[ "A person shows a string and shows how to make tight knot in to a string.", "A pair of hands shows them holding a green wire as a person attempts to cut it.", "A man demonstrates a knot using a length of thin green cord.", "A person holds a piece of string with a loop at the end, they place the loop over a hook and tighten the loop.", "A man is demonstrating how to tie a knot to secure a lure.", "A man is demonstrating how to tie a knot in fishing line and then pull it tight", "A man demonstrates how to tie a knot and pull it tight with a puller", "The man was showing how to ties two loops in a fishing string.", "A man is tying fishing string and is detailing the process along the way.", "A man describes how to create snags using a line and a hook." ]
[ "一个人将一个绳子两端打结形成圆环。", "一个人在用一条绿色的绳子绑到钩子上。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人正在房间里给绳子打结。", "在一个有灰色布的桌子上,一双手在用一根绳子勾住一个钩子。", "一双手把一根绳子打了一个结,又用一个钩子钩住了绳子。", "一名男子正在演示如何在钓鱼线打这一个结,然后紧紧地拉着。", "一名男子演示如何打结并用拉拔器将其拉紧。", "一个男子在演示如何在鱼钩上绑两个环。", "一名男子正在系绳钓鱼绳, 并详细介绍了这一过程。", "一双手正在将线打结并用钩子钩上。" ]
[ "A boy gives instructions on how to do a tie knot.", "An adolescent boy is demonstrating how to tie a necktie.", "A kid is demonstrating how to tie a neck tie while talking.", "A man ties a necktie around his neck with his collar upturned", "A boy is discussing the proper first steps to fixing a tie.", "A person wearing an untied tie begins to tie the tie.", "A boy in a dress shirt demonstrates how to tie a tie.", "A person describes how to tie a tie while crossing the ends of one.", "A guy is tying a tie while explaining what he's doing.", "A boy is demonstrating and telling you how to tie a tie." ]
[ "一个穿着白色衬衫的人正在演示怎么系一条方格条纹的领带。", "一个穿白衬衫的男人,仔细地在打领结。", "一个穿着白色衬衣的人用手在打领结。", "一个穿白色衬衫的人正在系格子领带。", "一个人脖子上挂着一条还没系的领带,双手抓着领带两端,在讲解怎么样系领带。", "一个人一边说话一边演示如何将领带系好在脖子上。", "一个穿着白色衬衫的男孩在演示如何打领带。", "一个人描述了如何在穿越一条领带的同时打领带。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男人在讲解如何打领带。", "个男孩正在演示并告诉你如何打领带才算好。" ]
[ "A male is in front of a mirror and is trying a red tie around his neck.", "A man ties a red tie while piano music plays in the background.", "A man is demonstrating how to tie a tie with piano music playing.", "A man shows how to tie a tie as soft music is played.", "As piano music is playing, a man forms a necktie around a blue shirt.", "A man clearly demonstrates the proper way to tie a tie.", "A man is slowly demonstrating how to tie a necktie, with piano music.", "A man is showing how to tie a collar properly on a shirt.", "A man is tying a red tie with classical music in the background.", "Man in blue shirt shows how to tie a red tie." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,一个男人,在用手上打领带。", "一个男人拿着领带在自己的脖子上系。", "一个男人在慢动作的教领带如何打结。", "一个人穿蓝色衬衣的人在系一根红色的领带。", "一位男士穿着蓝色衬衣在打红色领带。", "一名男子清楚地展示了打领带的正确方法。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的人正在系自己的领带。", "一名男子正在展示如何在衬衫上正确的系领带。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的男人系一条红色领带。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的男子正在系着一个红色的领带。" ]
[ "A man is talking while demonstrating how to tie a neck tie.", "A man demonstrates how to tie a tie and narrates what he's doing.", "The old man is showing in detail how a tie is generally made.", "a man talking while tying his tie and explaining how to tie it.", "A man shows how you arrange the length of the tie on both sides before you start to tie it.", "A man is teaching how to properly out on a men's tie.", "A man is demonstrating and explaining how to tie a neck tie.", "A man in a tan shirt is demonstrating how to tie a necktie.", "In his bedroom, a man stands up and explains how to tie a neck tie.", "A man in a brown shirt demonstrates how to properly tie a necktie." ]
[ "一个穿驼色衣服的老爷爷正在系领带。", "一个男人在房间里面双手在打脖子上的领带。", "一个穿着咖啡色衬衣的男人正在教人们如何正确地系领带。", "一个留着胡子的男子正在展示自己的领带。", "一个长着胡子的男人在系一条花领带。", "一个男人正在教如何正确的系领带。", "一个穿黄色衬衣的男人正在演示和介绍怎样打好一个领带结。", "一个穿着棕色衬衫的男子正在示范如何打领带。", "在他的卧室里, 一个男人站起来解释如何系一条领结。", "一个穿棕色衬衫的男人示范如何正确地系领带。" ]
[ "For the first time, a young girl demonstrates how to tie her shoe.", "A young girl ties her shoe for the first time on carpet.", "A young girl tries tying her shoe for the first time.", "A person is demonstrating how to tie a tennis shoe for the first time", "A little girl named Riley works on tying her shoes for the first time.", "A person attempts to tie a white shoe lace on a blue shoe", "a young child making a tutorial for how he ties his shoes together on his blue shoes", "A little girls is tying up her blue sneakers for the first time.", "A child is kneeling on a carpet floor tying a shoe.", "a kid is showing how to properly tie the laces of a shoe" ]
[ "房间内,一个穿着蓝色牛仔裤的人,在系鞋带。", "一个女子一边讲话一边演示自己是怎么系鞋带的。", "一个穿着黑色长裤的人正在系着鞋带。", "一个人给自己白色的鞋带打了一个结。", "敞亮的室外,一双手正在为一只蓝色的鞋子系鞋带。", "一个人试图在蓝色的鞋子上系上一根白色鞋带。", "一个小孩子正在跟自己的鞋子系鞋带。", "一个小女孩第一次把他的蓝色运动鞋。", "一个穿着牛仔裤的孩子在地毯上系鞋带。", "一个孩子正在展示如何正确地系鞋带。" ]
[ "A girl sits on a bed holding a shoe as she ties the laces.", "A little girl sitting on her bed demonstrates how to tie sneakers.", "A girl is demostrating a way to tie a shoe while seated on a bed.", "A young girl holds a sneaker in her lap and practices tying it.", "A little girl sits on her bed and practices tying a sneaker's laces.", "A young girl is sitting on a bed, with a sneaker on her lap, and tieing the laces.", "A young girl is sitting on her bed and trying to tie a tennis shoe.", "A girl is sitting on a bed attempting to tie a shoe.", "A female is sitting in a bed and tying shoe laces from a pair of sneakers.", "A little girl is sitting on her bed practicing tying an adult's tennis shoe that is in her lap." ]
[ "一个穿分色裙子的小女孩做在床上绑鞋带。", "一个小女孩坐在床上拿了一只男士鞋在穿鞋带。", "一个小女孩正在认真的学习系鞋带,系成蝴蝶结的样子。", "一个穿着红色衣服的女孩子在系鞋带。", "一个穿着粉红色连衣裙的金发小女孩,坐在一张床上系一只白色球鞋的鞋带。", "一个年轻的女孩正坐在床上,腿上放着一只运动鞋,并在系着鞋带。", "一个年轻的女孩正坐在她的床上,试图绑一个网球鞋。", "一个穿着裙子的小女孩在床上系鞋带。", "一个小女孩坐在床上给一双运动鞋系鞋带。", "一个小女孩坐在她的床上练习绑在她膝盖上的成人的网球鞋。" ]
[ "A woman is demonstrating how to tie a shoe in slow motion.", "A lady is demonstrating how to properly tie a shoe.", "Some one wearing a blue Adidas shoe is listening to how to tie the shoe laces in Spanish.", "A person tells how to tie a shoe string the right way", "A tennis show is being tied while a narrator in a foreign language walks the video through.", "A shoe is being shown how to be tied in a foreign language.", "A person ties the wide shoelaces of a canvas shoe.", "A woman is showing how to tie shoelaces in a foreign language.", "A woman demonstrates how to properly tie a lace of a shoe.", "A woman is showing how a young person can learn to tie shoes." ]
[ "一个人正在介绍如何给自己的鞋子系鞋带。", "一个女生穿着一双板鞋给大家展示新的系鞋带方式。", "一个人蹲在地板上展示他怎么系鞋带。", "一个人蹲在地面上给深色的鞋子系鞋带。", "一个人在演示如何绑鞋子上的鞋带。", "一只鞋子正在展示如何用外语系代法系住鞋子。", "一个人正在一边说话一边系着帆布鞋的宽鞋带。", "一个女士正在用外语讲解示范如何系鞋带。", "一位女士演示如何正确系鞋带的鞋带。", "两只手正在缓慢的给一只运动鞋系鞋带。" ]
[ "A woman gives instructions while she ties her shoe laces on her tennis shoe.", "A person is demonstrating how to make and tie the loops on shoestrings.", "A woman is making an instructional video on how to tie shoelaces on a pair of sneakers.", "A woman is explaining how to tie shows as she demonstrates it.", "A woman is demonstrating how to tie your shoes.", "A lady is tying her purple shoe lace while talking in the background.", "A woman is talking as she ties her tennis shoe.", "A woman folds shoe laces to create loops and ties them.", "A woman gives a lesson to help someone tie their shoes.", "A woman demonstrates how to tie the shoelaces on a purple shoe" ]
[ "一个人在演示如何系好运动鞋鞋带。", "一个女子在展示如何快速的系鞋带。", "在一个房间里,一个人正在地上系鞋带。", "一个穿着白色袜子的人正在慢慢的系着鞋带。", "一只脚穿着深紫色的鞋子,一双手正在系鞋带。", "一个女人正在用双手展示如何系鞋带。", "一个人正在一边系在鞋带,一边说着话。", "一个女人系着鞋带,并把它们捆扎起来。", "一个年轻女人正在教别人如何系鞋带。", "一位女士示范如何将鞋带系在紫色的鞋子上。" ]
[ "A person holds a package of fish bait and talks about it, then puts it down and picks another bag out of a box.", "A guy unboxes a box of baits as he shows them to the camera and speaks about them.", "A young man shows the different types of fish bait he received in a package.", "A teenage boy unboxes a package of artificial fishing worms.", "There is a young boy sitting on a bed pulling a two worm fishing tackle package out of a box.", "Someone is doing an unboxing video of various fishing lures.", "A young boy is showing off a fish bait package and talking about the contents.", "A boy picks up a bag of fishing bait and shows it to the camera.", "A young man is unpacking a box containing artificial fishing bait.", "The young man is opening a box of different bait materials." ]
[ "一个穿着绿色衣服的人正在解释从箱子里拿出来的东西去。", "在床上有一个盒子,一个穿着绿色衣服的孩子手里拿着东西,。", "一个穿着绿色上衣的男孩正在房间里开箱。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个人在箱子里往外拿东西。", "一个穿着绿色衣服的人拿着一个袋子。", "一个人正在做各种鱼饵的拆箱测试。", "在室内,一个穿绿色衣服的人坐在床上拿出箱子里的东西。", "一个男孩儿正在镜头前展示一袋鱼饵。", "一个穿着绿色衣服的男人正在从盒子里拿出一袋东西。", "一个穿短裤的人坐在床上从盒子里拿出了一个东西。" ]
[ "A hand is shown opening a brand new phone box and someone speaks as the phone is exposed.", "Close up of someone opening the box of a smart phone.", "A person unboxes a brand new galaxy S4 mobile phone.", "A person opened the box of a phone placed on the table", "the person open up a wooden box with a Galaxy s 4 in.", "Boy opening up a box containing a brand new Galaxy S4 phone.", "A person is commentating while doing an unboxing of a Samsung phone.", "A person is opening a box with a cell phone inside and expressing interest.", "A set of hands opens a box to reveal a Galaxy S4 inside.", "A person opens a box containing a Samsung Galaxy phone and comments in German." ]
[ "一个人用左手打开一个盒子,露出了盒子里的手机。", "一个人缓缓打开一个手机包装盒,里面有一部黑色的手机。", "在一张桌子上,一个人正在用手打开一款手机。", "一个人正在打开一部新手机的包装盒。", "一双手打开一个黄色的盒子,盒子里面有一部手机。", "男孩打开一个里面装着全新Galaxy S4手机的盒子。", "一个人在做三星手机的拆箱时正在评论。", "一个人正在打开一个盒子,里面有一部手机。", "一个人去正在他的桌子上打开一部新的手机。", "一个人双手打开一个装有三星手机的盒子。" ]
[ "A construction truck is emptying dirt from a large container.", "A man in is dumping dirt with a tractor onto a mound of dirt.", "man operates tractor dump truck next to large pile of dirt", "A person uses a truck to pick up a pile of dirt.", "A man is using a large piece of machinery to move dirt.", "A dumper has it's load skip fully raised, and the driver slowly lowers it to the flat position.", "A man using a piece of heavy construction equipment to dump out dirt.", "A man is using a small tractor to pour dirt into a large pile.", "A person is operating the escort machine and is pouring the mud down the ground", "A man operating a dump truck, dumping dirt into a large pile." ]
[ "一个穿白色上衣蓝色裤子的男人在驾驶挖土机。", "一位运输车工人正在操纵车将车斗放置回原来的位置。", "一个男人驾驶一辆车竖起车斗到了里面的土。", "一个人开着一辆橘色的翻斗车,把翻斗车里的东西倒在了车前面的土堆上。", "在一个晴朗的天气,有一个人在驾驶着一辆车。", "卸货员的负荷完全抬高,并且司机慢慢地把它降低到平坦的位置。", "一名男子用一个重型建筑设备把土倾倒出去。", "一个男人正用一辆小拖拉机把土倒进一大里。", "一个穿着绿色上衣的男人在倾倒沙土。", "一个男人正在操作一辆自卸卡车,将泥土倒进泥堆里。" ]
[ "A man is unloading a sousaphone case off the tail end of a box truck.", "A man struggling to take the object independently with more effort from the vehicle", "a man stands behind a truck with a red and silver item", "A man handles a large object on the loading platform of a truck, jumps to the ground then begins to pull the object off of the platform.", "A man jumps off the back of a truck with a tire.", "A man is handling a piece of equipment on a truck ramp before jumping off.", "A man hopping off of a truck lift gate and unloading a sousaphone off the truck.", "A man holds an instrument case on the back of a truck, he jumps off of the truck and grabs the instrument case with him.", "Man on the back of a truck lift taking a heavy object off of it.", "A man steps off of a truck carrying a Sousaphone case." ]
[ "一个身穿白色衣服戴帽子的男人正在车上弄轮胎。", "一个穿着白色衣服的男人,从车上拿下了一个轮胎。", "一个男子在一个拉货物的车子上搬下来了一个黑色的东西。", "一个身穿浅色上衣的人从车上下来并拿下来东西。", "一个人在车上把东西从车上搬下来。", "一名男子在卡车斜坡上操作一件设备,然后跳下去。", "一个男人从卡车上跳下来,并从卡车上卸下一个超大型的喇叭。", "一名男子在卡车上手持车后部的仪器箱,他先从车上跳了下来,然后试图将仪箱抱下来。", "一个人在卡车后面把一个重物从上面拿下来。", "一名男子从一辆载有索萨丰箱子的卡车上走了下来。" ]
[ "Several people are working in a metal yard loading and unloading strips of metal.", "A group of men unload scrap metal from a truck.", "Workers are unloading equipment off of a truck in a construction yard.", "In the steel shop few men were unloading the steel from the vehicle to the ground", "Two men went to the side of the truck and were handed a long bundle of iron to carry", "A panning shot of an outdoor area then some guys unload a truck.", "Three men unload materials from a truck in a lumber yard.", "Some men remove a long item from the large bed of a yellow truck, while engine noises are heard in the background", "Four male figures, two within the bed of the vehicle and two on the ground, are unloading material from a truck.", "A group of men in a truck are unloading long material." ]
[ "一群人正在装卸场里从车上卸下钢材。", "两个男人从车上将钢铁递给地面上的另外两个男人。", "一些钢铁放在空地上,空地上停了货车,有工人在工作。", "几个人把车上的东西运了下来,车子上面有人站着。", "在地面上有一堆刚才还有一辆车子和几个人。", "一个户外区域的平移镜头,然后一些人在一辆卡车卸下东西。", "四个人在一个木料场把一辆卡车上的材料卸了下来。", "一些男子从一辆黄色卡车上取下一件长物品,而在背景中可以听到发动机的噪音。", "一个穿着黑色裤子的男人在从车上卸材料。", "一辆卡车上的一群人正在卸下长长的材料。" ]
[ "Man uses forklift to remove a large item from the back of a trailer.", "A man uses a forklift to remove a large item from a truck.", "a man sitting on a piece of machinery on the back of a truck", "A man uses a fork lift to load a trailer.", "A man driving a forklift is removing a heavy object from the back of a trailer.", "A man is using a forklift to move something in the back of a truck, while other men are talking.", "A man is using a forklift to unload equipment off a truck.", "A man is operating a forklift to unload a semi truck trailer.", "A person using a fork lift and unloading a large box from a truck.", "A man is driving a forklift and removing an object form a truck." ]
[ "明亮的室外,一个男人正在使用叉车卸物品。", "一位叉车师傅在从一辆集装箱里面取出大的物体。", "一个男人开着拖车从另一个车里拖出来板子。", "一个人开着叉车将货车里的货物取出来。", "在一个宽阔的外面,有一辆货车和一辆叉车。", "当别的男人在说话的时候,一个男人正在用叉车把某物移到卡车的后面。", "一个男人开着叉车从货车中取出设备。", "一名男子正在操作叉车在给卡车卸货。", "一个穿着灰色上衣的男人用叉车卸下一个大木箱。", "一个男人正在开着一辆叉车,叉取货车货箱里的物品。" ]
[ "A heavy machine backs up to a tractor trailer in position to lift it.", "A car is standing in the front and an escort is standing by its side", "There is a yellow truck backing up into a truck full of logs.", "Outside someone is driving a yellow tractor and is attempting to grab a semi truck.", "A JCB which is trying to lift a jeep.", "A large construction vehicle backs up towards the bed of another large truck.", "A huge machine of some kind with jaws is backing up into a semi loaded with wood.", "A truck and another piece of heavy equipment is moving toward the truck.", "A man operates a heavy equipment skidder to grab a load of logs off a truck.", "A bull dozer is trying to claw onto a tractor trailer truck." ]
[ "晴朗的天空下,空地上停着两辆挖土车。", "一个大型的工程车正缓缓地驶向一辆大卡车。", "在一片空地上有两辆车,其中有一辆车在慢慢靠近另一辆车。", "一个人正开着一个黄色的机器夹一辆汽车。", "一辆黄色的铲车正在缓慢地卸另外一辆卡车上的木头。", "一辆大型建筑施工车辆倒车的时候与路边的一辆汽车相撞。", "一种带有巨大钳口的机器正在从一辆卡车上夹起木材。", "一辆载重车搭载着一件重型设备正在向卡车移动。", "一名男子操作重型设备从卡车上抓下一大堆原木。", "在室外,一架斗牛士正试图抓住一辆牵引车拖车。" ]
[ "A woman narrates and demonstrates viewing a slide under a microscope.", "An eyeball is shown looking at what appear to be shrimp, then it cuts to hands closing a slide and placing it into a microscope", "A person picked a transparent glass and placed it on the platform of a microscope", "a man placing a slide together and putting it on a microscope while a woman talks.", "A person is taking pieces of slides and looking at them under a telescope.", "a person takes a slide and then puts it under a microscope they have", "A man carefully places a glass slide under a microscope.", "A person is preparing a slide and then places it under the microscope on the microscope holder.", "A person prepares a slide and puts the slide under the lens of a microscope to examine it.", "A woman using adhesive to try to apply glasses together then presses it" ]
[ "一个人做了一个显微镜片,放下显微镜下观看。", "一个人制作完成一个玻片,放到显微镜下观察。", "一个人正在使用显微镜观察眼前的事物。", "一个人将一块玻璃放到了显微镜下面。", "一个人把做好的标本放到显微镜上。", "一个人拿着一张幻灯片放在显微镜。", "一名男子小心翼翼地将玻璃片放在显微镜下。", "一个人正在准备幻灯片, 然后将其放置在显微镜支架上的显微镜下。", "一个人准备一张幻灯片, 并把幻灯片放在显微镜的镜头下进行检查。", "一双手把一块胶粘在一块玻璃上,并把玻璃粘在仪器上。" ]
[ "a person using a machine to look thru a lens wearing gloves on their hands", "A lady worker is demonstrating how to view objects through a microscope.", "a woman looking into a magnifying microscope in a lab", "A person is using a high-tech microscope and describing how to do it.", "A woman is wearing gloves and demonstrating how to use a microscope.", "A woman is using a large microscope and talking about the procedure.", "A woman is explaining how to use a microscope and what its magnification does.", "A woman is demonstrating how to adjust and look into a microscope.", "A woman using a large microscope instructs another woman on which settings to use.", "A lady pressed a button on a microscope and looked into the lens and the hold the ocular" ]
[ "一个女人正在使用显微镜观察东西。", "一个人把眼睛靠到精密的显微镜的镜头上面。", "一个小男孩在展示怎样用显微镜观察东西。", "一个戴白色手套的人在显微镜面前操作显维镜。", "一个人戴着手套,用一根手指指了一下显微镜下面的东西。", "一位女士正在使用大型显微镜来谈论这个过程。", "一个人正在给另一个人介绍如何正确的使用这台显微镜。", "一个女人正在演示如何调整和观察显微镜。", "一位带着手套的女士使用大型显微镜做实验。", "一位戴着手套的女士按下显微镜的按钮,观察镜头。" ]
[ "A woman demonstrating how to place a slide using a microscope.", "A person stands net to a microscope describing the different parts.", "A woman explains the use of a microscope and then how to place the slides.", "A female talks about the lenses of a microscope gesturing with her hand to the scope on the table in front of her.", "A person is demonstrating how to put a slide into a microscope.", "A woman explains and demonstrates how to view a slide with a microscope.", "A woman explaining a white substance under a microscope.", "A woman speaks about a microscope that is in sight, while holding a slide and talks about specimens.", "A woman holds a slide and gestures towards a microscope.", "A woman talks about maintaining microscope lens cleanliness before starting to put a slide underneath." ]
[ "在室内,一位女士在解说她旁边显微镜,并用手拿着显微镜片作描述。", "一个桌子上面有一个显微镜,一张白纸,一个女子拿着一面镜片放在了显微镜平台上。", "一个人展示做好的标本,旁边放着一台显微镜。", "一个人在显微镜前正在调试显微镜。", "一台机器前,一个人的手指点着机器比划着,手里拿着一个透明片。", "一位女士解释并演示了如何用显微镜观察幻灯片。", "一个女人在解释一种物质在显微镜下的样子。", "一个女人一边说着一台在看的显微镜, 一边拿着滑梯, 谈论标本。", "一个女人拿着一张幻灯片, 对着显微镜做手势。", "一个女子手上拿着一个工具对着一台仪器在说话。" ]
[ "A man demonstrates how to adjust a camera on a microscope.", "A man sits and adjusts the settings on a microscope.", "A man wearing glasses and a black shirt is explaining what he is doing.", "A man seated in the office is demonstrating how to use a microscope.", "A man was using the screwdriver to fix the neck of a microscope", "A man explains how he is using a camera as part of a process with a microscope.", "A man is demonstrating the use of a microscope and how to set it up.", "A man narrates what he is doing with a microscope, setting the camera then plugging it in.", "A man is seen professionally adjusting and maintaining a microscope placed on the table.", "A man describes how to adjust settings on a special microscope." ]
[ "一个戴着眼镜的男子在房间里调整一台机器。", "一个戴眼镜的男人正在调整显微镜。", "一个戴眼镜的男人正在用螺丝刀拧螺丝。", "一个戴眼镜的男子正在桌子面前调试显微镜。", "一个戴眼镜的男人,拿着螺丝刀,调试着显微镜。", "一名男子解释了他是如何使用相机作为操作显微镜过程的一部分。", "一个男人在介绍显微镜的使用和如何设置。", "一名男子使用显微镜讲述他正在做什么,设置相机然后插上它。", "一个人正在专业地调整和保持放置在桌子上的显微镜。", "一个人在一个特殊的显微镜上描述如何调整设置。" ]
[ "Two guys are on a rope painting the side of a building.", "Two painters hanging on a wall paint the exterior of a tall building.", "Two men strapped into harnesses apply paint to a tall building.", "a couple of people on the side of a building on ropes painting walls together", "two people hanging on the side of a building and painting the walls.", "Two men are painting the outside of a building while hanging from ropes.", "Two men are suspended down from a building using harnesses and are painting the building.", "Two painters are hanging from the side of a building using rope, a seat and harnesses.", "Two people are hanging on the side of the building while painting it.", "People in safety gear hang from the side of a building and paint with long brushes." ]
[ "两个粉刷匠再用安全绳吊着粉刷墙壁。", "两个人佩戴安全设施,在建筑的高处粉刷墙壁。", "两个人戴着安全帽在高空给大楼的墙上刷漆。", "有两个穿着橙色衣服戴着头盔的男子吊在空中。", "两个穿黄色衣服的人系着安全带在墙外面刷着白色的漆。", "两名男子在挂在绳索上的时候,正在粉刷一栋楼的外面。", "两个人正在使用各种工具给大楼的墙面上漆。", "两个人坐着吊篮,用刷子涂抹建筑物的一侧。", "在绘画时,两个人正悬挂在建筑物的一侧。", "身穿安全装置的人挂在建筑物的侧面用长刷子刷油漆。" ]
[ "A woman jump up and down and also moves sideways and she rolls a paint roller on a wall.", "The woman is jumping up and down trying to pain the walls with a roller.", "A woman repeatedly jumps in order to reach the high spots on a wall with a paint roller.", "A girl in a yellow shirt is rolling paint on the wall while jumping.", "A young woman rolling paint on a wall jumps to paint high areas.", "A young woman is painting a wall with a paint roller.", "A young woman jumps up and rolls paint on wall as another woman comments nice job.", "A woman is painting a wall, jumping up trying to reach the upper area of the wall.", "A teenage girl jumps up repeatedly in order to paint the top of a wall.", "A teen girl is painting a room and is jumping to get to spots she cannot reach." ]
[ "在房间里面,一个女子正在跳跃着粉刷着墙面。", "一个穿黄色上衣的女人手里拿着工具正在刷墙。", "一个身穿黄色短袖的女人,正在用滚筒在墙上滚漆。", "明亮的房间内,一个女人,拿着滚子,在墙壁上刷着。", "一个女人拿着一个滚子,一边跳一边刷涂料。", "一个年轻女子正在用一个油漆滚筒刷墙。", "一个年轻女子跳起来,把油漆涂在墙上,而另一个女人正在评论她工作很好。", "一名女子正在粉刷一堵墙, 跳起来试图到达墙的上部区域。", "一个十几岁的女孩子一次又一次地站起来,粉刷墙顶。", "在室内,一个人手上拿着粉刷正在刷着墙壁。" ]
[ "A man demonstrates how to apply stippled paint indoors with a paint roller.", "Someone uses a roller to apply texture to a wall and a man narrates it.", "A man stand on a ladder painting a wall with a roller.", "Someone is using a paint roller to apply a white substance to a wall.", "A man is painting a wall with white paint.", "The man is using a paint roller to apply paint to the wall.", "A man paints a wall while a narrator describes his work.", "A man is applying white spackle to a wall with a rolling brush before straightening it out.", "A man demonstrates how to paint a surface and describes what he is doing.", "A man uses a paint roller and trowel to apply paint to a wall." ]
[ "一个人使用工具给房间的各个地方上漆。", "一个人穿白色衣服的男人在用滚筒刷刷墙。", "在一个房间里,一个男人手上拿着工具在刷墙。", "在一个房间里,有一个男人在用某物品刷墙。", "一个穿着白色半袖的人,手里拿着一个油漆刷,在刷着一面墙。", "这个人正在用油漆滚筒把油漆涂到墙上。", "一个叙述者在一边描述他的作品一边粉刷着墙壁。", "一个男人正在用一把刷子在墙上涂白色的粉末。", "一个人示范如何绘制一个表面,并描述他正在做的事情。", "一名男子在用漆滚筒和抹子粉刷一面墙壁。" ]
[ "A man paints an interior wall using a covered roller painting device.", "A man is demonstrating how to paint a wall on video.", "A man uses a roller with a special cover to apply paint to a wall.", "The man was showcasing an attachment over the roller with extension.", "A man in blue overalls is demonstrating how to use a paint roller", "the man is using a special roller to paint the wall without dripping", "A brush is being used to put paint on the wall in up and down m otions.", "A man wearing overalls uses a paint roller and explains how to use it in German.", "A close up of a paint roller with a shield on it being used then a man begins to speak about it.", "A man cleans the wall with a long stick contains cloth and speaks something" ]
[ "一个人拿着长杆的刷子在对着白色墙体上下滚动。", "一个男人用改装的滚筒给墙面上色。", "一个人手里拿着带颜色的滚轮在粉刷墙壁。", "明亮的房间内,一个人,拿着滚筒,在刷墙壁。", "一个穿着蓝色背带裤的男人在墙上刷漆。", "这个人正在用一个特殊的滚子在墙上涂漆而不滴水。", "正在使用刷子将油漆上下涂抹在墙壁上。", "一个穿着工作服的男人使用油漆滚筒并用德语解释如何使用。", "一个油漆滚筒的关闭,上面有一个盾牌使用,然后一个人开始谈论它。", "一个人拿着一把刷子在刷白色的墙,这个人穿着背带裤。" ]
[ "A man loads his paint roller then paints a wall from top to bottom with it.", "A man using a roller to paint the walls inside a house.", "A man is rolling paint onto a wall with a really wide roller.", "A guy is in a room painting a wall using a roller brush.", "A man is painting the inside of a room with a paint roller.", "A man wearing a hat and a t-shirt is painting the wall with a paint roller in his hands.", "A painter loads up paint on a roller and starts painting an interior wall.", "A man is pointing the walls of a house with white paint.", "A person painting a wall with a paint roller in a room.", "A ,am is putting a paint roller in a pan and then rolling the paint onto a wall." ]
[ "一个戴着帽子穿着白色衣服的男子在用工具刷墙。", "一个带着帽子的男孩用着刷漆拖把正在给墙刷漆。", "一个男人拿着刷子用染料把墙壁涂抹干净。", "穿白色短袖的男人拿着工具正在粉刷白色的墙壁。", "在一个房子里,有一个戴着帽子的男人在粉刷墙面。", "一名头戴帽子、身穿t恤的男人正在使用手里的油漆辊粉刷墙壁。", "一个男人将滚筒刷沾满油漆,然后开始粉刷内墙。", "一个男人用白色油漆对着房子的墙壁,进行刷漆墙壁。", "一个人在房间里用油漆粉刷墙壁。", "一个男人将油漆滚筒放在盆里,然后将油漆卷到墙上。" ]
[ "A man talking about both of his drills and tools that he has and which he likes better.", "The man is displaying and describing 2 different drills.", "A man compare two drills and tells which one he likes the best", "A pair of drills are sitting on top of a toolbox while a man talks.", "a person in a room with tools in front of themselves and them picking them up", "A man is pointing to two different drills and then picks one up.", "Two tools placed on a black box container are being compared and contrasted against each other.", "A man is reviewing two different brand electric screw drivers.", "A big black box on the floor has a tool placed on it that a person is touching.", "A person is demonstrating the tools present in a box" ]
[ "一个人正在认真的展示自己的工作工具。", "一个人对着桌上的机器指来指来指去。", "一个人在介绍这个机器和上边的两个钻孔机。", "在室内,一个男子正在展示讲解放在地面上的工具。", "在一间明亮的室内,一只手正在拿着机器翻看。", "在一名男子面前放着两个不同的电钻。一个男人正在讲解着不同的使用方法。", "一个人在一边说话一边对放置在黑匣子容器上的两个工具正在进行对比。", "一个男子正在检查两种不同的电动螺丝刀。", "一个男人在展示放在地板上黑色仪器。", "一个人站在一个机器前,拿起了放在机器上的东西。" ]
[ "A guy with back top and hat was fixing the drill then switched it on", "A man is operating some type of machine at a workshop.", "A man is shown using a drill press to drill into a piece of metal.", "A worker tightens a drill in a drill press and starts to make a hole in a piece of metal.", "A man turns on the machine so that it can drill into the metal.", "A man is drilling into metal with a drill press.", "A man puts on a drill bit into the drill head and lowers it through a metal piece.", "Male worker tighten a knob before using a large drilling machine", "A person is adjusting the screw on a power drill and then tests it.", "Man replaces drill bit on a drill press and turns it on to test it." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人在开钻机。", "一个人操纵打洞的机器在铁器上打孔。", "一个男人在操作车间里的机器为其装上了配件。", "一个男人安装了一个机器的前部,然后他启动了机器。", "一个戴眼镜的男人,柠好钻头并打开电源,电钻开始工作。", "一个男孩正在用钻床完成钻金属的工作。", "一个男人在一个机器上装了一个大的钻头,然后把钻头放在一个金属片上。", "男工在使用大型钻孔机之前拧紧旋钮。", "一个人正在调整电钻上的螺丝, 然后进行测试。", "一个男人在钻床上更换钻头, 并将其打开进行测试。" ]
[ "A carpenter shows how to drill a hole in a piece of wood.", "A man is drilling a hole using a power tool into some wood that has been secured using a G clamp.", "A drill is pushed down to make a hole in a piece of wood and is then put down.", "a man is showing how to drill a small hole on some wood", "A person is using a drill to put holes in some slabs of wood", "a person is using a hand drill to drill through a very small piece of wood", "A man is using a cordless drill to drill a hole in some wood that is being held in place with a vice", "A man uses a drill to drill a hole into a piece of wood.", "A man screws a screw gun into a thin strip of wood.", "A man uses a power drill to drill through wood while explaining his process." ]
[ "一个男人拿着一个电钻给面前的木头钻了一个孔。", "一个男人拿着黑红相间的电钻在木板上钻了一个洞。", "一个人拿着工具在钻一根木条,木条被工具固定住。", "一个人用打孔机,在木板上打出了一个洞。", "一个人正在用电动打钻机给一个木条钻眼。", "一个男人正在用手钻钻一小块木头。", "一名男子正在使用无绳钻在一些被钳制住的木头上钻孔。", "一个男人用钻头在一块木头上钻了个洞。", "一名男子将一把螺丝枪拧成一条细长的木条。", "一个男人正在用电钻钻穿木材,同时解释他的过程。" ]
[ "A man at the counter in a hardware store is showing off a tool.", "A man is fiddling with a power tool while talking to a lady.", "A person is attempting to unscrew part of a power tool.", "A person wearing a black t-shirt is holding a power tool gun in his hand.", "A person is filming themselves as they adjust an electric drill in his workshop.", "A man in a black t-shirt loosens the front of a yellow drill.", "a man changing a part on a tool using their hands", "A man is seen holding a tool and attempting to unscrew the curved silver tip.", "A man with a drill and tell how to use the drill and hoe to put end in.", "A man is showing how to use a part of the drill he is holding." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色短袖的男人正在拧松一个黄色瓶子的瓶盖。", "一个人在工作室里一边说话一边转动转子。", "一个穿黑衣服的男人不断地转动着手里的工具。", "一个穿黑色上衣的人,在旋转一个机器,他的身后有很多零件。", "在一个小型超市,一个男人正在摆弄一台小机器。", "一个身穿黑色上衣的男人,在修理着一台黄色电钻的前部。", "一个男人正在商店里摆弄着某种工具。", "人们看到一个男人拿着一个工具,试图拧开弯曲的银色头顶。", "一个穿黑色上衣的男子在扭一个钻孔机的钻头。", "一个人对着镜头一只手拧着另一只手上的东西。" ]
[ "Two men show off their powerful drill, drilling into wood and sticking a wood doweling rod into that hole.", "Two men demonstrate how to drill a round hole in a board to fit a copper pipe.", "An hole is drilled on a surface, a metal pipe is inserted, and the presenter confirmed its done.", "A man drills a hole into a wooden surface with a power drill and another man places a piece of metal in the hole.", "A person drills a hole through a table with a drill, places a tube in the hole, and then a man holds a drill and speaks while another man stands beside him, looking at the drill.", "The man is doing a demonstration of how a special tool works.", "Two guys are talking about a drill, they show a hole being drilled and then pan out to showing them with the drill.", "A man drills a hole, then a copper pipe is inserted into the hole.", "Two men drill a hold into wood and place a metal pipe in it.", "A man drills a hole and places a piece of wood in it for a tools ad." ]
[ "一个穿绿色上衣和一个穿灰色上衣的的男人在说话。", "俩个男的正在展示使用工具进行打孔。", "一个人在木板上打了一个洞,然后将一根棍子插进了里面。", "一个穿牛仔裤的人和一个戴眼镜的人,用机器在桌子上钻了一个洞又插入一个管子。", "一个人用电钻打了一个洞,然后把一根管子插进洞里。", "一个男人拿着手中的电钻正在讲解着工作原理,另一个男人在旁边看着。", "两个男士正在谈论一个钻头,他们展示了一个正在钻的洞,然后平移出来显示他们的钻头。", "一个人钻了一个洞,然后把一个铜管插进洞里。", "两个人在木头上钻了一个洞,然后把一根金属管子插进去。", "一个人用带着钻头的电钻在一块木头上钻出一个洞,并将一根木头插在了洞中。" ]
[ "A fit man works out by swinging a long handled hammer over his head to strike a tire.", "A man exersizes outside by swinging a sledgehammer into a tire laying on the ground.", "A topless man repeatedly hits the large tires with an hammer.", "A man is hefting a sledge hammer over his head and striking a tire, over and over.", "A man is exercising by pounding a tire with a sledge hammer.", "A man hits a large tire repeatedly with a heavy hammer.", "A man is using a hammer to hit a black tire back and forth.", "A shirtless young man uses a sledge hammer to hit a used car tire.", "A person is holding a hammer and is beating a tyre with it", "A man is hitting a tire with a mallet, repeatedly." ]
[ "一个男子在用抡大锤打轮胎的方式健身。", "一个男子正在用一个榔头奋力击打一个轮胎。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,一个光膀子的男子正在用工具敲打车轮胎。", "在一个宽敞的室外,一个男人敲打着轮胎。", "一个身穿短裤的男人手拿大锤子,往一个轮胎上使劲锤了六下。", "在房屋外,一个男人拿着铁锤儿多次敲击着一个轮胎。", "一名男子正在用锤子来回打黑色轮胎。", "一个没穿衬衫的年轻人用大锤打了一个旧汽车轮胎。", "一个穿着黑色裤子的男人正在锤轮胎。", "一名男子挥舞着铁锤用力地敲打着轮胎。" ]
[ "Two men take turns using sledgehammers to flatten a piece of metal held by a man on an anvil.", "Four men outside using hammers and metal to perform percussive music.", "A male and female are hitting a metal plate with hammers while another male turns it.", "a couple of people are using some hammers to pound at something.", "A man and a woman holding hammers, hammering a metal frame.", "Two mean are hitting something with a hammers", "Two people hit a piece of metal with sledge hammers, while another person rotates it.", "A man and a woman are forming a piece of metal using a bench anvil and sledge hammers", "Two people take turns striking metal with long handled hammers.", "A group of people are outdoors two of the individuals are use sledgehammer to pound onto a stone" ]
[ "有俩个人拿着锤子在敲打另一人手里面扶着的圆柱。", "两个男人轮着大锤在打铁,另一个人在修正方向。", "有两个人在用锤子敲东西,边上还坐着两个人。", "两个男人拿着锤子不停地挥舞敲打着。", "一个女人和一个个男人正在轮着锤头砸铁。", "在棚子下,一男一女拿着铁锤在击打着一块儿金属板。", "两个人一次用大锤敲打一块金属,而另一个人在旋转它。", "一个男人和一个女人用长凳铁砧和大锤打造一块金属。", "两个男人正用长柄锤子轮流击打金属。", "一群人在户外, 其中两个人是用大锤砸在一块石头上。" ]
[ "a person hits a tire with a sledgehammer they have in their hand", "A man is hitting a big mud tire with a sledge hammer.", "A man is hitting a very large rubber tire with a sledge hammer.", "A young man uses a long sledgehammer to slam a tire repeatedly.", "A man uses a hammer to bang a big wheel tire.", "A man rapidly swings a sledge hammer over his head and repeatedly strikes a large rubber tire with it.", "A guy with a hat hammers a big tire while others look on.", "A young man hits a tire with a hammer repeatedly outdoors.", "Man holds mallet, slides hand along handle, lifts mallet and swings down hard on large tire lying on its side.", "A man hammers on a giant tractor tire with a sledgehammer." ]
[ "一个戴帽子的男人正在用锤子用力的捶打轮胎。", "一个穿黑色半袖黑色短裤的男孩子正在用铁棒敲打着一个巨型轮胎。", "一个穿黑色衣服的男的手里拿着一个锤正在锤轮胎。", "一个戴着帽子、穿着黑色衣服的男人拿着一个锤子锤轮胎。", "有一个戴着帽子,穿着黑色上衣的男人拿着斧头在砸轮胎。", "在室外一名男子抡着铁锤,在敲击着地面上的轮胎。", "一个戴帽子的男人正在敲打一个大轮胎,而其他人则在旁边看着。", "一个年轻人在户外反复用锤子撞轮胎。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人正在健身房内拿着锤子锤轮胎。", "一个男人用大锤在巨型拖拉机轮胎上锤击。" ]
[ "A man performs arm exercises with a sledge hammer inside a gym.", "A young man in a gym goes through an exercise routine waving a sledgehammer.", "A man has a sledge hammer lifted above his head and is swinging it about as if he is about to swing it down on something in front him.", "In a gym, a young man is performing exercise with a hammer.", "A guy is swinging around a large hammer in a gym.", "A man swinging a sledgehammer at an LA Fitness for exercise.", "A man swings a sledge hammer around over his head as part of a workout.", "A man in a gym demonstrates how to swing a long weight around in the air", "A man in a studio gym is holding up a large weighted hammer as he swirls it around using his shoulder strength.", "A male is swinging a large hammer around his head in a gym." ]
[ "一个穿着绿色上衣的外国男人正在房间里试一个小锤子。", "一个男人在健身房,用一个锤子健身。", "一个穿着绿色上衣的男人在健身房里训练。", "一个穿绿色衣服的男人在健身房举着一个东西。", "一个男人在健身房里手拿一根棒子围绕头部转动着。", "在洛杉矶健身中心,一个男人挥动大锤进行锻炼。", "一个男人在他的头上挥舞着一个大榔头,用来锻炼身体。", "一个男人在健身房演示如何在空中挥舞长杠。", "一个穿着绿色衣服的男人在健身房里挥舞锤子。", "一名男性在健身房里挥舞着大锤在头上晃来晃去。" ]
[ "A person breaks the seal on a liquid container and unscrews its cap.", "A man using a tool to unscrew the top of a large container and removing the pump.", "A person's hands are showing how to remove the top of a container.", "A male is outside and is unscrewing a lid from a white plastic container.", "Someone uses a crank to help them open a large plastic bottle.", "A person removes the top of a canister containing a special solution.", "A man use a special tool to unscrew a spray pump nozzel of a large plastic jug.", "The man is demonstrating how to easily open a bottle using a certain gadget.", "A man using a specialized tool to remove a spout from a large plastic jug.", "A person shows how to use s trap to take a lid off of a plastic jug." ]
[ "一个人使用特制的开瓶器打开了一个白色的塑料桶。", "一个人正太阳底下用工具打开一个桶。", "一个穿黑色上衣的男人正在用工具拧开水壶。", "一个人手里拿着黑色的工具把一个白色的桶盖打开了。", "男子正在用工具把白色桶上的开头打开。", "一个人拿着手中的工具,在打开一个装有液体桶的盖子。", "一个人在使用一个黑色的工具把一个塑料罐的盖子拧了下来。", "一个男人正在用手示范如何使用某种小玩意儿轻松地打开瓶子。", "一个男人拿着一个工具打开一个油桶盖子。", "一个男人手握金属工具并不断旋转,将塑料罐的盖子取了下来。" ]
[ "A person is using a strange wrench to turn a nut on an object.", "An individual is using a wrench to move and twist a large bolt.", "A guy puts a big wrench around a bolt while someone in the background is talking about the wrench.", "A wrench is placed around a pipe fitting while someone explains its design.", "A person a hand in instument and anther hand a player and a instument in fixing", "A man is trying to tighten a very large bolt with a very large tool.", "A man shows how to correctly use a large wrench on large items.", "a person takes a metal item and tries to attach it to another item", "A man demonstrates how to use a wrench to tighten or loosen a bolt.", "A man in a leather jacket is showing some kind of metal object, and describing it." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色外套的人在房间里摆弄机器零件。", "一只手拿着管件,另一只手拿着扳子,将扳子卡进管件六棱面转动。", "一男子拿着大型扳手去拧铁罐上的大螺丝。", "一男子拿着工具在拧一个较大的螺丝。", "一个人手里拿着一个金属构件,另一只手拿着一只扳手在拧螺丝。", "一名男子正在试图用,一个大的工具拧紧一个非常大的螺栓。", "一个男人右手里拿着大扳手演示着如何拧动左手拿着的东西。", "一个人拿一个金属物品并试图将它附加到另一个物品上。", "一个人演示如何使用扳手来拧紧或松开螺栓。", "一个穿着皮夹克的男人正在展示一些金属物品并描述它。" ]
[ "A man tightens nuts on a board using a ratcheting wrench.", "The guy is trying to show how to tighten nuts and bolts with a wrench.", "A person is shown removing a screw from the table.", "A person is removing a bold with a wrench by twisting it one way then another.", "A person is tightening bolts on a board with a wrench.", "A person uses a wrench to loosen screws on a wooden table.", "Someone using a spanner to undo nuts on a piece of wood.", "Someone holding a wooden board uses a wrench to tighten the bolts on the board.", "Someone is using a new wrench to remove bolts from a piece of wood.", "A man is tightening bolts on a wooden plank with a wrench." ]
[ "一个人右手拿着工具正在拧一块板子上的螺丝。", "一个人用工具在拧着木板上的螺丝。", "在房间里一个人正拿着工具拧木板上的螺丝。", "明亮的房间内,一个人,拿着板子,在拧木板上的螺丝。", "一个穿着灰色上衣的人正在用工具拧螺丝。", "一个人用一个扳手正在拧着一张木桌上的螺丝。", "有人用扳手来松开一块木头上的螺丝。", "有人拿着一块木板,用一把扳手拧紧木板上的螺栓。", "有人正在使用新扳手从一块木头上拆下螺栓。", "一个男人正在用扳手把木板上螺丝拧紧。" ]
[ "Two men remove a tire from a card, a third person puts on a new tire, one of the first two attaches it.", "A race car is getting his tires removed quickly before its race.", "A group of men are changing a tire on a race car.", "A timed practice of a pit crew changing a tire on a race car.", "A crew is changing the front tire on a racing car and then the car is revved up.", "Several men quickly remove a tire from a race car and replace it with another tire.", "A group of people are taking turns doing something to a tire on a race car.", "A group of people are acting as a pit crew to change a tire as a man oversees their work", "Several people are squatting and practicing changing a tire on a race car.", "A group of men are gathered around a race car as two men quickly change the tire." ]
[ "一群人正在房子里给一辆赛车换轮胎。", "两个人拆下汽车的轮胎,另一个人快速换上一个轮胎。", "一个穿红色上衣的男子和他的同伴们在给一两车换胎。", "几个人把车子的轮胎卸掉,然后又拿另一个轮胎在安装。", "一个穿着白色衣服的人正在给汽车换轮胎。", "一个人在赛车上拆下一个轮胎,然后换上另一个轮胎。", "一群人轮流在赛车上对轮胎做一些事情。", "当一个人监督他们的工作时,一群人扮演维修人员的角色来更换轮胎。", "有几个人正在蹲着并练习给赛车上更换轮胎。", "一个人把一个汽车的轮胎弄下来,另一边一个人很快的又送上去一个轮胎。" ]
[ "A woman holds a phone near a bitcoin ATM and takes a receipt while another woman explains the process.", "A woman uses her phone to interact with a bitcoin ATM and gets a recipt.", "A person hold a smartphone in front of a machine, the machine prints out a slip of paper.", "a person opening their phone using an app and scanning a bar code to then get a receipt from a machine", "A person uses a bar code for a atm to check accounts.", "A person is showing how they scan a code on a atm machine.", "Someone is using a bit coin machine that is similar to an ATM.", "This is part of a demonstration in how to process a transaction using bitcoin.", "The lady is doing a demonstration on the proper way to use the ATM machine.", "A person is performing a transaction from a digital currency machine by cell phone, a receipt is printed, and a woman explains the details." ]
[ "一个人拿着智能手机在排队机前排队。", "拿着手机对着机器上色二维码扫码取票。", "一个人正在用手机扫码机器里出来一个单子。", "一个白色长发的女人,手里拿着手机,在机器中取出白色纸条。", "一个女人在用手机扫机器上的二维码,机器吐出一张纸。", "一个人正在展示,他们是如何自动取款机器上扫描代码的。", "一个人在使用一种类似于自动取款机的机器。", "这一部分是在演示如何使用比特币处理交易。", "这位女士正在以正确的方式演示使用ATM机。", "一个人拿着手机在自动提款机前进行交易。" ]
[ "A pair of hands showing an ATM withdrawal made by an attacker.", "A person stands at an atm holding money and then presses an atm button to receive a receipt and card.", "A person stands by an ATM with some money in their hand, takes their receipt and then their card", "Someone is taking money out of an ATM and fine print about an attacker is on the bottom of the screen.", "A man is withdrawing some money and a receipt out of an ATM machine", "A person holding money grabs paper out of a machine and then grabs a card out of the machine.", "Footage of a person hacking into an ATM machine with text information given.", "A person at an atm shows two bank notes then takes a mini statement from the machine before retrieving their card from the machine.", "A person is taking a receipt and debit card from an ATM while text explains how attackers can take over the ATM.", "A person displays cash in front of an ATM then pulls a receipt out while captions explain ATM attacks." ]
[ "一个人在取款机前进行取款操作,打印了凭条,随后退卡。", "银行自动取款机先吐出一张纸条,之后又吐出一张卡。", "一个人拿着几张钞票在银行取钱然后拿了凭证条。", "一个人在取款机前手里拿着两张钞票,还拿了打印出来的回单,最后取回了卡。", "一个人在自助取款机取了钱打印出了小票退出了银行卡片。", "一个人拿着纸币,然后从自动取款机上拿出一张票据。", "一个人在自动取款机取钱,然后把发票看了一下。", "一个人在自动取款机上展示了两张钞票, 然后从机器上拿一个迷你报表,然后从机器上拿回他们的卡。", "一个人正在从自动取款机上取走收据和借记卡。", "个人在自动取款机前面显示现金然后拉出一个收据,而标题解释了自动取款机的攻击。" ]
[ "A machine is packing a bag and then seals the bag and moves on to the next bag.", "A machine picking up and filling a bag and then sealing it.", "An automated device at a factory seals a large bag.", "A factory machine is seen sealing up bags with product to sell in them.", "A bag of merchandise is on the assembly line in a clamp before moving on and another bag takes its place.", "A man shows an automated machine that fills a bag with a substance.", "A product was packed with the liquid with the brand cover and name", "Loud machinery is heard before the machine beings to close up a bag.", "A large machine with a conveyor belt first grabs a large plastic bag, then fills it and seals it before moving on.", "A production line picked up a bag, filled it, sealed it and passed it on." ]
[ "工厂里,机器在自动将肥料装进袋子,自动封口。", "一个包装的公司装在包装食品包装袋然后密封。", "一个车间内一些机器正在弄着一袋袋的东西。", "一架机器在给一个装满东西的袋子封口。", "一个蓝色机器人在自动的给袋装东西打包。", "一个人展示了一个自动化的机器,它在袋子里装满了一种物质。", "有一种产品包装带有品牌封面和液体的名称。", "在机器人面前听到了巨大的机器关闭一个袋子的声音。", "带有传送带的大型机器首先抓住一个大塑料袋, 然后将其装满并密封, 然后再继续。", "一条生产线的机器拿起一个袋子,随后装满它,把它传下去。" ]
[ "Packages of paper are being wrapped in paper plastic and stacked on top of each other.", "A shrink wrap machine puts plastic around stacks of paper.", "A machine is wrapping reams of paper in clear plastic wrap and a man is removing them at the end.", "A machine wraps stacks of paper in plastic sheeting and someone removes the product.", "Some books are being packaged with plastic by a machine.", "Books are running through a machine and being bounded by plastic.", "Factory equipment is being used to wrap cellophane around paper booklets in mass production environment.", "A man taking out a bunch of paper that was wrapped by a machine", "A large red sealing machine is sealing stacks of white paper.", "Machine wraps stacks of paper into plastic then a worker removed them from the conveyor belt." ]
[ "一台机器正在打包一些白色的纸张,一个人在整理打包好的纸张。", "白色的商品通过了最后一道塑料包装的流水线,被拿起来放到了一边。", "传送带上有一堆打印纸,一个人把纸拿了出来。", "一个机器在装订一个东西,然后一个人把它拿了起来。", "一个人正从一个绿色的机器台子上拿起来一沓白纸。", "书籍在一台机器上运行,直接用熟料包裹整齐。", "工厂设备正被用来在批量生产环境中用玻璃纸,包裹在纸质小册子周围。", "车间里面机器把一叠叠的纸加上了装。", "一台红色大型封口机正在密封成堆的白纸。", "机器将成堆的纸包裹在塑料中,然后一名工人将其从传送带上取出。" ]
[ "A worker calmly operates heavy machinery in a loud room.", "A woman working on a production line closes a newly filled bag and starts the line moving as she finishes, then walks away as another bag fills", "A woman wearing a blue uniform uses an industrial machine to close large white sacks.", "A woman is at a factory operating a large machine.", "A woman is in a factory using a very large piece of machinery.", "Two people in a machine room are packing products into bags.", "A woman uses a machine to fill large white bags.", "The lady is busy working an equipment in the factory.", "A woman stands at a machine as it fills a bag with product.", "A woman is sewing the top of a bag shut on an assembly line." ]
[ "一个女人正在用一台蓝色的机器给袋子封口。", "一名金发女子正在一台大型机器前面认真工作。", "一个女人在工厂里对着机器做工作。", "一个穿深色上衣的人在机器前面做事。", "一个女子在机器旁用袋子接着物品交给了另一个人。", "一个机房里的两个人正在把产品装进袋子里。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的女人正在用机器填充大白袋。", "这位女士正忙着在工厂里的大设备面前工作。", "一个女人站在一台机器上,因为它用产品填满了一个袋子。", "一名妇女正在装配线上缝制一个袋子的顶部。" ]
[ "A couple men are checking out how far a saw would go down if they used it on a cut.", "2 people working together in trying to complete a construction project.", "A man wearing a blue hardhat adjusting a saw with the help of another man in a white hardhat.", "Two men inspect the blade on a saw that is sitting on top of a metal beam.", "Two men are looking at a circular saw that is pressed against a metal beam.", "A man scratching the iron rod and cutting some edges to make it same level another man guiding them", "A man is showing another man how to line up the blade on a power saw while working outside.", "a group of men together with a circular saw as a man puts his finger on the blade and moves it away", "two men with helmsmen on head building a wooden box.", "A man lines up a saw on a railing while another man touches the blade." ]
[ "一位工作人员正在指导另一位身穿工作服头戴蓝色安全帽的职工用工具进行准确操作。", "一个戴蓝色头盔的男人在用电锯切割一块铁。还有一个人在帮忙。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的人正在锯一个东西。", "一个戴着蓝色安全帽的人和一个戴着白色安全帽的人正在使用机器。", "一个戴着安全帽的男人手里拿着一台切割机,放在金属板上面,另一个人在比划着。", "一个男人抓着铁杆并切割一些边缘,另一个人指导着他们。", "一个人正在帮助另一个人使用工具进行切割作业。", "当一个人把手指放在刀刃上, 把刀刃移开时, 一群人和一个圆锯一起移动。", "两个顶着舵手的男人堆着一个木箱子。", "一个男子拿着电锯在一个物体上做着切割,旁边的男子走过来用手摸着这个物体的底部。" ]
[ "A male is using a wood cutter to cut a large peace of wood.", "A person demonstrates how a Makita saw cuts through plywood studded with metal nails.", "A man is using a machine on a table and he is cutting wood", "A person using a wood cutting machine to cut off a piece of wood.", "A person is using a electric saw to cut a piece of wood in a shop.", "A person guides a circular saw along a plank of wood.", "A person with a circular saw is cutting a piece of wood.", "A person is using a electric table saw to cut a piece of wood in a piece.", "A jigsaw cuts through a piece of wood in smooth fashion.", "A person using a circular saw to cut a piece of wood to get it as straight as possible." ]
[ "一个戴着黑色手套的人正在拿着切割机切割木头。", "房间里一直带有黑色手套的手拿着一个切割机正在切割木板。", "一个戴着手套拿着工具的人在木板上面切割着。", "在一个明亮的房间,一只戴着手套的男人在用工具切木头。", "一个带着黑色手套的人正在用机器切割着木板。", "一个人用圆锯把一块木板沿着线切割。", "一个人拿着一个圆形的电锯把一块木板的边缘锯掉。", "一个人正在使用电动台锯将一块木头锯掉一小块,切掉的那块掉了下去。", "一个人戴着手套拿着切割机,正在把一个木方块切开。", "一个人使用圆锯切割一块木头, 让它尽可能直。" ]
[ "A person is using a skill saw to cut through a piece of wood.", "A person starts up a saw and starts to cut into what looks like a piece of metal.", "A person uses an electric saw to cut into a board.", "A person uses a circular saw to cut a metal plate clamped to a workbench.", "A table saw is slow pushed through a board clamped to a table.", "A person uses a circular saw to cut through a board.", "The person is using a handheld electric circular saw to cut a piece of metal that is on the workbench.", "Someone starting a saw and beginning to cut a piece of metal.", "A carpenter is using a table saw to cut through a piece of thin wood.", "Sparks fly when a man using a circular saw to cut a board hits a nail." ]
[ "在室内,一双手正在使用机器切割铁板。", "一只手在拿一个电据切割一块铁板。", "一个拿着电动工具的人正在操作间里工作。", "一台机器正沿着尺子打磨生锈的贴片。", "明亮的房间内,一双手拿着电锯,在锯一块铁板。", "一个人正在操作切割机切割木板。", "一个人拿着手持式电圆锯切割工作台上的一块金属。", "一个人用电锯正在切割一块金属,冒出很多的火花。", "一个人在房间里的桌子上用锯子锯一块木头。", "当一个人用圆锯切开一块木板时,火花四溅。" ]
[ "Woman wearing lab coat inserts and holds tube in girl's mouth, and counts before removing tube.", "A doctor demonstrates, with the help of a small girl, how to use an inhaler properly.", "An adult wearing a white coat is instructing a girl sitting on a chair to breathe into a tube and exhaling.", "A woman is standing up and talking, and a little girl holds something in her month for the count of ten.", "A woman doctor demonstrates showing a girl to use an inhaler.", "A woman wearing a doctor's coat inserts an inhaler into a young girls mouth, counts to ten, takes it out, and directs the girl to exhale.", "a woman doctor giving a little girl an inhaler to breath in", "A woman hold an inhaler for a little girl and counts to ten while she breathes in then tells her to blow it out.", "A healthcare provider explains and shows a girl how to use an inhaler device and counts to ten.", "A woman shows how to use medicine on a little girl." ]
[ "一个穿着白色外套的女子拿着一个瓶子让一个小女孩用嘴吸。", "一个女医生和一个女孩子,女医生在女孩子嘴里放个东西从一数到十之后拿掉。", "一个小女孩坐在地板上另一个人拿着一个瓶子让她闻。", "一个女人拿着一个白色的东西放在了一个小女孩的嘴里。", "一个女人拿着小瓶子塞到一个小女孩儿嘴里,然后开始数数接着把瓶子拿出来。", "一名身穿白色外套的女士将一个吸入器插入一个年轻女孩嘴里,数到10,取出来,并指示女孩呼气。", "一个女医生给一个小女孩一个吸入器呼吸。", "一个女人拿着一个吸入器给一个小女孩,数到十,呼气后告诉她把它吹灭。", "一个医疗服务提供者解释并展示一个女孩如何使用一个吸入器装置并且数到10。", "一个穿白色衣服的女人手里拿着东西,向一个坐着的小女孩嘴里塞去。" ]
[ "A woman is showing a group of people how to properly use and breath in in a device", "A woman shows how to use a device that's intended to go into the mouth.", "A woman is demonstrating the proper way to use a handheld inhaler.", "A lady demonstrates how to insert a digital instrument in her mouth and take a deep breath and hold for a few seconds.", "A women is demonstrating how to use an inhaling device while another women watches.", "A woman is instructing on how to utilize an Advair diskus and also utilizing another woman to demonstrate it.", "A woman demonstrates using an inhaler device in an office setting as a woman looks on", "A beautiful lady showing examples on how to use a little equipment", "A female respiratory therapist explains how to use an inhaler, then turns to a female patient to demonstrate", "A woman holding and explaining how to use a small device." ]
[ "在室内,一个穿着深蓝色衣服的女人在讲述手里的东西,旁边还有一个女人在看着。", "一个女人拿着一个机器一边讲解一边展示,还对着机器深吸了一口气。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人正在给别人讲解着什么东西。", "一个女人拿着一个东西在讲解并且有一个人在旁边看着。", "在一间明亮的房间内,一个女人,手中拿着一个工具,嘴巴在一张一合。", "一名女士正在示范怎么使用一个设备,另一名女士在观看。", "一个女人正在示范如何正确的使用手中的物品。", "一位美丽的女士展示了如何使用一些设备。", "一位女性呼吸治疗师解释如何使用呼吸器。", "一个女人手里拿着一个小装置在说话,另一个女人在旁边看着。" ]
[ "A young female child uses her asthma inhaler to make sounds while an unseen female speaks in the background.", "A young girl uses a bottle pump to whistle loudly.", "A young child with a device in their mouth to make a squeaking noise.", "A young girl blows into her baby cup and plays it like an instrument.", "A toddler is blowing onto a device that is making musical sounds.", "A toddler is blowing on some sort of pump and is making noise.", "A small boy repeatedly blows into a blue plastic musical toy.", "A baby boy is blowing into a blue asthma pump as it makes a horn noise.", "A small child is using an asthma pump and blowing into it and producing notes.", "A child is blowing into an asthma pump and making noises." ]
[ "一个小孩嘴里正吹着一个可以发出声音的玩具。", "一个白衣黑人小男孩将嘴里管子吹出了声音。", "一个穿白色衣服的小孩嘴里含着一根管状物。", "一个穿着浅色衣服的人吹着一个深色的东西。", "一个小男孩抱着一个上面有硬管水杯吹出了声音。", "一个刚刚学走路的孩子口中含着某种设备。", "一个小男孩反复吹一个蓝色的塑料音乐玩具。", "一个男婴儿正在吹响一个蓝色哮喘泵。", "一个白色衣服的小孩子在吹一个蓝色塑料瓶。", "一个身穿白色衣服的小孩子正在吹一个玩具。" ]
[ "Two guys are standing and talking in a mic doing something with playing cards", "Two men in headphones sit at microphones, discuss using an inhaler after one of them hesitates to use it.", "A man prepares to use an inhaler on live radio.", "Two people wear headphones and talk into microphones while discussing an inhaler.", "Two guys are seated at mics and talking while one uses an inhaler.", "Two men are talking into a microphone, as one of them prepares to use an inhaler.", "Two men are sitting at a podcast, one is holding a inhaler and the other is reading the instructions to him.", "A man starts to inhale from a gadget and another guy stops him and tell him to discard the first puff.", "A man takes the first puff from his inhaler, and is told that he did it too quickly because the instructions say to discard that first puff.", "Two persons were speaking and one person spraying some medicine in his mouth" ]
[ "一个男人拿着一个白色瓶子,另一个男人念着手里面的纸卡。", "一个男人戴着耳机把手中的放到嘴边,另一个男人念着手卡上的内容。", "两个人都戴着耳机,其中一个男人把东西倒进了嘴里。", "一个穿衬衫的男人在往嘴里塞白色的物品,另一个穿短袖的男人在念手里卡片的内容。", "在一间明亮的房间内,一个男人吸了一口白色的瓶子,旁边一个男人,拿着一张卡片,嘴巴对着话筒在一张一合。", "两名男子正在对麦克风说话当其中一个正准备使用呼吸器的时候另一个男的制止他并开始讲解这个东西的作用和使用方法。", "两名男子正坐在一个播客中,一名正拿着一个吸入器,另一名正在阅读给他的指示。", "一个男人拿着说明在给另一个男人讲解小玩意的用法。", "一个穿着条纹上衣的男子对着话筒讲着。", "两个人在说话, 其中一个人把药喷进嘴巴里。" ]
[ "Some people are putting on a puppet show by hiding behind a sheet and sticking their hands with puppets under the sheet.", "A group of children playing with stuffed reptiles with a baby crying and someone laughing in the background.", "Backyard puppet show performed with a sheet as the curtain.", "In a scenario there are four puppets making a presentation that amuses the people who are there.", "Some people are performing a finger puppet show while kids cry in the audience.", "Someone stands behind a sheet and uses hand puppets to put on a show.", "two child under a blanket crying as some one laughing.", "A boy has a sheet draped over a stack of chairs and is putting on a puppet show.", "Children with high pitched voices are putting on a puppet show behind a sheet and some stacked chairs.", "Several people perform a sock puppet show while an audience watches" ]
[ "一群小孩在一块白色幕布后面表演节目。", "一个人拿着动物手套躲在桌子后面玩耍。", "一个人在幕布后面操控着前面的玩偶,玩偶在操控下像活的一样。", "几个人在室内的桌子上,用布挡着半截调皮的玩耍。", "三个人躲在白色的幕布后面脚上套着小玩偶,并且还有配音,非常开心。", "一个人站在床单后面,用手偶来表演。", "一些人在幕布后面表演话剧,周围有人在哭,有人在笑。", "一个男孩将床单盖在一堆椅子上,他正在表演木偶戏。", "声音高的孩子们在一张床单和一些堆叠的椅子后面上演了一场木偶剧。", "有几个人正躲在白布后面进行木偶戏表演。" ]
[ "Two women dressed as young girls are participating in a puppet show.", "A puppet show where two people stand on either side of the stage before two puppets pop out.", "Two girls with pigtails and striped dresses are interacting with two puppets behind them.", "two girls in striped dresses interact with two hand puppets.", "Two young women in costume take part in a puppet show.", "A puppet show is being performed for a group of children.", "Two adults dressed as children standing next to two puppets that are on a puppet stage.", "Two women and several puppets are presenting a show in Portugese while children chatter off screen.", "A latin video of people interacting with puppets the girl on the right is called la chilindrina", "Two women standing outside a playhouse while someone else puts on a show with two puppets." ]
[ "有两个女人站在一个大盒子面前,有人把两个娃娃从盒子里面伸了出来在舞动娃娃的身体。", "两位女子正在生动的表演着可爱又搞笑的情节。", "在一个房间里,有俩个穿格子衣服的女子被会说话的玩偶吸引。", "两个穿裙子的女生正站在一个粉红色的房子旁边。", "两个梳着小辫子的女人在表演。后面还有两个木偶。", "两个女孩站在木板前,随后出现了两个木偶在讲话。", "两名穿着一样条纹衣服站在木偶舞台前听木偶说话。", "两个女人和几个木偶正在用葡萄牙语给孩子们进行着表演。", "一个拉丁语视频的人与木偶互动的女孩在右边被称为拉奇林丁丽娜。", "两个女人站在游戏屋外, 而另一个人和两个木偶一起表演。" ]
[ "Two woman are using hand puppets and are making the puppets talk.", "Two ladies play with hand puppets while sitting on the floor.", "two women are perforrming a sock puppet play and one of them starts laughing", "Two puppets speak to each other, as one puppeteer moves behind the other and touches a paper.", "A woman plays with finger puppets in front of others.", "A woman plays with hand puppets in front of a group of people watching.", "Two woman are engaging in a puppet show with hand puppets.", "Two people use sock puppets to talk to each other.", "a couple of women are performing by playing with sock puppets.", "Two women play with puppets near a wooden fence as someone speaks." ]
[ "在一个房子里面,两个女子正在用手表演着节目。", "两名外籍女子正拿着特质的袜子演手指舞。", "一个扎着马尾的女人在玩手指装扮游戏。", "一个人身穿着深色的衣服在和另一个人表演。", "两个穿着黑色衣服的人正在用手指表演节目。", "在室内,两个女人正在玩着手中的玩偶。", "两个女人正在和手偶们一起参加木偶表演。", "两个年轻的女子用袜子木偶互相交谈。", "有几个女人正在屋子里表演袜子玩偶。", "有两个女子正在玩着木偶,并且旁边有人在说话。" ]
[ "A puppet show is being put on as someone in the crowd records it on their phone.", "Puppets are being used to perform a story behind a curtain and box with a man speaking.", "A puppet show is taking place inside a light teal colored box", "People performing are performing a show with hand puppets.", "A man is talking and puppets are moving during a puppet show.", "Yellow lion puppet peeks out from curtain followed by rabbit and mice puppets.", "A group of people are putting on a puppet show--only one performer is visible, but other people can be seen taking videos.", "A group of people performing a puppet act for a audience.", "A puppet show is being performed to a laughing crowd.", "The kids and the adults are behind a homemade curtain doing a puppet show." ]
[ "在一个白色的房子里,一个红色的桌子上有个绿色的盒子,一群人在里面玩娃娃,前面还有个人在录像。", "一个人在玩具的后面操控着玩具的动作,一个人在前面拍摄。", "一个人在背后操作着玩具让大家很开心。", "在一个明亮的房间,一群人在玩桌子上面的纸盒子。", "一个台面上摆着一个表演用的盒子,后面有人在舞弄着玩偶演节目。旁边有人在用手机拍照。", "窗帘里露出了黄色狮子木偶,然后又出现了兔子木偶和老鼠木偶。", "一群人正在表演木偶戏,只有一位表演者可见,但其他人可以看到拍摄视频。", "正在为观众表演木偶戏表演的一群人。", "一场木偶戏表演引起一群人在欢笑。", "孩子们和大人们在一个自制的窗帘后做木偶表演。" ]
[ "A person demonstrates how to use a phone as a remote on a computer monitor.", "A person is using their cell phone to control a television that is mounted on the wall.", "A person is using their phone to move stuff on their computer screen.", "A person shows how to use your phone to work on a television screen.", "A person was using some mobile options for moving the window in the system screen", "A demonstration of a smartphone app that controls a computer screen", "A man is showing how he can control his computer screen with his phone.", "A man holding his cell phone, while giving instruction in front a computer.", "A person is using their phone to cast a screen on a monitor.", "A man with an Indian accent attempts to explain a software program." ]
[ "一名男子在讲解用手机操控连接电视步骤。", "一个男人拿着遥控在大屏幕上演示触屏划动功能。", "一个男人拿着一个手机,然后通过手机控制自己身后的电脑。", "一个男人拿着手机在电脑面前进行操作。", "一个男人,拿着手机控制电脑屏幕,嘴里讲解着什么。", "一个正在使用智能手机操作着一台显示器。", "一名男子正在展示他如何用手机控制自己的电脑屏幕。", "一个男人拿着他的手机,在电脑前进行指导。", "一个人正在使用他们的手机在显示器上投射到屏幕。", "一个有印度口音的男人试图解释一个软件程序。" ]
[ "A man shows how to activate the remote of wi-fi by pressing the button", "A person holding a remote points to a pad with a WiFi symbol", "A person is testing out an electrical panel while standing.", "A man talking while holding a remote control and pushing buttons", "a guy is showing you how to use an armed remote for your house", "A man providing a tutorial on how to connect a remote to a wireless router.", "A person is talking while some points at squares stuck to a wall.", "A person is using a remote control and push pad to operate some wifi equipment.", "A man is demonstrating how to use a particular remote and a transponder.", "A man is explaining how to link a remote with a wifi panel." ]
[ "一个人一只手拿着一部遥控器然后贴在了仪器上的按钮上面。", "一名外国人正在拿一个遥控器正在遥控一个开关。", "一个人拿着一个遥控器,同时对着蓝色墙面上的开关进行操作。", "一个人拿着遥控器在控制深色墙面上的开关。", "一个人拿着一个遥控器在一个正方形的装置前面。", "一个人演示了如何把遥控器连接到无线路由器上的教程。", "一个人手里拿着一个东西,然后靠近墙面上的方盒子。", "一个人正在用遥控器来控制一个开关。", "一个男人正在展示墙壁上的一个应答器和手上的遥控器。", "一个男人正在解释如何将一个遥控器与一个无线面板连接起来。" ]
[ "A woman riding along a sidewalk on a electric scooter.", "A woman, wearing jeans and a red shirt is a scotter on a sidewalk.", "A woman riding down the sidewalk on a motorized walker.", "A woman is using a segway on a sidewalk while being filmed.", "Woman riding on a segway through a park as other people walk behind her.", "A woman riding a segway successfully navigates narrow sections of a diagonal sidewalk.", "A woman is riding through a park on a segway while there is another couple walking behind her.", "A woman in a black jacket is on a blue segway and behind her are a couple pushing a child in a stroller.", "A girl is shown riding a scooter outside on the sidewalk.", "a woman is riding a hover board on a park road." ]
[ "一个女人骑着代步车快速的通过道路。", "一名外国女士用代步车在人行道上行走。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,一个人在骑平衡车。", "一个穿黑色夹克的女人在路上骑着平衡车。", "一个女人正在用代步车向前行走着,她的后面还有两个人。", "一个女人驾驶一辆平衡车,成功地穿越了行人通道的狭窄部分。", "一名女子骑着代步车在公园前行,背后有一对夫妇走过。", "一个穿黑色外套的女人骑在一辆蓝色的赛格威上面,在她身后是一对夫妇在婴儿车推着孩子。", "一个女孩在外面的人行道上骑着一辆小摩托车。", "一个女人骑着平衡车行驶,她的后面有两个人推着一个婴儿车。" ]
[ "A zegway is laying on the ground in camo paint and fitted with off-road tires.", "Somebody is being watched from the distance as he is looking at his tools in the forest.", "A two-wheel ATV Segway is being driven in a wooded area.", "A segway laying on the ground and then a person riding a segway on a path in the woods.", "A man rides a colorful scooter through the woods down a path.", "A Go Trax power scooter is lying on the ground, then someone is riding it on a dirt path.", "A man is using a scooter to stroll through a dense forest", "A man shows a motorized vehicle he rides while in the woods.", "A power scooter laying on the ground followed by a wooded forest.", "Close up footage of a Trax upright segway machine out in the woods." ]
[ "一堆枯草上有一个平衡车,一个人在开平衡车。", "一个戴头盔的人在树林里玩儿手扶电动车。", "一个人坐着平衡车在林中穿梭。", "一个人站在一个机器上在树林里走动。", "一名身穿蓝色上衣的男子,正站在平衡车上行走。", "一辆动力踏板车躺在地上,然后有人在泥路上骑着。", "一名男子正在使用平衡车在茂密的森林中漫步。", "一名男子展示了他在树林里骑的一辆机动车。", "一辆动力踏板车在地上,后面有一片树木茂密的森林。", "在树林里,一个戴头盔的人正在骑平衡车。" ]
[ "A man on a Segway talks to the camera person, then rides away.", "A man on a motorized scotter tells another that they cannot catch him.", "A man in a helmet is riding a segway on the street.", "A man is outside and is riging around on a scooter", "A man on a segway riding around a big city.", "A man rides a hoverboard around in circles while talking to the camera.", "a man outside with a helmet and a segway as he shows off how he uses it", "A man is riding around the camera on a Segway, he is telling the camera that they can't catch him.", "A man is riding a standing scooter in the city by the water", "A man dares someone to catch him while he rides down the street on a Segway." ]
[ "在宽敞的室外,一个戴着头盔的男人在骑着平衡车。", "一位带着安全帽的男人在空地上骑电动车。", "一个戴着白色安全帽的男人在空旷的路上骑着小车子。", "一个男人正在平地上骑着平衡车前进。", "在白天的户外,一个男人,骑着一台平衡车,在广场上玩耍。", "一个男人在对着镜头说话的时候,骑着一个平衡车行走。", "一个男人外面带着头盔,展示了他如何使用平衡车。", "一个男人正骑着一辆赛格威骑着摄像机,他正对着镜头说他们抓不到他。", "一个男人正在水边的城市里骑着平衡车。", "一个男人在大街上骑车的时候要有人来拍摄这个过程。" ]
[ "Music is playing as a little boy pushes a vacuum back and forth.", "a young baby toddler is listening to rap music and is vacuuming carpet", "A young boy attempts to clean the floor using a vacuum.", "A little boy vacuuming his floor while his father encourages him.", "Toddler boy listening to loud music as he vaccums the floors", "A little boy is his room cleaning his room with a vacuum.", "A boy is moving a vacuum back and forth while music is playing in the background.", "A young boy is vaccuming with a very large vaccume doing the same spot.", "A small child pushes a vacuum back and forth with music in the background.", "A young boy is vacuuming the carpet while holding on to the dresser so he can keep his balance." ]
[ "一个穿着短袖的小孩在地上玩吸尘器。", "一个小朋友正拿着一件巨大的吸尘器在地上进行打扫。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个孩子在擦地。", "一个小男孩正一手扶着柜子一手拉着一个黑色的东西。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人正在推着车。", "一个小男孩正在他的房间里用吸尘器打扫房间。", "一个男孩正在前后移动一个真空吸尘器,同时有音乐声。", "一个男孩正在用真空吸尘器来回拖一个地方。", "一个小孩子在房间内来回推动一台吸尘器。", "一个小男孩在擦地毯的同时, 紧紧抓住梳妆台, 这样他就能保持平衡。" ]
[ "A person's hand is seen vacuuming a carpet in a small indoor space.", "Someone running a vacuum back and forth in a room.", "Someone is pushing a vacuum cleaner on a carpeted floor, back and forth.", "A person is using a vacuum to clean a light colored carpet.", "A man using a vaccume cleaner to sweep and clean his carpet", "A person slowly vacuums the carpeted floor in a bedroom avoiding all the other furniture.", "The floor in a living area is being cleaned with a vacuum.", "A loud vaccum cleaner vaccuming a rug being pushed by a person.", "Someone is slowly vacuuming a section of a tan carpet between a wall and window curtain.", "Someone using a vacuum cleaner on carpet, moving it back and forth" ]
[ "一个人手拿吸尘器,对房间里的地板进行清洁。", "一个人拖着吸尘器在地上来回移动清理。", "一个人来回拖着一个吸尘器打扫房间。", "有一只手在用吸尘器清洗床头地毯。", "一个人手持吸尘器在地毯上来回拖动,旁边有窗帘,前面有一个床头柜。", "一个人慢慢地在卧室的地毯上吸尘,避开所有其他家具。", "生活区的地毯正在用真空吸尘器清洁。", "一个人正在推着一个声音很响亮的吸尘器吸地毯里灰尘。", "一个人正在用吸尘器吸布地板上的灰尘。", "有一个人在地毯上使用吸尘器在来回的移动着吸尘器。" ]
[ "A small group of children are listening to awesome music; two of them vacuuming for some reason.", "Three kids are listening to music, two of them play with toy vacuums and a little girl dances", "There are twin boys pushing red toy vacuum cleaners and dancing.", "Two of the small children push vacuum cleaners towards the other child as music plays.", "Two boys play with small vacuums while some other kids dance", "Two little boys playing with toy vacuums and a little girl dancing in front of them.", "A little boy is in his room and cleaning it with a vacuum.", "A pair of twin boys unleashed vacuum cleaner against two girls.", "Two toddlers are playing pretend of vacuuming the floor in a game room.", "Some children are dancing to the beat of the music and two of them are vacuuming." ]
[ "两个小男孩先拿起玩具,在音乐下,和另外两个小男孩一起跳舞。", "四名小朋友随着音乐在客厅里玩耍。", "两个穿绿色短袖的双胞胎男孩在屋子里和一个小女孩玩耍。", "两个小女孩和两个小男孩在家里手舞足蹈的打扫卫生。", "有几个小孩子在屋子里面玩耍,其中有一对双胞胎兄弟,一人拿一个吸尘器在玩耍。", "两个小男孩拿着吸尘器玩具在一个小女孩面前跳舞。", "一个小男孩正在他的房间里用吸尘器打扫。", "一对调皮的双胞胎男孩对两个女孩子面前释放了吸尘器。", "两个孩子在游戏室里假装打扫地板玩耍。", "有的孩子随着音乐的节拍跳舞, 其中两个孩子在玩吸尘器。" ]
[ "Carpeted stairs are shown and a cleaning machine moving over them noticeably cleans them.", "A man is steam cleaning carpeted stairs inside a home.", "A man is using a special vacuum attachment to vacuum his carpeted stairs.", "A person moves a vacuum over a carpet on a step.", "A person is vacuuming a carpet on the staircase while music is playing in the background.", "A person is using a hot cleaning machine on the carpet on the stairs.", "A person is cleaning carpet on stairs with a powerful vacuum.", "Someone is using a carpet cleaner to clean stairs while music is playing in the background.", "A guy shows how to use a handheld steaming machine attachment to clean 12 year old carpets and make them look new.", "A person is steam cleaning a brown carpet on stairs." ]
[ "一个男子用工具清除楼梯台阶上的脏东西。", "一个人正用机器清理楼梯毯子上的灰尘。", "一个人在用一个工具去刮地板上的灰尘。", "一个人拿着一个东西在刮楼梯上的灰。", "有个人手拿着清洁器,在楼梯上的布上清洁了起来,清洁效果特别好。", "一个人在用一台热清洗机在清洗楼梯上的地毯。", "一个人正在用工具清理楼梯上的地毯。", "一个人正在用机器清理楼梯地毯上的灰尘。", "一个人展示了如何使用手持式蒸汽机来清洁的地毯并让它们看起来焕然一新。", "一个人在楼梯上用蒸汽器清洗棕色地毯。" ]
[ "People putting on a presentation with sea animlas asks the audience to make a hand signal.", "Someone standing in front of a water tank lectures a large crowd.", "A crowd is watching a group of people talking in front of a tank.", "A man at an amusement part is standing in front of a crowd by the water and he is giving instructions.", "A person is giving a presentation in front of a large crowd with a water tank behind him.", "A man is talking and addressing a large audience while standing in front of a large pool area", "A group of people listen to a presenter at a marine life exhibit.", "A group of people are following a mans instructions and actions.", "An entertainer leads the crowd in an amusement park type setting with a pool of water behind him.", "A crowd of people outside are watching multiple people standing and talking to them." ]
[ "一个男人在水池边说话旁边站着四个人,观众台上坐着许多人其中有许多人在举手。", "一群人在观看一个工作人员进行讲解。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,一个人站在水池边拍掌,周围坐了许多人。", "水池边讲解员正在讲解一些东西,周围的观众都在认真的听。", "一个人挥舞着双手站在很多观众的前面,几个人站在他的旁边。", "一个男人站在一个巨大的池前对大量观众讲话。", "一群人在海洋生物展上听主持人的演讲。", "一群人正在关注一个人的指示和行动。", "一位演艺人员在一个游乐园里引领人群,他身后有一滩水。", "在室外,有一个在说话,他的1前面有很多人在看着他。" ]
[ "A mother monkey and two little ones are sitting and eating something in the pavement", "A group of monkeys sit down and play around with each other.", "A big baboon and two babies are sitting in the road while people watch from their car.", "A animal sitting in a zoo sunning with young babies.", "A family sitting in their car watch a monkey eating by the side of the road.", "A monkey and its young are seated on the ground eating food.", "Baboons sit on a sidewalk and watch people who are watching them from a car window.", "A group of monkey's walk passed a car on a safari drive.", "A child at a zoo watches several gorillas through a window.", "A woman watches some chimps walking around outside of her car." ]
[ "有三只猩猩,一只在坐着,第二只在吃东西,第三只走了过去。", "两只猴子正坐在地上吃东西,还有一只猴子在旁边经过。", "一个大猴子拿着东西吃,其他的小猴子在一旁看着。", "敞亮的室外,有几只猴子正坐在地面上玩耍。", "有两只猴子坐在地上吃东西,旁边有一只猴子在行走。", "一个猴子坐在道路上并吃着手里的食物。", "一群狒狒正坐在道路上吃着手里的东西。", "在游猎车经过的途中,遇到一群猴子在玩耍。", "动物园里一个带蓝色发卡的孩子在隔着玻璃看猴子。", "一个人站在玻璃前,看到窗外有几只狒狒来回走动。" ]
[ "Giraffe approaches woman, gets fed and petted above nose, and sticks out tongue for more food.", "A lady feeds a giraffe and it takes the food by poking its tongue out.", "A woman feeds a giraffe and rubs its nose.", "A giraffe eats food from a woman's hand and waits for more.", "A woman feeds a giraffe and then strokes it's face over a barrier in an enclosure.", "A woman is feeding an adult giffafee by hand at a zoo.", "A woman at a petting zoo feeding and petting a giraffe.", "A woman is feeding a giraffe at an outdoor exhibit at a zoo.", "A woman stands outside an enclosure with several giraffes, feeding one over the fence and petting it's nose.", "A woman feeds a giraffe and pets its head at a petting zoo." ]
[ "在动物园,一个女士在喂长颈鹿吃东西,并抚摸了长颈鹿的脑袋。", "一个戴着眼镜的女人正在喂长颈鹿食物。", "动物园里一个女人拿着吃的在喂长颈鹿。", "有个戴着眼镜身穿黑色短袖的长发女子在喂长颈鹿。", "一个人用手里的东西喂一只伸出头的长颈鹿。", "一个女人正在动物园里用手喂食一只长颈鹿。", "一个在宠物园的女人正在喂养一头长颈鹿。", "一位妇女正在动物园的一个户外展览中喂养一头长颈鹿。", "一个女人站在一个围栏外面喂长颈鹿。", "一个女人给长颈鹿的嘴里喂了一个食物,然后摸了它的头。" ]
[ "A group of kids are looking a giraffes at the zoo.", "A group of kids are standing behind a fence looking into a zoo area with giraffes.", "People are at a zoo and a man picks his kid up and hangs him over the barrier.", "A human is filming some other humans at a zoo.", "A group of kids at the zoo observing the giraffes.", "A family are at zoo to looking at animals specifically Giraffes.", "Several people are standing at a fence watching the Giraffes.", "Kids clamor to see the animals like giraffes at the zoo, as parents talk and birds chirp.", "A family is visiting a zoo and are looking at the giraffes.", "A bunch of people are at a zoo looking at a giraffe exhibit." ]
[ "在动物园,一群人在栏杆外面看长颈鹿。", "在动物园的护栏外有许多家长带着孩子们在观看动物。", "一群人围在栏杆外边观看圈里的长颈鹿。", "在一个动物园里,一群男女老少正在开心的玩耍。", "很多人围在围栏外观看着围栏里的长颈鹿。", "一群人正在动物园里观看一群长颈鹿。", "几个人站在栅栏外面看着里面的长颈鹿。", "孩子们吵着要在动物园看动物像长颈鹿一样,父母说话,鸟儿唧唧喳喳。", "一个穿着上衣蓝色的男人正在抱起一个婴儿。", "在室外,一群人在动物园看着一个长颈鹿展览。" ]
[ "A kid is yelling in the mud while he is being laughed at.", "A boy is in the mud and crawls into the water to get out.", "A boy is stick in a muddy ditch trying to get out of it.", "A teenage boy climbing out of a very large mud hole.", "A young man is crawling out of a muddle pond.", "A young boy plays in a creek getting covered in mud.", "A man crawls out of a muddy creek and onto the dry bank.", "A young boy is playing near the edge of a very small creek that is also muddy.", "A young boy swimming and waddling in the mud then he climbs out.", "A young man crawls out of a muddy stream as onlookers laugh" ]
[ "一个光着上身的男子躺在泥潭里开心地玩耍着。", "一个男人从泥潭中央慢慢地爬了起来。", "一个男孩摔倒在了水沟的污泥里,并站起来爬上了岸。", "一个没有穿上衣没有穿鞋子的男子在泥潭里爬来爬去。", "在一条水沟里,一个男人趴在泥里,浑身是泥然后向前爬去。", "一个小男孩在一条满是泥巴的小溪里来回玩耍,然后爬了出来。", "一个光着上身的小男孩儿试图从泥土中爬出来。", "一个小男孩正在一条非常小的小溪边缘玩耍。", "一个小男孩在泥泞的水沟里滚动爬行度过小河。", "在旁边的人在笑的时候,一个年轻人从泥泞的溪流中爬出来。" ]
[ "A group of people racing through the mud and getting all dirty", "a man gets out of an obstacle and starts walking on forward", "People crawl under barbed wire through the water and mud.", "Contestants participate in a tough mudder run and get very dirty.", "A man climbs out of water, up onto a muddy bank before running along a muddy pathway alongside other men who appear to be racing him.", "A group of men are engaged in a race where they have to crawl through a mud puddle.", "A group of people crawling through an obstacle course that is covered in mud.", "People crawling through the mud on an obstacle course.", "Several men are crawling through mud under barbed wire while a song about mud plays.", "Some men climbed out of a muddy pond and picked a race" ]
[ "许多人在泥里爬行,上岸后又继续奔跑。", "一群人从泥塘里爬上来在泥泞的道上奔跑。", "户外有许多人正在泥地上面奔跑着。", "一群人正在泥塘里爬动,然后逐个地站了起来。", "一群人正从泥潭里爬出来,然后向前跑去。", "一群男子正在参加一场比赛,他们必须爬过一个泥坑。", "一群人从一个泥潭中爬出来后继续向前跑区。", "一群人正在爬过泥泞的障碍路线。", "几个人在爬过铁丝网下的泥巴,同时也放着音乐。", "几个男人从泥坑里爬出来,继续参加比赛。" ]
[ "A young boy splashes in a puddle as the cameraman talks to him.", "A toddler repeatedly stomps their feet in a muddle puddle.", "A child is sloshing around in a nasty puddle of water and has no shoes on.", "A small boy is standing in the mud where he stomps his feet to play.", "A young child is stomping and wading through a puddle of mud.", "A young boy is playing in mud and stomping his feet in a puddle.", "A small toddler stomping in a shallow puddle of water.", "A young boy stomps and plays in a red muddy outdoor puddle.", "A barefoot child, standing, splashes his foot in a muddy puddle.", "A little boy splashes his feet in a shallow puddle of dirty water." ]
[ "一个穿蓝色短裤白色吊带背心的小孩在玩水。", "一个小男孩在泥土里用脚在泥里踩来踩去。", "一个小孩赤着脚不断地踩在泥水里玩耍。", "在室外,一个穿着白色衣服的小男孩在踩泥巴。", "有一个卷头发的小宝宝在地面上踩着什么东西。", "一个小男孩在泥巴里玩耍,脚踏在水坑里。", "一个穿着白色衣服的小孩子正在一个浅水坑里跺脚。", "一个小男孩在一个红色泥泞的户外水坑里踩踏和玩耍。", "一个光着脚的孩子站在一个泥泞的水坑里,他的脚把泥溅起来。", "个小男孩在一个浅浅的污水坑里用双脚泼水。" ]
[ "Someone rides a mountain bike down a muddy wooded trail.", "A rider extricates his dirt bike from a muddy trench while other riders watch", "a biker rides down a hill on their bike and has some trouble doing it", "A group of three dirt bikers attempt to make their way through a mud puddle.", "Men ride dirt bikes through a mud path.", "A young man is riding a motorcycle down a muddy forest road while others look on.", "A person is driving a motorcycle through a rough terrain muddy area.", "A person is driving a motorcycle through a muddy rut in the road.", "A motorcyclist struggles to make his way through a thick mud patch on a road.", "A teenager on a motocross bike gets it temporarily stuck in the mud." ]
[ "一个戴着头盔的人骑着摩托车过了一个泥坑。", "一男子骑摩托车下来,结果掉进了泥坑里。", "一个人正骑着一辆摩托车,在满是泥的地上挣扎。", "一个戴头盔的人在泥泞的林间小路上骑摩托车。", "一个人骑着摩托车费力地通过一段泥泞的道路。", "一个年轻人骑着摩托车在森林里一条泥泞的小路上行驶着,而其他人则在观看。", "一个人驾驶着摩托车穿过了一个地形崎岖的泥泞地区。", "一个男人驾驶着摩托车穿过泥泞的车路。", "一个摩托车手在路上挣扎着想要穿过一块厚厚的泥土。", "几个戴着头盔的人在户外,一个人骑着摩托车在往下坡路走。" ]
[ "A group of people wearing headlamps wade through chest deep water in a stone tunnel.", "In an underground sewer system people walk through submerged in water.", "3 men with lamps on their hats are walking waist deep in water inside a utility tunnel.", "A couple of men are walking in a watery tunnel holding lights and lighted helmets", "A group of people are going through a tunnel filled with water.", "Some people are going through an underground tunnel and the tunnel is half filled with water.", "a man walking through a sewer filled with water as he shows his other friends walking past the sewers with headlamps", "A group of people wearing headlamps are walking though chest high water in a stone tunnel.", "A group of people explore a tunnel that is filled with water.", "A group of people are walking slowly in a sewer and socializing with each other." ]
[ "一队戴着头盔的人在下水道里的积水里行走。", "一行人在狭窄的,充满水的隧道中前行。", "一些人排着队在地下水道中慢慢行走着。", "有人带着灯在淹有水的洞里前行,有个女子还笑出了声。", "一个人走在有积水的洞里,有两个人跟在后面。", "一些人正在穿过地下隧道,隧道里有很多的积水。", "一些人戴着探照灯头盔,走过一个装满水的下水道。", "一群头戴前灯的人在一条通向一个石头隧道的高处走着。", "一群人在探索一个充满水的隧道。", "一群人在下水道里慢慢地走着,彼此交际。" ]
[ "A man is holding a baby in a swimming pool, holds the baby aloft, then drops the baby into the water.", "A man is teaching a baby to swim by dunking him in the water of a pool.", "In a swimming pool, a man raises a baby over his head and drops the infant into the pool and the infant sinks.", "A man is holding a baby in a public pool, then drops the baby into the water.", "A man holds a baby over his head and then drops the baby in the pool.", "A man holds a baby in a pool and raises the baby above his head and drops the baby in the pool.", "A man lifts a baby out of the swimming pool and then drops the baby into the water while a child swims nearby.", "A man and his baby in a pool where he drops his baby and the baby floats up", "An older man is playing with a baby in a pool, he raises him up high and drops him in the water.", "A man holds a little baby in a swimming pool and then drops him on purpose." ]
[ "在一个游泳池里一个男人举起一个孩子扔进了水里。", "一个男人在游泳池里帮助小孩儿学习游泳。", "在游泳池里,一个男人举起了一个小孩,然后又把他扔进水里。", "一个男人把一个小孩举起来然后松手丢回水里。", "一个男人抓着小宝宝的双腿从水中举到空中,接着松了手,宝宝就掉入了水中。", "一个男子在游泳池里面吧一个婴儿举过头顶丢进水里。", "一个男人将婴儿从游泳池里抱出来, 然后将婴儿扔到水里。", "一名男子和一个孩子在游泳池里,把孩子抱起来, 婴儿漂浮起来。", "一个年纪较大的男人正在游泳池里和一个婴儿一起玩耍,他把他抬高并将他放入水中。", "一名男性正在训练小婴儿的游泳技能。" ]
[ "A large group of people are wading through mud on an obstacle course.", "A bunch of people doing a marathon are wading through some high water.", "A large group of individuals are wading through a muddy river.", "A group of endurance competitors are trudging through a river.", "A group of people wade through dirty river water in a Triathlon.", "A hundred people are walking down a waist deep river holding their hands up.", "A large group of people are wading along a ditch waist high in water.", "A large group of people are walking through a waist-deep river.", "a group of sportsmen and women are walking in large drench of water", "A large group of people are walking in a river, some smiling others waving their hands." ]
[ "一群人戴着头巾成群结队地在泥水中行走。", "一群人正在水向前行,有的人笑着,有的人脸上没有表情。", "一群人在河里,一步一步的往前走着。", "一群人在一条都是泥的河流里行走着。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,一些人正在水里走着。", "一百个人举着双手沿着一条腰深的河流走着。", "一群人正在泥水里慢慢的向前行驶着。", "一大群人正在穿过一条齐腰深的河流。", "一群男女运动员在河水中行走,有些人头上顶着包。", "一大群人正在河里行走,有的面带微笑, 有的挥手致意。" ]
[ "two people walking with fishing poles near a river bank", "Two people are walking along the edge of the water holding fishing poles.", "Two men hold fishing poles and wade through calf deep water, as rag-time piano music plays in the background.", "A couple of men holding fishing poles walkthrough a shallow pond in a bog.", "Boys with fishing poles are walking down a small creek.", "Two people are wading through shallow water while holding fishing rods.", "Two people are walking along, in the water, carrying fishing poles.", "Two men together outdoors fishing while playing classic piano music", "Men with fishing rods and back packs are wading down a river while rag time music is playing.", "A group of men are fishing in a stream as they walk in the water along the shore." ]
[ "一个人穿着短裤和短袖背着包手里拿着一根鱼竿在向前走着。", "两个人拿着鱼竿在河边的水里向前走。", "两名男子手拎鱼竿,穿着鞋在河里漫步,其中一个还背着包。", "在户外,两个穿着短裤的男人在的河边拿着鱼竿在钓鱼。", "一个人背着背包,一个人拿着鱼竿,在水边行走。", "两个人拿着鱼竿在很浅的水里行驶着。", "两个人在水里面走着并拿着钓鱼竿。", "两个男人一起在户外钓鱼, 同时演奏经典钢琴音乐。", "拿着钓鱼竿和背包的人在河边涉水,而喧闹的音乐正在播放。", "当人们在岸边的水中行走时,一群人正在溪流中钓鱼。" ]
[ "The camera pans around a street corner at night as a car passes, then focuses on a face close up", "On a low lit crowded street someone walks away and the veiw is turned to a man that then says something into the lense.", "A young guy is outside at night video taping the night life.", "A young man on the street tells about a give away he is doing.", "People are walking down a dark street and then the camera turns to a man's face.", "An individual films a night scene in the city before showing his face and talking to the camera.", "People standing and walking on the sidewalk, and a man speaking.", "A man walks down a sidewalk offering a give away.", "In a men capturing video in the street and them.", "A night scene of a busy city street changes to a teenage boy talking about doing a give away." ]
[ "在夜幕降临的大街上,一群人在这里排队。", "马路上驶过两辆车,在街上有人站立不动,有人正在行走。", "一个男子拍了马路上的路人和他身后的夜景。", "一个人在夜晚的马路边看着行人说着话。", "夜色下的大街上几个人正在路灯下站着。", "一个人拍摄在一个城市的夜晚,并与相机交谈着。", "人们站在人行道上走着,一个人在说话。", "一个人在黑夜的人行道走着,并提供赠品。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人在街头上散步。", "在夜晚的一个繁忙的的街道上,一个男孩在讲话,一些人在路上闲逛。" ]
[ "A man sits in a chair and raises a sunbrella above him and a woman walks across a street and others stand at corner talking.", "A group of people stand and talk outdoors near a restaurant as others sit around.", "A group of men have drinks and wait outside a restaurant.", "A camera is panning the street while a lot of people are sitting and talking", "A group of people gathered between the two intersections of a pedestrian crossing that are between stops and sitting on beach chairs with umbrellas.", "People are sitting outside talking as some other people are standing up.", "Various people are shown talking with one another on a busy street.", "A crowd is sitting and standing on a sidewalk and talking.", "People are sitting and standing out on the streets and having conversation.", "A person walking down the street and recording other people." ]
[ "大家在一个广场上休息,有人坐着,有人站着。", "一个人走在马路上,看到一个高大的男人在询问事情。", "在一个宽阔的室外,一个男人正在举着黄色的伞。", "有一个穿着深色衣服的人在太阳伞下面坐着。", "路上有人撑着伞在乘凉的,有好几个人聚在一起聊天的。", "人们正坐在外面,还有一些人在站着聊天。", "在繁忙的街道上,各种各样的人都在聊天。", "一群男人坐着站着在人行道上说话聊天。", "有的坐在大街上聊天,有的人站在大街上聊天。", "在室外有很多人在路上走着,并且有的人在交谈。" ]
[ "A group of people and their dogs are waiting to go through a door.", "A group of people stand outside in line with their dogs.", "A group of people are walking around through a gate holding large german shepherd dogs.", "Several people with dogs on leashes are lined and entering a building.", "A bunch of people are waiting outside in a line with dogs on leashes.", "A group of people are standing with their dogs, some of the dogs are barking.", "Men holding dogs on leashes as they start to walk toward the door.", "A group of people with dogs on a leash walk towards an open door.", "Dogs on leashes and their owners stand in line to go through a door.", "A group of people with their dogs walk into a building." ]
[ "一些人用手牵着一些。宠物。旁边的人。在一旁行走。", "好多人牵着自己的宠物狗出去遛弯。", "大街上有好多人都在遛自己家的狗。", "一群穿着深色衣服的人每人都牵着一条狗。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人牵着一只狗。", "一群人中好几个人用绳子牵着手里的狗剩。", "一群人用狗链牵着狗,开始在门口走来走去。", "一群人带着一群狗走向一扇敞开的门。", "拴着绳子的狗和它们的主人排队穿过一道门。", "一群人带着他们的狗走进一座建筑物。" ]
[ "A boy and a girl make various funny faces while standing in line.", "Several kids play around in front of the camera doing funny faces.", "A few kids are looking into a camera and making funny faces.", "Kids are screaming and laughing and talking as they are making ridiculous faces.", "A boy is pulling faces and laughing into the camera and a girl is doing the same and pulls at her eye.", "a lot of people is waiting for ticket and a few children laughing to the camera", "A couple of teens in a group are standing in front of the camera and making faces.", "Young people make funny faces and noises into camera at an outdoor event", "a group of kids messing around outdoors with a large crowd of people all around", "A couple of kids goof off for the person with the carma in a crowd." ]
[ "明亮的街面上,一群人正在轮流的做着鬼脸。", "一个男孩和一个女孩正在做鬼脸。旁边有两个人无语的看着他们。", "不同的人先后伸出舌头做鬼脸,还不时地大叫。", "在广场上两个穿灰色衣服的人在做鬼脸。", "在一个晴朗的天气,有很多人站在那里,还有一些人在做着鬼脸。", "很多人在排队等着购票,有几个孩子对着镜头笑。", "在户外一群年轻的男人和女人在做着鬼脸。", "在户外活动中年轻的外国小孩对着镜头做搞怪表情。", "一群孩子在户外闲逛,周围有很多人。", "几个孩子在人群中变现的非常兴奋还做了许多鬼脸。" ]
[ "A woman is talking to a camera as a boy is climbing over a boundary.", "A single woman is shown then many people are walking in the same direction.", "a lady looks at the camera with a smile on her face", "People stand in a line that starts moving and people chat in the background.", "A girl is waiting in a long line that is slowly moving forward.", "A woman waits in a line in a dark room as people walk by", "A closeup of a women talking then a crowd of people walk into where they are seated.", "A man films his child as they are standing in line for an attraction. The child is not amused.", "A woman and some children are in a room while the children are looking out the glass windows at the people walking by the room.", "People are watching other people walk down a hallway and focuses on a woman." ]
[ "一个女孩在眨眼一个小孩双手握着扶手站了起来一旁的人在走动。", "一位女士正在与一位男士说话,旁边有许多人。", "在一个阴暗的房间,一群人正在走动。", "一群人在漆黑的环境里,其中一个穿短袖的小男孩儿正在爬木板。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的人正在偷偷起来偷看。", "在黑暗的房间里,一个女人在排队等候,一旁还站了很多人。", "一个女人正在说话时,一群男人走进她的视线。", "一个男人正在拍摄他的孩子,他们正在排队等候一个景点,但是孩子并不开心。", "一个女人和一些孩子在一个房间里玩耍。", "一个女人微笑着,旁边走廊有一排人在行走。" ]
[ "a baby waking up dress in white and yellow put up both arms.", "A baby is making cute faces and waving his arms around.", "A baby lying on cushions is looking at the camera before smiling and lifting his arms.", "An infant in pajamas waving their hands while cooing and smiling.", "A baby is laying in a bed and waving its arms and hands.", "A baby is laying on a mat and scrunching up his face and his face gets red.", "A baby is being filmed making faces and moving his arms.", "A baby smiles just before she stretches her arms over her head.", "A baby is staring seriously at a woman and tries to smile.q", "A young baby makes expressions in response to a woman's sound." ]
[ "一个短头发小孩正在躺在床上玩耍。", "一个穿着白色衣服的婴儿挥舞着小手然后笑了一下。", "一个小宝宝躺着伸展胳膊并且嘴动了动,脸憋的很红。", "一个外国小孩睁着大眼睛用手在空中挥舞着。", "一个穿白色衣服的小孩子躺在躺着挥动着两只小手。", "一个躺在垫子上扭着脸的婴儿脸红了。", "一名婴儿正在被拍到做鬼脸和移动手臂。", "一个婴儿在她的手臂伸过头顶之前就微笑了。", "一个躺在灰色床单上的婴儿挥舞着双手。", "一个年幼的婴儿根据女人的声音做出各种表情。" ]
[ "A huge-bodied man in a yellow striped shirt is interrupted from his sleep by a flap on the table.", "A man sleeps in an office chair, someone slaps a notebook loudly on the table in front of him, and he jumps up after them.", "A man is sleeping in a chair and is woken up as a joke by someone slamming something on the desk in front of him.", "someone hits the table and wakes up a sleeping man and he stands up.", "a man in yellow sleeps in a chair and then gets startled by something", "A man in a yellow shirt is startled awake while sitting in a char and goes after the person who woke him.", "A heavy set man is leaned back asleep in a chair by a table and another person slaps something on the table waking him up.", "A person smacks a table next to a sleeping man with a folder.", "A man is asleep at his desk and someone slams something to wake him up.", "Someone slams a book on a table, waking a sleeping man, who runs after him." ]
[ "一个穿黑黄相间衣服的男人在睡觉,另外一个人用一个东西惊醒了他。", "一个男人坐着椅子上睡觉,另一个人拿着东西砸向了桌面,这时睡觉的男人醒了并起身离去。", "一个穿黄色衣服的男人躺在椅子上睡着,然后被一个人拿橙黄色的文件夹拍桌子吓醒了。", "一个穿着黄色短袖的男人躺坐在椅子上。", "一个男人正坐在靠背椅上打盹,被一个人过来拿书拍打旁边的桌子吵醒。", "一个穿着黄色衬衫的男人坐在椅子上睡觉,然后一个人拍打物品发出巨大的响声并叫醒他。", "一个穿黄色衣服的人在座椅上睡着了,另一个人拿了个东西拍了拍他旁边的桌子,把他吵醒了。", "一个人用一个文件夹击打着一个沉睡的人旁边的一个桌子。", "一个男人在他的办公桌边睡着了,有人猛地把他弄醒了。", "一个人手上拿着一本书,把正在睡觉的人给打醒了。" ]
[ "A baby boy turns his head while sleeping then wakes up and looks at the camera.", "A baby is laying down and covered with a blanket while turning his head.", "A sleeping baby with a blue blanket is awakened by the camera-person.", "A baby is laying down and then turns their head and touches their head with their hand.", "A baby laying under a blanket rolls over and looks up at the camera.", "A small infant is seen waking up and stretching while looking at the camera.", "An infant boy is lying down and looking at the camera while being recorded.", "A baby is wrapped in a blanket and is waking up from a nap.", "A baby is sleeping in a crib and he starts to stir and wake up.", "A little baby laying on it's back turns its head to open it's eyes." ]
[ "一个可爱的小婴儿刚刚睡醒,睁开了大大的眼睛。", "床上一名婴儿上面干着一个蓝色的被子。", "一个躺在红色床铺上盖着蓝色被子的小孩转过头来。", "一个小孩在红色的床上盖着被子躺着。", "一个婴儿盖着毯子,躺在床上,微笑着把头转来转去。", "一个小婴儿醒来后伸展了身体,然后看向了镜头。", "一个婴儿正在床上刚从熟睡中醒来。", "一个婴儿被裹在毯子里,从小睡梦中醒来。", "一个婴儿正在婴儿床里睡觉,他动了一下后醒了过来。", "一个小婴儿躺在它的背上,转动它的头,睁开它的眼睛。" ]
[ "A baby is laying in her bed sleeping very comfortable.", "Adult hand tickles sleeping baby on stomach and armpit, and baby continues sleeping with bent limbs.", "A baby girl lies down on her back as a man fiddles with her onesie.", "A person tickles a sleeping and squirming infant who doesn't laugh.", "A father is rubbing his young baby trying to get it to wake up.", "A man tickles a sleeping babies chest, stomach and arms as he tries to wake her up", "A dad tickles his baby and tries to wake her up, but she's fast asleep.", "A person tries to tickle baby as she sleeps in her crib.", "An adult is touching and rubbing a newborn baby in an attempt to wake it up.", "A man tickles a baby and tries to get them to play with them." ]
[ "一个宝宝在睡觉,另一个人用手给他挠痒痒,怎么也弄不醒。", "小婴儿睡着了,大人用手在他身上抚摸着。", "一个人在挠小宝宝痒痒,宝宝反应动作搞笑。", "一个穿着粉红色衣服的婴儿,闭着眼睛躺在床上。", "一个人用一只手揉着一个正在睡觉的孩子。", "一名男子在试图叫醒熟睡的婴儿,在婴儿的胸部、腹部和手臂上搔痒。", "一位父亲给孩子搔痒,试图叫醒她,但是她睡得很熟。", "一名婴儿在床上睡着正香,一个人试图对她挠痒痒。", "一个成年人正在抚摸和摩擦新生婴儿,试图将其唤醒。", "一只手正在给一个躺在绿色毯子上的婴儿抓痒。" ]
[ "A baby sits in a bouncy swing, starts to fall asleep, wakes up a bounces a little.", "A little boy is sitting in a baby carriage and bouncing up and down while looking around.", "A baby is sitting in a bouncy swing having a hard time keeping his eyes open.", "A boy stands and puts his head down and bounces while inside a table.", "A young baby sits in a bouncing toy and almost falling asleep while bouncing.", "A sleepy toddler eyes the camera, then bounces inside a walker.", "A baby is falling asleep while playing in his jumper.", "A baby nearly falls asleep while standing in a bouncer.", "A baby is standing on a toy and is almost falling asleep.", "A baby is falling asleep in a indoor play set and bouncing up and down." ]
[ "一个穿着棕色衣服的宝宝坐在儿童车里,眯了会儿眼镜后蹦蹦跳跳。", "一个小男孩在摇摇椅上跳着跳着快要睡着了最后又清醒了。", "一个穿着短袖的小孩子站在椅子上晃着。", "一个穿着深色衣服的孩子站在玩具里玩耍。", "一个小男孩坐在吊着的童车上,合着眼晃悠着。。", "一个瞌睡的小孩看着镜头,然后身体在助行器里摇晃着。", "一个婴儿在一个玩具车里快要睡着。", "一个婴儿站在婴儿保护车里几乎就快要睡着了。", "一个穿褐色衣服的婴儿站在玩具里,几乎睡着了。", "一个婴儿在室内椅子里睡着了,在上下跳动。" ]
[ "A boy is skateboarding and walking his dog at the same time.", "A boy walks a dog while riding his skateboard down the street", "A boy is being pulled down the street on his skateboard, by a large dog on a leash, while an adult congratulates the dog.", "A young boy riding down the street on a scooter being pulled along by his dog.", "A black dog is pulling a boy on his skateboard to a house.", "A young boy on a skateboard being pulled along the street by a dog.", "Boy riding a skateboard while being pulled down the street by a dog.", "A young boy is pulled down the street by a dog on a lease.", "A boy is being pulled by his dog while riding a skateboard.", "A boy is riding down the street on a skateboard, while holding onto his dog who is running." ]
[ "白天的户外,一个小男孩,踩着滑板,牵着一只狗,在道路上玩耍。", "一条黑狗拉着一个踩着单板的小男孩在马路上前行。", "一个穿着红色衣服的小男孩牵着一条狗站在平衡车上滑过来。", "一个穿着红衣服的小男孩在玩着滑板,还在溜着狗。", "一个小男孩牵着一条狗,玩滑板车。", "一个男孩骑着滑板,被一条在奔跑的狗拖着。", "一个男孩踩着滑板在街上被一条狗拉着前进。", "一个小男孩正在街上拉着一只租来的狗。", "一个穿红色衣服的男孩子牵着狗踩着滑板滑行。", "一个男孩用滑板在路上行走,手里牵着一只狗。" ]
[ "A small child has a toy dog on a leash and is walking it around the room.", "A toddler in pajamas pulls a toy dog through the living room with a string.", "A young boy is dragging a puppy toy across the room as he walks.", "A toddler pulls a toy on a string behind him as he walks into a larger area.", "A baby is dragging along her toy dog inside of her house.", "A toddler stands with its duck toy they walks to the kitchen area with it.", "A toddler is walking his toy dog as adult woman looks on.", "A small child is pulling his pull toy across a wood floor.", "A little girl is pulling a duck toy on a string in a room", "A baby is walking and pulling a dog toy behind him." ]
[ "一位小朋友正在房间里拉着玩具鸭到处走。", "一个穿着蓝色裤子的小朋友手拉着他的玩具小鸭子在家里走路。", "一个小孩牵着玩具狗在木质地板上走动。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的男孩在房间里玩玩具。", "一个小孩子用左手拖着玩具狗向前面走过去。", "一个小孩拿着它的鸭子玩具,带着它走到厨房区域。", "一个刚走路的孩子正在遛他的玩具狗,一个女人在看着。", "一个小孩子正把他的玩具拉在木地板上。", "一个小宝宝在房间里拉着一根绳子上的鸭子玩具。", "一个婴儿在室内拉着一个狗玩具乱跑,家人在旁边看着。" ]
[ "In a street, a man in a wheelchair rolls down with a dog pulling him.", "Person riding down the street in their wheelchair with a dog and a leash attached to it.", "A man is walking his dog riding in a wheelchair with the leash tied to the front of his wheel.", "A person is moving on a wheel chair and a dog is with him", "A service dog is helping a guy in a wheel chair.", "A man in a fancy wheel chair walks his dog that is tied to the wheel chair.", "A man is rolling down a wheel chair with a dog leashed to the chair", "A man in a wheelchair walking his dog on a lead in a caravan park", "A man with a dog attached to the front wheel of his wheelchair is rolling himself down a path.", "The man in the wheelchair is walking his dog, while he pushes himself in the wheelchair." ]
[ "一个穿着白色上衣的男人轮着轮椅遛狗。", "路上,一名身穿白色上衣的男人坐在轮椅上,被一只小狗牵引着。", "一个人坐着轮椅朝这边过来,旁边有一条狗。", "在室外的马路上一个穿白色衣服的人坐在轮椅上,并拉着一条狗。", "一个穿着白色衣服的人正在坐着轮椅走。", "一个男人坐着轮椅在路上移动,轮椅上绑着他的狗。", "一名男子正在滑动着轮椅, 一只狗被绑在椅子上。", "一名坐在轮椅上的男子在大篷车公园里带着他的狗遛弯。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男人坐在轮椅上移动。", "坐在轮椅上的男子正在遛狗, 而他则在推着轮椅。" ]
[ "A little boy walks a very small do that takes off running.", "A boy is walking a small puppy, who is attempting to sniff at the bushes.", "A boy is walking a dog on a leash on a street.", "A young boy is walking and running alongside a small dog on a leash.", "A little boy is running along side a little boy on a leash.", "A boy walking his little dog in the parking lot.", "A little boy walking a small dog with a leash along the sidewalk.", "A little boy holding a dog on a leash, is walking the dog, while an adult talks to him.", "A little boy is walking his tiny dog on the streets.", "A little boy walks a dog outside on a leash." ]
[ "一个小男孩牵着一条狗在街道外面散步。", "一个男孩牵着一只小狗在路上走着,一个女人在旁边说话。", "一个穿着短裤的小朋友,在一个马路上遛狗。", "一个小男孩正在马路上溜着他的宠物狗。", "室外有一个小孩子和一只小狗正在行走。", "一个男孩牵着一只小狗在停车场的绿化带旁边遛狗。", "在马路上,一个穿着背心的小男孩儿在遛狗。", "一个小男孩牵着一条狗的皮带,在遛狗,然后他跑着。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人正在沿着马路边上遛狗。", "一个穿着背心的小男孩正牵着一条狗在外面遛狗。" ]
[ "a man is walking his two dogs and little boy who falls down", "A man and a boy walking their 2 dogs on the street but the boy fell down and cried.", "A man and a toddler are walking two dogs down the street.", "A man and a little girl walking dogs down the street.", "A man is walking with his two dogs and toddler.", "a man and a kid walk their dogs while they are outside", "A toddler walks a dog behind a man before falling and crying.", "A man was going for walking with two dogs and a small baby was along with them when try to climb on dog was fell down", "Two people are walking two dogs down their street together.", "A baby bumps into a dog and cries while walking down road." ]
[ "一个穿灰色衣服的男人牵着两条狗,一个小朋友跟在后面。", "水泥路上一个男人牵着两条狗和一个小孩子,小孩子被狗撞倒了。", "一个男人和一个小孩都牵着一条狗走在路上,小孩摔倒了。", "有个穿短袖的人用绳子牵了两只狗一个小孩在路上走着。", "在一个明亮的室外,一个人牵着两条狗正在遛狗。", "一个男人和一个孩子在外面遛狗,然后孩子突然被带倒。", "一个幼儿跟在一个男人身后遛狗, 然后摔倒并哭泣。", "一个人牵着两条狗在走路,一个婴儿在后面被一只狗带倒并且哭了。", "一个大人牵着两条狗带着一个小孩子走在街道上。", "一个幼儿在行走时撞上一只狗,旁边的男子向他张望。" ]
[ "A man walks his dog outside in the snow and the dog jumps into the snow.", "Man walks outside where snow has accumulated, he throws dog onto snowy ground, and the dog sinks motionless.", "A man takes his dog out side for a walk and throws the dog in to the snow the dog sinks.", "A man walks outside while it is snowing and throws his small dog into the snow.", "A man goes out in the snow, puts his dog down, and the snow is higher than the dog", "A man says that it is snowing, then tells his dog to go for a walk. He tosses the dog which sinks into the deep snow.", "A man is talking about the snow he is walking through, in a foreign language.", "A man is walking his dog in the snow, he is talking to the camera and then lets his dog loose", "A man takes his dog and drops it into a bank of fluffy white snow.", "A person with a red hat walks outside in the snow, then drops a dog in the snow." ]
[ "一个男人抱着一只狗然后把狗丢进积雪很厚的地方。", "在一片雪地里,一个男人拎着一只狗并把它丢进雪地里。", "一个戴着帽子的男子笑着将小狗丢到雪地里。", "在户外,一个戴着红色帽子的男人在散步。", "一个男人在抱着一只狗并把它丢在雪地里。", "一个男人一边说话,天正在下雪,然后一边和他的狗去散步,最后他把狗扔进深深的雪中。", "一个男人在用外语谈论他走过的雪。", "一个人在雪中遛狗, 他在和镜头说话, 然后给他的狗松绑。", "一个男人带着他的狗,把它扔进一堆蓬松的白雪。", "一个戴着红色帽子的人走在雪地里,同时拉着狗。" ]
[ "Two kids walking together on a bunch of deep snow", "The two boys, together with their dog are out in the snow.", "A couple of kids are seen walking around and having fun in the snow with the dog.", "Two boys and a dog are walking across a frozen field during winter.", "Two young boys are walking slow as they crunch through the frozen snow.", "Two children and a dog walk outside in the cold weather.", "a couple of people outside in the snow trying to walk across in their shoes", "Two people are walking on icy snow near a large hairy dog.", "Two boys try making their way through some snow outdoors.", "Two friends walking on ice trying not to slip with a dog." ]
[ "在雪地上,两个男子正在艰难的走路,相互向前走着。", "雪地上两个人正在向前走,旁边的狗先坐在地上然后起来。", "两个可爱的小男孩在雪地里一步一步向前走,旁边有一只黑色的狗躺在雪上。", "两个小孩和一条黑狗在雪地里慢慢行走着。", "两个人慢慢的走在雪地上,旁边有一只黑色的狗。", "在寒冷的天气里,两个孩子和一只狗在外面走着。", "两个人在雪地上缓慢的行走,旁边的狗走开了。", "1: 两个人在冰冷的雪上走在一只毛茸茸的大狗附近。", "一个穿着红色衣服的人和他朋友在雪地里行走。", "有两个人在雪地上走路,旁边有一只狗在吃着食物,然后走开了。" ]
[ "A man gathers snow up into a snowball and throws it at a woman.", "A man picked the snow and threw it and the moved to a tree to touch the leaf", "Some people are out in the snow and one man picks up some snow and throws it at a woman.", "A man makes a loose snowball and throws it at another person.", "a man with glasses picks up a snowball and throws it at another person", "A man throws a snowball at a woman while they are at a ski resort.", "A man makes a snowball and throws it at a girl.", "A man scoops up snow and throws a snowball at a woman.", "A man picks up snow and throws it at another person.", "Several people are talking while they are throwing snow balls." ]
[ "一个男人在雪地里拿起一把雪扔向了两个人。", "一个穿着黑色衣服戴着黑色墨镜的男人,拿起一把雪在砸向另一个人。", "一个戴着眼镜的男人和许多人一起在玩儿打雪仗。", "一个戴着眼镜并且戴着红色手套的男人在大雪球。", "在一个户外,地面都是一些雪,有人在雪地行走。", "在滑雪场上,一名男子向一名女子投掷雪球。", "一个男人制作一个雪球,并把它扔给一个女孩。", "一个男人铲起雪, 向一个女人扔雪球。", "一个人捡起雪然后笑着扔给另一个人。", "一位男士一边说话一边从雪地上团了一个雪团向远处扔去。" ]
[ "A guy is walking around kicking balls of snow.", "A man try to kick a shoe ball and the snow falls a part", "A man walks up and kicks snow off the ground while the person recording laughs.", "a man repetedly kicks a large snowball as a woman laughs", "A man is kicking snow everywhere whilst a girl laughs at him", "A man kicks snow in a park while a woman laughs.", "A man wearing a coat is kicking snow on the ground.", "A man shuffles in the snow an the kicks large balls of snow.", "A man walks up to a ball of snow then kicks it.", "A man runs up to a large snowball and kicks it." ]
[ "一个黑衣男子在雪地上踢两块雪球,一位女士在旁边笑。", "一个戴着帽子的男子正在雪地上踢雪,边上有个女人在笑。", "在一片雪原上。一个穿黑色衣服的人正在踢着雪。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人在雪地了用脚踢雪。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人正在踢雪玩。", "一个男人在公园里踢雪时,一个女人在笑着。", "一个穿着厚外套的男人正在踢地上的积雪。", "一个男人在雪地里踢碎了一大块雪球。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人走到雪球旁并踢碎了雪球。", "一名男子在雪地里,用脚将雪踢了起来。" ]
[ "Two woman are standing at the kitchen sink washing dishes.", "A woman in the kitchen is working on dishes and joined by her daughter to help.", "A woman is seen washing a plate in a kitchen sink", "A woman is washing dishes and puts a dish in a drying rack.", "A woman is washing a pot and then places it to the side of the sink.", "Two women wash dishes in a kitchen while people talk in the background.", "The two women are washing the dishes manually in the kitchen.", "A woman is in a kitchen doing dishes as another girl stands next to her.", "A group of woman are attempting to make food together.", "A lady is standing and doing dishes in front of a row of candles." ]
[ "一个女人在整理台面上的东西,另外一个女人也过来帮她一起整理。", "一名长发女子拿起一个盘子放在一旁,随后出现了另一名女子。", "两个穿着深色上衣的女人在水池里洗刷着东西。", "一个穿绿色上衣的女子正在桌子前刷盘子。", "一个穿着绿色衣服的人正在做一个东西。", "当人们则在幕后说话时,两名妇女在厨房里洗盘子。", "这两个女人正在厨房里手工洗碗。", "一个女人正在厨房洗碗,而另一个女孩站在她旁边。", "一个穿着短裤的女人在一个厨房准备着食物。", "一位女士正站在一排蜡烛前面洗碗。" ]
[ "A guy uses a dish sponge to wash dirty dishes.", "A lady was washing the cutlery and dished in a kitchen sink", "A person with a soapy sponge washes dishes and utensils in a sink.", "A sink full of dishes and a person wiping each piece with a soapy sponge.", "Man holding a scrubber sponger and cleaning the dishes in a kitchen sink.", "A person at a sink washes silverware using soap and a sponge.", "A man is washing dirty kitchen ustenstils in the sink", "A person is washing some dishes in the sink with a sponge.", "A person is washing the dishes by lathering them with soap using a sponge.", "A person washing dishes with soap and a dish scrubber in a kitchen" ]
[ "一个人用洗碗布擦了一个杯子,又擦了两把刀。", "一个穿着围裙的人,在用洗完刷清洗着碗和勺子等。", "男子在演示如何用洗碗泡沫去清洗勺子。", "在一个室内里,有一个人在水池子里刷东西。", "一个人用沾满泡沫的海绵来擦拭杯子、勺子。", "一个人在水槽里用肥皂和海绵洗餐具。", "有个男人正在洗涤污秽的厨房用品。", "一个人正在用海绵在水槽里洗一些盘子。", "一个人正在用海绵擦洗碗碟和一些餐具。", "一个人在厨房里用带有泡沫的抹布清洗餐具。" ]
[ "A bowl out of a sink of dirty dishes is being washed, a dirty coffee cup is seen and then the bowl being washed.", "A person is using a sponge, soap and water to clean dirty dishes in the sink.", "Someone washes a pot and ladle with soap and a sponge.", "A person's hands are shown washing the dishes and utensils.", "a person washing the vessel with sponge and with soap oil and washing that on the water in another vessel", "A man washes a metal spoon and then a pot.", "A dishwasher scrubs food from a pan and a spoon.", "A person is washing dishes in soapy water in a sink.", "A person is cleaning their dishes in the sink in the kitchen.", "A person is cleaning a ladel and then cleans a bowl in the sink." ]
[ "一个人正在利用容器里的泡沫洗着餐具。", "一个人正在厨房洗碗,东西很杂乱,有铁勺,盘子,黄色的婉等。", "一个人正拿着工具清理勺子和盆子。", "一个人在用一块绿色的抹布在洗汤勺和碗。", "一个人在洗一个勺子,洗完勺子后又洗了洗盆子。", "一个男人洗了一个金属勺子,然后是一个金属锅。", "一个人正在厨房里用抹布擦勺子洗锅。", "一个人在用水槽里的肥皂水洗碗和勺子。", "一个人正在厨房的水槽里清洗盘子和碗。", "一个人在水池里用抹布清洁勺子和银色的盆。" ]
[ "A person scrubs the inside of a bowl with soap and turns on water to rinse the bowl.", "A boy is wearing gloves and washing a bowl in a kitchen.", "A little boy is washing a stainless steel bowl with a sponge and then he rinses the bowl.", "A child is standing at a sink with dishes and is washing them.", "A toddler scrubs and rinses dishes under the sink faucet.", "A young boy washes a bowl in a sink full of dirty dishes.", "A little boy is washing dishes by hand in a sink.", "A young kid is washing dishes in the sink with gloves on.", "A small child is wearing gloves as he tries to wash the dishes.", "A young boy is scrubbing pots and pans in a sink." ]
[ "一个小孩在洗碗间用洗洁精洗盆并给盆冲了水。", "一个小孩戴着手套在洗碗池里洗碗。", "一个小孩戴着一次性手套在认真的洗碗。", "一名身穿黑色上衣的男孩,正在房间里刷碗。", "一个戴着塑料手套的人正在水池边清洗一些盘子和盆。", "一个小男孩在装满脏盘子的水池里洗碗。", "一个身穿条子背心的小男孩戴着手套刷着盆子碗。", "一个小孩子正戴着手套在水槽里洗盘子。", "一个小孩子戴着手套在厨房的水池里洗碗。", "一个小男孩正在水槽里洗锅子和平底锅。" ]
[ "A college graduate is getting their feet washed by a man.", "A man dressed in a cap and gown washing a foot then shows others wearing similar garbs.", "A person in a cap and gown massages another person's feet and many people are seen with caps and gown", "At a graduation ceremony a person is washing the feet of another person.", "In a hall full of students in cap and gown, a man washes the foot of one student.", "A man washes student's feet on stage at a graduation ceremony.", "A man in a graduation cap and gown is washing a person's foot sitting in a chair as others stand in line.", "A man kneels down and washes a person's feet at a ceremony.", "A man in a cap and gown is kneeling over, washing another person's feet.", "Man wearing a graduation gown washing the feet of someone while others stand in line." ]
[ "一个身穿黑色衣服的男人正在给另一个人洗脚。", "在某个毕业典礼上一个男生给长辈洗脚,旁边很多毕业生和自己的家长排着队。", "毕业典礼上一个身穿学士服的男人蹲着给人洗脚,台下很多人在观看典礼仪式。", "一个穿着博士服的年轻人正蹲在地上给人洗脚。", "毕业典礼上,一个大学生穿着学士服,正在给自己父母洗脚。", "一个男人在毕业典礼的舞台上,正在给学生洗脚。", "一个戴着帽子的人在给另一个人洗脚。其他人在排队。", "一个人跪下来, 在一个仪式上洗了一个人的脚。", "一个穿着帽子和长袍的男人跪在地上,洗了另一个人的脚。", "一位身穿毕业礼服的男子正在给别人洗脚,其他人则在排队。" ]
[ "a boy doing pedicure to a person by placing his feet in a tub of water and scrubbing", "A little boy rubbing and cleaning the feet of someone sitting in a chair.", "The little boy is giving the guy a foot bath and a good massage", "A young boy gives a foot massage or cleaning service", "A young man massages the feet of another person.", "A young man is sitting down, massaging another 's feet.", "A boy washes examines and rubs the toes and foot of a girl.", "A young boy washing the foot of another individual over a red waterbowl", "A small boy massages the feet of another small child.", "A person sits in a chair as a boy holds their leg up and washing their foot." ]
[ "一个戴着眼镜的男孩正给一个人洗着脚。", "一个红衣的眼镜男正在给一个人洗脚按摩。", "一个戴着眼镜身穿红色上衣的男孩在给其他人洗脚。", "一个戴着眼镜穿红色衣服的人,正在用双手给人按摩脚。", "在一个晴朗的天气,一个穿着红色上衣的人正在帮另外一个人洗脚。", "一个小男孩坐在地上,按摩一个人的脚。", "一个男孩给一个女孩洗脚检查,擦脚趾和脚。", "一个小男孩正在用一个红色水盆给另一个人洗脚。", "一个小男孩按摩另一个小孩的脚。", "一个人戴着眼镜的男孩正在给一个坐在凳子上的人洗脚。" ]
[ "People arise from kneeling in a church in front of other seated people.", "Some altar boys present something to a group of three men seated at the front of a church.", "A priest kisses the feet of a congregant during a Catholic ritual washing of the feet ceremony.", "A priest is getting up from his needs after the washing of the feet ritual.", "Three men getting up from their knees after washing three other men's feet.", "Men are knelled down in a auditorium while a choir sings.", "The men stand from the kneeling position during the service.", "Men in church kneeling down in front of other men while children sing.", "a group of church officials doing a church ceremony inside a church", "Children are heard singing in a chior and the elders of the church are shown before church service." ]
[ "两个人跪在三个人面前,然后站起身来走到一边。", "伴着抒情的音乐,两个人向坐在凳子上的人行了礼然后起身走了。", "一个穿白色衣服的人正在跪着闻别人的脚。", "几个穿着白衣服的人围坐在一起,旁边放着电风扇。", "明亮的房间内,几名身穿白色外套的男子,正在房间内玩耍。", "一群人在礼堂里,旁边伴有小孩子的歌声。", "在仪式过程中,一名男子跪着然后立了起来。", "教堂里的男人跪在其他男人面前时孩子们在歌唱。", "一群教会官员在教堂里举行教堂仪式。", "可以听到孩子们在教堂里唱歌, 教堂里的长老们也会在教堂礼拜前得到教堂的礼拜。" ]