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this would insure that people have a legal representation regardless of the ability to hire a lawyer. | the use of public defenders |
Three-strike laws disproportionately affect minorities in that they target low-impact street crime as opposed to high-impact white collar crimes. | the three-strikes laws |
The death penalty is incompatible with human rights and human dignity | capital punishment |
whaling is a form of inhumane hunting that causes environmental degradation. | whaling |
racial profiling allows for identifying known criminals that belong to certain minority groups, decreasing a vast number of potential suspects in a case. | racial profiling |
women want to defend their country.they should be allowed to fight in a battle to support their country and its cause. | women in combat |
Three strikes laws ruin young people's lives by preventing them from being accessing education and jobs that would pull them out of a life of crime by prolonging their time in jail during their formative years. | the three-strikes laws |
foster care families don't really take care of the children and instead use them to earn extra income | foster care |
There cannot be a just retribution for mass murder, for example, but surely death sentence would be closer to justice than subsisting such a murderer till the end of his days at the taxpayer's expense. | capital punishment |
Many jobs, like airplane pilots and doctors, are tasked with they physical safety of hundred of others. Companies have an obligation to make sure people holding those positions are the most capable, which old age threatens. | retirement |
sometimes a cosmetic procedure is necessary in cases of disfigurement, and when this is addressed early, the chances of recovery and normalised existence are maximised. | cosmetic surgery for minors |
the wealth of knowledge in wikipdia available to the public for free is too valuable to risk ever losing so it should be subsidized to ensure it continues. | wikipedia |
we should adopt gender neutral terminology to prevent the continued stereotyping and discrimination of genders. | gender-neutral language |
by subsidizing space exploration we can work toward colonizing other planets and reduce over population on earth. | space exploration |
we should ban fast food because it has been shown to be nutrient poor and calorie high which has led to the obesity epidemic. | fast food |
flag burning is a right under freedom of protest, a right that should not be violated. | flag burning |
minors cannot be trusted to make decisions about cosmetic surgery that may affect them adversely as they grow up. | cosmetic surgery for minors |
the pursuit of wealth and good fortune is one of the most basic rights we have. we should encourage those who better themselves and become well paid executives, not attempt to limit their pay. | executive compensation |
autonomous cars could reduce the amount of human related errors during driving. | the development of autonomous cars |
Safe spaces promote freedom of expression for marginalized groups. | safe spaces |
With the right safety precautions in place, nuclear weapons offer premium protection with little risk. | the abolition of nuclear weapons |
missionary work tries to inflict other's beliefs onto people in more vulnerable circumstances. | missionary work |
Holocaust denial should not be a criminal offence because everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression | holocaust denial |
libertarianism promotes self interest and not that of society as a whole | libertarianism |
look at the tragedies of numerous child stars, it is very rare a child actor doesn't face trouble and actually become successful adults. | the use of child actors |
as long as missionaries do not exploit local populations and do not encourage discrimination they should be allowed to advertise their mythologies without infringing on others freedoms. | missionary work |
school prayers are a clear violation of the separation of church and state, and thus should be banned. | school prayer |
too much money is paid to the top tier when the majority at the bottom are paid so poorly so we should limit executive compensation to re-balance this issue. | executive compensation |
the blockade only hurts the people and not the government. it's the people who are suffering because of it | blockade of the gaza strip |
we shouldn't adopt libertarianism because we need lots of government to keep society in check. if we legalize everything, there will be chaos and nothing will get paid for because people will be stingy | libertarianism |
television is a great medium and can provide educational and entertaining programming | television |
cosmetic surgery is expensive, a waste of resources, and gives people, especially young women, an impossible standard to live up to. | cosmetic surgery |
we should end affirmative action because it is no longer necessary. everyone has an equal chance of success now, it just depends on how hard each person is willing to commit themselves to reaching their goals. | affirmative action |
autonomous cars would alleviate driver errors like driving impaired, tired or preoccupied | the development of autonomous cars |
we shouldn't end mandatory retirement because it makes way for the younger generation to take their place in the career world with a fresh view | retirement |
parents are not trained, qualified teachers and kids need to learn to socialize with other kids | homeschooling |
factory farming allows the farmers to keep up with the growing food demand. | factory farming |
capital punishment is applied unfairly among the different races, so it should be replaced with a better form of punishment that treats everyone equally. | capital punishment |
Telemarketing is a personal and interactive method of selling. It creates an immediate rapport with your prospective customers. | telemarketing |
animals are often kept in poor condition in zoos, with their freedom curtailed. | zoos |
voting is so important. voter turnout would be much higher if compulsory voting was introduced. | compulsory voting |
space exploration is invaluable because it may help us to find solutions for global warming or even planets that can sustain human life. | space exploration |
some people may not even think about committing a crime until they are offered a deal which would entrap them. entrapment should not be allowed. | entrapment |
intelligence test can show where people need to improve. | intelligence tests |
for students that don’t learn well in a school environment the only option is homeschooling. | homeschooling |
freedom of religion allows us to practice our religion and its customs and if that includes polygamy then we should be allowed to do it | polygamy |
it is society's right to protect itself and arms are the best deterrent . | the right to keep and bear arms |
autonomous cars reduce the risk of human error, thus leading to safer roads. | the development of autonomous cars |
School uniforms create a sense of community that is good for creating a unified and peaceful school. | the use of school uniform |
A multiparty system is less likely to have gridlock because there are more parties that are willing to compromise. | multi-party system |
mankind will eventually have to colonize space to avoid extinction. we should start working on it immediately | space exploration |
an austerity regime unfairly hits hardest those least able to cope such as the poor and the sick | austerity regime |
forcing people to vote is a violation of human rights | compulsory voting |
ending the gaza strip blockade would allow more freedom of movement of people and goods which may allow a better standard of living for the gazan people. | blockade of the gaza strip |
we should legalize cannabis for the people that are suffering from anxiety and illness because it is a more natural way to deal with these issues. | cannabis |
judicial activism should be limited in order to keep personal opinions out of rulings | judicial activism |
children do not get the social interaction from kids their own age if homeschooled. | homeschooling |
autonomous cars free up human time and attention for other things. | the development of autonomous cars |
We should close Guantanamo Bay detection camp as it is a known center of severe restrictive punishment and should not be allowed to continue in a civilized society. | guantanamo bay detention camp |
wikipedia provides vital information quickly. subsidizing it guarantees that this can continue. | wikipedia |
Legalizing prostitution would help fight against organized crime. | prostitution |
the use of child actors should not be banned because there are many acting roles for children that would not otherwise be accurately portrayed | the use of child actors |
zoos can not provide the amount of space that animals have in the wild | zoos |
blockade of the gaza strip should be ended because it has caused many harms to gazans. peace will never happen until this is lifted. | blockade of the gaza strip |
nuclear weapons are the most dangerous threat to the human existence. one we start using these other countries will follow suit and this will lead to killing massive amounts of life on earth. | the abolition of nuclear weapons |
we should not cancel pride parades because people have a right to have a way to voice their sexual preferences | cancel pride parades |
we should ban them because it is a cult that expects members to pay lots of money to join, and if anyone tries to leave they make their life hell. | the church of scientology |
executive compensation is the business of the company itself and is needed to be competitive to attract the best executives to run their company. | executive compensation |
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools as this is where young people learn what is right and wrong in society and this will help develop a better society. | zero-tolerance policy in schools |
in reality, the church of scientology is a hugely profitable global racket that survives by intimidating members and critics in a mafia-like manner | the church of scientology |
cosmetic surgery presents many health risks. | cosmetic surgery |
we should adopt gender-neutral language to make sure everyone is included the way they want to be identified | gender-neutral language |
there is no reason the blockade of the gaza strip should still be in effect. it's costing too much to innocent people. | blockade of the gaza strip |
outsiders should not come into other people's countries under the guise of missionary work, spreading their own ideals and beliefs. | missionary work |
recent prominent cases (the hart and turpin families) highlight how some parents exploit homeschooling to hide their abuse. schools act as a safeguard by employing professionals who are trained to spot neglect. | homeschooling |
legalising the organ trade would be unethical. allowing people to buy and trade organs would place a burden on the poorest people, as they would feel pressure to sell their organs. | organ trade |
zoos are a great way teach people about animals and how important they are | zoos |
we should adopt a zero tolerance policy in schools to ensure that the students and parents alike take negative behavior and the consequences seriously. | zero-tolerance policy in schools |
targeted killing runs the risk of innocent lives taken | targeted killing |
priests and nuns should have a right to live normal lives without any need for celibacy vows | the vow of celibacy |
free thinking for all should never be a crime. | holocaust denial |
the blockade of the gaza strip ought to be ended because it is prohibiting people from living their lives | blockade of the gaza strip |
we should not subsidize wikipedia because it has too many errors | wikipedia |
foster care provides a caring environment for kids | foster care |
vocational schools offer an excellent chance to develop some vital skills and careers in hands-on fields which don’t' require traditional four-year academic training. | vocational education |
blockade of the gaza strip increases israel's security by restricting movement of terrorists from palestine into israel where they regularly committed terrorist acts. | blockade of the gaza strip |
the three strikes law doesn't do anything to prevent or deter major crimes from occurring. | the three-strikes laws |
Entrapment causes more criminals to be caught and taken off the streets. | entrapment |
fast food should be banned as it is unhealthy and discourages people from cooking good balanced meals for themselves which leads to a poor diet and health problems. | fast food |
adopting gender-neutral language would be pandering to the current trend which will soon pass and our language would be left devoid of definitions. | gender-neutral language |
the school prayer should not be prohibited as it gives a sense of belonging and togetherness within the school environment | school prayer |
assisted suicide allows for a person to die with dignity rather than go through a painful and dehumanizing process. | assisted suicide |
telemarketing has become a scourge on society with call centres set-up to cold call people using auto-dialers, resulting in people being harassed by silent calls when there is no call handler to talk to them | telemarketing |
the abused have the right to have spaces where they can have tolerance and not suffer abuse | safe spaces |
It is now on record more children are sexually abused,physically and emotionally abused while under state care | foster care |
nuclear weapons are dangerous and unnecessary | the abolition of nuclear weapons |
Polygamy creates more economically stable relationships by allowing more people to shoulder the economic costs of a family and being able to fill in for each other in times of need. | polygamy |
we should ban the use of child actors as they are exposed to too much reality at too young of an age, which can have a bearing on them having a healthy lifestyle later in life. | the use of child actors |
three-strikes laws reduce recidivism rates. | the three-strikes laws |
affirmative action gives opportunities to those that have endured discrimination and have been denied opportunities due to their minority status. | affirmative action |
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