stringlengths 1
## A Practical Introduction to Python Programming
### Chapter 1
## Getting Started
This chapter will get you up and running with Python, from downloading it to writing simple
###### 1.1 Installing Python
[Go to www.python.org and download the latest version of Python (version 3.5 as of this writing).](http://www.python.org/)
It should be painless to install. |
If you have a Mac or Linux, you may already have Python on your
computer, though it may be an older version. |
If it is version 2.7 or earlier, then you should install
the latest version, as many of the programs in this book will not work correctly on older versions.
###### 1.2 IDLE
IDLE is a simple integrated development environment (IDE) that comes with Python. |
It’s a program that allows you to type in your programs and run them. There are other IDEs for Python, but
for now I would suggest sticking with IDLE as it is simple to use. |
You can find IDLE in the Python
3.4 folder on your computer.
When you first start IDLE, it starts up in the shell, which is an interactive window where you can
type in Python code and see the output in the same window. |
I often use the shell in place of my
calculator or to try out small pieces of code. |
But most of the time you will want to open up a new
window and type the program in there.
**Note** At least on Windows, if you click on a Python file on your desktop, your system will run the
program, but not show the code, which is probably not what you want. |
Instead, if you right-click
on the file, there should be an option called Edit with Idle. To edit an existing Python file,
4 _CHAPTER 1. |
either do that or start up IDLE and open the file through the File menu.
**Keyboard shortcuts** The following keystrokes work in IDLE and can really speed up your work.
Keystroke Result
CTRL+C Copy selected text
CTRL+X Cut selected text
CTRL+V Paste
CTRL+Z Undo the last keystroke or group of keystrokes
CTRL+SHIFT+Z Redo the last keystroke or group of keystrokes
F5 Run module
###### 1.3 A first program
Start IDLE and open up a new window (choose New Window under the File Menu). |
Type in the
following program.
temp = eval(input('Enter a temperature in Celsius: '))
**print('In Fahrenheit, that is', 9/5*temp+32)**
Then, under the Run menu, choose Run Module (or press F5). |
IDLE will ask you to save the file,
and you should do so. Be sure to append .py to the filename as IDLE will not automatically append
it. |
This will tell IDLE to use colors to make your program easier to read.
Once you’ve saved the program, it will run in the shell window. The program will ask you for a
temperature. |
Type in 20 and press enter. The program’s output looks something like this:
###### Enter a temperature in Celsius: 20 In Fahrenheit, that is 68.0
Let’s examine how the program does what it does. |
The first line asks the user to enter a temperature. The input function’s job is to ask the user to type something in and to capture what the user
types. |
The part in quotes is the prompt that the user sees. It is called a string and it will appear to
the program’s user exactly as it appears in the code itself. |
The eval function is something we use
here, but it won’t be clear exactly why until later. |
So for now, just remember that we use it when
we’re getting numerical input.
We need to give a name to the value that the user enters so that the program can remember it and
use it in the second line. |
The name we use is temp and we use the equals sign to assign the user’s
value to temp.
The second line uses the print function to print out the conversion. |
The part in quotes is another
string and will appear to your program’s user exactly as it appears in quotes here. The second
|rt IDLE and open up a new window (choose New Window under the File Menu). |
Type in the owing program.|Col2|
|temp = eval(input('Enter a temperature in Celsius: ')) print('In Fahrenheit, that is', 9/5*temp+32)||
_1.4. |
argument to the print function is the calculation. |
Python will do the calculation and print out the
numerical result.
This program may seem too short and simple to be of much use, but there are many websites that
have little utilities that do similar conversions, and their code is not much more complicated than
the code here.
**A second program** Here is a program that computes the average of two numbers that the user
num1 = eval(input('Enter the first number: '))
num2 = eval(input('Enter the second number: '))
**print('The average of the numbers you entered is', (num1+num2)/2)**
For this program we need to get two numbers from the user. |
There are ways to do that in one line,
but for now we’ll keep things simple. We get the numbers one at a time and give each number
its own name. |
The only other thing to note is the parentheses in the average calculation. This
is because of the order of operations. |
All multiplications and divisions are performed before any
additions and subtractions, so we have to use parentheses to get Python to do the addition first.
###### 1.4 Typing things in
**Case** Case matters. |
To Python, print, Print, and PRINT are all different things. |
For now, stick
with lowercase as most Python statements are in lowercase.
**Spaces** Spaces matter at the beginning of lines, but not elsewhere. |
For example, the code below
will not work.
|econd program Here is a program that computes the average of two numbers that the user ers:|Col2|
|num1 = eval(input('Enter the first number: ')) num2 = eval(input('Enter the second number: ')) print('The average of the numbers you entered is', (num1+num2)/2)||
temp = eval(input('Enter a temperature in Celsius: '))
**print('In Fahrenheit, that is', 9/5*temp+32)**
Python uses indentation of lines for things we’ll learn about soon. |
On the other hand, spaces in
most other places don’t matter. |
For instance, the following lines have the same effect:
**print('Hello world!')**
**print ('Hello world!')**
**print( 'Hello world!' )**
Basically, computers will only do what you tell them, and they often take things very literally.
Python itself totally relies on things like the placement of commas and parentheses so it knows
what’s what. |
It is not very good at figuring out what you mean, so you have to be precise. |
It will
be very frustrating at first, trying to get all of the parentheses and commas in the right places, but
after a while it will become more natural. |
Still, even after you’ve programmed for a long time, you
will still miss something. Fortunately, the Python interpreter is pretty good about helping you find
your mistakes.
6 _CHAPTER 1. |
###### 1.5 Getting input
The input function is a simple way for your program to get information from people using your
program. |
Here is an example:
name = input('Enter your name: ')
**print('Hello, ', name)**
The basic structure is
_variable name = input(message to user)_
The above works for getting text from the user. |
To get numbers from the user to use in calculations,
we need to do something extra. |
Here is an example:
num = eval(input('Enter a number: '))
**print('Your number squared:', num*num)**
The eval function converts the text entered by the user into a number. |
One nice feature of this is
you can enter expressions, like 3*12+5, and eval will compute them for you.
**Note** If you run your program and nothing seems to be happening, try pressing enter. |
There is a
bit of a glitch in IDLE that occasionally happens with input statements.
###### 1.6 Printing
Here is a simple example:
**print('Hi there')**
The print function requires parenthesis around its arguments. |
In the program above, its only
argument is the string 'Hi there'. Anything inside quotes will (with a few exceptions) be printed
exactly as it appears. |
In the following, the first statement will output 3+4, while the second will
output 7.
To print several things at once, separate them by commas. |
Python will automatically insert spaces
between them. Below is an example and the output it produces.
**print('The value of 3+4 is', 3+4)**
**print('A', 1, 'XYZ', 2)**
_1.7. |
###### Optional arguments
There are two optional arguments to the print function. |
They are not overly important at this
stage of the game, so you can safely skip over this section, but they are useful for making your
output look nice.
###### sep Python will insert a space between each of the arguments of the print function. |
There is an
optional argument called sep, short for separator, that you can use to change that space to something else. |
For example, using sep=':' would separate the arguments by a colon and sep='##'
would separate the arguments by two pound signs.
One particularly useful possibility is to have nothing inside the quotes, as in sep=''. |
This says to
put no separation between the arguments. |
Here is an example where sep is useful for getting the
output to look nice:
**print ('The value of 3+4 is', 3+4, '.')**
**print ('The value of 3+4 is ', 3+4, '.', sep='')**
###### The value of 3+4 is 7 . |
The value of 3+4 is 7.
end The print function will automatically advance to the next line. |
For instance, the following
will print on two lines:
**print('On the first line')**
**print('On the second line')**
###### On the first line On the second line
There is an optional argument called end that you can use to keep the print function from advancing to the next line. |
Here is an example:
**print('On the first line', end='')**
**print('On the second line')**
###### On the first lineOn the second line
Of course, this could be accomplished better with a single print, but we will see later that there are
interesting uses for the end argument.
###### 1.7 Variables
Looking back at our first program, we see the use of a variable called temp:
|e particularly useful possibility is to have nothing inside the quotes, as in sep=''. |
This says to no separation between the arguments. |
Here is an example where sep is useful for getting the put to look nice:|Col2|
|print ('The value of 3+4 is', 3+4, '.') print ('The value of 3+4 is ', 3+4, '.', sep='')||
|d The print function will automatically advance to the next line. |
For instance, the following l print on two lines:|Col2|
|print('On the first line') print('On the second line')||
|ere is an optional argument called end that you can use to keep the print function from advanc- to the next line. |
Here is an example:|Col2|
|print('On the first line', end='') print('On the second line')||
8 _CHAPTER 1. |
temp = eval(input('Enter a temperature in Celsius: '))
**print('In Fahrenheit, that is', 9/5*temp+32)**
One of the major purposes of a variable is to remember a value from one part of a program so that
it can be used in another part of the program. |
In the case above, the variable temp stores the value
that the user enters so that we can do a calculation with it in the next line.
In the example below, we perform a calculation and need to use the result of the calculation in
several places in the program. |
If we save the result of the calculation in a variable, then we only
need to do the calculation once. |
This also helps to make the program more readable.
temp = eval(input('Enter a temperature in Celsius: '))
f_temp = 9/5*temp+32
**print('In Fahrenheit, that is', f_temp)**
**if f_temp > 212:**
**print('That temperature is above the boiling point.')**
**if f_temp < 32:**
**print('That temperature is below the freezing point.')**
We haven’t discussed if statements yet, but they do exactly what you think they do.
**A second example** Here is another example with variables. |
Before reading on, try to figure out
what the values of x and y will be after the code is executed.
After these four lines of code are executed, x is 4, y is 5 and z is 8. |
One way to understand something
like this is to take it one line at a time. This is an especially useful technique for trying to understand
more complicated chunks of code. |
Here is a description of what happens in the code above:
1. x starts with the value 3 and y starts with the value 4.
2. In line 3, a variable z is created to equal x+y, which is 7.
3. |
Then the value of z is changed to equal one more than it currently equals, changing it from 7
to 8.
4. Next, x is changed to the current value of y, which is 4.
5. Finally, y is changed to 5. |
Note that this does not affect x.
6. |
So at the end, x is 4, y is 5, and z is 8.
|temp = eval(input('Enter a temperature in Celsius: ')) print('In Fahrenheit, that is', 9/5*temp+32)||
|he example below, we perform a calculation and need to use the result of the calculation in eral places in the program. |
If we save the result of the calculation in a variable, then we only d to do the calculation once. |
This also helps to make the program more readable.|Col2|
|temp = eval(input('Enter a temperature in Celsius: ')) f_temp = 9/5*temp+32 print('In Fahrenheit, that is', f_temp) if f_temp > 212: print('That temperature is above the boiling point.') if f_temp < 32: print('That temperature is below the freezing point.')||
|econd example Here is another example with variables. |
Before reading on, try to figure out at the values of x and y will be after the code is executed.|Col2|
|x=3 y=4 z=x+y z=z+1 x=y y=5||
_1.8. |
###### Variable names
There are just a couple of rules to follow when naming your variables.
- Variable names can contain letters, numbers, and the underscore.
- Variable names cannot contain spaces.
- Variable names cannot start with a number.
- Case matters—for instance, temp and Temp are different.
It helps make your program more understandable if you choose names that are descriptive, but not
so long that they clutter up your program.
###### 1.8 Exercises
1. |
Print a box like the one below.
###### ******************* ******************* ******************* *******************
2. |
Print a box like the one below.
###### ******************* * *
* *
3. Print a triangle like the one below.
###### * ** *** ****
4. |
Write a program that computes and prints the result of [512][ −] [282]
47 · 48 + 5 [. It is roughly .1017.]
5. Ask the user to enter a number. |
Print out the square of the number, but use the sep optional
argument to print it out in a full sentence that ends in a period. Sample output is shown
10 _CHAPTER 1. |
6. Ask the user to enter a number x. |
Use the sep optional argument to print out x, 2x, 3x, 4x,
and 5x, each separated by three dashes, like below.
###### Enter a number: 7 7---14---21---28---35
7. |
Write a program that asks the user for a weight in kilograms and converts it to pounds. There
are 2.2 pounds in a kilogram.
8. |
Write a program that asks the user to enter three numbers (use three separate input statements). |
Create variables called total and average that hold the sum and average of the
three numbers and print out the values of total and average.
9. A lot of cell phones have tip calculators. Write one. |
Ask the user for the price of the meal and
the percent tip they want to leave. |
Then print both the tip amount and the total bill with the
tip included.
### Chapter 2
## For loops
Probably the most powerful thing about computers is that they can repeat things over and over
very quickly. |
There are several ways to repeat things in Python, the most common of which is the
for loop.
###### 2.1 Examples
**Example 1** The following program will print Hello ten times:
**for i in range(10):**
The structure of a for loop is as follows:
**for variable name in range( number of times to repeat ):**
_statements to be repeated_
The syntax is important here. |
The word for must be in lowercase, the first line must end with a
colon, and the statements to be repeated must be indented. |
Indentation is used to tell Python which
statements will be repeated.
**Example 2** The program below asks the user for a number and prints its square, then asks for
another number and prints its square, etc. |
It does this three times and then prints that the loop is
**for i in range(3):**
num = eval(input('Enter a number: '))
**print ('The square of your number is', num*num)**
**print('The loop is now done.')**
|ample 1 The following program will print Hello ten times:|Col2|
|for i in range(10): print('Hello')||
|ample 2 The program below asks the user for a number and prints its square, then asks for other number and prints its square, etc. |
It does this three times and then prints that the loop is ne.|Col2|
|for i in range(3): num = eval(input('Enter a number: ')) print ('The square of your number is', num*num) print('The loop is now done.')||
12 _CHAPTER 2. |
###### Enter a number: 3 The square of your number is 9 Enter a number: 5 The square of your number is 25 Enter a number: 23 The square of your number is 529 The loop is now done.
Since the second and third lines are indented, Python knows that these are the statements to be
repeated. |
The fourth line is not indented, so it is not part of the loop and only gets executed once,
after the loop has completed.
Looking at the above example, we see where the term for loop comes from: we can picture the
execution of the code as starting at the for statement, proceeding to the second and third lines,
then looping back up to the for statement.
**Example 3** The program below will print A, then B, then it will alternate C’s and D’s five times
and then finish with the letter E once.
**for i in range(5):**
The first two print statements get executed once, printing an A followed by a B. |
Next, the C’s and
D’s alternate five times. Note that we don’t get five C’s followed by five D’s. |
The way the loop
works is we print a C, then a D, then loop back to the start of the loop and print a C and another D,
etc. |
Once the program is done looping with the C’s and D’s, it prints one E.
**Example 4** If we wanted the above program to print five C’s followed by five D’s, instead of
alternating C’s and D’s, we could do the following:
|print('A') print('B') for i in range(5): print('C') print('D') print('E')||
|print('A') print('B') for i in range(5): print('C') for i in range(5): print('D') print('E')||
_2.2. |
###### 2.2 The loop variable
There is one part of a for loop that is a little tricky, and that is the loop variable. In the example
below, the loop variable is the variable i. |
The output of this program will be the numbers 0, 1, ...,
99, each printed on its own line.
**for i in range(100):**
When the loop first starts, Python sets the variable i to 0. |
Each time we loop back up, Python
increases the value of i by 1. The program loops 100 times, each time increasing the value of i by
1, until we have looped 100 times. |
At this point the value of i is 99.
You may be wondering why i starts with 0 instead of 1. |
Well, there doesn’t seem to be any really
good reason why other than that starting at 0 was useful in the early days of computing and it has
stuck with us. |
In fact most things in computer programming start at 0 instead of 1. |
This does take
some getting used to.
Since the loop variable, i, gets increased by 1 each time through the loop, it can be used to keep
track of where we are in the looping process. |
Consider the example below:
**for i in range(3):**
**print(i+1, '-- Hello')**
###### 1 -- Hello 2 -- Hello 3 -- Hello
**Names** There’s nothing too special about the name i for our variable. |
The programs below will
have the exact same result.
**for i in range(100):** **for wacky_name in range(100):**
**print(i)** **print(wacky_name)**
It’s a convention in programming to use the letters i, j, and k for loop variables, unless there’s a
good reason to give the variable a more descriptive name.
###### 2.3 The range function
The value we put in the range function determines how many times we will loop. |
The way range
works is it produces a list of numbers from zero to the value minus one. |
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