Sacred Symbols: Coloring Experiences for the Mystical and Magical (Coloring Books for the Soul)
Lydia Hess
Both books are filled with 50 black and white beautiful colorable illustrations ..that encapsulate some of most beautiful scenes from nature... If the images don’t move your soul and inner chakras, then the accompanied wisdom words will have you mediating on how to be a better being in this world. (We So Nerdy)
[ "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Arts & Photography", "Graphic Design" ]
Arts & Photography
Color Voodoo #1 - A Guide to Color Symbolism COLOR VOODOO #1 JILL MORTON A GUIDE TO COLOR SYMBOLISM Color Voodoo #1 - A Guide to Color Symbolism © Copyright 1997 by Jill Morton All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic or manual, including photocopy, digital duplication, hyper text markup language, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the publishers. This copyright protects the right to make copies of the work. You may print one copy for your own usage. Please email [email protected] for prices for printing multiple copies for distribution and site licenses for installing this publication on multiple stations. PDF document published in 1997 by COLORCOM® ISBN 0-9679080-0-0 Color Voodoo #1 - A Guide to Color Symbolism For Kecia and Zachary Color Voodoo #1 - A Guide to Color Symbolism How to use Acrobat Reader Welcome to this electr
Palladium Books Presents: Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game
Kevin Siembieda
A complete role-playing game set in a unique realm of high fantasy and epic adventure that has thrilled fans for decades. All the fantasy elements you'd expect are there, but spun in ways that you may not expect. Magic has replaced science. The elder races of Dwarves, Elves and Titans have given way to the rise of humanity and the Wolfen Empire. Meanwhile the monster races - Goblins, Orcs, Ogres and Trolls - lay claim to the Old Kingdom, from which they launch their pillaging raids. And that's just the beginning. * 13 different races available to player characters, from human to Wolfen, Changeling, Elf, Dwarf, Ogre, Troll, Goblin, and many others. * 25 Occupational Character Classes to select from. * Magic unlike any you've ever seen before. * 300+ Wizard and Warlock spells. * 80+ psionic powers. * 40 magic items plus magic potions, powders and fumes. * 20 Curses and magical Faerie Foods. * The Summoner and the circles of power and summoning at his command. * The Diabolist and his Runes, Wards and Power Words. * The Mind Mage, Psi-Mystic, Psi-Healer and Psi-Sensitive. * Poisons, herbs, potions and magic components. * Men at arms with punch and power. * Holy Swords and Rune Weapons. * 100,000 years of history. * A complete game withall the rules you need to play(additional sourcebooks, characters, abilities and settings optional). * 336 pages
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Palladium Books® Presents: Game Master Guide ® Quentin Milton (Order #31246997) Warning! Violence, War, Magic & the Supernatural The fictional world of Rifts® is violent, deadly and filled with supernatural monsters. Other-di­ mensional beings often referred to as "demons," torment, stalk and prey on humans. Other alien life forms, monsters, gods and demigods, as well as magic, insanity, and war are all elements in this book. Some parents may find the violence, magic and supernatural elements of the game inappropriate for young readers/players. We suggest parental discretion. Please note that none of us at Palladium Books® condone or encourage the occult, the practice of magic, the use of drugs, or violence. An giant: rererence and sourcebook ror t:he Rir1:!i® RPIi series r er e ,.,. . ., \ Quentin Milton (Order #31246997) Dedication I want to thank and dedicate this book to those who have helped me to build Palladium Books Inc. and kept it running for these many ye
Mechwarrior, Third Edition: The Battletech Roleplaying Game
Join the action, taking on any one of an endless variety of roles, from spy to smuggler, mercenary to MechWarrior. As a character from the Inner Sphere, the Clans or the Periphery, you will decide the ultimate fate of the galaxy. Enter the exciting BattleTech universe in this all-new third edition of the MechWarrior roleplaying game. This book contains all the rules and source material players and gamemasters need. Completely redesigned for faster and easier play, it features a unique character creation system that generates game abilities and background story at the same time.
[ "Politics & Social Sciences" ]
[ "New, Used & Rental Textbooks", "Humanities" ]
Politics & Social Sciences
A QUICK-PLAYING TACTICAL MINIATURES GAME ©2013 The Topps Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Alpha Strike, Quick Strike, BattleTech, BattleMech, ’Mech and MechWarrior are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Printed in USA. WEBSITE: CATALYSTGAMELABS.COM ® For centuries, the armies of the Great Houses have fought to reclaim the glory of the fallen Star League, sending regiments of their elite MechWarriors into battle across hundreds of worlds as humanity slid inexorably toward a new Dark Age. The coming of the Clans— descendants of the lost Star League army—did little to stem the slaughter. It only raised the stakes. Alpha Strike is a new, fast-playing form of the BattleTech game of futuristic, armored combat. Developed for the modern tabletop miniatures wargamer, this book brings players the ability t
Junkers Ju 88 Kampfgeschwader on the Russian Front (Combat Aircraft)
John Weal
John Weal is Osprey's primary Luftwaffe author and artist. He possesses one of the largest private collections of original German-language literature from World War 2 and his research is based on this huge archive. Fluent in German, Weal has spent much time establishing contact with ex-members of the Luftwaffe, from General Staff Officers of the RLM to frontline aircrew. A freelance airbrush artist since the days of the monthly RAF Flying Review, he has illustrated some of the finest Luftwaffe profiles to date. The author lives in Cookham, England.
[ "History", "Geography & Cultures" ]
[ "History", "Europe" ]
Spezialfähigkeiten Kürzel Deutsch Kürzel Active Probe PRB Aktive Sonde SON Advanced Fire Control AFC Verbessertes Feuerleitsystem VFLS Aerospace-Transport AT# Luft-/Raumtransporter LRT Amphibious AMP Amphibisch AMP Angel ECM AECM Engel-Störsender ESTÖR Anti-Mech AM Mechabwehr MA Anti-Missile System AMS Raketenabwehrsystem RAS Armored Component ARM Gepanzerte Komponenten GK Armored Movement System ARS Gepanzerte Antriebssysteme GA Artillery ARTX-# Artillerie ARTX-# Autocannon AC#/#/#/# Autokanone AK#/#/#/# BAR BAR Schutzpanzerwert SPW Basic Fire Control BFC Basis-Feuerleitsystem BFLS BattleMech HarJel BHJ BattleMech-HarJel BHJ BattleMech Shield SHLD BattleMech-Schild SCHD Bloodhound BH Bluthund BH Bomb BOMB# Bombe BOMB# Booby Trap BT Sprengfalle SF Bridge Layer BRID Pontonleger PON C3/C3I Boosted System C3BS# Hochleistungs-K3-/K3V-System HL-K3# C3 Emergency Master Compu- ter C3EM# K3-Notfall-Master K3NM# C3 Master Computer C3M# K3-Meistercomputer K3M# C3 Remote Sensor C3RS# K3-Fernse
The Red Air Fighter
Freiherr von Richthofen Manfred
*25 b/w photos<BR> * 5 x 9<BR> * The autobiography of World War I's greatest ace<BR> * Includes a complete and detailed list of the Red Baron's victories<BR> <P>One name epitomizes the spirit of the air war in WWI, Baron Manfred von Richthofen, the Red Baron. Richthofen tells not only his own story, but also that of his contemporaries, their duels in the sky, ever-present danger, fame, honor, and spiralling death. Beginning the war as a cavalry officer, he joined the flying sevice to escape the boredom of ground warfare. He quickly showed complete mastery of the art of the fighter pilot and went on to great fame and legend. He was just twenty-five when he was killed on April 21, 1918 while flying over the Somme valley. Manfred von Richthofen wrote his autobiography in 1917, some months before his death. Norman Franks is an acknowledged expert on aviation history.
[ "History", "Geography & Cultures" ]
[ "History", "Europe" ]
1 2 3 ROBERT THURSTON Falkenwacht Dritter Roman der Trilogie ›Die Legende vom Jadephönix‹ Fünfzehnter Roman im BATTLETECH®-Zyklus Deutsche Erstausgabe WILHELM HEYNE VERLAG MÜNCHEN 4 HEYNE SCIENCE FICTION & FANTASY Band 06/4933 Titel der amerikanischen Originalausgabe FALCON GUARD Deutsche Übersetzung von Reinhold H. Mai Das Umschlagbild malte Bruce Jensen Die Innenillustrationen sind von Jeff Laubenstein; die Nachzeichnungen im Anhang von Steve Venters Die Karten auf Seite 302/303 und auf Seite 304/305 zeichnete Mirjam Wehner 6. Auflage Redaktion: Rainer Michael Rahn Copyright © 1991 by FASA Corporation Copyright © 1993 der deutschen Ausgabe und der Übersetzung by Wilhelm Heyne Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München Printed in Germany 2000 Umschlaggestaltung: Atelier Ingrid Schütz, München Technische Betreuung: Manfred Spinola Satz: Schaber Satz- und Datentechnik, Wels
Sea Story (Brambly Hedge)
Jill Barklem
<B>Jill Barklem</B> spent five years on research before she started to write her stories about the mice of Brambly Hedge. <P> Her interest in natural history and traditional rural customs and crafts has spilled over into these chronicles of hedgerow life. <P> She lives with her husband and children near Epping Forest in England.
[ "Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences", "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Animals" ]
Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences
Islands in the Net by Bruce Sterling 1 The sea lay in simmering quiet, a slate-green gumbo seasoned with warm mud. Shrimp boats trawled the horizon. Pilings rose in clusters, like blackened fingers, yards out in the gentle surf. Once, Galveston beach homes had crouched on those tar-stained stilts. Now barnacles clustered there, gulls wheeled and screeched. It was a great breeder of hurricanes, this quiet Gulf of Mexico. Laura read her time and distance with a quick downward glance. Green indicators blinked on the toes. of her shoes, flickering with each stride, counting mileage. Laura picked up the pace. Morning shadows strobed across her as she ran. She passed the last of the pilings and spotted her home, far down the beach. She grinned as fatigue evaporated in a flare. of energy. Everything seemed worth it. When the second wind took her, she felt that she could run forever, a promise of inde- structible confidence bubbling up from the marrow. She ran in pure animal ease,
The Ship Who Won
Anne McCaffrey
McCaffrey continues to develop her brainship concept, with a new collaborator this time, the one who worked with her on <i>The Death of Sleep</i> (1990). The brainship Carialle and her brawn, Keff, find a habitable planet inhabited by an apparent mix of races and cultures and dominated by an elite of apparent magicians. Appearances are deceiving, however, and by the time the explorers have discovered the planet's secrets--not to mention other intelligent races--they find themselves in a desperate battle to save it. Knowing McCaffrey's background in space adventure and Nye's in humorous fantasy, you can tell whose influence is uppermost in certain passages, but ultimately the two blend their skills effectively to produce a brisk, well-told, often amusing tale that does not strive to do more than entertain but does so admirably. Fans of either author, or both, will have fun with this book. <i>Roland Green</i>
[ "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
Science Fiction
ALSO IN THIS SERIES: The Ship Who Sang by Anne McCaffrey Partnership by Anne McCaffrey & Margaret Ball The Ship Who Searched by Anne McCaffrey & Mercedes Lackey The City Who Fought by Anne McCaffrey & S. M. Stirling The Ship Who Won by Anne McCaffrey & Jody Lynn Nye The Ship Errant by Jody Lynn Nye The ship avenged S. M. STIRLING THE SHIP AVENGED This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental. Copyright © 1997 by S. M. Stirling All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form. A Baen Books Original Baen Publishing Enterprises P.O. Box 1403 Riverdale, NY 10471 ISBN: 0-671-87861-1 Cover art by Stephen Hickman First paperback printing, February 1998 Distributed by Simon & Schuster 1230 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020 Library of Congress Catalog Number: 96-36977 Typeset by W
War of Retribution Update Pack (Babylon 5 Wars, 2nd Edition)
This book updates BW-105 War of Retribution 1st edition book.
[ "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy" ]
Science Fiction
TM 1 Contents War is the continuation of diplomacy by other means - Carl Phillipe Gottfried Von Clauswitz, On War 2 Contents Designation of Product Identity: The following items are hereby designated as Product Identity in accordance with dection 1(e) of the Open Game License. Version 1.0a: Any and all Babylon 5 logos and identifying marks and trade dress, including all Babylon 5 product and product line names; any elements of the Babylon 5 setting including but not limited to capitalised names, planet names, alien species names, ship names, organisation names, characters, equipment, setting and historic events, episode descriptions, any and all stories, storylines, locations, plots, thematic elements, documents within the Babylon 5 world, quotes from character or episodes, all artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, illustrations, maps and cartography, likenesses, poses, logos, sumbols or graphic designs; any other unspecifi ed incarnations of Babylon 5 creative prope
Mechwarrior: Dark Age #2: A Call to Arms (A BattleTech Novel)
Loren Coleman
<b>Loren Coleman </b>is the writer of many science fiction novels including <i>Into the Maelstrom</i>, <i>Bloodlines</i>, and <i>Blinding Force</i>. A retired member of the U.S. Navy, Coleman lives in Washington with his family.
[ "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
Science Fiction
TM A QUARTER CENTURY OF HEAVY METAL MAYHEM Strap yourself into the ultimate suit of armor: the BattleMech. Thirty feet tall and weighing up to a hundred tons, this humanoid engine of destruction is a walking arsenal with enough firepower to level a city block. The BattleTech/MechWarrior universe takes you into the world of the 31st Century, where war has become a way of life. You are a MechWarrior, in command of the most powerful machines on the battlefield, and hold the fate of empires in your hand! Now leap into the visual feast of BattleTech: 25 Years of Art & Fiction, its pages brimming with a huge breadth of artists and styles that have brought this universe to life. Accompanying the bevy of art are 18 all-new short stories from perennial BattleTech authors Michael Stackpole, Robert Charrette, William H. Keith, Jr., Loren Coleman and others. A timeline of the universe and an extensive bibliography cataloging every published rulebook, sourcebook, box set
Dark Whispers: A thrilling romantic suspense (Faces of Evil)
Debra Webb
DEBRA WEBB is the award winning, USA Today bestselling author of more than 130 novels, including reader favorites the Faces of Evil, the Colby Agency, and the Shades of Death series. With more than four million books sold in numerous languages and countries, Debra's love of storytelling goes back to her childhood on a farm in Alabama. Visit Debra at or write to her at PO Box 176, Madison, AL 35758.
[ "Mystery, Thriller &amp; Suspense", "Mystery" ]
Interview With The Vampire By Anne Rice " SENSUOUS, THRILLING, WONDERFUL " SENSUOUS, THRILLING, WONDERFUL! " Houston Chronicle " SENSATIONAL AND FANTASTIC... WOVEN WITH UNCANNY MAGIC . . . hypnotically poetic in tone, rich in sensory imagery and dense with the darkness that lies behind the veil of human thought. " St. Luis Post-Dispatch " UNUSUALLY MOVING. " Miami Herald " Anne Rice is a writer who follows a hidden path... into an unfamiliar world. But if you surrender and go with her on her eerie journey, you will find that you have surrendered to enchantment, as if in a voluptuous dream. " The Boston Globe " A MASTERFUL SUSPENSE STORY... From the beginning we are seduced, hypnotized by the voice of the vampire .... plumbs the deepest recesses of human sensuality: " Chicago Tribune " A BONAFIDE BLOCKBUSTER . . . AUDACIOUS, EROTIC, AND UNFORGETTABLE . . . An unmitigated terror trip not meant for the weak of
Equoid: a Laundry Novella (Laundry Files)
Charles Stross
For Bob Howard, a working day tends to alternate between desperately trying not to fall asleep in committee meetings and being menaced by tentacular horrors from beyond spacetime. That's because Bob works for the Laundry, the secret British government agency tasked with protecting the realm from occult nightmares. So when his manager Iris sends him off to the countryside to liaise with a veterinary inspector from the Department of the Environment, Fisheries, and rural Affairs, at first he takes it as a pleasant vacation. But why is Edgebaston Farm's livery stable buying a hundred kilos of raw meat per day? Why does his briefing file contain the death-bed confession of that old fraud, H. P. Lovecraft? And why is his contact from DEFRA so deathly afraid of unicorns?
[ "Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Fantasy" ]
i As Above, So Below AS ABOVE, SO BELOW 1 As Above, So Below AS ABOVE, SO BELOW Based on the Laundry Files novels by Charles Stross. The Laundry Files © 2001-2010 Charles Stross, used under license by Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. All rights reserved. The Laundry RPG © 2010 Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. As Above, So Below © 2015 Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. The Basic Roleplaying System © Chaosium Inc, used under license by Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. Published by Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd, Suite 3C Unit 4 Gemini House, Hargreaves Road, Groundwell Industrial Estate, Swindon, SN25 5AZ. Printed in the USA Credits Writing: Martin Dougherty, Jason Keeley, WJ McGuffin and Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan Editing: Benjamin Watkins Layout and Graphic Design: Tom Hutchings Art Direction: Jon Hodgson and Scott Purdy Cover Art: Malcolm McClinton Managing Editor: Andrew Kenrick Line Manager: Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan Creative Director: Jon Hodgson Publisher: Dominic McDowall 1 Laundry AS A
Lisa Frank Doodle, Design, and Create-Activity Book - Princess Pearls
Kappa Books Publishers
For more exciting titles visit us at
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor & Entertainment", "Puzzles & Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
I Jenna Moran IIII III Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine The Roleplaying Game Nobilis: Antithesis, Nobilis: the Essentials, and all included text, concepts, and game mechanics are copyright 2011–2015 by Jenna Katerin Moran. Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine and all included text, concepts, and game mechanics are copyright 2012–2015 by Jenna Katerin Moran. All art and presentation elements are copyright 2012–2015 by Jenna Katerin Moran or by the original artist or artists. Nobilis is the creation of Jenna Katerin Moran (formerly known as R. Sean Borgstrom). Reproduction without the written permission of Jenna Katerin Moran or the appropriate artistic copyright holder is expressly forbidden, except for the purposes of reviews, blank character sheets, and copying reasonable selections for personal use and reference only. The mention or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. This book uses f
The Book of Vile Darkness: Roleplaying Game Supplement (4th Edition D&D)
Robert J. Schwalb
Robert J. Schwalb, a writer and award-winning game designer best known for his work on <b>Dungeons &amp; Dragons</b>, got his start in 2002 and has never looked back. He has designed or developed almost two hundred gaming books in both print and digital formats for Wizards of the Coast, Green Ronin Publishing, Black Industries, Fantasy Flight Games, and several other companies. Some of his best-known books include the <i>Dark Sun Campaign Setting</i>, <i>Player's Handbook 3</i>, <i>A Song of Ice and Fire</i> Roleplaying, <i>Grimm</i>, and <i>Tome of Corruption</i>.
[ "Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Fantasy" ]
ROLEPLAYING IN THE GRIM DARKNESS OF THE 41ST MILLENNIUM TM 2 Credits Lead Developer Tim Flanders Writing and Development Tim Cox and John Dunn Editing and Proofreading Mark Latham and Dave Johnson Managing RPG Producer Chris Gerber Graphic Design Michael Silsby and Edge Studios Graphic Design Manager Brian Schomburg Cover Art Imaginary FS Pte Ltd Interior Art Dimitri Bielak, Alberto Bontempi, Alex Boyd, Matt Bradbury, Kevin Chin, Ioan Dumi, Dave Gallagher, Ilich Henriquez, Nikolaus Ingeneri, Jason Juta, Nuala Kinrade, Karl Kopinski, Sam Lamont, Mark Molnar, Marco Morte, Ameen Naksewee, Adrian Smith, David Sondered, Javier Garcia Urena Managing Art Director Andrew Navaro Art Direction Andy Christensen and John Taillon Production Management Eric Knight Licensing & Development Coordinator Deb Freytag Executive Game Designer Corey Konieczka Executive Producer Michael Hurley Publisher Christian T. Petersen Special Thanks Playtest Coordinator Ronald DeValk. “No Guts No Glory!” S
Powers: A Novel
John B. Olson
Olson, a biochemist turned novelist of the paranormal, introduces a new charactera young gypsy girl from the swamps of Louisianato a return cast from his previous thriller, <i>Shade</i>. A mysterious inheritance letter leads Jazz, a musician who can see the future, on a treasure hunt, chased by dark forces and an FBI agent who believes he's a terrorist. Olson's writing has the power to levitate the reader to another dimension and suspend disbelief as cons, tricks of the mind, prayers, ancient codes and spiritual forces coalesce into a fascinating yet sluggish story with good dialogue that's difficult to follow because of sparse attribution. Readers who enjoy books about vampires, gypsies and prophecy will gravitate toward Olson's rich descriptions of imaginative creatures drawn from biblical storiesthe Badness, the Standing. With this man vs. mysterious powers story, the author continues making his mark in futuristic and paranormal fiction in the CBA market. <i>(Dec.)</i> <br />Copyright Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Religion" ]
[ "Christian Books &amp; Bibles", "Literature &amp; Fiction" ]
Literature & Fiction
of Power of Power Credits Authors: Adam Meyers, Darren Smith, Amber Underwood, Michael Uhland, Michael Sayre, Andrew Stoeckle, Andrew J Gibson, Derfael Oliveira, John Little, Johannes Luber, Steven Loftus, Jeff Collins Creative Director: Adam Meyers Interior Art: Ben Wootten, 1 Man Studio, Jacob Blackmon, Gennifer Bone, Critical Hits, Claudio Casini, Kristen Collins, Gary Dupuis, Expeditious Retreat Press, Felipe Gaona, Jack Holiday, Rick Hershey, Forrest Imel, Vagelio Kaliva, Matt Marrow, Brett Neufeld, Stephen Nickel, Miguel Santos, JE Shields, Phil Simpson, Dean Spencer, John Stevenson, Ryan Sumo, and Peter Temesi Cover Art: Ben Wootten Layout: Rachel Meyers Editing: Johannes Luber Spheres of Power Much of the content of this book was created with the help of Visit to lend your support. Chapter 1: Introduction 2 Contents Chapter 1: Introduction ............................................................................4 Naviga
The New German Reichschancellery in Berlin 1938-1945
Josephine Cowdery Ray Cowdery
"Reichschancellery" was written by, and illustrated with maps, drawings and photographs from the unequaled archive of Ray &amp; Josephine Cowdery. The authors have visited Berlin and the site of the New Reichschancellery dozens of times since the mid-1970s and have sought out countless facts and artifacts connected with Hitler, Speer and their New Reichschancellery.
[ "Science & Math", "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Arts &amp; Photography", "Architecture" ]
Science & Math
VORGEFERTIGTER CHARAKTER EINSAMER WOLF Manchmal verstehe ich nicht, was die Leute sagen, wenn sie mit mir reden, und wenn doch, wünsch- te ich, ich hätte es nicht verstanden. Die Leute sind dumm, gemein und egoistisch. Ich bin immer abseits und durchschaue ihre Unsicherheiten und ihr Affentheater. Ich mag Dinge, die tatsächlich et- was bedeuten, Filme, Musik, Bücher, solange mich keiner stört – aber das tun sie andauernd. Meine Eltern fragen mich, ob ich neue Freunde habe, meine Schwester will mich ständig auf irgendwelche Partys schleifen und meine Klassenkameraden haben nichts anderes im Kopf als miteinander rum- zumachen und sich anzuhimmeln. CHARAKTERBOGEN ATTRIBUTE HERZ KÖRPER TECHNIK VERSTAND ZUSTÄNDE Aufgebracht Verängstigt Erschöpft Verletzt Gebrochen FERTIGKEITEN ANFÜHREN (Herz) CHARME (Herz) KONTAKT (Herz) BEWEGEN (Körper) KRAFT (Körper) SCHLEICHEN (Körper) PROGRAMMIEREN (Technik) RECHNEN (Technik) TÜFTELN (Technik) BEGREIFEN (Verstand) EINFÜHLEN (Verstand) UNTERSUCHEN (V
Vampire Storytellers Handbook
White Wolf Publishing
Resource for storytellers who want to run a better Vampire game. Includes rare bloodlines, disciplines, resources for elder vampires, unique groups and more.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Vampire 1 2 Paths of storytelling Vampire 3 Paths of Storytelling: Vampire 4 Paths of storytelling Written by Kelley Barnes, Jess Hartley, Monica Valentinelli, and Eddy Webb Developed by Eddy Webb Edited by Genevieve Podleski Layout by Ron Thompson © 2011 CCP hf. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for the purposes of reviews, and one printed copy which may be reproduced for personal use only. White Wolf, Vampire and World of Darkness are registered trademarks of CCP hf. All rights reserved. Vampre the Masquerade,Vampire the Requiem, Werewolf the Forsaken, Mage the Awakening, Promethean the Created, Storytelling System and Parlor Games are trademarks of CCP hf. All rights reserved. All characters, names, places and text herein are copyrighted by CCP hf. CCP North America Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of CCP hf. The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a
Running Meditation: Connect With Power and Energy
Kelly Howell
With over 60 bestselling audio programs published worldwide, Kelly Howell is internationally acclaimed for her pioneering work in healing and mind expansion. Her clinically proven Brain Wave Audio Technology is used in prestigious hospitals, biofeedback clinics and by physicians and psychologists throughout the world.
[ "Medicine & Health Sciences", "Health, Fitness & Dieting" ]
[ "Health, Fitness &amp; Dieting", "Alternative Medicine" ]
Medicine & Health Sciences
1 2 For my friend Jessie, computer goddess, crash savior, and daydream believer, who wanted to hear the other side of the story. 3 Encrypted File 092002573 She sleeps as I write this. Her quarters are far from my own, but I have not planted any recording drones to watch her. Close proximity and remote surveillance have never been necessary – I have been aware of her from the first, and the connection between us grows stronger each day. She is unaware of it, or deliberately ignores it. I cannot. She is always with me now. I have never established a connection as intense or of such lasting duration as this. The detail is astonishing; when I concentrate, I can feel the adrenalin pumping in her veins and the precise focus of her thoughts as she works. My limbs ache with the ghost weight of her exhaustion after she finishes a double shift in Medical. I can count her breaths, smell her scent, and occas
Hero Game: The Virtual Chronicles
R. L. Copple
As a young teen, R. L. Copple played in his own make-believe world, writing the stories and drawing the art for his own comics while experiencing the worlds of other authors like Tolkien, Lewis, Asimov, and Lester Del Ray. After years of writing devotionally, he returned to the passion of his youth in order to combine his fantasy worlds and faith into the reality of the printed page. Since then, his imagination has given birth to The Reality Chronicles trilogy from Splashdown Books, and <i>Mind Game, Hero Game, Ethereal Worlds Anthology</i>, and <i>How to Make an Ebook: Using Free Software</i> from Ethereal Press, along with numerous short stories in various magazines. In his Texas Hill Country residence, he continues to create and give wings to new realities so that others might enjoy and be inspired by them.
[ "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
Science Fiction
Steven S. Long THE Author: Steven S. Long Editing & Development: Steven S. Long Layout & Graphic Design: Steven S. Long (well, OK, using tools and templates devel- oped by Andy Mathews, and with some sug- gestions by Andy Mathews...) Illustrations: Steven S. Long using Campaign Cartographer 2 Pro from ProFantasy Soft ware (try it! It’s great!) Everything Else: Stev... you get the picture Hero SystemTM ® is DOJ, Inc.’s trademark for its roleplaying system. Hero System © 1984, 1989, 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. Champions © 1984, 1989, 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. Fantasy Hero © 2003 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. Dark Champions © 2004 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. Pulp Hero and The Radio Marauders © 2005 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. Star Hero, Justice Inc., Danger International, Danger International, Western Hero © 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All ri
The Secret Science of Combat Strategy
Jules Aib
Jules Aib is the founder and chief instructor of World Aikido-Yoga (WAY). Aikido- Yoga seamlessly integrates the sophisticated martial-art of aikido with the ancient science of yoga. Over the last two decades he has taught personal empowerment through the practice of aikido-yoga to people all over the world. He currently lives in Australia.
[ "Health, Fitness & Dieting" ]
[ "Sports &amp; Outdoors", "Individual Sports" ]
Health, Fitness & Dieting
1 ALIEN SPACE BATTLE MANUAL By Lou Zocchi Fifth printing April 1979 © 1973 Lou Zocchi edited by Tony Van Liew 2001 INTRODUCTION This adult intelligence game has been de- signed to minimize luck and maximize skill. The parts of this game which are applicable to all players are explained first. Each ship in the game has a secret weapon in addition to its main weapon. The rules for each secret weapon are written on the backside of the appropriate ship hit record. To increase your enjoyment of your first games, learn only the secret weaponry of the ship you’ll captain. If your friends will also restrict their learning to the ships they command, no player will know what to expect from the other and the excite- ment of the unknown will closely simulate ‘real life’ conditions. It also gives all players the same disadvantage and challenge. Special mismatch rules at the end of these rules tell you how to preserve the challenge of the ‘unknown
Ruins of UnderMountain (AD&D 2nd Ed. Fantasy Roleplaying, Forgotten Realms)
Ed Greenwood
UNDERMOUNTAIN is a dungeon setting for AD&D 2nd Edition campaign play: the oldest, largest, and deadliest dungeon-crawl in the FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting. It is the place where intrepid adventurers endeavor to become veterans, to win a place among the rich and famous - if they survive its depths. Enter an endless maze where waiting death bears a thousand faces and treasures lie hidden in a thousand places.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor & Entertainment", "Puzzles & Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
UNDERMOUNTAIN THE LOST LORE A Collection of class archetypes, Backgrounds, Spells, Magic Items, Monsters and Dungeon Dressing for Undermountain Micah Watt 1 Publisher: Pyromaniac Press Author: Micah Watt Layout: Micah Watt Cover Art: Dean Spencer Internal Art: Dante Cifaldi, Dean Spencer, DMsGuild Creator Resource (Varied) Backgrounds: Dante Cifaldi DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dun- geon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wiz- ards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II: The Official Strategy Guide
Rick Barba
Only a fully trained Jedi, with his guide as his ally, will conquer the Seven Dark Jedi!
[ "Computer Science", "Activities, Crafts & Games" ]
[ "Computers &amp; Technology", "Games &amp; Strategy Guides" ]
Computer Science
A B H A D K M P S T S N T B p a + R th e ra d V th p e S J K s th re th w R w fe s M S S A A S S ( Alien Spe Barabel Home Planet Attribute Dic DEXTERITY 2 KNOWLEDGE MECHANICA PERCEPTION STRENGTH 3 TECHNICAL Special Abili Natural Body The black sca Barabel act a providing a + against physi +1D bonus a Radiation Re heir homew evolved a n adiation. Th defending ag Vision: Barab hem the ab provided th environment Story Factors Jedi Respect: Knights, even ensing the F he comman epresents it hey are enem who imperso Reputation: warriors and eared. Thos teer clear of Move: 11/14 Size: 1.9-2.2 m Source: Ultim Alien Anthol Alien Races Sourcebook Sourcebook pages 154-15 ecies t: Barab I ce: 12D 2D/4D E 1D/2D+1 AL 1D/3D N 1D+1/4D+ 3D/5D 1D/2D+1 ities: y Armor: ales of the as armor, +2D bonus cal attacks, a against energ es
Battletech Jihad Secrets The Blake Docum
Catalyst Game Labs
CAT35303X Jihad Secrets The Blake Documents Classic Battletech Game By Catalyst Game Labs<br /> <br />Jihad Secrets The Blake Documents contains a wealth of information on the current universe-shaking Jihad storyline, providing more hard facts than any book to date. Detailed information on the opening years of the Jihad, including maps of the most significant conflicts; a current 3075 Around the Sphere in the same vein as the Jihad Hot Spots series provides up-to-date information on the latest happenings; biographies of more than twenty individuals important to the Jihad; a complete description of all Word of Blake forces; including unit logos; and the hidden history of Clan Wolverine and the Minnesota tribe revealed! A complete rules section rounds the book out, with game play rules for taking any Word of Blake division into the field, construction rules for primitive units, and new Mechs, including Clan Wolverines Mercury II, Pulverizer, and Stag, the primitive Dervish, and the mysterious Raptor II<br /><br />Can be used by any Classic BattleTech player<br /><br />Classic BattleTech Plot Supplement<br /><br />168 Page book.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Jihad Plot SuPPlement ™ ©2010 The Topps Company Inc. All Rights Reserved. BattleTech Field Report: DCMS, Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, BattleMech, and ’Mech are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of The Topps Company Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Productions, LLC. ® STAR LEAGUE ERA SUCCESSION WARS ERA CLAN INVASION ERA JIHAD ERA CIVIL WAR ERA DARK AGE ERA Strategic analySiS… Over ten years ago, as the second Star League died, the Word of Blake unleashed its wrath against the combined realms of the Inner Sphere and the Clans. Using every weapon in their arsenal, from strategic misdirection and the exposure of state secrets, to biological, nuclear, and chemical attacks, the Word’s war struck every power where it hurt most. Factories were razed, capitals fell, and loyalties were shattered. But eventually, the leaders of the Inner Sphere’s ancient warring factions recognized th
Frozen Frontier: A Daniel's Saga
Larry Wood
Larry Wood worked as a telemetry technician on the island chain called Kwajalein Atoll. There he tracked incoming warheads launched from Vandenberg AFB and the occasional shuttle mission and rocket launch. Larry became lead tech of Roi-Namur during his six years on the Atoll. Larry spent another three years on Ascension Island tracking other objects such as the ISS, the occasional shuttle launch and missiles launched from submarines. He became chief tech and ran the floor. He departed contracting work and moved to Washington State to write full time. Larry has been at it for three plus years. He has written many manuscripts covering a variety of subjects in the fiction and fantasy genre during his lifetime. After spending several weeks researching how to go about selling his work, he discovered he was not ready and studied for several more weeks before starting from scratch. This is the fourth complete rewrite of Frozen Frontier. Enjoy the story and thank you for your purchase and time.
[ "Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Fantasy" ]
AN ICY FRONTIER FOR AN ICY FRONTIER FOR AN ICY FRONTIER FOR TM 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS BY KRAIG BLACKWELDER, GENEVIEVE COGMAN, GEOFFREY C. GRABOWSKI AND ANDREW WATT TM EXALTED • BASTIONS OF THE NORTH 2 CREDITS Authors: Kraig Blackwelder, Genevieve Cogman, Geoffrey C. Grabowski and Andrew Watt Storyteller Game System Design: Mark Rein•Hagen Developer: John Chambers Editor: Scribendi Editorial Services Art Direction: Brian Glass Artists: Newton Ewell, Craig Grant, Andrew Hepworth, Aaron Nakahara, Melissa Uran, Team Cold FuZion, Andie Tong and UDON with Eric Kim and Chris Stevens Cover Art: UDON with Chris Stevens and Espen Grundetjern Book Design: Brian Glass © 2005 White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights re- served. Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for the purposes of reviews, and for blank character sheets, which may be reproduced for personal use only. White Wolf and Exalted are registered trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc
T'choupi l a ferme - (Tome 4) - Ds 2 ans (4)
Thierry Courtin
Aprs de solides tudes en arts graphiques l'cole MET de PENNINGHEN l'ESAG puis l'acadmie CHARPENTIER, il est d'abord illustrateur indpendant et ralise des illustrations pour Bayard Presse, Hatier, Hachette (" la Bibliothque rose "), etc. Il entre en 1981 dans le groupe Bayard Presse comme maquettiste et illustrateur pour le magazine Pomme d'Api. Il y devient directeur artistique en crant le magazine Youpi. Paralllement, il illustre le magazine Popi et se spcialise dans la connaissance de l'attitude des tout-petits. Il se met son compte en 1992 pour se consacrer des projets personnels : ralisation de dcors d'missions de tlvision pour enfants, cration de la gamme graphique des CD du chanteur Pierre Lozre, illustrations de produits de puriculture pour des agences de design et de jeux (Absorba, Nestl, Peau Douce, Monsavon, Smorby, Mustella), collections d'albums pour la France et les Etats-Unis (Readers Digest, Penguin &amp;amp; Putnam)... et surtout la cration du personnage T'choupi pour les jeux Nathan. Il imagine un tendre petit garon pingouin, aux formes rondes et graphiques : il cre son univers, sa famille, ses amis et en plus le fidle confident de T'choupi : Doudou. Il ralise une gamme de couleurs plus douces que les couleurs alors en vogue : " j'ai travaill dans la recherche d'une forme ronde aux trois couleurs, ce qui le rend unique et c'est ainsi que la tte du pingouin conceptualis ma faon graphique m'est apparue. " Il a ralis plus de 30 produits-jeux de ce personnage. En 1997, les albums de T'choupi sont lancs, diffuss depuis 3 millions d'exemplaires dans plusieurs pays !... Thierry Courtin a toujours travaill pour les enfants de 1 5 ans, son graphisme qui va l'essentiel (puret, tendresse de ses dessins et de leurs couleurs) touche particulirement cette tranche d'ge et leur famille.
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Contemporary" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "Contemporary" ]
Literature & Fiction
G1-6 Avventura per 6-9 personaggi dal 9° al 11° livello 11413 AVVENTURA UFFICIALE di Gary Gygax e Sean K. Reynolds Traduzione: Stefano Mattioli di Gary Gygax e Sean K. Reynolds Traduzione: Stefano Mattioli g g Advanced Dungeons&Dragons E D I Z I O N E I T A L I A N A Contro i Giganti: La Liberazione di Geoff (parte I) Contro i Giganti: La Liberazione di Geoff (parte I) 1 Crediti ...........................................................................1 Lavorare su un Suolo Sacro .....................................2 Sulle Orme dei Giganti: Note dell’Editore..........2 Usare il Nuovo Materiale con il Vecchio.............2 Nuove Regole per i Giganti .....................................3 I Fatti Precedenti .........................................................4 Esempi d’Idee per la Trama .....................................6 PARTE UNO: Contro i Giganti ..............................8 G1: L’Accampamento del Capo dei Giganti delle Colline ..........................
"Doctor Who" 3-D Model Making Kit
Build your own fantastic paper models of the TARDIS, K-9, a Dalek and a Cyberman head, with this instruction book and press-out cards.
[ "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books" ]
Children's Books
G A M E M A S T E R ’ S C O M PA N I O N C credits Writing: Morgan Davie, Mark Lawford, Andrew Peregrine, Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan and Nathaniel Torson. editing: Andrew Kenrick cover: Paul Bourne graphic design and Layout: Paul Bourne creative director: Jon Hodgson pubLisher: Dominic McDowall proofreaders: Peter Gilham and Brian Swift. speciaL thanks: Ross McGlinchey and the BBC team for all their help. The Doctor Who Roleplaying Game uses the Vortex system, designed by David F. Chapman. Published by Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd Suite D3 Unit 4 Gemini House, Hargreaves Road, Groundwell Industrial Estate, Swindon, SN25 5AZ, UK. (UK reg. no.6036414). Find out more about us and our games at © Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. 2016 BBC, DOCTOR WHO (word marks, logos and devices), TARDIS, DALEKS, CYBERMAN and K-9 (word marks and devices) are trade marks of the British Broadcasting Corporation and are used under licence. BBC logo © BBC 1996. Doctor Who logo © BBC 20
El cielo esta abierto (Spanish Edition)
Fresia Castro
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help " ]
[ "Self-Help" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
i IMMORTALS COMPANION REGLAS PARA INMORTALES Reglas y opciones de alto nivel para la quinta edición del mayor juego de rol de todos los tiempos 2 INMORTALS COMPANION REGLAS PARA INMORTALES Copyright Todo el texto de “Immortals Companion” procede del Dominio Público y la traducción se adjudica también al Dominio Público hasta la máxima extensión permitida por la ley. Donde no sea posible, se concede permiso para hacer cualquier cosa con esta obra. Créditos de la traducción Traducción y maquetación: Santi Güell ( Este libro está publicado a través de con la opción “paga lo que quieras”, puedes apoyarnos comprándolo al precio que quieras para que sigamos publicando nuevo material. ¡Gracias! Créditos de las ilustraciones Cubierta: modificada de peter.pyw Página 6: original de noupload Página 7: original de Rachealmarie Págin
Technical Readout 3057 (Battletech : Dropships, Jumpships, & Warships)
Chris Hartford
The BattleTech Technical Readout: 3057 contains descriptions, illustrations, and full BattleSpace statistics for the latest Inner Sphere and Clan DropShips, JumpShips, WarShips, small craft, aerospace fighters, OmniFighters, and conventional aircraft. BattleSpace rules clarifications and record sheets are also included.
[ "Health, Fitness & Dieting" ]
[ "Sports & Outdoors", "Individual Sports" ]
Health, Fitness & Dieting
BY RON LUNDEEN THE BLIND CITY PYRE WOEBRINGER TIER 8 Huge bulk freighter Speed 4; Maneuverability poor (turn 3); Drift 1 AC 20; TL 20 HP 200; DT 5; CT 40 Shields medium 120 (forward 30, port 30, starboard 30, aft 30) Attack (Forward) gravity gun (6d6) Attack (Aft) heavy laser cannon (4d8) Attack (Turret) light plasma torpedo launcher (3d8) Power Core Nova Heavy (200 PCU); Drift Engine Signal Basic; Systems basic medium-range sensors, crew quarters (good), mk 4 armor, mk 4 defense, mk 2 mononode computer; Expansion Bays cargo holds (4), general science lab, medical bay, recreation suite (gym), sealed environment chamber (2), synthesis bay Modifiers +2 to any 1 check per round, +2 Computers (sensors only), +2 Piloting; Complement 30 (minimum 20, maximum 50) CREW Captain (1 officer, 2 crew) Diplomacy +16 (8 ranks), gunnery +10, Intimidate +16 (8 ranks), Piloting +16 (8 ranks) Engineers (2 officers, 5 crew each) Engineering +16 (8 ranks) Gunners (2 officers, 2 crew each) gun
The Starships of Star Trek (I Can Draw Series)
Tony Tallarico
From the U.S.S. Enterprise to phasers, I Can Draw <i>Star Trek</i> will teach artists of all ages to draw a variety of familiar spacecraft and devices variety of familiar spacecraft and devices from the classic <i>Star Trek, The Original Series</i>. Simple instructions accompany the step-by-step illustrations.
[ "Children's Books", "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Arts, Music &amp; Photography" ]
Children's Books
“‘TO BE, OR NOT TO BE.’ THAT IS THE QUESTION WHICH PREOCCUPIES OUR PEOPLE...” -GENERAL CHANG, STAR TREK VI: THE UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY SPACEDOCK STARSHIP RECOGNITION MANUAL - VOLUME THREE SHIPS OF THE KLINGON EMPIRE STARSHIP RECOGNITION MANUAL VOLUME THREE SHIPS OF THE KLINGON EMPIRE 17 4 99 821 THE SHIP RECOGNITION MANUAL, VOLUME THREE: STARSHIPS OF THE KLINGON EMPIRE Author: Steven S. Long Icon System™ Design: Christian Moore, Steven S. Long with Kenneth Hite, Ross Isaacs Layout: Christopher Huth Special Thanks To: Christopher Huth, for stepping up and doing a great job with the layout; and Don Mappin, for making this book available via TrekRPG.Net. Testreaders: Special thanks to the fans who took the time to read over the manuscript for this book and help me make it better still: David Broussard; Aaron Canning; Daniel da Costa Bezerra; Eric Dawson; Fred Davis; John Dutka; Bruce Ford; Marc-André “Anarchy Bob” Gagné; Pat Gamblin; Matt Hegarty; Scott MacGregor et al.; Ben “C
The Treasure Cave: Sea Tales of Tiptoes Lightly
Reg Down
<span>"Reg Down has done it again in his unique style - magnificently imaginative and utterly entertaining.</span><i>The Treasure Cave</i><span>is a heart-warming gift to families to help find a new meaning in Thanksgiving through the wonder of Tiptoes Lightly.Five Stars!" David Kennedy, <b>Waldorf Today</b></span><br /><br />"A deftly crafted novel by an experienced and talented author and illustrator for children, <i>The Treasure Cave</i> continues the Tiptoes Lightly stories with its superbly drawn characters and thoroughly engaging storyline. Wonderfully entertaining - <i>The Treasure Cave</i> is especially recommended for ages 6 through 10." <b>Midwest Book Review</b>
[ "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books" ]
Children's Books
F F S K U LL & S h a c k le S The W o r m w o o d Mu tin y By Richard Pett The Buzzard's Bounty Shipwreck in a Bottle Fisherman's Folly The Lost Messenger = Rumored Treasure h h h The Shackles Fever Sea Motaku Isle Dahak’s Teeth Jeopardy Bay Slithering Coast to Bonewrack Isle Port Peril • Devil’s Arches Widowmaker Isle Tempest Cay Fever Sea X X X X X ADVENTURE PATH • PART 1 of 6 The W o r m w o o d Mu tin y ® ™ ® ™ ® ™ ® ™ ® ™ F F S K U LL & S h a c k le S credits Creative Director • James Jacobs Senior Art Director • Sarah E. Robinson Managing Editor • F. Wesley Schneider Development Lead • Rob McCreary Editing • Judy Bauer, Christopher Carey, Patrick Renie, and James L. Sutter Editorial Assistance • Jason Bulmahn, Mark Moreland, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, and Sean K Reynolds Graphic Designer • Andrew Vallas Production Specialist • Crystal Frasier Cover Artist Daryl Mandryk Cartographers Jason Engle and Robert Lazzaretti Contributing Artists Mariusz Gandzel, Mikaël Léger, Emil
House Beautiful 750 Designer Secrets: Exclusive Design Ideas from the Pros
Inc. Sterling Publishing Co.
It's hard to decide if the elegant color photographs from <i>House Beautiful</i> or the snippets of wisdom from a selection of interior designers are more instructional. The answer? Let your senses decide as you leaf through this showcase collection, with secrets clearly numbered and visuals just as patently coordinated. However, these tricks of the trade are definitely meant for the hoi-er polloi, since most readers can't afford to subscribe to, for instance, this sample dictate: "If you're on a tight budget, splurge on a superbly built sofa--everything else can come from Pottery Barn." On the other hand, it doesn't hurt to dream, does it? <i>Barbara Jacobs</i><br /><i>Copyright American Library Association. All rights reserved</i>
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies &amp; Home", "Home Improvement &amp; Design" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
158 The Blight: Richard Pett's Crooked City Frog God Games Richard Pett’s Crooked City Richard Pett’s Crooked City GM Guide GM Guide GM Guide Richard Pett’s Crooked City Richard Pett’s Crooked City Credits Author Richard Pett Additional Design Pete Pollard, Alistair Rigg, Jeffrey Swank, and Greg A. Vaughan Lead Developer Greg A. Vaughan Developers Matthew J. Finch, Skeeter Green, David Landry, John Ling, Alistair Rigg, and Jeffrey Swank Producer Bill Webb Editors Skeeter Green, Jeff Harkness, Jeffrey Swank, and Krista Webb Layout and Graphic Design Charles A. Wright ‘ Front Cover Art Artem Shukaev Interior Art Colin Chan, Mike Chaney, Carolus Clusius, Steve Ellis, Peter Fairfax, Felipe Gaona, R.P. Gauccius, Brian LeBlanc, Eric Lofgren, Olaus Magnus, Chris McFann,Terry Pavlet, Richard Pett, Nate Pride, Richard Thomas, Giovanni Andrea Vavassore, Tyler Walpole, and Richard Yardly and Peter Short Photography Richard Pett Cartography Robert Altbauer Special Thanks I’m in
A New Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome
L. Richardson jr
All concerned with the topography and monuments of ancient Rome will welcome this splendid study, which brings up to date and in effect replaces the classic of 1929 by Samual Ball Platner and Thomas Ashby. Richardson catalogs all monuments and landmarks, major or minor, that are mentioned by ancient testimonia or have been discovered by modern archaeology, from Martial's Pear Tree to the Casa della Farnesina. Each entry presents a summary of the evidence and of problems associated with the evidence, as well as a brief guide to the ancient and modern bibliography. Familiarity with the Augustan XIV Regiones is assumed, but these are also explained (though not diagrammed). The introduction sketches the history of the study of Roman topography, a model of pellucid information. Recommended for specialized collections.<br /><i>- James S. Ruebel, Iowa State Univ., Ames</i><br />Copyright 1993 Reed Business Information, Inc.
[ "History" ]
[ "History", "Ancient Civilizations" ]
Part I: Terminology & Background 1 • THE GRAND CAMPAIGN • ONE: A GATHERING DARKNESS 2 Eidolon: City in the Sky Author/Designer: Terry Kevin Amthor Series Editor: Jessica Ney Cover Art:: David Dorman Layouts: T. K. Amthor Color Jaiman Map: Peter Ledger Page Design: Terry “I want to do everything myself” Amthor “I never dreamt that I would get to be The creature that I’d always meant to be But I thought, in spite of dreams you’d be sitting somewhere here with me.” Pet Shop Boys “Being Boring” Behaviour and based on type of the late Renaissance. Trajan (used for larger headers) was created by Carol Twombly, and based on the capitalis monumentalis letterforms of the Trajan inscription in Rome. Fi- nally, some illustrations are labelled in Herculanum. ABOUT THE TYPE The Grand Campaign was written and edited using Microsoft Word 5.1 on a Macintosh Powerbook. The book pages were laid out using PageMaker 5.0 on a Quadra 840av. All of the typefaces used in the Grand Campaign are Abode orig
Stealing History: Tomb Raiders, Smugglers, and the Looting of the Ancient World
Roger Atwood
As the destruction from the war in Iraq has demonstrated most recently, a country's antiquities are never safe from marauding looters and greedy collectors who trawl the black market. In a study that is part detective story and part history lesson, Atwood, an expert on the antiquities market who writes for <i>ARTnews</i> and <i>Archaeology</i>, focuses on one incident as a case study of the insidious effects of the illicit antiquities trade. In 1987, a group of grave robbers working at a burial mound near the village of Sipn in northern Peru uncovered a mausoleum of Moche rulers (the Moche were an innovative indigenous tribe) with a rich cache of gold and silver artifacts. Word soon spread to international buyers, who responded favorably, and prolonged looting began. By the time the Peruvian police intervened three weeks later, much damage had already been done. Walter Alva, a native Peruvian and the site's chief archeologist, uncovered many more undamaged tombs and worked tirelessly to preserve this ancient legacy, bravely confronting looters and endeavoring to establish laws to prevent museums form accepting stolen goods. The case raised international awareness of the illegal antiquities trade. Atwood's ability to bring a story dramatically to life and his keen interest in stemming the illegal antiquities trade makes this an important book for anyone interested in archeology, preservation or the potentially tangled provenance of works they love. B&amp;w illus., one map. <br />Copyright Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
[ "Education & Teaching", "History" ]
[ "History", "Historical Study &amp; Educational Resources" ]
Education & Teaching
Necropolis DOWNLOAD 1 CHAPTER 10. The Blemmyish Tribesman’s Account “Because there was yet room for precious cargo, all of us sought out and broke into the burial caves14 here. We looked into all of the small ravines around, too, and found many, many more tombs. Too bad! It was as I have already said. Those jackals rob their own! The filthy thieves had left nothing for us. So all we managed to loot were a few miserable little tombs, taking care to burn the withered corpses we found, for that is a great insult and harm to the mud-dwellers. We feared no magic, for the puny stuff of these gutless folk have no effect on the brave.15 We also knew such acts pleased the Lord of Warriors.16 “It was I who found a rich-looking tomb, sealed, hidden on a ledge high above. It was at the end of a long ravine that had two forks.17 Why this one had been left unmolested for so long I cannot say. It was not very well hidden. The mud- dwellers are stupid, so their robbers must be likewise. That is my gu
Aware of the Wolf (Knightscares Book 8, An Epic Fantasy Adventure Series)
David Anthony
Co-authors Charles David Clasman and David Anthony have written over 20 books for kids in three series, including Mystery Underground, Heroes A2Z, and Knightscares.<br /><br />As a child, Charlie struggled early in school. But after a summer in which his uncles read spooky stories to him in the dark by flashlight, everything changed. Charlie became an avid reader and his grades dramatically improved. Now he understands the positive influence reading for fun can have on a child. He's living proof. Knowing this, Charlie writes with unbridled enthusiasm and imagination.<br /><br />Today Charlie lives in Oxford, Michigan with his wife, daughter (when she visits from college), and two adorable cats. When he isn't writing or reading, he enjoys playing guitar, juggling, and gardening.<br /><br />David Anthony received his first typewriter in the eighth grade and has been banging on keyboards ever since. As a child, some of David's best friends were books. He always loved to read. A friend first inspired him to write, and the steady encouragement of his parents and teachers kept him at it. Today he writes with the passion of his youth. No story can ever be too fantastic, too impossible, too spooky, or too silly.<br /><br />David currently lives in West Bloomfield, Michigan with a patient wife, a semi-patient son, and a demanding dog. At least two of them usually need a haircut. When not writing or reading, David plays tabletop games with his son, engages in social media, and roots for the Detroit Red Wings.<br /><br />Since the publication of their first book in 2003, Charlie and David have given more than 1,000 entertaining and educational book talks at schools and libraries. The duo has spoken at numerous literary conferences and has been featured on radio, television, and in newspapers. They appear regularly at bookstores, festivals, and art shows.
[ "Children's Books", "Action & Adventure" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Action &amp; Adventure" ]
Children's Books
1 HUNGER OF THE WOLF By Kieran Coghlan 2 Hunger of the Wolf Two dice, a pencil and an eraser are all you need to embark on this adventure, which comes complete with its own elaborate combat system and a score sheet to record your progress. It is up to YOU to decide which routes to follow, which dangers to risk and which foes to fight. Thanks to Dave Holt for designing this template, Simon Osborne for his advice and to The Oiseau for his excellent Advelh program. 3 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 4 ADVENTURE SHEET 9 CODEWORD CHECKLIST 10 BACKGROUND 11 HUNGER OF THE WOLF 13 4 INTRODUCTION You are about to take the lead role in an adventure like no other. Before you take part in this quest, you must first determine your own strengths and weaknesses. You use dice to work out your initial scores. On page 9 is an Adventure Sheet, which you may use to record details of your adventure. On it, you will find boxes for recording your SKILL, STAMINA and LUCK scores. You are advised either to rec
Modern Piracy: Legal Challenges and Responses
Douglas Guilfoyle
Edited by <b>Douglas Guilfoyle</b>, Reader in Law, Faculty of Laws, University College London, UK
[ "Politics & Social Sciences", "Business & Money" ]
[ "Law", "Business" ]
Politics & Social Sciences
Web-Erweiterung zum Spielerleitfaden des Abenteuerpfads „Unter Piraten“ Ausblick auf die Ausbauregeln II: Kampf Einleitung Im Spielerleitfaden zum Abenteuerpfad „Unter Piraten“ werden einige zusätzliche Regeln aus Regelbänden jenseits des Grundregelwerks genannt. Diese könnt ihr dazu verwenden, um euren Charakteren in diesem sehr seemänisch geprägten Abenteuerpfad das gewisse Extra zu verleihen. Einige der dort genannten Regeln sind im noch in Übersetzung befindlichen Regelband Ausbauregeln II: Kampf zu finden. Damit ihr in den vollen Genuss aller Auswahl- möglichkeiten zur Erstellung eines echten Seebären kommt, stellen wir sie euch in dieser Web-Erweiterung als Vorabauszug und Ausblick auf die Ausbauregeln II: Kampf zur Verfügung. Da die vorgerstellten Archetypen teilweise in großem Umfang auf weitere neue Inhalte der Ausbauregeln II: Kampf verweisen, bitten wir um euer Verständnis dafür, dass wir diese nicht ebenfalls angeben könn
Le Fran&ccedil;ais en Afrique 4e / 3e Le Livre du Professeur
R. Guiffray
[ "Education & Teaching" ]
[ "Education & Teaching", "Schools & Teaching" ]
Education & Teaching
CASUS BELU PRÉSENTE UN UNIVERS Le /ou de rô/e àlâmontoire IMULACRE Ah m. G À U - ' . ./i RE5 / 5 15 55a I v- > I 0 ImBer - 4 i - A . .en r., \ ' A I - .... - ----- V 1 her lecteur inconnu, vous avez entre les mains un supplément pour Simulacres qui risque de vous surprendre. En effet, le jeu de rôle Simulacres est volontairement simple, avec peu de règles, favori- sant l 'improvisation et l'invention du meneur de jeu. Et ce supplément vous propose trois fois plus de P f règles que la version de base. Cela était rendu nécessaire par la nature de l'univers Cyberpunk, que peu connaissent et que nous avons préféré vous baliser plutôt que vous laisser dans le flou. Ainsi, comme d 'habitude, si les joueurs et le meneur de jeu s'estiment suffisamment prêts, ils peuvent faire abstraction de ces règles et commencer à jouer tout de suite. D 'un autre point de vue, ces règles répondront aux interrogations des meneurs de jeu qui se demandent si les règles de Simulacres ne sont pas tro
National Geographic Kids: Animal Creativity Book: Cut-outs, Games, Stencils, Stickers
National Geographic
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC is one of the worlds leading nonfiction publishers, proudly supporting the work of scientists, explorers, photographers, and authors, as well as publishing a diverse list of books that celebrate the world and all that is in it. National Geographic Books creates and distributes print and digital works that inspire, entertain, teach, and give readers access to a world of discovery and possibility on a wide range of nonfiction subjects from animals to travel, cartography to history, fun facts to moving stories. A portion of all National Geographic proceeds is used to fund exploration, conservation, and education through ongoing contributions to the work of the National Geographic Society.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Activities, Crafts &amp; Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
NPC SOURCEBOOK NPC SOURCEBOOK Fortune Fortune Hunters Hunters Fortune Fortune Hunters Hunters FROG GOD GAMES ADVENTURES Cat Cat’s s Cradle Cradle PATHFINDER 1E COMPATIBLE ISBN: 978-1-943067-96-1 Author: Author: Jack Cull Developer: Developer: Matt Finch Editor: Editor: Jeff Harkness Pathfinder Conversion: Pathfinder Conversion: Michael “Mars” Russell Art Direction: Art Direction: Casey Christofferson Layout and Graphic Design: Layout and Graphic Design: Charles A. Wright Cover Design: Cover Design: Suzy Moseby Cover Art: Cover Art: Colin Chan Interior Art: Interior Art: Brett Blakely, Thuan Pham, Sid Quade, Erica Willey Cartography: Cartography: Robert Altbauer Fantasy Grounds Conversion: Fantasy Grounds Conversion: Michael G. Potter Bill Webb, Matthew J. Finch, Zach Glazar, Charles A. Wright, Edwin Nagy, Mike Badolato, John Barnhouse ©2020 Frog God Games. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden. Frog God Games and
Communing With the Spirits: The Magical Practice of Necromancy Simply and Lucidly Explained, With Full Instructions for the Practice
Martin Coleman
Many cultures have great affinity with the spirits of departed relatives. While Westerners are no longer familiar with ancestor worship or working with the spirits of the deceased, it is an ancient esoteric art. this book has been written for serious, advanced magicians - it contains an overview of the technical process involved with necromancy.
[ "Religion" ]
[ "Religion &amp; Spirituality", "New Age &amp; Spirituality" ]
NECROMANCY SCOUT None More Goth Aesthetics Hat: Witch Hat, Top Hat, Hooded cloak Outfit: Black Drapery, Black Cloak, Black on black on black Focus: A Skull, A Shovel, Ebony Wand I ride a _______________ when I fly. Badges Raise the Dead: Bring back something dead (person or animal) for a short time as a zombie or a ghost. A zombie can do simple tasks but they're not very chatty. Ghosts can’t interact with the physical world but they can talk (even if they couldn’t in life) and answer questions. Backlash: the zombie is hungry and you smell very tasty indeed. It will act on this after completing one task. OR the ghost is especially spirited, cannot be dismissed and will haunt you. Mastery: O O O Raven Friend: You get a familiar! When you close your eyes, you can see through its eyes instead and cast through it as if you were there! When you do, add +1 to your necromancy spells. Duration dependant on roll. Backlash: the familiar will constantly try to tempt you t
Color Odyssey (Postcard Book): 20 Postcards to Color and Send
Chris Garver
<div>Chris Garver is a professional tattoo artist at the world-renowned Invisible NYC on New York City&rsquo;s Lower East Side. He is also a former star of TLC&rsquo;s popular reality show <I>Miami Ink</I>. Born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA, Chris began experimenting with tattooing at the age of 17 before attending Manhattan&rsquo;s School of Visual Arts. He has been a full-time professional tattoo artist since moving to New York in his early 20s. He has a considerable social media presence with more than 350,000 likes on Facebook, more than 185,000 Instagram followers, and more than 63,000 Twitter followers.</div>
[ "Arts & Photography", "History" ]
[ "Arts & Photography", "History & Criticism" ]
Arts & Photography
Complete Omniversal Role-Playing System Complete Omniversal Role-Playing System Greg Porter Greg Porter  Intro to the .pdf edition As the advantages and limitations of .pdf documents evolve, so does the “standard” BTRC document format. The lightly shaded header and footer bars are kinder to the wallets of those using ink-jet printers, and color text in black bars has been removed because a few people were experiencing printing problems. As usual for BTRC hypertext documents, text in red is usu- ally a hyperlink to someplace. Due to some printing prob- lems, we've left out the blue destination links. Colored text boxes serve the same function as in the hardcopy version of CORPS, green i i i i boxes for general info, blue fi« boxes for alerts and red –ø boxes for things you just shouldn't be doing. Items in reversed text are just for visual contrast and have no special function other than a major subject heading. If you have problems with the reversed text, check to make sure your prin
An Underworld at War : Spivs, Deserters, Racketeers and Civilians in the Second World War
Donald Thomas
The activities of the underworld, extending into a civilian black market and the armed forces, are one of the great untold stories of the Second World War. The profits of civilian racketeering dwarfed the rewards of smash-and-grab or safebreaking, though these continued apace. Professional gangs raided government offices for ration books and underground presses counterfeited petrol and clothing coupons in tens of thousands. The scale of theft in the army was also colossal, with whole consignments of cigarettes, razor-blades and NAAFI stores disappearing. Donald Thomas draws on extensive archive material to tell the extraordinary tale of these less-heroic Britons. The facts he uncovers are often so preposterous that in a novel they would seem unbelievable.
[ "Biographies & Memoirs" ]
[ "Biographies &amp; Memoirs", "True Crime" ]
Biographies & Memoirs
DRAMATIS PERSONAE Special thanks to SporkMaster5000 1 General Noncombatant The Wheel contains countless billions of men and women, from the hab-workers trudging to and from factories day after day, to the ratings that blister their hands working impossible hours onboard military ships, to ore miners providing fuel and raw material to fuel the galaxy's lust for wealth. Str Dex Con Cha Fel Cmp Int Wis Wil 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Skills Common Lore 1, Perception 1, Craft 1 Speed 4 Size/Resilience 4/4 Static Defense 14 Mental Defense 15 HP/Resolve 8/4 Feats None Armor None Attacks Unarmed Gear Drab garb, a few coins Level 1 Green Troops/Common Outlaws The lowest of the low, these men represent barely trained conscripts and thieves. They present little threat to anyone armed or ready for them, preying upon the weak and afraid. Every day, wars and hardship drive more people to these extremes - many are not even bad people, just hungr
Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls Rulebook
Ken St. Andre
New and improved, Deluxe Tunnels &amp; Trolls. T&amp;T is the second ever fantasy role playing game, and the easiest to use. This book contains everything you need to play the game solo (with the many solo adventures) or with a group of friends. Includes a lot of extra material and descriptions of the worlds played in by the designer and his friends back in the late 1970's. The first 166 pages are the core rules, followed by the Elaborations section which has optional rules and systems you can pick and choose from to add to your T&amp;T games. There is also a 16 page full color section which includes color maps of Trollworld, Khazan, Khosht and Knor along with other paintings and maps. There is a 50 page Trollworld section that includes descriptions of locations on every major continent and three cities, plus a detailed Trollworld timeline. The book also includes a solo adventure that gives you the chance to bring dead characters back to life and a GM adventure on the continent of Zorr, plus a detailed weapons glossary and much much more - over 360 pages of material.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Man vs Wild Tunnels & Trolls was created by Ken St. Andre and is a trademark of Flying Buffalo. This work is published by Khaghbboommm Press, with kind permission previously given. Man vs Wild Tunnels & Trolls was created by Ken St. Andre and is a trademark of Flying Buffalo. This work is published by Khaghbboommm Press, with kind permission previously given. 1 Khaboom Pentagram Square You find yourself in the centre of the metropolis, at the heart of the Kraken continent, surrounded by the stunning architecture that houses the Wizards’ Guild and the Mayor’s Opal Office, along with the other foremost Guilds of this vast city. Let’s find out what you are doing on this fine sunny morning. If you are playing a new character roll 1d6 but if you are using a more experienced character then you can decide how you begin: 1-3: You are here in chains without clothes or possessions. You are a slave about to be sold at the slave market. Go to 25. 4 or 5: You are having an ordinary day – up until
My Psychic Experiences
Dotty Power
Dotty Power, certified by the Fahey Foundation as a Hypnotist, has taught classes in relaxation, meditation and the metaphysical fields since 1980. She is a certified Medium and Spititual Counselor by the Arthur Ford Academy of Mediumship, and has conducted classes on past life regression, relaxation enrichment and psychic development. Certified by Jose Silva and Gerald Seavey in the Silva Mind Control Series, she has been a radio and television guest and has been featured in Boston area newspapers for her psychic abilities. Dotty has been a professional card reader since 1970 and has lectured and demonstrated her psychic abilities to clubs, organizations and private groups.
[ "Religion", "Occult & Paranormal" ]
[ "Religion &amp; Spirituality", "Occult &amp; Paranormal" ]
Mind Mind’s Eye Publishing s Eye Publishing by gamers, for gamers... by gamers, for gamers... Presents Hero 8™: Inner Mind A psychic supplement for use with the Hero 8™ RPG/Dice Game By: Grant Graves Hero 8 is ™ trademark Grant Graves and Mind’s Eye Publishing. Hero 8 is ©1999 Grant Graves and Mind’s Eye Publishing. Playing the Psychic Psychics play an important role in hero-styled games. This supplement contains not only psychic powers that characters may choose, but also different character templates for playing different kinds of psychic superheroes. Can my hero have psychic powers? Yes, any hero in the game may have psychic powers. However, unless the character is at least a latent psychic hero, he may not have more than two. Record any selected powers on your hero’s character sheet as PP for Psychic Power. Any power that costs 3 points or more may only be used once per confrontation. Different Kinds of Psychics This supplement discusses eight different psychic templates that
The Call of the Highlands
Barbara Cartland
As their eyes met she felt herself quiver with a feeling Arina Beverley had never known before that seemed to be rising within her, which made her feel it was impossible to breathe. " I may be quite wrong," the Marquess Alistair McDonon said after moment, "but I have the feeling, Arina, that you love me." "Yes... I... love youl" Arina whispered. " I love you... and I want to... help you... but I will not be ... nuisance and as... soon as you... want me to leave, I will do so." "That will not be for at least a million years." As he spoke he bent forward and his lips were on hers. She felt as if the Marquess gave her the sunshine that was outside and carried her high over the moors behind them into the sky. The Marquess raised his head and said: " I love you..."
[ "Romance" ]
[ "Romance", "Regency" ]
The Northern Tier Of the Rosewood Highlands By WR Beatty Map #8 is public domain All other maps, writing and layout by WR Beatty All artwork is public domain, edited by WR Beatty © Copyright 2017 Rosethrone Publishing/WR Beatty The Northern Tier a 2 Introduction Welcome to the Highlands The Rosewood Highlands is a wild frontier, the foothills of a mountain range, the home of seven Great Clans of the People of the Forest. The Northern Tier is a small region in the Highlands east of Newtown, west of Great Oaks, right in the foothills of the Endless Mountains. The Rosewood Highlands The terrain in the highlands is hilly, with many bluffs, cliffs and high points. The trees in the region are largely hardwoods, dominated by its namesake, the Rosewood, a hardwood cherry tree whose spring blossoms look simil
A Practical Guide to Dragon Riding (Dragonlance: the New Adventure)
Lisa Trutkoff Trumbauer
Lisa Trutkoff Trumbauer is the author of over two hundred books for children, including <i>The New York Times</i> best-selling <i>A Practical Guide to Dragons</i>. She lives in New Jersey.
[ "Teen & Young Adult & College", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Teen & Young Adult", "Science Fiction & Fantasy" ]
Teen & Young Adult & College
AN ADVENTURE SOURCEBOOK FOR AN ADVENTURE SOURCEBOOK FOR Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons Player s Handbook, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This product utilizes updated material from the v3.5 revision. TM Development and editing by Michael Hammes Playtesting and proofreading by Mark Gedak Continuity suggestions and feedback by Joseph Goodman Graphic and cover art elements by Rick Achberger and Niklas Janssen Interior artwork by Brad McDevitt Layout and cover artistic re-imagining by Philip Reed Special thanks to Joseph Goodman for the opportunity to play in his world. To learn more about Ronin Arts please visit Look for more information on DragonMech, including freebies, news, and web enhancements, at: © 2005 Ronin Arts, All Rights Reserved. DragonMech is a trademark of Goodman Games, used with permission. Dungeons & Dragons and D&D are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., and are used with permission. “
Greyhawk Adventures: From the Ashes/Boxed Set (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd Ed)
From the Ashes is a Dungeons &amp; Dragons gaming accessory for the games World of Greyhawk campaign setting. It was published in 1992 by TSR, as a boxed set of materials. The work was primarily designed and written by Carl Sargent. The accessory was the first major update of the entire campaign setting to be published after the first boxed set, World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting, was released in 1983. From the Ashes focuses on the situation on the Flanaess in the spring of 585 CY, in the immediate aftermath of the Greyhawk Wars.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor &amp; Entertainment", "Puzzles &amp; Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Best of 2008 - 2009 By Joseph Bloch Being a collection of the authorÊs self-selected best and most useful articles from his blog, The Greyhawk Grognard, slightly reformatted and edited to make practical application in various pen-and-paper role-playing campaigns easier. Possessing an emphasis on practical articles, most having to do specifically with the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Setting, but not completely eschewing those which touch on matters of a more theoretical nature. For the full monty, please visit the Greyhawk Grognard blog at Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents City of Greyhawk Maps (May 16, 2008) ................................................................................... 3 Thoughts on the Elder Elemental God (June 10, 2008) .............................................................. 8 The Land that Lendor Forgot (June 19, 2008) .....
Patchwork Mysteries &ndash; 23 Volume Set &ndash; Books 1 Through 23
Guideposts Multiple Authors
1. Family Patterns 2. Time to Share 3. Muslin Mysteries 4. Timeless Treasures 5. Homespun Holidays 6. Pieces of the Past 7. Threads of Truth 8. Secret in the Stitches 9. Bound in Love 10. Yesterday's Secrets 11. Squared Away 12. Mystery on the Midway 13. A Quilt of Memories 14. The House on Lookout Mountain 15. To Have and to Hide 16. Nothing to Hide 17. The Christmas Quilt 18. Torn in Two 19. Secrets in the Storm 20. The Price of Truth 21. A Mother's Love 22. The Calico Trail 23. The Thousand Stories Quilt
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies & Home", "Crafts & Hobbies" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
1 PATHFINDER PLAYTEST RULEBOOK This document contains updates to the Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook. Updates that are new to this document appear with a darker background and have their page references marked with bold text. This document is broken into five categories. New Rules: These are entirely new rules for use in your Pathfinder Playtest game, possibly replacing existing rules in the game system. The new rules that first appear in this document are Hands and Casting, New Alchemical Items, and another round of class modifications in Class Changes. Since the final chapter of Doomsday Dawn is upon us, we expect the pace of update documents to slow, so this includes a large number of significant changes! The Multiclass Archetypes Update 1.0 file on contains multiclass archetypes for all classes and updates to the multiclass archetypes from the Playtest Rulebook. Critical Updates: These are updates to the rules that will affect a number of characters and p
Game Design
Bob Bates
In 1989, Bob co-founded Legend Entertainment and served as its President until the companys 1998 sale to GT Interactive (now Atari). He continued as Legends Studio Head and as an active game designer/producer until the studio closed in January of 2004. Bob is a frequent speaker at industry conferences and events, and he is also the co-founder and organizer of the Game Designers Workshop, an annual invitation-only conference attended by many of the top storytelling game designers in the business. Bob is the author of one of the industrys bestselling books on game development, "Game Design: The Art and Business of Creating Games" (Premier Press/Course PTR), which is currently being used as a textbook by several colleges and universities. He is also the editor of the "Game Developers Market Guide" (Premier Press/Course PTR) and "Game Design, Second Edition".
[ "Computer Science" ]
[ "Computers & Technology", "Computer Science" ]
Computer Science
1 2 Credits Authors: Matt Goodall, Geoffrey Roy, and John Lynch Artists: Ivan Dixon, Bob Greyvenstein, Michael Jaecks, Jason Juta, Chris McFann, and Nick Russell Cartography: Pedro Coelho Design and Layout: Rick Hershey Legendary Games Team Members: Clinton J. Boomer, Robert Brookes, Benjamin Bruck, Dan Dillon, Matthew Goodall, Jim Groves, Steve Helt, Thurston Hillman, Tim Hitchcock, Rich Howard, Victoria Jaczko, Jonathan H. Keith, Jeff Lee, Nicolas Logue, John Lynch, Will McCardell, Julian Neale, Jason Nelson, Jen Page, Richard Pett, Tom Phillips, Alistair Rigg, Alex Riggs, Amber Scott, Mark Seifter, Tork Shaw, Mike Shel, Neil Spicer, Todd Stewart, Russ Taylor, Greg A. Vaughan, Mike Welham, Linda Zayas-Palmer, and Clark Peterson Editing: Alistair Rigg and Rich Howard Publisher: Jason Nelson Executive Partner: Neil Spicer Business Director: Rachel Ventura Open Content: Subject to designation as Product Identity (see below), the only portion of this Legendary Games product designat
Good Spells for Bad Days: Broken Hearts, Bounced Checks, and Bitchy Co-Workers - Simple Magick to Fix Any Misfortune
Skye Alexander
Skye Alexander is the award-winning author of more than thirty fiction and nonfiction books, including<i>The Only Tarot Book Youll Ever Need</i>, <i>The Modern Guide to Witchcraft</i>,<i>The Modern Witchcraft Spell Book</i>,<i>The Modern Witchcraft Grimoire</i>,<i>The Modern Witchcraft Book of Tarot</i>, and<i>The Modern Witchcraft Book of Love Spells</i>. Her stories have been published in anthologies internationally, and her work has been translated into more than a dozen languages. The Discovery Channel featured her in the TV special, <i>Secret Stonehenge</i>, doing a ritual at Stonehenge. She divides her time between Texas and Massachusetts.
[ "Religion" ]
[ "Religion &amp; Spirituality", "New Age &amp; Spirituality" ]
A Roleplaying Game of Spells, Danger, and Friendship  Edition 1.16 – Equestria Unwound  2 Author: Widdle Wuna Email: Abaltovtin@ Steam account: venthief@h All art copyright their respective artists. All characters copyright their respective owners. This is a work of non- profit. 3 4  Balancing of the Races  New Race: Bat Ponies!  New Class: Spirit of Chaos, Lord of Insanity.  New Advanced Class: Cryomancer, Mistress of Ice.  New Advanced Class: Trick-or-Treater, the one who knocks.  New Character Sheet (See last page).  Adventure’s stance sees some improvement.  Huge buff to Loyalty’s level one power  Big buff to Illusion, and some rewritten powers for better clarity.  Increase in Alchemy’s Utility’s damage.  Many tiny nerfs I don’t want to point out. 
Game Development and Production (Wordware Game Developer's Library)
Erik Bethke
Erik Bethke is the CEO of Taldren, where he holds the position of executive producer and lead designer on Taldrens Starfleet Command series published by Interplay and Activision, as well as the upcoming title Black9 published by Majesco. Bethke has held a variety of positions in the game industry including senior group producer at Interplay. He has a bachelors degree in aerospace engineering and has worked in the Space Sciences division at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
[ "Computer Science" ]
[ "Computers & Technology", "Programming" ]
Computer Science
FREE RPG DAY 2021 ADVENTURE FREE RPG DAY 2021 ADVENTURE ® OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. 1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly dis- play, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)”Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhance
Le Cordon Bleu -- The Chocolate Bible
Le Cordon Bleu Le Cordon Bleu
Le Cordon Bleu is the world's oldest and best-known professional culinary academy. In more than 100 years of existence, it has trained some of the most famous chefs working today - and Julia Child was a graduate --as well as thousands of home cooks eager to perfect their culinary skills. It has many affiliated schools in the U.S. in addition to the well-known Paris and London Branches.
[ "Cookbooks, Food & Wine" ]
[ "Cookbooks, Food &amp; Wine", "Desserts" ]
Cookbooks, Food & Wine
IIIIIIIINNNNNNNNSSSSSSSS////////MMMMMMMMVVVVVVVV AAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉRRRRRRRROOOOOOOO Un jeu de CROC Texte d’Olivier Fanton (Quelques PNJ supplémentaires de Pierre Bouas) INS/MV APÉRO 1 LLLLLLLLIIIIIIIIVVVVVVVVRRRRRRRREEEEEEEE PPPPPPPPRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEMMMMMMMMIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEERRRRRRRR,,,,,,,, OOOOOOOOÙÙÙÙÙÙÙÙ LLLLLLLL’’’’’’’’OOOOOOOONNNNNNNN SSSSSSSS’’’’’’’’AAAAAAAADDDDDDDDRRRRRRRREEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEE AAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUXXXXXXXX JJJJJJJJOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRSSSSSSSS........ Vous vous apprêtez à jouer à IN NOMINE SATANIS/MAGNA VERITAS Apéro. Bravo et merci. Avant tout, il vous faut un personnage. En fait, non. Avant tout, il vous vaut une feuille, un crayon et des dés. Quoique pas exactement. Avant tout, il vous faut quelques amis, dont un qui ait lu ce livre. Et une table. Et des chaises. Et puis, des murs et un toit, si possible. Bref, il vous faut plein de choses. Reprenons
Torn for the Healing
C. Brandon Rimmer
The story of Dr. Charles Sweigard, a young, handsome, intelligent pediatrician whose life was transformed by an encounter with God.
[ "Medicine & Health Sciences" ]
[ "Medical Books", "Medicine" ]
Medicine & Health Sciences
 FORTUNE’S MERCY! Ignore Injury, keep your Fate Point and continue fighting onwards! 1-8 Tyler Lindsey-Delise (Order #28143039) MODERATE INJURY. Tyler Lindsey-Delise (Order #28143039)  BLACK EYE Until fully Recuperated, you must flip the results to fail Skill Tests which rely on vision. 9-16 Tyler Lindsey-Delise (Order #28143039) MODERATE INJURY. Tyler Lindsey-Delise (Order #28143039)  BRUISED RIBS Until fully Recuperated, reduce your Encumbrance Limit by 3. 17-25 Tyler Lindsey-Delise (Order #28143039) MODERATE INJURY. Tyler Lindsey-Delise (Order #28143039)  DISLOCATED SHOULDER Until fully Recuperated, you start your Turn with 1 less AP. 26-33 Tyler Lindsey-Delise (Order #28143039) MODERATE INJURY. Tyler Lindsey-Delise (Order #28143039)  HYPEREXTENDED ELBOW Until fully Recuperated, you must flip the results to fail all Actions in Combat that rely on ranged weapons. 34-41 Tyler Lindsey-Delise (Order #28143039) MODERATE INJURY. Tyler Lindsey-Delise (Order
Shadows of Yog-Sothoth: A Global Campaign to Save Mankind (Call of Cthulhu Horror Roleplaying, #2010)
Chaosium Inc
This scenario book includes three new adventures for the Call of Cthulhu role-playing game. SHADOWS OF YOG-SOTHOTH is a seven-chapter tale of horror and suspense. Also included are two bonus scenarios: one is suitable for beginners and the other is perfect for experienced Investigators. Eight pages of Player Information include corrections and additions to the Call of Cthulhu rules and a very special centerfold!
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
Literature & Fiction
1 2 Cthulhu in Space (Fate Edition) A Sci-Fi/Cosmic Horror Tabletop RPG by Brett Fitzpatrick Publisher Information Published by Brett Fitzpatrick Credits Some star map backgrounds, and astrological impressions are based on ESO images. public/outreach/copyright.html The rules system is pure FATE. Here is the attribution text;- This work is based on Fate Core System and Fate Accelerated Edition (found at, products of Evil Hat Productions, LLC, developed, authored, and edited by Leonard Balsera, Brian Engard, Jeremy Keller, Ryan Macklin, Mike Olson, Clark Valentine, Amanda Valentine, Fred Hicks, and Rob Donoghue, and licensed for our use under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license ( All other material, including (but not limited to) gear, robots, aliens, aliens, setting and illustrations, is original to Cthulhu i
Mascot to the Rescue!
Peter David
Grade 4&ndash;7&mdash;Sixth-grader Josh may be taking his love of the Captain Major comic books too far, or so the adults in his life believe. He is convinced that everything that happens to Captain Major's sidekick, Mascot, also happens to him. So when Josh discovers that the comic book's creator plans to kill off Mascot, Josh believes he could die as well. Enlisting the help of his friend Kelsey, aka "Large Lass," he embarks on an adventure that helps him cope with his father's disappearance and realize that people will like him even if he isn't a real-life superhero. David clearly understands the prepubescent male experience and successfully brings to life a character whom boys will relate to. Likewise, female comics fans will enjoy the way Josh casts "Large Lass" into a superhero's role. Additionally, David uses a voice-over technique for the moments when Josh imagines that he is actually Mascot, which is very funny. Josh and Kelsey do find themselves in slightly implausible situations but, given the superhero premise of the story, it's easy to suspend belief. Doran's comic-strip illustrations are action packed and dynamic, but there are too few of them. Is this great literature? Hardly. Will boys read it? Definitely. This is perfect for comic-book fans who are ready (or being pushed by adults) to move on to novels.&mdash;<I>Laura Lutz, Queens Borough Public Library, NY</I> <BR>Copyright &copy; Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
[ "Teen & Young Adult & College", "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Growing Up & Facts of Life" ]
Teen & Young Adult & College
TM 1 HARP Sci-Fi ™ Nicholas H.M. Caldwell Iron Crown Enterprises 2008 2 Copyright © 2008 by Aurigas Aldeberon LLC. All rights reserved. No reproductions without permission. Produced and distributed by Mjolnir LLC, dba Iron Crown Enterprises 112 Goodman St, Charlottesville, Virginia, 22902. Stock #3500 ISBN 1-55806-629-2 ICE Staff— President: Heike A. Kubasch; CEO: Bruce Neidlinger; Managing Editor: Heike A. Kubasch; Editing, Development, & Production Staff: Heike A. Kubasch, Bruce Neidlinger, Tim Dugger, Lori Dugger, Sherry Robinson; Corporate Mascots: Gandalf T. Cat, Rajah T. Cat, Phoebe T. Cat, Ember T. Cat; Web Master: Tim Dugger; ICE Cheering Section & Moral Support: Karl & Helga Kubasch, John Seal, Claudia & Alexandra Aulum, Elke Lubbert, Inge Bendfeldt, Peggy, Cristoph & Helen Bendfeldt, Judy & Hasmukh Shah, John Ross, Gavin Bennet, Bjørn Bøe, Brad Williams, Brent Knorr, the Guild Companion (, and all ICE fans everywhere: Thanks for keep
Storie di vino: Antologia di grandi autori dall'antichit al '900 (Italian Edition)
Duilio Chiarle
Duilio Chiarle, writer and guitarist of "The Wimshurst's Machine". Duilio Chiarle, scrittore e chitarrista dei "The Wimshurst's Machine". Ha ricevuto il premio "Cesare Pavese" nel 1999. Gli sono stati attribuiti i premi internazionali "Jean Monnet" (patrocinato dalla Presidenza della Repubblica Italiana, dallUniversit di Genova e dalle Ambasciate di Francia e Germania) e "Carrara - Hallstahammar" (quest'ultimo per due volte consecutive). Con il gruppo musicale "The Wimshurst's Machine" ha ricevuto tre nomination hollywoodiane consecutive: sono suoi i racconti dei "concept" musicali.
[ "Literature & Fiction", "World Literature" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "World Literature" ]
Literature & Fiction
DDA4 Avventura per personaggi principianti di 1°-3° livello 9272 Il Terrore di Dymrak di John Nephew Traduzione: Stefano Mattioli Avventura Livello Base 1 Introduzione ................................................................................................................................... 2 Background per i Giocatori ...................................................................................................... 3 Il Dungeon .................................................................................................................................. 4 Livello 1: Descrizione degli Incontri ......................................................................................... 6 Livello 2: Descrizione degli Incontri ....................................................................................... 11 Appendici Personaggi Pregenerati........................................................................................................... 14 Mappe Livello 1 Liv
Any Shot You Want: The A-Square Handloading and Rifle Manual
Arthur B. Alphin
This is a great book and a must for every rifle shooter, regardless of age or experience. -- <i>Jay Novacek, Dallas Cowboys Tight End and Placeholder, retired</i>
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help " ]
[ "Reference" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
VERSION 1.0 02-15-2008 GURPS Fourth Edition Modifiers Categories Compiled and edited by Black_Jack GURPS MODIFIERS CATEGORIES 2 MODIFIERS CATEGORIES This document sorts the modifiers of the chapter “Advantages” in the Characters Rulebook and from the the chapter “Creating Abilities” in the Powers book . If an advantage doesn’t specify these, there are the basic Range, Area and Duration : Basic range : 100 yards. Basic Area : 2 yards in radius, 12’ high. Duration : 10 seconds. Afflictions, Bindings and Innates attacks are by default: Ranged. 1/2D 10 (Bindings 1/2D none), Max 100. Acc 3. RoF 1. Shot N/A. Recoil 1. Each modifier is listed with the relevant information : Type : Enhancement : +, limitation : - . Name : The name of the modifier. Cost : The cost of the modifier in percent. Leveled cost are written : n%/lvl. Page: The page where you can find the complete writeup of the modifier. B means Basic Rule
"Mark the Lines of Your Weary Marches": The Travels and Travails of Battery B, First Pennsylvania Light Artillery, Fourteenth Pennsylvania Reserve ... Pennsylvania Regiment, Cooper's Battery B
Mr. Keith D. Foote
Keith Foote is a long time member of Cooper's Battery B's reenacting unit and a member of the Victorian Dance Ensemble and now first time author. This book began as a journey to learn more about the battery that he portrays. The book concept became the venue to pass on his knowledge to those who share an interest in the battery.
[ "History", "Geography & Cultures" ]
[ "History", "Americas" ]
mmD MILITARY MEN-AT-ARMS SERIES 258 FLAGS OF THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR 2: U ION PIIIIJI) I'"~yrc] IER RIC:I'" SC~OLLI~S FLAGS AND STANDARDS2 INTRODUCTION The typical flag presentation ceremony ofa national colour, here to a Kentucky regiment at Canlp Bruce, near Cynthiana, Kentucky. The regimental or battery set of colours was more than simply a unit designation, issued for the ease ofa commander in identifying his units in the field. It was the very symbol of the regiment; it was its heart, the thing that drew its members together. As such it was fiercely defended in action, where it flew in the centre ofthe line, drawing enemy fire upon its carriers. Each regiment received its colours in one of its first formal ceremonies, which itself was almost an initiation into the world of the soldier. On 12 ovember 1861 Pennsylvania's governor Andrew Curtin, accompanied by staffmembers, took the train from his capital city of Harrisburg to the county seat of Chester County to present a set of col
Life Hacks: The King of Randoms Tips and Tricks to Make Everyday Tasks Fun and Easy
Grant Thompson
<div><B>Grant Thompson</B> has spent the past few years building upon his online reputation as the King of Random. Described as a &#147;modern-day MacGyver,&#8221; he has been featured on the Huffington Post and was a guest on <I>The Dr. Oz Show</I>. He has amassed 940,000 YouTube subscribers, and his Instructables projects have been viewed 2.7 million times.<BR><BR><B></B> is a bona fide Internet sensation, a web-based community of motivated do-it-yourselfers who contribute invaluable how-to guides to the site on a wide range of topics, from gardening and home repair to recipes to gadgets that defy categorization. The site hosts more than 100,000 projects. More than 15 million people visit the site each month, leaving comments and suggestions on the ever-growing list of do-it-yourself projects.<BR></div>
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies & Home", "Home Improvement & Design" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
RANDOMNESS: THE CLEVER DM’S HELPER Randomness is a DM’s best friend when filling out the details of your adventures, but good randomness requires smart prep. The material for this article was originally part of a presentation I made back in 2006, at a convention panel on Dungeon Master advice. Given the number of random tables that found their way into the fifth edition Dungeon Master’s Guide, it felt like a great topic to go back to for this installment of Behind the Screens. Randomness is one of the best tools at a DM’s disposal. Employing randomness is a great way to maximize the return on your effort, create new game situations on the fly, and ensure that the players can never truly surprise you. The heart of effective randomness for a DM is to create tables you can roll on to answer questions during a game session, fill in details as you need them, or provide a quick blast of content when the players dart off into a random direction. A few years ago, I ran
Druid Twilight: The Loom of Destiny: Epic Edition
Gerry C Starnes
As a fictional story set in a pivotal historic time, <b><i>Druid Twilight: The Loom of Destiny</i></b> is an epic journey to first century Roman Britain. The Roman invaders are set to destroy the whole Druidic culture because they recognize it as a hindrance to their exertion of power over the British territories. The two Orders--the Druid Order and the Semnotheoi Order--have to decide how to pass on their legacy, knowing that the world as they have known it has come to an end.<br /> <br /> Within this military and political struggle lies the personal stories of Caedwyn and Brianna, their companions, and the Elders who struggle with their responsibilities of the present and for the future.<br /> <br /> <i>Druid Twilight</i> is an allegorical tale of our times: an age of transition in which ancient powers conflict with the emergence of a new way, a new system of beliefs that may either engulf the archaic ways or force their unexpected evolution. Nature, the elements, and time itself is at play in this intense and engaging shamanic narrative.<br /> <br /> <i>Druid Twilight: The Loom of Destiny (Epic Version)</i> is an omnibus publication that includes both original books, plus the author's notes regarding story locations and more.<br /> <br /> A love story at heart, Druid Twilight is a tale of the clash of enormous powers, of betrayal, retribution, and rebirth.
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
Literature & Fiction
Leoni Leoni Vigil Watch Chapter Three Vigil Watch Chapter Three Vigil Watch 2 Credits Developer: Travis Legge Authors: Celeste Conowitch, Joshua Doetsch, Lewis Harris, Joshua Heath, Jessica Ross, Roman Trevisanut Editor: Brian Johnson Art Direction and Design: Mike Chaney Cover: Pat Loboyko Interior Art: Alex Honore Cartography: Alida Saxon Creative Director: Richard Thomas Special Thanks Scott Holden for indispensable feedback and lore wisdom. TheConri and the crew of Devil’s Luck Gaming for playtesting and feedback. Sarah & Fran Stewart for the comprehensive timeline and for remaining Vigilant! Vigil Watch is © 2020 Onyx Path, LLC. All rights reserved. Reference to other copyrighted material in no way constitutes a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material. Scarred Lands, Onyx Path, and their associated logos are trademarks of Onyx Path. Open game content may only be used under and in the terms of the Open Game License. Onyx Path, LLC are not affiliated
System Shock (Graphic Quest)
Liam O'Donnell
Liam O'Donnell was born in Northern Ireland and grew up in Canada. He's lived in Toronto, Canada and is the author of several graphic novels, including the Max Finder Mystery series of you-solve-it comics. He's never met a pirate and not sure if he ever wants to. When he's not writing stories, he loves playing video games and going camping, but not at the same time.
[ "Children's Books", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy" ]
Children's Books
it• • • .40. 111•1■ MIIP■ I COUNTDOWN Design Ray Winninger Design Consultants Bill Karh and Stan Kowalski Cyberman Created by Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis Writing Ray Winninger Editorial Staff Editor-In-Cheif L. Ross Babcock Ill Editing Donna Ippolito Proofreading Donna Ippolito Production Staff Layout And Pasteup Jane Bigos Todd Marsh Cover Art David Deitrick Illustration Jane Bigos Todd Marsh Typesetting Karen Vander Mey Special thanks to the gang at Northwestern University Doctor Whop BBC 1985 Game Design©FASA Corporation 1985 Table Of Contents INTRODUCTION 3 Contents Of This Book 3 Plot Synopsis 3 Threat To The TARDIS 3 The Leander's Mission 3 Distress Signal 4 Cyberman Plot 4 A New Home Base 4 A Deadly Rift 5 Uneasy Alliance 5 HOW TO USE THIS BOOKLET 6 Getting Started 6 Character Creation 6 Developing Character Histories 7 Equipping The Characters 8 Running The Adventure 9 Preparing For Play 9 Gamemaster's Tasks 9 The Fine Art O
Gurps Traveller
Steve Jackson Games
Marc Miller's Traveller is one of the most fully realized game backgrounds ever created...a vast empire of over 11,000 systems, with a turbulent history dating back thousands of years. Locales can range from a crowded spaceport to a lonely frontier outpost, from the teeming cities of the Core to the unexplored worlds on the edge of the Great Rift. Characters can be merchant princes, diplomats, soldiers, politicians, nobles, criminals...or all of them at once. Political intrigues, trading schemes, mind wrenching alien enigmas, mercenary raids, wars...almost anything is possible.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Written by HANS-CHRISTIAN VORTISCH Edited by NIKOLA VRTIS Additional Material by S.A. FISHER and MIKE HURST ADVENTURE GUNS TM Playtesters: Roger Bell_West and Peter Dell’Orto Special Thanks: The Hellions GURPS, Pyramid, Warehouse 23, the all-seeing pyramid, High-Tech, Adventure Guns, and the names of all products published by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated are trademarks or registered trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated, or used under license. GURPS High-Tech: Adventure Guns is copyright © 2014 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. All rights reserved. Art acknowledgments can be found on p. 3. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this material via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal, and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated. STEVE JACKSON GAMES
Insight Map Sydney: Fleximap (Flexi)
Insight Guides
Since 2000. Hammond, American Map, Langenscheidt Dictionaries, Insight travel Guides, Delorme - the famous names in the Langenscheidt family. These represent the most authoritative, up-to-date, and extensive travel and reference products available. In January 2003, the renowned Berlitz Publishing became part of the Langenscheidt Group. The Langenscheidt Publishing Group, the premier group of map and travel companies, offers over 4,000 North American and international street maps, road maps, atlases. language-learning, bilingual dictionaries, and travel-related products covering countries, cities, and languages in every continent.
[ "Geography & Cultures" ]
[ "Travel", "Australia &amp; South Pacific" ]
Geography & Cultures
TMAH-4028-9636-6051 1 Technical Support Technical Support Technical Support Technical Support Technical support is available from the registered users’ area of the ProFantasy website at User support User support User support User support User support is available from the CC2 Pro users helping users group found at unity/CC2-L.asp Welcome to the Tome of Ultimate Mapping. This will be an in-depth adventure through Campaign Cartographer 2 Pro, its add-ons and accessories. The knowledge, hard work, creativity, and dedication of a lot of people went into the creation of this manual. I hope you, the reader and CC2 Pro user, enjoy the results. ProFantasy Software Ltd Polygon House 9 Bromell’s Road Clapham Common London SW4 0BN United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 20 7738 8877 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7738 8282 e-mail: inb
The Codex Bellum: Stoking the Fire of the Warrior-Way
Brian S Woods
Brian S Woods is a healthcare executive and former police officer and armed security contractor for an operation serving the U.S. Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program. A Black Belt in several styles of martial art, Woods is a graduate of both Political Science and Criminal Justice.
[ "Health, Fitness & Dieting" ]
[ "Health, Fitness &amp; Dieting" ]
Health, Fitness & Dieting
The Fires of War p1 A AA B BBlllaaaccckkkW W Wyyyrrrm m m G GGaaam m meeesss P PPrrrooodddu uuccctttiiiooon nn Written By Aaron Sullivan With Ben Davis, Rob Hall, Dave Mattingly Editing, Layout Dave Mattingly Artwork By Derrick Thomas Cover Derrick Thomas, Ryan Wolfe Coloring, Maps Ryan Wolfe Additional Art Ryan Wolfe BlackWyrm Games Dave Mattingly, Aaron Sullivan, Derrick Thomas, Ryan Wolfe Playtesters Scott Bedouin, George Brown, Jo-Ann Brown, Jason Bush, Neil Carriere, Ken Cates, Ben Davis, Rob Hall, Bill Jackson, Jason Kebic, Des Kirkpatrick, Joe Linehan, Tom Lively, Dan Mackison, Nathan Murphy, Scott Somers, Mike Surbrook, Wayne Walls, Leah Watts Dedications Aaron: To my wife for continuing to tolerate the time I spend on this stuff; To Robert Kanigher, Roy Thomas, and James Robinson, for reminding me why I love this era; and to Ken Hite and Ray Winninger for inspiring boundless weirdness. Dave: To my God, my family,
National Geographic Kids: Animal Creativity Book: Cut-outs, Games, Stencils, Stickers
National Geographic
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC is one of the worlds leading nonfiction publishers, proudly supporting the work of scientists, explorers, photographers, and authors, as well as publishing a diverse list of books that celebrate the world and all that is in it. National Geographic Books creates and distributes print and digital works that inspire, entertain, teach, and give readers access to a world of discovery and possibility on a wide range of nonfiction subjects from animals to travel, cartography to history, fun facts to moving stories. A portion of all National Geographic proceeds is used to fund exploration, conservation, and education through ongoing contributions to the work of the National Geographic Society.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Activities, Crafts &amp; Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
-1- -2- Background Noise David Reeder, Philip Jacques, and Erik A. Dewey Second Rat Games Authorship: David Reeder, Philip Jacques, and Erik A. Dewey Product Development: Erik A. Dewey Art Direction: Erik A. Dewey Cover Illustration: El Interior Art: Cerberus Second Rat Games Staff: Erik A. Dewey - Dictator-for-Life/Wordsmith/ Last of the Original Nice Guys [email protected] Donald G. Dennis - Queso Grande/Art Di- rection/Production Monkey/Eater of Hobbits [email protected] Copyright © 2008 Second Rat Games. All rights reserved. Purchaser may print this book/file out for their own use. This means they can take it to Kinko’s/ Staples/wherever and have it printed, it is really ok with us. The original file may not be distributed with- out consent, however. Produced and Distributed by Second Rat Games. 2615 S. Gardenia Ave. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 (405) 204-1331 Table of Contents Introduction .............................................................. 3 Table
Eastern Standard Tribe
Cory Doctorow
Cory Doctorows <i>Eastern Standard Tribe</i> is a soothsaying jaunt into the not-so-distant future, where 24/7 communication and chatroom alliances have evolved into tribal networks that secretly work against each other in shadowy online realms. The novel opens with its protagonist, the peevish Art Berry, on the roof of an asylum. He wonders if it's better to be smart or happy. His crucible is a pencil up the nose for a possible "homebrew lobotomy." To explain Art's predicament, Doctorow flashes backward and slowly fills in the blanks. As a member of the Eastern Standard Tribe, Art is one of many in the now truly global village who have banded together out of like-minded affinity for a particular time zone and its circadian cycles. Art may have grown up in Toronto but his real homeland is an online grouping that prefers bagels and hot dogs to the fish and chips of their rivals who live on Greenwich Mean Time. As he rises through the ranks of the tribe, he is sent abroad to sabotage the traffic patterns and communication networks in the GMT tribe. Along the way, he comes across a humdinger of an idea that will solve a music piracy problem on the highways of his own beloved timezone, raise his status in the tribe and make him rich. If only he could have trusted his tightly wound girlfriend and fellow tribal saboteur, he probably wouldn't be on the booby hatch roof with that pencil up his nose.
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Geography & Cultures" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "United States" ]
Literature & Fiction
® ™ ® ™ ® ™ BASTARDS of GOLARION Racial TeRRiToRies This map details the areas where the various half- human races mentioned in this book are typically found around the Inner Sea region. Some of these populations result from long-standing interbreeding between groups that claim adjacent territories (such as half-elves near Kyonin); others arise from magical or other mysterious circumstances (such as the prevalence of shadow magic in Nidal for fetchlings). Use this map to pick a suitable homeland for your half-human character to help establish his or her background. Aasimar Changeling Geniekin (any) Elf Fetchling Gillman Orc Geniekin (Oread) Skinwalker Geniekin (Sylph) Tiefling Geniekin (Undine) Vampire ON THE COVER ® ™ ® ™ ® ™ This product is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or the 3.5 edition of the world’s oldest fantasy roleplaying game. Product Identity: The following items are hereb
Dungeon Master's Design Kit (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Accessory)
Harold Johnson
The Dungeon Master's Design Kit includes a 32-page book of forms, designed to keep important information together and at your fingertips. A number of difficult refereeing situations are covered, including the chase scene, one of the toughest AD&D game situations to judge. Another 32-page book contains the "DM's Cookbook," full of ready-to-go ingredients that you can combine in a flash to spice up your campaign. The last book puts the package all together, including loads of practical advice on becoming a better DM.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor & Entertainment", "Puzzles & Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
1 BUILDING A CITY A Web Enhancement for the DUNGEON MASTER's Guide v.3.5" CREDITS Design: David Noonan, James Wyatt Editing: Penny Williams Typesetting: Nancy Walker Design Manager : Ed Stark Web Production: Julia Martin Web Development: Mark A. Jindra Graphic Design: Dawn Murin Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® game by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and on the new edition of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, and Peter Adkison. D&D, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, and DUNGEON MASTER are registered trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The d20 logo is a trademark owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All Wizards characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the e
Auxiliary Sail Vessel Operations, 2nd Edition: For the Professional Sailor
G. Andy Chase
G. Andy Chase is a professor of marinetransportation at his alma mater, Maine Maritime Academy, and holds anunlimited masters license for power vessels and a 1600-ton license for sailingvessels.
[ "Engineering & Transportation" ]
[ "Engineering &amp; Transportation", "Transportation" ]
Engineering & Transportation
Rulebook TM A small French fleet ventures into an archipelago. Two columns of Royal Navy ships prepare to cut through the Franco-Spanish lines at Trafalgar. Royal Navy 3rd Rates sailing in line. Contents Core Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The Turn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Shooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Damage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Collisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Boarding Actions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Additional Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Scenarios. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Advanced Rules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Terrain & Weather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Additional Scenarios. . . . . . . . . . . .
Jungle: A Harrowing True Story of Survival
Yossi Ghinsberg
Simply breathtaking. Yossi s story of survival haunted me for weeks. --Bryce Courtenay, author of The Power of One&lt;br \&gt;&lt;br \&gt;A powerful story of self-discovery, survival in the wild. --The Los Angeles Times&lt;br \&gt;&lt;br \&gt;Told simply and yet with a novelist s eye for structure and drama, the story unfolds like a nightmare movie. --Sun Herald<br /><br />A powerful story of self-discovery, survival in the wild. --The Los Angeles Times<br /><br />Told simply and yet with a novelist's eye for structure and drama, the story unfolds like a nightmare movie. --Sun Herald
[ "Health, Fitness & Dieting" ]
[ "Sports &amp; Outdoors", "Hiking &amp; Camping" ]
Health, Fitness & Dieting
The Children of Nwanga Zhaal An adaption of an adaption...... The World of Xoth is copyright (C) 2008-2015, Morten Braten and Xoth.Net Publishing. It is used in this work with permission. Adventure Overview The characters have departed the port of Ghazor in a Merchant Ship, 'The Golden Prize', bound for the unknown jungle lands that lie beyond the Hills of the Dead and the dismal swamplands of the Cannibal Coast. The owner of the vessel, Natam Daar, has determined to explore these uncharted jungle coasts and believes that there are riches there to be exploited by a man with a good ship and a fearless crew. The ship is wrecked in a fierce storm and there are few survivors, most of whom are slain in a subsequent attack by fierce tribesmen clad in leopard skins and wielding wickedly curved daggers. The characters find their way to a Zadjite Slaver Fortress. The local tribes folk are in revolt, having been stirred up by the c
Success System That Never Fails: Success System That Never Fails
What do you want most out of life? Recognition? Money? Health? Happiness? Prestige? Love? All of these things and more can be yours if you follow just a few simple rules and put to work a revolutionary new formula. Very little separates you from success. There is small difference between you and the great people of history. Most of them achieved their greatness not because of great intellect, but because they used the latent power within them to drive themselves up to the top. And you can do it too! How successful you are -- in any of your desires -- is simply a matter of the right mental attitude and using the easy-to-follow principles in this book. Within these pages is an amazing new concept that shows how success can be reduced to a formula -- to a system that never fails. As you read this book something wonderful will begin to happen: you will acquire new knowledge... gain experience... become inspired. Soon you will recognize the ingredients for success. You will wonder why you have let life hold back these riches from you. But they will be held back no longer. Soon you will be enjoying them to the fullest. Now you will be able to judge your abilities and the powerful potential within you. Now you will see how the right mental attitude will develop your own individual success system. Now you will learn how to use that success system to obtain the true riches of life.
[ "Literature & Fiction", "History" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "History &amp; Criticism" ]
Literature & Fiction
FAIL SUCCEED CATASTROPHIC (CA) 1 PATHETIC (PA) 2-3 FEEBLE (FE) 4-5 INFERIOR (IN) 6-7 POOR (PR) 8-9 PASSABLE (PS) 10-12 GOOD (GD) 13-15 GREAT (GR) 16-19 SUPERIOR (SU) 20-24 AWESOME (AW) 25 1 1-30 31-56 57-73 74-86 87-95 96-97 98 99 00 - 2 1-20 21-48 49-66 67-80 81-90 91-93 94-96 97-98 99 00 3 1-15 16-39 40-59 60-74 75-85 86-90 91-94 95-97 98-99 00 4 1-12 13-29 30-52 53-68 69-80 81-87 88-93 94-97 98-99 00 5 1-10 11-24 25-45 46-62 63-75 76-84 85-91 92-96 97-99 00 6 1-9 10-22 23-36 37-56 57-70 71-80 81-88 89-94 95-98 99-00 7 1-8 9-19 20-32 33-50 51-65 66-76 77-85 86-92 93-97 98-00 8 1-7 8-17 18-29 30-43 44-60 61-72 73-82 83-90 91-96 97-00 9 1-6 7-15 16-26 27-39 40-55 56-68 69-79 80-88 89-95 96-00 10 1-6 7-14 15-24 25-36 37-50 51-64 65-76 77-86 87-94 95-00 11 1-5 6-12 13-21 22-32 33-46 47-61 62-75 76-86 87-94 95-00
The Hero of Gucci Gulch: A Capitol Hill Mystery (Capitol Hill Mysteries) (Volume 1)
J. Norman Reid
Holder of a Ph.D. in political science, Reid is a veteran of 30-plus years in federal and state government where he observed political machinations at close hand. A well-traveled expert in rural development, his jobs earned him familiarity with most parts of the U.S. and took him to Europe, including a period of time living in Paris. His most memorable trip was a three-week African safari that let him indulge his lifelong passion for photography. Now retired, he hand crafts furniture for a select clientele, teaches woodworking and writes for various publications. He resides in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains with his wife and four unruly cats who are convinced they are cabinetmakers assistants.
[ "Mystery, Thriller &amp; Suspense", "Mystery" ]
GURPS Mysteries Errata ERRATA - GURPS Mysteries - March 7, 2007 Copyright © by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. P. 105. The Attribute Cost is wrong on the Police Detective template. IQ 12 costs 40 points, bringing the template total to 70. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Mike/My%20Docum...lashared/GURPS/GURPS%20(4th%20Edition)/mysteries.html [12/21/2007 12:24:01 PM]
Merlin Potions and Spells Activity Book: Bk. 1
Similar RHCB Merlin titles include: Merlin: The Complete Guide, Merlin Mystery Activity Book, The Merlin Quest Activity Book, Merlin Potions and Spells Activity Book, The Merlin Sticker Collection, Merlin Heroes Guide and Merlin Villains Guide. RHCB Merlin fiction for Younger Readers: The Magic Begins, Potions and Poison, A Fighting Chance, Sword and Sorcery, Dangerous Quests and The Sorcerers Curse RHCB Merlin fiction for Older Children: The Dragon's Call, Valiant, The Mark of Nimueh, The Poisoned Chalice, The Labyrinth of Gedref, The Death of Arthur, Lancelot and Guinevere, The Nightmare Begins and The Last Dragonlord
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Activities, Crafts &amp; Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product MISSING MAGIC: POTIONS™ For the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. 34 classic potions fully described and ready to use in your game. With appearance, smell, and taste as well as appropriate durations, DCs, and other statistics. Two new Feats allow creation of potions based on spells greater than 3rd level. Table 3-1 Potions 01-03 Alter Self 04 Antimagic* 05-07 Bear’s Endurance 08-10 Bull’s Strength 11-13 Clairvoyance 14 Control Plants** 15 Control Undead** 16-25 Cure Light Wounds 26-35 Cure Moderate Wounds 36-37 Cursed Potion≠ 38-40 Detect Thoughts 41-43 Dominate Animal 44 Dominate Dragon** 45 Dominate Giant** 46 Domi
Club Des Incorrigibles Optimistes (Litterature & Documents) (French Edition)
Jean-Michel Guenassia est n en 1950. Aprs avoir t avocat puis scnariste et auteur dramatique, il se consacre en 2002 l'criture du <i>Club des incorrigibles optimistes</i> qui lui demandera six ans de travail.
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Contemporary" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "Contemporary" ]
Literature & Fiction
Parties du Corps D20 Partie du corps Points d’Armure Points de Vie 1–3 Jambe Droite 4–6 Jambe Gauche 7–9 Abdomen 10–12 Poitrine 13–15 Bras Droit 16–18 Bras Gauche 19–20 Tête Compétences de Base Compétences Caractéristique(s) Score Actuel Acrobatie DEX Athlétisme FOR+DEX Bagarre FOR Canotage FOR Chant CHA Conduite 10+POU Connaissance (Animal) INT Connaissance (Monde) INT Connaissance (Plante) INT Discrétion 10+DEX–TAI Endurance 30+CON+POU Equitation DEX+POU Esquive 10+DEX–TAI Evaluer INT Infl uence 10+CHA Lancer DEX Passe-Passe DEX Perception INT+POU Persévérance 30+CHA+POU Premiers Soins INT Compétences d’Armes Compétences Caractéristique(s) Score Actuel Combat Rapproché FOR+DEX A Distance DEX Compétences Avancées/de Sorcellerie Compétences Caractéristique(s) Score Actuel Nom du Personnage : Nom du Joueur : Race : Culture d’Origine : Profession : Armes de Combat Rapproché Arme Score de Compétence Dommages ENC PA/PV Notes Armes à Distance Arme Score de Compétence Dommages Portée
7th Sea Game Masters' Guide
Alderac Entertainment Group
7th Sea is a game of action and High Adventure in a world of Musketeers, Pirates, Secret societies, and Political intrigue.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
100 Encounters for Fantasy Oceans Azukail Games I 100 Encounters for Fantasy Oceans Credits Design, Editing and Layout: Adrian Kennelly Cover and Page Backgrounds: Lord Zsezse Works Image: Some artwork copyright William McAusland, used with permission. Published by Azukail Games, a trading style of eGDC Ltd Copyright Information The contents are copyright © 2020 Azukail Games. All rights reserved. As a purchaser of this product your are entitled to print one copy for personal use. Reproduction, reselling and redistribution of this work are strictly and expressly forbidden without written per- mission from Azukail Games. Open Gaming License Copyright © 2007 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trade- marks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See http://paizo.c
Crucible of Freya (Sword and Sorcery)
Clark Peterson
Very Good in Stapled Wraps; 4to; Paperback; 47 pages + advertisements; B/W Illustrations; Necromancer Games; 2000; First Thus; Minor shelf wear; Text unmarked; text smells of smoke.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
W1A The Crucible of Freya The Crucible of Freya The Crucible of Freya The Crucible of Freya Supplemental Adventure Ideas Supplemental Adventure Ideas Supplemental Adventure Ideas Supplemental Adventure Ideas and Encounter Areas and Encounter Areas and Encounter Areas and Encounter Areas by Clark Peterson and Bill Webb Your players have defeated the orcs in the Ruined Keep and returned to Fairhill as heroes. Now they want more! This free supplement provides further adventures set in and around Fairhill. It is an extension of the Necromancer Games module The Crucible of Freya and requires that module for use. If you enjoy this supplement, look for more releases under the D20 System by Necromancer Games. Necromancer Games “Third Edition Rules, First Edition Feel” Requires the use of the Dungeons and Dragons® Player’s Handbook, Third Edition, published by Wizards of the Coast® Crucible of Freya: Supplemental Encounter Ar
World of Greyhawk, folio edition (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons)
Gary Gygax
This game supplement features a folder with coats of arms and map legends, a 32-page gazetteer, a 3-panel folding screen on weather conditions, a flyer on miniatures and 2 connecting full-color foldout poster maps. The gazetteer is the companion to the map of the eastern portion of the Oerik continent with dates, chronology, historical information and data regarding current government, population and recent events, along with notable geographic features. Also herein will be found an intelligencer of royal and noble titles and honorifics. Complete with a map legend and method of deducing the population of settlements. Having an appendix of the more important runes which are seen on maps and scrolls to give warning or convey special meaning. Suitable for use with Advanced Dungeons &amp; Dragons fantasy role-playing games.
[ "Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Fantasy" ]
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of the author. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 system license, please visit DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK and RPGA are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. LIVING GREYHAWK is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This scenario is intended for tournament use only and may not be reproduced without approval of the RPGA Network. COR4-16 THE FROZEN SPIRE A Two-Round D&D® LIVING GREYHAWK™ Core Adventure Version 2.0 by Creighton Broadhurst Circle Reviewer: Stephen Radney-MacFarland Dreamstealer Material: Paul Looby and Stuart Kerrigan Additi
R&eacute;gulation &eacute;conomique des nouvelles technologies de t&eacute;l&eacute;communications: Une analyse th&eacute;orique et empirique (Omn.Univ.Europ.) (French Edition)
Jorge Uribe Maza
Avocat et conomiste, Jorge Uribe a travaill en tant qu'enseignant-chercheur l'cole doctorale de Sciences Po Paris, o il donne des cours de microconomie et d'conomtrie. En 2008, il rentre au Mexique pour devenir conseiller du Ministre de l'Interieur. Depuis 2009, Jorge est Directeur des finances du laboratoire Atlantis Pharma Mexico.
[ "Literature & Fiction", "History" ]
[ "Literature & Fiction", "History & Criticism" ]
Literature & Fiction
WÄHLE DIE TECHNOMAGIERIN, WENN DU GERNE ... MAGIE UND TECHNOLOGIE MITEINANDER VERBINDEST TECHNOMAGIERIN ÜBER RAIA Raia war das Kind von Diplomaten, die sie den Wert jedes fühlenden Lebewesens lehrten. Die junge Laschunta war davon besessen, fremde Lebensformen zu studieren, und träumte davon, eines Tages zwischen den Sternen zu reisen und neue Spezies zu treffen. Sie ent- schied sich dazu, sich zur intellektuellen Damaya-Laschunta zu entwickeln, und zeichnete sich durch ihr Studium an der Universität aus. Nach ihrem Abschluss bemerkte Raia, dass ihre Leidenschaft für das Studium aller Lebensformen ihre eigentliche Berufung war, und sie konnte ihre Kenntnisse gegen die Arbeit auf Schiffen austauschen, die in die unentdeck- ten Regionen der Galaxis aufbrachen. Raia sucht bei den fremden Wesen, denen sie begegnet, nach neuen Technologien und alter- nativen magischen Techniken im Austausch für ihr eigenes Wissen. Sie hegt keine unrealis- tischen Ansichten bezüglich der Nichteinmisc
The Licensing Business Handbook Sixth Edition
Karen Raugust and the Editors of The Licensing Letter
Karen Raugust was the Executive Editor of The Licensing Letter, the authoritative newsletter on the licensing business published by EPM Communications, from 1990 to 1996. Currently, Ms. Raugust is a freelance writer specializing in licensing, entertainment, and business, contributing to more than 30 publications.
[ "Business & Money" ]
[ "Business &amp; Money" ]
Business & Money
Not  for  resale.  Permission  granted  to  print  or  photocopy  this  document  for  personal  use  only.     System  Reference  Document  5.0   1   Legal Information Permission  to  copy,  modify  and  distribute  the  files   collectively  known  as  the  System  Reference   Document  5.0  (“SRD5”)  is  granted  solely  through  the   use  of  the  Open  Gaming  License,  Version  1.0a.       This  material  is  being  released  using  the  Open   Gaming  License  Version  1.0a  and  you  should  read   and  understand  the  terms  of  that  license  before   using  this  material.       The  text  of  the  Open  Gaming  License  itself  is  not   Open  Game  Content.  Instructions  on  using  the   License  are  provided  within  the  License  itself.       The
Lantern: The Complete Collection
Chess Desalls
<b>Praise for the Lantern Novellas</b><br /><br />"In these three novellas, unhappy teens find themselves displaced in time and saved by love. . .Desalls casts a different slant on each telling of her Halloween scenario, and among these-simply written yet garnering a combined weight of experience-a shared tale emerges of how lives may develop and love may burgeon. From Havenbrim to the here and now, many YA readers will likely stare at the moon and dream." <b>-<i>Kirkus Reviews</i></b><br /><br />"Lantern is a ghostly tale with a difference which I thoroughly enjoyed and recommend."<b> -</b><i><b>Readers' Favorite</b> 5 Star Review of Lantern</i>, Hilary Hawkes<br /><br />"Serah is a character you cannot help but root for. . .A wonderful, wonderful read!"<b> -</b><i><b>Readers' Favorite</b> 5 Star Review of Beacon</i>, Melissa Tanaka
[ "Children's Books", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy" ]
Children's Books
lb1 module a 3.5/ogl adventure for level 5 By Stephen S. Greer mine cart road keep road A. Baron Vendikon’s Keep B. Towers C. Storehouse D. Stables E. Barracks F. Gatehouse A B B B B B B D E C F F 3 1 1 1 2 5 dusk lane 12 13 6 14 9 4 8 11 10 7 dawn lane one square = 20 feet 1. Watch Towers 2. The Dead Well 3. Shenk’s Dogyard 4. Graden’s 5. The First Light 6. Terron’s Yard 7. Forest Bounty 8. The Bucket & Bellows 9. The Lodge 10. The Black Candle 11. The Conqueror’s Blade 12. Pact Hall 13. Almir Esate 14. Argith’s Alchemy Shoppe N S W E Piren’s Bluff mine cart road keep road A. Baron Vendikon’s Keep B. Towers C. Storehouse D. Stables E. Barracks F. Gatehouse A B B B B B B D E C F F 3 1 1 1 2 5 dusk lane 12 13 6 14 9 4 8 11 10 7 dawn lane one square = 20 feet 1. Watch Towers 2. The Dead Well 3. Shenk’s Dogyard 4. Graden’s 5. The First Light 6. Terron’s Yard 7. Forest Bounty 8. The Bucket & Bellows 9. The Lodge 10.
3D Comic Design (Cyberrookies)
Shamms Mortier
Shamms Mortier is the author of numerous graphics books and articles including Creating 3D Comix, 3D Studio Max:Building Complex Models, The Advanced Bryce Handbook, and the Poser 4 Handbook. He is also a major contributor to the Graphics Resource Club. He resides in Vermont and can be reached at [email protected]
[ "Teen & Young Adult & College", "References & Guides & Self-Help " ]
[ "Teen &amp; Young Adult", "Education &amp; Reference" ]
Teen & Young Adult & College
Heldentaten & Schurke Heldentaten & Schurke Heldentaten & Schurke Heldentaten & Schurkennnnpläne pläne pläne pläne Das Kompendium zum Schreiben guter DSA Das Kompendium zum Schreiben guter DSA Das Kompendium zum Schreiben guter DSA Das Kompendium zum Schreiben guter DSA----Abenteuer Abenteuer Abenteuer Abenteuer von von von von Ulrich Lang Ulrich Lang Ulrich Lang Ulrich Lang Mit Dank für ihre Ideen, Beiträge und Kommentare an Martin Eggers, Andreas John, Katharina Pietsch, Florian Sachtleben und Mark Wachholz Spezieller Dank für die graphische Auflockerung des Kompendiums gelten Dailor Dailor Dailor Dailor für die freundliche Bereitstellung seiner schönsten Comic-Strips & Thomas Leineweber Thomas Leineweber Thomas Leineweber Thomas Leineweber für die exklusive Anfertigung von Illustrationen Illustrationen: Illustrationen: Illustrationen: Illustrationen: Dailor (Comic-Strips): / dailor@g
The Functions of Role-Playing Games: How Participants Create Community, Solve Problems and Explore Identity
Sarah Lynne Bowman
This study takes an analytical approach to the world of role-playing games, providing a theoretical framework for understanding their psychological and sociological functions. Sometimes dismissed as escapist and potentially dangerous, role-playing actually encourages creativity, self-awareness, group cohesion and "out-of-the-box" thinking. The book also offers a detailed participant-observer ethnography on role-playing games, featuring insightful interviews with 19 participants of table-top, live action and virtual games.
[ "Computer Science" ]
[ "Computers &amp; Technology", "Programming Languages" ]
Computer Science
By Mike Kimmel THE UNSEEN INCLUSION PATHFINDER SOCIETY SCENARIO #9-04 TIER 1–5 Pathfinder Society Scenario #9–04: The Unseen Inclusion is a Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st- through 5th-level characters (Tier 1–5; Subtiers 1–2 and 4–5). This scenario is designed for play in the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild campaign, but can easily be adapted for use with any world. For more information on the Roleplaying Guild, how to read the attached Chronicle sheets, and how to find games in your area, check out the campaign’s home page at HOW TO PLAY Author • Mike Kimmel Development Lead • John Compton Contributing Artists • Giorgio Baroni, Paul Guzenko, Scott Purdy Cartography • Jason Engle Creative Directors • James Jacobs, Robert G. McCreary, and Sarah E. Robinson Director of Game Design • Jason Bulmahn Managing Developer • Adam Daigle Development Coordinator • Amanda Hamon Kunz Organized Play Lead Developer • John Compton Developers
Grand Grimoire of Infernal Pacts
Michael W. Ford
Author of over 18 books, Composer of dark ambient &amp; ritualistic music, lecturer Michael W. Ford is a leading Luciferian visionary and Left Hand Path practitioner. Michael is a student and researcher of Ancient Near Eastern Religions, Early Christianity and the history of occultism. Michael is the founder and Magus of The Order of Phosphorus, a worldwide magical order dedicated to Luciferian Magick as well as presiding Yatus of The Black Order of the Dragon, a magical guild dedicated to the teachings of astral and bio-medical energy vampyrism, dream control and sorcery with a foundation in logic and reason.
[ "Religion", "Occult & Paranormal" ]
[ "Religion &amp; Spirituality", "Occult &amp; Paranormal" ]
Hermes’ Portal Issue #12 Hermes’ Portal Issue n° 12 June 2004 � � � Who’s who . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Publisher’s corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Magic Beneath the Skin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 by David Woods Failed Apprentices in Mythic Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 by Mark Hall Legal Status of Covenants in Mythic Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 by Jeff Berry Omnibus Grimoire: Imaginem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 by Andrew Gronosky Politics and Conflict: Strategy and Tactics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 by Alexander White Dear Abelard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Heretic’s Corner: Aura pro nobis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 by Michaël de Verteuil The Lesson . . . . . . . . . .
Sra Skill Series: Sss Lv E Drawing Conclusions
For over 25 years, this program from Barnell Loft has been proven to successfully build comprehension skills. The Specific Skill Series increases the proficiency of all students in all skill areas, although it works especially well for remedial instruction. This updated classic, with reading selections and contemporary artwork, builds 9 essential skills: Working Within Words Using the Context Getting the Facts Drawing Conclusions Identifying Inferences Following Directions Locating the Answer Getting the Main Idea Detecting the Sequence Features: Each skill is developed through individual books tailored for each reading level Short reading passages capture students' interest Consistent format promotes rapid skill acquisition Can be used one-on-one, in small groups, or with your entire class
[ "Education & Teaching" ]
[ "Education & Teaching", "Schools & Teaching" ]
Education & Teaching
Effort Does not Req Hit or Success You may re-roll a single die from this Roll. Strong Hit Result Requirements Traits Level Max Renown Gained Spare Time Points Max Resources +1 per 3 Sessions 1 Trait per Lv Level +3 + Level +3 + Gain 1 STP each Session Reflexes Movement Strength Intelligence Willpower Focus Stealth (Ref) -2/+1+ -2/+1+ -2/+1+ -2/+1+ -2/+1+ -2/+1+ -2/+1+ -2/+1+ -2/+1+ -2/+1+ -2/+1+ -2/+1+ -2/+1+ -2/+1+ -2/+1+ -2/+1+ -2/+1+ -2/+1+ -2/+1+ -2/+1+ Leadership (Str) Heraldry Resolve (Wil) Physical (Str/Ref/Mov) Awareness (Foc) Stewardship Metallurgy Fauna Construction Forestry Streetwise (Int) Pathfinding (Int) Philosophy Persuasion (Int) Brawn Finesse Range Tactical Total (18) Everyday Skills Education Skills Primary Skills /Trained(x6) Untrained /Trained(x2) Untrained Total 1- Attribute 4+ Attribute Toolbox Workshop (0-5) Traits Traits Traits Current Renown Gained Knowledge Spent Knowledge Spent Spare Time Points Current Resources Healing + Levy + Money + Study + Trade Goods
Dragons and Dragon Lore: A Worldwide Study of Dragons in History, Art and Legend (Forgotten Books)
Ernest Ingersoll
<b>About the Author:</b> <br /><br />"Ernest Ingersoll (March 13, 1852 - November 13, 1946) was a renowned American naturalist, writer and explorer.<br /><br />A native of Monroe, Michigan, Ingersoll studied for a time at Oberlin College and afterward at Harvard University, where he was a pupil of Louis Agassiz. He went West as naturalist in the Hayden surveys of 1874 and 1877, and did much work with the United States Fish Commission.<br /><br />He became widely known as a writer of specialized magazine articles, numerous guide books and as a lecturer on scientific subjects. He also contributed to the New International Encyclopedia.<br /><br />Ernest Ingersoll was 94 years old when he died in Brattleboro, Vermont after a four-year illness." <i>(Quote from</i>
[ "Religion", "Occult & Paranormal" ]
[ "Religion &amp; Spirituality", "Occult &amp; Paranormal" ]
  By Dave Morris and Oliver Johnson BESTIARY Being a compendium and catalogue of the monstrous inhabitants of the Lands of Legend, as they are known to scholars and learned men, with full descriptions of their habits and habitats, their behaviours and weapons, arranged by name and genus. Also given are the likelihoods of honest folk meeting such creatures upon their travels, and advice for besting their assailant should such misadventure befall them.  Dragon Warriors Cover Jon Hodgson Interior artwork Jon Hodgson Scott Purdy Erik Wilson Dragon Warriors logo Mark Quire Written by Dave Morris and Oliver Johnson Editing, revisions and additional material Ian Sturrock James Wallis Layout & Publishing James Wallis DRAGON WARRIORS BESTIARY ISBN 978-1-906402-04-4 All text is copyright © 1986, 2008 Dave Morris and Oliver Johnson. All art and maps are copyright © 2008 the individual creators. All other elements of design are copyright © 2008 Magnum Opus Press. All rights reser
My Little Pony Rarity Jumbo Coloring & Activity Book
2011 Edition of My Little Pony Coloring & Activity Book with Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash. The book has forty eight (48) pages or ninety six (96) sheets of coloring and activity fun! Great for all ages. Paper book is approx. 0.25 inches thick and 8 inches by 11 inches.
[ "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books" ]
Children's Books
Courtesy of Not for sale or profit. My Little Pony Role Playing Game The My Little Pony Role Playing Game is a pen-and-paper adventure game. It works best with three to seven players. One of them acts as the Narrator, who tells the story and resolves disagreements between players. Each other player has a pony, whose breed and attributes are marked on their character sheet. Attributes Players can choose strengths and weaknesses for their ponies by giving them points in each of the three attributes listed below. Happiness is a pony’s emotional attribute. Its antithesis is Despair . Courage is a pony’s physical attribute. Its antithesis is Fear . Love is a pony’s social attribute. Its antithesis is Bitterness . Unless noted otherwise in their breed, ponies begin play with 2 points each in , , and , and have 3 free points to distribute as desired. Breeds Each breed of pony has different strengths. Choose your breed from this list a
Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Greyhawk Adventures
James M. WARD
Official advanced Dungeons & Dragons Greyhawk Adventures. Has 128 pages. Printed 1988 This book is for experienced role players looking for something exciting and original to use in their fantasy gaming. Its pages are filled with bold new gaming experiences. With this book, you join the ranks of the best role players in the world. Your search for glory and fame awaits the turning of a single page!
[ "Health, Fitness & Dieting" ]
[ "Sports & Outdoors", "Individual Sports" ]
Health, Fitness & Dieting
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of the author. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 system license, please visit DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK and RPGA are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. LIVING GREYHAWK is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This scenario is intended for tournament use only and may not be reproduced without approval of the RPGA Network. NYR4-S01 Flying Pigs and Other Strange Things A One-Round D&D LIVING GREYHAWK® Nyrond Introductory Regional Adventure Version 1 Round 1 by Tracy Taylor It is a time of strange occurrences and ominous por
GURPS Fantasy Bestiary reprint (GURPS: Generic Universal Role Playing System)
Steffan O'Sullivan
A guide to 250 fantastical creatures form folklore and legends. Includes their habitat, eating habits, physical descriptions, connection with people, and tables to easily find the creature you need. All the creatures are easily customizable.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
A Heroes of Azag-Ithiel Treyson Sanders 1 Compatibility with the Pathfi nder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Pub- lishing, LLC. See for more information on the Pathfi nder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product. Heroes of the Azag-Ithiel is copyright 2015; Purple Duck Games. Credits Author: Treyson Sanders Additional Writing: Mark Gedak Editing: Perry Fehr, Mark Gedak Cover Design: Mark Gedak Cover Art: Gary Dupuis Porphyra Logo: Rick Hershey Interior Art: Gary Dupuis Map of the Azag-Ithiel: Gary Dupuis Layout: Mark Gedak Publisher: Purple Duck Games Table of Contents A Day in Azag-Ithiel 2 Races of the Newlands 3 Government of Azag-Ithiel 11 Map of Azag-Ithiel 12 Settlements of Azag-Ithiel 13 Class Options 17 Feats 32 Spells 35 Lithic Creature 42 Wondrous Items 43 Common Equipment Available 43 OGL 52 Heroes of Azag-Ithiel 2 A Day in Azag-Ithiel
Vintage Type and Graphics: An Eclectic Collection of Typography, Ornament, Letterheads, and Trademarks from 1896 to 1936
Steven Heller
Steven Helleris co-chair of the MFA Design: Designer as Author program at the School of Visual Arts, New York. His many previous books includeTypographic Universe, New Modernist Type, and Scripts.
[ "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Arts &amp; Photography", "Graphic Design" ]
Arts & Photography
By Charles Rice Contributions by Paul King, Chris Davis Cartography Clayton Bunce Cover Design: Jeremy Simmons Artwork: Rackham, Arthur (1867-1939), Brickdale, Eleanor (1872-1945), Flint, William Russell, Sir (1880- 1969), Rhead, George Wooliscroft (1854- 1920) & Louis (1857-1926) Editing: Charles Baize Layout: Chris Davis Play Testing: Charles Baize, Chris Derner, Chris Hoover, Ryan Kelley, Ethan Ripplinger, Aaron Wiggins, Tom Hanlin, Paula Rice, Andrew T. Smith, Jeremy Summers, Ron Festa, Chris Villanueva, Bill Hawkins, Glenn “Zen” Linder’. The ‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are Trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 1.0a. A copy of this License can be found at Portions of this work are derived from the d20 System Reference Document. Copyright 2003 © RPG Objects. All rights Reserved. Legends of Excalibur 2 of 143 Welcome to an England that never
Wheezer & the Painted Frog: Mysteries From the Trail of Tears
Kitty Sutton
Kitty Sutton was born Kathleen Kelley to a Cherokee/Irish family. Both sides of her family were from performing families in Kansas City, Missouri and Kitty was trained from an early age in dance, vocal, art and musical instruments. Her father was a Naval band leader. During the Great Depression, her mother helped to support her family by tap dancing in the speakeasys even though she was just a child; she was very tall for her age but made up like an adult. Kitty had music and art on all sides of her family which ultimately helped to feed her imaginative mind and desire to succeed. Kitty married a wonderful Cherokee artist from Oklahoma, in fact the very area that she writes about in her Wheezer series of novels. After raising her family, Kitty came to Branson, Missouri and performed in her own one woman show there for twelve years. To honor her father, she performed under the name Kitty Kelley. She has three music albums and several original songs to her credit and is best known for her comical, feel good song called, It Ain't Over Till The Fat Lady Sings. Kitty has been writing for many years and in 2011 we accepted her manuscript of an historical Native American murder mystery. First in a line of stories featuring Wheezer, a Jack Russell Terrier and his Cherokee friend, Sasa, it is called Wheezer And The Painted Frog. Kitty lives in the southwestern corner of Missouri near Branson with her husband of 40 years and her three Jack Russell Terriers, one of which is the real and wonderful Wheezer.
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
Literature & Fiction
DANTE A SOURCE BOOK FOR THE SLA INDUSTRIES WAR WORLD VERSION - 1.20 VERSION - 1.20 VERSION - 1.20 VERSION - 1.20 War Is Hell, But Some Hells Are Worse Than Others...... Writing & Design Andrew.H.Langton Layout & Illustrations A.H.Langton PRODUCED IN ASSOCIATION WITH PRODUCED IN ASSOCIATION WITH PRODUCED IN ASSOCIATION WITH PRODUCED IN ASSOCIATION WITH CHOCOLATE FROG ENTERPRISES CHOCOLATE FROG ENTERPRISES CHOCOLATE FROG ENTERPRISES CHOCOLATE FROG ENTERPRISES & tHE bIG pICTURE & tHE bIG pICTURE & tHE bIG pICTURE & tHE bIG pICTURE Dante Source Book A.H.Langton 1998 2 Published By; Chocolate Frog Enterprises Chocolate Frog Enterprises Chocolate Frog Enterprises Chocolate Frog Enterprises 7 Jubilee Close Byfield Northhants NN11 6UZ WARNING - PLEASE NOTE - IMPORTANT This IS NOT an official Nightfall Games product. Nightfall have no knowledge of its production and do not in anyway endorse it’s contents. Nightfall Games own all copyrights and IP rights to all SLA Industries material an
Runes: a Handbook
Michael P. Barnes
Barnes has succeeded in systematizing for students an elusive body of knowledge, and models...a careful, logical approach. MEDIEVAL REVIEW Extremely welcome (and) likely to attract an international readership. The book covers essential aspects of runology and it provides us with a succinct research overview. NOWELEAn accessible and useful introduction to the topic. YEARS WORK IN ENGLISH STUDIESProvides students with an introduction to the topic which is both accessible and erudite. It brings the reader up to date on current issues in the discipline and demonstrates the concern with methodological rigour for which its author is well known. HISTORY A user-friendly scholarly reference and resource. (...) Highly recommended. MIDWEST BOOK REVIEW Not only a handbook but a textbook for the study of runes. CHOICE, A prudently structured, lucidly written, and judiciously reasoned overview of a subject that has engendered much divisiveness among experts. (...) A first-rate contribution. ANGLIA, (An) immaculately produced book. (...) This book is both a pioneering textbook of runic studies and a reference resource on runes, thus serving the needs of students of language studies, medieval history and cultural matters, and the just plain curious. REFERENCE REVIEWS Overall, the book is abundant in interesting material, well-written, a rare reliable source on this often overdramatized aspect of our field. COMITATUS An immaculately scholarly and notably rational introduction to runology. (It) tells the reader everything he or she needs to know about runes and how to study them. It will be invaluable to students. TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT
[ "Literature & Fiction", "History" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "History &amp; Criticism" ]
Literature & Fiction
DSA-Professional Regelbuch II: Foliant der Magiev1.4 (4. Edition) © Cédrik Duval (http://www. 2 Inhalt I Runenmagie ................................................... 3 I.1 Beschreibung der Runen ........................ 3 I.2 Runentalente und -sonderfertigkeiten .... 4 I.3 Einzelne Runen ...................................... 4 I.3.1 Runenmeditation ................................ 4 I.3.2 Runendeuten....................................... 5 I.3.3 Runenorten......................................... 6 I.3.4 Runenopfer......................................... 6 I.3.5 Magische Gegenstände mit Runen..... 6 I.4 Runendreieck ......................................... 6 I.4.1 Erzeugung eines Dreiecks.................. 7 I.4.2 Auslösen eines Zaubers...................... 7 I.4.3 Die Kraft eines Runendreiecks........... 7 I.5 Runenpentagramm ................................. 8 I.5.1 Pentagrammzauber............................. 8 I.5.2 Pentagrammbeschwörungen............... 8 I.6
MAX Out the Army, Navy, Marine, and Air Force Physical Fitness and Combat Fitness Tests
Lee Kind
CPT Kind wasn't always a physical fitness expert. Before he got into ROTC, he had been bedridden with an illness for a year and couldn't even climb two steps at one time. After being in ROTC for one month, Cadet Kind took his first PT test and failed it! His total score was a 178 with a run time of 18 minutes 3 seconds and only 45 push-ups and 58 sit-ups performed. Cadet Kind then devised a work out plan based on his prior weight lifting experience and sports playing years in high school. Within a few months, he earned his first perfect score of 300. From then on, his scores increased until he consistently scored on the extended scale in the 360's and 370's with run times in the low 11's and push-ups and sit-ups in the 120+ repetition range in 2 minutes became the norm. If CPT Kind could increase his score over 200 points, so can you! Follow this plan and if you are motivated enough, you will even score in the 400 range.
[ "Health, Fitness & Dieting" ]
[ "Health, Fitness &amp; Dieting", "Exercise &amp; Fitness" ]
Health, Fitness & Dieting
How to Train Your Dragon: How to Steal a Dragon's Sword
Cressida Cowell
<strong>Praise for <em>How to Train Your Dragon</em>:<br /></strong>"Action-filled and compelling."<b><i><em>School Library Journal</em></i></b><br /><br /><strong>Praise for <em>How to Train Your Dragon</em>:<br /></strong>"Will keep even reluctant readers turning the pages--and chuckling as they go."<b><i><em>Publishers Weekly</em></i></b>
[ "Children's Books", "Fairy Tales, Folk Tales & Myths" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Fairy Tales, Folk Tales &amp; Myths" ]
Children's Books
CR Mage Hand Press Dark Matter Arachno-Horse Large beast, unaligned 1/2 CR STR 18 (+4) DEX 12 (+1) CON 13 (+1) INT 2 (−4) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 7 (−2) Arachno-Horse Large beast, unaligned Damage Resistances poison Senses passive Perception 11 Languages — Spider Climb. The arachno-horse can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check. Trampling Charge. If the arachno-horse moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a bite attack on the same turn, the target must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the arachno-horse can make another attack with its bite against it as a bonus action. ACTIONS Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) poison damage. AC 11 HP 19 (3d10 + 3) SPEED 40 ft., climb 40 ft. 1/2 CR Mage Hand Press Dark Matter Cephalo-Boar Medium beast, unaligned 1/4 CR STR 11 (+
The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight: Revised and Updated: The Fate of the World and What We Can Do Before It's Too Late
Thom Hartmann
Thom Hartmann seeks out interesting subjects from such disparate outposts of curiosity that you have to wonder whether or not he uncovered them or they selected him. Leonardo DiCaprio<br /> <br /> The more of us who heed Thom Hartmanns passionate message, the more likely it is that our highest hopes, rather than our darkest fears, will come to pass. John Robbins, founder of EarthSave and author of <i>Diet for a New America</i><br /> <i></i> Thom is a national treasure. Read him, embrace him, learn from him, and follow him as we all work for social change. Robert Greenwald (Brave New Films)
[ "Politics & Social Sciences" ]
[ "Politics &amp; Social Sciences", "Politics &amp; Government" ]
Politics & Social Sciences
The Ancient Solarian War An eternal conflict across the cosmos, between Chaos and Order. The Ancient Solarian War An eternal conflict across the cosmos, between Chaos and Order. By Philip Forbes of Black Sky Industries Compatibility with the Starfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Starfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Inc. See for more information on the Starfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Inc. does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product. Ancient Solaria Story Modern Solarians are a diverse group who channel the power of the cosmos, but few, remember where it all started. Historians would have to reach back more than 10,000 years, and to a world that has long since died, orbing a sun that no longer shines. Some might say that such a history is unimportant in the grand scheme of things, especially considering ore recent events. Any solarian could tell
Drawing Conclusions Book C (Specific Skill)
For over 25 years, this program from Barnell Loft has been proven to successfully build comprehension skills. The Specific Skill Series increases the proficiency of all students in all skill areas, although it works especially well for remedial instruction. This updated classic, with reading selections and contemporary artwork, builds 9 essential skills: Working Within Words Using the Context Getting the Facts Drawing Conclusions Identifying Inferences Following Directions Locating the Answer Getting the Main Idea Detecting the Sequence Features: Each skill is developed through individual books tailored for each reading level Short reading passages capture students' interest Consistent format promotes rapid skill acquisition Can be used one-on-one, in small groups, or with your entire class
[ "Education & Teaching" ]
[ "Education &amp; Teaching", "Schools &amp; Teaching" ]
Education & Teaching
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma Shadow Inspiration Proficiency Bonus ____ Strength ____ Dexterity ____ Constitution ____ Intelligence ____ Wisdom ____ Corruption ____ Charisma SAVING THROWS ____ Acrobatics (Dex) ____ Animal Handling (Wis) ____ Athletics (Str) ____ Deception (Cha) ____ History (Int) ____ Insight (Wis) ____ Intimidation (Cha) ____ Investigation (Int) ____ Lore (Int) ____ Medicine (Wis) ____ Nature (Int) ____ Perception (Wis) ____ Performance (Cha) ____ Persuasion (Cha) ____ Riddle (Int) ____ Shadow-lore (Int) ____ Sleight of Hand (Dex) ____ Stealth (Dex) ____ Survival (Wis) ____ Traditions (Int) SkIllS Passive Perception (wisdom) OTHeR pROfIcIeNcIeS & lANGuAGeS ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
The Ainiu
Beside the incredible spiritual revelations presented in this magical book, &quot;The Ainiu&quot; also reveals for the first time secrets such as:<br><br>The origin of the Elves race<br><br>The existence of the Reptilians and their plans<br><br>Secrets about the origin our Moon<br><br>The Mu Continent and history of the three Atlantis<br><br>Lemuria and why it was created<br><br>Hollow Gaia and its civilizations Agartha and Telos<br><br>Elemental beings within the planet and their functions<br><br>The Fairy realm and its inhabitants<br><br>Who is Gaia and how are we connected to her<br><br>Secrets of the Dragons and their lineages<br><br>The original Druids, philosophy and magical practices<br><br>The separation from Lemuria and Atlantis' eventual fall<br><br>Mars and the foundation of our pyramids<br><br>Venusians' Legends<br><br>The Drakonian Race and Universal domination and much more
[ "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
Science Fiction
The Spinward Marches Darrian Confederation Sword Worlds Border Worlds Zhodani Consulate Federation of Arden Third Imperium (Norris) Third Imperium Third Imperium Vargr Invasions Aslan Conquests 0101 Zeycude C330698-9 C Zh 0102 Reno C1207B9-A C Zh 0103 Errere B263664-B B Z Zh 0104 Cantrel C366243-9 C Zh 0105 0106 0107 0108 Gyomar D8B2889-5 D Na 0109 0110 0111 Atson B310598-8 B Na 0112 0113 0114 Yiktor C6B6431-A C Na 0115 Xhosa EA95124-4 E Na 0116 0117 0118 0119 0120 0121 0122 Junction D150441-4 D Na 0123 0124 0125 0126 0127 0128 0129 Uniqua E62556B-4 E Na 0130 Garoo A2008CB-A A Na 0131 0132 0133 Emape B564500-B B N Im 0134 0135 0136 0137 0138 0139 Raweh B130300-B B N Im 0140 876-574 E687200-0 E Na 0201 0202 Thengo C868586-5 C Zh 0203 0204 0205 0206 0207 0208 0209 0210 0211 0212 Prinx C436635-6 C Na 0213 0214 0215 Rushu E765664-4 E Va 0216 0217 0218 Bael E200100-8 E Na 0219 0220 0221 0222 0223 Stern-Stern B321588-B B Da 0224 0225 0226 0227 0228 0229 0230 886-945 D833000-3 D Na 0231 Saxe
The Legacy (Forgotten Realms: The Legend of Drizzt, Book VII)
R.A. Salvatore
R.A. Salvatore has spent so many years winding himself into fantasy worlds that he's still trying to figure out how to unwind. He is the author of more than forty novels and more than a dozen <i>New York Times</i> best sellers, including <i>The Two Swords</i>, which debuted at or near the top of many best seller lists.<br /><br /><br /><i>From the Paperback edition.</i>
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Action & Adventure" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "Action &amp; Adventure" ]
Literature & Fiction
1 HEROES OF THE REALMS BY JEREMY FORBING IN PAST ERAS OF THE FORGOTTEN REALMS, the names of great heroes and anti-heroes such as Farideh, Drizzt do’Urden, Elminster, Laeral Silverhand and the other Seven Sisters, Minsc, Arilyn Moonblade, Jarlaxle, Vajra Safahr, Erevis Cale, Alias, Durnan, and more all became legend. Now, as a tumultuous century nears its end, a new generation of legends arises… Will you be one of them? This volume provides subclasses, feats, spells, and other character options for the new heroes accepting the torch passed on by those who came before. As always, work with your DM to decide which new rules are right for your character and the campaign. “ADVENTURES? CALL THEM THAT IF YOU MUST. I PREFER 'FORAYS INTO LAWLESSNESS’ OR ‘BLOODTHIRSTY AND DESTRUCTIVE RAIDS,’ BECAUSE I'M ON THIS THRONE. WERE I IN THE SADDLE I RODE AS A YOUTH, I'D SEE THEM AS YOU DO. TRY NOT TO FALL OFF AND BREAK YOUR NECK, NOW.” ―AZOU
Against the Cult of the Reptile God: An Adventure for Character, Levels 1-3 (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Module, No. N1)
Doug Niles
This module is designed for 4-7 characters of first through third levels. It includes a map of the village and a description of its buildings and occupants, an overland journey to a challenging underground adventure for especially brave (or foolhardy...) characters, and a list of pre-rolled first level characters.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor & Entertainment", "Puzzles & Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
1 Temple of the Locust Lord Mark Gedak, Daniel J. Bishop 2 Author Mark Gedak DCC Conversion Daniel J. Bishop Editing Thomas Baumbach, Perry Fehr, Stefen Styrsky Cover Image Jacob Blackmon Cartography Kristian Richards Internal Art Matt Morrow Layout Mark Gedak Publisher Purple Duck Games Original Playtesters Thomas Boxall, Patrick Kossmann, Kent Little, Mike Vanderstelt DCC Playtestes Jeff Goad, Ngo Vinh-Hoi, Kate B., Matt G., Andrew Sternick Special Thanks Craig Johnston, Owen K. C. Stephens, The Secret DM Purple Mountain Level One: Temple of the Locust Lord is a Dungeon Crawl Classics adventure designed for four to eight, 1st level characters. This adventure module assumes the existence of a mountain containing a megadungeon in the campaign setting, either of the judge’s devising, or through future expansions of the DCC RPG Purple Mountain line. DCC Patreons: Daniel J. Bishop, Trevor Bramble, Lorne Cooper, EnochSeven, Jim Dovey, Jeremy Friesen, Geoff Forcella, Wes Fournier,
The Treasure Cave: Sea Tales of Tiptoes Lightly
Reg Down
<span>"Reg Down has done it again in his unique style - magnificently imaginative and utterly entertaining.</span><i>The Treasure Cave</i><span>is a heart-warming gift to families to help find a new meaning in Thanksgiving through the wonder of Tiptoes Lightly.Five Stars!" David Kennedy, <b>Waldorf Today</b></span><br /><br />"A deftly crafted novel by an experienced and talented author and illustrator for children, <i>The Treasure Cave</i> continues the Tiptoes Lightly stories with its superbly drawn characters and thoroughly engaging storyline. Wonderfully entertaining - <i>The Treasure Cave</i> is especially recommended for ages 6 through 10." <b>Midwest Book Review</b>
[ "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books" ]
Children's Books
I s la n d o f E m p t y Eye s Cartography by Robert Lazzaretti InteractIve Maps part 4 of 6 h h hh h The Shackles The Vigil Condemned Oracular Spyglass The Writhing Effigy Captain Bellbrey’s Mustache = Rumored Treasure Fever Sea Motaku Isle Rampore Isles Island of Empty Eyes Shark Island Port Peril Hell Harbor Quent Ghrinitshahara Ollo • • • • Devil’s Arches Fever Sea X X X X X Map Tags Off h h hh h Island of Empty Eyes Island of Empty Eyes 1 mile A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q Map Tags Off Sunken Shrine 1 square = 5 feet Chelish Fort B33 B32 B30 B31 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q2 B28 B29 B29 B29 B27 B19 B19 B19 B18 B23 B20 B22 B21 B24 B26B25 B3 B4 B4 B9 B10 B11 B17 B16 B16 B13 B14 B12 B15 B2 B3 B1 B7 B8 B6 B5 B2 1 square = 5 feet Ground Level Upper Levels Cellar h h hh h Sunken Shrine h h hh h Chelish Fort Map Tags Off Player View (No Grid) GM View (No Grid) h h hh h Ruins of Sumitha G23 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 G13 G14 G15 G16 G17 G18 G19 G21 G20 G22 Ruins of Sumitha 1
Gurps Traveller
Steve Jackson Games
Marc Miller's Traveller is one of the most fully realized game backgrounds ever created...a vast empire of over 11,000 systems, with a turbulent history dating back thousands of years. Locales can range from a crowded spaceport to a lonely frontier outpost, from the teeming cities of the Core to the unexplored worlds on the edge of the Great Rift. Characters can be merchant princes, diplomats, soldiers, politicians, nobles, criminals...or all of them at once. Political intrigues, trading schemes, mind wrenching alien enigmas, mercenary raids, wars...almost anything is possible.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
An e23 Sourcebook for GURPS ® STEVE JACKSON GAMES Stock #37-1120 Version 1.0 – February 8, 2007 ® TM Written by STEFAN JONES Edited by STEVE JACKSON CONTENTS 2 GURPS, Warehouse 23, and the all-seeing pyramid are registered trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. Pyramid, MacGuffin Alphabet, e23, and the names of all products published by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated are registered trademarks or trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated, or used under license. Some art © 2007 JupiterImages Corporation. GURPS MacGuffin Alphabet is copyright © 2007 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. All rights reserved. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this material via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal, and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated
Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Game: The Adventure Begins Here!
Jonathan; Carl, Jason; Collins, A Tweet
Game mint in factory box as seen (.75). We ship worldwide from San Francisco bay area.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
2019 Dungeons & Dragons OPEN For six 7th-level pre-generated characters Will Doyle, James Introcaso, Shawn Merwin Adventure Designers Version 0.1 Development and Editing: Chris Lindsay Organized Play: Chris Lindsay D&D Adventurers League Wizards Team: Adam Lee, Chris Lindsay, Mike Mearls, Matt Sernett D&D Adventurers League Administrators: Lysa Chen, Amy Lynn Dzura, Claire Hoffman, Greg Marks, Alan Patrick, Travis Woodall DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the
The Final Enemy (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Adventure Module U3, An Adventure for Character Levels 3-5)
Dave J. Browne
At last - an oppurtunity to avert the threat to the little town of Saltmarsh! The real enemies have been identified - evil, cruel creatures, massed in force and viciously organized.
[ "Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Fantasy" ]
doomslakers adventures #2 An Adventure for 1st to 3rd Level Characters by J.v. West Winds of the Ice Forest For AdvAnCed B/X GAmes HOWLER is an adventure module for 1st to 3rd level characters available from Random Order Creations. The adventure comes in a loose 3.5 version as well as a version written specifically for OSRIC and it can easily be adapted to any old school fantasy game. Check it out at RPGNow! “The wind whips through standing stones, making the hill stand atop the barren crown with a whisper of darkness and evil in the air. Whether you come to the hill in search of gold and glory or by mere chance you may not walk away the same...if at all.” Written & Illustrated by J.v. West Edited by andy solberg Layout by matt Hildebrand Playtesting: James Koti, Cyd Clark-Praxis, Andy Solberg, Matt, Devin, Sarah ...and probably a few others I’ve forgotten. Thank you! You enter the dreaded Ice Forest where the ancien
Infinite Game Universe: Level Design, Terrain, And Sound (ADVANCES IN COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND GAME DEVELOPMENT SERIES)
Guy W. Lecky-Thompson
Guy W. Lecky-Thompson is an experienced author in the field of video game design and software development, whose articles have been published in various places, including Gamasutra and the seminal Game Programming Gems. He is also the author of Infinite Game Universe: Mathematical Techniques;Infinite Game Universe, Volume 2: Level Design Terrain, and Sound; and Video Game Design Revealed.
[ "Computer Science" ]
[ "Computers &amp; Technology", "Programming" ]
Computer Science
1 2 Published by: Void Star Studios, Inc. Developer/Designer: Mike McConnell Additional Design by: James Townsley, Sean Patrick Fannon, Joe Knapp Edited by: Mitch A. Williams, Kristan McConnell, Joshua Yearsley, and the playtesters Additional Contributions: Steve Townsley, Leland Dutro, Rob Stroud, Kyle Stroud, Wes Brown, Tomi Sarkkinen Layout: Mike McConnell Art Direction: Mike McConnell, Savage Mojo Art: Andree Wallin, Andrew Chason, Andreas Schroth, Mike McConnell Special Thanks: Sean Patrick Fannon, Shane Hensley, Jodi Black Nova Praxis © 2015, Void Star Studios Augmented PDF Version 1.0.1 This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product. 3 CONTENTS
Evolution Cards: Helping You Evolve One Step At A Time - A 53-Card Deck
Kristie Scott
Kristie Scott shares with you her 53 whimsical and color charged evolution cards for your self-growth and pleasure. These graphically infused cards, inspirational words, and thought provoking messages, will center your focus to attract great health, meaningful experiences, rich relationships, abundant prosperity, and much more. Each card greets you with a focusing word and then an insightful lesson and on the reverse side a challenge to inspire positive action followed by words of encouragement. The point is to use your chosen word to start a new evolutionary journey every day.
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help " ]
[ "Self-Help" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
Take +1 to all moves targeting the character who gave you this card. When you take advantage of this Influence, return this card to the character who gave it to you and choose one: » Inflict a condition on them, your choice. » They take -2 on a move they just made (after their roll). » Take an additional +1 on a move targeting them (after your roll). If you would get another Influence card from the same character, instead immediately shift 1 of their Labels up and 1 of their Labels down, your choice. INFLUENCE INFLUENCE Take +1 to all moves targeting the character who gave you this card. When you take advantage of this Influence, return this card to the character who gave it to you and choose one: » Inflict a condition on them, your choice. » They take -2 on a move they just made (after their roll). » Take an additional +1 on a move targeting them (after your roll). If you would get another Influence card from the same character, instead immediately shift 1