64 values
calendar query
how many calories did i burn between three and five today
calendar query
can you tell me what's on the schedule for tomorrow
calendar query
do i have any thing going on at five
calendar query
what's coming up this week
calendar query
do the knicks have a game at home tonight
calendar query
do i have free time next tuesday to schedule a meeting
calendar query
how many things do i have planned tonight
calendar query
hey please provide information about events by the end of the day
calendar query
let me know about upcoming events
calendar query
do i have anything scheduled in my events
calendar query
please check my reminders
calendar query
what time do i have a doctors appointment on the twenty second
calendar query
what are the upcoming reminders
calendar query
what time am i supposed to pick up john again
calendar query
what time is the evening meeting i have with john
calendar query
show me future events
calendar query
list all the events in my march calendar
calendar query
did you add tomorrow's meeting to my calendar
calendar query
when is the doctor's appointment
calendar query
which is the next event coming up
calendar query
what is scheduled on my calendar today
calendar query
is the thanks giving event on fourteenth of this month true
calendar query
please check my coming up events
calendar query
do i have any meetings on friday's afternoon
calendar query
do i have any events scheduled today
calendar query
is there any program for tomorrow evening
calendar query
notify me about the meetings over a period of some days
calendar query
open events this week
calendar query
do i have any calendar events this month
calendar query
what are my reminders for this week
calendar query
what events are going to happen in my city between two four pm today
calendar query
is the balloon festival this weekend
calendar query
who is scheduled for tomorrow's meeting
calendar query
does my calendar say i'm free on april one two thousand and seventeen
calendar query
from four to six when do i have a free break
calendar query
are there any meetings set for next wednesday
calendar query
what is my schedule for tomorrow morning
calendar query
is mary's birthday party tonight
calendar query
tell me what's happening this week
calendar query
do i have a busy day today
calendar query
what are meeting scheduled for today
calendar query
what is my next event
calendar query
what time is the party tonight
calendar query
am i on vacation this week
calendar query
what meetings do i have next thursday
calendar query
what's going on between three hundred and thirty and four
calendar query
do i have a party tomorrow save on my calendar
calendar query
when monet's exhibition takes place
calendar query
do i have meeting with steve this week
calendar query
what time do i work tomorrow
calendar query
when is dale's birthday
calendar query
give me today's calendar events after six pm
calendar query
can you check the facts on this issue
calendar query
what's my next events
calendar query
what date is my anniversary
calendar query
show me my events
calendar query
is there valet service at the event
calendar query
show me my meetings this friday
calendar query
what's on my schedule this week
calendar query
are there any events schedule for this week
calendar query
show me my reminders
calendar query
my weekly plan
calendar query
what are my plans for today
calendar query
pawel prepare the meeting with john
calendar query
when is my next appointment with dr smith
calendar query
whats my schedule today
calendar query
show todays reminders
calendar query
make a list of all the halloween events going around in new york
calendar query
what is happening this weekend
calendar query
first week of march meetings
calendar query
are there any events on my calendar for this week
calendar query
please show today meting with clients
calendar query
do i have any pending reminder
calendar query
can you pull up the latest time so i won't be late for my appointment
calendar query
what do i have next to do
calendar query
do i have a date for tonight
calendar query
tell me if there are any events from three to five
calendar remove
remove standup on friday at ten am
calendar remove
update the calendar with the last event removed
calendar remove
take away all events
calendar remove
erase next calendar event
calendar remove
clear my schedule for today
calendar remove
cancel everything on my calendar
calendar remove
cancel my meeting tomorrow
calendar remove
hey olly make sure my calendar is completely clear tomorrow
calendar remove
can you delete the doctors appointment i had tuesday
calendar remove
i wish this event to be removed from my calendar
calendar remove
remove my dinner event for monday
calendar remove
please clear jeff's birthday from the calendar
calendar remove
can you please disregard the party that i will be going to this weekend on my calendar
calendar remove
clear all events on my calendar
calendar remove
i need everything deleted from calendar please
calendar remove
remove next meeting today in my calendar
calendar remove
cancel the breakfast at tiffany's house
calendar remove
remove the fundraiser for dolphines in april
calendar remove
please clear out my calendar completely
calendar remove
delete meeting
calendar remove
can you take off the next event on my calendar
calendar remove
remove the doctor's appointment i added to my calendar for february twelfth at nine am
calendar remove
hey olly on the twentieth clear my calendar