import numpy as np |
import os |
import random |
from utils.HAR_utils import * |
random.seed(1) |
np.random.seed(1) |
data_path = "HAR/" |
dir_path = "HAR/" |
def generate_dataset(dir_path): |
if not os.path.exists(dir_path): |
os.makedirs(dir_path) |
config_path = dir_path + "config.json" |
train_path = dir_path + "train/" |
test_path = dir_path + "test/" |
if not os.path.exists(train_path): |
os.makedirs(train_path) |
if not os.path.exists(test_path): |
os.makedirs(test_path) |
if not os.path.exists(data_path+'rawdata/UCI HAR Dataset.zip'): |
os.system(f"wget https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/00240/UCI%20HAR%20Dataset.zip -P {data_path}rawdata/") |
if not os.path.exists(data_path+'rawdata/UCI HAR Dataset/'): |
os.system(f"unzip {data_path}rawdata/'UCI HAR Dataset.zip' -d {data_path}rawdata/") |
X, y = load_data_HAR(data_path+'rawdata/') |
statistic = [] |
num_clients = len(y) |
num_classes = len(np.unique(np.concatenate(y, axis=0))) |
for i in range(num_clients): |
statistic.append([]) |
for yy in sorted(np.unique(y[i])): |
idx = y[i] == yy |
statistic[-1].append((int(yy), int(len(X[i][idx])))) |
for i in range(num_clients): |
print(f"Client {i}\t Size of data: {len(X[i])}\t Labels: ", np.unique(y[i])) |
print(f"\t\t Samples of labels: ", [i for i in statistic[i]]) |
print("-" * 50) |
train_data, test_data = split_data(X, y) |
save_file(config_path, train_path, test_path, train_data, test_data, num_clients, num_classes, statistic) |
def load_data_HAR(data_folder): |
str_folder = data_folder + 'UCI HAR Dataset/' |
"body_acc_x_", |
"body_acc_y_", |
"body_acc_z_", |
"body_gyro_x_", |
"body_gyro_y_", |
"body_gyro_z_", |
"total_acc_x_", |
"total_acc_y_", |
"total_acc_z_" |
] |
str_train_files = [str_folder + 'train/' + 'Inertial Signals/' + item + 'train.txt' for item in |
str_test_files = [str_folder + 'test/' + 'Inertial Signals/' + |
item + 'test.txt' for item in INPUT_SIGNAL_TYPES] |
str_train_y = str_folder + 'train/y_train.txt' |
str_test_y = str_folder + 'test/y_test.txt' |
str_train_id = str_folder + 'train/subject_train.txt' |
str_test_id = str_folder + 'test/subject_test.txt' |
X_train = format_data_x(str_train_files) |
X_test = format_data_x(str_test_files) |
Y_train = format_data_y(str_train_y) |
Y_test = format_data_y(str_test_y) |
id_train = read_ids(str_train_id) |
id_test = read_ids(str_test_id) |
X_train, X_test = X_train.reshape((-1, 9, 1, 128)), X_test.reshape((-1, 9, 1, 128)) |
X = np.concatenate((X_train, X_test), axis=0) |
Y = np.concatenate((Y_train, Y_test), axis=0) |
ID = np.concatenate((id_train, id_test), axis=0) |
XX, YY = [], [] |
for i in np.unique(ID): |
idx = ID == i |
XX.append(X[idx]) |
YY.append(Y[idx]) |
return XX, YY |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
generate_dataset(dir_path) |