Agreed. Fuck this rotten piece of shit. Makes terrible music too
Who consumes this shit these days? I don't want to sound like an old man who doesn't understand younger generation... but I always hear about some new rapper every month that I never knew existed... yet they have apparently millions of fans. And they're all carbon copies of each other (weird dyed hair, some kind of makeup) and their music is all nearly identical (and objectively bad). Just what the fuck is going on?
Scarlet Witch was creepier, in the first few moments. It was like watching a horror film. I didn't expect that, so I liked that scene very much.
Scarlet witch and Quicksilver were the real show stealers for me. SW's creepiness and QS's quips were both amazing; sucks that he died since in the comics, Barton is the first to die of the two. I think since he gave Wanda that, "your an avenger," pep talk and his banter with quicksilver, it would be been even more sad. I couldn't believe they had gotten rid of a character that could've come in handy if they ever went the disassembled/house of M route.
No there wouldn't. Utility rates are set by government committees/commissions, there's no competition to be had in pricing. That and there are large natural barriers to entry in utility markets.
>...Internet as Utility... >>Utility rates are set by government committees/commissions, there's no competition to be had in pricing. That and there are large natural barriers to entry in utility markets.
Yo dawg, I heard you were pining away for that 90's song that was pining away for the 70's.
Didn't you know, every generation pines away for the decades two removed from their own. Just look at TV shows, Happy Days pined away for the 50s, Wonder Years for the 60s, That 70s Show for the 70s. However, there really wasnt during the 2000s that pined for the 80s or one now that pines for the 90s. I dread the day during the 2030s when a sitcom pines away for these days.
This is the one I was going to mention. I tried to get into the story but I was just not interested in watching the boy named after a tiny squished-face dog try to become a wizard.
If it’s any consolation he turns into a fucking badass called Milamber... so there’s that
Well, it has a galaxy spanning plot with political intrigue and wars. It has a unique mythology in it. It plays with the concept of religion. I will say this. *Dune* was never meant to stand on its own. The second book eliminates most (but not all) of the criticism. I enjoyed it and read the first four books. Then it got a little too out there for me.
I'll try the next few books then. Thanks for a real response. It seemed like Herbert set up an incredible universe, but his storytelling just seemed lacking.
I am not sure I agree that reddit is destined for failure and obscurity, at least not any time soon (everything fades given enough time). This article presents very little of substance. Is there still work to do on a viable business model for reddit? Of course. But reddit is already owned by Conde Nast, so sale to a corporate overlord has already happened. The analogy to Digg is also a bit of a reach. If anything, Digg is to MySpace as reddit is to Facebook.
The problem for Reddit's owners is that we've learned internet decline is very rapid and not entirely predictable. I'm sure that Digg's owners and admins were surprised by the size and speed of the exodus. MySpace knew that Facebook was competition but did not correctly predict how much and how quickly they'd overtake them. Neither Digg nor MySpace was the first in their field either, they both replaced someone else. A reddit clone could spring up tomorrow and have the bulk of reddit's power users in a week or two. Internet fads happen that fast. Once the hard work of link submission disappears it'd be another month or so before reddit was a shell of it's former self.
I haven’t used a screen protector for a few years. Phone holds up great. Minor scratches but only noticeable with the phone off and if you really look at the correct angle and light
So your opinion: should I keep mine on? Or just take off the screen protector?
lil dicky. futuristic. Kendrick Lamar. Jay Rock. J. Cole. Schoolboy Q. Childish Gambino. Ab soul
Pretty good list, I've not heard of some of these. I'll give them a listen! :)
You could argue going from lead to supporting actor is a drop.
I mean sure, but in comparison to actors who have fallen off after starring in major roles (e.g. Hayden Christensen or Brandon Routh) I wouldn't say Ejiofor has had that much of a drop in his career.
Really, guys? Do you people not own radios, or are you all just 12?
considering the cringe-worthy cover's people are recommending I think '12' is a pretty safe answer
One thing that has blown my mind is that there's some non-trivial amount of storage in these high bandwidth lines. If they put one of these across the Atlantic, it would take a minimum of about 10 ms due to the speed of light. Which means this cable is storing 2.5 TB!
The expression "blown my mind" is greatly overused, and frequently gets applied to the most stultifyingly mundane things. However, this is definitely one of those occasions. Mind Blown.
Yeah. I see no one wears calculator watches. Even people laugh at me for being old school. I don't want to get a smartphone since I have speech and hearing impediments. I hate holding them due to my disabilities too. I don't mind a stand alone smartwatch (smartphone in it already) though, but they would be heavy, thick, expensive, and buggy (at first).
The crazy thing is these are likely the same people who can't do basic arithmetic in their heads & need a calculator for any little computation, then spend time getting their phone out, unlocking it, opening the calculator app, punching in the digits, etc when if they knew how to do it mentally (at least estimation!), they'd be done before reaching into their pocket.
Is an allegory supposed to be subtle by default though? I can't think of one in a movie that's not obvious. The thing in 2001 Space Oddessy might be one, although that movie feels like it's filled with symbolism just to give you the impression that it has some profound meaning about life.
No, but people were praising it as subtle. As in: "Hey... did you know the monster represents... depression???" The movie constantly reminds the audience that it's about depression without ever using the word itself.
There is no wrong or right Westeros accent. GRRM has said that the pronunciation of character names from the books is up to interpretation. But what you're proposing is nonsensical. If they're all doing the Westerosi accent wrong, everyone in the show is likewise doing it wrong. What would you measure their correct accent against? It's a non sequitur.
I said MAYBE. You can't say that Peter Dinklage is doing a poor accent when there's no such thing as a real Westeros accent. If it's open to interpretation, then Dinklage is just doing whatever the hell he wants.
On one hand, mass data collection is evil. On the other, this is a non porn method of teaching kids it’s ok to lie about your age on the internet.
Who said anything about teaching kids to lie about their age?
I was going to correct you saying that they're not even trolleys but trams, but apparently in NA you guys call trams trolleys. To me [this] is a trolley.
I'm not sure how many of those old trolley buses are still around. I know my city pulled all of ours out of service around 20 years ago because they were too expensive to maintain and the infrastructure requirements severely limited their usefulness. Plus the overhead bit that connected to the power cables would jump off the lines constantly.
Can I install Linux on it? Edit: Downvotes??? Fuck you all anyway Stallman ~~was~~ is right. Open source is the way to go. I will continue to laugh as Microsoft's decline for years to come. Microsoft software will never be as good as open source, their design will never be as good as Apple's.
Microsoft's been open-sourcing a ton of their shit recently if you haven't been keeping up...
I was a weird kid and I dug weird books. First and foremost: the various books in L Frank Baum's Oz series. Those books are BONKERS!
Another author I loved as a kid was Diana Wynne Jones. HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE remains, for me, a touchstone.
I strongly suspect there's some shilling/astroturfing/brigading going on. Or whatever you'd call it. A big blockbuster film like that has room in its advertising budget to pay a couple of guys (ahem, "social media consultants", sorry) to sit on /r/movies for a few weeks upvoting/downvoting and commenting so as to skew the reaction in a positive light. And other sites too. I think this sort of thing would probably be getting more and more common. There's a lot at stake for the studios and as I say it really wouldn't cost a whole lot. But seriously, it was a shit film.
I feel like the type of thing you just mentioned probably happened with the second Hobbit movie. I remember before the movie actually came out, there were a bunch of posts with how the movie was a huge improvement over the first and it was a return to form for Peter Jackson's middle earth movies. And then I finally saw the movie and I thought it was pretty bad. I was surprised given how much positive buzz it seemed to be getting. I kind of feel the same way with godzilla in how it was hyped up to be amazing, even in spite of godzilla not getting much screentime, and then I finally saw it and it was extremely underwhelming and quite disappointing.
Oh wow, that's great! I didn't know that, it makes me pretty excited for the third movie! Thanks for the info
Jackson is using material gleaned from Tolkien's Appendixes to take us from Bilbo's return to Frodo meeting Gandalf for the Birthday party. This could be why he began The Hobbit "Unexpected Journey" (Film One) with a scene involving Frodo - the end will take us full circle (There and Back Again). We shall see !
I am reading about 15 books at once as I am in the final stages of my thesis on Roman Wales, since you are asking. I am looking at the impact of the Roman conquest on native settlements, in particular examining changes in subsistence strategies, architecture, religious beliefs, trade and commerce. I am by no means a cookie tin connoisseur, I only bought/posted it because of the books it had on it, and thought other people interested in books would appreciate it also. It was my understanding that, as the sidebar says , this subereddit was about "Book reviews, recommendations, stories about books or book technology, etc" - so not strictly about books one is currently reading.
Thanks for sharing—the subject sounds interesting! Sorry if I came off as a curmudgeon, I just find that /r/books content has discussions on literature trumped by photos of neat bookshelves, which seems a bit misguided to me, but that's just me.
**colloqui*u*m** n: An academic conference or seminar. **colloqui*alis*m** n: A word or phrase that is not formal or literary, typically one used in ordinary or familiar conversation. (from **colloquial**, adj: (of language) Used in ordinary conversation; not formal or literary.) FYI. Unless they go to cheesy conferences in the future, which really isn't that farfetched.
It was a typo, and I've only just realised that! Thanks, I did mean colloquialism! It's not so cheesy when you get to book 3 and realise it's in the future :P
Are you fucking kidding me? How hasn't Microsoft torn Samsung a new anus over this?
I'd say it's because there's no pressure from consumer to do otherwise. Security is always an afterthought, until you get fucked by a 10" dildo (figuratively speaking).
«Europe» for EU makes the same sense as «America» for USA. If not now, then in a few years.
Not every country in Europe is in the EU.
Waze needs a damned 'pause navigation' button. Or does it have one and I haven't seen it?
Click the panel on the bottom with the audio icon on it. This brings up a larger panel, and another audio icon you can click on, this will give you three options, all audio, alerts only (great if you know where you're going but want to now about road hazards) and silent.
Great scene. One of my favourite quotes, that. "Let's hurt somebody."
No matter what happens after it - jumped over for promotions, wife runs off with some biochemist, who knows what... But we would always have this thing to fall back on. We could always say, "Yeah, fine, but they never got me like we got her." This was my favorite out of that scene. I will have to find a way to watch this. Not on netflix :(
Get it from your car manufacturer: Only $2,999! Pros: Thoroughly tested and integrated. Cons: Works with iOS 3.0.1 only and will be never updated. Get a knock-off version from eBay: $49.85 incl. shipping. Pros: works with all Android and iOS versions. Cons: cable dangling on the dashboard (seriously, how the hell car manufacturers don't realize modern (anything made after ~2000) cars needs at least few USB ports - one in the mirror, another somewhere on top of dashboard, third near cigarette lighter and one in the back)
Every car I test drove when looking for my car had a USB port... The Passat, Altima, Legacy, WRX, Malibu...
Yeah I am! I just went to /r/spoilers and read a lot! Some good stuff on that page! Sorry if it doesn't link correctly, I am on mobile right now while watching all 6 movies over again. I just started Phantom Butthole.
Soooo fucjing tempted. Then again half my fave gaming experiences have been ruined by spoilers. FF7 I'm looking at you.
Lol 30 seconds into one of the best albums of all time and you stop it. Close minded people are absurd.
I'm not into techno weirdo shit. I like music made with real instruments.
Koi No Yokan is sooo good. Wasn't expecting the breakout performance of the new bass player. Hope they release Eros soon. Also... not sure if this is true, but I've heard rumors of Team Sleep doing another album with Chino. RIP Chi.
Been 'hearing' about this for a while but any new news to confirm? Would kill for a new Team Sleep.
I actually kinda like this music, but did anyone else think the mixing was bad? The vocals seem way too quiet. This version sounds much better IMHO:
The sound mixing was off. But it does show you they are doing it live and not lip synching!
I feel like this video emphasizes how truly awful the lyrics are.
I agree with you. This girl is an extremely talented singer, and this whole thing would be wonderful with a different song. Putting this beautiful young woman singing these lyrics with a piano and doo wop emphasizes the lyrics.
Not all of them, lots of people that pirate stuff do it to sample and buy it if they like it. Any good program/show/music/book is worth paying for, just most are not worth paying for to see if they are good. Yes there are people that don't give a crap, however many of them are also honorable people that do not want to waste money on crap, yet are fully willing to pay for stuff that is worth it.
I'd say most people pirate not to trial but to have a free copy of a final product
Ha! Who cares? Gasoline is dying. Electricity is the future.
Because we have all that excess grid capacity all over the world, and power plants are fast and inexpensive to build?
> She had the entire saga mapped out before she started writing. I could believe that was intentional. "Mapping out a saga is not the same thing as writing cryptids into dialogue in an otherwise straightforward and mediocre series written at a child's reading level," *commenter1127 said calmly.* "Oh yeah?" *tinkerpunk asked angrily.* "Yeah," *commenter1127 said petulantly.* "Well I liked the books," *tinkerpunk retorted loudly.* "And you're nobody." "It's fine if you like them. Just don't expect others to think they're written well," *commenter1127 said annoyingly.* *tinkerpunk headed off to class with a sad headshake, [insert smug 'author voice' joke or callback here].*
Symbolic names was always her specialty. Regardless of what you think of her, most names tell a bit about the person or spell. Remus Lupin and Sirius Black being 2 obvious examples.
Could not agree more. They could have gone with Superman feeling remorse over all the destruction his people had caused, and after a protracted trial and some solid dialog with lois and the Senator, given in to a "metahuman" registration initiative. At the same time, we could follow Batman in his quest in Gotham. We could even have Bruce meet Clark, etc. Then the US asks Supes to take down the Dark Knight of Gotham, and voila, we get two ideologies and two heroes at each other. No kidnapped mothers, no BS.
That's getting a little too close to Civil War. Really all the motivation is in the first act. Batman sees Superman as an arrogant and all powerful thing he can't control and doesn't trust. Superman sees Batman as an insane vigilante/terrorist that causes more harm than good. Have Lex kidnap Lois and frame Batman, then give Batman the Kryptonite to fight Superman. Have him play both sides weaknesses. Supermans weakness is his arrogance that he's indestructible. Batmans weakness is he can't stand feeling powerless. This is why they needed to fight.
I would consider this a Jim Morrison album not a Doors album. If I remember correctly, he self published much of American Prayer
Most if the music was written by the band after his death. Still seems like the doors to me be title really doesn't matter.
Those who have the birthmark are the same soul reincarnated throughout time. The different documentations (diary, movie, so on) link them into the next time period as well. I don't have an answer for Hugo Weaving. That could just be a director's choice to have him play an antagonistic role often. I've only seen it once but I loved it. I need to buy it so I can see it again. He did symbolize something if I recall.
Hugo tends to play the status quo guy. In some stories he's not a bad guy, it's just the status quo he is maintaining. It's really only two circumstances where he is actually a genuine bad guy.
I saw these guys with Cave In back in 1999. I think santos is from Santa Fe, NM...not far from where i grew up. I've liked the band since i first saw 'em live. I asked if his band was called IS IS, and he told me to shut the hell up and that he didn't want to be in my stupid video. It was an honest question at the time.
Sorry but that is really funny, and I can totally see that coming off a bit asshole-ish, even if it was a sincere question....
We had to read TGOST for year 12 English literature. It was simultanly one of the most compelling and most difficult books I've ever read.
After reading a quarter of it, I wrote this in a reading journal: Stuff is happening in those confusing multiple timelines that family sagas are prone to: the birth of the twins, which isn’t the first thing mentioned; the return of the girl twin, in adult life after years away – to find her brother almost lost in his own world, mute, and in the habit of walking for miles all over the place; the lives of their parents, grandparents, uncle, mother; episodes from the twins’ childhood, from the time when they seem to be having the same thought simultaneously, or when one feels the rain falling on the other outside…. Why does Roy have to make it so complicated?
Yeah I know that one all too well. "Rap is like scissors, it always loses to rock hur hur hur". There's nothing inherently wrong with rap, and there are actually a few rappers I can find inspirational and deep. U2 and Rush, I don't get the hate on, and other than a few ignorant things Gene Simmons has said, I've never had issues with Kiss either. Who doesn't love them some Detroit Rock City?
Oh yeah, Gene Simmons is an ass but I'm not trying to be his friend and he's a real bitchin bassist and God of Thunder is a real bitchin song.
That's so jarring I can't tell if it's meant to be ironic.
It's not, at all. When I first saw it I thought it had to be a joke and went and looked. That was the last straw for me with Marvel.
Yet if something happened to you there, no camera would have been on at the time of your assault.
That's how it is at my job. Car gets vandalized, you get beat up in the parking lot mysteriously the cameras don't work. Drink a beer or smoke and they can tell you the serial number on the can/bottle and what brand of cigarette by the band around it.
Essentially, most hotel gyms sell gym memberships that the local population will buy and be able to use the gym with. They don't stay at the hotel but are still providing income to them. Wifi is a commodity, a gym is more of a luxury. I wouldn't care if I don't get free gym access, but I will certainly care about free Wifi. A hotel is a business at the end of the day.
I wouldn't care if they were messing with traffic on spectrum they have licensed, but they are messing with unlicensed spectrum which belongs to everybody. I'm sure they wouldn't be happy if I, as a customer, were to deauth all their traffic. If they were messing with cell phone frequencies and preventing people from using their cell phone, they would be fined so fast. It would be clearly illegal and nobody would argue that it's wrong. Messing with public frequencies may not be illegal, but I think it's still pretty clearly wrong.
"And it only took seven million dollars and three months of lab time to produce a single thread!"
The eniac cost 400,000 dollars to build. That would be about 5.3 million today. Good thing they halted that waste of a project. Nothing good could have come from developing electronic computational machines.
Right now I'm just working on more singles. But my release schedule will be a lot more generous this year :\) I always idolized David Bowie and Justin Timberlake growing up. I believe there's a video of me singing Here Today live in Mexico. It's gotta be somewhere on the web.
I know but I want *all your fans 😅 want a video at the present 😍😍 because we love your voice acapella 😍💕
If the whole car is covered, you're probably better off going for a full-body respray. That's expensive.
cant say I disagree with your logic...tho depending on your car, you run the risk of totaling the vehicle
Reasonable Doubt if any of the three but I flicker back and forth. My favorite of the three is Black Album which is one of my favorite hip hop albums ever.
Name 3 tracks on 4:44 that come close to Dead Presidents II, Brooklyns Finest and D'Evils
Journalism is supposed to be impartial. I veered off in to "Journalism 101."
Mossberg is a columnist. He gets paid to write his **opinions** on stuff. He doesn't need to be impartial. It's extremely common for a publication to have a one or two opinionated columnists on staff. This isn't new.
There should be a middle ground here. Why not introduce a 'off the record' checkbox somewhere so that one-off conversations wouldn't be recorded? Presumably make it temporal and enough of a hassle that users aren't tempted to have it on all the time. In any case, I hope there are accompanying UI changes that inform users about the policy change. Not doing so would be a real dick move.
Because then companies won't use slack and will continue to migrate to Microsoft teams. Despite being worse software, Microsoft are winning companies over to teams presumably because it's cheap, and you have full visibility of communications. My last couple companies have moved from slack to teams specifically for this purpose. They don't actively monitor private comms, it's just a risk management issue.
I think there is some credence to attention span, as well as bathroom, smokes, drinks and snacks. As I remember in my youth, the 'epic' movies of considerable length would include an intermission of 10-15 minutes or so about halfway through, and everyone would gather in the lobby and do their thing. Just guessing here, but that might have also given time for the projector to cool or to change bulbs, given that film was extremely incendiary at one time.
I think *Titanic* had an intermission, unless I'm completely losing my mind.
Intel would never shift an entire group focus based on a rumor, much less a rumor of a third party.
they would if it was the same company that invented the iPhone (and all the platforms that sprang from it)
Yes, just a typo (should re-read back over before I submit things), but if you just had to choose one?
Now, as I said, you can't choose just one. You can start by buying one, but you have to own both eventually. But, to put this statement in a context, you should know that I have listened to a lot of Yes, and Close to the Edge is my favourite album. I have not listened as much to Genesis, and cannot compare it to other Genesis albums, but I can tell you that it is one of the greatest albums I've ever heard.
Is it just me or does Pixar have loads of cool ideas and basically one plot to put them in?
I think this may be contributing to their decline of late. They need to venture outside of this standard 'plot' you mentioned to really start pushing the boundaries again.
> Quantum computers, by contrast, explore all possible solutions simultaneously. is this true? i was under the impression they just had a third bit state.
It's not a third bit state, it's a state of both on and off at the same time. I know that just makes it more confusing, but it's not really a third state, it's a combination of two mutually exclusive states that are both true at the same time. Yeah, quantum mechanics is just about as unintuitive as it gets.
Wonder if the loose screws you're referring to are brain damage that resulted from years of full-contact boxing. Seems like a perfect motivational speaker for college football, ball sacks aside.
Without question. He told us about his boxing and about the amount of abuse he took. One of his words of wisdom was to not risk your health for something as silly as a game.
Yeah, but that's kind of a euphemism for 'his style of playing would not in a million years fit into a band like Metallica'. No-one is 'too good', it's just that having Les in Metallica would have made no sense. I think Les would agree too.
Don't make excuses for Metallica. They make bad decisions and deserve to suffer and be ridiculed for it.
Vader was prophesized to bring balance to the force. Obviously a grey jedi will have a different interpretation of that than regular jedi.
So Anakin and Vader both wanted to bring balance to the force. So......a Grey Jedi would start some benevolent dictatorship and teach new Jedi both dark and light side stuff? So Luke isn't trying to defeat the Empire but stage a coup?
Yep, and I'm pretty sure Verizon is trying to get away from hardlines. They seem to be hedging on wireless technologies and anything that doesn't inflate wireless numbers is getting dumped. Why wouldn't they though. It's probably cheaper to set up and maintain a tower than to bury miles upon miles of wire and they can get people to buy it for near or greater than cable prices. They don't really care that the latency issues exist if they can sell burst speeds and throughput. People don't buy Internet by ping time.
That's mainly Wall St ignorance. They don't see any future in terrestrial and only think the future is in wireless. Going forward Verizon is going to continue to divest (sell off) their wired services to companies like Frontier. That cut over Q2 of last year was hilarious btw. Q2 starts on April first, and millions woke up without a connection their first day as Frontier customers. Idiots.
[Or jugs of Tide laundry detergent.] >It turned out the detergent wasn’t ­being used as an ingredient in some new recipe for getting high, but instead to buy drugs themselves. Tide bottles have become ad hoc street currency, with a 150-ounce bottle going for either $5 cash or $10 worth of weed or crack cocaine.
So... why did they place so much value on detergent? Usually your "alternative currency" has value in and of itself. Unless drug dealers have a lot of laundry?
Currently going through her complete works, and I've been blown away as well. I think her stories are a lot more redemptive than they seem on the surface, though, since almost every one of them centers around the grace/mercy that comes out of violence and pain, and not the violence itself.
Every one of her stories has a moment of grace for even the most wicked or depraved characters. Sometimes they choose to accept it, showing that there is grace even for the wicked; sometimes they reject it, because isn't that just how life works? She was a remarkable woman. I don't think there will ever be another Flannery O'Connor.
Wow everyone went from loving them to fucking hating them so much. Guess that's what over saturation does. Although I still love them in the Despicable Me films, they're great in small doses.
They're fantastic in the Despicable Me movies. they are terrible on their own.
Anyone else extremely concerned over automation? Sure, means more free time, but companies are automating to save money. They don't care what happens to the people losing their jobs.
It doesn't mean more free time. I'm not sure what it means for people losing their jobs. Machines have taken all our jobs before, in the industrialization period, and we found more jobs. We also expanded greatly around that period though, in imports and exports, and stealing land, and starting new enterprises.
Fortunately your opponent would have to prove it was real. If they can't do that then you get reasonable doubt.
But I'd have to get people to reasonably doubt video evidence, wouldn't I?
I think there's some roles like Black Widow and Cap that I could see being played by other people, and well too, but you're right that people like Iron Man and Hulk were cast perfectly.
Maybe the cap, I liked him and actually enjoyed Captain America, but I thought Black Widow was damn good.
Oh come on guys. We used that joke in the last Pacific Rim trailer thread.
I actually used it once before that, too. *It can't be stopped. It is futile to try.*
Thank you kind sir! Edit: wow I will be more careful in saying thank you next time.....
lol, there's been a major push-back against the "kind sir" part of your comment on Reddit lately. It is now in the fedora/m'lady category. Reddit is a very fickle beast and they don't take too kindly to certain benign phrases.
I still had feels for Arnold's portrayal of the love of his wife and the lengths at which he would go for her. Mr Freeze will always be the most sorrowful villain to me but I like to see thinges from the villains point of view. Even Clayface's problem got me a little choked up.
I often wonder what a different director could have done, had Patrick Stewart been cast as Freeze.
I enjoyed it very much, however the end seemed kind of rushed to me. I guess i felt like it wrapped up way to fast.
I thought it was a great read as well, and was also kind of annoyed at the ending.
For anyone who saw the trailer, do you think it gave to much away? Looking for opinions on this, I really loved the ambiguous-ness of the first trailer and was hoping they'd keep up that mystery.
I think they had to give some bit of plot away. It seemed to me like most of what they showed will take place within the first act and that the movie truly begins once they take off into space. The trailer felt focused more on life on Earth and its deterioration.
>you can't really expect it to provide much more than what you'd see on MTV in the 90s. FTFY. Does MTV even have music anymore?
Absolutely. They may not play music videos but any MTV original series will heavily feature up and coming/indie artist and reference them at the bottom of the screen if the viewer is interested.
I think I'd rather not know what you and your friends do "in the shadows."
A group wank is way more fun that you'd think
Just saw it. It's not even all that great...It starts off slow and ends up gaining speed maybe halfway through. I was pretty disappointed.
Jurassic Park is exactly the same... Build up for an hour
>Next time, rather than replying, just suck a fucking dick about it.
Go fuck a pig farm boy. Just make sure it isn't your half-brother first.
Copies of the magazine, which come with a Pi Zero, are £5.99.
He's talking about the currency conversion not being 1:1. A £6 magazine is $9.
One of the first rules in fantasy movies is to have at least one leading character be a human from Earth so the audience can relate to their perspective.
i didn't say remove jane altogether. just less screen time for her. plus they could have used the doctor for that role. if they hadn't made him go bonkers. but even him being bonkers probably would have been better for jane. either that or just get an actress that wants to be there.
I read as a way that even after 20 years they still 'spare some expenses'. I mean why wouldn't those transparent balls return automatically. And Claire at the beggining was talking about cutting corners.
I had to wonder about the gyrospheres as well. The passengers have total control of the sphere. What's to keep visitors from running around in it all day? The kids were able to go to the old park, so it's got unlimited range and nothing to keep it from going into areas it shouldn't.
If it doesn't have that fuckstick idiotic "ribbon" interface, I might just use it.
It sucked at first, but 10 years later you would be fine with it if you actually used it.
Some books that co-workers have recommended are too easy to pick on, like Left Behind (yup, I've read it) and The Bridges of Madison County. I get tense a lot of the time when friends recommend books to me, because it seems to be 50/50. A lady I used to work with insisted I should read The Vampire Tapestry by Suzy McKee Charnas since liked Buffy, and man oh man I HATED that book.
OMG I grew up evangelical and the number of people who took Left Behind as theologically sound was mind boggling. They'd regurgitate the stuff as if it were from the Bible itself. I had read the first book when I was a kid, and recently saw a copy in a used bookstore. The writing is so bad... but Christians are fascinated with the rapture and apocalypse.
> What's the point in paying for the most expensive plan when you still get the cheapest speeds? Because "fuck you" thats why. Its almost become a trope now, but the ISP doesnt care. There is no competition, they get your money no matter what.
It's been a trope from the start. It's becoming a *cliché.*
Not denying his fuckheadedness my point about opinion you literally said it was a fact that he isn't funny which isn't true because as I said its subjective. Some people find Dane cook funny and I don't. It is not a fact that he's not funny but it is a fact that I personally don't find him funny.. Which from the amount of people that like him I would say it doesn't. Also how long did you work with him? For how many projects?
I worked on the first season of "Ed" so I worked with him for the better part of a year. I can say honestly that the incidents of him being a douche were almost weekly.
I've heard a lot about it, looking forward to seeing it actually. It seems over the top in a ridiculous yet entertaining way. It's on netflix isn't it?
IT WAS A FIRE FIGHT! yeah i think it is on netflix now
Hey (not the Snow one). That was one hell of a baseline.
And some phenomenal guitar work from Froosh. Favorite song on the album for sure.
I tell you don't do it, but, I have nothing to convince you otherwise :-(
I changed my mind since I posted that. I've now decided to construct a catapult to launch me into a wall. I need help designing it though...
Project ARA, if successful, should be right up your alley.
I've been watching Ara for a while now. I'm mostly disappointed with the way Google behaves as of the last few years so I'm not jumping up and down excited but modular is a fantastic idea for phones as well as a number of other technologies. I wish Camera manufacturers, automotive manufacturers etc... would embrace this kind of idea. Imagine the benefit to the environment if cars where made modular.
He said he wouldn't split up the books by characters again. Maybe he will chop some off the end of TWOW though, that's what he said he did with ADWD
To be honest I was tired and actually just meant he'd chop it in half down the middle and make it two.
The beginning is a bit cliche, but it very quickly moves past that into a league of its own. It'll get better.
And then it'll get worse. But then it'll get better again.
Okay. Explain to me how Comcast is going to profit off of blocking Wikileaks. Go ahead, I'll wait. This should be good.
He doesn't have a reason. Its just a fortune cookie statement that sounds deep.
We aren't more easily offended now than before. They once called in the national guard because black people attempted to attend a college, and the idea of having a woman doctor was mortifying, as was a black person using the same bathroom as you. Interracial couples were blasphemous transgressions. This narrative is stupid, and should stop. Society is likely less sensitive now than ever, it's just what it is sensitive too has shifted.
No, it's not. Because nowadays, if you say something bigoted, people will reply to you using MEAN WORDS to express how what they think about your comment. What ever happened to the good old days when people respected your freedom of speech by keeping their mouths shut and acting like they agree with you because you're so awesome? Now they actually expect you to acknowledge other people have rights. How dare they? /s
I haven't been able to understand why laptop makers and PC makers aren't just building in the reciever technology directly into their hardware... why do we still need to occupy a space for the logitech reciever when their hardware is so ubiquitous now?
I agree with you that would be pretty sweet. But you can achieve something pretty similar with a [USB header to USB female adapter] and putting the unifying receiver inside your case. I have one of these, one port has my unifying receiver, the other has an Xbox controller dongle. Works great.
I think mcarthy can still step up when he steps away from westerns... The Road for example.
Honestly, I thought that was his weakest work yet. There are at least *hints* of something of significance in the Border trilogy, when he's not phoning it in.
I think it’s a mistake to think that to do so represents “taking a political stand” unless you actually come out and make some grand statement and *make it* a political stand. I mean, I totally get what you’re saying. But to simply release a product without making any statement about it at all is a different thing than making a big deal about it and risking turning people off to the idea with a bunch of loaded ideology. In other words, a company could just do it without making some huge deal about it.
Probably true. Maybe someday, when the market research tells them the male versions of the AI are just as "friendly" and "helpful", they will.
I wouldn't go that far. Father John Misty has thus far had a pretty high standard for his music. It's all well composed and even if it's not the most impressive musically he's a very good lyricist. I can't help but feel if he put something like this out that it'd be just as poorly received by the community at large. The difference is he's not an international celebrity of the same calibre as TS.
Pitchfork would lick his boots for being “iRoNiC” and being able to hit the high notes. Honestly, so would I.
It goes deeper, Sometimes the job requirement will include a proprietary certification that was invented just for the H1-B program and can only be received in the nation of origin. "Must have a {Industry standard cert} and a {ABC Company Cert you never heard of}
Fake companies, fake certs, fake identities etc... the H-1B visa really hasn't done much good for the country at all.
Of Montreal at Sundance Film Festival in 2007. It was 10-20 degrees outside and Kevin Barnes still came on stage (which was out on the street) in a dress. The balls that guys has, or doesn't have, is astounding.
Lol! When I saw them in 2007 he had on shorty shorts, fishnets and heels!!
Drum solos are kind of boring in m opinion... No matter how skilled the drummer. Jimmy Page though, that's beyond talented.
"There's nothing more boring than a drum solo. I fucking hate watching them, and I fucking hate playing them." ~Tommy Lee
Someone paid them to do it. Dell has admitted that the reason your PC comes filled to the brim with crapware is because they make about $50/unit from it. If the consumer would tolerate paying $50/more, they wouldn't do this stuff, allegedly. But hey, if a private company wants to trash their brand and face a class action lawsuit, so be it.
This has nothing to do with crapware. Dell used the cert to sign their drivers rather than using a legitimate certificate authority. Probably for convenience/laziness/incompetence.
shut up you pretentious idiot. they are "like" intersteller. they are about deep space exploration. exploring the unknown. understanding some stuff maybe at the end of it. connecting back to humanity someway. they are LIKE intersteller you fucking twat.
You seem angry. There are some thematic similarities between *Interstellar* and *2001,* I'll give it that, but there are very, very few similarities *as a whole* between *Solaris* and *Interstellar.* If you compare the two, I'd wager you haven't even seen *Solaris.* On levels of film form, *Solaris* and *2001* far surpass *Interstellar.* For a start, the former two are edited coherently, their scripts aren't pseudo-science explanatory bullshit, and the two are cinematographically unsurpassed. Nolan made an interesting action-adventure film, but don't pretend it's among two of the most influential films in science-fiction, not to mention of all films. They are both set in space. Space == exploration in one way or another. That's the lowest common denominator between these three films.
Blade Runner. Seeing a toy version of Daryl Hannah come to life and try to squeeze Harrison Ford to death between her thighs definitely had an impact.
>definitely had an impact. On the waist of your pants?