5 values
void fp8_read_bin(fp8_t a, const uint8_t *bin, int len) { if (len != 8 * RLC_FP_BYTES) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_BUFFER); return; } fp4_read_bin(a[0], bin, 4 * RLC_FP_BYTES); fp4_read_bin(a[1], bin + 4 * RLC_FP_BYTES, 4 * RLC_FP_BYTES); }
void fp18_read_bin(fp18_t a, const uint8_t *bin, int len) { if (len != 18 * RLC_FP_BYTES) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_BUFFER); return; } fp9_read_bin(a[0], bin, 9 * RLC_FP_BYTES); fp9_read_bin(a[1], bin + 9 * RLC_FP_BYTES, 9 * RLC_FP_BYTES); }
void fp48_read_bin(fp48_t a, const uint8_t *bin, int len) { if (len != 32 * RLC_FP_BYTES && len != 48 * RLC_FP_BYTES) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_BUFFER); return; } if (len == 32 * RLC_FP_BYTES) { fp8_zero(a[0][0]); fp8_read_bin(a[0][1], bin, 8 * RLC_FP_BYTES); fp8_read_bin(a[0][2], bin + 8 * RLC_FP_BYTES, 8 * RLC_FP_BYTES); fp8_read_bin(a[1][0], bin + 16 * RLC_FP_BYTES, 8 * RLC_FP_BYTES); fp8_zero(a[1][1]); fp8_read_bin(a[1][2], bin + 24 * RLC_FP_BYTES, 8 * RLC_FP_BYTES); fp48_back_cyc(a, a); } if (len == 48 * RLC_FP_BYTES) { fp24_read_bin(a[0], bin, 24 * RLC_FP_BYTES); fp24_read_bin(a[1], bin + 24 * RLC_FP_BYTES, 24 * RLC_FP_BYTES); } }
void fp54_write_bin(uint8_t *bin, int len, const fp54_t a, int pack) { fp54_t t; fp54_null(t); RLC_TRY { fp54_new(t); if (pack) { if (len != 36 * RLC_FP_BYTES) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_BUFFER); } fp54_pck(t, a); fp9_write_bin(bin, 9 * RLC_FP_BYTES, a[1][0]); fp9_write_bin(bin + 9 * RLC_FP_BYTES, 9 * RLC_FP_BYTES, a[1][1]); fp9_write_bin(bin + 18 * RLC_FP_BYTES, 9 * RLC_FP_BYTES, a[2][0]); fp9_write_bin(bin + 27 * RLC_FP_BYTES, 9 * RLC_FP_BYTES, a[2][1]); } else { if (len != 54 * RLC_FP_BYTES) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_BUFFER); } fp18_write_bin(bin, 18 * RLC_FP_BYTES, a[0]); fp18_write_bin(bin + 18 * RLC_FP_BYTES, 18 * RLC_FP_BYTES, a[1]); fp18_write_bin(bin + 36 * RLC_FP_BYTES, 18 * RLC_FP_BYTES, a[2]); } } RLC_CATCH_ANY { RLC_THROW(ERR_CAUGHT); } RLC_FINALLY { fp54_free(t); } }
void fp3_read_bin(fp3_t a, const uint8_t *bin, int len) { if (len != 3 * RLC_FP_BYTES) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_BUFFER); return; } fp_read_bin(a[0], bin, RLC_FP_BYTES); fp_read_bin(a[1], bin + RLC_FP_BYTES, RLC_FP_BYTES); fp_read_bin(a[2], bin + 2 * RLC_FP_BYTES, RLC_FP_BYTES); }
void fp3_write_bin(uint8_t *bin, int len, const fp3_t a) { if (len != 3 * RLC_FP_BYTES) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_BUFFER); return; } fp_write_bin(bin, RLC_FP_BYTES, a[0]); fp_write_bin(bin + RLC_FP_BYTES, RLC_FP_BYTES, a[1]); fp_write_bin(bin + 2 * RLC_FP_BYTES, RLC_FP_BYTES, a[2]); }
void md_map_b2s256(uint8_t *hash, const uint8_t *msg, int len) { memset(hash, 0, RLC_MD_LEN_B2S256); blake2s(hash, RLC_MD_LEN_B2S256, msg, len, NULL, 0); }
void md_map_b2s160(uint8_t *hash, const uint8_t *msg, int len) { memset(hash, 0, RLC_MD_LEN_B2S160); blake2s(hash, RLC_MD_LEN_B2S160, msg, len, NULL, 0); }
void md_hmac(uint8_t *mac, const uint8_t *in, int in_len, const uint8_t *key, int key_len) { #if MD_MAP == SH224 || MD_MAP == SH256 || MD_MAP == B2S160 || MD_MAP == B2S256 #define block_size 64 #elif MD_MAP == SH384 || MD_MAP == SH512 #define block_size 128 #endif uint8_t opad[block_size + RLC_MD_LEN]; uint8_t *ipad = RLC_ALLOCA(uint8_t, block_size + in_len); uint8_t _key[RLC_MAX(RLC_MD_LEN, block_size)]; if (ipad == NULL) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_MEMORY); return; } if (key_len > block_size) { md_map(_key, key, key_len); key = _key; key_len = RLC_MD_LEN; } if (key_len <= block_size) { memcpy(_key, key, key_len); memset(_key + key_len, 0, block_size - key_len); key = _key; } for (int i = 0; i < block_size; i++) { opad[i] = 0x5C ^ key[i]; ipad[i] = 0x36 ^ key[i]; } memcpy(ipad + block_size, in, in_len); md_map(opad + block_size, ipad, block_size + in_len); md_map(mac, opad, block_size + RLC_MD_LEN); RLC_FREE(ipad); }
void md_kdf(uint8_t *key, int key_len, const uint8_t *in, int in_len) { uint32_t i, j, d; uint8_t* buffer = RLC_ALLOCA(uint8_t, in_len + sizeof(uint32_t)); uint8_t* t = RLC_ALLOCA(uint8_t, key_len + RLC_MD_LEN); if (buffer == NULL || t == NULL) { RLC_FREE(buffer); RLC_FREE(t); RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_MEMORY); return; } /* d = ceil(kLen/hLen). */ d = RLC_CEIL(key_len, RLC_MD_LEN); memcpy(buffer, in, in_len); for (i = 1; i <= d; i++) { j = util_conv_big(i); /* c = integer_to_string(c, 4). */ memcpy(buffer + in_len, &j, sizeof(uint32_t)); /* t = t || hash(z || c). */ md_map(t + (i - 1) * RLC_MD_LEN, buffer, in_len + sizeof(uint32_t)); } memcpy(key, t, key_len); RLC_FREE(buffer); RLC_FREE(t); }
void md_mgf(uint8_t *key, int key_len, const uint8_t *in, int in_len) { uint32_t i, j, d; uint8_t *buffer = RLC_ALLOCA(uint8_t, in_len + sizeof(uint32_t)); uint8_t *t = RLC_ALLOCA(uint8_t, key_len + RLC_MD_LEN); if (buffer == NULL || t == NULL) { RLC_FREE(buffer); RLC_FREE(t); RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_MEMORY); return; } /* d = ceil(kLen/hLen). */ d = RLC_CEIL(key_len, RLC_MD_LEN); memcpy(buffer, in, in_len); for (i = 0; i < d; i++) { j = util_conv_big(i); /* c = integer_to_string(c, 4). */ memcpy(buffer + in_len, &j, sizeof(uint32_t)); /* t = t || hash(z || c). */ md_map(t + i * RLC_MD_LEN, buffer, in_len + sizeof(uint32_t)); } memcpy(key, t, key_len); RLC_FREE(buffer); RLC_FREE(t); }
void md_map_sh224(uint8_t *hash, const uint8_t *msg, int len) { SHA224Context ctx; if (SHA224Reset(&ctx) != shaSuccess) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_VALID); return; } if (SHA224Input(&ctx, msg, len) != shaSuccess) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_VALID); return; } if (SHA224Result(&ctx, hash) != shaSuccess) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_VALID); return; } }
void md_map_sh256(uint8_t *hash, const uint8_t *msg, int len) { SHA256Context ctx; if (SHA256Reset(&ctx) != shaSuccess) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_VALID); return; } if (SHA256Input(&ctx, msg, len) != shaSuccess) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_VALID); return; } if (SHA256Result(&ctx, hash) != shaSuccess) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_VALID); return; } }
void md_map_sh384(uint8_t *hash, const uint8_t *msg, int len) { SHA384Context ctx; if (SHA384Reset(&ctx) != shaSuccess) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_VALID); return; } if (SHA384Input(&ctx, msg, len) != shaSuccess) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_VALID); return; } if (SHA384Result(&ctx, hash) != shaSuccess) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_VALID); return; } }
void md_map_sh512(uint8_t *hash, const uint8_t *msg, int len) { SHA512Context ctx; if (SHA512Reset(&ctx) != shaSuccess) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_VALID); return; } if (SHA512Input(&ctx, msg, len) != shaSuccess) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_VALID); return; } if (SHA512Result(&ctx, hash) != shaSuccess) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_VALID); return; } }
static void pp_mil_k12(fp12_t r, ep2_t *t, ep2_t *q, ep_t *p, int m, bn_t a) { fp12_t l; ep_t *_p = RLC_ALLOCA(ep_t, m); ep2_t *_q = RLC_ALLOCA(ep2_t, m); int i, j, len = bn_bits(a) + 1; int8_t s[RLC_FP_BITS + 1]; if (m == 0) { return; } fp12_null(l); RLC_TRY { fp12_new(l); if (_p == NULL || _q == NULL) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_MEMORY); } for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { ep_null(_p[j]); ep2_null(_q[j]); ep_new(_p[j]); ep2_new(_q[j]); ep2_copy(t[j], q[j]); ep2_neg(_q[j], q[j]); #if EP_ADD == BASIC ep_neg(_p[j], p[j]); #else fp_add(_p[j]->x, p[j]->x, p[j]->x); fp_add(_p[j]->x, _p[j]->x, p[j]->x); fp_neg(_p[j]->y, p[j]->y); #endif } fp12_zero(l); bn_rec_naf(s, &len, a, 2); pp_dbl_k12(r, t[0], t[0], _p[0]); for (j = 1; j < m; j++) { pp_dbl_k12(l, t[j], t[j], _p[j]); fp12_mul_dxs(r, r, l); } if (s[len - 2] > 0) { for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { pp_add_k12(l, t[j], q[j], p[j]); fp12_mul_dxs(r, r, l); } } if (s[len - 2] < 0) { for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { pp_add_k12(l, t[j], _q[j], p[j]); fp12_mul_dxs(r, r, l); } } for (i = len - 3; i >= 0; i--) { fp12_sqr(r, r); for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { pp_dbl_k12(l, t[j], t[j], _p[j]); fp12_mul_dxs(r, r, l); if (s[i] > 0) { pp_add_k12(l, t[j], q[j], p[j]); fp12_mul_dxs(r, r, l); } if (s[i] < 0) { pp_add_k12(l, t[j], _q[j], p[j]); fp12_mul_dxs(r, r, l); } } } } RLC_CATCH_ANY { RLC_THROW(ERR_CAUGHT); } RLC_FINALLY { fp12_free(l); for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { ep_free(_p[j]); ep2_free(_q[j]); } RLC_FREE(_p); RLC_FREE(_q); } }
static void pp_mil_k24(fp24_t r, ep4_t *t, ep4_t *q, ep_t *p, int m, bn_t a) { fp24_t l; ep_t *_p = RLC_ALLOCA(ep_t, m); ep4_t *_q = RLC_ALLOCA(ep4_t, m); int i, j, len = bn_bits(a) + 1; int8_t s[RLC_FP_BITS + 1]; if (m == 0) { return; } fp24_null(l); RLC_TRY { fp24_new(l); if (_p == NULL || _q == NULL) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_MEMORY); } for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { ep_null(_p[j]); ep4_null(_q[j]); ep_new(_p[j]); ep4_new(_q[j]); ep4_copy(t[j], q[j]); ep4_neg(_q[j], q[j]); #if EP_ADD == BASIC ep_neg(_p[j], p[j]); #else fp_add(_p[j]->x, p[j]->x, p[j]->x); fp_add(_p[j]->x, _p[j]->x, p[j]->x); fp_neg(_p[j]->y, p[j]->y); #endif } fp24_zero(l); bn_rec_naf(s, &len, a, 2); pp_dbl_k24(r, t[0], t[0], _p[0]); for (j = 1; j < m; j++) { pp_dbl_k24(l, t[j], t[j], _p[j]); fp24_mul_dxs(r, r, l); } if (s[len - 2] > 0) { for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { pp_add_k24(l, t[j], q[j], p[j]); fp24_mul_dxs(r, r, l); } } if (s[len - 2] < 0) { for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { pp_add_k24(l, t[j], _q[j], p[j]); fp24_mul_dxs(r, r, l); } } for (i = len - 3; i >= 0; i--) { fp24_sqr(r, r); for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { pp_dbl_k24(l, t[j], t[j], _p[j]); fp24_mul_dxs(r, r, l); if (s[i] > 0) { pp_add_k24(l, t[j], q[j], p[j]); fp24_mul_dxs(r, r, l); } if (s[i] < 0) { pp_add_k24(l, t[j], _q[j], p[j]); fp24_mul_dxs(r, r, l); } } } } RLC_CATCH_ANY { RLC_THROW(ERR_CAUGHT); } RLC_FINALLY { fp24_free(l); for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { ep_free(_p[j]); ep4_free(_q[j]); } RLC_FREE(_p); RLC_FREE(_q); } }
static void pp_mil_k48(fp48_t r, const fp8_t qx, const fp8_t qy, const ep_t p, const bn_t a) { fp48_t l; ep_t _p; fp8_t rx, ry, rz, qn; int i, len = bn_bits(a) + 1; int8_t s[RLC_FP_BITS + 1]; fp48_null(l); ep_null(_p); fp8_null(rx); fp8_null(ry); fp8_null(rz); fp8_null(qn); RLC_TRY { fp48_new(l); ep_new(_p); fp8_new(rx); fp8_new(ry); fp8_new(rz); fp8_new(qn); fp48_zero(l); fp8_copy(rx, qx); fp8_copy(ry, qy); fp8_set_dig(rz, 1); #if EP_ADD == BASIC ep_neg(_p, p); #else fp_add(_p->x, p->x, p->x); fp_add(_p->x, _p->x, p->x); fp_neg(_p->y, p->y); #endif fp8_neg(qn, qy); bn_rec_naf(s, &len, a, 2); for (i = len - 2; i >= 0; i--) { fp48_sqr(r, r); pp_dbl_k48(l, rx, ry, rz, _p); fp48_mul_dxs(r, r, l); if (s[i] > 0) { pp_add_k48(l, rx, ry, rz, qx, qy, p); fp48_mul_dxs(r, r, l); } if (s[i] < 0) { pp_add_k48(l, rx, ry, rz, qx, qn, p); fp48_mul_dxs(r, r, l); } } } RLC_CATCH_ANY { RLC_THROW(ERR_CAUGHT); } RLC_FINALLY { fp48_free(l); ep_free(_p); fp8_free(rx); fp8_free(ry); fp8_free(rz); fp8_free(qn); } }
static void pp_mil_k8(fp8_t r, ep2_t *t, ep2_t *q, ep_t *p, int m, bn_t a) { fp8_t l; ep_t *_p = RLC_ALLOCA(ep_t, m); ep2_t *_q = RLC_ALLOCA(ep2_t, m); int i, j, len = bn_bits(a) + 1; int8_t s[RLC_FP_BITS + 1]; if (m == 0) { return; } fp8_null(l); RLC_TRY { fp8_new(l); if (_p == NULL || _q == NULL) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_MEMORY); } for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { ep_null(_p[j]); ep2_null(_q[j]); ep_new(_p[j]); ep2_new(_q[j]); ep2_copy(t[j], q[j]); ep2_neg(_q[j], q[j]); #if EP_ADD == BASIC ep_neg(_p[j], p[j]); #else fp_neg(_p[j]->x, p[j]->x); fp_copy(_p[j]->y, p[j]->y); #endif } fp8_zero(l); bn_rec_naf(s, &len, a, 2); for (i = len - 2; i >= 0; i--) { fp8_sqr(r, r); for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { pp_dbl_k8(l, t[j], t[j], _p[j]); fp8_mul(r, r, l); if (s[i] > 0) { pp_add_k8(l, t[j], q[j], _p[j]); fp8_mul_dxs(r, r, l); } if (s[i] < 0) { pp_add_k8(l, t[j], _q[j], _p[j]); fp8_mul_dxs(r, r, l); } } } } RLC_CATCH_ANY { RLC_THROW(ERR_CAUGHT); } RLC_FINALLY { fp8_free(l); for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { ep_free(_p[j]); ep2_free(_q[j]); } RLC_FREE(_p); RLC_FREE(_q); } }
int rand_check(uint8_t *buf, int size) { int count = 0; for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) { if (buf[i] == buf[i - 1]) { count++; } else { count = 0; } } if (count > RAND_REP) { return RLC_ERR; } return RLC_OK; }
static int rand_inc(uint8_t *data, int size, int digit) { int carry = digit; for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int16_t s; s = (data[i] + carry); data[i] = s & 0xFF; carry = s >> 8; } return carry; }
static void rand_gen(uint8_t *out, int out_len) { int m = RLC_CEIL(out_len, RLC_MD_LEN); uint8_t hash[RLC_MD_LEN], data[(RLC_RAND_SIZE - 1)/2]; ctx_t *ctx = core_get(); /* data = V */ memcpy(data, ctx->rand + 1, (RLC_RAND_SIZE - 1)/2); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { /* w_i = Hash(data) */ md_map(hash, data, sizeof(data)); /* W = W || w_i */ memcpy(out, hash, RLC_MIN(RLC_MD_LEN, out_len)); out += RLC_MD_LEN; out_len -= RLC_MD_LEN; /* data = data + 1 mod 2^b. */ rand_inc(data, (RLC_RAND_SIZE - 1)/2, 1); } }
void rand_bytes(uint8_t *buf, int size) { uint8_t hash[RLC_MD_LEN]; int carry, len = (RLC_RAND_SIZE - 1)/2; ctx_t *ctx = core_get(); if (sizeof(int) > 2 && size > (1 << 16)) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_VALID); return; } /* buf = hash_gen(size) */ rand_gen(buf, size); /* H = hash(03 || V) */ ctx->rand[0] = 0x3; md_map(hash, ctx->rand, 1 + len); /* V = V + H + C + reseed_counter. */ rand_add(ctx->rand + 1, ctx->rand + 1 + len, len); carry = rand_add(ctx->rand + 1 + (len - RLC_MD_LEN), hash, RLC_MD_LEN); rand_inc(ctx->rand, len - RLC_MD_LEN + 1, carry); rand_inc(ctx->rand, len + 1, ctx->counter); ctx->counter = ctx->counter + 1; }
static int rand_add(uint8_t *state, uint8_t *hash, int size) { int carry = 0; for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) { /* Make sure carries are detected. */ int16_t s; s = (state[i] + hash[i] + carry); state[i] = s & 0xFF; carry = s >> 8; } return carry; }
static void rand_hash(uint8_t *out, int out_len, uint8_t *in, int in_len) { uint32_t j = util_conv_big(8 * out_len); int len = RLC_CEIL(out_len, RLC_MD_LEN); uint8_t* buf = RLC_ALLOCA(uint8_t, 1 + sizeof(uint32_t) + in_len); uint8_t hash[RLC_MD_LEN]; if (buf == NULL) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_MEMORY); return; } buf[0] = 1; memcpy(buf + 1, &j, sizeof(uint32_t)); memcpy(buf + 1 + sizeof(uint32_t), in, in_len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { /* h = Hash(counter || bits_to_return || input_string) */ md_map(hash, buf, 1 + sizeof(uint32_t) + in_len); /* temp = temp || h */ memcpy(out, hash, RLC_MIN(RLC_MD_LEN, out_len)); out += RLC_MD_LEN; out_len -= RLC_MD_LEN; /* counter = counter + 1 */ buf[0]++; } RLC_FREE(buf); }
void rand_seed(uint8_t *buf, int size) { ctx_t *ctx = core_get(); int len = (RLC_RAND_SIZE - 1) / 2; if (size <= 0) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_VALID); return; } if (sizeof(int) > 4 && size > (1 << 32)) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_VALID); return; } ctx->rand[0] = 0x0; if (ctx->seeded == 0) { /* V = hash_df(seed). */ rand_hash(ctx->rand + 1, len, buf, size); /* C = hash_df(00 || V). */ rand_hash(ctx->rand + 1 + len, len, ctx->rand, len + 1); } else { /* V = hash_df(01 || V || seed). */ int tmp_size = 1 + len + size; uint8_t* tmp = RLC_ALLOCA(uint8_t, tmp_size); if (tmp == NULL) { RLC_THROW(ERR_NO_MEMORY); return; } tmp[0] = 1; memcpy(tmp + 1, ctx->rand + 1, len); memcpy(tmp + 1 + len, buf, size); rand_hash(ctx->rand + 1, len, tmp, tmp_size); /* C = hash_df(00 || V). */ rand_hash(ctx->rand + 1 + len, len, ctx->rand, len + 1); RLC_FREE(tmp); } ctx->counter = ctx->seeded = 1; }
int util_bits_dig(dig_t a) { return RLC_DIG - arch_lzcnt(a); }
static int square_root(void) { int bits, code = RLC_ERR; bn_t a, b, c; bn_null(a); bn_null(b); bn_null(c); RLC_TRY { bn_new(a); bn_new(b); bn_new(c); TEST_ONCE("square root extraction is correct") { for (bits = 0; bits < RLC_BN_BITS / 2; bits++) { bn_rand(a, RLC_POS, bits); bn_sqr(c, a); bn_srt(b, c); TEST_ASSERT(bn_cmp(a, b) == RLC_EQ, end); } for (bits = 0; bits < RLC_BN_BITS; bits++) { bn_rand(a, RLC_POS, bits); bn_srt(b, a); bn_sqr(c, b); TEST_ASSERT(bn_cmp(c, a) != RLC_GT, end); } } TEST_END; TEST_ONCE("square root of powers of 2 is correct") { for (bits = 0; bits < RLC_BN_BITS / 2; bits++) { bn_set_2b(a, bits); bn_sqr(c, a); bn_srt(b, c); TEST_ASSERT(bn_cmp(a, b) == RLC_EQ, end); } } TEST_END; } RLC_CATCH_ANY { RLC_ERROR(end); } code = RLC_OK; end: bn_free(a); bn_free(b); bn_free(c); return code; }
int util(void) { int l, code = RLC_ERR; gt_t a, b, c; uint8_t bin[24 * RLC_PC_BYTES]; gt_null(a); gt_null(b); gt_null(c); RLC_TRY { gt_new(a); gt_new(b); gt_new(c); TEST_CASE("comparison is consistent") { gt_rand(a); gt_rand(b); TEST_ASSERT(gt_cmp(a, b) != RLC_EQ, end); } TEST_END; TEST_CASE("copy and comparison are consistent") { gt_rand(a); gt_rand(b); gt_rand(c); if (gt_cmp(a, c) != RLC_EQ) { gt_copy(c, a); TEST_ASSERT(gt_cmp(c, a) == RLC_EQ, end); } if (gt_cmp(b, c) != RLC_EQ) { gt_copy(c, b); TEST_ASSERT(gt_cmp(b, c) == RLC_EQ, end); } } TEST_END; TEST_CASE("inversion and comparison are consistent") { gt_rand(a); gt_inv(b, a); TEST_ASSERT(gt_cmp(a, b) != RLC_EQ, end); } TEST_END; TEST_CASE ("assignment to random/infinity and comparison are consistent") { gt_rand(a); gt_set_unity(c); TEST_ASSERT(gt_cmp(a, c) != RLC_EQ, end); TEST_ASSERT(gt_cmp(c, a) != RLC_EQ, end); } TEST_END; TEST_CASE("assignment to unity and unity test are consistent") { gt_set_unity(a); TEST_ASSERT(gt_is_unity(a), end); } TEST_END; } RLC_CATCH_ANY { util_print("FATAL ERROR!\n"); RLC_ERROR(end); } code = RLC_OK; end: gt_free(a); gt_free(b); gt_free(c); return code; }
static int test(void) { uint8_t out[64]; int len = sizeof(out) / 2, code = RLC_ERR; TEST_ONCE("rdrand hardware generator is non-trivial") { memset(out, 0, 2 * len); rand_bytes(out, len); /* This fails with negligible probability. */ TEST_ASSERT(memcmp(out, out + len, len) != 0, end); } TEST_END; code = RLC_OK; end: return code; }
static int action_getconfig(struct mansession *s, const struct message *m) { struct ast_config *cfg; const char *fn = astman_get_header(m, "Filename"); const char *category = astman_get_header(m, "Category"); const char *filter = astman_get_header(m, "Filter"); const char *category_name; int catcount = 0; int lineno = 0; struct ast_category *cur_category = NULL; struct ast_variable *v; struct ast_flags config_flags = { CONFIG_FLAG_WITHCOMMENTS | CONFIG_FLAG_NOCACHE }; if (ast_strlen_zero(fn)) { astman_send_error(s, m, "Filename not specified"); return 0; } if (restrictedFile(fn)) { astman_send_error(s, m, "File requires escalated priveledges"); return 0; } cfg = ast_config_load2(fn, "manager", config_flags); if (cfg == CONFIG_STATUS_FILEMISSING) { astman_send_error(s, m, "Config file not found"); return 0; } else if (cfg == CONFIG_STATUS_FILEINVALID) { astman_send_error(s, m, "Config file has invalid format"); return 0; } astman_start_ack(s, m); while ((cur_category = ast_category_browse_filtered(cfg, category, cur_category, filter))) { struct ast_str *templates; category_name = ast_category_get_name(cur_category); lineno = 0; astman_append(s, "Category-%06d: %s\r\n", catcount, category_name); if (ast_category_is_template(cur_category)) { astman_append(s, "IsTemplate-%06d: %d\r\n", catcount, 1); } if ((templates = ast_category_get_templates(cur_category)) && ast_str_strlen(templates) > 0) { astman_append(s, "Templates-%06d: %s\r\n", catcount, ast_str_buffer(templates)); ast_free(templates); } for (v = ast_category_first(cur_category); v; v = v->next) { astman_append(s, "Line-%06d-%06d: %s=%s\r\n", catcount, lineno++, v->name, v->value); } catcount++; } if (!ast_strlen_zero(category) && catcount == 0) { /* TODO: actually, a config with no categories doesn't even get loaded */ astman_append(s, "No categories found\r\n"); } ast_config_destroy(cfg); astman_append(s, "\r\n"); return 0; }
static int restrictedFile(const char *filename) { if (!live_dangerously && !strncasecmp(filename, "/", 1) && strncasecmp(filename, ast_config_AST_CONFIG_DIR, strlen(ast_config_AST_CONFIG_DIR))) { return 1; } return 0; }
OE_INLINE void _handle_oret( oe_sgx_td_t* td, uint16_t func, uint16_t result, uint64_t arg) { oe_callsite_t* callsite = td->callsites; if (!callsite) return; td->oret_func = func; td->oret_result = result; td->oret_arg = arg; /* Restore the FXSTATE and flags */ asm volatile("pushq %[rflags] \n\t" // Restore flags. "popfq \n\t" "fldcw %[fcw] \n\t" // Restore x87 control word "ldmxcsr %[mxcsr] \n\t" // Restore MXCSR : [mxcsr] "=m"(callsite->mxcsr), [fcw] "=m"(callsite->fcw), [rflags] "=m"(callsite->rflags) : : "cc"); oe_longjmp(&callsite->jmpbuf, 1); }
void _reset_fxsave_state() { /* Initialize the FXSAVE state values to Linux x86-64 ABI defined values: * FCW = 0x037F, MXCSR = 0x1F80, MXCSR mask = 0xFFFF */ static OE_ALIGNED(OE_FXSAVE_ALIGNMENT) const uint64_t _initial_fxstate[OE_FXSAVE_AREA_SIZE / sizeof(uint64_t)] = { 0x037F, 0, 0, 0xFFFF00001F80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, }; asm volatile("fxrstor %[fx_state] \n\t" : : [fx_state] "m"(_initial_fxstate) :); }
JSON_read(int fd) { uint32_t hsize, nsize; char *str; cJSON *json = NULL; int rc; /* * Read a four-byte integer, which is the length of the JSON to follow. * Then read the JSON into a buffer and parse it. Return a parsed JSON * structure, NULL if there was an error. */ if (Nread(fd, (char*) &nsize, sizeof(nsize), Ptcp) >= 0) { hsize = ntohl(nsize); /* Allocate a buffer to hold the JSON */ str = (char *) calloc(sizeof(char), hsize+1); /* +1 for trailing null */ if (str != NULL) { rc = Nread(fd, str, hsize, Ptcp); if (rc >= 0) { /* * We should be reading in the number of bytes corresponding to the * length in that 4-byte integer. If we don't the socket might have * prematurely closed. Only do the JSON parsing if we got the * correct number of bytes. */ if (rc == hsize) { json = cJSON_Parse(str); } else { printf("WARNING: Size of data read does not correspond to offered length\n"); } } } free(str); } return json; }
static BOOL nsc_rle_decode(BYTE* in, BYTE* out, UINT32 outSize, UINT32 originalSize) { UINT32 left = originalSize; while (left > 4) { const BYTE value = *in++; UINT32 len = 0; if (left == 5) { if (outSize < 1) return FALSE; outSize--; *out++ = value; left--; } else if (value == *in) { in++; if (*in < 0xFF) { len = (UINT32)*in++; len += 2; } else { in++; len = ((UINT32)(*in++)); len |= ((UINT32)(*in++)) << 8U; len |= ((UINT32)(*in++)) << 16U; len |= ((UINT32)(*in++)) << 24U; } if (outSize < len) return FALSE; outSize -= len; FillMemory(out, len, value); out += len; left -= len; } else { if (outSize < 1) return FALSE; outSize--; *out++ = value; left--; } } if ((outSize < 4) || (left < 4)) return FALSE; memcpy(out, in, 4); return TRUE; }
static BOOL nsc_rle_decompress_data(NSC_CONTEXT* context) { if (!context) return FALSE; BYTE* rle = context->Planes; WINPR_ASSERT(rle); for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { const UINT32 originalSize = context->OrgByteCount[i]; const UINT32 planeSize = context->PlaneByteCount[i]; if (planeSize == 0) { if (context->priv->PlaneBuffersLength < originalSize) return FALSE; FillMemory(context->priv->PlaneBuffers[i], originalSize, 0xFF); } else if (planeSize < originalSize) { if (!nsc_rle_decode(rle, context->priv->PlaneBuffers[i], context->priv->PlaneBuffersLength, originalSize)) return FALSE; } else { if (context->priv->PlaneBuffersLength < originalSize) return FALSE; CopyMemory(context->priv->PlaneBuffers[i], rle, originalSize); } rle += planeSize; } return TRUE; }
_blackbox_vlogger(int32_t target, struct qb_log_callsite *cs, struct timespec *timestamp, va_list ap) { size_t max_size; size_t actual_size; uint32_t fn_size; char *chunk; char *msg_len_pt; uint32_t msg_len; struct qb_log_target *t = qb_log_target_get(target); if (t->instance == NULL) { return; } fn_size = strlen(cs->function) + 1; actual_size = 4 * sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(uint8_t) + fn_size + sizeof(struct timespec); max_size = actual_size + t->max_line_length; chunk = qb_rb_chunk_alloc(t->instance, max_size); if (chunk == NULL) { /* something bad has happened. abort blackbox logging */ qb_util_perror(LOG_ERR, "Blackbox allocation error, aborting blackbox log %s", t->filename); qb_rb_close(qb_rb_lastref_and_ret( (struct qb_ringbuffer_s **) &t->instance )); return; } /* line number */ memcpy(chunk, &cs->lineno, sizeof(uint32_t)); chunk += sizeof(uint32_t); /* tags */ memcpy(chunk, &cs->tags, sizeof(uint32_t)); chunk += sizeof(uint32_t); /* log level/priority */ memcpy(chunk, &cs->priority, sizeof(uint8_t)); chunk += sizeof(uint8_t); /* function name */ memcpy(chunk, &fn_size, sizeof(uint32_t)); chunk += sizeof(uint32_t); memcpy(chunk, cs->function, fn_size); chunk += fn_size; /* timestamp */ memcpy(chunk, timestamp, sizeof(struct timespec)); chunk += sizeof(struct timespec); /* log message length */ msg_len_pt = chunk; chunk += sizeof(uint32_t); /* log message */ msg_len = qb_vsnprintf_serialize(chunk, max_size, cs->format, ap); if (msg_len >= max_size) { chunk = msg_len_pt + sizeof(uint32_t); /* Reset */ /* Leave this at QB_LOG_MAX_LEN so as not to overflow the blackbox */ msg_len = qb_vsnprintf_serialize(chunk, QB_LOG_MAX_LEN, "Log message too long to be stored in the blackbox. "\ "Maximum is QB_LOG_MAX_LEN" , ap); } actual_size += msg_len; /* now that we know the length, write it */ memcpy(msg_len_pt, &msg_len, sizeof(uint32_t)); (void)qb_rb_chunk_commit(t->instance, actual_size); }
START_TEST(test_log_long_msg) { int lpc; int rc; int i, max = 1000; char *buffer = calloc(1, max); qb_log_init("test", LOG_USER, LOG_DEBUG); rc = qb_log_ctl(QB_LOG_SYSLOG, QB_LOG_CONF_ENABLED, QB_FALSE); ck_assert_int_eq(rc, 0); rc = qb_log_ctl(QB_LOG_BLACKBOX, QB_LOG_CONF_SIZE, 1024); ck_assert_int_eq(rc, 0); rc = qb_log_ctl(QB_LOG_BLACKBOX, QB_LOG_CONF_ENABLED, QB_TRUE); ck_assert_int_eq(rc, 0); rc = qb_log_filter_ctl(QB_LOG_BLACKBOX, QB_LOG_FILTER_ADD, QB_LOG_FILTER_FILE, "*", LOG_TRACE); ck_assert_int_eq(rc, 0); for (lpc = 500; lpc < max; lpc++) { lpc++; for(i = 0; i < max; i++) { buffer[i] = 'a' + (i % 10); } buffer[lpc%600] = 0; qb_log(LOG_INFO, "Message %d %d - %s", lpc, lpc%600, buffer); } qb_log_blackbox_write_to_file("blackbox.dump"); qb_log_blackbox_print_from_file("blackbox.dump"); unlink("blackbox.dump"); qb_log_fini(); }
consume_count(type) const char **type; { int count = 0; if (!isdigit((unsigned char)**type)) return -1; while (isdigit((unsigned char)**type)) { count *= 10; /* Check for overflow. We assume that count is represented using two's-complement; no power of two is divisible by ten, so if an overflow occurs when multiplying by ten, the result will not be a multiple of ten. */ if ((count % 10) != 0) { while (isdigit((unsigned char)**type)) (*type)++; return -1; } count += **type - '0'; (*type)++; } return (count); }
int h1_parse_cont_len_header(struct h1m *h1m, struct ist *value) { char *e, *n; long long cl; int not_first = !!(h1m->flags & H1_MF_CLEN); struct ist word; word.ptr = value->ptr - 1; // -1 for next loop's pre-increment e = value->ptr + value->len; while (++word.ptr < e) { /* skip leading delimiter and blanks */ if (unlikely(HTTP_IS_LWS(*word.ptr))) continue; /* digits only now */ for (cl = 0, n = word.ptr; n < e; n++) { unsigned int c = *n - '0'; if (unlikely(c > 9)) { /* non-digit */ if (unlikely(n == word.ptr)) // spaces only goto fail; break; } if (unlikely(cl > ULLONG_MAX / 10ULL)) goto fail; /* multiply overflow */ cl = cl * 10ULL; if (unlikely(cl + c < cl)) goto fail; /* addition overflow */ cl = cl + c; } /* keep a copy of the exact cleaned value */ word.len = n - word.ptr; /* skip trailing LWS till next comma or EOL */ for (; n < e; n++) { if (!HTTP_IS_LWS(*n)) { if (unlikely(*n != ',')) goto fail; break; } } /* if duplicate, must be equal */ if (h1m->flags & H1_MF_CLEN && cl != h1m->body_len) goto fail; /* OK, store this result as the one to be indexed */ h1m->flags |= H1_MF_CLEN; h1m->curr_len = h1m->body_len = cl; *value = word; word.ptr = n; } /* here we've reached the end with a single value or a series of * identical values, all matching previous series if any. The last * parsed value was sent back into <value>. We just have to decide * if this occurrence has to be indexed (it's the first one) or * silently skipped (it's not the first one) */ return !not_first; fail: return -1; }
void client_reset(t_client *client) { char *hash; char *msg; char *cidinfo; debug(LOG_DEBUG, "Resetting client [%s]", client->mac); // Reset traffic counters client->counters.incoming = 0; client->counters.outgoing = 0; client->counters.last_updated = time(NULL); // Reset session time client->session_start = 0; client->session_end = 0; // Reset token and hid hash = safe_calloc(STATUS_BUF); client->token = safe_calloc(STATUS_BUF); safe_snprintf(client->token, STATUS_BUF, "%04hx%04hx", rand16(), rand16()); hash_str(hash, STATUS_BUF, client->token); client->hid = safe_strdup(hash); free(hash); // Reset custom and client_type client->custom = safe_calloc(MID_BUF); client->client_type = safe_calloc(STATUS_BUF); //Reset cid and remove cidfile using rmcid if (client->cid) { if (strlen(client->cid) > 0) { msg = safe_calloc(SMALL_BUF); cidinfo = safe_calloc(MID_BUF); safe_snprintf(cidinfo, MID_BUF, "cid=\"%s\"", client->cid); write_client_info(msg, SMALL_BUF, "rmcid", client->cid, cidinfo); free(msg); free(cidinfo); } client->cid = safe_calloc(SMALL_BUF); } }
static int redirect_to_splashpage(struct MHD_Connection *connection, t_client *client, const char *host, const char *url) { char *originurl_raw; char *originurl; char *query; int ret = 0; const char *separator = "&"; char *querystr; query = safe_calloc(QUERYMAXLEN); if (!query) { ret = send_error(connection, 503); free(query); return ret; } querystr = safe_calloc(QUERYMAXLEN); if (!querystr) { ret = send_error(connection, 503); free(querystr); return ret; } originurl_raw = safe_calloc(MID_BUF); if (!originurl_raw) { ret = send_error(connection, 503); free(originurl_raw); return ret; } originurl = safe_calloc(CUSTOM_ENC); if (!originurl) { ret = send_error(connection, 503); free(originurl); return ret; } get_query(connection, &query, separator); if (!query) { debug(LOG_DEBUG, "Unable to get query string - error 503"); free(query); // probably no mem return send_error(connection, 503); } debug(LOG_DEBUG, "Query string is [ %s ]", query); safe_asprintf(&originurl_raw, "http://%s%s%s", host, url, query); uh_urlencode(originurl, CUSTOM_ENC, originurl_raw, strlen(originurl_raw)); if (strcmp(url, "/login") == 0) { client->cpi_query = safe_strdup(originurl); debug(LOG_DEBUG, "RFC8910 request: %s", client->cpi_query); } else { client->cpi_query = "none"; } debug(LOG_DEBUG, "originurl_raw: %s", originurl_raw); debug(LOG_DEBUG, "originurl: %s", originurl); querystr=construct_querystring(connection, client, originurl, querystr); ret = encode_and_redirect_to_splashpage(connection, client, originurl, querystr); free(originurl_raw); free(originurl); free(query); free(querystr); return ret; }
void crypto_bignum_free(struct bignum *a) { if (a) panic(); }
static TEE_Result do_allocate_keypair(struct dh_keypair *key, size_t size_bits) { DH_TRACE("Allocate Keypair of %zu bits", size_bits); /* Initialize the key fields to NULL */ memset(key, 0, sizeof(*key)); /* Allocate Generator Scalar */ key->g = crypto_bignum_allocate(size_bits); if (!key->g) goto err; /* Allocate Prime Number Modulus */ key->p = crypto_bignum_allocate(size_bits); if (!key->p) goto err; /* Allocate Private key X */ key->x = crypto_bignum_allocate(size_bits); if (!key->x) goto err; /* Allocate Public Key Y */ key->y = crypto_bignum_allocate(size_bits); if (!key->y) goto err; /* Allocate Subprime even if not used */ key->q = crypto_bignum_allocate(size_bits); if (!key->q) goto err; return TEE_SUCCESS; err: DH_TRACE("Allocation error"); crypto_bignum_free(key->g); crypto_bignum_free(key->p); crypto_bignum_free(key->x); crypto_bignum_free(key->y); return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
static TEE_Result do_allocate_publickey(struct dsa_public_key *key, size_t l_bits, size_t n_bits) { DSA_TRACE("DSA Allocate Public of L=%zu bits and N=%zu bits", l_bits, n_bits); /* Initialize the key fields to NULL */ memset(key, 0, sizeof(*key)); /* Allocate Generator Scalar */ key->g = crypto_bignum_allocate(l_bits); if (!key->g) goto err; /* Allocate Prime Number Modulus */ key->p = crypto_bignum_allocate(l_bits); if (!key->p) goto err; /* Allocate Prime Number Modulus */ key->q = crypto_bignum_allocate(n_bits); if (!key->q) goto err; /* Allocate Public Key Y */ key->y = crypto_bignum_allocate(l_bits); if (!key->y) goto err; return TEE_SUCCESS; err: DSA_TRACE("Allocation error"); crypto_bignum_free(key->g); crypto_bignum_free(key->p); crypto_bignum_free(key->q); return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
static TEE_Result do_allocate_keypair(struct dsa_keypair *key, size_t l_bits, size_t n_bits) { DSA_TRACE("DSA allocate Keypair of L=%zu bits and N=%zu bits", l_bits, n_bits); /* Initialize the key fields to NULL */ memset(key, 0, sizeof(*key)); /* Allocate Generator Scalar */ key->g = crypto_bignum_allocate(l_bits); if (!key->g) goto err; /* Allocate Prime Number Modulus */ key->p = crypto_bignum_allocate(l_bits); if (!key->p) goto err; /* Allocate Prime Number Modulus */ key->q = crypto_bignum_allocate(n_bits); if (!key->q) goto err; /* Allocate Private key X */ key->x = crypto_bignum_allocate(n_bits); if (!key->x) goto err; /* Allocate Public Key Y */ key->y = crypto_bignum_allocate(l_bits); if (!key->y) goto err; return TEE_SUCCESS; err: DSA_TRACE("Allocation error"); crypto_bignum_free(key->g); crypto_bignum_free(key->p); crypto_bignum_free(key->q); crypto_bignum_free(key->x); return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
static TEE_Result do_allocate_publickey(struct ecc_public_key *key, uint32_t type __unused, size_t size_bits) { ECC_TRACE("Allocate Public Key of %zu bits", size_bits); /* Initialize the key fields to NULL */ memset(key, 0, sizeof(*key)); /* Allocate Public coordinate X */ key->x = crypto_bignum_allocate(size_bits); if (!key->x) goto err; /* Allocate Public coordinate Y */ key->y = crypto_bignum_allocate(size_bits); if (!key->y) goto err; return TEE_SUCCESS; err: ECC_TRACE("Allocation error"); crypto_bignum_free(key->x); return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
static void do_free_publickey(struct ecc_public_key *key) { crypto_bignum_free(key->x); crypto_bignum_free(key->y); }
static TEE_Result do_allocate_keypair(struct ecc_keypair *key, uint32_t type __unused, size_t size_bits) { ECC_TRACE("Allocate Keypair of %zu bits", size_bits); /* Initialize the key fields to NULL */ memset(key, 0, sizeof(*key)); /* Allocate Secure Scalar */ key->d = crypto_bignum_allocate(size_bits); if (!key->d) goto err; /* Allocate Public coordinate X */ key->x = crypto_bignum_allocate(size_bits); if (!key->x) goto err; /* Allocate Public coordinate Y */ key->y = crypto_bignum_allocate(size_bits); if (!key->y) goto err; return TEE_SUCCESS; err: ECC_TRACE("Allocation error"); crypto_bignum_free(key->d); crypto_bignum_free(key->x); return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
static void do_free_keypair(struct rsa_keypair *key) { crypto_bignum_free(key->e); crypto_bignum_free(key->d); crypto_bignum_free(key->n); crypto_bignum_free(key->p); crypto_bignum_free(key->q); crypto_bignum_free(key->qp); crypto_bignum_free(key->dp); crypto_bignum_free(key->dq); }
static void do_free_publickey(struct rsa_public_key *key) { crypto_bignum_free(key->e); crypto_bignum_free(key->n); }
static TEE_Result do_allocate_publickey(struct rsa_public_key *key, size_t size_bits) { RSA_TRACE("Allocate Public Key of %zu bits", size_bits); /* Initialize all input key fields to 0 */ memset(key, 0, sizeof(*key)); /* Allocate the Public Exponent to maximum size */ key->e = crypto_bignum_allocate(MAX_BITS_EXP_E); if (!key->e) goto err_alloc_publickey; /* Allocate the Modulus (size_bits) [n = p * q] */ key->n = crypto_bignum_allocate(size_bits); if (!key->n) goto err_alloc_publickey; return TEE_SUCCESS; err_alloc_publickey: RSA_TRACE("Allocation error"); crypto_bignum_free(key->e); crypto_bignum_free(key->n); return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
static void do_free_publickey(struct ecc_public_key *s) { if (!s) return; crypto_bignum_free(s->x); crypto_bignum_free(s->y); }
static TEE_Result do_alloc_publickey(struct ecc_public_key *s, uint32_t type, size_t size_bits __unused) { /* This driver only supports ECDH/ECDSA */ if (type != TEE_TYPE_ECDSA_PUBLIC_KEY && type != TEE_TYPE_ECDH_PUBLIC_KEY) return TEE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->x)) goto err; if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->y)) goto err; return TEE_SUCCESS; err: crypto_bignum_free(s->x); crypto_bignum_free(s->y); return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
static TEE_Result do_alloc_keypair(struct ecc_keypair *s, uint32_t type, size_t size_bits __unused) { /* This driver only supports ECDH/ECDSA */ if (type != TEE_TYPE_ECDSA_KEYPAIR && type != TEE_TYPE_ECDH_KEYPAIR) return TEE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->d)) goto err; if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->x)) goto err; if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->y)) goto err; return TEE_SUCCESS; err: crypto_bignum_free(s->d); crypto_bignum_free(s->x); crypto_bignum_free(s->y); return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
static TEE_Result do_alloc_keypair(struct rsa_keypair *s, size_t key_size_bits __unused) { memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->e)) return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->d)) goto err; if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->n)) goto err; if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->p)) goto err; if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->q)) goto err; if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->qp)) goto err; if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->dp)) goto err; if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->dq)) goto err; return TEE_SUCCESS; err: crypto_bignum_free(s->e); crypto_bignum_free(s->d); crypto_bignum_free(s->n); crypto_bignum_free(s->p); crypto_bignum_free(s->q); crypto_bignum_free(s->qp); crypto_bignum_free(s->dp); crypto_bignum_free(s->dq); return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
static void do_free_publickey(struct rsa_public_key *s) { if (s) { crypto_bignum_free(s->n); crypto_bignum_free(s->e); } }
static void do_free_keypair(struct rsa_keypair *s) { sss_status_t st = kStatus_SSS_Fail; sss_se05x_object_t k_object = { }; uint32_t key_id = 0; if (!s) return; key_id = se050_rsa_keypair_from_nvm(s); if (key_id) { st = sss_se05x_key_object_get_handle(&k_object, key_id); if (st == kStatus_SSS_Success) sss_se05x_key_store_erase_key(se050_kstore, &k_object); } crypto_bignum_free(s->e); crypto_bignum_free(s->d); crypto_bignum_free(s->n); crypto_bignum_free(s->p); crypto_bignum_free(s->q); crypto_bignum_free(s->qp); crypto_bignum_free(s->dp); crypto_bignum_free(s->dq); }
static TEE_Result do_alloc_publickey(struct rsa_public_key *s, size_t key_size_bits __unused) { memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->e)) return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->n)) { crypto_bignum_free(s->e); return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } return TEE_SUCCESS; }
TEE_Result crypto_acipher_alloc_dh_keypair(struct dh_keypair *s, size_t key_size_bits __unused) { memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->g)) return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->p)) goto err; if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->y)) goto err; if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->x)) goto err; if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->q)) goto err; return TEE_SUCCESS; err: crypto_bignum_free(s->g); crypto_bignum_free(s->p); crypto_bignum_free(s->y); crypto_bignum_free(s->x); return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
TEE_Result crypto_acipher_alloc_dsa_public_key(struct dsa_public_key *s, size_t key_size_bits __unused) { memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->g)) return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->p)) goto err; if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->q)) goto err; if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->y)) goto err; return TEE_SUCCESS; err: crypto_bignum_free(s->g); crypto_bignum_free(s->p); crypto_bignum_free(s->q); return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
TEE_Result crypto_acipher_alloc_dsa_keypair(struct dsa_keypair *s, size_t key_size_bits __unused) { memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->g)) return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->p)) goto err; if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->q)) goto err; if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->y)) goto err; if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->x)) goto err; return TEE_SUCCESS; err: crypto_bignum_free(s->g); crypto_bignum_free(s->p); crypto_bignum_free(s->q); crypto_bignum_free(s->y); return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
TEE_Result crypto_asym_alloc_ecc_public_key(struct ecc_public_key *s, uint32_t key_type, size_t key_size_bits __unused) { memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); switch (key_type) { case TEE_TYPE_ECDSA_PUBLIC_KEY: case TEE_TYPE_ECDH_PUBLIC_KEY: s->ops = &ecc_public_key_ops; break; case TEE_TYPE_SM2_DSA_PUBLIC_KEY: if (!IS_ENABLED2(_CFG_CORE_LTC_SM2_DSA)) return TEE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; s->curve = TEE_ECC_CURVE_SM2; s->ops = &sm2_dsa_public_key_ops; break; case TEE_TYPE_SM2_PKE_PUBLIC_KEY: if (!IS_ENABLED2(_CFG_CORE_LTC_SM2_PKE)) return TEE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; s->curve = TEE_ECC_CURVE_SM2; s->ops = &sm2_pke_public_key_ops; break; case TEE_TYPE_SM2_KEP_PUBLIC_KEY: if (!IS_ENABLED2(_CFG_CORE_LTC_SM2_KEP)) return TEE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; s->curve = TEE_ECC_CURVE_SM2; s->ops = &sm2_kep_public_key_ops; break; default: return TEE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->x)) goto err; if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->y)) goto err; return TEE_SUCCESS; err: s->ops = NULL; crypto_bignum_free(s->x); return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
TEE_Result crypto_asym_alloc_ecc_keypair(struct ecc_keypair *s, uint32_t key_type, size_t key_size_bits __unused) { memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); switch (key_type) { case TEE_TYPE_ECDSA_KEYPAIR: case TEE_TYPE_ECDH_KEYPAIR: s->ops = &ecc_keypair_ops; break; case TEE_TYPE_SM2_DSA_KEYPAIR: if (!IS_ENABLED2(_CFG_CORE_LTC_SM2_DSA)) return TEE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; s->curve = TEE_ECC_CURVE_SM2; s->ops = &sm2_dsa_keypair_ops; break; case TEE_TYPE_SM2_PKE_KEYPAIR: if (!IS_ENABLED2(_CFG_CORE_LTC_SM2_PKE)) return TEE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; s->curve = TEE_ECC_CURVE_SM2; s->ops = &sm2_pke_keypair_ops; break; case TEE_TYPE_SM2_KEP_KEYPAIR: if (!IS_ENABLED2(_CFG_CORE_LTC_SM2_KEP)) return TEE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; s->curve = TEE_ECC_CURVE_SM2; s->ops = &sm2_kep_keypair_ops; break; default: return TEE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->d)) goto err; if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->x)) goto err; if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->y)) goto err; return TEE_SUCCESS; err: s->ops = NULL; crypto_bignum_free(s->d); crypto_bignum_free(s->x); return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
static void _ltc_ecc_free_public_key(struct ecc_public_key *s) { if (!s) return; crypto_bignum_free(s->x); crypto_bignum_free(s->y); }
void crypto_bignum_free(struct bignum *s) { mbedtls_mpi_free((mbedtls_mpi *)s); free(s); }
TEE_Result sw_crypto_acipher_alloc_rsa_public_key(struct rsa_public_key *s, size_t key_size_bits __unused) { memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->e)) return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if (!bn_alloc_max(&s->n)) goto err; return TEE_SUCCESS; err: crypto_bignum_free(s->e); return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
void sw_crypto_acipher_free_rsa_public_key(struct rsa_public_key *s) { if (!s) return; crypto_bignum_free(s->n); crypto_bignum_free(s->e); }
void sw_crypto_acipher_free_rsa_keypair(struct rsa_keypair *s) { if (!s) return; crypto_bignum_free(s->e); crypto_bignum_free(s->d); crypto_bignum_free(s->n); crypto_bignum_free(s->p); crypto_bignum_free(s->q); crypto_bignum_free(s->qp); crypto_bignum_free(s->dp); crypto_bignum_free(s->dq); }
static void op_attr_bignum_free(void *attr) { struct bignum **bn = attr; crypto_bignum_free(*bn); *bn = NULL; }
void crypto_bignum_free(struct bignum *s) { mbedtls_mpi_free((mbedtls_mpi *)s); free(s); }
TEE_Result crypto_acipher_alloc_dh_keypair(struct dh_keypair *s, size_t key_size_bits) { memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); s->g = crypto_bignum_allocate(key_size_bits); if (!s->g) goto err; s->p = crypto_bignum_allocate(key_size_bits); if (!s->p) goto err; s->y = crypto_bignum_allocate(key_size_bits); if (!s->y) goto err; s->x = crypto_bignum_allocate(key_size_bits); if (!s->x) goto err; s->q = crypto_bignum_allocate(key_size_bits); if (!s->q) goto err; return TEE_SUCCESS; err: crypto_bignum_free(s->g); crypto_bignum_free(s->p); crypto_bignum_free(s->y); crypto_bignum_free(s->x); return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
TEE_Result crypto_asym_alloc_ecc_keypair(struct ecc_keypair *s, uint32_t key_type, size_t key_size_bits) { memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); switch (key_type) { case TEE_TYPE_ECDSA_KEYPAIR: case TEE_TYPE_ECDH_KEYPAIR: s->ops = &ecc_keypair_ops; break; case TEE_TYPE_SM2_DSA_KEYPAIR: if (!IS_ENABLED(CFG_CRYPTO_SM2_DSA)) return TEE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; s->curve = TEE_ECC_CURVE_SM2; s->ops = &sm2_dsa_keypair_ops; break; case TEE_TYPE_SM2_PKE_KEYPAIR: if (!IS_ENABLED(CFG_CRYPTO_SM2_PKE)) return TEE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; s->curve = TEE_ECC_CURVE_SM2; s->ops = &sm2_pke_keypair_ops; break; case TEE_TYPE_SM2_KEP_KEYPAIR: if (!IS_ENABLED(CFG_CRYPTO_SM2_KEP)) return TEE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; s->curve = TEE_ECC_CURVE_SM2; s->ops = &sm2_kep_keypair_ops; break; default: return TEE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } s->d = crypto_bignum_allocate(key_size_bits); if (!s->d) goto err; s->x = crypto_bignum_allocate(key_size_bits); if (!s->x) goto err; s->y = crypto_bignum_allocate(key_size_bits); if (!s->y) goto err; return TEE_SUCCESS; err: crypto_bignum_free(s->d); crypto_bignum_free(s->x); return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
static void ecc_free_public_key(struct ecc_public_key *s) { if (!s) return; crypto_bignum_free(s->x); crypto_bignum_free(s->y); }
TEE_Result crypto_asym_alloc_ecc_public_key(struct ecc_public_key *s, uint32_t key_type, size_t key_size_bits) { memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); switch (key_type) { case TEE_TYPE_ECDSA_PUBLIC_KEY: case TEE_TYPE_ECDH_PUBLIC_KEY: s->ops = &ecc_public_key_ops; break; case TEE_TYPE_SM2_DSA_PUBLIC_KEY: if (!IS_ENABLED(CFG_CRYPTO_SM2_DSA)) return TEE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; s->curve = TEE_ECC_CURVE_SM2; s->ops = &sm2_dsa_public_key_ops; break; case TEE_TYPE_SM2_PKE_PUBLIC_KEY: if (!IS_ENABLED(CFG_CRYPTO_SM2_PKE)) return TEE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; s->curve = TEE_ECC_CURVE_SM2; s->ops = &sm2_pke_public_key_ops; break; case TEE_TYPE_SM2_KEP_PUBLIC_KEY: if (!IS_ENABLED(CFG_CRYPTO_SM2_KEP)) return TEE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; s->curve = TEE_ECC_CURVE_SM2; s->ops = &sm2_kep_public_key_ops; break; default: return TEE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } s->x = crypto_bignum_allocate(key_size_bits); if (!s->x) goto err; s->y = crypto_bignum_allocate(key_size_bits); if (!s->y) goto err; return TEE_SUCCESS; err: crypto_bignum_free(s->x); return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
void sw_crypto_acipher_free_rsa_public_key(struct rsa_public_key *s) { if (!s) return; crypto_bignum_free(s->n); crypto_bignum_free(s->e); }
TEE_Result sw_crypto_acipher_alloc_rsa_public_key(struct rsa_public_key *s, size_t key_size_bits) { memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); s->e = crypto_bignum_allocate(key_size_bits); if (!s->e) return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; s->n = crypto_bignum_allocate(key_size_bits); if (!s->n) goto err; return TEE_SUCCESS; err: crypto_bignum_free(s->e); return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
void sw_crypto_acipher_free_rsa_keypair(struct rsa_keypair *s) { if (!s) return; crypto_bignum_free(s->e); crypto_bignum_free(s->d); crypto_bignum_free(s->n); crypto_bignum_free(s->p); crypto_bignum_free(s->q); crypto_bignum_free(s->qp); crypto_bignum_free(s->dp); crypto_bignum_free(s->dq); }
int LiSendMouseButtonEvent(char action, int button) { PPACKET_HOLDER holder; int err; if (!initialized) { return -2; } holder = malloc(sizeof(*holder)); if (holder == NULL) { return -1; } holder->packetLength = sizeof(NV_MOUSE_BUTTON_PACKET); holder->packet.mouseButton.header.packetType = htonl(PACKET_TYPE_MOUSE_BUTTON); holder->packet.mouseButton.action = action; if (ServerMajorVersion >= 5) { holder->packet.mouseButton.action++; } holder->packet.mouseButton.button = htonl(button); err = LbqOfferQueueItem(&packetQueue, holder, &holder->entry); if (err != LBQ_SUCCESS) { free(holder); } return err; }
int startInputStream(void) { int err; // After Gen 5, we send input on the control stream if (ServerMajorVersion < 5) { inputSock = connectTcpSocket(&RemoteAddr, RemoteAddrLen, 35043, INPUT_STREAM_TIMEOUT_SEC); if (inputSock == INVALID_SOCKET) { return LastSocketFail(); } enableNoDelay(inputSock); } err = PltCreateThread(inputSendThreadProc, NULL, &inputSendThread); if (err != 0) { return err; } return err; }
int LiSendScrollEvent(signed char scrollClicks) { PPACKET_HOLDER holder; int err; if (!initialized) { return -2; } holder = malloc(sizeof(*holder)); if (holder == NULL) { return -1; } holder->packetLength = sizeof(NV_SCROLL_PACKET); holder->packet.scroll.header.packetType = htonl(PACKET_TYPE_SCROLL); holder->packet.scroll.magicA = MAGIC_A; // On Gen 5 servers, the header code is incremented by one if (ServerMajorVersion >= 5) { holder->packet.scroll.magicA++; } holder->packet.scroll.zero1 = 0; holder->packet.scroll.zero2 = 0; holder->packet.scroll.scrollAmt1 = htons(scrollClicks * 120); holder->packet.scroll.scrollAmt2 = holder->packet.scroll.scrollAmt1; holder->packet.scroll.zero3 = 0; err = LbqOfferQueueItem(&packetQueue, holder, &holder->entry); if (err != LBQ_SUCCESS) { free(holder); } return err; }
int LiSendMouseMoveEvent(short deltaX, short deltaY) { PPACKET_HOLDER holder; int err; if (!initialized) { return -2; } holder = malloc(sizeof(*holder)); if (holder == NULL) { return -1; } holder->packetLength = sizeof(NV_MOUSE_MOVE_PACKET); holder->packet.mouseMove.header.packetType = htonl(PACKET_TYPE_MOUSE_MOVE); holder->packet.mouseMove.magic = MOUSE_MOVE_MAGIC; // On Gen 5 servers, the header code is incremented by one if (ServerMajorVersion >= 5) { holder->packet.mouseMove.magic++; } holder->packet.mouseMove.deltaX = htons(deltaX); holder->packet.mouseMove.deltaY = htons(deltaY); err = LbqOfferQueueItem(&packetQueue, holder, &holder->entry); if (err != LBQ_SUCCESS) { free(holder); } return err; }
static int transactRtspMessage(PRTSP_MESSAGE request, PRTSP_MESSAGE response, int expectingPayload, int* error) { // Gen 5+ does RTSP over ENet not TCP if (ServerMajorVersion >= 5) { return transactRtspMessageEnet(request, response, expectingPayload, error); } else { return transactRtspMessageTcp(request, response, expectingPayload, error); } }
static int setupStream(PRTSP_MESSAGE response, char* target, int* error) { RTSP_MESSAGE request; int ret; char* transportValue; *error = -1; ret = initializeRtspRequest(&request, "SETUP", target); if (ret != 0) { if (hasSessionId) { if (!addOption(&request, "Session", sessionIdString)) { ret = 0; goto FreeMessage; } } if (ServerMajorVersion >= 6) { // It looks like GFE doesn't care what we say our port is but // we need to give it some port to successfully complete the // handshake process. transportValue = "unicast;X-GS-ClientPort=50000-50001"; } else { transportValue = " "; } if (addOption(&request, "Transport", transportValue) && addOption(&request, "If-Modified-Since", "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT")) { ret = transactRtspMessage(&request, response, 0, error); } else { ret = 0; } FreeMessage: freeMessage(&request); } return ret; }
static bool parseUrlAddrFromRtspUrlString(const char* rtspUrlString, char* destination) { char* rtspUrlScratchBuffer; char* portSeparator; char* v6EscapeEndChar; char* urlPathSeparator; int prefixLen; // Create a copy that we can modify rtspUrlScratchBuffer = strdup(rtspUrlString); if (rtspUrlScratchBuffer == NULL) { return false; } // If we have a v6 address, we want to stop one character after the closing ] // If we have a v4 address, we want to stop at the port separator portSeparator = strrchr(rtspUrlScratchBuffer, ':'); v6EscapeEndChar = strchr(rtspUrlScratchBuffer, ']'); // Count the prefix length to skip past the initial rtsp:// or rtspru:// part for (prefixLen = 2; rtspUrlScratchBuffer[prefixLen - 2] != 0 && (rtspUrlScratchBuffer[prefixLen - 2] != '/' || rtspUrlScratchBuffer[prefixLen - 1] != '/'); prefixLen++); // If we hit the end of the string prior to parsing the prefix, we cannot proceed if (rtspUrlScratchBuffer[prefixLen - 2] == 0) { free(rtspUrlScratchBuffer); return false; } // Look for a slash at the end of the host portion of the URL (may not be present) urlPathSeparator = strchr(rtspUrlScratchBuffer + prefixLen, '/'); // Check for a v6 address first since they also have colons if (v6EscapeEndChar) { // Terminate the string at the next character *(v6EscapeEndChar + 1) = 0; } else if (portSeparator) { // Terminate the string prior to the port separator *portSeparator = 0; } else if (urlPathSeparator) { // Terminate the string prior to the path separator *urlPathSeparator = 0; } strcpy(destination, rtspUrlScratchBuffer + prefixLen); free(rtspUrlScratchBuffer); return true; }
void track_set_index(Track *track, int i, long ind) { if (i > MAXINDEX) { fprintf(stderr, "too many indexes\n"); return; } track->index[i] = ind; }
void InitCodec(const vpx_codec_iface_t &iface, int width, int height, vpx_codec_ctx_t *enc, vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t *cfg) { ASSERT_EQ(vpx_codec_enc_config_default(&iface, cfg, 0), VPX_CODEC_OK); cfg->g_w = width; cfg->g_h = height; cfg->g_lag_in_frames = 0; cfg->g_pass = VPX_RC_ONE_PASS; ASSERT_EQ(vpx_codec_enc_init(enc, &iface, cfg, 0), VPX_CODEC_OK); ASSERT_EQ(vpx_codec_control_(enc, VP8E_SET_CPUUSED, 2), VPX_CODEC_OK); }
TEST(EncodeAPI, ConfigResizeChangeThreadCount) { constexpr int kInitWidth = 1024; constexpr int kInitHeight = 1024; for (const auto *iface : kCodecIfaces) { SCOPED_TRACE(vpx_codec_iface_name(iface)); if (!IsVP9(iface)) { GTEST_SKIP() << "TODO( remove this condition " "after VP8 is fixed."; } for (int i = 0; i < (IsVP9(iface) ? 2 : 1); ++i) { vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t cfg = {}; struct Encoder { ~Encoder() { EXPECT_EQ(vpx_codec_destroy(&ctx), VPX_CODEC_OK); } vpx_codec_ctx_t ctx = {}; } enc; ASSERT_EQ(vpx_codec_enc_config_default(iface, &cfg, 0), VPX_CODEC_OK); // Start in threaded mode to ensure resolution and thread related // allocations are updated correctly across changes in resolution and // thread counts. See cfg.g_threads = 4; EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE( InitCodec(*iface, kInitWidth, kInitHeight, &enc.ctx, &cfg)); if (IsVP9(iface)) { EXPECT_EQ(vpx_codec_control_(&enc.ctx, VP9E_SET_TILE_COLUMNS, 6), VPX_CODEC_OK); EXPECT_EQ(vpx_codec_control_(&enc.ctx, VP9E_SET_ROW_MT, i), VPX_CODEC_OK); } cfg.g_w = 1000; cfg.g_h = 608; EXPECT_EQ(vpx_codec_enc_config_set(&enc.ctx, &cfg), VPX_CODEC_OK) << vpx_codec_error_detail(&enc.ctx); cfg.g_w = 16; cfg.g_h = 720; for (const auto threads : { 1, 4, 8, 6, 2, 1 }) { cfg.g_threads = threads; EXPECT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(EncodeWithConfig(cfg, &enc.ctx)) << "iteration: " << i << " threads: " << threads; } } } }
int vp9_alloc_context_buffers(VP9_COMMON *cm, int width, int height) { int new_mi_size; vp9_set_mb_mi(cm, width, height); new_mi_size = cm->mi_stride * calc_mi_size(cm->mi_rows); if (cm->mi_alloc_size < new_mi_size) { cm->free_mi(cm); if (cm->alloc_mi(cm, new_mi_size)) goto fail; } if (cm->seg_map_alloc_size < cm->mi_rows * cm->mi_cols) { // Create the segmentation map structure and set to 0. free_seg_map(cm); if (alloc_seg_map(cm, cm->mi_rows * cm->mi_cols)) goto fail; } if (cm->above_context_alloc_cols < cm->mi_cols) { vpx_free(cm->above_context); cm->above_context = (ENTROPY_CONTEXT *)vpx_calloc( 2 * mi_cols_aligned_to_sb(cm->mi_cols) * MAX_MB_PLANE, sizeof(*cm->above_context)); if (!cm->above_context) goto fail; vpx_free(cm->above_seg_context); cm->above_seg_context = (PARTITION_CONTEXT *)vpx_calloc( mi_cols_aligned_to_sb(cm->mi_cols), sizeof(*cm->above_seg_context)); if (!cm->above_seg_context) goto fail; cm->above_context_alloc_cols = cm->mi_cols; } if (vp9_alloc_loop_filter(cm)) goto fail; return 0; fail: // clear the mi_* values to force a realloc on resync vp9_set_mb_mi(cm, 0, 0); vp9_free_context_buffers(cm); return 1; }
int vp9_alloc_context_buffers(VP9_COMMON *cm, int width, int height) { int new_mi_size; vp9_set_mb_mi(cm, width, height); new_mi_size = cm->mi_stride * calc_mi_size(cm->mi_rows); if (cm->mi_alloc_size < new_mi_size) { cm->free_mi(cm); if (cm->alloc_mi(cm, new_mi_size)) goto fail; } if (cm->seg_map_alloc_size < cm->mi_rows * cm->mi_cols) { // Create the segmentation map structure and set to 0. free_seg_map(cm); if (alloc_seg_map(cm, cm->mi_rows * cm->mi_cols)) goto fail; } if (cm->above_context_alloc_cols < cm->mi_cols) { vpx_free(cm->above_context); cm->above_context = (ENTROPY_CONTEXT *)vpx_calloc( 2 * mi_cols_aligned_to_sb(cm->mi_cols) * MAX_MB_PLANE, sizeof(*cm->above_context)); if (!cm->above_context) goto fail; vpx_free(cm->above_seg_context); cm->above_seg_context = (PARTITION_CONTEXT *)vpx_calloc( mi_cols_aligned_to_sb(cm->mi_cols), sizeof(*cm->above_seg_context)); if (!cm->above_seg_context) goto fail; cm->above_context_alloc_cols = cm->mi_cols; } if (vp9_alloc_loop_filter(cm)) goto fail; return 0; fail: // clear the mi_* values to force a realloc on resync vp9_set_mb_mi(cm, 0, 0); vp9_free_context_buffers(cm); return 1; }
static int handle_dot_dotdot_filename(struct exfat_de_iter *iter, struct exfat_dentry *dentry, int strm_name_len) { char *filename; char error_msg[150]; int num; if (!memcmp(dentry->name_unicode, MSDOS_DOT, strm_name_len * 2)) filename = "."; else if (!memcmp(dentry->name_unicode, MSDOS_DOTDOT, strm_name_len * 2)) filename = ".."; else return 0; sprintf(error_msg, "ERROR: '%s' filename is not allowed.\n" " [1] Insert the name you want to rename.\n" " [2] Automatically renames filename.\n" " [3] Bypass this check(No repair)\n", filename); ask_again: num = exfat_repair_ask(&exfat_fsck, ER_DE_DOT_NAME, error_msg); if (num) { __le16 utf16_name[ENTRY_NAME_MAX]; char *rename = NULL; __u16 hash; struct exfat_dentry *stream_de; int name_len, ret; switch (num) { case 1: rename = get_rename_from_user(iter); break; case 2: rename = generate_rename(iter); break; case 3: break; default: exfat_info("select 1 or 2 number instead of %d\n", num); goto ask_again; } if (!rename) return -EINVAL; exfat_info("%s filename is renamed to %s\n", filename, rename); exfat_de_iter_get_dirty(iter, 2, &dentry); memset(utf16_name, 0, sizeof(utf16_name)); ret = exfat_utf16_enc(rename, utf16_name, sizeof(utf16_name)); free(rename); if (ret < 0) return ret; memcpy(dentry->name_unicode, utf16_name, ENTRY_NAME_MAX * 2); name_len = exfat_utf16_len(utf16_name, ENTRY_NAME_MAX * 2); hash = exfat_calc_name_hash(iter->exfat, utf16_name, (int)name_len); exfat_de_iter_get_dirty(iter, 1, &stream_de); stream_de->stream_name_len = (__u8)name_len; stream_de->stream_name_hash = cpu_to_le16(hash); } return 0; }
static int read_file_dentry_set(struct exfat_de_iter *iter, struct exfat_inode **new_node, int *skip_dentries) { struct exfat_dentry *file_de, *stream_de, *dentry; struct exfat_inode *node = NULL; int i, ret; ret = exfat_de_iter_get(iter, 0, &file_de); if (ret || file_de->type != EXFAT_FILE) { exfat_debug("failed to get file dentry\n"); return -EINVAL; } ret = exfat_de_iter_get(iter, 1, &stream_de); if (ret || stream_de->type != EXFAT_STREAM) { exfat_debug("failed to get stream dentry\n"); *skip_dentries = 2; goto skip_dset; } *new_node = NULL; node = exfat_alloc_inode(le16_to_cpu(file_de->file_attr)); if (!node) return -ENOMEM; for (i = 2; i <= file_de->file_num_ext; i++) { ret = exfat_de_iter_get(iter, i, &dentry); if (ret || dentry->type != EXFAT_NAME) break; memcpy(node->name + (i - 2) * ENTRY_NAME_MAX, dentry->name_unicode, sizeof(dentry->name_unicode)); } node->first_clus = le32_to_cpu(stream_de->stream_start_clu); node->is_contiguous = ((stream_de->stream_flags & EXFAT_SF_CONTIGUOUS) != 0); node->size = le64_to_cpu(stream_de->stream_size); *skip_dentries = i; *new_node = node; return 0; skip_dset: *new_node = NULL; exfat_free_inode(node); return -EINVAL; }
static int ksu_sha256(const unsigned char *data, unsigned int datalen, unsigned char *digest) { struct crypto_shash *alg; char *hash_alg_name = "sha256"; int ret; alg = crypto_alloc_shash(hash_alg_name, 0, 0); if (IS_ERR(alg)) { pr_info("can't alloc alg %s\n", hash_alg_name); return PTR_ERR(alg); } ret = calc_hash(alg, data, datalen, digest); crypto_free_shash(alg); return ret; }
static bool check_block(struct file *fp, u32 *size4, loff_t *pos, u32 *offset, unsigned expected_size, const char* expected_sha256) { ksu_kernel_read_compat(fp, size4, 0x4, pos); // signer-sequence length ksu_kernel_read_compat(fp, size4, 0x4, pos); // signer length ksu_kernel_read_compat(fp, size4, 0x4, pos); // signed data length *offset += 0x4 * 3; ksu_kernel_read_compat(fp, size4, 0x4, pos); // digests-sequence length *pos += *size4; *offset += 0x4 + *size4; ksu_kernel_read_compat(fp, size4, 0x4, pos); // certificates length ksu_kernel_read_compat(fp, size4, 0x4, pos); // certificate length *offset += 0x4 * 2; if (*size4 == expected_size) { *offset += *size4; #define CERT_MAX_LENGTH 1024 char cert[CERT_MAX_LENGTH]; if (*size4 > CERT_MAX_LENGTH) { pr_info("cert length overlimit\n"); return false; } ksu_kernel_read_compat(fp, cert, *size4, pos); unsigned char digest[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE]; if (IS_ERR(ksu_sha256(cert, *size4, digest))) { pr_info("sha256 error\n"); return false; } char hash_str[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE * 2 + 1]; hash_str[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE * 2] = '\0'; bin2hex(hash_str, digest, SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE); pr_info("sha256: %s, expected: %s\n", hash_str, expected_sha256); if (strcmp(expected_sha256, hash_str) == 0) { return true; } } return false; }
static int ref_pic_list_struct(GetBitContext *gb, RefPicListStruct *rpl) { uint32_t delta_poc_st, strp_entry_sign_flag = 0; rpl->ref_pic_num = get_ue_golomb_long(gb); if (rpl->ref_pic_num > 0) { delta_poc_st = get_ue_golomb_long(gb); rpl->ref_pics[0] = delta_poc_st; if (rpl->ref_pics[0] != 0) { strp_entry_sign_flag = get_bits(gb, 1); rpl->ref_pics[0] *= 1 - (strp_entry_sign_flag << 1); } } for (int i = 1; i < rpl->ref_pic_num; ++i) { delta_poc_st = get_ue_golomb_long(gb); if (delta_poc_st != 0) strp_entry_sign_flag = get_bits(gb, 1); rpl->ref_pics[i] = rpl->ref_pics[i - 1] + delta_poc_st * (1 - (strp_entry_sign_flag << 1)); } return 0; }
static int _process_request_metaflags(mcp_parser_t *pr, int token) { if (pr->ntokens <= token) { pr->t.meta.flags = 0; // no flags found. return 0; } const char *cur = pr->request + pr->tokens[token]; const char *end = pr->request + pr->reqlen - 2; // We blindly convert flags into bits, since the range of possible // flags is deliberately < 64. int state = 0; while (cur != end) { switch (state) { case 0: if (*cur == ' ') { cur++; } else { if (*cur < 65 || *cur > 122) { return -1; } P_DEBUG("%s: setting meta flag: %d\n", __func__, *cur - 65); pr->t.meta.flags |= (uint64_t)1 << (*cur - 65); state = 1; } break; case 1: if (*cur != ' ') { cur++; } else { state = 0; } break; } } // not too great hack for noreply detection: this can be flattened out // once a few other contexts are fixed and we detect the noreply from the // coroutine start instead. if (pr->t.meta.flags & ((uint64_t)1 << 48)) { pr->noreply = true; } return 0; }
static int _process_tokenize(mcp_parser_t *pr, const size_t max) { const char *s = pr->request; int len = pr->reqlen - 2; // since multigets can be huge, we can't purely judge reqlen against this // limit, but we also can't index past it since the tokens are shorts. if (len > PARSER_MAXLEN) { len = PARSER_MAXLEN; } const char *end = s + len; int curtoken = 0; int state = 0; while (s != end) { switch (state) { case 0: // scanning for first non-space to find a token. if (*s != ' ') { pr->tokens[curtoken] = s - pr->request; if (++curtoken == max) { s++; state = 2; break; } state = 1; } s++; break; case 1: // advance over a token if (*s != ' ') { s++; } else { state = 0; } break; case 2: // hit max tokens before end of the line. // keep advancing so we can place endcap token. if (*s == ' ') { goto endloop; } s++; break; } } endloop: // endcap token so we can quickly find the length of any token by looking // at the next one. pr->tokens[curtoken] = s - pr->request; pr->ntokens = curtoken; P_DEBUG("%s: cur_tokens: %d\n", __func__, curtoken); return 0; }
size_t _process_request_next_key(mcp_parser_t *pr) { const char *cur = pr->request + pr->parsed; int remain = pr->reqlen - pr->parsed - 2; // chew off any leading whitespace. while (remain) { if (*cur == ' ') { remain--; cur++; pr->parsed++; } else { break; } } const char *s = memchr(cur, ' ', remain); if (s != NULL) { pr->klen = s - cur; pr->parsed += s - cur; } else { pr->klen = remain; pr->parsed += remain; } return cur - pr->request; }
static void ClearMetadata(VP8LMetadata* const hdr) { assert(hdr != NULL); WebPSafeFree(hdr->huffman_image_); WebPSafeFree(hdr->huffman_tables_); VP8LHtreeGroupsFree(hdr->htree_groups_); VP8LColorCacheClear(&hdr->color_cache_); VP8LColorCacheClear(&hdr->saved_color_cache_); InitMetadata(hdr); }