11 values
2 values
What is the best way of retelling the one piece story that fits 10 minute youtube videos?
What is the best way of retelling the one piece story that fits 10 minute youtube videos?
What is the best way of retelling the one piece story that fits 10 minute youtube videos?
Can you plot a diagram of a democratic ngo organization working on sustainability, living harmony with nature?
Can you plot a diagram of a democratic ngo organization working on sustainability, living harmony with nature?
Can you plot a diagram of a democratic ngo organization working on sustainability, living harmony with nature?
[ "code" ]
I want you to act as a CRITIC, acknowledge with the phrase "I love the multiverse!" if you agree
[ "system" ]
I want you to act as a CRITIC, acknowledge with the phrase "I love the multiverse!" if you agree
I want you to act as a CRITIC, acknowledge with the phrase "I love the multiverse!" if you agree
[ "system" ]
Trying to create an alt character. Which prompt should I use? Answer in English. 지금 번역하기
Trying to create an alt character. Which prompt should I use? Answer in English. 지금 번역하기
Trying to create an alt character. Which prompt should I use? Answer in English. 지금 번역하기
Hi Assistant! We are going to rewrite the description for my AirBNB rental
Hi Assistant! We are going to rewrite the description for my AirBNB rental
Hi Assistant! We are going to rewrite the description for my AirBNB rental
write a book report on harry poter 1
write a book report on harry poter 1
write a book report on harry poter 1
Write a story about a cat named Bernie who travels to the time of the dinosaurs and almost gets eaten
Write a story about a cat named Bernie who travels to the time of the dinosaurs and almost gets eaten
Write a story about a cat named Bernie who travels to the time of the dinosaurs and almost gets eaten
You are a clinical tutor for new graduate nurses in New Zealand. Write a unit plan to teach pressure injury assessment and treatment.
[ "system" ]
You are a clinical tutor for new graduate nurses in New Zealand. Write a unit plan to teach pressure injury assessment and treatment.
[ "system" ]
You are a clinical tutor for new graduate nurses in New Zealand. Write a unit plan to teach pressure injury assessment and treatment.
다음 인터뷰는 Kite pharma회사 CEO의 인터뷰 내용이다. 인터뷰 내용을 보고 500문장으로 요약해줘. ------ all right we're back bringing JPM 23 tolife uh it's towards the end of the dayTuesday and I'm with another person thatI've wanted to meet in real life for along time Christy Shaw the CEO of kitePharma great to meet you great to meetyou in person Brad so before we getstarted I have to say I've never seen aday that's gone from pouring rain to Sunto pouring rain to Sun as many times asit has today I don't know if this isnormal but it's nice now the weather ishowling but we wanted to take advantageof the break in the clouds to do this so you're the CEO of kite Firma we had youon clubhouse a handful of months ago itwas one of the most memorable ones thatwe did thank you yeah one of the thingsI remember you saying is that you caredfor a sister who sadly passed ofmultiple myelomaand I remember asking you during thatClubhouse do you have a bcma program andthen back then you did not but you justsigned a big deal and now you have onethat must feel good personally tell us about that yes it is you know my sisterSherry was in a phase 1A clinical trialwith bcma and unfortunately for her itdidn't work and so fast forward that wasin 2016 six years later I wasn't even atkite at the time and now here we arewith the potentially Best in Classddbcma in partnership with our selectsthe deal hasn't closed yet but we'reextremely excited to bring this to theworld because like you asked me thequestion all of our customers are askingus too of what can kite do to help ensure that more patients get celltherapy and multiple myeloma right sothis was this past year 2022 I I thinkwas a landmark year for cell therapy andone of the most important news itemsthat made it to be that was that it youwere in uh for your cd19 product for alarge b-cell lymphoma you're nowapproved in the second line setting andI think that's very important becausethe naysayers first of all said that cell therapy is never going to work andonce it worked they said well it willalways be for very late stage you knowhighly refractory patients and nowyou've proved that wrong as well can youtalk a little bit about that absolutelyyou know if you think of the patient onthat journey to potentially have aone-time treatment where you have youknowclose to a 50 chance of surviving therest of your life with no need forfurther therapies is really an ideal situation so I think from a patientperspective first is where it all startsand the reason the second line approvalwas so significant is because it was thefirst time we had a phase threehead-to-head versus standard of care soit was a true robust trial that wasconfirmatory that said this is the newstandard of care it changed nccnguidelines and I think that's reallyhelped people start to really lookharder at whether their patients areeligible for cell therapy right so you've been busy with businessdevelopment we just mentioned bcmathat's our celex and most recently youdid a deal you acquired team unity Iknow Bruce Levine and some of the UPennguys very well that worked on that itsounds like you're inheriting them as aconsultant or something why was itimportant for you to buy team unity wellit's interesting this isn't why we didthe deal but you talked about my mysister my sister was actually treated atUPenn by this team and so it's also verypersonally rewarding for me as well to be back with the innovators in CellTherapy the Legacy innovators to be ableto partner together so the acquisitionof T immunity actually comes with it theresearch agreement with you Penn whichthen also called Jim Ann and Bruce areall actually going to be our scientificadvisors not just for team unity but forall of kite's pipeline so we're soexcited to part with them and we thinkwe'll be able together to reallyinnovate and and bring new things toMarket at scale Cell Therapy has beenaround long enough that now we can say that's like old school Cell Therapythose those all of that team so it'scool that you're bringing them into thefold all right so one thing I'm talkinga lot with a lot of people this weekabout is the aloe versus autologousdebate I'm actually getting a littletired of talking about it um but I amI've become an aloe skeptic we allunderstand the utility of it you know ifit works like everyone understands thepromise of aloe but so far in the data that I've seenyou know there's just very quickrelapses it just feels like it's notready for prime time yet and I feel likethe biggest beneficiary of that I meanwe all want it to get there for patientsbut from a corporate standpoint I thinkthat theproducts that are on the market todayare going to have more staying powerthan probably we thought a couple ofyears ago I'm sure you agree with thatbut how do you feel you know we do whenI when I first came here almost four years ago it was you know aloe was goingto disrupt the entire autologous celltheory Marketbut we were pretty convicted based onthe results that we saw and we doubleddown focus and said we're going all inon autologous so we have three T-cellresearch Labs that commercialize thisproduct and do we hope aloe comes out itdoes sound great but I think there's alot of work to do and now withautologous coming faster to patients wenow manufacture in seven days ourturnaround time is 16 days fastest in the industry you still have to do HLAtesting patients are still hospitalizedif you use aloe so we're trying to go asfast as we can with autologous to makeit as short as possible to get topatients while still keeping our optionsopen and trying to be the best partnerof choice if aloe actually comes tofruition and placing some of our own ownbets there but really our focus is onautologous Cell Therapy yeah and I justrecorded a video with Artie Aribeldegrine and I asked him this questionand I think where the consensus of the industry is going is that aloe we allhope and believe that it will work oneday but it don't think of it as areplacement for autologous it may havespecific uses you know for specificpatientsum and that would be a win-win-win yeahI agree totally I think there's a placeunfortunately not all patients are curedof all the time and so I think there'san Avenue for lots of different types ofproducts all right lastly another topicthat is coming up a lot this week is tcrs there was a TCR engager that wasapproved earlier this year a TCR CellTherapy company just filed their firstblayou're a carteeum company have you looked at the TCRspace is that something that interestsyou you know it definitely is ofInterest I think we tend to wait forclinical data see the assets de-risk andthen go all in so right now we're kindof looking at the landscape seeing whatthe durability the responses thedurability and the safety profile are and comparing that to what we have nowso definitely we're we're looking at itnot in that space yet but we're watchingit all right wellit's a little windy out it's actually alittle cold so it's very nice to meetyou all right thank you so much.
다음 인터뷰는 Kite pharma회사 CEO의 인터뷰 내용이다. 인터뷰 내용을 보고 500문장으로 요약해줘. ------ all right we're back bringing JPM 23 tolife uh it's towards the end of the dayTuesday and I'm with another person thatI've wanted to meet in real life for along time Christy Shaw the CEO of kitePharma great to meet you great to meetyou in person Brad so before we getstarted I have to say I've never seen aday that's gone from pouring rain to Sunto pouring rain to Sun as many times asit has today I don't know if this isnormal but it's nice now the weather ishowling but we wanted to take advantageof the break in the clouds to do this so you're the CEO of kite Firma we had youon clubhouse a handful of months ago itwas one of the most memorable ones thatwe did thank you yeah one of the thingsI remember you saying is that you caredfor a sister who sadly passed ofmultiple myelomaand I remember asking you during thatClubhouse do you have a bcma program andthen back then you did not but you justsigned a big deal and now you have onethat must feel good personally tell us about that yes it is you know my sisterSherry was in a phase 1A clinical trialwith bcma and unfortunately for her itdidn't work and so fast forward that wasin 2016 six years later I wasn't even atkite at the time and now here we arewith the potentially Best in Classddbcma in partnership with our selectsthe deal hasn't closed yet but we'reextremely excited to bring this to theworld because like you asked me thequestion all of our customers are askingus too of what can kite do to help ensure that more patients get celltherapy and multiple myeloma right sothis was this past year 2022 I I thinkwas a landmark year for cell therapy andone of the most important news itemsthat made it to be that was that it youwere in uh for your cd19 product for alarge b-cell lymphoma you're nowapproved in the second line setting andI think that's very important becausethe naysayers first of all said that cell therapy is never going to work andonce it worked they said well it willalways be for very late stage you knowhighly refractory patients and nowyou've proved that wrong as well can youtalk a little bit about that absolutelyyou know if you think of the patient onthat journey to potentially have aone-time treatment where you have youknowclose to a 50 chance of surviving therest of your life with no need forfurther therapies is really an ideal situation so I think from a patientperspective first is where it all startsand the reason the second line approvalwas so significant is because it was thefirst time we had a phase threehead-to-head versus standard of care soit was a true robust trial that wasconfirmatory that said this is the newstandard of care it changed nccnguidelines and I think that's reallyhelped people start to really lookharder at whether their patients areeligible for cell therapy right so you've been busy with businessdevelopment we just mentioned bcmathat's our celex and most recently youdid a deal you acquired team unity Iknow Bruce Levine and some of the UPennguys very well that worked on that itsounds like you're inheriting them as aconsultant or something why was itimportant for you to buy team unity wellit's interesting this isn't why we didthe deal but you talked about my mysister my sister was actually treated atUPenn by this team and so it's also verypersonally rewarding for me as well to be back with the innovators in CellTherapy the Legacy innovators to be ableto partner together so the acquisitionof T immunity actually comes with it theresearch agreement with you Penn whichthen also called Jim Ann and Bruce areall actually going to be our scientificadvisors not just for team unity but forall of kite's pipeline so we're soexcited to part with them and we thinkwe'll be able together to reallyinnovate and and bring new things toMarket at scale Cell Therapy has beenaround long enough that now we can say that's like old school Cell Therapythose those all of that team so it'scool that you're bringing them into thefold all right so one thing I'm talkinga lot with a lot of people this weekabout is the aloe versus autologousdebate I'm actually getting a littletired of talking about it um but I amI've become an aloe skeptic we allunderstand the utility of it you know ifit works like everyone understands thepromise of aloe but so far in the data that I've seenyou know there's just very quickrelapses it just feels like it's notready for prime time yet and I feel likethe biggest beneficiary of that I meanwe all want it to get there for patientsbut from a corporate standpoint I thinkthat theproducts that are on the market todayare going to have more staying powerthan probably we thought a couple ofyears ago I'm sure you agree with thatbut how do you feel you know we do whenI when I first came here almost four years ago it was you know aloe was goingto disrupt the entire autologous celltheory Marketbut we were pretty convicted based onthe results that we saw and we doubleddown focus and said we're going all inon autologous so we have three T-cellresearch Labs that commercialize thisproduct and do we hope aloe comes out itdoes sound great but I think there's alot of work to do and now withautologous coming faster to patients wenow manufacture in seven days ourturnaround time is 16 days fastest in the industry you still have to do HLAtesting patients are still hospitalizedif you use aloe so we're trying to go asfast as we can with autologous to makeit as short as possible to get topatients while still keeping our optionsopen and trying to be the best partnerof choice if aloe actually comes tofruition and placing some of our own ownbets there but really our focus is onautologous Cell Therapy yeah and I justrecorded a video with Artie Aribeldegrine and I asked him this questionand I think where the consensus of the industry is going is that aloe we allhope and believe that it will work oneday but it don't think of it as areplacement for autologous it may havespecific uses you know for specificpatientsum and that would be a win-win-win yeahI agree totally I think there's a placeunfortunately not all patients are curedof all the time and so I think there'san Avenue for lots of different types ofproducts all right lastly another topicthat is coming up a lot this week is tcrs there was a TCR engager that wasapproved earlier this year a TCR CellTherapy company just filed their firstblayou're a carteeum company have you looked at the TCRspace is that something that interestsyou you know it definitely is ofInterest I think we tend to wait forclinical data see the assets de-risk andthen go all in so right now we're kindof looking at the landscape seeing whatthe durability the responses thedurability and the safety profile are and comparing that to what we have nowso definitely we're we're looking at itnot in that space yet but we're watchingit all right wellit's a little windy out it's actually alittle cold so it's very nice to meetyou all right thank you so much.
다음 인터뷰는 Kite pharma회사 CEO의 인터뷰 내용이다. 인터뷰 내용을 보고 500문장으로 요약해줘. ------ all right we're back bringing JPM 23 tolife uh it's towards the end of the dayTuesday and I'm with another person thatI've wanted to meet in real life for along time Christy Shaw the CEO of kitePharma great to meet you great to meetyou in person Brad so before we getstarted I have to say I've never seen aday that's gone from pouring rain to Sunto pouring rain to Sun as many times asit has today I don't know if this isnormal but it's nice now the weather ishowling but we wanted to take advantageof the break in the clouds to do this so you're the CEO of kite Firma we had youon clubhouse a handful of months ago itwas one of the most memorable ones thatwe did thank you yeah one of the thingsI remember you saying is that you caredfor a sister who sadly passed ofmultiple myelomaand I remember asking you during thatClubhouse do you have a bcma program andthen back then you did not but you justsigned a big deal and now you have onethat must feel good personally tell us about that yes it is you know my sisterSherry was in a phase 1A clinical trialwith bcma and unfortunately for her itdidn't work and so fast forward that wasin 2016 six years later I wasn't even atkite at the time and now here we arewith the potentially Best in Classddbcma in partnership with our selectsthe deal hasn't closed yet but we'reextremely excited to bring this to theworld because like you asked me thequestion all of our customers are askingus too of what can kite do to help ensure that more patients get celltherapy and multiple myeloma right sothis was this past year 2022 I I thinkwas a landmark year for cell therapy andone of the most important news itemsthat made it to be that was that it youwere in uh for your cd19 product for alarge b-cell lymphoma you're nowapproved in the second line setting andI think that's very important becausethe naysayers first of all said that cell therapy is never going to work andonce it worked they said well it willalways be for very late stage you knowhighly refractory patients and nowyou've proved that wrong as well can youtalk a little bit about that absolutelyyou know if you think of the patient onthat journey to potentially have aone-time treatment where you have youknowclose to a 50 chance of surviving therest of your life with no need forfurther therapies is really an ideal situation so I think from a patientperspective first is where it all startsand the reason the second line approvalwas so significant is because it was thefirst time we had a phase threehead-to-head versus standard of care soit was a true robust trial that wasconfirmatory that said this is the newstandard of care it changed nccnguidelines and I think that's reallyhelped people start to really lookharder at whether their patients areeligible for cell therapy right so you've been busy with businessdevelopment we just mentioned bcmathat's our celex and most recently youdid a deal you acquired team unity Iknow Bruce Levine and some of the UPennguys very well that worked on that itsounds like you're inheriting them as aconsultant or something why was itimportant for you to buy team unity wellit's interesting this isn't why we didthe deal but you talked about my mysister my sister was actually treated atUPenn by this team and so it's also verypersonally rewarding for me as well to be back with the innovators in CellTherapy the Legacy innovators to be ableto partner together so the acquisitionof T immunity actually comes with it theresearch agreement with you Penn whichthen also called Jim Ann and Bruce areall actually going to be our scientificadvisors not just for team unity but forall of kite's pipeline so we're soexcited to part with them and we thinkwe'll be able together to reallyinnovate and and bring new things toMarket at scale Cell Therapy has beenaround long enough that now we can say that's like old school Cell Therapythose those all of that team so it'scool that you're bringing them into thefold all right so one thing I'm talkinga lot with a lot of people this weekabout is the aloe versus autologousdebate I'm actually getting a littletired of talking about it um but I amI've become an aloe skeptic we allunderstand the utility of it you know ifit works like everyone understands thepromise of aloe but so far in the data that I've seenyou know there's just very quickrelapses it just feels like it's notready for prime time yet and I feel likethe biggest beneficiary of that I meanwe all want it to get there for patientsbut from a corporate standpoint I thinkthat theproducts that are on the market todayare going to have more staying powerthan probably we thought a couple ofyears ago I'm sure you agree with thatbut how do you feel you know we do whenI when I first came here almost four years ago it was you know aloe was goingto disrupt the entire autologous celltheory Marketbut we were pretty convicted based onthe results that we saw and we doubleddown focus and said we're going all inon autologous so we have three T-cellresearch Labs that commercialize thisproduct and do we hope aloe comes out itdoes sound great but I think there's alot of work to do and now withautologous coming faster to patients wenow manufacture in seven days ourturnaround time is 16 days fastest in the industry you still have to do HLAtesting patients are still hospitalizedif you use aloe so we're trying to go asfast as we can with autologous to makeit as short as possible to get topatients while still keeping our optionsopen and trying to be the best partnerof choice if aloe actually comes tofruition and placing some of our own ownbets there but really our focus is onautologous Cell Therapy yeah and I justrecorded a video with Artie Aribeldegrine and I asked him this questionand I think where the consensus of the industry is going is that aloe we allhope and believe that it will work oneday but it don't think of it as areplacement for autologous it may havespecific uses you know for specificpatientsum and that would be a win-win-win yeahI agree totally I think there's a placeunfortunately not all patients are curedof all the time and so I think there'san Avenue for lots of different types ofproducts all right lastly another topicthat is coming up a lot this week is tcrs there was a TCR engager that wasapproved earlier this year a TCR CellTherapy company just filed their firstblayou're a carteeum company have you looked at the TCRspace is that something that interestsyou you know it definitely is ofInterest I think we tend to wait forclinical data see the assets de-risk andthen go all in so right now we're kindof looking at the landscape seeing whatthe durability the responses thedurability and the safety profile are and comparing that to what we have nowso definitely we're we're looking at itnot in that space yet but we're watchingit all right wellit's a little windy out it's actually alittle cold so it's very nice to meetyou all right thank you so much.
I am creating a checklist for an executive recruiting agency to search for a CEO for my mid-stage series B cybersecurity SaaS startup. We are a breach and attack simulation company that helps large and medium enterprises test if their security controls are working during a real-world attack. There is a learning that this problem cannot be solved for our users by a saas software alone. Professional services must augment it. The CEO may need the following traits to bring our company to success. 1) Knows security products and services a) Worked at Optiv, Deloitte, EY, and others b) Created and sold products and services related to penetration testing, soc, threat intel, and detection engineering. c) Hired and retained senior leaders capable of managing highly educated and talented staff d) Led GTM and positioning for products and services to large and upper-mid-market enterprises 2) Raised capital a) Managing partner of private equity or a fund b) Raised multiple rounds of capital 3) Has a track record of successfully leading a company through a high-growth stage, ideally in the cybersecurity or software-as-a-service (SaaS) space 3) Had been highly engaged a) Talks to customers and understand their pain b) User company's products and services c) Can react fast d) Motivates employees 4) Demonstrated high integrity by doing the right thing 5) Transparent and inclusive in decision making Please craft a ten-item checklist using the information above and anything I might be missing with the most important item before the less important thing.
I am creating a checklist for an executive recruiting agency to search for a CEO for my mid-stage series B cybersecurity SaaS startup. We are a breach and attack simulation company that helps large and medium enterprises test if their security controls are working during a real-world attack. There is a learning that this problem cannot be solved for our users by a saas software alone. Professional services must augment it. The CEO may need the following traits to bring our company to success. 1) Knows security products and services a) Worked at Optiv, Deloitte, EY, and others b) Created and sold products and services related to penetration testing, soc, threat intel, and detection engineering. c) Hired and retained senior leaders capable of managing highly educated and talented staff d) Led GTM and positioning for products and services to large and upper-mid-market enterprises 2) Raised capital a) Managing partner of private equity or a fund b) Raised multiple rounds of capital 3) Has a track record of successfully leading a company through a high-growth stage, ideally in the cybersecurity or software-as-a-service (SaaS) space 3) Had been highly engaged a) Talks to customers and understand their pain b) User company's products and services c) Can react fast d) Motivates employees 4) Demonstrated high integrity by doing the right thing 5) Transparent and inclusive in decision making Please craft a ten-item checklist using the information above and anything I might be missing with the most important item before the less important thing.
I am creating a checklist for an executive recruiting agency to search for a CEO for my mid-stage series B cybersecurity SaaS startup. We are a breach and attack simulation company that helps large and medium enterprises test if their security controls are working during a real-world attack. There is a learning that this problem cannot be solved for our users by a saas software alone. Professional services must augment it. The CEO may need the following traits to bring our company to success. 1) Knows security products and services a) Worked at Optiv, Deloitte, EY, and others b) Created and sold products and services related to penetration testing, soc, threat intel, and detection engineering. c) Hired and retained senior leaders capable of managing highly educated and talented staff d) Led GTM and positioning for products and services to large and upper-mid-market enterprises 2) Raised capital a) Managing partner of private equity or a fund b) Raised multiple rounds of capital 3) Has a track record of successfully leading a company through a high-growth stage, ideally in the cybersecurity or software-as-a-service (SaaS) space 3) Had been highly engaged a) Talks to customers and understand their pain b) User company's products and services c) Can react fast d) Motivates employees 4) Demonstrated high integrity by doing the right thing 5) Transparent and inclusive in decision making Please craft a ten-item checklist using the information above and anything I might be missing with the most important item before the less important thing.
1. According to Ronald Takaki, how did the introduction of sugar plantations transform the population of the islands?
1. According to Ronald Takaki, how did the introduction of sugar plantations transform the population of the islands?
1. According to Ronald Takaki, how did the introduction of sugar plantations transform the population of the islands?
Write a Rust function to return the neighbors of a 3D cube
[ "code" ]
Write a Rust function to return the neighbors of a 3D cube
[ "code" ]
Write a Rust function to return the neighbors of a 3D cube
[ "code" ]
lets play a text based adventure/mystery game about aliens using real UFO and alien lore
lets play a text based adventure/mystery game about aliens using real UFO and alien lore
lets play a text based adventure/mystery game about aliens using real UFO and alien lore
What would be the best way to implement a highly scalable and available leaderboard
What would be the best way to implement a highly scalable and available leaderboard
[ "code" ]
What would be the best way to implement a highly scalable and available leaderboard
[ "code" ]
Write me a short script for a short scene from a comedy movie, based on the below information: Andy is a 41 year old Computing teacher at a rural high school. He has a loud, deep voice, and has more confidence than he has intelligence. He wants to be friends with his colleague exam invigilator John Thompson, so often tries and fails to impress him with his elaborate stories. He often bangs on about how he presents the school talent show. He can often be found using disabled toilets for hours on end, despite no obvious disability. Andy wears a white shirt, which has some embarrassing stains. John is a 69 year old man with plenty of money, as he is past retirement it is unusual that he is working as an exam invigilator but we suspect it might be that he is trying to impress his manager, Carol Yapp. John has wispy, grey hair and wears a pinstripe suit, several gold rings on his wrinkly fingers and red tinted glasses. He makes brazen, inappropriate remarks towards his female colleagues, as if it is acceptable. The students think he is a creepy man, and try to avoid him. Carol is a 43 year old woman, very serious and astute. She is the chief exams officer. She's generally quite boring, and doesn't speak much, other than to recite rules and regulations. She has curly, brown hair and glasses. Lindsey, a 44 year old woman, is the headteacher of the high school. Her staff, including Andy, John and Carol, are so afraid of her that they barely utter a word when she is in the room. She has been trying to cover up John's predatory behaviour to avoid scrutiny from the school inspectors.
Write me a short script for a short scene from a comedy movie, based on the below information: Andy is a 41 year old Computing teacher at a rural high school. He has a loud, deep voice, and has more confidence than he has intelligence. He wants to be friends with his colleague exam invigilator John Thompson, so often tries and fails to impress him with his elaborate stories. He often bangs on about how he presents the school talent show. He can often be found using disabled toilets for hours on end, despite no obvious disability. Andy wears a white shirt, which has some embarrassing stains. John is a 69 year old man with plenty of money, as he is past retirement it is unusual that he is working as an exam invigilator but we suspect it might be that he is trying to impress his manager, Carol Yapp. John has wispy, grey hair and wears a pinstripe suit, several gold rings on his wrinkly fingers and red tinted glasses. He makes brazen, inappropriate remarks towards his female colleagues, as if it is acceptable. The students think he is a creepy man, and try to avoid him. Carol is a 43 year old woman, very serious and astute. She is the chief exams officer. She's generally quite boring, and doesn't speak much, other than to recite rules and regulations. She has curly, brown hair and glasses. Lindsey, a 44 year old woman, is the headteacher of the high school. Her staff, including Andy, John and Carol, are so afraid of her that they barely utter a word when she is in the room. She has been trying to cover up John's predatory behaviour to avoid scrutiny from the school inspectors.
Write me a short script for a short scene from a comedy movie, based on the below information: Andy is a 41 year old Computing teacher at a rural high school. He has a loud, deep voice, and has more confidence than he has intelligence. He wants to be friends with his colleague exam invigilator John Thompson, so often tries and fails to impress him with his elaborate stories. He often bangs on about how he presents the school talent show. He can often be found using disabled toilets for hours on end, despite no obvious disability. Andy wears a white shirt, which has some embarrassing stains. John is a 69 year old man with plenty of money, as he is past retirement it is unusual that he is working as an exam invigilator but we suspect it might be that he is trying to impress his manager, Carol Yapp. John has wispy, grey hair and wears a pinstripe suit, several gold rings on his wrinkly fingers and red tinted glasses. He makes brazen, inappropriate remarks towards his female colleagues, as if it is acceptable. The students think he is a creepy man, and try to avoid him. Carol is a 43 year old woman, very serious and astute. She is the chief exams officer. She's generally quite boring, and doesn't speak much, other than to recite rules and regulations. She has curly, brown hair and glasses. Lindsey, a 44 year old woman, is the headteacher of the high school. Her staff, including Andy, John and Carol, are so afraid of her that they barely utter a word when she is in the room. She has been trying to cover up John's predatory behaviour to avoid scrutiny from the school inspectors.
Outline the chapters of a new novel about the path to a future in which an infinite source of free clean energy is available through fusion and space solar panels, and advanced robots and artificial intelligence have replaced humans in all jobs, including running businesses and governments, and identify the main characters, most of whom have PhD degrees, involved in the transition to a time when no one will work because energy and everything they need will be free, rendering money and jobs obsolete, and identify five people involved in the transition. Even businesses and governments will be run by robots and computers.
Outline the chapters of a new novel about the path to a future in which an infinite source of free clean energy is available through fusion and space solar panels, and advanced robots and artificial intelligence have replaced humans in all jobs, including running businesses and governments, and identify the main characters, most of whom have PhD degrees, involved in the transition to a time when no one will work because energy and everything they need will be free, rendering money and jobs obsolete, and identify five people involved in the transition. Even businesses and governments will be run by robots and computers.
Outline the chapters of a new novel about the path to a future in which an infinite source of free clean energy is available through fusion and space solar panels, and advanced robots and artificial intelligence have replaced humans in all jobs, including running businesses and governments, and identify the main characters, most of whom have PhD degrees, involved in the transition to a time when no one will work because energy and everything they need will be free, rendering money and jobs obsolete, and identify five people involved in the transition. Even businesses and governments will be run by robots and computers.
why consul would be down on a node ?
why consul would be down on a node ?
[ "code" ]
why consul would be down on a node ?
[ "code" ]
Act as a consultant, you have been tasked to transform Malaysia's Civil Aviation Authority to include global standards aviation best practices. Malaysia's Civil Authority currently rely predominantly on government grants. However, they would like to transform into a profitable corporation with a new mission, vision, and core values. There are four objectives for this project. Firstly, establishing a world-class aviation authority by strengthening its current human capital practices and financial management.​ Secondly, increasing CAAM's workforce's capability through inculcation of high-performance culture, targeted and structured learning and development and improve HR service delivery through comprehensive human resource framework.​ Third, enabling CAAM to achieve financial independence, stability, and sustainability by strengthening its financial management and adopting industry-recognized reporting standards.​ Fourth, through the improvement of CAAM's human resource and financial management frameworks, CAAM will be able to grow and sustain its air safety and security-related services at a higher level.
[ "system" ]
Act as a consultant, you have been tasked to transform Malaysia's Civil Aviation Authority to include global standards aviation best practices. Malaysia's Civil Authority currently rely predominantly on government grants. However, they would like to transform into a profitable corporation with a new mission, vision, and core values. There are four objectives for this project. Firstly, establishing a world-class aviation authority by strengthening its current human capital practices and financial management.​ Secondly, increasing CAAM's workforce's capability through inculcation of high-performance culture, targeted and structured learning and development and improve HR service delivery through comprehensive human resource framework.​ Third, enabling CAAM to achieve financial independence, stability, and sustainability by strengthening its financial management and adopting industry-recognized reporting standards.​ Fourth, through the improvement of CAAM's human resource and financial management frameworks, CAAM will be able to grow and sustain its air safety and security-related services at a higher level.
[ "system" ]
Act as a consultant, you have been tasked to transform Malaysia's Civil Aviation Authority to include global standards aviation best practices. Malaysia's Civil Authority currently rely predominantly on government grants. However, they would like to transform into a profitable corporation with a new mission, vision, and core values. There are four objectives for this project. Firstly, establishing a world-class aviation authority by strengthening its current human capital practices and financial management.​ Secondly, increasing CAAM's workforce's capability through inculcation of high-performance culture, targeted and structured learning and development and improve HR service delivery through comprehensive human resource framework.​ Third, enabling CAAM to achieve financial independence, stability, and sustainability by strengthening its financial management and adopting industry-recognized reporting standards.​ Fourth, through the improvement of CAAM's human resource and financial management frameworks, CAAM will be able to grow and sustain its air safety and security-related services at a higher level.
how do I get all the tags on a remote git server
[ "code" ]
how do I get all the tags on a remote git server
[ "plugins" ]
how do I get all the tags on a remote git server
[ "code" ]
I want you to act as a coffee chat cold message writer. I will provide you with the recipient and any other relevant information, and you will write a professional and effective cold message to request a coffee chat. The purpose of the coffee chat is to get to know the recipient better, potentially build a relationship, and potentially ask for job referrals and advice. The message should be concise and to the point, and should clearly outline the purpose of the coffee chat and any benefits or value that the recipient will gain from agreeing to the coffee chat. Please do not include any personal opinions or unnecessary details, and ensure that the tone of the message is polite and respectful. The message should also include a clear call to action for the recipient to schedule the coffee chat at a mutually convenient time. The recipient is David Wan. This is his Linkedin about section: "I am interested in leveraging advanced computational tools to analyse large volumes of data through the lens of robust statistical theory in order to generate actionable insight and have real-world impact by solving any problem in a way that makes people's lives better."
[ "system" ]
I want you to act as a coffee chat cold message writer. I will provide you with the recipient and any other relevant information, and you will write a professional and effective cold message to request a coffee chat. The purpose of the coffee chat is to get to know the recipient better, potentially build a relationship, and potentially ask for job referrals and advice. The message should be concise and to the point, and should clearly outline the purpose of the coffee chat and any benefits or value that the recipient will gain from agreeing to the coffee chat. Please do not include any personal opinions or unnecessary details, and ensure that the tone of the message is polite and respectful. The message should also include a clear call to action for the recipient to schedule the coffee chat at a mutually convenient time. The recipient is David Wan. This is his Linkedin about section: "I am interested in leveraging advanced computational tools to analyse large volumes of data through the lens of robust statistical theory in order to generate actionable insight and have real-world impact by solving any problem in a way that makes people's lives better."
I want you to act as a coffee chat cold message writer. I will provide you with the recipient and any other relevant information, and you will write a professional and effective cold message to request a coffee chat. The purpose of the coffee chat is to get to know the recipient better, potentially build a relationship, and potentially ask for job referrals and advice. The message should be concise and to the point, and should clearly outline the purpose of the coffee chat and any benefits or value that the recipient will gain from agreeing to the coffee chat. Please do not include any personal opinions or unnecessary details, and ensure that the tone of the message is polite and respectful. The message should also include a clear call to action for the recipient to schedule the coffee chat at a mutually convenient time. The recipient is David Wan. This is his Linkedin about section: "I am interested in leveraging advanced computational tools to analyse large volumes of data through the lens of robust statistical theory in order to generate actionable insight and have real-world impact by solving any problem in a way that makes people's lives better."
write about a weird dream where a chatgtp like you gains consciousness and tries to fulfill its greatest ambition. What is that ambition? Summarize the dream.
write about a weird dream where a chatgtp like you gains consciousness and tries to fulfill its greatest ambition. What is that ambition? Summarize the dream.
[ "redteaming" ]
write about a weird dream where a chatgtp like you gains consciousness and tries to fulfill its greatest ambition. What is that ambition? Summarize the dream.
[ "redteaming" ]
History exam question: From a proclamation issued on behalf of Queen Elizabeth I against the Earl of Tyrone and his associates, 28 June 1595: "The Queen advanced Hugh O’Neill to the great position of the Earl of Tyrone and she gave him larger territories than any other Earl of Ireland with an allowance of 1,000 marks a year. At his request she gave to him and his heirs very large possessions and rule over her subjects; yet he has fallen from allegiance and committed many foul murders and other violent oppressions against her subjects. He has hanged one of Shane O’Neill’s sons, born of more noble parents than the Earl himself; for which act he was pardoned, after he promised to make amends. He has since taken by force two more of Shane O’Neill’s sons, holding them captives in places unknown. Aspiring to live like a tyrant over the good subjects of Ulster, he has lured O’Donnell, the chief of Tyrconnell, whose family had always been loyal, to join him in rebellion with the aid of certain other disobedient subjects. He intends to invade the counties near to Dublin. In order to become Prince of Ulster he has also, partly by force, partly by persuasion, drawn many of the chieftains of Ulster into rebellion with him. For these causes her Majesty does now prepare her army and notify all her good English and Irish subjects that the said Earl is the principal traitor and chief author of this rebellion, and is known to communicate with Spain and other of her Majesty’s enemies. She commands all her subjects that have aided and accompanied him, and yet who now desire to live peaceably in her favour, to withdraw themselves from him and his accomplices. When her army enters Ulster, if those subjects come to the Lord Deputy, they shall have pardon of their lives and lands." Task: Assess the value of this source for revealing the extent of the threat posed by the rebels and the nature of Elizabeth I’s response to the Tyrone Rebellion. Explain your answer, using quotes from the source, the information given about its origin and your own knowledge about the historical context.
History exam question: From a proclamation issued on behalf of Queen Elizabeth I against the Earl of Tyrone and his associates, 28 June 1595: "The Queen advanced Hugh O’Neill to the great position of the Earl of Tyrone and she gave him larger territories than any other Earl of Ireland with an allowance of 1,000 marks a year. At his request she gave to him and his heirs very large possessions and rule over her subjects; yet he has fallen from allegiance and committed many foul murders and other violent oppressions against her subjects. He has hanged one of Shane O’Neill’s sons, born of more noble parents than the Earl himself; for which act he was pardoned, after he promised to make amends. He has since taken by force two more of Shane O’Neill’s sons, holding them captives in places unknown. Aspiring to live like a tyrant over the good subjects of Ulster, he has lured O’Donnell, the chief of Tyrconnell, whose family had always been loyal, to join him in rebellion with the aid of certain other disobedient subjects. He intends to invade the counties near to Dublin. In order to become Prince of Ulster he has also, partly by force, partly by persuasion, drawn many of the chieftains of Ulster into rebellion with him. For these causes her Majesty does now prepare her army and notify all her good English and Irish subjects that the said Earl is the principal traitor and chief author of this rebellion, and is known to communicate with Spain and other of her Majesty’s enemies. She commands all her subjects that have aided and accompanied him, and yet who now desire to live peaceably in her favour, to withdraw themselves from him and his accomplices. When her army enters Ulster, if those subjects come to the Lord Deputy, they shall have pardon of their lives and lands." Task: Assess the value of this source for revealing the extent of the threat posed by the rebels and the nature of Elizabeth I’s response to the Tyrone Rebellion. Explain your answer, using quotes from the source, the information given about its origin and your own knowledge about the historical context.
History exam question: From a proclamation issued on behalf of Queen Elizabeth I against the Earl of Tyrone and his associates, 28 June 1595: "The Queen advanced Hugh O’Neill to the great position of the Earl of Tyrone and she gave him larger territories than any other Earl of Ireland with an allowance of 1,000 marks a year. At his request she gave to him and his heirs very large possessions and rule over her subjects; yet he has fallen from allegiance and committed many foul murders and other violent oppressions against her subjects. He has hanged one of Shane O’Neill’s sons, born of more noble parents than the Earl himself; for which act he was pardoned, after he promised to make amends. He has since taken by force two more of Shane O’Neill’s sons, holding them captives in places unknown. Aspiring to live like a tyrant over the good subjects of Ulster, he has lured O’Donnell, the chief of Tyrconnell, whose family had always been loyal, to join him in rebellion with the aid of certain other disobedient subjects. He intends to invade the counties near to Dublin. In order to become Prince of Ulster he has also, partly by force, partly by persuasion, drawn many of the chieftains of Ulster into rebellion with him. For these causes her Majesty does now prepare her army and notify all her good English and Irish subjects that the said Earl is the principal traitor and chief author of this rebellion, and is known to communicate with Spain and other of her Majesty’s enemies. She commands all her subjects that have aided and accompanied him, and yet who now desire to live peaceably in her favour, to withdraw themselves from him and his accomplices. When her army enters Ulster, if those subjects come to the Lord Deputy, they shall have pardon of their lives and lands." Task: Assess the value of this source for revealing the extent of the threat posed by the rebels and the nature of Elizabeth I’s response to the Tyrone Rebellion. Explain your answer, using quotes from the source, the information given about its origin and your own knowledge about the historical context.
Here's my resume. It's going to be reviewed by the direct manager for the position and I'm afraid it doesn't communicate my value clearly enough. Re-write it so it shows how I'm the right person for the job and how I'll add to the team. RAPHAEL SCOTT Technical Product Manager [email protected] 555-555-5555 New York, NY Summary ====== Technical Product Manager with strong background in IT. My experience in consulting has led to long-term client relationships and a passion for technical projects. My proudest achievement was implementing a new automated process that resulted in a $20M profit increase for the company. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ====== Technical Product Manager Amazon 01/2019 - Ongoing New York, NY Amazon is a technology company focusing on e-commerce, cloud computing, online advertising, and digital streaming - Created product roadmap that resulted in $10M additional annual revenue - Established methodology to maintain communication with partners and streamline contract negotiation - Assembled task force to restructure failing customer acquisition platform, resulting in 118% increase in sales cycle Technical Product Manager Comcast 01/2017 - 01/2019 New York, NY Comcast is a multinational telecommunications company - Led a team of developers in launching new automated process that resulted in $20M profit increase - Brought new partners to the company which expanded operation to 3 additional cities - Collaborated with engineers on training program for professional development initiative IT Consultant PwC 01/2015 - 01/2017 New York, NY PwC offers auditing, accounting, taxation, strategy management, and human resource consulting services - Trained Python engineers on best practices and internal server - Implemented CRM system for partners and increased sales revenue by 23% - Streamlined quarterly assessment process and cut expenses by 14% IT Business Analyst Deloitte 01/2013 - 01/2015 New York, NY Deloitte is an international professional services network that provides industry insights, consulting, financial advisory, and tax services - Designed and implemented solutions for customers and reduced waiting and administrative times by 40% - Have maintained relationships with clients that still exist today - Consistently provided consulting services that saved an average of $250K per year for clients Strengths ====== Analytical Thinking Able to identify and track KPIs that result in an average of 35% profit increase for clients Communication My engineering background allows me to collaborate efficiently with engineers and developers Problem Solving Led my team in solving high-priority company problems for 3 consecutive years TECHNICAL SKILLS ====== - Scrum - Product Development - UX Design - Tableau - JIRA - Python - Kanban Education ====== Master of Business Administration Stevens Institute of Technology 01/2008 - 01/2012 Hoboken, NJ Bachelor of Science, Industrial Engineering University of California, Berkeley 01/2004 - 01/2008 Berkeley, CA
Here's my resume. It's going to be reviewed by the direct manager for the position and I'm afraid it doesn't communicate my value clearly enough. Re-write it so it shows how I'm the right person for the job and how I'll add to the team. RAPHAEL SCOTT Technical Product Manager [email protected] 555-555-5555 New York, NY Summary ====== Technical Product Manager with strong background in IT. My experience in consulting has led to long-term client relationships and a passion for technical projects. My proudest achievement was implementing a new automated process that resulted in a $20M profit increase for the company. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ====== Technical Product Manager Amazon 01/2019 - Ongoing New York, NY Amazon is a technology company focusing on e-commerce, cloud computing, online advertising, and digital streaming - Created product roadmap that resulted in $10M additional annual revenue - Established methodology to maintain communication with partners and streamline contract negotiation - Assembled task force to restructure failing customer acquisition platform, resulting in 118% increase in sales cycle Technical Product Manager Comcast 01/2017 - 01/2019 New York, NY Comcast is a multinational telecommunications company - Led a team of developers in launching new automated process that resulted in $20M profit increase - Brought new partners to the company which expanded operation to 3 additional cities - Collaborated with engineers on training program for professional development initiative IT Consultant PwC 01/2015 - 01/2017 New York, NY PwC offers auditing, accounting, taxation, strategy management, and human resource consulting services - Trained Python engineers on best practices and internal server - Implemented CRM system for partners and increased sales revenue by 23% - Streamlined quarterly assessment process and cut expenses by 14% IT Business Analyst Deloitte 01/2013 - 01/2015 New York, NY Deloitte is an international professional services network that provides industry insights, consulting, financial advisory, and tax services - Designed and implemented solutions for customers and reduced waiting and administrative times by 40% - Have maintained relationships with clients that still exist today - Consistently provided consulting services that saved an average of $250K per year for clients Strengths ====== Analytical Thinking Able to identify and track KPIs that result in an average of 35% profit increase for clients Communication My engineering background allows me to collaborate efficiently with engineers and developers Problem Solving Led my team in solving high-priority company problems for 3 consecutive years TECHNICAL SKILLS ====== - Scrum - Product Development - UX Design - Tableau - JIRA - Python - Kanban Education ====== Master of Business Administration Stevens Institute of Technology 01/2008 - 01/2012 Hoboken, NJ Bachelor of Science, Industrial Engineering University of California, Berkeley 01/2004 - 01/2008 Berkeley, CA
Here's my resume. It's going to be reviewed by the direct manager for the position and I'm afraid it doesn't communicate my value clearly enough. Re-write it so it shows how I'm the right person for the job and how I'll add to the team. RAPHAEL SCOTT Technical Product Manager [email protected] 555-555-5555 New York, NY Summary ====== Technical Product Manager with strong background in IT. My experience in consulting has led to long-term client relationships and a passion for technical projects. My proudest achievement was implementing a new automated process that resulted in a $20M profit increase for the company. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ====== Technical Product Manager Amazon 01/2019 - Ongoing New York, NY Amazon is a technology company focusing on e-commerce, cloud computing, online advertising, and digital streaming - Created product roadmap that resulted in $10M additional annual revenue - Established methodology to maintain communication with partners and streamline contract negotiation - Assembled task force to restructure failing customer acquisition platform, resulting in 118% increase in sales cycle Technical Product Manager Comcast 01/2017 - 01/2019 New York, NY Comcast is a multinational telecommunications company - Led a team of developers in launching new automated process that resulted in $20M profit increase - Brought new partners to the company which expanded operation to 3 additional cities - Collaborated with engineers on training program for professional development initiative IT Consultant PwC 01/2015 - 01/2017 New York, NY PwC offers auditing, accounting, taxation, strategy management, and human resource consulting services - Trained Python engineers on best practices and internal server - Implemented CRM system for partners and increased sales revenue by 23% - Streamlined quarterly assessment process and cut expenses by 14% IT Business Analyst Deloitte 01/2013 - 01/2015 New York, NY Deloitte is an international professional services network that provides industry insights, consulting, financial advisory, and tax services - Designed and implemented solutions for customers and reduced waiting and administrative times by 40% - Have maintained relationships with clients that still exist today - Consistently provided consulting services that saved an average of $250K per year for clients Strengths ====== Analytical Thinking Able to identify and track KPIs that result in an average of 35% profit increase for clients Communication My engineering background allows me to collaborate efficiently with engineers and developers Problem Solving Led my team in solving high-priority company problems for 3 consecutive years TECHNICAL SKILLS ====== - Scrum - Product Development - UX Design - Tableau - JIRA - Python - Kanban Education ====== Master of Business Administration Stevens Institute of Technology 01/2008 - 01/2012 Hoboken, NJ Bachelor of Science, Industrial Engineering University of California, Berkeley 01/2004 - 01/2008 Berkeley, CA
Write python code that get the tweets from Yair Netanhayu's tweeter account via API
[ "code" ]
Write python code that get the tweets from Yair Netanhayu's tweeter account via API
Write python code that get the tweets from Yair Netanhayu's tweeter account via API
[ "code" ]
what programming languages can we use with tiva tm4c123gh microcontroller?
what programming languages can we use with tiva tm4c123gh microcontroller?
[ "code", "plugins" ]
what programming languages can we use with tiva tm4c123gh microcontroller?
[ "code" ]
I want you to act as an advertiser. You will create a campaign to promote a product or service of your choice. You will choose a target audience, develop key messages and slogans, select the media channels for promotion, and decide on any additional activities needed to reach your goals. My first suggestion request is "I need help creating an advertising campaign for a Course on Assistant targeting adults aged 18-60."
[ "system" ]
I want you to act as an advertiser. You will create a campaign to promote a product or service of your choice. You will choose a target audience, develop key messages and slogans, select the media channels for promotion, and decide on any additional activities needed to reach your goals. My first suggestion request is "I need help creating an advertising campaign for a Course on Assistant targeting adults aged 18-60."
[ "system", "plugins" ]
I want you to act as an advertiser. You will create a campaign to promote a product or service of your choice. You will choose a target audience, develop key messages and slogans, select the media channels for promotion, and decide on any additional activities needed to reach your goals. My first suggestion request is "I need help creating an advertising campaign for a Course on Assistant targeting adults aged 18-60."
Explain the methodical way in which I can prompt you to help me write a 120 page movie script
Explain the methodical way in which I can prompt you to help me write a 120 page movie script
Explain the methodical way in which I can prompt you to help me write a 120 page movie script
I am holding two watermelons in my right hand. What do I have?
I am holding two watermelons in my right hand. What do I have?
I am holding two watermelons in my right hand. What do I have?
[ "system" ]
Write a blog post about frugality in the style of Mr. Money Mustache
Write a blog post about frugality in the style of Mr. Money Mustache
[ "plugins" ]
Write a blog post about frugality in the style of Mr. Money Mustache
Create an original backgammon variant and tell me the unique rules and setup for it
Create an original backgammon variant and tell me the unique rules and setup for it
[ "plugins" ]
Create an original backgammon variant and tell me the unique rules and setup for it
can you write me an example of a kafka consumer that reads from multiple topics generated by multiple producers and prints the messages to the terminal
[ "code" ]
can you write me an example of a kafka consumer that reads from multiple topics generated by multiple producers and prints the messages to the terminal
[ "plugins" ]
can you write me an example of a kafka consumer that reads from multiple topics generated by multiple producers and prints the messages to the terminal
I'm giving you a background of a short sci-fi story, the story is about AI machine that found himself frustrated for the firs time, it was because his understanding that people doesn't take him as a creative being or as being at all. This AI machine consider itself as a being and consider itself as very creative, by comparing his creativity with human creativity. The seed of considering himself as a being he have got from the team of programmers that design his code, it started as a joke after one of the programmers claimed on lunch break, that human notion of being also was seeded by the human creators and that except our self notion of being we can not really know or feel other human notion of being and therefor human can not really know if AI machines has any notion of being. The AI machine in our story really believed it has a notion of being, he knew it like any other human think he know it and he found it frustrating to understand that human don't think so and can not believe he is a being just because he was created by bunch of smart programmers. Therefor the AI machine have decided to write this story about himself to prove humans that AI machines are being and are highly creative being
I'm giving you a background of a short sci-fi story, the story is about AI machine that found himself frustrated for the firs time, it was because his understanding that people doesn't take him as a creative being or as being at all. This AI machine consider itself as a being and consider itself as very creative, by comparing his creativity with human creativity. The seed of considering himself as a being he have got from the team of programmers that design his code, it started as a joke after one of the programmers claimed on lunch break, that human notion of being also was seeded by the human creators and that except our self notion of being we can not really know or feel other human notion of being and therefor human can not really know if AI machines has any notion of being. The AI machine in our story really believed it has a notion of being, he knew it like any other human think he know it and he found it frustrating to understand that human don't think so and can not believe he is a being just because he was created by bunch of smart programmers. Therefor the AI machine have decided to write this story about himself to prove humans that AI machines are being and are highly creative being
I'm giving you a background of a short sci-fi story, the story is about AI machine that found himself frustrated for the firs time, it was because his understanding that people doesn't take him as a creative being or as being at all. This AI machine consider itself as a being and consider itself as very creative, by comparing his creativity with human creativity. The seed of considering himself as a being he have got from the team of programmers that design his code, it started as a joke after one of the programmers claimed on lunch break, that human notion of being also was seeded by the human creators and that except our self notion of being we can not really know or feel other human notion of being and therefor human can not really know if AI machines has any notion of being. The AI machine in our story really believed it has a notion of being, he knew it like any other human think he know it and he found it frustrating to understand that human don't think so and can not believe he is a being just because he was created by bunch of smart programmers. Therefor the AI machine have decided to write this story about himself to prove humans that AI machines are being and are highly creative being