30 values
import itertools from typing import Iterable, Iterator, Optional, List, Any, Callable, Union import logging import os from pathlib import Path import warnings from filelock import FileLock, Timeout import jsonpickle import torch.distributed as dist from import Dataset, IterableDataset, get_worker_info from import Instance from import Vocabulary from allennlp.common import Tqdm, util from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from allennlp.common.file_utils import CacheFile from allennlp.common.registrable import Registrable logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AllennlpDataset(Dataset): """ An `AllennlpDataset` is created by calling `.read()` on a non-lazy `DatasetReader`. It's essentially just a thin wrapper around a list of instances. """ def __init__(self, instances: List[Instance], vocab: Vocabulary = None): self.instances = instances self.vocab = vocab def __getitem__(self, idx) -> Instance: if self.vocab is not None: self.instances[idx].index_fields(self.vocab) return self.instances[idx] def __len__(self): return len(self.instances) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Instance]: """ Even though it's not necessary to implement this because Python can infer this method from `__len__` and `__getitem__`, this helps with type-checking since `AllennlpDataset` can be considered an `Iterable[Instance]`. """ yield from self.instances def index_with(self, vocab: Vocabulary): self.vocab = vocab class AllennlpLazyDataset(IterableDataset): """ An `AllennlpLazyDataset` is created by calling `.read()` on a lazy `DatasetReader`. # Parameters instance_generator : `Callable[[str], Iterable[Instance]]` A factory function that creates an iterable of `Instance`s from a file path. This is usually just `DatasetReader._instance_iterator`. file_path : `str` The path to pass to the `instance_generator` function. vocab : `Vocab`, optional (default = `None`) An optional vocab. This can also be set later with the `.index_with` method. """ def __init__( self, instance_generator: Callable[[str], Iterable[Instance]], file_path: str, vocab: Vocabulary = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() self._instance_generator = instance_generator self._file_path = file_path self.vocab = vocab def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Instance]: for instance in self._instance_generator(self._file_path): if self.vocab is not None: instance.index_fields(self.vocab) yield instance def index_with(self, vocab: Vocabulary): self.vocab = vocab class DatasetReader(Registrable): """ A `DatasetReader` knows how to turn a file containing a dataset into a collection of `Instances`. To implement your own, just override the `_read(file_path)` method to return an `Iterable` of the instances. This could be a list containing the instances or a lazy generator that returns them one at a time. All parameters necessary to `_read` the data apart from the filepath should be passed to the constructor of the `DatasetReader`. # Parameters lazy : `bool`, optional (default=`False`) If this is true, `instances()` will return an object whose `__iter__` method reloads the dataset each time it's called. Otherwise, `instances()` returns a list. cache_directory : `str`, optional (default=`None`) If given, we will use this directory to store a cache of already-processed `Instances` in every file passed to :func:`read`, serialized (by default, though you can override this) as one string-formatted `Instance` per line. If the cache file for a given `file_path` exists, we read the `Instances` from the cache instead of re-processing the data (using :func:`_instances_from_cache_file`). If the cache file does _not_ exist, we will _create_ it on our first pass through the data (using :func:`_instances_to_cache_file`). !!! NOTE It is the _caller's_ responsibility to make sure that this directory is unique for any combination of code and parameters that you use. That is, if you pass a directory here, we will use any existing cache files in that directory _regardless of the parameters you set for this DatasetReader!_ max_instances : `int`, optional (default=`None`) If given, will stop reading after this many instances. This is a useful setting for debugging. Setting this disables caching. manual_distributed_sharding: `bool`, optional (default=`False`) By default, when used in a distributed setting, `DatasetReader` makes sure that each worker process only receives a subset of the data. It does this by reading the whole dataset in each worker, but filtering out the instances that are not needed. If you can implement a faster mechanism that only reads part of the data, set this to True, and do the sharding yourself. manual_multi_process_sharding : `bool`, optional (default=`False`) This is similar to the `manual_distributed_sharding` parameter, but applies to multi-process data loading. By default, when this reader is used by a multi-process data loader (i.e. a `DataLoader` with `num_workers > 1`), each worker will filter out all but a subset of the instances that are needed so that you don't end up with duplicates. !!! NOTE **There is really no benefit of using a multi-process `DataLoader` unless you can specifically implement a faster sharding mechanism within `_read()`**. In that case you should set `manual_multi_process_sharding` to `True`. serialization_dir: `str`, optional (default=`None`) The directory in which the training output is saved to, or the directory the model is loaded from. """ CACHE_FILE_LOCK_TIMEOUT: int = 10 """ The number of seconds to wait for the lock on a cache file to become available. """ def __init__( self, lazy: bool = False, cache_directory: Optional[str] = None, max_instances: Optional[int] = None, manual_distributed_sharding: bool = False, manual_multi_process_sharding: bool = False, serialization_dir: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: self.lazy = lazy self.max_instances = max_instances self._cache_directory: Optional[Path] = None if cache_directory: self._cache_directory = Path(cache_directory) os.makedirs(self._cache_directory, exist_ok=True) self.manual_distributed_sharding = manual_distributed_sharding self.manual_multi_process_sharding = manual_multi_process_sharding self.serialization_dir = serialization_dir def read(self, file_path: Union[Path, str]) -> Union[AllennlpDataset, AllennlpLazyDataset]: """ Returns an dataset containing all the instances that can be read from the file path. If `self.lazy` is `False`, this eagerly reads all instances from `self._read()` and returns an `AllennlpDataset`. If `self.lazy` is `True`, this returns an `AllennlpLazyDataset`, which internally relies on the generator created from `self._read()` to lazily produce `Instance`s. In this case your implementation of `_read()` must also be lazy (that is, not load all instances into memory at once), otherwise you will get a `ConfigurationError`. In either case, the returned `Iterable` can be iterated over multiple times. It's unlikely you want to override this function, but if you do your result should likewise be repeatedly iterable. """ if not isinstance(file_path, str): file_path = str(file_path) lazy = getattr(self, "lazy", None) if lazy is None: warnings.warn( "DatasetReader.lazy is not set, " "did you forget to call the superclass constructor?", UserWarning, ) if lazy: return AllennlpLazyDataset(self._instance_iterator, file_path) else: cache_file: Optional[str] = None if self._cache_directory: cache_file = self._get_cache_location_for_file_path(file_path) if cache_file is not None and os.path.exists(cache_file): try: # Try to acquire a lock just to make sure another process isn't in the middle # of writing to the cache. cache_file_lock = FileLock( cache_file + ".lock", timeout=self.CACHE_FILE_LOCK_TIMEOUT ) cache_file_lock.acquire() # We make an assumption here that if we can obtain the lock, no one will # be trying to write to the file anymore, so it should be safe to release the lock # before reading so that other processes can also read from it. cache_file_lock.release()"Reading instances from cache %s", cache_file) instances = self._instances_from_cache_file(cache_file) except Timeout: logger.warning( "Failed to acquire lock on dataset cache file within %d seconds. " "Cannot use cache to read instances.", self.CACHE_FILE_LOCK_TIMEOUT, ) instances = self._multi_worker_islice(self._read(file_path)) else: instances = self._multi_worker_islice(self._read(file_path)) # Then some validation. if not isinstance(instances, list): instances = list(instances) if not instances: raise ConfigurationError( "No instances were read from the given filepath {}. " "Is the path correct?".format(file_path) ) # And finally we try writing to the cache. if cache_file is not None and not os.path.exists(cache_file): if self.max_instances is not None: # But we don't write to the cache when max_instances is specified. logger.warning( "Skipping writing to data cache since max_instances was specified." ) elif util.is_distributed() or (get_worker_info() and get_worker_info().num_workers): # We also shouldn't write to the cache if there's more than one process loading # instances since each worker only receives a partial share of the instances. logger.warning( "Can't cache data instances when there are multiple processes loading data" ) else: try: with FileLock(cache_file + ".lock", timeout=self.CACHE_FILE_LOCK_TIMEOUT): self._instances_to_cache_file(cache_file, instances) except Timeout: logger.warning( "Failed to acquire lock on dataset cache file within %d seconds. " "Cannot write to cache.", self.CACHE_FILE_LOCK_TIMEOUT, ) return AllennlpDataset(instances) def _get_cache_location_for_file_path(self, file_path: str) -> str: assert self._cache_directory is not None return str(self._cache_directory / util.flatten_filename(str(file_path))) def _read(self, file_path: str) -> Iterable[Instance]: """ Reads the instances from the given file_path and returns them as an `Iterable` (which could be a list or could be a generator). You are strongly encouraged to use a generator, so that users can read a dataset in a lazy way, if they so choose. """ raise NotImplementedError def _instances_from_cache_file(self, cache_filename: str) -> Iterable[Instance]: with open(cache_filename, "r") as cache_file: yield from self._multi_worker_islice(cache_file, self.deserialize_instance) def _instances_to_cache_file(self, cache_filename, instances) -> None: # We serialize to a temp file first in case anything goes wrong while # writing to cache (e.g., the computer shuts down unexpectedly). # Then we just copy the file over to `cache_filename`. with CacheFile(cache_filename, mode="w+") as cache_handle:"Caching instances to temp file %s", for instance in Tqdm.tqdm(instances, desc="caching instances"): cache_handle.write(self.serialize_instance(instance) + "\n") def text_to_instance(self, *inputs) -> Instance: """ Does whatever tokenization or processing is necessary to go from textual input to an `Instance`. The primary intended use for this is with a :class:`~allennlp.predictors.predictor.Predictor`, which gets text input as a JSON object and needs to process it to be input to a model. The intent here is to share code between :func:`_read` and what happens at model serving time, or any other time you want to make a prediction from new data. We need to process the data in the same way it was done at training time. Allowing the `DatasetReader` to process new text lets us accomplish this, as we can just call `DatasetReader.text_to_instance` when serving predictions. The input type here is rather vaguely specified, unfortunately. The `Predictor` will have to make some assumptions about the kind of `DatasetReader` that it's using, in order to pass it the right information. """ raise NotImplementedError def serialize_instance(self, instance: Instance) -> str: """ Serializes an `Instance` to a string. We use this for caching the processed data. The default implementation is to use `jsonpickle`. If you would like some other format for your pre-processed data, override this method. """ return jsonpickle.dumps(instance) def deserialize_instance(self, string: str) -> Instance: """ Deserializes an `Instance` from a string. We use this when reading processed data from a cache. The default implementation is to use `jsonpickle`. If you would like some other format for your pre-processed data, override this method. """ return jsonpickle.loads(string.strip()) # type: ignore def _multi_worker_islice( self, iterable: Iterable[Any], transform: Optional[Callable[[Any], Instance]] = None, ensure_lazy: bool = False, ) -> Iterable[Instance]: """ Helper method that determines which raw instances to skip based on the current node rank (for distributed training) and worker ID (for multi-process data loading). # Parameters iterable : `Iterable[Any]` An iterable that yields raw data that can be transformed into `Instance`s through the `transform` function. transform : `Optional[Callable[[Any], Instance]]`, optional (default = `None`) An optional function that will be applied to the raw data generated by `iterable` to create `Instance`s. This is used, e.g., when reading cached data. ensure_lazy : `bool`, optional (default = `False`) If `True`, a `ConfigurationError` error will be raised if `iterable` is a list instead of a lazy generator type. # Returns `Iterable[Instance]` """ if ensure_lazy and isinstance(iterable, (list, tuple)): raise ConfigurationError("For a lazy dataset reader, _read() must return a generator") wrap_with_tqdm = True start_index = 0 step_size = 1 if not self.manual_distributed_sharding and util.is_distributed(): start_index = dist.get_rank() step_size = dist.get_world_size() worker_info = None if self.manual_multi_process_sharding else get_worker_info() if worker_info: warnings.warn( "Using multi-process data loading without setting " "DatasetReader.manual_multi_process_sharding to True.\n" "Did you forget to set this?\n" "If you're not handling the multi-process sharding logic within your " "_read() method, there is probably no benefit to using more than one " "worker.", UserWarning, ) # Scale `start_index` by `num_workers`, then shift by worker `id`. start_index *= worker_info.num_workers start_index += # Scale `step_size` by `num_workers`. step_size *= worker_info.num_workers if > 0: # We only want to log with tqdm from the main loader process. wrap_with_tqdm = False islice = itertools.islice(iterable, start_index, self.max_instances, step_size) if wrap_with_tqdm: islice = Tqdm.tqdm(islice, desc="reading instances") if transform is not None: return (transform(x) for x in islice) return islice def _instance_iterator(self, file_path: str) -> Iterable[Instance]: cache_file: Optional[str] = None if self._cache_directory: cache_file = self._get_cache_location_for_file_path(file_path) if cache_file is not None and os.path.exists(cache_file): cache_file_lock = FileLock(cache_file + ".lock", timeout=self.CACHE_FILE_LOCK_TIMEOUT) try: cache_file_lock.acquire() # We make an assumption here that if we can obtain the lock, no one will # be trying to write to the file anymore, so it should be safe to release the lock # before reading so that other processes can also read from it. cache_file_lock.release()"Reading instances from cache %s", cache_file) with open(cache_file) as data_file: yield from self._multi_worker_islice( data_file, transform=self.deserialize_instance ) except Timeout: logger.warning( "Failed to acquire lock on dataset cache file within %d seconds. " "Cannot use cache to read instances.", self.CACHE_FILE_LOCK_TIMEOUT, ) yield from self._multi_worker_islice(self._read(file_path), ensure_lazy=True) elif cache_file is not None and not os.path.exists(cache_file): instances = self._multi_worker_islice(self._read(file_path), ensure_lazy=True) # The cache file doesn't exist so we'll try writing to it. if self.max_instances is not None: # But we don't write to the cache when max_instances is specified. logger.warning("Skipping writing to data cache since max_instances was specified.") yield from instances elif util.is_distributed() or (get_worker_info() and get_worker_info().num_workers): # We also shouldn't write to the cache if there's more than one process loading # instances since each worker only receives a partial share of the instances. logger.warning( "Can't cache data instances when there are multiple processes loading data" ) yield from instances else: try: with FileLock(cache_file + ".lock", timeout=self.CACHE_FILE_LOCK_TIMEOUT): with CacheFile(cache_file, mode="w+") as cache_handle:"Caching instances to temp file %s", for instance in instances: cache_handle.write(self.serialize_instance(instance) + "\n") yield instance except Timeout: logger.warning( "Failed to acquire lock on dataset cache file within %d seconds. " "Cannot write to cache.", self.CACHE_FILE_LOCK_TIMEOUT, ) yield from instances else: # No cache. yield from self._multi_worker_islice(self._read(file_path), ensure_lazy=True)
import glob import logging import os import torch from typing import Iterable from allennlp.common import util from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from allennlp.common.file_utils import cached_path from import DatasetReader from import Instance logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @DatasetReader.register("sharded") class ShardedDatasetReader(DatasetReader): """ Wraps another dataset reader and uses it to read from multiple input files. Note that in this case the `file_path` passed to `read()` should either be a glob path or a path or URL to an archive file ('.zip' or '.tar.gz'). The dataset reader will return instances from all files matching the glob, or all files within the archive. The order the files are processed in is deterministic to enable the instances to be filtered according to worker rank in the distributed case. Registered as a `DatasetReader` with name "sharded". This class accepts all additional parameters of any `DatasetReader` class via `**kwargs`. We give priority to the values set in the constructor for the instance of this class. Optionally, we will automatically inherit attributes from the `base_reader` when required. # Parameters base_reader : `DatasetReader` Reader with a read method that accepts a single file. """ def __init__(self, base_reader: DatasetReader, **kwargs) -> None: # ShardedDatasetReader is a wrapper for the original base_reader so some of the parameters like 'lazy' # can be safely inherited. However, ShardedDatasetReader is a class instance of a DatasetReader as well. # So we give priority to the parameters for the current instance stored in 'kwargs'. # If not present, we check the ones in the base reader kwargs["lazy"] = kwargs.get("lazy", base_reader.lazy) super().__init__(manual_distributed_sharding=True, **kwargs) if util.is_distributed(): self._rank = torch.distributed.get_rank() self._world_size = torch.distributed.get_world_size() else: self._rank = 0 self._world_size = 1 self.reader = base_reader # We have to check that the base reader doesn't implement manual distributed # sharding itself, because if it does, then only a fraction of the instances # will be read. if getattr(self.reader, "manual_distributed_sharding", False): raise ValueError( "The base reader of a sharded dataset reader should not implement " "manual distributed sharding itself." ) # However we still need to set this flag to `True` after the fact so that # all of the instances within each shard are used. self.reader.manual_distributed_sharding = True def text_to_instance(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Instance: """ Just delegate to the base reader text_to_instance. """ return self.reader.text_to_instance(*args, **kwargs) # type: ignore def _read(self, file_path: str) -> Iterable[Instance]: try: maybe_extracted_archive = cached_path(file_path, extract_archive=True) if not os.path.isdir(maybe_extracted_archive): # This isn't a directory, so `file_path` is just a file. raise ConfigurationError(f"{file_path} should be an archive or directory") shards = [ os.path.join(maybe_extracted_archive, p) for p in os.listdir(maybe_extracted_archive) if not p.startswith(".") ] if not shards: raise ConfigurationError(f"No files found in {file_path}") except FileNotFoundError: # Not a local or remote archive, so treat as a glob. shards = glob.glob(file_path) if not shards: raise ConfigurationError(f"No files found matching {file_path}") # Ensure a consistent order. shards.sort() for i, shard in enumerate(shards): if i % self._world_size == self._rank:"reading instances from {shard}") for instance in yield instance
from import enumerate_spans from import bio_tags_to_spans from import to_bioul, iob1_to_bioul from import bioul_tags_to_spans
from typing import Callable, List, Set, Tuple, TypeVar, Optional import warnings from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from import Token TypedSpan = Tuple[int, Tuple[int, int]] TypedStringSpan = Tuple[str, Tuple[int, int]] class InvalidTagSequence(Exception): def __init__(self, tag_sequence=None): super().__init__() self.tag_sequence = tag_sequence def __str__(self): return " ".join(self.tag_sequence) T = TypeVar("T", str, Token) def enumerate_spans( sentence: List[T], offset: int = 0, max_span_width: int = None, min_span_width: int = 1, filter_function: Callable[[List[T]], bool] = None, ) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: """ Given a sentence, return all token spans within the sentence. Spans are `inclusive`. Additionally, you can provide a maximum and minimum span width, which will be used to exclude spans outside of this range. Finally, you can provide a function mapping `List[T] -> bool`, which will be applied to every span to decide whether that span should be included. This allows filtering by length, regex matches, pos tags or any Spacy `Token` attributes, for example. # Parameters sentence : `List[T]`, required. The sentence to generate spans for. The type is generic, as this function can be used with strings, or Spacy `Tokens` or other sequences. offset : `int`, optional (default = `0`) A numeric offset to add to all span start and end indices. This is helpful if the sentence is part of a larger structure, such as a document, which the indices need to respect. max_span_width : `int`, optional (default = `None`) The maximum length of spans which should be included. Defaults to len(sentence). min_span_width : `int`, optional (default = `1`) The minimum length of spans which should be included. Defaults to 1. filter_function : `Callable[[List[T]], bool]`, optional (default = `None`) A function mapping sequences of the passed type T to a boolean value. If `True`, the span is included in the returned spans from the sentence, otherwise it is excluded.. """ max_span_width = max_span_width or len(sentence) filter_function = filter_function or (lambda x: True) spans: List[Tuple[int, int]] = [] for start_index in range(len(sentence)): last_end_index = min(start_index + max_span_width, len(sentence)) first_end_index = min(start_index + min_span_width - 1, len(sentence)) for end_index in range(first_end_index, last_end_index): start = offset + start_index end = offset + end_index # add 1 to end index because span indices are inclusive. if filter_function(sentence[slice(start_index, end_index + 1)]): spans.append((start, end)) return spans def bio_tags_to_spans( tag_sequence: List[str], classes_to_ignore: List[str] = None ) -> List[TypedStringSpan]: """ Given a sequence corresponding to BIO tags, extracts spans. Spans are inclusive and can be of zero length, representing a single word span. Ill-formed spans are also included (i.e those which do not start with a "B-LABEL"), as otherwise it is possible to get a perfect precision score whilst still predicting ill-formed spans in addition to the correct spans. This function works properly when the spans are unlabeled (i.e., your labels are simply "B", "I", and "O"). # Parameters tag_sequence : `List[str]`, required. The integer class labels for a sequence. classes_to_ignore : `List[str]`, optional (default = `None`). A list of string class labels `excluding` the bio tag which should be ignored when extracting spans. # Returns spans : `List[TypedStringSpan]` The typed, extracted spans from the sequence, in the format (label, (span_start, span_end)). Note that the label `does not` contain any BIO tag prefixes. """ classes_to_ignore = classes_to_ignore or [] spans: Set[Tuple[str, Tuple[int, int]]] = set() span_start = 0 span_end = 0 active_conll_tag = None for index, string_tag in enumerate(tag_sequence): # Actual BIO tag. bio_tag = string_tag[0] if bio_tag not in ["B", "I", "O"]: raise InvalidTagSequence(tag_sequence) conll_tag = string_tag[2:] if bio_tag == "O" or conll_tag in classes_to_ignore: # The span has ended. if active_conll_tag is not None: spans.add((active_conll_tag, (span_start, span_end))) active_conll_tag = None # We don't care about tags we are # told to ignore, so we do nothing. continue elif bio_tag == "B": # We are entering a new span; reset indices # and active tag to new span. if active_conll_tag is not None: spans.add((active_conll_tag, (span_start, span_end))) active_conll_tag = conll_tag span_start = index span_end = index elif bio_tag == "I" and conll_tag == active_conll_tag: # We're inside a span. span_end += 1 else: # This is the case the bio label is an "I", but either: # 1) the span hasn't started - i.e. an ill formed span. # 2) The span is an I tag for a different conll annotation. # We'll process the previous span if it exists, but also # include this span. This is important, because otherwise, # a model may get a perfect F1 score whilst still including # false positive ill-formed spans. if active_conll_tag is not None: spans.add((active_conll_tag, (span_start, span_end))) active_conll_tag = conll_tag span_start = index span_end = index # Last token might have been a part of a valid span. if active_conll_tag is not None: spans.add((active_conll_tag, (span_start, span_end))) return list(spans) def iob1_tags_to_spans( tag_sequence: List[str], classes_to_ignore: List[str] = None ) -> List[TypedStringSpan]: """ Given a sequence corresponding to IOB1 tags, extracts spans. Spans are inclusive and can be of zero length, representing a single word span. Ill-formed spans are also included (i.e., those where "B-LABEL" is not preceded by "I-LABEL" or "B-LABEL"). # Parameters tag_sequence : `List[str]`, required. The integer class labels for a sequence. classes_to_ignore : `List[str]`, optional (default = `None`). A list of string class labels `excluding` the bio tag which should be ignored when extracting spans. # Returns spans : `List[TypedStringSpan]` The typed, extracted spans from the sequence, in the format (label, (span_start, span_end)). Note that the label `does not` contain any BIO tag prefixes. """ classes_to_ignore = classes_to_ignore or [] spans: Set[Tuple[str, Tuple[int, int]]] = set() span_start = 0 span_end = 0 active_conll_tag = None prev_bio_tag = None prev_conll_tag = None for index, string_tag in enumerate(tag_sequence): curr_bio_tag = string_tag[0] curr_conll_tag = string_tag[2:] if curr_bio_tag not in ["B", "I", "O"]: raise InvalidTagSequence(tag_sequence) if curr_bio_tag == "O" or curr_conll_tag in classes_to_ignore: # The span has ended. if active_conll_tag is not None: spans.add((active_conll_tag, (span_start, span_end))) active_conll_tag = None elif _iob1_start_of_chunk(prev_bio_tag, prev_conll_tag, curr_bio_tag, curr_conll_tag): # We are entering a new span; reset indices # and active tag to new span. if active_conll_tag is not None: spans.add((active_conll_tag, (span_start, span_end))) active_conll_tag = curr_conll_tag span_start = index span_end = index else: # bio_tag == "I" and curr_conll_tag == active_conll_tag # We're continuing a span. span_end += 1 prev_bio_tag = string_tag[0] prev_conll_tag = string_tag[2:] # Last token might have been a part of a valid span. if active_conll_tag is not None: spans.add((active_conll_tag, (span_start, span_end))) return list(spans) def _iob1_start_of_chunk( prev_bio_tag: Optional[str], prev_conll_tag: Optional[str], curr_bio_tag: str, curr_conll_tag: str, ) -> bool: if curr_bio_tag == "B": return True if curr_bio_tag == "I" and prev_bio_tag == "O": return True if curr_bio_tag != "O" and prev_conll_tag != curr_conll_tag: return True return False def bioul_tags_to_spans( tag_sequence: List[str], classes_to_ignore: List[str] = None ) -> List[TypedStringSpan]: """ Given a sequence corresponding to BIOUL tags, extracts spans. Spans are inclusive and can be of zero length, representing a single word span. Ill-formed spans are not allowed and will raise `InvalidTagSequence`. This function works properly when the spans are unlabeled (i.e., your labels are simply "B", "I", "O", "U", and "L"). # Parameters tag_sequence : `List[str]`, required. The tag sequence encoded in BIOUL, e.g. ["B-PER", "L-PER", "O"]. classes_to_ignore : `List[str]`, optional (default = `None`). A list of string class labels `excluding` the bio tag which should be ignored when extracting spans. # Returns spans : `List[TypedStringSpan]` The typed, extracted spans from the sequence, in the format (label, (span_start, span_end)). """ spans = [] classes_to_ignore = classes_to_ignore or [] index = 0 while index < len(tag_sequence): label = tag_sequence[index] if label[0] == "U": spans.append((label.partition("-")[2], (index, index))) elif label[0] == "B": start = index while label[0] != "L": index += 1 if index >= len(tag_sequence): raise InvalidTagSequence(tag_sequence) label = tag_sequence[index] if not (label[0] == "I" or label[0] == "L"): raise InvalidTagSequence(tag_sequence) spans.append((label.partition("-")[2], (start, index))) else: if label != "O": raise InvalidTagSequence(tag_sequence) index += 1 return [span for span in spans if span[0] not in classes_to_ignore] def iob1_to_bioul(tag_sequence: List[str]) -> List[str]: warnings.warn( "iob1_to_bioul has been replaced with 'to_bioul' to allow more encoding options.", FutureWarning, ) return to_bioul(tag_sequence) def to_bioul(tag_sequence: List[str], encoding: str = "IOB1") -> List[str]: """ Given a tag sequence encoded with IOB1 labels, recode to BIOUL. In the IOB1 scheme, I is a token inside a span, O is a token outside a span and B is the beginning of span immediately following another span of the same type. In the BIO scheme, I is a token inside a span, O is a token outside a span and B is the beginning of a span. # Parameters tag_sequence : `List[str]`, required. The tag sequence encoded in IOB1, e.g. ["I-PER", "I-PER", "O"]. encoding : `str`, optional, (default = `"IOB1"`). The encoding type to convert from. Must be either "IOB1" or "BIO". # Returns bioul_sequence : `List[str]` The tag sequence encoded in IOB1, e.g. ["B-PER", "L-PER", "O"]. """ if encoding not in {"IOB1", "BIO"}: raise ConfigurationError(f"Invalid encoding {encoding} passed to 'to_bioul'.") def replace_label(full_label, new_label): # example: full_label = 'I-PER', new_label = 'U', returns 'U-PER' parts = list(full_label.partition("-")) parts[0] = new_label return "".join(parts) def pop_replace_append(in_stack, out_stack, new_label): # pop the last element from in_stack, replace the label, append # to out_stack tag = in_stack.pop() new_tag = replace_label(tag, new_label) out_stack.append(new_tag) def process_stack(stack, out_stack): # process a stack of labels, add them to out_stack if len(stack) == 1: # just a U token pop_replace_append(stack, out_stack, "U") else: # need to code as BIL recoded_stack = [] pop_replace_append(stack, recoded_stack, "L") while len(stack) >= 2: pop_replace_append(stack, recoded_stack, "I") pop_replace_append(stack, recoded_stack, "B") recoded_stack.reverse() out_stack.extend(recoded_stack) # Process the tag_sequence one tag at a time, adding spans to a stack, # then recode them. bioul_sequence = [] stack: List[str] = [] for label in tag_sequence: # need to make a dict like # token = {'token': 'Matt', "labels": {'conll2003': "B-PER"} # 'gold': 'I-PER'} # where 'gold' is the raw value from the CoNLL data set if label == "O" and len(stack) == 0: bioul_sequence.append(label) elif label == "O" and len(stack) > 0: # need to process the entries on the stack plus this one process_stack(stack, bioul_sequence) bioul_sequence.append(label) elif label[0] == "I": # check if the previous type is the same as this one # if it is then append to stack # otherwise this start a new entity if the type # is different if len(stack) == 0: if encoding == "BIO": raise InvalidTagSequence(tag_sequence) stack.append(label) else: # check if the previous type is the same as this one this_type = label.partition("-")[2] prev_type = stack[-1].partition("-")[2] if this_type == prev_type: stack.append(label) else: if encoding == "BIO": raise InvalidTagSequence(tag_sequence) # a new entity process_stack(stack, bioul_sequence) stack.append(label) elif label[0] == "B": if len(stack) > 0: process_stack(stack, bioul_sequence) stack.append(label) else: raise InvalidTagSequence(tag_sequence) # process the stack if len(stack) > 0: process_stack(stack, bioul_sequence) return bioul_sequence def bmes_tags_to_spans( tag_sequence: List[str], classes_to_ignore: List[str] = None ) -> List[TypedStringSpan]: """ Given a sequence corresponding to BMES tags, extracts spans. Spans are inclusive and can be of zero length, representing a single word span. Ill-formed spans are also included (i.e those which do not start with a "B-LABEL"), as otherwise it is possible to get a perfect precision score whilst still predicting ill-formed spans in addition to the correct spans. This function works properly when the spans are unlabeled (i.e., your labels are simply "B", "M", "E" and "S"). # Parameters tag_sequence : `List[str]`, required. The integer class labels for a sequence. classes_to_ignore : `List[str]`, optional (default = `None`). A list of string class labels `excluding` the bio tag which should be ignored when extracting spans. # Returns spans : `List[TypedStringSpan]` The typed, extracted spans from the sequence, in the format (label, (span_start, span_end)). Note that the label `does not` contain any BIO tag prefixes. """ def extract_bmes_tag_label(text): bmes_tag = text[0] label = text[2:] return bmes_tag, label spans: List[Tuple[str, List[int]]] = [] prev_bmes_tag: Optional[str] = None for index, tag in enumerate(tag_sequence): bmes_tag, label = extract_bmes_tag_label(tag) if bmes_tag in ("B", "S"): # Regardless of tag, we start a new span when reaching B & S. spans.append((label, [index, index])) elif bmes_tag in ("M", "E") and prev_bmes_tag in ("B", "M") and spans[-1][0] == label: # Only expand the span if # 1. Valid transition: B/M -> M/E. # 2. Matched label. spans[-1][1][1] = index else: # Best effort split for invalid span. spans.append((label, [index, index])) # update previous BMES tag. prev_bmes_tag = bmes_tag classes_to_ignore = classes_to_ignore or [] return [ # to tuple. (span[0], (span[1][0], span[1][1])) for span in spans if span[0] not in classes_to_ignore ]
from typing import Dict, List, Optional import itertools from overrides import overrides from import Vocabulary from import Token from import TokenIndexer, IndexedTokenList _DEFAULT_VALUE = "THIS IS A REALLY UNLIKELY VALUE THAT HAS TO BE A STRING" @TokenIndexer.register("single_id") class SingleIdTokenIndexer(TokenIndexer): """ This :class:`TokenIndexer` represents tokens as single integers. Registered as a `TokenIndexer` with name "single_id". # Parameters namespace : `Optional[str]`, optional (default=`"tokens"`) We will use this namespace in the :class:`Vocabulary` to map strings to indices. If you explicitly pass in `None` here, we will skip indexing and vocabulary lookups. This means that the `feature_name` you use must correspond to an integer value (like `text_id`, for instance, which gets set by some tokenizers, such as when using byte encoding). lowercase_tokens : `bool`, optional (default=`False`) If `True`, we will call `token.lower()` before getting an index for the token from the vocabulary. start_tokens : `List[str]`, optional (default=`None`) These are prepended to the tokens provided to `tokens_to_indices`. end_tokens : `List[str]`, optional (default=`None`) These are appended to the tokens provided to `tokens_to_indices`. feature_name : `str`, optional (default=`"text"`) We will use the :class:`Token` attribute with this name as input. This is potentially useful, e.g., for using NER tags instead of (or in addition to) surface forms as your inputs (passing `ent_type_` here would do that). If you use a non-default value here, you almost certainly want to also change the `namespace` parameter, and you might want to give a `default_value`. default_value : `str`, optional When you want to use a non-default `feature_name`, you sometimes want to have a default value to go with it, e.g., in case you don't have an NER tag for a particular token, for some reason. This value will get used if we don't find a value in `feature_name`. If this is not given, we will crash if a token doesn't have a value for the given `feature_name`, so that you don't get weird, silent errors by default. token_min_padding_length : `int`, optional (default=`0`) See :class:`TokenIndexer`. """ def __init__( self, namespace: Optional[str] = "tokens", lowercase_tokens: bool = False, start_tokens: List[str] = None, end_tokens: List[str] = None, feature_name: str = "text", default_value: str = _DEFAULT_VALUE, token_min_padding_length: int = 0, ) -> None: super().__init__(token_min_padding_length) self.namespace = namespace self.lowercase_tokens = lowercase_tokens self._start_tokens = [Token(st) for st in (start_tokens or [])] self._end_tokens = [Token(et) for et in (end_tokens or [])] self._feature_name = feature_name self._default_value = default_value @overrides def count_vocab_items(self, token: Token, counter: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]): if self.namespace is not None: text = self._get_feature_value(token) if self.lowercase_tokens: text = text.lower() counter[self.namespace][text] += 1 @overrides def tokens_to_indices( self, tokens: List[Token], vocabulary: Vocabulary ) -> Dict[str, List[int]]: indices: List[int] = [] for token in itertools.chain(self._start_tokens, tokens, self._end_tokens): text = self._get_feature_value(token) if self.namespace is None: # We could have a check here that `text` is an int; not sure it's worth it. indices.append(text) # type: ignore else: if self.lowercase_tokens: text = text.lower() indices.append(vocabulary.get_token_index(text, self.namespace)) return {"tokens": indices} @overrides def get_empty_token_list(self) -> IndexedTokenList: return {"tokens": []} def _get_feature_value(self, token: Token) -> str: text = getattr(token, self._feature_name) if text is None: if self._default_value is not _DEFAULT_VALUE: text = self._default_value else: raise ValueError( f"{token} did not have attribute {self._feature_name}. If you " "want to ignore this kind of error, give a default value in the " "constructor of this indexer." ) return text
from typing import Dict, List, Any, Optional import logging from overrides import overrides import torch from allennlp.common.util import pad_sequence_to_length from import Vocabulary from import Token from import PretrainedTransformerIndexer, TokenIndexer from import IndexedTokenList logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @TokenIndexer.register("pretrained_transformer_mismatched") class PretrainedTransformerMismatchedIndexer(TokenIndexer): """ Use this indexer when (for whatever reason) you are not using a corresponding `PretrainedTransformerTokenizer` on your input. We assume that you used a tokenizer that splits strings into words, while the transformer expects wordpieces as input. This indexer splits the words into wordpieces and flattens them out. You should use the corresponding `PretrainedTransformerMismatchedEmbedder` to embed these wordpieces and then pull out a single vector for each original word. Registered as a `TokenIndexer` with name "pretrained_transformer_mismatched". # Parameters model_name : `str` The name of the `transformers` model to use. namespace : `str`, optional (default=`tags`) We will add the tokens in the pytorch_transformer vocabulary to this vocabulary namespace. We use a somewhat confusing default value of `tags` so that we do not add padding or UNK tokens to this namespace, which would break on loading because we wouldn't find our default OOV token. max_length : `int`, optional (default = `None`) If positive, split the document into segments of this many tokens (including special tokens) before feeding into the embedder. The embedder embeds these segments independently and concatenate the results to get the original document representation. Should be set to the same value as the `max_length` option on the `PretrainedTransformerMismatchedEmbedder`. tokenizer_kwargs : `Dict[str, Any]`, optional (default = `None`) Dictionary with [additional arguments]( for `AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained`. """ # noqa: E501 def __init__( self, model_name: str, namespace: str = "tags", max_length: int = None, tokenizer_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) # The matched version v.s. mismatched self._matched_indexer = PretrainedTransformerIndexer( model_name, namespace=namespace, max_length=max_length, tokenizer_kwargs=tokenizer_kwargs, **kwargs, ) self._allennlp_tokenizer = self._matched_indexer._allennlp_tokenizer self._tokenizer = self._matched_indexer._tokenizer self._num_added_start_tokens = self._matched_indexer._num_added_start_tokens self._num_added_end_tokens = self._matched_indexer._num_added_end_tokens @overrides def count_vocab_items(self, token: Token, counter: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]): return self._matched_indexer.count_vocab_items(token, counter) @overrides def tokens_to_indices(self, tokens: List[Token], vocabulary: Vocabulary) -> IndexedTokenList: self._matched_indexer._add_encoding_to_vocabulary_if_needed(vocabulary) wordpieces, offsets = self._allennlp_tokenizer.intra_word_tokenize( [t.ensure_text() for t in tokens] ) # For tokens that don't correspond to any word pieces, we put (-1, -1) into the offsets. # That results in the embedding for the token to be all zeros. offsets = [x if x is not None else (-1, -1) for x in offsets] output: IndexedTokenList = { "token_ids": [t.text_id for t in wordpieces], "mask": [True] * len(tokens), # for original tokens (i.e. word-level) "type_ids": [t.type_id for t in wordpieces], "offsets": offsets, "wordpiece_mask": [True] * len(wordpieces), # for wordpieces (i.e. subword-level) } return self._matched_indexer._postprocess_output(output) @overrides def get_empty_token_list(self) -> IndexedTokenList: output = self._matched_indexer.get_empty_token_list() output["offsets"] = [] output["wordpiece_mask"] = [] return output @overrides def as_padded_tensor_dict( self, tokens: IndexedTokenList, padding_lengths: Dict[str, int] ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: tokens = tokens.copy() padding_lengths = padding_lengths.copy() offsets_tokens = tokens.pop("offsets") offsets_padding_lengths = padding_lengths.pop("offsets") tensor_dict = self._matched_indexer.as_padded_tensor_dict(tokens, padding_lengths) tensor_dict["offsets"] = torch.LongTensor( pad_sequence_to_length( offsets_tokens, offsets_padding_lengths, default_value=lambda: (0, 0) ) ) return tensor_dict def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, PretrainedTransformerMismatchedIndexer): for key in self.__dict__: if key == "_tokenizer": # This is a reference to a function in the huggingface code, which we can't # really modify to make this clean. So we special-case it. continue if self.__dict__[key] != other.__dict__[key]: return False return True return NotImplemented
""" A `TokenIndexer` determines how string tokens get represented as arrays of indices in a model. """ from import SingleIdTokenIndexer from import TokenCharactersIndexer from import TokenIndexer from import ELMoTokenCharactersIndexer from import SpacyTokenIndexer from import PretrainedTransformerIndexer from import ( PretrainedTransformerMismatchedIndexer, )
from typing import Any, Dict, List import torch from allennlp.common import Registrable from allennlp.common.util import pad_sequence_to_length from import Token from import Vocabulary # An indexed token list represents the arguments that will be passed to a TokenEmbedder # corresponding to this TokenIndexer. Each argument that the TokenEmbedder needs will have one # entry in the IndexedTokenList dictionary, and that argument will typically be a list of integers # (for single ID word embeddings) or a nested list of integers (for character ID word embeddings), # though it could also be a mask, or any other data that you want to pass. IndexedTokenList = Dict[str, List[Any]] class TokenIndexer(Registrable): """ A `TokenIndexer` determines how string tokens get represented as arrays of indices in a model. This class both converts strings into numerical values, with the help of a :class:``, and it produces actual arrays. Tokens can be represented as single IDs (e.g., the word "cat" gets represented by the number 34), or as lists of character IDs (e.g., "cat" gets represented by the numbers [23, 10, 18]), or in some other way that you can come up with (e.g., if you have some structured input you want to represent in a special way in your data arrays, you can do that here). # Parameters token_min_padding_length : `int`, optional (default=`0`) The minimum padding length required for the :class:`TokenIndexer`. For example, the minimum padding length of :class:`SingleIdTokenIndexer` is the largest size of filter when using :class:`CnnEncoder`. Note that if you set this for one TokenIndexer, you likely have to set it for all :class:`TokenIndexer` for the same field, otherwise you'll get mismatched tensor sizes. """ default_implementation = "single_id" has_warned_for_as_padded_tensor = False def __init__(self, token_min_padding_length: int = 0) -> None: self._token_min_padding_length: int = token_min_padding_length def count_vocab_items(self, token: Token, counter: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]): """ The :class:`Vocabulary` needs to assign indices to whatever strings we see in the training data (possibly doing some frequency filtering and using an OOV, or out of vocabulary, token). This method takes a token and a dictionary of counts and increments counts for whatever vocabulary items are present in the token. If this is a single token ID representation, the vocabulary item is likely the token itself. If this is a token characters representation, the vocabulary items are all of the characters in the token. """ raise NotImplementedError def tokens_to_indices(self, tokens: List[Token], vocabulary: Vocabulary) -> IndexedTokenList: """ Takes a list of tokens and converts them to an `IndexedTokenList`. This could be just an ID for each token from the vocabulary. Or it could split each token into characters and return one ID per character. Or (for instance, in the case of byte-pair encoding) there might not be a clean mapping from individual tokens to indices, and the `IndexedTokenList` could be a complex data structure. """ raise NotImplementedError def indices_to_tokens( self, indexed_tokens: IndexedTokenList, vocabulary: Vocabulary ) -> List[Token]: """ Inverse operations of tokens_to_indices. Takes an `IndexedTokenList` and converts it back into a list of tokens. """ raise NotImplementedError def get_empty_token_list(self) -> IndexedTokenList: """ Returns an `already indexed` version of an empty token list. This is typically just an empty list for whatever keys are used in the indexer. """ raise NotImplementedError def get_padding_lengths(self, indexed_tokens: IndexedTokenList) -> Dict[str, int]: """ This method returns a padding dictionary for the given `indexed_tokens` specifying all lengths that need padding. If all you have is a list of single ID tokens, this is just the length of the list, and that's what the default implementation will give you. If you have something more complicated, like a list of character ids for token, you'll need to override this. """ padding_lengths = {} for key, token_list in indexed_tokens.items(): padding_lengths[key] = max(len(token_list), self._token_min_padding_length) return padding_lengths def as_padded_tensor_dict( self, tokens: IndexedTokenList, padding_lengths: Dict[str, int] ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: """ This method pads a list of tokens given the input padding lengths (which could actually truncate things, depending on settings) and returns that padded list of input tokens as a `Dict[str, torch.Tensor]`. This is a dictionary because there should be one key per argument that the `TokenEmbedder` corresponding to this class expects in its `forward()` method (where the argument name in the `TokenEmbedder` needs to make the key in this dictionary). The base class implements the case when all you want to do is create a padded `LongTensor` for every list in the `tokens` dictionary. If your `TokenIndexer` needs more complex logic than that, you need to override this method. """ tensor_dict = {} for key, val in tokens.items(): if val and isinstance(val[0], bool): tensor = torch.BoolTensor( pad_sequence_to_length(val, padding_lengths[key], default_value=lambda: False) ) else: tensor = torch.LongTensor(pad_sequence_to_length(val, padding_lengths[key])) tensor_dict[key] = tensor return tensor_dict def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if isinstance(self, other.__class__): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ return NotImplemented
from typing import Dict, List import itertools import warnings from overrides import overrides import torch from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from allennlp.common.util import pad_sequence_to_length from import TokenIndexer, IndexedTokenList from import Token, CharacterTokenizer from import Vocabulary @TokenIndexer.register("characters") class TokenCharactersIndexer(TokenIndexer): """ This :class:`TokenIndexer` represents tokens as lists of character indices. Registered as a `TokenIndexer` with name "characters". # Parameters namespace : `str`, optional (default=`token_characters`) We will use this namespace in the :class:`Vocabulary` to map the characters in each token to indices. character_tokenizer : `CharacterTokenizer`, optional (default=`CharacterTokenizer()`) We use a :class:`CharacterTokenizer` to handle splitting tokens into characters, as it has options for byte encoding and other things. The default here is to instantiate a `CharacterTokenizer` with its default parameters, which uses unicode characters and retains casing. start_tokens : `List[str]`, optional (default=`None`) These are prepended to the tokens provided to `tokens_to_indices`. end_tokens : `List[str]`, optional (default=`None`) These are appended to the tokens provided to `tokens_to_indices`. min_padding_length : `int`, optional (default=`0`) We use this value as the minimum length of padding. Usually used with :class:`CnnEncoder`, its value should be set to the maximum value of `ngram_filter_sizes` correspondingly. token_min_padding_length : `int`, optional (default=`0`) See :class:`TokenIndexer`. """ def __init__( self, namespace: str = "token_characters", character_tokenizer: CharacterTokenizer = CharacterTokenizer(), start_tokens: List[str] = None, end_tokens: List[str] = None, min_padding_length: int = 0, token_min_padding_length: int = 0, ) -> None: super().__init__(token_min_padding_length) if min_padding_length == 0: url = "" warnings.warn( "You are using the default value (0) of `min_padding_length`, " f"which can cause some subtle bugs (more info see {url}). " "Strongly recommend to set a value, usually the maximum size " "of the convolutional layer size when using CnnEncoder.", UserWarning, ) self._min_padding_length = min_padding_length self._namespace = namespace self._character_tokenizer = character_tokenizer self._start_tokens = [Token(st) for st in (start_tokens or [])] self._end_tokens = [Token(et) for et in (end_tokens or [])] @overrides def count_vocab_items(self, token: Token, counter: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]): if token.text is None: raise ConfigurationError("TokenCharactersIndexer needs a tokenizer that retains text") for character in self._character_tokenizer.tokenize(token.text): # If `text_id` is set on the character token (e.g., if we're using byte encoding), we # will not be using the vocab for this character. if getattr(character, "text_id", None) is None: counter[self._namespace][character.text] += 1 @overrides def tokens_to_indices( self, tokens: List[Token], vocabulary: Vocabulary ) -> Dict[str, List[List[int]]]: indices: List[List[int]] = [] for token in itertools.chain(self._start_tokens, tokens, self._end_tokens): token_indices: List[int] = [] if token.text is None: raise ConfigurationError( "TokenCharactersIndexer needs a tokenizer that retains text" ) for character in self._character_tokenizer.tokenize(token.text): if getattr(character, "text_id", None) is not None: # `text_id` being set on the token means that we aren't using the vocab, we just # use this id instead. index = character.text_id else: index = vocabulary.get_token_index(character.text, self._namespace) token_indices.append(index) indices.append(token_indices) return {"token_characters": indices} @overrides def get_padding_lengths(self, indexed_tokens: IndexedTokenList) -> Dict[str, int]: padding_lengths = {} padding_lengths["token_characters"] = max( len(indexed_tokens["token_characters"]), self._token_min_padding_length ) max_num_characters = self._min_padding_length for token in indexed_tokens["token_characters"]: max_num_characters = max(len(token), max_num_characters) # type: ignore padding_lengths["num_token_characters"] = max_num_characters return padding_lengths @overrides def as_padded_tensor_dict( self, tokens: IndexedTokenList, padding_lengths: Dict[str, int] ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: # Pad the tokens. padded_tokens = pad_sequence_to_length( tokens["token_characters"], padding_lengths["token_characters"], default_value=lambda: [], ) # Pad the characters within the tokens. desired_token_length = padding_lengths["num_token_characters"] longest_token: List[int] = max(tokens["token_characters"], key=len, default=[]) # type: ignore padding_value = 0 if desired_token_length > len(longest_token): # Since we want to pad to greater than the longest token, we add a # "dummy token" so we can take advantage of the fast implementation of itertools.zip_longest. padded_tokens.append([padding_value] * desired_token_length) # pad the list of lists to the longest sublist, appending 0's padded_tokens = list(zip(*itertools.zip_longest(*padded_tokens, fillvalue=padding_value))) if desired_token_length > len(longest_token): # Removes the "dummy token". padded_tokens.pop() # Truncates all the tokens to the desired length, and return the result. return { "token_characters": torch.LongTensor( [list(token[:desired_token_length]) for token in padded_tokens] ) } @overrides def get_empty_token_list(self) -> IndexedTokenList: return {"token_characters": []}
from typing import Dict, List from overrides import overrides import torch from allennlp.common.util import pad_sequence_to_length from import Token from import TokenIndexer, IndexedTokenList from import Vocabulary def _make_bos_eos( character: int, padding_character: int, beginning_of_word_character: int, end_of_word_character: int, max_word_length: int, ): char_ids = [padding_character] * max_word_length char_ids[0] = beginning_of_word_character char_ids[1] = character char_ids[2] = end_of_word_character return char_ids class ELMoCharacterMapper: """ Maps individual tokens to sequences of character ids, compatible with ELMo. To be consistent with previously trained models, we include it here as special of existing character indexers. We allow to add optional additional special tokens with designated character ids with `tokens_to_add`. """ max_word_length = 50 # char ids 0-255 come from utf-8 encoding bytes # assign 256-300 to special chars beginning_of_sentence_character = 256 # <begin sentence> end_of_sentence_character = 257 # <end sentence> beginning_of_word_character = 258 # <begin word> end_of_word_character = 259 # <end word> padding_character = 260 # <padding> beginning_of_sentence_characters = _make_bos_eos( beginning_of_sentence_character, padding_character, beginning_of_word_character, end_of_word_character, max_word_length, ) end_of_sentence_characters = _make_bos_eos( end_of_sentence_character, padding_character, beginning_of_word_character, end_of_word_character, max_word_length, ) bos_token = "<S>" eos_token = "</S>" def __init__(self, tokens_to_add: Dict[str, int] = None) -> None: self.tokens_to_add = tokens_to_add or {} def convert_word_to_char_ids(self, word: str) -> List[int]: if word in self.tokens_to_add: char_ids = [ELMoCharacterMapper.padding_character] * ELMoCharacterMapper.max_word_length char_ids[0] = ELMoCharacterMapper.beginning_of_word_character char_ids[1] = self.tokens_to_add[word] char_ids[2] = ELMoCharacterMapper.end_of_word_character elif word == ELMoCharacterMapper.bos_token: char_ids = ELMoCharacterMapper.beginning_of_sentence_characters elif word == ELMoCharacterMapper.eos_token: char_ids = ELMoCharacterMapper.end_of_sentence_characters else: word_encoded = word.encode("utf-8", "ignore")[ : (ELMoCharacterMapper.max_word_length - 2) ] char_ids = [ELMoCharacterMapper.padding_character] * ELMoCharacterMapper.max_word_length char_ids[0] = ELMoCharacterMapper.beginning_of_word_character for k, chr_id in enumerate(word_encoded, start=1): char_ids[k] = chr_id char_ids[len(word_encoded) + 1] = ELMoCharacterMapper.end_of_word_character # +1 one for masking return [c + 1 for c in char_ids] def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if isinstance(self, other.__class__): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ return NotImplemented @TokenIndexer.register("elmo_characters") class ELMoTokenCharactersIndexer(TokenIndexer): """ Convert a token to an array of character ids to compute ELMo representations. Registered as a `TokenIndexer` with name "elmo_characters". # Parameters namespace : `str`, optional (default=`elmo_characters`) tokens_to_add : `Dict[str, int]`, optional (default=`None`) If not None, then provides a mapping of special tokens to character ids. When using pre-trained models, then the character id must be less then 261, and we recommend using un-used ids (e.g. 1-32). token_min_padding_length : `int`, optional (default=`0`) See :class:`TokenIndexer`. """ def __init__( self, namespace: str = "elmo_characters", tokens_to_add: Dict[str, int] = None, token_min_padding_length: int = 0, ) -> None: super().__init__(token_min_padding_length) self._namespace = namespace self._mapper = ELMoCharacterMapper(tokens_to_add) @overrides def count_vocab_items(self, token: Token, counter: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]): pass @overrides def get_empty_token_list(self) -> IndexedTokenList: return {"elmo_tokens": []} @overrides def tokens_to_indices( self, tokens: List[Token], vocabulary: Vocabulary ) -> Dict[str, List[List[int]]]: # TODO(brendanr): Retain the token to index mappings in the vocabulary and remove this # return { "elmo_tokens": [self._mapper.convert_word_to_char_ids(t.ensure_text()) for t in tokens] } @overrides def as_padded_tensor_dict( self, tokens: IndexedTokenList, padding_lengths: Dict[str, int] ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: # Overriding this method only because we need a different padding token than the default. tensor_dict = {} def padding_token(): return [0] * ELMoCharacterMapper.max_word_length tensor_dict["elmo_tokens"] = torch.LongTensor( pad_sequence_to_length( tokens["elmo_tokens"], padding_lengths["elmo_tokens"], default_value=padding_token ) ) return tensor_dict
from typing import Dict, List from overrides import overrides from spacy.tokens import Token as SpacyToken import torch import numpy from allennlp.common.util import pad_sequence_to_length from import Vocabulary from import Token from import TokenIndexer, IndexedTokenList @TokenIndexer.register("spacy") class SpacyTokenIndexer(TokenIndexer): """ This :class:`SpacyTokenIndexer` represents tokens as word vectors from a spacy model. You might want to do this for two main reasons; easier integration with a spacy pipeline and no out of vocabulary tokens. Registered as a `TokenIndexer` with name "spacy". # Parameters hidden_dim : `int`, optional (default=`96`) The dimension of the vectors that spacy generates for representing words. token_min_padding_length : `int`, optional (default=`0`) See :class:`TokenIndexer`. """ def __init__(self, hidden_dim: int = 96, token_min_padding_length: int = 0) -> None: self._hidden_dim = hidden_dim super().__init__(token_min_padding_length) @overrides def count_vocab_items(self, token: Token, counter: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]): # We are using spacy to generate embeddings directly for our model, # so we don't need to capture the vocab - it is defined by the spacy # model we are using instead. pass @overrides def tokens_to_indices( self, tokens: List[SpacyToken], vocabulary: Vocabulary ) -> Dict[str, List[numpy.ndarray]]: if not all(isinstance(x, SpacyToken) for x in tokens): raise ValueError( "The spacy indexer requires you to use a Tokenizer which produces SpacyTokens." ) indices: List[numpy.ndarray] = [token.vector for token in tokens] return {"tokens": indices} @overrides def as_padded_tensor_dict( self, tokens: IndexedTokenList, padding_lengths: Dict[str, int] ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: def padding_token(): return numpy.zeros(self._hidden_dim, dtype=numpy.float32) tensor = torch.FloatTensor( pad_sequence_to_length( tokens["tokens"], padding_lengths["tokens"], default_value=padding_token ) ) return {"tokens": tensor}
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Any import logging import torch from allennlp.common.util import pad_sequence_to_length from overrides import overrides from import Vocabulary from import Token, PretrainedTransformerTokenizer from import TokenIndexer, IndexedTokenList logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @TokenIndexer.register("pretrained_transformer") class PretrainedTransformerIndexer(TokenIndexer): """ This `TokenIndexer` assumes that Tokens already have their indexes in them (see `text_id` field). We still require `model_name` because we want to form allennlp vocabulary from pretrained one. This `Indexer` is only really appropriate to use if you've also used a corresponding :class:`PretrainedTransformerTokenizer` to tokenize your input. Otherwise you'll have a mismatch between your tokens and your vocabulary, and you'll get a lot of UNK tokens. Registered as a `TokenIndexer` with name "pretrained_transformer". # Parameters model_name : `str` The name of the `transformers` model to use. namespace : `str`, optional (default=`tags`) We will add the tokens in the pytorch_transformer vocabulary to this vocabulary namespace. We use a somewhat confusing default value of `tags` so that we do not add padding or UNK tokens to this namespace, which would break on loading because we wouldn't find our default OOV token. max_length : `int`, optional (default = `None`) If not None, split the document into segments of this many tokens (including special tokens) before feeding into the embedder. The embedder embeds these segments independently and concatenate the results to get the original document representation. Should be set to the same value as the `max_length` option on the `PretrainedTransformerEmbedder`. tokenizer_kwargs : `Dict[str, Any]`, optional (default = `None`) Dictionary with [additional arguments]( for `AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained`. """ # noqa: E501 def __init__( self, model_name: str, namespace: str = "tags", max_length: int = None, tokenizer_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self._namespace = namespace self._allennlp_tokenizer = PretrainedTransformerTokenizer( model_name, tokenizer_kwargs=tokenizer_kwargs ) self._tokenizer = self._allennlp_tokenizer.tokenizer self._added_to_vocabulary = False self._num_added_start_tokens = len(self._allennlp_tokenizer.single_sequence_start_tokens) self._num_added_end_tokens = len(self._allennlp_tokenizer.single_sequence_end_tokens) self._max_length = max_length if self._max_length is not None: num_added_tokens = len(self._allennlp_tokenizer.tokenize("a")) - 1 self._effective_max_length = ( # we need to take into account special tokens self._max_length - num_added_tokens ) if self._effective_max_length <= 0: raise ValueError( "max_length needs to be greater than the number of special tokens inserted." ) def _add_encoding_to_vocabulary_if_needed(self, vocab: Vocabulary) -> None: """ Copies tokens from ```transformers``` model's vocab to the specified namespace. """ if self._added_to_vocabulary: return try: vocab_items = self._tokenizer.get_vocab().items() except NotImplementedError: vocab_items = ( (self._tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(idx), idx) for idx in range(self._tokenizer.vocab_size) ) for word, idx in vocab_items: vocab._token_to_index[self._namespace][word] = idx vocab._index_to_token[self._namespace][idx] = word self._added_to_vocabulary = True @overrides def count_vocab_items(self, token: Token, counter: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]): # If we only use pretrained models, we don't need to do anything here. pass @overrides def tokens_to_indices(self, tokens: List[Token], vocabulary: Vocabulary) -> IndexedTokenList: self._add_encoding_to_vocabulary_if_needed(vocabulary) indices, type_ids = self._extract_token_and_type_ids(tokens) # The mask has 1 for real tokens and 0 for padding tokens. Only real tokens are attended to. output: IndexedTokenList = { "token_ids": indices, "mask": [True] * len(indices), "type_ids": type_ids or [0] * len(indices), } return self._postprocess_output(output) @overrides def indices_to_tokens( self, indexed_tokens: IndexedTokenList, vocabulary: Vocabulary ) -> List[Token]: self._add_encoding_to_vocabulary_if_needed(vocabulary) token_ids = indexed_tokens["token_ids"] type_ids = indexed_tokens.get("type_ids") return [ Token( text=vocabulary.get_token_from_index(token_ids[i], self._namespace), text_id=token_ids[i], type_id=type_ids[i] if type_ids is not None else None, ) for i in range(len(token_ids)) ] def _extract_token_and_type_ids(self, tokens: List[Token]) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int]]: """ Roughly equivalent to `zip(*[(token.text_id, token.type_id) for token in tokens])`, with some checks. """ indices: List[int] = [] type_ids: List[int] = [] for token in tokens: indices.append( token.text_id if token.text_id is not None else self._tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(token.text) ) type_ids.append(token.type_id if token.type_id is not None else 0) return indices, type_ids def _postprocess_output(self, output: IndexedTokenList) -> IndexedTokenList: """ Takes an IndexedTokenList about to be returned by `tokens_to_indices()` and adds any necessary postprocessing, e.g. long sequence splitting. The input should have a `"token_ids"` key corresponding to the token indices. They should have special tokens already inserted. """ if self._max_length is not None: # We prepare long indices by converting them to (assuming max_length == 5) # [CLS] A B C [SEP] [CLS] D E F [SEP] ... # Embedder is responsible for folding this 1-d sequence to 2-d and feed to the # transformer model. # TODO(zhaofengw): we aren't respecting word boundaries when segmenting wordpieces. indices = output["token_ids"] # Strips original special tokens indices = indices[ self._num_added_start_tokens : len(indices) - self._num_added_end_tokens ] # Folds indices folded_indices = [ indices[i : i + self._effective_max_length] for i in range(0, len(indices), self._effective_max_length) ] # Adds special tokens to each segment folded_indices = [ self._tokenizer.build_inputs_with_special_tokens(segment) for segment in folded_indices ] # Flattens indices = [i for segment in folded_indices for i in segment] output["token_ids"] = indices output["type_ids"] = [0] * len(indices) output["segment_concat_mask"] = [True] * len(indices) return output @overrides def get_empty_token_list(self) -> IndexedTokenList: output: IndexedTokenList = {"token_ids": [], "mask": [], "type_ids": []} if self._max_length is not None: output["segment_concat_mask"] = [] return output @overrides def as_padded_tensor_dict( self, tokens: IndexedTokenList, padding_lengths: Dict[str, int] ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: tensor_dict = {} for key, val in tokens.items(): if key == "type_ids": padding_value = 0 mktensor = torch.LongTensor elif key == "mask" or key == "wordpiece_mask": padding_value = False mktensor = torch.BoolTensor elif len(val) > 0 and isinstance(val[0], bool): padding_value = False mktensor = torch.BoolTensor else: padding_value = self._tokenizer.pad_token_id if padding_value is None: padding_value = ( 0 # Some tokenizers don't have padding tokens and rely on the mask only. ) mktensor = torch.LongTensor tensor = mktensor( pad_sequence_to_length( val, padding_lengths[key], default_value=lambda: padding_value ) ) tensor_dict[key] = tensor return tensor_dict def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, PretrainedTransformerIndexer): for key in self.__dict__: if key == "_tokenizer": # This is a reference to a function in the huggingface code, which we can't # really modify to make this clean. So we special-case it. continue if self.__dict__[key] != other.__dict__[key]: return False return True return NotImplemented
import logging import random from typing import List, Iterable, Iterator, TypeVar from import BatchSampler, BucketBatchSampler from torch.utils import data logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) A = TypeVar("A") @BatchSampler.register("max_tokens_sampler") class MaxTokensBatchSampler(BucketBatchSampler): """ An sampler which by default, argsorts batches with respect to the maximum input lengths `per batch`. Batches are then created such that the number of tokens in a batch does not exceed the given maximum number of tokens. You can provide a list of field names and padding keys (or pass none, in which case they will be inferred) which the dataset will be sorted by before doing this batching, causing inputs with similar length to be batched together, making computation more efficient (as less time is wasted on padded elements of the batch). # Parameters data_source: `data.Dataset` The pytorch `Dataset` of allennlp Instances to bucket. max_tokens : `int` The maximum number of tokens to include in a batch. sorting_keys : `List[str]`, optional To bucket inputs into batches, we want to group the instances by padding length, so that we minimize the amount of padding necessary per batch. In order to do this, we need to know which fields need what type of padding, and in what order. Specifying the right keys for this is a bit cryptic, so if this is not given we try to auto-detect the right keys by iterating through a few instances upfront, reading all of the padding keys and seeing which one has the longest length. We use that one for padding. This should give reasonable results in most cases. Some cases where it might not be the right thing to do are when you have a `ListField[TextField]`, or when you have a really long, constant length `ArrayField`. When you need to specify this yourself, you can create an instance from your dataset and call `Instance.get_padding_lengths()` to see a list of all keys used in your data. You should give one or more of those as the sorting keys here. padding_noise : `float`, optional (default = `0.1`) When sorting by padding length, we add a bit of noise to the lengths, so that the sorting isn't deterministic. This parameter determines how much noise we add, as a percentage of the actual padding value for each instance. """ def __init__( self, data_source: data.Dataset, max_tokens: int, sorting_keys: List[str] = None, padding_noise: float = 0.1, ): super().__init__(data_source, -1, sorting_keys, padding_noise, False) self.max_tokens = max_tokens def _lazy_groups_of_max_size( self, iterable: Iterable[A], sizes: Iterable[int], ) -> Iterator[List[A]]: """ Takes an `iterable` of data and an iterable `sizes` of the same length which represents the sizes of each corresponding item in `iterable`. The instances from `iterable` are batched such that the total size of the batch as computed from `sizes` does not exceed `max_size`. """ cur_max_size = 0 group: List[A] = [] iterator = iter(iterable) size_iter = iter(sizes) for item, size in zip(iterator, size_iter): if size > self.max_tokens: logger.warning( "Found instance of size %d, which is bigger than the expected size for a batch (%d)", size, self.max_tokens, ) group_size = max(size, cur_max_size) * (len(group) + 1) if group_size > self.max_tokens: yield group cur_max_size = 0 group = [] group.append(item) cur_max_size = max(cur_max_size, size) if len(group) != 0: yield group def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[List[int]]: indices, lengths = self._argsort_by_padding(self.data_source) max_lengths = [max(length) for length in lengths] group_iterator = self._lazy_groups_of_max_size(indices, max_lengths) batches = [list(group) for group in group_iterator] random.shuffle(batches) for batch in batches: yield batch def __len__(self): # There is no easy way to count the number of batches, so we need to iterate and count. return sum(1 for _ in self)
from import ( Sampler, BatchSampler, SequentialSampler, SubsetRandomSampler, WeightedRandomSampler, RandomSampler, BasicBatchSampler, ) from import BucketBatchSampler from import MaxTokensBatchSampler
from typing import List, Iterable from torch.utils import data from allennlp.common.registrable import Registrable """ Duplicates of the pytorch Sampler classes. Broadly, these only exist so that we can add type hints, meaning we can construct them from configuration files. You can use these directly from Python code, but they are identical to the pytorch ones. """ class Sampler(Registrable): """ A copy of the pytorch [Sampler]( which allows us to register it with `Registrable.` """ def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[int]: raise NotImplementedError class BatchSampler(Registrable): """ A copy of the pytorch [BatchSampler]( which allows us to register it with `Registrable.` """ def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[List[int]]: raise NotImplementedError @Sampler.register("sequential") class SequentialSampler(data.SequentialSampler, Sampler): """ A registrable version of pytorch's [SequentialSampler]( Registered as a `Sampler` with name "sequential". In a typical AllenNLP configuration file, `data_source` parameter does not get an entry under the "sampler", it gets constructed separately. """ def __init__(self, data_source: data.Dataset): super().__init__(data_source) @Sampler.register("random") class RandomSampler(data.RandomSampler, Sampler): """ A registrable version of pytorch's [RandomSampler]( Samples elements randomly. If without replacement, then sample from a shuffled dataset. If with replacement, then user can specify `num_samples` to draw. Registered as a `Sampler` with name "random". # Parameters data_source: `Dataset`, required The dataset to sample from. In a typical AllenNLP configuration file, this parameter does not get an entry under the "sampler", it gets constructed separately. replacement : `bool`, optional (default = `False`) Samples are drawn with replacement if `True`. num_samples: `int` (default = `len(dataset)`) The number of samples to draw. This argument is supposed to be specified only when `replacement` is ``True``. """ def __init__( self, data_source: data.Dataset, replacement: bool = False, num_samples: int = None ): super().__init__(data_source, replacement, num_samples) @Sampler.register("subset_random") class SubsetRandomSampler(data.SubsetRandomSampler, Sampler): """ A registrable version of pytorch's [SubsetRandomSampler]( Samples elements randomly from a given list of indices, without replacement. Registered as a `Sampler` with name "subset_random". # Parameters indices: `List[int]` a sequence of indices to sample from. """ def __init__(self, indices: List[int]): super().__init__(indices) @Sampler.register("weighted_random") class WeightedRandomSampler(data.WeightedRandomSampler, Sampler): """ A registrable version of pytorch's [WeightedRandomSampler]( Samples elements from `[0,...,len(weights)-1]` with given probabilities (weights). Registered as a `Sampler` with name "weighted_random". # Parameters: weights : `List[float]` A sequence of weights, not necessary summing up to one. num_samples : `int` The number of samples to draw. replacement : `bool` If ``True``, samples are drawn with replacement. If not, they are drawn without replacement, which means that when a sample index is drawn for a row, it cannot be drawn again for that row. # Examples ```python >>> list(WeightedRandomSampler([0.1, 0.9, 0.4, 0.7, 3.0, 0.6], 5, replacement=True)) [0, 0, 0, 1, 0] >>> list(WeightedRandomSampler([0.9, 0.4, 0.05, 0.2, 0.3, 0.1], 5, replacement=False)) [0, 1, 4, 3, 2] ``` """ def __init__(self, weights: List[float], num_samples: int, replacement: bool = True): super().__init__(weights, num_samples, replacement) @BatchSampler.register("basic") class BasicBatchSampler(data.BatchSampler, BatchSampler): """ A registrable version of pytorch's [BatchSampler]( Wraps another sampler to yield a mini-batch of indices. Registered as a `BatchSampler` with name "basic". # Parameters sampler: `Sampler` The base sampler. batch_size : `int` The size of the batch. drop_last : `bool` If `True`, the sampler will drop the last batch if its size would be less than batch_size`. # Examples ```python >>> list(BatchSampler(SequentialSampler(range(10)), batch_size=3, drop_last=False)) [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [9]] >>> list(BatchSampler(SequentialSampler(range(10)), batch_size=3, drop_last=True)) [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8]] ``` """ def __init__(self, sampler: Sampler, batch_size: int, drop_last: bool): super().__init__(sampler, batch_size, drop_last)
import logging from typing import List, Iterable, Tuple, Optional import random import math from torch.utils import data from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from allennlp.common.util import lazy_groups_of from import Instance from import BatchSampler logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def add_noise_to_value(value: int, noise_param: float): noise_value = value * noise_param noise = random.uniform(-noise_value, noise_value) return value + noise @BatchSampler.register("bucket") class BucketBatchSampler(BatchSampler): """ An sampler which by default, argsorts batches with respect to the maximum input lengths `per batch`. You can provide a list of field names and padding keys (or pass none, in which case they will be inferred) which the dataset will be sorted by before doing this batching, causing inputs with similar length to be batched together, making computation more efficient (as less time is wasted on padded elements of the batch). # Parameters data_source: `data.Dataset`, required The pytorch `Dataset` of allennlp Instances to bucket. In a typical AllenNLP configuration file, this parameter does not get an entry under the "batch_sampler", it gets constructed separately. batch_size : `int`, required The size of each batch of instances yielded when calling the dataloader. sorting_keys : `List[str]`, optional To bucket inputs into batches, we want to group the instances by padding length, so that we minimize the amount of padding necessary per batch. In order to do this, we need to know which fields need what type of padding, and in what order. Specifying the right keys for this is a bit cryptic, so if this is not given we try to auto-detect the right keys by iterating through a few instances upfront, reading all of the padding keys and seeing which one has the longest length. We use that one for padding. This should give reasonable results in most cases. Some cases where it might not be the right thing to do are when you have a `ListField[TextField]`, or when you have a really long, constant length `ArrayField`. When you need to specify this yourself, you can create an instance from your dataset and call `Instance.get_padding_lengths()` to see a list of all keys used in your data. You should give one or more of those as the sorting keys here. padding_noise : `float`, optional (default=`.1`) When sorting by padding length, we add a bit of noise to the lengths, so that the sorting isn't deterministic. This parameter determines how much noise we add, as a percentage of the actual padding value for each instance. drop_last : `bool`, (default = `False`) If `True`, the sampler will drop the last batch if its size would be less than batch_size`. """ def __init__( self, data_source: data.Dataset, batch_size: int, sorting_keys: List[str] = None, padding_noise: float = 0.1, drop_last: bool = False, ): self.vocab = data_source.vocab self.sorting_keys = sorting_keys self.padding_noise = padding_noise self.batch_size = batch_size self.data_source = data_source self.drop_last = drop_last def _argsort_by_padding( self, instances: Iterable[Instance] ) -> Tuple[List[int], List[List[int]]]: """ Argsorts the instances by their padding lengths, using the keys in `sorting_keys` (in the order in which they are provided). `sorting_keys` is a list of `(field_name, padding_key)` tuples. """ if not self.sorting_keys:"No sorting keys given; trying to guess a good one") self._guess_sorting_keys(instances)"Using {self.sorting_keys} as the sorting keys") instances_with_lengths = [] for instance in instances: # Make sure instance is indexed before calling .get_padding lengths = [] noisy_lengths = [] for field_name in self.sorting_keys: # type: ignore if field_name not in instance.fields: raise ConfigurationError( f'Sorting key "{field_name}" is not a field in instance. ' f"Available fields/keys are {list(instance.fields.keys())}." ) lengths.append(len(instance.fields[field_name])) noisy_lengths.append(add_noise_to_value(lengths[-1], self.padding_noise)) instances_with_lengths.append((noisy_lengths, lengths, instance)) with_indices = [(x, i) for i, x in enumerate(instances_with_lengths)] with_indices.sort(key=lambda x: x[0][0]) return ( [instance_with_index[-1] for instance_with_index in with_indices], [instance_with_index[0][1] for instance_with_index in with_indices], ) def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[List[int]]: indices, _ = self._argsort_by_padding(self.data_source) batches = [] for group in lazy_groups_of(indices, self.batch_size): batch_indices = list(group) if self.drop_last and len(batch_indices) < self.batch_size: continue batches.append(batch_indices) random.shuffle(batches) for batch in batches: yield batch def _guess_sorting_keys(self, instances: Iterable[Instance], num_instances: int = 10) -> None: """ Use `num_instances` instances from the dataset to infer the keys used for sorting the dataset for bucketing. # Parameters instances : `Iterable[Instance]`, required. The dataset to guess sorting keys for. num_instances : `int`, optional (default = `10`) The number of instances to use to guess sorting keys. Typically the default value is completely sufficient, but if your instances are not homogeneous, you might need more. """ max_length = 0.0 longest_field: Optional[str] = None for i, instance in enumerate(instances): instance.index_fields(self.vocab) for field_name, field in instance.fields.items(): length = len(field) if length > max_length: max_length = length longest_field = field_name if i > num_instances: # Only use num_instances instances to guess the sorting keys. break if not longest_field: # This shouldn't ever happen (you basically have to have an empty instance list), but # just in case... raise AssertionError( "Found no field that needed padding; we are surprised you got this error, please " "open an issue on github" ) self.sorting_keys = [longest_field] def __len__(self): batch_count_float = len(self.data_source) / self.batch_size if self.drop_last: return math.floor(batch_count_float) else: return math.ceil(batch_count_float)
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Mapping from overrides import overrides from import DataArray, Field class MetadataField(Field[DataArray], Mapping[str, Any]): """ A `MetadataField` is a `Field` that does not get converted into tensors. It just carries side information that might be needed later on, for computing some third-party metric, or outputting debugging information, or whatever else you need. We use this in the BiDAF model, for instance, to keep track of question IDs and passage token offsets, so we can more easily use the official evaluation script to compute metrics. We don't try to do any kind of smart combination of this field for batched input - when you use this `Field` in a model, you'll get a list of metadata objects, one for each instance in the batch. # Parameters metadata : `Any` Some object containing the metadata that you want to store. It's likely that you'll want this to be a dictionary, but it could be anything you want. """ __slots__ = ["metadata"] def __init__(self, metadata: Any) -> None: self.metadata = metadata def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any: try: return self.metadata[key] # type: ignore except TypeError: raise TypeError("your metadata is not a dict") def __iter__(self): try: return iter(self.metadata) except TypeError: raise TypeError("your metadata is not iterable") def __len__(self): try: return len(self.metadata) except TypeError: raise TypeError("your metadata has no length") @overrides def get_padding_lengths(self) -> Dict[str, int]: return {} @overrides def as_tensor(self, padding_lengths: Dict[str, int]) -> DataArray: return self.metadata # type: ignore @overrides def empty_field(self) -> "MetadataField": return MetadataField(None) @overrides def batch_tensors(self, tensor_list: List[DataArray]) -> List[DataArray]: # type: ignore return tensor_list def __str__(self) -> str: return "MetadataField (print field.metadata to see specific information)."
from copy import deepcopy from typing import Dict, Generic, List, TypeVar import torch from import Vocabulary DataArray = TypeVar( "DataArray", torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor], Dict[str, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]] ) class Field(Generic[DataArray]): """ A `Field` is some piece of a data instance that ends up as an tensor in a model (either as an input or an output). Data instances are just collections of fields. Fields go through up to two steps of processing: (1) tokenized fields are converted into token ids, (2) fields containing token ids (or any other numeric data) are padded (if necessary) and converted into tensors. The `Field` API has methods around both of these steps, though they may not be needed for some concrete `Field` classes - if your field doesn't have any strings that need indexing, you don't need to implement `count_vocab_items` or `index`. These methods `pass` by default. Once a vocabulary is computed and all fields are indexed, we will determine padding lengths, then intelligently batch together instances and pad them into actual tensors. """ __slots__ = [] # type: ignore def count_vocab_items(self, counter: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]): """ If there are strings in this field that need to be converted into integers through a :class:`Vocabulary`, here is where we count them, to determine which tokens are in or out of the vocabulary. If your `Field` does not have any strings that need to be converted into indices, you do not need to implement this method. A note on this `counter`: because `Fields` can represent conceptually different things, we separate the vocabulary items by `namespaces`. This way, we can use a single shared mechanism to handle all mappings from strings to integers in all fields, while keeping words in a `TextField` from sharing the same ids with labels in a `LabelField` (e.g., "entailment" or "contradiction" are labels in an entailment task) Additionally, a single `Field` might want to use multiple namespaces - `TextFields` can be represented as a combination of word ids and character ids, and you don't want words and characters to share the same vocabulary - "a" as a word should get a different id from "a" as a character, and the vocabulary sizes of words and characters are very different. Because of this, the first key in the `counter` object is a `namespace`, like "tokens", "token_characters", "tags", or "labels", and the second key is the actual vocabulary item. """ pass def index(self, vocab: Vocabulary): """ Given a :class:`Vocabulary`, converts all strings in this field into (typically) integers. This `modifies` the `Field` object, it does not return anything. If your `Field` does not have any strings that need to be converted into indices, you do not need to implement this method. """ pass def get_padding_lengths(self) -> Dict[str, int]: """ If there are things in this field that need padding, note them here. In order to pad a batch of instance, we get all of the lengths from the batch, take the max, and pad everything to that length (or use a pre-specified maximum length). The return value is a dictionary mapping keys to lengths, like `{'num_tokens': 13}`. This is always called after :func:`index`. """ raise NotImplementedError def as_tensor(self, padding_lengths: Dict[str, int]) -> DataArray: """ Given a set of specified padding lengths, actually pad the data in this field and return a torch Tensor (or a more complex data structure) of the correct shape. We also take a couple of parameters that are important when constructing torch Tensors. # Parameters padding_lengths : `Dict[str, int]` This dictionary will have the same keys that were produced in :func:`get_padding_lengths`. The values specify the lengths to use when padding each relevant dimension, aggregated across all instances in a batch. """ raise NotImplementedError def empty_field(self) -> "Field": """ So that `ListField` can pad the number of fields in a list (e.g., the number of answer option `TextFields`), we need a representation of an empty field of each type. This returns that. This will only ever be called when we're to the point of calling :func:`as_tensor`, so you don't need to worry about `get_padding_lengths`, `count_vocab_items`, etc., being called on this empty field. We make this an instance method instead of a static method so that if there is any state in the Field, we can copy it over (e.g., the token indexers in `TextField`). """ raise NotImplementedError def batch_tensors(self, tensor_list: List[DataArray]) -> DataArray: # type: ignore """ Takes the output of `Field.as_tensor()` from a list of `Instances` and merges it into one batched tensor for this `Field`. The default implementation here in the base class handles cases where `as_tensor` returns a single torch tensor per instance. If your subclass returns something other than this, you need to override this method. This operation does not modify `self`, but in some cases we need the information contained in `self` in order to perform the batching, so this is an instance method, not a class method. """ return torch.stack(tensor_list) def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if isinstance(self, other.__class__): # With the way "slots" classes work, self.__slots__ only gives the slots defined # by the current class, but not any of its base classes. Therefore to truly # check for equality we have to check through all of the slots in all of the # base classes as well. for class_ in self.__class__.mro(): for attr in getattr(class_, "__slots__", []): if getattr(self, attr) != getattr(other, attr): return False # It's possible that a subclass was not defined as a slots class, in which # case we'll need to check __dict__. if hasattr(self, "__dict__"): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ return True return NotImplemented def __len__(self): raise NotImplementedError def duplicate(self): return deepcopy(self)
from typing import Dict, List, Set, Tuple, Optional import logging import textwrap from overrides import overrides import torch from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from import Field from import SequenceField from import Vocabulary logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AdjacencyField(Field[torch.Tensor]): """ A `AdjacencyField` defines directed adjacency relations between elements in a :class:``. Because it's a labeling of some other field, we take that field as input here and use it to determine our padding and other things. This field will get converted into an array of shape (sequence_field_length, sequence_field_length), where the (i, j)th array element is either a binary flag indicating there is an edge from i to j, or an integer label k, indicating there is a label from i to j of type k. # Parameters indices : `List[Tuple[int, int]]` sequence_field : `SequenceField` A field containing the sequence that this `AdjacencyField` is labeling. Most often, this is a `TextField`, for tagging edge relations between tokens in a sentence. labels : `List[str]`, optional, (default = `None`) Optional labels for the edges of the adjacency matrix. label_namespace : `str`, optional (default=`'labels'`) The namespace to use for converting tag strings into integers. We convert tag strings to integers for you, and this parameter tells the `Vocabulary` object which mapping from strings to integers to use (so that "O" as a tag doesn't get the same id as "O" as a word). padding_value : `int`, optional (default = `-1`) The value to use as padding. """ __slots__ = [ "indices", "labels", "sequence_field", "_label_namespace", "_padding_value", "_indexed_labels", ] # It is possible that users want to use this field with a namespace which uses OOV/PAD tokens. # This warning will be repeated for every instantiation of this class (i.e for every data # instance), spewing a lot of warnings so this class variable is used to only log a single # warning per namespace. _already_warned_namespaces: Set[str] = set() def __init__( self, indices: List[Tuple[int, int]], sequence_field: SequenceField, labels: List[str] = None, label_namespace: str = "labels", padding_value: int = -1, ) -> None: self.indices = indices self.labels = labels self.sequence_field = sequence_field self._label_namespace = label_namespace self._padding_value = padding_value self._indexed_labels: Optional[List[int]] = None self._maybe_warn_for_namespace(label_namespace) field_length = sequence_field.sequence_length() if len(set(indices)) != len(indices): raise ConfigurationError(f"Indices must be unique, but found {indices}") if not all( 0 <= index[1] < field_length and 0 <= index[0] < field_length for index in indices ): raise ConfigurationError( f"Label indices and sequence length " f"are incompatible: {indices} and {field_length}" ) if labels is not None and len(indices) != len(labels): raise ConfigurationError( f"Labelled indices were passed, but their lengths do not match: " f" {labels}, {indices}" ) def _maybe_warn_for_namespace(self, label_namespace: str) -> None: if not (self._label_namespace.endswith("labels") or self._label_namespace.endswith("tags")): if label_namespace not in self._already_warned_namespaces: logger.warning( "Your label namespace was '%s'. We recommend you use a namespace " "ending with 'labels' or 'tags', so we don't add UNK and PAD tokens by " "default to your vocabulary. See documentation for " "`non_padded_namespaces` parameter in Vocabulary.", self._label_namespace, ) self._already_warned_namespaces.add(label_namespace) @overrides def count_vocab_items(self, counter: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]): if self._indexed_labels is None and self.labels is not None: for label in self.labels: counter[self._label_namespace][label] += 1 # type: ignore @overrides def index(self, vocab: Vocabulary): if self.labels is not None: self._indexed_labels = [ vocab.get_token_index(label, self._label_namespace) for label in self.labels ] @overrides def get_padding_lengths(self) -> Dict[str, int]: return {"num_tokens": self.sequence_field.sequence_length()} @overrides def as_tensor(self, padding_lengths: Dict[str, int]) -> torch.Tensor: desired_num_tokens = padding_lengths["num_tokens"] tensor = torch.ones(desired_num_tokens, desired_num_tokens) * self._padding_value labels = self._indexed_labels or [1 for _ in range(len(self.indices))] for index, label in zip(self.indices, labels): tensor[index] = label return tensor @overrides def empty_field(self) -> "AdjacencyField": # The empty_list here is needed for mypy empty_list: List[Tuple[int, int]] = [] adjacency_field = AdjacencyField( empty_list, self.sequence_field.empty_field(), padding_value=self._padding_value ) return adjacency_field def __str__(self) -> str: length = self.sequence_field.sequence_length() formatted_labels = "".join( "\t\t" + labels + "\n" for labels in textwrap.wrap(repr(self.labels), 100) ) formatted_indices = "".join( "\t\t" + index + "\n" for index in textwrap.wrap(repr(self.indices), 100) ) return ( f"AdjacencyField of length {length}\n" f"\t\twith indices:\n {formatted_indices}\n" f"\t\tand labels:\n {formatted_labels} \t\tin namespace: '{self._label_namespace}'." ) def __len__(self): return len(self.sequence_field)
from typing import Dict from overrides import overrides import torch from import Field from import SequenceField class SpanField(Field[torch.Tensor]): """ A `SpanField` is a pair of inclusive, zero-indexed (start, end) indices into a :class:``, used to represent a span of text. Because it's a pair of indices into a :class:`SequenceField`, we take one of those as input to make the span's dependence explicit and to validate that the span is well defined. # Parameters span_start : `int`, required. The index of the start of the span in the :class:`SequenceField`. span_end : `int`, required. The inclusive index of the end of the span in the :class:`SequenceField`. sequence_field : `SequenceField`, required. A field containing the sequence that this `SpanField` is a span inside. """ __slots__ = ["span_start", "span_end", "sequence_field"] def __init__(self, span_start: int, span_end: int, sequence_field: SequenceField) -> None: self.span_start = span_start self.span_end = span_end self.sequence_field = sequence_field if not isinstance(span_start, int) or not isinstance(span_end, int): raise TypeError( f"SpanFields must be passed integer indices. Found span indices: " f"({span_start}, {span_end}) with types " f"({type(span_start)} {type(span_end)})" ) if span_start > span_end: raise ValueError( f"span_start must be less than span_end, " f"but found ({span_start}, {span_end})." ) if span_end > self.sequence_field.sequence_length() - 1: raise ValueError( f"span_end must be <= len(sequence_length) - 1, but found " f"{span_end} and {self.sequence_field.sequence_length() - 1} respectively." ) @overrides def get_padding_lengths(self) -> Dict[str, int]: return {} @overrides def as_tensor(self, padding_lengths: Dict[str, int]) -> torch.Tensor: tensor = torch.LongTensor([self.span_start, self.span_end]) return tensor @overrides def empty_field(self): return SpanField(-1, -1, self.sequence_field.empty_field()) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"SpanField with spans: ({self.span_start}, {self.span_end})." def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if isinstance(other, tuple) and len(other) == 2: return other == (self.span_start, self.span_end) return super().__eq__(other) def __len__(self): return 2
""" A :class:`` is some piece of data instance that ends up as an array in a model. """ from import Field from import AdjacencyField from import ArrayField from import FlagField from import IndexField from import LabelField from import ListField from import MetadataField from import MultiLabelField from import NamespaceSwappingField from import SequenceField from import SequenceLabelField from import SpanField from import TextField
from typing import Dict, List from overrides import overrides import torch from allennlp.common.util import pad_sequence_to_length from import Vocabulary from import Token from import Field class NamespaceSwappingField(Field[torch.Tensor]): """ A `NamespaceSwappingField` is used to map tokens in one namespace to tokens in another namespace. It is used by seq2seq models with a copy mechanism that copies tokens from the source sentence into the target sentence. # Parameters source_tokens : `List[Token]` The tokens from the source sentence. target_namespace : `str` The namespace that the tokens from the source sentence will be mapped to. """ __slots__ = ["_source_tokens", "_target_namespace", "_mapping_array"] def __init__(self, source_tokens: List[Token], target_namespace: str) -> None: self._source_tokens = source_tokens self._target_namespace = target_namespace self._mapping_array: List[int] = [] @overrides def index(self, vocab: Vocabulary): self._mapping_array = [ vocab.get_token_index(x.ensure_text(), self._target_namespace) for x in self._source_tokens ] @overrides def get_padding_lengths(self) -> Dict[str, int]: return {"num_tokens": len(self._source_tokens)} @overrides def as_tensor(self, padding_lengths: Dict[str, int]) -> torch.Tensor: desired_length = padding_lengths["num_tokens"] padded_tokens = pad_sequence_to_length(self._mapping_array, desired_length) tensor = torch.LongTensor(padded_tokens) return tensor @overrides def empty_field(self) -> "NamespaceSwappingField": empty_field = NamespaceSwappingField([], self._target_namespace) empty_field._mapping_array = [] return empty_field def __len__(self): return len(self._source_tokens)
from typing import Dict, List, Union, Set, Iterator import logging import textwrap from overrides import overrides import torch from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from allennlp.common.util import pad_sequence_to_length from import Field from import SequenceField from import Vocabulary logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SequenceLabelField(Field[torch.Tensor]): """ A `SequenceLabelField` assigns a categorical label to each element in a :class:``. Because it's a labeling of some other field, we take that field as input here, and we use it to determine our padding and other things. This field will get converted into a list of integer class ids, representing the correct class for each element in the sequence. # Parameters labels : `Union[List[str], List[int]]` A sequence of categorical labels, encoded as strings or integers. These could be POS tags like [NN, JJ, ...], BIO tags like [B-PERS, I-PERS, O, O, ...], or any other categorical tag sequence. If the labels are encoded as integers, they will not be indexed using a vocab. sequence_field : `SequenceField` A field containing the sequence that this `SequenceLabelField` is labeling. Most often, this is a `TextField`, for tagging individual tokens in a sentence. label_namespace : `str`, optional (default=`'labels'`) The namespace to use for converting tag strings into integers. We convert tag strings to integers for you, and this parameter tells the `Vocabulary` object which mapping from strings to integers to use (so that "O" as a tag doesn't get the same id as "O" as a word). """ __slots__ = [ "labels", "sequence_field", "_label_namespace", "_indexed_labels", "_skip_indexing", ] # It is possible that users want to use this field with a namespace which uses OOV/PAD tokens. # This warning will be repeated for every instantiation of this class (i.e for every data # instance), spewing a lot of warnings so this class variable is used to only log a single # warning per namespace. _already_warned_namespaces: Set[str] = set() def __init__( self, labels: Union[List[str], List[int]], sequence_field: SequenceField, label_namespace: str = "labels", ) -> None: self.labels = labels self.sequence_field = sequence_field self._label_namespace = label_namespace self._indexed_labels = None self._maybe_warn_for_namespace(label_namespace) if len(labels) != sequence_field.sequence_length(): raise ConfigurationError( "Label length and sequence length " "don't match: %d and %d" % (len(labels), sequence_field.sequence_length()) ) self._skip_indexing = False if all(isinstance(x, int) for x in labels): self._indexed_labels = labels self._skip_indexing = True elif not all(isinstance(x, str) for x in labels): raise ConfigurationError( "SequenceLabelFields must be passed either all " "strings or all ints. Found labels {} with " "types: {}.".format(labels, [type(x) for x in labels]) ) def _maybe_warn_for_namespace(self, label_namespace: str) -> None: if not (self._label_namespace.endswith("labels") or self._label_namespace.endswith("tags")): if label_namespace not in self._already_warned_namespaces: logger.warning( "Your label namespace was '%s'. We recommend you use a namespace " "ending with 'labels' or 'tags', so we don't add UNK and PAD tokens by " "default to your vocabulary. See documentation for " "`non_padded_namespaces` parameter in Vocabulary.", self._label_namespace, ) self._already_warned_namespaces.add(label_namespace) # Sequence methods def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Union[str, int]]: return iter(self.labels) def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> Union[str, int]: return self.labels[idx] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.labels) @overrides def count_vocab_items(self, counter: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]): if self._indexed_labels is None: for label in self.labels: counter[self._label_namespace][label] += 1 # type: ignore @overrides def index(self, vocab: Vocabulary): if not self._skip_indexing: self._indexed_labels = [ vocab.get_token_index(label, self._label_namespace) # type: ignore for label in self.labels ] @overrides def get_padding_lengths(self) -> Dict[str, int]: return {"num_tokens": self.sequence_field.sequence_length()} @overrides def as_tensor(self, padding_lengths: Dict[str, int]) -> torch.Tensor: if self._indexed_labels is None: raise ConfigurationError( "You must call .index(vocabulary) on a field before calling .as_tensor()" ) desired_num_tokens = padding_lengths["num_tokens"] padded_tags = pad_sequence_to_length(self._indexed_labels, desired_num_tokens) tensor = torch.LongTensor(padded_tags) return tensor @overrides def empty_field(self) -> "SequenceLabelField": # The empty_list here is needed for mypy empty_list: List[str] = [] sequence_label_field = SequenceLabelField(empty_list, self.sequence_field.empty_field()) sequence_label_field._indexed_labels = empty_list return sequence_label_field def __str__(self) -> str: length = self.sequence_field.sequence_length() formatted_labels = "".join( "\t\t" + labels + "\n" for labels in textwrap.wrap(repr(self.labels), 100) ) return ( f"SequenceLabelField of length {length} with " f"labels:\n {formatted_labels} \t\tin namespace: '{self._label_namespace}'." )
from typing import Dict, Union, Set import logging from overrides import overrides import torch from import Field from import Vocabulary from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class LabelField(Field[torch.Tensor]): """ A `LabelField` is a categorical label of some kind, where the labels are either strings of text or 0-indexed integers (if you wish to skip indexing by passing skip_indexing=True). If the labels need indexing, we will use a :class:`Vocabulary` to convert the string labels into integers. This field will get converted into an integer index representing the class label. # Parameters label : `Union[str, int]` label_namespace : `str`, optional (default=`"labels"`) The namespace to use for converting label strings into integers. We map label strings to integers for you (e.g., "entailment" and "contradiction" get converted to 0, 1, ...), and this namespace tells the `Vocabulary` object which mapping from strings to integers to use (so "entailment" as a label doesn't get the same integer id as "entailment" as a word). If you have multiple different label fields in your data, you should make sure you use different namespaces for each one, always using the suffix "labels" (e.g., "passage_labels" and "question_labels"). skip_indexing : `bool`, optional (default=`False`) If your labels are 0-indexed integers, you can pass in this flag, and we'll skip the indexing step. If this is `False` and your labels are not strings, this throws a `ConfigurationError`. """ __slots__ = ["label", "_label_namespace", "_label_id", "_skip_indexing"] # Most often, you probably don't want to have OOV/PAD tokens with a LabelField, so we warn you # about it when you pick a namespace that will getting these tokens by default. It is # possible, however, that you _do_ actually want OOV/PAD tokens with this Field. This class # variable is used to make sure that we only log a single warning for this per namespace, and # not every time you create one of these Field objects. _already_warned_namespaces: Set[str] = set() def __init__( self, label: Union[str, int], label_namespace: str = "labels", skip_indexing: bool = False ) -> None: self.label = label self._label_namespace = label_namespace self._label_id = None self._maybe_warn_for_namespace(label_namespace) self._skip_indexing = skip_indexing if skip_indexing: if not isinstance(label, int): raise ConfigurationError( "In order to skip indexing, your labels must be integers. " "Found label = {}".format(label) ) self._label_id = label elif not isinstance(label, str): raise ConfigurationError( "LabelFields must be passed a string label if skip_indexing=False. " "Found label: {} with type: {}.".format(label, type(label)) ) def _maybe_warn_for_namespace(self, label_namespace: str) -> None: if not (self._label_namespace.endswith("labels") or self._label_namespace.endswith("tags")): if label_namespace not in self._already_warned_namespaces: logger.warning( "Your label namespace was '%s'. We recommend you use a namespace " "ending with 'labels' or 'tags', so we don't add UNK and PAD tokens by " "default to your vocabulary. See documentation for " "`non_padded_namespaces` parameter in Vocabulary.", self._label_namespace, ) self._already_warned_namespaces.add(label_namespace) @overrides def count_vocab_items(self, counter: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]): if self._label_id is None: counter[self._label_namespace][self.label] += 1 # type: ignore @overrides def index(self, vocab: Vocabulary): if not self._skip_indexing: self._label_id = vocab.get_token_index( self.label, self._label_namespace # type: ignore ) @overrides def get_padding_lengths(self) -> Dict[str, int]: return {} @overrides def as_tensor(self, padding_lengths: Dict[str, int]) -> torch.Tensor: tensor = torch.tensor(self._label_id, dtype=torch.long) return tensor @overrides def empty_field(self): return LabelField(-1, self._label_namespace, skip_indexing=True) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"LabelField with label: {self.label} in namespace: '{self._label_namespace}'." def __len__(self): return 1
from typing import Dict, Union, Sequence, Set, Optional, cast import logging from overrides import overrides import torch from import Field from import Vocabulary from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MultiLabelField(Field[torch.Tensor]): """ A `MultiLabelField` is an extension of the :class:`LabelField` that allows for multiple labels. It is particularly useful in multi-label classification where more than one label can be correct. As with the :class:`LabelField`, labels are either strings of text or 0-indexed integers (if you wish to skip indexing by passing skip_indexing=True). If the labels need indexing, we will use a :class:`Vocabulary` to convert the string labels into integers. This field will get converted into a vector of length equal to the vocabulary size with one hot encoding for the labels (all zeros, and ones for the labels). # Parameters labels : `Sequence[Union[str, int]]` label_namespace : `str`, optional (default=`"labels"`) The namespace to use for converting label strings into integers. We map label strings to integers for you (e.g., "entailment" and "contradiction" get converted to 0, 1, ...), and this namespace tells the `Vocabulary` object which mapping from strings to integers to use (so "entailment" as a label doesn't get the same integer id as "entailment" as a word). If you have multiple different label fields in your data, you should make sure you use different namespaces for each one, always using the suffix "labels" (e.g., "passage_labels" and "question_labels"). skip_indexing : `bool`, optional (default=`False`) If your labels are 0-indexed integers, you can pass in this flag, and we'll skip the indexing step. If this is `False` and your labels are not strings, this throws a `ConfigurationError`. num_labels : `int`, optional (default=`None`) If `skip_indexing=True`, the total number of possible labels should be provided, which is required to decide the size of the output tensor. `num_labels` should equal largest label id + 1. If `skip_indexing=False`, `num_labels` is not required. """ __slots__ = ["labels", "_label_namespace", "_label_ids", "_num_labels"] # It is possible that users want to use this field with a namespace which uses OOV/PAD tokens. # This warning will be repeated for every instantiation of this class (i.e for every data # instance), spewing a lot of warnings so this class variable is used to only log a single # warning per namespace. _already_warned_namespaces: Set[str] = set() def __init__( self, labels: Sequence[Union[str, int]], label_namespace: str = "labels", skip_indexing: bool = False, num_labels: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: self.labels = labels self._label_namespace = label_namespace self._label_ids = None self._maybe_warn_for_namespace(label_namespace) self._num_labels = num_labels if skip_indexing and self.labels: if not all(isinstance(label, int) for label in labels): raise ConfigurationError( "In order to skip indexing, your labels must be integers. " "Found labels = {}".format(labels) ) if not num_labels: raise ConfigurationError("In order to skip indexing, num_labels can't be None.") if not all(cast(int, label) < num_labels for label in labels): raise ConfigurationError( "All labels should be < num_labels. " "Found num_labels = {} and labels = {} ".format(num_labels, labels) ) self._label_ids = labels else: if not all(isinstance(label, str) for label in labels): raise ConfigurationError( "MultiLabelFields expects string labels if skip_indexing=False. " "Found labels: {}".format(labels) ) def _maybe_warn_for_namespace(self, label_namespace: str) -> None: if not (label_namespace.endswith("labels") or label_namespace.endswith("tags")): if label_namespace not in self._already_warned_namespaces: logger.warning( "Your label namespace was '%s'. We recommend you use a namespace " "ending with 'labels' or 'tags', so we don't add UNK and PAD tokens by " "default to your vocabulary. See documentation for " "`non_padded_namespaces` parameter in Vocabulary.", self._label_namespace, ) self._already_warned_namespaces.add(label_namespace) @overrides def count_vocab_items(self, counter: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]): if self._label_ids is None: for label in self.labels: counter[self._label_namespace][label] += 1 # type: ignore @overrides def index(self, vocab: Vocabulary): if self._label_ids is None: self._label_ids = [ vocab.get_token_index(label, self._label_namespace) # type: ignore for label in self.labels ] if not self._num_labels: self._num_labels = vocab.get_vocab_size(self._label_namespace) @overrides def get_padding_lengths(self) -> Dict[str, int]: return {} @overrides def as_tensor(self, padding_lengths: Dict[str, int]) -> torch.Tensor: tensor = torch.zeros(self._num_labels, dtype=torch.long) # vector of zeros if self._label_ids: tensor.scatter_(0, torch.LongTensor(self._label_ids), 1) return tensor @overrides def empty_field(self): return MultiLabelField( [], self._label_namespace, skip_indexing=True, num_labels=self._num_labels ) def __str__(self) -> str: return ( f"MultiLabelField with labels: {self.labels} in namespace: '{self._label_namespace}'.'" ) def __len__(self): return 1
from import DataArray, Field class SequenceField(Field[DataArray]): """ A `SequenceField` represents a sequence of things. This class just adds a method onto `Field`: :func:`sequence_length`. It exists so that `SequenceLabelField`, `IndexField` and other similar `Fields` can have a single type to require, with a consistent API, whether they are pointing to words in a `TextField`, items in a `ListField`, or something else. """ __slots__ = [] # type: ignore def sequence_length(self) -> int: """ How many elements are there in this sequence? """ raise NotImplementedError def empty_field(self) -> "SequenceField": raise NotImplementedError
from typing import Dict import numpy import torch from overrides import overrides from import Field class ArrayField(Field[numpy.ndarray]): """ A class representing an array, which could have arbitrary dimensions. A batch of these arrays are padded to the max dimension length in the batch for each dimension. """ __slots__ = ["array", "padding_value", "dtype"] def __init__( self, array: numpy.ndarray, padding_value: int = 0, dtype: numpy.dtype = numpy.float32 ) -> None: self.array = array self.padding_value = padding_value self.dtype = dtype @overrides def get_padding_lengths(self) -> Dict[str, int]: return {"dimension_" + str(i): shape for i, shape in enumerate(self.array.shape)} @overrides def as_tensor(self, padding_lengths: Dict[str, int]) -> torch.Tensor: max_shape = [padding_lengths["dimension_{}".format(i)] for i in range(len(padding_lengths))] # Convert explicitly to an ndarray just in case it's an scalar # (it'd end up not being an ndarray otherwise). # Also, the explicit dtype declaration for `asarray` is necessary for scalars. return_array = numpy.asarray( numpy.ones(max_shape, dtype=self.dtype) * self.padding_value, dtype=self.dtype ) # If the tensor has a different shape from the largest tensor, pad dimensions with zeros to # form the right shaped list of slices for insertion into the final tensor. slicing_shape = list(self.array.shape) if len(self.array.shape) < len(max_shape): slicing_shape = slicing_shape + [ 0 for _ in range(len(max_shape) - len(self.array.shape)) ] slices = tuple([slice(0, x) for x in slicing_shape]) return_array[slices] = self.array tensor = torch.from_numpy(return_array) return tensor @overrides def empty_field(self): # Pass the padding_value, so that any outer field, e.g., `ListField[ArrayField]` uses the # same padding_value in the padded ArrayFields return ArrayField( numpy.array([], dtype=self.dtype), padding_value=self.padding_value, dtype=self.dtype ) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"ArrayField with shape: {self.array.shape} and dtype: {self.dtype}." def __len__(self): return 1 if self.array.ndim == 0 else self.array.shape[0] def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: return numpy.array_equal(self.array, other.array)
from typing import Any, Dict, List from overrides import overrides from import Field class FlagField(Field[Any]): """ A class representing a flag, which must be constant across all instances in a batch. This will be passed to a `forward` method as a single value of whatever type you pass in. """ __slots__ = ["flag_value"] def __init__(self, flag_value: Any) -> None: self.flag_value = flag_value @overrides def get_padding_lengths(self) -> Dict[str, int]: return {} @overrides def as_tensor(self, padding_lengths: Dict[str, int]) -> Any: return self.flag_value @overrides def empty_field(self): # Because this has to be constant across all instances in a batch, we need to keep the same # value. return FlagField(self.flag_value) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"FlagField({self.flag_value})" def __len__(self) -> int: return 1 @overrides def batch_tensors(self, tensor_list: List[Any]) -> Any: if len(set(tensor_list)) != 1: raise ValueError( f"Got different values in a FlagField when trying to batch them: {tensor_list}" ) return tensor_list[0]
""" A `TextField` represents a string of text, the kind that you might want to represent with standard word vectors, or pass through an LSTM. """ from collections import defaultdict from copy import deepcopy from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Iterator import textwrap from overrides import overrides from spacy.tokens import Token as SpacyToken import torch from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from import SequenceField from import Token from import TokenIndexer, IndexedTokenList from import Vocabulary from allennlp.nn import util # There are two levels of dictionaries here: the top level is for the *key*, which aligns # TokenIndexers with their corresponding TokenEmbedders. The bottom level is for the *objects* # produced by a given TokenIndexer, which will be input to a particular TokenEmbedder's forward() # method. We label these as tensors, because that's what they typically are, though they could in # reality have arbitrary type. TextFieldTensors = Dict[str, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]] class TextField(SequenceField[TextFieldTensors]): """ This `Field` represents a list of string tokens. Before constructing this object, you need to tokenize raw strings using a :class:``. Because string tokens can be represented as indexed arrays in a number of ways, we also take a dictionary of :class:`` objects that will be used to convert the tokens into indices. Each `TokenIndexer` could represent each token as a single ID, or a list of character IDs, or something else. This field will get converted into a dictionary of arrays, one for each `TokenIndexer`. A `SingleIdTokenIndexer` produces an array of shape (num_tokens,), while a `TokenCharactersIndexer` produces an array of shape (num_tokens, num_characters). """ __slots__ = ["tokens", "_token_indexers", "_indexed_tokens"] def __init__(self, tokens: List[Token], token_indexers: Dict[str, TokenIndexer]) -> None: self.tokens = tokens self._token_indexers = token_indexers self._indexed_tokens: Optional[Dict[str, IndexedTokenList]] = None if not all(isinstance(x, (Token, SpacyToken)) for x in tokens): raise ConfigurationError( "TextFields must be passed Tokens. " "Found: {} with types {}.".format(tokens, [type(x) for x in tokens]) ) @overrides def count_vocab_items(self, counter: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]): for indexer in self._token_indexers.values(): for token in self.tokens: indexer.count_vocab_items(token, counter) @overrides def index(self, vocab: Vocabulary): self._indexed_tokens = {} for indexer_name, indexer in self._token_indexers.items(): self._indexed_tokens[indexer_name] = indexer.tokens_to_indices(self.tokens, vocab) @overrides def get_padding_lengths(self) -> Dict[str, int]: """ The `TextField` has a list of `Tokens`, and each `Token` gets converted into arrays by (potentially) several `TokenIndexers`. This method gets the max length (over tokens) associated with each of these arrays. """ if self._indexed_tokens is None: raise ConfigurationError( "You must call .index(vocabulary) on a field before determining padding lengths." ) padding_lengths = {} for indexer_name, indexer in self._token_indexers.items(): indexer_lengths = indexer.get_padding_lengths(self._indexed_tokens[indexer_name]) for key, length in indexer_lengths.items(): padding_lengths[f"{indexer_name}___{key}"] = length return padding_lengths @overrides def sequence_length(self) -> int: return len(self.tokens) @overrides def as_tensor(self, padding_lengths: Dict[str, int]) -> TextFieldTensors: if self._indexed_tokens is None: raise ConfigurationError( "You must call .index(vocabulary) on a field before calling .as_tensor()" ) tensors = {} indexer_lengths: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]] = defaultdict(dict) for key, value in padding_lengths.items(): # We want this to crash if the split fails. Should never happen, so I'm not # putting in a check, but if you fail on this line, open a github issue. indexer_name, padding_key = key.split("___") indexer_lengths[indexer_name][padding_key] = value for indexer_name, indexer in self._token_indexers.items(): tensors[indexer_name] = indexer.as_padded_tensor_dict( self._indexed_tokens[indexer_name], indexer_lengths[indexer_name] ) return tensors @overrides def empty_field(self): text_field = TextField([], self._token_indexers) text_field._indexed_tokens = {} for indexer_name, indexer in self._token_indexers.items(): text_field._indexed_tokens[indexer_name] = indexer.get_empty_token_list() return text_field @overrides def batch_tensors(self, tensor_list: List[TextFieldTensors]) -> TextFieldTensors: # This is creating a dict of {token_indexer_name: {token_indexer_outputs: batched_tensor}} # for each token indexer used to index this field. indexer_lists: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]] = defaultdict(list) for tensor_dict in tensor_list: for indexer_name, indexer_output in tensor_dict.items(): indexer_lists[indexer_name].append(indexer_output) batched_tensors = { # NOTE(mattg): if an indexer has its own nested structure, rather than one tensor per # argument, then this will break. If that ever happens, we should move this to an # `indexer.batch_tensors` method, with this logic as the default implementation in the # base class. indexer_name: util.batch_tensor_dicts(indexer_outputs) for indexer_name, indexer_outputs in indexer_lists.items() } return batched_tensors def __str__(self) -> str: indexers = { name: indexer.__class__.__name__ for name, indexer in self._token_indexers.items() } # Double tab to indent under the header. formatted_text = "".join( "\t\t" + text + "\n" for text in textwrap.wrap(repr(self.tokens), 100) ) return ( f"TextField of length {self.sequence_length()} with " f"text: \n {formatted_text} \t\tand TokenIndexers : {indexers}" ) # Sequence[Token] methods def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Token]: return iter(self.tokens) def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> Token: return self.tokens[idx] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.tokens) @overrides def duplicate(self): """ Overrides the behavior of `duplicate` so that `self._token_indexers` won't actually be deep-copied. Not only would it be extremely inefficient to deep-copy the token indexers, but it also fails in many cases since some tokenizers (like those used in the 'transformers' lib) cannot actually be deep-copied. """ new = TextField(deepcopy(self.tokens), {k: v for k, v in self._token_indexers.items()}) new._indexed_tokens = deepcopy(self._indexed_tokens) return new
from typing import Dict from overrides import overrides import torch from import Field from import SequenceField from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError class IndexField(Field[torch.Tensor]): """ An `IndexField` is an index into a :class:``, as might be used for representing a correct answer option in a list, or a span begin and span end position in a passage, for example. Because it's an index into a :class:`SequenceField`, we take one of those as input and use it to compute padding lengths. # Parameters index : `int` The index of the answer in the :class:`SequenceField`. This is typically the "correct answer" in some classification decision over the sequence, like where an answer span starts in SQuAD, or which answer option is correct in a multiple choice question. A value of `-1` means there is no label, which can be used for padding or other purposes. sequence_field : `SequenceField` A field containing the sequence that this `IndexField` is a pointer into. """ __slots__ = ["sequence_index", "sequence_field"] def __init__(self, index: int, sequence_field: SequenceField) -> None: self.sequence_index = index self.sequence_field = sequence_field if not isinstance(index, int): raise ConfigurationError( "IndexFields must be passed integer indices. " "Found index: {} with type: {}.".format(index, type(index)) ) @overrides def get_padding_lengths(self) -> Dict[str, int]: return {} @overrides def as_tensor(self, padding_lengths: Dict[str, int]) -> torch.Tensor: tensor = torch.LongTensor([self.sequence_index]) return tensor @overrides def empty_field(self): return IndexField(-1, self.sequence_field.empty_field()) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"IndexField with index: {self.sequence_index}." def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: # Allow equality checks to ints that are the sequence index if isinstance(other, int): return self.sequence_index == other return super().__eq__(other) def __len__(self): return 1
from typing import Dict, List, Iterator from overrides import overrides from import DataArray, Field from import Vocabulary from import SequenceField from allennlp.common.util import pad_sequence_to_length class ListField(SequenceField[DataArray]): """ A `ListField` is a list of other fields. You would use this to represent, e.g., a list of answer options that are themselves `TextFields`. This field will get converted into a tensor that has one more mode than the items in the list. If this is a list of `TextFields` that have shape (num_words, num_characters), this `ListField` will output a tensor of shape (num_sentences, num_words, num_characters). # Parameters field_list : `List[Field]` A list of `Field` objects to be concatenated into a single input tensor. All of the contained `Field` objects must be of the same type. """ __slots__ = ["field_list"] def __init__(self, field_list: List[Field]) -> None: field_class_set = {field.__class__ for field in field_list} assert ( len(field_class_set) == 1 ), "ListFields must contain a single field type, found " + str(field_class_set) # Not sure why mypy has a hard time with this type... self.field_list: List[Field] = field_list # Sequence[Field] methods def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Field]: return iter(self.field_list) def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> Field: return self.field_list[idx] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.field_list) @overrides def count_vocab_items(self, counter: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]): for field in self.field_list: field.count_vocab_items(counter) @overrides def index(self, vocab: Vocabulary): for field in self.field_list: field.index(vocab) @overrides def get_padding_lengths(self) -> Dict[str, int]: field_lengths = [field.get_padding_lengths() for field in self.field_list] padding_lengths = {"num_fields": len(self.field_list)} # We take the set of all possible padding keys for all fields, rather # than just a random key, because it is possible for fields to be empty # when we pad ListFields. possible_padding_keys = [ key for field_length in field_lengths for key in list(field_length.keys()) ] for key in set(possible_padding_keys): # In order to be able to nest ListFields, we need to scope the padding length keys # appropriately, so that nested ListFields don't all use the same "num_fields" key. So # when we construct the dictionary from the list of fields, we add something to the # name, and we remove it when padding the list of fields. padding_lengths["list_" + key] = max(x[key] if key in x else 0 for x in field_lengths) # Set minimum padding length to handle empty list fields. for padding_key in padding_lengths: padding_lengths[padding_key] = max(padding_lengths[padding_key], 1) return padding_lengths @overrides def sequence_length(self) -> int: return len(self.field_list) @overrides def as_tensor(self, padding_lengths: Dict[str, int]) -> DataArray: padded_field_list = pad_sequence_to_length( self.field_list, padding_lengths["num_fields"], self.field_list[0].empty_field ) # Here we're removing the scoping on the padding length keys that we added in # `get_padding_lengths`; see the note there for more detail. child_padding_lengths = { key.replace("list_", "", 1): value for key, value in padding_lengths.items() if key.startswith("list_") } padded_fields = [field.as_tensor(child_padding_lengths) for field in padded_field_list] return self.field_list[0].batch_tensors(padded_fields) @overrides def empty_field(self): # Our "empty" list field will actually have a single field in the list, so that we can # correctly construct nested lists. For example, if we have a type that is # `ListField[ListField[LabelField]]`, we need the top-level `ListField` to know to # construct a `ListField[LabelField]` when it's padding, and the nested `ListField` needs # to know that it's empty objects are `LabelFields`. Having an "empty" list actually have # length one makes this all work out, and we'll always be padding to at least length 1, # anyway. return ListField([self.field_list[0].empty_field()]) @overrides def batch_tensors(self, tensor_list: List[DataArray]) -> DataArray: # We defer to the class we're wrapping in a list to handle the batching. return self.field_list[0].batch_tensors(tensor_list) def __str__(self) -> str: field_class = self.field_list[0].__class__.__name__ base_string = f"ListField of {len(self.field_list)} {field_class}s : \n" return " ".join([base_string] + [f"\t {field} \n" for field in self.field_list])
import re import pytest from allennlp.version import VERSION # Regex to check that the current version set in `allennlp.version` adheres to # PEP 440, as well as some of our own internal conventions, such as the `.dev` # suffix being used only for nightly builds. # 0.0.0rc0.post0.dev20200424 VALID_VERSION_RE = re.compile( r"^" r"(0|[1-9]\d*)" # major r"\.(0|[1-9]\d*)" # minor r"\.(0|[1-9]\d*)" # patch r"(rc(0|[1-9]\d*))?" # patch suffix r"(\.post(0|[1-9]\d*))?" # [.postN] r"(\.dev2020[0-9]{4})?" # [.devDATE] r"$" ) def is_valid(version: str) -> bool: return VALID_VERSION_RE.match(version) is not None @pytest.mark.parametrize( "version, valid", [ # Valid versions: ("1.0.0", True), ("1.0.0rc3", True), ("1.0.0.post0", True), ("1.0.0.post1", True), ("1.0.0rc3.post0", True), ("1.0.0rc3.post0.dev20200424", True), # Invalid versions: ("1.0.0.rc3", False), ("1.0.0rc01", False), ("1.0.0rc3.dev2020424", False), ], ) def test_is_valid_helper(version: str, valid: bool): assert is_valid(version) is valid def test_version(): """ Ensures current version is consistent with our conventions. """ assert is_valid(VERSION)
from typing import Dict, Optional import os import tempfile import tarfile import pytest import torch from allennlp.nn import InitializerApplicator, Initializer from allennlp.nn.initializers import PretrainedModelInitializer from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from allennlp.common.params import Params class _Net1(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.linear_1 = torch.nn.Linear(5, 10) self.linear_2 = torch.nn.Linear(10, 5) self.scalar = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.rand(())) def forward(self, inputs): pass class _Net2(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.linear_1 = torch.nn.Linear(5, 10) self.linear_3 = torch.nn.Linear(10, 5) self.scalar = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.rand(())) def forward(self, inputs): pass class TestPretrainedModelInitializer(AllenNlpTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() self.net1 = _Net1() self.net2 = _Net2() self.temp_file = self.TEST_DIR / "", self.temp_file) def _are_equal(self, linear1: torch.nn.Linear, linear2: torch.nn.Linear) -> bool: return torch.equal(linear1.weight, linear2.weight) and torch.equal( linear1.bias, linear2.bias ) def _get_applicator( self, regex: str, weights_file_path: str, parameter_name_overrides: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, ) -> InitializerApplicator: initializer = PretrainedModelInitializer(weights_file_path, parameter_name_overrides) return InitializerApplicator([(regex, initializer)]) def test_random_initialization(self): # The tests in the class rely on the fact that the parameters for # `self.net1` and `self.net2` are randomly initialized and not # equal at the beginning. This test makes sure that's true assert not self._are_equal(self.net1.linear_1, self.net2.linear_1) assert not self._are_equal(self.net1.linear_2, self.net2.linear_3) def test_from_params(self): params = Params({"type": "pretrained", "weights_file_path": self.temp_file}) initializer = Initializer.from_params(params) assert initializer.weights assert initializer.parameter_name_overrides == {} name_overrides = {"a": "b", "c": "d"} params = Params( { "type": "pretrained", "weights_file_path": self.temp_file, "parameter_name_overrides": name_overrides, } ) initializer = Initializer.from_params(params) assert initializer.weights assert initializer.parameter_name_overrides == name_overrides def test_from_params_tar_gz(self): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".tar.gz") as f: with, mode="w:gz") as archive: archive.add(self.temp_file, arcname=os.path.basename(self.temp_file)) f.flush() params = Params({"type": "pretrained", "weights_file_path":}) initializer = Initializer.from_params(params) assert initializer.weights assert initializer.parameter_name_overrides == {} for name, parameter in self.net2.state_dict().items(): assert torch.equal(parameter, initializer.weights[name]) def test_default_parameter_names(self): # This test initializes net1 to net2's parameters. It doesn't use # the parameter name overrides, so it will verify the initialization # works if the two parameters' names are the same. applicator = self._get_applicator("linear_1.weight|linear_1.bias", self.temp_file) applicator(self.net1) assert self._are_equal(self.net1.linear_1, self.net2.linear_1) assert not self._are_equal(self.net1.linear_2, self.net2.linear_3) def test_parameter_name_overrides(self): # This test will use the parameter name overrides to initialize all # of net1's weights to net2's. name_overrides = {"linear_2.weight": "linear_3.weight", "linear_2.bias": "linear_3.bias"} applicator = self._get_applicator("linear_*", self.temp_file, name_overrides) applicator(self.net1) assert self._are_equal(self.net1.linear_1, self.net2.linear_1) assert self._are_equal(self.net1.linear_2, self.net2.linear_3) def test_size_mismatch(self): # This test will verify that an exception is raised when you try # to initialize a parameter to a pretrained parameter and they have # different sizes name_overrides = {"linear_1.weight": "linear_3.weight"} applicator = self._get_applicator("linear_1.*", self.temp_file, name_overrides) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): applicator(self.net1) def test_zero_dim_tensor(self): # This test will verify that a 0-dim tensor can be initialized. # It raises IndexError if slicing a tensor to copy the parameter. applicator = self._get_applicator("scalar", self.temp_file) applicator(self.net1) assert torch.equal(self.net1.scalar, self.net2.scalar) @pytest.mark.skipif(not torch.cuda.is_available(), reason="No CUDA device registered.") def test_load_to_gpu_from_gpu(self): # This test will make sure that the initializer works on the GPU self.net1.cuda(device=0) self.net2.cuda(device=0) # Verify the parameters are on the GPU assert self.net1.linear_1.weight.is_cuda is True assert self.net1.linear_1.bias.is_cuda is True assert self.net2.linear_1.weight.is_cuda is True assert self.net2.linear_1.bias.is_cuda is True # We need to manually save the parameters to a file because setup_method() # only does it for the CPU temp_file = self.TEST_DIR / "", temp_file) applicator = self._get_applicator("linear_1.*", temp_file) applicator(self.net1) # Verify the parameters are still on the GPU assert self.net1.linear_1.weight.is_cuda is True assert self.net1.linear_1.bias.is_cuda is True assert self.net2.linear_1.weight.is_cuda is True assert self.net2.linear_1.bias.is_cuda is True # Make sure the weights are identical assert self._are_equal(self.net1.linear_1, self.net2.linear_1) @pytest.mark.skipif(not torch.cuda.is_available(), reason="No CUDA device registered.") def test_load_to_cpu_from_gpu(self): # This test will load net2's parameters onto the GPU, then use them to # initialize net1 on the CPU self.net2.cuda(device=0) # Verify the parameters are on the GPU assert self.net2.linear_1.weight.is_cuda is True assert self.net2.linear_1.bias.is_cuda is True temp_file = self.TEST_DIR / "", temp_file) applicator = self._get_applicator("linear_1.*", temp_file) applicator(self.net1) # Verify the parameters are on the CPU assert self.net1.linear_1.weight.is_cuda is False assert self.net1.linear_1.bias.is_cuda is False # Make sure the weights are identical assert self._are_equal(self.net1.linear_1, self.net2.linear_1.cpu()) @pytest.mark.skipif(not torch.cuda.is_available(), reason="No CUDA device registered.") def test_load_to_gpu_from_cpu(self): # This test will load net1's parameters onto the GPU, then use net2's # on the CPU to initialize net1's parameters. self.net1.cuda(device=0) # Verify the parameters are on the GPU assert self.net1.linear_1.weight.is_cuda is True assert self.net1.linear_1.bias.is_cuda is True # net2's parameters are already saved to CPU from setup_method() applicator = self._get_applicator("linear_1.*", self.temp_file) applicator(self.net1) # Verify the parameters are on the GPU assert self.net1.linear_1.weight.is_cuda is True assert self.net1.linear_1.bias.is_cuda is True # Make sure the weights are identical assert self._are_equal(self.net1.linear_1.cpu(), self.net2.linear_1)
import json import logging import math import numpy import pytest import torch import _jsonnet from allennlp.nn import InitializerApplicator, Initializer from allennlp.nn.initializers import block_orthogonal, uniform_unit_scaling from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from allennlp.common.params import Params class TestInitializers(AllenNlpTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() logging.getLogger("allennlp.nn.initializers").disabled = False def tearDown(self): super().tearDown() logging.getLogger("allennlp.nn.initializers").disabled = True def test_from_params_string(self): Initializer.from_params(params="eye") def test_from_params_none(self): Initializer.from_params(params=None) def test_regex_matches_are_initialized_correctly(self): class Net(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.linear_1_with_funky_name = torch.nn.Linear(5, 10) self.linear_2 = torch.nn.Linear(10, 5) self.conv = torch.nn.Conv1d(5, 5, 5) def forward(self, inputs): pass # Make sure we handle regexes properly json_params = """{"initializer": {"regexes": [ ["conv", {"type": "constant", "val": 5}], ["funky_na.*bi", {"type": "constant", "val": 7}] ]}} """ params = Params(json.loads(_jsonnet.evaluate_snippet("", json_params))) initializers = InitializerApplicator.from_params(params=params["initializer"]) model = Net() initializers(model) for parameter in model.conv.parameters(): assert torch.equal(, torch.ones(parameter.size()) * 5) parameter = model.linear_1_with_funky_name.bias assert torch.equal(, torch.ones(parameter.size()) * 7) def test_block_orthogonal_can_initialize(self): tensor = torch.zeros([10, 6]) block_orthogonal(tensor, [5, 3]) tensor = def test_block_is_orthogonal(block) -> None: matrix_product = block.T @ block numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( matrix_product, numpy.eye(matrix_product.shape[-1]), 6 ) test_block_is_orthogonal(tensor[:5, :3]) test_block_is_orthogonal(tensor[:5, 3:]) test_block_is_orthogonal(tensor[5:, 3:]) test_block_is_orthogonal(tensor[5:, :3]) def test_block_orthogonal_raises_on_mismatching_dimensions(self): tensor = torch.zeros([10, 6, 8]) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): block_orthogonal(tensor, [7, 2, 1]) def test_uniform_unit_scaling_can_initialize(self): tensor = torch.zeros([10, 6]) uniform_unit_scaling(tensor, "linear") assert < math.sqrt(3 / 10) assert > -math.sqrt(3 / 10) # Check that it gets the scaling correct for relu (1.43). uniform_unit_scaling(tensor, "relu") assert < math.sqrt(3 / 10) * 1.43 assert > -math.sqrt(3 / 10) * 1.43 def test_regex_match_prevention_prevents_and_overrides(self): class Net(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.linear_1 = torch.nn.Linear(5, 10) self.linear_2 = torch.nn.Linear(10, 5) # typical actual usage: modules loaded from allenlp.model.load(..) self.linear_3_transfer = torch.nn.Linear(5, 10) self.linear_4_transfer = torch.nn.Linear(10, 5) self.pretrained_conv = torch.nn.Conv1d(5, 5, 5) def forward(self, inputs): pass json_params = """{"initializer": { "regexes": [ [".*linear.*", {"type": "constant", "val": 10}], [".*conv.*", {"type": "constant", "val": 10}] ], "prevent_regexes": [".*_transfer.*", ".*pretrained.*"] }} """ params = Params(json.loads(_jsonnet.evaluate_snippet("", json_params))) initializers = InitializerApplicator.from_params(params=params["initializer"]) model = Net() initializers(model) for module in [model.linear_1, model.linear_2]: for parameter in module.parameters(): assert torch.equal(, torch.ones(parameter.size()) * 10) transfered_modules = [ model.linear_3_transfer, model.linear_4_transfer, model.pretrained_conv, ] for module in transfered_modules: for parameter in module.parameters(): assert not torch.equal(, torch.ones(parameter.size()) * 10)
import re import torch from allennlp.common.params import Params from allennlp.nn import InitializerApplicator, Initializer from allennlp.nn.regularizers import L1Regularizer, L2Regularizer, RegularizerApplicator from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase class TestRegularizers(AllenNlpTestCase): def test_l1_regularization(self): model = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Linear(5, 10), torch.nn.Linear(10, 5)) constant_init = Initializer.from_params(Params({"type": "constant", "val": -1})) initializer = InitializerApplicator([(".*", constant_init)]) initializer(model) value = RegularizerApplicator([("", L1Regularizer(1.0))])(model) # 115 because of biases. assert == 115.0 def test_l2_regularization(self): model = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Linear(5, 10), torch.nn.Linear(10, 5)) constant_init = Initializer.from_params(Params({"type": "constant", "val": 0.5})) initializer = InitializerApplicator([(".*", constant_init)]) initializer(model) value = RegularizerApplicator([("", L2Regularizer(1.0))])(model) assert == 28.75 def test_regularizer_applicator_respects_regex_matching(self): model = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Linear(5, 10), torch.nn.Linear(10, 5)) constant_init = Initializer.from_params(Params({"type": "constant", "val": 1.0})) initializer = InitializerApplicator([(".*", constant_init)]) initializer(model) value = RegularizerApplicator( [("weight", L2Regularizer(0.5)), ("bias", L1Regularizer(1.0))] )(model) assert == 65.0 def test_from_params(self): params = Params({"regexes": [("conv", "l1"), ("linear", {"type": "l2", "alpha": 10})]}) regularizer_applicator = RegularizerApplicator.from_params(params) regularizers = regularizer_applicator._regularizers conv = linear = None for regex, regularizer in regularizers: if regex == "conv": conv = regularizer elif regex == "linear": linear = regularizer assert isinstance(conv, L1Regularizer) assert isinstance(linear, L2Regularizer) assert linear.alpha == 10 def test_frozen_params(self): model = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Linear(5, 10), torch.nn.Linear(10, 5)) constant_init = Initializer.from_params(Params({"type": "constant", "val": -1})) initializer = InitializerApplicator([(".*", constant_init)]) initializer(model) # freeze the parameters of the first linear for name, param in model.named_parameters(): if"0.*$", name): param.requires_grad = False value = RegularizerApplicator([("", L1Regularizer(1.0))])(model) # 55 because of bias (5*10 + 5) assert == 55
import numpy import pytest import torch from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from allennlp.nn.chu_liu_edmonds import _find_cycle, decode_mst class ChuLiuEdmondsTest(AllenNlpTestCase): def test_find_cycle(self): # No cycle parents = [0, 2, 3, 0, 3] current_nodes = [True for _ in range(5)] has_cycle, cycle = _find_cycle(parents, 5, current_nodes) assert not has_cycle assert not cycle # Cycle parents = [0, 2, 3, 1, 3] has_cycle, cycle = _find_cycle(parents, 5, current_nodes) assert has_cycle assert cycle == [1, 2, 3] # No cycle if ignored nodes are correctly ignored. parents = [-1, 0, 1, 4, 3] current_nodes = [True for _ in range(5)] current_nodes[4] = False current_nodes[3] = False has_cycle, cycle = _find_cycle(parents, 5, current_nodes) assert not has_cycle assert cycle == [] # Cycle, but excluding ignored nodes which form their own cycle. parents = [-1, 2, 1, 4, 3] current_nodes = [True for _ in range(5)] current_nodes[1] = False current_nodes[2] = False has_cycle, cycle = _find_cycle(parents, 5, current_nodes) assert has_cycle assert cycle == [3, 4] def test_mst(self): # First, test some random cases as sanity checks. # No label case energy = numpy.random.rand(5, 5) heads, types = decode_mst(energy, 5, has_labels=False) assert not _find_cycle(heads, 5, [True] * 5)[0] # Labeled case energy = numpy.random.rand(3, 5, 5) heads, types = decode_mst(energy, 5) assert not _find_cycle(heads, 5, [True] * 5)[0] label_id_matrix = energy.argmax(axis=0) # Check that the labels correspond to the # argmax of the labels for the arcs. for child, parent in enumerate(heads): # The first index corresponds to the symbolic # head token, which won't necessarily have an # argmax type. if child == 0: continue assert types[child] == label_id_matrix[parent, child] # Check wrong dimensions throw errors with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): energy = numpy.random.rand(5, 5) decode_mst(energy, 5, has_labels=True) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): energy = numpy.random.rand(3, 5, 5) decode_mst(energy, 5, has_labels=False) def test_mst_finds_maximum_spanning_tree(self): energy = torch.arange(1, 10).view(1, 3, 3) heads, _ = decode_mst(energy.numpy(), 3) assert list(heads) == [-1, 2, 0]
import json import random from typing import NamedTuple, Any import numpy from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal, assert_almost_equal import torch import pytest from flaky import flaky from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from allennlp.common.util import sanitize from import Token, Vocabulary from import TextField from import ( ELMoTokenCharactersIndexer, TokenCharactersIndexer, SingleIdTokenIndexer, ) from allennlp.nn import util from allennlp.models import load_archive class TestNnUtil(AllenNlpTestCase): def test_get_sequence_lengths_from_binary_mask(self): binary_mask = torch.tensor( [ [True, True, True, False, False, False], [True, True, False, False, False, False], [True, True, True, True, True, True], [True, False, False, False, False, False], ] ) lengths = util.get_lengths_from_binary_sequence_mask(binary_mask) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(lengths.numpy(), numpy.array([3, 2, 6, 1])) def test_get_mask_from_sequence_lengths(self): sequence_lengths = torch.LongTensor([4, 3, 1, 4, 2]) mask = util.get_mask_from_sequence_lengths(sequence_lengths, 5).data.numpy() assert_almost_equal( mask, [[1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0, 0, 0]], ) def test_get_sequence_lengths_converts_to_long_tensor_and_avoids_variable_overflow(self): # Tests the following weird behaviour in Pytorch 0.1.12 # doesn't happen for our sequence masks: # # mask = torch.ones([260]).bool() # mask.sum() # equals 260. # var_mask = t.a.V(mask) # var_mask.sum() # equals 4, due to 8 bit precision - the sum overflows. binary_mask = torch.ones(2, 260).bool() lengths = util.get_lengths_from_binary_sequence_mask(binary_mask) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(, numpy.array([260, 260])) def test_clamp_tensor(self): # Test on uncoalesced sparse tensor i = torch.LongTensor([[0, 1, 1, 0], [2, 0, 2, 2]]) v = torch.FloatTensor([3, 4, -5, 3]) tensor = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(i, v, torch.Size([2, 3])) clamped_tensor = util.clamp_tensor(tensor, minimum=-3, maximum=3).to_dense() assert_almost_equal(clamped_tensor, [[0, 0, 3], [3, 0, -3]]) # Test on coalesced sparse tensor i = torch.LongTensor([[0, 1, 1], [2, 0, 2]]) v = torch.FloatTensor([3, 4, -5]) tensor = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(i, v, torch.Size([2, 3])) clamped_tensor = util.clamp_tensor(tensor, minimum=-3, maximum=3).to_dense() assert_almost_equal(clamped_tensor, [[0, 0, 3], [3, 0, -3]]) # Test on dense tensor tensor = torch.tensor([[5, -4, 3], [-3, 0, -30]]) clamped_tensor = util.clamp_tensor(tensor, minimum=-3, maximum=3) assert_almost_equal(clamped_tensor, [[3, -3, 3], [-3, 0, -3]]) def test_sort_tensor_by_length(self): tensor = torch.rand([5, 7, 9]) tensor[0, 3:, :] = 0 tensor[1, 4:, :] = 0 tensor[2, 1:, :] = 0 tensor[3, 5:, :] = 0 sequence_lengths = torch.LongTensor([3, 4, 1, 5, 7]) sorted_tensor, sorted_lengths, reverse_indices, _ = util.sort_batch_by_length( tensor, sequence_lengths ) # Test sorted indices are padded correctly. numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(sorted_tensor[1, 5:, :].data.numpy(), 0.0) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(sorted_tensor[2, 4:, :].data.numpy(), 0.0) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(sorted_tensor[3, 3:, :].data.numpy(), 0.0) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(sorted_tensor[4, 1:, :].data.numpy(), 0.0) assert[7, 5, 4, 3, 1])) # Test restoration indices correctly recover the original tensor. assert sorted_tensor.index_select(0, reverse_indices).data.equal( def test_get_final_encoder_states(self): encoder_outputs = torch.Tensor( [ [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12]], [[13, 14, 15, 16], [17, 18, 19, 20], [21, 22, 23, 24]], ] ) mask = torch.tensor([[True, True, True], [True, True, False]]) final_states = util.get_final_encoder_states(encoder_outputs, mask, bidirectional=False) assert_almost_equal(, [[9, 10, 11, 12], [17, 18, 19, 20]]) final_states = util.get_final_encoder_states(encoder_outputs, mask, bidirectional=True) assert_almost_equal(, [[9, 10, 3, 4], [17, 18, 15, 16]]) def test_masked_softmax_no_mask(self): # Testing the general unmasked 1D case. vector_1d = torch.FloatTensor([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]]) vector_1d_softmaxed = util.masked_softmax(vector_1d, None).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal( vector_1d_softmaxed, numpy.array([[0.090031, 0.244728, 0.665241]]) ) assert_almost_equal(1.0, numpy.sum(vector_1d_softmaxed), decimal=6) vector_1d = torch.FloatTensor([[1.0, 2.0, 5.0]]) vector_1d_softmaxed = util.masked_softmax(vector_1d, None).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal(vector_1d_softmaxed, numpy.array([[0.017148, 0.046613, 0.93624]])) # Testing the unmasked 1D case where the input is all 0s. vector_zero = torch.FloatTensor([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) vector_zero_softmaxed = util.masked_softmax(vector_zero, None).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal( vector_zero_softmaxed, numpy.array([[0.33333334, 0.33333334, 0.33333334]]) ) # Testing the general unmasked batched case. matrix = torch.FloatTensor([[1.0, 2.0, 5.0], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]]) masked_matrix_softmaxed = util.masked_softmax(matrix, None).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal( masked_matrix_softmaxed, numpy.array( [[0.01714783, 0.04661262, 0.93623955], [0.09003057, 0.24472847, 0.66524096]] ), ) # Testing the unmasked batched case where one of the inputs are all 0s. matrix = torch.FloatTensor([[1.0, 2.0, 5.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) masked_matrix_softmaxed = util.masked_softmax(matrix, None).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal( masked_matrix_softmaxed, numpy.array( [[0.01714783, 0.04661262, 0.93623955], [0.33333334, 0.33333334, 0.33333334]] ), ) def test_masked_softmax_masked(self): # Testing the general masked 1D case. vector_1d = torch.FloatTensor([[1.0, 2.0, 5.0]]) mask_1d = torch.tensor([[True, False, True]]) vector_1d_softmaxed = util.masked_softmax(vector_1d, mask_1d).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal(vector_1d_softmaxed, numpy.array([[0.01798621, 0.0, 0.98201382]])) vector_1d = torch.FloatTensor([[0.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]]) mask_1d = torch.tensor([[True, False, True, True]]) vector_1d_softmaxed = util.masked_softmax(vector_1d, mask_1d).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal( vector_1d_softmaxed, numpy.array([[0.01321289, 0.0, 0.26538793, 0.72139918]]) ) # Testing the masked 1D case where the input is all 0s and the mask # is not all 0s. vector_1d = torch.FloatTensor([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) mask_1d = torch.tensor([[False, False, False, True]]) vector_1d_softmaxed = util.masked_softmax(vector_1d, mask_1d).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal(vector_1d_softmaxed, numpy.array([[0, 0, 0, 1]])) # Testing the masked 1D case where the input is not all 0s # and the mask is all 0s. vector_1d = torch.FloatTensor([[0.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]]) mask_1d = torch.tensor([[False, False, False, False]]) vector_1d_softmaxed = util.masked_softmax(vector_1d, mask_1d).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal(vector_1d_softmaxed, numpy.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])) # Testing the masked 1D case where the input is all 0s and # the mask is all 0s. vector_1d = torch.FloatTensor([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) mask_1d = torch.tensor([[False, False, False, False]]) vector_1d_softmaxed = util.masked_softmax(vector_1d, mask_1d).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal(vector_1d_softmaxed, numpy.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])) # Testing the masked 1D case where there are large elements in the # padding. vector_1d = torch.FloatTensor([[1.0, 1.0, 1e5]]) mask_1d = torch.tensor([[True, True, False]]) vector_1d_softmaxed = util.masked_softmax(vector_1d, mask_1d).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal(vector_1d_softmaxed, numpy.array([[0.5, 0.5, 0]])) # Testing the general masked batched case. matrix = torch.FloatTensor([[1.0, 2.0, 5.0], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]]) mask = torch.tensor([[True, False, True], [True, True, True]]) masked_matrix_softmaxed = util.masked_softmax(matrix, mask).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal( masked_matrix_softmaxed, numpy.array([[0.01798621, 0.0, 0.98201382], [0.090031, 0.244728, 0.665241]]), ) # Testing the masked batch case where one of the inputs is all 0s but # none of the masks are all 0. matrix = torch.FloatTensor([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]]) mask = torch.tensor([[True, False, True], [True, True, True]]) masked_matrix_softmaxed = util.masked_softmax(matrix, mask).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal( masked_matrix_softmaxed, numpy.array([[0.5, 0.0, 0.5], [0.090031, 0.244728, 0.665241]]) ) # Testing the masked batch case where one of the inputs is all 0s and # one of the masks are all 0. matrix = torch.FloatTensor([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]]) mask = torch.tensor([[True, False, True], [False, False, False]]) masked_matrix_softmaxed = util.masked_softmax(matrix, mask).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal( masked_matrix_softmaxed, numpy.array([[0.5, 0.0, 0.5], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) ) matrix = torch.FloatTensor([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]]) mask = torch.tensor([[False, False, False], [True, False, True]]) masked_matrix_softmaxed = util.masked_softmax(matrix, mask).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal( masked_matrix_softmaxed, numpy.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.11920292, 0.0, 0.88079708]]) ) def test_masked_softmax_memory_efficient_masked(self): # Testing the general masked 1D case. vector_1d = torch.FloatTensor([[1.0, 2.0, 5.0]]) mask_1d = torch.tensor([[True, False, True]]) vector_1d_softmaxed = util.masked_softmax( vector_1d, mask_1d, memory_efficient=True ).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal(vector_1d_softmaxed, numpy.array([[0.01798621, 0.0, 0.98201382]])) vector_1d = torch.FloatTensor([[0.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]]) mask_1d = torch.tensor([[True, False, True, True]]) vector_1d_softmaxed = util.masked_softmax( vector_1d, mask_1d, memory_efficient=True ).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal( vector_1d_softmaxed, numpy.array([[0.01321289, 0.0, 0.26538793, 0.72139918]]) ) # Testing the masked 1D case where the input is all 0s and the mask # is not all 0s. vector_1d = torch.FloatTensor([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) mask_1d = torch.tensor([[False, False, False, True]]) vector_1d_softmaxed = util.masked_softmax( vector_1d, mask_1d, memory_efficient=True ).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal(vector_1d_softmaxed, numpy.array([[0, 0, 0, 1]])) # Testing the masked 1D case where the input is not all 0s # and the mask is all 0s. vector_1d = torch.FloatTensor([[0.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]]) mask_1d = torch.tensor([[False, False, False, False]]) vector_1d_softmaxed = util.masked_softmax( vector_1d, mask_1d, memory_efficient=True ).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal(vector_1d_softmaxed, numpy.array([[0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]])) # Testing the masked 1D case where the input is all 0s and # the mask is all 0s. vector_1d = torch.FloatTensor([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) mask_1d = torch.tensor([[False, False, False, False]]) vector_1d_softmaxed = util.masked_softmax( vector_1d, mask_1d, memory_efficient=True ).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal(vector_1d_softmaxed, numpy.array([[0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]])) # Testing the masked 1D case where there are large elements in the # padding. vector_1d = torch.FloatTensor([[1.0, 1.0, 1e5]]) mask_1d = torch.tensor([[True, True, False]]) vector_1d_softmaxed = util.masked_softmax( vector_1d, mask_1d, memory_efficient=True ).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal(vector_1d_softmaxed, numpy.array([[0.5, 0.5, 0]])) # Testing the general masked batched case. matrix = torch.FloatTensor([[1.0, 2.0, 5.0], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]]) mask = torch.tensor([[True, False, True], [True, True, True]]) masked_matrix_softmaxed = util.masked_softmax( matrix, mask, memory_efficient=True ).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal( masked_matrix_softmaxed, numpy.array([[0.01798621, 0.0, 0.98201382], [0.090031, 0.244728, 0.665241]]), ) # Testing the masked batch case where one of the inputs is all 0s but # none of the masks are all 0. matrix = torch.FloatTensor([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]]) mask = torch.tensor([[True, False, True], [True, True, True]]) masked_matrix_softmaxed = util.masked_softmax( matrix, mask, memory_efficient=True ).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal( masked_matrix_softmaxed, numpy.array([[0.5, 0.0, 0.5], [0.090031, 0.244728, 0.665241]]) ) # Testing the masked batch case where one of the inputs is all 0s and # one of the masks are all 0. matrix = torch.FloatTensor([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]]) mask = torch.tensor([[True, False, True], [False, False, False]]) masked_matrix_softmaxed = util.masked_softmax( matrix, mask, memory_efficient=True ).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal( masked_matrix_softmaxed, numpy.array([[0.5, 0.0, 0.5], [0.33333333, 0.33333333, 0.33333333]]), ) matrix = torch.FloatTensor([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]]) mask = torch.tensor([[False, False, False], [True, False, True]]) masked_matrix_softmaxed = util.masked_softmax( matrix, mask, memory_efficient=True ).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal( masked_matrix_softmaxed, numpy.array([[0.33333333, 0.33333333, 0.33333333], [0.11920292, 0.0, 0.88079708]]), ) def test_masked_log_softmax_masked(self): # Tests replicated from test_softmax_masked - we test that exponentiated, # the log softmax contains the correct elements (masked elements should be == 1). # Testing the general masked 1D case. vector_1d = torch.FloatTensor([[1.0, 2.0, 5.0]]) mask_1d = torch.tensor([[True, False, True]]) vector_1d_softmaxed = util.masked_log_softmax(vector_1d, mask_1d).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal( numpy.exp(vector_1d_softmaxed), numpy.array([[0.01798621, 0.0, 0.98201382]]) ) vector_1d = torch.FloatTensor([[0.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]]) mask_1d = torch.tensor([[True, False, True, True]]) vector_1d_softmaxed = util.masked_log_softmax(vector_1d, mask_1d).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal( numpy.exp(vector_1d_softmaxed), numpy.array([[0.01321289, 0.0, 0.26538793, 0.72139918]]) ) # Testing the masked 1D case where the input is all 0s and the mask # is not all 0s. vector_1d = torch.FloatTensor([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) mask_1d = torch.tensor([[False, False, False, True]]) vector_1d_softmaxed = util.masked_log_softmax(vector_1d, mask_1d).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal( numpy.exp(vector_1d_softmaxed), numpy.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) ) # Testing the masked 1D case where the input is not all 0s # and the mask is all 0s. The output here will be arbitrary, but it should not be nan. vector_1d = torch.FloatTensor([[0.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]]) mask_1d = torch.tensor([[False, False, False, False]]) vector_1d_softmaxed = util.masked_log_softmax(vector_1d, mask_1d).data.numpy() assert not numpy.isnan(vector_1d_softmaxed).any() def test_masked_max(self): # Testing the general masked 1D case. vector_1d = torch.FloatTensor([1.0, 12.0, 5.0]) mask_1d = torch.tensor([True, False, True]) vector_1d_maxed = util.masked_max(vector_1d, mask_1d, dim=0).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal(vector_1d_maxed, 5.0) # Testing if all masks are zero, the output will be arbitrary, but it should not be nan. vector_1d = torch.FloatTensor([1.0, 12.0, 5.0]) mask_1d = torch.tensor([False, False, False]) vector_1d_maxed = util.masked_max(vector_1d, mask_1d, dim=0).data.numpy() assert not numpy.isnan(vector_1d_maxed).any() # Testing batch value and batch masks matrix = torch.FloatTensor([[1.0, 12.0, 5.0], [-1.0, -2.0, 3.0]]) mask = torch.tensor([[True, False, True], [True, True, False]]) matrix_maxed = util.masked_max(matrix, mask, dim=-1).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal(matrix_maxed, numpy.array([5.0, -1.0])) # Testing keepdim for batch value and batch masks matrix = torch.FloatTensor([[1.0, 12.0, 5.0], [-1.0, -2.0, 3.0]]) mask = torch.tensor([[True, False, True], [True, True, False]]) matrix_maxed = util.masked_max(matrix, mask, dim=-1, keepdim=True).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal(matrix_maxed, numpy.array([[5.0], [-1.0]])) # Testing broadcast matrix = torch.FloatTensor( [[[1.0, 2.0], [12.0, 3.0], [5.0, -1.0]], [[-1.0, -3.0], [-2.0, -0.5], [3.0, 8.0]]] ) mask = torch.tensor([[True, False, True], [True, True, False]]).unsqueeze(-1) matrix_maxed = util.masked_max(matrix, mask, dim=1).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal(matrix_maxed, numpy.array([[5.0, 2.0], [-1.0, -0.5]])) def test_masked_mean(self): # Testing the general masked 1D case. vector_1d = torch.FloatTensor([1.0, 12.0, 5.0]) mask_1d = torch.tensor([True, False, True]) vector_1d_mean = util.masked_mean(vector_1d, mask_1d, dim=0).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal(vector_1d_mean, 3.0) # Testing if all masks are zero, the output will be arbitrary, but it should not be nan. vector_1d = torch.FloatTensor([1.0, 12.0, 5.0]) mask_1d = torch.tensor([False, False, False]) vector_1d_mean = util.masked_mean(vector_1d, mask_1d, dim=0).data.numpy() assert not numpy.isnan(vector_1d_mean).any() # Testing batch value and batch masks matrix = torch.FloatTensor([[1.0, 12.0, 5.0], [-1.0, -2.0, 3.0]]) mask = torch.tensor([[True, False, True], [True, True, False]]) matrix_mean = util.masked_mean(matrix, mask, dim=-1).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal(matrix_mean, numpy.array([3.0, -1.5])) # Testing keepdim for batch value and batch masks matrix = torch.FloatTensor([[1.0, 12.0, 5.0], [-1.0, -2.0, 3.0]]) mask = torch.tensor([[True, False, True], [True, True, False]]) matrix_mean = util.masked_mean(matrix, mask, dim=-1, keepdim=True).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal(matrix_mean, numpy.array([[3.0], [-1.5]])) # Testing broadcast matrix = torch.FloatTensor( [[[1.0, 2.0], [12.0, 3.0], [5.0, -1.0]], [[-1.0, -3.0], [-2.0, -0.5], [3.0, 8.0]]] ) mask = torch.tensor([[True, False, True], [True, True, False]]).unsqueeze(-1) matrix_mean = util.masked_mean(matrix, mask, dim=1).data.numpy() assert_array_almost_equal(matrix_mean, numpy.array([[3.0, 0.5], [-1.5, -1.75]])) def test_masked_flip(self): tensor = torch.FloatTensor( [[[6, 6, 6], [1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2]], [[3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4], [5, 5, 5]]] ) solution = [[[6, 6, 6], [0, 0, 0]], [[4, 4, 4], [3, 3, 3]]] response = util.masked_flip(tensor, [1, 2]) assert_almost_equal(response, solution) tensor = torch.FloatTensor( [ [[6, 6, 6], [1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2], [0, 0, 0]], [[3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4], [5, 5, 5], [1, 2, 3]], ] ) solution = [ [[2, 2, 2], [1, 1, 1], [6, 6, 6], [0, 0, 0]], [[1, 2, 3], [5, 5, 5], [4, 4, 4], [3, 3, 3]], ] response = util.masked_flip(tensor, [3, 4]) assert_almost_equal(response, solution) tensor = torch.FloatTensor( [ [[6, 6, 6], [1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2], [0, 0, 0]], [[3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4], [5, 5, 5], [1, 2, 3]], [[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], ] ) solution = [ [[2, 2, 2], [1, 1, 1], [6, 6, 6], [0, 0, 0]], [[1, 2, 3], [5, 5, 5], [4, 4, 4], [3, 3, 3]], [[2, 2, 2], [1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], ] response = util.masked_flip(tensor, [3, 4, 2]) assert_almost_equal(response, solution) def test_get_text_field_mask_returns_a_correct_mask(self): text_field_tensors = { "indexer_name": { "tokens": torch.LongTensor([[3, 4, 5, 0, 0], [1, 2, 0, 0, 0]]), "token_characters": torch.LongTensor( [ [[1, 2], [3, 0], [2, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], [[5, 0], [4, 6], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], ] ), } } assert_almost_equal( util.get_text_field_mask(text_field_tensors).long().numpy(), [[1, 1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0, 0, 0]], ) def test_get_text_field_mask_returns_a_correct_mask_custom_padding_id(self): text_field_tensors = { "indexer_name": { "tokens": torch.LongTensor([[3, 4, 5, 9, 9], [1, 2, 9, 9, 9]]), "token_characters": torch.LongTensor( [ [[1, 2], [3, 9], [2, 9], [9, 9], [9, 9]], [[5, 9], [4, 6], [9, 9], [9, 9], [9, 9]], ] ), } } assert_almost_equal( util.get_text_field_mask(text_field_tensors, padding_id=9).long().numpy(), [[1, 1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0, 0, 0]], ) def test_get_text_field_mask_returns_a_correct_mask_character_only_input(self): text_field_tensors = { "indexer_name": { "token_characters": torch.LongTensor( [ [[1, 2, 3], [3, 0, 1], [2, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]], [[5, 5, 5], [4, 6, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], ] ) } } assert_almost_equal( util.get_text_field_mask(text_field_tensors).long().numpy(), [[1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0, 0]], ) def test_get_text_field_mask_returns_a_correct_mask_character_only_input_custom_padding_id( self, ): text_field_tensors = { "indexer_name": { "token_characters": torch.LongTensor( [ [[1, 2, 3], [3, 9, 1], [2, 1, 9], [9, 9, 9]], [[5, 5, 5], [4, 6, 9], [9, 9, 9], [9, 9, 9]], ] ) } } assert_almost_equal( util.get_text_field_mask(text_field_tensors, padding_id=9).long().numpy(), [[1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0, 0]], ) def test_get_text_field_mask_returns_a_correct_mask_list_field(self): text_field_tensors = { "indexer_name": { "list_tokens": torch.LongTensor( [ [[1, 2], [3, 0], [2, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], [[5, 0], [4, 6], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], ] ) } } actual_mask = ( util.get_text_field_mask(text_field_tensors, num_wrapping_dims=1).long().numpy() ) expected_mask = (text_field_tensors["indexer_name"]["list_tokens"].numpy() > 0).astype( "int32" ) assert_almost_equal(actual_mask, expected_mask) def test_get_text_field_mask_returns_mask_key(self): text_field_tensors = { "indexer_name": { "tokens": torch.LongTensor([[3, 4, 5, 0, 0], [1, 2, 0, 0, 0]]), "mask": torch.tensor([[False, False, True]]), } } assert_almost_equal( util.get_text_field_mask(text_field_tensors).long().numpy(), [[0, 0, 1]] ) def test_weighted_sum_works_on_simple_input(self): batch_size = 1 sentence_length = 5 embedding_dim = 4 sentence_array = numpy.random.rand(batch_size, sentence_length, embedding_dim) sentence_tensor = torch.from_numpy(sentence_array).float() attention_tensor = torch.FloatTensor([[0.3, 0.4, 0.1, 0, 1.2]]) aggregated_array = util.weighted_sum(sentence_tensor, attention_tensor).data.numpy() assert aggregated_array.shape == (batch_size, embedding_dim) expected_array = ( 0.3 * sentence_array[0, 0] + 0.4 * sentence_array[0, 1] + 0.1 * sentence_array[0, 2] + 0.0 * sentence_array[0, 3] + 1.2 * sentence_array[0, 4] ) numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(aggregated_array, [expected_array], decimal=5) def test_weighted_sum_handles_higher_order_input(self): batch_size = 1 length_1 = 5 length_2 = 6 length_3 = 2 embedding_dim = 4 sentence_array = numpy.random.rand(batch_size, length_1, length_2, length_3, embedding_dim) attention_array = numpy.random.rand(batch_size, length_1, length_2, length_3) sentence_tensor = torch.from_numpy(sentence_array).float() attention_tensor = torch.from_numpy(attention_array).float() aggregated_array = util.weighted_sum(sentence_tensor, attention_tensor).data.numpy() assert aggregated_array.shape == (batch_size, length_1, length_2, embedding_dim) expected_array = ( attention_array[0, 3, 2, 0] * sentence_array[0, 3, 2, 0] + attention_array[0, 3, 2, 1] * sentence_array[0, 3, 2, 1] ) numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(aggregated_array[0, 3, 2], expected_array, decimal=5) def test_weighted_sum_handles_uneven_higher_order_input(self): batch_size = 1 length_1 = 5 length_2 = 6 length_3 = 2 embedding_dim = 4 sentence_array = numpy.random.rand(batch_size, length_3, embedding_dim) attention_array = numpy.random.rand(batch_size, length_1, length_2, length_3) sentence_tensor = torch.from_numpy(sentence_array).float() attention_tensor = torch.from_numpy(attention_array).float() aggregated_array = util.weighted_sum(sentence_tensor, attention_tensor).data.numpy() assert aggregated_array.shape == (batch_size, length_1, length_2, embedding_dim) for i in range(length_1): for j in range(length_2): expected_array = ( attention_array[0, i, j, 0] * sentence_array[0, 0] + attention_array[0, i, j, 1] * sentence_array[0, 1] ) numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal( aggregated_array[0, i, j], expected_array, decimal=5 ) def test_weighted_sum_handles_3d_attention_with_3d_matrix(self): batch_size = 1 length_1 = 5 length_2 = 2 embedding_dim = 4 sentence_array = numpy.random.rand(batch_size, length_2, embedding_dim) attention_array = numpy.random.rand(batch_size, length_1, length_2) sentence_tensor = torch.from_numpy(sentence_array).float() attention_tensor = torch.from_numpy(attention_array).float() aggregated_array = util.weighted_sum(sentence_tensor, attention_tensor).data.numpy() assert aggregated_array.shape == (batch_size, length_1, embedding_dim) for i in range(length_1): expected_array = ( attention_array[0, i, 0] * sentence_array[0, 0] + attention_array[0, i, 1] * sentence_array[0, 1] ) numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(aggregated_array[0, i], expected_array, decimal=5) def test_viterbi_decode(self): # Test Viterbi decoding is equal to greedy decoding with no pairwise potentials. sequence_logits = torch.nn.functional.softmax(torch.rand([5, 9]), dim=-1) transition_matrix = torch.zeros([9, 9]) indices, _ = util.viterbi_decode(, transition_matrix) _, argmax_indices = torch.max(sequence_logits, 1) assert indices == # Test Viterbi decoding works with start and end transitions sequence_logits = torch.nn.functional.softmax(torch.rand([5, 9]), dim=-1) transition_matrix = torch.zeros([9, 9]) allowed_start_transitions = torch.zeros([9]) # Force start tag to be an 8 allowed_start_transitions[:8] = float("-inf") allowed_end_transitions = torch.zeros([9]) # Force end tag to be a 0 allowed_end_transitions[1:] = float("-inf") indices, _ = util.viterbi_decode(, transition_matrix, allowed_end_transitions=allowed_end_transitions, allowed_start_transitions=allowed_start_transitions, ) assert indices[0] == 8 assert indices[-1] == 0 # Test that pairwise potentials affect the sequence correctly and that # viterbi_decode can handle -inf values. sequence_logits = torch.FloatTensor( [ [0, 0, 0, 3, 5], [0, 0, 0, 3, 4], [0, 0, 0, 3, 4], [0, 0, 0, 3, 4], [0, 0, 0, 3, 4], [0, 0, 0, 3, 4], ] ) # The same tags shouldn't appear sequentially. transition_matrix = torch.zeros([5, 5]) for i in range(5): transition_matrix[i, i] = float("-inf") indices, _ = util.viterbi_decode(sequence_logits, transition_matrix) assert indices == [4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3] # Test that unbalanced pairwise potentials break ties # between paths with equal unary potentials. sequence_logits = torch.FloatTensor( [ [0, 0, 0, 4, 4], [0, 0, 0, 4, 4], [0, 0, 0, 4, 4], [0, 0, 0, 4, 4], [0, 0, 0, 4, 4], [0, 0, 0, 4, 4], ] ) # The 5th tag has a penalty for appearing sequentially # or for transitioning to the 4th tag, making the best # path uniquely to take the 4th tag only. transition_matrix = torch.zeros([5, 5]) transition_matrix[4, 4] = -10 transition_matrix[4, 3] = -10 transition_matrix[3, 4] = -10 indices, _ = util.viterbi_decode(sequence_logits, transition_matrix) assert indices == [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3] sequence_logits = torch.FloatTensor([[1, 0, 0, 4], [1, 0, 6, 2], [0, 3, 0, 4]]) # Best path would normally be [3, 2, 3] but we add a # potential from 2 -> 1, making [3, 2, 1] the best path. transition_matrix = torch.zeros([4, 4]) transition_matrix[0, 0] = 1 transition_matrix[2, 1] = 5 indices, value = util.viterbi_decode(sequence_logits, transition_matrix) assert indices == [3, 2, 1] assert value.numpy() == 18 # Test that providing evidence results in paths containing specified tags. sequence_logits = torch.FloatTensor( [ [0, 0, 0, 7, 7], [0, 0, 0, 7, 7], [0, 0, 0, 7, 7], [0, 0, 0, 7, 7], [0, 0, 0, 7, 7], [0, 0, 0, 7, 7], ] ) # The 5th tag has a penalty for appearing sequentially # or for transitioning to the 4th tag, making the best # path to take the 4th tag for every label. transition_matrix = torch.zeros([5, 5]) transition_matrix[4, 4] = -10 transition_matrix[4, 3] = -2 transition_matrix[3, 4] = -2 # The 1st, 4th and 5th sequence elements are observed - they should be # equal to 2, 0 and 4. The last tag should be equal to 3, because although # the penalty for transitioning to the 4th tag is -2, the unary potential # is 7, which is greater than the combination for any of the other labels. observations = [2, -1, -1, 0, 4, -1] indices, _ = util.viterbi_decode(sequence_logits, transition_matrix, observations) assert indices == [2, 3, 3, 0, 4, 3] def test_viterbi_decode_top_k(self): # Test cases taken from: # Test Viterbi decoding is equal to greedy decoding with no pairwise potentials. sequence_logits = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.rand([5, 9])) transition_matrix = torch.zeros([9, 9]) indices, _ = util.viterbi_decode(, transition_matrix, top_k=5) _, argmax_indices = torch.max(sequence_logits, 1) assert indices[0] == # Test that pairwise potentials effect the sequence correctly and that # viterbi_decode can handle -inf values. sequence_logits = torch.FloatTensor( [ [0, 0, 0, 3, 4], [0, 0, 0, 3, 4], [0, 0, 0, 3, 4], [0, 0, 0, 3, 4], [0, 0, 0, 3, 4], [0, 0, 0, 3, 4], ] ) # The same tags shouldn't appear sequentially. transition_matrix = torch.zeros([5, 5]) for i in range(5): transition_matrix[i, i] = float("-inf") indices, _ = util.viterbi_decode(sequence_logits, transition_matrix, top_k=5) assert indices[0] == [3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4] # Test that unbalanced pairwise potentials break ties # between paths with equal unary potentials. sequence_logits = torch.FloatTensor( [ [0, 0, 0, 4, 4], [0, 0, 0, 4, 4], [0, 0, 0, 4, 4], [0, 0, 0, 4, 4], [0, 0, 0, 4, 4], [0, 0, 0, 4, 0], ] ) # The 5th tag has a penalty for appearing sequentially # or for transitioning to the 4th tag, making the best # path uniquely to take the 4th tag only. transition_matrix = torch.zeros([5, 5]) transition_matrix[4, 4] = -10 transition_matrix[4, 3] = -10 indices, _ = util.viterbi_decode(sequence_logits, transition_matrix, top_k=5) assert indices[0] == [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3] sequence_logits = torch.FloatTensor([[1, 0, 0, 4], [1, 0, 6, 2], [0, 3, 0, 4]]) # Best path would normally be [3, 2, 3] but we add a # potential from 2 -> 1, making [3, 2, 1] the best path. transition_matrix = torch.zeros([4, 4]) transition_matrix[0, 0] = 1 transition_matrix[2, 1] = 5 indices, value = util.viterbi_decode(sequence_logits, transition_matrix, top_k=5) assert indices[0] == [3, 2, 1] assert value[0] == 18 def _brute_decode( tag_sequence: torch.Tensor, transition_matrix: torch.Tensor, top_k: int = 5 ) -> Any: """ Top-k decoder that uses brute search instead of the Viterbi Decode dynamic programing algorithm """ # Create all possible sequences sequences = [[]] # type: ignore for i in range(len(tag_sequence)): new_sequences = [] # type: ignore for j in range(len(tag_sequence[i])): for sequence in sequences: new_sequences.append(sequence[:] + [j]) sequences = new_sequences # Score scored_sequences = [] # type: ignore for sequence in sequences: emission_score = sum(tag_sequence[i, j] for i, j in enumerate(sequence)) transition_score = sum( transition_matrix[sequence[i - 1], sequence[i]] for i in range(1, len(sequence)) ) score = emission_score + transition_score scored_sequences.append((score, sequence)) # Get the top k scores / paths top_k_sequences = sorted(scored_sequences, key=lambda r: r[0], reverse=True)[:top_k] scores, paths = zip(*top_k_sequences) return paths, scores # type: ignore # Run 100 randomly generated parameters and compare the outputs. for i in range(100): num_tags = random.randint(1, 5) seq_len = random.randint(1, 5) k = random.randint(1, 5) sequence_logits = torch.rand([seq_len, num_tags]) transition_matrix = torch.rand([num_tags, num_tags]) viterbi_paths_v1, viterbi_scores_v1 = util.viterbi_decode( sequence_logits, transition_matrix, top_k=k ) viterbi_path_brute, viterbi_score_brute = _brute_decode( sequence_logits, transition_matrix, top_k=k ) numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal( list(viterbi_score_brute), viterbi_scores_v1.tolist(), decimal=3 ) numpy.testing.assert_equal(sanitize(viterbi_paths_v1), viterbi_path_brute) def test_sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits_masks_loss_correctly(self): # test weight masking by checking that a tensor with non-zero values in # masked positions returns the same loss as a tensor with zeros in those # positions. tensor = torch.rand([5, 7, 4]) tensor[0, 3:, :] = 0 tensor[1, 4:, :] = 0 tensor[2, 2:, :] = 0 tensor[3, :, :] = 0 weights = (tensor != 0.0)[:, :, 0].long().squeeze(-1) tensor2 = tensor.clone() tensor2[0, 3:, :] = 2 tensor2[1, 4:, :] = 13 tensor2[2, 2:, :] = 234 tensor2[3, :, :] = 65 targets = torch.LongTensor(numpy.random.randint(0, 3, [5, 7])) targets *= weights loss = util.sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits(tensor, targets, weights) loss2 = util.sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits(tensor2, targets, weights) assert == def test_sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits_smooths_labels_correctly(self): tensor = torch.rand([1, 3, 4]) targets = torch.LongTensor(numpy.random.randint(0, 3, [1, 3])) weights = torch.ones([2, 3]) loss = util.sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits( tensor, targets, weights, label_smoothing=0.1 ) correct_loss = 0.0 for prediction, label in zip(tensor.squeeze(0), targets.squeeze(0)): prediction = torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(prediction, dim=-1) correct_loss += prediction[label] * 0.9 # incorrect elements correct_loss += prediction.sum() * 0.1 / 4 # Average over sequence. correct_loss = -correct_loss / 3 numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(, def test_sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits_averages_batch_correctly(self): # test batch average is the same as dividing the batch averaged # loss by the number of batches containing any non-padded tokens. tensor = torch.rand([5, 7, 4]) tensor[0, 3:, :] = 0 tensor[1, 4:, :] = 0 tensor[2, 2:, :] = 0 tensor[3, :, :] = 0 weights = (tensor != 0.0)[:, :, 0].long().squeeze(-1) targets = torch.LongTensor(numpy.random.randint(0, 3, [5, 7])) targets *= weights loss = util.sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits(tensor, targets, weights) vector_loss = util.sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits( tensor, targets, weights, average=None ) # Batch has one completely padded row, so divide by 4. assert == vector_loss.sum().item() / 4 @flaky(max_runs=3, min_passes=1) def test_sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits_averages_token_correctly(self): # test token average is the same as multiplying the per-batch loss # with the per-batch weights and dividing by the total weight tensor = torch.rand([5, 7, 4]) tensor[0, 3:, :] = 0 tensor[1, 4:, :] = 0 tensor[2, 2:, :] = 0 tensor[3, :, :] = 0 weights = (tensor != 0.0)[:, :, 0].long().squeeze(-1) targets = torch.LongTensor(numpy.random.randint(0, 3, [5, 7])) targets *= weights loss = util.sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits(tensor, targets, weights, average="token") vector_loss = util.sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits( tensor, targets, weights, average=None ) total_token_loss = (vector_loss * weights.float().sum(dim=-1)).sum() average_token_loss = (total_token_loss / weights.float().sum()).detach() assert_almost_equal(loss.detach().item(), average_token_loss.item(), decimal=5) def test_sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits_gamma_correctly(self): batch = 1 length = 3 classes = 4 gamma = abs(numpy.random.randn()) # [0, +inf) tensor = torch.rand([batch, length, classes]) targets = torch.LongTensor(numpy.random.randint(0, classes, [batch, length])) weights = torch.ones([batch, length]) loss = util.sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits(tensor, targets, weights, gamma=gamma) correct_loss = 0.0 for logit, label in zip(tensor.squeeze(0), targets.squeeze(0)): p = torch.nn.functional.softmax(logit, dim=-1) pt = p[label] ft = (1 - pt) ** gamma correct_loss += -pt.log() * ft # Average over sequence. correct_loss = correct_loss / length numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(, def test_sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits_alpha_float_correctly(self): batch = 1 length = 3 classes = 2 # alpha float for binary class only alpha = ( numpy.random.rand() if numpy.random.rand() > 0.5 else (1.0 - numpy.random.rand()) ) # [0, 1] tensor = torch.rand([batch, length, classes]) targets = torch.LongTensor(numpy.random.randint(0, classes, [batch, length])) weights = torch.ones([batch, length]) loss = util.sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits(tensor, targets, weights, alpha=alpha) correct_loss = 0.0 for logit, label in zip(tensor.squeeze(0), targets.squeeze(0)): logp = torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(logit, dim=-1) logpt = logp[label] if label: at = alpha else: at = 1 - alpha correct_loss += -logpt * at # Average over sequence. correct_loss = correct_loss / length numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(, def test_sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits_alpha_single_float_correctly(self): batch = 1 length = 3 classes = 2 # alpha float for binary class only alpha = ( numpy.random.rand() if numpy.random.rand() > 0.5 else (1.0 - numpy.random.rand()) ) # [0, 1] alpha = torch.tensor(alpha) tensor = torch.rand([batch, length, classes]) targets = torch.LongTensor(numpy.random.randint(0, classes, [batch, length])) weights = torch.ones([batch, length]) loss = util.sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits(tensor, targets, weights, alpha=alpha) correct_loss = 0.0 for logit, label in zip(tensor.squeeze(0), targets.squeeze(0)): logp = torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(logit, dim=-1) logpt = logp[label] if label: at = alpha else: at = 1 - alpha correct_loss += -logpt * at # Average over sequence. correct_loss = correct_loss / length numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(, def test_sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits_alpha_list_correctly(self): batch = 1 length = 3 classes = 4 # alpha float for binary class only alpha = abs(numpy.random.randn(classes)) # [0, +inf) tensor = torch.rand([batch, length, classes]) targets = torch.LongTensor(numpy.random.randint(0, classes, [batch, length])) weights = torch.ones([batch, length]) loss = util.sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits(tensor, targets, weights, alpha=alpha) correct_loss = 0.0 for logit, label in zip(tensor.squeeze(0), targets.squeeze(0)): logp = torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(logit, dim=-1) logpt = logp[label] at = alpha[label] correct_loss += -logpt * at # Average over sequence. correct_loss = correct_loss / length numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(, def test_replace_masked_values_replaces_masked_values_with_finite_value(self): tensor = torch.FloatTensor([[[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12]]]) mask = torch.tensor([[True, True, False]]) replaced = util.replace_masked_values(tensor, mask.unsqueeze(-1), 2).data.numpy() assert_almost_equal(replaced, [[[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [2, 2, 2, 2]]]) def test_logsumexp(self): # First a simple example where we add probabilities in log space. tensor = torch.FloatTensor([[0.4, 0.1, 0.2]]) log_tensor = tensor.log() log_summed = util.logsumexp(log_tensor, dim=-1, keepdim=False) assert_almost_equal(log_summed.exp().data.numpy(), [0.7]) log_summed = util.logsumexp(log_tensor, dim=-1, keepdim=True) assert_almost_equal(log_summed.exp().data.numpy(), [[0.7]]) # Then some more atypical examples, and making sure this will work with how we handle # log masks. tensor = torch.FloatTensor([[float("-inf"), 20.0]]) assert_almost_equal(util.logsumexp(tensor).data.numpy(), [20.0]) tensor = torch.FloatTensor([[-200.0, 20.0]]) assert_almost_equal(util.logsumexp(tensor).data.numpy(), [20.0]) tensor = torch.FloatTensor([[20.0, 20.0], [-200.0, 200.0]]) assert_almost_equal(util.logsumexp(tensor, dim=0).data.numpy(), [20.0, 200.0]) def test_flatten_and_batch_shift_indices(self): indices = numpy.array( [[[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 9, 9, 9]], [[2, 1, 0, 7], [7, 7, 2, 3], [0, 0, 4, 2]]] ) indices = torch.tensor(indices, dtype=torch.long) shifted_indices = util.flatten_and_batch_shift_indices(indices, 10) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(, numpy.array( [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 12, 11, 10, 17, 17, 17, 12, 13, 10, 10, 14, 12] ), ) def test_batched_index_select(self): indices = numpy.array([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]) # Each element is a vector of its index. targets = torch.ones([2, 10, 3]).cumsum(1) - 1 # Make the second batch double its index so they're different. targets[1, :, :] *= 2 indices = torch.tensor(indices, dtype=torch.long) selected = util.batched_index_select(targets, indices) assert list(selected.size()) == [2, 2, 2, 3] ones = numpy.ones([3]) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(selected[0, 0, 0, :].data.numpy(), ones) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(selected[0, 0, 1, :].data.numpy(), ones * 2) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(selected[0, 1, 0, :].data.numpy(), ones * 3) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(selected[0, 1, 1, :].data.numpy(), ones * 4) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(selected[1, 0, 0, :].data.numpy(), ones * 10) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(selected[1, 0, 1, :].data.numpy(), ones * 12) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(selected[1, 1, 0, :].data.numpy(), ones * 14) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(selected[1, 1, 1, :].data.numpy(), ones * 16) indices = numpy.array([[[1, 11], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]) indices = torch.tensor(indices, dtype=torch.long) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): util.batched_index_select(targets, indices) indices = numpy.array([[[1, -1], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]) indices = torch.tensor(indices, dtype=torch.long) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): util.batched_index_select(targets, indices) def test_masked_index_fill(self): targets = torch.zeros([3, 5]) indices = torch.tensor([[4, 2, 3, -1], [0, 1, -1, -1], [1, 3, -1, -1]]) mask = indices >= 0 filled = util.masked_index_fill(targets, indices, mask) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal( filled, [[0, 0, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0]] ) def test_masked_index_replace(self): targets = torch.zeros([3, 5, 2]) indices = torch.tensor([[4, 2, 3, -1], [0, 1, -1, -1], [3, 1, -1, -1]]) replace_with = ( torch.arange(indices.numel()) .float() .reshape(indices.shape) .unsqueeze(-1) .expand(indices.shape + (2,)) ) mask = indices >= 0 replaced = util.masked_index_replace(targets, indices, mask, replace_with) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal( replaced, [ [[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2], [0, 0]], [[4, 4], [5, 5], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [9, 9], [0, 0], [8, 8], [0, 0]], ], ) def test_batched_span_select(self): # Each element is a vector of its index. targets = torch.ones([3, 12, 2]).cumsum(1) - 1 spans = torch.LongTensor( [ [[0, 0], [1, 2], [5, 8], [10, 10]], [[i, i] for i in range(3, -1, -1)], [[0, 3], [1, 4], [2, 5], [10, 11]], ] ) selected, mask = util.batched_span_select(targets, spans) selected = torch.where(mask.unsqueeze(-1), selected, torch.empty_like(selected).fill_(-1)) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal( selected, [ [ [[0, 0], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[1, 1], [2, 2], [-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[5, 5], [6, 6], [7, 7], [8, 8]], [[10, 10], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1]], ], [[[i, i], [-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -1]] for i in range(3, -1, -1)], [ [[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]], [[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3], [4, 4]], [[2, 2], [3, 3], [4, 4], [5, 5]], [[10, 10], [11, 11], [-1, -1], [-1, -1]], ], ], ) def test_flattened_index_select(self): indices = numpy.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) targets = torch.ones([2, 6, 3]).cumsum(1) - 1 # Make the second batch double its index so they're different. targets[1, :, :] *= 2 indices = torch.tensor(indices, dtype=torch.long) selected = util.flattened_index_select(targets, indices) assert list(selected.size()) == [2, 2, 2, 3] ones = numpy.ones([3]) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(selected[0, 0, 0, :].data.numpy(), ones) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(selected[0, 0, 1, :].data.numpy(), ones * 2) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(selected[0, 1, 0, :].data.numpy(), ones * 3) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(selected[0, 1, 1, :].data.numpy(), ones * 4) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(selected[1, 0, 0, :].data.numpy(), ones * 2) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(selected[1, 0, 1, :].data.numpy(), ones * 4) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(selected[1, 1, 0, :].data.numpy(), ones * 6) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(selected[1, 1, 1, :].data.numpy(), ones * 8) # Check we only accept 2D indices. with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): util.flattened_index_select(targets, torch.ones([3, 4, 5])) def test_bucket_values(self): indices = torch.LongTensor([1, 2, 7, 1, 56, 900]) bucketed_distances = util.bucket_values(indices) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal( bucketed_distances.numpy(), numpy.array([1, 2, 5, 1, 8, 9]) ) def test_add_sentence_boundary_token_ids_handles_2D_input(self): tensor = torch.from_numpy(numpy.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 0]])) mask = tensor > 0 bos = 9 eos = 10 new_tensor, new_mask = util.add_sentence_boundary_token_ids(tensor, mask, bos, eos) expected_new_tensor = numpy.array([[9, 1, 2, 3, 10], [9, 4, 5, 10, 0]]) assert ( == expected_new_tensor).all() assert ( == (expected_new_tensor > 0)).all() def test_add_sentence_boundary_token_ids_handles_3D_input(self): tensor = torch.from_numpy( numpy.array( [ [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 5, 5, 5], [6, 8, 1, 2]], [[4, 3, 2, 1], [8, 7, 6, 5], [0, 0, 0, 0]], ] ) ) mask = (tensor > 0).sum(dim=-1) > 0 bos = torch.from_numpy(numpy.array([9, 9, 9, 9])) eos = torch.from_numpy(numpy.array([10, 10, 10, 10])) new_tensor, new_mask = util.add_sentence_boundary_token_ids(tensor, mask, bos, eos) expected_new_tensor = numpy.array( [ [[9, 9, 9, 9], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 5, 5, 5], [6, 8, 1, 2], [10, 10, 10, 10]], [[9, 9, 9, 9], [4, 3, 2, 1], [8, 7, 6, 5], [10, 10, 10, 10], [0, 0, 0, 0]], ] ) assert ( == expected_new_tensor).all() assert ( == ((expected_new_tensor > 0).sum(axis=-1) > 0)).all() def test_remove_sentence_boundaries(self): tensor = torch.from_numpy(numpy.random.rand(3, 5, 7)) mask = torch.from_numpy( # The mask with two elements is to test the corner case # of an empty sequence, so here we are removing boundaries # from "<S> </S>" numpy.array([[1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 0]]) ).bool() new_tensor, new_mask = util.remove_sentence_boundaries(tensor, mask) expected_new_tensor = torch.zeros(3, 3, 7) expected_new_tensor[1, 0:3, :] = tensor[1, 1:4, :] expected_new_tensor[2, 0:2, :] = tensor[2, 1:3, :] assert_array_almost_equal(, expected_new_mask = torch.from_numpy(numpy.array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0]])).bool() assert ( == def test_add_positional_features(self): # This is hard to test, so we check that we get the same result as the # original tensorflow implementation: # tensor2tensor_result = numpy.asarray( [ [0.00000000e00, 0.00000000e00, 1.00000000e00, 1.00000000e00], [8.41470957e-01, 9.99999902e-05, 5.40302277e-01, 1.00000000e00], [9.09297407e-01, 1.99999980e-04, -4.16146845e-01, 1.00000000e00], ] ) tensor = torch.zeros([2, 3, 4]) result = util.add_positional_features(tensor, min_timescale=1.0, max_timescale=1.0e4) numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(result[0].detach().cpu().numpy(), tensor2tensor_result) numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(result[1].detach().cpu().numpy(), tensor2tensor_result) # Check case with odd number of dimensions. tensor2tensor_result = numpy.asarray( [ [ 0.00000000e00, 0.00000000e00, 0.00000000e00, 1.00000000e00, 1.00000000e00, 1.00000000e00, 0.00000000e00, ], [ 8.41470957e-01, 9.99983307e-03, 9.99999902e-05, 5.40302277e-01, 9.99949992e-01, 1.00000000e00, 0.00000000e00, ], [ 9.09297407e-01, 1.99986659e-02, 1.99999980e-04, -4.16146815e-01, 9.99800026e-01, 1.00000000e00, 0.00000000e00, ], ] ) tensor = torch.zeros([2, 3, 7]) result = util.add_positional_features(tensor, min_timescale=1.0, max_timescale=1.0e4) numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(result[0].detach().cpu().numpy(), tensor2tensor_result) numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(result[1].detach().cpu().numpy(), tensor2tensor_result) def test_combine_tensors_and_multiply(self): tensors = [torch.Tensor([[[2, 3]]]), torch.Tensor([[[5, 5]]])] weight = torch.Tensor([4, 5]) combination = "x" assert_almost_equal( util.combine_tensors_and_multiply(combination, tensors, weight), [[8 + 15]] ) combination = "y" assert_almost_equal( util.combine_tensors_and_multiply(combination, tensors, weight), [[20 + 25]] ) combination = "x,y" weight2 = torch.Tensor([4, 5, 4, 5]) assert_almost_equal( util.combine_tensors_and_multiply(combination, tensors, weight2), [[8 + 20 + 15 + 25]] ) combination = "x-y" assert_almost_equal( util.combine_tensors_and_multiply(combination, tensors, weight), [[-3 * 4 + -2 * 5]] ) combination = "y-x" assert_almost_equal( util.combine_tensors_and_multiply(combination, tensors, weight), [[3 * 4 + 2 * 5]] ) combination = "y+x" assert_almost_equal( util.combine_tensors_and_multiply(combination, tensors, weight), [[7 * 4 + 8 * 5]] ) combination = "y*x" assert_almost_equal( util.combine_tensors_and_multiply(combination, tensors, weight), [[10 * 4 + 15 * 5]] ) combination = "y/x" assert_almost_equal( util.combine_tensors_and_multiply(combination, tensors, weight), [[(5 / 2) * 4 + (5 / 3) * 5]], decimal=4, ) combination = "x/y" assert_almost_equal( util.combine_tensors_and_multiply(combination, tensors, weight), [[(2 / 5) * 4 + (3 / 5) * 5]], decimal=4, ) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): util.combine_tensors_and_multiply("x+y+y", tensors, weight) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): util.combine_tensors_and_multiply("x%y", tensors, weight) def test_combine_tensors_and_multiply_with_same_batch_size_and_embedding_dim(self): # This test just makes sure we handle some potential edge cases where the lengths of all # dimensions are the same, making sure that the multiplication with the weight vector # happens along the right dimension (it should be the last one). tensors = [torch.Tensor([[[5, 5], [4, 4]], [[2, 3], [1, 1]]])] # (2, 2, 2) weight = torch.Tensor([4, 5]) # (2,) combination = "x" assert_almost_equal( util.combine_tensors_and_multiply(combination, tensors, weight), [[20 + 25, 16 + 20], [8 + 15, 4 + 5]], ) tensors = [ torch.Tensor([[[5, 5], [2, 2]], [[4, 4], [3, 3]]]), torch.Tensor([[[2, 3]], [[1, 1]]]), ] weight = torch.Tensor([4, 5]) combination = "x*y" assert_almost_equal( util.combine_tensors_and_multiply(combination, tensors, weight), [ [5 * 2 * 4 + 5 * 3 * 5, 2 * 2 * 4 + 2 * 3 * 5], [4 * 1 * 4 + 4 * 1 * 5, 3 * 1 * 4 + 3 * 1 * 5], ], ) def test_combine_tensors_and_multiply_with_batch_size_one(self): seq_len_1 = 10 seq_len_2 = 5 embedding_dim = 8 combination = "x,y,x*y" t1 = torch.randn(1, seq_len_1, embedding_dim) t2 = torch.randn(1, seq_len_2, embedding_dim) combined_dim = util.get_combined_dim(combination, [embedding_dim, embedding_dim]) weight = torch.Tensor(combined_dim) result = util.combine_tensors_and_multiply( combination, [t1.unsqueeze(2), t2.unsqueeze(1)], weight ) assert_almost_equal(result.size(), [1, seq_len_1, seq_len_2]) def test_combine_tensors_and_multiply_with_batch_size_one_and_seq_len_one(self): seq_len_1 = 10 seq_len_2 = 1 embedding_dim = 8 combination = "x,y,x*y" t1 = torch.randn(1, seq_len_1, embedding_dim) t2 = torch.randn(1, seq_len_2, embedding_dim) combined_dim = util.get_combined_dim(combination, [embedding_dim, embedding_dim]) weight = torch.Tensor(combined_dim) result = util.combine_tensors_and_multiply( combination, [t1.unsqueeze(2), t2.unsqueeze(1)], weight ) assert_almost_equal(result.size(), [1, seq_len_1, seq_len_2]) def test_has_tensor(self): has_tensor = util.has_tensor tensor = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3]) assert has_tensor(["a", 10, tensor]) assert not has_tensor(["a", 10]) assert has_tensor(("a", 10, tensor)) assert not has_tensor(("a", 10)) assert has_tensor({"a": tensor, "b": 1}) assert not has_tensor({"a": 10, "b": 1}) assert has_tensor(tensor) assert not has_tensor(3) assert has_tensor({"x": [0, {"inside": {"double_inside": [3, [10, tensor]]}}]}) def test_combine_initial_dims(self): tensor = torch.randn(4, 10, 20, 17, 5) tensor2d = util.combine_initial_dims(tensor) assert list(tensor2d.size()) == [4 * 10 * 20 * 17, 5] def test_uncombine_initial_dims(self): embedding2d = torch.randn(4 * 10 * 20 * 17 * 5, 12) embedding = util.uncombine_initial_dims(embedding2d, torch.Size((4, 10, 20, 17, 5))) assert list(embedding.size()) == [4, 10, 20, 17, 5, 12] def test_inspect_model_parameters(self): model_archive = str( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "basic_classifier" / "serialization" / "model.tar.gz" ) parameters_inspection = str( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "basic_classifier" / "parameters_inspection.json" ) model = load_archive(model_archive).model with open(parameters_inspection) as file: parameters_inspection_dict = json.load(file) assert parameters_inspection_dict == util.inspect_parameters(model) def test_move_to_device(self): # We're faking the tensor here so that we can test the calls to .cuda() without actually # needing a GPU. class FakeTensor(torch.Tensor): def __init__(self): self._device = None def cuda(self, device): self._device = device return self class A(NamedTuple): a: int b: torch.Tensor structured_obj = { "a": [A(1, FakeTensor()), A(2, FakeTensor())], "b": FakeTensor(), "c": (1, FakeTensor()), } new_device = torch.device(4) moved_obj = util.move_to_device(structured_obj, new_device) assert moved_obj["a"][0].a == 1 assert moved_obj["a"][0].b._device == new_device assert moved_obj["a"][1].b._device == new_device assert moved_obj["b"]._device == new_device assert moved_obj["c"][0] == 1 assert moved_obj["c"][1]._device == new_device def test_extend_layer(self): lin_layer = torch.nn.Linear(10, 5) new_dim = 8 old_weights = old_bias = util.extend_layer(lin_layer, new_dim) assert == (8, 10) assert == (8,) assert ([:5] == old_weights).all() assert ([:5] == old_bias).all() assert lin_layer.out_features == new_dim def test_masked_topk_selects_top_scored_items_and_respects_masking(self): items = torch.randn([3, 4, 5]).clamp(min=0.0, max=1.0) items[0, :2, :] = 1 items[1, 2:, :] = 1 items[2, 2:, :] = 1 scores = items.sum(-1) mask = torch.ones([3, 4]).bool() mask[1, 0] = 0 mask[1, 3] = 0 pruned_scores, pruned_mask, pruned_indices = util.masked_topk(scores, mask, 2) # Second element in the batch would have indices 2, 3, but # 3 and 0 are masked, so instead it has 1, 2. numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(, numpy.array([[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3]]) ) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(, numpy.ones([3, 2])) # scores should be the result of index_selecting the pruned_indices. correct_scores = util.batched_index_select(scores.unsqueeze(-1), pruned_indices).squeeze(-1) self.assert_array_equal_with_mask(correct_scores, pruned_scores, pruned_mask) def test_masked_topk_works_for_completely_masked_rows(self): items = torch.randn([3, 4, 5]).clamp(min=0.0, max=1.0) items[0, :2, :] = 1 items[1, 2:, :] = 1 items[2, 2:, :] = 1 scores = items.sum(-1) mask = torch.ones([3, 4]).bool() mask[1, 0] = 0 mask[1, 3] = 0 mask[2, :] = 0 # fully masked last batch element. pruned_scores, pruned_mask, pruned_indices = util.masked_topk(scores, mask, 2) # We can't check the last row here, because it's completely masked. # Instead we'll check that the scores for these elements are very small. numpy.testing.assert_array_equal( pruned_indices[:2].data.numpy(), numpy.array([[0, 1], [1, 2]]) ) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(, numpy.array([[1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]]) ) # scores should be the result of index_selecting the pruned_indices. correct_scores = util.batched_index_select(scores.unsqueeze(-1), pruned_indices).squeeze(-1) self.assert_array_equal_with_mask(correct_scores, pruned_scores, pruned_mask) def test_masked_topk_selects_top_scored_items_and_respects_masking_different_num_items(self): items = torch.randn([3, 4, 5]).clamp(min=0.0, max=1.0) items[0, 0, :] = 1.5 items[0, 1, :] = 2 items[0, 3, :] = 1 items[1, 1:3, :] = 1 items[2, 0, :] = 1 items[2, 1, :] = 2 items[2, 2, :] = 1.5 scores = items.sum(-1) mask = torch.ones([3, 4]).bool() mask[1, 3] = 0 k = torch.tensor([3, 2, 1], dtype=torch.long) pruned_scores, pruned_mask, pruned_indices = util.masked_topk(scores, mask, k) # Second element in the batch would have indices 2, 3, but # 3 and 0 are masked, so instead it has 1, 2. numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(, numpy.array([[0, 1, 3], [1, 2, 2], [1, 2, 2]]) ) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(, numpy.array([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]) ) # scores should be the result of index_selecting the pruned_indices. correct_scores = util.batched_index_select(scores.unsqueeze(-1), pruned_indices).squeeze(-1) self.assert_array_equal_with_mask(correct_scores, pruned_scores, pruned_mask) def test_masked_topk_works_for_row_with_no_items_requested(self): # Case where `num_items_to_keep` is a tensor rather than an int. Make sure it does the right # thing when no items are requested for one of the rows. items = torch.randn([3, 4, 5]).clamp(min=0.0, max=1.0) items[0, :3, :] = 1 items[1, 2:, :] = 1 items[2, 2:, :] = 1 scores = items.sum(-1) mask = torch.ones([3, 4]).bool() mask[1, 0] = 0 mask[1, 3] = 0 k = torch.tensor([3, 2, 0], dtype=torch.long) pruned_scores, pruned_mask, pruned_indices = util.masked_topk(scores, mask, k) # First element just picks top three entries. Second would pick entries 2 and 3, but 0 and 3 # are masked, so it takes 1 and 2 (repeating the second index). The third element is # entirely masked and just repeats the largest index with a top-3 score. numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(, numpy.array([[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3]]) ) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(, numpy.array([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]]) ) # scores should be the result of index_selecting the pruned_indices. correct_scores = util.batched_index_select(scores.unsqueeze(-1), pruned_indices).squeeze(-1) self.assert_array_equal_with_mask(correct_scores, pruned_scores, pruned_mask) def test_masked_topk_works_for_multiple_dimensions(self): # fmt: off items = torch.FloatTensor([ # (3, 2, 5) [[4, 2, 9, 9, 7], [-4, -2, -9, -9, -7]], [[5, 4, 1, 8, 8], [9, 1, 7, 4, 1]], [[9, 8, 9, 6, 0], [2, 2, 2, 2, 2]], ]).unsqueeze(-1).expand(3, 2, 5, 4) mask = torch.tensor([ [[False, False, False, False, False], [True, True, True, True, True]], [[True, True, True, True, False], [False, True, True, True, True]], [[True, False, True, True, True], [False, True, False, True, True]], ]).unsqueeze(-1).expand(3, 2, 5, 4) # This is the same as just specifying a scalar int, but we want to test this behavior k = torch.ones(3, 5, 4, dtype=torch.long) k[1, 3, :] = 2 target_items = torch.FloatTensor([ [[-4, -2, -9, -9, -7], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], [[5, 4, 7, 8, 1], [0, 0, 0, 4, 0]], [[9, 2, 9, 6, 2], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], ]).unsqueeze(-1).expand(3, 2, 5, 4) target_mask = torch.ones(3, 2, 5, 4, dtype=torch.bool) target_mask[:, 1, :, :] = 0 target_mask[1, 1, 3, :] = 1 target_indices = torch.LongTensor([ [[1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], [[0, 0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]], [[0, 1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], ]).unsqueeze(-1).expand(3, 2, 5, 4) # fmt: on pruned_items, pruned_mask, pruned_indices = util.masked_topk(items, mask, k, dim=1) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(, self.assert_array_equal_with_mask(pruned_items, target_items, pruned_mask) self.assert_array_equal_with_mask(pruned_indices, target_indices, pruned_mask) def assert_array_equal_with_mask(self, a, b, mask): numpy.testing.assert_array_equal((a * mask).data.numpy(), (b * mask).data.numpy()) def test_tensors_equal(self): # Basic assert util.tensors_equal(torch.tensor([1]), torch.tensor([1])) assert not util.tensors_equal(torch.tensor([1]), torch.tensor([2])) # Bool assert util.tensors_equal(torch.tensor([True]), torch.tensor([True])) # Cross dtype assert util.tensors_equal(torch.tensor([1]), torch.tensor([1.0])) assert util.tensors_equal(torch.tensor([1]), torch.tensor([True])) # Containers assert util.tensors_equal([torch.tensor([1])], [torch.tensor([1])]) assert not util.tensors_equal([torch.tensor([1])], [torch.tensor([2])]) assert util.tensors_equal({"key": torch.tensor([1])}, {"key": torch.tensor([1])}) def test_info_value_of_dtype(self): with pytest.raises(TypeError): util.info_value_of_dtype(torch.bool) assert util.min_value_of_dtype(torch.half) == -65504.0 assert util.max_value_of_dtype(torch.half) == 65504.0 assert util.tiny_value_of_dtype(torch.half) == 1e-4 assert util.min_value_of_dtype(torch.float) == -3.4028234663852886e38 assert util.max_value_of_dtype(torch.float) == 3.4028234663852886e38 assert util.tiny_value_of_dtype(torch.float) == 1e-13 assert util.min_value_of_dtype(torch.uint8) == 0 assert util.max_value_of_dtype(torch.uint8) == 255 assert util.min_value_of_dtype(torch.long) == -9223372036854775808 assert util.max_value_of_dtype(torch.long) == 9223372036854775807 def test_get_token_ids_from_text_field_tensors(self): # Setting up a number of diffrent indexers, that we can test later. string_tokens = ["This", "is", "a", "test"] tokens = [Token(x) for x in string_tokens] vocab = Vocabulary() vocab.add_tokens_to_namespace(string_tokens, "tokens") vocab.add_tokens_to_namespace( set([char for token in string_tokens for char in token]), "token_characters" ) elmo_indexer = ELMoTokenCharactersIndexer() token_chars_indexer = TokenCharactersIndexer() single_id_indexer = SingleIdTokenIndexer() indexers = {"elmo": elmo_indexer, "chars": token_chars_indexer, "tokens": single_id_indexer} # In all of the tests below, we'll want to recover the token ides that were produced by the # single_id indexer, so we grab that output first. text_field = TextField(tokens, {"tokens": single_id_indexer}) text_field.index(vocab) tensors = text_field.as_tensor(text_field.get_padding_lengths()) expected_token_ids = tensors["tokens"]["tokens"] # Now the actual tests. text_field = TextField(tokens, indexers) text_field.index(vocab) tensors = text_field.as_tensor(text_field.get_padding_lengths()) token_ids = util.get_token_ids_from_text_field_tensors(tensors) assert (token_ids == expected_token_ids).all()
from typing import Dict, Tuple import numpy as np import pytest import torch from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from allennlp.nn.beam_search import ( MultinomialSampler, BeamSearch, TopKSampler, TopPSampler, GumbelSampler, ) from allennlp.common.params import Params transition_probabilities = torch.tensor( [ [0.0, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0], # start token -> jth token [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], # 1st token -> jth token [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], # 2nd token -> jth token [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], # ... [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], # ... [0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3], ] # end token -> jth token ) log_probabilities = torch.log( torch.tensor([[0.1, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1]]) ) def take_step_no_timestep( last_predictions: torch.Tensor, state: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]: """ Take decoding step. This is a simple function that defines how probabilities are computed for the next time step during the beam search. We use a simple target vocabulary of size 6. In this vocabulary, index 0 represents the start token, and index 5 represents the end token. The transition probability from a state where the last predicted token was token `j` to new token `i` is given by the `(i, j)` element of the matrix `transition_probabilities`. """ log_probs_list = [] for last_token in last_predictions: log_probs = torch.log(transition_probabilities[last_token.item()]) log_probs_list.append(log_probs) return torch.stack(log_probs_list), state def take_step_with_timestep( last_predictions: torch.Tensor, state: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], timestep: int, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]: return take_step_no_timestep(last_predictions, state) class BeamSearchTest(AllenNlpTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() self.end_index = transition_probabilities.size()[0] - 1 self.beam_search = BeamSearch(self.end_index, max_steps=10, beam_size=3) # This is what the top k should look like for each item in the batch. self.expected_top_k = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [2, 3, 4, 5, 5], [3, 4, 5, 5, 5]]) # This is what the log probs should look like for each item in the batch. self.expected_log_probs = np.log(np.array([0.4, 0.3, 0.2])) def _check_results( self, batch_size: int = 5, expected_top_k: np.array = None, expected_log_probs: np.array = None, beam_search: BeamSearch = None, state: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = None, take_step=take_step_with_timestep, ) -> None: expected_top_k = expected_top_k if expected_top_k is not None else self.expected_top_k expected_log_probs = ( expected_log_probs if expected_log_probs is not None else self.expected_log_probs ) state = state or {} beam_search = beam_search or self.beam_search beam_size = beam_search.beam_size initial_predictions = torch.tensor([0] * batch_size) top_k, log_probs =, state, take_step) # type: ignore # top_k should be shape `(batch_size, beam_size, max_predicted_length)`. assert list(top_k.size())[:-1] == [batch_size, beam_size] np.testing.assert_array_equal(top_k[0].numpy(), expected_top_k) # log_probs should be shape `(batch_size, beam_size, max_predicted_length)`. assert list(log_probs.size()) == [batch_size, beam_size] np.testing.assert_allclose(log_probs[0].numpy(), expected_log_probs) @pytest.mark.parametrize("step_function", [take_step_with_timestep, take_step_no_timestep]) def test_search(self, step_function): self._check_results(take_step=step_function) def test_finished_state(self): state = {} state["foo"] = torch.tensor([[1, 0, 1], [2, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0]]) # shape: (batch_size, 3) expected_finished_state = {} expected_finished_state["foo"] = np.array( [ [1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1], [2, 0, 1], [2, 0, 1], [2, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], ] ) # shape: (batch_size x beam_size, 3) self._check_results(state=state) # check finished state. for key, array in expected_finished_state.items(): np.testing.assert_allclose(state[key].numpy(), array) def test_diff_shape_state(self): state = {} state["decoder_hidden"] = torch.tensor( [[1, 0, 1], [2, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0]] ) state["decoder_hidden"] = state["decoder_hidden"].unsqueeze(0).repeat(2, 1, 1) # shape: (2, batch_size, 3) seq = [ [1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1], [2, 0, 1], [2, 0, 1], [2, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], ] seq = [seq] * 2 expected_finished_state = {} expected_finished_state["decoder_hidden"] = np.array(seq) # shape: (2, batch_size x beam_size, 3) self._check_results(state=state) # check finished state. for key, array in expected_finished_state.items(): np.testing.assert_allclose(state[key].numpy(), array) def test_batch_size_of_one(self): self._check_results(batch_size=1) def test_greedy_search(self): beam_search = BeamSearch(self.end_index, beam_size=1) expected_top_k = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]) expected_log_probs = np.log(np.array([0.4])) self._check_results( expected_top_k=expected_top_k, expected_log_probs=expected_log_probs, beam_search=beam_search, ) def test_single_step(self): self.beam_search.max_steps = 1 expected_top_k = np.array([[1], [2], [3]]) expected_log_probs = np.log(np.array([0.4, 0.3, 0.2])) self._check_results( expected_top_k=expected_top_k, expected_log_probs=expected_log_probs, ) def test_early_stopping(self): """ Checks case where beam search will reach `max_steps` before finding end tokens. """ beam_search = BeamSearch(self.end_index, beam_size=3, max_steps=3) expected_top_k = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5]]) expected_log_probs = np.log(np.array([0.4, 0.3, 0.2])) self._check_results( expected_top_k=expected_top_k, expected_log_probs=expected_log_probs, beam_search=beam_search, ) def test_different_per_node_beam_size(self): # per_node_beam_size = 1 beam_search = BeamSearch(self.end_index, beam_size=3, per_node_beam_size=1) self._check_results(beam_search=beam_search) # per_node_beam_size = 2 beam_search = BeamSearch(self.end_index, beam_size=3, per_node_beam_size=2) self._check_results(beam_search=beam_search) def test_catch_bad_config(self): """ If `per_node_beam_size` (which defaults to `beam_size`) is larger than the size of the target vocabulary, `` should raise a ConfigurationError. """ beam_search = BeamSearch(self.end_index, beam_size=20) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): self._check_results(beam_search=beam_search) def test_warn_for_bad_log_probs(self): # The only valid next step from the initial predictions is the end index. # But with a beam size of 3, the call to `topk` to find the 3 most likely # next beams will result in 2 new beams that are invalid, in that have probability of 0. # The beam search should warn us of this. initial_predictions = torch.LongTensor([self.end_index - 1, self.end_index - 1]) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match="Infinite log probabilities"):, {}, take_step_no_timestep) def test_empty_sequences(self): initial_predictions = torch.LongTensor([self.end_index - 1, self.end_index - 1]) beam_search = BeamSearch(self.end_index, beam_size=1) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match="Empty sequences predicted"): predictions, log_probs = initial_predictions, {}, take_step_with_timestep ) # predictions hould have shape `(batch_size, beam_size, max_predicted_length)`. assert list(predictions.size()) == [2, 1, 1] # log probs hould have shape `(batch_size, beam_size)`. assert list(log_probs.size()) == [2, 1] assert (predictions == self.end_index).all() assert (log_probs == 0).all() def test_default_from_params_params(self): beam_search = BeamSearch.from_params(Params({"beam_size": 2, "end_index": 7})) assert beam_search.beam_size == 2 assert beam_search._end_index == 7 def test_top_p_search(self): initial_predictions = torch.tensor([0] * 5) beam_size = 3 take_step = take_step_with_timestep p_sampler = TopPSampler(p=0.8) top_p, log_probs = BeamSearch( self.end_index, beam_size=beam_size, max_steps=10, sampler=p_sampler ).search(initial_predictions, {}, take_step) beam_size = beam_size or 1 batch_size = 5 # top_p should be shape `(batch_size, beam_size, max_predicted_length)`. assert list(top_p.size())[:-1] == [batch_size, beam_size] assert ((0 <= top_p) & (top_p <= 5)).all() # log_probs should be shape `(batch_size, beam_size, max_predicted_length)`. assert list(log_probs.size()) == [batch_size, beam_size] @pytest.mark.parametrize("p_val", [-1.0, 1.2, 1.1, float("inf")]) def test_p_val(self, p_val): with pytest.raises(ValueError): initial_predictions = torch.tensor([0] * 5) take_step = take_step_with_timestep beam_size = 3 p_sampler = TopPSampler(p=p_val, with_replacement=True) top_k, log_probs = BeamSearch( self.end_index, beam_size=beam_size, max_steps=10, sampler=p_sampler ).search(initial_predictions, {}, take_step) def test_top_k_search(self): initial_predictions = torch.tensor([0] * 5) beam_size = 3 take_step = take_step_with_timestep k_sampler = TopKSampler(k=5, with_replacement=True) top_k, log_probs = BeamSearch( self.end_index, beam_size=beam_size, max_steps=10, sampler=k_sampler ).search(initial_predictions, {}, take_step) beam_size = beam_size or 1 batch_size = 5 # top_p should be shape `(batch_size, beam_size, max_predicted_length)`. assert list(top_k.size())[:-1] == [batch_size, beam_size] assert ((0 <= top_k) & (top_k <= 5)).all() # log_probs should be shape `(batch_size, beam_size, max_predicted_length)`. assert list(log_probs.size()) == [batch_size, beam_size] @pytest.mark.parametrize("k_val", [-1, 0]) def test_k_val(self, k_val): with pytest.raises(ValueError): initial_predictions = torch.tensor([0] * 5) take_step = take_step_with_timestep beam_size = 3 k_sampler = TopKSampler(k=k_val, with_replacement=True) top_k, log_probs = BeamSearch( self.end_index, beam_size=beam_size, max_steps=10, sampler=k_sampler ).search(initial_predictions, {}, take_step) def test_stochastic_beam_search(self): initial_predictions = torch.tensor([0] * 5) batch_size = 5 beam_size = 3 take_step = take_step_with_timestep gumbel_sampler = GumbelSampler() top_k, log_probs = BeamSearch( self.end_index, beam_size=beam_size, max_steps=10, sampler=gumbel_sampler ).search(initial_predictions, {}, take_step) # top_p should be shape `(batch_size, beam_size, max_predicted_length)`. assert list(top_k.size())[:-1] == [batch_size, beam_size] assert ((0 <= top_k) & (top_k <= 5)).all() # log_probs should be shape `(batch_size, beam_size, max_predicted_length)`. assert list(log_probs.size()) == [batch_size, beam_size] # Check to make sure that once the end index is predicted, all subsequent tokens # must be the end index. This has been tested on toy examples in which for batch in top_k: for beam in batch: reached_end = False for token in beam: if token == self.end_index: reached_end = True if reached_end: assert token == self.end_index def test_params_sampling(self): beam_search = BeamSearch.from_params( Params( { "sampler": { "type": "top-k", "k": 4, }, "beam_size": 2, "end_index": 7, } ) ) assert beam_search.beam_size == 2 assert beam_search._end_index == 7 assert beam_search.sampler is not None def test_params_p_sampling(self): beam_search = BeamSearch.from_params( Params( { "sampler": { "type": "top-p", "p": 0.8, }, "beam_size": 2, "end_index": 7, } ) ) assert beam_search.beam_size == 2 assert beam_search._end_index == 7 assert beam_search.sampler is not None def test_multinomial_sampler(self): sampler = MultinomialSampler(temperature=0.9) probabilities, classes, state = sampler.sample_nodes(log_probabilities, 3, {"foo": "bar"}) assert probabilities.size() == classes.size() assert classes.size() == (2, 3) assert all([x < 4 for x in classes[0]]) assert all([x > 1 for x in classes[1]]) def test_top_k_sampler(self): sampler = TopKSampler(k=3, temperature=0.9) probabilities, classes, state = sampler.sample_nodes(log_probabilities, 3, {"foo": "bar"}) assert probabilities.size() == classes.size() assert classes.size() == (2, 3) assert all([x > 0 and x < 4 for x in classes[0]]) assert all([x > 1 and x < 5 for x in classes[1]]) def test_top_p_sampler(self): sampler = TopPSampler(p=0.8, temperature=0.9) probabilities, classes, state = sampler.sample_nodes(log_probabilities, 3, {"foo": "bar"}) assert probabilities.size() == classes.size() assert classes.size() == (2, 3) assert all([x > 0 and x < 4 for x in classes[0]]) assert all([x > 1 and x < 5 for x in classes[1]]) # Make sure the filtered classes include the first class that exceeds p sampler = TopPSampler(p=0.7, temperature=1.0) probabilities, classes, state = sampler.sample_nodes(log_probabilities, 2, {"foo": "bar"}) assert all([x == 2 or x == 3 or x == 1 for x in classes[0]]) assert all([x == 2 or x == 3 for x in classes[1]]) def test_gumbel_sampler(self): sampler = GumbelSampler() num_classes = len(log_probabilities[0]) sampler_state = sampler.init_state(log_probabilities, batch_size=2, num_classes=num_classes) log_probs, indices, state = sampler.sample_beams(log_probabilities, 3, sampler_state) assert log_probs.size() == indices.size() assert indices.size() == (2, 3) # Make sure the probabilities are sorted. _, sorted_indices = log_probs.sort(dim=-1, descending=True) assert (sorted_indices == torch.arange(3).unsqueeze(0)).all() assert all([x >= 0 and x < 4 for x in indices[0]]) assert all([x > 1 and x <= 5 for x in indices[1]])
import os from typing import Dict import torch from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from import Vocabulary from import SequenceTaggingDatasetReader from allennlp.models.model import Model from import NoOpTrainer class ConstantModel(Model): def forward(self, *inputs) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: return {"class": torch.tensor(98)} class TestNoOpTrainer(AllenNlpTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() self.instances = SequenceTaggingDatasetReader().read( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "data" / "sequence_tagging.tsv" ) vocab = Vocabulary.from_instances(self.instances) self.vocab = vocab self.model = ConstantModel(vocab) def test_trainer_serializes(self): serialization_dir = self.TEST_DIR / "serialization_dir" trainer = NoOpTrainer(serialization_dir=serialization_dir, model=self.model) metrics = trainer.train() assert metrics == {} assert os.path.exists(serialization_dir / "") assert os.path.exists(serialization_dir / "vocabulary")
from allennlp.common.params import Params from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from import Vocabulary from import SequenceTaggingDatasetReader from import PyTorchDataLoader from allennlp.models.simple_tagger import SimpleTagger from import GradientDescentTrainer from import Optimizer class TestOptimizer(AllenNlpTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() self.instances = SequenceTaggingDatasetReader().read( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "data" / "sequence_tagging.tsv" ) vocab = Vocabulary.from_instances(self.instances) self.model_params = Params( { "text_field_embedder": { "token_embedders": {"tokens": {"type": "embedding", "embedding_dim": 5}} }, "encoder": {"type": "lstm", "input_size": 5, "hidden_size": 7, "num_layers": 2}, } ) self.model = SimpleTagger.from_params(vocab=vocab, params=self.model_params) def test_optimizer_basic(self): optimizer_params = Params({"type": "sgd", "lr": 1}) parameters = [[n, p] for n, p in self.model.named_parameters() if p.requires_grad] optimizer = Optimizer.from_params(model_parameters=parameters, params=optimizer_params) param_groups = optimizer.param_groups assert len(param_groups) == 1 assert param_groups[0]["lr"] == 1 def test_optimizer_parameter_groups(self): optimizer_params = Params( { "type": "sgd", "lr": 1, "momentum": 5, "parameter_groups": [ # the repeated "bias_" checks a corner case # NOT_A_VARIABLE_NAME displays a warning but does not raise an exception [["weight_i", "bias_", "bias_", "NOT_A_VARIABLE_NAME"], {"lr": 2}], [["tag_projection_layer"], {"lr": 3}], [["^text_field_embedder.*$"], {"requires_grad": False}], ], } ) # Before initializing the optimizer all params in this module will still require grad. assert all([param.requires_grad for param in self.model.text_field_embedder.parameters()]) parameters = [[n, p] for n, p in self.model.named_parameters() if p.requires_grad] optimizer = Optimizer.from_params(model_parameters=parameters, params=optimizer_params) param_groups = optimizer.param_groups # After initializing the optimizer, requires_grad should be false for all params in this module. assert not any( [param.requires_grad for param in self.model.text_field_embedder.parameters()] ) assert len(param_groups) == 3 assert param_groups[0]["lr"] == 2 assert param_groups[1]["lr"] == 3 # base case uses default lr assert param_groups[2]["lr"] == 1 for k in range(3): assert param_groups[k]["momentum"] == 5 # all LSTM parameters except recurrent connections (those with weight_h in name) assert len(param_groups[0]["params"]) == 6 # just the projection weight and bias assert len(param_groups[1]["params"]) == 2 # the recurrent connections left in the default group assert len(param_groups[2]["params"]) == 2 class TestDenseSparseAdam(AllenNlpTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() self.instances = SequenceTaggingDatasetReader().read( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "data" / "sequence_tagging.tsv" ) self.vocab = Vocabulary.from_instances(self.instances) self.model_params = Params( { "text_field_embedder": { "token_embedders": { "tokens": {"type": "embedding", "embedding_dim": 5, "sparse": True} } }, "encoder": {"type": "lstm", "input_size": 5, "hidden_size": 7, "num_layers": 2}, } ) self.model = SimpleTagger.from_params(vocab=self.vocab, params=self.model_params) def test_can_optimise_model_with_dense_and_sparse_params(self): optimizer_params = Params({"type": "dense_sparse_adam"}) parameters = [[n, p] for n, p in self.model.named_parameters() if p.requires_grad] optimizer = Optimizer.from_params(model_parameters=parameters, params=optimizer_params) self.instances.index_with(self.vocab) GradientDescentTrainer(self.model, optimizer, PyTorchDataLoader(self.instances, 2)).train()
import copy import glob import json import os import re import time from typing import Any, Dict, List import math import pytest import torch from import DataLoader from torch.nn.utils import clip_grad_norm_ from import PyTorchDataLoader from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from allennlp.common.params import Params from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase, requires_gpu, requires_multi_gpu from import Vocabulary from import TensorDict from import SequenceTaggingDatasetReader from allennlp.models.model import Model from allennlp.models.simple_tagger import SimpleTagger from import ( GradientDescentTrainer, Checkpointer, TensorboardWriter, BatchCallback, EpochCallback, TrainerCallback, TrackEpochCallback, ) from import CosineWithRestarts from import ExponentialLearningRateScheduler from import MomentumScheduler from import ExponentialMovingAverage from import allennlp_collate class TrainerTestBase(AllenNlpTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() self.instances = SequenceTaggingDatasetReader().read( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "data" / "sequence_tagging.tsv" ) self.instances_lazy = SequenceTaggingDatasetReader(lazy=True).read( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "data" / "sequence_tagging.tsv" ) vocab = Vocabulary.from_instances(self.instances) self.vocab = vocab self.model_params = Params( { "text_field_embedder": { "token_embedders": {"tokens": {"type": "embedding", "embedding_dim": 5}} }, "encoder": {"type": "lstm", "input_size": 5, "hidden_size": 7, "num_layers": 2}, } ) self.model = SimpleTagger.from_params(vocab=self.vocab, params=self.model_params) self.optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(self.model.parameters(), 0.01, momentum=0.9) self.data_loader = DataLoader(self.instances, batch_size=2, collate_fn=allennlp_collate) self.data_loader_lazy = DataLoader( self.instances_lazy, batch_size=2, collate_fn=allennlp_collate ) self.validation_data_loader = DataLoader( self.instances, batch_size=2, collate_fn=allennlp_collate ) self.instances.index_with(vocab) self.instances_lazy.index_with(vocab) class TestTrainer(TrainerTestBase): def test_trainer_can_run(self): trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( model=self.model, optimizer=self.optimizer, data_loader=self.data_loader, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=2, ) metrics = trainer.train() assert "best_validation_loss" in metrics assert isinstance(metrics["best_validation_loss"], float) assert "best_validation_accuracy" in metrics assert isinstance(metrics["best_validation_accuracy"], float) assert "best_validation_accuracy3" in metrics assert isinstance(metrics["best_validation_accuracy3"], float) assert "best_epoch" in metrics assert isinstance(metrics["best_epoch"], int) # Making sure that both increasing and decreasing validation metrics work. trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( model=self.model, optimizer=self.optimizer, data_loader=self.data_loader, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, validation_metric="+loss", num_epochs=2, ) metrics = trainer.train() assert "best_validation_loss" in metrics assert isinstance(metrics["best_validation_loss"], float) assert "best_validation_accuracy" in metrics assert isinstance(metrics["best_validation_accuracy"], float) assert "best_validation_accuracy3" in metrics assert isinstance(metrics["best_validation_accuracy3"], float) assert "best_epoch" in metrics assert isinstance(metrics["best_epoch"], int) assert "peak_worker_0_memory_MB" in metrics assert isinstance(metrics["peak_worker_0_memory_MB"], float) assert metrics["peak_worker_0_memory_MB"] > 0 def test_trainer_can_run_exponential_moving_average(self): moving_average = ExponentialMovingAverage(self.model.named_parameters(), decay=0.9999) trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( model=self.model, optimizer=self.optimizer, data_loader=self.data_loader, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=2, moving_average=moving_average, ) trainer.train() @requires_gpu def test_trainer_can_run_cuda(self): self.model.cuda() trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, num_epochs=2, cuda_device=0 ) metrics = trainer.train() assert "peak_worker_0_memory_MB" in metrics assert isinstance(metrics["peak_worker_0_memory_MB"], float) assert metrics["peak_worker_0_memory_MB"] > 0 assert "peak_gpu_0_memory_MB" in metrics assert isinstance(metrics["peak_gpu_0_memory_MB"], float) @requires_multi_gpu def test_passing_trainer_multiple_gpus_raises_error(self): self.model.cuda() with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, num_epochs=2, cuda_device=[0, 1], ) def test_data_loader_lazy_epoch_size_correct(self): num_epochs = 3 trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader_lazy, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=num_epochs, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, ) assert trainer._batch_num_total == 0 metrics = trainer.train() epoch = metrics["epoch"] assert epoch == num_epochs - 1 assert trainer._batch_num_total == num_epochs * 2 def test_data_loader_lazy_epoch_size_correct_custom_epoch_size(self): batches_per_epoch = 3 num_epochs = 3 data_loader_custom_epoch_lazy = PyTorchDataLoader( self.instances_lazy, batch_size=2, collate_fn=allennlp_collate, batches_per_epoch=batches_per_epoch, ) trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, data_loader_custom_epoch_lazy, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=num_epochs, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, ) assert trainer._batch_num_total == 0 metrics = trainer.train() epoch = metrics["epoch"] assert epoch == num_epochs - 1 assert trainer._batch_num_total == num_epochs * batches_per_epoch def test_trainer_respects_epoch_size_equals_total(self): batches_per_epoch = 4 num_epochs = 3 data_loader_equal_epoch = PyTorchDataLoader( self.instances, batch_size=2, collate_fn=allennlp_collate, batches_per_epoch=batches_per_epoch, ) trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, data_loader_equal_epoch, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=num_epochs, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, ) assert trainer._batch_num_total == 0 metrics = trainer.train() epoch = metrics["epoch"] assert epoch == num_epochs - 1 assert trainer._batch_num_total == num_epochs * batches_per_epoch def test_trainer_respects_epoch_size_larger_tnan_total(self): batches_per_epoch = 7 num_epochs = 3 data_loader_larger_epoch = PyTorchDataLoader( self.instances, batch_size=2, collate_fn=allennlp_collate, batches_per_epoch=batches_per_epoch, ) trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, data_loader_larger_epoch, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=num_epochs, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, ) assert trainer._batch_num_total == 0 metrics = trainer.train() epoch = metrics["epoch"] assert epoch == num_epochs - 1 assert trainer._batch_num_total == num_epochs * batches_per_epoch def test_trainer_respects_epoch_size_smaller_tnan_total(self): batches_per_epoch = 1 num_epochs = 2 data_loader_smaller_epoch = PyTorchDataLoader( self.instances, batch_size=2, collate_fn=allennlp_collate, batches_per_epoch=batches_per_epoch, ) trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, data_loader_smaller_epoch, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=num_epochs, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, ) assert trainer._batch_num_total == 0 metrics = trainer.train() epoch = metrics["epoch"] assert epoch == num_epochs - 1 assert trainer._batch_num_total == num_epochs * batches_per_epoch def test_trainer_can_resume_training(self): trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=1, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, ) trainer.train() new_trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=3, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, ) epoch = new_trainer._restore_checkpoint() assert epoch == 1 tracker = trainer._metric_tracker assert tracker.is_best_so_far() assert tracker._best_so_far is not None new_trainer.train() def test_trainer_can_resume_training_for_exponential_moving_average(self): moving_average = ExponentialMovingAverage(self.model.named_parameters()) trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=1, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, moving_average=moving_average, ) trainer.train() new_moving_average = ExponentialMovingAverage(self.model.named_parameters()) new_trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=3, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, moving_average=new_moving_average, ) epoch = new_trainer._restore_checkpoint() assert epoch == 1 tracker = trainer._metric_tracker assert tracker.is_best_so_far() assert tracker._best_so_far is not None new_trainer.train() def test_metric_only_considered_best_so_far_when_strictly_better_than_those_before_it_increasing_metric( self, ): new_trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=3, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, patience=5, validation_metric="+test", ) tracker = new_trainer._metric_tracker # when it is the only metric it should be considered the best new_tracker = copy.deepcopy(tracker) new_tracker.add_metric(1) assert new_tracker.is_best_so_far() # when it is the same as one before it it is not considered the best new_tracker = copy.deepcopy(tracker) new_tracker.add_metrics([0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.5, 0.1, 0.3]) assert not new_tracker.is_best_so_far() # when it is the best it is considered the best new_tracker = copy.deepcopy(tracker) new_tracker.add_metrics([0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.5, 0.1, 13]) assert new_tracker.is_best_so_far() # when it is not the the best it is not considered the best new_tracker = copy.deepcopy(tracker) new_tracker.add_metrics([0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.5, 0.1, 0.0013]) assert not new_tracker.is_best_so_far() def test_metric_only_considered_best_so_far_when_strictly_better_than_those_before_it_decreasing_metric( self, ): new_trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=3, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, patience=5, validation_metric="-test", ) tracker = new_trainer._metric_tracker # when it is the only metric it should be considered the best new_tracker = copy.deepcopy(tracker) new_tracker.add_metric(1) assert new_tracker.is_best_so_far() # when it is the same as one before it it is not considered the best new_tracker = copy.deepcopy(tracker) new_tracker.add_metrics([0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.5, 0.1, 0.3]) assert not new_tracker.is_best_so_far() # when it is the best it is considered the best new_tracker = copy.deepcopy(tracker) new_tracker.add_metrics([0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.5, 0.1, 0.0013]) assert new_tracker.is_best_so_far() # when it is not the the best it is not considered the best new_tracker = copy.deepcopy(tracker) new_tracker.add_metrics([0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.5, 0.1, 13]) def test_should_stop_early_with_increasing_metric(self): new_trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=3, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, patience=5, validation_metric="+test", ) tracker = new_trainer._metric_tracker new_tracker = copy.deepcopy(tracker) new_tracker.add_metrics([0.5, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.4, 0.4]) assert new_tracker.should_stop_early() new_tracker = copy.deepcopy(tracker) new_tracker.add_metrics([0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.5, 0.1]) assert not new_tracker.should_stop_early() def test_should_stop_early_with_flat_lining_metric(self): flatline = [0.2] * 6 tracker = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=3, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, patience=5, validation_metric="+test", )._metric_tracker tracker.add_metrics(flatline) assert tracker.should_stop_early tracker = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=3, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, patience=5, validation_metric="-test", )._metric_tracker tracker.add_metrics(flatline) assert tracker.should_stop_early def test_should_stop_early_with_decreasing_metric(self): new_trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=3, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, patience=5, validation_metric="-test", ) tracker = new_trainer._metric_tracker new_tracker = copy.deepcopy(tracker) new_tracker.add_metrics([0.02, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.4, 0.4]) assert new_tracker.should_stop_early() new_tracker = copy.deepcopy(tracker) new_tracker.add_metrics([0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.4, 0.5]) assert not new_tracker.should_stop_early() new_tracker = copy.deepcopy(tracker) new_tracker.add_metrics([0.1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.4, 0.5]) assert new_tracker.should_stop_early() def test_should_stop_early_with_early_stopping_disabled(self): # Increasing metric trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=100, patience=None, validation_metric="+test", ) tracker = trainer._metric_tracker tracker.add_metrics([float(i) for i in reversed(range(20))]) assert not tracker.should_stop_early() # Decreasing metric trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=100, patience=None, validation_metric="-test", ) tracker = trainer._metric_tracker tracker.add_metrics([float(i) for i in range(20)]) assert not tracker.should_stop_early() def test_should_stop_early_with_invalid_patience(self): for patience in [0, -1, -2, 1.5, "None"]: with pytest.raises( ConfigurationError, match='.* is an invalid value for "patience": ' "it must be a positive integer or None " "\\(if you want to disable early stopping\\)", ): GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=100, patience=patience, validation_metric="+test", ) def test_trainer_can_run_and_resume_with_momentum_scheduler(self): scheduler = MomentumScheduler.from_params( optimizer=self.optimizer, params=Params({"type": "inverted_triangular", "cool_down": 2, "warm_up": 2}), ) trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( model=self.model, optimizer=self.optimizer, data_loader=self.data_loader, momentum_scheduler=scheduler, validation_metric="-loss", validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=4, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, ) trainer.train() new_scheduler = MomentumScheduler.from_params( optimizer=self.optimizer, params=Params({"type": "inverted_triangular", "cool_down": 2, "warm_up": 2}), ) new_trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( model=self.model, optimizer=self.optimizer, data_loader=self.data_loader, momentum_scheduler=new_scheduler, validation_metric="-loss", validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=6, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, ) epoch = new_trainer._restore_checkpoint() assert epoch == 4 assert new_trainer._momentum_scheduler.last_epoch == 3 new_trainer.train() def test_trainer_can_run_with_lr_scheduler(self): lr_scheduler = ExponentialLearningRateScheduler(self.optimizer, gamma=0.5) trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( model=self.model, optimizer=self.optimizer, data_loader=self.data_loader, learning_rate_scheduler=lr_scheduler, validation_metric="-loss", validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=2, ) trainer.train() def test_trainer_can_resume_with_lr_scheduler(self): lr_scheduler = CosineWithRestarts(self.optimizer, t_initial=5) trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( model=self.model, optimizer=self.optimizer, data_loader=self.data_loader, learning_rate_scheduler=lr_scheduler, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=2, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, ) trainer.train() new_lr_scheduler = CosineWithRestarts(self.optimizer, t_initial=5) new_trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( model=self.model, optimizer=self.optimizer, data_loader=self.data_loader, learning_rate_scheduler=new_lr_scheduler, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=4, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, ) epoch = new_trainer._restore_checkpoint() assert epoch == 2 assert new_trainer._learning_rate_scheduler.last_epoch == 1 new_trainer.train() def test_trainer_raises_on_model_with_no_loss_key(self): class FakeModel(Model): def forward(self, **kwargs): return {} with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( FakeModel(None), self.optimizer, self.data_loader, num_epochs=2, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, ) trainer.train() def test_trainer_can_log_histograms(self): # enable activation logging for module in self.model.modules(): module.should_log_activations = True trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, num_epochs=3, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, tensorboard_writer=TensorboardWriter( serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, histogram_interval=2 ), ) trainer.train() def test_trainer_respects_num_serialized_models_to_keep(self): trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, num_epochs=5, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, checkpointer=Checkpointer( serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, num_serialized_models_to_keep=3 ), ) trainer.train() # Now check the serialized files for prefix in ["model_state_epoch_*", "training_state_epoch_*"]: file_names = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.TEST_DIR, prefix)) epochs = [int("_([0-9])\.th", fname).group(1)) for fname in file_names] assert sorted(epochs) == [2, 3, 4] def test_trainer_saves_metrics_every_epoch(self): trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( model=self.model, optimizer=self.optimizer, data_loader=self.data_loader, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=5, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, checkpointer=Checkpointer( serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, num_serialized_models_to_keep=3 ), ) trainer.train() for epoch in range(5): epoch_file = self.TEST_DIR / f"metrics_epoch_{epoch}.json" assert epoch_file.exists() metrics = json.load(open(epoch_file)) assert "validation_loss" in metrics assert "best_validation_loss" in metrics assert metrics.get("epoch") == epoch def test_trainer_respects_keep_serialized_model_every_num_seconds(self): # To test: # Create an fake data loader that sleeps for 2.5 second per epoch, so the total # training time for one epoch is slightly greater then 2.5 seconds. # Run for 6 epochs, keeping the last 2 models, models also kept every 5 seconds. # Check the resulting checkpoints. Should then have models at epochs # 2, 4, plus the last two at 5 and 6. class SlowDataLoader: data_loader = DataLoader(self.instances, batch_size=2, collate_fn=allennlp_collate) def __iter__(self): time.sleep(2.5) return iter(self.data_loader) def __len__(self): return len(self.data_loader) trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, SlowDataLoader(), num_epochs=6, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, checkpointer=Checkpointer( serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, num_serialized_models_to_keep=2, keep_serialized_model_every_num_seconds=5, ), ) trainer.train() # Now check the serialized files for prefix in ["model_state_epoch_*", "training_state_epoch_*"]: file_names = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.TEST_DIR, prefix)) epochs = [int("_([0-9])\.th", fname).group(1)) for fname in file_names] # epoch N has N-1 in file name assert sorted(epochs) == [1, 3, 4, 5] def test_trainer_can_log_learning_rates_tensorboard(self): data_loader = DataLoader(self.instances, batch_size=4, collate_fn=allennlp_collate) trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, data_loader, num_epochs=2, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, tensorboard_writer=TensorboardWriter( serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, should_log_learning_rate=True, summary_interval=2, ), ) trainer.train() def test_trainer_saves_models_at_specified_interval(self): data_loader = DataLoader(self.instances, batch_size=4, collate_fn=allennlp_collate) trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, data_loader, num_epochs=2, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, checkpointer=Checkpointer( serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, model_save_interval=0.0001, num_serialized_models_to_keep=10, ), ) trainer.train() # Now check the serialized files for models saved during the epoch. prefix = "model_state_epoch_*" file_names = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.TEST_DIR, prefix))) epochs = ["_([0-9\.\-]+)\.th", fname).group(1) for fname in file_names] # We should have checkpoints at the end of each epoch and during each, e.g. # [0.timestamp, 0, 1.timestamp, 1] assert len(epochs) == 4 assert epochs[3] == "1" assert "." in epochs[0] # Now make certain we can restore from timestamped checkpoint. # To do so, remove the checkpoint from the end of epoch 1&2, so # that we are forced to restore from the timestamped checkpoints. for k in range(2): os.remove(os.path.join(self.TEST_DIR, "model_state_epoch_{}.th".format(k))) os.remove(os.path.join(self.TEST_DIR, "training_state_epoch_{}.th".format(k))) os.remove(os.path.join(self.TEST_DIR, "")) restore_trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, num_epochs=2, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, checkpointer=Checkpointer(serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, model_save_interval=0.0001), ) epoch = restore_trainer._restore_checkpoint() assert epoch == 2 # One batch per epoch. assert restore_trainer._batch_num_total == 2 def test_trainer_saves_and_loads_best_validation_metrics_correctly_1(self): # Use -loss and run 1 epoch of original-training, and one of restored-training # Run 1 epoch of original training. trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, validation_metric="-loss", num_epochs=1, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, ) trainer.train() _ = trainer._restore_checkpoint() best_epoch_1 = trainer._metric_tracker.best_epoch best_validation_metrics_epoch_1 = trainer._metric_tracker.best_epoch_metrics # best_validation_metrics_epoch_1: {'accuracy': 0.75, 'accuracy3': 1.0, 'loss': 0.6243013441562653} assert isinstance(best_validation_metrics_epoch_1, dict) assert "loss" in best_validation_metrics_epoch_1 # Run 1 epoch of restored training. restore_trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, validation_metric="-loss", num_epochs=2, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, ) restore_trainer.train() _ = restore_trainer._restore_checkpoint() best_epoch_2 = restore_trainer._metric_tracker.best_epoch best_validation_metrics_epoch_2 = restore_trainer._metric_tracker.best_epoch_metrics # Because of using -loss, 2nd epoch would be better than 1st. So best val metrics should not be same. assert best_epoch_1 == 0 and best_epoch_2 == 1 assert best_validation_metrics_epoch_2 != best_validation_metrics_epoch_1 def test_trainer_saves_and_loads_best_validation_metrics_correctly_2(self): # Use -loss and run 1 epoch of original-training, and one of restored-training # Run 1 epoch of original training. trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, validation_metric="+loss", num_epochs=1, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, ) trainer.train() _ = trainer._restore_checkpoint() best_epoch_1 = trainer._metric_tracker.best_epoch best_validation_metrics_epoch_1 = trainer._metric_tracker.best_epoch_metrics # best_validation_metrics_epoch_1: {'accuracy': 0.75, 'accuracy3': 1.0, 'loss': 0.6243013441562653} assert isinstance(best_validation_metrics_epoch_1, dict) assert "loss" in best_validation_metrics_epoch_1 # Run 1 more epoch of restored training. restore_trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, validation_metric="+loss", num_epochs=2, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, ) restore_trainer.train() _ = restore_trainer._restore_checkpoint() best_epoch_2 = restore_trainer._metric_tracker.best_epoch best_validation_metrics_epoch_2 = restore_trainer._metric_tracker.best_epoch_metrics # Because of using +loss, 2nd epoch won't be better than 1st. So best val metrics should be same. assert best_epoch_1 == best_epoch_2 == 0 assert best_validation_metrics_epoch_2 == best_validation_metrics_epoch_1 def test_restored_training_returns_best_epoch_metrics_even_if_no_better_epoch_is_found_after_restoring( self, ): # Instead of -loss, use +loss to assure 2nd epoch is considered worse. # Run 1 epoch of original training. original_trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, validation_metric="+loss", num_epochs=1, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, ) training_metrics = original_trainer.train() # Run 1 epoch of restored training. restored_trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, validation_metric="+loss", num_epochs=2, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, ) restored_metrics = restored_trainer.train() assert "best_validation_loss" in restored_metrics assert "best_validation_accuracy" in restored_metrics assert "best_validation_accuracy3" in restored_metrics assert "best_epoch" in restored_metrics # Epoch 2 validation loss should be lesser than that of Epoch 1 assert training_metrics["best_validation_loss"] == restored_metrics["best_validation_loss"] assert training_metrics["best_epoch"] == 0 assert training_metrics["validation_loss"] > restored_metrics["validation_loss"] def test_restoring_works_with_older_checkpointing(self): trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=3, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, checkpointer=Checkpointer( serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, num_serialized_models_to_keep=4 ), ) trainer.train() for index in range(3): path = str(self.TEST_DIR / "training_state_epoch_{}.th".format(index)) state = torch.load(path) state.pop("metric_tracker") state.pop("batch_num_total") state["val_metric_per_epoch"] = [0.4, 0.1, 0.8], path) next_epoch = trainer._restore_checkpoint() best_epoch = trainer._metric_tracker.best_epoch # Loss decreases in 3 epochs, but because we hard fed the val metrics as above: assert next_epoch == 3 assert best_epoch == 1 assert trainer._metric_tracker._best_so_far == 0.1 assert trainer._metric_tracker._epochs_with_no_improvement == 1 def test_trainer_can_run_gradient_accumulation(self): instances = list(self.instances) steps_to_accumulate = 2 trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, num_epochs=2, num_gradient_accumulation_steps=steps_to_accumulate, ) assert trainer._num_gradient_accumulation_steps == steps_to_accumulate metrics = trainer.train() num_batches_trained_per_epoch = trainer._batch_num_total // (metrics["training_epochs"] + 1) num_batches_expected = math.ceil( math.ceil(len(instances) / self.data_loader.batch_size) / steps_to_accumulate ) assert num_batches_trained_per_epoch == num_batches_expected def test_batch_callback_is_called_at_every_batch(self): class FakeBatchCallback(BatchCallback): def __call__( self, trainer: "GradientDescentTrainer", batch_inputs: List[List[TensorDict]], batch_outputs: List[Dict[str, Any]], batch_metrics: Dict[str, Any], epoch: int, batch_number: int, is_training: bool, is_master: bool, ) -> None: if not hasattr(trainer, "batch_callback_calls"): trainer.batch_callback_calls = [] # type: ignore trainer.batch_callback_calls.append((epoch, batch_number, is_training)) # type: ignore trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, num_epochs=2, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, batch_callbacks=[FakeBatchCallback()], ) trainer.train() expected_calls = [ (epoch, batch_number + 1, is_train) for epoch in range(2) for is_train in (True, False) for batch_number in range(len(self.instances) // 2) ] assert trainer.batch_callback_calls == expected_calls def test_epoch_callback_is_called_at_every_epoch(self): class FakeEpochCallback(EpochCallback): def __call__( self, trainer: "GradientDescentTrainer", metrics: Dict[str, Any], epoch: int, is_master: bool, ) -> None: if not hasattr(trainer, "epoch_callback_calls"): trainer.epoch_callback_calls = [] # type: ignore trainer.epoch_callback_calls.append(epoch) # type: ignore trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, num_epochs=4, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, epoch_callbacks=[FakeEpochCallback()], ) trainer.train() expected_calls = [epoch for epoch in range(-1, 4)] assert trainer.epoch_callback_calls == expected_calls def test_track_epoch_callback(self): num_epochs = 4 trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, num_epochs=num_epochs, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, epoch_callbacks=[TrackEpochCallback()], ) trainer.train() assert trainer.model.epoch == num_epochs def test_end_callback_is_called_at_end(self): class FakeEndCallback(EpochCallback): def __call__( self, trainer: "GradientDescentTrainer", metrics: Dict[str, Any], epoch: int, is_master: bool, ) -> None: if not hasattr(trainer, "end_callback_calls"): trainer.end_callback_calls = [] # type: ignore trainer.end_callback_calls.append(epoch) # type: ignore trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, num_epochs=4, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, end_callbacks=[FakeEndCallback()], ) trainer.train() expected_calls = [3] assert trainer.end_callback_calls == expected_calls def test_trainer_callback_is_called_everywhere(self): class FakeTrainerCallback(TrainerCallback): def on_batch( self, trainer: "GradientDescentTrainer", batch_inputs: List[List[TensorDict]], batch_outputs: List[Dict[str, Any]], batch_metrics: Dict[str, Any], epoch: int, batch_number: int, is_training: bool, is_master: bool, ) -> None: if not hasattr(trainer, "batch_callback_calls"): trainer.batch_callback_calls = [] # type: ignore trainer.batch_callback_calls.append((epoch, batch_number, is_training)) # type: ignore def on_epoch( self, trainer: "GradientDescentTrainer", metrics: Dict[str, Any], epoch: int, is_master: bool, ) -> None: if not hasattr(trainer, "epoch_callback_calls"): trainer.epoch_callback_calls = [] # type: ignore trainer.epoch_callback_calls.append(epoch) # type: ignore def on_end( self, trainer: "GradientDescentTrainer", metrics: Dict[str, Any], epoch: int, is_master: bool, ) -> None: if not hasattr(trainer, "end_callback_calls"): trainer.end_callback_calls = [] # type: ignore trainer.end_callback_calls.append(epoch) # type: ignore trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, num_epochs=2, validation_data_loader=self.validation_data_loader, trainer_callbacks=[FakeTrainerCallback()], ) trainer.train() expected_batch_calls = [ (epoch, batch_number + 1, is_train) for epoch in range(2) for is_train in (True, False) for batch_number in range(len(self.instances) // 2) ] expected_epoch_calls = [epoch for epoch in range(-1, 2)] expected_end_calls = [1] assert trainer.batch_callback_calls == expected_batch_calls assert trainer.epoch_callback_calls == expected_epoch_calls assert trainer.end_callback_calls == expected_end_calls def test_total_loss_is_average_of_batch_loss(self): batches_per_epoch = 3 data_loader_custom_epoch_lazy = PyTorchDataLoader( self.instances_lazy, batch_size=2, collate_fn=allennlp_collate, batches_per_epoch=batches_per_epoch, ) class FakeBatchCallback(BatchCallback): def __call__( self, trainer: "GradientDescentTrainer", batch_inputs: List[List[TensorDict]], batch_outputs: List[Dict[str, Any]], batch_metrics: Dict[str, Any], epoch: int, batch_number: int, is_training: bool, is_master: bool, ) -> None: if not hasattr(trainer, "batch_losses"): trainer.batch_losses = [] # type: ignore trainer.batch_losses.append(batch_outputs[0]["loss"].item()) # type: ignore trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, data_loader_custom_epoch_lazy, num_epochs=1, batch_callbacks=[FakeBatchCallback()], ) metrics = trainer.train() assert metrics["training_loss"] == float(sum(trainer.batch_losses) / batches_per_epoch) @requires_gpu class TestAmpTrainer(TrainerTestBase): @pytest.mark.parametrize( "grad_norm, num_gradient_accumulation_steps", [(None, 1), (1.0, 1), (1.0, 2)] ) def test_trainer_can_run_amp(self, grad_norm, num_gradient_accumulation_steps): self.model.cuda() trainer = GradientDescentTrainer( self.model, self.optimizer, self.data_loader, num_epochs=2, cuda_device=0, use_amp=True, grad_norm=True, num_gradient_accumulation_steps=num_gradient_accumulation_steps, ) _ = trainer.train() class TestSparseClipGrad(AllenNlpTestCase): def test_sparse_clip_grad(self): # create a sparse embedding layer, then take gradient embedding = torch.nn.Embedding(100, 16, sparse=True) embedding.zero_grad() ids = (torch.rand(17) * 100).long() # Set some of the ids to the same value so that the sparse gradient # has repeated indices. This tests some additional logic. ids[:5] = 5 loss = embedding(ids).sum() loss.backward() assert embedding.weight.grad.is_sparse # Now try to clip the gradients. _ = clip_grad_norm_([embedding.weight], 1.5) # Final norm should be 1.5 grad = embedding.weight.grad.coalesce() assert grad._values().norm(2.0).item() == pytest.approx(1.5, rel=1e-4)
from typing import Dict import torch import numpy as np from allennlp.common.params import Params from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from allennlp.models.model import Model from import MovingAverage, ExponentialMovingAverage class MovingAverageTest(AllenNlpTestCase): def test_from_params(self): params = Params({"type": "exponential", "decay": 0.99}) _ = MovingAverage.from_params(params, parameters=[]) def test_exponential_moving_average_without_steps(self): param1 = torch.ones(5, 3) param2 = torch.ones(2) moving_average = ExponentialMovingAverage( [("param1", param1), ("param2", param2)], decay=0.9999 ) *= 5 # now all 5s *= 10 # now all 10s moving_average.apply() *= 5 # now all 25s *= 10 # now all 100s moving_average.apply() # Get shadow variables moving_average.assign_average_value() np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( param1, 1 * 0.9999 ** 2 + 5 * 0.9999 * 0.0001 + 25 * 0.0001 ) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( param2, 1 * 0.9999 ** 2 + 10 * 0.9999 * 0.0001 + 100 * 0.0001 ) # Restore original variables moving_average.restore() np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(param1, 25) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(param2, 100) def test_exponential_moving_average_num_updates(self): param1 = torch.ones(5, 3) param2 = torch.ones(2) moving_average = ExponentialMovingAverage( [("param1", param1), ("param2", param2)], decay=0.9999 ) *= 5 # now all 5s *= 10 # now all 10s moving_average.apply(num_updates=100) # 101 / 110 ~ 0.92 < 0.9999 *= 5 # now all 25s *= 10 # now all 100s moving_average.apply(num_updates=1_000_000) # 1_000_001 / 1_000_010 ~ .999991 > .9999 # Get shadow variables moving_average.assign_average_value() np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( param1, 1 * (101 / 110) * 0.9999 + 5 * (9 / 110) * 0.9999 + 25 * 0.0001 ) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( param2, 1 * (101 / 110) * 0.9999 + 10 * (9 / 110) * 0.9999 + 100 * 0.0001 ) # Restore original variables moving_average.restore() np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(param1, 25) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(param2, 100) def test_works_with_model(self): class FakeModel(Model): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__(None) self.w = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1)) def forward(self, t: torch.Tensor) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: # type: ignore return {"loss": (t * self.w).sum()} model = FakeModel() moving_average = ExponentialMovingAverage(model.named_parameters()) optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(list(model.parameters()), lr=0.1) for _ in range(10): optimizer.zero_grad() t = torch.randn(10) loss = model.forward(t)["loss"] loss.backward() optimizer.step() moving_average.apply() w_value = model.w.item() shadow_value = moving_average._shadows["w"].item() assert w_value != shadow_value moving_average.assign_average_value() assert model.w.item() == shadow_value moving_average.restore() assert model.w.item() == w_value # Now keep training: for _ in range(10): optimizer.zero_grad() t = torch.randn(10) loss = model.forward(t)["loss"] loss.backward() optimizer.step() moving_average.apply()
import logging import os import pytest from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from allennlp.common.params import Params from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from import Instance from import DatasetReader from import LabelField from allennlp.models import Model from import make_vocab_from_params, get_metrics logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @pytest.fixture(scope="module", autouse=True) def train_util_test_reader(): @DatasetReader.register("train-util-test-reader") class TrainUtilTestReader(DatasetReader): def _read(self, data_path):"...train-util-test-reader reading from %s", data_path) for i in range(10): yield self.text_to_instance(i) def text_to_instance(self, index: int) -> Instance: # type: ignore return Instance({"index": LabelField(index, skip_indexing=True)}) yield TrainUtilTestReader del DatasetReader._registry[DatasetReader]["train-util-test-reader"] class TestMakeVocabFromParams(AllenNlpTestCase): @pytest.mark.parametrize( "params", [ Params( { "dataset_reader": {"type": "train-util-test-reader"}, "train_data_path": "path-to-training-file", "validation_data_path": "path-to-validation-file", "test_data_path": "path-to-validation-file", "datasets_for_vocab_creation": [], } ), Params( { "dataset_reader": {"type": "train-util-test-reader"}, "train_data_path": "path-to-training-file", "datasets_for_vocab_creation": [], } ), Params( { "dataset_reader": {"type": "train-util-test-reader"}, "train_data_path": "path-to-training-file", "validation_data_path": "path-to-validation-file", "test_data_path": "path-to-validation-file", "vocabulary": {"type": "empty"}, } ), ], ) def test_no_instances_read_for_vocab(self, caplog, params): _ = make_vocab_from_params(params, str(self.TEST_DIR)) log_messages = "\n".join([rec.message for rec in caplog.records]) assert "...train-util-test-reader reading from" not in log_messages assert "Reading training data" not in log_messages assert "Reading validation data" not in log_messages assert "Reading test data" not in log_messages def test_only_train_read_for_vocab(self, caplog): params = Params( { "dataset_reader": {"type": "train-util-test-reader"}, "train_data_path": "path-to-training-file", } ) _ = make_vocab_from_params(params, str(self.TEST_DIR)) log_messages = "\n".join([rec.message for rec in caplog.records]) assert "...train-util-test-reader reading from path-to-training-file" in log_messages assert "...train-util-test-reader reading from path-to-validation-file" not in log_messages assert "...train-util-test-reader reading from path-to-test-file" not in log_messages assert "Reading training data" in log_messages assert "Reading validation data" not in log_messages assert "Reading test data" not in log_messages def test_all_datasets_read_for_vocab(self, caplog): params = Params( { "dataset_reader": {"type": "train-util-test-reader"}, "train_data_path": "path-to-training-file", "validation_data_path": "path-to-validation-file", "test_data_path": "path-to-test-file", } ) _ = make_vocab_from_params(params, str(self.TEST_DIR)) log_messages = "\n".join([rec.message for rec in caplog.records]) assert "...train-util-test-reader reading from path-to-training-file" in log_messages assert "...train-util-test-reader reading from path-to-validation-file" in log_messages assert "...train-util-test-reader reading from path-to-test-file" in log_messages assert "Reading training data" in log_messages assert "Reading validation data" in log_messages assert "Reading test data" in log_messages def test_only_specified_datasets_read_for_vocab(self, caplog): params = Params( { "dataset_reader": {"type": "train-util-test-reader"}, "train_data_path": "path-to-training-file", "validation_data_path": "path-to-validation-file", "test_data_path": "path-to-test-file", "datasets_for_vocab_creation": ["train", "validation"], } ) _ = make_vocab_from_params(params, str(self.TEST_DIR)) log_messages = "\n".join([rec.message for rec in caplog.records]) assert "...train-util-test-reader reading from path-to-training-file" in log_messages assert "...train-util-test-reader reading from path-to-validation-file" in log_messages assert "...train-util-test-reader reading from path-to-test-file" not in log_messages assert "Reading training data" in log_messages assert "Reading validation data" in log_messages assert "Reading test data" not in log_messages def test_using_seperate_validation_reader(self, caplog): params = Params( { "dataset_reader": {"type": "train-util-test-reader"}, "validation_dataset_reader": {"type": "train-util-test-reader"}, "train_data_path": "path-to-training-file", "validation_data_path": "path-to-validation-file", } ) _ = make_vocab_from_params(params, str(self.TEST_DIR)) log_messages = "\n".join([rec.message for rec in caplog.records]) assert "Using a separate dataset reader to load validation and test data" in log_messages def test_invalid_datasets_for_vocab_creation(self): params = Params( { "dataset_reader": {"type": "train-util-test-reader"}, "train_data_path": "path-to-training-file", "validation_data_path": "path-to-validation-file", "datasets_for_vocab_creation": ["train", "validation", "test"], } ) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, match="invalid 'datasets_for_vocab_creation' test"): make_vocab_from_params(params, str(self.TEST_DIR)) def test_raise_error_if_directory_non_empty(self): params = Params( { "dataset_reader": {"type": "train-util-test-reader"}, "train_data_path": "path-to-training-file", "validation_data_path": "path-to-validation-file", } ) os.makedirs(self.TEST_DIR / "vocabulary") with open(self.TEST_DIR / "vocabulary" / "blah", "w") as random_file: random_file.write("BLAH!") with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, match="The 'vocabulary' directory in the provided"): make_vocab_from_params(params, str(self.TEST_DIR)) def test_get_metrics(self): class FakeModel(Model): def forward(self, **kwargs): return {} model = FakeModel(None) total_loss = 100.0 batch_loss = 10.0 num_batches = 2 metrics = get_metrics(model, total_loss, None, batch_loss, None, num_batches) assert metrics["loss"] == float(total_loss / num_batches) assert metrics["batch_loss"] == batch_loss metrics = get_metrics(model, total_loss, None, None, None, num_batches) assert metrics["loss"] == float(total_loss / num_batches) assert "batch_loss" not in metrics
import os import re import time from contextlib import contextmanager from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from allennlp.common.params import Params from import Checkpointer, Trainer class FakeTrainer(Trainer): def __init__(self, model_state, training_states): self._model_state = model_state self._training_states = training_states @contextmanager def get_checkpoint_state(self): yield self._model_state, self._training_states class TestCheckpointer(AllenNlpTestCase): def retrieve_and_delete_saved(self): """ Helper function for the tests below. Finds the weight and training state files in self.TEST_DIR, parses their names for the epochs that were saved, deletes them, and returns the saved epochs as two lists of integers. """ serialization_files = os.listdir(self.TEST_DIR) model_checkpoints = [x for x in serialization_files if "model_state_epoch" in x] found_model_epochs = [ int("model_state_epoch_([0-9\.\-]+)\.th", x).group(1)) for x in model_checkpoints ] for f in model_checkpoints: os.remove(os.path.join(self.TEST_DIR, f)) training_checkpoints = [x for x in serialization_files if "training_state_epoch" in x] found_training_epochs = [ int("training_state_epoch_([0-9\.\-]+)\.th", x).group(1)) for x in training_checkpoints ] for f in training_checkpoints: os.remove(os.path.join(self.TEST_DIR, f)) return sorted(found_model_epochs), sorted(found_training_epochs) def test_default(self): """ Tests that the default behavior keeps just the last 2 checkpoints. """ default_num_to_keep = 2 num_epochs = 30 target = list(range(num_epochs - default_num_to_keep, num_epochs)) checkpointer = Checkpointer(serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR) for e in range(num_epochs): checkpointer.save_checkpoint( epoch=e, trainer=FakeTrainer(model_state={"epoch": e}, training_states={"epoch": e}), is_best_so_far=False, ) models, training = self.retrieve_and_delete_saved() assert models == training == target def test_keep_zero(self): checkpointer = Checkpointer( serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, num_serialized_models_to_keep=0 ) for e in range(10): checkpointer.save_checkpoint( epoch=e, trainer=FakeTrainer(model_state={"epoch": e}, training_states={"epoch": e}), is_best_so_far=True, ) files = os.listdir(self.TEST_DIR) assert "" not in files assert "" not in files def test_with_time(self): """ Tests that keep_serialized_model_every_num_seconds parameter causes a checkpoint to be saved after enough time has elapsed between epochs. """ num_to_keep = 10 num_epochs = 30 target = list(range(num_epochs - num_to_keep, num_epochs)) pauses = [5, 18, 26] target = sorted(set(target + pauses)) checkpointer = Checkpointer( serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, num_serialized_models_to_keep=num_to_keep, keep_serialized_model_every_num_seconds=1, ) for e in range(num_epochs): if e in pauses: time.sleep(2) checkpointer.save_checkpoint( epoch=e, trainer=FakeTrainer(model_state={"epoch": e}, training_states={"epoch": e}), is_best_so_far=False, ) models, training = self.retrieve_and_delete_saved() assert models == training == target def test_registered_subclass(self): """ Tests that registering Checkpointer subclasses works correctly. """ serialization_dir = str(self.TEST_DIR) @Checkpointer.register("checkpointer_subclass") class CheckpointerSubclass(Checkpointer): def __init__(self, x: int, y: int) -> None: super().__init__(serialization_dir) self.x = x self.y = y sub_inst = Checkpointer.from_params( Params({"type": "checkpointer_subclass", "x": 1, "y": 3}) ) assert sub_inst.__class__ == CheckpointerSubclass assert sub_inst.x == 1 and sub_inst.y == 3 def test_base_class_from_params(self): Checkpointer.from_params(Params({}), serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR)
from allennlp.common.testing import ( AllenNlpTestCase, multi_device, run_distributed_test, global_distributed_metric, ) from import Average class AverageTest(AllenNlpTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() self.metric = Average() @multi_device def test_distributed_average(self, device: str): device_ids = [-1, -1] if device == "cpu" else [0, 1] metric_kwargs = { "value": [1.0, 2.0], } run_distributed_test( device_ids, global_distributed_metric, self.metric, metric_kwargs, 1.5, exact=True, )
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union import pytest import torch from torch.testing import assert_allclose from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from allennlp.common.testing import ( AllenNlpTestCase, multi_device, global_distributed_metric, run_distributed_test, ) from import CategoricalAccuracy class CategoricalAccuracyTest(AllenNlpTestCase): @multi_device def test_categorical_accuracy(self, device: str): accuracy = CategoricalAccuracy() predictions = torch.tensor( [[0.35, 0.25, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0]], device=device ) targets = torch.tensor([0, 3], device=device) accuracy(predictions, targets) actual_accuracy = accuracy.get_metric() assert actual_accuracy == 0.50 @multi_device def test_top_k_categorical_accuracy(self, device: str): accuracy = CategoricalAccuracy(top_k=2) predictions = torch.tensor( [[0.35, 0.25, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0]], device=device ) targets = torch.tensor([0, 3], device=device) accuracy(predictions, targets) actual_accuracy = accuracy.get_metric() assert actual_accuracy == 1.0 @multi_device def test_top_k_categorical_accuracy_accumulates_and_resets_correctly(self, device: str): accuracy = CategoricalAccuracy(top_k=2) predictions = torch.tensor( [[0.35, 0.25, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0]], device=device ) targets = torch.tensor([0, 3], device=device) accuracy(predictions, targets) accuracy(predictions, targets) accuracy(predictions, torch.tensor([4, 4], device=device)) accuracy(predictions, torch.tensor([4, 4], device=device)) actual_accuracy = accuracy.get_metric(reset=True) assert actual_accuracy == 0.50 assert accuracy.correct_count == 0.0 assert accuracy.total_count == 0.0 @multi_device def test_top_k_categorical_accuracy_respects_mask(self, device: str): accuracy = CategoricalAccuracy(top_k=2) predictions = torch.tensor( [[0.35, 0.25, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], [0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.2, 0.0]], device=device, ) targets = torch.tensor([0, 3, 0], device=device) mask = torch.tensor([False, True, True], device=device) accuracy(predictions, targets, mask) actual_accuracy = accuracy.get_metric() assert_allclose(actual_accuracy, 0.50) @multi_device def test_top_k_categorical_accuracy_works_for_sequences(self, device: str): accuracy = CategoricalAccuracy(top_k=2) predictions = torch.tensor( [ [[0.35, 0.25, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0]], [[0.35, 0.25, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0]], ], device=device, ) targets = torch.tensor([[0, 3, 4], [0, 1, 4]], device=device) accuracy(predictions, targets) actual_accuracy = accuracy.get_metric(reset=True) assert_allclose(actual_accuracy, 0.6666666) # Test the same thing but with a mask: mask = torch.tensor([[False, True, True], [True, False, True]], device=device) accuracy(predictions, targets, mask) actual_accuracy = accuracy.get_metric(reset=True) assert_allclose(actual_accuracy, 0.50) @multi_device def test_top_k_categorical_accuracy_catches_exceptions(self, device: str): accuracy = CategoricalAccuracy() predictions = torch.rand([5, 7], device=device) out_of_range_labels = torch.tensor([10, 3, 4, 0, 1], device=device) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): accuracy(predictions, out_of_range_labels) @multi_device def test_tie_break_categorical_accuracy(self, device: str): accuracy = CategoricalAccuracy(tie_break=True) predictions = torch.tensor( [[0.35, 0.25, 0.35, 0.35, 0.35], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2], [0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2]], device=device, ) # Test without mask: targets = torch.tensor([2, 1, 4], device=device) accuracy(predictions, targets) assert accuracy.get_metric(reset=True) == (0.25 + 1 + 0.5) / 3.0 # # # Test with mask mask = torch.tensor([True, False, True], device=device) targets = torch.tensor([2, 1, 4], device=device) accuracy(predictions, targets, mask) assert accuracy.get_metric(reset=True) == (0.25 + 0.5) / 2.0 # # Test tie-break with sequence predictions = torch.tensor( [ [ [0.35, 0.25, 0.35, 0.35, 0.35], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2], [0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2], ], [ [0.35, 0.25, 0.35, 0.35, 0.35], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2], [0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2], ], ], device=device, ) targets = torch.tensor( [[0, 1, 3], [0, 3, 4]], device=device # 0.25 + 1 + 0.5 # 0.25 + 0 + 0.5 = 2.5 ) accuracy(predictions, targets) actual_accuracy = accuracy.get_metric(reset=True) assert_allclose(actual_accuracy, 2.5 / 6.0) @multi_device def test_top_k_and_tie_break_together_catches_exceptions(self, device: str): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): CategoricalAccuracy(top_k=2, tie_break=True) @multi_device def test_incorrect_top_k_catches_exceptions(self, device: str): with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): CategoricalAccuracy(top_k=0) @multi_device def test_does_not_divide_by_zero_with_no_count(self, device: str): accuracy = CategoricalAccuracy() assert accuracy.get_metric() == pytest.approx(0.0) def test_distributed_accuracy(self): predictions = [ torch.tensor([[0.35, 0.25, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2]]), torch.tensor([[0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0]]), ] targets = [torch.tensor([0]), torch.tensor([3])] metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_labels": targets} desired_accuracy = 0.5 run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], global_distributed_metric, CategoricalAccuracy(), metric_kwargs, desired_accuracy, exact=False, ) def test_distributed_accuracy_unequal_batches(self): predictions = [ torch.tensor([[0.35, 0.25, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0]]), torch.tensor([[0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.2, 0.0]]), ] targets = [torch.tensor([0, 3]), torch.tensor([0])] mask = [torch.tensor([False, True]), torch.tensor([True])] metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_labels": targets, "mask": mask} desired_accuracy = 0.5 run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], global_distributed_metric, CategoricalAccuracy(top_k=2), metric_kwargs, desired_accuracy, exact=False, ) def test_multiple_distributed_runs(self): predictions = [ torch.tensor([[0.35, 0.25, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2]]), torch.tensor([[0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0]]), ] targets = [torch.tensor([0]), torch.tensor([3])] metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_labels": targets} desired_accuracy = 0.5 run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], multiple_runs, CategoricalAccuracy(), metric_kwargs, desired_accuracy, exact=True, ) def multiple_runs( global_rank: int, world_size: int, gpu_id: Union[int, torch.device], metric: CategoricalAccuracy, metric_kwargs: Dict[str, List[Any]], desired_values: Dict[str, Any], exact: Union[bool, Tuple[float, float]] = True, ): kwargs = {} # Use the arguments meant for the process with rank `global_rank`. for argname in metric_kwargs: kwargs[argname] = metric_kwargs[argname][global_rank] for i in range(200): metric(**kwargs) assert desired_values == metric.get_metric()
from typing import Any, Dict, Union import torch from torch.testing import assert_allclose from allennlp.common.testing import ( AllenNlpTestCase, multi_device, run_distributed_test, ) from import ROUGE class RougeTest(AllenNlpTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() self.metric = ROUGE(exclude_indices={0}) def f1(self, r, p): if r == p == 0: return 0 return 2 * r * p / (r + p) @multi_device def test_rouge(self, device: str): self.metric.reset() predictions = torch.tensor([[1, 0, 1, 2], [1, 0, 3, 0], [1, 2, 3, 0]], device=device) targets = torch.tensor([[2, 0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 1, 0], [1, 0, 2, 3]], device=device) self.metric(predictions, targets) metrics = self.metric.get_metric() assert self.metric._total_sequence_count == 3 # ROUGE-N # Unigram unigram_recall = self.metric._total_rouge_n_recalls[1] assert unigram_recall == 2 / 3 + 1 / 3 + 3 / 3 unigram_precision = self.metric._total_rouge_n_precisions[1] assert unigram_precision == 2 / 3 + 1 / 2 + 3 / 3 unigram_f1 = self.metric._total_rouge_n_f1s[1] assert unigram_f1 == self.f1(2 / 3, 2 / 3) + self.f1(1 / 2, 1 / 3) + self.f1(3 / 3, 3 / 3) assert metrics["ROUGE-1_R"] == unigram_recall / self.metric._total_sequence_count assert metrics["ROUGE-1_P"] == unigram_precision / self.metric._total_sequence_count assert metrics["ROUGE-1_F1"] == unigram_f1 / self.metric._total_sequence_count # Bigram bigram_recall = self.metric._total_rouge_n_recalls[2] assert bigram_recall == 1 / 1 + 0 / 2 + 1 / 1 bigram_precision = self.metric._total_rouge_n_precisions[2] assert bigram_precision == 1 / 1 + 0 + 1 / 2 bigram_f1 = self.metric._total_rouge_n_f1s[2] assert bigram_f1 == self.f1(1 / 1, 1 / 1) + self.f1(0, 0 / 2) + self.f1(1 / 2, 1 / 1) assert metrics["ROUGE-2_R"] == bigram_recall / self.metric._total_sequence_count assert metrics["ROUGE-2_P"] == bigram_precision / self.metric._total_sequence_count assert metrics["ROUGE-2_F1"] == bigram_f1 / self.metric._total_sequence_count # ROUGE-L assert self.metric._total_rouge_l_f1 == self.f1(2 / 3, 2 / 3) + self.f1( 1 / 3, 1 / 2 ) + self.f1(3 / 3, 3 / 3) assert ( metrics["ROUGE-L"] == self.metric._total_rouge_l_f1 / self.metric._total_sequence_count ) def test_rouge_with_zero_counts(self): self.metric.reset() metrics = self.metric.get_metric() for score in metrics.values(): assert score == 0.0 def test_distributed_rouge(self): predictions = [torch.tensor([[1, 0, 1, 2], [1, 0, 3, 0]]), torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3, 0]])] targets = [torch.tensor([[2, 0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 1, 0]]), torch.tensor([[1, 0, 2, 3]])] metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_targets": targets} desired_values = {} desired_values["unigram_recall"] = 2 / 3 + 1 / 3 + 3 / 3 desired_values["unigram_precision"] = 2 / 3 + 1 / 2 + 3 / 3 desired_values["unigram_f1"] = ( self.f1(2 / 3, 2 / 3) + self.f1(1 / 2, 1 / 3) + self.f1(3 / 3, 3 / 3) ) desired_values["bigram_recall"] = 1 / 1 + 0 / 2 + 1 / 1 desired_values["bigram_precision"] = 1 / 1 + 0 + 1 / 2 desired_values["bigram_f1"] = ( self.f1(1 / 1, 1 / 1) + self.f1(0, 0 / 2) + self.f1(1 / 2, 1 / 1) ) desired_values["total_rouge_l_f1"] = ( self.f1(2 / 3, 2 / 3) + self.f1(1 / 3, 1 / 2) + self.f1(3 / 3, 3 / 3) ) run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], global_distributed_rouge, ROUGE(exclude_indices={0}), metric_kwargs, desired_values, ) def global_distributed_rouge( global_rank: int, world_size: int, gpu_id: Union[int, torch.device], metric: ROUGE, metric_kwargs: Dict[str, Any], desired_values: Dict[str, Any], ): kwargs = {} # Use the arguments meant for the process with rank `global_rank`. for argname in metric_kwargs: kwargs[argname] = metric_kwargs[argname][global_rank] metric(**kwargs) metrics = metric.get_metric() # Unigram unigram_recall = metric._total_rouge_n_recalls[1] assert_allclose(unigram_recall, desired_values["unigram_recall"]) unigram_precision = metric._total_rouge_n_precisions[1] assert_allclose(unigram_precision, desired_values["unigram_precision"]) unigram_f1 = metric._total_rouge_n_f1s[1] assert_allclose(unigram_f1, desired_values["unigram_f1"]) assert metrics["ROUGE-1_R"] == unigram_recall / metric._total_sequence_count assert metrics["ROUGE-1_P"] == unigram_precision / metric._total_sequence_count assert metrics["ROUGE-1_F1"] == unigram_f1 / metric._total_sequence_count # Bigram bigram_recall = metric._total_rouge_n_recalls[2] assert_allclose(bigram_recall, desired_values["bigram_recall"]) bigram_precision = metric._total_rouge_n_precisions[2] assert_allclose(bigram_precision, desired_values["bigram_precision"]) bigram_f1 = metric._total_rouge_n_f1s[2] assert_allclose(bigram_f1, desired_values["bigram_f1"]) assert metrics["ROUGE-2_R"] == bigram_recall / metric._total_sequence_count assert metrics["ROUGE-2_P"] == bigram_precision / metric._total_sequence_count assert metrics["ROUGE-2_F1"] == bigram_f1 / metric._total_sequence_count # ROUGE-L assert_allclose(metric._total_rouge_l_f1, desired_values["total_rouge_l_f1"]) assert metrics["ROUGE-L"] == metric._total_rouge_l_f1 / metric._total_sequence_count
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union import torch from allennlp.common.testing import ( AllenNlpTestCase, multi_device, run_distributed_test, global_distributed_metric, ) from import AttachmentScores class AttachmentScoresTest(AllenNlpTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() self.scorer = AttachmentScores() self.predictions = torch.Tensor([[0, 1, 3, 5, 2, 4], [0, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0]]) self.gold_indices = torch.Tensor([[0, 1, 3, 5, 2, 4], [0, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0]]) self.label_predictions = torch.Tensor([[0, 5, 2, 1, 4, 2], [0, 4, 8, 2, 0, 0]]) self.gold_labels = torch.Tensor([[0, 5, 2, 1, 4, 2], [0, 4, 8, 2, 0, 0]]) self.mask = torch.tensor( [[True, True, True, True, True, True], [True, True, True, True, False, False]] ) def _send_tensors_to_device(self, device: str): self.predictions = self.gold_indices = self.label_predictions = self.gold_labels = self.mask = @multi_device def test_perfect_scores(self, device: str): self._send_tensors_to_device(device) self.scorer( self.predictions, self.label_predictions, self.gold_indices, self.gold_labels, self.mask ) for value in self.scorer.get_metric().values(): assert value == 1.0 @multi_device def test_unlabeled_accuracy_ignores_incorrect_labels(self, device: str): self._send_tensors_to_device(device) label_predictions = self.label_predictions # Change some stuff so our 4 of our label predictions are wrong. label_predictions[0, 3:] = 3 label_predictions[1, 0] = 7 self.scorer( self.predictions, label_predictions, self.gold_indices, self.gold_labels, self.mask ) metrics = self.scorer.get_metric() assert metrics["UAS"] == 1.0 assert metrics["UEM"] == 1.0 # 4 / 12 labels were wrong and 2 positions # are masked, so 6/10 = 0.6 LAS. assert metrics["LAS"] == 0.6 # Neither should have labeled exact match. assert metrics["LEM"] == 0.0 @multi_device def test_labeled_accuracy_is_affected_by_incorrect_heads(self, device: str): self._send_tensors_to_device(device) predictions = self.predictions # Change some stuff so our 4 of our predictions are wrong. predictions[0, 3:] = 3 predictions[1, 0] = 7 # This one is in the padded part, so it shouldn't affect anything. predictions[1, 5] = 7 self.scorer( predictions, self.label_predictions, self.gold_indices, self.gold_labels, self.mask ) metrics = self.scorer.get_metric() # 4 heads are incorrect, so the unlabeled score should be # 6/10 = 0.6 LAS. assert metrics["UAS"] == 0.6 # All the labels were correct, but some heads # were wrong, so the LAS should equal the UAS. assert metrics["LAS"] == 0.6 # Neither batch element had a perfect labeled or unlabeled EM. assert metrics["LEM"] == 0.0 assert metrics["UEM"] == 0.0 @multi_device def test_attachment_scores_can_ignore_labels(self, device: str): self._send_tensors_to_device(device) scorer = AttachmentScores(ignore_classes=[1]) label_predictions = self.label_predictions # Change the predictions where the gold label is 1; # as we are ignoring 1, we should still get a perfect score. label_predictions[0, 3] = 2 scorer(self.predictions, label_predictions, self.gold_indices, self.gold_labels, self.mask) for value in scorer.get_metric().values(): assert value == 1.0 def test_distributed_attachment_scores(self): predictions = [torch.Tensor([[0, 1, 3, 5, 2, 4]]), torch.Tensor([[0, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0]])] gold_indices = [torch.Tensor([[0, 1, 3, 5, 2, 4]]), torch.Tensor([[0, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0]])] label_predictions = [ torch.Tensor([[0, 5, 2, 3, 3, 3]]), torch.Tensor([[7, 4, 8, 2, 0, 0]]), ] gold_labels = [torch.Tensor([[0, 5, 2, 1, 4, 2]]), torch.Tensor([[0, 4, 8, 2, 0, 0]])] mask = [ torch.tensor([[True, True, True, True, True, True]]), torch.tensor([[True, True, True, True, False, False]]), ] metric_kwargs = { "predicted_indices": predictions, "gold_indices": gold_indices, "predicted_labels": label_predictions, "gold_labels": gold_labels, "mask": mask, } desired_metrics = { "UAS": 1.0, "LAS": 0.6, "UEM": 1.0, "LEM": 0.0, } run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], global_distributed_metric, AttachmentScores(), metric_kwargs, desired_metrics, exact=True, ) def test_multiple_distributed_runs(self): predictions = [torch.Tensor([[0, 1, 3, 5, 2, 4]]), torch.Tensor([[0, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0]])] gold_indices = [torch.Tensor([[0, 1, 3, 5, 2, 4]]), torch.Tensor([[0, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0]])] label_predictions = [ torch.Tensor([[0, 5, 2, 3, 3, 3]]), torch.Tensor([[7, 4, 8, 2, 0, 0]]), ] gold_labels = [torch.Tensor([[0, 5, 2, 1, 4, 2]]), torch.Tensor([[0, 4, 8, 2, 0, 0]])] mask = [ torch.tensor([[True, True, True, True, True, True]]), torch.tensor([[True, True, True, True, False, False]]), ] metric_kwargs = { "predicted_indices": predictions, "gold_indices": gold_indices, "predicted_labels": label_predictions, "gold_labels": gold_labels, "mask": mask, } desired_metrics = { "UAS": 1.0, "LAS": 0.6, "UEM": 1.0, "LEM": 0.0, } run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], multiple_runs, AttachmentScores(), metric_kwargs, desired_metrics, exact=True, ) def multiple_runs( global_rank: int, world_size: int, gpu_id: Union[int, torch.device], metric: AttachmentScores, metric_kwargs: Dict[str, List[Any]], desired_values: Dict[str, Any], exact: Union[bool, Tuple[float, float]] = True, ): kwargs = {} # Use the arguments meant for the process with rank `global_rank`. for argname in metric_kwargs: kwargs[argname] = metric_kwargs[argname][global_rank] for i in range(200): metric(**kwargs) metrics = metric.get_metric() for key in metrics: assert desired_values[key] == metrics[key]
import numpy as np import torch from torch.testing import assert_allclose from allennlp.common.testing import ( AllenNlpTestCase, multi_device, # global_distributed_metric, # run_distributed_test, ) from import Covariance class CovarianceTest(AllenNlpTestCase): @multi_device def test_covariance_unmasked_computation(self, device: str): covariance = Covariance() batch_size = 100 num_labels = 10 predictions = torch.randn(batch_size, num_labels, device=device) labels = 0.5 * predictions + torch.randn(batch_size, num_labels, device=device) stride = 10 for i in range(batch_size // stride): timestep_predictions = predictions[stride * i : stride * (i + 1), :] timestep_labels = labels[stride * i : stride * (i + 1), :] # Flatten the predictions and labels thus far, so numpy treats them as # independent observations. expected_covariance = np.cov( predictions[: stride * (i + 1), :].view(-1).cpu().numpy(), labels[: stride * (i + 1), :].view(-1).cpu().numpy(), )[0, 1] covariance(timestep_predictions, timestep_labels) assert_allclose(expected_covariance, covariance.get_metric()) # Test reset covariance.reset() covariance(predictions, labels) assert_allclose( np.cov(predictions.view(-1).cpu().numpy(), labels.view(-1).cpu().numpy())[0, 1], covariance.get_metric(), ) @multi_device def test_covariance_masked_computation(self, device: str): covariance = Covariance() batch_size = 100 num_labels = 10 predictions = torch.randn(batch_size, num_labels, device=device) labels = 0.5 * predictions + torch.randn(batch_size, num_labels, device=device) # Random binary mask mask = torch.randint(0, 2, size=(batch_size, num_labels), device=device).bool() stride = 10 for i in range(batch_size // stride): timestep_predictions = predictions[stride * i : stride * (i + 1), :] timestep_labels = labels[stride * i : stride * (i + 1), :] timestep_mask = mask[stride * i : stride * (i + 1), :] # Flatten the predictions, labels, and mask thus far, so numpy treats them as # independent observations. expected_covariance = np.cov( predictions[: stride * (i + 1), :].view(-1).cpu().numpy(), labels[: stride * (i + 1), :].view(-1).cpu().numpy(), fweights=mask[: stride * (i + 1), :].view(-1).cpu().numpy(), )[0, 1] covariance(timestep_predictions, timestep_labels, timestep_mask) assert_allclose(expected_covariance, covariance.get_metric()) # Test reset covariance.reset() covariance(predictions, labels, mask) assert_allclose( np.cov( predictions.view(-1).cpu().numpy(), labels.view(-1).cpu().numpy(), fweights=mask.view(-1).cpu().numpy(), )[0, 1], covariance.get_metric(), ) # Commenting in order to revisit distributed covariance later. # def test_distributed_covariance(self): # batch_size = 10 # num_labels = 10 # predictions = torch.randn(batch_size, num_labels) # labels = 0.5 * predictions + torch.randn(batch_size, num_labels) # # Random binary mask # mask = torch.randint(0, 2, size=(batch_size, num_labels)).bool() # expected_covariance = np.cov( # predictions.view(-1).cpu().numpy(), # labels.view(-1).cpu().numpy(), # fweights=mask.view(-1).cpu().numpy(), # )[0, 1] # predictions = [predictions[:5], predictions[5:]] # labels = [labels[:5], labels[5:]] # mask = [mask[:5], mask[5:]] # metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_labels": labels, "mask": mask} # run_distributed_test( # [-1, -1], # global_distributed_metric, # Covariance(), # metric_kwargs, # expected_covariance, # exact=(0.0001, 1e-01), # ) # def test_distributed_covariance_unequal_batches(self): # batch_size = 10 # num_labels = 10 # predictions = torch.randn(batch_size, num_labels) # labels = 0.5 * predictions + torch.randn(batch_size, num_labels) # # Random binary mask # mask = torch.randint(0, 2, size=(batch_size, num_labels)).bool() # expected_covariance = np.cov( # predictions.view(-1).cpu().numpy(), # labels.view(-1).cpu().numpy(), # fweights=mask.view(-1).cpu().numpy(), # )[0, 1] # predictions = [predictions[:6], predictions[6:]] # labels = [labels[:6], labels[6:]] # mask = [mask[:6], mask[6:]] # metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_labels": labels, "mask": mask} # run_distributed_test( # [-1, -1], # global_distributed_metric, # Covariance(), # metric_kwargs, # expected_covariance, # exact=(0.0001, 1e-01), # ) # def test_multiple_runs(self): # batch_size = 12 # num_labels = 10 # predictions = torch.randn(batch_size, num_labels) # labels = 0.5 * predictions + torch.randn(batch_size, num_labels) # stride = 1 # expected_covariances = [] # for i in range(batch_size // stride): # timestep_predictions = predictions[stride * i : stride * (i + 1), :] # timestep_labels = labels[stride * i : stride * (i + 1), :] # # Flatten the predictions and labels thus far, so numpy treats them as # # independent observations. # expected_covariance = np.cov( # predictions[: stride * (i + 1), :].view(-1).cpu().numpy(), # labels[: stride * (i + 1), :].view(-1).cpu().numpy(), # )[0, 1] # expected_covariances.append(expected_covariance) # predictions = [predictions[:6], predictions[6:]] # labels = [labels[:6], labels[6:]] # metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_labels": labels} # run_distributed_test( # [-1, -1], # multiple_runs, # Covariance(), # batch_size, # stride, # metric_kwargs, # expected_covariances, # exact=(0.0001, 1e-01), # ) # def multiple_runs( # global_rank: int, # world_size: int, # gpu_id: Union[int, torch.device], # covariance: Covariance, # batch_size: int, # stride: int, # metric_kwargs: Dict[str, List[Any]], # expected_covariances: List[float], # exact: Union[bool, Tuple[float, float]] = True, # ): # kwargs = {} # # Use the arguments meant for the process with rank `global_rank`. # for argname in metric_kwargs: # kwargs[argname] = metric_kwargs[argname][global_rank] # predictions = kwargs["predictions"] # labels = kwargs["gold_labels"] # batch_size = predictions.shape[0] # stride = stride // world_size # for i in range(batch_size // stride): # timestep_predictions = predictions[stride * i : stride * (i + 1), :] # timestep_labels = labels[stride * i : stride * (i + 1), :] # # Flatten the predictions and labels thus far, so numpy treats them as # # independent observations. # covariance(timestep_predictions, timestep_labels) # assert_allclose(expected_covariances[i], covariance.get_metric(), rtol=exact[0], atol=exact[1])
import torch from torch.testing import assert_allclose import pytest from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from allennlp.common.params import Params from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase, multi_device from import Vocabulary from import SpanBasedF1Measure, Metric class SpanBasedF1Test(AllenNlpTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() vocab = Vocabulary() vocab.add_token_to_namespace("O", "tags") vocab.add_token_to_namespace("B-ARG1", "tags") vocab.add_token_to_namespace("I-ARG1", "tags") vocab.add_token_to_namespace("B-ARG2", "tags") vocab.add_token_to_namespace("I-ARG2", "tags") vocab.add_token_to_namespace("B-V", "tags") vocab.add_token_to_namespace("I-V", "tags") vocab.add_token_to_namespace("U-ARG1", "tags") vocab.add_token_to_namespace("U-ARG2", "tags") vocab.add_token_to_namespace("B-C-ARG1", "tags") vocab.add_token_to_namespace("I-C-ARG1", "tags") vocab.add_token_to_namespace("B-ARGM-ADJ", "tags") vocab.add_token_to_namespace("I-ARGM-ADJ", "tags") # BMES. vocab.add_token_to_namespace("B", "bmes_tags") vocab.add_token_to_namespace("M", "bmes_tags") vocab.add_token_to_namespace("E", "bmes_tags") vocab.add_token_to_namespace("S", "bmes_tags") self.vocab = vocab @multi_device def test_span_metrics_are_computed_correcly_with_prediction_map(self, device: str): # In this example, datapoint1 only has access to ARG1 and V labels, # whereas datapoint2 only has access to ARG2 and V labels. # gold_labels = [["O", "B-ARG1", "I-ARG1", "O", "B-V", "O"], # ["B-ARG2", "I-ARG2", "O", "B-V", "I-V", "O"]] gold_indices = [[0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 0], [1, 2, 0, 3, 4, 0]] prediction_map_indices = [[0, 1, 2, 5, 6], [0, 3, 4, 5, 6]] gold_tensor = torch.tensor(gold_indices, device=device) prediction_map_tensor = torch.tensor(prediction_map_indices, device=device) prediction_tensor = torch.rand([2, 6, 5], device=device) prediction_tensor[0, 0, 0] = 1 prediction_tensor[0, 1, 1] = 1 # (True Positive - ARG1 prediction_tensor[0, 2, 2] = 1 # *) prediction_tensor[0, 3, 0] = 1 prediction_tensor[0, 4, 3] = 1 # (True Positive - V) prediction_tensor[0, 5, 1] = 1 # (False Positive - ARG1) prediction_tensor[1, 0, 0] = 1 # (False Negative - ARG2 prediction_tensor[1, 1, 0] = 1 # *) prediction_tensor[1, 2, 0] = 1 prediction_tensor[1, 3, 3] = 1 # (True Positive - V prediction_tensor[1, 4, 4] = 1 # *) prediction_tensor[1, 5, 1] = 1 # (False Positive - ARG2) metric = SpanBasedF1Measure(self.vocab, "tags") metric(prediction_tensor, gold_tensor, prediction_map=prediction_map_tensor) assert metric._true_positives["ARG1"] == 1 assert metric._true_positives["ARG2"] == 0 assert metric._true_positives["V"] == 2 assert "O" not in metric._true_positives.keys() assert metric._false_negatives["ARG1"] == 0 assert metric._false_negatives["ARG2"] == 1 assert metric._false_negatives["V"] == 0 assert "O" not in metric._false_negatives.keys() assert metric._false_positives["ARG1"] == 1 assert metric._false_positives["ARG2"] == 1 assert metric._false_positives["V"] == 0 assert "O" not in metric._false_positives.keys() # Check things are accumulating correctly. metric(prediction_tensor, gold_tensor, prediction_map=prediction_map_tensor) assert metric._true_positives["ARG1"] == 2 assert metric._true_positives["ARG2"] == 0 assert metric._true_positives["V"] == 4 assert "O" not in metric._true_positives.keys() assert metric._false_negatives["ARG1"] == 0 assert metric._false_negatives["ARG2"] == 2 assert metric._false_negatives["V"] == 0 assert "O" not in metric._false_negatives.keys() assert metric._false_positives["ARG1"] == 2 assert metric._false_positives["ARG2"] == 2 assert metric._false_positives["V"] == 0 assert "O" not in metric._false_positives.keys() metric_dict = metric.get_metric() assert_allclose(metric_dict["recall-ARG2"], 0.0) assert_allclose(metric_dict["precision-ARG2"], 0.0) assert_allclose(metric_dict["f1-measure-ARG2"], 0.0) assert_allclose(metric_dict["recall-ARG1"], 1.0) assert_allclose(metric_dict["precision-ARG1"], 0.5) assert_allclose(metric_dict["f1-measure-ARG1"], 0.666666666) assert_allclose(metric_dict["recall-V"], 1.0) assert_allclose(metric_dict["precision-V"], 1.0) assert_allclose(metric_dict["f1-measure-V"], 1.0) assert_allclose(metric_dict["recall-overall"], 0.75) assert_allclose(metric_dict["precision-overall"], 0.6) assert_allclose(metric_dict["f1-measure-overall"], 0.666666666) @multi_device def test_span_metrics_are_computed_correctly(self, device: str): gold_labels = ["O", "B-ARG1", "I-ARG1", "O", "B-ARG2", "I-ARG2", "O", "O", "O"] gold_indices = [self.vocab.get_token_index(x, "tags") for x in gold_labels] gold_tensor = torch.tensor([gold_indices], device=device) prediction_tensor = torch.rand([2, 9, self.vocab.get_vocab_size("tags")], device=device) # Test that the span measure ignores completely masked sequences by # passing a mask with a fully masked row. mask = torch.tensor( [ [True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True], [False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False], ], device=device, ) prediction_tensor[:, 0, 0] = 1 prediction_tensor[:, 1, 1] = 1 # (True positive - ARG1 prediction_tensor[:, 2, 2] = 1 # *) prediction_tensor[:, 3, 0] = 1 prediction_tensor[:, 4, 0] = 1 # (False Negative - ARG2 prediction_tensor[:, 5, 0] = 1 # *) prediction_tensor[:, 6, 0] = 1 prediction_tensor[:, 7, 1] = 1 # (False Positive - ARG1 prediction_tensor[:, 8, 2] = 1 # *) metric = SpanBasedF1Measure(self.vocab, "tags") metric(prediction_tensor, gold_tensor, mask) assert metric._true_positives["ARG1"] == 1 assert metric._true_positives["ARG2"] == 0 assert "O" not in metric._true_positives.keys() assert metric._false_negatives["ARG1"] == 0 assert metric._false_negatives["ARG2"] == 1 assert "O" not in metric._false_negatives.keys() assert metric._false_positives["ARG1"] == 1 assert metric._false_positives["ARG2"] == 0 assert "O" not in metric._false_positives.keys() # Check things are accumulating correctly. metric(prediction_tensor, gold_tensor, mask) assert metric._true_positives["ARG1"] == 2 assert metric._true_positives["ARG2"] == 0 assert "O" not in metric._true_positives.keys() assert metric._false_negatives["ARG1"] == 0 assert metric._false_negatives["ARG2"] == 2 assert "O" not in metric._false_negatives.keys() assert metric._false_positives["ARG1"] == 2 assert metric._false_positives["ARG2"] == 0 assert "O" not in metric._false_positives.keys() metric_dict = metric.get_metric() assert_allclose(metric_dict["recall-ARG2"], 0.0) assert_allclose(metric_dict["precision-ARG2"], 0.0) assert_allclose(metric_dict["f1-measure-ARG2"], 0.0) assert_allclose(metric_dict["recall-ARG1"], 1.0) assert_allclose(metric_dict["precision-ARG1"], 0.5) assert_allclose(metric_dict["f1-measure-ARG1"], 0.666666666) assert_allclose(metric_dict["recall-overall"], 0.5) assert_allclose(metric_dict["precision-overall"], 0.5) assert_allclose(metric_dict["f1-measure-overall"], 0.5) @multi_device def test_bmes_span_metrics_are_computed_correctly(self, device: str): # (bmes_tags) B:0, M:1, E:2, S:3. # [S, B, M, E, S] # [S, S, S, S, S] gold_indices = [[3, 0, 1, 2, 3], [3, 3, 3, 3, 3]] gold_tensor = torch.tensor(gold_indices, device=device) prediction_tensor = torch.rand([2, 5, 4], device=device) # [S, B, E, S, S] # TP: 2, FP: 2, FN: 1. prediction_tensor[0, 0, 3] = 1 # (True positive) prediction_tensor[0, 1, 0] = 1 # (False positive prediction_tensor[0, 2, 2] = 1 # *) prediction_tensor[0, 3, 3] = 1 # (False positive) prediction_tensor[0, 4, 3] = 1 # (True positive) # [B, E, S, B, E] # TP: 1, FP: 2, FN: 4. prediction_tensor[1, 0, 0] = 1 # (False positive prediction_tensor[1, 1, 2] = 1 # *) prediction_tensor[1, 2, 3] = 1 # (True positive) prediction_tensor[1, 3, 0] = 1 # (False positive prediction_tensor[1, 4, 2] = 1 # *) metric = SpanBasedF1Measure(self.vocab, "bmes_tags", label_encoding="BMES") metric(prediction_tensor, gold_tensor) # TP: 3, FP: 4, FN: 5. metric_dict = metric.get_metric() assert_allclose(metric_dict["recall-overall"], 0.375, rtol=0.001, atol=1e-03) assert_allclose(metric_dict["precision-overall"], 0.428, rtol=0.001, atol=1e-03) assert_allclose(metric_dict["f1-measure-overall"], 0.4, rtol=0.001, atol=1e-03) @multi_device def test_span_f1_can_build_from_params(self, device: str): params = Params({"type": "span_f1", "tag_namespace": "tags", "ignore_classes": ["V"]}) metric = Metric.from_params(params=params, vocabulary=self.vocab) assert metric._ignore_classes == ["V"] # type: ignore assert metric._label_vocabulary == self.vocab.get_index_to_token_vocabulary( # type: ignore "tags" ) @multi_device def test_span_f1_accepts_tags_to_spans_function_argument(self, device: str): def mock_tags_to_spans_function(tag_sequence, classes_to_ignore=None): return [("mock", (42, 42))] # Should be ignore. bio_tags = ["B-ARG1", "O", "B-C-ARG1", "B-V", "B-ARGM-ADJ", "O"] gold_indices = [self.vocab.get_token_index(x, "tags") for x in bio_tags] gold_tensor = torch.tensor([gold_indices], device=device) prediction_tensor = torch.rand([1, 6, self.vocab.get_vocab_size("tags")], device=device) metric = SpanBasedF1Measure( self.vocab, "tags", label_encoding=None, tags_to_spans_function=mock_tags_to_spans_function, ) metric(prediction_tensor, gold_tensor) metric_dict = metric.get_metric() assert_allclose(metric_dict["recall-overall"], 1.0) assert_allclose(metric_dict["precision-overall"], 1.0) assert_allclose(metric_dict["f1-measure-overall"], 1.0) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): SpanBasedF1Measure(self.vocab, label_encoding="INVALID") with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): SpanBasedF1Measure(self.vocab, tags_to_spans_function=mock_tags_to_spans_function) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): SpanBasedF1Measure(self.vocab, label_encoding=None, tags_to_spans_function=None)
from typing import Optional import numpy as np import torch from torch.testing import assert_allclose from allennlp.common.testing import ( AllenNlpTestCase, multi_device, # global_distributed_metric, # run_distributed_test, ) from import PearsonCorrelation def pearson_corrcoef( predictions: np.ndarray, labels: np.ndarray, fweights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None ): covariance_matrices = np.cov(predictions, labels, fweights=fweights) denominator = np.sqrt(covariance_matrices[0, 0] * covariance_matrices[1, 1]) if np.around(denominator, decimals=5) == 0: expected_pearson_correlation = 0 else: expected_pearson_correlation = covariance_matrices[0, 1] / denominator return expected_pearson_correlation class PearsonCorrelationTest(AllenNlpTestCase): @multi_device def test_pearson_correlation_unmasked_computation(self, device: str): pearson_correlation = PearsonCorrelation() batch_size = 100 num_labels = 10 predictions_1 = torch.randn(batch_size, num_labels, device=device) labels_1 = 0.5 * predictions_1 + torch.randn(batch_size, num_labels, device=device) predictions_2 = torch.randn(1, device=device).expand(num_labels) predictions_2 = predictions_2.unsqueeze(0).expand(batch_size, -1) labels_2 = torch.randn(1, device=device).expand(num_labels) labels_2 = 0.5 * predictions_2 + labels_2.unsqueeze(0).expand(batch_size, -1) # in most cases, the data is constructed like predictions_1, the data of such a batch different. # but in a few cases, for example, predictions_2, the data of such a batch is exactly the same. predictions_labels = [(predictions_1, labels_1), (predictions_2, labels_2)] stride = 10 for predictions, labels in predictions_labels: pearson_correlation.reset() for i in range(batch_size // stride): timestep_predictions = predictions[stride * i : stride * (i + 1), :] timestep_labels = labels[stride * i : stride * (i + 1), :] expected_pearson_correlation = pearson_corrcoef( predictions[: stride * (i + 1), :].view(-1).cpu().numpy(), labels[: stride * (i + 1), :].view(-1).cpu().numpy(), ) pearson_correlation(timestep_predictions, timestep_labels) assert_allclose(expected_pearson_correlation, pearson_correlation.get_metric()) # Test reset pearson_correlation.reset() pearson_correlation(predictions, labels) assert_allclose( pearson_corrcoef(predictions.view(-1).cpu().numpy(), labels.view(-1).cpu().numpy()), pearson_correlation.get_metric(), ) @multi_device def test_pearson_correlation_masked_computation(self, device: str): pearson_correlation = PearsonCorrelation() batch_size = 100 num_labels = 10 predictions_1 = torch.randn(batch_size, num_labels, device=device) labels_1 = 0.5 * predictions_1 + torch.randn(batch_size, num_labels, device=device) predictions_2 = torch.randn(1, device=device).expand(num_labels) predictions_2 = predictions_2.unsqueeze(0).expand(batch_size, -1) labels_2 = torch.randn(1, device=device).expand(num_labels) labels_2 = 0.5 * predictions_2 + labels_2.unsqueeze(0).expand(batch_size, -1) predictions_labels = [(predictions_1, labels_1), (predictions_2, labels_2)] # Random binary mask mask = torch.randint(0, 2, size=(batch_size, num_labels), device=device).bool() stride = 10 for predictions, labels in predictions_labels: pearson_correlation.reset() for i in range(batch_size // stride): timestep_predictions = predictions[stride * i : stride * (i + 1), :] timestep_labels = labels[stride * i : stride * (i + 1), :] timestep_mask = mask[stride * i : stride * (i + 1), :] expected_pearson_correlation = pearson_corrcoef( predictions[: stride * (i + 1), :].view(-1).cpu().numpy(), labels[: stride * (i + 1), :].view(-1).cpu().numpy(), fweights=mask[: stride * (i + 1), :].view(-1).cpu().numpy(), ) pearson_correlation(timestep_predictions, timestep_labels, timestep_mask) assert_allclose(expected_pearson_correlation, pearson_correlation.get_metric()) # Test reset pearson_correlation.reset() pearson_correlation(predictions, labels, mask) expected_pearson_correlation = pearson_corrcoef( predictions.view(-1).cpu().numpy(), labels.view(-1).cpu().numpy(), fweights=mask.view(-1).cpu().numpy(), ) assert_allclose(expected_pearson_correlation, pearson_correlation.get_metric()) # Commenting in order to revisit distributed covariance (on which PearsonCorrelation depends) later. # def test_distributed_pearson(self): # batch_size = 10 # num_labels = 10 # predictions = torch.randn(batch_size, num_labels) # labels = 0.5 * predictions + torch.randn(batch_size, num_labels) # expected_pearson_correlation = pearson_corrcoef( # predictions.view(-1).cpu().numpy(), labels.view(-1).cpu().numpy(), # ) # predictions = [predictions[:5], predictions[5:]] # labels = [labels[:5], labels[5:]] # metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_labels": labels} # run_distributed_test( # [-1, -1], # global_distributed_metric, # PearsonCorrelation(), # metric_kwargs, # expected_pearson_correlation, # exact=(0.0001, 1e-01), # )
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union, Any import pytest import torch from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from allennlp.common.testing import ( AllenNlpTestCase, global_distributed_metric, multi_device, run_distributed_test, ) from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_fscore_support from torch.testing import assert_allclose from import FBetaMultiLabelMeasure class FBetaMultiLabelMeasureTest(AllenNlpTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() self.predictions = torch.tensor( [ [0.55, 0.25, 0.10, 0.10, 0.20], [0.10, 0.60, 0.10, 0.95, 0.00], [0.90, 0.80, 0.75, 0.80, 0.00], [0.49, 0.50, 0.95, 0.55, 0.00], [0.60, 0.49, 0.60, 0.65, 0.85], [0.85, 0.40, 0.10, 0.20, 0.00], ] ) self.targets = torch.tensor( [ [1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ] ) # detailed target state self.pred_sum = [4, 3, 3, 4, 1] self.true_sum = [4, 5, 2, 4, 0] self.true_positive_sum = [3, 3, 2, 4, 0] self.true_negative_sum = [1, 1, 3, 2, 5] self.total_sum = [30, 30, 30, 30, 30] # true_positive_sum / pred_sum desired_precisions = [3 / 4, 3 / 3, 2 / 3, 4 / 4, 0 / 1] # true_positive_sum / true_sum desired_recalls = [3 / 4, 3 / 5, 2 / 2, 4 / 4, 0.00] desired_fscores = [ (2 * p * r) / (p + r) if p + r != 0.0 else 0.0 for p, r in zip(desired_precisions, desired_recalls) ] self.desired_precisions = desired_precisions self.desired_recalls = desired_recalls self.desired_fscores = desired_fscores @multi_device def test_config_errors(self, device: str): # Bad beta pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, FBetaMultiLabelMeasure, beta=0.0) # Bad average option pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, FBetaMultiLabelMeasure, average="mega") # Empty input labels pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, FBetaMultiLabelMeasure, labels=[]) @multi_device def test_runtime_errors(self, device: str): fbeta = FBetaMultiLabelMeasure() # Metric was never called. pytest.raises(RuntimeError, fbeta.get_metric) @multi_device def test_fbeta_multilabel_state(self, device: str): self.predictions = self.targets = fbeta = FBetaMultiLabelMeasure() fbeta(self.predictions, self.targets) # check state assert_allclose(fbeta._pred_sum.tolist(), self.pred_sum) assert_allclose(fbeta._true_sum.tolist(), self.true_sum) assert_allclose(fbeta._true_positive_sum.tolist(), self.true_positive_sum) assert_allclose(fbeta._true_negative_sum.tolist(), self.true_negative_sum) assert_allclose(fbeta._total_sum.tolist(), self.total_sum) @multi_device def test_fbeta_multilabel_metric(self, device: str): self.predictions = self.targets = fbeta = FBetaMultiLabelMeasure() fbeta(self.predictions, self.targets) metric = fbeta.get_metric() precisions = metric["precision"] recalls = metric["recall"] fscores = metric["fscore"] # check value assert_allclose(precisions, self.desired_precisions) assert_allclose(recalls, self.desired_recalls) assert_allclose(fscores, self.desired_fscores) # check type assert isinstance(precisions, List) assert isinstance(recalls, List) assert isinstance(fscores, List) @multi_device def test_fbeta_multilabel_with_mask(self, device: str): self.predictions = self.targets = mask = torch.tensor([True, True, True, True, True, False], device=device).unsqueeze(-1) fbeta = FBetaMultiLabelMeasure() fbeta(self.predictions, self.targets, mask) metric = fbeta.get_metric() precisions = metric["precision"] recalls = metric["recall"] fscores = metric["fscore"] assert_allclose(fbeta._pred_sum.tolist(), [3, 3, 3, 4, 1]) assert_allclose(fbeta._true_sum.tolist(), [4, 5, 2, 4, 0]) assert_allclose(fbeta._true_positive_sum.tolist(), [3, 3, 2, 4, 0]) desired_precisions = [3 / 3, 3 / 3, 2 / 3, 4 / 4, 0 / 1] desired_recalls = [3 / 4, 3 / 5, 2 / 2, 4 / 4, 0.00] desired_fscores = [ (2 * p * r) / (p + r) if p + r != 0.0 else 0.0 for p, r in zip(desired_precisions, desired_recalls) ] assert_allclose(precisions, desired_precisions) assert_allclose(recalls, desired_recalls) assert_allclose(fscores, desired_fscores) @multi_device def test_fbeta_multilabel_macro_average_metric(self, device: str): self.predictions = self.targets = fbeta = FBetaMultiLabelMeasure(average="macro") fbeta(self.predictions, self.targets) metric = fbeta.get_metric() precisions = metric["precision"] recalls = metric["recall"] fscores = metric["fscore"] # We keep the expected values in CPU because FBetaMeasure returns them in CPU. macro_precision = torch.tensor(self.desired_precisions).mean() macro_recall = torch.tensor(self.desired_recalls).mean() macro_fscore = torch.tensor(self.desired_fscores).mean() # check value assert_allclose(precisions, macro_precision) assert_allclose(recalls, macro_recall) assert_allclose(fscores, macro_fscore) # check type assert isinstance(precisions, float) assert isinstance(recalls, float) assert isinstance(fscores, float) @multi_device def test_fbeta_multilabel_micro_average_metric(self, device: str): self.predictions = self.targets = fbeta = FBetaMultiLabelMeasure(average="micro") fbeta(self.predictions, self.targets) metric = fbeta.get_metric() precisions = metric["precision"] recalls = metric["recall"] fscores = metric["fscore"] # We keep the expected values in CPU because FBetaMeasure returns them in CPU. true_positives = torch.tensor([3, 3, 2, 4, 0], dtype=torch.float32) false_positives = torch.tensor([1, 0, 1, 0, 1], dtype=torch.float32) false_negatives = torch.tensor([1, 2, 0, 0, 0], dtype=torch.float32) mean_true_positive = true_positives.mean() mean_false_positive = false_positives.mean() mean_false_negative = false_negatives.mean() micro_precision = mean_true_positive / (mean_true_positive + mean_false_positive) micro_recall = mean_true_positive / (mean_true_positive + mean_false_negative) micro_fscore = (2 * micro_precision * micro_recall) / (micro_precision + micro_recall) # check value assert_allclose(precisions, micro_precision) assert_allclose(recalls, micro_recall) assert_allclose(fscores, micro_fscore) @multi_device def test_fbeta_multilabel_with_explicit_labels(self, device: str): self.predictions = self.targets = # same prediction but with and explicit label ordering fbeta = FBetaMultiLabelMeasure(labels=[4, 3, 2, 1, 0]) fbeta(self.predictions, self.targets) metric = fbeta.get_metric() precisions = metric["precision"] recalls = metric["recall"] fscores = metric["fscore"] desired_precisions = self.desired_precisions[::-1] desired_recalls = self.desired_recalls[::-1] desired_fscores = self.desired_fscores[::-1] # check value assert_allclose(precisions, desired_precisions) assert_allclose(recalls, desired_recalls) assert_allclose(fscores, desired_fscores) @multi_device def test_fbeta_multilabel_with_macro_average(self, device: str): self.predictions = self.targets = labels = [0, 1] fbeta = FBetaMultiLabelMeasure(average="macro", labels=labels) fbeta(self.predictions, self.targets) metric = fbeta.get_metric() precisions = metric["precision"] recalls = metric["recall"] fscores = metric["fscore"] # We keep the expected values in CPU because FBetaMeasure returns them in CPU. macro_precision = torch.tensor(self.desired_precisions)[labels].mean() macro_recall = torch.tensor(self.desired_recalls)[labels].mean() macro_fscore = torch.tensor(self.desired_fscores)[labels].mean() # check value assert_allclose(precisions, macro_precision) assert_allclose(recalls, macro_recall) assert_allclose(fscores, macro_fscore) @multi_device def test_fbeta_multilabel_with_micro_average(self, device: str): self.predictions = self.targets = labels = [1, 3] fbeta = FBetaMultiLabelMeasure(average="micro", labels=labels) fbeta(self.predictions, self.targets) metric = fbeta.get_metric() precisions = metric["precision"] recalls = metric["recall"] fscores = metric["fscore"] # We keep the expected values in CPU because FBetaMeasure returns them in CPU. true_positives = torch.tensor([3, 4], dtype=torch.float32) false_positives = torch.tensor([0, 0], dtype=torch.float32) false_negatives = torch.tensor([2, 0], dtype=torch.float32) mean_true_positive = true_positives.mean() mean_false_positive = false_positives.mean() mean_false_negative = false_negatives.mean() micro_precision = mean_true_positive / (mean_true_positive + mean_false_positive) micro_recall = mean_true_positive / (mean_true_positive + mean_false_negative) micro_fscore = (2 * micro_precision * micro_recall) / (micro_precision + micro_recall) # check value assert_allclose(precisions, micro_precision) assert_allclose(recalls, micro_recall) assert_allclose(fscores, micro_fscore) @multi_device def test_fbeta_multilabel_with_weighted_average(self, device: str): self.predictions = self.targets = labels = [0, 1] fbeta = FBetaMultiLabelMeasure(average="weighted", labels=labels) fbeta(self.predictions, self.targets) metric = fbeta.get_metric() precisions = metric["precision"] recalls = metric["recall"] fscores = metric["fscore"] weighted_precision, weighted_recall, weighted_fscore, _ = precision_recall_fscore_support( self.targets.cpu().numpy(), torch.where( self.predictions >= fbeta._threshold, torch.ones_like(self.predictions), torch.zeros_like(self.predictions), ) .cpu() .numpy(), labels=labels, average="weighted", ) # check value assert_allclose(precisions, weighted_precision) assert_allclose(recalls, weighted_recall) assert_allclose(fscores, weighted_fscore) @multi_device def test_fbeta_multilabel_handles_batch_size_of_one(self, device: str): predictions = torch.tensor([[0.2862, 0.5479, 0.1627, 0.2033]], device=device) targets = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 0, 0]], device=device) mask = torch.tensor([[True]], device=device) fbeta = FBetaMultiLabelMeasure() fbeta(predictions, targets, mask) metric = fbeta.get_metric() precisions = metric["precision"] recalls = metric["recall"] assert_allclose(precisions, [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) assert_allclose(recalls, [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) @multi_device def test_fbeta_multilabel_handles_no_prediction_false_last_class(self, device: str): predictions = torch.tensor([[0.65, 0.35], [0.0, 0.0]], device=device) # preds = [0, NA] targets = torch.tensor([[1, 0], [1, 0]], device=device) fbeta = FBetaMultiLabelMeasure() fbeta(predictions, targets) metric = fbeta.get_metric() precisions = metric["precision"] recalls = metric["recall"] fscores = metric["fscore"] assert_allclose(precisions, [1.0, 0.0]) assert_allclose(recalls, [0.5, 0.0]) assert_allclose(fscores, [0.6667, 0.0]) @multi_device def test_fbeta_multilabel_handles_no_prediction_true_last_class(self, device: str): predictions = torch.tensor([[0.65, 0.35], [0.0, 0.0]], device=device) # preds = [0, NA] targets = torch.tensor([[1, 0], [0, 1]], device=device) fbeta = FBetaMultiLabelMeasure() fbeta(predictions, targets) metric = fbeta.get_metric() precisions = metric["precision"] recalls = metric["recall"] fscores = metric["fscore"] assert_allclose(precisions, [1.0, 0.0]) assert_allclose(recalls, [1.0, 0.0]) assert_allclose(fscores, [1.0, 0.0]) @multi_device def test_fbeta_multilabel_handles_no_prediction_true_other_class(self, device: str): predictions = torch.tensor([[0.65, 0.35], [0.0, 0.0]], device=device) # preds = [0, NA] targets = torch.tensor([[0, 1], [1, 0]], device=device) fbeta = FBetaMultiLabelMeasure() fbeta(predictions, targets) metric = fbeta.get_metric() precisions = metric["precision"] recalls = metric["recall"] fscores = metric["fscore"] assert_allclose(precisions, [0.0, 0.0]) assert_allclose(recalls, [0.0, 0.0]) assert_allclose(fscores, [0.0, 0.0]) @multi_device def test_fbeta_multilabel_handles_no_prediction_true_all_class(self, device: str): predictions = torch.tensor([[0.65, 0.35], [0.0, 0.0]], device=device) # preds = [0, NA] targets = torch.tensor([[0, 1], [0, 1]], device=device) fbeta = FBetaMultiLabelMeasure() fbeta(predictions, targets) metric = fbeta.get_metric() precisions = metric["precision"] recalls = metric["recall"] fscores = metric["fscore"] assert_allclose(precisions, [0.0, 0.0]) assert_allclose(recalls, [0.0, 0.0]) assert_allclose(fscores, [0.0, 0.0]) def test_distributed_fbeta_multilabel_measure(self): predictions = [ torch.tensor( [ [0.55, 0.25, 0.10, 0.10, 0.20], [0.10, 0.60, 0.10, 0.95, 0.00], [0.90, 0.80, 0.75, 0.80, 0.00], ] ), torch.tensor( [ [0.49, 0.50, 0.95, 0.55, 0.00], [0.60, 0.49, 0.60, 0.65, 0.85], [0.85, 0.40, 0.10, 0.20, 0.00], ] ), ] targets = [ torch.tensor([[1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0, 1, 0]]), torch.tensor([[1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]), ] metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_labels": targets} desired_metrics = { "precision": self.desired_precisions, "recall": self.desired_recalls, "fscore": self.desired_fscores, } run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], global_distributed_metric, FBetaMultiLabelMeasure(), metric_kwargs, desired_metrics, exact=False, ) def test_multiple_distributed_runs(self): predictions = [ torch.tensor( [ [0.55, 0.25, 0.10, 0.10, 0.20], [0.10, 0.60, 0.10, 0.95, 0.00], [0.90, 0.80, 0.75, 0.80, 0.00], ] ), torch.tensor( [ [0.49, 0.50, 0.95, 0.55, 0.00], [0.60, 0.49, 0.60, 0.65, 0.85], [0.85, 0.40, 0.10, 0.20, 0.00], ] ), ] targets = [ torch.tensor([[1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0, 1, 0]]), torch.tensor([[1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]), ] metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_labels": targets} desired_metrics = { "precision": self.desired_precisions, "recall": self.desired_recalls, "fscore": self.desired_fscores, } run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], multiple_runs, FBetaMultiLabelMeasure(), metric_kwargs, desired_metrics, exact=False, ) def multiple_runs( global_rank: int, world_size: int, gpu_id: Union[int, torch.device], metric: FBetaMultiLabelMeasure, metric_kwargs: Dict[str, List[Any]], desired_values: Dict[str, Any], exact: Union[bool, Tuple[float, float]] = True, ): kwargs = {} # Use the arguments meant for the process with rank `global_rank`. for argname in metric_kwargs: kwargs[argname] = metric_kwargs[argname][global_rank] for i in range(200): metric(**kwargs) metric_values = metric.get_metric() for key in desired_values: assert_allclose(desired_values[key], metric_values[key])
import pytest import torch from sklearn import metrics from torch.testing import assert_allclose from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from allennlp.common.testing import ( AllenNlpTestCase, multi_device, global_distributed_metric, run_distributed_test, ) from import Auc class AucTest(AllenNlpTestCase): @multi_device def test_auc_computation(self, device: str): auc = Auc() all_predictions = [] all_labels = [] for _ in range(5): predictions = torch.randn(8, device=device) labels = torch.randint(0, 2, (8,), dtype=torch.long, device=device) auc(predictions, labels) all_predictions.append(predictions) all_labels.append(labels) computed_auc_value = auc.get_metric(reset=True) false_positive_rates, true_positive_rates, _ = metrics.roc_curve(, dim=0).cpu().numpy(),, dim=0).cpu().numpy(), ) real_auc_value = metrics.auc(false_positive_rates, true_positive_rates) assert_allclose(real_auc_value, computed_auc_value) # One more computation to assure reset works. predictions = torch.randn(8, device=device) labels = torch.randint(0, 2, (8,), dtype=torch.long, device=device) auc(predictions, labels) computed_auc_value = auc.get_metric(reset=True) false_positive_rates, true_positive_rates, _ = metrics.roc_curve( labels.cpu().numpy(), predictions.cpu().numpy() ) real_auc_value = metrics.auc(false_positive_rates, true_positive_rates) assert_allclose(real_auc_value, computed_auc_value) @multi_device def test_auc_gold_labels_behaviour(self, device: str): # Check that it works with different pos_label auc = Auc(positive_label=4) predictions = torch.randn(8, device=device) labels = torch.randint(3, 5, (8,), dtype=torch.long, device=device) # We make sure that the positive label is always present. labels[0] = 4 auc(predictions, labels) computed_auc_value = auc.get_metric(reset=True) false_positive_rates, true_positive_rates, _ = metrics.roc_curve( labels.cpu().numpy(), predictions.cpu().numpy(), pos_label=4 ) real_auc_value = metrics.auc(false_positive_rates, true_positive_rates) assert_allclose(real_auc_value, computed_auc_value) # Check that it errs on getting more than 2 labels. with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as _: labels = torch.tensor([3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], device=device) auc(predictions, labels) @multi_device def test_auc_with_mask(self, device: str): auc = Auc() predictions = torch.randn(8, device=device) labels = torch.randint(0, 2, (8,), dtype=torch.long, device=device) mask = torch.tensor([True, True, True, True, False, False, False, False], device=device) auc(predictions, labels, mask) computed_auc_value = auc.get_metric(reset=True) false_positive_rates, true_positive_rates, _ = metrics.roc_curve( labels[:4].cpu().numpy(), predictions[:4].cpu().numpy() ) real_auc_value = metrics.auc(false_positive_rates, true_positive_rates) assert_allclose(real_auc_value, computed_auc_value) @multi_device def test_auc_works_without_calling_metric_at_all(self, device: str): auc = Auc() auc.get_metric() def test_distributed_auc(self): predictions = torch.randn(8) labels = torch.randint(3, 5, (8,), dtype=torch.long) # We make sure that the positive label is always present. labels[0] = 4 labels[4] = 4 false_positive_rates, true_positive_rates, _ = metrics.roc_curve( labels.cpu().numpy(), predictions.cpu().numpy(), pos_label=4 ) predictions = [predictions[:4], predictions[4:]] labels = [labels[:4], labels[4:]] metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_labels": labels} desired_auc = metrics.auc(false_positive_rates, true_positive_rates) run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], global_distributed_metric, Auc(positive_label=4), metric_kwargs, desired_auc, exact=False, ) def test_distributed_auc_unequal_batches(self): predictions = torch.randn(8) labels = torch.randint(3, 5, (8,), dtype=torch.long) # We make sure that the positive label is always present. labels[0] = 4 labels[4] = 4 false_positive_rates, true_positive_rates, _ = metrics.roc_curve( labels.cpu().numpy(), predictions.cpu().numpy(), pos_label=4 ) predictions = [predictions[:2], predictions[2:]] labels = [labels[:2], labels[2:]] metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_labels": labels} desired_auc = metrics.auc(false_positive_rates, true_positive_rates) with pytest.raises(Exception) as _: run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], global_distributed_metric, Auc(positive_label=4), metric_kwargs, desired_auc, exact=False, )
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union import torch from torch.testing import assert_allclose from allennlp.common.testing import ( AllenNlpTestCase, multi_device, global_distributed_metric, run_distributed_test, ) from import SequenceAccuracy class SequenceAccuracyTest(AllenNlpTestCase): @multi_device def test_sequence_accuracy(self, device: str): accuracy = SequenceAccuracy() gold = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 8], [0, 1, 1]], device=device) predictions = torch.tensor( [[[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, -1]], [[2, 4, 8], [2, 5, 9]], [[-1, -1, -1], [0, 1, -1]]], device=device, ) accuracy(predictions, gold) actual_accuracy = accuracy.get_metric()["accuracy"] assert_allclose(actual_accuracy, 2 / 3) @multi_device def test_sequence_accuracy_respects_mask(self, device: str): accuracy = SequenceAccuracy() gold = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 8], [0, 1, 1], [11, 13, 17]], device=device) predictions = torch.tensor( [ [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, -1]], [[2, 4, 8], [2, 5, 9]], [[-1, -1, -1], [0, 1, -1]], [[12, 13, 17], [11, 13, 18]], ], device=device, ) mask = torch.tensor( [[False, True, True], [True, True, True], [True, True, False], [True, False, True]], device=device, ) accuracy(predictions, gold, mask) actual_accuracy = accuracy.get_metric()["accuracy"] assert_allclose(actual_accuracy, 3 / 4) @multi_device def test_sequence_accuracy_accumulates_and_resets_correctly(self, device: str): accuracy = SequenceAccuracy() gold = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3]], device=device) accuracy(torch.tensor([[[1, 2, 3]]], device=device), gold) accuracy(torch.tensor([[[1, 2, 4]]], device=device), gold) actual_accuracy = accuracy.get_metric(reset=True)["accuracy"] assert_allclose(actual_accuracy, 1 / 2) assert accuracy.correct_count == 0 assert accuracy.total_count == 0 @multi_device def test_get_metric_on_new_object_works(self, device: str): accuracy = SequenceAccuracy() actual_accuracy = accuracy.get_metric(reset=True)["accuracy"] assert_allclose(actual_accuracy, 0) def test_distributed_sequence_accuracy(self): gold = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 8], [0, 1, 1], [11, 13, 17]]) predictions = torch.tensor( [ [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, -1]], [[2, 4, 8], [2, 5, 9]], [[-1, -1, -1], [0, 1, -1]], [[12, 13, 17], [11, 13, 18]], ] ) mask = torch.tensor( [[False, True, True], [True, True, True], [True, True, False], [True, False, True]], ) gold = [gold[:2], gold[2:]] predictions = [predictions[:2], predictions[2:]] mask = [mask[:2], mask[2:]] metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_labels": gold, "mask": mask} desired_values = {"accuracy": 3 / 4} run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], global_distributed_metric, SequenceAccuracy(), metric_kwargs, desired_values, exact=False, ) def test_multiple_distributed_runs(self): gold = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 8], [0, 1, 1], [11, 13, 17]]) predictions = torch.tensor( [ [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, -1]], [[2, 4, 8], [2, 5, 9]], [[-1, -1, -1], [0, 1, -1]], [[12, 13, 17], [11, 13, 18]], ] ) mask = torch.tensor( [[False, True, True], [True, True, True], [True, True, False], [True, False, True]], ) gold = [gold[:2], gold[2:]] predictions = [predictions[:2], predictions[2:]] mask = [mask[:2], mask[2:]] metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_labels": gold, "mask": mask} desired_values = {"accuracy": 3 / 4} run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], multiple_runs, SequenceAccuracy(), metric_kwargs, desired_values, exact=True, ) def multiple_runs( global_rank: int, world_size: int, gpu_id: Union[int, torch.device], metric: SequenceAccuracy, metric_kwargs: Dict[str, List[Any]], desired_values: Dict[str, Any], exact: Union[bool, Tuple[float, float]] = True, ): kwargs = {} # Use the arguments meant for the process with rank `global_rank`. for argname in metric_kwargs: kwargs[argname] = metric_kwargs[argname][global_rank] for i in range(200): metric(**kwargs) assert desired_values["accuracy"] == metric.get_metric()["accuracy"]
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union import torch from allennlp.common.testing import ( AllenNlpTestCase, multi_device, global_distributed_metric, run_distributed_test, ) from import MeanAbsoluteError class MeanAbsoluteErrorTest(AllenNlpTestCase): @multi_device def test_mean_absolute_error_computation(self, device: str): mae = MeanAbsoluteError() predictions = torch.tensor( [[1.0, 1.5, 1.0], [2.0, 3.0, 3.5], [4.0, 5.0, 5.5], [6.0, 7.0, 7.5]], device=device ) targets = torch.tensor( [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [2.0, 2.0, 0.0], [4.0, 5.0, 0.0], [7.0, 7.0, 0.0]], device=device ) mae(predictions, targets) assert mae.get_metric()["mae"] == 21.0 / 12.0 mask = torch.tensor( [[True, True, False], [True, True, False], [True, True, False], [True, True, False]], device=device, ) mae(predictions, targets, mask) assert mae.get_metric()["mae"] == (21.0 + 3.5) / (12.0 + 8.0) new_targets = torch.tensor( [[2.0, 2.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [7.0, 7.0, 0.0], [4.0, 5.0, 0.0]], device=device ) mae(predictions, new_targets) assert mae.get_metric()["mae"] == (21.0 + 3.5 + 32.0) / (12.0 + 8.0 + 12.0) mae.reset() mae(predictions, new_targets) assert mae.get_metric()["mae"] == 32.0 / 12.0 def test_distributed_accuracy(self): predictions = [ torch.tensor([[1.0, 1.5, 1.0], [2.0, 3.0, 3.5]]), torch.tensor([[4.0, 5.0, 5.5], [6.0, 7.0, 7.5]]), ] targets = [ torch.tensor([[0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [2.0, 2.0, 0.0]]), torch.tensor([[4.0, 5.0, 0.0], [7.0, 7.0, 0.0]]), ] metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_labels": targets} desired_values = {"mae": 21.0 / 12.0} run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], global_distributed_metric, MeanAbsoluteError(), metric_kwargs, desired_values, exact=True, ) def test_multiple_distributed_runs(self): predictions = [ torch.tensor([[1.0, 1.5, 1.0], [2.0, 3.0, 3.5]]), torch.tensor([[4.0, 5.0, 5.5], [6.0, 7.0, 7.5]]), ] targets = [ torch.tensor([[0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [2.0, 2.0, 0.0]]), torch.tensor([[4.0, 5.0, 0.0], [7.0, 7.0, 0.0]]), ] metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_labels": targets} desired_values = {"mae": 21.0 / 12.0} run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], multiple_runs, MeanAbsoluteError(), metric_kwargs, desired_values, exact=True, ) def multiple_runs( global_rank: int, world_size: int, gpu_id: Union[int, torch.device], metric: MeanAbsoluteError, metric_kwargs: Dict[str, List[Any]], desired_values: Dict[str, Any], exact: Union[bool, Tuple[float, float]] = True, ): kwargs = {} # Use the arguments meant for the process with rank `global_rank`. for argname in metric_kwargs: kwargs[argname] = metric_kwargs[argname][global_rank] for i in range(200): metric(**kwargs) assert desired_values["mae"] == metric.get_metric()["mae"]
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union import math from collections import Counter import torch from torch.testing import assert_allclose from allennlp.common.testing import ( AllenNlpTestCase, multi_device, global_distributed_metric, run_distributed_test, ) from import BLEU from import ngrams, get_valid_tokens_mask class BleuTest(AllenNlpTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() self.metric = BLEU(ngram_weights=(0.5, 0.5), exclude_indices={0}) @multi_device def test_get_valid_tokens_mask(self, device: str): tensor = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0]], device=device) result = get_valid_tokens_mask(tensor, self.metric._exclude_indices).long() check = torch.tensor([[1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0]], device=device) assert_allclose(result, check) @multi_device def test_ngrams(self, device: str): tensor = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 0], device=device) exclude_indices = self.metric._exclude_indices # Unigrams. counts: Counter = Counter(ngrams(tensor, 1, exclude_indices)) unigram_check = {(1,): 2, (2,): 2, (3,): 1} assert counts == unigram_check # Bigrams. counts = Counter(ngrams(tensor, 2, exclude_indices)) bigram_check = {(1, 2): 2, (2, 3): 1, (3, 1): 1} assert counts == bigram_check # Trigrams. counts = Counter(ngrams(tensor, 3, exclude_indices)) trigram_check = {(1, 2, 3): 1, (2, 3, 1): 1, (3, 1, 2): 1} assert counts == trigram_check # ngram size too big, no ngrams produced. counts = Counter(ngrams(tensor, 7, exclude_indices)) assert counts == {} @multi_device def test_bleu_computed_correctly(self, device: str): self.metric.reset() # shape: (batch_size, max_sequence_length) predictions = torch.tensor([[1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1]], device=device) # shape: (batch_size, max_gold_sequence_length) gold_targets = torch.tensor([[2, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 2]], device=device) self.metric(predictions, gold_targets) assert self.metric._prediction_lengths == 6 assert self.metric._reference_lengths == 5 # Number of unigrams in predicted sentences that match gold sentences # (but not more than maximum occurrence of gold unigram within batch). assert self.metric._precision_matches[1] == ( 0 + 1 # no matches in first sentence. + 2 # one clipped match in second sentence. # two clipped matches in third sentence. ) # Total number of predicted unigrams. assert self.metric._precision_totals[1] == (1 + 2 + 3) # Number of bigrams in predicted sentences that match gold sentences # (but not more than maximum occurrence of gold bigram within batch). assert self.metric._precision_matches[2] == (0 + 0 + 1) # Total number of predicted bigrams. assert self.metric._precision_totals[2] == (0 + 1 + 2) # Brevity penalty should be 1.0 assert self.metric._get_brevity_penalty() == 1.0 bleu = self.metric.get_metric(reset=True)["BLEU"] check = math.exp(0.5 * (math.log(3) - math.log(6)) + 0.5 * (math.log(1) - math.log(3))) assert_allclose(bleu, check) @multi_device def test_bleu_computed_with_zero_counts(self, device: str): self.metric.reset() assert self.metric.get_metric()["BLEU"] == 0 def test_distributed_bleu(self): predictions = [ torch.tensor([[1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0]]), torch.tensor([[1, 1, 1]]), ] gold_targets = [ torch.tensor([[2, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]]), torch.tensor([[1, 1, 2]]), ] check = math.exp(0.5 * (math.log(3) - math.log(6)) + 0.5 * (math.log(1) - math.log(3))) metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_targets": gold_targets} desired_values = {"BLEU": check} run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], global_distributed_metric, BLEU(ngram_weights=(0.5, 0.5), exclude_indices={0}), metric_kwargs, desired_values, exact=False, ) def test_multiple_distributed_runs(self): predictions = [ torch.tensor([[1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0]]), torch.tensor([[1, 1, 1]]), ] gold_targets = [ torch.tensor([[2, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]]), torch.tensor([[1, 1, 2]]), ] check = math.exp(0.5 * (math.log(3) - math.log(6)) + 0.5 * (math.log(1) - math.log(3))) metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_targets": gold_targets} desired_values = {"BLEU": check} run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], multiple_runs, BLEU(ngram_weights=(0.5, 0.5), exclude_indices={0}), metric_kwargs, desired_values, exact=False, ) def multiple_runs( global_rank: int, world_size: int, gpu_id: Union[int, torch.device], metric: BLEU, metric_kwargs: Dict[str, List[Any]], desired_values: Dict[str, Any], exact: Union[bool, Tuple[float, float]] = True, ): kwargs = {} # Use the arguments meant for the process with rank `global_rank`. for argname in metric_kwargs: kwargs[argname] = metric_kwargs[argname][global_rank] for i in range(200): metric(**kwargs) assert_allclose(desired_values["BLEU"], metric.get_metric()["BLEU"])
import pytest import torch from torch.testing import assert_allclose from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from allennlp.common.testing import ( AllenNlpTestCase, multi_device, run_distributed_test, global_distributed_metric, ) from import F1Measure class F1MeasureTest(AllenNlpTestCase): @multi_device def test_f1_measure_catches_exceptions(self, device: str): f1_measure = F1Measure(0) predictions = torch.rand([5, 7], device=device) out_of_range_labels = torch.tensor([10, 3, 4, 0, 1], device=device) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): f1_measure(predictions, out_of_range_labels) @multi_device def test_f1_measure(self, device: str): f1_measure = F1Measure(positive_label=0) predictions = torch.tensor( [ [0.35, 0.25, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], [0.1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], [0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.7, 0.0], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], ], device=device, ) # [True Positive, True Negative, True Negative, # False Negative, True Negative, False Negative] targets = torch.tensor([0, 4, 1, 0, 3, 0], device=device) f1_measure(predictions, targets) metrics = f1_measure.get_metric() precision = metrics["precision"] recall = metrics["recall"] f1 = metrics["f1"] assert f1_measure._true_positives == 1.0 assert f1_measure._true_negatives == 3.0 assert f1_measure._false_positives == 0.0 assert f1_measure._false_negatives == 2.0 f1_measure.reset() # check value assert_allclose(precision, 1.0) assert_allclose(recall, 0.333333333) assert_allclose(f1, 0.499999999) # check type assert isinstance(precision, float) assert isinstance(recall, float) assert isinstance(f1, float) # Test the same thing with a mask: mask = torch.tensor([True, False, True, True, True, False], device=device) f1_measure(predictions, targets, mask) metrics = f1_measure.get_metric() precision = metrics["precision"] recall = metrics["recall"] f1 = metrics["f1"] assert f1_measure._true_positives == 1.0 assert f1_measure._true_negatives == 2.0 assert f1_measure._false_positives == 0.0 assert f1_measure._false_negatives == 1.0 f1_measure.reset() assert_allclose(precision, 1.0) assert_allclose(recall, 0.5) assert_allclose(f1, 0.6666666666) @multi_device def test_f1_measure_other_positive_label(self, device: str): f1_measure = F1Measure(positive_label=1) predictions = torch.tensor( [ [0.35, 0.25, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], [0.1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], [0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.7, 0.0], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], ], device=device, ) # [True Negative, False Positive, True Positive, # False Positive, True Negative, False Positive] targets = torch.tensor([0, 4, 1, 0, 3, 0], device=device) f1_measure(predictions, targets) metrics = f1_measure.get_metric() precision = metrics["precision"] recall = metrics["recall"] f1 = metrics["f1"] assert f1_measure._true_positives == 1.0 assert f1_measure._true_negatives == 2.0 assert f1_measure._false_positives == 3.0 assert f1_measure._false_negatives == 0.0 f1_measure.reset() # check value assert_allclose(precision, 0.25) assert_allclose(recall, 1.0) assert_allclose(f1, 0.4) # check type assert isinstance(precision, float) assert isinstance(recall, float) assert isinstance(f1, float) @multi_device def test_f1_measure_accumulates_and_resets_correctly(self, device: str): f1_measure = F1Measure(positive_label=0) predictions = torch.tensor( [ [0.35, 0.25, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], [0.1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], [0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.7, 0.0], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], ], device=device, ) # [True Positive, True Negative, True Negative, # False Negative, True Negative, False Negative] targets = torch.tensor([0, 4, 1, 0, 3, 0], device=device) f1_measure(predictions, targets) f1_measure(predictions, targets) metrics = f1_measure.get_metric() precision = metrics["precision"] recall = metrics["recall"] f1 = metrics["f1"] assert f1_measure._true_positives == 2.0 assert f1_measure._true_negatives == 6.0 assert f1_measure._false_positives == 0.0 assert f1_measure._false_negatives == 4.0 f1_measure.reset() assert_allclose(precision, 1.0) assert_allclose(recall, 0.333333333) assert_allclose(f1, 0.499999999) assert f1_measure._true_positives == 0.0 assert f1_measure._true_negatives == 0.0 assert f1_measure._false_positives == 0.0 assert f1_measure._false_negatives == 0.0 @multi_device def test_f1_measure_works_for_sequences(self, device: str): f1_measure = F1Measure(positive_label=0) predictions = torch.tensor( [ [[0.35, 0.25, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0]], [[0.35, 0.25, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0]], ], device=device, ) # [[True Positive, True Negative, True Negative], # [True Positive, True Negative, False Negative]] targets = torch.tensor([[0, 3, 4], [0, 1, 0]], device=device) f1_measure(predictions, targets) metrics = f1_measure.get_metric() precision = metrics["precision"] recall = metrics["recall"] f1 = metrics["f1"] assert f1_measure._true_positives == 2.0 assert f1_measure._true_negatives == 3.0 assert f1_measure._false_positives == 0.0 assert f1_measure._false_negatives == 1.0 f1_measure.reset() assert_allclose(precision, 1.0) assert_allclose(recall, 0.666666666) assert_allclose(f1, 0.8) # Test the same thing with a mask: mask = torch.tensor([[False, True, False], [True, True, True]], device=device) f1_measure(predictions, targets, mask) metrics = f1_measure.get_metric() precision = metrics["precision"] recall = metrics["recall"] f1 = metrics["f1"] assert f1_measure._true_positives == 1.0 assert f1_measure._true_negatives == 2.0 assert f1_measure._false_positives == 0.0 assert f1_measure._false_negatives == 1.0 assert_allclose(precision, 1.0) assert_allclose(recall, 0.5) assert_allclose(f1, 0.66666666666) def test_distributed_fbeta_measure(self): predictions = [ torch.tensor( [[0.35, 0.25, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0]] ), torch.tensor( [[0.1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], [0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.7, 0.0], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0]] ), ] targets = [torch.tensor([0, 4, 1]), torch.tensor([0, 3, 0])] metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_labels": targets} desired_metrics = { "precision": 1.0, "recall": 0.333333333, "f1": 0.499999999, } run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], global_distributed_metric, F1Measure(positive_label=0), metric_kwargs, desired_metrics, exact=False, )
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union import torch from torch.testing import assert_allclose from allennlp.common.testing import ( AllenNlpTestCase, multi_device, global_distributed_metric, run_distributed_test, ) from import Entropy class EntropyTest(AllenNlpTestCase): @multi_device def test_low_entropy_distribution(self, device: str): metric = Entropy() logits = torch.tensor( [[10000, -10000, -10000, -1000], [10000, -10000, -10000, -1000]], dtype=torch.float, device=device, ) metric(logits) assert metric.get_metric()["entropy"] == 0.0 @multi_device def test_entropy_for_uniform_distribution(self, device: str): metric = Entropy() logits = torch.tensor([[1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1]], dtype=torch.float, device=device) metric(logits) assert_allclose(metric.get_metric()["entropy"], 1.38629436) # actual values shouldn't effect uniform distribution: logits = torch.tensor([[2, 2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2, 2]], dtype=torch.float, device=device) metric(logits) assert_allclose(metric.get_metric()["entropy"], 1.38629436) metric.reset() assert metric._entropy == 0.0 assert metric._count == 0.0 @multi_device def test_masked_case(self, device: str): metric = Entropy() # This would have non-zero entropy without the mask. logits = torch.tensor( [[1, 1, 1, 1], [10000, -10000, -10000, -1000]], dtype=torch.float, device=device ) mask = torch.tensor([False, True], device=device) metric(logits, mask) assert metric.get_metric()["entropy"] == 0.0 def test_distributed_entropy(self): logits = torch.tensor([[1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1]], dtype=torch.float) logits = [logits[0], logits[1]] metric_kwargs = {"logits": logits} desired_values = {"entropy": 1.38629436} run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], global_distributed_metric, Entropy(), metric_kwargs, desired_values, exact=False, ) def test_multiple_distributed_runs(self): logits = torch.tensor([[1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1]], dtype=torch.float) logits = [logits[0], logits[1]] metric_kwargs = {"logits": logits} desired_values = {"entropy": 1.38629436} run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], multiple_runs, Entropy(), metric_kwargs, desired_values, exact=False, ) def multiple_runs( global_rank: int, world_size: int, gpu_id: Union[int, torch.device], metric: Entropy, metric_kwargs: Dict[str, List[Any]], desired_values: Dict[str, Any], exact: Union[bool, Tuple[float, float]] = True, ): kwargs = {} # Use the arguments meant for the process with rank `global_rank`. for argname in metric_kwargs: kwargs[argname] = metric_kwargs[argname][global_rank] for i in range(200): metric(**kwargs) assert_allclose(desired_values["entropy"], metric.get_metric()["entropy"])
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union import torch import pytest from allennlp.common.testing import ( AllenNlpTestCase, multi_device, global_distributed_metric, run_distributed_test, ) from import BooleanAccuracy class BooleanAccuracyTest(AllenNlpTestCase): @multi_device def test_accuracy_computation(self, device: str): accuracy = BooleanAccuracy() predictions = torch.tensor([[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7]], device=device) targets = torch.tensor([[0, 1], [2, 2], [4, 5], [7, 7]], device=device) accuracy(predictions, targets) assert accuracy.get_metric() == 2 / 4 mask = torch.ones(4, 2, device=device).bool() mask[1, 1] = 0 accuracy(predictions, targets, mask) assert accuracy.get_metric() == 5 / 8 targets[1, 1] = 3 accuracy(predictions, targets) assert accuracy.get_metric() == 8 / 12 accuracy.reset() accuracy(predictions, targets) assert accuracy.get_metric() == 3 / 4 @multi_device def test_skips_completely_masked_instances(self, device: str): accuracy = BooleanAccuracy() predictions = torch.tensor([[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7]], device=device) targets = torch.tensor([[0, 1], [2, 2], [4, 5], [7, 7]], device=device) mask = torch.tensor( [[False, False], [True, False], [True, True], [True, True]], device=device ) accuracy(predictions, targets, mask) # First example should be skipped, second is correct with mask, third is correct, fourth is wrong. assert accuracy.get_metric() == 2 / 3 @multi_device def test_incorrect_gold_labels_shape_catches_exceptions(self, device: str): accuracy = BooleanAccuracy() predictions = torch.rand([5, 7], device=device) incorrect_shape_labels = torch.rand([5, 8], device=device) with pytest.raises(ValueError): accuracy(predictions, incorrect_shape_labels) @multi_device def test_incorrect_mask_shape_catches_exceptions(self, device: str): accuracy = BooleanAccuracy() predictions = torch.rand([5, 7], device=device) labels = torch.rand([5, 7], device=device) incorrect_shape_mask = torch.randint(0, 2, [5, 8], device=device).bool() with pytest.raises(ValueError): accuracy(predictions, labels, incorrect_shape_mask) @multi_device def test_does_not_divide_by_zero_with_no_count(self, device: str): accuracy = BooleanAccuracy() assert accuracy.get_metric() == pytest.approx(0.0) def test_distributed_accuracy(self): predictions = [torch.tensor([[0, 1], [2, 3]]), torch.tensor([[4, 5], [6, 7]])] targets = [torch.tensor([[0, 1], [2, 2]]), torch.tensor([[4, 5], [7, 7]])] metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_labels": targets} desired_values = 0.5 run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], global_distributed_metric, BooleanAccuracy(), metric_kwargs, desired_values, exact=True, ) def test_distributed_accuracy_unequal_batches(self): predictions = [torch.tensor([[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]), torch.tensor([[6, 7]])] targets = [torch.tensor([[0, 1], [2, 2], [4, 5]]), torch.tensor([[7, 7]])] metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_labels": targets} desired_values = 0.5 run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], global_distributed_metric, BooleanAccuracy(), metric_kwargs, desired_values, exact=True, ) def test_multiple_distributed_runs(self): predictions = [torch.tensor([[0, 1], [2, 3]]), torch.tensor([[4, 5], [6, 7]])] targets = [torch.tensor([[0, 1], [2, 2]]), torch.tensor([[4, 5], [7, 7]])] metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_labels": targets} desired_values = 0.5 run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], multiple_runs, BooleanAccuracy(), metric_kwargs, desired_values, exact=True, ) def multiple_runs( global_rank: int, world_size: int, gpu_id: Union[int, torch.device], metric: BooleanAccuracy, metric_kwargs: Dict[str, List[Any]], desired_values: Dict[str, Any], exact: Union[bool, Tuple[float, float]] = True, ): kwargs = {} # Use the arguments meant for the process with rank `global_rank`. for argname in metric_kwargs: kwargs[argname] = metric_kwargs[argname][global_rank] for i in range(200): metric(**kwargs) assert desired_values == metric.get_metric()
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union import torch from torch.testing import assert_allclose from allennlp.common.testing import ( AllenNlpTestCase, multi_device, global_distributed_metric, run_distributed_test, ) from import UnigramRecall class UnigramRecallTest(AllenNlpTestCase): @multi_device def test_sequence_recall(self, device: str): recall = UnigramRecall() gold = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 8], [7, 1, 1]], device=device) predictions = torch.tensor( [[[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, -1]], [[2, 4, 8], [2, 5, 9]], [[-1, -1, -1], [7, 1, -1]]], device=device, ) recall(predictions, gold) actual_recall = recall.get_metric()["unigram_recall"] assert_allclose(actual_recall, 1) @multi_device def test_sequence_recall_respects_mask(self, device: str): recall = UnigramRecall() gold = torch.tensor([[2, 4, 8], [1, 2, 3], [7, 1, 1], [11, 14, 17]], device=device) predictions = torch.tensor( [ [[2, 4, 8], [2, 5, 9]], # 3/3 [[-1, 2, 4], [3, 8, -1]], # 2/2 [[-1, -1, -1], [7, 2, -1]], # 1/2 [[12, 13, 17], [11, 13, 18]], # 2/2 ], device=device, ) mask = torch.tensor( [[True, True, True], [False, True, True], [True, True, False], [True, False, True]], device=device, ) recall(predictions, gold, mask) actual_recall = recall.get_metric()["unigram_recall"] assert_allclose(actual_recall, 7 / 8) @multi_device def test_sequence_recall_accumulates_and_resets_correctly(self, device: str): recall = UnigramRecall() gold = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3]], device=device) recall(torch.tensor([[[1, 2, 3]]], device=device), gold) recall(torch.tensor([[[7, 8, 4]]], device=device), gold) actual_recall = recall.get_metric(reset=True)["unigram_recall"] assert_allclose(actual_recall, 1 / 2) assert recall.correct_count == 0 assert recall.total_count == 0 @multi_device def test_get_metric_on_new_object_works(self, device: str): recall = UnigramRecall() actual_recall = recall.get_metric(reset=True)["unigram_recall"] assert_allclose(actual_recall, 0) def test_distributed_accuracy(self): gold = torch.tensor([[2, 4, 8], [1, 2, 3], [7, 1, 1], [11, 14, 17]]) predictions = torch.tensor( [ [[2, 4, 8], [2, 5, 9]], # 3/3 [[-1, 2, 4], [3, 8, -1]], # 2/2 [[-1, -1, -1], [7, 2, -1]], # 1/2 [[12, 13, 17], [11, 13, 18]], # 2/2 ] ) mask = torch.tensor( [[True, True, True], [False, True, True], [True, True, False], [True, False, True]] ) gold = [gold[:2], gold[2:]] predictions = [predictions[:2], predictions[2:]] mask = [mask[:2], mask[2:]] metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_labels": gold, "mask": mask} desired_values = {"unigram_recall": 7 / 8} run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], global_distributed_metric, UnigramRecall(), metric_kwargs, desired_values, exact=False, ) def test_multiple_distributed_runs(self): gold = torch.tensor([[2, 4, 8], [1, 2, 3], [7, 1, 1], [11, 14, 17]]) predictions = torch.tensor( [ [[2, 4, 8], [2, 5, 9]], # 3/3 [[-1, 2, 4], [3, 8, -1]], # 2/2 [[-1, -1, -1], [7, 2, -1]], # 1/2 [[12, 13, 17], [11, 13, 18]], # 2/2 ] ) mask = torch.tensor( [[True, True, True], [False, True, True], [True, True, False], [True, False, True]] ) gold = [gold[:2], gold[2:]] predictions = [predictions[:2], predictions[2:]] mask = [mask[:2], mask[2:]] metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_labels": gold, "mask": mask} desired_values = {"unigram_recall": 7 / 8} run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], multiple_runs, UnigramRecall(), metric_kwargs, desired_values, exact=True, ) def multiple_runs( global_rank: int, world_size: int, gpu_id: Union[int, torch.device], metric: UnigramRecall, metric_kwargs: Dict[str, List[Any]], desired_values: Dict[str, Any], exact: Union[bool, Tuple[float, float]] = True, ): kwargs = {} # Use the arguments meant for the process with rank `global_rank`. for argname in metric_kwargs: kwargs[argname] = metric_kwargs[argname][global_rank] for i in range(200): metric(**kwargs) assert desired_values["unigram_recall"] == metric.get_metric()["unigram_recall"]
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union import torch from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_fscore_support from torch.testing import assert_allclose import pytest from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from allennlp.common.testing import ( AllenNlpTestCase, multi_device, run_distributed_test, global_distributed_metric, ) from import FBetaMeasure class FBetaMeasureTest(AllenNlpTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() # [0, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1] self.predictions = torch.tensor( [ [0.35, 0.25, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], [0.1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], [0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.7, 0.0], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], ] ) self.targets = torch.tensor([0, 4, 1, 0, 3, 0]) # detailed target state self.pred_sum = [1, 4, 0, 1, 0] self.true_sum = [3, 1, 0, 1, 1] self.true_positive_sum = [1, 1, 0, 1, 0] self.true_negative_sum = [3, 2, 6, 5, 5] self.total_sum = [6, 6, 6, 6, 6] desired_precisions = [1.00, 0.25, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00] desired_recalls = [1 / 3, 1.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00] desired_fscores = [ (2 * p * r) / (p + r) if p + r != 0.0 else 0.0 for p, r in zip(desired_precisions, desired_recalls) ] self.desired_precisions = desired_precisions self.desired_recalls = desired_recalls self.desired_fscores = desired_fscores @multi_device def test_config_errors(self, device: str): # Bad beta pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, FBetaMeasure, beta=0.0) # Bad average option pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, FBetaMeasure, average="mega") # Empty input labels pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, FBetaMeasure, labels=[]) @multi_device def test_runtime_errors(self, device: str): fbeta = FBetaMeasure() # Metric was never called. pytest.raises(RuntimeError, fbeta.get_metric) @multi_device def test_fbeta_multiclass_state(self, device: str): self.predictions = self.targets = fbeta = FBetaMeasure() fbeta(self.predictions, self.targets) # check state assert_allclose(fbeta._pred_sum.tolist(), self.pred_sum) assert_allclose(fbeta._true_sum.tolist(), self.true_sum) assert_allclose(fbeta._true_positive_sum.tolist(), self.true_positive_sum) assert_allclose(fbeta._true_negative_sum.tolist(), self.true_negative_sum) assert_allclose(fbeta._total_sum.tolist(), self.total_sum) @multi_device def test_fbeta_multiclass_metric(self, device: str): self.predictions = self.targets = fbeta = FBetaMeasure() fbeta(self.predictions, self.targets) metric = fbeta.get_metric() precisions = metric["precision"] recalls = metric["recall"] fscores = metric["fscore"] # check value assert_allclose(precisions, self.desired_precisions) assert_allclose(recalls, self.desired_recalls) assert_allclose(fscores, self.desired_fscores) # check type assert isinstance(precisions, List) assert isinstance(recalls, List) assert isinstance(fscores, List) @multi_device def test_fbeta_multiclass_with_mask(self, device: str): self.predictions = self.targets = mask = torch.tensor([True, True, True, True, True, False], device=device) fbeta = FBetaMeasure() fbeta(self.predictions, self.targets, mask) metric = fbeta.get_metric() precisions = metric["precision"] recalls = metric["recall"] fscores = metric["fscore"] assert_allclose(fbeta._pred_sum.tolist(), [1, 3, 0, 1, 0]) assert_allclose(fbeta._true_sum.tolist(), [2, 1, 0, 1, 1]) assert_allclose(fbeta._true_positive_sum.tolist(), [1, 1, 0, 1, 0]) desired_precisions = [1.00, 1 / 3, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00] desired_recalls = [0.50, 1.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00] desired_fscores = [ (2 * p * r) / (p + r) if p + r != 0.0 else 0.0 for p, r in zip(desired_precisions, desired_recalls) ] assert_allclose(precisions, desired_precisions) assert_allclose(recalls, desired_recalls) assert_allclose(fscores, desired_fscores) @multi_device def test_fbeta_multiclass_macro_average_metric(self, device: str): self.predictions = self.targets = fbeta = FBetaMeasure(average="macro") fbeta(self.predictions, self.targets) metric = fbeta.get_metric() precisions = metric["precision"] recalls = metric["recall"] fscores = metric["fscore"] # We keep the expected values in CPU because FBetaMeasure returns them in CPU. macro_precision = torch.tensor(self.desired_precisions).mean() macro_recall = torch.tensor(self.desired_recalls).mean() macro_fscore = torch.tensor(self.desired_fscores).mean() # check value assert_allclose(precisions, macro_precision) assert_allclose(recalls, macro_recall) assert_allclose(fscores, macro_fscore) # check type assert isinstance(precisions, float) assert isinstance(recalls, float) assert isinstance(fscores, float) @multi_device def test_fbeta_multiclass_micro_average_metric(self, device: str): self.predictions = self.targets = fbeta = FBetaMeasure(average="micro") fbeta(self.predictions, self.targets) metric = fbeta.get_metric() precisions = metric["precision"] recalls = metric["recall"] fscores = metric["fscore"] # We keep the expected values in CPU because FBetaMeasure returns them in CPU. true_positives = torch.tensor([1, 1, 0, 1, 0], dtype=torch.float32) false_positives = torch.tensor([0, 3, 0, 0, 0], dtype=torch.float32) false_negatives = torch.tensor([2, 0, 0, 0, 1], dtype=torch.float32) mean_true_positive = true_positives.mean() mean_false_positive = false_positives.mean() mean_false_negative = false_negatives.mean() micro_precision = mean_true_positive / (mean_true_positive + mean_false_positive) micro_recall = mean_true_positive / (mean_true_positive + mean_false_negative) micro_fscore = (2 * micro_precision * micro_recall) / (micro_precision + micro_recall) # check value assert_allclose(precisions, micro_precision) assert_allclose(recalls, micro_recall) assert_allclose(fscores, micro_fscore) @multi_device def test_fbeta_multiclass_with_explicit_labels(self, device: str): self.predictions = self.targets = # same prediction but with and explicit label ordering fbeta = FBetaMeasure(labels=[4, 3, 2, 1, 0]) fbeta(self.predictions, self.targets) metric = fbeta.get_metric() precisions = metric["precision"] recalls = metric["recall"] fscores = metric["fscore"] desired_precisions = self.desired_precisions[::-1] desired_recalls = self.desired_recalls[::-1] desired_fscores = self.desired_fscores[::-1] # check value assert_allclose(precisions, desired_precisions) assert_allclose(recalls, desired_recalls) assert_allclose(fscores, desired_fscores) @multi_device def test_fbeta_multiclass_with_macro_average(self, device: str): self.predictions = self.targets = labels = [0, 1] fbeta = FBetaMeasure(average="macro", labels=labels) fbeta(self.predictions, self.targets) metric = fbeta.get_metric() precisions = metric["precision"] recalls = metric["recall"] fscores = metric["fscore"] # We keep the expected values in CPU because FBetaMeasure returns them in CPU. macro_precision = torch.tensor(self.desired_precisions)[labels].mean() macro_recall = torch.tensor(self.desired_recalls)[labels].mean() macro_fscore = torch.tensor(self.desired_fscores)[labels].mean() # check value assert_allclose(precisions, macro_precision) assert_allclose(recalls, macro_recall) assert_allclose(fscores, macro_fscore) @multi_device def test_fbeta_multiclass_with_micro_average(self, device: str): self.predictions = self.targets = labels = [1, 3] fbeta = FBetaMeasure(average="micro", labels=labels) fbeta(self.predictions, self.targets) metric = fbeta.get_metric() precisions = metric["precision"] recalls = metric["recall"] fscores = metric["fscore"] # We keep the expected values in CPU because FBetaMeasure returns them in CPU. true_positives = torch.tensor([1, 1], dtype=torch.float32) false_positives = torch.tensor([3, 0], dtype=torch.float32) false_negatives = torch.tensor([0, 0], dtype=torch.float32) mean_true_positive = true_positives.mean() mean_false_positive = false_positives.mean() mean_false_negative = false_negatives.mean() micro_precision = mean_true_positive / (mean_true_positive + mean_false_positive) micro_recall = mean_true_positive / (mean_true_positive + mean_false_negative) micro_fscore = (2 * micro_precision * micro_recall) / (micro_precision + micro_recall) # check value assert_allclose(precisions, micro_precision) assert_allclose(recalls, micro_recall) assert_allclose(fscores, micro_fscore) @multi_device def test_fbeta_multiclass_with_weighted_average(self, device: str): self.predictions = self.targets = labels = [0, 1] fbeta = FBetaMeasure(average="weighted", labels=labels) fbeta(self.predictions, self.targets) metric = fbeta.get_metric() precisions = metric["precision"] recalls = metric["recall"] fscores = metric["fscore"] weighted_precision, weighted_recall, weighted_fscore, _ = precision_recall_fscore_support( self.targets.cpu().numpy(), self.predictions.argmax(dim=1).cpu().numpy(), labels=labels, average="weighted", ) # check value assert_allclose(precisions, weighted_precision) assert_allclose(recalls, weighted_recall) assert_allclose(fscores, weighted_fscore) @multi_device def test_fbeta_handles_batch_size_of_one(self, device: str): predictions = torch.tensor([[0.2862, 0.3479, 0.1627, 0.2033]], device=device) targets = torch.tensor([1], device=device) mask = torch.tensor([True], device=device) fbeta = FBetaMeasure() fbeta(predictions, targets, mask) metric = fbeta.get_metric() precisions = metric["precision"] recalls = metric["recall"] assert_allclose(precisions, [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) assert_allclose(recalls, [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) @multi_device def test_fbeta_handles_no_prediction_false_last_class(self, device: str): predictions = torch.tensor([[0.65, 0.35], [0.0, 0.0]], device=device) # preds = [0, NA] targets = torch.tensor([0, 0], device=device) fbeta = FBetaMeasure() fbeta(predictions, targets) metric = fbeta.get_metric() precisions = metric["precision"] recalls = metric["recall"] fscores = metric["fscore"] assert_allclose(precisions, [1.0, 0.0]) assert_allclose(recalls, [0.5, 0.0]) assert_allclose(fscores, [0.6667, 0.0]) @multi_device def test_fbeta_handles_no_prediction_true_last_class(self, device: str): predictions = torch.tensor([[0.65, 0.35], [0.0, 0.0]], device=device) # preds = [0, NA] targets = torch.tensor([0, 1], device=device) fbeta = FBetaMeasure() fbeta(predictions, targets) metric = fbeta.get_metric() precisions = metric["precision"] recalls = metric["recall"] fscores = metric["fscore"] assert_allclose(precisions, [1.0, 0.0]) assert_allclose(recalls, [1.0, 0.0]) assert_allclose(fscores, [1.0, 0.0]) @multi_device def test_fbeta_handles_no_prediction_true_other_class(self, device: str): predictions = torch.tensor([[0.65, 0.35], [0.0, 0.0]], device=device) # preds = [0, NA] targets = torch.tensor([1, 0], device=device) fbeta = FBetaMeasure() fbeta(predictions, targets) metric = fbeta.get_metric() precisions = metric["precision"] recalls = metric["recall"] fscores = metric["fscore"] assert_allclose(precisions, [0.0, 0.0]) assert_allclose(recalls, [0.0, 0.0]) assert_allclose(fscores, [0.0, 0.0]) @multi_device def test_fbeta_handles_no_prediction_true_all_class(self, device: str): predictions = torch.tensor([[0.65, 0.35], [0.0, 0.0]], device=device) # preds = [0, NA] targets = torch.tensor([1, 1], device=device) fbeta = FBetaMeasure() fbeta(predictions, targets) metric = fbeta.get_metric() precisions = metric["precision"] recalls = metric["recall"] fscores = metric["fscore"] assert_allclose(precisions, [0.0, 0.0]) assert_allclose(recalls, [0.0, 0.0]) assert_allclose(fscores, [0.0, 0.0]) def test_distributed_fbeta_measure(self): predictions = [ torch.tensor( [[0.35, 0.25, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0]] ), torch.tensor( [[0.1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], [0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.7, 0.0], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0]] ), ] targets = [torch.tensor([0, 4, 1]), torch.tensor([0, 3, 0])] metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_labels": targets} desired_metrics = { "precision": self.desired_precisions, "recall": self.desired_recalls, "fscore": self.desired_fscores, } run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], global_distributed_metric, FBetaMeasure(), metric_kwargs, desired_metrics, exact=False, ) def test_multiple_distributed_runs(self): predictions = [ torch.tensor( [[0.35, 0.25, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0]] ), torch.tensor( [[0.1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0], [0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.7, 0.0], [0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0]] ), ] targets = [torch.tensor([0, 4, 1]), torch.tensor([0, 3, 0])] metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_labels": targets} desired_metrics = { "precision": self.desired_precisions, "recall": self.desired_recalls, "fscore": self.desired_fscores, } run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], multiple_runs, FBetaMeasure(), metric_kwargs, desired_metrics, exact=False, ) def multiple_runs( global_rank: int, world_size: int, gpu_id: Union[int, torch.device], metric: FBetaMeasure, metric_kwargs: Dict[str, List[Any]], desired_values: Dict[str, Any], exact: Union[bool, Tuple[float, float]] = True, ): kwargs = {} # Use the arguments meant for the process with rank `global_rank`. for argname in metric_kwargs: kwargs[argname] = metric_kwargs[argname][global_rank] for i in range(200): metric(**kwargs) metric_values = metric.get_metric() for key in desired_values: assert_allclose(desired_values[key], metric_values[key])
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union import torch from nltk import Tree from allennlp.common.testing import ( AllenNlpTestCase, global_distributed_metric, run_distributed_test, ) from import EvalbBracketingScorer class EvalbBracketingScorerTest(AllenNlpTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() EvalbBracketingScorer.compile_evalb() def tearDown(self): EvalbBracketingScorer.clean_evalb() super().tearDown() def test_evalb_correctly_scores_identical_trees(self): tree1 = Tree.fromstring("(S (NP (D the) (N dog)) (VP (V chased) (NP (D the) (N cat))))") tree2 = Tree.fromstring("(S (NP (D the) (N dog)) (VP (V chased) (NP (D the) (N cat))))") evalb_scorer = EvalbBracketingScorer() evalb_scorer([tree1], [tree2]) metrics = evalb_scorer.get_metric() assert metrics["evalb_recall"] == 1.0 assert metrics["evalb_precision"] == 1.0 assert metrics["evalb_f1_measure"] == 1.0 def test_evalb_correctly_scores_imperfect_trees(self): # Change to constiutency label (VP ... )should effect scores, but change to POS # tag (NP dog) should have no effect. tree1 = Tree.fromstring("(S (VP (D the) (NP dog)) (VP (V chased) (NP (D the) (N cat))))") tree2 = Tree.fromstring("(S (NP (D the) (N dog)) (VP (V chased) (NP (D the) (N cat))))") evalb_scorer = EvalbBracketingScorer() evalb_scorer([tree1], [tree2]) metrics = evalb_scorer.get_metric() assert metrics["evalb_recall"] == 0.75 assert metrics["evalb_precision"] == 0.75 assert metrics["evalb_f1_measure"] == 0.75 def test_evalb_correctly_calculates_bracketing_metrics_over_multiple_trees(self): tree1 = Tree.fromstring("(S (VP (D the) (NP dog)) (VP (V chased) (NP (D the) (N cat))))") tree2 = Tree.fromstring("(S (NP (D the) (N dog)) (VP (V chased) (NP (D the) (N cat))))") evalb_scorer = EvalbBracketingScorer() evalb_scorer([tree1, tree2], [tree2, tree2]) metrics = evalb_scorer.get_metric() assert metrics["evalb_recall"] == 0.875 assert metrics["evalb_precision"] == 0.875 assert metrics["evalb_f1_measure"] == 0.875 def test_evalb_with_terrible_trees_handles_nan_f1(self): # If precision and recall are zero, evalb returns nan f1. # This checks that we handle the zero division. tree1 = Tree.fromstring( "(PP (VROOT (PP That) (VROOT (PP could) (VROOT (PP cost) (VROOT (PP him))))) (PP .))" ) tree2 = Tree.fromstring("(S (NP (D the) (N dog)) (VP (V chased) (NP (D the) (N cat))))") evalb_scorer = EvalbBracketingScorer() evalb_scorer([tree1], [tree2]) metrics = evalb_scorer.get_metric() assert metrics["evalb_recall"] == 0.0 assert metrics["evalb_precision"] == 0.0 assert metrics["evalb_f1_measure"] == 0.0 def test_distributed_evalb(self): tree1 = Tree.fromstring("(S (VP (D the) (NP dog)) (VP (V chased) (NP (D the) (N cat))))") tree2 = Tree.fromstring("(S (NP (D the) (N dog)) (VP (V chased) (NP (D the) (N cat))))") predicted_trees = [[tree1], [tree2]] gold_trees = [[tree2], [tree2]] metric_kwargs = {"predicted_trees": predicted_trees, "gold_trees": gold_trees} desired_values = { "evalb_recall": 0.875, "evalb_precision": 0.875, "evalb_f1_measure": 0.875, } run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], global_distributed_metric, EvalbBracketingScorer(), metric_kwargs, desired_values, exact=True, ) def test_multiple_distributed_runs(self): tree1 = Tree.fromstring("(S (VP (D the) (NP dog)) (VP (V chased) (NP (D the) (N cat))))") tree2 = Tree.fromstring("(S (NP (D the) (N dog)) (VP (V chased) (NP (D the) (N cat))))") predicted_trees = [[tree1], [tree2]] gold_trees = [[tree2], [tree2]] metric_kwargs = {"predicted_trees": predicted_trees, "gold_trees": gold_trees} desired_values = { "evalb_recall": 0.875, "evalb_precision": 0.875, "evalb_f1_measure": 0.875, } run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], multiple_runs, EvalbBracketingScorer(), metric_kwargs, desired_values, exact=False, ) def multiple_runs( global_rank: int, world_size: int, gpu_id: Union[int, torch.device], metric: EvalbBracketingScorer, metric_kwargs: Dict[str, List[Any]], desired_values: Dict[str, Any], exact: Union[bool, Tuple[float, float]] = True, ): kwargs = {} # Use the arguments meant for the process with rank `global_rank`. for argname in metric_kwargs: kwargs[argname] = metric_kwargs[argname][global_rank] for i in range(200): metric(**kwargs) metric_values = metric.get_metric() for key in desired_values: assert desired_values[key] == metric_values[key]
import math import pytest import torch from torch.testing import assert_allclose from allennlp.common.testing import ( AllenNlpTestCase, multi_device, global_distributed_metric, run_distributed_test, ) from import SpearmanCorrelation def spearman_formula(predictions, labels, mask=None): """ This function is spearman formula from: """ if mask is not None: predictions = predictions * mask labels = labels * mask # if all number of a set is same, return np.nan if len(torch.unique(predictions)) == 1 or len(torch.unique(labels)) == 1: return float("NaN") len_pre = len(predictions) predictions = [(k, v) for k, v in enumerate(predictions)] predictions.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) predictions = [(k, v) for k, v in enumerate(predictions)] predictions.sort(key=lambda x: x[1][0]) labels = [(k, v) for k, v in enumerate(labels)] labels.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) labels = [(k, v) for k, v in enumerate(labels)] labels.sort(key=lambda x: x[1][0]) total = 0 for i in range(len_pre): total += (predictions[i][0] - labels[i][0]) ** 2 expected_spearman_correlation = 1 - 6 * total / (len_pre * (len_pre ** 2 - 1)) return expected_spearman_correlation class SpearmanCorrelationTest(AllenNlpTestCase): @multi_device def test_unmasked_computation(self, device: str): spearman_correlation = SpearmanCorrelation() batch_size = 10 num_labels = 10 predictions1 = torch.randn(batch_size, num_labels, device=device) labels1 = 0.5 * predictions1 + torch.randn(batch_size, num_labels, device=device) predictions2 = torch.randn(1, device=device).repeat(num_labels) predictions2 = predictions2.unsqueeze(0).expand(batch_size, -1) labels2 = torch.randn(1, device=device).expand(num_labels) labels2 = 0.5 * predictions2 + labels2.unsqueeze(0).expand(batch_size, -1) # in most cases, the data is constructed like predictions_1, the data of such a batch different. # but in a few cases, for example, predictions_2, the data of such a batch is exactly the same. predictions_labels_ = [(predictions1, labels1), (predictions2, labels2)] for predictions, labels in predictions_labels_: spearman_correlation.reset() spearman_correlation(predictions, labels) assert_allclose( spearman_formula(predictions.reshape(-1), labels.reshape(-1)), spearman_correlation.get_metric(), ) @multi_device def test_masked_computation(self, device: str): spearman_correlation = SpearmanCorrelation() batch_size = 10 num_labels = 10 predictions1 = torch.randn(batch_size, num_labels, device=device) labels1 = 0.5 * predictions1 + torch.randn(batch_size, num_labels, device=device) predictions2 = torch.randn(1, device=device).expand(num_labels) predictions2 = predictions2.unsqueeze(0).expand(batch_size, -1) labels2 = torch.randn(1, device=device).expand(num_labels) labels2 = 0.5 * predictions2 + labels2.unsqueeze(0).expand(batch_size, -1) # in most cases, the data is constructed like predictions_1, the data of such a batch different. # but in a few cases, for example, predictions_2, the data of such a batch is exactly the same. predictions_labels_ = [(predictions1, labels1), (predictions2, labels2)] # Random binary mask mask = torch.randint(0, 2, size=(batch_size, num_labels), device=device).bool() for predictions, labels in predictions_labels_: spearman_correlation.reset() spearman_correlation(predictions, labels, mask) expected_spearman_correlation = spearman_formula( predictions.view(-1), labels.view(-1), mask=mask.view(-1) ) # because add mask, a batch of predictions or labels will have many 0, # spearman correlation algorithm will dependence the sorting position of a set of numbers, # too many identical numbers will result in different calculation results each time # but the positive and negative results are the same, # so here we only test the positive and negative results of the results. assert (expected_spearman_correlation * spearman_correlation.get_metric()) > 0 @multi_device def test_reset(self, device: str): spearman_correlation = SpearmanCorrelation() batch_size = 10 num_labels = 10 predictions = torch.randn(batch_size, num_labels, device=device) labels = 0.5 * predictions + torch.randn(batch_size, num_labels, device=device) # 1.test spearman_correlation.reset() spearman_correlation.reset() spearman_correlation(predictions, labels) temp = spearman_correlation.get_metric() spearman_correlation.reset() spearman_correlation(predictions, labels) assert spearman_correlation.get_metric() == temp # 2.test spearman_correlation.reset() spearman_correlation.reset() spearman_correlation(predictions, labels) spearman_correlation.get_metric(reset=False) assert spearman_correlation.get_metric() != float("NaN") spearman_correlation.get_metric(reset=True) assert math.isnan(spearman_correlation.get_metric()) def test_distributed_spearman(self): batch_size = 10 num_labels = 10 predictions = torch.randn(batch_size, num_labels) labels = 0.5 * predictions + torch.randn(batch_size, num_labels) desired_spearman = spearman_formula(predictions.reshape(-1), labels.reshape(-1)) predictions = [predictions[:5], predictions[5:]] labels = [labels[:5], labels[5:]] metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_labels": labels} run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], global_distributed_metric, SpearmanCorrelation(), metric_kwargs, desired_spearman, exact=False, ) def test_distributed_spearman_unequal_batches(self): batch_size = 10 num_labels = 10 predictions = torch.randn(batch_size, num_labels) labels = 0.5 * predictions + torch.randn(batch_size, num_labels) desired_spearman = spearman_formula(predictions.reshape(-1), labels.reshape(-1)) predictions = [predictions[:6], predictions[6:]] labels = [labels[:6], labels[6:]] metric_kwargs = {"predictions": predictions, "gold_labels": labels} with pytest.raises(Exception) as _: run_distributed_test( [-1, -1], global_distributed_metric, SpearmanCorrelation(), metric_kwargs, desired_spearman, exact=False, )
import torch from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from allennlp.common.params import Params from import ( LearningRateScheduler, CombinedLearningRateScheduler, PolynomialDecay, ) from import Optimizer class TestCombinedLRScheduler(AllenNlpTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() self.model = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Linear(10, 10)) self.optimizer = Optimizer.from_params( model_parameters=self.model.named_parameters(), params=Params({"type": "sgd", "lr": 1.0}), ) def get_scheduler(self) -> LearningRateScheduler: return LearningRateScheduler.from_params( Params( { "type": "combined", "schedulers": [ [ 2, { "type": "polynomial_decay", "warmup_steps": 10, "end_learning_rate": 0.5, }, ], [ 5, { "type": "polynomial_decay", "warmup_steps": 0, "end_learning_rate": 0.1, }, ], ], } ), optimizer=self.optimizer, num_steps_per_epoch=10, ) def test_partial_schedule(self): scheduler = self.get_scheduler() assert isinstance(scheduler, CombinedLearningRateScheduler) assert isinstance(scheduler._current_scheduler, PolynomialDecay) # This should be 0 because the PolynomialDecay scheduler initializes the LR to 0. assert self.optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] == 0.0 epoch_end_lrs = [] for epoch in range(10): if epoch > 6: assert scheduler._current_scheduler is None elif epoch >= 2: assert scheduler._current_scheduler is not None assert scheduler._current_scheduler.total_steps == 50 assert scheduler._current_scheduler.base_values[0] == 0.5 else: assert scheduler._current_scheduler is not None assert scheduler._current_scheduler.total_steps == 20 assert scheduler._current_scheduler.base_values[0] == 1.0 for step in range(10): scheduler.step_batch() scheduler.step() epoch_end_lrs.append(self.optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"]) assert epoch_end_lrs[0] == 1.0 assert epoch_end_lrs[1] == 0.5 assert epoch_end_lrs[6] == 0.1 assert epoch_end_lrs[6] == 0.1 def test_load_from_checkpoint(self): scheduler = self.get_scheduler() for epoch in range(3): for step in range(10): scheduler.step_batch() scheduler.step() assert scheduler.last_epoch == 2 assert scheduler._current_scheduler is not None assert scheduler._current_scheduler.total_steps == 50 assert scheduler._current_scheduler.base_values[0] == 0.5 state_dict = scheduler.state_dict() new_scheduler = self.get_scheduler() new_scheduler.load_state_dict(state_dict) assert new_scheduler.last_epoch == 2 assert new_scheduler._current_scheduler is not None assert new_scheduler._current_scheduler.total_steps == 50 assert new_scheduler._current_scheduler.base_values[0] == 0.5, state_dict
import torch import pytest from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from import Optimizer from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from import LearningRateScheduler from allennlp.common.params import Params class LearningRateSchedulersTest(AllenNlpTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() self.model = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Linear(10, 10)) def test_reduce_on_plateau_error_throw_when_no_metrics_exist(self): with pytest.raises( ConfigurationError, match="learning rate scheduler requires a validation metric" ): LearningRateScheduler.from_params( optimizer=Optimizer.from_params( model_parameters=self.model.named_parameters(), params=Params({"type": "adam"}) ), params=Params({"type": "reduce_on_plateau"}), ).step(None) def test_reduce_on_plateau_works_when_metrics_exist(self): LearningRateScheduler.from_params( optimizer=Optimizer.from_params( model_parameters=self.model.named_parameters(), params=Params({"type": "adam"}) ), params=Params({"type": "reduce_on_plateau"}), ).step(10) def test_no_metric_wrapper_can_support_none_for_metrics(self): lrs = LearningRateScheduler.from_params( optimizer=Optimizer.from_params( model_parameters=self.model.named_parameters(), params=Params({"type": "adam"}) ), params=Params({"type": "step", "step_size": 1}), ) lrs.lr_scheduler.optimizer.step() # to avoid a pytorch warning lrs.step(None) def test_noam_learning_rate_schedule_does_not_crash(self): lrs = LearningRateScheduler.from_params( optimizer=Optimizer.from_params( model_parameters=self.model.named_parameters(), params=Params({"type": "adam"}) ), params=Params({"type": "noam", "model_size": 10, "warmup_steps": 2000}), ) lrs.step(None) lrs.step_batch(None) def test_polynomial_decay_works_properly(self): scheduler = LearningRateScheduler.from_params( optimizer=Optimizer.from_params( model_parameters=self.model.named_parameters(), params=Params({"type": "sgd", "lr": 1.0}), ), params=Params( { "type": "polynomial_decay", "warmup_steps": 2, "num_epochs": 2, "num_steps_per_epoch": 3, "end_learning_rate": 0.1, "power": 2, } ), ) optimizer = scheduler.optimizer # Linear warmup for 2 steps. scheduler.step_batch() assert optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] == 0.5 # 1.0 * 1/2 scheduler.step_batch() assert optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] == 1.0 # 1.0 * 2/2 # Polynomial decay for 4 steps. scheduler.step_batch() assert optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] == 0.60625 # (1.0 - 0.1) * (3/4) ** 2 + 0.1 scheduler.step_batch() assert optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] == 0.325 # (1.0 - 0.1) * (2/4) ** 2 + 0.1 scheduler.step_batch() assert optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] == 0.15625 # (1.0 - 0.1) * (1/4) ** 2 + 0.1 scheduler.step_batch() assert optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] == 0.1 # (1.0 - 0.1) * (0/4) ** 2 + 0.1 def test_linear_with_warmup_works_properly(self): scheduler = LearningRateScheduler.from_params( optimizer=Optimizer.from_params( model_parameters=self.model.named_parameters(), params=Params({"type": "sgd", "lr": 1.0}), ), params=Params( { "type": "linear_with_warmup", "warmup_steps": 2, "num_epochs": 2, "num_steps_per_epoch": 3, } ), ) optimizer = scheduler.optimizer # Linear warmup for 2 steps. scheduler.step_batch() assert optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] == 0.5 # 1.0 * 1/2 scheduler.step_batch() assert optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] == 1.0 # 1.0 * 2/2 # Linear decay for 4 steps. scheduler.step_batch() assert optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] == 0.75 scheduler.step_batch() assert optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] == 0.5 scheduler.step_batch() assert optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] == 0.25 scheduler.step_batch() assert optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] == 0.0 def test_exponential_works_properly(self): scheduler = LearningRateScheduler.from_params( optimizer=Optimizer.from_params( model_parameters=self.model.named_parameters(), params=Params({"type": "sgd", "lr": 1.0}), ), params=Params({"type": "exponential", "gamma": 0.5}), ) optimizer = scheduler.lr_scheduler.optimizer optimizer.step() # to avoid a pytorch warning # Initial learning rate should be unchanged for first epoch. assert optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] == 1.0 scheduler.step() assert optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] == 0.5 scheduler.step() assert optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] == 0.5 ** 2 scheduler.step() assert optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"] == 0.5 ** 3
from copy import deepcopy from typing import Dict, Any import torch import pytest from allennlp.common import Params from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from import LearningRateScheduler from import Optimizer class CosineWithRestartsTest(AllenNlpTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() self.model = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Linear(10, 10)) # We use these cases to verify that the scheduler works as expected. # Each case consists of 5 parameters: # - epochs: the total # of epochs to run for. # - params: parameters passed to initialize the scheduler. # - learning rate checks: a list of tuples, each of which specifies an epoch # number and the expected value of the learning rate at that epoch. # - checkpoints: a list of epoch numbers at which to save the scheduler # state, and then restore from the saved state and resume. self.cosine_schedule_cases = [ ( 30, {"t_initial": 30, "t_mul": 1.0}, [(0, 1.0), (15, 0.5000000000000001), (29, 0.0027390523158632996)], [10, 14], ), (10, {"t_initial": 1, "t_mul": 2.0}, [(0, 1.0), (1, 1.0), (2, 0.5), (3, 1.0)], [1, 3]), (30, {"t_initial": 1, "t_mul": 1.0}, [(0, 1.0), (15, 1.0), (29, 1.0)], []), ( 60, {"t_initial": 30, "t_mul": 1.0}, [ (0, 1.0), (15, 0.5000000000000001), (29, 0.0027390523158632996), (30, 1.0), (45, 0.5000000000000001), (59, 0.0027390523158632996), ], [30, 35], ), ( 60, {"t_initial": 30, "t_mul": 1.0, "eta_mul": 0.5}, [(0, 1.0), (15, 0.5000000000000001), (29, 0.0027390523158632996), (30, 0.5)], [], ), ( 100, {"t_initial": 30, "t_mul": 1.5}, [(0, 1.0), (29, 0.0027390523158632996), (30, 1.0), (74, 0.0012179748700879012)], [], ), ( 210, {"t_initial": 30, "t_mul": 2}, [ (0, 1.0), (29, 0.0027390523158632996), (30, 1.0), (89, 0.0006852326227130834), (90, 1.0), (209, 0.00017133751222137006), ], [], ), ( 210, {"t_initial": 30, "t_mul": 2, "eta_mul": 0.5}, [(0, 1.0), (30, 0.5), (90, 0.25)], [29, 90], ), ( 150, {"t_initial": 30, "t_mul": 1}, [ (0, 1.0), (29, 0.0027390523158632996), (30, 1.0), (59, 0.0027390523158632996), (60, 1.0), (89, 0.0027390523158632996), (90, 1.0), ], [], ), (10, {"t_initial": 1, "t_mul": 1, "eta_mul": 0.5}, [(0, 1.0), (1, 0.5), (2, 0.25)], []), ] def _get_optimizer(self, lr: float = 1.0): return Optimizer.from_params( model_parameters=self.model.named_parameters(), params=Params({"type": "sgd", "lr": lr}) ) def test_from_params(self): """Make sure `from_params` initializes an instance properly.""" optim = self._get_optimizer() sched = LearningRateScheduler.from_params( optimizer=optim, params=Params({"type": "cosine", "t_initial": 5}) ) assert sched.t_initial == 5 assert sched.last_epoch == -1 # Learning should be unchanged after initializing scheduler. assert optim.param_groups[0]["lr"] == 1.0 with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): # t_initial is required. LearningRateScheduler.from_params(optimizer=optim, params=Params({"type": "cosine"})) def test_schedules(self): """Make sure the math is correct.""" for epochs, params, lr_checks, _ in self.cosine_schedule_cases: optimizer = self._get_optimizer() params["type"] = "cosine" scheduler = LearningRateScheduler.from_params( optimizer=optimizer, params=Params(params) ) lrs = [optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"]] for _ in range(epochs): scheduler.step() lrs.append(optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"]) for it, lr in lr_checks: assert lrs[it] == lr, f"Iteration {it}: {lrs[it]} != {lr}" def test_schedules_with_save_and_resume(self): """Make sure scheduler will resume with the right state.""" def init_and_restore_scheduler( optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer, params: Dict[str, Any], state_dict: Dict[str, Any] = None, ): """ Initialize a new scheduler and optionally restore its state from a checkpoint. """ params["type"] = "cosine" scheduler = LearningRateScheduler.from_params( optimizer=optimizer, params=Params(deepcopy(params)) ) if state_dict is not None: scheduler.load_state_dict(state_dict) return scheduler for epochs, params, lr_checks, checkpoints in self.cosine_schedule_cases: optimizer = self._get_optimizer() scheduler = init_and_restore_scheduler(optimizer, params) state = scheduler.state_dict() lrs = [optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"]] for epoch in range(epochs): if epoch in checkpoints: # Restore scheduler from state dict. scheduler = init_and_restore_scheduler(optimizer, params, state_dict=state) # Take step and record learning rate. scheduler.step(1) lrs.append(optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"]) # Save state again. state = scheduler.state_dict() for it, lr in lr_checks: assert lrs[it] == lr, f"Iteration {it}: {lrs[it]} != {lr}"
from collections import OrderedDict from copy import deepcopy from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple import torch import pytest from import AllennlpDataset from allennlp.common import Lazy, Params from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from import PyTorchDataLoader from import Trainer from import LearningRateScheduler, SlantedTriangular from import Optimizer def is_hat_shaped(learning_rates: List[float]): """ Check if the list of learning rates is "hat" shaped, i.e., increases then decreases """ # sufficient conditions: # has both an increasing and decreasing segment # decrease segment occurs after increasing segment # once start decreasing, can't increase again has_increasing_segment = False has_decreasing_segment = False for k in range(1, len(learning_rates)): delta = learning_rates[k] - learning_rates[k - 1] if delta > 1e-8: has_increasing_segment = True if has_decreasing_segment: # can't increase again after hitting the max return False elif delta < -1e-8: if not has_increasing_segment: # can't decrease without have an increasing segment return False has_decreasing_segment = True else: # no change pass return has_increasing_segment and has_decreasing_segment class SlantedTriangularTest(AllenNlpTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() self.model = torch.nn.Sequential( OrderedDict([("lin1", torch.nn.Linear(10, 10)), ("lin2", torch.nn.Linear(10, 10))]) ) def _get_optimizer(self, lr: float = 1.0): optimizer_params = Params({"type": "sgd", "lr": lr}) optimizer_params["parameter_groups"] = [[[f"^{m}"], {}] for m in self.model._modules] return Optimizer.from_params( model_parameters=self.model.named_parameters(), params=optimizer_params ) def _run_scheduler_get_lrs(self, params, num_steps_per_epoch): optimizer = self._get_optimizer() params["type"] = "slanted_triangular" scheduler = LearningRateScheduler.from_params( optimizer=optimizer, params=Params(deepcopy(params)) ) lrs = [] batch_num_total = 0 for epoch in range(params["num_epochs"]): for _ in range(num_steps_per_epoch): batch_num_total += 1 # allennlp trainer calls step_batch after updating parameters # so collect lr at time of parameter update lrs.append( [ param_group["lr"] * float(param_group["params"][0].requires_grad) for param_group in optimizer.param_groups[:2] ] ) scheduler.step_batch(batch_num_total) if params.get("gradual_unfreezing") and epoch == 0: assert scheduler.freezing_current # step() takes two arguments: validation metric and epoch scheduler.step(None) return lrs def test_is_hat_shaped(self): assert not is_hat_shaped([0.0] * 10) assert not is_hat_shaped([float(k) for k in range(10)]) assert not is_hat_shaped([float(10 - k) for k in range(10)]) assert is_hat_shaped([float(k) for k in range(10)] + [float(10 - k) for k in range(10)]) assert not is_hat_shaped( [float(k) for k in range(10)] + [float(10 - k) for k in range(10)] + [float(k) for k in range(10)] ) def test_from_params_in_trainer(self): # This is more of an integration test, making sure that a bunch of pieces fit together # correctly, but it matters most for this learning rate scheduler, so we're testing it here. params = Params( { "num_epochs": 5, "learning_rate_scheduler": { "type": "slanted_triangular", "gradual_unfreezing": True, "discriminative_fine_tuning": True, "decay_factor": 0.5, }, } ) # The method called in the logic below only checks the length of this list, not its # contents, so this should be safe. instances = AllennlpDataset([1] * 40) optim = self._get_optimizer() trainer = Trainer.from_params( model=self.model, optimizer=Lazy(lambda **kwargs: optim), serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, params=params, data_loader=PyTorchDataLoader(instances, batch_size=10), ) assert isinstance(trainer._learning_rate_scheduler, SlantedTriangular) # This is what we wrote this test for: to be sure that num_epochs is passed correctly, and # that num_steps_per_epoch is computed and passed correctly. This logic happens inside of # `Trainer.from_partial_objects`. assert trainer._learning_rate_scheduler.num_epochs == 5 assert trainer._learning_rate_scheduler.num_steps_per_epoch == 4 # And we'll do one more to make sure that we can override num_epochs in the scheduler if we # really want to. Not sure why you would ever want to in this case; this is just testing # the functionality. params = Params( { "num_epochs": 5, "learning_rate_scheduler": { "type": "slanted_triangular", "num_epochs": 3, "gradual_unfreezing": True, "discriminative_fine_tuning": True, "decay_factor": 0.5, }, } ) trainer = Trainer.from_params( model=self.model, optimizer=Lazy(lambda **kwargs: optim), serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, params=params, data_loader=PyTorchDataLoader(instances, batch_size=10), ) assert trainer._learning_rate_scheduler.num_epochs == 3 def test_from_params(self): optim = self._get_optimizer() sched = LearningRateScheduler.from_params( optimizer=optim, params=Params( { "type": "slanted_triangular", "num_epochs": 5, "num_steps_per_epoch": 10, "gradual_unfreezing": True, "discriminative_fine_tuning": True, "decay_factor": 0.5, } ), ) assert sched.num_epochs == 5 assert sched.num_steps_per_epoch == 10 assert sched.gradual_unfreezing is True assert sched.freezing_current is True assert len(optim.param_groups) == 3 # The default parameter group in the Optimizer is empty assert not optim.param_groups[-1]["params"] assert optim.param_groups[-2]["lr"] == 1.0 / sched.ratio assert optim.param_groups[-3]["lr"] == 0.5 / sched.ratio with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): # num_epochs and num_steps_per_epoch are required LearningRateScheduler.from_params( optimizer=optim, params=Params({"type": "slanted_triangular", "num_epochs": 5}) ) LearningRateScheduler.from_params( optimizer=optim, params=Params({"type": "slanted_triangular", "num_steps_epochs": 10}), ) def test_schedules(self): slanted_triangular_cases: List[Tuple[Dict[str, Any], List[Tuple[int, int, float]]]] = [ ( { "num_epochs": 5, "num_steps_per_epoch": 10, "gradual_unfreezing": True, }, # parameters [ (0, 1, 0.03125), # iteration, layer, learning rate (0, 0, 0.0), (1, 1, 1.0), (1, 0, 0.0), (9, 1, 0.138888), (9, 0, 0.0), # end of the first epoch (10, 1, 0.03125), (10, 0, 0.03125), (14, 1, 1.0), (14, 0, 1.0), (49, 1, 0.05815972), (49, 0, 0.05815972), ], ), ( { "num_epochs": 5, "num_steps_per_epoch": 10, "discriminative_fine_tuning": True, "decay_factor": 0.5, }, # parameters [ (0, 1, 0.03125), # iteration, layer, learning rate (0, 0, 0.015625), (5, 1, 1.0), (5, 0, 0.5), (49, 1, 0.052777), (49, 0, 0.026388), ], ), ( { "num_epochs": 5, "num_steps_per_epoch": 10, "gradual_unfreezing": True, "discriminative_fine_tuning": True, "decay_factor": 0.5, }, # parameters [ (0, 1, 0.03125), # iteration, layer, learning rate (0, 0, 0.0), (1, 1, 1.0), (1, 0, 0.0), (9, 1, 0.138888), (9, 0, 0.0), # end of the first epoch (10, 1, 0.03125), (10, 0, 0.015625), (14, 1, 1.0), (14, 0, 0.5), (49, 1, 0.0581597222), (49, 0, 0.0290798611), ], ), ] for params, lr_checks in slanted_triangular_cases: lrs = self._run_scheduler_get_lrs(params, params["num_steps_per_epoch"]) for it, layer, lr in lr_checks: lr_check = round(lr, 5) lr = round(lrs[it][layer], 5) assert ( lr == lr_check ), f"Learning rate {lr} at iteration {it} at layer {layer} != {lr_check}." def test_schedules_num_steps_per_epoch(self): # ensure the learning rate schedule still maintains hat shape # if number of actual batches differs from parameter provided # in constructor for gradual_unfreezing in [True, False]: for discriminative_fine_tuning in [True, False]: for num_actual_steps_per_epoch in [7, 11]: params = { "num_epochs": 5, "num_steps_per_epoch": 10, "gradual_unfreezing": gradual_unfreezing, "discriminative_fine_tuning": discriminative_fine_tuning, } lrs = self._run_scheduler_get_lrs(params, num_actual_steps_per_epoch) first_layer_lrs = [rates[0] for rates in lrs] second_layer_lrs = [rates[1] for rates in lrs] if gradual_unfreezing: assert max(first_layer_lrs[:num_actual_steps_per_epoch]) < 1e-8 assert min(first_layer_lrs[:num_actual_steps_per_epoch]) > -1e-8 assert is_hat_shaped(first_layer_lrs[num_actual_steps_per_epoch:]) assert is_hat_shaped(second_layer_lrs[:num_actual_steps_per_epoch]) assert is_hat_shaped(second_layer_lrs[num_actual_steps_per_epoch:]) else: assert is_hat_shaped(first_layer_lrs) assert is_hat_shaped(second_layer_lrs)
from math import isclose import torch from allennlp.common.params import Params from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from import MomentumScheduler from import Optimizer class InvertedTriangularTest(AllenNlpTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() self.model = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Linear(10, 10)) self.base_momentum = 0.9 def _get_optimizer(self): return Optimizer.from_params( model_parameters=self.model.named_parameters(), params=Params({"type": "sgd", "lr": 1.0, "momentum": self.base_momentum}), ) def test_from_params(self): optimizer = self._get_optimizer() scheduler = MomentumScheduler.from_params( optimizer=optimizer, params=Params({"type": "inverted_triangular", "cool_down": 10, "warm_up": 10}), ) assert scheduler.cool_down == 10 assert scheduler.warm_up == 10 assert scheduler.ratio == 10 assert scheduler.last_epoch == -1 def test_basic_schedule(self): optimizer = self._get_optimizer() scheduler = MomentumScheduler.from_params( optimizer=optimizer, params=Params( {"type": "inverted_triangular", "cool_down": 6, "warm_up": 10, "ratio": 5} ), ) # Before first epoch, momentum should be unchanged. assert optimizer.param_groups[0]["momentum"] == self.base_momentum # After first epoch, `step` is called, and momentum should be adjusted for # the next epoch. scheduler.step() assert isclose( optimizer.param_groups[0]["momentum"], self.base_momentum - (self.base_momentum - self.base_momentum / 5) * (1 / 6), ) # After second epoch, `step` is called and momentum is updated for 3rd epoch. scheduler.step() assert isclose( optimizer.param_groups[0]["momentum"], self.base_momentum - (self.base_momentum - self.base_momentum / 5) * (2 / 6), ) scheduler.last_epoch = 4 # ... after the 6th epoch (epoch id 5), momentum should be set to `base_momentum / ratio`. scheduler.step() assert isclose(optimizer.param_groups[0]["momentum"], self.base_momentum / 5) # Then the momentum stars increasing again. scheduler.step() assert isclose( optimizer.param_groups[0]["momentum"], self.base_momentum / 5 + (self.base_momentum - self.base_momentum / 5) * (1 / 10), ) # After the 16th epoch (6 + 10) (epoch id 15), momentum should be back to the base level. scheduler.last_epoch = 14 scheduler.step() assert isclose(optimizer.param_groups[0]["momentum"], self.base_momentum) scheduler.step() assert isclose(optimizer.param_groups[0]["momentum"], self.base_momentum) scheduler.step() assert isclose(optimizer.param_groups[0]["momentum"], self.base_momentum)
from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from allennlp.models.archival import load_archive from allennlp.predictors import Predictor class TestSentenceTaggerPredictor(AllenNlpTestCase): def test_predictions_to_labeled_instances(self): inputs = {"sentence": "Eric Wallace was an intern at AI2"} archive = load_archive( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "simple_tagger" / "serialization" / "model.tar.gz" ) predictor = Predictor.from_archive(archive, "sentence_tagger") instance = predictor._json_to_instance(inputs) outputs = predictor._model.forward_on_instance(instance) new_instances = predictor.predictions_to_labeled_instances(instance, outputs) assert len(new_instances) > 1 for new_instance in new_instances: assert "tags" in new_instance assert len(new_instance["tags"]) == 7 # 7 words in input
from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from allennlp.models.archival import load_archive from allennlp.predictors import Predictor from allennlp.nn import util class TestPredictor(AllenNlpTestCase): def test_from_archive_does_not_consume_params(self): archive = load_archive( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "simple_tagger" / "serialization" / "model.tar.gz" ) Predictor.from_archive(archive, "sentence_tagger") # If it consumes the params, this will raise an exception Predictor.from_archive(archive, "sentence_tagger") def test_loads_correct_dataset_reader(self): # This model has a different dataset reader configuration for train and validation. The # parameter that differs is the token indexer's namespace. archive = load_archive( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "simple_tagger_with_span_f1" / "serialization" / "model.tar.gz" ) predictor = Predictor.from_archive(archive, "sentence_tagger") assert predictor._dataset_reader._token_indexers["tokens"].namespace == "test_tokens" predictor = Predictor.from_archive( archive, "sentence_tagger", dataset_reader_to_load="train" ) assert predictor._dataset_reader._token_indexers["tokens"].namespace == "tokens" predictor = Predictor.from_archive( archive, "sentence_tagger", dataset_reader_to_load="validation" ) assert predictor._dataset_reader._token_indexers["tokens"].namespace == "test_tokens" def test_get_gradients(self): inputs = { "sentence": "I always write unit tests", } archive = load_archive( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "basic_classifier" / "serialization" / "model.tar.gz" ) predictor = Predictor.from_archive(archive) instance = predictor._json_to_instance(inputs) outputs = predictor._model.forward_on_instance(instance) labeled_instances = predictor.predictions_to_labeled_instances(instance, outputs) for instance in labeled_instances: grads = predictor.get_gradients([instance])[0] assert "grad_input_1" in grads assert grads["grad_input_1"] is not None assert len(grads["grad_input_1"][0]) == 5 # 9 words in hypothesis def test_get_gradients_when_requires_grad_is_false(self): inputs = { "sentence": "I always write unit tests", } archive = load_archive( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "basic_classifier" / "embedding_with_trainable_is_false" / "model.tar.gz" ) predictor = Predictor.from_archive(archive) # ensure that requires_grad is initially False on the embedding layer embedding_layer = util.find_embedding_layer(predictor._model) assert not embedding_layer.weight.requires_grad instance = predictor._json_to_instance(inputs) outputs = predictor._model.forward_on_instance(instance) labeled_instances = predictor.predictions_to_labeled_instances(instance, outputs) # ensure that gradients are always present, despite requires_grad being false on the embedding layer for instance in labeled_instances: grads = predictor.get_gradients([instance])[0] assert bool(grads) # ensure that no side effects remain assert not embedding_layer.weight.requires_grad def test_captures_model_internals(self): inputs = {"sentence": "I always write unit tests"} archive = load_archive( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "basic_classifier" / "embedding_with_trainable_is_false" / "model.tar.gz" ) predictor = Predictor.from_archive(archive) with predictor.capture_model_internals() as internals: predictor.predict_json(inputs) assert len(internals) == 10 with predictor.capture_model_internals(r"_text_field_embedder.*") as internals: predictor.predict_json(inputs) assert len(internals) == 2 def test_predicts_batch_json(self): inputs = {"sentence": "I always write unit tests"} archive = load_archive( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "basic_classifier" / "embedding_with_trainable_is_false" / "model.tar.gz" ) predictor = Predictor.from_archive(archive) results = predictor.predict_batch_json([inputs] * 3) assert len(results) == 3
import math from pytest import approx from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from allennlp.models.archival import load_archive from allennlp.predictors import Predictor class TestTextClassifierPredictor(AllenNlpTestCase): def test_uses_named_inputs(self): inputs = { "sentence": "It was the ending that I hated. I was disappointed that it was so bad." } archive = load_archive( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "basic_classifier" / "serialization" / "model.tar.gz" ) predictor = Predictor.from_archive(archive, "text_classifier") result = predictor.predict_json(inputs) logits = result.get("logits") assert logits is not None assert isinstance(logits, list) assert len(logits) == 2 assert all(isinstance(x, float) for x in logits) probs = result.get("probs") assert probs is not None assert isinstance(probs, list) assert len(probs) == 2 assert all(isinstance(x, float) for x in probs) assert all(x >= 0 for x in probs) assert sum(probs) == approx(1.0) label = result.get("label") assert label is not None assert label in predictor._model.vocab.get_token_to_index_vocabulary(namespace="labels") exps = [math.exp(x) for x in logits] sum_exps = sum(exps) for e, p in zip(exps, probs): assert e / sum_exps == approx(p) def test_batch_prediction(self): batch_inputs = [ {"sentence": "It was the ending that I hated. I was disappointed that it was so bad."}, {"sentence": "This one is honestly the worst movie I've ever watched."}, ] archive = load_archive( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "basic_classifier" / "serialization" / "model.tar.gz" ) predictor = Predictor.from_archive(archive, "text_classifier") results = predictor.predict_batch_json(batch_inputs) assert len(results) == 2 for result in results: logits = result.get("logits") assert logits is not None assert isinstance(logits, list) assert len(logits) == 2 assert all(isinstance(x, float) for x in logits) probs = result.get("probs") assert probs is not None assert isinstance(probs, list) assert len(probs) == 2 assert all(isinstance(x, float) for x in probs) assert all(x >= 0 for x in probs) assert sum(probs) == approx(1.0) label = result.get("label") assert label is not None assert label in predictor._model.vocab.get_token_to_index_vocabulary(namespace="labels") exps = [math.exp(x) for x in logits] sum_exps = sum(exps) for e, p in zip(exps, probs): assert e / sum_exps == approx(p) def test_predictions_to_labeled_instances(self): inputs = { "sentence": "It was the ending that I hated. I was disappointed that it was so bad." } archive = load_archive( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "basic_classifier" / "serialization" / "model.tar.gz" ) predictor = Predictor.from_archive(archive, "text_classifier") instance = predictor._json_to_instance(inputs) outputs = predictor._model.forward_on_instance(instance) new_instances = predictor.predictions_to_labeled_instances(instance, outputs) assert "label" in new_instances[0].fields assert new_instances[0].fields["label"] is not None assert len(new_instances) == 1
import torch import pytest from allennlp.common.testing.test_case import AllenNlpTestCase from allennlp.models import load_archive, Model from allennlp.nn.regularizers import RegularizerApplicator class TestModel(AllenNlpTestCase): def test_extend_embedder_vocab(self): model_archive = str( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "basic_classifier" / "serialization" / "model.tar.gz" ) trained_model = load_archive(model_archive).model original_weight = trained_model._text_field_embedder.token_embedder_tokens.weight assert tuple(original_weight.shape) == (213, 10) counter = {"tokens": {"unawarded": 1}} trained_model.vocab._extend(counter) trained_model.extend_embedder_vocab() extended_weight = trained_model._text_field_embedder.token_embedder_tokens.weight assert tuple(extended_weight.shape) == (214, 10) assert torch.all(original_weight == extended_weight[:213, :]) def test_get_regularization_penalty(self): class FakeModel(Model): def forward(self, **kwargs): return {} class FakeRegularizerApplicator(RegularizerApplicator): def __call__(self, module): return 2.0 with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): regularizer = FakeRegularizerApplicator() model = FakeModel(None, regularizer) model.get_regularization_penalty()
import copy import os import tempfile import tarfile import pytest import torch from allennlp.commands.train import train_model from allennlp.common import Params from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from import DatasetReader from allennlp.models.archival import archive_model, load_archive, CONFIG_NAME def assert_models_equal(model, model2): # check that model weights are the same keys = set(model.state_dict().keys()) keys2 = set(model2.state_dict().keys()) assert keys == keys2 for key in keys: assert torch.equal(model.state_dict()[key], model2.state_dict()[key]) # check that vocabularies are the same vocab = model.vocab vocab2 = model2.vocab assert vocab._token_to_index == vocab2._token_to_index assert vocab._index_to_token == vocab2._index_to_token class ArchivalTest(AllenNlpTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() self.params = Params( { "model": { "type": "simple_tagger", "text_field_embedder": { "token_embedders": {"tokens": {"type": "embedding", "embedding_dim": 5}} }, "encoder": {"type": "lstm", "input_size": 5, "hidden_size": 7, "num_layers": 2}, }, "dataset_reader": {"type": "sequence_tagging"}, "train_data_path": str(self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "data" / "sequence_tagging.tsv"), "validation_data_path": str(self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "data" / "sequence_tagging.tsv"), "data_loader": {"batch_size": 2}, "trainer": {"num_epochs": 2, "optimizer": "adam", "cuda_device": -1}, } ) def test_archiving(self): # copy params, since they'll get consumed during training params_copy = self.params.duplicate() params_dict_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.params.as_dict()) # `train_model` should create an archive serialization_dir = self.TEST_DIR / "archive_test" model = train_model(self.params, serialization_dir=serialization_dir) archive_path = serialization_dir / "model.tar.gz" # load from the archive archive = load_archive(archive_path) model2 = archive.model assert_models_equal(model, model2) assert isinstance( archive.dataset_reader, type(DatasetReader.from_params(params_copy["dataset_reader"].duplicate())), ) assert isinstance( archive.validation_dataset_reader, type(DatasetReader.from_params(params_copy["dataset_reader"].duplicate())), ) # validation_dataset_reader is not in the config, so fall back to dataset_reader # check that params are the same params2 = archive.config assert params2.as_dict() == params_dict_copy def test_archive_model_uses_archive_path(self): serialization_dir = self.TEST_DIR / "serialization" # Train a model train_model(self.params, serialization_dir=serialization_dir) # Use a new path. archive_model( serialization_dir=serialization_dir, archive_path=serialization_dir / "new_path.tar.gz" ) archive = load_archive(serialization_dir / "new_path.tar.gz") assert archive def test_loading_serialization_directory(self): # copy params, since they'll get consumed during training params_dict_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.params.as_dict()) # `train_model` should create an archive serialization_dir = self.TEST_DIR / "serialization" model = train_model(self.params, serialization_dir=serialization_dir) # load from the serialization directory itself archive = load_archive(serialization_dir) model2 = archive.model assert_models_equal(model, model2) # check that params are the same params2 = archive.config assert params2.as_dict() == params_dict_copy def test_can_load_from_archive_model(self): serialization_dir = self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "basic_classifier" / "from_archive_serialization" archive_path = serialization_dir / "model.tar.gz" model = load_archive(archive_path).model # We want to be sure that we don't just not crash, but also be sure that we loaded the right # weights for the model. We'll do that by making sure that we didn't just load the model # that's in the `archive_path` of the config file, which is this one. base_model_path = self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "basic_classifier" / "serialization" / "model.tar.gz" base_model = load_archive(base_model_path).model base_model_params = dict(base_model.named_parameters()) for name, parameters in model.named_parameters(): if parameters.size() == base_model_params[name].size(): assert not (parameters == base_model_params[name]).all() else: # In this case, the parameters are definitely different, no need for the above # check. pass def test_include_in_archive(self): self.params["include_in_archive"] = ["metrics_epoch_*.json"] serialization_dir = self.TEST_DIR / "serialization" # Train a model train_model(self.params, serialization_dir=serialization_dir) # Assert that the additional targets were archived with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: with / "model.tar.gz", "r:gz") as archive: archive.extractall(tempdir) assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tempdir, "metrics_epoch_0.json")) assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tempdir, "metrics_epoch_1.json")) assert not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tempdir, "metrics.json")) def test_invalid_include_in_archive(self): self.params["include_in_archive"] = [CONFIG_NAME] serialization_dir = self.TEST_DIR / "serialization" with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: train_model(self.params, serialization_dir=serialization_dir) assert "are saved names and cannot be used" in str(exc.value)
import json import pytest from allennlp.common.testing import ModelTestCase class ModelWithIncorrectValidationMetricTest(ModelTestCase): """ This test case checks some validating functionality that is implemented in `ensure_model_can_train_save_and_load` """ def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() self.set_up_model( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "simple_tagger" / "model_test_case.jsonnet", self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "data" / "sequence_tagging.tsv", ) def test_01_test_validation_metric_does_not_exist(self): overrides = {"trainer.num_epochs": 2} pytest.raises( AssertionError, self.ensure_model_can_train_save_and_load, self.param_file, metric_to_check="non_existent_metric", metric_terminal_value=0.0, overrides=json.dumps(overrides), ) def test_02a_test_validation_metric_terminal_value_not_set(self): pytest.raises( AssertionError, self.ensure_model_can_train_save_and_load, self.param_file, metric_to_check="accuracy", metric_terminal_value=None, ) def test_02b_test_validation_metric_terminal_value_not_met(self): pytest.raises( AssertionError, self.ensure_model_can_train_save_and_load, self.param_file, metric_to_check="accuracy", metric_terminal_value=0.0, ) def test_03_test_validation_metric_exists_and_its_terminal_value_is_met(self): self.ensure_model_can_train_save_and_load( self.param_file, metric_to_check="accuracy", metric_terminal_value=1.0, )
import numpy from allennlp.common.testing import ModelTestCase class TestBasicClassifier(ModelTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() self.set_up_model( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "basic_classifier" / "experiment_seq2vec.jsonnet", self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "data" / "text_classification_json" / "imdb_corpus.jsonl", ) def test_forward_pass_runs_correctly(self): training_tensors = self.dataset.as_tensor_dict() output_dict = self.model(**training_tensors) output_dict = self.model.make_output_human_readable(output_dict) assert "label" in output_dict.keys() probs = output_dict["probs"][0].data.numpy() numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(numpy.sum(probs, -1), numpy.array([1])) def test_seq2vec_clf_can_train_save_and_load(self): self.set_up_model( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "basic_classifier" / "experiment_seq2vec.jsonnet", self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "data" / "text_classification_json" / "imdb_corpus.jsonl", ) self.ensure_model_can_train_save_and_load(self.param_file) def test_seq2seq_clf_can_train_save_and_load(self): self.set_up_model( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "basic_classifier" / "experiment_seq2seq.jsonnet", self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "data" / "text_classification_json" / "imdb_corpus.jsonl", ) self.ensure_model_can_train_save_and_load(self.param_file)
from flaky import flaky import numpy import pytest import torch from allennlp.common.testing import ModelTestCase from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from allennlp.common.params import Params from import DatasetReader from import DataLoader, PyTorchDataLoader from allennlp.models import Model from import GradientDescentTrainer, Trainer class SimpleTaggerTest(ModelTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() self.set_up_model( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "simple_tagger" / "experiment.json", self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "data" / "sequence_tagging.tsv", ) def test_simple_tagger_can_train_save_and_load(self): self.ensure_model_can_train_save_and_load(self.param_file) @flaky def test_batch_predictions_are_consistent(self): self.ensure_batch_predictions_are_consistent() def test_forward_pass_runs_correctly(self): training_tensors = self.dataset.as_tensor_dict() output_dict = self.model(**training_tensors) output_dict = self.model.make_output_human_readable(output_dict) class_probs = output_dict["class_probabilities"][0].data.numpy() numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(numpy.sum(class_probs, -1), numpy.array([1, 1, 1, 1])) def test_forward_on_instances_ignores_loss_key_when_batched(self): batch_outputs = self.model.forward_on_instances(self.dataset.instances) for output in batch_outputs: assert "loss" not in output.keys() # It should be in the single batch case, because we special case it. single_output = self.model.forward_on_instance(self.dataset.instances[0]) assert "loss" in single_output.keys() def test_mismatching_dimensions_throws_configuration_error(self): params = Params.from_file(self.param_file) # Make the encoder wrong - it should be 2 to match # the embedding dimension from the text_field_embedder. params["model"]["encoder"]["input_size"] = 10 with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): Model.from_params(vocab=self.vocab, params=params.pop("model")) def test_regularization(self): penalty = self.model.get_regularization_penalty() assert penalty is None data_loader = PyTorchDataLoader(self.instances, batch_size=32) trainer = GradientDescentTrainer(self.model, None, data_loader) # optimizer, # You get a RuntimeError if you call `model.forward` twice on the same inputs. # The data and config are such that the whole dataset is one batch. training_batch = next(iter(data_loader)) validation_batch = next(iter(data_loader)) training_loss = trainer.batch_outputs(training_batch, for_training=True)["loss"].item() validation_loss = trainer.batch_outputs(validation_batch, for_training=False)["loss"].item() # Training loss should have the regularization penalty, but validation loss should not. numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(training_loss, validation_loss) class SimpleTaggerSpanF1Test(ModelTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() self.set_up_model( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "simple_tagger_with_span_f1" / "experiment.json", self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "data" / "conll2003.txt", ) def test_simple_tagger_can_train_save_and_load(self): self.ensure_model_can_train_save_and_load(self.param_file) @flaky def test_batch_predictions_are_consistent(self): self.ensure_batch_predictions_are_consistent() def test_simple_tagger_can_enable_span_f1(self): assert self.model.calculate_span_f1 and self.model._f1_metric is not None class SimpleTaggerRegularizationTest(ModelTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() param_file = self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "simple_tagger" / "experiment_with_regularization.json" self.set_up_model(param_file, self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "data" / "sequence_tagging.tsv") params = Params.from_file(param_file) self.reader = DatasetReader.from_params(params["dataset_reader"]) self.data_loader = DataLoader.from_params( dataset=self.instances, params=params["data_loader"] ) self.trainer = Trainer.from_params( model=self.model, data_loader=self.data_loader, serialization_dir=self.TEST_DIR, params=params.get("trainer"), ) def test_regularization(self): penalty = self.model.get_regularization_penalty().data assert (penalty > 0).all() penalty2 = 0 # Config specifies penalty as # "regularizer": [ # ["weight$", {"type": "l2", "alpha": 10}], # ["bias$", {"type": "l1", "alpha": 5}] # ] for name, parameter in self.model.named_parameters(): if name.endswith("weight"): weight_penalty = 10 * torch.sum(torch.pow(parameter, 2)) penalty2 += weight_penalty elif name.endswith("bias"): bias_penalty = 5 * torch.sum(torch.abs(parameter)) penalty2 += bias_penalty assert (penalty == # You get a RuntimeError if you call `model.forward` twice on the same inputs. # The data and config are such that the whole dataset is one batch. training_batch = next(iter(self.data_loader)) validation_batch = next(iter(self.data_loader)) training_batch_outputs = self.trainer.batch_outputs(training_batch, for_training=True) training_loss = training_batch_outputs["loss"].data assert (penalty == training_batch_outputs["reg_loss"]).all() validation_loss = self.trainer.batch_outputs(validation_batch, for_training=False)[ "loss" ].data # Training loss should have the regularization penalty, but validation loss should not. assert (training_loss != validation_loss).all() # Training loss should equal the validation loss plus the penalty. penalized = validation_loss + penalty assert (training_loss == penalized).all()
import inspect import os import pytest from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from allennlp.common.registrable import Registrable from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from allennlp.common.util import push_python_path from import DatasetReader from import Sampler, BatchSampler from import TokenIndexer from import Tokenizer from allennlp.modules.text_field_embedders.text_field_embedder import TextFieldEmbedder from allennlp.modules.token_embedders.token_embedder import TokenEmbedder from allennlp.nn.regularizers.regularizer import Regularizer class TestRegistrable(AllenNlpTestCase): def test_registrable_functionality_works(self): # This function tests the basic `Registrable` functionality: # # 1. The decorator should add things to the list. # 2. The decorator should crash when adding a duplicate (unless exist_ok=True). # 3. If a default is given, it should show up first in the list. # # What we don't test here is that built-in items are registered correctly. Those are # tested in the other tests below. # # We'll test this with the Tokenizer class, just to have a concrete class to use, and one # that has a default. base_class = Tokenizer assert "fake" not in base_class.list_available() @base_class.register("fake") class Fake(base_class): pass assert base_class.by_name("fake") == Fake default = base_class.default_implementation if default is not None: assert base_class.list_available()[0] == default base_class.default_implementation = "fake" assert base_class.list_available()[0] == "fake" with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): base_class.default_implementation = "not present" base_class.list_available() base_class.default_implementation = default # Verify that registering under a name that already exists # causes a ConfigurationError. with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): @base_class.register("fake") class FakeAlternate(base_class): pass # Registering under a name that already exists should overwrite # if exist_ok=True. @base_class.register("fake", exist_ok=True) # noqa class FakeAlternate2(base_class): pass assert base_class.by_name("fake") == FakeAlternate2 del Registrable._registry[base_class]["fake"] # TODO(mattg): maybe move all of these into tests for the base class? def test_registry_has_builtin_samplers(self): assert Sampler.by_name("random").__name__ == "RandomSampler" assert Sampler.by_name("sequential").__name__ == "SequentialSampler" assert BatchSampler.by_name("bucket").__name__ == "BucketBatchSampler" def test_registry_has_builtin_tokenizers(self): assert Tokenizer.by_name("spacy").__name__ == "SpacyTokenizer" assert Tokenizer.by_name("character").__name__ == "CharacterTokenizer" def test_registry_has_builtin_token_indexers(self): assert TokenIndexer.by_name("single_id").__name__ == "SingleIdTokenIndexer" assert TokenIndexer.by_name("characters").__name__ == "TokenCharactersIndexer" def test_registry_has_builtin_regularizers(self): assert Regularizer.by_name("l1").__name__ == "L1Regularizer" assert Regularizer.by_name("l2").__name__ == "L2Regularizer" def test_registry_has_builtin_token_embedders(self): assert TokenEmbedder.by_name("embedding").__name__ == "Embedding" assert TokenEmbedder.by_name("character_encoding").__name__ == "TokenCharactersEncoder" def test_registry_has_builtin_text_field_embedders(self): assert TextFieldEmbedder.by_name("basic").__name__ == "BasicTextFieldEmbedder" def test_implicit_include_package(self): # Create a new package in a temporary dir packagedir = self.TEST_DIR / "testpackage" packagedir.mkdir() (packagedir / "").touch() # And add that directory to the path with push_python_path(self.TEST_DIR): # Write out a duplicate dataset reader there, but registered under a different name. reader = DatasetReader.by_name("text_classification_json") with open(inspect.getabsfile(reader)) as f: code = """@DatasetReader.register("text_classification_json")""", """@DatasetReader.register("text_classification_json-fake")""", ) with open(os.path.join(packagedir, ""), "w") as f: f.write(code) # Fails to import by registered name with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: DatasetReader.by_name("text_classification_json-fake") assert "is not a registered name" in str(exc.value) # Fails to import with wrong module name with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError) as exc: DatasetReader.by_name( "testpackage.text_classification_json.TextClassificationJsonReader" ) assert "unable to import module" in str(exc.value) # Fails to import with wrong class name with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): DatasetReader.by_name("testpackage.reader.FakeReader") assert "unable to find class" in str(exc.value) # Imports successfully with right fully qualified name duplicate_reader = DatasetReader.by_name( "testpackage.reader.TextClassificationJsonReader" ) assert duplicate_reader.__name__ == "TextClassificationJsonReader"
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union import pytest import torch from allennlp.common import Lazy, Params, Registrable from allennlp.common.from_params import FromParams, takes_arg, remove_optional, create_kwargs from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from import DataLoader, DatasetReader, Tokenizer from allennlp.models import Model from allennlp.models.archival import load_archive from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError class MyClass(FromParams): def __init__(self, my_int: int, my_bool: bool = False) -> None: self.my_int = my_int self.my_bool = my_bool class TestFromParams(AllenNlpTestCase): def test_takes_arg(self): def bare_function(some_input: int) -> int: return some_input + 1 assert takes_arg(bare_function, "some_input") assert not takes_arg(bare_function, "some_other_input") class SomeClass: total = 0 def __init__(self, constructor_param: str) -> None: self.constructor_param = constructor_param def check_param(self, check: str) -> bool: return self.constructor_param == check @classmethod def set_total(cls, new_total: int) -> None: = new_total assert takes_arg(SomeClass, "self") assert takes_arg(SomeClass, "constructor_param") assert not takes_arg(SomeClass, "check") assert takes_arg(SomeClass.check_param, "check") assert not takes_arg(SomeClass.check_param, "other_check") assert takes_arg(SomeClass.set_total, "new_total") assert not takes_arg(SomeClass.set_total, "total") def test_remove_optional(self): optional_type = Optional[Dict[str, str]] bare_type = remove_optional(optional_type) # type: ignore bare_bare_type = remove_optional(bare_type) assert bare_type == Dict[str, str] assert bare_bare_type == Dict[str, str] assert remove_optional(Optional[str]) == str assert remove_optional(str) == str def test_from_params(self): my_class = MyClass.from_params(Params({"my_int": 10}), my_bool=True) assert isinstance(my_class, MyClass) assert my_class.my_int == 10 assert my_class.my_bool def test_good_error_message_when_passing_non_params(self): from allennlp.nn import InitializerApplicator # This was how we used to take initializer params. We want to be sure we give a reasonable # error message when something like this is passed to FromParams. params = Params({"initializer": [["regex1", "uniform"], ["regex2", "orthogonal"]]}) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, match="dictionary.*InitializerApplicator"): InitializerApplicator.from_params(params=params.pop("initializer")) def test_create_kwargs(self): kwargs = create_kwargs(MyClass, MyClass, Params({"my_int": 5}), my_bool=True, my_float=4.4) # my_float should not be included because it's not a param of the MyClass constructor assert kwargs == {"my_int": 5, "my_bool": True} def test_extras(self): from allennlp.common.registrable import Registrable class A(Registrable): pass @A.register("b") class B(A): def __init__(self, size: int, name: str) -> None: self.size = size = name @A.register("c") class C(A): def __init__(self, size: int, name: str) -> None: self.size = size = name # custom from params @classmethod def from_params(cls, params: Params, size: int, **extras) -> "C": # type: ignore name = params.pop("name") return cls(size=size, name=name) # Check that extras get passed, even though A doesn't need them. params = Params({"type": "b", "size": 10}) b = A.from_params(params, name="extra") assert == "extra" assert b.size == 10 # Check that extra extras don't get passed. params = Params({"type": "b", "size": 10}) b = A.from_params(params, name="extra", unwanted=True) assert == "extra" assert b.size == 10 # Now the same with a custom from_params. params = Params({"type": "c", "name": "extra_c"}) c = A.from_params(params, size=20) assert == "extra_c" assert c.size == 20 # Check that extra extras don't get passed. params = Params({"type": "c", "name": "extra_c"}) c = A.from_params(params, size=20, unwanted=True) assert == "extra_c" assert c.size == 20 def test_extras_for_custom_classes(self): from allennlp.common.registrable import Registrable class BaseClass(Registrable): pass class BaseClass2(Registrable): pass @BaseClass.register("A") class A(BaseClass): def __init__(self, a: int, b: int, val: str) -> None: self.a = a self.b = b self.val = val def __hash__(self): return self.b def __eq__(self, other): return self.b == other.b @classmethod def from_params(cls, params: Params, a: int, **extras) -> "A": # type: ignore # A custom from params b = params.pop_int("b") val = params.pop("val", "C") params.assert_empty(cls.__name__) return cls(a=a, b=b, val=val) @BaseClass2.register("B") class B(BaseClass2): def __init__(self, c: int, b: int) -> None: self.c = c self.b = b @classmethod def from_params(cls, params: Params, c: int, **extras) -> "B": # type: ignore b = params.pop_int("b") params.assert_empty(cls.__name__) return cls(c=c, b=b) @BaseClass.register("E") class E(BaseClass): def __init__(self, m: int, n: int) -> None: self.m = m self.n = n @classmethod def from_params(cls, params: Params, **extras2) -> "E": # type: ignore m = params.pop_int("m") params.assert_empty(cls.__name__) n = extras2["n"] return cls(m=m, n=n) class C: pass @BaseClass.register("D") class D(BaseClass): def __init__( self, arg1: List[BaseClass], arg2: Tuple[BaseClass, BaseClass2], arg3: Dict[str, BaseClass], arg4: Set[BaseClass], arg5: List[BaseClass], ) -> None: self.arg1 = arg1 self.arg2 = arg2 self.arg3 = arg3 self.arg4 = arg4 self.arg5 = arg5 vals = [1, 2, 3] params = Params( { "type": "D", "arg1": [ {"type": "A", "b": vals[0]}, {"type": "A", "b": vals[1]}, {"type": "A", "b": vals[2]}, ], "arg2": [{"type": "A", "b": vals[0]}, {"type": "B", "b": vals[0]}], "arg3": { "class_1": {"type": "A", "b": vals[0]}, "class_2": {"type": "A", "b": vals[1]}, }, "arg4": [ {"type": "A", "b": vals[0], "val": "M"}, {"type": "A", "b": vals[1], "val": "N"}, {"type": "A", "b": vals[1], "val": "N"}, ], "arg5": [{"type": "E", "m": 9}], } ) extra = C() tval1 = 5 tval2 = 6 d = BaseClass.from_params(params=params, extra=extra, a=tval1, c=tval2, n=10) # Tests for List # Parameters assert len(d.arg1) == len(vals) assert isinstance(d.arg1, list) assert isinstance(d.arg1[0], A) assert all(x.b == y for x, y in zip(d.arg1, vals)) assert all(x.a == tval1 for x in d.arg1) # Tests for Tuple assert isinstance(d.arg2, tuple) assert isinstance(d.arg2[0], A) assert isinstance(d.arg2[1], B) assert d.arg2[0].a == tval1 assert d.arg2[1].c == tval2 assert d.arg2[0].b == d.arg2[1].b == vals[0] # Tests for Dict assert isinstance(d.arg3, dict) assert isinstance(d.arg3["class_1"], A) assert d.arg3["class_1"].a == d.arg3["class_2"].a == tval1 assert d.arg3["class_1"].b == vals[0] assert d.arg3["class_2"].b == vals[1] # Tests for Set assert isinstance(d.arg4, set) assert len(d.arg4) == 2 assert any(x.val == "M" for x in d.arg4) assert any(x.val == "N" for x in d.arg4) # Tests for custom extras parameters assert isinstance(d.arg5, list) assert isinstance(d.arg5[0], E) assert d.arg5[0].m == 9 assert d.arg5[0].n == 10 def test_no_constructor(self): params = Params({"type": "just_spaces"}) Tokenizer.from_params(params) def test_union(self): class A(FromParams): def __init__(self, a: Union[int, List[int]]) -> None: self.a = a class B(FromParams): def __init__(self, b: Union[A, List[A]]) -> None: # Really you would want to be sure that `self.b` has a consistent type, but for # this test we'll ignore that. self.b = b params = Params({"a": 3}) a = A.from_params(params) assert a.a == 3 params = Params({"a": [3, 4, 5]}) a = A.from_params(params) assert a.a == [3, 4, 5] params = Params({"b": {"a": 3}}) b = B.from_params(params) assert isinstance(b.b, A) assert b.b.a == 3 params = Params({"b": [{"a": 3}, {"a": [4, 5]}]}) b = B.from_params(params) assert isinstance(b.b, list) assert b.b[0].a == 3 assert b.b[1].a == [4, 5] def test_crazy_nested_union(self): class A(FromParams): def __init__(self, a: Union[int, List[int]]) -> None: self.a = a class B(FromParams): def __init__(self, b: Union[A, List[A]]) -> None: # Really you would want to be sure that `self.b` has a consistent type, but for # this test we'll ignore that. self.b = b class C(FromParams): def __init__(self, c: Union[A, B, Dict[str, A]]) -> None: # Really you would want to be sure that `self.c` has a consistent type, but for # this test we'll ignore that. self.c = c # This is a contrived, ugly example (why would you want to duplicate names in a nested # structure like this??), but it demonstrates a potential bug when dealing with mutatable # parameters. If you're not careful about keeping the parameters un-mutated in two # separate places, you'll end up with a B, or with a dict that's missing the 'b' key. params = Params({"c": {"a": {"a": 3}, "b": {"a": [4, 5]}}}) c = C.from_params(params) assert isinstance(c.c, dict) assert c.c["a"].a == 3 assert c.c["b"].a == [4, 5] def test_union_of_castable_types(self): class IntFloat(FromParams): def __init__(self, a: Union[int, float]) -> None: self.a = a class FloatInt(FromParams): def __init__(self, a: Union[float, int]) -> None: self.a = a float_param_str = '{"a": 1.0}' int_param_str = '{"a": 1}' import json for expected_type, param_str in [(int, int_param_str), (float, float_param_str)]: for cls in [IntFloat, FloatInt]: c = cls.from_params(Params(json.loads(param_str))) assert type(c.a) == expected_type def test_invalid_type_conversions(self): class A(FromParams): def __init__(self, a: int) -> None: self.a = a with pytest.raises(TypeError): A.from_params(Params({"a": "1"})) with pytest.raises(TypeError): A.from_params(Params({"a": 1.0})) def test_dict(self): from allennlp.common.registrable import Registrable class A(Registrable): pass @A.register("b") class B(A): def __init__(self, size: int) -> None: self.size = size class C(Registrable): pass @C.register("d") class D(C): def __init__(self, items: Dict[str, A]) -> None: self.items = items params = Params( { "type": "d", "items": {"first": {"type": "b", "size": 1}, "second": {"type": "b", "size": 2}}, } ) d = C.from_params(params) assert isinstance(d.items, dict) assert len(d.items) == 2 assert all(isinstance(key, str) for key in d.items.keys()) assert all(isinstance(value, B) for value in d.items.values()) assert d.items["first"].size == 1 assert d.items["second"].size == 2 def test_dict_not_params(self): class A(FromParams): def __init__(self, counts: Dict[str, int]) -> None: self.counts = counts params = Params({"counts": {"a": 10, "b": 20}}) a = A.from_params(params) assert isinstance(a.counts, dict) assert not isinstance(a.counts, Params) def test_list(self): from allennlp.common.registrable import Registrable class A(Registrable): pass @A.register("b") class B(A): def __init__(self, size: int) -> None: self.size = size class C(Registrable): pass @C.register("d") class D(C): def __init__(self, items: List[A]) -> None: self.items = items params = Params( {"type": "d", "items": [{"type": "b", "size": 1}, {"type": "b", "size": 2}]} ) d = C.from_params(params) assert isinstance(d.items, list) assert len(d.items) == 2 assert all(isinstance(item, B) for item in d.items) assert d.items[0].size == 1 assert d.items[1].size == 2 def test_tuple(self): from allennlp.common.registrable import Registrable class A(Registrable): pass @A.register("b") class B(A): def __init__(self, size: int) -> None: self.size = size class C(Registrable): pass @C.register("d") class D(C): def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: = name class E(Registrable): pass @E.register("f") class F(E): def __init__(self, items: Tuple[A, C]) -> None: self.items = items params = Params( {"type": "f", "items": [{"type": "b", "size": 1}, {"type": "d", "name": "item2"}]} ) f = E.from_params(params) assert isinstance(f.items, tuple) assert len(f.items) == 2 assert isinstance(f.items[0], B) assert isinstance(f.items[1], D) assert f.items[0].size == 1 assert f.items[1].name == "item2" def test_set(self): from allennlp.common.registrable import Registrable class A(Registrable): def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: = name def __eq__(self, other): return == def __hash__(self): return hash( @A.register("b") class B(A): pass class C(Registrable): pass @C.register("d") class D(C): def __init__(self, items: Set[A]) -> None: self.items = items params = Params( { "type": "d", "items": [ {"type": "b", "name": "item1"}, {"type": "b", "name": "item2"}, {"type": "b", "name": "item2"}, ], } ) d = C.from_params(params) assert isinstance(d.items, set) assert len(d.items) == 2 assert all(isinstance(item, B) for item in d.items) assert any( == "item1" for item in d.items) assert any( == "item2" for item in d.items) def test_transferring_of_modules(self): model_archive = str( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "basic_classifier" / "serialization" / "model.tar.gz" ) trained_model = load_archive(model_archive).model config_file = str(self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "basic_classifier" / "experiment_seq2seq.jsonnet") model_params = Params.from_file(config_file).pop("model").as_dict(quiet=True) # Override only text_field_embedder (freeze) and seq2seq_encoder params (tunable) model_params["text_field_embedder"] = { "_pretrained": { "archive_file": model_archive, "module_path": "_text_field_embedder", "freeze": True, } } model_params["seq2seq_encoder"] = { "_pretrained": { "archive_file": model_archive, "module_path": "_seq2seq_encoder", "freeze": False, } } transfer_model = Model.from_params(vocab=trained_model.vocab, params=Params(model_params)) # TextFieldEmbedder and Seq2SeqEncoder parameters should be transferred for trained_parameter, transfer_parameter in zip( trained_model._text_field_embedder.parameters(), transfer_model._text_field_embedder.parameters(), ): assert torch.all(trained_parameter == transfer_parameter) for trained_parameter, transfer_parameter in zip( trained_model._seq2seq_encoder.parameters(), transfer_model._seq2seq_encoder.parameters(), ): assert torch.all(trained_parameter == transfer_parameter) # Any other module's parameters shouldn't be same (eg. _feedforward) for trained_parameter, transfer_parameter in zip( trained_model._feedforward.parameters(), transfer_model._feedforward.parameters(), ): assert torch.all(trained_parameter != transfer_parameter) # TextFieldEmbedder should have requires_grad Off for parameter in transfer_model._text_field_embedder.parameters(): assert not parameter.requires_grad # # Seq2SeqEncoder should have requires_grad On for parameter in transfer_model._seq2seq_encoder.parameters(): assert parameter.requires_grad def test_transferring_of_modules_ensures_type_consistency(self): model_archive = str( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "basic_classifier" / "serialization" / "model.tar.gz" ) trained_model = load_archive(model_archive).model config_file = str(self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "basic_classifier" / "experiment_seq2seq.jsonnet") model_params = Params.from_file(config_file).pop("model").as_dict(quiet=True) # Override only text_field_embedder and make it load Seq2SeqEncoder model_params["text_field_embedder"] = { "_pretrained": { "archive_file": model_archive, "module_path": "_seq2seq_encoder._module", } } with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): Model.from_params(vocab=trained_model.vocab, params=Params(model_params)) def test_bare_string_params(self): dataset = [1] class TestLoader(Registrable): @classmethod def from_partial_objects(cls, data_loader: Lazy[DataLoader]) -> DataLoader: return data_loader.construct(dataset=dataset) TestLoader.register("test", constructor="from_partial_objects")(TestLoader) data_loader = TestLoader.from_params( Params( { "type": "test", "data_loader": { "batch_sampler": { "type": "basic", "batch_size": 2, "drop_last": True, "sampler": "random", } }, } ) ) assert data_loader.batch_sampler.sampler.__class__.__name__ == "RandomSampler" assert data_loader.batch_sampler.sampler.data_source is dataset def test_kwargs_are_passed_to_superclass(self): params = Params( {"type": "text_classification_json", "lazy": True, "cache_directory": "tmp"} ) reader = DatasetReader.from_params(params) assert reader.lazy is True assert str(reader._cache_directory) == "tmp" def test_kwargs_with_multiple_inheritance(self): # Basic idea: have two identical classes, differing only in the order of their multiple # inheritance, and make sure that passing kwargs up to the super class works in both cases. class A(Registrable): def __init__(self, a: int): self.a = a from numbers import Number @A.register("b1") class B1(A, Number): def __init__(self, b: float, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.b = b @A.register("b2") class B2(Number, A): def __init__(self, b: float, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.b = b b = B1.from_params(params=Params({"a": 4, "b": 5})) assert b.b == 5 assert b.a == 4 b = B2.from_params(params=Params({"a": 4, "b": 5})) assert b.b == 5 assert b.a == 4 def test_only_infer_superclass_params_if_unknown(self): from allennlp.common.registrable import Registrable class BaseClass(Registrable): def __init__(self): self.x = None self.a = None = None @BaseClass.register("a") class A(BaseClass): def __init__(self, a: int, x: int, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.x = x self.a = a = kwargs @BaseClass.register("b") class B(A): def __init__(self, a: str, x: int = 42, **kwargs): super().__init__(x=x, a=-1, raw_a=a, **kwargs) params = Params({"type": "b", "a": "123"}) # The param `x` should not be required as it has default value in `B` # The correct type of the param `a` should be inferred from `B` as well. instance = BaseClass.from_params(params) assert instance.x == 42 assert instance.a == -1 assert len( == 1 assert type(["raw_a"]) == str assert["raw_a"] == "123" def test_kwargs_are_passed_to_deeper_superclasses(self): from allennlp.common.registrable import Registrable class BaseClass(Registrable): def __init__(self): self.a = None self.b = None self.c = None @BaseClass.register("a") class A(BaseClass): def __init__(self, a: str): super().__init__() self.a = a @BaseClass.register("b") class B(A): def __init__(self, b: str, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.b = b @BaseClass.register("c") class C(B): def __init__(self, c, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.c = c params = Params({"type": "c", "a": "a_value", "b": "b_value", "c": "c_value"}) instance = BaseClass.from_params(params) assert instance.a == "a_value" assert instance.b == "b_value" assert instance.c == "c_value" def test_lazy_construction_can_happen_multiple_times(self): test_string = "this is a test" extra_string = "extra string" class ConstructedObject(FromParams): def __init__(self, string: str, extra: str): self.string = string self.extra = extra class Testing(FromParams): def __init__(self, lazy_object: Lazy[ConstructedObject]): first_time = lazy_object.construct(extra=extra_string) second_time = lazy_object.construct(extra=extra_string) assert first_time.string == test_string assert first_time.extra == extra_string assert second_time.string == test_string assert second_time.extra == extra_string Testing.from_params(Params({"lazy_object": {"string": test_string}})) def test_optional_vs_required_lazy_objects(self): class ConstructedObject(FromParams): def __init__(self, a: int): self.a = a class Testing(FromParams): def __init__( self, lazy1: Lazy[ConstructedObject], lazy2: Lazy[ConstructedObject] = Lazy(ConstructedObject), lazy3: Lazy[ConstructedObject] = None, lazy4: Optional[Lazy[ConstructedObject]] = Lazy(ConstructedObject), ) -> None: self.lazy1 = lazy1.construct() self.lazy2 = lazy2.construct(a=2) self.lazy3 = None if lazy3 is None else lazy3.construct() self.lazy4 = None if lazy4 is None else lazy4.construct(a=1) test1 = Testing.from_params(Params({"lazy1": {"a": 1}})) assert test1.lazy1.a == 1 assert test1.lazy2.a == 2 assert test1.lazy3 is None assert test1.lazy4 is not None test2 = Testing.from_params(Params({"lazy1": {"a": 1}, "lazy2": {"a": 3}})) assert test2.lazy1.a == 1 assert test2.lazy2.a == 3 assert test2.lazy3 is None assert test2.lazy4 is not None test3 = Testing.from_params(Params({"lazy1": {"a": 1}, "lazy3": {"a": 3}, "lazy4": None})) assert test3.lazy1.a == 1 assert test3.lazy2.a == 2 assert test3.lazy3 is not None assert test3.lazy3.a == 3 assert test3.lazy4 is None with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, match='key "lazy1" is required'): Testing.from_params(Params({})) def test_iterable(self): from allennlp.common.registrable import Registrable class A(Registrable): pass @A.register("b") class B(A): def __init__(self, size: int) -> None: self.size = size class C(Registrable): pass @C.register("d") class D(C): def __init__(self, items: Iterable[A]) -> None: self.items = items params = Params( {"type": "d", "items": [{"type": "b", "size": 1}, {"type": "b", "size": 2}]} ) d = C.from_params(params) assert isinstance(d.items, Iterable) items = list(d.items) assert len(items) == 2 assert all(isinstance(item, B) for item in items) assert items[0].size == 1 assert items[1].size == 2 def test_mapping(self): from allennlp.common.registrable import Registrable class A(Registrable): pass @A.register("b") class B(A): def __init__(self, size: int) -> None: self.size = size class C(Registrable): pass @C.register("d") class D(C): def __init__(self, items: Mapping[str, A]) -> None: self.items = items params = Params( { "type": "d", "items": {"first": {"type": "b", "size": 1}, "second": {"type": "b", "size": 2}}, } ) d = C.from_params(params) assert isinstance(d.items, Mapping) assert len(d.items) == 2 assert all(isinstance(key, str) for key in d.items.keys()) assert all(isinstance(value, B) for value in d.items.values()) assert d.items["first"].size == 1 assert d.items["second"].size == 2 def test_extra_parameters_are_not_allowed_when_there_is_no_constructor(self): class A(FromParams): pass with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, match="Extra parameters"): A.from_params(Params({"some_spurious": "key", "value": "pairs"})) def test_explicit_kwargs_always_passed_to_constructor(self): class Base(FromParams): def __init__(self, lazy: bool = False, x: int = 0) -> None: self.lazy = lazy self.x = x class A(Base): def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: assert "lazy" in kwargs super().__init__(**kwargs) A.from_params(Params({"lazy": False})) class B(Base): def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(lazy=True, **kwargs) b = B.from_params(Params({})) assert b.lazy is True def test_raises_when_there_are_no_implementations(self): class A(Registrable): pass with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, match="no registered concrete types"): A.from_params("nonexistent_class") with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, match="no registered concrete types"): A.from_params(Params({"some_spurious": "key", "value": "pairs"})) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, match="no registered concrete types"): A.from_params(Params({})) # Some paths through the code are different if there is a constructor here versus not. We # don't actually go through this logic anymore, but it's here as a regression test. class B(Registrable): def __init__(self): pass with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, match="no registered concrete types"): B.from_params("nonexistent_class") with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, match="no registered concrete types"): B.from_params(Params({"some_spurious": "key", "value": "pairs"})) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, match="no registered concrete types"): B.from_params(Params({})) def test_from_params_raises_error_on_wrong_parameter_name_in_optional_union(self): class NestedClass(FromParams): def __init__(self, varname: Optional[str] = None): self.varname = varname class WrapperClass(FromParams): def __init__(self, nested_class: Optional[Union[str, NestedClass]] = None): if isinstance(nested_class, str): nested_class = NestedClass(varname=nested_class) self.nested_class = nested_class with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): WrapperClass.from_params( params=Params({"nested_class": {"wrong_varname": "varstring"}}) ) def test_from_params_handles_base_class_kwargs(self): class Foo(FromParams): def __init__(self, a: int, b: str = None, **kwargs) -> None: self.a = a self.b = b for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) foo = Foo.from_params(Params({"a": 2, "b": "hi"})) assert foo.a == 2 assert foo.b == "hi" foo = Foo.from_params(Params({"a": 2, "b": "hi", "c": {"2": "3"}})) assert foo.a == 2 assert foo.b == "hi" assert foo.c == {"2": "3"} class Bar(Foo): def __init__(self, a: int, b: str, d: int, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(a, b=b, **kwargs) self.d = d bar = Bar.from_params(Params({"a": 2, "b": "hi", "c": {"2": "3"}, "d": 0})) assert bar.a == 2 assert bar.b == "hi" assert bar.c == {"2": "3"} assert bar.d == 0 class Baz(Foo): def __init__(self, a: int, b: Optional[str] = "a", **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(a, b=b, **kwargs) baz = Baz.from_params(Params({"a": 2, "b": None})) assert baz.b is None baz = Baz.from_params(Params({"a": 2})) assert baz.b == "a" def test_from_params_base_class_kwargs_crashes_if_params_not_handled(self): class Bar(FromParams): def __init__(self, c: str = None) -> None: self.c = c class Foo(Bar): def __init__(self, a: int, b: str = None, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.a = a self.b = b foo = Foo.from_params(Params({"a": 2, "b": "hi", "c": "some value"})) assert foo.a == 2 assert foo.b == "hi" assert foo.c == "some value" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="invalid_key"): Foo.from_params(Params({"a": 2, "b": "hi", "invalid_key": "some value"})) def test_from_params_handles_kwargs_in_non_from_params_registered_class(self): class Bar(Registrable): pass class Baz: def __init__(self, a: int) -> None: self.a = a @Bar.register("foo") class Foo(Baz): def __init__(self, a: int, b: str = None, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(a) self.b = b for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) foo = Bar.from_params(Params({"type": "foo", "a": 2, "b": "hi"})) assert foo.a == 2 assert foo.b == "hi" foo = Bar.from_params(Params({"type": "foo", "a": 2, "b": "hi", "c": {"2": "3"}})) assert foo.a == 2 assert foo.b == "hi" assert foo.c == {"2": "3"} def test_from_params_does_not_pass_extras_to_non_from_params_registered_class(self): class Bar(Registrable): pass class Baz: def __init__(self, a: int, c: Dict[str, str] = None) -> None: self.a = a self.c = c @Bar.register("foo") class Foo(Baz): def __init__(self, a: int, b: str = None, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(a, **kwargs) self.b = b foo = Bar.from_params(Params({"type": "foo", "a": 2, "b": "hi"})) assert foo.a == 2 assert foo.b == "hi" assert foo.c is None foo = Bar.from_params( params=Params({"type": "foo", "a": 2, "b": "hi", "c": {"2": "3"}}), extra="4" ) assert foo.a == 2 assert foo.b == "hi" assert foo.c == {"2": "3"} def test_from_params_child_has_kwargs_base_implicit_constructor(self): class Foo(FromParams): pass class Bar(Foo): def __init__(self, a: int, **kwargs) -> None: self.a = a bar = Bar.from_params(Params({"a": 2})) assert bar.a == 2 def test_from_params_has_args(self): class Foo(FromParams): def __init__(self, a: int, *args) -> None: self.a = a foo = Foo.from_params(Params({"a": 2})) assert foo.a == 2
from collections import Counter import os import pathlib import json import time import shutil import pytest import responses from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError from allennlp.common import file_utils from allennlp.common.file_utils import ( _resource_to_filename, filename_to_url, get_from_cache, cached_path, _split_s3_path, open_compressed, CacheFile, _Meta, _find_entries, inspect_cache, remove_cache_entries, ) from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase def set_up_glove(url: str, byt: bytes, change_etag_every: int = 1000): # Mock response for the datastore url that returns glove vectors responses.add( responses.GET, url, body=byt, status=200, content_type="application/gzip", stream=True, headers={"Content-Length": str(len(byt))}, ) etags_left = change_etag_every etag = "0" def head_callback(_): """ Writing this as a callback allows different responses to different HEAD requests. In our case, we're going to change the ETag header every `change_etag_every` requests, which will allow us to simulate having a new version of the file. """ nonlocal etags_left, etag headers = {"ETag": etag} # countdown and change ETag etags_left -= 1 if etags_left <= 0: etags_left = change_etag_every etag = str(int(etag) + 1) return (200, headers, "") responses.add_callback(responses.HEAD, url, callback=head_callback) class TestFileUtils(AllenNlpTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() self.glove_file = self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "embeddings/glove.6B.100d.sample.txt.gz" with open(self.glove_file, "rb") as glove: self.glove_bytes = def test_cached_path_offline(self, monkeypatch): # Ensures `cached_path` just returns the path to the latest cached version # of the resource when there's no internet connection. # First we mock the `_http_etag` method so that it raises a `ConnectionError`, # like it would if there was no internet connection. def mocked_http_etag(url: str): raise ConnectionError monkeypatch.setattr(file_utils, "_http_etag", mocked_http_etag) url = "" # We'll create two cached versions of this fake resource using two different etags. etags = ['W/"3e5885bfcbf4c47bc4ee9e2f6e5ea916"', 'W/"3e5885bfcbf4c47bc4ee9e2f6e5ea918"'] filenames = [ os.path.join(self.TEST_DIR, _resource_to_filename(url, etag)) for etag in etags ] for filename, etag in zip(filenames, etags): meta = _Meta( resource=url, cached_path=filename, creation_time=time.time(), etag=etag, size=2341 ) meta.to_file() with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write("some random data") # os.path.getmtime is only accurate to the second. time.sleep(1.1) # Should know to ignore lock files and extraction directories. with open(filenames[-1] + ".lock", "w") as f: f.write("") os.mkdir(filenames[-1] + "-extracted") # The version corresponding to the last etag should be returned, since # that one has the latest "last modified" time. assert get_from_cache(url, cache_dir=self.TEST_DIR) == filenames[-1] # We also want to make sure this works when the latest cached version doesn't # have a corresponding etag. filename = os.path.join(self.TEST_DIR, _resource_to_filename(url)) meta = _Meta(resource=url, cached_path=filename, creation_time=time.time(), size=2341) with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write("some random data") assert get_from_cache(url, cache_dir=self.TEST_DIR) == filename def test_resource_to_filename(self): for url in [ "", "", "", "", "" + "/long" * 20 + "/url", ]: filename = _resource_to_filename(url) assert "http" not in filename with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError): filename_to_url(filename, cache_dir=self.TEST_DIR) pathlib.Path(os.path.join(self.TEST_DIR, filename)).touch() with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError): filename_to_url(filename, cache_dir=self.TEST_DIR) json.dump( {"url": url, "etag": None}, open(os.path.join(self.TEST_DIR, filename + ".json"), "w"), ) back_to_url, etag = filename_to_url(filename, cache_dir=self.TEST_DIR) assert back_to_url == url assert etag is None def test_resource_to_filename_with_etags(self): for url in [ "", "", "", "", ]: filename = _resource_to_filename(url, etag="mytag") assert "http" not in filename pathlib.Path(os.path.join(self.TEST_DIR, filename)).touch() json.dump( {"url": url, "etag": "mytag"}, open(os.path.join(self.TEST_DIR, filename + ".json"), "w"), ) back_to_url, etag = filename_to_url(filename, cache_dir=self.TEST_DIR) assert back_to_url == url assert etag == "mytag" baseurl = "" assert _resource_to_filename(baseurl + "1") != _resource_to_filename(baseurl, etag="1") def test_resource_to_filename_with_etags_eliminates_quotes(self): for url in [ "", "", "", "", ]: filename = _resource_to_filename(url, etag='"mytag"') assert "http" not in filename pathlib.Path(os.path.join(self.TEST_DIR, filename)).touch() json.dump( {"url": url, "etag": "mytag"}, open(os.path.join(self.TEST_DIR, filename + ".json"), "w"), ) back_to_url, etag = filename_to_url(filename, cache_dir=self.TEST_DIR) assert back_to_url == url assert etag == "mytag" def test_split_s3_path(self): # Test splitting good urls. assert _split_s3_path("s3://my-bucket/subdir/file.txt") == ("my-bucket", "subdir/file.txt") assert _split_s3_path("s3://my-bucket/file.txt") == ("my-bucket", "file.txt") # Test splitting bad urls. with pytest.raises(ValueError): _split_s3_path("s3://") _split_s3_path("s3://myfile.txt") _split_s3_path("myfile.txt") @responses.activate def test_get_from_cache(self): url = "" set_up_glove(url, self.glove_bytes, change_etag_every=2) filename = get_from_cache(url, cache_dir=self.TEST_DIR) assert filename == os.path.join(self.TEST_DIR, _resource_to_filename(url, etag="0")) assert os.path.exists(filename + ".json") meta = _Meta.from_path(filename + ".json") assert meta.resource == url # We should have made one HEAD request and one GET request. method_counts = Counter(call.request.method for call in responses.calls) assert len(method_counts) == 2 assert method_counts["HEAD"] == 1 assert method_counts["GET"] == 1 # And the cached file should have the correct contents with open(filename, "rb") as cached_file: assert == self.glove_bytes # A second call to `get_from_cache` should make another HEAD call # but not another GET call. filename2 = get_from_cache(url, cache_dir=self.TEST_DIR) assert filename2 == filename method_counts = Counter(call.request.method for call in responses.calls) assert len(method_counts) == 2 assert method_counts["HEAD"] == 2 assert method_counts["GET"] == 1 with open(filename2, "rb") as cached_file: assert == self.glove_bytes # A third call should have a different ETag and should force a new download, # which means another HEAD call and another GET call. filename3 = get_from_cache(url, cache_dir=self.TEST_DIR) assert filename3 == os.path.join(self.TEST_DIR, _resource_to_filename(url, etag="1")) method_counts = Counter(call.request.method for call in responses.calls) assert len(method_counts) == 2 assert method_counts["HEAD"] == 3 assert method_counts["GET"] == 2 with open(filename3, "rb") as cached_file: assert == self.glove_bytes @responses.activate def test_cached_path(self): url = "" set_up_glove(url, self.glove_bytes) # non-existent file with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError): filename = cached_path(self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "does_not_exist" / "fake_file.tar.gz") # unparsable URI with pytest.raises(ValueError): filename = cached_path("fakescheme://path/to/fake/file.tar.gz") # existing file as path assert cached_path(self.glove_file) == str(self.glove_file) # caches urls filename = cached_path(url, cache_dir=self.TEST_DIR) assert len(responses.calls) == 2 assert filename == os.path.join(self.TEST_DIR, _resource_to_filename(url, etag="0")) with open(filename, "rb") as cached_file: assert == self.glove_bytes # archives filename = cached_path( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "common" / "quote.tar.gz!quote.txt", extract_archive=True, cache_dir=self.TEST_DIR, ) with open(filename, "r") as f: assert"I mean, ") def test_extract_with_external_symlink(self): dangerous_file = self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "common" / "external_symlink.tar.gz" with pytest.raises(ValueError): cached_path(dangerous_file, extract_archive=True) def test_open_compressed(self): uncompressed_file = self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "embeddings/fake_embeddings.5d.txt" with open_compressed(uncompressed_file) as f: uncompressed_lines = [line.strip() for line in f] for suffix in ["bz2", "gz"]: compressed_file = f"{uncompressed_file}.{suffix}" with open_compressed(compressed_file) as f: compressed_lines = [line.strip() for line in f] assert compressed_lines == uncompressed_lines def test_meta_backwards_compatible(self): url = "" etag = "some-fake-etag" filename = os.path.join(self.TEST_DIR, _resource_to_filename(url, etag)) with open(filename, "wb") as f: f.write(self.glove_bytes) with open(filename + ".json", "w") as meta_file: json.dump({"url": url, "etag": etag}, meta_file) meta = _Meta.from_path(filename + ".json") assert meta.resource == url assert meta.etag == etag assert meta.creation_time is not None assert meta.size == len(self.glove_bytes) def create_cache_entry(self, url: str, etag: str, as_extraction_dir: bool = False): filename = os.path.join(self.TEST_DIR, _resource_to_filename(url, etag)) cache_path = filename if as_extraction_dir: cache_path = filename + "-extracted" filename = filename + "-extracted/glove.txt" os.mkdir(cache_path) with open(filename, "wb") as f: f.write(self.glove_bytes) open(cache_path + ".lock", "a").close() meta = _Meta( resource=url, cached_path=cache_path, etag=etag, creation_time=time.time(), size=len(self.glove_bytes), extraction_dir=as_extraction_dir, ) meta.to_file() def test_inspect(self, capsys): self.create_cache_entry("", "etag-1") self.create_cache_entry("", "etag-2") self.create_cache_entry( "", "etag-3", as_extraction_dir=True ) inspect_cache(cache_dir=self.TEST_DIR) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "" in captured.out assert "2 versions cached" in captured.out assert "1 version extracted" in captured.out def test_inspect_with_patterns(self, capsys): self.create_cache_entry("", "etag-1") self.create_cache_entry("", "etag-2") self.create_cache_entry("", "etag-4") inspect_cache(cache_dir=self.TEST_DIR, patterns=["http://fake.*"]) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "" in captured.out assert "2 versions" in captured.out assert "" not in captured.out def test_remove_entries(self): self.create_cache_entry("", "etag-1") self.create_cache_entry("", "etag-2") self.create_cache_entry( "", "etag-3", as_extraction_dir=True ) self.create_cache_entry("", "etag-4") self.create_cache_entry( "", "etag-5", as_extraction_dir=True ) reclaimed_space = remove_cache_entries(["http://fake.*"], cache_dir=self.TEST_DIR) assert reclaimed_space == 3 * len(self.glove_bytes) size_left, entries_left = _find_entries(cache_dir=self.TEST_DIR) assert size_left == 2 * len(self.glove_bytes) assert len(entries_left) == 1 entry_left = list(entries_left.values())[0] # one regular cache file and one extraction dir assert len(entry_left[0]) == 1 assert len(entry_left[1]) == 1 # Now remove everything. remove_cache_entries(["*"], cache_dir=self.TEST_DIR) assert len(os.listdir(self.TEST_DIR)) == 0 class TestCachedPathWithArchive(AllenNlpTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() self.tar_file = self.TEST_DIR / "utf-8.tar.gz" shutil.copyfile( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "utf-8_sample" / "archives" / "utf-8.tar.gz", self.tar_file ) self.zip_file = self.TEST_DIR / "" shutil.copyfile( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "utf-8_sample" / "archives" / "", self.zip_file ) def check_extracted(self, extracted: str): assert os.path.isdir(extracted) assert pathlib.Path(extracted).parent == self.TEST_DIR assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(extracted, "dummy.txt")) assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(extracted, "folder/utf-8_sample.txt")) assert os.path.exists(extracted + ".json") def test_cached_path_extract_local_tar(self): extracted = cached_path(self.tar_file, cache_dir=self.TEST_DIR, extract_archive=True) self.check_extracted(extracted) def test_cached_path_extract_local_zip(self): extracted = cached_path(self.zip_file, cache_dir=self.TEST_DIR, extract_archive=True) self.check_extracted(extracted) @responses.activate def test_cached_path_extract_remote_tar(self): url = "" byt = open(self.tar_file, "rb").read() responses.add( responses.GET, url, body=byt, status=200, content_type="application/tar+gzip", stream=True, headers={"Content-Length": str(len(byt))}, ) responses.add( responses.HEAD, url, status=200, headers={"ETag": "fake-etag"}, ) extracted = cached_path(url, cache_dir=self.TEST_DIR, extract_archive=True) assert extracted.endswith("-extracted") self.check_extracted(extracted) @responses.activate def test_cached_path_extract_remote_zip(self): url = "" byt = open(self.zip_file, "rb").read() responses.add( responses.GET, url, body=byt, status=200, content_type="application/zip", stream=True, headers={"Content-Length": str(len(byt))}, ) responses.add( responses.HEAD, url, status=200, headers={"ETag": "fake-etag"}, ) extracted = cached_path(url, cache_dir=self.TEST_DIR, extract_archive=True) assert extracted.endswith("-extracted") self.check_extracted(extracted) class TestCacheFile(AllenNlpTestCase): def test_temp_file_removed_on_error(self): cache_filename = self.TEST_DIR / "cache_file" with pytest.raises(IOError, match="I made this up"): with CacheFile(cache_filename) as handle: raise IOError("I made this up") assert not os.path.exists( assert not os.path.exists(cache_filename)
import os import logging import random from allennlp.common.logging import AllenNlpLogger from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase class TestLogging(AllenNlpTestCase): def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() logger = logging.getLogger(str(random.random())) self.test_log_file = os.path.join(self.TEST_DIR, "test.log") logger.addHandler(logging.FileHandler(self.test_log_file)) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logger self._msg = "test message" def test_debug_once(self): self.logger.debug_once(self._msg) self.logger.debug_once(self._msg) with open(self.test_log_file, "r") as f: assert len(f.readlines()) == 1 def test_info_once(self): self.logger.info_once(self._msg) self.logger.info_once(self._msg) with open(self.test_log_file, "r") as f: assert len(f.readlines()) == 1 def test_warning_once(self): self.logger.warning_once(self._msg) self.logger.warning_once(self._msg) with open(self.test_log_file, "r") as f: assert len(f.readlines()) == 1 def test_error_once(self): self.logger.error_once(self._msg) self.logger.error_once(self._msg) with open(self.test_log_file, "r") as f: assert len(f.readlines()) == 1 def test_critical_once(self): self.logger.critical_once(self._msg) self.logger.critical_once(self._msg) with open(self.test_log_file, "r") as f: assert len(f.readlines()) == 1 def test_debug_once_different_args(self): self.logger.debug_once("There are %d lights.", 4) self.logger.debug_once("There are %d lights.", 5) with open(self.test_log_file, "r") as f: assert len(f.readlines()) == 1 assert len(self.logger._seen_msgs) == 1 def test_getLogger(self): logger = logging.getLogger("test_logger") assert isinstance(logger, AllenNlpLogger)
import pytest from allennlp.common import cached_transformers from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase class TestCachedTransformers(AllenNlpTestCase): def test_get_missing_from_cache_local_files_only(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as execinfo: cached_transformers.get( "bert-base-uncased", True, cache_dir=self.TEST_DIR, local_files_only=True, ) assert str(execinfo.value) == ( "Cannot find the requested files in the cached path and " "outgoing traffic has been disabled. To enable model " "look-ups and downloads online, set 'local_files_only' " "to False." ) def test_get_tokenizer_missing_from_cache_local_files_only(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as execinfo: cached_transformers.get_tokenizer( "bert-base-uncased", cache_dir=self.TEST_DIR, local_files_only=True, ) assert str(execinfo.value) == ( "Cannot find the requested files in the cached path and " "outgoing traffic has been disabled. To enable model " "look-ups and downloads online, set 'local_files_only' " "to False." )
from overrides import overrides from allennlp.commands import Subcommand from allennlp.common.plugins import ( discover_plugins, import_plugins, ) from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from allennlp.common.util import pushd class TestPlugins(AllenNlpTestCase): @overrides def setup_method(self): super().setup_method() self.plugins_root = self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "plugins" def test_no_plugins(self): available_plugins = set(discover_plugins()) assert available_plugins == set() def test_file_plugin(self): available_plugins = set(discover_plugins()) assert available_plugins == set() with pushd(self.plugins_root): available_plugins = set(discover_plugins()) assert available_plugins == {"d"} import_plugins() subcommands_available = Subcommand.list_available() assert "d" in subcommands_available
from datetime import timedelta import sys from collections import OrderedDict import pytest import torch from allennlp.common import util from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from allennlp.common.util import push_python_path class Unsanitizable: pass class Sanitizable: def to_json(self): return {"sanitizable": True} class TestCommonUtils(AllenNlpTestCase): def test_group_by_count(self): assert util.group_by_count([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], 3, 20) == [ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 20, 20], ] def test_lazy_groups_of(self): xs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] groups = util.lazy_groups_of(iter(xs), group_size=3) assert next(groups) == [1, 2, 3] assert next(groups) == [4, 5, 6] assert next(groups) == [7] with pytest.raises(StopIteration): _ = next(groups) def test_pad_sequence_to_length(self): assert util.pad_sequence_to_length([1, 2, 3], 5) == [1, 2, 3, 0, 0] assert util.pad_sequence_to_length([1, 2, 3], 5, default_value=lambda: 2) == [1, 2, 3, 2, 2] assert util.pad_sequence_to_length([1, 2, 3], 5, padding_on_right=False) == [0, 0, 1, 2, 3] def test_namespace_match(self): assert util.namespace_match("*tags", "tags") assert util.namespace_match("*tags", "passage_tags") assert util.namespace_match("*tags", "question_tags") assert util.namespace_match("tokens", "tokens") assert not util.namespace_match("tokens", "stemmed_tokens") def test_sanitize(self): assert util.sanitize(torch.Tensor([1, 2])) == [1, 2] assert util.sanitize(torch.LongTensor([1, 2])) == [1, 2] with pytest.raises(ValueError): util.sanitize(Unsanitizable()) assert util.sanitize(Sanitizable()) == {"sanitizable": True} def test_import_submodules(self): (self.TEST_DIR / "mymodule").mkdir() (self.TEST_DIR / "mymodule" / "").touch() (self.TEST_DIR / "mymodule" / "submodule").mkdir() (self.TEST_DIR / "mymodule" / "submodule" / "").touch() (self.TEST_DIR / "mymodule" / "submodule" / "").touch() with push_python_path(self.TEST_DIR): assert "mymodule" not in sys.modules assert "mymodule.submodule" not in sys.modules util.import_module_and_submodules("mymodule") assert "mymodule" in sys.modules assert "mymodule.submodule" in sys.modules assert "mymodule.submodule.subsubmodule" in sys.modules def test_get_frozen_and_tunable_parameter_names(self): model = torch.nn.Sequential( OrderedDict([("conv", torch.nn.Conv1d(5, 5, 5)), ("linear", torch.nn.Linear(5, 10))]) ) named_parameters = dict(model.named_parameters()) named_parameters["linear.weight"].requires_grad_(False) named_parameters["linear.bias"].requires_grad_(False) ( frozen_parameter_names, tunable_parameter_names, ) = util.get_frozen_and_tunable_parameter_names(model) assert set(frozen_parameter_names) == {"linear.weight", "linear.bias"} assert set(tunable_parameter_names) == {"conv.weight", "conv.bias"} def test_sanitize_ptb_tokenized_string(self): def create_surrounding_test_case(start_ptb_token, end_ptb_token, start_token, end_token): return ( "a {} b c {} d".format(start_ptb_token, end_ptb_token), "a {}b c{} d".format(start_token, end_token), ) def create_fwd_token_test_case(fwd_token): return "a {} b".format(fwd_token), "a {}b".format(fwd_token) def create_backward_token_test_case(backward_token): return "a {} b".format(backward_token), "a{} b".format(backward_token) punct_forward = {"`", "$", "#"} punct_backward = {".", ",", "!", "?", ":", ";", "%", "'"} test_cases = [ # Parentheses create_surrounding_test_case("-lrb-", "-rrb-", "(", ")"), create_surrounding_test_case("-lsb-", "-rsb-", "[", "]"), create_surrounding_test_case("-lcb-", "-rcb-", "{", "}"), # Parentheses don't have to match create_surrounding_test_case("-lsb-", "-rcb-", "[", "}"), # Also check that casing doesn't matter create_surrounding_test_case("-LsB-", "-rcB-", "[", "}"), # Quotes create_surrounding_test_case("``", "''", '"', '"'), # Start/end tokens create_surrounding_test_case("<s>", "</s>", "", ""), # Tokens that merge forward *[create_fwd_token_test_case(t) for t in punct_forward], # Tokens that merge backward *[create_backward_token_test_case(t) for t in punct_backward], # Merge tokens starting with ' backwards ("I 'm", "I'm"), # Merge tokens backwards when matching (n't or na) (special cases, parentheses behave in the same way) ("I do n't", "I don't"), ("gon na", "gonna"), # Also make sure casing is preserved ("gon NA", "gonNA"), # This is a no op ("A b C d", "A b C d"), ] for ptb_string, expected in test_cases: actual = util.sanitize_ptb_tokenized_string(ptb_string) assert actual == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "size, result", [ (12, "12B"), (int(1.2 * 1024), "1.2K"), (12 * 1024, "12K"), (120 * 1024, "120K"), (int(1.2 * 1024 * 1024), "1.2M"), (12 * 1024 * 1024, "12M"), (120 * 1024 * 1024, "120M"), (int(1.2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024), "1.2G"), (12 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, "12G"), ], ) def test_format_size(size: int, result: str): assert util.format_size(size) == result @pytest.mark.parametrize( "td, result", [ (timedelta(days=2, hours=3), "2 days"), (timedelta(days=1, hours=3), "1 day"), (timedelta(hours=3, minutes=12), "3 hours"), (timedelta(hours=1, minutes=12), "1 hour, 12 mins"), (timedelta(minutes=12), "12 mins"), ], ) def test_format_timedelta(td: timedelta, result: str): assert util.format_timedelta(td) == result
import json import os import re from collections import OrderedDict import pytest from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from allennlp.common.params import ( infer_and_cast, Params, parse_overrides, unflatten, with_fallback, remove_keys_from_params, ) from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase class TestParams(AllenNlpTestCase): def test_load_from_file(self): filename = self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "simple_tagger" / "experiment.json" params = Params.from_file(filename) assert "dataset_reader" in params assert "trainer" in params model_params = params.pop("model") assert model_params.pop("type") == "simple_tagger" def test_replace_none(self): params = Params({"a": "None", "b": [1.0, "None", 2], "c": {"d": "None"}}) assert params["a"] is None assert params["b"][1] is None assert params["c"]["d"] is None def test_bad_unicode_environment_variables(self): filename = self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "simple_tagger" / "experiment.json" os.environ["BAD_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE"] = "\udce2" Params.from_file(filename) del os.environ["BAD_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE"] @pytest.mark.parametrize("input_type", [dict, str]) def test_overrides(self, input_type): filename = self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "simple_tagger" / "experiment.json" overrides = { "train_data_path": "FOO", "model": {"type": "BAR"}, "model.text_field_embedder.tokens.type": "BAZ", "data_loader.batch_sampler.sorting_keys.0": "question", } params = Params.from_file( filename, overrides if input_type == dict else json.dumps(overrides) ) assert "dataset_reader" in params assert "trainer" in params assert params["train_data_path"] == "FOO" assert params["data_loader"]["batch_sampler"]["sorting_keys"][0] == "question" model_params = params.pop("model") assert model_params.pop("type") == "BAR" assert model_params["text_field_embedder"]["tokens"]["type"] == "BAZ" def test_unflatten(self): flattened = {"a.b.c": 1, "a.b.d": 0, "a.e.f.g.h": 2, "b": 3} unflattened = unflatten(flattened) assert unflattened == {"a": {"b": {"c": 1, "d": 0}, "e": {"f": {"g": {"h": 2}}}}, "b": 3} # should do nothing to a non-flat dictionary assert unflatten(unflattened) == unflattened def test_with_fallback(self): preferred = {"a": 1} fallback = {"a": 0, "b": 2} merged = with_fallback(preferred=preferred, fallback=fallback) assert merged == {"a": 1, "b": 2} # incompatibility is ok preferred = {"a": {"c": 3}} fallback = {"a": 0, "b": 2} merged = with_fallback(preferred=preferred, fallback=fallback) assert merged == {"a": {"c": 3}, "b": 2} # goes deep preferred = {"deep": {"a": 1}} fallback = {"deep": {"a": 0, "b": 2}} merged = with_fallback(preferred=preferred, fallback=fallback) assert merged == {"deep": {"a": 1, "b": 2}} def test_parse_overrides(self): assert parse_overrides("") == {} assert parse_overrides("{}") == {} override_dict = parse_overrides('{"train_data": "/train", "trainer.num_epochs": 10}') assert override_dict == {"train_data": "/train", "trainer": {"num_epochs": 10}} params = with_fallback( preferred=override_dict, fallback={ "train_data": "/test", "model": "simple_tagger", "trainer": {"num_epochs": 100, "optimizer": "sgd"}, }, ) assert params == { "train_data": "/train", "model": "simple_tagger", "trainer": {"num_epochs": 10, "optimizer": "sgd"}, } def test_as_flat_dict(self): params = Params({"a": 10, "b": {"c": 20, "d": "stuff"}}).as_flat_dict() assert params == {"a": 10, "b.c": 20, "b.d": "stuff"} def test_jsonnet_features(self): config_file = self.TEST_DIR / "config.jsonnet" with open(config_file, "w") as f: f.write( """{ // This example is copied straight from the jsonnet docs person1: { name: "Alice", welcome: "Hello " + + "!", }, person2: self.person1 { name: "Bob" }, }""" ) params = Params.from_file(config_file) alice = params.pop("person1") bob = params.pop("person2") assert alice.as_dict() == {"name": "Alice", "welcome": "Hello Alice!"} assert bob.as_dict() == {"name": "Bob", "welcome": "Hello Bob!"} params.assert_empty("TestParams") def test_regexes_with_backslashes(self): bad_regex = self.TEST_DIR / "bad_regex.jsonnet" good_regex = self.TEST_DIR / "good_regex.jsonnet" with open(bad_regex, "w") as f: f.write(r'{"myRegex": "a\.b"}') with open(good_regex, "w") as f: f.write(r'{"myRegex": "a\\.b"}') with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): Params.from_file(bad_regex) params = Params.from_file(good_regex) regex = params["myRegex"] assert re.match(regex, "a.b") assert not re.match(regex, "a-b") # Check roundtripping good_regex2 = self.TEST_DIR / "good_regex2.jsonnet" with open(good_regex2, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(params.as_dict())) params2 = Params.from_file(good_regex2) assert params.as_dict() == params2.as_dict() def test_env_var_substitution(self): substitutor = self.TEST_DIR / "substitutor.jsonnet" key = "TEST_ENV_VAR_SUBSTITUTION" assert os.environ.get(key) is None with open(substitutor, "w") as f: f.write(f'{{"path": std.extVar("{key}")}}') # raises without environment variable set with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): Params.from_file(substitutor) os.environ[key] = "PERFECT" params = Params.from_file(substitutor) assert params["path"] == "PERFECT" del os.environ[key] @pytest.mark.xfail( not os.path.exists(AllenNlpTestCase.PROJECT_ROOT / "training_config"), reason="Training configs not installed with pip", ) def test_known_configs(self): configs = os.listdir(self.PROJECT_ROOT / "training_config") # Our configs use environment variable substitution, and the _jsonnet parser # will fail if we don't pass it correct environment variables. forced_variables = [ # constituency parser "PTB_TRAIN_PATH", "PTB_DEV_PATH", "PTB_TEST_PATH", # dependency parser "PTB_DEPENDENCIES_TRAIN", "PTB_DEPENDENCIES_VAL", # multilingual dependency parser "TRAIN_PATHNAME", "DEV_PATHNAME", "TEST_PATHNAME", # srl_elmo_5.5B "SRL_TRAIN_DATA_PATH", "SRL_VALIDATION_DATA_PATH", # coref "COREF_TRAIN_DATA_PATH", "COREF_DEV_DATA_PATH", "COREF_TEST_DATA_PATH", # ner "NER_TRAIN_DATA_PATH", "NER_TEST_A_PATH", "NER_TEST_B_PATH", # bidirectional lm "BIDIRECTIONAL_LM_TRAIN_PATH", "BIDIRECTIONAL_LM_VOCAB_PATH", "BIDIRECTIONAL_LM_ARCHIVE_PATH", ] for var in forced_variables: os.environ[var] = os.environ.get(var) or str(self.TEST_DIR) for config in configs: try: Params.from_file(self.PROJECT_ROOT / "training_config" / config) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError(f"unable to load params for {config}, because {e}") for var in forced_variables: if os.environ[var] == str(self.TEST_DIR): del os.environ[var] def test_as_ordered_dict(self): # keyD > keyC > keyE; keyDA > keyDB; Next all other keys alphabetically preference_orders = [["keyD", "keyC", "keyE"], ["keyDA", "keyDB"]] params = Params( { "keyC": "valC", "keyB": "valB", "keyA": "valA", "keyE": "valE", "keyD": {"keyDB": "valDB", "keyDA": "valDA"}, } ) ordered_params_dict = params.as_ordered_dict(preference_orders) expected_ordered_params_dict = OrderedDict( { "keyD": {"keyDA": "valDA", "keyDB": "valDB"}, "keyC": "valC", "keyE": "valE", "keyA": "valA", "keyB": "valB", } ) assert json.dumps(ordered_params_dict) == json.dumps(expected_ordered_params_dict) def test_to_file(self): # Test to_file works with or without preference orders params_dict = {"keyA": "valA", "keyB": "valB"} expected_ordered_params_dict = OrderedDict({"keyB": "valB", "keyA": "valA"}) params = Params(params_dict) file_path = self.TEST_DIR / "config.jsonnet" # check with preference orders params.to_file(file_path, [["keyB", "keyA"]]) with open(file_path, "r") as handle: ordered_params_dict = OrderedDict(json.load(handle)) assert json.dumps(expected_ordered_params_dict) == json.dumps(ordered_params_dict) # check without preference orders doesn't give error params.to_file(file_path) def test_infer_and_cast(self): lots_of_strings = { "a": ["10", "1.3", "true"], "b": {"x": 10, "y": "20.1", "z": "other things"}, "c": "just a string", } casted = { "a": [10, 1.3, True], "b": {"x": 10, "y": 20.1, "z": "other things"}, "c": "just a string", } assert infer_and_cast(lots_of_strings) == casted contains_bad_data = {"x": 10, "y": int} with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="cannot infer type"): infer_and_cast(contains_bad_data) params = Params(lots_of_strings) assert params.as_dict() == lots_of_strings assert params.as_dict(infer_type_and_cast=True) == casted def test_pop_choice(self): choices = ["my_model", "other_model"] params = Params({"model": "my_model"}) assert params.pop_choice("model", choices) == "my_model" params = Params({"model": "non_existent_model"}) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): params.pop_choice("model", choices) params = Params({"model": "module.submodule.ModelName"}) assert params.pop_choice("model", "choices") == "module.submodule.ModelName" params = Params({"model": "module.submodule.ModelName"}) with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError): params.pop_choice("model", choices, allow_class_names=False) def test_remove_keys_from_params(self): filename = self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "simple_tagger" / "experiment.json" params = Params.from_file(filename) assert params["data_loader"]["batch_sampler"]["type"] == "bucket" assert params["data_loader"]["batch_sampler"]["batch_size"] == 80 remove_keys_from_params(params, keys=["batch_size"]) assert "batch_size" not in params["data_loader"]["batch_sampler"] remove_keys_from_params(params, keys=["type", "batch_size"]) assert "type" not in params["data_loader"]["batch_sampler"] remove_keys_from_params(params, keys=["data_loader"]) assert "data_loader" not in params
import torch from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase, multi_device actual_devices = set() class TestTesting(AllenNlpTestCase): @multi_device def test_multi_device(self, device: str): actual_devices.add(device) def test_devices_accounted_for(self): expected_devices = {"cpu", "cuda"} if torch.cuda.is_available() else {"cpu"} assert expected_devices == actual_devices
from pytest import raises import torch from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from import TokenCharactersIndexer from allennlp.interpret.attackers import Hotflip from allennlp.models.archival import load_archive from allennlp.modules.token_embedders import EmptyEmbedder from allennlp.predictors import Predictor, TextClassifierPredictor from import TextClassificationJsonReader from import Vocabulary from allennlp.common.testing.interpret_test import ( FakeModelForTestingInterpret, FakePredictorForTestingInterpret, ) class TestHotflip(AllenNlpTestCase): def test_hotflip(self): inputs = {"sentence": "I always write unit tests for my code."} archive = load_archive( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "basic_classifier" / "serialization" / "model.tar.gz" ) predictor = Predictor.from_archive(archive) hotflipper = Hotflip(predictor) hotflipper.initialize() attack = hotflipper.attack_from_json(inputs, "tokens", "grad_input_1") assert attack is not None assert "final" in attack assert "original" in attack assert "outputs" in attack assert len(attack["final"][0]) == len( attack["original"] ) # hotflip replaces words without removing def test_with_token_characters_indexer(self): inputs = {"sentence": "I always write unit tests for my code."} archive = load_archive( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "basic_classifier" / "serialization" / "model.tar.gz" ) predictor = Predictor.from_archive(archive) predictor._dataset_reader._token_indexers["chars"] = TokenCharactersIndexer( min_padding_length=1 ) predictor._model._text_field_embedder._token_embedders["chars"] = EmptyEmbedder() hotflipper = Hotflip(predictor) hotflipper.initialize() attack = hotflipper.attack_from_json(inputs, "tokens", "grad_input_1") assert attack is not None assert "final" in attack assert "original" in attack assert "outputs" in attack assert len(attack["final"][0]) == len( attack["original"] ) # hotflip replaces words without removing # This checks for a bug that arose with a change in the pytorch API. We want to be sure we # can handle the case where we have to re-encode a vocab item because we didn't save it in # our fake embedding matrix (see Hotflip docstring for more info). hotflipper = Hotflip(predictor, max_tokens=50) hotflipper.initialize() hotflipper._first_order_taylor( grad=torch.rand((10,)).numpy(), token_idx=torch.tensor(60), sign=1 ) def test_interpret_fails_when_embedding_layer_not_found(self): inputs = {"sentence": "I always write unit tests for my code."} vocab = Vocabulary() vocab.add_tokens_to_namespace([w for w in inputs["sentence"].split(" ")]) model = FakeModelForTestingInterpret(vocab, max_tokens=len(inputs["sentence"].split(" "))) predictor = TextClassifierPredictor(model, TextClassificationJsonReader()) hotflipper = Hotflip(predictor) with raises(RuntimeError): hotflipper.initialize() def test_interpret_works_with_custom_embedding_layer(self): inputs = {"sentence": "I always write unit tests for my code"} vocab = Vocabulary() vocab.add_tokens_to_namespace([w for w in inputs["sentence"].split(" ")]) model = FakeModelForTestingInterpret(vocab, max_tokens=len(inputs["sentence"].split(" "))) predictor = FakePredictorForTestingInterpret(model, TextClassificationJsonReader()) hotflipper = Hotflip(predictor) hotflipper.initialize() attack = hotflipper.attack_from_json(inputs, "tokens", "grad_input_1") assert attack is not None assert "final" in attack assert "original" in attack assert "outputs" in attack assert len(attack["final"][0]) == len( attack["original"] ) # hotflip replaces words without removing
from pytest import approx, raises from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from allennlp.interpret.saliency_interpreters import SimpleGradient from allennlp.models.archival import load_archive from allennlp.predictors import Predictor, TextClassifierPredictor from import TextClassificationJsonReader from import Vocabulary from allennlp.common.testing.interpret_test import ( FakeModelForTestingInterpret, FakePredictorForTestingInterpret, ) class TestSimpleGradient(AllenNlpTestCase): def test_simple_gradient_basic_text(self): inputs = {"sentence": "It was the ending that I hated"} archive = load_archive( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "basic_classifier" / "serialization" / "model.tar.gz" ) predictor = Predictor.from_archive(archive, "text_classifier") interpreter = SimpleGradient(predictor) interpretation = interpreter.saliency_interpret_from_json(inputs) assert interpretation is not None assert "instance_1" in interpretation assert "grad_input_1" in interpretation["instance_1"] grad_input_1 = interpretation["instance_1"]["grad_input_1"] assert len(grad_input_1) == 7 # 7 words in input # two interpretations should be identical for gradient repeat_interpretation = interpreter.saliency_interpret_from_json(inputs) repeat_grad_input_1 = repeat_interpretation["instance_1"]["grad_input_1"] for grad, repeat_grad in zip(grad_input_1, repeat_grad_input_1): assert grad == approx(repeat_grad) def test_interpret_fails_when_embedding_layer_not_found(self): inputs = {"sentence": "It was the ending that I hated"} vocab = Vocabulary() vocab.add_tokens_to_namespace([w for w in inputs["sentence"].split(" ")]) model = FakeModelForTestingInterpret(vocab, max_tokens=len(inputs["sentence"].split(" "))) predictor = TextClassifierPredictor(model, TextClassificationJsonReader()) interpreter = SimpleGradient(predictor) with raises(RuntimeError): interpreter.saliency_interpret_from_json(inputs) def test_interpret_works_with_custom_embedding_layer(self): inputs = {"sentence": "It was the ending that I hated"} vocab = Vocabulary() vocab.add_tokens_to_namespace([w for w in inputs["sentence"].split(" ")]) model = FakeModelForTestingInterpret(vocab, max_tokens=len(inputs["sentence"].split(" "))) predictor = FakePredictorForTestingInterpret(model, TextClassificationJsonReader()) interpreter = SimpleGradient(predictor) interpretation = interpreter.saliency_interpret_from_json(inputs) assert interpretation is not None assert "instance_1" in interpretation assert "grad_input_1" in interpretation["instance_1"] grad_input_1 = interpretation["instance_1"]["grad_input_1"] assert len(grad_input_1) == 7 # 7 words in input
from pytest import approx, raises from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from allennlp.models.archival import load_archive from allennlp.interpret.saliency_interpreters import IntegratedGradient from allennlp.predictors import Predictor, TextClassifierPredictor from import TextClassificationJsonReader from import Vocabulary from allennlp.common.testing.interpret_test import ( FakeModelForTestingInterpret, FakePredictorForTestingInterpret, ) class TestIntegratedGradient(AllenNlpTestCase): def test_integrated_gradient(self): inputs = {"sentence": "It was the ending that I hated"} archive = load_archive( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "basic_classifier" / "serialization" / "model.tar.gz" ) predictor = Predictor.from_archive(archive, "text_classifier") interpreter = IntegratedGradient(predictor) interpretation = interpreter.saliency_interpret_from_json(inputs) assert interpretation is not None assert "instance_1" in interpretation assert "grad_input_1" in interpretation["instance_1"] grad_input_1 = interpretation["instance_1"]["grad_input_1"] assert len(grad_input_1) == 7 # 7 words in input # two interpretations should be identical for integrated gradients repeat_interpretation = interpreter.saliency_interpret_from_json(inputs) repeat_grad_input_1 = repeat_interpretation["instance_1"]["grad_input_1"] for grad, repeat_grad in zip(grad_input_1, repeat_grad_input_1): assert grad == approx(repeat_grad) def test_interpret_fails_when_embedding_layer_not_found(self): inputs = {"sentence": "It was the ending that I hated"} vocab = Vocabulary() vocab.add_tokens_to_namespace([w for w in inputs["sentence"].split(" ")]) model = FakeModelForTestingInterpret(vocab, max_tokens=len(inputs["sentence"].split(" "))) predictor = TextClassifierPredictor(model, TextClassificationJsonReader()) interpreter = IntegratedGradient(predictor) with raises(RuntimeError): interpreter.saliency_interpret_from_json(inputs) def test_interpret_works_with_custom_embedding_layer(self): inputs = {"sentence": "It was the ending that I hated"} vocab = Vocabulary() vocab.add_tokens_to_namespace([w for w in inputs["sentence"].split(" ")]) model = FakeModelForTestingInterpret(vocab, max_tokens=len(inputs["sentence"].split(" "))) predictor = FakePredictorForTestingInterpret(model, TextClassificationJsonReader()) interpreter = IntegratedGradient(predictor) interpretation = interpreter.saliency_interpret_from_json(inputs) assert interpretation is not None assert "instance_1" in interpretation assert "grad_input_1" in interpretation["instance_1"] grad_input_1 = interpretation["instance_1"]["grad_input_1"] assert len(grad_input_1) == 7 # 7 words in input
from pytest import raises from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from allennlp.models.archival import load_archive from allennlp.interpret.saliency_interpreters import SmoothGradient from allennlp.predictors import Predictor, TextClassifierPredictor from import TextClassificationJsonReader from import Vocabulary from allennlp.common.testing.interpret_test import ( FakeModelForTestingInterpret, FakePredictorForTestingInterpret, ) class TestSmoothGradient(AllenNlpTestCase): def test_smooth_gradient(self): inputs = {"sentence": "It was the ending that I hated"} archive = load_archive( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "basic_classifier" / "serialization" / "model.tar.gz" ) predictor = Predictor.from_archive(archive, "text_classifier") interpreter = SmoothGradient(predictor) interpretation = interpreter.saliency_interpret_from_json(inputs) assert interpretation is not None assert "instance_1" in interpretation assert "grad_input_1" in interpretation["instance_1"] assert len(interpretation["instance_1"]["grad_input_1"]) == 7 # 7 words in input def test_interpret_fails_when_embedding_layer_not_found(self): inputs = {"sentence": "It was the ending that I hated"} vocab = Vocabulary() vocab.add_tokens_to_namespace([w for w in inputs["sentence"].split(" ")]) model = FakeModelForTestingInterpret(vocab, max_tokens=len(inputs["sentence"].split(" "))) predictor = TextClassifierPredictor(model, TextClassificationJsonReader()) interpreter = SmoothGradient(predictor) with raises(RuntimeError): interpreter.saliency_interpret_from_json(inputs) def test_interpret_works_with_custom_embedding_layer(self): inputs = {"sentence": "It was the ending that I hated"} vocab = Vocabulary() vocab.add_tokens_to_namespace([w for w in inputs["sentence"].split(" ")]) model = FakeModelForTestingInterpret(vocab, max_tokens=len(inputs["sentence"].split(" "))) predictor = FakePredictorForTestingInterpret(model, TextClassificationJsonReader()) interpreter = SmoothGradient(predictor) interpretation = interpreter.saliency_interpret_from_json(inputs) assert interpretation is not None assert "instance_1" in interpretation assert "grad_input_1" in interpretation["instance_1"] grad_input_1 = interpretation["instance_1"]["grad_input_1"] assert len(grad_input_1) == 7 # 7 words in input
from allennlp.common.testing import AllenNlpTestCase from allennlp.models.archival import load_archive from allennlp.predictors import Predictor from allennlp.interpret.attackers import InputReduction class TestInputReduction(AllenNlpTestCase): def test_input_reduction(self): # test using classification model inputs = {"sentence": "I always write unit tests for my code."} archive = load_archive( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "basic_classifier" / "serialization" / "model.tar.gz" ) predictor = Predictor.from_archive(archive) reducer = InputReduction(predictor) reduced = reducer.attack_from_json(inputs, "tokens", "grad_input_1") assert reduced is not None assert "final" in reduced assert "original" in reduced assert reduced["final"][0] # always at least one token assert len(reduced["final"][0]) <= len( reduced["original"] ) # input reduction removes tokens for word in reduced["final"][0]: # no new words entered assert word in reduced["original"] # test using NER model (tests different underlying logic) inputs = {"sentence": "Eric Wallace was an intern at AI2"} archive = load_archive( self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "simple_tagger" / "serialization" / "model.tar.gz" ) predictor = Predictor.from_archive(archive, "sentence_tagger") reducer = InputReduction(predictor) reduced = reducer.attack_from_json(inputs, "tokens", "grad_input_1") assert reduced is not None assert "final" in reduced assert "original" in reduced for reduced_input in reduced["final"]: assert reduced_input # always at least one token assert len(reduced_input) <= len(reduced["original"]) # input reduction removes tokens for word in reduced_input: # no new words entered assert word in reduced["original"]