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Hands-on | 親力親為 |
Sugar sticky beans | 糖黐豆 |
Hu Tian Hu Di | 胡天胡帝 |
He's a man | 佢份人 |
My sister-in-law wanted to go to North North 8th Street in Yuen Long to buy something | 大嫂要去元朗河北第八街嗰度買啲嘢 |
I have something for you to do | 我有嘢要你做 |
The leak totaled 2.6 terabytes (terabytes), the largest leak in history, compared to the 1.73 gigabytes (GB) in WikiLeaks in 2010. Obermar had reservations about how the files were transferred to him by whistleblowers, and that such a large file could not be sent by e-mail, but it was easy to mail an encrypted hard drive anonymously. After obtaining the documents, the International Alliance of Investigative Journalists (CIC) created an online database that required two-step verification. The URL was sent in encrypted e-mail to journalists from major newspapers around the world who participated in the report. There is also an instant messaging feature on the website that allows journalists to help each other and help interpret documents in different languages, and in some regions reporters have also met with each other. In the process of sorting out the case for more than a year, some outsiders learned about the case, but the database itself was not leaked. Because many of the people in the documents are not public figures and do not necessarily involve violations of the law, the president of the International Union of Investigative Journalists said they do not intend to make all the documents public irresponsibly, as WikiLeaks did, but will demonstrate how to do responsible journalism. | 哩次洩漏嘅文件總共有2.6太字節(TB),係史上最大嘅洩密案,相比之下2010年嘅維基解密中資料只有1.73吉位元組(GB)。歐伯馬爾對於文件點樣喺告密者轉交到佢手上嘅過程語有保留,咁大嘅文件冇辦法用電子郵件傳送、但以匿名嘅方式郵寄加密的硬碟非常容易。在取得文件後,國際調查記者同盟建立了一個需要二步驟驗證的網路資料庫。網址用加密的電子郵件寄給了全球各大報社中參與本次報導的記者。網站上還附有即時通訊功能,讓記者可以互相幫忙,協助解讀不同語言的文件,有些地區的記者也辦了會面。在一年多的整理過程中,有些外人得知了這個案件,但資料庫本身並未外流。因為文件中的許多人並不是公眾人物,而且也不一定涉及違法,國際調查記者同盟的主席表示他們不打算像維基解密那樣不負責任地把所有的文件公開,而會示範如何進行負責任的新聞報導。 |
I'm afraid that she will fall down, and I'm afraid that her blood sugar will plummet | 怕她趺倒,怕她血糖急跌 |
It remains unclear whether the powers currently delegated to the Financial Secretary include the power to approve an increase in the appropriation under the block appropriation | 財政司現時獲轉授的權力是否包括批准增加整體撥款項下撥款的權力,仍不甚明確 |
I don't know the pain | 唔知痛 |
But the question is, what is it? No one has disqualified him, he has not taken the oath. | 但係不過問題在於就係咩呢?仲未有人去取消佢資格,佢未宣誓。 |
So I hope you'll -- you also consider asking these parliamentarians to go back. | 噉,我希望你-你都考慮下請呢啲議員回去。 |
Which bus goes to Jordan MRT station? | 請問邊一架巴士去佐敦地鐵站呀? |
Runzhong International Holdings | 潤中國際控股 |
hospitalization | 留醫 |
Sina.com, a major news site, has more than 140 million Weibo users. | 單系新浪網 , 一個主要的新聞網站 , 就有超過 1.4 億微博用戶 。 |
Web Map | 網頁指南 |
child | 子 |
He often makes excuses not to work, which really makes him angry! | 佢經常搵藉口唔做嘢,真係畀佢激奀! |
That's a lot of money | 呢筆數好大 |
Panic to death | 慌死 |
We can do sign language in the position of the head and chest | 我哋可以喺頭同胸嘅位置做手語 |
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my teachers. | 我想趁呢個機會多謝我老師。 |
He has a dashing figure. | 佢身材瀟湘。 |
Open a drawer | 打開個櫃桶 |
How they walked, how they collectively decided, how they assigned tasks and laborers, how they conveyed the message of where the flowers were picked, and all of their social behaviors were exciting | 佢哋點樣行集體決定 點樣分配任務同勞工 點樣傳達採花地點嘅信息 佢哋所有社會行為都令人興奮不已 |
Try something a little different while you're young. | 趁後生試多啲唔同嘅嘢。 |
Last Sunday, my sister and I went out to the countryside to have harriers. | 上星期日我同家姐去咗郊外放紙鷂。 |
How much do you weigh? | 你有幾重啊? |
Starford Road | 士達福信路 |
My secondary school teacher lives in Sunny View Garden, Shau Kei Wan | 我中學個老師住喺筲箕灣欣景花園 |
One couple took the children to the farm to see the veterinarian and the cows to be inoculated to explain their fertilization process | 有對夫婦為咗解釋佢哋受精嘅過程 帶咗啲仔女去農場 睇獸醫同奶牛接種 |
You've just turned over a little bit of this dress | 你件衫長翻啲先啱 |
Naughty, I like to go around and take a look. It depends on the brand that you just like, and you have to look at the price of these things. That is, some companies will be more expensive and more expensive, or Kowloon, or a certain company will be cheaper. | 誒,自己比較鍾意即係周圍行下睇下。就睇啱鍾意自己個牌子,又要睇下啲價錢嗰方面囖。即係有啲某公司就會比較又會貴啲,或者𠻺九龍,或者某公司又會平啲噉囖。 |
Ah, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. | 啊,係啊,係啊,係啊,係啊,係啊。 |
Let's call it multi-cage shrimp dumplings | 叫多籠蝦餃啦 |
M doesn't taste good ice cream | M到唔好食雪糕 |
I gave you money three times | 我畀咗三次錢你 |
Let's brainstorm what we are going to do with the present. | 我哋嚟集思廣益一下,諗下我哋個present要做咩topic好。 |
Colleagues deal with side businesses during work hours, and they need someone to clean up the mess when they do things. | 同事返工時間處理副業生意,做嘢甩漏要人執手尾。 |
Many of the people who collect horses at school are themselves horses ordered by others. | 好多喺學校收馬嘅人,本身都係人哋啲馬嚟。 |
I'll wait until I get home to concoct you! | 等翻屋企先至炮製你! |
When it comes to revealing their secrets, | 一到説破他們的隱情, |
Oh. But are you - actually you - actually everyone in your family likes this pet? | 哦。但係你-其實你-其實你屋企係唔係個個人都鍾意哩隻寵物嘅先? |
I was completely hopeless about this job. | 我對於呢份工已經完全絕望。 |
At that time there was no one living a good life | 打仗嗰陣人人都冇啖好食 |
This kid is the most crawling and riding | 呢個仔最擒騎喇 |
My father-in-law lives in Ho Man Tin Yi Hui | 我公公住喺何文田懿薈 |
I see, don't moan! | 我知道喇,你唔好再吟噚啦! |
He didn't want to travel like that, did he? | 佢嗰陣咪話去旅行噉樣啊? |
Lose close to the ground | 輸到貼地 |
The furniture is all brand new | 呢啲傢俬全部都好新淨 |
Some of the manuscripts were as tall as feet. | 啲書稿沓起嚟有成呎咁高。 |
Only child | 獨生女 |
A style of writing that expresses the meaning of a subject through linguistic organization | 通過語言組織嚟表達一個主題意義嘅文體 |
It's the end of the month, have you paid your salary? | 月尾喇喎,你出糧未啊? |
dislike | 憎 |
It's hard to get by. | 硬係爭啲。 |
He also worked on the construction site in the sun and rain, like a nest chicken. | 佢日曬雨淋都喺地盤做嘢,做到巢皮掹雞咁。 |
It's not a way for Xiao Ming to be unhappy all the time, why don't you open his heart window from us and coax him to be happy? | 小明一直唔開心都唔係辦法,不如就由我地去打開佢嘅心窗,氹佢開心? |
The press conference will be late | 記者會遲到 |
Psychological stress is one of the causes of ghost shaving. | 心理壓力大係鬼剃頭其中一個成因。 |
tortoise | 草龜 |
Cat mother | 貓乸 |
So they remembered the counselor and the advice he gave and we talked about it | 所以佢哋諗起嗰個諮詢師 同佢畀嘅建議 我哋就討論下 |
Loose ran to wrestle with a big man. The whole bell was loose, and the big man still couldn't move his arms. | 阿松走去同個大隻佬拗手瓜。阿松用咗成半個鐘拗,個大隻佬隻手臂都仲係郁都唔郁。 |
Day after tomorrow | 後日 |
Don't drink it now. Because you don't have coffee everywhere. | 而家唔飲。因為咖啡你又唔係度度有嗎又。 |
He's dressed up so well tonight. | 佢今晚打扮得好豔麗啊。 |
You can bear it so much, let me definitely tell him the truth of being a human being | 你咁忍得,畀著我實同佢講吓做人嘅道理 |
My sister-in-law wanted to go to Yau Ma Po Street in Sai Kung to buy something | 大嫂要去西貢油麻莆街嗰度買啲嘢 |
Opposition to the mainlandization of Hong Kong is what many Hong Kong people demand, and the process of Hong Kong's modernization is completely different from that of the mainland. | 反對香港大陸化係好多香港人所要求嘅,香港嘅現代化過程同大陸係完全唔同嘅。 |
Stealing wallets | 扲荷包 |
The gentleman gave him a star and he rewarded him with a painting. | 先生俾咗粒星佢獎勵佢幅畫。 |
History: Now is the time to test everything | 史 ︰ 宜家就係測試所有嘢嘅時間 |
I know more than he does. | 我識得多過佢。 |
There are two types of regulations that are particularly difficult. | 有兩種規條特別困難 。 |
Do you know how to get to the bowl on Anhui Street in Hung Hom | 你知唔知點去紅磡安徽街嗰間缽仔糕 |
Can you help me look at this essay | 你幫我睇吓呢篇作文吖 |
In 1978, he was awarded the Casa de las Américas Prize. In 1988, his semi-autobiographical novel La Mujer Habitada attracted public attention. This novel is the first to raise gender issues from the perspective of the narrative of the revolution in Nicaragua. The novel has also been translated into multiple languages, and four United States universities have added it to their reading lists. The novel tells two similar stories: indigenous revolts against Spain and modern Mesoamerican upheaval, but they also have several things in common: women's emancipation, passion, and commitment. In 2000, he published his autobiography, El país bajo mi piel, in which he emphasized his experience of participating in the revolutionary movement. In 2000, El país bajo mi piel was shortlisted for the Los Angeles Times Book Award. In 2008, he won the Biblioteca Breve Award for his book El infinito en la palma de la mano, a book about Adam and Eve in heaven. | 1978年,佢獲得Casa de las Américas獎。1988,佢本半自傳體小說《La Mujer Habitada》引起咗大眾關注。呢本小說係第一本以尼加拉瓜革命敘事角度提出性別問題嘅小說。呢本小說亦都己經翻譯成多種語言,並且有四間美國大學都將佢納入咗閱讀清單。呢本小說講述咗兩個嘅相似嘅故事:土著反抗西班牙人同埋現代中美洲嘅動亂,當中亦有幾個嘅共通之處:婦女嘅解放,激情同承諾。2000年,佢出版咗佢嘅自傳《El país bajo mi piel》,當中強調佢參與革命運動嘅經驗。2000年,《El país bajo mi piel》入圍洛杉磯時報圖書獎。2008年,佢憑住《El infinito en la palma de la mano》得到Biblioteca Breve獎,呢本書就係關於天堂上亞當與夏娃嘅託寓。 |
School Office | 校務處 |
Let me explain to you the mortgage procedure | 等我同你解釋按揭嘅手續 |
I almost broke a vase first, but luckily you were able to catch it quickly. | 求先我差啲跌爛個花樽,好彩你眼明手快接住咗。 |
As soon as there is, all of them have such microphones. | 一有就全部都有咁滯噉咪。 |
You might even think that they set up another bureau to deliberately frame him | 你甚至會覺得 佢地設佢局 特登陷害佢 |
It's all going to pick you up. Think for yourself. I worked hard. I wish you success. What can you do? | 都有機𠸏你。你自己諗喇。自己努力喇。祝你成功。誒你似可以做到乜嘢啊? |
Two or three years | 兩三年 |
There are a lot of things in this business. | 呢盤生意有數為。 |
Probably some people have forgotten what it is to play, and play is like this. | 可能有啲人已經唔記得乜嘢係玩了 , 玩係咁樣嘅 。 |
All right | 好喇 |
At that time, the clock was broken, so I had to rely on my mobile phone. | 個時鐘壞咗,唯有靠手機啦。 |
Cross the road | 橫過馬路 |
Stand still | 企定喺處 |
He said, "Sir, if I don't follow the rules, I'll be in trouble or I won't have my job. 」 | 佢話 ︰ 「 先生 , 如果我唔跟返個規定 , 我會有麻煩或者冇我份工 。 」 |
Telford Plaza is a shopping mall in Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong, located below the MTR Headquarters Building, Hang Seng Centre and Telford Garden. Telford Plaza property is now managed by the MTR Corporation. From 1980 to '97, it was called Telford Mall, and after 1997, it was called Telford Plaza, which was divided into Phase I and Phase II. The first phase opened in 1980 and the second phase in 1997. | 德福廣場(英語:Telford Plaza)係香港九龍灣一間商場,喺港鐵總部大樓、恒生中心同德福花園下低。德福廣場物業而家由港鐵公司管理。1980至'97年間叫德福商場,1997年後叫德福廣場,分為一期同二期。一期商場喺1980年開幕,二期喺1997年開幕。 |
The backpack I was carrying when I went out on the street yesterday was unzipped and I found that someone had stolen a shredded paper bag, but the wallet that was used for the good luck credit card was still here. | 我琴日出街時背住嘅背包俾人拉開咗拉鏈,發現俾人偷咗個碎紙包,但好彩裝信用咭嗰個銀包仲响度。 |
There are no more empty seats in the bag. | 個袋冇空位喇。 |
Look at the big picture | 顧全大局 |
So what do we do? | 咁我哋做啲乜嘢好 ? |
He's like a piece of rice, he doesn't cook anything | 佢好似一嚿飯噉,乜都唔會做 |