55 values
Only children are more likely to make outside friends
the one-child policy of the republic of china
economic inequality reduces social cohesion and increases social unrest
poor communities
Free-market capitalism is seen as the basis for a free and prosperous society
the free market
Gun ownership is seen as a civil right
the right to bear arms
The OSS development approach has helped produce reliable, high quality software
governments should choose open source software
FOSS cannot be used with other types of software
governments should choose open source software
wide availability results in increased scrutiny of the source code, making open source software more secure
governments should choose open source software
Sex-abstinence programs do not stop risky sexual behavior, or help in the prevention of unwanted pregnancy
only teach abstinence for sex education in schools
the open primary allows nonpartisan or independent voters to participate in the nominating process
open primaries
Government subsides for tobacco farming do not make economic sense
the growing of tobacco
pathological gambling is an addiction similar to chemical addiction
Gaza was blockaded by Israel in response to the rocket and mortar attacks by Hamas and other militant groups operating inside Gaza
the blockade of gaza
Israelis have been killed by the unlawful rocket and mortar attacks from Gaza
israel's 2008-2009 military operations against gaza
The evidence allegedly proving the existence of God is insufficient
Programs that do not take the interests of women into account are unlikely to succeed
the one-child policy of the republic of china
Financial liberalization and privatization coincide with democratization
the free market
a "competitive education market" would lead to "innovation and improvement
fund education using a voucher scheme
Multicultural education in public schools would promote acceptance of diversity
Affirmative action undermines the achievements of minorities
the use of affirmative action
Low self-esteem that stems from teenage advertising can have detrimental effects on teenagers
sexual behavior outside of marriage is immoral
only teach abstinence for sex education in schools
a well-armed citizenry prevents crime
the right to bear arms
Wind turbines have the potential to have adverse effects on tourism
wind power
D&X would be safer and would involve fewer risks for the women
partial birth abortions
The policy had proved remarkably effective
the one-child policy of the republic of china
In an already flawed system, earmarks can at least allow residents of Congressional districts to have a greater role in allocating federal funds
congressional earmarks
copyright drives the economy by compelling creativity
intellectual property rights
one can not tolerate free speech concerning drugs
freedom of speech
all people should be treated similarly
the use of affirmative action
Self-interested competition in the free market would tend to benefit society as a whole
the free market
laissez-faire government policy is more desirable than government intervention in the economy
the free market
as the occupying power, Israel has a duty under international law to ensure the welfare of Gaza’s inhabitants
the blockade of gaza
Blasphemy laws can be used to victimize non-members of, and dissident members of, the state religion
the human population is far greater than the Earth can handle
The open primary can be seen as good for voter participation
open primaries
people should make their own choices with their money
the free market
a morality based on sex only within the bounds of marriage is "healthy and constructive
only teach abstinence for sex education in schools
such programs fail to provide adequate information to protect the health of adolescents
only teach abstinence for sex education in schools
the cooperation of a free market is superior “because it is the only method by which our activities can be adjusted to each other without coercive or arbitrary intervention of authority
the free market
There is no reason to conclude that natural family planning is appropriate but that 'artificial' means are not
barrier methods of contraception
the environmental effects of wind power are relatively minor
wind power
since artificial contraception expressly prevents the creation of a new life (and, the Church would argue, removes the sovereignty of God over all of Creation), contraception is unacceptable
barrier methods of contraception
rather than 'punish' the banks and others truly responsible for the crisis, the government is instead 'punishing' regular people for the 'crimes' of others
austerity measures
The theory of natural selection is much simpler than the theory of the existence of such a complex being, and thus preferable
Liberty is possible only with social justice and an equitable distribution of wealth and power, which in turn require a degree of active government intervention
the free market
Planning policies which increase population densities in urban areas do tend to reduce car use
high rises for housing
The plight of the boat people became an international humanitarian crisis
the right to asylum
Israeli military attacks were launched in response to militants firing missiles
israel's 2008-2009 military operations against gaza
Welfare makes an incentive to not find work
poor communities
As a form of collective punishment, Israel’s continuing blockade of Gaza is a flagrant violation of international law
the blockade of gaza
Transitional justice is one of the signaling mechanisms that governments can use to show that they are breaking away from past practices
the use of truth and reconciliation commissions
Ads are a detriment to society because they tell consumers that accumulating more and more possessions will bring them closer to self-actualization
abortion has negative effects on society
partial birth abortions
criminal use of guns is far more common than self-defense use of guns
the right to bear arms
Unfettered markets do not lead to social justice
the free market
It should be the policy of government to aid and foster certain activities or kinds of business that strengthen a nation
the free market
Boxing is very brutal
the high-speed instant gratification of Internet games and the high level of privacy they offer may exacerbate problem and pathological gambling
With the open primary more voters become independent and are less likely to participate in the nominating or election processes
open primaries
guns are needed for personal security
the right to bear arms
there are several key advantages that the BCS has over a playoff system
implement playoffs in collegiate level american football
the people', not the members of one family, should be sovereign
the monarchy
The primary motivation for most deniers is anti-Semitism
holocaust denial
human rights can be limited or even pushed aside during times of national emergency
freedom of speech
Israel's blockade of Gaza is illegal
the blockade of gaza
tragedies are entirely avoidable if Israel heeds the repeated calls of the international community to end its counterproductive and unacceptable blockade of Gaza
the blockade of gaza
A country has the right to decide that it chooses not to engage in economic relations or to give economic assistance to the other party to the conflict
the blockade of gaza
Condoms are a sin in any circumstances
barrier methods of contraception
raising children is a very important activity
the consequences of Israel’s failure to maintain the blockade would be “an Iranian port in Gaza, only a few dozen kilometers from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem
the blockade of gaza
nuclear holocaust could result in an end to human life
all nations a right to nuclear weapons
it has been claimed to be morally objectionable to bring a potential person into existence
Multiculturalism is a developmental journey through which an individual enhances knowledge and skills about different cultures
an open seaport in the Gaza Strip endangered the security of Israel
the blockade of gaza
The present system of strong copyrights has been largely successful in financing the creation and distribution of a wide variety of works
intellectual property rights
government at times has to intervene to ensure competition in large and important industries
the free market
when two countries each have nuclear weapons, the probability of a direct war between them greatly decreases
all nations a right to nuclear weapons
Various games are accused of causing addiction and even violent behavior
the sale of violent video games to minors
one cannot own information without owning other people
intellectual property rights
cultural diversity is as necessary for humankind as biodiversity is for the nature
Hydropower is an extremely flexible technology
hydroelectric dams
abstinence-only-until-marriage programs are ineffective
only teach abstinence for sex education in schools
monarchies are unfashionable
the monarchy
Historical racism continues to be reflected in socio-economic inequality
the use of affirmative action
Many tower blocks experience structural decay
high rises for housing
Earmarks are Good for American Democracy
congressional earmarks
Multiculturalism tends to emphasize the rights of ethnic minorities at the expense of the majority
any decision should be left up to the woman within whose body the fetus is growing
partial birth abortions
citizens need to arm themselves to safeguard political liberties against threats by the government
the right to bear arms
there is not good argument for God's existence that arises from pure reason alone
Substance abuse can be harmful to your health and may even be deadly in certain scenarios
the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports
a central planning authority would have to be endowed with powers that would impact and ultimately control social life
the free market
Collective bargaining is intrinsically valuable as an experience in self-government
collective bargaining rights claimed by trades unions
Affirmative action is intended to ensure that minority groups within a society are included in all programs
the use of affirmative action
the circumstances of wartime permit greater restrictions on free speech than would be allowable during peacetime
freedom of speech
wind power can improve energy security
wind power
Protectionism creates poverty
the free market
Citizens in a diverse democratic society should be able to maintain attachments to their cultural communities
The ongoing Israeli military operation in Gaza resulted in massive violations of human rights of the Palestinian people
israel's 2008-2009 military operations against gaza
The freedom of speech and of the press does not confer an absolute right to express without any responsibility
freedom of speech