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Male misbehavior against women now can be whatever the women feel it is, and since some of these allegations are five or ten years old, men didn’t know the new rules going in. | https://thefederalist.com/2019/09/24/when-men-kill-themselves-over-unproven-allegations-me-too-has-gone-too-far/ | The Federalist | #metoo | biased | 2KKquHEF9FsGpmqRDq7HDB |
The bill that Mr. Trump signed, however, could actually make it attractive for companies to put more assembly lines on foreign soil. | https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/08/business/economy/gop-says-tax-bill-will-add-jobs-in-us-it-may-yield-more-hiring-abroad.html | New York Times | taxes | not biased | MLP25WuznMcTgx9PXvUD9t |
We are unbelievably fortunate to not be among the number of victims killed or seriously wounded by this maniac. | http://feeds.feedblitz.com/~/463888836/0/alternet_all | Alternet | gun-control | biased | Jcix6uTgp9586oc9fbscWU |
Conservative activists and L.G.B.T. groups agree that religious liberty cases could be the most potent challenges to same-sex marriage and other issues concerning gay and transgender people. | https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/03/us/politics/gay-marriage-supreme-court.html | New York Times | marriage-equality | not biased | 5Jwd7jJMafuetDjnnF7Mew |
The NYC Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP) says some 14 percent of city residents with student debt are 90 days or more past due on loan payments, according to its commissioner. | https://nypost.com/2020/02/29/1m-new-yorkers-are-carrying-35b-in-student-loan-debt/ | New York Post | student-debt | not biased | JLEpcscTh5QPvW9zaZkYeE |
Given the shabby results Canada’s health system showed on health care access, it seems little wonder that the leftists at CAP failed to disclose these poor outcomes in their paper: | https://thefederalist.com/2019/12/18/yes-socialized-medicine-will-lead-to-waits-for-care/ | The Federalist | universal health care | biased | p9yPCfcdPhYxn4uRMGipFv |
Fauci said the virus was uploaded shortly after it was identified, but that there remains a window of approximately three months before a vaccine is created. | https://nypost.com/2020/03/03/white-house-coronavirus-expert-anthony-fauci-says-vaccine-a-month-or-so-from-human-tests/ | New York Post | vaccine | not biased | W93ZCE8BJP9dbihzi4Xbww |
Student loans are having a perverse effect: The very debt that’s taken on to allow someone to pursue their ambitions can later morph into a burden that requires them to ditch those plans and grab any job that will just pay the bills. | https://eu.usatoday.com/story/money/2019/07/08/student-loans-debt-forcing-some-abandon-career-dreams/1673090001/ | USA Today | student-debt | biased | PafHXPUmbXiUXzEpqFZwWE |
H.R.7 bans private insurance companies from offering abortion coverage to American consumers through the Affordable Care Act marketplace. | http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/house-passes-new-ban-abortion-insurance-coverage-n712081?cid=public-rss_20170125 | MSNBC | abortion | not biased | uoHfwcFqUGwvJv3BfYHoqz |
Eight years later, the Democratic Party has had a significant lurch to the left, with its base growing enthralled by the prospect of a single-payer system. | https://www.thedailybeast.com/joe-lieberman-on-bernies-single-payer-bill-wonder-drug-stuff-sold-at-county-fairs | The Daily Beast | universal health care | biased | jxRHwWwG6EYq4QpuvvbSkZ |
Chaotic George Floyd protests have left the Big Apple splattered with graffiti. | https://nypost.com/2020/06/01/what-do-the-graffiti-tags-from-george-floyd-protests-mean/ | New York Post | black lives matter | biased | 668Foi8P4vwcK8EKVU6QtR |
Reuters has previously debunked false claims on social media that U.S. philanthropist Bill Gates planned to use microchip implants to fight the coronavirus. | https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-video-microchip-coronavirus-idUSKBN22R2GS | Reuters | vaccine | not biased | hHtB2nRjo6BuZ2HR3DAZnc |
Ivanka Trump says she opposes the Alexandria Ocasio Cortez-spearheaded Green New Deal because she feels, deep down, that people prefer to earn money rather than having it given to them. | https://www.thedailybeast.com/wait-a-secondivanka-fing-trump-says-americans-prefer-to-own-their-own-money | The Daily Beast | universal health care | not biased | uvRDiN4NMGFsmhSCJvY35B |
While U.S. tax policy generally appears to favor the wealthy, the tax advantages the wealthiest 1% enjoy are even stronger in some states than in others. | https://eu.usatoday.com/story/money/2020/01/29/the-most-tax-friendly-states-for-the-rich/41060485/ | USA Today | taxes | not biased | RfbvdMYmJmahdZYCz5F62m |
Congress came up with its most dangerous idea yet: nearly anyone with a hidden loaded gun would be allowed into your community. | https://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/12/04/gabby-giffords-gun-control-group-launches-six-figure-ad-campaign-concealed-carry/ | Breitbart | gun-control | biased | GPD9vCoJAG6vtwnS8VTyVh |
Not surprisingly, so far, these conflicts have gone mostly unchecked by Republicans in Congress. | https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/donald-trump-s-tax-returns-could-be-his-greatest-vulnerability-ncna918386?cid=sm_npd_ms_tw_ma | MSNBC | taxes | biased | dAFH6KavHNYLuoKQTbYgi9 |
People who objected to his dirty war in eastern Anatolia against dissident Kurdish villagers were likewise punished. | https://www.alternet.org/2018/06/middle-east-expert-explains-erdogan-has-used-same-techniques-trump-de-democratize-turkey | Alternet | islam | biased | zmauBL6ubiaHKgnkbswLtk |
The fiercely religious Vice President Mike Pence has long made clear his animus to the LGBT community, and now holds the zealotry-gilded keys to the political kingdom. | https://www.thedailybeast.com/obama-gave-us-gay-marriage-trump-the-honeymoon-from-hell | The Daily Beast | marriage-equality | biased | jrc7nrLWaEV7cmtHGHkyDy |
Oluo says she was besieged by racist attacks on Twitter and Facebook. | http://rssfeeds.usatoday.com/~/421193298/0/usatoday-newstopstories~Black-activist-says-she-was-censored-by-Facebook-for-calling-out-racism/ | USA Today | white-nationalism | biased | 8EguJR65LfcrRpi5NksXiw |
In analyzing several health care proposals, the Urban Institute demonstrated how eliminating patient cost-sharing from a single-payer system would raise total health care spending by nearly $1 trillion per year. | https://thefederalist.com/2019/11/25/if-you-think-health-care-is-expensive-now-just-wait-until-its-free// | The Federalist | universal health care | not biased | ktmSwkeDnJfhsKaQfGEBaE |
It is no more the responsibility of minorities to end racism than it is for women to end sexual discrimination and violence. | http://rssfeeds.usatoday.com/~/445767446/0/usatoday-newstopstories~Minorities-are-not-responsible-for-fixing-racism-in-America/ | USA Today | white-nationalism | not biased | HtwrmQTWCbvEFL9KMgxCCQ |
It looks like FOX News cut a deal to make another sexual harassment suit go away. | http://www.usatoday.com/videos/money/2017/01/10/fox-news-reportedly-settled-bill-o'reilly-sexual-harassment-lawsuit/96401240/ | USA Today | #metoo | biased | uYaTK7b3xda3jC5v92HweJ |
Work ethic is not a top priority for young adults, if the constant whining about the “burden” of student debt hasn’t clued you in. | https://thefederalist.com/2019/09/24/jobs-are-everywhere-so-why-arent-more-young-people-working/ | The Federalist | student-debt | biased | 4QPBW5PMbAqiymyu8qckyt |
The Senate passed a resolution late Thursday making sexual harassment training mandatory for everyone working in Congress' upper chamber. | http://rssfeeds.usatoday.com/~/490056666/0/usatodaycomnation-topstories~What-the-Senate-is-doing-to-combat-sexual-harassment-on-Capitol-Hill/ | USA Today | #metoo | not biased | jWxF64qSrPZTJYZhPPh2uJ |
Data on excess deaths compared to previous years can also help reveal when coronavirus landed in a particular state. | https://www.foxnews.com/science/did-you-already-have-coronavirus-in-january-or-february | Fox News | vaccine | not biased | 77gtN9gfXsfJiFxBXudCSw |
Disturbing footage of Muslim kids saying they would sacrifice themselves and kill for the "army of Allah" surfaced from an Islamic center in Philadelphia. | https://www.foxnews.com/us/video-philadelphia-muslim-society-children | Fox News | islam | biased | RRGoGGFF2DrJpvtYkFXppe |
No news is good news in the case of celebrity sex monsters and a few days have gone by without a new disgusting revelation about a male celebrity’s behavior. | http://nypost.com/2017/11/13/in-wake-of-sexual-harassment-scandals-here-are-some-safe-tv-options/ | New York Post | #metoo | biased | tUsp8w4wU6Hf2XZGfztyti |
Despite the intensity of the backlash he’s received, he has absolutely “no regrets” about taking part in the controversial white-nationalist movement. | http://nypost.com/2017/08/19/student-who-attended-white-power-rally-leaves-college-over-death-threats/ | New York Post | white-nationalism | not biased | DodmaS5NyaFwJNC53wBGji |
Considering that both populations believe that the region is their religious homeland, violence ensued, which has continued to this day. I | https://ucsdguardian.org/2018/05/20/justice-palestine-week-staged-library-walk-tritons-israel-also-present/ | UCSD Guardian | islam | not biased | jhbkDp4UinxuVbrcBrvCHH |
Police and law enforcement officials killed at least 223 black Americans in the year after Kaepernick first began to protest, according to a HuffPost analysis of data compiled by The Washington Post and The Guardian. | https://www.huffpost.com/entry/colin-kaepernick-police-killings-black-americans_n_599c4099e4b04c532f447939 | Huffpost | black lives matter | not biased | 5S3LBwfMK4Gb7gkQ7qfFag |
Overall, McCabe believes that the tax plan will only further restrict access to higher education. | https://ucsdguardian.org/2017/12/03/ucsd-graduate-dean-student-leaders-speak-out-against-potentially-costly-gop-tax-proposal/ | UCSD Guardian | taxes | not biased | JWi2N73sDtZjEScnisu7BN |
Trump has lashed out at the judiciary in ways that even his own Supreme Court appointee Neil Gorsuch called disheartening and demoralizing. | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-trump-effect-courts/trumps-opponents-race-to-the-courthouse-to-thwart-him-idUSKBN1D21BG?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews | Reuters | abortion | biased | YrY5KGAUYxSMeZKL4zWRXF |
She also said she has voted to expand the rights of same-sex couples by taking their side on laws affecting estates, adoption rights and conversion therapy. | https://nypost.com/2017/07/03/malliotakis-regrets-voting-against-gay-marriage/ | New York Post | marriage-equality | not biased | GPWLMMqxBqNzEVRVeFN2PB |
Ashton Kutcher tweeted “enough is enough” and called for more gun control. | https://www.breitbart.com/big-hollywood/2017/10/04/ashton-kutcher-we-need-more-gun-control/ | Breitbart | gun-control | not biased | 42KbzE6LZgb7nFW6tYBQwW |
The outbreak, which began in the Chinese city of Wuhan, has wreaked devastation on the global economy and threatens to plunge hundreds of millions of people into poverty. | https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2020/06/30/china-tstart-injecting-soldiers-experimental-coronavirus-vaccine/ | Breitbart | vaccine | biased | GiBKa92YUbeqPb5ZX872Nt |
More chilling, ISIS has issued a new marriage certificate allowing brides to carry out suicide missions. | https://nypost.com/2017/05/13/meet-the-western-women-who-are-flocking-to-join-isis/ | New York Post | islam | biased | vdp3hQMNavjW3zAgRy7AMT |
Nature is in freefall and the planet’s support systems are so stretched that we face widespread species extinctions and mass human migration unless urgent action is taken. | https://www.huffpost.com/entry/nature-destruction-climate-change-world-biodiversity_n_5c49e78ce4b06ba6d3bb2d44 | HuffPost | environment | biased | ywABxkg7WfHeHEVQV9Webx |
Amazon is conducting an investigation amid sexual harassment accusations posed against Jeffrey Tambor. | http://rssfeeds.usatoday.com/~/489110714/0/usatoday-lifetopstories~Amazon-investigating-Jeffrey-Tambor-amid-sexual-harassment-accusations/ | USA Today | #metoo | not biased | NrXc3NzedkfjSoifcaZFYb |
When confronted with how to pay for their extraordinarily expensive policy agenda, the answer of liberal lawmakers, analysts, and advocates is nearly always the same: tax the rich. | https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-tax-the-rich-delusion-of-the-democratic-left | The Daily Beast | taxes | biased | dnXtZqPEqYjsNtLNSFRikr |
While education is incredibly important and being well-educated is typically an ingredient of success, there are a few misconceptions that need to be addressed. | https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/why-free-education-is-not-the-solution-to-the-student-debt-crisis | Fox News | student-debt | not biased | MpT9Dyp2xSqjuPc45xjMDj |
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