break } log.Debug("updater: created directory %q", outputName) continue } else if header.Typeflag != tar.TypeReg { log.Debug("updater: %s: unknown file type %d, skipping", inputNameOnly, header.Typeflag) continue
</s> remove continue } else if header.Typeflag != tar.TypeReg { log.Debug("updater: %s: unknown file type %d, skipping", inputNameOnly, header.Typeflag) continue </s> add outputName := filepath.Join(outDir, name) if fi.IsDir() { if name == "AdGuardHome" { // Top-level AdGuardHome/. Skip it. // // TODO(a.garipov): See the similar todo in // tarGzFileUnpack. return "", nil </s> remove var f io.WriteCloser f, err = os.OpenFile(outputName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, os.FileMode(header.Mode&0o777)) if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("os.OpenFile(%s): %w", outputName, err) break } _, err = io.Copy(f, tarReader) if err != nil { _ = f.Close() err2 = fmt.Errorf("io.Copy(): %w", err) break } err = f.Close() if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("f.Close(): %w", err) break </s> add err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) </s> remove err = os.Mkdir(outputName, os.FileMode(header.Mode&0o777)) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { err2 = fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) </s> add return files, err } </s> remove break } </s> add func zipFileUnpackOne(outDir string, zf *zip.File) (name string, err error) { var rc io.ReadCloser rc, err = zf.Open() if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("zip file Open(): %w", err) } defer func() { err = errors.WithDeferred(err, rc.Close()) }() </s> remove log.Debug("updater: created file %s", outputName) files = append(files, header.Name) </s> add log.Tracef("created directory %q", outputName) return "", nil
fi := zf.FileInfo() name = fi.Name() if name == "" { return "", nil }
break } fi := zf.FileInfo() name = fi.Name() if name == "" { return "", nil } continue } else if header.Typeflag != tar.TypeReg { log.Debug("updater: %s: unknown file type %d, skipping", inputNameOnly, header.Typeflag) continue
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: replace agherr with golibs' errors Merge in DNS/adguard-home from golibs-errors to master Squashed commit of the following: commit 5aba278a31c5a213bd9e08273ce7277c57713b22 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 24 17:05:18 2021 +0300 all: imp code commit f447eb875b81779fa9e391d98c31c1eeba7ef323 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 24 15:33:45 2021 +0300 replace agherr with golibs' errors
} log.Debug("updater: created directory %q", outputName) continue } else if header.Typeflag != tar.TypeReg { log.Debug("updater: %s: unknown file type %d, skipping", inputNameOnly, header.Typeflag) continue } var f io.WriteCloser f, err = os.OpenFile(outputName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, os.FileMode(header.Mode&0o777)) if err != nil {
</s> remove log.Debug("updater: created directory %q", outputName) </s> add fi := zf.FileInfo() name = fi.Name() if name == "" { return "", nil } </s> remove var f io.WriteCloser f, err = os.OpenFile(outputName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, os.FileMode(header.Mode&0o777)) if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("os.OpenFile(%s): %w", outputName, err) break } _, err = io.Copy(f, tarReader) if err != nil { _ = f.Close() err2 = fmt.Errorf("io.Copy(): %w", err) break } err = f.Close() if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("f.Close(): %w", err) break </s> add err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) </s> remove break } </s> add func zipFileUnpackOne(outDir string, zf *zip.File) (name string, err error) { var rc io.ReadCloser rc, err = zf.Open() if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("zip file Open(): %w", err) } defer func() { err = errors.WithDeferred(err, rc.Close()) }() </s> remove err = os.Mkdir(outputName, os.FileMode(header.Mode&0o777)) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { err2 = fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) </s> add return files, err } </s> remove _ = gzReader.Close() return files, err2 </s> add var wc io.WriteCloser wc, err = os.OpenFile(outputName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, fi.Mode()) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.OpenFile(): %w", err) } defer func() { err = errors.WithDeferred(err, wc.Close()) }() _, err = io.Copy(wc, rc) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("io.Copy(): %w", err) } log.Tracef("created file %s", outputName) return name, nil
outputName := filepath.Join(outDir, name) if fi.IsDir() { if name == "AdGuardHome" { // Top-level AdGuardHome/. Skip it. // // TODO(a.garipov): See the similar todo in // tarGzFileUnpack. return "", nil
} log.Debug("updater: created directory %q", outputName) outputName := filepath.Join(outDir, name) if fi.IsDir() { if name == "AdGuardHome" { // Top-level AdGuardHome/. Skip it. // // TODO(a.garipov): See the similar todo in // tarGzFileUnpack. return "", nil outputName := filepath.Join(outDir, name) if fi.IsDir() { if name == "AdGuardHome" { // Top-level AdGuardHome/. Skip it. // // TODO(a.garipov): See the similar todo in // tarGzFileUnpack. return "", nil outputName := filepath.Join(outDir, name) if fi.IsDir() { if name == "AdGuardHome" { // Top-level AdGuardHome/. Skip it. // // TODO(a.garipov): See the similar todo in // tarGzFileUnpack. return "", nil outputName := filepath.Join(outDir, name) if fi.IsDir() { if name == "AdGuardHome" { // Top-level AdGuardHome/. Skip it. // // TODO(a.garipov): See the similar todo in // tarGzFileUnpack. return "", nil } var f io.WriteCloser f, err = os.OpenFile(outputName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, os.FileMode(header.Mode&0o777)) if err != nil {
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: replace agherr with golibs' errors Merge in DNS/adguard-home from golibs-errors to master Squashed commit of the following: commit 5aba278a31c5a213bd9e08273ce7277c57713b22 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 24 17:05:18 2021 +0300 all: imp code commit f447eb875b81779fa9e391d98c31c1eeba7ef323 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 24 15:33:45 2021 +0300 replace agherr with golibs' errors
log.Debug("updater: %s: unknown file type %d, skipping", inputNameOnly, header.Typeflag) continue } var f io.WriteCloser f, err = os.OpenFile(outputName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, os.FileMode(header.Mode&0o777)) if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("os.OpenFile(%s): %w", outputName, err) break } _, err = io.Copy(f, tarReader) if err != nil { _ = f.Close() err2 = fmt.Errorf("io.Copy(): %w", err) break } err = f.Close() if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("f.Close(): %w", err) break } log.Debug("updater: created file %s", outputName) files = append(files, header.Name) }
</s> remove err = f.Close() if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("f.Close(): %w", err) break } log.Tracef("created file %s", outputName) files = append(files, inputNameOnly) </s> add </s> remove fi := zf.FileInfo() inputNameOnly := fi.Name() if inputNameOnly == "" { continue } outputName := filepath.Join(outdir, inputNameOnly) if fi.IsDir() { if inputNameOnly == "AdGuardHome" { // Top-level AdGuardHome/. Skip it. // // TODO(a.garipov): See the similar todo in // tarGzFileUnpack. continue } err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { err2 = fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) break } log.Tracef("created directory %q", outputName) continue } var f io.WriteCloser f, err = os.OpenFile(outputName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, fi.Mode()) if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("os.OpenFile(): %w", err) break } _, err = io.Copy(f, zr) if err != nil { _ = f.Close() err2 = fmt.Errorf("io.Copy(): %w", err) break </s> add if name != "" { files = append(files, name) </s> remove log.Debug("updater: created file %s", outputName) files = append(files, header.Name) </s> add log.Tracef("created directory %q", outputName) return "", nil </s> remove log.Debug("updater: created directory %q", outputName) </s> add fi := zf.FileInfo() name = fi.Name() if name == "" { return "", nil } </s> remove continue } else if header.Typeflag != tar.TypeReg { log.Debug("updater: %s: unknown file type %d, skipping", inputNameOnly, header.Typeflag) continue </s> add outputName := filepath.Join(outDir, name) if fi.IsDir() { if name == "AdGuardHome" { // Top-level AdGuardHome/. Skip it. // // TODO(a.garipov): See the similar todo in // tarGzFileUnpack. return "", nil
err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err)
log.Debug("updater: %s: unknown file type %d, skipping", inputNameOnly, header.Typeflag) continue } err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) } log.Debug("updater: created file %s", outputName) files = append(files, header.Name) }
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: replace agherr with golibs' errors Merge in DNS/adguard-home from golibs-errors to master Squashed commit of the following: commit 5aba278a31c5a213bd9e08273ce7277c57713b22 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 24 17:05:18 2021 +0300 all: imp code commit f447eb875b81779fa9e391d98c31c1eeba7ef323 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 24 15:33:45 2021 +0300 replace agherr with golibs' errors
err2 = fmt.Errorf("f.Close(): %w", err) break } log.Debug("updater: created file %s", outputName) files = append(files, header.Name) } _ = gzReader.Close() return files, err2 }
</s> remove err = f.Close() if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("f.Close(): %w", err) break } log.Tracef("created file %s", outputName) files = append(files, inputNameOnly) </s> add </s> remove var f io.WriteCloser f, err = os.OpenFile(outputName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, os.FileMode(header.Mode&0o777)) if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("os.OpenFile(%s): %w", outputName, err) break } _, err = io.Copy(f, tarReader) if err != nil { _ = f.Close() err2 = fmt.Errorf("io.Copy(): %w", err) break } err = f.Close() if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("f.Close(): %w", err) break </s> add err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) </s> remove _ = gzReader.Close() return files, err2 </s> add var wc io.WriteCloser wc, err = os.OpenFile(outputName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, fi.Mode()) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.OpenFile(): %w", err) } defer func() { err = errors.WithDeferred(err, wc.Close()) }() _, err = io.Copy(wc, rc) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("io.Copy(): %w", err) } log.Tracef("created file %s", outputName) return name, nil </s> remove _ = zr.Close() return files, err2 </s> add return files, err </s> remove err = os.Mkdir(outputName, os.FileMode(header.Mode&0o777)) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { err2 = fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) </s> add return files, err }
log.Tracef("created directory %q", outputName) return "", nil
err2 = fmt.Errorf("f.Close(): %w", err) break } log.Tracef("created directory %q", outputName) return "", nil log.Tracef("created directory %q", outputName) return "", nil } _ = gzReader.Close() return files, err2 }
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: replace agherr with golibs' errors Merge in DNS/adguard-home from golibs-errors to master Squashed commit of the following: commit 5aba278a31c5a213bd9e08273ce7277c57713b22 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 24 17:05:18 2021 +0300 all: imp code commit f447eb875b81779fa9e391d98c31c1eeba7ef323 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 24 15:33:45 2021 +0300 replace agherr with golibs' errors
log.Debug("updater: created file %s", outputName) files = append(files, header.Name) } _ = gzReader.Close() return files, err2 } // Unpack all files from .zip file to the specified directory // Existing files are overwritten // All files are created inside 'outdir', subdirectories are not created
</s> remove // All files are created inside 'outdir', subdirectories are not created </s> add // All files are created inside 'outDir', subdirectories are not created </s> remove // All files are created inside 'outdir', subdirectories are not created </s> add // All files are created inside outDir, subdirectories are not created </s> remove func zipFileUnpack(zipfile, outdir string) ([]string, error) { r, err := zip.OpenReader(zipfile) </s> add func zipFileUnpack(zipfile, outDir string) (files []string, err error) { zrc, err := zip.OpenReader(zipfile) </s> remove func tarGzFileUnpack(tarfile, outdir string) ([]string, error) { </s> add func tarGzFileUnpack(tarfile, outDir string) (files []string, err error) { </s> remove log.Debug("updater: created file %s", outputName) files = append(files, header.Name) </s> add log.Tracef("created directory %q", outputName) return "", nil
var wc io.WriteCloser wc, err = os.OpenFile(outputName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, fi.Mode()) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.OpenFile(): %w", err) } defer func() { err = errors.WithDeferred(err, wc.Close()) }() _, err = io.Copy(wc, rc) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("io.Copy(): %w", err) } log.Tracef("created file %s", outputName) return name, nil
log.Debug("updater: created file %s", outputName) files = append(files, header.Name) } var wc io.WriteCloser wc, err = os.OpenFile(outputName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, fi.Mode()) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.OpenFile(): %w", err) } defer func() { err = errors.WithDeferred(err, wc.Close()) }() _, err = io.Copy(wc, rc) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("io.Copy(): %w", err) } log.Tracef("created file %s", outputName) return name, nil var wc io.WriteCloser wc, err = os.OpenFile(outputName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, fi.Mode()) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.OpenFile(): %w", err) } defer func() { err = errors.WithDeferred(err, wc.Close()) }() _, err = io.Copy(wc, rc) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("io.Copy(): %w", err) } log.Tracef("created file %s", outputName) return name, nil } // Unpack all files from .zip file to the specified directory // Existing files are overwritten // All files are created inside 'outdir', subdirectories are not created
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: replace agherr with golibs' errors Merge in DNS/adguard-home from golibs-errors to master Squashed commit of the following: commit 5aba278a31c5a213bd9e08273ce7277c57713b22 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 24 17:05:18 2021 +0300 all: imp code commit f447eb875b81779fa9e391d98c31c1eeba7ef323 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 24 15:33:45 2021 +0300 replace agherr with golibs' errors
} // Unpack all files from .zip file to the specified directory // Existing files are overwritten // All files are created inside 'outdir', subdirectories are not created // Return the list of files (not directories) written func zipFileUnpack(zipfile, outdir string) ([]string, error) { r, err := zip.OpenReader(zipfile) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("zip.OpenReader(): %w", err)
</s> remove func zipFileUnpack(zipfile, outdir string) ([]string, error) { r, err := zip.OpenReader(zipfile) </s> add func zipFileUnpack(zipfile, outDir string) (files []string, err error) { zrc, err := zip.OpenReader(zipfile) </s> remove // All files are created inside 'outdir', subdirectories are not created </s> add // All files are created inside outDir, subdirectories are not created </s> remove func tarGzFileUnpack(tarfile, outdir string) ([]string, error) { </s> add func tarGzFileUnpack(tarfile, outDir string) (files []string, err error) { </s> remove _ = gzReader.Close() return files, err2 </s> add var wc io.WriteCloser wc, err = os.OpenFile(outputName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, fi.Mode()) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.OpenFile(): %w", err) } defer func() { err = errors.WithDeferred(err, wc.Close()) }() _, err = io.Copy(wc, rc) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("io.Copy(): %w", err) } log.Tracef("created file %s", outputName) return name, nil </s> remove defer r.Close() </s> add defer func() { err = errors.WithDeferred(err, zrc.Close()) }()
// All files are created inside 'outDir', subdirectories are not created
} // Unpack all files from .zip file to the specified directory // Existing files are overwritten // All files are created inside 'outDir', subdirectories are not created // Return the list of files (not directories) written func zipFileUnpack(zipfile, outdir string) ([]string, error) { r, err := zip.OpenReader(zipfile) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("zip.OpenReader(): %w", err)
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: replace agherr with golibs' errors Merge in DNS/adguard-home from golibs-errors to master Squashed commit of the following: commit 5aba278a31c5a213bd9e08273ce7277c57713b22 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 24 17:05:18 2021 +0300 all: imp code commit f447eb875b81779fa9e391d98c31c1eeba7ef323 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 24 15:33:45 2021 +0300 replace agherr with golibs' errors
// Unpack all files from .zip file to the specified directory // Existing files are overwritten // All files are created inside 'outdir', subdirectories are not created // Return the list of files (not directories) written func zipFileUnpack(zipfile, outdir string) ([]string, error) { r, err := zip.OpenReader(zipfile) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("zip.OpenReader(): %w", err) } defer r.Close()
</s> remove // All files are created inside 'outdir', subdirectories are not created </s> add // All files are created inside 'outDir', subdirectories are not created </s> remove // All files are created inside 'outdir', subdirectories are not created </s> add // All files are created inside outDir, subdirectories are not created </s> remove func tarGzFileUnpack(tarfile, outdir string) ([]string, error) { </s> add func tarGzFileUnpack(tarfile, outDir string) (files []string, err error) { </s> remove _ = gzReader.Close() return files, err2 </s> add var wc io.WriteCloser wc, err = os.OpenFile(outputName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, fi.Mode()) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.OpenFile(): %w", err) } defer func() { err = errors.WithDeferred(err, wc.Close()) }() _, err = io.Copy(wc, rc) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("io.Copy(): %w", err) } log.Tracef("created file %s", outputName) return name, nil </s> remove defer r.Close() </s> add defer func() { err = errors.WithDeferred(err, zrc.Close()) }()
func zipFileUnpack(zipfile, outDir string) (files []string, err error) { zrc, err := zip.OpenReader(zipfile)
// Unpack all files from .zip file to the specified directory // Existing files are overwritten // All files are created inside 'outdir', subdirectories are not created // Return the list of files (not directories) written func zipFileUnpack(zipfile, outDir string) (files []string, err error) { zrc, err := zip.OpenReader(zipfile) func zipFileUnpack(zipfile, outDir string) (files []string, err error) { zrc, err := zip.OpenReader(zipfile) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("zip.OpenReader(): %w", err) } defer r.Close()
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: replace agherr with golibs' errors Merge in DNS/adguard-home from golibs-errors to master Squashed commit of the following: commit 5aba278a31c5a213bd9e08273ce7277c57713b22 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 24 17:05:18 2021 +0300 all: imp code commit f447eb875b81779fa9e391d98c31c1eeba7ef323 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 24 15:33:45 2021 +0300 replace agherr with golibs' errors
r, err := zip.OpenReader(zipfile) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("zip.OpenReader(): %w", err) } defer r.Close() var files []string var err2 error var zr io.ReadCloser for _, zf := range r.File {
</s> remove var files []string var err2 error var zr io.ReadCloser for _, zf := range r.File { zr, err = zf.Open() </s> add for _, zf := range zrc.File { var name string name, err = zipFileUnpackOne(outDir, zf) </s> remove err2 = fmt.Errorf("zip file Open(): %w", err) </s> add </s> remove var files []string var err2 error </s> add </s> remove var header *tar.Header header, err = tarReader.Next() if err == io.EOF { err2 = nil break } if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("tarReader.Next(): %w", err) </s> add var hdr *tar.Header hdr, err = tarReader.Next() if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) { err = nil </s> remove func zipFileUnpack(zipfile, outdir string) ([]string, error) { r, err := zip.OpenReader(zipfile) </s> add func zipFileUnpack(zipfile, outDir string) (files []string, err error) { zrc, err := zip.OpenReader(zipfile)
defer func() { err = errors.WithDeferred(err, zrc.Close()) }()
r, err := zip.OpenReader(zipfile) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("zip.OpenReader(): %w", err) } defer func() { err = errors.WithDeferred(err, zrc.Close()) }() var files []string var err2 error var zr io.ReadCloser for _, zf := range r.File {
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: replace agherr with golibs' errors Merge in DNS/adguard-home from golibs-errors to master Squashed commit of the following: commit 5aba278a31c5a213bd9e08273ce7277c57713b22 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 24 17:05:18 2021 +0300 all: imp code commit f447eb875b81779fa9e391d98c31c1eeba7ef323 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 24 15:33:45 2021 +0300 replace agherr with golibs' errors
return nil, fmt.Errorf("zip.OpenReader(): %w", err) } defer r.Close() var files []string var err2 error var zr io.ReadCloser for _, zf := range r.File { zr, err = zf.Open() if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("zip file Open(): %w", err) break }
</s> remove err2 = fmt.Errorf("zip file Open(): %w", err) </s> add </s> remove defer r.Close() </s> add defer func() { err = errors.WithDeferred(err, zrc.Close()) }() </s> remove var header *tar.Header header, err = tarReader.Next() if err == io.EOF { err2 = nil break } if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("tarReader.Next(): %w", err) </s> add var hdr *tar.Header hdr, err = tarReader.Next() if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) { err = nil </s> remove var files []string var err2 error </s> add </s> remove break } </s> add func zipFileUnpackOne(outDir string, zf *zip.File) (name string, err error) { var rc io.ReadCloser rc, err = zf.Open() if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("zip file Open(): %w", err) } defer func() { err = errors.WithDeferred(err, rc.Close()) }()
for _, zf := range zrc.File { var name string name, err = zipFileUnpackOne(outDir, zf)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("zip.OpenReader(): %w", err) } defer r.Close() for _, zf := range zrc.File { var name string name, err = zipFileUnpackOne(outDir, zf) for _, zf := range zrc.File { var name string name, err = zipFileUnpackOne(outDir, zf) for _, zf := range zrc.File { var name string name, err = zipFileUnpackOne(outDir, zf) for _, zf := range zrc.File { var name string name, err = zipFileUnpackOne(outDir, zf) for _, zf := range zrc.File { var name string name, err = zipFileUnpackOne(outDir, zf) if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("zip file Open(): %w", err) break }
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: replace agherr with golibs' errors Merge in DNS/adguard-home from golibs-errors to master Squashed commit of the following: commit 5aba278a31c5a213bd9e08273ce7277c57713b22 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 24 17:05:18 2021 +0300 all: imp code commit f447eb875b81779fa9e391d98c31c1eeba7ef323 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 24 15:33:45 2021 +0300 replace agherr with golibs' errors
var zr io.ReadCloser for _, zf := range r.File { zr, err = zf.Open() if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("zip file Open(): %w", err) break } fi := zf.FileInfo() inputNameOnly := fi.Name()
</s> remove var files []string var err2 error var zr io.ReadCloser for _, zf := range r.File { zr, err = zf.Open() </s> add for _, zf := range zrc.File { var name string name, err = zipFileUnpackOne(outDir, zf) </s> remove defer r.Close() </s> add defer func() { err = errors.WithDeferred(err, zrc.Close()) }() </s> remove fi := zf.FileInfo() inputNameOnly := fi.Name() if inputNameOnly == "" { continue } outputName := filepath.Join(outdir, inputNameOnly) if fi.IsDir() { if inputNameOnly == "AdGuardHome" { // Top-level AdGuardHome/. Skip it. // // TODO(a.garipov): See the similar todo in // tarGzFileUnpack. continue } err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { err2 = fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) break } log.Tracef("created directory %q", outputName) continue } var f io.WriteCloser f, err = os.OpenFile(outputName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, fi.Mode()) if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("os.OpenFile(): %w", err) break } _, err = io.Copy(f, zr) if err != nil { _ = f.Close() err2 = fmt.Errorf("io.Copy(): %w", err) break </s> add if name != "" { files = append(files, name) </s> remove break } </s> add func zipFileUnpackOne(outDir string, zf *zip.File) (name string, err error) { var rc io.ReadCloser rc, err = zf.Open() if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("zip file Open(): %w", err) } defer func() { err = errors.WithDeferred(err, rc.Close()) }() </s> remove var header *tar.Header header, err = tarReader.Next() if err == io.EOF { err2 = nil break } if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("tarReader.Next(): %w", err) </s> add var hdr *tar.Header hdr, err = tarReader.Next() if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) { err = nil
var zr io.ReadCloser for _, zf := range r.File { zr, err = zf.Open() if err != nil { break } fi := zf.FileInfo() inputNameOnly := fi.Name()
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: replace agherr with golibs' errors Merge in DNS/adguard-home from golibs-errors to master Squashed commit of the following: commit 5aba278a31c5a213bd9e08273ce7277c57713b22 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 24 17:05:18 2021 +0300 all: imp code commit f447eb875b81779fa9e391d98c31c1eeba7ef323 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 24 15:33:45 2021 +0300 replace agherr with golibs' errors
err2 = fmt.Errorf("zip file Open(): %w", err) break } fi := zf.FileInfo() inputNameOnly := fi.Name() if inputNameOnly == "" { continue } outputName := filepath.Join(outdir, inputNameOnly) if fi.IsDir() { if inputNameOnly == "AdGuardHome" { // Top-level AdGuardHome/. Skip it. // // TODO(a.garipov): See the similar todo in // tarGzFileUnpack. continue } err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { err2 = fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) break } log.Tracef("created directory %q", outputName) continue } var f io.WriteCloser f, err = os.OpenFile(outputName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, fi.Mode()) if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("os.OpenFile(): %w", err) break } _, err = io.Copy(f, zr) if err != nil { _ = f.Close() err2 = fmt.Errorf("io.Copy(): %w", err) break } err = f.Close() if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("f.Close(): %w", err) break
</s> remove var f io.WriteCloser f, err = os.OpenFile(outputName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, os.FileMode(header.Mode&0o777)) if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("os.OpenFile(%s): %w", outputName, err) break } _, err = io.Copy(f, tarReader) if err != nil { _ = f.Close() err2 = fmt.Errorf("io.Copy(): %w", err) break } err = f.Close() if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("f.Close(): %w", err) break </s> add err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) </s> remove _, inputNameOnly := filepath.Split(header.Name) if inputNameOnly == "" { continue </s> add break </s> remove err = f.Close() if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("f.Close(): %w", err) break } log.Tracef("created file %s", outputName) files = append(files, inputNameOnly) </s> add </s> remove } </s> add } else if err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("tarReader.Next(): %w", err) </s> remove err = os.Mkdir(outputName, os.FileMode(header.Mode&0o777)) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { err2 = fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) </s> add return files, err }
if name != "" { files = append(files, name)
err2 = fmt.Errorf("zip file Open(): %w", err) break } if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) if name != "" { files = append(files, name) } err = f.Close() if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("f.Close(): %w", err) break
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: replace agherr with golibs' errors Merge in DNS/adguard-home from golibs-errors to master Squashed commit of the following: commit 5aba278a31c5a213bd9e08273ce7277c57713b22 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 24 17:05:18 2021 +0300 all: imp code commit f447eb875b81779fa9e391d98c31c1eeba7ef323 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 24 15:33:45 2021 +0300 replace agherr with golibs' errors
_ = f.Close() err2 = fmt.Errorf("io.Copy(): %w", err) break } err = f.Close() if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("f.Close(): %w", err) break } log.Tracef("created file %s", outputName) files = append(files, inputNameOnly) } _ = zr.Close() return files, err2 }
</s> remove log.Debug("updater: created file %s", outputName) files = append(files, header.Name) </s> add log.Tracef("created directory %q", outputName) return "", nil </s> remove _ = zr.Close() return files, err2 </s> add return files, err </s> remove var f io.WriteCloser f, err = os.OpenFile(outputName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, os.FileMode(header.Mode&0o777)) if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("os.OpenFile(%s): %w", outputName, err) break } _, err = io.Copy(f, tarReader) if err != nil { _ = f.Close() err2 = fmt.Errorf("io.Copy(): %w", err) break } err = f.Close() if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("f.Close(): %w", err) break </s> add err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) </s> remove fi := zf.FileInfo() inputNameOnly := fi.Name() if inputNameOnly == "" { continue } outputName := filepath.Join(outdir, inputNameOnly) if fi.IsDir() { if inputNameOnly == "AdGuardHome" { // Top-level AdGuardHome/. Skip it. // // TODO(a.garipov): See the similar todo in // tarGzFileUnpack. continue } err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { err2 = fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) break } log.Tracef("created directory %q", outputName) continue } var f io.WriteCloser f, err = os.OpenFile(outputName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, fi.Mode()) if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("os.OpenFile(): %w", err) break } _, err = io.Copy(f, zr) if err != nil { _ = f.Close() err2 = fmt.Errorf("io.Copy(): %w", err) break </s> add if name != "" { files = append(files, name) </s> remove _ = gzReader.Close() return files, err2 </s> add var wc io.WriteCloser wc, err = os.OpenFile(outputName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, fi.Mode()) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.OpenFile(): %w", err) } defer func() { err = errors.WithDeferred(err, wc.Close()) }() _, err = io.Copy(wc, rc) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("io.Copy(): %w", err) } log.Tracef("created file %s", outputName) return name, nil
_ = f.Close() err2 = fmt.Errorf("io.Copy(): %w", err) break } } _ = zr.Close() return files, err2 }
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: replace agherr with golibs' errors Merge in DNS/adguard-home from golibs-errors to master Squashed commit of the following: commit 5aba278a31c5a213bd9e08273ce7277c57713b22 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 24 17:05:18 2021 +0300 all: imp code commit f447eb875b81779fa9e391d98c31c1eeba7ef323 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 24 15:33:45 2021 +0300 replace agherr with golibs' errors
log.Tracef("created file %s", outputName) files = append(files, inputNameOnly) } _ = zr.Close() return files, err2 } // Copy file on disk func copyFile(src, dst string) error { d, e := os.ReadFile(src)
</s> remove err = f.Close() if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("f.Close(): %w", err) break } log.Tracef("created file %s", outputName) files = append(files, inputNameOnly) </s> add </s> remove log.Debug("updater: created file %s", outputName) files = append(files, header.Name) </s> add log.Tracef("created directory %q", outputName) return "", nil </s> remove _ = gzReader.Close() return files, err2 </s> add var wc io.WriteCloser wc, err = os.OpenFile(outputName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, fi.Mode()) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.OpenFile(): %w", err) } defer func() { err = errors.WithDeferred(err, wc.Close()) }() _, err = io.Copy(wc, rc) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("io.Copy(): %w", err) } log.Tracef("created file %s", outputName) return name, nil </s> remove var f io.WriteCloser f, err = os.OpenFile(outputName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, os.FileMode(header.Mode&0o777)) if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("os.OpenFile(%s): %w", outputName, err) break } _, err = io.Copy(f, tarReader) if err != nil { _ = f.Close() err2 = fmt.Errorf("io.Copy(): %w", err) break } err = f.Close() if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("f.Close(): %w", err) break </s> add err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { return "", fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) </s> remove fi := zf.FileInfo() inputNameOnly := fi.Name() if inputNameOnly == "" { continue } outputName := filepath.Join(outdir, inputNameOnly) if fi.IsDir() { if inputNameOnly == "AdGuardHome" { // Top-level AdGuardHome/. Skip it. // // TODO(a.garipov): See the similar todo in // tarGzFileUnpack. continue } err = os.Mkdir(outputName, fi.Mode()) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { err2 = fmt.Errorf("os.Mkdir(%q): %w", outputName, err) break } log.Tracef("created directory %q", outputName) continue } var f io.WriteCloser f, err = os.OpenFile(outputName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, fi.Mode()) if err != nil { err2 = fmt.Errorf("os.OpenFile(): %w", err) break } _, err = io.Copy(f, zr) if err != nil { _ = f.Close() err2 = fmt.Errorf("io.Copy(): %w", err) break </s> add if name != "" { files = append(files, name)
return files, err
log.Tracef("created file %s", outputName) files = append(files, inputNameOnly) } return files, err return files, err } // Copy file on disk func copyFile(src, dst string) error { d, e := os.ReadFile(src)
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: replace agherr with golibs' errors Merge in DNS/adguard-home from golibs-errors to master Squashed commit of the following: commit 5aba278a31c5a213bd9e08273ce7277c57713b22 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 24 17:05:18 2021 +0300 all: imp code commit f447eb875b81779fa9e391d98c31c1eeba7ef323 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon May 24 15:33:45 2021 +0300 replace agherr with golibs' errors
log.Fatal(err) } URL := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", address) log.Println("Go to " + URL) log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(address, nil)) }
</s> remove // implement </s> add
err = startDHCPServer() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) }
log.Fatal(err) } err = startDHCPServer() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } URL := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", address) log.Println("Go to " + URL) log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(address, nil)) }
[ "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Start DHCP on launch if it's enabled in config.
"net" "net/http" "" ) var dhcpServer = dhcpd.Server{}
</s> remove // implement </s> add
"net" "net/http" "" "" ) var dhcpServer = dhcpd.Server{}
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Start DHCP on launch if it's enabled in config.
return } } // implement func handleDHCPFindActiveServer(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { found, err := dhcpd.CheckIfOtherDHCPServersPresent(config.DHCP.InterfaceName) result := map[string]interface{}{} if err != nil { result["error"] = err.Error()
return } } func handleDHCPFindActiveServer(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { found, err := dhcpd.CheckIfOtherDHCPServersPresent(config.DHCP.InterfaceName) result := map[string]interface{}{} if err != nil { result["error"] = err.Error()
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Start DHCP on launch if it's enabled in config.
coverage: status: project: default: target: 40% threshold: null patch: false changes: false
</s> remove # Comment to post when closing a stale issue. Set to `false` to disable closeComment: false </s> add # Comment to post when closing a stale issue. Set to `false` to disable. 'closeComment': false </s> remove test: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} env: GO111MODULE: on GOPROXY: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: os: - ubuntu-latest - macOS-latest - windows-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Set up Go uses: actions/setup-go@v2 with: go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }} </s> add 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' </s> remove It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. grade: stable confinement: strict publish: false license: GPL-3.0 extra_files: - source: scripts/snap/local/ destination: mode: 0755 - source: scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop destination: meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop mode: 0644 - source: scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png destination: meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png mode: 0644 apps: adguard-home: command: AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update plugs: # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - network-bind # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - network-control daemon: simple adguard-home-web: command: plugs: [ desktop ] </s> add It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' </s> remove # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale daysUntilStale: 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed daysUntilClose: 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale exemptLabels: - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale staleLabel: 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable markComment: > </s> add # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale. 'daysUntilStale': 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed. 'daysUntilClose': 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale. 'exemptLabels': - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale. 'staleLabel': 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable. 'markComment': > </s> remove jobs: </s> add 'jobs': 'test': 'runs-on': '${{ matrix.os }}' 'env': 'GO111MODULE': 'on' 'GOPROXY': '' 'strategy': 'fail-fast': false 'matrix': 'os': - 'ubuntu-latest' - 'macOS-latest' - 'windows-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up Go' 'uses': 'actions/setup-go@v2' 'with': 'go-version': '${{ env.GO_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Node' 'uses': 'actions/setup-node@v1' 'with': 'node-version': '${{ env.NODE_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Go modules cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '~/go/pkg/mod' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('go.sum') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-go-' - 'name': 'Get npm cache directory' 'id': 'npm-cache' 'run': 'echo "::set-output name=dir::$(npm config get cache)"' - 'name': 'Set up npm cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '${{ steps.npm-cache.outputs.dir }}' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('client/package-lock.json') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-node-' - 'name': 'Run make ci' 'shell': 'bash' 'run': 'make ci' - 'name': 'Upload coverage' 'uses': 'codecov/codecov-action@v1' 'if': "success() && matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'" 'with': 'token': '${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}' 'file': './coverage.txt' 'app': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up Go' 'uses': 'actions/setup-go@v2' 'with': 'go-version': '${{ env.GO_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Node' 'uses': 'actions/setup-node@v1' 'with': 'node-version': '${{ env.NODE_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Go modules cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '~/go/pkg/mod' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('go.sum') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-go-' - 'name': 'Get npm cache directory' 'id': 'npm-cache' 'run': 'echo "::set-output name=dir::$(npm config get cache)"' - 'name': 'Set up node_modules cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '${{ steps.npm-cache.outputs.dir }}' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('client/package-lock.json') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-node-' - 'name': 'Set up Snapcraft' 'run': 'sudo apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends install snapcraft' - 'name': 'Set up GoReleaser' 'run': 'curl -sfL | BINDIR="$(go env GOPATH)/bin" sh' - 'name': 'Run snapshot build' 'run': 'make release'
'coverage': 'status': 'project': 'default': 'target': '40%' 'threshold': null 'patch': false 'changes': false
'coverage': 'status': 'project': 'default': 'target': '40%' 'threshold': null 'patch': false 'changes': false 'coverage': 'status': 'project': 'default': 'target': '40%' 'threshold': null 'patch': false 'changes': false 'coverage': 'status': 'project': 'default': 'target': '40%' 'threshold': null 'patch': false 'changes': false 'coverage': 'status': 'project': 'default': 'target': '40%' 'threshold': null 'patch': false 'changes': false 'coverage': 'status': 'project': 'default': 'target': '40%' 'threshold': null 'patch': false 'changes': false 'coverage': 'status': 'project': 'default': 'target': '40%' 'threshold': null 'patch': false 'changes': false 'coverage': 'status': 'project': 'default': 'target': '40%' 'threshold': null 'patch': false 'changes': false 'coverage': 'status': 'project': 'default': 'target': '40%' 'threshold': null 'patch': false 'changes': false
[ "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
# Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale daysUntilStale: 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed daysUntilClose: 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale exemptLabels: - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale staleLabel: 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable markComment: > This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions. # Comment to post when closing a stale issue. Set to `false` to disable closeComment: false
</s> remove # Comment to post when closing a stale issue. Set to `false` to disable closeComment: false </s> add # Comment to post when closing a stale issue. Set to `false` to disable. 'closeComment': false </s> remove exclude: # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - .parentalServer. is unused - .safeBrowsingServer. is unused # errcheck - Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked - Error return value of ..*.Shutdown. # goconst - string has 3 occurrences # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - G108 # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - G204 # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - G110 # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - G306 </s> add 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306' </s> remove It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. grade: stable confinement: strict publish: false license: GPL-3.0 extra_files: - source: scripts/snap/local/ destination: mode: 0755 - source: scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop destination: meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop mode: 0644 - source: scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png destination: meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png mode: 0644 apps: adguard-home: command: AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update plugs: # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - network-bind # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - network-control daemon: simple adguard-home-web: command: plugs: [ desktop ] </s> add It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' </s> remove issues: </s> add 'issues': </s> remove skip-files: - ".*generated.*" - dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go - util/pprof.go - ".*_test.go" - client/.* - build/.* - dist/.* </s> add 'skip-files': - '.*generated.*' - 'dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go' - 'util/pprof.go' - '.*_test.go' - 'client/.*' - 'build/.*' - 'dist/.*'
# Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale. 'daysUntilStale': 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed. 'daysUntilClose': 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale. 'exemptLabels': - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale. 'staleLabel': 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable. 'markComment': >
# Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale. 'daysUntilStale': 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed. 'daysUntilClose': 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale. 'exemptLabels': - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale. 'staleLabel': 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable. 'markComment': > # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale. 'daysUntilStale': 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed. 'daysUntilClose': 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale. 'exemptLabels': - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale. 'staleLabel': 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable. 'markComment': > # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale. 'daysUntilStale': 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed. 'daysUntilClose': 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale. 'exemptLabels': - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale. 'staleLabel': 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable. 'markComment': > # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale. 'daysUntilStale': 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed. 'daysUntilClose': 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale. 'exemptLabels': - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale. 'staleLabel': 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable. 'markComment': > # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale. 'daysUntilStale': 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed. 'daysUntilClose': 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale. 'exemptLabels': - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale. 'staleLabel': 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable. 'markComment': > # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale. 'daysUntilStale': 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed. 'daysUntilClose': 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale. 'exemptLabels': - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale. 'staleLabel': 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable. 'markComment': > # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale. 'daysUntilStale': 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed. 'daysUntilClose': 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale. 'exemptLabels': - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale. 'staleLabel': 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable. 'markComment': > # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale. 'daysUntilStale': 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed. 'daysUntilClose': 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale. 'exemptLabels': - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale. 'staleLabel': 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable. 'markComment': > # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale. 'daysUntilStale': 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed. 'daysUntilClose': 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale. 'exemptLabels': - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale. 'staleLabel': 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable. 'markComment': > # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale. 'daysUntilStale': 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed. 'daysUntilClose': 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale. 'exemptLabels': - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale. 'staleLabel': 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable. 'markComment': > # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale. 'daysUntilStale': 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed. 'daysUntilClose': 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale. 'exemptLabels': - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale. 'staleLabel': 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable. 'markComment': > # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale. 'daysUntilStale': 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed. 'daysUntilClose': 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale. 'exemptLabels': - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale. 'staleLabel': 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable. 'markComment': > # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale. 'daysUntilStale': 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed. 'daysUntilClose': 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale. 'exemptLabels': - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale. 'staleLabel': 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable. 'markComment': > # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale. 'daysUntilStale': 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed. 'daysUntilClose': 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale. 'exemptLabels': - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale. 'staleLabel': 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable. 'markComment': > This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions. # Comment to post when closing a stale issue. Set to `false` to disable closeComment: false
[ "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
markComment: > This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions. # Comment to post when closing a stale issue. Set to `false` to disable closeComment: false
</s> remove # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale daysUntilStale: 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed daysUntilClose: 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale exemptLabels: - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale staleLabel: 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable markComment: > </s> add # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale. 'daysUntilStale': 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed. 'daysUntilClose': 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale. 'exemptLabels': - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale. 'staleLabel': 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable. 'markComment': > </s> remove It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. grade: stable confinement: strict publish: false license: GPL-3.0 extra_files: - source: scripts/snap/local/ destination: mode: 0755 - source: scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop destination: meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop mode: 0644 - source: scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png destination: meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png mode: 0644 apps: adguard-home: command: AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update plugs: # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - network-bind # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - network-control daemon: simple adguard-home-web: command: plugs: [ desktop ] </s> add It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' </s> remove snapcrafts: - name: adguard-home base: core18 name_template: '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}' summary: Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server description: | AdGuard Home is a network-wide software for blocking ads & tracking. After you set it up, it'll cover ALL your home devices, and you don't need any client-side software for that. </s> add 'snapcrafts': - 'name': 'adguard-home' 'base': 'core18' 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}' 'summary': 'Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server' 'description': | AdGuard Home is a network-wide software for blocking ads & tracking. After you set it up, it'll cover ALL your home devices, and you don't need any client-side software for that. </s> remove exclude: # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - .parentalServer. is unused - .safeBrowsingServer. is unused # errcheck - Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked - Error return value of ..*.Shutdown. # goconst - string has 3 occurrences # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - G108 # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - G204 # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - G110 # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - G306 </s> add 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306' </s> remove deadline: 2m </s> add 'deadline': '2m'
# Comment to post when closing a stale issue. Set to `false` to disable. 'closeComment': false
markComment: > This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions. # Comment to post when closing a stale issue. Set to `false` to disable. 'closeComment': false # Comment to post when closing a stale issue. Set to `false` to disable. 'closeComment': false
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
name: build env: GO_VERSION: 1.14 NODE_VERSION: 13
</s> remove env: GO_VERSION: 1.14 NODE_VERSION: 13 </s> add 'env': 'GO_VERSION': '1.14' 'NODE_VERSION': '13' </s> remove on: push: branches: - '*' tags: - v* pull_request: </s> add 'on': 'push': 'branches': - '*' 'tags': - 'v*' 'pull_request': </s> remove - name: Set up Node uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: ${{ env.NODE_VERSION }} - name: Set up Go modules cache uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ~/go/pkg/mod key: ${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('go.sum') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-go- - name: Get npm cache directory id: npm-cache run: | echo "::set-output name=dir::$(npm config get cache)" - name: Set up npm cache uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ${{ steps.npm-cache.outputs.dir }} key: ${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('client/package-lock.json') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-node- - name: Run make ci shell: bash run: | make ci - name: Upload coverage uses: codecov/codecov-action@v1 if: success() && matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest' with: token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }} file: ./coverage.txt app: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: test steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Set up Go uses: actions/setup-go@v2 with: go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }} - name: Set up Node uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: ${{ env.NODE_VERSION }} - name: Set up Go modules cache uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ~/go/pkg/mod key: ${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('go.sum') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-go- - name: Get npm cache directory id: npm-cache run: | echo "::set-output name=dir::$(npm config get cache)" - name: Set up node_modules cache uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ${{ steps.npm-cache.outputs.dir }} key: ${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('client/package-lock.json') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-node- - name: Set up Snapcraft run: | sudo apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends install snapcraft - name: Set up GoReleaser run: | curl -sfL | BINDIR="$(go env GOPATH)/bin" sh - name: Run snapshot build run: | make release docker: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: test steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Set up QEMU uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v1 - name: Set up Docker Buildx uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1 - name: Docker Buildx (build) run: | make docker-multi-arch notify: needs: [app, docker] # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request from a fork if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Conclusion uses: technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1 - name: Send Slack notif uses: 8398a7/action-slack@v3 with: status: ${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }} fields: repo,message,commit,author env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }} </s> add 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' </s> remove test: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} env: GO111MODULE: on GOPROXY: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: os: - ubuntu-latest - macOS-latest - windows-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Set up Go uses: actions/setup-go@v2 with: go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }} </s> add 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' </s> remove name: golangci-lint on: push: tags: - v* branches: - '*' pull_request: jobs: golangci: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: golangci-lint uses: golangci/[email protected] with: # Required: the version of golangci-lint is required and must be specified without patch version: we always use the latest patch version. version: v1.32 eslint: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install modules run: npm --prefix client ci - name: Run ESLint run: npm --prefix client run lint notify: needs: [golangci,eslint] # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request from a fork if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Conclusion uses: technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1 - name: Send Slack notif uses: 8398a7/action-slack@v3 with: status: ${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }} fields: repo,message,commit,author env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }} </s> add 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}'
'name': 'build'
'name': 'build' env: GO_VERSION: 1.14 NODE_VERSION: 13
[ "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
name: build env: GO_VERSION: 1.14 NODE_VERSION: 13 on: push: branches: - '*'
</s> remove on: push: branches: - '*' tags: - v* pull_request: </s> add 'on': 'push': 'branches': - '*' 'tags': - 'v*' 'pull_request': </s> remove name: build </s> add 'name': 'build' </s> remove name: golangci-lint on: push: tags: - v* branches: - '*' pull_request: jobs: golangci: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: golangci-lint uses: golangci/[email protected] with: # Required: the version of golangci-lint is required and must be specified without patch version: we always use the latest patch version. version: v1.32 eslint: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install modules run: npm --prefix client ci - name: Run ESLint run: npm --prefix client run lint notify: needs: [golangci,eslint] # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request from a fork if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Conclusion uses: technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1 - name: Send Slack notif uses: 8398a7/action-slack@v3 with: status: ${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }} fields: repo,message,commit,author env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }} </s> add 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' </s> remove - name: Set up Node uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: ${{ env.NODE_VERSION }} - name: Set up Go modules cache uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ~/go/pkg/mod key: ${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('go.sum') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-go- - name: Get npm cache directory id: npm-cache run: | echo "::set-output name=dir::$(npm config get cache)" - name: Set up npm cache uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ${{ steps.npm-cache.outputs.dir }} key: ${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('client/package-lock.json') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-node- - name: Run make ci shell: bash run: | make ci - name: Upload coverage uses: codecov/codecov-action@v1 if: success() && matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest' with: token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }} file: ./coverage.txt app: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: test steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Set up Go uses: actions/setup-go@v2 with: go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }} - name: Set up Node uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: ${{ env.NODE_VERSION }} - name: Set up Go modules cache uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ~/go/pkg/mod key: ${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('go.sum') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-go- - name: Get npm cache directory id: npm-cache run: | echo "::set-output name=dir::$(npm config get cache)" - name: Set up node_modules cache uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ${{ steps.npm-cache.outputs.dir }} key: ${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('client/package-lock.json') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-node- - name: Set up Snapcraft run: | sudo apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends install snapcraft - name: Set up GoReleaser run: | curl -sfL | BINDIR="$(go env GOPATH)/bin" sh - name: Run snapshot build run: | make release docker: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: test steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Set up QEMU uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v1 - name: Set up Docker Buildx uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1 - name: Docker Buildx (build) run: | make docker-multi-arch notify: needs: [app, docker] # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request from a fork if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Conclusion uses: technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1 - name: Send Slack notif uses: 8398a7/action-slack@v3 with: status: ${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }} fields: repo,message,commit,author env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }} </s> add 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' </s> remove test: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} env: GO111MODULE: on GOPROXY: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: os: - ubuntu-latest - macOS-latest - windows-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Set up Go uses: actions/setup-go@v2 with: go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }} </s> add 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch'
'env': 'GO_VERSION': '1.14' 'NODE_VERSION': '13'
name: build 'env': 'GO_VERSION': '1.14' 'NODE_VERSION': '13' 'env': 'GO_VERSION': '1.14' 'NODE_VERSION': '13' 'env': 'GO_VERSION': '1.14' 'NODE_VERSION': '13' on: push: branches: - '*'
[ "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
env: GO_VERSION: 1.14 NODE_VERSION: 13 on: push: branches: - '*' tags: - v* pull_request: jobs: test: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
</s> remove env: GO_VERSION: 1.14 NODE_VERSION: 13 </s> add 'env': 'GO_VERSION': '1.14' 'NODE_VERSION': '13' </s> remove name: golangci-lint on: push: tags: - v* branches: - '*' pull_request: jobs: golangci: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: golangci-lint uses: golangci/[email protected] with: # Required: the version of golangci-lint is required and must be specified without patch version: we always use the latest patch version. version: v1.32 eslint: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install modules run: npm --prefix client ci - name: Run ESLint run: npm --prefix client run lint notify: needs: [golangci,eslint] # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request from a fork if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Conclusion uses: technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1 - name: Send Slack notif uses: 8398a7/action-slack@v3 with: status: ${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }} fields: repo,message,commit,author env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }} </s> add 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' </s> remove test: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} env: GO111MODULE: on GOPROXY: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: os: - ubuntu-latest - macOS-latest - windows-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Set up Go uses: actions/setup-go@v2 with: go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }} </s> add 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' </s> remove name: build </s> add 'name': 'build' </s> remove jobs: </s> add 'jobs': 'test': 'runs-on': '${{ matrix.os }}' 'env': 'GO111MODULE': 'on' 'GOPROXY': '' 'strategy': 'fail-fast': false 'matrix': 'os': - 'ubuntu-latest' - 'macOS-latest' - 'windows-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up Go' 'uses': 'actions/setup-go@v2' 'with': 'go-version': '${{ env.GO_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Node' 'uses': 'actions/setup-node@v1' 'with': 'node-version': '${{ env.NODE_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Go modules cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '~/go/pkg/mod' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('go.sum') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-go-' - 'name': 'Get npm cache directory' 'id': 'npm-cache' 'run': 'echo "::set-output name=dir::$(npm config get cache)"' - 'name': 'Set up npm cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '${{ steps.npm-cache.outputs.dir }}' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('client/package-lock.json') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-node-' - 'name': 'Run make ci' 'shell': 'bash' 'run': 'make ci' - 'name': 'Upload coverage' 'uses': 'codecov/codecov-action@v1' 'if': "success() && matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'" 'with': 'token': '${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}' 'file': './coverage.txt' 'app': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up Go' 'uses': 'actions/setup-go@v2' 'with': 'go-version': '${{ env.GO_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Node' 'uses': 'actions/setup-node@v1' 'with': 'node-version': '${{ env.NODE_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Go modules cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '~/go/pkg/mod' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('go.sum') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-go-' - 'name': 'Get npm cache directory' 'id': 'npm-cache' 'run': 'echo "::set-output name=dir::$(npm config get cache)"' - 'name': 'Set up node_modules cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '${{ steps.npm-cache.outputs.dir }}' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('client/package-lock.json') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-node-' - 'name': 'Set up Snapcraft' 'run': 'sudo apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends install snapcraft' - 'name': 'Set up GoReleaser' 'run': 'curl -sfL | BINDIR="$(go env GOPATH)/bin" sh' - 'name': 'Run snapshot build' 'run': 'make release'
'on': 'push': 'branches': - '*' 'tags': - 'v*' 'pull_request':
env: GO_VERSION: 1.14 NODE_VERSION: 13 'on': 'push': 'branches': - '*' 'tags': - 'v*' 'pull_request': 'on': 'push': 'branches': - '*' 'tags': - 'v*' 'pull_request': 'on': 'push': 'branches': - '*' 'tags': - 'v*' 'pull_request': 'on': 'push': 'branches': - '*' 'tags': - 'v*' 'pull_request': 'on': 'push': 'branches': - '*' 'tags': - 'v*' 'pull_request': 'on': 'push': 'branches': - '*' 'tags': - 'v*' 'pull_request': 'on': 'push': 'branches': - '*' 'tags': - 'v*' 'pull_request': jobs: test: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
tags: - v* pull_request: jobs: test: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} env: GO111MODULE: on
</s> remove on: push: branches: - '*' tags: - v* pull_request: </s> add 'on': 'push': 'branches': - '*' 'tags': - 'v*' 'pull_request': </s> remove test: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} env: GO111MODULE: on GOPROXY: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: os: - ubuntu-latest - macOS-latest - windows-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Set up Go uses: actions/setup-go@v2 with: go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }} </s> add 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' </s> remove name: golangci-lint on: push: tags: - v* branches: - '*' pull_request: jobs: golangci: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: golangci-lint uses: golangci/[email protected] with: # Required: the version of golangci-lint is required and must be specified without patch version: we always use the latest patch version. version: v1.32 eslint: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install modules run: npm --prefix client ci - name: Run ESLint run: npm --prefix client run lint notify: needs: [golangci,eslint] # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request from a fork if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Conclusion uses: technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1 - name: Send Slack notif uses: 8398a7/action-slack@v3 with: status: ${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }} fields: repo,message,commit,author env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }} </s> add 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' </s> remove - name: Set up Node uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: ${{ env.NODE_VERSION }} - name: Set up Go modules cache uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ~/go/pkg/mod key: ${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('go.sum') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-go- - name: Get npm cache directory id: npm-cache run: | echo "::set-output name=dir::$(npm config get cache)" - name: Set up npm cache uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ${{ steps.npm-cache.outputs.dir }} key: ${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('client/package-lock.json') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-node- - name: Run make ci shell: bash run: | make ci - name: Upload coverage uses: codecov/codecov-action@v1 if: success() && matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest' with: token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }} file: ./coverage.txt app: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: test steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Set up Go uses: actions/setup-go@v2 with: go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }} - name: Set up Node uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: ${{ env.NODE_VERSION }} - name: Set up Go modules cache uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ~/go/pkg/mod key: ${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('go.sum') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-go- - name: Get npm cache directory id: npm-cache run: | echo "::set-output name=dir::$(npm config get cache)" - name: Set up node_modules cache uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ${{ steps.npm-cache.outputs.dir }} key: ${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('client/package-lock.json') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-node- - name: Set up Snapcraft run: | sudo apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends install snapcraft - name: Set up GoReleaser run: | curl -sfL | BINDIR="$(go env GOPATH)/bin" sh - name: Run snapshot build run: | make release docker: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: test steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Set up QEMU uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v1 - name: Set up Docker Buildx uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1 - name: Docker Buildx (build) run: | make docker-multi-arch notify: needs: [app, docker] # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request from a fork if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Conclusion uses: technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1 - name: Send Slack notif uses: 8398a7/action-slack@v3 with: status: ${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }} fields: repo,message,commit,author env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }} </s> add 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' </s> remove exclude: # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - .parentalServer. is unused - .safeBrowsingServer. is unused # errcheck - Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked - Error return value of ..*.Shutdown. # goconst - string has 3 occurrences # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - G108 # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - G204 # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - G110 # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - G306 </s> add 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306'
'jobs': 'test': 'runs-on': '${{ matrix.os }}' 'env': 'GO111MODULE': 'on' 'GOPROXY': '' 'strategy': 'fail-fast': false 'matrix': 'os': - 'ubuntu-latest' - 'macOS-latest' - 'windows-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up Go' 'uses': 'actions/setup-go@v2' 'with': 'go-version': '${{ env.GO_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Node' 'uses': 'actions/setup-node@v1' 'with': 'node-version': '${{ env.NODE_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Go modules cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '~/go/pkg/mod' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('go.sum') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-go-' - 'name': 'Get npm cache directory' 'id': 'npm-cache' 'run': 'echo "::set-output name=dir::$(npm config get cache)"' - 'name': 'Set up npm cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '${{ steps.npm-cache.outputs.dir }}' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('client/package-lock.json') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-node-' - 'name': 'Run make ci' 'shell': 'bash' 'run': 'make ci' - 'name': 'Upload coverage' 'uses': 'codecov/codecov-action@v1' 'if': "success() && matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'" 'with': 'token': '${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}' 'file': './coverage.txt' 'app': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up Go' 'uses': 'actions/setup-go@v2' 'with': 'go-version': '${{ env.GO_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Node' 'uses': 'actions/setup-node@v1' 'with': 'node-version': '${{ env.NODE_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Go modules cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '~/go/pkg/mod' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('go.sum') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-go-' - 'name': 'Get npm cache directory' 'id': 'npm-cache' 'run': 'echo "::set-output name=dir::$(npm config get cache)"' - 'name': 'Set up node_modules cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '${{ steps.npm-cache.outputs.dir }}' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('client/package-lock.json') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-node-' - 'name': 'Set up Snapcraft' 'run': 'sudo apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends install snapcraft' - 'name': 'Set up GoReleaser' 'run': 'curl -sfL | BINDIR="$(go env GOPATH)/bin" sh' - 'name': 'Run snapshot build' 'run': 'make release'
tags: - v* pull_request: 'jobs': 'test': 'runs-on': '${{ matrix.os }}' 'env': 'GO111MODULE': 'on' 'GOPROXY': '' 'strategy': 'fail-fast': false 'matrix': 'os': - 'ubuntu-latest' - 'macOS-latest' - 'windows-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up Go' 'uses': 'actions/setup-go@v2' 'with': 'go-version': '${{ env.GO_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Node' 'uses': 'actions/setup-node@v1' 'with': 'node-version': '${{ env.NODE_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Go modules cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '~/go/pkg/mod' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('go.sum') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-go-' - 'name': 'Get npm cache directory' 'id': 'npm-cache' 'run': 'echo "::set-output name=dir::$(npm config get cache)"' - 'name': 'Set up npm cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '${{ steps.npm-cache.outputs.dir }}' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('client/package-lock.json') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-node-' - 'name': 'Run make ci' 'shell': 'bash' 'run': 'make ci' - 'name': 'Upload coverage' 'uses': 'codecov/codecov-action@v1' 'if': "success() && matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'" 'with': 'token': '${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}' 'file': './coverage.txt' 'app': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up Go' 'uses': 'actions/setup-go@v2' 'with': 'go-version': '${{ env.GO_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Node' 'uses': 'actions/setup-node@v1' 'with': 'node-version': '${{ env.NODE_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Go modules cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '~/go/pkg/mod' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('go.sum') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-go-' - 'name': 'Get npm cache directory' 'id': 'npm-cache' 'run': 'echo "::set-output name=dir::$(npm config get cache)"' - 'name': 'Set up node_modules cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '${{ steps.npm-cache.outputs.dir }}' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('client/package-lock.json') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-node-' - 'name': 'Set up Snapcraft' 'run': 'sudo apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends install snapcraft' - 'name': 'Set up GoReleaser' 'run': 'curl -sfL | BINDIR="$(go env GOPATH)/bin" sh' - 'name': 'Run snapshot build' 'run': 'make release' test: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} env: GO111MODULE: on
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
pull_request: jobs: test: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} env: GO111MODULE: on GOPROXY: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: os: - ubuntu-latest - macOS-latest - windows-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Set up Go uses: actions/setup-go@v2 with: go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }} - name: Set up Node uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with:
</s> remove - name: Set up Node uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: ${{ env.NODE_VERSION }} - name: Set up Go modules cache uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ~/go/pkg/mod key: ${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('go.sum') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-go- - name: Get npm cache directory id: npm-cache run: | echo "::set-output name=dir::$(npm config get cache)" - name: Set up npm cache uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ${{ steps.npm-cache.outputs.dir }} key: ${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('client/package-lock.json') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-node- - name: Run make ci shell: bash run: | make ci - name: Upload coverage uses: codecov/codecov-action@v1 if: success() && matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest' with: token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }} file: ./coverage.txt app: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: test steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Set up Go uses: actions/setup-go@v2 with: go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }} - name: Set up Node uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: ${{ env.NODE_VERSION }} - name: Set up Go modules cache uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ~/go/pkg/mod key: ${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('go.sum') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-go- - name: Get npm cache directory id: npm-cache run: | echo "::set-output name=dir::$(npm config get cache)" - name: Set up node_modules cache uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ${{ steps.npm-cache.outputs.dir }} key: ${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('client/package-lock.json') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-node- - name: Set up Snapcraft run: | sudo apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends install snapcraft - name: Set up GoReleaser run: | curl -sfL | BINDIR="$(go env GOPATH)/bin" sh - name: Run snapshot build run: | make release docker: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: test steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Set up QEMU uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v1 - name: Set up Docker Buildx uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1 - name: Docker Buildx (build) run: | make docker-multi-arch notify: needs: [app, docker] # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request from a fork if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Conclusion uses: technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1 - name: Send Slack notif uses: 8398a7/action-slack@v3 with: status: ${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }} fields: repo,message,commit,author env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }} </s> add 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' </s> remove name: golangci-lint on: push: tags: - v* branches: - '*' pull_request: jobs: golangci: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: golangci-lint uses: golangci/[email protected] with: # Required: the version of golangci-lint is required and must be specified without patch version: we always use the latest patch version. version: v1.32 eslint: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install modules run: npm --prefix client ci - name: Run ESLint run: npm --prefix client run lint notify: needs: [golangci,eslint] # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request from a fork if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Conclusion uses: technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1 - name: Send Slack notif uses: 8398a7/action-slack@v3 with: status: ${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }} fields: repo,message,commit,author env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }} </s> add 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' </s> remove jobs: </s> add 'jobs': 'test': 'runs-on': '${{ matrix.os }}' 'env': 'GO111MODULE': 'on' 'GOPROXY': '' 'strategy': 'fail-fast': false 'matrix': 'os': - 'ubuntu-latest' - 'macOS-latest' - 'windows-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up Go' 'uses': 'actions/setup-go@v2' 'with': 'go-version': '${{ env.GO_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Node' 'uses': 'actions/setup-node@v1' 'with': 'node-version': '${{ env.NODE_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Go modules cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '~/go/pkg/mod' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('go.sum') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-go-' - 'name': 'Get npm cache directory' 'id': 'npm-cache' 'run': 'echo "::set-output name=dir::$(npm config get cache)"' - 'name': 'Set up npm cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '${{ steps.npm-cache.outputs.dir }}' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('client/package-lock.json') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-node-' - 'name': 'Run make ci' 'shell': 'bash' 'run': 'make ci' - 'name': 'Upload coverage' 'uses': 'codecov/codecov-action@v1' 'if': "success() && matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'" 'with': 'token': '${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}' 'file': './coverage.txt' 'app': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up Go' 'uses': 'actions/setup-go@v2' 'with': 'go-version': '${{ env.GO_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Node' 'uses': 'actions/setup-node@v1' 'with': 'node-version': '${{ env.NODE_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Go modules cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '~/go/pkg/mod' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('go.sum') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-go-' - 'name': 'Get npm cache directory' 'id': 'npm-cache' 'run': 'echo "::set-output name=dir::$(npm config get cache)"' - 'name': 'Set up node_modules cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '${{ steps.npm-cache.outputs.dir }}' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('client/package-lock.json') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-node-' - 'name': 'Set up Snapcraft' 'run': 'sudo apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends install snapcraft' - 'name': 'Set up GoReleaser' 'run': 'curl -sfL | BINDIR="$(go env GOPATH)/bin" sh' - 'name': 'Run snapshot build' 'run': 'make release' </s> remove on: push: branches: - '*' tags: - v* pull_request: </s> add 'on': 'push': 'branches': - '*' 'tags': - 'v*' 'pull_request': </s> remove # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale daysUntilStale: 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed daysUntilClose: 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale exemptLabels: - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale staleLabel: 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable markComment: > </s> add # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale. 'daysUntilStale': 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed. 'daysUntilClose': 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale. 'exemptLabels': - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale. 'staleLabel': 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable. 'markComment': >
'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch'
pull_request: jobs: 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' - name: Set up Node uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with:
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
uses: actions/setup-go@v2 with: go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }} - name: Set up Node uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: ${{ env.NODE_VERSION }} - name: Set up Go modules cache uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ~/go/pkg/mod key: ${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('go.sum') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-go- - name: Get npm cache directory id: npm-cache run: | echo "::set-output name=dir::$(npm config get cache)" - name: Set up npm cache uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ${{ steps.npm-cache.outputs.dir }} key: ${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('client/package-lock.json') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-node- - name: Run make ci shell: bash run: | make ci - name: Upload coverage uses: codecov/codecov-action@v1 if: success() && matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest' with: token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }} file: ./coverage.txt app: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: test steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Set up Go uses: actions/setup-go@v2 with: go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }} - name: Set up Node uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: ${{ env.NODE_VERSION }} - name: Set up Go modules cache uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ~/go/pkg/mod key: ${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('go.sum') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-go- - name: Get npm cache directory id: npm-cache run: | echo "::set-output name=dir::$(npm config get cache)" - name: Set up node_modules cache uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ${{ steps.npm-cache.outputs.dir }} key: ${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('client/package-lock.json') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-node- - name: Set up Snapcraft run: | sudo apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends install snapcraft - name: Set up GoReleaser run: | curl -sfL | BINDIR="$(go env GOPATH)/bin" sh - name: Run snapshot build run: | make release docker: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: test steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Set up QEMU uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v1 - name: Set up Docker Buildx uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1 - name: Docker Buildx (build) run: | make docker-multi-arch notify: needs: [app, docker] # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request from a fork if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Conclusion uses: technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1 - name: Send Slack notif uses: 8398a7/action-slack@v3 with: status: ${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }} fields: repo,message,commit,author env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}
</s> remove test: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} env: GO111MODULE: on GOPROXY: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: os: - ubuntu-latest - macOS-latest - windows-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Set up Go uses: actions/setup-go@v2 with: go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }} </s> add 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' </s> remove name: golangci-lint on: push: tags: - v* branches: - '*' pull_request: jobs: golangci: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: golangci-lint uses: golangci/[email protected] with: # Required: the version of golangci-lint is required and must be specified without patch version: we always use the latest patch version. version: v1.32 eslint: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install modules run: npm --prefix client ci - name: Run ESLint run: npm --prefix client run lint notify: needs: [golangci,eslint] # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request from a fork if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Conclusion uses: technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1 - name: Send Slack notif uses: 8398a7/action-slack@v3 with: status: ${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }} fields: repo,message,commit,author env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }} </s> add 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' </s> remove jobs: </s> add 'jobs': 'test': 'runs-on': '${{ matrix.os }}' 'env': 'GO111MODULE': 'on' 'GOPROXY': '' 'strategy': 'fail-fast': false 'matrix': 'os': - 'ubuntu-latest' - 'macOS-latest' - 'windows-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up Go' 'uses': 'actions/setup-go@v2' 'with': 'go-version': '${{ env.GO_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Node' 'uses': 'actions/setup-node@v1' 'with': 'node-version': '${{ env.NODE_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Go modules cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '~/go/pkg/mod' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('go.sum') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-go-' - 'name': 'Get npm cache directory' 'id': 'npm-cache' 'run': 'echo "::set-output name=dir::$(npm config get cache)"' - 'name': 'Set up npm cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '${{ steps.npm-cache.outputs.dir }}' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('client/package-lock.json') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-node-' - 'name': 'Run make ci' 'shell': 'bash' 'run': 'make ci' - 'name': 'Upload coverage' 'uses': 'codecov/codecov-action@v1' 'if': "success() && matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'" 'with': 'token': '${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}' 'file': './coverage.txt' 'app': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up Go' 'uses': 'actions/setup-go@v2' 'with': 'go-version': '${{ env.GO_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Node' 'uses': 'actions/setup-node@v1' 'with': 'node-version': '${{ env.NODE_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Go modules cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '~/go/pkg/mod' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('go.sum') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-go-' - 'name': 'Get npm cache directory' 'id': 'npm-cache' 'run': 'echo "::set-output name=dir::$(npm config get cache)"' - 'name': 'Set up node_modules cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '${{ steps.npm-cache.outputs.dir }}' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('client/package-lock.json') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-node-' - 'name': 'Set up Snapcraft' 'run': 'sudo apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends install snapcraft' - 'name': 'Set up GoReleaser' 'run': 'curl -sfL | BINDIR="$(go env GOPATH)/bin" sh' - 'name': 'Run snapshot build' 'run': 'make release' </s> remove on: push: branches: - '*' tags: - v* pull_request: </s> add 'on': 'push': 'branches': - '*' 'tags': - 'v*' 'pull_request': </s> remove snapcrafts: - name: adguard-home base: core18 name_template: '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}' summary: Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server description: | AdGuard Home is a network-wide software for blocking ads & tracking. After you set it up, it'll cover ALL your home devices, and you don't need any client-side software for that. </s> add 'snapcrafts': - 'name': 'adguard-home' 'base': 'core18' 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}' 'summary': 'Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server' 'description': | AdGuard Home is a network-wide software for blocking ads & tracking. After you set it up, it'll cover ALL your home devices, and you don't need any client-side software for that.
'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}'
uses: actions/setup-go@v2 with: go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }} 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 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'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}'
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
name: golangci-lint on: push: tags: - v* branches: - '*' pull_request: jobs: golangci: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: golangci-lint uses: golangci/[email protected] with: # Required: the version of golangci-lint is required and must be specified without patch version: we always use the latest patch version. version: v1.32 eslint: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install modules run: npm --prefix client ci - name: Run ESLint run: npm --prefix client run lint notify: needs: [golangci,eslint] # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request from a fork if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Conclusion uses: technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1 - name: Send Slack notif uses: 8398a7/action-slack@v3 with: status: ${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }} fields: repo,message,commit,author env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}
</s> remove - name: Set up Node uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: ${{ env.NODE_VERSION }} - name: Set up Go modules cache uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ~/go/pkg/mod key: ${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('go.sum') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-go- - name: Get npm cache directory id: npm-cache run: | echo "::set-output name=dir::$(npm config get cache)" - name: Set up npm cache uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ${{ steps.npm-cache.outputs.dir }} key: ${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('client/package-lock.json') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-node- - name: Run make ci shell: bash run: | make ci - name: Upload coverage uses: codecov/codecov-action@v1 if: success() && matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest' with: token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }} file: ./coverage.txt app: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: test steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Set up Go uses: actions/setup-go@v2 with: go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }} - name: Set up Node uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: ${{ env.NODE_VERSION }} - name: Set up Go modules cache uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ~/go/pkg/mod key: ${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('go.sum') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-go- - name: Get npm cache directory id: npm-cache run: | echo "::set-output name=dir::$(npm config get cache)" - name: Set up node_modules cache uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ${{ steps.npm-cache.outputs.dir }} key: ${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('client/package-lock.json') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-node- - name: Set up Snapcraft run: | sudo apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends install snapcraft - name: Set up GoReleaser run: | curl -sfL | BINDIR="$(go env GOPATH)/bin" sh - name: Run snapshot build run: | make release docker: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: test steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Set up QEMU uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v1 - name: Set up Docker Buildx uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1 - name: Docker Buildx (build) run: | make docker-multi-arch notify: needs: [app, docker] # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request from a fork if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Conclusion uses: technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1 - name: Send Slack notif uses: 8398a7/action-slack@v3 with: status: ${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }} fields: repo,message,commit,author env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }} </s> add 'notify': 'needs': - 'app' - 'docker' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' </s> remove test: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} env: GO111MODULE: on GOPROXY: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: os: - ubuntu-latest - macOS-latest - windows-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Set up Go uses: actions/setup-go@v2 with: go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }} </s> add 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch' </s> remove on: push: branches: - '*' tags: - v* pull_request: </s> add 'on': 'push': 'branches': - '*' 'tags': - 'v*' 'pull_request': </s> remove jobs: </s> add 'jobs': 'test': 'runs-on': '${{ matrix.os }}' 'env': 'GO111MODULE': 'on' 'GOPROXY': '' 'strategy': 'fail-fast': false 'matrix': 'os': - 'ubuntu-latest' - 'macOS-latest' - 'windows-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up Go' 'uses': 'actions/setup-go@v2' 'with': 'go-version': '${{ env.GO_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Node' 'uses': 'actions/setup-node@v1' 'with': 'node-version': '${{ env.NODE_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Go modules cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '~/go/pkg/mod' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('go.sum') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-go-' - 'name': 'Get npm cache directory' 'id': 'npm-cache' 'run': 'echo "::set-output name=dir::$(npm config get cache)"' - 'name': 'Set up npm cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '${{ steps.npm-cache.outputs.dir }}' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('client/package-lock.json') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-node-' - 'name': 'Run make ci' 'shell': 'bash' 'run': 'make ci' - 'name': 'Upload coverage' 'uses': 'codecov/codecov-action@v1' 'if': "success() && matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'" 'with': 'token': '${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}' 'file': './coverage.txt' 'app': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up Go' 'uses': 'actions/setup-go@v2' 'with': 'go-version': '${{ env.GO_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Node' 'uses': 'actions/setup-node@v1' 'with': 'node-version': '${{ env.NODE_VERSION }}' - 'name': 'Set up Go modules cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '~/go/pkg/mod' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-go-${{ hashFiles('go.sum') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-go-' - 'name': 'Get npm cache directory' 'id': 'npm-cache' 'run': 'echo "::set-output name=dir::$(npm config get cache)"' - 'name': 'Set up node_modules cache' 'uses': 'actions/cache@v2' 'with': 'path': '${{ steps.npm-cache.outputs.dir }}' 'key': "${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('client/package-lock.json') }}" 'restore-keys': '${{ runner.os }}-node-' - 'name': 'Set up Snapcraft' 'run': 'sudo apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends install snapcraft' - 'name': 'Set up GoReleaser' 'run': 'curl -sfL | BINDIR="$(go env GOPATH)/bin" sh' - 'name': 'Run snapshot build' 'run': 'make release' </s> remove env: GO_VERSION: 1.14 NODE_VERSION: 13 </s> add 'env': 'GO_VERSION': '1.14' 'NODE_VERSION': '13'
'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}'
'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 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'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 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'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 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'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 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'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 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'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}' 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}'
[ "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
# options for analysis running run: # default concurrency is a available CPU number concurrency: 4 # timeout for analysis, e.g. 30s, 5m, default is 1m deadline: 2m
</s> remove concurrency: 4 </s> add 'concurrency': 4 </s> remove deadline: 2m </s> add 'deadline': '2m' </s> remove issues: </s> add 'issues': </s> remove linters-settings: errcheck: </s> add 'linters-settings': 'errcheck': </s> remove exclude: # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - .parentalServer. is unused - .safeBrowsingServer. is unused # errcheck - Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked - Error return value of ..*.Shutdown. # goconst - string has 3 occurrences # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - G108 # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - G204 # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - G110 # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - G306 </s> add 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306'
# options for analysis running 'run': # default concurrency is a available CPU number concurrency: 4 # timeout for analysis, e.g. 30s, 5m, default is 1m deadline: 2m
[ "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
# options for analysis running run: # default concurrency is a available CPU number concurrency: 4 # timeout for analysis, e.g. 30s, 5m, default is 1m deadline: 2m # which files to skip: they will be analyzed, but issues from them
</s> remove deadline: 2m </s> add 'deadline': '2m' </s> remove run: </s> add 'run': </s> remove skip-files: - ".*generated.*" - dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go - util/pprof.go - ".*_test.go" - client/.* - build/.* - dist/.* </s> add 'skip-files': - '.*generated.*' - 'dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go' - 'util/pprof.go' - '.*_test.go' - 'client/.*' - 'build/.*' - 'dist/.*' </s> remove issues: </s> add 'issues': </s> remove # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale daysUntilStale: 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed daysUntilClose: 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale exemptLabels: - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale staleLabel: 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable markComment: > </s> add # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale. 'daysUntilStale': 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed. 'daysUntilClose': 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale. 'exemptLabels': - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale. 'staleLabel': 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable. 'markComment': >
'concurrency': 4
# options for analysis running run: # default concurrency is a available CPU number 'concurrency': 4 # timeout for analysis, e.g. 30s, 5m, default is 1m deadline: 2m # which files to skip: they will be analyzed, but issues from them
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
# default concurrency is a available CPU number concurrency: 4 # timeout for analysis, e.g. 30s, 5m, default is 1m deadline: 2m # which files to skip: they will be analyzed, but issues from them # won't be reported. Default value is empty list, but there is # no need to include all autogenerated files, we confidently recognize # autogenerated files. If it's not please let us know.
</s> remove skip-files: - ".*generated.*" - dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go - util/pprof.go - ".*_test.go" - client/.* - build/.* - dist/.* </s> add 'skip-files': - '.*generated.*' - 'dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go' - 'util/pprof.go' - '.*_test.go' - 'client/.*' - 'build/.*' - 'dist/.*' </s> remove concurrency: 4 </s> add 'concurrency': 4 </s> remove run: </s> add 'run': </s> remove exclude: # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - .parentalServer. is unused - .safeBrowsingServer. is unused # errcheck - Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked - Error return value of ..*.Shutdown. # goconst - string has 3 occurrences # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - G108 # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - G204 # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - G110 # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - G306 </s> add 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306' </s> remove issues: </s> add 'issues':
'deadline': '2m'
# default concurrency is a available CPU number concurrency: 4 # timeout for analysis, e.g. 30s, 5m, default is 1m 'deadline': '2m' # which files to skip: they will be analyzed, but issues from them # won't be reported. Default value is empty list, but there is # no need to include all autogenerated files, we confidently recognize # autogenerated files. If it's not please let us know.
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
# which files to skip: they will be analyzed, but issues from them # won't be reported. Default value is empty list, but there is # no need to include all autogenerated files, we confidently recognize # autogenerated files. If it's not please let us know. skip-files: - ".*generated.*" - dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go - util/pprof.go - ".*_test.go" - client/.* - build/.* - dist/.* # all available settings of specific linters linters-settings: errcheck: # [deprecated] comma-separated list of pairs of the form pkg:regex
</s> remove deadline: 2m </s> add 'deadline': '2m' </s> remove linters-settings: errcheck: </s> add 'linters-settings': 'errcheck': </s> remove concurrency: 4 </s> add 'concurrency': 4 </s> remove ignore: fmt:.*,net:SetReadDeadline,net/http:^Write gocyclo: min-complexity: 20 lll: line-length: 200 </s> add 'ignore': 'fmt:.*,net:SetReadDeadline,net/http:^Write' 'gocyclo': 'min-complexity': 20 'lll': 'line-length': 200 </s> remove exclude: # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - .parentalServer. is unused - .safeBrowsingServer. is unused # errcheck - Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked - Error return value of ..*.Shutdown. # goconst - string has 3 occurrences # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - G108 # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - G204 # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - G110 # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - G306 </s> add 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306'
'skip-files': - '.*generated.*' - 'dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go' - 'util/pprof.go' - '.*_test.go' - 'client/.*' - 'build/.*' - 'dist/.*'
# which files to skip: they will be analyzed, but issues from them # won't be reported. Default value is empty list, but there is # no need to include all autogenerated files, we confidently recognize # autogenerated files. If it's not please let us know. 'skip-files': - '.*generated.*' - 'dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go' - 'util/pprof.go' - '.*_test.go' - 'client/.*' - 'build/.*' - 'dist/.*' 'skip-files': - '.*generated.*' - 'dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go' - 'util/pprof.go' - '.*_test.go' - 'client/.*' - 'build/.*' - 'dist/.*' 'skip-files': - '.*generated.*' - 'dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go' - 'util/pprof.go' - '.*_test.go' - 'client/.*' - 'build/.*' - 'dist/.*' 'skip-files': - '.*generated.*' - 'dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go' - 'util/pprof.go' - '.*_test.go' - 'client/.*' - 'build/.*' - 'dist/.*' 'skip-files': - '.*generated.*' - 'dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go' - 'util/pprof.go' - '.*_test.go' - 'client/.*' - 'build/.*' - 'dist/.*' 'skip-files': - '.*generated.*' - 'dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go' - 'util/pprof.go' - '.*_test.go' - 'client/.*' - 'build/.*' - 'dist/.*' 'skip-files': - '.*generated.*' - 'dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go' - 'util/pprof.go' - '.*_test.go' - 'client/.*' - 'build/.*' - 'dist/.*' 'skip-files': - '.*generated.*' - 'dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go' - 'util/pprof.go' - '.*_test.go' - 'client/.*' - 'build/.*' - 'dist/.*' 'skip-files': - '.*generated.*' - 'dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go' - 'util/pprof.go' - '.*_test.go' - 'client/.*' - 'build/.*' - 'dist/.*' # all available settings of specific linters linters-settings: errcheck: # [deprecated] comma-separated list of pairs of the form pkg:regex
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
- dist/.* # all available settings of specific linters linters-settings: errcheck: # [deprecated] comma-separated list of pairs of the form pkg:regex # the regex is used to ignore names within pkg. (default "fmt:.*"). # see for details ignore: fmt:.*,net:SetReadDeadline,net/http:^Write gocyclo:
</s> remove ignore: fmt:.*,net:SetReadDeadline,net/http:^Write gocyclo: min-complexity: 20 lll: line-length: 200 </s> add 'ignore': 'fmt:.*,net:SetReadDeadline,net/http:^Write' 'gocyclo': 'min-complexity': 20 'lll': 'line-length': 200 </s> remove skip-files: - ".*generated.*" - dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go - util/pprof.go - ".*_test.go" - client/.* - build/.* - dist/.* </s> add 'skip-files': - '.*generated.*' - 'dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go' - 'util/pprof.go' - '.*_test.go' - 'client/.*' - 'build/.*' - 'dist/.*' </s> remove It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. grade: stable confinement: strict publish: false license: GPL-3.0 extra_files: - source: scripts/snap/local/ destination: mode: 0755 - source: scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop destination: meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop mode: 0644 - source: scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png destination: meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png mode: 0644 apps: adguard-home: command: AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update plugs: # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - network-bind # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - network-control daemon: simple adguard-home-web: command: plugs: [ desktop ] </s> add It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' </s> remove issues: </s> add 'issues': </s> remove exclude: # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - .parentalServer. is unused - .safeBrowsingServer. is unused # errcheck - Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked - Error return value of ..*.Shutdown. # goconst - string has 3 occurrences # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - G108 # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - G204 # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - G110 # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - G306 </s> add 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306'
'linters-settings': 'errcheck':
- dist/.* # all available settings of specific linters 'linters-settings': 'errcheck': 'linters-settings': 'errcheck': # [deprecated] comma-separated list of pairs of the form pkg:regex # the regex is used to ignore names within pkg. (default "fmt:.*"). # see for details ignore: fmt:.*,net:SetReadDeadline,net/http:^Write gocyclo:
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
errcheck: # [deprecated] comma-separated list of pairs of the form pkg:regex # the regex is used to ignore names within pkg. (default "fmt:.*"). # see for details ignore: fmt:.*,net:SetReadDeadline,net/http:^Write gocyclo: min-complexity: 20 lll: line-length: 200 linters: enable: - deadcode - errcheck
</s> remove linters-settings: errcheck: </s> add 'linters-settings': 'errcheck': </s> remove linters: enable: - deadcode - errcheck - govet - ineffassign - staticcheck - unused - varcheck - bodyclose - depguard - dupl - gocyclo - goimports - golint - gosec - misspell - stylecheck - unconvert disable-all: true fast: true </s> add 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true </s> remove skip-files: - ".*generated.*" - dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go - util/pprof.go - ".*_test.go" - client/.* - build/.* - dist/.* </s> add 'skip-files': - '.*generated.*' - 'dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go' - 'util/pprof.go' - '.*_test.go' - 'client/.*' - 'build/.*' - 'dist/.*' </s> remove exclude: # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - .parentalServer. is unused - .safeBrowsingServer. is unused # errcheck - Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked - Error return value of ..*.Shutdown. # goconst - string has 3 occurrences # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - G108 # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - G204 # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - G110 # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - G306 </s> add 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306' </s> remove It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. grade: stable confinement: strict publish: false license: GPL-3.0 extra_files: - source: scripts/snap/local/ destination: mode: 0755 - source: scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop destination: meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop mode: 0644 - source: scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png destination: meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png mode: 0644 apps: adguard-home: command: AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update plugs: # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - network-bind # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - network-control daemon: simple adguard-home-web: command: plugs: [ desktop ] </s> add It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop'
'ignore': 'fmt:.*,net:SetReadDeadline,net/http:^Write' 'gocyclo': 'min-complexity': 20 'lll': 'line-length': 200
errcheck: # [deprecated] comma-separated list of pairs of the form pkg:regex # the regex is used to ignore names within pkg. (default "fmt:.*"). # see for details 'ignore': 'fmt:.*,net:SetReadDeadline,net/http:^Write' 'gocyclo': 'min-complexity': 20 'lll': 'line-length': 200 'ignore': 'fmt:.*,net:SetReadDeadline,net/http:^Write' 'gocyclo': 'min-complexity': 20 'lll': 'line-length': 200 'ignore': 'fmt:.*,net:SetReadDeadline,net/http:^Write' 'gocyclo': 'min-complexity': 20 'lll': 'line-length': 200 'ignore': 'fmt:.*,net:SetReadDeadline,net/http:^Write' 'gocyclo': 'min-complexity': 20 'lll': 'line-length': 200 'ignore': 'fmt:.*,net:SetReadDeadline,net/http:^Write' 'gocyclo': 'min-complexity': 20 'lll': 'line-length': 200 linters: enable: - deadcode - errcheck
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
min-complexity: 20 lll: line-length: 200 linters: enable: - deadcode - errcheck - govet - ineffassign - staticcheck - unused - varcheck - bodyclose - depguard - dupl - gocyclo - goimports - golint - gosec - misspell - stylecheck - unconvert disable-all: true fast: true issues: # List of regexps of issue texts to exclude, empty list by default. # But independently from this option we use default exclude patterns, # it can be disabled by `exclude-use-default: false`. To list all
</s> remove issues: </s> add 'issues': </s> remove exclude: # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - .parentalServer. is unused - .safeBrowsingServer. is unused # errcheck - Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked - Error return value of ..*.Shutdown. # goconst - string has 3 occurrences # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - G108 # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - G204 # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - G110 # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - G306 </s> add 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306' </s> remove ignore: fmt:.*,net:SetReadDeadline,net/http:^Write gocyclo: min-complexity: 20 lll: line-length: 200 </s> add 'ignore': 'fmt:.*,net:SetReadDeadline,net/http:^Write' 'gocyclo': 'min-complexity': 20 'lll': 'line-length': 200 </s> remove skip-files: - ".*generated.*" - dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go - util/pprof.go - ".*_test.go" - client/.* - build/.* - dist/.* </s> add 'skip-files': - '.*generated.*' - 'dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go' - 'util/pprof.go' - '.*_test.go' - 'client/.*' - 'build/.*' - 'dist/.*' </s> remove # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale daysUntilStale: 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed daysUntilClose: 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale exemptLabels: - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale staleLabel: 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable markComment: > </s> add # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale. 'daysUntilStale': 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed. 'daysUntilClose': 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale. 'exemptLabels': - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale. 'staleLabel': 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable. 'markComment': >
'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true
min-complexity: 20 lll: line-length: 200 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true issues: # List of regexps of issue texts to exclude, empty list by default. # But independently from this option we use default exclude patterns, # it can be disabled by `exclude-use-default: false`. To list all
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
- unconvert disable-all: true fast: true issues: # List of regexps of issue texts to exclude, empty list by default. # But independently from this option we use default exclude patterns, # it can be disabled by `exclude-use-default: false`. To list all # excluded by default patterns execute `golangci-lint run --help` exclude:
</s> remove linters: enable: - deadcode - errcheck - govet - ineffassign - staticcheck - unused - varcheck - bodyclose - depguard - dupl - gocyclo - goimports - golint - gosec - misspell - stylecheck - unconvert disable-all: true fast: true </s> add 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true </s> remove exclude: # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - .parentalServer. is unused - .safeBrowsingServer. is unused # errcheck - Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked - Error return value of ..*.Shutdown. # goconst - string has 3 occurrences # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - G108 # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - G204 # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - G110 # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - G306 </s> add 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306' </s> remove skip-files: - ".*generated.*" - dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go - util/pprof.go - ".*_test.go" - client/.* - build/.* - dist/.* </s> add 'skip-files': - '.*generated.*' - 'dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go' - 'util/pprof.go' - '.*_test.go' - 'client/.*' - 'build/.*' - 'dist/.*' </s> remove deadline: 2m </s> add 'deadline': '2m' </s> remove name: golangci-lint on: push: tags: - v* branches: - '*' pull_request: jobs: golangci: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: golangci-lint uses: golangci/[email protected] with: # Required: the version of golangci-lint is required and must be specified without patch version: we always use the latest patch version. version: v1.32 eslint: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install modules run: npm --prefix client ci - name: Run ESLint run: npm --prefix client run lint notify: needs: [golangci,eslint] # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request from a fork if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Conclusion uses: technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1 - name: Send Slack notif uses: 8398a7/action-slack@v3 with: status: ${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }} fields: repo,message,commit,author env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }} </s> add 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}'
- unconvert disable-all: true fast: true 'issues': # List of regexps of issue texts to exclude, empty list by default. # But independently from this option we use default exclude patterns, # it can be disabled by `exclude-use-default: false`. To list all # excluded by default patterns execute `golangci-lint run --help` exclude:
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
# List of regexps of issue texts to exclude, empty list by default. # But independently from this option we use default exclude patterns, # it can be disabled by `exclude-use-default: false`. To list all # excluded by default patterns execute `golangci-lint run --help` exclude: # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - .parentalServer. is unused - .safeBrowsingServer. is unused # errcheck - Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked - Error return value of ..*.Shutdown. # goconst - string has 3 occurrences # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - G108 # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - G204 # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - G110 # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - G306
</s> remove issues: </s> add 'issues': </s> remove linters: enable: - deadcode - errcheck - govet - ineffassign - staticcheck - unused - varcheck - bodyclose - depguard - dupl - gocyclo - goimports - golint - gosec - misspell - stylecheck - unconvert disable-all: true fast: true </s> add 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true </s> remove skip-files: - ".*generated.*" - dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go - util/pprof.go - ".*_test.go" - client/.* - build/.* - dist/.* </s> add 'skip-files': - '.*generated.*' - 'dnsfilter/rule_to_regexp.go' - 'util/pprof.go' - '.*_test.go' - 'client/.*' - 'build/.*' - 'dist/.*' </s> remove # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale daysUntilStale: 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed daysUntilClose: 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale exemptLabels: - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale staleLabel: 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable markComment: > </s> add # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale. 'daysUntilStale': 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed. 'daysUntilClose': 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale. 'exemptLabels': - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale. 'staleLabel': 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable. 'markComment': > </s> remove name: golangci-lint on: push: tags: - v* branches: - '*' pull_request: jobs: golangci: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: golangci-lint uses: golangci/[email protected] with: # Required: the version of golangci-lint is required and must be specified without patch version: we always use the latest patch version. version: v1.32 eslint: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install modules run: npm --prefix client ci - name: Run ESLint run: npm --prefix client run lint notify: needs: [golangci,eslint] # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request from a fork if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Conclusion uses: technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1 - name: Send Slack notif uses: 8398a7/action-slack@v3 with: status: ${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }} fields: repo,message,commit,author env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }} </s> add 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}'
'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306'
# List of regexps of issue texts to exclude, empty list by default. # But independently from this option we use default exclude patterns, # it can be disabled by `exclude-use-default: false`. To list all # excluded by default patterns execute `golangci-lint run --help` 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306' 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306' 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306' 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306' 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306' 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306' 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306' 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306' 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306' 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306' 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306' 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306' 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306' 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306' 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306' 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306' 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306'
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
project_name: AdGuardHome env: - GO111MODULE=on - GOPROXY=
</s> remove env: - GO111MODULE=on - GOPROXY= </s> add 'env': - 'GO111MODULE=on' - 'GOPROXY=' </s> remove before: hooks: - go mod download - go generate ./... </s> add 'before': 'hooks': - 'go mod download' - 'go generate ./...' </s> remove It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. grade: stable confinement: strict publish: false license: GPL-3.0 extra_files: - source: scripts/snap/local/ destination: mode: 0755 - source: scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop destination: meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop mode: 0644 - source: scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png destination: meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png mode: 0644 apps: adguard-home: command: AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update plugs: # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - network-bind # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - network-control daemon: simple adguard-home-web: command: plugs: [ desktop ] </s> add It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' </s> remove builds: - main: ./main.go ldflags: - -s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}} env: - CGO_ENABLED=0 goos: - darwin - linux - freebsd - windows goarch: - 386 - amd64 - arm - arm64 - mips - mipsle - mips64 - mips64le goarm: - 5 - 6 - 7 gomips: - softfloat ignore: - goos: freebsd goarch: mips - goos: freebsd goarch: mipsle </s> add 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' </s> remove on: push: branches: - '*' tags: - v* pull_request: </s> add 'on': 'push': 'branches': - '*' 'tags': - 'v*' 'pull_request':
'project_name': 'AdGuardHome'
'project_name': 'AdGuardHome' env: - GO111MODULE=on - GOPROXY=
[ "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
project_name: AdGuardHome env: - GO111MODULE=on - GOPROXY= before: hooks: - go mod download - go generate ./...
</s> remove before: hooks: - go mod download - go generate ./... </s> add 'before': 'hooks': - 'go mod download' - 'go generate ./...' </s> remove builds: - main: ./main.go ldflags: - -s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}} env: - CGO_ENABLED=0 goos: - darwin - linux - freebsd - windows goarch: - 386 - amd64 - arm - arm64 - mips - mipsle - mips64 - mips64le goarm: - 5 - 6 - 7 gomips: - softfloat ignore: - goos: freebsd goarch: mips - goos: freebsd goarch: mipsle </s> add 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' </s> remove project_name: AdGuardHome </s> add 'project_name': 'AdGuardHome' </s> remove linters: enable: - deadcode - errcheck - govet - ineffassign - staticcheck - unused - varcheck - bodyclose - depguard - dupl - gocyclo - goimports - golint - gosec - misspell - stylecheck - unconvert disable-all: true fast: true </s> add 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true </s> remove test: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} env: GO111MODULE: on GOPROXY: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: os: - ubuntu-latest - macOS-latest - windows-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Set up Go uses: actions/setup-go@v2 with: go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }} </s> add 'docker': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'needs': 'test' 'steps': - 'name': 'Checkout' 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' 'with': 'fetch-depth': 0 - 'name': 'Set up QEMU' 'uses': 'docker/setup-qemu-action@v1' - 'name': 'Set up Docker Buildx' 'uses': 'docker/setup-buildx-action@v1' - 'name': 'Docker Buildx (build)' 'run': 'make docker-multi-arch'
'env': - 'GO111MODULE=on' - 'GOPROXY='
project_name: AdGuardHome 'env': - 'GO111MODULE=on' - 'GOPROXY=' 'env': - 'GO111MODULE=on' - 'GOPROXY=' 'env': - 'GO111MODULE=on' - 'GOPROXY=' before: hooks: - go mod download - go generate ./...
[ "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
env: - GO111MODULE=on - GOPROXY= before: hooks: - go mod download - go generate ./... builds: - main: ./main.go ldflags: - -s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}
</s> remove builds: - main: ./main.go ldflags: - -s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}} env: - CGO_ENABLED=0 goos: - darwin - linux - freebsd - windows goarch: - 386 - amd64 - arm - arm64 - mips - mipsle - mips64 - mips64le goarm: - 5 - 6 - 7 gomips: - softfloat ignore: - goos: freebsd goarch: mips - goos: freebsd goarch: mipsle </s> add 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' </s> remove env: - GO111MODULE=on - GOPROXY= </s> add 'env': - 'GO111MODULE=on' - 'GOPROXY=' </s> remove project_name: AdGuardHome </s> add 'project_name': 'AdGuardHome' </s> remove It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. grade: stable confinement: strict publish: false license: GPL-3.0 extra_files: - source: scripts/snap/local/ destination: mode: 0755 - source: scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop destination: meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop mode: 0644 - source: scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png destination: meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png mode: 0644 apps: adguard-home: command: AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update plugs: # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - network-bind # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - network-control daemon: simple adguard-home-web: command: plugs: [ desktop ] </s> add It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' </s> remove linters: enable: - deadcode - errcheck - govet - ineffassign - staticcheck - unused - varcheck - bodyclose - depguard - dupl - gocyclo - goimports - golint - gosec - misspell - stylecheck - unconvert disable-all: true fast: true </s> add 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true
'before': 'hooks': - 'go mod download' - 'go generate ./...'
env: - GO111MODULE=on - GOPROXY= 'before': 'hooks': - 'go mod download' - 'go generate ./...' 'before': 'hooks': - 'go mod download' - 'go generate ./...' 'before': 'hooks': - 'go mod download' - 'go generate ./...' 'before': 'hooks': - 'go mod download' - 'go generate ./...' builds: - main: ./main.go ldflags: - -s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
hooks: - go mod download - go generate ./... builds: - main: ./main.go ldflags: - -s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}} env: - CGO_ENABLED=0 goos: - darwin - linux - freebsd - windows goarch: - 386 - amd64 - arm - arm64 - mips - mipsle - mips64 - mips64le goarm: - 5 - 6 - 7 gomips: - softfloat ignore: - goos: freebsd goarch: mips - goos: freebsd goarch: mipsle archives: - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`:
</s> remove before: hooks: - go mod download - go generate ./... </s> add 'before': 'hooks': - 'go mod download' - 'go generate ./...' </s> remove archives: - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`: # - `{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` # - if format is `binary`: # - `{{ .Binary }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` name_template: "{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}" wrap_in_directory: "AdGuardHome" format_overrides: - goos: windows format: zip - goos: darwin format: zip files: - LICENSE.txt - </s> add 'archives': - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`: # - `{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` # - if format is `binary`: # - `{{ .Binary }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}' 'wrap_in_directory': 'AdGuardHome' 'format_overrides': - 'goos': 'windows' 'format': 'zip' - 'goos': 'darwin' 'format': 'zip' 'files': - 'LICENSE.txt' - '' </s> remove env: - GO111MODULE=on - GOPROXY= </s> add 'env': - 'GO111MODULE=on' - 'GOPROXY=' </s> remove exclude: # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - .parentalServer. is unused - .safeBrowsingServer. is unused # errcheck - Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked - Error return value of ..*.Shutdown. # goconst - string has 3 occurrences # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - G108 # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - G204 # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - G110 # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - G306 </s> add 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306' </s> remove linters: enable: - deadcode - errcheck - govet - ineffassign - staticcheck - unused - varcheck - bodyclose - depguard - dupl - gocyclo - goimports - golint - gosec - misspell - stylecheck - unconvert disable-all: true fast: true </s> add 'linters': 'enable': - 'bodyclose' - 'deadcode' - 'depguard' - 'dupl' - 'errcheck' - 'gocyclo' - 'goimports' - 'golint' - 'gosec' - 'govet' - 'ineffassign' - 'misspell' - 'staticcheck' - 'stylecheck' - 'unconvert' - 'unused' - 'varcheck' 'disable-all': true 'fast': true
'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle'
hooks: - go mod download - go generate ./... 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' archives: - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`:
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
goarch: mips - goos: freebsd goarch: mipsle archives: - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`: # - `{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` # - if format is `binary`: # - `{{ .Binary }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` name_template: "{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}" wrap_in_directory: "AdGuardHome" format_overrides: - goos: windows format: zip - goos: darwin format: zip files: - LICENSE.txt - snapcrafts: - name: adguard-home base: core18 name_template: '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}'
</s> remove snapcrafts: - name: adguard-home base: core18 name_template: '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}' summary: Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server description: | AdGuard Home is a network-wide software for blocking ads & tracking. After you set it up, it'll cover ALL your home devices, and you don't need any client-side software for that. </s> add 'snapcrafts': - 'name': 'adguard-home' 'base': 'core18' 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}' 'summary': 'Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server' 'description': | AdGuard Home is a network-wide software for blocking ads & tracking. After you set it up, it'll cover ALL your home devices, and you don't need any client-side software for that. </s> remove builds: - main: ./main.go ldflags: - -s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}} env: - CGO_ENABLED=0 goos: - darwin - linux - freebsd - windows goarch: - 386 - amd64 - arm - arm64 - mips - mipsle - mips64 - mips64le goarm: - 5 - 6 - 7 gomips: - softfloat ignore: - goos: freebsd goarch: mips - goos: freebsd goarch: mipsle </s> add 'builds': - 'main': './main.go' 'ldflags': - '-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X{{.Env.CHANNEL}} -X main.goarm={{.Env.GOARM}}' 'env': - 'CGO_ENABLED=0' 'goos': - 'darwin' - 'linux' - 'freebsd' - 'windows' 'goarch': - '386' - 'amd64' - 'arm' - 'arm64' - 'mips' - 'mipsle' - 'mips64' - 'mips64le' 'goarm': - '5' - '6' - '7' 'gomips': - 'softfloat' 'ignore': - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mips' - 'goos': 'freebsd' 'goarch': 'mipsle' </s> remove # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale daysUntilStale: 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed daysUntilClose: 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale exemptLabels: - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale staleLabel: 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable markComment: > </s> add # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale. 'daysUntilStale': 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed. 'daysUntilClose': 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale. 'exemptLabels': - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale. 'staleLabel': 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable. 'markComment': > </s> remove exclude: # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - .parentalServer. is unused - .safeBrowsingServer. is unused # errcheck - Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked - Error return value of ..*.Shutdown. # goconst - string has 3 occurrences # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - G108 # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - G204 # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - G110 # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - G306 </s> add 'exclude': # structcheck cannot detect usages while they're there - '.parentalServer. is unused' - '.safeBrowsingServer. is unused' # errcheck - 'Error return value of .s.closeConn. is not checked' - 'Error return value of ..*.Shutdown.' # goconst - 'string has 3 occurrences' # gosec: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof - 'G108' # gosec: Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments - 'G204' # gosec: Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb - 'G110' # gosec: Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - 'G306' </s> remove name: golangci-lint on: push: tags: - v* branches: - '*' pull_request: jobs: golangci: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: golangci-lint uses: golangci/[email protected] with: # Required: the version of golangci-lint is required and must be specified without patch version: we always use the latest patch version. version: v1.32 eslint: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install modules run: npm --prefix client ci - name: Run ESLint run: npm --prefix client run lint notify: needs: [golangci,eslint] # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request from a fork if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Conclusion uses: technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1 - name: Send Slack notif uses: 8398a7/action-slack@v3 with: status: ${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }} fields: repo,message,commit,author env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }} </s> add 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}'
'archives': - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`: # - `{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` # - if format is `binary`: # - `{{ .Binary }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}' 'wrap_in_directory': 'AdGuardHome' 'format_overrides': - 'goos': 'windows' 'format': 'zip' - 'goos': 'darwin' 'format': 'zip' 'files': - 'LICENSE.txt' - ''
goarch: mips - goos: freebsd goarch: mipsle 'archives': - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`: # - `{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` # - if format is `binary`: # - `{{ .Binary }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}' 'wrap_in_directory': 'AdGuardHome' 'format_overrides': - 'goos': 'windows' 'format': 'zip' - 'goos': 'darwin' 'format': 'zip' 'files': - 'LICENSE.txt' - '' 'archives': - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`: # - `{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` # - if format is `binary`: # - `{{ .Binary }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}' 'wrap_in_directory': 'AdGuardHome' 'format_overrides': - 'goos': 'windows' 'format': 'zip' - 'goos': 'darwin' 'format': 'zip' 'files': - 'LICENSE.txt' - '' 'archives': - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`: # - `{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` # - if format is `binary`: # - `{{ .Binary }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}' 'wrap_in_directory': 'AdGuardHome' 'format_overrides': - 'goos': 'windows' 'format': 'zip' - 'goos': 'darwin' 'format': 'zip' 'files': - 'LICENSE.txt' - '' 'archives': - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`: # - `{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` # - if format is `binary`: # - `{{ .Binary }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}' 'wrap_in_directory': 'AdGuardHome' 'format_overrides': - 'goos': 'windows' 'format': 'zip' - 'goos': 'darwin' 'format': 'zip' 'files': - 'LICENSE.txt' - '' 'archives': - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`: # - `{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` # - if format is `binary`: # - `{{ .Binary }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}' 'wrap_in_directory': 'AdGuardHome' 'format_overrides': - 'goos': 'windows' 'format': 'zip' - 'goos': 'darwin' 'format': 'zip' 'files': - 'LICENSE.txt' - '' 'archives': - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`: # - `{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` # - if format is `binary`: # - `{{ .Binary }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}' 'wrap_in_directory': 'AdGuardHome' 'format_overrides': - 'goos': 'windows' 'format': 'zip' - 'goos': 'darwin' 'format': 'zip' 'files': - 'LICENSE.txt' - '' 'archives': - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`: # - `{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` # - if format is `binary`: # - `{{ .Binary }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}' 'wrap_in_directory': 'AdGuardHome' 'format_overrides': - 'goos': 'windows' 'format': 'zip' - 'goos': 'darwin' 'format': 'zip' 'files': - 'LICENSE.txt' - '' 'archives': - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`: # - `{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` # - if format is `binary`: # - `{{ .Binary }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}' 'wrap_in_directory': 'AdGuardHome' 'format_overrides': - 'goos': 'windows' 'format': 'zip' - 'goos': 'darwin' 'format': 'zip' 'files': - 'LICENSE.txt' - '' 'archives': - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`: # - `{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` # - if format is `binary`: # - `{{ .Binary }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}' 'wrap_in_directory': 'AdGuardHome' 'format_overrides': - 'goos': 'windows' 'format': 'zip' - 'goos': 'darwin' 'format': 'zip' 'files': - 'LICENSE.txt' - '' 'archives': - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`: # - `{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` # - if format is `binary`: # - `{{ .Binary }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}' 'wrap_in_directory': 'AdGuardHome' 'format_overrides': - 'goos': 'windows' 'format': 'zip' - 'goos': 'darwin' 'format': 'zip' 'files': - 'LICENSE.txt' - '' 'archives': - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`: # - `{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` # - if format is `binary`: # - `{{ .Binary }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}' 'wrap_in_directory': 'AdGuardHome' 'format_overrides': - 'goos': 'windows' 'format': 'zip' - 'goos': 'darwin' 'format': 'zip' 'files': - 'LICENSE.txt' - '' 'archives': - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`: # - `{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` # - if format is `binary`: # - `{{ .Binary }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}' 'wrap_in_directory': 'AdGuardHome' 'format_overrides': - 'goos': 'windows' 'format': 'zip' - 'goos': 'darwin' 'format': 'zip' 'files': - 'LICENSE.txt' - '' 'archives': - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`: # - `{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` # - if format is `binary`: # - `{{ .Binary }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}' 'wrap_in_directory': 'AdGuardHome' 'format_overrides': - 'goos': 'windows' 'format': 'zip' - 'goos': 'darwin' 'format': 'zip' 'files': - 'LICENSE.txt' - '' 'archives': - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`: # - `{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` # - if format is `binary`: # - `{{ .Binary }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}' 'wrap_in_directory': 'AdGuardHome' 'format_overrides': - 'goos': 'windows' 'format': 'zip' - 'goos': 'darwin' 'format': 'zip' 'files': - 'LICENSE.txt' - '' 'archives': - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`: # - `{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` # - if format is `binary`: # - `{{ .Binary }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}' 'wrap_in_directory': 'AdGuardHome' 'format_overrides': - 'goos': 'windows' 'format': 'zip' - 'goos': 'darwin' 'format': 'zip' 'files': - 'LICENSE.txt' - '' 'archives': - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`: # - `{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` # - if format is `binary`: # - `{{ .Binary }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}' 'wrap_in_directory': 'AdGuardHome' 'format_overrides': - 'goos': 'windows' 'format': 'zip' - 'goos': 'darwin' 'format': 'zip' 'files': - 'LICENSE.txt' - '' 'archives': - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`: # - `{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` # - if format is `binary`: # - `{{ .Binary }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}' 'wrap_in_directory': 'AdGuardHome' 'format_overrides': - 'goos': 'windows' 'format': 'zip' - 'goos': 'darwin' 'format': 'zip' 'files': - 'LICENSE.txt' - '' snapcrafts: - name: adguard-home base: core18 name_template: '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}'
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
files: - LICENSE.txt - snapcrafts: - name: adguard-home base: core18 name_template: '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}' summary: Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server description: | AdGuard Home is a network-wide software for blocking ads & tracking. After you set it up, it'll cover ALL your home devices, and you don't need any client-side software for that. It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code.
</s> remove It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. grade: stable confinement: strict publish: false license: GPL-3.0 extra_files: - source: scripts/snap/local/ destination: mode: 0755 - source: scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop destination: meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop mode: 0644 - source: scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png destination: meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png mode: 0644 apps: adguard-home: command: AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update plugs: # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - network-bind # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - network-control daemon: simple adguard-home-web: command: plugs: [ desktop ] </s> add It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' </s> remove archives: - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`: # - `{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` # - if format is `binary`: # - `{{ .Binary }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` name_template: "{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}" wrap_in_directory: "AdGuardHome" format_overrides: - goos: windows format: zip - goos: darwin format: zip files: - LICENSE.txt - </s> add 'archives': - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`: # - `{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` # - if format is `binary`: # - `{{ .Binary }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}' 'wrap_in_directory': 'AdGuardHome' 'format_overrides': - 'goos': 'windows' 'format': 'zip' - 'goos': 'darwin' 'format': 'zip' 'files': - 'LICENSE.txt' - '' </s> remove # Comment to post when closing a stale issue. Set to `false` to disable closeComment: false </s> add # Comment to post when closing a stale issue. Set to `false` to disable. 'closeComment': false </s> remove # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale daysUntilStale: 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed daysUntilClose: 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale exemptLabels: - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale staleLabel: 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable markComment: > </s> add # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale. 'daysUntilStale': 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed. 'daysUntilClose': 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale. 'exemptLabels': - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale. 'staleLabel': 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable. 'markComment': > </s> remove name: golangci-lint on: push: tags: - v* branches: - '*' pull_request: jobs: golangci: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: golangci-lint uses: golangci/[email protected] with: # Required: the version of golangci-lint is required and must be specified without patch version: we always use the latest patch version. version: v1.32 eslint: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install modules run: npm --prefix client ci - name: Run ESLint run: npm --prefix client run lint notify: needs: [golangci,eslint] # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request from a fork if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Conclusion uses: technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1 - name: Send Slack notif uses: 8398a7/action-slack@v3 with: status: ${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }} fields: repo,message,commit,author env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }} </s> add 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}'
'snapcrafts': - 'name': 'adguard-home' 'base': 'core18' 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}' 'summary': 'Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server' 'description': | AdGuard Home is a network-wide software for blocking ads & tracking. After you set it up, it'll cover ALL your home devices, and you don't need any client-side software for that.
files: - LICENSE.txt - 'snapcrafts': - 'name': 'adguard-home' 'base': 'core18' 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}' 'summary': 'Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server' 'description': | AdGuard Home is a network-wide software for blocking ads & tracking. After you set it up, it'll cover ALL your home devices, and you don't need any client-side software for that. 'snapcrafts': - 'name': 'adguard-home' 'base': 'core18' 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}' 'summary': 'Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server' 'description': | AdGuard Home is a network-wide software for blocking ads & tracking. After you set it up, it'll cover ALL your home devices, and you don't need any client-side software for that. 'snapcrafts': - 'name': 'adguard-home' 'base': 'core18' 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}' 'summary': 'Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server' 'description': | AdGuard Home is a network-wide software for blocking ads & tracking. After you set it up, it'll cover ALL your home devices, and you don't need any client-side software for that. 'snapcrafts': - 'name': 'adguard-home' 'base': 'core18' 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}' 'summary': 'Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server' 'description': | AdGuard Home is a network-wide software for blocking ads & tracking. After you set it up, it'll cover ALL your home devices, and you don't need any client-side software for that. 'snapcrafts': - 'name': 'adguard-home' 'base': 'core18' 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}' 'summary': 'Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server' 'description': | AdGuard Home is a network-wide software for blocking ads & tracking. After you set it up, it'll cover ALL your home devices, and you don't need any client-side software for that. 'snapcrafts': - 'name': 'adguard-home' 'base': 'core18' 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}' 'summary': 'Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server' 'description': | AdGuard Home is a network-wide software for blocking ads & tracking. After you set it up, it'll cover ALL your home devices, and you don't need any client-side software for that. 'snapcrafts': - 'name': 'adguard-home' 'base': 'core18' 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}' 'summary': 'Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server' 'description': | AdGuard Home is a network-wide software for blocking ads & tracking. After you set it up, it'll cover ALL your home devices, and you don't need any client-side software for that. 'snapcrafts': - 'name': 'adguard-home' 'base': 'core18' 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}' 'summary': 'Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server' 'description': | AdGuard Home is a network-wide software for blocking ads & tracking. After you set it up, it'll cover ALL your home devices, and you don't need any client-side software for that. 'snapcrafts': - 'name': 'adguard-home' 'base': 'core18' 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}' 'summary': 'Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server' 'description': | AdGuard Home is a network-wide software for blocking ads & tracking. After you set it up, it'll cover ALL your home devices, and you don't need any client-side software for that. It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code.
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
AdGuard Home is a network-wide software for blocking ads & tracking. After you set it up, it'll cover ALL your home devices, and you don't need any client-side software for that. It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. grade: stable confinement: strict publish: false license: GPL-3.0 extra_files: - source: scripts/snap/local/ destination: mode: 0755 - source: scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop destination: meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop mode: 0644 - source: scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png destination: meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png mode: 0644 apps: adguard-home: command: AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update plugs: # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - network-bind # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - network-control daemon: simple adguard-home-web: command: plugs: [ desktop ] checksum: name_template: 'checksums.txt'
</s> remove snapcrafts: - name: adguard-home base: core18 name_template: '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}' summary: Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server description: | AdGuard Home is a network-wide software for blocking ads & tracking. After you set it up, it'll cover ALL your home devices, and you don't need any client-side software for that. </s> add 'snapcrafts': - 'name': 'adguard-home' 'base': 'core18' 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}' 'summary': 'Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server' 'description': | AdGuard Home is a network-wide software for blocking ads & tracking. After you set it up, it'll cover ALL your home devices, and you don't need any client-side software for that. </s> remove checksum: name_template: 'checksums.txt' </s> add 'checksum': 'name_template': 'checksums.txt' </s> remove # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale daysUntilStale: 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed daysUntilClose: 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale exemptLabels: - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale staleLabel: 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable markComment: > </s> add # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale. 'daysUntilStale': 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed. 'daysUntilClose': 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale. 'exemptLabels': - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale. 'staleLabel': 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable. 'markComment': > </s> remove # Comment to post when closing a stale issue. Set to `false` to disable closeComment: false </s> add # Comment to post when closing a stale issue. Set to `false` to disable. 'closeComment': false </s> remove name: golangci-lint on: push: tags: - v* branches: - '*' pull_request: jobs: golangci: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: golangci-lint uses: golangci/[email protected] with: # Required: the version of golangci-lint is required and must be specified without patch version: we always use the latest patch version. version: v1.32 eslint: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install modules run: npm --prefix client ci - name: Run ESLint run: npm --prefix client run lint notify: needs: [golangci,eslint] # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request from a fork if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Conclusion uses: technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1 - name: Send Slack notif uses: 8398a7/action-slack@v3 with: status: ${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }} fields: repo,message,commit,author env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }} </s> add 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/[email protected]' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}'
It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop'
AdGuard Home is a network-wide software for blocking ads & tracking. After you set it up, it'll cover ALL your home devices, and you don't need any client-side software for that. It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' checksum: name_template: 'checksums.txt'
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
adguard-home-web: command: plugs: [ desktop ] checksum: name_template: 'checksums.txt'
</s> remove It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. grade: stable confinement: strict publish: false license: GPL-3.0 extra_files: - source: scripts/snap/local/ destination: mode: 0755 - source: scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop destination: meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop mode: 0644 - source: scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png destination: meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png mode: 0644 apps: adguard-home: command: AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update plugs: # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - network-bind # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - network-control daemon: simple adguard-home-web: command: plugs: [ desktop ] </s> add It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking domains to a "black hole," thus preventing your devices from connecting to those servers. It's based on software we use for our public AdGuard DNS servers -- both share a lot of common code. 'grade': 'stable' 'confinement': 'strict' 'publish': false 'license': 'GPL-3.0' 'extra_files': - 'source': 'scripts/snap/local/' 'destination': '' 'mode': 0755 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.desktop' 'mode': 0644 - 'source': 'scripts/snap/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'destination': 'meta/gui/adguard-home-web.png' 'mode': 0644 'apps': 'adguard-home': 'command': 'AdGuardHome -w $SNAP_DATA --no-check-update' 'plugs': # Add the "netrwork-bind" plug to bind to interfaces. - 'network-bind' # Add the "netrwork-control" plug to be able to bind to ports below # 1024 (cap_net_bind_service) and also to bind to a particular # interface using SO_BINDTODEVICE (cap_net_raw). - 'network-control' 'daemon': 'simple' 'adguard-home-web': 'command': '' 'plugs': - 'desktop' </s> remove archives: - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`: # - `{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` # - if format is `binary`: # - `{{ .Binary }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` name_template: "{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}" wrap_in_directory: "AdGuardHome" format_overrides: - goos: windows format: zip - goos: darwin format: zip files: - LICENSE.txt - </s> add 'archives': - # Archive name template. # Defaults: # - if format is `tar.gz`, `tar.xz`, `gz` or `zip`: # - `{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` # - if format is `binary`: # - `{{ .Binary }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}` 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}' 'wrap_in_directory': 'AdGuardHome' 'format_overrides': - 'goos': 'windows' 'format': 'zip' - 'goos': 'darwin' 'format': 'zip' 'files': - 'LICENSE.txt' - '' </s> remove snapcrafts: - name: adguard-home base: core18 name_template: '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}' summary: Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server description: | AdGuard Home is a network-wide software for blocking ads & tracking. After you set it up, it'll cover ALL your home devices, and you don't need any client-side software for that. </s> add 'snapcrafts': - 'name': 'adguard-home' 'base': 'core18' 'name_template': '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}' 'summary': 'Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server' 'description': | AdGuard Home is a network-wide software for blocking ads & tracking. After you set it up, it'll cover ALL your home devices, and you don't need any client-side software for that. </s> remove concurrency: 4 </s> add 'concurrency': 4 </s> remove # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale daysUntilStale: 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed daysUntilClose: 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale exemptLabels: - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale staleLabel: 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable markComment: > </s> add # Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale. 'daysUntilStale': 60 # Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed. 'daysUntilClose': 7 # Issues with these labels will never be considered stale. 'exemptLabels': - 'bug' - 'enhancement' - 'feature request' - 'localization' # Label to use when marking an issue as stale. 'staleLabel': 'wontfix' # Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable. 'markComment': >
'checksum': 'name_template': 'checksums.txt'
adguard-home-web: command: plugs: [ desktop ] 'checksum': 'name_template': 'checksums.txt' 'checksum': 'name_template': 'checksums.txt'
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace" ]
Pull request: all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard Merge in DNS/adguard-home from 2297-yaml to master Closes #2297. Squashed commit of the following: commit 85df3a38a14adb1965944ddf14b197c12a213057 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:52:22 2020 +0300 all: improve commit 079acdfe41cc12ab6aa13d7c28dcbf7b7b3c8380 Merge: 202ea078e 3045da174 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Fri Nov 20 17:50:34 2020 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 2297-yaml commit 202ea078e29d88871a32ac6e668dfae6db802bab Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Thu Nov 12 20:25:42 2020 +0300 all: reformat yaml, add yaml formatting standard
SafeSearchEnabled bool SafeBrowsingEnabled bool ParentalEnabled bool } type clientJSON struct { IP string `json:"ip"` MAC string `json:"mac"` Name string `json:"name"`
UseOwnBlockedServices bool // false: use global settings BlockedServices []string
SafeSearchEnabled bool SafeBrowsingEnabled bool ParentalEnabled bool UseOwnBlockedServices bool // false: use global settings BlockedServices []string } type clientJSON struct { IP string `json:"ip"` MAC string `json:"mac"` Name string `json:"name"`
[ "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
+ clients: add BlockedServices field
ParentalEnabled bool `json:"parental_enabled"` SafeSearchEnabled bool `json:"safebrowsing_enabled"` SafeBrowsingEnabled bool `json:"safesearch_enabled"` } type clientSource uint const (
UseGlobalBlockedServices bool `json:"use_global_blocked_services"` BlockedServices []string `json:"blocked_services"`
ParentalEnabled bool `json:"parental_enabled"` SafeSearchEnabled bool `json:"safebrowsing_enabled"` SafeBrowsingEnabled bool `json:"safesearch_enabled"` UseGlobalBlockedServices bool `json:"use_global_blocked_services"` BlockedServices []string `json:"blocked_services"` } type clientSource uint const (
[ "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
+ clients: add BlockedServices field
FilteringEnabled: c.FilteringEnabled, ParentalEnabled: c.ParentalEnabled, SafeSearchEnabled: c.SafeSearchEnabled, SafeBrowsingEnabled: c.SafeBrowsingEnabled, } if len(c.MAC) != 0 { hwAddr, _ := net.ParseMAC(c.MAC)
UseGlobalBlockedServices: !c.UseOwnBlockedServices, BlockedServices: c.BlockedServices,
FilteringEnabled: c.FilteringEnabled, ParentalEnabled: c.ParentalEnabled, SafeSearchEnabled: c.SafeSearchEnabled, SafeBrowsingEnabled: c.SafeBrowsingEnabled, UseGlobalBlockedServices: !c.UseOwnBlockedServices, BlockedServices: c.BlockedServices, } if len(c.MAC) != 0 { hwAddr, _ := net.ParseMAC(c.MAC)
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
+ clients: add BlockedServices field
FilteringEnabled: cj.FilteringEnabled, ParentalEnabled: cj.ParentalEnabled, SafeSearchEnabled: cj.SafeSearchEnabled, SafeBrowsingEnabled: cj.SafeBrowsingEnabled, } return &c, nil }
UseOwnBlockedServices: !cj.UseGlobalBlockedServices, BlockedServices: cj.BlockedServices,
FilteringEnabled: cj.FilteringEnabled, ParentalEnabled: cj.ParentalEnabled, SafeSearchEnabled: cj.SafeSearchEnabled, SafeBrowsingEnabled: cj.SafeBrowsingEnabled, UseOwnBlockedServices: !cj.UseGlobalBlockedServices, BlockedServices: cj.BlockedServices, } return &c, nil }
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
+ clients: add BlockedServices field
"bytes" "fmt" "net" "sync" "" "" )
</s> remove "net" </s> add "net/netip"
"bytes" "fmt" "net" "net/netip" "sync" "" "" )
[ "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
// implementation of ARP is able to retrieve that. Name string // IP contains either IPv4 or IPv6. IP net.IP // MAC contains the hardware address. MAC net.HardwareAddr }
</s> remove if ip.To4() != nil { </s> add if ip.Is4() { </s> remove // HostsRecord represents a single hosts file record. type HostsRecord struct { Aliases *stringutil.Set Canonical string } // Equal returns true if all fields of rec are equal to field in other or they // both are nil. func (rec *HostsRecord) Equal(other *HostsRecord) (ok bool) { if rec == nil { return other == nil } return rec.Canonical == other.Canonical && rec.Aliases.Equal(other.Aliases) } </s> add </s> remove rc, ok := clients.FindRuntimeClient(ip) </s> add rc, ok := clients.findRuntimeClient(ip) </s> remove func (hp *hostsParser) addRecord(ip net.IP, hosts []string) { </s> add func (hp *hostsParser) addRecord(ip netip.Addr, hosts []string) { </s> remove // // TODO(e.burkov): Use map[netip.Addr]struct{} instead. updates chan *netutil.IPMap </s> add updates chan HostsRecords
IP netip.Addr
// implementation of ARP is able to retrieve that. Name string // IP contains either IPv4 or IPv6. IP netip.Addr // MAC contains the hardware address. MAC net.HardwareAddr }
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
// Clone returns the deep copy of n. func (n Neighbor) Clone() (clone Neighbor) { return Neighbor{ Name: n.Name, IP: slices.Clone(n.IP), MAC: slices.Clone(n.MAC), } } // neighs is the helper type that stores neighbors to avoid copying its methods
</s> remove // Upd returns the channel into which the updates are sent. The receivable // map's values are guaranteed to be of type of *HostsRecord. func (hc *HostsContainer) Upd() (updates <-chan *netutil.IPMap) { </s> add // Upd returns the channel into which the updates are sent. func (hc *HostsContainer) Upd() (updates <-chan HostsRecords) { </s> remove // HostsRecord represents a single hosts file record. type HostsRecord struct { Aliases *stringutil.Set Canonical string } // Equal returns true if all fields of rec are equal to field in other or they // both are nil. func (rec *HostsRecord) Equal(other *HostsRecord) (ok bool) { if rec == nil { return other == nil } return rec.Canonical == other.Canonical && rec.Aliases.Equal(other.Aliases) } </s> add </s> remove //lint:file-ignore SA1019 TODO(a.garipov): Replace [*netutil.IPMap]. </s> add </s> remove table *netutil.IPMap </s> add table HostsRecords </s> remove // equalSet returns true if the internal hosts table just parsed equals target. // target's values must be of type *HostsRecord. func (hp *hostsParser) equalSet(target *netutil.IPMap) (ok bool) { if target == nil { // hp.table shouldn't appear nil since it's initialized on each refresh. return target == hp.table } if hp.table.Len() != target.Len() { return false } hp.table.Range(func(ip net.IP, recVal any) (cont bool) { var targetVal any targetVal, ok = target.Get(ip) if !ok { return false } var rec *HostsRecord rec, ok = recVal.(*HostsRecord) if !ok { log.Error("%s: comparing: unexpected type %T", hostsContainerPref, recVal) return false } var targetRec *HostsRecord targetRec, ok = targetVal.(*HostsRecord) if !ok { log.Error("%s: comparing: target: unexpected type %T", hostsContainerPref, targetVal) return false } ok = rec.Equal(targetRec) return ok }) return ok } </s> add
IP: n.IP,
// Clone returns the deep copy of n. func (n Neighbor) Clone() (clone Neighbor) { return Neighbor{ Name: n.Name, IP: n.IP, MAC: slices.Clone(n.MAC), } } // neighs is the helper type that stores neighbors to avoid copying its methods
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
"bufio" "net" "strings" "sync" "" "" )
</s> remove "net" </s> add "net/netip"
"bufio" "net" "net/netip" "strings" "sync" "" "" )
[ "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
n := Neighbor{} if ipStr := fields[1]; len(ipStr) < 2 { continue } else if ip := net.ParseIP(ipStr[1 : len(ipStr)-1]); ip == nil { continue } else { n.IP = ip }
</s> remove } else if ip := net.ParseIP(ipStr[1 : len(ipStr)-1]); ip == nil { </s> add } else if ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(ipStr[1 : len(ipStr)-1]); err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err) </s> remove if ip := net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil { </s> add ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { </s> remove if ip := net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil { </s> add ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err) </s> remove if ip := net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil { </s> add ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err) </s> remove if ip := net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil || n.IP.IsUnspecified() { </s> add ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil || n.IP.IsUnspecified() { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err)
} else if ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(ipStr[1 : len(ipStr)-1]); err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err)
n := Neighbor{} if ipStr := fields[1]; len(ipStr) < 2 { continue } else if ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(ipStr[1 : len(ipStr)-1]); err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err) continue } else { n.IP = ip }
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
n.IP = ip } hwStr := fields[3] if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr); err != nil { continue } else { n.MAC = mac }
</s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]); err != nil { </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]) if err != nil { </s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[4]); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[4]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err)
mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err)
n.IP = ip } hwStr := fields[3] mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) continue } else { n.MAC = mac }
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
n.MAC = mac } host := fields[0] if err := netutil.ValidateDomainName(host); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) } else { n.Name = host } ns = append(ns, n)
</s> remove log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", verr) </s> add log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: host: %s", verr) </s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[4]); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[4]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err)
err = netutil.ValidateDomainName(host) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: host: %s", err)
n.MAC = mac } host := fields[0] err = netutil.ValidateDomainName(host) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: host: %s", err) err = netutil.ValidateDomainName(host) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: host: %s", err) } else { n.Name = host } ns = append(ns, n)
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
import ( "net" ) const arpAOutput = ` invalid.mac ( at 12:34:56:78:910 on el0 ifscope [ethernet] invalid.ip ( at ab:cd:ef:ab:cd:12 on ek0 ifscope [ethernet] invalid.fmt 1 at 12:cd:ef:ab:cd:ef on er0 ifscope [ethernet]
import ( "net" "net/netip" ) const arpAOutput = ` invalid.mac ( at 12:34:56:78:910 on el0 ifscope [ethernet] invalid.ip ( at ab:cd:ef:ab:cd:12 on ek0 ifscope [ethernet] invalid.fmt 1 at 12:cd:ef:ab:cd:ef on er0 ifscope [ethernet]
[ "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
` var wantNeighs = []Neighbor{{ Name: "", IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF}, }, { Name: "hostname.two", IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB, 0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB},
</s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"), </s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"), </s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"), </s> remove IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""), </s> remove IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""),
IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""),
` var wantNeighs = []Neighbor{{ Name: "", IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF}, }, { Name: "hostname.two", IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB, 0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB},
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF}, }, { Name: "hostname.two", IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB, 0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB}, }, { Name: "", IP: net.ParseIP("::1234"), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE, 0xFF},
</s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::1234"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::1234"), </s> remove IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""), </s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"), </s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"), </s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"),
IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"),
IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF}, }, { Name: "hostname.two", IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB, 0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB}, }, { Name: "", IP: net.ParseIP("::1234"), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE, 0xFF},
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB, 0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB}, }, { Name: "", IP: net.ParseIP("::1234"), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE, 0xFF}, }}
</s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"), </s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"), </s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"), </s> remove IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""), </s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"),
IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::1234"),
IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB, 0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB}, }, { Name: "", IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::1234"), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE, 0xFF}, }}
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
"io/fs" "net" "strings" "sync" "" "" ""
</s> remove "net" </s> add "net/netip"
"io/fs" "net" "net/netip" "strings" "sync" "" "" ""
[ "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
continue } n := Neighbor{} if n.IP = net.ParseIP(fields[0]); n.IP == nil || n.IP.IsUnspecified() { continue } else if n.MAC, err = net.ParseMAC(fields[3]); err != nil { continue }
</s> remove if ip := net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil || n.IP.IsUnspecified() { </s> add ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil || n.IP.IsUnspecified() { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err) </s> remove if ip := net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil { </s> add ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { </s> remove if ip := net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil { </s> add ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err) </s> remove if ip := net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil { </s> add ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err) </s> remove } else if ip := net.ParseIP(ipStr[1 : len(ipStr)-1]); ip == nil { </s> add } else if ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(ipStr[1 : len(ipStr)-1]); err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err)
n.IP, err = netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil || n.IP.IsUnspecified() {
continue } n := Neighbor{} n.IP, err = netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil || n.IP.IsUnspecified() { continue } else if n.MAC, err = net.ParseMAC(fields[3]); err != nil { continue }
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
} n := Neighbor{} if ip := net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil || n.IP.IsUnspecified() { continue } else { n.IP = ip }
</s> remove if n.IP = net.ParseIP(fields[0]); n.IP == nil || n.IP.IsUnspecified() { </s> add n.IP, err = netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil || n.IP.IsUnspecified() { </s> remove if ip := net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil { </s> add ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { </s> remove if ip := net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil { </s> add ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err) </s> remove if ip := net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil { </s> add ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err) </s> remove } else if ip := net.ParseIP(ipStr[1 : len(ipStr)-1]); ip == nil { </s> add } else if ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(ipStr[1 : len(ipStr)-1]); err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err)
ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil || n.IP.IsUnspecified() { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err)
} n := Neighbor{} ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil || n.IP.IsUnspecified() { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err) continue } else { n.IP = ip }
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
n.IP = ip } hwStr := fields[3] if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) continue } else { n.MAC = mac }
</s> remove log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr); err != nil { </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[4]); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[4]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]); err != nil { </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]) if err != nil {
mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err)
n.IP = ip } hwStr := fields[3] mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) continue } else { n.MAC = mac }
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
n := Neighbor{} if ipStr := fields[1]; len(ipStr) < 2 { continue } else if ip := net.ParseIP(ipStr[1 : len(ipStr)-1]); ip == nil { continue } else { n.IP = ip }
} else if ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(ipStr[1 : len(ipStr)-1]); err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err)
n := Neighbor{} if ipStr := fields[1]; len(ipStr) < 2 { continue } else if ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(ipStr[1 : len(ipStr)-1]); err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err) continue } else { n.IP = ip }
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
} hwStr := fields[3] if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) continue } else { n.MAC = mac }
</s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr); err != nil { </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[4]); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[4]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove if err := netutil.ValidateDomainName(host); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add err = netutil.ValidateDomainName(host) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: host: %s", err)
log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err)
} hwStr := fields[3] if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr); err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) continue } else { n.MAC = mac }
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
} host := fields[0] if verr := netutil.ValidateDomainName(host); verr != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", verr) } else { n.Name = host } ns = append(ns, n)
</s> remove if err := netutil.ValidateDomainName(host); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add err = netutil.ValidateDomainName(host) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: host: %s", err) </s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[4]); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[4]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err)
log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: host: %s", verr)
} host := fields[0] if verr := netutil.ValidateDomainName(host); verr != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: host: %s", verr) } else { n.Name = host } ns = append(ns, n)
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
} n := Neighbor{} if ip := net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil { continue } else { n.IP = ip }
</s> remove if ip := net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil { </s> add ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { </s> remove if ip := net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil { </s> add ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err) </s> remove if ip := net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil || n.IP.IsUnspecified() { </s> add ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil || n.IP.IsUnspecified() { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err) </s> remove } else if ip := net.ParseIP(ipStr[1 : len(ipStr)-1]); ip == nil { </s> add } else if ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(ipStr[1 : len(ipStr)-1]); err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err) </s> remove } else if ip := net.ParseIP(ipStr[1 : len(ipStr)-1]); ip == nil { </s> add } else if ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(ipStr[1 : len(ipStr)-1]); err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err)
ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err)
} n := Neighbor{} ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err) continue } else { n.IP = ip }
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
} else { n.IP = ip } if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[4]); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) continue } else { n.MAC = mac }
</s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr); err != nil { </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]); err != nil { </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]) if err != nil {
mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[4]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err)
} else { n.IP = ip } mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[4]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[4]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) continue } else { n.MAC = mac }
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
import ( "net" "sync" "testing" "testing/fstest"
import ( "net" "net/netip" "sync" "testing" "testing/fstest"
[ "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
internal/aghnet/arpdb_linux_test.go dev enp0s3 lladdr ab:cd:ef:ab:cd:ef DELAY ::ffff:ffff dev enp0s3 lladdr ef:cd:ab:ef:cd:ab router STALE` var wantNeighs = []Neighbor{{ IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF}, }, { IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB, 0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB}, }}
</s> remove IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""), </s> remove IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""), </s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"), </s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"), </s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"),
IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""), dev enp0s3 lladdr ab:cd:ef:ab:cd:ef DELAY ::ffff:ffff dev enp0s3 lladdr ef:cd:ab:ef:cd:ab router STALE` var wantNeighs = []Neighbor{{ IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF}, }, { IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB, 0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB}, }}
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
var wantNeighs = []Neighbor{{ IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF}, }, { IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB, 0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB}, }} func TestFSysARPDB(t *testing.T) { require.NoError(t, fstest.TestFS(testdata, "proc_net_arp"))
</s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"), </s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"), </s> remove IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""), </s> remove IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""), </s> remove IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""),
IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"),
var wantNeighs = []Neighbor{{ IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF}, }, { IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB, 0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB}, }} func TestFSysARPDB(t *testing.T) { require.NoError(t, fstest.TestFS(testdata, "proc_net_arp"))
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
import ( "bufio" "net" "strings" "sync" "" )
</s> remove "net" </s> add "net/netip"
import ( "bufio" "net" "net/netip" "strings" "sync" "" )
[ "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
} n := Neighbor{} if ip := net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil { continue } else { n.IP = ip }
ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err)
} n := Neighbor{} ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err) continue } else { n.IP = ip }
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
} else { n.IP = ip } if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) continue } else { n.MAC = mac }
</s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[4]); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[4]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]); err != nil { </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]) if err != nil { </s> remove log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr); err != nil { </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err)
mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err)
} else { n.IP = ip } mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) continue } else { n.MAC = mac }
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
import ( "net" ) const arpAOutput = ` Host Ethernet Address Netif Expire Flags aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff em0 permanent 12:34:56:78:910 em0 permanent
</s> remove IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""),
import ( "net" "net/netip" ) const arpAOutput = ` Host Ethernet Address Netif Expire Flags aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff em0 permanent 12:34:56:78:910 em0 permanent
[ "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
::ffff:ffff ef:cd:ab:ef:cd:ab em0 permanent l ` var wantNeighs = []Neighbor{{ IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF}, }, { IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB, 0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB}, }}
</s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"), </s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"), </s> remove IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""), </s> remove IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""), </s> remove IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""),
IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""),
::ffff:ffff ef:cd:ab:ef:cd:ab em0 permanent l ` var wantNeighs = []Neighbor{{ IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF}, }, { IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB, 0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB}, }}
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
var wantNeighs = []Neighbor{{ IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF}, }, { IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB, 0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB}, }}
</s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"), </s> remove IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""), </s> remove IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""), </s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"), </s> remove IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""),
IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"),
var wantNeighs = []Neighbor{{ IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF}, }, { IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB, 0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB}, }}
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
package aghnet import ( "net" "sync" "testing" "" "" ""
package aghnet import ( "net" "net/netip" "sync" "testing" "" "" ""
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
return arp.OnNeighbors() } func TestARPDBS(t *testing.T) { knownIP := net.IP{1, 2, 3, 4} knownMAC := net.HardwareAddr{0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF} succRefrCount, failRefrCount := 0, 0 clnp := func() { succRefrCount, failRefrCount = 0, 0
</s> remove assert.True(t, clients.Exists(ip, ClientSourceHostsFile)) </s> add assert.True(t, clients.exists(ip, ClientSourceHostsFile)) </s> remove ip := net.IP{127, 0, 0, 1} </s> add ip := netutil.IPv4Localhost() </s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"), </s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"), </s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"),
knownIP := netip.MustParseAddr("")
return arp.OnNeighbors() } func TestARPDBS(t *testing.T) { knownIP := netip.MustParseAddr("") knownMAC := net.HardwareAddr{0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF} succRefrCount, failRefrCount := 0, 0 clnp := func() { succRefrCount, failRefrCount = 0, 0
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
import ( "bufio" "net" "strings" "sync" )
</s> remove "net" </s> add "net/netip"
import ( "bufio" "net" "net/netip" "strings" "sync" )
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
} n := Neighbor{} if ip := net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil { continue } else { n.IP = ip }
</s> remove if ip := net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil { </s> add ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err) </s> remove if ip := net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil { </s> add ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err) </s> remove if ip := net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil || n.IP.IsUnspecified() { </s> add ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil || n.IP.IsUnspecified() { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err) </s> remove } else if ip := net.ParseIP(ipStr[1 : len(ipStr)-1]); ip == nil { </s> add } else if ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(ipStr[1 : len(ipStr)-1]); err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err) </s> remove } else if ip := net.ParseIP(ipStr[1 : len(ipStr)-1]); ip == nil { </s> add } else if ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(ipStr[1 : len(ipStr)-1]); err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err)
ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil {
} n := Neighbor{} ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { continue } else { n.IP = ip }
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
} else { n.IP = ip } if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]); err != nil { continue } else { n.MAC = mac }
</s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[4]); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[4]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr); err != nil { </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove if mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add mac, err := net.ParseMAC(hwStr) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err) </s> remove log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: mac: %s", err)
mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]) if err != nil {
} else { n.IP = ip } mac, err := net.ParseMAC(fields[1]) if err != nil { continue } else { n.MAC = mac }
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
import ( "net" ) const arpAOutput = `
import ( "net" "net/netip" ) const arpAOutput = `
[ "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
internal/aghnet/arpdb_windows_test.go ab-cd-ef-ab-cd-ef dynamic ::ffff:ffff ef-cd-ab-ef-cd-ab static` var wantNeighs = []Neighbor{{ IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF}, }, { IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB, 0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB}, }}
</s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"), </s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"), </s> remove IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""), </s> remove IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""), </s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"),
IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""), ab-cd-ef-ab-cd-ef dynamic ::ffff:ffff ef-cd-ab-ef-cd-ab static` var wantNeighs = []Neighbor{{ IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF}, }, { IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB, 0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB}, }}
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
var wantNeighs = []Neighbor{{ IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF}, }, { IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB, 0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB}, }}
IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"),
var wantNeighs = []Neighbor{{ IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 1, 2), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF}, }, { IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"), MAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB, 0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB}, }}
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
"bufio" "fmt" "io" "io/fs" "net" "path" "strings" "sync" ""
"bufio" "fmt" "io" "io/fs" "net/netip" "path" "strings" "sync" ""
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
"" "" ) // DefaultHostsPaths returns the slice of paths default for the operating system // to files and directories which are containing the hosts database. The result
</s> remove //lint:file-ignore SA1019 TODO(a.garipov): Replace [*netutil.IPMap]. </s> add </s> remove // Upd returns the channel into which the updates are sent. The receivable // map's values are guaranteed to be of type of *HostsRecord. func (hc *HostsContainer) Upd() (updates <-chan *netutil.IPMap) { </s> add // Upd returns the channel into which the updates are sent. func (hc *HostsContainer) Upd() (updates <-chan HostsRecords) { </s> remove // // TODO(e.burkov): Use map[netip.Addr]struct{} instead. last *netutil.IPMap </s> add last HostsRecords </s> remove // HostsRecord represents a single hosts file record. type HostsRecord struct { Aliases *stringutil.Set Canonical string } // Equal returns true if all fields of rec are equal to field in other or they // both are nil. func (rec *HostsRecord) Equal(other *HostsRecord) (ok bool) { if rec == nil { return other == nil } return rec.Canonical == other.Canonical && rec.Aliases.Equal(other.Aliases) } </s> add </s> remove table: netutil.NewIPMap(hc.last.Len()), </s> add table: make(HostsRecords, len(hc.last)),
"" "" "" ) // DefaultHostsPaths returns the slice of paths default for the operating system // to files and directories which are containing the hosts database. The result
[ "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
"" "" ) //lint:file-ignore SA1019 TODO(a.garipov): Replace [*netutil.IPMap]. // DefaultHostsPaths returns the slice of paths default for the operating system // to files and directories which are containing the hosts database. The result // is intended to be used within fs.FS so the initial slash is omitted. func DefaultHostsPaths() (paths []string) { return defaultHostsPaths()
</s> remove // Upd returns the channel into which the updates are sent. The receivable // map's values are guaranteed to be of type of *HostsRecord. func (hc *HostsContainer) Upd() (updates <-chan *netutil.IPMap) { </s> add // Upd returns the channel into which the updates are sent. func (hc *HostsContainer) Upd() (updates <-chan HostsRecords) { </s> remove // // TODO(e.burkov): Use map[netip.Addr]struct{} instead. last *netutil.IPMap </s> add last HostsRecords </s> remove // HostsRecord represents a single hosts file record. type HostsRecord struct { Aliases *stringutil.Set Canonical string } // Equal returns true if all fields of rec are equal to field in other or they // both are nil. func (rec *HostsRecord) Equal(other *HostsRecord) (ok bool) { if rec == nil { return other == nil } return rec.Canonical == other.Canonical && rec.Aliases.Equal(other.Aliases) } </s> add </s> remove func (hp *hostsParser) addRecord(ip net.IP, hosts []string) { </s> add func (hp *hostsParser) addRecord(ip netip.Addr, hosts []string) {
"" "" ) // DefaultHostsPaths returns the slice of paths default for the operating system // to files and directories which are containing the hosts database. The result // is intended to be used within fs.FS so the initial slash is omitted. func DefaultHostsPaths() (paths []string) { return defaultHostsPaths()
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
// done is the channel to sign closing the container. done chan struct{} // updates is the channel for receiving updated hosts. // // TODO(e.burkov): Use map[netip.Addr]struct{} instead. updates chan *netutil.IPMap // last is the set of hosts that was cached within last detected change. // // TODO(e.burkov): Use map[netip.Addr]struct{} instead. last *netutil.IPMap
</s> remove // // TODO(e.burkov): Use map[netip.Addr]struct{} instead. last *netutil.IPMap </s> add last HostsRecords </s> remove table *netutil.IPMap </s> add table HostsRecords </s> remove // Upd returns the channel into which the updates are sent. The receivable // map's values are guaranteed to be of type of *HostsRecord. func (hc *HostsContainer) Upd() (updates <-chan *netutil.IPMap) { </s> add // Upd returns the channel into which the updates are sent. func (hc *HostsContainer) Upd() (updates <-chan HostsRecords) { </s> remove //lint:file-ignore SA1019 TODO(a.garipov): Replace [*netutil.IPMap]. </s> add </s> remove rc, ok := clients.FindRuntimeClient(ip) </s> add rc, ok := clients.findRuntimeClient(ip)
updates chan HostsRecords
// done is the channel to sign closing the container. done chan struct{} // updates is the channel for receiving updated hosts. updates chan HostsRecords updates chan HostsRecords updates chan HostsRecords // last is the set of hosts that was cached within last detected change. // // TODO(e.burkov): Use map[netip.Addr]struct{} instead. last *netutil.IPMap
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
// TODO(e.burkov): Use map[netip.Addr]struct{} instead. updates chan *netutil.IPMap // last is the set of hosts that was cached within last detected change. // // TODO(e.burkov): Use map[netip.Addr]struct{} instead. last *netutil.IPMap // fsys is the working file system to read hosts files from. fsys fs.FS // w tracks the changes in specified files and directories.
</s> remove // // TODO(e.burkov): Use map[netip.Addr]struct{} instead. updates chan *netutil.IPMap </s> add updates chan HostsRecords </s> remove //lint:file-ignore SA1019 TODO(a.garipov): Replace [*netutil.IPMap]. </s> add </s> remove rc, ok := clients.FindRuntimeClient(ip) </s> add rc, ok := clients.findRuntimeClient(ip) </s> remove table *netutil.IPMap </s> add table HostsRecords
last HostsRecords
// TODO(e.burkov): Use map[netip.Addr]struct{} instead. updates chan *netutil.IPMap // last is the set of hosts that was cached within last detected change. last HostsRecords last HostsRecords last HostsRecords // fsys is the working file system to read hosts files from. fsys fs.FS // w tracks the changes in specified files and directories.
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
stateLock: &sync.RWMutex{}, }, listID: listID, done: make(chan struct{}, 1), updates: make(chan *netutil.IPMap, 1), fsys: fsys, w: w, patterns: patterns, }
</s> remove rc, ok = clients.FindRuntimeClient(ip) </s> add rc, ok = clients.findRuntimeClient(ip) </s> remove wantIP: nil, </s> add wantIP: netip.Addr{}, </s> remove wantIP: nil, </s> add wantIP: netip.Addr{}, </s> remove IP: net.ParseIP("::ffff:ffff"), </s> add IP: netip.MustParseAddr("::ffff:ffff"), </s> remove wantIP: nil, </s> add wantIP: netip.Addr{},
updates: make(chan HostsRecords, 1),
stateLock: &sync.RWMutex{}, }, listID: listID, done: make(chan struct{}, 1), updates: make(chan HostsRecords, 1), fsys: fsys, w: w, patterns: patterns, }
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
return nil } // Upd returns the channel into which the updates are sent. The receivable // map's values are guaranteed to be of type of *HostsRecord. func (hc *HostsContainer) Upd() (updates <-chan *netutil.IPMap) { return hc.updates } // pathsToPatterns converts paths into patterns compatible with fs.Glob. func pathsToPatterns(fsys fs.FS, paths []string) (patterns []string, err error) {
</s> remove //lint:file-ignore SA1019 TODO(a.garipov): Replace [*netutil.IPMap]. </s> add </s> remove table *netutil.IPMap </s> add table HostsRecords </s> remove // HostsRecord represents a single hosts file record. type HostsRecord struct { Aliases *stringutil.Set Canonical string } // Equal returns true if all fields of rec are equal to field in other or they // both are nil. func (rec *HostsRecord) Equal(other *HostsRecord) (ok bool) { if rec == nil { return other == nil } return rec.Canonical == other.Canonical && rec.Aliases.Equal(other.Aliases) } </s> add </s> remove // equalSet returns true if the internal hosts table just parsed equals target. // target's values must be of type *HostsRecord. func (hp *hostsParser) equalSet(target *netutil.IPMap) (ok bool) { if target == nil { // hp.table shouldn't appear nil since it's initialized on each refresh. return target == hp.table } if hp.table.Len() != target.Len() { return false } hp.table.Range(func(ip net.IP, recVal any) (cont bool) { var targetVal any targetVal, ok = target.Get(ip) if !ok { return false } var rec *HostsRecord rec, ok = recVal.(*HostsRecord) if !ok { log.Error("%s: comparing: unexpected type %T", hostsContainerPref, recVal) return false } var targetRec *HostsRecord targetRec, ok = targetVal.(*HostsRecord) if !ok { log.Error("%s: comparing: target: unexpected type %T", hostsContainerPref, targetVal) return false } ok = rec.Equal(targetRec) return ok }) return ok } </s> add
// Upd returns the channel into which the updates are sent. func (hc *HostsContainer) Upd() (updates <-chan HostsRecords) {
return nil } // Upd returns the channel into which the updates are sent. func (hc *HostsContainer) Upd() (updates <-chan HostsRecords) { // Upd returns the channel into which the updates are sent. func (hc *HostsContainer) Upd() (updates <-chan HostsRecords) { // Upd returns the channel into which the updates are sent. func (hc *HostsContainer) Upd() (updates <-chan HostsRecords) { return hc.updates } // pathsToPatterns converts paths into patterns compatible with fs.Glob. func pathsToPatterns(fsys fs.FS, paths []string) (patterns []string, err error) {
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
translations map[string]string // table stores only the unique IP-hostname pairs. It's also sent to the // updates channel afterwards. table *netutil.IPMap } // newHostsParser creates a new *hostsParser with buffers of size taken from the // previous parse. func (hc *HostsContainer) newHostsParser() (hp *hostsParser) {
</s> remove // Upd returns the channel into which the updates are sent. The receivable // map's values are guaranteed to be of type of *HostsRecord. func (hc *HostsContainer) Upd() (updates <-chan *netutil.IPMap) { </s> add // Upd returns the channel into which the updates are sent. func (hc *HostsContainer) Upd() (updates <-chan HostsRecords) { </s> remove table: netutil.NewIPMap(hc.last.Len()), </s> add table: make(HostsRecords, len(hc.last)), </s> remove // // TODO(e.burkov): Use map[netip.Addr]struct{} instead. updates chan *netutil.IPMap </s> add updates chan HostsRecords </s> remove return true }) </s> add } </s> remove // // TODO(e.burkov): Use map[netip.Addr]struct{} instead. last *netutil.IPMap </s> add last HostsRecords
table HostsRecords
translations map[string]string // table stores only the unique IP-hostname pairs. It's also sent to the // updates channel afterwards. table HostsRecords } // newHostsParser creates a new *hostsParser with buffers of size taken from the // previous parse. func (hc *HostsContainer) newHostsParser() (hp *hostsParser) {
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
func (hc *HostsContainer) newHostsParser() (hp *hostsParser) { return &hostsParser{ rulesBuilder: &strings.Builder{}, translations: map[string]string{}, table: netutil.NewIPMap(hc.last.Len()), } } // parseFile is a aghos.FileWalker for parsing the files with hosts syntax. It // never signs to stop walking and never returns any additional patterns.
</s> remove table *netutil.IPMap </s> add table HostsRecords </s> remove // Upd returns the channel into which the updates are sent. The receivable // map's values are guaranteed to be of type of *HostsRecord. func (hc *HostsContainer) Upd() (updates <-chan *netutil.IPMap) { </s> add // Upd returns the channel into which the updates are sent. func (hc *HostsContainer) Upd() (updates <-chan HostsRecords) { </s> remove //lint:file-ignore SA1019 TODO(a.garipov): Replace [*netutil.IPMap]. </s> add </s> remove func (hp *hostsParser) writeRules(host string, ip net.IP) (rule, rulePtr string) { arpa, err := netutil.IPToReversedAddr(ip) </s> add func (hp *hostsParser) writeRules(host string, ip netip.Addr) (rule, rulePtr string) { // TODO(a.garipov): Add a netip.Addr version to netutil. arpa, err := netutil.IPToReversedAddr(ip.AsSlice()) </s> remove // HostsRecord represents a single hosts file record. type HostsRecord struct { Aliases *stringutil.Set Canonical string } // Equal returns true if all fields of rec are equal to field in other or they // both are nil. func (rec *HostsRecord) Equal(other *HostsRecord) (ok bool) { if rec == nil { return other == nil } return rec.Canonical == other.Canonical && rec.Aliases.Equal(other.Aliases) } </s> add
table: make(HostsRecords, len(hc.last)),
func (hc *HostsContainer) newHostsParser() (hp *hostsParser) { return &hostsParser{ rulesBuilder: &strings.Builder{}, translations: map[string]string{}, table: make(HostsRecords, len(hc.last)), } } // parseFile is a aghos.FileWalker for parsing the files with hosts syntax. It // never signs to stop walking and never returns any additional patterns.
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
func (hp *hostsParser) parseFile(r io.Reader) (patterns []string, cont bool, err error) { s := bufio.NewScanner(r) for s.Scan() { ip, hosts := hp.parseLine(s.Text()) if ip == nil || len(hosts) == 0 { continue } hp.addRecord(ip, hosts) }
</s> remove if ip := net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil || n.IP.IsUnspecified() { </s> add ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil || n.IP.IsUnspecified() { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err) </s> remove if ip = net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil { return nil, nil </s> add ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { return netip.Addr{}, nil </s> remove if ip := net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil { </s> add ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { </s> remove if n.IP = net.ParseIP(fields[0]); n.IP == nil || n.IP.IsUnspecified() { </s> add n.IP, err = netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil || n.IP.IsUnspecified() { </s> remove if ip := net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil { </s> add ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err)
if ip == (netip.Addr{}) || len(hosts) == 0 {
func (hp *hostsParser) parseFile(r io.Reader) (patterns []string, cont bool, err error) { s := bufio.NewScanner(r) for s.Scan() { ip, hosts := hp.parseLine(s.Text()) if ip == (netip.Addr{}) || len(hosts) == 0 { continue } hp.addRecord(ip, hosts) }
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
return nil, true, s.Err() } // parseLine parses the line having the hosts syntax ignoring invalid ones. func (hp *hostsParser) parseLine(line string) (ip net.IP, hosts []string) { fields := strings.Fields(line) if len(fields) < 2 { return nil, nil }
</s> remove return nil, nil </s> add return netip.Addr{}, nil </s> remove if ip = net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil { return nil, nil </s> add ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { return netip.Addr{}, nil </s> remove // HostsRecord represents a single hosts file record. type HostsRecord struct { Aliases *stringutil.Set Canonical string } // Equal returns true if all fields of rec are equal to field in other or they // both are nil. func (rec *HostsRecord) Equal(other *HostsRecord) (ok bool) { if rec == nil { return other == nil } return rec.Canonical == other.Canonical && rec.Aliases.Equal(other.Aliases) } </s> add </s> remove func (hp *hostsParser) addRecord(ip net.IP, hosts []string) { </s> add func (hp *hostsParser) addRecord(ip netip.Addr, hosts []string) { </s> remove func (hp *hostsParser) addRules(ip net.IP, host, line string) { </s> add func (hp *hostsParser) addRules(ip netip.Addr, host, line string) {
func (hp *hostsParser) parseLine(line string) (ip netip.Addr, hosts []string) {
return nil, true, s.Err() } // parseLine parses the line having the hosts syntax ignoring invalid ones. func (hp *hostsParser) parseLine(line string) (ip netip.Addr, hosts []string) { fields := strings.Fields(line) if len(fields) < 2 { return nil, nil }
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
// parseLine parses the line having the hosts syntax ignoring invalid ones. func (hp *hostsParser) parseLine(line string) (ip net.IP, hosts []string) { fields := strings.Fields(line) if len(fields) < 2 { return nil, nil } if ip = net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil { return nil, nil }
</s> remove func (hp *hostsParser) parseLine(line string) (ip net.IP, hosts []string) { </s> add func (hp *hostsParser) parseLine(line string) (ip netip.Addr, hosts []string) { </s> remove if ip = net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil { return nil, nil </s> add ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { return netip.Addr{}, nil </s> remove // HostsRecord represents a single hosts file record. type HostsRecord struct { Aliases *stringutil.Set Canonical string } // Equal returns true if all fields of rec are equal to field in other or they // both are nil. func (rec *HostsRecord) Equal(other *HostsRecord) (ok bool) { if rec == nil { return other == nil } return rec.Canonical == other.Canonical && rec.Aliases.Equal(other.Aliases) } </s> add </s> remove func (hp *hostsParser) writeRules(host string, ip net.IP) (rule, rulePtr string) { arpa, err := netutil.IPToReversedAddr(ip) </s> add func (hp *hostsParser) writeRules(host string, ip netip.Addr) (rule, rulePtr string) { // TODO(a.garipov): Add a netip.Addr version to netutil. arpa, err := netutil.IPToReversedAddr(ip.AsSlice()) </s> remove func (hp *hostsParser) addRecord(ip net.IP, hosts []string) { </s> add func (hp *hostsParser) addRecord(ip netip.Addr, hosts []string) {
return netip.Addr{}, nil
// parseLine parses the line having the hosts syntax ignoring invalid ones. func (hp *hostsParser) parseLine(line string) (ip net.IP, hosts []string) { fields := strings.Fields(line) if len(fields) < 2 { return netip.Addr{}, nil } if ip = net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil { return nil, nil }
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
if len(fields) < 2 { return nil, nil } if ip = net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil { return nil, nil } for _, f := range fields[1:] { hashIdx := strings.IndexByte(f, '#') if hashIdx == 0 {
</s> remove return nil, nil </s> add return netip.Addr{}, nil </s> remove func (hp *hostsParser) parseLine(line string) (ip net.IP, hosts []string) { </s> add func (hp *hostsParser) parseLine(line string) (ip netip.Addr, hosts []string) { </s> remove if ip == nil || len(hosts) == 0 { </s> add if ip == (netip.Addr{}) || len(hosts) == 0 { </s> remove if ip := net.ParseIP(fields[0]); ip == nil { </s> add ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { </s> remove } else if ip := net.ParseIP(ipStr[1 : len(ipStr)-1]); ip == nil { </s> add } else if ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(ipStr[1 : len(ipStr)-1]); err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: ip: %s", err)
ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { return netip.Addr{}, nil
if len(fields) < 2 { return nil, nil } ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { return netip.Addr{}, nil ip, err := netip.ParseAddr(fields[0]) if err != nil { return netip.Addr{}, nil } for _, f := range fields[1:] { hashIdx := strings.IndexByte(f, '#') if hashIdx == 0 {
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
// // See // // TODO(e.burkov): Investigate if hosts may contain DNS-SD domains. err := netutil.ValidateDomainName(f) if err != nil { log.Error("%s: host %q is invalid, ignoring", hostsContainerPref, f) continue }
</s> remove hp.table.Set(ip, rec) } else { rec, ok = v.(*HostsRecord) if !ok { log.Error("%s: adding pairs: unexpected type %T", hostsContainerPref, v) return } </s> add hp.table[ip] = rec </s> remove if err := netutil.ValidateDomainName(host); err != nil { log.Debug("parsing arp output: %s", err) </s> add err = netutil.ValidateDomainName(host) if err != nil { log.Debug("arpdb: parsing arp output: host: %s", err) </s> remove // // TODO(e.burkov): Use map[netip.Addr]struct{} instead. updates chan *netutil.IPMap </s> add updates chan HostsRecords </s> remove // // TODO(e.burkov): Use map[netip.Addr]struct{} instead. last *netutil.IPMap </s> add last HostsRecords </s> remove ok := clients.addHostLocked(l.IP, l.Hostname, ClientSourceDHCP) </s> add // TODO(a.garipov): Remove once we switch to netip.Addr more fully. ipAddr, err := netutil.IPToAddrNoMapped(l.IP) if err != nil { log.Error("clients: bad client ip %v from dhcp: %s", l.IP, err) continue } ok := clients.addHostLocked(ipAddr, l.Hostname, ClientSourceDHCP)
err = netutil.ValidateDomainName(f)
// // See // // TODO(e.burkov): Investigate if hosts may contain DNS-SD domains. err = netutil.ValidateDomainName(f) if err != nil { log.Error("%s: host %q is invalid, ignoring", hostsContainerPref, f) continue }
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
return ip, hosts } // HostsRecord represents a single hosts file record. type HostsRecord struct { Aliases *stringutil.Set Canonical string } // Equal returns true if all fields of rec are equal to field in other or they // both are nil. func (rec *HostsRecord) Equal(other *HostsRecord) (ok bool) { if rec == nil { return other == nil } return rec.Canonical == other.Canonical && rec.Aliases.Equal(other.Aliases) } // addRecord puts the record for the IP address to the rules builder if needed. // The first host is considered to be the canonical name for the IP address. // hosts must have at least one name. func (hp *hostsParser) addRecord(ip net.IP, hosts []string) { line := strings.Join(append([]string{ip.String()}, hosts...), " ")
</s> remove func (hp *hostsParser) addRecord(ip net.IP, hosts []string) { </s> add func (hp *hostsParser) addRecord(ip netip.Addr, hosts []string) { </s> remove var rec *HostsRecord v, ok := hp.table.Get(ip) </s> add rec, ok := hp.table[ip] </s> remove return nil, nil </s> add return netip.Addr{}, nil </s> remove func (hp *hostsParser) parseLine(line string) (ip net.IP, hosts []string) { </s> add func (hp *hostsParser) parseLine(line string) (ip netip.Addr, hosts []string) { </s> remove // equalSet returns true if the internal hosts table just parsed equals target. // target's values must be of type *HostsRecord. func (hp *hostsParser) equalSet(target *netutil.IPMap) (ok bool) { if target == nil { // hp.table shouldn't appear nil since it's initialized on each refresh. return target == hp.table } if hp.table.Len() != target.Len() { return false } hp.table.Range(func(ip net.IP, recVal any) (cont bool) { var targetVal any targetVal, ok = target.Get(ip) if !ok { return false } var rec *HostsRecord rec, ok = recVal.(*HostsRecord) if !ok { log.Error("%s: comparing: unexpected type %T", hostsContainerPref, recVal) return false } var targetRec *HostsRecord targetRec, ok = targetVal.(*HostsRecord) if !ok { log.Error("%s: comparing: target: unexpected type %T", hostsContainerPref, targetVal) return false } ok = rec.Equal(targetRec) return ok }) return ok } </s> add
return ip, hosts } // addRecord puts the record for the IP address to the rules builder if needed. // The first host is considered to be the canonical name for the IP address. // hosts must have at least one name. func (hp *hostsParser) addRecord(ip net.IP, hosts []string) { line := strings.Join(append([]string{ip.String()}, hosts...), " ")
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr
// addRecord puts the record for the IP address to the rules builder if needed. // The first host is considered to be the canonical name for the IP address. // hosts must have at least one name. func (hp *hostsParser) addRecord(ip net.IP, hosts []string) { line := strings.Join(append([]string{ip.String()}, hosts...), " ") var rec *HostsRecord v, ok := hp.table.Get(ip) if !ok {
</s> remove // HostsRecord represents a single hosts file record. type HostsRecord struct { Aliases *stringutil.Set Canonical string } // Equal returns true if all fields of rec are equal to field in other or they // both are nil. func (rec *HostsRecord) Equal(other *HostsRecord) (ok bool) { if rec == nil { return other == nil } return rec.Canonical == other.Canonical && rec.Aliases.Equal(other.Aliases) } </s> add </s> remove var rec *HostsRecord v, ok := hp.table.Get(ip) </s> add rec, ok := hp.table[ip] </s> remove rc, ok := clients.FindRuntimeClient(ip) </s> add rc, ok := clients.findRuntimeClient(ip) </s> remove func (hp *hostsParser) parseLine(line string) (ip net.IP, hosts []string) { </s> add func (hp *hostsParser) parseLine(line string) (ip netip.Addr, hosts []string) { </s> remove //lint:file-ignore SA1019 TODO(a.garipov): Replace [*netutil.IPMap]. </s> add
func (hp *hostsParser) addRecord(ip netip.Addr, hosts []string) {
// addRecord puts the record for the IP address to the rules builder if needed. // The first host is considered to be the canonical name for the IP address. // hosts must have at least one name. func (hp *hostsParser) addRecord(ip netip.Addr, hosts []string) { line := strings.Join(append([]string{ip.String()}, hosts...), " ") var rec *HostsRecord v, ok := hp.table.Get(ip) if !ok {
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Pull request: 5035-netip-arp-hosts Updates #5035. Squashed commit of the following: commit d1c4493ee4e28d05670c20532ebae1aa809d18da Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Oct 25 14:26:52 2022 +0300 aghnet: imp hosts rec equal commit 0a7f40a64a819245fba20d3b481b0fc34e0c60e6 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 24 18:10:09 2022 +0300 aghnet: move arp and hosts to netip.Addr