgh and
chum Eng Kang;
my in was deemed bythe Fadeval Conn mm Ihe ahsomle asslunrmm
was m relzunn lo 2 lransler ai ma Inga! "gm otme cum m aanun Ir-am
me assugnonome asslgnse as assigned wwmm me meamng 0134(3) Cwll
Law An Al para 25 wt was naracea
>1: lofiows man when the bank sxsvmsed rts power L7/sale Lmdev lhs
LACA Io drsposs alns lights by way ara mum» assvgnmenl. u only
mvorves a Iranslav of a legal ngm m me chose m aclran Io ms
purchaser rn me absence of any statutes :2: express pmvtsrons In
me assignment resllrcmvg me disposal or such ngms, ma bank is
enlrlled Io sxernfse Ils pawels 0/ sale and 10 have us ngms to ma
chase In aanon trnnslevved Such pawsls and lights. m our wew, are
no! exrlngmshod by mason ollha Issuance a/ma lam document
nl mm to the ram: -
472] Bound by um: Vlgal prmdvla, |h|s Cami how: max Gnldpuge
assigned ahsalmely to Bank mam was the DDA‘ fls canlmcxual right:
am vxao .a.uo»».»=amnn
«mm. sm-1 .. HIQG a may he mm-y mum: flnuamnl VI mum v-max
| 2,120 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
AC-82D-6-12/2021 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH MOHD AMIRUL AMRIE BIN MOHD ZIMI | Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952, s. 6 - Kesalahan memiliki dadah berbahaya jenis kanabis - Prima facie - Sama ad pihak pendakwaan berjaya membuktikan inti pati-inti pati kesalahan - Sama ada tertuduh mempunyai jagaan dan kawalan dan pengetahuan terhadap dadah berbahaya - Kegagalan memanggil saksi-saksi material - Kegagalan menawarkan saksi kepada pembelaan - seksyen 114(g) Akta keterangan - credibility of investigating officer | 23/01/2024 | Puan Ashvinii a/p Thinakaran | |
(NO.KP: 890429086327)
Tertuduh dituduh bawah Seksyen 6 Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 (‘Akta’) kerana
memiliki dadah berbahaya jenis kanabis. Fakta kes menunjukkan tertuduh ditahan
ketika pihak polis sedang menjalankan sebuah operasi. Pada malam itu, Pegawai
Serbuan (SP4) telah menerima arahan daripada Ketua Bahagian Narkotik Hilir Perak
untuk menjalankan serbuan iaitu ASP V. Segaran. Arahan adalah bagi SP4 dan
pasukan membuat serbuan ke atas rumah beralamat 593 Parit 8/6R, Jalan Chenderong
Balai Kampung Belt, 36600, Chenderong Balai, Perak. Sejurus sampai di alamat
tersebut, pihak polis telah melihat Tertuduh berdiri di hadapan rumah berkenaan dalam
keadaan yang mencurigakan. Hal ini menyebabkan SP4 mengarahkan anggota-
anggotanya untuk menghampiri dan memeriksa tertuduh. SP4 telah memperkenalkan
diri sebagai pegawai kanan polis dengan menunjukkan kad kuasa kepada Tertuduh.
SP4 kemudian telah melakukan satu pemeriksaan fizikal atas Tertuduh. SP4
kemudiannya menemukan satu paket plastik lutsinar dadah disyaki cannabis ganja di
hadapan poket sebelah kiri seluar panjang warna biru jenama Winmaster yang dipakai
oleh Tertuduh. Selepas barang kes yang dirampas, barang kes diserahkan oleh SP4
kepada Pegawai Penyiasat (SP6). SP6 telah menyerahkan barang kes kepada
Pegawai Kimia (SP3) melalui Inspektor Nurhazwani (SP2) untuk dianalisis, disahkan
bahan tumbuhhan itu adalah dadah berbahaya jenis kanabis seberat 0.92g.
Diputuskan (melepaskan dan membebaskan tertuduh daripada pertuduhan)
1. Demi mengemukakan satu kes prima facie bawah s. 6 Akta terhadap tertuduh,
pihak pendakwaan hendaklah menunjukkan inti pati-inti pati kesalahan seperti:
(i) dadah yang menjadi hal perkara pertuduhan adalah dadah berbahaya
23/01/2024 16:34:57
AC-82D-6-12/2021 Kand. 96
S/N 1l1GMAgxUCrkvfPXvopJw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
sebagaimana yang ditetapkan bawah Akta; (ii) dadah berbahaya tersebut
berada dalam milikan tertuduh (‘inti pati kesalahan kedua’); dan (iii) tertuduh
mempunyai pengetahuan ke atas dadah tersebut (‘inti pati ketiga’)
2. Secara ringkasnya, pihak pembelaan telah membangkitkan beberapa isu
antaranya adalah keterangan SP4 selaku pegawai tangkapan adalah tidak
konsisten tidak harus diterima pakai oleh Mahkamah. Adalah menjadi dapatan
mahkamah bahawa keterangan SP4 adalah konsisten dan akan diterima pakai
oleh mahkamah ini memandangkan soalan-soalan yang ditujukan kepada SP4
telah pun dijawab dan apa-apa percanggahan juga telah diperbaiki sewaktu
dalam pemeriksaan balas.
3. Selain itu, isu kedua yang dibangkitkan adalah tandaan yang dibuat ke atas
seluar barang kes dimana barang kes ditemui. Mahkamah ini menerima
penjelasan SP4 yang menyatakan walaupun seluar tersebut telah disita dan
tersenarai dalam borang bongkar namun begitu atas alasan
berperikemanusiaan mereka tidak dapat membuat tandaan ke atas seluar
tersebut memandangkan pada waktu kejadian berlaku OKT masih memakai
seluar tersebut dan hanya boleh dibuat tandaan setelah sampai ke balai polis
yang mana apabila pasukan serbuan bersama tertuduh sampai ke Balai Polis
adalah pada hari esok.
4. Pembelaan juga telah membangkitkan isu, borang bongkar diisi oleh satu Sjn
Aziz atas arahan SP4, dan kemudian SP4 telah menurunkan tandatangan ke
atas Borang Bongkar tersebut. Sjn Aziz tersebut tidak dipanggil sebagai seorang
saksi dalam kes ini. SP4 dalam keterangan telah menjelaskan kerana keadaan
yang gelap dan atas dasar keselamatan SP4 telah mengarahkan Sjn Aziz yang
menulis senarai barangan yang disita atas pemantauan SP4, dan setelah
memastikan butiran adalah semua betul, SP4 baru menurunkan tandatangan.
Alasan yang diberikan ini diterima pakai oleh Mahkamah. Maka, Mahkamah
mendapati tiada isu berkenaan dengan Borang Bongkar.
5. Pihak Pendakwaan juga telah gagal menandakan paket plastik yang
mengandungi barang barang sebagi P dan pembelaan menghujahkan barang
kes tidak boleh diterima oleh Mahkamah memandangkan paket plastik itu tidak
ditanda dan kekal sebagai ID14 dan barang sama juga tidak dirujuk kepada
pegawai kimia untuk dicamkan dan juga untuk ditender sebagai barang kes.
Persoalannya disini adalah sama ada barang kes tersebut boleh diterima oleh
mahkamah ini dan dalam hal itu mahkamah mendapati chain of evidence dalam
kes ini daripada sitaan oleh SP4 yang telah dipegang oleh SP4 sendiri dan telah
S/N 1l1GMAgxUCrkvfPXvopJw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
diserahkan kepada SP3 melalui SP6 dan SP2 adalah tidak terputus.
6. Akan tetapi kegagalan Pihak Pendakwaan menawarkan Sjn Aziz kepada
pembelaan membangkitkan penggunaan Seksyen 114(g) Akta Keterangan.
Walaupun tiada keperluan dari pihak pendakwaan untuk membawa Sarjan Aziz
sebagai seorang saksi memandangkan mereka untuk coroborate kenyataan-
kenyataan oleh kesemua saksi secara keseluruhan.
7. Namun begitu memandangkan terdapat keraguan yang ditimbulkan oleh pihak
pembelaan yang merupakan a line of defence pada tahap awal lagi, adalah
menjadi tanggungjawab Pendakwaan untuk menawarkan saksi tersebut. Malah,
mahkamah ini juga mendapati pihak pendakwaan gagal menawarkan mana-
mana saksi lain kepada pembelaan.
8. Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes Suayri Ayapan menyatakan sekiranya
mahkamah mendapati satu jurang atau kelompongan yang besar dalam kes
pihak pendakwaan dan berpuas hati saksi yang tidak ditawarkan itu adalah
saksi penting, dan pihak pendakwaan memendapkannya keterangan yang ada
padanya yang sentiasa boleh diperolehi serta apa yang dilakukan pihak
pendakwaan itu bagi tujuan utama mengecewakan pihak pembelaan untuk
pembelaan, maka kegagalan memanggil saksi atau menawarkan saksi itu
memberi inference yang tidak berpihak yang kuat kepada pihak
pendakwaan di bawah seksyen 114 (g) Akta Keterangan.
9. Berikutan kegagalan pihak pendakwaan membuktikan elemen-elemen jagaan,
kawalan dan pengetahuan, diputuskan tuntutan inti pati kesalahan kedua tidak
dipenuhi. Serta dengan kewujudan penggunaan Seksyen 114(g) Akta
Keterangan kerana kegagalan Pendakwaan menawarkan saksi yang material
dan penting kepada Pembelaan ada mewujudkan satu kelompongan besar
dalam kes Pendakwaan. Oleh kerana tiada kes prima facie berjaya dikemukakan
terhadap tertuduh, tertuduh dilepas dan dibebaskan daripada pertuduhan bawah
s. 6 Akta tanpa perlu dipanggil untuk membela diri.
1. Tertuduh telah dituduh melakukan suatu kesalahan di bawah s. 6 Akta Dadah
Berbahaya 1952 [Akta 234] yang boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen yang sama.
Pertuduhan terhadap tertuduh adalah seperti yang berikut:
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2. Pihak pendakwaan dalam kes ini telah memanggil seramai enam orang saksi
pendakwaan (“SP”):
(i) Sjn Aliman bin Amel (SP1) (Penjaga Stor);
(ii) Insp Norhazwani (SP2) (Penghantar dan Pengambil kimia);
(iii) Faznur Adilah Binti Mohmud (SP3) (Ahli Kimia);
(iv) Insp Tie Ngie Sieng (SP4) (Pegawai Tangkapan);
(v) KPL Rasyidi (SP5) (Anggota Serbuan); dan
(vi) Insp Azrul (SP6) Pegawai Penyiasat.
3. S. 173(7i)(i) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah (KTJ) telah memperuntukkan berkenaan
tugas mahkamah di akhir kes pihak pendakwaan adalah untuk memutuskan sama ada
pihak pendakwaan telah mengemukakan suatu kes prima facie terhadap Tertuduh
atas pertuduhan terhadapnya. Mahkamah perlu menilai keterangan-keterangan saksi
pihak pendakwaan yang credible yang telah membuktikan semua intipati pertuduhan
sebelum Tertuduh dipanggil untuk membela diri.
4. Perkataan prima facie tidak ditakrifkan di bawah KTJ. Walau bagaimanapun,
Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Balacahandran v. PP [2005] 1 CLJ 85 [2005] 1
AMR 321: [2005] 2 MLJ 301 telah menghuraikan berkenaan ujian prima facie
sepertimana yang berikut:
...The test at the close of the case for the prosecution would therefore be: Is the
evidence sufficient to convict the accused if he elects to remain silent? If the answer is
in the affirmative then a prima facie case has been made out. This must, as of necessity,
require a consideration of the existence of any reasonable doubt in the case for the
prosecution. If there is any such doubt there can be no prima facie case.
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5. Maka, di akhir kes pendakwaan, Mahkamah ini telah meneliti keperluan untuk
melakukan penilaian secara maksimum ke atas keseluruhan keterangan dan bukti-
bukti sokongan di dalam kes ini. Seksyen 180 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah dirujuk:
Section 180 of the Criminal Procedure Code sets out the procedure to be followed
by the court at the close of prosecution case as follows;
(1) When the case for the prosecution is concluded, the Court shall consider whether
the prosecution has made out a prima facie case against the accused.
(2) If the Court finds that the prosecution has not made out a prima facie case against
the accused, the Court shall record an order of acquittal.
(3) If the Court finds that a prima facie case has been made out against the accused
on the offence charged the Court shall call upon the accused to enter on his defence.
(4) For the purpose of this section, a prima facie case is made out against the accused
where the prosecution has adduced credible evidence proving each ingredient of the
offence which if unrebutted or unexplained would warrant a conviction.
6. Mahkamah Rayuan dalam kes Looi Kow Chai v. Public Prosecutor [2003] 1
CLJ 734 [2003] 2 MLJ 65; [2003] 2 AMR 89 berkenaan prima facie telah menyatakan
seperti yang berikut:
"In our respectful view, the correct test to be applied in determining whether a
prima facie case has been made out under s. 180 of the CPC (and this would apply to a
trial under s. 173 of the CPC) is that as encapsulated in the judgment of Hashim Yeop
Sani FJ (as he then was) in Dato' Mokhtar bin Hashim & Anor v. Public Prosecutor [1983]
CLJ Rep 101: [1983] 2 CLJ 10: [1983] 2 MLJ 232 at p 270: To summarize, it would
therefore appear that having regard to the prosecution evidence adduced so far, a prima
facie case has not been established against Nordin Johan and Aziz Abdullah, the second
accused and the fourth accused which, failing their rebuttal, would warrant their
conviction. In other words if they elect to remain silent now (which I hold they are
perfectly entitled to do even though they are being tried under the Emergency
Regulations) the question is can they be convicted of the offence of section 302 read
with section 34 of the Penal Code ? My answer to the question is in the negative.' We
are confident in the view we have just expressed because we find nothing in the
amended s. 180(1) of the CPC that has taken away the right of an accused person to
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remain silent at the close of the prosecution case. Further we find nothing in the
legislative intention of Parliament as expressed in the language employed by it to show
that there should be a dual exercise by a judge under s. 180 when an accused elects to
remain silent as happened in Pavone v. Public Prosecutor [1985] 1 LNS 99: [1984] 1
MLJ 77. In other words, we are unable to discover anything in the language of the
recently formulated s. 180 that requires a judge sitting alone first to make a minimum
evaluation and then when the accused elects to remain silent to make a maximum
evaluation in deciding whether to convict or not at the close of the prosecution case.
It therefore follows that there is only one exercise that a judge sitting alone under s. 180
of the CPC has to undertake at the close of the prosecution case. He must subject the
prosecution evidence to maximum evaluation and to ask himself the question: if I decide
to call upon the accused to enter his defence and he elects to remain silent, am I
prepared to convict him on the totality of the evidence contained in the prosecution case?
If the answer is in the negative then no prima facie case has been made out and the
accused would be entitled to an acquittal."
7. Kes Public Prosecutor v Poh Ah Kwang [2003] 3 AMR 670 menyatakan
seperti berikut:
“Since the standard of proof at this stage is prima facie proof, which means a maximum
evaluation of the evidence on the basis of proof beyond reasonable doubt, the evidence
of SP2 is therefore for all intends and purposes uncorroborated in so far as the answers
given by the accused were concerned..”.
8. Kes Public Prosecutor v Mohd Radzi Abu Bakar [2006] 1 CLJ turut dirujuk;
“After the amendments to ss. 173(f) and 180 of the CPC, the statutory test has been
altered. What is required of a Subordinate Court and the High Court under the amended
section is to call for the defence when it is satisfied that a prima facie case has been
made out at the close of the prosecution case. This requires the court to undertake a
maximum evaluation of the prosecution evidence when deciding whether to call on the
accused to enter his or her defence.
9. Bagi mengemukakan suatu kes prima facie terhadap Tertuduh dalam kes di
bawah perenggan 6 Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952, pihak pendakwaan hendaklah
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menunjukkan intipati-intipati kesalahan yang berikut telah dibuktikan iaitu:
(a) dadah yang menjadi hal perkara pertuduhan adalah dadah berbahaya sebagaimana
yang ditetapkan bawah Akta;
(b) dadah berbahaya tersebut berada dalam milikan tertuduh; dan
(c) tertuduh mempunyai pengetahuan ke atas dadah tersebut
[1] Dikemukakan seksyen-seksyen berkaitan pertuduhan dan kesalahan untuk
rujukan mudah seperti berikut;
Section 6. Restriction on possession of raw opium, coca leaves, poppy-straw and
Any person who keeps or has in his possession, custody or control any raw opium,
coca leaves, poppystraw or cannabis or the seeds of the plants from which they may
be obtained either directly or indirectly, except under and in accordance with an
authorization such as is referred to in sections 4 and 5 or with any regulation made
under section 7 thereof, shall be guilty of an offence against this Act and liable on
conviction to a fine not exceeding **twenty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a
term not exceeding five years or to both.
[2] Bagi isu pertama, tidak dipertikaikan bahawa dadah yang merupakan hal
perkara pertuduhan adalah Cannabis sebagaimana yang ditakrifkan di bawah
Seksyen 2 Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952.
[3] Keterangan ini disokong melalui keterangan ahli kimia SP3 yang menjalankan
analisis terhadap bahan yang dijumpai dan dirampas di tempat kejadian serta
disokong oleh laporan kimia SP3 [P7].
[4] Mahkamah ini juga merujuk kes PP v. Chia Leong Foo [2000] 4 CLJ 649 yang
mana telah dinyatakan bahawa:
As the evidence of a chemist on the analysis of drugs by him is not evidence of
opinion but evidence of fact, he need not give particulars of the tests carried out
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by him in his evidence. It follows that his report, tendered in evidence under s. 399(1),
also need not contain such particulars. In any event it has been held by the trilogy of
the (then) Supreme Court cases of Munusamy v. PP [1987] 1 CLJ 250; [1987] CLJ
(Rep) 221; [1987] 1 MLJ 492, PP v. Lam San [1991] 3 CLJ 2410; [1991] 1 CLJ (Rep)
391; [1991] 3 MLJ 426 and Khoo Hi Chiang’s case that the court is entitled to accept
the evidence of the chemist on its face value without the necessity for him to go
into details of what he did in the laboratory step by step unless it is inherently
incredible or the defence calls evidence in rebuttal by another expert. Thus, if the
accused is dissatisfied with the conclusion reached by the chemist it is for him to
summon the chemist as a witness for that purpose or adduce evidence in rebuttal.
This has not been done by the accused in this case. The chemist report tendered in
evidence in this case is therefore not defective.
Rantaian Keterangan Mengenai Barang Kes
[5] Walau bagaimanapun, bagi membuktikan elemen pertama telah dipenuhi,
adalah juga menjadi tanggungjawab pihak pendakwaan untuk mengemukakan
keterangan yang menunjukkan bahawa rantaian keterangan mengenai pengendalian
barang kes tersebut adalah utuh dan tidak pada bila-bila masa terjejas sebagaimana
yang telah dijelaskan oleh Mahkamah Agung dalam kes Mohd Osman Pawan v. PP
[1989] 2 CLJ 388; [1989] 1 CLJ (Rep) 108 SC; [1989] 2 MLJ 110; [1989] 1 MLRA 67.
[6] Pihak pendakwaan perlu meyakinkan mahkamah ini bahawa rantaian
keterangan berkenaan dengan identiti ekshibit dari masa dadah berbahaya itu mula
ditemui dan dirampas sehinggalah masa ia dikemukakan sebagai barang bukti di
mahkamah tidak pernah pada bila-bila masa terputus sebagaimana yang telah
diputuskan dalam kes Gunalan Ramachandran & Ors v. PP [2004] 4 CLJ 551 CA;
[2004] 4 MLJ 489; [2004] 2 MLRA 180; [2004] 6 AMR 189. Mahkamah Rayuan dalam
penghakimannya telah menyatakan seperti yang berikut:
41. First, by way of a general observation, I am of the view that, in a drug
trafficking case what is important is that it must be proved that it is the substance
that was recovered that was sent to the chemist for analysis and it is that same
substance that is found to be heroin or cannabis etc., and it is in respect of that
substance that an accused is charged with trafficking. So, the chain of evidence
is more important for the period from the time of recovery until the completion of
the analysis by the chemist. Even then it does not necessarily mean that if the
exhibit is passed from one person to another, every one of them must be called
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to give evidence of the handing over from [2023] 1 SMC PP lwn. Fairuzzamani
Hamid 371 one person to another and if there is a break, even for one day, the
case falls.
43. The second period is from the time that it was received back from the
chemist until it is produced in court. In my view, the chain of evidence is less
important during this second period. This is because, as far as I am aware, there
is no law that the exhibit recovered must be produced in court and if not, the
prosecution’s case must necessarily fall, it may or it may not, again depend on
the facts and the circumstances of each case.
[7] Selanjutnya dalam kes Sia Pang Liong v. PP [2012] 9 CLJ 848, berkenaan
dengan rantaian keterangan barang kes dadah, Mahkamah Persekutuan telah
menyatakan seperti yang berikut:
[11] Thus, the identity of the drug exhibits was being challenged by the
appellant. Once there is such a challenge, the prosecution bears the burden of
proving beyond reasonable doubt that there are no gaps in the chain of
evidence. It is the burden of the prosecution to adduce evidence that the drug
exhibits that were recovered from the appellant and that were sent to the chemist
for analysis were the same drug exhibits that the appellant was charged with.
[14] It appears that PW7 after collecting back the drug exhibits from ASP
Izanizam, packed the drug exhibits and sent them to the chemist, But nowhere
in his evidence that he had indicated that the drug exhibits that he received from
ASP Izanizam on 28 October 2003 were the same drug exhibits that he sent to
ASP Izanizam on 29 September 2003. PW7 did not identify the drug exhibits to
be the same exhibits.
[15] ASP izanizam could have saved the situation, but he was not called as a
witness for the prosecution. Through PW7, it was revealed that the findings of
ASP Izanizam on the presence of finger print on the drug exhibits were negative.
It was for that reason (as argued by the DPP) ASP Izanizam was not called as
a witness for the prosecution, but only offered as a witness to the defence.
[16] But, we are of the view that the absence of positive identification by PW7 on
the drug exhibits that he collected from ASP Izanizam were the same drug
exhibits that he sent to ASP Izanizam earlier had put into doubt whether the drug
exhibits that were analysed by the chemist were the same drug exhibits
recovered from the appellant.
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[17] In the circumstances of this case, ASP Izanizam should have been called
by the prosecution as its witness. This is bearing in mind that the drug exhibits
were in ASP Izanizam’s custody for almost a month. If he was called as a
witness, he could have explained what he did with the drug exhibits in particular
as to how the drug exhibits were kept during the said period. Most importantly,
he could have also identified the drug exhibits. But, it did not happen in this case.
This has raised a doubt as to the identity of the drug exhibits. Therefore, we are
giving the benefit of the doubt to the appellant.
[8] Dalam kes PP v. Mohd Fikri Ramli [2022] 1 LNS 232, Mahkamah telah
menerangkan bahawa terdapat dua senario yang boleh menyebabkan terputusnya
rantaian keterangan. Pertama, apabila pihak pendakwaan gagal untuk memanggil
saksi material berhubung dengan pengendalian ekshibit dan kedua apabila ekshibit
yang menjadi persoalan telah dikendalikan dengan secara tidak jelas.
[9] Mahkamah juga meruiuk kes PP v. Lee Yau Ket [2008] 1 LNS 172; [2008] 4
MLJ 223 berhubung dengan persoalan mengenai lompang/gap dalam pengendalian
barang kes di mana mahkamah telah memutuskan seperti yang berikut:
[57] The gap brings into question too many possibilities as to what happened to
the exhibits during that lacuna in the chain of custody, such that it cannot be
definitively concluded, without any doubt, that the remaining exhibits were left
untampered or unaltered.
[10] Bagi meneliti isu sama ada terdapat apa-apa lompang (gap) dalam keterangan
mengenai rantaian pengendalian barang kes yang boleh mewujudkan keraguan atas
identiti barang kes atau tidak, mahkamah telah meneliti keseluruhan keterangan yang
telah dikemukakan oleh kedua-dua belah pihak.
[11] Dalam kes ini pihak pembelaan telah beberapa kali mencabar keterangan SP4
dan SP5 bahawa barang kes dadah yang kononnya dirampas daripada tertuduh
adalah bukan milik Tertuduh. Pihak Pembelaan pada awal lagi telah meletakkan
pembelaan mereka bahawa tertuduh pada setiap masa materiial tidak berada di luar
rumah beralamat 593 Parit 8/6R, Jalan Chenderong Balai Kampung Belt, 36600,
Chenderong Balai, Perak, malah berada di dalam rumah tersebut kerana sedang
melawat seorang kawan bernama En Yahya. Malah perkara ini juga dipersetujui oleh
SP4 yang menyatakan seperti berikut:
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Q: Anak guam saya pergi ke rumah tersebut untuk tujuan berjumpa dengan encik
Yahya yang baru sahaja kena serangan stroke, setuju tak setuju?
A: Saya tak ingat nama enciik Yahya tapi dia memang bagitahu saya dia pergi
melawat kawan. Saya ingat itu sahaja. Nama saya tidak ingat.
[12] Selain itu, Pihak Pembelaan juga ada membangkitkan isu kepunyaan rumah
tersebut adalah bukan milik Tertuduh yang mana disetujui oleh SP4. SP4 juga turut
setuju alamat kediaman Tertuduh adalah di alamat lain dan tidak ada apa-apa
keperluan untuk Tertuduh berlegar di hadapan rumah tersebut. Selain itu, Pihak
Pembelaan juga telah meletakkan kepada SP4 versi pembelaan dimana, pihak polis
sememangnya sedang menjalankan serbuan di dalam rumah yang sama, dan apabila
Tertuduh sampai di hadapan rumah dengan tujuan melawat kawan bernama En
Yahya, Tertuduh telah diarahkan oleh Lans Koperal Syakir untuk masuk ke dalam
[13] Pembelaan turut menyatakan Lans Koperal adalah sebenarnya orang yang
memeriksa Tertuduh dan bukan SP4. Walaupun SP4 tidak setuju dengan cadangan
peguam di atas namun, Mahkamah mendapati Pendakwaan telah terkhilaf dengan
tidak memanggil Lans Koperal Syakir ini bagi menjawab kepada cadangan Peguam.
Malah, Pendakwaan juga gagal menawarkan Lans Koperal Syakir kepada Pembelaan
[14] Oleh itu, terdapat satu kelompong di dalam kes Pendakwaan dan persoalan
utama adalah sebenarnya tertuduh ditangkap dimana? Di hadapan rumah tersebut
atau di dalam rumah tersebut? Mengapa SP6 tidak siasat keberadaan Tertuduh di
sana, sama ada memang betul Tertuduh hadir ke tempat itu untuk melawat rakannya
En Yahya dan siapa sebenarnya pemilik rumah tersebut. Tiada apa-apa dokumen
yang dikemukakan oleh Pendakwaan berkenaan milikan rumah tersebut.
[15] Selain itu, Siapakah yang sebenarnya telah menjalankan pemeriksaan
terhadap Tertuduh? Adakah SP4 atau Lans Koperal Syakir? Cadangan ini telah
dikemukakan oleh Pembelaan pada awal lagi dimana, Pendakwaan sepatutnya
membawa Lans Koperal Syakir sebagai seorang saksi untuk menjawab kepada
persoalan Pembelaan. Maka, persoalan siapa sebenarnya orang yang periksa
Tertuduh dan membuat sitaan ke atas cannabis tersebut masih tidak terjawab, malah
keterangan yang dipertengahkan sewaktu perbicaraan oleh Pendakwaan adalah tidak
mencukupi bagi membuktikan barang kes yang dibawa ke Mahkamah adalah
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sememangnya milik Tertuduh.
[16] Dalam hal ini, apabila terdapat cabaran terhadap keterangan mana-mana saksi
pendakwaan berkenaan identiti barang kes dadah serta butiran pemeriksaan dan
tangkapan Tertuduh, pihak pendakwaan perlulah mengemukakan keterangan yang
melampaui keraguan yang munasabah bahawa tidak terdapat lompang atau gap
dalam rantaian keterangan mengenai Cannabis yang ditemui dan dirampas daripada
tertuduh pada hari kejadian.
[17] Walau bagaimanapun, pihak pendakwaan telah gagal untuk memberikan
penjelasan yang memuaskan berkenaan isu-isu yang telah berbangkit sepanjang kes
pendakwaan seperti yang di atas.
[18] Setelah meneliti keseluruhan kes pendakwaan, berhubung dengan isu sama
ada terdapat apa-apa lompang (gap) dalam rantaian keterangan mengenai barang
kes yang boleh mewujudkan keraguan atas identiti barang kes atau tidak, mahkamah
mendapati pihak pendakwaan telah gagal untuk membuktikan bahawa tidak terdapat
lompang dalam keterangan mengenai rantaian pengendalian barang kes. Mahkamah
juga mendapati kelompangan tersebut tidak dijelaskan/diisi dengan penjelasan untuk
menutup kelompangan tersebut sehingga telah mewujudkan suatu jurang yang besar
yang telah menimbulkan keraguan mengenai identiti barang kes dadah dalam kes ini.
Oleh yang demikian, mahkamah ini memutuskan bahawa inti pati pertama iaitu dadah
yang merupakan hal perkara pertuduhan adalah dadah sebagaimana yang ditetapkan
di bawah Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 telah gagal untuk dibuktikan oleh pihak
[19] Berkenaan dengan intipati kedua, iaitu sama ada dadah cannabis itu berada
dalam milikan Tertuduh?
[20] Prinsip berkenaan kes milikan dan pengetahuan ke atasnya boleh dilihat di
dalam kes PP v Abdul Rahman bin Akif [2007] 5 MLJ 1. Di dalam kes ini, Mahkamah
Persekutuan bersetuju dengan Lord Morris di dalam kes Warner v Metropolitan
Police Commissioner (supra) yang menyatakan:
“If there is assent to the control of a thing, either after having the means of
knowledge of what the thing is or contains or being unmindful whether there are
means of knowledge or not, then ordinarily there will be possession. If there is
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some momentary custody of a thing without any knowledge or means of
knowledge of what the thing is or contains then, ordinarily, I would suppose that
there would not be possession. If, however, someone deliberately assumes
control of some package or container, then I would think that he is in possession
of it. If he deliberately so assumes control knowing that it has contents, he would
also be in possession of the contents. I cannot think that it would be rational to
hold that someone who is in possession of a box which he knows to have things
in it is in possession of the box but not in possession of the things in it. If he had
been misinformed or misled as to the nature of the contents, or if he had made a
wrong surmise as to them, it seems to me that he would nevertheless be in
possession of them”.
[21] Maksud “milikan” telah dijelaskan oleh Thomson J dalam kes Chan Pean Leon
v. PP [1956] 1 LNS 17; [1956] 1 MLJ 237, yang menyatakan seperti yang berikut:
“possession” for the purposes of criminal law involves possession itself - which
some authorities term “custody or control” - and knowledge of the nature of the
thing possessed. As to possession itself he cited the following definition in
Stephen’s Digest (9th Ed), at p. 304), in which the exclusive element mentioned
by Taylor J appears: A moveable thing is said to be in the possession of a person
when he is so situated with respect to it that he has the power to deal with it as
owner to the exclusion of all other persons, and when the circumstances are
such that he may be presumed to intend to do so in case of need. [19] Once the
elements needed to constitute possession are established, including the
element of exclusive power to deal, then what is established is possession, not
exclusive possession. So much for exclusive possession.
[22] Berpandukan kepada kes Chan Pean Leon yang dinyatakan di atas, adalah
menjadi suatu prinsip undang-undang yang mantap bahawa bagi membuktikan
seseorang itu mempunyai “milikan”, pihak pendakwaan perlulah membuktikan melalui
keterangan bahawa seseorang itu mempunyai kawalan dan jagaan ke atas sesuatu
barang tersebut dan bebas berurusan atau mengendalikan barang tersebut
sepenuhnya tanpa penglibatan orang lain (power of disposal to the exclusion of others)
dan seseorang itu juga perlu mempunyai pengetahuan atas sesuatu barang tersebut.
[23] Mahkamah juga merujuk kes Ibrahim Mohamad & Anor v. PP [2011] 4 CLJ
113 iaitu suatu keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan yang telah menyatakan prinsip
undang-undang yang berikut berhubung dengan kawalan dan jagaan:
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“The law is well settled that having only custody or control over the said drugs is
insufficient to establish ‘possession’. The physical act or custody must be
accompanied with evidence that the accused had knowledge of the said drugs.
In the absence of any statutory presumption, knowledge has to be proved either
by direct evidence or circumstantial evidence. Mere knowledge alone without
exclusivity of either physical custody or control or both is insufficient in law to
constitute possession, let alone trafficking.”
[24] Berhubung dengan inti pati kedua ini, SP4 telah menyatakan dalam keterangan
beliau bahawa dia telah memperkenalkan diri sebagai pegawai kanan polis,
menunjukkan kad kuasa dan seterusnya menjalankan pemeriksaan ke atas badan
Tertuduh, seterusnya membuat rampasan ke atas cannabis dan akhirnya membuat
tangkapan ke atas Tertuduh. Keterangan ini disokong oleh SP5.
[25] Namunpun begitu, Mahkamah ini mendapati Pembelaan ada mencadangkan
versi pembelaan iaitu SP4 adalah bukan orang yang memeriksa mahupun tangkap
Tertuduh, apatah lagi membuat sitaan ke atas cannabis tersebut. Selanjutnya, mereka
menekankan orang yang sememangnya melakukan perkara itu adalah Lans Koperal
Syakir dimana beliau tidak dipanggil sebagai seorang saksi untuk memberikan
penjelasan berkenaan versi pembelaan malah juga tidak ditawarkan kepada
[26] Ini menyebabakan terpakai seksyen 114(g) Akta Keterangan sepertimana yang
telah saya huraikan di atas. Maka persoalan di sini adalah, adakah pihak pendakwaan
ada menyembunyikan kejadian sebenar yang berlaku? Maka, Mahkamah ini terpaksa
bersetuju dengan cadangan Pembelaan dimana SP4 adalah bukan sememangnya
orang yang menjalankan pemeriksaan ke atas Tertuduh, mahupun membuat
rampasan ke atas barang kes atau tangkap Tertuduh.
[27] Dikemukakan Seksyen 114(g) Akta Keterangan:
114. Court may presume existence of certain fact
The court may presume the existence of any fact which it thinks likely to have
happened, regard being had to the common course of natural events, human
conduct, and public and private business, in their relation to the facts of the
particular case. S/N 1l1GMAgxUCrkvfPXvopJw
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The court may presume--
(g) that evidence which could be and is not produced would if produced be
unfavourable to the person who withholds it;
[28] Mahkamah ini mengambil berat bahawa pemakaian seksyen ini adalah
mengikut kepada keadaan setiap kes dan kepentingan saksi/bukti yang dinyatakan
tersebut. Kes Munusamy v PP [1987] 1 MLJ 492,494 (SC) telah menggariskan
panduan bahawa:
“It is essential to appreciate the scope of Section 114 (g) lest it be carried too far
outside its limit. Adverse inference under that illustration can only be drawn if
there is withholding or suppression of evidence and not merely on account of
failure to obtain evidence. It may be drawn from withholding not just any
document, but material document by a party in his possession, or for non-
production of not just any witness but an important and material witness to
the case”.
[29] Mahkamah telah merujuk kes Mohd Nazaruddin Khairudin lwn. PP [2020] 2
CLJ 244; [2020] 5 MLJ 149 iaitu suatu keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan yang telah
memutuskan seperti yang berikut:
[53] Secara lebih spesifik, pihak pendakwaan tidak boleh bergantung kepada
keterangan tentang pistol ekshibit P15C yang dikatakan dirampas dari perayu
untuk meletakkan perayu di tempat kejadian pada masa yang material tersebut
(The prosecution cannot rely on the evidence of the pistol allegedly seized from
the appellant to place the appellant at the scene of crime at the material time).
[54] Ini kerana saksi atau pegawai yang dikatakan merampas pistol tersebut dari
perayu tidak dipanggil memberi keterangan untuk mengesahkan bahawa eksh
pistol P15C yang dikemukakan di mahkamah dan yang digunakan oleh SP5
untuk ujian balistiknya adalah pistol yang sama yang beliau rampas dari perayu.
Kegagalan untuk memanggil saksi tersebut telah mewujudkan lompang yang
besar dalam kes pendakwaan. Kelompangan ini adalah ‘fatal’ bagi kes pihak
[30] Selanjutnya, dalam kes Ibrahim Mohamad & Anor v. PP [2011] 4 CLJ 113,
Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam membincangkan isu berkenaan budi bicara pihak
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pendakwaan dalam pemanggilan saksi telah menyatakan seperti yang berikut:
(4) Notwithstanding that the prosecution has complete discretion as to the
choice of witnesses to be called at the trial, it has a duty to call all
necessary witnesses essential to the unfolding of the narrative of the
prosecution’s case...
(5) There was a danger of relying on a tip-off case as there was a possibility that
the drugs might have been planted in order to implicate the accused.
(10) Whilst it is not denied that the prosecution has a complete discretion as to
the choice of witnesses to be called at the trial, it has a duty to call all necessary
witnesses essential to the unfolding of the narrative of the prosecution’s case.
This was not done in the present case. The question as to how the vehicle came
into the custody and control of both the accused still remains unanswered. We
are of the view that Zainuddin being the registered owner of the vehicle is the
one who holds the key to the unfolding of events, without which there are gaps
in the prosecution’s case.
[31] Mahkamah juga merujuk kes Abdullah Yaacob v. PP [1991] 1 LNS 68,
Hashim Yeop A Sani CJ (Malaya) telah menimbangkan isu ini dan telah memutuskan
It is certainly true that, as was said in Su Ah Ping v. PP [1980] 1 MLJ 75, the
Federal Court had held there that it is not required of the prosecution to call
all the officers or the persons concerned who had seen or identified an
exhibit. This is not the real intention of the law. Su Ah Ping [1980] 1 MLJ 75 only
decided the general principles. But the facts of one case differ from those of
another and the duty of the prosecution in each case is to prove the case
beyond any reasonable doubt to the court. The case must be clearly proved
without [reasonable] doubt or question that can be raised about the exhibits. See
also Teo Hoe Chye v. PP [1987] 1 MLJ 220 at p 229. There should be no break
in the chain of evidence giving rise to doubt relating to the exhibits.
[32] Dalam suatu lagi keputusan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan yang turut
menyentuh isu yang sama iaitu kes Ti Chuee Hiang v. PP [1995] 3 CLJ 1, Mahkamah
Persekutuan telah menyatakan seperti yang berikut:
Ianya jelas menurut undang-undang bahawa walaupun pendakwaan
mempunyai budi bicara penuh mengenai pilihan saksi-saksi untuk dipanggil di
perbicaraan, ianya juga berkewajipan untuk memanggil kesemua saksi-saksi
yang perlu bagi membuktikan kes terhadap tertuduh tanpa keraguan yang
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munasabah, dan jika, dalam melaksanakan budi bicaranya itu, ia gagal untuk
memenuhi tanggungjawab tersebut, yang merupakan kewajipan statutori,
tertuduh haruslah dibebaskan.
[33] Berdasarkan autoriti-autoriti di atas, walaupun pihak pendakwaan mempunyai
budi bicara untuk memanggil mana-mana saksi dalam kes pendakwaan, mahkamah
berpendapat pihak pendakwaan tidak boleh mengabaikan keperluan untuk memanggil
saksi penting yang boleh menghuraikan segala keraguan terhadap kes pihak
[34] Mahkamah ini berpandangan memandangkan peranan Lans Koperal Syakir
tidak dijelaskan secara spesifik oleh mana-mana saksi pendakwaan, merupakan
saksi penting dan material yang dapat membentangkan naratif kes pendakwaan
berkenaan pemeriksaan yang dijalankan terhadap tertuduh pada hari kejadian untuk
menghuraikan apa-apa keraguan yang timbul sepanjang kes pihak pendakwaan serta
memberi penjelasan kepada kesemua cadangan yang dibangkitkan oleh Pembelaan.
[35] Selain itu, itu Borang Bongkar yang ditulis oleh Sjn Aziz juga dibangkitkan oleh
Pendakwaan. Walaupun, (in the offset) Mahkamah ini menerima penjelasan SP4
berkenaan dengan keadaan gelap dan bertujuan menjaga keselamatan semua orang
SP4 mengambil keputusan dan mengarahkan Sjn Aziz yang menulis senarai
rampasan dalam Borang Bongkar sementara dipantau oleh SP4. Setelah SP4
membaca semula senarai dan berpuas hati semua betul, baru menurunkan
tandatangan. Maka, Mahkamah ini berpandangan tiada isu berkenaan dengan Borang
Bongkar yang dikemukakan oleh Pendakwaan.
[36] Namun pun begitu, pihak pembelaan telah menimbulkan penggunaan seksyen
114 (g) kerana pihak pendakwaan telah gagal untuk menawarkan saksi Sarjan Aziz
kepada pihak pembelaan. Memandangkan terdapat 1 keraguan yang ditimbulkan oleh
pihak pembelaan yang merupakan ‘first line of defence’ maka adalah berpatutan untuk
pihak pendakwaan menawarkan saksi tersebut kepada pembelaan memandangkan
saksi tersebut adalah merupakan ahli serbuan. Dalam kes ini mahkamah juga
mendapati pihak pendakwaan tidak ada menawarkan mana-mana saksi lain kepada
[37] Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes Suayri Ayapan dimana menyatakan sekiranya
mahkamah mendapati satu jurang atau kelompongan yang besar dalam kes pihak
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pendakwaan dan berpuas hati saksi yang tidak ditawarkan itu adalah saksi penting,
dan pihak pendakwaan memendapkannya keterangan yang ada padanya yang
sentiasa boleh diperolehi serta apa yang dilakukan pihak pendakwaan itu bagi tujuan
utama mengecewakan pihak pembelaan untuk pembelaan, maka kegagalan
memanggil saksi atau menawarkan saksi itu memberi inference yang tidak berpihak
yang kuat kepada pihak pendakwaan di bawah seksyen 114 (g) Akta Keterangan.
[38] Dalam keterangan SP4 mahkamah mendapati Sarjan Aziz masih lagi
berkhidmat bersama dengan pihak polis di bahagian Hilir Perak dan boleh dipanggil
untuk memberi keterangan malah sepatutnya ditawarkan juga kepada pihak
pembelaan sepertimana Lans Kpl Syakir. Namun, pendakwaan gagal berbuat
[39] Persoalan yang perlu dijawab adalah adakah saksi Sarjan Aziz dan Lans Kpl
Syakir itu merupakan saksi-saksi penting dan saksi-saksi material yang seharusnya
dipanggil oleh Pendakwaan untuk menjawab isu-isu yang dibangkitkan oleh
Pembelaan ataupun sekurang-kurangnya ditawarkan kepada Pembelaan.
[40] Dalam kes ini, Sarjan Aziz merupakan orang yang telah mengisi borang
bongkar tersebut dan saksi mata kepada keberadaan Tertuduh pada waktu kejadian
berlaku di mana versi pembelaan adalah Tertuduh pada ketika itu sebenarnya berada
di dalam rumah setelah diarahkan oleh Lans Kpl Syakir. Oleh itu mahkamah
mendapati Sarjan Aziz dan Lans Kpl Syakir adalah sememangnya saksi-saksi yang
penting dan material
[41] Selanjutnya, bagi membuktikan elemen pengetahuan, pihak pendakwaan telah
bersandarkan keterangan SP4 mengenai reaksi tertuduh semasa pemeriksaan badan
dilakukan, tertuduh dikatakan berada dalam keadaan terkejut dan kelihatan
mencurigakan untuk menunjukkan tertuduh mempunyai pengetahuan akan barang
kes dadah yang dirampas. Malah, semasa disoal balas oleh pihak pembelaan SP4
mengakui Tertuduh kelihatan seperti menunggu seorang.
SP4: Mencurigakan macam dia menunggu seorang. Tengok kiri dan kanan, tengok
menunggu seseorang...
[42] Perkara ini menyokong versi pembelaan dimana, Tertuduh pergi ke sana untuk
berjumpa dengan rakannya En Yahya dan sementara menunggu Lans Kpl Syakir
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telah arahkan Tertuduh masuk ke dalam rumah. Mahkamah ini turut bersetuju dengan
cadangan Pembelaan yang menyatakan perbuatan menunggu seseorang itu
bukanlah satu perbuatan yang mencurigakan. Setakat kelihatan sebagai menunggu
seorang adalah tidak mencukupi untuk membuktikan Tertuduh mempunyai
pengetahuan ke atas cannabis tersebut.
[43] Selain itu, Pendakwaan juga bergantung kepada tempat dimana barang kes
dijumpai iaitu poket seluar yang dipakai oleh tertuduh. Dalam hal ini, Mahkamah
berpandangan tiada keperluan untuk menghuraikan berkenaan seluar yang dipakai
oleh Tertuduh memandangkan kejadian sebenar yang sepatutnya berlaku masih
samar-samar dengan kegagalan pihak pendakwaan memanggil saksi-saksi berkaitan.
Maka, persoalan-persoalan yang berbangkit dalam kes ini tiada hala tuju dan jawapan.
[44] Oleh yang demikian, pihak pendakwaan telah gagal untuk membuktikan
inferens pengetahuan dadah yang dijumpai daripada tertuduh hasil pemeriksaan
tersebut. Tanpa pengetahuan tersebut, apatah lagi kegagalan menunjukkan jagaan
dan kawalan, pihak pendakwaan telah gagal membuktikan inti pati milikan secara
positif melalui keterangan langsung.
[45] Oleh yang demikian, mahkamah ini memutuskan bahawa inti pati kedua iaitu
dadah tersebut berada dalam milikan tertuduh telah gagal untuk dibuktikan oleh pihak
[46] Sama ada Pegawai Penyiasat iaitu SP6 dalam kes ini adalah seorang credible
witness dan adakah keterangan SP6 tidak boleh dipercayai dan was was oleh
Mahkamah ini sebelum satu keputusan boleh dibuat? Mahkamah merujuk kepada apa
yang dikatakan oleh YA Gopal Sri Ram dalam kes PP v. Mohd Radi Abu Bakar
[2006] 1 CLJ 457:
"After the amendments to ss. 173(f) and 180 of the CPC, the statutory test has
been altered. What is required of a subordinate court and the High Court under
the amended sections is to call for the defence when it is satisfied that a
prima facie case has been made out at the close of the prosecution case.
This requires the court to undertake a maximum evaluation of the
prosecution evidence when deciding whether to call on the accused to enter
upon his or her defence. It involves an assessment of the credibility of the
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witnesses called by the prosecution and the drawing of inferences
admitted by the prosecution evidence. Thus, if the prosecution evidence
admits of two or more inferences, one of which is in the accused's favour,
then it is the duty of the court to draw the inference that is favourable to
the accused. See Tai Chai Keh v. Public Prosecutor [1948] 1 LNS 122; [1948-
49] MLJ Supp 105: Public Prosecutor v. Kasmin bin Soeb [1974] 1 LNS 116;
[1974] 1 MLJ 230. If the court, upon a maximum evaluation of the evidence
placed before it at the close of the prosecution case, comes to the conclusion
that a prima facie case has not been made out, it should acquit the accused. If,
on the other hand, the court after conducting a maximum evaluation of the
evidence comes to the conclusion that a prima facie case has been made out, it
must call for the defence. If the accused then elects to remain silent, the court
must proceed to convict him. It is not open to the court to then re-assess the
evidence and to determine whether the prosecution had established its case
beyond a reasonable doubt. The absence of any evidence from the accused that
casts a reasonable doubt on the prosecution's case renders the prima facie case
one that is established beyond a reasonable doubt. Put shortly, what the trial
court is obliged to do under ss 173(f) and 180 of the CPC is to ask itself the
question: If the accused elects to remain silent, as he is perfectly entitled to do,
am I prepared to convict him on the evidence now before me? See Dato Mokhtar
bin Hashim & Anor v. Public Prosecutor [1983] CLJ Rep 101; [1983] 2 MLJ 232.
If the answer to that question is in the affirmative, then the defence must be
called. And if the accused remains silent, he must be convicted. If the answer is
in the negative, then the accused must be acquitted."
[47] Manakala, berikut yang dikatakan oleh YA Stephen Chung dalam kes Public
Prosecutor v. Alias bin Md Yusof [2019] 7 CLJ 618; [2019] 6 MLJ 392:
"[31] We revisit the test to be applied in determining whether a prima facie case
had been made out under ss. 173 or 180 of the Criminal Procedure Code. It has
been settled that a judge sitting alone must subject the prosecution evidence to
maximum evaluation and ask himself whether if he decides to call the accused
to enter his defence and the accused elects to remain silent, is the judge
prepared to convict him on the totality of the evidence contained in the
prosecution case? If the answer is in the negative, then no prima facie case has
been made out. It does not mean that the prosecution has to prove its case
beyond a reasonable doubt at this intermediate stage: see Dato Mokhtar bin
Hashim & Anor v. Public Prosecutor [1983] CLJ (Rep) 101; [1983] 2 MLJ 232
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followed in Looi Kow Chai & Anor v. Public Prosecutor [2003] 1 CLJ 734; [2003]
2 MLJ 65. As this exercise cannot be postponed to the end of the trial, a
maximum evaluation of the credibility of witnesses must be done at the close for
the prosecution before the court can rule that a prima facie case has been made
out in order to call for the defence: Dato' Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim v. Public
Prosecutor [2002] 3 CLJ 457; [2002] 3 MLJ 193 (FC)."
[48] Mahkamah turut merujuk kepada kes Public Prosecutor v. Datuk Haji Harun
Bin Haji Idris (NO 2) [1977] 1 MLJ 15, Yang Amat Arif Raja Azlan Shah (pada ketika
itu) telah menyatakan:
"...In opinion discrepancies there will always be, because in the circumstances
in which the events happened, every witness does not remember the same thing
and he does not remember accurately every single thing that happened. It may
be open to criticism, or it might be better if they took down a notebook and wrote
down every single thing that happened and every single thing that was said. But
they did not know that they are going to be witnesses at this trial. I shall be almost
inclined to think that if there are no discrepancies, it might be suggested that
they have concocted their accounts of what had happened or what had been
said because their versions are too consistent. The question is whether the
existence of certain discrepancies is sufficient to destroy their credibility. There
is no rule of law that the testimony of a witness must either be believed in its
entirety or not at all. A court is fully competent, for good and cogent reasons, to
accept one part of the testimony of a witness and to reject the other. It is,
therefore, necessary to scrutinize each evidence very carefully as this involves
the question of weight to be given to certain evidence in particular
[49] Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada kes Noor Azmi Ibrahim V. Pp & Other Cases
[2023] 6 CLJ 906 yang menyatakan,
“The High Court as an appellate court does not have the advantage of
observing the demeanour of witnesses and it is trite that an appellate court
would be slow to disturb the findings of the subordinate court on the issue
of credibility of witnesses unless the findings made was perverse. In the
case ofDato' Mokhtar Hashim & Anor v. PP [1983] 2 CLJ 10; [1983] CLJ (Rep)
101; [1983] 2 MLJ 232, the court held:
(7) the credibility of a witness is primarily a matter for the trial judge. The
functions of an Appellate Court, when dealing with a question of fact in which
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questions of credibility are involved are limited in their character and scope and
in an appeal from a decision of a trial judge based on his opinion of the
trustworthiness of witnesses whom he has seen, an appellate court must in
order to reverse not merely entertain doubts whether the decision below is right
but be convinced that it is wrong. In this case the learned trial judge accepted
the evidence of Atun, the prosecution witness, whom he found to be a
consistent witness unshaken by very severe cross-examination and the Appeal
Court could find no reason to interfere with his assessment.
[50] Pembelaan sewaktu Pemeriksaan Balas SP6 dan juga dalam hujahan bertulis
telah menimbulkan beberapa perkara yang mempersoalkan kredibiliti peranan SP6
sebagai seorang Pegawai Penyiasat dan sama ada keterangan beliau selaku Saksi
Pendakwaan boleh diterima oleh Mahkamah ini tanpa sebarang syak wasangka.
Antara isu yang ditimbulkan adalah tindakan SP6 bercakap dengan Tertuduh dalam
aplikasi Whatsapp dengan cara tidak senonoh walaupun mengetahui Tertuduh
telahpun diwakili oleh Peguam. Pembelaan turut mengemukakan beberapa salinan
perbualan di dalam aplikasi Whatsapp diantara SP5 dan Tertuduh dimana perbualan
tersebut langsung tidak dipertikaikan kesahihan perbualan tersebut malah mengakui
oleh SP5 dan turut memberi penjelasan dan menyatakan perbualan tersebut tidak
bermaksud rasuah. Namun begitu, penjelasan yang diberikan adalah amatlah remeh
sehingga menimbulkan persoalan sama ada SP5 selaku Pegawai Penyiasat dalam
kes ini mempunyai kebolehan untuk siasat kes ini dengan penuh professional.
Mahkamah ini mempunyai satu kelebihan dimana Mahkamah ini telah menyaksikan
‘Demeanour’ SP6 yang turut menunjukkan perangai yang ‘tidak kisah’ dan ‘selamba’.
[51] Mahkamah juga ingin menghuraikan SP6 yang merupakan Pegawai Penyisat
kes ini juga Pegawai Penyiasat bagi kes Seksyen 15(1)(a) ADB 1952 Tertuduh yang
sama. Sewaktu perbicaraan, Peguambela telah menimbulkan beberapa perkara
berkenaan dengan perlakuan SP6 dengan Tertuduh bersama perbualan whatsapp
yang teramat ‘incriminating’. Perbualan antara SP6 dan tertuduh yang dikemukakan
oleh Pembelaan adalah menjurus kepada kedua-dua kes. Dimana, Mahkamah telah
mengarahkan Peguambela untuk menghuraikan dalam Hujahan bertulis supaya tidak
membazirkan masa Mahkamah.
[52] Mahkamah ini berpendapat SP6 adalah bukan seorang ‘credible witness’ yang
mampu menyiasat kes ini dengan penuh professional serta memberi keterangan yang
boleh diterima dan dipercayai oleh Mahkamah ini tanpa apa-apa syak wasangka
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memandangkan SP6 yang walaupun, merupakan seorang Pegawai Penyiasat senior
namun telah mengeluarkan penyataan kepada Tertuduh yang berbaur rasuah dan
tidak senonoh seperti berikut:
a) “kalau rekemen adik hari tu kes ni dah settle”;
b) “tak leh ms2 sgt kang kena cas ganggu anak guam lak”;
c) “dah tau dah. Ini loyer x nak deal ngan saya ni. Ajak perang ni.”
[53] Mahkamah ini juga mendapati SP6 adalah seorang yang tidak boleh dipercayai
kerana seringkali memberi jawapan yang ‘evasive’. Sering kali tidak menjawab soalan
Peguam seolah-seolah sedang mereka jawapan apa yang perlu diberi sehingga
Mahkamah perlu beberapa kali memberi amaran kepada SP6 dan mengingati SP6
untuk menjawab soalan Peguam.
[54] Keteranagn Saksi SP6 juga sungguh tidak tersusun dan banyak kekeliruan
serta kesilapan. Setiap kali peguam membangkitkan isu tersebut jawapan saksi
adalah ‘tak pasti’ dan ‘tidak ingat’.
Keputusan di akhir kes pendakwaan
[55] Setelah mendengar keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan, ekshibit-ekshibit
yang dikemukakan di sepanjang kes pendakwaan dan hujahan kedua-dua pihak,
Mahkamah di atas penilaian maksimum berpuashati untuk membuat Keputusan
bahawa pihak pendakwaan telah gagal membuktikan prima facie kes terhadap
OKT, maka dengan ini OKT dilepaskan dan dibebaskan daripada Pertuduhan ini
tanpa dipanggil untuk membela diri.
Barang kes TPR lupus dan tertakluk kepada rayuan. Wang jaminan dikembalikan.
Ashvinii Thinakaran
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BA-22NCvC-153-06/2020 | PLAINTIF 1. ) POOVANESWARAN A/L MOGAN 2. ) MOHANADAYALAN A/L MOGAN 3. ) LALITHKUMAR A/L JAPAILAN 4. ) VICNESWARY A/P JAPAILAN 5. ) JANAKI A/P M.KANNAN 6. ) PREMA A/P MUNIANDY 7. ) SELVATHURAI A/L NACHYMATHESAMY 8. ) KALAIYARASI A/P MUNIANDY 9. ) DEMADU A/L POLAYAL 10. ) SANJAY A/L TANNABALL11. ) GUNASUNTHRI A/P MOGAN1 2. ) PATHMAVATHY A/P RAMU DEFENDAN SURESH A/L MURUGARPILLAI | Dispute relating to management of Hindu temple; suit by and against society; dissolution of society; sections 9(c) and 9(c) of Societies Act 1966; non-members of society; locus standi; statement of accounts, collection of funds for rebuilding of temple. | 23/01/2024 | YA Dato' Faizah Binti Jamaludin | |
WRIT SAMAN NO. BA-22NCVC-153-06/2020
(NO. K/P: 850730-56-5013)
(NO. K/P: 880304-14-5187)
(NO. K/P: 821004-05-5753)
(NO. K/P: 870329-43-5042)
(NO. K/P: 780720-08-5998)
(NO. K/P: 800825-08-5702)
(NO. K/P: 660819-08-5959)
(NO. K/P: 720929-10-5094)
(NO. K/P: 570607-08-6459)
(NO. K/P: 900424-10-6023)
(NO. K/P: 860830-56-5634)
(NO. K/P: 560203-06-5054) PLAINTIF-PLAINTIF
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BA-22NCvC-153-06/2020 Kand. 41
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Poovaneswaran A/L Mogan & Ors v Suresh A/L Murugarpillai
(NO. K/P: 831006-10-6015) DEFENDAN
[1] This is a civil suit by the plaintiffs against the defendant in respect of
the operation and management of the Sri Kottai Sanggili Karuppar Alya
Temple Ulu Langat located on Jalan Rasa Sayang, Cheras, Selangor (the
“temple”) and the collection of funds from the public for the rebuilding and
expansion of the temple.
[2] After full trial, I dismissed the plaintiffs’ action against the defendant,
and the defendant’s counterclaim against the plaintiffs, for lack of locus
standi and for failure to comply with the mandatory requirements in section
9(c) of the Societies Act 1966 (“the Societies Act”).
[3] The full reasons for my decision are set out in this judgment.
Key Background Facts
[4] The temple has its beginnings as a prayer hut built in 2007 by the
first and second plaintiffs in front of a factory building rented by the first
plaintiff. They had built a small hut with a Hindu prayer symbol — a trisula,
which the plaintiff later replaced with the statute of a deity, and the prayer
hut converted into the temple.
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Poovaneswaran A/L Mogan & Ors v Suresh A/L Murugarpillai
[5] The temple was managed by plaintiffs and others, who are members
of an informal committee set up in 2014. The members of the informal
committee are termed “ahli jawatankuasa asal” in the statement of claim.
They were not members of a registered society. Nevertheless, to ensure
uniformity of reference between the pleadings and this judgment, the
members of the informal committee set up in 2014 are termed as the
“original committee members” in this judgment.
[6] In 2015, the defendant voluntarily offered his services to rebuild and
enlarge the temple. The plaintiffs allowed the defendant to undertake
construction works to rebuild and enlarge the temple.
[7] Unbeknownst to the plaintiffs and the original committee members
of the temple, on 14.06 2017, the defendant and his father registered two
societies with the Registrar of Companies i.e., (i) Persatuan Penganut Sri
Kottai Sangili Karrupar Ayya Ulu Langat (PPM-030-10-14062017)
(“Persatuan Penganut”) and (ii) Persatuan Kebajikan Sri Sangili Karrupar
Ayya Ulu Langat (PPM-003-10-2111017) (“Persatuan Kebajikan”), for
the management of the temple and the collection of funds for the temple.
The plaintiffs contend that they only found out about the registration of the
societies in 2018.
[8] On 02.02.2018, the original committee members entered into an
agreement with the Persatuan Penganut and Persatuan Kebajikan for
both societies to do the following:
(i) provide the accounts of the kumbhaabishegam (consecration)
festival of the temple;
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Poovaneswaran A/L Mogan & Ors v Suresh A/L Murugarpillai
(ii) call for an election of new office bearers and new committee
members of the societies; and
(iii) make public the accounts of the societies.
[9] Both the Persatuan Penganut and Persatuan Kebajikan failed to
honour the said agreement. The dispute between the original committee
members and the societies was brought to the Malaysia Hindu Sangam,
which is the national committee of Hindu affairs in Malaysia.
[10] The Malaysia Hindu Sangam, in a letter dated 02.04.2018 to the
Persatuan Penganut and Persatuan Kebajikan, requested that both
societies, honour the agreement of 02.02.2018. In its letter the Malaysia
Hindu Sangam reminded both societies that “a Hindu temple is public
place of worship and every Hindu in the locality has a right to a member
of the Hindu Temple. Therefore, please comply with the terms of the
[11] Nonetheless, both the Persatuan Penganut and Persatuan
Kebajikan failed to comply with the agreement: they did not provide the
accounts for kumbhaabishegam festival, make public the accounts of both
societies or call for an election of new office bearers and new committee
[12] The plaintiffs then sought the help and support of YB Ganabathirau,
a member of Selangor State Exco, and YB Erdy Faizal bin Eddy Yusof,
who is the ADUN for N23 Dusun Tua. YB Erdy Faizal requested that the
Malaysia Hindu Sangam coordinate the election of the new committee
members for the temple.
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Poovaneswaran A/L Mogan & Ors v Suresh A/L Murugarpillai
[13] On 27.01.2019, the Malaysia Hindu Sangam held a general meeting
of the temple’s management. Around 77 members of the public voted in
the election. The first plaintiff was elected as the new chairman, Rajendran
Marimuthu was elected as deputy chairman and K Pannirselvam was
elected as secretary. The Registrar of Societies was informed of the
election results on 15.02.2019. Both the Persatuan Penganut and
Persatuan Kebajikan ignored the results of the election.
[14] Subsequently, on 11.07.2019, the plaintiffs registered a new society
named Persatuan Penganut Madurai Karuppar Ulu Langat (“Persatuan
Penganut Madurai Karuppar”). They then filed this writ action against
the defendant in June 2020.
[15] The main remedies sought by the plaintiffs are declaratory orders
relating to the temple: namely, that the temple is owned by the Persatuan
Penganut Madurai Karuppar; it is to be managed by a new management
committee; and that the Persatuan Penganut Madurai Karuppar is the
valid society to operate and manage the temple. They also seek that this
Court declare the Persatuan Penganut and Persatuan Kebajikan be
dissolved by the Registrar of Societies; that both societies are prohibited
from operating and managing the temple; and together with the defendant
both societies are no longer connected with the temple. The plaintiffs also
seek an order that the defendant provide a statement of account of all the
funds collected for the temple.
[16] The defendant denied the plaintiffs’ claims and in turn
counterclaimed, among others, for an order that the Persatuan Penganut
Madurai Karuppar be deregistered, and that the Persatuan Penganut and
Persatuan Kebajikan be declared as valid societies entitled to manage the
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Poovaneswaran A/L Mogan & Ors v Suresh A/L Murugarpillai
temple. He also seeks injunctive orders prohibiting the plaintiffs from
holding any meetings for the appointment of the new chairman and/or
committee members of the temple.
[17] The questions before this Court are (i) whether the plaintiffs and the
defendant are the correct parties to this suit, which in essence is related
to the management of the temple and the collection of funds for the
rebuilding of the temple; and (ii) whether the plaintiffs and the defendant
are entitled to the reliefs sought in their claim and counterclaim?
I. Are the parties to this suit the correct parties? Do they have locus
standi to bring this claim and counterclaim?
[18] Both the Persatuan Penganut and the Persatuan Kebajikan are
societies registered under section 7 of the Societies Act 1966. The
plaintiffs are neither members nor office bearers of either society.
[19] Section 9(c) of the Societies Act states that a registered society may
sue or be sued in the name of one of its members registered as the public
officer of the society. But if no such public officer is registered in the name
of any office bearer of the society. Section 9(c) reads:
The following provisions shall apply to registered societies-
(c) a society may sue or be sued in the name of such one of its members as shall
be declared to the Registrar and registered by him as the public officer of the
society for that purpose, and, if no such person is registered, it shall be
competent for any person having a claim or demand against the society to sue
the society in the name of any office-bearer of the society.
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Poovaneswaran A/L Mogan & Ors v Suresh A/L Murugarpillai
[20] The statutory requirement is in section 9(c) of the Societies Act is
mandatory: see Ramachandaran a/l Meyappan & Ors v Chellapana a/l
K Kalimuthu (sued as a public officer on behalf of the Management
Body of Sri Maaha Mariamman Temple, Seafield under s.9(c),
Societies Act 1966) [2019] MLJU 113; UMNO Bahagian Pekan v PP
[2020] 9 MLJ 362; [2020] 2 CLJ 272; [2020] 1 AMR 391.
[21] In Jega Jothy A/P C Thiagarajah & Others v Persatuan Rumah
Berhala Sri Nageswari [2021] MLJU 2203; [2021] 1 LNS 2393; [2021]
AMEJ 2078, Mohd. Nazlan Ghazali J (as he then was) held that pursuant
to section 9(c) of the Societies Act, any action for any wrongdoing or
misconduct of office bearers of a society must be brought by the society
itself against the said office bearers for wrong committed by the office
bearer against the society and losses caused to it.
[22] Accordingly, any suit for any alleged mismanagement of the temple
and/or failure to account of funds collected for the rebuilding of the temple,
must be brought in the name of the member of the Persatuan Penganut
and/or Persatuan Kebajikan, who is registered as the society’s public
officer. In the absence of such a public officer, the suit must be brought in
the name of one of its office bearers.
[23] Additionally, the plaintiffs, not being members of the Persatuan
Penganut and/or Persatuan Kebajikan, do not have the locus standi to
bring this suit against the defendant in respect of the temple. In Jega
Jothy A/P C Thiagarajah & Others v Persatuan Rumah Berhala Sri
Nageswari (supra), Mohd. Nazlan Ghazali J (as he then was) held:
[37] In my view, and as has been made abundantly clear in the plaintiffs' own
pleadings, their claim is about the Temple. That the funds of the Temple had been
allegedly misappropriated. It is not about the plaintiffs or any alleged losses they
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Poovaneswaran A/L Mogan & Ors v Suresh A/L Murugarpillai
personally suffered. And neither are they members of the management
committee of the Temple. The nexus between the plaintiffs and the defendant is
missing. The plaintiffs have no locus standi to commence let alone maintain this
suit against the defendant. This ground alone renders the suit unsustainable and
must be struck out for not only being frivolous and vexatious but also an abuse
of process.
[39] It seems reasonable to state that the real intention of the plaintiffs is to sue
the relevant office bearers whom they alleged had caused losses to the Temple.
[40] As such, on locus standi, the plaintiffs' suit totally fails on account of
two basic rules. The first is given the complaints of the plaintiffs, the
correct plaintiff should have been the association. And the second is the
association should have sued the relevant office bearers. ………...
[Emphasis added]
[24] Similarly, in this instant suit, the plaintiffs as the founders of the
temple and members of the original committee care about the temple.
Their claim against the defendant is about his alleged usurpation of the
management of the temple from them and the unaccounted collection of
funds from the public for the rebuilding of the temple. It is not about any
loss or damages that the plaintiffs personally suffered. Moreover, they are
not members of the Persatuan Penganut and Persatuan Kebajikan. Thus,
they do not have the locus standi to bring this claim against the defendant.
[25] As for the defendant in this suit, pursuant to section 9(c) of the
Societies Act, a public officer, or in the absence of such public officer, one
of the officer bearers of the Persatuan Penganut and/or Persatuan
Kebajikan, must be named as the defendant in this suit. The defendant is
an office-bearer of the Persatuan Penganut and/or Persatuan Kebajikan.
However, in this instant suit, the plaintiffs have not sued the defendant in
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Poovaneswaran A/L Mogan & Ors v Suresh A/L Murugarpillai
his capacity as an office-bearer of either society but have instead brought
this suit against him in his personal capacity.
[26] Accordingly, because the plaintiffs and the defendant in this suit do
not comply with the statutory requirements in section 9(c) of the Societies
Act, and because they lack locus standi, the plaintiffs action against the
defendant and the defendant’s counterclaim against the plaintiffs must fail.
II. Are the parties entitled to the reliefs claimed in this suit?
[27] The plaintiffs’ dispute is with the defendant, who they claim had
usurped the management of the temple from them — the founders and
the original committee members of the temple, and who had behind their
back set up the Persatuan Penganut and the Persatuan Kebajikan to
manage the temple and who had collected funds from the public for the
renovation of the temple: collections, which they plead, the defendant had
not accounted to them as founders of the temple.
[28] The plaintiffs dispute is not with the Persatuan Penganut and the
Persatuan Kebajikan or with the temple. Their dispute is with the
defendant. Nonetheless, in this suit, the plaintiffs seek, among others, for
orders that the Registrar of Societies deregister both the Persatuan
Penganut and the Persatuan Kebajikan and that the Persatuan Penganut
Madurai Karuppar, which they had set up, be declared as the valid society
to manage the temple. The defendant, vice versa, in his counterlclaim
seeks for the Persatuan Penganut Madurai Karuppar to be deregistered
and the Persatuan Penganut and the Persatuan Kebajikan to be declared
as valid societies and entitled to manage the temple.
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Poovaneswaran A/L Mogan & Ors v Suresh A/L Murugarpillai
[29] Under section 9(h) of the Societies Act, members of a society, being
not less than three-fifths of the members of the society, may seek for a
society to be dissolved and for the necessary steps to be taken for the
disposal and settlement of the property of the society. Section 9(h) states:
The following provisions shall apply to registered societies-
(h) in the absence of specific provision in the rules of a society, any number not
less than three-fifths of the members of any such society for the time being
resident in Malaysia may determine that such society shall be dissolved forthwith
or at a time agreed, and all necessary steps shall be taken for the disposal and
settlement of the property of such society, its claims and liabilities, according to
the rules (if any) of the said society applicable thereto and if none, then as the
governing body shall direct:
Provided that if any dispute shall arise among the members of the said governing
body or the members of such society under paragraph (h) of this section, such
dispute may be decided by the Registrar. Any person aggrieved by any decision
of the Registrar under this paragraph may within thirty days from the date of such
decision appeal to the Court.
[30] Based on section 9(h) of the Societies Act, the plaintiffs. not being
members of the Persatuan Penganut and/or the Persatuan Kebajikan, do
not have the legal capacity to come to Court to seek an order for the
dissolution of the societies. Even if they are members of the Persatuan
Penganut and/or the Persatuan Kebajikan and make up at least three-
fifths of the members of either or both societies, they cannot bypass the
statutory requirements in section 9(h) of the Societies Act by coming
directly to Court to seek a declaration that the temple belongs to another
society — in this case the Persatuan Penganut Madurai Karuppar.
[31] Under section 9(h) of the Societies Act, members of a society must
first seek to dissolve the society, and take all necessary steps to dispose
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Poovaneswaran A/L Mogan & Ors v Suresh A/L Murugarpillai
of the societies’ property through the statutory mechanism stipulated in
the section and in accordance with the rules of the society. Secondly, if
there is a dispute between the members with regards to the dissolution of
a society and/or the disposal of the society’s property, the dispute can be
decided by the Registrar of Societies. Thirdly, any person aggrieved by
the Registrar’s decision can appeal against the decision in Court.
[32] Similar statutory provisions apply to the defendant. As he is not a
member of the Persatuan Penganut Madurai Karuppar, he too cannot ask
this Court for a declaration for the deregistration of the said society.
[33] The plaintiffs and the defendant cannot circumvent the statutory
provisions in section 9(h) of the Societies Act by coming to Court to seek
the dissolution and deregistration of the said societies.
[34] As for the order sought by the plaintiffs that the defendant provide a
statement of account of all the funds collected for the temple, the
defendant, as a member and office-bearer, of both societies, has a duty
to account for the funds collected for the temple to the members of the
Persatuan Penganut and the Persatuan Kebajikan. He does not have a
duty to provide the statement of account to the plaintiffs, who not being
members of the societies do not have any right to information relating to
the societies’ accounts.
[35] For these reasons, I find that the plaintiffs are not entitled to the
reliefs claimed in their statement of claim. I also find that the defendant is
also not entitled to the reliefs claimed in his counterclaim.
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Poovaneswaran A/L Mogan & Ors v Suresh A/L Murugarpillai
[36] Accordingly, for these reasons, the plaintiffs’ claim against the
defendant is dismissed.
[37] The defendant’s counterclaim against the plaintiffs is also
[38] There is no order as to costs.
Dated: January 23, 2024
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Poovaneswaran A/L Mogan & Ors v Suresh A/L Murugarpillai
For the Plaintiffs: Dinesh Muthal (Low Tze Ken with him)
Messrs Dinesh Muthal & Co
No. 17, Jalan PJS 7/13, Bandar Sunway,
47500 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
For the Defendant: Darshan Singh
Messrs T. Harpal & Associates
No. 47/1F, Block C, Jalan Maju 3/1, Taman
Lembah Maju 3/1
56100 Kuala Lumpur
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| 21,295 | Tika 2.6.0 |
AC-82D-1-01/2023 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH SHAHRUL ASWAD BIN ABDULLAH | Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952, seksyen 15, self-administration, pemberian minuman sebelum ujian air kencing, label botol, Kegagalan memberikan penjelasan munasabah terhadap percanggahan-percanggahan pada keterangan saksi-saksi | 23/01/2024 | Puan Ashvinii a/p Thinakaran | |
(NO.KP: 960803095153)
Tertuduh telah dituduh melakukan suatu kesalahan di bawah perenggan 15(1 )(a) Akta
Dadah Berbahaya 1952[Akta 234] yang boleh dihukum di bawah Seksyen 15 Akta yang
sama. Pertuduhan terhadap Tertuduh adalah seperti yang berikut:
2.1 Pada awalnya kes ini telah dituduh pada 28.10.2020 dengan nombor kes AC-
82D-5-10/2020. Bagi kes ini, keterangan 3 org saksi iaitu Pegawai Tangkapan (SP1),
Pengawai Pengiring Ambil Urin (SP2) dan Ahli Patologi (SP3) telah didengar oleh Puan
Majistret terdahulu. Namun pada 25.7.2022 kes ini telah di DNAA oleh Majistret yang
sama atas alasan tiada saksi yang hadir untuk sambung bicara. Seterusnya, pihak
pendakwaan telah tuduh semula kes yang sama pada 13.1.2023. TPR telah memohon
untuk guna pakai keterangan dalam kes AC-82D-5-10/2020 bagi kes yang baru dan
permohonan ini telah dibenarkan oleh Puan Majistret. Puan Majistret tersebut
23/01/2024 11:36:05
AC-82D-1-01/2023 Kand. 33
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kemudiannya telah berpindah ke Mahkamah Tinggi Ipoh, dan kes ini selanjutnya telah
saya ambil alih dan disambung dengan keterangan SP4.
2.2 Saya telah meneruskan bicara kes ini dengan bergantung kepada nota
keterangan yang telah disediakan oleh Puan Majistret terdahulu dan juga rujukan
kepada Sistem Rakaman Audio Video Mahkamah (RVT). Saya telah menyemak
rakaman tersebut dan dapat melihat suasana perbicaraan serta demeanor saksi-saksi
yang telah memberikan keterangan.
2.3 Peguambela dalam kes ini telah memohon agar Puan Majistret terdahulu yang
mendengar kes ini memandangkan terdapat hanya 2 orang lagi saksi iaitu Pegawai
Penyiasat dan Pengambil Urin. Akan tetapi, arahan Pengarah Mahkamah Perak adalah
agar Majistret baru untuk mendengar kes ini. Pada tarikh 28.6.2023 kes telah ditetapkan
untuk sambung bicara dan Pendakwaan membuat keputusan untuk hanya memanggil
saksi terakhir iaitu Pengawai Penyiasat (SP4). Saya juga memilih untuk meneruskan
bicara tanpa memanggil semula saksi-saksi pendakwaan yang telah memberi
keterangan sebelum ini kerana nota keterangan yang telah disediakan oleh Puan
Majistret terdahulu dan rakaman RVT mahkamah adalah jelas dan boleh difahami.
3.1 Pihak Pendakwaan dalam kes ini telah memanggil seramai empat orang saksi
pendakwaan ("SP"):
(Pegawai Tangkapan)
(Pegawai Pengiring Mengambil Urin)
(Pegawai Sains Kimia Hayat)
(Pegawai Penyiasat)
3.2 Pihak Pendakwaan telah mengemukakan keterangan bahawa pada 2.10.2020,
pukul 4.30 petang SP1 bersama Insp Mohd Khudri telah membuat tangkapan ke atas
Tertuduh di Bahagian Pencegahan Jenayah dan Keselamatan Komuniti, IPD Hilir Perak
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kerana disyaki terlibat dengan penyalahgunaan dadah. Tiada tangkapan lain yang
dibuat. SP1 kemudian telah membuat satu repot tangkapan iaitu P2. Seterusnya, SP1
telah serahkan Tertuduh kepada SP2 pada hari yang sama, jam lebih kurang 5.15
3.3 SP2 telah mengarahkan Tertuduh untuk memilih satu botol urin didalam kotak,
botol urin dalam keadaan dalam bungkusan plastik, berserta penutup, sticker label dan
seal warna biru ada nombor siri. Setelah memastikan nombor siri di penutup botol dan
dengan nombor siri yang terdapat di luar plastik adalah sama, SP2 telah escort Tertuduh
ke tandas dan berdiri dibelakang Tertuduh semasa Tertuduh kencing. Tiada orang lain
dalam tandas pada waktu tersebut. SP2 kemudiannya telah menjalankan ujian saringan
awal dengan menggunakan 6 test strip dan hasil ujian mendapati test strip bagi
Methamphetamine dan Amphetamine positif dan yang lain negatif. Setiap satu test strip
itu dicelup satu per satu. Setelah itu, SP2 telah isi label, seal, buat report dan serah
kepada SP4 pada hari yang sama. Laporan Polis ditandakan sebagai P3 dan Borang
Serah Menyerah ditandakan sebagai P5.
3.4 Pada 5.10.2020, jam lebih kurang 7.30 pagi SP4 telah dengan seorang diri pergi
ke Jabatan Patologi Hospital Kuala Lumpur dan mengisi 1 borang UPD serta borang
permintaan balik botol urin. Borang UPD sebagai P6 dan Borang Permintaan Balik Botol
Urin sebagai P13. SP4 telah menyerahkan botol urin kepada SP3. SP3 kemudian telah
memberikan resit penerimaan botol urin.
3.5 Pada 19.10.2020, SP4 telah menerima Laporan Patologi daripada D/SI Ku
Ahmad Zamri dan Laporan menunjukkan positif Amphetamine dan Methamphetamine
yang telah dijadualkan di bawah Jadual Pertama Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952.
Seterusnya pada 30.10.2020, SP4 telah menerima 1 botol sampel air kencing bagi
penama Shahrul Aswad Bin Abdullah dengan nombor siri beg plastik DRL 3856 daripada
D/SI Ku Ahmad Zamri.
3.6 Tertuduh kemudiannya telah dituduh di bawah perenggan 15(1 )(a) Akta Dadah
Berbahaya 1952.
4.1 Pada tahap ini Mahkamah ingin menekankan, kesemua keterangan yang
dikemukakan oleh saksi Polis adalah tidak memberangsangkan memandangkan pada
tahap awal sewaktu Pemeriksaan Utama, tiada satu pun saksi yang menjelaskan
kejadian yang sebenarnya berlaku. Mereka hanya bersetuju setelah kejadian tersebut
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dicadangkan oleh Peguambela sewaktu Pemeriksaan Balas. Perkara ini menimbulkan
syak wasangkan terhadap keterangan saksi-saksi sama ada mereka berniat untuk
menyembunyikan perkara sebenar?
4.2 Pada 2.10.2020, Pejabat Bahagian Pencegahan Jenayah dan Keselamatan
Komuniti di IPD Hilir Perak, pada jam lebih kurang 4.00 petang telah menjalankan satu
operasi yang melibatkan seramai lebih kurang 60 orang anggota Polis untuk
menjalankan ujian saringan awal. Operasi ini diketuai oleh ASP Mohd Saufi dan
dikendalikan bersama ASP Vijivaraj a/l Rajamurthi (SP1).
4.3 SP1 selaku Ketua Bahagian Integriti dan Pematuhan Standard, telah memberi
taklimat pada jam lebih kurang 4 petang sebelum ujian saringan awal dijalankan keatas
semua 60 orang polis. Kemudian selepas 15 minit kesemua 60 orang diarahkan
memberi sampel air kencing bagi tujuan menjalankan ujian saringan awal.
4.4 SP1 telah membuat tangkapan ke atas Tertuduh seorang lebih kurang jam 5.00
petang manakala ASP Mohd Saufi membuat tangkapan ke atas 59 pegawai yang lain.
SP1 kemudiannya hanya membuat laporan tangkapan pada jam 7.07 malam walaupun
dalam keterangan memaklumkan telah membuat tangkapan seawal jam 4.30 petang.
4.5 Operasi ini dijalankan di kawasan garaj dan ujian air kencing dijalankan di atas 1
meja yang panjang dimana ASP Mohd Saufi menjalankan ujian air kencing untuk 59
orang polis yang lain manakala SP2 menjalan ujian air kencing ke atas Tertuduh
seorang. SP2 juga mengakui hanya ada 1 tandas sahaja yang digunakan untuk
kesemua 60 orang.
4.6 SP2 telah menunggu selama ½ jam untuk Tertuduh kencing kerana sukar nak
bagi air kencing. Kemudian, SP2 mengaku telah memberikan air mineral kepada
Tertuduh tetapi telah tukar keterangan dan memaklumkan tidak pasti siapa yang bagi
air mineral tetapi yang pastinya Tertuduh telah minum air mineral yang dibekalkan
kepadanya. SP2 hanya sempat mengambil ujian air kencing Tertuduh lebih kurang 5.30
petang. SP2 juga memaklumkan Tertuduh tidak dibawa ke Hospital Teluk Intan
walaupun jarak ke Hopsital dari tempat kejadian adalah lebih kurang 10 minit.
4.7 SP2 telah membuat laporan ujian saringan awal positif jam 7.16 petang.
Kemudiannya, SP2 telah serahkan test strip yang digunakan untuk saringan awal ujian
air kencing Tertuduh, sampel air kencing dalam botol urin, laporan ujian saringan awal
dan borang serah menyerah kepada SP4 pada hari yang sama, jam lebih kurang 7.30
4.8 Peguambela telah menghantar permohonan kepada Pejabat Pengarah
Pendakwaan Negeri Perak untuk mendapatkan sampel urin Tertuduh. Surat dan AR
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Kad ditandakan sebagai D14 dan D15.
4.9 Fakta yang lain adalah sepertimana di atas.
5.1 S. 173(7i)(i) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah (KTJ) telah memperuntukkan berkenaan
tugas mahkamah di akhir kes pihak pendakwaan adalah untuk memutuskan sama ada
pihak pendakwaan telah mengemukakan suatu kes prima facie terhadap Tertuduh
atas pertuduhan terhadapnya. Mahkamah perlu menilai keterangan-keterangan saksi
pihak pendakwaan yang credible yang telah membuktikan semua intipati pertuduhan
sebelum Tertuduh dipanggil untuk membela diri.
5.2 Perkataan prima facie tidak ditakrifkan di bawah KTJ. Walau bagaimanapun,
Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Balacahandran v. PP [2005] 1 CLJ 85 [2005] 1
AMR 321: [2005] 2 MLJ 301 telah menghuraikan berkenaan ujian prima facie
sepertimana yang berikut:
...The test at the close of the case for the prosecution would therefore be: Is the
evidence sufficient to convict the accused if he elects to remain silent? If the
answer is in the affirmative then a prima facie case has been made out. This
must, as of necessity, require a consideration of the existence of any reasonable
doubt in the case for the prosecution. If there is any such doubt there can be no
prima facie case.
5.3 Maka, di akhir kes pendakwaan, Mahkamah ini telah meneliti keperluan untuk
melakukan penilaian secara maksimum ke atas keseluruhan keterangan dan bukti-
bukti sokongan di dalam kes ini. Seksyen 180 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah dirujuk:
Section 180 of the Criminal Procedure Code sets out the procedure to be followed
by the court at the close of prosecution case as follows;
(1) When the case for the prosecution is concluded, the Court shall consider whether
the prosecution has made out a prima facie case against the accused.
(2) If the Court finds that the prosecution has not made out a prima facie case against
the accused, the Court shall record an order of acquittal.
(3) If the Court finds that a prima facie case has been made out against the accused
on the offence charged the Court shall call upon the accused to enter on his defence.
(4) For the purpose of this section, a prima facie case is made out against the accused
where the prosecution has adduced credible evidence proving each ingredient of the
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offence which if unrebutted or unexplained would warrant a conviction.
5.4 Mahkamah Rayuan dalam kes Looi Kow Chai v. Public Prosecutor [2003] 1
CLJ 734 [2003] 2 MLJ 65; [2003] 2 AMR 89 berkenaan prima facie telah menyatakan
seperti yang berikut:
"In our respectful view, the correct test to be applied in determining
whether a prima facie case has been made out under s. 180 of the CPC (and
this would apply to a trial under s. 173 of the CPC) is that as encapsulated in the
judgment of Hashim Yeop Sani FJ (as he then was) in Dato' Mokhtar bin Hashim
& Anor v. Public Prosecutor [1983] CLJ Rep 101: [1983] 2 CLJ 10: [1983] 2 MLJ
232 at p 270: To summarize, it would therefore appear that having regard to the
prosecution evidence adduced so far, a prima facie case has not been
established against Nordin Johan and Aziz Abdullah, the second accused and
the fourth accused which, failing their rebuttal, would warrant their conviction. In
other words if they elect to remain silent now (which I hold they are perfectly
entitled to do even though they are being tried under the Emergency
Regulations) the question is can they be convicted of the offence of section 302
read with section 34 of the Penal Code ? My answer to the question is in the
negative.' We are confident in the view we have just expressed because we find
nothing in the amended s. 180(1) of the CPC that has taken away the right of an
accused person to remain silent at the close of the prosecution case. Further we
find nothing in the legislative intention of Parliament as expressed in the
language employed by it to show that there should be a dual exercise by a judge
under s. 180 when an accused elects to remain silent as happened in Pavone v.
Public Prosecutor [1985] 1 LNS 99: [1984] 1 MLJ 77. In other words, we are
unable to discover anything in the language of the recently formulated s. 180
that requires a judge sitting alone first to make a minimum evaluation and then
when the accused elects to remain silent to make a maximum evaluation in
deciding whether to convict or not at the close of the prosecution case.
It therefore follows that there is only one exercise that a judge sitting alone
under s. 180 of the CPC has to undertake at the close of the prosecution case.
He must subject the prosecution evidence to maximum evaluation and to ask
himself the question: if I decide to call upon the accused to enter his defence
and he elects to remain silent, am I prepared to convict him on the totality of the
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evidence contained in the prosecution case? If the answer is in the negative then
no prima facie case has been made out and the accused would be entitled to an
5.5 Kes Public Prosecutor v Poh Ah Kwang [2003] 3 AMR 670 menyatakan
seperti berikut:
“Since the standard of proof at this stage is prima facie proof, which means
a maximum evaluation of the evidence on the basis of proof beyond reasonable
doubt, the evidence of SP2 is therefore for all intends and purposes
uncorroborated in so far as the answers given by the accused were concerned..”.
5.6 Kes Public Prosecutor v Mohd Radzi Abu Bakar [2006] 1 CLJ turut dirujuk;
“After the amendments to ss. 173(f) and 180 of the CPC, the statutory test has
been altered. What is required of a Subordinate Court and the High Court under the
amended section is to call for the defence when it is satisfied that a prima facie case
has been made out at the close of the prosecution case. This requires the court to
undertake a maximum evaluation of the prosecution evidence when deciding
whether to call on the accused to enter his or her defence.
5.7 Bagi mengemukakan suatu kes prima facie terhadap Tertuduh dalam kes di
bawah perenggan 15(1 )(a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952, pihak pendakwaan hendaklah
menunjukkan intipati-intipati kesalahan yang berikut telah dibuktikan iaitu:
(a) spesimen urin dalam botol tersebut adalah daripada Tertuduh;
(b) pemeriksaan spesimen urin Tertuduh telah memenuhi kehendak Sekysen 31A Akta
Dadah Berbahaya 1952; dan
(c) dadah yang dikesan dalam spesimen urin Tertuduh telah disenaraikan dalam
Bahagian III Jadual Pertama Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952.
6.1 Dikemukakan Seksyen-Seksyen berkaitan pertuduhan dan kesalahan untuk
rujukan mudah seperti berikut;
15. Self administration.
(1) Any person who—
(a) consumes, administers to himself or suffers any other person, contrary to section
14 to administer to him any dangerous drug specified in Parts III and IV of the First
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Schedule; or
(b) is found in any premises kept or used for any of the purposes specified in section
13 in order that any such dangerous drug may be administered to or smoked or
otherwise consumed by him, shall be guilty of an offence against this Act and shall be
liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding five thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for
a term not exceeding two years.
(2) For the purpose of this section, “consumes” includes eat, chew, smoke, swallow,
drink, inhale or introduce into the body in any manner or by any means whatsoever.
7.1 Isu di hadapan Mahkamah adalah seperti yang berikut:
(a) sama ada spesimen urin dalam botol tersebut adalah daripada Tertuduh;
(b) sama ada pemeriksaan spesimen urin Tertuduh telah memenuhi
kehendak sekysen 3lA Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952;
(c) sama ada kegagalan pihak polis untuk menqqunakan dua botol sampel
urin dalam menialankan uiian saringan awal adalah fatal;
(d) sama ada dadah yang dikesan telah disenaraikan dalam Bahagian III
Jadual Pertama Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952.
7.2 Bagi membuktikan intipati pertama sama ada spesimen urin dalam botol
tersebut adalah daripada Tertuduh, pihak pendakwaan telah mengemukakan
keterangan seperti yang berikut:
i. SP2 telah mengarahkan Tertuduh untuk memilih 1 bungkusan plastik berseal
dan Tertuduh sendiri telah memilih 1 bungkusan plastik berseal dimana
bungkusan plastik itu adalah berseal, dalam keadaan elok dan tidak terdapat
kesan koyakan atau bocor yang mengandungi satu bekas khas bertutup
PDRM. Bekas ini mempunyai nombor siri yang sama dengan pembungkus
plastiknya iaitu A0017409.
ii. Tertuduh kemudiannya telah serahkan bungkusan tersebut kepada SP2.
Selepas 5 minit Tertuduh dengan membawa bekas khas tertutup telah diiring
oleh SP2 ke tandas yang terletak di tingkat bawah IPD Hilir Perak;
iii. Tertuduh telah kencing ke dalam botol spesimen yang dipilih pada jam 5.30
petang dengan SP2 berdiri belakang tertuduh;
iv. SP2 telah mengarahkan Tertuduh sendiri membawa botol berisi spesimen urin
milik Tertuduh tersebut ke Pejabat Bahagian Pencegahan Jenayah dan
Keselamatan Komuniti untuk ujian saringan awal serta mendapati hasil ujian
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saringan awal adalah positif dadah Methamphetamine dan Amphetamine;
v. Botol berisi spesimen urin yang mempunyai nombor botol, maklumat nama
Tertuduh dan nombor kad pengenalan Tertuduh telah dihantar untuk tujuan
vi. Spesimen tersebut telah diterima dan seterusnya diperiksa/dianalisa oleh
Pegawai Sains (Kimia Hayat) (SP3) daripada Jabatan Patologi Hospital Kuala
Lumpur; dan
vii. Analisa tersebut telah mengesahkan spesimen urin milik Tertuduh
mengandungi dadah Methamphetamine dan Amphetamine.
7.3 Namun begitu, terdapat beberapa isu yang dibangkitkan oleh Pembelaan
berkenaan dengan masa dan kendalian spesimen air kencing Tertuduh. Antara isu yang
dibangkitkan oleh Peguam adalah berikut:
i. Pembelaan mencadangkan sebenarnya Tertuduh telah pun memberi sampel air
kencing pada jam 4.30 petang sewaktu Operasi besar-besaran dijalankan. Ujian
saringan awal Tertuduh pada ketika itu negatif. Namun begitu, Tertuduh telah
diarahkan untuk memberi sampel air kencing untuk kali kedua akan tetapi
Tertuduh mengalami kesukaran untuk kencing semula. Jadi, Tertuduh telah
dibekalkan air mineral supaya boleh bagi sampel air kencing semula.
ii. Pukul berapa sebenarnya Tertuduh telah memberi sampel air kencing? Jika
betul Tertuduh bagi sampel air kencing jam 5.30 petang, mengapa Laporan
Ujian Sariangan awal hanya dibuat jam 7.16 malam?
iii. Apa jadi dengan spesimen botol air kencing dari jam 5.30 petang hingga 7.30
malam sebelum diserahkan kepada IO? Dimanakan botol spesimen air kencing
Tertuduh disimpan sewaktu itu?
iv. Bagaimana keadaan meja panjang apabila terdapat botol spesimen air kencing
daripada 60 orang yang lain? Adakah botol spesimen Tertuduh juga berada di
atas meja yang sama? Adakah kemungkinan botol spesimen Tertuduh tertukar
dengan spesimen orang lain?
v. Siapa yang memberikan air mineral kepada Tertuduh? Mengapa IO kes (SP4)
tidak siasat air mineral tersebut dimana beliau mengaku itu adalah fakta yang
material dalam kes ini? Adakah air mineral Tertuduh mengandungi dadah
sepertimana yang dibangkitkan oleh Peguam?
vi. Kenapa daripada 60 orang yang diarahkan hadir untuk operasi ujian saringan
awal, tertuduh sahaja dilayan berbeza dari awal? Ianya adalah agak pelik
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mengapa ASP Mohd Saufi boleh buat tangkapan ke atas 59 orang polis yang
lain dan Tertuduh ditangkap oleh SP1 seorang. Mengapakah Tertuduh sahaja
yang diiringi oleh SP2 untuk ujian saringan awal, manakal 59 orang polis yang
lain dijalankan oleh ASP Mohd Saufi.
vii. Kenapa terdapat perbezaan yang ketara akan layanan terhadap Tertuduh
dengan 59 orang polis yang lain? Apakah tujuan sebenar 60 orang tersebut telah
diarahkan hadir ke tempat kejadian?
7.4 Mahkamah ini mendapati ‘adverse inference’ terbangkit dari pihak Pendakwaan
apabila mereka gagal untuk mendedahkan sebenarnya berapa ramai orang yang
ditangkap pada hari tersebut sehinggalah saksi-saksi diperiksa balas. Maka, Mahkamah
ini mendapati terpakai Seksyen 114(g) Akta Keterangan.
7.5 Mahkamah merujuk kepada Seksyen 114 (g) Akta Keterangan dan
dikemukakan untuk rujukan mudah;
114. Court may presume existence of certain fact
The court may presume the existence of any fact which it thinks likely to have
happened, regard being had to the common course of natural events, human conduct,
and public and private business, in their relation to the facts of the particular case.
The court may presume--
(g) that evidence which could be and is not produced would if produced be
unfavourable to the person who withholds it;
7.6 Mahkamah ini mengambil berat bahawa pemakaian Seksyen ini adalah
mengikut kepada keadaan setiap kes dan kepentingan saksi/bukti yang dinyatakan
tersebut. Kes Munusamy v PP [1987] 1 MLJ 492,494 (SC) telah menggariskan
panduan bahawa:
“It is essential to appreciate the scope of Section 114 (g) lest it be carried too far
outside its limit. Adverse inference under that illustration can only be drawn if
there is withholding or suppression of evidence and not merely on account of
failure to obtain evidence. It may be drawn from withholding not just any
document, but material document by a party in his possession, or for non-
production of not just any witness but an important and material witness to
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the case”.
7.7 Mahkamah turut merujuk kes Suayri Ayyapan lwn. Pendakwa Raya [2019]
MLRHU 423 pg 7 yang telah menjelaskan seperti berikut;
“Sekiranya Mahkamah mendapati terdapat satu jurang atau kelompangan yang besar
dalam kes pihak pendakwaan dan berpuas hati saksi yang tidak ditawarkan itu adalah
saksi penting dan pihak pendakwaan memendapkannya keterangan yang ada
padanya yang sentiasa boleh di perolehi serta apa yang dilakukan oleh pihak
pendakwaan itu bagi tujuan utama mengecewakan pihak pembelaan untuk
pembelaan maka kegagalan memanggil saksi atau menawarkan saksi itu memberi
inferen yang tidak berpihak yang kuat kepada pihak pendakwaan di bawah s 114(g)
Akta Keterangan.
7.8 Persoalan Mahkamah adalah mengapa kejadian sebenar berkenaan operasi
besar-besaran yang dikendalikan untuk 60 orang polis yang turut ditangkap tidak di
maklumi lebih awal sewaktu Pemeriksaan Utama dan hanya disetuju dengan
keterangan ini setelah dibangkitkan oleh Pembelaan? Selain itu, kegagalan kedua-dua
SP1 dan SP2 membuat laporan polis dengan serta merta turut menujukkan terdapat
satu kelompongan besar dalam kes pendakwaan. Selain itu, kendalian botol spesimen
tertuduh turut samar-samar tanpa ada keterangan yang kukuh apa yang terjadi selama
2 jam sebelum diserahkan kepada Pegawai Penyiasat. Maka, kegagalan pihak
pendakwaan mendedahkan kejadian sebenar dan berapa ramai tangkapan yang dibuat
jatuh dibawah Seksyen di atas.
7.9 Mengenai isu ini, saya ingin mengingatkan diri saya tentang panduan yang telah
ditetapkan oleh Mahkamah Rayuan dalam kes PP lwn Ahmad Saiful Islam Mohamad
[2023] 2 CLJ 714 berkaitan dengan kewajipan yang dipikul oleh pihak pendakwaan
untuk membuktikan kes mereka di bawah s.15 DDA 1952:
[54] To our minds, the prosecution has to ensure that the urine specimen in the
bottle which was sent to SP5 for analysis was actually taken from or belonged to the
respondent. In the absence of any DNA evidence, the prosecution must ensure
that there is no mistake in the labelling of the bottle which would otherwise affect
the identity and credibility of the respondent’s urine sample. There must not be
any break in the chain of evidence. Anything short would definitely raise serious
doubts as to whether the urine sample was actually taken on the day in question
and whether the urine sample actually belonged to the respondent.
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7.10 Berbalik kepada kes hari ini, tiada bukti DNA yang dikemukakan oleh pihak
pendakwaan. Maka, ia menjadi tanggungjawab pendakwaan untuk memastikan, botol
spesimen Tertuduh telah dilabel dengan betul dan tidak tertukar dengan orang lain serta
tidak terputus rantaian bukti bagi memastikan spesimen yang dihantar ke Jabatan
Patologi Hospital Kuala Lumpur adalah sememangnya milik Tertuduh.
7.11 Dalam hal ini, Mahkamah berpendapat bahawa pihak pendakwaan telah gagal
untuk memperbaiki keterangan mereka sujurus menjawab kepada persoalan yang
dibangkitkan dari awal lagi oleh Pembelaan maka mereka telah gagal membuktikan
element (a) dalam kes ini dan seterusnya telah gagal untuk membuktikan intipati
pertama bagi pertuduhan terhadap Tertuduh.
7.12 Adakah element (b) iaitu sama ada pemeriksaan spesimen urin Tertuduh telah
memenuhi kehendak sekysen 31a Akta Dadah Berbahava 1952 dipatuhi oleh
Pendakwaan? Seksyen 31 (1a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 telah memperuntukkan
seperti yang berikut:
(1A) For the purpose of preservation of evidence, it shall be lawful for a
police officer not below the rank of Sergeant or an officer of customs to require
an arrested person to provide a specimen of his urine for the purposes of an
examination under subsection (1) if it is not practicable for the medical officer or
the person who is acting in aid of or on the direction of a medical officer to obtain
the specimen of the urine within a reasonable period.
7.13 Berhubung dengan tafsiran Seksyen ini juga, mahkamah telah membuat rujukan
kepada kes-kes yang telah menyentuh tentang keperluan Seksyen 31A (1a) Akta Dadah
Berbahaya 1952 iaitu-
a) PP v. Samsul Arifm Bakar [2019] 2 CLJ 692; [2019] MLRAU 438 yang telah
memutuskan bahawa the non- compliance of Section 31A(1) is not fatal to the
prosecution's case.
b) Muhammad Nazrin Avan v. PP [2020] 1 LNS 1513 di mana Lim Hock Leng J
telah memutuskan bahawa:
... Even if the evidence were illegally obtained, as relevant
evidence, it is still admissible.
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c) PP v. Mohamad Rasid Jusoh [2009] 9 CLJ 557. Ravinthran Paramaguru J
telah menyatakan seperti yang berikut:
"...Assuming, for the sake of argument, the police breached the
proviso to sub-s. 1A in obtaining the urine specimen from an arrested
person, the evidence procured thereby will be considered as improperly or
illegally obtained evidence. However it is settled law that in our system of
justice, illegally or improperly obtained evidence is admissible provided it
is relevant (see Kuruma v. R [1955] AC 197 and Saminathan v. Public
Prosecutor [1936] 1 LNS 65; [1937] MLJ 39).."
7.14 Mahkamah juga merujuk kes PP v. Samsul Arifm Bakar [2020] 7 CLJ 503 di
mana Mahkamah Rayuan telah menyentuh mengenai penggubalan kedua-dua Seksyen
31A dan juga 31A(1A) dan telah memutuskan seperti yang berikut:
[8] Our view on s. 31A (1) and s. 31A (1A) is as follows. Section 31A (1)
was inserted in 1983 via Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) Act 1983 (ActA553) as
s. 31A. The provision was subsequently amended in 2002 via Act 1167 by the
addition of two new sub-sections of which sub-s. 1A is one. The original s. 31A
which is now sub-s. 31A (1) provides for a medical examination of person who
is reasonably suspected of having committed an offence against the Act. We
should think that it is not necessarily limited to analysing the urine sample of a
suspect Thus, suspects who had swallowed dangerous drugs to use their body
as a container could be medically examined under this section.
[9] Section 31A (1A) which was added as a sub-section in 2002 appears
to target drug addicts specifically. As pointed out by the learned Deputy Public
Prosecutor, the Parliamentary Secretary who tabled the Bill in Parliament said in
his speech that the main aim of s. 31A (1A) provision is to preserve evidence as
it may not be practicable for a Medical Officer to procure a urine sample from an
arrested suspect The aim of s. 31A (1A) is also stated in die opening words of the
provision, ie„ "for the purpose of preservation of evidence..." To our mind, these
words are the key to interpreting this provision. Otherwise, the intention of
Parliament in enacting the provision to preserve evidence in the face of the
exigencies faced by enforcement authorities while carrying out operations against
drug addicts would be defeated.
[10] The learned High Court Judge opined that several pre-conditions must
be satisfied before a urine sample can be taken by a police officer not below the
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rank of sergeant His Lordship said that the police must prove in court that it was
not practicable for a Medical Officer to obtain the urine sample from the arrested
person. His Lordship also said that the determination whether the procurement of
the urine sample by a Medical Officer is practicable must be made by the Medical
Officer himself. In our view, such a reading of the provision is not warranted by
the words of s. 31A (1A). If the police are obligated to wait for the determination
of the Medical Officer, precious time would be wasted and it is possible that traces
of drugs in the body of a suspect would have disappeared by the time the urine
sample is obtained.
[11] In respect of the argument that the police have to "prove" that it was
not practicable to send the suspect to the hospital for the Medical Officer to obtain
the urine sample, we note that s. 31A (1A) does not impose that duty. It is a
provision designed to preserve evidence depending on constraints of the
situation faced by the enforcement authorities. Therefore, the test result
from a urine sample is not rendered inadmissible merely because the police
could not prove that sending the suspect to see a Medical Officer to take a
urine sample is not practicable.
[12] We find analogical support for this view in the judgment of this court in
PP lwn. Mohd Safwan Husain [2017] 7 CLJ 685; [2017] 5 MLJ 255 which was
cited by the learned DPP. In that case which also involved the collection of urine
sample under s. 31A (1A) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952, the Respondent was
acquitted on the ground that Prosecution failed to prove that he was an "arrested
person" which appears to be a pre-condition of s. 31A (1). The Court of Appeal
reversed the decision of the High Court and the Magistrate's Court and said as
Harus juga dicatat lanjut bahawa s. 31A ADB 1952 tidak menvebut di
mana-mana bahawa kegapalan untuk mematuhi kehendak di situ boleh
membuatkan ana iua bukti yang dioeroleh hasil daripada pemeriksaan vana
dilakukan akan meniadi tidak boleh diterima sebagai keteranaan
(inadmissible).Ini berbeza dengan peruntukan s. 113 KPJ atau pun s. 37A ADB
1952 yang memperuntukkan dengan jelas bahawa percakapan tertuduh selepas
ditangkap dan tanpa diberikan kata-kata amaran tidak boleh diterima sebagai
keterangan (inadmissible). Seperti mana yang dinvatakan di atas berkenaan
dengan obiektif s. 31A, Seksyen ini memberikan keabsahan undang-undana
(lawfulness) ke atas tindakan yang dilakukan oleh Deaawai-peaawai atau orang
vang disenaraikan dalam menaambil sample dan membuat pemeriksaan ke atas
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orang vang ditangkap. Pada pandangan kami itulah dasar utama peruntukan s.
31A ini. Pada pengamatan kami lagi, skema peruntukan tersebut jelas
membezakan antara pemberian kebenaran vis-a-vis kesahan dengan
kerelevanan sesuatu bahan bukti yang diperoleh daripada tindakan tersebut. ini
dapat dilihat daripada perkataan dan ungkapan yang digunakan dalam s. 31A
(1A) itu sendiri iaitu For the purpose of preservation of evidence...
7.15 Berdasarkan otoriti-otoriti di atas, SP2 dalam kes ini ialah seorang anggota polis
berpangkat Inspektor yang telah mengiringi Tertuduh untuk memberikan sampel air
kencing Tertuduh bagi maksud ujian saringan awal. SP2 telah menerima botol urin
tersebut daripada Tertuduh sendiri dan telah menjalankan ujian saringan awal maka
tindakan ini adalah selaras dengan peruntukan di bawah Seksyen 31A (1a) Akta Dadah
Berbahaya 1952.
7.16 Melalui isu di perenggan (b) juga, telah berbangkit isu sama ada Tertuduh telah
ditahan sebelum beliau diarahkan untuk memberikan sampel air kencing beliau?
7.17 Mahkamah ini membuat rujukan terhadap kes PP v. Mohd Safwan Husain
[2017] 7 CLJ 685. Mahkamah berpendapat bagi maksud pembuktian intipati di bawah
Seksyen 15 (1) (a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952, tidak ada keperluan untuk tangkapan
terhadap Tertuduh dibuat terlebih dahulu dalam apa-apa keadaan dan situasi,
memandangkan kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 15 adalah berdasarkan bahan dadah
terlarang yang dikesan dalam badan Tertuduh, yang menyebabkan tangkapan
walaupun dibuat selepas penemuan/pengesanan itu boleh diterima.
7.18 Dalam kes di atas Mahkamah Rayuan telah menyatakan seperti yang berikut:
"(2) Perkataan tangkapan dan penentuan bila satu-satu tangkapan itu
berlaku, sama ada bagi tujuan s. 37A atau s. 31A ADB, seharusnya sama dan
akan bergantung pada fakta dan keadaan sesuatu kes. Seksyen 31A tidak
memperuntukkan kuasa menangkap pada pegawai polis. Kuasa tersebut
diberikan dalam s. 31 ADB yang memberikan kuasa tangkapan jika terdapat
kepercayaan munasabah bahawa satu-satu kesalahan bawah ADB telah
dilakukan atau akan dilakukan. Ini mewajarkan pengemukaan maklumat yang
diterima oleh pihak polis sebagai keterangan untuk menentukan isu tangkapan
ini. (perenggan 33 & 34)
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(3) Semasa spesimen air kencing responden diambil bagi tujuan
pemeliharaan dan pemeriksaan bawah s. 31A(1) dan (1A) ADB, responden
merupakan seorang yang telah ditangkap dan orang tangkapan dalam maksud
peruntukan tersebut. Penahanan telah dibuat berasaskan maklumat berkenaan
satu kesalahan bawah ADB yang telah dilakukan oleh responden, dan
penahanan itu bukan satu tindakan sekadar untuk membuat pertanyaan kepada
responden. Walaupun responden dikatakan memberikan kerjasama, dan
adalah seorang anggota polis sokongan, namun kebebasannya telah
disekat dan dia dipaksa mengikut apa yang diarahkan oleh SP2. (perenggan
34 & 35)
(4) Seksyen 31A ADB tidak menyebut di mana-mana bahawa kegagalan
mematuhi kehendak peruntukan tersebut boleh membuatkan apa jua bukti yang
diperoleh hasil daripada pemeriksaan yang dilakukan akan menjadi tidak boleh
diterima sebagai keterangan. Ini berbeza dengan peruntukan s. 113 KPJ atau s.
37A ADB yang memperuntukkan dengan jelas bahawa percakapan tertuduh
selepas ditangkap dan tanpa diberikan kata-kata amaran tidak boleh diterima
sebagai keterangan. Seksyen 31A memberikan keabsahan undang- undang atas
tindakan yang dilakukan oleh pegawai-pegawai atau orang yang disenaraikan
dalam mengambil sampel dan membuat pemeriksaan ke atas orang yang
ditangkap. Skema peruntukan s. 31A jelas membezakan antara pemberian
kebenaran viz-a-viz kesahan dengan kerelevanan sesuatu bahan bukti yang
diperoleh daripada tindakan tersebut. Berikutan itu, sampel darah yang
diambii, walaupun diperoleh secara tidak sah, wajar diterima masuk
sebagai keterangan. (perenggan 36)".
7.19 Semasa Tertuduh diarahkan untuk memberikan sampel air kencing Tertuduh
telah pun ditahan memandangkan beliau perlu mengikut arahan pihak polis untuk
memberikan sampel urinnya dan pergerakannya telah pun dibatasi, oleh yang demikian
Tertuduh telah pun menjadi seseorang yang ditangkap bagi maksud peruntukan
Seksyen 31A, Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952.
7.20 Oleh itu, Mahkamah berpendapat bahawa Seksyen 31A Akta Dadah Berbahaya
1952 telah dipatuhi oleh pihak Polis dan sekaligus intipati element kedua berjaya
dibuktikan oleh Pendakwaan.
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7.21 Berhubung dengan isu kehendak dua botol sampel urin atau satu botol sampel
urin dalam menjalankan ujian saringan awal, Mahkamah telah merujuk keputusan kes
terbaharu yang telah diputuskan oleh Mahkamah Rayuan iaitu PP v. Ahmad Saiful
Islam Mohamad [2023] 2 CLJ 714. Mahkamah Rayuan dalam kes ini telah mengambil
panduan keputusan Mahkamah dalam kes Tenaga Nasional Bhd v. Chew Thai Kav &
Anor [2022] 2 CLJ 333. YA Azahar Mohamed CJ (Malaya) dalam keputusannya telah
menyatakan seperti yang berikut:
[30] We will say at once that overturning our own precedent is a serious
matter. This court must always respect its own precedents. The rule of legal
precedence must be followed in the interest of certainty. Great sanctity must be
attached to the finality of our judgment. This is not to say that this court should
never depart from an earlier decision. We do not blindly honour stare decisis.
White it is true that we can overturn our own precedent in exceptional cases
where it is really necessary, as an apex court, we need to be cautious about
departing from our own earlier decision especially in a case that concerns the
interpretation of a legislative provision, lest we lose the trust of public by persistent
shifts of laws. The law is about stability, predictability and certainty that allow the
public and the business community to plan and organise their lives based on the
previous precedent. A degree of certainty, consistency and predictability in the
law is one of the foundations upon which our justice system operates. Therefore,
we remind ourselves that it is of utmost importance this court adheres to its past
7.22 Selanjutnya Mahkamah Rayuan dalam kes Ahmad Saiful Islam Mohamad juga
telah merujuk kes Asia Pacific Higher Learning Sdn Bhd v. Majlis Perubatan
Malaysia & Anor [2020] 3 CLJ 153; [2020] 2 MLJ iaitu suatu keputusan Mahkamah
Persekutuan yang dipetik sebagai menyebut:
[83] Indeed, the doctrine of stare decisis dictates that as a matter of a
general rule of great importance the Federal Court is bound by its own previous
decisions. However, there are exceptional circumstances that allow them to
depart from the earlier decision, but such power must be used sparingly.
[79] Any decision of the Federal Court must be treated with utmost
deference. More significantly, in my opinion, it is not a good policy for us at the
highest court of the land to leave the law in a state of uncertainty by departing
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from our recent decisions. That will put us in a bad light as the Federal Court will
then purports to be in a state of quandary when deciding a case. It is also a bad
policy for us to keep the law in such a state of uncertainty particularly upon a
question of interpretation of a statutory provision that comes up regularly for
consideration before the courts.
[72] While judges may no doubt sincerely have differences in views, there
is also public interest to consider. It would be a lamentable state of the law if
members of the public, in whatever sector, are unable to secure legal advice of
sufficient certainty in order to properly conduct or regulate their affairs because of
a confusing melee of conflicting legal decisions by the courts.
7.23 Mahkamah Rayuan juga telah memberi pertimbangan bahawa keputusan dalam
kes Rosman Saprey juga telah disahkan oleh kes Majlis Angkatan Tentera Malaysia
v. Mohd Nurul Ami Mohd Basri [2019] 2 CLJ 772(CA) dan PP v. Samsui Arif in Bakar
[2020] 7 CLJ 503(CA).
7.24 Mahkamah Rayuan selanjutnya telah memutuskan bahawa kegagalan polis
mengambil sampel air kencing responden dalam dua botol adalah tidak fatal kepada kes
7.25 Selanjutnya dalam kes PP v. Rosman Saprev & Anor [2019] 4 CLJ 767, dalam
keputusan oleh Mahkamah Rayuan berhubung dengan Perintah Tetap Ketua Polis
Negara F103 ('PTKPN F103') dan Garis Panduan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia Bil.
6/2002 ('GPKKM 6/2002'), Mahkamah Rayuan telah menyatakan seperti yang berikut:
7.26 PTKPN F103 menyebutkan contoh air kencing diambil dengan menggunakan
dua botol urin (perenggan 8.2). Satu botol air kencing adalah untuk tujuan ujian awal di
peringkat polis jika perlu dan satu botol lagi untuk dihantar ke hospital bagi
penganalisaan. Oleh itu dua botol air kencing bukan satu kehendak mandatori jika
contoh air kencing tersebut tidak dibuat ujian awal di peringkat polis. Botol yang
mengandungi contoh air kencing akan di hantar terus ke hospital bagi penganalisaan
(penekanan ditambah). Pendakwaan ke atas seseorang yang mentadbirkan dadah ke
dalam tubuh badan juga tidak dilakukan berdasarkan hasil ujian awal atau saringan yang
hanya merupakan satu proses indikatif. Pertuduhan sekiranya dibuat akan diasaskan
kepada hasil ujian analisis oleh ahli sains atau ahli kimia kerajaan yang menggunakan
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kaedah analisis yang diiktiraf oleh undang-undang.
7.27 Garis Panduan KKM Bil. 6/2002 mengatakan hanya satu botol contoh urin
diperlukan untuk analisis. Tetapi sekiranya ujian awal dan ujian analisis dilakukan di dua
tempat yang berasingan, maka dua botol urin diperlukan (dipanggil botol pertama dan
botol duplicate) (perenggan 6(c)). Botol kedua (duplicate) adalah untuk kegunaan ujian
awal (screening) jika hendak dibuat dan botol duplicate ini akan disimpan oleh pegawai
yang membuat ujian awal. Botol pertama yang mengandungi contoh air kencing akan
dihantar ke hospital untuk dibuat analisis. Oleh itu Garis Panduan KKM Bil. 6/2002 tidak
menjadikan pengambilan dua botol urin sebagai mandatori sekiranya ujian awal
(screening) tidak dilakukan (penekanan ditambah).
7.28 Mahkamah Rayuan dalam kes ini juga telah menyentuh mengenai elemen kuat
kuasa undang-undang force of law bagi Perintah Tetap Ketua Polis Negara F103
('PTKPN F103') dan Garis Panduan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia Bil. 6/2002
{'GPKKM 6/2002'), Mahkamah Rayuan yang tidak bersetuju dengan hujahan peguam
bela terpelajar bagi pihak responden yang menghujahkan bahawa PTKPN F103 dan
Garis Panduan KKM Bil. 6/2002 sebagai dokumen yang mempunyai kuat kuasa undang-
undang (force of law) yang memerlukan pematuhan mandatori oleh pihak polis atau
pegawai perubatan dan akan menjejaskan sekiranya gagal dipatuhi telah menyatakan
seperti yang berikut:
"[52] Walaupun terdapat s. 44 ADB 1952 memberikan kuasa kepada
Menteri mewakilkan kuasa dan fungsinya kepada mana-mana pegawai yang
sesuai dalam mentadbirkan ADB 1952, tetapi tidak terdapat perwakilan kuasa di
bawah s. 44 telah dilakukan. Oleh itu PTKPN F103 dan Garis Panduan KKM Bil.
6/2002 tidak boleh dikaitkan dengan s. 44 tersebut untuk diberi pengiktirafan
sebagai mempunyai elemen "force of law".
[53] Juga, walaupun terdapat s. 47 ADB 1952, yang memberi kuasa
kepada Menteri untuk membuat undang-undang subsidiari, iaitu peraturan-
peraturan dalam menetapkan perkara-perkara yang diperlukan di bawah Akta,
tetapi Menteri tidak ada membuat apa-apa peraturan yang berkaitan dengan
kaedah pangambilan contoh air kencing dan cara menguruskannya. Oleh itu
PTKPN F103 dan Garis Panduan KKM Bil. 6/2002 bukan dikeluarkan di bawah
s. 47 tersebut untuk mempunyai elemen "force of law".
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[54] Seksyen 28 Akta Penagih Dadah (Rawatan dan Pemulihan) 1983
(Akta 283) memberi kuasa kepada Menteri untuk membuat kaedah- kaedah
dalam melaksanakan peruntukan Akta 283. Sub-perenggan (e) s. 28(1) Akta 283
memberi kuasa kepada Menteri untuk mengadakan peruntukan mengenai
kaedah-kaedah berhubung dengan ujian-ujian yang hendak dijalankan di bawah
Akta 283. Bagaimanapun, tidak terdapat sebarang kaedah yang dibuat oleh
Menteri di bawah Akta 283 yang berkaitan dengan tatacara pengambilan air
kencing bagi ujian dan cara menguruskannya.
[55] Ketiadaan peraturan-peraturan atau kaedah-kaedah yang disebutkan
di atas telah menyebabkan pihak polis mengambil usaha mengeluarkan PTKPN
F103. Pihak Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia pula mengeluarkan Gan's
Panduan KKM Bit. 6/2002. PTKPN F103 hanya dihasratkan untuk dijadikan
panduan oleh pegawai polis dalam melaksanakan tugasan mereka. PTKPN F103
dengan itu lebih merupakan garis panduan dalaman untuk diguna pakai oleh
pegawai polis khususnya Jabatan Narkotik PDRM.
[56] Garis Panduan KKM Bil. 6/2002 pula, jika dilihat pada bahagian
pengenalan, garis panduan tersebut ditujukan kepada pegawai- pegawai
perubatan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia. Hasrat garis panduan ini juga jelas
hanya untuk dijadikan panduan dalam menjalankan tugas oleh pegawai
perubatan berkaitan dengan ujian/analisis air kencing".
7.29 Berdasarkan otoriti-otoriti di atas, Mahkamah berpendapat kegagalan pihak
polis untuk mengambil sampel air kencing Tertuduh dalam dua botol adalah tidak fatal
kepada kes pendakwaan. Maka element (c) berjaya dibuktikan oleh Pihak Pendakwaan.
7.30 Berhubung dengan element (d), Mahkamah merujuk kes Noorismail Abu
Bakar v. PP [2020] 1 LNS 1101 [42] yang telah membuat rujukan dan membuat analisa
terhadap keputusan kes Kamarul Farkaruddin Mohamed lwn. PP [2013] 7 CLJ 636
yang telah menyatakan prinsip yang berikut:
" is not sufficient for the urine test report to merely state that, for
example, methamphetamine was found in the urine sample of the accused, but
that it was also necessary to state that the methamphetamine that was found was
a dangerous drug prescribed in Parts III and IV of the first schedule to the
Dangerous Drugs Act 1952"
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7.31 Kes Kamarul Farkaruddin Mohamed juga telah merujuk tiga kes bagi
menyokong kesimpulan ini dan Mahkamah dalam kes Noorismail Abu Bakar telah
membuat anaiisa terhadap tiga kes yang berikut; Loo Keck Leona v. PP [1992] 1 CLJ
(Rep) 195; [1992] 3 CLJ 1332: [1992] 2 MLJ 177: Shukri Mohamad v. PP [1995] 3
CLJ 799; [1995] 3 MLJ 229 danHo Kiat Swee v. Rex [1946] 1 LNS 6: [1947] 13 MLJ
dan telah membuat kesimpulan bahawa walaupun ketiga-tiga kes ini melibatkan fakta
yang agak berbeza, namun prinsip yang sama terpakai dalam kes terhadap perayu
dalam kes ini. Prinsip yang diputuskan dalam kes-kes tersebut adalah bahawa ahli kimia
hendaklah menyatakan dengan tepat bahan dadah berbahaya tersebut seperti
diperuntukkan di bawah undang-undang.
7.32 Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi dalam kes Noorismail Abu Bakar telah menyatakan
dalam analisanya terhadap ketiga-tiga kes
"it was unclear whether the samples in question were of the nature and
quality as to attract the presumption of trafficking (as was the case in Shukri
Mohamad v. PP and Loo Keck Leong v. PP) or that was proscribed by law at all
(as was the case in Ho Kiat Swee v. R)"
By contrast, there is no ambiguity in the term methamphetamine. No
evidence was led to show that the expression could be used to describe
compounds of differing chemical composition. Accordingly, once the expert has
testified that the urine samples contained methamphetamine, it could have only
meant one thing: that the accused had within him a dangerous drug that had been
proscribed under Part III of the first schedule to the Dangerous Drug Act 1952. In
my judgment, no doubt at all arose in the present case that "methamphetamine"
is listed in Part III of the first schedule to the Act. For as long the substance found
to have been ingested by the accused was methamphetamine, then this
ingredient of the offence under section 15(1) is proven. Unlike cannabis and
chandu - expressions which may be ascribed to various chemical
compounds of differing composition and which have necessitated specific
statutory definitions-there is no ambiguity in the term methamphetamine.
For this simple reason, I see no necessity for the urine test reports to have
expressly referred to Part III of the first schedule to the Dangerous Drugs
Act 1952".
7.33 Dalam kes ini SP3 dalam Laporan Patalogi yang disediakan olehnya iaitu P7
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telah menyatakan dengan spesifik dadah yang dikesan dalam sampel urin milik
Tertuduh adalah dadah yang tersenarai dalam Jadual Pertama Bahagian III Akta Dadah
Berbahaya 1952, dan SP3 telah hadir ke Mahkamah dan telah menyatakan dalam
Pernyataan Saksinya (PS-1) berkenaan penyenaraian dadah jenis Methamphetamine
dan Amphetamine dalam Jadual Pertama Bahagian III Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952
seperti yang berikut:
"Hasil analisa ujian pengesahan mendapati sampel air kencing bagi
penama SHAHRUL ASWAD BIN ABDULLAH (No.KP: 960803095153) adalah
ada mengandungi AMPHETAMINE dan METHAMPHETAMINE iaitu dadah-
dadah yang tersenarai di Jadual Pertama Bahagian 3 Akta Dadah Berbahaya
1952 ".
7.34 Peguam juga tidak pada bila-bila masa pernah mencabar pernyataan SP3 dalam
pernyataan saksi, mahupun mencabar pengesanan dadah Methamphetamine dan
Amphetamine. Memandangkan Peguam tidak pernah mencabar mengenai pernyataan
SP3 berhubung dengan Methamphetamine dan Amphetamine yang tersenarai dalam
Jadual Pertama Bahagian 3 Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952, adalah pendapat Mahkamah
seterusnya intipati ketiga telah berjaya dibuktikan oleh pihak pendakwaan.
8.1 Keterangan-keterangan yang dikemukakan di peringkat pendakwaan dilihat ada
meninggalkan gap yang material berkenaan kendalian sampel air kencing Tertuduh
yang merupakan intipati terpenting dalam pertuduhan hari ini. Kegagalan pendakwaan
untuk membuktikan rantaian bukti adalah tidak terputus dan kendalian barang kes
adalah tepat menimbulkan pelbagai keraguan yang munasabah.
8.2 Pada tahap ini, adalah penting saya mengingati akan kewajipan Pembelaan
dalam kes jenayah sepertimana yang dijelaskan dalam kes Mohamad Radhi Yaakob
v. Public Prosecutor [1991] 3 CLJ 2073:
It is a well-established principle of Malaysian criminal law that the general burden
of proof lies throughout the trial on the prosecution to prove beyond reasonable doubt
the guilt of the accused for the offence with which he is charged. There is no similar
burden placed on the accused to prove his innocence. He is presumed innocent until
proven guilty. To earn an acquittal, his duty is merely to cast a reasonable doubt in the
prosecution case. In the course of the prosecution case, the prosecution may of course
rely on available statutory presumptions to prove one or more of the essential ingredients
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of the charge. When that occurs, the particular burden of proof as opposed to the general
burden, shifts to the defence to rebut such presumptions on the balance of probabilities
which from the defence point of view is heavier than the burden of casting a reasonable
doubt, but it is certainly lighter than the burden of the prosecution to prove beyond
reasonable doubt. To earn an acquittal at the close of the case for the prosecution under
s. 173(f) or s. 180 of the Criminal Procedure Code, the Court must be satisfied that no
case against the accused has been made out which if unrebutted would warrant his
conviction (Munusamy v. PP [1936] 1 LNS 32). If defence is called, the duty of the
accused is only to cast a reasonable doubt in the prosecution case. He is not required
to prove his innocence beyond reasonable doubt. To earn an acquittal, the Court may
not be convinced of the truth of the defence story or version. Raising a reasonable doubt
in the guilt of the accused will suffice. It is not, however, wrong for the Court to be
convinced that the defence version is true, in which case the Court must order an
acquittal. In appropriate cases it is also not wrong for the Court to conclude that the
defence story is false or not convincing, but in that instance, the Court must not convict
until it asks a further question that even if the Court does not accept or believe the
defence explanation, does it nevertheless, raise a reasonable doubt as to his guilt? It is
for this reason that in dealing with the defence story or explanation, the majority of
Judges rightly prefer to adopt straight away the legally established “reasonable doubt”
test, rather than to delve in the “believable and convincing” test before applying the
“reasonable doubt” test.
8.3 Dalam kes PP v. Saimin & Ors [1971] 2 MLJ 16, Mahkamah mendapati:
The following definition of “reasonable doubt” is often quoted: “It is not mere
possible doubt, because everything relating to human affairs and depending upon moral
evidence is open to some possible or imaginary doubt. It is that state of the case which
after the entire comparison and consideration of all the evidence leaves the minds of the
jurors in that condition that they cannot say they feel an abiding conviction to a moral
certainty of the truth of the charge.” It has again been said that ‘“reasonable doubt’ is the
doubt which makes you hesitate as to the correctness of the conclusion which you reach.
If under your oaths and upon your consciences, after you have fully investigated the
evidence and compared it in all its parts, you say to yourself I doubt if he is guilty, then
it is a reasonable doubt. It is a doubt which settles in your judgment and finds a resting
place there.” Or as sometimes said, it must be a doubt so solemn and substantial as to
produce in the minds of the jurors some uncertainty as to the verdict to be given. A
reasonable doubt must be a doubt arising from the evidence or want of evidence and
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cannot be an imaginary doubt or conjecture unrelated to evidence.
8.4 Oleh yang demikian, kegagalan pihak pendakwaan untuk memaklumi dengan
awal kejadian sebenar serta mendedahkan berapa ramai tangkapan dan keadaan
tempat kejadian sewaktu operasi adalah fatal dan membangkitkan anggapan di
bawah Seksyen 114(g) Akta Keterangan1950. Selain itu, Pendakwaan juga gagal
menutupi kelompongan yang ditimbulkan oleh Pembelaan dalam kes mereka berkenaan
kendalian eksibit serta kedudukan eksibit selama 2 jam sebelum dikemukakan kepada
SP4 dan kenapa hanya Tertuduh dilayan dengan beza sewaktu Operasi tersebut dan
mengapa SP4 gagal menyiasat berkenaan air mineral yang dibekalkan kepada
8.5 Mahkamah turut merujuk kepada kes Mahkamah Tinggi terkini, PP v. Jarizal
Jasni [2023] 8 CLJ 951 yang menyatakan:
[39] It is incumbent on the police to investigate both the allegation and the
respondent’s defence fairly and professionally. It cannot be said that the defence put up
by the respondent is a belated defence. Timely disclosure have been made by the
respondent and there is no evidence of delay on his part in offering an explanation. The
respondent’s 112 statement under the CPC is made contemporaneously during the
course of investigation and failure on the part of the police to investigate the respondent’s
defence adequately, adversely affect the prosecution’s case. Even if there is a failure on
the part of the respondent to put up his defence, it can never by itself relieve the
prosecution of the duty of establishing the charge against the 964 [2023] 8 CLJ A B C D
E F G H I Current Law Journal respondent on a prima facie basis at the prosecution’s
stage. This court finds that the learned Magistrate has not erred in accepting the
defence’s version that there is evidence where inference can be made that
dangerous drugs were added to the soft drinks consumed by the respondent
without his knowledge. This court is of the considered view that it cannot be said
that the respondent’s version cannot be true. The prosecution must disprove this
important part of the respondent’s version of the facts which they did not. In those
circumstances there is doubt as to whether the respondent did consume or
administer dangerous drugs type MDMA to himself with mens rea or by statutory
presumption. Accordingly, the respondent was rightly acquitted at the close of the
prosecution case on these grounds alone.
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[9] Keputusan di akhir kes pendakwaan
Berdasarkan penilaian keterangan secara maksimum terhadap keterangan saksi-saksi
pendakwaan, Mahkamah berpendapat bahawa pihak pendakwaan telah gagal untuk
mengemukakan keterangan yang kukuh untuk membuktikan intipati - intipati bagi
pertuduhan di bawah Seksyen 15(1)(a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952. Setelah
mendengar keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan, ekshibit-ekshibit yang dikemukakan di
sepanjang kes pendakwaan dan hujahan kedua-dua pihak, Mahkamah di atas
penilaian maksimum berpuashati untuk membuat Keputusan bahawa pihak
pendakwaan telah gagal membuktikan prima facie kes terhadap Tertuduh, maka
dengan ini Tertuduh dilepaskan dan dibebaskan daripada Pertuduhan ini tanpa
dipanggil untuk membela diri.
Barang kes TPR lupus dan tertakluk kepada rayuan. Wang jaminan dikembalikan.
Ashvinii Thinakaran
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| 60,609 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-22NCvC-342-08/2022 | PLAINTIF REEZAL JAI RIHAN BIN ABDULLAH DEFENDAN 1. ) DANESH A/L SIVADAS 2. ) BUVANA A/P KULAMARAN | TORT: Defamation – Claims for defamatory statements made by the Defendants; and Claims for civil fraud and/or forgery of documents by the Defendants in order to damage the Plaintiff’s reputation as an upstanding and successful individual in the insurance industry − Whether the complaints pertaining to the insurance policies taken by the D1 contained words that tend to lower the Plaintiff in the estimation of right-thinking members of society? − Whether Plaintiff has establish the elements of the tort of defamation – The complaints were not published to anybody except the AIA. | 23/01/2024 | YA Puan Rozi Binti Bainon | |
GUAMAN NO.: BA-22NCvC-342-08/2022
(NO. K/P: 810122-14-5131) − PLAINTIF
(NO. K/P: 880119-14-5011)
(NO. K/P: 910601-14-5452) − DEFENDAN-DEFENDAN
[1] The Plaintiff is a Unit Manager in AIA Berhad (“AIA”) and operates
his own insurance agency, Life Associates Sdn Bhd.
[2] The Plaintiff’s claims against the Defendants are for two causes of
actions –
(a) Claims for defamatory statements made by the Defendants
against the Plaintiff; and
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BA-22NCvC-342-08/2022 Kand. 64
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(b) Claims for civil fraud and/or forgery of documents by the
Defendants in order to damage the Plaintiff’s reputation as an
upstanding and successful individual in the insurance
[3] The Plaintiff seeks for the following reliefs and/or remedies:
With respect to the defamatory statements:
(a) declaration that the Defendants had jointly and/or individually
committed acts of defamation against the Plaintiff.
(b) declaration of apology by way of oral and/or written apology to
be issued by the Defendants either jointly and/or individually
towards the Plaintiff, AIA, Life Associates and Life Associates’
agents for all the defamatory statements made against the
(c) payment of sums RM 1,000,000.00 by the Defendants either
jointly and/or individually to the Plaintiff as damages suffered
by the Plaintiff as result of the first defamatory statements and
the loss of reputation suffered by the Plaintiff.
(d) payment of sums RM1,000,000.00 by the Defendants either
jointly and/or individually to the Plaintiff as damages suffered
by the Plaintiff as result of the second defamatory statements
and the loss of reputation suffered by the Plaintiff.
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(e) exemplary damages as deemed fit by this Court for the
Defendants’ actions in respect of the 2 defamatory
(f) general damages to be assessed by this Court for the losses
and distress suffered by the Plaintiff by reason of the
Defendants’ defamatory statements against the Plaintiff.
(g) interests and costs.
With respect to the Fraud and/or Forgery:
(a) declaration that the Letter of Intent is null and void by reason
of the Defendants fraud and/or forgery committed and
therefore unenforceable against the Plaintiff.
(b) payment of sums RM1,000,000.00 by the Defendants either
jointly and/or individually to the Plaintiff as damages suffered
as result of the Defendants’ act of fraud and/or forgery.
(c) general damages to be assessed by this Court by reason of
the Defendants act of fraud and/or forgery against the Plaintiff.
(d) interests and costs.
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Who is the Plaintiff?
[4] In the statement of claim, the Plaintiff has stated about himself and
his background as follows, among others:
• the Plaintiff is a Malaysian individual.
• the Plaintiff is a Unit Manager in AIA Berhad (“AIA”) and
operates his own insurance agency, Life Associates Sdn Bhd
(Company No.: 1340731-H) (“Life Associates”) a company
incorporated in Malaysia with registered address at Suite 8.02,
Menara AIA, Intan Millennium Square, Jalan Batai 4, 41300
Klang, Selangor. Life Associates is an insurance agency with
forty (40) agents.
• the Plaintiff’s Achievements and Accolades
(a) at all times, the Plaintiff is an upstanding and successful
individual in the insurance industry.
(b) the Plaintiff as an individual has been part of AIA Bhd for
5 years and had been promoted to an Assistant Unit
Manager on 2018 and was promoted to Unit Manager
on 2019.
(c) the Plaintiff is also the managing director of Life
Associates (an insurance agency).
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(d) the Plaintiff as part of Life Associates had achieved the
following accolades awarded by AIA throughout the
years from 2019 to 2022, i.e. Million Dollar Round Table
qualifier for year 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022; President
Club Qualifier; Sydney MDRT Qualifier; Star Club
Qualifier; Corporate Solutions Master; Corporate
Solutions Platinum Advisor; Corporate Solutions
Champion Club Qualifier; Summit Qualifier; and Million
Dollar Agency for year 2019, 2020 and 2021,
Who are the Defendants?
[5] In the statement of claim, the Plaintiff has stated about the
Defendants as follows:
The First Defendant (D1):
• D1 is a Malaysian individual and residing at Kota Kemuning,
40460 Shah Alam, Selangor.
• D1 is one of the directors of Limbo Solutions Sdn Bhd
(Company No. 1230876-T), a company incorporated in
Malaysia with registered address at Jalan Klang Lama, Kuala
Lumpur (is refer to as “LIMBO”).
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The Second Defendant (D2):
• D2 is a Malaysian individual and residing Taman Sri Muda,
40400 Shah Alam, Selangor.
• D2 is also a director of LIMBO.
The facts
The Plaintiff’s version:
[6] Meeting between the Plaintiff and D1:
Around December 2020, the Plaintiff had met D1 by chance, in a cafe in
Kota Kemuning. Prior to this, the Plaintiff has no knowledge of the 1st
At that time, D1 had introduced himself as the owner of LIMBO, a
company which focuses on trading and specialises in online marketing
and branding. D1 and the Plaintiff kept in touch after their initial meeting.
After several non-formal meetings between the D1 and the Plaintiff, D1
had offered to provide training sessions in online marketing and branding
to agents introduced by the Plaintiff, from Life Associates.
The Plaintiff was reluctant to take up the offer. However, D1 was insistent
and had tactically persuaded the Plaintiff to agree to his offer.
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Thereafter, D1 and the Plaintiff came to an understanding for D1 to
provide online marketing and branding to the agents from Life Associates
introduced by the Plaintiff.
Based on the above understanding alone, on 29-3-2021, D1 insisted that
LIMBO and Life Associates to enter into a non-disclosure agreement
before commencing the online marketing and branding training sessions.
The Non-Disclosure Agreement (“NDA”):
[7] On 30-6-2021, the NDA was digitally signed by the Plaintiff as the
Managing Director of Life Associates Sdn Bhd.
[8] The Plaintiff highlights that the NDA was backdated to 29-3-2021,
despite it being signed by the Plaintiff on 30.6.2021.
[9] The relevant terms of the NDA are summarised, as follows:
(a) the NDA is between LIMBO and Life Associates;
(b) Life Associates as the Recipient undertakes to protect the
confidentiality of the confidential information disclosed by
LIMBO to LIFE Associates (Clause 3 of the NDA); and
(c) the confidential information is defined as, any financial,
commercial, statistical and/or technical data or information
pertaining to LIMBO’s business operations, systems and
affairs, business plans, processes and procedures,
technology, methods, techniques, formulae, know-how,
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research, products, developments, samples, inventions,
designs, drawings, specifications, creations, engineering,
trade secrets, intellectual property, trademarks, copyrights,
trade names, IT systems(s), program development and
configuration, software, object/source codes, services,
marketing strategies, regarding any other business of LIMBO
and/or its related companies and any other information which
may be disclosed directly or indirectly from, or pursuant to
discussions, correspondence or negotiations between the
Parties in written, printed, electronic or other tangible form,
whether in oral or visual form (Clause 1 of NDA).
[10] The Plaintiff avers that based on the terms of the NDA, it has no
relation to the Defendant’s alleged training in online marketing and
branding to the Life Associates’ agents introduced by the Plaintiff.
[11] The Plaintiff contends that the Defendants had tactically persuaded
the Plaintiff to enter into the NDA with malicious intent and to extort monies
from the Plaintiff.
D1’s Purchase of Insurance Policies:
[12] On or around May 2021, D1 had purchased 5 insurance policies
from the Plaintiff (“the Insurance Policies”). The insurance policies
purchased by D1 are for −
i. Sivadas a/l R K Bhaskaran
ii. Managoran a/l Sankaran
iii. Sumangi a/p VG Gopala Panick
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iv. Danesh a/l Sivadas (D1)
v. Buvana a/p Kulamaran (Second Defendant/D2)
[13] On 19-5-2021, the Defendants through LIMBO made payment in
total sums of RM3,874.30 for the Insurance Policies.
[14] At around the same time, the Plaintiff had personally visited the D1
at his residence in order for the Insurance Policies holders as named
above, to sign and proses the Insurance Policies.
[15] In this respect, the Plaintiff learned that the Insurance Policies
holders are all family members of D1, i.e. Sivadas a/l R K Bhaskaran is
D1’s father; Managoran a/l Sankaran is D1’s uncle; Sumangi a/p VG
Gopala Panick is D1’s Mother; and Buvana a/p Kulamaran is D1’s
Business Partner.
[16] At that time, D1 had requested for the Insurance Policies to be paid
by the Plaintiff. In return, the Defendant through LIMBO would pay directly
to Life Associates for the monthly premiums for the Insurance Policies.
[17] Under D1’s persuasion, the Plaintiff had set up a pre-paid AEON
Card (“the Aeon Card”), to carry out payment of monthly premiums for the
Insurance Policies. The Plaintiff had made it clear that the payment for the
Insurance Policies through the pre-paid AEON card would only be made
after the Plaintiff had received the total monthly premiums in respect of
the Insurance Policies.
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[18] The Plaintiff emphasises that D1’s purchase of the Insurance
Policies is independent of any agreement between the Plaintiff and the
Defendants and/or Life Associates and LIMBO. The purchase of the
insurance policies was made by the Defendants on their own accord.
D1’s online marketing and branding training sessions:
[19] On 28-6-2021, the Plaintiff had introduced several agents from Life
Associates to the D1 to undergo training in online marketing and branding.
The Plaintiff also had provided the details of the agents who would be
joining the Defendants’ training sessions.
[20] On or around July 2021, the agents began their training with the
Defendants. However, upon attending the alleged training sessions
conducted by D1, the agents had informed the Plaintiff that they were in
fact were briefed and trained in trading of cryptocurrency and not in online
marketing and branding.
[21] The Defendants had allegedly promised a return of around
RM5,000.00 to RM10,000.00 a day.
[22] The Plaintiff was further informed by the agents namely, Ruslan
Vadivelan, Muhammad Ridzuan and Maitreya that the Defendants as part
of their alleged training, had asked the agents to open bank accounts and
to apply for any loans. These loan sums are intended to be utilised as
capital for the cryptocurrency trading under the guidance of the
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[23] The Defendants then will take a percentage of any earnings made
by the agents from the cryptocurrency trading, as fee for their services.
D1’s suspicious conduct:
[24] The Plaintiff also noticed that there was daily payment of less than
RM10 from LIMBO to Life Associates. The Plaintiff was concerned of this
peculiar and out of norm transaction to the Life Associates account.
[25] The Plaintiff was concerned and questioned D1 regarding these
daily transactions and was informed that those transactions were premium
payments for the Insurance Policies. When questioned, D1 informed the
Plaintiff that this was necessary as LIMBO had to close its financial
account daily as part of its business operations. Therefore, premium
payments for the Insurance Policies would be made daily. This had further
raised the Plaintiff’s suspicion of the Defendant’s conduct.
[26] The discontinuance of the alleged training by the Life Associates
agents: The Plaintiff was concerned about the Defendants’ character,
motives and actions with respect to the Life Associates’ agents introduced
by the Plaintiff to the Defendants.
[27] The Plaintiff advised the agents from Life Associates to discontinue
their training with LIMBO and the Defendants, out of concerns of the
legality of the Defendants operation, the Defendant’s motives and
intentions with regard to the Life Associates’ agents.
[28] Thereafter, the Life Associates agents discontinued their alleged
training with the Defendants and LIMBO.
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[29] Despite the agent’s discontinuance of their training with the
Defendants and LIMBO, the D1 had continuously attempted to
communicate and convince the agents take part in the cryptocurrency
trading activities conducted by the Defendants.
[30] In this regard, the Plaintiff had on multiple occasions on behalf of
the Life Associates agents informed and requested D1 to stop calling and
harassing the Life Associates agents. However, D1 had failed, refused
and/or neglected to comply with the Plaintiff’s request.
[31] On 11-7-2021 by way of letter from the Plaintiff on behalf of Life
Associates to the Defendants, the Plaintiff had terminated the NDA signed
between LIMBO and Life Associates, as there were no longer any training
sessions conducted by the Defendants for the Life Associates’ agents.
Cancellation of the Insurance Policies:
[32] Subsequent to the Life Associates’ agents’ discontinuance of
training with the Defendants, on 13-7-2021, D2 had instructed the Plaintiff
to cancel the Insurance Policies. The Plaintiff had also on or around July
2021, received similar instructions from the other Insurance Policies
[33] In this regard, the Plaintiff avers that in the meanwhile, D1 had
actually requested for the Insurance Policies to be transferred and placed
under the purview of the Deputy Manager, Mr Chiew Chee Sian. Mr Chiew
Chee Sian however, declined to take over the Insurance Policies.
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[34] The Plaintiff avers that the Defendants’ decision to cancel the
Insurance Policies was due to the discontinuance of the alleged training
by the Life Associates’ agents.
[35] As part of the cancellation of the Insurance Policies, the Plaintiff
forwarded to the Defendants’ and the other Insurance Policies’ holders,
the cancellation and surrender forms to cancel the said policy. The
Defendants and the other Insurance Policies holder had executed and
returned the said cancellation and surrender form accordingly.
[36] Subsequently, the Insurance Policies were cancelled and the
premium sums paid up to that time in total of RM1,115.30 was returned to
the Defendants on 10-7-2021.
The Defendants’ allegation of breach of agreement and demand for
RM9,900.00 from the Plaintiff:
[37] On 15-7-2021, the Plaintiff had received an email enclosing a letter
from the Defendants’ solicitors, Messrs Sangram Jai Singh, a law office
based in New Delhi, India alleging amongst others, as follows
(“Defendants’ Indian solicitors’ letter”):
(a) that the termination of the NDA is allegedly invalid and
(b) that as a result of the Plaintiff alleged conduct, the Defendants
had suffered loss of RM9,900.00 for time allegedly wasted.
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(c) that the Plaintiff is to transfer within 14 days of receipt of the
letter, sum of RM9,900.00 to LIMBO’s bank account or 0.0682
BTC to Bitcoin wallet address given on the day of transaction,
for the alleged losses suffered by the Defendants.
[38] Upon receipt of the Defendants’ Indian solicitors’ letter, the Plaintiff
on the same day (15-7-2021) lodged a police report against the
Defendants to record his statement and as precautionary measure against
any future actions by the Defendants.
[39] On 16-7-2021, the Plaintiff had also lodged a complaint against the
Defendants and LIMBO to Bank Negara Malaysia, the Inland Revenue
Board, Securities Commissions and the Police.
[40] Despite so, the Plaintiff was still harassed and received complaints
due to the Defendants’ action. Therefore, he had on 22.7.2021, lodged
another police report to record his statement and as precautionary
measure against any future actions by the Defendants.
[41] On 29-7-2021, the Plaintiff replied to the Defendants’ Indian
solicitors’ letter refuting all the allegations made out in the said letter.
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The Defendants lodged complaints against the Plaintiff to AIA:
[42] The Plaintiff has pleaded that the 2 complaints by the Defendants to
AIA are false, the details are as in the table −
First complaint: • on 23-8-2021 by way of letter
from AIA to the Plaintiff (“the
AIA Letter”), the Plaintiff
learned that the Defendants
complaint against the Plaintiff
were based on the following
(a) the Plaintiff had utilised
money given by the
Defendants to
purchase the
Insurance Policies
without their
knowledge and
(b) when the Defendant
had discovered that the
Plaintiff had allegedly
used their monies to
purchase the
Insurance Policies, the
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requested a refund of
the said sums, but the
Plaintiff allegedly
refused to do so.
(c) the Plaintiff had
allegedly forged the
Defendants signatures
in the Application
Authorisation Forms
and the AIA Vitality
Application Forms.
(d) the Plaintiff had
allegedly registered the
Plaintiff’s personal
credit card and/or debit
card (AEON) as the
credit/debit card for the
Insurance Policies.
• pursuant to the AIA Letter,
the Plaintiff was provided 7
days from the said letter to
answer the allegations.
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Second complaint: • on or around July 2021, the
Defendants by way of email to
AIA made a second complaint
against the Plaintiff.
• the Defendants allege that the
Plaintiff had by way of a Letter
of Intent for Proposed Joint
Venture between LIMBO and
Life Associates dated 5-5-
2021 (“the alleged Letter of
Intent”), had agreed for the
creation of a Joint Venture
between LIMBO and Life
Associates for the purposes of
engaging in Insurance in
Bitcoin business, named
Bitcoin City Project. A copy of
the alleged Letter of Intent was
enclosed together with the
Second Complaint and was
provided to the Plaintiff by AIA.
• the Plaintiff was again under
internal investigation by AIA. In
this regard, AIA had forwarded
to the Plaintiff the alleged
Letter of Intent in order for the
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Plaintiff to respond and defend
against the complaint made by
the Defendants against the
[43] In this regard, the Plaintiff emphasis that throughout the Plaintiff’s
term as an agent and later Unit Manager under AIA, this was the first time,
a complaint was made out against the Plaintiff.
[44] As a result of the Defendants’ complaints, the AIA Letter was issued
to the Plaintiff.
[45] In the statement of claim, the Plaintiff pleads that these complaints
had damaged and hurt the Plaintiff’s reputation as a Unit Manager of AIA,
the Managing Director of Life Associates and a contributing and
responsible member of society.
[46] Premised on the above, the Plaintiff avers that the Defendants had
committed defamatory acts to cause disrepute and damage, which hurt
the Plaintiff’s reputation as a Unit Manager of AIA, the Managing Director
of Life Associates and a contributing and responsible member of society.
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The defence
The Defendants’ version of fact:
[47] The Defendants in its defence to the facts as per the Plaintiff’s
version are as follows:
Agreed Reply by Defendants
Plaintif merupakan Pengurus Unit
di AIA Berhad dan yang
mengendalikan syarikat sendiri
iaitu Life Associates Sdn Bhd
serta alamat pendaftarannya
(a) Surat Pengesahan
Pendaftaran Syarikat Life
Associates Plaintif di dalam
sistem MITI bertarikh
7.7.2021 (“surat MITI
tersebut”), syarikat Plaintif
tertera dikategorikan sebagai
sektor perkhidmatan
Makanan dan Minuman dan
bukanlah agensi insurans
yang dikatakan oleh Plaintif
kepada Defendan-Defendan.
(b) Pada awalnya, Plaintif telah
memperkenalkan dirinya
kepada Defendan-Defendan,
secara khususnya D1, sekitar
sebelum November 2020
dimana pada ketika itu, Plaintif
memaklumkan bahawa beliau
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Agreed Reply by Defendants
memerlukan ejen dan
memberi promosi jualan bagi
agensi insurans beliau di Life
Associates Sdn Bhd (selepas
ini dirujuk sebagai “Life
Associates”) dan memerlukan
bantuan dari Defendan-
Defendan menerusi syarikat
mereka iaitu LIMBO Solutions
Sdn Bhd (selepas ini dirujuk
sebagai “LIMBO”).
(c) Semasa perjumpaan pertama
itu juga, D1 memaklumkan
kepada Plaintif bahawa beliau
merupakan salah seorang
pemilik bagi syarikat LIMBO
yang mengendalikan L-
licensing, I-investing, M-
marketing, B-Branding Online
di dalam industri Bitcoin.
(d) Setelah ketahui bahawa
syarikat Defendan-Defendan
mempunyai potensi untuk
Plaintif berurusan bersama di
dalam perjanjian perniagaan,
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Agreed Reply by Defendants
Plaintif kerap menghubungi D1
untuk menetapkan
perjumpaan dengan pihak
Defendan-Defendan bagi
tujuan untuk membantu beliau
dalam menjayakan satu
cadangan usahasama/Joint
Venture. Kedua-dua pihak
selanjutnya bersetuju untuk
memasuki satu surat berniat
untuk cadangan berkerjasama
antara syarikat Life Associates
Sdn Bhd dan Limbo Solutions
Sdn Bhd iaitu surat LOI
(e) Pada satu sesi perbualan
WhatsApp bertarikh
14.6.2021, Plaintif berterusan
menawarkan kepada D1 untuk
mencairkan atau menukarkan
bitcon daripada pelanggan-
pelanggan Defendan-
Defendan kepada satu
pelaburan semasa dengan
dengan minimum pelaburan
sebanyak USD15,000.00.
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Agreed Reply by Defendants
(f) Plaintif juga berterusan
memohon Defendan-
Defendan untuk mengambil
polisi insuran AIA yang
dianggap sebagai daily
allocation iaitu dana untuk
usahasama ke arah kegunaan
insurans di dalam industri
(g) Berdasarkan kepada
representasi dan tawaran oleh
Plaintif, Defendan-Defendan
telah berusaha untuk
memastikan bahawa
usahasama tersebut berjaya
dan telah memaklumkan
kepada pelanggan-pelanggan
mereka berhubung tawaran
yang dicadangkan oleh
Plaintif. Defendan-Defendan
juga bersetuju untuk
mengambil polisi insuran AIA
menerusi Plaintif bagi
memulakan usahasama
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Agreed Reply by Defendants
(h) Defendan-Defendan tidak
pernah diterangkan secara
terperinci mengenai polisi
yang akan didaftarkan di atas
nama Plaintif. Plaintif kerap
kali berjanji akan memberikan
penjelasan tetapi tidak pernah
melakukannya sehinggalah
menerima pesanan ringkas
daripada AIA bahawa nama
Defendan- Defendan telah di
daftarkan di dalam satu polisi.
(i) Menerusi pesanan Whatsapp
yang berterusan, Plaintif
menggesa Defendan-
Defendan membuat bayaran
ke atas polisi tersebut dan
berjanji akan menerangkan
berkenaan polisi yang
didaftarkan kepada Defendan-
Defendan. Plaintif juga mula
mengelak daripada
perbincangan berkenaan
usahasama yang akan
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Agreed Reply by Defendants
(j) Pada 9-7-2021, menerusi satu
pesanan WhatsApp D2 telah
memberikan amaran kepada
Plaintif untuk memberikan
penjelasan berkenaan polisi
yang didaftarkan di atas nama
Defendan-Defendan tetapi
Plaintif masih juga cuba
mengelak dan/atau gagal
untuk memberikan maklumat
berhubung nombor polisi dan
juga perlindungan yang
diberikan. Oleh itu, Defendan
Pertama memberikan satu
pesanan WhatsApp
mengarahkan Plaintif untuk
menukarkan polisi mereka
kepada agen lain yang
bernama Chee Sian namun
Plaintif mengatakan bahawa
dia tidak akan
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Agreed Reply by Defendants
(k) Pada 10-7-2021, akibat
kegagalan Plaintif untuk
bersikap jujur dan Defendan-
Defendan akhirnya menyedari
bahawa mereka telah ditipu,
D2 bagi pihak dirinya dan D1
telah memberikan arahan
kepada Plaintif untuk
membatalkan pendaftaran
polisi tersebut dan menggesa
agar wang yang dibayar oleh
mereka dipulangkan oleh
(l) Plaintif yang bertindak untuk
meyakinkan Defendan-
Defendan dalam proses untuk
memulakan perniagaan
bersama Plaintif memberikan
representasi bahawa
kolaberasi antara syarikat
Plaintif (Life Associates) dan
syarikat Defendan-Defendan
(LIMBO) dapat memperolehi
nilai pendapatan yang banyak
dan lebih berpotensi untuk
dijayakan. Malah sesi
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Agreed Reply by Defendants
perjumpaan telahpun dibuat
yang melibatkan antara
Plaintif, salah seorang
Pengarah Life Associates iaitu
Puan Razlin Irawati Binti Johar
yang merupakan isteri kepada
Plaintif dan juga D1.
Keseluruhan pertemuan dan
mesyuarat ini diadakan antara
kedua-dua pihak sebelum
memasuki LOI.
(m) Berdasarkan persetujuan dan
persefahaman bersama,
kedua-dua pihak menjalankan
Peer to Peer (P2P) trading
dimana: Defendan-Defendan
akan menyalurkan dana
kepada Life Associates Sdn
Bhd sebagai Daily Allocation
dan/atau Insurans dan akan
memberikan 5% bahagian
keuntungan kepada Life
Associates Sdn Bhd
sekiranya, (a) Plaintif akan
menggunakan dana yang
diberikan oleh Defendan-
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Agreed Reply by Defendants
Defendan dalam bentuk Daily
Allocation dan/atau Insurans
itu untuk kegunaan
mempromosikan insurans
dalam industri penggunaan
Industry Bitcoin yang
dilaburkan oleh Defendan-
Defendan; (b) Agen-agen
daripada Life Associates Sdn
Bhd akan mendapat latihan
dalam menjalankan operasi
dan sistem menggunakan
Ringgit (MYR) dan Industry
Bitcoin; (c) Penyediaan
promosi secara online dan
branding kepada Life
Associates Sdn Bhd adalah
berdasarkan operasi dan
sistem penggunaan Ringgit
(MYR) dan Bitcoin.
Plaintif memberi keyakinan
bahawa Industry Bitcoin boleh
dimasukkan ke dalam polisi AIA
tanpa sebarang masalah.
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Agreed Reply by Defendants
(n) Defendan-Defendan meminta
Plaintif memberikan
tandatangan digital ke atas
‘Non-Disclosure Agreement’
(“NDA”) kerana ia adalah
prosedur biasa
memandangkan Plaintif tidak
dapat salinan fizikal. Oleh itu
salinan digital memerlukan
tandatangan digital.
(o) Defendan-Defendan masih
belum “membeli” 5 polisi
insurans tersebut kerana
masih belum jelas apakah
polisi yang sepatutnya mereka
terima kerana tiada penjelasan
daripada Plaintif.
Walaupun Defendan-
Defendan membuat
pembayaran ke atas 5 polisi
insurans tersebut, ia
merupakan pembayaran
tergantung “Floating” sehingga
disahkan polisi apakah yang
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Agreed Reply by Defendants
akan diterima oleh Defendan-
Pada setiap masa, Plaintif
yang telah tandatangan
sebarang jenis borang
pendaftaran polisi,
menghidupkan polisi dan
membuat pembayaran
terdahulu dengan tergesa-
gesa mengunakan kad debit
Plaintif sendiri TANPA
pengetahuan Defendan-
Defendan ketika itu.
Pada masa material, Plaintif
mengetahui bahawa salah
seorang pelabur TRV Sdn.Bhd
dan LIMBO sudah mula
mencurigai tindak tanduk
beliau ketika itu yang kelihatan
ingin mengelak daripada
membincangkan berkenaan
usahasama industry bitcoin
antara mereka.
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Agreed Reply by Defendants
(p) Plaintif cuba menipu
Defendan-Defendan dengan
memberikan bil lebih mahal
daripada harga sebenar polisi
insurans yang ditetapkan oleh
Bayaran sebenar yang
sepatutnya dibayar oleh
Defendan-Defendan adalah
RM3,874.30 tetapi Plaintif
telah memberikan bil
berjumlah RM4,558.00
menerusi sebutharga bertarikh
(q) Plaintif tidak pernah berjumpa
dengan Defendan-Defendan
untuk meminta tandatangan
daripada Defendan-Defendan
dan kesemua pemegang polisi
insurans. Bahkan Plaintif terus
gagal untuk menjelaskan
apakah polisi yang didaftarkan
oleh Plaintif tanpa merujuk
kebenaran daripada
Defendan-Defendan dan
pemegang polisi insurans lain.
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Agreed Reply by Defendants
(r) Plaintif melakukan penipuan
nyata kerana pemegang-
pemegang polisi insurans
tersebut tidak pernah
berjumpa dengan Plaintif dan
tidak pernah memberikan
tandatangan mereka kepada
Bukti Plaintif menipu dalam
memberikan kenyataan di
dalam Penyataan Tuntutan
beliau ialah Plaintif tidak
mengenali pemegang insuran
tersebut dan hanya membuat
anggapan salah bahawa
Sumangi a/p VG Gopala
Panicker adalah ibu kepada
Defendan Pertama.
Puan Sumangi bukanlah ibu
kepada Defendan Pertama
malahan beliau adalah pelabur
kepada LIMBO.
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Agreed Reply by Defendants
(s) D1 tidak pernah meminta
Plaintif membayar polisi
insurans mereka sebaliknya
D1 meminta untuk
diselaraskan agar D1
membuat pembayaran secara
(t) latihan tidak sempat untuk
diadakan selepas Defendan-
Defendan mendapat tahu
Plaintif tidak berhasrat untuk
meneruskan dengan
Plaintif gagal untuk
memaklumkan kepada agen
bahawa mereka akan
mendapat latihan berkenaan
dengan cryptocurrency dan
kesemua agen-agen ini tiada
pengetahuan berkenaan
bitcoin. Ini menyebabkan
agen-agen ini salah faham
terhadap penjelasan
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Agreed Reply by Defendants
Manakala Defendan-
Defendan menyangka agen-
agen ini sudah dimaklumkan
secara ringkas sebelum
dihubungi oleh Defendan-
Plaintif dengan sengaja ingin
menimbulkan salah faham
antara agen-agen tersebut
dengan Defendan-Defendan.
(u) Ketiga-tiga agen tidak
dimaklumkan terlebih dahulu
oleh Plaintif bahawa mereka
akan dilatih berhubung Bitcoin
hingga menyebabkan salah
Defendan-Defendan tidak
pernah meminta agen-agen ini
membuka akaun kerana tiada
keperluan untuk buka akaun
memandangkan Plaintif telah
meminta Defendan-Defendan
menanggung kos latihan
agen-agen ini.
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Agreed Reply by Defendants
Defendan-Defendan berhak
untuk mengambil sebahagian
keuntungan daripada
transaksi Bitcoin yang
dilakukan oleh agen-agen
kerana mereka akan belajar
secara percuma.
Defendan-Defendan hanya
mengenakan percentage yang
kecil daripada keuntungan
keseluruhan agen-agen ini
bagi menampung kos
pembelajaran mereka. Bahkan
peratusan bahagian yang
diterima oleh Defendan-
Defendan akan dibahagikan
peratusannya pula kepada
Plaintif atas permintaan
Plaintif sendiri.
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Publications by the Defendants
[48] The Plaintiff claimed that the Defendants had published the 2
complaints that are defamatory statements to AIA, specifically but not
limited to, members of the AIA’s Investigation Department, Gershon
Isidore Wilfred, Chiew Chee Sian and Damond Teo Sze Ming.
[49] According to the Plaintiff, in the first complaint its natural and
ordinary meaning is mean to understood that Plaintiff –
(a) is a person who has committed criminal acts;
(b) is a person who allegedly misappropriated monies from his
(c) is a person who disobeys instructions given by his clients;
(d) is a dishonest person who is capable of forging signatures on
documents for his own benefit;
(e) acts on premeditation and wilful intent to misappropriate
monies from his clients; and (f) Plaintiff is a disreputable and
unethical insurance agent and/or member of society.
And also, the first complaint that is defamatory statement by way of
innuendo is mean to understood that –
(a) Plaintiff is a dishonest persons;
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(b) Plaintiff is capable of criminal acts; and
(c) Plaintiff has no concern and/or responsibilities towards AIA,
Life Associates, Life Associates’ agents and or his clients.
[50] The consequences of the first complaint are that the Plaintiff –
• was under investigation by AIA. This had caused disrepute
and damage, which hurt the Plaintiff’s reputation as a Unit
Manager of AIA, the Managing Director of Life Associates and
a contributing and responsible member of society.
• has been brought into public ridicule, contempt and hurt of his
reputation and position as a Unit Manager of AIA, the
Managing Director of Life Associates and a contributing and
responsible member of society.
• has been lowered in the estimation of right-thinking persons,
in general. As a result, the Plaintiff has suffered mental and
emotional anguish and suffering.
[51] According to the Plaintiff, in the second complaint the Defendants
wrote the following defamatory statements in reference to the Plaintiff:
(a) that the Plaintiff had entered into the alleged Letter of Intent in
order to profit from the Defendant’s scrupulous activities.
(b) that the Plaintiff had cheated and misappropriated sums
allegedly belonging to the Defendants.
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(c) that the Plaintiff had acted in detriment to the Defendants.
The Defendants had published the second complaint to AIA, specifically
but not limited to, members of the AIA’s Investigation Department,
Gershon Isidore Wilfred, Chiew Chee Sian and Damond Teo Sze Ming.
[52] The Plaintiff firmly stated that in the second complaint, its natural
and ordinary meaning is mean to understood that Plaintiff –
(a) is a person who has committed criminal acts;
(b) is a person who allegedly misappropriated monies from his
(c) is a person who disobeys instructions given by his clients;
(d) is a dishonest person who is capable of forging signatures on
documents for his own benefit;
(e) acts on premeditation and wilful intent to misappropriate
monies from his clients; and
(f) a disreputable and unethical insurance agent and/or member
of society.
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[53] And also, the second complaint by way of innuendo is mean to
understood that Plaintiff –
(a) is a dishonest persons;
(b) Plaintiff is capable of criminal acts; and
(c) has no concern and/or responsibilities towards AIA, Life
Associates, Life Associates’ agents and or his clients.
[54] The consequences of the second complaint are that the Plaintiff –
(a) was under investigation by AIA. This had caused disrepute
and damage, which hurt the Plaintiff’s reputation as a Unit
Manager of AIA, the Managing Director of Life Associates and
a contributing and responsible member of society.
(b) has been brought into public ridicule, contempt and hurt of his
reputation and position as a Unit Manager of AIA, the
Managing Director of Life Associates and a contributing and
responsible member of society.
(c) has been lowered in the estimation of right-thinking persons,
in general. As a result, the Plaintiff has suffered mental and
emotional anguish and suffering.
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[55] Therefore, the Plaintiff pleaded the losses suffered by him as
(a) Plaintiff could potentially be demoted, replaced and/or
dismissed from his position as the Unit Manager of AIA.
(b) Life Associates could potentially lose out its agency
agreement with AIA.
(c) Plaintiff could potentially lose the Life Associates’ agents who
contribute to the Plaintiff’s earnings as the Managing Director
of Life Associates.
(d) Plaintiff could lose out on his current clientele who contribute
to the Plaintiff’s earnings as a Unit Manager of AIA and as a
Managing Director of Life Associates.
(e) Plaintiff’s ability to recruit new agents is diminished which
affects the Plaintiff’s earnings as a Unit Manager of AIA and
as a Managing Director of Life Associates.
(f) Plaintiff’s ability to enlist new clients is diminished which
affects the Plaintiff’s earnings as a Unit Manager of AIA and
as a Managing Director of Life Associates.
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(g) Plaintiff estimated earnings with respect to the above
mentioned are –
(i) Plaintiff earns an estimated sum of RM700,000.00
yearly as a Unit Manager of AIA; and
(ii) Plaintiff earns an estimate sum of RM 300,000.00 yearly
as a Managing Director of Life Associates.
Premised on the above, the Plaintiff claims that as a result of the 2
defamatory statements, the Plaintiff’s earnings in this regard are put
in jeopardy. Therefore, the Plaintiff seeks to claim from the
Defendants loses of RM1,000,000.00 for potential income loss as a
result of the 2 defamatory statements.
[56] As for civil fraud/forgery, the Plaintiff avers that the Defendants had
committed civil fraud and/or forgery based on the following facts:
(a) the Defendants had tactically persuaded the Plaintiff to
digitally sign on the NDA.
(b) the Defendants had with malicious intent persuaded the
Plaintiff to digitally sign the NDA, in order to have access to a
copy of the Plaintiff’s signature.
(c) the Defendants forged the Plaintiff’s signature as signed on
the NDA on to the alleged Letter of Intent.
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(d) the Defendants intends to rely on the alleged Letter of Intent
to extort monies from the Plaintiff and/or to cause disrepute
and damage to the Plaintiff’s reputation as a Unit Manager of
AIA, the Managing Director of Life Associates and a
contributing and responsible member of society.
[57] The Plaintiff avers that through the Defendants’ acts of fraud/forgery
was intentionally carried out by the Defendants in order to disrepute and
damage to the Plaintiff’s reputation as Unit Manager of AIA, the Managing
Director of Life Associates and a contributing and responsible member of
[58] By reason of the Defendants’ act of fraud/forgery, the Plaintiff is
exposed to the Investigation by AIA based on the alleged Letter of Intent;
disrepute and damage to the Plaintiff’s reputation as Unit Manager of AIA,
the Managing Director of Life Associates and a contributing and
responsible member of society; and the alleged claims arising from the
Letter of Intent from the Defendants.
[59] Premised on the above, the Plaintiff seeks to claim from the
Defendants loses of RM 1,000,000.00 for potential income loss as a result
of the Defendants’ acts of fraud and/or forgery.
[60] The Defendants pleaded that –
“48. Perenggan 50 PT Plaintif adalah dinafikan secara keseluruhan
dan dianggap sebagai satu pembohongan untuk menyalahguna
kuasa Mahkamah dan pihak polis. Defendan-Defendan tidak lagi
menghubungi Plaintif setelah membuat aduan kepada pihak AIA.
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Defendan-Defendan menyerahkan kepada AIA untuk menjalankan
siasatan dan memulangkan kembali wang Defendan-Defendan.”.
[61] And also the Defendants had defended themselves by stating that
i. Aduan Defendan-Defendan sebagai pelanggan
kepada pihak AIA Berhad – Perlindungan atas
keistimewaan (Privileged):
49. ... menegaskan bahawa aduan yang dikemukakan oleh
Defendan-Defendan bukanlah aduan palsu tetapi ianya adalah
aduan yang dibuat oleh Defendan-Defendan sebagai klien AIA.
(a) pada 11-8-2021, Defendan-Defendan telah
mengemukakan aduan kepada pihak AIA menerusi
talian pelanggan AIA (‘Customer Careline’)/e-mel
kepada [email protected] berkenaan dengan
Polisi Insurans di bawah kawalan Plaintif sebagai salah
seorang ejen AIA.
(b) pada 12-8-2021, Defendan-Defendan telah menerima
balasan e-mel dari Encik Anandsingam Bahagian
Customer Care yang meminta Defendan-Defendan
untuk mengemukakan sebarang bukti sokongan ke atas
aduan yang dibuat terhadap Plaintif bagi pihak AIA
untuk memulakan penyiasatan yang sewajarnya.
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(c) Pertukaran e-mel antara Defendan-Defendan dan AIA
berlaku pada 14-8-2021, 17-8-2021, 19-8-2021 dan 25-
8-2021 di mana Defendan-Defendan telah melampirkan
dokumen-dokumen sokongan kepada AIA atas
permintaan AIA bagi tujuan melengkapkan penyiasatan
terhadap Plaintif di mana ianya dibuat atas dasar
permintaan Defendan-Defendan ‘to refund the amount
in total and cancel the policy account’. E-mel Defendan-
Defendan bertarikh 19-8-2021 juga memberikan
penjelasan kepada AIA bahawa Plaintif dan Defendan-
Defendan berniat dan telah membentuk satu
usahasama antara syarikat Life Associates dan LIMBO
bagi mendapat manfaat bersama dan meluaskan
portfolio rangkaian business AIA menerusi penyerapan
transaksi Industry Bitcoin
ii. Aduan dibuat adalah tanpa niat jahat/malice:
52. ... Defendan-Defendan tidak mempunyai sebarang
pengetahuan tentang perkara yang dikendalikan oleh pihak
AIA dan Plaintif. Pada setiap masa material, Defendan-
Defendan hanya dihubungi sekali sahaja dari bahagian AIA
Complaince mengenai aduan yang dibuat oleh Defendan-
Defendan pada 11.8.2021.
iii. Justifikasi: Tindakan Plaintif yang memberikan
representasi salah nyata apabila memasuki perjanjian
berdasarkan polisi AIA tanpa mendapatkan kelulusan
secara bertulis dari pihak AIA.
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53. ... Defendan-Defendan menyatakan bahawa justifikasi
terhadap aduan-aduan mereka kepada pihak AIA adalah
berdasarkan kepada fakta-fakta yang berikut:
53.1 Surat Niat bagi Cadangan Usahasama antara LIMBO
dan Life Associates (“LOI tersebut”) adalah dibuat dan
dimasuki atas persetujuan bersama oleh kedua-dua
Plaintif dan Defendan-Defendan dimana Plaintif telah
meyakinkan Defendan-Defendan untuk
bekerjasama/colloboration dan membentukkan
usahasama tersebut/Joint Venture yang dapat memberi
manfaat bersama dan menguntungkan kedua-dua
portfolio perniagaan.
53.2 Dalam masa yang sama, Plaintif juga telah memberi
kepercayaan penuh bahawa ejen insurans yang bekerja
dibawah Life Associates akan diberi peluang untuk
dilatih/diberi konsultasi oleh syarikat LIMBO untuk
mengendalikan pelanggan-pelanggan yang berniat
untuk membuat transaksi digital Bitcoin bagi tujuan
untuk menjana pendapatan serta pelaburan semula ke
dalam polisi AIA.
53.3 Namun, Defendan-Defendan hanya bergantung
sepenuhnya ke atas Plaintif untuk mengendalikan polisi
insurans AIA dengan pihak AIA di mana hal ini adalah
di luar kawalan dan pengetahuan Defendan-Defendan.
Ini kerana pada setiap masa material, Defendan-
Defendan hanya berurusan dan membuat perjanjian
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dengan Plaintif yang merupakan seorang ejen dari AIA
56. ... Defendan-Defendan menyatakan bahawa pembelian polisi
insurans dibawah selia Plaintif adalah atas dasar dana pelaburan
daripada Defendan-Defendan dan sememang tidak patut
digunakan oleh Plaintif untuk membayar polisi insurans selagi
belum mendapat penjelasan dan/atau kelulusan daripada Plaintif.
57. ... Defendan-Defendan menyatakan bahawa tiada
penyebaran kepada orang awam dilakukan. Sebaliknya Defendan-
Defendan telah memberikan emel kepada unit-unit berkaitan
58. ... Defendan-Defendan menegaskan bahawa keseluruhan
kenyataan dalam perenggan tersebut bukan fitnah ataupun sindiran
tetapi secara justifikasi adalah gambaran tepat berkenaan
personaliti, etika kerja dan tahap professionalism Plaintif.
59. ... Defendan-Defendan menyatakan adalah prosedur biasa
bagi sebuah syarikat untuk membuat siasatan apabila ada salah
laku aduan daripada awam atau pelanggan-pelanggan mereka.
Tindakan siasatan tersebut seharusnya dilakukan terhadap Plaintif
supaya AIA tidak dimalukan dimata masyarakat.
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60. ... Plaintif ... diletakkan dengan beban bukti yang kukuh
kerana kenyataan tersebut sangat dramatik dan direkaceritakan.
Pada setiap masa Defendan-Defendan tidak pernah menerbitkan
kenyataan tersebut untuk dilihat oleh orang awam ataupun pekerja-
pekerja Life Associates dan pekerja-pekerja AIA selain unit-unit
yang berkaitan dengan isu antara Plaintif dan Defendan-Defendan.
61. ... Defendan-Defendan menyatakan kenyataan tersebut
bukan berunsur fitnah atau sindiran sebaliknya merupakan
justifikasi terhadap fakta yang berlaku di antara Plaintif dan
62. ... tiada penyebaran kepada pengetahuan umum. Defendan-
Defendan hanya memberikan e-mel aduan kepada unit-unit yang
berkaitan sahaja.
63. ... Defendan-Defendan menyatakan keseluruhan kenyataan
dalam perenggan tersebut bukan fitnah atau pun sindiran tetapi
secara justifikasi adalah gambaran tepat berkenaan personaliti,
etika kerja dan tahap professionalism Plaintif.
64. ... Defendan-Defendan menyatakan adalah prosedur biasa
bagi sebuah syarikat untuk membuat siasatan apabila ada salah
laku aduan daripada awam atau pelanggan-pelanggan mereka.
Tindakan siasatan tersebut seharusnya dilakukan terhadap Plaintif
supaya AIA tidak dimalukan dimata masyarakat.
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65. ... Plaintif adalah ... diletakkan dengan beban bukti yang
kukuh kerana kenyataan tersebut sangat dramatik dan
direkaceritakan. Pada setiap masa Defendan-Defendan tidak
pernah menerbitkan kenyataan tersebut untuk dilihat oleh orang
awam ataupun pekerja-pekerja Life Associates dan pekerja –
pekerja AIA selain unit-unit yang berkaitan dengan isu antara
Plaintif dan Defendan-Defendan.”.
Issues to be tried:
[62] Issues to be tried is filed only by the Plaintiff and enclosed in
Enclosure C.
[63] The Plaintiff raises 4 issues to be determined −
(a) whether the Defendants email to AIA contains defamatory
statements against the Plaintiff?
(b) whether the Defendants had made defamatory statements to
(c) whether the Plaintiff and the Defendants had executed the
purported Letter of Intent for Proposed Joint Venture between
LIMBO and Life Associates dated 5-5-2021?
(d) whether the Defendants are liable for losses and damages
suffered by the Plaintiff by reason of the defamatory
statements to AIA?
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The decision on 3-11-2023
[64] I dismiss the Plaintiff’s suit against the Defendants and the decision
as pronounced by this Court on 3-11-2023 is as follows:
Tuntutan Plaintif terhadap Defendan-Defendan ialah mengenai
perbuatan dan kenyataan fitnah terhadap Plaintif.
Plaintif memplidkan bahawa aduan-aduan Defendan-Defendan
terhadap Plaintif berkenaan dengan polisi insurans AIA adalah
palsu. AIA telah menjalankan siasatannya terhadap Plaintif.
Plaintif telah menjawab “show cause letter AIA” tersebut.
Butir-butir kerugian yang ditanggung oleh Plaintif akibat daripada
aduan-aduan tersebut telah mendedahkan Plaintif kepada
kerugian dan perbelanjaan sebagaimana dalam perenggan 80
pernyataan tuntutan.
Pliantif juga memplidkan bahawa Defendan-Defendan telah
melakukan penipuan sivil dan/atau pemalsuan untuk
mencemarkan dan merosakkan reputasi Plaintif.
Keputusan dan dapatan Mahkamah
Dalam perbicaraan, Mahkamah ini telah mendengar keterangan
saksi-saksi kedua-dua pihak.
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Berdasarkan kepada keterangan yang dikemukakan adalah
didapati bahawa aduan-aduan yang berunsur fitnah kepada AIA
adalah aduan rasmi Defendan-Defendan berkenaan dengan
polisi insurans yang diambil ddengan/daripada Plaintif selaku
ejen insurans kepada Defendan-Defendan.
Berdasarkan keterangan yang dikemukakan di hadapan
Mahkamah ini, “perkataan yang dipersoalkan” dan disiarkan oleh
Defendan-Defendan dalam surat aduan mereka tidak membawa
apa-apa maksud untuk merendahkan reputasi Plaintif
SP-1 (penyiasat insurans) dan Plaintif sendiri telah memberikan
keterangan dan keterangan tersebut gagal menunjukkan
bahawa “perkataan yang dipersoalkan” mendedahkan Plaintif
kepada kerugian, kesusahan dan perbelanjaan yang dialami
oleh Plaintif.
Berdasarkan penelitian Mahkamah ini selepas meneliti semua
dokumen dan keterangan lisan dan dokumentar yang
dibentangkan oleh pihak-pihak di hadapan Mahkamah ini, dan
hujahan bertulis serta hujahan balasan pihak-pihak, Mahkamah
ini mendapati atas imbangan kebarangkalian Plaintif gagal untuk
membuktikan tuntutannya terhadap Defendan-Defendan.
Oleh yang demikian, saya menolak tuntutan Plaintif dan dengan
kos sebanyak RM10,000.00 (tertakluk kepada fi alokatur).”.
[65] The Plaintiff is unsatisfied and aggrieved by the decision had then
filed an appeal to the Court of Appeal.
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The trial & the witnesses
[66] On 12-9-2023, 13-9-2023 & 14-9-2023 this Court has heard the full
[67] The Plaintiff’s witnesses, summarily as follows:
Mr. Gershon Isidore Wilfred
Assistant Manager, Investigation Department, AIA
Mr. Reezal Jai Rihan bin Abdullah (the Plaintiff)
Unit Manager, AIA
[68] The Defendants’ witnesses, summarily as follows:
Mr. Danesh A/L Sivadas (D1)
Ragumaran A/L Doriasamy
Mrs. Sumangi A/P VG Gopala Panick
Admin Coordinator, Alice Smith School
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Ms. Buvana A/P Kulamaran
Peer 2 Peer Training Agent
Mr. Rabindra A/L Vijayapal
Business Owner
The Law
[69] The gist of the defence is –
• qualified privilege
• fair comment
• section 8 of the Defamation Act 1957 [Act 286] –
In an action for libel or slander in respect of words containing
two or more distinct charges against the plaintiff, a defence of
justification shall not fail by reason only that the truth of every
charge is not proved if the words not proved to be true do not
materially injure the plaintiff’s reputation having regard to the
truth of the remaining charges.”.
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[70] The decision in the Federal Court (FC) in the case of Dato’ Sri Dr
Mohamad Salleh bin Ismail & Anor v. Mohd Rafizi bin Ramli [2022] 4
AMR 695; [2022] 3 MLJ 758; and [2011] 5 CLJ 487, Y.A.A Azahar
Mohamad CJ (Malaya) [Y.A.A as he then was] held that the High Court
correctly directed itself in law that in order to succeed in his defence of
fair comment, the respondent will need to establish the 4 elements in
Joshua Benjamin Jeyaretnam v. Goh Chok Tong [1989] 3 MLJ 1 −
(i) the words complained of are comment, although they may
consist or include inferences of fact;
(ii) the comment is on a matter of public interest;
(iii) the comment is based on facts; and
(iv) the comment is one which fair-minded person can honestly
make on the facts proved.
[71] In paragraph [56] FC quoted the test of “fair” comment in Joshua
Benjamin Jeyaretnam (supra) –
“The trial judge quoted very aptly from the direction given in the
jury by Diplock J (as he then was) in Silkin v Beaverbrook
Newspapers Ltd at p 759:
The matter which you have to decide and I emphasise
this again, because it is so important, is not whether
you, any of you, agree with that comment. You may all
of you disagree with it, feel that is comment that is not
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correct. But that is not the test. I will remind you of the
test once more. Could a fair-minded man, holding a
strong view, holding perhaps an obstinate view, holding
perhaps a prejudicial view – could a fair-minded man
have been capable of writing this?”.
[72] The Federal Court in the case of Raub Australian Gold Mining
Sdn. Bhd. v. Hue Shieh Lee [2019] 3 CLJ 729 held –
“The Law on Defamation
[29] Defamation is committed when the defendant publishes to
a third person words or matters containing untrue imputation
against the reputation of the plaintiff…
[30] In Ayob Saud v. TS Sambanthamurthi [1989] 1 CLJ 152;
[1989] 1 CLJ (Rep) 321, His Lordship Mohamed Dzaiddin J (as
he then was) has dearly laid down the necessary procedure in
establishing claim for libel (with which we agree), when he said
at p. 155:
In our law on libel, which is governed by the Defamation
Act 1957, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff to show
(1) the words are defamatory: (2) the words refer to the
plaintiff: and (3) the words were published. …”.
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[31] In other words, the plaintiff must prove three elements of
the tort of defamation, which are: (i) the plaintiff must show that
the statement bears defamatory imputations; (ii) the statement
must refer to or reflect upon the plaintiff’s reputation; and (iii) the
statement must have been published to a third person by the
[73] The Court of Appeal through the judgment of Gopal Sri Ram JCA
(as he then was) in the case of Chok Foo Choo @ Chok Kee Lian v.
The China Press Bhd [1999] 1 CLJ 461; [1999] 1 MLJ 371 where it was
held that –
“In my judgment; the test which is to be applied lies in the
question: do the words published in their natural and ordinary
meaning impute to the Plaintiff any dishonourable or
discreditable conduct or motives or a lack of integrity on his part?
If the question invites an affirmative response, then the words
complained of are defamatory. …”.
[74] The case of Syed Husin Ali v. Sharikat Penchetakan Utusan
Melayu Bhd & Anor [1973] 1 LNS 146; [1973] 2 MLJ 56 where his
Lordship Mohamed Azmi J (as he then was), quoting Gatley on Libel and
Slander, 6th edn, p. 4 had stated as follows:
“There is no wholly satisfactory definition of a defamatory
imputation. Any imputation which may tend ‘to lower the plaintiff
in the estimation of right-thinking members of society generally,
‘to cut him off from society,’ or ‘to expose him to hatred, contempt
or ridicule,’ is defamatory of him. An imputation may be
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defamatory whether or not it is believed by those to whom it is
Further, at p. 14, para 31, Gatley says:
A defamatory imputation is one to a man’s discredit, or which
tends to lower him in the estimation of others, or to expose him
to hatred, contempt or ridicule, or to injure his reputation in his
office, trade or profession, or to injure his financial credit. The
standard of opinion is that of right-thinking persons generally. To
be defamatory an imputation need have no actual effect on a
person’s reputation; the law looks only to its tendency. Thus, the
test of defamatory nature of a statement is its tendency to excite
against the plaintiff the adverse opinion of others, although no
one believes the statement to be true. Another test is: would the
words tend to lower the plaintiff in the estimation of right-thinking
members of society generally?”.
[75] Ong Hock Sim FJ in Rajagopal v. Rajan [1972] 1 MLJ 45 Federal
Court [Tab C] said at page 47 B-D –
“In deciding whether the words complained of were per se
defamatory, it would be necessary to construe the words in their
natural and ordinary meaning in the sense in which reasonable
men of ordinary intelligence would like to understand them. …
that the words complained of have a secondary meaning by
innuendo, consideration must be taken as to the manner of their
publication and the persons to whom they were published.”.
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At page 47 G-H –
“It is not what the appellant meant that is relevant in construing
whether the words are defamatory but what the words convey to
a reasonable person to whom they are published.”.
[76] Y.A Mary Lim JCA (as Y.A then was) at page 522 in Raja Syahrir
bin Abu Bakar & Anor v. Manjeet Singh Dhillon and Other Appeals
[2020] 3 MLJ 482 Court of Appeal further dealt with the defence of
qualified privilege. The case of Dato Sri Dr Mohamad Salleh Ismail &
Anor v. Nurul Izzah bt Anwar & Anor [2018] 3 MLJ 726 was cited and
referred –
“[55] A defence of qualified privilege is founded on the need or
duty on the part of the alleged defamer to impart information to
the public at large and that there is a duty on the part of the public
to receive that information…Although the law of defamation
exists to protect reputations, it is recognised that in particular
situations it is to the benefit of society generally for people to be
able to communicate without fear of being sued for defamation.
This is so despite the risk that a person’s reputation will be
damaged and they will not be able to restore it by bringing a claim
for defamation. Its rationale resides in the wider consideration
that a general public good in such exercise overrides the need to
protect individual reputation…”.
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Evaluation & Findings of this Court
[77] This defamation suit by the Plaintiff against the Defendants was
based on the complaints made by the Defendants to the AIA, i.e. the
Plaintiff’s employer. The question is whether the complaints pertaining to
the insurance policies taken by the D1 contained words that tend to lower
the Plaintiff in the estimation of right-thinking members of society? (“the
impugned statements”).
[78] It is undisputed that the complaints made by the Defendants are not
poison pen letter or surat layang as in Malay language. It is directed to
the insurance company, the correct and related party pertaining to the
[79] It is also undisputed that the complaints are not swept under the
carpet or it is not ignored by AIA.
[80] The matters raised and/or complained by the Defendans had been
investigated and PW-1 was assigned to investigate the Defendants’
complaints. In his testimony, PW-1 stated that the Plaintiff is the AIA’s
agent, so PW-1 would copy the complaints to Chiew Chee Sian (District
Manager, which is someone because the Plaintiff was Unit Manager at
that time so he will be reporting to District Manager); Tan San San/Susan
Tan (Chief Agency Officer); Teoh Chee Kiang, Terence Teoh (Senior
Director of Agency); and Teo Sze Ming, Damond Teo (Director of the
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[81] PW-1 confirmed that if there is any fraudulent conduct or
misconduct by the agent, generally resulted termination of the agent
[82] This Court, after thoroughly, pay her attention with regard to every
detail, understanding of the subject and with great care analysing the
Plaintiff claims, finds that the complaints and the accusations made by the
Defendants against the Plaintiff are not defamatory.
[83] Let me starts with documents in Common Bundle (B1) at pages 78
to 81, namely –
(a) the email dated 11-8-2021 at 11.44 AM, with D1’s name, and
mobile phone number were stated and the title of the email
was “FRAUD/MOST URGENT” and was addressed to
[email protected]” and D1 wrote to –
Fraud & Compliance Dept
Level 10, Menara AIA, 99 Jalan Ampang
50450 Kuala Lumpur
This email was cc to [email protected].
The contents as per the email –
“I’m communicating this information in good faith to
this concerned dept. In order to assess the plight, I
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and my Key Managerial Personnel had faced. (“I”,
“We”, “Us” or “Our”).
This is to intimate and inform this dept that “Fraud”
had taken place through Life Associates Sdn Bhd via
its Mr. Managing Director Mr. Reezal Jai Rihan bin
Abdullah (hereinafter referred as “Fraudster”).
The said Fraudster had deceived us and took up
insurance policies in our name (the fund provided
him were meant for a different privileged project) for
which we never agreed to in the very instance, nor
were the policies taken with our volition, “as is” those
policies have not been signed by us and
acknowledged by us or even applied by us.
Kindly provide us with reason why this incident could
happen in your organization, take steps to cancel the
policies and refund the rightful amount in total to each
individual policy holder saving’s A/c. (Detail provided
NRIC NO.: xxx
NRIC NO.: xxx
POLICY NO.: xxx”.
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(b) AIA’s reply to D1’s email can be seen at page 79, AIA’s
email dated 12-8-2021 at 2.19, from
[email protected], that requested D1 to provide AIA
with any evidence or supporting documents which may
include voice recordings, emails, WhatsApp messages,
SMSes for example, for AIA to substantiate the allegations
against the abovementioned agent.
AIA has given D1 the timeline that is by 16-8-2021.
(c) AIA’s reply to D1’s email dated 17-8-2021 can be seen at
page 81 whereby AIA had referred to D1’s email dated 14-
8-2021 and had further requested D1 to provide
clarification on the certain matters. AIA also had stated that
“We have escalated the matter to the relevant departments
for review”.
[84] PW-1 as the investigating officer has sent a letter dated 23-8-2021
by email to the Plaintiff and the relevant portions of the contents are –
• informing the Plaintiff about the Defendants’ complaint to the
D1 and D2 insurance policies that were registered by the
• the allegations made by the Defendants were stated.
• the Plaintiff is given 7 days to provide the Investigation
Department in writing the answers to the allegations.
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• The note stated “Please take note that in the event you fail to
provide us with answers to the allegations within the stipulated
time, it will be construed by us that you admit to the allegations
and in such an event we shall proceed to take all necessary
action against you in accordance with your contract with AIA
Bhd & AIA Public Takaful Berhad.”.
• this email was cc to:
DM Chiew Chee Sian.
CAO Tan San San, Susan.
SDOA Teoh Chee Kiang, Terence.
DOA Teo Sze Ming, Damond.
[85] D2 has forwarded the AIA’s email dated 25-8-2021 to the
Defendants’ solicitors (please refer to document at page 86/B1) where
AIA’s approval to cancel and refund the amounts paid for D1’s and D2’s
[86] The fact that the Defendants had addressed the complaints to AIA
is good enough to rule out that the Defendants querries and suspicious
about the insurance policies taken through the Plaintiff. After the closure
of the investigation, AIA’s action is to refund the Defendants. Nothing was
said about “why this incident could happen in AIA” and the Plaintiff’s
position in AIA.
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[87] I quoted the learned counsel for the Defendants authority of case
that laid out the principle with regards to defamation claim by Y.A Abdul
Wahab Patail in the case of Subramaniam a/l Paramasivam v. Courts
Mammoth Bhd & Anor [2010] 9 MLJ 363 –
“(6) There is no cause of action in defamation where a bona fide
complaint made to a professional disciplinary authority against a
professional is dismissed. The threat of litigation would only
intimidate persons with bona fide complaints from making a
complaint, and deny members of the public their right of protection
from unprofessional professionals. In the instant case, the
defendants did have a bona fide grievance when they issued the
letter of termination and the letter of complaint. It was thus not
necessary to consider the defence of justification.”.
[88] The Defendants were well within their rights to file complaints
against the Plaintiff, as they were negatively impacted by the Plaintiff's
unprofessional behavior. Their complaint emails were made in good faith
and were intended to protect the public’s interests by preventing potential
fraud against other customers. Submitting a complaint to AIA's customer
service email was recognized and endorsed by AIA as a legitimate
channel for customers or the public to register complaints against any of
their agents.
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[89] I quoted the learned counsel for the Defendants authority of case in
Ernest Cheong Yong Yin (suing in the name and style Ernest Cheong
PTL Chartered Surveyors) v. Low Kim Yap & Ors [2006] 5 MLJ 780 –
“The defendants were the very people who were directly affected
by the act of the plaintiff, a registered valuer who had clothed
himself in the guise of a company to protect himself from the laws
that govern his professional conduct (see para 5).
The defendants were exercising their rights given by the law to
complain against a registered valuer. The complaints were done
in accordance with a written law that provides for a proper
avenue of complaint.
A claim for defamation must be based on an original publication
or statement and the alleged defamatory statement must be
particularized in accordance with O 78 r 3 RHC. Both these
requirements were absent in this case (see para 19).
As the defendants had complied with the procedure for making
complaints, no malice could be inferred. There was no evidence
that the complaints were communicated to any person outside
the complaint process.
Allowing a defamation suit of this nature to continue, would
defeat the whole purpose of the complaint process set up by law
and must not be encouraged. If claims of this nature were
allowed, the floodgates would be open to defamation suits
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whenever disciplinary bodies receive complaints from the public
against their members.”.
[90] By applying the principles established in both cases, the Plaintiff's
claim has faltered, as the Plaintiff was unable to substantiate, on the
balance of probabilities, that defamatory statements were made by the
Defendants against him.
[91] This Court agrees with the learned counsel for the Defendants’
submission that –
“The Plaintiff had failed to state in his Statement of Claim the exact
words in the Defendants’ emails of complaints allegedly being
In his Statement of Claim, specifically at paragraph 53 on page 61
of Ikatan Pliding, the Plaintiff indeed referenced the statements
crafted by SP1 as the defamatory statements. These phrases, as
indicated in his Statement of Claim, did not originate from the
Defendants themselves.
The emails of complaints were not published to 3rd party.”.
[92] As for the Plaintiff's claim of the second complaint, this Court is of
the view that it does not have a basis in reality and does not exist. Both
parties were unable to locate any evidence within the bundled documents
to support the existence of the second complaint.
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[93] The Court of Appeal in Dato’ Sri Dr Mohamad Salleh bin Ismail &
Anor (supra) did not disturb the High Court’s finding that on failure to
prove malice. In this regard, the Federal Court held that “it is trite law that
proof of malice defeats the defence of fair comment because a comment
that is made maliciously is not fair comment.”. Here, in this case, the
Defendants did make the complaints against the Plaintiff to AIA but the
basis of the complaint is about the Defendants querries that need the
action/explanation from AIA. The complaints against the Plaintiff are fair
and no malice.
[94] The third issues that is whether the Plaintiff and the Defendants had
executed the purported Letter of Intent for Proposed Joint Venture
Between LIMBO and Life Associates dated 5-5-2021, the documents
tendered before this Court had proved that the existence of Letter of Intent
which is marked as Exhibit P1 is a document to support the existence of
the NDA and it serves as evidence of a business collaboration between
the Plaintiff and the LIMBO.
[95] The issue raised about the digital signature for the NDA and alleged
to be forged and that the Plaintiff sought to imply that he had been coerced
into executing the NDA through tactics employed by the Defendants, the
Defendants had revealed that the Plaintiff had received a digital version
of the NDA and had ample time to execute it without any pressure. It was
also noted that the Defendants were not present during the Plaintiff's
execution of the NDA
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[96] I have read the learned counsel for the Plaintiff’s submission in
reply, i.e. −
“The Defamatory Statements have been sufficiently pleaded with
respect to the Defendants contention, the Plaintiff submits that
through the pleadings before this Honourable Court, the Plaintiff
had pleaded the essential Defamatory Statement and related
facts giving rise to the Plaintiff's claim. In this regard, the Plaintiff
emphasises that the letter dated 23.8.2021 from AlA bearing the
Defamatory Statement was issued as direct consequence of the
Defendants emails dated 11.8.2021 and 14.8.2021 (reference,
pg. 78-79 of Bundle B1) (“Defendants’ email to AIA"). This was
confirmed by SP-1, the AIA’s Investigating Officer.
The Plaintiff respectfully refers to the High Court decision in Keith
Richard Judd v Suppayah a/l Krishnan [2016] 9 MLJ 380 –
[50] Having considered the plaintiff's statement of claim, I am
satisfied that the plaintiff has particularised the facts of each email
that is defamatory of the plaintiff. The plaintiff has particularised the
relevant facts from the whole contents of each email which brings
the imputation that expose the plaintiff to hatred, ridicule and
contempt in the mind of a reasonable man. The two authorities cited
by the defendant are distinguishable on its facts.
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[61] It is also my findings that the said emails were sent by the
defendant to third parties based on the said emails. the evidence of
the plaintiff and PW3 who also received most of the emails referred
to earlier. PW3 testified that PW3 confirmed that the emails were
sent by the defendant as the defendant had referred to these emails
many times during meetings. PW3 evidence was also corroborated
by PW2 on this issue.”
Premised on the High Court decision of Keith Richard, it is
submitted that the Plaintiff have fulfilled the prerequisite
That the Letter of Intent (P1): (i) The legitimacy of the Letter of had
been executed by the intent is challenged by the Plaintiff Plaintiff
herein. (ii) The Defendants did not provide any supporting evidence
to prove that the Letter of Intent were executed between the parties.
In connection thereto, the Plaintiff further submits that the
Defendants despite alleging the said Letter of Intent was executed
and delivered to the Plaintiff, had failed to raise any supporting
evidence of the execution of the same. In this regard, a presumption
against the Defendants can be drawn based on Section 114(g) of
the Evidence Act 1950.
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In this regard, it the Plaintiff's submission that the Defendants’
complaint to AlA, being the basis of the Defamatory Statement is
not a “bona fide” complaint and in fact one intended to cause
grievance and malice towards the Plaintiff. It is emphasised that the
Defendants’ email to AIA being the basis of the Defamatory
Statement were made only after the breakdown of the relationship
between the parties.
The Plaintiff also refers to the Federal Court decision of Mkini
Dotcom Sdn Bhd & Ors v. Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn
Bhd [2021] 5 MLJ 79 whereby the Federal court held that an
element in reliance on the defence of qualified privilege is the
parties have attempted to verify the information published therein
as held at para. 80 of the decision:
[80] The second limb of the Reynolds defence of
responsible journalism or qualified privilege requires the
appellants to satisfy the court that the steps to gather, verify
and publish the information were responsible and fair.
It is evident that based on the facts of the case herein that the
Defendants have failed to verify the information that it had sought to
publish to AIA. Despite having avenue of communication and the
Plaintiff's willingness to assist the Defendants on the Insurance
Policies until 16.7.2021 (reference to, pg. 170-176 and 185 of
Bundle B2), the Defendants did not attempt to verify the information
published to AIA.”.
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[97] After looking and analysing the evidence before me, the Plaintiff has
failed to prove its claims for civil fraud and/or forgery of documents by the
Defendants and also to prove that it had damaged the Plaintiff’s reputation
as an upstanding and successful individual in the insurance industry.
[98] In all the above circumstances, the subject matters in this suit
against the Defendants pertaining to the Plaintiff are merely complaints
that were not published to anybody except the AIA. The impugned
statements are not defamatory of the Plaintiff.
[99] AIA has investigated the Defendants’ complaints against the
Plaintiff. The Defendants cannot be faulted for “damaging the Plaintiff’s
reputation as an upstanding and successful individual in the insurance
[100] In view of the foregoing reasons, I therefore dismiss the Plaintiff
claim with costs.
Dated: 23 January 2024.
Judicial Commissioner
Shah Alam High Court Civil NCvC12
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For the Plaintiff:
Syed Mohamed Ashiq
Tetuan Harold & Lam Partnership, Kuala Lumpur
For the Defendants:
Nurhidayaty binti Maidin together with Nurul Farhana Zaini
Tetuan Nur Maidin & Co., Subang Jaya
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| 83,111 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-22NCvC-44-01/2018 | PLAINTIF SCP ASSETS SDN. BHD. DEFENDAN PERBADANAN PENGURUSAN PD I | Land Law — Strata title — Developer — Rates — Management Corporation imposed different rates of maintenance charges and contribution to sinking fund between commercial parcels and car parks pursuant to AGM — Whether different rates of maintenance charges and contribution to sinking fund between commercial parcels and car parks by the defendant was valid in law — Strata Management Act 2013 s 60(3) – “significantly different purposes” | 23/01/2024 | YA Dato' Wan Ahmad Farid Bin Wan Salleh | |
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aza—22m:vc—u—n1/2019 Kand. 195
23/01/202; neuz-ms
cIvII. sun No ' aA-zzNcvc-44-n1/2nIa
sop ASSETS sou BHD
The Farm:
[1] The pIamm Is a company Incorporated In Malayswa.
[2] The darendam IS a managemenl coruuraliun Ihal was established
under the sums mes Acl 1965 (“STA“) to manage and mamtam a
Imxed cumrnercIs\ developmenl known as Pusal Dagangan Pmlso
Damansara 1 (“Pm Ccmp\ex').
{3} PD! Cammex was erected on a prece av land new under me mas|er
mle Geran Mukxm 571 La! 45017, Ssksyen 39, Bandar Pelalung
Jaya. Negen sewangur r-me Mascer Tflle“). The Complex IS
develnped and sold by AAB Damansam Sdn Bhd (“the Developer)
The Daveraper is lormefly krmwn as Phuleo Damansara Sun and
Imam sauwu
Qfi W
Tllu Faclull Background
[41 Pm Complex ls a mixed comrnerctal development oavtsisllng nf
(a) seven blocks (Block A ta at 0! shop/offroes camprlslrlg 72
paroels cl gmurld floor snaps and 551 parcels of wees:
(b) one block ola 7»s|arey omce Tower known as Eangunarl vtn
(“Earlgunan vat"); and
(c) Ground lloor surface car patk bays and three levels cl
basement car park bays.
[5] The plamttll VS the registered pmpriemr ultne car park bays, namely
(a) Three levels o1 basement car park Days at Levels B1, B2 and
as at FD1 Complex‘ and
(la) surtaoe car park bays al the gmurm floor or PD1 complex as
awesscry parcel
(oollectwely referred to as “Car Park Parcels‘)
The car Park Parcels are held under seven separate strata Tttles »
all under the Master Tllle
The Anatomy of the Car Parks
[6] The chmnulugy ol me ownershtp of the car Parks is as lollcms:
(a) Pulsuanl to a sales and Purchase Agreement (“SP/R“) datea
6 9.2000, Ihe Developer sold the Basement car Parks PD1
corporate Farklrlg Sdn and |'PD1 corporate Parkxng'| The
sale mvelvea the Basement Cir Pants or Blocks A In G at the
purchase Dflce ol RM39.975,utx1
tn) Pursuant to a supplemental SPA daled 26.3.2002, the
Developer sold the surlace car Parks at Black A to G at a
purchase pnce of RM1,9o5,nou.
IN uzammmrnsseueaa
«ma s.n.l nuvlhnrwm a. LAIQ4 w my r... nflfllhnflly sun. dnuuvlnhl VII .nuna vtmxl
[291 The Nlgh Courl lrl Sodame held met.
me MC ls ampuwmu la lmpau charges In!
lhe malnlevlzmce smne wmrmn pmnerry hased
an Inn lullwmg laams
(:1 ms pwpomwl 9/ the share umlsar
pmvlllmlll -um unlls of ms plums or
pmnsmnal blocks. and
la) xne MC may de|:mlml ummnl rates ol
snarges rm we namslsu my are and
for slqmfizanl/y dllfsranl pmpasu
nu Arrival ol Purl sum
lsnl on 26.7.2023. me com or Appaal had me opponumly Ia rsvlsil and
dlscuss lne lmpllcalmn M s solsllbl o1 lhs SMA WV Poarl Sulfa
ulmgomom corpomlan V VI Sing cm: 5 Ols own Appeal sull
No; W-02(NCVC)(A)—1323-07/2022: c-vll Appeal Sun No. w.
[all unlonunalely. we do no: have me aensm 01 ms lull gmunds ol
ludgmem cl‘ me coun of Appeal Hawever‘ according to the broad
grounds cl ,uagmanL the coun at Appeal was of ms vlew ma! lhere
Is no naoessfly I0 confine the apnllclllon of 5 6D(3)(h) SMA lo only
ses lrwulvlng change ol use ol the parcels. The coun 0! Appeal
Iunhar held Ihal under Ihe scheme o1meSMA, Ihe charges lmposed
have ll) be far! and reasonable wvlh relevance lo the actual or
expected expendllure lrlcuned
[321 The Hlgh coun. a| msl inslunce In Pain suns, hald lhal a
Managemenl Corporation can only lmnnsa dlfierenl merges iflhere
happens la be a snange ol use ol ms parcels mun lls onginal use.
[33] Before me, learned counsel tar me defendant submllled that me
uulccme a! me broad ludgmenl M the Courl omapsal H1 Pearl Slma
li [hit the dsclslnrl aflhe Hlgh Calm ls Mfedlvely overlumsd
[34] Lsamed oounsel lor lhe delenaanl oonlended mat. lusl llke Pearl
suna |he lmposfllorl ol me maintenance charges was based on me
wlculallon cl shared expenses and owner expenses lrlcnrred wllhln
m uzalummmssauauu
«mu. Smnl nuvlhnrwlll be u..a w my u. nflnlnnllly mm: dnuuvlnnl Vfl .nuus ml
Ina Developmenl. Tne serne exerelse was earned ou| by Ina
delerldanl balm: the lahllng or Pnvale Mellon No. 1 ln lne AGM
[35] ll is for lllis reason lnal leirrlad wurlsel (or llle delendam lnlrlled lnls
Conn lo conclude that me charges lmpased by llle defendanl are
based on llle expenses lncunea by each parcel owner. wnlcn ls lusl
and reasonable
Cnrlclulkm so lav
[391 Learned counsel lor me delenaanl urged lnis Coun lo come to a
oonduslnn me: me delendarll, as me Managenlenl corporallon, has
me alsclellan ta dalarmlne I1 dlflsranl tales ougnl la be lnlueser:
Acoordlng |o nlrll. me Cuurl must leave ll lo lne wlsaern of me
defendant. In all lairness, learned uounsel, however, stopped sllon
of cnnlerldlrlg lnal the alsmllen ls lrnlenaled. or (nurse, ncl
lrnlellered ll rlas been sald agalrl and agaln rrnlenelea discretion ls
e cellrraalcllun ln lernls.
[37] Tne d91EVYd8I'||U’IE7€'0V€l (‘arlnotargue man s up to a Marlagenlenl
Cclrporalmn ll.) declde llarlcl when alllererll reles oughllo be charged
and men eulcxly seek refllge under s en|3)1b| ofllhe SMA. Ida nal
respecllully lrlink Ina! lnal ls me cunen prcpuslfion, nellller ls ll lhe
|rl|erlIlun cl Parllamelll.
[as] lam nol saylngl even «or one rrlumenl, lnal Management Corperallcln
Is not enllllefl to rely on S fiDl3)Ib) H can, In snort. (here Is nolhlng to
slap lne Managsmerll curporallon [mm mlylng on me nhrase
“slgmficantly allrerenr purposes“. Buuhe general glrluellne is that. as
was rlela by me Cowl cl Appeal ln Pearl Suns, such an exercise 01
dlsclullon must be lusl and reasonable. Wna| ls lust and lsasanable
ls. lnerelore, a quesllon nrflacl in me cinzunlslanoes cl eacn ease
[av] I wlll now apply llle said proposlimn lo [he facts aullls case.
[401 It has been eslabllsned Ina! me prernlse or Blefclslng dlscreuon. as
admllled by nwz. was Erlcnovfid on me bellehhlillhe Imi|s had been
inequilably aI4oca|ed Even if (ms Cuun were In accept |hIS argument
as a valld grcund lo rely on s GD13)(b). lne burden ls srlll on me
defendant In sslabllsh (ha! lhe snare units were lnaqullably
m uzelnmmrnssalsllu
«war. Snnll nuvlhnrwlll re UIQG M my l... nnnlnnllly MIMI glam. Vfl nFluNG ml
[41] There are a law potnts tttat I would Ittte to make. Tttey are these
[42] It tndeed, tne detendant ts aggrteved with wttat ll setd |o be an
trtequttttbte attocatten at the share units, what woutd be the ttgttt
coutse at aetton to take7 Ttte process of asuerlairting and allocating
share untts tn apptytrtg let the atmdtvtsion ol tend and strata tttte
tnvotwed ttte Devetoper. tnetr agent, ttta ttcensed land surveyor Ind
the setangor Dtrectar of Lands and Mtnes.
[431 Ttte Isller dated 4.4 2017 trcttrt |he Mattts Bartdarayu Petettng Jaya
|o Put Jotttt Managemem Body|“PD1 JMB'). The detendattt tstne
sueeessor at PD1 JMB, Yhe letter dated 4.4.200 trtter alis states as
tn. belllmklll un\| mt seltap pefiak Vzlah
drsedtakart at-rt Jumkuvianah Dachau! petttatu
dart ttntt syer lersebm lzalih dtttttttsttan aleh
Pvtnarih Ylrtlh mt. cut... at bawah Saksyan
18‘ Amt ate eetaetttnt Attta 157 Lmrkuatkuasa
[441 Tttete ts another letter tram tne setartgar Director at Lands and
Mtnes dated 16. 2017 addressed to PDI JME. wtttut confirmed that
ttta allocation of ttte sttare ttntts was based on ttte seutng price
Unluk mttttturttan ptnatt lunrt |AlH| syar DIQI
aetak dt kzwasart pentat-ten Fusat Duqarvian
Flatten Damansam t Nlenglkul tetntttta mtg;
[45] During Cms54XammaUorIt DW2 was certtrontau wtth Ine tetter dated
4.4.2017 and asked the lottawtng quesltons'
PIC. AI m And INE allocalton tn.t ymt sly
wastncunectty done mtts| neeessatay by
ttte BUIIIOMJES‘ tn tttts case by ttte
Dtleclaruf tartar and wnesv
rxwz vet
we cenecrt Now yet. wtttttttewea agvee wtttt
tna emu nun tram any tattm la: tne
Dirarloraf Lands and Mtnes, you have
or Luna: and Mtnes, tn vmnl tn.
detendatrt atteges ta be ttmrtectty
atteeatee whitest meet?
sm L1Zn\nBdItb.Kfl5Sl|wD
“Nair s.n.t luvthnrwm be tr... In may t... tnttutttt mt. mm. VI mum vtmxt
ow: Nalasolcunenlaale
ll is lrlerelore clear lnal despne leellng aggrleved wlln ole purpaned
in::orrec1 allocalian or me share unllsl me defendanl did nolmng to
challenge me lmpugned decislon.
[46] II ls not that me eslenaanl was not aware ollhe lmpugnsa decislun
of me Dlrec1or av Lands and Mines They are penecuy aware of me
lmpugned declslonl as can be seen ln we exchange durlng me
cmss-examlnatlnn 07 DW2
we klngm New. em you mnnnn ml MBPL
ornalherMal\is Birldalaya Pelallrlg Jayz
nan lrllwmsd the plnl managenenl may
man we snare unlls WEIE annnma by me
Dlleamal Land: and Mmes pursuzlll la.
ll yuu leak nl Akta ale ln lam IM Strum
mes M Van ale awale el M317
nwz Va:
[47] By challenglng me lmpugrled declslon ln lnle sun, llle delendanl ls,
ln eflecl. l llallng a eullalel-el snack agelnsl me dauslon-maker, ln
one ease. the selarlgor Dlrector of Lands and Mines, who IS nel even
made a early. With lespecl, I do nol lhlnk lnal unis ls allowed. The
lnnaugnee declilun is nu| even a mlxlure cl punllc and pm/ale law. It
ls purely wilnin lrle ambll 01 public law
[451 To begln wlln, me Dlmclor cl Lands and Mlnas ls a publlc aulhorily.
Any challenge agalnsl llls d an must he commanced by way ol
a lumcial revlew under 0 53 al lne Rules olCoul1 2D121'ROC")
[A9] Ills lnerelore Koo lale IVI lhe day rm ms delendanl lo assen lrlal lhe
allocallon ol me snare unils IS inequnable and lo use lnis argumerll
la seek refuge under s eo(:l)(nl lweula aver: venlure lunnarla slats
lnal lne «allure curls ealeneanl to challenge the lmpugned declslon
makes me whole exerclse nl relymg an s eomlnl plenlalure
[50] In sum Kend-ea-ny v Lembagn Waklf Hindu Fulau Pinanv 4.
as [2022] 1 ms 2111 CA. lne appellanl was me ex—<;halrmarI of s
seciely known as Psrlubl/him Srl Mangslanayagl Amman sukll
Tengah, sebensng Psral range». which had ls reglsnallan cancellad
by the Reglslrar cl Soclelles Tne appellanl, ln ms Onglnanng
Summons(‘0S13“)l1al.lghllar declaratory Dldelsl Inlurlaive rellels,
m uzalnmmmssausau
«wan Sum! nuvlhnrwm be naa la my l... nflmnnllly ml. dnuuvlnnl Vfl eFluNG Wm!
damages and cos|s in respem ollhsacllons Laksn by the delerldanls
3118! me canoellallorl or me reglslraflorl 94 me Dereglslered Soclely
[51] 0513 was dismlssed by me Hbgh calm Aggneved, (he appellanl
appealed to lhe Cclurl of Appeal, whlch was also dismissed. ln
delmering |he judgment ol me Court at Appeal, Nanlna Balan JCAV
remarked as lollows.
my ln any mnl, these ale quesllans av
isslus wmch ouanl In be laken -4: In
3 Jladlual nanaw appllcauon As ll
sandal by nm pullulrlgafitdlclal Revlsw
waoma 53 M m Runs ul Cowl 2n‘2l
ma Flalnlifl has nal awn. cmuad ms
lmeshuld and marvel wnmala «me
am: we OMB
1271 Yhus even aswmlrlg qwlunaul
aanaludlndl «run we lie mm: W
0513‘ n 75 our onncluslon ma! by {allmg
lo Ink: IM mine! up vlu om: 5: cl lna
Rules at cdun aw, lne Plaimifl has
sflomlvely smanuelell ma oppurlurlI|y ln
venllIa|e mess «mama: Judrclal
Revlew appllcahml
[52] Applylng ma sald pmpasillon, ll ls my consldered vlew that bylalllng
In lake Ihe mailer up na 0 5:: cl me Roe, ma dalendanl has
eflacllvely wuarldarad ma oppmunny la vemilals an Iha lssue al
wflemer me alldcallon olthe share umls IS lnequilable.
[531 Them has m be a finallly ln me lmpugnsd dsclsion made hy me
Selangor Dlreclor ol Lands and Mlnes VII April 2017. The dalandanl
uses this sull, wfllch was man In .lar\uar\/2018, lu rnounla oa|la|eral
challenge agamsl lna lmpugned declsiun wnan me Diraclor was rml
even a party lo me sun To begln wim, (hls approach is oenalnly nol
deslrabla. In Lemlnga Lcbuhriya Malaysla v Cahaya Ban:
Dtvolopmnm Bhd [2009] 5 ML} 14 CA, the raspundenl. who was
me plalnm at firsl lnscanca, sougm declavamry rellels by way at an
anglnaung summons wlmoul maklng me Land Admlnlsll-ator a pany
when the declaratory reheis snugnl would allacl ma llallnory dunes
and powers of the Land Adnwnslralor Abdul Mallk lsnak JCA. In ms
Judgmern al ma Courl cl Appeal, remarked as lollows
m uznnmmnnssauau
«ma smal nuvlhnrwm .. U... w my me nnnn-y mm: dnuuvlml Vfl .nuna wax
FWBIVY4 ll‘ seeklrlg lhuu dedarmory Iellelx by
way ul an uhglnalmg summons unlhwx maklrlw
lh. land adrn-nlsualdr as . plny Mlun lhe
declalelory rvllels seughl weuld nlle-:1 me
st-Mary dun-as -ha power: al lhe land
admlnlslrabnrltannvl beeurmnea nylnls mun
lh Au Expnss Vntsmallooal (up sun BM v ulsc
Agsrrcle: Sdrl BM1[2008] 9 cu 209, me
nlainm wugnl vznaus declnmlnly orders
aaulhu lm maven. Depnnmum Slnca lhe
laller wasrlul made a may and had he
eaperlunlly lo ael-nu luell, Abdul wanan Palall
l, numly -eluud ld 9(arl| lhe declarmmrls
5galrls| lne Cuslnms neperuuem
[54] ln lhe auculnslehoes, whalevev experl ewdenee tendered by lhe
delandanl should have been adduced when enellenglng lhe
lmpugrled declslorl by way cl 5 judlclal mm. W indeed lhe
impugned declslcn dl lhe Dlreclol ol Lands and Miles was lalnled
wl|h Wedrlesbury unreasonablerless or Arlisminlc endr, ll should
have been ehellenged wuhln lhe llme sllpu|a|ed under 0 53 r 3(6) ol
lhe RDC The delendenl should naue uenlllaled lhe ergurnenl
agemsl lhe selling pnce lcrmula eddpled by me selangdr nueelerol
Lands and Mlners Wl an upplK:a|lon lav judiclal review and nel in lhls
[55] ll should he recalled lhel lhe delehdanrs rellance on e 60(3)(b] dl
lhe SMA ls anchored on the pulpnrled lneqlulable allocallon cf lhe
share umls Fov lhe reasons lhall have slaled, lnal aecleldn el me
ellacalidn dl the share unlls by lhe seler-gar Dlractov el lands and
Mmes slahds unchallenged ln me drcumsulnoes‘ the delendanrs
case has no legs In Hand on The wheleargurnenl aallapses like lhe
provarblal house all cards
on lhe Coullhrcllllll
[56] I wlll firs| deal wllh lhe allegallon lhel lhe plalnlllv cdnsplrecl wllh lhe
Developer |o allocale a rnllurhal share of unlls lo the Car Park
[an To deglrl wllh, hellher lhe plaihlrll ndr lhe Developer was lhe final
amller ld allocele me share unlls Al lhe risk el lzelng repetllwel lhe
dacislorl maker was me Salarlgor Dlreclor ol Lands and Mlnes, is
sru uzaluaunmnssaueue
«mu. emu nuvlhnrwlll a. u... e may he uuln.l-l mm. dnumlml Vfl muun Wm!
can be seen in me letters dated 4 A 2017 and 15.4 2017 in tact, Ihs
letter dated 4.4.2017 is enlllled “Unit syer Vang Dimiuskeii oleh
Pa/aha! Tanah den Geiian Adslah Muklamad den Hams Digilna
Pakai it goes to snuw that “ISL the allocation oi snares was made
tiytne DIreclorcv1Land5 and Mines, and secamtiy, ‘ final and mus|
be adapted by an parties
[ea] seiaie ine, reamed cpiinsei for itie delendant contended that tneie
was a pcseiniiity D! collusion between me neiieippenind tiie plam|lWi
wriicn ieeiiited in me minimal aiieeation in share units ic trie piaintiii.
witii respect, tnie poesibiiityte insumcient tor tne Ccurl lo conciude
mere was indeed an aiieged ceiiiisipii
[59] wtiat ttien IS a oaiiusienv in Gov/iridasamy s/o Mulllulingam V cm-
Kec cnye 6 Anor[2012] 7 MLJ 254, epiiusipn is deriiied as ‘an
agreement lo defraud another or |o detain scmelhing lurbiddan by
law“. This purported agveemenl, «it existed at an, piwiiicn nc finding
IS made neiei iniiet Involve not cniy ine pieiniitt and tne Developer
eiit aieo tne nnat deaeipii maker. the Dtrackx ul Lands and Mines.
unieniinateiy, and I mus1 iiiidenine this in gieat «dice. ttiere is not
an iota ol evidence to suggesl tnat me niiectai was in any way
inetniinentai in consplnng with the piaintiii and me Davveloper to
deviant: tne delendanl at to obtain spinetning icitiidden kw law.
[60] The delendanl musl Dome ln this Ccun Will! more than me
particuiais pi eenininii diieetais and shareholders iniipiving tiie
Deveioper and the piaintiu lo estaniisii cpiiitsion or even conspiracy.
Even inne standard ei picci is on the blianoe ei pmba es, tne
deiendant must establish that in arriving at |he impugned decision,
lhe Director 01 Lands and Mlnfi (00, was involved In me aiieged
[61] Noining pi mat son nae been aslahltshed I trieieiore iioid Ihe
deiendant has tailed to eittaciisn inc alleged caiiuslon.
[52] The delendanl even comes |n inns Oourl, inter siia, seeking iur the
snare units In he re-aildpated in a manner that, in (hell ppiiiion is
more equitable with respect for the reasons aiiiided to eariier, this
court cannot accede |o the relief sougm by the delendent in its
IN uzainimiminssaienu
“Nair s.n.i mmhnrwm be UIQG in my ii. nflflirinflly MVMI dnulvilril Vfl AHLING Wm!
[ea] In the resun, my nnaings on me issues raisea are as ibubws.
111 Private Mofion ND 1 and me subsequem increase in Charges
and sinking lurid wninbmnns b ma deiendani againai ma
plalnlm are based on me premise Ihal me uniis had been
inequuabiy aHaca|ed. The aflocalion or me share uniis was
made by me Selangnr Direclors bi Lands and Mines. Any
ehauenge made againsi me inibugnea decision musl be by
way bi a jumciai review appiieaiion since were was no
enaiienge niaua. ma Illocllion made on |he snare unils was‘
mereibre, nnai. in me circumsvanoes. me delendsril had no
aulhorfly la base Pnvals Motion N1: 1 wnribuunsc challenging
(he impugned basisiun. In shun. Pnvaie Manon No 1 is
(H) S 5D(3|(h) 11! the SMA allows the deiendanh as the
Management Corporation, I0 reiy on me pnrase “sigrwcarilly
dmerem purpnses' and, 1nere1are, impose ameieni i.-.15 oi
charges In! the dlfleranl parcels. Eu| such an exercise Oi
discrefiflfl musi be Just and reasonable since the aeienuanx
«am In cnauenge the impugned deuston through a Judicial
review‘ It is n01 open for We defendant in sny now that the
impugned aeasibn IS not equiiabie. That ambums to a
cullaterai attack, which [his Caurt vefuses tn allow.
However‘ mere IS no evidence beiore the court mat Frwaie
Mbuon No. 1 and me subsequent increase m charges and
sinking Fund Cunmbullons by me uetermanc agains| the
piainm is banned wi|h me/e //ds Dnflerent imerweianbns cube
iaw. aibeu In error, wimoui more, cannoi be cbnsimed as ma/a
(IV) Since me passing of Private Manon N0. 1 is wrong In law, me
auendanl oonsequences would be the unlawful increase in the
cnarges and sinking Fund Conlnbulmns by the aevendani
ag nsune piaimiu baa caused loss and damage to me piainim
in |heI ibe plainiirt is sumecl to a higher paymeni Much is not
iegany 1usb«ea.
m uzsiummnssaueau
«mu. s.n.i nuvihnrwm be u... a my line annn.u-y mm: dnuumnl y. arium Wm!
[vi The allocation oi tne snare UHVBUIS1 was oaseo on me setting
onoe tormuia was not oetetniineo by the Developev, let atone
amtiraniy sinoe tne iinougneo oeoision was made by trie
Director or Lanos ano Minest ano more was no ohaiienge
made an the same. this coitrtcannot tssue an order tor trie re—
aiiooatton at the snare units tor tne car Park Pareeis. Granltng
an oroer sougtit by ttie oetenoant wouto inutte a oraaon ot trio
principles ot natural iustice since the Director oi Lands and
Mines ought to be given the rignt to oe nearo
(Vi) Evert ii tiie oeterioant were to add the neyeiooan Lroenseo
Land Surveyor ano the Selangor Direoxoi ot Lanos and Mines
as parties to this Suit, Cher: Is FWIHIHQ lhal this Cuurl muid do
since me proper rnooe o1 oonnnenoenient to oriaiienge the
impugned oeoision wouid be by way ol a judicial review.
(vit) Even it tne expert eindenoe aodueed by the delendanl is
aornissioie and Dledlbiey it cannot on its own give me
iunsoiotion to true court to ouasri ine impugned oeoieion niaoe
by tne Director o1 Lanos ano Mines
[34] I ttieretore make the ioiiowing oroers
(a) A deciaraimn mat Private Motion No. 1 is premature and
lhelafore uniawtui, invaiio and void
in) An iniunctton restraining tne oetendant, vlrielher by eit or
tnrougn its agent or servant, irorn nulltrig into enact or
aniorcing uie rate :11 cnarges in Pnyate Motion No. 1 passed
at the AGM ot the aeienoant on 3011.201?
(oi An injunction oioenng and directing trie detenoant to canoe: an
the Tax invoioes issued by ttie deienoant to the piaintm tonne
oenoo iroin January 2015 |o Maren 2018 and an otnar Tax
invoices that may be issueo with rates and criarges mentioned
in Friva|e Motion No. 1.
id) The counterclaim against me otaintiii is dISlY|iS5Sd.
[55] I am not aiimting any damages, eitner general or exemplary, as
sought by tne otainttii since it nas not been shown to me that in
passing Private Motion No 1,tne oeienttant was acttng rria/a Me. In
anon, than is no evioenoe or bad taitn on ttie pan onne oetenoant.
IN L1ZainBJI1b.KM16SH|wD
“Nair s.n.i mnihnrwiii be u... M my i... ntwiriniily MIMI dnuuvinrit Vfl aFiuNG mi
And as I anuoad to eimer. dlfisrem Irwerbrelauons av me law wmno-A
more 15 no! evidence 01 bad Iauh.
(66) Casls ws mm at RM5o,ooo subject |n auucamr.
‘r-rum: 13 Janunri 2024
Mahkamah Tmggl Kuava Lumpur
Eam Pivak Ptavmfl Ashnk Kamlmh all K Shanmuganmhan.
Celine T571 512 Nina a. my Chen‘: Wei
Teluan Ho Lake 5. KM
saw man Deiendan Llm Jun Rm s. m Ru Val
rem" Sheam Delamm a. Cu
sm uzawnaaumfissalnnu
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
(cl Pmsuanl in another SPA dated 15.3.2lIUE,Ihe Devsloper and
lnlersmne Lelsule sun Blld sold the Car Parks in Bangunan
Yin lo FD1 carporsle Parklrlg an me purchase pnoe ol
[7] Due la a corporate reslmclunrlg exercise, the plalnnll acquired all
me Car Park Parcels from FD1 Cnvporala Parking Tnarelore. as
alluded to earllen the plalnllff IS now the owner M the Car Park
nu olspuls
[:31 The crux of me plalnulrs clam agalnsl lne defendant ls on me lssue
or me msimsnanos charges and slnklrlg lund imposed by me
uelendanl wide! a mollnn trelerred la as “Pnvale Manon Na. 1“)
which was passed lmougn a poll vote at Ihe 1*‘ Annual eenecal
Maellrlg (“AGM“) Mme dalenaanl held an an n 2017
[9] By lna passlng ol Prlvale Mollon No. 1. me delendanl, as |he
Management Comovallnrl, ls al llbsrly |n impose alwersnl ra|es per
share unll (or dlllerenl types cl parcels HI PD1:
(aj Pm Office . RM) 10 usrsnare unll
lo) PDI Ground Floor — RMD.32 per share lmll
ls) Earlgunarl wn Offloe - RM1 .03 per sham uml
(dl Eangurlan V-n Gmurld Floor
RMD 30 per share urll|
(e) PD1 aasemenl Carpark - RM4.B5 pershare um!
(I) Eangunan wn aasemenl
Carpark — RM11.Q1 Dy share unll
As can be seen‘ under Private Motion Na. 1, the aelsndanl ls
allowed to lmposa werenl ralas psr shale unll lcr o/pas el pamels
at the same use m Pm.
m uzamemx ynésalmu
“Nair Smnl nmlhnrwm s. u... m may he mm-y mm: dnuuvlnnl VII mum ml
[to] The plalrltlfflvnk umbrage |o the Motion. Awordtng lo the plalnttw.
Private Motion No. 1 is ultra vires the strata Management Act 2013
|“SMA"j or the STA and unlawful. The p|aIn|M‘s epteetiens are
anchored on the lpllpwino gmunds.
ta) Private Mmlon No, t runs Ioul oi the concept art share units as
envisaged by the SMA andlor STA
(D) Prior to the issuance oi the tnatvtaual slrala (tiles tor the
parcels, the allocated share units, as ttetenntneo by the
licensed surveyoroi the ttetreloperoi Pm complex, hao been
approved by the retevsntauthpnttes. According to the plainllil,
the appmval was made ener the relevant authorities
oonstdered the various purposes and usages oi the parcels
oornpnseu tn the Pot complex
to) what IS more important is the purposes and usages ot the
various paroels in Pnt Complex have never changett «rpm the
outset and remain the same at present. This includes the car
Park Pamels
to) Thurs is no basis or tustmcattcn tor the tteienuant to charge
dttlerent rates or charges on the ottterent parses, including the
car Park Parcels within the Put complex unflev s sot3)(o) oi
the sum, in short. the rmplementstton M Pnvale Motion No t.
which imposes atrterent rates at charges, is oestgnea to
compel the ptstnttrttc pay unusually higher charges compared
to other plmel awnars
tel In the al|ema|we. s eotaxol oi the SMA does not entitle the
detenaant to impose the increased charges against the
ptatnttit such dtiiersnt rates ol charges. tiany. shall only be
charged where the parcels are used tor stgnlrrcentty omerertt
purposes and VI respect oi provisional blocks
(I) Pm/a|e Motion No 1 ts |alnIed with bad laith and represents
ongoing oiscrtminatory conduct to harass and/or |o undermine
the Platnttlrs entoyment and commercial exploitation oi the
Car parlt Farces.
rn uzatnmmrnsseusae
“Nair s.n.t nuvlhnrwm rs. tr... w my t... nflmnallly mt. dnuuvlnrll wa aFluNG vtmxl
The rfillsfs sougrii
[11] For me aloieseia reasons, the plaintirl seeks me lollowing reliels
against me delandanl
(a) A rteclamtion lhal Fnvale Motion No 1 is unlawml. inueliu
amt/or void.
(b) An inrunction to restrain the delendarll lrom enloreing the rate
ol charges in Private Motion No. 1 as passed at the AGM on
(c) An lnluncuorl ordering me oetenuant to immediately canoe! all
019 Tax invoices (ram January 2018 10 March 2018 and all
other Tax lrtvotoes that may be issued wllh rates and charges
mentioned in Pnvale Motion No.1.
(d) Geneml and exemplary darnsgee against trie itelenpant.
iuitrier or inner orders. and costs.
Devlenoe and caunzerotarrn
[12] The Detenoe is oased on me premise that trie oiwerent nitss or
charges inippseit puvsuam to the passing of Private Motion No. 1
are in aooaidanoe witn IIw tor iniar ulia. vie lollowing reasons »
(a) The deiendant is en|l|le\‘1 lo levy diilerent rates at ctiarges
under s 6D(3)(b) cl iris SMA in respect M parcels used lor
“significantly eierilpiirposes".
tn) sinoe s sntsltol of iris sum is clear and urisrnoiguous,
pursuant to the niles governrng slaluwry interpretation, trie
phrase ‘significantly ailterent purposes" mus1 be given its
literal meaning
(cl Aoooming la me deferiderll, me impugned provision means
triai, as long as two panels in me same development are used
«or significantly different purposes. tnen arter opnsraenng me
expendflure assocla|sd wiin tlie maintenanoe M a paroei
relative to tne mainiensnee at a parcel lha| has a “slgnlVlcan|ly
ru uzaiuimmrnsseiouu
«mu. s.r.i mmhnrwlll be in... M my i... nrwlnellly mi. dnuuvlnrrl Vfl nFlt.lNG vtmxl
omerent purpose: the delendant as the Management
corporatlon can unpose dmerent rates tor the parcels but lrl
pmpnmolt at the allocated share u e. Thli lnterpretatlon,
aecordtng to the delendanl, lS conststent wl|h the scheme or
SMA as a whole.
to) The ewendllure tor mainta o the common pmperly wtthlrl a
strata development may vary dependlng on the use ot the
parcels vntnln the strata devekzpmenl. l| ls theretore only lair
and reasonahle tor the Management Corporallort to allocate
the total expendllure/malnlenance oosts to the types at parcels
[13] In any event, the detendant has the statutory duty to oeterrnrne
charges based on the expenses lneurred In malrttairtlrtg and
rnanagtng the oeveldpment area.
[14] The delendantturther evened aelollovvs
ta) There exlsted a relattonshlp between the Developer, the
pIam|Ifl‘S dlredors and shareholders As a result etthls alleged
relattonship, the dererrdant contended that the pleintilt, Pat
corporate Parktrtg and the Developer eolluded at the expense
ot other parcel owners
to) The plalnttrl had oeen paylng a very nnnnnal amount to the
rnatntenanee charges ano sinklng tunds oespne the plalnttws
subslltttlal ownership or ptepertles.
(C) There can he no dlscrlmlnallon lrdm enlorcing the tnulttple
rates as Pnvate Molten 1 was passed wlth ntatanty votes at
the AGM In the circumstances, all propnetors are bound by ll.
[15] The adunterclatrn filed against the platnttlt ts on the total uttlslartdtrtg
tncreased rnaintenanoe charges and Slnklrlg funds The defendant
also sought an outer tor the share dntts to he reallocated tn the
manner that the delendant sald would he more equtlaole.
[Is] In the clrcurrlsfances. the delendant seeks the lollowtng tenets trorn
the plaintirl
IN uzammmtnssauete
«ha. s.n.l nuvlharwlll a. tr... a my r... ennmun sun. dnuuvlnht v.. mane v-mxl
(a) The principal sum of RM2e5,sa3 as at 21.03 zine at such
amount this court deems fit and proper and lurtner amount
due on an accruing balls, wl|h interest at the rate oH0%1mm
1.l.2ola until he eale nfltlll realisation.
(tat Interest at the rate p15‘/. per annum on the mtal judgment sum
train the dale pl iudgment la the da|e offull realisation
(c) An araerthal the share units allocated to Pm appmved by the
selangor Director at Lands and Mines are null and vein
(d) That the court orders the aetenaanl or any other body who
has a duty to maintain the Subdlvlded unit lo re-allocate share
unite aoopreing tip the loimula set ml III the strata Titles
tselangor) Rules 2015,
te) That, lurther and in the alternative, pursuant to s 417 of the
Nauonat Land Code I965. the court orders the Dtveclor cl
Surveyarid the Director o1Land: and Mines seiangprto adopt
the share units In the whole development area tas defined in
the SMA) ol the defendant
the Issues to he trlea
[171 l have gone through the pleintilrs issues to be tried in Enel 25 and
the defendant‘: written submission in Erlcl I79 and have taken the
Ilbefly lo summarise the issues |o be tried as lollows
to whether Private Mulrpn No 1 and/or the subsequent increase
H1 Charges and sinking lund eontnbunons by the delenaant
i« is ultra was the SMA andlor STA and/at is
(II) whether s sutattht er the SMA entrtles the uetendant to
impose emerent rates at charges tor the eillerent parcels (in
particular, the car Park Parcels when by the plarntim within
Put Complex
rn UZalflmMKAI“6SllDfiD
«nu. s.ri.i nuvlhnrwlll be u... M new i... nflnlhnllly Mthln dnulvllnl Vfl uFlt.lNG mi
(ni) Whether Privala Mollun No. 1 and ma xubnquarllinclease In
charge: and Slnking Fund Canlnbuuons by me delendanl
agilnsl the plamlrll ls lrrallorlal. dlsl:rlmlna|cry and Iainled wllh
mula Iider
nu) Whelher lne Increase in me charges and Slnklng Fund
Corllrlbullnns by me delendanlag-rnsl me plalmlfi has caused
loss and damage In me plalnlm
(V) Whether me selllng prloe could have been delennrned
amilrarily by me devvelaper ll lhe answer is rn the alnrmalwe,
whether «ms Com can issue an drderlurlne re-allocalron al
lha share mm: lorms Car Park Pmels in accordance wnn the
appllcahle law
(yr) Whether ma lailuru M ma dalendanl la add Iha Developer.
Lloensed Land Surveyor and me Selangur Dlrecldr cl Lands
And Mlnes ls lalal
(vlij whether expert evldence adduced by (he delendanl ls
admlssrble and credlble.
SIO(3}{b) nhhe SMA
[18] I wlll deal wlln lssuss ll ) and (ii) logemer slnoe lhsy ale lnlewelaled.
[191 To begln wllrr‘ s scram») at me SMA pmvldes mar are Managernenl
Corporalmn may‘ at a general meellng:
mlse me ammmls w dauarrmned by rmnosrng
Cmllgu on me pmwreum In Dmnumorl lo the
mare umls or pmvismnnl sharv umli on lhelr
rzspedl parmlsorpmvlslmlzlblm:ks,and\7le
manual -nu oorpclrahnn miy uulamllrle
dnlerenl rules at charges k) be pald ln reaper.-.
av pmsls mm m usod lur ilgnwlnanlly
dmerenl nurposas and m respecl ol Ihe
plovlsaunal mm;
m uzalnmunfissabnu
“Nana smnl ...n.mur .. U... M my r... mruu-y mm: dnuuvlml Vfl nFluNa Wm!
[20] The puestten fit theretore. tl s SD(3)(b) does trtdeed entttle the
detendant to trrttrese dlflerent rates or charges tor dmerent parcels.
then Pm/ate Molton Ma. 1 does no| rlm fuul at the concept cl shares
ttntts as envisaged by the SMA and STA.
mt Learned counsel tor the plstntttl stlhntttted that the delehdant aetttd
only levy payments mandated by the statutes and nothing else The
extertstcn cl the argument rs that the trttpdsitten of any levy not
sancltorted by statute would be ttltra vlres, Perbadanan
Ptnqurusln Endlh P-r-dc v Magrrmcerrt Dllyrlph Sdn Bhd
[ZD13] 6 MLJ 343 CA.
[22] Accordlng lo teamed counsel tor the plalrttttt, the detertdanl can only
levy payments mandated by statute and such changes, tl any. ntust
be In propenton lo the share ttntls at the vespechve parcel.
[23) In any event‘ learned wunsel tor the platnttw Submllled that the
exams! at resuntng to s sotzttbt at the SMA had nothlng to do wtth
the laat that there was an tncreese tn the rrtetntenence costs Irtsing
out d1 the plaintiffs car park pamels On the catttrary, teamed
counsel contended that tt was rrtade based an the delettdanrs
rt at the alleged tnequttatzly allocated share urttte.
[24] Dullllg the txess-exarrttneltott el nwz, Ang l<ltrt Jhew was asked
about the two pessthle reasons tor the proposal cl the mulltple
servtce charge rates Enclk Ang ts the drte who proposed Prlvale
Mutton No. t The two reasons are:
(it Dtsprepdtttortate allecatton a1 share tmrts tc the dtrlerent
parcels tn the PD1 Development Area; and
(tt) Incorrect ellocaliun of share Wills to the dttterent parcel
FD1 Development Area.
P/C Can you please answer my qIAesll0n’7
H‘; a strrtpte ‘yes’ nr'llu' Ara Illau IWB
ralluns that Private lttetprt No t was
nwz ves
IN czetntmmrnsselete
“Nntze Smut nuvlhnrwlll a. HIGH a my t... nflmnallly MVMI dnuuvlnrtl VII aFluNG vwul
[25] Learned counsel forth: prairnrmnsn reverrea rne re lhe judgment oi
me Shah Nam Hrgn Com M Sc» Assets Sdn Bhd v Pu-badarran
Fnngurunn PD1 [24:21] MLJU 523, wnero my rearneo bruther Tee
eeok Hock JC (now J) remarked as tcHows:
rn rnnsonoasrea oornron ollms Conn flseclmn
6o13xn)sMA mm were ro be arven me rnerar
rmerpvelalmn rn ms mannav suogesr.-so by me
nsunoanr mm rs so long rnere re a parcel
nnron has been nseo nu some dwterern
purpose, rnon rns management ooroorsuon rs
empowered ro Impose dflfevvnt ribs 01 snarqes
against that parcel. rr womd (own man rnsr at
every Annnsr seneror Meerrno. me rats: or
cnarges wumd Vhmuate srrnpry ry, me mu Mme
mawrlly ol the mamhnrs D1 rns Management
(lorpauahm, cnnsrng unnecessary and rrsqusnr
«name and chaos In ma mnluunwty or rn.
snonrnea development Such altmrziry oulwms
mm rrurosrsrs or swans rn a slralslred
dlvslvvmtnt ouuld nol have osen rrre rnrennon
or rne Pam.amen| rn me absence ct use! and
express vmduo rnnr effect
[25] In any event. DW2, during hrs crass-examination, conceded that the
orsrnm had used me Car Park Parcels tor eornnrsrcrsr pwpusss and
mat me purpose had never changed Based on rrns resunrony of
DW2, learned zxnmsel for the phlmtlfl mbmrued that {here had been
no change H’! the purpose 0! the Car Park Parcels, Vet a\one
‘significantly oruerenr purposes“ within the meaning or s soranm.
[27] on me other hand, reamed cuunsel for the delendant aIlrac|ed my
altenllon to s 60l3)1b) oi the SMA, which erniues me defendant ro
rmpose urnsrsnu ram 01 charges for dmerem parcels.
[23] The rrne ursrgunrenrov resrneo munser Ior mo osrsnasnr rs that me
Management Corporauon‘ Vn (NS case, the delendanl, may
delsmwle different vates of service charges on pares‘: used for
srgnrncsnuy uruerenr puruoses. cnrrrg Sodalirt Sdn emu. ors v 1
Mom’ ram And mm 2 Mnnsgernsnr Corporation rs ars 120211
12 MLJ 113. learned aounsat (D! the defendant subrwlled that a
Management Corpcmum has powers to mflerenliate the different
Iypes or onarges to be Imposed on propnelcrs subject to me
wnflrhon that the bard nwwsr must IIo| exceed the Ilmnahon
rn uzsrnmmnsssronu
“None s.n.r nmhnrwm rs. med w my r... oflmnsuly snn. dnuumnl Vfl .rruno onnr
| 2,608 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
BA-22NCvC-258-07/2020 | PLAINTIF LINGKARAN EFEKTIF ENERGY SDN. BHD. DEFENDAN 1. ) KHAIRUL FADZLIN BINTI ABD KHALID 2. ) MOHD HEREYMAN BIN ABD RASHID 3. ) REDVALE ALLIANCE SDN. BHD. 4. ) WAN MOHD AYUB NAJMUDDIN BIN WAN MOHD ZAINI | Claim against director and shadow director for breach of fiduciary duties-failure to disclose interest in a contract awarded by Plaintiff company-whether damages claimed proven-insufficient to prove mere failure to disclose-proof of director and Defendant company profiting from the breach is essential-whether the amount claimed sufficiently proven-same facts upon which breach of fiduciary duty is premised used to prove tort of conspiracy to injure-whether claim for conspiracy misconceived | 23/01/2024 | YA Puan Alice Loke Yee Ching | |
Lingkaran Efektif Energy Sdn Bhd v Khairul Fadzlin binti Abd khalisd and 3 Others (1)
GUAMAN SIVIL NO. BA-22CVC-258-07/2020
(NO. K/P: 820124-10-5052)
(NO. K/P: 741108-06-5315)
(NO. SYARIKAT : 1227658-U)
[1] The Plaintiff sues the 1st, 3rd and 4th Defendants (“D1, D3 and D4”)
for damages consequent upon the breach of D1 and D4’s fiduciary
23/01/2024 07:23:53
BA-22NCvC-258-07/2020 Kand. 58
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
duties and the tort of conspiracy to injure. The suit against the 2nd
Defendant has since been withdrawn.
[2] At the material time, D1 was both a director of the Plaintiff and D3.
D4 is the spouse of D1. The Plaintiff awarded a contract to D3
which D1 as the director, failed to disclose her interest in. The
Plaintiff now seeks to recover amounts paid to D3 from the said
contract, totaling RM 1,685,207.25. Liability is also sought against
D4 on the basis that he was the shadow director of the Plaintiff as
he was making decisions for the Plaintiff, through D1.
Plaintiff’s case
[3] The Plaintiff was incorporated on 9.11.2016. The majority
shareholder of the Plaintiff at the material time was Lingkaran
Efektif Sdn. Bhd. (“LESB”).
[4] Prior to the incorporation of the Plaintiff, LESB sought the views of
D4. At the material time, D4 was based in Penggerang, Johor. He
had knowledge of the Engineering, Procurement, Construction and
Commissioning for the Petronas Refinery and Petrochemical
Integrated Development Complex in Penggerang (“Rapid
Project”) which LESB was interested in. Upon his advice, the
Plaintiff was incorporated to undertake part of the Rapid Project as
the subcontractor of LESB. D1 was appointed one of the two
directors of the Plaintiff.
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[5] Some five months thereafter, a company known as Redvale
Alliance Sdn. Bhd. (D3), was incorporated on 19.4.2017. D1 was
one of the directors of D3. She was also the sole shareholder.
[6] On 7.8.2017, D1 caused the Plaintiff to issue a purchase order
LEESB/PO/0817/025/009 RO (“Purchase Order”) to D3. The
Purchase Order was pursuant to the Plaintiff appointing D3 to
supply manpower for the Rapid Project. The contract sum was RM
616,044.00, excluding GST.
[7] Between August 2017 and February 2018, Plaintiff paid a total
amount of RM 1,685,207.25 to D3.
[8] The Plaintiff then discovered that D1 failed to disclose her interest
in D3 to the Plaintiff when the manpower supply contract was
awarded to D3. The facts pertaining to the alleged breach by D1
have been set out in paragraph 9-13, 27 and 28 of the Plaintiff’s
Statement of Claim. Notwithstanding the numerous allegations of
facts pleaded, the Plaintiff’s complaint is essentially, that D1 failed
to act in the best interests of the Plaintiff had therefore acted
contrary to her common law and statutory duties as a director
mandated by the provisions in the Companies Act, 2016.
[9] D4 is the husband of D1. Although he held no position in the
Plaintiff, he was in fact the controlling mind, through D1. D4 was
involved in incorporating D3. He had knowledge that D1 was a
director of D3. He also took an active part in the management of
the Plaintiff by being present at the meetings of the Board of
Directors of the Plaintiff. Although he had knowledge of D1’s
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
position in D3, he failed to disclose that fact during the meetings.
He acted as a shadow director and, like D1, owed a responsibility
to act in the best interests of the Plaintiff. Similar to D1, he is
alleged to have breached his fiduciary duties to the Plaintiff.
[10] Apart from the alleged breach of fiduciary duties, the Plaintiff also
claimed that D1, D3 and D4 committed the tort of conspiracy to
injure the Plaintiff resulting in the latter making payments to D3. It
therefore seeks to recover the amounts paid to D3.
[11] The sum of RM 1,685,207.25 paid by the Plaintiff to D3 is claimed
as special damages. In the alternative, the Plaintiff prays for
general damages to be assessed by this court.
Defence case
[12] All the three defendants are represented by the same solicitors. D1
denied the allegations of breach of fiduciary duties. She did not
take an active part in the operations of the Plaintiff, although she
was present at the Board of Director’s meetings.
[13] As for D3, it denied receiving the alleged payment of RM
1,685,207.25 by Plaintiff. However, it admitted it was awarded the
contract to supply manpower vide the Purchase Order. Pursuant
thereto, it had fulfilled its obligations under the said contract.
[14] D4 like D1, denied any breach of fiduciary duties on his part.
Instead, he was instrumental to the award of the Rapid Project to
the Plaintiff arising from his experience and commercial contacts
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
which he had from established companies in the industry. He also
injected monies into the Plaintiff to allow it to be incorporated and
to carry out the contract awarded by LESB.
Issues for determination
[15] From the respective positions taken by the opposing parties, the
predominant issue that arises for determination is a factual one,
which turns on the evidence establishing breach of fiduciary duties
and conspiracy to injure, adduced at the trial.
Analysis and decision of this court
[16] It is trite law that the Plaintiff bears the onus of proving his case
and the existence of those facts which would establish his case.
(See: sections 101 and 103 of the Evidence Act, 1950 and
Letchumanan Chettiar Alagapan (as executor to SL Alamelooo
Achi (Deceased) & Anor v Secure Plantation Sdn. Bhd.) [2017]
5 CLJ 418). It follows therefore that the burden to prove breach of
fiduciary duties and the tort of conspiracy to injure lies on the
Plaintiff (See: Wong Kar Juat & Anor. v S7 Auto Parts (M) Sdn
Bhd [2015] 9 CLJ 590, Court of Appeal).
Judicial Admission by the Defendants
[17] Apart from the evidence led at the trial which I will discuss later, the
Plaintiff’s case against D1, D3 and D4 rests primarily on the judicial
admissions made in their Defences dated 8.9.2020 in response to
the averment of facts in the Plaintiff’s Statement of Claim.
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[18] As the Plaintiff’s contention on judicial admission was heavily relied
on, I consider it necessary to refer to the specific paragraphs in the
Statement of Claim cited. They are:-
(i) Paragraph 21
Pada 7.8.2017, Defendan Pertama dan Defendan Kedua telah
menyebabkan Plaintiff menganugerahkan kontrak bekalan
tenaga pekerja kepada Defendan Ketiga dengan
mengeluarkan Pesanan Pembelian (“Purchase Order”) seperti
mana yang berikut:
No. Purchase Order Jumlah
1. LEESB/PO/0817/025/009 RO RM 616,044.00
(ii) Paragraph 24
Antara Ogos 2017 hingga Februari 2018, Defendan Pertama
dan Defendan Kedua menyebabkan Plaintiff membuat
bayaran-bayaran berikut kepada Defendan Ketiga:
Tempoh Jumlah (RM)
August 2017 107,492.00
September 2017 135,727.00
October 2017 229,479.75
November 2017 260,124.25
December 2017 310,577.75
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
January 2018 327,026.75
February 2018 314,779.75
Jumlah Keseluruhan RM 1,685,207.25
[19] In their Defence filed, both D1 and D3 admitted to paragraph 21 of
the Statement of Claim. As for paragraph 24, D1 admitted to it, but
was denied by D3.
[20] The Plaintiff also relies on partial admissions made by the
Defendants to its allegations in the Statement of Claim. The
relevant paragraphs in the Statement of Claim are :-
(i) Paragraph 32
Selanjutnya dan secara alternatif, memandangkan segala
pembayaran yang diterima oleh Defendan Ketiga adalah
berbangkit dari perlanggaran tugas Defendan Pertama dan
Kedua, Plaintif memplidkan bahawa Defendan Ketiga telah
diperkaya dengan tidak adil.
(ii) Paragraph 34
Plaintiff memplidkan bahawa Defendan Ke-4 pada semua
masa yang material merupakan ejen dan/atau pengarah
bayangan Plaintiff berdasarkan perkara-perkara berikut:…
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[21] In response to the above, D3 denied that the payments made to it
arose from breaches of fiduciary duties. Instead, D3 stated that
they were made for work done.
[22] As for D4, he admitted to being a shadow director but his role was
to principally advise Ahmad Najmuddin bin Mohamed (PW1). PW1
is currently the director of the Plaintiff with effect from 7.11.2018.
[23] Premised on the admissions/partial admissions in the Defences of
D1, D3 and D4, the Plaintiff contends that the following had been
(i) D1 caused the Plaintiff to award the manpower supply contract
by issuing the Purchase Order to D3;
(ii) Payment of RM 1,685,207.25 had been made to D3 by the
Plaintiff; and
(iii) D4 was a shadow director of the Plaintiff and had knowledge
of the incorporation of D3.
[24] I am of the view that whilst on the face of it, it would appear that
the Defendants made certain concessions, these statements are
not to be viewed in isolation. Otherwise the import of these
statements would be given more significance than is warranted.
Instead, these statements ought to be construed in the light of the
other evidence adduced by the Defendants. In short, the totality of
the evidence adduced at the trial must be considered.
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[25] My view of the alleged admissions is this. Firstly, the award of the
manpower contract to D3 vide the Purchase Order is not in dispute.
The fact that D1 was the director of the Plaintiff at the material time
is also not in dispute. Therefore, for D1 to agree that she caused
the Plaintiff to award the contract to D3 is not surprising.
[26] Secondly, D1 in her evidence in chief admitted in a forthright
manner that she made a mistake in paragraph 9 of her Defence by
admitting to the Plaintiff’s allegation at paragraph 24. In her
evidence, she stated that, “Dengan izin, Yang Arif. Saya berlaku
kesilapan semasa dalam proses pembelaan. Saya tidak
mengetahui dan tidak terlibat dalam sebarang operasi dan
pengurusan company. Jadi saya tidak tahu apa yang dimaksudkan
dengan perenggan tersebut.”
[27] I accept her explanation that she had no intention to admit that she
caused the Plaintiff to pay RM 1,865,207.25 to D3. It was a mistake
on her part to plead paragraph 9 of the Defence. She further stated
that she was not involved in the operations of the Plaintiff.
[28] Having observed her at the trial and the explanation proffered, I
find no reason to disbelieve her. It would make no sense for her to
admit in the manner contended by the Plaintiff as that would be as
good as admitting liability. The concession in her pleading was
unintentional in view of the entire tenor of her evidence at the trial
which was a denial of the allegations by the Plaintiff.
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[29] The evidence of PW1 confirmed the fact that D1 was not involved
in the running of the Plaintiff. In cross, he unequivocally stated that
“Saya setuju D1 tidak terlibat dengan operasi syarikat.”
[30] In any event, D3 and D4 in their Defence denied the allegations in
paragraph 24 of the Statement of Claim. It would make no sense
for D1 to admit but D3 and D4 to deny. There would be a glaring
inconsistency in their defence. I therefore surmise that it was a
genuine mistake in the statement made in the Defence. Therefore,
having considered the evidence on the alleged admission, I
conclude that it was but an unintended statement when D1 agreed
to the allegations of the Plaintiff.
[31] Thirdly, as for the alleged partial admissions by D3 and D4, I am of
the view that one ought not to be pedantic about the statements
made in the Defences filed. I would regard them as inadequacies
in drafting rather than an intended admission. The overall justice of
the case ought instead to be the paramount consideration.
Breach of fiduciary duties on the part of D1 and D4
[32] The law on breach of fiduciary duties is settled law. It is a duty
imposed both in common law and by statute. The common law
fiduciary duties have now been codified in the Companies Act,
2016. (See: Board of Trustees of the Sabah Foundation & 2 Ors
v Datuk Syed Kechik bin Syed Mohamad & Anor [2008] 5 MLJ
469, Tengku Dato’ Ibrahim Petra bin Tengku Indra Petra
Perdana Sdn Bhd and Anor Appeal [2018] 2 MLJ 177).
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[33] The main complaint of the Plaintiff is that D1 and D4 failed to
declare their interests in the contract awarded by the Plaintiff. In
other words, they acted contrary to their duty to avoid a conflict of
interest as provided in section 221 of the Companies Act, 2016
which states,
Every director of a company, who is in any way, whether directly or
indirectly interested in a contract or proposed contract with the company
shall, as soon as practicable after the relevant facts have come to the
director’s knowledge, declare the nature of his interest at a meeting of
the board of directors.
[34] D1 candidly admitted she did not inform the Plaintiff that she was
also the director of D3 when the contract to supply manpower was
awarded. She failed to do so as she was not aware that she had
an obligation to disclose. In any event D4, her husband, took an
active role in the operations of the Plaintiff. D4, confirmed that D1
was not involved in the running of the Plaintiff. On his part he stated
that he was ignorant of his obligation to inform the Plaintiff
regarding the contract that was awarded to D3.
[35] I am of the view that the ignorance of D1 as to her statutory
obligation in section 221 of the Companies Act, 2016 is not a valid
defence. Her conduct which was contrary to section 221 clearly
established a breach of her fiduciary duties as a director of the
Plaintiff as she failed to disclose her interest in D3 when the
contract was awarded.
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[36] As for the claim against D4 for breach of fiduciary duties, I find it to
be misconceived. The claim against him was on the ground that he
was a shadow director of the Plaintiff, making the decisions of the
company. The Plaintiff contends that he owed the same duties as
D1 and a claim against him can be brought for breach of fiduciary
[37] It is my view that the statutory duties are imposed only on a director
duly appointed in accordance with the relevant provisions of the
Companies Act, 2016. Clearly, D4 was not. The Plaintiff has also
not cited any authorities to persuade me otherwise.
Tort of conspiracy to injure
[38] Apart from the cause of action founded on breach of fiduciary
duties, the Plaintiff’s case is also premised on the tort of conspiracy
to injure. This cause of action has been given judicial recognition
in our courts, evident in the cases of Renault SA v Inokom Corp
Sdn Bhd & Anor and other appeals [2010] 5 MLJ
394 and Yeohata Machineries Sdn Bhd & Anor v Coil Master
Sdn Bhd & Ors [2015] 6 MLJ 810 which held that the essential
elements to sustain and action of conspiracy to injure are:-
(i) a combination or agreement between two or more individuals;
(ii) an intent to injure;
(iii) pursuant to which combination or agreement and with that
intention, certain acts were carried out; and
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(iv) the acts resulted in loss and damage to the plaintiffs.
[39] The Court of Appeal in Global Ventures Network Sdn Bhd v
Lokman bin Dato’ Mohd Kamal and another appeal [2018] 6
MLJ 103 further defined the tort by making a distinction between
the means employed to carry out the conspiracy. It held,
…in order to make out a case of conspiracy, the plaintiff would need to
establish that there was an agreement between two or more persons to
injure the plaintiff; and that the acts done in execution of that agreement
resulted in damage to the plaintiff…
The principles which are applicable depend very much on the specific
allegations of conspiracy that are pleaded in the statement of claim.
In Wu Yang Construction Group Ltd v Zhejiang Jinyi Group Co, Ltd and
others [2006] 4 SLR 451 at p 491, the court expressed that:
75. It is apposite to note that the actual principles of law relating
to the tort of conspiracy are none too clear. What is clear is that
there are traditionally, two separate and distinct aspects or ways
of applying the tort of conspiracy. As might have been surmised,
the legal principles with respect to each aspect are somewhat
76. There is, first, the situation where unlawful means have been
used (also known as ‘wrongful means conspiracy’). The relevant
law in this context appears to be straightforward. In particular,
there is no need for the plaintiff concerned to prove that there has
been a predominant intention on the part of the defendant to injure
it. It would appear that the very utilisation of unlawful means is, by
its very nature, sufficient to render the defendants liable,
regardless of their predominant intention. This would appear to
be both logical as well as just and fair, especially if we bear in
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mind the fact that the central core, as it were, of the tort of
conspiracy hinges on the proof that the conspiracy is somehow
unlawful and that the plaintiff is entitled to succeed provided that
it can prove that it has suffered damage.
77. Secondly, there is the situation where lawful means have
been used (also known as ‘simple conspiracy’ or ‘conspiracy to
injure’). Unlike the first category referred to briefly in the preceding
paragraph, this second category requires that the plaintiff prove
that there has been a predominant intention on the part of the
defendants to injure it (see the leading House of Lords decision
of Lornho plc v Fayed [1992] 1 AC 448 (‘Lornho’)). This additional
element is required simply because, without it, the alleged
conspiracy would be devoid of any element of unlawfulness. It is
precisely because there is a predominant intention on the part of
the defendants to injure the plaintiff that the plaintiff is entitled to
succeed provided (again) that it (the plaintiff) can prove that it has
suffered damage. It is this concerted predominant intention to
injure that renders the conduct of the defendants, which would
otherwise have been lawful, unlawful or illegitimate. As Lord
Bridge of Harwich, who delivered the substantive judgment of the
House in Lornho (with which the other Law Lords agreed),
observed (at pp 465-466):
Where conspirators act with the predominant purpose of
injuring the plaintiff and in fact inflict damage on him, but
do nothing which would have been actionable if done by
an individual acting alone, it is in the fact of their concerted
action for that illegitimate purpose that the law, however
anomalous it may now seem, finds a sufficient ground to
condemn their action as illegal and tortious. But when the
conspirators intentionally injure the plaintiff and used
unlawful means to do so, it is no defence for them to show
that their primary purpose was to further or protect their
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own interests; it is sufficient to make their action tortious
that the means use were unlawful.
[40] In its Statement of Claim, the Plaintiff relied on the same set of facts
in respect of breach of fiduciary duties for its cause of action for tort
of conspiracy to injure. The Plaintiff is wholly misconceived here.
Based on the principles enunciated in the authorities cited above,
the elements to be established where the tort of conspiracy is relied
on are clearly distinct from breach of fiduciary duties.
[41] In MGG Pillai v Tan Sri Dato Vincent Tan Chee Yioun and other
appeals [1995] 2 MLJ 493, the Court of Appeal recognised that
conspiracy is a tort that is not always capable of proof by direct
evidence. However, the same can be inferred from the conduct of
the defendants. Gopal Sri Ram JCA (as His Lordship then was)
held at p 515 that:
Conspiracy is a tort that is not always capable of proof by direct
evidence. Like so many other facts, an agreement to do an unlawful act
or a lawful act by unlawful means may be established by evidence of
circumstances from which such an agreement may be inferred: Barindra
Kumar Ghose & Ors v The Emperor (1909) 14 CWN 1114. It is axiomatic
that there must be proof and not mere conjecture. In the present case
there was sufficient evidence from which a conspiracy could be properly
[42] In this instance, I am unable to infer from the evidence adduced at
the trial, that there was a conspiracy between D1, D3 and D4 within
the meaning enunciated by the authorities on this point. The
Plaintiff’s case on the tort of conspiracy, therefore fails.
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[43] I now come to the issue of damages. Even if the Plaintiff succeeds
in proving that D1 breached her fiduciary duties, it must
demonstrate that actual harm or loss has been suffered as a result
of D1’s breach.
[44] The pleaded case of the Plaintiff was that the breach of D1 had
occasioned a loss of RM 1,685,000.00 to the Plaintiff by causing
the said amount to be paid out to D3. It seeks to recover this
[45] It bears repeating that the Plaintiff bears the burden of proving its
allegations of fact, in particular the loss of RM 1,685,000.00.
[46] There is absolutely no evidence in support of this amount.
Notwithstanding that the details of the amount allegedly paid have
been set out in paragraph 24 of the Statement of Claim, there is
absolutely no documentary evidence adduced as proof. As the
judicial admission of this amount paid out has been disregarded by
this court, the Plaintiff’s case is bereft of any proof on the loss which
resulted. The amount of RM 616,044.00 in the Purchase Order
relied on is not consistent with the amount claimed by the Plaintiff.
The Purchase Order by itself is not proof of RM 1,685,000.00
received by D3.
[47] The Defendants do not deny that payments were made by the
Plaintiff in respect of manpower supply contract. The fact that D3
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received payment is not ipso fact evidence of loss to the Plaintiff.
To a specific question asked by the court during the trial, PW2
admitted that D3 did supply manpower for the Rapid Project.
Therefore, it cannot be denied that work was done by D3.
[48] This is evident from the minutes of meeting of the Plaintiff held on
7.11.2018 which was tendered in evidence. At the said meeting,
D4 requested for payment towards the invoice issued by D3 for the
amount of RM 262,000.00. This invoice was issued for the supply
of manpower. The meeting however decided to reject D3’s claim
on the ground that D3 was set up without the knowledge of the
[49] In this regard, the Court of Appeal case of Soh Chee Gee v Syn
Tai Hung Trading Sdn Bhd [2019] 2 MLJ 379 is particularly
instructive. Although the Court of Appeal affirmed the High Court
finding of breach of fiduciary duties on the part of the Chief
Executive Officer of the Plaintiff, it disallowed the claim for
damages on the ground that it was not proved. The Court of Appeal
However, we are not convinced that the defendant can be said to be
solely responsible for the losses of the company stated to be RM16m
plus. This case is unlike other cases where the employee acted in breach
of his fiduciary duties and appropriated the company’s funds for himself.
In such an event, the losses are clearly attributable directly to the acts of
the employee and should be ordered to be disgorged. That is not the
case here. Several factors go into assessing the cause for the losses
stated to be suffered by the plaintiff company, particularly the role played
by Cosmo and the benefit received by it.
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As an employee, unless it can be established that he acted dishonestly
and enjoyed pecuniary gains as a result of his misconduct, there is no
legal basis to hold him liable for the totality of the losses that was not the
thrust of the charges preferred against him; neither were such clear
findings of fact made against him by the domestic inquiry panel. In the
absence of such evidence, the defendant’s liability for the entirety of the
losses is not made out. On liability alone, this aspect of the claim for
damages is not established.
[50] Therefore, as far as the evidence goes, I find nothing to support
the claim for special damages of RM 1,685,000.00. To recapitulate,
work was in fact done by D3 in fulfilment of its obligation under the
manpower supply contract. There is no evidence of financial
detriment occasioned to the Plaintiff from the award of the contract
to D3. Neither was it proven that D1, D3 and D4 had profited from
the breach of fiduciary duties of D1. In addition, there is no
evidence to establish that the sum claimed was in fact paid to D3.
In the circumstances, the Plaintiff’s claim for special damages is
not allowed.
[51] I note that the Plaintiff has, in its Statement of Claim, prayed for
general damages to be assessed. Even if D1 had breached her
fiduciary duty to disclose her interest, the Plaintiff must show the
circumstances which warrant an order for damages. There is no
evidence remotely supporting its claim for general damages.
[52] For the sake of completeness, I would also add that the Plaintiff’s
claim that the Defendants had been unjustly enriched by the
amount of RM 1,685,000.00 also fails.
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[53] Premised on the findings as aforesaid, and on a balance of
probabilities, I do not find the Plaintiff’s claim to have been proven
against the Defendants. In the circumstances, its claim must
necessarily be dismissed.
[54] Taking into account the fact that no particular issues of
complexities arise for determination in this case, the duration of the
trial and the number of witnesses called, I order that costs of RM
25,000 be paid by the Plaintiff to the Defendant.
Dated: 22nd day of January 2024
Alice Loke Yee Ching
High Court in Malaya
at Shah Alam
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Counsel for the Plaintiff : Mr. Mohd Wafiy bin Azman
(Miss Marina Tiwol with him)
Messrs. Azmi & Associates
Counsel for the 1st, 3rd & 4th : Mr. Khairul Anuar bin Kashim
Defendants Messrs Anuar Yusof & Partners
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| 30,021 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-24F-187-06/2023 | PEMOHON A R T RESPONDEN G A N | Family law - Reference to conciliatory body - Application by Applicant wife for exemption from reference to conciliatory body- Whether Applicant had established exceptional circumstances - Whether there was hope of reconciliation - Whether Respondent husband was deliberately delaying divorce by opposing Applicant's application - Law Reform (Marriage & Divorce) Act 1976 section 106 | 23/01/2024 | YA Puan Evrol Mariette Peters | |
WA-24F-187-06/2023 23 January 2024
Dalam Perkara Petisyen Perceraian yang
dicadangkan untuk pembubaran perkahwinan
Dalam Perkara Seksyen 106(1)(vi)
Akta Membaharui Undang-Undang
(Perkahwinan dan Perceraian), 1976
Dalam Perkara bidang kuasa sedia ada
Mahkamah Tinggi di bawah
Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012
23/01/2024 19:33:29
WA-24F-187-06/2023 Kand. 21
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WA-24F-187-06/2023 23 January 2024
[1] This was an application (“this Application”) by the Applicant Wife for
exemption from referral of the marital dispute to the conciliatory body
pursuant to section 106(1)(vi) of the Law Reform (Marriage and
Divorce) Act 1976 (“Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act”).
[2] In the interest of privacy of the parties concerned, and sensitivity of the
issues in these proceedings, the Applicant, and Respondent Husband
have been anonymised in this judgment as ART and GAN respectively.
The factual background
[3] The involved parties, the Applicant, a citizen of Vietnam, and
Respondent, a Malaysian (collectively, “the Parties”), aged 34 and 47
respectively at the time of the hearing of this Application, were married
in May 2017, and were blessed with a son, born in August 2017 (“the
Child”) whose birth was documented in a Vietnamese birth certificate.
[4] The marriage began to unravel in 2019, prompting the Parties to live
separately. The Applicant and Child resided in Vietnam, while the
Respondent remained in Malaysia.
[5] In January 2020, the Respondent had unilaterally relocated the Child
from Vietnam to Malaysia without the Applicant’s consent. Despite the
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Applicant’s persistent requests for the Child’s return, the Respondent
adamantly refused. The Applicant encountered difficulties returning to
Malaysia but managed to do so in April 2022, only to find that the
Respondent had vacated his residence.
[6] Faced with these circumstances, the Applicant urgently filed an
application for guardianship, custody, care, and control of the Child on
an urgent, ex parte basis. Although the Applicant obtained a court
order in April 2022, challenges arose in serving the cause papers to
the Respondent. Meanwhile, the Applicant diligently sought the Child,
who had been taken to Kuala Terengganu by the Respondent, a
development that was brought to the Court’s attention during case
management in May 2022.
[7] Following the Court's directive, the Respondent complied by appearing
in Court and producing the Child on 13 May 2022. Subsequently,
constructive discussions between the Parties, facilitated by their
respective solicitors — Messrs Ras & Co representing the Applicant
and Messrs Yoon & Partners representing the Respondent — led to
the formulation of an agreement. This agreement was formalised and
recorded in a consent order dated 20 May 2022 ("the Consent Order").
According to the terms of the Consent Order, joint guardianship and
joint custody were granted to the Parties, with primary care and control
to the Applicant. Parties had also agreed that the Applicant would
reside with the Child in Vietnam.
[8] However, implementing the Consent Order presented challenges,
leaving the Applicant to file, in June 2023, an application to vary the
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terms of the Consent Order vide enclosure 26 in Originating Summons
No: WA-24F-120-04/2022 (“Enclosure 26”).
[9] In the same month, the Applicant filed this Application, seeking
exemption from referring the marriage to a conciliatory body, pursuant
to section 106(1)(vi) of the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act
which reads:
Section 106 – Requirement of reference to conciliatory body before petition
for divorce
(1) No person shall petition for divorce, except under sections 51 and 52,
unless he or she has first referred the matrimonial difficulty to a
conciliatory body and that body has certified that it has failed to reconcile
the parties:
Provided that this requirement shall not apply in any case –
(i) where the petitioner alleges that he or she has been deserted by and
does not know the whereabouts of his or her spouse;
(ii) where the respondent is residing abroad and it is unlikely that he or she
will enter the jurisdiction within six months next ensuing after the date of the
(iii) where the respondent has been required to appear before a conciliatory
body and has wilfully failed to attend;
(iv) where the respondent is imprisoned for a term of five years or more;
(v) where the petitioner alleges that the respondent is suffering from
incurable mental illness; or
(vi) where the court is satisfied that there are exceptional circumstances
which make reference to a conciliatory body impracticable.
[Emphasis added.]
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[10] It is essential to highlight that the Respondent, having enlisted the
services of new solicitors, Messrs Isaacs & Isaacs, in June 2023, filed
an application, in July of the same year, to vary the terms of the
Consent Order vide enclosure 33 in Originating Summons No: WA-
24F-120-04/2022 (“Enclosure 33”). By the conclusion of July 2023, the
legal representation changed to Messrs Siva Nada & Associates, who
assumed responsibility for the Respondent's case.
[11] In August 2023, the Respondent filed an application seeking to stay
the Consent Order. That application was subsequently dismissed.
The issues
[12] The central matter before this Court in this Application was the
determination of whether there existed exceptional circumstances
justifying the exemption of the Parties from the obligation to refer their
matrimonial dispute to a conciliatory body.
[13] The Court had to also deal with an additional challenge in the form of
a preliminary objection raised by the Respondent that highlighted a
discrepancy in the dates between the Notice of Application and the
Applicant’s affidavit in support thereof.
[14] The preliminary objection was dismissed, and this Application was
allowed for the following reasons:
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Contentions, findings, and evaluation
Whether discrepancy between dates in Notice of Application and affidavit in
support rendered the latter defective
[15] At the outset, the Respondent raised a preliminary objection
asserting a defect in the Applicant's affidavit in support of this
Application. This objection stemmed from the fact that the affidavit in
support was affirmed on 1 June 2023, while the Application itself was
filed on 28 June 2023.
[16] The Respondent in raising the preliminary objection, relied on the
cases of Arab Malaysian Finance Bhd v. Serajudin Mohd Ismail & Anor
[1999] 6 CLJ 405 and Oriental Bank Bhd v Sathunavakey [1998] 4 CLJ
[17] At this juncture, it became necessary to highlight that Counsel for the
Respondent had cited outdated and inapplicable cases. A more
relevant precedent would be the case of S Vigneswaran M Sanasee v
Maju Institute of Educational Development (MIED) [2010] 7 CLJ 640.
In that case, the learned Mah Weng Kwai JC (as he then was) had
dismissed a similar objection. The dismissal was based on the
rationale that there is no statutory requirement for such chronological
alignment between the application and the affidavit in support, and
even if there was, such discrepancy could be cured by Order 1A (Court
or judge shall have regard to justice) and Order 2 (Effect of non-
compliance) of the Rules of the High Court 1980 (now Rules of Court
2012). This view was elucidated in the following passages of the
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[6] Counsel for the defendant relied on the decision in the High Court case
of Arab Malaysian Finance Bhd v. Serajudin Mohd Ismail & Anor [1999] 6
CLJ 405 which stated that if an affidavit is affirmed before the filing of an
application, the affidavit cannot be said to have been affirmed in a cause or
matter because at the time of filing the affidavit, the cause or matter did not
yet exist. In that case the affidavit was excluded by the court as it was
affirmed a week before the filing of the originating summons which it
purported to support.
[7] In his written submission, counsel for the defendant submitted that if the
preliminary objection is upheld and encl. 2 is excluded the originating
summons stands unsupported and must be dismissed in limine. Counsel
then proposed that to remedy the situation, the plaintiff should file a further
affidavit to adopt and verify the contents of his affidavit (encl. 2). The reason
for the proposal by counsel was so that the plaintiff cannot escape liability
in the event action is taken against him on matters stated in his affidavit, for
example contempt of court, on the ground that his affidavit was not properly
filed or regularly before the court as at the time of filing the affidavit, the
originating summons was not yet in existence.
I dismissed the defendant's preliminary objection and held that the affidavit
(encl. 2) was properly filed before the court for the following reasons:
(a) I wholly disagree with the contention of counsel for the defendant and
his reliance on the rationale in the decision in Arab Malaysian Finance Bhd
(b) There is nothing in O. 41 RHC which requires an affidavit to be filed after
an application which sets out the cause or matter has been filed.
(c) O. 41 r. 9(2) RHC merely states that every affidavit must be indorsed
with a note showing on whose behalf it is filed and the dates of swearing
and filing, and an affidavit which is not indorsed may not be filed or used
without the leave of the court. The rule does not prohibit the swearing of an
affidavit before an application is filed.
(d) In most cases, for practical reasons (and almost without exception),
affidavits are invariably affirmed before an application is filed. In reality
affidavits are usually affirmed a day or just before an application with the
affidavit in support are filed in court.
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(e) The procedure in Arab Malaysian Finance Bhd (supra) is honoured
more in its non-compliance. To comply with the decision, a party intending
to file an application with an affidavit in support would have to go to court,
file the application, await a case number to be given to the application by
the court clerk at the registration counter, then have the affidavit in support
affirmed by the deponent in the presence of a commissioner for oaths
before returning to the registration counter to file the affidavit that has just
been affirmed. This unnecessary procedure will cause untold
inconvenience to litigants for no real or perceived benefit. Invariably what is
required in Arab Malaysian Finance Bhd (supra) is never followed.
(f) There is absolutely no prejudice caused to a defendant who is served
with an application together with an affidavit in support which was affirmed
earlier, whether by a day or a week, before the application was filed. I do
not see how such a situation can be disadvantageous to the defendant.
(g) Even assuming the court is wrong in not agreeing with Arab Malaysian
Finance Bhd (supra), the court can without hesitation rely on O. 2 r. 1(1)
RHC to regard the non-compliance as an irregularity which shall not nullify
the proceedings before the court.
(h) The court can also rely on O. 1A RHC and shall have regard to the
justice of the case and not only to the technical non-compliance of the rules.
(i) Importantly, counsel for the defendant has chosen to ignore a host of
decisions delivered after Arab Malaysian Finance Bhd (supra) wherein the
learned judges have for good reasons, disagreed with the decision of RK
Nathan J in Arab Malaysian Finance Bhd. I need only refer to the cases of:
(i) Hong Kong Bank Malaysia Bhd v. Nor Harizan Mohd Ali [1999] 6 CLJ
466 per Azhar bin Hj Ma'ah J (now JCA);
(ii) Yang Lak Man v. Yang Paw Man [1999] 7 CLJ 131 per Mohd
Hishamuddin bin Mohd Yunus J (now JCA);
(iii) Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Bhd v. Arivalagan Krishnan
& Anor [2001] 4 CLJ 168 per Low Hop Bing J (now JCA) and
(iv) Bank Utama (Malaysia) Bhd v. Chai Koh Shon & Sons Sdn Bhd
[2003] 1 CLJ 264 per Sulaiman Daud J (now JCA).
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In all the above cases, it was held that the RHC do not expressly or by
implication require that an affidavit in support should only be affirmed after
the filing of the originating cause or matter. Low Hop Bing J (now JCA) went
on to say that in view of the filing and extraction procedure practiced in the
court registry, it will be inconvenient and impractical for the affidavit to be
affirmed on or after the date of the filing of the originating summons.
It is unfortunate that counsel for the defendant saw it fit to raise the
preliminary objection which, in light of the above-cited cases, rendered it
frivolous and without merit.
(j) The affirmation by the plaintiff in encl. 2 before the filing of the originating
summons is not detrimental to the defendant in any way and has not
occasioned any miscarriage of justice.
[Emphasis added.]
[18] Reference was made also to Order 41 rule 4 and Order 92 rule 3 of the
Rules of Court 2012 empower this Court to look at the overall justice
of the case before entertaining any objection pertaining to affidavits.
The relevant provision reads:
Order 41 – Affidavits
Rule 4 – Use of defective affidavit
An affidavit may, with the leave of the Court, be filed or used in evidence
notwithstanding any irregularity in the form thereof.
Order 92 – Miscellaneous
Rule 4 – Inherent powers of the Court
For the removal of doubt it is hereby declared that nothing in these Rules
shall be deemed to limit or affect the inherent powers of the Court to make
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any order as may be necessary to prevent injustice or to prevent an abuse
of the process of the Court.
[Emphasis added.]
[19] The preliminary objection was evidently devoid of merit and was
summarily dismissed. It was opportune at this point to remind
Counsel for the Respondent of the principle that the 'relation of the
rules of practice to the work of justice is intended to be that of handmaid
rather than mistress; and that the Court ought not to be so far bound
and tied by rules' (as articulated by Lord Collins MR in Re Coles and
Ravenshear [1907] 1 KB 1). Consequently, raising technicalities
devoid of relevance to the merits of this Application was unwarranted.
[20] Furthermore, the axiom that 'procedural skirmishes ought not to
prevail, to defeat substantive justice' (in the words of Hamid Sultan Abu
Backer JCA in Reebok (M) Sdn Bhd v. CIMB Bank Bhd [2019] 9 CLJ
230) underscored the inability to entertain the Respondent’s
preliminary objection.
[21] Guidance was also sought from the case of Kumpulan Protection Sdn
Bhd v. Global Globe (M) Sdn Bhd [2016] 7 CLJ 733, wherein the Court
took a stance that an error in the intitulement would not be fatal to an
application unless the party complaining of such error suffered
[22] Unwilling to let procedural minutiae overshadow substantive justice, I
proceeded to address the merits of this Application.
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Whether the Applicant had established exceptional circumstances
[23] In this Application, the primary contention put forth by the Applicant
was her assertion of having primary care and control of the Child,
with both of them residing in Vietnam. Additionally, she underscored
the inconvenience she would face if the mandatory reference to the
conciliatory body was not exempted, emphasising the need for
multiple trips to Malaysia.
[24] The Respondent opposed this Application, insisting that the Applicant
should present her case before the conciliatory body and articulate her
reasons for seeking a divorce in that forum. He further alleged that the
Applicant was evading potential queries from the members of the
conciliatory body.
[25] The Respondent’s argument appeared to be untenable for multiple
reasons. Firstly, an examination of the historical context surrounding
this case strongly implied that the Respondent had no genuine
intention to reconcile. Instead, it became evident that his primary
motivation was to intentionally create challenges in the Applicant’s life,
even it meant disregarding the obligations outlined in the Consent
[26] Notably, in a police report dated 1 June 2023, he had expressly
stated “saya dengan isteri saya sehingga sekarang belum lagi
bercerai tetapi saya akan memfailkan petisyen penceraian di
Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur.” This statement had clearly
indicated his willingness to pursue a divorce. The Respondent’s sole
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motive behind opposing this Application, therefore, was to prolong the
divorce proceedings, and consequently to make life difficult for the
[27] Secondly, the Applicant’s rationale for seeking exemption held merit,
drawing guidance from the precedent set in the case of Khoo Kay Peng
v Pauline Chai Siew Phin [2015] MLJU 158. In that case, the court had
asserted, in the following passage, the legitimacy of a similar basis,
providing support for the Applicant’s plea for exemption from referral to
the conciliatory body.
[127] I am of the view that the words “exceptional circumstances which
render it impracticable” are wide enough to cover not only the situations
mentioned by learned Counsel for the Wife i.e. the practical or even
logistical aspects e.g. whether it is too costly, too inconvenient, or not
practical to be carried out, but it can also cover situations, as in the present
case, where both parties confirm that there is an irretrievable breakdown of
the marriage and it would be a failure, and therefore “not able to be done or
put into practice successfully” the conciliatory process required by
s106(1)(vi) of the LRA
[Emphasis added.]
[28] The passage quoted from Khoo Kay Peng v Pauline Chai Siew Phin
further reinforced my view that allowing this Application was
imperative. Dismissing it would subject the Applicant to logistical
challenges, increased expenses, and undue inconvenience, especially
considering the evident irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.
[29] I am cognisant that section 106 of the Law Reform (Marriage and
Divorce) Act is an obligatory provision designed to foster reconciliation.
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Parliament’s intent in introducing this section was to ensure that marital
disputes are initially referred to a conciliatory body. The conciliatory
body endeavours to resolve issues arising from the dispute by
providing a platform for the parties to articulate their concerns.
Adherence to section 106 of the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce)
Act is mandatory, subject to exceptions delineated therein.
[30] However, while this Court is obligated to endorse reconciliation, it must
also consider the principles of public policy and justice. Prolonging the
resolution of an unhealthy marriage could be contrary to these
principles. The notion that a court should, at times, advocate for
divorce rather than compelling couples to endure unhappy marriages
acknowledges the potential adverse effects of remaining in
dysfunctional unions both for the individuals involved and any children
in the family.
[31] This was particularly pertinent in the present case where the
Respondent seemed intent on extending the Applicant’s hardships.
Not only had he failed to comply with the terms of the Consent Order,
as alluded to earlier, but the Respondent had applied to vary, and to
even stay the implementation of the terms of the Consent Order,
causing unnecessary delay and hardship to the Applicant in
proceeding with the divorce.
[32] In this context, I found the case of Bowman v Bowman [1949] 2 All ER
127 particularly instructive, wherein Lord Denning remarked in the
following passage:
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The really important consideration in all these cases is to see whether there
is any chance of reconciliation. On this point it is most material to inquire
what the applicant has already done to try to make the marriage a success
or to become reconciled. Is the breakdown of the marriage due to any failing
or maladjustment on the part of the spouse who applies to launch her
petition within three years of the marriage? Has the applicant consulted a
probation officer or anyone else specially qualified to help? If the court is
not satisfied that all which is reasonable has been done in this respect, it
may well dismiss the application.
[Emphasis added.]
[33] In my assessment, directing the matrimonial dispute to the conciliatory
body would be futile as there was no prospect of reconciliation between
the Parties. The Applicant was resolute in moving forward with the
Child independently of the Respondent.
[34] It was imperative to note, at this juncture, that I had dismissed the
Respondent’s application to vary in Enclosure 33; while allowing the
Applicant’s application to vary in Enclosure 26, awarding her sole
guardianship and custody. Access was granted to the Respondent but
was restricted to supervised visits in Vietnam, a measure necessitated
by the Respondent’s persistent attempts to separate and conceal the
Child from the Applicant.
[35] Furthermore, the case of Kiranjit Kaur Kalwant Singh v. Chandok
Narinderpal Singh [2010] 3 CLJ was brought to my attention,
referencing the English case of Fay v. Fay [1982] 2 All ER 922. In Fay
v. Fay, the House of Lords clarified that the determination of
exceptional hardship or circumstances is within the purview of the trial
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judge, to be based on his or her assessment. The relevance of this
concept is evident in the following passage:
The House of Lords explained: Parliament deliberately intended that the
decision on what is or is not exceptional hardship or depravity in a particular
case should be a matter for the judge at first instance to decide by making
his own subjective value judgment as to whether the hardship or depravity
was out of ordinary, when judged by prevailing standards of acceptable
behavior between spouses and after taking account of all relevant
[Emphasis added.]
[36] In the current proceedings, following a thorough examination and
judicious consideration of all the evidence adduced — comprising both
oral and documentary, along with submissions from both Parties, I
concluded that requiring the Applicant to refer the matrimonial dispute
to the conciliatory body would impose exceptional hardship. In light of
these considerations, and in the interest of avoiding unnecessary
prolongation of the matter, I deemed it appropriate to allow this
Application, with costs.
Dated: 23 January 2024
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High Court, Kuala Lumpur
For the Applicant – Raspreet Kaur; Messrs Ras & Co
For the Respondent – Sivanesan Nadarajah; Messrs Siva Nada &
Cases referred to:
➢ Arab Malaysian Finance Bhd v. Serajudin Mohd Ismail & Anor [1999]
6 CLJ 405
➢ Bowman v Bowman [1949] 2 All ER 127
➢ C v A [1998] 6 MLJ 222
➢ Fay v. Fay [1982] 2 All ER 922
➢ Khoo Kay Peng v Pauline Chai Siew Phin [2015] MLJU 158
➢ Kiranjit Kaur Kalwant Singh v. Chandok Narinderpal Singh [2010] 3
➢ Kumpulan Protection Sdn Bhd v. Global Globe (M) Sdn Bhd [2016] 7
CLJ 733
➢ Oriental Bank Bhd v Sathunavakey [1998] 4 CLJ SUPP.
➢ Re Coles and Ravenshear [1907] 1 KB 1
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➢ Reebok (M) Sdn Bhd v. CIMB Bank Bhd [2019] 9 CLJ 230
➢ S Vigneswaran M Sanasee v Maju Institute of Educational
Development (MIED) [2010] 7 CLJ 640
Legislation referred to:
➢ Law Reform (Marriage & Divorce) Act 1976 – section 106
➢ Rules of Court 2012 – Orders 1A, 2
➢ Rules of the High Court 1980 – Orders 1A, 2
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| 28,732 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-22NCvC-753-11/2020 | PLAINTIF Grohe Malaysia Sdn Bhd DEFENDAN 1. ) Angie Tan Lin Li 2. ) Wong Wai Cheong 3. ) Wo Mun Sum 4. ) Yong Pui Ling 5. ) Yong Pui Mun | Tuntutan Plf dibatalkan dengan kebenaran untuk memfailkan semula dan tanpa perintah kos.The Plaintiff’s claim against the Defendants was struck out by the Court as the Statement of Claim did not comply with the Rules of Court 2012 (“the Rules”). The Plaintiff’s claim as noted from the Statement of Claim is against 5 Defendants in different capacities. The claim against the 1st Defendant is as an individual who was employed by the Plaintiff whereas the claim against the other Defendants is as owners of different business enterprises supplying goods to the Plaintiff.Having regards to the factors above the Court did not regard this case as fit to allow for just amendment. What was required was a complete reconstruction of a new pleading. For this purpose, the Court struck out the Plaintiff’s claim but with a liberty to file afresh and with no order as to cost. | 23/01/2024 | YA Dato' Haji Akhtar Bin Tahir | |
NO. GUAMAN SIVIL : WA-22NCvC-753-11/2020
(NO. SYARIKAT: 201101010715 (938845-W)) …PLAINTIF
(NO. K/P.: 780901-14-5582)
(NO. K/P.: 821205-08-5393)
(NO. K/P.: 770221-14-5539)
(NO. K/P.: 781211-14-6216)
23/01/2024 08:31:59
WA-22NCvC-753-11/2020 Kand. 68
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(NO. K/P.: 820721-14-5386) …DEFENDAN-DEFENDAN
1. The Plaintiff’s claim against the Defendants was struck out by the
Court as the Statement of Claim did not comply with the Rules of
Court 2012 (“the Rules”).
The Statement of claim
Misjoinder of parties and cause of action
2. The Plaintiff’s claim as noted from the Statement of Claim is
against 5 Defendants in different capacities. The claim against the
1st Defendant is as an individual who was employed by the Plaintiff
whereas the claim against the other Defendants is as owners of
different business enterprises supplying goods to the Plaintiff.
3. The cause of action against the 1st Defendant is for breach of
employment, dishonesty and corruption. The cause of action
against the other Defendants which also includes the 1st Defendant
is for conspiracy to defraud the Plaintiff. next thing to note is that
the cause of actions against the Defendants are different.
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4. A major portion of the Statement of Claim of almost 70 paragraphs
is dedicated to outlining the breach of employment, dishonesty and
corruption by the 1st Defendant and only a few paragraphs
outlining the allegation of conspiracy against the other Defendants.
5. The only nexus between the claim against the 1st Defendant and
the other Defendants is that the 1st Defendant had appointed the
other Defendants as supplier of goods to the Plaintiff leading to the
claim of conspiracy.
6. Order 15 of the Rules allows joinder of cause of action in the
circumstance’s stipulated:
1. Joinder of causes of action (O. 15 r. 1)
(1) Subject to rule 5(1), a plaintiff may in one action
claim relief against the same defendant in respect
of more than one cause of action-
(a) if the plaintiff claims, and the defendant is
alleged to be liable, in the same capacity in
respect of all causes of action;(emphasis
7. From the Rule above it is clear that joinder of cause of action is
allowed only against the same Defendant and not against multiple
Defendants as in this case.
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8. The Rules allows for joinder of Defendants under certain
circumstances. Order 15 Rule 4 stipulates as follows:
4. Joinder of parties (O. 15 r. 4)
(1) Subject to rule 5(1), two or more persons may be
joined together in one action as plaintiffs or as
defendants with the leave of the Court or where-
(a) if separate actions were brought by or against
each of them, as the case may be, some
common question of law or fact would arise in
all the actions; and
(b) all rights to relief claimed in the action
(whether they are joint, several or alternative)
are in respect of or arise out of the same
transaction or series of transactions.
9. Under the above provision there are 2 conditions to join the
Defendants i.e. there must a common question of law and fact and
arise out of the same transactions or series of transactions. Both
the conditions are not met in this case.
10. In this case there is no common question of law and fact between
the claim against the 1st Defendant for breach of employment
contract and the claim for conspiracy against the other Defendants.
In fact, there is no common question of fact even between the
other Defendants who are owners of different businesses
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supplying different good at different times to the Plaintiff involving
different invoices.
11. In this case the Court finds there is a misjoinder of both cause of
action and Defendants. The effect of a misjoinder is as stated in
Order 15 Rule 6:
5. Misjoinder and non-joinder of parties (O. 15 r. 6)
(1) A cause or matter shall not be defeated by reason
of the misjoinder or non-joinder of any party, and
the Court may in any cause or matter determine
the issues or questions in dispute so far as they
affect the rights and interests of the persons who
are parties to the cause or matter.
(2) Subject to this rule, at any stage of the
proceedings in any cause or matter, the Court may
on such terms as it thinks just and either of its
own motion or on application-
(a) order any person who has been improperly or
unnecessarily made a party or who has for
any reason ceased to be a proper or
necessary party, to cease to be a party;
12. Although a misjoinder does not defeat a claim as stated in the
above provision, this provision is subject to other provision of the
Rules. One such provision is Order 34 of the Rules which directs
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the Court to conduct a case in “just, expeditious and
economical disposal of proceedings”. In this case the Court
felt that joining the causes of action and Defendant might lead to
confusion and multiplicity of proceedings
13. This in turn will lead to “prejudice, embarrassment or delay of
the fair trial of the action”. This is in fact a reason to strike out
the Plaintiff’s claim under Order 18 Rule 19 of the Rules.
Pleading evidence not facts
14. Apart from misjoinder, there is another glaring defect in the
Statement of Claim whereby large portion of the Statement of
Claim contains evidence rather than facts. This is clearly prohibited
under the Rules which states:
7. Facts, not evidence, to be pleaded (O. 18 r. 7)
(1) Subject to the provisions of this rule and rules 10,
11 and 12, every pleading shall contain, and
contain only, a statement in a summary form of the
material facts on which the party pleading relies
for his claim or defence, as the case may be, but
not the evidence by which those facts are to be
proved, and the statement shall be as brief as the
nature of the case admits. (emphasis mine)
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15. As an illustration paragraph 12 reproduces in full certain clauses of
the employment agreement between the Plaintiff and the 1st
Defendant, paragraph 14 reproduces in full certain clauses in the
Code of Business Conduct Acceptances form purportedly signed
by the 1st Defendant, paragraph 19 give details of the Plaintiff’s
standard operation procedures, paragraph 21 tabulates full details
of products supplied by each of the 2nd to 5th Defendants.
16. In the Court’s views what was stated in a large portion of the
Statement of Claim could have been led as evidence during trial
by way of production of the various agreements and documents in
the Bundle of Documents.
17. Apart from pleading evidence the Court saw that a number of
irrelevant facts were pleaded. As an illustration the facts contained
provision which only allows material facts in summary form to be
18. A further defect noted by the Court is that although a cause of
action of conspiracy has been stated in the Statement of Claim
against the Defendants, no further particulars of the conspiracy
has been given. Conspiracy involves a pre-arranged plan to
defraud the Plaintiff. The nature of this pre-arranged must be
expressly stated which should include the dates, the time, the
place where this pre-arranged plan took place, The fact that it was
the 1st Defendant who appointed the other Defendants cannot be a
fact indicating conspiracy.
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19. The Rules states as follows:
12. Particulars of pleading (O. 18 r. 12)
(1) Subject to paragraph (2), every pleading shall
contain the necessary particulars of any claim,
defence or other matter pleaded including, without
prejudice to the generality of the foregoing words-
(a) particulars of any misrepresentation, fraud,
breach of trust, wilful default or undue
influence on which the party pleading relies;
(b) where a party pleading alleges any condition
of the mind of any person, whether any
disorder or disability of mind or any malice,
fraudulent intention or other condition of
mind except knowledge, particulars of the
facts on which the party relies.
20. It can be summarised that the Plaintiff in this case have flouted
and disregarded the Rules with regards to drafting a proper
pleading with impunity. The Court cannot ignore this intentional
flouting of the Rules as the flouting of the Rules in this case cannot
be regarded as mere technical non-compliance. This non
compliances can in fact lead to a miscarriage of justice.
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21. Having regards to the factors above the Court did not regard this
case as fit to allow for just amendment. What was required was a
complete reconstruction of a new pleading. For this purpose, the
Court struck out the Plaintiff’s claim but with a liberty to file afresh
and with no order as to cost.
Dated: 18.1.2024
High Court of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
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For the Plaintiff:
Nama Peguamcara: Caleb Sio / Chen Mei Yan
Tetuan Tay & Partners.
Tingkat 6, Plaza See Hoy Chan
Jalan Raja Chulan
50200 Kuala Lumpur.
For the Defendant:
Nama Peguamcara: So Chien Hao (Def 1 - Def 2)
Tetuan Zailan & Co.
Lot 6.10, 6th Floor
Wisma Central
Jalan Ampang
50450 Kuala Lumpur
Nama Peguamcara: Khoo Wai Tuck (Def 3, Def 4 & Def 5)
Tetuan Hariati & Khoo.
Suite 11-09, Level 11
Wisma UOA II
No. 21, Jalan Pinang
50450 Kuala Lumpur
S/N UkHBC0uFkk62xMbGo2bpw
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| 10,831 | Tika 2.6.0 |
JA-24NCC-35-12/2022 | PEMOHON 1. ) MERGE JATI ENGINEERING SDN BHD 2. ) HOW KEN KON @ LOW KEN KON RESPONDEN 1. ) KANG JIT SING 2. ) NG MUI KOON 3. ) KANG KOK WEE, KELVIN 4. ) KANG KOK YONG, JASON 5. ) TONGOD OIL PALM SDN BHD 6. ) PINANGAH OIL PALM SDN BHD 7. ) WEST BORNEO RESOURCES SDN BHD | section 346 oppression whether proven - opening of bank account without Plaintiffs’ knowledge - absence of Plaintiffs signature on DCR - whether the majority rule principle in the running of 7th Defendant goes against the purpose of its set up - whether there was attestation to the Audited Financial Statement by the Plaintiffs that refute disagreement with the handling of funds of the 7th Defendant - whether there exists any facts based on the acts of the Plaintiffs to move the Defendants to rule out acting unfairly. | 23/01/2024 | YA Puan Nurulhuda Nur'aini Binti Mohamad Nor | |
2201-JA-24NCC-35-12-2022 MERGE JATI
SAMAN PEMULA NO: JA-24NCC-35-12/2022
Dalam perkara mengenai West
Borneo Resources Sdn. Bhd
(Syarikat No: 871672-A)
Dalam perkara mengenai Seksyen
223 dan Seksyen 346 dan
peruntukkan-peruntukkan lain yang
berkaitan di bawah Akta Syarikat
Dalam perkara mengennai Aturan 7
dan 88 Kaedah-kaedah Mahkamah
Dalam Perkara bidang kuasa sedia
ada Mahkamah yang Mulia ini
(NO. SYARIKAT: 480344-A)
(NO. K/P: 610323-10-6175)
23/01/2024 08:55:44
JA-24NCC-35-12/2022 Kand. 78
S/N i3Sr/9lTf0iNEF36bNHeHQ
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(NO. K/P: 531111-01-5903)
(NO. K/P: 530717-66-5084)
(NO. K/P: 811219-71-5035)
(NO. K/P: 840801-71-5041)
(NO. SYARIKAT: 200601028301 (748057-W)
(NO. SYARIKAT: 200601001516 (721264-K)
(NO. SYARIKAT: 871672-A)
[1] The Plaintiffs applicant filed this suit seeking for remedies under
section 346 of the Companies Act 20161 (the Act) on allegation of
1 Section 346. Remedy in cases of an oppression
(1) Any member or debenture holder of a company may apply to the Court for an order under this section on
the ground—
(a) that the affairs of the company are being conducted or the powers of the directors are being exercised in
a manner oppressive to one or more of the members or debenture holders including himself or in disregard of
his or their interests as members, shareholders or debenture holders of the company; or
(b) that some act of the company has been done or is threatened or that some resolution of the members,
debenture holders or any class of them has been passed or is proposed which unfairly discriminates against or
is otherwise prejudicial to one or more of the members or debenture holders, including himself.
(2) If on such application the Court is of the opinion that either of those grounds is established, the Court may
make such order as the Court thinks fit with the view to bringing to an end or remedying the matters complained
of, and without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), the order may—
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oppression in respect of the carrying the affairs of the 7th Defendant. The
reliefs sought are for the following declaration:
a) that the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Defendants acted jointly and/or
i. in conducting the affairs of the 7th Defendant in a manner
that is oppressive and in disregard of the Plaintiff’s
interests as members of the 7th Defendant; and
ii. caused the affairs and conducts of the 7th Defendant to
be done in a manner which has and/or will unfairly
discriminates against or which is or will otherwise to the
Plaintiff as members of the 7th Defendant;
(a) direct or prohibit any act or cancel or vary any transaction or resolution;
(b) regulate the conduct of the affairs of the company in the future;
(c) provide for the purchase of the shares or debentures of the company by other members or debenture
holders of the company or by the company itself;
(d) in the case of a purchase of shares by the company, provide for a reduction accordingly of capital of the
company; or
(e) provide that the company be wound up.
(3) If an order that the company be wound up is made under paragraph (2)(e), the provisions of this Act relating
to winding up of a company shall apply as if the order had been made upon a petition duly presented to the
Court by the company, with such adaptations as are necessary.
(4) If an order under this section makes any alteration in or addition to any constitution, then, notwithstanding
anything in any other provision of this Act, but subject to the order, the company concerned shall not have
power without the leave of the Court to make any further alteration in or addition to the constitution
inconsistent with the order, but subject to the foregoing provisions of this subsection, the alterations or
additions made by the order shall be of the same effect as if duly made by resolution of the company.
(5) An office copy of any order made under this section shall be lodged by the applicant with the Registrar within
fourteen days from the making of the order.
(6) The applicant who contravenes subsection (5) commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine
not exceeding ten thousand ringgit and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine of five hundred
ringgit for each day during which the offence continues after conviction.
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b) a declaration that the Plaintiffs are “locked-in” minority
shareholders in the 7th Defendant;
c) a declaration that the Joint Venture Agreement dated
3.11.2022 entered between the 7th Defendant and PT Adau
Agro Kalbar is null and void;
d) an order that the 5th-6th Defendants do buy-out and/or
purchase the 1st and 2nd Plaintiff’s shares in the 7th Defendant
at a fair value based on the percentage of shareholdings of
the 1st Plaintiff (Merge Jati Engineering Sdn. Bhd) 16.4% and
2nd Plaintiff (How Ken Kon) 14.25%;
e) for the purpose of paragraph (4) above, an independent valuer
(nominated by the Plaintiffs) and approved by this Court shall
within 30 days from the date of this order, value the Plaintiffs
shares in the 7th Defendant (determined value) and the
valuation shall be conducted on the basis that:
i. the 7th Defendant is a going concern;
ii. by reference to the assets, profitability and prospects of
the 7th Defendant; and
iii. On the basis of willing buyers, willing sellers and on pro
rata basis with no discount on minority holding of the
Plaintiffs in the 7th Defendant;
f) that within 7 days from the completion of the valuation of the
shares held by the Plaintiffs, the valuer shall forward a copy of
the report containing the Determined Value to all parties and
have the same filed in Court via an affidavit pursuant to Order
40 Rule 2 of the Rules of Court 2012;
g) that the 5th and 6th Defendants jointly and/or severally shall
pay to the Plaintiffs the Determined Value based on the
shareholding percentage in paragraph (4) above within 7 days
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from the expiry of the 30 days stipulated under paragraph (6)
h) Upon the full compliance of paragraph 7 above and within 7
days, both the Plaintiffs shall resign their representative
directors and to perfect the transfer of the Plaintiffs’ shares in
the 7th Defendant and to deliver such transfer documents
together with the original certificates to the 7th Defendant’s
company secretary and the 7th Defendant’s company
secretary shall forthwith use the transfer documents to
transfer all of the Plaintiffs’ shares in the 7th Defendant;
i) an alternative order to paragraphs (e), (f), (g) and (h) above
(the same relief as per paragraph 5, 6, 7 and 8 in enclosure
1), that the 7th Defendant be wound up by this Court;
j) damages to be assessed;
k) parties at liberty to apply;
l) cost to be borne by the 1st to 6th Defendants jointly and
severally and be paid to the Plaintiffs.
[2] Having perused the cause papers, having heard submissions by
both parties and cross-referred to the relevant provisions of the law and
authorities cited by both parties, this Court came to a finding that the
affairs of the 7th Defendant were not conducted in accordance with its
articles of association, there was mismanagement of the 7th Defendant’s
assets by failure to handle the ‘assets’ in an honest and professional
manner by failure to secure a reasonably better price for disposal of the
7th Defendant’s shares, there was mismanagement in the funds of the
respondent resulting in it improperly utilized by the Defendants that gives
rise to oppression, and allowed the reliefs sought albeit partially and
some, with consequential modifications.
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Background: observation and deduction by this Court
[3] For the purpose of application in section 345 in support of section
346 of the Act, the affidavit of the 1st Plaintiff was affirmed by Mr. Low
Meng Koon (LMK@ Jason Low) a director and shareholder of the 1st
Plaintiff, who is also the Director of the 7th Defendant and the 2nd Plaintiff
Mr. How Ken Kon (HKK), a director and shareholder of the 7th Defendant
(see: CCM search exhibit ‘LMK-2’ of Affidavit In Support [AIS] 1st Plaintiff
enclosure 2). Both the affidavits deposed the events that transpired giving
rise to the complaint by the Plaintiff of conduct by the Defendants (the
family of Kang) in relation to the 7th Defendant, said to be in a manner
[4] According to the affidavits of the 1st and 2nd Plaintiff, the 1st
Defendant is the leading taskmaster of the Kang family and married to the
2nd Defendant. This is based, as found by this Court, the presence of the
1st Defendant’s name in all the correspondences via e-mail and the
resolutions of the 7th Defendant. The 3rd and 4th Defendant are the children
of the 1st and 2nd. The 7th Defendant (WBS) was set up in 2009 by 3 sets
of integral parties being:
a) Kang family members;
b) Merge Jati Engineering Sdn Bhd (MJE) the (1st Plaintiff);
c) How Ken Kon@Low Ken Kon (HKK@2nd Plaintiff),
this fact not disputed by the Defendants.
[5] It is also not disputed that the 7th Defendant’s set up as an
investment holding company was on the proposal by Mr. LMK and Ann
Kok Seng (AKS) (directors of the 1st Plaintiff), made to the Kang Family
Members and the 2nd Plaintiff (HKK), to jointly venture into business
opportunity. This came about when a piece of land suitable for oil palm
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plantation in Indonesia was found by LMK and AKS. With the set up of
the 7th Defendant ‘WBS’ on 9.9.2009, it would acquire percentage of
stocks in an Indonesian company PT Sandai Makmur Sawit (PT SMS)
which will then acquire the said oil palm plantation in Indonesia.
[6] The 7th Defendant’s shareholders (see: CCM search exhibit ‘LMK-
2’ AIS 1st Plaintiff enclosure 2) at the time of the establishment of WBS
a) the 5th Defendant Tongod Oil Palm Sdn Bhd: 48%;
b) the 6th Defendant Pinangah Oil Palm Sdn Bhd: 25%;
c) the 1st Plaintiff MJE: 12%; and
d) the 2nd Plaintiff HKK himself: 15%;
with the 5th and 6th Defendant owned by the Kang family as they formed
the Directors and shareholders of the said companies (see: CCM search
exhibit ‘LMK-3’). The defendants did not dispute this.
[7] The complaints raised by the Plaintiffs centered on the act of the
Defendants who were said to have come to a management decision by
force and abruptly despite putting forth the issues for the Plaintiffs’
opinion, resulting in a loss to the Plaintiffs. This Court agrees as submitted
by the Plaintiffs that if true, means breaches of the ‘majority rule’ principle
going against the corporate democracy and good governance that would
create oppressive conducts upon the minorities.
[8] The Plaintiffs complaint of mismanagement by the Kang family
members of the large funds collected by a third party in Indonesia to the
7th Defendant involving a sum of 65Rp billion Indonesian, the sum which
was said improperly diverted into a Bangkok Bank Account. The tracing
of the sum money, say the Plaintiffs shows the movement that paved the
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way back to the Defendants which then saw a transfer to third parties and
simultaneously illegally retaining paid back sums to the Plaintiffs.
[9] The Defendant Jason Kang however said all these moves and
transactions were not objected to by the Plaintiffs as a WhatsApp group
was created by LMK known as ‘SMS Plantation Board’ the members of
the WA group are LMK, AKS, Ben Soo Han Keong (Ben Soo) all of MJE,
the 1st Defendant, 3rd Defendant, Kang Kok Yong Jason (Jason Kang @4th
Defendant) and HKK for the purpose of collaboration with PT SMS.
[10] In 2009 WBS acquired 95% of stakes in PT SMS. As local regulatory
requirement mandated Indonesian ownership in an Indonesian Company,
the remaining 5% of the shareholding in PT SMS had to be owned by an
Indonesia entity identified as PT Mega Sawit Abadi (MSA) who hold 5%
shareholding in PT SMS. This, from the Plaintiff’s perspective means MSA
was holding 5% in PT SMS as a nominee. The Defendants deposed no
knowledge of any of the transactions between MJE and PT MSA.
[11] As WBS was set up by 3 integral parties being the Kang family
members (in relation to the 5th and 6th Defendant), Merge Jati Engineering
Sdn Bhd (MJE) and How Ken Kon@Low Ken Kon (HKK@2nd Plaintiff),
the Plaintiffs contend that each of the 3 have equal participation in the
management of WBS’s business and affairs and this includes full and total
control with mutual understanding between all 3 parties over the affairs of
the wholly owned Indonesian subsidiary company. This is disputed by the
Defendants to the extent that any decisions must be made by the board
members of WBS. This, therefore did not materialize in favor of the
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[12] The Plaintiffs submitted that the contrary resulted with the Plaintiffs
being the minorities are ‘locked-in’ within the 7th Defendant, without any
control over the affairs and the very purpose of setting up the 7th
Defendant as an investment holding company being realized, by virtue of
its sale of 51% shareholding in its previous wholly-subsidiary. This, the
Plaintiffs contend would move a buy-out under section 346.
[13] The Plaintiffs in support of the contention, annexed documents
being the (WBS) 7th Defendant’s Memorandum of Association that states
the power of the company to take, buy or acquire shares, stocks,
debentures or other securities, with the latest company search with CCM
on the name of Directors, proof of capital investment with % of
shareholding reflected as follows:
a. Kang Family Members: 69.35%
b. MJE: 16.40%
c. 2nd Plaintiff: 14.25%.
[14] In February 2020, Jason Kang (4th Defendant) via e-mail dated
4.2.2020 notified the directors and shareholders of WBS that WBS was at
the stage of finalizing a term sheet agreement on a joint venture
agreement (JV) for PT SMS with an Indonesia plantation source ‘Mukti
Group’ (Mukti) through a company identified as PT Adau Agro Kalbar (PT
AAK) (see: exhibit ‘LMK-5’ enclosure 2 for the Indicative Term Sheet).
[15] According to the 1st Plaintiff, this act of Jason Kang heading the
discussion with Mukti as the representative of WBS was never followed
with an authorization from the board nor with any prior discussion held
with MJE and HKK. The draft term sheet of the JV was opposed by LMK
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and HKK as the terms were not in WBS’s favor and queries were raised
by LMK and HKK on why the need for participation of PT AAK in PT SMS’s
move to obtain a loan, that necessitate PT AAK to purchase a 51% equity
stake in PT SMS by procuring the subject company itself that is said by
the Plaintiffs to be absurd. This would render the move by PT SMS to
procure the loan from BNI and to pledge the assets of PT SMS as
collateral for BNI.
[16] The Defendant, to the contrary took the stand that shareholders of
WBS have long intended to dispose PT SMS or to explore a new source
of financial income to PT SMS, having viewed PT SMS as experiencing
loss and is affecting WBS as the parent company. The queries suggested
by LMK and HKK were responded by Jason Kang via e-mail dated
10.2.2020 and 16.10.2021 stating he was merely acting as an
independent accountant and consultant (see: exhibit ‘LMK-7’ and ‘LMK-9’
enclosure 2 and affidavit Jason Kang enclosure 6). The Plaintiffs on the
other hand, viewed this as indicative of the dominant position played by
Jason Kang (4th Defendant) in the discussion with the Indonesia plantation
source ‘Mukti’.
[17] It is crucial to present the terms of the draft Term Sheet for the JV
with PT AAK, it being the focus that triggered the allegation of oppression
on the Plaintiffs. The alternative option was raised by Beng Soo (one of
the directors of the 1st Plaintiff) with Jason Kang but was disproved, the
extract of the Term Sheet amongst others, as below:
“The transaction price is at Rp130 billion for 100% Enterprise
Value of SMS said for the purpose of this transaction, the whole
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amount of Rp130 billion is deemed as shareholder loan from WBR
(WBS) to SMS”.
[18] With these ‘queries’ brought up and ‘addressed’, the draft
Conditional Joint Venture Agreement (CJVA) and the Side Letter of the
CJVA were circulated to HKK and LMK on 15.6.2021. On 21.6.2021, the
CJVA was executed by WBS, MSA, PT AAK and PT SMS (see: exhibit
“LMK-8” of enclosure 2). This moved changes in the shareholding of WBS
and PT SMS when in October 2021, the 5% shareholding of MSA in PT
SMS was transferred to WBS that sees WBS retaining a 100%
shareholding, then simultaneously followed with a dilution of WBS
shareholding in PT SMS from 100% to 49% and PT AAK acquired 51% of
shareholding through subscription (see: exhibit “LMK-15” letter from
counsel for the Defendants dated 19.9.2022 and exhibit “LMK-8” CJVA in
enclosure 2).
[19] As a result, the primary purpose in setting up WBS to own PT SMS
being reduced in term of its shareholding in PT SMS from 100% to 49%,
with the take-over of 51% by PT AAK. This, according to the Plaintiffs
means that WBS looses its simple-majority and sovereign over PT SMS.
The issue arising is did or did not both MJE and HKK execute the
necessary documents that sees the 51% take-over by PT AAK and hence
been made aware of the outcome?
Role of MJE and HKK vs Conduct by the Defendants said in a manner
[20] The Plaintiffs contended that although Jason Kang had provided the
MJE and HKK the updates of the negotiations, the Kang Family Members
have bulldozed the terms and turned a blind eye to the objections made
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by both MJE and HKK. This Court found this supported, as can be seen
from the exchanged of e-mails between MJE via Ben Soo and HKK with
Jason Kang, notifying of their intention to exit WBS as a result of this
oppressive conduct (see: exhibits ‘HKK-5’ in enclosure 3, exhibit ‘LMK-5’
in enclosure 2).
[21] In the e-mails exhibited as ‘HKK-5’ and ‘LMK-5’, WBS had mooted
the concern on the speed the documents pertaining to the JV was handled
and executed, including putting across the forecasted outcome that is
seen in the JV as disposing the shareholding in WBS and a move to
dispose MJE’s shares in WBS. Although contents of e-mail tact, what can
be seen in this e-mail is there exist a clear concern by both MJE and HKK
that questioned the said terms in the JV and a mark by both MJE and HKK
to exit WBS (see: exhibit “LMK-6” of AIS enclosure 2).
[22] The conduct of the Defendants against MJE and HKK being the
minorities in WBS, said to be ‘in a manner oppressive’ according to the
Plaintiffs can be seen in the discreet handling of the funds from the 51%
take over by PT AAK into illegal bank account and other account. It is the
undisputed fact (Defendant did not refute this fact) that WBS official
company bank is with RHB Bank Berhad of a particular account number
with 2 signatories of the 3 parties as follows:
“To be signed by either one from “Group A” and either one from
“Group B”
Group A
Kang Family Members
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Group B
How Ken Kon@ Low Ken Kon (No. K/P: ……)
Low Meng Koon (No. K/P: ……)”
[23] The Plaintiffs state that the above arrangement is to ensure a check
and balance mechanism amongst the 3 parties consistent with the idea
when setting up of WBS initially originated. Although this is denied by the
Defendants in paragraph 42 of their affidavit in reply enclosure 5, the
balanced representative coming from the 3 parties respectively would, to
this Court’s finding, surely formed the understanding, then.
[24] The Plaintiffs contend that Jason Kang via his e-mail dated
18.1.2022 made a misrepresentation to LMK on the movement of the
Rp60 Billion when he states that Rp50 Billion was released from PT SMS
to WBS and the remaining Rp10 Billion will be withheld. This goes against
what actually transpired when funds from BNI were illegally transferred
from BNI Loan, in an illegal Bangkok bank account opened in the name
of WBS, which the minorities never had knowledge nor approved.
[25] The Defendants impressed on the fact that the Plaintiffs did not
oppose this idea as the Plaintiffs instead, were keen to eject out as
shareholders of WBS. By contrast, the directors of WBS (acting on the
majority decision of the board of directors of WBS as deposed by Jason
Kang in enclosure 6) had explored this idea by meeting with the investors
introduced by AKS and had opportune the representatives of the Bangkok
Bank with a visit to the farms of WBS, knowing no banks would be
interested to offer funds to WBS without the involvement of PT AAK in the
said JV for the purpose of facilitating a local guarantor in the said funding
by the bank.
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[26] The proof to this allegation by the Plaintiffs of refuting knowledge
can be found in the Director’s Circular Resolution dated 21.10.2020 and
26.11.2020 (see: “HKK-15” enclosure 7 of 2nd Plaintiff’s ‘AIR’) for the
opening of the account with Public Bank Berhad and Bangkok Bank
Berhad respectively, and absence of the Plaintiffs’ signature on the said
resolutions to support the contention of no knowledge on their part.
[27] It is not disputed that this DCR was never circulated to the Plaintiffs
and therefore the Audited Financial Statement for the financial year
ending 30.6.2021 relied upon by the Defendants to have been approved
by the Plaintiffs on 30.12.2021 as exhibited in enclosure 6 “KKY-6” (it
should read “KKY-4”) appears to miss the ‘Independent Auditors Report’
reflected as pages 31-34. The AFS that was circulated and exhibited
missed this very important information.
[28] The totality of what had transpired with the intention to exit by the
Plaintiffs, moved the Plaintiffs to execute the legal documentation for the
51% Take-Over by PT AKK. This, the Court views it as a logical and
rational explanation as to why the Plaintiffs made the said move to
executing the said documents which the Defendants regarded it as an
inference of an act of endorsement towards agreeing to those transaction.
Whether a case of Oppression proven and Court’s finding
[29] Based on the facts above, the findings made by this Court are as
i. The delegation of the tasks to Jason Kang to negotiate and
discuss on behalf of the 7th Defendant without any resolution
by the 7th Defendant being shown;
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ii. The straightforward view taken by the Defendants on the
queries raised by the Plaintiffs pertaining to the draft
conditional JV agreement without full and further engagement
with the Plaintiffs, demonstrates the stand by the Defendants
of ‘majority rule’ going against the Plaintiffs strong believe that
WBS ought to be in full control heading future;
iii. The application of the majority rule principle as against the
minority in the 7th Defendant that goes against the purpose of
setting up the 7th Defendant;
iv. There was evidence to support absence of knowledge on the
part of the Plaintiffs on the opening of accounts with the Public
Bank Berhad and Bangkok Bank Berhad for want of
affirmation of the DCR by the Plaintiffs;
v. The transfer of the funds from BNI to PT SMS then diverted,
amongst others to KJSCSB of the Defendants before finding
its way back to PT SMS account, a fact not disputed by the
Defendants save it was said to be a repayment of loan from
WBS to KJSCSB (see: para 46 AIS Plaintiff HKK enclosure 3
and para 45 AIR Defendant Jason Kang enclosure 6) but yet,
absence of such notice to the Plaintiffs.
The principles in a section 346 of the Act
[30] With these facts extracted above, it is next crucial to lay down the
principles found in the case authorities pertaining to section 346 (or
formerly section 181) of the Act. In Pan-Pacific Construction Holdings
Sdn Bhd v Ngiu-Kee Corp (M) Bhd & Anor [2010] MLJU 269; [2010] 6
CLJ 721, Richard Malanjum CJSS (later CJ) held that exercise of powers
of the directors in an oppressive manner, with disregard of its interests
qualifies as a case under section 181 when he said as follows:
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“[25] Therefore, in order to succeed in its petition pursuant to s
181 the petitioner has to establish and ‘must eminently be
determined according to the facts’ of this case that the affairs
of the company are being conducted or that the powers of
the directors are being exercised in an oppressive manner
or in disregard of its interests, or to its prejudice some
unfairly discriminatory or prejudicial act of the company has
been done or threatened, or that some resolutions of the
members, debenture holders or any class of them has been
passed or is proposed to be passed.
[26] In other words s 181 permits judicial remedy on four
categories of conduct, namely, oppressive conduct, conduct
in disregard of interests, unfairly discriminatory conduct or
prejudicial conduct.
[27] It may also be noted that from the wordings of s 181 its basic
theme is ‘unfairness’. However, unfairness ‘does not mean
that the court can do whatever the individual judge happens
to think fair. The concept of fairness must be applied
judicially and the content which it is given by the courts must
be based upon rational principles. ‘The court … has a very
wide discretion, but it does no sit under a palm tree’ (see:
O’Neil v Philips [1999] 2 All ER 961)”.
[31] V C George J (later JCA) in Chan Choon Ming v Low Poh Choon
& Ors [1994] MLJU 351; [1995] 1 CLJ 812 on the power to act of a
Director and Board as collective said as follows:
“Article 90 which is one of the articles under the general heading
‘Proceedings of Directors’, has to be read in the context of the
principle that the powers conferred upon directors are conferred on
them collectively as a board. In that context, it is inconceivable that
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notice of an intended resolution of the directors need not be given
to every member of the board. If upon the majority signing such a
resolution it is not necessary to pass it on to the others who are
present in the country there could be a situation of a company
being managed, not by the board, but by a clique, no doubt
consisting of the majority of the board, using article 90 type of
resolutions and leaving the minority completely in the dark as to
what is happening in and to the company. It cannot then be said
that the business of the company is managed by the directors (as
provided by article 73).
In Pulbrook v Richmond Consolidated Mining company [1878] 9
Ch D 610, 612, what Jessel MR, said, in dealing with the case of a
director who was improperly and without cause excluded from
meetings of the board, is I think applicable to a director kept in the
dark in respect of an article 90 resolution. He said:
He has been excluded. Now, it appears to me that this is an
individual wrong, or a wrong that has been done to an
individual. It is a deprivation of his legal rights for which the
directors are personally and individually liable. He has a right
by the constitution of the company to take a part in its
management, to be present, and to vote at the meetings of
the board of directors. He has a perfect right to know what is
going on at these meetings.
It may affect his individual interest as a shareholder as well as
his liability as a director, because it has been sometimes held
that even a director who does not attend board meetings is
bound to know what is done in his absence.
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In my judgment to make article 73 meaningful and to give effect to
the collective responsibility of the board, although all that is
required for an effective Art 90 resolution is that it be signed by the
majority, it must be taken as implied that every member of the
board has to have the resolution circulated to him or her before it
can be accepted as a directors’ resolution. Which is why in board
room parlance, an article 90 type of resolution is usually referred
to as a circular resolution. Each of the said resolutions, notice of
which was not given to the plaintiff, is, in my judgment, ineffective”.
[32] In Gua See Sew & Ors v Heng Tang Hai & Ors [2020] MLJU 46,
it was held that management operations of the company and specifically
so the opening of bank account without the knowledge of the minority fits
into act of oppression under section 346 when it says as follows:
“... under s.346 for oppression has been made out when there
w[h]ere changes of critical management operations within the
company such as change of company secretary and change of
bank signatories by the oppressors without the knowledge of the
[67] Even before the filing of the OS 168, the 1st. and 2nd.
Defendants have carried out a series of acts to completely
exclude the Plaintiffs from the management of the company.
These include:
The 1st and 2nd Defendants surreptitiously caused the
company secretary (Law Cheok Yin) to resign on 12.3.2019
and appointed a new company secretary on the same date.
This change was done without the Plaintiffs’ knowledge and
consent. As a result, the former company secretary was
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unable to provide any documents to the Plaintiffs as the
books and records have been handed over to the new
company secretary.
The 1st and 2nd Defendants surreptitiously instructed
Alliance Bank to remove the Plaintiffs as authorized
signatories for G&P Structures’ Alliance Account. The
Plaintiffs were never informed of the change. The Plaintiffs
wrote to the Defendants and the bank on 18.4.2019 to
protest about the change of signatories. On 19.4.2019, the
1st and 2nd Defendants caused a legal firm i.e. Messrs Gan,
Lee & Tan, to write on behalf of G&P Structures to respond
to the Plaintiffs’ letter stating that the change of bank
signatories was made pursuant to a board of directors’
resolution. The Plaintiffs were not made aware of such board
of directors’ resolution. [Emphasis added.]
[68] The aforesaid conduct by the 1st. and 2nd. Defendants are
clearly a breach of the Plaintiffs’ legitimate expectation that
they have the right to participate in the management of the
company and in disregard of the Plaintiffs’ interests as the
beneficial owners of the shares. Given that throughout the
years, the 1st and 2nd Defendants have always recognized
and acknowledged the Plaintiffs’ rights and interest under
the Company Policy and the Shareholders’ Agreement in
relation to the affairs of G&P Structures, the conduct is
oppressive and come within the section 346(1) of the CA
[33] A pertinent case on point quoted by the Plaintiffs is the case of Lim
Kah Keng v Teng Taim Sing & Ors [2021] MLJU 1903 where it was held
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that the exclusion of minorities from management without an exit offer is
a clear oppression when quoted the following with approval:
“[48] In Tob Chee Hoong v Tob Chee Choong & Ors [2017] 1 LNS
1256, Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali J held that exclusion from
management without an exit offer is clear oppression:
“[105] Even if my assessment on the plaintiff having
successfully proven oppression is less than accurate, I
would additionally rely on that House of Lords decision
of O’Neill v. Phillips which is also an authority for the
proposition that any such exclusion from management
would still not be construed as being unfairly prejudicial
if the majority make a fair and reasonable offer to buy
out the minority. This makes much practical sense for
where relationship of trust and confidence has broken
down, and where oppressive and prejudicial conduct is
apparent, there may not necessarily be oppression in
the sense stated in the statute book if a genuine, fair
and reasonable buy-out offer is made to the
complainant who would probably welcome the exit
[106] However, there is no hint of any offer in this case made
by either the first, second or third defendant. This
manifestly is oppressive, when taken together with the
entire series of conduct and decisions taken by them in
sidelining the plaintiff in the fourth defendant and their
removal of the plaintiff from the management of
Orchard Circle. The plaintiff was clearly made to feel
unwelcome in the fourth defendant as a director and
shareholder. Yet the defendants steadfastly refused to
permit any buy-out of the plaintiff’s stake in order to
facilitate the plaintiff exiting the group. The plaintiff is
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thus caught in a most unenviable position. Internally he
has to put up with challenges brought about by the
defendants, especially his nephews. But his attempt to
get them buy his shares, as he pleaded in his
originating summons went wholly unheeded.”
[49] Further in the case of Rahya Trading Sdn Bhd v Tong Khin
Company Sdn Bhd & Anor [2014] 5 CLJ 726, the decision of
the Plaintiff in wanting to leave the company was held to be
reasonable and fair as the company itself was no longer
involved in any business. It was held that to require the
Plaintiff to remain as shareholder to venture into other
businesses, which are still undecided is not the bargain the
Plaintiff entered into with the company. It was further stated
in that case that the rejection by the company is evidence of
oppression on the part of the company against the Plaintiff
as it is fully aware that it was not engaging in any business
at that point of time but yet it refused the reasonable
proposal by the Plaintiff to sell its shares”.
[34] Based on all these authorities applied to the facts as summarized
and found by this Court in paragraph 29 above, the conclusion by this
Court is a case of oppression proven with the Plaintiffs being the minority
shareholder ‘locked-in’ the 7th Defendant and allowed all reliefs including
on a buy-out and Plaintiffs permitted an exit out of the 7th Defendant as
sought in paragraph 1 of this judgment, with the exception of relief (c).
Relief (c) is excluded on the basis that the declaration if allowed will be in
breach of the ‘Audi alteram partem’ principle ‘the right to be heard’ as
except the Defendants, no representative from PT Adau Agro Kalbar was
present before the Court to argue otherwise. The Plaintiffs despite arguing
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that section 346 confers the Court with wide power, candidly did not push
for this relief.
[35] As to the alternative prayer in (i) to other reliefs in (e), (f), (g) and (h)
pleaded by the Plaintiffs to declare the 7th Defendant be wound up which
was granted by this Court, there is no confusion as alleged by the
Defendants as to which relief takes priority as firstly relief (i) is a relief
sought by the Plaintiffs as a last resort only if there is failure on the part of
the Defendants to comply and satisfy with the order granted in relief (e) to
(h). Secondly, for an application to wound up the 7th Defendant by this
Court, it must be followed with the necessary procedure under the
Companies Act and Winding-Up Rules. It is not merely a relief to make a
declaration for the 7th Defendant to be pronounced and declared ‘wound
[36] Furthermore, relief (i) is only triggered subject to certain primary
actions in relief (e) to (h) on the buy-out requirement that must be complied
with by parties and subject to the willingness on the part of the Defendants
to follow through with the said order, before it can be said relief (i) comes
to life and be invoked. This is further demonstrated in the affidavits by the
Plaintiffs stressing on all the reliefs as in (e) to (h). For these reasons, with
the exception of relief (c), all the reliefs sought are allowed.
High Court of Malaya
Johor Bahru
Dated: 22nd January 2024
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For the Plaintiffs:
Ryan Chu Soon Wei
Lau Zhong Yan
(Samantha Au Yong Chi Yan
Yap Rui Xuen (PDK) bersamanya)
Messrs. Tuang, Chu & Co
Advocates & Solicitors
A-G-23A, Menara Prima
Jalan PJU 1/39, Dataran Prima
74301 Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan
For the Respondents:
Yap Chee Kai
(Tania Pillai a/p Velasamy bersamanya)
Messrs. Lee & Tengku Azrina
Advocates & Solicitors
Unit 13-01, Level 13, Menara Landmar
12 Jln Ngee Heng
80000 Johor Bahru
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| 40,745 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-22NCvC-457-11/2020 | PLAINTIF SITI MARYAM BINTI BUSRI DEFENDAN SITI AISAH BINTI LANI | Temporary occupation licence to occupy State Land (TOL), "gantiusaha" of TOL land; sections 65 and 68 of National Land Code 1965; Agreed Facts need not be proved during trial; section 58 of Evidence Act 1950; time does not run against equitable owner of land; section 9 of Limitation Act 1953; alienation of TOL land; equitable owner of alienated land. | 23/01/2024 | YA Dato' Faizah Binti Jamaludin | |
WRIT SAMAN NO. BA-22NCVC-457-11/2020
(NO. K/P: 621123-10-7206)
(NO. K/P: 590803-10-5678)
[1] This is an action by the plaintiff against the defendant in respect of
a piece of alienated land held under title H.S.(M) 12944 PT 44569,
Kampung Sungai Plong, Mukim Sungai Buloh, Daerah Petaling, Negeri
Selangor (“the Alienated Land”). The Alienated Land was previously
State Land located at Batu 16, Sungai Plong, Sungai Buloh, Selangor (the
“TOL Land”). The TOL Land was alienated by the State Authority in 2002.
[2] The plaintiff seeks a declaratory order from this Court that she is the
beneficial owner of the Alienated Land. She also seeks consequential
orders for the Deputy Registrar of this Court to execute the memorandum
of transfer of the Alienated Land from the defendant to the plaintiff and for
the Pendaftar Hakmilik Daerah Petaling, Selangor to register the transfer
of the Alienated Land after payment of the requisite stamp duty and
registration of transfer fees.
[3] The defendant was the holder of a licence to temporarily occupy the
TOL Land and is the registered owner of the Alienated Land. She, in turn,
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Siti Maryam Busri v Siti Aisah Lani
counterclaims against the plaintiff for orders that the plaintiff demolish the
house that the plaintiff had built on the land in 1995 within 30 days from
the date of judgment; that the plaintiff return the issue document of title for
the Alienated Land, and that the private caveat lodged by the plaintiff on
the Alienated Land be removed. The defendant counterclaims, in the
alternative, for damages to be assessed by this Court for the rental
payable by the plaintiff for her occupation of the TOL Land, and later the
Alienated Land, to be calculated from 1995 to the date of judgment.
[4] After full trial, I gave judgment for the plaintiff and made the orders
sought for by the plaintiff. I dismissed the defendant’s counterclaim.
[5] The full reasons for my decision are set out in this judgment.
Key Background Facts
[6] The plaintiff is the defendant’s sister-in-law: the defendant is married
to the plaintiff’s brother.
[7] In 1987, the State Authority permitted the defendant temporary
occupation of the TOL Land from April 1987 to 31.12.1987 through a
Temporary Occupation Licence (Lesen Menduduki Sementara) No. A
906038 dated 08.04.1987 (the “TOL Licence”). The defendant had
renewed the TOL Licence annually until its alienation in 2002.
[8] In 1995, at the plaintiff’s request, the defendant allowed the plaintiff
and her family to occupy and build a house on the TOL Land for payment
of the sum of RM12,000.00 from the plaintiff to the defendant. In 2002, the
State Authority alienated the TOL Land. Upon issuance of a Form 5F
(Notice to take out issue document of title) dated 22.07.2003 by the State
Authority, the plaintiff gave the defendant the sum of RM14,490.00 for
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Siti Maryam Busri v Siti Aisah Lani
payment of the premium due to the State Authority for the issuance of the
issue document of title of the land.
[9] The plaintiff and her family have lived in the house that they built on
the TOL Land, which was later alienated to the Alienated Land, from 1995
until 2019. In 2019, the plaintiff and her husband moved to live with their
daughter in Bangi after the plaintiff’s husband was diagnosed with cancer.
He succumbed to the disease in 2020. Now that her husband has passed
away, the plaintiff wants to sell the house that she had built on the
Alienated Land together with the land but is unable to do so because the
land has not been transferred to her.
[10] The defendant had allowed the plaintiff and her family to live in the
home that the plaintiff built on the land without hindrance since 1995. She
had not asked the plaintiff for the payment of any rental. It was only after
the plaintiff filed this instant suit, did the defendant counterclaim against
the plaintiff for, among others, the demolition of the plaintiff’s house on the
land or in the alternative, the payment of rental from 1995 to the date of
[11] It is an agreed fact that the plaintiff had paid the quit rent for the
Alienated Land since its alienation to date, and that she had paid the
assessment for the land every year, save for a few years where the
defendant paid the assessment.
[12] The plaintiff contends that since the issuance of the title of the
Alienated Land, the plaintiff had on numerous occasions asked the
defendant to transfer the Alienated Land to the plaintiff’s name. However,
the defendant has refused and continues to refuse to do so to date.
Hence, this present suit by the plaintiff against the defendant.
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Siti Maryam Busri v Siti Aisah Lani
Issues for determination
[13] One of the matters raised during the trial was the two statutory
declarations affirmed by the defendant’s husband (“DW4”). The first
statutory declaration is dated 29.08.2011 (marked as “P3”) and the second
statutory declaration is dated 14.05.2020 (marked as “P1”). In P1, DW4
affirmed that the defendant had “menyerahusaha” the TOL Land to the
plaintiff for a consideration in the sum of RM12,000.00. He said that the
plaintiff and her late husband had given the defendant the sum of
RM14.851.00 being RM14,490.00 for payment of the premium, RM270.00
for the survey and marking of boundary fee and RM91.00 for the quit rent
for purposes of the alienation of the TOL Land. He had also confirmed the
payment of the RM12,000.00 and the RM14,851.00 in an earlier statutory
declaration that he had affirmed on 29.08.2011 (“P3”).
[14] DW4 admitted that he had signed both statutory declarations
voluntarily. However, he said that he was deceived by the plaintiff to sign
the statutory declaration (marked as “P1”). As regards the statutory
declaration marked as “P3”, DW4 claimed that he did not read the
contents of the document before signing it. Under cross-examination,
DW4 said he was angry that it was stated the statutory declaration marked
as “P1” that it would be used to support the plaintiff’s suit in Court. It is
noted that DW4 did not say he was angry because the contents of the
statutory declarations were untrue.
[15] Although DW4 confirmed that he had affirmed both statutory
declarations, these declarations are not necessary to support the fact that
the defendant had received the RM12,000.00 and the RM14,490.00
premium from the plaintiff. This is because both these facts form part of
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Siti Maryam Busri v Siti Aisah Lani
the Fakta-Fakta Yang Dipersetujui (Agreed Facts) filed by the parties
before the trial. The fact that the RM14,490.00 premium for the issue
document of title of the land was paid using the Plaintiff’s and her
husband’s monies also formed part of the Agreed Facts.
[16] Under section 58 of the Evidence Act 1950, facts admitted by the
parties before the hearing need not be proved in any proceeding. Section
58 reads:
58. Facts admitted need not be proved
(1) No fact need be proved in any proceeding which the parties thereto or their
agents agree to admit at the hearing or which before the hearing they agree to
admit by any writing under their hands, or which by any rule of pleading in force
at the time they are deemed to have admitted by their pleadings:
Provided that the court may, in its discretion, require the facts admitted to be
proved otherwise than by such admissions.
(2) This section has no application to criminal proceedings.
[17] Accordingly, because the facts have been agreed by the parties in
the Agreed Facts filed before the trial, it is not necessary for this Court to
rely on DW4’s statutory declarations to determine whether or not, the
defendant had received the RM12,000.00 and the RM14,490.00 from the
[18] Whether or not the defendant received both sums from the plaintiff
is also not an issue to be determined by this Court since parties have
agreed it. Instead, the issue is what the nature and purpose of the said
payments by the plaintiff to the defendant were.
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Siti Maryam Busri v Siti Aisah Lani
[19] The issues for determination are:
(i) what were the nature and purpose of the payments of the
sums of RM12,000.00 and RM14,490.00 by the plaintiff to the
(ii) is the plaintiff the beneficial owner of the Alienated Land?
(iii) is the plaintiff’s claim against the defendant time-barred? and
(iv) whether the agreement between the plaintiff and the
defendant is void for illegality of contract?
Issue (i): What were the nature of the payments of the sums of
RM12,000.00 and RM14,490.00 by the plaintiff to the defendant?
[20] The plaintiff’s case is that she had paid the sum of RM12,000.00 to
the defendant to “ganti usaha” the TOL Land, and that the understanding
reached between her and the defendant was that when the State Authority
approves the alienation of the TOL Land, she will pay the premium and
other sums due to the State Authority in respect of the TOL Land and the
defendant will transfer the Alienated Land to her upon the issuance of the
title for the land. As stated above, it is an agreed fact that the plaintiff had
paid the defendant the sum of RM12,000 and the sum of RM14,490.00 for
the premium for the issuance of the issue document of title for the land.
[21] The defendant agreed that she had permitted the plaintiff to build a
house on the TOL Land. She also admitted that she had received the
sums of RM12,000.00 and RM14,490.00 from the plaintiff and used the
RM14,490.00 to pay the premium. However, the defendant claims that she
had only permitted the plaintiff to build a small house and not a big house
and that the RM12,000.00 was a saguhati (gift) from the plaintiff to her. As
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Siti Maryam Busri v Siti Aisah Lani
for the RM14,490.00, which she admitted having received from the
plaintiff, the defendant pleads in her defence that that sum was an
assistance (bantuan) offered and given voluntarily by the plaintiff to the
defendant as a “thank you” for allowing the plaintiff to build a small house
on the TOL Land and to stay on the TOL Land without being charged any
payment or monthly rental. However, in her witness statement, the
defendant said the RM14,490.00 was an advance (pendahuluan).
[22] There is a touch of the unbelievable in the defendant’s claim that the
RM12,000.00 was a gift from the plaintiff to the defendant for allowing the
plaintiff to build a house on the TOL land and to occupy the said land with
her family. The fee for the TOL licence is RM200.00 per year. Also, Encik
Zaidi bin Awang (“DW-3”), a tenant who had rented a wooden house on
the TOL Land from the defendant from 1993 to January 1995, testified that
the rental per month was RM150.00. He said he paid the rental monthly
in cash, and that he delivered the cash to the defendant personally.
[23] The sum of RM12,000.00 is equivalent to 60 years of the TOL
licence fee and 80 months of rental. It does not make any financial sense
for the plaintiff to pay the defendant 80 months (or 6 years and 8 months)
of rental in advance as a “gift” for being allowed to build a small house and
live on the land. This is especially true since, according to the defendant
she only allowed the plaintiff to stay on the land for a short while only
(“untuk sementara waktu sahaja” — see the defendant’s answer QA22 in
her witness statement).
[24] As for the sum of RM14,490.00 the defendant received from the
plaintiff for the payment of the premium — which version of the
defendant’s claim is true? Is it her pleading that the plaintiff had offered
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Siti Maryam Busri v Siti Aisah Lani
and given her the sum of RM14,490.00 as an assistance (bantuan) to
assist the defendant with the payment of the premium for the alienation of
the TOL Land as a thank you to the defendant for allowing her to build a
house and stay on the land? Or is it the defendant’s statement in her
witness statement that the RM14,490.00 was an advance (pendahuluan)
from the plaintiff?
[25] The sum of RM14,490.00 is a relatively large sum of money.
Together with the RM12,000.00 that the plaintiff had given the defendant
in 1995, the fees for the survey and measurement of boundary
(RM270.00) and the quit rent (RM91.00) which had to be paid together
with the premium to the Selangor State Authority for the issuance of the
title, the total sum that was paid by the plaintiff to the defendant in relation
to the TOL Land was RM26,851.00.
[26] It beggar belief that the plaintiff would have paid the defendant the
total sum of RM26,851.00 as a thank you for being allowed to build a
house and stay on the TOL Land. Also, if indeed the sum of RM14,490.00
received by the defendant from the plaintiff in 2002 was an “advance”, why
has the defendant not repaid the sum to the plaintiff?
[27] The defendant was a defensive and evasive witness. From her
demeanour and conduct in during the trial, I found her not to have told the
truth as to the real reason she had received the RM12,000.00 and the
RM14,490.00 from the plaintiff in respect of the TOL Land. When asked
during cross-examination if the RM14,490.00 was indeed an advance,
why had she not paid the monies back to the plaintiff, the defendant said
that because she and the plaintiff had a falling out over the land and were
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Siti Maryam Busri v Siti Aisah Lani
no longer talking to each other, she was not able to pay the plaintiff the
[28] To my mind the defendant’s answer to why she still has not repaid
the plaintiff the RM14,490.00, if indeed the sum was an advance, is
incredulous. Even if she was no longer talking to the plaintiff, she could
have transferred the payment directly to the plaintiff’s bank account or
paid the monies to her through cash, cheque or banker’s draft — she did
not need to talk to the plaintiff to pay back the “advance”.
[29] Alternatively, if the RM14,490.00 was indeed an “assistance” from
the plaintiff to the defendant for payment of the land alienation premium,
it does not make any financial sense for a tenant/occupier of a TOL Land
to give the TOL licence holder the whole sum of the premium payable
together with the survey fees and quit rent for the issuance of the title
following the alienation of the land. What was it in for the plaintiff to pay
such sums? It is highly improbable that the plaintiff would have given the
defendant such a large sum of money — more than 8 years of rental at
the rate of RM150 per month. It surely cannot be out of the goodness of
her heart. In my view, the only plausible explanation is that there was an
agreement between the plaintiff and the defendant to gantiusaha the TOL
Land, and that the defendant would transfer the land to her upon its
alienation. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that the plaintiff had
continued to stay on the land since 1995 without any hindrance from the
plaintiff. And by the fact that the plaintiff has paid the quit rent since its
alienation to date.
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Siti Maryam Busri v Siti Aisah Lani
[30] It was telling that under cross-examination, the defendant said she
would sell the land to the plaintiff but at the current market value and not
for the RM12,000.00 that she had paid the defendant in 1995.
[31] Accordingly, based on these facts and the testimonies of the
witnesses, I find that the plaintiff has proven on a balance of probabilities
that the nature and purpose of the sum of RM12,000.00 and the
RM14,490.00 that she had paid to the defendant was pursuant to an
agreement between reached between them that the plaintiff gantiusaha
the TOL land and that the defendant would transfer the land to the plaintiff
when it is alienated by the State Authority.
Issue (ii): Is the plaintiff’s claim against the defendant time-barred?
[32] Learned counsel for the defendant submits that the plaintiff’s claim
against the defendant is time-barred because the plaintiff had paid the
sum of RM12,000.00 to the defendant in 1995 and she only filed this suit
against the defendant in 2020. She cites section 9 of the Limitation Act
1953 (Act 254), which states:
9. Limitations of actions to recover land
(1) No action shall be brought by any person to recover any land after the
expiration of twelve years from the date on which the right of action accrued to
him, or if it first accrued to some person through whom he claims, to that person.
(2) Nothing in this section or in subsection 11(2) of this Act shall be deemed to
affect the Government Proceedings Act 1956 [Act 359], or the National Land
Code (Penang and Malacca Titles) Act 1963 [Act 518], or to apply-
(a) to the Ruler of any State, in respect of State land or land reserved for a
public purpose situate in such State; or
(b) to any person registered under or by virtue of the National Land Code
1965 [Act 56 of 1965], or the National Land Code (Penang and Malacca
Titles) Act 1963, as the proprietor of the land sought to be recovered, or
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Siti Maryam Busri v Siti Aisah Lani
to any person claiming through a person so registered, except to the
extent that such Code or Act so provides or permits.
[2] In Munah v Fatimah [1968] 1 MLJ 54, [1967] CLJU 108, the plaintiff
had entered into an agreement with the defendant and her brother, who
were beneficiaries of the estate of their late father, Hamat, to purchase a
piece of padi land, which was registered in Hamat’s name. The plaintiff
went into occupation of the said land and cultivated it with padi, and
enjoyed possession and profit from the land without hindrance from the
defendants for 19 years. She had also paid the annual quit rents for the
land. She brought the action against the defendant, as administratrix of
Hamat’s estate, for the land to be transferred and registered in her name
after years of asking the beneficiaries to take out letters of administration
in respect of Hamat’s estate so that they could transfer the land to her.
[3] In dealing with the defendant’s contention that the plaintiff’s claim
was statute barred, Raja Azlan Shah J (as HRH was then), citing his
earlier judgment in Kersah La’uisn v. Sikin Menan [1966] 2 MLJ 20;
[1964] CLJU 57, held that as from the time the plaintiff went into
occupation of the land, she was the equitable owner of the land. Hence,
time did not run against the plaintiff as it was not a species of laches which
would prevail against the equitable title.
[4] In Kersah, his lordship relied on the English case of Williams v.
Greatrex [1957] 1 WLR 31, where Denning L.J.:
… once the purchaser went into possession of the land, having the contractual
right to be there, he not only had an equity to be there, but also the benefit of a
contract to sell him these two plots. That was not only an equity: it was an
equitable interest in the land. He was in a sense the equitable owner of the land.
So long as he was in possession of the land, he does not lose his rights simply
by not proceeding at once for specific performance.
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Siti Maryam Busri v Siti Aisah Lani
[5] The principle in Munah v Fatimah and Kersah that time did not run
against the equitable owner of a land was adopted by the Federal Court
in Othman & Anor v Mek [1972] 2 MLJ 158; [1972] CLJU 103 and in
Tengku Mariah Binte Sultan Sulaiman v Halmah Binte Abdullah
[1980] 2 MLJ 234; [1979] CLJU 114.
[6] In Tengku Mariah, the respondent brought an action for an order
that the appellant execute a transfer of the title of a piece of land which
the respondent claimed had been sold to her. The appellant's defence was
that the action was time-barred as it was commenced more than twelve
years after the title was registered in the appellant's name. The Federal
Court held (as reported in the headnotes of the MLJ law report):
(1) as the facts showed that the respondent was in possession of the land and
had built two or three houses on it, she was the equitable owner of the land and
so long as she was in possession of the land she did not lose her rights simply
by not proceeding at once for specific performance
[7] Syed Othman FJ delivering the judgment of the Federal Court in
Tengku Mariah said at pg. 235 of the MLJ law report:
In our view the respondent's action is not affected by limitation by reason
of her having been in possession of the land from the time of purchase,
and the present case fits squarely with the principle laid down by Raja Azlan
Shah J. (as he then was) in Munah v Fatimah [1968] 1 MLJ 54 55 ………..
[Emphasis added]
[8] Similarly, in this instant suit, the plaintiff, relying on the agreement
between her and the defendant, went into occupation of the land, built a
house on the land and lived with her family in the house since 1995. She
has been in possession of the land since 1995, and the issue document
of title of the Alienated Land since the title was issued without any
hindrance from the defendant. She also paid the premium for the
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Siti Maryam Busri v Siti Aisah Lani
alienation of the land and the annual quit rents for the Alienated Land
since its alienation to date.
[9] By reason of her continued occupation of the land since 1995, from
the time it was a TOL Land until it was alienated by the State Authority, the
plaintiff is the equitable owner of the Alienated Land. Accordingly, her
action is not affected by limitation and is not statute barred: see Williams
v Greatrex; Kersah La'uisn Sikin Menan and Munah v Fatimah,
Othman & Anor v Mek and Tengku Mariah Binte Sultan Sulaiman v
Halmah Binte Abdullah (supra).
[10] Accordingly, I find that the plaintiff’s claim against the defendant is
not statute-barred.
Issue (iii): whether the agreement between the plaintiff and the
defendant is void for illegality of contract?
[11] Section 65 of the NLC empowers the State Authority to permit the
temporary occupation under licence of State Land, mining land and
reserved land. Section 68 of the NLC states that a temporary occupation
licence except as otherwise prescribed, shall not be capable of
assignment. Section 68 of the NLC states:
68. Except so far as it is otherwise prescribed, a temporary occupation licence
shall not be capable of assignment; and every such licence shall, except as
provided in section 416, terminate on the death of the person, or dissolution of
the body, for the time being entitled to the benefit thereof.
[12] Salleh Abas CJ (Malaya) (as he then was) in Paruvathy d/o
Murugiah v Krishnan s/o Doraisamy [1983] 2 MLJ 121; [1983] CLJU
19, FC (“Paruvathy Murugiah”) explained the principle behind section 68
of the NLC as follows:
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BA-22NCVC-457-11/2020 JUDGMENT
Siti Maryam Busri v Siti Aisah Lani
It is obvious from this section that a TOL, being a licence only confers a personal
right to the licence holder. This right comes to an end when the holder in the case
of a natural person dies or in the case of a company or a firm or other bodies is
dissolved. Being a personal right, the legal relationship thereby created is only
between the licensor and the licensee. The licence is therefore non-transferable
or incapable of assignment at the option of the licensee. It is not a right in rem
which its holder can deal with as he or it pleases to the detriment of the issuing
authority. Thus any assignment or arrangement purporting to transfer or assign
the whole or any part of the licensed land will be of no effect and such assignment
or arrangement will be illegal under section 24 of the Contracts Act (see Heng
Cheng v Krishnan [1955] MLJ 103 and Murugesan v Krishnasamy & Anor [1958]
MLJ 92.)
[13] The respondent in Paruvathy Murugiah claimed that he had a right
to stay on the land because he had built a house on the land and because
the document (marked as “D8” during the trial) purported to partially
transfer the appellant’s rights or interest in the land to the respondent.
[14] In that case, the appeal at the Federal Court rested on the issue of
whether the doctrine of equitable estoppel can be invoked against the
holder of a temporary occupation licence. The Federal Court held that the
principle of equitable estoppel applied against a TOL licence holder.
However, it found that on the facts of the case, namely that the document
(D8) was fraudulent and contravened section 68 of the NLC and the house
built on the land by the respondent was built using the appellant’s money,
the doctrine of equitable estoppel did not apply against the appellant.
[15] Learned counsel for the defendant submits that the agreement
between the plaintiff and the defendant for the gantiusaha of the TOL Land
is invalid and void for illegality because there is no term “gantiusaha” for
TOL lands under the NLC, and because the assignment of the TOL licence
is prohibited under section 68 of the NLC.
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BA-22NCVC-457-11/2020 JUDGMENT
Siti Maryam Busri v Siti Aisah Lani
[16] I agree with learned counsel for the defendant that section 68 of the
NLC prohibits the assignment of a TOL licence. However, I am puzzled by
her submission that the agreement between the plaintiff and the defendant
is void for illegality by reason of section 68 of the NLC. The plaintiff did not
plead that the defendant had assigned the TOL licence to her. It is not the
plaintiff’s case that there was an assignment of the TOL licence from the
defendant to her. The plaintiff’s case is that there was an oral agreement
between her and the defendant that she would “gantiusaha” the TOL Land
in consideration of payment by the plaintiff to the defendant of the sum of
RM12,000.00 and the premium for the alienation of the TOL Land, and
that the defendant would transfer the Alienated Land to her when the TOL
land is alienated by the State Authority.
[17] What does “gantiusaha” mean? I agree with learned counsel for the
defendant that the word “gantiusaha” is not defined in the NLC. However,
I find it difficult to follow the logic of her argument that because the word
“gantiusaha” is not defined in the NLC, the agreement between the plaintiff
and the defendant for the plaintiff to “gantiusaha” the TOL Land, and when
the land is alienated, for the defendant to transfer the Alienated Land to
the plaintiff, is void under section 68 of the NLC.
[18] To support learned counsel for the defendant’s argument that an
agreement between the plaintiff and the defendant for the plaintiff to
“gantiusaha” the TOL Land is void for illegality, the defendant must prove
that an agreement to “gantiusaha” of the TOL Land means it is an
agreement to assign the TOL licence by the defendant to the plaintiff.
[19] However, learned counsel for the defendant did not submit that the
word “gantiusaha” means the assignment of the TOL licence by the
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BA-22NCVC-457-11/2020 JUDGMENT
Siti Maryam Busri v Siti Aisah Lani
defendant to the plaintiff. Neither did the defendant plead or adduce any
evidence during the trial that the term “gantiusaha” means “assignment of
the TOL licence”.
[20] More importantly, the defendant did not plead or adduce any
evidence that she had assigned the TOL licence to the plaintiff. In fact, the
defendant’s own case is that the defendant continues to hold the TOL
licence for the land and that she had paid the fees for the renewal of the
TOL licence every year until the land was alienated.
[21] It follows, therefore, that since the defendant failed to prove that the
agreement between the plaintiff and the defendant was for the assignment
of the TOL licence by the defendant to the plaintiff, the agreement is not
void for illegality.
[22] For these reasons, I find that the agreement between the plaintiff
and defendant does not breach section 68 of the NLC. Accordingly, the
agreement is not void for illegality.
Issue (iv): Is the plaintiff the beneficial owner of the Alienated Land?
[23] Based on the principle of law in Williams v Greatrex; Kersah
La'uisn Sikin Menan and Munah v Fatimah, Othman & Anor v Mek and
Tengku Mariah Binte Sultan Sulaiman v Halmah Binte Abdullah
(supra), by reason of the fact that the plaintiff had built the house on the
TOL Land at her own cost and has continued to occupy the house and the
land since 1995 without hindrance from the defendant, paid the premium
for the issuance of document of title for the Alienated Land, paid the
annual quit rent since the alienation of land to date, this Court finds that
the plaintiff is the equitable owner of the Alienated Land.
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BA-22NCVC-457-11/2020 JUDGMENT
Siti Maryam Busri v Siti Aisah Lani
[24] Accordingly, for the reasons above, this Court gives judgment to the
[25] It is declared that the plaintiff is the beneficial owner of the Alienated
[26] It is ordered that the Deputy Registrar of the High Court of Malaya
at Shah Alam be empowered to execute the memorandum of transfer to
transfer the ownership of the Alienated Land to the plaintiff.
[27] It is ordered that the Pendaftar Hakmilik Daerah Petaling, Selangor,
register the transfer of the Alienated Land to the plaintiff after payment of
the requisite stamp duty and registration of transfer fees.
[28] The defendant’s counterclaim is dismissed.
[29] Costs of RM15,000.00 to be paid by the defendant to the plaintiff,
subject to the allocatur fee.
Dated: January 23, 2024
High Court of Malaya at Shah Alam
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BA-22NCVC-457-11/2020 JUDGMENT
Siti Maryam Busri v Siti Aisah Lani
For the Plaintiff: Idris bin Md Isa
Messrs Idris & Partners
2(1F), Jalan BRP 7/2A,
Bukir Rahman Putra,
47000 Sungai Buloh,
For the Defendant: Maknawiah binti Muslim (Nor Shafizah
Sahaat with her)
Messrs Maknawiah Raziah & Partners
No. 7, 1st Floor,
Lorong Pengkalan Machang 1,
Taman Pengkalan Machang,
13800, Sungai Dua, Butterworth,
Pulau Pinang
S/N o/ZfseWrY0Wp95I73tX13A
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| 33,483 | Tika 2.6.0 |
CB-15-6-02/2023 | PERAYU TAN TIAN MENG RESPONDEN Pentadbir Tanah Daerah Bentong | Rujukan tanah - kadar pampasan hartanah, kesan mudarat dan pisah pisah tidak memadai - Pentadbir Tanah Bentong gagal menimbangkan pampasan berdasarkan prinsip undang-undang - Penelitian kepada dokumen-dokumen dan laporan penilaian didapati perintah Pentadbir Tanah Bentong adalah teratur - Pampasan, kesan mudarat dan pecah pisah dikekalkan. | 22/01/2024 | YA Tuan Roslan bin Mat Nor | |
Microsoft Word - CB-15-06-02-2023 TAN TIAN MENG v PTD Bentong - edited
RUJUKAN TANAH NO: CB-15-6-02/2023
[1] Ini adalah rujukan tanah yang berkaitan dengan pengambilan
tanah untuk Projek Laluan Rel Pantai Timur (East Coast Rel Link –
ECRL) bagi Daerah Bentong, Negeri Pahang (Fasa 1 Jajaran Utama).
Ia melibatkan lot nombor PT 26167, No. Hakmilik GM 4141, Mukim
Bentong, Daerah Bentong, Negeri Pahang. Luas lot ini ialah 1.106
hektar. Jumlah yang diambil adalah sebanyak 0.3242 hektar. Ia adalah
tanah pertanian dan syarat nyata dalam hakmilik tersebut adalah
hendaklah digunakan untuk tanaman getah sahaja.
22/01/2024 16:10:37
CB-15-6-02/2023 Kand. 23
S/N AkwzSflS0OrCSIT/cKftw
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[2] Pentadbir Tanah telah mengadakan inkuiri pengambilan tanah ini
dan telah memutuskan pampasan yang diberikan adalah berkaitan
tanah ialah RM389,040.00, kos pecah pisah (severance) adalah
RM187,632.00 dan kos kesan mudarat (injurious affection) adalah
RM93,816.00. Jumlah keseluruhan pampasan yang diberikan kepada
Pemohon adalah RM670,488.00. Selain daripada itu Pentadbir Tanah
juga telah mengawardkan kos bicara sebanyak RM400.00.
[3] Penelitian kepada nota prosiding di hadapan Pentadbir Tanah
adalah didapati bahawa nilai hartanah yang diambil kira dalam
menentukan jumlah yang sewajarnya adalah pada kadar
RM1,200,000.00 sehektar.
Bantahan Pemohon
[4] Dalam hujahan yang dikemukakan oleh pihak Pemohon adalah
dinyatakan bahawa perbandingan nilai yang diberikan oleh Pentadbir
Tanah adalah tidak wajar. Ini adalah disebabkan Pemohon
menggunakan lima perbandingan sebaliknya Pentadbir Tanah telah
menggunakan lapan perbandingan. Perbandingan tersebut adalah
tidak wajar dipertimbangkan oleh Pentadbir Tanah. Oleh itu lot
perbandingan yang sepatutnya yang diambil kira adalah lima lot iaitu
Lot 8410, Lot 8442, Lot 15712, Lot 9052 dan Lot 8422.
[5] Dalam erti kata lain Pentadbir Tanah dikatakan gagal untuk
menggunakan garis panduan yang diberikan di bawah Perenggan 1 (1)
(a) Jadual Pertama Akta Pengambilan Tanah 1960. Sebaliknya
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Responden berhujah bahawa perbandingan yang dibuat oleh Pentadbir
Tanah adalah teratur berdasarkan kepada perbandingan yang wajar
[6] Penelitian kepada Borang N yang dikemukakan kepada Pentadbir
Tanah Daerah Bentong oleh Pemohon dan Borang O yang
dikemukakan oleh Pentadbir Tanah Daerah Bentong kepada
Mahkamah ini menunjukkan bahawa bantahan dikemukakan terhadap
amaun pampasan berkaitan dengan nilai pasaran sebenar bagi tanah
tersebut, pampasan yang setimpal untuk pecah pisah dan kegagalan
Pentadbir Tanah memberikan pampasan yang setimpal terhadap kesan
Harga Pasaran
[7] Akta Pengambilan Tanah 1960 telah memperihalkan tatacara
penilaian harga pasaran seperti yang dinyatakan di bawah Jadual
Pertama Akta Pengambilan Tanah 1960 seperti berikut:
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1. Market value
(1) For the purposes of this Act the term "market value" where
applied to any scheduled land shall mean the market value of
such land-
(a) at the date of publication in the Gazette of the
notification under section 4, provided that such
notification shall within twelve months from the date
thereof be followed by a declaration under section 8 in
respect of all or some part of the land in the locality
specified; or
(b) in other cases, at the date of the publication in
the Gazette of the declaration made under section 8.
(1A) In assessing the market value of any scheduled land, the
valuer may use any suitable method of valuation to arrive at
the market value provided that regard may be had to the
prices paid for the recent sales of lands with similar
characteristics as the scheduled land which are situated
within the vicinity of the scheduled land and with particular
consideration being given to the last transaction on the
scheduled land within two years from the date with reference
to which the scheduled land is to be assessed under
subparagraph (1).
(1B) Where only a part of the land is to be acquired, the
market value of the scheduled land shall be determined by
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reference to the whole land as shown in the document of title
of the scheduled land and after having regard to the particular
features of that part.
(1C) In assessing the market value of any scheduled land,
regard shall not be had to the evidence of any sales
transactions effected after the date with reference to which the
scheduled land is to be assessed under subparagraph (1).
(1D) Where the scheduled land to be acquired is held under a
title for a period of years, in assessing the market value,
regard may be had to the date of expiry of the lease as shown
in the document of title, but regard shall not be had to the
likelihood of a subsequent alienation to the person or body
who is the proprietor thereof immediately before the expiry of
the lease.
(2) In assessing the market value-
(a) the effect of any express or implied condition of title
restricting the use to which the scheduled land may be
put; and
(b) the effect of any prohibition, restriction or requirement
imposed by or under the Antiquities Act 1976 [Act 168] in
relation to any ancient monument or historical site within
the meaning of that Act on the scheduled land,
shall be taken into account.
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(2A) In assessing the market value of any scheduled land
which is Malay reservation land under any written law relating
to Malay reservations, or a Malay holding under the Malay
Reservations Enactment of Terengganu [Terengganu En. No.
17 of 1360 (A.H)], or customary land in the State of Negeri
Sembilan or the State of Malacca, the fact that it is such Malay
reservation land, a Malay holding, or customary land shall not
be taken into account except where the scheduled land is to
be devoted, after the acquisition, solely to a purpose for the
benefit of persons who are eligible to hold the land under such
written law.
(2B) (Deleted by Act A999:s.33)
(2BA) In assessing the market value of any scheduled land,
where the information provided by the State Director of Town
and Country Planning or the Commissioner of the City of
Kuala Lumpur, as the case may be, under section 9A
indicates that the scheduled land is within a local planning
authority area, then the land shall be assessed by having
regard to the specific land use for that land as indicated in the
development plan.
(2C) In assessing the market value of any scheduled land
which but for the acquisition would continue to be devoted to
a purpose of such a nature that there is no general demand
or market for that purpose, the assessment shall be made on
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the basis of the reasonable cost to the proprietor of the
scheduled land of using or purchasing other land and devoting
it to the same purpose to which the scheduled land is devoted,
if the Land Administrator is satisfied that this is bona
fide intended by the proprietor of the scheduled land.
(2D) In assessing the market value of any scheduled land
which is an estate land, or forms part of an estate land, the
market value of such land shall be determined taking into
consideration section 214A of the National Land Code.
[(2D) Am. Act A1517:s.42]
(3) If the market value of any scheduled land has been
increased, or is currently increased, in either of the following
ways, such increase shall be disregarded:
(a) an increase by means of any improvement made by
the owner or his predecessor in interest within two years
before the declaration under section 8 was published in
the Gazette, unless it be proved that such improvement
was made bona fide and not in contemplation of
proceedings for the acquisition of the land;
(b) an increase by reason of the use of the land, or of any
premises thereon, in a manner which could be restrained
by any court, or is contrary to law, or is detrimental to the
health of the inmates of the premises or to the public
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(c) (Deleted by Act A388).
(3A) The value of any building on any land to be acquired shall
be disregarded if that building is not permitted by virtue of-
(a) the category of land use; or
(b) an express or implied condition or restriction,
to which the land is subject or deemed to be subject under
the State land law.
(4) - (5) (Deleted by Act A388).
2. Matters to be considered in determining compensation
In determining the amount of compensation to be awarded for
any scheduled land acquired under this Act there shall be
taken into consideration the following matters and no others:
(a) the market value as determined in accordance with
section 1 of this Schedule;
(b) any increase, which shall be deducted from the total
compensation, in the value of the other land of the person
interested likely to accrue from the use to which the land
acquired will be put;
(c) the damage, if any, sustained or likely to be sustained
by the person interested at the time of the Land
Administrator's taking possession of the land by reason
of severing such land from his other land;
(d) the damage, if any, sustained or likely to be sustained
by the person interested at the time of the Land
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Administrator's taking possession of the land by reason
of the acquisition injuriously affecting his other property,
whether movable or immovable, in any other manner;
(e) if, in consequence of the acquisition, he is or will be
compelled to change his residence or place of business,
the reasonable expenses, if any, incidental to such
change; and
(f) where only part of the land is to be acquired, any
undertaking by the State Authority or by the Government,
person or corporation on whose behalf the land is to be
acquired, for the construction or erection of roads, drains,
walls, fences or other facilities benefiting any part of the
land left unacquired, provided that the undertaking is
clear and enforceable.
3. Matters to be neglected in determining compensation
In determining the amount of compensation to be awarded for
any scheduled land acquired under this Act the following
matters shall not be taken into consideration:
(a) the degree of urgency which has led to the acquisition;
(b) any disinclination of the person interested to part with
the land acquired;
(c) any damage sustained by the person interested
which, if caused by a private person, would not be a good
cause of action;
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(d) any depreciation in the value of the land acquired
likely to result from the use to which it will be put when
(e) any increase to the value of the land acquired likely to
accrue from the use to which it will be put when acquired;
(f) any outlay on additions or improvements to the land
acquired, which was incurred after the date of the
publication of the declaration under section 8, unless
such additions or improvements were necessary for the
maintenance of any building in a proper state of repair
and unless, in the case of agricultural land, it is any
money which has been expended for the continuing
cultivation of crops on it.
(g) - (h) (Deleted by Act A388).
4. Limitation on award
Where at any inquiry made by the Land Administrator under
section 12, or in any statement in writing required by the Land
Administrator under subsection 11(2), any person interested
(a) made a valuation of or claimed compensation for any
land or any interest therein, such person shall not at any
time be awarded any amount in excess of the amount
stated or claimed;
(b) refused, or has omitted without sufficient reason to be
allowed by a Judge, to make a claim to compensation,
such person shall not at any time be awarded any amount
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in excess of the amount awarded by the Land
[8] Selain daripada itu garis panduan yang diputuskan oleh
Mahkamah Atasan berkenaan dengan tatacara penentuan pampasan
berkaitan dengan harga pasaran juga menjadi suluh panduan untuk
Mahkamah menimbangkan berkenaan harga pasaran bagi maksud
pengambilan tanah di bawah Akta Pengambilan Tanah 1960. Ini telah
diutarakan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Ng Tiou Hong v
Collector of Land Revenue [1984] 2 MLJ 35.
[9] Sementara itu Mahkamah Persekutuan juga telah menyatakan
berkenaan dengan sejauh manakah Perenggan 1 Jadual Pertama Akta
tersebut perlu digunakan oleh Mahkamah dalam menentukan harga
pasaran. Ini dinyatakan dalam kes Amitabha Guha & Anor v.
Pentadbir Tanah Daerah Hulu Langat [2021] 3 CLJ 1 seperti berikut:
“[47] In the light of the ruling of this court in Semenyih
Jaya (supra ), the market value rule in para 1 of the First
Schedule must not be construed strictly. As such, acquisition
comparables may also be considered in assessing market
value provided that regard be had to sale comparables
transacted within the last two years of the date of the
publication of (i) a preliminary notice of likely acquisition under
s. 4 in Form A; and or (ii) a declaration of intended acquisition
under s. 8 in Form D, as the case may be.”
S/N AkwzSflS0OrCSIT/cKftw
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[10] Penilai Swasta telah membuat perbandingan dengan lima bukti
jual beli iaitu bagi Lot 8410, Lot 8442, Lot 15712, Lot 9052 dan Lot 8422.
Sementara itu Penilai Kerajaan pula menggunakan lapan bukti jual beli
iaitu bagi Lot 8378, Lot 1093, Lot 1095, Lot 2242, Lot 26108, Lot 26088,
Lot 7549 dan Lot 26137. Penilai Swasta telah mendapatkan
penyelarasan harga jualan tanah-tanah tersebut pada kadar
RM2,402,808.99 hingga RM4,013,377.93 sehektar. Sementara itu
Penilai Kerajaan pula mendapati bahawa harga adalah di antara
RM1,047,733.51 hingga RM1,431,467.96 sehektar.
[11] Mahkamah ini telah meneliti peta lokasi bagi melihat kedudukan
lot-lot tersebut bagi mempertimbangkan sama ada perbandingan-
perbandingan tersebut adalah wajar bagi mendapatkan penyelarasan
pampasan berkaitan dengan nilai pasaran tanah yang terlibat dalam
pengambilan tanah dalam kes ini.
[12] Pengapit Kerajaan telah bersetuju dengan memilih perbandingan
kelima iaitu Lot 26108 GRN 45548 Mukim Daerah Bentong sebagai
perbandingan terbaik kerana transaksi terkini dan kawasan yang sama
dan telah dibuat penyelarasan oleh Pengapit Kerajaan dan menyatakan
bahawa selepas penyelarasan kadar nilai adalah RM1,100,000.00 dan
dalam kes ini Pentadbir Tanah telah memberikan pampasan sebanyak
sebanyak RM1,200,000.00 sehektar. Oleh itu Pengapit Kerajaan
berpendapat tiada tambahan pampasan wajar diberikan dan award
Pentadbir Tanah dikekalkan.
S/N AkwzSflS0OrCSIT/cKftw
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[13] Sementara itu Pengapit Swasta pula berpandangan bahawa
perbandingan yang dibuat oleh Penilai Kerajaan iaitu lapan bukti jual
beli telah diambil kira oleh Pengapit Swasta iaitu empat daripada
Jabatan Penilaian dan Perkhidmatan Harta (JPPH) dan Penilai Swasta
yang mana Pengapit Swasta mendapati bahawa nilai yang wajar ialah
di antara RM1,062,292.33 sehektar hingga RM2,754,491.02 sehektar
dan mencadangkan bahawa pampasan bagi tanah tersebut adalah
dengan mengambil kira nilai RM1,160,000.00 sehektar. Dalam erti kata
lain terdapat perbezaan di antara pandangan yang dikemukakan oleh
Pengapit Kerajaan dan Pengapit Swasta dalam lingkungan perbezaan
sebanyak lebih kurang RM 500,000.00.
[14] Dalam kes ini Mahkamah dalam mempertimbangkan pandangan
kedua-dua Pengapit, Mahkamah bersetuju dengan pandangan
Pengapit Kerajaan. Ini adalah disebabkan perbandingan yang
dilakukan oleh Pengapit Kerajaan adalah terhadap tanah yang
mempunyai nilai dan syarat-syarat yang sama dengan tanah yang
dipertikaikan ini. Ia juga mengambil kira bukti jual beli yang berlaku
dalam tanah yang diperbandingkan tersebut. Pada masa yang sama
Mahkamah juga melihat kepada aktiviti-aktiviti yang terdapat di tanah
tersebut dan membandingkannya dengan aktiviti-aktiviti yang dilakukan
di atas tanah ini. Ia bagi melihat sama ada nilai pasaran tanah tersebut
adalah satu yang setimpal dan munasabah bagi dijadikan asas untuk
penilaian harga pasaran tanah tersebut.
S/N AkwzSflS0OrCSIT/cKftw
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[15] Mahkamah juga mengambil kira urus niaga yang melibatkan
tanah-tanah yang berhampiran dengan tanah yang diambil. Ini bagi
membantu Mahkamah untuk menilai harga pasaran tanah tersebut. Apa
yang jelas akhirnya Mahkamah perlu melihat keseluruhan faktor-faktor
di atas dengan mengambil kira panduan dalam Jadual Pertama Akta
Pengambilan Tanah 1960 bagi mencapai satu penentuan harga
pasaran bagi tanah yang diambil ini.
[16] Jika diteliti Lot 8378 ia adalah tanah yang dikategorikan sebagai
pertanian dan mempunyai syarat nyata tanaman getah sahaja. Ia juga
terlibat dalam pengambilan tanah untuk tujuan Projek Laluan Rel Pantai
Timur (East Coast Rel Link – ECRL). Catatan juga menunjukkan
bahawa terdapatnya pindah milik pada 09.09.2021 yang melibatkan
jumlah harga RM1,047,733.51 sehektar. Ia adalah terletak di lapisan
pertama Jalan Kuala Lumpur lama iaitu jalan utama. Sementara itu bagi
Lot 1093 pula ia juga berada di lapisan pertama jalan utama dan syarat
kategori adalah pertanian untuk tanaman getah sahaja yang telah
dinilaikan harganya sebanyak RM1,007,580.85 sehektar. Bagi Lot
1095 adalah kategori tanah pertanian untuk getah sahaja. Ia juga
berada di lapisan pertama jalan utama yang telah dinilaikan
RM1,431,467.95 sehektar. Sementara itu, bagi Lot 2242 tanah tersebut
juga terlibat dalam Projek Laluan Rel Pantai Timur (East Coast Rel Link
– ECRL). Ia dikategorikan sebagai tanah pertanian untuk tanaman
getah sahaja dan nilaiannya adalah RM1,062,292.33 sehektar.
Seterusnya bagi Lot 26108 tiada kategori dan nilai tanah adalah
RM1,372,369.62 sehektar. Sementara bagi Lot 26088 adalah dalam
kategori tanah pertanian tanaman getah dan jumlah nilaiannya adalah
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RM708,089.93 sehetar iaitu lapisan pertama Lebuh Raya Kuala Lumpur
- Karak dan tanah ini adalah mempunyai rupa bumi berbukit-bukit. Bagi
Lot 7549 tanah yang tiada kategori harganya adalah RM867,414.25
sehektar berada di lapisan pertama jalan utama dan berbentuk empat
segi bujur dan mempunyai rupa bumi berbukit. Sementara Lot 26137
adalah kategori pertanian, syarat nyata adalah tanaman dusun sahaja.
Ia berada di lapisan pertama Lebuh Raya Kuala Lumpur - Karak
berbentuk empat segi bujur dan mempunyai rupa bumi berbukit-bukit
dan nilaiannya adalah RM864,502.75 sehektar.
[17] Sementara itu Penilai Swasta telah membuat perbandingan
dengan tanah-tanah yang melibatkan Lot 8410 yang merupakan tanah
pertanian nilaian RM920,000.00 sehektar. Sementara Lot 9052 adalah
tanah pertanian. Nilai tanah tersebut adalah RM2,350,000.00. Bagi Lot
8422 juga dikategorikan tanah pertanian dan nilaiannya adalah
RM2,650,00.00. Lot 15712 juga tanah pertanian nilaiannya adalah
RM920,000.00. Bagi Lot 8442 kategorinya adalah tanah pertanian
nilaiannya adalah RM2,500,000.00.
[18] Adalah didapati bahawa perbandingan yang dibuat oleh Penilai
Swasta dan Penilai Kerajaan terdapat tanah yang sama telah dirujuk
yang dijadikan sebagai asas kepada harga pasaran bagi tanah yang
diambil ini. Namun demikian Mahkamah mendapati bahawa kedudukan
tanah tersebut adalah jauh daripada tanah yang menjadi isu dalam kes
ini, iaitu lebih kurang 20 km daripada tanah yang menjadi isu dalam kes
ini. Mahkamah mendapati terdapat terdapat transaksi jual beli yang
berdekatan yang tidak diambil kira oleh penilai pihak Pemohon. Oleh itu
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Mahkamah berpendapat bahawa perbandingan yang sesuai digunakan
ialah perbandingan bagi Lot 26108. Ini adalah disebabkan lokasi Lot
26108 tersebut berada berhadapan dengan Lebuh Raya Kuala Lumpur
- Karak dan ia adalah merupakan lapisan pertama Lebuh Raya Kuala
Lumpur - Karak. Ia juga merupakan tanah pertanian getah dan terdapat
jalan masuk. Begitu juga lot ini adalah sebanding dengan tanah yang
diambil alih ini. Kadar nilai selepas perlarasan pada hemat Mahkamah
adalah lebih kurang RM1,100,000.00 sehektar dan Pentadbir Tanah
telah memberikan award pampasan tanah pada kadar RM1,200,000.00
juta sehektar. Ia dalah suatu perbandingan yang wajar.
[19] Oleh itu Mahkamah ini berpendapat keputusan Pentadbir Tanah
berkenaan dengan nilai pasaran yang dijadikan asas untuk pampasan
sebanyak RM1,200,000.00 juta sehektar tersebut adalah sesuatu yang
tidak wajar diganggu oleh Mahkamah ini. Keputusan Pentadbir Tanah
yang memutuskan bahawa pampasan adalah RM389,040.00 adalah
Kesan Mudarat (Injurious Affection)
[20] Penelitian kepada pelan tanah adalah jelas menunjukkan bahawa
terdapatnya kesan tanah baki yang terjejas secara fizikal. Ini adalah
disebabkan terdapatnya bentuk dan saiz tanah tersebut telah berubah
ekoran daripada pengambilan tanah ini. Ini dapat dilihat melalui kesan
daripada pengambilan tanah ini ia menyebabkan landasan keretapi
ECRL tersebut melalui di tengah-tengah tanah ini dan ia menyebabkan
berlaku pemisahan dua tanah tersebut yang dilalui oleh landasan
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keretapi ECRL tersebut yang mana darjah keparahannya adalah dalam
20 %. Mahkamah ini berpendapat jumlah 20 % yang diambil kira oleh
Pentadbir Tanah itu adalah wajar dan tidak memerlukan gangguan
Mahkamah ini. Dalam hal ini Mahkamah juga mengambil kira
pandangan yang dinyatakan dalam kes Zainal Azahar bin Mohd Zain
v Pentadbir Tanah Daerah Seberang Perai Utara, Pulau Pinang
[2017] 3 MLJ 453 yang menyatakan bahawa Mahkamah yang
mendengar Rujukan Tanah perlu mempertimbangkan kesan mudarat
dan pecah pisah. Ini dinyatakan seperti berikut:
“[4] We are of the view that in a situation where an
acquisition exercised of part of a land would have effect on
the remaining and existing land then the issue of injurious
affection would be relevant. It must be borne in mind that the
constitutional rights of the respondent was being taken away
by the provisions of the LAA and therefore those provisions
must be strictly adhered to. We refer to the First Schedule of
the Act, and in particular para 2(d) and we quote:
Matters to be considered in determining compensation
2. In determining the amount of compensation to be
awarded for any scheduled land acquired under this Act
there shall be taken into consideration the following
matters and no others:
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(a) the market value as determined in accordance with
section 1 of this Schedule;
(b) any increase, which shall be deducted from the total
compensation, in the value of the other land of the
person interested likely to accrue from the use to
which the land acquired will be put;
(c) the damage, if any, sustained or likely to be
sustained by the person interested at the time of the
Land Administrator’s taking possession of the land by
reason of severing such land from his other land;
(d) the damage, if any, sustained or likely to be
sustained by the person interested at the time of the
Land Administrator’s taking possession of the land by
reason of the acquisition injuriously affecting his
other property, whether movable or immovable, in
any other manner;
(e) if, in consequence of the acquisition, he is or will be
compelled to change his residence or place of
business, the reasonable expenses, if any, incidental
to such change; and
(f) where only part of the land is to be acquired, any
undertaking by the State Authority, or by the
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Government, person or corporation on whose behalf
the land is to be acquired, for the construction or
erection of roads, drains, walls, fences or other
facilities benefiting any part of the land left
unacquired, provided that the undertaking is clear
and enforceable. (Emphasis added.)
[5] We are of the view that para 2(d) clearly provides that the
question for severance and injurious affection can be raised.
The only issue for us to consider now is whether the High
Court at a reference stage can consider the question of
severance and injurious affection. We refer to the decision of
the Federal Court in Collector of Land Revenue v Looi
Lam [1981] 1 MLJ 300 where it was held:
As paragraph 2(d) of the First Schedule to the Land
Acquisition Act 1960, refers to the damage ‘likely to be
sustained’ by the person interested, the damages for
injurious affection to the house in this case could be
claimed and was rightly awarded in the course of a
reference to the High Court under the Act.
We also refer to the judgment of His Lordship Suffian LP (as
he then was) and we quote p 302 para E-G:
To allow the owner to pursue her claim in the course of
the reference which was not heard until May 30, 1978, ie
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nearly eight years after the completion of the river
deviation work on December 12, 1970, was, Datuk
Mansor argued, unfair to Government; because by then
any suit by the owner would certainly have been time-
barred under the Public Authorities Protection Ordinance
1948, which prescribed a one-year time limit, and
allowing consideration of this claim in the course of the
reference was tantamount to reviving a time-barred
cause of action. What the owner should have done, it was
submitted, was to sue Government separately for this
With respect we do not agree. In our judgment the
learned judge was right in ruling that the owner need not
have sued separately for this damage and that the court
has power to consider and adjudicate on her claim in the
course of the reference. With respect we agree with the
law stated by the Calcutta Court in RH Wernicke v The
Secretary of State for India in Council.
There Government acquired part of a tea garden for the
purpose of extending a rifle range near Darjeeling. The
owners were left with about eight acres of tea land behind
the butts where it was extremely unsafe to work when
firing was going on. They claimed injurious affection of
these eight acres. Counsel for Government opposed the
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claim, arguing that any damage should be the subject of
a suit.
Richardson J at pp 1059-1060 disposed of this argument as
There remains the claim for injurious affection which is
laid as Rs 2,540. It is said that the rifle range will interfere,
with the working of eight acres of land behind the butts
and I think that there can be no doubt as to this. It will not
be safe to put coolies on the land when the range is being
used. Mr Sinha for the Government contended that the
contemplated injury was contingent, that it could only
arise from the negligent use of the range and that the tea
garden was not entitled to compensation now but would
be entitled to a remedy by suit when the injury occurred.
The case to which he referred His Highness the Gaekwar
of Baroda v Gandhi Kachrabhai Kasturchand is not an
adequate support for this proposition and the learned
counsel for the claimants cited good authority for the view
that the tea garden is entitled to compensation now even
if the injury which is contemplated be of the nature of an
actionable nuisance (Land Acquisition Act, s 23, clause
fourthly) Croft v L & NW Ry Co and Cowper Essex v The
Local Board of Acton.
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As to Datuk Mansor’s argument that to allow
consideration of the owner’s claim in the course of
reference was tantamount to reviving a time-barred claim,
it cannot be said that the owner has been guilty of delay
at all. The collector made his award on January 30, 1970;
and the owner promptly by Form N asked for her
objection to be referred to the High Court. This form, be it
noted, was dated March 4, 1970, one month and a few
days later and certainly well within the one-year limit
prescribed by the Protection of Public Authorities
Ordinance 1948. Moreover, as can be seen from this
Form at p 28 of the appeal record, the owner specifically
gave notice that she intended to make a claim under para
2(d) of the First Schedule.
An additional reason for holding that the owner’s claim
under this paragraph may be considered in the course of
the reference is the absence from the Land Acquisition
Act 1960, of a section corresponding to s 31 of the FMS
Land Acquisition Enactment (FMS Cap 140) which
provided that when an owner had made a claim to the
collector, the High Court in a reference might not award a
sum exceeding the sum so claimed: this implies that the
Legislature when enacting the Act desired to let the High
Court have in a proper case a free hand to award more
than the sum claimed before the collector. What case can
be more proper than this one where at the time of enquiry
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there was only the possibility of damage and soon after
the completion of the river deviation work there was
indeed damage and extensive damage at that?
Finally, it is in the public interest that as many related
matters in controversy as possible should be ventilated
and determined in the same proceedings- to save time
and costs. (Emphasis added.)
[6] We are therefore of the view the learned judge erred in
law in refusing to consider the question of severance and
injurious affection at the stage when the matter was referred
to the learned judge by way of reference under the LAA.”
[21] Pada masa yang sama Mahkamah juga harus mengambil kira
berkenaan dengan kesan daripada pengambilan tanah tersebut
terhadap pemilik tanah yang tidak lagi menikmati tanah tersebut seperti
sebelum ianya diambil oleh pihak berkuasa. Ini bagi menentukan
bahawa terdapatnya kesan mudarat ekoran daripada pengambilan
tanah tersebut. Dalam kes ini Mahkamah ini mengambil kira berkenaan
dengan kesan mudarat tersebut. Namun apa yang menjadi
pertimbangan ialah berapakah kadar yang wajar bagi kesan
kemudaratan tersebut.
[22] Di samping itu Mahkamah juga meneliti kes Datuk Dr. Murugasu
Sockalingam & Anor v Suprintendent Of Lands And Survey, First
Division, Sarawak [1983] 2 MLJ 336 yang memberi garis panduan
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ujian yang perlu digunakan bagi menentukan sama ada kesan mudarat
boleh dipertimbangkan. Mahkamah Persekutuan menyatakan seperti
“The learned Judge rejected the substantial claim for
diminution of value due to severance and injurious affection
and the contention of the objectors' valuer that an area of
approximately 12.35 acres would be rendered totally useless
as the land happened to be in the flight path of incoming and
outgoing aircraft as he found no reliable evidence to support
such a contention.
It was not in dispute that the remaining portion of Lot 614 had
the potentiality of being developed for housing purposes but
that such potentiality was not yet ripe at the material date. The
reason was that residential lots along Airport Road and
Penrissen Road near the subject land had not yet been
developed by 1972. Although the valuers from both sides did
not dispute this potentiality they disagreed on the time factor
for the potentiality to emerge. For these reasons the learned
Judge was perfectly right to stress that despite the severance,
the potentiality of the remaining portion of the subject land was
not and did not seem to have been affected.
The question of injurious affection found some support from
the learned Judge, because after acquisition of a portion of
Lot 614, the frontage of the subject land was reduced by
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slightly less than one-third in length. Despite this, the
remaining area still retains and possesses a very substantial
frontage into Penrissen Road and would still be viable for
development as a self-contained housing estate.”
[23] Ini juga telah dinyatakan oleh Mahkamah Rayuan dalam kes
Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia v Sime Darby Plantation Bhd & Ors
[2022] 5 MLJ 318 yang menerima pakai ujian dalam kes Datuk Dr.
Murugasu Sockalingam & Anor (supra).
[24] Dalam laporan penilaian yang dikemukakan oleh Pemohon
berkaitan dengan tuntutan kesan mudarat telah dinyatakan bahawa
kedudukan landasan keretapi ECRL dengan bakal dibina dengan
ketinggian 34 meter hingga 37 meter beserta dengan tiga tiang yang
dibina di antara kedua-dua bahagian di bahagian tengah hartanah
berkenaan akan menyebabkan pandangan hartanah tersebut akan
terhalang. Selain daripada itu juga dikatakan bahawa pembangunan
hartanah berkenaan sama ada secara berasingan atau sepadu adalah
sukar kerana hartanah tersebut telah terpisah. Ia disebabkan tanah
tersebut telah menjadi memanjang dan kecil. Oleh yang demikian ia
akan menjejaskan pembangunan tanah tersebut pada masa akan
datang disebabkan penggunaan tanah tersebut adalah tertakluk
kepada pelbagai syarat di antaranya ialah Peraturan-peraturan Keretapi
1998 dan Akta Keretapi 1991. Sebaliknya laporan penilaian daripada
JPPH berkenaan perkara ini pula telah menyatakan bahawa tiada
sebarang kesan mudarat yang dialami oleh pihak Pemohon.
Keterangan tiada dikemukakan untuk membuktikan kewajaran
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pampasan untuk tujuan kemudaratan ini mengikut kadar yang diminta
oleh Pemohon. Mahkamah ini juga telah meneliti pandangan kedua-
dua Pengapit Kerajaan dan Pengapit Swasta yang bersepakat bahawa
tiada sebarang keterangan yang ada bagi membolehkan Mahkamah ini
mempertimbangkan tuntutan kesan mudarat mengikut kadar yang
diusulkan oleh Pemohon.
[25] Mahkamah ini berpendapat tuntutan kemudaratan yang
diutarakan oleh Pemohon adalah sesuatu yang tidak dapat disokong
oleh apa-apa keterangan. Ia hanyalah merupakan suatu telahan yang
dibuat berkenaan dengan tanah tersebut yang mempunyai kesan
pembangunan ekoran daripada pembinaan landasan keretapi tersebut.
Mahkamah mendapati tiada sebarang keterangan sokongan sama ada
melalui dokumen ataupun kajian yang boleh menyokong tuntutan pihak
Pemohon dalam kes ini. Oleh itu Mahkamah berpendapat perintah
Pentadbir Tanah berkenaan kesan mudarat adalah dikekalkan iaitu
sebanyak RM93,816.00.
Pecah Pisah (Severance)
[26] Penelitian kepada laporan Penilai Pemohon menyatakan bahawa
terdapat kesan pecah pisah. Ini adalah disebabkan tanah tersebut telah
dibahagikan kepada dua bahagian ekoran daripada pengambilan tanah
ini. Laporan daripada JPPH juga menyatakan bahawa terdapat pecah
pisah serta berlaku penyusutan nilai ekoran daripada pengambilan
tanah ini di mana baki di Bahagian A adalah berkeluasan 0.3878 hektar
manakala baki Bahagian B adalah 0.3940 hektar. Namun ia masih
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boleh diakses oleh Pemohon disebabkan pembinaan landasan keretapi
itu dibuat di atas jambatan. Ia membawa maksud tuan tanah masih
mempunyai akses kepada tanah tersebut dengan melalui di bawah
jambatan tersebut. Ia bukanlah keadaan di mana kedua-dua bahagian
tanah tersebut tidak boleh langsung diakses oleh Pemohon dan adalah
dicadangkan bahawa jumlah yang diberikan adalah sebanyak 5 %.
[27] Pengapit Kerajaan telah menyatakan bahawa terdapat kewajaran
untuk pampasan diberikan kepada pecah pisah tersebut disebabkan
terdapatnya tanah baki sebanyak 0.7818 hektar dan Pentadbir Tanah
telah memberikan kadar 20 % di atas tanah baki seluas 0.7818 hektar
tersebut pada nilai RM1,200,000.00 sehektar yang menjadikan
jumlahnya RM187,632.00. Sementara itu Pengapit Swasta
berpandangan bahawa pecah pisah tersebut perlu diberikan pampasan
disebabkan terdapatnya penurunan nilai akibat pengambilan terhadap
tanah tersebut disebabkan ia telah memisahkan tanah tersebut kepada
dua bahagian. Pengapit Swasta bersetuju dengan jumlah award yang
diberikan oleh Pentadbir Tanah iaitu sebanyak RM187,632.00.
[28] Mahkamah ni setelah meneliti dan menilai laporan Penilai
Kerajaan dan Penilai Swasta serta pandangan Pengapit Kerajaan dan
Pengapit Swasta di samping meneliti kedudukan tanah tersebut selepas
daripada pengambilan tanah serta nilai yang diberikan oleh Pentadbir
Tanah berkenaan dengan pecah pisah tersebut, Mahkamah
berpendapat tiada alasan untuk Mahkamah tidak bersetuju dengan
jumlah RM187,632.00 seperti yang diawardkan oleh Pentadbir Tanah.
Ia adalah dikekalkan.
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Bertarikh: 22 hb. Januari 2024
Bagi Pihak Pemohon
Zeffree bin Zainuddin
Tetuan Zeffree Azmi
Suite 13A-3A, Level 13A
Binjai 8, No. 2 Lorong Binjai
50450 Kuala Lumpur
Bagi Pihak Responden
Azizah binti Ahmad
Pejabat Penasihat Undang-undang
Negeri Pahang
Tingkat 3, Blok B, Wisma Sri Pahang
25000 Kuantan
Pahang Darul Makmur
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| 40,853 | Tika 2.6.0 |
PA-22NCvC-98-05/2021 | PLAINTIF GUNALAN A/L SAGARAN (berurusaniaga atas nama dan gaya sebagai FUTURE RISE AGENCY ) DEFENDAN 1. ) MOHD NASRI BIN ABDUL RAHIM 2. ) MUHAMAD ERMAN BIN OMAR HATTAB 3. ) HASWIRA AIMAN BIN HASSAN MERICAN 4. ) NAR TRADING TRADERS SDN. BHD. 5. ) ABDUL WAHAB BIN S MOHD MYDIN 6. ) MOHAMMAD HAFEEZ BIN ABDUL WAHAB 7. ) RESOOL BIVI BINTI YUSOF GANI | 1 The 1st Defendant to the 4th Defendant company (D1-D4Co) applies to strike out the Plaintiff’s (P) claim as against them. D1-D4 applies to strike out P’s Writ and Statement Of Claim (SOC) under limbs (a), (b) and (d) of Order 18 Rule 19(1) of the Rules Of Court 2012.2 Limb (a) is the ground that P’s SOC discloses no reasonable cause of action against D1-D4Co. Limb (b) is the ground that P’s SOC is scandalous, frivolous or vexatious. And limb (d) is the ground that P’s SOC is an abuse of the process of the Court.3 Should P’s claim against D1-D4Co be struck out in this case? | 22/01/2024 | YA Tuan Kenneth Yoong Ken Chinson St James | |
CIVIL SUIT NO. : PA-22NCvC-98-05/2021
(NRIC No.: 800807-08-5531)
(Trading in the name and style of FUTURE RISE AGENCY
(Registration No.: 201503101174 (PG0364614-D)
(NRIC No.: 860529-35-5697)
(NRIC No.: 880508-35-5223)
(NRIC No.: 920830-07-5645)
(Registration No.: 201701002858 (1217008-M))
22/01/2024 10:48:24
PA-22NCvC-98-05/2021 Kand. 44
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(NRIC No.: 691014-07-5261)
(NRIC No.: 950223-07-5931)
(NRIC No.: 720805-07-5604)
[1] The 1st Defendant to the 4th Defendant company (D1-D4Co) applies
to strike out the Plaintiff’s (P) claim as against them. D1-D4 applies to
strike out P’s Writ and Statement Of Claim (SOC) under limbs (a), (b) and
(d) of Order 18 Rule 19(1) of the Rules Of Court 2012.
[2] Limb (a) is the ground that P’s SOC discloses no reasonable cause
of action against D1-D4Co. Limb (b) is the ground that P’s SOC is
scandalous, frivolous or vexatious. And limb (d) is the ground that P’s
SOC is an abuse of the process of the Court.
[3] Should P’s claim against D1-D4Co be struck out in this case?
S/N Ej0A0txMQk65lplxWbEung
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[4] P pleads that D1-D4Co breached their contract with P; that D1-
D4Co cheated P; and that D1-D4Co committed a fraud on P. P’s causes
of action against D1-D4Co are for breach of contract, cheating and fraud.
[5] D1 owns D4Co. D1, D2 and D3 are directors of D4Co. I will refer to
D1, D2 and D3 together as “D1D2D3”.
[6] D5 and D6 are partners in a firm (business).
[7] D5 and D7 are partners in another firm (another business).
[8] D1 and D5 have various businesses, such as hotels, an aquaponic
farm, an oil palm plantation, a rubber plantation, and a durian orchard.
[9] In April 2019, D1D2D3 and D5 asked P to invest in their businesses.
P told them that he did not want to invest in their businesses, but he would,
instead, give them a loan. They agreed, and D1 and D5 promised to return
P's money by 31.12.2020.
[10] P banked approximately RM4.78 million into D4Co’s account.
[11] The Defendants failed to return the money to P by 31.12.2020.
[12] P also discovered that the businesses that D1 and D5 represented
that they had, were dormant or not in operation.
[13] Foremost, I would like to point out that D1-D4Co’s striking out
Application prays that an Order be given to strike out P’s claim entirely i.e.
not only as against D1-D4Co, but as against all the Defendants.
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[14] A review of the law on striking out pleadings under Order 18 Rule
19(1) is found in the Federal Court case of Tan Wei Hong (a minor suing
through guardian ad litem and next friend Chuang Yin Ee) & Ors v
Malaysian Airlines Bhd & Other Appeals [2019] 1 MLJ 59 (FC); [2018] 6
AMR 529; [2018] 9 CLJ 425.
[15] Tan Wei Hong (supra)sets out—
[15] Order 18 r 19 of the ROC provides:
19 Striking out pleadings and endorsements (Order 18 rule 19)
(1)The court may at any stage of the proceedings order to be stuck out or
amended any pleading or the endorsement, of any writ in the action, or anything
in any pleading or in the endorsement, on the ground that —
(a)it discloses no reasonable cause of action or defence, as the
case may be;
(b)it is scandalous, frivolous or vexatious;
(c)it may prejudice, embarrass or delay the fair trial of the action;
(d)it is otherwise an abuse of the process of the Court,
and may order the action to be stayed or dismissed or judgment to be
entered accordingly, as the case may be.
(2)No evidence shall be admissible on an application under paragraph (1)(a).
(3)This rule shall, as far as applicable, apply to an originating summons as if
it were a pleading.
[16] The principle for striking out of pleadings pursuant to O 18 r 19 of the ROC is well
settled. It is applicable only in a plain and obvious case or where a claim is, on the face
of it, obviously unsustainable (see: Bandar Builder Sdn Bhd & Ors v United Malayan
Banking Corporation Bhd [1993] 3 MLJ 36; [1993] 4 CLJ 7 (SC); Hubbuck & Sons,
Limited v Wilkinson, Heywood & Clark, Limited [1899] 1 QB 86; Attorney-General of
the Duchy of Lancaster v London and North Western Railway Company [1892] 3 Ch
[17] The tests for a striking out application under O 18 r 19 of the ROC, as adopted by
the Supreme Court in Bandar Builder are, inter alia, as follows: [2019] 1 MLJ 59 (SC)
at 68
(a)it is only in plain and obvious cases that recourse should be had to the
summary process under the rule;
(b)this summary procedure can only be adopted when it can be clearly seen that a
claim or answer is on the face of it obviously unsustainable;
(c)it cannot be exercised by a minute examination of the documents and facts
of the case in order to see whether the party has a cause of action or a defence;
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(e)the court must be satisfied that there is no reasonable cause of action or that
the claims are frivolous or vexatious or that the defences raised are not arguable.
[18] The Court of Appeal, in Sivarasa Rasiah & Ors v Che Hamzah Che Ismail &
Ors [2012] 1 MLJ 473; [2012] 1 CLJ 75, had adopted the well-settled principle of
striking out in the following passage:
A striking out order should not be made summarily by the court if there is
issue of law that requires lengthy argument and mature consideration. It
should also not be made if there is issue of fact that is capable of
resolution only after taking viva voce evidence during trial (see: Lai Yoke
Ngan & Anor v Chin Teck Kwee & Anor [1997] 2 MLJ 565 (FC)).
[19] The basic test for striking out as laid down by the Supreme Court in Bandar
Builder is that the claim on the face of it must be ‘obviously unsustainable’. The stress
is not only on the word ‘unsustainable’ but also on the word ‘obviously’, ie, the degree
of unsustainability must appear on the face of the statement of claim without having to
go into a lengthy and mature consideration in detail. If one has to go into a lengthy
detailed argument and mature consideration of the issues of law and/or fact, then the
matter is not appropriate to be struck out summarily. It must be determined at the trial.
[20] The established rule on this point is that the court should not examine the
evidence in summary proceedings in such a way as to amount to conducting a trial on
the conflicting affidavit evidence. As rightly said by Lord Diplock in the House of Lords
case of American Cyanamid Co v Ethicon Ltd [1975] AC 396 at p 407:
… The court no doubt must be satisfied that the claim is not frivolous or
vexatious; in other words, that there is a serious question to be tried.
It is no part of the court’s function at this stage of the litigation to try to resolve
conflicts of evidence on affidavit as to facts on which the claims of either party
may ultimately depend nor to decide difficult questions of law which call for
detailed argument and mature considerations. These are matters to be dealt
with at the trial …
This passage was cited with approval by the Privy Council in the Malaysian case
of Eng Mee Yong & Ors v V Letchumanan [1979] 2 MLJ 212; [1979] 1 LNS 18
[64] We are also of the view that in dealing with an application for striking out, the
court must exercise great care and caution, bearing in mind that the court must
not drive away any litigant however weak his case may be from the seat of justice
(see: Lee Nyan Choi v Voon Noon [1979] 2 MLJ 28)...
[16] Case law authorities guide me that I should not minutely examine
the affidavit evidence when I am considering a striking out application. I
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should instead peruse pleadings, namely P’s SOC and D1-D4Co’s
[17] The following is what I found. I found that there are averments in
D1-D4Co’s Defence that D1-D4Co were involved in the factual matrix that
P found his causes of action in this suit.
[18] D1-D4Co knew about the relationships between D5, D6 and D7, and
their businesses [Defence paragraph 5]. I will refer to D5, D6 and D7
together as “D5D6D7”.
[19] D1-D4Co trusted D5 to use D5D6D7’s businesses to return the
“hibah” to D4Co’s clients [Defence paragraph 10e]
[20] D1-D4Co admit that P gave a loan to D4Co between May 2019 to
July 2020. In this period, seven contracts had ended, and the “hibah” was
given to P. But there were five contracts which were still active [Defence
paragraphs 12 and 13]
[21] D1-D4Co admit that D4Co received RM4.12 million from P [Defence
paragraph 14b]
[22] D1-D4Co deny committing any fraud, because the cheating and
misappropriation of money was committed by D5 [Defence paragraph 18]
[23] Further, from what I can decipher, D1-D4Co’s reasons to support
this striking out Application include—
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(1) D1-D4Co did not sign any relevant contract with P. But in this
regard, I must note that contracts do not necessarily have to
be in writing.
(2) The party who committed the cheating or fraud was D5. But I
hold the view that just saying so, does not exonerate D1-
D4Co. It certainly does not justify bypassing or side-stepping
a trial of P’s claim against D1-D4Co. There must be cogent
evidence to prove their assertion.
(3) D1-D4Co have the burden to prove, at the trial of P’s claim,
that it was D5 who committed the cheating and the fraud, and
not them. Just as conversely, P has the burden to prove that
D1-D4Co committed the cheating and fraud which caused loss
and damage to P.
[24] Perusing P’s SOC and D1-D4Co’s Defence, I am compelled to find
that P’s claim against D1-D4Co is not a plain and obvious case to be
summarily struck out. I also find that P’s claim against D1-D4Co is not
obviously unsustainable. I further find that P has disclosed a reasonable
cause of action against D1-D4Co. And I find that P’s claim is not
scandalous, frivolous or vexatious, nor is it an abuse of the process of the
Court—Bandar Builders Sdn Bhd v United Malayan Banking Corporation
Bhd [1993] 3 MLJ 36 (SC); [1993] 2 AMR 1969; [1993] 4 CLJ 7.
[25] In Bandar Builders (supra), the Supreme Court held thus (at MLJ
page 43)—
The principles upon which the court acts in exercising its power under any of
the four limbs of O 18 r 19(1) of the RHC are well settled. It is only in plain
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and obvious cases that recourse should be had to the summary process
under this rule (per Lindley MR in Hubbuck & Sons Ltd v Wilkinson, Heywood
& Clark Ltd 7, and this summary procedure can only be adopted when it
can be clearly seen that a claim or answer is on the face of it 'obviously
unsustainable' (see AG of Duchy of Lancaster v L & NW Rly Co 8). It cannot
be exercised by a minute examination of the documents and facts of the case,
in order to see whether the party has a cause of action or a defence
(see Wenlock v Moloney & Ors 9). The authorities further show that if there is
a point of law which requires serious discussion, an objection should be taken
on the pleadings and the point set down for argument under O 33 r 3 (which is
in pari materia with our O 33 r 2 of the RHC) (see Hubbuck & Sons Ltd v
Wilkinson, Heywood & Clark Ltd 7). The court must be satisfied that there is no
reasonable cause of action or that the claims are frivolous or vexatious or that
the defences raised are not arguable
[26] Finally, a fundamental ground for my decision is the balance of
[27] Order 1A of the Rules Of Court 2012 compels me to “have regard
to the overriding interest of justice”. And Order 92 Rule 4 behoves me “to
prevent injustice”. And so I consider the balance of justice.
[28] If D1-D4Co’s striking out Application is allowed, then P would lose
the opportunity—actually, the procedural right—to prove his claim against
D1-D4Co, at trial. P will not be given his day in Court.
[29] If, on the other hand, D1-D4Co’s striking out Application is not
allowed, D1-D4Co have not lost their case. The merits of D1-D4Co’s
Defence will still be canvassed, heard and determined by this Court, at
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[30] The Order 18 Rule 19 striking out procedure is the exception rather
than the rule in our legal system. That is the reason that P is given every
opportunity to show that he can sustain his claim at trial. And D1-D4Co
are given the converse but equal opportunity to defend against the claim.
[31] I have to be mindful of these effects and circumstances when I
weigh the balance of justice. And I am inclined to say that in this suit, it is
just to dismiss D1-D4Co's striking out Application, so that both sides’
respective cases can be heard and determined, not summarily, but by the
process of a trial. Both parties should be given their day and time in Court
to prove their claim and their defence.
[32] For these reasons, I dismiss D1-D4Co’s striking out Application with
costs of RM7K to be paid by D1-D4Co to P by 18.9.2023. Costs are
subject to the allocatur.
Dated: 22 January 2024
Judicial Commissioner
Penang High Court
For the Plaintiff: Amareson K. Velu
[Messrs. Amareson & Meera
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For the First to -
Fourth Defendants: [Messrs. Amli & Associates
(Petaling Jaya)]
For the Fifth to Mashitah Jamaluddin @ Mohammad
Seventh Defendants: Shukri
[Rosli Ismail & Co. (Penang)]
Legislation referred to:
1. Order 18 Rule 19 of the Rules of Court 2012.
Cases referred to:
1. Tan Wei Hong (a minor suing through guardian ad litem and next friend
Chuang Yin E) & Ors v Malaysian Airlines Bhd & Other Appeals [2019]
1 MLJ 59 (FC); [2018] 6 AMR 529; [2018] 9 CLJ 425.
2. Bandar Builder Sdn Bhd & Ors v United Malayan Banking Corporation
Bhd [1993] 3 MLJ 36; [1993] 4 CLJ 7 (SC).
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| 16,278 | Tika 2.6.0 |
RA-83-672-09/2023 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH SHAHRUL HAKIM BIN SHAARI | Keuarga Tertuduh tidak seharusnya diheret bersama untuk menanggung penderitaan sekiranya Mahkamah menjatuhkan hukuman yang berat terhadapnya | 22/01/2024 | Puan Ana Rozana binti Mohd Nor | |
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R.\—a3—s72—u9/2023 Kand. 14
mun umuum munsrnsr suns»:
xss JENAYAN ru umnmn
pemuxwa rum
ALASAII wsuemmun
1 1 Yanuduh mo. dlluduh nI\a|uukan mm mun“ as bawah
uiuytn ans mun Knaoiaun yang um dmukum :41 hawlh uiuym ymg
lama. Pemmunan lemadap Tenmun adzlah sepem yang mm
"Bunnwu knmu p-an ozmauzz Jun lnhlh kurlnn «man n-nx bommvlt
di ubuih ma: rurlcil hlfllanul as zuuu Amal Enhrvriu‘ Yaman M:|:li1
Band, amo Kmgu. rum. wan. an-an Fading sour, dalnm noguri
Porlll, nu-nu maluud hondak mengalhkul Inmmvlatzn panama
Numl Zul-Ikhl am numm, no. Kn: mumawuu uluh Illolmnjuklun
n..m.:..... mm. mm...» mums wpuyl Illununnuu kuanuuun
um: zuuunn. him‘ Nu .m, >4». xr-vr: omowwast dun my-n um n-mu
n-Ian nnhhmknn mum kunlnhnn ynng mm. uhml di birah
--sum sot Kanlm KeI:knun".
1 2 ramdmu lahh am-a.m Dual kah pefliml pm 22 Samernbev znza dan
nun nu remmm ralnh memehnn unluk mm:-r-knn
1 3 Yamaduh xamumznnya man menukav vengakuan mum pengakuan
berulah pnda 23 Navembel 202: an kn man dfrataplcan pad:
14 Dmamberznzl unmk sebum: mm mm
N mnadauumwxlmra-A/w
mm s..1.1...m..w111.. used 1,: mm 1.. nflmnnflly mm; dun-mm VII .m1c M1
sw mnar.7aDumwKp-um»./w
«ms smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
1 4 Mnhkanuh mun m...u.m- panqnmn nhh rsnmm, merekodkan
pewakuan Delialah Yemadun din man mensamkan nmmn diwin
ksalahan ubawmm venwumn an memlwhksn Mkuman uem.
RMa,5m) an 9.4.: mm m mm paw.
. mmx KE!
2: Pmnk Fendltwlan Mill rmngunukakan Iaku re. nngkn:
Iahsgnmnnn ynnglalah dihndllln elm Mnhkmmh sebogm PI
22 Faku K5 mamlqukkan hnlmwn pma 2/srmzz pm Iehm mung
was 969:‘ semi Pengadu wanu Numl Zukalkna mm. Hashim Isdlnu name
an ubulh um: mm mm bevllamll a. Zlmu Ami! Erllalpnue. hm... Memh
Emmi, mm. ml». dmng . lung mm Mthyu mm.» up sahnr ynng
mplklmyl um mammuldun Immllulnnyl mm. Pengndu mm . mm
Melayu mmnm.n; murmur! my..." a. kaunlav
2 3 Fnlgidu ksmudllnnya mun msmbull hpurln pan: dun nun saunun
mainlm nknmnn rlknmnn ccrv mung: um bnhawu Ymluduh Iauh mm.
dnlnm mm mncmmucumn mombuku an mum.
31 Pmak Izembdaan seen mengemuhakan rayuan mnnqasl bngw
manrlgankan hukwnan dan ma. menyafiakan Bahama mmun mempaluh
flouting kanm mu yI"u mmnaaungemun ovum hnmnnflln mm mm y-nu
mlruy-knn Inov-nq IHII mmlh uvemm mu dun mm -mu mun, dm av--u
xruk mm... m cm 4 mm .1... mm on ‘(Inn mm um um
22 Famikuan salah Tenuduh mun menmanun has dun mnsa
pmlk Ink unvl win manmm talcum y-M1 nun;-rm
3 3 Yemduh rnerwalun peuwuh penanu din Ihhklvwmndakasmrusnya
duanmkan rmxuman mm flan vemevyaman ma umuk membenluan pelunng
kupldt Tunumm umuk hemblh
34 Sememnk kqndhn Temam «am mnnyuul Alan pemnahnlvyu flan
u-am blrusaha mm mnoau keiahn yang hznar
3 5 Tavllduh mm lk-n u...\.n... dxn utzl "ma-auum woman pm:
umnk mcngilnsi mnnlnh yum «map. nan Bel-mm Idak um. menguluvm
kesalahul yang mu
3 a Pink Puldukwun mum kn m. Mnyl mmomn wpayu Mlnknmnh
munjlluhlxln hukumin yang uumpux ubnw pulvgu‘ un kupldl Yummuh
. mus»: vsuenuxunu
41 Fzkwv Deflama flan pemmg yang mm dlambul kin nleh Mankamih
nbeium mafltanmkan nukuman Ialah keptmnsln Iwam um
pemndungnn knpndn mnynmul M-hknmnn rmqux kn R v mmm
John aumm .2: c 53; R 154
may J man manyivzkan uauam mamuhukzn hukmrlan yanu usual
mnhlumnh mm: “mu... munbln p-Ilinblngln kapnd: kzpsnmgnn
Iwlm Undlng-umlnq ,m.y.n rnmlflm dnmnmn um. seam
mm. mm . mg: um.» «um menghukum ;uu.y.n_ um. pun:
denganh .9-n unlukmanaegamya
43 Nukmun ..a.m.x.,. my. men msnghlllng ponjanlylh mm
mp-.1. mmm pnlylh x.,,. .1.“ nmvdnvnnnnyn mink mum
mp-u. Dtnpmaynh mm. m.a...m yang luiur x.,.m... mm
sememangnyu ¢mn..«..., nu. pesaym «mm umuk mm
damida uli penayan man: mm-mm ViV|fli|lur
A4 Dlhm kn .
sni Mann: YI:kubJCA man man
mm m uurulmaul r.w1«nx»m.».. Ind . mun Jmzod win mm
sm mnar.7aDumwK:rnm».m 3
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
:1; my mum and announce: mm mm mvvmflm
12):» 90-PIP!!!-an s mlooeduvu, M1
1.1; mepamc Anmast (actor
rn. man mama mum .n.».m :..m.m rmlzhc ml-naumi nu
nlzruv ulhle mzuafl -
4 s smnmy. 1.... man mamgux ken MonlmodJ bin
A 1 c 1 - 1 1.1 nu ma yum «.1.»
mnynt-km mam y-nu mum
'lnouv-oawrlo smtsna cmbc ummodby: mpumvumauanumu.
uanmdMdA.-dean Inthuriwoctwuuouldanwut-rmnnlnmamnnn
HisDWY1HzNsolE!r1ondIHM:hamEdirofl)vnllAn~9.Pin :55
TM Cc-ml, :1 MW I»: punmmom rm my Dlnlnulu mm M! Ilka mm
mmldnalmn Inn rulun arm. alhmx, rm umummm. m am :4 was
wnoclvlulvnmoowod, vm.mnmsuwuvmnc.. may-csaaamsume
prnnlmiup m».m.a..mna-, mtnga u.m.m.z.«-
AG sum-n 509 um-n Kuduun um. lvlumvwulnukkun mlmmln
nu-Ian yang holeh an-pi lima mm, sun sand: mu kaaumuunyu
47 Mlhkamah dalzn memben pefllmbanwn ueuaaa kbvanlluan zwrn
mun menlmuhknn mm»... and. Rmsao so saw! him 10 bub" unw-
muvundnnuknn hlllnhln ,....y.r. ylng kukm obi! mua-m -a.
kunllhan yang mm. dun hukumln 4m mg: mm m. .pm.,...n mm.
bukan aha: Termdnm mam um pesaun a. musnnama
sm mna<.7uDumwK:rnm».m ‘
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
As Mahknmah mg. memm hukuman ynnq mpmhknn mmm umuk
momburi nryam man: Temmm an on: pesaun aw Iuav sana supiyz
lnenghnflan pemuaun-pemuavan ylng mm rnangqirvggu bsunlunan
seaming pemmpuan ks-In 5:1-p pecanpunn nu mempunym hug: an ymg
Imam dun muvunh y-nu poflu am»...
49 Walau bagamunzoun, Mzmumah |uga Han mempemmhangkan
mm Tevluduh flask msmwnyaw rahod Ixnvau din tahh bevtaruygunggawah
lbs knsalmannya denann memhun panglkulrl nhh .1. pamlglul mu dun
Tonuflnn umnnnyn mmnn mean u... dlluun um pnnqlkuln
4 10 Fma ham: Temmuh man msmbui panuakuln nwah msrupalun
kkiur mmgm mg mun dumhn kwa nut Mahknmah dahm nrenmuhknn
hukumnn mm 1-«mu Mamaman dalzm nan um teun mam:-.;< nanduan
unlam ks: Sun Sea rum v. mm: Egg; [gm 1 L»; 13 yang mun
mmmu.m upon. nng mm
wnemnr . veuun u . namunm mm: av nu, I be! last a pin .1 gmny
Ihnu\dbeItuIedu:m\ugmu;Innnr Rrlmmnyxavultulnmtryagvul
upmu cl . \-nvmy um um lha mu 1.... Ind Imammhrta at mm,
n-mm ow. mu.‘
4-H Seiarww-= dawn kes
l@ mm dvumskan sepem yang benkut
on at In nllnapvu n nnanum u can . vurwland pirnrl mud n. mvun
a Gscounl lot pteaam way A rdumun of um: um um Mm: um.”
wocfld wmwna have been manned \s name», gm hm. hmnver, 3 ml:
ma mi ms me man may‘ n In vxamsa «us nsmm, mm m gum lny
drwoum Th uvwlv mm vfllnu um. . bus: .1. am... mnvmmn
mw «mum IM mrwllww mm mm: gum on In um um dlmxvdl av
puhfln mm re. 2 «mm mam .. vnel .. me lI—m>I m : awe
all-use or u aw mflxamng «man we gm pie: dun: um mum-waxy
arms In cmv-mo . Iuuvwn-nmml -
sw mnar.7aDumwKp-um»./w 5
«ms smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
4 12 Mnhknmah dl||m munpimhkln mum.» kapnd: rsmmun lehh
meneml Vzlavhehkarug Temmuh yang huumur 34 tam)! am mempakzn seovzng
kaum an vnmun pemaman.
us Mahkmuh my mnnglmbnl kin mm. Yemmun menunknn
nmmm mm. mum: am when mm Mndlaman Ielu-rm
414 lI1anTannflIm mlrupakin mung run -mun yang Iedangnvll mm
.1... mllunnk mun mun mg. hcndxohh‘ nelnln nu, mmmm jug:
rlhnnnwunq may. yunq wdlh mam hununmng nnup x.p.:...y.
ulah, um.-ma hukumnn puuanmu. dxenakan.
nvllvlulzknn mu wan Tanudnh
Temmuh umnunym Kehflupln ynng stand flan mnsa depm yang
sauesnnyn am.
415 Mahkaman pug: bsapemapan keiuarw Tsmuduh Idak aeharusnya
amem basalna mu m.nggum pendemnnn sadmnyn Mnnkamnh
mnmunm nmmn ylng belaltemsdnpnya
417 awn ha! ini‘ Mahkarnah Inlah rnamjuk kas pp v. an-nu-n bu sm
yw hem momma v-mum seven-v-na berm
‘mwum-n pvvnu y-no uemu Wu-r-2 um um um mwvvundmlkuw
vo-m.m..un mum" bmynkhmak nun
mu bu blpinyl yznq unlyum hm dlpaunagulupwllzkln hug! mew-nu
manna mum mnmmua. mgumnnm mm Dfilulkun sun
(smaduh mm kunnmnn -seam vlmsnkumnyu .1. mmknnuh u.:..». bnlm
mm udlr an mu: r-mun: x...:.m yum: dinmurmyn um mm M:
mmw-mgmum alaskaulahamansbu Hlhumanyanu wapxdiunakan
wmsdlutamnun n...a.u=r. mmvihn mm hukuman yang bemvwman
p....g.:..n um um rmntmhmkm kaudnmt dxn kmnutzn um:
I-nu-sun Dd-M um. flu hukum-n mm .n M. mnruvakm -um
Inlmm-nyang mm mmmm pdhunv pavmlhun an mmmunwm
sw mnar.7aDumwKp-um»./w 5
«ms smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
4 Va Mlhkanuh dnlnm has .1. a... «nun mmmm mm. hukumln yvlg
dimulllun uleh Mahkzmah Inruslah berpetannn sehagal pemzgamn air: max
memmmuun keaedlran darn kamsafin kaplda mm-m ma mamhuka Deluaug
um memuihkan Yemaduh
419 mum MI um Mnhhumnh nun manmumn mm.» ma.
vwagao on ma: mar 10 um-n mm. flan hukumln mm: mm dnkirkln
wuur umuk rnsrmelikan 1-mun peluaun kedua umuk mmn kg man
yang berm
4 2n Muhlumuh mm Muir: hukumln (M al nvvloncmg) um.
b--no-n... mew mmomw, domain! can nruwnlran I: ma bemulhnur
selngairehabdttatws unluk menwilakkan farluduh mamam scoring mm mg
memalum umngunaang um rakyav yaw tmtarwuungizwan damnn rnrapan
bahtui Yemduh akan beruban sduflgus mmghmmm undmg-undang an
peumnn y-lg wujud uulnllmana yang «am mpumsm dalam us mum
pflqmfla smsv
5. Kssnuruuu
51 semn Mahkaman mambual pemmbangan dun pemm. mmmum
remadap alnun-nhun ymg dlnyxhlun m am, Mzhkunuh plraya bahawa
hukumln ylw an-mm mam remaauh -a-I-n ylng um mmvut, mu, wupv
dun munuuluh manurm awn uvuilw-umnng
am:-am 22 Jamnn 2024
Mlnkanah Minstrel Kanuav
sw mnar.7aDumwKp-um»./w 7
«ms smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
Baal pmx pnndlkwun ., Puun Numl Anm n. ‘Ah mm
Baal pun mmu» _.Em:xk Sync Muhfl ummam syn Lohnm Hlldm
sm mnac7aDumwK:rnm».m 5
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
| 1,092 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
RA-83-677-09/2023 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH SHAHRUL HAKIM BIN SHAARI | Keluarga Tertuduh tidak seharusnya diheret bersama untuk menanggung penderitaan sekiranya Mahkamah menjatuhkan hukuman yang berat terhadapnya. | 22/01/2024 | Puan Ana Rozana binti Mohd Nor | |
22/01/2024 17:07:59
RA-83-677-09/2023 Kand. 13
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
R.\—a3—s77—u9/2u23 Kand. 13
”/on/2044 ya:-5;
nu.m umxuun Iulsmzr nus»:
mun ueczm venue
KES JENAVA twauvumzoza
psunuwa mu
smmnuu um»: um smuuu
ALASAN psmsnmum
« 1 nnmm. Iedah «mam. meukukan sum: umum a. mum
uhynn snw mm. mm In mg um dmukum dw hawah uiuynu ylng
Ianu. Pemuduhan I-madap Temmm adalah sdP°I1Iy1n§ mum
-amm Iumu nu. ounuzma pm mm. kurlng nan r... u.n......:
an Fnrmnuauhll, mm a IlnrnJ:lnn K: :51: dnlxm u. nh
Padznn Blur. dalam nlnlrl van: .¢-mu mmua Inndnk nnngllhlun
kohorrnatzn p-mm Nauallnl Mum: bimi Mu . No. KP'I’:I4o$fl8471£§Y2
um: mmunjuklun hlhnglnn punggung (duhun Iumu aongnn maloud
nuvlyn m-noulniau klnnnnun Nunml mm. mm mm, Na. Kw:
uwnav-551: dun dlnoln Ila: Iumu ml-n molnlmlun -um mum»
mu mun dlnulwm at Iuwnh uklyln saw Kannn Kpoakluvf
4 2 Temmuh relah ammm tam kali porlanu pads 22 SapVsm!:Ir2fl23 flan
mu nu Iemmuh man metvlnhon unmk mmcamxan
N .mszwLmFEGy7YmmxNA
mm Sum IHIVVDIY WW be used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm
1 3 Temmm kemudunnyn vein menukav pengnkunn kanuin pangaku-n
buulah wda 23 Nuvembev 202: flan has new nmankan van:
1: Duanba znza u-mu ucuun «aha hukum
1.4 Mlhklmah um memnru pengum iulah 1mm.m‘ mamkodkan
pevlglknln mm.» Tmudm an mm. mm um Tunuduh dingun
ksullhan nmamunu vemnunan dun menllmhk-I hukuman um.
RM3,5oa on man may we buhn penian
mmx K2:
2: Punk Pendlkwun mu manuamukakan mm was rlrinlus
lebngmmnna ynna cum amamn men M-nnnun ubngm P1
2 2 Fan: Ines Iwenumukkan hnhmm pm. 9 Ma 2023 pm nae». knmng
11 50 mm, umau Penslldu nedanq bekarla an rarmznnssaml yam bemaman
an No a mu n Mun, mu. m. Buknl‘ emu, rm-, T-numm Huh aaunq
Ia-nnnynkm mm; mm um: um lam: mmumukknn bnmgnn plllgqunqnyl
mun. Pombdu
23 Pavlsildu win mammal Vaporin val: dan menyennkan rirzman
cow milk human newsman
2 4 Huul Iluulnn mu «-4.» mamblva mm Iznatlnln Tenudnn flux
mm: u. man. but dun Iabuuh Iain m-rv-mm Mun 'NEI'TO' Aux sm
leIlhd\b1lI|fliliPldi m -. mum
31 mm n-um... um nungunuiukun rlyuln mmglu may
msmglnkln huhumnn dun mun mllvynlalun mu. Tom-uun meruoaknh
mum: sum" hank yam: menlnpgung emplx mum lmqaunnnn mm mm ylng
sm mszwLmFEGy7n\wwxNA 1
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
mentpukin sea-my nun mnuh npemm mun dun siding um rum mu orvlv
unuk wumur 10 an 4 um din searing mu yam wan mm uswa
3 2 Pmuuknan salan Yennduh (emu nuarumnlknn km dun mm
p\hIk1:1HIk um um manlllam bum mg pnnwug
3 3 Imam mevuplkln pulllh perlnmn an Manklmnh mnkuarumlml
dipmhkzn hukuman Dem am pemeruarnn hm: umuk mentunkan pemlng
mm: remmm umu mun.»
34 Savlunpk kqaaun, Tanuduh man mecvyesm ms pemullannya am
mm nenuhn unluk mm-n kc plan my hanar
3 5 Tecmdm mm mm Inuallhin din cub: -maapmm mm" paw
urlmk menualasr mnumh yang dmndapv um hfililmw lidak akan mevvgulangx
kesahlun yzna am;
a a mu Pena-kwnn mum ks: An! hwy: mlmuhuu suplyu Mmaman
mlnmulmmn hukumln yum ummpd ..e.g.. p.nq....... knpldl Tnnuuuh
4. musnz psuanuxwm
4.: ram pemma dun psnlmg yang mm aixumr kw: uleh Mahkamah
sebemm nvemamhkuu Vmkumln mun luepennngan Iwam nan
pemnuungu. mm nuxyamm Mankamnh menqukkzs uguum
Jena :5 CI. R m
4 2 Hlrbary J rslnh Inenyiukan awn Ivlarmmulkan hukuman yang mum
mahkalvlah hams seams: member: pemmblngan xspuua kepammgln
mm. undanuvnaang penayah meman amamuuvan secs:
mmka, mm" um.‘ d-mun hqulrl mengmlmm [Mayan Islam ma
emu. mmnln umuk mnnzaglllnyl
sm mszwLmFEGy7n\wwxNA 3
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
Hukuman sednmlkun M. mm. m-lighting ps..,.n.y.h nrlemu
dlnpida maiakulun mwnn way. an meuammgm nnluk beraih
mnnma n>~»en-yan henna. kahidupln y-nu Mm Kavennncan mm
bememangnya umvmuhan, mm peslllh dnomng umuk mm
a.-up-a at-Ilnnlyllu mun. Iwmduvm ynmuuwr
Dahm ks: Vuunartn bin Slmlumv Mn PP mu 4 cu 3:1,
Sm Nmma v-am: JCA lilah n-rm:
-m. plmwzlu m ynmlclnu Alva rm bun umma um mil
m m mm -«.4 nnwmosc alme oflbvw eammrm
:2; 1»: am pm». nnmouwvm ma
rs) ma mm mm: mm
m cowl mm me abatanca nmm punk: mmmstlnd m.
sunmnyu M-vnnun Mn Mun manuuk has &
gggum gm Agthlr v. PP[1B4fl 4 ms 1:- may 1: nu no yam tel-VI
menyntzkan sepem ynng hem:
ncilrvlwvldulhrnm Vnlhalruwcfwivazuldwlwdlarmnmtalhumnluvs
HMIDWy’sL:waIEn9‘and(HansIuam saw; mmuz PM-an
mcoum nllnlvgtfvlpmvlllnltrllllzr-vvypInuMlIrcrIIIl.vnWIIAl:1I4a
eonmdomm In: nature olme mm m. cnunnllmxx m mm. n m
eommilld. the domes omammaw. slmwnby me mm Ihewwncamxv
sm mszwLmFEGy7n\wmNA
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
mmnmnansmsa,w:»emmmm.wmm m..m.u,.1.»mm..
u smm son Klnun Kaukuun mun rlwmpavunnlkkm mum-n
penjlu ymg Imbh umpav um. um‘ nu ma: -nu ke¢uu~41uInyI
4 7 Ilahkxnah dalam mernben pemmbanwn mum kepemmgan mam
um ntenmuhkan hukumln dendu RM3,500.0D yagll new :0 mlan pemari
memanaaoqkul kanmhm jmym yug dllalmlun nun Ymuduh mam. -um
knlhh-n ma um». dun hukumm m. M. mum nlzngu pong-pun Iwpudl
mm um. Tonuduh mm mm vnnlnh m numm [up
as Mahlumah jug melalui hukuman yang aiamnm bemasvm unluk
member! Lsyam up-an Terluduh an wax puahh av luar ma supali
lnengmndm Pifhuatarwemmun ynng ms. mengglnggu Iwunmnan
umanu verempn-n x-mu Imhp pevlmpuln nu mompunyu Mm: an ymg
hm dun muulh ylnu palm dlpehhlm
4 2 Wulau nagawmmpm mnnnun mg: um: mampsmmbanukan
mam nmuuun mak memvunym vzlmd mp" um. um: n.n.m_;gu..g.wn
in: knllununnyu denpn numbunl mgum-n am .1. petmgkll mm am
Tmuduh uvmuwlyl mbmlun mm mm «mm. uh: plngakuxn ulnhnyi
4 to ram hnhmna Tenuduh Ielah mm...» persgakuzn nan mampakzn
Vaklm rmwasx yzng mm. dumb» kin aim mxmn am. n-mammun
mmm k-Did: Ymuuun dulam M! m» (em memguk plndnln
ullnm m gm 333 gm v. rum gggm [mg 1 my; 1;; yang mun
mnmmuxkln npvrfi ylnu mam
‘Whats: p-mxunrmamaamnuuuna, I lee! nuauenmnv
umm bu mm mmnmng hum VI ml any can: an wnmfly . gvul
mm... at . hrvmy um um Ike uni mun Ind Imnmwuurwa no -my‘
pnmcmafly 17- mums-
sm mszwLmFEGy7n\wmNA 5
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
41¢ Selarunnnyadnhmhuaslncm‘tAb¢‘uIR hmlnv pun Pmncubr
AW ‘Shh awn-skin 599!“ Wm DEVWIE
‘One av In: rwuuwx n untnvrutg ». mu . mnvmld plrnn m-um a. gnrlfl
. dlllnurfl Inc pkndmg gym A I-duwen at about on ma nl In mum
wnuh mhmwue have been -mm: lsnommlw dven mu however a not:
mm M: and Ina wunmay, n nuemm oi as ficawon, muse to gun: any
dnmum n. xwnmy mm Mona um. ax-mu cl : yam: owvmm
mny mnu-Wm nu ml-9011119 mm at In nutty pa w mly mo domndn 04
mm mm: lav . mm umma mu me mum: :14 n aw:
defiance or oldnev mmmm user: In My Men as rIa|mInmn1\c-i'Y
emlelhawwsamnksnrnunumem -
4 12 M-hklmnh dullm nunnmnu-n hulumln mun. Tafluduh mun
mum lnurhohklng mmaun yunn borumul :4 Vnhun um muupnn Iwnw
kemm an manna vemnnkm
us mnman jug: msnginbd klra blhawu Tarluduh meruoakan
pmamgung ulmm Ialuugn dun punt: mun: plvldaplhn mung.
414 I:1nnYenInduhmlmpIk| Isoangsunmmlnymgndzngnmhn
can mukanak balm: mam Van: barsekomh mam nu‘ Tenuduh mgn
menanggunq Ibmvya yang man In: an baruarmmg mduv kmdanya
4 15
nmnjanskan ms. nu" rammm
Yamduh numpunyul ksmdupan yang slabwl um um. deplo yang
Iamrnnyl hukumln puvlunmlln dhnflny --mmy. lkln
us Vahkzuan mg: becpendapll kzlualpl Tawdm mu senamu-ya
mnevet bevnma umuk mmangnung pendemaan semmvy. mmmn
men[mmk.In hukumnn yung beII|InmIdIprIyI.
411 Dnlam nil mt M-hknm-N man mcrwuk nu m
um; yang man member pmduln seoem ylnn bankut
sm mszwLmFEGy7YmmxNA 5
mm. smm .. y... w may he m1mn.uIy mm: dun-mm y.. mum pm
wxuman p-um ym mam pan]-nu analah max wum mulnaruhnghu
pdkau um mu Ivmmtfirinran banyik pun Ian mm mama mar. fin
luduanbu Manny: yang uni yaw km dlprunwungmahknn M. nnnjqn
mu-mmuuum Mmkmuhwul nunfllmbukn mm povwnkuuunhh
muum mum mum aevwmvemumnnyn m nuhkamah mm behuu
Man sear flan 05:! mm Kesalahan ynn emu-nya Dan hdlau Ma
hon-Wan:-sawaba\ I31 kmalunan Imam Nmruman y-r-9 waav dlruukan
«mew lmuduh mam. wwuvlun wmu nukuvun v-nu n-mum
sew-an-run um um mmmmm man" an Imnnhn mac.
lefluduh mum and: nu lhlmm-ninelzm nenn-kwuunl medwlhn mm
hukummylngdla-I memhmknn Deming B-Mmnnun .mmus‘ kcplh
4 we Mahkunah dilnm mm ma. Han memamun bahuw: nukumln vanfi
ummkan duh Mahlumil namxan bsmfirwlan mam: pmuaaanm din dapat
maurmulkan kaeumn an mman ken-a. Yemmuh nan mmnbuks pew--9
unmk memulmkzn Tamduh.
-19 Dullm ml Inn Manx-mun um rmnjlmhkln mmmun am.
Rmsao no final huyiv co bulan psmai dan hukumln tunlbul mu dlfliifian
winav umuk munbeukan Tenuduh pdunng kedua umuk bembuh we pun
mu benar.
42a Mahknvmh hem-Mk mm: M..." hukuun {mm ufsnntancmg) mm
buyer-Mn um-1 mmmm, mm: dun pc-mm m was bam\mlmu|
uhnalwIshabmi-hwun(Iluneo9gIInkMnTenuduhn\on1|d mm in nnynnq
rnamilum undamrurndmw ran: vakyil yam: benznfinunmlwnh dewan navapan
huhuva re-mm anon bumbnh ukaluur mar-unomu uuaanwnaana dar-
pevammn yang wumd seblgnmaru yang new: wpmusk-n dawn M
rr mm Lpofflfl 5 ms in
sm mszwLmFEGy7n\wwxNA 7
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
51 sqexan Mahkanan membunl pemmblngin am peruhlan maksmmm
Iemndno IIan»~II-an ylng dmymakan a. Alas‘ mmmn psmya unaw-
mlmmm ynng dqnuflwrl klpldl Tmmnm -an-n ynng aumm|n1lII,IdI,wnpIr
an. mmum. manurm rmruv undlnwunfllng
Benankh 22 .:.m.u zaza
Mnmumnh Mn.-um Kangnr
am um pendlkwnn Fuln Yenflm Rnqlyynn Mun mum Smhmm
an. plhlk Tlmnduh Emu Syed Mum Anwlv hm Syaa lnhvun n. m
sm mszwLmFEGy7n\wwxNA
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
| 1,100 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-24F-1-01/2021 | PEMOHON KATHLEEN WONG CHUIN LING RESPONDEN JUSTIN LAW JUN MING PENCELAH DICADANGKAN1. ) Ong Hoo Kip 2. ) Anthony Wong Chee Hoong | 1. Kathleen Wong secured an Order for sole CCC of the said children on 14.04.2022, however she passed away intestate on 07.10.2022. 2. On 15.11.2022, RH was given the full CCC of the said children.3. The deceased’s parents, the applicants filed an application under O.15 r.6(2)(b) and O.92 r.4 RC 2012, for leave to intervene in this proceeding. 4. After finding this application has no merits, I dismissed it with an order for costs of RM3,000.00 to be paid to RH within 14 days from the date of this order. | 22/01/2024 | YA Puan Hayatul Akmal binti Abdul Aziz | |
SAMAN PEMULA NO.: WA-24F-1-01/2021
Dalam Perkara Seksyen 87 Akta
Membaharui Undang-Undang 10
(Perkahwinan dan Perceraian), 1976
(Akta 164)
Dalam Perkara Perkahwinan di antara
Kathleen Wong Chuin Ling dan Justin Law
Jun Ming
Dalam Perkara Seksyen 87, 88, 89, 90, 93 20
Akta Membaharui Undang-Undang
(Perkahwinan dan Perceraian), 1976
Dalam Perkara mengenai kanak-kanak
Perkahwinan Aiden James Law Guan Xian
dan Adam Zhachary Law Guan Yan
(No. K/P: 850808-14-5060) …PEMOHON
(No. K/P: 851017-14-6141) …RESPONDEN
(Enclosure 112) 45
22/01/2024 13:40:34
WA-24F-1-01/2021 Kand. 137
S/N VYS3oxbPskGlGHqHucHcIw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[1] In this Originating Summons (OS): 50
(a) Kathleen Wong Chuin Ling (the deceased) passed away on
07.10.2022, approximately six months after securing the Order
for sole CCC of the said children, from the Court on 14.04.2022.
(b) On 15.11.2022, RH was given the full CCC of the said children.
(c) The deceased’s parents, the proposed interveners, Anthony 55
Wong Chee Hoong (NRIC No. 541020-08-5067) and Ong Hoo
Kip (NRIC No. 540614-08-5334) filed enclosure112 under O.15
r.6(2)(b) and O.92 r.4 Rules of Court 2012 (RC 2012) seeking
leave to intervene in this proceeding.
[2] Parties were heard before me on 29.11.2023, and after considering
all the cause papers and respective written submissions of the parties, I
dismissed enclosure 112 with costs of RM3,000.00 to be paid to RH within
fourteen (14) days from today. Dissatisfied, the applicants have filed this
appeal, and my reasons are as follows: 65
[3] The deceased and RH:
(a) Were married on 14.02.2014.
(b) They have two (2) boys named Aiden James, born on 70
10.05.2019 (now 4+ years old), and Adam Zachary, born on
26.08.2020 (now 3+ years old), collectively will be referred to
as the said children.
S/N VYS3oxbPskGlGHqHucHcIw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
(c) Alleging domestic violence, the deceased walked out of RH’s
house on 23.12.2020 and stayed with her parents at their home. 75
[4] On 04.01.2021:
(a) Under a certificate of urgency, the deceased filed this
Originating Summons Ex-Parte (OS) for interim custody care
and control (CCC) of the said children. 80
(b) On 08.01.2021, an interim CCC of the said children were
granted to the deceased.
[5] On 15.02.2021:
(a) RH applied in enclosure 10 to set aside the said ex-parte order 85
dated 08.01.2021; or
(b) On the alternative for him to be given reasonable access to the
[6] On 19.11.2021: 90
(a) The deceased applied in enclosure 48 under a certificate of
urgency for an injunction under section 101 of the Marriage Law
Reform Act (LRA) to stop RH from taking the said children
overseas pending the disposal of their divorce petition.
(b) On 22.03.2022, an order was granted. 95
S/N VYS3oxbPskGlGHqHucHcIw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[7] On 14.04.2022:
(a) After the inter-parte hearing, the deceased was granted the 100
sole CCC of the said children, while RH was given limited
structured access.
(b) The deceased and her children were staying with the applicants
at their home in Taman Tun Dr Ismail, Kuala Lumpur.
(c) Approximately six months later, on 07.10.2022, the deceased 105
passed away intestate due to a significant cardiac arrest in
Australia, also contributed by some serious ailment. She was
cremated in Australia on 12.10.2022.
(d) The applicants surrendered the children to RH on 25.10.2022,
about eighteen days after the deceased's passing, with an offer 110
for RH to take custody of the relevant children's documents.
[8] Thereafter, a month later, on 09.11.2022:
(a) RH applied in enclosure 103 to amend the sole CCC order,
seeking that he be granted the sole CCC of the children instead. 115
(b) Further, the maternal grandparents (the applicants) are to
deliver the said children to him within three (3) days.
(c) On 15.11.2022, RH was given the full CCC of the said children
and the applicants were ordered to surrender the said children
and other related orders. 120
(d) The maternal grandparents had already surrendered the
children on 25.10.2022 before the Court Order for CCC was
made to favour RH.
S/N VYS3oxbPskGlGHqHucHcIw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[9] About six months after the passing of their daughter (the deceased): 125
(a) On 14.04.2023, about five months after the Order of CCC was
finalised and granted to RH, the children's maternal
grandparents filed the present application (enclosure 112)
seeking leave to intervene.
(b) The parties were heard on 29.11.2023, and in my judgment, the 130
applicant failed to discharge their burden of meeting the legal
requirement needed.
(c) Accordingly, I dismissed enclosure 112 with costs.
[10] I have duly observed and considered the parties' arguments in
canvassing for their positions in enclosure 112:
The Applicants arguments:
10.1 In varying the sole CCC Order granted to the deceased and in turn
granting the CCC to RH on 15.11.2022, certain orders were made
against the Applicants in their absence (when they were not parties
in the proceeding).
10.2 Ever since securing the 15.11.2022 Order for CCC, the Applicants
have not been allowed to see the children as often as they had
wished. In filing enclosure 112, they seek scheduled access to the
said children:
S/N VYS3oxbPskGlGHqHucHcIw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
(a) The applicants cited section 88 of the LRA that empowers the
Court in exceptional circumstances where it is undesirable to
entrust the welfare of the children to either parent or place the
children temporarily in the care of some other person. In
addition, the Court is empowered to order a child to visit any 155
members of the family of the deceased parent, and any
member of the family of the deceased parent be given the right
to access the children.
(b) It was argued, section 88 clothed the applicants with a right to 160
intervene for the welfare of the children, and in the premise
further argued that:
(i) The 15.11.2022 Court order (enclosure 111), in paragraph 2(a),
implicates the applicants when it was ordered that they surrender the
children with all relevant documents (birth certificates, passports, 165
insurance policies, school records, medical records, immunisation
records, etc) to RH in seven days from the order.
(ii) Natural justice demands that the applicants be accorded the right to
be heard on this issue. The applicants cited Mila Auto Sdn Bhd v
Wong She yen [1995] 3 MLJ 537, FC, in reaffirming the principle of 170
natural justice, which said that no one should be condemned
unheard. The privy Council in Pegang Mining Co. Ltd v Choong
Sam & Anor [1969] 2 MLJ 52, PC said that the Court shall have the
power to bring all the parties before it and determine the rights of all-
in-one proceedings. This was adopted with approval by the Federal 175
Court in Hong Leong Bank Berhad v Staghorn Sdn Bhd and
other appeals [2008] 2 MLJ 622, FC.
(iii) By RH including these prayers in his application (enclosure 103), it
invites the applicant to intervene.
(c) The applicants alleged that RH had not been forthright and
transparent in implicating the applicants in enclosure 103 with
the facts (enclosure 104: Supporting Affidavit) when the facts
are not what he had alleged to the Court:
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(i) The fact was that when he filed enclosure 103, the children were 185
already in his custody when the applicants surrendered them on
25.10.2022, about eighteen days after the passing of the deceased.
(ii) Without the Court’s intervention, the applicants had already informed
RH on 18.11.2022 that he could collect the children’s documents.
(iii) There was no resistance from them in the foregoing matters. 190
(iv) The prayer in enclosure 103 to compel the applicants on the
foregoing matters was to cast a negative aspersion on them,
insinuating that they are a problem in the foregoing matters when
they have never been.
10.3 The applicants further claimed:
(a) That they have an interest in the subject matter of this suit,
particularly the children.
(b) They had cared for the said children from their tender years 200
since 22.12.2020 when they were still a baby (19 months old)
and an infant (4 months old), where RH never provided any
care for them after the deceased, and the children moved in
with the applicants.
(c) Since sole CCC was granted to the deceased initially, at her
demise, it was argued by the applicants that they, as the
maternal grandparents, assumed an immediate right and
interest in the affairs and welfare of the children.
(d) The applicants cited the rebuttable presumption in section 88(3)
of the LRA that it is good for the welfare of the child below seven
to be with the mother. At the same time, the Court shall regard
the undesirability of disturbing a child's life by changes in
custody. In the premise, it was further argued that the maternal 215
grandparents would be the best party to care for the children
after the mother's passing.
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(e) Though in enclosure 112, the applicants did not apply for CCC,
it was argued that the Court should consider the applicable 220
presumption to favour the applicants’ application and grant
them leave to intervene.
10.4 The applicants alleged that Enclosure 112:
(a) Is necessitated by RH’s unreasonable refusal to grant sufficient 225
and proper access to the said children. His refusal to make
amiable, proper, and scheduled visits for the applicants
requires the Court’s intervention to set it right. If RH can agree
to reasonable and structured access to the applicants,
enclosure 112 would not have been required. 230
(b) The excuse by RH that he needed time to bond with the children
is untenable. It is a continuation of his vengeful retaliation
against the deceased in his earlier feud, where the deceased
secured the sole CCC over the children. 235
(c) His present action is not for the welfare of the children by
disallowing them to spend sufficient time with their maternal
grandparents during their nurturing and tender years.
(d) The applicants and the children played no part in his feud with
the deceased, where the Court’s decision granting sole CCC to
the deceased was grounded on the facts proven at the time. He
cannot use the Court’s Order as an excuse to have suffered lost
time with the children for the past two years. It is just untenable. 245
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10.5 The applicants cited:
(a) Section 4 of the Probate and Administration Act of 1959 to
argue on the death of the deceased intestate. 250
(b) The children, RH and the applicants are all beneficiaries in her
(c) The applicants asserted that the Court, in considering 255
enclosure 112, should be mindful that for the deceased’s estate
matter, the applicants have every right to apply as joint
administrators and, therefore, should be allowed to intervene in
this OS.
(d) As lawful beneficiaries in the deceased's estate, the applicants
have every right to caveat the estate to prevent their rights from
being ignored or compromised by RH. He has no right to deny
it or find cause against it.
10.6 The applicants argued that RH failed to clarify why the applicants
had no interest in this OS when he had included them in enclosure
103 for CCC. There is no part in it that he denied that the applicants
have no right to access the children.
The Respondent Husband’s (RH) arguments:
10.7 RH denied the applicant's allegation that he did not accommodate
their requests for a meaningful, structured, and regular visit of the
children. He argued that: 275
(a) After RH secured the 15.11.2022 order for CCC, the applicants'
solicitor wrote (03.02.2023) asking for access to the children
(exhibit C, Applicants Affidavit in Support, enclosure 113).
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(b) RH’s solicitor replied on 08.02.2023 (exhibit C, Applicants Affidavit 280
in Support, enclosure 113). He stated on the record, among other
things, that the applicants have never been denied access to
the said children as their maternal grandparents. The children
are always in WhatsApp communication with them and have
been informed several times of the suitable time and date for 285
access. RH also considered his time for bonding with the
children that he had lost for almost two years when his access
was allegedly scheduled and obstructed. The children and he
need to normalise their relationship brought about by the
sudden death of the children’s mother. The allegation of 290
denying access to the applicants does not arise. It was claimed
(i) RH contracted Covid-19 on 12.11.2022 and was isolated.
(ii) On 20.02.2023, his grandmother passed away, and as he was
attending the funeral arrangement, he was informed via a phone call 295
of the wishes of the applicants.
(iii) Regardless of the situation, the applicants filed in enclosure 112
seeking to intervene on 14.04.2023.
(iv) Citing Mohamed Azmal Noor Naina Mohd Noor v Arab Malaysia
Finance Bhd & Anor [2003] 2 CLJ 505, CA that had ruled 300
intervention will be allowed to assist the Court in the appropriate and
complete determination of the matter. RH, however, argued that the
intervention was unnecessary when CCC had already been granted
to RH.
(v) He further cited section 6(1) of the Guardianship of Infants Act 1961, 305
which states that on the death of a parent, the surviving parent shall
be guardian to the infant. Grandparents are not within the definition
of parent under the Act.
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(vi) With enclosure 112, the applicant is attempting to compel RH to
grant more access than is deemed necessary by the children’s lawful 310
(c) The applicant's solicitor replied on 28.02.2023, expressing the
applicant's desire only to maintain a relationship with the
grandchildren and not RH (exhibit C, Applicants Affidavit in Support, 315
enclosure 113).
(d) Several days later, on 01.03.2023, RH discovered that the
applicants had lodged a caveat over the estate of the deceased,
who had died intestate without informing RH. 320
The applicants argued that:
This should not be an issue; it is a non-starter. The lawful right to lodge a
caveat on the deceased's estate is accorded to the legal beneficiaries to
protect their interests. The applicants are also the lawful beneficiaries. 325
(e) Before the CCC Order of 15.11.2022, RH claimed he had no
opportunity to care for the children as he was only entitled to a
structured visit with limited access by the ex-parte Court Order
(enclosure 9). It was not by his choice. 330
The applicants argued that:
RH's structured and limited access is by a valid Court Order, granted on
proven facts at the time. Indeed, this cannot be the grounds to claim
restricted access occasioned by the deceased. The said orders were 335
never set aside, varied, or stayed until the untimely death of the deceased.
(f) Contrary to the argument by the applicants that they had
voluntarily surrendered the children on 25.10.2022, about 18
days after the death of the children’s mother (07.10.2022), RH 340
asserted that it was not out of goodwill but rather in compliance
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with a Court order dated 14.04.2022 (amended on 14.6.2022)
in giving limited structured access to RH.
The applicants argued that:
Though RH asserts that he had never denied the applicants access to the 345
children, he fails to show what access he agreed to for the applicants. It
was argued that the applicant’s right to access cannot be merely subjected
to the whims and fancies of RH. Most of the submissions by RH on access
are irrelevant since enclosure 112 is not about access but about the right
to intervene in the OS. RH did not argue that the applicants do not have 350
the right to access the children.
Contrary to the assertion of RH, the applicants claimed that they
voluntarily surrendered the children 18 days after the demise of the
deceased. At this juncture, it is sufficient for the Court to decide that the
applicants have the right to intervene before a substantive application for 355
access and any other ancillary orders are made where the full facts and
circumstances would be canvassed and ventilated before the Court.
(g) RH further asserted that the intention of the applicants in
enclosure 112 is not bona fide because despite receiving large 360
sums of insurance payout for the death of the deceased, they
could have used the money to assist in the children’s
educational and health needs. The applicants have no intention
of nurturing a healthy relationship with RH and only wish to
maintain a relationship with the children. 365
The applicants argued that:
Notwithstanding RH’s argument on the insurance payout, he has never
challenged the applicant's lawful right to receive it. The applicants deny
any assertion that they have manipulated the children. These are just bare
allegations with no compelling materials to support them. 370
(h) RH he alleged that the applicants have constantly harassed him
with legal letters and emotional blackmail messages.
The applicants argued:
This is another unsupported argument against them. He was merely being 375
asked to allow reasonable access to the children, which he disagreed with.
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Enclosure 112 could have been avoided had he agreed to an amiable and
reasonable visitation for the children.
(i) Even though RH and the deceased were not yet divorced at the 380
time of her passing, the applicants kept secret the deceased
exact ward number and made sure that it was a task for him to
speak to the doctors to find out about the condition of the
deceased at the hospital. The applicants even kept secret the
death certificate of the deceased. 385
(j) The applicants' tendency to manipulate the situation with the
minor children to favour them can never be discounted in the
circumstances. That would not be in the welfare of the children
in their nurturing and growing up years.
The applicant argued that: 390
The unsupported accusations against the applicants that are vehemently
denied. There is not an iota of evidence to support it.
(k) Contrary to the applicant's claim that they are close to the
children, RH asserts that on one occasion in November 2022, 395
the children refused to return to the applicant's house in TTDI
and cried to follow RH home.
(l) It was further argued by RH that, even when he arranged to
meet up with the children, the applicants did not use the time to 400
spend a meaningful visit with the said children.
The applicants responded that:
The facts that transpired when they met with the children are stated in
paragraph 17 of their Affidavit in reply in enclosure 115. It contradicts the
allegations of RH. 405
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(m) RH had, in the circumstances of the development of the
children, suggested that the applicants meet up with the
children once every three months, which the applicants
disagreed with by placing their interest above that of the 410
children. The suggestion by the applicants for overnight access
every fortnight is contrary to the children's outdoor timetable
activities and RH’s rights as the biological father and guardian
of the children who is fully capable of providing care and
upbringing of the children. There is no evidence to date by the 415
applicants to refute his ability.
The applicants’ argued:
It is never their argument that RH is an incapable parent. Whether he is or
is not is not the issue. What is relevant is the applicants' right to
appropriate and meaningful access to their grandchildren, which RH had 420
denied. A proposed short visit of once every three months is evidently in
appropriate in the circumstances.
(n) RH alleges that the applicants had not sufficiently addressed
the law on intervening in a proceeding. Citing Arab Merchant 425
Bank v Dr Jamaludin Dato Mohd Jarjis [1991] 2 CLJ 862,
SC, where the Supreme Court made it clear that one of the
principal objects of O.15 r.6 of the RHC 1980 is to enable the
Court to prevent injustice being done to a person whose rights
will be affected by its judgment by proceeding to adjudicate 430
upon the matter in dispute without giving the proposed
intervener an opportunity of being heard. In the present case,
the OS is a concluded matter with an Order for CCC already
granted to RH on 15.11.2022. The said order has been finalised
and is no longer a pending matter. The application in enclosure 435
112 by the applicants was only made about four months later
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when it should have been before the final judgment was
rendered. There is no longer any proceeding before the Court
as far as the CCC of the children is concerned: Hong Leong
Bank Bhd v Staghorn Sdn Bhd and other appeals [2008] 2 440
MLJ 622, FC.
In the circumstances, RH prays that enclosure 112 is dismissed, while the
applicants pray that leave to intervene is allowed.
[11] The law on interveners:
11.1 As provided under O.15 r.6 RC 2012, it is trite that an application to
intervene is generally made to prevent injustice and multiplicity of
proceedings. In Chan Yee V Chan Yoke Fong [1990] 2 CLJ 732, 450
SC where the Supreme Court observed that:
“…under the rule, the court has a wide discretion to make the order…so that all
matters in dispute could be effectively determined and adjudicated upon”.
11.2 This would avoid two possibly different decisions being reached 455
concerning the same questions or issues. In Tajul Ariffin bin
Mustafa V Heng Cheng Hong [1993] 1 AMR 119; [1993] 2 MLJ
143, SC, Edgar Joseph JR SCJ (delivering the judgment of the
Supreme Court) said:
“The objects of r 6(2)(b) as to joinder of parties are, generally speaking, the 460
same as the object of the rules governing third-party proceedings that is to say:
(a) to prevent multiplicity of proceedings and to enable the court to determine
disputes between all parties to them in one action, and (b) to prevent the same
or substantially the same questions or issues being tried all over again with
possibly different results”. 465
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11.3 The legal criteria required could be seen in Pegang Mining Co. Ltd
V Choong Sam & Ors [1969] 2 MLJ 52, where it was determined
that an applicant is a proper person to be added if it can be shown:
(a) His presence before the Court is imperative for the adjudication of the 470
subject matter of the case.
(b) He has direct legal or financial interests in the action.
(c) His rights against or liabilities to any party to the action in respect of the
subject matter of the action is directly affected by any order which may be
made in the action. 475
[12] The law makes it incumbent:
12.1 The application must be made as soon as possible or when the
applicant first had knowledge of the proceeding and an opportunity
to take the necessary steps. (See: Chong Fook Sin V Amanah 480
Raya Bhd & Ors [2010] 7 CLJ 917, FC).
12.2 The threshold test to be an intervener is for the applicant to
demonstrate direct interest: Jerry WA Dusing & Anor v MAIWP
[2017] 1 CLJ 133, CA: 485
“The threshold test to be an intervener is for the applicant to demonstrate direct
interest. In the instant case, MAIWP will not be affected by any court order and
had no rights over and owes no liabilities to the appellants…”.
[13] A plaintiff:
(a) Is prima facie entitled to sue any party he chooses and leave
out any person as a defendant from an action as he wishes
Tajul Ariffin bin Mustafa V Heng Cheng Hong (supra);
Abidin V Doraisamy [1994] 1 MLJ 617, SC. 495
(b) The plaintiff cannot be compelled to proceed against other
persons he does not desire to sue.
(c) The court nevertheless has the power to join a party as a
defendant upon the plaintiff's application.
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(d) Unlike an application to add a plaintiff to an action, the court will 500
not add a person as a defendant if the plaintiff claims no remedy
from him (see Ang Eng Lee V Lim Lye Soon [1985-1986] SLR
(R) 931, CA Sg; Tajul Ariffin Bin Mustafa V Heng Cheng
Hong [1993] 1 AMR 119; [1993] 2 MLJ 143, SC.
[14] In Dato’ Dr Haji Mohamed Haniffa bin Haji Abdullah and Anor V
Koperasi Doktor Malaysia Bhd & Ors [2008] 4 AMR 293; [2008] 3 MLJ
530, CA, Gopal Sri Ram JCA (delivering the judgment of the Court of
Appeal said:
“Order 15 r 6(2)(b) of the Rules of the High Court 1980 permits intervention on two 510
separate grounds. Sub-para (i) of the rule enables intervention where the presence of
a party before the court is necessary. In sub-para (ii), intervention is enabled where a
party to an action claims relief or a remedy which will materially affect the non-party
intervener's rights. In such circumstances, the court is empowered to permit
intervention if it believes that doing so will be just and convenient.” 515
[15] A person who is not a party:
(a) May be added as a defendant against the wishes of the plaintiff
either on the application of the defendant or on his own
intervention, or in rare cases by the court of its own motion 520
under O.15, r.6(2)(b) RC 2012.
(b) The jurisdiction of the court under this rule is entirely
discretionary: Ramachandran s/o Appalanaidu & 107 Ors V
Dato Bandar Kuala Lumpur & Anor [2012] 6 AMR 124; 525
[2012] 6 MLJ 519, CA, observed that the power of the court to
join a party to an action as “a matter of the court’s discretion in
the totality of the circumstances” and “ultimately depends on
the factual matrix before the court”.
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(c) Premised on O.15, r 6(2)(b)(i) RC 2012, a person may be added
as a party if it can be shown the person is directly affected,
either legally or financially, by any order which may be made in
the action: Privy Council in Pegang Mining Co Ltd V Choong
Sam [1969] 2 MLJ 52, PC. The Privy Council in Pegang Mining 535
formulated the approach as follows, “will his rights against or
liabilities to any party to the action in respect of the subject
matter of the action be directly affected by an order which may
be made in the action?”
(d) The approach formulated in Pegang Mining has been adopted
in numerous decisions, among others in Tohtonku Sdn Bhd v
Superace (M) Sdn Bhd [1992] 2 MLJ 63 [1992] 1 CLJ 344,
SC; Soo Hong & Leong Kew Moi V United Malayan Banking
Corp Bhd & Anor [1997] 1 MLJ 690, CA. 545
(e) O.15, r 6(2)(b) RC 2012 confers a more comprehensive power
on the court to add a person as a party where a question or
issue arising out of or relating to or connected with any relief or
remedy claimed in the action may exist that it would be just and 550
convenient to determine between him and that party as well as
between the parties to the action.
[16] For a third party to intervene and be joined as a party in an action,
the proposed intervener must demonstrate that they have some interest 555
directly related to or connected with the subject matter of the action. If a
person wishes to be joined because of a financial interest and not a legal
interest, in the outcome of the case, the court is unlikely to allow the third
party to intervene (see Soo Hong & Leong Kew Moi & Ors V United
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Malaysian Banking Corp Bhd & Anor (supra); Tai Choi Yu V Syarikat 560
Tingan Lumber Sdn Bhd [1998] 4 MLJ 275, CA).
[17] The Supreme Court of Malaysia in the case of Tohtonku Sdn Bhd
v Superace (M) Sdn Bhd (supra), endorsed the principle enunciated by
the Privy Council in the case of Pegang Mining (supra) and said: “It is 565
settled law, on the authorities, that a party may be added if his ‘legal
interest’ will be affected by the judgment in the action but not if his
‘commercial interest’ alone would be affected”. This was referred to in the
Federal Court decision in the case of Chong Fook V Amanah Raya
Berhad (as administrator for the estate of Raja Nong Chik Bin Raja 570
Ishak, deceased) & Ors [2011] 1 MLJ 721.
[18] The Federal Court in Hong Leong Bank Bhd (formerly Hong
Leong Finance Bhd) v Staghorn Sdn Bhd and other appeals [2008] 2
MLJ 622, FC concerning an application to intervene, amongst other 575
things, observed:
18.1 The words at ‘any stage of the proceedings...’ necessarily mean that
a proceeding is still pending before the Court. Once judgment is
recorded, there is no longer a proceeding for the party to intervene.
The judge has also become functus officio. 580
18.2 The application must be made promptly. Once a judgment is
entered, the proceeding has come to an end. O.15 is concerned with
the very early stage of a proceeding, to have all the necessary
parties in before the trial begins.
18.3 Where non-parties try to intervene in the proceedings, they must do 585
so under O.15 r.6 RHC 1980 and must necessarily comply with the
said provision. While the principles laid down in Pegang Mining Co
Ltd v Choong Sam & Ors [1969] 2 MLJ 52, PC as to exercising
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the Court’s discretion are applicable, all requirements of O.15 r.6(2)
must be satisfied. The intervener must have a sufficient legal 590
interest in the subject matter and outcome of the proceeding.
18.4 An affidavit must support an application for leave to intervene. The
presiding judge merely decides on affidavit evidence whether to
grant or deny the leave. At this stage, the judge should not make a
definitive finding of facts, which, as envisaged by O.15 r.6 RHC, will 595
and can only be made after all evidence has been adduced in the
trial that would subsequently follow.
[19] In the present application (enclosure 112) by the applicants (the 600
children's maternal grandparents) for leave to intervene in this OS, they
prayed to be added as an intervener before filing the required substantive
application for access and other ancillary orders. I have examined all-
cause papers and the parties' respective submissions in canvassing for
their position in the present suit. Considering my observation in the totality 605
of the evidence and my observations in the parties' respective arguments
in paragraph [10] 10.1-10.7 above, in addition, it is my considered
determination that:
19.1 Cognizance is taken that enclosure 112 strictly seeks leave to
intervene in the present OS. No application is made on access over 610
the children, though parties argued on it, which I take as irrelevant
for enclosure 112. Regarding an intervener’s application for leave, I
find guidance in the words of Gopal Seri Ram JCA in Dato’ Dr Haji
Mohamed Haniffa bin Haji Abdullah and Anor V Koperasi
Doktor Malaysia Bhd & Ors [2008] 4 AMR 293; [2008] 3 MLJ 530, 615
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CA, that O.15 r 6(2)(b) of RHC 1980 permits intervention on two
separate grounds:
(a) Sub-para (i) of the rule enables intervention where the presence
of a party before the court is necessary.
(b) In sub-para (ii), intervention is enabled where a party to an 620
action claims relief or a remedy which will materially affect the
non-party intervener's rights.
(c) In such circumstances, the court is empowered to permit
intervention if it believes doing so will be just and convenient.
19.2 In considering enclosure 12 within the confines of principles above,
it has to be dismissed looking at the following:
(a) Chronology of events:
(1) The deceased was granted sole CCC after an inter-parte hearing on
14.04.2022 630
(2) About six months later, on 07.10.2022, she met her untimely death
in Australia.
(3) The applicants surrendered the children to RH eighteen days after
the demise of their mother on 25.10.2022.
(4) At this juncture, it is fitting that guardianship over the children would 635
fall on the surviving parent (RH).
(5) About a month later, on 09.11.2022, RH applied in enclosure 103 to
vary the sole CCC Order of the deceased and instead prayed that
he be granted CCC over the children.
(6) About a month later, on 15.11.2022, the Court granted CCC to RH. 640
(7) At this juncture on 15.11.2022, no more proceeding is pending
in the present OS; it had been concluded. The court order for
the CCC has been finalised.
(8) About five months after the finalisation of the Order for CCC above,
on 14.04.2023, the applicants filed enclosure 112 to intervene. 645
(9) On 29.11.2023, I dismissed enclosure 112.
(b) In arriving at my decision, I am guided by the Federal Court in
Hong Leong Bank Bhd (formerly Hong Leong Finance Bhd)
v Staghorn Sdn Bhd and other appeals [2008] 2 MLJ 622, 650
FC that had observed for a right to intervene, it must be before
a pending proceeding. Once judgment is recorded and
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finalised, there is no longer a proceeding for the party to
intervene. The application to intervene must be made promptly.
This accords with the legal maxim that equity does not assist a 655
tardy litigant. O.15 is concerned with the very early stage of a
proceeding, to have all the necessary parties in before the trial
begins. Once it is concluded with a judgment recorded and
finalised, the court becomes functus officio.
19.3 It is also my observation:
(a) That in line with the ruling by the Court of Appeal in
Ramachandran s/o Appalanaidu & 107 Ors V Dato Bandar
Kuala Lumpur & Anor [2012] 6 AMR 124; [2012] 6 MLJ 519,
CA, that the power of the court to join a party to an action is “a 665
matter of the court’s discretion in the totality of the
circumstances” and “ultimately depends on the factual matrix
before the court’.
(b) Though the law is trite and the LRA recognises under section 670
86 (2)(c) and (d), the visitation rights of grandparents denied
access, I could not find sustainable or compelling materials
from the applicants to give me cause in the circumstances of
the case as to why I should allow a concluded matter on the
CCC Order granted to RH before the Court to be unravelled 675
over issues of access by the maternal grandparent, which could
be addressed under separate and relevant provisions of the
[20] It is a trite law that an Order for CCC and maintenance of the 680
children are never final as to be cast in stone. On an application by any
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interested party, the Court is empowered under section 96 of the LRA to
vary custodial and maintenance orders founded on (1) any
misrepresentation, (2) mistake, and (3) material change in circumstances.
The Court will always act for the best interests and welfare of the children 685
at all times and not for the feuding parties if and when they do not act in
the children's best interest. Mahabir Prasad v Mahabir Prasad [1982] 1
MLJ 189, FC: The first and paramount consideration is the child's welfare,
which is now statutorily embodied in section 88 LRA.
[21] All things considered, on the balance of probabilities, I find the
applicants have failed to meet the legal requirements and prove the merits
of enclosure 112. In the circumstances, this application is dismissed with
costs of RM3,000.00 to be paid to RH within 14 days from the date of this 695
Dated 22.01.2024.
Mr. K. Jeyaraj
Messrs. K. Jeyaraj Fadhli Sin
Counsel for the proposed Interveners
Mr. Ragumaren Gopal, together with Ms Amelia Marie Gasper
Messrs G. Ragumaren Gopal & Co
Counsels for the Respondent Husband
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| 40,721 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-22NCC-104-08/2022 | PLAINTIF KOPERASI PEKEBUN KECIL NEGERI SEMBILAN BERHAD DEFENDAN 1. ) AGRO CAPITAL MANAGEMENT BERHAD 2. ) MICHAEL MARCUS LIEW 3. ) JAMIL BIN ABU BAKAR | TORT: Pelaburan via penerbitan sukuk – Pelaburan oleh sebuah koperasi – Kegagalan, pengabaian dan/atau kecuaian untuk membayar keseluruhan pelaburan sebanyak RM5 juta, keseluruhan bayaran dividen/unjuran pulangan (projected return) yang tertunggak dan pampasan − Sama ada representasi palsu/konspirasi penipuan/frod yang dilakukan oleh Defendan-Defendan – Sama ada baki tunggakan dividen sebagaimana terkandung dalam perjanjian dan jaminan hendaklah dibayar sebagaimana kaedah disebut dalam jadual – Sama ada pembelaan Defendan-Defendan bermerit − Pengakuan dan kelakuan Defendan Pertama adalah amat jelas bahawa mereka tiada pembelaan bermerit kerana wang pelaburan telah dinikmati oleh Defendan Pertama untuk projek ternakan udang. | 20/01/2024 | YA Puan Rozi Binti Bainon | |
GUAMAN NO.: BA-22NCC-104-08/2022
(Koop Negeri No.: 35) − PLAINTIF
(No. Syarikat: 201401020709/1096795-U)
(No. Pasport: K0677134R)
(No. K/P: 550704-07-5729) – DEFENDAN-DEFENDAN
[1] Plaintif memfailkan writ saman dan pernyataan tuntutan terhadap
Defendan-Defendan berkenaan dengan skim pelaburan di mana Plaintif
menuntut Defendan-Defendan secara bersesama dan berasingan
membayar kepada Plaintif wang pelaburan berjumlah RM5,000,000.00
(RM5 juta); jumlah baki dividen penuh sebanyak RM312,500.00; Ganti
rugi Am untuk ditaksirkan oleh Mahkamah; caj bayaran lewat pada kadar
20/01/2024 18:42:21
BA-22NCC-104-08/2022 Kand. 54
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5% setahun ke atas jumlah RM5,312,500.00 dikira dari 16-5-2022
sehingga tarikh penyelesaian penuh; dan kos bagi tindakan ini.
[2] Perbicaraan penuh telah diadakan di Mahkamah ini pada 28-8-2023
dan 29-8-2023 di mana Plaintif memanggil 3 orang saksinya dan
Defendan memanggil 2 orang saksinya.
[3] Pada 2510-2023, Mahkamah ini membenarkan tuntutan Plaintif dan
memutuskan seperti yang berikut:
[1] Tindakan undang-undang Plaintif terhadap Defendan-
Defendan ialah mengenai representasi palsu/konspirasi
penipuan/frod yang dilakukan oleh Defendan-Defendan
bagi pelaburan sebanyak RM5,000,000.00.
[2] Skim Pelaburan yang di antara Plaintif dan Defendan-
Defendan ialah melalui penerbitan sukuk.
[3] Tempoh Sukuk bermula 18-5-2018 hingga 15 Mei 2021.
[4] Perenggan 25 pernyataan tuntutan memplidkan bahawa
Plaintif hanya diberikan dividen berjumlah
RM1,937,500.00 sahaja. Baki dividen tertunggak yang
dikira dari November 2020 sehingga November 2021 ialah
sebanyak RM312,500.00.
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[5] Perenggan 27 pernyataan tuntutan memplidkan bahawa
dividen tertunggak dibayar sebagaimana kaedah disebut
dalam jadual.
[6] Berdasarkan keterangan di hadapan Mahkamah ini, atas
imbangan kebarangkalian, Plaintif berjaya membuktikan
tuntutannya terhadap Defendan-Defendan dan dengan itu
Mahkamah ini memutuskan untuk membenarkan tuntutan
Plaintif. Selanjutnya adalah diperintahkan Defendan-
Defendan secara bersesama membayar Plaintif −
(a) wang pelaburan berjumlah RM5,000,000.00.
(b) baki dividen sebanyak RM312,500.00.
(c) delay in the projected returns/dividend payment 4%
p.a. payable on a pro-rate basis dari November 2021
hingga tarikh penyelesaian penuh.
(d) kos sebanyak RM10,000.00.”.
[4] Defendan-Defendan tidak berpuas hati dan terkilan dengan
keputusan Mahkamah merayu ke Mahkamah Rayuan.
[5] Dalam tuntutannya, Plaintif menyatakan bahawa Plaintif ialah
sebuah koperasi yang ditubuhkan di bawah Akta Koperasi 1993 dan
mempunyai alamat berdaftarnya di Medan Perniagaan Senawang Jaya,
Senawang, Negeri Sembilan.
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Manakala Defendan Pertama ialah sebuah syarikat yang ditubuhkan di
bawah Akta Syarikat 1965 (Akta Syarikat 2016) yang mempunyai alamat
berdaftarnya di Petaling Jaya dan alamat perniagaannya di Pekan,
Defendan Kedua ialah seorang bukan warganegara yang menetap di
Petaling Jaya dan ialah salah seorang daripada pengarah syarikat dalam
Defendan Pertama.
Defendan Ketiga ialah warganegara Malaysia yang menetap di Datok
Keramat, Kuala Lumpur dan ialah salah seorang daripada pengarah
syarikat dalam Defendan Pertama.
Skim pelaburan:
[6] Pada sekitar bulan April 2018, berdasarkan representasi oleh
Defendan Pertama dan Defendan Kedua, Plaintif telah bersetuju untuk
membuat pelaburan modal mengikut konsep pelaburan patuh Shariah
menggunakan instrument sukuk.
[7] Plaintif memplidkan bahawa representasi yang diberikan oleh
Defendan Pertama dan Defendan Kedua ialah –
(a) pelaburan tersebut dijanjikan akan mendatangkan pulangan
dividen yang lumayan;
(b) sijil sukuk akan dikeluarkan kepada Plaintif;
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(c) pelaburan tersebut akan disalurkan untuk tujuan kolam
ternakan udang laut (marine shrimp) yang dikomersialkan
serta akan diuruskan oleh pihak Defendan Pertama selaku
Farm Operator (selepas ini sisebut sebagai “Projek tersebut”).
(d) dokumen yang diberikan dan ditunjukkan oleh Defendan
Pertama kepada Plaintif ialah salinan profil syarikat Defendan
Pertama mengenai kepakaran dan pengalaman Defendan
Pertama dalam pembangunan projek akuakultur di Malaysia
dan ternakan udang yang diusahakan oleh Defendan Pertama
yang mendapat pensijilan daripada Kementerian Kesihatan
Malaysia dan Defendan Pertama ialah ahli berdaftar dengan
Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia. Selain itu, Defendan Pertama
juga menunjukkan salinan keratan akhbar mengenai lapran
media berkaitan dengan kejayaan Defendan Pertama dalam
projek akuakultur.
[8] Berlandaskan penelitian Plaintif kepada representasi dan dokumen
oleh Defendan Pertama, maka selepas melalui mesyuarat Ahli Lembaga
Koperasi (ALK) bertarikh 18-4-2018, Plaintif melabur sebanyak RM5 juta
dalam syarikat Defendan Pertama untuk tempoh 36 bulan dengan kadar
pulangan keuntungan sebanyak 15% setahun.
Tarikh cek Plaintif bagi pelaburan itu ialah 14-5-2018. Defendan Pertama
telah mengeluarkan resit rasmi bertarikh 18-6-2018 kepada Plaintif
sebagai bukti pembayaran.
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[9] Berdasarkan perjanjian bertulis yang dimasuki, Plaintif menyatakan
bahawa –
• Agro Capital Management Corporation (No. Syarikat:
E0543862013-7) yang beralamat di New York sebagai
penerbit sukuk.
• Agro Capital Advisory Pte. Ltd (No. Pendaftaran: 201735663-
C) yang beralamat di Singapura sebagai pengurus dan/atau
wakil kepada pengurus sukuk.
• tarikh perjanjian ialah pada 10-5-2018 dan tarikh penerbitan
sukuk ialah bermula 15-5-2018 sehingga 15-5-2021.
• komunikasi di antara pihak-pihak adalah di antara Plaintif dan
Defendan Pertama dan tanpa apa-apa penglibatan Agro
Capital Management Corporation dan Agro Capital Advisory
Pte. Ltd.
Dividen/unjuran pulangan (projected return):
[10] Plaintif memplidkan bahawa jadual pembayaran dividen/unjuran
pulangan (projected return) adalah sebanyak RM62,500.00 sebulan
bermula 15-6-2018 (iaitu sebulan selepas tarikh penerbitan sukuk)
sehingga 15-5-2021 (tarikh tamat sukuk) di mana jumlah keseluruhan
pembayaran dividen/unjuran pulangan (projected return) ialah sebanyak
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[11] Plaintif memplidkan bahawa setakat pemfailan guaman ini, Plaintif
hanya dibayar sebanyak RM1,937,500.00 sahaja dan baki pulangan
dividen tertunggak ialah sebanyak RM312,500.00 (iaitu dari bulan
November 2020 sehingga November 2021).
[12] Berdasarkan surat Defendan Pertama bertarikh 23-3-2021 kepada
Plaintif, Defendan Pertama menyatakan bahawa kelewatan bayaran
dividen ialah kerana wabak Covid-19 dan bayaran dividen/unjuran
pulangan (projected return) akan diteruskan seperti biasa dan tunggakan
bayaran dividen/unjuran pulangan (projected return) adalah dibayar
mengikut jadual berikut:
30-4-2021: 35% dari keseluruhan bayaran dividen/unjuran
pulangan (projected return) yang tertunggak.
31-5-2021: 35% dari keseluruhan bayaran dividen/unjuran
pulangan (projected return) yang tertunggak.
30-6-2021: 30% dari keseluruhan bayaran dividen/unjuran
pulangan (projected return) yang tertunggak.
Dan berdasarkan surat Defendan Pertama bertarikh 23-3-2021 itu juga,
Defendan Pertama menyatakan bahawa akibat kelewatan pembayaran
dividen/unjuran pulangan (projected return), Plaintif boleh menjangkakan
pampasan sebanyak 4% setahun sebagai tambahan yang dibayar
mengikut asas pro-rata.
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[13] Kegagalan, pengabaian dan/atau kecuaian untuk membayar
keseluruhan pelaburan sebanyak RM5 juta, keseluruhan bayaran
dividen/unjuran pulangan (projected return) yang tertunggak dan
pampasan, maka Plaintif mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap
Tindakan Defendan-Defendan:
[14] Plaintif memplidkan bahawa akibat daripada representasi
palsu/konspirasi penipuan/frod dan kecuaian Defendan-Defendan yang
mana setiap butir-butir tindakan diperihalkan dalam perenggan 30 dan 31
pernyataan tuntutan maka Plaintif anggota-anggota Plaintif telah
diprejudiskan dengan teruk dan mengalami kerugian dari segi masa,
wang, tenaga serta modal perniagaan akibat kegagalan Defendan-
Defendan melunaskan tanggungjawab mereka di bawah perjanjian
Relief yang dipohon oleh Plaintif:
[15] Plaintif memohon perintah Mahkamah yang berikut:
(a) deklarasi bahawa skim pelaburan di bawah Sijil Sukuk SF No.:
SUKUK29-002 diisytiharkan telah tamat dan matang pada 15-
(b) Defendan-Defendan secara bersesama dan berasingan
membayar kepada Plaintif jumlah sebanyak RM5,000,000.00
yang dilaburkan; jumlah baki dividen penuh sebanyak
RM312,500.00; Ganti rugi Am untuk ditaksirkan oleh
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Mahkamah; caj bayaran lewat pada kadar 5% setahun di atas
jumlah RM5,312,500.00 fikira dari 16-5-2021 sehingga ke
tarikh penyelesaian penuh.
(c) kos bagi tindakan ini.
[16] Defendan-Defendan memplidkan yang berikut:
(a) Defendan Pertama dan Defendan Kedua merupakan
pengarah, pegawai dan/atau pekerja di Agro Capital
Management Berhad (Defendan Pertama). Oleh itu, apa-apa
pernyataan yang diberikan dan/atau tindakan diambil oleh
Defendan Kedua dan/atau Defendan Ketiga adalah atas
kapasiti melaksanakan tanggungjawab oleh Defendan Kedua
dan/atau Defendan Ketiga sebagai pengarah, pegawai
dan/atau pekerja di Defendan Pertama dan bukannya dalam
keupayaan individu Defendan Kedua dan Defendan Ketiga.
Oleh itu, Defendan Kedua dan Defendan Ketiga tidak patut
disaman sebagai Defendan-Defendan dalam tindakan ini.
(b) Defendan-Defendan tidak pernah membuat apa-apa
pernyataan yang tidak tepat kepada Plaintif.
(c) Defendan-Defendan tiada pengetahuan mengenai perjanjian
sukuk tersebut; tidak pernah menyediakan, memberi dan/atau
meminta Plaintif untuk menandatangani perjanjian sukuk
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(d) Defendan Pertama dalam perniagaan pertanian dan tidak
terlibat dalam apa-apa pelaburan yang salah di sisi undang-
(e) Defendan-Defendan bukan salah satu pihak dalam perjanjian
sukuk tersebut yang Plaintif masuki secara sukarela.
(f) Defendan-Defendan tidak pernah memberi apa-apa jaminan,
komitmen, akujanji dan/atau indemniti berkenaan dengan
pelaburan dan pulangan pelaburan kepada Plaintif.
[17] Selanjutnya, Defendan-Defendan menyatakan −
(a) Agro Capital Management Corporation yang beralamat di
New York adalah pemegang saham Defendan Pertama dan
penerbit sukuk serta menjadi salah satu pihak yang
menandatangani Perjanjian Langganan bertarikh 10-5-2022.
(b) Agro Capital Advisory Pte. Ltd yang beralamat di Singapura
merupakan salah satu pihak yang menandatangani Perjanjian
Langganan bertarikh 10-5-2022.
(c) Defendan Pertama (Agro Capital Management Berhad) tidak
pernah menandatangani Perjanjian Langganan bertarikh 10-
(d) Agro Capital Management Corporation, Agro Capital Advisory
Pte. Ltd dan Agro Capital Management Berhad (Defendan
Pertama) ialah entiti yang berbeza di sisi undang-undang.
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(e) pada masa memasuki Perjanjian Langganan bertarikh 10-5-
2022, Plaintif mengetahui mengenai perhubungan Agro
Capital Management Corporation, Agro Capital Advisory Pte.
Ltd dan Agro Capital Management Berhad (Defendan
(f) Perjanjian Langganan bertarikh 10-5-2022 ditandatangani
oleh Plaintif dengan Agro Capital Management Corporation,
Agro Capital Advisory Pte. Ltd.
[18] Berdasarkan fakta yang dinyatakan, Defendan-Defendan membela
dirinya dengan menyatakan bahawa Plaintif melabur dengan dan wang
pelaburan diberikan kepada Agro Capital Management Corporation dan
Agro Capital Advisory Pte. Ltd. dan bukannya dengan Defendan Pertama
(Agro Capital Management Berhad). Resit rasmi dikeluarkan oleh Agro
Capital Management Corporation dan/atau Agro Capital Advisory Pte. Ltd.
[19] Defendan Pertama tidak pernah mengeluarkan apa-apa resit, tidak
pernah memberikan apa-apa representasi yang tidak tepat dan tidak
pernah membayar apa-apa dividen kepada Plaintif.
[20] Maka, dengan kedudukan fakta bahawa kemungkiran kontrak
dibuat oleh pihak ketiga (Agro Capital Management Corporation dan/atau
Agro Capital Advisory Pte. Ltd.), Defendan-Defendan memohon agar
segala tuntutan Plaintif ditolak dengan kos dan Plaintif tidak berhak untuk
mendapatkan apa-apa ganti rugi akibat kemungkiran kontrak.
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[21] Pada 25-10-2023, Mahkamah ini memutuskan –
[1] Tindakan undang-undang Plaintif terhadap Defendan-
Defendan ialah mengenai representasi palsu/konspirasi
penipuan/frod yang dilakukan oleh Defendan-Defendan bagi
pelaburan sebanyak RM5,000,000.00.
[2] Skim Pelaburan yang di antara Plaintif dan Defendan-
Defendan ialah melalui penerbitan sukuk.
[3] Tempoh Sukuk bermula 18-5-2018 hingga 15 Mei 2021.
[4] Perenggan 25 pernyataan tuntutan memplidkan bahawa
Plaintif hanya diberikan dividen berjumlah RM1,937,500.00
sahaja. Baki dividen tertunggak yang dikira dari November 2020
sehingga November 2021 ialah sebanyak RM312,500.00.
[5] Perenggan 27 pernyataan tuntutan memplidkan bahawa
dividen tertunggak dibayar sebagaimana kaedah disebut dalam
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[6] Berdasarkan keterangan di hadapan Mahkamah ini, atas
imbangan kebarangkalian, Plaintif berjaya membuktikan
tuntutannya terhadap Defendan-Defendan dan dengan itu
Mahkamah ini memutuskan untuk membenarkan tuntutan
Plaintif. Selanjutnya adalah diperintahkan Defendan-
Defendan secara bersesama membayar Plaintif −
a) wang pelaburan berjumlah RM5,000,000.00.
b) baki dividen sebanyak RM312,500.00.
c) delay in the projected returns/dividend payment 4%
p.a. payable on a pro-rate basis dari November 2021
hingga tarikh penyelesaian penuh.
d) kos sebanyak RM10,000.00.
[22] Defendan-Defendan merayu ke Mahkamah Rayuan.
Dapatan dan Keputusan Mahkamah ini
Isu-isu untuk dibicarakan:
[23] Peguam cara Plaintif telah memfailkan senarai isu untuk
dibicarakan di mana terdapat 10 isu iaitu –
(i) sama ada Defendan-Defendan secara bersesama dan/atau
berasingan telah bertindak cuai terhadap Plaintif berhubung
urusan melibatkan skim pelaburan di bawah Sijil Sukuk?
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(ii) sama ada Defendan Pertama, Agro Capital Management
Corporation, Agro Capital Advisory Pte Ltd dan Defendan
Kedua adalah kumpulan yang sama atau secara alternatif,
dikepalai oleh Defendan Kedua?
(iii) sama ada Defendan Kedua adalah pihak yang telah mencatur
kesemua perihal projek dan pelaburan yang melibatkan
Defendan Pertama, Agro Capital Management Corporation,
dan Agro Capital Advisory Pte Ltd?
(iv) sama ada Defendan-Defendan secara bersesama dan/atau
berasingan telah bertindak melakukan konspirasi penipuan
atau frod yang mengakibatkan kerugian kepada Plaintif?
(v) sama ada Defendan-Defendan telah membuat representasi-
representasi palsu dan telah memperdayakan Plaintif
memasuki perjanjian dengan pihak Agro Capital Management
Corporation dan/atau Agro Capital Advisory Pte Ltd yang
tidak berdaftar di Malaysia sedangkan semua urusan bayaran
wang pelaburan, bayaran dividen, bayaran zakat dan surat-
menyurat adalah pada hakikatnya melibatkan Plaintif dan
Defendan Pertama manakala projek yang dijalankan juga
adalah di Malaysia?
(vi) sama ada Defendan-Defendan, telah melakukan representasi
palsu kepada Plaintif berkenaan tempoh matang pelaburan di
mana tempoh 36 bulan telah tamat pada 15 Mei 2021
sedangkan modal pelaburan sebanyak RM5,000,000.00
masih belum dipulangkan kepada Plaintif sehingga kini?
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(vii) sama ada Defendan Pertama pernah membayar dividen
kepada Plaintif dan bertanggungan membayar baki dividen
kepada Plaintif?
(viii) sama ada Defendan-Defendan adalah privy dalam perjanjian
langganan yang dimasukki antara Plaintif dan Agro Capital
Management Corporation dan/atau Agro Capital Advisory
Pte. Ltd.?
(ix) Sama ada tindakan kausa Plaintif dalam tindakan ini adalah
berkenaan dengan kemungkiran/pembatalan kontrak?
(x) sama ada Defendan Kedua dan Defendan Ketiga, sebagai
pengarah-pengarah di Defendan Pertama, perlu
bertanggungan sendiri (personally liable) terhadap tindakan
Defendan Pertama?
[24] Untuk membuktikan kesnya, Plaintif telah memanggil 3 orang saksi
iaitu –
(i) Zainordin bin Bahari (SP-1), berumur 73 tahun, menjadi
Bendahari Plaintif dari bulan Jun 2011 hingga bulan Mei 2022.
(ii) Nur Aizatullhuda binti Ahmad (SP-2) berumur 42 tahun,
mantan pegawai pemasaran Defendan Pertama dari bulan
Mei 2017 hingga Januari 2021. Kini bekerja sebagai trader
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(iii) Mohamed Nor bin Hassan (SP-3), berumur 48 tahun menjadi
Timbalan Pengurus Besar Plaintif sejak tahun 2017 dan
menjadi Pengurus Besar Plaintif sejak tahun 2019 sehingga
[25] Defendan-Defendan telah memanggil 2 orang saksinya iaitu −
(i) Jamil bin Abu Bakar (SD-1), berumur 69 tahun, pencen, salah
seorang pengarah Defendan Pertama.
(ii) Michael Marcus Liew (SD-2), berumur 44 tahun, warganegara
Singapura, Defendan Kedua, pengarah Defendan Pertama,
pengarah Agro Capital Management Corporation dan
pengarah Agro Capital Advisory Pte. Ltd.
Dapatan, Analisa dan Keputusan Mahkamah
[26] Lord Goddard dalam kes Bonham-Carter v. Hyde Park Hotel Ltd
64 TLR 177 at p. 178 memutuskan −
“… plaintiffs must understand that if they bring actions for
damages it is for them to prove their damage; it is not enough to
write down the particulars, so to speak, throw them at the head
of the court, saying: ‘This is what I have lost, I ask you to give me
these damages’. They have to prove it.”.
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[27] Mahkamah ini pasti prinsip bahawa “The well-established principle
that the burden of proof at all times is borne by the Plaintiff on the balance
of probabilities to establish his case against the Defendant or the
existence of a legally enforceable claim against the Defendant. It is upon
the Plaintiff, and certainly not the Defendant, to discharge that burden. It
is for the Plaintiff to prove his case and satisfy the court that his claim is
well-founded before the court can grant judgment on his claim” adalah
terpakai dalam memastikan beban pembuktian.
[28] Dalam kes MIE-AFA Corporation Sdn. Bhd. v. Razali Mohd
Sham & Anor [2023] 1 LNS 1267, the court explained that the burden of
proof lies throughout with the party who wishes the Court to belief the facts
of their case; and the Federal Court in the case of Keruntum Sdn Bhd v.
The Director of Forests and Ors [2017[ 4 CLJ 676 at page 698 held:
“[78] It is settled law that the burden of proof rests throughout
the trial on the party on whom the burden lies. Where a party on
whom the burden of proof lies, has discharged it, then the
evidential burden shifts to the other party.”
[29] Dalam kes Sinnaiyah & Sons Sdn Bhd v. Damai Setia Sdn Bhd
[2015] 7 CLJ 584 yang mana YAA Richard Malanjum, Ketua Hakim
Negara memutuskan bahawa –
“… there are only two standard of proof, namely beyond
reasonable doubt for criminal cases and on the balance of
probabilities for civil cases. As such, even if fraud is the subject
in a civil claim, the standard of proof is on the balance of
probabilities. There is no third standard. … The criminal aspect
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of the allegation of fraud and the standard of proof required is
irrelevant in the deliberation …”.
“… the standard of proof is only a balance of probability
[NOT beyond reasonable doubt] and this burden has been
discharged by the Plaintiff during the trial vide witness
testimonies [weight attached to testimony/evidence],
documents [admissibility] filed in this Court, admissions by
the Defendant and facts pleaded in the Statement of Claim
and Reply.”.
[30] Mahkamah ini mematuhi prinsip undang-undang mengenai beban
pembuktian. Penganalisaan keterangan yang dinyatakan oleh Plaintif
melalui keterangan lisan dan keterangan dokumentarnya dengan jelas
menunjukkan bahawa Plaintif gagal mencapai tahap “on balance of
[31] Dalam kes Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Malaysia v Chan Soon Huat
[2018] 9 MLJ 782, the Court summarized the definition and application of
balance of probabilities as proving an event is AT LEAST 51% more likely
than not.
[32] Mahkamah ini berpendapat bahawa the Court not only to weigh
such evidence on a balance of probabilities but it is also incumbent upon
the court to look at all the surrounding factors and to weigh and evaluate
contemporaneous documents that may tend to establish the truth or
otherwise of a given fact. In the present case, I had to take into
consideration the witnesses’ power of observation, their accuracy for
recollection, and capacity to explain what they remember.
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[33] Dalam tuntutan ini, Plaintif menuntut terhadap Defendan-Defendan
untuk mengisytiharkan bahawa skim pelaburan via pelaburan sukuk yang
dibuatnya adalah tamat dan matang pada 15-5-2021.
Maka dengan pengisytiharan itu, Plaintif menuntut terhadap Defendan-
Defendan pemulangan jumlah wang pelaburannya sebanyak
RM5,000,000.00, baki dividen tertunggak sebanyak RM312,500.00, ganti
rugi am untuk ditaksirkan oleh Mahkamah, caj bayaran lewat pada kadar
5% ke atas jumlah RM5,312,500.00 yang dikira dari 16-5-2022 sehingga
tarikh penyelesaian penuh dan kos bagi tindakan.
[34] Mahkamah bersetuju dengan pengakuan Plaintif bahawa Plaintif
tidak pernah membuat tuntutan terhadap Defendan-Defendan
berasaskan apa-apa kausa tindakan pelanggaran kontrak. Adalah
menjadi satu fakta yang tidak dipertikaikan bahawa tiada kontrak secara
langsung dimeterai di antara Plaintif dan Defendan-Defendan.
[35] Plaintif memplidkan bahawa beban pembuktian yang terletak ke
atasnya ialah untuk membuktikan tuntutan bagi kes kecuaian,
representasi palsu dan tort konspirasi penipuan.
[36] Fakta yang jelas mengenai tuntutan ini ialah di mana Defendan
Pertama telah mendekati Plaintif untuk melabur dalam skim pelaburan
sukuk iaitu salah satu bentuk pelaburan dalam fiqah Islam di mana sijil-
sijil kewangan dan/atau bon dikeluarkan kepada pelabur.
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[37] Saksi Plaintif Kedua (SP-2) iaitu Pn Nur Aziatullhuda binti Ahmad,
yang pada masa material ialah bekas pegawai pemasaran di Defendan
Pertama mengakui berdasarkan skop tugasnya, SP-2 telah
memperkenalkan Defendan Pertama kepada Plaintif (pelabur yang
berpotensi). SP-2 ini dalam keterangannya mengakui terlibat dalam siri
mesyuarat dengan wakil-wakil Plaintif. SP-2 menunjukkan profile syarikat
(Defendan Pertama) berserta dokumen mengenai pencapaian Defendan
Pertama dalam bidang akuakultur. SP-2 telah mempelawa Plaintif untuk
melabur dalam Defendan Pertama. Selain SP-2, SP-2 menyatakan
bahawa Puan Jeff Medina selaku Pengarah Operasi Defendan Pertama
dan Puan Irene Ng selaku Senior Vice President Defendan Pertama juga
terlibat dalam pertemuan dengan wakil-wakil Plaintif.
[38] Bertitik tolak dari situ, Plaintif bersetuju dan secara nyata telah
melabur dengan Defendan Pertama iaitu bagi projek udang laut dan
jumlah pelaburan Plaintif ialah sebanyak RM5,000,000.00.
[39] SP-2 merujuk kepada dokumen berkenaan dengan jaminan bagi
pelaburan Plaintif iaitu surat jaminan pelaburan bertarikh 11-5-2018,
perjanjian antara Plaintif dan Agro Capital Management Corporation di
mana wang pelaburan sebanyak RM5,000,000.00 bersama dividen
terakru di mana wang pelaburan tersebut telah dilabur melalui satu
instrumen sukuk.
[40] Berkenaan dengan kewujudan pelaburan dan pembayaran
pelaburan sebanyak RM5,000,000.00 oleh Plaintif ini adalah tidak diragui.
Ini kerana, Mahkamah mendapati bahawa –
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(a) wang pelaburan Plaintif sebanyak RM5,000,000.00 tersebut
kemudiannya dimasukkan kepada dan/atau diterima
Defendan Pertama untuk menjalankan projek perternakan
dan pengkomersilan udang laut (marine shrimp) di alamat
ladang Defendan Pertama di PTP 7.1556 Sungai Miang,
Mukim Pekan, Daerah Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia.
(b) dalihan Defendan-Defendan dalam Pembelaan adalah suatu
penafian liabiliti di mana dakwaan bahawa Defendan-
Defendan hanya terlibat dengan aktiviti pertanian sahaja dan
tiada pengetahuan tentang pelaburan Plaintif melalui skim
sukuk yang dibuat antara Plaintif dengan Agro Capital
Management Corporation yang berpengkalan di Amerika
Syarikat; dakwaan bahawa Defendan-Defendan tidak privi
kepada perjanjian sukuk antara Plaintif dan Agro Capital
Management Corporation, yang disebut sebagai “pihak
ketiga”; dan dakwaan Defendan-Defendan bahawa
Defendan-Defendan tidak pernah memberikan komitmen
atau jaminan untuk membayar balik wang pelaburan Plaintif.
Kelewatan membayar tunggakan dividen sebagai pulangan pelaburan
[41] SP-2 dalam keterangannya menyatakan bahawa suatu surat
Defendan Pertama bertarikh 23-3-2021 dengan jelas menunjukkan
pengakuan bahawa terdapat kelewatan untuk membayar dividen kepada
Plaintif atas alasan impak wabak Covid-19 dan Defendan Pertama
dengan jelas menyatakan bahawa bayaran dividen bagi jumlah yang
tertunggak akan di buat sebanyak 3 kali iaitu pada 30-4-2021, 31-5-2021
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dan 30 Jun 2021. Di samping itu juga, Defendan Pertama akan
membayar pampasan pembayaran tambahan sebanyak 4% setahun
yang dibayar mengikut asas pro-rata.
[42] SP-2 juga mengetahui bahawa SP-2 sendiri telah
menjelaskan/menerangkan kepada Plaintif bahawa pembayaran dividen
oleh Defendan pertama akan dibuat kepada Plaintif pada setiap 1
haribulan dan 15 haribulan pada setiap bulan.
[43] Sebelum mengakhiri keterangannya, SP-2 menyatakan bahawa
alasan pihak Defendan untuk tidak membayar dividen/capital Plaintif
disebabkan oleh PKP adalah tidak munasabah.
[44] Soalan-soalan yang ditanya kepada SP-2 semasa pemeriksaan
balas gagal menangkis keterangan bahawa Plaintif adalah pelabur yang
berhak kepada wang pelaburannya dan dividen bagi pelaburannya.
[45] Pembelaan dan keterangan 2 orang saksi Defendan-Defendan
gagal sama sekali menangkis fakta dan keterangan yang telah dibuktikan
Plaintif semasa perbicaraan penuh.
[46] Di dalam kes ini, adalah tidak dipertikaikan bahawa suatu Perjanjian
Langganan (Subscription Agreement) bertarikh 10-5-2018 berkenaan
dengan penerbitan sukuk telah dimeterai di antara Plaintif dengan Agro
Capital Management Corporation/ACMC di Amerika Syarikat sebagai
“Sukuk Issuer”; dan Agro Capital Advisory Pte. Ltd./ACAPL di Singapura
sebagai “Manager”. Struktur asas penerbitan sukuk wujud dan
pelaburnya ialah Plaintif dan ada balasan yang dibayar oleh Plaintif iaitu
wang sebanyak RM5,000,000.00.
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[47] Dalam First Schedule kepada Subscription Agreement (Perjanjian
Langganan), Plaintif sebagai Pelabur (Investor) melabur sejumlah wang
sebanyak RM5,000,000.00 melalui Sukuk yang diterbitkan oleh ACMC.
Tiada bayaran dibuat di dalam matawang US Dollar walaupun ACMC
sebagai penerbit sukuk adalah berpengkalan di Amerika Syarikat.
[48] Pada Recitals B dan C Subscription Agreement tersebut
menyatakan bahawa pihak-pihak bersetuju bahawa tujuan pelaburan
adalah untuk digunakan melabur di dalam projek ternakan komersil
udang laut (marine shrimp) oleh Defendan Pertama yang berada di
Pekan, Pahang Darul Makmur.
[49] Dalam Second Schedule kepada Subscription Agreement,
Defendan Pertama ialah “Farm Operator” yang dilantik oleh ACMC untuk
menjalankan perusahaan ternakan komersil udang laut (marine shrimp)
di PTP 7.1556, Sungai Miang, Mukim Pekan, Daerah Pekan, Negeri
Pahang Darul Makmur.
[50] Secara ringkasnya, carian Plaintif mengenai Defendan Pertama,
ACMC dan pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam skim pelaburan menguruskan
dana Plaintif untuk projek perternakan dan pengkomersilan udang laut
(marine shrimp) adalah dinyatakan seperti yang berikut:
“Syarikat Defendan Pertama (Agro Capital Management Berhad)
adalah anak syarikat iaitu “wholly owned subsidiary” kepada
Agro Capital Management Corporation/ACMC di Amerika
Syarikat di mana 100% saham Defendan Pertama dimiliki oleh
ACMC. [Lihat carian SSM di mukasurat 4 Ikatan B1]
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Syarikat Agro Capital Advisory Pte. Limited/ ACAPL di Singapura
juga adalah anak syarikat “wholly owned subsidiary” kepada
ACMC di Amerika Syarikat.
Malah, Defendan Kedua itu sendiri (Dato’ Seri Marcus Liew)
mengakui bahawa beliau adalah pengarah Syarikat (common
director) untuk ketiga-tiga syarikat tersebut yang berdaftar di
Malaysia, Amerika Syarikat dan Singapura.
SD2: I was director in all these entities.
P/D: Okay and what is your job as a director in all
these entities?
SD2: I was in charge in administration of these
Malah, Defendan Kedua itu sendiri (Dato’ Seri Marcus)
turut mengakui bahawa Sukuk tersebut diterbitkan untuk
tujuan meraih pelaburan untuk projek Defendan Pertama.
Sukuk diterbitkan oleh ACMC kerana Defendan Pertama
tidak memenuhi kriteria penerbitan sukuk di Malaysia.”.
[51] Peguam cara terpelajar Plaintif menghujahkan bahawa –
• walaupun Defendan Pertama bukan privi kepada Subscription
Agreement, Defendan Pertama adalah pihak yang
memainkan peranan utama dalam pengendalian wang
pelaburan Plaintif dan dalam mengendalikan projek ternakan
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udang laut yang merupakan perniagaan utama untuk tujuan
pelaburan Plaintif.
• peranan Defendan Pertama dalam pelaburan Plaintif ini
diakui sendiri Defendan Kedua (Dato’ Seri Marcus).
• semasa pemeriksaan balas Defendan Kedua (SD-2), beliau
turut mengakui bahawa Defendan Pertama adalah pihak
sebenar yang menerima wang pelaburan dan/atau manfaat
dari wang pelaburan Plaintif sebanyak RM5,000,000.00.
(Rujuk Mukasurat 66 Nota Keterangan:
P/P: Yes, but finally ultimately the fund will be used to
finance project run by the first Defendant, correct?
SD2: Yes in the Malaysia Company.
P/P: Correct, so can you confirm the funds goes to the
first Defendant?
SD2: Yes correct.)
[52] Walaupun peguam cara terpelajar Plaintif menghujahkan mengenai
perkara penerbitan sukuk menggunakan ACMC di Amerika Syarikat
hanyalah disebabkan Defendan Pertama tidak memenuhi kelayakan
menerbitkan sukuk di Malaysia. Mahkamah ini mendapati isu kesahan
penerbitan bukan menjadi inti pati dalam tuntutan sebenar oleh Plaintif
terhadap Defendan-Defendan.
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[53] Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa transaksi dan skim pelaburan
melalui terbitan sukuk oleh ACMC ini adalah ditujukan kepada bakal
pelabur yang berpotensi iaitu Plaintif yang merupakan sebuah koperasi di
Negeri Sembilan yang pada hakikatnya telah menyalurkan pelaburan
kepada Defendan Pertama yang berada di Malaysia demi “menjana
pendapatan” melalui projek ternakan udang.
[54] Jumlah pelaburan yang besar pada kacamata Mahkamah ini
khususnya buat pelabur (Plaintif) yang sekadar sebuah koperasi dan
bukan seperti 1MDB tidak boleh dinafikan haknya (Plaintif) untuk
memperoleh semula wang pelaburannya yang mana telah digunakan
oleh ACMC untuk manfaat Defendan Pertama.
Apakah yang dihujahkan oleh Defendan-Defendan?
[55] Mahkamah ini telah membaca dengan teliti hujahan peguam cara
terpelajar Defendan-Defendan.
[56] Peguam cara terpelajar Defendan-Defendan menghujahkan
bahawa “He who asserts must prove: It is trite that the Plaintiff has to
prove whatever the Plaintiff asserts as per Section 101 of the Evidence
Act 1950”.
[57] Peguam cara terpelajar Defendan-Defendan menghujahkan
bahawa perkara asas yang berikut menjadi faktor bahawa Mahkamh ini
perlu menolak tuntutan Plaintif:
(a) illegality.
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(b) no negligence, false representation, conspiracy to cheat
and/or fraud on the part of the Defendants at all material
[58] Berkenaan dengan isu illegality, peguam cara terpelajar Defendan-
Defendan menghujahkan dengan panjabg lebar mengenai points
berkenaan dengan pelaburan Plaintif dalam skim sukuk ini, iaitu −
Illegality of the Investment by the Plaintiff:
• It is not disputed that the Plaintiff is a co-operative society
formed and governed under the Co-Operative Societies Act
1993 [Act 502]. Being a co-operative society governed under
Act 502, there are certain provisions and pre-requisite
procedures that the Plaintiff has to adhere to in relation to
investments made by the Plaintiff. 27. Section 54 of the Co-
Operative Societies Act 1993.
• All the claims of the Plaintiff cannot sustain at all as this
investment of RM5,000,000.00 made by the Plaintiff was not
done in compliance with the mandatory statutory
requirements as laid down in the Co-Operative Societies Act
1993, the Co-Operative Societies (Investment) Regulations
2010 and the Guideline.
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• Premise on the provisions and case law cited above, the
Defendants humbly submit that this Honourable Court ought
to dismiss the Plaintiff’s claim with costs as the Plaintiff’s claim
cannot sustain at all due to the fact that such investment made
by the Plaintiff is illegal and in contravention of the Co-
Operative Societies Act 1993.
• At all material time, the Plaintiff’s representative has
knowledge that such approval by the Commission is
necessary and required prior to the Plaintiff making such
investment. Yet the Plaintiff insisted to proceed with the
investment even though the approval of the Commission was
not obtained.
• Based on the testimonies of SP-1 and SP-3, the resolution
has been passed by the Plaintiff’s Board on 18-4-2018.
• Although SP-3 during cross-examination insists that the
resolution that has been passed is conditional, there are no
documents tendered in court by the Plaintiff during trial to
substantiate such testimony of SP-3. Thus, it can only be
inferred that the Plaintiff has decided to proceed with the
investment on 18-4-2018, which was almost a month prior to
receiving the letter dated 11-5-2018 from the First Defendant.
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• Despite the fact that both SP-1 and SP-3 gave testimonies in
relation to the fact that the Plaintiff’s Board has passed a
resolution on 18-4-2018 pertaining to this investment, a copy
of this resolution was however not tendered in Court and was
unable to be sighted. Reference is made to the Federal Court
case of Tan Keen Keong @ Tan Kean Keong v Tan Eng
Hong Paper & Stationery Sdn Bhd & Ors and other
appeals [2020] MLJU 2204.
• Further, it is also a requirement under Rule 3(1)(e) of the Co-
Operative Societies (Investment) Regulations 2010 that the
investment is to be approved by the Board of co-operative
society before a co-operative society invests its surplus funds.
• However, despite the fact that two of the Plaintiff’s witnesses,
SP-1 and SP-3 (who were both part of the Board of the
Plaintiff during the material time) have testified during the trial
that the Plaintiff’s Board has passed a resolution on 18-4-
2018 pertaining to this investment, however, no such
resolution has been tendered in Court to substantiate the
testimonies of the Plaintiff’s witnesses.
• From SP-3’s testimony, it is clear and straightforward that the
Plaintiff has neglected its own mandatory duty imposed on it
by law and did not take the necessary steps neither did the
Plaintiff conducted any due diligence to determine that the
investment shall provide returns or benefits to the co-
operative society and its members.
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• The Plaintiff’s non-adherence to such statutory requirements
despite having the knowledge that such approval of the
Commission has to be obtained is blatant ignorance of the law
and thus the law should not aid such ignorance of the Plaintiff
which rendered their investment of RM5,000,000.00 illegal
due to their own actions.
• It is also a requirement under Rule 3(1)(c) of the Co-Operative
Societies (Investment) Regulations 2012 that before a co-
operative society invests its surplus fund, a co-operative
society shall determine the investment shall provide returns or
benefits to the co-operative society and its members. In other
words, the Plaintiff has to conduct its own due diligence and
not blindly believing and trusting in any representations made
by any party prior to making an investment using the surplus
funds of the co-operative society.
[59] Dalam hujahan balas, peguam cara terpelajar Plaintif menjawab
mengenai isu “illegality” yang dibangkitkan iaitu−
“Yang Arif, Plaintif di sini berhujah bahawa Defendan-Defendan
tidak boleh membangkitkan isu baru di peringkat hujahan
sedangkan isu-isu di atas tidak pernah dibangkitkan di dalam
pembelaan dan tidak pernah dijadikan isu untuk dibicarakan.
Jika isu-isu yang disebutkan adalah penting dan menjadi intipati
utama pembelaan Defendan-Defendan, maka ia perlu dijadikan
sebagai isu dan diplidkan secara spesifik, supaya tiada apa-apa
“element of surprise” ketika perbicaraan tindakan ini.
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Isu berkaitan ketiadaan resolusi Lembaga Koperasi adalah tidak
relevan untuk dibangkitkan kerana isu ini tidak pernah
dibangkitkan sebagai isu di dalam pliding pihak-pihak.
Defendan-Defendan sendiri tidak pernah memohon penzahiran
dokumen tersebut.
Sejak dari tahun 2018 sehingga kini, Defendan Pertama telah
menerima wang pelaburan RM5 juta tersebut daripada Plaintif
untuk digunakan bagi projek ternakan udang laut. Ini diakui
sendiri saksi Defendan (SD2) yang juga Defendan Kedua di
dalam tindakan ini.
Tiada apa-apa isu pun dibangkitkan oleh Defendan-Defendan
sejak dari tahun 2018 sehingga kini (lebih 5 tahun), untuk
mempertikaikan keesahan pelaburan Plaintif dan perjanjian
langganan. Malah, Defendan-Defendan tidak pernah pun
meminta resolusi Plaintif ketika memohon wang pelaburan.
Isu ketidaksahan yang dibangkitkan Defendan-Defendan pada
saat akhir ini setelah menikmati wang pelaburan Plaintif adalah
jelas tidak bona fide dan perlu ditolak oleh Mahkamah.
Isu ini adalah satu taktik untuk mengelak liabiliti memulangkan
wang pokok pelaburan Plaintif yang telah dinikmati oleh
Defendan Pertama sejak tahun 2018.
S/N zEcej8ekJEe1LwlpNWFtA
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Mahkamah Rayuan dalam kes United Trade Arena (M) Sdn
Bhd v. Bank Pertanian Malaysia Berhad [2016] 1 CLJ 979
telah memutuskan −
“[26] The learned judge found that the averments made
by the Appellants that the asset sale agreement was
executed prior to the asset purchase agreement were mere
allegations and unsubstantiated, made as an attempt to
evade the Appellant’s contractual obligations. We agreed
with the findings of the learned judge that the Appellants
who were fully availed by the Respondent cannot now,
after seven years dispute the validity of the
agreements by suggesting they were executed in a
different order. Be that as it may, both the documents were
dated the same date and most probably were executed at
about the same time. Both parties were aware of what
they were contracting for.”.
Di dalam kes sekarang, apa-apa ketidakpatuhan kepada
seksyen 54 Akta Koperasi 1993 tidak akan menjadikan
pelaburan Plaintif atau perjanjian yang dimeterai sebagai tidak
sah. Ini kerana seksyen 54(3) Akta Koperasi 1993 hanya
memperuntukkan penalti jenayah (criminal penalty) ke atas
koperasi (jika disabitkan) dan bukannya memperuntukkan
perjanjian sebagai tidak sah atau terbatal.
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Mahkamah Agung di dalam kes Beca (M) Sdn Bhd v. Tang
Choong Kuang & Anor [1986] 1 CLJ 20; [1986] CLJ (Rep) 64
di mana diputuskan:
... Not every breach of a statutory prohibition would
render an agreement illegal or void though such
breach may attract criminal penalty. The fundamental
question is whether the Enactment means to prohibit the
agreement. It is important that the courts should be
slow to imply the statutory prohibition of agreements,
and should do so only when the implication is clear.
Whether an agreement is implicity forbidden depends upon
the construction of the statute, and for this purpose no one
tests is decisive. Persons who deliberately set out to break
the law cannot expect to be aided in a court of justice. It
would be a different matter when the law is unwittingly
broken. An agreement for the sale of, say, frozen food,
is not to be considered illegal or void merely because
the premises in which the frozen food is sold does not
comply with the law. We recognize that each case must
be decided by reference to the relevant statute.
[60] Mahkamah ini menolak pembelaan, dalihan dan hujahan Defendan-
Defendan untuk melepaskan diri mereka daripada bertanggungjawab ke
atas tuntutan Plaintif mengenai pemulangan wang pelaburan sebanyak
RM5,000,000.00 dan tunggakan dividen atas alasan Plaintif sebagai
sebuah koperasi telah melakukan “kesalahan” di bawah undang-undang
koperasi kerana membuat pelaburan sebagaimana yang berlaku dalam
kes ini.
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[61] Tiada apa-apa bukti dikemukakan oleh Defendan-Defendan
bahawa ahli-ahli koperasi Plaintif mengambil tindakan undang-undang
terhadap Plaintif berkenaan dengan pelaburan dalam skim sukuk ini. Dua
orang saksi Plaintif yang berjawatan Pengurus Besar (SP-3) dan
Bendahari (SP-1) telah memberikan keterangan berkenaan dengan
kelulusan bagi pelaburan tersebut. Tindakan undang-undang ini diambil
untuk mendapatkan semula wang pelaburan dan tunggakan dividen yang
perlu untuk manfaat ahli-ahli koperasi Plaintif.
[62] Berkenaan dengan isu “no negligence, false representation,
conspiracy to cheat and/or fraud on the part of the Defendants at all
material times”, peguam cara terpelajar Defendan-Defendan
menghujahkan bahawa −
“The Plaintiff has willingly come to the decision to make the
investment of RM5,000,000.00 and thus the Plaintiff should be
estopped from claiming any negligence, false representation,
conspiracy to cheat and/or fraud on the part of the Defendants.
Further, the Plaintiff had all opportunity to read and review the
Subscription Agreement (Refer to Bundle B1, Page 15 – 28) prior
to executing the same.
The Plaintiff should have exercised their due diligence and read
through the contents of the Subscription Agreement prior to
executing the same. The Plaintiff would have known that the
parties to the Subscription Agreement were ACMC and ACAPL
and not the First Defendant. The First Defendant is merely the
entity who runs the shrimp farm.
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The Plaintiff’s representative has admitted that no due diligence
was conducted personally by the Plaintiff prior to coming to a
decision of making the investment of RM5,000,000.00.
Furthermore, despite the fact that the Plaintiff tried to rely on the
letter dated 11.05.2018 (Refer to Bundle B1, Page 59) issued by
the First Defendant to the Plaintiff and signed off by the Second
Defendant on behalf of the First Defendant, it is the Defendants’
stand that there was no reliance on the said letter of undertaking
by the Plaintiff when coming to a decision to make this
investment of RM5,000,000.00.”.
[63] Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa ketiadaan salahnyataan
mengenai pelaburan yang dicadangkan oleh Defendan-Defendan kepada
Plaintif tidak boleh sama sekali menafikan hak Plaintif bagi relief yang
[64] Pegawai Defendan-Defendan yang membuat representasi ialah
SP-2 yang sudi dan bersedia menjadi saksi kepada Plaintif. Penglibatan
SP-2 untuk meyakinkan Plaintif melabur sebanyak RM5,000,000.00 telah
pun menjadi kenyataan. Ketiadaan 2 orang pegawai lain Defendan-
Defendan iaitu Jeff Medina Dan Irene Ng tidak menjejaskan keterangan
yang dapat menyokong tuntutan Plaintif.
[65] Siri perbincangan/mesyuarat, lawatan ke tapak projek dan lain-lain
dokumen yang berkaitan dengan cadangan pelaburan adalah dibuat oleh
Defendan-Defendan kepada Plaintif. Defendan-Defendan berjaya
menarik pelaburan melalui representasi pegawai-pegawai Defendan-
Defendan, maka untuk menafikan hak Plaintif dalam memperoleh apa jua
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jaminan yang termeterai dalam perjanjian adalah menjadi beban
pembuktian kepada Defendan-Defendan.
[66] Defendan-Defendan menyatakan bahawa fakta yang berikut:
• bahawa Defendan Pertama bukanlah pihak sebenar yang
menerima wang pelaburan Plaintif.
• Defendan-Defendan mendakwa bayaran dibuat secara terus
ke ACMC di Amerika Syarikat dan tidak berkaitan dengan
[67] Mahkamah ini memutuskan bahawa dakwaan dan/atau penafian
Defendan-Defendan adalah tidak benar dan adalah jelas bercanggah
dengan beberapa keterangan kontemporari (“contemporaneous
documents”) yang menunjukkan bayaran wang pelaburan dibuat di
Malaysia dan diterima Defendan Pertama. Dokumen yang berikut telah
dikemukakan semasa perbicaraan:
Perihal dokumen
(a) Baucar Bayaran Plaintif
bertarikh 7-5-2018 untuk
jumlah RM5 juta adalah
kepada Defendan Pertama
melalui My Premier ACMC
Trust Account.
Mukasurat 13 Ikatan B1
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Perihal dokumen
(b) Cek Bank Islam Malaysia
Berhad milik Plaintif
sebanyak RM5 juta yang
didepositkan pada 14/5/2018
ke Maybank di Kuala Lumpur
melalui MyPremier ACMC
Trust Account.
Mukasurat 14 Ikatan B1
(c) Resit Rasmi (Official
Receipt) bertarikh 18/6/2019
Defendan Pertama yang
menggunakan “letterhead”
dengan alamat Defendan
Pertama di PTP 7.1556,
Sungai Miang, Mukim Pekan,
Daerah Pekan, Negeri
Pahang Darul Makmur.
Mukasurat 58 Ikatan B1
[68] Keterangan oleh Defendan Kedua kononnya resit rasmi
penerimaan bayaran adalah daripada ACMC di Amerika Syarikat dan
bukannya oleh Defendan Pertama. Ini kerana ACMC dan Defendan
Pertama menggunakan logo dan “letterhead” berbeza adalah keterangan
yang gagal menangkis keterangan dokumentar yang dikemukakan oleh
[69] Isu mengenai logo pada letterhead sama ada milik Defendan
Pertama atau milik ACMC adalah persoalan yang sama sekali bukan
penyebab untuk Mahkamah ini menolak tuntutan Plaintif.
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[70] Defendan Kedua (SD-2) telah menjelaskan bahawa logo adalah
sama tetapi perbezaan hanya pada letterhead. Alamat yang tertera ialah
alamat di Malaysia (PTP71556 Sungai Miang Mukim Pekan, Daerah
Pekan, Pahang).
[71] SD-1 iaitu satu-satunya saksi yang dipanggil untuk menyokong
keterangan Defendan-Defendan adalah dengan jelas diperalatkan untuk
menjadi orang tempatan dalam syarikat Defendan Pertama. Keterangan
SD-1 adalah nyata bahawa penubuhan Defendan Pertama di Malaysia
memerlukan sekurang-kurangnya seorang warganegara Malaysua dalam
barisan Lembaga Pengarahnya. SD-1 dilantik sebagai pengarah
Defendan Pertama walaupun SD-1 tidak pernah terlibat dalam
perniagaan mahupun terlibat dalam apa-apa urusan dalam Defendan
[72] Berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang dibentangkan di hadapan Mahkamah
ini, Mahkamah memutuskan atas imbangan kebarangkalian bahawa –
• terdapat hubungan antara Plaintif dan Defendan Pertama
yang menjalin kepada tugas berhati-hati (duty of care)
terhadap Plaintif dalam mengendalikan wang pelaburan
Plaintif, menjalankan projek ternakan udang melalui wang
pelaburan Plaintif.
• terdapat jaminan mengenai pembayaran semula wang
pelaburan dan dividen kepada Plaintif.
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• Surat Jaminan bertarikh 11/5/2018 yang dikeluarkan oleh
Defendan Pertama dan ditandatangani Defendan Kedua di
Mukasurat 59 Ikatan B1: Surat Jaminan ini secara jelas
menunjukkan Defendan Pertama memberikan jaminan dan
komitmen kepada Plaintif bahawa wang pelaburan pokok
sebanyak RM5 juta akan dibayar dan dikembalikan selepas
cukup tempoh matang 3 tahun.
• Tempoh 3 tahun pelaburan Sukuk tersebut bermula dari 15-
5-2018 sehingga 15-5-2021 adalah tempoh di mana Plaintif
dijanjikan dan diberikan representasi akan mendapat
pulangan dividen sebanyak RM62,500.00 sebulan seperti
Jadual yang dilampirkan di Mukasurat 60 Ikatan B1.
• SD-2 (Defendan Kedua) pada Soalan No. 6 Penyata Saksi
telah mengesahkan bahawa semua komunikasi yang
dikeluarkan oleh Defendan Pertama adalah berdasarkan
arahan (instruction) daripada ACMC di Amerika Syarikat dan
SD-2 mengakui bahawa beliau adalah CEO di ACMC di
Amerika dan segala keputusan dan tindakan Defendan
Pertama adalah berdasarkan arahan ACMC di Amerika.
• surat Defendan Pertama sendiri bertarikh 23-3-2021 kepada
Plaintif memaklumkan akan membayar pampasan kelewatan
pembayaran dividen. Ini diakui oleh SD-2.
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[73] Selanjutnya, fakta bahawa –
• SD-2 mengesahkan melantik Tetuan Ramakrishnan &
Associates mewakili Defendan Pertama untuk berurusan
dengan Plaintif bagi membayar balik wang pelaburan Plaintif.
• Tetuan Ramakrishnan & Associates bagaimanapun tidak
dipanggil oleh Defendan-Defendan sebagai saksi. Namun,
apa yang jelas bahawa terdapat Perjanjian Penyelesaian
(Mukasurat 9-14 Ikatan B2) iaitu Ekshibit P6 telah disediakan
oleh peguam cara tersebut di antara Plaintif dan Defendan
Pertama di mana Defendan Pertama bersetuju membayar
balik wang pokok pelaburan sebanyak RM5 juta kepada
• Perjanjian Penyelesaian (Mukasurat 9-14 Ikatan B2) telah
diterima sebagai keterangan di Ekshibit P6 dan tidak dibantah
peguam Defendan-Defendan.
• Walaupun pihak-pihak tidak dapat bersetuju mengenai
tempoh bayaran, apa yang pasti adalah Defendan Pertama
telah mengakui liabiliti untuk membayar balik wang pelaburan
RM5 juta kepada Plaintif. Jumlah bayaran balik wang
sebanyak RM5 juta ini adalah dipersetujui dan tidak
dipertikaikan Defendan Pertama.
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• Berdasarkan kelakuan dan tindakan Defendan Pertama ini,
adalah jelas bahawa Defendan Pertama telah menerima
arahan ACMC untuk menanggung liabiliti membayar wang
pelaburan RM5 juta kepada Plaintif.
• Penyelesaian berkenaan dengan persetujuan ini adalah
mengikat Defendan Pertama.
• Nas undang-undang kes yang dirujuk oleh peguam cara
terpelajar Plaintif dalam kes Genneva Malaysia Sdn Bhd v.
Tio Jit Hong & Ors [2020] 4 CLJ 449, Mahkamah Rayuan
memutuskan –
“[50] It is trite law that apart from writings, conduct of
parties may amount to acceptance.
[54] In our view, the fact that the defendant having
accepted the offers which followed by payments into the
defendant's bank account and some by partly giving
gold at an agreed value and used them for defendant's
benefit, the defendant's conduct is consistent with
having accepted the offers made by the plaintiffs. By the
defendant's own conduct, the defendant is therefore
estopped from denying that there is a valid and binding
contract between defendant and the plaintiffs.”
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[74] Peguam cara terpelajar Plaintif menghujahkan –
“Daripada pengakuan dan kelakuan Defendan Pertama, adalah
amat jelas bahawa mereka tiada pembelaan bermerit kerana wang
pelaburan telah dinikmati oleh Defendan Pertama untuk projek
ternakan udang.
Wang tersebut perlu dipulangkan kepada Plaintif selepas tempoh 3
tahun tamat pada 15-5-2021.
Kini, selepas hampir 2 tahun lebih, wang pelaburan RM5 juta
tersebut masih belum dibayar dan ia memprejudiskan Plaintif.
Selain itu, berdasarkan Surat Jaminan bertarikh 11-5-2018,
Defendan Pertama perlu melunaskan komitmen dan jaminan yang
diberikan oleh Defendan Pertama untuk membayar sebanyak RM5
juta kepada Plaintif kerana Defendan Pertama yang memberi
jaminan bahawa pelaburan tersebut selamat dan terjamin.
Segala surat-menyurat dan urusan pelaburan adalah di antara
Plaintif dan Defendan Pertama. Ini dapat dilihat pada (a) Penyata
Pulangan Pelaburan bertarikh 15/7/2018: Mukasurat 30 Ikatan B1;
(b) Surat notifikasi Defendan Pertama kepada Plaintif berkenaan
pelantikan peguamcara Tetuan Ramakrishnan & Associates:
Mukasurat 31 Ikatan B1; dan (c) Surat pemakluman bayaran zakat
ke Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan oleh Defendan
Pertama bagi pihak Plaintif: Mukasurat 56-57 Ikatan B1.
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Daripada dokumen dan surat-menyurat, adalah dihujahkan bahawa
Defendan Pertama sewajarnya diletakkan tugas berhati-hati untuk
melindungi kepentingan Plaintif kerana semua urusan pelaburan
Plaintif pada hakikatnya adalah diuruskan dan dijalankan oleh
Defendan Pertama.
Berkenaan dengan isu kecuaian ini, Mahkamah Persekutuan di
dalam kes Tenaga Nasional Malaysia v. Batu Kemas Industri
Sdn Bhd And Another Appeal [2018] 5 MLJ 561; [2018] 6 CLJ 683
telah memutuskan pemakaian prinsip Caparo seperti berikut:
Our Decision
[33] The first matter that must be established to proceed
with a claim based on the tort of negligence is that the
defendant owed a duty of care to the plaintiff. “The tort of
negligence requires first of all that there be a duty of care
on the part of the (defendant) not to do any act or omit to
do any act the doing of which or the omission of which
could foreseeably affect other persons resulting in damage
or loss to such other persons” (Siew Yaw Jen v. Majlis
Perbandaran Kajang & Another Appeal [2015] 5 CLJ 189;
[2015] 4 MLJ 411 per Zaharah Ibrahim JCA, as she then
was, delivering the judgment of the court). “Tortious liability
arises from a wrongful act where the common law imposes
a duty to take reasonable care” (Lok Kok Beng & 49 Ors v.
Loh Chiak Eong & Anor per Zainun Ali FCJ delivering the
judgment of the court). Once a duty existed, the plaintiff
must show that the defendant breached it.
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Di dalam kes sekarang, adalah adil dan wajar untuk
Mahkamah meletakkan tugas berhati-hati ke atas Defendan
Pertama kerana Defendan Pertama adalah pihak yang tahu
semua aspek pelaburan, menjalankan projek ternakan udang
dan menguruskan semua aspek dokumentasi pelaburan
Akibat kecuaian Defendan Pertama melindungi kepentingan
pelaburan Plaintif, Plaintif telah menanggung kerugian di
mana sehingga kini, wang pelaburan RM5 juta masih belum
dibayar sedangkan wang pelaburan ini adalah daripada hasil
kutipan ahli-ahli koperasi Plaintif yang terdiri dari kalangan
pesara-pesara askar.”.
[75] Berdasarkan alasan yang dinyatakan dalam penghakiman ini,
Plaintif berjaya membuktikan tuntutannya terhadap Defendan-Defendan
dan dengan itu Mahkamah ini memutuskan untuk membenarkan tuntutan
Selanjutnya adalah diperintahkan Defendan-Defendan secara bersesama
membayar Plaintif −
(a) wang pelaburan berjumlah RM5,000,000.00.
(b) baki dividen sebanyak RM312,500.00.
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(c) delay in the projected returns/dividend payment 4% p.a.
payable on a pro-rate basis dari November 2021 hingga tarikh
penyelesaian penuh.
(d) kos sebanyak RM10,000.00.
Bertarikh: 20 Januari 2024.
Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman
Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam Sivil NCvC12
Peguam cara:
Bagi Plaintif:
Muhammad Shafiq bin Samsul Anuar
Tetuan Azri & Co., Kuala Lumpur
Bagi Defendan-Defendan:
Esther Yong Zhen Ying
Tetuan L Y Yu & Co., Kuala Lumpur
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| 61,919 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-24C-41-05/2023 | PEMOHON TURNPIKE SYNERGY SDN. BHD. RESPONDEN KAY CORPORATION SDN. BHD. | 1)2 Originating Summonses.2)both the Setting Aside OS and Notice of Application are dismissed.the Enforcement OS is allowed.3)a total cost of RM5,000.00 subject to allocator shall be paid by Turnpike to Kay Corp accordingly. | 19/01/2024 | YA Puan Sumathi a/p Murugiah | |
Alasan Penghakiman Turnpike v Kay Corp.pdf
19/01/2024 15:18:54
BA-24C-41-05/2023 Kand. 83
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aA—2ac—41—u5/2u23 Kano. E3
,<z,rx,,:ruA 17 ,2-74
ORIGINATING suMMoNs N0: EA-24c-41-n5/2023
(company No 964307-M)
(Company Mr: 104021rM)
(Cumpany Nu 1o4o21—M)
(camnany No 964307-M)
N 1BxuvLaEwDaccJxHwA
mm Sum M... M“ be used m MN m. nvwvufilv mm; nnmmgnl M mum Wm
(2 Ongmaling summonses)
A. mmonucnou
m In September 2022‘ Kay curporamorr Sdn Ehd (“Kay Corp") had
commenced Adrumcauon Pvoceedmgs pursuant In me Conslrucllon
Industry Payrrrem and Adjumeanon Am 2012 1C|F'AA 2012; agamsr
Turnprxe sa arm. (“Tump\Ke“) in claim a sum oIRM17‘2U2,421.33 as
me rrnparu sum ansmg from a oanstrucuan cnmracl made helwsen
them The Adjudmalar decreed In favour 01 me Kay Carp In ms
Aajrmrcarrorr Dzcisiun (“AD“)
[2] As a result 0! me An, me ionowings were med by me panies
qr) 05 Na. BA-24c-414:5/zuza (sun 41) was filed by mmprxs
against Kay Corp [or weave at court to set asrue the AD we
«ms 05‘ Turnpike had filed a Ncnice ul Applicahun for S|ay ol
Execmrorr vflhe AD (End 2); and
(H) os No. BA-245-61-08/2023 (Swl 5:) was filed by Kay Corp
for a court order to enioroe the AD pursuant to 5.28 01 CIPAA
[3] since mere are 2 05.5 and a Notice o1Apphcauon filed m relalion
in ms AD. the panies agreed w having both the 05s and me Enclosure
2 0! sun 41 new together and var me decrsron ov the same to be
dehvered lagemer
-we Sum M... wm be used m mm we mtmruulv mm; nnmmnnl VII Mme wrm
iaised by tmlh panies are id be considered and a decision is 10 be
derived inereironi. in me case di ACFM Enginenring L consmiciion
sdn. Bhd. v. Ema: Vlalon Sdn Bhd ai anoiiisi Ippoal [2016] 1 ms
152:; [2015] MLJU moi iiie cdun di Appeai neid
“[17] Wm-sn and speaks olnaturauuslice, ii is rmlhmg more inaii what we can
the Duncan! 4 amaediimi «ainiess~ which needs in he assumed (0 me Dania:
in a dispuie ala hes/I/V9 “
[271 in iriis case, as seen in me AD‘ me Adiiididaidr nad deiineraied an
an we issues raised by new Turnpike and Kay cdrp at me Adiddicaiidn
Proceedings al iendin and riad come to her conclusion wiin iegaids to
me veiiie oi irie varialiorl works. The Adiudicaior ried provided boiri
paflles ineii oppcrlurlilies lo siaie ineir case iespediiveiy ai iiie
adiudicaiion proceedings and had ndi isll any issues raised at iiie said
pmceedings undehbelaled Tiieneidne, niinpixes aiiegaiidn inai lhe
ieamed Adiddiaaidi nad iaiied and/Dr ieiiised in lake ccignisanoe e1
andidi appreeiaie Tumpi e's cdnieiiiidns and me evidence adduced at
me adiudicaiion relaling to me vaiiaiion wuiks amounl and iriaz irie
Adiiidieeioi ried denied ii irie iigrii to be mean: is uriloimded.
[25] I ieiei id me case of Blna rim consimeiion sdn and v Hing
Nyil Enierprise sdn. and. [2015] 3 cu 723 where K was siaied as
“ Seaiori is has iardnded iiniiied gmnds on wnicn the decision or me
Aflludicalor may be set awe Since an application under s is is not an
upuea/, tn: decision of me Adludicufur cumin! be revtewzd an menls “
we s.ii.i numb]! M“ be used m mm ea nHfliruH|Y Minis nnnminril vn .;iniia win
[29] As such, whether we Adrudrcaror nad assessed the rssues versed
cdrrecuy or not is no| up ro «hrs oaurl |D delerrmne as me decrsran oi the
Adjudmalar canno| be revrewed on us rnerus.
[an] Funnennore, s 250) or CIPAA 2012 provrdes the Adrudrcarar me
power 10 indursnorially take me innramre Io asoerlam me fact and the Vaw
required lor rne decision The Adrudicaror is rree to rdnn nis op
mdependemly durum names and lo rely on miormallon wnrcn rs
warned by her own rnvssugauon.
mlerim measure tn salve Issues relared In payments, any errars or
srnce me aunrdrcarran proceedmgs pursuant to CIPAA 2012 rs an
onnssron ansmg lrom «ms proceeding can be rerne d we a rrnex
detenmnallon mmugh armrrauon or mud as provided lor under 513 or
CIPAA 2012. (see Eeonpr/e (M) Sdn Ehd v. IRDK Ventures Sdn and
a another use [2016] 5 cu M2)
[32] Based on me loregmng‘ Turnpike has fafled |u drecnarge ws
burden are show that me Adjudwcaknr nas breached me rules 01 natural
rusuce puvsuanl In s.15-(b) ol CIPAA 2012
lll.s.15(c) orcIPAA 2012
[:31 An AD can he set asrue n can be es|abhshed pursuant In 5. 15¢)
do CIPAA 2012 ir the Hamlifl drsenarges us |ega\ burden met me
Adjudrcazor Vacked independence or impana y m conduamg Ihe
amudlcalion proceedings and In dehvering the AD
-we Sum M... M“ be used m mm me numruulv mm; nnmmnrrl VII mum wrm
[34] Even though they are genevally used synonymausly,
‘independence’ and '|mDMia y‘ are oonoems wnicn nave msnne:
mnerenees In the wmext ol amumcauon pursuam to s 15(0) 0! CIPAA
2m2, lack nf Independence descnbes an adjuducamr who nas pnor or
exwslmg nexanensrnps belween mmself and any one aune pames an we
non proceedings
[35] In me book. consmmuon Adjudicl on Malaysia by Lam Wax
Lacn ana wan v F L00 (Chapter 5 para 5.13)‘ the mllowmg was some m
uennmg ‘impartiality.
‘As stated In Muslm 5 am Commsmal Arhmvahon mu Eamon/,
rmpsma/My n the antonym al bras’
Eras can came In many ronns, As per Lard Pnmps «n as Msdrcamems
and Related Classes or Guods ma 2»
Eras .s an amlude of mmd whrch urevenls me Judge rm
making an amenvve dslerrmnalrorl or ma Issues that ne nas to
resolve A Judy: may be biased humus: ns nas reason :9
prefer one outcome aims case In anomer He may be imaged
bscauss ns nas reason to ravw one party miner man another.
He may be mam not In /avuur at one olnmmi at me ms»-ne
am because af a nnamrsa In Isvaur 5/ or against . pamcular
wrmess wmah prwems an mwamal assessment arms ewaenoe
onna: wvmess Eta: can come In may runns n may Consist of
rnslmnal we/udme or It may anse (mm msmcular circumstance:
whrm for /ogrcal reasons uremsnnse a Judge towards a
namcurarvrew onne ewaenca orrssues before mm '
[35] In «ms case‘ K \s Tump\ke‘s ccmenlwon mat me clanflcauun sessuon
auowed by the Adwmcawv was unnecessary and that unlwke Kay Corp,
Tumpwke was not allowed to Dress"! any evmence at me send
3 nan. Sum Mn... wm be used m mm s. snnnnn suns nnmmnnl vn mum pm
clavmcahon sessron and was a\sn not snowed in cross examme As
suen, the Admdwcalor nas been \mp\ica|ed Io Vack independence or
Imparllamy rn assessing the Issues bebre her
[371 By me definmuns or whal cunsmule ‘Independence’ and
‘imparIia|I|y' as stated m me vuregoing paragraphs. aparl lrom me
aHega\Ions made agamst me Adwdicalon Turnpike had nol adduced any
cogem evidence or mad made any oarnpemng Vegal submission juslwfymg
une Adjudlcalofls Vack ov mdepsndencs or impartiality In amvmg to her
decxsxon As menuened m me above paragraphs deanng with s «sun 0!
CIPAA‘ me Ad;udn:a|or had reasoned out every conclusion ma: she had
reached m deliberating me Issues bl0ugh| berare ner
[331 A1 «ms juncluve, 1 reverm me Hugh Courl case 01 Team: Wiramus
sdn Bhd v. Thleu Sung Chan sdn Bhd [2017] 1 ms 519; [2017] 4
AMR 501 where Lee Swee Sang J (as he then was) hem as (allows
-- 119) There rs arse no Dasrs /or the Respondent to anege that Ms
Ad/udrcalar had lulled la 5:! rndependenfiy and rmpamslly The «ac:
ma! me Ad/udrcamr ma nm agree mm me Resiiondevws posmun on the
Yaw .5 na pmdr ma! he had rauea to act xnctspenaenrvy 3"” """”"a'Iy
Such an afltgatrmv slvuuld rm! he launched wrthmn some evmencz
Domrma mexorsbly to 5 lack or mdeuendence or rmnsma/W m the
hsarmg and the denvery or (he Amudrcanon Dscrsron ‘
[391 Therelcve. not bemg me pany who lhe Adjudwcalov was m lavuur do
cannoz consmule as evidence 10 «ms assenlcn made against Ihe
Adruduceror. As such, I am nm convmoed mm me Turnpike has
N 1BxuvLaEwDaccJxHwA
we Sam M... Mu be used m mm we nnmnaulv mm; nnmmnnl VII mum Wm
discharged the burden ol proving the allegation made against the
Aaiuiticator under this ltrriti.
iv. s.15(d) MCIFAA 2012
[401 it is Tiirnpike's eonlehtion ma| the Auiiioieator had acted in excess
oi tier iurisoictioh because she had dealt and based her decision on the
Agreement Confirmation which is akin |o a settterrient agreement As
such, this does no| come within the ambit ol CIPAA 2t)t2 and theretarei
the Aaiuaicator had acted in excess ot her iunstticticin
[41] Szdlcln 27 at CIPAA 2ot2 prouioes the iurisaiatiurial boundaries in
which the Adiudieator can act in adiudicahon Dlooeedlngs. s 21(3)
particularly gives the Adjuttteatoi the ittscretieh to proceed and complete
the aaiuaieation proceedings notwithstanding any iunsaietion challenge.
without preiuttiee In the rights under e.t5 aria s 25 acoeraingly
[421 in this case, nul at any time during the adjudication pruceedlngs
aid Turnpike raise any ooiection against the Adiuaieator auiuaieatiiig the
issue pertaining to the Agreement connrrnatien on the basis that this
issue is not within her iurisuiotion in tact, the only issue which Turnpike
had raised a iurieaictianal ooiectian against the Auiuaicator is on the
ISSUE pertaining to Key Carp‘s etaiin lpr loss and expenses.
[43] Be that as it may, the issue penalning to the value of the variation
works is not alien to the construction contract oetweeh the parties which
comes within the arntiit pt cll=AA 2012. ‘lliereiore. it is undeniable that
-we s.ii.i M... will be used M mitt Die nlVWuH|Y MW; flnmninrll vn AFVLING WM!
inis is an issue which arose ironi ine peyrneni eiaim by Kay corp and
not one wnicn is independent irorn ii
[441 Furlherrnare‘ s zsiii oi‘ CIPAA 2012 provides me Adiudicaiar iiie
power in Inquisilonally rake me iniuarive ia asaenairi irie (act and irie law
required for die decision Tne Adiudicaior is iree |o iorrri rierop ion
irideperiderriiy oi ooiri panies and io rely on information which is
oourined by her own Invesligaiion.
[45] in my opinion, iiie Adiddicaior acted weii wimin her idnsdiciion.
since ine adiudioaiion praoeedings pursuani |o CIPAA 2012 is an
iriierirn measure in salve
sues reiaied In payments, any errars or
omission arising irorn iriis proceeding can be reme d via a iinai
deierrninaiion iriraugn aroiiraiion or court as provided ior under s 13 oi
CIPAA 2012 isee. Econpl/e (M) Sdn Ehd v. IRDK Ventures sdrr Bird
& arroiirrrr use [2016] 5 cm 552)
[46] Thereluve, nairirrg iaiied io esraoiisrr s 15(3), in), (:1) and (d) oi
CIPAA 2012 againsi die Adiudicaior, Tumpike's apphcaiwn io sei aside
ine AD is hereby dismissed wiin cosl oi RM5iooo 00.
ll. siay or Exocrmon-Enci 2 in sun 41
[47] since, irie aooiiaairdn ior siay oi Execuliun oi iiie AD was
pursuant to s,1611|1a) oi cii=AA 2012, having decided that me selling
aside apoiicaiion is heveby dismissed, inere is no ionger me need no
dehberale on me gmimds ior wnicn ihis apoiiceiion was med in (he firsl
sin iBxUvLBEWDaccZ|XHi?A
-we s.ii.i rm... M“ r. used m mm Die nVWiruU|Y Minis nnmninnl VII AFMNG WM!
[A8] Tlrerelore. me anplleacrorr lor stay ls hereby dlsmlssed aeeormngly
Wllh no order as to cost.
Ill. Errlorcemem as — Suil El (s.2B of CIFAA 2012)
[49] As gulded by Her Ladyship Mary Llm Thlam Suan JCA (as she
men was) lrr me com ol Appeal case ol lnni Kim Sdn Bhd v. Puuri
Nuaamau sarr Elm [2019] 2 cu 229, me eoun may exerclse lle
dlscrennn lo grant leave under 5. 25m and (2) cll=AA |a srrlorcs an
adludlcallcm declslon rl the lollowrng lhree mndlhons (3 Cnndlllorls) are
“Ifl me zd/udlcarlorl declslarl has been made rn Iavaur or me party
aPP’ylIlg Yorlsave urlders 23 CVPMJ
z2l me Iaarfy égalnsl whom an adllldlcauorl oeclslorl ls made, has rarlea In
pay me ad/udlcated amormr on me dale specmsa lrl we ad/udmalllnn
declslofl. ml
gal mere 15 N7 Prolllblllorl an we mun‘: dlsclsmzrlary power to grant leave
to enforce the aaruareamm dsctslon ~
[50] In one case, all 3 cundltluns have been sallsfled and srrrce me
senrng Aside and the slay of Execuliun omre AD have been dismissed,
Kay com‘: application to erllorce lhe AD is allowed wlor no order as to
3 we s.rr.r M... MU be used m mm we mlnlrulllv MW; “Mm. VII .;rrr~e wrul
[51] Prermsed on me above ewaences and reasons‘
4‘) mm me Setung Aside as and Name uf Appllc
are dismwssed.
In) me Envcrcement 05 us snowed, and
on) a (ma! ms! at RM5‘K)D0 no sub]ec| to auocamr shall be
pend by Tumpwke to Kay Carp accnrdmgly.
Judwcwal Commwsswoner
High Coun ol Malaya
Shah Alam. Se\angor Daml Ehsan
SW 1BxuvLaEwDaccJxHwA
-ms Sum M... M“ be used m mm u. nvVWuH|Y mm; “Mm. VII mum Wm
Counsel my Tumprks .- Ms. Valsala Ralnasabapalhy,
Mr Khang Hang Kat &
Ms Shalizah Muhamed Shrhab
{Messrs Zam .4 co)
Counse/ /or Kay Co/porslron: Mr Jason Ng Kau 3
Ms. sen Wong cma P91
(Messrs. Jason N9 .5 Partners)
. -mm Sum ...m.. WW be used M vs-W u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII nF\uNG pm
[4] Tumpxke nad appomled Kay Corp as me mam odnuaaor Var nne
Prqeci vla Letter 07 Award daled 25 03 2018 [or a propel known as me
“Prupnsed Rebcallun and Ralsmg M 275kV K1 132kV Overhead
Trsmsrmsswon Lmes at me Proposed Sungal ae um Kelang E\eva|ed
Expressway (SUKE) from Sg Eesw aeund lo we Kelang Bound
1Loca|\on 2:" (me “Fro;ez:l“)
[5] The Prmsct did not span me enme length cf the SUKE
expressway mscead, me Pro]ec| mvolved rebcaung seyerax overhead
cransnnssudn pyldns and assdcmed puwerhnes alung a cenaln sedmn
do me expresswav suecmcany, Kay Corp was an relocate 6 (six) exxslmg
Ivansrmsslon pylons man were m me pam uf me sum: expressway‘:
p\anned angnrnem
[51 Kay Corp was engaged by Tumpxke in dany em a specmd scape
Dlwofk m relalmn «dune Prqect (‘wdrkswdr an angmax Cflnlrad sum dv
RM4o,75u,oao on ('Ongma| Contracl Sum") u \s undwspuled met me
scope of Works was men expanded to mdude me voudwmg me ¢s)
nems ov yanauan works — under vanauon Order Nos. 1a, m. 2, 3 and 4
une “Vanahon WorKs“):»
(a) v0 may Live line maIn|enance a. restmg plalfunn
(bl V0 10.)) -cnange ACSR 2x Zebra Ia ACIR 2x INVAR
(c) V0 2- slope prozecuorv stabilny a| 6 numbers at pylon
sw 1BxuvLaEwDacc3xHwA
-nae Sum Mn... wm be used m any we mwvuulv mm; nnmmnnl vn mum Wm
(4) vo 3 — Destructive lype test hr 2 numbers 01 mcnopmes zypes
MF42 and MP43 at aeumg, China
(e) vo 4 - suppny, ms|aH. testing a. commissioning a! cow
[7] The «nan cummauve cenified va\ue 0! me wnlran Includmg me
vos of RMA4,650.113 14 and me ex-gralla paymenls lowards loss and
expense ov 393314.00 ws RM84.9G4,263 54 ('Fmal Convact Sum")
[31 The Cemficate ol Pracucal campleuan was wssued don 25 7.2019
[9] on 254 2022, Kay Corp served a Payment C\a\m (or me sum ul
RM1 7202.421 33 bemg for
a) RM10‘570.494 91, bemg me unoerlmed and/or under
Cemfioatlon M Vananon workl WDFK done;
1)) RM50‘2BU 00‘ bemg |he clam [or Loss and Expense due to the
pmlanganun ul Pnnsat, and
c) RM6,AE1‘666 52, bemg me mlerest on aH overdue accounts
[10] Turnpwke had mspuled the amount dawned by Kay Corp we Ks
Payment Response and had made a cross clam M Rmasasmuo
wmch had been paid by Tumpxke in Kay Com m a mu and nnax
semement av Kay Corp’: clams lar luss and expense, on ma basis ma:
Kay Corp had reneged on me ssmemem of the said claims by seekmg
aaamonax V055 and expense m me sawd Aanmxca on
sw 1lzxuvLaEwDaccJxHwA
-ma Sam M... Mu be used m mm ua nflmrufllv mm; nnmmnnl VII mum Wm
[I1] Due to npn—paymerii pi lhe paymerii piaim made by Kay Corp,
aayiiuipaiipn proceedings was imiiaiea by Kay Corp by Issuing a Ncilice
pi Aayuaicaiien dated 1305 2u22 and an Adyuaicaiipri Claim followed
suit on 15 7 2022, Turnpike had served an Adjudication Response on
27.7 2022 arid ine same was replied by Kay Corp on 4 5.2022.
[I1] Upmi Wnclusinn at me adjudication proceedings‘ "19 Adiudicalor‘
Tan Swee lm aeciaeu m iavmir pi Kay Corp and Turnpike was to pay |o
Kay Corp wilhin 30 calendar days irum me date ullhe AD as ipiipws —
a) a sum ei RMs,31:i.ass 26‘
n) mieresi ai irre reie oi 5% sirnuie iriieresi per arrnum irom
ii November 2019 imiii me aaie oi reaiisaiion oi the AD,
c) oasis pi adiudication proceedings in me sum ai
RM13‘/‘S57 an
[13] Being pissaiisiieu with me An, Turnpike had iiieu ip sei aside me
same aria vending ims seiimg aside. a Siay oi Execuiion oi me AD was
aisn mad (or which a decision was made by this CDLAI1 an 30.10.2023.
Being dissatisfied WIU1 this oourfs decision, Turnpike had filed a Noiice
0! Appeal
-we s..i.i M... MU be used m mm we niwiruiilv sum; nnmmnrri via AFVLING WM!
[14] CIFAA 2012 \s a creature av the Veglsmllon Intended to (acIlIla|e
speedy and regmar payments m we conslmclnon Industry. As cash new
is the utmost Important lanur m we constmcmon mduslry, CIPAA
provides Inlenm measures to dlspulmg pames Io so\ve payment wssues
expedilloushr so as not to Aeupardise me conlmuance ol the constvucuon
contract emerea mlo by mam (see Manage Sam and v. Arkilek Meor
& Chew Sdn and and Another appeal [2019] 5 cu 433,- [2019] 5
AMR 516 F0, Eenam Development sun Ehd V. R84: Cergas Tegnh
Sdn Ehd[2nI7]1 ms 222:)
[15] Tump\Ke‘s appnoauon m set asme me AD pursuant In 5.15 (at. (by
(c) and (d)a1C\PAA 2U12|s premised on me followings.
. that there was swear error oHac1 and that me decision was
umuroneriy procured on me basis 0! a Agreement
Cormrmahnn which ex\s|enoe was dwspmed by Turnpike‘
|ha( me Veamed Aamcanor had failed and/or refused |o |aKe
cugmsance cl and/ur apprecIa|e Turnp\ke‘s cunlenlmns and
me ewaence adduced at me aajumcauon relating to the
variation works amount
-ms Sum M... M“ be used m wow u. nvwvufilv mm; “Mm. VII mum Wm
that me danficallon sassron auowed by me Adwdlcalor was
unnecessary. unnke Kay corp, Turnmke was nm aHowed Ia
preseru any evwdenoe at the Sam clarificalwon session.
Tumpwke was also not allowed to cross examme, and
iv that me Agreement confinnauun wnrcn me Adjudwcamr had
based her decision on Is a sememenl agreement, which lalls
omsrae of the arntm or CIPAA and merelore rendenng une
Admdwcslar In nave acted In axoess 0! nor junsmclwan
us] Turnorxes appncauon (or a say 0! axecuuon or me AD pursuam Io
s1e nf CVPAA 2012 Is premised as luflows
i the Dendlng ol mis sun Le. Sun 41 to se¢ aside me AD pursuant
|n 5.1611 )(a) of CIPAA 2012:
n. that [here are clear and uneqmvocal errors m me An, ana
mat Kay Corp rs nnancrauy weak and as sucn womd render me
declsiun or urns ouurl shuuld wt be m lavuur or Turnprxa m we
sening asrde apphgauon nugatory
[11] Kay Cords apphoauon to enlorce me AD pursuant to 528 0!
CIPAA 2012 Is premised as ¢oIIows:
. mat the Adwdxcaled Amount Is not paid by Turnpike‘
u mat ma AD Is not sel aside ur stayed, and
w. that mere Is no final delerlmnauun by Arouramon or com.
. -ma sum Mn». M11 as used m mm a. annnn-r mm; nnmmnnl VII mum Wm
I. Sult 41 - selling Aside os (s.1s ol CIPAA 2n12)
i. s.15(aleH:lPAA2ol2-Fraud
[18] In addressing me issue el fraud 1s151a|ofC|PAA 2012)‘ ll rnusl
be unaersloorl (ha| lne burden lo prove lraue lles on me one we
srnee nere, Turrlplks nee allegee llrel Kay Corp nee
lmproperly procured by way or [laud the AD rn lls lavaurr |he burden ls
on Tumplke to prove so an a balance el pmbabllllles [see me Federal
Cmlfl case or Sinnziyah ll. Sans Sdn Bhd v. narnal seua Sdn End
[2015] 7 cu 534: [2015] 1 MLJ 1. at [4Bl‘[53]\]
esserls ll.
[19] In lnls case‘ N Is TIm|DIke'S eonlenllon lnal Kay Corp had by way
el lrauaulenl means precuree lne AD In rls layour [ram me Adludlcator
for yanalren works by usmg a document relerree la as me Agraernenl
Cunfirrnallon wnrcn earnes only Kay corps slgrlalure and not Tl.lmplke‘s
as well
[20] Aooordlrlg |o Turnpike lne doclmlem relerrea m as me Agreemem
conllnnellen by Kay Corp never s><ls|sd H1 llre rnanner ll was srrown by
Kay Corp as mere exrsl only a documem wnlcn nas pmpclsals lml nor an
egreemem as alleged by Kay Corp an lhe value el me yanalren works
Thls document ls sald to be anaeneu Io Kay corps leller daled
26.3 2020 as Apnen x 9 l“Apl>enulx 9')
‘Nuns s.n.r M... wn be we m mm we anrmrry mm; nnmmnnl vn -slum wrul
[21] Anpenmx 9 wmcn conlents are srn-ilar um nut \den|Ica\ to me
Agreement Conlxrmmion rs claimed by ‘rurnprke has only emerged at
we appneeuan as n nae been reeenuy lound Now, I find rt slrange that
aespue Kay Carp havmg produced me Agreement oarmrmanan nghl
(rum me begmnlng 0! me adjudication pmceedmgs and havmg an me
oppurlumty gwen mreugn the process and by me Adjuareamr mcluding a
clanflcahon sessron, «or me enme duranon 0! me adludicallon
pmceedmgs of almos| one (1; year‘ Appendix 9 ma nac emerge or even
made msrmoned by Turnpike ac any ume mmprxe some have slapped
une adjudication proceedings .1 rt reaHy had |houghl tha| Kay Carp was
bnngmg Ms manms by way or rreuuulem means‘ which eleany n me not.
[See Gumi As Elek zl Sdn am: v Dazzling Electrical (M) Sdn
EM and anomercase [2020] MLJU 315)
[221 The Adjumcator had on «ms Issue arrived at her findings based on
EH the documents. evidence and clanlwcaucn filed at the pmceedmgs and
or hrough| nevore her.
“so ueweven on Me evmencs balms me r rm as a matrsroffacl, that an the
Damned at probabr/mes more was agreement an en. vsluairon er en. I/snalwn
Walks rn me sum oVRM5fl,95A Mo 00 ansma (mm the meelmga held an 15
my 2:219 and 23 My my and me Agreement Confirmalron Issued by me
Respolndant n Is this sum winch caught 10 um Dun rncmm .n ma Fmal
Accuurvl /ur \/unalrun Wurks ms“.-ad Dime M. er mm 650,113 74
51 n .5 not drsputed ma: Ihe sum or RM44,s50, 113 74 rnermyea rn me Fmal
Accuum has almsdy Dean me by me Respondent and Ieaervcd by me
3 we Sum M... M“ be used m mm we mm-r Mm; nnmmnrrl VII mum Wm
52 Amrmng/y, /find n Yavourolthe C/armam In ma sum oH?Ms,a13 ass 25
mung me difference Dslwserv me amaurvl oIi'M5n,w64,omz an wmclv I nna as
Max/my been agreed, and the amaunl 0.‘ RAM, 55mm 74 wmch has neen
Pardlo and recerved Dyme Crarmaru -
[231 Furlhermore, there us no evidence which shows that Turnpike had
nemner chaHenged me aucnenucny of the Agveemem connnnauon nor
mu m deny me preparation 0! me same by u. The omy evmsnce wmcn
ex\s| .e Tump|ke's meme! to the agreemem at the vams al nne vanalucm
works as claimed by Kay Corp
[24] In the upshot. il Is ems courrs iindmgs that Tumpxke had lailed |o
move on a tmance of pmbamlmes mat Kay Corp nad procured me AD
by fraudulent means.
i. s. I5(h) MCIFAA 2012
[25] In exammmg whether s.15(b) of CIPAA 2012 Le mere has been a
demal oi na\ura\ meme, can be esta
I maker to me case ov MRCE Builders Sdn Bhd v. Wazam vnmum
Sdn Bhd and znolhel case mun] 1 LNS a51;[2o2o1 MLJU 20:,
where Wong man Khecmg J (as he men was) held that .1 \s summenn |a
msluage a cumpxann ul breach 0! na|ura| jusllce n ma Admdlcalur had
gwen just one reasun to have arrived in ms decwswon
[26] The prlnclme 0! natural justice mm Is sam In nave been denied
here ws me right to being nsam. sud! alteram paflem. Vn an Amumcanon
Proceedings, me Adwdxcator has me my to accord pmoeuurax iaurnsss
to me parlies during me course av me pruneedmgs whereby me wssues
sw 1BxuvLaEwDaccJxHwA
we s.n.‘ Mn... Mu be we m mm we mwvuulv mm; nnmmnnl vn mum Wm
| 2,539 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-22NCvC-498-09/2023 | PLAINTIF BLH PROPERTY SDN BHD DEFENDAN 1. ) CHONG CHIUN YIH 2. ) LEE CHEE CHOON | Bound by the trite legal principles in Bandar Builder Sdn Bhd & Ors v United Malayan Banking Corporation Bhd [1993] 3 MLJ 36; [1993] 4 CLJ 7, their application resulted in the finding by this Court that the Appellant’s suit was obviously unsustainable. It was frivolous, vexations and abuse of the court process. The summary dismissal of a lawsuit, particularly in instances such as this where there was no discernible reasonable cause of action, reflected a commitment to judicial efficiency and the avoidance of unnecessary litigation. | 19/01/2024 | YA Puan Roz Mawar binti Rozain | |
CIVIL SUIT NO: WA-22NCvC-498-09/2023
(Company No. 202301026008) … PLAINTIFF
[NRIC No: 730416-04-5101/A2490822]
[NRIC No: 750415-14-5491/A2937682] … DEFENDANTS
[1] It was pivotal to this Court to acknowledge the fundamental
principles underpinning the summary process available to courts in
matters where the claim disclosed no reasonable cause of action. This
19/01/2024 10:19:38
WA-22NCvC-498-09/2023 Kand. 38
S/N eFtxsfbO3USRgZ1Hga1eA
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
process of striking out the claim, designed as an essential judicial
mechanism, aims to uphold the administration of justice by ensuring that
the courts' time and resources are devoted to disputes meriting detailed
examination and trial. It serves to filter out cases that lack a legal basis or
are inherently unmeritorious, thereby preserving the court's capacity to
focus on disputes with substantive legal and factual grounds. This
procedure underscores the balance between the right to a fair hearing and
the practical need to prevent baseless or frivolous claims from
overburdening the judicial system.
[2] On 11.12.2023 this Court had exercised these powers under Order
18 Rule 19(1) Rules of Court 2012 (RoC) and struck out the Plaintiff’s suit
with costs of RM10,000. This Court that there was no reasonable cause
of action disclosed in the Plaintiff’s pleadings and that its suit was
frivolous, vexatious and abuse of the court process. With the Plaintiff’s suit
struck out, the Plaintiff’s application for an interim injunction pending trial
consequentially was not heard.
The facts pleaded
[3] The Defendants were the registered owners of a property held under
Hakmilik Individu Pajakan Negeri 48621, Lot 30415, Mukim Setapak,
Daerah Kuala Lumpur, Negeri Wilayah Persekutuan that consisted of one
office unit with three floors. The postal address of the property was No
52A, 52A-1, 52A-2 Plaza Usahawan Genting Kelang, Jalan Danau Niaga
1, Taman Danau Kota, 53300 Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur. This
property was bought by the Defendants on 16.6.2014.
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[4] The Defendants had suffered difficulty in meeting the monthly
instalment payment for the loan that financed the property. The amount of
monthly repayment was RM13,327 whilst the income from the tenancy of
the property was RM7,700. They could no longer sustain the property and
had decided to sell it.
[5] On 30.6.2023, the Defendants were contacted by a real estate agent
of the Plaintiff who was interested to purchase the property. Discussions
and negotiations between them resulted in the execution of the Letter of
Confirmation for Sale on 14.7.2023. It was signed by the parties subjected
to Clause 5a and to Special Condition 1, the latter was a condition
precedent. Reproduced for easy reference are the clauses:
“5. Execution
a. I/We hereby undertake to execute the Sale and Purchase
Agreement within 21 working days from the date of
acceptance of this offer by the Vendor, failing to do so will
result in the Earnest Deposit being forfeited and this
agreement shall be treated as null and void. Thereafter,
neither party shall have any rights or claims whatsoever over
the other party.
b. In the event that the title, for any reason whatsoever, cannot
be transferred to the Purchaser(s) (Except where there is
default on the part of the Purchase), the Vendor(s) shall
refund the Earnest Deposit to the Purchaser(s) forthwith.
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5a(1) The Vendor shall be entitled to 50% of the Earnest Deposit as
liquidated damages compensation to the Vendor, in the event
of the Earnest Deposit being forfeited.
Special Conditions:
1. Subject to loan approval, if the Purchaser cannot get the bank
loan, the earnest deposit shall fully refund to the Purchaser.
2. The transacted amount RM2,600,00 excluding any agency
commission. IQI Realty to get 1% as agency fees from the
3. For the Clause No. 4, Ground Floor is subject to the existing
4. For Level 1 and Level 2, the tenants will be given 12 months to
continue their tenancy from the date of signing the Sale and
Purchase Agreement (S&P).
Upon the bank releasing the full amount of the loan to the Vendor,
the rental charges for Level 1 and Level 2 will increase to
RM2,500 and RM2,000 respectively.
The Purchaser will then start collecting the rentals, with the first
month’s rental being based on a pro-rated basis according to the
date when the Purchaser fully disburses the balance monies to
the Vendor.”
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[6] The Sale and Purchase Agreement (S&P) was not executed by the
parties within 21 working days from 30.6.2023. The drafts sent by the
Plaintiff’s solicitors to the Defendants were not yet approved by the
Plaintiff It was the complaint of the Plaintiff that the draft S&P that its’
solicitors forwarded via e-mail was not attended to and commented on.
The mode of communication of the Defendants was vide the Whatsapp
application on the mobile phone.
[7] As at 1.8.2023 the Plaintiff had yet to obtain a bank loan. Its previous
application was rejected by the bank. Due to the condition precedent of
the Letter of Confirmation for Sale not met by the Plaintiff – it had not
obtained a bank loan to enable the execution of the S&P within 21 working
days from 14.7.2023, the First Defendant communicated on 22.8.2023
that the conditional sale was to be aborted.
The Plaintiff’s suit
[8] The Plaintiff filed this action to obtain this Court’s order for specific
performance of the conditional sale of the property by the Defendants to
theAppellant. It sought to injunct the Defendants from disposing their
property and instead carry out all actions to ensure the successful
transaction of the sale of the property to the Plaintiff.
This Court’s consideration
[9] All the clauses agreed to in the Letter of Confirmation for Sale must
be read together and interpreted harmoniously. Having scrutinised the
Letter of Confirmation for Sale, the sale of the property was conditional
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upon the Plaintiffhaving obtained a bank loan. This was condition
precedent which the Letter of Confirmation for Sale was subjected to. In
the event that the Plaintifffailed to obtain a bank loan which was in this
case, that condition precedent provided for the return of the earnest
deposit paid by the Plaintifft in the sum of RM52,000.
[10] This Court agreed with the legal position submitted by the
Defendants where the failure to satisfy that condition precedent to obtain
a bank loan, the Letter of Confirmation for Sale was not binding on the
parties. The condition was expressly stated as Special Condition. At the
point of termination by the Defendants of the Letter of Confirmation for
Sale, the Plaintiff was not successful in having secured financing from the
bank. Even at the date of the filing of this suit by the Plaintiff, it had not
procured any bank loan to finance the purchase of the property.
[11] The Defendants were informed on 1.8.2023 that the Plaintiff’s loan
application was rejected by the bank. The Plaintiff’s real estate agent had
suggested to replace an individual as the buyer of the property (this
suggestion was not incorporated in the draft S&Ps that the Plaintiff’s
solicitor forwarded to the Defendants vide email). The Plaintiffhad only
RM100 in paid up capital and at that time was just two months old with no
assets or business records. This Court observed that UOB Bank Bhd had
approved on 15.8.2023 for a loan to a totally different company – BLH
Coffee & Tea Powder (M) Sdn Bhd which was a stranger to the Letter of
Confirmation for Sale and the negotiations for the sale of the property by
the Defendants to the Plaintiff. There was no evidence of whether it was
related to the Plaintiff and how so. There were no discussions as to this
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matter which was central to the condition precedent between the two
[12] It was also a condition that the execution of the S&P had to be
executed within 21 working days from 14.7.2023. Which meant that taking
into account the public holiday of Awal Muharram which fell on 19.7.2023,
the S&P ought to have been executed by 15.8.2023. Clause 5a clearly
stipulated that failure of such execution of S&P would result in the
forfeiture of the earnest deposit and the nullity of the Letter of Confirmation
for Sale. The Plaintiff blamed the Defendants for not having answered to
its solicitor’s email that contained the draft. But the Plaintiff itself had yet
to approve of such draft. This Court observed that there was nothing in
the emails for the Defendants to have considered. Furthermore, it was
undisputed that the mode of communications with the Defendants was to
be by way of the Whatsapp application. As with the execution of the Letter
of Confirmation for Sale and the conduct of the Plaintiff and through its
real estate agent, the Plaintiff was to approve of the terms of the S&P prior
to the Defendants.
[13] The arguments were moot because whatever it was, the Plaintiff had
failed to fulfil the Special Condition which was the condition precedent.
With the absence of a secured bank loan, the Plaintiff had no legal legs to
stand on to enforce the Letter of Confirmation for Sale. The case of Lee-
Parker and another v Izzet and others (No 2) [1972] 2 All ER 800
disclosed similar facts where the Chancery Division held that as long as
the condition precedent which was to obtain a mortgage was not fulfilled,
there was no binding contract of sale to buy the freehold house. Likewise,
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the condition precedent that required the mortgage was silent as to the
timeframe, but the Chancery Division read the clauses in their entirety
where there was a general printed condition that stated the date of
[14] Here, it was 21 working days from the date of the Letter of
Confirmation for Sale which was by 15.8.2023. When the Plaintiff was not
successful in obtaining a bank loan by then, it meant that there was no
longer any enforceable contract for the sale of the property against the
[15] It is very plain and obvious that the Plaintiff had not disclosed any
reasonable cause of action in the pleadings. The Letter of Confirmation
for Sale was not a legally enforceable contract when the Special Condition
which was it condition precedent was not met by the Appellant. The time
period of 21 working days until 15.8.2023 had expired without the signing
of any S&P since the condition precedent had yet to have been met.
[16] The Federal Court through its decision in Tan Chee Hoe & Sons
Sdn Bhd v Code Focus Sdn Bhd [2014] 3 CLJ 141; [2014] 3 MLJ 301
held that no aid shall be granted to a litigant that sought to enforce a void
contract. At p170 it maintained:
“As stated earlier in this judgment, a void contract or agreement
cannot be enforced by law. When a contract or agreement is void,
the whole terms in the contract are void and cannot be enforced. No
term of the said contract can be spared… It is perfectly settled, that
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where the contract which the plaintiff seeks to enforce, is expressly
or by implication forbidden by the common law or statute (as in the
present case) no court will lend its assistance to give effect, more
so where both parties to the contract (as in the present case) were
consciously and willingly agreed to the contravention of the law by
not complying with the requirement of s132C.”
[17] The bevy of cases affirm that the Plaintiff had not a reasonable
cause of action against the Defendants – see Aberfoyle Plaintations Ltd
v Cheng [1959] 3 ALL ER 910, National Land Finance Co-Operative
Society Ltd v Shahridal Sdn Bhd [1983] 2 MLJ 211, Gula Perak Bhd v
Datuk Lim Sue Beng & other appeals [2018] MLJU2107, Langkawi
R&D Academy Sdn Bhd v Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Pertahanan
Malaysia & Ors [2013] 3 CLJ 1066; [2012] 5 MLJ 662, Tetuan S Muthu
Partnerships v Thanapakiam a/p KA Nachan [2018] MLJU 668, Nor
Azlina binti Abdul Aziz v Expert Project Management Sdn Bhd [2017]
MLJU 230. A recent authority from the Court of Appeal in Detik Ria Sdn
Bhd & Anor v Prudential Corp Hodling Ltd v Anor [2022] 5 MLJ 541
upheld the position that until the condition precedent was met, the contract
was inoperative.
[18] Bound by the trite legal principles in Bandar Builder Sdn Bhd &
Ors v United Malayan Banking Corporation Bhd [1993] 3 MLJ 36;
[1993] 4 CLJ 7, their application resulted in the finding by this Court that
the Plaintiff’s suit was obviously unsustainable. It was frivolous, vexations
and abuse of the court process. The summary dismissal of a lawsuit,
particularly in instances such as this where there was no discernible
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reasonable cause of action, reflected a commitment to judicial efficiency
and the avoidance of unnecessary litigation.
Counsel for the Plaintiff : Tetuan Ng, Gan & Partners
Counsel for the Defendants : Tetuan Iza Ng Yeoh & Kit
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| 14,794 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-43-40-10/2023 | PEMOHON Pendakwa Raya RESPONDEN MISS WANIDA CHINNABUT | Revision under s. 323 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) - Whether witness statements under s.112 of the CPC (“s.112 statements”) are privileged documents – Whether s.124 EA 1950 apply s.112 statements as not communications made to a public officer in “official confidence” - Whether s.112 statements are to be provided to the defence via application made under s.51 of the CPC – Whether any distinction exist in application made prior to or during the commencement of the trial or even at the defence stage | 19/01/2024 | YA Dr Wendy Ooi Su Ghee | |
19/01/2024 11:50:49
BA-43-40-10/2023 Kand. 13
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gglmuu REVISlQ§ ug gggggung/19;;
[II An avpllcaflon for rwssun under s. 32: ohm cnmmaw Procedure
Code (‘the CFC’) was made to «ms couruo rewse ma oraaranne lsnmed
Sessbns Cmm juuga dakad 27.10 2023
m In ms and amp ma Veamad sesuons coun mane allowed me
appucsnan by me aevenoe to be supphed mm (he svavemem 0! Menu
Zamdl bin Mustapha (‘ma amused‘: husband“) recorded under 5 112 at
ma cwc as wall as |ranscnm_I oi Iha inlarvlaws wi|h ma aoausaws Wm
chfldrun, narne\y Norwatflna mnm Mann Zarudi and Nnrwanl smaya mm
Mohd Zamdv rme documents’). The learned Sessmns cam Indie am
mama cm documwls be supplied by me pmseculmn to me devenca
mm. three (3; days «mm ma da|e cflhe sand order
sw !rm2H/vUU£smMEaVG1 my
-ma Sum IHIWDIY Mu be used m mm aa nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII nF\uNG pm
,1v5J 4'4
pi Agdneved by me said drdsn ins pmsscunon filed ms abava said
appirdsmon im rsuision by mud ole ienerdaisd 31 1o.2a2a. mus seeking
mia so-in lo exercise its revisidnary powers to se1 suds me said order
[4] The aooussd was chewed undsf s. 31(1) criiid run 2001 iornsalen
or s oniid by me hams oi izznsn Hsris bin lrwan snanq thus causing rum
physical injurywhich svdmuaiiy iad to nis daain.
[5] on 26 07 20211119 maiiudgs iound mac pwseculiun has rnsds mil
a prime rsaa case ugaIns| ms accused Aaeaidingiy, ma aodussd was
ordarad |o snlsr nardsianas in which sna did wnara sh! apusarsd as ins
nrsi dsianoa witness on 22 05.2023.
(51 Nmnevel, on m.1o.2n2a, arior on me camvig oi ma accused's
nusoand as ins 2"‘ defence witness‘ ine defence applied ror me said
witness‘: siaiern-ni rasoidsd undar s 112 si me are Vnllhlly‘ ma
Dmlacuflnfl imandad I0 caH ins accusads husband as (me at ma
wiinssses Hdwausr, na was noi daiisd as a nrdsscuiidn witness nor
ufleled by ma nmtecuhan to me deienoe si me close di ins orusscuiidn
m we defence aisd aought In be suppiied wflh the mriscrlpis oi me
inkzrvisws with ma socuseds children Norwsdiria omn Mend Zamdi and
Nor Warn Sofiw Dino Mnhd Zamdi
[3] On 27 10.2023. noun hearing me submissions by own I11:
Dmsscimon and me dslerice. the learned Sessians coun lU€E§ aiiawed
me apaiicaiion by me defence and mdered me dodumens sought be
supplied by ms Vmsacu|iL7n In ma defanca within Ihrse (3; days «om ma
da|e dune said oidsr.
None s.n.i In-vihnrwm as used M mm ms nflmnnflly sun. dun-mm via muue Wm!
persene (i e me accused‘: nueoene ena Ma (2) children] wars in me
house at the nrne 0! me Inc am which led to me cnerge In Iluasuon The
presence or mese mree (3) persons were runner suppenee by me
evldsnue L1f|hs rnuesnpanrng aflicaras submmsd ey me defence based nn
pages 243 » 244 eune notes nflevldenos
[an] Henoe, me eetenee eleany um um go on e vreuc or we own by eskrng
(mm me prossculion whatsoever eowrnerne my new way men hands en
Vns1aad. me documents they requesnea ene seugm fur were vmrn meee
nnrae (cu irnpenern eye-wwnessss uneeniamy, men statements would be
or areal Inrpomeme and aserenenee cp me defence eeee. Even mere so‘
when me maiden! nappenee almcsl rour (4) were ago and m reeuueer
what had happened that day nuy nu! be es eesy as n seems.
[av] Thus, in eeny me devenee 0! me aerd eoeurnence would lantamoum
Io disregarding me pnnmma of eeuemy of errne rn e cnminal pmeeeprnp,
and u\limaha\y the non: to e {air mi!
[401 As such, unis oeun find: me erpurnem by me prwsenulmn max the
dafanoa cnuld avweye interwew me wI(n$ses 11 2 me aopueewe husband
and two 12; chflflreni and Ihai mere was no euppreaaien or uvvflence lay
me prosecution ‘rs wnnoun mam.
[41] Reverenoe Vs nreee to me much qumed judgment of Parker U in R
v Lnwson (lupvu) -
- n enoum be borne m rrune, naweven man an Anflexmle appluscn
to mess emrnsranees can walk rruurllw For -xenrpvo, tho
vrmrmunernery mzy mm men men rm dnhncc mnmeny
IN): to Vntorvlnw him. or he Imy mmsl ta nlako any fuvlhll
shtonnnt. me Dells! precnu Is to snow me deienm 2p :99 sum
eeeremenrs unreee were re good reeeon ror not eorng so.‘
(empneere added)
n rpnzunuuasrnmrsavst my
me e.n.r ...n.r MU be used e van; me m\g\ruHIy mm; dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
as well as the judgmam of Harmlndar Smgh JCA m sm Auysn (lnprl) -
"1831 Also. wvmoul ms mm.» smsmms, ms rlsfsrms would run
Ina risk onnwsmmsm afsum wrlnasxss by me pmesouflon
lnmagn me use ollhs police stalomenla 1.. their custody nus
would csflmn/y sum ms squsmy 0! mm: panalple and me
/mlspmdenne that has summed hum ~-
lm ummaxely, 1: an bofls mm I» ma alemsnloflalmessin atrial «:2 mm
the prosewuon and defiance (I a aquaury or arms pnnclma). The Engfish
common Vyw dearly laud dawn the prindplss Iha| unless mare are goon
Ieaswns lor nnn—d\sv:\nsum, the pmsecmmn have 21 duty |o dkclnse and
nmvids, «mm me unused malarial, winnass stzalnmanlx in ma defence [see
RV LIIwwn(1s9I1) an crllw R 1:17: R VWIN1 new un ER577 and
R v Bmmn (wmmn) [ms] AC :51 mm». were ralerrud lo m an
Aliynh (lupr:)]
[431 Echmng ma Supreme own at Canada demsiun m R V
Sllnchoomho [I991] 3 son :29 where il was rewgnised that 2 . the
fi'u1I: of ms uwesngauon wruclv an m me possession nlcounsal let me
Cmwn am no! my pmperfy nfms Clown for use m secumg a convrcnon
mu ma Dmnartyoflha publlcloba mam ansuretha!/u51»coIsA1ans'{psr
Sonfnka ./ at p 3331.
[u] R v Sllnchcombo was also rvelenvd ln sm Mayan (wnrl) mm
m hnememn‘ n was held by me Conn of Appeal —
"my Slmplypur, meuuryome praseculion fsloactlinfy mysm
csnainly not ab/Vgsd to lead avtdsrms mm. may urvdamfllvc
ms» as-. ma In/max: requires me urmssd mmnsr m rls
nosmwn, Muclv may undormms us case, orbs warm to As
adversary. be drsdossd to me defsnos The mny .s .
N rrmznnuunsmmrsavst 14::
ms Sum ...m.. WW be used m mm me nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm
prosmnw would mm M um ban! on murmg -
convlcrlun -r I/I can: thus rming Injusllu.”
[45] Thus. uniess and lmlil the decision in siii Aliyah (mum) is set
aside by me Federal COIJVI ur by a iaiar own omppaai which decisinn
aims «mm Ihato1§IllA|Iynh(|up<I),Ihe Cuun of Auyeai deciaian in
siii Allyih (IMDVI) is snii good iaw in rsspem oi apdiicaiidn for 5.112
stslamams eiwimessas a| ma defunce siade.
[451 Aocordinglyi bound bylhe dscislnfl in s yam-upra). lhls caim
find: there is a common law duty on the pmsecuiinn In dlscluse In the
delarica «he paline smamanis aims wiinesaea wnich were necessary and
aesirabia m their case.
[A71 Mar having czmmlly considered Ihn submissions by bum names,
mis mm finds no piausibls reason in dishnb the umer graniad by the
iaamad Sessiaris coun judge The appiicaiian (or revision is hsrsby
dismissed for lack ol merit
Daled 5'" Ja dry, 2024
High Cuurl dish Nam (cnmmai 5)
sin !wi1HIILiU£smMEavG1 My
-ma Sum mm. M“ be used m yam me niigiruiily MIN; dun-mm vn JVLING mi
Pmmumonz Mr Mohimld Fwaoua hln Mohamed Idris
Deputy Pubric Prosamnar,
Fmm Smangar Scale Legal Advusmy Chamber
Defence Caurue\' Desmond Ho 5 Assocvllaa
Palahnv ma. Se\arI§Ior
sw Irmmnuuasmmaavst 14::
mm smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
Flndlngn by ml. noun
[91 In this revision herein, the Demnanl issues to be addressed are as
follows -
(i) The appucanun ofma dncmmz av sme dscisls
(ii) Whmher wnneaz. soacemenxs under 5.112 Mme cpc (‘xx 112
statements") are DVIvHeg2d aowmenm
(mi Whamar 5.112 s1a(emems are m be provided «a me aevanna
ma aanhcauon made under: 51 mm CFC”
[1 n1 Vn rsspsL1o1lhas2\ssues‘(ha relevam case lawslhm come In mind
ave ma snarl auomd Hugh own decision m Hnnd| v Puhll: Platinum!
[1 ml 2 ML! JI)l,FsdIraICounde1::sxons|n Hum: v Public Froncutor
[mo] 2 MM an arm um‘ sn Mohd mum HI AM Rank v FF 5
AnMIInrAppIaI [2019] MLHJ 132; me Cour! or Appeal dsmswns In sun
Alsyuh v P-mu: Pmmnur [my] 4 MLJ 46 and ms rsosnl Court at
Amman decision in Data’ sn Mohd mm: H] Ahd Rank v PF 5 Anvlhnr
Anna: [2025] 1 cu 572
[11] Undsmandably, Ihssa cases were can by nmn ma prosecution
and defence in |ne\r ruspecuve :ubm\ss\ons In me rension more Ihis
now u ol sum dlcisls
[121 Enafly‘ m was me oamenmon allha pmsaculxan max based an Ins
duclnne afstars dscrsrs‘ it \s Ins Federal Court aamim m my sn Illolld
mm: (won) and not me coun omppeal dedslon In sm my-n (Iupu)
man bmds «ms court in respect aims wssuss nnsea m me rsvisinn harem
'NnI2 sum IHIWDIY WW be used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; mmn VII nF\uNG pm
As sum ma pmssculinn summed mac Ihe spoiicaiion ior me dowmenls
by me deienos (a be dismissed
[13] However, it is ins findmu oi mi: coun mat me casas oi Hula!
(sum) as wall as boin cases oi Dam’ Srl Mund MINI: (supnl am
disunauiuned from me Ievlsiun herein The dislmguishing fame! being ma
aidresaid idur cases involved apphcaliuns by me defanca ior ma
Dmdunmn aflhe 5.112 statemants prior In me oomnuncainenionne in
iein advanca cl 019 mi ikm in a prs—In2Il discovery in s cnrninai
mi Unllka me cases oi Nusdl (mm) and Duke‘ sn uiond Nnj\b
(supra) were me appimaiions lnr 5.112 siaiemanis wave made prior In
the commencemen\ oima inai, ma daianoa in inia iaviaion apphad forms
sama anhe defence snags.
[151 It was submmad by ma defence based on oaga 2 arms noias oi
avidanm, me wiinass statement sougni ior is «mm ins aoouseds nusoano
whom ina proseouuon innaiiy intended In can as a pmsacuuan witness
Howavar. me Dmseoullon subsequen||y dacided againsi ii and ma
museds husband was aiao ndi ullanad no mo deianoa Henoe. me
danger and risk oimness Iampeflng by ins deienoe no ionger oeoomas
an issue since me accused‘: husband VS now me defence witness And
one oenainry does noi iamoar wnn nns's mmess As such‘ ma cases of
riuudi (warp) and um‘ Srl Mend Najlh (supra) are dislinguished on
ma iacia whereupon Ihs decisions made inorsin do noi bind inis ooun.
mi rum-ennore, me Fedeml com in bmn Nuldi sum) and nuns Sri
Mohd Nun (supra) nad ma dogdnuniiy to hold me dsniai oi such
appiicauons in apniy across ma board radardiess or wheihel me
apoiicaiion were made priorm ur dunno ins oornmanoeineni oiine Ina! or
sin Irminnuuasmmaavsi my
-mu Sum mm. MU he used m mm o. mum-y MW; dnunvinnl VII .nunc mm
even amre delenoe slage vel in mm eases. me Federal coun cnoee nel
lo do so
(171 In leer, me Federal Cmlrl ln new sri ulolrd Najlh (man) could
have eel aslds me COW! el Appeal decleian ln Sltl Al-yen (supra). yel
once again ncneee rm to do no
[la] As such. ll can be lnlerred lnal me daclslorls made by the Federal
coun rn bo|h lne eeses enly rneanl lor epollcelrens made prlor to me
oommeneemenl at me ldal. Hence‘ me leer Ind rlsk ln me rarnpenng cf
wllneeeee by me delenee as noted bylhs Federal ceun ls elearlylusmled
[191 that being said, sud: risk and leer ere no longer presenl enee lne
defence calls a wllneee wnrcn was lrllnally rnrended In be a prmeeurlon
wrlness The same person nerwrlrrslenulng was enee a polenllel
Dmseculioll witness ls new a willless lnr lne defence. Ae slated earllerr
ene cennlnly does ner tamuur mm one‘: own wnnese.
[20] Conversely. elmller to me feels leading re me revlelon hereln I: ma
case of Slll Alsynelr (supra). ln (act me lssun relsed and addressed by
me cnurr el Appeal ln slu Alsyah (supu) ls also almns|5imi1arl0Iha
ravislnn al nand. The leeee being - wnemer me pmsecullon can be
urdslsd, al me and ol me use ler me pmsaculiun, and wlrere delenee
has been celled. |c runuen le me aocussd a copy el wllnese elalemerrra
recorded under s.112 el lne cl>c or wllneuee oflersd In lhe eelenee
wrnen ere nralenal and much may essrel the delenee case
[211 The serum 01 Appeal ln slrl Alsylll (eupu) Imarllmously allowed
me Ippeal by rne delenca [appellant and eel eerde lne order enne Hlgh
own wnrcn diemleeed me eppellenre eepllcellon under 5.51 or me cl>c
lor lne pmduclmn aleeyen (7) wllness eulernenrs recorded under 5112
at me cvc.
slN lwrzu/rl.ll.l£srnMr:al7s1 my
me s.n.r wlll re used m yam me nllglrullly mm; den-vlnrrl vu erlum we
[221 Thus, by vlme oi tn. doc1r1ne 09 -5137! den/S15‘ |hIs mu lnslaad
bound by the daemon of SN Allylh (supru) and nut [he FEGGVBV Conn
aecnvons tn Nusfll (sum) and mm‘ SYI Mohd NnJ\b (supru)
Prlvli-am documoml
[221 The prosemmon atsc mtmsa |o tna mam com aemsion in
surnhanllyi sokurm v onuk unnk blnlsrrull[ZoI5l1 tau 1:: tn ms
argument on the apwnallwn of s 124 EA mso In 5 112 statements
[24] Comcidenlally. ms case at suruvtanllyu Snkuvlli (warn) ma me
uraumenl on me appllcalton at s 124 EA 1950 to 5112 statements were
alsn rzissd and alguad by me pmsscuhun VI sin Alsyall (supra) 1: was
omnanded by me prosectmon that me Fsaenav Cam in Datuk lamk
(mm) cmtaerea the 5.112 statements wars protected 1mm anctoauna
under 5.12.: EA195n
[25] on tnis nuts, tna Coun of Appeal In A ylh (snprll
msltngulshed tne case at tmux Ishnk [iuprl) :5 tone»: —
"1711 my mstmflursmng faster, In our vvsw, vmx ma! dliclosum
mere was sought for aw pmmsdmgs anu, urmku me
Instant me, my Faasrsr com fsfled naawty on ma
carrier-It: afan alfidavit mm by me mvssbigalmg olfimr at
ms appsnant aerate oonctuarng nu: ma ststemenls were
mnotdud in olfiasl mrvfidrncc and mat dtsclwms was
not In ms public mtsrust.“
my Acsnrdtnwyt ans mun adopt tna findmgs cf tna cmm of Appeat In
sin Alsyan (mm) In distinguishing (ha case utnumk lshlk (Iupn) in
mm rvavlston harem
syn !rm2HItuu£srnMr:a)7s11dv
warn sum In-nhnv wm he ts... m mm n. nvVmtuH|y mm; dun-mm VII .mm mm
1271 Furlhel, as held lay me Com omopeal ln Sl|IA|syaII(:upr:),s124
EA 1950 noes nan apply to ma polloa swalalnanls in quaslian as may were
nol communlnalluns mada lo a pool: ofioer ln 'ofl|clal confidence‘ The
pnolloga under s.I2A EA 1950 la analogous lo Imunnallon pruvldad by
lnlonners, lor wlmpla, male lnena la a corlfldlrlg ol secve|§ lollooao by
a conaaoonolng pmmlse olsaonaoy.
pa] Cnnvenuly, ma slalalnenu ana mnacnpls requesled In «no rsvlsiurl
hsrsin are lvom lna husband and children olma acalssd. As soon mesa
statements and lrunscnwis Ira nol mnde WI Tlffizfial oarlfid9rlce' but by lno
ooamwa pmcass of ma law. Than; IE no quhi pm ooo or oummurllcallng
lnlonnollon on mo oaals or saclacy and confidence nana Aocoralnoly,
thus was also no only lo preaelva connaanco -no there cannot lhen be
any breach oleonlluenoe
[291 no Caurl or Appeal ln snl Alayah (luau) also fllsagmsd wilh
Nuldi -non) lnal pollo. slatemanls are absolulaly privllsgsd basod on
ma lollowlno findings .
ll) Under 5 mm 01 ma CFC, me vsmoll glnna - Whce
s1aIam9rlt ‘shall be legally bound lo slalo mo lnm‘. ll the
oolloa alalalnenl la rouno lo belalsel ms rnakercan oeonargoo
Vnrglvlrlw lalse evldence unaenna Penal cooa and its maker
cannon olalrn lnal mo cammunicallan between nlnl and ma
pa afficar lo privilsgsd and lharafora not aon-laslola ln
(H) mere are no sxalmary orovmona whmh allow for olsolosma ol
pollee alalalnenla, male are 350 no pmvislorls Much dadars
lnal such polloo slalemenls snall nol oa dlaoloaeo. Unllke
uooumoncs svldandvlg aflails of slam 1:423 EA 1950). lo:
olfiolal cummu ' lons (5124 EA 1950), comrnunlcallons
an lwlZHnLlU£smMl3avG1 my
-ma a.n.l n-vlhnrwm be used a van; was nnglruflly MIN: dun-mm VIZ nFluNG am
nunns fnamags U! mantel prlvllegs ($122 EA 1950), and
nmtessianal communlcallons between an attvecate and me
cllanl or legal pvvteaslenal prlvtlege ts: 126-129 Emasot
where these wwletons lmavanttne relevant vnmastrvm taetna
etnnpetlea tn disclose such eentnttlntcattnns Io anyune
irlcludlng tne mun except as provided.
the tea tttet paragraphs s 32(I)(i) and (ll EA 1950 are |(: he
lndspsndsnl at eactt other and ll: be mad disjurxniveiy
rasulfing in the admlsetnillty at statements which tell within tne
tour cataqorles ht Denurts ntermoned tttereln.
(W) s1alu|L7vy law alluws such e.tt2 statements In be eltmttlea in
svldence tn cenatn cltwmslanoes. For example, 2 11342) at
me cwc prevlau Ihal Ihs own an tntervena and enter
pmducllorl 0! s ttz statements farms purpasas of enallengtng
and nnpeaettlngtne clsdil u1wilnassas.5|mi|ar1y,s 113(3), (4)
and (st of tlte CFC alluws s 112 statement he eamtttea ln
evidence undar the sand suluecttons.
[so] Nofwllftslzanding me Cowl at Appeal tn mte- sn Muhd Najib
(Iupra) held tttal witness statements recorded bylnvesttgaang euttterlttes
are p gee ttowments. may are however, not absolutely Dflvllefied
based an the abovesald reasons stated tn Sll|Al1yult(uu|-lri)
[31] Thu Courl at Awe: Date’ srl Malta Najlh (luprl) also
Ickrtowlsdaed that mete are no slawlory nruvletons wntctt we the ngnt
te lrI5DB€1 such statements Hence‘ the reason our net ttlsclestng was In
avold ttte real dangemtlempetlng wlttt wttneesee
-we s.n.t 1-vthnrwm be .n.. M mm e. nflmruflly sum. dun-mm wa eFluNG Wm!
pa A4:oord|ng\y. as held by tna Cmm auppaav In sm Alsynh (nu-urn),
than are min nu nalmnw Drovmons Wrflch declare Ihal such nouoe
statsmama snau not be utsuossa. For mstanoa, unhke ma Evmenoe Am
1950 (EA 1950) won pmwdes oenaln 6/pas of communxcauon,
statsments is pnvllaged, \ a snalamanm avldencmg state 01 aflaus (5 123
EA 1950), ulfldal onmmunicalianl (1124 EA 1950), manta: priviloge
(s 122 EA 1950) and max\onaV Vnvllsgs under 3.1% EA19§0.
m] Henoe, unless mam are good reasons To! nononsmusuna, ma
prosecunon have a duty In mimosa and provide the documents sougmar
by the defence In tna case for this temsmn herein. However‘ ma
pmsactmnn ma nm atsuosa any good reasnns 6nrnon~dlsc\osule, Instead
nauen heaVHy on the argument that ii Vs nits vaw witness statements
recorded by tnvestigaung aumonnes are onvuageo dncuman|s
[tn] Be that as It may, the an:-flysis and fintflngs mm: own on pnvilsged
documents sna atzsouutaty privHegsd oocumsms era as Ebavamenlmnad.
As suott, ttns mun finds no mm M Ihs argument tansad by me
1.51 ollhe cm
[351 The next qussmm fmlhis cum to eonswaor was whether we defence
had fulfiflad ma dual raquvements Mnecesswy and dsstrabmly unoers 51
outta cpc. Secflon 51 Mlhs owe s1a|es as Ionowa
51 summons to pmduoa dooumsnfor omsr thmg:
44; Mmenevur any com 07 pom wear makmg n ponos
r‘nvss1IgaIvan oonwsrs that me pmduc!/an ol any
pmmmy or document rs nmsmy ur aasmsote for ma
pawns: or any mvsslrgslton, ‘mquvy. mm or all-tar
pnnx-omy under nus Code by orbslum tnar com or
N rpnzn/tutmsmmaavst to,
nus Sam n-nhnrwm as used M van; me nr1g\ruHIy mm; dun-mm VIZ anutm Mn
u/am, sum Comtmayrssus a summons ovwm affcsr
power mu pmosny or doeumenl «. mam tn be
me Irme am:/m mm m the summnns or my
42) Any lismnn mqwred undsr rm; secfran mslsly nu
pmdune any pmpeny M document shaflbs doomed lo
haw mmp/rm mm an rnqmsitian 4 1» camp: ma
propevvy or doannenl to no pmcmca metead av
auondiny Pmanauy to produce me sam-
(3; Nothing In (N: mum shall be flssmsd to am: the
pruvisions arany rm mlotmg to evidence let me me
bomg /11 late: or m apprym any postal mm, megram
or am: mum: m ma custody of mu posm or
talarfilzh sumorflfu
ml Thu avnhcatinm under 551 M me CFO and ms Vrmmnlas le\a|ad
Iherulo‘ name!)/. ma Nqmmmsnls aI'nsceu6I16I unmet.-were c\ear1Y
dawn m cm Fsdaml Conn dsdsmns m Puhllc Pmcaculnv v
Raymond cm. Klm Chwn [was] 2 mm as and am‘ sm Anwar bin
Ibrahim v Puhllc Pronemar [am] 2 ML: 312 In man, me dual
rsqmremsnu oi neees ma aemulny were Hmsd to eflmlname ma
roving orfishmg expedI|iun by he delenw in asking curaacumencs m we
genera! sense.
[37] By cumpanson, ms devenos harem has plnpomlsd and nam-mad
dawn me documents mquas1ad(ia.|I1a 5.112 s1alemam arma acmsmrs
husband as wall aslha video Intalvlswlranscnms -mm; acouu-:d's1wo(2)
children] was submmea by Ina defenca based on page 1w1 nllhe nexus
or evmme, that me vamer M the aaoeasea vlcflm lesnned «me we: (:4!
N Irmznnuuasmmaavst 14::
um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
| 1,871 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
BE-A73KJ-66-11/2021 | PLAINTIF ASHOK KUMAR MUTHU RAMAN DEFENDAN 1. ) KANNAN A/L SALWOM 2. ) PUVANASWARAN A/L MUNUSAMY PENCELAH PACIFIC & ORIENT INSURANCE CO. BERHAD | kemalangan jalan raya - liabiliti - kuantum - gantirugi am- gantirugi khas - defendan tidak memangil saksi - percanggahan keterangan saksi-saksi plantif - tuntutan palsu plantif - gantirugi am isu overlapping -gantirugi khas - kos pembedahan masa hadapan gagal diplidkan | 19/01/2024 | Puan Siti Hajar Binti Ali | |
WRIT SAMAN NO: BE-A73KJ-66-11/2021
(NO. K/P: 770511755079) …PLANTIF
(NO. K/P: 940124085721) …DEFENDAN PERTAMA
(NO. K/P: 870612435603) …DEFENDAN KEDUA
(NO. Syarikat: 12557-W)
[1] Ini adalah alasan penghakiman terhadap keputusan Mahkamah ini yang telah menolak
tuntutan Plantif dengan kos mengikut skala pada 16.1.2024. Sekadar makluman, pada masa
alasan penghakiman ini selesai ditulis, tiada notis rayuan difailkan oleh mana-mana pihak.
19/01/2024 14:40:25
BE-A73KJ-66-11/2021 Kand. 54
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[2] Versi Plantif yang dibentangkan adalah pada 8.6.2020 jam lebih kurang 4.00 petang,
ketika plantif sedang berjalan kaki di sekitar Taman Kenangan Sabak Bernam dari rumah
Plantif di No.49 Taman Kenangan untuk mencari buah kelo, sebuah motorkar yang dipandu
oleh Defendan(1) yang mempunyai no. plet BFT 3079 yang telah datang dari arah belakang
Plantif telah melanggar Plantif di bahagian kaki kanan sehingga menyebabkan Plantif jatuh
ke dalam longkang.
[3] Mahkamah mendapati terdapat satu sahaja versi kemalangan iaitu versi pihak Plantif.
Ini disebabkan, pihak defendan gagal dan/atau tidak mengemukakan saksi (tiada saksi pihak
defendan yang hadir). Kendatipun, Defendan(3) menegaskan bahawa Plantif tidak dilanggar
oleh Defendan(1) pada bila-bila masa sekaligus Defendan(3) tidak bertanggungan untuk
membayar sebarang gantirugi kepada Plantif. Terdapat isu yang meragukan dan melibatkan
penipuan (frod) yang mana Defendan(3) mendakwa tuntutan Plantif terhadap Defendan-
Defendan adalah tuntutan palsu demi menuntut gantirugi daripada Defendan(3).
[4] Tiada keterangan daripada saksi bebas di tempat kejadian ketika kemalangan
dikatakan berlaku. Mahkamah bergantung kepada keterangan saksi bebas lain iaitu Pegawai
Penyiasat (SP1) di samping keterangan senyap seperti gambar kejadian, rajah kasar dan
laporan polis.
Analisa & Dapatan Mahkamah
[5] Sungguhpun Defendan-Defendan tidak megemukakan sebarang saksi atau
membentangkan kesnya di hadapan Mahkamah ini, prinsip undang-undang mantap
menyatakan beban pembuktian kecuaian pada tahap imbangan kebarangkalian adalah kekal
di atas bahu Plantif. Ini juga sejajar dengan kehendak Seksyen 101 dan Seksyen 102 Akta
Keterangan 1950.
[6] Dalam memahami pekara ini, kes-kes duluan berikut adalah dirujuk; WONG THIN YIT
V. MOHAMAD ALI [1971] 2 MLJ 175:
In a negligence action, the onus of proof rests wholly on the plaintiff, whether or not the
defendant gives evidence and the plaintiff cannot succeed without proof of the defendant's
Mahkamah juga merujuk kepada kes KUNASEGARAN MANICKAM V. BAULA SINGH KIPA
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The fact that the defendants had not been called to rebut the plaintiff's case did not mean
judgment must be entered in favour of the plaintiff. The question of tilting the balance of
probabilities in the plaintiff's favour would only arise where the plaintiff has proved his case.
Prinsip tersebut juga telah dirujuk dalam kes CHE PAH BINTI ITAM V. CHANG BEK LEE
[1998] 4 CLJ 517:
Although the defendant had not adduced any evidence he had nevertheless filed his statement
of defence denying any liability whatsoever for the said accident.
In the absence of the defendant's evidence is the court compelled to accept in toto the
plaintiff's version?
It is trite law that the onus of proving negligence lies on the plaintiff. In Wong Thin Yit v.
Mohamed Ali [1971] 1 LNS 151 Ong CJ (as he then was) held:
In a negligence action the onus of proof rests wholly on the plaintiff, whether or not the defendant gives
evidence.The plaintiff cannot succeed without proof of defendant's negligence.
[7] Sehubungan itu, adalah amat penting bagi Mahkamah untuk menentukan sama ada
kemalangan sebenarnya telah berlaku antara Plantif dan Defendan(1) memandangkan
Defendan(3) mempertikaikan berlakunya kemalangan tersebut. Mahkamah ini perlu
menimbang beban pembuktian penipuan dalam kes ini atas imbangan kebarangkalian bagi
menentukan sama ada kemalangan sebenarnya berlaku seperti yang telah diputuskan dalam
We therefore reiterate that we agree and accept the rationale in re B (Children) (supra) that in
a civil claim even when fraud is alleged the civil standard of proof, that, is, on the balance of
probabilities, should apply.
[8] Terlebih dahulu Mahkamah membincangkan keterangan SP3 yang merupakan adik
ipar Plantif. Pada masa kejadian, beliau tidak melihat kemalangan berlaku. SP3 mengakui
bahawa Laporan Polis – P2B yang dibuat pada 9/6/2020 adalah hasil daripada percakapan
antara beliau dan kakaknya. Pada setiap masa yang material, kakaknya juga tidak
menyaksikan kemalangan kerana berada di rumah ibu mereka dan tidak dipanggil di
Mahkamah sebagai saksi. Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah berpendapat keterangan SP3
adalah suatu keterangan dengar cakap (hearsay). Segala keterangan berkenaan kemalangan
yang didakwa berlaku ke atas Plantif bukan berasal daripada pengetahuan peribadi SP3
berdasarkan pengalaman yang dialami sendiri. Maka, keterangan beliau dan isi kandungan
Laporan Polis – P2B tersebut tidak akan dipertimbangkan dan diambilkira oleh Mahkamah ini
kerana bercanggah dengan Seksyen 60 (1) Akta Keterangan 1950.
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[9] Seterusnya, Mahkamah merujuk kepada keterangan SP1 yang merupakan pegawai
penyiasat kes ini. Beliau mengesahkan bahawa kemalangan berlaku pada 8/6/2020 antara
Plantif dan motorkar no. plet BFT 3079 yang dipandu oleh Defendan tetapi tiada apa-apa
kerosakan pada motorkar tesebut. Kawasan kemalangan adalah satu jalan lurus di kawasan
taman perumahan yang mana Defendan bergerak dari bawah ke atas dan titik pertembungan
pertama adalah di “x” pada rajah kasar – P4. Tiada apa-apa kesan kemalangan dijumpai di
atas jalan raya melainkan beliau menjumpai kesan tanah manusia jatuh ke dalam longkang.
Beliau telah ke tempat kemalangan apabila menerima laporan polis yang dibuat SP3 pada
9/6/2020 dan telah berjumpa dengan Defendan (1) di sana. Keputusan kes – P5 telah
dikeluarkan SP1 yang mana Defendan (1) telah disaman di bawah Rule 10 Road Traffic Rules
[10] Selanjutnya, Mahkamah merujuk kepada keterangan SP4 yang merupakan Plantif dan
keterangan SP2 yang merupakan doktor yang pertama merawat SP4 selepas kemalangan
pada 8/6/2020 secara serentak. Adalah fakta yang tidak dipertikaikan bahawa Plantif
sememangnya mengalami kecederaan patah kaki seperti yang dinyatakan dalam Laporan
Perubatan – P6 pada 8/6/2020.
[11] Walaubagaimanapun, Mahkamah mendapati terdapat pecanggahan keterangan
berkenaan bagaimana Plantif mengalami kecederaan tersebut atau apakah yang
menyebabkan Plantif mengalami kecederaan tersebut. Pada hemat Mahkamah ini adalah
pekara atau aspek material dalam kes kemalangan jalan raya. Oleh itu, Mahkamah merujuk
kepada kes GUNALAN RAMACHANDRAN & ORS V. PP [2006] 2 MLJ 197 di mana
Mahkamah Persekutuan memutuskan bahawa:
What need to be considered is whether the discrepancies relate to material aspects of the
case or otherwise. As stated in Sarkar on Evidence 15th edn. p. 112:
Minor discrepancies are possible even in the version of truthful witnesses and such minor
discrepancies only add to the truthfulness of their evidence (Sidhan v. State of Kerala [1986]
Cri LJ 470, 473 (Ker)). But discrepancies in the statements of witnesses on material points
should not be lightly passed over, as they seriously affect the value of their testimony (Brij Lal
v. Kunwar, 36 A 187: 18 CWN 649: A 1914 PC 38). The main thing to be seen is whether the
inconsistencies go to the root of the matter or pertain to insignificant aspects thereof...
[12] Berbalik kepada kes di hadapan Mahkamah, Plantif menyatakan bahawa sebuah
motorkar no. plet BFT telah datang dari arah belakang melanggar kaki kanan sehingga beliau
terjatuh ke dalam longkang. Namun pada hari kemalangan beliau tidak pasti kenderaan apa
yang melanggarnya. Pada setiap masa yang material bermula dari dilanggar hingga ke
hospital Plantif tidak pengsan dan sedar apa yang berlaku.
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[12] Seterusnya Mahkamah meneliti kepada Laporan Perubatan – P6 di bahagian History
dan Laporan Klarifikasi – P7, jelas tertulis bahawa kecederaan yang dialami itu disebabkan
oleh Plantif merupakan penunggang motorsikal dan telah terbabas dan jatuh ke dalam
longkang kerana mengelak daripada kemalangan dengan sebuah kenderaan. Di sini
keterangan SP2 dan Plantif adalah penting dan perlu diperhalusi sebaiknya bagi
mengesahkan dan menjelaskan percanggahan tersebut. Melalui keterangan SP2
mengesahkan bahawa sejarah pesakit diperolehi daripada Plantif sendiri pada 8/6/2020 dan
Plantif dalam keadaan tidak pengsan, sedar pada keadaan sekeliling dan apa yang beliau
katakan semasa SP2 membuat pemeriksaan ke atas Plantif.
[13] Berikut adalah keterangan SP2 semasa pemeriksaan utama yang menjelaskan
berkenaan percanggahan tersebut:
Terdapat percanggahan kerana pesakit hanya memberitahu saya dia jatuh ke dalam longkang sahaja dan tiada
perlanggaran dengan apa-apa kenderaan sewaktu saya ambil sejarah perubatan.
Rujuk ikatan E m/s 2 dan ikatan D m/s 24, pemahaman saya terhadap motorbike skidded ialah tiada berlaku apa-
apa perlanggaran dengan kenderaan yang lain tetapi melalui penceritaan pesakit, dia menyatakan bahawa dia
mencuba untuk mengelakkan berlakunya perlanggaran dengan motorkar
Berikut adalah keterangan SP2 semasa pemeriksaan balas yang menjelaskan berkenaan
percanggahan tersebut:
Lihat bahagian history, betul beliau menunggang motorsikal
Tidak semestinya motorbike skidded jika tiada kenderaan yang lain terlibat seperti kes ini
Setuju ini adalah cerita dari pesakit sediri, motorbike skidded
Rujuk P7, Setuju beliau cuba elak dr langar kenderaan lalu beliau terjatuh
Berikut adalah keterangan Plantif semasa pemeriksaan balas yang menjelaskan berkenaan
percanggahan tersebut:
Saya tahu apa itu motorsikal dalam bahasa melayu
Saya faham jatuh dalam longkang dalam bahasa melayu
Saya faham rider- motorcycle rider
Rujuk laporan perubatan, saya tidak setuju saya beritahu saya adalah rider motorsikal
Setuju saya ambil risiko sendiri untuk pegi ke hospital swasta dr hospital Kerajaan
Setuju saya patah kaki kanan
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Setuju saya sampai jabatan kecemasan saya sedar dan tidak pengsan
Setuju bahawa dalam laporan perubatan semuanya betul kecuali bagaimana kemalangan berlaku
Setuju doctor tak kata benar berkenaan bagaimana kemalangan berlaku
[14] Berdasarkan kepada kedua-dua keterangan SP2 & Plantif tersebut, Mahkamah
memutuskan bahawa kredibiliti SP2 adalah tidak tercabar dan Mahkamah menerima
penjelasan SP2 keseluruhannya di samping beliau adalah saksi bebas yang tidak mempunyai
kepentingan. Penjelasan yang dikemukakan di Mahkamah adalah berkeyakinan, konsisten,
boleh dipercayai dan munasabah.
[15] Manakala bagi Plantif, kredibilitinya adalah diragui dan penjelasan berkenaan
percanggahan ini tidak boleh dipercayai. Kendatipun, Mahkamah mempercayai bahawa
Plantif mengalami kemalangan pada 8/6/2020 yang menyebabkan beliau menghadapi
kecederaan sebegitu rupa yang dinyatakan dalam laporan perubatan. Walaubagaimanapun,
Plantif gagal membuktikan bahawa kemalangan tersebut adalah berpunca daripada
pelanggaran dengan motorkar yang dipandu oleh Defendan (1). Mahkamah berpendapat
peralihan fakta yang berlaku bermula hari kejadian 8/6/2020 ketika Plantif dirawat oleh SP2
kemudian peralihan fakta pada 9/6/2020 apabila laporan polis pertama oleh SP3 dan
24/6/2020 laporan polis Plantif dibuat adalah sebenarnya suatu afterthought. Plantif semasa
memberikan keterangan mengesahkan beliau tidak tahu apakah kenderaan yang
melanggarnya dan hanya membuat andaian motorkar Defendan (1) yang berbuat demikian
apabila beliau bangun dari longkang. Malahan itu, Plantif telah hadir berjumpa dengan SP2
sejurus kemalangan berlaku dalam keadaan beliau sedar dan waras yang mana Mahkamah
berpandangan daya ingatan dan kefahaman tentang apa yang terjadi adalah masih segar
dalam ingatan Plantif. Tiada keterangan yang menunjukkan Plantif dalam keadaan trauma
ataupun tidak waras semasa hadir di hospital.
[16] Selanjutnya, Mahkamah mendapati Defendan (1) tidak hadir ke Mahkamah
memberikan keterangan bagi membentangkan versi beliau. Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah
hanya boleh merujuk kepada keterangan SP1 yang menyiasat kes ini dan SP2 yang merawat
Plantif pada 8/6/2020 usai kemalangan dialami Plantif. Mahkamah berpendapat siasatan yang
dilakukan oleh SP1 adalah tidak menyeluruh dan sempurna walhal kertas siasatan kes ini
dibuka di bawah Seksyen 43 (1) APJ 1987 yang merupakan kesalahan yang boleh
dikategorikan sebagai kesalahan jenayah jalan raya yang mempunyai hukuman yang berat.
Mahkamah mendapati SP3 tidak menyiasat berkenaan bagaimana kehadiran Defendan (1) di
situ pada hari beliau hadir menyiasat di kawasan kemalangan sehari selepas kemalangan.
Hal ini demikian, Defendan (1) secara tiba-tiba muncul semasa beliau hadir di tempat kejadian
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dan mengakui beliau telah melanggar Plantif dan menunjukkan di mana kejadian berlaku.
Lagipun, situasi sebegini adalah amat jarang berlaku walaupun ia tidak mustahil. Fakta
sebegini apabila digabungkan dengan fakta bahawa Laporan polis – P2A yang dibuat 16 hari
selepas hari kejadian oleh Plantif jelas menimbulkan keraguan di mana kemungkinan isu
penipuan wujud dan perlu disiasat sebaiknya oleh SP1. Malah, Plantif mengakui bahawa
laporan polis – P2A dibuat atas pertolongan isterinya. Alasan cadangan penyelesaian awal
antara pihak-pihak dan Plantif menerima rawatan di hospital adalah tidak mencukupi atas
imbangan kebarangkalian bagi membuktikan versi kemalangan Plantif. Mahkamah
berpendapat versi kes Plantif ini adalah direka dan suatu afterthought bagi membantu Plantif
membuat tuntuan insurans.
[17] Mahkamah turut berpendapat semasa siasatan dijalankan SP1 sepatutnya menyedari
semasa keterangan SP3 diambil (berdasarkan laporan polis yang dibuat SP3) bahawa SP1
perlu menyiasat lanjut dengan mengambil keterangan isteri SP3. Hal ini kerana, SP3 bukan
saksi mata dan pegetahuan SP3 berkenaan kemalangan tersebut adalah diperolehi daripada
isterinya. Oleh itu, Mahkamah mendapati tiada apa-apa keterangan yang mampu
mengesahkan kenderaan apa yang sebenarnya melanggar Plantif ketika sedang berjalan
atau sebenarnya Plantif yang sedang menunggang motorsikal sebenarnya terbabas sendiri
lalu jatuh ke dalam longkang untuk mengelak daripada dilanggar oleh mana-mana kenderaan
yang gagal dipastikan. Mahkamah berpendapat bahawa tindakan SP1 dalam menyaman
Defendan (1) bukan bukti mutlak kecuaian Defendan (1). Malah keterangan SP1 yang
menyatakan terdapat kesan tanah manusia jatuh semasa menyiasat di tempat kejadian tidak
boleh memberi konklusi nyata ianya disebabkan pelanggaran oleh motorkar Defendan (1)
terhadap Plantif. Mahkamah perlu menilai keseluruhan bukti yang dikemukakan seperti yang
dibincangkan di atas. Oleh itu, tuntutan Plantif dalam tindakan ini ditolak.
B. Kuantum (atas dasar 100%)
(i) Gantirugi am
[18] Mahkamah berpendapat jumlah gantirugi am yang tepat yang perlu dibayar kepada
Plantif adalah sesuatu yang mustahil untuk dicapai. Akan tetapi jumlah gantirugi am yang
diberikan perlulah munasabah agar ianya dilihat berpadanan dengan kesesangaraan dan
kesakitan yang dihadapi oleh Plantif. Namun sekiranya jumlah gantirugi yang keterlaluan
tinggi akan meyebabkan ketidakadilan kepada Defendan. Sehubungan itu, amat baik bagi
Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada Compendium on Personal Injury Awards Revised (setakat 6
Julai 2018) dan otoriti kes duluan yang telah diputuskan di samping hujahan pihak-pihak
dalam kes ini.
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Pekara ini adalah bertepatan dengan apa yang telah dinyatakan dalam kes ABDUL WAFFIY
[39] It is axiomatic and imperative that when awarding damages for pain and suffering for
personal injuries, the court must endeavour to ensure that the sum awarded falls within the
range as stipulated in the Compendium and it would be wrong for trial courts to ignore the
range of damages as recommended in the Compendium and to pluck a quantum from the air
and make an award for a particular injury which does not resonate with the range in the
[40] I would also venture to say that it is the duty of counsel on both sides to guide the court
to make an award which falls within the range as provided in the Compendium. Of course,
even then there has to be medical evidence to support an award which leans towards either
the higher or lower end of the range. Having said that, I do accept that the Compendium is not
a statutory code but only a guideline which does not fetter the court's discretion and that the
court is, subject to exceptional factual circumstances, at liberty to depart from the
[19] Adalah jelas bahawa Laporan Perubatan Pakar tidak ditanda sebagai Eksibit dan
tertakluk kepada hujahan pihak-pihak sebagaimana dimaklumkan kepada Mahkamah pada
hari perbicaraan. Hanya laporan perubatan dari Hospital Kerajaan yang dimasukkan dalam
Ikatan Dokumen yang dipersetujui dan diterima. Dokumen berkenaan dengan tuntutan Plantif
bagi gantirugi am adalah berdasarkan laporan-laporan berikut:
a) Laporan perubatan bertarikh 16/2/2022 Hospital Tengku Ampuan Jemaah – P6
b) Laporan perubatan Rawatan Sri Kota Specialist – (ID10) Ikatan D m/s 13
c) Laporan perubatan Pakar Othopedik Plantif – Ikatan D m/s 14-22
d) Laporan perubatan Pakar Othopedik Defendan – Ikatan F m/s 1-4
-Plantif berhujah jumlah RM40,000.00 mankala Defendan berhujah jumlah
RM23,000.00. Manakala Compendium mencadangkan RM 21,500.00 – RM 42,000.00
Mahkamah membenarkan jumlah RM35,000.00.
- Sebagai panduan Mahkamah merujuk kes MOHD SHAFRI REHAN V. MOHD
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[50] Bagi kecederaan ini, Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes Mohd Shafri Rehan v. Mohd
Nurrul Amry Mohd Rahim [2005] 5 LNS 4 di mana Mahkamah memutuskan seperti
iii) Close fracture right tibia and fibula with 2cm shortening - RM25,000.00
Penilaian pada kecederaan ini telah dilakukan oleh Dr. Ramu dan dalam Laporan
Pakar dinyata antara lainnya;
- 2cm shortening of right lower limb
- able to squat fully.
Peguam terpelajar plaintif telah merujuk kepada kes-kes Engketerama a/l Ramasamy
v. Zulkifli bin Johari [2000] MCL para 696, Joseph Ng Choon Hiang v. Vittorio Luigi
Roveda suit No. 988 of 1995, Vittorio Luigi Roveda v. Singapore Bus Service [1997]
MCL para 54 dan berhujah RM45,000.00 wajar diberi untuk kecederaan ini.
Di pihak defendan, RM25,000.00 telah dicadangkan. Kes-kes Tan Tong Chin v. Loh
Shu Fun [1999] MCL 513, Liew Ah Meng v. Tan Chor Tak [2001] MCL 1170 dan Ng
Hoon Kim v. Hong Wei Huang [2002] MCL 1100 dikemukakan sebagai sandaran untuk
meyakinkan Mahkamah ini supaya berpihak kepada cadangannya.
Secara amnya, amaun gantirugi yang diberi dalam kes-kes yang dirujuk oleh pihak
plaintif bukan sahaja setakat kepatahan tulang tibia dan fibula tetapi termasuk juga
beberapa kecacatan yang lain. Dalam kes Joseph Ng Choon Hiang (supra),
S$30,000.00 adalah untuk fracture of right tibia and fibula with extensive sift tissue,
bone loss and limition of knee and ankle movement. Begitu juga dalam kes Vittorio
Luigi Roveda (supra), deformity, limitation of right knee, 3cm shortening, scars and
ostoearthitis of right knee telah diambil kira untuk membenarkan amaun sebanyak
Jika dibandingkan dengan kes-kes diatas, plaintif disini hanya mengalami
kependekatan 2cm pada bahagian lower limb sahaja. Dengan menerima pakai kes-
kes diatas dan setelah membuat perbandingan secara menyeluruh, saya percaya
RM25,000.00 adalah satu jumlah yang munasabah dan tidak terlalu rendah untuk apa
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yang dideritai oleh plaintif disini. Malah jumlah ini adalah selari dengan apa yang
pernah diawardkan oleh Mahkamah menerusi kes-kes yang dirujuk oleh pihak plaintif.
-Mahkamah berpendapat walaupun Laporan Pakar Defendan adalah pada tahun 2022
manakala Laporan Pakar Plantif adalah tahun 2021 menunjukkan Laporan Defendan
adalah yang terkini namun kedua-duanya saling melengkapi bagi membantu
Mahkamah memutuskan awad yang munasabah dan adil. Mahkamah ambil maklum
Plantif menganggung kecacatan kekal pada kependekan kaki kanan (pendek 1cm)
walaupun menurut Laporan Pakar Defendan ianya secara klinikal tidak penting.
- Mahkamah mengambil maklum berkenaan pekara-pekara residual disabilities berikut
seperti yang dinyatakan dalam rujukan kepada Laporan Pakar Plantif: pain right leg;
limitation of movements of the right knee & ankle joint; inability to stand, squat for long
time and pain during cold weather and strenuous activities. Rujukan kepada Laporan
Pakar Defendan: discomfort over the right leg on prolonged walking, squat and sit
cross-legged; he cannot run & jog and difficulty to climb stairs.
-Mahkamah mengambil maklum Tahun 2024 adalah tahun yang amat mencabar bagi
ekonomi dunia. Malaysia tidak terlepas dalam menghadapi kesan kenaikan harga
barang, kos sara hidup dan kadar inflasi yang tidak menentu. Oleh itu, memandangkan
kes Mohd Safri Rehan diputuskan hampir 20 tahun yang lepas maka berpendapat
peningkatan jumlah award adalah munasabah dan masih dalam lingkungan cadang
Compendium. Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes RAJI TRANSPORT SDN BHD V.
IDAYU ZULKAFLI [2004] 5 CLJ 479:
The considerations of inflation and enhanced cost of living over a period of more than
two decades since the decision in Lau Ee Ee v. Tang King Kwong [1983] 1 LNS 72;
[1986] 1 MLJ 308 should be given proper weight in the assessment of quantum of
damages in personal injury litigation.
ii. SCARS: RM 3,000.00
-Plantif berhujah jumlah RM 8,000.00 manakala Defendan berhujah jumlah RM
3,000.00. Manakala Compendium mencadangkan bagi minor scarring to leg adalah
RM1,300.00 - RM3,300.00. Mahkamah membenarkan jumlah RM 3,000.00.
-Mahkamah mendapati berdasarkan kedua-dua Laporan Perubatan Pakar kesan parut
yang wujud pada Plantif adalah; 4cm surgical scar over anterior right knee, 1 cm
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surgical scar over right upper thigh & 2 cm surgical scar over right distal tibia. Namun
berdasarkan Laporan Pakar Defendan “the scars are not hypertrophic or keloid”.
-Mahkamah berpendapat jumlah RM 3,000.00 adalah munasabah mengambil kira
ketiga-tiga bahagian kakinya dan kecacatan rupa fizikalnya seperti yang ditunjukkan
dalam gambar Laporan Pakar Plantif namun ianya tidak terlampau parah dan boleh
ditutupi berbanding dengan bahagian muka.
-Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes MUHAMMAD SAIFUL SUFFIAN BIN ZULKAFLI V.
SYUFIAN MOHD NOR V. NG ENG CHENG [2015] 5 LNS 78 sebagai perbandingan
kerana berdasarkan kes-kes tersebut, parut-parut yang dialami Plantif adalah lebih
parah. Mahkamah berpendapat bahawa awad yang dicadangkan oleh Defendan bagi
kecederaan ini adalah memadai dan mengikuti trend-trend kes yang dikemukakan
oleh kedua-dua pihak.
-Plantif berhujah jumlah RM 2,000.00 manakala Defendan berhujah jumlah RM
3,000.00. Manakala Compendium mencadangkan RM 5,000.00. Mahkamah
membenarkan jumlah RM 4,000.00.
-Mahkamah mendapati dalam Laporan Pakar Plantif menyatakan there is probability
of osteoarthritis of the right ankle joint due to the fracture of right tibia and fibula
sustained at the time of the accident which is a permanent disablity. Manakalah dalam
Laporan Pakar Defendan menyatakan is predisposed to osteoarthritis of the right
-Mahkamah berpendapat awad berjumlah RM 4,000.00 adalah berpatutan dan adil
memandangkan Plantif berusia 46 tahun yang dikategorikan bukan muda dan di
samping kesan-kesan yang sedang dialami oleh Plantif seperti yang dinyatakan
residual disabilities pada para (i). Mahkamah juga merujuk kepada kes ABDUL
memutuskan seperti berikut:
[51] Next, as far as osteoarthritis is concerned, the defendants' medical report seems
to agree that the plaintiff maybe pre-disposed to osteoarthritis. As such, I do not think
that it is too much of a conjecture that eventually the plaintiff will suffer from
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osteoarthritis. Looking at the multiple injuries to the right knee area, it is in my view
more likely that he would suffer osteoarthritis in due course. The SCJ's award of
RM5,000.00 for osteoarthritis is therefore fair and reasonable.
Pertindihan (overlapping): 10% penolakan dibenarkan
[20] Defendan berhujah bahawa kesemua kecederaan dan residual Plantif yang
dinyatakan tersebut adalah tertumpu kepada bahagian kaki yang sama. Oleh itu, satu
pengurangan untuk pertindihan (overlapping) wajar dilakukan. Mahkamah bersetuju dengan
hujahan Defendan berkenaan pekara ini. Maka, pengurangan atau penolakan sebanyak 10%
dalam awad gantirugi am secara keseluruhan adalah dibenarkan oleh Mahkamah ini. Jumlah
keselurahan gantirugi am yang dibenarkan adalah RM 37,800.00 [ RM 42,000.00 – (1/10 x
[21] Ini adalah berlandaskan kepada Compendium yang telah mencadangkan “Injuries are
sometimes overlapping and this need to be taken into account before a figure is decided
upon.” Mahkamah juga mengambil panduan daripada kes MOHAMAD SHAHNNY
Hakim Kamardin Hashim memutuskan pada perenggan 16 dan perenggan 25:
16. Kesemua kecederaan yang dialami berserta residual adalah di kaki kanan plaintif
termasuk kepatahan tulang tibia dan fibula dan 4 cm kependekan, kehilangan tulang
sepanjang 1cm, bone grafting, ankle and subtler shift, bengkokan, muscle wasting, calar-calar,
osteoarthritis serta parut-parut. Hampir keseluruhan berada di kaki kanan plaintif. HMS telah
membuat award yang berasingan untuk kepatahan tibia dan fibula, muscle wasting, calar-
calar, osteoarthritis serta parut-parut dan yang kesemuanya berjumlah RM86,000. HMS
membenarkan kesemua jumlah tersbut tanpa membuat sebarang tolakan atas pertindihan
sedangkan jelas kesemua kecederaan tersebut adalah bertindih. Dalam kes-kes melibatkan
kecederaan di bahagian badan yang berbeza, maka cara pemberian award secara
berasingan mengikut item adalah wajar (lihat Jamil bin Harun v. Yang Kamsiah [1984] 1 CLJ
11 (Rep); [1984] 1 CLJ 215; [1984] 1 MLJ 217 keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan). Walau
bagaimanapun, Mahkamah mempunyai budi bicara untuk membuat award secara global dan
membuat tolakan atas fakta pertindihan seperti yang terjadi dalam kes kita sekarang (lihat
Chong Chee Khong & Anor v. Ng Yeow Hin [1997] 4 CLJ Supp. 17; dan Wintsun Durai Samuel
Vidamonickam v. Azlan bin Samad [2002] 1 LNS 239)……
25. Dalam kes dihadapan saya sekarang, saya telah mengakseskan GRA seperti berikut iaitu
item (a) bagi open fracture right tibia and fibula dengan 4 cm kependekan dibenarkan
RM35,000, item (b) untuk muscle wasting RM3,000, item (c) untuk abrasions RM2,000, item
(d) untuk osteoarthritis RM5,000 dan item (e) untuk parut-parut RM5,000, berjumlah
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RM50,000 dan saya menolak 10% untuk pertindihan (RM5,000) dan menjadikan GRA
dibenarkan berjumlah RM45,000. Jumlah ini adalah munasabah dan berpatutan dalam
keadaan kecederaan yang dialami oleh plaintif dalam kes ini. Kes-kes yang dirujuk oleh
peguamcara plaintif dan defendan adalah keputusan HMS yang tidak diketahui samada
terdapat rayuan atau tidak terhadap keputusan tersebut. Sebagai panduan saya telah merujuk
kepada kes Kanan Subramaniam & satu lagi v. Aman Syah Abadzyuid [2002] 6 CLJ 34 oleh
Y.A. Hakim V.T. Singham PK (ketika itu) dimana telah mengekalkan award RM54,000 bagi
kecederaan patah kaki yang jauh lebih serius dan dikatakan award itu adalah 'too generous'
walau bagaimanapun, tidak digangu kerana dikatakan tidak melampau (not manifestly
excessive). Dalam kes Azizi Amran v. Hizzam Che Hassan (supra) untuk 2 kepatahan pada
kaki kiri iaitu ditulang femur dan tulang tibia dan fibula dimana telah juga dimasukkan besi,
bone grafting, 4 cm kependekkan, muscle wasting, parut-parut, deformity terhadap knee joint
diberikan RM28,000 sahaja.
(ii) Gantirugi Khas
[22] Adalah menjadi undang-undang mantap bahawa plantif perlu membuktikan dengan
ketat apa jua ganti rugi khas yang dituntut. Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes Inggeris tersohor
BONHAM CARTER V. HYDE PARK HOTEL [1948] WN 89 yang acapkali telah dirujuk oleh
mahkamah-mahkamah tertinggi mahupun mahkamah-mahkamah rendah di Malaysia yang
memutuskan bahawa:
Plaintiff must understand that if they bring actions for damages it is for them to prove their
damages; it is not enough to write down the particulars, and so to speak, throw them at the
head of the court, saying, "This is what I have lost, I ask you to give me these damages". They
have to prove it.
[23] Berpandukan kepada otoriti tersebut, berikut adalah gantirugi khas yang dibenarkan:
a) item 1: RM 56.00
b) item 2: RM 10.00
c) item 3: RM 250.00 & RM 40.00
d) item 4: RM 753.00
e) item 12: RM 2400.00
Kos Pembedahan Masa Hadapan
[24] Merujuk kepada kedua-dua Laporan Pakar Perubatan, implant yang dipasang pada
tulang kaki Plantif boleh dikeluarkan kerana tulangnya telah bercantum yang mana satu
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pembedahan perlu dijalankan bagi tujuan tersebut. Plantif berhujah kos keseluruhan bagi
pembedahan ini adalah RM 10,000.00. Akan tetapi dalam hujahannya menyatakan RM
10,000. Manakala Defendan berhujah bahawa awad ini tidak harus diberikan kepada Plantif
kerana item ini tidak diplidkan dengan spesifik.
[25] Mahkamah meneliti Penyataan Tuntutan Terpinda, ternyata benar ianya gagal
diplidkan secara spesifik. Oleh yang demikian, kos pembedahan di masa hadapan adalah
ditolak. Dalam hal ini, Mahkamah merujuk kes merujuk kepada kes NUR FARZANA AIDA
FAIZAL & ORS V. KERAJAAN MALAYSIA [2022] 1 CLJ 692 di mana Mahkamah Rayuan
[28] There is a plethora authorities on the need to plead special damages in the pleading and
to prove them. The general principle is that the plaintiff must be prepared to prove the special
damages unless it has been agreed. It is not enough for the plaintiff to write down the
particulars and leave them for the court to decide. It is for him to prove them (see Sum Kum
v. Devaki Nair & Anor [1963] 1 LNS 131; [1964] MLJ 74,75 and Khoo See Moi v. Tay Teik
Chang [1970] 1 LNS 48; [1970] 2 MLJ 249 at p. 250).
[26] Selanjutnya, Plantif telah memplidkan item 15 – Penyataan Tuntutan Terpinda; awad
bagi kesakitan dan kesengsaraan bagi pembedahan masa hadapan. Walaubagaimanapun,
Mahkamah ini telah menolak kos pembedahan masa hadapan atas alasan seperti di atas,
maka tidak perlu untuk Mahkamah mempertimbangkan item ini.
Kos Rawatan Fisioterapi
[27] Mahkamah mengambil maklum bahawa berdasarkan Laporan Pakar Defendan,
rawatan fisioterapi adalah tidak diperlukan oleh Plantif berbanding dengan Laporan Pakar
Plantif yang menyatakan sebaliknya. Mahkamah membenarkan awad untuk item 12 ini
diberikan berdasarkan keperluan kepada rawatan ini bagi pemulihan kecederaan yang dialami
oleh Plantif seperti yang disyorkan di dalam Laporan Pakar Plantif.
[28] Akan tetapi, Mahkamah tidak bersetuju untuk membenarkan awad berdasarkan kos
untuk rawatan tersebut di hospital swasta sepertimana yang dinyatakan dalam Laporan Pakar
Plantif tersebut. Mahkamah mendapati Plantif tidak mengemukakan sebarang alasan
munasabah untuk mendapatkan rawatan tersebut di hospital swasta sejumlah RM 7200.00
bagi tempoh 3 bulan. Oleh itu, Mahkamah mengambil pendekatan untuk membenarkan awad
sejumlah RM 2400.00 sahaja untuk rawatan ini [1/3 x RM 7200.00] dan tanpa faedah.
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C. Faedah & Kos
Mahkamah merujuk kepada Aturan 42 Kaedah 12A KKM 2012 yang mana kecuali yang
dipersetujui pihak-pihak, kadar faedah bagi awad mahkamah ditentukan oleh YAA Ketua
Hakim Negara yang mana menurut Arahan Amalan Bil. 1 Tahun 2012 iaitu kadar faedah yang
ditetapkan adalah sebanyak 5% setahun yang berkuat kuasa bermula 1 Ogos 2012. Berikut
adalah faedah yang dibenarkan:
(i) faedah pada kadar 2.5% setahun atas ganti rugi khas yang dikira dari tarikh kemalangan
hingga tarikh penghakiman;
(ii) faedah pada kadar 5% atas jumlah penghakiman dari tarikh penghakiman hingga tarikh
penyelesaian penuh;
Seterusnya kos mengikut skala di mana kos perlu dibayar Plantif kepada Defendan-Defendan.
Bertarikh pada 18 Januari 2024
Disediakan oleh:
Mahkamah Majistret
Sungai Besar Selangor
Peguamcara Plantif --- Chambers of Siva
Peguamcara Defendan Pertama & Kedua --- Kalai & Partners
Peguamcara Defendan Ketiga --- M. Ravendran & Associates
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| 35,765 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-23NCvC-5-01/2020 | PLAINTIF Tai Yat Choy DEFENDAN Yun Hong Kew @ Yun Hong Keow | Pencerobohan - kacau ganggu - ujian munasabah - keterangan pakar - beban - pembuktian atas imbangan kebarangkalian - elemen-elemen dan kesan ganggu. | 19/01/2024 | YA Puan Indra Nehru Savandiah | |
GUAMAN NO.: BA-23NCVC-5-01/2020
[NO. K/P: 481005-14-5023/7762857]
[NO. K/P: 411205-10-5049]
1. Kes ini diremit dari Mahkamah Rayuan Malaysia dan telah
dibicarakan semula.
2. Sebab musabab untuk perbicaraan semula adalah seperti berikut:
(i) PW2 was an expert (Quantity Surveyor) who was
called by the Plaintiff to give evidence on costing
(quantum), but PW2’s report also touched on the
soil erosion issue and implicated the defendant in
19/01/2024 11:52:57
BA-23NCvC-5-01/2020 Kand. 104
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terms of the liability issue. The trial judge relied,
inter alia, on PW2’s report to find liability against
the defendant. Of course, there are also
photographs and WhatsApp messages and letters
by the plaintiff to the defendant which support the
finding of liability against the defendant. But as
we said, the trial judge misdirected himself in
relying on PW2’s report for purposes of liability;
(ii) further as for the quantum which was awarded, we
find that they cannot be reconciled with PW2’s
report and the plaintiff’s claim. We are also unable
to make any adjustments to the figures that were
awarded as it requires a complete re-calibration of
the figures, which can only be undertaken at a
3. Mahkamah Rayuan telah mengarahkan keterangan saksi-saksi
semasa perbicaraan terdahulu dikekalkan.
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4. Walau bagaimanapun, pihak-pihak diberi peluang untuk memanggil
semula saksi-saksi lama dan juga saksi-saksi baru. [rujukan dibuat
kepada Lampiran 55).
5. Semasa perbicaraan terkini plaintif telah memanggil 3 saksi,
antaranya saksi-saksi terdahulu dan defendan memanggil 1 saksi.
6. Perbicaraan ini diteruskan dan Mahkamah telah memutuskan isu
liabiliti yang memihak plaintif sepenuhnya.
7. Mahkamah memerintahkan taksiran gantirugi dibuat berhubung
perintah-perintah yang dibenarkan.
8. Pihak defendan tidak berpuas hati dan rayuan ini difailkan.
Ringkasan Kes Plaintif
9. Plaintif dan defendan memiliki tanah bersebelahan antara satu
sama lain.
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10. Sempadan yang dikongsi bersama antara mereka adalah lebih
kurang 100 meter.
11. Di hartanah defendan terdapat satu bukit kecil. Jarak antara kaki
bukit dengan pagar hartanah plaintif adalah lebih kurang 3 meter
(dikenali sebagai “buffer zone”).
12. Plaintif mendakwa tindakan defendan menggali, memotong dan
melonggokkan tanah daripada bukit di “buffer zone” mengakibatkan
keadaan hartanah defendan lebih tinggi daripada hartanah plaintif
di sempadan hartanah-hartanah tersebut.
13. Berlanjutan dari itu kini wujud satu cerun bukit yang tidak stabil di
sempadan antara hartanah plaintif dan defendan.
14. Plaintif juga mengadu terdapat besi-besi buruk bersaiz besar yang
dilonggokkan di sempadan hartanah defendan.
15. Ianya besar kemungkinan akan jatuh ke hartanah plaintif sekiranya
berlaku tanah runtuh.
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16. Adalah dakwaan plantif pencerobohan dan kacau ganggu yang
dikenal pasti telah menggagalkan rancangan plaintif membina
sebuah kilang baru di hartanahnya.
17. Pokok-pokok tinggi dan besar yang dibiarkan tumbang ke kawasan
hartanah plaintif ketika hujan lebat turut menyumbang kepada
kacau ganggu dan pencerobohan di hartanah plaintif.
18. Pada sekitar Oktober dan November 2020, defendan telah
menjalankan kerja-kerja pembinaan di kawasan sempadan antara
hartanah plaintif dan defendan, dan ianya telah mengakibatkan
kerosakan-kerosakan seperti berikut:
(i) kerosakan terhadap pagar plaintif dimana pagar
plaintif tercondong dan hampir jatuh;
(ii) kerosakan terhadap longkang-longkang plaintif
yang tertutup ataupun tersumbat menyebabkan
pengaliran air terbantut.
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(iii) kerosakan paip pili bomba sehingga terpaksa
dialihkan oleh plaintif;
(iv) banjir akibat longkang tersumbat/tertutup.
19. Maka plaintif memohon perintah-perintah seperti di dalam penyata
Ringkasan Kes Defendan
20. Defendan setuju beliau ialah jiran plaintif. Defendan telah membeli
hartanah tersebut pada 27.1.2000.
21. Kategori tanah defendan adalah untuk perindustrian.
22. Fakta sebahagian tanah defendan lebih tinggi dengan bukit tidak
23. Defendan mendakwa sekitar April 2019 di atas permintaan plaintif,
defendan menebang pokok-pokok yang dahannya terlampau besar
mencerobohi tanah plaintif.
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24. Seterusnya defendan, sekitar bulan Oktober 2020 telah
menjalankan dan menyempurnakan kerja-kerja pembinaan
longkang di sepanjang sempadan plaintif di hartanah defendan.
25. Defendan sekeras-kerasnya menafikan segala dakwaan plaintif
dan pohon tuntutan plaintif ditolak dengan kos.
Isu-isu Untuk Diputuskan
26. Status kedudukan topografi tanah plaintif dan defendan.
27. Samada tindakan-tindakan defendan yang didakwa oleh plaintif
dibuktikan atas imbangan kebarangkalian.
28. Samada berlanjutan dari tindakan-tindakan sepertimana yang
didakwa oleh plaintif wujud kacau ganggu dan pencerobohan ke
atas tanah plaintif.
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Prinsip Undang-Undang
29. Kes Mahkamah Rayuan Chin Moy Yen & Ors v Chai Weng Sing
& Ors [2020] 1 MLRA 122 memutuskan seperti berikut:
“trespass to land consist of any unjustifiable intrusion
by one person upon land in the possession of
another. The slightest crossing of the boundary is
“ ….. nuisance is an act or omission which is an
interference with, disturbance of or annoyance to a
person in the exercise or enjoyment of (a) a right
belonging to him as a member of the public, when it
is a public nuisance; or (b) his ownership or
occupation of land or of some easement, profit or
other right used or enjoyed in connection with land,
when it is a private nuisance.”
30. Kes tersebut juga memutuskan pencerobohan melibatkan tindakan
kendiri manakala kacau ganggu berlaku tanpa kehadiran.
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31. Tambahan lagi, kes Chin Moy Yen (Supra) memutuskan ujian
“munasabah” dengan rujukan kepada kes seperti berikut:
“For an interference to amount to nuisance, while it
may not be lawful or authorised and done on one’s
own land or property; that act must interfere with
neighbour’s reasonable enjoyment of the
neighbour’s land. The test of what is “reasonable”
would “perhaps be what is reasonable according to
the ordinary usages of mankind living in society or
more correctly in a particular society, as opined by
Lord Wright in Sedleigh-Denfield v O’Callaghan
[1940] AC 880, 903.”
32. Rujukan dibuat kepada buku teks Clerk of Lindsell on Torts (20th
edition), di mana definisi pencerobohan dan kacau ganggu
dihuraikan seperti berikut:
“Trespass differs from nuisance in that it is a direct as
opposed to a consequential injury, and is actionable
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without proof of damage, whereas damage must be
proved in nuisance. Thus, if a defendant throws stones,
rubbish or other materials of any kind on the land of
another, or if he sends the stinking water in his yard into
his neighbour’s cellar, these are acts of trespass for
which he will be responsible without any proof of
But if a defendant causes such material to pass on the
claimant’s land as the result of the exercise of his own
rights of property, as where he fixes a spout on his roof,
whereby the rain-water is discharged on the claimant’s
land, or suffers his privy to be out of repair, whereby the
fifth flows into his neighbour’s cellar, or allows the
branches of his trees to spread over his boundary, or
the roots of his trees to grow into his neighbour’s land,
or permits storm-water or sewage to flow on to his land,
or a game of cricket results in the escape of balls hit
over the boundary. These are acts of nuisance, not
trespass …”
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Keputusan Mahkamah
33. Berhubung dengan isu topografi hartanah plaintif dan hartanah
defendan adalah terbukti melalui keterangan plaintif bahawa
walaupun keadaan landskap di antara sempadan hartanah beliau
dan hartanah defendan adalah pada aras yang sama tetapi
terdapat satu bukit di sebahagian tanah defendan. Cerun bukit
tersebut adalah lebih kurang 3 meter daripada sempadan tanah
plaintif dan defendan.
34. Plaintif telah membuat lakaran keadaan topografi yang ditandakan
sebagai ekshibit P3.
[Sila rujuk ekshibit P3]
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35. Keterangan SP1 tidak tercabar berhubung fakta kedudukan tanah
beliau dengan tanah defendan seperti mana yang dilakarkan di P3.
36. Sehubungan dengan isu kedua, defendan telah berhujah bahawa
plaintif berpengetahuan akan keadaan hartanah defendan yang
lebih tinggi dan bercerun berbanding dengan hartanah plaintif.
37. Adalah juga hujahan defendan, plaintif sebagai pemilik tanah yang
lebih rendah tidak seharusnya mengadu terhadap aktiviti tanah
yangn dilakukan oleh defendan.
38. Dalam konteks ini rujukan dibuat oleh defendan kepada laporan
pakar geologi plaintif Syed Lukman Hakim Syed Mustapha di mana
dinyatakan seperti berikut:
“this area used to be a hilly area that has been cut and
developed into an industrial area. This hilly area still can
be observed on the eastern boundary of Lot PT1788.”
[Sila rujuk muka surat 75, (Lampiran 57)]
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39. Oleh yang demikian defendan berhujah cara bagaimana defendan
menggunakan hartanah beliau iaitu melonggokkan tanah mahupun
meletak besi buruk adalah penggunaan selaras dengan hak
penggunaan semulajadi tanah tersebut oleh defendan.
40. Defendan mengesyorkan plaintif seharusnya mendirikan dinding
demi menjaga kepentingan diri sendiri.
41. Mahkamah berpeluang menilai keterangan plaintif, saksi-saksi
plaintif dan saksi defendan berhubung isu ini.
42. Hasil kajian keterangan plaintif menjurus kepada dapatan fakta
yang tidak tercabar bahawa keadaan tanah plaintif dan tanah
defendan adalah seperti di P3.
43. Keterangan plaintif yang tidak dicabar adalah akan status
kedudukan tanah dan kerosakan-kerosakan yang berlaku di
hartanah plaintif.
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44. Keterangan plaintif disokong oleh laporan pakar geologi yang
mengesahkan fakta-fakta seperti seperti berikut:
“The observation discovered that the ground level of Lot
PT1788 is higher than PT1783, with estimation of 3 m
height difference (Figure 3). Originally both lots have
the same level but the owner of Lot PT1788 has carried
out the earthwork to increase ground level which
erected a fill slope on the boundary of the lot.
However, this fill slope does not have a sufficient buffer
zone which result damage to the iron fence and drain of
Lot PT 1783 where there is a soil movement due to
erosion. Due to soil movement, the accumulate of soil
case, the bulging at the toe slope.”
[Sila rujuk muka surat 80, (Lampiran 57)]
45. Rujukan dibuat kepada keterangan pakar geologi di Mahkamah
yang telah menghuraikan kesan-kesan akibat cerun yang tidak
mematuhi “buffer zone” yang mengakibatkan kerosakan kepada
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pagar besi, longkang dan paip pili bomba di hartanah plaintif akibat
hakisan tanah.
46. Keterangan pakar geologi berhubung isu ini adalah seperti berikut:
“Based on these cross sections, this is the observations
on the ground level on the condition of the slope on
PT2788 which estimate of three-meter height.
Originally lots … both lots have the same level, but the
owner of 1788 has carried out the work to increase the
ground level. So, this is the current condition of the site.
So, this is the current condition of the site.
So, this slope is … basically is … not engineer slope.
We call it not engineer slop means they are not making
this slope as a proper. In proper condition, because this
is we call it field slope because this slope does not have
any sufficiency of buffer zone or set back buffer zone or
we sometimes we call it setback which result the
damage of the iron fence and the drains of Lot 1783 due
to the soil movement. So this is the condition, so the
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red color .. the yellow color on the cross sections is
debris or soil that leaning on the fence”
[Sila rujuk muka surat 35, baris 11-27, (Lampiran 85)]
47. Dalam mengambil kira keterangan fakta-fakta yang dikemukakan di
Mahkamah dan juga keterangan pakar geoplogi, yang mana
kesahihannya tidak tercabar, terbukti tindakan defendan yang
mengakibatkan wujudnya cerun yang bukan semula jadi yang
mengakibatkan segala kerosakan-kerosakan di hartanah plaintif.
48. Tindakan defendan gagal ujian “munasabah” kerana ianya telah
mengakibatkan kerosakan di bahagian pagar besi, longkang dan
paip pili bomba plaintif, bukan merupakan suatu perbuatan
menggunakan tanah secara semulajadi.
49. Plaintif dinafikan menikmati penggunaan semulajadi hartanah
akibat kerosakan di bahagian pagar besi, paip pili bomba dan
longkang tersumbat. Adalah terbukti ianya kacau ganggu.
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50. Oleh yang demikian tindakan defendan adalah menepati elemen-
elemen kacau ganggu seperti mana yang diputuskan dalam kes
Chin Moy Yen & Ors v Chai Wei Sing & Ors (Supra).
51. Kewujudan longgokan tanah di atas hartanah defendan bukanlah
satu penggunaan semula jadi hartanah tersebut, di mana defendan
dikecualikan tanggungjawabnya apabila berlaku hakisan yang
merosakkan harta benda plaintif.
52. Selanjutnya defendan mengemukakan hujahan bahawa longkang
telah dibina untuk menyempurnakan pengaliran air.
53. Adalah pendirian defendan jika terdapat limpahan air disebabkan
akibat hujan lebat, maka ianya bukan tanggungjawab defendan
sebab plaintif sedia maklum akan keadaan hartanah defendan yang
lebih tinggi dan bercerun. Plaintif dikatakan harus bersedia
menghadapi risiko-risiko akibat situasi sebegitu.
54. Mahkamah mendapati melalui keterangan fakta yang dikemukakan
kerja-kerja pembinaan longkang oleh defendan dilakukan pada
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akhir tahun 2020 iaitu lebih kurang 10 bulan selepas tuntutan
plaintif difailkan.
55. Walau bagaimanapun masalah kacau ganggu telah pun dialami
oleh plaintif sejak tahun 2015.
56. Aduan berhubung perkara ini telah dibawa kepada perhatian
defendan melalui sepucuk surat yang bertarikh 11.06.2015 yang
mana adalah seperti berikut:
[Sila rujuk muka surat 10, (Lampiran 94)]
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57. Selanjutnya keterangan pakar geologi juga membantu Mahkamah
membuat dapatan fakta bahawa longkang yang dibina oleh
defendan tidak berefektif langsung.
58. Keterangan beliau dirujuk seperti berikut:
“Based on my opinion, the drain was not supposed
higher on .. normally the drain will build on the toe of the
slope, not in the middle of the slope unless the slope gut
burns. We call it burn green. So these looks have no
burn. It’s just a single slope, so supposed to be there is
no drain there and the drain is supposed to be at the toe
of the slope.”
[Sila rujuk muka surat 36, baris 19-23, (Lampiran 85)]
59. Beliau juga memberi keterangan akan kewujudan pergerakan
minyak daripada hartanah defendan ke dalam longkang di hartanah
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60. Ini bukanlah satu situasi penggunaan tanah secara semulajadi oleh
61. Mahkamah telah mengambil kira fakta-fakta berhubung pergerakan
minyak, limpahan air dan lain-lain ke dalam hartanah plaintif
beserta pembinaan longkang yang tidak efektif oleh defendan.
Ianya membuktikan kacau ganggu ke atas hartanah plaintif.
62. Dalam mengguna pakai prinsip ujian “munasabah” dalam kes Chin
Moy Yen (Supra), adalah dapatan fakta oleh Mahkamah, defendan
seharusnya menjangka ataupun peka akan risiko yang dihadapi
oleh plaintif akibat tindakan beliau yang sia-sia membina longkang
yang tidak efektif.
63. Berdasarkan sebab-sebab di atas Mahkamah memutuskan
justifikasi defendan bahawa longkang dibina untuk menangani
masalah-masalah tersebut tidak boleh diterima.
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64. Keterangan fakta bahawa pokok-pokok besar dari hartanah
defendan yang tumbang ke dalam hartanah plaintif membuktikan
pencerobohan fizikal.
65. Mahkamah mengaplikasikan ujian “munasabah”, fakta pokok-
pokok besar tumbang ke dalam hartanah plaintif sehingga
menggugat plaintif menikmati penggunaan semulajadi hartanahnya
66. Defendan semestinya sudah jangka pokok-pokok besar akan
tumbang ke dalam hartanah plaintif dan ini bukanlah hak
penggunaan semulajadi hartanah defendan.
67. Segala pembuktian kerosakan-kerosakan pada pagar, longkang
dan paip pili bomba plaintif berjaya dibuktikan melalui keterangan
sokongan iaitu rakaman video dan gambar-gambar.
68. Ianya diterima masuk sebagai bahan bukti kes.
69. Defendan tidak hadir memberi keterangan di Mahkamah.
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70. Keterangan wakil defendan sendiri sering kali bercanggah dengan
keterangan pakar geologi.
71. Antaranya adalah fakta berhubung penyelenggaraan kawasan
sempadan defendan dan pembinaan dinding penahan.
72. Pakar geologi menidakkan fakta-fakta tersebut dan keterangan
beliau tidak tercabar.
73. Wakil defendan tidak ada surat perwakilan dari pihak defendan
untuk memberi keterangan di Mahkamah.
74. Beliau juga mengesahkan fakta bahawa beliau tidak tahu isu-isu
yang menjadi pertikaian antara plaintif dan defendan.
75. Gambar-gambar yang kononnya dirakam oleh beliau tidak ada
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76. Justeru ianya tidak membantu Mahkamah membuat sebarang
dapatan fakta sebab tarikh penting dalam kes ini untuk dikaji situasi
lokasi hartanah-hartanah yang mana wujud isu-isu pertikaian kes di
hadapan Mahkamah ini.
77. Hasil kajian isu kedua dan isu ketiga membuktikan plaintif berjaya
membuktikan atas imbangan kebarangkalian bahawa defendan
bertanggungan liabilti sepenuhnya terhadap tuntutan plaintif di
dalam kes ini.
78. Kes ini diputuskan pada peringkat liabiliti sahaja dan ditetapkan
untuk taksiran gantirugi dibuat.
79. Ini adalah kerana beban pembuktian masih pada plaintif untuk
mengemukakan bukti akan gantirugi yang dialaminya.
80. Mahkamah di peringkat taksiran gantirugi akan mengkaji
keterangan yang dikemukakan untuk menentukan tindakan yang
sewajarnya berhubung perintah-perintah yang dipohon.
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81. Setelah meneliti fakta-fakta keterangan saksi-saksi, keterangan
dokumentasi dan rakaman video, Mahkamah ini memutuskan
plaintif telah berjaya membuktikan kes terhadap defendan bagi isu
liabiliti sepenuhnya.
82. Kos tindakan dibenarkan RM20,000.00 tertakluk fi alokatur.
Tarikh: 19 Januari 2024
Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman
Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya
Shah Alam
Tarikh keputusan: 28 November 2023
Bagi pihak plaintif: Samreet Singh, [Tetuan Gurdip Sarjit & Co.]
Bagi pihak defendan: Mohd Hafizuddin & Ammar Ghalip, [Tetuan
John & Associates]
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| 22,503 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-24FC-355-05/2023 | PEMOHON AMBANK (M) BERHAD RESPONDEN GLOBALCON HOLDING (M) SDN BHD | LAND LAW: Charge-Charge of Land-Land charged as security for loan-Default of payment-Order for Sale of charged land-Resistance by Chargor-Sanction for Scheme of Arrangement dismissed -Appeal for Sanction of Scheme of Arrangement pending- Whether can give rise to equity or establish a ‘cause to the contrary’-National Land Code 1965, s.256(3), Rules of the Court 2012, O.83 | 19/01/2024 | YA Puan Jamhirah binti Ali | |
SAMAN PEMULA NO: BA-24FC-355-05/2023
Dalam Perkara Seksyen 256
Kanun Tanah Negara 1965
Dalam Perkara Gadaian yang
didaftarkan di bawah Bil
Perserahan No. 482/2019 ke atas
tanah di bawah Hakmilik HS(D)
136846, PT No. 54155, Mukim
Cheras, Daerah Ulu Selangor,
Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan
Dalam perkara Aturan 83,
Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah
Tinggi 2012
19/01/2024 14:52:47
BA-24FC-355-05/2023 Kand. 21
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(No. Syarikat: 853165-K) …DEFENDAN
1. The Originating Summons, filed by the Plaintiff and dated 3 May
2023, seeks an Order for Sale of the property known as HS(D)
136846, PT 54155, Mukim Cheras, Daerah Ulu Langat, Negeri
Selangor, which is charged by the Defendant in favour of the
2. The Defendant contested the said Order for Sale, contending that
the subject matter of this suit – the Charge - was encompassed in
suit no WA-24NCC-366-08/2021 (Suit 366). Suit 366 involved an
application for a Creditors’ Scheme of Arrangement under section
366(1) of the Companies Act 2016. Therefore, the Defendant
asserted that there existed a cause to the contrary.
3. By letters of offer dated 14 November 2018, 11 March 2020, 27
March 2020 and 15 January 2021, respectively, the Plaintiff
approved an overdraft facility amounting to RM1,500,000.00 in
favour of the Defendant. The Defendant entered into an agreement
for the said overdraft facility on 6 December 2018.
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4. In consideration and/or security for the overdraft facility, the third
parties, acting as guarantors, executed a Letter of Guarantee
(Guarantee & Indemnity) on 6 December 2018. Simultaneously, on
the same date, the Defendant charged its property known as HS(D)
136846 PT 54155, Mukim Cheras, Daerah Ulu Langat, Negeri
Selangor, in favour of the Plaintiff. The charge was officially
registered on 7 January 2019, as documented in "Bil Perserahan No
482/2019” (the Charge).
5. The Defendant, having failed to adhere to the agreed terms of the
charge, defaulted on the payments stipulated under the overdraft
6. On 22 July 2021, the Plaintiff sent a Letter of Demand seeking
payment of the total outstanding sum of RM2,534,993.32 as of 15
July 2021 with interest.
7. Subsequently, the progression of the Plaintiff’s legal action against
the Defendant came to a halt as the Plaintiff was served with an
order dated 25 October 2021, pursuant to section 366(1) of the
Companies Act 2016. This order, granted by the court in Suit 366,
sanctioned the Defendant to convene a Creditors’ Scheme of
Arrangement Meeting, resulting in the cessation of all ongoing legal
actions against the Defendant.
8. The Plaintiff applied to intervene in Suit 366 and to set aside the
order dated 25 October 2021. While the court granted the Plaintiff
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leave to intervene, it dismissed the application to set aside the said
order. Hence, the Plaintiff appealed to the Court of Appeal.
9. Nevertheless, as a secured creditor, the Plaintiff filed and served the
duly affirmed Proof of Debt to the Scheme Manager, encompassing
the debt related to the said charge.
10. On 23 October 2022, the Scheme of Arrangement Meeting was
convened. During this session, the Plaintiff objected to the meeting's
conduct and the Defendant's methods. A majority of 77.36% of
creditors in attendance voted in favour of the Scheme of
Arrangement (the said Scheme). Subsequently, on 18 January
2023, the Defendant filed an application seeking the court's sanction
for the said Scheme under Suit 366. The Plaintiff objected to the
said application.
11. Upon considering the merits, on 7 June 2023, the High Court
dismissed the Defendant's application for sanction for the said
Scheme. Dissatisfied, the Defendant lodged an appeal with the
Court of Appeal on 4 July 2023. The said appeal is currently pending
a hearing.
12. Subsequently, on 23 February 2023, the Plaintiff served Form 16D
(Notis Kemungkiran Mengenai Suatu Gadaian) dated 26 February
2023, pursuant to section 254 of the National Land Code 1965 (NLC
1965), and Form 16K (Notis Mengambil Milik: Dengan Cara
Menduduki) dated 23 February 2023, under section 272 of the NLC
1965, detailing the sum of RM2,534,993.32 as of 15 July 2021,
along with accrued interest.
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13. Despite the Plaintiff's demands, the Defendant failed to make any
payments. Consequently, the Plaintiff initiated this Originating
Summons, seeking an Order for Sale under section 256 of the NLC
1965 and Order 83 of the Rules of Court 2012 (ROC 2012).
14. As of the hearing of this suit, the Defendant did not obtain an order
to stay proceedings pending its appeal against the decision in Suit
15. In contesting this action, the Defendant raised the following two
issues before this Court:
a. that the subject matter in this suit is identical to the subject
matter in Suit 366.
b. that there is an ongoing appeal filed by the Defendant against
the High Court decision on 7 June 2023, in Suit 366.
16. Section 256 of the NLC 1965 states as follows:
“256. Application to Court for order for sale
(1) This section applies to land held under
(a) Registry title;
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(b) the form of qualified title corresponding to Registry
title; or
(c) subsidiary title,
and to the whole of any divided share in, or any lease of,
any such land.
(2) Any application for an order for sale under this
Chapter by a chargee of any such land or lease shall be
made to the Court in accordance with the provisions in that
behalf of any law for the time being in force relating to civil
(3) On any such application, the Court shall order the
sale of the land or lease to which the charge relates unless
it is satisfied of the existence of cause to the contrary.”
[emphasis added]
17. It is trite that in an application for Order for Sale made under section
256 of the NLC 1965, the Court is entitled to refuse an Order for
Sale of charged property once it is satisfied of the existence of cause
to the contrary. The Supreme Court case of Low Lee Lian v Ban
Hin Lee Bank Bhd. [1997] 1 MLJ 77, explained what is meant by
‘cause to the contrary’. Gopal Sri Ram JCA (as His Lordship then
was) explained as follows:
“In our judgment, 'cause to the contrary' within s 256(3)
may be established only in three categories of cases.
First, it may be taken as settled that a chargor who is able
to bring his case within any of the exceptions to the
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indefeasibility doctrine housed in s 340 of the Code
establishes cause to the contrary.
Secondly, a chargor may show cause to the contrary within
s 256(3) of the Code by demonstrating that the chargee has
failed to meet the conditions precedent for the making of
an application for an order for sale. For example, failure on
the part of the chargee to prove the making of a demand or
service upon the chargor of a notice in Form 16D would
constitute cause to the contrary. So too, where the notice
demands sums not lawfully due from the chargee. See Co-
operative Central Bank Ltd v Meng Kuang Properties Bhd
[1991] 2 MLJ 283. However, in such a case, it would be open
to the chargee to subsequently serve a notice or a proper
notice (as the case may be) before commencing
proceedings afresh as the cause shown to the contrary
does not in substance affect the chargee’s right to apply
for an order for sale.
Thirdly, a chargor may defeat an application for an order
for sale by demonstrating that its grant would be contrary
to some rule of law or equity. This principle finds its origins
in the judgment of Aitken J in Murugappa Chettiar v
Letchumanan Chettiar [1939] MLJ 296 at p 298…”
18. After reviewing all the cause papers filed by the parties and
considering both oral and written submissions from the Plaintiff and
the Defendant, I granted the Plaintiff's application for an Order for
Sale as the Defendant had failed to show cause to the contrary. The
reasons for my decision are stated below.
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19. The Defendant contended that the subject matter of litigation in this
suit, represented by the Charge registered as Bil Perserahan No.
482/2019, fell within the said Scheme and was simultaneously
under consideration in Suit 366. The Defendant asserted that this
was also affirmed by the Plaintiff in its Affidavit in Reply.
20. Furthermore, the Defendant asserted that it had lodged a Notice of
Appeal dated 4 July 2023 with the Court of Appeal, challenging the
High Court Order dated 7 June 2023. The said appeal pertained to
the subject matter under contention in this suit.
21. Therefore, the Defendant argued that pending the Court of Appeal’s
adjudication on the appeal against the High Court order dated 7
June 2023, it was contrary to the doctrine of equity for this Court to
issue an Order for Sale against the Defendant. Such an action, prior
to the final determination by the Court of Appeal, would substantially
prejudice the rights of the Defendant, as the resolution of the subject
matter in this suit would precede the conclusive determination of the
parties’ rights.
22. The Defendant further submitted that the Plaintiff would not suffer
prejudice during the pendency of the Court of Appeal's hearing to
decide on the Defendant's appeal.
23. Subsequently, the Defendant argued that the initiation of this suit by
the Plaintiff was premature and lacked bona fides, considering that
the Plaintiff was aware of the Defendant’s appeal yet to be
deliberated by the Court of Appeal.
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24. The Plaintiff contended that the Defendant had classified the
Plaintiff as a secured creditor under the said Scheme for Settlement.
This indicated that the Defendant had acknowledged the fact that
the Plaintiff held a charge as security and further recognised the
Plaintiff’s interest in the said Scheme.
25. The Plaintiff asserted that neither an admission by the Plaintiff nor
a proposal by the Defendant existed to relinquish the Plaintiff’s right
over the property charged for the benefit of other creditors.
Consequently, the disposal of the charged property would not
impact the Defendant’s appeal or cause prejudice to the
Defendant’s position.
26. The Plaintiff argued that the filing of an appeal by the Defendant did
not automatically warrant the dismissal or setting aside of the
Originating Summons for Order for Sale. Additionally, the Plaintiff
contended that the Defendant had incorrectly challenged the Order
for Sale sought in this suit. Instead, the Defendant should have
applied to stay the proceedings pending the appeal, rather than
disputing the Originating Summons.
27. The Plaintiff maintained that there was no provision in law to
challenge the Plaintiff’s right in rem based on the filing and pending
status of an appeal. Therefore, all issues raised by the Defendant
did not provide any cause to the contrary for the Court to disallow
an Order for Sale.
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28. I concur with the Plaintiff’s contention. While the Charge is the
subject matter of the said Scheme under section 366(1) of the
Companies Act 1965, the said Scheme was not sanctioned by the
High Court. Additionally, as of the date of the hearing of this suit, the
Defendant had not obtained an order for a stay of proceedings
pending its appeal. Therefore, there was no impediment for this
Court to proceed with this suit.
29. I am guided by the principles set in the case of Low Lee Lian v Ban
Hin Lee Bank Bhd. (supra) and find that the Defendant had not
demonstrated any cause to the contrary in this action for the Court
to disallow the Plaintiff’s Originating Summons for an Order for Sale.
The issues raised, such as the Charge being a subject matter of Suit
366 and the existence of a pending appeal, are not causes to the
30. The Plaintiff, in seeking an Order for Sale in this foreclosure
proceedings pursuant to section 256 of the NLC 1965, was merely
enforcing its rights as a chargee by exercising its statutory remedy
against the Defendant as a chargor in default. The Charge, in this
case, was registered. The Court of Appeal in the case of Lim Ban
Hooi & Anor v Malayan Banking Bhd. [2018] MLJU 510 stated as
“[45] This view was affirmed by the Supreme Court in
Kandiah Peter v Public Bank Bhd [1994] 1 MLJ 119:
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‘The principles governing the matter are well settled
by authority and are not open to question. A chargee
who makes an application for an order for sale in
foreclosure proceedings under s 256 of the Code
does not commence an action. He merely enforces
his rights as a chargee by exercising his statutory
remedy against the chargor in default. The chargee,
therefore, does not sue for a debt. It is also clear that
his claim for an order for sale is not based upon a
covenant but under a registered charge. The order
for sale when made under s 256 of the Code is not a
judgment or a decree. The Court hearing the
application for foreclosure does not make, and in
any event ought not to make, any adjudication upon
any substantive issue. These principles are called
from several decisions of our courts which have
correctly stated the law upon the subject.’
See also Federal Court decisions in Low Lee Lian v Ban Hin
Lee Bank Bhd [1997] 1 MLJ 77; and CIMB Investment Bank
Bhd v Metroplex Holdings Sdn Bhd [2014] 9 CLJ 1012.”
[emphasis added]
31. I find there was no element of being "contrary to some rule of law or
equity" in this case. In Low Lee Lian (supra) His Lordship Gopal Sri
Ram JCA (as His Lordship then was) observed:
“This principle finds its origins in the judgment of Aitken J
in Murugappa Chettiar v Letchumanan Chettiar [1939] MLJ
296 at p 298 where he said:
I agree that equitable principles should not be
invoked too freely for the purpose of construing our
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Land Code, but surely a chargor, who shows that
there would be no need to sell his land if the chargee
paid up in full what is due from himself in another
capacity, has shown good and sufficient cause why
the land should not be sold. Section 149 of the Land
Code obviously contemplates that there may be
cases in which charged land should not be sold,
even though there has been a default in payment of
the principal sum or interest thereon secured by the
charge; and it seems to me that a chargor may 'shew
cause' either in law or equity against an application
for an order for sale, and that the courts should
refuse to make an order in every case where it would
be unjust to do so. By 'unjust' I mean contrary to
those rules of the common law and equity which are
in force in the Federated Malay States.”
“It is thus clear that to fall within the scope of the principle
in Murugappa Chettiar's case, the chargor must be able to
point to a statutory direction or some rule of the common
law or doctrine of equity operating in his favour and
against which an order for sale would militate. Anything
that falls short of this requirement will not amount to cause
to the contrary under s 256(3).”
[emphasis added]
32. In the Privy Council case of Keng Soon Finance Bhd. v MK
Retnam Holdings Sdn. Bhd. & Anor [1989] 1 MLJ 457 (PC) Lord
Oliver of Aylmerton held: -
“Section 256(3) of the National Land Code is mandatory.
The court 'shall' order a sale unless it is satisfied of the
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existence of 'cause to the contrary'. Granted that these
words have been construed in Malaysia as justifying the
withholding of an order where to make one would be
contrary to some rule of law or equity, they clearly cannot
extend to enabling the court to refuse relief simply because
it feels sorry for the borrower or because it regards the
lender as arrogant, boorish or unmannerly.”
[emphasis added]
33. However, in the present case, aside from asserting an appeal filed
against the High Court’s decision dismissing the sanction for the
said Scheme and emphasising that the Charge was a subject matter
in the said Scheme, the Defendant failed to present any evidence
indicating that it would be contrary to the rules of common law and
equity in force in this country for this Court to grant an Order for Sale,
hence, deeming it unjust to grant an Order for Sale. The Defendant
must be able to cite a statutory provision, a common law rule, or an
equitable doctrine in their favour, against which an order for sale
would go against.
34. There is no dispute that the Defendant classified the Plaintiff as a
secured creditor in the said Scheme for Settlement. Consequently,
the Defendant, having full knowledge, acknowledged the Plaintiff's
rights and interest as a secured creditor. There is no evidence
presented in this Court indicating the Plaintiff's agreement to waive
its rights and interest in the charged property for the benefit of other
creditors. I concur with the Plaintiff's contention that, being the
secured creditor, it has the right to exercise its rights in rem to
dispose of the property. Therefore, the disposal of the charged
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property would not adversely affect the Defendant's appeal or
prejudice the Defendant's position.
35. Moreover, the Defendant had not obtained a stay of proceedings
pending its appeal against the High Court’s decision in dismissing
the said sanction. A pending appeal would not constitute a cause to
the contrary under section 256(3) of the NLC 1965. The Plaintiff is
merely enforcing the rights in rem upon the Defendant’s default,
which is not disputed.
36. Furthermore, the Plaintiff had complied with all the requirements
under section 256 of the NLC 1965 and Order 83 of the ROC 2012.
The relevant statutory notices were served on the Defendant. The
Defendant had not raised any issues or objections regarding non-
compliance with any provisions under the NLC 1965 or Order 83
ROC 2012 by the Plaintiff. Hence, this Court finds no cause to the
contrary shown by the Defendant.
37. For the reasons mentioned above, I, therefore, ordered that the
Plaintiff’s application in its Originating Summons be allowed with
costs of RM3000.00.
Dated: 19 January 2024
High Court of Malaya
at Shah Alam
(NCVC 1)
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To the parties’ solicitors:
For the Plaintiff : Muhammad Nasim Shafie
(Messrs Sidek Teoh Wong & Dennis)
For the Defendant : Ng Yi Ying
(Messrs Vilasiny Gan & Co.)
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| 21,304 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-24C-61-08/2023 | PEMOHON Kay Corporation Sdn Bhd RESPONDEN Turnpike Synergy Sdn Bhd | 1)2 Originating Summonses.2)both the Setting Aside OS and Notice of Application are dismissed.the Enforcement OS is allowed.3)a total cost of RM5,000.00 subject to allocator shall be paid by Turnpike to Kay Corp accordingly. | 19/01/2024 | YA Puan Sumathi a/p Murugiah | |
Alasan Penghakiman Turnpike v Kay Corp.pdf
19/01/2024 15:25:13
BA-24C-61-08/2023 Kand. 47
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aA—2ac—s1—ua/2u23 Kano. 47
,<z,rx,,:ruA 17
ORIGINATING suMMoNs N0: EA-24c-41-n5/2023
(company No 964307-M)
(Company Mr: 104021rM)
(Cumpany Nu 1o4o21—M)
(camnany No 964307-M)
N uVduFuKEuc19gmwus\w
mm Sum M... M“ be used m MN m. nvwvufilv mm; nnmmgnl M mum Wm
(2 Ongmaling summonses)
A. mmonucnou
m In September 2022‘ Kay curporamorr Sdn Ehd (“Kay Corp") had
commenced Adrumcauon Pvoceedmgs pursuant In me Conslrucllon
Industry Payrrrem and Adjumeanon Am 2012 1C|F'AA 2012; agamsr
Turnprxe sa arm. (“Tump\Ke“) in claim a sum oIRM17‘2U2,421.33 as
me rrnparu sum ansmg from a oanstrucuan cnmracl made helwsen
them The Adjudmalar decreed In favour 01 me Kay Carp In ms
Aajrmrcarrorr Dzcisiun (“AD“)
[2] As a result 0! me An, me ionowings were med by me panies
qr) 05 Na. BA-24c-414:5/zuza (sun 41) was filed by mmprxs
against Kay Corp [or weave at court to set asrue the AD we
«ms 05‘ Turnpike had filed a Ncnice ul Applicahun for S|ay ol
Execmrorr vflhe AD (End 2); and
(H) os No. BA-245-61-08/2023 (Swl 5:) was filed by Kay Corp
for a court order to enioroe the AD pursuant to 5.28 01 CIPAA
[3] since mere are 2 05.5 and a Notice o1Apphcauon filed m relalion
in ms AD. the panies agreed w having both the 05s and me Enclosure
2 0! sun 41 new together and var me decrsron ov the same to be
dehvered lagemer
sw umuruxzuctfigrnwnsxw
-we Sum M... wm be used m mm we mtmruulv mm; nnmmnnl VII Mme wrm
iaised by tmlh panies are id be considered and a decision is 10 be
derived inereironi. in me case di ACFM Enginenring L consmiciion
sdn. Bhd. v. Ema: Vlalon Sdn Bhd ai anoiiisi Ippoal [2016] 1 ms
152:; [2015] MLJU moi iiie cdun di Appeai neid
“[17] Wm-sn and speaks olnaturauuslice, ii is rmlhmg more inaii what we can
the Duncan! 4 amaediimi «ainiess~ which needs in he assumed (0 me Dania:
in a dispuie ala hes/I/V9 “
[271 in iriis case, as seen in me AD‘ me Adiiididaidr nad deiineraied an
an we issues raised by new Turnpike and Kay cdrp at me Adiddicaiidn
Proceedings al iendin and riad come to her conclusion wiin iegaids to
me veiiie oi irie varialiorl works. The Adiudicaior ried provided boiri
paflles ineii oppcrlurlilies lo siaie ineir case iespediiveiy ai iiie
adiudicaiion proceedings and had ndi isll any issues raised at iiie said
pmceedings undehbelaled Tiieneidne, niinpixes aiiegaiidn inai lhe
ieamed Adiddiaaidi nad iaiied and/Dr ieiiised in lake ccignisanoe e1
andidi appreeiaie Tumpi e's cdnieiiiidns and me evidence adduced at
me adiudicaiion relaling to me vaiiaiion wuiks amounl and iriaz irie
Adiiidieeioi ried denied ii irie iigrii to be mean: is uriloimded.
[25] I ieiei id me case of Blna rim consimeiion sdn and v Hing
Nyil Enierprise sdn. and. [2015] 3 cu 723 where K was siaied as
“ Seaiori is has iardnded iiniiied gmnds on wnicn the decision or me
Aflludicalor may be set awe Since an application under s is is not an
upuea/, tn: decision of me Adludicufur cumin! be revtewzd an menls “
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we s.ii.i numb]! M“ be used m mm ea nHfliruH|Y Minis nnnminril vn .;iniia win
[29] As such, whether we Adrudrcaror nad assessed the rssues versed
cdrrecuy or not is no| up ro «hrs oaurl |D delerrmne as me decrsran oi the
Adjudmalar canno| be revrewed on us rnerus.
[an] Funnennore, s 250) or CIPAA 2012 provrdes the Adrudrcarar me
power 10 indursnorially take me innramre Io asoerlam me fact and the Vaw
required lor rne decision The Adrudicaror is rree to rdnn nis op
mdependemly durum names and lo rely on miormallon wnrcn rs
warned by her own rnvssugauon.
mlerim measure tn salve Issues relared In payments, any errars or
srnce me aunrdrcarran proceedmgs pursuant to CIPAA 2012 rs an
onnssron ansmg lrom «ms proceeding can be rerne d we a rrnex
detenmnallon mmugh armrrauon or mud as provided lor under 513 or
CIPAA 2012. (see Eeonpr/e (M) Sdn Ehd v. IRDK Ventures Sdn and
a another use [2016] 5 cu M2)
[32] Based on me loregmng‘ Turnpike has fafled |u drecnarge ws
burden are show that me Adjudwcaknr nas breached me rules 01 natural
rusuce puvsuanl In s.15-(b) ol CIPAA 2012
lll.s.15(c) orcIPAA 2012
[:31 An AD can he set asrue n can be es|abhshed pursuant In 5. 15¢)
do CIPAA 2012 ir the Hamlifl drsenarges us |ega\ burden met me
Adjudrcazor Vacked independence or impana y m conduamg Ihe
amudlcalion proceedings and In dehvering the AD
sw uVduFuKEuC19§mw|1s\w
-we Sum M... M“ be used m mm me numruulv mm; nnmmnrrl VII mum wrm
[34] Even though they are genevally used synonymausly,
‘independence’ and '|mDMia y‘ are oonoems wnicn nave msnne:
mnerenees In the wmext ol amumcauon pursuam to s 15(0) 0! CIPAA
2m2, lack nf Independence descnbes an adjuducamr who nas pnor or
exwslmg nexanensrnps belween mmself and any one aune pames an we
non proceedings
[35] In me book. consmmuon Adjudicl on Malaysia by Lam Wax
Lacn ana wan v F L00 (Chapter 5 para 5.13)‘ the mllowmg was some m
uennmg ‘impartiality.
‘As stated In Muslm 5 am Commsmal Arhmvahon mu Eamon/,
rmpsma/My n the antonym al bras’
Eras can came In many ronns, As per Lard Pnmps «n as Msdrcamems
and Related Classes or Guods ma 2»
Eras .s an amlude of mmd whrch urevenls me Judge rm
making an amenvve dslerrmnalrorl or ma Issues that ne nas to
resolve A Judy: may be biased humus: ns nas reason :9
prefer one outcome aims case In anomer He may be imaged
bscauss ns nas reason to ravw one party miner man another.
He may be mam not In /avuur at one olnmmi at me ms»-ne
am because af a nnamrsa In Isvaur 5/ or against . pamcular
wrmess wmah prwems an mwamal assessment arms ewaenoe
onna: wvmess Eta: can come In may runns n may Consist of
rnslmnal we/udme or It may anse (mm msmcular circumstance:
whrm for /ogrcal reasons uremsnnse a Judge towards a
namcurarvrew onne ewaenca orrssues before mm '
[35] In «ms case‘ K \s Tump\ke‘s ccmenlwon mat me clanflcauun sessuon
auowed by the Adwmcawv was unnecessary and that unlwke Kay Corp,
Tumpwke was not allowed to Dress"! any evmence at me send
3 nan. Sum Mn... wm be used m mm s. snnnnn suns nnmmnnl vn mum pm
clavmcahon sessron and was a\sn not snowed in cross examme As
suen, the Admdwcalor nas been \mp\ica|ed Io Vack independence or
Imparllamy rn assessing the Issues bebre her
[371 By me definmuns or whal cunsmule ‘Independence’ and
‘imparIia|I|y' as stated m me vuregoing paragraphs. aparl lrom me
aHega\Ions made agamst me Adwdicalon Turnpike had nol adduced any
cogem evidence or mad made any oarnpemng Vegal submission juslwfymg
une Adjudlcalofls Vack ov mdepsndencs or impartiality In amvmg to her
decxsxon As menuened m me above paragraphs deanng with s «sun 0!
CIPAA‘ me Ad;udn:a|or had reasoned out every conclusion ma: she had
reached m deliberating me Issues bl0ugh| berare ner
[331 A1 «ms juncluve, 1 reverm me Hugh Courl case 01 Team: Wiramus
sdn Bhd v. Thleu Sung Chan sdn Bhd [2017] 1 ms 519; [2017] 4
AMR 501 where Lee Swee Sang J (as he then was) hem as (allows
-- 119) There rs arse no Dasrs /or the Respondent to anege that Ms
Ad/udrcalar had lulled la 5:! rndependenfiy and rmpamslly The «ac:
ma! me Ad/udrcamr ma nm agree mm me Resiiondevws posmun on the
Yaw .5 na pmdr ma! he had rauea to act xnctspenaenrvy 3"” """”"a'Iy
Such an afltgatrmv slvuuld rm! he launched wrthmn some evmencz
Domrma mexorsbly to 5 lack or mdeuendence or rmnsma/W m the
hsarmg and the denvery or (he Amudrcanon Dscrsron ‘
[391 Therelcve. not bemg me pany who lhe Adjudwcalov was m lavuur do
cannoz consmule as evidence 10 «ms assenlcn made against Ihe
Adruduceror. As such, I am nm convmoed mm me Turnpike has
N araar sdcegrawuw.
we Sam M... Mu be used m mm we nnmnaulv mm; nnmmnnl VII mum Wm
discharged the burden ol proving the allegation made against the
Aaiuiticator under this ltrriti.
iv. s.15(d) MCIFAA 2012
[401 it is Tiirnpike's eonlehtion ma| the Auiiioieator had acted in excess
oi tier iurisoictioh because she had dealt and based her decision on the
Agreement Confirmation which is akin |o a settterrient agreement As
such, this does no| come within the ambit ol CIPAA 2t)t2 and theretarei
the Aaiuaicator had acted in excess ot her iunstticticin
[41] Szdlcln 27 at CIPAA 2ot2 prouioes the iurisaiatiurial boundaries in
which the Adiudieator can act in adiudicahon Dlooeedlngs. s 21(3)
particularly gives the Adjuttteatoi the ittscretieh to proceed and complete
the aaiuaieation proceedings notwithstanding any iunsaietion challenge.
without preiuttiee In the rights under e.t5 aria s 25 acoeraingly
[421 in this case, nul at any time during the adjudication pruceedlngs
aid Turnpike raise any ooiection against the Adiuaieator auiuaieatiiig the
issue pertaining to the Agreement connrrnatien on the basis that this
issue is not within her iurisuiotion in tact, the only issue which Turnpike
had raised a iurieaictianal ooiectian against the Auiuaicator is on the
ISSUE pertaining to Key Carp‘s etaiin lpr loss and expenses.
[43] Be that as it may, the issue penalning to the value of the variation
works is not alien to the construction contract oetweeh the parties which
comes within the arntiit pt cll=AA 2012. ‘lliereiore. it is undeniable that
sin uVdl:F|KEuC19§mtII|1siw
-we s.ii.i M... will be used M mitt Die nlVWuH|Y MW; flnmninrll vn AFVLING WM!
inis is an issue which arose ironi ine peyrneni eiaim by Kay corp and
not one wnicn is independent irorn ii
[441 Furlherrnare‘ s zsiii oi‘ CIPAA 2012 provides me Adiudicaiar iiie
power in Inquisilonally rake me iniuarive ia asaenairi irie (act and irie law
required for die decision Tne Adiudicaior is iree |o iorrri rierop ion
irideperiderriiy oi ooiri panies and io rely on information which is
oourined by her own Invesligaiion.
[45] in my opinion, iiie Adiddicaior acted weii wimin her idnsdiciion.
since ine adiudioaiion praoeedings pursuani |o CIPAA 2012 is an
iriierirn measure in salve
sues reiaied In payments, any errars or
omission arising irorn iriis proceeding can be reme d via a iinai
deierrninaiion iriraugn aroiiraiion or court as provided ior under s 13 oi
CIPAA 2012 isee. Econpl/e (M) Sdn Ehd v. IRDK Ventures sdrr Bird
& arroiirrrr use [2016] 5 cm 552)
[46] Thereluve, nairirrg iaiied io esraoiisrr s 15(3), in), (:1) and (d) oi
CIPAA 2012 againsi die Adiudicaior, Tumpike's apphcaiwn io sei aside
ine AD is hereby dismissed wiin cosl oi RM5iooo 00.
ll. siay or Exocrmon-Enci 2 in sun 41
[47] since, irie aooiiaairdn ior siay oi Execuliun oi iiie AD was
pursuant to s,1611|1a) oi cii=AA 2012, having decided that me selling
aside apoiicaiion is heveby dismissed, inere is no ionger me need no
dehberale on me gmimds ior wnicn ihis apoiiceiion was med in (he firsl
sin uVduF|KEuCi9§idw|1siw
-we s.ii.i rm... M“ r. used m mm Die nVWiruU|Y Minis nnmninnl VII AFMNG WM!
[A8] Tlrerelore. me anplleacrorr lor stay ls hereby dlsmlssed aeeormngly
Wllh no order as to cost.
Ill. Errlorcemem as — Suil El (s.2B of CIFAA 2012)
[49] As gulded by Her Ladyship Mary Llm Thlam Suan JCA (as she
men was) lrr me com ol Appeal case ol lnni Kim Sdn Bhd v. Puuri
Nuaamau sarr Elm [2019] 2 cu 229, me eoun may exerclse lle
dlscrennn lo grant leave under 5. 25m and (2) cll=AA |a srrlorcs an
adludlcallcm declslon rl the lollowrng lhree mndlhons (3 Cnndlllorls) are
“Ifl me zd/udlcarlorl declslarl has been made rn Iavaur or me party
aPP’ylIlg Yorlsave urlders 23 CVPMJ
z2l me Iaarfy égalnsl whom an adllldlcauorl oeclslorl ls made, has rarlea In
pay me ad/udlcated amormr on me dale specmsa lrl we ad/udmalllnn
declslofl. ml
gal mere 15 N7 Prolllblllorl an we mun‘: dlsclsmzrlary power to grant leave
to enforce the aaruareamm dsctslon ~
[50] In one case, all 3 cundltluns have been sallsfled and srrrce me
senrng Aside and the slay of Execuliun omre AD have been dismissed,
Kay com‘: application to erllorce lhe AD is allowed wlor no order as to
N emu; Euclfiglnwnslw
we s.rr.r M... MU be used m mm we mlnlrulllv MW; “Mm. VII .;rrr~e wrul
[51] Prermsed on me above ewaences and reasons‘
4‘) mm me Setung Aside as and Name uf Appllc
are dismwssed.
In) me Envcrcement 05 us snowed, and
on) a (ma! ms! at RM5‘K)D0 no sub]ec| to auocamr shall be
pend by Tumpwke to Kay Carp accnrdmgly.
Judwcwal Commwsswoner
High Coun ol Malaya
Shah Alam. Se\angor Daml Ehsan
5w um-zruxzuctfigruwtzsxw
-ms Sum M... M“ be used m mm u. nvVWuH|Y mm; “Mm. VII mum Wm
Counsel my Tumprks .- Ms. Valsala Ralnasabapalhy,
Mr Khang Hang Kat &
Ms Shalizah Muhamed Shrhab
{Messrs Zam .4 co)
Counse/ /or Kay Co/porslron: Mr Jason Ng Kau 3
Ms. sen Wong cma P91
(Messrs. Jason N9 .5 Partners)
sw uya.,r.xzuc«mwm.
-ms Sum IHIWDIY WW be used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII nF\uNG pm
[4] Tumpxke nad appomled Kay Corp as me mam odnuaaor Var nne
Prqeci vla Letter 07 Award daled 25 03 2018 [or a propel known as me
“Prupnsed Rebcallun and Ralsmg M 275kV K1 132kV Overhead
Trsmsrmsswon Lmes at me Proposed Sungal ae um Kelang E\eva|ed
Expressway (SUKE) from Sg Eesw aeund lo we Kelang Bound
1Loca|\on 2:" (me “Fro;ez:l“)
[5] The Prmsct did not span me enme length cf the SUKE
expressway mscead, me Pro]ec| mvolved rebcaung seyerax overhead
cransnnssudn pyldns and assdcmed puwerhnes alung a cenaln sedmn
do me expresswav suecmcany, Kay Corp was an relocate 6 (six) exxslmg
Ivansrmsslon pylons man were m me pam uf me sum: expressway‘:
p\anned angnrnem
[51 Kay Corp was engaged by Tumpxke in dany em a specmd scape
Dlwofk m relalmn «dune Prqect (‘wdrkswdr an angmax Cflnlrad sum dv
RM4o,75u,oao on ('Ongma| Contracl Sum") u \s undwspuled met me
scope of Works was men expanded to mdude me voudwmg me ¢s)
nems ov yanauan works — under vanauon Order Nos. 1a, m. 2, 3 and 4
une “Vanahon WorKs“):»
(a) v0 may Live line maIn|enance a. restmg plalfunn
(bl V0 10.)) -cnange ACSR 2x Zebra Ia ACIR 2x INVAR
(c) V0 2- slope prozecuorv stabilny a| 6 numbers at pylon
sw uVduFuKEuC19§mw|1s\w
-nae Sum Mn... wm be used m any we mwvuulv mm; nnmmnnl vn mum Wm
(4) vo 3 — Destructive lype test hr 2 numbers 01 mcnopmes zypes
MF42 and MP43 at aeumg, China
(e) vo 4 - suppny, ms|aH. testing a. commissioning a! cow
[7] The «nan cummauve cenified va\ue 0! me wnlran Includmg me
vos of RMA4,650.113 14 and me ex-gralla paymenls lowards loss and
expense ov 393314.00 ws RM84.9G4,263 54 ('Fmal Convact Sum")
[31 The Cemficate ol Pracucal campleuan was wssued don 25 7.2019
[9] on 254 2022, Kay Corp served a Payment C\a\m (or me sum ul
RM1 7202.421 33 bemg for
a) RM10‘570.494 91, bemg me unoerlmed and/or under
Cemfioatlon M Vananon workl WDFK done;
1)) RM50‘2BU 00‘ bemg |he clam [or Loss and Expense due to the
pmlanganun ul Pnnsat, and
c) RM6,AE1‘666 52, bemg me mlerest on aH overdue accounts
[10] Turnpwke had mspuled the amount dawned by Kay Corp we Ks
Payment Response and had made a cross clam M Rmasasmuo
wmch had been paid by Tumpxke in Kay Com m a mu and nnax
semement av Kay Corp’: clams lar luss and expense, on ma basis ma:
Kay Corp had reneged on me ssmemem of the said claims by seekmg
aaamonax V055 and expense m me sawd Aanmxca on
sw uVduFuKEuC19«;mwus\w
-ma Sam M... Mu be used m mm ua nflmrufllv mm; nnmmnnl VII mum Wm
[I1] Due to npn—paymerii pi lhe paymerii piaim made by Kay Corp,
aayiiuipaiipn proceedings was imiiaiea by Kay Corp by Issuing a Ncilice
pi Aayuaicaiien dated 1305 2u22 and an Adyuaicaiipri Claim followed
suit on 15 7 2022, Turnpike had served an Adjudication Response on
27.7 2022 arid ine same was replied by Kay Corp on 4 5.2022.
[I1] Upmi Wnclusinn at me adjudication proceedings‘ "19 Adiudicalor‘
Tan Swee lm aeciaeu m iavmir pi Kay Corp and Turnpike was to pay |o
Kay Corp wilhin 30 calendar days irum me date ullhe AD as ipiipws —
a) a sum ei RMs,31:i.ass 26‘
n) mieresi ai irre reie oi 5% sirnuie iriieresi per arrnum irom
ii November 2019 imiii me aaie oi reaiisaiion oi the AD,
c) oasis pi adiudication proceedings in me sum ai
RM13‘/‘S57 an
[13] Being pissaiisiieu with me An, Turnpike had iiieu ip sei aside me
same aria vending ims seiimg aside. a Siay oi Execuiion oi me AD was
aisn mad (or which a decision was made by this CDLAI1 an 30.10.2023.
Being dissatisfied WIU1 this oourfs decision, Turnpike had filed a Noiice
0! Appeal
SIN uVdeFuKEuCi9§iuwnsiw
-we s..i.i M... MU be used m mm we niwiruiilv sum; nnmmnrri via AFVLING WM!
[14] CIFAA 2012 \s a creature av the Veglsmllon Intended to (acIlIla|e
speedy and regmar payments m we conslmclnon Industry. As cash new
is the utmost Important lanur m we constmcmon mduslry, CIPAA
provides Inlenm measures to dlspulmg pames Io so\ve payment wssues
expedilloushr so as not to Aeupardise me conlmuance ol the constvucuon
contract emerea mlo by mam (see Manage Sam and v. Arkilek Meor
& Chew Sdn and and Another appeal [2019] 5 cu 433,- [2019] 5
AMR 516 F0, Eenam Development sun Ehd V. R84: Cergas Tegnh
Sdn Ehd[2nI7]1 ms 222:)
[15] Tump\Ke‘s appnoauon m set asme me AD pursuant In 5.15 (at. (by
(c) and (d)a1C\PAA 2U12|s premised on me followings.
. that there was swear error oHac1 and that me decision was
umuroneriy procured on me basis 0! a Agreement
Cormrmahnn which ex\s|enoe was dwspmed by Turnpike‘
|ha( me Veamed Aamcanor had failed and/or refused |o |aKe
cugmsance cl and/ur apprecIa|e Turnp\ke‘s cunlenlmns and
me ewaence adduced at me aajumcauon relating to the
variation works amount
sw um-zruxzuctfigruxutzsxw
-ms Sum M... M“ be used m wow u. nvwvufilv mm; “Mm. VII mum Wm
that me danficallon sassron auowed by me Adwdlcalor was
unnecessary. unnke Kay corp, Turnmke was nm aHowed Ia
preseru any evwdenoe at the Sam clarificalwon session.
Tumpwke was also not allowed to cross examme, and
iv that me Agreement confinnauun wnrcn me Adjudwcamr had
based her decision on Is a sememenl agreement, which lalls
omsrae of the arntm or CIPAA and merelore rendenng une
Admdwcslar In nave acted In axoess 0! nor junsmclwan
us] Turnorxes appncauon (or a say 0! axecuuon or me AD pursuam Io
s1e nf CVPAA 2012 Is premised as luflows
i the Dendlng ol mis sun Le. Sun 41 to se¢ aside me AD pursuant
|n 5.1611 )(a) of CIPAA 2012:
n. that [here are clear and uneqmvocal errors m me An, ana
mat Kay Corp rs nnancrauy weak and as sucn womd render me
declsiun or urns ouurl shuuld wt be m lavuur or Turnprxa m we
sening asrde apphgauon nugatory
[11] Kay Cords apphoauon to enlorce me AD pursuant to 528 0!
CIPAA 2012 Is premised as ¢oIIows:
. mat the Adwdxcaled Amount Is not paid by Turnpike‘
u mat ma AD Is not sel aside ur stayed, and
w. that mere Is no final delerlmnauun by Arouramon or com.
sw uVduFuKEuC19§mwus\w
-ma S-rm Mn... M11 as used m mm a. annnn-r mm; nnmmnnl VII mum Wm
I. Sult 41 - selling Aside os (s.1s ol CIPAA 2n12)
i. s.15(aleH:lPAA2ol2-Fraud
[18] In addressing me issue el fraud 1s151a|ofC|PAA 2012)‘ ll rnusl
be unaersloorl (ha| lne burden lo prove lraue lles on me one we
srnee nere, Turrlplks nee allegee llrel Kay Corp nee
lmproperly procured by way or [laud the AD rn lls lavaurr |he burden ls
on Tumplke to prove so an a balance el pmbabllllles [see me Federal
Cmlfl case or Sinnziyah ll. Sans Sdn Bhd v. narnal seua Sdn End
[2015] 7 cu 534: [2015] 1 MLJ 1. at [4Bl‘[53]\]
esserls ll.
[19] In lnls case‘ N Is TIm|DIke'S eonlenllon lnal Kay Corp had by way
el lrauaulenl means precuree lne AD In rls layour [ram me Adludlcator
for yanalren works by usmg a document relerree la as me Agraernenl
Cunfirrnallon wnrcn earnes only Kay corps slgrlalure and not Tl.lmplke‘s
as well
[20] Aooordlrlg |o Turnpike lne doclmlem relerrea m as me Agreemem
conllnnellen by Kay Corp never s><ls|sd H1 llre rnanner ll was srrown by
Kay Corp as mere exrsl only a documem wnlcn nas pmpclsals lml nor an
egreemem as alleged by Kay Corp an lhe value el me yanalren works
Thls document ls sald to be anaeneu Io Kay corps leller daled
26.3 2020 as Apnen x 9 l“Apl>enulx 9')
SIN emeruxzuclfigluwuslw
‘Nuns s.n.r M... wn be we m mm we anrmrry mm; nnmmnnl vn -slum wrul
[21] Anpenmx 9 wmcn conlents are srn-ilar um nut \den|Ica\ to me
Agreement Conlxrmmion rs claimed by ‘rurnprke has only emerged at
we appneeuan as n nae been reeenuy lound Now, I find rt slrange that
aespue Kay Carp havmg produced me Agreement oarmrmanan nghl
(rum me begmnlng 0! me adjudication pmceedmgs and havmg an me
oppurlumty gwen mreugn the process and by me Adjuareamr mcluding a
clanflcahon sessron, «or me enme duranon 0! me adludicallon
pmceedmgs of almos| one (1; year‘ Appendix 9 ma nac emerge or even
made msrmoned by Turnpike ac any ume mmprxe some have slapped
une adjudication proceedings .1 rt reaHy had |houghl tha| Kay Carp was
bnngmg Ms manms by way or rreuuulem means‘ which eleany n me not.
[See Gumi As Elek zl Sdn am: v Dazzling Electrical (M) Sdn
EM and anomercase [2020] MLJU 315)
[221 The Adjumcator had on «ms Issue arrived at her findings based on
EH the documents. evidence and clanlwcaucn filed at the pmceedmgs and
or hrough| nevore her.
“so ueweven on Me evmencs balms me r rm as a matrsroffacl, that an the
Damned at probabr/mes more was agreement an en. vsluairon er en. I/snalwn
Walks rn me sum oVRM5fl,95A Mo 00 ansma (mm the meelmga held an 15
my 2:219 and 23 My my and me Agreement Confirmalron Issued by me
Respolndant n Is this sum winch caught 10 um Dun rncmm .n ma Fmal
Accuurvl /ur \/unalrun Wurks ms“.-ad Dime M. er mm 650,113 74
51 n .5 not drsputed ma: Ihe sum or RM44,s50, 113 74 rnermyea rn me Fmal
Accuum has almsdy Dean me by me Respondent and Ieaervcd by me
N emu; Eucflgrnwnsxw
we S-rm Mn... Mu be used m mm we mm-r Mm; nnmmnrrl VII mum Wm
52 Amrmng/y, /find n Yavourolthe C/armam n ma sum oH?M6,a13 ass 25
Dewy me difference Between the amaurvl oIi'M5n,w64,om1 no wmclv I find as
Max/my been agreed, and the amaunl 0.‘ mm, 55mm 74 Whmh has Dean
harms and recerved Dyme Crarmaru -
[231 Furlhermore, there us no evidence which shows that Turnpike had
nemner chaHenged me aucnenucny of the Agveemem connnnauon nor
mu m deny me preparation 0! me same by u. The omy evmsncs wmcn
sx\s| .5 Turnp|ke's mama to the agreemem at the vams al nne vanalucm
works as claimed by Kay Corp
[24] In the upshot. il Is ems courrs iindmgs that Tumpxke had lailed |o
move on a tmance of pmbamlmes mat Kay Corp nad procured me AD
by fraudulent means.
i. s. I5(h) MCIFAA 2012
[25] In exammmg whether s.15(b) or CIPAA 2012 Le mere has been a
demal oi na\ura\ Juslwce, can be esta
I maker to me case ov MRCE Builders Sdn Bhd v. Wazam vnmum
Sdn arm and znolhel case mun] 1 LNS a51;[2o2o1 MLJU 20:,
where Wong man Khecmg J (as he men was) held that .1 \s summenn |a
msluage a cumpxann ul breach 0! na|ura| jusllce n ma Admdlcalur had
gwen just one reasun to have arrived in ms decwswan
[26] The prlnclme 0! natural Justice mm Is sam In nave been denied
here ws Ina right to being nsam. sud! alteram paflem. Vn an Aamucanuon
Proceedings, me Adwdxcator nas me my to award pmoeuurax iaurnsss
to me parlies during me course av me pruneedmgs whereby me wssues
sw umuruxzuctfigrnwnsxw
-ms Sum Mn... wm be used m mm u. mwn mm; nnmmnnl VII mum Wm
| 2,539 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
BB-B53F-8-07/2023 | PLAINTIF IQBAL FEIRUZ KHAN BIN MOHAMED RAFIK DEFENDAN ADRIAN WONG SHIANG HOE | Aturan 18 kaedah 19 KKM 2012 - tuntutan fitnah oleh Defendan - pergaduhan antara Plaintif dan Defendan dalam Facebook - adakah hantaran tersebut membawa maksud fitnah atau sekadar interpretasi Plaintif - adakah memenuhi kriteria bagi satu tuntutan fitnah - adakah kes layak dibatalkan tanpa perlu didengar melalui perbicaraan | 19/01/2024 | Puan Sazlina binti Safie | |
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hujahan bertulis dan otoriti kedua-dua pihak. Notis Permohonan
Lampiran 7 adalah permohonan Defendan di bawah Aturan 18
kaedah 19 (1) (a) dan/atau (b), (c) dan (d) dan Aturan 92 kaedah 4
Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 untuk perintah-perintah seperti
a) Bahawa keseluruhan pengindorsan tuntutan dalam Writ
bertarikh 21hb Julai 2023 dan Penyataan Tuntutan bertarikh
21hb Julai 2023 terhadap Defendan yang dinamakan di atas
b) Berikutan dengan perintah diperenggan (a) di atas, Writ
bertarikh 21hb Julai 2023 tersebut diketepikan dan tindakan
guaman Plaintif ini terhadap Defendan yang dinamakan di atas
c) Kos tindakan ini dibayar oleh Plaintif kepada Defendan;
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d) Relif-relif lain dan/atau perintah yang berbangkit
(consequential orders) yang Mahkamah yang Mulia ini anggap
sesuai dan adil.
[2] Alasan permohonan Defendan adalah dinyatakan dalam affidavit
sokongan yang mana antara lain menyatakan bahawa:
1) Penyataan Tuntutan Plaintif tidak mewujudkan satu kausa
tindakan di bawah undnag-undang fitnah sebaliknya
merupakan satu perbualan tegas antara Plaintif dan Defendan
di dalam Facebook mengenai samada Plaintif meletakkan
kenderaan secara haram di parkir Kondominium Surian.
2) Kesemua kenyataan Plaintif adalah merupakan ulasan
saksama dan dalam perbualan tersebut tidak mempunyai
unsur-unsur fitnah.
3) Surat rasmi dari Perbadanan Pengurusan Kondominium
Surian bertarikh 5/10/2023 (eksibit AWSH-1) telah
memaklumkan bahawa Plaintif tidak memiliki sebarang unit di
Kondominium Surian.
4) “Halaman Facebook Kumpulan Tersebut” yang didirikan oleh
Defendan pada 11/7/2023 pada mulanya adalah bagi pihak
Badan Pengurusan Kondominium Surian untuk kegunaan
pemilik-pemilik dan penduduk.
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5) “Halaman Facebook Kumpulan Tersebut” tidak pernah
digunakan sebagai halaman perhubungan rasmi kepada
Badan Pengurusan atau Jawatankuasa Badan Pengurusan.
6) Plaintif telah seawal 23/5/2018 memberikan peringatan
kepada pemilik-pemilik dan penduduk di kondominium
bahawa “Halaman Facebook Kumpulan Tersebut” bukan
suatu halaman perhubungan rasmi dengan Badan
Pengurusan atau AJK Badan Pengurusan.
7) Plaintif selaku AJK Surian pernah membuat hantaran (posting)
dalam “Halaman Facebook Kumpulan Tersebut” berkaitan
urusan pentadbiran dan pengurusan Kondominium tersebut.
8) Melalui surat Eksibit “AWSH-1” mengesahkan bahawa Plaintif
tidak mempunyai sebarang lot parkir di kondominium tersebut
sebaliknya unit-unit yang diperuntukkan parkir adalah unit-unit
isteri Plaintif.
9) Surat Eksibit “AWSH-1” tersebut juga mengesahkan bahawa
pada 21/9/2022 kenderaan-kenderaan No. Pendaftaran
JSS100, VT6313, AKP200, PKL910, WUC9963 dan
WNA9813 diletak secara haram di parkir-parkir milikan rasmi
Pengurusan Surian dan kenderaan No. Pendaftaran AHP9698
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telah diletak diparkir milik Unit C-02-12 tanpa kebenaran
pemilik unit tersebut.
10) Badan Pengurusan Surian telah mengarahkan Pejabat
Pengurusan Surian untuk memberi Notis 24jam kepada
kenderaan-kenderaan tersebut yang telah diletakkan secara
haram sebelum diapit dan didenda.
11) Hantaran Plaintif adalah secara ikhlas selaku AJK Surian yang
memberi notis awal kepada pemilik-pemilik kenderaan
tersebut. Kenyataan tersebut adalah satu kenyataan ikhlas,
justifikasi dan bukan fitnah.
12) Gambar-gambar kenderaan yang dinyatakan adalah diambil
oleh AJK Surian yang lain dan ia telah dinyatakan oleh Badan
Pengurusan dalam perenggan 9 eksibit “AWSH-1”.
13) Plaintif sendiri telah memberikan jawapan melalui hantaran
bertarikh 21/9/2022 di “Halaman Facebook Kumpulan
Tersebut” secara sukarela mengemukakan namanya sebagai
pemilik kenderaan-kenderaan tersebut serta telah
memberikan nombor telefon bimbitnya dan mengumumkan
pengenalannya kepada pengikut-pengikut “Halaman
Facebook Kumpulan Tersebut” dan jua telah mengaku bahawa
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beliau tidak meletakkan kenderaan-kenderaan tersebut
diparkir yang diperuntukkan kepadanya.
14) Plaintif sendiri telah memplidkan satu pengakuan bahawa
beliau memang tidak meletakkan kenderaan-kenderaan
tersebut diparkir yang diperuntukkan khas untuk beliau dan
telah memohon maaf sekiranya sesiapa telah mengalami
15) Kenyataan-kenyataan yang dikatakan Fitnah 1 hingga Fitnah
6 adalah kenyataan satu justifikasi (justification) dan ulasan
saksama (fair comment) dalam satu pertengkaran antara
Plaintif dan Defendan tanpa sebarang unsur niat jahat
16) Hantaran Defendan juga tidak kekal lama dan telah
dipadamkan sejurus sahaja Plaintif mengalihkan kenderaan-
kenderaan tersebut dan apabila Pengurusan Surian
memutuskan perkara itu sudah selesai.
17) Defendan menyatakan bahawa Plaintif tidak mengalami
sebarang kecederaan dari segi reputasi, kehilangan dan
kerosakan sebaliknya, tindakan guaman Plaintif ini terhadap
Defendan adalah mengaibkan, remeh dan/atau menyusahkan.
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[3] Plaintif telah memfailkan pembelaan dan affidavit jawapan yang
mana antaranya menyatakan seperti berikut:
1) Tuntutan Plaintif adalah untuk gantirugi bagi kenyataan-
kenyataan fitnah yang diterbitkan oleh Defendan dalam laman
Facebook. Tindakan ini membangkitkan banyak isu yang
hanya boleh ditentukan secara adil melalui perbicaraan penuh.
2) Defendan sangat bergangtung kepada eksibit “” AWSH-1”.
Plaintif tidak tahu samada surat tersebut menerima kelulusan
majoriti ahli-ahli Perbadanan tersebut atau tidak.
Walaubagaimanapun, surat tersebut adalah satu ulangan
kata-kata fitnah yang diterbitkan oleh Defendan terhadap
3) Daniel Lim Hin Soon telah mengeluarkan surat tersebut
dengan niat jahat kerana terdapat perselisihan faham antara
Plaintif dengan Daniel Lim Hin Soon. Plaintif perlu menyoal
balas Danial Lim Hin Soon dalam perbicaraan.
4) Plaintif adalah pemilik benefisial unit-unit kondominium yang
dirujuk dalam affidavit.
5) Halaman Facebook tersebut adalah halaman rasmi pemilik
dan penghuni Kondominium Surian.
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6) Pendapat Perbadanan atau Pengurusan Kondominium Surian
atau Daniel Lim Hin Soon tidak relevan untuk menentusahkan
jika kereta tersebut “Illegally parked” atau tidak dan ia perlu
ditentukan oleh Mahkamah setelah menerima keterangan
7) Defendan telah menerbitkan gambar kenderaan-kenderaan
tersebut dengan nombor pendaftaran dengan kata-kata fitnah.
Penghuni Kondominium Surian yang mengenali Plaintif akan
tahu kenderaan-kenderaan itu milik Plaintif dan Plaintif perlu
menjawab siaran Facebook tersebut dan memberi penjelasan
dan menafikan dakwaan fitnah.
8) Kenyataan-kenyataan yang dibuat mempunyai perkara yang
dipertikaikan dan hanya boleh ditentukan secara adil selepas
perbicaraan penuh dengan saksi.
[4] Dalam menilai Notis Permohonan yang dikemukakan, Mahkamah
merujuk semula kepada peruntukan undang-undang di mana Notis
Permohonan ini disandarkan. Peruntukan yang dinyatakan adalah
seperti berikut:
Striking out pleadings and endorsements (O. 18, r. 19)
19. (1) The Court may at any stage of the proceedings order to be
struck out or amended any pleading or the endorsement, of any writ
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in the action, or anything in any pleading or in the endorsement, on
the ground that—
(a) it discloses no reasonable cause of action or defence, as the case
(b) it is scandalous, frivolous or vexatious;
(c) it may prejudice, embarrass or delay the fair trial of the action; or
(d) it is otherwise an abuse of the process of the Court,
and may order the action to be stayed or dismissed or judgment to
be entered accordingly, as the case may be.
Inherent powers of the Court (O. 92, r. 4)
4. For the removal of doubt it is hereby declared that nothing in these
Rules shall be deemed to limit or affect the inherent powers of the
Court to make any order as may be necessary to prevent injustice
or to prevent an abuse of the process of the Court.
[5] Prinsip undnag-undang ini dapat dilihat dari kes BANDAR BUILDER
yang mana diputuskan:
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“[1] The principles upon which the Court acts in exercising its power
under any of the four limbs of O. 18 r. 19(1) Rules of the High Court
1980 are well settled. It is only in plain and obvious cases that
recourse should be had to the summary process under this rule. This
summary procedure can only be adopted when it can be clearly seen
that a claim or answer is on the face of it obviously unsustainable.
[2] So long as the pleadings disclose some course of action or raise
some question fit to be decided by the Judge, the mere fact that the
case is weak and not likely to succeed at the trial is no ground for
the pleadings to be struck out.”
[6] Mahkamah merujuk kepada Penyataan Tuntutan Plaintif. Plaintif
mendakwa terdapat 6 hantaran oleh Defendan melalui hantaran
(posting) di “Halaman Facebook Kumpulan Tersebut” dan secara
umumnya, Plaintif mendakwa setiap makna yang disenaraikan
dalam perenggan 21 Penyataan Tuntutan adalah suatu fitnah
terhadap Plaintif.
[7] Mahkamah merujuk pula kepada hantaran-hantaran yang
dinyatakan. Ia bermula dengan hantaran pertama yang dibuat oleh
Plaintif pada 21/9/2022 di “Halaman Facebook Kumpulan Tersebut”.
Secara dasarnya, kenyataan tersebut tidak ditujukan secara terus
kepada Plaintif tetapi Plaintif telah menjawab kepada kenyataan
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tersebut dalam “Halaman Facebook Kumpulan Tersebut” yang sama
menjelaskan situasi yang berkenaan.
[8] Ekoran daripada itulah timbulnya hantaran-hantaran lain yang mana
ia hanya melibatkan Plaintif dan Defendan. Dalam situasi ini, ia lebih
kepada perselisihan faham antara 2 pihak. Plaintif langsung tidak
menunjukkan apa-apa kenyataan bahawa “Halaman Facebook
Kumpulan Tersebut” telah melibatkan komen-komen lain atau
jawapan dari pihak ketiga atau pengikut halaman Facebook tersebut
dan menyebabkan sebarang kecederaan kepada beliau.
[9] Mahkamah akur bahawa apa yang Mahkamah nyatakan tersebut
adalah perlu dibuktikan pada peringkat bicara. Walaupun begitu,
pada dapatan Mahkamah, komen-komen seturusnya adalah
perdebatan antara Plaintif dan Defendan. Perkara ini sepatutnya
tidak perlu dipanjang-panjangkan dan berakhir dengan saman
[10] Walaupun pihak-pihak mempunyai kebebasan untuk memfailkan
apa-apa tuntutan di Mahkamah termasuk tuntutan berdasarkan
fitnah, Mahkamah tidak boleh dijadikan tempat dan medan
pertelingkahan secara sewenang-wenangnya. Tindakan dan kausa
tindakan perlulah jelas dan menepati sesuatu undang-undang yang
digunapakai. Jika tidak, ia adalah satu proses penyalahgunaan
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prosiding Mahkamah dan merugikan masa. Inilah intipati peruntukan
dibawah Aturan 18 kaedah 19 Kaedah-kaedah Mahkamah 2012.
[11] Oleh itu, Mahkamah perlu menimbangkan samada kes ini layak
untuk dilupuskan melalui peruntukan di bawah aturan berkenaan.
Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes THIAGARAJAN S RENGASAMY
v. SRI GANES PALANIAPAN [2023] CLJU 2468 yang mana
Law on defamation
[15] Halsbury's Law of England (4th ed) gives the definition as to
what amounts to a defamatory statement as follows:
"A defamatory statement is a statement which tends to lower a
person in the estimation of right thinking members of society
generally or to cause him to be shunned or avoided or to expose him
to hatred, contempt or ridicule, or to convey an imputation on him
disparaging or injurious to his office, profession, calling, trade or
[16] In Ayob Saud v. TS Sambanthamurthi [1989] 1 CLJ 152; 1 CLJ
(Rep) 321; [1989] MLJ 315) (HC) His Lordship, Mohamed Dzaiddin
J (later CJ) set out succinctly the elements of the tort of defamation
as follows:
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"In our law on libel, which is governed by the Defamation Act 1957,
the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff to show (1) the words are
defamatory; (2) the words refer to the plaintiff; and (3) the words
were published."
YAH memutuskan:
[6] During the said Unscheduled Meeting also, the 1st Plaintiff
reiterated that he is not the authorised person nor does he have the
mandate to discuss the payments on behalf of PCSB as well as to
decide on the necessary procedures to be undertaken by PCSB.
Hence, the 1st Plaintiff advised the Defendant to discuss the matters
directly with the 2nd Plaintiff who is the Managing Director of PCSB.
The 1st Plaintiff alleged that the Defendant, upon being informed of
the above, acted in a threatening and aggressive manner which led
to a heated argument. The 1st Plaintiff further alleged the Defendant
then verbally assaulted and defamed the 1st Plaintiff and while
disparaging the 2nd Plaintiff by using profanity words such as
"bastard, big shot, periya pudinggi, fuck, fucker, your boss is a
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bastard" ("Impugned Words") continuously and on multiple
occasion during the said Unscheduled Meeting.
[7] The 1st Plaintiff also stated that after he left the Unscheduled
Meeting, the Defendant had followed him and continued uttering the
Impugned Words to the 1st Plaintiff in the presence of PCSB's
employees at a smoking shelter 10 meters away.
[8] On 24.2.2022, the Plaintiffs filed an action against the Defendant
for the tort of defamation alleging that the Impugned Words are
defamatory in their natural and ordinary meaning and by innuendo
as the words attack upon the moral character, credibility and integrity
of the Plaintiffs attributing to dishonesty, untruthfulness and
[9] On 18.5.2022, the Defendant filed an application in Enclosure 9
to strike out the Plaintiffs' claim on the following grounds, inter alia:
(a) the Plaintiffs failed to show any actionable claim based on the
Impugned Words;
(b) there are no particulars of publications to third party; and
(c) the alleged third parties are not explicitly identified by the
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[14] The issue before the court now is whether or not the Plaintiffs'
claim against the Defendant is plainly and obviously unsustainable.
Whether the Impugned Words are defamatory
[15] It is trite that in any defamation suit, the plaintiff has the duty
to prove that the alleged words are defamatory, refer to the
plaintiff and are published (see Ayob Saud v. TS Sambanthamurthi
[1989] 1 CLJ 152; [1989] 1 MLJ 315 and Khalid Abdul Samad v.
Dato' Dr Hasan Haji Mohamed Ali [2016] 1 LNS 193).
[16] In Chok Foo Choo v. The China Press Bhd [1999] 1 CLJ 461
Gopal Sri Ram JCA (as he then was) explained what the court
should do when dealing with a defamation suit as follows:
"It cannot, I think, be doubted that the first task of a court, in action
for defamation, is to determine whether the words complained of are
capable of bearing a defamatory meaning. And it is beyond
argument that this is in essence a question of law that turns upon the
construction of the words published.
Having decided whether the words complained of are capable of
being a defamatory meaning, the next step in the enquiry is for a
court to ascertain whether the words complained of are in fact
defamatory. This is a question of fact dependent upon the
circumstances of a particular case."
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[17] The Lordship further held that the alleged words must be
assessed by their ordinary and natural meaning by saying -
And it is beyond argument that this is in essence a question of law
that turns upon the construction of the words published. As Lord
Morris put it in Jones v. Skelton [1963] 3 All ER 952 at p. 958:
The ordinary and natural meaning of words may be either the
literal meaning or it may be an implied or inferred or an indirect
meaning: any meaning that does not require the support of extrinsic
facts passing beyond general knowledge but is a meaning which is
capable of being detected in the language used can be a part of the
ordinary and natural meaning of words (see Lewis v. Daily Telegraph
Ltd [1963] 2 All ER 151). The ordinary and natural meaning may
therefore include any implication or inference which a
reasonable reader, guided not by any special but only by
general knowledge and not fettered by any strict legal rules of
construction, would draw from the words. The test of
reasonableness guides and directs the court in its function of
deciding whether it is open to a jury in any particular case to
hold that reasonable persons would understand the words
complained of in a defamatory sense.
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In my judgment, the test which is to be applied lies in the question:
do the words published in their natural and ordinary meaning
impute to the plaintiff any dishonourable or discreditable
conduct or motives or a lack of integrity on his part? If the
question invites an affirmative response, then the words complained
of are defamatory. (See,JB Jeyaratnam v. Goh Chok Tong [1989] 1
LNS 34 [1985] 3 MLJ 334.) Richard Malanjum J, in an admirable
judgment in Tun Datuk Patinggi Hj Abdul-Rahman Ya'kub v. Bre Sdn
Bhd & Ors [1995] 1 LNS 304; [1996] 1 MLJ 393 collected and
reviewed the relevant authorities upon this branch of the subject and
I would, with respect, expressly approve the approach adopted by
[18] The same principles were echoed in Dato' Sri Dr Mohamad
Salleh Ismail & Anor v. Nurul Izzah Anwar & Anor [2021] 4 CLJ
327, where Harmindar Singh FCJ when delivering the judgment of
the Federal Court had said that -
[22] To ascertain the meaning of the statement or publication, the
plaintiff can rely on the natural and ordinary meaning or the innuendo
meaning. The consideration of the meaning of the offending words
involves an objective test (see Jones v. Skelton, supra). The
offending words must be considered in the context of the whole
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article and not simply on isolated passages (seeLee Kuan Yew v.
Derek Gwyn Davies & Ors [1990] 1 CLJ 583; [1990] 1 MLJ 390;
Curistan v. Times Newspaper Ltd[2009] 2 WLR 149; Mirror
Newspapers v. World Hosts Pty Ltd [1979] 141 CLR 632; Keluarga
Communication Sdn Bhd v. Normala Samsudin & Another Appeal
[2006] 2 CLJ 46; [2006] 2 MLJ 700). In this context, Duncan & Neill
on Defamation, 4th edn, described this principle at paras 5.25 to
In order to determine the natural and ordinary meaning of the
statements of which the claimant complains it is necessary to take
into account the context in which it appeared and the mode of
publication... It follows from the principles set out above that a
claimant cannot select an isolated passage in an article and
complain of that alone if other parts of the article throw a different
light on that passage.
[19] Further, Mohd Azmi J (as the Lordship then was) underlined the
following test when deciding whether the alleged words are
defamatory or otherwise in Syed Husin Ali v. Syarikat
Perchetakan Utusan Melayu Bhd & Anor [1973] 1 LNS 146;
[1973] 2 MLJ 56:
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Thus, the test of defamatory nature of a statement is its tendency to
excite against the Plaintiff the adverse opinion of others, although no
one believes the statement to be true. Another test is: would the
words tend to lower the Plaintiff in the estimation of right thinking
members of society generally? The typical type of defamation is an
attack upon the moral character of the Plaintiff attributing crime,
dishonesty, untruthfulness, ingratitude or cruelty.
[20] In Dato' Sri Dr Mohamad Salleh Ismail (supra), the Federal
Court explained the defamatory statements as follows -
[19] The law in respect of what amounts to defamatory matter
is well- settled. An imputation would be defamatory if its effect
is to expose the plaintiff, in the eyes of the community, to
hatred, ridicule or contempt or to lower him or her in their
estimation or to cause him or her to be shunned and avoided
by them (see Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim v. The New Straits
Times Press (M) Sdn Bhd & Anor [2010] 5 CLJ 301; [2010] 3
AMR 514; Syed Husin Ali v. Sharikat Penchetakan Utusan
Melayu Berhad & Anor [1973] 1 LNS 146; [1973] 2 MLJ 56; JB
Jeyaretnam v. Goh Chok Thong [1984] 1 LNS 139; [1985] 1
MLJ 334; Tun Datuk Patinggi Hj Abdul-Rahman Ya'kub v. Bre
Sdn Bhd & Ors [1995] 1 LNS 304; [1996] 1 MLJ 393; Chok Foo
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Choo v. The China Press Bhd [1999] 1 CLJ 461; [1999] 1 MLJ
371). In order to prove a claim in defamation, it is also essential
that the offending words are not only defamatory and that they
are published but also that they identify the plaintiff as the
person defamed.
[20] The defamatory nature of the imputation is to be judged by the
ordinary and reasonable members of the community or an
appreciable and reputable section of the community (see Jones v.
Skelton [1963] 3 All ER 952; Peak v. Tribune Co [1909] 214 US 185;
Hepburn v. TCN Channel Nine Pty [1983] 2 NSWLR 682). The
ordinary reasonable person has been held to be one of fair average
intelligence (see Slayter v. Daily Telegraph Newspaper Co Ltd
[1908] 6 CLR 1, who is not avid for scandal (see Lewis v. Daily
Telegraph Ltd [1964] AC 234) but who may engage in some degree
of loose thinking (see Morgan v. Odhams Press Ltd [1971] 2 All ER
1156) and reading between the lines (see Farquhar v. Bottom [1980]
2 NSWLR 374), but who, at the same time, should not be unduly
suspicious (see Keogh v. Incorporated Dental Hospital of Ireland
[1910] 2 lr R. 577).
[21] In our present case, after carefully scrutinizing the
Impugned Words in their natural and ordinary meaning and I
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find that the words "bastard, big shot, periya pudinggi, fuck,
fucker and your boss is a bastard" allegedly uttered by the
Defendant are clearly not defamatory albeit undeniably abusive.
There is nothing in the Impugned Words that could be
calculated to defame the Plaintiffs nor expose the Plaintiffs to
hatred, ridicule or contempt in the mind of a reasonable man. It
is no doubt that the Impugned Words are amongst the nasty words
more often than not uttered by a person in the midst of anger but not
all nasty words are defamatory. As long as the nasty words do not
defame or impute the moral character, credibility and integrity of the
person whom the words are uttered to, they are not defamatory.
[13] Mahkamah merujuk juga kepada KES HISHAM BIN TAN SRI
CLJ 56; [2021] 10 MLJ 683, yang mana diputuskan:
“…where it was explained that a statement is defamatory if it: (a)
tends to lower the Plaintiff in the estimation of right-thinking members
of society generally, (b) causes the Plaintiff to be shunned or
avoided; (c) exposes the Plaintiff to hatred, contempt or ridicule; or
(d) imputes to the plaintiff any dishonorable or discreditable conduct
or motives or a lack of integrity on his part.
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[14] Adakah terlalu awal untuk Mahkamah tentukan samada kenyataan
yang dirujuk oleh Plaintif adalah bukan satu kenyataan fitnah?
Mahkamah membuat dapatan bahawa dalam kes ini ia adalah satu
kes yang jelas dan terang (plain and obvious cases).
[15] Mahkamah menggunapakai ujian (test) yang dinyatakan dalam kes
yang telah dirujuk di atas. Dalam ertikata yang lazim, Mahkamah
membuat dapatan bahawa kenyataan-kenyataan yang diterbitkan
hanya bersifat ulasan saksama (fair comment) dan tanpa niat jahat
[16] Keenam-enam hantaran (posting dan jawapan kepada posting
tersebut) secara umumnya tidak menjurus kepada apa-apa maksud
dan ia adalah dalam keadaan makna biasa (ordinary meaning),
pertelingkahan mulut atau perdebatan antara 2 pihak. Perenggan 21
Penyataan Tuntutan Plaintif adalah terjemahan/tafsiran Plaintif.
[17] Kedua-dua pihak saling jawab menjawab. Ia adalah satu ulasan
saksama dan melibatkan satu pihak menjawab kepada kenyataan
satu pihak yang lain. Bagi Mahkamah, ini adalah “fair comment”
antara kedua-dua mereka tanpa memberi apa-apa kesan atau
maksud tidak elok pada pihak lain.
[18] Tambahan pula, jika dirujuk affidavit Plaintif sendiri, Plaintif mengaku
bukan sahaja berselisih faham dengan Defendan bahkan dengan
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Daniel Lim Hin Soon iaitu pihak yang mengeluarkan surat dieksibit
“AWSH-1”. Plaintif telah mengikrarkan affidavit menyatakan Daniel
Lim Hin Soon ini juga telah berniat jahat terhadap beliau.
[19] Dalam masa yang sama, Plaintif juga menyatakan bahawa isu bagi
menentusahkan jika kereta tersebut “Illegally parked” atau tidak
hendaklah ditentukan oleh Mahkamah setelah menerima
keterangan saksi-saksi.
[20] Adalah tidak adil untuk meletakkan Mahkamah untuk menyelesaikan
pertelingkahan dan pertikaian antara Plaintif dan Defendan disini
sedangkan ini adalah hal dalaman ldan bukanlah satu tuntutan atau
isu yang perlu diputuskan oleh Mahkamah di sini.
[21] Mahkamah merujuk juga kes MESSRS ONG, RIC & PARTNERS &
& ORS [2022] CLJU 2541 yang memutuskan:
“[36] Gatley on Libel and Slander (12th Edition) provides that:
"[2.4] Threshold of Seriousness In addition to the requirement that
the imputation conveyed must have an effect identified in one of [the]
definitions discussed above, the imputation must meet the
necessary level of seriousness. As Tugendhat J explained in
Thornton v. Telegraph Media Group: "Whatever definition of
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'defamatory' is adopted, it must include a qualification or threshold
of seriousness, so as to exclude trivial claims."
[39] Based on the above reason, I find that the words complained
of by the Plaintiffs are not prima facie defamatory. Therefore, it
failed the test as propounded in Chok Foo Choo (supra). Since the
crux of the Plaintiffs' claim for defamation revolved around the 1st
Defendant's letter and no other, and the Defendants have
successfully demonstrated to the Court that the words complained
of by the Plaintiffs in the 1st Defendant's letter are not prima facie
defamatory, I find that the Plaintiffs has failed to disclose a
reasonable cause of action against the Defendants. By this reason
alone, it is sufficient for me to allow the Application as per O. 18, r.
19(1)(c)(a) and (b).
[22] Akhirnya, Mahkamah mengambilberat tentang peranan dan tugasan
Mahkamah yang perlu dilaksanakan dengan betul dan sepatutnya.
SDN BHD & ORS v. JAMES FOONG [2008] 1 CLJ 651, Mahkamah
harus berhati-hati dan mengelak daripada menggunakan medium
Mahkamah sebagai satu cara penyalahgunaan proses dan prosiding
undang-undang seperti dinyatakan berikut:
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[80] The court has an inherent jurisdiction to prevent an abuse of its
process: Raja Zainal Abidin bin Raja Haji Tachik & Ors v. British-
American Life & General Insurance Bhd [1993] 3 CLJ 606; [1993] 3
MLJ 16 (SC).
[81] Illustrations of an abuse of the process of the court include:
(a) An intention to embarrass the defendants:Ansa Teknik (M) Sdn
Bhd v. Cygal Sdn Bhd [1989] 1 LNS 26; [1989] 2 MLJ 423; or
(b) Where the process of the court has not been used in a bona fide
manner and has been abused: Hadi bin Hassan v. Suria Records
Sdn Bhd [2004] 8 CLJ 225; [2005] 3 MLJ 522.
[82] The categories of abuse of process of the court are never closed
and will certainly proliferate pursuant to the myriad of circumstances
available from the factual matrix found in each particular case.
[83] In Gabriel Peter & Partners (suing as a firm) v. Wee Chong Jin
[1988] 1 SLR 374, the Singapore Court of Appeal explained the
scope of 'an abuse of the process of the court' under O 18 r. 19(1)(d)
which is in pari materia with ours. The terms has been given a wide
interpretation by the courts and includes considerations of public
policy and the interests of justice. It signifies that the process of the
court must be used bona fide and properly and must not be abused.
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On the facts before us, the defendants have established an abuse
of the process of the court."
[23] Akhirnya, Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa atas alasan yang
dinyatakan, Notis Permohonan Defendan di Lampiran 7 dibenarkan
dan Writ Saman dan Pernyataan Tuntutan Plaintif dibatalkan
dengan kos RM4,000.00.
Sekian untuk pertimbangan YAH.
Disediakan oleh:
Sazlina Safie
Sazlina Bt Safie
Hakim Sesyen,
Mahkamah Sesyen 3 Sivil,
Mahkamah Sesyen Petaling Jaya,
Tarikh :19/1/2024
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| 33,421 | Tika 2.6.0 |
33-95-03/2015 | PEMPETISYEN ROPERT A/L VANATHIAH RESPONDEN THILAKAVATHY A/P CHURULIMALAI | Civil procedure/ Family law - Application for leave to issue writ of possession - Wife granted right to occupy matrimonial home 'tanpa sebarang gangguan' pursuant to consent order - Whether husband should vacate matrimonial home - Meaning of 'tanpa sebarang gangguan' - Whether practical for husband to remain in matrimonial home when wife was given right to occupy it. | 18/01/2024 | YA Puan Evrol Mariette Peters | |
33-95-03/2015 18 January 2024
DIVORCE PETITION NO: 33-95-03/2015
In the matter of Sections 53, 54,
76, 77, 88, 89 and 92 of the
Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976
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[1] This was an application (“this Application”) by the Respondent Wife in
enclosure 16, seeking leave to issue a writ of possession in respect of
the matrimonial home, and for the Respondent and three out of the
four children of the marriage to be allowed to live in the matrimonial
The factual background
[2] The Petitioner Husband and Respondent Wife (collectively, “the
Parties”) were married in May 1996, and had four children, born in
1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001 respectively.
[3] The marriage deteriorated over time and in March 2015, the Petitioner
filed a divorce petition (“the Divorce Petition”), while the Respondent
responded in May 2015.
[4] In August 2015, Parties entered into a consent order (“the Consent
Order”), stipulating, inter alia, that the Respondent along with three
children in her custody will live in the matrimonial home (“the
Matrimonial Home”), ‘tanpa sebarang gangguan’. The relevant terms
read in verbatim:
iii. Responden Isteri bersama dengan 3 orang anak di dalam kustodi
Responden Isteri akan berpindah masuk ke dalam rumah di alamat
***** (“Hartanah tersebut”) dan Pempetisyen Suami akan membayar
segala utiliti seperti Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Syabas, Indah Water,
Cukai Tanah dan Cukai Taksiran bagi Hartanah tersebut dan
Pempetisyen Suami akan terus membayar segala utiliti tersebut
dimana Responden Isteri dan 3 orang dalam kustodi isteri
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dibenarkan untuk tinggal di rumah tersebut tanpa sebarang
iv. Pempetisyen Suami akan membayar ansuran bulanan kepada pihak
Bank bagi Hartanah tersebut dan Hartanah tersebut akan dipegang
sebagai amanah dalam bahagian yang sama rata bagi 4 orang anak
di dalam perkahwinan sehingga anak ke-empat mencapai umur 24
[Emphasis added.]
[5] The Petitioner had failed to adhere to the stipulated terms of the
Consent Order, prompting the Respondent’s Counsel to issue a written
notice in December 2020, urging compliance. The correspondence
clearly communicated that failure to comply would necessitate
additional legal measures. Despite this, the Petitioner had refused to
adhere, subsequently obstructing the Respondent and the three
children in her custody from relocating to the Matrimonial Home.
[6] In August 2023, the Respondent filed this Application pursuant to
Order 46 of the Rules of Court 2012 (“Rules of Court”), and rules 56
and 72 of the Divorce and Matrimonial Proceedings Rules 1980, all of
which read:
Rules of Court 2012
Order 46 – Writs of execution - General
Rule 2 - When leave to issue any writ of execution is necessary
(1) A writ of execution to enforce a judgment or order may not be issued
without the leave of the Court in the following cases:
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(a) where six years or more have lapsed since the date of the
judgment or order;
(b) where any change has taken place, whether by death or
otherwise, in the parties entitled or liable to execution under the
judgment or order;
(c) where the judgment or order is against the assets of a deceased
person coming to the hand of his executors or administrators after
the date of the judgment or order, and it is sought to issue execution
against such assets;
(d) where under the judgment or order any person is entitled to relief
subject to the fulfilment of any condition which it is alleged has been
fulfilled; and
(e) where any movable property sought to be seized under a writ of
execution is in the hands of a receiver appointed by the Court.
(2) Paragraph (1) is without prejudice to any written law or rule by which a
person is required to obtain the leave of the Court for the issue of a writ of
execution or to proceed to execution on or otherwise the enforcement of a
judgment or order.
(3) Where the Court grants leave, whether under this rule or otherwise, for
the issue of a writ of execution and the writ is not issued within one year
after the date of the order granting such leave, the order shall cease to have
effect, without prejudice, however, to the making of a fresh order.
Divorce and Matrimonial Proceedings Rules 1980
Rule 56 – Application by petitioner or respondent for ancillary relief
(1) Any application by a petitioner, or by a respondent who files an answer
claiming relief, for —
(a) an order for maintenance pending suit;
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(b) a property division order, under section 76 of the Act; or
(c) a maintenance order, under section 77 of the Act,
shall be made in the petition or answer, as the case may be.
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), an application for ancillary relief which
should have been made in the petition or answer may be made
subsequently —
(a) by leave of the court, either by notice in Form 11 or at the trial;
(b) where the parties are agreed upon the terms of the proposed
order, without leave by notice in Form 11.
(3) An application by a petitioner or respondent for ancillary relief, not being
an application which is required to be made in the petition or answer
shall be made by notice in Form 11.
Rule 72 – Enforcement of order for payment of money, etc
(1) Before any process is issued for the enforcement of an order made in
matrimonial proceedings for the payment of money to any person, an
affidavit shall be filed verifying the amount due under the order and showing
how that amount is arrived at.
(2) Except with the leave of the registrar, no writ of fierifacias or warrant of
execution shall be issued to enforce payment of any sum due under an
order for ancillary relief where an application for a variation order is pending.
(3) For the purpose of RHC Order 46 (issue of a writ of execution), the
divorce registry shall be the appropriate office for the issue of a writ of
execution to enforce an order made in matrimonial proceedings in the High
Court which are proceedings in that registry.
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The Issues
[7] The issues for consideration for this Court were as follows: (i) the
inherent characteristics of a consent order; (ii) the validity of the
Petitioner’s justification for refusing to vacate the Matrimonial Home;
and (iii) the interpretation of ‘tanpa sebarang gangguan’ in clause (iii)
of the Consent Order.
[8] This Application was allowed for the following reasons.
Contentions, evaluation, and findings
The nature of a consent order
[9] At the outset, it was crucial to draw attention to the insights shared
by Mary Lim JCA (as she then was) in Lee Heng Moy & Ors v. Pacific
Trustees Bhd & Ors [2016] 6 CLJ 368 regarding the nature of a consent
order. Her observations, as articulated in the following passage, merit
careful consideration:
It is fairly settled and trite law that an order of the court reached by consent
of the parties involved is in effect a contract between those
parties:Ganapathy Chettiar v. Lum Kum Chum & Ors And Another
Appeal [1981] 2 MLJ 145. Such a consent order must therefore be given its
full contractual effect - see Tan Geok Lan v. La Kuan [2004] 2 CLJ
301; [2004] 3 MLJ 465. Such an order remains valid, effective and binding
on all the parties involved until and unless the order is set aside for some
vitiating reason - see the Federal Court's decision in Tong Lee Hwa & Anor
v. Chin Ah Kwi & Another Appeal [1971] 1 LNS 143; [1971] 2 MLJ 75. In
fact, until that happens, until and unless the consent order is set aside, the
consent order operates as an estoppel disallowing the defendants today
from departing from its terms.
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[Emphasis added.]
[10] A consent order is akin to a contract with the superadded command of
the court: Tan Geok Lan v. La Kuan [2004] 2 CLJ 301; [2004] 3 MLJ
465. Reference was also made to a plethora of cases
including Ganapathy Chettiar v. Lum Kum Chum & Ors And Another
Appeal [1981] 1 LNS 59; [1981] 2 MLJ 145; Tong Lee Hwa & Anor v.
Chin Ah Kwi & Another Appeal [1971] 1 LNS 143; [1971] 2 MLJ 75;
and Kamil Azman Abdul Razak & Ors v. Amanah Raya Bhd & Ors
[2019] 6 CLJ 419.
Whether the Petitioner’s reasons for refusing to vacate the Matrimonial
Home were relevant/ justified
[11] The Petitioner put forth a multitude of arguments to justify his
continued occupancy of the Matrimonial Home, deviating from the
explicit directives outlined in the Consent Order.
[12] Initially, he asserted that this Application was time-barred. This
contention was followed by the claim that it was the Respondent
who had voluntarily vacated the Matrimonial Home, without any
coercion from him. Furthermore, he delved into the complexities of
his personal circumstances, revealing his involvement in a new
marital relationship and the challenges of caring for a child with
autism. Alongside these personal challenges, the Petitioner
highlighted his low-income status, arguing that financial constraints
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prevented him from vacating the Matrimonial Home and securing
alternative housing.
[13] I found the entirety of the Petitioner’s argument untenable. The
focal point for this Court centers on whether the Respondent should
be granted the right to occupy the Matrimonial Home, in accordance
with the terms of the Consent Order.
[14] The assertion of a time limitation on the Respondent’s filing was
bereft of merit, as this Application for leave falls outside any
specified timeframe. Order 46 of the Rules of Court explicitly allows
such applications, emphasising that a writ of execution to enforce a
judgment or order may not be issued without the leave of the Court
where six years or more had lapsed since the date of the judgment or
order. Additionally, it was essential to highlight that the Respondent
had, through her solicitors, communicated with the Petitioner regarding
his non-compliance with the Consent Order. Despite these efforts, the
Petitioner had failed to provide a positive response. Consequently, the
Petitioner's argument regarding delay was unsustainable given the
[15] The justifications and excuses presented by the Petitioner in
opposing the Respondent’s vacation of the Matrimonial Home were
inconsequential and bore no relevance to the crux of this
Application, and amounted to an endeavour to re-litigate the terms
stipulated in the Consent Order.
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[16] This Court could not entertain the Petitioner’s reasons and excuses
for resisting the evacuation of the Matrimonial Home, particularly
given that the pertinent Consent Order had resulted from a mutual
agreement between the Parties.
Interpretation of ‘tanpa sebarang gangguan’ in clause iii of the Consent Order
[17] The nucleus of the Petitioner’s argument revolved around the
elucidation of clause iii of the Consent Order, in particular the term
‘tanpa sebarang gangguan’.
[18] The Petitioner contended that, although the Respondent and the
three Children in her custody were granted the right to occupy the
Matrimonial Home “tanpa sebarang gangguan”, pursuant to the
Consent Order, there was no explicit order for the Petitioner to
vacate the residence.
[19] In fact, the Petitioner proposed for the Respondent and the three
Children in her custody to relocate to the Matrimonial Home,
specifically occupying one of the rooms. However, in this
arrangement, the Petitioner insisted that both Parties mutually
pledge not to ‘disturb’ each other.
[20] I found the Petitioner’s argument to be lacking in merit. Firstly, the
term ‘tanpa sebarang gangguan’ carries a broader significance than
merely ‘without any disturbance’.
[21] The Respondent cited pertinent landlord-tenant cases such as Lee
Phak Kong v Bestway Fortune Sdn Bhd & Anor and Other Cases
[2023] MLRHU 463 and Kenny v Preen [1962] 3 ALL ER 814, which
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delved into the notion of ‘quiet enjoyment’. Asserting her entitlement
to quiet enjoyment of the Matrimonial Home, the Respondent
implied that Petitioner was obliged to permanently vacate the
Matrimonial home.
[22] While I agreed and recognised the Respondent’s right to quiet
enjoyment of the Matrimonial Home, I maintained the view that she
deserved additional entitlements, considering the broader
implications of the term tanpa sebarang gangguan’ in the Consent
[23] The expression ‘quiet enjoyment’ in Bahasa Malaysia is translated
as ‘kenikmatan aman sentosa’ while ‘tanpa sebarang gangguan’
carries a broader connotation. Notably, the term gangguan’ is
employed within the context of section 103 (Injunctions against
molestation) of the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce Act 1976, as
articulated in Bahasa Malaysia as follows:
Seksyen 103 – Tegahan terhadap pengganguan
Mahkamah adalah berkuasa dalam masa menanti keputusan sesuatu
pembicaraan hal ehwal berkahwin atau pada atau selepas pemberian
sesuatu dikri perceraian, perpisahan kehakiman atau pembatalan,
memerintahkan seseorang supaya jangan memaksa suami isteri atau
suami isterinya yang dahulu menerima kehadirannya dan supaya
jangan melakukan lain-lain perbuatan gangguan.
[Emphasis added.]
[24] Given the term ‘tanpa sebarang gangguan’ in the Consent Order
carries a broader scope than the concept of ‘quiet enjoyment’, I
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deemed it essential to reference legal precedents such as Chan Ah
Moi @ Chan Kim Moy v Phang Wai Ann [1995] 3 CLJ 846, Vaughan v
Vaughan [1973] 3 All ER 449, and Lee Sook Kwan v Yap Woon [2010]
11 MLRH 167.
[25] In the case of Chan Ah Moi @ Chan Kim Moy v Phang Wai Ann, where
‘gangguan’ or ‘molestation’ lacked a specific definition in the Law
Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act, the presiding judge, in the
absence of statutory guidance, turned to The Britannica World
Language Edition of The Oxford Dictionary and referenced the English
Court of Appeal case of Vaughan v Vaughan [1973] 3 All ER 449 for
[26] According to the Britannica World Language Edition of The Oxford
Dictionary, "molestation" is defined as “the action of molesting or
condition of being molested; annoyance, disturbance, vexation”. In
Vaughan v Vaughan, Davies LJ characterised ‘molestation’ as
engaging hostilely or injuriously and causing trouble, vexation,
annoyance, or inconvenience.
[27] It became evident that when the Consent Order was granted,
allowing the Respondent and the three Children in her custody to
occupy the Matrimonial Home, it inherently implied the obligation
for the Petitioner to vacate. Proposing that the Petitioner, his new
family, or any of his family members should continue to reside in
the Matrimonial Home, not only defied common sense but also
contravened the very essence of the Consent Order.
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[28] Drawing guidance from the Federal Court case of Kesatuan Pekerja-
Pekerja Bukan Eksekutif Maybank Bhd v Kesatuan Kebangsaan
Pekerja-Pekerja Bank & Anor [2018] 2 MLJ 590, despite its focus on a
common-sense approach to interpreting statutes, the underlying
principle can be extrapolated to the interpretation of consent orders.
[29] Moreover, it was both demeaning and insulting for the Petitioner to
suggest that the Respondent and the three Children in her custody
should confine themselves to one room in the Matrimonial Home
with the caveat that they refrain from interfering with or disturbing
Petitioner and his family. Such a proposition undermines the
fundamental purpose of the Consent Order and runs counter to the
principles of fairness and equity.
[30] In conclusion, considering the aforementioned reasons and a
meticulous examination of all evidence presented, including both oral
and documentary, as well as the submissions of the Parties, this
Application was allowed with costs.
Dated: 18 January 2024
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High Court, Kuala Lumpur
For the Petitioner – Lalitha Nagamuthu; Messrs Lalitha & Co
For the Respondent – Pramjit Kaur; Messrs Mann & Associates
Cases referred to:
➢ Chan Ah Moi @ Chan Kim Moy v Phang Wai Ann [1995] 3 CLJ 846
➢ Ganapathy Chettiar v. Lum Kum Chum & Ors And Another Appeal
[1981] 1 LNS 59; [1981] 2 MLJ 145
➢ Johnson v. Walton [1990] FCR 568, 1 FLR 350
➢ Kamil Azman Abdul Razak & Ors v. Amanah Raya Bhd & Ors [2019] 6
CLJ 419.
➢ Kenny v Preen [1962] 3 ALL ER 814
➢ Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja Bukan Eksekutif Maybank Bhd v Kesatuan
Kebangsaan Pekerja-Pekerja Bank & Anor [2018] 2 MLJ 590
➢ Lee Heng Moy & Ors v. Pacific Trustees Bhd & Ors [2016] 6 CLJ 368
➢ Lee Phak Kong v Bestway Fortune Sdn Bhd & Anor and Other Cases
[2023] MLRHU 463
➢ Lee Sook Kwan v Yap Woon [2010] 11 MLRH 167
➢ Tan Geok Lan v. La Kuan [2004] 2 CLJ 301; [2004] 3 MLJ 465
➢ Tee Bee Chin (P) v Goh Swee Por (L) [2018] 8 MLJ 590
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➢ Tong Lee Hwa & Anor v. Chin Ah Kwi & Another Appeal [1971] 1 LNS
143; [1971] 2 MLJ 75
➢ Vaughan v Vaughan [1973] 3 All ER 449
Legislation referred to:
➢ Divorce and Matrimonial Proceedings Rules 1980 – rules 56, 72
➢ Law Reform (Marriage & Divorce) Act 1976 – sections 48, 96, 103
➢ Rules of Court 2012 – Order 46
Other sources referred to:
➢ Britannica World Language Edition of The Oxford Dictionary
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| 21,591 | Tika 2.6.0 |
PA-22NCvC-11-01/2023 | PLAINTIF 1. ) ARTISAN CUISINE SDN BHD 2. ) LIM LEE SHENG 3. ) LEONG KAR CHUN DEFENDAN 1. ) XI LIN GE SDN. BHD. 2. ) CH'NG POH CHYE 3. ) PHUAH SOON KEE 4. ) CH'NG CHIN KEAT 5. ) CH'NG JING WEN 6. ) CH'NG CHIN WEI | Striking out – Whether res judicata – An earlier suit filed – Similar claims, reliefs, issues, facts as the instant suit– Different parties – Whether judicial estoppel – Plaintiffs taking a different position from the earlier suit. | 18/01/2024 | YA Dato' Quay Chew Soon | |
18/01/2024 10:30:22
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1>A—22m:vc—11—n1/2023 Kand. 62
13/alrznzu mv2l>:22
ln the Hlgn Courl cl Malaya lfl Penang
In me Sla|e or Penang, Malaysla
Clvll Sun No. PA-22NCvC-11-01/2023
Arllssrl cuisine sun Bhd
Llm Lee sneng
Leong Kar Chun . Flalnlifls
xu Ge Sdn Bhd
Ch‘rlg Poh Chye
Pnuan soon Kee
cnng Chln Ksal
cnng Jung wen
cnng Chin We! Delendams
Grounds ol Declslorl
1. The Delendams med a Home cl applicallcn daled 24 7 2023 was
Enclosure M to strike am the Plninlms' clalm Enclosure 41 ls made under
Order 13 rule 19(I)(b)or1d)oHhe Rules cl Ccurl 2012.
2. on an 10 2023 I alloweo Enclosure 4! arm slruok out me Plalnmls‘
actlun agalns| lne Detenoanls. Here are lne grmmds or my declslon.
Th llonsm belween me a
3. The dlreclors and snarenoloers oHl1e 1- Flalnllfl (‘F company) are
(T) me 2"“ l=lalnlll1(“Pz“), (II) me 3"’ Plalnllfl1“P:“) and (ml me 4"‘ nelendanl
4. The 5*" De1endanl(“D5’)ls the sole direclur and shareholder more
1“ Delendanl (“D compnny).
5 The relahorlshlp ol me Delenaanls are as lollows-
rn mKllalDKnl.l2MwuaK2lmYw
“Nair s.n.r nurlhnrwlll .. med m my r... mn.u-y mm. dnuurlml Vfl nrlurm Wm!
m Ihe 2m Defendant(“F|Ilw(}ws1he1n|her el(HDJ,1ujD5 and on me an
my lhu aw DalsvIdin|(‘IlmhI 715 me momamm; m, (up as and mm as;
(cl 0:. as and us are smug;
5. The Father. lhe Mulherand D6 are nomurenors or shalehulders or P
company ar D company
7 In me Instant sml, |he Fla Us auega Ihal ma Dadendanls mu
eslabhshsd D oampany IO undenake the huslile |aKe - over 07 the
restaurant business of P company.
The Earlier §
a Dr: 93.2021, P wmpany had mmaled a civil suit against (V) D
mmpany, (u) D4 and (. us vide Penang Hugh coun own Sui\ Nu PA—
22NcvCAe-us/2021 Enrliorsu -)
9 The EarIiarSuIl was ansucsed olvia an omermcounaaxed 2.3.2023
made by me Penang Hugh Courl.
10. The Earlier sun had suugm tor the vouowmg rebieis
“m Dskhnsl Dahawa aehmang Perlanllen Juaman » Sme
Agusmem) nnlma P\a\nWl dengan x‘ Lm Ge Sdn am (Delenflan Kedua)
p a n mmpany w my msllnl sun] Ida Van (flak am am xemauax mun and
an uamayau bahawa kesemua pendapalan (mu-nay olsh x. Lm Ge san am
(Dalmdan Kadui) pnda masa yang ma|ana¥ ad: Tan .1. pggang seczva
pemegarvq amanah (mm urnnm andlorconslmclwetmsnaleh newsman
-Deflendan kepana Plawmt
um Delendam navamm m manaaxx -mmx menuruukkan .1... manyevahknn
akaun bu.-mu x. Lm Ge Sdll am kapada mamm dun /mu oevuamcara
Flamhl dahm mass :4 Han danpadaiankh psnmah MY.
my Deflendzn Penama m kahundakl meugamhfl keismua lmdakzn yang
berwajaran umuk mungnkwkan akaun bank mama dahm ocac Bank
(Malaysm) am qocac Amnunl No. 7301255145) d-hm masa 7 nan
danplda um pennlah ml an nenuan.
M Delenden — nacanaan handak Iah mermngauml (Indemnny) mam .1...
Lemhaga Pengauh - Pengiuh Plalmfl kesemua xawan an 1 an...
SIN mK4aIDK4u2MwuaK:ImTw 2
«mm., W
dscvsmn pr me ezmer anion pr promsdmg. In us wmr sum, :1 uncorvwassus
muss, and mm ohcllnn that oouldlltsfly arm ralriy huvi boon lqrally
ifl[udIcltod in r». urlhr sun er pracapdmg rnrs wider aperalton or me
rlacfnrva rs wmalrmlx ulorvad to eonsuucrn». res /udnrsla‘ 1: house: rns Mm
canmpts olrssue eslovoe/and cause ofaclmn snapper Lrke ms #99 orwh/cl!
may term the orenswas, they are assigned to ensure Ina! mere rs mramy In
rmguron -
39. \n cnee Pok cnoy (supra), rne coun 0! Appeal explained mar me
doctrine M res pmlcala encompass several calegones or cases. In me
narraw sense‘ .1 prevents the reassempn 0! a mailer which had peen
delermmsd in a nnan rudgrnenr In lhe wider sense‘ rr peesnres an abuse
of spun process to rarse In a supsequenr proceeding. mailers whvch spum
nave been Illlgaled in me earner pwceedmg
4a. wnemer m a narrow sense or broad sense, I and was me pnncwwe or
res ruaresra mes m the present case Tne marnrrws are parrea lmm
inshlulmg the mslanlsun based an the same caused acucn, same Issues
and same reliefs suughl VI amnun|s In a du ' ty D1 pmceedmgs and Is
an abuse 0! process 0! me spun
srnrrlar cause oi acrron rssues and facts
4!. The Plarnrrus argue that res yuduzala rs nal applicable because the
presem case mvohtes rmerem facts and panres ms argunrenr appears
at paragraphs 5 and 5 cl merr amdavil anrrnrea by P2 an 21 112112:
lEneIusure 4:!) much reads-
'15} Hakwkal Mir ra ada ran an snbabkan sepanagran dokuman ying dl
luruukkan can;-spa Dapynuhonan penzamrsn dokumen gunman swul PA—
22N::\/(>43-03/2021 yang rnernw-skruran srausa rrnamn barn nlhnk P\aInml—
marnrrr dnlam ks: Im dl mna m rnernpsngnrsrm lerdapal lehlh panm mdwldu
y.ung|er1|bn|flan habellemlasuk oz. as man D6 dmzm kes was
re» Amara nya zda Iah Delendan V Delenaan Ke— 2, xs. 3 can »<.. s dalam
guaman sun ml an mane uersnaan Kc - 2 dan xa . 3 rnenrpskan nr..rsnn.n.r
saranr samua peransa-pan iuwem Gan hushlu mm our Izmndav lynnkal
marrrrn Pemm: rm dangan manggunaksn syankm bnmm mm: syankal m
yang murvggunllun rmma D; a... rm (annk -armk 02 a my senses. ‘lmnunen"
42 I arsagree. Tne applrearron 01 me broader sense of res rudicata
precludes rssuas and [ads which some nave peen r-arses but were not
' ed m we Earher sun, |o he raised In me rnsram suit. The nreners
eoncernrng the Invclvemem or me Famer and the Mother should nave
been rarsee m me Earner sun based on me ioHL7wmg:
em nrxlreluxnuzmwuaxalnrtw “
“Nair s.n.r mmhnrwm s. med s may r... pflmruuly mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum war
(3) me Pnsmms aummsn ms: lhey have lhe klwwisdga mu he Fnrher and
me Mother In shadow dheclms a| an maternal hma 1x|ben|den\en by ms
my me P\n\n|Ms rely on ma Wlchal mnvenmiun lumbxl LLS-I‘ Enclmute
43) Lo supporl their pullluzn om me Fnlher and ma wmsr ave shadow
dhuclors Howevv, me ma WeCha1 mrwersauorr wan dnled 24 n 2019.
V 5 mm ms commencement :2! Ina Eamsrsun.
[C] We Purmws Nflmav my an m. palne Iepon leaned Dy P2 (axmbn LLS~3
Enclosure 43; to mutual‘ their pmmnn xhal me Deiendnnls um srsmasa
F2 and P3Vmm an. -drmmsnulinn MP company mwmr, Ihe sum Dohce
rspen was lodged an 2911 mm, La more ms mmmem:eme1\|uHh5
Eamar sun,
4.4; The Plamms a\su myun the bank amounl srammsm ul :2 uompav1y(!xhIh\|
LL92, Endosuvu :3; Yhe Pmnmnls allege mm Me an Lam aoomml
slatamsm wan ablmnea lhmugh me dlsouvevy arousal VII Ihe Earhav sum
Hawever. rr rs nnlzd that me bank awuunl uaxsmsnr was ohlzmed balm:
ms murrsxan nlme Eamer sum.
(e) As flemonslrated abovo, an we documentary amsnu wmsm ms Pmnms
My on m the Inalam mm was omamed and wnmn rm xmwxeage at me
marmm‘ ewlhur belare me mmmencemsnl av ms Eamer sun or wars the
wnsmsmrr mus Eamsr sum
A3 The F\amMs mnnerargue |haI res judicala rs nor apnlicable because
|he Order or own daled 2 3202: granted by me Penang High Cam In
lhe Earher Suil was due Lo the defendants m me Earner Sui\ lie. u
company‘ DA arm D5) nnl oorrrplymg mm me disouvery order And that
the mems u1|he case were not adwdxcated In me Earner sun.
44 Hmvever. based on me swaerree. 1 acsem me lnllawingz
(at u Vs rr-urspurams our me Eamer Sun has um wncmdsd Yhe omer .21
Conn am: 2 3 2023 is Ihe rm mgmsm Much msmea av me Hams 0!
me name: rn Ihe Em1>erSuI|r
(I1) me Order M Cowl dated 2 3 2:22: was granted aner mung mm smes m
ms Eamur Sum n I: aaressly slaled m we orasroe Cour! asrea 2 a 2923
mm’ ‘Dan Jvlalah membaca hmahan - mqihan yang .1. (aflkan am 55101:?!
1:) Ihe Order M cowl dabad 2 3 ma ms gramea aflev we own ma mam
com sues and wnsmrsa me mems aims can,
my save luraneumem Mdamagsi, au Inn mhsis swam Var \n ma Eamr Sun
were gmnled by me Parting High Conn we order M court can 2 3 ma
srarss — 'R-ur — mm yang at when men P/amlrl mam Pcrwggan 2:
sm mKqrsIDKnu2MwuaK:ImYw *2
“Nana Snr1|\nunhnrwH\I>e L... It: may r... mm-r -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum v-max
F-emyataan nmman oerlznkh 9 Mac 2:221 ad; an at bonart.-n mm
msmmm kacualr garm Jug: flalam ramun M) pm 4. nkseskan men
usmman -. and
1:) F mmnany ma nnnhed rm fl>ver.1mns mm respect la assessmem ov
Dmarem games
. I acknawledge that me pames m the muanc sun are duuerent (mm the
(a) m we Eamavsmh ma Damn wave » m > company Ia: ma mamum and on
u uumvani‘ D4 and as (a. nu dflendinlxfl
us) .7. on mum sum. mere ‘s we addmnn at 4.: F2 and P3 (as me msmms)
and nu the Father me Melnerami on (as lhe asvsnuanxsx and
10) an \s man man P2 and P3 are dlredovs or P company
46 That the Darlies are 7I0| quite the same huweven does nut precmde
me apphcalion cl res mum. on lhis puim. I new on me Cnurl ac Appea\
case 07 Dalo’ S/vanalhan 6/V Shanmugam V Artisan Fokus Sdn EHd[2D15]
3 MLJ I22 wmch hem (ha! I Is not necessary '07 pames to be the same VI
both actwons.
41 The Courl of Appeal said [at page 137;-
'I?5l In ms Pwunl SFPCSL svncu IN Waunlaciron would undoubted/y mvolve
90mg aver wuuery we same (ads as m m. prewou: HTF aml, and sampling
m. bvundlrappmlnh and rm with! ms. omsmum. .s Me preierrid
Ind mmmgu pashlan, me ha (ha! me pames to this sun In ammnz
mun tn: HTF sun does not dlsemltle Me IPDIUIHI In mvnh MI doctrinc
onssu sloppvl to bar the rsroondanl lmm Iulvlrganng a 5-ppafir: me that
had basn Headed m Ina Pflol SBIJBIEIH nchon Tilt da:1rma a/so waits: to a new
Dam’ fl rs lllsmlom not HOCISJIVY lo! Fwflu in D1 lhl sum: In barn acflans
Wnsr m. docmns sluks to pawn! .s ... aims: of the process oi ms mm by
sltemptvng m make 5 mm. Nam as we)! as almwrng the plamlm :9 rs/mgalo its
cause m the xame relrei and based on the same subject mailer for wmm
judgment had successfully been obta/Had m the H15 surf and :9 prom. ms
same set of ram, the same w/masses and III: sama documents‘
48. The Fkunlxffs admxlled thal at 5!! material \ime, they have knowledge
av the Invch/emenl nllhe Falher, the Molherand as in the mailer (amen
demed by me Defendants). Nevertheless. me Pkamms chose to weave lhe
Father‘ ms Mother and D6 out no the Earher sun I consider that the
P\aAnWs are esmpped «mm now clraggmg me Father, the Molher and us
sm mxlwumuzmwuaxzlmtw ‘3
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
into me lnslanl sull Te eeek ler srrnrlar rellels wnicn P eenrpany nae
successlully ublalrled in me Earner sun.
49. ll Is my poncluslpn lnal lne Plarnlme have larled la brlrlg lprward lnerr
whale eaee. Ineleed lney Dmughl pan pl 0181? case ln lne Earller sun And
naw allernpl lo anng lne rest of men case ln the lnslanl sun, when lhe
same should have been deall wn me Earlier suil The Plalnulls cannul
sue by mslalrnenle. I find lnal lne Plalnulls are precluded lrern rellllgallng
in me lnslanlsml, oernplarnls which should have been bmugmlorward In
me EavherSui\
slnrilar relrels
5D The prayer ler loss pl prom was pleaded In lnlh lne Eamer Suil and
in the lnelanl sun The Plalrllllfs allege lnal lne clarrn lor loss ol prom m
the Earller sun was conlrned la me loss at profit in the months pl January
and Febmary 2020 wnlle xne clalm lor loss or pmfll in me rnelenl eulr ls
afier me nuslile lake — aver pl P company by me Delendanls
51 ms appears at paregrapn la owls Plam|ll1s‘aIfldavllalllrrrled by r=2
an 21.3 2023 lsnclesure 43;
'Bet1<anaan lass :71 pram. runluren Plalnlll Panama dalarn puarnan mu FA-
zzucvc-osmrzazl hanya berdasaman keunlunqarl uua bulan Uilmnli den
naruan znzol pede xellxe enml alm blirm mernnr Pnllzmn snhajl manakala
rumuren guenren swll lru ada ran bevdasalkan Ian M prerlr rernpon panlarrq
selepes neenle and luvcelul |ak5ovurInws(7u| “
52. The allegalran Ihal me elelnl ler lpes pl prom ln me Earner sun war.
only llrnrled Io lne nronlns pl January and Fsbmary zuzo Is rnlsleadlng
laeeauee In me affidavlt In supppn (Enclosure 51 Penlexerran Garrll Rugi
Am’) alfirmsd by F2 ln lne Earlrer suil lar direcllons wnn respect to
assesemenl nldamsgesl F cornpany ls cla ing luss er prerrller 10 years
In the sum er RM2|.6 rnrlllon ln lhe Earlier sun
53 Thls appears n are lellernng paragraphs 0! the aleresara affitiavll rn
lay Pangraprl :3 pure see aflldnvll {ll suwml
‘Seklmnya neleneen I uerendan lrdak msnysbabkarl hosllle Iakeoven
semesllr-lye pemlagaan reueran mislh deper fll lnlarlkan dalam keadaan
pemlegaarl yang oegnu unggul dun mean dnpal nrelu ke ranap yang lehm
tmgql sekuvang -kurlng Imluk rnese lo renun-
srn nrxlleluwduzmwuawelnrtw "
“Nana s.n.r nurlharwlll re HIGH m may he nflnlnallly mm: dnuurlarrl VII .nuua war
tn) Parzuranh an ullhe sam amaavn WI suppon
wsrnpon ‘W lamm ada Van 12n bulan nnnnsh nys dl man: kzunmngnn
bemh yang .n. ma w1en.noa an sebulzm bmehdx mm umuk Denwrann
kehllingzm keumungnn .
Rmwnao on X120 = RM21,5(X).0l)D.l)l)‘
(c) In pariguph 42A who said amosw: -n suppen. ms msnnm; am daumng
for “a) Gsntrwyl kemlinyin prom pmnmyaan floss cf busvness prom;
RM2T,600.0GI7 Do‘
54 Funher, the Mamnffs are clammng the fenowmg In lherr assessrnem
of damages under the Earlier Suit
Dewflnlxnn Amount mm
Gnmlrugl kalvgmn uos_.snovssr_ _ «.1 59 519 19
earn-rum xemuanoan wane lunax wane dawn bank 739.007 59
s anka|
ennuruur kemwan nmana pa elekmk xenumlgak 1
Gamumgn keh|Lmg.nn pram pemiagnan 2: aaoma no
Truss M lmsmes! p-mm
sun-nag: keuedsvun rupuusw psnnsgun soanna
(ms av business Tavmalmn)_ _
55. I wvll not perm |he Fhlmlwfis to make a double clawm on the same
subject matter Tn lwo separate suits. There musl be finalwy m Imgamn
The De(endan\s cannol be vexed twice tor the same cause ov acnoh
Ju al Esmggel
56. The Pkuntwfs are snernpcing to take a different pusifion in me insnam
sun, Trorn that wmch they (oak W the Earhev sum Such cannot be
parnnuea The pnnoapls cl judicial eslappel prevems a party from
assemng a posmon m one mun. and me oppesue In anamer courl The
mean o4 me pnncrme V510 protect me Inlegnty o! Jumclal process.
57 The com o1 Appeal m Leisure Farm Carp Sdn Bhd v Kabushrkr
Karsha Nyu (ronneny known as our-«cm Shaker) a Ors [2017] 5 MLJ 53 at
74 - 75 held‘
‘(my /1 :: clearlomrsmun Ihatme ohlictofludlcralostoabells mwwcnl
. pm who nssumes . plrllcullr position In Wvnlon to can In
rnonnsmnnrposmon In lakrmliarvon
The aonmns panama: sstppp-1 npprm ap s party Mm has successfully and
urlnqmvucully uuunad n pasvban In E 1:00! pmmsdmg, be u eslopped fmm
sm mxa-Iumuzmwuaxzlmtw *5
«wn. Snr1I\nanhnrw\HI>e med n my r... nrW\n|H|Y mm. dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
essenmg an mcansmenl pnamorr m a nlbssqunnl nmcaedtng Judmal
usrpppe/, mmm rsrntsndsdlopvaladma mgmyameyuamerpmnss
The essenosl nmmon or jumcul mapper is lo pnmn: Anluntrorvll
mmnaneency, In: ub[n1u(ln-mlerstopmtedmejumaa/y‘ aun rnsltmtron‘
from [M perversion oijudrctnry machmsry ./mlrcrar esmupal addresses me
mcungmrly pv allowing a pany xp aaean a posmon In on: mbunal and ma
oppostla in number lnbunal. /I ma second moune/ amazes the party‘:
mmnsulenl ppsupn, men at ram one cum! has pvooamy bssn mam: '
sa. smnzeny m Peguam Negala Malaysra y Nurul /zzah by Anwar 5 Ors
[2017] 4 MLJ 556 6| 574. the Conn 07 Appea\ held:
‘[21]Vnanyev9nI,mfaw‘!haI1ov:tnrIu p/name; estoopelwrllnrwapplyloap-sfly
wnare me sax! pany, mo aupellant vn this appeal, had mam/my and
unaqwpcany pavsundad ma own an or assanea, a pusmon m ma Se/angal
Govcmmant case so that men mal new man pm», me me/Aan: womd be
Ostuppid lrom ussnnlnu an Inconsrslunl pasilion In . subuquom
pmcnalng warm m (N: appear is me app/matron for ,uama/ ruvraw rne
asavnrlal mneoon ouudtcral eszpppem m urevsnl /ntsnlronaltrmcnxrsruncy while
me omecl pl me mo u m pmm (ha spun mm In: pcrvslsvon av/udlaal
macmmry ./umaal esloopsl seeks lo aaomu mo irlcnnymiw alzllowlnn .
pnnycuasam. pashlnn In um voufllndllraoppnsltl In nnollaei Mburm".
59 In me Eamer sun. the Plamzms had adopted the s|anee lhat u was D
company, DA and D5 wne were Invowed In me name Oaks - ever oi P
company we appears at me loflowwng paragvaphs at me affidavi in
suppon afflrmed by P2 and mad by F company in the Earlier sun.
ta) Paviguph a mme ma emaavn Wu suvpoll
~sepan.mena yang dw saeuuan d\ 315:, nevenaan I nevenaan ielah
manyebabkan rmunnm - am Dermagaan vesloran ‘Arman Duwnidx
mana ueoanaen - D-findnn menmunakan sumbsv 5511:: ad; lymkal
P\aIrmY untuk menjamnkan pemwagaan vasloran \armuuk denqan name
mmun yang aeme Man Man: eemue keumungan maemman kepada
syinkn|Delem1an K9 7 2 dan /alau nu.n.1....uevenaen secara kolekm'
my Pavagraph 13 ov me said ammn in support
navenaen 7 Damon» hukan sanap murvnumh n p-mm-an vestovan
Flamhl mam?! dana — pane dam ape! sylnkzl P\am|\l me an man can G1
amhH am: nlefv nacanaan. navena... Imluk keaunaan meveka'
my Faliqraph 2o anna sand aflidavh In suppon
‘Dzkndnn V Delendan -new msnanggung kemamn Iersebm Kenna
syankal PVAIHM nanya manguam. kemsmn V kemsakan den kumglan
(ersecm aklbat cemvun «mam aleh Delendan I umnaan seems
am mkqatuwauzmwuawalmtw '6
“Nana Snr1|\nmhnrw\HI>e U... m my me nVW‘nlWY mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum v-NM
so It was ptaaoeo tn the Eartrar sort that D4 and D5 were the mat"
otrtpnts behtnd the hostrte take — over at P oompany Thts appears at
paragraph 22 of the statement ot claim In the Eamer sot: whton read .
'Juqa hatdasarkan kenyataan . kanyaliart or am, marrrm jug: marwnlnknn
panawa that knrpnml Dulandln xaooa nenoatttah dl |emhust (Mina the
oarparata vttl) aahawa netarmn Ketrga secngat pengamh oar. pemegang
saharn dnlam Delevman Kedua hendaklah trenanoaunarawaa seoara sanotnan
xevaaa Ptatnnr atas sehab oetenoan V netenaan tetah oanrnoan some
konsmrzsl pan r atan senate trpuan den r atan secaraItdakli-Mur(utihuttu1)¢un
I alau becara mata roe dart r am sacala rnernoamo natanoan tzenanta
menyebabkan batlakunya ksjadtan - kqadtan can I atau kmmlngi Denfltwa
alpem yang tatah or nynlilun oatant pmnggan. petenggln t s 21 at mas’
61 In the rnstant smt however, the Plamltfls have taken another posttton
The Platnltfls now auege that it was me Father am: the Mother who are
the masterrmno ufthe hosttte lake — over 0! P oompany This appears at
paragraph 6 at the Platntttts‘ ialfldavtl amrmeo by F2 on 21 a 2023
(Enctosure 43):
“Amara nya sdz tah Delendan V ueteman Ke V 2 K3 » 3 oan Kc » s oatarn
auarnan amt ml or rnana nmnnan K. 2 can K mlruplkan mulumt mi
oatarn aemua perancangan toroetat oan hoot. takn nv1r|amndiD ayan at
Flitnltl Forum; tt>1t dnngan martggtmnknn syxnkati hnham tflllu syankat nt
yang menggurtalmn narna D4 din no Aar\.ak- annk D2 5 na sehagat ‘lvohtmeh')‘
62. tt rs ptam that the Pla ntrrts have taken an rnconarstent poslllon. on
the one hand (VII the Eartrer suit), the Ptamtrtts otatmeo that rt was D
company, D4 and D5 who are the rnasterm o behmd the hosltle take »
overuf P company's restaurant business on the other hand trn the rnstant
SIM), the Platntttts are now atteging that the Father ano the Mother are the
maslermtnd behmd the very same hosttte take - over ot P ctJmpzny's
restaurant bttsmess
as Havmg pveviuusly adapted the postlton tha was D company, DA
and D5 who were those who toroetutty look over F oompany, I oonstder
that the Ptatntttts are estopped trorn now ta ‘ g a contrary stand by
auegrng ti was the Father and the Mother who are the rnasterrntno in the
sam hostile taxe - war at P company.
64 For the reasons above, I allowed the Devenoants‘ s|rtk 9 out
appltcatron vtds Enclosure 41. I struck out the Ptatntms' ctairn aga st the
srn mxlt-tuxnuzmwtraxalmtw '7
«war. s.n.t luvthnrwm a. .r.... a may r... atwtruflly ann. dnuavtml VI artuNa v-mat
Devencenns. I ordered me Plairmffs Io pay casts a! RM5.DOD to me
Daled 5 December 2023
Quay cnew Soon
High court at Makaya, Penang
\ Dlwsinn NCVC 1
Jnhn mm and Marlm Km (Menu Vsmiu, Khan .: Anoaatesflovme mmm.
Chew Xm vw {Messrs D09 5 Man-mmmm Ihe Delendenls
sm mK1;eJDKduZMWuaK2ImYw 18
“Nana sew nmhnrwm e. LAIQ4 m may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum v-ms!
keruqlan bemanakll rcomequsruar uamaslu) dl ma danpida ram.
penamalarl am! psnanllarl penyswaan Flalnlllr
(vl) Gaml mgl un|uk kehllnngan "ma balk dun repulasl Plalrlfll seeanyak
lwlz annmo 110'
The slanl sun
11 AI paragraph 4 or their aflldavil alfirmea by F2 on 2l.a.2uza
(Enclosure 43), the Plalnllfis admnled mat the Earlier sum ls almur ma
hosllle lake - over ol P comnany The Psalm s lunher admllled lha! me
Business Sale Agreement was declded upon m ore Earlrer sun Which
held mal lrre Business sale Agreemenl was nan - exlslenl. or pedlaps
mere accuralely, null and Vela, as prayad (or m me Earller sun
12 Pamgraph 4 onhe aloresald amdavll reads
‘Guzman mu FA—2ZNCVC~45-03/2021 hanya rslmr. umuk mum
bahawa m, D4 dan D5 aaalan usual dun bsrsilah dalim mung-Imhll r.
bllnln Pl-' - Pnnxmn ucnn mar. flan D-Ilunnn ar mans Dellanilan
lualbell vemagaan yang msamxarm nleh DI, m «an as nlnh dlpntuskln
13. Al suhsefluerll paragraphs el lhe same amdavn, Ihe Plalnllffs also
aarmllea met me lrlslarll sull Is abnul lhe hosllle lake - over ol P company
4.; Parigmph s arm. lends
“Amara r-ya aaa Ian Delendarl—De1em1an Ke V 2‘ K8 — 3 can Ka — 5 aalam
wuaman slvll ml dl marl: Dalandan K9 7 2 dan Ks » : msrvvakan
maslsrmmu dalam sarm psrnrvcangarl iureelul can huh Ixk -avlv
lsmsaav iyankal Plamtfl Faflzm: (PH dsngin menggunakarl sy.In|m|
mam ll rm lyivlkm D1 yang menggunikan nama D4dirl Dfl(.nmsk— anak
oz 5. as selmgni vmmmen‘)’
lm Fzrfigravh 27 whlch reads
-Am latapl, GI babkarl an kolusl Dslsndan - Delsndan yang
menysbsbkun Imhll — uih mum F1 dam lw Derlgumsirl blsne! ynng
lldak memunlkan linpllnn llu membawa kepnda penulupnn hlsnes
vexlnumn F1 am menmggnlkan nnma yang husuk dnlam naselan F a. E"
to) Purayravh 2: whlch reads
‘Auk ant iyarlka1P1 lugatelahdlbololdnndl lelnngkzn men .2 xk kellga
aklbal darlpafla rmm. mu - owl blsnes P1 ole?! mm Dalundarl ~
am mxlr-luxnuzmwuaxalmtw 3
«me Smnl luvlhnrwlll .. HIGH a may he mm-r -mm: dnuavlml VI nFluNfl v-mal
14. In lhe lrrscanl sun. me Plamims allege that me Father and the Mother
are shadow directors‘ who are me mastermind in planning and executing
the hostile lake - over ol P company
15. This allegallorr appears al oaragraph 14 or me mainline’ aflldavll
amrmed by P2 an 21 a 2023 lerrclosura 43) which reads
'Da|am kiln Mm Delendan Kn . 2 dan Kn - 1 Ida lav. pulnlnh . pang: h
hnynnann (shldnw dlrmar-i yang marunam muklmlnd dalam
melanaarlg dari malaksanakzvv luvvelul dzm meme LIKE V averlemaidap smial
P1dan9an msrlggunakarl nama- nnma arlak meleka Ial|u nslsrrdarr - um-rider»
K5 7 4 sehlngga Ka . 5 dl mans em. 7 will «emerge ieleh rnemulau >2 / P3
dinpad: aerma pemadhlrarl lelmasuk msrlgauh samwrg umuk menghalnu
16. Also at paragraph 5 of me Plalntllls‘ aflidavll amrrriad by F2 on
was 2023 (Enclosure 45; which reads
‘Dnhmhn KI . 2 dari K: :l in: mi muxtumlind yarla membuai pelarr din
herkolusi derrgarr uelerrdan - Dxfsndnn yang lam unluk memwunakan nama
ariax rlya url|uk mangumbll aim nemlngaan lesloran syarlkal Merrill veriama
melalur 5yan|u| Dalendzn Panama -
I7 ll IS srgmncarrl |o nn|s lhel lhe Plarrrlilis plaim lo have knowledge lrrai
lhe Father and the Melher are me shadow direclors oi F cumpany at all
material lime (which is denied by me Delerrdariis) This appears al
paragraph 3 or mail affidavil alfirmed by P2 on 15.92023 (Enclosure 46)
which reads.
‘Plalrlm I Plalntifl sumsmang nyn s an an. monullahul Vakla bahawa
uelendarr Ka- 2 dar. «e .3 mempakan shadow dlledor syarlkzl Phlrllfl ylfln
unlll rrr mlurhl kelana Dmemarl Ke - 2 selalu memo-enqeruslkan
mesyunlm Lemhaga perlgarah den masyuaul pemrrrg syarrui Halrlllfdl maria
Deierlflarl Ke — s juga akarl rvlarlghadln umuk mengamhll reknd rrresy-rarel-
The similar claims
18. The Delendarrls produced the lolldwing table in show lhe elrmlarilies
beiween the elelemerrl 01 claim in the Ezriler Suit, when camperad with
the Statement cl claim In lhe lnslanl suil
No me semr smi_ l The lrlslam rum
1 >2 lsa repulable mm and surved P2 .. . «arm. cruel and served as
r as head anal M F company‘: me lace‘ MP oumnarly s mslaularll
reslauvam i
sm mKllaIDKdLlZMwuaK2ImYw
“Nana s.r.i mmhnrwm .. LAIQ4 m mm r... mm.u.y mm: dnuuvlnnl VII nFluNG puns!
n4 neo mused P2 to be remnvsd
«om P company an 317 map.
No! Iona tnereaner, P3 was abs:
mmuvld by m non. F mmvzmy
[pnmgrnvhs 1 and a ct me
on 31 7 2:119, P2 was nnnmo ham
P company ny D4.
Subulluanlly =3 wu mac removed
nom F compnny
lharauvaphs 15 to ca ct tn.
stetonrom at ctatml
Do emerco mm tne aoetneee Sale
Agmemem Mm a company
wttnoot P company‘: apmuvah
consent, emnonty or company
[plmguph 2 or tne etotemem M
The petenoents we D4 toamnerwnn
us estentrsneo :2 company to take
uvev tne no-tnm ct P wmplny
wlmout conrentncm P2 and F3 on:
company‘: mctonon
[paragraph 2a or me Statement ot
‘ eoneete son EM tune Iandbutd).
m uusod tn. con, tcrmrnencn
at me tenancy agreement
helween P company eno Kaunas‘
rnereaner m cameo e new
tenancy agreemem to be enlered
rmo balween tne xenotom end at
Iperapropns to and n of me
s4a1amIm L71 atom.)
94 aimed rne cony tenntnenon :11
me renenoy awveemem belwean F
company and Kemu sen-qua Itne
ua ormpateo tne assets M 9‘
|paIigvzph we 0! tn. Statement or
DI company llalliad P ccmpany 5
ocst: Bank awounl to be
masked and mlsflsrsd wtlh tne
huunl uverahnns at P
lpenaarzpn t2 cnne statement at
P company: cacao Bank nccmtm
wax mmned and mocked ooe to
cououon armng the oetenoents.
tperaprapn zvtxnn ct tn. steumem
ct Claim]
, , 74
19. me Detenoante pornt out tnet the noettte take - over 0! P company‘
as euegea by the Plainltfls In the statement or ctetm meo VII the instant
sun, relers to me same events wntcn F company neo ccrnptetneo at In tne
Earlier suit
20. In pamnular. tne FWHIMS‘ auegaticn concermng the lullowmg
sm mK1tnIDKnu2MNuaK.ImYw
«no. Snr1I\navthnrwH\I>e med c mm o. nflmnuflly MINI ooc.n.n. VI munc Wm!
La) me emmisnmem cl u wmpany as a uemcue to undenaka the malls Ink:
.mmu> wmpany: restaurant busmess
(navagmph zuvm; 0! III: Smanenl M cum m me man: my
an m. .s.......m. M Ihe x-15593 oi P wmvany and mnssvnruunsuan 0! the
b..=.m. nl me Plswmms.
tpnmgraph 241\><)m|hs smmm MC
m Ihe mam um), ms
1:» me mnmx ul P2 1nd :3 «mm me managemennovw mmunny
(paragraphs 15 m an and paragraph 244»-) mm Slilemeulal Clam m In
msum my
21 The Defendants say lhal the crux 01 both the Eamev SLIi| and the
Ins'anI Su 5 on the same issue, . e wnneming the aHeged has a lake e
over of F mmpany.
The swnuar re g1;
22 The Deiendams a\so produced Ihe vcnowmg came to show me
smwannes between the vehefs sought m me Eanier sun, when compared
wmh me rehels prayed for m the instant sun.
’ n. Eamersnm and
me Oldev utcmm dated 2 3 2023
Na nu mm |
1 Sutlupqnnuh hnhawa Dmendan Dslsndan - Delendnn hendak VIII
. Deiendan umuk mnmbayar muninggungmquflnflamrmy}Plamm
am 359599 11 kapaua P\amM- dan Lembaaa Penglmh-F-ngamh
, Phalnllv Flamnl xewm klmglan dnnlalau
kenman barblngkfl 1v:mI5r9querma\
aamauasx m hm aanpaaa mum‘
panimalsn nwm pa-mun
Tarmasuk kerugun yang ai nhflkan
isczva xpumk m nerenggan wavy
Fumyauan Yunlulanir
m Kemguan amaun RM5n4,5m on
‘ ham ween» want and
my Ksruglan amaun R»m,ass.nn
‘ bag: ‘mvenInnes— raw mananavsx
» Kemglan pandapahn ammm
wM5a2,oe:« as
2 Sum: éenman bahawa semua ueklam? bahaw: kesemua
pendapaljn / grufll berkenaan pem1apalan(Im3gme)n\ehX\LmGe
em mm..:umuzMmm:mm ‘
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
duvgln mum n...m« mam. Srfln mm (Delenflan Kedua) nan.
vans dllenmz man Deiendxn ~ mm Yang maleflal admah
Delendan an bayar mm mm; mpenenisecampernegangamanaru
PVHIHM Panama denaan seqeva (mm on mm and / a conslmntm
nusn 0|-h Dnfunuan - Ddeniin
knpada Phmm lemmyuk
amuzaea 35 yang a. pfidkan
near: spesnfik m Derenguan «sun
Pemyaxaan Tunlman
J Sul|upIrInlih bahawi n.1.m.. Defendnn . mm... ai kehemm
.n-mm." umukmeng.Iknunk.m menuruukkan den mznyerahkan
semua mg ~ my yang ai akauan bevaudR)(ILmGn sansm
lemma name. xx Lm Ge San ‘ kepadz Plamm flan / alau‘
and um dan Flamm s-enammpeguameara Plavmldalam mmm
mum on nw cm Klat unnaan 1 Han dannada mum Pumuh m. ‘
cm: Jmn W97‘ um ilau apa-1
Iva mm bclknnasn
o Kmusakan am Gum rugl (mu dwulsmun)
mm havu u mrbcu for
auwnumw wan /alau v-um awe dwechuns mm resoeu Io
mu alau 393- spa amiun yang m assessment cl damages
angglv aeaum dun mnmnal nlen
Mahkamah mmia mu
wnemn Ihe Plamlms am «or. at
Garmruuv kermar-nan mpulasl mm
Durmaslaazn Has: an rm...“
vnmn m2u,ma.uan no
xemguan unmk Kemsakan P wmvany mama far ‘garmmgl
gum1MI\danmpu|a0unRM51ula unluk kumlangan nami bank .1...
Man ava - up: man» my ravllhu wummm sebnnyak
ma-«way um. dun mmaan m2‘ann.nmna‘
‘ meh Mnhkimahmulmnnv
The vnamuns have rm 3 when «or
dlmchoni w-m mined In
um-mm L11 damages
Whumn me Pmmms clam: Vor— e»
Gnnhmgx kecederaan mpunam
nemmeaan (loss ov rmmass
mpmamm Rmsamuou on
23 The Defendants puimouunevauaw g‘
(at al Daraavavhs may no swma smamennovcxm mme mxLan|suH. me
P\:In\Wk Ira chnmxng (or am 359.9091: which campuses oi:— m
sm mm-Iuxnuzmamaxalmtw 7
“Nair sm-w nmhnrwm .. HIQG w my .. mm-y um. flnuamnl VI mum W
RMl.2oo,uuu D0 in Iespeclclilxlures and flltlngs. and nil l2inme,9oe.n Ill
vasp cr el kemglfln ms 7 kas (ail mar,
my in me zanler sun. me Plzlmm had claimed lor— nl RM504‘510M rer
prepeny. planiand equipment, on nMr,lss,5ls.1orcrrenuuanen cesi; and
min RMWEBDV ll ler lass sulrered lor unlslzndlrlg balance ler elecvluly
(cl Du Plnlnllfls‘ claim luv nm,asa.aa9 ll in inc rnsrarn sult in ralvhct al
nxiures and rrnrnga am ma aulsinmflng ma mllliy bill wue else claimed In
rne sanrarsun
(6) in me aaner Sun ine mainline nad acugrn and wns allowed by mu order
at Cmm dared 23202:‘ a duclarairon mar all me Inoome made by n
company is held onInls1¢avF mrnpany by D company‘ D4 and D5
24. As such. me Detendanls suhmll inaune principal reliefs in me rnslarri
sun have been raised. prayed for and granted VI me Eamer SLAM.
25 Prernised on me above‘ me Detendanie ooniend lnai res yudioaie and
esloppel is applicable In ihe present case. And that there is rnulllp cI|y bl
proceedings Tire Plainmle are seeking a ‘second bne al ihe cherry‘, sa in
Speak. Accordingly, me insiani sun ougrn to be einick oui as being
lnvolous or vexallous and an abuse 01 |he preeess bl ddun.
26 me law penalnlng Io striking out Ma panya pleadlng under order la
rule 19 or me Rules cl Courl 2012 is well seiiled ii is only in a plain and
obvlous 1253 me! recourse should be had In ihe eurnrnary process under
inis rule This summary procedure can only be edepred wnen n can he
clearly seen that a claim is on me leoe el ii oeyrdualy unsustainable ll
cannoi be exercised by a rnrnuie exarnineuen M the docurnenis and facts
dl the case, in order in see whelner me pany nas a cause of eciion. (see
me Supreme coun case cl sender Bui/der sun and A ors v Urmed
Malayan Banking corparalion BI-ld[1993] 3 MLJ as, [1993] 4 cu 7; [1993]
2 AMR 1969).
27 The men must be sa sfled inal were is no reasonable cause bl
acliorl orrnanne claim is lnvalous clrvexallaus. The coun is nor concerned
a| ihls slage with me rnenie oline claim se long as me pleadings disclose
some cause or aalon nr r-alee some que ns M in be decided by me
judge, me rnere lam met me case IS weak and nut llkely lo succeed aube
inal n. no ground lenne pleadings lo be slmck om
srn mK1laIDKduZMWulK2ImYw 5
«wee a.n.r mmhnrwm be mad e my r... bflmrrnflly MVMI dbuuvlnrrl Vfl .nuna vmul
23 In Raja zarrralAlm1rn hm me Hey Tacmk & 3 ors v Brmsn-Amerlcarr
Lrie A. General Insurance larrulleeal 3 cu sue at 512, me supreme courl
remarked me: are lower ocun should have scrullnlzed me evlderlce In
order lo declde wrrelrrer lrre acllorl was bound lo lzll The supreme ceurl
Sald lnel an acuon can he surnrrrarrly dlsposed ll mere Is an absence cl
mnlllct at ma|erlal evldenoe or ol wnfllci M allldavlls on material puirrls
So mar seemmgly rrlaule or urmeull reeuer. could be rsadlly aecrded lrr
such a way as \o lead to me ooncluslon lrral me aclmn was bound lo larl
29 In a sun lrwolvlrrg complex queslions or law bulwheve me essenllal
lecls are run ln mspule, me complexlly oi the quesllnns cl law should not
he a reason ler reluslng rellel urrrler Order 18 rule 19 al |he Rules olcoun
2012. If sahsfied mar lhe quesllons of law are lmarguabls, me oaurl rs rm
prevented lrorrr grarrllrrg summary rallel merely because ‘me question of
law Is at flrsl blush 0! some cumplexlry and lrrerelere |akes a lrme longer
lo undersland' [See the Ccurl of Appeal case of Krrarry Jamaluddm V
Data‘ 591/ Arrwar bln Ibrahlm [2013] 4 MLJ 173 al 132)
an. Applylng mess legal prlnclples, rl ls my llrralrrg mar me rrrslarrl s s
lrlvoluus and vexalinus, and an abuse of H13 preeeee ol mun l corlslder
me l=lalmnls' acllcm againslllle oelerrdanlsle be nhvmusly unsustainable
And is bound lo larl ll ll was II.) proceed to lnal Hence, lms ls a plaln and
cbvlous case lur slriklrlg cul.
31. The reason ls because we lrlslarll sull ls barred by res Judlcala and
esloppel Here V3 my explarlahorl.
32. As demorrslralea earller, bolrr the Earlier s and me inslam sull
revolved around me same lssue Namely, whether mere was a Ilusllle
lake 7 over of me reslauranl buslness el P eempeny by the nelenaanls
33 The rellels suugm In mam me Earlier Sull and lhe lnslam eurl are also
lhe same Namely, lo run back me Plairrlills in|cl lhe posmon as n lhe
alleged hosllle lake - over 04 F company an rlul nawerr
34 The prlrlclple ol res judlcata was enunclaled by me supreme courl in
/lsla Cammerclal Finance (M) arm V Kewel Tellu Sdrl and [1995] 3 MLJ
139 al 197 as lulluws
‘When a mam! nermerr rwo pm-as has om uuruuraelea by a court ur
eomrlwenl/unwrcrran. um um; and Hrelrpflvles are no! llrmmedto llrlgare
m mKlleIDKnl.l2MmuaK:lmYw 9
«mu. Smnl nuvlhnrwm .. UIQG e may r... uflmnnllly mm: dnuuvlml Vfl muua Wm!
one. man me res1..r:rc.e1e Decausa me magmem becomes [he arm nerween
such names, or in mm! words, me yarns: snow accapt r: as me mm, res
;m1n:ala pm velrlalo acaprmr rne numrcnahoy Mm Iawls mm, M: in me flubhc
mlerasl Mal men mm./.1 be «ramp in Illlyulon -mlolusl rs! publmae ru 5!! Wm:
Mrum n rs onlywsi me: no em menu to ba vuxld mm for me sum: em-
or seven '
35. Swmply put, when a subject manner has been many denuded m a own
07 cumpelem pmsd\c1\on, |he penies and their prmes are not pemmlsd to
relmgme me same mansr once more Otherwise mere wm be nu and to
Ivllgallon and me hindmg eflecl ollhe cums eemsuon would be V05!
36. in As/a Commerclm Flnancs (supm). the Supreme Court further new
mat res judxcava is not eormnea to Issues wmch me mun .s aclually asked
he deems am K also covers issues nr (acts wmch ave cueeny pan cnne
subjec| mener allhe migemn, and coma have been re.sea m me prsvxous
37 The supreme cam sand (at page zoo)
w rs mrmr nezzssary at we 5159010 unausverru me rmpofl or me warns in me
sard iumau: statement, rs em, paint wmen pmpmy bolonqnd to me
Jubfinl e1 mlgallorv 'wmcn semerveu Ll explamsd m Gluanhalgh V Ma/lard
1194712411 E}? 255.1,: 257 as reams
. rvnudr: :. rmmspurpase /5 notconflnud to me Issues which me court
I: Ictullly esnea to aura.‘ nut ncavnrs Issues sums which in so
clinriy nm :1! me Iubjod mm-r olme lmgatvovv srra so study could new
been rersm ma! u wauld be an zbusv om. procus m‘ an com in lflow
. new pmecndiny m M am-tedm mspsntollln-m‘
as. Vn cnee Pck Chay & ors v Scotch Leasing Sdn End [2001] A MLJ
346‘ the Court of Apnea! expkamed lhe doc1rme B7 rssmmcala i ' nalmw
and broad sense by cmng the Enghsh case ev Henderson V Henderson
(1543) 57 ER 313 The Courl e« Apnea! said (at page 357;-
wnere e grvan mener becomes me subpci ol Mrgatron m, and of
adjudrcalrun ey, 1: mm uimmoelvnljunsdrdmn me mm reqmrss me pen:-s
to meumgsmm m bllng forward Ilroir whnh em and MN not [axaopl under
wscull cm:ums1sr-mes) perrr-n my same pemes la upon me same sulysc! or
Imgnhon rr. respeuarrnmer which might me Men nreugm Iurwm es
pan orme sub/K1 in ¢antI:L em wmcn was me: areugm lurwufl, only
because may havu, [mm negugenae, rnadwrlcrvca nraverv eemeru, wmtrad
pen at me» me
Thu dadrms may thus be uun Io nnmmnass aeverzlcalogonu In its narmwest
sense, res /udrcala, I lmnk, refers to sslnppw by racwu n revere In Me aclua!
em mxqetuwauzmwuawzlmtw W
«we. ssrm nmhnrwm s. LAIQ4 m my r... nflmnnflly em. dnuumnl VII mum WM
| 2,389 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
W-09-281-11/2021 | PERAYU NOR BADLI MUNAWIR BIN MOHAMAD ALIAS LAFTI RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya [Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM)] | Section 23 of the Penal Code - “Wrongful gain” - “wrongful loss” - Section 24 of the Penal Code - “Dishonestly” - Section 402A of the Criminal Procedure Code - “Alibi” - Section 405 of the Penal Code - Criminal breach of trust - Section 409 of the Penal Code - Criminal breach of trust by public servant or agent - Section 409B of the Penal Code - “Presumption” - Section 3 of the Anti Money-Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001 - "proceeds of an unlawful activity" - “unlawful activity" - “serious offence" - "money laundering" - Section 4 of the Anti Money-Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001 - The Law on Appellate Intervention - Judge erred in law and in fact - Courts below failed to recognize that the defence of the accused - Accused was having an uninterrupted meeting with DW5 - Accused’s defence that SP13 did not come to his office and didn’t give the accused the sum of alleged money - Evidence given and the entry in visitor log book (P163) supported the accused’s defence of alibi - There was a failure by the trial judge to judicially appreciate this crucial evidence - The version of the accused must be accepted as it remains unchallenged - Whether the failure of the learned trial judge to consider this unchallenged evidence, had occasioned a failure of justice and denied to accused to a fair trial? - Whether there has been a failure of justice or miscarriage of justice in the eye of the law arising from the failure of the prosecution to challenge the core assertion of defence? - Failure does not amount to an admission or acceptance of the accused’s testimony - Totality of the evidence and decision must be based on an examination of all the evidence presented and not evidence in isolation - Trial judge had directed on the issue of credibility of the prosecution witnesses and accepted their evidence - The appeal by the accused turns upon pure questions of fact - Findings of fact by the trial judge is therefore to remain undisturbed unless of course if the fact finding is plainly wrong - Trial judge had not erred and the findings were fully supported by the abundance by both oral and documentary evidence heaped against the accused - The accused had the opportunity and authority to make the request - The prior arrangement and the manner in which the payments were made is a relevant consideration - Did not reflect an innocent mind on the part of the accused - No substantial miscarriage of justice occurred to the accused by failure of the prosecution to challenge or put the essence of their case to the accused or his witnesses - Such failure does not go to the credibility of the prosecution witnesses nor does it amount to an acceptance of the defence witnesses’ evidence - The accused knew well what the case was against him when the prosecution closed its case and had been afforded all the opportunity to present his defence - The trial judge had carefully considered the accused defence and that advance payments had to be made as a result of the system migration - The defence raised by the accused was wholly untenable - Accused had failed to rebut the presumption of having acted dishonestly on the balance of probabilities - The defence of the accused that the advance payments for the project were mere bare denials and not true - Merely an excuse to cover up his unlawful activity - Wrong for the accused to make payments when payments were not due to the contractors - Ample evidence of corroboration of the testimony of the witnesses - Abundance of independent and compelling evidence confirming the evidence - To suggest that a distinction must be drawn between a property in cheque and property in cash is entirely fallacious - The intention of the drawer at the time for the cheques issued is the material test - The manner in which the money was demanded and received lend credence to the prosecution case - The accused has acted dishonestly, thus causing wrongful gain to himself and wr | 18/01/2024 | YA Dato' Azmi Bin AriffinKorumYA Datuk Vazeer Alam bin Mydin MeeraYA Dato' Ahmad Zaidi Bin IbrahimYA Dato' Azmi Bin Ariffin | |
CRIMINAL APPEAL NO: W -09 -281-11/2021
In The High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur
Criminal Appeal No : WA-42R-10-10/2019
Nor Badli Munawir Bin Mohamad Alias Lafti - Appellant
Public Prosecutor - Respondent
18/01/2024 16:21:17
W-09-281-11/2021 Kand. 66
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**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[1] The Appellant was tried in the Sessions Court at Kuala Lumpur with
five (5) counts of criminal breach of trust ("CBT") under section 409 of the
Penal Code and five (5) counts of money laundering under section 4(1)(a) of
the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001
The Charges
[2] Particulars of the first three (3CBT Charges (Case No: WA-WA-62R-
1-01/2017) were as follows:
First Charge: (“CBT 1”)
“Bahawa kamu di dalam bulan April 2013, di Pejabat THHE Fabricators
Sdn Bhd, Tingkat 23, Tower B, Menara UOA Bangsar, No. 5, Jalan
Bangsar Utama 1, di dalam Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur,
sebagai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Syarikat TH Heavy Engineering Bhd
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dan di dalam kapasiti tersebut, diamanahkan dengan suatu harta iaitu
sekeping cek Maybank bertarikh 30/4/2013 bernombor 681488
berjumlah RM400,000.00 telah melakukan pecah amanah jenayah
dan adalah dengan ini melakukan satu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum
di bawah seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan."
Second Charge: (“CBT 2”)
“Bahawa kamu di dalam bulan Jun 2013, di Pejabat THHE Fabricators
Sdn Bhd, Tingkat 23, Tower B, Menara UOA Bangsar, No. 5, Jalan
Bangsar Utama 1, di dalam Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur,
sebagai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif syarikat TH Heavy Engineering Bhd
dan di dalam kapasiti tersebut, diamanahkan dengan suatu harta iaitu
sekeping cek Maybank bertarikh 26/6/2013 bernombor 753749
berjumlah RM570,000.00 telah melakukan pecah amanah jenayah
dan adalah dengan ini melakukan satu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum
di bawah seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan."
Third Charge: (“CBT 3”)
“Bahawa kamu di dalam bulan Jun 2013, di Pejabat THHE Fabricators
Sdn Bhd, Tingkat 23, Tower B, Menara UOA Bangsar, No. 5, Jalan
Bangsar Utama 1, di dalam Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur,
sebagai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif syarikat TH Heavy Engineering Bhd
dan di dalam kapasiti tersebut, diamanahkan dengan suatu harta iaitu
sekeping cek Maybank bertarikh 26/6/2013 bernombor 753760
berjumlah RM430,000.00 telah melakukan pecah amanah jenayah
dan adalah dengan ini melakukan satu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum
di bawah seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan."
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[3] Particulars of the last two (2) CBT Charges (Case No: WA-WA-62R-
2-01/2017) were as follows:
First Charge: (“CBT 4”)
“Bahawa kamu di dalam bulan September 2013, di Pejabat THHE
Fabricators Sdn Bhd, Tingkat 23, Tower B, Menara UOA Bangsar, No.
5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1, di dalam Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala
Lumpur, sebagai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif syarikat TH Heavy
Engineering Bhd dan di dalam kapasiti tersebut, diamanahkan dengan
suatu harta iaitu sekeping cek Maybank bertarikh
9/9/2013 bernombor 802984 berjumlah RM600,000.00 telah
melakukan pecah amanah jenayah dan adalah dengan ini melakukan
satu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 409 Kanun
Second Charge: (“CBT 5”)
“Bahawa kamu di dalam bulan Oktober 2013, di Pejabat THHE
Fabricators Sdn Bhd, Tingkat 23, Tower B, Menara UOA Bangsar, No.
5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1, di dalam Wilayah Persekutuan.Kuala
Lumpur, sebagai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif syarikat TH Heavy
Engineering Bhd dan di dalam kapasiti tersebut, diamanahkan dengan
suatu harta iaitu sekeping cek Maybank bertarikh 30/10/2013
bernombor 834262 berjumlah RM575,800.00 telah melakukan pecah
amanah jenayah dan adalah dengan ini melakukan satu kesalahan
yang boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan."
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[4] Particulars of the first three (3) AMLATFA Charges (Case No: WA-
62R-7-03/2017) were as follows:
First Charge: (“AMLATFA 1”)
“Bahawa kamu pada 2 Mei 2013 antara jam 6.00 petang dan
8.00 malam di Old Town White Coffee Ara Damansara, Oasis Square,
No. 2, Jalan PJU 1A/7A, Petaling Jaya, dalam daerah Petaling, dalam
Selangor, telah melibatkan diri dalam penggubahan wang haram,
dengan menerima wang tunai berjumlah RM400,000.00 daripada
Murhasmee bin Mukhtar, Pengarah Syarikat Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd
yang merupakan hasil daripada suatu aktiviti haram dan oleh itu kamu
telah melakukan suatu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum di bawah
seksyen 4(1)(a) Akta Pencegahan Penggubahan Wang Haram dan
Pencegahan Pembiayaan Keganasan 2001 ( Akta 613 )”.
Second Charge: (“AMLATFA 2”)
Bahawa kamu pada 26 Jun 2013 antara jam 6.00 petang dan 8.00
malam di Old Town White Coffee Ara Damansara, Oasis Square, No.
2, Jalan PJU 1A/7A, Petaling Jaya, dalam daerah Petaling,
dalam Selangor, telah melibatkan diri dalam penggubahan wang
haram, dengan menerima wang tunai berjumlah RM570,000.00
daripada Murhasmee bin Mukhtar, Pengarah Syarikat Bicara Sepakat
Sdn Bhd yang merupakan hasil daripada suatu aktiviti haram dan oleh
itu kamu telah melakukan suatu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum di
bawah seksyen 4(1)(a) Akta Pencegahan Penggubahan Wang Haram
dan Pencegahan Pembiayaan Keganasan 2001 (Akta 613).”
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Third Charge: (“AMLATFA 3”)
“Bahawa kamu pada 27 Jun 2013 antara jam 2.00 dan 4.00 petang
di THHE Fabricators Sdn Bhd, B-23-1, Tower 8, Menara UOA
Bangsar, No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1, 59200 Kuala Lumpur, dalam
daerah Kuala Lumpur, dalam Kuala Lumpur, telah melibatkan diri
dalarn penggubahan wang haram, dengan menerima wang tunai
berjumlah RM430,000.00 daripada Mohd Razip bin Mohammad,
Pengarah Syarikat Coral lntoil Sdn Bhd yang merupakan hasil
daripada suatu aktiviti haram dan oleh itu kamu telah melakukan
suatu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 4(1)(a) Akta
Pencegahan Penggubahan Wang Haram dan Pencegahan
Pembiayaan Keganasan 2001 (Akta 613).”
[5] Particulars of the last two (2) AMLATFA Charges (Case No: WA-62R-
8-03/2017) were as follows:
First Charge: (“AMLATFA 4”)
“Bahawa kamu pada 11 September 2013 antara jam 6.00 petang dan
8.00 malam di Old Town White Coffee Ara Damansara, Oasis Square,
No. 2, Jalan PJU 1A/7A, Petaling Jaya, dalam daerah Petaling, dalam
Selangor, telah melibatkan diri dalam penggubahan wang haram,
dengan menerirna wang tunai berjumlah RM600,000.00 daripada
Murhasmee bin Mukhtar, Pengarah Syarikat Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd
yang merupakan hasil daripada suatu aktiviti haram dan oleh itu kamu
telah melakukan suatu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum di bawah
seksyen 4(1)(a) Akta Pencegahan Penggubahan Wang Haram dan
Pencegahan Pembiayaan Keganasan 2001 (Akta 613).”
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Second Charge: (“AMLATFA 5”)
“Bahawa kamu pada 1 November 2013 antara jam 3.00 dan 4.00
petang di Restoran Leaf Dining, No. 5-1, Jalan Solaris 1, Solaris Mont
Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, dalam daerah Kuala Lumpur, dalam Kuala
Lumpur, telah melibatkan diri dalam penggubahan wang haram,
dengan rnenerima wang tunai berjumlah RM570,000.00 daripada
Hanaffi bin Daud, Pengarah Syarikat RL Offshore Sdn Bhd yang
merupakan hasil daripada suatu aktivitl haram dan oleh itu kamu telah
melakukan suatu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen
4(1)(a) Akta Pencegahan Penggubahan Wang Haram dan
Pencegahan Pembiayaan Keganasan 2001 (Akta 613).”
[6] The Appellant pleaded not guilty and claimed trial to all the charges. At
the close of the prosecution case, the learned Sessions Court Judge ordered
the acquittal and discharged of the Appellant in respect of the First
Charge (Case No:WA-62R-7-03/2017) under the AMLATFA and ordered
him to enter upon his defence on the remaining nine (9) charges. There was
no appeal filed by the Public Prosecutor against the said acquittal.
[7] At the end of the trial, the learned trial judge held that there was no
doubt as to his guilt and accordingly he was convicted of all the remaining 9
charges and sentenced.
[8] For each of the CBT offence, the Appellant was sentenced to
imprisonment for the period of seven (7) years. This sentence of
imprisonment was ordered to run concurrently.
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[9] For each offence of money laundering, the Appellant was sentenced
to 4 years’ imprisonment and the sentences were ordered to run concurrently
but to be served only after the completion of the sentence for the CBT
[10] Dissatisfied by the said decision, on 30/9/2019, the Appellant appealed
to the High Court Kuala Lumpur against both the conviction and sentence.
[11] On 2/11/2021, the learned High Court Judge affirmed the findings of
the trial judge and dismissed the Appellant’s appeal against conviction.
[12] However, the learned High Court Judge allowed the appeal against
sentence and ordered as follows:
(a) The sentence of 7 years imprisonment for each of the CBT
charges was set aside and substituted with a sentence of 5
years’ imprisonment. The sentences were ordered to run
(b) The sentence of 4 years imprisonment for each of the AMLATFA
charges was set aside and substituted with a sentence of 3
years’ imprisonment. The sentences were also ordered to be run
(c) Sentences for CBT charges and AMLATFA charges were
ordered to run consecutively.
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[13] Aggrieved by the decision of the learned High Court Judge, the
Appellant mounted this appeal against conviction and sentence.
[14] The Appellant will be referred to as the accused in this Judgment.
The Prosecution’s Case
[15] The facts of the case appear sufficiently and clearly in the grounds of
judgment of the learned High Court Judge. To appreciate the charges it is
necessary to give a narrative of the chronological events as established by
the prosecution which led to the prosecution of the accused.
[16] The accused was at all material times the Chief Executive Officer
('CEO') of TH Heavy Engineering Bhd (herein after known as “THHE”) and
charged with the duties of managing and overseeing the affairs of the
company and those of its active subsidiary companies which include THHE
Fabricators Sdn Bhd. ('THHE Fabricators'), OnG Works Sdn Berhad (“OnG”)
and THHE Offshore (“THHEOF”). THHE is a company involved in diversified
engineering activities including but not limited to major offshore fabrication,
hook -up and commissioning of oil and gas facilities, maintenance and
servicing of plants and equipment.
[17] The charges against the accused on which he was convicted were
connected with three (3) companies, namely, Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd, Coral
Intoil Sdn Bhd and RL Offshore Sdn Bhd.
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[18] We propose to deal with the involvement of this three named
companies in the order which we think they ought to be dealt with.
The 1st CBT Charge and The 1st AMLATFA Charge
Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd.
[19] Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd was one of the contractors for the PERMAS
development project (“PERMAS project”) awarded by Murphy Sarawak Oil
Co. Ltd (Murphy”) to THHE Fabricators on 1/4/2013. For this project, THHE
appointed Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd as its sub-contractor.
[20] Sometime around the end of April 2013, the accused told his General
Manager of Finance Salahuddiin bin Rushdi @ Marco (PW20) to prepare a
cheque for RM400,000.00 that need to be urgently paid to Bicara Sepakat
Sdn Bhd. PW20 then directed Senior Finance Manager (Kumaresan a/l
Ramasamy (PW18) and PW4 (Intan Farhannaz Binti Husin) Senior
Executive from the Finance Department to prepare the payment
voucher and cheque. On the payment voucher (Exhibit P12) the nature of
payment was written down as “Advance Payment” as instructed by the
[21] PW20 then directed PW18 and PW4 to prepare a cheque for payment
to Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd. The cheque (Exhibit P15) was signed by PW20
and counter-signed by the accused.
[22] PW20 then directed PW18 and PW4 to make immediate and direct
payment to Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd’s Maybank Islamic account, which was
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done via Bank Remittance Form (Exhibit P35). PW18 and PW4 prepared
Exhibit P35 and was approved by PW20 and the accused.
[23] PW18 and PW4 testified that Exhibits P12, P15 and P35 were
prepared without any claim invoice or supporting documents from Bicara
Sepakat Sdn Bhd because the accused wanted it to be done urgently.
[24] PW6 (Siti Zarwanie Binti Zakaria) a director of Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd
and PW8 confirmed that she was asked to generate a sham invoice (Exhibit
P20) for the payment received, on which it was written down on as “BEING
[25] After RM400,000 was credited into Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd account,
on 2/5/2013, SP6 withdrew the RM400,000 from the company account. SP8
instructed her finance clerk SP5 (Nordahlia binti Ibrahim) to prepare a
payment voucher (Exhibit P44) and cheque (Exhibit P46) on the pretexts
as “BAYARAN BALIK PINJAMAN” to director.
[26] After withdrawal of the monies at Maybank Kuala Terengganu, PW6
and PW8 (Murhasmee bin Mukthar) drove to Kuala Lumpur on the same day
with the cash in hand to meet the accused. They met the accused at the Old
Town White Coffee Cafe at Ara Damansara, Petaling Jaya and handed the
cash to the accused.
The 2nd CBT Charge and The 2nd AMLATFA Charge
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[27] In June 2013, the accused had again asked PW20 to prepare another
payment of RM1 million divided into two separate cheques, one in the sum
of RM570,000 payable to Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd and another in the sum
of RM430,000.00 be made payable to Coral Intoil Sdn Bhd. The accused told
PW20 to state it as payment for “Consultancy – Murphy” in the payment
vouchers. PW20 then instructed PW18 and PW4 to prepare two (2) separate
[28] Cheque of RM570,000.00 (Exhibit P27) and Payment Voucher (Exhibit
P13) was for payment to Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd. A temporary payment
voucher (Exhibit P9) and cheque of RM430,000.00 (Exhibit P26) was for
payment to Coral Intoil Sdn Bhd. Exhibit P27 and P26 were signed by PW20
and accused without any claims document received from both the company.
[29] After these cheques were prepared and signed, the accused later
instructed PW20 to change the method of payment to bank remittance.
PW18 and PW4 confirmed that they were asked to prepare a new cheque
together with the Bank Remittance Forms. The new cheques of
RM570,000.00 (Exhibit P16) were prepared to be paid to Bicara Sepakat
Sdn Bhd and another new cheque of RM430,000.00 (Exhibit P10) were
made payable to Coral Intoil Sdn Bhd. These two (2) replacements cheques
were later signed by PW20 and counter-signed by another authorized officer,
PW19 (John George Ritchie) because the accused was not in the office at
that material time.
[30] On 26/6/2013, PW8 said he received a telephone call from the accused
to inform him that RM570,000 has been credited into Bicara Sepakat Sdn
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Bhd’s bank account. The accused told PW8 to withdraw the said amount and
hand over the cash to him. PW8 directed PW6 to arrange the withdrawal of
the monies from the company’s bank account. A payment voucher (Exhibit
P45) and cheque of RM570,000.00 (Exhibit P47) were prepared by PW5.
The purpose of the payment in Exhibit P45 were written as “REPAYMENT
[31] PW6 went to Maybank Kuala Terengganu together with PW8 to
withdraw the monies. On the same day, they went to Kuala Lumpur and met
the accused at the Old Town White Cafe, Ara Damansara, Petaling Jaya and
PW8 handed over the cash of RM570,000.00 directly to the accused.
[32] PW8 and PW6 confirmed that a sham invoice (Exhibit P19)
was prepared for the payment received by Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd where it
was written in the invoice as “BEING CONSULTATION AND INSPECTION
Coral Intoil Sdn Bhd
[33] Coral lntoil Sdn Bhd was one of the contractors for THHE Fabricators
for the Shell D12 - Laila project. The company was principally in the business
of providing oil and gas advisory services in the areas of onshore fabrication,
offshore hook-up and commissioning, retrofitting and transportation and
installations as well as the trading of certain niche products.
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[34] On 13/9/2012, THHE and Coral lntoil Sdn Bhd entered into a teaming
agreement whereby both parties agreed to collaborate in the preparation and
submission of tenders for works.
[35] The executive director of Coral lntoil Sdn Bhd Datuk Mohd Razip bin
Mohammad (PW13) testified that the accused had asked his favour to
withdraw cash of RM430,000.00 to be given directly to him as he needed the
money to pay the Murphy guys. PW13 was reluctant at first to do something
which was not right, but finally agreed to the accused’s request solely
because PW13 was more concerned about the continued business ties / joint
venture that Coral lntoil Sdn Bhd had with THHE Fabricators.
[36] On 18/6/2013, PW13 instructed the company’s Accounts Executive,
Raja Ahmad Farhni bin Raja Sulaiman (PW12) to prepare a cheque of
RM430,000.00 as preparation in case the company received the transfer
fund of RM430,000.00 from THHE Fabricators. However, PW12 prepared a
cheque (Exhibit P80) of RM431,028.00 because the additional sum of
RM1,028.00 was for PW13's own use.
[37] On 26/6/2013, PW13 received a cheque (Exhibit P26) dated 25/6/2013
amounting to RM430,000.00 from THHE Fabricators. PW13 handed over
the cheque to PW12 to be deposited into the company’s bank account.
PW12 prepared a false receipt (Exhibit P88) and invoice (Exhibit P18) for the
money received from THHE Fabricators. On Exhibit P18 it was stated as
“SUPPLY MANPOWER TO THHE AT YARD” whereas Coral lntoil Sdn Bhd
had never supplied such services or work to THHE. However, the cheque
(Exhibit P26) received from THHE was dishonored. Upon inquiry, PW13 was
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informed that the bounced cheque (Exhibit P26) had been replaced with a
new cheque (Exhibit P10) with the same amount and payment will be made
by direct remittance / telegraphic transfer into the account of Coral lntoil Sdn
[38] On 27/6/2013, after having found that the money had been credited,
PW13 went to Ambank to cash the cheque (Exhibit P80). That afternoon, on
the same day, PW13 met the accused at his office located at Menara
UOB Bangsar and handed over a bag containing the cash of RM430,000.00
directly to the accused. The accused thanked him and PW13 then left the
accused’s office.
The 4th CBT Charge and The 4th AMLATFA Charge
[39] Sometime in September 2013, the accused instructed PW20 to
prepare a cheque for RM600,000.00 made payable to Bicara Sepakat Sdn
Bhd to complete the RM2,000,000,00 allegedly to be given to some people
at Murphy who the accused termed as the “Murphy guys”. PW20 then
instructed PW18 and PW4 to prepare the payment voucher (Exhibit P14)
and the cheque (Exhibit P17). The cheque was signed by PW20 and the
accused. PW4 said that in the payment voucher it was stated that the
purpose of the payment was for “MAN POWER SUPPLY”. However, PW4
confirmed that she did not received any invoice from Bicara Sepakat Sdn
Bhd for the same.
[40] The said cheque (Exhibit P17) was then deposited into the bank
account of Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd. The accused then informed PW8 that
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the money was already in the account of Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd. After
verifying the remittance, on 11/9/2013 PW8 and PW6 went to Maybank
Kuala Terengganu and withdrew cash of RM600,000.00 via cheque (Exhibit
P48). PW8 confirmed that Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd were forced to prepare
a false invoice (Exhibit P21) to justify receipt of the RM600,000.00
from THHE Fabricators for the alleged work done.
[41] PW6 gave the RM600,000.00 to PW8. Both of them later went to Kuala
Lumpur and met the accused at Old Town White Coffee Cafe, Ara
Damansara in Petaling Jaya. There, PW8 handed over the RM600,000.00
cash to the accused.
[42] On 30/10/2023, PW20 met the accused at his office. Accused told
PW20 that he required a final payment of RM575,800.00 to be paid to the
Murphy guys. PW20 was quite reluctant to accede to the accused’s request
because the full payment of RM2,000,000.00 supposed to have been paid
to the Murphy guys had already been paid. PW20 said that the accused
informed him that the actual amount to be paid to the Murphy guys was 1.5%
of the PERMAS contract sum which amounted to RM2,575,833.00. The
accused then directed PW20 to prepare the said payment and that it be
made payable to RL Offshore Sdn Bhd.
[43] PW20 then instructed PW18 and PW4 to prepare the payment voucher
(Exhibit P5) and cheque (Exhibit P7) for the amount of RM575,800.00. Both
the payment voucher and the cheque were signed by PW20 and counter-
signed by the accused. The item in the payment invoice were written as
“CONSULTATION FEE PERMAS”. PW18 and PW4 confirmed that the
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payment was made without any supporting claims document from RL
Offshore Sdn Bhd.
RL Offshore Sdn Bhd.
[44] RL Offshore Sdn Bhd was one of the contractors for THHE Fabricators.
Sometime towards the end of July 2013, RL Offshore Sdn Bhd was awarded
a project by THHE Fabricators. It was one of the packages in the PERMAS
project. Payment for this project was based on milestone achievements.
There were five milestones and for each milestone the payment was valued
at RM1million.
[45] On 30/10/2013, the Chief Executive Officer of RL Offshore Sdn Bhd
Dato’ Hanaffi Bin Daud (PW11) testified that he met PW20 and the accused
at the PJ Hilton Hotel. At the meeting, the cheque (Exhibit P7) for
RM575,800.00 was given to PW11. The accused then asked PW11’s favour
to encash the cheque and the cash sum of RM570,000.00 be given to him
while the balance RM5,800.00 was to be kept by PW11.
[46] On 31/10/2013, PW11 credited the RM575,800.00 cheque (Exhibit P7)
into the account of RL Offshore Sdn Bhd.
[47] On 1/11/2013, PW11 withdrew cash of RM570,000.00 through 3
cheques (Exhibits P81A, P81B and P81C) from the account of RL Offshore
Sdn Bhd. After that, PW11 met the accused at around 3.00 pm at Leaf Dining
Restaurant at Mont Kiara and handed over the cash sum of RM570,000.00
to the accused. PW11 said he was constrained to agree with the demands
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made by the accused because RL Offshore Sdn Bhd was tied-up to the
PERMAS project and did not want to jeapordise it.
[48] On 2/10/2013, RL Offshore Sdn Bhd made a claim of RM1 million
to THHE Fabricators for the first milestone payment under the PERMAS
project for work done in respect of the “PROVISION FOR THE SUPPLY OF
SK13 PERMAS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT” through vide invoice No.
039/13 (Exhibit P6). The said invoice was process by THHE on 31/10/2013.
[49] Since THHE Fabricators had already paid the sum of RM575,800.00
to RL Offshore Sdn Bhd, there was the balance sum of RM424,200.00 due
in December 2013 instead of the RM1 million claimed. Hence, only this sum
of RM424,200.00 was paid to RL Offshore Sdn Bhd.
[50] Dissatisfied with receiving only the amount of RM424,200.00, PW11
insisted the accused to pay for the full payment of the milestone claim of
RM1,000,000,00. Due to the insistence by PW11, the accused turned to
PW8 of Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd and asked PW8 to cover the amount of
RM575,800.00 to RL Offshore Sdn Bhd. Again, PW8 had no choice but to
oblige. A cheque (Exhibit P49) for the said amount was later made out and
encashed by PW6. Sometime in July 2014, PW6 gave the cash to PW8 to
be given to PW11.
The Defence
[51] The accused elected to give evidence under oath.
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[52] The accused further called eight (8) witnesses to testify on his behalf.
The Accused’s Version.
[53] He was at the material time the chief executive officer of THHE and
one of the directors of THHE Fabricators. The accused version was
essentially as follows.
CBT Charge
Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd.
[54] The accused contended that there were problems caused by the
migration of the management system from that of UBS System to ERP
Microsoft Axapta, where the new system supplied limited descriptions for
payments made to be made to contractors. To overcome this problem, the
top management of THHE together with the Financial Division decided to
use the general label of “consultancy” to speed up the payment process for
work done by the contractors.
[55] The system migration problem had affected THHE Fabricators’ ability
to make speedy payment to the contractors. With limited financial resources,
the contractors were unable to complete their contract works within
stipulated time. The delay in completing the project would have seriously
affected THHE’s reputation and would have exposed THHE Fabricators to
very high liquidated ascertained damages.
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[56] In order to speed up payment to the contractors, THHE
management together with the Financial Division decided to give “advance
payment” to certain contractors.
[57] Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd was a small scale company where the
financial position of the company is very limited and depended on work
demand. Hence, THHE needed to made advance payment to Bicara
Sepakat Sdn Bhd ahead of its normal schedule in order to finance the
company’s preparation cost such as purchasing equipment and staff
mobilisation so that the company be able to complete the contract works well
within the timeline.
[58] In 2013, Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd was awarded a piping works contract
worth RM6.985 million in the Murphy Project by THHE Fabricators. At the
same time, Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd was also involved in Shell D12 and Laila
project where the delays in completion of the project were due to financial
constraint faced by Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd. To avoid and overcome the
project delays, the accused and PW20 had signed a company cheque of
RM400,000.00 as advance payment to Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd.
[59] A cheque (Exhibit P27) of RM570,000 was also made payable to
Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd. The said cheque was signed by PW20 and PW19.
The accused testified that for both the cheques, there were no invoices
attached with the cheques because they were advances payment.
[60] Sometime in September 2013, the accused instructed PW20 to
prepare a cheque (Exhibit P17) dated 9/9/2013 for RM600,000.00 made
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payable to Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd. The cheque was signed by PW20 and
the accused. The accused said that this was meant as advance payment
to Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd.
[61] The accused said that the chief executive officer of Bicara Sepakat Sdn
Bhd, Murhasmee bin Mukthar (PW8) was aware of the advance payment
arrangement made. This can be seen from the complaint PW8 make via e-
mail send to the accused for THHE’s management to speed up Bicara
Sepakat Sdn Bhd’s payment claims (see PW8 e-mails dated 26/11/2012,
9/1/2013, 1/2/2013, 14/2/2013, 21/3/2013 and 16/4/2013).
Coral Intoil Sdn Bhd.
[62] There was a Teaming Agreement (Exhibit P43) dated 13/9/2012
between Coral Intoil Sdn Bhd and THHE.
[63] THHE issued a Maybank cheque (Exhibit P10) of RM430,000.00 dated
26/6/2013 to Coral Intoil Sdn Bhd. The accused said that he had no
knowledge of the purpose for the issuance of the cheque because it was not
signed by him. PW20 and PW19 signed the cheque.
[64] The accused only signed a THHE’s Maybank cheque (Exhibit P26) of
RM430,000.00 made payable to Coral Intoil Sdn Bhd as advance payment
for claim made by Coral Intoil Sdn Bhd.
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[65] The accused testified that he had no knowledge of the payment
voucher (Exhibit P9) which stated “Cash Advance - Payment for consultancy
-Murphy”) because his signature does not appear in the voucher.
RL Offshore Sdn Bhd.
[66] The company was one of THHE’s contractors under the PERMAS
Project, and was awarded a supply work contract known as “Chemical
Injection Package” worth RM 5million.
[67] The company issued invoice (Exhibit P6) dated 1/10/2013 to THHE for
milestone claim No.1 (“Provision for the supply of chemical injection package
for Murphy’s Sarawak SK311 PERMAS Development Project”) amounting to
RM1 million.
[68] However, due to THHE’s financial difficulties, arrangement was made
for the claim of RM1million be settled by way of two (2) payments i.e. a first
payment of RM575,800.00 and followed by RM424,200.00.
[69] On 1/11/2013, the accused together with PW20 met PW11 at the PJ
Hilton Hotel to explain the financial difficulties faced by THHE at that point in
time. At the same time, PW11 was given the RM575,800.00 cheque (Exhibit
P7) dated 30/10/2013 by PW20 as part payment for the claim made by RL
Offshore Sdn Bhd.
[70] Subsequently, THHE paid the balance sum of RM424,200.00 via
Maybank cheque (Exhibit P30) dated 6/1/2014 to RL Offshore Sdn Bhd.
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Amlatfa Charges
[71] All payments made to the contractors were valid and done in
accordance with the law.
[72] The accused denied receiving monies directly for himself or from PW8,
PW11 and/or PW13.
[73] The accused denied having demanded monies from PW8, PW11 and
[74] No internal investigation was conducted by the Board of Directors
against him and/or by the whistle blower committee of THHE and THHE
Fabricators against him.
[75] There were no proceeds of illegal activities derived from any criminal
breach of trust on all the five (5) investigations against him. Hence, the
accused and his family’s properties were returned without forfeiture.
Alibi (3rd AMLATFA Charge)
[76] On 27/9/2013, at about 3.00 pm, the accused attended an official
meeting at the THHE meeting room with Mr. Ramon A. Chelva, an executive
director of Pricewaterhouse Coopers Advisory Services Sdn Bhd (DW5).
[77] The accused denied that he went out from the meeting room during his
meeting with DW5 to meet PW13 (Mohd Razip bin Mohammad). He also
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denied having received a bag containing cash of RM 430,000.00 from
Allegation Made by PW20 Against Accused
[78] The accused denied all the allegations made by PW20 against him.
[79] On 15/2/2018, the accused filed a defamation suit at the Kuala
Lumpur Sessions Court (KLSC Suit No. WA-B53F-2-02/2018) against
PW20 for slandering him.
[80] PW20 is not a credible or truthful witness. PW20 gave contradictory
evidence in the defamation case and in the present criminal case.
[81] On 21/12/2017, the accused’s wife, Datin Suraya binti Sharer (DW2)
initiated a civil suit (WA-A53-13-12/2017) against PW20 for extortion. The
accused alleged that PW20 had demanded money from DW2, and if not paid
then PW20 threatened to give evidence against the accused in this criminal
case. DW2 had paid the sum of RM80,000.00, and via the civil suit claimed
for the return of the same. On 4/10/2018, the Sessions Court Judge in that
civil suit found in favour of DW2 and ordered PW20 to repay the RM
80,000.00 in full.
[82] PW20 was also charged in the Magistrate Court for extortion under
section 384 Penal Code against DW2.
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[83] The accused contended that PW20’s evidence was purely one of self
-preservation and self-interest.
Defence Witnesses Evidence
[84] We shall now turn to the summary of evidence given by the defence
Suraya Binti Sharer @ Bahar (DW2) Evidence
[85] She is the accused’s wife.
[86] She was the Managing Director of Cekap Jati Sdn Bhd.
[87] On 1/11/2015, PW20 was appointed as consultant of Cekap Jati Sdn
[88] Sometime in November 2016, the Malaysian Anti - Corruption
Commission (“MACC”) investigated the accused.
[89] On 24/1/2017, DW2 and her two (2) children were served with notices
by the MACC for declaration of their assets.
[90] On 19/4/2017, the Inland Revenue Board started investigation against
DW2, Cekap Jati Sdn Bhd and its Group of Companies.
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[91] The MACC froze DW2’s account and as well as his family members’
accounts for almost twelve (12) months. Freezing of the accounts were lifted
on 15/11/2017.
[92] Sometime in November 2018, Inland Revenue Board concluded their
investigation and found that DW2 and her children’s assets were not derived
from the accused’s funds or assets.
[93] PW20 demanded RM1 million from DW2, failing which PW20
threatened to give unfavourable evidence against the accused in the criminal
[94] DW2 gave RM80,000.00 cash in three payments of RM20,000.00,
RM30,000.00 and RM30,000.00 to PW20 after that threat. It took about two
(2) months for her to settle the RM80,000.00. PW20 then further demanded
from DW2 the balance of RM920,000.00.
[95] On 5/10/2017, DW2 together with the accused went to Setapak police
station and lodged a police report against PW20 for extortion.
[96] On 6/10/2017, PW20 was arrested by the police.
[97] On 2/12/2017, DW2 filed civil suit against PW20 to claim back the
RM80,000.00 that she had given to PW20.
[98] On 4/10/2018, the learned Sessions Court Judge gave judgment in
favour of DW2. PW20 did not appeal against the said judgment. Until to-date,
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PW20 failed to pay the judgment sum. Subsequently, DW2 filed bankruptcy
proceeding against PW20.
Siti Zulaikha Binti Mohd Sidek (DW3) Evidence
[99] She was the Executive Secretary to the accused.
[100] Her office desk was located outside the accused’s office. No one can
enter the accused’s office without her permission.
[101] On 27/ 6/2013 between 3.00 pm and 5.00 pm, the accused had
scheduled an important / critical meeting with Pricewaterhouse Coopers, the
THHE’s auditor. The accused told DW3 several times, even before the
meeting started, that he did want to be disturbed during the meeting.
[102] The meeting with Mr. Ramon A. Chelva (DW5) from Pricewaterhouse
Coopers and his assistant started about 10 - 15 minutes before the
scheduled time. From the Entry Log (Exhibit P163), the time DW5 entered
the THHE building was 2.49 pm and exited at 3.54 pm.
[103] To the best of DW3’s recollection, DW3 did not leave her desk between
2.00 pm to 4.00 pm on 27/6/2013.
[104] The meeting was held in the accused’s office. As far as DW3 can recall,
neither DW5 nor the accused left the meeting room during the course of the
meeting. The meeting took an hour.
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[105] Nobody entered the accused’s room during the course of the meeting.
[106] DW3 said that from the time she clocked in and started work and until
she left for the day, she may have gone to the washroom and for prayers for
a few minutes. She never left her desk before and during the course of the
[107] DW3 confirmed that she did not see Datuk Mohd Razip bin
Mohammad (PW13) coming to see the accused on that day (27/8/2013). If
he had come, DW3 would have known because she was at her desk from
1.00 pm to 2.00 pm and then between 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm.
[108] DW3 pushed back on PW13’s testimony that PW13 was given an
access card to the building that would permit him to enter THHE’s building
as and when he wished. DW3 said she had never given PW13 an access
card to allow him to access THHE building.
[109] As far as she know, PW13 will have to register with the building security
as a visitor just like any other visitor to the building.
Inar Sawanis Binti Mustapa (DW4) Evidence
[110] From 2/5/2012 until 14/9/2015, she served as the Internal Audit
Executive of THHE. Later she left and joined Malaysia Airport Holdings Bhd
as Senior Executive Internal Audit.
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[111] When she first started working at THHE, the company and its
subsidiary companies were going through “migration of management
system” proses from UBS System to ERP Microsoft Axapta system
(ERP System).
[112] Throughout the migration proses, THHEB and its subsidiary
companies were having various problems. Financial Division and
Subcontracting Department were among the division affected by this
migration system.
[113] Due to this migration, there could be delay in making timely payments
to their contractor. This would affect the progress of the project. THHE may
result high liquidated ascertained damages being impose by the
suppliers/contractors if there was delay in the project. Compensation is a
serious problem that will affect THHE’s reputation as a whole.
[114] Internal Audit had not received any complaint or e-mail from Coral Intoil
Sdn Bhd, Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd or RL Offshore Sdn Bhd that their demand
for payment were irregular or that there was a breach of regulation.
Ramon Albert Chelvarajasingam (DW5) Evidence
[115] He was the Executive Director in Pricewaterhouse Coopers
Malaysia (“PwC”).
[116] Meeting between DW5 and the accused was scheduled on 27/6/2013
between 3.00 pm and 4.00 pm.
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[117] The purpose of this meeting was for DW5 to present the scope of
consultancy services that PwC could provide to THHE including potential
pricing. Nothing specific. There were are other general matters such as
about organisation, talent in organisation, cost level etc that were discussed.
[118] DW5 arrived at THHE’s office, which was located at Menara UOA in
Bangsar around 2.30 pm to 2.45 pm with his junior employee.
[119] DW5 registered as a visitor at the security counter and went up to
accused’s office.
[120] DW5 and his colleague were shown to the accused’s office and the
accused secretary informed the accused of their arrival. DW5 was then
shown into the accused’s meeting room.
[121] The meeting lasted approximately an hour and DW5 left the accused’s
office at around 3.45 pm.
[122] DW5 remembered that they were not interrupted by anyone during the
course of the meeting and no one left the meeting at any time.
Mohd Saiful Bin Mustapha (DW6) Evidence
[123] From May 2013 to May 2014, DW6 served as Senior Manager Finance
at THHE.
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[124] When DW6 first started working at THHE, the company and its
subsidiary companies were going through “migration of management
system” proses from UBS System to ERP Microsoft Axapta (ERP System).
[125] Throughout the migration prose, THHE and its subsidiary companies
were having various problems. Financial Division and Subcontracting
Department were among those affected by this migration system.
[126] DW6 said that if the system did not function well and did not give
accurate data, it will cause major problems to the company. When DW6 left
THHE, the company was still having problems with the ERP Microsoft
Axapta System (ERP System).
Khairul Azam Bin Jaafar (DW7) Evidence
[127] In the year 2012, he served as Finance Director at Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd.
[128] In 2012, Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd was awarded a work contract by THHE
Fabricators Sdn Bhd worth RM1.12million
[129] In the middle of 2013, Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd. was awarded another work
contract by THHE Fabricators Sdn Bhd worth RM1.80million
[130] Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd received advance payment of RM 900,000.00 (50%
from value of the contract) from THHE Fabricators on 26/6/2013 in order to
help with its cash flow in the performance of the said contracts. The advance
payment was necessary to ensure progress of the project and completion of
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the contract works within time without imposition of any liquidated damages
against Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd.
Zachary Ivan Scully (DW8) Evidence
[131] Presently working as Legal Assistant at JK Lawyers in Melbourne,
[132] In the year 2013, DW8 was working as the Head of Legal Department
for THHE.
[133] Joined THHE as the General Manager of Legal & Secretarial
Department on or about 15/1/2012 and resigned from the same position on
or about 30/9/2016.
[134] At that time, there was migration of system from the UBS System to
the new ERP software.
[135] The migration of system had caused delay in the issuance of Purchase
Orders. The delay was a problem to THHE because it affected payment
claims by the subcontractors, causing delay to the project progress overall
giving rise to potential claims for liquidated ascertained damages. Liquidated
damages can wipe out the profits from a particular project.
[136] To avoid delays, sometime advance payments were made to
contractors even though they had not started works. Or sometime the work
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would have started without Purchase Order and payment would then be
[137] DW8 remembered at least two (2) contractors who were given advance
payments. They are Soft Triangle Services Sdn Bhd and Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd.
[138] All payments require Purchase Order. Urgent scenario, the contractor
started work without receiving a Purchase Order.
[139] There was no report during his employment of any irregular payment
made by THHE to Dato’ Mohd Razip (PW13), Dato Hanaffi Daud (PW11)
and / or Murhasmee Mokhtar (PW8).
The Relevant Provision of Law
(a) Section 23 of the Penal Code defines ‘wrongful gain’ and ‘wrongful
loss’ as follows:
“Wrongful gain” and “wrongful loss”
“23. “Wrongful gain” is gain by unlawful means of property to which the
person gaining is not legally entitled.
“Wrongful loss” is the loss by unlawful means of property to which the
person losing it is legally entitled.
A person is said to gain wrongfully when such person retains
wrongfully, as well as when such person acquires wrongfully. A person
is said to lose wrongfully when such person is wrongfully kept out of
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any property, as well as when such person is wrongfully deprived of
(b) Section 24 of the Penal Code defines ‘dishonestly” as follows:
“24. Whoever does anything with the intention of causing wrongful gain
to one person, or wrongful loss to another person, irrespective of
whether the act causes actual wrongful loss or gain, is said to do that
thing “dishonestly”. Explanation—In relation to the offence of criminal
misappropriation or criminal breach of trust it is immaterial whether
there was an intention to defraud or to deceive any person.”
(c) Section 402A of the Criminal Procedure Code reads as follows:
“402A. (1) The Court shall, at the time the accused is being charged,
inform the accused as to his right to put forward a defence of alibi.
(2) Where the accused seeks to put forward a defence of alibi, he
shall put forward a notice of his alibi during the case management
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2), where the accused has not put
forward a notice of his alibi during the case management process, he
may adduce evidence in support of an alibi at any time during the trial
subject to the following conditions:
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(a) the accused has given a written notice of the alibi to the
Public Prosecutor; and
(b) the Public Prosecutor is given a reasonable time to
investigate the alibi before such evidence can be adduced.
(4) The notice required under this section shall include
particulars of the place where the accused claims to have
been at the time of the commission of the offence with
which he is charged, together with the names and
addresses of any witnesses whom he intends to call for the
purpose of establishing his alibi.”
(d) Section 405 of the Penal Code reads as follows:
405. Criminal breach of trust.
Whoever, being in any manner entrusted with property, or with any
dominion over property either solely or jointly with any other person,
dishonestly misappropriates, or converts to his own use, that property,
or dishonestly uses or disposes of that, dishonestly misappropriates,
or converts to his own use that property, or dishonestly uses or
disposes of that property in violation of any direction of law prescribing
the mode in which such trust is to be discharged, or of any legal
contract, express or implied, which he has made touching the
discharge of such trust, or willfully suffers any other person so to do,
commits "criminal breach of trust".
(e) Section 409 of the Penal Code reads as follows:
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409. Criminal breach of trust by public servant or agent
Whoever, being in any manner entrusted with property, or with any
dominion over property, in his capacity of a public servant or an agent,
commits criminal breach of trust in respect of that property, shall be
punished with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than two
years and not more than twenty years and with whipping, and shall
also be liable to fine.
(f) Section 409B of the Penal Code reads as follows:
“409B. (1) Where in any proceeding it is proved-
(a) for any offence prescribed in sections 403 and 404, that any
person had misappropriated any property; or
(b) for any offence prescribed in sections 405, 406, 407,
408 and 409, that any person entrusted with property or with
dominion over property had-
(i) misappropriated that property;
(ii) used or disposed of that property in violation of any
direction of law prescribing the mode in which such trust is
to be discharged or of any legal contract, express or
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implied which he had made touching the discharge of such
trust; or
(iii) suffered any person to do any of the acts described in
subparagraph (i) or (ii) above, it shall be presumed that he
had acted dishonestly until the contrary is proved.”
(g) Section 3 of the Anti Money-Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing
Act 2001 define:
"proceeds of an unlawful activity" means any property derived or
obtained, directly or indirectly, by any person as a result of any
unlawful activity;",
“unlawful activity" means any activity which is related, directly or
indirectly, to any serious offence or any foreign serious offence;
“serious offence" means -
(a) any of the offences specified in the Second Schedule;
(b) an attempt to commit any of those offences; or
(c) the abetment of any of those offences;
(h) Section 3 of the Anti Money-Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing
Act 2001 defines money laundering as follows:
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“3(1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires - "money
laundering" means the act of a person who –
(a) engages, directly or indirectly, in a transaction that involves
proceeds of any unlawful activity;
(b) acquires, receives, possesses, disguises, transfers, converts,
exchanges, carries, disposes, uses, removes from or brings into
Malaysia proceeds of any unlawful activity; or
(c) conceals, disguises or impedes the establishment of the true
nature, origin, location, movement, disposition, title of, rights with
respect to, or ownership of, proceeds of any unlawful activity,
(aa) as may be inferred from objective factual circumstance, the
person knows or has reason to believe, that the property is
proceeds from any unlawful activity; or
(bb) in respect of the conduct of a natural person, the person
without reasonable excuse fails to take reasonable steps
to ascertain whether or not the property is proceeds from
any unlawful activity;".
(i) Section 4 of the Anti Money-Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing
Act 2001 reads as follows:
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(1) Any person who -
(a) engages in, or attempts to engage in; or
(b) abets the commission of, money laundering, commits an
offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not
exceeding five million ringgit or to imprisonment for a term
not exceeding five years or to both.
(2) A person maybe convicted of an offence under subsection (1)
irrespective of whether there is a conviction in respect of a
serious offence or foreign serious offence or that a prosecution
has been initiated for the commission of a serious offence or
foreign serious offence."
The Law on Appellate Intervention
[140] The law on the appellate intervention is quite settled. An appellate
court should be slow in disturbing the finding of facts arrived at by the trial
judge who had the advantage of seeing and hearing the witnesses, unless
there are substantial and compelling reasons for disagreeing with the finding.
[141] In Herchun Singh & Ors v. Public Prosecutor [1969] 2 MLJ
209, Ong Hock Thye CJ (as he then was) said as follows:
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“An appellate court should be slow in disturbing such finding of fact
arrived at by the judge, who had the advantage of seeing and hearing
the witness, unless there are substantial and compelling reasons for
disagreeing with the finding.”
[142] In Yahaya bin Mohamad v. Chin Tuan Nam [1975] 1 LNS
195; [1975] 2 MLJ 117 the Privy Council held:
(1) As in this case the learned trial judge had based his finding on
the evidence of the plaintiff and his witness, his finding should
not have been disturbed;
(2) This was not one of those rare cases where an Appellate Court,
lacking the advantage of seeing and hearing the witnesses, was
justified in coming to a different conclusion from the trial judge on
the question of credibility. There was no reason to think that the
trial judge had not taken proper advantage of his having seen
and heard the witnesses.
[143] In Ye Wei Gen v. Public Prosecutor [1999] 4 SLR 101, Yong Pung
How CJ (as he then was) said:
“It is trite law that an appellate court will be slow to overturn the trial
judge 's finding of fact unless it can be shown that his decision was
plainly wrong or against the weight of the evidence before him... These
cases thus stand for the principle that findings of fact by the trial judge
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are prima facie correct unless there are very good grounds for
disturbing them.”
[144] In Dato' Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim v. Public Prosecutor & Another
Appeal [2004] 3 CLJ 737 the Federal Court held as follows:
“Clearly, an appellate court does not and should not put a brake and
not goinq any further the moment it sees that the trial judge says that is
his finding of facts. It should go further and examine the evidence and
the circumstances. under which that finding is made to see whether, to
borrow the words of HT Ong (CJ Malaya) in Herchun
Singh's case (supra) "there resubstantial and compelling reasons for
disagreeing with the finding". Otherwise, no judgment would ever be
reversed on question of fact and the provision of s. 87 CJA 1964 that
an appeal may lie not only on a question of law but also on
a question of fact or on a question of mixed fact and law would be
[145] In PP v. Mohd Radzi bin Abu Bakar [2005] 2 MLRA 590, the Federal
Court held as follows:
“Now, it settled law that it is no part of the function of an appellate Court
in a criminal case - or indeed any case - to make its own findings of
fact. That is a function exclusively reserved by the law to the trial Court.
The reason is obvious an appellate Court is necessarily fettered
because it lacks the audio-visual advantage enjoyed by the trial Court."
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[146] In Che Omar Mohd Akhir v. Public Prosecutor [2007] 3 CLJ
281, the Federal Court speaking through Nik Hashim FCJ (as he then was)
held as follows:
“It is trite law that an appellate court should be slow in disturbing a
finding of facts by the trial judge unless such finding is clearly against
the weight of evidence which is not the case here".
[147] In Wan Marzuki bin Wan Abdullah v. PP [2008] 1 MLRA 479, the
Court of Appeal held as follows:
“There is clear authority for the proposition that in an appeal of this
nature which turns on questions of fact particularly in relation to issues
of credibility, this court will be reluctant to interfere with the findings
made by the primary trier of fact."
[148] In UEM Group Bhd v. Genisy Integrated Engineers Pte Ltd & Anor
[2010] 9 CLJ 785; [2018] Supp MLJ 363, Rauf Sharif FCJ (as he then was)
[26] ... the prime issue is whether the Court of Appeal had erred in
interfering with the findings of facts of the trial judge. It is well settled
law that an appellate court will not generally speaking, intervene with
the decision of a trial court unless the trial court is shown to be plainly
wrong in arriving at its decision. A plainly wrong decision happens
when the trial court is guilty of no or insufficient judicial appreciation of
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[149] In P'ng Hun Sun v. Yip Yee Foo [2013] 2 AMCR 350; [2013] 6 MLJ
523, Mohd Zawawi Salleh FCJ (as he then was) held as follows:
“When the finding of the trial judge is factual, however, the fact finder's
decision cannot be disturbed on appeal unless the decision of the fact
finding is plainly wrong (see China Airlines Ltd v Maltran Air Corp Sdn
(and Another Appeal) [1996] 2 AMR 2233; [1996] 2 MLJ 517; [1996] 3
CLJ 163; Zaharah bt A. Kadir v. Ramuna Bauxite Pte
Ltd & Anor [2012] 1 AMR 209; [2011] 1 LNS · 1015; Kyros International
Sdn Bhd v. Ketua Pengarah Hasil Dalam Negeri [2013] 4 AMR 55;
[2013} 2 MLJ 650; [2013] 1 LNS 1).
The findings of fact of the trial judge can only be reversed when it is
positively demonstrated to the appellate court that:
(a) by reason of some non-direction or mix-direction or otherwise the
judge erred in accepting the evidence which he or she did accept;
(b) in assessing and evaluating the evidence the judge has taken
into account some matter which he or she ought not to have
taken into account, or failed to take into account some matter
which he or she ought to have taken into account; or
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(c) it unmistakenly appears from the evidence itself, or from the
unsatisfactory reasons given by the judge for accepting it, that
he or she cannot have taken proper advantage of his or her
having seen and heard the witnesses; or
(d) insofar aside judge has relied on manner and demeanour, there
are other circumstances which indicate that the evidence of the
witness which he or she accepted is not credible, as for instance.
where those witnesses have on some collateral matter
deliberately given an untrue answer."
[penekanan ditambah]
[150] In Amri Ibrahim & Anor v. PP [2017] 1 CLJ 617, the Federal Court
held as follows:
“[51] It is trite law that the view of the trial judge as to the credibility of
a witness must be given proper weight and consideration. An appellate
court should be slow in disturbing such finding of fact arrived at by the
trial judge, who had the advantage of seeing and hearing the witness,
unless there were substantial and compelling reasons for disagreeing.”
[12] In LCY v. TWY [2019) 7 CLJ 158, the Court of Appeal held as
“[26] The principle of law on appellate intervention is
settled. In Dream Property Sdn Bhd v Atlas Housing Sdn
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Bhd [2015] 2 CLJ 453, the Federal Court reiterated the
principle as follows at p. 476:
[60] It is now established that the principle on which an
appellate court interfere with findings of fact by the trial
court is "the plainly wrong test" principle; see the Federal
Court in Gan Yook Chin & Anor (P) v Lee Ing Chin @ Lee
Teck Seng & Anor [2004] 4 CLJ 309; [2005] 1 MLJ 1 (at p.
10) per Steve Shim CJ SS. More recently, this principle of
appellate intervention was affirmed by the Federal Court
in UEM Group Berhad v Genisys lntergrated Engineers Pte
Ltd /2010] 9 CLJ 785 where it was held at p. 800:
It is well settled law that an appellate court will not
generally speaking intervene with the decision of a trial
court unless the trial court is shown to be plainly wrong in
arriving at its decision. A plainly wrong decision happens
when the trial court is guilty of no or insufficient judicial
appreciation of the evidence (See Chew Yee Wah & Anor
v Choo Ah Pat [1978]1 LNS 32; Watt v Thomas [1947] AC
484; and Chin v Lee Ing Chin & Ors [2004] 4 CLJ 309
[151] In Ng Hoo Kui & Anor v. Wendy Tan Lee Peng (administratrix for
the estate of Tan Ewe Kwang, deceased) & Ors [2020] 10 CLJ 1; [2020]
12 MLJ 67, Zabariah FCJ when delivering the judgment of the court had
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[148] Given the aforesaid, we form the view that rather than adopting
a rigid set of rules to demarcate the boundaries of
appellate intervention insofar as findings of fact are concerned,
the "plainly wrong" test as espoused in decisions of this court
should be retained as a flexible guide for appellate courts. As
long as the trial judge's conclusion can be supported on a rational
basis in view of the material evidence, the fact that the appellate
court feels like it might have decided differently is irrelevant. In
other words, a finding of fact that would not be repugnant to
common sense ought not to be disturbed. The trial judge should
be accorded a margin of appreciation when his treatment of the
evidence is examined by the appellate courts.
[152] In a fairly recent case of Ng Hoo Kui & Anor v. Wendy Tan Lee Peng,
Pentadbir Kepada Harta Pusaka Tan Ewe Kwang, Simati & Ors [2020]
10 CLJ 1; [2020] 12 MLJ 67 the Federal Court held that:
“[33] It was a long-settled principle, stated and restated in domestic
and wider common law jurisprudence, that an appellate court
should not interfere with the trial judge's conclusions on primary
facts unless satisfied that he was plainly wrong' (the Supreme
Court of United Kingdom in McGraddie v. McGraddie and
another [2013] 1 WLR 2477)."
"[5] The 'plainly wrong' test operated on the principle that the trial
court had had the advantage of seeing and hearing the witnesses
on their evidence as opposed to the appellate court that acted on
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the printed records. The 'plainly wrong' test was not intended to
be used by an appellate court as a means to substitute its own
decision for that of the trial court on the facts. As long as the trial
court's conclusion could be supported on a rational basis in view
of the material evidence, the fact that the appellate court felt like
it might have decided differently was irrelevant. In other words, a
finding of fact that would not be repugnant to common sense
ought not to be disturbed. The trial judge should be accorded a
margin of appreciation when his treatment of the evidence was
examined by the appellate courts (see paras 34, 76 & 148)."
Petition of Appeal
[153] Before us, the learned counsels for the accused raised twenty-six-
grounds of appeal.
(1) The Learned Sessions Court Judge erred in law and in fact when
Her Honour convicted the accused in respect of all the 9 charges,
namely 5 counts of offences under criminal breach of trust (s.409
charges) and 4 counts of offences under the Anti-Money
Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful
Activities Act 2001 (section 4(1)(a) AMLATFPUAA charges). The
Learned High Court Judge erred when His Lordship affirmed all
the convictions;
(2) The Learned Sessions Court Judge erred when Her Honour
failed to judicially appreciate the defence of the Appellant. Her
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Honour failed to recognise that the core or basic defence of the
Appellant was never challenged by the prosecution, hence ought
to have been accepted. Her Honour further erred in law when
Her Ladyship criticised the defence as a bare denial and ruled
that the evidence of the other witnesses not relevant;
(3) The Learned High Court Judge seriously erred when His
Lordship erroneously interpreted the application of the case of
Wong Swee Chin [1981] 1 MLJ 212 to the disadvantage and
prejudice of the accused – see paragraphs 109-113 of the
Written Judgment
(4) The Learned High Court Judge and the Learned Sessions Court
Judge erred in law and in fact when they failed to appreciate the
defence case. They ought to have asked themselves the
following relevant questions:
(a) Whether the non-challenge of the accused’s defence by
the prosecution amounted to the accused raising a
reasonable doubt to the prosecution’s case? and
(b) Whether the non-challenge of the accused’s defence by
the prosecution amounted to the accused having
successfully rebutted the presumption under section
409B(1)(b)(i) of the Penal Code? This glaring omission is a
serious non-direction amounting to an appealable error.
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(5) The Learned High Court Judge erred when His Lordship failed to
consider the defence of the accused in respect of the five (5)
section 409 charges. His Lordship only applied his mind to the
section 4(1)(a) AMLATFPUAA charges as can be seen at
paragraph 110 of the Written Judgment. This failure to consider
is a serious misdirection warranting appellate intervention;
(6) The Learned High Court Judge and the Learned Sessions Court
Judge erred in law and fact in convicting the accused based upon
evidence of witnesses whose credibility was clearly at stake;
(7) The Learned High Court Judge and the Learned Sessions Court
Judge erred in law and fact in finding that the accused had
dominion and/or power of disposal over the subject matter of the
charges under section 409 of the Penal Code, i.e., cheques of
THHE Fabricators Sdn Bhd;
(8) The Learned High Court Judge and the Learned Sessions Court
Judge erred in law and fact in failing to rule that the accused’s
defence has successfully rebutted the statutory presumption
undersection 409B(1) of the Penal Code on a balance of
probabilities ;
(9) The Learned High Court Judge and the Learned Sessions Court
Judge erred in law and fact in failing to accord adequate and fair
judicial appreciation to the accused defence;
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(10) The Learned Sessions Court Judge erred in law and fact in failing
to appreciate accused’s the Appellant’s alibi which was properly
admitted under section 402A of the Criminal Procedure Code;
(11) The Learned High Court Judge and the Learned Sessions Court
Judge erred in law and fact in meting out sentence which is
manifestly excessive without taking into account the overall
circumstances of the case;
(12) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law and in facts in
upholding the Learned Sessions Court Judge’s finding that there
was no reason to refuse the evidence of PW20. The Learned
High Court Judge failed to appreciate that the Learned Sessions
Court Judge did not critically evaluate the credibility of PW20 and
had failed to consider or sufficiently appreciate that:
(a) PW20 was dishonest on multiple occasions during his
cross examination;
(b) PW20 was a self-serving witness and had motive to lie as
a witness to implicate the Appellant;
(c) PW20 was a self-serving witness and had motive to lie
because he was trying to save himself for failing to properly
discharge his duty as an employee of THHE (“the
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(d) PW20’s allegation that he was told that the Appellant was
required to pay a sum of 1.5% of the Permas Contract to
Murphy was inconsistent with the documentary evidence
showing the value of the Permas Contract;
(e) PW20’s conduct during his employment at Cekap Jati
showed that he was unworthy of credibility because it
demonstrated his propensity to provide evidence in a
manner that was most favourable to him; and
(f) PW20 has an axe to grind against the Appellant and there
was evidence that PW20 had subsequently defamed the
Appellant and extorted the Appellant’s wife.
(13) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law in failing to
appreciate and consider that there is a difference between the
property in a cheque and property in money in a bank account.
The Learned High Court Judge failed to appreciate that the
“property” described in the charges were cheques which has
been paid to the named payees of the various cheques and
accordingly, there was no misappropriation or conversion of the
cheques within the meaning of section 405 of the Penal Code;
(14) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law and in facts in finding
that entrustment of property has been established when the
Appellant exercised dominion and control over the payments
which were made. The Learned High Court Judge failed to
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appreciate or sufficiently consider that the approval authority
matrix of THHE required each of the signatories to the cheques
to exercise independent control when issuing any cheques;
(15) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law and in fact in
upholding the conviction of the Appellant in relation to criminal
breach of trust of the cheque dated 30/4/2013 for the sum of RM
400,000.00 despite the Appellant having been acquitted of the
money laundering charge in respect of the same cheque. The
Learned High Court Judge failed to appreciate or sufficiently
consider that the alibi of the Appellant ought to have been
accepted for both charges given that the evidence relied on by
the prosecution to establish both the criminal breach of trust and
the receipt of the sum of RM400,000.00 were identical. The
Learned High Court Judge erred in law and fact in failing to
consider or sufficiently appreciate that there was insufficient
evidence for the Learned Sessions Court Judge to convict the
Appellant of criminal breach of trust having accepted the defence
of alibi;
(16) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law and in fact in failing
to appreciate or sufficiently consider that the sum of
RM575,800.00 in relation to CBT 5 was for works done and
therefore could not amount to any wrongful loss to the Company;
(17) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law and in facts in finding
that the Appellant had pocketed the cash for himself, amounting
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to an act of misappropriation. The Learned High Court Judge
failed to consider or sufficiently consider that save for the
testimony of PW8, PW11 and PW13, there is no independent
evidence to demonstrate that the Appellant had received the
cash for himself;
(18) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law when His Lordship
failed to consider or sufficiently appreciate that the possibility that
PW8, PW11 and PW13 had retained the monies for their own
(19) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law and in fact in failing
to appreciate or sufficiently consider the fact that there was a gap
in the prosecution’s case as the investigating officer failed to
investigate the possibility that PW8, PW11 and PW13 had
retained the funds for their own personal use. The Learned
High Court Judge failed to consider and appreciate that the
Defence had established through concessions in cross
examination that PW8, PW11 and PW13 had lifestyles and
assets that far exceeded their incomes;
(20) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law and in fact when held
that the evidence of PW 8 PW11 and PW 13 was credible and
believable. The Learned High Court Judge failed to consider or
sufficiently appreciate that the Defence had produced sufficient
evidence to demonstrate that PW8, PW11 and PW13 may have
retained the monies that they withdrew for their own use;
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(21) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law in failing to
appreciate that the Learned Sessions Court Judge had used the
particulars of one offence to support and corroborate the others;
(22) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law and in fact in failing
to sufficiently appreciate that the Learned Sessions Court Judge
had failed to apply the necessary warning when applying similar
facts evidence;
(23) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law and in fact in failing
to appreciate that the Learned Sessions Court Judge failed to
sufficiently warn herself when relying on the evidence of PW8
PW11 and PW13 to support and corroborate one another
because they were accomplices;
(24) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law and in fact in failing
to appreciate that the Learned Sessions Court Judge failed to
caution herself regarding the use of accomplice evidence without
corroboration; and
(25) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law in failing to consider
or sufficiently appreciate the fact that there was no wrongful loss
to to the Company as it remained indebted to Bicara Sepakat
Sdn Bhd;
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(26) The Learned High Court Judge failed to appreciate that the
prosecution had failed to prove that the Company had overpaid
Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd Corail Intoil Sdn Bhd. and/or RL
Offshore Sdn Bhd.
Our Decision
[154] We shall first deal with CBT Charge No.5 and AMLATFA No.5. The
learned Deputy Public Prosecutor, fairly, and quite properly, conceded to the
appeal in respect of both CBT Charge 5 and AMLATFA 5 as it was clear from
the evidence of PW 1 (Kamaruzaman bin Ahmad, the chief operating officer
of THHE that the payment of RM575,800.00 made to RL Offshore Sdn Bhd
was pursuant to a valid and legitimate agreement with RL Offshore Sdn Bhd
for work done under that contract. So we therefore allowed the appeal in
respect of these two charges and set-aside the conviction and sentences in
respect of the same.
[156] We shall now deal with the remaining charges. One of the main ground
argued by the learned counsel for the accused was that both the learned
Sessions Judge and the learned High Court Judge erred in law and in fact
when they failed to judicially appreciate the defence case. In particular, that
both the Courts below failed to recognise that the defence of the accused in
respect of all the 9 charges was not challenged by the prosecution.
[157] It was strenuously contended for the accused that for the AMLATFA
Charges No.2, No.4 and No.5 the learned Sessions Court Judge has
misdirected herself in the following areas, namely:
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(i) in not appreciating that the defence of the accused was not
challenged by the prosecution. Thus, it means the prosecution
accepts the evidence of the accused; and
(ii) consequently, unfairly and wrongly describing the defence of the
appellant as a bare denial. The defence of AMLA Charge 5 was
dismissed by the learned Sessions Court Judge in a one liner -
see pg.110 (para 104 - Vol. 1).
[158] As far as Charge CBT 5 and AMLATFA 5 is concerned, we have
already decided that the conviction for both the charges could not stand, and
the matter has been put to rest.
[159] As for CBT Charge No. 3 and corresponding AMLATFA Charge No.3,
the defence of the accused was one of alibi. The notice of alibi given by the
accused under section 402A of the Criminal Procedure Code states that the
accused was having a meeting in his office with DW5 at the material date
and time as stated in both the charges.
[160] To support his alibi the accused called DW3 (Siti Zulaikha Binti Mohd
Sidek) and DW5 (Ramon Albert Chelvarajasingham) essentially to prove that
the accused was having an uninterrupted meeting with DW5. It was the
accused’s defence that SP13 (Dato’ Mohd Razip bin Mohammad) did not
come to his office and consequently he did not give the accused the sum of
RM 430,000.00 as alleged.
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[161] Counsel for the accused strongly contended that there was in effect no
challenge to the accused’s alibi evidence and by reason of the non
challenge, the accused’s alibi was not negated by the prosecution. It was
submitted that the learned Session Court Judge ought to have held that the
prosecution by reason of the non-challenge had conceded to the defence
alibi and further the evidence of SP13’s on this point was suspect when SP
13 said that he arrived at 3.30 pm and delivered the cash to the accused
when the visitor log book of THHE which is exhibit P163 showed that DW5
came for the meeting with the accused at 2.49 pm and left at 3.54 pm.
[162] In our view, we find that the evidence given by DW3 and DW5 and the
entry in visitor log book (P163) supported the accused’s defence of alibi and
that there was a failure by the trial judge to judicially appreciate this crucial
evidence. In our considered view there were merits in this argument. Even
though it was not disputed that the accused was at his office at the material
time but the critical issue here is whether PW13 was present at the accused’s
office at 3.30pm and delivered the money to the accused as stated in the
charge. We are of the view that the finding of the trial judge in this regard
went against the grain of evidence. It would be unsafe to sustain the
conviction handed down by the learned Session Court Judge and the High
Court Judge in respect of both these charges and thus appellate intervention
is therefore warranted. Hence, we allowed the appeal in respect of CBT No.
3 and AMLATFA No. 3 charges and set aside the conviction and sentence
handed down by the learned High Court Judge in respect to these two
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[163] However, it is important to stress at this stage, that even though we
were with the accused on the alibi issue in respect of the CBT No. 3 and
AMLATFA No. 3 charges, it cannot be gainsaid that PW13 may have made
an untruthful statement or wholly untrue testimony sufficient to destroy the
credibility of PW3. There was some doubt in respect of the time stated in
these two charges, and we gave the benefit of that doubt to the accused.
This does not mean that PW13’s credibility as a whole was affected. The
matter of credibility or veracity of PW13’s testimony in respect of the other
remaining charges would have to be determined when dealing with these
charges. We were of the view that in this regard the learned trial judge was
in a better position to decide this since she was the one who saw and heard
PW13’s testimony. Further, it is not appropriate at this stage for us to deal
with the credibility issue of PW13. We will cross that bridge when we come
to it.
[164] Now we shall deal with the other main thrust of the submission by the
learned counsel for the accused which revolved around the failure of the
prosecution to challenge the narrative of the defence in cross-examination
of the accused and his witnesses as regards all the remaining CBT and
AMLATFA charges.
[165] The evidence which the learned counsel sought to rely on essentially
was as per the accused’s written statement [para 56 to para 60] which are
reproduced herein:
“56. Saya sesekali menegaskan bahawa kesemua pembayaran
kepada kontraktor-kontraktor berkenaan melalui cek ditandatangani
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oleh saya adalah sah disisi undang-undang dan sesuai bagi
perkhidmatan dan/atau kerja yang dilaksanakan.
57. Saya menafikan segala tomahan penerimaan wang oleh saya,
samada selaku CEO THHEB atau pengarah THHEFSB, daripada
Encik Murhasmee Bin Mukhtar (SP-8), Dato Mohd Razip Bin
Mohammad (SP-13) serta Dato' Hanaffi Bin Daud (SP11).
58. Saya juga menekan bahawa saya, samada selaku CEO THHEB
atau pengarah THHEFSB, tidak pernah pada bila-bila masa membuat
permintaan wang daripada Encik Murhasmee Bin Mukhtar (SP-8),
Dato' Mohd Razip Bin Mohamad (SP-13) serta Dato' Hanaffi Bin Daud
59. Sepanjang tempoh perkhidmatan saya selaku CEO THHEB dan
pengarah THHEFSB, saya tidak pernah menghadapi sebarang
siasatan dalaman oleh pihak lembaga pengarah dan/atau pihak
jawatankuasa pemberi maklumat ("Whistle Blower Committee")
60. Pada akhir siasatan berkenaan kelima-Iima (5) pertuduhan ini,
harta-harta saya serta harta-harta ahli keluarga saya telah dipulangkan
tanpa sebarang pelucuthakan ("return without forfeiture")
memandangkan kesemua ini bukanlah hasil daripada aktiviti-aktiviti
menyalahi undang undang mahupun hasil daripada pecah amanah
dibawah S.409 KK."
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[166] The learned counsel for the accused contended that the above
evidence which was contrary to that of the prosecution witnesses, namely
SP8, SP13 and SP11, was not challenged by the prosecution during cross-
examination. As such the learned counsel argued that the version of the
accused must be accepted as it remains unchallenged. Learned counsel
cited a long lists of authorities in support of that proposition, and in particular
counsel relied on the dicta in Wong Swee Chin (supra) to further that
[167] Be that as it may, it is worthy of emphasis that the Federal Court
in Wong Swee Chin also held that there is an exception to this general rule
(i) the story (testimony) is itself of an incredible or romancing
(ii) the abstention arises from mere motives of delicacy,
(iii) when counsel indicates that he is merely abstaining for
convenience to save time,
(iv) where several witnesses are called to the same point, it is not
always necessary to cross-examine them all.
[168] In reply, the learned Deputy Public Prosecutor referred to the case of
Chan Chi Kong v. The Queen [1964] HKCU 94.1 where Hogan CJ of Hong
Kong in this unreported judgment held that:
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"To say that failure to cross-examine amounts, in itself, to an
admission does, I think go too far... "
[169] So the essential contention by the learned Deputy Public Prosecutor
was that the non cross-examination by itself does not amount to an
admission. Though the prosecution did not cross- examine the accused in
respect of some of those evidence that does not mean it is tacit admission
of the defence version. It must noted that in Wong Swee Chin itself the
Federal Court spoke of an exception to the general rule on the failure to cross
-examine and its consequences. Learned Deputy Public Prosecutor argued
that even if there was failure to cross-examine it was not fatal to the
prosecution case and that the court must still consider the totality of the
evidence to ascertained if it conclusively point to the guilt of the accused. In
this regards we were referred to a passage in Wong Swee Chin where the
Federal Court held at page 213 as follows:
“In our view, although there was a misdirection by the trial judge on
this point it did not affect the correctness of the verdict as the totality
of the evidence points conclusively to the guilt of the appellant”.
[170] In addition, the learned Deputy further cited the Singapore case of Liza
bte Ismail v. PP [1997] 2 SLR 454 where Yong Pung How CJ held as
"Although the general proposition is that testimony not subjected to
contradiction in cross-examination may be treated as unchallenged
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and thus accepted by the opposition party, the court is still entitled to
reject such testimony: Patric v. John Holland Constructions Pty Ltd
[1984] 2 NSWLR 505, per Samuels JA at p 507; see also Hunt J's
observations at p 18 in Allied Pastoral Holdings. A careful evaluation
of the totality of the evidence must still be undertaken to
determine the cogency and weight of such testimony. In other
words, it need not always follow that the whole of the appellant's
testimony would have to be accepted by the court, nor that the
conviction in respect of DAC 9796 would ineluctably be considered
[171] In another Singapore decision of Awtar Singh s/o Mangar Singh v.
Public Prosecutor [2000] 3 SLR 439, the Court held as follows:
"I did not find it strictly necessary for the prosecution to put to the
appellant that he saw the immigration offenders during his visits. It was
apparent to the appellant what the prosecution's case was and it
was that the immigration offenders saw him at the premises collecting
rent and performing various other tasks pertaining to the upkeep of the
premises. His defence was a complete denial that he had ever seen
these immigration offenders. That being the case, in my view, it could
not be said that the failure to put the question to the appellant resulted
in any procedural unfairness to him, in the sense that he had been
deprived of an opportunity to explain his evidence which would amount
to nothing more than another denial that he had not seen them before."
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[172] In the Malaysian case of Public Prosecutor v. Radhakrishnam Syam
& Ors and another case [2023] MLJU 1324, the Court held that:
“[108] In my considered judgment, PP v. Cheah Leong Foo does not
stand for a general proposition of law that a reasonable doubt must
arise in all such circumstances where the prosecution has failed to
cross examine the defence witness on the fact in dispute. Rather, the
court must still proceed to weigh the relative merits of the competing
assertions, mindful of the standard of proof that must be discharged by
the respective parties. The ordinary principles would apply on
evaluating the evidence of the witness of the defence: does the court
believe the defence witness? If so, it must acquit. If it does not believe
the witness, the court must proceed to ask itself a further question: has
the testimony of the witness given rise to a reasonable doubt? If the
answer is in the affirmative, then court must acquit.”
[173] Now the issue before us is whether the failure of the learned trial judge
to consider this unchallenged evidence, had occasioned a failure of justice
and denied to accused to a fair trial. Did the accused know what he was
being tried for and whether he had been given a full and fair chance to defend
himself. If the answers are in the affirmative, then there has been no
prejudice to the accused and no failure of justice. But if the answers are in
the negative, then the benefit of doubt must be given to the accused.
[174] The duty of an appellate court in dealing with an appeal where
misdirection has occurred is well settled by the Supreme Court in Lorensus
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Tukan v. Public Prosecutor [1998] 1 MLJ 251, where the court held as
“Misdirection is not of itself a sufficient ground to justify interference
with the verdict; the appellate court must proceed respectively to
consider whether the verdict is erroneous owing to the misdirection or
whether the misdirection has occasioned a failure of justice. If the court
so finds, then it has a duty to interfere. In deciding whether there has
been a failure of justice in consequence of a misdirection, the appellate
court is entitled to take the whole case into consideration and
determine for itself whether there has been a failure of justice in the
sense that a guilty man has been acquitted or an innocent one
convicted (see Abdul Rahim v. King Emperor (1945 - 46) 73 IA 77).”
[175] The overriding concern now is whether there has been a failure of
justice or miscarriage of justice in the eye of the law arising from the failure
of the prosecution to challenge the core assertion of defence.
[176] From our close scrutiny of the record and in particular the judgment of
the learned trial judge and the learned High Court judge, we are of the
considered view that failure of the prosecution to cross-examine the accused
on a crucial part per se does not amount to an admission or acceptance of
the accused’s testimony. We must consider the totality of the evidence and
decision must be based on an examination of all the evidence presented and
not evidence in isolation. Moreover, it is also apparent from the learned trial
judge’s comprehensive judgment that she had directed herself on the issue
of credibility of the prosecution witnesses and accepted their evidence.
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[177] For ease of reference, the findings of the learned trial judge on
credibility can be clearly seen at Appeal Record Enclosure 13 Volume 2,
pages 90-91 where she said:
Kredibiliti saksi - saksi
[64] Mahkamah telah menilai keterangan semua saksi dalam kes inl
dan mendapati bahawa keterangan mereka adalah konsisten antara
satu sama lain walaupun telah disoal balas secara bertubi-tubi oleh
pihak pembelaan. Keterangan SP20 iaitu saksi utama dalam kes ini
secara keseluruhannya boleh diterima dan tiada sebab untuk
Mahkamah menolak keterangan SP20. Begitu juga dengan
keterangan SP4 dan SP18. Ketiga-tiga mereka merupakan saksi
penting yang menjelaskan secara terperinci mengenal kejadian yang
telah berlaku, iaitu dari mula arahan diberi oleh OKT sehingga cek
didepositkan ke akaun syarikat BSSB, CISB dan RL Offshore. Dalam
melaksanakan arahan-arahan daripada OKT, SP20, SP18 dan SP4
tidak boleh dipersalahkan kerana mereka cuma menurut perintah OKT
yang merupakan pegawai atasan mereka. Mereka juga tidak
mendapat apa-apa manfaat atau keuntungan hasil dari perbuatan
[65] Begitu juga dengan keterangan SP8, SP11 dan SP13
yang merupakan pihak yang menerima dan menunaikan cek -
cek yang diberi kepada syarikat mereka dan menyerahkan wang
tersebut kepada OKT. Keterangan mereka bahawa cek - cek tersebut
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bukan merupakan bayaran atas kerja-kerja yang dilaksanakan oleh
syarikat mereka dan syarikat tidak membuat tuntutan untuk
pembayaran tersebut hendaklah diterima. Sebagaimana SP20, SP18
dan SP4, mereka juga tidak mendapat sebarang keuntungan hasil
pengeluaran wang THHE ini. Mereka menyatakan bahawa mereka
dalam keadaan serba salah dan terpaksa menurut kehendak OKT
memandangkan mereka mempunyai kontrak kerja dengan THHE.”
[178] In short, in her grounds of judgment, the learned trial judge accepted
the evidence of PW4, PW8, PW20, PW11 and PW13 after holding that there
were no cogent reasons to disbelieve them.
[179] Having made the above finding, the learned trial judge then went on to
make the following conclusion at paragraph 68 and 69 of the judgment:
[68] Keterangan SP8, SP11 dan SP13 dikuatkan lagi dengan
keterangan SP20, SP18 dan SP4 yang merupakan pegawai - pegawai
di bahagian kewangan THHE. Keterangan SP8, SP11 dan SP13
bahawa tiada tuntutan bayaran dibuat oleh pihak syarikat disokong
oleh keterangan SP20, SP18 dan SP4 yang menyatakan bahawa OKT
yang memberi arahan supaya pembayaran dibuat tanpa dokumen
sokongan seperti invois dan pesanan belian (purchase order) yang
dikemukakan oleh pihak syarikat.
[69] Mahkamah mendapati bahawa saksi-saksi pendakwaan SP20,
SP18 dan SP4, SP8, SP11 dan SP13 adalah merupakan saksi-saksi
yang boleh dipercayai dan telah memberi keterangan yang konsisten
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sepanjang perbicaraan. Tiada sebab untuk mereka memberikan
keterangan palsu dan berkomplot untuk memfitnah OKT.”
[180] In this respect, the learned High Court Judge accepted these findings
when he held at paragraph 54-59 Appeal Record Enclosure 11 Volume 1 of
his grounds judgment as follows:
[54] In finding that the prosecution's witnesses were credible, the
learned trial judge reasoned that the prosecution's witnesses were
consistent in their evidence despite the rigorous cross examination.
According to the learned trial judge, she had no reason to reject the
evidence of PW20 despite the challenge by the defence that PW20
may be a self-serving witness and there were various contradictions in
his testimony.
[56] The learned counsel anchored the challenge on the credibility of
the prosecution's witnesses on the following grounds:
(a) that the learned trial judge failed to critically evaluate the
conduct and behaviour of PW20 as a whole,
(b) that the learned trial judge failed to consider the defence
evidence which showed that PW8, PW11 and PW13 was
not credible as they may have retained the monies they
withdrew for their own purpose, and
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(c) that the conviction was based on the evidence of PW8 and
PW20 whose credibility was clearly at stake.
[57] In my considered view, the learned trial judge had correctly
considered and assessed the credibility of PW8, PW11, PW13 and
PW20 in accordance with established legal principles. In her grounds
of judgment, the learned trial judge had considered certain material
facts. These facts are material as they may be used as a testbed in
assessing the credibility of the relevant witnesses in the circumstances
of present appeal. They are as follows:
(a) instructions were given for cheques to be prepared even
without any invoices or claims for payments;
(b) sham invoices and sham receipts were made for the
various payments;
(c) certain cheques were encashed and the monies were
personally delivered to the accused;
(d) certain cheques were replaced pursuant to instructions for
payments to be credited directly into the recipients' bank
accounts despite no request for such direct remittances;
(e) PW11 of RL Offshore went on to claim for the balance
payment of RM575,800.00 in respect of the 1st milestone
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claim despite a cheque for the same amount has been
prepared and paid out;
(f) at the request of the accused, PW8 had to make good the
claim made by PW11 whereas the payment should be
made by THHE instead;
(g) at the material times, Bicara Sepakat, Coral lntoil and RL
Offshore all had subsisting projects with THHE; and
(h) as the finance executives of THHE, PW4 and PW18 were
merely following instructions and had no authority of their
own to prepare the cheques for the respective amounts
without instructions. Both of them had not gained anything.
[58] Had the payments were for valid reasons, there would not be
questions about instructions for cheques being prepared without any
claim for payments, there would not be sham invoices and receipts
issued, there would not be similar claims made despite payment for
the same amount having been "made", there would not be payments
having had to be made by Bicara Sepakat to RL Offshore.
[59] I am of the considered view that the findings of the learned trial
judge in respect of credibility and assessment of the totality of the
evidence accords with the probabilities of the case. They did ring true.
ln assessing credibility of the witnesses, I am thus of the considered
view that the learned trial judge had properly availed herself of the
audio-visual advantage.”
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[181] Now, we at this court also find ourselves in agreement with the above
finding made by both the learned trial judge and the learned High Court
Judge. The appeal by the accused turns upon pure questions of fact. These
were findings of fact made by the trial judge who had the audio and visual
advantage of observing and assessing the demeanour of the prosecution’s
material witnesses testifying before her, something which we do not
possess. Such findings of fact by the trial judge is therefore to remain
undisturbed unless of course if the fact finding is plainly wrong, which we find
is not the case here.
[182] On the evidence, we are fully satisfied that the learned trial judge had
not erred and her findings were fully supported by the abundance by both
oral and documentary evidence heaped against the accused. In our view, it
leaves no leeway for appellate interference in the circumstances of this
[183] It must be borne in mind that, Bicara Setakat Sdn Bhd, Coral Intoil Sdn
Bhd and RL Offshore Sdn Bhd all had subsisting projects with THHE.
Certainly, they do not want to lose their business deals with THHE. They
were at the mercy of the accused. The accused took undue advantage of the
business relationship that THHE had with these companies. PW8, PW11
and PW13 had no choice but reluctanty to follow the demands of the
accused in order not to jeopardise their working relationship with the
accused. They had but to follow all instructions of the accused. They were
caught between the proverbial devil and the deep blue sea. Hence, they had
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no reasons to lie or made up stories regarding the accused’s involvement in
these act.
[184] When all the evidence is considered even with an indulgent eye, it is
impossible for any court to doubt that the request came from the accused.
He had the opportunity and authority to make the request. The prior
arrangement and the manner in which the payments were made is a relevant
consideration in the present case and it certainly did not reflect an innocent
mind on the part of the accused. It is in evidence that PW8, PW11 and
PW13 were “coerced” to made payment in one lump sum, with no invoices.
[185] To conclude, it is significant to emphasise that, we find no substantial
miscarriage of justice to have occurred to the accused person in the present
appeal before us by failure of the prosecution to challenge or put the essence
of their case to the accused or his witnesses. It is apparent on our careful
perusal of the notes of evidence, that such failure does not go to the
credibility of the prosecution witnesses nor does it amount to an acceptance
of the defence witnesses’ evidence. The accused knew well what the case
was against him when the prosecution closed its case and had been afforded
all the opportunity to present his defence.
[186] Moving on, in considering the defence testimony for criminal breach of
trust, the learned trial judge at pp. 93-95 Appeal Record Enclosure 13
Volume 2, had this to say:
“Perpindahan sistem daripada Microsoft Axapta kepada sistem
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[70] Pihak pembelaan menyatakan bahawa penggunaan perkataan
'consultancy'di dalam invois adalah kerana masalah yang dihadapi
oleh THHE akibat daripada perpindahan sistem Microsoft Axapta
kepada ERP di mana sistem yang baharu hanya membekalkan
deskripsi yang terhad. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, pengurusan
atasan THHE terpaksa menggunakn label 'consultancy' untuk
meluluskan pembayaran atas kerja-kerja yang dilaksanakan oleh
kontraktor. Mengenai isu ini, Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa
sekiranya benar sekalipun masalah ini dihadapi oleh THHE, ia tiada
kaitan dengan 5 pembayaran yang diarahkan o!eh OKT untuk dibayar
kepada BSSB, CISB dan RL Offshore di mana pihak syarikat sendiri
menafikan membuat apa-apa tuntutan kepada THHE.
Tiada sebarang aduan dibuat kepada bank dan/atau dibawah
polisi 'whistle blower'
[71] Ketiadaan sebarang aduan dibuat dibuat oleh pihak syarikat,
polis, dan/atau pihak SPRM kepada pihak bank bahawa transaksi
berkaitan kelima-lima cek tersebut merupakan transaksi yang
menyalahi undang undang1 tidak menafikan fakta bahawa OKT telah
dengan curangnya menyalahgunakan harta THHE, iaitu 5 cek yang
menjadi subjek pertuduhan dalam kes ini. Begitu juga
kegagalan kakitangan dan/atau lembaga pengarah THHE membuat
sebarang aduan di bawah polisi 'whistle blower’berkenaan lima
pembayaran kepada ketiga-tiga syarikat tersebut tidak sama sekali
menjejaskan kes pihak pendakwaan. Tiada aduan dibuat tidak
bermakna kejadian tersebut tidak ·berlaku.
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[72] Berdasarkan keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan dapatlah
dirumuskan bahawa:
i. OKT mengarahkan penyediaan kelima-lima cek dalam
keadaan di mana tiada kerja dilakukan oleh kontraktor-
kontraktor dan mereka juga tidak membuat tuntutan untuk
ii. OKT dan SP20 telah menandatangani 3 daripada 5 cek
iii. 2 cek lagi (P16 dan P10) ditandatangani oleh SP20 dan
SP19 bagi menggantikan cek P26 dan P27 yang telah
ditandatangani oleh OKT dan SP20 sebelum itu.
Penggantian cek - cek juga dibuat atas arahan OKT bagi
menukar cara bayaran.
iv. OKT memaklumkan pihak syarikat bahawa cek -
cek pembayaran dari THHE telah dimasukkan ke dalam
akaun syarikat.
v. OKT mengarahkan penerima cek (SP8, SP11 dan SP13)
supaya menunaikan cek - cek tersebut dan menyerahkan
wang secara tunai kepada OKT.
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vi. Pihak syarikat menunaikan eek tersebut dan menyerahkan
wang dalam bentuk tunai kepada OKT (kecuali bagi jumlah
RM400,000.00 di mana penyerahan kepada OKT tidak
dibuktikan berikutan alibi OKT yang tidak disangkal oleh
pihak pendakwaan).
vii. lnvois dikeluarkan selepas bayaran diterima daripada
THHE bagi menjustifikasikan pembayaran yang telah
[73] Berdasarkan fakta yang dinyatakan di atas dapat dilihat modus
operandi yang digunakan oleh OKT dalam melaksanakan atau
merealisasikan hasratdan niat untuk menyalahgunakan wang syarikat
THHE dengan mempergunakan SP8, SP11 dan SP13 yang
mempunyai hubungan kerja dengan THHE. Adalah tidak logik pihak
syarikat tidak mahu membuat sebarang tuntutan jika kerja-kerja
tersebut telah sebenarnya dilakukan. Seterusnya, jika benar
pembayaran tersebut untuk kerja-kerja yang sebenarnya dilakukan
sebagaimana ditimbulkan oleh pihak pembelaan, mengapakah OKT
mengarahkan supaya wang tersebut dikeluarkan dan diserahkan
kepada OKT dalam bentuk tunai?. Tambahan pula bagaimana
pembayaran untuk jumlah yang sebegitu besar boleh diluluskan oleh
OKT tanpa sebarang dokumen sokongan.”
[187] The learned trial judge had carefully considered the accused defence,
and in particular that advance payments had to be made as a result of the
system migration. Hence, for the CBT Charges, we see no reasons to
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interfere with the findings made by the learned trial judge as well as the
learned high court judge when they had safely concluded that the defence
raised by the accused was wholly untenable and that the accused had failed
to rebut the presumption of having acted dishonestly on the balance of
probabilities. We were satisfied that both the learned judges had
meticulously gone through and correctly appreciated the evidence before
them and applied the law correctly.
[188] The defence of the accused that the payments made to Corail lntoil
Sdn Bhd and Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd were in fact advance payments for
the project they were having with the company were mere bare denials and
not true. It was merely an excuse to cover up his unlawful activity.
[189] Additionally, it was also wrong for the accused to make payments when
payments were not due to the contractors. What more when SP8 and SP13
had confirmed that the payments were not related to the work done and they
did not make the claim to THHE.
[190] The other issue advanced by the learned counsel for the accused is
that PW8, PW13, PW20 were accomplices whose evidence was
uncorroborated. Now, even if they were accomplices, we find that they there
were ample evidence of corroboration of the testimony of these witnesses.
[191] It is our considered view that the law on accomplices is well settled. In
the case of Harchan Singh & Anor v. PP [2005] 1 CLJ 11 Augustine Paul
JCA (as he then was) had this to say:
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“In commenting on the significance of the need for corroboration with
regard to the identity of the accused Sarkar on Evidence, 15th edn.
Vol. 2 says at p.2105:
"It is an established rule of practice that an accomplice must be
corroborated by independent evidence as to the identity of every
person whom he impeaches. The accomplice may know every
circumstances of the crime and while relating all the other facts
truly, may in order to save a friend, or gratify an animosity, name
some person as one of the criminals who was innocent of the
crime (Rv. Krishna Bhat, 10B 319; see also R v. Malapa, 11 BHC
196; R v. BudhduNanku, 1B 475)."
[192] In Davies v. Director of Public Prosecutions [1954] AC 378, it was
held that:
“an accomplice is a person who participates in the commission of the
actual crime charged against the accused. He is to be a particeps
criminis. There are two cases, however, in which a person has been
held to be an accomplice even if he is not a particeps criminis.
Receivers of stolen property are taken to be accomplices of the thieves
from whom they receive goods, on trial of theft. Accomplices in
previous similar offences committed by the accused on trial are
deemed to be accomplices in the offence for which the accused is on
trial, when evidence of the accused having committed crimes of
identical type on the occasions to be admissible to prove the system
and intent of the accused in committing the offence charged".
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[193] In Sabarudin bin Non [2005] 1 CLJ 466; [2005] 4 MLJ 37, the Court
of Appeal held:
“In our judgment, the correct test for determining whether a witness is
an accomplice is that laid down by Thomson CJ in Chao Chong v. PP
[1959] 1 LNS 11; [1960] MLJ 238: The true question, however, was not
the technical one of whether the witness could have been convicted for
his participation in the offence if he had been prosecuted. The true
question was whether, having regard to his participation in the offence
and having regard to all the circumstances of the case, his evidence
was to be regarded with suspicion and as possibly so tainted as to
invite if not to demand corroboration before it was accepted".
[194] In Farose Tamure Mohamad Khan v. PP & Other Appeals [2016] 9
CLJ 769; [2016] 6 MLJ 277, this court made the following observations at
para. 108 of the judgment:
[108] As a starting point, s 133 of the Evidence Act 1950 provides that
an accomplice is a competent witness against an accused person, and
that a conviction is not illegal merely because it proceeds upon the
uncorroborated testimony of an accomplice. Illustration (b) of s 114 of
the same Act provides that the court may presume that an accomplice
is unworthy of credit unless he is corroborated in material particulars.
In respect of the nature and extent of the corroboration, Raja Azlan
Shah CJM (as His Majesty then was) in Yap Ee Kong & Anor v. Public
Prosecutor [1980] 1 LNS 117; [1981] 1 MLJ 144 (at p 146) formulated
the rules as follows:
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(1) There should be some independent confirmation tending
to connect the accused with the offence although it is not
necessary that there should be independent confirmation
of every material circumstance;
(2) The independent evidence must not only make it safe to
believe that a crime was committed but must in some way
reasonably connect or tend to connect the accused with it
by confirming in some material particulars the testimony of
the accomplice; and
(3) The corroboration must come from independent sources,
thus bringing out the rule that ordinarily the testimony of an
accomplice would not be sufficient to corroborate that of
[195] In the case of Kurchang Singh v. PP [1989] 2 CLJ 442 the court said:
“corroboration may come from the other prosecution witnesses or from
the accused. Deliberate lies or incriminating conduct in a material
particular can constitute corroboration."
[196] In the case before us, there was in fact abundance of independent and
compelling evidence confirming the evidence of PW6, PW8, PW11, PW13
and PW20 in material particulars. One such example is the evidence of PW4
and PW18 as to the non-compliance of the payment procedure which are
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the corroborative evidence in support of PW20's testimony. The withdrawal
of the monies from the company's respective bank accounts etc are all
corroborated via oral and documentary evidence. In the end the cash
eventually ended up with the accused.
[197] Moving on to the next issue, learned counsel for the accused
contended that, learned the High Court Judge erred in law and fact in failing
to appreciate that the trust property identified in the CBT charges
were cheques issued to the respective contractors, namely RL Offshore Sdn
Bhd Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd and Coral lntoil Sdn Bhd. The learned judge
was said to have fallen into error in continuing to equate the property in the
cheque with the property in the money or funds of the company.
[198] It was further submitted that the money in THHE’s account is different
from the property in a cheque of THHE. It was contended that it has long
been understood that when a cheque is filled up by the drawer in favor of a
payee, the property in the cheque belongs to the payee not the
drawer. Council further contended that the property in the cheque properly
understood as a right for the named payee to sue the drawer in the event of
a default. In other words, it was contended that the property in a cheque is a
chose in action. This, the counsel argued was critical to banking law because
the property in a cheque is transferable and allows for a cheque to become
a negotiable instrument. Hence, the argument was that there is no criminal
breach of trust committed as stated in the charge.
[199] In addition to that, it was contended that each of the named payees
named payees of the cheques in fact received their respective cheques that
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was issued by THHE. They also each received the sums stated in that
cheque. These facts were not disputed by the prosecution. The property in
these cheques according to the counsel has therefore been passed to the
payee and accordingly, the property in the cheque, which was a chose in
action, has been extinguished. In other words, counsel argued that
misappropriation of a cheque can only be said to have occurred if the
accused took the cheque and did not name the payee and the payee did not
receive the cheque.
[200] Hence, it was submitted that it is incorrect for the learned High Court
Judge to hold that there was CBT of the cheques when the narrative and
evidence presented by the prosecution was in fact the alleged
misappropriation of the monies belonging to THHE.
[201] Learned counsel further argued that from a reading of the grounds of
judgment, the learned High Court Judge had wrongly equated the "trust
property" in the cheque with the company’s cash. It was submitted that the
property in a cheque and the property in the funds are two separate and
distinct properties which cannot be used interchangeably and do not equate
to one another.
[202] With the greatest of respect, we beg to differ. We cannot accept this
line of argument. To suggest that a distinction must be drawn between a
property in cheque and property in cash is entirely fallacious. Such
proposition of law is not in keeping with the language or spirit of section 405
of the Penal Code.
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[203] Here is a case where accused is the Chief Executive Officer of THHE.
Being in that position he was entrusted with the property of the
company including the cheques which are the subject matter of the instant
appeal. The accused was one of the authorised signatories for the
company’s account. The cheques issued had money value and was indeed
a property within the meaning of section 405 of the Penal Code. The intention
of the drawer at the time for the cheques issued is the material test. The
cheque passes the property of THHE namely the money value stated on the
cheque to the payee.
[204] The emphasis here again is that these cheques were prepared and
issued to the respective contractors without any invoices or claims for
payment made upon instruction given by the accused to his officers. Since
that is so, the irresistible conclusion is that the accused’s conduct or act was
actuated by dishonest intention to subsequently misappropriate THHE‘s
money/funds for his own use through the use of these cheques.
[205] In Sathiadas v. Public Prosecutor [1970) 1 LNS 142;1970] 2 MLJ
241; [1970] 1 MLRH 166, His Royal Highness, the late Raja Azlan Shah
J. (later LP) had this to say:
“The gist of the offence of criminal breach of trust is entrustment and
dishonest misappropriation or conversion to own use. Once the
prosecution have succeeded in proving the receipt of the money for a
particular purpose the case of entrustment is made out. Dishonest
misappropriation or conversion to own use involves wrongful gain to
the appellant or wrongful loss to his employers for the period of the
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retention of the money. That must depend on the facts and
circumstances of each case. ·Criminal breach of trust is not an offence
which counts as one of its factors, the loss that is the consequence of
the act, it is the act itself, which in law, amounts to an offence. The
offence is complete when there is dishonest misappropriation or
conversion to one's own use, or when there is dishonest user in
violation of a direction, express or implied, relating to the mode in which
the trust is to be discharged.”
[206] Seven (7) cheques were encashed. Two cheques were replaced
pursuant to instructions for payment to be credited directly into the respective
bank accounts of Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd and Coral Intoil Sdn Bhd, despite
there being no request for such direct remittances. PW8, PW11 and PW13
withdrew the monies and the cash was personally delivered to and received
by the accused knowing fully well what they were for. The accused pocketed
the company’s fund for himself. PW8, PW11 and PW13, had no choice but
to agree with the accused’s special arrangement in order to protect the
business interest of their respective companies. The manner in which the
money was demanded and received, in our view, lend credence to the
prosecution case that the accused has acted dishonestly, thus causing
wrongful gain to himself and wrongful loss to THHE. Hence, we find no
infirmity in the conviction on the remaining CBT charges. These convictions
are safe.
[207] For completeness, we shall now touch very briefly on the argument
raised by the learned counsel for the accused that the evidence of PW20
was self-serving and there were various contradictions in his testimony.
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However, it is worth repeating that the learned trial had critically evaluated
the conduct and behaviour of PW20 as a whole and she found no reason to
reject the testimony of PW20 as set out in her judgment. This is not a case
of one man’s word, PW20, against another’s, the accused. PW20’s evidence
was supported by cogent independent evidence connecting the accused with
the charges. Hence, it is reasonably safe for the learned trial judge to act
upon PW20 evidence. We therefore find no reason to interfere with her
[208] On the issue of contradictions and discrepancies of witnesses’
evidence we can do no better than to quote the decision in Public
Prosecutor v. Datuk Haji Harun bin Haji Idris (No. 2) [1977] 1 MLJ 16 at
p.19, where the court held as follows:
“In this case different witnesses have testified to different parts of what
had happened or what had been said and also there are, in the
evidence of the witnesses for the prosecution, some discrepancies, as
would be expected of witnesses giving their recollections of a series
of events that took place in 1971-1973. In my opinion discrepancies
there will always be, because in the circumstances in which the events
happened, every witness does not remember the same thing and he
does not remember accurately every single thing that happened. It
may be open to criticism, or it might be better if they took down a
notebook and wrote down every single thing that happened and every
single thing that was said. But they did not know that they are going
to be witnesses at this trial. I shall be almost inclined to think that if
there are no discrepancies, it might be suggested that they have
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concocted their accounts of what had happened or what had been
said because their versions are too consistent. The question is
whether the existence of certain discrepancies is sufficient to destroy
their credibility. There is no rule of law that the testimony of a witness
must either be believed in its entirety or not at all. A court is fully
competent, for good and cogent reasons, to accept one part of the
testimony of a witness and to reject the other. It is, therefore,
necessary to scrutinize each evidence very carefully as this involves
the question of weight to be given to certain evidence in particular
[209] This is also in line with the Federal Court decision in the case of Ong
Teng For v. PP [2013] 1 CLJ 39 where Raus Sharif PCA (as he then was)
delivering the judgment of the court held as follows:
“[33] It is settled law that the credibility of a particular witness and the
weight to be given to his other evidence is manifestly within the
province of a trial judge. In Andy Bagindah v. PP [2000] 3 CLJ 289,
Shaik Daud JCA said that:
There is no dearth of authorities to say that in every case, there
are bound to be contradictions and discrepancies. The question
to be decided by the trial judge is whether those contradictions
and/or discrepancies are material ones so as to strike at the very
root of the charge. It is for the trial judge to consider this since he
was the one who saw and heard the evidence. In the present
case the learned judge concluded that there were discrepancies
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but those discrepancies were not material ones. Since this
involved the credibility of witnesses, we held that the learned
judge was in a better person to decide and an appellate court
ought not to interfere with such findings.”
[210] We, an appellate court do not have the advantage of observing the
demeanor of witnesses and it is trite that an appellate court would be slow to
disturb the findings of the subordinate court on the issue of credibility of
witnesses unless the findings made were perverse. Here, we do not find any
finding of the trial judge or the High Court Judge to be perverse. In this
regard, we are reminded of the dicta in the case of Dato' Mokhtar Hashim
& Anor v. PP [1983] 2 CLJ 10; [1983] CLJ (Rep) 101; [1983] 2 MLJ 232,
where the court held:
“(7) the credibility of a witness is primarily a matter for the trial judge.
The functions of an Appellate Court, when dealing with a question of
fact in which questions of credibility are involved are limited in their
character and scope and in an appeal from a decision of a trial judge
based on his opinion of the trustworthiness of witnesses whom he has
seen, an appellate court must in order to reverse not merely entertain
doubts whether the decision below is right but be convinced that it is
wrong. In this case the learned trial judge accepted the evidence of
Atun, the prosecution witness, whom he found to be a consistent
witness unshaken by very severe cross-examination and the Appeal
Court could find no reason to interfere with his assessment.
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[211] Reference may also be made to the observation of Wan Yahya J (as
His Lordship then was) in Pie Bin Chin v. Public Prosecutor [1985] 1 MLJ
Discrepancies are no doubt present in this case, as they do ostensibly
appear in most cases in evidence of witnesses for the prosecution as
well as the defence. The transcripts of most evidence, when thoroughly
tooth combed by any able lawyer, never failed to yield some form of
inconsistencies, discrepancies or contradictions but these do not
necessarily render the witness' entire evidence incredible. It is only
when a witness's evidence on material and obvious matters in the case
is so irreconcilable, ambivalent or negational that his whole evidence
is to be disregarded.
Forgetfulness and failure to recall exactly certain events, which did not
seem to be important to the witness, do not necessarily shake his
credibility or render other parts of his story unworthy of belief. Various
persons are endowed with varying powers of cognition, attentiveness
and perception, so that it is not uncommon for two witnesses to a
common event to describe it in slightly differing versions.
I agree with the learned President's findings on this not only because
he, having seen and heard the witness is in a better position than I am
to evaluate the credibility of the witnesses, but also because I accept
that no witness of truth can account for the details of events which had
transpired some months previously with precision.”
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The Defence Against the Charges for Money Laundering
(Charges No.2 And No.4)
[212] We will now touch on the defence raised by the accused in respect of
the money laundering charges AMLATFA No.2 and No.4. Accused denied
receiving the sum of RM570,000.00 and RM600,000.00 from PW8.
[213] In the grounds of judgment, the learned trial judge had in paragraphs
104 and 106 at pages 110-111 Appeal Record Enclosure 13 Volume 2, made
the following findings:
“[104] Bagi pertuduhan 2 dan 4 AMLATFA, pembelaan OKT adalah
merupakan penafian semata-mata disamping mendakwa bahawa
keterangan SP8 adalah keterangan palsu dan pengeluaran wang
RM400,000.00, RM570,000.00 dan RM600,000.00 oleh SP8
digunakan untuk membiayai kos gaya hidup mewah keluarga SP8 dan
membayar Jabatan lnsolvensi untuk melepaskan SP8 dari status
muflis. Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa dakwaan pihak pembelaan
terhadap SP8 adalah tidak berasas sama sekali. Tiada bukti bahawa
SP8 memberi keterangan palsu dan menggunakan wang tersebut bagi
tujuan seperti dikatakan oleh pihak pembelaan. Walaupun SP8
sememangnya seorang yang muflis, beliau hanya dilepaskan dari
status muflis pada tahun 2015 sedangkan kejadian berlaku pada tahun
[106] Walaupun hasil siasatan SP23 ke atas akaun OKT tidak
menunjukkan apa-apa kemasukan wang yang mencurigakan dan/atau
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sebarang transaksi yang boleh dikaitkan dengan pertuduhan-
pertuduhan AMLATFA, ia tidak bermakna bahawa OKT tidak
menerima wang tersebut. Apa yang penting pihak pendakwaan telah
berjaya membuktikan penerimaan wang oleh OKT. Apa berlaku
kepada wang tersebut setelah diterima oleh OKT adalah tidak material.
Begitu juga dengan pemulangan harta yang disita kepada OKT tidak
menunjukkan bahawa OKT tidak menerima wang tersebut.”
[214] Having considered these findings and the rationale of the learned trial
judge in doing so, we find no reasons whatsoever to disturb the factual
findings made by the learned judge under the circumstances presented in
this case.
[215] Now, in conclusion, we find that the learned trial judge has not
misdirected herself in law. She had considered the evidence of both the
prosecution and for the defence very carefully and had given her reasons
why she accepted or did not accepted certain evidence and had correctly
come to the conclusion that she did. She had the advantage of seeing and
hearing the witnesses. We see no reasons why we should interfere with her
finding of facts or her final decision. Undoubtedly, the same goes to the
judgment delivered by the learned High Court Judge where he had taken a
detailed evaluation of the entire evidence, critically analysed witnesses
evidence placed before the court with great care and at great length and
made his findings. We do not find any infirmities in the decision of the learned
High Court Judge.
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[216] For the reasons that we have given, we unanimously find that
the conviction against the accused by the High Court for CBT Charges No.1,
2 and 4 and the AMLATFA Charges No.2 and No.4 are safe and we
accordingly dismissed the appeal and affirmed the conviction and sentence
of the High Court.
Date: 18 January 2024
- Sgd -
Azmi bin Ariffin
Court of Appeal Malaysia
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For the Appellant : 1. Datuk K. Kumaraendran
2. Datuk Hj. Hisyam Teh Poh Teik
3. Kitson Foong
4. Cheetan Jethwani
5. Kee Wei Lan
6. Low Wei Loke
7. Yaw Xinying
8. Ivy Shu
9. Chew Jee San
10. Vam Sher Mooi
[Kit & Associates (Kuala Lumpur)]
For the Respondant : 1. Nahra Binti Dollah
(Deputy Public Prosecutor)
2. Parvin Hameedah Natchiar
(Deputy Public Prosecutor)
3. Aida Khairuleen Binti Azli
(Deputy Public Prosecutor)
[Attorney General Chambers]
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| 133,714 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-24NCVC-2478-08/2022 | PEMOHON Tetuan Chiong & Partners RESPONDEN Tetuan Kit & Associates | The Plaintiff obtained a final UAE Judgment against the company Pembinaan SPK Sdn Bhd – Abu Dhabi for AED7,719,567.00 equivalent to RM9,375,659.49. After executing the UAE Judgment in Abu Dhabi, the Plaintiff realized part of the judgment sum leaving a balance of AED1,890,453.49 equivalent to RM2,294,896.06. The Plaintiff sought to enforce the balance sum against the Defendant, Pembinaan SPK Sdn Bhd. The enforcement of the balance sum was done under the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Act 1958 (‘REJA 1958) together with interest and also costs. The Court was moved under s 8 REJA 1958 and O.67 and O. 28 of the Rules of Court 2012 (‘ROC 2012). But, the Plaintiff sought under common law. The UAE Judgment was tendered as evidence but through an undated supporting affidavit of the Plaintiff. Whether the Plaintiff enforced the UAE Judgment in Malaysia on the correct party or otherwise. Keywords: Reciprocal enforcement of Judgments, final judgment, common law, undated affidavit, identity of defendant | 18/01/2024 | YA Puan Arziah binti Mohamed Apandi | null | null | null | null |
DA-25-2-02/2023 | PEMOHON BAJING ANAK LAYONG RESPONDEN 1. ) DATO SRI HJ MUSTAFAR BIN HJ ALI Pengerusi Lembaga Tatatertib Kumpulan Sokongan No 1 Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia 2. ) LEMBAGA TATATERTIB KUMPULAN SOKONGAN NO 1 JABATAN IMIGRESEN MALAYSIA 3. ) LEMBAGA RAYUAN TATATERTIB PERKHIDMATAN AWAM 4. ) SURUHANJAYA PERKHIDMATAN AWAM MALAYSIA 5. ) KERAJAAN MALAYSIA | "A 53 KKM 2012 - Semakan Kehakiman - relif untuk membatalkan hukuman buang kerja - sama ada Responden telah mematuhi PPLTPA - sama ada Responden telah mematuhi PPA (K&T) - sama ada Ketua Jabatan seharusnya memfailkan Afidavit Jawapan." | 18/01/2024 | YA Datuk Mohamad Abazafree bin Mohd Abbas | |
Dalam Perkara Mengenai Permohonan
untuk suatu Perintah Certiorari untuk
Membatalkan Hukuman Buang Kerja
berkuatkuasa pada 24 Januari 2017;
Dalam Perkara Aturan 53 Kaedah-Kaedah
Mahkamah 2012
(NO K/P: 931125-13-6629) … PEMOHON
(Pengerusi Lembaga Tatatertib Kumpulan Sokongan
No. 1, Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia)
18/01/2024 11:15:16
DA-25-2-02/2023 Kand. 21
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[1] Ini adalah merupakan satu Permohonan Semakan Kehakiman
yang difailkan oleh Pemohon di bawah Aturan 53 Kaedah-Kaedah
Mahkamah 2012 (KKM 2012) bagi memohon satu relif untuk
membatalkan hukuman buang kerja yang dibuat oleh Responden
serta satu Perintah Mandamus untuk Pemohon dikembalikan
semula kepada pekerjaannya serta relif-relif lain yang berkait.
Fakta kes
[2] Pemohon adalah merupakan bekas Pegawai Imigresen
berjawatan Pegawai Imigresen Gred KP19 yang telah berkhidmat
selama 3 tahun. Pada masa yang material, Pemohon berkhidmat
di Pejabat Imigresen Lapangan Terbang KLIA.
[3] Pada pertengahan tahun 2016, satu operasi besar-besaran
dibawah Akta Kesalahan Keselamatan (Langkah-Langkah Khas)
2012 (SOSMA) dan Akta Pencegahan Jenayah 1959 (APJ) oleh
Polis DiRaja Malaysia telah dilakukan ke atas pegawai-pegawai
Jabatan Imigresen kerana disyaki terlibat di dalam sindiket
penyeludupan warga asing di KLIA di mana Pemohon adalah salah
seorang yang ditahan didalam operasi tersebut. Di dalam operasi
tersebut, Pemohon telah ditangkap serta ditahan, namun tiada
sebarang pertuduhan dikenakan ke atas Pemohon.
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[4] Sebaliknya, pada 21/6/2016, Pemohon telah diperintahkan
menjalani Perintah Pengawasan Polis di Bawah Seksyen 15 Akta
Pencegahan Jenayah 1959 (Akta 297) ("Perintah Pengawasan
tersebut") selama 2 tahun bermula 21/12/2016 hingga 20/12/2018
di dalam daerah Bintulu, Bahagian Bintulu, negeri Sarawak
tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat yang dikenakan.
[5] Berikutan itu, Responden Pertama selaku Pengerusi Lembaga
Tatatertib, telah membuat pengaduan kepada Responden Kedua.
[6] Pada 23/2/2018, Pemohon telah menerima surat daripada
Responden Pertama melalui Ketua Jabatannya iaitu Pengarah
Imigresen KLIA yang memaklumkan bahawa Responden Kedua
dalam Mesyuarat Bil 01/2017 pada 24/1/2017 setelah
mempertimbangkan dengan teliti, memutuskan Pemohon bersalah
setelah Lembaga Pencegahan Jenayah membuat keputusan
untuk meletakkan Pemohon di bawah Perintah Pengawasan
tersebut. Responden Kedua turut mengenakan hukuman Buang
Kerja mengikut Peraturan 38(g) Peraturan-Peraturan Pegawai
Awam (Kelakuan & Tatatertib) 1993 (PPA (K&T)) berkuatkuasa
pada 24/11/2017.
[7] Responden Pertama selaku Pengerusi Responden Kedua
kemudiannya telah memberikan peluang kepada Pemohon di
bawah Peraturan 14 & 15(1) Peraturan-Peraturan Lembaga
Tatatertib Perkhidmatan Awam 1993 (PPLTPA) untuk membuat
rayuan kepada Responden Ketiga melalui Ketua Jabatan
Pemohon dalam masa 14 hari dari tarikh terima surat keputusan
Responden Kedua.
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[8] Pada 27/2/2018 Pemohon telah mengemukakan rayuan kepada
Responden Ketiga memohon agar tidak dikenakan hukuman
buang kerja.
[9] Berikutan itu, Responden Ketiga pada 4/3/2019 telah bersidang
untuk mendengar rayuan Pemohon dan mendapati bahawa
rayuan Pemohon tidak mempunyai asas yang kukuh. Oleh yang
demikian, keputusan Responden Kedua adalah dikekalkan.
Menurut Responden Ketiga, keputusan tersebut telah cuba
diserahkan kepada Pemohon di alamat terakhir Pemohon, namun
pada 6/9/2019, surat pemakluman tersebut dikembalikan sebagai
tidak dituntut.
[10] Namun menurut Pemohon, memandangkan tiada sebarang
pemakluman diterima berkaitan rayuannya, maka pada 5/12/2022,
Pemohon telah melantik peguamcara iaitu Tetuan Shaharuddin
Hidayu & Marwaliz dan mengarahkan peguamcara tersebut
menulis surat kepada Responden Ketiga melalui Ketua Jabatan
Pemohon untuk memohon diberikan jawapan atau maklumbalas
berkaitan status rayuan Pemohon.
[11] Menerusi surat bertarikh 11/1/2023, Ketua Jabatan Pemohon telah
memberikan maklumbalas dan telah melampir dan menyerahkan
sesalinan surat keputusan Lembaga Rayuan kepada peguam
[12] Berikutan itu, Pemohon telah menfailkan permohonan meminta
kebenaran di bawah Aturan 53 kaedah 3 KKM 2012 pada 6/2/2023
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dan Mahkamah Tinggi Kota Bharu telah pada 19/3/2023
memberikan kebenaran untuk menfailkan Permohonan Semakan
Kehakiman untuk satu certiorari bagi membatalkan keputusan
[13] Pemohon di dalam permohonannya memohon relif sebagaimana
(a) suatu Perintah Certiorari bagi membatalkan hukuman buang
kerja yang dibuat oleh Responden berkuatkuasa pada
(b) suatu Perintah bahawa hukuman buang kerja ke atas
Pemohon pada 24/1/2017 adalah batal, tidak sah dan tiada
(c) suatu Perintah Mandamus bahawa Pemohon, dengan kadar
segera, dikembalikan ke pekerjaannya dengan pangkat
asalnya sebelum pada hukuman buang kerja dikenakan oleh
(d) suatu perintah bahawa pemohon layak menerima semula
semua pembayaran gaji, elaun, emolumen, pampasan
pencen, pencen bulanan dan segala bayaran yang beliau
layak terima mengikut skim perkhidmatannya serta peluang
kenaikan pangkat dan kekananan; dan
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(e) suatu siasatan/inkuiri/prosiding pentaksiran oleh Penolong
Kanan Pendaftar/Timbalan Pendaftar, Mahkamah Tinggi
Malaya Kota Bharu, Kelantan untuk menentukan semua
tunggakan gaji, emolumen, elaun-elaun dan faedah-faedah
lain yang Pemohon sepatutnya menerima dari tarikh
Pemohon dibuang kerja daripada perkhidmatan (24/1/2017)
sehingga penyelesaian penuh.
Prinsip Undang-undang Berkaitan Semakan Kehakiman
[14] Prinsip undang-undang di bawah Aturan 53 KKM 2012 adalah jelas
dan mantap berkaitan kuasa Mahkamah ini di mana Mahkamah
boleh menyemak keputusan Pihak Berkuasa Awam yang
menjalankan tugas atau fungsi awam atas alasan sama ada
sesuatu keputusan tersebut adalah “illegal, irrational or procedure
[15] Mahkamah menegaskan bahawa permohonan Semakan
Kehakiman bukan bertujuan untuk menyemak keputusan tetapi
untuk menyemak proses keputusan itu dibuat, dan bahawa di
dalam permohonan Semakan Kehakiman, Mahkamah tidak
menjalankan bidang kuasa rayuan tetapi bidang kuasa penyeliaan.
Adalah menjadi kewajipan Mahkamah untuk melihat sama ada
keputusan yang dibuat oleh Lembaga Tatatertib itu telah mengikut
prosedur yang ditetapkan di bawah PPA (U&T) dan PPPA.
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(rujuk; Wira Swire Sdn Bhd v. Ketua Pengarah Hasil Dalam Negeri
[2019] 1 LNS 1026; Peguam Negara Malaysia v. Chin Chee Kow &
Another Appeal [2019] 4 CLJ 561; [2019] MLJU 202; T Ganeswaran
lwn. Suruhanjaya Polis Diraja Malaysia & Satu Lagi [2005] 3 CLJ 302
dan Rohana bte Ariffin & Anor v. Universiti Sains Malaysia [1988] 2
CLJ (Rep) 390; [1988] 1 CLJ 559).
Isu-isu yang berbangkit
[16] Di dalam hujahannya, peguam Pemohon telah membangkitkan 5
isu utama iaitu:
(a) kegagalan Responden-responden mematuhi Peraturan 15
dan 16 PPLTPA;
(b) kelewatan di dalam pemberitahuan keputusan rayuan
tatatertib ke atas Pemohon;
(c) kegagalan Responden-responden mematuhi Peraturan 20
PPLTPA dan Peraturan 53 PPA (K&T);
(d) kegagalan Responden-responden mematuhi prosedur
tindakan tatatertib di bawah Peraturan 32 dan 33(2)
PPA(K&T); dan
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(e) kegagalan Ketua Jabatan untuk mendeposkan affidavit
Analisis dan dapatan Mahkamah
Isu (a); kegagalan Responden-responden mematuhi Peraturan 15 dan 16
[17] Keterangan di dalam kes ini menunjukkan Pemohon telah
mengemukakan rayuan melalui surat rayuan Pemohon bertarikh
27/2/2018 kepada Responden Ketiga melalui Ketua Jabatan
Pemohon, selepas menerima surat daripada Responden Pertama
pada 23/2/2018 di mana Pemohon dibuang kerja. Surat rayuan
yang dikemukakan oleh Pemohon kepada Responden Ketiga
adalah dalam tempoh 14 hari dari tarikh terima surat keputusan
daripada Responden Pertama.
[18] Perkara ini telah diakui sendiri oleh pihak Responden Ketiga
melalui ekshibit HM-4 yang dilampirkan di dalam Afidavit Jawapan
Responden-responden (1) di Kandungan 9 yang dengan jelas
menyatakan bahawa rayuan Pemohon telah diterima pada
[19] Peraturan 15 dan 16 PPLTPA adalah jelas menyatakan bahawa
kesemua pihak berkaitan tatatertib sama ada Ketua Jabatan,
Lembaga Tatatertib maupun Lembaga Rayuan Tatatertib adalah
secara mandatori perlu mematuhi tempoh masa yang ditetapkan.
Perkara ini pernah dibincangkan oleh Mahkamah ini di dalam kes
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Mohd Shukri Roslan Iwn. Dato' Sri Hj Mustafar Hj Ali & Yang
Lain [2022] 6 CLJ 253; [2022] MLRHU 561 di mana Mahkamah
ini menyatakan bahawa Peraturan 15(2) PPLTPA adalah jelas
menyatakan Ketua Jabatan "hendaklah" tidak lewat dari 30 hari
dari tarikh penerimaan rayuan mengemukakannya kepada
Lembaga Tatatertib. Perkataan hendaklah ataupun di dalam
Bahasa Inggerisnya adalah "shall" membawa konotasi keperluan
[20] Berkaitan perkataan “shall” ini, Mahkamah Persekutuan di dalam
kes Benjamin William Hawkes v. PP [2020] 8 CLJ 267; [2020] 5
MLJ 417 telah menjelaskan berkenaan tafsiran perkataan "shall"
seperti berikut;
"... Applying the principles as enunciated in the aforesaid
cases, whether the word "shall" in a particular legislation is
mandatory or directory depends upon the intention of the
Legislature in question which is ascertained by looking at the
whole scope of the statute to be construed. The use of the
word "shall" would not by itself make a provision of the Act
mandatory. It is to be construed with reference to the scheme
of the statute and the context in which it is used. In Cheong
Seok Leng v. PP [1988] 1 LNS 39; [1988] 2 MLJ 481 at 489
Chan Sek Keong JC (as he then was) explained the relevant
rules of interpretation to be given to the word "shall" which
appears in legislation as follows:
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[48] The purposive rule of interpretation must be adopted in
interpreting s. 51A of the CPC, pursuant to s. 17A of the
Interpretation Acts 1948 and 1967 which read as follows:
17A Regard to be had to the purpose of the Act
In the interpretation of a provision of an Act, a construction that
would promote the purpose or object underlying the Act
(whether that purpose or object is expressly stated in the Act
or not) shall be preferred to a construction that would not
promote that purpose or object.
[49] It is clearly untenable in this case to allude to the word
'shall' as mandatory, thus stultifying the justice of the case,
when a document was not delivered to the accused persons
before the commencement of the trial."
[21] Terbaru, Mahkamah Persekutuan di dalam kes Bursa Malaysia
Securities Bhd v. Mohd Afrizan Husain [2022] 4 CLJ 657
melalui penghakiman Hakim Nallini Pathmanathan HMP telah
menjelaskan tafsiran perkataan "shall" seperti berikut;
"[76] Rule 2.06 which is of central importance, prescribes how
the AMLR is to be interpreted namely "in accordance with their
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spirit, intention and purpose". As well as in a way that "best
promotes the principles on which they are based".
[77] Regrettably, neither the High Court nor the Court of
Appeal undertook any sort of consideration of the purpose nor
principles set out in the rules in order to ascertain the meaning
to be accorded to the word "shall" in r. 16.11(2). This was
explained on the basis that as there was no ambiguity and
there was no necessity to consider anything other than the
express words used. This was understood to amount to a
literal reading of the relevant rule falling for consideration. In
so doing, the Court of Appeal misunderstood the function and
purpose of the literal rule of statutory construction. Reading
the express words set out in a statute in vacuo and without
taking into consideration the context in which those words are
utilised, does not amount to a literal approach to statutory
interpretation. That is a grammatical application of the
meaning of words. Section 17A of the Interpretation Acts 1948
and 1967 requires that the purpose and object of an Act and
other instruments made under an Act must be undertaken
when construing a statute. As s. 17A is a statutory provision,
it must be complied with. Therefore, both the High Court and
the Court of Appeal, in failing to undertake this task as
provided for in s. 17A, committed an error of law."
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[22] Kedua-dua keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan ini menekankan
kepentingan untuk Mahkamah di dalam menafsirkan perkataan
"shall" untuk menimbangkan peruntukan tersebut secara
keseluruhan dengan mengambilkira seksyen 17A Akta Tafsiran
[23] Mahkamah ini ingin mengulangi apa yang dinyatakan oleh
Mahkamah ini di dalam kes Mohd Shukri Roslan (supra) seperti
"[24] Peraturan-peraturan tersebut meletakkan
tanggungjawab kepada Lembaga Tatatertib bukan sekadar
menyampaikan rayuan yang dikemukakan malahan ia
menetapkan tanggungjawab untuk mengemukakan salinan
rekod prosiding tatatertib serta alasan yang dipertimbang oleh
Lembaga Tatatertib semasa membuat keputusan mereka.
[25] Keperluan untuk mengemukakan rayuan pemohon
dalam tempoh 30 hari, tidak hanya dinyatakan di dalam
peraturan 15(2) namun diulang semula di dalam peraturan
15(3) dan hanya apabila ianya diterima, barulah Lembaga
Rayuan mempunyai budi bicara untuk mengadakan suatu
mesyuarat Lembaga Rayuan.
[26] Lembaga Rayuan sepertimana di bawah peraturan
16(2) PPLTPA hanya boleh memutuskan sesuatu rayuan
semata-mata atas merit rayuan tanpa menerima apa-apa
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pernyataan atau keterangan lanjut kecuali jika pada
pendapatnya adalah patut untuk berbuat demikian. Oleh itu
rayuan serta rekod prosiding dan alasan Lembaga Tatatertib
adalah dokumen-dokumen asas yang penting bagi Lembaga
[27] Apabila masa telah dinyatakan sebagai keperluan yang
perlu dipatuhi bagi ianya dikemukakan, maka ianya perlu
dipatuhi. Ia berkaitan dengan hak Pemohon untuk rayuannya
didengari, bukan sahaja berdasarkan kepada rekod-rekod
yang dikemukakan, malahan di dalam tempoh waktu yang
telah dijamin oleh peraturan. Oleh itu, keperluan mematuhi
tempoh masa ini adalah suatu yang mandatori dan kegagalan
mematuhinya adalah bagi mahkamah satu ketidakaturan
prosedur yang serius."
[24] Mahkamah berpandangan bahawa keperluan di bawah Peraturan
15 dan 16 PPLTPA tersebut adalah satu peraturan yang mandatori
dan Mahkamah tidak nampak sebarang alasan bagi Mahkamah ini
untuk mengubah pandangan Mahkamah ini yang telah diberikan di
dalam kes Mohd Shukri Roslan (supra).
[25] Jika diteliti kepada kedua-dua Afidavit Jawapan Responden I dan
II tersebut, tiada sebarang keterangan atau penjelasan yang dibuat
oleh Responden-responden berkaitan bilakah Ketua Jabatan atau
Lembaga Tatatertib mengemukakan rayuan Pemohon tersebut.
Mahkamah tidak dikemukakan sebarang keterangan berkaitan
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berkaitan tarikh pengemukaan maupun penerimaan rayuan
[26] Peguam Persekutuan di dalam hujahannya berpendirian bahawa
pendengaran rayuan Pemohon telah didengar sebaik kesemua
dokumen yang diperlukan di bawah PPLTPA telah diterima. Bagi
Peguam Persekutuan, keperluan memenuhi had masa tersebut
bukanlah satu yang mandatori dan ianya tidak memprejudiskan
Pemohon. Malahan ditekankan bahawa adalah tidak munasabah
hanya kerana ketakpatuhan had masa boleh menjejaskan
keputusan Responden 2 dan Responden 3.
[27] Mahkamah berpandangan bahawa hujahan Peguam Persekutuan
adalah sukar untuk diterima. Ini kerana apabila masa telah
dinyatakan sebagai keperluan yang perlu dipatuhi, maka ianya
perlu dipatuhi. Ini kerana ia berkaitan dengan hak pemohon untuk
rayuannya didengari, bukan sahaja berdasarkan kepada rekod-
rekod yang dikemukakan, malahan di dalam tempoh waktu yang
telah dijamin oleh peraturan. Oleh itu, keperluan mematuhi tempoh
masa ini adalah suatu yang mandatori dan kegagalan
mematuhinya adalah bagi mahkamah satu ketidakaturan prosedur
yang serius.
[28] Di dalam masa yang sama, Responden bukan sahaja gagal untuk
memenuhi keperluan tersebut, malahan gagal untuk menyediakan
alasan bagi Mahkamah ini mempertimbangkan sama ada
kelewatan yang berlaku adalah wajar.
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[29] Sehubungan dengan itu, bagi isu ini, Mahkamah merumuskan
bahawa telah wujud ketidakpatuhan keperluan prosedur yang
mandatori apabila Responden gagal mematuhi Peraturan 15 dan
16 PPLTPA dan ia menjejaskan dengan secara langsungnya
keputusan yang telah dibuat oleh Responden.
Isu (b); kelewatan di dalam pemberitahuan keputusan rayuan tatatertib ke
atas Pemohon
[30] Isu ini berbangkit berikutan dakwaan Pemohon bahawa telah
wujud kelewatan selama 4 tahun 10 bulan dan 29 hari oleh
Responden Ketiga untuk memaklumkan keputusan rayuannya.
Peguam Pemohon menghujahkan bahawa apabila wujud
kelewatan dan ianya tidak diberi penjelasan, maka semakin lama
penangguhan, semakin sukar bagi badan disiplin untuk
mewajarkan prosiding terhadap Pemohon. Selanjutnya, kelewatan
yang lama mungkin, apabila ditambah dengan beberapa keadaan
lain, menjadi bukti kukuh pengampunan ("condonation") di pihak
majikan atas salah laku pekerja.
(rujuk; Public Services Commision Malaysia & anor v.
Vickneswary RM Santhivelu [2008] 6 CLJ 573; [2008] 2 MLRA
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[31] Peguam Pemohon sekali lagi membawa perhatian Mahkamah ke
atas keputusan Mahkamah ini di dalam isu yang sama di dalam
kes Mohd Shukri Roslan (supra) apabila Mahkamah ini
"[29] Selanjutnya Peguamcara Pemohon menghujahkan
bahawa keputusan Lembaga Rayuan hanya dimaklumkan
kepada Pemohon selepas 3 tahun dan 8 bulan melalui surat
bertarikh 2 Februari 2021. Malahan pemakluman ini hanya
dimaklumkan kepada Pemohon susulan daripada surat-surat
yang telah dikemukakan oleh Peguamcara Pemohon kepada
pihak Responden.
[30] Mahkamah turut mendapati bahawa tiada penjelasan
yang diberikan oleh Responden di atas kelewatan ini selain
dari menyatakan bahawa surat telah dikemukakan kepada
alamat terakhir Pemohon yang merupakan alamat semasa
tindakan tatatertib dijalankan ke atas Pemohon.
[31] Keperluan untuk memaklumkan Pemohon adalah jelas
dinyatakan didalam Peraturan 20 PPLTPA yang
mengkehendaki sesuatu keputusan Lembaga Rayuan
diberitahu kepada Pemohon secara bertulis. Namun ia tidak
pula menyatakan tempoh waktu yang perlu diambil bagi
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[32] Peguam Persekutuan sebaliknya menghujahkan bahawa
kelewatan tersebut adalah disebabkan oleh kegagalan Pemohon
untuk memaklumkan Ketua Jabatannya alamat tempat tinggalnya
sepertimana yang diperuntukkan di bawah Peraturan 52 PPPA
(K&T). Oleh itu, apabila surat keputusan rayuannya telah
diserahkan ke alamat terakhir yang diketahui oleh Responden 1,
maka ianya telah dianggap sebagai telah diserahkan kepada
Pemohon sepertimana yang diperuntukkan di bawah Peraturan
52(2) PPPA (K&T) seperti berikut;
“(2) Any notice, document or communication left at or posted
to or sent by any other reasonable means to the address for
service furnished under subregulation (1) shall be deemed to
have been duly served on or communicated to the officer.”
[33] Peguam Persekutuan telah menghujahkan bahawa Responden
telah mematuhi keperluan penyerahan keputusan tersebut dan
telah mengekshibitkan kad AR sepertimana di ekshibit "HM-7" dan
menghujahkan bahawa beban kini berbalik kepada Pemohon
untuk membuktikan sebaliknya.
[34] Peguam Pemohon sebaliknya mempertikaikan ekshibit “HM-7” ini
berdasarkan semakan ke atas nombor pengesanan
EN330436870MY yang dibuat oleh Pemohon. Berdasarkan
ekshibit “E” di Kandungan 11, Peguam Pemohon menghujahkan
bahawa surat tersebut telah dialamatkan ke Nilai, Negeri
Sembilan. Ini menimbulkan keraguan berkaitan siapakah dan
kenapakah ianya di Nilai, Negeri Sembilan.
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[35] Mahkamah berpandangan bahawa hujahan peguam adalah agak
janggal apabila hanya merujuk kepada semakan ke atas nombor
pengesanan sahaja tanpa penjelasan oleh pihak Pos Malaysia. Ia
tidak lain hanyalah merupakan andaian peguam Pemohon sahaja.
Sedangkan ekshibit “HM-7” dengan jelas menunjukkan bahawa ia
ditujukan kepada Pemohon dengan alamat di Rumah Sureng,
Sungai Seremban, 97000 Bintulu, Sarawak. Ianya juga telah
ditandakan sebagai “Tidak dituntut/unclaimed”. Alamat ini adalah
disahkan sebagai alamat Pemohon. Oleh itu, bantahan peguam ini
pada pandangan Mahkamah adalah tidak berasas.
[36] Persoalan kedua yang berbangkit adalah dokumen apakah yang
dikatakan dipos oleh Responden 3 kepada pemohon. Ini kerana di
dalam Afidavit Jawapan Responden-responden (1), hanya
dinyatakan; “pada 6/9/2019, Ketua Jabatan Pemohon telah
menyerahkan sesalinan Surat Keputusan Responden Ketiga
melalui serahan secara pos laju ke alamat kediaman terakhir
Pemohon. Namun yang demikian, surat tersebut dikembalikan”.
[37] Surat tersebut tidak diekshibitkan oleh pihak Responden namun
ianya telah diekshibitkan oleh Pemohon sebagai sebahagian dari
ekshibit “C” di dalam Afidavit Sokongan Pemohon di Kandungan 3.
Oleh itu, tidak timbul apakah surat yang telah dipos kepada
[38] Di atas pertimbangan ini, Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa
Responden-responden telah menjalankan tanggungjawab
statutorinya secara munasabah untuk memaklumkan Pemohon.
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Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa isu ini tidak
memberi kesan ke atas keputusan Responden-responden ke atas
Isu (c); kegagalan Responden-responden mematuhi Peraturan 20
PPLTPA dan Peraturan 53 PPA (K&T)
[39] Bagi isu ini, asas hujahan peguam Pemohon adalah
pemberitahuan keputusan Lembaga Rayuan Tatatertib kepada
Pemohon adalah cacat dan tidak sah kerana keputusan Lembaga
Rayuan Tatatertib sepatutnya dimaklumkan atau diberitahu oleh
Pengerusi Lembaga Rayuan Tatatertib kepada Pemohon dan
bukannya diberitahu oleh Encik Ikhbal Hanam Bin Mukras bagi
pihak Setiausaha. Bahkan keputusan Lembaga Rayuan Tatatertib
ini juga tidak diberitahu kepada Pemohon sendiri dan hanya
diberitahu kepada majikan Pemohon. Pemohon hanya mengetahui
berkenaan status keputusan rayuan Pemohon apabila Pemohon
hadir ke pejabat majikan pada 18/03/2022.
[40] Asas hujahan peguam Pemohon adalah berdasarkan kepada
Peraturan 20 PPLTPA dan Peraturan 53(1) PPA (K&T).
[41] Isu ini telah turut menjadi sebahagian dari isu yang telah
Mahkamah ini ulas di dalam kes Mohd Shukri Roslan (supra) di
mana Mahkamah menyatakan bahawa Mahkamah ini terikat
dengan 2 keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan dalam kes Marzuki
Abdul Aziz v. Ketua Polis Negara & Anor [2003] 3 CLJ 315 dan
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Dato' Saadon Othman v. Lembaga Tatatertib Awam Kumpulan
Pengurusan (No 1) & Ors [2019] 1 LNS 980. Mahkamah ini telah
"Di atas pertimbangan ini serta keterikatan Mahkamah ini ke
atas keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan tersebut, Mahkamah
merumuskan bahawa bagi isu ini ia tidak bermerit dan
sekaligus tidak menjejaskan keputusan yang telah dibuat oleh
responden ke atas Pemohon."
[42] Sehubungan dengan itu, Mahkamah ini menegaskan bahawa
Mahkamah ini masih terikat dengan keputusan-keputusan
Mahkamah Rayuan tersebut. Sehubungan dengan itu, Mahkamah
dengan ini memutuskan bahawa isu ini tidak bermerit.
Isu (d); kegagalan Responden-responden mematuhi prosedur tindakan
tatatertib di bawah Peraturan 32 dan 33(2) PPA(K&T)
[43] Di dalam hujahannya, peguam Pemohon membawa perhatian
Mahkamah ini ke atas Peraturan 32(1)(b) PPA (K&T) yang
menyatakan apabila suatu Perintah Pengawasan telah dibuat
terhadap seseorang pegawai di bawah mana-mana undang-
undang berhubungan pencegahan jenayah, maka suatu kewajipan
mandatori bagi Ketua Jabatannya hendaklah memohon bagi
mendapatkan suatu salinan perintah terbabit.
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[44] Seterusnya Peraturan 32(2) (PPA (K&T) 1993) menyatakan
apabila Perintah terbabit sudah diterima, Ketua Jabatan hendaklah
mengemukakannya kepada Pihak Berkuasa Tatatertib yang
berkenaan berserta dengan rekod perkhidmatan pegawai itu dan
perakuan Ketua Jabatan.
[45] Kedua-dua Peraturan ini dihujahkan menjadi satu keperluan
mandatori agar Ketua Jabatan membuat pengesyoran dan
perakuan sama ada seseorang pegawai itu patut dibuang kerja
ataupun alternatif yang lebih ringan iaitu diturunkan pangkat.
Pertimbangan pihak Lembaga Tatatertib hanyalah untuk
menimbang laporan, rekod perkhidmatan dan Perakuan Ketua
Jabatan yang dikemukakan kepadanya seperti dinyatakan dalam
Peraturan 33 (2) PPA (K&T), dan membuat dapatan bahawa
pegawai itu patut dibuang kerja atau mengenakan suatu hukuman
yang lebih ringan. Namun keputusan ini hanya boleh dibuat
sekiranya kesemua dokumen sudah ada.
[46] Isu yang sama turut berbangkit di dalam kes Mohd Shukri Roslan
(supra) dan Mahkamah ini ingin mengulangi pendirian Mahkamah
bahawa surat sepertimana di Ekshibit HM-4 tidak menyatakan
apakah pertimbangan-pertimbangan Lembaga Tatatertib sebelum
membuat keputusan ke atas kes Pemohon. Surat tersebut hanya
menyatakan: "setelah menimbangkan dengan teliti memutuskan
tuan bersalah". Tiada sebarang rujukan dibuat sama ada ke atas
rekod perkhidmatan Pemohon mahupun perakuan Ketua Jabatan.
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[47] Persoalan yang perlu diputuskan oleh Mahkamah adalah sama
ada Peraturan 32 tersebut secara khususnya perakuan Ketua
Jabatan adalah satu yang mandatori. Di dalam kes Subramanyam
Sannasy v. SAC II Syed Alwi Syed Hamid & Anor [2010] 2 CLJ
677, Mahkamah Persekutuan berhadapan dengan isu sama ada
surat pembuangan kerja di bawah prosiding disiplin yang
dimulakan di bawah Peraturan 33 tanpa menyatakan yang sama
di dalam surat pembuangan kerja, menyebabkan surat
pembuangan kerja salah dan terbatal dan tidak mempunyai efek.
Surat Lembaga Tatatertib tersebut menyatakan: "Pada
menjalankan kuasa-kuasa tatatertib yang telah diwakilkan kepada
Lembaga Tatatertib oleh Suruhanjaya Pasukan Polis mengikut
PU(B) 441 bertarikh 14 Disember 2000, saya SAC II Syed Alwi bin
Syed Hamid, Pengerusi Lembaga Tatatertib setelah meneliti fakta
sabitan bersama-sama Ahli Lembaga Tatatertib serta syor Ketua
Polis Daerah Batu Pahat selaras dengan kehendak Peraturan 37,
Peraturan-Peraturan Pegawai Awam (Kelakuan dan Tatatertib)
1993 dengan ini memutuskan kamu dikenakan hukuman 'buang
kerja' di atas sabitan Mahkamah tersebut selaras di bawah
Peraturan 38 (g), Peraturan-Peraturan Pegawai Awam (Kelakuan
dan Tatatertib) 1993 ".
[48] Di dalam keputusannya Mahkamah Persekutuan telah mengambil
kira keseluruhan konteks surat dan menyatakan bahawa ianya
telah dipatuhi dengan ketat kerana perakuan Ketua Jabatan telah
menyatakan berkenaan syor sejajar dengan Peraturan 37.
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[49] Di dalam kes di hadapan Mahkamah kini, Pengerusi Lembaga
Tatatertib telah mendeposkan afidavit seperti berikut:
"8.2. Pada 24.1.2017, setelah menerima sesalinan Perintah
Tahanan Tersebut beserta rekod perkhidmatan Pemohon dan
Perakuan Ketua Jabatan, Lembaga Tatatertib telah bersidang
dan setelah mempertimbangkan dengan teliti, memutuskan
bahawa Pemohon dikenakan hukuman buang kerja mengikut
peraturan 38(g) PPPA (K&T) 1993 berkuatkuasa pada
8.3. Surat Keputusan bertarikh 7.3.2017 telah cuba
diserahkan kepada pemohon secara pos berdaftar pada
17.4.2017 dan 12.1.2018 ke alamat kediaman terakhir
Pemohon iaitu di alamat Rumah Sureng, Sungai Seremban,
97000 NBintulu, Sarawak, namun ianya dikembalikan kerana
tidak dituntut.
Sesalinan surat-surat yang dihantar pada 17.4.2017 dan
12.1.2018 yang dikembalikan tidak dituntut dilampirkan
bersama-sama di sini dan ditanda sebagai ekshibit “HM-2”.
8.4 Keputusan tersebut akhirnya telah dimaklumkan kepada
Pemohon pada 23.2.2018 dan telah diakui oleh Pemohon
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Sesalinan surat bertarikh 7.3.2017 tersebut beserta akuan
penerimaan dilampirkan di sini dan ditanda sebagai ekshibit
[50] Sehubungan dengan itu, bagi kes ini, Mahkamah berpandangan
bahawa Responden-responden telah mematuhi Peraturan 32 dan
33(2) PPA (K&T) kerana Ketua Jabatan telahpun mengemukakan
dokumen-dokumen yang perlu serta dipertimbangkan oleh
Lembaga Tatatertib.
[51] Peguam Pemohon selanjutnya menghujahkan bahawa keterangan
afidavit Responden-responden sekadar menyatakan bahawa
Lembaga Tatatertib telah menerima perakuan Ketua Jabatan
tanpa menyatakan apakah perakuan tersebut serta tanpa merujuk
kepada peraturan yang khusus. Ini dihujahkan sebagai tidak
[52] Mahkamah ini telah dirujuk kepada keputusan Mahkamah
Persekutuan di dalam kes Subramanyam Sannasy v. SAC II
Syed Alwi Syed Hamid & Anor [2009] 3 MLRA 449 di mana
Mahkamah Persekutuan telah memutuskan;
"[3] Consequently, the appellant's head of department,
pursuant to reg 33 of the Public Officers (Conduct and
Discipline) Regulations 1993 ("the said Regulations"),
submitted a report to the disciplinary authority and
recommended that the appellant be dismissed. Regulation 33
of the said Regulations provides that where criminal
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proceedings against an officer result in his conviction, his head
of department shall send a copy of the court's decision and his
record of service to the appropriate disciplinary authority that
has the power to impose punishment of dismissal or reduction
in rank and shall recommend whether the officer should, inter
alia, be dismissed or reduced in rank "depending on the nature
and seriousness of the offence committed in relation to the
extent the officer has brought disrepute to the public service".
[4] On 20 August 2002, after considering the recommendation
of the appellant's head of department and owing to the
seriousness of the offence, the disciplinary authority decided
to dismiss the appellant. [5] By letter dated 26 August 2002,
the disciplinary authority informed the appellant of its decision;
that letter ("the said letter"), inter alia, reads:
2. Pada menjalankan kuasa-kuasa tatatertib yang telah
diwakilkan kepada Lembaga Tatatertib oleh Suruhanjaya
Pasukan Polis mengikut PU(B) 441 bertarikh 14
December 2000, saya SAC II Syed Alwi bin Syed Hamid,
Pengerusi Lembaga Tatatertib setelah meneliti fakta
sabitan bersamasama Ahli Lembaga Tatatertib serta syor
Ketua Polis Daerah Batu Pahat selaras dengan kehendak
Peraturan 37, Peraturan-Peraturan Pegawai Awam
(Kelakuan dan Tatatertib) 1993 dengan ini memutuskan
kamu dikenakan hukuman 'Buang Kerja' di atas sabitan
Mahkamah tersebut selaras di bawah Peraturan 38 (g),
Peraturan-Peraturan Pegawai Awam (Kelakuan dan
Tatatertib) 1993.
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3. Hukuman buang kerja terhadap kamu berkuatkuasa
mulai 20 August 2002 iaitu tarikh mesyuarat Lembaga
Tatatertib, Kontinjen Johor di bawah Peraturan 38,
Peraturan-Peraturan Pegawai Awam (Kelakuan dan
Tatatertib) 1993.
[14] Only regs 33, 37 and 38 of the said Regulations are
relevant in this appeal. The said letter clearly informed the
appellant that the disciplinary authority received a report from
his head of department stating that the appellant was
convicted of an offence under s 222 of the Penal Code in the
magistrate's court at Batu Pahat and the sentence imposed.
This would denote that the procedure pursuant to reg 33 was
religiously adhered to by the appellant's head of department..."
[53] Peguam Pemohon menghujahkan bahawa surat tersebut
hanyalah menyatakan bahawa "setelah mempertimbangkan
dengan teliti memutuskan tuan bersalah..." tanpa menyatakan apa
yang dipertimbangkan dan dokumen apa yang diterima untuk
proses menimbang sebelum membuat keputusan pembuangan
kerja Pemohon serat perakuan apakah yang dikemukakan oleh
Ketua Jabatan. Oleh itu, adalah jelas bahawa pihak Lembaga
Tatatertib telah gagal mematuhi peruntukan Peraturan 33 (2)
PPPA (K&T) 1993 dengan tidak menyatakan secara terperinci
dokumen yang telah diteliti sebelum mencapai keputusan yang
telah diputuskan terhadap Pemohon yang mana menjadikan
hukuman buang kerja Pemohon adalah terbatal dan tidak sah.
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[54] Mahkamah berpandangan bahawa kes Subramanyam Sannasy
(supra) yang dirujuk oleh peguam Pemohon bukanlah nas yang
mewajibkan pihak Ketua Jabatan menyatakan apakah perakuan
yang telah dikemukakan kepada Responden 2. Apa yang menjadi
keperluan di dalam peruntukan tersebut adalah dokumen-
dokumen termasuk perakuan Ketua Jabatan telah dikemukakan.
[55] Ini telah dilaksanakan oleh Responden 1 dan diakui oleh
Responden 2. Ia bagi pandangan Mahkamah adalah mencukupi
dan mematuhi Peraturan 32 dan 33 PPPA (K&T).
[56] Isu yang sama telah diputuskan oleh Mahkamah Rayuan di dalam
kes Shuib bin Abdul Samad @ Zainal v Tan Sri Dato Seri Khalid
bin Abu Bakar & ors [2017] 4 MLJ 476 di mana Mahkamah
Rayuan menyatakan;
“[22] Regulation 33(1) provides for the consideration of
Disciplinary Authority in cases of conviction and detention.
Subregulation (1) specifically refers to 'report', 'records of
service' and 'the Head of Department's recommendation'
forwarded under sub-reg. 29(2). The fact that the second
respondent averred in para. 5.6 of the affidavit to 'menerima
perakuan tindakan tatatertib' under sub-reg. 33(1), in our view
would necessarily have entailed the receipt of the documents
forwarded pursuant to sub-reg. 29(2). We therefore found no
error of law or fact in the learned Judicial Commissioner's
finding on the issues concerning regs. 29(2) and 33(1) of the
1993 Regulations.”
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[57] Sehubungan itu, isu ini bagi pandangan Mahkamah adalah tidak
Isu (e); kegagalan Keua Jabatan untuk mendeposkan afidavit
[58] Selanjutnya peguam Pemohon turut mengemukakan bantahan ke
atas afidavit yang hanya difailkan oleh Dato' Sri Haji Mustafar bin
Haji Ali di atas kapasitinya sebagai Pengerusi Responden 2.
[59] Mahkamah walaubagaimanapun berpegang kepada keputusan di
dalam kes Dominic Selvam a/l S Gnanaprogasam v. Kerajaan
Malaysia & ors [2007] 2 MLJ 761 yang telah memutuskan seperti
"[17] All the documents exhibited in the affidavit in enclosure
25 showed a series of events in the plaintiff's service history.
All the documents were signed and issued by different
personnel at different places. Allaudeen is presently in charge
and he has access to all the records of service of the plaintiff.
Indeed Allaudeen is a qualified person to affirm and depose to
all the facts in the affidavit in enclosure 25. No facts in this
case are within the knowledge of any particular individual or
officer. All the facts pertaining to the plaintiff's matter are
documented and they are available as records kept by the
defendants. Allaudeen, in my judgment, is a qualified person
and he is the right person to affirm the affidavit in enclosure
25. Allaudeen has signed the affidavit in enclosure 25
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(Anderson v. Slather [1845] 9 Jur. 1085) before the
Commissioner for Oaths ( Ex p. Heymann [1872] L R 7 Ch
488) and that affidavit is certainly admissible in evidence."
[60] Berdasarkan kepada kes ini, Mahkamah merumuskan bahawa isu
yang terakhir ini adalah turut tidak bermerit.
[61] Bersandarkan kepada analisis yang telah dinyatakan, Mahkamah
bersetuju bahawa telah terdapat satu kepincangan prosedur telah
berlaku di dalam keputusan oleh Responden ke atas Pemohon.
Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah membenarkan permohonan ini
dan memerintahkan perintah seperti dipohon di perenggan (a)
hingga (e) di Kandungan 6 tanpa sebarang perintah berkaitan kos.
Bertarikh : 17hb. Januari, 2024
Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya
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Bagi Pihak Pemohon : Shaharuddin bin Mohamed
Tetuan Shaharuddin Hidayu & Marwarliz
Lot 224, Tingkat 1, Seksyen 24
Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra, Lundang
15050 Kota Bharu
Bagi Pihak Responden : Ahmad Armi Najamuddin bin Azmi
Pejabat Penasihat Undang-Undang
Negeri Kelantan
Tingkat Bawah, Blok 5
Kota Darulnaim
15050 Kota Bharu
Tarikh Bicara : 23hb. November, 2023
Tarikh Keputusan : 23hb. November, 2023
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Undang-Undang Yang Dirujuk:
➢ Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012
➢ Akta Kesalahan Keselamatan (Langkah-Langkah Khas) 2012
➢ Akta Pencegahan Jenayah 1959
➢ Peraturan-Peraturan Pegawai Awam (Kelakuan & Tatatertib) 1993
➢ Peraturan-Peraturan Lembaga Tatatertib Perkhidmatan Awam 1993
Kes-Kes Yang Dirujuk:
➢ Wira Swire Sdn Bhd v. Ketua Pengarah Hasil Dalam Negeri [2019] 1
LNS 1026
➢ Peguam Negara Malaysia v. Chin Chee Kow & Another Appeal
[2019] 4 CLJ 561; [2019] MLJU 202
➢ T Ganeswaran lwn. Suruhanjaya Polis Diraja Malaysia & Satu Lagi
[2005] 3 CLJ 302
➢ Rohana bte Ariffin & Anor v. Universiti Sains Malaysia [1988] 2 CLJ
(Rep) 390; [1988] 1 CLJ 559
➢ Mohd Shukri Roslan Iwn. Dato' Sri Hj Mustafar Hj Ali & Yang Lain
[2022] 6 CLJ 253; [2022] MLRHU 561
➢ Benjamin William Hawkes v. PP [2020] 8 CLJ 267; [2020] 5 MLJ 417
➢ Public Services Commision Malaysia & anor v. Vickneswary RM
Santhivelu [2008] 6 CLJ 573; [2008] 2 MLRA 273
➢ Marzuki Abdul Aziz v. Ketua Polis Negara & Anor [2003] 3 CLJ 315
➢ Dato' Saadon Othman v. Lembaga Tatatertib Awam Kumpulan
Pengurusan (No 1) & Ors [2019] 1 LNS 980
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➢ Subramanyam Sannasy v. SAC II Syed Alwi Syed Hamid & Anor
[2010] 2 CLJ 677
➢ Shuib bin Abdul Samad @ Zainal v Tan Sri Dato Seri Khalid bin Abu
Bakar & ors [2017] 4 MLJ 476
➢ Dominic Selvam a/l S Gnanaprogasam v. Kerajaan Malaysia & ors
[2007] 2 MLJ 761
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| 42,919 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-24NCVC-2478-08/2022 | PEMOHON Tetuan Chiong & Partners RESPONDEN Tetuan Kit & Associates | The Plaintiff obtained a final UAE Judgment against the company Pembinaan SPK Sdn Bhd – Abu Dhabi for AED7,719,567.00 equivalent to RM9,375,659.49. After executing the UAE Judgment in Abu Dhabi, the Plaintiff realized part of the judgment sum leaving a balance of AED1,890,453.49 equivalent to RM2,294,896.06. The Plaintiff sought to enforce the balance sum against the Defendant, Pembinaan SPK Sdn Bhd. The enforcement of the balance sum was done under the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Act 1958 (‘REJA 1958) together with interest and also costs. The Court was moved under s 8 REJA 1958 and O.67 and O. 28 of the Rules of Court 2012 (‘ROC 2012). But, the Plaintiff sought under common law. The UAE Judgment was tendered as evidence but through an undated supporting affidavit of the Plaintiff. Whether the Plaintiff enforced the UAE Judgment in Malaysia on the correct party or otherwise. Keywords: Reciprocal enforcement of Judgments, final judgment, common law, undated affidavit, identity of defendant | 18/01/2024 | YA Puan Arziah binti Mohamed Apandi | null | null | null | null |
WA-24C-62-04/2023 | PEMOHON CARLSON CONSTRUCTION SDN BHD RESPONDEN AWP PROPERTIES SDN BHD | Enclosure 1. CCSB’s application in OS 62 to enforce the AD pursuant to s 28 CIPAA. In the matter of section 28 of the Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act, 2012 and in the matter of Rule 7, Rule 28, and Rule 92 Rule 4 of the Rules of Court, 2012 and Rule 69A Rule 5 of the Rules of Court (Amendment) 2018. | 18/01/2024 | YA Tuan Nadzarin Bin Wok Nordin | |
SAMAN PEMULA NO. WA-24C-62-04/2023
Dalam perkara Adjudikasi antara
Carlson Construction Sdn Bhd (Pihak
Menuntut) dan AWP Properties Sdn
Bhd (Pihak Responden)
Dalam perkara Adjudikasi di hadapan
Mohd Norazman Zaini
Dalam perkara Keputusan Adjudikasi
bertarikh 3-3-2023
Dalam perkara seksyen 28 Akta
Pembayaran dan Adjudikasi Industri
Pembinaan, 2012
Dalam perkara Aturan 7, Aturan 28,
dan Aturan 92 Kaedah 4 Kaedah-
Kaedah Mahkamah, 2012 dan Aturan
69A Kaedah 5 Kaedah-Kaedah
Mahkamah (Pindaan) 2018
18/01/2024 08:40:25
WA-24C-62-04/2023 Kand. 14
S/N v2EXAajthEaIJsVoN2ThNQ
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
(No. Syarikat: 988833-P) …PLAINTIF
(No. Syarikat: 1243700-K) …DEFENDAN
Di Dengar Bersama Dengan
SAMAN PEMULA NO. WA-24C-65-04/2023
Dalam Perkara Adjudikasi antara
Carlson Construction Sdn Bhd dan
AWP Properties Sdn Bhd
Dalam Perkara Keputusan Adjudikasi
bertarikh 3.3.2023 yang dibuat oleh
S/N v2EXAajthEaIJsVoN2ThNQ
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
En Mohd Norazman Zaini
Dalam Perkara Seksyen 15 (b) & (d)
Akta Pembayaran dan Adjudikasi
Industri Pembinaan 2012
Dalam Perkara Aturan 7 dan 28
Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012
(No. Syarikat: 1243700-K) …PLAINTIF
(No. Syarikat: 988833-P) …DEFENDAN
Di Dengar Bersama Dengan
S/N v2EXAajthEaIJsVoN2ThNQ
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SAMAN PEMULA NO. WA-24C-66-04/2023
Dalam perkara Adjudikasi antara
Carlson Construction Sdn Bhd dan
AWP Properties Sdn Bhd
Dalam perkara Penghakiman
Adjudikasi bertarikh 3.3.2023 oleh En.
Mohd Norazman Zaini (“Adjudikator”)
Dalam Perkara Seksyen 16 (b) Akta
Pembayaran dan Adjudikasi Industri
Pembinaan 2012
(No. Syarikat: 1243700-K) …PLAINTIF
(No. Syarikat: 988833-P) …DEFENDAN
S/N v2EXAajthEaIJsVoN2ThNQ
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(Enclosure 1)
[1] OS 65 is AWP Properties Sdn Bhd (“AWP”) application under s 15
(b) and (d) of the Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act
2012 (CIPAA) to set aside the Adjudication Decision dated 3.3.2023
(“AD”) given in favor of Carlson Construction Sdn Bhd (“CCSB”)
whilst OS 66 is AWP’s application for a stay of the AD under section
16 CIPAA pending the disposal of the arbitration proceedings
between the parties.
[2] There is also CCSB’s application in OS 62 to enforce the AD pursuant
to s 28 CIPAA.
[3] All the aforesaid matters were heard together as they contain the
same set of facts and related to the same parties.
Brief Back Ground Facts
[4] Vide a Letter of Award dated 5-6-2018, Ace appointed Carlson as a
Subcontractor to carry out construction work for a Project known as
“Cadangan Membina Bangunan Kedai Pejabat yang mengandungi
Fasa 1 a) 8 Unit Kedai Pejabat 3 Tingkat b) 20 Unit Kedai Pejabat 2
Tingkat c) 1 Unit Loji Rawatan Kumbahan d) 1 Unit Tangki Air yang
mengandungi Rumah Pam & Tangki Sedutan e) 1 Unit Stesen Pam
f) 1 Unit Pencawang Elektrik Fasa 2 a) 8 Unit Kedai Pejabat 3 Tingkat
b) 24 Unit Kedai Pejabat 2 Tingkat c) 2 Unit Pencawang Elektrik di
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aras Lot 31182, Mukim Gali, Daerah Raub, Pahang Darul Makmur
untuk Tetuan Teratai Kilauan Sdn Bhd)” (“the Project”) ("the
[5] The price of the Subcontract was RM20,000,000.00. (“the
Subcontract Sum”).
[6] Throughout the said Project, Carlson has diligently carried out the
Subcontract Work (“Works”) and from time to time had submitted
claims or Invoices to Ace for payment. Upon receipt of Carlson’s
Progress Claims, Ace issued the Certificates and paid Carlson for the
Works done under the Subcontract.
[7] The disputes arose between Carlson and Ace in relation to the
Subcontract, including disputes over the payment of Carlson’s
Progress Claim from Ace.
[8] In and around February 2022, Carlson submitted its Progress Claim
No. 34 for Ace’s certification. To this effect, Ace issued its Progress
Certificate No. 34 acknowledging, certifying and verifying that
Carlson had carried out works under the Subcontract amounting to
[9] As at that date, a sum of RM15,785,157.74 had been paid by Ace to
Carlson under the previous certificates leaving a balance of
RM1,221,845,37 (after deduction of RM1,000,000.00 retention sum)
still due and owing under Progress Certificate No. 34.
S/N v2EXAajthEaIJsVoN2ThNQ
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[10] Pursuant to Clause 6.0 of the Letter of Award, Ace is to make
payment within 30 days from the date of the Progress Certificate.
Carlson’s Progress Certificate No. 34 was issued to Ace on 20-2-
2022 and therefore, balance payment of RM1,221,845,37 was due
and payable by 22-3-2022.
[11] Notwithstanding the above, Carlson thereafter issued its Final
Progress Claim No. 36 dated 15-4-2022 with all supporting
documents for the sum of RM2,937,609.82 (including retention sum
but less all previous certified amount) to the Project Architect for its
[12] Pursuant to Clause 30.1 of the Agreement and Conditions of PAM
Contract 2006 (Without Quantities), the Project Architect shall issue
a certificate within 21 days from the date of receipt of the progress
claim, which is on 6-5-2022. However, to date, the Project Architect
has not issued its certificate to Carlson.
[13] Further, since the progress certificate ought to have been issued to
Carlson on 6- 5-2022 and Ace is to make payment within 30 days
from the date of the progress certificate, the balance sum of
RM2,937,609.82 would be due and payable by the Ace to Carlson by
[14] However, Ace failed and/or neglected to make the respective
payments of RM1,221,845,37 and RM2,937,609.82 to Carlson which
left them with no other choice but to pursue this Adjudication Claim
against Ace.
S/N v2EXAajthEaIJsVoN2ThNQ
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OS 65
[15] This Court will firstly deal with OS 65 as the decision on this
application will eventually have an effect on the other 2 Originating
LAD and Whether Time Was At Large
[16] In support of OS 65, learned counsel for AWP had submitted that
CCSB did not complete its Works with the original completion dates
despite 3 Extensions of Time (“EOT”) granted by the Architect for
Section 1 and 2 of the Works and thus AWP were entitled to a set off
for the Liquidated Ascertained Damages (“LAD”) claims amounting
to RM8 million and third party costs of RM417,000 but that the
Learned Adjudicator had made a finding that time was at large and
as such AWP was not entitled to its LAD claims.
[17] AWP’s counsel had further argued that it was never part of CCSB’s
Adjudication Claim and Adjudication Reply that time was at large and
that they did not have nor were given the opportunity to submit on
this point.
[18] In the AD, I found that the Adjudicator had dealt with this issue of
‘time at large’ at paragraphs 12.20 to 12.24 after considering the
Architect’s evaluation of the same where the latter determined that
the issue of delay was not valid for an EOT and the Adjudicator then
holding that the Architect was empowered under clause 23.8 (v) of
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the PAM Contract 2006 to grant the EOT but that the Architect had
not administered the correct provision by refusing to grant EOT and
thus time was at large.
[19] I also find from the AD that the Adjudicator had given the parties the
opportunity to submit on the Certificates of EOT and thereafter the
Adjudicator had tabulated the delay events in detail in the AD.
[20] From my findings, it was also found by the Adjudicator inter alia that:
20.1 due to the above, the Architect had not issued the Certificate
for EOT or the Certificate of Non-Completion (“CNC”) and thus
AWP had loss their right to impose LAD.
20.2 they were delay events which were not duly assessed or were
20.3 CCSB had not argued that the LAD was unreasonable but that
there were entitled to more EOT than what has been granted
by the Architect.
20.4 AWP pursued assessing and granting of EOT, despite there
being condition precedents for the granting of EOT, which the
Adjudicator found as amounting to an act of waiver to such
condition precedent requirements.
[21] Following from this, the Arbitrator concluded that AWP was not
entitled to impose LAD as ‘time was at large’ and that CCSB was
entitled to RM1,221,845.37 being the outstanding payment up to
Progress Certificate No.34.
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[22] I have also had the opportunity to peruse CCSB’s Adjudication Claim
and Adjudication Reply and did not find any reference to the issue of
‘time being at large’ referred to therein. This however does not mean
that the Adjudicator could not come to a finding of there being ‘time
at large’ in the matter before him.
[23] It is my decision, that this point must be seen in the context of the
Adjudicators decision in toto when reading the AD itself. Just because
the word ‘time at large’ was not raised expressly by CCSB in its
Adjudication Claim and the Adjudication Reply does not mean that
the Adjudicator could not have made a decision which led to his
conclusion that ‘time was at large’ based on the facts and documents
before him.
[24] I further hold on this point of ‘time being at large’ at large and AWP’s
contention of not having nor being given the opportunity to submit on
this point, that the Adjudicator, from the above parts of the AD, had
asked himself the correct question on this issue i.e whether EOT was
to be granted in relation to the provisions of the Contract. The fact
that the Adjudicator may have answered the same incorrectly or
otherwise is not something which this Court may interfere with as it
would be an issue which should be decided at the Arbitration
Proceedings, see Econpile (M) Sdn Bhd v ASM Development (KL)
Sdn Bhd and other cases [2020] 1 LNS 940.
[25] Thus, there is no breach of natural justice when the Adjudicator did
not give AWP the alleged right to be heard or submit on this point of
‘time at large’ especially so when, from the facts before me, neither
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party was given the said right to be heard or submit thereto. What is
good for the goose is good for the gander.
[26] In any event, I did find that the Adjudicator had considered in some
detail AWP’s Adjudication Reply on the issue of LAD and found from
the documents before the Adjudicator that the issue of LAD was
never raised in, nor deducted from the previous Progress Certificates.
The Adjudicator had also held that such claim was an afterthought to
justify non-payment of the full amount certified in the various relevant
Progress Certificates and that there was no allowable reason and
non-compliance with procedures for deduction of money due to
[27] As to another argument raised by AWP that the Adjudicator had
erroneously held that there was no notification by AWP to CCSB on
whether AWP would impose LAD, I have found after reading the AD,
that the Adjudicator did state there was a letter from AWP to CCSB
dated 12.12.2019 on this issue but found that ‘such letter is not what
clause 22.1 envisage as the Contract specifically requires the
employer to inform such deduction and just inform intention to
deduct”. This contention by AWP is therefore clearly untenable and
must be dismissed.
[28] From all of the above, I hold that the Adjudicator had thus examined
the documents provided to him in the Adjudication and duly
considered the arguments of both sides before making his
considered decision on the LAD. This issue is in fact a challenge as
to the merits of and an appeal of the Adjudicator’s decision which is
not permitted under s 15 of CIPAA.
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Whether Termination Was Unlawful and Not Part of CCSB’s Case
[29] On the issue of whether termination was unlawful and not part of
CCSB’s case, I agree with learned counsel for AWP that CCSB had
in its Adjudication Reply at paragraph 11 thereto stated that there was
a mutual termination of the subcontract by the parties but that the
Adjudicator had in the AD eventually found the termination as
unlawful and the Notice of Default as being defective. To this I have
noted that paragraph 69 of AWP’s Adjudication Reply did contend
that AWSP was entitled to determine CCSB’s employment under
clause 25.1 (c) of the PAM Contract.
[30] I have observed from the AD that the conclusion arrived at by the
Adjudicator that the termination was unlawful and the Notice of
Default being defective was arrived at by scrutinizing the documents
before him including the Notice of Default which was entitled ‘Mutual
Termination Notice’ and which said Notice of Default only referred to
the failure of not completing the Works by the agreed date.
[31] The Adjudicator subsequently finds amongst others that:
i. the performance of CCSB could not be measured nor could the
Adjudicator determine whether CCSB had rectified its default.
ii. CCSB had not challenged the said Notice of Default and
claimed in the Adjudication Reply that it was mutual.
iii. the Notice of Default was defective as there was an act of
hindrance by AWP.
iv. there was procedural non-compliance of clause 25.2 of the
PAM 2006 Contract in issuing the Notice of Default.
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[32] After due consideration of the argument put forth by AWP on this
issue of the Adjudicator’s decision that the termination was unlawful
and that it was not part of CCSB’s case, I agree with learned Counsel
for AWP that this would be a ground under section 15 (d) of CIPAA
that the Adjudicator had acted in excess of his jurisdiction which
would entitle this Court to set aside the Adjudication Decision i.e the
[33] Once it was CCSB’s case that there was a mutual termination of the
subcontract by the parties in the Adjudication Reply, it is, with respect,
not within the powers of the Adjudicator to go behind the said
averment in the Adjudication Reply and come to his own finding that
such termination was not lawful when no such issue as to the validity
of the termination was raised by the parties in the Adjudication. Such
conduct of the Adjudicator would result in his acting on a frolic of his
[34] This decision of the Adjudicator has thus resulted in AWP being
unentitled to its set off claim of RM417,000 being AWP’s cost to
complete the Works.
[35] This would thus be one of the rare cases where this Court finds that
the ‘conscience of the Court’ has been pricked to such an extent that
the AD is to be set aside.
For OS 65
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[36] Consequently, I therefore allow prayers 1 and 2 of enclosure 1 in OS
For OS 62 & 66
[37] In the circumstances, I am hereby dismissing OS 62 for the
enforcement of the AD with costs and hold that OS 66 for a Stay of
the AD is now academic. I order no costs as to OS 66.
Dated: 10th day of November 2023
COUNSEL FOR THE PLAINTIFF (suit 62) / DEFENDANT (suit 65 & 66):
Dinesh Nandrajog
[Messrs Nandrajog]
COUNSEL FOR THE DEFENDANT (suit 62) / PLAINTIFF (suit 65 & 66):
Rohan Arasoo a/l Jeyabalah, Ooi Hui Ying and Ng Suet Huey
[Messrs Ng, Ho & Partners]
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| 17,854 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-42(R)(A)-3-01/2019 | PERAYU Suhana Binti Samad RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya [Pendakwa Raya] | Ini adalah rayuan Perayu Pertama dan Kedua iaitu dua orang penjawat awam yang bertugas di Bahagian Pasport, Jabatan Imigresen Malaysian Negeri Selangor, terhadap sabitan dan hukuman yang dijatuhi oleh Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen di bawah seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan. Isu adalah :- Sejauh mana Mahkamah yang menjalankan kuasa rayuan boleh mengusik dapatan fakta yang dibuat oleh Hakim Bicara. Rayuan ditolak kerana dapatan fakta Hakim Bicara adalah selaras dengan rekod yang berada di hadapan Mahkamah. | 18/01/2024 | Puan Roszianayati Binti Ahmad | |
RAYUAN JENAYAH NO: BA-42(R)(A)-2-01/2019
[1] Ini adalah rayuan oleh kedua-dua Perayu yang tidak berpuas hati
dengan keputusan Hakim Sesyen Shah Alam pada 29.11.2018
yang telah mensabitkan kedua-dua mereka atas 7 pertuduhan di
bawah seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan dan menjatuhi hukuman 2
tahun penjara kepada setiap seorang daripada mereka dan denda
RM200 bagi setiap pertuduhan jika ingkar bayar - 6 bulan penjara.
Untuk rujukan mudah Suhana binti Samad akan dirujuk sebagai
Perayu Pertama, manakala Zalita Binti Haron akan dirujuk sebagai
Perayu Kedua.
[2] Pertuduhan terhadap mereka adalah seperti berikut:-
18/01/2024 10:45:58
BA-42(R)(A)-3-01/2019 Kand. 62
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a) Kes Jenayah No.: BA(1)-61R-10-03/2017
Pertuduhan Pertama
Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 28.6.2016 di Bahagian Pasport,
Jabatan Imigresen Malaysian Negeri Selangor, Tingkat 2, Kompleks
PKNS, di dalam Daerah Petaling, di dalam Negeri Selangor sebagai
seorang Penjawat Awam iaitu Pegawai Imigresen Malaysia Negeri
Selangor telah diamanahkan ke atas kamu berdua wang berjumlah
RM200.00 Malaysia Dua Ratus (sahaja) iaitu wang bayaran
permohonan Pasport Malaysia Antarabangsa ('PMA ') Oleh
Muhaida binti Mohamed Zan telah melakukan pecah amanah
jenayah terhadap wang itu, dengan itu kamu telah melakukan
kesalahan di bawah seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan (Akta 574)
yang dibaca bersama seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan (Akta 574)
yang boleh dihukum di bawah Akta yang sama.
Pertuduhan Kedua
Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 28.6.2016 di Bahagian Pasport,
Jabatan Imigresen Malaysian Negeri Selangor, Tingkat 2, Kompleks
PKNS, di dalam Daerah Petaling, di dalam Negeri Selangor sebagai
seorang Penjawat Awam, iaitu, Pegawai Imigresen Malaysia Negeri
Selangor telah diamanahkan ke atas kamu berdua wang berjumlah
RM200.00 Malaysia Dua Ratus Sahaja) iaitu wang bayaran
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permohonan Pasport Malaysia Antarabangsa oleh Ooi Shih Xing
telah melakukan pecah amanah jenayah terhadap wang itu, dengan
itu kamu telah melakukan kesalahan di bawah seksyen 409 Kanun
Keseksaan (Akta 574) yang dibaca bersama seksyen 34 Kanun
Keseksaan (Akta 574) yang boleh dihukum di bawah Akta yang
Pertuduhan Ketiga
Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 28.6.2016 di Bahagian Pasport,
Jabatan Imigresen Malaysian Negeri Selangor, Tingkat 2, Kompleks
PKNS, di dalam Daerah Petaling, di dalam Negeri Selangor sebagai
seorang Penjawat Awam, iaitu, Pegawai Imigresen Malaysia Negeri
Selangor telah diamanahkan ke atas kamu berdua wang berjumlah
(Ringgit Malaysia Dua Ratus Sahaja) iaitu wang bayaran
permohonan Pasport Malaysia Antarabangsa oleh Yamonaa
Thevey Maniam telah melakukan pecah amanah jenayah terhadap
wang itu, dengan itu kamu telah melakukan kesalahan di bawah
seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan (Akta 574) yang dibaca bersama
seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan (Akta 574) yang boleh dihukum di
bawah Akta yang sama.
S/N dWA928ktGUem25NoGSPheQ
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b) Kes Jenayah No.: BA4-61R-11-03- 2017
Pertuduhan Pertama
Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 29.6.2016 di Bahagian Pasport,
Jabatan Imigresen Malaysian Negeri Selangor, tingkat 2, Kompleks
PKNS, di dalam Daerah Petaling, di dalam Negeri Selangor sebagai
seorang Penjawat Awam, iaitu, Pegawai Imigresen Malaysia Negeri
Selangor telah diamanahkan ke atas kamu berdua wang berjumlah
RM200.00 (Ringgit Malaysia Dua Ratus Sahaja) iaitu wang bayaran
permohonan Pasport Malaysia Antarabangsa oleh Sun Tzu Hsiang
telah melakukan pecah amanah jenayah terhadap wang itu, dengan
itu kamu telah melakukan kesalahan di bawah seksyen 409 Kanun
Keseksaan (Akta 574) yang dibaca bersama seksyen 34 Kanun
Keseksaan (Akta 574) yang boleh dihukum di bawah Akta yang
Pertuduhan Kedua
Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 29.6.2016 di Bahagian Pasport,
Jabatan Imigresen Malaysian Negeri Selangor, Tingkat 2, Kompleks
PKNS, di dalam Daerah Petaling, di dalam Negeri Selangor sebagai
seorang Penjawat Awam, iaitu, Pegawai Imigresen Malaysia Negeri
Selangor telah diamanahkan ke atas kamu berdua wang berjumlah
RM200.00 Malaysia Dua Ratus Sahaja) iaitu wang bayaran
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permohonan Pasport Malaysia Antarabangsa oleh Mimi Amalina
Binti Abdullah telah melakukan pecah amanah jenayah terhadap
wang itu, dengan itu kamu telah melakukan kesalahan di bawah
seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan (Akta 574) yang dibaca bersama
seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan (Akta 574) yang boleh dihukum di
bawah Akta yang sama.
Pertuduhan Ketiga
Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 30.6.2016 di Bahagian Pasport,
Jabatan Imigresen Malaysian Negeri Selangor, Tingkat 2, Kompleks
PKNS, di dalam Daerah Petaling, di dalam Negeri Selangor sebagai
seorang Penjawat Awam, iaitu, Pegawai Malaysia Negeri Selangor
telah diamanahkan ke atas kamu berdua wang berjumlah
RM200.00 (Ringgit Malaysia Dua Ratus Sahaja) iaitu wang bayaran
permohonan Pasport Malaysia Antarabangsa oleh Azrulhazizi Bin
Azwarman telah melakukan pecah amanah jenayah terhadap wang
itu, dengan itu kamu telah melakukan kesalahan di bawah seksyen
409 Kanun Keseksaan (Akta 574) yang dibaca bersama seksyen 34
Kanun Keseksaan (Akta 574) yang boleh dihukum di bawah Akta
yang sama.
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c) Kes Jenayah No.:BA-61R-12-03/2017
Pertuduhan Pertama
Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 1.7.2016 di Bahagian Pasport,
Jabatan Imigresen Malaysian Negeri Selangor, Tingkat 2, Kompleks
PKNS, di dalam Daerah Petaling, di dalam Negeri Selangor sebagai
seorang Penjawat Awam, iaitu, Pegawai Imigresen Malaysia Negeri
Selangor telah diamanahkan ke atas kamu berdua wang berjumlah
RM200.00 Malaysia Dua Ratus Sahaja) iaitu wang bayaran
permohonan Pasport Malaysia Antarabangsa oleh Muhammad
Fahmii bin Abu Bakar telah melakukan pecah amanah jenayah
terhadap wang itu, dengan itu kamu telah melakukan kesalahan di
bawah seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan (Akta 574) yang dibaca
bersama seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan (Akta 574) yang boleh
dihukum di bawah Akta yang sama.
Fakta Kes
[3] Perayu Pertama ialah Pegawai Imigresen gred KP19 manakala
Perayu Kedua ialah Pegawai Imigresen gred KP22. Pada setiap
masa mereka bekerja di Bahagian Pasport, Tingkat 2, Kompleks
PKNS, Daerah Petaling, Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia Selangor
(JIMNS). Perayu Pertama antara tugasnya - telah diamanahkan
untuk menerima dan menyemak secara ringkas borang
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Permohonan Pasport Malaysia Antarabangsa (PMA) dan Dokumen
Perjalanan sebelum pengeluaran nombor giliran termasuk
menerima dan memproses pembayaran serta mencetak resit
pembayaran PMA dan Dokumen Perjalanan yang diluluskan. Dia
juga bertanggungjawab menghantar kutipan hasil, mencetak
laporan kutipan, laporan kutipan hasil dan laporan pembayaran
dokumen perjalanan serta memperakukan kepada penyelia pada
penghujung hari.
[4] Perayu Kedua merupakan penyelia Perayu Pertama yang
bertanggungjawab dan diamanahkan untuk menyemak PMA yang
diterima oleh Pegawai Imigresen termasuk Perayu Pertama dan
menjalankan proses pengesahan dalam sistem dan pengeluaran
PMA yang telah diproses serta mencetak, merekod dan
menandatangani senarai penyerahan yang ditetapkan.
[5] Apabila PMA dibuat oleh individu tertentu, data permohonan akan
dimasukkan ke dalam sistem MyImms. Setiap Pegawai Imigresen
yang terlibat dengan MyImms mempunyai ID dan kata laluan
mereka sendiri yang dirahsiakan dan tidak boleh digunakan oleh
orang lain. ID yang digunakan oleh Perayu Pertama ialah
SUHANA82 manakala ID Perayu Kedua ialah ZALITA.
[6] Tujuh individu yang dinamakan dalam pertuduhan, telah memohon
Pasport Malaysia dan permohonan mereka telah dikendalikan oleh
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Perayu Pertama. Kesemua mereka adalah individu biasa dan bukan
Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) dan masing-masing telah membayar
RM200 untuk pasport mereka. Adalah ditetapkan oleh Jabatan
Imigresen Malaysia (JIM) bahawa PMA untuk OKU adalah percuma
[7] Semasa naziran pematuhan oleh Siti Noor Julisa binti Jamud-din
(SP3) seorang Pegawai Imigresen Gred KP29 dari Bahagian
Penguatkuasaan dan Unit Integriti Selangor, terhadap sistem My
Imms dan pematuhan cek di Bahagian Pasport, beliau mendapati
terdapat "corak' gratis yang agak banyak dalam tempoh satu hari
iaitu dengan kekerapan sebanyak 8 kali. Beliau telah memilih untuk
membuat semakan terhadap laporan ini bagi 3 tempoh hari yang
berbeza iaitu 27/6/2016 - 1/7/2016. SP3 mendapati bahawa setiap
permohonan PMA yang diterima oleh Perayu Pertama adalah
diluluskan oleh Perayu Kedua untuk tujuan gratis.
[8] Terdapat keterangan daripada juruwang JIMNS iaitu Nik Mohd
Erwan Bin Che Hamid (SP25) bahawa Perayu Pertama telah
menghasilkan sendiri resit palsu di dalam bilik VIP dan wang yang
diserahkan oleh pemohon-pemohon telah diambil dan disimpan
sendiri oleh Perayu Pertama. Begitu juga keterangan daripada
Muhamad Faiz Bin Mohamad Yunus (SP26) yang mengatakan
bahawa Perayu Pertama telah memberikan wang sebanyak RM50
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kepadanya sebagai upah dan adakalanya tidak diberikan upah bagi
setiap permohonan palsu yang diletakkan status gratis. SP25 dan
SP26 bertugas sebagai juruwang dan diarahkan oleh Perayu
Pertama untuk mengambil wang daripada pemohon-pemohon
(normal) yang telah diluluskan sebagai pemohon OKU dengan
menyerahkan resit palsu yang diserahkan oleh Perayu Pertama dan
wang tersebut tidak dimasukkan ke dalam hasil kerajaan.
[9] Pembelaan Perayu Pertama dan Kedua menafikan sama sekali
telah melakukan pecah amanah jenayah ini. Perayu Pertama
mengatakan bahawa IDnya di sistem MyIMMS telah digunakan oleh
orang lain kerana dia telah tidak log keluar dari sistem tersebut.
Perayu Pertama juga menafikan bahawa dia yang telah cop dan
menandatangani borang-borang dokumen-dokumen PMA kerana
dia telah meninggalkan cop namanya di kaunter dan
berkemungkinan pegawai Iain yang menggunakan cop namanya
pada borang-borang permohonan pasport yang dikemukakan.
Perayu Pertama juga menafikan dia tahu berkenaan fail dengan
nama ‘hampagas’ dan bilik VIP. Perayu Pertama juga menuding jari
kepada SP25 dan SP26 sebagai orang yang bertanggungjawab
terhadap ‘projek gratis’ tersebut. Perayu Kedua pula mengatakan
bahawa terdapat kemungkinan IDnya digunakan oleh orang lain
kerana dia telah tidak log keluar daripada sistem MyIMMS
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seterusnya menafikan tandatangannya sebagai pelulus status
pemohon kepada ‘gratis’.
[10] Di dalam Hujahan Perayu Pertama dan Kedua dan Hujahan
Tambahan Perayu Pertama dan Kedua, telah dihujahkan bahawa
terdapat beberapa isu yang perlu diteliti dan memerlukan campur
tangan Mahkamah ini yang menjalankan kuasa rayuannya bagi
keseluruhan pertuduhan dan sabitan terhadap Perayu iaitu:-
Isu Yang Ditimbulkan Di Dalam Hujahan Perayu Pertama
a. Pihak pendakwaan gagal membuktikan elemen di bawah
pertuduhan kerana tiadanya elemen pengamanahan
dan/atau kawalan.
b. Kenyataan saksi-saksi yang berkepentingan di dalam kes ini
adalah dicabar dan kebergantungan sabitan hanya pada
SP25 dan SP26 adalah diragukan.
c. Kegagalan pendakwaan membuktikan tandatangan dalam
eksibit adalah milik Perayu Pertama. Terdapat kemungkinan
bahawa cop Perayu Pertama telah digunakan oleh orang
lain dan tandatangan Perayu Pertama juga telah dipalsukan.
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Isu Yang Ditimbulkan Di Dalam Hujahan Perayu Kedua
a. Bahawa pihak pendakwaan tidak memenuhi elemen-elemen
di bawah Seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan dan Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen telah khilaf dalam menyabitkan Perayu
b. Bahawa Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah terkhilaf dalam
menumpukan dan menyabitkan Perayu Kedua bergantung
kepada keterangan-keterangan saksi berkepentingan lebih-
lebih lagi SP25 dan SP26.
Isu Yang Ditimbulkan Di Dalam Hujahan Tambahan Perayu
Pertama dan Kedua
Pihak responden telah gagal untuk menyatakan di dalam
ketujuh-tujuh pertuduhan cara bagaimana kesalahan yang
dipertuduhkan itu telah dikatakan dilakukan oleh Perayu
Pertama dan Kedua.
[11] Undang-undang berkenaan kuasa mahkamah dalam bidang kuasa
rayuannya untuk campur tangan berkenaan dapatan fakta hakim
bicara adalah nyata dan matan. Mahkamah ini hanya boleh campur
tangan sekiranya terdapat kekhilafan atau salah arah diri dari Hakim
S/N dWA928ktGUem25NoGSPheQ
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Bicara dalam menilai dan menentukan keterangan yang material
setelah melalui perbicaraan penuh. Saya merujuk kepada kes
Mohd Zulkifli Bin Md Ridwan v Public Prosecutor [2014] 1 MLJ
257 dimana Mahkamah Rayuan Malaysia telah memutuskan:-
"Adalah di dalam tangan pencuba fakta untuk menilai kualiti
keterangan untuk menentukan samada keterangan atas
rekod menjustifikasikan sabitan. Jika Mahkamah
memerintahkan pembebasan atau sabitan ia tidak dapat
diketepikan oleh Mahkamah Rayuan kecuali ia merekodkan
dapatan bahawa pandangan yang diambil oleh Mahkamah
Perbicaraan bukan pandangan yang munasabah terhadap
keterangan atas rekod. Sekiranya Mahkamah Perbicaraan
mencerminkan pandangan yang munasabah keterangan atas
rekod maka Mahkamah Rayuan tidak wajar campur tangan
dan Rayuan tidak mempunyai merit.
[12] Mahkamah ini juga merujuk kepada kes Mahkamah Persekutuan
PP v Mohd Radzi Abu Bakar [2006] 1 CLJ 457 yang
"It is settled law that it is no part or function of an appelate
Court in criminal case or indeed any case to make its own
findings of fact. That is a function exclusively reserved by the
law to the trial court. An appelate court necessarily fettered
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because it lacks the audio visual advantage enjoyed by the
trial court
[13] Di dalam kes Sivalingam a/l Periasamy v Periasamy &
Anor[1996]4 CLJ 545 telah memutuskan berkenaan peranan
Mahkamah ini dalam menjalankan bidang kuasa rayuannya seperti
“It is trite law that this Court will not readily interfere with the
findings of fact arrived at by the Court of first instance to which
the law entrusts the primary task of evaluation of the evidence.
But we are under a duty to intervene in a case where, as here,
the trial Court has so fundamentally misdirected itself, that
one may safely say that no reasonable Court which had
properly directed itself and asked the correct questions would
have arrived at the same conclusion.”
[14] Berdasarkan kepada kes-kes yang telah diputuskan, dalam
menjalankan bidang kuasa rayuannya, Mahkamah ini hendaklah
bertindak perlahan dalam mengusik apa-apa dapatan fakta oleh
Hakim Bicara kecuali ia merekodkan dapatan bahawa pandangan
yang diambil oleh Mahkamah Perbicaraan bukan pandangan yang
munasabah terhadap keterangan atas rekod.
[15] ISU 1:- Sama ada pihak pendakwaan telah memenuhi elemen-
elemen di bawah Seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan. Peguam Perayu-
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Perayu menghujahkan bahawa Hakim Bicara telah gagal menilai
keterangan-keterangan dimana tiada bukti yang menunjukkan
intipati-intipati di bawah seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan telah
dipenuhi sebelum mensabitkan Perayu-Perayu. Menurut Perayu-
Perayu elemen yang gagal dibuktikan oleh pihak responden
i) Tertuduh perlu diamanahkan dengan harta tersebut
ii)Tertuduh telah menggunakan harta tersebut untuk
kegunaan sendiri secara niat salah melanggari tujuan
amanah tersebut.
[16] Perayu Pertama dan Kedua mengatakan tiada sebarang dokumen
atau keterangan yang membuktikan bahawa Perayu-Perayu telah
menerima duit daripada pemohon-pemohon pasport. Menurut
Perayu-Perayu, ini boleh dilihat melalui keterangan saksi-saksi
pendakwaan. Ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa Perayu Pertama dan
Kedua tidak pernah pada bila-bila masa telah diamanahkan untuk
menerima apa-apa bayaran pasport oleh pemohon-pemohon.
Perayu Pertama menghujahkan bahawa keterangan saksi-saksi
menafikan bahawa Perayu Pertama ada menerima duit bagi
permohonan PMA manakala Perayu Kedua telah menghujahkan
bahawa tugas Perayu Kedua di dalam kes ini hanyalah sebagai
seorang Pegawai Kanan Imigresen yang meluluskan permohonan
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pasport. Justeru, tiada pengamanahan wang ringgit yang dipegang
dan/atau diuruskan secara langsung dan/atau secara tidak
langsung oleh Perayu Kedua. Perayu-Perayu juga mengatakan
bahawa menerusi dokumen-dokumen dan keterangan-keterangan
saksi, pengamanahan ini pada setiap masa adalah dipegang oleh
juruwang. Hal ini dapat dilihat di mana pihak yang mengendalikan
segala bayaran adalah merupakan juruwang yang mempunyai kod
818400, seperti mana di dalam keterangan SP3 Siti Noor Julisa binti
Jumud’din. Perayu Pertama menghujahkan bahawa adalah tidak
normal dan diragui berhubung dakwaan bahawa Perayu Pertama
telah mencetak resit palsu di bilik VIP selepas mengambil resit asal
di kaunter juruwang. Ini adalah kerana tiada keterangan CCTV dan
terdapat kemungkinan bahawa cop Perayu Pertama telah
digunakan oleh orang lain kerana cop nama Pegawai Imigresen
adalah terletak di dalam laci di kaunter dan sesiapa sahaja boleh
menggunakannya. Terdapat juga kemungkinan tandatangan
Perayu Pertama telah dipalsukan. Perayu Kedua juga
menghujahkan tiada keterangan yang menunjukkan bahawa
Perayu Kedua yang telah menukar status permohonan pemohon-
pemohon kepada ‘gratis’. Perayu Kedua juga menghujahkan
bahawa sistem ini boleh diakses oleh pegawai lain memandangkan
Perayu Kedua tidak pernah log keluar dari sistem MyImms. Justeru
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terdapat beberapa pegawai lain yang telah log masuk dan
menggunakan sistem tersebut selepas Perayu Kedua dan terdapat
kebarangkalian untuk pegawai lain yang telah menukarkan status
permohonan tersebut kepada gratis.
[17] Responden menghujahkan bahawa kedua-dua Perayu bertugas
untuk urusan pembayaran wang passport PMA dimana harta yang
diamanahkan di dalam kes ini merupakan wang iaitu bayaran wang
yang diterima bagi tujuan pembayaran passport PMA oleh
pemohon-pemohon. Responden menghujahkan bahawa merujuk
kepada prinsip dalam kes di atas jelas bahawa Perayu Pertama dan
Perayu Kedua telah diamanahkan bagi urusan melibatkan
permohonan PMA dan ianya melibatkan harta yang diamanahkan.
Perayu Pertama adalah orang pertama yang membuat semakan di
kaunter penerimaan dan akan memasukkan data pemohon PMA ke
dalam system My Imms manakala Perayu Kedua adalah Penyelia
kepada Perayu Pertama yang antara tugasnya membuat semakan
kali kedua dan meluluskan permohonan pemohon. Responden
bergantung kepada Lampiran A yang dilampirkan bersama
hujahannya mengenai jadual Permohonan pemohon-pemohon,
data dalam system My Imms, data resit rasmi kerjaan asal dan resit
rasmi yang dipalsukan itu. Kesemua keterangan dokumentar
tersebut telah dikemukakan di Mahkamah dan menunjukkan
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bahawa kelulusan bagi kesemua permohonan PMA pemohon-
pemohon adalah dibuat oleh Perayu Kedua. Responden juga
menghujahkan bahawa dari keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan
jelas menunjukkan bahawa penerimaan permohonan PMA bermula
dari Perayu Pertama dan sekiranya Perayu Kedua tidak
meluluskan, tindakan jenayah ini tidak akan berlaku sama sekali.
[18] Setelah meneliti keseluruhan keterangan rekod rayuan dan alasan
penghakiman Hakim Bicara, Mahkamah mendapati dapatan fakta
Hakim Bicara adalah berdasarkan keterangan yang telah
dikemukakan semasa perbicaraan di Mahkamah. Mahkamah tidak
akan mengusik dapatan fakta Hakim Bicara yang telah memutuskan
bahawa kesemua intipati pertuduhan terhadap Perayu Pertama dan
Perayu Kedua telah pun dipenuhi oleh pihak Responden.
Mahkamah juga bersetuju dengan hujahan pihak Responden
dengan merujuk kepada kes Pendakwa Raya Lawan Tan Sri
Mohd Isa Bin Abdul Samad [2021] 1 LNS 461 bahawa
pengamanahan ke atas harta boleh juga berlaku secara tidak
langsung. Kes tersebut memutuskan:-
Konsep pengamanahan
[172] Tiada pecah amanah jenayah melainkan seorang
tertuduh dibuktikan ada pengamanahan ke atas harta. Tanpa
elemen kesalahan penyalahgunaan jenayah (criminal
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misappropriation) di bawah Seksyen 403 KK. Elemen
peruntukan ini boleh diterangkan dalam situasi di mana
sesuatu harta yang dimiliki oleh X diserah kepada Y untuk
tujuan Y menjaganya, di mana pegamanahan ini adalah di
bawah undang-undang difahami secara luas dan bukannya
amanah dalam konteks ekuiti. Ini juga dapat dilihat pada
kategori kumpulan orang yang diamanahkan dengan harta
menurut Seksyen 407, 408 dan 409 KK. Pemerhatian relevan
ini telah dibuat dalam satu kes yang dirujuk pihak
pendakwaan, Rex v. Lee Siong Kiat [1935] MLJ 53, seperti
berikut: •
"But the word "trust" in the expression "criminal breach
of “trust" as found in the Penal Code, is used in far wider
and more popular sense. A reference to section 407,
408 and 409 makes this perfectly clear. In section 407 a
person entrusted with property may be a carrier,
wharfinger or warehouse keeper; in section 408 a clerk
or servant; and in section 409, a public servant,
merchant, factor, broker, attorney or agent. Not one of
the people in these various categories could ordinarily
be described as a trustee in chancery proceedings".
Pengamanahan boleh berlaku secara tidak langsung
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[173] Di dalam kes Mahkamah Rayuan Aisyah Mohd Rose &
Anor v. PP [2016] 1 MLJ 840 Tengku Maimun JCA (sekarang
CJ) menekankan bahawa Seksyen 405 menyebut "in any
manner entrusted" yang oleh itu bermakna pengamanahan
harta boleh berlaku secara tidak langsung. Petikan berikut
adalah relevan:
"Element of entrustment”
[36] We note that s. 409 of the Penal Code states 'whoever
being in any manner entrusted'.
[37] We accept that the first appellant was not entrusted
directly with the cheques by the companies but it cannot be
denied that through the intermediaries, the cheques ended up
with the second appellant and from the second appellant, to
the first appellant. In our view 'in any manner entrusted' is wide
enough go encompass not only the property being directly
entrusted by the owner to the accused but also property
entrusted by the owner to the accused indirectly, as in the
instant appeal. entrusted to the first appellant by virtue of her
position as an agent of the bank"
[Penekanan ditambah]
[19] Seperti mana di dalam kes ini, kedua-dua Perayu bertugas untuk
urusan pembayaran wang passport. Perayu Pertama dan Perayu
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Kedua telah diamanahkan bagi urusan melibatkan permohonan
PMA dan ianya melibatkan harta yang diamanahkan. Perayu
Pertama adalah orang pertama yang membuat semakan di kaunter
penerimaan dan akan memasukkan data pemohon PMA ke dalam
system My Imms manakala Perayu Kedua adalah Penyelia kepada
Perayu Pertama yang antara tugasnya membuat semakan kali
kedua dan meluluskan permohonan pemohon PMA. Kesemua
permohonan PMA yang telah ditukarkan kepada status ‘gratis’
diuruskan oleh Perayu Pertama (ID: SUHANA82) dan diluluskan
oleh Perayu Kedua (ID:ZALITA) walaupun kesemua pemohon
adalah orang normal dan telah membayar sejumlah RM200 bagi
permohonan PMA mereka, namun begitu wang tersebut tidak
masuk ke dalam hasil kerajaan. Keterangan ini bukan sahaja
berdasarkan keterangan lisan pemohon-pemohon PMA dan
pegawai Imigresen tetapi juga disokong oleh keterangan
dokumentar iaitu data dalam system My Imms, data resit rasmi
kerajaan asal dan resit rasmi yang dipalsukan. Ia menafikan
hujahan Perayu-Perayu yang mengatakan tiada keterangan
dokumentar yang telah membuktikan elemen ini.
[20] Berkenaan dengan kod kewangan 818400, ia langsung tidak
menjejaskan pembuktian intipati pertuduhan memandangkan
Hakim Bicara dalam dapatannya mengatakan bahawa ID Perayu
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Pertama dan ID Perayu Kedua telah digunakan sejak awal dalam
urusan pemohonan PMA pemohon-pemohon yang ditukarkan
kepada status gratis. Melalui keterangan saksi-saksi, kod 818400
adalah kod urusniaga kewangan dengan menggunakan ID
Juruwang yang berbeza. Namun kod ini tidak boleh menafikan
bahawa sejak awal lagi permohonan-permohonan PMA ini
dikendalikan oleh Perayu Pertama dan diluluskan kepada status
gratis oleh Perayu Kedua walaupun pemohon-pemohon adalah
normal dan bukan OKU.
[21] Pecah amanah jenayah ini tidak mungkin akan berlaku tanpa
penglibatan Perayu Kedua sebagai pegawai pelulus. Kedua-dua
Perayu perlu bersekongkol bagi menjayakan jenayah pecah
amanah ini kerana Perayu Pertama sebagai pegawai penyemak
yang menerima permohonan PMA dengan menyemak permohonan
dan dokumen pemohon dan menghantarnya kepada pegawai
pelulus iaitu Perayu Kedua yang akan meluluskannya sebagai
‘gratis’. Ini membuktikan niat bersama mereka selaras dengan
pembuktian intipati seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan. Apatah lagi
menurut SP3 yang membuat pemeriksaan dan naziran mengatakan
beliau telah membuat "sampling" terhadap Laporan Kutipan
Terperinci Juruwang bagi tarikh 27/6/2016 sehingga 1/7/2016,
20/7/2016 dan 26/7/2016 dan mendapati terdapat corak ‘gratis’
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yang agak banyak dalam tempoh satu hari iaitu dengan kekerapan
sebanyak 8 kali. Beliau juga mendapati bahawa setiap permohonan
yang diekstrak telah diterima oleh Perayu Pertama yang
menggunakan ID:SUHANA82 dan telah diluluskan oleh Perayu
Kedua yang menggunakan ID:ZALITA.
[22] Mahkamah juga mendapati Hakim Bicara telah meneliti kes
pembelaan dan telah sampai kepada satu konklusi untuk lebih
mempercayai keterangan pihak pendakwaan yang lebih kredibel
dan disokong oleh keterangan-keterangan lain sama ada
keterangan lisan atau dokumentar. Dapatan Hakim Bicara bahawa
keterangan pembelaan bersifat penafian semata-mata serta gagal
untuk menimbulkan apa-apa keraguan munasabah adalah selaras
dengan rekod yang ada di hadapan Mahkamah ini. Justeru
Mahkamah ini enggan untuk mengusik dapatan ini.
[23] ISU 2: Kenyataan saksi-saksi yang berkepentingan di dalam kes ini
adalah dicabar dan kebergantungan sabitan hanya pada SP25 dan
SP26 adalah diragukan. Perayu Pertama menghujahkan bahawa
keterangan SP25 dan SP26 perlu dibaca dengan berhati-hati
sebagai rakan subahat yang mempunyai kepentingan dan
merupakan saksi-saksi yang tidak berintegriti di mana peranan
mereka di dalam “projek gratis” adalah sangat aktif dan bermotifkan
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kepentingan peribadi mereka yang mana mereka sememangnya
mempunyai mens rea dan actus reus dalam projek tersebut.
Perayu-Perayu menghujahkan kredibiliti SP25 dan SP26 diragui
apabila mereka pernah ditangkap oleh pihak SPRM untuk kes yang
lain manakala SP25 pernah terlibat dengan pengambilan dadah
yang dapat menjejaskan pertimbangannya dalam memberi
[24] Responden pula menghujahkan bahawa Hakim Bicara telah
meneliti keterangan-keterangan SP25 dan SP26 dan telah
menerima keterangan mereka. Ini menunjukkan bahawa
keterangan SP25 dan SP26 adalah kredibel. Seterusnya
keterangan kedua saksi ini tidak berdiri sendiri tetapi disokong oleh
keterangan dokumentar.
[25] Sekali lagi saya enggan untuk mengusik dapatan fakta Hakim
Bicara terpelajar apabila beliau telah menerima keterangan SP25
dan SP26. Saya juga bersetuju dengan hujahan Responden setelah
meneliti rekod rayuan bahawa dapatan fakta Hakim Bicara tidak
bercanggah dengan keterangan yang dikemukakan di mahkamah.
Alasan bahawa SP25 adalah bekas penagih ubat batuk bukan
alasan yang menjejaskan kredibilitinya kerana selain dari
keterangan lisan saksi ini, terdapat keterangan-keterangan lain
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terutamanya dokumentar yang membuktikan intipati-intipati
pertuduhan terhadap Perayu-Perayu. Terdapat juga keterangan
daripada pemohon-pemohon PMA seperti di dalam pertuduhan
yang mereka telah membayar RM200 kepada Perayu Pertama dan
dalam keadaan wang yang dibayar kepada SP25 dan SP26, wang
tersebut akan diberikan kepada Perayu Pertama dengan upah yang
diberikan kepada saksi-saksi ini.
[26] Peranan SP25 dan SP26 sebagai rakan subahat tidak
menyebabkan keterangan mereka ditolak secara terus. Keterangan
MyIMMS sepertimana Lampiran A Hujahan Responden dimana
sistem ni menunjukkan ID Perayu Pertama dan ID Perayu Kedua
adalah sebagai pegawai semakan dan pegawai yang meluluskan.
Dapatan Hakim Bicara adalah selaras dengan keterangan saksi-
saksi pendakwaan yang mengatakan ID dan kata laluan MyIMMS
adalah rahsia untuk digunakan oleh individu itu sahaja. Dengan
meneliti kepada rekod rayuan saya mendapati tiada kekhilafan
apabila Hakim Bicara menerima keterangan SP25 dan SP26
setelah mengambil kira keterangan sokongan yang lain menyokong
keterangan lisan SP25 dan SP26.
[27] ISU 3:- Kegagalan pendakwaan membuktikan tandatangan dalam
eksibit adalah milik Perayu Pertama. Terdapat kemungkinan
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bahawa cop Perayu Pertama telah digunakan oleh orang lain dan
tandatangan Perayu Pertama juga telah dipalsukan. Perayu
Pertama menghujahkan bahawa terdapat kemungkinan bahawa
tandatangan Perayu Pertama telah dipalsukan. Ini adalah kerana
pakar tandatangan tidak pernah sama sekali dipanggil untuk
mengesahkan tandatangan itu milik Perayu Pertama dan
tandatangan yang tertera di dalam dokumen eksibit adalah ringkas
(initial) dan bukan penuh yang mana sampel tandatangan ringkas
juga tidak dihantar untuk dianalisa pakar tandatangan. Perayu
Pertama juga menghujahkan ketiadaan CCTV di dalam bilik VIP
untuk menunjukkan apa sebenarnya berlaku di dalam bilik VIP
tersebut telah menyebabkan pendakwaan gagal dalam
membuktikan dakwaannya. Perayu Pertama juga menghujahkan
bahawa tidak ada sebarang CCTV ditempat duduk bagi
membuktikan pergerakan Perayu Pertama kepada Perayu Kedua
dan Juruwang untuk menguatkan kes pendakwaan.
[28] Adalah undang-undang yang mantap, jika pun terdapat kegagalan
oleh pihak Responden untuk menghantar tandatangan Perayu
Pertama untuk tujuan perbandingan, keterangan itu jika pun ada
hanyalah bersifat sokongan yang tidak menjejaskan kes
pendakwaan. Apatah lagi di dalam kes ini terdapat keterangan yang
banyak yang menuding kepada kebersalahan Perayu Pertama
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dengan penggunaan ID Perayu Pertama sebagai pegawai
penyemak dan kebersalahan Perayu Kedua dengan penggunaan
ID Perayu Kedua sebagai pegawai pelulus. Hakim Bicara telah
merujuk kepada kes Mahkamah Rayuan berkenaan isu ini dan saya
dapati tiada kekhilafan dari segi fakta dan undang-undang
berkenaan perkara tersebut. Menurut Hakim Bicara:-
Berkenaan kegagalan pihak pendakwaan mengemukakan
keterangan berkaitan CCTV dan pemakaian s.114(g) Akta
Keterangan 1950 terhadap kes pendakwaan, saya
berpendapat bahawa ia adalah tidak "fatal'. Saya merujuk dan
menggunapakai prinsip undang-undang yang diputuskan
dalam kes Mahkamah Rayuan Akbar Ali Abdul Rahman v
PP [20171 1 LNS 710 di mana Mahkamah menyatakan:
"In the same vein, we held that the CCTV recording was
corroborative in nature and its non production did not
create a serious gap in the narrative of the prosecution's
case ..”
Prinsip undang-undang yang sama juga boleh digunakan
berkenaan ketiadaan keterangan pakar untuk perbandingan
tandatangan Perayu Pertama.
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[29] ISU 4:- Pihak responden telah gagal untuk menyatakan di dalam
ketujuh-tujuh pertuduhan cara bagaimana kesalahan yang
dipertuduhkan itu telah dikatakan dilakukan oleh Perayu Pertama
dan Kedua. Perayu-Perayu menghujahkan bahawa pertuduhan-
pertuduhan yang dirangka adalah kabur kerana tidak menyatakan
cara bagaimana pecah amanah itu dilakukan selaras dengan
seksyen 154 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah. Ini menyebabkan Perayu-
Perayu diprejudiskan, tersalah arah dan berada dalam teka teki
apabila membuat persediaan pembelaannya. Responden pula
menghujahkan bahawa ketidaknyatakan cara / kaedah bagaimana
pecah amanah itu berlaku adalah tidak material memandangkan
Perayu-Perayu tidak terkeliru ("misled") yang memprejudiskan
Perayu-Perayu membuat pembelaan. Ini adalah kerana kesemua
elemen pertuduhan telah dipenuhi oleh pihak Responden dan telah
diterima serta diputuskan oleh Hakim Bicara iaitu:-
a) Perayu-perayu adalah penjawat awam;
b) Perayu-perayu telah diamanahkan dengan sesuatu harta
iaitu wang bayaran passport PMA; dan
c) Perayu-perayu telah melakukan pecah amanah terhadap
pembayaran wang RM200 bagi permohonan PMA tersebut.
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[30] Mahkamah telah meneliti ketujuh-tujuh pertuduhan tersebut dan
juga meneliti Rekod Rayuan serta undang-undang yang berkaitan
dan Mahkamah ini mendapati tiada peruntukan undang-undang
yang mewajibkan pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 409 Kanun
Keseksaan perlu menyatakan cara pecah amanah jenayah itu
dilakukan. (Rujuk kes Ahmad Zahid Hamidi v Public Prosecutor
[20201 1 LNS 1986 ). Melihat kepada setiap pertuduhan, ia telah
menimbulkan dengan jelas intipati-intipati pertuduhan yang perlu
dibuktikan oleh pihak pendakwaan dan ini adalah memadai.
Justeru, tidak perlu untuk menyatakan bagaimana kesalahan pecah
amanah itu dilakukan di dalam pertuduhan tersebut. Apatah lagi,
Perayu-Perayu telah membela diri di dalam tindakan ini dan tiada
rekod yang menunjukkan bahawa Perayu-Perayu telah
diprejudiskan atau tersalah arah dalam membuat persediaan dan
pengemukaan pembelaannya.
[31] Mahkamah mendapati sabitan oleh Hakim Bicara adalah selamat
dan betul selaras dengan keterangan dan rekod yang ada di
hadapan Mahkamah serta dan undang-undang yang terpakai.
Mahkamah juga mendapati hukuman yang dijatuhi oleh Hakim
S/N dWA928ktGUem25NoGSPheQ
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Bicara adalah adil dan saksama selaras dengan kesalahan yang
dilakukan oleh Perayu-Perayu. Justeru Mahkamah ini tidak perlu
untuk campur tangan terhadap dapatan dan keputusan Hakim
Bicara. Rayuan Perayu-Perayu ditolak dan sabitan serta hukuman
terhadap Perayu-Perayu dikekalkan.
Bertarikh pada 23 November 2023
Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman
Mahkamah Tinggi Jenayah 3
Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan
Peguam Perayu Pertama
Tetuan Suzana lsmail & Partners
Peguamcara dan Peguambela
No. 26, Jalan Galena 7/24,
Alam Villa, seksyen 7
40000, Shah Alam, serangor Darur Ehsan.
Peguam Perayu Kedua
Tetuan Salim Bashir, Ruswiza & Co
Peguambela dan Peguamcara
No. 10-C, Tingkat 3, Blok 1
Worldwide Business Centre
Jalan Tinju 13/50, Seksyen 13
406V5 Shah Alam.
Responden / Pendakwa Raya
Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia
Bahagian Perundangan dan Pendakwaan
Aras 18 & 19, Blok C
NO. 2, Lebuh Wawasan , Presint 7
62250 Putrajaya
S/N dWA928ktGUem25NoGSPheQ
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| 38,560 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-24NCVC-2478-08/2022 | PEMOHON Messrs Chiong & Partners RESPONDEN Tetuan Kit & Associates | The Plaintiff obtained a final UAE Judgment against the company Pembinaan SPK Sdn Bhd – Abu Dhabi for AED7,719,567.00 equivalent to RM9,375,659.49. After executing the UAE Judgment in Abu Dhabi, the Plaintiff realized part of the judgment sum leaving a balance of AED1,890,453.49 equivalent to RM2,294,896.06. The Plaintiff sought to enforce the balance sum against the Defendant, Pembinaan SPK Sdn Bhd. The enforcement of the balance sum was done under the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Act 1958 (‘REJA 1958) together with interest and also costs. The Court was moved under s 8 REJA 1958 and O.67 and O. 28 of the Rules of Court 2012 (‘ROC 2012). But, the Plaintiff sought under common law. The UAE Judgment was tendered as evidence but through an undated supporting affidavit of the Plaintiff. Whether the Plaintiff enforced the UAE Judgment in Malaysia on the correct party or otherwise. Reciprocal enforcement of Judgments, final judgment, common law, undated affidavit. | 18/01/2024 | YA Puan Arziah binti Mohamed Apandi | null | null | null | null |
WA-24C-65-04/2023 | PEMOHON AWP PROPERTIES SDN. BHD. RESPONDEN CARLSON CONSTRUCTION SDN. BHD. | Enclosure 1. OS 65 is AWP Properties Sdn Bhd (“AWP”) application under section 15 (b) and (d) of the Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act 2012 (CIPAA) to set aside the Adjudication Decision dated 3.3.2023(“AD”) given in favor of Carlson Construction Sdn Bhd (“CCSB”) whilst OS 66 is AWP’s application for a stay of the AD under section 16 CIPAA pending the disposal of the arbitration proceedings between the parties. | 18/01/2024 | YA Tuan Nadzarin Bin Wok Nordin | |
SAMAN PEMULA NO. WA-24C-62-04/2023
Dalam perkara Adjudikasi antara
Carlson Construction Sdn Bhd (Pihak
Menuntut) dan AWP Properties Sdn
Bhd (Pihak Responden)
Dalam perkara Adjudikasi di hadapan
Mohd Norazman Zaini
Dalam perkara Keputusan Adjudikasi
bertarikh 3-3-2023
Dalam perkara seksyen 28 Akta
Pembayaran dan Adjudikasi Industri
Pembinaan, 2012
Dalam perkara Aturan 7, Aturan 28,
dan Aturan 92 Kaedah 4 Kaedah-
Kaedah Mahkamah, 2012 dan Aturan
69A Kaedah 5 Kaedah-Kaedah
Mahkamah (Pindaan) 2018
18/01/2024 12:18:36
WA-24C-65-04/2023 Kand. 16
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(No. Syarikat: 988833-P) …PLAINTIF
(No. Syarikat: 1243700-K) …DEFENDAN
Di Dengar Bersama Dengan
SAMAN PEMULA NO. WA-24C-65-04/2023
Dalam Perkara Adjudikasi antara
Carlson Construction Sdn Bhd dan
AWP Properties Sdn Bhd
Dalam Perkara Keputusan Adjudikasi
bertarikh 3.3.2023 yang dibuat oleh
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En Mohd Norazman Zaini
Dalam Perkara Seksyen 15 (b) & (d)
Akta Pembayaran dan Adjudikasi
Industri Pembinaan 2012
Dalam Perkara Aturan 7 dan 28
Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012
(No. Syarikat: 1243700-K) …PLAINTIF
(No. Syarikat: 988833-P) …DEFENDAN
Di Dengar Bersama Dengan
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SAMAN PEMULA NO. WA-24C-66-04/2023
Dalam perkara Adjudikasi antara
Carlson Construction Sdn Bhd dan
AWP Properties Sdn Bhd
Dalam perkara Penghakiman
Adjudikasi bertarikh 3.3.2023 oleh En.
Mohd Norazman Zaini (“Adjudikator”)
Dalam Perkara Seksyen 16 (b) Akta
Pembayaran dan Adjudikasi Industri
Pembinaan 2012
(No. Syarikat: 1243700-K) …PLAINTIF
(No. Syarikat: 988833-P) …DEFENDAN
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
(Enclosure 1)
[1] OS 65 is AWP Properties Sdn Bhd (“AWP”) application under s 15
(b) and (d) of the Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act
2012 (CIPAA) to set aside the Adjudication Decision dated 3.3.2023
(“AD”) given in favor of Carlson Construction Sdn Bhd (“CCSB”)
whilst OS 66 is AWP’s application for a stay of the AD under section
16 CIPAA pending the disposal of the arbitration proceedings
between the parties.
[2] There is also CCSB’s application in OS 62 to enforce the AD pursuant
to s 28 CIPAA.
[3] All the aforesaid matters were heard together as they contain the
same set of facts and related to the same parties.
Brief Back Ground Facts
[4] Vide a Letter of Award dated 5-6-2018, Ace appointed Carlson as a
Subcontractor to carry out construction work for a Project known as
“Cadangan Membina Bangunan Kedai Pejabat yang mengandungi
Fasa 1 a) 8 Unit Kedai Pejabat 3 Tingkat b) 20 Unit Kedai Pejabat 2
Tingkat c) 1 Unit Loji Rawatan Kumbahan d) 1 Unit Tangki Air yang
mengandungi Rumah Pam & Tangki Sedutan e) 1 Unit Stesen Pam
f) 1 Unit Pencawang Elektrik Fasa 2 a) 8 Unit Kedai Pejabat 3 Tingkat
b) 24 Unit Kedai Pejabat 2 Tingkat c) 2 Unit Pencawang Elektrik di
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aras Lot 31182, Mukim Gali, Daerah Raub, Pahang Darul Makmur
untuk Tetuan Teratai Kilauan Sdn Bhd)” (“the Project”) ("the
[5] The price of the Subcontract was RM20,000,000.00. (“the
Subcontract Sum”).
[6] Throughout the said Project, Carlson has diligently carried out the
Subcontract Work (“Works”) and from time to time had submitted
claims or Invoices to Ace for payment. Upon receipt of Carlson’s
Progress Claims, Ace issued the Certificates and paid Carlson for the
Works done under the Subcontract.
[7] The disputes arose between Carlson and Ace in relation to the
Subcontract, including disputes over the payment of Carlson’s
Progress Claim from Ace.
[8] In and around February 2022, Carlson submitted its Progress Claim
No. 34 for Ace’s certification. To this effect, Ace issued its Progress
Certificate No. 34 acknowledging, certifying and verifying that
Carlson had carried out works under the Subcontract amounting to
[9] As at that date, a sum of RM15,785,157.74 had been paid by Ace to
Carlson under the previous certificates leaving a balance of
RM1,221,845,37 (after deduction of RM1,000,000.00 retention sum)
still due and owing under Progress Certificate No. 34.
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[10] Pursuant to Clause 6.0 of the Letter of Award, Ace is to make
payment within 30 days from the date of the Progress Certificate.
Carlson’s Progress Certificate No. 34 was issued to Ace on 20-2-
2022 and therefore, balance payment of RM1,221,845,37 was due
and payable by 22-3-2022.
[11] Notwithstanding the above, Carlson thereafter issued its Final
Progress Claim No. 36 dated 15-4-2022 with all supporting
documents for the sum of RM2,937,609.82 (including retention sum
but less all previous certified amount) to the Project Architect for its
[12] Pursuant to Clause 30.1 of the Agreement and Conditions of PAM
Contract 2006 (Without Quantities), the Project Architect shall issue
a certificate within 21 days from the date of receipt of the progress
claim, which is on 6-5-2022. However, to date, the Project Architect
has not issued its certificate to Carlson.
[13] Further, since the progress certificate ought to have been issued to
Carlson on 6-5-2022 and Ace is to make payment within 30 days from
the date of the progress certificate, the balance sum of
RM2,937,609.82 would be due and payable by the Ace to Carlson by
[14] However, Ace failed and/or neglected to make the respective
payments of RM1,221,845,37 and RM2,937,609.82 to Carlson which
left them with no other choice but to pursue this Adjudication Claim
against Ace.
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OS 65
[15] This Court will firstly deal with OS 65 as the decision on this
application will eventually have an effect on the other 2 Originating
LAD and Whether Time Was At Large
[16] In support of OS 65, learned counsel for AWP had submitted that
CCSB did not complete its Works with the original completion dates
despite 3 Extensions of Time (“EOT”) granted by the Architect for
Section 1 and 2 of the Works and thus AWP were entitled to a set off
for the Liquidated Ascertained Damages (“LAD”) claims amounting
to RM8 million and third party costs of RM417,000 but that the
Learned Adjudicator had made a finding that time was at large and
as such AWP was not entitled to its LAD claims.
[17] AWP’s counsel had further argued that it was never part of CCSB’s
Adjudication Claim and Adjudication Reply that time was at large and
that they did not have nor were given the opportunity to submit on
this point.
[18] In the AD, I found that the Adjudicator had dealt with this issue of
‘time at large’ at paragraphs 12.20 to 12.24 after considering the
Architect’s evaluation of the same where the latter determined that
the issue of delay was not valid for an EOT and the Adjudicator then
holding that the Architect was empowered under clause 23.8 (v) of
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the PAM Contract 2006 to grant the EOT but that the Architect had
not administered the correct provision by refusing to grant EOT and
thus time was at large.
[19] I also find from the AD that the Adjudicator had given the parties the
opportunity to submit on the Certificates of EOT and thereafter the
Adjudicator had tabulated the delay events in detail in the AD.
[20] From my findings, it was also found by the Adjudicator inter alia that:
20.1 due to the above, the Architect had not issued the Certificate
for EOT or the Certificate of Non-Completion (“CNC”) and thus
AWP had loss their right to impose LAD.
20.2 they were delay events which were not duly assessed or were
20.3 CCSB had not argued that the LAD was unreasonable but that
there were entitled to more EOT than what has been granted
by the Architect.
20.4 AWP pursued assessing and granting of EOT, despite there
being condition precedents for the granting of EOT, which the
Adjudicator found as amounting to an act of waiver to such
condition precedent requirements.
[21] Following from this, the Arbitrator concluded that AWP was not
entitled to impose LAD as ‘time was at large’ and that CCSB was
entitled to RM1,221,845.37 being the outstanding payment up to
Progress Certificate No.34.
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[22] I have also had the opportunity to peruse CCSB’s Adjudication Claim
and Adjudication Reply and did not find any reference to the issue of
‘time being at large’ referred to therein. This however does not mean
that the Adjudicator could not come to a finding of there being ‘time
at large’ in the matter before him.
[23] It is my decision, that this point must be seen in the context of the
Adjudicators decision in toto when reading the AD itself. Just because
the word ‘time at large’ was not raised expressly by CCSB in its
Adjudication Claim and the Adjudication Reply does not mean that
the Adjudicator could not have made a decision which led to his
conclusion that ‘time was at large’ based on the facts and documents
before him.
[24] I further hold on this point of ‘time being at large’ at large and AWP’s
contention of not having nor being given the opportunity to submit on
this point, that the Adjudicator, from the above parts of the AD, had
asked himself the correct question on this issue i.e whether EOT was
to be granted in relation to the provisions of the Contract. The fact
that the Adjudicator may have answered the same incorrectly or
otherwise is not something which this Court may interfere with as it
would be an issue which should be decided at the Arbitration
Proceedings, see Econpile (M) Sdn Bhd v ASM Development (KL)
Sdn Bhd and other cases [2020] 1 LNS 940.
[25] Thus, there is no breach of natural justice when the Adjudicator did
not give AWP the alleged right to be heard or submit on this point of
‘time at large’ especially so when, from the facts before me, neither
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party was given the said right to be heard or submit thereto. What is
good for the goose is good for the gander.
[26] In any event, I did find that the Adjudicator had considered in some
detail AWP’s Adjudication Reply on the issue of LAD and found from
the documents before the Adjudicator that the issue of LAD was
never raised in, nor deducted from the previous Progress Certificates.
The Adjudicator had also held that such claim was an afterthought to
justify non-payment of the full amount certified in the various relevant
Progress Certificates and that there was no allowable reason and
non-compliance with procedures for deduction of money due to
[27] As to another argument raised by AWP that the Adjudicator had
erroneously held that there was no notification by AWP to CCSB on
whether AWP would impose LAD, I have found after reading the AD,
that the Adjudicator did state there was a letter from AWP to CCSB
dated 12.12.2019 on this issue but found that ‘such letter is not what
clause 22.1 envisage as the Contract specifically requires the
employer to inform such deduction and just inform intention to
deduct”. This contention by AWP is therefore clearly untenable and
must be dismissed.
[28] From all of the above, I hold that the Adjudicator had thus examined
the documents provided to him in the Adjudication and duly
considered the arguments of both sides before making his
considered decision on the LAD. This issue is in fact a challenge as
to the merits of and an appeal of the Adjudicator’s decision which is
not permitted under s 15 of CIPAA.
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Whether Termination Was Unlawful and Not Part of CCSB’s Case
[29] On the issue of whether termination was unlawful and not part of
CCSB’s case, I agree with learned counsel for AWP that CCSB had
in its Adjudication Reply at paragraph 11 thereto stated that there was
a mutual termination of the subcontract by the parties but that the
Adjudicator had in the AD eventually found the termination as
unlawful and the Notice of Default as being defective. To this I have
noted that paragraph 69 of AWP’s Adjudication Reply did contend
that AWSP was entitled to determine CCSB’s employment under
clause 25.1 (c) of the PAM Contract.
[30] I have observed from the AD that the conclusion arrived at by the
Adjudicator that the termination was unlawful and the Notice of
Default being defective was arrived at by scrutinizing the documents
before him including the Notice of Default which was entitled ‘Mutual
Termination Notice’ and which said Notice of Default only referred to
the failure of not completing the Works by the agreed date.
[31] The Adjudicator subsequently finds amongst others that:
i. the performance of CCSB could not be measured nor could the
Adjudicator determine whether CCSB had rectified its default.
ii. CCSB had not challenged the said Notice of Default and
claimed in the Adjudication Reply that it was mutual.
iii. the Notice of Default was defective as there was an act of
hindrance by AWP.
iv. there was procedural non-compliance of clause 25.2 of the
PAM 2006 Contract in issuing the Notice of Default.
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[32] After due consideration of the argument put forth by AWP on this
issue of the Adjudicator’s decision that the termination was unlawful
and that it was not part of CCSB’s case, I agree with learned Counsel
for AWP that this would be a ground under section 15 (d) of CIPAA
that the Adjudicator had acted in excess of his jurisdiction which
would entitle this Court to set aside the Adjudication Decision i.e the
[33] Once it was CCSB’s case that there was a mutual termination of the
subcontract by the parties in the Adjudication Reply, it is, with respect,
not within the powers of the Adjudicator to go behind the said
averment in the Adjudication Reply and come to his own finding that
such termination was not lawful when no such issue as to the validity
of the termination was raised by the parties in the Adjudication. Such
conduct of the Adjudicator would result in his acting on a frolic of his
[34] This decision of the Adjudicator has thus resulted in AWP being
unentitled to its set off claim of RM417,000 being AWP’s cost to
complete the Works.
[35] This would thus be one of the rare cases where this Court finds that
the ‘conscience of the Court’ has been pricked to such an extent that
the AD is to be set aside.
For OS 65
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[36] Consequently, I therefore allow prayers 1 and 2 of enclosure 1 in OS
For OS 62 & 66
[37] In the circumstances, I am hereby dismissing OS 62 for the
enforcement of the AD with costs and hold that OS 66 for a Stay of
the AD is now academic. I order no costs as to OS 66.
Dated: 10th day of November 2023
COUNSEL FOR THE PLAINTIFF (suit 62) / DEFENDANT (suit 65 & 66):
Dinesh Nandrajog
[Messrs Nandrajog]
COUNSEL FOR THE DEFENDANT (suit 62) / PLAINTIFF (suit 65 & 66):
Rohan Arasoo a/l Jeyabalah, Ooi Hui Ying and Ng Suet Huey
[Messrs Ng, Ho & Partners]
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| 17,853 | Tika 2.6.0 |
18/01/2024 16:33:58
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n—s2-9n—na/2023 Kand. 13
mun/2224 16:33-SB
genome JENAVAH)
KES TANGKAP: AA-S2-9fl4)E/21.123
. “onus KENA wuun
11} Psgruuumm
Perayu/Ovang Ken: mum com Alaral hwm Shah bm Norashn lelah
duludun m Mahkamah m. dengan penuduhan sepem benkul —
m xw9lv\IndWEmm:5:n0R/U0
mm. sm-1 .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI nF\uNa Wm!
nuxumrv pzmwu BOLEH SAMPAI 414; rmurv DAN
on (elm dluduh pan: 2: s 2023 Penuduhan mhacakan kepafla
on namun on man monglku um um mamomn umuk
uumcmm Walnu hagunlnapun‘ tarmac ubulan m unluk knh
mg. pm 7 :1 2023, Pmuduhnn (ahh uuhncaknn ululn lag: am on
man menuiku snlah umldav Perluduhln dangun mamlhzml . .2 am
zklbal pengaxuannya nu
man perldakwazn mengemukakan Fakla Kes dan memohon agn
Fans K25 duhncakln Ieplda oxr. Faku Kas moacxan dzn
sm malpv-nwzmmgarvofi/UQ
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svnlwwu and leaves n to me mun I0 demos ma: IS wnnm mu
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mama on dwbunkan peluang umuk memperhawkl dm din bevubah
meruadl ovang yang belguna kapudi dm sondm. keluarga can
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akan helvehhara
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Tarnpah suing mas. mm. kesalalun Iampau on oengzn
kcsallhan ml . -Iih ilngkal mm on Ielnh dmukum unluk xem-nan u.
bawan seknyln aswsn unmk kalr karma pad: m/01/2023 lm
mIvvun]ulatnn on mum bllum ma: dun sank unluk memnukan
mawmn sepom -n. Mlhknmah dangan nu borpondopnl mush mm
Mznkzmah mambenknn hukumlrl Dewar: 5 lahun flan Yankh Inngkup,
memandangkan OKT mm sawing penpnayah ying berulang dun
aaunn keidain Im on upanunya dmukurn dengan hukuman pvmava
yang agak paniang supsya aapu membenkin on pengayaran agar
on sank unluk rrsdakukzn kesaluhan yang mna m masa hadapan
Wlbupun mhzk Penflakwann man rmngumukakan rakod
Vamyau on melllul dokumun Rmgkasnn Mlklumnl Subpk yang mzna
bukanlah salu vekod lampuu vasmn nlmun raked um Isiah dlkemukuhn
1199163 on mnasa pmsas Jaluh Hukum an on mangesahkinnyu
senagau unar
[4] xsslrpuuu
Kesvmnmznnya Mahkinuh |eIah membua| penllilin yang manyalunm
i£1;.‘E'§’3liP.£’.%£*.‘,” H ..:*2.'..,.;z.=.:*nan.nre,E.,')mv,.n.¢.sva29a:«|naes..y
1 (armasuk
pengakuin man on umur on ‘em: kesalanan kepenhngzn
awamdan kapenlmqan. raked >an-pau uan hujahin plhak uandakwaan
Mahkzmah dengzn Im nememapa hukuman name 6 nanun uan (ankh
cangxap adalah salu lmkuman yang bersesualan‘ want an munasabah
ke ass on
Dludilkan nun:
(HILMIAH mun vusor;
Ham Mahkamnh suyun
Janayah 4. Ipm
11 1 2024
sm malpv-nwzmmwarvow/U0
“Nan: smuw llmhnrwm .. U... n my .. nVW‘Hl‘W mum: flnunmnl VI mum WM
dllemngknn kepafla on on msmahzrm Fzkla Kev yang drhacakan
din menglkulnya Fakla was berkunaan dnanda sebigan eksmbn ‘PI’
Menuml Filui Kes um tenpebmy pads ca/amxza pm: pm 12 as
pagw, SEMISI pengadu membuai randaan malam. pengadu (elah
menangkap on yang sedang membawa keluav sahl ‘|>h1wev' yang
«scam an dalam kawasan MAPS lerssbul Pengadu adalah msmpakan
pengawm keselamalan m MAPS yang benugas pada masa nu on
kemumannya lelzh dllangkap semula men pegawal pulls dan Balal F-‘nus
Jzlapang Hasu swasabn pmak po\s mendaoaln on lelah maapan
rnalakukan kesalahzn an Dawzn seksyen 457 Kamm Kaseksaan kavanz
memeclh masuk slot bunks! kendtrain mmk MAPS unluk lmncun
“bIcme(‘ nuhk umps yang alanggurknn hemllau Rmzommo
Pendnkwnan kemudlumya meflaemukikln hebemv okummum mm
seam mm 7
1) Jalapaflg nu 4572/2: —dnnndn sabzgm P2
2)JeIvDaW '|>( 497:/23 — dwandl wblszm P3
3; Rman Kasm Temps! Kqamln - mung. ubogav P4
M14 kanmg gambar I-mpal kqadlan — dnznda sabagm P5 AM
57 4 mung fllmbav havaw kas- P6 A-D
6) Senaral pemerksaaarr F7
7; Bovanq serah menyerah — PB
cs; 5 kenmg gambar mmmsl<a\ mm;
9; 2 kenmg gambav haranu dwampas — dllandz sehagal F10 AB
«on kepmg gimblv anak kunm molovsnkal» PM
sm malpv-nwzmmwarvow/UQ
“Nan: sm-1 .. .1... w my .. mm-y mum: flnunmnl VI .HuNa plum!
Eksmnreksxbll berkenazn man dnunjnkkan kapadi on darl dlakm
benavulah oKr Mahkamah kemudvamiya telah manaapam on
bersalah sepem Fenuaunan Mahkamah selerusnya rnendengar Iayuan
unluk mengumngxan hukuman can on an humnan pemheml don
pmak pendakwaan
on d\ dalam rayuan mengulangkan nukuman menyeuakan
mam belnau memohon hukumzn pemara nngzn dan vankh |angkz|1
our lelah berkahwm dan mempunyal seorang anak on manyalakan
ma sading max bekeua dan memanon dualuhkan Imkuman peruam
dengan lempoh pemec-yarnn yang slngkll
Pmak Pendakwaan pma memalmn agar Mzhkamah mengambll
mm kepenhngan awlm dzn kadzr kekevapan kes Pendakwaan
memohon agar Mahkamah membenkan nukuman yang dapa| member:
pengayavan kepafla on Pandakwaan juga menya|akan hahawa on
mnmpunym mm kzsalznan lampau dengan xesaranan himpvr serum
dengan kesalahin u. hadapan Mallkamah mu kesalanan an bawan
Iaksyan 379A KK Dnkumen menuvuukkin rekod lampau Manda
aeoagm mm mz dzn dnuruukkan kepadn on on tslah mengaknl
benav Iakod limpnu wsawl
Akmmya Mahkamah telah merldapah on helsalah Gan msaxmxan
dengan Perluduhan nan menmnhkan hukuman peruara 6 vamm nan
lankh Kangkap okr Imak berpuas nan dengan hukuman yang
d|;a|uhkan Mankamah dan mstayu lamadapnya ke Mahkamah Tmggl
am malpv-nwzmmgarvow/U0
“Nan: san-1 .. .1... a my a. nflwnlflly mum: flnunmnl m .HuNa WM
>4 KY
A) pnmsummmsnp mum MENJATUHKAI nuxumn
Dmam meruatuhkan rmkuman‘ Mamcaman Ielah menuuk kepada pnnslp
yang umyavaxan m ua\am kes»kes wvmasuk kes PP v sun: man a
Ahmad 1:93:11 nu 14:
11] When dumzimg wma: ssnlsnce m Impose the gg ;g m ; hm
ms alfsnce and ms crrcumslancas and the manner m mm. me
nlfsnca was cammmm
I21 An annslbte com wr(/ rrol mam wrm ma smmca rmvosod
«mm .1 can no shown um m (M cmrumslancas. ma sinlarrw
was mmvasny excessive or Inadequate nr ma: m /lxmg the
senrunce the mommare mm had ram '0 avequmry consrdvr
all IE/Evan! factors I.» w agamsv me offender
131 A plea argmy was 5 mmgalmg mm: mu mo oflondor was
new to ho a h-rdsned crmlmal
Kas m axas menyalakan nalam melumumkan rmxuman, Mnhknmah pellu
mengamhll klrz caxnanaxna: sapem kepenlmgan nwam‘ pongnkuan
-am. on, umuv on ksadaan kasmalnn on, Imglah um dln
kullkuln man; my bahking on Mnnakala m unllm Re: 1
gag»... («gm 1 EH Q Mahk-mill rrunyif-kin pnrmp»p1m|Iv
mum unmk mgunapuxu. semis: manjamhkan hukumm
121 71!: com snoum also have regard In csnam acoaplnd
prmums ov mdslmes 50 as no! (0 have Ion glue! 5 aaspmy u.
sm malpv-nwzmmwa
“Nan: sm-1 .. U... w my .. mmuny mm: flnunmnl m mum WM
ssnlsnce lorlha same olfsrma These gmdslmes were; m r
c an the I :1 an or
I y : rv
amongsv accused arson: and mmgrm facials pa/amt In the
Manakala a. dzhm kes HARI mm seen» v PP mgmuujg
pula‘ Mahkzmah manyalakan prlrmpapnllsvp mm unluk mqunaoaka.
umasa nnnmuhkan hukuman
‘Our cams navc a long mm sauce prognsssa lrum we for an
ayramy ‘Iuclh In: a Ioolh‘ lypn ouaam rm avawod am or
91:! n u y no I m a a n r
magma. ma court was rm! 5!! new m mind out 10 vrcnms ur
aggmswn um ‘pound a/flush’ nu: genmrry to ptulacl aacnzy by
Mzhkamah lelah memaluhkan hukuman pemarz s tahun nan lankh
langkap sexelan mangamw kw: laklov-Iakwr Wmngalmg’ am
'aggmvahng' benkul
u Pengakuan aalan aaasan sa\aII salu faklur mmqasl
0 Lllzr bdaknng on
my Kepenlmgin swam flan kepenlmgan on
v) Rekod Iampau on
sm malpvnwzmmwarvownm
“Nan: san-1 ...mam .. U... a v-viymu mwny mm. flnunmnl m mum WM
I) Ptnnalxunn nun swan um um «mo: mmgun
DI dahm Isa Znlaon Slum! v vP(1na)A c: 441, Augustin: Pam JC
(pad: mm mu lclah menyiilkan blhawu 5I|u perlglkuln snlnh pariu
dlambnl bur: dzrl dman immmbungzn wwnpmyz da\am pious
nunmunkan hukumln
‘A nmgancn plea mam ml be [ruled ss 3 nzuansuc mm to he
sumnumy rupcled ms n-amen: »z .5 made I: .5 a mnsumem eoemenz of
me seulencm graces: unenrs we eonmmno
Manakala dw dalam kes PP v Iuvmaun (snprl) Mahkamah
menyalakan bahzwa pengakuan salah aaamn salah salu ram: mung. -
nukuman -
131 :1 IS an accepted rule ol main man an accused should be
gwn email or dnsoaunl /mprsamng gwlry nu: rs Mcsuss puma
(me and money wx/I be spsmd afar! accused admrl: ms gum The
cram! oldrscourll ra as g/Von In an accused psrson .5 W! on ma
msmmn sentence nnposed By law bu! lathe! an a sentence
which would have been Imposed an the accused rlhe had claimed
rm mal and found gmily '
D: dzlam kes m2 V Julnl um Lu Finn 5. Am [anon uuu 159.
Mzhkamzh nuenymauan oanm pnunakuin salah akan menpmalkan
mass kevsmua nmak .1. Mankzmah Kes Im mg: mnnyalakln
kemasaannya sesuaiu pengukuan salah mu malayakkan peszlah
berkenaan mendanalkan sesuku sehmgga saw pemga peogurangan
danpada hukuman yang sepahllnya mxenma m bawan kesalahan
sm xi wanna/U0
“Nan: sm-1 n-nwwm .. U... m mfly .. mm-y mum: flnunmnl m .HuNa Wm!
Nonemslsss, our nouns have evaivsd a gnnmr Woxrbh rune
nmoo-maea Ihlvugh numamus aemasa cases mar where an
accused person pleads gum’ wrmoul comssnng the cnargs ar
crmges «yams: mm m a mar winch nugm consume "any day:
mvowing prosecutors, witnesses aocumems, pa/my aflicars and
chsrmsls me man: Ben m I-vow olrmnosma a named sentence
A "plea of guilty" mums me disposal L)! a cummal case wm
hghlsnmg speed Every cams: and mm leads to a backlog nl
undvspased cnrvunslcsses uoggmg me calms and me pnsons wm
ramand wvsormr: /1 rs m 1». mm ml-res! (MI pfindrnw cnmmel
cum: no dumua on us expemlmusly .5 passxbla and accused
persons who plead guury be Imposed mm . mama sentence
Namsly 1: in universal ab/Igahan ma 5 mama nnlemae
encourages honesty when an amma phnds gmlly. me and mm
mung ma! mom accused person: would wlllmgly admfl gum
Milton! .1 ma/, mus ruducmq me workload ol me pmsocmrs
oflm and mo clurince elm bocklov ovum
A pisa ol gull! coum be rewarded mm a dlsllfllllfil on me senwncs
men would arharw-as have been rmpmed upon a nnamg av gmll
altar . lull Ina! Tlva mscounl In be gm". oauld be Delwssn one—
quanvr ma one-nwa fofluwmg me than Supmmu Court‘: aocmnrv
m Alormud Abdulluh Ana Swu Kong v PF am 1 ML: 1.11.
m ms /udgmonl in mg! mg MoIcamadA1rm so! (.5 he [hen wul
sm-a .s rouaws
‘M »s sue was led mat me even: or the rmmchon on accoum al
ol . won a n r m
omerwrsa wouldnava man (ha ssmamx“
sm malvv m
“Mm: sm-1 nmmrmu .. undtx: v-viymu nr1n\nIV|Y mm. a....m m muua WM!
on terah mtnguku salln an mm. mombumu mnnpmmkan mus:
Mahkaman dan pmak penfllkwaln Nanum, ad: mlsanya pengakuan
mm. Max memamm nukuman yang nngan auamnknn tammmanya
apzhlla xepennmgan awarn mengndv vamhzn Kas pecan maluk sepam
m Im ukwlnyl drbnarkun mm hedcluuu pm akin mevnrnbulknn
kequsavun can kelzkmzn aw kalarvgan mnsyaukii
my dzlam kes K-nun Blllurun v PP man] a cu 190 Gcpal Sn
Ram JCA belch mnnytvakun mam benklfl -
'GensraW speak/ng 2 men of gm/ny .s s slmng mmgaluug
ctrcumslance operating m favour ol an accused However, mere
may as cases where me aflence cammmed ns :0 selvus and the
cncumslanoas m men :1 was commmsd .5 so Serums and the
cvrcumslzmaes m was comnvlrad ;s so namaus ma! a wee org-my
need to be gmsn man or no vmgm ma nsed Io gmlecl (ha gubm
IS another Iactgr mg; mg gm/ml over 4 g. :2! gum
Mahkamah juga mendapau pengakuan salah juga max memamln
rmkuman yang rmgan lennamanya apzhlla Iemapal buklw yang kual
unluk meusahnkan on seknranya perbncavnn dqalznkan sepem m
mam kn: um yang mana on man dnangkap ‘red-handed’ aemasa
mellkukan keszlahan mu
up Lalar bulzlung on
OKT yang Iudzh mum 25 (shun upacumyu mempunyl kemalangan
man an udak seharulnw l:rhba| dzlam ‘enayah ml on sepanunya
berslkap mam oenanggungamn ka am men darn anaknyz dun bukena
inE %?Mtammm:'as;:v.':r'AJHHaaa';'u‘aa"9'-"d-"9
om memuklumkan Mahkamah on mempunyau anak dan sslan umuk
duaga namun aaram hzl ml Mahkzmah memguk kepada kes PP v AMIR
HAMLAN [zoos] 3 Auk no Dv dalarn kee berkenaan, Mahkaman lean
menyalakan sepem benkul —
‘Th: din‘! of the convlclrun on Ml lccuuds /IN!/I docs no!
aulomalmaffy bsmmo .9 mmgalmg factor we nccusud cannol as
E/(awed Io comlml ollnnces rm/y [0 Mia bumnd [be possible
repvrcussrons al 8 lengthy cuslodul wenttnci on hrs Ilrmly In
hglvlelv me ssnturrce Imposed me needs al me accused me my
nulwerghed Dylssues olpubnc mmrssf
)KlnInIingln um um knplnllngln om‘
Mahkamzh peflulah mengambll kna kepermngan mam den kepemmgun
oxr dalam menjlluhkan hukuman Dv dnlam kes Ru v Kmmm John
Bull 35 Cr Aup R 164. pnnslp berkenaan Kehh dlpuluskin sapem
1.. ammmz ma awmprvam sentence a cam! mam afways be gurded
by renew corvsrdevalmns The ms: and foremost .5 me public Intelusl
me mmtnsl my rs publicly snfurmd ml only ml]! the cape! al
numslmrg am, am mac m me hope av pmvannng u A pmuul
servann pama m p-mm: um. um yubflc mruutul two win. I:
my mm mm. Mm magm Bu umpm to lry mm. as svsmma R:
oflev easy money on me wpposmun ma! n ma oflmam IS caught and
brmqhl Io yuslrce ma numshmsnl M/I be negngmre Such a mum
may also am ma puficutll cmmnal rmm comnmmg a trim:
aqua, ollnduco Mm In mm (mm . can-mam an mnmm me
pumps mlsresl rs mm: wrvcd, ma best served 1/ ms nllenrtav .5
mama m mm [mm cnrmrlal way: to Pianos! way Our law does not.
sm malpvnwemmwarvofillifl
“Mm: sm-1 nmwmu .. U...» vary .. mmuny mm. m...m m muua WM W
| 1,743 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
AB-22NCvC-10-03/2023 | PLAINTIF JASWANT SINGH A/L J NASIB SINGH DEFENDAN MEGA-ACE AUTO SDN BHD | Civil Procedure - Interlocutory application - O.19 ROC - To set aside Judgment in Default of Counterclaim - Failure of Plaintiff to file Reply to Counterclaim within stipulated time - Whether cogent reasons given - Delay in filing admitted - Solicitor busy with other trials - Whether the Plaintiff's solicitor may affirm affidavit in support of application on contentious matter - Failure to file affidavit to reply to material assertion in the Defendant's affidavit - Application dismissed | 18/01/2024 | YA Puan Noor Ruwena binti Md Nurdin | |
18/01/2024 09:11:36
AB-22NCvC-10-03/2023 Kand. 43
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**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
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**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
,s,a,,:n2a oar
(No. KP: 370212-as-5169] ...FLAlNTIF
[No. sya ' at: 2a9s<u.u[ ...DEFENDAN
Plsrnmv has med an apnea! 1o me Ccurl ol Anbeal against this Courfs
demslcn dehvered on 27.11 2023 winch msrmssed its apphca' n in Encl.
12 made under 0.19 01 me Rmes ui Cnurl to set asme a Judgment in
Default o1 the Delermanrs Cnunlsmanm omameu an 6.6.2023. ‘nus
Grounds of Judgment contains my reasons «or dvsrmssmg End. 12.
The names wm be rzverrea m as they were at the High Court. The
[2] The P\a1n\iff filed «ms sun on 31332023 against me Defendant.
cnaummg inter a/ra, the loHonMrIg:
1a) a aecmanon mm Ihe nevendam to hold a property under
FN7507 Lol E527 Muklm Asa!!! Kumhang Daerah Larul A
5w Pzne1s1u1uurxa1FE1axwA
-rm! 5.1.1 nawmv WW be used m mm u. nflmruflly mm; mm. VII nF\uNG wrm
were as vouaws:
Malang Negen Ferak ('|he Property‘) «or the nenam of ma
Fkaimifl, and
that me Defendant to sign an dammenus panammg to the
transfer of ma Progeny including appmval lur us Iransler to
ma P\aIm.fl1wiII1IlI 14 days from the date vflhe order.
The durunclugy av events in me filing or me suit and cause papers
Nu. mm Evin! Runlnu
1. :n.a2n2: F1: m.nwmms« Dmysmv-ncnlhn mm":
Slllanlmlvlfilmm m cm same
» Enc\I.1undZ
2. u Azuzz Dflemdnm filad Nam: :71 fi\mouM4.2n2:una1:1.42n23
I am «A5
zu.2n2s“ Duiundum ma Ina Sinlsmanl A71 o.«.m.m wml m mum m.
Dnluu>a:nd(‘Aamwc\::m mm rvqueslirw uma um:
7 End: 7 ...1 a a 5 ma In N: :2. Stntzmzm «:1
1 n 5 2n23 Hm can managcmenl mm ms nu ‘mm raquaiud fur ‘ mumh ta
Devtfly R=§\s1var(DK}v\u-.-revtcw Nb my «a Dnlulca am
Counlerdmm an n:tmc1~1\he
mmmn Ia m. mm tn mm.
and Doumarcluxm by zssms
m D-I-mam in m. Hardy to
new (a Deiuve ...a
\ Omntemmm
'5 uznza Delandun mun Jndnmsnl m mam awe run Ne RBDW vn
DaInmo1cnunmrun\m[J\DC) Dekwe m Paurnnnhxm
. End 2
s mama Scum: an mmgmm my. F!-lrvmflrvtarmsdlhanmlulmsy
In: an WI :4ev1:w MU ms Rainy In Cmmlanimm and
an awhcaluen m bet um: In:
me m ox alm "man It:
mmm to N: .n -puma” my Mum In nu ma may
1 mm: PlMnMH\\sd:NnucenlIiFM\nnIm1 Thu Ms ms mm mm" um
um umuvn m supnon man 0 m
to son was In JIDC
_ Ends 42 Ind13
Nada aIApp|\ulmn as par em
12 12/13
sm Pznemu\uuvxmFE1axwA
mm. saw .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
Reply lo counlarclalrn. me Court would be seen to be oondonlng me
praellce M eaunsele laking can more erlela «nan lney can manage A| me
elner arm of ms speelrurn, ll wnuld be lneir ellems themselves llrar weule
slrlle. lram such “ineql.liIies' Desplle clalming lnal the oppcrrenl would
not be prelnuicen by such appllcaliorr. I am onne view lnal lrr me present
case. overall lhe lzlelendanl had been alllgenl in answering llre clalms
brough| agarnsl ll bu| me Plarnllw was run so.
[21] Coming back tn lrre Issue of delay, are caurl .e1e.s lo me case ol
Abdul llarrrld Mo!-ld. Amin .. Rar..aee.. Corporallull Sdn. Bhd. 120151
cl cu 111 where in ma. ease il was anlyfnv a penod ol 11 days The Hlgh
Cuun mere slaled
ml The apnellanll Malls eanrmlng mal ne was out alllrne rn nllna nls AR has
merely prullerea a mule laaiorl lerlnle larlure or neulsa, namely. lnal rl was
due In an ovelslyhlvftha an aeyllrne llmlflorfillnfi mlne ARw1Illsawal|lnu me
me. nf elndelme and gmmvds el l..agn.enl In a. wppllad by me mun
The uuesrrae Ems: as re wnerrrer are sale gmund would a
reasonable and luslwreele hasls ler rrre eelm la grarll an exlemlun ul Imle
eesmle are clear nreaen er a mandamry rezulrenrenl llneer lrre Roc Illa! eallea
luv me: numullarlae As rlamly cornennee by me nsvarldem an Inn a...
win mu. rulrreu d by ullmers, who moula new la... well mu er
nu relmrrl lam.» M M me me Hula-, lne rum. Ilvnn ler non-
cnmylilnu plum ea 9.. nvnnighl whnlly Incknd ere Illy e..a van.
lrureae, ....eer me e.ral.r..e....=ee, a nllemly lame em... ltm did no!
meril aerleus conslderallon.
[Emprlssls eaeeal
[22] Where mere are blalam nreacnes ol rules and pmcsduve,
panlcularly llrase ural are manda|ory and lenuarnenlal in nature, we
appllcant needs to show slrurrg and eogenl grounds that are eensleered
semelerrl ln order lo lrwuke me oourvs dlsclellonary powers lo gram an
exlenslon ol llnre: Abdul Harrrr'd's Case (supra).
N P1bel5lUlUuvXElFE1dXwA
Nana s.rl.l ...r..r M“ be la... a mm ea .rl.l..l.. MW; dun-vlnnl wa nFluNG rm...
[23] Having cnnsideved the cause papers and suhmissiuns and ease
laws men by me puma. the COM?! found max 019 reasons given by me
Piainiirrs counsei in suppon ul Encl 12 were nut mgenl enough In anew
iius applicauon.
[24] In the upshm, me Cuun did nut find any meni in me appiicaiian in
Enci 12 Tnerevore, me app|ica\iun was dismissed min costs.
order acooruingiy.
Dated Ia Jan-my 2024
Muorkuwona ainxi Md, Nuvdln
m Judicial Commlnlonu
High Cuurl. Taiping
For me Plan in:
Rnmncllnndrun A/L Nana Pulls
Mosm N P Rnmncrundmn A Assw. Ipon.
For me nmndnni:
Amlrjll singii GIII AIL nmrun singh
Messrs. Darsnan, syed, Amlnll 1. Farmers, Ipoh.
SN P1bei5\U\U|vXE\FE1dXwA
-we Sum IHIWDIY wn be HSQG M mm we niwirufllv sun; nnunmnl VII AFVLING we
a 20 a 2023” ’»«.a.«mmowme..en».....u-m
Em: .5.“ <5
9 23621123 .T7c\:duseman-gomombwonthe n.munmm.a.y....».,y..».
ox m. ..-mm mm R-ply m mm. and RM-W
In Ceunlermwm (End 1|) Mm
mm Em «z e g.. ...4. ...
Jrucanazmw Yfihtrextnnxmnm
(but u. nR wnsvuaad
o.«.m.,.. m We a. mm
Jawapan WA 1 am.“ mmm
m me me mm em”. uy
«n 213023 9.4%". mm: m. mm M Dmyismd an Ph\nIiW‘i1>uunie\
Rl$\ytnEnc\ 12 un:72n2:s
, m .7
11 mm Fnlasamanagamamhdcrvlfi mmum given hr aw?
.,.em WIMIVV submlnlnns we having
.a..em End 12 me. >..nm.e
001 mu my mm H! mm...‘ at
End «7
.2 «a tuna: ‘2 P-mus mm m Dvnmm W.
End 12 um mwsm am
my wdl mm WM! nanny M
Em: :s.e..m.......7
.3 2H12n23 ... End 12 m DJ-ndanfs counsel submmved
Iwflcnmovu was dwsmwsud with link End. Is should use b-
um: M RM5.noo m a. pan mums:-a as n .... x.. I-Mom
Imlhmlhsubpefltouflvulur WYIIV em 1 n.m..m..x an
n In m. mwennn .« m. com
T71ECl1uflfl!lVIl9Bfi End 15mm
noordtrinowttfi Theraxsnu
The cause papers tor um. appIl::a|\on In End. 12 were thelaflawmg.
19 62o23(Er-c1. 13): and
gh on 2.7.2023 1Enn:I. 17).
Nance Parmahanan dated 19.6.2023 (Encl. 12).
Amuaw Sokungan eumed by Ramachandran a/I Nana Pufle
Afidavfl Jnwapan alfirmed by Ninderpal Singh all Ba\wanI
sm Pznem\u\uuvxmFE1axwA
«we. smm .. LAIQ4 m may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
[5] A1 are commencement 07 are nearing an 15102023, learned
counsel lorlne Delennanl raised an ublemlon Ihztlhe Plainmrs counsel
nad lailed Io file any alrrdavil in reply lo the Afidavll Jawepan (Encl. 17h by
lne deadline 15.2023. Therelore, aounsel urged me coun mar any
aacumanls filed allar l.a.2u2:l rnusl be disregarded by the coun
[e] Apan lrarn sxnimlrng ins prapasaa Reply to balance and Reply In
counlerclarnr, cmmsel lar rne Plainiill VI Encl 12/13 only gave 3 reasons
larine app lcallon in End 12, namely
i. the nelendanl rnusl ruslily me figure ol RM253.13B.00 as
stated in me counlerclalrn (reler Io crrww Chuw Khoon v
Foo Loki Vlng [mini] 3 CLJ 49).
aamrllsa lnsra was a delay In mrng me Reply lo counterclaim
after receiving ins Slalamsntof Defence and counlanalarrn an
counsel was busy allendlng lnals and aaulcl ncl| locus on
preparations oi the Reply lo cuunlerclarn-:
no Dlemdice in me uelendanl; and
«here was a defence on me nreris and lhal lne cnunlemlairn
was not lusnlieo.
m in respscl of lhe issue that he nirnsell had affirmed the Affidavll in
Support :11 Encl. 12 wnerern munsel for me nelenaanl uhrscleu as were
were eonlenrcus issufi In «re alliuavn. Mr Rarnasnanuran replied man it
was nor an inordrnale delay and mere was oversight on his pen |o me the
said pleadings He only realised ll wnen me Jim: was served on his firm
mass were nal oanlanuous issues, he said, and acceptable as long as
na am not file any aanlrsvarsial docurnsnls. Praying tor me order to be
SN l>znaraluluurxalFE1axwA
Nuns s.n.r In-vlhnrwfll as used m mm s. nflmrufllli sun. dun-mm VI] .nnwe wnxl
warned to set aslde the JIDC, he apologised tor the delay and submlned
that the nelendsnt can be compensated by costs counsel urged the
court to invoke lts powers under 0.92 M to allnw the apnllcatlon as mete
was a delertce an the mel1Ls(ln respect of the countetclalnn.
he sympalhellc and aaoepl the reasnns given by the Plalntllf. They had
The oaunsel let the Defendant suhmllled that the Court stnaula not
been glven chanees by the Cowl and exlenslcn ol Ilrvle |o me the
documents but talleu to do so. Moreover‘ there was no Afldavit Balasan
lllea tn response to the disputed issues ratsed by the netendant In Encl.
17 Partlsa are bound by then atnaavlts and an alndavll may unly conlaln
such lactt. as the aeponent VS able of hls own knowleage to arms: 0. 41
r 5 ROC. Although counsel lot the Ptalntltt clalmsd that he was pnvy to
all the tntunnatlun .n ma case, however, the dlspuled amount was only
privy In the Plaintifl and the oelendant. Therefore, the nalendant hnnsalt
should have attlnnea Enel 12/13. siuananthan AIL Jagannlhnn v The
Vac Fun 3. Anor mm] : AMR 553; Kzplands Sun and v Lu chln
chnng Danqkll otl Palm Plnrluttlorls Sdn and [2001] 1 MLJ 29
Mllllon Group Crudlt Sdn Bhd v Lu sttoo Khoon 5 Or: [1936] I MLJ
[9] ln Million credittsupra), ltwas stated bylhe couri that the plasma
at counsel deposing oantennnus athuaults ln pending appllcaticns shuuld
be ' cluraged ln lha case n1 Bank Keliasam: Rakyal Malaysia
Barhnd u Lu Kant Yong 5 Or: (ASEAMBANKERS (M) sun BHD A
on, Third P-mu [mm to MLJ 73 Caunsel tar the Defendant also
eomplalnetl that the Flatnttll hau nut responaatt an the lsaue at the
RM25a,13B.U0 tn the oountanslatm and yet had talaect tt tn the
submlsslons He urged the court to alszegam ttna as it was not pleaded.
an P1bel5lUlU|vXE\FE1dXwA
-uaa Sum ...n.. M“ be used M mm ua nllmtuflly sun; dun-vlnttt VII muuc Wm!
[10] ll mas subnrirlea lunnerlnal me cburl rnusl exercise its uisersrrbn
lumeleusly given me fact lnal the Flainlm nad been gmnled exlensions ol
lime in me pasl in ms regent 0 IA allne ROG eannol be invoked wnere
me party seeking lime in be enlarged had rnlanlronally orsrsgarueo me
cburrs lnslrudlons Duli Vang Anral ulrrlia Tunku lbranirn lsmzil lbni
sullan lskandar Al-Hai Tunku lllanlrbla Johor v caplain llarnaan Eln
Mohd Nnor and Anonner Appeal man] 4 ML! 149 Otherwise, lne
eouns wbuld be opening me lloudgales and «ms was not lecnnieal non-
eonrplianea or slip rule because mere was nolmng nleo by me l>lainllll‘s
eollcllor in suvpun ol me applreallon lnal could be considered by lire
Court. There was no diary ollne Plalnllirs counsel allaeneo lo lnaamoavll
in suppon in snow me busy schedule. in filing Encl is, seeking me
exlansibn or inns in me me reply lo lire Cnunterclaim, P|aimifl's beunsel
in Encl 16 nau avermd lnar ne lergel la lile me Reply mlhe Caunlerdaim
He had cuntradlcled nnnsell In nrs reason given in End 12/13 Tharsfnrs,
llwas submitted lire cburr should nbl allbwme appliearlbn as me neg-alive
erliluue o1 lne Flarnlllrs counsel was clearly snown lherern and lne
allernpl was an aflenhoughl and an abuse bl lhe oaun nrooess: Bulk
unrna (Malayslal laorhao v cnal Koh snon A Son: Sdn Bhd [2on2]
MLJU 52a The Caun shoulo nor be taken lorgranled.
[11] counsel lor lne Delenoanl also suhmllled lne case cf Wukil
Parlbadl kcpada Dasaralnam v AJa|h Lal A oviors (WM2ENCVC«126-
09/2022) wnere lne Kuala Lumpur Hrgn cburl had reluserl Io give
exlenslon onlnre lo serve a Notice bl Appeal allnougn lne delay was only
la days.1 reler in me case ol Loo Gual Eng v nn Liam Kim [less] 2
Ml..l I95 olleo by |l'le Flalnlrrl in supporl oi nla oonlanlron lnal lna Cnurl
should allow me appllcallon. However, I am ol the view lnal lnal sass
could be dl51lngulsIled on me (acts as ll was an applrcalren fur exlerlsinrl
SN Pzbel5luluurxalFE1axwA
wane s.n.r will he used M mm as nllmnaflly MIN; dun-mm vn mune wrul
at nine Io serve Ihe rrterttoranuuttt of appeal and reeerus ol appeal wnen
areas had been filed wtrnin time in court unltlre trte case rtere
[121 in rtis reply. trte Platntilrs cuunsel submitted tnan trte Defendant
counsel ltad argued on the extension 01 rtrne issue wnereas Ihe
appltcatiun tn Encl. 12 was to set aside the Jlnc, wrtetrter the tuagrnent
was regular or net. He norllerlded mat the l=latrtml are rlo| reply to Encl 17
as rt was “all repeat and ertmnelegy at evettla trtal teak plaee ttetrting
lactual wnlen I neeuett te reply‘ to ueny er re—s|a|e -. Murauver, rte stated
tne delay wuld nappan lo anyette.
it 31 With respect. tr ts trtte law on evaluattan ofaflldavlt evidence, where
one party makes a postttve assemort upon a rttatertal tsstrs. trte letlure ol
nts npaonertt re contradict it is usually treateu as an attnttsaten by ittttt pt
lrte fact so asserted: Ng Hu Thong v Publll: aattlt Bo1hm1[1W5] 1 cu
cos Trteretore, and unionurtalely, l eoulu not agree wttlt the Plalrttllrs
slmmlssmn afnrasaid. End. 17 remained undlallenged.
[14] Coming back In tne issue at a solicitor depusirlg an alfidavil, tne
pruutsien oi Rule 23 ulllte Legal Pvofession (Pracltce and Etlqualle) Rules
1978 pruvides:
‘Rule 25. Advocate and eetsellar rlnno aunearttt a case where rte is a wllrlsls
(at Art aautrcau and Iuliclbur tnall not awear tn Calm oi tn crrarrtnere tn
any use tn mtten rte irttr reaaen In helluva tnat rte writ are a wrtness tn
reetrect eta material ertu dlsvlllad uueetert emu rind Wwhlle applzmlg
in a case it hammers apparent mm rte wtll ire e witness. rte shall rl-7|
eertrinue to appear rt rte mu retire rrtttteut ieepettirne irta I:\Ien|‘s
tn) "III rule am not pmvenl an atmeate ane telleltrorrrertt sweirlnn
er ttnlrntltttt In -maavit II to fauna! in urtuuptnsa races in malhrs
Whlch In em nrnppuuu‘
N PZbellilulUuvxElFE1dXwA
ure a.n.t luvlhnrwm re used a mm re uflmnallly ettrt. dun-mm wa aFlt.lNG wrul
[15] in me case oi Malayan Banking Buhud v cnmmflold corn
sun. and [2001] 3 MLJ 180 it was held man a saiiciwr may depose an
alfldavit on behaPlaHhe1mgan| iimeioiiawing conditions are Miiiiea:
(i) me iacis in be deposed must not be mnceniiaus or disputed
qussuon 0! ram:
the fads in be deposed must he imm his xnwiedga, and
he V5 aulhullzed hylhe liuganl In depuss me affldavil
[I6] Applying lhe prinoipiss above to the present case, the Cour! lound
mai he has not iumuad the 3 condilians as slated in ma Cmnmflnld
Corp Cnsc. it appeared from the provision a! Rule 23¢) above, ine
F!aInlIfl's sohcnor was indeed precluded [rum alfirming the Enclasure
12/13 on his client's behalf because firs! INVIQ he mentioned in suppurl of
the applicaimn to set aside "13 JIDC was Ina! the amount Df
RM25CI,138.DD was dlspuled and no supporling ducumeni filed W rapes:
0! me amounl uispmaa. The proposed Repiy ip Counlerclaim allached
therein wasjust a Mending and not evidenoe per se pi me amount man
was disputed. Audnionany. no exnianauon was given as In why me
i=iaimi« mmsefl could not aim. the aiiiaevix
[17] I had to consider me issue oi me iengm of deiay and
reasunatilenas because I! ma have a bearing on the apphcalion to set
aside me JIDC The com in me case oisa-ad u Knnn v Lao Kok Hooi
[znnn|1 cu 454, Faiza Thamby cnik J hand:
-in axerusinw ns mseiausn under om smmiie mixes mme High Cam In:
wan snuuia vaka mu: acooum cenam iaduls. such as-
(am-a «sway -n makiny ma aphhcalmrli
mi wnemai or not were In cugsm iaasans «or ma lmganl nu| in have
made In: Jnphcalicn mm... me pieampaa lime.
SIN P1beiK\U\U|vXE\FE1dXwA
-use s.n.i IIIVVDIVWW be flied M mm s. nflmruflly mm: dun-mm VI] nfluNG pm
mma Vikefihenfl anu degree olnreludicea asswefl aa ma iruuthvs In ma
ovvuslm nany should the calm exerdse us msuamn
Though nu nma lmm .a aaaamaa m cna Rmas at by any s1aMe in! ma Nllng 01
an apphmlmn far ma znhvgemenl nl hm: in ma a m7lu:5 of appeal, by nalunl
Juslice such aaauman smuld be made wwlmn naaaanawa (Ime What .a
naasanama wnmd depend an Ihe umumsrances A rvnuce av aaaaax may a.
med Iwa days late hm ;n xaw n is sun 3 delecdva name what u enema! then
is for me pafly wncerned to lake Immediate gaps In me an apancaaan (av
emargsmem ar mna to me me name 01 appeal am of unna
wn ma aaaa n(Ong Guan rack 5. ma v >«uaa[1ss21cu ;n;|19a211ML.Hu5,
when the noun mu Inn: 3 may afluur mnmh: lilerlhe uxplry ufllva peflod
to makz Ihe aw|Vml\nn was unrensaname A1 a ma, ma cmm mated
n I: um um um the noun has an unfmgved aiaaaen-an in grain ar
rulun an nxhntlon onnne. 1110 ms: vllnnlnle ls mm the rules of
cum nnmprnna iacle can he one)/M an In anm mjuauw an
amnauan oillmn. Imn mun bu -am mltulal on which ma com
can lxlvchl In dllcnflml In ilvour nflh -Ippllclm. Furotmrwlu
lhl pmy In lunch :11 Km mln would an. Imfnmnd nan: In
nxnnslon mm. which would mm m. my puapau Ind nhjlcl
ohm mm on llmluflon Mfime.
In aanaaanna mama: «a gram or relusu extension at unne ma length at me
Ihal has Vapsed we aways a -nananan ham to he consmanm ny ma mun
exemvsmg ma dncrehon
on We raammna use x was nu! ahlslu hnnasfly say mallheu was any vzhd
gmumi let we may and lheveiare refused ma aanlntmton fur aaoanaxan 4%
[emphasxa added]
to me Ml merivs of the case,
[19] Wuthcuulgnin
Cnurt In mamins the reasnns my the de\ay in Illlng the Remy Io
Cuunlerclaim as semen In Encl. 12/13. Upon perusal ov me masons gwsn
as u Had oumnea eariier, \ found that, on a balance of prnbabmlles, it and
necessary fur ma
an Pznaw1\u\uuvxa\FE1axwA
ma sanaw n-nhnrwm be used m mm ms nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm wa mum wrm
rim provide a delence oh lhe merits apan irorh siahrig ihe amoum In me
counieiciairh was disputed.
[19] Mureuver, in «he case 111 Khor chehg wah v Sungei way Leasing
Sdn Bhd [1907] 1 cu ave, Gopai sri Ram JCA stated the tollowihgz
-ii ma cahhhsi vnncmlauilawi malvmen a imgamssemhs -riisrvsmich om-s
wun VI a malisr ihai aflans N5 nghti, he mun do so hmecusiy
The vigi/sntrhux, mwi darvmurilibus, /mu suhvimuril, ihmigh having its ungml In
ihe Cmm al Chnncely, is of mmeisai aDD|im|‘inn Even in cases where . righ|
isetercisab/e ex deb¢lI21ustIHae,a mun may remse ieiiei In an imoieni Iignm
In all us“ In whlnh may In approaching «he com is In Issu .IhI human
It won um Iiuuamwhe nu «my-n In r-mar s mi-imory oxpiahaueh
for in. whuhur uh. upiah-«ion in a arm can is umamry or
mm.» dupuidu upnn Ihl kin: and nircumlunc-I M uch can
In . mnlerwhich immim in exercise oi sci-nan.
whnm me law vflmnfllv vesu me fl|sI:Ml|on.".
[Emphnsis added]
pm The Piairmii urged the court to exercise its discretion mmar 0.92 r.
4 in allow me appiicaiion in Ehci. 12. whether it is 0. 1A Dr 0. 92 r. A
which ham provisions cohiain very we powers of iha Oourl. the
uvsmding iriiarasi ol iuslice dues hoi jus| mean ma interest anhe pany
which had breached the rules bul ihe Cuurl needs \u coriduci a balancing
exercise with the interest of the party oomniaimrig oflhe breach. in is Irile
iew ihai hon-compliance oi a mandatory provision oi ihe RDC which is
iuhaameriiai in haiure wiH rioi be regarded as iechniaai hon-oampiiahce
oi a me that may be remedied under 0 1A a! the R00, nor under 0. 92
r 4 is. me irmerehi powers or me come |a make any order as may be
heoassah, la prevehi iniustioe urtu prevent an abuse unhe princess nhhe
Cuufl, it me Cmm was to accept the reason given that counsel was so
busy WWI (rials vial he did hoi have iimeicouid rI0| locus Io prepare me
N P1bei5\U\UuvXE\FE1dXwA
we Sum ...m.r win as used M mm ea niwiruflly MIN; dun-mm VI] nF\uNG mm
| 1,621 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
BA-A52NCvC-454-09/2020 | PLAINTIF A.D. ROSEWELL A/L WILSON DEFENDAN MAHADEVA A/L RAMAIAH | the plaintiff filed this suit because he was unhappy with the delay on the completion of the restoration works, particularly on his Mercedes Benz W110 and claimed that he had suffered losses. | 18/01/2024 | Dato' Ishak Bin Bakri | |
18/01/2024 10:45:37
BA-A52NCvC-454-09/2020 Kand. 37
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BA—A52NCvC—I5d—D9/2020 Kand. 37
12/on/mu 10: <
cu/IL sun NO.. BA-A52Ncvc4s4.mr2n2o
(Na. K/P 771l2}1L5177j ..PLAlNT\FF
(No. KIP. 831221-14-SL739)
[bermaga aras nama dsn gays M CUSTOMS ems]
(No Pendnllar Psrvuagaan: 201503290355
[nozaeoveswqp . DEFENDANT
1 Plamlnills s Msmyslan cmzan having an aaaress 0! games al No.
51 man Diamond 13, country Garden. Dlamnnd (My, 43500 semenym,
2. Delendanl us a Mmaysxan cmzen having an address oisennce al at
No 15, Jalun NPT 7/1L, Nusantara mm, mm nummg, Selangav
and traded under me name and sIy1e m M Customs Cars mm 2
business address ax a-12-as. Dsmav senza F45 1152, Felafina mama.
oszoo Fetaflng Java. Salangor
sw Wcolybumaulvwxswvav
-um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
3. Defendant mraugn M Cusmm Cars is invnlved In me business M
speaahzinq in repair, mslnrallons Ind meumcanons aiciassro car.
4 Piairrmv is me owner olA ciassic orvlmage cars as fullows‘
(2) Meruades-Benz W110 nearing car regruramon no AH
2952 rmareeass-aenz W110");
(D7 Mewedes-Benz W105 baaring car veg1s|ra||un N: M
939 ('Memsdas-Eanz W108“).
(2) Mer<;sdars»Een1 W111 bearing car regislmlinn nu AC
5999 1'Man:edes—Benz wit 1"): and
1a) voixswagerr Kam bearing cav rugisllahun nu wu me
(‘Volkswagen Kambi“)
5 Piainmv iflenad man In: delendam had replesanlad lo mm man are
aeiemam has a capamlm, and mid cany and ma rapair. restoration and
madifimlicn of classic car based on ms experience and resource: max
he had
a in the year ms, the piairrriw enggaged Khu da1endan( la do
restoration and modification works in his Mercedes Blnz wun In Its
original wndifion includlnq me purchase ml brand new spam pan: for
me malnmrs classic cars
7 The plai rm lunhav auagau our the uaiennanx win aumpIe«e me
res1cran'on warks for his Meroeds: Benz w11o wnmn 3 momhs from
Nnvember 2013 um January me me plammi aisa paid a depusil or
RM15ruoo.uo as reques1ed by me aeisndam for ma delendam to slan
the reslnrahon works
sin wcolyiurmuzvixswvay
-um smm .. used M van; .. mrmury MIN: dun-mm VIZ mum rm
49 The olhar reason stated by ma de1andan| lar me nnncumplalinn
of me reatorauon work: Vs because me aeienasnvs servioas have been
carmmacea Dmrlo me commeuon unis a! January 2020.
so. me defendanl wt me mamas an me purpcrlad bad nnndiflun av
Meroede5»Benz w11u due to me invalvsmsnlolwsvicus majaraocuienl
and nence more «me was needed to reswe me our and man Ihe plaxnmr
knew about m
51 Under cmss-exammsfion. me defendant conceded max na did nm
me (N5 Issue to me plmnmlwhan me plainmv wus chasmg mm for I113
commenon mime resuxauan nu ma sewd WhatsApp Messages
52. The aecenaanx also agreed dunna uvss-examinahan than na nas
never com me DV-ammi «nan n was me vlazmnrs prvwams met me
uesmranun of MerL:edEs—Benz w 10 was run wmpieted.
53, The com finds that by way of uacumenxary evidence whrch
whalssw massage daled 1310 2:219 where me Dlalnm! renunaea me
dafsmiant M 3 ma months period «or cL7mp\9Iinn L71 ma leshxalion walks
and ma conduct ov me nlanmw In chasmg for mmpl ' n as early as
3.9.2019. n \s mherenny probabxa manna complehon date for rssnoraxicn
works (or Metbedes-Benl Wm) was agreed In be by end amanuary
2:119 as mnnanuea by me me plamuw.
54. The dehndant nowaver submmed ma: swan it (here was such a
breach by devanaann on me nursed nme venue ar any exmnued amen
wne penau cm the completion of Mercedes Benz wno restoration
wnrtfi‘ na was led to behave man p4anm« waived any such agreed
oomplencn da|a wnen |he delendam continued rsceivmg payments
N Wcolykxmzlvwxswvav
ma s.n.‘ n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. nnmmuuy mm: dun-mm VI] mum pm
55 The defendant turther submtllad thet the ptetntttt edmmed under
mes exemtnetteh the he had amtsssed saltslarmon wtth the reetet-etten
works done tn his Faoebook page and upon platntflfs subsequen|
cnnduct or airasntenl to deter the eemptetteh [07 Mercedes Benz WHD
as. Ptetntth submmud |ha| ee the reetmtien heme te Mereedee aenz
wtto PV°at'6ssedt ntetntttt made ctteneee Io destgn end spactficaltons.
Iumtng ll mm e mete eustunt pmtscl. Thts tea the defendant to rettetn
from pmvi ng a fixed timeheme
57 The detendent eutamttted that there was no prompt Dayment er that
the ptetntm has deteyed tn the payment whtch caused the delays In the
eemptetton at the teetmetien ter the Mereedee Benz W110. Easinally,
the detendent 15 eawng the nletntitl hed htmeett to be htamed ter the
nonmmpteflon ol the taetaretten M satd car.
55. However, the detendent In crass-axamtnation admtllad |ha| he has
never eempletned about the purndned tete at non-payment by the
platnllfl wtttch led te the detey end the nanmmpleuan ol the testeteueh
works at Meroedes—Eenz W110.
59 There was an uttttnetum ntven by the etetntttt lo the detendant In
eumptete the testetetton wants 0! Mercedes-Benz WHD via whetsma
message on 8 10.2019 but the detendent the net menltcn anylhtng about
the tete ur narrpaymam en reslnrafion by the ptemttvt end henee, the
resloralmn works cannot be eempteted tneteed, the detendent agreed to
the ntetntttre demend to eemntete the reetotetten.
n WcolytuLrIulV\xsw7av
nee e.n.t be ts... e mm ms mh.t-y mm. dun-mm VI] mune Wm!
so ll is unusual la say ma lean Ifla| Ihe uslernlam wmlld agree In ma
pualnnm. ulllnulunl and nol all all rebuked lna plan an on lne paymenl
lssues ll such was me problem (seed by me dalandanl In complete me
rastnmdun The mnvelsa IS mat any purpunad paymanl lssues
purpanauly caused by me plalmlllas allsgaa la alrnply unlrue
sl. on 1119 Issue ol lallule la cmnplele ma reslnraocn walks ol the
Mercedes-Benz wlm, them was a mesllng an lam 2019 belwsen lna
plalnnw and la. daf9m1an| at lne plalnlllra restaurant. Sarmk al Plaza
Amadis, me day when me delerlaanfs Sewlce was aennlnalsa by me
52 The masllng on 1a.1a 2019 al the nlainlrfls reslauranl Sermk al
Plaza Arkadla was attended by lne nlalnllll. me defendant and SDI me:
all names ln lnel agreed to me same
as The plalnlm durlng examlnanorvinvchief gave a aaullea aanuuns
av auanls which nanspiraa [VI lna almaaaid mealing. ll la ma |:|aAnIM‘s
avidsnua mal VI ml: lnaellng ma aelenuanl nau admllled In ms mlstaka
and apologrzea lo me pla-nlmlor me delays ln me leslolallon worls
54. ma plalnnll had alw ounimnlaa ma aalendam via Wha|sApp
message on 24.10.2019 on me aslenaanrs adnusslun M mlslske aunna
(he nleeflng an 1810,2019 Durlng cmssexammlmn, lhe aelenuanl
agreed lnal me Wha(SApp massage was referring la ma meeting an
la la 2019 bul ha dlsagreed ma: na nad admlllad to mlsoaka causing
lha delays on ma rastorallorl works.
N Wcolykxwulvlxsullvav
um s.n.l In-vlhnrwm be used m mm a. nflnlnnflly MIN: dun-mm VI] .nuuc wnxl
as wlin regards in me meenrig between me plalnlil and me detendanr
including SD1 en la 10 2019‘ me plalnlllv gave evidence en the aecounl
e1 events where Ihe deiendeni edrnlded |o lnisieke causing lne delays
all me reslorelidn mike and the elelnim was never cross—ex.ernlned or
challenged In lnel regarding lne eceeunls at events given by me pleinml.
66. This account el events during lne meellng on1E.10.2D19|s cmcial
since such (ads are rnalerial and me iallure le cnellenge by lil-
delendam would mean eeceplanee ol lne eiarnlilrs avidsncs on me
aeeounls el events where me deiendenl ednrmed Io his mistake in
musing delays in lne leslomliun el Mercedes-Benz wlln
57. However, wlnle lne coun agree wlln lne delendanl lnel by eonducl
dl me pleinlnl, he was led le believe anal plainlifl waived any sucn
agreed cernpleuon dale when me delendanl cnnlinusd reeewing
eeyrnenrs. The piarndll also admmsd under cross examinanon rnal ne
rred expreeeed eellsleedon wrln me reslerauon works done in ms
Fauebcok page and upon plelnulrs slmseeuerrl cundum er agreernenr la
dam lne eorneielren ier Mercedes Benz wl in rescerarren.
as Hovmvsv, ll canndl cnenge lne lens me: me deiendeni ned celled
lo oernplele me usk wiln lne agreed es1lmaIed urne period e1 3 melna.
Even iv me caun agree wiin lne deiendanl lnal he was led in believed
lnal me ylainfifl had waived lne agreed hllle pened, II deilee common
sense ier me deiendeni le clerrn lnel me exlensien ollrme would exlend
le 1o-15 lnonlns or more ndicously a\l1anded(o1E—2d rnelns
as Funher, lnere is evident mien canmfl he denied by all penies lnsl
inere was a rneeling between «he penies er in: nlelnfiirs reslaurenl
n YfiCOlybulLmz1V\xSvU7ay
nee s.n.l n-vlhnrwm be used e van; me nflglnnllly enn. dun-mm VIZ erlum we
SUIIDK ai Piaza Arkzdia an 15.102019 wriere lhe Issue oi iaiiure in
oornpieie me mioraiidrr works oi iiie Meroedeeizariz W110 wax
oiscusseo During mai Mfiflliflfli iris nsiemdariis service was sisd
ieriiiiriaiad by irre Vlairimt
70. The piainiiii during eirairiinaiid iiasriiei aisd gave a daiaiiad
acoounis oi everiu wriicri irarrspireo iri iiie aioiesaid meeting ii is me
piaiiiiiirs evidence iriai Ill iriis meeling me deieridarii riad aoriimeo io rris
iiiisiaiia arid avulogzad in ma piaiiimi idr me deiays In die mslurafiufl
71 in cdnciusidri, in IS irie finding or (his Court max ii is iririereriiiy
probable iriai iris iiiiie period on aid iesidiaiidri Walks idi irie Memades
E87\IW110 Is io be mriiri 3 mdiiiris as coiiieiided by irie diaiiiimr
Whllhar nu pia aimed (or a lull ruiurrd ol rwiis4,4au.nn
paid by are dia ine iris dlfendinfi
72. In inis case, mere was rid iorrrrai or wriiien sgieeirreric oeiweeri
panres idr iidir aled damages dr iaiirrid disdrris paid idrme works done
it me pi ‘mm is ndi saiisfied or dririavpv wiiri me deieridarirs iesioraiidn
73. irie piaiiiiiii subiriiiied iriai iris iaiiure oi the dE'1elIdalI\ |o ooiiipieie
iris ias1nrahon di w11n iii iia aiiurery considered as a iiriidairiariiai
meacri. In which irie piairiiiii is e d in iairri aie iris as ea 01 me
deiendani iawiuiiy pursuaric ie section 40 o10onirsclMH950.
74 Hawever, in we case, crisis is rid edmeriiioii regarding Ihe iegaiiiy
oi me iairiiiriaiidri as mm Dariies have irimdaiiy agreed In ii
N YRCOly¥uiLUfllVixSvU7av
More s.ii.i in-vihnrwm be used M mm i.. nflmrrniily MIME dnunvinrrl via nFiuNG WM!
75 we main rssua rs whslher ma uevenuam had eornrnmaa a
llmdzmemal beach such that lhe plammv coma aurnana me MI mfund
Mme sum paid to ma aavenaanz.
76 The pnncimes and me law relaxing m remsmn afconhuci Vs «ms.
The Iailuru ac cansrdsrahan does not dzpend upon me qumon wnemer
ms prumnee nas or has not renamed anylhmg under me wnlrad um
ramar whether ms pmmis/Ar naa performed any pan mma onnIzacma\
dunes rn respectofwhrch ma payrnanc rs due.
17. The can Is nu! whenner me unnooem pany received anymmg under
me camrad. rne |esl rs wnsmar ma pany In delaull nas faflad tn
pervonned nis pmmlse in ils enmnaty.
75. \n he presanx case nelore W5 Court u canno« be disapulad man
ma payment |erms for the dsfendznfs sanrroe were as progressive
pnymems P\a\’n|\N had raoervad 12 invorces from the defendanl Vn
relanon to ma rasloratnon works and me purmase «or me spare pans lnr
an clawc cars oflhe plamuflln me amount at RMl5A,4flfl an.
79 While me mainlm‘ had made prngressive payments we. 12 Im/moss
to ma dsvsnuanx, a testament max Ihe aerendam has penarrnea any pan
0! me contractual dunes Kn respecl cfwhich me paymem rs due and ma
benem me plamnfl has gained, rx cannot be concluded mat ma dsfandam
has varied to peflmmad nis pmrmsa
ea. As slalad eamar. since me service 0! xna defendam was
cmmsnaxsd by me plamhfl, me spare pans bought by me dslsndant were
rammed «a me plaimm Yhe p\am|flf submillad «nan me plainnw has taken
n wcolyumuzvwxswvay
Nuns s.r1.\r..nn.rwmne used m van; .. mn.u.y mm: mmn wa mum puns!
back me spam pun: under pmesn at me 2 s1ock»lake sessmns held on
21,10 mm and 6I1Zm9,I7wugh he had on 19.10 2019 directed man
an spam pans to be dahvaved |a him
231 Nonemeless‘ In In email dated 2: 10.2019 mam ma defendant to
me phsmhfl, me man did not wnlam any memes in me purpanau
unjamiona raissd by me p\a\n|\ll.
E2. The plammv vunnar uaumen max me dassic car vans smmm be
new and/ar arimnally from Germany However. ms plalnuw had
knowiadgs mat um all parts an brand new and/or angmally lrom
Germany. There was nu amacuana «mm me plamfifl man me darandam
nrowaea undalas on me Dara. Procurement precast‘ including ma
Burmese M hams svarwans from Kemnlan
as. Thus‘ 1: rs crear ma: me marnm am no\ at ma malanal «ma rzwsa
any opiacnona in rewauon in Iha mire-Dans that are not new and/or
ongmafly «mm Genmsny The plamun omy rawsefl ems aasue anar ma
semnd slack lake on 541.2019.
84 The walnlfl Vs being unlmlhiul m aamng m have nu awareness
that the aeaanaam searched for vanoua pans «mm mulllvle aupmism
lrom (Maven! wumnes Iorlhe reswranon oma classic cars.
as Based on me «am; of me case and Dnnclme cl >aw, me claim try
me px mill mus1 «an slnoe me me p\a\mW is cmmmg damages on ma
lailuve allhe defendanl Io Perform ‘ comlact m us anmery wh‘ '
m m caaa.
N racomawuzmsmay
ma Snr1n\nnnhnrwH\I>e used m mm me mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] .num wrm
as Even me mamllfi wishes to man a Vessel sum. me puwnmv am not
pmvlda any svidanca nr any suppamng aaoumam |u suhslanhale ma
clalm ma mam or lest he has purpanaary suwaraa, as a rasml of ma
auanea bad quauly Mme works.
57. II cannnt be damned that ma p\ain|\lf had benefilsd lmm me
vusmranon works by me defendant mus var. m fact, ma plainfiff admmad
undur ans: sximmallon mac he had expressed sallsfacflon mm me
naaxamaon works aana in ms Faoebnak page
as m me can at Snlv: Kumar an Murughll v muagmjan an
R-mu-my [1995] 1 MLJ 517 me Federal court new man an Vrmnoanl
party who Is uaunmg tor actual damages Vn an anion (or cream at
cunnad must pmva zc|ual damages/loss ma reasonable
cumnsnsauon m aecoruanca mm me pnncinlaa in Hamay v Baxendaka.
(2; Huwvven xn. was n quasuon mun be wan a msumed
nunsmmian Hence dsswla ma wards .n quasoun, a uunnnn Mn 1:
ddmm vu exam! damages -n an aalun cu mus. av aenumn mun!
mu WWI ma awn aanmgaa ur ma mauana wlvlpuuamm m
wwldznoe with me semoa Mndwes M mew v Baxendala man)
u Exch 341. {mun} AH ER Rap am My him: In vrwvn mm
amigos wm resuh in the mxsa\ of the wan za mm sum
44: In mslam aaaa ma ma me na|ew<>Iy ul ma. wnaa dnmlwes mum
nu Wuved M was rules Tm: msponduu coma nava nvrwad me arms!
was :11 Var axanma, use U1 mam: eumpmem In me am mu lmlud |n
do so mama, ma comm aamd nm quanfliy any mm M uanuagaa Io
aw wcomamzvummay
“Nuns a.nn n-nhnrwm be used m mm was nrW\nnU|:I mm: dun-mm y.. nF\uNG Wm!
39. In me use of Sukllnn v Ln Sum K. [2009] 3 MLJ 305‘ the
Conn aillppeel ne .
[74] m ennui aapvom ha apamxse me mam. VI in lawn! nu
«ma Mluvu has hsa\ wan dawn by m. noun m swanngam an
Puusamyv Fmasamy smr [I995] 3 ML! ass
Fm, me mar wage appears In ham comp\e1e\y mnmuaa ma
lnhemllpmlmbi lies mm ma Evsd-nu: Ms no he nrvva mm was
uammv was a person me has a n-my M Voflmdng mm gwm m
him by mesa mm mm mm in mm mway, manning me am
lmpamerfl man: 1715 anammv I-sum, wmnul mime. a: me
film wnsequsuuss Ihil wnmd anlua Vmm dnwoadlanco. All In-
mdenm Wu -nomy awapled by the deflmdnms. veg Ina
defendants‘ ussa wax man on m ucclnm ma phmml nan wmmly
mxahsym an «put: am: given xu him The question In ma am
rage mm In hive nskefl mmsm rx man» u was mwanuy
pvnblbinmlllha plalnlm, on «ma Vsolaled Insunoe. woum have mm
auauayan exams: mdei given In Mm nulln cummm Inc
r151 sup: Sn mm Jcmpeauzng Varlnsunun m Lbs mg Chm a on
V Gin Vuuk Chm 5 Anal peas} 2 Mu 97, [Zena] 2 cm 19 npnka or
we need be axsess Ihe ewdence and in my. cm. and my good
vaisnns mum at ma mum xmnmmgly
A mg: mm .a Iuqmvad m zdwdrcall upon a dhpute musl am -1
ms deunofl an an Issue M lam by assaumu, wamna Ind kl pond
Ieasnns, eflher nxrvlmg m Maamg on vmole or any pan av live
w-am» placed wait ‘in Ha muaL men am‘ my Maemu m
meant nr nu ma ma avldsnca M a wuss‘ lss1h3ga\ns\mlsvan\
ml-an Thug he mus: rake mm amount ma pvesenue nr lineman so
any muhva man a wmmsx may nava m pvmg ms evidence n me
an oonzampwury dncumenls‘ men he musuasl ma uval mum. of
. wwlmsus awn: was. No mus! alw Keel ma wmerm M a
pamu/la! Mines: aaamx In: pmbemlmes mm can
sm wcoLybuLuuZvIxw17nv
«ma am n-nhnrwm a. LAIQ4 w my a. nrW\nnH|:I mm: dun-mm VII .mm v-vrm
en Juslme Lee Swee seng [as he men was) m Accouuu Land sun
Bhd v mu Rama mnm corpeanun Sdn End 5. on [2017] MLJU
was held:
(30) n u any up aubga in oral aomran mm is my nulhonfizs ma .
p\en|y in am!!! me pnnama mm mam mm! a. xhwn wma
wumnparaneoui ducumenrs m iunpon ma aubsunfinle me so
cafled ma! mmmm m me mnlezd m Mum the names lound
mmuves mam mal me ceun wculd he skepum is in ma
smousness unhe Plainhfifx Chum: um wuum he oonslmnod «a sink:
:1 cm 3: Drama Vrwulma and vemnuus am an euuee at me Own‘:
[40] n Vs new -owpud and comma raaim III! e penyis vequlvad in
Igndev aaeuuue mnlempnmneaus dummlnts in -suuwsh the
mum at an arm wnt:-ad as can be stun \n the Cam oYAnpaul:
muse m Sana Lee Co Sun and V Suhranunlam an Maymn a on
(201115 MLJ an
91 Underms circumlsnnes or one case, me mzxmm is obligated m pay
only 2: reasonable pnce for ma new-aanre services and me plainmv
caumol redaun the MU amount it he believes lhal me resxureuon costs
were unreasonable. The plaintifl has made payment tor me resmrauon
works var N: massic cam upnn me detemanrs requ2s| wnhoul
aqemmns n mdlwles (ha! Iha p\a\nIlH deemed me sum masunebte
ramerman examwann.
unnmt Iuricnmonl
92. In mus case. (he plamnn med «ms sun because he was unhapvy
mm me aevey on may commeuon uf me res1nra(mn works‘ pamcularly on
me Mercedes Benz W110 and dawned man he had snflared msses
N Wcolykxunilvwxswvnv
we sew n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] mum pm
s The nlaimm runner on separate occasions enasfled me derendam
to do reslaraflon works «or me ame¢ 3 classrc cars oi ms, namely ma
Memedes-Benz wms, Msrosdssfianz wnn and Vulkswagsn Kam r
The rss1arun'on works were named am on the w11o and ma W108 For
wm and vurkswagon Kambr mare were spars paru purchind rdr me
rmoranm works mervanar.
9 Thmughom the resmrarran works, ma plarnofi had yaid from Mme
|D time, on ma vsquesr or me derendam, a |oLaI ulRM154‘4D000 as
paymern rcr me resmmran works and {mine purchase nlspale pans
re The plainufl alleged mat dsspile paylllsms made k: we dererrdam,
ma darandam railed ad onmvlete me resroranron wdrru ror ms Memedas
Benz w11o sax-srammy wltmn me agreed lime penod Insread. me
derendsrn |Bques1ed lnr more paymem (mm the prarrmrr kn cumprare the
Ieskxranun vmrks.
11. The prarrmrr runner arrayed met me de6endan| also luHed lo
comprare me resrdrarrun works 1a! the Amber 3 classrc cars, namery
Mercedes Benz wma, Mercedes aanz wwro and vorkswaaon mum
wnhin Ins hma perm as agreed Dy ma dersndanx
12 The pramrrn men terminated are service of ma defandarfl rm ms
«arm In mmp|e|e me rsstmalmn works sausvamrrry wnmn me Irma
psnnd Wilh me lemlrnalronr all 4 or m. crasarc car: Ind me spme pans
were returned Io Ihe prarnmr and me pramnm demanded the derendam
xo ralund me Mr amount oi RM¢54,4on no pard by me pramrru In the
sw Wcolyruwulvrxswvav
wane s.r1.r ...m.mrr be used m mm .. mrmrr-y mm: dun-mm VI] murm pm
ea iniie v\i\n|\fl's aaiiii is iiiiowee, irieie win bu iiiiiiisi eiiiiuviieiii of
ihe piaiiiiiu siiiee me aeieiideni will simei lhe lass at hme ihfl eiion in
ge| involved on me iesii given by me plainml |o mm
94 invoices were iseiiee and me piaimiw use not raise any onieciiaii at
me iiieierivi nine and irie pieiiiiiii also um um adduce any ewdanca or
lepun sriewing mat Ihe eiieiixy at weiii peflmmed by me aeiendam eii
meieeeee eeiiz W110 and Mercedes EBVIZ wins an umriy eeiie or
nose nei meei meiieiry siariaems.
95 L.-isiiy, on wriemer me pieiiiim is eiimiea (ix a full i-eiiind of
RM15A,4Bfl.00 Hair! by vie pieimm to me dS7Bl1dal1l, me pieiiiiifl (ails ia
brave man mi is smillad in it
as. The ceim has no eve, In Coflsldar a lesser emeiim VI uie evanl
mei me oieiiiim rails la prove damages iii me amoun| pleaded in me
sieieiiierii in eiaim. me Is me pmicipin iris: i have stated iiiia iimmiea
by "12 High Cmln In me case ei M: nerieieeiu (Asln aiiii) v siiiiiu
Avaiig Keeiiik 1202:} 2 we 1.
97 Bassd on the reasons slakad abmrei the Court finds me: me
Nainvfi‘ has Viiiad to discharge his burden D1 nrouf on the balance 01
probabilities, Therefiolei Ihe cialm W019 Dialnlifl against me deleoflsnl I:
neieayaisiiiissea wnhcosls.
ea. In aeiemiiiiiiig me oeeie ie be paid by me pieiiiiime me eeteiideiiii
irie oaim (aka iiiio oonsiderafion iiie eoneun M me uaienuarii aim we
em YfiCOly¥uLUfllV\xSvU7nV
‘Nata s.i.i In-vihnrwm be used M mm i.. nflmnnflly MIN: dnunvinnl v.. nF\uNG WM!
vanure lo comD\a¢B |he resmanron works wwn me agrsea lime perlaa
Vndudlng ma aelenaanrs adrmsslan to ms mlsmka and ms apology «o
the p in vm me da\zy during a meeting an \a.1o.2m9 at me plammfs
vasrauram Surmk at The mama
99. Thus‘ lakmn lnlu consxaemuon me above mars, me costs 04‘ «ms
max L»: fixed a| me zmmml oi mama an on\y In be pawd by me plmnlifl
to me cmenuam, The um: costs awarded In the dalsndanl under W5
mrwmtanoes‘ ancormnfi m me Oaurl‘ Vs Just, fair and masoname.
Da|ed this 22"" day of November‘ 2023
ilsiim En} EAKRI)
Ssssiuns Coun
Allan Tam Theng Wax and cm. ma Hui (Messrs o, My 5. Barry) lur
Tee vee Man and Mwchele Navmder Kaur (Messrs sun A Mlchelej var
sw Wcolybumaulvwxswvav
-um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
13. In cm aiatamani ovasienoe, me aeienaani denied the claim byme
piainun and denied inai mam was an agraed 3 manma period in
mnigiaia ma rss|nran'on winks iar ina Meroedaz Eenz W110 insiaaai
Ihe unis period for ma cammamon oi iasioraiion works was extended In
aimna niainmrs rsquaai on ins scope aiiha rssliomllan works‘
14 The defendanl Vunher aiiagsd that me asiay oi me nssioiaiion
works was due in the (aims on the pan cf ins piainm in make payment
as re-zuaai-a by the aeianaani lo eumpieis me raawaxion was
15. The uaiandani mnnar aiiagaa mac ma piaimiw was an aim;
saiianaa wi|h ma rvslarahon wane by me ueienaani and than was no
oomnlslril from me piainm. Tnereiue. me aeienaani siaiea mat ne is
not aoiigea lo reuurn me sum :2! Rmisuunm as demanded by ma
16. on 29.11 2019, the niainmi lhlmlgh its soiicimra Messrs cv Mg a.
Barry demanded ins delendanl in pay |L7 ina plzinnfl ina sum of
RMi54,4oo.on The delandanl however mused Io nay ins demanded
17 By way oi mi and slatemenl a! claim datad s 2 2020 ma piainmw
claims against the delandam the sum 01 RM154, iogemer mm
inierssi and costs.
In lhis case.
During the inai, A D Rasweii a/i wiisnn (SP1) iasiiiiaa as plaimifl
SIN YRCOlyiuLUfllV\xSvU7nv
-ma a.n.i be used m mm a. nflflinnflly sun. dun-mm via arium wrui
19 The delendam called 3 wihmsses In hsfified lur ma dsfsndarfl,
namaw, Mamsha Parveen Kaur Dha|lwiHSD1),Mahadevva AIL Ramalah
(SD?) arm Mun-«az aim Bum Mona Khuvshawd (SP3)
Flnlnllfh an
20. The mamm acamea mm II was agreed belween me pames that [he
dslsndam ought «:7 have wmpmrau ms resnmanun works (or ms
Mercedes Benz W110 apnmxunaxaly wmmn 3 months from Ihe «ma ma
dafandarfl lock pnssassiun ama cars.
21. me u m iurlhar slated max since the same a! ma defendant
had baen mam:-naxaa «or lanure Io commefls me resmanon works. me
plmnum has me ngm lo demand ma dafandanllc mmm back me ammm
cl RM154,4n0 no paid by lhe wainliflln ma dsfendanl.
no naunvs cm
22 The usvenuam s1aled Ihal mm was no agreed 3 moMh‘s flmeline
Io comnlele ma Vesta work: and me delays were caused by me
p\ainW mmaew by vrsquenuy changmg reslnmxmn apecmcamon and
mere was alsu a delay in payment. On the raslmahon walks, ma
aavamam my inmcacad ma aammam ume [rams M 5 to 10 months
depending an ma mdMdua\ car‘: oonamun.
23 The deviendams also stated that there was no ma casts fov ma
teslnrahcn works and me n\aiN'n1 had knowledga of the worn. vmqrss:
and parficulars «or me paymenls made to me aatanaam.
sw Wcolykxwulvwxswvnv
-ma saw be used m mm ma mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
24 The aevenaam lunhef staled mat me plamxm agreed on me nests
ol resnaremn of ms Malcades Benz w11n bellman RMma,aoo.on lo
RM2uo,uou no
25, The aevenaanz sucea met me defendant was unab\e In complete
the wmks due tn me |errnIna(\on evme aerenuenrs services and dalay
in payment
lssuu to be mm
many Vssues to ma Court. However, ma ceun wm omy (ouch an the
The Dames hava submmed wangmy wrmen submsssmns and raised
Impenam Issues Vcrlhe delermlrmmn aims coun
1'7. awed on Meadwng and lads more case, ms issues In be med are
as luHaws.
(a) whalher the aeverraam (sued to oamulele me rsstarauon works
for Mamades Benz w1w wumn 3 mnnlhl Denod worn
November zma in Jan 2:119 as Agreed by pames”
(c)whe|her me walnlllf Vs ermueu «er a mu rslund er
RMI54,40O nu paw: by me p\aInfifHn the aevermarm
DECISION or was com“
Whalher me flelendlm lulled to complete me reslovullon works {or
Memadas BenxW1ID wmnn a mum: p od7
sw wcolykxwuzvwxswvav
-we sew n-nhnrwm be used m mm e. enmruuly mm: dun-mm VI] .num wrm
2a. The plalnmv clenned that me reuoreuen work: our nu: dame car
Mereeaes Benz who named on November anus and was to he
completed wumn 3 manlhs 1mm me dene me defendant look me
voeeessuon onne cars, Ihal was fmm November ms M: Jan zms as
agreed by pams.
29 The defendant on me emer hand cleaned alhevwwse. The
aelandanc dalmed mm me esurnaxed time panud for me Isslmannn and
moamcanon walks far Mercedes Benz wmo was between 10 to 15
months Much I510 be eommelad Iilusl by Jenuery 21:20
so mas, them are 2 cenmuzmng versions of me time penoa «er me
ras1nrauon wonu av Memedas Benz wuu When lheve are two
ccrmlcflon vemons, me lesl :5 Much e1 mesa 2 varsmns am more
nnneenxvy pmname or Improbable.
31. we move nie pow, the p<e\rm« tendered wnatsepp massages
bemen me maxnlm and me delenflanl having nu inmeauen that me
aeleneenn slaled in me p\am|flf the urne permd of 10 to 15 months for
the resuevanon work: enne car.
32. me plamhfl suhtmlled mm ne nee been chasing me defendant my
me mnplenon D! we classwc Meyeeeeeaenz w11n cnmgnem «ne
malsnal nrne hum Apnl 219 unm: oexoner 2019 The defendant mmsefl
(5:22) ounfirmed lhal me mainmf nae on 20.4 21119 demanded me
reslmanon walks var me Memedesfienz wnn shumd be cumnlalsd wn
Ann: 2019
N Wcolytumuzvwxswvey
Mme e.nn n-nhnrwm be used m van; .. nrimnnflly MIME dun-mm VIZ eF\uNG we
3: The pmnun also submmsd man na had m 3 acasslans during one
monm of May 2019 demanded lar ma ocmplallan nr ma ruslaraflun
works unm u took one year reacmng mo
34. The malnllfl suhmllled mac N I! was (rue max me 10 lo 15 rnomns
was me time period Indicated by ma defendant to ma piamlrffi them ws
rm reason why me mammr continuously demanded (or me completion 01
me mstoralmn works mans una emry av me uma Vntflcalod by Ina
as Tne D1ain|\lh\mseH‘|SP1Has|ifled man he has Ihrough WhabAup
massage «awed 13.1u2u19 reminded lhl dehndanl av 3 monilu urns
Danod lorlha resleramon alMamsflss—Bsnz WI m.
as It .5 impoesvbla for me plamlw to have even referred to or
mermonad abouk me 3 months Hm: panoa a: me mmeflal (Ame w mere
was never such an unaerscana-ng or agreement Iegavdlng me 3 months
we pennd
:7 On the hue period «c comnlala any rapav M ear or even on
moamceuon and restomllun warts at any car, n \s reasonable for me
Caun m cnncmde ma: m lhis specific namre m service‘ mere mun be
some diswsinns between me am: av‘ me car and me owner 01 a
workshop on mu Isnmaled mne period In can-plaxe me ‘ob by ownev at
the workshop
as VI wumd be an absurd to conclude mac (hers Is no time penoa or
esfimalad um period so wmmale xms nature of lab unaenake by me
owner 51 womsr-op H is man reusonabie for me ooun IL: wncluae mat
even me esnmaxed lime period cannot be mmued by me owner av ma
N wcolyuwuzvwxswvav
ma snn be used m mm .. nrW\nnU|Y mm: dun-mm VI] mum pm
workshop In complete In cump\e|e me task, we axlensbn of me
requlred must be reesoneme and eceepaeu by common sense
:9. On znamsr Dmnl, me alscussmns mated m ume period and costs
or Jab co he done by the owner cf workshup nurmeuy based on our
agreement hetwesn me pames Any aispmes between me penzes, me
Conn mus1 lake into Lxmsidsra on on me Dnn|empD{aneL7ns documents
aveileme and me conduct oi panic: in suwon 09‘ any comenhons mm
by them 1n me emance manual or wnnan agreement.
to. The p\amnN sunmmea lhal me m In 15 munlhs rumnrafian nenud
had never been raised or mermuned by me menus": at all marariil
aims: The (allure on me pan aflha aetenuam xo mennen 10-15 months
ume Denna when we pleumm was cnesmg lor me cnmplatinn of me
resmration works way below me expiry of such ume permd is «suing and
m 6251 runs cmm|ar |o me dlnales er reesen ena common sense.
41 The oomems olwhalsapp messages being me cnntempuraneous
documems renecnmg me deeds and am or me pamss Ihen sxmllng a\
me |ima when the malls oi wmvlefion onne resuorsnon works arose
42 On me mhsr hand, me sxrstsnos ufma 1n—«5 months reslnvalmn
works mmeereu by me aevsnuem ws unly his mal Isslimuny unsupported
and unmrmmreusa by eny evidence
43 Most g\anrv9 m regards |o me detenuanrs version 4711045 rrmnms
cl rsmrenan works liars m me aetenaanrs awn so mars‘ wener dated
10.12.2019 in reslswla the vlavnmrs wane: at demand It Ls stated merem
men me aevenuam had mm me ulainmv than me Nmeframe our the
N Wcolytumzzvwxswvnv
Nuns em.‘ n-uhnrwm be used m mm .. mxmuuy mm: dun-mm VI] nfluNG wrm
resiareuon ei ine said eiassie cars was belwesn 1 ‘/1 In 2 years which is
18~2A munms.
44 Thus, ihie is eviaehiiy ceniraaimory la |he aeiemianrs aiieganen
mei he had inlalmed ine piaihmr and me 1045 mnnlhs rasmralion iirne
period. The defendanfs sniicimre iaiter is me ieeiameni In ma umniih at
me ueiehaahre Veflmrl ai in no 15 months ra:|orI(>an lime period
45 Likewise, ihie Lamar \mI'SIu7I of «$24 inunins mstoraliun lime
period cannL7| be oansidarud al all simnly because ihis was never ine
pieaaed ease nurevidencs led in trial by me aaienaahi.
A6. When ooniimmea wiih his own su\ici|ms' ieiiei under cmss—
examlllalmn, ine dalandznl admlllad on me incansisisncies heiwean ihe
Wk: 15 nimihs and|h91B to 24 months ior Ihe restoration woiks ihai
he said he had told ihe nlaimiiv.
47 Anew peiniing mi such mC0flSl$1enCia$, ii was pm In ma defendam
in cmesexannhaiiun ihai he has never Vnfomlsd ihe vlinniiii av ine
iimeireme M iii ie 15 rnenihs or IE to 24 muhms, ihe dsfendam
somehow agreed
A8 in his axaminatiomn-chiel. ins defaridanl ieeimed that me
Mercedes Benz W110 was nu! completed wiihih ihe eshmalsd lime
penoa because me pieinim had penoaieaiiy changed «he iienis ihai he
had wahieu in change in Maroadas Eanz W111} This iesiimony is eieaiiy
ah aaknewieugmehi ihai ii waa a ten mat ihe resioreiien of Mercedes
aehz W110 was nai eamnieiea within an agreed eslima|ed rune Period
N YRCOlykxLfIfllVixsvH7av
we s.n.i In-vihnrwm be used m mm ms nflmhnflly mi. dnnnvinnl VI] .num WM!
| 2,901 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-24NCVC-2478-08/2022 | PEMOHON Messrs Chiong & Partners RESPONDEN Tetuan Kit & Associates | The Plaintiff obtained a final UAE Judgment against the company Pembinaan SPK Sdn Bhd – Abu Dhabi for AED7,719,567.00 equivalent to RM9,375,659.49. After executing the UAE Judgment in Abu Dhabi, the Plaintiff realized part of the judgment sum leaving a balance of AED1,890,453.49 equivalent to RM2,294,896.06. The Plaintiff sought to enforce the balance sum against the Defendant, Pembinaan SPK Sdn Bhd. The enforcement of the balance sum was done under the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Act 1958 (‘REJA 1958) together with interest and also costs. The Court was moved under s 8 REJA 1958 and O.67 and O. 28 of the Rules of Court 2012 (‘ROC 2012). But, the Plaintiff sought under common law. The UAE Judgment was tendered as evidence but through an undated supporting affidavit of the Plaintiff. Whether the Plaintiff enforced the UAE Judgment in Malaysia on the correct party or otherwise. Reciprocal enforcement of Judgments, final judgment, common law, undated affidavit. | 18/01/2024 | YA Puan Arziah binti Mohamed Apandi | null | null | null | null |
BA-42(R)(A)-2-01/2019 | PERAYU Zalita Binti Haron RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya [Pendakwa Raya] | Ini adalah rayuan Perayu Pertama dan Kedua iaitu dua orang penjawat awam yang bertugas di Bahagian Pasport, Jabatan Imigresen Malaysian Negeri Selangor, terhadap sabitan dan hukuman yang dijatuhi oleh Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen di bawah seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan. Isu adalah :- Sejauh mana Mahkamah yang menjalankan kuasa rayuan boleh mengusik dapatan fakta yang dibuat oleh Hakim Bicara. Rayuan ditolak kerana dapatan fakta Hakim Bicara adalah selaras dengan rekod yang berada di hadapan Mahkamah | 18/01/2024 | Puan Roszianayati Binti Ahmad | |
RAYUAN JENAYAH NO: BA-42(R)(A)-2-01/2019
[1] Ini adalah rayuan oleh kedua-dua Perayu yang tidak berpuas hati
dengan keputusan Hakim Sesyen Shah Alam pada 29.11.2018
yang telah mensabitkan kedua-dua mereka atas 7 pertuduhan di
bawah seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan dan menjatuhi hukuman 2
tahun penjara kepada setiap seorang daripada mereka dan denda
RM200 bagi setiap pertuduhan jika ingkar bayar - 6 bulan penjara.
Untuk rujukan mudah Suhana binti Samad akan dirujuk sebagai
Perayu Pertama, manakala Zalita Binti Haron akan dirujuk sebagai
Perayu Kedua.
[2] Pertuduhan terhadap mereka adalah seperti berikut:-
18/01/2024 10:42:55
BA-42(R)(A)-2-01/2019 Kand. 84
S/N x0bT0QURG0a7hddBAlKuNA
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
a) Kes Jenayah No.: BA(1)-61R-10-03/2017
Pertuduhan Pertama
Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 28.6.2016 di Bahagian Pasport,
Jabatan Imigresen Malaysian Negeri Selangor, Tingkat 2, Kompleks
PKNS, di dalam Daerah Petaling, di dalam Negeri Selangor sebagai
seorang Penjawat Awam iaitu Pegawai Imigresen Malaysia Negeri
Selangor telah diamanahkan ke atas kamu berdua wang berjumlah
RM200.00 Malaysia Dua Ratus (sahaja) iaitu wang bayaran
permohonan Pasport Malaysia Antarabangsa ('PMA ') Oleh
Muhaida binti Mohamed Zan telah melakukan pecah amanah
jenayah terhadap wang itu, dengan itu kamu telah melakukan
kesalahan di bawah seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan (Akta 574)
yang dibaca bersama seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan (Akta 574)
yang boleh dihukum di bawah Akta yang sama.
Pertuduhan Kedua
Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 28.6.2016 di Bahagian Pasport,
Jabatan Imigresen Malaysian Negeri Selangor, Tingkat 2, Kompleks
PKNS, di dalam Daerah Petaling, di dalam Negeri Selangor sebagai
seorang Penjawat Awam, iaitu, Pegawai Imigresen Malaysia Negeri
Selangor telah diamanahkan ke atas kamu berdua wang berjumlah
RM200.00 Malaysia Dua Ratus Sahaja) iaitu wang bayaran
S/N x0bT0QURG0a7hddBAlKuNA
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
permohonan Pasport Malaysia Antarabangsa oleh Ooi Shih Xing
telah melakukan pecah amanah jenayah terhadap wang itu, dengan
itu kamu telah melakukan kesalahan di bawah seksyen 409 Kanun
Keseksaan (Akta 574) yang dibaca bersama seksyen 34 Kanun
Keseksaan (Akta 574) yang boleh dihukum di bawah Akta yang
Pertuduhan Ketiga
Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 28.6.2016 di Bahagian Pasport,
Jabatan Imigresen Malaysian Negeri Selangor, Tingkat 2, Kompleks
PKNS, di dalam Daerah Petaling, di dalam Negeri Selangor sebagai
seorang Penjawat Awam, iaitu, Pegawai Imigresen Malaysia Negeri
Selangor telah diamanahkan ke atas kamu berdua wang berjumlah
(Ringgit Malaysia Dua Ratus Sahaja) iaitu wang bayaran
permohonan Pasport Malaysia Antarabangsa oleh Yamonaa
Thevey Maniam telah melakukan pecah amanah jenayah terhadap
wang itu, dengan itu kamu telah melakukan kesalahan di bawah
seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan (Akta 574) yang dibaca bersama
seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan (Akta 574) yang boleh dihukum di
bawah Akta yang sama.
S/N x0bT0QURG0a7hddBAlKuNA
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
b) Kes Jenayah No.: BA4-61R-11-03- 2017
Pertuduhan Pertama
Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 29.6.2016 di Bahagian Pasport,
Jabatan Imigresen Malaysian Negeri Selangor, tingkat 2, Kompleks
PKNS, di dalam Daerah Petaling, di dalam Negeri Selangor sebagai
seorang Penjawat Awam, iaitu, Pegawai Imigresen Malaysia Negeri
Selangor telah diamanahkan ke atas kamu berdua wang berjumlah
RM200.00 (Ringgit Malaysia Dua Ratus Sahaja) iaitu wang bayaran
permohonan Pasport Malaysia Antarabangsa oleh Sun Tzu Hsiang
telah melakukan pecah amanah jenayah terhadap wang itu, dengan
itu kamu telah melakukan kesalahan di bawah seksyen 409 Kanun
Keseksaan (Akta 574) yang dibaca bersama seksyen 34 Kanun
Keseksaan (Akta 574) yang boleh dihukum di bawah Akta yang
Pertuduhan Kedua
Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 29.6.2016 di Bahagian Pasport,
Jabatan Imigresen Malaysian Negeri Selangor, Tingkat 2, Kompleks
PKNS, di dalam Daerah Petaling, di dalam Negeri Selangor sebagai
seorang Penjawat Awam, iaitu, Pegawai Imigresen Malaysia Negeri
Selangor telah diamanahkan ke atas kamu berdua wang berjumlah
RM200.00 Malaysia Dua Ratus Sahaja) iaitu wang bayaran
S/N x0bT0QURG0a7hddBAlKuNA
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
permohonan Pasport Malaysia Antarabangsa oleh Mimi Amalina
Binti Abdullah telah melakukan pecah amanah jenayah terhadap
wang itu, dengan itu kamu telah melakukan kesalahan di bawah
seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan (Akta 574) yang dibaca bersama
seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan (Akta 574) yang boleh dihukum di
bawah Akta yang sama.
Pertuduhan Ketiga
Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 30.6.2016 di Bahagian Pasport,
Jabatan Imigresen Malaysian Negeri Selangor, Tingkat 2, Kompleks
PKNS, di dalam Daerah Petaling, di dalam Negeri Selangor sebagai
seorang Penjawat Awam, iaitu, Pegawai Malaysia Negeri Selangor
telah diamanahkan ke atas kamu berdua wang berjumlah
RM200.00 (Ringgit Malaysia Dua Ratus Sahaja) iaitu wang bayaran
permohonan Pasport Malaysia Antarabangsa oleh Azrulhazizi Bin
Azwarman telah melakukan pecah amanah jenayah terhadap wang
itu, dengan itu kamu telah melakukan kesalahan di bawah seksyen
409 Kanun Keseksaan (Akta 574) yang dibaca bersama seksyen 34
Kanun Keseksaan (Akta 574) yang boleh dihukum di bawah Akta
yang sama.
S/N x0bT0QURG0a7hddBAlKuNA
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
c) Kes Jenayah No.:BA-61R-12-03/2017
Pertuduhan Pertama
Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 1.7.2016 di Bahagian Pasport,
Jabatan Imigresen Malaysian Negeri Selangor, Tingkat 2, Kompleks
PKNS, di dalam Daerah Petaling, di dalam Negeri Selangor sebagai
seorang Penjawat Awam, iaitu, Pegawai Imigresen Malaysia Negeri
Selangor telah diamanahkan ke atas kamu berdua wang berjumlah
RM200.00 Malaysia Dua Ratus Sahaja) iaitu wang bayaran
permohonan Pasport Malaysia Antarabangsa oleh Muhammad
Fahmii bin Abu Bakar telah melakukan pecah amanah jenayah
terhadap wang itu, dengan itu kamu telah melakukan kesalahan di
bawah seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan (Akta 574) yang dibaca
bersama seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan (Akta 574) yang boleh
dihukum di bawah Akta yang sama.
Fakta Kes
[3] Perayu Pertama ialah Pegawai Imigresen gred KP19 manakala
Perayu Kedua ialah Pegawai Imigresen gred KP22. Pada setiap
masa mereka bekerja di Bahagian Pasport, Tingkat 2, Kompleks
PKNS, Daerah Petaling, Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia Selangor
(JIMNS). Perayu Pertama antara tugasnya - telah diamanahkan
untuk menerima dan menyemak secara ringkas borang
S/N x0bT0QURG0a7hddBAlKuNA
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Permohonan Pasport Malaysia Antarabangsa (PMA) dan Dokumen
Perjalanan sebelum pengeluaran nombor giliran termasuk
menerima dan memproses pembayaran serta mencetak resit
pembayaran PMA dan Dokumen Perjalanan yang diluluskan. Dia
juga bertanggungjawab menghantar kutipan hasil, mencetak
laporan kutipan, laporan kutipan hasil dan laporan pembayaran
dokumen perjalanan serta memperakukan kepada penyelia pada
penghujung hari.
[4] Perayu Kedua merupakan penyelia Perayu Pertama yang
bertanggungjawab dan diamanahkan untuk menyemak PMA yang
diterima oleh Pegawai Imigresen termasuk Perayu Pertama dan
menjalankan proses pengesahan dalam sistem dan pengeluaran
PMA yang telah diproses serta mencetak, merekod dan
menandatangani senarai penyerahan yang ditetapkan.
[5] Apabila PMA dibuat oleh individu tertentu, data permohonan akan
dimasukkan ke dalam sistem MyImms. Setiap Pegawai Imigresen
yang terlibat dengan MyImms mempunyai ID dan kata laluan
mereka sendiri yang dirahsiakan dan tidak boleh digunakan oleh
orang lain. ID yang digunakan oleh Perayu Pertama ialah
SUHANA82 manakala ID Perayu Kedua ialah ZALITA.
[6] Tujuh individu yang dinamakan dalam pertuduhan, telah memohon
Pasport Malaysia dan permohonan mereka telah dikendalikan oleh
S/N x0bT0QURG0a7hddBAlKuNA
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Perayu Pertama. Kesemua mereka adalah individu biasa dan bukan
Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) dan masing-masing telah membayar
RM200 untuk pasport mereka. Adalah ditetapkan oleh Jabatan
Imigresen Malaysia (JIM) bahawa PMA untuk OKU adalah percuma
[7] Semasa naziran pematuhan oleh Siti Noor Julisa binti Jamud-din
(SP3) seorang Pegawai Imigresen Gred KP29 dari Bahagian
Penguatkuasaan dan Unit Integriti Selangor, terhadap sistem My
Imms dan pematuhan cek di Bahagian Pasport, beliau mendapati
terdapat "corak' gratis yang agak banyak dalam tempoh satu hari
iaitu dengan kekerapan sebanyak 8 kali. Beliau telah memilih untuk
membuat semakan terhadap laporan ini bagi 3 tempoh hari yang
berbeza iaitu 27/6/2016 - 1/7/2016. SP3 mendapati bahawa setiap
permohonan PMA yang diterima oleh Perayu Pertama adalah
diluluskan oleh Perayu Kedua untuk tujuan gratis.
[8] Terdapat keterangan daripada juruwang JIMNS iaitu Nik Mohd
Erwan Bin Che Hamid (SP25) bahawa Perayu Pertama telah
menghasilkan sendiri resit palsu di dalam bilik VIP dan wang yang
diserahkan oleh pemohon-pemohon telah diambil dan disimpan
sendiri oleh Perayu Pertama. Begitu juga keterangan daripada
Muhamad Faiz Bin Mohamad Yunus (SP26) yang mengatakan
bahawa Perayu Pertama telah memberikan wang sebanyak RM50
S/N x0bT0QURG0a7hddBAlKuNA
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
kepadanya sebagai upah dan adakalanya tidak diberikan upah bagi
setiap permohonan palsu yang diletakkan status gratis. SP25 dan
SP26 bertugas sebagai juruwang dan diarahkan oleh Perayu
Pertama untuk mengambil wang daripada pemohon-pemohon
(normal) yang telah diluluskan sebagai pemohon OKU dengan
menyerahkan resit palsu yang diserahkan oleh Perayu Pertama dan
wang tersebut tidak dimasukkan ke dalam hasil kerajaan.
[9] Pembelaan Perayu Pertama dan Kedua menafikan sama sekali
telah melakukan pecah amanah jenayah ini. Perayu Pertama
mengatakan bahawa IDnya di sistem MyIMMS telah digunakan oleh
orang lain kerana dia telah tidak log keluar dari sistem tersebut.
Perayu Pertama juga menafikan bahawa dia yang telah cop dan
menandatangani borang-borang dokumen-dokumen PMA kerana
dia telah meninggalkan cop namanya di kaunter dan
berkemungkinan pegawai Iain yang menggunakan cop namanya
pada borang-borang permohonan pasport yang dikemukakan.
Perayu Pertama juga menafikan dia tahu berkenaan fail dengan
nama ‘hampagas’ dan bilik VIP. Perayu Pertama juga menuding jari
kepada SP25 dan SP26 sebagai orang yang bertanggungjawab
terhadap ‘projek gratis’ tersebut. Perayu Kedua pula mengatakan
bahawa terdapat kemungkinan IDnya digunakan oleh orang lain
kerana dia telah tidak log keluar daripada sistem MyIMMS
S/N x0bT0QURG0a7hddBAlKuNA
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seterusnya menafikan tandatangannya sebagai pelulus status
pemohon kepada ‘gratis’.
[10] Di dalam Hujahan Perayu Pertama dan Kedua dan Hujahan
Tambahan Perayu Pertama dan Kedua, telah dihujahkan bahawa
terdapat beberapa isu yang perlu diteliti dan memerlukan campur
tangan Mahkamah ini yang menjalankan kuasa rayuannya bagi
keseluruhan pertuduhan dan sabitan terhadap Perayu iaitu:-
Isu Yang Ditimbulkan Di Dalam Hujahan Perayu Pertama
a. Pihak pendakwaan gagal membuktikan elemen di bawah
pertuduhan kerana tiadanya elemen pengamanahan
dan/atau kawalan.
b. Kenyataan saksi-saksi yang berkepentingan di dalam kes ini
adalah dicabar dan kebergantungan sabitan hanya pada
SP25 dan SP26 adalah diragukan.
c. Kegagalan pendakwaan membuktikan tandatangan dalam
eksibit adalah milik Perayu Pertama. Terdapat kemungkinan
bahawa cop Perayu Pertama telah digunakan oleh orang
lain dan tandatangan Perayu Pertama juga telah dipalsukan.
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Isu Yang Ditimbulkan Di Dalam Hujahan Perayu Kedua
a. Bahawa pihak pendakwaan tidak memenuhi elemen-elemen
di bawah Seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan dan Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen telah khilaf dalam menyabitkan Perayu
b. Bahawa Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen telah terkhilaf dalam
menumpukan dan menyabitkan Perayu Kedua bergantung
kepada keterangan-keterangan saksi berkepentingan lebih-
lebih lagi SP25 dan SP26.
Isu Yang Ditimbulkan Di Dalam Hujahan Tambahan Perayu
Pertama dan Kedua
Pihak responden telah gagal untuk menyatakan di dalam
ketujuh-tujuh pertuduhan cara bagaimana kesalahan yang
dipertuduhkan itu telah dikatakan dilakukan oleh Perayu
Pertama dan Kedua.
[11] Undang-undang berkenaan kuasa mahkamah dalam bidang kuasa
rayuannya untuk campur tangan berkenaan dapatan fakta hakim
bicara adalah nyata dan matan. Mahkamah ini hanya boleh campur
tangan sekiranya terdapat kekhilafan atau salah arah diri dari Hakim
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Bicara dalam menilai dan menentukan keterangan yang material
setelah melalui perbicaraan penuh. Saya merujuk kepada kes
Mohd Zulkifli Bin Md Ridwan v Public Prosecutor [2014] 1 MLJ
257 dimana Mahkamah Rayuan Malaysia telah memutuskan:-
"Adalah di dalam tangan pencuba fakta untuk menilai kualiti
keterangan untuk menentukan samada keterangan atas
rekod menjustifikasikan sabitan. Jika Mahkamah
memerintahkan pembebasan atau sabitan ia tidak dapat
diketepikan oleh Mahkamah Rayuan kecuali ia merekodkan
dapatan bahawa pandangan yang diambil oleh Mahkamah
Perbicaraan bukan pandangan yang munasabah terhadap
keterangan atas rekod. Sekiranya Mahkamah Perbicaraan
mencerminkan pandangan yang munasabah keterangan atas
rekod maka Mahkamah Rayuan tidak wajar campur tangan
dan Rayuan tidak mempunyai merit.
[12] Mahkamah ini juga merujuk kepada kes Mahkamah Persekutuan
PP v Mohd Radzi Abu Bakar [2006] 1 CLJ 457 yang
"It is settled law that it is no part or function of an appelate
Court in criminal case or indeed any case to make its own
findings of fact. That is a function exclusively reserved by the
law to the trial court. An appelate court necessarily fettered
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because it lacks the audio visual advantage enjoyed by the
trial court
[13] Di dalam kes Sivalingam a/l Periasamy v Periasamy &
Anor[1996]4 CLJ 545 telah memutuskan berkenaan peranan
Mahkamah ini dalam menjalankan bidang kuasa rayuannya seperti
“It is trite law that this Court will not readily interfere with the
findings of fact arrived at by the Court of first instance to which
the law entrusts the primary task of evaluation of the evidence.
But we are under a duty to intervene in a case where, as here,
the trial Court has so fundamentally misdirected itself, that
one may safely say that no reasonable Court which had
properly directed itself and asked the correct questions would
have arrived at the same conclusion.”
[14] Berdasarkan kepada kes-kes yang telah diputuskan, dalam
menjalankan bidang kuasa rayuannya, Mahkamah ini hendaklah
bertindak perlahan dalam mengusik apa-apa dapatan fakta oleh
Hakim Bicara kecuali ia merekodkan dapatan bahawa pandangan
yang diambil oleh Mahkamah Perbicaraan bukan pandangan yang
munasabah terhadap keterangan atas rekod.
[15] ISU 1:- Sama ada pihak pendakwaan telah memenuhi elemen-
elemen di bawah Seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan. Peguam Perayu-
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Perayu menghujahkan bahawa Hakim Bicara telah gagal menilai
keterangan-keterangan dimana tiada bukti yang menunjukkan
intipati-intipati di bawah seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan telah
dipenuhi sebelum mensabitkan Perayu-Perayu. Menurut Perayu-
Perayu elemen yang gagal dibuktikan oleh pihak responden
i) Tertuduh perlu diamanahkan dengan harta tersebut
ii)Tertuduh telah menggunakan harta tersebut untuk
kegunaan sendiri secara niat salah melanggari tujuan
amanah tersebut.
[16] Perayu Pertama dan Kedua mengatakan tiada sebarang dokumen
atau keterangan yang membuktikan bahawa Perayu-Perayu telah
menerima duit daripada pemohon-pemohon pasport. Menurut
Perayu-Perayu, ini boleh dilihat melalui keterangan saksi-saksi
pendakwaan. Ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa Perayu Pertama dan
Kedua tidak pernah pada bila-bila masa telah diamanahkan untuk
menerima apa-apa bayaran pasport oleh pemohon-pemohon.
Perayu Pertama menghujahkan bahawa keterangan saksi-saksi
menafikan bahawa Perayu Pertama ada menerima duit bagi
permohonan PMA manakala Perayu Kedua telah menghujahkan
bahawa tugas Perayu Kedua di dalam kes ini hanyalah sebagai
seorang Pegawai Kanan Imigresen yang meluluskan permohonan
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pasport. Justeru, tiada pengamanahan wang ringgit yang dipegang
dan/atau diuruskan secara langsung dan/atau secara tidak
langsung oleh Perayu Kedua. Perayu-Perayu juga mengatakan
bahawa menerusi dokumen-dokumen dan keterangan-keterangan
saksi, pengamanahan ini pada setiap masa adalah dipegang oleh
juruwang. Hal ini dapat dilihat di mana pihak yang mengendalikan
segala bayaran adalah merupakan juruwang yang mempunyai kod
818400, seperti mana di dalam keterangan SP3 Siti Noor Julisa binti
Jumud’din. Perayu Pertama menghujahkan bahawa adalah tidak
normal dan diragui berhubung dakwaan bahawa Perayu Pertama
telah mencetak resit palsu di bilik VIP selepas mengambil resit asal
di kaunter juruwang. Ini adalah kerana tiada keterangan CCTV dan
terdapat kemungkinan bahawa cop Perayu Pertama telah
digunakan oleh orang lain kerana cop nama Pegawai Imigresen
adalah terletak di dalam laci di kaunter dan sesiapa sahaja boleh
menggunakannya. Terdapat juga kemungkinan tandatangan
Perayu Pertama telah dipalsukan. Perayu Kedua juga
menghujahkan tiada keterangan yang menunjukkan bahawa
Perayu Kedua yang telah menukar status permohonan pemohon-
pemohon kepada ‘gratis’. Perayu Kedua juga menghujahkan
bahawa sistem ini boleh diakses oleh pegawai lain memandangkan
Perayu Kedua tidak pernah log keluar dari sistem MyImms. Justeru
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terdapat beberapa pegawai lain yang telah log masuk dan
menggunakan sistem tersebut selepas Perayu Kedua dan terdapat
kebarangkalian untuk pegawai lain yang telah menukarkan status
permohonan tersebut kepada gratis.
[17] Responden menghujahkan bahawa kedua-dua Perayu bertugas
untuk urusan pembayaran wang passport PMA dimana harta yang
diamanahkan di dalam kes ini merupakan wang iaitu bayaran wang
yang diterima bagi tujuan pembayaran passport PMA oleh
pemohon-pemohon. Responden menghujahkan bahawa merujuk
kepada prinsip dalam kes di atas jelas bahawa Perayu Pertama dan
Perayu Kedua telah diamanahkan bagi urusan melibatkan
permohonan PMA dan ianya melibatkan harta yang diamanahkan.
Perayu Pertama adalah orang pertama yang membuat semakan di
kaunter penerimaan dan akan memasukkan data pemohon PMA ke
dalam system My Imms manakala Perayu Kedua adalah Penyelia
kepada Perayu Pertama yang antara tugasnya membuat semakan
kali kedua dan meluluskan permohonan pemohon. Responden
bergantung kepada Lampiran A yang dilampirkan bersama
hujahannya mengenai jadual Permohonan pemohon-pemohon,
data dalam system My Imms, data resit rasmi kerjaan asal dan resit
rasmi yang dipalsukan itu. Kesemua keterangan dokumentar
tersebut telah dikemukakan di Mahkamah dan menunjukkan
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bahawa kelulusan bagi kesemua permohonan PMA pemohon-
pemohon adalah dibuat oleh Perayu Kedua. Responden juga
menghujahkan bahawa dari keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan
jelas menunjukkan bahawa penerimaan permohonan PMA bermula
dari Perayu Pertama dan sekiranya Perayu Kedua tidak
meluluskan, tindakan jenayah ini tidak akan berlaku sama sekali.
[18] Setelah meneliti keseluruhan keterangan rekod rayuan dan alasan
penghakiman Hakim Bicara, Mahkamah mendapati dapatan fakta
Hakim Bicara adalah berdasarkan keterangan yang telah
dikemukakan semasa perbicaraan di Mahkamah. Mahkamah tidak
akan mengusik dapatan fakta Hakim Bicara yang telah memutuskan
bahawa kesemua intipati pertuduhan terhadap Perayu Pertama dan
Perayu Kedua telah pun dipenuhi oleh pihak Responden.
Mahkamah juga bersetuju dengan hujahan pihak Responden
dengan merujuk kepada kes Pendakwa Raya Lawan Tan Sri
Mohd Isa Bin Abdul Samad [2021] 1 LNS 461 bahawa
pengamanahan ke atas harta boleh juga berlaku secara tidak
langsung. Kes tersebut memutuskan:-
Konsep pengamanahan
[172] Tiada pecah amanah jenayah melainkan seorang
tertuduh dibuktikan ada pengamanahan ke atas harta. Tanpa
elemen kesalahan penyalahgunaan jenayah (criminal
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misappropriation) di bawah Seksyen 403 KK. Elemen
peruntukan ini boleh diterangkan dalam situasi di mana
sesuatu harta yang dimiliki oleh X diserah kepada Y untuk
tujuan Y menjaganya, di mana pegamanahan ini adalah di
bawah undang-undang difahami secara luas dan bukannya
amanah dalam konteks ekuiti. Ini juga dapat dilihat pada
kategori kumpulan orang yang diamanahkan dengan harta
menurut Seksyen 407, 408 dan 409 KK. Pemerhatian relevan
ini telah dibuat dalam satu kes yang dirujuk pihak
pendakwaan, Rex v. Lee Siong Kiat [1935] MLJ 53, seperti
berikut: •
"But the word "trust" in the expression "criminal breach
of “trust" as found in the Penal Code, is used in far wider
and more popular sense. A reference to section 407,
408 and 409 makes this perfectly clear. In section 407 a
person entrusted with property may be a carrier,
wharfinger or warehouse keeper; in section 408 a clerk
or servant; and in section 409, a public servant,
merchant, factor, broker, attorney or agent. Not one of
the people in these various categories could ordinarily
be described as a trustee in chancery proceedings".
Pengamanahan boleh berlaku secara tidak langsung
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[173] Di dalam kes Mahkamah Rayuan Aisyah Mohd Rose &
Anor v. PP [2016] 1 MLJ 840 Tengku Maimun JCA (sekarang
CJ) menekankan bahawa Seksyen 405 menyebut "in any
manner entrusted" yang oleh itu bermakna pengamanahan
harta boleh berlaku secara tidak langsung. Petikan berikut
adalah relevan:
"Element of entrustment”
[36] We note that s. 409 of the Penal Code states 'whoever
being in any manner entrusted'.
[37] We accept that the first appellant was not entrusted
directly with the cheques by the companies but it cannot be
denied that through the intermediaries, the cheques ended up
with the second appellant and from the second appellant, to
the first appellant. In our view 'in any manner entrusted' is wide
enough go encompass not only the property being directly
entrusted by the owner to the accused but also property
entrusted by the owner to the accused indirectly, as in the
instant appeal. entrusted to the first appellant by virtue of her
position as an agent of the bank"
[Penekanan ditambah]
[19] Seperti mana di dalam kes ini, kedua-dua Perayu bertugas untuk
urusan pembayaran wang passport. Perayu Pertama dan Perayu
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Kedua telah diamanahkan bagi urusan melibatkan permohonan
PMA dan ianya melibatkan harta yang diamanahkan. Perayu
Pertama adalah orang pertama yang membuat semakan di kaunter
penerimaan dan akan memasukkan data pemohon PMA ke dalam
system My Imms manakala Perayu Kedua adalah Penyelia kepada
Perayu Pertama yang antara tugasnya membuat semakan kali
kedua dan meluluskan permohonan pemohon PMA. Kesemua
permohonan PMA yang telah ditukarkan kepada status ‘gratis’
diuruskan oleh Perayu Pertama (ID: SUHANA82) dan diluluskan
oleh Perayu Kedua (ID:ZALITA) walaupun kesemua pemohon
adalah orang normal dan telah membayar sejumlah RM200 bagi
permohonan PMA mereka, namun begitu wang tersebut tidak
masuk ke dalam hasil kerajaan. Keterangan ini bukan sahaja
berdasarkan keterangan lisan pemohon-pemohon PMA dan
pegawai Imigresen tetapi juga disokong oleh keterangan
dokumentar iaitu data dalam system My Imms, data resit rasmi
kerajaan asal dan resit rasmi yang dipalsukan. Ia menafikan
hujahan Perayu-Perayu yang mengatakan tiada keterangan
dokumentar yang telah membuktikan elemen ini.
[20] Berkenaan dengan kod kewangan 818400, ia langsung tidak
menjejaskan pembuktian intipati pertuduhan memandangkan
Hakim Bicara dalam dapatannya mengatakan bahawa ID Perayu
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Pertama dan ID Perayu Kedua telah digunakan sejak awal dalam
urusan pemohonan PMA pemohon-pemohon yang ditukarkan
kepada status gratis. Melalui keterangan saksi-saksi, kod 818400
adalah kod urusniaga kewangan dengan menggunakan ID
Juruwang yang berbeza. Namun kod ini tidak boleh menafikan
bahawa sejak awal lagi permohonan-permohonan PMA ini
dikendalikan oleh Perayu Pertama dan diluluskan kepada status
gratis oleh Perayu Kedua walaupun pemohon-pemohon adalah
normal dan bukan OKU.
[21] Pecah amanah jenayah ini tidak mungkin akan berlaku tanpa
penglibatan Perayu Kedua sebagai pegawai pelulus. Kedua-dua
Perayu perlu bersekongkol bagi menjayakan jenayah pecah
amanah ini kerana Perayu Pertama sebagai pegawai penyemak
yang menerima permohonan PMA dengan menyemak permohonan
dan dokumen pemohon dan menghantarnya kepada pegawai
pelulus iaitu Perayu Kedua yang akan meluluskannya sebagai
‘gratis’. Ini membuktikan niat bersama mereka selaras dengan
pembuktian intipati seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan. Apatah lagi
menurut SP3 yang membuat pemeriksaan dan naziran mengatakan
beliau telah membuat "sampling" terhadap Laporan Kutipan
Terperinci Juruwang bagi tarikh 27/6/2016 sehingga 1/7/2016,
20/7/2016 dan 26/7/2016 dan mendapati terdapat corak ‘gratis’
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yang agak banyak dalam tempoh satu hari iaitu dengan kekerapan
sebanyak 8 kali. Beliau juga mendapati bahawa setiap permohonan
yang diekstrak telah diterima oleh Perayu Pertama yang
menggunakan ID:SUHANA82 dan telah diluluskan oleh Perayu
Kedua yang menggunakan ID:ZALITA.
[22] Mahkamah juga mendapati Hakim Bicara telah meneliti kes
pembelaan dan telah sampai kepada satu konklusi untuk lebih
mempercayai keterangan pihak pendakwaan yang lebih kredibel
dan disokong oleh keterangan-keterangan lain sama ada
keterangan lisan atau dokumentar. Dapatan Hakim Bicara bahawa
keterangan pembelaan bersifat penafian semata-mata serta gagal
untuk menimbulkan apa-apa keraguan munasabah adalah selaras
dengan rekod yang ada di hadapan Mahkamah ini. Justeru
Mahkamah ini enggan untuk mengusik dapatan ini.
[23] ISU 2: Kenyataan saksi-saksi yang berkepentingan di dalam kes ini
adalah dicabar dan kebergantungan sabitan hanya pada SP25 dan
SP26 adalah diragukan. Perayu Pertama menghujahkan bahawa
keterangan SP25 dan SP26 perlu dibaca dengan berhati-hati
sebagai rakan subahat yang mempunyai kepentingan dan
merupakan saksi-saksi yang tidak berintegriti di mana peranan
mereka di dalam “projek gratis” adalah sangat aktif dan bermotifkan
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kepentingan peribadi mereka yang mana mereka sememangnya
mempunyai mens rea dan actus reus dalam projek tersebut.
Perayu-Perayu menghujahkan kredibiliti SP25 dan SP26 diragui
apabila mereka pernah ditangkap oleh pihak SPRM untuk kes yang
lain manakala SP25 pernah terlibat dengan pengambilan dadah
yang dapat menjejaskan pertimbangannya dalam memberi
[24] Responden pula menghujahkan bahawa Hakim Bicara telah
meneliti keterangan-keterangan SP25 dan SP26 dan telah
menerima keterangan mereka. Ini menunjukkan bahawa
keterangan SP25 dan SP26 adalah kredibel. Seterusnya
keterangan kedua saksi ini tidak berdiri sendiri tetapi disokong oleh
keterangan dokumentar.
[25] Sekali lagi saya enggan untuk mengusik dapatan fakta Hakim
Bicara terpelajar apabila beliau telah menerima keterangan SP25
dan SP26. Saya juga bersetuju dengan hujahan Responden setelah
meneliti rekod rayuan bahawa dapatan fakta Hakim Bicara tidak
bercanggah dengan keterangan yang dikemukakan di mahkamah.
Alasan bahawa SP25 adalah bekas penagih ubat batuk bukan
alasan yang menjejaskan kredibilitinya kerana selain dari
keterangan lisan saksi ini, terdapat keterangan-keterangan lain
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terutamanya dokumentar yang membuktikan intipati-intipati
pertuduhan terhadap Perayu-Perayu. Terdapat juga keterangan
daripada pemohon-pemohon PMA seperti di dalam pertuduhan
yang mereka telah membayar RM200 kepada Perayu Pertama dan
dalam keadaan wang yang dibayar kepada SP25 dan SP26, wang
tersebut akan diberikan kepada Perayu Pertama dengan upah yang
diberikan kepada saksi-saksi ini.
[26] Peranan SP25 dan SP26 sebagai rakan subahat tidak
menyebabkan keterangan mereka ditolak secara terus. Keterangan
MyIMMS sepertimana Lampiran A Hujahan Responden dimana
sistem ni menunjukkan ID Perayu Pertama dan ID Perayu Kedua
adalah sebagai pegawai semakan dan pegawai yang meluluskan.
Dapatan Hakim Bicara adalah selaras dengan keterangan saksi-
saksi pendakwaan yang mengatakan ID dan kata laluan MyIMMS
adalah rahsia untuk digunakan oleh individu itu sahaja. Dengan
meneliti kepada rekod rayuan saya mendapati tiada kekhilafan
apabila Hakim Bicara menerima keterangan SP25 dan SP26
setelah mengambil kira keterangan sokongan yang lain menyokong
keterangan lisan SP25 dan SP26.
[27] ISU 3:- Kegagalan pendakwaan membuktikan tandatangan dalam
eksibit adalah milik Perayu Pertama. Terdapat kemungkinan
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bahawa cop Perayu Pertama telah digunakan oleh orang lain dan
tandatangan Perayu Pertama juga telah dipalsukan. Perayu
Pertama menghujahkan bahawa terdapat kemungkinan bahawa
tandatangan Perayu Pertama telah dipalsukan. Ini adalah kerana
pakar tandatangan tidak pernah sama sekali dipanggil untuk
mengesahkan tandatangan itu milik Perayu Pertama dan
tandatangan yang tertera di dalam dokumen eksibit adalah ringkas
(initial) dan bukan penuh yang mana sampel tandatangan ringkas
juga tidak dihantar untuk dianalisa pakar tandatangan. Perayu
Pertama juga menghujahkan ketiadaan CCTV di dalam bilik VIP
untuk menunjukkan apa sebenarnya berlaku di dalam bilik VIP
tersebut telah menyebabkan pendakwaan gagal dalam
membuktikan dakwaannya. Perayu Pertama juga menghujahkan
bahawa tidak ada sebarang CCTV ditempat duduk bagi
membuktikan pergerakan Perayu Pertama kepada Perayu Kedua
dan Juruwang untuk menguatkan kes pendakwaan.
[28] Adalah undang-undang yang mantap, jika pun terdapat kegagalan
oleh pihak Responden untuk menghantar tandatangan Perayu
Pertama untuk tujuan perbandingan, keterangan itu jika pun ada
hanyalah bersifat sokongan yang tidak menjejaskan kes
pendakwaan. Apatah lagi di dalam kes ini terdapat keterangan yang
banyak yang menuding kepada kebersalahan Perayu Pertama
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dengan penggunaan ID Perayu Pertama sebagai pegawai
penyemak dan kebersalahan Perayu Kedua dengan penggunaan
ID Perayu Kedua sebagai pegawai pelulus. Hakim Bicara telah
merujuk kepada kes Mahkamah Rayuan berkenaan isu ini dan saya
dapati tiada kekhilafan dari segi fakta dan undang-undang
berkenaan perkara tersebut. Menurut Hakim Bicara:-
Berkenaan kegagalan pihak pendakwaan mengemukakan
keterangan berkaitan CCTV dan pemakaian s.114(g) Akta
Keterangan 1950 terhadap kes pendakwaan, saya
berpendapat bahawa ia adalah tidak "fatal'. Saya merujuk dan
menggunapakai prinsip undang-undang yang diputuskan
dalam kes Mahkamah Rayuan Akbar Ali Abdul Rahman v
PP [20171 1 LNS 710 di mana Mahkamah menyatakan:
"In the same vein, we held that the CCTV recording was
corroborative in nature and its non production did not
create a serious gap in the narrative of the prosecution's
case ..”
Prinsip undang-undang yang sama juga boleh digunakan
berkenaan ketiadaan keterangan pakar untuk perbandingan
tandatangan Perayu Pertama.
S/N x0bT0QURG0a7hddBAlKuNA
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[29] ISU 4:- Pihak responden telah gagal untuk menyatakan di dalam
ketujuh-tujuh pertuduhan cara bagaimana kesalahan yang
dipertuduhkan itu telah dikatakan dilakukan oleh Perayu Pertama
dan Kedua. Perayu-Perayu menghujahkan bahawa pertuduhan-
pertuduhan yang dirangka adalah kabur kerana tidak menyatakan
cara bagaimana pecah amanah itu dilakukan selaras dengan
seksyen 154 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah. Ini menyebabkan Perayu-
Perayu diprejudiskan, tersalah arah dan berada dalam teka teki
apabila membuat persediaan pembelaannya. Responden pula
menghujahkan bahawa ketidaknyatakan cara / kaedah bagaimana
pecah amanah itu berlaku adalah tidak material memandangkan
Perayu-Perayu tidak terkeliru ("misled") yang memprejudiskan
Perayu-Perayu membuat pembelaan. Ini adalah kerana kesemua
elemen pertuduhan telah dipenuhi oleh pihak Responden dan telah
diterima serta diputuskan oleh Hakim Bicara iaitu:-
a) Perayu-perayu adalah penjawat awam;
b) Perayu-perayu telah diamanahkan dengan sesuatu harta
iaitu wang bayaran passport PMA; dan
c) Perayu-perayu telah melakukan pecah amanah terhadap
pembayaran wang RM200 bagi permohonan PMA tersebut.
S/N x0bT0QURG0a7hddBAlKuNA
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[30] Mahkamah telah meneliti ketujuh-tujuh pertuduhan tersebut dan
juga meneliti Rekod Rayuan serta undang-undang yang berkaitan
dan Mahkamah ini mendapati tiada peruntukan undang-undang
yang mewajibkan pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 409 Kanun
Keseksaan perlu menyatakan cara pecah amanah jenayah itu
dilakukan. (Rujuk kes Ahmad Zahid Hamidi v Public Prosecutor
[20201 1 LNS 1986 ). Melihat kepada setiap pertuduhan, ia telah
menimbulkan dengan jelas intipati-intipati pertuduhan yang perlu
dibuktikan oleh pihak pendakwaan dan ini adalah memadai.
Justeru, tidak perlu untuk menyatakan bagaimana kesalahan pecah
amanah itu dilakukan di dalam pertuduhan tersebut. Apatah lagi,
Perayu-Perayu telah membela diri di dalam tindakan ini dan tiada
rekod yang menunjukkan bahawa Perayu-Perayu telah
diprejudiskan atau tersalah arah dalam membuat persediaan dan
pengemukaan pembelaannya.
[31] Mahkamah mendapati sabitan oleh Hakim Bicara adalah selamat
dan betul selaras dengan keterangan dan rekod yang ada di
hadapan Mahkamah serta dan undang-undang yang terpakai.
Mahkamah juga mendapati hukuman yang dijatuhi oleh Hakim
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Bicara adalah adil dan saksama selaras dengan kesalahan yang
dilakukan oleh Perayu-Perayu. Justeru Mahkamah ini tidak perlu
untuk campur tangan terhadap dapatan dan keputusan Hakim
Bicara. Rayuan Perayu-Perayu ditolak dan sabitan serta hukuman
terhadap Perayu-Perayu dikekalkan.
Bertarikh pada 23 November 2023
Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman
Mahkamah Tinggi Jenayah 3
Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan
Peguam Perayu Pertama
Tetuan Suzana lsmail & Partners
Peguamcara dan Peguambela
No. 26, Jalan Galena 7/24,
Alam Villa, seksyen 7
40000, Shah Alam, serangor Darur Ehsan.
Peguam Perayu Kedua
Tetuan Salim Bashir, Ruswiza & Co
Peguambela dan Peguamcara
No. 10-C, Tingkat 3, Blok 1
Worldwide Business Centre
Jalan Tinju 13/50, Seksyen 13
406V5 Shah Alam.
Responden / Pendakwa Raya
Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia
Bahagian Perundangan dan Pendakwaan
Aras 18 & 19, Blok C
NO. 2, Lebuh Wawasan , Presint 7
62250 Putrajaya
S/N x0bT0QURG0a7hddBAlKuNA
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| 38,560 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-24NCVC-2478-08/2022 | null | The Plaintiff obtained a final UAE Judgment against the company Pembinaan SPK Sdn Bhd – Abu Dhabi for AED7,719,567.00 equivalent to RM9,375,659.49. After executing the UAE Judgment in Abu Dhabi, the Plaintiff realized part of the judgment sum leaving a balance of AED1,890,453.49 equivalent to RM2,294,896.06. The Plaintiff sought to enforce the balance sum against the Defendant, Pembinaan SPK Sdn Bhd. The enforcement of the balance sum was done under the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Act 1958 (‘REJA 1958) together with interest and also costs. The Court was moved under s 8 REJA 1958 and O.67 and O. 28 of the Rules of Court 2012 (‘ROC 2012). But, the Plaintiff sought under common law. The UAE Judgment was tendered as evidence but through an undated supporting affidavit of the Plaintiff. Whether the Plaintiff enforced the UAE Judgment in Malaysia on the correct party or otherwise. Keywords: Reciprocal enforcement of Judgments, final judgment, common law, undated affidavit, identity of defendant | 18/01/2024 | YA Puan Arziah binti Mohamed Apandi | |
(Enclosure 1)
(1) The Plaintiff is a foreign company having its business in Abu Dhabi in
the United Arab Emirates (‘UAE’). As a specialist contractor of
building materials, the Plaintiff supplied materials to the company
Pembinaan SPK Sdn Bhd–Abu Dhabi (‘SPK–Abu Dhabi’). The
company SPK-Abu Dhabi awarded 5 Letters of Awards to the Plaintiff
for the supply of building materials in project development areas
namely Al Reem Island, Al Raha Garden and Village 4 of Al Falah
Community all of which are situated in Abu Dhabi. The works were
completed by the Plaintiff but progressive payments were inconsistent
from SPK–Abu Dhabi. To secure the amount owing, the Plaintiff and
SPK–Abu Dhabi signed a Settlement Statement of Account for the
balance outstanding of AED7,600,000.00.
(2) When SPK–Abu Dhabi failed to honour the settlement, the Plaintiff
took to the courts in Abu Dhabi where a final judgment was obtained
for the sum of AED7,719,567.00 and interest at 4% per annum
calculated on the judgment sum from 22.1.2014 until full realization
(‘The Judgment’). The Judgment was dated 22.6.2014. Again, SPK–
Abu Dhabi did not pay towards the Judgment. Hence, the Plaintiff took
execution proceedings at the Abu Dhabi Execution Department vide
Execution No. 1982-2014-T Commercial-MR-T-AD (‘Execution
(3) The Plaintiff managed to recover a sum of AED6,890,452.00 from
SPK–Abu Dhabi leaving an outstanding balance of the judgment sum
of AED1,890,453.49. By this time, the Plaintiff found out that SPK-Abu
Dhabi had left Abu Dhabi and abandoned its business there. Due to
this, the Plaintiff proceeded to make the claim against the Defendant
on the same of cause of action as in the Judgment in the Malaysian
(4) Both the Abu Dhabi Judgment and the Execution Bond are collectively
referred to as the ‘Abu Dhabi Judgment’.
B. The Originating Summons
(5) The Plaintiff filed the Originating Summons on 29 July 2022 (‘OS’)
(Enclosure 1) with the Supporting Affidavit which was undated but
filed on 11 August 2022 (Enclosure 3). The Plaintiff moved this Court
on s 8 of the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Act 1958 (REJA
1958), O. 67 and O. 28 of the Rules of Court 2012 (‘ROC’). In
essence, the Plaintiff asks for an Order that judgment to be entered
against the Defendant based on the Abu Dhabi Judgment on 22 June
2014 as follows:
a) The judgment sum of AED7,719,567.00 equivalent to
RM9,375,659.49 (based on exchange rate 1.21 on 29 July
b) Defendant is required to pay the balance judgment sum of
AED1,890,453.49 equivalent to RM2,294,896.06 (based on
exchange rate 1.21 on 29 July 2022);
c) Interest at 4% p.a. on the balance judgment sum of
AED1,890,453.49 equivalent to RM2,294,896.06 (based on
exchange rate 1.21 on 29 July 2022); and
d) Costs.
(6) As the Plaintiff was unable to obtain the balance of the judgment sum
in the UAE, the Plaintiff intends to enforce the Abu Dhabi Judgment
in Malaysia by way of common law.
(7) The use of common law was not in the intitulement of the OS but
stated in the body of the Plaintiff’s Supporting Affidavit (paragraph 23
(8) Both parties exchanged affidavits namely the Defendant’s Reply
Affidavit dated 8 March 2023 (Enclosure 22), Plaintiff’s Reply Affidavit
dated 28 March 2023 (Enclosure 27) and Defendant’s Reply II
Affidavit dated 19 April 2023 (Enclosure 29).
(9) In support to the OS, the Plaintiff contends that the Abu Dhabi
Judgment is capable of registration pursuant to REJA 1958. It can be
executed here in accordance with the procedure of the common law.
(10) The Defendant vehemently objected to the OS. The grounds being:
i) The OS is defective under O. 7 rule 3 (1) ROC 2012 as the
Plaintiff cannot apply REJA 1958 because the UAE is not a
reciprocating country in the First Schedule. Hence, s. 8 REJA
1958 is inapplicable. Also, O. 67 ROC 2012 has no application
to the OS.
ii) The OS is not supported by any affidavit. The undated
Plaintiff’s Supporting Affidavit does not have the endorsement
on the date it was affirmed. This runs contrary to O. 41 rule
9(2) ROC 2012.
iii) The Plaintiff has no case against the Defendant. This is
because the Defendant has no knowledge of any of its
business activities in Abu Dhabi. The Abu Dhabi Judgment is
not against the Defendant but a different entity. The commercial
licence was issued to SPK-Abu Dhabi and not the Defendant.
iv) The Abu Dhabi Judgment was not against the Defendant, but
SPK-Abu Dhabi. There was no privity between the Plaintiff and
the Defendant.
v) The Plaintiff’s claim is time-barred. The Abu Dhabi Judgment
was dated 22.6.2014. Based on s 6(1) Limitation Act 1953 (LA
1953), the limitation period is 6 years.
(11) The Plaintiff argued that limitation does not set in under the LA 1953
because the Defendant made payments in 2021 of AED1,890,
453.49. As for the undated Plaintiff’s Supporting Affidavit, the Plaintiff
argued that based on Exhibit KS-1 in the Plaintiff’s Reply Affidavit, the
emails showed the arrangements made for the affirmation of the said
affidavit. The time frame being between 27 July 2022 until 10 August
2022. Although undated, the Plaintiff’s Supporting Affidavit is not
defective because it was signed and sworn before the
Counsellor/Head of Chancery/Consular Officer from the Embassy of
Malaysia in Abu Dhabi.
(12) The Defendant upon receiving the OS applied to this Court to strike
out the OS under O. 18 rule 19(1) ROC 2012 on the grounds of a
defective OS that had wrong intitulement, no supporting affidavit since
the affidavit filed was undated and the OS is barred by limitation under
REJA. The striking out application was dismissed on 8 February 2023.
(13) Unfettered, the Defendant filed another application to convert the OS
to a Writ (Enclosure 23) on the grounds that there exist issues to be
ventilated properly through testimonies and not by affidavits This
application was also dismissed on 29 August 2023.
(14) The Defendant’s contention in opposing the OS is that the OS is
defective as s 8 REJA 1958, O. 67 and O. 28 ROC 2012 do not confer
any jurisdiction on this Court to grant the relief prayed. The other
grounds in opposition are that the OS is not supported by any affidavit
because the affidavit filed was undated although signed by the
deponent for the Plaintiff, the Abu Dhabi Judgment was obtained
against SPK–Abu Dhabi and not the Defendant and also that the OS
is barred by limitation period as the Judgment was dated 22 June
(15) Despite asking for relief under s 8 REJA 1958 in the OS, the Plaintiff
through its undated Supporting Affidavit and the Plaintiff’s Reply
Affidavit argued on common law and not s 8 REJA as basis of the
application. The Plaintiff has departed from its intitulement thus
creating a surprise to the Defendant.
(16) The Plaintiff did not apply to seek leave to amend the OS to include
common law as one of its avenues for relief. The Plaintiff also did not
ask for leave to admit the unsigned Plaintiff’s Supporting Affidavit in
Court. Save for the explanation in the Plaintiff’s Reply Affidavit that
emails were exchanged to show the unsigned Plaintiff’s Supporting
Affidavit was actually signed before the Counsellor/ Head of Chancery
of the Consular Office at the Embassy of Malaysia in Abu Dhabi.
(17) The Court finds that the wrong laws stated caught the Defendant off
guard when the Plaintiff departed from its intitulement to argue on
common law. The mistake is embarrassing. In the case of Cheow
Chew Khoon @ Teoh Chew Khoon (T/A Cathay Hotel) v Abdul
Johari bin Abdul Rahman [1995] 1 MLJ 457, the action was
dismissed. The judgment of YA Gopal Sri Ram (as he then was) is
“Now I think that that is not only wrong but plainly embarrassing. How, might one
ask, is a defendant or the court to determine which rule of court the plaintiff is
invoking unless he explicitly specifies it? If a defendant and the court should have
to conduct a close examination of the supporting affidavit in each case in order to
determine the particular jurisdiction or power that is being invoked by an
originating summons or other originating process that requires an intitulement,
then a plaintiff will be at liberty to shift from one rule to another or indeed from
one statute to another as it pleases him without any warning whatsoever to his
opponent or the court. It would make a mockery of the principle that there must
be no surprise in civil litigation.”
(18) While in the case of Doyenwest (M) Sdn Bhd v Penghuni-penghuni
yang tidak dikenali [2022] MLJU 1306 the High Court did not strike
out the OS therein.
(19) I am bound by the earlier decision made on 8 February 2023 where
the Defendant’s application to strike out the OS on the same ground
was dismissed.
C. The undated Plaintiff’s Supporting Affidavit
(20) While the Plaintiff’s Supporting Affidavit embodied the reasons for the
OS, the uncalled undated affidavit cannot be dealt with lightly. An
undated affidavit is short of evidence and it leaves the Plaintiff with no
supporting affidavit. The Plaintiff’s Reply Affidavit at paragraph 6.4
merely mentioned that leave can be craved from this Court for the
undated Plaintiff’s Supporting Affidavit to be admitted.
(21) There was no action taken to obtain such leave from Court to admit
the undated Plaintiff’s Supporting Affidavit as evidence.
(22) Reference to O. 41 rule 9(2) ROC 2012 provides that:
“(2) Every affidavit must be indorsed with a note showing on whose behalf it is
filed and the dates of swearing and filing, and an affidavit which is not so indorsed
may not be filed or used without the leave of the court.”
(23) In the case of Licvem Shipping & Trading Aps & Anor v JLM
Logistics (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors [2016] 10 MLJ 247, the undated
affidavit was rejected because the Plaintiffs there intimated to the
court that ‘for reasons unknown to us’ the affidavit was not dated.
(24) I find that the Plaintiff’s explanation justified on why the affidavit was
undated. Based on the email correspondence, the undated affidavit
was signed in the morning on 8 August 2002 and would be ready to
be collected within the next 2 days. The filing of the undated affidavit
was on 11 August 2002. I find the time duration was short and I accept
the undated affidavit was indeed signed and deposed by the Plaintiff
on 8 August 2002. The mistake in not dating the Plaintiff’s Supporting
Affidavit cannot lie on the Plaintiff.
(25) In applying O. 2 rule 1(3) ROC 2012 on the non-compliance with the
Rules of Court allows me to deal with the non-compliance as I think fit
to enable this Court to deal with this case justly. The undated Plaintiff’s
Supporting Affidavit is admissible as evidence of the Plaintiff. This
Court proceeds to hear the merits of the OS.
D. Abu Dhabi Judgment
(26) The Plaintiff produced vide Exhibit P-2 of the Plaintiff’s Supporting
Affidavit the particulars of SPK-Abu Dhabi which Commercial Licence
bears its Trade Name as “Pembinaan SPK Sdn Bhd–Abu Dhabi”. Its
legal form is stated as “Foreign Branch-Malaysia”. Exhibit P-3 in the
Plaintiff’s Supporting Affidavit shows that the company search on the
Defendant does not bear any relation of SPK-Abu Dhabi with the
(27) The Abu Dhabi Judgment in Exhibit P-10 and Exhibit P-11 in the
Plaintiff’s Supporting Affidavit were never produced as original before
this Court.
(28) Nonetheless, s 78(1)(f) of the Evidence Act 1950 (EA 1950) states
that public documents of any other class in a foreign country – by the
original or by a copy certified by the lawful keeper thereof, with a
certificate under the seal of a notary public or of a consular officer of
Malaysia that the copy is duly certified by the officer having the lawful
custody of the original and upon proof of the character of the
documents according to the law of the foreign country.
(29) The Abu Dhabi Judgment was produced as exhibit in an undated
affidavit by the Plaintiff is visibly a photocopy with the Arabic to English
translation by the licensed legal translator by the Ministry of Justice
which certified that the translation is correct and identical to the
original text. The Malaysian Consular Officer of the Embassy of
Malaysia certified the signature appeared on this document is that of
Customer Happiness Center from Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
International Cooperation–Abu Dhabi. The Embassy of Malaysia in
Abu Dhabi is not responsible of the accuracy of the information
contained therein.
(30) The original copy of the Abu Dhabi Judgment was primary evidence
to be proved under s 62 EA 1950. Although secondary evidence is
acceptable under s 65 EA 1950, it must accord with the requirements
of ss 74, 78 and 86 EA 1950.
(31) A quick look at s 74 EA 1950 on public documents consist of
documents forming the acts or records of the acts of the sovereign
authority; official bodies and tribunals; and public officers, legislative,
judicial and executive, whether Federal or State or of any other part
of the Commonwealth or of a foreign country; and also public records
kept in Malaysia of private documents.
(32) While s 86 EA 1950 is on presumption as to certified copies of foreign
judicial records may be presumed as genuine and accurate if the
documents purports to be certified in any manner certified by any
representative of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong in or for such country to
be the manner commonly in use in that country for the certification of
copies of judicial records.
(33) I find that the requirements of ss. 74, 78 and 86 EA 1950 are satisfied.
E. REJA 1958
(34) A look at s 8 REJA 1958 states:
“8. General effect of certain judgments
(1) Subject to this section, a judgment to which Part II applies or would have
applied if a sum of money had been payable thereunder, whether it can be
registered or not, and whether, if it can be registered, it is registered or not,
shall be recognized in any court in Malaysia as conclusive between the parties
there to in all proceedings founded on the same cause of action and may be
relied on by way of defence or counter-claim in any such proceedings.
(2) This section shall not apply in the case of any judgment –
(a) where the judgment has been registered and the registration thereof has
been set aside on some ground other than-
(i) that a sum of money was not payable under the judgment;
(ii) that the judgment had been wholly or partly satisfied; or
(iii) that at the date of the application the judgment could not be enforced by
execution in the country of the original court; or
(b) where the judgment has not been registered, it is shown (whether it could
have been registered or not) that if it had been registered the registration
thereof would have been set aside on an application for that purpose on
some ground other than one of the grounds specified in paragraph (a).”
(35) REJA 1958 only applies to the countries listed as the reciprocating
countries which the UAE is not. The First Schedule in REJA 1958
does not include UAE. As such, the Abu Dhabi Judgment cannot be
enforced. The applicability of s 8 of REJA 1958 is none as the UAE is
not a reciprocating country. This is the reason why the Plaintiff used
the common law to support the OS.
F. Common law
(36) In arguing on the enforcement of the Abu Dhabi Judgment by using
the common law, the Plaintiff relies on the case of PT Sandipala
Arthaputra V Muehlbauer Technologies Sdn Bhd [2021] MLJU
1063. The salient points in the said case are the following:
“[10] For the Malaysian court to recognise a foreign judgment under the common
law rule, the foreign judgment which the plaintiff’s action is mounted on must be
for a definite sum and is final and conclusive (see PT Adhiyasa Saranamas v
Kumpulan Guthrie Bhd & Ors [2014] 1 MLJevi 91, p. 95, HC; The University of
British Columbia v Lim Siew Eng [2020] 1 LNS 710, HC). Upon satisfying these
preconditions, the local court would enter judgment recognizing the foreign
judgment, unless there is/are sustainable defences which have been raised
opposing its recognition.
[11] Our then Supreme Court in See Hua Daily News Bhd v Tan Thien Chin &
Ors [1986] 2 MLJ 107, p. 109, has set out only four defences that avail to a
defendant opposing the recognition of a foreign judgment under the common law.
The apex court held as follows:
“In an action on the judgment at common law, one or more of the following
defences may be raised – (1) that the foreign court had no jurisdiction; (2) that
the judgment was obtained by fraud; (3) that the judgment would be contrary to
public policy, and (4) that the proceedings in which the judgment was obtained
were opposed to natural justice.”
(37) The case of Pembinaan SPK Sdn Bhd v Conaire Engineering Sdn
Bhd – LLC & Anor and another appeal [2023] 2 MLJ 324 brings light
as the Federal Court dealt with the same issue of enforcement of
foreign judgment under common law action. Although the Defendant
succeeded in their appeal because of the Plaintiff’s failure to fulfil ss
78 or 86 EA 1950 due to the original of the Abu Dhabi Judgment was
not tendered in evidence; nor a copy of the original certified in
accordance with s 78(1)(f) EA 1950 tendered.
(38) Unlike here the Plaintiff had produced the Abu Dhabi Judgment
properly to be admitted as secondary evidence under s 65 EA 1950
and the Abu Dhabi Judgment also accord with the requirements of ss
74, 78 and 86 EA 1950.
(39) The said case held:
“(1) Whilst REJA served to facilitate direct execution of foreign judgments, it was
only in respect of those reciprocating countries listed in in the First Schedule to
that Act. The right to sue in common law upon a judgment obtained in another
jurisdiction nevertheless remained. At common law, a foreign judgment was
treated as an implied obligation to pay a debt, that debt being the sum awarded
by the foreign court. Sans REJA, that foreign judgment could not be enforced as
a judgment. That foreign judgment only created a debt between the same parties
and provided a cause of action upon which the debtor could be sued on our
shores. It was the judgment that was obtained from our courts, and not the foreign
judgment, that was enforceable as a judgment in this country.
(2) In order to be enforceable, the foreign in personam judgment must be final
and conclusive between the same parties and it must have been awarded by a
court of competent jurisdiction. Consequently, it was imperative that the foreign
judgment was produced to prove the claim.
(3) The requirement to produce the original copy of the Abu Dhabi judgment was
more acute in the present appeals as the original judgment was not in the National
Language or even in the English language. Further, the translations of the
judgment that were prepared by Conaire was substantially disputed at the trial.
The original copy of the Abu Dhabi judgment was primary evidence which had to
be proven under s 62 of the Evidence Act 1950 (‘the EA’). Although secondary
evidence of the same was acceptable under s 65, it had to accord with the
provisions of ss 74, 78 and 86 of the EA.”
(40) I am guided by the said case of Pembinaan SPK Sdn Bhd v Conaire
Engineering Sdn Bhd (supra) as it is similar to this instant case. The
respondent Conaire Engineering, a foreign-registered company,
obtained a default money judgment against a joint-venture company,
SPK-Bina Puri JV in the Abu Dhabi Court of First Instance in the UAE.
To avoid confusion, the said judgment is referred to as the “UAE
(41) In the said case, the UAE Judgment was applied to be enforced
against Pembinaan SPK Sdn Bhd, the same Defendant here. The
respondent failed to enforce the UAE Judgment because the original
of the UAE Judgment was never tendered in evidence. In fact, copy
of the original certified UAE Judgment under s 78(1)(f) EA 1950 was
also not produced. Only a copy of the UAE Judgment was exhibited
as an attachment to the translations which were inadequate by
(42) The Federal Court further held that the admission of the translation
did not ipso facto admit the copy of the UAE Judgment that remained
intrinsically inadmissible due to the failure to comply with ss 78 or 86
EA 1950.
(43) Unlike here, the Plaintiff satisfied the requirements under s 78(1)(f)
EA 1950 where the ABU DHABI Judgment was produced as evidence
in Exhibits P-10 and P-11 in the Plaintiff’s Supporting Affidavit. S
78(1)(f) EA 1950 lays down the conditions on proof official documents:
(1) The following public documents may be proved as follows:
(f) Public documents of any other class in a foreign country- By the original or by
a copy certified by the lawful keeper thereof, with a certificate under the seal of a
notary public or of a consular officer of Malaysia that the copy is duly certified by
the officer having the lawful custody of the original and upon proof of the character
of the document according to the law of the foreign country.
(44) The UAE Judgment is therefore admitted as evidence.
G. Limitation Period
(45) The Defendant raised amongst others, the issue that the OS is barred
by s 4(1) REJA 1958 as the OS was filed after 6 years has lapsed
from the date the Abu Dhabi Judgment was entered on 22 June 2014.
(46) The Plaintiff defended by arguing that payments had been made
subsequent to the Abu Dhabi Judgment dated 22 June 2014. The
Plaintiff contended that the Defendant made payments towards the
judgment sum of AED6,890,452.00. As of 30 September 2021, the
balance outstanding was AED1,890,453.49. Thus, it was the
Plaintiff’s contention that the revised judgment sum of
AED1,890,453.49 started only from 30 September 2021 and the OS
is not caught by limitation period.
(47) The Plaintiff is on the right footing based on s 26(2) of the Limitation
Act 1953 (‘LA 1953’) that states:
“26. Fresh accrual of action on acknowledgment or part payment
(2) Where any right of action has accrued to recover any debt or other liquidated
pecuniary claim, or any claim to the personal estate of a deceased person or to any
share or interest therein, and the person liable or accountable therefore
acknowledges the claim or makes any payment in respect thereof, the right shall be
deemed to have accrued on and not before the date of the acknowledgment or the
last payment:
Provided that a payment of a part of the rent or interest due at any time shall not
extend the period for claiming the remainder of the rent or interest then due, but any
payment of interest shall have effect, for the purposes of this subsection only, as if it
were a payment in respect of the principal debt.”
(48) The judgment in the Federal Court case of Genisys Integrated Pte
Ltd v UEM Genisys Sdn Bhd & Ors [2023] 3 MLJ 627 is relevant:
“Such admission amounts to an acknowledgment that if the Limitation Act applies,
and we will discuss this next, s 29 of the Limitation Act provides for a fresh accrual
of action in which case, the claim is not time-barred.”
(49) The Plaintiff admitted to receiving payments from the Defendant
towards the judgment sum in 2021. This amounts to an admission to
the judgment debt and it is a fresh accrual of action upon
acknowledgment of the judgment debt in 2021. I find that the Abu
Dhabi Judgment is not barred by LA 1953 based on the part payments
H. SPK-Abu Dhabi
(50) I now arrive at the crux of the matter on the issue of locus standi of
the Plaintiff against the Defendant in terms of whether SPK-Abu Dhabi
is in fact the Defendant.
(51) The Abu Dhabi Judgment was applied to be enforced against
Pembinaan SPK Sdn Bhd, the Defendant here. I noticed that in the
Defendant’s application to strike out the OS, the issue of locus standi
of the Plaintiff was not a ground to show there is no cause of action
by the Plaintiff. In the Defendant’s Reply Affidavit, the Defendant
argued that the Abu Dhabi Judgment was not against the Defendant
but against SPK-Abu Dhabi. There was no involvement of the
Defendant with the Abu Dhabi Judgment and there was no privity
between both parties.
(52) The Plaintiff knew all along about this issue of privity but the Plaintiff
did not tender any evidence to prove that SPK-Abu Dhabi and the
Defendant are the same company.
(53) When the Plaintiff contended that part payments were made by the
Defendant towards the Judgment, no proof was tendered to ascertain
it was the Defendant who made the part payments, and not SPK-Abu
Dhabi. Even if SPK-Abu Dhabi is Defendant, the burden is on the
Plaintiff to prove because the Defendant denies any relationship with
the Plaintiff and/or SPK-Abu Dhabi in the Abu Dhabi projects
(54) It is not an agreed fact that the Defendant is SPK-Abu Dhabi for the
requirement of admission to be excluded from proof under s 58
(55) Clearly, the Plaintiff failed to adduce evidence to prove the Defendant
is indeed SPK-Abu Dhabi.
(56) While the Plaintiff previously corresponded with SPK-Abu Dhabi in the
Project and also in enforcing the Abu Dhabi Judgment by receiving
part payment towards the Abu Dhabi Judgment, the Plaintiff would
produce evidence to show their engagement with the Defendant who
is SPK-Abu Dhabi.
(57) There is no excuse for the Plaintiff in not being able to produce proof
to show relationship because the Plaintiff was the party dealing with
SPK-Abu Dhabi. If indeed SPK-Abu Dhabi is the Defendant, this Court
must be shown with such evidence. Here, there is none.
(58) At this juncture, I again refer to Genisys Integrated Pte Ltd v UEM
Genisys Sdn Bhd & Ors (supra). In the said case, the Defendant
who is the defendant there, admitted that SPK-Bina Puri JV is the
defendant, Pembinaan SPK Sdn Bhd.
(59) Unlike in this case, the Defendant denied having knowledge of any
business activities in Abu Dhabi but most importantly, the Defendant
denied having any relationship with the Plaintiff and SPK-Abu Dhabi.
Since the Plaintiff failed to show proof such relationship exists, this
Court is unable to find that SPK-Abu Dhabi in the Abu Dhabi
Judgment is the Defendant.
I. Decision
(60) In careful analysis of the facts, arguments and the applicable laws put
forward by parties and in taking heed of the Court orders that
dismissed the Defendant’s applications to strike out the OS and to
convert the OS to Writ Summons, I find that the Plaintiff failed to show
locus standi against the Plaintiff.
(61) Despite fulfilling the requirements under common law, the Plaintiff did
not satisfy this Court on whether there is any cause of action against
the Plaintiff. This is due to there being no iota of evidence to show any
relationship between the Defendant and SPK-Abu Dhabi.
(62) The Plaintiff has the burden to show proof of its case on the balance
of probabilities which I find the Plaintiff failed to do. The OS is hereby
dismissed with costs.
(63) As for costs, this Court is bound by O. 59 r. 7(2) ROC 2012. I have
heard submissions from parties and took consideration of the manner
in which the matter arose, the time and labour expended, the location
and circumstances which the business took place together with the
large amount involved.
(64) Thus, I hereby award costs of RM20,000.00 to the Defendant, subject
to allocator.
Dated 18th January 2024
Arziah binti Mohamed Apandi
Judicial Commissioner
High Court Malaya Kuala Lumpur
NCvC 8
Ain Nurawanis Ahmad Jais for the Plaintiff
Messrs Chiong & Partners
Advocates & Solicitors
Nicholas Poon Qianfan for the Defendant
Messrs. Kit & Associates
Advocates & Solicitors
B. The Originating Summons
C. The undated Plaintiff’s Supporting Affidavit
D. Abu Dhabi Judgment
E. REJA 1958
F. Common law
G. Limitation Period
H. SPK-Abu Dhabi
I. Decision
Arziah binti Mohamed Apandi
| 29,410 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BF-83D-1066-11/2023 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH MUHAMMAD AMIR SHAUKAT BIN RAHMAT | Tertuduh telah dipertuduhkan dengan 1 kesalahan dibawah seksyen 15(1)(a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952. Tertuduh telah mengaku salah dan telah dihukum penjara 9 bulan dari tarikh jatuh hukum dan 2 tahun pengawasan. Tidak berpuashati atas hukuman dan sabitan, tertuduh memfailkan rayuan ke Mahkamah Tinggi. | 18/01/2024 | Puan Siti Fatimah Binti Talib | |
KES JENAYAH NO.: BF-83D-1066-11/2023
1.1 Pada 27.11.2023, orang yang kena tuduh (“OKT”) di dalam kes ini telah
dipertuduhkan dengan 1 pertuduhan di hadapan Mahkamah Majistret Kuala
Kubu Bharu bagi 1 kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 15 (1) (a) Akta Dadah
Berbahaya 1952 yang boleh dihukum dibawah AKTA yang sama. Pertuduhan
telah dibacakan dan diterangkan kepada OKT dalam Bahasa Malaysia dan
OKT telah mengaku salah atas pertuduhan tersebut serta faham sifat dan
akibat pengakuannya. Pada hari pertuduhan ini OKT tidak diwakili peguam dan
pihak pendakwaan dikendalikan oleh TPR Puan Asmah Che Wan.
1.2 Pihak pendakwaan seterusnya telah mengemukakan fakta kes seperti mana di
Lampiran A bersama dengan ekshibit-ekshibit yang kesemuanya telah
ditandakan sebagai P1 sehingga P5A-C. Fakta kes telah dibacakan kepada
OKT dalam Bahasa Melayu dan OKT mengakui fakta kes tersebut. Ekshibit
P4A-d dan P5A-C telah ditunjukkan kepada OKT dan OKT akui benar.
18/01/2024 13:05:43
BF-83D-1066-11/2023 Kand. 11
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
1.3 Atas pengakuan salah OKT tersebut, Mahkamah Majistret ini telah mendapati
OKT bersalah dan disabitkan atas pertuduhan seterusnya menjatuhkan
hukuman 9 bulan penjara dari tarikh jatuh hukum dan perintah pengawasan
polis selama 2 tahun.
1.4 OKT telah tidak berpuashati atas hukuman tersebut dan pada 28.11.2023
memfailkan satu notis rayuan yang merayu atas sabitan dan hukuman agar
dapat diringankan.
1.5 Sebelum itu, Mahkamah ini ingin menarik perhatian di bawah peruntukkan
seksyen 305 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah yang mana bagi pengakuan salah
yang dibuat, OKT adalah terhalang untuk merayu atas sabitan kecuali atas
keesahan sesuatu hukuman sebagaimana dinyatakan yang berikut:
“When an accused person has pleaded guilty and been convicted by a
Magistrate on that plea, there shall be no appeal except as to the extent
or legality of the sentence.”
2.1 OKT telah dipertuduhkan dengan pertuduhan seperti yang berikut:
Bahawa kamu pada 06/08/2023, jam lebih kurang 0340 HRS, bertempat
di tandas Balai Polis Bukit Sentosa, IPD Hulu Selangor, Dalam Daerah
Hulu Selangor, Di Dalam Negeri Selangor telah menggunakan dadah
kepada diri sendiri dadah jenis 11-NOR-DELTA-9-
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
telah melakukan suatu kesalahan dibawah seksyen 15 (1) (a) Akta
Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan bersabit kesalahan boleh dihukum dibawah
seksyen 15 AKTA yang sama.
Hukuman: denda tidak lebih RM5000.00 atau penjara tidak lebih (2)
tahun dan pengawasan polis tidak kurang (2) tahun dan tidak lebih
daripada (3) tahun.
2.2 Seksyen 15 (1) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 memperuntukkan seperti berikut:
(1) Any person who –
(a) consumes, administers to himself or suffers any other person,
contrary to section 14 to administer to him any dangerous drug specified
in Parts III and IV of the First Schedule; or
(b) is found in any premises kept or used for any of the purposes
specified in section 13 in order that any such dangerous drug may be
administered to or smoked or otherwise consumed by him,
shall be guilty of an offence against this Act and shall be liable on
conviction to a fine not exceeding five thousand ringgit or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.
2.3 Seksyen 38B AKTA yang sama memperuntukkan seperti berikut:
“38B. Powers of the Court in respect of persons found guilty under section 15
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(1) Where a person is found guilty of an offence under section 15, he
shall, immediately after having undergone the punishment imposed
upon him in respect thereof, undergo supervision by an officer as defined
under section 2 of the Drug Dependants (Treatment and Rehabilitation)
Act 1983 for a period of not less than two and not more than three years
as may be determined by the Court.
(2) A person required to undergo supervision under subsection (1) shall
be deemed to have been placed under such supervision
under paragraph 6(1)(b) of the Drug Dependants (Treatment and
Rehabilitation) Act 1983.”
Fakta kes OKT seperti mana ditandakan sebagai Lampiran A telah
dikemukakan oleh pihak pendakwaan dan diakui benar oleh OKT adalah
seperti berikut;
3.1 Pada 6.8.2023 jam lebih kurang 0340 hrs, bertempat di Balai Polis Bukit
Sentosa pengadu telah arahkan D/Kpl 175339, D/Kpl 185853, D/L/Kpl 198015
dan D/L/Kpl 204064 untuk mengiringi saspek ke tandas balai polis Bukit
Sentosa untuk diambil sampel air kencing bagi tujuan ujian saringan awal polis
dengan menggunakan botol saringan (B1: C0353675). Setelah sampel air
kencing diperolehi dengan menggunakan alat test strip
METH/AMPH/THC/KET/MOP/BENZO dapati air kencing saspek positif dadah
jenis THC.
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3.2 Pada 7.8.2023 pegawai pembawa specimen dari Bahagian Siasatan Jenayah
Narkotik, IPD Hulu Selangor, Kpl 151089 Mohd Fadzli bin Che Rosdi telah
menghantar specimen air kencing ke Jabatan patologi Hospital Kuala Lumpur
untuk dianalisa. Kemudian pada 25.9.2023, pegawai pembawa specimen Kpl
151089 Mohd fadzli Bin Che Rosdi telah terima laporan daripada Jabatan
Patologi dan pegawai sains telah mengesahkan air kencung saspek
CARBOXYLIC ACID adalah disenaraikan dalam Jadual Pertama Akta Dadah
Berbahaya 1952.
3.3 Pihak pendakwaan telah mengemukakan ekshibit-ekshibit yang berikut:
3.3.1 P1 - Bukit Sentosa Report 5428/2023;
3.3.2 P2 - Laporan patologi 2396036858;
3.3.3 P3- borang Ujian Pengesanan Dadah;
3.3.4 P4A-D 4 keping gambar botol urine; dan
3.3.5 P5A-C 3 keping gambar tempat kejadian.
4.1 OKT telah mengaku salah atas pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 15 (1)(a) Akta
Dadah Berbahaya 1952. OKT juga faham sifat dan akibat pengakuan salahnya.
Pengakuan salah OKT secara asasnya wajar diberikan pengurangan atau
diskaun atas hukuman yang bakal dikenakan atas faktor pengakuan salah OKT
tersebut bukan sahaja menjimatkan masa pihak mahkamah malah pihak
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pendakwaan juga tidak perlu mengemukakan saksi-saksi pendakwaan untuk
membuktikan pertuduhan ke atas OKT.
4.2 Walaubagaimanapun, pengurangan hukuman atau diskaun tersebut bukanlah
sesuatu yang automatik memandangkan hukuman bagi sesuatu kesalahan itu
masih atas budibicara Majistret yang mendengar pertuduhannya setelah
menilai keseriusan kesalahan yang dipertuduhkan serta faktor-faktor lain yang
menjadi aras pertimbangannya. Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada PUBLIC
750 di mana mahkamah memutuskan seperti berikut:
"[68] Ordinarily a plea of guilty has been treated as a mitigating factor
since it saves judicial time in conducting a lengthy trial but it also saves
time and inconvenience of many, particularly the witnesses (see Melvani
v Public Prosecutor [1971] 1 MLJ 137, Sau Soo Kim v Public
Prosecutor [1975] 2 MLJ 134, Loh Hock Seng & Anor v Public
Prosecutor [1980] 2 MLJ 13, Public Prosecutor v Leo Say & 2 Ors [1985]
2 CLJ 155, Mohamed Abdullah Ang Swee Kang v Public
Prosecutor [1988] 1 MLJ 167, Public Prosecutor v Ravindran a/l N
Rethinam & 5 Ors [1992] 4 CLJ 2043, Tan Lay Chen v Public
Prosecutor [2001] 1 MLJ 135). The court has recognized that a plea of
guilty is ordinarily a consideration to be taken into account in mitigation
of punishment but it must be made clear that it is not the law that a
sentencing judge must exercise a discretion to provide a non-custodial
sentence in every case of plea of guilty as each case is dealt with on its
own individual merits and should not be assumed mechanically that it
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will be spared the custodial sentence. A plea advanced on counsel's
advice late in the day because a conviction is almost inevitable, will be
given less weight than one advanced from arrest or committal, on the
first day he is charged in court to save witnesses from the trauma of a
trial or to reduce court delays, (see R Lawrence [1980] 1 NSWLR
122,) Laurentiu [1992] 63 A Crim R 402)."
4.3 Selanjutnya Mahkamah ini juga merujuk kepada prinsip yang digariskan di
MLJ 534, [2004] 2 CLJ 572, Augustine Paul, Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan pada
masa itu telah memutuskan seperti berikut:
“One of the principles in sentencing is that a convicted person should be
given a discount for pleading guilty. A reduction of about one third of the
sentence that would otherwise have been imposed is normally given.
This, however, is not a strict rule and the court may, in the exercise of its
discretion, refuse to grant any discount. The severity of the offence or
the existence of a previous conviction may outweigh the mitigating effect
of the guilty plea; so, may the demands of public interest for a deterrent
sentence as well as the absence of a good defence or of other mitigating
factors. The guilty plea does not automatically entitle the convict to a
lesser punishment. In the instant case, the sessions judge had
considered all these factors before deciding that the accused’s plea of
guilty could not operate as a mitigating factor. Hence, the High Court
ought not to have interfered and reduced the sentence of imprisonment
from 18 years to 15 years. Nevertheless, it was not necessary for the
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instant court to reinstate the sentence originally imposed by the sessions
judge as it would not make a material difference to the consecutive terms
the accused would already have to serve.”
4.3 Seterusnya, Mahkamah ini juga mengambil kira bahawa pengakuan salah OKT
telah dibuat mengikut peruntukan seksyen 173 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah dan
adalah teratur mengikut peruntukan undang-undang sebagaimana dinyatakan
dalam kes Pham Van Thoung & Yang Lain lwn. PP (supra), Seah Ah Chiew v.
PP [2006] 8 CLJ 585, Lee Weng Tuck & Anor v. PP [1989] 2 CLJ
120 dan Mohammad Hassan v. Public Prosecutor [1997] 1 CLJ SUPP 485,
maka Mahkamah ini menerima pengakuan salah OKT, OKT didapati salah dan
disabitkan bagi kesalahan yang dipertuduhkan sebagaimana telah dinyatakan
di dalam PP V. NOR ZULIANA TAHIR & ANOR [2017] 1 LNS 1137 seperti
“It is trite law that there are safeguards which must be complied with
before a Court can accept a plea of guilt as valid and unequivocal. First,
the Court must ensure that it is the accused himself who wishes to plead
guilty and the accused must plead guilty by his own mouth, and not
through his counsel. Secondly, the Court must ascertain that the
accused understands the nature and consequences of his plea. Thirdly,
the Court must ensure that the accused intends to admit without
qualification the offence alleged against him. This is done by the
prosecution tendering a statement of facts disclosing all the necessary
elements of the offence.”
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5.1 Pertimbangan Mahkamah ini dalam memutuskan hukuman bukanlah hanya
semata-mata untuk kepentingan OKT tetapi juga kepada faktor kepentingan
awam serta keseriusan kesalahan yang dilakukan seperti mana pertuduhan.
Mahkamah ini memandang serius atas kesalahan seperti mana pertuduhan.
Kesalahan berkaitan memasukkan dadah dalam diri sendiri adalah suatu
kesalahan yang serius dan sehingga kini walaupun pelbagai usaha giat
dijalankan oleh pihak berkuasa, kesalahan berkaitan dadah masih berleluasa
dan sukar dibendung. Mahkamah ini perlu mengambil serius atas kesalahan
seumpama ini dan menjadi medan untuk mencegah penularan kes sebegini
dan mencegah tindakan pengulangan oleh OKT sendiri kelak jika ianya
dipandang ringan.
5.2 Selanjutnya Mahkamah ini merujuk dapatan HMT Azahar Mohamed di dalam
kes PP LWN. TIU BOON KUI [2009] MLJU 516; [2009] 1 LNS 552 yang
menyatakan seperti berikut:
“…Sudah menjadi pengetahuan umum bahawa kesalahan yang
berkaitan dengan dadah berbahaya amat berleluasa. Kerajaan telah
mengambil bermacam-macam langkah serius untuk mengawal
ancaman kesalahan berkaitan dengan dadah berbahaya serta jenayah
yang berkaitan dengannya. Mahkamah perlu memainkan peranan dan
menjatuhkan hukuman yang setimpal untuk menunjukkan bahawa
kesalahan ini adalah sesuatu yang setimpal demi kepentingan awam.”
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5.3 Mahkamah ini juga merujuk dapatan Yang Arif Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan yang
telah menekankan mengenai kesalahan berkaitan dadah berbahaya di dalam
559, seperti berikut:
“[21] Tidak dapat dipertikaikan bahawa kesalahan yang berkaitan
dengan dadah adalah merupakan satu kesalahan yang serius yang
boleh mengancam keselamatan dan ketenteraman negara serta
kesihatan umum. Dadah telah diisytiharkan sebagai musuh nombor satu
negara oleh Kerajaan pada tahun 1983. Justeru, jika Mahkamah
menjatuhkan hukuman yang ringan kepada satu kesalahan yang
ditetapkan melalui Parlimen sebagai serius, sudah tentu perlindungan
sewajarnya tidak dapat diberikan kepada orang ramai. Dalam kes
Yusmarin Samsudin v. PP (supra) mahkamah menegaskan: The
severity of sentence can only be to reflect Parliament's intention that
conviction for being in possession of a large amount of any form of
prohibited drugs must commensurate with the sentence to be passed on
the peculiar facts of each case.”
5.4 Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada kes PP LWN. AMIR HAMZAH AMIR
MYDIN [2003] 1 LNS 736 Augustine Paut HMT memutuskan seperti berikut:
“Keseriusan kesalahan berkenaan dadah perlulah dizahirkan dalam
hukuman yang dijatuhkan supaya ianya menjadi satu petunjuk yang
jelas kepada semua anggota masyarakat tentang betapa seriusnya
kesalahan jenis ini di mata undang-undang. Hukuman yang bersifat
pencegahan juga memenuhi hasrat penggubal undang-undang yang
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telah mengkaji semula dan menaikkan hukuman bagi kesalahan-
kesalahan di bawah Akta tersebut beberapa kali dalam usaha
mengekang merebaknya kesalahan yang melibatkan najis dadah.”
6.1 Mahkamah ini seterusnya perlu mengambil kira kepentingan awam melampaui
kepentingan OKT selari dengan prinsip undang-undang berhubung
pertimbangan yang perlu diambil kira oleh Mahkamah ini sebelum sesuatu
hukuman dijatuhkan sebagaimana yang telah digariskan di dalam kes R V
BALL (KENNETH JOHN) [1951] 35 CR APP R 164 seperti berikut:
“In deciding the appropriate sentence, a court should always be guided
by certain considerations. The first and foremost is the public interest.
The criminal law is publicly enforced, not only with the object of punishing
crime, but also in the hope of preventing it. A proper sentence, passed
in public, serves the public interest in two ways. It may deter others who
might be tempted to try crime as seeming to offer easy money on the
supposition, that if the offender is caught and brought to justice, the
punishment will be negligible. Such a sentence may also deter the
particular criminal from committing a crime again, or induce him to turn
from a criminal to an honest life. The public interest is indeed served,
and best served, if the offender is induced to turn from criminal ways to
honest living.”
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6.2 Selanjutnya, Yang Arif Hakim Augustine Paul di dalam TAN LAY CHEN V
PUBLIC PROSECUTOR [2001] 1 MLJ 135; [2000] 4 CLJ 492, menyatakan
seperti berikut
“The phrase 'pass sentence according to law' in the subsection means
that the sentence imposed must not only be within the ambit of the
punishable section but it must also be assessed and passed in
accordance with established judicial principles (see Re Chang Cheng
Hoe & Ors [1966] 2 MLJ 252; Public Prosecutor v Jafa bin Daud [1981]
1 MLJ 315; Philip Lau Chee Heng v Public Prosecutor [1988] 3 MLJ
107). The assessment of a sentence in accordance with judicial
principles clearly contemplates, inter alia, a consideration of the
mitigating circumstances in favour of the person to be sentenced. It is
generally accepted that an accused person should be given credit or
discount for pleading guilty (see Sau Soo Kim v Public Prosecutor [1975]
2 MLJ 134; Public Prosecutor v Sulaiman bin Ahmad [1993] 1 MLJ
74; Public Prosecutor v Ravindran & Ors [1993] 1 MLJ 45). However,
this is not a strict rule as the court may, in the exercise of its discretion,
refuse to grant any discount in an appropriate case (see Zaidon bin
Shariff v Public Prosecutor [1996] MLJU 159; [1996] 4 CLJ 441; Lee Say
& Ors v Public Prosecutor [1985] 2 CLJ 155). The severity of the offence
committed may outweigh the mitigating effect of a guilty plea (see Loh
Hock Seng v Public Prosecutor [1980] 2 MLJ 13, Public Prosecutor v Oo
Leng Swee & Ors [1981] 1 MLJ 247). Where public interest demands a
deterrent sentence in the circumstances of a particular case, then the
effect of a guilty plea must also give way (see Sim Gek Yong v Public
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Prosecutor [1995] 1 SLR 537; R v Costen [1989] 11 Cr App R (S) 182).
Thus, there can be no automatic rule that a guilty plea on its own entitles
an accused to a lesser punishment (see Public Prosecutor v Govindnan
a/l Chinden Nair [1998] 2 MLJ 181)....”
6.3 Hukuman yang diputuskan oleh Mahkamah ini adalah suatu hukuman
munasabah sebagai pengajaran kepada OKT secara khusus supaya tidak
diulanginya lagi di masa hadapan dan juga sebagai suatu mesej kepada
masyarakat secara umumnya agar tidak sesekali melakukan kesalahan
berkaitan dadah berbahaya ini.
7.1 OKT tidak diwakili peguam semasa pengakuan salah direkodkan. Antara
rayuan mitigasi OKT yang dikemukakan sebelum hukuman diputuskan adalah
OKT memohon agar hukuman dikurangkan dan OKT telah mengaku salah atas
kesalahan ini. OKT juga menyatakan baru bekerja dikantin selama 2 minggun
dan majikan telah tidak membayar gajinya sebelum ini selama 3 bulan. Pihak
pendakwaan dalam hujahannya memohon agar hukuman setimpal berbentuk
pengajaran diberikan ke atas OKT agar tidak diulangi di masa hadapan dan
memohon agar perintah pengawasan diberikan selama 3 tahun.
7.2 Mahkamah ini merujuk dan mengguna pakai prinsip kes KESAVAN
BASKARAN V. PP [2008] 6 CLJ 390 berhubung dengan pengakuan salah di
mana Mahkamah Rayuan menyatakan:
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"Generally speaking, a plea of guilty is a strong mitigating circumstance
operating in favour of an accused. However, there may be cases where
the offences committed is so serious and the circumstances in which it
was committed so heinous that a plea of guilty need to be given little or
no weight. The need to protect the public is another factor that may
prevail over a plea of guilty."
8.1 Mengambil kira faktor-faktor yang telah dinyatakan di atas, hukuman yang telah
diputuskan oleh Mahkamah ini ke atas OKT adalah selari dengan peruntukkan
undang-undang serta setimpal atas kesalahan yang telah dilakukannya.
Hukuman tersebut adalah suatu bentuk pengajaran dan pencegahan agar OKT
tidak sewenangnya melakukan kesalahan yang sama atau apa-apa jua
kesalahan jenayah lain pada masa akan datang. Disamping itu juga, bentuk
hukuman seumpama ini memberikan gambaran bahawa Mahkamah ini
memandang berat dan serius atas kesalahan jenayah melibatkan dadah yang
patut dijauhi oleh masyarakat secara umum dan khasnya kepada OKT sendiri.
8.2 Kaedah yang wajar digunakan Mahkamah ini adalah membuat imbangan di
antara kepentingan awam dan kepentingan OKT dalam menentukan hukuman
yang berpatutan. Rujukan selanjutnya di dalam PP v. MD RASHID HARUN
[2000] 3 CLJ 832 yang menggariskan seperti berikut:
“Courts are duty bound to consider all these matters before deciding
upon a suitable sentence ..… The sentence must be one appropriate to
the gravity of the offence… Accordingly, the sentence should reflect the
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seriousness of the offence… Mitigating factors are not to be disregarded,
even if the offence calls for a deterrent sentence… That is not to say
though, that “the circumstances of the individual offender are more
important than the protection of innocent members of the community
from injury to their persons, or from risk even to their lives”. Public
interest must not be relegated to the background. “The correct approach
is to strike a balance, so far as possible, between the interest of the
public and the interest of the accused.”
8.3 Prinsip-prinsip lain berhubung dengan hukuman yang menjadi panduan
Mahkamah ini dalam memutuskan sesuatu hukuman adalah seperti berikut:
i) PP V. JAFA BIN DAUD [1981] 1 LNS 28; [1981] 1 MLJ 315;
"......sentence according to law, means that the sentence must not only
be within the ambit of the punishable section but it also be assessed and
passed accordance with established judicial principles...."
ii) R V. BALL [1951] 35 CR APP R 164:
".........our law does not therefore fix the sentence for a particular offence
but it fixes a maximum sentence and leaves it to the court to decide what
is, within that maximum, the appropriate sentence for each criminal in
the particular, the court has the right and duty to decide whether to be
lenient or severe....."
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8.4 Oleh itu, atas imbangan dan pertimbangan faktor-faktor yang dinyatakan di
atas, keputusan Mahkamah ini yang memutuskan OKT didapati salah dan
disabitkan serta dihukum 9 bulan penjara dari tarikh jatuh hukum dan 2 tahun
perintah pengawasan adalah setimpal, wajar dan selari dengan peruntukkan
Tarikh: 15 Januari 2024
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n—s2-9n—na/2023 Kand. 13
mun/2224 16:33-SB
genome JENAVAH)
KES TANGKAP: AA-S2-9fl4)E/21.123
. “onus KENA wuun
11} Psgruuumm
Perayu/Ovang Ken: mum com Alaral hwm Shah bm Norashn lelah
duludun m Mahkamah m. dengan penuduhan sepem benkul —
m xw9lv\IndWEmm:5:n0R/U0
mm. sm-1 .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI nF\uNa Wm!
nuxumrv pzmwu BOLEH SAMPAI 414; rmurv DAN
on (elm dluduh pan: 2: s 2023 Penuduhan mhacakan kepafla
on namun on man monglku um um mamomn umuk
uumcmm Walnu hagunlnapun‘ tarmac ubulan m unluk knh
mg. pm 7 :1 2023, Pmuduhnn (ahh uuhncaknn ululn lag: am on
man menuiku snlah umldav Perluduhln dangun mamlhzml . .2 am
zklbal pengaxuannya nu
man perldakwazn mengemukakan Fakla Kes dan memohon agn
Fans K25 duhncakln Ieplda oxr. Faku Kas moacxan dzn
sm malpv-nwzmmgarvofi/UQ
“Nan: sm-1 .. U... w my .. mmuny mum: flnunmnl m mum Wm!
memlore fix mo ssrvlww tor a pamcmar cums our fins . mmnwn
svnlwwu and leaves n to me mun I0 demos ma: IS wnnm mu
manmum me apgropnale semsmza «or each mmunal nu ma pamcular
cvmmslanms ml each case Not only In Iigfllfl to new came out In
regard lo sun cnnm-«L ms wan M51710 nyhl and ms duty to news
wnumo/ to D: lamml or same
Kas nu menumukkan bahawa kepenllngan zwam adzlah memadl
pemnmnngan mama aalam msmuluskan sesualu hukuman paayzh
Selemsnya kes ml mengelaskan kepeuungan awam akan dapal om:
dengan sehmknya sekwanya sesearang pesalah dapal mman dan oolak
kefmiunan seolang penjenayah lepada kemdupan Indwtdu yang wemn
mu! aan nuemaan unding-undzng
Dv dilim ks! W“! Hfihlm V909
Sam J meuyaiakan —
- me mmgnnan mbmmsd by n mnvcrad palxan wnfl also
nommlry nnng up pmbmns of rnmuy nnmsmp and ma afnar usual
prob/ums 0/ In/mg rn men n smalhon nu mun nngm perhaps ma :1
cnmcun m mm as to why! wnlolvcv xlrcwd no rmpoivd in ma: ms
nonvrdsd person mly not be further burdened wnn addmonal h-mm»
TM: in my View rs n wrong nppmacn rm conictlupmlcn III to mac
- bnlmc 1 III as ponibll, wvmn mo lnnnn: of an. public
and an Innrun or lhv lccusul‘
Manknmnh mondapl pnlyah an hnwah ssksyen 451 xx 4m
swan Iqanls ganiynh yang bunch: I dlllm malyaukal lum Olsh
yang aennmn, um hukuman yang Deva! mm: mbenknn Immk
duzdikan 'dela:ranl" am oenuagzh kepada mflmdu Mm dun n-erakmn
iC‘nEE§€E4.".':aFn‘?E”.%u‘.i,.J$naM9a.,Afi|ui;.nz1snvz<LJaeaaav'-"9=" mm
mama on dwbunkan peluang umuk memperhawkl dm din bevubah
meruadl ovang yang belguna kapudi dm sondm. keluarga can
masyzvaka| Nukumarl peruara yang mum lama dlhavipkan akan ducal
memben kemsalan flan pengayavan keoada OKY umuk me\d(ukIn
perubahan tersebul flan selelusnya keamanan dan kelenlevaman awam
akan helvehhara
Iv) mama llmplu on
Tarnpah suing mas. mm. kesalalun Iampau on oengzn
kcsallhan ml . -Iih ilngkal mm on Ielnh dmukum unluk xem-nan u.
bawan seknyln aswsn unmk kalr karma pad: m/01/2023 lm
mIvvun]ulatnn on mum bllum ma: dun sank unluk memnukan
mawmn sepom -n. Mlhknmah dangan nu borpondopnl mush mm
Mznkzmah mambenknn hukumlrl Dewar: 5 lahun flan Yankh Inngkup,
memandangkan OKT mm sawing penpnayah ying berulang dun
aaunn keidain Im on upanunya dmukurn dengan hukuman pvmava
yang agak paniang supsya aapu membenkin on pengayaran agar
on sank unluk rrsdakukzn kesaluhan yang mna m masa hadapan
Wlbupun mhzk Penflakwann man rmngumukakan rakod
Vamyau on melllul dokumun Rmgkasnn Mlklumnl Subpk yang mzna
bukanlah salu vekod lampuu vasmn nlmun raked um Isiah dlkemukuhn
1199163 on mnasa pmsas Jaluh Hukum an on mangesahkinnyu
senagau unar
[4] xsslrpuuu
Kesvmnmznnya Mahkinuh |eIah membua| penllilin yang manyalunm
i£1;.‘E'§’3liP.£’.%£*.‘,” H ..:*2.'..,.;z.=.:*nan.nre,E.,')mv,.n.¢.sva29a:«|naes..y
1 (armasuk
pengakuin man on umur on ‘em: kesalanan kepenhngzn
awamdan kapenlmqan. raked >an-pau uan hujahin plhak uandakwaan
Mahkzmah dengzn Im nememapa hukuman name 6 nanun uan (ankh
cangxap adalah salu lmkuman yang bersesualan‘ want an munasabah
ke ass on
Dludilkan nun:
(HILMIAH mun vusor;
Ham Mahkamnh suyun
Janayah 4. Ipm
11 1 2024
sm malpv-nwzmmwarvow/U0
“Nan: smuw llmhnrwm .. U... n my .. nVW‘Hl‘W mum: flnunmnl VI mum WM
dllemngknn kepafla on on msmahzrm Fzkla Kev yang drhacakan
din menglkulnya Fakla was berkunaan dnanda sebigan eksmbn ‘PI’
Menuml Filui Kes um tenpebmy pads ca/amxza pm: pm 12 as
pagw, SEMISI pengadu membuai randaan malam. pengadu (elah
menangkap on yang sedang membawa keluav sahl ‘|>h1wev' yang
«scam an dalam kawasan MAPS lerssbul Pengadu adalah msmpakan
pengawm keselamalan m MAPS yang benugas pada masa nu on
kemumannya lelzh dllangkap semula men pegawal pulls dan Balal F-‘nus
Jzlapang Hasu swasabn pmak po\s mendaoaln on lelah maapan
rnalakukan kesalahzn an Dawzn seksyen 457 Kamm Kaseksaan kavanz
memeclh masuk slot bunks! kendtrain mmk MAPS unluk lmncun
“bIcme(‘ nuhk umps yang alanggurknn hemllau Rmzommo
Pendnkwnan kemudlumya meflaemukikln hebemv okummum mm
seam mm 7
1) Jalapaflg nu 4572/2: —dnnndn sabzgm P2
2)JeIvDaW '|>( 497:/23 — dwandl wblszm P3
3; Rman Kasm Temps! Kqamln - mung. ubogav P4
M14 kanmg gambar I-mpal kqadlan — dnznda sabagm P5 AM
57 4 mung fllmbav havaw kas- P6 A-D
6) Senaral pemerksaaarr F7
7; Bovanq serah menyerah — PB
cs; 5 kenmg gambar mmmsl<a\ mm;
9; 2 kenmg gambav haranu dwampas — dllandz sehagal F10 AB
«on kepmg gimblv anak kunm molovsnkal» PM
sm malpv-nwzmmwarvow/UQ
“Nan: sm-1 .. .1... w my .. mm-y mum: flnunmnl VI .HuNa plum!
Eksmnreksxbll berkenazn man dnunjnkkan kapadi on darl dlakm
benavulah oKr Mahkamah kemudvamiya telah manaapam on
bersalah sepem Fenuaunan Mahkamah selerusnya rnendengar Iayuan
unluk mengumngxan hukuman can on an humnan pemheml don
pmak pendakwaan
on d\ dalam rayuan mengulangkan nukuman menyeuakan
mam belnau memohon hukumzn pemara nngzn dan vankh |angkz|1
our lelah berkahwm dan mempunyal seorang anak on manyalakan
ma sading max bekeua dan memanon dualuhkan Imkuman peruam
dengan lempoh pemec-yarnn yang slngkll
Pmak Pendakwaan pma memalmn agar Mzhkamah mengambll
mm kepenhngan awlm dzn kadzr kekevapan kes Pendakwaan
memohon agar Mahkamah membenkan nukuman yang dapa| member:
pengayavan kepafla on Pandakwaan juga menya|akan hahawa on
mnmpunym mm kzsalznan lampau dengan xesaranan himpvr serum
dengan kesalahin u. hadapan Mallkamah mu kesalanan an bawan
Iaksyan 379A KK Dnkumen menuvuukkin rekod lampau Manda
aeoagm mm mz dzn dnuruukkan kepadn on on tslah mengaknl
benav Iakod limpnu wsawl
Akmmya Mahkamah telah merldapah on helsalah Gan msaxmxan
dengan Perluduhan nan menmnhkan hukuman peruara 6 vamm nan
lankh Kangkap okr Imak berpuas nan dengan hukuman yang
d|;a|uhkan Mankamah dan mstayu lamadapnya ke Mahkamah Tmggl
am malpv-nwzmmgarvow/U0
“Nan: san-1 .. .1... a my a. nflwnlflly mum: flnunmnl m .HuNa WM
>4 KY
A) pnmsummmsnp mum MENJATUHKAI nuxumn
Dmam meruatuhkan rmkuman‘ Mamcaman Ielah menuuk kepada pnnslp
yang umyavaxan m ua\am kes»kes wvmasuk kes PP v sun: man a
Ahmad 1:93:11 nu 14:
11] When dumzimg wma: ssnlsnce m Impose the gg ;g m ; hm
ms alfsnce and ms crrcumslancas and the manner m mm. me
nlfsnca was cammmm
I21 An annslbte com wr(/ rrol mam wrm ma smmca rmvosod
«mm .1 can no shown um m (M cmrumslancas. ma sinlarrw
was mmvasny excessive or Inadequate nr ma: m /lxmg the
senrunce the mommare mm had ram '0 avequmry consrdvr
all IE/Evan! factors I.» w agamsv me offender
131 A plea argmy was 5 mmgalmg mm: mu mo oflondor was
new to ho a h-rdsned crmlmal
Kas m axas menyalakan nalam melumumkan rmxuman, Mnhknmah pellu
mengamhll klrz caxnanaxna: sapem kepenlmgan nwam‘ pongnkuan
-am. on, umuv on ksadaan kasmalnn on, Imglah um dln
kullkuln man; my bahking on Mnnakala m unllm Re: 1
gag»... («gm 1 EH Q Mahk-mill rrunyif-kin pnrmp»p1m|Iv
mum unmk mgunapuxu. semis: manjamhkan hukumm
121 71!: com snoum also have regard In csnam acoaplnd
prmums ov mdslmes 50 as no! (0 have Ion glue! 5 aaspmy u.
sm malpv-nwzmmwa
“Nan: sm-1 .. U... w my .. mmuny mm: flnunmnl m mum WM
ssnlsnce lorlha same olfsrma These gmdslmes were; m r
c an the I :1 an or
I y : rv
amongsv accused arson: and mmgrm facials pa/amt In the
Manakala a. dzhm kes HARI mm seen» v PP mgmuujg
pula‘ Mahkzmah manyalakan prlrmpapnllsvp mm unluk mqunaoaka.
umasa nnnmuhkan hukuman
‘Our cams navc a long mm sauce prognsssa lrum we for an
ayramy ‘Iuclh In: a Ioolh‘ lypn ouaam rm avawod am or
91:! n u y no I m a a n r
magma. ma court was rm! 5!! new m mind out 10 vrcnms ur
aggmswn um ‘pound a/flush’ nu: genmrry to ptulacl aacnzy by
Mzhkamah lelah memaluhkan hukuman pemarz s tahun nan lankh
langkap sexelan mangamw kw: laklov-Iakwr Wmngalmg’ am
'aggmvahng' benkul
u Pengakuan aalan aaasan sa\aII salu faklur mmqasl
0 Lllzr bdaknng on
my Kepenlmgin swam flan kepenlmgan on
v) Rekod Iampau on
sm malpvnwzmmwarvownm
“Nan: san-1 ...mam .. U... a v-viymu mwny mm. flnunmnl m mum WM
I) Ptnnalxunn nun swan um um «mo: mmgun
DI dahm Isa Znlaon Slum! v vP(1na)A c: 441, Augustin: Pam JC
(pad: mm mu lclah menyiilkan blhawu 5I|u perlglkuln snlnh pariu
dlambnl bur: dzrl dman immmbungzn wwnpmyz da\am pious
nunmunkan hukumln
‘A nmgancn plea mam ml be [ruled ss 3 nzuansuc mm to he
sumnumy rupcled ms n-amen: »z .5 made I: .5 a mnsumem eoemenz of
me seulencm graces: unenrs we eonmmno
Manakala dw dalam kes PP v Iuvmaun (snprl) Mahkamah
menyalakan bahzwa pengakuan salah aaamn salah salu ram: mung. -
nukuman -
131 :1 IS an accepted rule ol main man an accused should be
gwn email or dnsoaunl /mprsamng gwlry nu: rs Mcsuss puma
(me and money wx/I be spsmd afar! accused admrl: ms gum The
cram! oldrscourll ra as g/Von In an accused psrson .5 W! on ma
msmmn sentence nnposed By law bu! lathe! an a sentence
which would have been Imposed an the accused rlhe had claimed
rm mal and found gmily '
D: dzlam kes m2 V Julnl um Lu Finn 5. Am [anon uuu 159.
Mzhkamzh nuenymauan oanm pnunakuin salah akan menpmalkan
mass kevsmua nmak .1. Mankzmah Kes Im mg: mnnyalakln
kemasaannya sesuaiu pengukuan salah mu malayakkan peszlah
berkenaan mendanalkan sesuku sehmgga saw pemga peogurangan
danpada hukuman yang sepahllnya mxenma m bawan kesalahan
sm xi wanna/U0
“Nan: sm-1 n-nwwm .. U... m mfly .. mm-y mum: flnunmnl m .HuNa Wm!
Nonemslsss, our nouns have evaivsd a gnnmr Woxrbh rune
nmoo-maea Ihlvugh numamus aemasa cases mar where an
accused person pleads gum’ wrmoul comssnng the cnargs ar
crmges «yams: mm m a mar winch nugm consume "any day:
mvowing prosecutors, witnesses aocumems, pa/my aflicars and
chsrmsls me man: Ben m I-vow olrmnosma a named sentence
A "plea of guilty" mums me disposal L)! a cummal case wm
hghlsnmg speed Every cams: and mm leads to a backlog nl
undvspased cnrvunslcsses uoggmg me calms and me pnsons wm
ramand wvsormr: /1 rs m 1». mm ml-res! (MI pfindrnw cnmmel
cum: no dumua on us expemlmusly .5 passxbla and accused
persons who plead guury be Imposed mm . mama sentence
Namsly 1: in universal ab/Igahan ma 5 mama nnlemae
encourages honesty when an amma phnds gmlly. me and mm
mung ma! mom accused person: would wlllmgly admfl gum
Milton! .1 ma/, mus ruducmq me workload ol me pmsocmrs
oflm and mo clurince elm bocklov ovum
A pisa ol gull! coum be rewarded mm a dlsllfllllfil on me senwncs
men would arharw-as have been rmpmed upon a nnamg av gmll
altar . lull Ina! Tlva mscounl In be gm". oauld be Delwssn one—
quanvr ma one-nwa fofluwmg me than Supmmu Court‘: aocmnrv
m Alormud Abdulluh Ana Swu Kong v PF am 1 ML: 1.11.
m ms /udgmonl in mg! mg MoIcamadA1rm so! (.5 he [hen wul
sm-a .s rouaws
‘M »s sue was led mat me even: or the rmmchon on accoum al
ol . won a n r m
omerwrsa wouldnava man (ha ssmamx“
sm malvv m
“Mm: sm-1 nmmrmu .. undtx: v-viymu nr1n\nIV|Y mm. a....m m muua WM!
on terah mtnguku salln an mm. mombumu mnnpmmkan mus:
Mahkaman dan pmak penfllkwaln Nanum, ad: mlsanya pengakuan
mm. Max memamm nukuman yang nngan auamnknn tammmanya
apzhlla xepennmgan awarn mengndv vamhzn Kas pecan maluk sepam
m Im ukwlnyl drbnarkun mm hedcluuu pm akin mevnrnbulknn
kequsavun can kelzkmzn aw kalarvgan mnsyaukii
my dzlam kes K-nun Blllurun v PP man] a cu 190 Gcpal Sn
Ram JCA belch mnnytvakun mam benklfl -
'GensraW speak/ng 2 men of gm/ny .s s slmng mmgaluug
ctrcumslance operating m favour ol an accused However, mere
may as cases where me aflence cammmed ns :0 selvus and the
cncumslanoas m men :1 was commmsd .5 so Serums and the
cvrcumslzmaes m was comnvlrad ;s so namaus ma! a wee org-my
need to be gmsn man or no vmgm ma nsed Io gmlecl (ha gubm
IS another Iactgr mg; mg gm/ml over 4 g. :2! gum
Mahkamah juga mendapau pengakuan salah juga max memamln
rmkuman yang rmgan lennamanya apzhlla Iemapal buklw yang kual
unluk meusahnkan on seknranya perbncavnn dqalznkan sepem m
mam kn: um yang mana on man dnangkap ‘red-handed’ aemasa
mellkukan keszlahan mu
up Lalar bulzlung on
OKT yang Iudzh mum 25 (shun upacumyu mempunyl kemalangan
man an udak seharulnw l:rhba| dzlam ‘enayah ml on sepanunya
berslkap mam oenanggungamn ka am men darn anaknyz dun bukena
inE %?Mtammm:'as;:v.':r'AJHHaaa';'u‘aa"9'-"d-"9
om memuklumkan Mahkamah on mempunyau anak dan sslan umuk
duaga namun aaram hzl ml Mahkzmah memguk kepada kes PP v AMIR
HAMLAN [zoos] 3 Auk no Dv dalarn kee berkenaan, Mahkaman lean
menyalakan sepem benkul —
‘Th: din‘! of the convlclrun on Ml lccuuds /IN!/I docs no!
aulomalmaffy bsmmo .9 mmgalmg factor we nccusud cannol as
E/(awed Io comlml ollnnces rm/y [0 Mia bumnd [be possible
repvrcussrons al 8 lengthy cuslodul wenttnci on hrs Ilrmly In
hglvlelv me ssnturrce Imposed me needs al me accused me my
nulwerghed Dylssues olpubnc mmrssf
)KlnInIingln um um knplnllngln om‘
Mahkamzh peflulah mengambll kna kepermngan mam den kepemmgun
oxr dalam menjlluhkan hukuman Dv dnlam kes Ru v Kmmm John
Bull 35 Cr Aup R 164. pnnslp berkenaan Kehh dlpuluskin sapem
1.. ammmz ma awmprvam sentence a cam! mam afways be gurded
by renew corvsrdevalmns The ms: and foremost .5 me public Intelusl
me mmtnsl my rs publicly snfurmd ml only ml]! the cape! al
numslmrg am, am mac m me hope av pmvannng u A pmuul
servann pama m p-mm: um. um yubflc mruutul two win. I:
my mm mm. Mm magm Bu umpm to lry mm. as svsmma R:
oflev easy money on me wpposmun ma! n ma oflmam IS caught and
brmqhl Io yuslrce ma numshmsnl M/I be negngmre Such a mum
may also am ma puficutll cmmnal rmm comnmmg a trim:
aqua, ollnduco Mm In mm (mm . can-mam an mnmm me
pumps mlsresl rs mm: wrvcd, ma best served 1/ ms nllenrtav .5
mama m mm [mm cnrmrlal way: to Pianos! way Our law does not.
sm malpvnwemmwarvofillifl
“Mm: sm-1 nmwmu .. U...» vary .. mmuny mm. m...m m muua WM W
| 1,743 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-24NCVC-2478-08/2022 | PEMOHON Tetuan Chiong & Partners RESPONDEN Tetuan Kit & Associates | The Plaintiff obtained a final UAE Judgment against the company Pembinaan SPK Sdn Bhd – Abu Dhabi for AED7,719,567.00 equivalent to RM9,375,659.49. After executing the UAE Judgment in Abu Dhabi, the Plaintiff realized part of the judgment sum leaving a balance of AED1,890,453.49 equivalent to RM2,294,896.06. The Plaintiff sought to enforce the balance sum against the Defendant, Pembinaan SPK Sdn Bhd. The enforcement of the balance sum was done under the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Act 1958 (‘REJA 1958) together with interest and also costs. The Court was moved under s 8 REJA 1958 and O.67 and O. 28 of the Rules of Court 2012 (‘ROC 2012). But, the Plaintiff sought under common law. The UAE Judgment was tendered as evidence but through an undated supporting affidavit of the Plaintiff. Whether the Plaintiff enforced the UAE Judgment in Malaysia on the correct party or otherwise. Keywords: Reciprocal enforcement of Judgments, final judgment, common law, undated affidavit, identity of defendant | 18/01/2024 | YA Puan Arziah binti Mohamed Apandi | null | null | null | null |
WA-24-20-02/2016 | PEMOHON 1. ) CHE AZUHARI BIN CHE YACOB 2. ) DATO HAJI SUHAIMI BIN DATO HAJI KAMARUDIN 3. ) HAJI MOHD ZAINAL ABIDIN BIN ABDUL MUTALIB 4. ) NURA BINTI NAWI 5. ) BAHARUDIN BIN ABDUL MAJID 6. ) HAJI ABDUL WAHID BIN MD SHAM 7. ) AHMAD ZUHDI BIN HAJI YAACOB 8. ) WAN AHMAD SAIFUDDIN BIN WAN ENDUT RESPONDEN 1. ) HAJI SAMAT BIN UDA GANTI 2. ) MOHD RUSNI BIN SAHUJI 3. ) ADUMAN BIN MD JELAS 4. ) SHAMSHUDIN BIN ABU DARDAK 5. ) ABU DOLLAH BIN HITAM 6. ) ISMAIL BIN MAARUF 7. ) SHEIKH ALLAUDIN BIN AHAMED IBRAHIM | Societies — Co-operative society — Elections — Whether null and void — Whether dispute on first election ought to be referred to Registrar General — Co-Operative Societies Act 1993 Civil Procedure — Appeal — Fact, finding of — Interference by appellate court — Judicial appreciation of evidence — Contemporaneous documentsCivil Procedure — Appeal — Originating Summons — Against decision of Co-operative Societies Tribunal — Whether appellate interference warranted | 18/01/2024 | YA Dato' Wan Ahmad Farid Bin Wan Salleh | |
18/01/2024 15:16:16
WA-24-20-02/2016 Kand. 132
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2u—o2/2016 Kand. 132
12/nuznu 15:15-15
SAMAN FEMULA NO ~ wA-24.2o—n2Izn1a
Daiam Pemara mengena. undakan nleh Dam
Suhllnu hm Dalu NI]! Knmumddm. ne mm
7;-nauom. amumu Mmahb. Nma aw. Nawi.
nu. Mm Album mu Mohd Am-ev, aenamam
bmAbdu\ MJ]Ifl.Ha]1Abd|A|WiNd hm Md sum
Ahmad zum. bm Haj: Ynamb‘ Wan Ahnud
Sufluddn hm Wnn smm .1... cm Azuhln hm
one Yzmb mhaflapan mmmx Suluhannya
Kupemx Manama damn Rmukan Pemkmnn
kapada Tnbunal man mun 2:113
Dnlam Damn manganl S-klyln as me
Dnlam pvalhm mungunll Punahlkmun
TrIbunz\ Sunmanlari Kaverss Malays» ynng
benmlm :11/I2/2015.
oanam psnura marvgenaw Paralumrvperzlumn
Tnbund Kunlvuu ma‘
Baum perum mungnna Saksyen an me
u-um puma mnnenex Akin Knvavasmssz.
Dahm Demara Pevaxuran 15, Penman-
perumr-n Knpene. mm.
nezem perkma mengsml Pvaturinrplmurin
Kc.-me. mm.
sm wsm\FvQ«.0cmumIuvAvp0
mm. em e. LAIQ4 m may he mm-y Aw. dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
Dalam Dalkara mervgenaw Undang-undang KBCII
Kunuvun Sigamm Eamam
Da\aIvI Demara Numn 55A Kaednh-Kaedah
Mankamah TIH9§M10V2
sw wsYNIrvI2:ncNAamIIIvAvvQ §
Nat! Sum mm. WW he HSQG M mm I. nvwhuflly 1M5 dun-mm VII .mm mm
the necessity M individuai membership to be approved by the ALKi
no other committee, intziuding any subcammiflee. is authorised
under t<operasi‘s by—laws to apprcve the new membership through
the Skim Tsbus saharrr
[43] The Skim itseit was not approved by the ALK and iheretdre, had no
legs to stand on. Even nthere was such an approval. oiwhieh no
finding rs niade here, the repruitrnent process still has to go through
individuai anprwai by the ALK To aitcw a subcommtlvee to
approve new members Ihrmtgh the Sk/m reads seriarn wcuid
oitend the maxim ct deiegarus non poles! delsgare The appetients
have not shown any evidence that the ALK had approved the sirirn
and resolved to deiegete the approval ctnew members through the
impugned sutmornnnttee
[44] In the etmumsllncesi i respecttutty agree with the finding at the
tribunal that Skim Tebus saharn was untawiui and lhal no new
nrernpers come be recruited under the skim uniess due process
under the bylaws had been complied wnh.
wit. The status ol Shari-tsuddm pin Daldak as a deiegare
[45] The issue arose as to whether Encik Shamsuddin had Valldly
resigned as a member 01 the ALK The appeilants‘ position is that
Enctk sharnsuddin had resigned and, theretdre, ceased his right to
become a delegate to the mm
[46] The purported re ' almn pt Enctk shenisuddiri was deiiperated by
the Tnpunai. Apparentiy. the l!:igna|ton|B||B1 was unsigned. in any
event, the appeitants did not adduoe any minutes at the ALK
meeting that accepted the purported resgnatrcn oi Encik
sharrisuddrn Bu| then. how pouid the ALK deltberale on an
unsigned letter M resignaticnv
[47] In my respecllui view, an unsigned resignation ietter canna| he
ponstnied as valid it any authority is needed for the aforesaid
prcpcsitioni it can be tcund in Benterrq punt. sdn Bhd v Mohd
Maar trirr 5- pl [1995] MLJU 7a. see aim‘ Aslln Shl-Id
warehouse n EM voarurnaiirrgpern a/I Sinniah [2007] 4 MLJ
ni wSYNiFVQ:.0CMIwm|uVAvvQ
"Nair s.n.i nuvihnrwm be tiled m mm the pnpirniity Mihir dnuuvinhl n. .i-iuric pnnai
rherelore, I respectlutly agree that the Tribunal was correct in
ltndtng that Enclk shamsuddrn had not resigned as an ALK member.
The attendant consequence at irndrng is thatzncrk shanrsuddrn
was a lawful delegate at the AGM,
in any event, at the heanng, Enclk shernauapin denied having
Issued the resignation letter
The role afErlr:lk Ayub at the AGM
Erlclk Muhd Ayub was at the material time the Assistant Director at
the SKM. wtleyah Persekutuan, Kuata Lurnpur. it was part at his
duty to supervise the running at a pdpperattve soctety within
wtleyah Persekutuan, which includes the Koperur,
As alluded to earlier. Enutk Mchd Ayub tesllfled at the heanng nature
the Tribunal As a supewislng etrtoer, the lunctrprr at Enclk Ayuh is
to ensure that the AGM ot the Kopetast was conducted smoothly
Ind In aooprdanoe with cosrx,
Eefare the Tribunal, Hart Samal bin Uda earth. the t<eperasi's
treasurer at the nratenal time and the 1" respondent herein, reslrrred
that Enctk Mohd Ayub had never played the rate at an acltrlg
chairman ot the AGM. Hrs rule was more at an admsor, Aotxtrdlrlg
to Enclk Muhd Ayub. he was my a by the 1" appellant to attend
the AGM, Enctk Mohd Ayub was ally reluctant to trtlervene In a
manner that could pe construed as playing an aclrve rule 171 the
prooeeutngs at the AGM
However, the silualrorl at the AGM was heated in view ptthe dlspllle
tn the list at delega|s e Iglble to attend and pamctpale at the AGM
Enctk Mohd Ayubthen gave his advice as to how best to resotve me
impasse. what is more lmpananl is that at all rnatenat times during
the conduct at the AGM, the appellants dtd not otatect to his role on
the pontrary, the appellants cooperated with him when he attempted
to resalve the impasse.
tn his evidence, Enak Mona Ayuh lesttfied
IN wsmlFvQ:.1‘tcMIwmIuvAvp0
«me smut mrrlhnrwlll .. u... m my r... nflnlhallly Mn. dnuurlnht r.. srlurtc wrist
5- sepaniang Itamu bemndnk lnbugatwakii
pihatt si<M oerkecuaii Uriluk hat ithias
rnaiaraiiun xetegenpan yum tiirihiti
sebeium MAY balmula, adairah
Psittmhoit Fartmin tstthainiii dart
PeitK:hon»Puviahot'i yang lain
ritenibarilart tairiu berlindak sehagat
uiafli berxeouaiiv
4 mar ssrna aetiaii Malari nata Hi
stmaim. dun Fumuiiuri-Plmohon yin!
iain membenkiri kerpsama yang Datk
kepadu saye dalnni vlusal
merentusahm itamivnlma perwatriiar.
It is thereiare evident that. Eneik Mohd Ayutfs role was more oi an
advisory in nature He did not participate in the AGM. He was not
even the acting chairmen oithe AGM.
[55] The Trihuriat accepted Encik Mahd Ayah‘: testimony and (mind that
he had rto| acted beyond his iurisdirman. In any ayerit, having invited
Ericik Mohd Ayuh to the AGM. i ii itiiautt to accept that the 1“
appellant. who did not register h ahieatian to the ieie played by
Erictk Mohd Ayllb, is new suggerslirtg that he had acted beyond his
x. The appomlmsnfalfilcik sharrisuctdiri as a msmbsrolALK
[57] Another issue is an lhe validity of the appoinlmenl oi Encik
Shamsuddin bin Dardak as a member oi the ALK
[an] under cl 36 at Knperasrs by—iaws, the ALK is aiiowed to appoint a
member oi the ALK in the event at any vacancy.
[59] it is not in dispute that at 34 oi the by-laws was amended in 2005 to
increase the composiltun oi the ALK Board [mm nine lo twelve The
Kaperasis treasurer. Hajt samet am Llda Garm in his evidence
ooriiirrned that the ALK had reapppinted Encik sharnsuddin as a
member oi the ALK under cl 36(2) oi the Koperasrs by-iaws.
[so] I thereiore respectiuiiy agree with the Tnbimal that Encik
shamsitdttin was duty appointed as a member at the ALK under the
t<opet-asis by-laws.
IN wsrtiirvaaicmamiavtypa
«uni. s.n.i mmhnrwm be LAIQ4 M mm the angimiiiy Qihi. dnuuvinril VII nFit.ING Wrui
xi The vs/nmy ufthe apps/Ia/1!’: "Rngrslar o{Msmbers"
[61] The appellants have their own set M Regiswr 0! Members‘ much‘
not sumrismgly‘ look mlo aomunl new members danved lmm the
Skim Tehus Subaru.
[62] Since 1 have agreed that the Snhems was unlawful, me new
'members“ ragisnarad Ihruugh SK/m Tabus sanam are also in
question To begin wnn. may are no: property admilusd Inrougn Ins
procedure staked in me by4aws. seconmy, no avmanoe was
adduced lhal me appeuanrs “Regwsler of Members‘ had complied
mm me relevant nnwisnms at COSA
[63] There Is no evidence that valm receipts were Issued (or me
membership smrance fees and su|>scnp|mn nnnimurn shares of
RM200 mm the Koperasl
[54] I am no! gomg (0 on the issua at the (act than the 1-‘ and 2"‘
appellants are subject lo unvesmgauiun by the SKM. That \s a
separa|e issue.
[551 Hawever. since the purported “Regis1er of Members” prepared by
"Ia appellams has not been shown to have complied WIUI the COSA,
I am enurely In agreement wllh the Tnbuna\ that Dnkuman 5 (P1) is
invalid and merarme, not conclusive an the purpnse onne AGM.
X" The resvuctunng smrcise by me Koperssr
[661 On 1:: 3 2021, the Knpelas ssued a Vetterlc me I“appellant The
letter svacas as (wows:
[21 Sukzcwla mmak\ hahawl
Ma:yunm| Anggola Llmhaga yang
bemlasyuaral pada zano Feb 2:211
menganmu xempan untuk
mengunlkuaukzn uux umm
menubuhkan Jawamrimau Nsgsn atau
Klwusn nag» memamnkin dtngan
sempumanya manamana amm-
Knpevasx dun mawaxuxan kua5a
kepidanya din mesa us semasa
m wsmwamcmamuavma
«um. sum nmhnrwm be mad m mm he anmmuny Mm. dnuumnl vu muNG p-max
mlnqikul kapuluian Lemma, yang
lalah mluluskan ole» Masyuarm Mung.
ma 2: Jun mm a... dmxnunmn ureh
sururrar-pm Kanévasl Malaym Asxm
gum 4 Sapllmblv zoos. xepmm... lm
hentualhnasl serbmenz
:31 Sahubungan dengnn nu, semua
J-wulnnkuna Nlgnn Ilnu Kswlnn
yang arpmn ziau aaurmu dalam
Mesyuanl lgung (Kawasan-Kawnsan
alau men Llmhaga sehelum am adalah
renew (D\hana\knn)
[41 Arugula Lemhaga akan melanflk
Jlwltsnkulu Kano:-:1 r:.w...g.n.
Negen flan Kawsan yang ham setalah
panyusunan semula Kawasan-Kawasan
[en cu 44(2)(v) empowers |he ALK ro.
Menuwhkan zpeepe uwalankuasa kawasan
flu puflu. nee: Imam-Llnkan dungan
sempumanya muremarra zklM|\ kaperan dam
\~:kHl<:n Irunn xepemyn a... aemnn ka
umasa menankul keounnan Lemnaga
[em The Tnbunal. irs nndmg, was omre v ew lhal the ocnsaquenca of
one letter was to drssows me oumminee members and not the
branches at me KuperIs\. The branches remamed inlacl The
Iuslmclunng exercise therefore‘ awarding lo the Tribunal‘ men 1
respeclfufly agree, am not have me eflect of me dissomlion oi the
nu whemer the vale caunling exemvss 51 the AGM was valm
[69] ‘there were five canmdalas who contested hr me three ALK Dusls
at me election during me AGM.
nu] Accurdmg to the rninmes omre AGM, me results ollhe elecuon were
as follows
sm wsm\FvQ«.ncMIwmIuvAvv0
“Nana sum nmhnrwm e. med m vuw he enmmuryfiw. dnuumrrl VI mum pm
(a) Erlctk Adunien bin Md Jelas 7 17 votes
0:) Hair Abdullah vuset — 14 votes
(c) Ericik Moria Rosm seh 7 l2 votes
(at Ertcik Ahmad zurioi vaaooo - 9 votes
(et Eneilt aahariioin Abdul Malta. 9 votes
Sinw the number 07 voles cast was 51, \ dn not see any lrregulenly
with the eoiinting or the tally.
The result ol the election was duly signed and approved by the
appointed cornmttee on 28.11.2011.
As to the alleged discrepancy in the names iztthe candidates in the
grounds at iudgnierrt. the Tribunal had given a eterincation through
on email. To my mind, the omission is so iinsutrstantial as to make
the maxim at de rrlln/Ims non ciirat lax applicable. it was only a
clerical mistake. which can be reclified under the slip nile
whether Enci/< Moht1Ayub bin Ahmed, SR-7, a creuihle wlerress
The appellants have raised the issue af Errcik Mohd Ayiitrs
credibility as a witness
The Federal court had the oppomlntty to reiterate the law recently
in My Hoe Kul 5. Arror v werioy rerr Lee Perlg 5 Dis [2020] 12
mm in re it was held inter she held that in iiisliry an appellate
intervention on the ground or the “plainly wrong test’, an appellate
oouit must be able to speeirically identity ‘wily the learneo trial
judge's hrioiiios were plainly wrong an the key issues".
Again. the courtol Appeal in Leelrrg chin & or: v Gan Yook chin
5 Ana: [IBM] 2 ML! 97 CA held that eppellala inlertarenoe will
take plaoe in cases where there has treen no or insumotent iuoiprat
appreciation at the evidence
Gopal Sri Ram JCA (later FCJL in an instnictlve judgment in Lee
my chin, rematketi as lallclws'
it there are contemporary ooaiirnents,
then he must test the oral evidence or a
wthless agalnsl tlieiie. Ha mus| also test
rn wSYNlFVQt.0CNMlm|aVAvvQ
«wet. s.n.i n-vlhnrwlll be than M VCW he nflnlhhllly Hint. dnunvlnrrl vra ii-lime Wml
the evidence M a plmcular wi|rieG5
Bgainsl the probabilities of tire mse
The issue arose on ltie witness statement oi Erlclk Mond Ayub dated
26.5.2015. He explained that he amirned the witness statement on
two dlileient oocasions - on 5.5 2015 and 23 5.2015 beiore the
commissioner oloatlis in Kedati
Bolh oi ttie witness statements are similar in oontent i do not find
any iriegulanly in ltiis in any evenl. tne Tribunal riad accepted tiis
evidence and it has not been strewn to me that the Tnbunai was
plainly wmng witnin ttie meaning at My Nob Kul.
wnstnsr tne Award ol cosls RM50,000 is beyond me Tribunals
Belore nie learned counsel lor tire appellants submitted lnat me
posts ordered by the Tribunal are unreasonable and
Ari appellate ooun does not intertere in ttie question oi oasis wittiout
reluctance Ttie noun below has absolute discretion in dealing with
tne Irialleri Ari appsllala coun should not intiertere unless it can be
snown ttrat tnere nas been an enoi oi law brine puiponed exercise
or discretion by the lower court was based on grounds wtiolly
unconnected wflh lne cause or action see Slguiull (sabrin) sdn
Blvd v ‘franc Malaysia sales 5 services sun and [2014] 5 MLJ
535 CA
Under 0 59 r23(1 i oitne Rules olcoun 2012, tire scale ditcosts tor
trial in me subordinate courts is fixed up to a iudgrnent sum or
RMSDUDOO where tne iudgment sum exceeds RM5<:a,oao, costs
is discretionary but shall not exceed RM4u,ul)o
Having said lnat. i do nnd lnat the costs imposed by tne Tribunal is
«um. s.n.i mmhnrwiii be tiled M mm the aitrimii-y¥Jiiii. dnuminril w. nFiuNG Wrui
[53] I do not find any appealahle errvr made by the Tribune! In ma
xmpugned Award
[54] The appeal I: dlsrmssed
[as] Cos|s Is fixed rm RM40,D00 here and below.
Tankn: 13 Janunc 2024
Mahkamah Tmgg\ Kulla Lumpur
Bag Pmak Perzyu Da|o‘ Ha]: Suhlrm um Da1n‘H3jiKamamddm
Suklulun Numnh M Ab Ram
Tatuan Adlan a Mom Suhavrm
sag. Pmak Rawondan - cmpmn. A/L s Ramaumy
Abssbn a n. An-nan Kabn
Tnuan A7 sm 1. Cu
m wsm\FvQ:.ucmumIuvAvpQ
«um. sum n-nhnrwm be mad M mm he .mmn.u-Mm. mmm VII muNG pm
TM appallanw can
[1] Yhis IS a dlspuls between members Ma cooperalive soc-aw.
[2] The appellanle and respondents are members ol a moperalwe
wclely known as Koperasl sugernal Bemad (“Koperasi“).
[31 The subpcl mauer at dlspule ln (Ms appeal ls wllh respect to the
valldily oi the Annual General Meeung |“AGM'] o1 lhe Koperasl,
Mild! was held on 14.22011
[41 Subsequent |n me AGM, me appellanrs lodged a eamplaln1 to me
Cooperative Soclelles Trlbunal (“the Trlhullal') The tribunal ls
established under S 83 0! the Ca-Dpenlllve Soclmlss Act 1993
[5] The Tribunal naa dlsmlssea [he appellenls' complaint and declared
Ihal lhe AGM was valid and me Enard Members el lhe Kaperusl
were duly eIec1ed.
[6] Aggnarved by me Tnpunara Award. lhe appellants appealed no me
High Cum. on 5.4.2017, me Hlgn Coun alluwed pan ollhe appeal
lrom the aeelsion at the Tribunal ll held |ha| lne AGM was Invalld.
Tne learned Judge, 1n her grounds L71judgmanl,madamelallawing
Bmdauman zlasan-aluan m alas viyuan
Pemyu dlhenalkan smakal yang dl/Iyalaksn
1.. Meiyuaml Mung Felweklan Ynhunan
Kaperss Sagemal aemaa yang
dnadakan paaa 14.2.2011 11. Hole! Kuale
Lurnpur Inlemalmual zdulal-l lfl ssh
dan hendaklah dladakarl bekah la
11.. Mill Jawzmnkunsa Audll nalemen
adalah hukan pelwnldlnn ala. anal
mereks sehagal nhll Jlwaunkuua Audll
nalaman be Mnsyuzlal Agung
Fulwikllarl ranunan xepuaal agemal
mwsmlrvqdlc M VAV
mu. 5.1.1...l..,$fif‘.,.'t'.....a"‘1.~,....llln.1l.y3
. dnuuvlnnl vu arlum Wm!
(71 The Htgh Cnurl held that the lhtemal audit memeete were net the
nghtlul delegates at me AGM. Hence the decistonwehhul the AGM
[3] Dlssallsfied wlth the dscislon of the High court, the respondents
appealed to the court at Appeal.
[9] On 19 3.2018, the Caun omopeel allcrwed the respondents‘ eppeel
and set aetde the Hlgh courts declstoh. The court at Appeal upheltl
the Trlbunal's Award that the AGM was validly held. The case was
then remllled to this Caun ta hear the appeal on the remalnlng
[1 0] The order at the cum ulAppaa|. as can be seen in lhe loner dated
20.11.2019 lrem the Conn ol Appears Deputy Registrar. states as
Appse I5 attewea th van The men cums ovfler
1. eel ule the men com 1... la dul Mm all
related lswts 10 M15 eopeat Na Drflar ii to
costs Dewsll In b: ralundad
[I I] In shorl. me Courl ol Appeal. In reverstrlg pen enhe deal n at the
Hlgh court. held that the three tntemat Audll Members who voted al
the AGM wete Villd delegates.
[12] There are ftfleen temal ng and related lssues that this Counhas In
address as per the dlredions ol the Cour! M Appeal They are as
(i) Whether ‘small Muawl was a Ma|akaIJohDl delegale.
tn) whether Wart Kemememn wan Mustata was a lawtwl
delegate (mm Pehahg.
(Ml) whether wen Ahmad sanuudth was a lawml delegate tmm
(lv) whether the minu|e: at the board meetlhgs at the Koperasl
held on 14 .2011 and 28 22011 were valtd.
(v) whether Puah Nura Nawl was a valtd delegate lmm selangor
(VI) The status of the Ptllrajaya branch
m wsmlFvQ:.1‘lcMIwmIuvAvvQ
“Nair 5.11.1 ...1e.m1t be .1... m my 1... nflmhallly A
. dnuuvlnnl vu arluNG vtmxl
(VII) Whether a smeme known is ‘Skim Tsbus Saham“ Var
recruiting new members is valid.
(vni) Whether sharnsuddin bin Dardak is a valid detegete a d
whether he had resigned as a manner dtthe Beard (“AL )
belare the AGM.
(ix) whether Mohd Ayuh bin Ahmad. the aficer trorn the
Cooperative commission or Meieysra (‘SKM“) had acted
beyond his jurisdiclton and whether the AGM sheutd have
been postponed.
lx) whether Enetk Shlmsuddtn bin DirdIk‘e appointment as a
member btthe ALK was vaiid?
(xi) whether the appellants -Register of Members“ which is M
Dukunren 15) (F1), is vaiid
(xii) Dld the restructuring exerdee reeutt W the Koperesr brlnches
being dissolved?
(XHI) whether the vote eeuntrng exercise at the AGM wls vahd.
(XIV) whether Enctk Muhd Ayuh bin Ahmad, SR-7, is a credible
(xv) Whslher the Awnrd or dusts RM50,ooo is beyond the
Trthuna|‘s iurtsdrctten.
r. The postlron ollsmsil Macro!
[1 3] The Tribunal had rnade e finding that Enctk Ismail was a iawtui
delegate at the AGM. In short, the Tnbunei agreed with the opinion
made by Enctk Mehd Ayttb, who was acltng In his advisory capanfly
as an bttieer at the SKM at the AGM.
[14] There was no evidence that nnybody at the AGM abtecled to Enuk
lsrnItI's pasihon as the detegete.
mwsmtrvndic MIUVAVDQ
"Nah! e.n.r...n..r%“..t....emw...tnnt.r-ya
. dnumtnhl w. .nune vmui
Al the Tribunal, the appellants otziected to the “decision” made by
Enolk Mahd Ayub to allow Eiiiax Ismail Maaroltu be a delegate from
Learned counsel tar the appellants submitted that there were only
we delegates trorri Melakeuahov and they were Enclk Ahu nultah
Hitain and Em:ikAdumah Md Jetaa Tlieieldre, the question alEnclk
Ismail being a replacement delegate does nut arse.
The penirtsrtl question is, who prepared the list at delegates? The
short answer to the question is that it was prepared by the 1“
appellanl in his capacity as the chairman at the Knpeasi at the
material time The list of delegates. marked as R2-36A. clearly
states the name cl Ertcik leniail
In any even|, Enclk Ismail was invited by the 1“ apaellarll through
the secrewry at the Kaperasi to attend the AGM an 142 2011 I
therelure nhd tt trtooncetvahle tor the appellants to now came to lhls
Court and argue that Enclk lsrnail was not a valid delegate when it
was the 1“ appellant who confirmed that Enizik Ismail was included
in the list at delegates and extended the invitation tor him to attend
the AGM
My respeetlul view 15 that the appellants are eswpped ironi
challenging the status 0! Eriax Ismail.
l| is therelere rriy lindirig that Enex lsinail was the lawtul delegate at
the AGM
The status ol wan Kamaruddin
The issue arose when some at the members unending the AGM
disputed Enak wan Kaniamddina status as a delegate The AGM
was inldrined by the secretary or the Kdperast that Encik wan
Karnaruddin was not a member M the Keparaai at the Pahang
I do not respectfully think thI| this I! an issue
IN wariiirvaaicmamuivma 5
«mi. s.r.i nurlharwm be u... M may i... nrtglrrallly
. dnuuvlnhl VII aFlt.lNG Wm!
[23] My reason ls this In its amended grounds ufAwarI1, the Tribunal
alluded to the witness statements 01 vannus witnesses. which
Include one lrern the 7'" respondent it states rrrrer alia as follaws:
Erlclk Ayuh lme etrrcer trorn sxm tetan sekall
lagl betlanya kapadln S-Al-uuhu den
aendanan xsa sarnada penanra.penarrra lnl
relnn msmbuI| bayararl dan tee dun aye:
Sallalauha dan aerrdanart KSB Malt
menyemak dnmar anlt dan reltod arrggotrs
angaata dan [wish nlwngssahkml Enclk Wln
Kamzmddln on war. ultntata jug: tldzk pernan
memhaylr he nan syer d... buknntlh lnggota
From what IVIa| Iransplmd at the AGM. II is evident |hat Ertcik Wan
Kamamtmin was not allowed to pamcroate as a delegate. I cannot,
tneretore, hnd any rnyrne or reason why his status is challenged try
me appellants wnen he was not even a delegate Ind rneretere could
nave affected the outcome or tne AGM.
[24] The Tribunal had made tnrs clear in its amended grounds or
rudgrnent at p 25 when ll tound:
eardauman >uateunganakl|erIrtqart yang
dtkemukaltan Adalnh pets: wan Kamamddln trln
wan Muilzla Mnlnn wlkll ylng r-tau uh bani
Cawllwan Parlarlg
with the greatest respect, I find it drsturtring when the appellants
raised this as an lss to show that the Tribunal had purportedly
lallen into error wnen it made it clear In its amended grounds that
Encik wan Kamnruddtrt was never a delegate
iii The status or wan Ahmad sairuddin
[25] The same applies to the poamon o1 Erlcik wan Ahmad sartuddrn in
its finding, the Tribunal raferrsd to the membership Ilsl of the
Keperasi and took cognrsanoe mat from the record available‘ Enetk
wen Ahmad serruddin was never a member oi tne Koperasl.
[261 In tact, the mlnules oi the AGM speclflcally recorded that Enclk wan
Ahmed sartuddin was not recognised as e urtdidala end that nts
IN wsmlFvQ:.1‘icMIwmIuvAvp0 7
“None s.n.r nmlhnrwlll be tr... m my r... oflmnallly MVMI dnuurlnrrl r.. arluNG vtmxl
name was removed slnca hls name was remaued. ‘ ls also clear
that Enclk Wan salhmdin was not allowed to panlcipate tn the AGM.
[27] The Tnhllnal was tnerelore eanect in comlrlg to a aoneluslon (hat
Enclk wan salluddin is not a member otthe KODerasl‘s Pulmjaya
rv rrla mmlllex ofllm Board rnaallngs
[28] The appellants are of the view that lne two ALK meellngs held
subsequent to the AGM were lnvalld. ll nae been estahllshed that
the requlsite quonlm was melfur both the ALK meetings.
[29] l do nnt. wllh respect. see any lawful gmunds pmllerad by the
appellants ta cnallenge the validlly of the ALK meetings. on the
norumry. the I" and 2" appellants even attended tne 2"‘ ALK
meetmg held on 25.2.20tt
{so} The 1-! and 2“ appellants eeula have tell me meellng rvlldway. am
the reason for them leaving tn: ALK meeting was not due to the
argument that lt was lllegally convened Awarding to me nnnules.
me l-' and 2" appellants left the ALK meetlng slnce lhelr proposed
agenda V07 dlscussion was mieded by Ina ALK. That hardly a
good reason lur questtonlng lhe valiany oi a Imam me -
[31] t theretole r-apecllully agree with lne finding at the Thelma! as
fidak all: maps Dnrlanwavan latmre
Mesyualit yang anllnlmtan nletl Psmmon»
Pemohun llnlllx menvlukan Malyuivll lt|l
(zcel lmltlk Tnbunal rnempelsemlll. dakwaan
V. we slzalus o(Puan Nura Nawi
[32] The Issua ls wnalhav Puan Nura. wno is the 3" appellant. ls I valld
delegate at the AGM reprutserlting the Selangar aranch The
appellants tnslsted that Puan Nura ls a member and a lawlul
delegate lor lha salengor arencn at lhe AGM.
rn wSYNlFVQI.0CMIwm|uVAvvQ 3
“Nair s.n.l nuvlhnrwlll a. ll... w my l... nrtnlrlnllly Mthln dnuuvlnrll n. aFluNG vtmxl
[331 Hewever, the valtdmy attne status at Puan Nura as a detegete was
debated at the AGM and it was resnlvsd that she was not even a
member ct the Knpetast Aooordtng tc the 2" respondent‘ Mohd
Rusm btn sehuri, in para 3(d)o1his amdavtl in reply rn Encl 29 twa-
29'). there was no evtdence on the membership apphcaoen form of
Puan Nura at any endorsement by the ALK that i| was duly
D1 cerang keanggnuan nu Izaak tetum tartan
keenmnlnn penema urrutusxen cteh ALK den
botany pennehenen Psmohon buleh dinner .1.
pt Lamyvran P
[34] In any event. the 2'“ respondent challenged the authenticity ol Puan
Nura's apphcatron lorm.
xerepuan nrgn wuwd kn eras P1 rtetnmerr 45
can :7. Bomng Furmomnnn Panama mane
Iluya tetas nemere dengan Canmh Enrnng
Formahonan Keanawm-In Ksa at :25
Lamptvan In
For the aloreeerd reespnsr I respecttulry agvee wrth the Tnbunal
when rt concluded that
Berdnsatkan kzlevangan-lttatarzngan yang
dlksmukahant adeten pulas Puan rtrrre am
New: bukan wekrt yang sen peer Clwlnfinn
w The status at trre Pulra/aya branch
[35] It re the cnntencran ottheappettants that the Putrareya branch orthe
Koparesr was valtdly lovmad and cunsmuled.
[arr] According to cl 25m onhe Kuperasrs by-laws or Und ng—Undang
Kurt, the power In estanush e branch etthe Kaperee vested rn
the ALK No one member, not even a member of the ALKr has the
power to establtsh e new trranch at the Keperasr
[37] The Tribunal. in rte gmunds :71 Award, returned to Eksh s-14, where
Haji senrat bun Uda Geno, the 1‘ respondent, amrmed that:
rn wsmtFvQ:.0cMIwmIavAvp0
«ware s.n.r be mad m mm the anrrn.ury an. dnuumnl w. murta prnar
[us] say: ingin menreiemn hahlwa KSE
Kawasan Pmraraya Mak dernan wujud
Sly: mdin nururuk man. purl rm. 1:!)
agenda 51. saya min meneqasksn
hlhawa mssyunml knwuan wuiraraya
mg konormya diadakarl pad:
10/‘Damn adalah dneka den adaian
Hap samai lumier eormrmed Ihal mere wns no agenda on me
alleged rormaiion of ma Punraiaya branch er me ALK mee|ing on
[30] In any event, ii is rnugicai lor me Punraiaya 'branch“ in hold a
maeirng nn 10102020 when me ALK had only purpdriediy
approved iis Vormalion an 5 |1.2020.To my mind, rim is pdumg me
can befuvs me horse. A branch cannoi passibiy mm a mad mg
befare Il$ formation is appmved by me ALK, assummg for one
rnomeni lhal ii was Indeed approved ei me ALK meeling on
5.11 2020, vfwhlch no finding is made nera.
[391 imemiure respecivuuy agree wmi ine vindmg oniie Trinunai met me
Putmaya branch o1 Ihe Kaperasi was nm validly consumed
according w Kuperesvs |7y—\aws
wi The valrdily ofme skim Tebus sanam
[40] The M193 beirrnd the skim Tebus sanam is to remit new members
by irsnsvemng membership and shares at Inlchve members
[41] How are members dc a ooaperaiwe socie(y veoovded'7 s 15 oi
co5A pnwides met any regvusr or mi cl members am by any 00-
operative socia|y shah beprfma Iacie evidence 01 me name,
address, rderriiiy card number. membership numberand occupalicn
0! El member and of lhe da|ss he became and ceased k: be a
[421 Asoufdlny wine 2"“ respondent, me of members oilhe Koperasi
was GUVY kem ‘H the special mum at lhe KoparIsi's OM08 In Jaian
semui Paeen Kuala Lumpuv The list Mmembevs did not mcmde
me nurpdnsd memberships derived Iram me Skim Tsbus Saham,
which was never sanctioned hy ina ALK. In any event. In View at
rn wSYN\FVG4.flcMIwm|aVAvvQ
«uni. s.n.i nmhnrwm is. 0...: M mm he nrW\nnH|Y Mm. dnuumnl VII muNG p-max
| 2,388 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-24C-62-04/2023 | PEMOHON CARLSON CONSTRUCTION SDN BHD RESPONDEN AWP PROPERTIES SDN BHD | Enclosure 1. CCSB’s application in OS 62 to enforce the AD pursuant to s 28 CIPAA. In the matter of section 28 of the Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act, 2012 and in the matter of Rule 7, Rule 28, and Rule 92 Rule 4 of the Rules of Court, 2012 and Rule 69A Rule 5 of the Rules of Court (Amendment) 2018. | 18/01/2024 | YA Tuan Nadzarin Bin Wok Nordin | |
SAMAN PEMULA NO. WA-24C-62-04/2023
Dalam perkara Adjudikasi antara
Carlson Construction Sdn Bhd (Pihak
Menuntut) dan AWP Properties Sdn
Bhd (Pihak Responden)
Dalam perkara Adjudikasi di hadapan
Mohd Norazman Zaini
Dalam perkara Keputusan Adjudikasi
bertarikh 3-3-2023
Dalam perkara seksyen 28 Akta
Pembayaran dan Adjudikasi Industri
Pembinaan, 2012
Dalam perkara Aturan 7, Aturan 28,
dan Aturan 92 Kaedah 4 Kaedah-
Kaedah Mahkamah, 2012 dan Aturan
69A Kaedah 5 Kaedah-Kaedah
Mahkamah (Pindaan) 2018
18/01/2024 08:40:25
WA-24C-62-04/2023 Kand. 14
S/N v2EXAajthEaIJsVoN2ThNQ
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
(No. Syarikat: 988833-P) …PLAINTIF
(No. Syarikat: 1243700-K) …DEFENDAN
Di Dengar Bersama Dengan
SAMAN PEMULA NO. WA-24C-65-04/2023
Dalam Perkara Adjudikasi antara
Carlson Construction Sdn Bhd dan
AWP Properties Sdn Bhd
Dalam Perkara Keputusan Adjudikasi
bertarikh 3.3.2023 yang dibuat oleh
S/N v2EXAajthEaIJsVoN2ThNQ
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En Mohd Norazman Zaini
Dalam Perkara Seksyen 15 (b) & (d)
Akta Pembayaran dan Adjudikasi
Industri Pembinaan 2012
Dalam Perkara Aturan 7 dan 28
Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012
(No. Syarikat: 1243700-K) …PLAINTIF
(No. Syarikat: 988833-P) …DEFENDAN
Di Dengar Bersama Dengan
S/N v2EXAajthEaIJsVoN2ThNQ
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SAMAN PEMULA NO. WA-24C-66-04/2023
Dalam perkara Adjudikasi antara
Carlson Construction Sdn Bhd dan
AWP Properties Sdn Bhd
Dalam perkara Penghakiman
Adjudikasi bertarikh 3.3.2023 oleh En.
Mohd Norazman Zaini (“Adjudikator”)
Dalam Perkara Seksyen 16 (b) Akta
Pembayaran dan Adjudikasi Industri
Pembinaan 2012
(No. Syarikat: 1243700-K) …PLAINTIF
(No. Syarikat: 988833-P) …DEFENDAN
S/N v2EXAajthEaIJsVoN2ThNQ
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(Enclosure 1)
[1] OS 65 is AWP Properties Sdn Bhd (“AWP”) application under s 15
(b) and (d) of the Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act
2012 (CIPAA) to set aside the Adjudication Decision dated 3.3.2023
(“AD”) given in favor of Carlson Construction Sdn Bhd (“CCSB”)
whilst OS 66 is AWP’s application for a stay of the AD under section
16 CIPAA pending the disposal of the arbitration proceedings
between the parties.
[2] There is also CCSB’s application in OS 62 to enforce the AD pursuant
to s 28 CIPAA.
[3] All the aforesaid matters were heard together as they contain the
same set of facts and related to the same parties.
Brief Back Ground Facts
[4] Vide a Letter of Award dated 5-6-2018, Ace appointed Carlson as a
Subcontractor to carry out construction work for a Project known as
“Cadangan Membina Bangunan Kedai Pejabat yang mengandungi
Fasa 1 a) 8 Unit Kedai Pejabat 3 Tingkat b) 20 Unit Kedai Pejabat 2
Tingkat c) 1 Unit Loji Rawatan Kumbahan d) 1 Unit Tangki Air yang
mengandungi Rumah Pam & Tangki Sedutan e) 1 Unit Stesen Pam
f) 1 Unit Pencawang Elektrik Fasa 2 a) 8 Unit Kedai Pejabat 3 Tingkat
b) 24 Unit Kedai Pejabat 2 Tingkat c) 2 Unit Pencawang Elektrik di
S/N v2EXAajthEaIJsVoN2ThNQ
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aras Lot 31182, Mukim Gali, Daerah Raub, Pahang Darul Makmur
untuk Tetuan Teratai Kilauan Sdn Bhd)” (“the Project”) ("the
[5] The price of the Subcontract was RM20,000,000.00. (“the
Subcontract Sum”).
[6] Throughout the said Project, Carlson has diligently carried out the
Subcontract Work (“Works”) and from time to time had submitted
claims or Invoices to Ace for payment. Upon receipt of Carlson’s
Progress Claims, Ace issued the Certificates and paid Carlson for the
Works done under the Subcontract.
[7] The disputes arose between Carlson and Ace in relation to the
Subcontract, including disputes over the payment of Carlson’s
Progress Claim from Ace.
[8] In and around February 2022, Carlson submitted its Progress Claim
No. 34 for Ace’s certification. To this effect, Ace issued its Progress
Certificate No. 34 acknowledging, certifying and verifying that
Carlson had carried out works under the Subcontract amounting to
[9] As at that date, a sum of RM15,785,157.74 had been paid by Ace to
Carlson under the previous certificates leaving a balance of
RM1,221,845,37 (after deduction of RM1,000,000.00 retention sum)
still due and owing under Progress Certificate No. 34.
S/N v2EXAajthEaIJsVoN2ThNQ
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[10] Pursuant to Clause 6.0 of the Letter of Award, Ace is to make
payment within 30 days from the date of the Progress Certificate.
Carlson’s Progress Certificate No. 34 was issued to Ace on 20-2-
2022 and therefore, balance payment of RM1,221,845,37 was due
and payable by 22-3-2022.
[11] Notwithstanding the above, Carlson thereafter issued its Final
Progress Claim No. 36 dated 15-4-2022 with all supporting
documents for the sum of RM2,937,609.82 (including retention sum
but less all previous certified amount) to the Project Architect for its
[12] Pursuant to Clause 30.1 of the Agreement and Conditions of PAM
Contract 2006 (Without Quantities), the Project Architect shall issue
a certificate within 21 days from the date of receipt of the progress
claim, which is on 6-5-2022. However, to date, the Project Architect
has not issued its certificate to Carlson.
[13] Further, since the progress certificate ought to have been issued to
Carlson on 6- 5-2022 and Ace is to make payment within 30 days
from the date of the progress certificate, the balance sum of
RM2,937,609.82 would be due and payable by the Ace to Carlson by
[14] However, Ace failed and/or neglected to make the respective
payments of RM1,221,845,37 and RM2,937,609.82 to Carlson which
left them with no other choice but to pursue this Adjudication Claim
against Ace.
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OS 65
[15] This Court will firstly deal with OS 65 as the decision on this
application will eventually have an effect on the other 2 Originating
LAD and Whether Time Was At Large
[16] In support of OS 65, learned counsel for AWP had submitted that
CCSB did not complete its Works with the original completion dates
despite 3 Extensions of Time (“EOT”) granted by the Architect for
Section 1 and 2 of the Works and thus AWP were entitled to a set off
for the Liquidated Ascertained Damages (“LAD”) claims amounting
to RM8 million and third party costs of RM417,000 but that the
Learned Adjudicator had made a finding that time was at large and
as such AWP was not entitled to its LAD claims.
[17] AWP’s counsel had further argued that it was never part of CCSB’s
Adjudication Claim and Adjudication Reply that time was at large and
that they did not have nor were given the opportunity to submit on
this point.
[18] In the AD, I found that the Adjudicator had dealt with this issue of
‘time at large’ at paragraphs 12.20 to 12.24 after considering the
Architect’s evaluation of the same where the latter determined that
the issue of delay was not valid for an EOT and the Adjudicator then
holding that the Architect was empowered under clause 23.8 (v) of
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the PAM Contract 2006 to grant the EOT but that the Architect had
not administered the correct provision by refusing to grant EOT and
thus time was at large.
[19] I also find from the AD that the Adjudicator had given the parties the
opportunity to submit on the Certificates of EOT and thereafter the
Adjudicator had tabulated the delay events in detail in the AD.
[20] From my findings, it was also found by the Adjudicator inter alia that:
20.1 due to the above, the Architect had not issued the Certificate
for EOT or the Certificate of Non-Completion (“CNC”) and thus
AWP had loss their right to impose LAD.
20.2 they were delay events which were not duly assessed or were
20.3 CCSB had not argued that the LAD was unreasonable but that
there were entitled to more EOT than what has been granted
by the Architect.
20.4 AWP pursued assessing and granting of EOT, despite there
being condition precedents for the granting of EOT, which the
Adjudicator found as amounting to an act of waiver to such
condition precedent requirements.
[21] Following from this, the Arbitrator concluded that AWP was not
entitled to impose LAD as ‘time was at large’ and that CCSB was
entitled to RM1,221,845.37 being the outstanding payment up to
Progress Certificate No.34.
S/N v2EXAajthEaIJsVoN2ThNQ
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[22] I have also had the opportunity to peruse CCSB’s Adjudication Claim
and Adjudication Reply and did not find any reference to the issue of
‘time being at large’ referred to therein. This however does not mean
that the Adjudicator could not come to a finding of there being ‘time
at large’ in the matter before him.
[23] It is my decision, that this point must be seen in the context of the
Adjudicators decision in toto when reading the AD itself. Just because
the word ‘time at large’ was not raised expressly by CCSB in its
Adjudication Claim and the Adjudication Reply does not mean that
the Adjudicator could not have made a decision which led to his
conclusion that ‘time was at large’ based on the facts and documents
before him.
[24] I further hold on this point of ‘time being at large’ at large and AWP’s
contention of not having nor being given the opportunity to submit on
this point, that the Adjudicator, from the above parts of the AD, had
asked himself the correct question on this issue i.e whether EOT was
to be granted in relation to the provisions of the Contract. The fact
that the Adjudicator may have answered the same incorrectly or
otherwise is not something which this Court may interfere with as it
would be an issue which should be decided at the Arbitration
Proceedings, see Econpile (M) Sdn Bhd v ASM Development (KL)
Sdn Bhd and other cases [2020] 1 LNS 940.
[25] Thus, there is no breach of natural justice when the Adjudicator did
not give AWP the alleged right to be heard or submit on this point of
‘time at large’ especially so when, from the facts before me, neither
S/N v2EXAajthEaIJsVoN2ThNQ
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party was given the said right to be heard or submit thereto. What is
good for the goose is good for the gander.
[26] In any event, I did find that the Adjudicator had considered in some
detail AWP’s Adjudication Reply on the issue of LAD and found from
the documents before the Adjudicator that the issue of LAD was
never raised in, nor deducted from the previous Progress Certificates.
The Adjudicator had also held that such claim was an afterthought to
justify non-payment of the full amount certified in the various relevant
Progress Certificates and that there was no allowable reason and
non-compliance with procedures for deduction of money due to
[27] As to another argument raised by AWP that the Adjudicator had
erroneously held that there was no notification by AWP to CCSB on
whether AWP would impose LAD, I have found after reading the AD,
that the Adjudicator did state there was a letter from AWP to CCSB
dated 12.12.2019 on this issue but found that ‘such letter is not what
clause 22.1 envisage as the Contract specifically requires the
employer to inform such deduction and just inform intention to
deduct”. This contention by AWP is therefore clearly untenable and
must be dismissed.
[28] From all of the above, I hold that the Adjudicator had thus examined
the documents provided to him in the Adjudication and duly
considered the arguments of both sides before making his
considered decision on the LAD. This issue is in fact a challenge as
to the merits of and an appeal of the Adjudicator’s decision which is
not permitted under s 15 of CIPAA.
S/N v2EXAajthEaIJsVoN2ThNQ
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Whether Termination Was Unlawful and Not Part of CCSB’s Case
[29] On the issue of whether termination was unlawful and not part of
CCSB’s case, I agree with learned counsel for AWP that CCSB had
in its Adjudication Reply at paragraph 11 thereto stated that there was
a mutual termination of the subcontract by the parties but that the
Adjudicator had in the AD eventually found the termination as
unlawful and the Notice of Default as being defective. To this I have
noted that paragraph 69 of AWP’s Adjudication Reply did contend
that AWSP was entitled to determine CCSB’s employment under
clause 25.1 (c) of the PAM Contract.
[30] I have observed from the AD that the conclusion arrived at by the
Adjudicator that the termination was unlawful and the Notice of
Default being defective was arrived at by scrutinizing the documents
before him including the Notice of Default which was entitled ‘Mutual
Termination Notice’ and which said Notice of Default only referred to
the failure of not completing the Works by the agreed date.
[31] The Adjudicator subsequently finds amongst others that:
i. the performance of CCSB could not be measured nor could the
Adjudicator determine whether CCSB had rectified its default.
ii. CCSB had not challenged the said Notice of Default and
claimed in the Adjudication Reply that it was mutual.
iii. the Notice of Default was defective as there was an act of
hindrance by AWP.
iv. there was procedural non-compliance of clause 25.2 of the
PAM 2006 Contract in issuing the Notice of Default.
S/N v2EXAajthEaIJsVoN2ThNQ
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[32] After due consideration of the argument put forth by AWP on this
issue of the Adjudicator’s decision that the termination was unlawful
and that it was not part of CCSB’s case, I agree with learned Counsel
for AWP that this would be a ground under section 15 (d) of CIPAA
that the Adjudicator had acted in excess of his jurisdiction which
would entitle this Court to set aside the Adjudication Decision i.e the
[33] Once it was CCSB’s case that there was a mutual termination of the
subcontract by the parties in the Adjudication Reply, it is, with respect,
not within the powers of the Adjudicator to go behind the said
averment in the Adjudication Reply and come to his own finding that
such termination was not lawful when no such issue as to the validity
of the termination was raised by the parties in the Adjudication. Such
conduct of the Adjudicator would result in his acting on a frolic of his
[34] This decision of the Adjudicator has thus resulted in AWP being
unentitled to its set off claim of RM417,000 being AWP’s cost to
complete the Works.
[35] This would thus be one of the rare cases where this Court finds that
the ‘conscience of the Court’ has been pricked to such an extent that
the AD is to be set aside.
For OS 65
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[36] Consequently, I therefore allow prayers 1 and 2 of enclosure 1 in OS
For OS 62 & 66
[37] In the circumstances, I am hereby dismissing OS 62 for the
enforcement of the AD with costs and hold that OS 66 for a Stay of
the AD is now academic. I order no costs as to OS 66.
Dated: 10th day of November 2023
COUNSEL FOR THE PLAINTIFF (suit 62) / DEFENDANT (suit 65 & 66):
Dinesh Nandrajog
[Messrs Nandrajog]
COUNSEL FOR THE DEFENDANT (suit 62) / PLAINTIFF (suit 65 & 66):
Rohan Arasoo a/l Jeyabalah, Ooi Hui Ying and Ng Suet Huey
[Messrs Ng, Ho & Partners]
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| 17,854 | Tika 2.6.0 |
33-95-03/2015 | PEMPETISYEN ROPERT A/L VANATHIAH RESPONDEN THILAKAVATHY A/P CHURULIMALAI | Civil procedure/ Family law - Application for leave to issue writ of possession - Wife granted right to occupy matrimonial home 'tanpa sebarang gangguan' pursuant to consent order - Whether husband should vacate matrimonial home - Meaning of 'tanpa sebarang gangguan' - Whether practical for husband to remain in matrimonial home when wife was given right to occupy it. | 18/01/2024 | YA Puan Evrol Mariette Peters | |
33-95-03/2015 18 January 2024
DIVORCE PETITION NO: 33-95-03/2015
In the matter of Sections 53, 54,
76, 77, 88, 89 and 92 of the
Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976
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33-95-03/2015 Kand. 30
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[1] This was an application (“this Application”) by the Respondent Wife in
enclosure 16, seeking leave to issue a writ of possession in respect of
the matrimonial home, and for the Respondent and three out of the
four children of the marriage to be allowed to live in the matrimonial
The factual background
[2] The Petitioner Husband and Respondent Wife (collectively, “the
Parties”) were married in May 1996, and had four children, born in
1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001 respectively.
[3] The marriage deteriorated over time and in March 2015, the Petitioner
filed a divorce petition (“the Divorce Petition”), while the Respondent
responded in May 2015.
[4] In August 2015, Parties entered into a consent order (“the Consent
Order”), stipulating, inter alia, that the Respondent along with three
children in her custody will live in the matrimonial home (“the
Matrimonial Home”), ‘tanpa sebarang gangguan’. The relevant terms
read in verbatim:
iii. Responden Isteri bersama dengan 3 orang anak di dalam kustodi
Responden Isteri akan berpindah masuk ke dalam rumah di alamat
***** (“Hartanah tersebut”) dan Pempetisyen Suami akan membayar
segala utiliti seperti Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Syabas, Indah Water,
Cukai Tanah dan Cukai Taksiran bagi Hartanah tersebut dan
Pempetisyen Suami akan terus membayar segala utiliti tersebut
dimana Responden Isteri dan 3 orang dalam kustodi isteri
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dibenarkan untuk tinggal di rumah tersebut tanpa sebarang
iv. Pempetisyen Suami akan membayar ansuran bulanan kepada pihak
Bank bagi Hartanah tersebut dan Hartanah tersebut akan dipegang
sebagai amanah dalam bahagian yang sama rata bagi 4 orang anak
di dalam perkahwinan sehingga anak ke-empat mencapai umur 24
[Emphasis added.]
[5] The Petitioner had failed to adhere to the stipulated terms of the
Consent Order, prompting the Respondent’s Counsel to issue a written
notice in December 2020, urging compliance. The correspondence
clearly communicated that failure to comply would necessitate
additional legal measures. Despite this, the Petitioner had refused to
adhere, subsequently obstructing the Respondent and the three
children in her custody from relocating to the Matrimonial Home.
[6] In August 2023, the Respondent filed this Application pursuant to
Order 46 of the Rules of Court 2012 (“Rules of Court”), and rules 56
and 72 of the Divorce and Matrimonial Proceedings Rules 1980, all of
which read:
Rules of Court 2012
Order 46 – Writs of execution - General
Rule 2 - When leave to issue any writ of execution is necessary
(1) A writ of execution to enforce a judgment or order may not be issued
without the leave of the Court in the following cases:
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(a) where six years or more have lapsed since the date of the
judgment or order;
(b) where any change has taken place, whether by death or
otherwise, in the parties entitled or liable to execution under the
judgment or order;
(c) where the judgment or order is against the assets of a deceased
person coming to the hand of his executors or administrators after
the date of the judgment or order, and it is sought to issue execution
against such assets;
(d) where under the judgment or order any person is entitled to relief
subject to the fulfilment of any condition which it is alleged has been
fulfilled; and
(e) where any movable property sought to be seized under a writ of
execution is in the hands of a receiver appointed by the Court.
(2) Paragraph (1) is without prejudice to any written law or rule by which a
person is required to obtain the leave of the Court for the issue of a writ of
execution or to proceed to execution on or otherwise the enforcement of a
judgment or order.
(3) Where the Court grants leave, whether under this rule or otherwise, for
the issue of a writ of execution and the writ is not issued within one year
after the date of the order granting such leave, the order shall cease to have
effect, without prejudice, however, to the making of a fresh order.
Divorce and Matrimonial Proceedings Rules 1980
Rule 56 – Application by petitioner or respondent for ancillary relief
(1) Any application by a petitioner, or by a respondent who files an answer
claiming relief, for —
(a) an order for maintenance pending suit;
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(b) a property division order, under section 76 of the Act; or
(c) a maintenance order, under section 77 of the Act,
shall be made in the petition or answer, as the case may be.
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), an application for ancillary relief which
should have been made in the petition or answer may be made
subsequently —
(a) by leave of the court, either by notice in Form 11 or at the trial;
(b) where the parties are agreed upon the terms of the proposed
order, without leave by notice in Form 11.
(3) An application by a petitioner or respondent for ancillary relief, not being
an application which is required to be made in the petition or answer
shall be made by notice in Form 11.
Rule 72 – Enforcement of order for payment of money, etc
(1) Before any process is issued for the enforcement of an order made in
matrimonial proceedings for the payment of money to any person, an
affidavit shall be filed verifying the amount due under the order and showing
how that amount is arrived at.
(2) Except with the leave of the registrar, no writ of fierifacias or warrant of
execution shall be issued to enforce payment of any sum due under an
order for ancillary relief where an application for a variation order is pending.
(3) For the purpose of RHC Order 46 (issue of a writ of execution), the
divorce registry shall be the appropriate office for the issue of a writ of
execution to enforce an order made in matrimonial proceedings in the High
Court which are proceedings in that registry.
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The Issues
[7] The issues for consideration for this Court were as follows: (i) the
inherent characteristics of a consent order; (ii) the validity of the
Petitioner’s justification for refusing to vacate the Matrimonial Home;
and (iii) the interpretation of ‘tanpa sebarang gangguan’ in clause (iii)
of the Consent Order.
[8] This Application was allowed for the following reasons.
Contentions, evaluation, and findings
The nature of a consent order
[9] At the outset, it was crucial to draw attention to the insights shared
by Mary Lim JCA (as she then was) in Lee Heng Moy & Ors v. Pacific
Trustees Bhd & Ors [2016] 6 CLJ 368 regarding the nature of a consent
order. Her observations, as articulated in the following passage, merit
careful consideration:
It is fairly settled and trite law that an order of the court reached by consent
of the parties involved is in effect a contract between those
parties:Ganapathy Chettiar v. Lum Kum Chum & Ors And Another
Appeal [1981] 2 MLJ 145. Such a consent order must therefore be given its
full contractual effect - see Tan Geok Lan v. La Kuan [2004] 2 CLJ
301; [2004] 3 MLJ 465. Such an order remains valid, effective and binding
on all the parties involved until and unless the order is set aside for some
vitiating reason - see the Federal Court's decision in Tong Lee Hwa & Anor
v. Chin Ah Kwi & Another Appeal [1971] 1 LNS 143; [1971] 2 MLJ 75. In
fact, until that happens, until and unless the consent order is set aside, the
consent order operates as an estoppel disallowing the defendants today
from departing from its terms.
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[Emphasis added.]
[10] A consent order is akin to a contract with the superadded command of
the court: Tan Geok Lan v. La Kuan [2004] 2 CLJ 301; [2004] 3 MLJ
465. Reference was also made to a plethora of cases
including Ganapathy Chettiar v. Lum Kum Chum & Ors And Another
Appeal [1981] 1 LNS 59; [1981] 2 MLJ 145; Tong Lee Hwa & Anor v.
Chin Ah Kwi & Another Appeal [1971] 1 LNS 143; [1971] 2 MLJ 75;
and Kamil Azman Abdul Razak & Ors v. Amanah Raya Bhd & Ors
[2019] 6 CLJ 419.
Whether the Petitioner’s reasons for refusing to vacate the Matrimonial
Home were relevant/ justified
[11] The Petitioner put forth a multitude of arguments to justify his
continued occupancy of the Matrimonial Home, deviating from the
explicit directives outlined in the Consent Order.
[12] Initially, he asserted that this Application was time-barred. This
contention was followed by the claim that it was the Respondent
who had voluntarily vacated the Matrimonial Home, without any
coercion from him. Furthermore, he delved into the complexities of
his personal circumstances, revealing his involvement in a new
marital relationship and the challenges of caring for a child with
autism. Alongside these personal challenges, the Petitioner
highlighted his low-income status, arguing that financial constraints
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prevented him from vacating the Matrimonial Home and securing
alternative housing.
[13] I found the entirety of the Petitioner’s argument untenable. The
focal point for this Court centers on whether the Respondent should
be granted the right to occupy the Matrimonial Home, in accordance
with the terms of the Consent Order.
[14] The assertion of a time limitation on the Respondent’s filing was
bereft of merit, as this Application for leave falls outside any
specified timeframe. Order 46 of the Rules of Court explicitly allows
such applications, emphasising that a writ of execution to enforce a
judgment or order may not be issued without the leave of the Court
where six years or more had lapsed since the date of the judgment or
order. Additionally, it was essential to highlight that the Respondent
had, through her solicitors, communicated with the Petitioner regarding
his non-compliance with the Consent Order. Despite these efforts, the
Petitioner had failed to provide a positive response. Consequently, the
Petitioner's argument regarding delay was unsustainable given the
[15] The justifications and excuses presented by the Petitioner in
opposing the Respondent’s vacation of the Matrimonial Home were
inconsequential and bore no relevance to the crux of this
Application, and amounted to an endeavour to re-litigate the terms
stipulated in the Consent Order.
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[16] This Court could not entertain the Petitioner’s reasons and excuses
for resisting the evacuation of the Matrimonial Home, particularly
given that the pertinent Consent Order had resulted from a mutual
agreement between the Parties.
Interpretation of ‘tanpa sebarang gangguan’ in clause iii of the Consent Order
[17] The nucleus of the Petitioner’s argument revolved around the
elucidation of clause iii of the Consent Order, in particular the term
‘tanpa sebarang gangguan’.
[18] The Petitioner contended that, although the Respondent and the
three Children in her custody were granted the right to occupy the
Matrimonial Home “tanpa sebarang gangguan”, pursuant to the
Consent Order, there was no explicit order for the Petitioner to
vacate the residence.
[19] In fact, the Petitioner proposed for the Respondent and the three
Children in her custody to relocate to the Matrimonial Home,
specifically occupying one of the rooms. However, in this
arrangement, the Petitioner insisted that both Parties mutually
pledge not to ‘disturb’ each other.
[20] I found the Petitioner’s argument to be lacking in merit. Firstly, the
term ‘tanpa sebarang gangguan’ carries a broader significance than
merely ‘without any disturbance’.
[21] The Respondent cited pertinent landlord-tenant cases such as Lee
Phak Kong v Bestway Fortune Sdn Bhd & Anor and Other Cases
[2023] MLRHU 463 and Kenny v Preen [1962] 3 ALL ER 814, which
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delved into the notion of ‘quiet enjoyment’. Asserting her entitlement
to quiet enjoyment of the Matrimonial Home, the Respondent
implied that Petitioner was obliged to permanently vacate the
Matrimonial home.
[22] While I agreed and recognised the Respondent’s right to quiet
enjoyment of the Matrimonial Home, I maintained the view that she
deserved additional entitlements, considering the broader
implications of the term tanpa sebarang gangguan’ in the Consent
[23] The expression ‘quiet enjoyment’ in Bahasa Malaysia is translated
as ‘kenikmatan aman sentosa’ while ‘tanpa sebarang gangguan’
carries a broader connotation. Notably, the term gangguan’ is
employed within the context of section 103 (Injunctions against
molestation) of the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce Act 1976, as
articulated in Bahasa Malaysia as follows:
Seksyen 103 – Tegahan terhadap pengganguan
Mahkamah adalah berkuasa dalam masa menanti keputusan sesuatu
pembicaraan hal ehwal berkahwin atau pada atau selepas pemberian
sesuatu dikri perceraian, perpisahan kehakiman atau pembatalan,
memerintahkan seseorang supaya jangan memaksa suami isteri atau
suami isterinya yang dahulu menerima kehadirannya dan supaya
jangan melakukan lain-lain perbuatan gangguan.
[Emphasis added.]
[24] Given the term ‘tanpa sebarang gangguan’ in the Consent Order
carries a broader scope than the concept of ‘quiet enjoyment’, I
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deemed it essential to reference legal precedents such as Chan Ah
Moi @ Chan Kim Moy v Phang Wai Ann [1995] 3 CLJ 846, Vaughan v
Vaughan [1973] 3 All ER 449, and Lee Sook Kwan v Yap Woon [2010]
11 MLRH 167.
[25] In the case of Chan Ah Moi @ Chan Kim Moy v Phang Wai Ann, where
‘gangguan’ or ‘molestation’ lacked a specific definition in the Law
Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act, the presiding judge, in the
absence of statutory guidance, turned to The Britannica World
Language Edition of The Oxford Dictionary and referenced the English
Court of Appeal case of Vaughan v Vaughan [1973] 3 All ER 449 for
[26] According to the Britannica World Language Edition of The Oxford
Dictionary, "molestation" is defined as “the action of molesting or
condition of being molested; annoyance, disturbance, vexation”. In
Vaughan v Vaughan, Davies LJ characterised ‘molestation’ as
engaging hostilely or injuriously and causing trouble, vexation,
annoyance, or inconvenience.
[27] It became evident that when the Consent Order was granted,
allowing the Respondent and the three Children in her custody to
occupy the Matrimonial Home, it inherently implied the obligation
for the Petitioner to vacate. Proposing that the Petitioner, his new
family, or any of his family members should continue to reside in
the Matrimonial Home, not only defied common sense but also
contravened the very essence of the Consent Order.
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[28] Drawing guidance from the Federal Court case of Kesatuan Pekerja-
Pekerja Bukan Eksekutif Maybank Bhd v Kesatuan Kebangsaan
Pekerja-Pekerja Bank & Anor [2018] 2 MLJ 590, despite its focus on a
common-sense approach to interpreting statutes, the underlying
principle can be extrapolated to the interpretation of consent orders.
[29] Moreover, it was both demeaning and insulting for the Petitioner to
suggest that the Respondent and the three Children in her custody
should confine themselves to one room in the Matrimonial Home
with the caveat that they refrain from interfering with or disturbing
Petitioner and his family. Such a proposition undermines the
fundamental purpose of the Consent Order and runs counter to the
principles of fairness and equity.
[30] In conclusion, considering the aforementioned reasons and a
meticulous examination of all evidence presented, including both oral
and documentary, as well as the submissions of the Parties, this
Application was allowed with costs.
Dated: 18 January 2024
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33-95-03/2015 18 January 2024
High Court, Kuala Lumpur
For the Petitioner – Lalitha Nagamuthu; Messrs Lalitha & Co
For the Respondent – Pramjit Kaur; Messrs Mann & Associates
Cases referred to:
➢ Chan Ah Moi @ Chan Kim Moy v Phang Wai Ann [1995] 3 CLJ 846
➢ Ganapathy Chettiar v. Lum Kum Chum & Ors And Another Appeal
[1981] 1 LNS 59; [1981] 2 MLJ 145
➢ Johnson v. Walton [1990] FCR 568, 1 FLR 350
➢ Kamil Azman Abdul Razak & Ors v. Amanah Raya Bhd & Ors [2019] 6
CLJ 419.
➢ Kenny v Preen [1962] 3 ALL ER 814
➢ Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja Bukan Eksekutif Maybank Bhd v Kesatuan
Kebangsaan Pekerja-Pekerja Bank & Anor [2018] 2 MLJ 590
➢ Lee Heng Moy & Ors v. Pacific Trustees Bhd & Ors [2016] 6 CLJ 368
➢ Lee Phak Kong v Bestway Fortune Sdn Bhd & Anor and Other Cases
[2023] MLRHU 463
➢ Lee Sook Kwan v Yap Woon [2010] 11 MLRH 167
➢ Tan Geok Lan v. La Kuan [2004] 2 CLJ 301; [2004] 3 MLJ 465
➢ Tee Bee Chin (P) v Goh Swee Por (L) [2018] 8 MLJ 590
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➢ Tong Lee Hwa & Anor v. Chin Ah Kwi & Another Appeal [1971] 1 LNS
143; [1971] 2 MLJ 75
➢ Vaughan v Vaughan [1973] 3 All ER 449
Legislation referred to:
➢ Divorce and Matrimonial Proceedings Rules 1980 – rules 56, 72
➢ Law Reform (Marriage & Divorce) Act 1976 – sections 48, 96, 103
➢ Rules of Court 2012 – Order 46
Other sources referred to:
➢ Britannica World Language Edition of The Oxford Dictionary
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| 21,591 | Tika 2.6.0 |
W-09-281-11/2021 | PERAYU NOR BADLI MUNAWIR BIN MOHAMAD ALIAS LAFTI RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya [Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM)] | Section 23 of the Penal Code - “Wrongful gain” - “wrongful loss” - Section 24 of the Penal Code - “Dishonestly” - Section 402A of the Criminal Procedure Code - “Alibi” - Section 405 of the Penal Code - Criminal breach of trust - Section 409 of the Penal Code - Criminal breach of trust by public servant or agent - Section 409B of the Penal Code - “Presumption” - Section 3 of the Anti Money-Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001 - "proceeds of an unlawful activity" - “unlawful activity" - “serious offence" - "money laundering" - Section 4 of the Anti Money-Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001 - The Law on Appellate Intervention - Judge erred in law and in fact - Courts below failed to recognize that the defence of the accused - Accused was having an uninterrupted meeting with DW5 - Accused’s defence that SP13 did not come to his office and didn’t give the accused the sum of alleged money - Evidence given and the entry in visitor log book (P163) supported the accused’s defence of alibi - There was a failure by the trial judge to judicially appreciate this crucial evidence - The version of the accused must be accepted as it remains unchallenged - Whether the failure of the learned trial judge to consider this unchallenged evidence, had occasioned a failure of justice and denied to accused to a fair trial? - Whether there has been a failure of justice or miscarriage of justice in the eye of the law arising from the failure of the prosecution to challenge the core assertion of defence? - Failure does not amount to an admission or acceptance of the accused’s testimony - Totality of the evidence and decision must be based on an examination of all the evidence presented and not evidence in isolation - Trial judge had directed on the issue of credibility of the prosecution witnesses and accepted their evidence - The appeal by the accused turns upon pure questions of fact - Findings of fact by the trial judge is therefore to remain undisturbed unless of course if the fact finding is plainly wrong - Trial judge had not erred and the findings were fully supported by the abundance by both oral and documentary evidence heaped against the accused - The accused had the opportunity and authority to make the request - The prior arrangement and the manner in which the payments were made is a relevant consideration - Did not reflect an innocent mind on the part of the accused - No substantial miscarriage of justice occurred to the accused by failure of the prosecution to challenge or put the essence of their case to the accused or his witnesses - Such failure does not go to the credibility of the prosecution witnesses nor does it amount to an acceptance of the defence witnesses’ evidence - The accused knew well what the case was against him when the prosecution closed its case and had been afforded all the opportunity to present his defence - The trial judge had carefully considered the accused defence and that advance payments had to be made as a result of the system migration - The defence raised by the accused was wholly untenable - Accused had failed to rebut the presumption of having acted dishonestly on the balance of probabilities - The defence of the accused that the advance payments for the project were mere bare denials and not true - Merely an excuse to cover up his unlawful activity - Wrong for the accused to make payments when payments were not due to the contractors - Ample evidence of corroboration of the testimony of the witnesses - Abundance of independent and compelling evidence confirming the evidence - To suggest that a distinction must be drawn between a property in cheque and property in cash is entirely fallacious - The intention of the drawer at the time for the cheques issued is the material test - The manner in which the money was demanded and received lend credence to the prosecution case - The accused has acted dishonestly, thus causing wrongful gain to himself and wr | 18/01/2024 | YA Dato' Azmi Bin AriffinKorumYA Datuk Vazeer Alam bin Mydin MeeraYA Dato' Ahmad Zaidi Bin IbrahimYA Dato' Azmi Bin Ariffin | |
CRIMINAL APPEAL NO: W -09 -281-11/2021
In The High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur
Criminal Appeal No : WA-42R-10-10/2019
Nor Badli Munawir Bin Mohamad Alias Lafti - Appellant
Public Prosecutor - Respondent
18/01/2024 16:21:17
W-09-281-11/2021 Kand. 66
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[1] The Appellant was tried in the Sessions Court at Kuala Lumpur with
five (5) counts of criminal breach of trust ("CBT") under section 409 of the
Penal Code and five (5) counts of money laundering under section 4(1)(a) of
the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001
The Charges
[2] Particulars of the first three (3CBT Charges (Case No: WA-WA-62R-
1-01/2017) were as follows:
First Charge: (“CBT 1”)
“Bahawa kamu di dalam bulan April 2013, di Pejabat THHE Fabricators
Sdn Bhd, Tingkat 23, Tower B, Menara UOA Bangsar, No. 5, Jalan
Bangsar Utama 1, di dalam Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur,
sebagai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Syarikat TH Heavy Engineering Bhd
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dan di dalam kapasiti tersebut, diamanahkan dengan suatu harta iaitu
sekeping cek Maybank bertarikh 30/4/2013 bernombor 681488
berjumlah RM400,000.00 telah melakukan pecah amanah jenayah
dan adalah dengan ini melakukan satu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum
di bawah seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan."
Second Charge: (“CBT 2”)
“Bahawa kamu di dalam bulan Jun 2013, di Pejabat THHE Fabricators
Sdn Bhd, Tingkat 23, Tower B, Menara UOA Bangsar, No. 5, Jalan
Bangsar Utama 1, di dalam Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur,
sebagai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif syarikat TH Heavy Engineering Bhd
dan di dalam kapasiti tersebut, diamanahkan dengan suatu harta iaitu
sekeping cek Maybank bertarikh 26/6/2013 bernombor 753749
berjumlah RM570,000.00 telah melakukan pecah amanah jenayah
dan adalah dengan ini melakukan satu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum
di bawah seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan."
Third Charge: (“CBT 3”)
“Bahawa kamu di dalam bulan Jun 2013, di Pejabat THHE Fabricators
Sdn Bhd, Tingkat 23, Tower B, Menara UOA Bangsar, No. 5, Jalan
Bangsar Utama 1, di dalam Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur,
sebagai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif syarikat TH Heavy Engineering Bhd
dan di dalam kapasiti tersebut, diamanahkan dengan suatu harta iaitu
sekeping cek Maybank bertarikh 26/6/2013 bernombor 753760
berjumlah RM430,000.00 telah melakukan pecah amanah jenayah
dan adalah dengan ini melakukan satu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum
di bawah seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan."
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[3] Particulars of the last two (2) CBT Charges (Case No: WA-WA-62R-
2-01/2017) were as follows:
First Charge: (“CBT 4”)
“Bahawa kamu di dalam bulan September 2013, di Pejabat THHE
Fabricators Sdn Bhd, Tingkat 23, Tower B, Menara UOA Bangsar, No.
5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1, di dalam Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala
Lumpur, sebagai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif syarikat TH Heavy
Engineering Bhd dan di dalam kapasiti tersebut, diamanahkan dengan
suatu harta iaitu sekeping cek Maybank bertarikh
9/9/2013 bernombor 802984 berjumlah RM600,000.00 telah
melakukan pecah amanah jenayah dan adalah dengan ini melakukan
satu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 409 Kanun
Second Charge: (“CBT 5”)
“Bahawa kamu di dalam bulan Oktober 2013, di Pejabat THHE
Fabricators Sdn Bhd, Tingkat 23, Tower B, Menara UOA Bangsar, No.
5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1, di dalam Wilayah Persekutuan.Kuala
Lumpur, sebagai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif syarikat TH Heavy
Engineering Bhd dan di dalam kapasiti tersebut, diamanahkan dengan
suatu harta iaitu sekeping cek Maybank bertarikh 30/10/2013
bernombor 834262 berjumlah RM575,800.00 telah melakukan pecah
amanah jenayah dan adalah dengan ini melakukan satu kesalahan
yang boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 409 Kanun Keseksaan."
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[4] Particulars of the first three (3) AMLATFA Charges (Case No: WA-
62R-7-03/2017) were as follows:
First Charge: (“AMLATFA 1”)
“Bahawa kamu pada 2 Mei 2013 antara jam 6.00 petang dan
8.00 malam di Old Town White Coffee Ara Damansara, Oasis Square,
No. 2, Jalan PJU 1A/7A, Petaling Jaya, dalam daerah Petaling, dalam
Selangor, telah melibatkan diri dalam penggubahan wang haram,
dengan menerima wang tunai berjumlah RM400,000.00 daripada
Murhasmee bin Mukhtar, Pengarah Syarikat Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd
yang merupakan hasil daripada suatu aktiviti haram dan oleh itu kamu
telah melakukan suatu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum di bawah
seksyen 4(1)(a) Akta Pencegahan Penggubahan Wang Haram dan
Pencegahan Pembiayaan Keganasan 2001 ( Akta 613 )”.
Second Charge: (“AMLATFA 2”)
Bahawa kamu pada 26 Jun 2013 antara jam 6.00 petang dan 8.00
malam di Old Town White Coffee Ara Damansara, Oasis Square, No.
2, Jalan PJU 1A/7A, Petaling Jaya, dalam daerah Petaling,
dalam Selangor, telah melibatkan diri dalam penggubahan wang
haram, dengan menerima wang tunai berjumlah RM570,000.00
daripada Murhasmee bin Mukhtar, Pengarah Syarikat Bicara Sepakat
Sdn Bhd yang merupakan hasil daripada suatu aktiviti haram dan oleh
itu kamu telah melakukan suatu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum di
bawah seksyen 4(1)(a) Akta Pencegahan Penggubahan Wang Haram
dan Pencegahan Pembiayaan Keganasan 2001 (Akta 613).”
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Third Charge: (“AMLATFA 3”)
“Bahawa kamu pada 27 Jun 2013 antara jam 2.00 dan 4.00 petang
di THHE Fabricators Sdn Bhd, B-23-1, Tower 8, Menara UOA
Bangsar, No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1, 59200 Kuala Lumpur, dalam
daerah Kuala Lumpur, dalam Kuala Lumpur, telah melibatkan diri
dalarn penggubahan wang haram, dengan menerima wang tunai
berjumlah RM430,000.00 daripada Mohd Razip bin Mohammad,
Pengarah Syarikat Coral lntoil Sdn Bhd yang merupakan hasil
daripada suatu aktiviti haram dan oleh itu kamu telah melakukan
suatu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 4(1)(a) Akta
Pencegahan Penggubahan Wang Haram dan Pencegahan
Pembiayaan Keganasan 2001 (Akta 613).”
[5] Particulars of the last two (2) AMLATFA Charges (Case No: WA-62R-
8-03/2017) were as follows:
First Charge: (“AMLATFA 4”)
“Bahawa kamu pada 11 September 2013 antara jam 6.00 petang dan
8.00 malam di Old Town White Coffee Ara Damansara, Oasis Square,
No. 2, Jalan PJU 1A/7A, Petaling Jaya, dalam daerah Petaling, dalam
Selangor, telah melibatkan diri dalam penggubahan wang haram,
dengan menerirna wang tunai berjumlah RM600,000.00 daripada
Murhasmee bin Mukhtar, Pengarah Syarikat Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd
yang merupakan hasil daripada suatu aktiviti haram dan oleh itu kamu
telah melakukan suatu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum di bawah
seksyen 4(1)(a) Akta Pencegahan Penggubahan Wang Haram dan
Pencegahan Pembiayaan Keganasan 2001 (Akta 613).”
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Second Charge: (“AMLATFA 5”)
“Bahawa kamu pada 1 November 2013 antara jam 3.00 dan 4.00
petang di Restoran Leaf Dining, No. 5-1, Jalan Solaris 1, Solaris Mont
Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, dalam daerah Kuala Lumpur, dalam Kuala
Lumpur, telah melibatkan diri dalam penggubahan wang haram,
dengan rnenerima wang tunai berjumlah RM570,000.00 daripada
Hanaffi bin Daud, Pengarah Syarikat RL Offshore Sdn Bhd yang
merupakan hasil daripada suatu aktivitl haram dan oleh itu kamu telah
melakukan suatu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen
4(1)(a) Akta Pencegahan Penggubahan Wang Haram dan
Pencegahan Pembiayaan Keganasan 2001 (Akta 613).”
[6] The Appellant pleaded not guilty and claimed trial to all the charges. At
the close of the prosecution case, the learned Sessions Court Judge ordered
the acquittal and discharged of the Appellant in respect of the First
Charge (Case No:WA-62R-7-03/2017) under the AMLATFA and ordered
him to enter upon his defence on the remaining nine (9) charges. There was
no appeal filed by the Public Prosecutor against the said acquittal.
[7] At the end of the trial, the learned trial judge held that there was no
doubt as to his guilt and accordingly he was convicted of all the remaining 9
charges and sentenced.
[8] For each of the CBT offence, the Appellant was sentenced to
imprisonment for the period of seven (7) years. This sentence of
imprisonment was ordered to run concurrently.
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[9] For each offence of money laundering, the Appellant was sentenced
to 4 years’ imprisonment and the sentences were ordered to run concurrently
but to be served only after the completion of the sentence for the CBT
[10] Dissatisfied by the said decision, on 30/9/2019, the Appellant appealed
to the High Court Kuala Lumpur against both the conviction and sentence.
[11] On 2/11/2021, the learned High Court Judge affirmed the findings of
the trial judge and dismissed the Appellant’s appeal against conviction.
[12] However, the learned High Court Judge allowed the appeal against
sentence and ordered as follows:
(a) The sentence of 7 years imprisonment for each of the CBT
charges was set aside and substituted with a sentence of 5
years’ imprisonment. The sentences were ordered to run
(b) The sentence of 4 years imprisonment for each of the AMLATFA
charges was set aside and substituted with a sentence of 3
years’ imprisonment. The sentences were also ordered to be run
(c) Sentences for CBT charges and AMLATFA charges were
ordered to run consecutively.
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[13] Aggrieved by the decision of the learned High Court Judge, the
Appellant mounted this appeal against conviction and sentence.
[14] The Appellant will be referred to as the accused in this Judgment.
The Prosecution’s Case
[15] The facts of the case appear sufficiently and clearly in the grounds of
judgment of the learned High Court Judge. To appreciate the charges it is
necessary to give a narrative of the chronological events as established by
the prosecution which led to the prosecution of the accused.
[16] The accused was at all material times the Chief Executive Officer
('CEO') of TH Heavy Engineering Bhd (herein after known as “THHE”) and
charged with the duties of managing and overseeing the affairs of the
company and those of its active subsidiary companies which include THHE
Fabricators Sdn Bhd. ('THHE Fabricators'), OnG Works Sdn Berhad (“OnG”)
and THHE Offshore (“THHEOF”). THHE is a company involved in diversified
engineering activities including but not limited to major offshore fabrication,
hook -up and commissioning of oil and gas facilities, maintenance and
servicing of plants and equipment.
[17] The charges against the accused on which he was convicted were
connected with three (3) companies, namely, Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd, Coral
Intoil Sdn Bhd and RL Offshore Sdn Bhd.
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[18] We propose to deal with the involvement of this three named
companies in the order which we think they ought to be dealt with.
The 1st CBT Charge and The 1st AMLATFA Charge
Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd.
[19] Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd was one of the contractors for the PERMAS
development project (“PERMAS project”) awarded by Murphy Sarawak Oil
Co. Ltd (Murphy”) to THHE Fabricators on 1/4/2013. For this project, THHE
appointed Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd as its sub-contractor.
[20] Sometime around the end of April 2013, the accused told his General
Manager of Finance Salahuddiin bin Rushdi @ Marco (PW20) to prepare a
cheque for RM400,000.00 that need to be urgently paid to Bicara Sepakat
Sdn Bhd. PW20 then directed Senior Finance Manager (Kumaresan a/l
Ramasamy (PW18) and PW4 (Intan Farhannaz Binti Husin) Senior
Executive from the Finance Department to prepare the payment
voucher and cheque. On the payment voucher (Exhibit P12) the nature of
payment was written down as “Advance Payment” as instructed by the
[21] PW20 then directed PW18 and PW4 to prepare a cheque for payment
to Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd. The cheque (Exhibit P15) was signed by PW20
and counter-signed by the accused.
[22] PW20 then directed PW18 and PW4 to make immediate and direct
payment to Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd’s Maybank Islamic account, which was
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done via Bank Remittance Form (Exhibit P35). PW18 and PW4 prepared
Exhibit P35 and was approved by PW20 and the accused.
[23] PW18 and PW4 testified that Exhibits P12, P15 and P35 were
prepared without any claim invoice or supporting documents from Bicara
Sepakat Sdn Bhd because the accused wanted it to be done urgently.
[24] PW6 (Siti Zarwanie Binti Zakaria) a director of Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd
and PW8 confirmed that she was asked to generate a sham invoice (Exhibit
P20) for the payment received, on which it was written down on as “BEING
[25] After RM400,000 was credited into Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd account,
on 2/5/2013, SP6 withdrew the RM400,000 from the company account. SP8
instructed her finance clerk SP5 (Nordahlia binti Ibrahim) to prepare a
payment voucher (Exhibit P44) and cheque (Exhibit P46) on the pretexts
as “BAYARAN BALIK PINJAMAN” to director.
[26] After withdrawal of the monies at Maybank Kuala Terengganu, PW6
and PW8 (Murhasmee bin Mukthar) drove to Kuala Lumpur on the same day
with the cash in hand to meet the accused. They met the accused at the Old
Town White Coffee Cafe at Ara Damansara, Petaling Jaya and handed the
cash to the accused.
The 2nd CBT Charge and The 2nd AMLATFA Charge
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[27] In June 2013, the accused had again asked PW20 to prepare another
payment of RM1 million divided into two separate cheques, one in the sum
of RM570,000 payable to Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd and another in the sum
of RM430,000.00 be made payable to Coral Intoil Sdn Bhd. The accused told
PW20 to state it as payment for “Consultancy – Murphy” in the payment
vouchers. PW20 then instructed PW18 and PW4 to prepare two (2) separate
[28] Cheque of RM570,000.00 (Exhibit P27) and Payment Voucher (Exhibit
P13) was for payment to Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd. A temporary payment
voucher (Exhibit P9) and cheque of RM430,000.00 (Exhibit P26) was for
payment to Coral Intoil Sdn Bhd. Exhibit P27 and P26 were signed by PW20
and accused without any claims document received from both the company.
[29] After these cheques were prepared and signed, the accused later
instructed PW20 to change the method of payment to bank remittance.
PW18 and PW4 confirmed that they were asked to prepare a new cheque
together with the Bank Remittance Forms. The new cheques of
RM570,000.00 (Exhibit P16) were prepared to be paid to Bicara Sepakat
Sdn Bhd and another new cheque of RM430,000.00 (Exhibit P10) were
made payable to Coral Intoil Sdn Bhd. These two (2) replacements cheques
were later signed by PW20 and counter-signed by another authorized officer,
PW19 (John George Ritchie) because the accused was not in the office at
that material time.
[30] On 26/6/2013, PW8 said he received a telephone call from the accused
to inform him that RM570,000 has been credited into Bicara Sepakat Sdn
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Bhd’s bank account. The accused told PW8 to withdraw the said amount and
hand over the cash to him. PW8 directed PW6 to arrange the withdrawal of
the monies from the company’s bank account. A payment voucher (Exhibit
P45) and cheque of RM570,000.00 (Exhibit P47) were prepared by PW5.
The purpose of the payment in Exhibit P45 were written as “REPAYMENT
[31] PW6 went to Maybank Kuala Terengganu together with PW8 to
withdraw the monies. On the same day, they went to Kuala Lumpur and met
the accused at the Old Town White Cafe, Ara Damansara, Petaling Jaya and
PW8 handed over the cash of RM570,000.00 directly to the accused.
[32] PW8 and PW6 confirmed that a sham invoice (Exhibit P19)
was prepared for the payment received by Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd where it
was written in the invoice as “BEING CONSULTATION AND INSPECTION
Coral Intoil Sdn Bhd
[33] Coral lntoil Sdn Bhd was one of the contractors for THHE Fabricators
for the Shell D12 - Laila project. The company was principally in the business
of providing oil and gas advisory services in the areas of onshore fabrication,
offshore hook-up and commissioning, retrofitting and transportation and
installations as well as the trading of certain niche products.
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[34] On 13/9/2012, THHE and Coral lntoil Sdn Bhd entered into a teaming
agreement whereby both parties agreed to collaborate in the preparation and
submission of tenders for works.
[35] The executive director of Coral lntoil Sdn Bhd Datuk Mohd Razip bin
Mohammad (PW13) testified that the accused had asked his favour to
withdraw cash of RM430,000.00 to be given directly to him as he needed the
money to pay the Murphy guys. PW13 was reluctant at first to do something
which was not right, but finally agreed to the accused’s request solely
because PW13 was more concerned about the continued business ties / joint
venture that Coral lntoil Sdn Bhd had with THHE Fabricators.
[36] On 18/6/2013, PW13 instructed the company’s Accounts Executive,
Raja Ahmad Farhni bin Raja Sulaiman (PW12) to prepare a cheque of
RM430,000.00 as preparation in case the company received the transfer
fund of RM430,000.00 from THHE Fabricators. However, PW12 prepared a
cheque (Exhibit P80) of RM431,028.00 because the additional sum of
RM1,028.00 was for PW13's own use.
[37] On 26/6/2013, PW13 received a cheque (Exhibit P26) dated 25/6/2013
amounting to RM430,000.00 from THHE Fabricators. PW13 handed over
the cheque to PW12 to be deposited into the company’s bank account.
PW12 prepared a false receipt (Exhibit P88) and invoice (Exhibit P18) for the
money received from THHE Fabricators. On Exhibit P18 it was stated as
“SUPPLY MANPOWER TO THHE AT YARD” whereas Coral lntoil Sdn Bhd
had never supplied such services or work to THHE. However, the cheque
(Exhibit P26) received from THHE was dishonored. Upon inquiry, PW13 was
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informed that the bounced cheque (Exhibit P26) had been replaced with a
new cheque (Exhibit P10) with the same amount and payment will be made
by direct remittance / telegraphic transfer into the account of Coral lntoil Sdn
[38] On 27/6/2013, after having found that the money had been credited,
PW13 went to Ambank to cash the cheque (Exhibit P80). That afternoon, on
the same day, PW13 met the accused at his office located at Menara
UOB Bangsar and handed over a bag containing the cash of RM430,000.00
directly to the accused. The accused thanked him and PW13 then left the
accused’s office.
The 4th CBT Charge and The 4th AMLATFA Charge
[39] Sometime in September 2013, the accused instructed PW20 to
prepare a cheque for RM600,000.00 made payable to Bicara Sepakat Sdn
Bhd to complete the RM2,000,000,00 allegedly to be given to some people
at Murphy who the accused termed as the “Murphy guys”. PW20 then
instructed PW18 and PW4 to prepare the payment voucher (Exhibit P14)
and the cheque (Exhibit P17). The cheque was signed by PW20 and the
accused. PW4 said that in the payment voucher it was stated that the
purpose of the payment was for “MAN POWER SUPPLY”. However, PW4
confirmed that she did not received any invoice from Bicara Sepakat Sdn
Bhd for the same.
[40] The said cheque (Exhibit P17) was then deposited into the bank
account of Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd. The accused then informed PW8 that
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the money was already in the account of Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd. After
verifying the remittance, on 11/9/2013 PW8 and PW6 went to Maybank
Kuala Terengganu and withdrew cash of RM600,000.00 via cheque (Exhibit
P48). PW8 confirmed that Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd were forced to prepare
a false invoice (Exhibit P21) to justify receipt of the RM600,000.00
from THHE Fabricators for the alleged work done.
[41] PW6 gave the RM600,000.00 to PW8. Both of them later went to Kuala
Lumpur and met the accused at Old Town White Coffee Cafe, Ara
Damansara in Petaling Jaya. There, PW8 handed over the RM600,000.00
cash to the accused.
[42] On 30/10/2023, PW20 met the accused at his office. Accused told
PW20 that he required a final payment of RM575,800.00 to be paid to the
Murphy guys. PW20 was quite reluctant to accede to the accused’s request
because the full payment of RM2,000,000.00 supposed to have been paid
to the Murphy guys had already been paid. PW20 said that the accused
informed him that the actual amount to be paid to the Murphy guys was 1.5%
of the PERMAS contract sum which amounted to RM2,575,833.00. The
accused then directed PW20 to prepare the said payment and that it be
made payable to RL Offshore Sdn Bhd.
[43] PW20 then instructed PW18 and PW4 to prepare the payment voucher
(Exhibit P5) and cheque (Exhibit P7) for the amount of RM575,800.00. Both
the payment voucher and the cheque were signed by PW20 and counter-
signed by the accused. The item in the payment invoice were written as
“CONSULTATION FEE PERMAS”. PW18 and PW4 confirmed that the
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payment was made without any supporting claims document from RL
Offshore Sdn Bhd.
RL Offshore Sdn Bhd.
[44] RL Offshore Sdn Bhd was one of the contractors for THHE Fabricators.
Sometime towards the end of July 2013, RL Offshore Sdn Bhd was awarded
a project by THHE Fabricators. It was one of the packages in the PERMAS
project. Payment for this project was based on milestone achievements.
There were five milestones and for each milestone the payment was valued
at RM1million.
[45] On 30/10/2013, the Chief Executive Officer of RL Offshore Sdn Bhd
Dato’ Hanaffi Bin Daud (PW11) testified that he met PW20 and the accused
at the PJ Hilton Hotel. At the meeting, the cheque (Exhibit P7) for
RM575,800.00 was given to PW11. The accused then asked PW11’s favour
to encash the cheque and the cash sum of RM570,000.00 be given to him
while the balance RM5,800.00 was to be kept by PW11.
[46] On 31/10/2013, PW11 credited the RM575,800.00 cheque (Exhibit P7)
into the account of RL Offshore Sdn Bhd.
[47] On 1/11/2013, PW11 withdrew cash of RM570,000.00 through 3
cheques (Exhibits P81A, P81B and P81C) from the account of RL Offshore
Sdn Bhd. After that, PW11 met the accused at around 3.00 pm at Leaf Dining
Restaurant at Mont Kiara and handed over the cash sum of RM570,000.00
to the accused. PW11 said he was constrained to agree with the demands
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made by the accused because RL Offshore Sdn Bhd was tied-up to the
PERMAS project and did not want to jeapordise it.
[48] On 2/10/2013, RL Offshore Sdn Bhd made a claim of RM1 million
to THHE Fabricators for the first milestone payment under the PERMAS
project for work done in respect of the “PROVISION FOR THE SUPPLY OF
SK13 PERMAS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT” through vide invoice No.
039/13 (Exhibit P6). The said invoice was process by THHE on 31/10/2013.
[49] Since THHE Fabricators had already paid the sum of RM575,800.00
to RL Offshore Sdn Bhd, there was the balance sum of RM424,200.00 due
in December 2013 instead of the RM1 million claimed. Hence, only this sum
of RM424,200.00 was paid to RL Offshore Sdn Bhd.
[50] Dissatisfied with receiving only the amount of RM424,200.00, PW11
insisted the accused to pay for the full payment of the milestone claim of
RM1,000,000,00. Due to the insistence by PW11, the accused turned to
PW8 of Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd and asked PW8 to cover the amount of
RM575,800.00 to RL Offshore Sdn Bhd. Again, PW8 had no choice but to
oblige. A cheque (Exhibit P49) for the said amount was later made out and
encashed by PW6. Sometime in July 2014, PW6 gave the cash to PW8 to
be given to PW11.
The Defence
[51] The accused elected to give evidence under oath.
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[52] The accused further called eight (8) witnesses to testify on his behalf.
The Accused’s Version.
[53] He was at the material time the chief executive officer of THHE and
one of the directors of THHE Fabricators. The accused version was
essentially as follows.
CBT Charge
Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd.
[54] The accused contended that there were problems caused by the
migration of the management system from that of UBS System to ERP
Microsoft Axapta, where the new system supplied limited descriptions for
payments made to be made to contractors. To overcome this problem, the
top management of THHE together with the Financial Division decided to
use the general label of “consultancy” to speed up the payment process for
work done by the contractors.
[55] The system migration problem had affected THHE Fabricators’ ability
to make speedy payment to the contractors. With limited financial resources,
the contractors were unable to complete their contract works within
stipulated time. The delay in completing the project would have seriously
affected THHE’s reputation and would have exposed THHE Fabricators to
very high liquidated ascertained damages.
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[56] In order to speed up payment to the contractors, THHE
management together with the Financial Division decided to give “advance
payment” to certain contractors.
[57] Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd was a small scale company where the
financial position of the company is very limited and depended on work
demand. Hence, THHE needed to made advance payment to Bicara
Sepakat Sdn Bhd ahead of its normal schedule in order to finance the
company’s preparation cost such as purchasing equipment and staff
mobilisation so that the company be able to complete the contract works well
within the timeline.
[58] In 2013, Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd was awarded a piping works contract
worth RM6.985 million in the Murphy Project by THHE Fabricators. At the
same time, Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd was also involved in Shell D12 and Laila
project where the delays in completion of the project were due to financial
constraint faced by Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd. To avoid and overcome the
project delays, the accused and PW20 had signed a company cheque of
RM400,000.00 as advance payment to Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd.
[59] A cheque (Exhibit P27) of RM570,000 was also made payable to
Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd. The said cheque was signed by PW20 and PW19.
The accused testified that for both the cheques, there were no invoices
attached with the cheques because they were advances payment.
[60] Sometime in September 2013, the accused instructed PW20 to
prepare a cheque (Exhibit P17) dated 9/9/2013 for RM600,000.00 made
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payable to Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd. The cheque was signed by PW20 and
the accused. The accused said that this was meant as advance payment
to Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd.
[61] The accused said that the chief executive officer of Bicara Sepakat Sdn
Bhd, Murhasmee bin Mukthar (PW8) was aware of the advance payment
arrangement made. This can be seen from the complaint PW8 make via e-
mail send to the accused for THHE’s management to speed up Bicara
Sepakat Sdn Bhd’s payment claims (see PW8 e-mails dated 26/11/2012,
9/1/2013, 1/2/2013, 14/2/2013, 21/3/2013 and 16/4/2013).
Coral Intoil Sdn Bhd.
[62] There was a Teaming Agreement (Exhibit P43) dated 13/9/2012
between Coral Intoil Sdn Bhd and THHE.
[63] THHE issued a Maybank cheque (Exhibit P10) of RM430,000.00 dated
26/6/2013 to Coral Intoil Sdn Bhd. The accused said that he had no
knowledge of the purpose for the issuance of the cheque because it was not
signed by him. PW20 and PW19 signed the cheque.
[64] The accused only signed a THHE’s Maybank cheque (Exhibit P26) of
RM430,000.00 made payable to Coral Intoil Sdn Bhd as advance payment
for claim made by Coral Intoil Sdn Bhd.
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[65] The accused testified that he had no knowledge of the payment
voucher (Exhibit P9) which stated “Cash Advance - Payment for consultancy
-Murphy”) because his signature does not appear in the voucher.
RL Offshore Sdn Bhd.
[66] The company was one of THHE’s contractors under the PERMAS
Project, and was awarded a supply work contract known as “Chemical
Injection Package” worth RM 5million.
[67] The company issued invoice (Exhibit P6) dated 1/10/2013 to THHE for
milestone claim No.1 (“Provision for the supply of chemical injection package
for Murphy’s Sarawak SK311 PERMAS Development Project”) amounting to
RM1 million.
[68] However, due to THHE’s financial difficulties, arrangement was made
for the claim of RM1million be settled by way of two (2) payments i.e. a first
payment of RM575,800.00 and followed by RM424,200.00.
[69] On 1/11/2013, the accused together with PW20 met PW11 at the PJ
Hilton Hotel to explain the financial difficulties faced by THHE at that point in
time. At the same time, PW11 was given the RM575,800.00 cheque (Exhibit
P7) dated 30/10/2013 by PW20 as part payment for the claim made by RL
Offshore Sdn Bhd.
[70] Subsequently, THHE paid the balance sum of RM424,200.00 via
Maybank cheque (Exhibit P30) dated 6/1/2014 to RL Offshore Sdn Bhd.
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Amlatfa Charges
[71] All payments made to the contractors were valid and done in
accordance with the law.
[72] The accused denied receiving monies directly for himself or from PW8,
PW11 and/or PW13.
[73] The accused denied having demanded monies from PW8, PW11 and
[74] No internal investigation was conducted by the Board of Directors
against him and/or by the whistle blower committee of THHE and THHE
Fabricators against him.
[75] There were no proceeds of illegal activities derived from any criminal
breach of trust on all the five (5) investigations against him. Hence, the
accused and his family’s properties were returned without forfeiture.
Alibi (3rd AMLATFA Charge)
[76] On 27/9/2013, at about 3.00 pm, the accused attended an official
meeting at the THHE meeting room with Mr. Ramon A. Chelva, an executive
director of Pricewaterhouse Coopers Advisory Services Sdn Bhd (DW5).
[77] The accused denied that he went out from the meeting room during his
meeting with DW5 to meet PW13 (Mohd Razip bin Mohammad). He also
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denied having received a bag containing cash of RM 430,000.00 from
Allegation Made by PW20 Against Accused
[78] The accused denied all the allegations made by PW20 against him.
[79] On 15/2/2018, the accused filed a defamation suit at the Kuala
Lumpur Sessions Court (KLSC Suit No. WA-B53F-2-02/2018) against
PW20 for slandering him.
[80] PW20 is not a credible or truthful witness. PW20 gave contradictory
evidence in the defamation case and in the present criminal case.
[81] On 21/12/2017, the accused’s wife, Datin Suraya binti Sharer (DW2)
initiated a civil suit (WA-A53-13-12/2017) against PW20 for extortion. The
accused alleged that PW20 had demanded money from DW2, and if not paid
then PW20 threatened to give evidence against the accused in this criminal
case. DW2 had paid the sum of RM80,000.00, and via the civil suit claimed
for the return of the same. On 4/10/2018, the Sessions Court Judge in that
civil suit found in favour of DW2 and ordered PW20 to repay the RM
80,000.00 in full.
[82] PW20 was also charged in the Magistrate Court for extortion under
section 384 Penal Code against DW2.
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[83] The accused contended that PW20’s evidence was purely one of self
-preservation and self-interest.
Defence Witnesses Evidence
[84] We shall now turn to the summary of evidence given by the defence
Suraya Binti Sharer @ Bahar (DW2) Evidence
[85] She is the accused’s wife.
[86] She was the Managing Director of Cekap Jati Sdn Bhd.
[87] On 1/11/2015, PW20 was appointed as consultant of Cekap Jati Sdn
[88] Sometime in November 2016, the Malaysian Anti - Corruption
Commission (“MACC”) investigated the accused.
[89] On 24/1/2017, DW2 and her two (2) children were served with notices
by the MACC for declaration of their assets.
[90] On 19/4/2017, the Inland Revenue Board started investigation against
DW2, Cekap Jati Sdn Bhd and its Group of Companies.
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[91] The MACC froze DW2’s account and as well as his family members’
accounts for almost twelve (12) months. Freezing of the accounts were lifted
on 15/11/2017.
[92] Sometime in November 2018, Inland Revenue Board concluded their
investigation and found that DW2 and her children’s assets were not derived
from the accused’s funds or assets.
[93] PW20 demanded RM1 million from DW2, failing which PW20
threatened to give unfavourable evidence against the accused in the criminal
[94] DW2 gave RM80,000.00 cash in three payments of RM20,000.00,
RM30,000.00 and RM30,000.00 to PW20 after that threat. It took about two
(2) months for her to settle the RM80,000.00. PW20 then further demanded
from DW2 the balance of RM920,000.00.
[95] On 5/10/2017, DW2 together with the accused went to Setapak police
station and lodged a police report against PW20 for extortion.
[96] On 6/10/2017, PW20 was arrested by the police.
[97] On 2/12/2017, DW2 filed civil suit against PW20 to claim back the
RM80,000.00 that she had given to PW20.
[98] On 4/10/2018, the learned Sessions Court Judge gave judgment in
favour of DW2. PW20 did not appeal against the said judgment. Until to-date,
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PW20 failed to pay the judgment sum. Subsequently, DW2 filed bankruptcy
proceeding against PW20.
Siti Zulaikha Binti Mohd Sidek (DW3) Evidence
[99] She was the Executive Secretary to the accused.
[100] Her office desk was located outside the accused’s office. No one can
enter the accused’s office without her permission.
[101] On 27/ 6/2013 between 3.00 pm and 5.00 pm, the accused had
scheduled an important / critical meeting with Pricewaterhouse Coopers, the
THHE’s auditor. The accused told DW3 several times, even before the
meeting started, that he did want to be disturbed during the meeting.
[102] The meeting with Mr. Ramon A. Chelva (DW5) from Pricewaterhouse
Coopers and his assistant started about 10 - 15 minutes before the
scheduled time. From the Entry Log (Exhibit P163), the time DW5 entered
the THHE building was 2.49 pm and exited at 3.54 pm.
[103] To the best of DW3’s recollection, DW3 did not leave her desk between
2.00 pm to 4.00 pm on 27/6/2013.
[104] The meeting was held in the accused’s office. As far as DW3 can recall,
neither DW5 nor the accused left the meeting room during the course of the
meeting. The meeting took an hour.
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[105] Nobody entered the accused’s room during the course of the meeting.
[106] DW3 said that from the time she clocked in and started work and until
she left for the day, she may have gone to the washroom and for prayers for
a few minutes. She never left her desk before and during the course of the
[107] DW3 confirmed that she did not see Datuk Mohd Razip bin
Mohammad (PW13) coming to see the accused on that day (27/8/2013). If
he had come, DW3 would have known because she was at her desk from
1.00 pm to 2.00 pm and then between 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm.
[108] DW3 pushed back on PW13’s testimony that PW13 was given an
access card to the building that would permit him to enter THHE’s building
as and when he wished. DW3 said she had never given PW13 an access
card to allow him to access THHE building.
[109] As far as she know, PW13 will have to register with the building security
as a visitor just like any other visitor to the building.
Inar Sawanis Binti Mustapa (DW4) Evidence
[110] From 2/5/2012 until 14/9/2015, she served as the Internal Audit
Executive of THHE. Later she left and joined Malaysia Airport Holdings Bhd
as Senior Executive Internal Audit.
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[111] When she first started working at THHE, the company and its
subsidiary companies were going through “migration of management
system” proses from UBS System to ERP Microsoft Axapta system
(ERP System).
[112] Throughout the migration proses, THHEB and its subsidiary
companies were having various problems. Financial Division and
Subcontracting Department were among the division affected by this
migration system.
[113] Due to this migration, there could be delay in making timely payments
to their contractor. This would affect the progress of the project. THHE may
result high liquidated ascertained damages being impose by the
suppliers/contractors if there was delay in the project. Compensation is a
serious problem that will affect THHE’s reputation as a whole.
[114] Internal Audit had not received any complaint or e-mail from Coral Intoil
Sdn Bhd, Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd or RL Offshore Sdn Bhd that their demand
for payment were irregular or that there was a breach of regulation.
Ramon Albert Chelvarajasingam (DW5) Evidence
[115] He was the Executive Director in Pricewaterhouse Coopers
Malaysia (“PwC”).
[116] Meeting between DW5 and the accused was scheduled on 27/6/2013
between 3.00 pm and 4.00 pm.
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[117] The purpose of this meeting was for DW5 to present the scope of
consultancy services that PwC could provide to THHE including potential
pricing. Nothing specific. There were are other general matters such as
about organisation, talent in organisation, cost level etc that were discussed.
[118] DW5 arrived at THHE’s office, which was located at Menara UOA in
Bangsar around 2.30 pm to 2.45 pm with his junior employee.
[119] DW5 registered as a visitor at the security counter and went up to
accused’s office.
[120] DW5 and his colleague were shown to the accused’s office and the
accused secretary informed the accused of their arrival. DW5 was then
shown into the accused’s meeting room.
[121] The meeting lasted approximately an hour and DW5 left the accused’s
office at around 3.45 pm.
[122] DW5 remembered that they were not interrupted by anyone during the
course of the meeting and no one left the meeting at any time.
Mohd Saiful Bin Mustapha (DW6) Evidence
[123] From May 2013 to May 2014, DW6 served as Senior Manager Finance
at THHE.
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[124] When DW6 first started working at THHE, the company and its
subsidiary companies were going through “migration of management
system” proses from UBS System to ERP Microsoft Axapta (ERP System).
[125] Throughout the migration prose, THHE and its subsidiary companies
were having various problems. Financial Division and Subcontracting
Department were among those affected by this migration system.
[126] DW6 said that if the system did not function well and did not give
accurate data, it will cause major problems to the company. When DW6 left
THHE, the company was still having problems with the ERP Microsoft
Axapta System (ERP System).
Khairul Azam Bin Jaafar (DW7) Evidence
[127] In the year 2012, he served as Finance Director at Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd.
[128] In 2012, Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd was awarded a work contract by THHE
Fabricators Sdn Bhd worth RM1.12million
[129] In the middle of 2013, Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd. was awarded another work
contract by THHE Fabricators Sdn Bhd worth RM1.80million
[130] Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd received advance payment of RM 900,000.00 (50%
from value of the contract) from THHE Fabricators on 26/6/2013 in order to
help with its cash flow in the performance of the said contracts. The advance
payment was necessary to ensure progress of the project and completion of
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the contract works within time without imposition of any liquidated damages
against Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd.
Zachary Ivan Scully (DW8) Evidence
[131] Presently working as Legal Assistant at JK Lawyers in Melbourne,
[132] In the year 2013, DW8 was working as the Head of Legal Department
for THHE.
[133] Joined THHE as the General Manager of Legal & Secretarial
Department on or about 15/1/2012 and resigned from the same position on
or about 30/9/2016.
[134] At that time, there was migration of system from the UBS System to
the new ERP software.
[135] The migration of system had caused delay in the issuance of Purchase
Orders. The delay was a problem to THHE because it affected payment
claims by the subcontractors, causing delay to the project progress overall
giving rise to potential claims for liquidated ascertained damages. Liquidated
damages can wipe out the profits from a particular project.
[136] To avoid delays, sometime advance payments were made to
contractors even though they had not started works. Or sometime the work
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would have started without Purchase Order and payment would then be
[137] DW8 remembered at least two (2) contractors who were given advance
payments. They are Soft Triangle Services Sdn Bhd and Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd.
[138] All payments require Purchase Order. Urgent scenario, the contractor
started work without receiving a Purchase Order.
[139] There was no report during his employment of any irregular payment
made by THHE to Dato’ Mohd Razip (PW13), Dato Hanaffi Daud (PW11)
and / or Murhasmee Mokhtar (PW8).
The Relevant Provision of Law
(a) Section 23 of the Penal Code defines ‘wrongful gain’ and ‘wrongful
loss’ as follows:
“Wrongful gain” and “wrongful loss”
“23. “Wrongful gain” is gain by unlawful means of property to which the
person gaining is not legally entitled.
“Wrongful loss” is the loss by unlawful means of property to which the
person losing it is legally entitled.
A person is said to gain wrongfully when such person retains
wrongfully, as well as when such person acquires wrongfully. A person
is said to lose wrongfully when such person is wrongfully kept out of
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any property, as well as when such person is wrongfully deprived of
(b) Section 24 of the Penal Code defines ‘dishonestly” as follows:
“24. Whoever does anything with the intention of causing wrongful gain
to one person, or wrongful loss to another person, irrespective of
whether the act causes actual wrongful loss or gain, is said to do that
thing “dishonestly”. Explanation—In relation to the offence of criminal
misappropriation or criminal breach of trust it is immaterial whether
there was an intention to defraud or to deceive any person.”
(c) Section 402A of the Criminal Procedure Code reads as follows:
“402A. (1) The Court shall, at the time the accused is being charged,
inform the accused as to his right to put forward a defence of alibi.
(2) Where the accused seeks to put forward a defence of alibi, he
shall put forward a notice of his alibi during the case management
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2), where the accused has not put
forward a notice of his alibi during the case management process, he
may adduce evidence in support of an alibi at any time during the trial
subject to the following conditions:
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(a) the accused has given a written notice of the alibi to the
Public Prosecutor; and
(b) the Public Prosecutor is given a reasonable time to
investigate the alibi before such evidence can be adduced.
(4) The notice required under this section shall include
particulars of the place where the accused claims to have
been at the time of the commission of the offence with
which he is charged, together with the names and
addresses of any witnesses whom he intends to call for the
purpose of establishing his alibi.”
(d) Section 405 of the Penal Code reads as follows:
405. Criminal breach of trust.
Whoever, being in any manner entrusted with property, or with any
dominion over property either solely or jointly with any other person,
dishonestly misappropriates, or converts to his own use, that property,
or dishonestly uses or disposes of that, dishonestly misappropriates,
or converts to his own use that property, or dishonestly uses or
disposes of that property in violation of any direction of law prescribing
the mode in which such trust is to be discharged, or of any legal
contract, express or implied, which he has made touching the
discharge of such trust, or willfully suffers any other person so to do,
commits "criminal breach of trust".
(e) Section 409 of the Penal Code reads as follows:
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409. Criminal breach of trust by public servant or agent
Whoever, being in any manner entrusted with property, or with any
dominion over property, in his capacity of a public servant or an agent,
commits criminal breach of trust in respect of that property, shall be
punished with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than two
years and not more than twenty years and with whipping, and shall
also be liable to fine.
(f) Section 409B of the Penal Code reads as follows:
“409B. (1) Where in any proceeding it is proved-
(a) for any offence prescribed in sections 403 and 404, that any
person had misappropriated any property; or
(b) for any offence prescribed in sections 405, 406, 407,
408 and 409, that any person entrusted with property or with
dominion over property had-
(i) misappropriated that property;
(ii) used or disposed of that property in violation of any
direction of law prescribing the mode in which such trust is
to be discharged or of any legal contract, express or
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implied which he had made touching the discharge of such
trust; or
(iii) suffered any person to do any of the acts described in
subparagraph (i) or (ii) above, it shall be presumed that he
had acted dishonestly until the contrary is proved.”
(g) Section 3 of the Anti Money-Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing
Act 2001 define:
"proceeds of an unlawful activity" means any property derived or
obtained, directly or indirectly, by any person as a result of any
unlawful activity;",
“unlawful activity" means any activity which is related, directly or
indirectly, to any serious offence or any foreign serious offence;
“serious offence" means -
(a) any of the offences specified in the Second Schedule;
(b) an attempt to commit any of those offences; or
(c) the abetment of any of those offences;
(h) Section 3 of the Anti Money-Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing
Act 2001 defines money laundering as follows:
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“3(1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires - "money
laundering" means the act of a person who –
(a) engages, directly or indirectly, in a transaction that involves
proceeds of any unlawful activity;
(b) acquires, receives, possesses, disguises, transfers, converts,
exchanges, carries, disposes, uses, removes from or brings into
Malaysia proceeds of any unlawful activity; or
(c) conceals, disguises or impedes the establishment of the true
nature, origin, location, movement, disposition, title of, rights with
respect to, or ownership of, proceeds of any unlawful activity,
(aa) as may be inferred from objective factual circumstance, the
person knows or has reason to believe, that the property is
proceeds from any unlawful activity; or
(bb) in respect of the conduct of a natural person, the person
without reasonable excuse fails to take reasonable steps
to ascertain whether or not the property is proceeds from
any unlawful activity;".
(i) Section 4 of the Anti Money-Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing
Act 2001 reads as follows:
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(1) Any person who -
(a) engages in, or attempts to engage in; or
(b) abets the commission of, money laundering, commits an
offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not
exceeding five million ringgit or to imprisonment for a term
not exceeding five years or to both.
(2) A person maybe convicted of an offence under subsection (1)
irrespective of whether there is a conviction in respect of a
serious offence or foreign serious offence or that a prosecution
has been initiated for the commission of a serious offence or
foreign serious offence."
The Law on Appellate Intervention
[140] The law on the appellate intervention is quite settled. An appellate
court should be slow in disturbing the finding of facts arrived at by the trial
judge who had the advantage of seeing and hearing the witnesses, unless
there are substantial and compelling reasons for disagreeing with the finding.
[141] In Herchun Singh & Ors v. Public Prosecutor [1969] 2 MLJ
209, Ong Hock Thye CJ (as he then was) said as follows:
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“An appellate court should be slow in disturbing such finding of fact
arrived at by the judge, who had the advantage of seeing and hearing
the witness, unless there are substantial and compelling reasons for
disagreeing with the finding.”
[142] In Yahaya bin Mohamad v. Chin Tuan Nam [1975] 1 LNS
195; [1975] 2 MLJ 117 the Privy Council held:
(1) As in this case the learned trial judge had based his finding on
the evidence of the plaintiff and his witness, his finding should
not have been disturbed;
(2) This was not one of those rare cases where an Appellate Court,
lacking the advantage of seeing and hearing the witnesses, was
justified in coming to a different conclusion from the trial judge on
the question of credibility. There was no reason to think that the
trial judge had not taken proper advantage of his having seen
and heard the witnesses.
[143] In Ye Wei Gen v. Public Prosecutor [1999] 4 SLR 101, Yong Pung
How CJ (as he then was) said:
“It is trite law that an appellate court will be slow to overturn the trial
judge 's finding of fact unless it can be shown that his decision was
plainly wrong or against the weight of the evidence before him... These
cases thus stand for the principle that findings of fact by the trial judge
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are prima facie correct unless there are very good grounds for
disturbing them.”
[144] In Dato' Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim v. Public Prosecutor & Another
Appeal [2004] 3 CLJ 737 the Federal Court held as follows:
“Clearly, an appellate court does not and should not put a brake and
not goinq any further the moment it sees that the trial judge says that is
his finding of facts. It should go further and examine the evidence and
the circumstances. under which that finding is made to see whether, to
borrow the words of HT Ong (CJ Malaya) in Herchun
Singh's case (supra) "there resubstantial and compelling reasons for
disagreeing with the finding". Otherwise, no judgment would ever be
reversed on question of fact and the provision of s. 87 CJA 1964 that
an appeal may lie not only on a question of law but also on
a question of fact or on a question of mixed fact and law would be
[145] In PP v. Mohd Radzi bin Abu Bakar [2005] 2 MLRA 590, the Federal
Court held as follows:
“Now, it settled law that it is no part of the function of an appellate Court
in a criminal case - or indeed any case - to make its own findings of
fact. That is a function exclusively reserved by the law to the trial Court.
The reason is obvious an appellate Court is necessarily fettered
because it lacks the audio-visual advantage enjoyed by the trial Court."
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[146] In Che Omar Mohd Akhir v. Public Prosecutor [2007] 3 CLJ
281, the Federal Court speaking through Nik Hashim FCJ (as he then was)
held as follows:
“It is trite law that an appellate court should be slow in disturbing a
finding of facts by the trial judge unless such finding is clearly against
the weight of evidence which is not the case here".
[147] In Wan Marzuki bin Wan Abdullah v. PP [2008] 1 MLRA 479, the
Court of Appeal held as follows:
“There is clear authority for the proposition that in an appeal of this
nature which turns on questions of fact particularly in relation to issues
of credibility, this court will be reluctant to interfere with the findings
made by the primary trier of fact."
[148] In UEM Group Bhd v. Genisy Integrated Engineers Pte Ltd & Anor
[2010] 9 CLJ 785; [2018] Supp MLJ 363, Rauf Sharif FCJ (as he then was)
[26] ... the prime issue is whether the Court of Appeal had erred in
interfering with the findings of facts of the trial judge. It is well settled
law that an appellate court will not generally speaking, intervene with
the decision of a trial court unless the trial court is shown to be plainly
wrong in arriving at its decision. A plainly wrong decision happens
when the trial court is guilty of no or insufficient judicial appreciation of
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[149] In P'ng Hun Sun v. Yip Yee Foo [2013] 2 AMCR 350; [2013] 6 MLJ
523, Mohd Zawawi Salleh FCJ (as he then was) held as follows:
“When the finding of the trial judge is factual, however, the fact finder's
decision cannot be disturbed on appeal unless the decision of the fact
finding is plainly wrong (see China Airlines Ltd v Maltran Air Corp Sdn
(and Another Appeal) [1996] 2 AMR 2233; [1996] 2 MLJ 517; [1996] 3
CLJ 163; Zaharah bt A. Kadir v. Ramuna Bauxite Pte
Ltd & Anor [2012] 1 AMR 209; [2011] 1 LNS · 1015; Kyros International
Sdn Bhd v. Ketua Pengarah Hasil Dalam Negeri [2013] 4 AMR 55;
[2013} 2 MLJ 650; [2013] 1 LNS 1).
The findings of fact of the trial judge can only be reversed when it is
positively demonstrated to the appellate court that:
(a) by reason of some non-direction or mix-direction or otherwise the
judge erred in accepting the evidence which he or she did accept;
(b) in assessing and evaluating the evidence the judge has taken
into account some matter which he or she ought not to have
taken into account, or failed to take into account some matter
which he or she ought to have taken into account; or
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(c) it unmistakenly appears from the evidence itself, or from the
unsatisfactory reasons given by the judge for accepting it, that
he or she cannot have taken proper advantage of his or her
having seen and heard the witnesses; or
(d) insofar aside judge has relied on manner and demeanour, there
are other circumstances which indicate that the evidence of the
witness which he or she accepted is not credible, as for instance.
where those witnesses have on some collateral matter
deliberately given an untrue answer."
[penekanan ditambah]
[150] In Amri Ibrahim & Anor v. PP [2017] 1 CLJ 617, the Federal Court
held as follows:
“[51] It is trite law that the view of the trial judge as to the credibility of
a witness must be given proper weight and consideration. An appellate
court should be slow in disturbing such finding of fact arrived at by the
trial judge, who had the advantage of seeing and hearing the witness,
unless there were substantial and compelling reasons for disagreeing.”
[12] In LCY v. TWY [2019) 7 CLJ 158, the Court of Appeal held as
“[26] The principle of law on appellate intervention is
settled. In Dream Property Sdn Bhd v Atlas Housing Sdn
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Bhd [2015] 2 CLJ 453, the Federal Court reiterated the
principle as follows at p. 476:
[60] It is now established that the principle on which an
appellate court interfere with findings of fact by the trial
court is "the plainly wrong test" principle; see the Federal
Court in Gan Yook Chin & Anor (P) v Lee Ing Chin @ Lee
Teck Seng & Anor [2004] 4 CLJ 309; [2005] 1 MLJ 1 (at p.
10) per Steve Shim CJ SS. More recently, this principle of
appellate intervention was affirmed by the Federal Court
in UEM Group Berhad v Genisys lntergrated Engineers Pte
Ltd /2010] 9 CLJ 785 where it was held at p. 800:
It is well settled law that an appellate court will not
generally speaking intervene with the decision of a trial
court unless the trial court is shown to be plainly wrong in
arriving at its decision. A plainly wrong decision happens
when the trial court is guilty of no or insufficient judicial
appreciation of the evidence (See Chew Yee Wah & Anor
v Choo Ah Pat [1978]1 LNS 32; Watt v Thomas [1947] AC
484; and Chin v Lee Ing Chin & Ors [2004] 4 CLJ 309
[151] In Ng Hoo Kui & Anor v. Wendy Tan Lee Peng (administratrix for
the estate of Tan Ewe Kwang, deceased) & Ors [2020] 10 CLJ 1; [2020]
12 MLJ 67, Zabariah FCJ when delivering the judgment of the court had
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[148] Given the aforesaid, we form the view that rather than adopting
a rigid set of rules to demarcate the boundaries of
appellate intervention insofar as findings of fact are concerned,
the "plainly wrong" test as espoused in decisions of this court
should be retained as a flexible guide for appellate courts. As
long as the trial judge's conclusion can be supported on a rational
basis in view of the material evidence, the fact that the appellate
court feels like it might have decided differently is irrelevant. In
other words, a finding of fact that would not be repugnant to
common sense ought not to be disturbed. The trial judge should
be accorded a margin of appreciation when his treatment of the
evidence is examined by the appellate courts.
[152] In a fairly recent case of Ng Hoo Kui & Anor v. Wendy Tan Lee Peng,
Pentadbir Kepada Harta Pusaka Tan Ewe Kwang, Simati & Ors [2020]
10 CLJ 1; [2020] 12 MLJ 67 the Federal Court held that:
“[33] It was a long-settled principle, stated and restated in domestic
and wider common law jurisprudence, that an appellate court
should not interfere with the trial judge's conclusions on primary
facts unless satisfied that he was plainly wrong' (the Supreme
Court of United Kingdom in McGraddie v. McGraddie and
another [2013] 1 WLR 2477)."
"[5] The 'plainly wrong' test operated on the principle that the trial
court had had the advantage of seeing and hearing the witnesses
on their evidence as opposed to the appellate court that acted on
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the printed records. The 'plainly wrong' test was not intended to
be used by an appellate court as a means to substitute its own
decision for that of the trial court on the facts. As long as the trial
court's conclusion could be supported on a rational basis in view
of the material evidence, the fact that the appellate court felt like
it might have decided differently was irrelevant. In other words, a
finding of fact that would not be repugnant to common sense
ought not to be disturbed. The trial judge should be accorded a
margin of appreciation when his treatment of the evidence was
examined by the appellate courts (see paras 34, 76 & 148)."
Petition of Appeal
[153] Before us, the learned counsels for the accused raised twenty-six-
grounds of appeal.
(1) The Learned Sessions Court Judge erred in law and in fact when
Her Honour convicted the accused in respect of all the 9 charges,
namely 5 counts of offences under criminal breach of trust (s.409
charges) and 4 counts of offences under the Anti-Money
Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful
Activities Act 2001 (section 4(1)(a) AMLATFPUAA charges). The
Learned High Court Judge erred when His Lordship affirmed all
the convictions;
(2) The Learned Sessions Court Judge erred when Her Honour
failed to judicially appreciate the defence of the Appellant. Her
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Honour failed to recognise that the core or basic defence of the
Appellant was never challenged by the prosecution, hence ought
to have been accepted. Her Honour further erred in law when
Her Ladyship criticised the defence as a bare denial and ruled
that the evidence of the other witnesses not relevant;
(3) The Learned High Court Judge seriously erred when His
Lordship erroneously interpreted the application of the case of
Wong Swee Chin [1981] 1 MLJ 212 to the disadvantage and
prejudice of the accused – see paragraphs 109-113 of the
Written Judgment
(4) The Learned High Court Judge and the Learned Sessions Court
Judge erred in law and in fact when they failed to appreciate the
defence case. They ought to have asked themselves the
following relevant questions:
(a) Whether the non-challenge of the accused’s defence by
the prosecution amounted to the accused raising a
reasonable doubt to the prosecution’s case? and
(b) Whether the non-challenge of the accused’s defence by
the prosecution amounted to the accused having
successfully rebutted the presumption under section
409B(1)(b)(i) of the Penal Code? This glaring omission is a
serious non-direction amounting to an appealable error.
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(5) The Learned High Court Judge erred when His Lordship failed to
consider the defence of the accused in respect of the five (5)
section 409 charges. His Lordship only applied his mind to the
section 4(1)(a) AMLATFPUAA charges as can be seen at
paragraph 110 of the Written Judgment. This failure to consider
is a serious misdirection warranting appellate intervention;
(6) The Learned High Court Judge and the Learned Sessions Court
Judge erred in law and fact in convicting the accused based upon
evidence of witnesses whose credibility was clearly at stake;
(7) The Learned High Court Judge and the Learned Sessions Court
Judge erred in law and fact in finding that the accused had
dominion and/or power of disposal over the subject matter of the
charges under section 409 of the Penal Code, i.e., cheques of
THHE Fabricators Sdn Bhd;
(8) The Learned High Court Judge and the Learned Sessions Court
Judge erred in law and fact in failing to rule that the accused’s
defence has successfully rebutted the statutory presumption
undersection 409B(1) of the Penal Code on a balance of
probabilities ;
(9) The Learned High Court Judge and the Learned Sessions Court
Judge erred in law and fact in failing to accord adequate and fair
judicial appreciation to the accused defence;
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(10) The Learned Sessions Court Judge erred in law and fact in failing
to appreciate accused’s the Appellant’s alibi which was properly
admitted under section 402A of the Criminal Procedure Code;
(11) The Learned High Court Judge and the Learned Sessions Court
Judge erred in law and fact in meting out sentence which is
manifestly excessive without taking into account the overall
circumstances of the case;
(12) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law and in facts in
upholding the Learned Sessions Court Judge’s finding that there
was no reason to refuse the evidence of PW20. The Learned
High Court Judge failed to appreciate that the Learned Sessions
Court Judge did not critically evaluate the credibility of PW20 and
had failed to consider or sufficiently appreciate that:
(a) PW20 was dishonest on multiple occasions during his
cross examination;
(b) PW20 was a self-serving witness and had motive to lie as
a witness to implicate the Appellant;
(c) PW20 was a self-serving witness and had motive to lie
because he was trying to save himself for failing to properly
discharge his duty as an employee of THHE (“the
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(d) PW20’s allegation that he was told that the Appellant was
required to pay a sum of 1.5% of the Permas Contract to
Murphy was inconsistent with the documentary evidence
showing the value of the Permas Contract;
(e) PW20’s conduct during his employment at Cekap Jati
showed that he was unworthy of credibility because it
demonstrated his propensity to provide evidence in a
manner that was most favourable to him; and
(f) PW20 has an axe to grind against the Appellant and there
was evidence that PW20 had subsequently defamed the
Appellant and extorted the Appellant’s wife.
(13) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law in failing to
appreciate and consider that there is a difference between the
property in a cheque and property in money in a bank account.
The Learned High Court Judge failed to appreciate that the
“property” described in the charges were cheques which has
been paid to the named payees of the various cheques and
accordingly, there was no misappropriation or conversion of the
cheques within the meaning of section 405 of the Penal Code;
(14) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law and in facts in finding
that entrustment of property has been established when the
Appellant exercised dominion and control over the payments
which were made. The Learned High Court Judge failed to
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appreciate or sufficiently consider that the approval authority
matrix of THHE required each of the signatories to the cheques
to exercise independent control when issuing any cheques;
(15) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law and in fact in
upholding the conviction of the Appellant in relation to criminal
breach of trust of the cheque dated 30/4/2013 for the sum of RM
400,000.00 despite the Appellant having been acquitted of the
money laundering charge in respect of the same cheque. The
Learned High Court Judge failed to appreciate or sufficiently
consider that the alibi of the Appellant ought to have been
accepted for both charges given that the evidence relied on by
the prosecution to establish both the criminal breach of trust and
the receipt of the sum of RM400,000.00 were identical. The
Learned High Court Judge erred in law and fact in failing to
consider or sufficiently appreciate that there was insufficient
evidence for the Learned Sessions Court Judge to convict the
Appellant of criminal breach of trust having accepted the defence
of alibi;
(16) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law and in fact in failing
to appreciate or sufficiently consider that the sum of
RM575,800.00 in relation to CBT 5 was for works done and
therefore could not amount to any wrongful loss to the Company;
(17) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law and in facts in finding
that the Appellant had pocketed the cash for himself, amounting
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to an act of misappropriation. The Learned High Court Judge
failed to consider or sufficiently consider that save for the
testimony of PW8, PW11 and PW13, there is no independent
evidence to demonstrate that the Appellant had received the
cash for himself;
(18) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law when His Lordship
failed to consider or sufficiently appreciate that the possibility that
PW8, PW11 and PW13 had retained the monies for their own
(19) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law and in fact in failing
to appreciate or sufficiently consider the fact that there was a gap
in the prosecution’s case as the investigating officer failed to
investigate the possibility that PW8, PW11 and PW13 had
retained the funds for their own personal use. The Learned
High Court Judge failed to consider and appreciate that the
Defence had established through concessions in cross
examination that PW8, PW11 and PW13 had lifestyles and
assets that far exceeded their incomes;
(20) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law and in fact when held
that the evidence of PW 8 PW11 and PW 13 was credible and
believable. The Learned High Court Judge failed to consider or
sufficiently appreciate that the Defence had produced sufficient
evidence to demonstrate that PW8, PW11 and PW13 may have
retained the monies that they withdrew for their own use;
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(21) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law in failing to
appreciate that the Learned Sessions Court Judge had used the
particulars of one offence to support and corroborate the others;
(22) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law and in fact in failing
to sufficiently appreciate that the Learned Sessions Court Judge
had failed to apply the necessary warning when applying similar
facts evidence;
(23) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law and in fact in failing
to appreciate that the Learned Sessions Court Judge failed to
sufficiently warn herself when relying on the evidence of PW8
PW11 and PW13 to support and corroborate one another
because they were accomplices;
(24) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law and in fact in failing
to appreciate that the Learned Sessions Court Judge failed to
caution herself regarding the use of accomplice evidence without
corroboration; and
(25) The Learned High Court Judge erred in law in failing to consider
or sufficiently appreciate the fact that there was no wrongful loss
to to the Company as it remained indebted to Bicara Sepakat
Sdn Bhd;
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(26) The Learned High Court Judge failed to appreciate that the
prosecution had failed to prove that the Company had overpaid
Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd Corail Intoil Sdn Bhd. and/or RL
Offshore Sdn Bhd.
Our Decision
[154] We shall first deal with CBT Charge No.5 and AMLATFA No.5. The
learned Deputy Public Prosecutor, fairly, and quite properly, conceded to the
appeal in respect of both CBT Charge 5 and AMLATFA 5 as it was clear from
the evidence of PW 1 (Kamaruzaman bin Ahmad, the chief operating officer
of THHE that the payment of RM575,800.00 made to RL Offshore Sdn Bhd
was pursuant to a valid and legitimate agreement with RL Offshore Sdn Bhd
for work done under that contract. So we therefore allowed the appeal in
respect of these two charges and set-aside the conviction and sentences in
respect of the same.
[156] We shall now deal with the remaining charges. One of the main ground
argued by the learned counsel for the accused was that both the learned
Sessions Judge and the learned High Court Judge erred in law and in fact
when they failed to judicially appreciate the defence case. In particular, that
both the Courts below failed to recognise that the defence of the accused in
respect of all the 9 charges was not challenged by the prosecution.
[157] It was strenuously contended for the accused that for the AMLATFA
Charges No.2, No.4 and No.5 the learned Sessions Court Judge has
misdirected herself in the following areas, namely:
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(i) in not appreciating that the defence of the accused was not
challenged by the prosecution. Thus, it means the prosecution
accepts the evidence of the accused; and
(ii) consequently, unfairly and wrongly describing the defence of the
appellant as a bare denial. The defence of AMLA Charge 5 was
dismissed by the learned Sessions Court Judge in a one liner -
see pg.110 (para 104 - Vol. 1).
[158] As far as Charge CBT 5 and AMLATFA 5 is concerned, we have
already decided that the conviction for both the charges could not stand, and
the matter has been put to rest.
[159] As for CBT Charge No. 3 and corresponding AMLATFA Charge No.3,
the defence of the accused was one of alibi. The notice of alibi given by the
accused under section 402A of the Criminal Procedure Code states that the
accused was having a meeting in his office with DW5 at the material date
and time as stated in both the charges.
[160] To support his alibi the accused called DW3 (Siti Zulaikha Binti Mohd
Sidek) and DW5 (Ramon Albert Chelvarajasingham) essentially to prove that
the accused was having an uninterrupted meeting with DW5. It was the
accused’s defence that SP13 (Dato’ Mohd Razip bin Mohammad) did not
come to his office and consequently he did not give the accused the sum of
RM 430,000.00 as alleged.
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[161] Counsel for the accused strongly contended that there was in effect no
challenge to the accused’s alibi evidence and by reason of the non
challenge, the accused’s alibi was not negated by the prosecution. It was
submitted that the learned Session Court Judge ought to have held that the
prosecution by reason of the non-challenge had conceded to the defence
alibi and further the evidence of SP13’s on this point was suspect when SP
13 said that he arrived at 3.30 pm and delivered the cash to the accused
when the visitor log book of THHE which is exhibit P163 showed that DW5
came for the meeting with the accused at 2.49 pm and left at 3.54 pm.
[162] In our view, we find that the evidence given by DW3 and DW5 and the
entry in visitor log book (P163) supported the accused’s defence of alibi and
that there was a failure by the trial judge to judicially appreciate this crucial
evidence. In our considered view there were merits in this argument. Even
though it was not disputed that the accused was at his office at the material
time but the critical issue here is whether PW13 was present at the accused’s
office at 3.30pm and delivered the money to the accused as stated in the
charge. We are of the view that the finding of the trial judge in this regard
went against the grain of evidence. It would be unsafe to sustain the
conviction handed down by the learned Session Court Judge and the High
Court Judge in respect of both these charges and thus appellate intervention
is therefore warranted. Hence, we allowed the appeal in respect of CBT No.
3 and AMLATFA No. 3 charges and set aside the conviction and sentence
handed down by the learned High Court Judge in respect to these two
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[163] However, it is important to stress at this stage, that even though we
were with the accused on the alibi issue in respect of the CBT No. 3 and
AMLATFA No. 3 charges, it cannot be gainsaid that PW13 may have made
an untruthful statement or wholly untrue testimony sufficient to destroy the
credibility of PW3. There was some doubt in respect of the time stated in
these two charges, and we gave the benefit of that doubt to the accused.
This does not mean that PW13’s credibility as a whole was affected. The
matter of credibility or veracity of PW13’s testimony in respect of the other
remaining charges would have to be determined when dealing with these
charges. We were of the view that in this regard the learned trial judge was
in a better position to decide this since she was the one who saw and heard
PW13’s testimony. Further, it is not appropriate at this stage for us to deal
with the credibility issue of PW13. We will cross that bridge when we come
to it.
[164] Now we shall deal with the other main thrust of the submission by the
learned counsel for the accused which revolved around the failure of the
prosecution to challenge the narrative of the defence in cross-examination
of the accused and his witnesses as regards all the remaining CBT and
AMLATFA charges.
[165] The evidence which the learned counsel sought to rely on essentially
was as per the accused’s written statement [para 56 to para 60] which are
reproduced herein:
“56. Saya sesekali menegaskan bahawa kesemua pembayaran
kepada kontraktor-kontraktor berkenaan melalui cek ditandatangani
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oleh saya adalah sah disisi undang-undang dan sesuai bagi
perkhidmatan dan/atau kerja yang dilaksanakan.
57. Saya menafikan segala tomahan penerimaan wang oleh saya,
samada selaku CEO THHEB atau pengarah THHEFSB, daripada
Encik Murhasmee Bin Mukhtar (SP-8), Dato Mohd Razip Bin
Mohammad (SP-13) serta Dato' Hanaffi Bin Daud (SP11).
58. Saya juga menekan bahawa saya, samada selaku CEO THHEB
atau pengarah THHEFSB, tidak pernah pada bila-bila masa membuat
permintaan wang daripada Encik Murhasmee Bin Mukhtar (SP-8),
Dato' Mohd Razip Bin Mohamad (SP-13) serta Dato' Hanaffi Bin Daud
59. Sepanjang tempoh perkhidmatan saya selaku CEO THHEB dan
pengarah THHEFSB, saya tidak pernah menghadapi sebarang
siasatan dalaman oleh pihak lembaga pengarah dan/atau pihak
jawatankuasa pemberi maklumat ("Whistle Blower Committee")
60. Pada akhir siasatan berkenaan kelima-Iima (5) pertuduhan ini,
harta-harta saya serta harta-harta ahli keluarga saya telah dipulangkan
tanpa sebarang pelucuthakan ("return without forfeiture")
memandangkan kesemua ini bukanlah hasil daripada aktiviti-aktiviti
menyalahi undang undang mahupun hasil daripada pecah amanah
dibawah S.409 KK."
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[166] The learned counsel for the accused contended that the above
evidence which was contrary to that of the prosecution witnesses, namely
SP8, SP13 and SP11, was not challenged by the prosecution during cross-
examination. As such the learned counsel argued that the version of the
accused must be accepted as it remains unchallenged. Learned counsel
cited a long lists of authorities in support of that proposition, and in particular
counsel relied on the dicta in Wong Swee Chin (supra) to further that
[167] Be that as it may, it is worthy of emphasis that the Federal Court
in Wong Swee Chin also held that there is an exception to this general rule
(i) the story (testimony) is itself of an incredible or romancing
(ii) the abstention arises from mere motives of delicacy,
(iii) when counsel indicates that he is merely abstaining for
convenience to save time,
(iv) where several witnesses are called to the same point, it is not
always necessary to cross-examine them all.
[168] In reply, the learned Deputy Public Prosecutor referred to the case of
Chan Chi Kong v. The Queen [1964] HKCU 94.1 where Hogan CJ of Hong
Kong in this unreported judgment held that:
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"To say that failure to cross-examine amounts, in itself, to an
admission does, I think go too far... "
[169] So the essential contention by the learned Deputy Public Prosecutor
was that the non cross-examination by itself does not amount to an
admission. Though the prosecution did not cross- examine the accused in
respect of some of those evidence that does not mean it is tacit admission
of the defence version. It must noted that in Wong Swee Chin itself the
Federal Court spoke of an exception to the general rule on the failure to cross
-examine and its consequences. Learned Deputy Public Prosecutor argued
that even if there was failure to cross-examine it was not fatal to the
prosecution case and that the court must still consider the totality of the
evidence to ascertained if it conclusively point to the guilt of the accused. In
this regards we were referred to a passage in Wong Swee Chin where the
Federal Court held at page 213 as follows:
“In our view, although there was a misdirection by the trial judge on
this point it did not affect the correctness of the verdict as the totality
of the evidence points conclusively to the guilt of the appellant”.
[170] In addition, the learned Deputy further cited the Singapore case of Liza
bte Ismail v. PP [1997] 2 SLR 454 where Yong Pung How CJ held as
"Although the general proposition is that testimony not subjected to
contradiction in cross-examination may be treated as unchallenged
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and thus accepted by the opposition party, the court is still entitled to
reject such testimony: Patric v. John Holland Constructions Pty Ltd
[1984] 2 NSWLR 505, per Samuels JA at p 507; see also Hunt J's
observations at p 18 in Allied Pastoral Holdings. A careful evaluation
of the totality of the evidence must still be undertaken to
determine the cogency and weight of such testimony. In other
words, it need not always follow that the whole of the appellant's
testimony would have to be accepted by the court, nor that the
conviction in respect of DAC 9796 would ineluctably be considered
[171] In another Singapore decision of Awtar Singh s/o Mangar Singh v.
Public Prosecutor [2000] 3 SLR 439, the Court held as follows:
"I did not find it strictly necessary for the prosecution to put to the
appellant that he saw the immigration offenders during his visits. It was
apparent to the appellant what the prosecution's case was and it
was that the immigration offenders saw him at the premises collecting
rent and performing various other tasks pertaining to the upkeep of the
premises. His defence was a complete denial that he had ever seen
these immigration offenders. That being the case, in my view, it could
not be said that the failure to put the question to the appellant resulted
in any procedural unfairness to him, in the sense that he had been
deprived of an opportunity to explain his evidence which would amount
to nothing more than another denial that he had not seen them before."
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[172] In the Malaysian case of Public Prosecutor v. Radhakrishnam Syam
& Ors and another case [2023] MLJU 1324, the Court held that:
“[108] In my considered judgment, PP v. Cheah Leong Foo does not
stand for a general proposition of law that a reasonable doubt must
arise in all such circumstances where the prosecution has failed to
cross examine the defence witness on the fact in dispute. Rather, the
court must still proceed to weigh the relative merits of the competing
assertions, mindful of the standard of proof that must be discharged by
the respective parties. The ordinary principles would apply on
evaluating the evidence of the witness of the defence: does the court
believe the defence witness? If so, it must acquit. If it does not believe
the witness, the court must proceed to ask itself a further question: has
the testimony of the witness given rise to a reasonable doubt? If the
answer is in the affirmative, then court must acquit.”
[173] Now the issue before us is whether the failure of the learned trial judge
to consider this unchallenged evidence, had occasioned a failure of justice
and denied to accused to a fair trial. Did the accused know what he was
being tried for and whether he had been given a full and fair chance to defend
himself. If the answers are in the affirmative, then there has been no
prejudice to the accused and no failure of justice. But if the answers are in
the negative, then the benefit of doubt must be given to the accused.
[174] The duty of an appellate court in dealing with an appeal where
misdirection has occurred is well settled by the Supreme Court in Lorensus
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Tukan v. Public Prosecutor [1998] 1 MLJ 251, where the court held as
“Misdirection is not of itself a sufficient ground to justify interference
with the verdict; the appellate court must proceed respectively to
consider whether the verdict is erroneous owing to the misdirection or
whether the misdirection has occasioned a failure of justice. If the court
so finds, then it has a duty to interfere. In deciding whether there has
been a failure of justice in consequence of a misdirection, the appellate
court is entitled to take the whole case into consideration and
determine for itself whether there has been a failure of justice in the
sense that a guilty man has been acquitted or an innocent one
convicted (see Abdul Rahim v. King Emperor (1945 - 46) 73 IA 77).”
[175] The overriding concern now is whether there has been a failure of
justice or miscarriage of justice in the eye of the law arising from the failure
of the prosecution to challenge the core assertion of defence.
[176] From our close scrutiny of the record and in particular the judgment of
the learned trial judge and the learned High Court judge, we are of the
considered view that failure of the prosecution to cross-examine the accused
on a crucial part per se does not amount to an admission or acceptance of
the accused’s testimony. We must consider the totality of the evidence and
decision must be based on an examination of all the evidence presented and
not evidence in isolation. Moreover, it is also apparent from the learned trial
judge’s comprehensive judgment that she had directed herself on the issue
of credibility of the prosecution witnesses and accepted their evidence.
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[177] For ease of reference, the findings of the learned trial judge on
credibility can be clearly seen at Appeal Record Enclosure 13 Volume 2,
pages 90-91 where she said:
Kredibiliti saksi - saksi
[64] Mahkamah telah menilai keterangan semua saksi dalam kes inl
dan mendapati bahawa keterangan mereka adalah konsisten antara
satu sama lain walaupun telah disoal balas secara bertubi-tubi oleh
pihak pembelaan. Keterangan SP20 iaitu saksi utama dalam kes ini
secara keseluruhannya boleh diterima dan tiada sebab untuk
Mahkamah menolak keterangan SP20. Begitu juga dengan
keterangan SP4 dan SP18. Ketiga-tiga mereka merupakan saksi
penting yang menjelaskan secara terperinci mengenal kejadian yang
telah berlaku, iaitu dari mula arahan diberi oleh OKT sehingga cek
didepositkan ke akaun syarikat BSSB, CISB dan RL Offshore. Dalam
melaksanakan arahan-arahan daripada OKT, SP20, SP18 dan SP4
tidak boleh dipersalahkan kerana mereka cuma menurut perintah OKT
yang merupakan pegawai atasan mereka. Mereka juga tidak
mendapat apa-apa manfaat atau keuntungan hasil dari perbuatan
[65] Begitu juga dengan keterangan SP8, SP11 dan SP13
yang merupakan pihak yang menerima dan menunaikan cek -
cek yang diberi kepada syarikat mereka dan menyerahkan wang
tersebut kepada OKT. Keterangan mereka bahawa cek - cek tersebut
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bukan merupakan bayaran atas kerja-kerja yang dilaksanakan oleh
syarikat mereka dan syarikat tidak membuat tuntutan untuk
pembayaran tersebut hendaklah diterima. Sebagaimana SP20, SP18
dan SP4, mereka juga tidak mendapat sebarang keuntungan hasil
pengeluaran wang THHE ini. Mereka menyatakan bahawa mereka
dalam keadaan serba salah dan terpaksa menurut kehendak OKT
memandangkan mereka mempunyai kontrak kerja dengan THHE.”
[178] In short, in her grounds of judgment, the learned trial judge accepted
the evidence of PW4, PW8, PW20, PW11 and PW13 after holding that there
were no cogent reasons to disbelieve them.
[179] Having made the above finding, the learned trial judge then went on to
make the following conclusion at paragraph 68 and 69 of the judgment:
[68] Keterangan SP8, SP11 dan SP13 dikuatkan lagi dengan
keterangan SP20, SP18 dan SP4 yang merupakan pegawai - pegawai
di bahagian kewangan THHE. Keterangan SP8, SP11 dan SP13
bahawa tiada tuntutan bayaran dibuat oleh pihak syarikat disokong
oleh keterangan SP20, SP18 dan SP4 yang menyatakan bahawa OKT
yang memberi arahan supaya pembayaran dibuat tanpa dokumen
sokongan seperti invois dan pesanan belian (purchase order) yang
dikemukakan oleh pihak syarikat.
[69] Mahkamah mendapati bahawa saksi-saksi pendakwaan SP20,
SP18 dan SP4, SP8, SP11 dan SP13 adalah merupakan saksi-saksi
yang boleh dipercayai dan telah memberi keterangan yang konsisten
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sepanjang perbicaraan. Tiada sebab untuk mereka memberikan
keterangan palsu dan berkomplot untuk memfitnah OKT.”
[180] In this respect, the learned High Court Judge accepted these findings
when he held at paragraph 54-59 Appeal Record Enclosure 11 Volume 1 of
his grounds judgment as follows:
[54] In finding that the prosecution's witnesses were credible, the
learned trial judge reasoned that the prosecution's witnesses were
consistent in their evidence despite the rigorous cross examination.
According to the learned trial judge, she had no reason to reject the
evidence of PW20 despite the challenge by the defence that PW20
may be a self-serving witness and there were various contradictions in
his testimony.
[56] The learned counsel anchored the challenge on the credibility of
the prosecution's witnesses on the following grounds:
(a) that the learned trial judge failed to critically evaluate the
conduct and behaviour of PW20 as a whole,
(b) that the learned trial judge failed to consider the defence
evidence which showed that PW8, PW11 and PW13 was
not credible as they may have retained the monies they
withdrew for their own purpose, and
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(c) that the conviction was based on the evidence of PW8 and
PW20 whose credibility was clearly at stake.
[57] In my considered view, the learned trial judge had correctly
considered and assessed the credibility of PW8, PW11, PW13 and
PW20 in accordance with established legal principles. In her grounds
of judgment, the learned trial judge had considered certain material
facts. These facts are material as they may be used as a testbed in
assessing the credibility of the relevant witnesses in the circumstances
of present appeal. They are as follows:
(a) instructions were given for cheques to be prepared even
without any invoices or claims for payments;
(b) sham invoices and sham receipts were made for the
various payments;
(c) certain cheques were encashed and the monies were
personally delivered to the accused;
(d) certain cheques were replaced pursuant to instructions for
payments to be credited directly into the recipients' bank
accounts despite no request for such direct remittances;
(e) PW11 of RL Offshore went on to claim for the balance
payment of RM575,800.00 in respect of the 1st milestone
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claim despite a cheque for the same amount has been
prepared and paid out;
(f) at the request of the accused, PW8 had to make good the
claim made by PW11 whereas the payment should be
made by THHE instead;
(g) at the material times, Bicara Sepakat, Coral lntoil and RL
Offshore all had subsisting projects with THHE; and
(h) as the finance executives of THHE, PW4 and PW18 were
merely following instructions and had no authority of their
own to prepare the cheques for the respective amounts
without instructions. Both of them had not gained anything.
[58] Had the payments were for valid reasons, there would not be
questions about instructions for cheques being prepared without any
claim for payments, there would not be sham invoices and receipts
issued, there would not be similar claims made despite payment for
the same amount having been "made", there would not be payments
having had to be made by Bicara Sepakat to RL Offshore.
[59] I am of the considered view that the findings of the learned trial
judge in respect of credibility and assessment of the totality of the
evidence accords with the probabilities of the case. They did ring true.
ln assessing credibility of the witnesses, I am thus of the considered
view that the learned trial judge had properly availed herself of the
audio-visual advantage.”
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[181] Now, we at this court also find ourselves in agreement with the above
finding made by both the learned trial judge and the learned High Court
Judge. The appeal by the accused turns upon pure questions of fact. These
were findings of fact made by the trial judge who had the audio and visual
advantage of observing and assessing the demeanour of the prosecution’s
material witnesses testifying before her, something which we do not
possess. Such findings of fact by the trial judge is therefore to remain
undisturbed unless of course if the fact finding is plainly wrong, which we find
is not the case here.
[182] On the evidence, we are fully satisfied that the learned trial judge had
not erred and her findings were fully supported by the abundance by both
oral and documentary evidence heaped against the accused. In our view, it
leaves no leeway for appellate interference in the circumstances of this
[183] It must be borne in mind that, Bicara Setakat Sdn Bhd, Coral Intoil Sdn
Bhd and RL Offshore Sdn Bhd all had subsisting projects with THHE.
Certainly, they do not want to lose their business deals with THHE. They
were at the mercy of the accused. The accused took undue advantage of the
business relationship that THHE had with these companies. PW8, PW11
and PW13 had no choice but reluctanty to follow the demands of the
accused in order not to jeopardise their working relationship with the
accused. They had but to follow all instructions of the accused. They were
caught between the proverbial devil and the deep blue sea. Hence, they had
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no reasons to lie or made up stories regarding the accused’s involvement in
these act.
[184] When all the evidence is considered even with an indulgent eye, it is
impossible for any court to doubt that the request came from the accused.
He had the opportunity and authority to make the request. The prior
arrangement and the manner in which the payments were made is a relevant
consideration in the present case and it certainly did not reflect an innocent
mind on the part of the accused. It is in evidence that PW8, PW11 and
PW13 were “coerced” to made payment in one lump sum, with no invoices.
[185] To conclude, it is significant to emphasise that, we find no substantial
miscarriage of justice to have occurred to the accused person in the present
appeal before us by failure of the prosecution to challenge or put the essence
of their case to the accused or his witnesses. It is apparent on our careful
perusal of the notes of evidence, that such failure does not go to the
credibility of the prosecution witnesses nor does it amount to an acceptance
of the defence witnesses’ evidence. The accused knew well what the case
was against him when the prosecution closed its case and had been afforded
all the opportunity to present his defence.
[186] Moving on, in considering the defence testimony for criminal breach of
trust, the learned trial judge at pp. 93-95 Appeal Record Enclosure 13
Volume 2, had this to say:
“Perpindahan sistem daripada Microsoft Axapta kepada sistem
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[70] Pihak pembelaan menyatakan bahawa penggunaan perkataan
'consultancy'di dalam invois adalah kerana masalah yang dihadapi
oleh THHE akibat daripada perpindahan sistem Microsoft Axapta
kepada ERP di mana sistem yang baharu hanya membekalkan
deskripsi yang terhad. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, pengurusan
atasan THHE terpaksa menggunakn label 'consultancy' untuk
meluluskan pembayaran atas kerja-kerja yang dilaksanakan oleh
kontraktor. Mengenai isu ini, Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa
sekiranya benar sekalipun masalah ini dihadapi oleh THHE, ia tiada
kaitan dengan 5 pembayaran yang diarahkan o!eh OKT untuk dibayar
kepada BSSB, CISB dan RL Offshore di mana pihak syarikat sendiri
menafikan membuat apa-apa tuntutan kepada THHE.
Tiada sebarang aduan dibuat kepada bank dan/atau dibawah
polisi 'whistle blower'
[71] Ketiadaan sebarang aduan dibuat dibuat oleh pihak syarikat,
polis, dan/atau pihak SPRM kepada pihak bank bahawa transaksi
berkaitan kelima-lima cek tersebut merupakan transaksi yang
menyalahi undang undang1 tidak menafikan fakta bahawa OKT telah
dengan curangnya menyalahgunakan harta THHE, iaitu 5 cek yang
menjadi subjek pertuduhan dalam kes ini. Begitu juga
kegagalan kakitangan dan/atau lembaga pengarah THHE membuat
sebarang aduan di bawah polisi 'whistle blower’berkenaan lima
pembayaran kepada ketiga-tiga syarikat tersebut tidak sama sekali
menjejaskan kes pihak pendakwaan. Tiada aduan dibuat tidak
bermakna kejadian tersebut tidak ·berlaku.
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[72] Berdasarkan keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan dapatlah
dirumuskan bahawa:
i. OKT mengarahkan penyediaan kelima-lima cek dalam
keadaan di mana tiada kerja dilakukan oleh kontraktor-
kontraktor dan mereka juga tidak membuat tuntutan untuk
ii. OKT dan SP20 telah menandatangani 3 daripada 5 cek
iii. 2 cek lagi (P16 dan P10) ditandatangani oleh SP20 dan
SP19 bagi menggantikan cek P26 dan P27 yang telah
ditandatangani oleh OKT dan SP20 sebelum itu.
Penggantian cek - cek juga dibuat atas arahan OKT bagi
menukar cara bayaran.
iv. OKT memaklumkan pihak syarikat bahawa cek -
cek pembayaran dari THHE telah dimasukkan ke dalam
akaun syarikat.
v. OKT mengarahkan penerima cek (SP8, SP11 dan SP13)
supaya menunaikan cek - cek tersebut dan menyerahkan
wang secara tunai kepada OKT.
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vi. Pihak syarikat menunaikan eek tersebut dan menyerahkan
wang dalam bentuk tunai kepada OKT (kecuali bagi jumlah
RM400,000.00 di mana penyerahan kepada OKT tidak
dibuktikan berikutan alibi OKT yang tidak disangkal oleh
pihak pendakwaan).
vii. lnvois dikeluarkan selepas bayaran diterima daripada
THHE bagi menjustifikasikan pembayaran yang telah
[73] Berdasarkan fakta yang dinyatakan di atas dapat dilihat modus
operandi yang digunakan oleh OKT dalam melaksanakan atau
merealisasikan hasratdan niat untuk menyalahgunakan wang syarikat
THHE dengan mempergunakan SP8, SP11 dan SP13 yang
mempunyai hubungan kerja dengan THHE. Adalah tidak logik pihak
syarikat tidak mahu membuat sebarang tuntutan jika kerja-kerja
tersebut telah sebenarnya dilakukan. Seterusnya, jika benar
pembayaran tersebut untuk kerja-kerja yang sebenarnya dilakukan
sebagaimana ditimbulkan oleh pihak pembelaan, mengapakah OKT
mengarahkan supaya wang tersebut dikeluarkan dan diserahkan
kepada OKT dalam bentuk tunai?. Tambahan pula bagaimana
pembayaran untuk jumlah yang sebegitu besar boleh diluluskan oleh
OKT tanpa sebarang dokumen sokongan.”
[187] The learned trial judge had carefully considered the accused defence,
and in particular that advance payments had to be made as a result of the
system migration. Hence, for the CBT Charges, we see no reasons to
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interfere with the findings made by the learned trial judge as well as the
learned high court judge when they had safely concluded that the defence
raised by the accused was wholly untenable and that the accused had failed
to rebut the presumption of having acted dishonestly on the balance of
probabilities. We were satisfied that both the learned judges had
meticulously gone through and correctly appreciated the evidence before
them and applied the law correctly.
[188] The defence of the accused that the payments made to Corail lntoil
Sdn Bhd and Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd were in fact advance payments for
the project they were having with the company were mere bare denials and
not true. It was merely an excuse to cover up his unlawful activity.
[189] Additionally, it was also wrong for the accused to make payments when
payments were not due to the contractors. What more when SP8 and SP13
had confirmed that the payments were not related to the work done and they
did not make the claim to THHE.
[190] The other issue advanced by the learned counsel for the accused is
that PW8, PW13, PW20 were accomplices whose evidence was
uncorroborated. Now, even if they were accomplices, we find that they there
were ample evidence of corroboration of the testimony of these witnesses.
[191] It is our considered view that the law on accomplices is well settled. In
the case of Harchan Singh & Anor v. PP [2005] 1 CLJ 11 Augustine Paul
JCA (as he then was) had this to say:
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“In commenting on the significance of the need for corroboration with
regard to the identity of the accused Sarkar on Evidence, 15th edn.
Vol. 2 says at p.2105:
"It is an established rule of practice that an accomplice must be
corroborated by independent evidence as to the identity of every
person whom he impeaches. The accomplice may know every
circumstances of the crime and while relating all the other facts
truly, may in order to save a friend, or gratify an animosity, name
some person as one of the criminals who was innocent of the
crime (Rv. Krishna Bhat, 10B 319; see also R v. Malapa, 11 BHC
196; R v. BudhduNanku, 1B 475)."
[192] In Davies v. Director of Public Prosecutions [1954] AC 378, it was
held that:
“an accomplice is a person who participates in the commission of the
actual crime charged against the accused. He is to be a particeps
criminis. There are two cases, however, in which a person has been
held to be an accomplice even if he is not a particeps criminis.
Receivers of stolen property are taken to be accomplices of the thieves
from whom they receive goods, on trial of theft. Accomplices in
previous similar offences committed by the accused on trial are
deemed to be accomplices in the offence for which the accused is on
trial, when evidence of the accused having committed crimes of
identical type on the occasions to be admissible to prove the system
and intent of the accused in committing the offence charged".
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[193] In Sabarudin bin Non [2005] 1 CLJ 466; [2005] 4 MLJ 37, the Court
of Appeal held:
“In our judgment, the correct test for determining whether a witness is
an accomplice is that laid down by Thomson CJ in Chao Chong v. PP
[1959] 1 LNS 11; [1960] MLJ 238: The true question, however, was not
the technical one of whether the witness could have been convicted for
his participation in the offence if he had been prosecuted. The true
question was whether, having regard to his participation in the offence
and having regard to all the circumstances of the case, his evidence
was to be regarded with suspicion and as possibly so tainted as to
invite if not to demand corroboration before it was accepted".
[194] In Farose Tamure Mohamad Khan v. PP & Other Appeals [2016] 9
CLJ 769; [2016] 6 MLJ 277, this court made the following observations at
para. 108 of the judgment:
[108] As a starting point, s 133 of the Evidence Act 1950 provides that
an accomplice is a competent witness against an accused person, and
that a conviction is not illegal merely because it proceeds upon the
uncorroborated testimony of an accomplice. Illustration (b) of s 114 of
the same Act provides that the court may presume that an accomplice
is unworthy of credit unless he is corroborated in material particulars.
In respect of the nature and extent of the corroboration, Raja Azlan
Shah CJM (as His Majesty then was) in Yap Ee Kong & Anor v. Public
Prosecutor [1980] 1 LNS 117; [1981] 1 MLJ 144 (at p 146) formulated
the rules as follows:
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(1) There should be some independent confirmation tending
to connect the accused with the offence although it is not
necessary that there should be independent confirmation
of every material circumstance;
(2) The independent evidence must not only make it safe to
believe that a crime was committed but must in some way
reasonably connect or tend to connect the accused with it
by confirming in some material particulars the testimony of
the accomplice; and
(3) The corroboration must come from independent sources,
thus bringing out the rule that ordinarily the testimony of an
accomplice would not be sufficient to corroborate that of
[195] In the case of Kurchang Singh v. PP [1989] 2 CLJ 442 the court said:
“corroboration may come from the other prosecution witnesses or from
the accused. Deliberate lies or incriminating conduct in a material
particular can constitute corroboration."
[196] In the case before us, there was in fact abundance of independent and
compelling evidence confirming the evidence of PW6, PW8, PW11, PW13
and PW20 in material particulars. One such example is the evidence of PW4
and PW18 as to the non-compliance of the payment procedure which are
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the corroborative evidence in support of PW20's testimony. The withdrawal
of the monies from the company's respective bank accounts etc are all
corroborated via oral and documentary evidence. In the end the cash
eventually ended up with the accused.
[197] Moving on to the next issue, learned counsel for the accused
contended that, learned the High Court Judge erred in law and fact in failing
to appreciate that the trust property identified in the CBT charges
were cheques issued to the respective contractors, namely RL Offshore Sdn
Bhd Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd and Coral lntoil Sdn Bhd. The learned judge
was said to have fallen into error in continuing to equate the property in the
cheque with the property in the money or funds of the company.
[198] It was further submitted that the money in THHE’s account is different
from the property in a cheque of THHE. It was contended that it has long
been understood that when a cheque is filled up by the drawer in favor of a
payee, the property in the cheque belongs to the payee not the
drawer. Council further contended that the property in the cheque properly
understood as a right for the named payee to sue the drawer in the event of
a default. In other words, it was contended that the property in a cheque is a
chose in action. This, the counsel argued was critical to banking law because
the property in a cheque is transferable and allows for a cheque to become
a negotiable instrument. Hence, the argument was that there is no criminal
breach of trust committed as stated in the charge.
[199] In addition to that, it was contended that each of the named payees
named payees of the cheques in fact received their respective cheques that
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was issued by THHE. They also each received the sums stated in that
cheque. These facts were not disputed by the prosecution. The property in
these cheques according to the counsel has therefore been passed to the
payee and accordingly, the property in the cheque, which was a chose in
action, has been extinguished. In other words, counsel argued that
misappropriation of a cheque can only be said to have occurred if the
accused took the cheque and did not name the payee and the payee did not
receive the cheque.
[200] Hence, it was submitted that it is incorrect for the learned High Court
Judge to hold that there was CBT of the cheques when the narrative and
evidence presented by the prosecution was in fact the alleged
misappropriation of the monies belonging to THHE.
[201] Learned counsel further argued that from a reading of the grounds of
judgment, the learned High Court Judge had wrongly equated the "trust
property" in the cheque with the company’s cash. It was submitted that the
property in a cheque and the property in the funds are two separate and
distinct properties which cannot be used interchangeably and do not equate
to one another.
[202] With the greatest of respect, we beg to differ. We cannot accept this
line of argument. To suggest that a distinction must be drawn between a
property in cheque and property in cash is entirely fallacious. Such
proposition of law is not in keeping with the language or spirit of section 405
of the Penal Code.
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[203] Here is a case where accused is the Chief Executive Officer of THHE.
Being in that position he was entrusted with the property of the
company including the cheques which are the subject matter of the instant
appeal. The accused was one of the authorised signatories for the
company’s account. The cheques issued had money value and was indeed
a property within the meaning of section 405 of the Penal Code. The intention
of the drawer at the time for the cheques issued is the material test. The
cheque passes the property of THHE namely the money value stated on the
cheque to the payee.
[204] The emphasis here again is that these cheques were prepared and
issued to the respective contractors without any invoices or claims for
payment made upon instruction given by the accused to his officers. Since
that is so, the irresistible conclusion is that the accused’s conduct or act was
actuated by dishonest intention to subsequently misappropriate THHE‘s
money/funds for his own use through the use of these cheques.
[205] In Sathiadas v. Public Prosecutor [1970) 1 LNS 142;1970] 2 MLJ
241; [1970] 1 MLRH 166, His Royal Highness, the late Raja Azlan Shah
J. (later LP) had this to say:
“The gist of the offence of criminal breach of trust is entrustment and
dishonest misappropriation or conversion to own use. Once the
prosecution have succeeded in proving the receipt of the money for a
particular purpose the case of entrustment is made out. Dishonest
misappropriation or conversion to own use involves wrongful gain to
the appellant or wrongful loss to his employers for the period of the
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retention of the money. That must depend on the facts and
circumstances of each case. ·Criminal breach of trust is not an offence
which counts as one of its factors, the loss that is the consequence of
the act, it is the act itself, which in law, amounts to an offence. The
offence is complete when there is dishonest misappropriation or
conversion to one's own use, or when there is dishonest user in
violation of a direction, express or implied, relating to the mode in which
the trust is to be discharged.”
[206] Seven (7) cheques were encashed. Two cheques were replaced
pursuant to instructions for payment to be credited directly into the respective
bank accounts of Bicara Sepakat Sdn Bhd and Coral Intoil Sdn Bhd, despite
there being no request for such direct remittances. PW8, PW11 and PW13
withdrew the monies and the cash was personally delivered to and received
by the accused knowing fully well what they were for. The accused pocketed
the company’s fund for himself. PW8, PW11 and PW13, had no choice but
to agree with the accused’s special arrangement in order to protect the
business interest of their respective companies. The manner in which the
money was demanded and received, in our view, lend credence to the
prosecution case that the accused has acted dishonestly, thus causing
wrongful gain to himself and wrongful loss to THHE. Hence, we find no
infirmity in the conviction on the remaining CBT charges. These convictions
are safe.
[207] For completeness, we shall now touch very briefly on the argument
raised by the learned counsel for the accused that the evidence of PW20
was self-serving and there were various contradictions in his testimony.
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However, it is worth repeating that the learned trial had critically evaluated
the conduct and behaviour of PW20 as a whole and she found no reason to
reject the testimony of PW20 as set out in her judgment. This is not a case
of one man’s word, PW20, against another’s, the accused. PW20’s evidence
was supported by cogent independent evidence connecting the accused with
the charges. Hence, it is reasonably safe for the learned trial judge to act
upon PW20 evidence. We therefore find no reason to interfere with her
[208] On the issue of contradictions and discrepancies of witnesses’
evidence we can do no better than to quote the decision in Public
Prosecutor v. Datuk Haji Harun bin Haji Idris (No. 2) [1977] 1 MLJ 16 at
p.19, where the court held as follows:
“In this case different witnesses have testified to different parts of what
had happened or what had been said and also there are, in the
evidence of the witnesses for the prosecution, some discrepancies, as
would be expected of witnesses giving their recollections of a series
of events that took place in 1971-1973. In my opinion discrepancies
there will always be, because in the circumstances in which the events
happened, every witness does not remember the same thing and he
does not remember accurately every single thing that happened. It
may be open to criticism, or it might be better if they took down a
notebook and wrote down every single thing that happened and every
single thing that was said. But they did not know that they are going
to be witnesses at this trial. I shall be almost inclined to think that if
there are no discrepancies, it might be suggested that they have
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concocted their accounts of what had happened or what had been
said because their versions are too consistent. The question is
whether the existence of certain discrepancies is sufficient to destroy
their credibility. There is no rule of law that the testimony of a witness
must either be believed in its entirety or not at all. A court is fully
competent, for good and cogent reasons, to accept one part of the
testimony of a witness and to reject the other. It is, therefore,
necessary to scrutinize each evidence very carefully as this involves
the question of weight to be given to certain evidence in particular
[209] This is also in line with the Federal Court decision in the case of Ong
Teng For v. PP [2013] 1 CLJ 39 where Raus Sharif PCA (as he then was)
delivering the judgment of the court held as follows:
“[33] It is settled law that the credibility of a particular witness and the
weight to be given to his other evidence is manifestly within the
province of a trial judge. In Andy Bagindah v. PP [2000] 3 CLJ 289,
Shaik Daud JCA said that:
There is no dearth of authorities to say that in every case, there
are bound to be contradictions and discrepancies. The question
to be decided by the trial judge is whether those contradictions
and/or discrepancies are material ones so as to strike at the very
root of the charge. It is for the trial judge to consider this since he
was the one who saw and heard the evidence. In the present
case the learned judge concluded that there were discrepancies
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but those discrepancies were not material ones. Since this
involved the credibility of witnesses, we held that the learned
judge was in a better person to decide and an appellate court
ought not to interfere with such findings.”
[210] We, an appellate court do not have the advantage of observing the
demeanor of witnesses and it is trite that an appellate court would be slow to
disturb the findings of the subordinate court on the issue of credibility of
witnesses unless the findings made were perverse. Here, we do not find any
finding of the trial judge or the High Court Judge to be perverse. In this
regard, we are reminded of the dicta in the case of Dato' Mokhtar Hashim
& Anor v. PP [1983] 2 CLJ 10; [1983] CLJ (Rep) 101; [1983] 2 MLJ 232,
where the court held:
“(7) the credibility of a witness is primarily a matter for the trial judge.
The functions of an Appellate Court, when dealing with a question of
fact in which questions of credibility are involved are limited in their
character and scope and in an appeal from a decision of a trial judge
based on his opinion of the trustworthiness of witnesses whom he has
seen, an appellate court must in order to reverse not merely entertain
doubts whether the decision below is right but be convinced that it is
wrong. In this case the learned trial judge accepted the evidence of
Atun, the prosecution witness, whom he found to be a consistent
witness unshaken by very severe cross-examination and the Appeal
Court could find no reason to interfere with his assessment.
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[211] Reference may also be made to the observation of Wan Yahya J (as
His Lordship then was) in Pie Bin Chin v. Public Prosecutor [1985] 1 MLJ
Discrepancies are no doubt present in this case, as they do ostensibly
appear in most cases in evidence of witnesses for the prosecution as
well as the defence. The transcripts of most evidence, when thoroughly
tooth combed by any able lawyer, never failed to yield some form of
inconsistencies, discrepancies or contradictions but these do not
necessarily render the witness' entire evidence incredible. It is only
when a witness's evidence on material and obvious matters in the case
is so irreconcilable, ambivalent or negational that his whole evidence
is to be disregarded.
Forgetfulness and failure to recall exactly certain events, which did not
seem to be important to the witness, do not necessarily shake his
credibility or render other parts of his story unworthy of belief. Various
persons are endowed with varying powers of cognition, attentiveness
and perception, so that it is not uncommon for two witnesses to a
common event to describe it in slightly differing versions.
I agree with the learned President's findings on this not only because
he, having seen and heard the witness is in a better position than I am
to evaluate the credibility of the witnesses, but also because I accept
that no witness of truth can account for the details of events which had
transpired some months previously with precision.”
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The Defence Against the Charges for Money Laundering
(Charges No.2 And No.4)
[212] We will now touch on the defence raised by the accused in respect of
the money laundering charges AMLATFA No.2 and No.4. Accused denied
receiving the sum of RM570,000.00 and RM600,000.00 from PW8.
[213] In the grounds of judgment, the learned trial judge had in paragraphs
104 and 106 at pages 110-111 Appeal Record Enclosure 13 Volume 2, made
the following findings:
“[104] Bagi pertuduhan 2 dan 4 AMLATFA, pembelaan OKT adalah
merupakan penafian semata-mata disamping mendakwa bahawa
keterangan SP8 adalah keterangan palsu dan pengeluaran wang
RM400,000.00, RM570,000.00 dan RM600,000.00 oleh SP8
digunakan untuk membiayai kos gaya hidup mewah keluarga SP8 dan
membayar Jabatan lnsolvensi untuk melepaskan SP8 dari status
muflis. Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa dakwaan pihak pembelaan
terhadap SP8 adalah tidak berasas sama sekali. Tiada bukti bahawa
SP8 memberi keterangan palsu dan menggunakan wang tersebut bagi
tujuan seperti dikatakan oleh pihak pembelaan. Walaupun SP8
sememangnya seorang yang muflis, beliau hanya dilepaskan dari
status muflis pada tahun 2015 sedangkan kejadian berlaku pada tahun
[106] Walaupun hasil siasatan SP23 ke atas akaun OKT tidak
menunjukkan apa-apa kemasukan wang yang mencurigakan dan/atau
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sebarang transaksi yang boleh dikaitkan dengan pertuduhan-
pertuduhan AMLATFA, ia tidak bermakna bahawa OKT tidak
menerima wang tersebut. Apa yang penting pihak pendakwaan telah
berjaya membuktikan penerimaan wang oleh OKT. Apa berlaku
kepada wang tersebut setelah diterima oleh OKT adalah tidak material.
Begitu juga dengan pemulangan harta yang disita kepada OKT tidak
menunjukkan bahawa OKT tidak menerima wang tersebut.”
[214] Having considered these findings and the rationale of the learned trial
judge in doing so, we find no reasons whatsoever to disturb the factual
findings made by the learned judge under the circumstances presented in
this case.
[215] Now, in conclusion, we find that the learned trial judge has not
misdirected herself in law. She had considered the evidence of both the
prosecution and for the defence very carefully and had given her reasons
why she accepted or did not accepted certain evidence and had correctly
come to the conclusion that she did. She had the advantage of seeing and
hearing the witnesses. We see no reasons why we should interfere with her
finding of facts or her final decision. Undoubtedly, the same goes to the
judgment delivered by the learned High Court Judge where he had taken a
detailed evaluation of the entire evidence, critically analysed witnesses
evidence placed before the court with great care and at great length and
made his findings. We do not find any infirmities in the decision of the learned
High Court Judge.
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[216] For the reasons that we have given, we unanimously find that
the conviction against the accused by the High Court for CBT Charges No.1,
2 and 4 and the AMLATFA Charges No.2 and No.4 are safe and we
accordingly dismissed the appeal and affirmed the conviction and sentence
of the High Court.
Date: 18 January 2024
- Sgd -
Azmi bin Ariffin
Court of Appeal Malaysia
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For the Appellant : 1. Datuk K. Kumaraendran
2. Datuk Hj. Hisyam Teh Poh Teik
3. Kitson Foong
4. Cheetan Jethwani
5. Kee Wei Lan
6. Low Wei Loke
7. Yaw Xinying
8. Ivy Shu
9. Chew Jee San
10. Vam Sher Mooi
[Kit & Associates (Kuala Lumpur)]
For the Respondant : 1. Nahra Binti Dollah
(Deputy Public Prosecutor)
2. Parvin Hameedah Natchiar
(Deputy Public Prosecutor)
3. Aida Khairuleen Binti Azli
(Deputy Public Prosecutor)
[Attorney General Chambers]
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