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Does Turkey offer a model that the Mideast can emulate? avril 13, 2012Posted by Acturca in Moyen Orient, Turquie. Tags: AKP, Arab Spring, foreign policy, Middle East, Neo-Ottomanism, Nora Fisher Onar, Turkey, Turquie The Daily Star (Lebanon) April 13, 2012, p. 7 Türkçe By Nora Fisher Onar * Turkey is often touted as an inspiration for the countries of the rest of the Middle East – a characterization it accepts and pursues. In recent years, Turkish policymakers have worked hard to establish “Turkey Inc.” as the model of a relatively free, stable and increasingly prosperous Muslim-majority country with great economic and foreign policy leverage. But what does the Turkish experience actually represent for the states of the Arab Middle East? How convincing is Turkey, Inc. – and as a model can it really be emulated? Perhaps the most attention has been paid to the free and fair rise to power of Turkey’s Justice and Development Party (AKP), which Islamist movements in Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and Syria have heralded as a symbol of Muslim majoritarian democracy – even explicitly referencing it in the names and platforms of their own parties, movements and factions. To both domestic and international observers, this might signal that, like the AKP in Turkey, Islamist parties elsewhere do not seek to dismantle their states’ secular framework – at least for the time being. But in spite of its appeal to both traditional Islamists and “post-Islamists” – that is, those who fully reconcile their particular politico-religious commitments with globalization – the Turkish formula may not be replicable. Civil-military relations in Turkey have undergone a double-sided transformation over recent decades. As a consequence of the intermittent censure by the army, political Islamists had to moderate their demands and practices; simultaneously, the Turkish army – accustomed to the barracks and aware that interference in government hurt Turkey’s international standing – increasingly relied on civilian allies to pursue its agenda vis-à-vis the AKP. Eventually, the military relinquished control of crucial institutions (such as the National Security Council), and the final showdown over control of the presidency in 2007 was fought not with bullets and tanks, but with Web declarations, public rallies and court cases. A similar tipping point regarding civilian control of the state is hardly a foregone conclusion in countries still under transition, where national militaries continue to exert a dominant presence in political life. Other countries in the Middle East also lack the trajectory that Turkey has followed with regard to its economic development. This is particularly true of the export-driven rise of the middle class that has been experienced by religious constituencies across the Anatolian periphery. Such a trend has underpinned the AKP’s moderation, political success and interregional presence. Indeed, Turkey’s recent economic trajectory is a central component of its appeal in the Arab world. Over the past decade, Turkey has tripled its Gross Domestic Product and – excluding a dip to minus-4 percent real growth in 2009 – has managed to ride out the global economic crisis with relative equanimity. Commentators have argued that Turkey may be part of a second tier of rising economic powers (alongside such countries as South Korea, Mexico and Indonesia) that is hot on the heels of the Big Four (Brazil, Russia, India and China). This holds two implications: On a symbolic level, the Turkish experience (along with that of Indonesia and Malaysia) has dramatically undermined theories of Islam’s incompatibility with modernization, especially in the arena of economic governance. More tangibly, over the past decade Turkey has actively sought out partners for sustainable trade-driven growth in a region that has been long addled by the heady cocktail of oil wealth and chronic underdevelopment. Although economic partnerships were in no way guided by Turkish concerns for democratic governance – a reality that was attested to by Turkey’s once cozy ties with authoritarian leaders – they have had unintended consequences with positive implications for political reform. For example, the influx of cheaper, better quality Turkish goods in Syrian markets may have undermined a backbone of President Bashar Assad’s regime: namely the interests of the regime’s business cronies. To understand the parameters of Turkey’s role in the region, we should also acknowledge the sensitivities that have arisen from the Ottoman legacy. Some believe that Ankara seeks to reclaim its historical leadership of the Middle East, the Caucasus and the Balkans, something that can rub interlocutors the wrong way. Hence, Turkish foreign policymakers’ reluctance to employ Ottomanist frames of reference. However, at the domestic social level in Turkey, there remains a growing receptiveness to self-depiction as the benign heir to the Ottoman Empire. This is evident in the proliferation of cultural commodities that employ Ottoman referents. That is the case of the recent record-grossing film “Conquest 1453,” about what Western historiography calls the “fall” of Constantinople. In the film, Mehmet the Conqueror – played by an actor who bears a remarkable resemblance to a young Recep Tayyip Erdogan – is shown to be a forceful and compassionate protector of Muslims and Christians alike (though there is no mention in the film of Jews). The image of Turkey as a “big brother” to downtrodden Muslims in such places as Palestine, Nagorno-Karabakh, Kosovo, and Bosnia-Herzegovina – characterizes an emerging “neo-Ottomanist” national image that seems to drive Turkish aspirations of regional leadership within the country and amplify Erdogan’s profile abroad. Whether this is a matter of hubris or of genuine capacity remains to be seen. A final component that is crucial for evaluating Turkey’s example is that the country has yet to develop a framework for meaningful multiethnic, multisectarian co-habitation. Mounting violence on the part of militant Kurds and the Turkish state’s heavy-handed response has fueled hostility between ordinary citizens. For instance, recent court rulings suggest that vigilante terror toward prominent members of the Armenian and Alevi communities is permissible and will go unpunished. Disturbing numbers of journalists, scholars, and students who have expressed critical views on these fronts have been jailed. There is also deep concern in constituencies that embrace secular lifestyles that recent reforms in fields such as education will yield an ever more restricted Turkish society. Given the need to put its own house in order and the fact that inter-communal tensions across the Middle East are likely to become worse before becoming better, Turkey’s AKP government must take very seriously its mandate to write a new and inclusive Constitution. In the longer tem, Turkey must confront the standing challenge of the region – learning to live together despite differences – a challenge which also happens to be Turkey’s own. At the end of the day, the export of Turkey, Inc. needs stable and predictable conditions in which trade and investment can thrive; hence, the commitment to the “zero problems” policy that Turkey employed with neighbors in its economic and foreign agendas over the past decade. Due to last year’s upheavals in the Arab world, however, this policy is unsustainable. Once well-placed to broker a dialogue between Iran and Israel, Turkey is now more alienated from both countries than before as the two nemeses lock horns in what Graham Allison has called the “Cuban missile crisis in slow motion.” Should Israeli-Iranian antagonism spill over into war, the delicate balance in Iraq may unravel into protracted sectarian and ethnic conflict, just as Syria’s brewing civil war may spill over into neighboring Lebanon. But even without an Israeli-Iranian showdown and an intensified conflagration in Iraq and Syria, Turkey’s Kurdish question is, quite literally, kindling awaiting a flame, as attested to by recent clashes during Nevruz, or Nowruz, celebrations. All of this suggests that Turkey’s aspirations to regional leadership are tactically dependent on forestalling an Iranian-Israeli showdown – an end to which it should leverage all its diminished diplomatic capital in the two countries and in partnership with the United States. Before the AKP came to power and the Arab Awakening broke out, the received wisdom was that when it came to Islam, democracy and secularism, one could have any two but never all three. Similarly, doubts have long been expressed about whether political and economic liberalism can thrive simultaneously in a Muslim-majority setting. Taken together, it seems that if the purveyors of Turkey, Inc. can show that liberal economics goes hand-in-hand with liberal democracy in a country that is governed by pious Muslims, then the Turkish model-in-progress may achieve fruition and offer a timely example for the Middle East. * Nora Fisher Onar is an assistant professor of international relations at Bahcesehir University in Istanbul. She is also a Ronald D. Asmus Policy Entrepreneur Fellow with the German Marshall Fund and is a Visiting Fellow at the Centre for International Studies (CIS) at the University of Oxford. This commentary first appeared at Sada, an online journal published by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Israel (מדינת ישראל) is a small yet diverse Middle Eastern country with a long coastline on the eastern Mediterranean Sea and a small window on the Red Sea at the Gulf of Eilat (Aqaba). Israel was established as a state for the the Jewish people, following the Second World War. Israel is considered part of the Holy Land (together with areas of Jordan, Egypt and the Palestinian Territories). The three major monotheistic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—all have historical ties to the region. Israel thus contains a vibrant modern history and culture, based in part on the diverse, immigrant origins of its inhabitants returning from the Jewish Diaspora. These aspects make Israel a fascinating destination for many travellers and pilgrims. For Singaporeans, many of us have a warped perception of Israel as a dangerous place to visit because of the frequent news reports of conflicts in the Middle East. When I told my friends and family that I was travelling to Israel, the most common comment I get from those who have not been there is that I should be very careful for my safety. The worries are unnecessary. I had a great one week stay at Israel, thanks to the wonderful team from Dig Israel who hosted me there. For the uninformed, Israel is a safe place to visit (excluding the West Bank and Gaza Strip which are not tourist destinations). It is like many other cosmopolitan cities around the world, but with it’s own quirk, diverse culture and people. I will share more about my Israel trip in my subsequent blog posts. This post is to share some travel tips for Singaporeans who are planning to visit Israel on your own without going through a package tour: 1. Israeli currency – New Israel Shekel This currency is not easily available outside of Israel, but fret not, you can go to any money changer in Israel to do the exchange. There are counters available at the airport too, but the service fee or “commission” they charged are quite steep (about S$10+ depending on how much you change). The fee varies from one money changer to another, hence get a few quotes before settling on one to change. The fee charged is a flat fee, hence try to change as much currency as you need just once. 2. Singaporean Passport If you are holding a Malaysian passport, sorry, you cannot enter Israel. For Singapore passport holders, we do not require a visa. However, request for the Israeli custom officers to stamp on a special piece of immigration paper available at Israel airport instead of stamping directly on your passport. This is because an Israel passport chop may cause difficulties getting into and/or be refused visas to Islamic countries, such as Bangladesh, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan for your subsequent travels. 3. Clearing Israel Custom The security check is really tight when travelling to Israel. I find it fair enough as it is for our own safety too. You will be asked some profiling questions at the luggage check-in counter travelling to and from Israel. Some of the questions may get a little personal – eg. I was asked questions like why did I only took leave from work one week before my trip; asked to recount my day by day itinerary during my stay in Israel; went through some of my personal photos in my digital camera to check if what I said about my itinerary was true; reasons why I travelled to Malaysia since I been there twice this year and also whether I know anyone there. The questioning may take quite a while and will make some people uncomfortable. My advice is just to answer as honestly as possible if you have nothing to hide. Do not lie to speed up the questioning as they are very thorough and you may end up having to tell another lie to cover a previous harmless lie, increasing the chance of being exposed as a liar and getting detained. You will get to fly. Be patient. Do not take stuff like soil from Jerusalem and salt from the Dead Sea to pack home on your own. All baggage going out of Israel are screened and opened up for checking. Do not pull stunts like these. Do not take photographs of the security counter and officers either. The ultra-orthodox Jews are easily identifiable with their curly side burns, black suits and tassels. Tourists like to take pictures of them because of their interesting appearance which we are not familiar with. However, do bear in mind that they are not animals in the zoo and as much as you would get pissed off with strangers taking random pictures of you, they feel the same way too. Do accord them due respect and try not intrude in their personal space. 6. The Sabbath Be aware of the Sabbath: from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown, train and bus services are not available in Israel (except in Haifa, Nazareth and Eilat, and limited sherut services – shared taxis). Unless you have a car, or are willing to pay for a taxi (not shared), if you’re day tripping on a Friday, you should start thinking about how to get back by noon at the latest, and you should plan on staying near your lodgings on Saturday. Attractions, shops and malls are also closed during the Sabbath. I made the mistake of staying for an additional day in Tel Aviv during the Sabbath and ended up wandering the streets alone with nothing to see or do. I also had to specially advance book a taxi to the airport. 7. Gay and Lesbian Travel Israel is one of the most “gay friendly” countries in the world. Seriously. All three major cities (Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa) have an annual “Pride” parade, and the annual Love Parade in Tel Aviv gets cheering spectators too. Look out for many hotels, cafes and restaurants with rainbow flags hanging outside. These are all gay-friendly places. Israel is not a cheap country. I find it more expensive than Sydney and the United States in terms of food, lodging and shopping. On average, a meal cost around S$20 for a simple meal at a cafe. A bottle of 500ml water cost around S$5. Taxi from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv one way cost about S$100. Street food is safe and clean. Israeli cuisine is as diverse as the population which makes up this gastronomic country. Food in Israel is generally of a very high standard. I really enjoyed the food during my stay. Not tipping in sit-in restaurants that have waiters is frowned upon, but is accepted for signalling atrocious service. It is standard to give 10%-15% (or more for exceptional service). 20% tip is considered generous. Hebrew and Arabic are the official languages of Israel. Hebrew is most commonly spoken. 20% of the population are Israeli-Arabs who speak Arabic as well. English is the most popular foreign language. Israelis study English in school from an early age, and it is commonly understood in Israel. Nearly anyone you meet on the street will be able to communicate with you in English. All street and road signs (and many others) have English names, as well as the Hebrew and Arabic names. Ten easy tips! Have a safe and fun trip to Israel!
Investigative conservation journalist Shawn Heinrichs seeks to combine powerful stories with captivating images to reach millions and mobilize them to action. Ships can be seen gliding on the water from an airplane window flying over the Strait of Malacca on January 21, 2013. (leogaggl/Flickr) Colorful knickknacks line the stall of a night market in Singapore on January 18, 2013. (kodomut/Flickr) Amidst face paint, fireworks and festivities, countries around Asia rejoice at the beginning of a new year. As the world bids 2012 adieu, Asia Blog reminisces over some of the year's most memorable people and events from Asia. Red and gold in Chinatown on October 20, 2012. (Damian Bere/Flickr) The Sri Mariamman shrine in Singapore's Chinatown festooned with colored balloons on September 10, 2012. (Andy*Enero/Flickr) "Gangnam Style" and Jeremy Lin sweep through Asia. We present the top searches in China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam. A stylish and modern parking lot in Singapore on August 7, 2012. (Eduardo Seastres) The mist gathers on the shores of Labrador Park Beach in Central Singapore, Singapore on June 21, 2012. (acdovier/Flickr) Favorite Tweets by @AsiaSociety ©2013 Asia Society | Privacy Statement | About | Terms & Conditions | Contact Asia Society takes no institutional position on policy issues and has no affiliation with any government. All views expressed in its publications and on its website are the sole responsibility of the author or authors.
This page contains a list of user images about Causeway which are relevant to the point and besides images, you can also use the tabs in the bottom to browse Causeway news, videos, wiki information, tweets, documents and weblinks. Music video by Rihanna performing Take A Bow. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 66288884. (C) 2008 The Island Def Jam Music Group. WATCH BLOOPERS & MORE: DOWNLOAD THE SONG: DOWNLOAD UNCENSORED SONG: GET LEGEND OF SMOSH T... BLOOPERS: GET THE SONG: MILKSHAKE MUSIC VIDEO: CHECK OUT THIS FIRETRUCK TEE... Jimmy Kimmel Live - Celebrities Read Mean Tweets #2 Jimmy Kimmel Live's YouTube channel features clips and recaps of every episode from the late night TV sho... Watch Season 1 of Mortal Kombat Legacy here: The Mortal Kombat Legacy continues in Season 2 as Liu Kang, Kung La... So i was pretty hesitant to make this video... but after all of your request, here is my Draw My Life video! Check out my 2nd Channel for more vlogs: http://... Watch the Behind The Scenes in this link below: Make sure to subscribe to this channel for new vids each week! Music video by Adele performing Rolling In The Deep. (C) 2010 XL Recordings Ltd. #VEVOCertified on July 25, 2011. http://www.yo... "Just One Last Time" feat. Taped Rai. Available to download on iTunes including remixes of : Tiësto, HARD ROCK SOFA & Deniz Koyu YOLO is available on iTunes now! New album coming soon... Check out the awesome band the music in YOLO is sampled from Th... Don't be these people. Mapoti See Bloopers and Behind-The-Scenes Here!: Huge thank you and shout out to Dtrix: ||This article includes a list of references, related reading or external links, but its sources remain unclear because it lacks inline citations. (April 2013)| The Hindenburgdamm Rail Causeway across the Wadden Sea to the island of Sylt in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany |Ancestor||None. (See Ford (crossing))| |Related||None. (See step-stone bridge)| |Descendant||None. (See viaduct)| |Material||Concrete, masonry, Earth-fill| A causeway is a road or railway route across a broad body of water or wetland raised up on an embankment. Some causeways may only be usable at low tide and the distinction between causeways and viaducts can become blurred when flood-relief culverts are incorporated in the structure; a causeway is however primarily supported on earth or stone, whereas a bridge or viaduct is mainly supported by free-standing columns or arches. When first used, the word appeared in a form such as “causey way” making clear its derivation from the earlier form “causey”. This word seems to have come from the same source by two different routes. It derives ultimately, from the Latin for heel, calx, and most likely comes from the trampling technique to consolidate earthworks. In Ancient times, the construction was trodden down, one layer at a time, often by slaves or flocks of sheep. Today, this work is done by machines. The same technique would have been used for road embankments, raised river banks, sea banks and fortification earthworks. (The layers, though not the trampling action, can be seen in the Bayeux Tapestry: Building Hastings Castle.) The second derivation route is simply the hard, trodden surface of a path. The name by this route came to be applied to a firmly surfaced road. It is now little-used except in dialect and in the names of roads which were originally notable for their solidly made surface. The word is comparable in both meanings with the French chaussée, from a form of which it reached English by way of Norman French. The French adjective, chaussée, carries the meaning of having been given a hardened surface, and is used to mean either paved or shod. As a noun chaussée is used on the one hand for a metalled carriageway, and on the other for an embankment with or without a road. Other languages have a noun with similar dual meaning. In Welsh, it is sarn. The Welsh is relevant here, as it also has a verb, sarnu, meaning to trample. The trampling and ramming technique for consolidating earthworks was used in fortifications and there is a comparable, outmoded form of wall construction technique, used in such work and known as pisé, a word derived not from trampling but from ramming or tamping. The modern embankment may be constructed within a cofferdam: two parallel steel sheet pile or concrete retaining walls, anchored to each other with steel cables or rods. This construction may also serve as a dyke that keeps two bodies of water apart, such as bodies with a different water level on each side, or with salt water on one side and fresh water on the other. This may also be the primary purpose of a structure, the road providing a hardened crest for the dike, slowing erosion in the event of an overflow. It also provides access for maintenance as well perhaps, as a public service. Notable causeways include those that connect Singapore and Malaysia (the Johor–Singapore Causeway), Bahrain and Saudi Arabia (25-km long King Fahd Causeway) and Venice to the mainland, all of which carry roadways and railways. In the Netherlands there are a number of prominent dykes which also double as causeways, including the Afsluitdijk, Brouwersdam, and Markerwaarddijk. In Louisiana, two very long bridges, called the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, stretch across Lake Pontchartrain for almost 38 km, making them the world's longest bridges (if total length is considered instead of span length). They are also the oldest causeways on the Gulf Coast that have never been put out of commission for an extended period of time following a hurricane. In the Republic of Panama a causeway connects the islands of Perico, Flamenco, and Naos to Panama City on the mainland. It also serves as a breakwater for ships entering the Panama Canal. Its English name causeway is sometimes confused with "Coastway", name of a touristic zone in Panama city. The Aztec city-state of Tenochtitlan had causeways supporting roads and aqueducts. The oldest engineered road yet discovered is the Sweet Track in England, dating from the 3800s BC. Causeways are also common in Florida, where low bridges may connect several man-made islands, often with a much higher bridge (or part of a single bridge) in the middle so that taller boats may pass underneath safely. Causeways are most often used to connect the barrier islands with the mainland. The Churchill Barriers in Orkney are of the most notable sets of causeways in Europe. Constructed in waters up to 18 metres deep, the four barriers link five islands on the eastern side of the natural harbour at Scapa Flow. They were built during World War II as military defences for the harbour, on the orders of Winston Churchill. The Estrada do Istmo connecting the islands of Taipa and Coloane in Macau was initially built as a causeway. The sea on both sides of the causeway had become shallower as a result of silting, and mangroves had conquer the area. Later on land reclamation took place on both sides of the road and the area has subsequently be named Cotai and become home of several casino complexes. In Okinawa, Japan, connected by the Mid-Sea Road are the Katsuren Peninsula, Henza Island, Miyagi Island, Ikei Island and Hamahiga-Island. Specific causeways around the world |This section requires expansion. (April 2009)| Various causeways in the world: - Canso Causeway, Nova Scotia, Canada ( ) - Hindenburgdamm, Germany ( ) - Johor-Singapore Causeway ( ) - Lake Ponchartrain Causeway, Louisiana ( ) - King Fahd Causeway, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia ( ) - Venice ( ) - Mahim Causeway, Mumbai, India - Swarkestone causeway, Derby, England, United Kingdom - Causeway across Haraldssund, Faroe Islands - Causeway across Hvannasund, Faroe Islands - Rømødæmningen, Denmark, connecting Rømø (island) with the mainland across the wadden sea - MacArthur Causeway, Florida, United States Causeways affect currents and may therefore be involved in beach erosion or changed deposition patterns; this effect has been a problem at the Hindenburgdamm in northern Germany. During hurricane seasons, the winds and rains of approaching tropical storms--as well as waves generated by the storm in the surrounding bodies of water—make traversing causeways problematic at best and impossibly dangerous during the fiercest parts of the storms. For this reason (and related reasons, such as the need to minimize traffic jams on both the roads approaching the causeway and the causeway itself), emergency evacuation of island residents is a high priority for local, regional, and even national authorities. See also - The Causeway, Western Australia - Causey Arch, County Durham, England - Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, Metairie, Louisiana, Southern; Mandeville, Louisiana, Northern. - Pulaski Skyway - Oxford English Dictionary. 1971. ISBN 0-19-861212-5. - Collins Robert French Dictionary, 5th edn. 1998. ISBN 0-00-470526-2. - Nouveau Petit Larousse Illustré, Paris. 1934. - Grape, W. The Bayeux Tapestry. Prestel, Munich and New York. 1994. ISBN 3-7913-1365-7. - Evans, H.M. and Thomas, W.O. The New Welsh Dictionary (Y Geiriadur Newydd). Llyfrau'r Dryw, Llandybie. 1953.
Upcoming events related to online PR and social media are listed below. Our events often cover a range of digital marketing topics, including social media, so we've included those, along with any events specifically concerned with online PR and social media. |Future of Digital Marketing Malaysia||28 May 2013||Malaysia||Places available| |Future of Digital Marketing London||6 Jun 2013||London||Places available| |Integrated Marketing Week||10 Jun 2013||New York||Places available| |Digital Cream Hong Kong||27 Jun 2013||Hong Kong||Places available| |Digital Cream Shanghai||24 Oct 2013||Shanghai||Places available| |Digital Cream Singapore||28 Nov 2013||Singapore||Places available|
A forum, themed “ Vietnam : opportunity for tourism, trade and investment”, took place in Malaysia ’s capital city of Kuala Lumpur on May 5 to further strengthen cooperation in these fields between Vietnam and Malaysia. Co-organised by the Vietnamese Embassy and the Vietnam Airlines office in Malaysia , the forum drew over 100 delegates from Malaysia ’s leading businesses and tourism companies and Vietnam ’s travel agencies, including Pitaberry, Chin Huat, Polar Ice Cream, HG Travel and I-travel Indochina . Addressing the forum, Vietnamese Ambassador to Malaysia Nguyen Hong Thao said that Vietnam-Malaysia cooperative relations in trade, tourism and investment continue to show positive growth, but did not yet correspond to the two countries’ potential and aspirations. The forum aims to boost tourism promotion, presenting opportunities and preferential investment policies to increase the number of tourists between the two countries, while strengthening two-way trade to raise bilateral turnover to 10 billion USD. The Ambassador expressed hopes that Malaysia ’s corporations and companies would continue strengthening their presence in Vietnam , believing that they will achieve more success. Acting Director General of Tourism Malaysia Haji Azizan Noordin highly valued Vietnam ’s potential in tourism, affirming that Vietnam is one of 15 leading tourism markets of Malaysia . He also expressed his hope that the two countries’ trade cooperation will develop more strongly. Also at the forum, Vietnamese commercial counsellor Vu Van Canh said that bilateral trade has increased annually by an average 20 percent in recent years. In 2011, two-way trade reached 6.66 billion USD, in which Vietnam ’s export turnover to Malaysia achieved 2.76 billion USD. In terms of investment, Malaysia ranks second in ASEAN countries and eighth among 90 nations and territories investing in Vietnam , with 404 projects and a total registered capital of 11.09 billion USD. After the forum, delegates had a chance to enjoy a special programme performed by Vietnamese artists and Vietnamese food and drinks like nem (Spring roll), pho (noodles) and Trung Nguyen coffee.-VNA
A bullock cart or ox cart is a two-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicle pulled by oxen (draught cattle). It is a means of transportation used since ancient times in many parts of the world. They are still used today where modern vehicles are too expensive or the infrastructure does not favor them. Used especially for carrying goods, the bullock cart is pulled by one or several oxen (bullocks). The cart (also known as a jinker) is attached to a bullock team by a special chain attached to yokes, but a rope may also be used for one or two animals. The driver and any other passengers sit on the front of the cart, while load is placed in the back. Traditionally the cargo was usually agrarian goods and lumber. Costa Rica In Costa Rica, ox carts (carretas in the Spanish language) were an important aspect of the daily life and commerce, especially between 1850 to 1935, developing a unique construction and decoration tradition that is still being developed. Costa Rican parades and traditional celebrations are not complete without a traditional ox cart parade. In 1988, the traditional ox cart was declared as National Symbol of Work by the Costa Rican government. In 2005, the "Oxherding and Oxcart Traditions in Costa Rica" were included in UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. In Indonesia, Bullock Carts are commonly used in the rural parts of the country, where it is used for transporting goods and carriages and also people. But it is mostly common in Indonesia that there are Horse Car than Bullock Carts on the streets of Indonesia. Bullock carts were widely used in Malaysia before the introduction of automobiles, and many are still used today. These included passenger vehicles, now used especially for tourists. Passenger carts are usually equipped with awnings for protection against sun and rain, and are often gaily decorated. See also |Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Ox-drawn carts|
Topography of Flores |Location||South East Asia| |Archipelago||Lesser Sunda Islands| |Area||13,540 km2 (5,228 sq mi)| |Highest elevation||2,370 m (7,780 ft)| |Highest point||Poco Mandasawu| |Province||East Nusa Tenggara| |Largest city||Maumere (pop. 70,000)| |Population||1,831,000 (as of 2010)| |Density||135 /km2 (350 /sq mi)| Flores is one of the Lesser Sunda Islands, an island arc with an estimated area of 14,300 km² extending east from the Java island of Indonesia. The population was 1,831,000 in the 2010 census and the largest town is Maumere. Flores is Portuguese for "flowers". Flores is located east of Sumbawa and Komodo and west of Lembata and the Alor Archipelago. To the southeast is Timor. To the south, across the Sumba strait, is Sumba and to the north, beyond the Flores Sea, is Sulawesi. Homo floresiensis In September 2004, at Liang Bua Cave in western Flores, paleoanthropologists discovered small skeletons that they described as a previously unknown hominid species, Homo floresiensis. These are informally named hobbits and appear to have stood about 1 m (3.3 ft) tall. The most complete individual (LB1) is dated as 18,000 years old. The Dominican order was extremely important in this island, as well as in the neighbouring islands of Timor and Solor. When in 1613 the Dutch attacked the Fortres of Solor, the population of this fort, led by the Dominicans, moved to the harbor town of Larantuka, on the eastern coast of Flores. This population was mixed, of Portuguese and local islanders descent and Larantuqueiros, Topasses (people that wear heats) or, as Dutch knew them, the 'Black Portuguese' (Swarte Portugueezen). The Larantuqueiros or Topasses became the dominant sandalwood trading people of the region for the next 200 years. This group used Portuguese as the language for worship, Malay as the language of trade and a mixed dialect as mother tongue. This was observed by William Dampier, a British Brigadier visiting the Island in 1699: - These [the Topasses] have no Forts, but depend on their Alliance with the Natives: And indeed they are already so mixt, that it is hard to distinguish whether they are Portugueze or Indians. Their Language is Portugueze; and the religion they have, is Romish. They seem in Words to acknowledge the King of Portugal for their Sovereign; yet they will not accept any Officers sent by him. They speak indifferently the Malayan and their own native Languages, as well as Portugueze. In 1846, Dutch and Portuguese initiated negotiations towards delimiting the territories but these negotiations led to nowhere. In 1851 the new governor of Timor, Solor and Flores, Lima Lopes, faced with an impoverished administration, agreed to sell eastern Flores and the nearby islands to Dutch in return for a payment of 200,000 Florins. Lima Lopes did so without the consent of Lisbon and was dismissed in disgrace, but his agreement was not rescinded and in 1854 Portugal ceded all its historical claims on Flores. After this, Flores became part of the territory of Dutch East Indies. Flores is part of the East Nusa Tenggara province. The island along with smaller minor islands are split into eight regencies (local government districts); from west to east these are: Manggarai Barat (West Manggarai), Manggarai Tengah (Central Manggarai), Manggarai Timur (East Manggarai), Ngada, Nagekeo, Ende, Sikka and Flores Timur (East Flores). It has 39.1% of the provincial population as of 2010, and the most Indonesians of all islands in the province. However, Timor including the nation of East Timor is more populated. It is the island with the 9th most Indonesians. Among all islands containing Indonesian territory, it is the 10th most populous after Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi, New Guinea, Bali, Madura, Lombok, and Timor. |Manggarai Regency||Ruteng||1958||UU 69/1958||1,545.97||292,037| |Sikka Regency||Maumere||1958||UU 69/1958||1,731.92||300,301| |Ngada Regency||Bajawa||1958||UU 69/1958||1,620.92||142,254| |Ende Regency||Ende||1958||UU 69/1958||2,046.62||260,428| |East Flores Regency||Larantuka||1958||UU 69/1958||1,812.85||232,312| |West Manggarai Regency||Labuan Bajo||2003||UU 8/2003||2,947.50||221,430| |Nagekeo Regency||Mbay||2007||UU 2/2007||1,416.96||129,956| |East Manggarai Regency||Borong||2007||UU 36/2007||2,502.24||252,754| Flora and fauna The west coast of Flores is one of the few places, aside from the island of Komodo itself, where the Komodo dragon can be found in the wild, and is part of Komodo National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Kelimutu National Park is the second national park designated on Flores to protect endangered species. The Flores giant rat is also endemic to the island, and Verhoeven's giant tree rat was formerly present. These giant rodents are considered examples of island gigantism. Flores was also the habitat of several extinct dwarf forms of the proboscidean Stegodon, the most recent (Stegodon florensis insularis) disappearing approximately 12 000 years ago. It is speculated by scientists that limited resources and an absence of advanced predators made the few megafaunal species that reached the island subject to insular dwarfism. There are many languages spoken on the island of Flores, all of them belonging to the Austronesian family. In the centre of the island in the districts of Ngada, Nagekeo, and Ende there is what is variously called the Central Flores Dialect Chain or the Central Flores Linkage. Within this area there are slight linguistic differences in almost every village. At least six separate languages are identifiable. These are from west to east: Ngadha, Nage, Keo, Ende, Lio and Palu'e, which is spoken on the island with the same name of the north coast of Flores. Locals would probably also add So'a and Bajawa to this list, which anthropologists have labeled dialects of Ngadha. Flores is almost entirely Roman Catholic and represents one of the "religious borders" created by the Catholic expansion in the Pacific and the spread of Islam from the west across Indonesia. In other places in Indonesia, such as in the Maluku Islands and Sulawesi, the divide is less rigid and has been the source of bloody sectarian clashes. The most famous tourist attraction in Flores is Kelimutu, a volcano containing three colored lakes, located in the district of Ende close to the town of Moni. These crater lakes are in the caldera of a volcano, and fed by a volcanic gas source, resulting in highly acidic water. The colored lakes change colors on an irregular basis, depending on the oxidation state of the lake from bright red through green and blue. There are snorkelling and diving locations along the north coast of Flores, most notably Maumere and Riung. However, due to the destructive practice of local fishermen using bombs to fish, and locals selling shells to tourists, combined with the after effects of a devastating tsunami in 1992, the reefs have slowly been destroyed. Labuan Bajo (on the western tip of Flores) is a town often used by tourists as a base to visit Komodo and Rinca. Labuanbajo also attracts scuba divers, as whale sharks inhabit the waters around Labuanbajo. In addition to tourism, the main economic activities on Flores are agriculture, fishing and seaweed production. The primary food crops being grown on Flores are rice, maize, sweet potato and cassava, while the main cash crops are coffee, coconut, candle nut and cashew. Flores is one of the newest origins for Indonesian coffee. Previously, most Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica) from Flores was blended with other origins. Now, demand is growing for this coffee because of its heavy body and sweet chocolate, floral and woody notes. An ancient Ngada megalith See also - Monk, K.A.; Fretes, Y., Reksodiharjo-Lilley, G. (1996). The Ecology of Nusa Tenggara and Maluku. Hong Kong: Periplus Editions Ltd. p. 7. ISBN 962-593-076-0. - "Out of the Ashes - Chapter 1". 1914-06-25. Retrieved 2012-07-25. - L, Klemen (1999-2000). "The Lesser Sunda Islands 1941-1942". Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941-1942. - "Hasil Sensus Penduduk 2010". Retrieved 2012-07-25. - Van Den Bergh, G. D.; Rokhus Due Awe; Morwood, M. J.; Sutikna, T.; Jatmiko; Wahyu Saptomo, E. (May 2008). "The youngest Stegodon remains in Southeast Asia from the Late Pleistocene archaeological site Liang Bua, Flores, Indonesia". Quaternary International 182 (1): 16–48. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2007.02.001. Retrieved 27 November 2011. - "Hobbits" Were Pygmy Ancestors, Not New Species, Study Says, National Geographic, 21 August 2006. - Pasternack. Keli Mutu Volcanic Lakes, University of California Davis. - East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Retrieved 8 August 2008. - Arabica Producing Regions of Indonesia, Specialty Coffee Association of Indonesia. Retrieved 8 August 2008. |Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Flores, Indonesia| - L, Klemen (1999-2000). "Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941-1942".
|Elevation||4,095 m (13,435 ft)| |Prominence||4,095 m (13,435 ft) |Listing||Country high point John Whitehead (highest peak) Mount Kinabalu (Malay: Gunung Kinabalu) is a prominent mountain on the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia. It is located in the East Malaysian state of Sabah and is protected as Kinabalu National Park, a World Heritage Site. Kinabalu is the highest peak in Borneo's Crocker Range and is the highest mountain in the Malay Archipelago. Mount Kinabalu is also the 20th most prominent mountain in the world by topographic prominence. In 1997, a re-survey using satellite technology established its summit (known as Low's Peak) height at 4,095 metres (13,435 ft) above sea level, which is some 6 metres (20 ft) less than the previously thought and hitherto published figure of 4,101 metres (13,455 ft). Mount Kinabalu includes the Kinabalu montane alpine meadows ecoregion in the montane grasslands and shrublands biome. The mountain and its surroundings are among the most important biological sites in the world, with between 5000 and 6000 species of plants, 326 species of birds, and more than 100 mammalian species identified. Among this rich collection of wildlife are famous species such as the gigantic Rafflesia plants and the orangutan. Mount Kinabalu has been accorded UNESCO World Heritage status. Low's Peak can be climbed quite easily by a person in good physical condition and there is no need for mountaineering equipment at any point on the main route. Other peaks along the massif, however, require rock climbing skills. Significantly, Mount Kinabalu along with other upland areas of the Crocker Range is well-known worldwide for its tremendous botanical and biological species biodiversity with plants of Himalayan, Australasian, and Indomalayan origin. A recent botanical survey of the mountain estimated a staggering 5,000 to 6,000 plant species (excluding mosses and liverworts but including ferns), which is more than all of Europe and North America (excluding tropical regions of Mexico) combined. It is therefore one of the world's most important biological sites. The flora covers the mountain in zones of different types of habitat as one climbs up, beginning with a lowland belt of fig trees and insectivorous pitcher plants. Then between 2,600 to 3,200 m (8,530 to 10,499 ft) is a layer of short trees such the conifer Dacrydium gibbsiae and dwarf shrubs, mosses, lichens, liverworts, and ferns. Finally many of the world's richest variety of orchids are found on the high rockier slopes. These plants have high levels of endemism (i.e. species which are found only within Kinabalu Park and are not found anywhere else in the world). The orchids are the best-known example with over 800 species including some of the highly-valued Paphiopedilum slipper orchids, but there are also over 600 species of ferns (more than the whole of Africa's 500 species) of which 50 are found nowhere else, and the richest collection in the world for the Nepenthes pitcher plants (five of the thirteen are found nowhere else on earth) which reach spectacular proportions (the largest-pitchered in the world being the endemic Nepenthes rajah). The parasitic Rafflesia plant, which has the largest single flower in the world, is also found in Kinabalu (particularly Rafflesia keithii whose flower grows to 94 centimetres (37 in) in diameter), though it should be noted that blooms of the flower are rare and difficult to find. Meanwhile another Rafflesia species, Rafflesia tengku-adlinii, can be found on the neighbouring Mount Trus Madi and the nearby Maliau Basin. Its incredible biodiversity in plant life is due to a combination of several unique factors: its setting in one of the richest plant regions of the world (the tropical biogeographical region known as western Malesia which comprises the island of Sumatra, the Malay Peninsula, and the island of Borneo), the fact that the mountain covers a wide climatic range from near sea level to freezing ground conditions near the summit, the jagged terrain and diversity of rocks and soils, the high levels of rainfall (averaging about 2,700 millimetres (110 in) a year at park HQ), and the climatic instability caused by periods of glaciation and catastrophic droughts which result in evolution and speciation. This diversity is greatest in the lowland regions (consisting of lowland dipterocarp forests, so called because the tree family Dipterocarpaceae are dominant). However, most of Kinabalu's endemic species are found in the mountain forests, particularly on ultramafic soils (i.e. soils which are low in phosphates and high in iron and metals poisonous to many plants; this high toxic content gave rise to the development of distinctive plant species found nowhere else). The variety of plant life is also habitat for a great variety of birds and animals. There are some 326 species of birds in Kinabalu Park, including the spectacular Rhinoceros Hornbill, Mountain Serpent-eagle, Dulit Frogmouth, Eyebrowed Jungle Flycatcher, and Bare-headed Laughingthrush. Twenty-four birds are mainly found on the mountain and one, the Bornean Spiderhunter, is a pure endemic. The mountain is home to some 100 mammalian species mostly living high in the trees, including one of the four great apes, the orangutan (though sightings of these are uncommon; estimates of its numbers in the park range from 25 to 120). Other mammals include three kinds of deer, the Malayan Weasel (Mustela nudipes), Oriental Small-clawed Otter (Aonyx cinerea), and Leopard Cat (Felis bengalensis). Endemic mammals include the Black Shrew (Suncus ater) and Bornean Ferret-badger (Melogale everetti). Threats and preservation The steep mountainsides with poor soil are not suitable for farming or for the timber industry so the habitats and animal life of Kinabalu remain largely intact, with about a third of the original habitat now degraded. Kinabalu Park was established in 1964 and the nearby mountains were protected as the Crocker Range National Park in 1984. However even national park status does not guarantee full protection, as logging permits were granted on Trus Madi in 1984. Mount Kinabalu is essentially a massive pluton formed from granodiorite which is intrusive into sedimentary and ultrabasic rocks, and forms the central part, or core, of the Kinabalu massif. The granodiorite is intrusive into strongly folded strata, probably of Eocene to Miocene age, and associated ultrabasic and basic igneous rocks. It was pushed up from the earth's crust as molten rock millions of years ago. In geological terms, it is a very young mountain as the granodiorite cooled and hardened only about 10 million years ago. The present landform is considered to be a mid-Pliocene peneplain, arched and deeply dissected, through which the Kinabalu granodiorite body has risen in isostatic adjustment. It is still pushing up at the rate of 5 mm per annum. During the Pleistocene Epoch of about 100,000 years ago, the massive mountain was covered by huge sheets of ice and glaciers which flowed down its slopes, scouring its surface in the process and creating the 1,800-metre (5,900 ft) deep Low's Gully (named after Hugh Low) on its north side. Its granite composition and the glacial formative processes are readily apparent when viewing its craggy rocky peaks. British colonial administrator Hugh Low made the first recorded ascent of Mount Kinabalu's summit plateau in March 1851. Low did not scale the mountain's highest peak, however, considering it "inaccessible to any but winged animals". In April and July 1858, Low was accompanied on two further ascents by Spenser St. John, the British Consul in Brunei. The highest point of Mount Kinabalu was finally reached in 1888 by zoologist John Whitehead. British botanist Lilian Gibbs became the first woman and the first botanist to summit Mount Kinabalu in February 1910. Botanist E. J. H. Corner led two important expeditions of the Royal Society of Great Britain to the mountain in 1961 and 1964. Kinabalu National Park was established in 1964. The park was designated a natural World Heritage Site in 2000. Climbing route Climbers must be accompanied by accredited guides at all times due to national park regulations. There are two main starting points for the climb: the Timpohon Gate (located 5.5 km from Kinabalu Park Headquarters, at an altitude of 1,866 metres (6,122 ft)), and the Mesilau Nature Resort. The latter starting point is slightly higher in elevation, but crosses a ridge, adding about two kilometres to the ascent and making the total elevation gain slightly higher. The two trails meet about two kilometres before Laban Rata. Accommodation is available inside the park or outside near the headquarters. Sabah Parks has privatised Mount Kinabalu activities to an organisation called Sutera Sanctuary Lodges (also known as Sutera Harbour). The mountain may be climbed on a single day trip, or hikers may (usually) stay one night at Laban Rata Resthouse at 3,270 metres (10,730 ft) to complete the climb in 2 days, finishing the ascent and descending on the second day. The majority of climbers begin the ascent on day one of a two-day hike from Timpohon gate at 1,866 metres (6,122 ft), reaching this location either by minibus or by walking, and then walk to Laban Rata. Most people accomplish this part of the climb in 3 to 6 hours. Since there are no roads, the supplies for the Laban Rata Resthouse are carried by porters, who bring up to 35 kilograms of supplies on their backs. Hot food and beverages are available at Laban Rata. Most rooms have no hot water in the bathrooms and whilst the dining area is heated, most rooms are not. The last 2 kilometres (6,600 ft), from the Laban Rata Resthouse at 3,270 metres (10,730 ft) to Low's Peak (summit) at 4,095.2 metres (13,436 ft), takes between 2 and 4 hours. The last part of the climb is on naked granite rock. Given the high altitude, some people may suffer from altitude sickness and should return immediately to the bottom of the mountain, as breathing and any further movement becomes increasingly difficult. Low's gully Low's Gully (named after Hugh Low) is a 1,800-metre (5,900 ft) deep gorge on the north side of Mount Kinabalu, one of the least explored and most inhospitable places on earth. In 1994 two British Army officers were severely criticised after having led a party of 10 adventurers that required extensive rescue efforts from both the RAF and the Malaysian army. Five members of the party were trapped for 16 days and did not eat for five days before being rescued. The breakaway party of five successfully completed the world's first descent of the gully in three days. There are two stories that led to the main beliefs in the origin of the mountain's name. The first derivation of the word Kinabalu is extracted from the short form for the Kadazan Dusun word 'Aki Nabalu', meaning "the revered place of the dead". The second source states that the name "Kinabalu" actually means "Cina Balu" (which would fully mean "A Chinese Widow"). Due to the lingual influence among the Kadazan Dusun of Sabah, the pronunciation for the word "cina" (chee-na) was changed to "Kina" (kee-na). It was told that a Chinese prince, was cast away to Borneo when his ship sank in the middle of the South China Sea. He was subsequently rescued by the natives from a nearby village. As he recovered, he was slowly accepted as one of the people of the village. Eventually, he fell in love with a local woman, and married her. Years went by, and he started to feel homesick. So he asked permission from his newly-found family to go back to China to visit his parents (the Emperor and Empress of China). To his wife, he promised that as soon as he was done with his family duties in China, he would come back to Borneo to take her and their children back to China. When he made his return to China, he was given a grand welcome by his family. However, to his dismay, his parents disagreed with him about taking his Bornean wife back to China. Worse, they told him that he was already betrothed to a princess of a neighbouring kingdom. Having no choice (due to high respect towards his parents), he obeyed with a heavy heart. Meanwhile, back in Borneo, his wife grew more and more anxious. Eventually, she decided that she will wait for her husband's ship. However, since the village was situated far away from the coast, she couldn't afford to come to the shore and wait for him daily. Instead she decided to climb to the top of the highest mountain near her village, so that she could have a better view of the ships sailing in the South China Sea. Thus, she was then seen climbing up the mountain at every sunrise, returning only at night to attend to her growing children. Eventually her efforts took their toll. She fell ill, and died at the top of the cold mountain while waiting for her husband. The spirit of the mountain, having observed her for years, was extremely touched by her loyalty towards her husband. Out of admiration for this woman, the spirit of the mountain turned her into a stone. Her face was made to face the South China Sea, so that she could wait forever for her dear husband's return. The people in her hometown who heard about this were also gravely touched by this. Thus, they decided to name the mountain "Kinabalu" in remembrance of her. To them, the mountain is a symbol of the everlasting love and loyalty that should be taken as a good example by women. See also - Given the definition of the Malay Archipelago excluding New Guinea, where about 22 mountains exceed 4100 m. - "World Top 50 Most Prominent Peaks" Retrieved 2011-11-21. - Phillipps, A. & F. Liew 2000. Globetrotter Visitor's Guide – Kinabalu Park. New Holland Publishers (UK) Ltd. - Eight Southeast Asian Destinations You Shouldn't Miss - Mount Kinabalu National Park ... revered abode of the dead - Parris, B. S., R. S. Beaman, and J. H. Beaman. 1992. The Plants of Mount Kinabalu: 1. Ferns and Fern Allies. Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens. 165 pp + 5 pl. - Wood, J. J., J. H. Beaman, and R. S. Beaman. 1993. The Plants of Mount Kinabalu. 2. Orchids. Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens. xii + 411 pp + 84 pl. - Beaman, J. H., and R. S. Beaman. 1998. The Plants of Mount Kinabalu. 3. Gymnosperms and Non-Orchid Monocotyledons. Kota Kinabalu: Natural History Publications (Borneo) Sdn. Bhd.; Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens. xii + 220 pp + 25 pl. - Beaman, J. H., C. Anderson, and R. S. Beaman. 2001. The plants of Mount Kinabalu. 4: Dicotyledon families Acanthaceae to Lythraceae. xiv + 570 pp + 45 pl. Kota Kinabalu: Natural History Publications (Borneo) Sdn. Bhd.; Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens. - Beaman, J. H., and C. Anderson. 2004. The plants of Mount Kinabalu. 5: Dicotyledon families Magnoliaceae to Winteraceae. xiv + 609 pp + 40 pl. Kota Kinabalu: Natural History Publications (Borneo) Sdn. Bhd.; Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens. - Kurata, S. 1976. Nepenthes of Mount Kinabalu. Sabah National Parks Publications No. 2, Sabah National Parks Trustees, Kota Kinabalu. - Adam, J.H. & C.C. Wilcock 1998 ['1996']. Pitcher plants of Mt. Kinabalu in Sabah. The Sarawak Museum Journal 50(71): 145–171. - Blakemore, R.J., C. Csuzdi, M.T. Ito, N. Kaneko, T. Kawaguchi & M. Schilthuizen 2007. PDF (16.4 KiB) Zootaxa 1613: 23–44. - "Kinabalu montane alpine meadows". Terrestrial Ecoregions. World Wildlife Fund. - Hiung, C. S., R. Mandalam, and C. Chin. 2004. The Hugh Low Trail: The Quest for the Historical Trail to the Summit of Kinabalu. The Sabah Society, Kota Kinabalu. - Kinabalu Park. UNESCO World Heritage Centre. - Cymerman, A; Rock, PB. Medical Problems in High Mountain Environments. A Handbook for Medical Officers. USARIEM-TN94-2. US Army Research Inst. of Environmental Medicine Thermal and Mountain Medicine Division Technical Report. Retrieved 2009-03-05. - The Independent, 21 September 1994, Leaders of lost expedition criticised, by Mary Braid - McIlroy, N. 2011. Man versus mountain. The West Australian, 9 July 2011. |Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Mount Kinabalu| - Mount Kinabalu travel guide from Wikivoyage - Sabah Parks website - Mount Kinabalu Information - Climbing Mount Kinabalu - Plants of Mount Kinabalu
If you are up for some in depth reading, I suggest you check out this open letter to Barack Obama from Punk-Rock-Patriarch Jello Biafra. It's the sanest thing I've read in some time. IRAQ – TRY THIS! The closest thing to a solution I have heard was offered clear back in April 2004 by the Organization of the Islamic Conference ( The OIC is comprised of 57 Islamic countries ranging from West Africa clear over to Southeast Asia. At their annual meeting they found six member nations (Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Yemen and Morocco) willing to pony up enough of their own troops (approx. 150,000) that our troops could have gone home! Who slammed the door on that one? Colin Powell, on the grounds that having the Islamic soldiers under UN command instead of Americans was out of the question. WHY??!? Wouldn't a neutral force of Muslim peacekeepers make a lot more headway than the disaster we've made? Wouldn't they at least command a lot more respect, resulting in a huge drop in violence? Surely the non-stop carnage and Iracketeering we have spawned is Exhibit A that we need to get over this colonialist illusion that other countries' problems can only be solved by Americans. The OIC's proposal for US withdrawal and peace in Iraq must be revisited immediately, and also considered for Afghanistan.
Updates: Sage’s Valentines Day Menu is out! 5 courses meal at RM 288 nett per pax, breaching our criteria of not being massively expensive. Ops! Valentine’s Day, one of the most dreaded days of the year for men is just 14 days away! Well, Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be another source of stress because we are here to help! Together with KampungBoy, we have selected 5 restaurants in KL based on the following criterias: 1) We have personally been there, tried the food and walked away happy. 2) Ambiance, ambiance, ambiance! 3) Not massively expensive (< RM 400 per couple) So yeah, in case you are wondering why Cilantro (too expensive), Lafite (never been there), Il Lido(never been there), Upper Deck (our favourite, but V-Day set at RM 600++ per couple), Garibaldi (love the food, but V-Day set RM 238 per person) or whoever never made it onto the list. Samplings On The Fourteenth Valentine’s Day Menu House Smoked Duck and Scallop Saffron Seafood Soup Pink Grapefruit Sorbet with Campari Grilled Beef Tenderloin Pan-fried Cod Fish Fillet RM 158.00++ per person, inclusive of a glass of sparkling wine each and a stalk of lovely rose for the lady. While savouring in the exquisite 5-course menu, embrace your loved ones with joy and hilarity this Valentine’s Day. A line up of top comedians are taking stage, set to leave the audience in stitches of laughter and glee. Featuring Australian comedian – Greg Sullivan; and local talents – Andrew Netto and Rizal Van Geyzel, you will find nothing more sultry than a full throated laugh and giggle of delights from your beloved to start off a fun filled Valentine’s night! The show is inclusive of a glass of complimentary Carlsberg beer as well. Samplings on the Fourteen 14th Floor, East Tower, 1, Jalan Imbi, 55100 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 603- 2117 8000 ext 8131 Fax: 603- 2117 8155 Nestled in a 100-year-old building in the heart of Chinatown, Ril’s Steakhouse opened its door last December with the aim of providing KL-ites with the best meat in the city. Stepping into Ril’s Steakhouse, one will be easily attracted by the soaring ceilings, cosy leather furniture, and raw industrial accents amidst the rustic decor. White tablecloths and the hanging chandelier create a classy feel. 500g Australian Angus Rib Eye Ril’s Steakhouse menu features simple yet refined steakhouse classics with a selection of mouth watering starters, mains, sides and desserts. Head Chef and Owner, Tunku Khairil Ibrahim knows meat and just how to cook it. The steak at Ril’s Steakhouse is either Malaysia-reared Gemas Gold or air-flown Australian Angus steaks – we love the fact we know where our meet is coming from. Ril’s Valentine’s Day Menu Hibiscus Fizz - Choice of alcholic or non-alchoholic Lobster Bisque - Drizzled with luxurious white truffle oil Tuna Tataki with Charred Artichokes - Served with sticky soy glazed panroasted new potato, candied apple puree, and smoked chili jam 500g Australian Angus Rib Eye - For two to share, with an assortment of sides (+ RM 20) Chicken Casserole - Served on a bed of wilted spinach, with a rich jus reduction 300g Australian Prime Rib Eye - Accompanied by an assortment of sides Rich Chili & Chocolate Mousse - A sinful combination of aphrodisiac ingredients Mango & Ginger Cheesecake - A sweet yet saucy combination of smooth and spicy flavours RM150++ per person – first 10 couples who booked gets complimentary wine! The Warehouse Gallery & Cafe, Jalan Tun H.S. Lee, Kuala Lumpur. The ambiance is perfect – classy, lush but not intimidating, with the occasional melody of glass clinging, soft whispering and sizzling at the background. Feuillete of Anago with Foie Gras and Duxelles Sage Restaurant Valentine’s Day Menu Sage Restaurant & Wine Bar The Residences Level 6 The Gardens, Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra, Located at a quieter part of Bangsar, Opus Bistro is a homey, long-standing Italian restaurant that attracts a loyal group of regulars with its classic offerings. The restaurant has been there, in the same place, since forever ago. We celebrated our 2nd anniversary here, and now we are going into our 7th year. Time flies and it is also a true testament to Opus Bistro’s great food and attentive services. Our revisit has reaffirm the fact that Opus Bistro has got indisputable food quality, just like its reputable sister outlets at Jalan Bangkung. Though ‘glam’ dining as such is not light on the pocket (for us lar), but the food quality more than makes up for it. Opus Bistro Valentine’s Day Menu TBA (still waiting for reply) 67, Jalan Bangkung 59100 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 03 20924288 The two storey high restaurant has adopted a simple but elegant bright white theme which creates an atmosphere that entices guests to relax. The exposed brick wall, even in its unfinished state, is rustic yet refined. It gives the room a more casual, Mediterranean mood, and that mood is enhanced by Croatia’s travel brochures scattered across the table and a screen playing clips featuring the lovely country. Stef’s Chocolate Cake Dubrovnik Restaurant offers an unforgettable Croatia experience in an easygoing and relaxed setting. Definitely not light on the pocket, but every dollar spent on the food and ambiance is worth while. Dubrovnik Restaurant Valentine’s Day Menu 3 course dinner at RM 118++ per pax, with complimentary champagne cocktails J-0G-14, Solaris Mont Kiara, No.2, Jalan Solaris, Mont Kiara Tel: 03 62036780118
Perodua Myvi is one of the famous car in malaysia. The owner of myvi have everything in their mind to modify their lovely cars extremely. This sets of pictures taken from one of the myvi forum in Malaysia. And surprisingly, this cute little car can transform to almost any car model by just modifying the front bumper with custom bodykit. Like above, is the myvi BMW M3 bumper. On the road, i saw some of the myvi fitted with BMW front grille with two hole as a standard design of BMW. PERODUA MYVI CUSTOM MODIFICATION DESIGN BUMPER : MYVI BE ANYTHING! Perodua Myvi modified bodykit to be a Mitsubishi evo x. Even the lamp is not really can be author to be the same like evo x, It is enough to modify only the front bumper. Actually this sets of myvi modification is done by one of the myvi forumer using photo graphic software. Nice job done there. Myvi nissan fairlady. This one quite nice and more suitable to myvi. Not too much, simple yet have sporty look. Guess what bumper is that? Inspired by Toyota Estima front bumper, this myvi looks bigger and fierce. MAJALAH KERETA MALAYSIA : Looking for a new car in Malaysia review? Latest 2013 car prices, specs, reviews & full specification! Ready to buy 2013 new car? Find 2013 car dealer in malaysia, the latest deals, discounts and promotion or vehicles for sale online. View our comments on Test drive, Fuel Consumption, owners or user review about car problem and solution on how to repair the car. Car accessories, performance and body kit discussion in forum section. KERETA DOT INFO KDI is a Majalah kereta Malaysia which shares Car Specification, Gambar, video, latest news / berita, Panduan, tips, regarding most of Malaysia cars like Proton Perodua Naza Nissan Honda and Toyota. Rental car, New car Price, Fuel, MPV spec, Bodykit, Modified cars, test drive review, iklan / ads also available here. Help yourself =)
A Delegation from University of Malaya (UM) Visits LUMS A five-member Malaysian delegation headed by Tan Sri Ghuth Jamson, Vice Chancellor of the University of Malaya (UM), Malaysia visited the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) on Monday, September 10, 2012 as part of their initiative to visit Higher Education Institutions across Pakistan from September 6-13, 2012, for future academic collaborations. The Malaysian visit to Pakistan is aimed at exploring opportunities of bilateral cooperation, better understanding and setting-up mutual ties between the two countries, with the special emphasis on areas such as Engineering, Medicine, Information Technology and Business. The delegation was received by Dr. Adil Najam, Vice Chancellor LUMS along with Syed Babar Ali, LUMS Pro-Chancellor; Dr. Arif Nazir Butt, Dean Suleman Dawood School of Business (SDSB); Dr. Sohail Qureshi, Dean Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering (SBASSE); Dr. Sohaib Khan, Chair Computer Science Department; Dr. Syed Noman-ul-Haq, faculty Department of Humanities and Social Sciences; Dr. Shahid Masud, faculty Department of Electrical Engineering; Col Amer Khan, Director General Administrative Service Department; Mazhar M. Chinoy, Head of Office of Students Affairs; and Gulbano Asim, Head of Marketing. VC LUMS, Dr. Najam briefed the Malaysian delegation about the history and establishment of LUMS and the progress it has made over the years. He talked about how LUMS started off its journey as a Business School and now while being in its 27th year, LUMS has “blossomed into a University housing three Schools: Suleman Dawood School of Business (SDSB) – the Flagship School; Mushtaq Ahmed Gurmani School of Humanities and Social Sciences (MGSHSS) – the Largest School; and Syed Baber Ali School of Science and Engineering (SBASSE) – the Newest School.” He added that LUMS is also hoping for a fourth one – The Law School. While talking about some of the major milestones of LUMS as an institution, in terms of its reach across Pakistan with around 57 % of students from outside Lahore, Dr. Najam said that LUMS aspires to expand into a full-fledged University in years to come. He further added that just over 40 % of the students at LUMS are availing some form of financial aid, where as PKR 360 million has been disbursed as financial aid to date, at LUMS. “The idea is to make good Education available to the best minds from across the country,” said Dr. Najam. The delegation was also briefed about the LUMS National Outreach Programme (NOP) and how it encourages and supports diversity by reaching out to students from far flung areas of Pakistan. This was followed by a video on the NOP initiative of LUMS. The faculty of University of Malaya (UM) also briefed the attendees about their various offerings at their University and shared that they have collaborations with around 300 universities worldwide with hopes of further adding on to the visiting number. The visit concluded with a tour of LUMS campus.
Merchantrade remittance branches are located nationwide; operate 365 days, and offers speedy, secure and safe remittance services. Merchantrade is the most trusted brand for remittance services in Malaysia. Current outward remittance corridors are Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, India and Sri Lanka with other corridors in the pipeline. Merchantrade’s payout partners are highly reputable commercial banks and remittance house with payout modes to beneficiaries by direct bank-in, instant cash over the counter, cash pick-up and door to door to delivery. Merchantrade Asia Sdn Bhd Affiliate of Sumitomo Corporation
Grammy Award-winning rock act Switchfoot hosts 8th Annual Switchfoot Bro-Am Presented By Hurley featuring a pre-event auction night, charity surf contest, the Rob Machado Bro Junior, and beach concert — all to benefit StandUp For Kids Switchfoot Bro-Am Kick-Off Auction Night Soiree When: Thursday, June 14, 2012 Where: The Crosby at Rancho Santa Fe Tickets: $150 each, or $225 for VIP, available via 8th Annual Switchfoot Bro-Am Presented By Hurley When: Saturday, June 16, 2012 Where: Moonlight Beach in Encinitas, CA Surf contest: 7am-3:30pm | Concert: 12pm-5pm *A free event featuring a surf contest, the Rob Machado Bro Junior, concert, vendors, and more! (Encinitas, CA) — The Switchfoot Bro-Am surf contest and concert returns to Moonlight Beach in Encinitas on Saturday, June 16, 2012. An annual event near and dear to Switchfoot’s heart, the Bro-Am was created to give back to the San Diego community while benefiting a local children’s charity through funds raised at a pre-event auction night soiree, as well as from vendors on the beach day-of, corporate surf team entries, and sponsorships. Since its inception in 2005, the Bro-Am has raised more than $515,000 for San Diego-based children’s charities. The 8th Annual Switchfoot Bro-Am Presented By Hurley will once again benefit StandUp For Kids, a national nonprofit volunteer outreach organization founded in San Diego that is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of at-risk, homeless, and street kids ( In addition to the surf contest, live music performances, and nerf surf jousting exposition between surf contest heats, this year’s event will welcome the newly-added Rob Machado Bro Junior. Rather than a financial donation, those ages 16 and under who collect the most donated clothing win a spot to compete. Bro-Am weekend kicks off on Thursday, June 14, at The Crosby at Rancho Santa Fe. With a “taste of San Diego” format, guests will savor signature dishes from the area’s leading restaurants including 2Good2B, Bull Taco, Chuao Chocolatier, The Crosby at Rancho Santa Fe, Crush Restaurant & Wine Lounge, Daphne’s, Del Mar Rendezvous, East Coast Pizza, Flavor Del Mar, Jake’s Del Mar, Luna Grill, Nothing Bundt Cakes, Pacific Coast Grill, Pacifica Del Mar, Pizza Port Brewing, Rimel’s, Solace & The Moonlight Lounge, and Zenbu. The evening will also include an exclusive live performance, silent and live auctions, and opportunity drawings. Tickets are limited, and are $150 per person; VIP are $225 per person, and include a VIP reception and meet & greet with Switchfoot. The auction night is sponsored by The Crosby at Rancho Santa Fe, Kaiser Permanente, Ashford University, Redfearn & Associates, and Ranch & Coast Magazine. “The Bro-Am has been my favorite day of the year ever since we started it back in ’05,” notes Switchfoot’s Jon Foreman. “To see our hometown come together to help out a deserving group of kids is an incredible experience — surfing, music, and the San Diego scene at its best. We feel truly honored to again partner with StandUp For Kids, an incredible organization serving at-risk youth here in San Diego and across the country. Last year was our biggest year ever, and we hope to top it again this year.” Four-person surf teams secure their participation via sponsorship donation to StandUp For Kids. This year’s surf contest will feature riders representing Hurley, Billabong, Channel Islands, Transworld Surf, Surf Ride, Dragon, Surfer Magazine, the Encinitas Firefighters Association, and more, as well as surf legends Tom Curren and Rob Machado, and members of Switchfoot. A free concert on the beach will feature performances by Brandon & Leah, Le Blorr, Dead Feather Moon, professional surfer Makua Rothman, and Jon Foreman and Friends. Past performers have included Jason Mraz, OK Go, Johnny Rzeznik, Chris Shiflett & The Dead Peasants Timmy Curran, Dynamite Walls, The Almost, Kate Voegele, members of Angels and Airwaves, Young the Giant, and many more. Expanding upon Bro-Am’s relationship with Hurley H2O, this year’s beach event will again be a “single-use plastic water bottle-free event.” Attendees are encouraged to bring a re-usable water bottle to fill up at the H2O station for free, and Hurley H2O will provide stainless steel bottles with funds raised supporting nonprofit partners like The Ecology Center, which will also be at the event with an interactive educational exhibit. Continuing its eco-friendly efforts, the Switchfoot Bro-Am will again work with San Diego-based Alternative Power Productions to offer cutting-edge solar-powered sound and staging. Alternative Power Productions utilizes the renewable energy sources of the sun to deliver 100% pollution-free concerts. By using solar power rather than a diesel generator or grid power, the Bro-Am will avoid emitting approximately 1,000 lbs of CO2 into the atmosphere (the equivalent of not driving your car approximately 1,100 miles or the annual sequestration of 66 trees). In addition, this year’s event will also welcome The Rob Machado Foundation, which aims to provide funding and initiate educational programs focused on helping children understand their contribution towards a healthy earth ( Beach vendors confirmed to be present at the 8th Annual Switchfoot Bro-Am include title sponsor Hurley, Ultimate Ears, official retail partner Surf Ride, Slurpee, Wahoo’s, Harney Sushi, Jedidiah, INT, Clif Bar, Honest Tea, Bull Taco, East Coast Pizza, Pizza Port, Daphne’s, Alaska Airlines, HOC, Inc., Natural High, Surfrider Foundation, Keep A Breast, To Write Love On Her Arms, and The Ecology Center, among others. To continue to help ease the traffic in the neighboring areas, the Switchfoot Bro-Am will offer parking and traffic solutions, which include a free shuttle from San Dieguito Academy as well as utilizing the parking lot at City Hall, located at the corner of Vulcan Avenue and E Street. Attendees are also encouraged to take the Coaster, or source rideshare options on SWITCHFOOT – comprising Jon Foreman (vocals/guitar), Tim Foreman (bass), Chad Butler (drums), Jerome Fontamillas (keys/guitar) and Drew Shirley (guitar) – has sold over 4.4 million albums in its career. The band won its first GRAMMY award earlier this year for Hello Hurricane, which bowed at No. 13 on The Billboard 200 and contained the Modern Rock hits “The Sound (John M. Perkins’ Blues)” and “Mess of Me.” The follow-up to Hello Hurricane will be released later this year. SWITCHFOOT just wrapped up an international tour of Australia, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines and will launch a 10-city, major market Canadian tour on May 16th. For more information, visit ABOUT STANDUP FOR KIDS The mission of StandUp For Kids is to end the cycle of youth homelessness. The organization’s volunteers go to the streets in order to find, stabilize and otherwise help homeless and street kids improve their lives by providing and connecting them with lifesaving services. StandUp For Kids has been recognized by both the George W. Bush and Bill Clinton administrations and the U.S. Justice Department for the impact and scope of its programs. Charity Navigator recently recognized StandUp For Kids as one of the most efficient and effective nonprofits in the United States. To find out more, visit “Hurley is a company based on inclusion,” says chairman and founder Bob Hurley. This philosophy applied to Bob Hurley’s early years as a Huntington Beach shaper, working with friends alongside the world’s best athletes to make a better surfboard. It applied to the company’s launch in 1999, when Hurley decided to start a brand that was a true microphone for youth. In 2002, Hurley was acquired by Nike — the largest and most influential sporting brand in the world. Inclusion remains a guiding principle of the company today, where innovative products like Phantom Boardshorts and game-changing events like the US Open of Surfing continue to redefine what is possible in our world. Hurley headquarters are in Costa Mesa, CA with international offices in Sydney, Tokyo, Barcelona and Bali. For more information, visit
The full bodied gravy sets the lam mee apart from others ciplak imitation. Bursting with flavour made out of chicken and prawn stock, the thick gravy coats every strands of noodle and garnished with some shreaded steamed chicken and shelled prawns. For added kick, throw in some of their hot and fiery chilli sauce. Their meatballs are also well known. Its not your usual run of the mill type, as its fully homemade unique to May King's family. Its a combination of pork, fish and cuttlefish. It really has a chewy texture bursting with the saltiness of the dried cuttlefish..its really a match made in heaven. For non Lum Mee lovers , their curry laksa is also worth trying. And dont forget the fried foochok and dumplings . Its located in Damansara Uptown. Same row as Izzi's restaurant. From LDP towards Kepong area slow down after you see the Damansara Police Station. Take a left turn just before the BHP Petrol station on your left. Turn left again to get to the row of shops behind . Drive straight and Living Food would be on your left. 67 , Jalan SS21/37, Damansara Utama , PJ Tel : 03-77274126 Other reviews : KY Speaks, Wai Sikkai , Jules Eating Guide to Malaysia
Sooo, what does it taste like? As good as the fresh durians back home in Malaysia? Kevin, our professional durian taster took the first bite. Please excuse the way he eats the durian (with a spoon :P). That's how we eat durians in my family, so he is just following our lead. Hey, eating durians with a spoon is a great idea, you don't have to put up with stinky fingers later on! The first thing we noticed about the durian is that it doesn't smell. It does give out a little bit of smell but it wasn't overpowering, like how fresh Malaysian durians are. That kinda sucks a little, but I guess that's what you can expect from frozen Thai durians. Even though the flesh was quite firm and sweet, it was a bit watery. I am guessing it's also because the durian was frozen during shipping. Overall, I would say that it wasn't really half as bad as I expected it to be. Nothing close to the fresh durians that you can get back home in Malaysia though. However, if you are miles away from home and miss this yummy 'king of fruits', trust me, this is as good as it gets! Wednesday, June 30, 2010 Thursday, June 24, 2010 * This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of goviral. All opinions are 100% mine. There is nothing that I enjoy more than taking a bite off a rich and creamy chocolate bar. One bite and it instantly send me to heaven. After that first bite, I would want another and another and another. That's how much I love chocolates. Many people say that girls love chocolates more than guys, but I beg to differ. I know that Kevin loves chocolates as much as I do. In fact, I sometimes think that he loves chocolates even more than me! As much as we love all kinds of chocolates, I would have to say that Cadbury will always remain as my favorite chocolate. I have been eating Cadbury chocolates for as long as I can remember. It's rich, bubbly and creamy flavors makes it stand out from the rest. Recently, Cadbury launched a new product that is quite ingenious. It's called the Wispa Duo. Well, I wouldn't really call it a new product, because the Wispa has been around for a while. However, the Wispa Duo is a new twist to an old treat. The Wispa Duo is the perfect combination of a right and left bar, in one pack. That's right, you get a twin treat, both left and right, in one pack! Now, the big question remains? Which is left and which is right? Watch the new Wispa Duo advert from Cadbury and solve the problem of having a left bar, where you should have a right one. So, which bar do you prefer? The left or right bar? As for me, I prefer the right bar...because we all know that I am always right ;P Wednesday, June 23, 2010 Johnny Rockets - Jersey Garden Mall 651 Kapkowski Road Elizabeth, NJ 07201 Tel: (908)994 0110 Tuesday, June 22, 2010 I was a little bit excited to try Bret's Trop A Rocka because he is the Celebrity Apprentice winner and this is the winning Snapple flavor. I also kept in mind that this is diet Snapple, so it is going to be a little bit more diluted tasting and not as sweet. When I first opened the bottle, there was this really weird smell that I couldn't really place. I was thinking to myself, coconut? It was really weird. I then drank a big mouthful and all I could say was "OMG! This won???" Let me just say it straight up. It's horrible! When it first hits your mouth, you do get a little taste of the mango and pear blend (which I feel isn't really that great of a combination). However, that taste doesn't last long at all. The tropical fruit blend fades away and this horrible tasting, somewhat spicy tasting thing take over. It just hits you hard. That's the same horrible smell that hit me when I opened the bottle. I really couldn't place that taste but once Kevin tried it, he told me it was cinnamon! Yes! That's it! Cinnamon! Wayyy wayyy wayyyy too much cinnamon. It just made the whole drink taste awful! I thought that Curtis and Maria was just faking it when they said that it tasted horrible but I guess they were not. It is bad! Very bad. Now I understand why we couldn't find many of Bret's Snapple on sale. I guess Snapple also knew that it wouldn't sell well and only made limited amounts. * This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of 1-800-Flowers. All opinions are 100% mine. Flowers. Who doesn't like flowers? There is just something about flowers that just brightens up your day. It might be the beautiful bright colors, the wonderful smell or maybe a mixture of both, but either ways, receiving flowers from someone that cares never fails to put a big smile on your face. Flowers really makes good gifts. You can send flowers to someone to celebrate their birthday, to your significant other on your anniversary, to cheer friends up when they are down, to show mom that you care on Mother's Day, to friends and relatives who are not feeling well and maybe even to that secret crush of yours, just to tell her that you are thinking about her. It's always easier to show someone that you care when you let the flowers do the talking. You know, sometimes you don't even need a reason to send flowers. Trust me, everybody loves it when they have that flower delivery, waiting for them at their door.The one person that we always love sending flowers to is my mother in law. She lives in Pittsburgh, so we do not get to see her often. Therefore, we always make it a point to send her flowers on her birthday, Mother's Day, Valentines Day and sometimes, even for no particular reason at all. We know that receiving flowers never fails to brighten her day and it also helps reminds her that even though we are miles away, we are still always thinking of her. So, the next time you are thinking of someone or when a special occasion is coming up and you would like to show that special someone that you care, buy them flowers. That's right. A bouquet from 1-800-Flowers is just the thing to do the trick! Just visit and order flowers for that special someone today. You know you can never go wrong with flowers. Monday, June 21, 2010 * This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of All opinions are 100% mine. For those of you who don't know, I am a huge sweepstakes fan. Whenever I hear of a good sweepstakes promotion online, I would always go check it out. However, there are so many so called 'sweepstakes' going on everyday online, it's hard to know which are the real ones and which are the fakes. Many of this 'sweepstakes' are actually scams, where you have to provide them with your credit card details, cell phone numbers (so that they can bill you) or some even go as far as trying to get your social security number! Therefore, I have always been very cautious when it comes to entering sweepstakes online. I came across a new sweepstakes site today called EZWinGame and it's totally awesome. Hence, I have decided to share it with you guys. EZWinGame offers free sweepstakes with cool prize giveaways like the Apple iPad, HP Netbook, Kodak Easyshare digital camera, Apple iPads, Apple iTouch, Ninetendo Wii and various gift cards. It's really easy to enter, no long forms to fill in and no surveys to answer. All you need to do is fill in your email address. Yup, that's it! Also, you will never be asked for a credit card or a cell phone number to bill. Everything is free. Sounds too easy? Worried that it's a scam? Well, it's not! You can check out testimonials from real winners from their website. Want to increase your chances of winning?Just invite friends and family with a referral code. Then, if your friend or family member wins the grand prize (Apple iPad), you win too! Not only that, you can also check out Ezopinion and share your opinion in at least 5 topics to increase your chances of winning. So, what are you waiting for? Head over to before June 30th and try your luck at the sweepstakes today! Remember, June 30th is the day they will be giving out a smorgsboard of prizes, including the Apple iPad and Ninitendo Wii! Friday, June 18, 2010 We had a great time hanging out with Chai Yuet and Kheng Leng at The Frying Pan. So, the next time you are visiting Manhattan or if you are looking to get away from the crazy city life for a couple of hours, head over to The Frying Pan and get yourself a bucket of Corona. Hey, you might even see us there! :P The Frying Pan Bar & Grill Pier 66 Maritime, W.26th Street and Hudson River Park, New York, NY 10001 Tel: (212) 989-6363
India has offered to build a pipeline from its territory to the Wagah border for export of oil to meet all needs of Pakistan if Delhi is assured purchases in large quantities over the long run, a move that will deprive energy-rich Gulf countries of a lucrative market. Pakistan believes that it can get oil supplies from neighbouring India at 30% cheaper prices because of low transportation cost, say officials. A government official told The Express Tribune that Pakistan and India were likely to strike a deal with the signing of a memorandum of understanding on the concluding day of two-day talks on Tuesday relating to import of oil and liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Delhi. “India has told us that it has a surplus capacity of 50 million tons of oil,” he said. During the first day of technical-level talks between the two countries in Islamabad, the Pakistani team expressed the desire that it could import all petroleum products including high-speed diesel, furnace oil, petrol and jet fuel from India to meet domestic requirements. In a unique proposal, Pakistan offered export of naphtha – a surplus product – to India, which Delhi would convert into petrol and then re-export it to Pakistan. “India also needs naphtha for its industries,” the official said. “The two sides will finalise the prices of petroleum products and transportation charges today (Tuesday),” a participant of the meeting said. Besides laying an oil pipeline to Wagah, “we can also ship oil through sea route to meet the demand of southern parts while tankers may also be used in this regard,” the official quoted the Indian side as saying. However, Pakistani officials looked not interested in oil supplies through tankers, believing it would prove expensive. However, import of oil through ships was considered cheaper, but the pipeline was described as the cheapest option. Pakistan consumes 6.9 million tons of diesel per year, of which domestic oil refineries produce 3.2 to 3.4 million tons and the rest is imported. Furnace oil demand stands at about nine million tons, of which domestic refineries produce about 2.5 million tons and the remaining is imported. The country is working on some new power plants, which will increase demand of furnace oil in coming years. Pakistani and Indian officials would also discuss import of 200 million cubic feet of liquefied natural gas (LNG) per day from Delhi, which would be able to swiftly start deliveries. Pakistani authorities believe that import of LNG from Qatar and other countries like Malaysia would take three years, while India may start supply in six to eight months, the official said, adding the import plan would be finalised during the two-day talks. The Indian delegation was headed by P Kalyanasundaram, Director (International Cooperation and Corporate Affairs), Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas and comprised representatives of leading Indian companies. The Pakistani team was headed by Shabbir Ahmed, Joint Secretary (International and Joint Ventures), Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources, representatives of ministries of commerce, foreign affairs, finance and others. Earlier Petroleum Secretary Muhammad Ejaz Chaudhry said this dialogue would provide an opportunity for Indian businessmen to explore potential areas of trade with Pakistan. In a statement issued by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources, Petroleum Minister Dr Asim Hussain said there was potential for trade in petroleum products between India and Pakistan. “Pakistan is interested in importing furnace oil and diesel,” he said while talking to the visiting Indian delegation. Published in The Express Tribune, May 29th, 2012.
Murdoch’s inside jobPUBLISHED: 31 Mar 2012 00:34:00 | UPDATED: 02 Apr 2012 13:39:13PUBLISHED: 31 Mar 2012 PRINT EDITION: 31 Mar 2012 Rupert Murdoch was so taken with NDS technology that in 2002 when General Motors was planning to launch a US satellite operation called DirecTV, he intervened to persuade them to use NDS to safeguard their broadcast. Source: Reuters - Download a sample of the 14,400 emails held by former NDS European chief for Operational Security Ray Adams - Explore a sample of the 14,400 emails on DocumentCloud - Full coverage | Pay TV piracy It was a game, and they played it across continents. From Latin America, the United States and Canada, across Europe and Asia down to Australia and New Zealand. In every country, in every market, it was game on. They were on a mission and they had no rules – or rather, no one to call them to account. They were undercover. They would use funny code names and false money trails, secret informants, “honey pots” and deep cover agents. They had scorn for everybody who stood in their way and they expressed that scorn freely in encrypted emails to each other, secure that no one from outside their tight group would ever read them There was no moral quality to doing this; it was a necessary part of the operation. It was part of the business. And what was that business? “It’s not terrorism, it’s not suicide bombing, it’s not weapons of mass destruction,” says Jan Saggiori, a Swiss-Italian hacker who became a target of the underground operatives. “It’s pay television.” And that raises the billion-dollar question in the global media storm that has engulfed Rupert Murdoch’s media empire after revelations on Wednesday that a secret unit called Operational Security had promoted piracy of News’s pay TV competitors across the world. News Corporation is one of the most dynamic, creative and powerful media groups in the world. It employs tens of thousands of gifted, committed professionals whose work is groundbreaking, and often inspiring. How did a global media giant become involved in a high-tech spying scandal? In 1999, the year James Cameron was winning Oscars for Titanic, which made so much money for News, how did the Murdoch empire come to be running a private security force with an annual budget between $5 million and $10 million? At the heart of the drama that is playing out is the modern world’s desperate need for security. Our bank accounts, our personal details, our communications – a great part of our life, is stored as data. To protect it, the data must be encrypted, often with microchips mounted on smartcards. Our secrets must be safe. That’s why the figure of the hacker is so threatening. Whether it is Julian Assange or online groups such as Anonymous of Lulzsec, the appearance of the hacker is the signal for deployment of investigators, of security firms, specialist police units and intelligence agencies. But what happens when it isn’t a government calling in the spooks? What happens when it is a company that goes into the intelligence business? The short answer is that hiring former spies and intelligence officers changes the culture of a corporation. And that’s what seemed to happen at News Corporation and its problem child, NDS. The chain of events is dramatically illustrated in an archive of emails that came from the computer hard drive of a senior NDS executive. The Financial Review has obtained 14,400 of the emails, many of which have been published through our website The development within NDS parallels the way excessive use of private investigators changed the culture of the newspapers at News International that used them, the News of the World and The Sun. NDS was an accident of history. In February 1998 an Australian technology consultant, Bruce Hundertmark, badgered Murdoch into shelling out $3.6 million to found a start-up company in Israel called News Datacom Research, based on encryption technology developed by the Weizmann Institute, which took a 20 per cent stake. (The details of the early history are airbrushed out of many accounts). Seven months later, after blithely deciding to launch Sky Television in the UK, Murdoch realised that he needed to encrypt the broadcast stream. It’s called conditional access. You can access the programming and watch the moving pictures only on the condition you have paid for it. Otherwise pay TV companies would go broke. A handful of technology companies around the world provide conditional access services – including Nagra in Switzerland, Viaccess and Canal Plus Technologies in France (later sold to Nagra) and Irdeto in South Africa and the Netherlands. They all use smartcards with microchips on them that are inserted into the set-top box to decrypt the pay television signal – and they are the heart of any pay TV system. They provide the customer management base as well as the platform to offer interactive services. But the microchips on the smartcards can be hacked and the source codes to the chips exposed. In 1988 Murdoch turned to NDS to develop his own conditional access system for Sky. He was so taken with NDS technology that in 2002 when General Motors was planning to launch a US satellite operation called DirecTV, he intervened to persuade them to use NDS to safeguard their broadcast. And in 1997, when Murdoch agreed to merge his US satellite interests with the other big satellite broadcaster, EchoStar, run by Charlie Ergen, he walked away from the deal when Ergen refused to replace the Nagra smartcards Echostar used with NDS cards. Ergen said the NDS cards weren’t safe. In his office in Denver, Colorado, he pulled out some pirate cards for DirecTV and put them into his system to show Murdoch how comprehensively the NDS cards had been broken. That’s the problem with smartcards. The microchips on the card can be hacked, and the secret codes that operate the cards exposed. Once this happens, pirate cards can be made that mimic the real cards and switch on the programming without payment, draining the broadcasters’ revenue. It’s huge business. Some estimates put the number of pirate cards for DirecTV by 2000 at close to 1 million. If true, that was $500 million of revenue DirecTV wasn’t earning – and tens of millions of dollars that pirates were. But it wasn’t piracy that introduced Murdoch to the world of spies and intelligence. It was a fraud that a former chief executive of NDS, Michael Clinger, was still running on NDS years after he had been forced out. Amazingly, Clinger had run NDS from 1990 to late 1991 despite having a US arrest warrant outstanding against him for stock fraud. News Corp general counsel Arthur Siskind hired Reuven Hasak, a former deputy head of Israel’s domestic secret service, Shin Bet, to run the investigation in 1995. Hasak made short shrift of Clinger, and NDS chief executive Abe Peled then hired Hasak full time to set up a special unit called Operational Security to fight piracy of NDS smartcards used by BSkyB in Britain, DirecTV in the US and Foxtel in Australia. To head Op Sec in Europe, Hasak hired Ray Adams, a highly decorated but controversial former police commander who had run the Metropolitan Police’s S11 criminal intelligence unit. In the US, Hasak hired John Norris, who had been a US Army captain in intelligence during the Vietnam War and had close links with the US Secret Service. Adams and Norris worked with the FBI, the US Secret Service, US Customs and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police as well as police forces and anti-piracy groups across Europe to target the hackers and dealers who produced the pirate cards. They instigated hundreds of raids on suspected pirates and forged an impressive reputation as a tough enforcement arm. But piracy persisted, particularly in North America. Hasak’s people were not just on good terms with law enforcement agencies. Adams’s UK Operational Security team even had a special line item for police. It was Code 880110 and appears in a string of NDS departmental budgets. On June 9, 2000, Adams’s deputy Len Withall, another former policeman, asked for a £2000 cheque to be made out to Surrey Police, drawn on Code 880110, which he explained was “an amount of money set aside for payment to police/informants for assistance given to us in our work”. Adams was more explicit on October 9, 2001, when he explained Code 880110 to NDS accountant Greg Gormley, who was looking for budget cuts: “This is a contingency sum for police informants. No claims so far. May be none this year.” That proved optimistic, as a month later, on November 13, 2001, Withall told an NDS accountant he needed £1000 cash. It should be charged against Code 880110, which he said was “used for payment to some informants not covered under our normal payment system”. Who was Withall going to pay, using the “contingency sum for police informants”, and why did it have to be in cash? These payments raise serious questions, beginning with how a major division in News Corp had a line item in its budgets which on Adams’s description at least, was to be paid to police informants? How is such a line item discussed at the annual budget planning sessions? At the least, whatever use the money was intended for – and it may well have been innocuous – including it as a line item embeds it in the corporate culture. Adams may have used his police contacts when he was able to obtain mobile telephone records for a person suspected of involvement in pay TV piracy in Canada. He also appears to have tried to obtain telephone records for an Australian hacker, David Cottle, known as Bond 007. The Operational Security chief in Asia, Avigail Gutman, was closely monitoring Cottle, supplying him with blank smartcards to aid his piracy of Austar and Foxtel while dissuading rival Irdeto security from moving against him. “The sources of accusations that NDS participated in piracy of competitor conditional-access systems have been repeatedly discredited,” a spokesman told the Financial Review. “The United States Department of Justice, a federal court jury, a federal trial court and a federal appellate court all rejected allegations that NDS is responsible for TV piracy.” Given the close ties Operational Security had to law enforcement, how did the piracy allegations arise? There was a second arm to the Operational Security strategy. In addition to chasing pirates, Hasak’s “Black Hat” team set out to recruit top hackers, turning them first into informants and then using their expertise to learn how to reverse engineer or deconstruct the smartcards of their rivals. German master hacker Oliver Kömmerling set up a laboratory in Haifa and trained NDS staff to use micro probes, optical microscopes, micro-laser cutters and a focused ion beam machine to peel away the microchips used by rival companies in their smartcards – the Seca card produced by Canal Plus in France, the Nagra card used by US satellite broadcaster Echostar, the South African-Dutch Irdeto card and the Viaccess card by France Telecom. The process on the Nagra card was completed in October 1998 – and within days, part of the same code was published on a piracy site called run by a Canadian called Al Menard On March 26, 1999, the ROM source code for the Seca card by Canal Plus was also posted on DR7. Suspicion fell on Chris Tarnovsky, an American hacker employed by NDS who was a close friend of Menard. Kömmerling in Germany saw the DR7 ROM file and realised the Seca file had the same time and date stamp – 4pm on July 6, 1998 – as the ROM file that the NDS Black Hat team had created the previous summer. The odds against two different files being saved at the same minute in a year are 500,000 to one. It was the same file. NDS contests this, pointing out that it’s possible to change a time stamp on a computer file artificially. But if someone fabricated the time stamp to frame NDS, how did they know what the time stamp needed to be, unless they had seen the NDS file? It was a forensic fingerprint that tied the file posted on DR7 to NDS. But how did the NDS file get to DR7? Suspicion fell on Tarnovsky. Kömmerling says that Tarnovsky later told him he had been given the Seca ROM file and when he asked what to do with it, an NDS executive had indicated by a facial gesture that he should release it on the internet. Tarnovsky denies having posted the file. Two days after the Seca ROM file appeared on DR7, Saggiori, phoned Tarnovsky, who was a close friend, and asked if he could help supply a part of the Seca ROM that had not been included in the file on DR7. “[Chris] told me he was not able to have the Canal Plus ROM 2000 address because that part had been lost during extraction of the code,” Saggiori testified in a US court in 2008. But Tarnovsky had the ROM code for the Nagra card, which he offered to send to Saggiroi. Both cards were built on an ST Thomson microprocessor, and Tarnovsky incorrectly believed they shared the same system ROM codes. Tarnovsky sent the Nagra code to Saggiori as an attachment to an email with the PGP encryption system. This locked the file with a date and time. It could be unlocked only by Saggiori’s private key. This was forensic evidence that linked Tarnovsky and NDS to the release of part of the underlying code for the ST Thomson chip used by Nagra. At the 2008 trial, an NDS independent expert examined the encrypted file but made no submission to challenge its authenticity. Tarnovsky denied having sent the email to Saggiori, and said he would not have used the high level of encryption in the attachment because it was illegal in the US at the time. Six months later Saggiori wrote a report that ended up in the hands of Gilles Kaehlin, the head of security at Canal Plus. He opened an inquiry that led to Canal Plus suing NDS for $1 billion in damages, in March 2002. Oliver Kömmerling became a surprise witness for Canal Plus. Adams lost his job, and in the process the hard drive of his laptop, with thousands of revealing emails, was reported stolen. Only days before, OnDigital, the fledgling pay TV rival to BSkyB in Britain which used the widely pirated Seca card, had collapsed owing £1 billion. In 2000, DirecTV had sued NDS for piracy-related behaviour, but the case was settled. DirecTV insisted Tarnovsky had no further contact with its smartcards. It now sought to reopen the case in light of the Canal Plus allegations, citing actions by Kömmerling. A US Attorney in San Diego convened a grand jury to investigate NDS, and other satellite broadcasters – Echostar in the US, Sogecable in Spain and MEASAT in Malaysia – applied to join to the Canal Plus action. In June 2002, with the Vivendi/Canal Plus empire days away from collapse, Murdoch agreed to buy its Telepiu pay TV arm in Italy, which he merged with Stream to form Sky Italia. A condition of the deal was that Canal Plus buried the NDS lawsuit. It became a race for time to see whether Echostar, Sogecable and MEASAT could gain access to the Canal Plus documentation before the Telepiu deal closed in April 2003. The window closed. MEASAT walked away when the Canal Plus case closed. Sogecable and EchoStar had to launch new lawsuits. But the delay in trying to join Canal Plus meant most of the events that formed the basis of their cases were now beyond the statute of limitations. DirecTV dropped its NDS lawsuit after News acquired control of the broadcaster in 2003. The grand jury investigation was transferred to Los Angeles, where a new deputy US Attorney found NDS had no case to answer. EchoStar soldiered on, going to trial with a drastically restricted case in 2008. NDS applied to call the deputy US Attorney as a witness, but the judge ruled against NDS over questions of whether News had helped him get a job at the Motion Picture Association. The jury decided in EchoStar’s favour on three of the six counts, but awarded negligible damages. The trial judge awarded split costs with $5 million in EchoStar’s favour. This was overturned by the appeals court. “Just this week, EchoStar realised the cost of making these futile and damaging allegations against NDS when it paid approximately $19 million to NDS,” an NDS spokesman told the Financial Review during the week. NDS has been sued by five of the largest satellite broadcasters in the world, each of which was seeking damages of about $1 billion, after paying estimated legal costs of some $80 million. NDS has emerged unscathed and undaunted. It prefers to focus on its successful sale to Cisco, the spokesman said. How much are the NDS secrets worth? The two-part sale of NDS that began in 2008 has shown that encryption is a goldmine. The total payout was $5.7 billion. We're improving Click here to complete our short survey to have your say. The Australian Financial Review WE'RE IMPROVING AFR.COM Complete our short survey to have your say.
It was not the promising day for commodities, with confidence once again fading in China's economy after data showed the country's services sector expanding at its slowest pace in five months. Furthermore, Beijing tightened rules on mortgages in the latest effort to slow the Chinese housing market. "It is increasingly clear that Chinese growth will slow from the second quarter onwards, and this will limit potential for recovery in Asia," Crédit Agricole said in words which would appear to bode ill for commodities, in that the country is a huge importer of many of them. in China took a tumble, closing down 3.7%, while shedding 1.5% in Hong Kong Meanwhile, the dollar rose 0.3%, making dollar-denominated exports such as many commodities less appealing to buyers in other currencies. So it was hardly so surprising that there was a little bit of weaker tone to early deals on Monday, including in some commodities of which China is a large importer. New York cotton for May eased 0.1% to 85.30 cents a pound as of 09:20 UK time (04:20 New York time, 03:20 Chicago time), with the Chinese news overshadowing a somewhat bullish monthly report from the International Cotton Advisory Committee. The committee reduced its global cotton production forecast for 2012-13 by nearly 3% to 22.6m tonnes, while trimming its estimate for year-end inventories by 0.8% to 15.8m tonnes. 'Demand returning to Soybeans, of which China is the top importer, eased a little too, by 0.3% to $14.39 a bushel in Chicago for May delivery. Bulls gained some solace in a downgrade of 2.4m tonnes by Safras e Mercado to its estimate for the Brazilian soybean crop, citing excessive rain in Mato Grosso last month, and taking the crop figure to 82.24m tonnes. While still a record, the downgrade took some of the shine off a 500,000-tonne upgrade to 84.5m tonnes in Informa's estimate for the crop, while AgRural lifted its forecast by 900,000 tonnes to 82.1m tonnes. "Brazil is on track to produce a bumper soybean crop and global export demand is returning to Brazil again as exports in February jumped," Joyce Liu at Phillip Futures said. "At current high price levels, further weakness in soybean contracts can be expected [in Chicago]." Wheat was down too, by 0.7% to $7.15 ¾ a bushel for Chicago's May contract, on track for its first negative close in five sessions, after a bounce from eight-month lows reached early OK, Luke Mathews at Commonwealth Bank of Australia noted that "the market continues to talk about the improvement in demand for US supplies given the February price slide". Saudi Arabia announced a large wheat purchase over the weekend, of 465,000 tonnes of hard wheat and 110,000 tonnes of soft, although origin was not specified. Prices for the two soft wheat cargoes were $326.28 and $330 a tonne, with the hard wheat loads priced from $317.13 to $361.63 a tonne. However, on the negative side, the hopes for US exports come against a backdrop of ideas that Ukraine could return to shipments, with potentially 2m tonnes to sell. And the weekend brought more precipitation for dry US Plains areas where seedlings have been struggling with drought. "Weekend precipitation was near expectations," MDA said, adding that "considerable snow melt is helping to improve soil moisture". And looking ahead in the six-to-10-day timescale, the US-based weather service said that "an upturn in precipitation in the central Plains will further improve moisture for wheat. "The same is true for the Midwest wheat belt." 'Slow farm selling' It was left to corn to hold up bulls' hopes in Chicago, adding 0.3% to $7.10 ¼ a bushel for May delivery, helped by ideas of firm demand for limited US supplies "Slow farm selling and improving demand from ethanol plants and end-users are causing the strong cash market and we are seeing some commercial traders trying their luck for potential delivery in the futures markets," Ms Liu said. "But so far no delivery against the [expiring] March contract was reported by the Chicago Board of Trade." At Benson Quinn Commodities, Ben Bradbury said: "Domestic basis levels remain firm along with spreads as movement on the producer level continues to be slow. "I would anticipate further appreciation in board prices will attract better sales, but for now things are quiet." Mr Bradbury noted in particular a rise in prices of ethanol Rins – paper credits assigned by producers to ethanol batches, that users can be used by blenders as a substitute for the real biofuel. Prices of Rins have risen above $0.60 a gallon – well above their traditional price of some $0.02 a gallon, and improving the benefits to producers of making ethanol, and taking the covers off plants mothballed last year when corn prices hit record highs, severely squeezing margins. And Brazil's government has confirmed that its own mandated level of ethanol in gasoline will revert to 25%, from 20%, in May. Meanwhile, the extent of the sell-off in corn by speculators may have some investors thinking twice about putting on fresh short positions. Speculators' net long position in Chicago corn futures and options fell more than 13,000 lots in the latest week to an eight-month low of In New York, raw sugar also made early gains, underpinned by data showing that India's sugar mills produced 18.8m tonnes of the sweetener in the first half of 2012-13, ie from October to February, down 60,000 tonnes year on year. Output in Uttar Pradesh, India's second-ranked producing state, fell by 300,000 tonnes to 5.0m, the Indian Sugar Mills Association said in a statement, blamed cold weather. Raw sugar for May, now the spot contract, added 0.4% to 17.98 cents a pound. In Kuala Lumpur, palm oil gained too, adding 1.4% to 2,403 ringgit a tonne for May delivery, looking for its first gain in nine sessions. The recovery reflected in part soyoil's firm performance in Chicago on Friday, but also the prospect of a major palm oil conference in Malaysia, which will include price outlooks, encouraging some investors to err on the side of caution and take profits on short positions.
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 12 (Bernama) -- The newly launched Skim Amanah Rakyat 1Malaysia (SARA 1Malaysia) will be managed by a special purpose vehicle (SPV), Malaysian Development Holdings Sdn Bhd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Finance Ministry Incorporated. KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 12 (Bernama) -- Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak launched the 1Malaysia Amanah Rakyat Scheme today aimed at helping those with a monthly household income of RM3,000 and below. KOTA BAHARU, Jan 9 (Bernama) -- The Kelantan people who are eligible for the Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) are expected to receive the payment before the Chinese New Year celebration on Jan 23, International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed said. KUALA KUBU BAHARU, Jan 6 (Bernama) -- The Information, Communications and Culture Ministry is targeting to get 55,000 volunteers through the 1Malaysia Community programme. RAWANG, Jan 6 (Bernama) -- The 1Malaysia Community, a multiracial volunteer body, will be the prime mover for programmes under the Barisan Nasional (BN) patronage. RAWANG, Jan 6 (Bernama) -- The first day of the 1Malaysia Community programme (K1M) has received overwhelming response when the multi-ethnic communities visited the programme site at Padang Jalan Kantan, Hulu Selangor, here Friday. RAWANG, Jan 6 (Bernama) -- Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said Friday a survey has cited the 1Malaysia brand as being very popular now.
Already a user? Sign in with the same account. Mexico was invited to join nine- nation Pacific trade talks, a step that may boost Canada’s chances of taking part and give North America a bigger role in the regional negotiations, according to business groups. The governments negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership acted on Mexico’s expression of interest in the talks, U.S. President Barack Obama and Mexican President Felipe Calderon announced today at a G-20 summit in the Mexican resort city of Los Cabos. Mexico’s entry “will encourage the Canadians to come to the table in the near term as well,” Eric Farnsworth, vice president of the New York-based Council of the Americas, which promotes open markets in the Western Hemisphere, said in a phone interview. Expanding the discussions also may slow the process of concluding an agreement, he said. The regional partnership is a top priority of the Obama administration’s trade agenda. Japan and Canada also have expressed interest in joining the talks, though no agreement has been reached yet. In addition to the U.S., the countries in the discussions are Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam. Joining the trade talks is “a great piece of news for Mexicans,” Calderon said. The accord will create jobs and trade for the next two decades, he said. The regional discussions “are critical to establishing strong economic footing for the United States in the Pacific region and providing a counterbalance to China,” Republican Representative Dave Camp of Michigan, chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee, said in a statement. He said he supports including Mexico. By including Mexico, U.S. businesses, workers, farmers and ranchers will get to take advantage of economic benefits triggered when the agreement is completed, the National Foreign Trade Council, a Washington-based business group, said in a statement. The American Automotive Policy Council, a Washington-based industry group for Ford Motor Co. (F), General Motors Co. (GM) and Chrysler Group LLC, also supports including Mexico and Canada, as long as their addition doesn’t stall the negotiations. Japan should further open its auto market to international competitors before being allowed to participate in the Pacific agreement, according to the group’s website. The Obama administration plans to notify Congress soon that it intends to include Mexico in the agreement, starting a 90-day consultation period with lawmakers, the U.S. Trade Representative’s office said in a statement. The public will have a chance to comment, it said. The Pacific-region partners want to conclude the agreement “expeditiously,” according to the statement. The nations, which have held 12 rounds of negotiations, plan to resume discussions July 2-10 in San Diego. To contact the reporter on this story: Brian Wingfield in Washington at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Jon Morgan at [email protected]
As trade negotiators from around the Pacific Rim gathered in Chicago and southern California to hammer out the details of a massive new trade deal, CTC and our allies were there to demand a “Fair Deal or No Deal” on the Trans-Pacific Free Trade Agreement. The Trans-Pacific FTA is currently under negotiation between the United States, Vietnam, Brunei, Singapore, Malaysia, New Zealand, Australia, Chile and Peru — but is also intended as a “docking agreement” that is theoretically open to any country in the Pacific Rim. The outcome of a deal this large will influence the types of jobs available in our communities; the wages and benefits that many jobs pay; tax revenues and public services; greenhouse gas emissions and the environment; access to medicine; consumer protections; financial regulations; the health of family farms; and global migration patterns. Corporate lobbyists are pushing hard for their vision of the ideal trade agreement. The window of opportunity is short for labor, environmental, family farm, consumer, faith, immigrant rights, indigenous and other social justice activists to make our voices heard. In Chicago in September 2011, CTC worked with local, national and international partners to organize a Week of Action outside the Trans-Pacific FTA negotiations. Check out the photos online here. It’s also not too late to take action online here. Endorsing organizations (for either part or all of the week) included the Chicago Federation of Labor; Chicago Jobs with Justice; Chicago and Midwest Regional Board of Workers United; Chicago Teachers Union; Citizens Trade Campaign; Communications Workers of America (CWA); CWA National Women’s Committee; Friends of the Earth; HealthGAP; International Association of Machinists; International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers; International Brotherhood of Teamsters; Public Citizen; Service Employees International Union (SEIU); Sierra Club; Stand Up! Chicago; United Electrical Workers (UE); United Steelworkers; and many others.
DAVOS -- United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan called here on Sunday for more corporations to get serious about environmental protection, human rights and labor standards -- and lobbied them to come on board the UN's Global Compact for corporate responsibility. The UN chief also announced that he had enlisted the help of a top executive, Goran Lindahl, former President and CEO of the Swiss company ABB, Ltd., to recruit more businesses to join the compact. The Compact is set of nine principles on environmental protection, human rights and labor standards that was born out of a speech the Secretary General delivered at the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting in 1999. Annan asked business leaders on Sunday to not wait for governments to establish laws in these areas but to adopt their own code of conduct based on the Compact's principles. ''Global systems of rules to protect intellectual property are stronger than rules to protect human rights,'' Annan said. The UN has set the target of trying to get 1,000 corporations to endorse the Compact by 2002. So far it has been endorsed by about 300 companies. Annan also announced the convening of a meeting in March to work on how corporations can behave responsibly in zones of conflict. He said that UN agencies on the ground in areas of conflict would work with companies operating in those regions. Georg Kell, Annan's top adviser on the Compact, told the Forum News Daily in an interview at his office at UN Headquarters in New York that the 1999 speech was so well received by governments that they lobbied Annan to take the Compact beyond words even though it was only intended to give a boost to the elements of the UN system that watch over these areas: the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) and the International Labour Organization (ILO). If the Compact's principles appear to be vague or obscure, then Kell and his associates at the UN have accomplished their mission. According to Kell, the goal was to provide a ''broad tent'' which companies could work under as they shape their practices, taking into account their own The Compact is not a code of conduct, Kell said. Companies do not have to report on their compliance with it. The UN has neither the mandate nor the resources to hold the companies accountable, said Kell. Among the Compact's signatories are 40 top-flight companies (including BP Amoco, DuPont, Unilever and Nike), several business associations including the International Chamber of Commerce, and NGOs such as Amnesty International and the World Wildlife Fund. Many of the signatories say they have been busy trying to incorporate the principles into their business practices, and some are even acting as publicists for the Compact. Volvo Car Corp. has helped build a ''Scandinavian Network'' of companies in the region that have met to discuss best practices in following the Compact's principles, according to Kaarina Dubee, a Corporate Diversity Manager with Volvo. ''We wanted to create a forum for sharing of best practice and experiences,'' she said, ''because it is extremely complex for a company that is not used to thinking about human rights. When it comes to human rights and labor standards, companies tend to work at a very local level, following the laws. But things are changing so quickly.'' The network includes the Norwegian energy company Statoil, ABB and regional offices of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. According to Dubee, getting corporations, particularly high-tech companies, to think about human rights and labor standards is more difficult than getting them to think about environmental issues. A high tech company may have to look far down its supply chain to be sure that its suppliers are not violating human rights, labor or environmental standards, said Dubee. The Compact has also caught on with corporations in developing countries. Some 220 Brazilian companies and a local business association have expressed support for the Compact, said Kell. In the Asia-Pacific region, 19 employers' organizations have voiced their support of the Compact, as have business leaders in Malaysia and India. Some companies have tried to improve the conditions of the countries in which they operate. Statoil donated $115,000 to the Norwegian Refugee Council to support refugees and displaced persons in countries where it operates, including Angola, Azerbaijan and Georgia. WebMD, which operates Internet sites providing health care information, is in the process of launching 10,000 online ''tele-medicine'' sites in developing While many groups have supported the Compact, including some of the toughest critics of many of companies that have also endorsed its principles, it does have its critics. Among them is CorpWatch, which says these companies are getting a free ride by not being held accountable for how they follow the Compact's principles in their operations. It argues that if the UN does not have the ability to enforce its principles it should not work with these companies. The Compact's ''vague and voluntary character means that it will likely do more harm than good,'' writes Corporate Europe Observer, a corporate watchdog group. ''Annan has made it no secret that the Global Compact is a chance for corporations to improve their public image and counter the backlash against trade and investment liberalization,'' it wrote. ''It is certain that through the Global Compact the UN will contribute to the largely incorrect impression that corporations are on the way to becoming socially and environmentally responsible actors.'' Kell said this argument is weak. Many of the companies that are endorsing the Compact were not on the radar screens of NGOs and the media, he said, adding that when these companies publicly endorse the Compact they open themselves up to scrutiny. These companies can ''no longer just look at the financial bottom line,'' said Kell. ''You can make change only where there is a need for change.'' When the British mining giant Rio Tinto said it wanted to start mining uranium out of Australia's Kakadu National Park, environmental groups cited the company's endorsement of the Compact as a reason they should abandon the project, according to Kell. Another charge leveled by these groups is that the companies get to ''wrap themselves in the UN flag.'' Kell conceded that, in terms of public image of the Compact, he and his colleagues had been naive. Since this criticism was raised, Kell has made it clear that the UN flag or logo may not be used by any company without clearance from the UN Legal Critics of the Compact have also focused on the natural resources extracting companies that have endorsed the principles Rio Tinto, Royal Dutch/Shell Group, Statoil and Norsk Hydro. Such companies are among those most likely to be working in conflict zones, and in many cases the tax revenues they generate for local governments has exacerbated conflicts. Annan cited how the South African diamond cartel DeBeers was working to ensure it was not purchasing diamonds from areas where there is reason to believe the money would be used to fuel conflict and buy ''Because the oil companies are sometimes among the first foreign investors to arrive in a country,'' said Geir Westgaard, Statoil's Vice President for Country Analysis and Social Responsibility, ''we tend to lead the charge in terms of opening the country to integration into the Westgaard said that oil companies are increasingly being asked to take on responsibilities beyond the scope of their ability, such as ensuring that revenue generated by their operations is used by governments for the public good. ''While we don't want to be seen as shirking our corporate social responsibilities,'' said Westgaard, ''we are not at all comfortable with expectations that we should tell our host governments how to spend their revenues. I believe it's important to acknowledge and draw some clear distinctions between the roles and responsibilities that can and should be assumed by business, NGOs, governments and the UN system Kell and his colleagues at the UN say they agree with this position. Kell has said that governments must not divest themselves of responsibility to their citizens to protect the principles outlined in ''Already governments are divesting responsibilities, and there is a temptation to use the notion of corporate citizenship or social responsibility to justify this,'' said Kell. ''But governments continue to hold the key to unlocking economic opportunities; leaders failing their own people continue to constitute the single biggest source of human This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.
In a press release Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. announced today that the subscribership for World of Warcraft has exceeded 11 million players worldwide. This milestone was reached as Wrath of the Lich King, World of Warcraft's second expansion, nears its worldwide launch date of November 13. Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment commented on World of Warcraft reaching the milestone stating, "It's been very rewarding to see gamers around the world continue to show such strong support for World of Warcraft.” He also said, “We remain fully committed to responding to that enthusiasm with a high-quality, constantly evolving game experience.” World of Warcraft debuted in North America on November 23, 2004, and has become the most popular MMORPG around the world. According to the press release World of Warcraft was the bestselling PC game of 2005 and 2006 worldwide, and finished behind only World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, the first expansion pack for the game, in 2007. In addition to being the bestselling PC game of 2007 in both North America and Europe, The Burning Crusade holds the record for fastest-selling PC game of all time, with nearly 2.4 million copies sold in its first 24 hours of availability and approximately 3.5 million in its first month. World of Warcraft was recently launched in Russia and Latin America, and is currently available in eight languages. In addition to North America and Europe, the game is played in mainland China, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Chile, Argentina, and the regions of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau.
September 14, 2012, - 9:53 am There’s much buzz about topless photos that have emerged of British royal Kate Middleton. They were taken while the Duchess of Cambridge was dressing at a “remote” house” (um, rocket scientist tip: close the drapes/blinds . . . Einstein-level advice, I know). But far more offensive are the photos (such as those below) of Middleton wearing the Islamic headscarf and otherwise pandering to Muslims in Malaysia by removing her shoes along with her Prince husband, in deference to Islam. Remember, this is the country whose leader–to great cheers–called for more Islamic homicide bombings and mass murders of Jews and a “final victory” of the world’s Muslims against the Jews. And, per usual, the British royals are pandering to the Malaysians, despite that. For all the talk about Kate and William being fresh blood and faces, their Islamo-pandering behavior–kissing the asses of those who openly support Islamic terrorism–is the same old crap we saw from Queen Elizabeth (who refuses to ever visit Israel) and her inbred son, Prince Charles of “I Wish I Was Your Tampon” fame, who appointed himself “the ambassador for Islam.” They Heart Islam . . . The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, William and Kate, are the same old thing, with better fashions and fewer wrinkles. Oh, and by the way, the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel site, London Muslim, is having orgasms over the photos. Princess Kate down with the jihadist struggle! Alhamdillullah [praise allah]. ABC’s “Good Morning America” reported that Kate was wearing a “fashionable hijab.” Newsflash: it’s just a plain white scarf. And what’s “fashionable” about wearing the garb of oppression–a head-covering mandated by Islam for women because the men cannot control their impulses and aren’t expected to because a strand of hair might turn them on to the point of raping the “open meat” of a woman with visible hair? Just asking. If that’s “fashionable,” it must be the year 700. Or, sadly, 2012 for British royals. More Photos . . . Tags: British royal family, British royals, British royals Islam, Duchess of Cambridge, Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, hijab, Islam, Kate Middleton, Kate Middleton hijab, Kate Middleton Islam, Kate Middleton Islamic garb, Kate Middleton Malaysia, Kate Middleton mosque, Kate Middleton Muslim Garb, Kate MIddleton topless, Malaysia, Prince William, Princess Kate
1. Linguistic Background The languages that are currently spoken in the Pacific region can be divided broadly into three groups: the Australian and New Guinean languages formed by people who participated in the region’s earliest migrations over a period of 20,000-30,000 years starting several tens of thousands of years ago, and the Austronesian languages spoken by Mongoloid people who migrated from the Asian continent around 3,000 B.C. The region has numerous languages, including 250 Aboriginal languages in Australia and 750 Papuan languages on the island of New Guinea (including the Indonesian territory of Irian Jaya) and neighboring areas. There are also 350 Austronesian languages in Melanesia, 20 in Polynesia, 12 in Micronesia and 100 in New Guinea (Comrie, Matthews, and Polinsky 1996). There is wide variation not only among language groups, but also among the families of languages. Few language families have been identified among the languages of Australia and New Guinea using the methods of comparative linguistics. Pacific languages are also characterized by the small size of speaker populations and by the absence of dominant languages. However, there are usually bilingual people who can speak or at least understand the languages of neighboring populations, and it is believed that this situation has existed for a long time. In terms of cultural factors, it appears that the diversification of languages in the Pacific region was accelerated by the emblematic function of language in the creation of a clear distinction between “ingroup” and “outgroup.” The languages of New Guinea and the region around it show diverse linkages and wide variations between languages. The Austronesian languages of the Pacific region are mostly classified as Oceanian languages, while the Chamorro and Palau languages of Micronesia are classified into the languages of Western Malaya and Polynesia (WMP, Indonesian family), and the indigenous languages of Maluku and Irian Jaya in Eastern Indonesia into the Central Malayo-Polynesian (CMP) or the South Halmahera-West New Guinea (SHWNG) subgroups. In particular, there are strong similarities between the linguistic characteristics of the CMP and SHWNG languages and those of the Melanesian branch of the Oceanian languages. These linguistic conditions and characteristics are attributable to ethnic migrations within the region over a long period of time, accompanied by contacts and linguistic merging with indigenous Papuan people. Papuan languages are still found in parts of Indonesia, including Northern Halmahera and the islands of Pantar and Alor and central and eastern Timor in the Province of Nusa Tenggara. In New Guinea, contact with Papuan languages has caused some Austronesian languages to exhibit a word order change from subject-verb-object to subject-object-verb (Austronesian Type 2) (Sakiyama 1994). 2. Linguistic Strata With the start of colonization by the European powers in the nineteenth century, a new set of linguistic circumstances developed in the region. First, pidgin languages based on European and Melanesian languages gradually emerged as common languages. The establishment of plantations in Samoa and in Queensland, Australia, which had concentrations of people who spoke Melanesian languages, was important in providing breeding grounds for pidgin languages. A pidgin language is formed from elements of the grammar of both contributing languages, though the pidgin languages tend to be looked down upon from the perspective of the more dominant of the two parent languages. The region’s newly formed common languages, including Tok Pisin, Bislama, and Solomon Pidgin, flourished after they were taken back to the homelands of the various speakers. This was possible because Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea were all multilingual societies without dominant languages. The number of speakers of pidgin languages increased rapidly in this environment. At the same time, the continuing existence of ethnic minority languages came under threat. Examples of pidgins that were creolized (adopted as mother languages in their own right) include Solomon Pijin, which eventually had over 1,000 speakers aged five and over (1976) in the Solomon Islands. Bislama, a mixture of over 100 indigenous languages grafted upon a base of English and French, is now spoken by almost the entire population of Vanuatu (170,000 in 1996) and is partially creolized. Of particular interest is the fact that a group of more than 1,000 people who emigrated to New Caledonia have adopted Bislama as their primary language. The situation in Papua New Guinea, which has a population of 4,300,000 (1996), is even more dramatic. By 1982 the number of people using Tok Pisin as their primary language had reached 50,000, while another 2,000,000 used it as a second language (Grimes 1996). 3. Minority Languages and Common Languages in the Pacific Region The Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger of Disappearing published by UNESCO (Wurm 1996) provides merely a brief overview of the current situation in Papua New Guinea, Australia, the Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu. There is no mention of Micronesia, New Caledonia, or Polynesia, presumably because of a lack of information resulting from the large number of languages in these areas. The following report covers areas and languages that I have researched and endangered languages covered by field studies carried out by Japanese researchers. 3.1 Belau (Palau), Micronesia According to Belau (Palau) government statistics (1990), the total population of 15,122 people includes 61 people living on outlying islands in Sonsorol State, and 33 in Hatohobei (Tochobei) State. Apart from the Sonsorol Islands, Sonsorol State also includes the islands of Fanah, Meril and Pulo An. In addition to the Hatohobei language, the language mix on these outlying islands also includes nuclear Micronesian (Chuukic) languages, which are the core Oceanian languages spoken in the Carolines. They differ from Palauan, which is an Indonesian language. To lump these languages together as the Sonsorol languages with a total of 600 speakers (Wurm and Hattori 1981-83) is as inaccurate as combining the Miyako dialects of Okinawa into a single classification. The number of Chuukic speakers has declined steadily since these figures were compiled. Starting in the German colonial period of the early twentieth century, people have been relocated from these outlying islands to Echang on Arakabesan Island in Belau. Today there are several hundred of these people. Many of those born in the new location only speak Palauan. A study by S. Oda (1975) estimated that there were 50 speakers of Pulo Annian. The language of Meril continued to decline and has now become extinct. From the early part of the twentieth century until the end of World War II, Micronesia was under Japanese rule, administered by the South Seas Mandate. Japanese was used as a common language, and its influence is still evident today. The linguistic data on Micronesia presented by Grimes (1996) is distorted by the fact that, while the number of English speakers is shown, no mention is made of Japanese. A study carried out in 1970 (Wurm, Mühlhäusler, and Tryon 1996) found that people aged 35 and over could speak basic Japanese. This group is equivalent to people aged 63 and over in 1998. An estimate based on Belau government statistics (1990) suggests that more than 1,000 of these people are still alive. In the State of Yap in the Federated States of Micronesia, where the percentage of females attending school is said to have been low, we can assume that the number of Japanese speakers has fallen below 500. It has been suggested that if Japan had continued to rule Micronesia, Japanese would certainly have become the sole language in the region, and indigenous languages would have disappeared (Wurm, Mühlhäusler, and Tryon 1996). This seems an overly harsh appraisal of Japan’s language policy. Except in the schools, as a matter of fact no significant steps were taken to promote the use of Japanese. Micronesia previously had no common language for communication between different islands. Even today, old people from different islands use Japanese as a common language (Sakiyama 1995; Toki 1998). However, the role of this Japanese pidgin appears to have ended within a single generation, and in this sense it too is an endangered language. Pidgin Japanese continues to be used as a lingua franca by Taiwanese in their fifties and older (Wurm, Mühlhäusler, and Tryon 1996), and the number of speakers is estimated to have been 10,000 in 1993 (Grimes 1996). 3.2 Yap, Micronesia Ngulu Atoll is situated between the Yap Islands and the Belau Islands. The Nguluwan language is a mixture of Yapese and Ulithian, which belongs to the Chuukic family. It has inherited the Ulithian phonetic system and a partial version of Yap grammar (Sakiyama 1982). Nguluwan appears to have evolved through bilingualism between Yapese and Ulithian, and to describe it as a dialect of Ulithian (Grimes 1996) is inappropriate. In 1980 there were 28 speakers. Even with the inclusion of people who had migrated to Guror on Yap Island, where the parent village is located, the number of speakers was fewer than 50. Speakers are being assimilated rapidly into the Yapese language and culture. 3.3 Maluku, Indonesia The book Atlas Bahasa Tanah Maluku (Taber et al. 1996) covers 117 ethnic languages (Austronesian, Papuan), including numbers of speakers for each language, areas of habitation and migration, access routes, simple cultural information, and basic numbers and expressions. This work is especially valuable since it corrects inaccuracies and errors in the 1977 Classification and Index of the World's Languages by C. Y. L. Voegelin and F. M. Voegelin. It also distinguishes languages and dialects according to their a priori mutual intelligibility. Fifteen languages are listed as having fewer than 1,000 speakers. They include the Nakaela language of Seram, which has only 5 speakers, the Amahai and Paulohi languages, also of Seram, which are spoken by 50 people each, and the South Nuaulu and Yalahatan languages, which have 1,000 speakers each on Seram Island. The data, however, are not complete. For example, the Bajau language is not included, presumably because of the difficulty of accessing the various solitary islands where the Bajau people live. The author researched the Yalahatan language in 1997 and in 1998, and the Bajau language (2,000 speakers) on Sangkuwang Island in 1997. 3.4 Irian Jaya, Papua New Guinea Detailed information about the names, numbers of speakers, and research data for over 800 languages spoken in New Guinea and its coastal regions can be found in the works by the Barrs (1978), Voorhoeve (1975), and Wurm (1982). However, not only the minority languages but even the majority languages other than a few have yet to be surveyed and researched adequately. There are many languages for which vocabulary collection has yet to be undertaken. It appears that dictionaries or grammars have been published for less than one-tenth of the region’s languages. However, the gospel has been published in several dozen languages using orthographies established by SIL. Papuan languages range from those with substantial speaker populations, including Enga, Chimbu (Kuman), and Dani, which are spoken by well over 100,000 people, to endangered languages such as Abaga with 5 speakers (150 according to Wurm ), Makolkol with 7 (unknown according to Wurm), and Sene with under 10. There are very many languages for which the number of speakers is unknown and more up-to-date information is needed. Also, despite having substantially more than 1,000 speakers (Wurm 1982; Grimes 1996), Murik is in danger of extinction due to the creolization of Tok Pisin (Foley 1986). Moreover, it is questionable whether the present lists include all of the region’s languages. Information about Irian Jaya is even sparser. A study on popular languages carried out by the author in 1984-85 revealed that Kuot (New Ireland), Taulil (New Britain), and Sko (Irian Jaya) all had several hundred speakers and that, in the case of Taulil in particular, an increasing number of young people were able to understand what their elders were saying but could no longer speak the language themselves. There has been a rapid shift to Kuanua, an indigenous language used in trade with neighboring Rabaul, which is replacing Taulil. 3.5 Solomon Islands, Melanesia The total population of the Solomon Islands is 390,000 (1996). There are 63 Papuan, Melanesian, and Polynesian indigenous languages, of which only 37 are spoken by over 1,000 people (Grimes 1996). The Papuan Kazukuru languages (Guliguli, Doriri) of New Georgia, which were known to be endangered as early as 1931, have become extinct already, leaving behind just some scant linguistic information. The Melanesian Tanema and Vano languages of the Santa Cruz Islands and the Laghu language of the Santa Isabel Islands were extinct by 1990. This does not mean that the groups speaking them died out, but rather that the languages succumbed to the shift to Roviana, a trade language used in neighboring regions, or were replaced by Solomon Pijin (Sakiyama 1996). 3.6 Vanuatu, Melanesia The situation in Vanuatu is very similar to that in the Solomon Islands. The official view, written in Bislama, is as follows: I gat sam ples long 110 lanwis evriwan so i gat bigfala lanwis difrens long Vanuatu. Pipol blong wan velej ol i toktok long olgeta bakegen evridei nomo long lanwis be i no Bislama, Inglis o Franis. (Vanuatu currently has 110 indigenous languages, which are all very different linguistically. On an everyday basis people in villages speak only their local languages, not Bislama, English, or French). (Vanuatu, 1980, Institute of Pacific Studies) Among the Melanesian and Polynesian indigenous languages spoken by 170,000 people, or 93% of the total population (1996), there are many small minority tongues. These include Aore, which has only a single speaker (extinct according to Wurm and Hattori [1981-83]); Maragus and Ura (with 10 speakers each); Nasarian, and Sowa (with 20); and Dixon Reef, Lorediakarkar, Mafea, and Tambotalo (with 50). If languages with around 100 speakers are included, this category accounts for about one-half of the total number of languages (Grimes 1996). The spread of Bislama has had the effect of putting these languages in jeopardy. 3.7 New Caledonia, Melanesia New Caledonia has a total population of 145,000 people, of whom 62,000 are indigenous. As of 1981, there were 28 languages, all Melanesian except for the one Polynesian language Uvean. The only languages with over 2,000 speakers are Cemuhi, Paicî, Ajië, and Xârâcùù, along with Dehu and Nengone, which are spoken on the Loyalty Islands. Dumbea (Paita), which is spoken by several hundred people, has been described by T. Shintani and Y. Paita (1983). And M. Osumi (1995) has described Tinrin, which has an estimated 400 speakers. Speakers of Tinrin are bilingual in Xârâcùù or Ajië. Nerë has 20 speakers and Arhö 10, while Waamwang, which had 3 speakers in 1946, is now reported to be extinct (Grimes 1996). Descendants of Javanese, who began to migrate to New Caledonia in the early part of the twentieth century, now number several thousand. The Javanese language spoken by these people, which has developed in isolation from the Javanese homeland, has attracted attention as a new pidgin language. When Europeans first arrived in Australia in 1788, it is estimated that there were 700 different tribes in a population of 500,000-1,000,000 (Comrie, Matthews, and Polinsky 1996). By the 1830s Tasmanian had become extinct, and today the number of Aboriginal languages has fallen to less than one-half what it once was. However, T. Tsunoda left detailed records of the Warrungu language, the last speaker of which died in 1981, and the Djaru language, which has only 200 speakers (Tsunoda 1974, 1981). Yawuru, which belongs to the Nyulnyulan family, reportedly has fewer than 20 speakers, all aged in their sixties or older. The language is described by K. Hosokawa (1992). The Pacific has been heavily crisscrossed by human migration from ancient to modern times. All Pacific countries except the Kingdom of Tonga were colonized. This historical background is reflected in the existence of multilevel diglossia in all regions of the Pacific. Depending on the generation, the top level of language in Micronesia is either English (the official language) or pidgin Japanese (used as a lingua franca among islands). The next level is made up of the languages of major islands that exist as political units, such as Palauan, Yapese and Ponapean. On the lowest level are the various ethnic languages spoken mainly on solitary islands. In the Maluku Islands of Indonesia, local Malay languages such as Ambonese Malay, North Maluku Malay and Bacanese Malay, form a layer beneath the official language, Indonesian. Under them are the dominant local languages, such as Hitu, which is spoken by 15,000 people on Ambon Island, and Ternate and Tidore, which are spoken in the Halmahera region. These are important as urban languages. On the lowest level are the various vernaculars. In Papua New Guinea, standard English forms the top level, followed by Papua New Guinean English. Tok Pisin and Hiri Motu are used as common languages among the various ethnic groups. Beneath these layers are the regional or occupational common languages. For example, Hiri Motu is used as the law enforcement lingua franca in coastal areas around the Gulf of Papua, Yabem as a missionary language along the coast of the Huon Gulf, and Malay as a trade language in areas along the border with Indonesia. On the next level are the ethnic and tribal languages used on a day-to-day basis. An example of a similar pattern in Polynesia can be found in Hawaii, where English and Hawaiian English rank above Da Kine Talk or Pidgin To Da Max, which are mixtures of English and Oceanic languages and are used as common languages among the various Asian migrants who have settled in Hawaii. Beneath these are ethnic languages, including Hawaiian and the various immigrant languages, such as a common Japanese based on the Hiroshima dialect, as well as Cantonese, Korean, and Tagalog. All of the threatened languages are in danger because of their status as indigenous minority languages positioned at the lowest level of the linguistic hierarchy. Reports to date have included little discussion of the multilevel classification of linguistic strata from a formal linguistic perspective. It will be necessary in the future to examine these phenomena from the perspectives of sociolinguistics or linguistic anthropology. Barr, Donald F., and Sharon G. Barr. 1978. Index of Irian Jaya Languages. Prepublication draft. Abepura, Indonesia: Cenderawashih University and Summer Institute of Linguistics. Comrie, Bernard, Stephan Matthews, and Maria Polinsky. 1996. The Atlas of Languages. New York: Chackmark Books. Foley, William A. 1986. The Papuan Languages of New Guinea. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press. Grimes, Barbara F., ed. 1996. Ethnologue: Languages of the World. Dallas: International Academic Bookstore. Hosokawa, Komei. 1992. The Yawuru language of West Kimberley: A meaning-based description. Ph.D. diss., Australian National University. Oda, Sachiko. 1977. The Syntax of Pulo Annian. Ph. D. diss., University of Hawaii. Osumi, Midori. 1995. Tinrin grammar. Oceanic Linguistics Special Publication, No. 25. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. Sakiyama, Osamu. 1982. The characteristics of Nguluwan from the viewpoint of language contact. In Islanders and Their Outside World.Aoyagi, Machiko, ed. Tokyo: Rikkyo University. ---. 1994. Hirimotu go no ruikei: jijun to gochishi (Affix order and postpositions in Hiri Motu: A cross-linguistic survey). Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology,vol. 19 no. 1: 1-17. ---. 1995. Mikuroneshia Berau no pijin ka nihongo (Pidginized Japanese in Belau, Micronesia). Shiso no kagaku, vol. 95 no. 3: 44-52. ---. 1996. Fukugouteki na gengo jokyo (Multilingual situation of the Solomon Islands). In Soromon shoto no seikatsu shi: bunka, rekishi, shakai (Life History in the Solomons: Culture, history and society). Akimichi, Tomoya et al, eds. Tokyo: Akashi shoten. Shintani, Takahiko and Yvonne Païta. 1990. Grammaire de la Langue de Païta. Nouméa, New Caledonia: Société d'études historiques de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Taber, Mark and et al. 1996. Atlas bahasa tanah Maluku (Maluku Languages Atlas). Ambon, Indonesia: Summer Institute of Linguistics and Pusat Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Maluku, Pattimura University. Toki, Satoshi, ed. 1998. The remnants of Japanese in Micronesia. Memoirs of the Faculty of Letters, Osaka University, Vol. 38. Tsunoda, Tasaku. 1974. A grammar of the Warrungu language, North Queensland. Master's thesis, Monash University. ---. 1981. The Djaru Language of Kimberley, Western Australia. Pacific Linguistics, ser. B, No. 78. Canberra: Australian National University. Voorhoeve, C. L. 1975. Languages of Irian Jaya: Checklist, Preliminary classification, language maps, wordlists. Canberra: Australian National University. Wurm, Stephen A. 1982. Papuan Languages of Oceania. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag. ---. and Shiro Hattori, eds. 1981-83. Language Atlas of the Pacific Area. Pacific Linguistics, ser. C, No. 66-67. Canberra: Australian National University. ---, Peter Mühlhäusler, and Darrel T. Tryon. 1996. Atlas of languages of intercultural communication in the Pacific, Asia, and the Americas. 3 vols. Trends in Linguistics. Documentation 13. New York: Mouton de Gruyter. *Translation of the author’s essay “Taiheiyo chiiki no kiki gengo”, Gekkan Gengo, Taishukan Publishing Co., 28(2), 102-11, 1999, with the permission of the publisher. Any comments and suggestions to [email protected]
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Located above the surface of our planet is a complex mixture of gases and suspended liquid and solid particles known as the atmosphere. Operating within the atmosphere is a variety of processes we call weather. Some measurable variables associated with weather include air temperature, air pressure, humidity, wind, and precipitation. The atmosphere also contains organized phenomena that include things like tornadoes, thunderstorms, mid-latitude cyclones, hurricanes, and monsoons. Climate refers to the general pattern of weather for a region over specific period of time. Scientists have discovered that human activities can influence Earth’s climate and weather producing problems like global warming, ozone depletion, and acid precipitation. Widespread urban development alters weather patterns Research focusing on the Houston area suggests that widespread urban development alters weather patterns in a way that ... Laptev SeaLast Updated on 2013-05-14 at 14:23 The Laptev Sea is a saline water body, lodged between the Kara Sea and East Siberian Sea. The chief land boundary of this marginal sea of the Arctic Ocean is the Siberian... More » East Siberian SeaLast Updated on 2013-05-14 at 14:09 The East Siberian Sea is a saline marine body, which is a southern marginal sea of the Arctic Ocean. To the east is found the Chukchi Sea and to the west beyond the New... More » Baffin BayLast Updated on 2013-05-14 at 12:11 Baffin Bay is a margibnal sea of the North Atlantic Ocean located between the Canada's Baffin, Devon and Ellesmere islands and Greenland. To the south the Davis Strait... More » Andaman SeaLast Updated on 2013-05-13 at 23:06 The Andaman Sea is a body of marine water in the northeastern corner of the Indian Ocean that lies to the west of the Malay Peninsula, the north of Sumatra, the east of the... More » Molucca SeaLast Updated on 2013-05-13 at 23:02 The Molucca Sea (also Molukka Sea) is a semi-enclosed sea, surrounded by a variety of islands belonging to Indonesia, most significantly the island of Sulawesi (Celebes)... More » Levantine SeaLast Updated on 2013-05-13 at 22:31 The Levantine Sea is most eastern unit of the Mediterranean Sea, and also the most saline portion of the Mediterranean Basin. The Levantine Sea, also known as the Levant... More »
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the demand for their on-demand service and the increasing penetration of broadband in Malaysia, Astro has chosen to upgrade their VOD service to enable advanced functionality, including the ability to purchase previously broadcast programmes, a whole series, or access subscription-based VOD services through a more advanced and user-friendly user interface.
A Photography Trip to Ipoh!Taken by illegaltender with a Konica Hexar RF loaded with Kodak Ektar film (available in our Online Shop) in Ipoh,Perak, Malaysia. These tags describe this photo: malaysia, street, sg, sim, photo, holiday, trip, 2012, and ipoh. This photo can be found in the album Ipoh Trip 2012!. You are currently not logged in, do so now to add comments, like articles as well as photos, submit to competitions, translate articles and gain access to unlimited photo upload! If you are not registered yet, go here to find out more about Lomography and join now! If you just want a limited account for now you can use Twitter or Facebook. We would love to have you as a member here!
About Lynas Corporation Business A forward-thinking enterprise on the cutting edge of safe production and environmental protection, Lynas Corporation Ltd. is poised to launch full-scale operations in the latter half of 2012. Based in Sydney, Lynas Corporation mines and processes Rare Earths, a somewhat abundant group of metallic elements listed on the periodic table as the Lanthanide series. With unique physical and chemical properties, Rare Earths are used to produce a wide variety of products essential for modern-day living. To this end, the Rare Earths, sourced by Lynas Corporation at its Mount Weld mine in Western Australia will be ultimately be applied in high-performance digital products, hybrid vehicle parts, compact fluorescent lighting, and other technologies enjoyed by the 21st century consumer. China presently supplies the world’s largest percentage of Rare Earths, an unsustainable model upon which Lynas Corporation aims to improve. To accomplish its goals, the company secured a well-established industrial site in Malaysia for the Lynas Advanced Materials Plant (LAMP), a near-complete chemical processing project built to stringent international standards that highlights the organization’s dedication to intelligent resource management and sustainable development. Making progress in pre-commissioning tests, Lynas Corporation celebrated a major milestone at the end of March 2012 when the LAMP construction project team posted 8,160,000 hours of Lost-Time-Injury (LTI)-free work. Lynas Corporation is carefully tracking to supply nearly one third of the world’s Rare Earth elements, and address the looming shortfall that has deeply concerned experts and industry watchers for the past decade.
A collection of news and information related to Apache Corporation published by this site and its partners. Displaying items 1-12 of 27 » View items only1 2 3 Next > ReutersMay 15 (Reuters) - Wall Street securities analysts revised their ratings and price targets on several U.S. companies, including Gap Inc and Blackberry, on Wednesday. HIGHLIGHTS * U.S. Energy Cos: Bernstein raises target price on Anadarko, others * Home... Tulsa WorldPGA Tour golfers and celebrities return to the area for this fourth-annual event. Each of the participating 38 tour players and celebrities are paired with an active or non-active military golfer and a Folds of Honor donor in three-player match play,... Odessa American, TexasTo submit a health brief, e-mail submissions to [email protected]. Entry deadline is 5 p.m. Tuesday for consideration for the following Monday's edition. Diabetes nutrition education --MIDLAND Casa de Amigos has scheduled diabetes nutrition... Reports: Initial jobless claims for week ended May 4, 7:30 a.m.; Wholesale inventories for March, 9 a.m.; Mortgage rates for week ended May 9, 9 a.m.; Natural gas inventories for week ended May 4, 9:30 a.m. Local earnings: Allscripts Healthcare... ReutersMay 9 (Reuters) - Apache Corp's first-quarter profit fell 10 percent because of lower prices for crude oil and natural gas liquids, and the Oil and gas producer said it plans to divest $4 billion in assets by the year end. The company intends to use... ReutersMay 7 (Reuters) - Wall Street securities analysts revised their ratings and price targets on several U.S. companies, including AIG, Gap, TJX and Yahoo, on Tuesday. HIGHLIGHTS * Yahoo : Stifel raises price target to $31 from $27; rating * Retail:... Caribbean News Now, Grand Cayman, Cayman IslandsPARAMARIBO, Suriname -- Petronas, Malaysia's multinational state oil company, is the latest entry in Suriname oil exploration, after signing a $25 million investment deal on Friday with Suriname State Oil Company (Staatsolie) for a production-sharing... ReutersBy Ank Kuipers PARAMARIBO, April 26 (Reuters) - Suriname's state oil company Staatsolie and Malaysia's Petronas signed a production sharing contract on Friday for an offshore bloc about 130 kms (80 miles) off the coast of the South American nation.... ReutersBUENOS AIRES, April 19 (Reuters) - Argentina has created a fund of up to $2 billion to help develop the country's 7.4-million acre Vaca Muerta shale field, the government announced in its official gazette on Friday. The funding will come from central... ReutersApril 18 (Reuters) - Wall Street securities analysts revised their ratings and price targets on several U.S. companies, including Chevron and AIG, on Thursday. HIGHLIGHTS * Abbott Laboratories : Stifel raises target price to $44 from $40; rating buy *... ReutersHOUSTON (Reuters) - Oil and gas producers increasingly shut down production and evacuated workers in the Gulf of Mexico on Saturday as the first weather system of the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season disrupted some operations in the prolific basin.... ABC26 NewsOfficials from the Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program are hoping to parlay generosity sparked by the recent Gulf oil spill into expanding habitat for birds affected by the disaster and ongoing land loss. Shell Oil Co. is donating $25,000 to... May 15, 2013 |Story| Reuters May 14, 2013 |Story| McClatchy-Tribune May 13, 2013 |Story| McClatchy-Tribune May 9, 2013 |Story| Chicago Tribune May 9, 2013 |Story| Reuters May 7, 2013 |Story| Reuters Apr 27, 2013 |Story| McClatchy-Tribune Apr 26, 2013 |Story| Reuters Apr 19, 2013 |Story| Reuters Apr 18, 2013 |Story| Reuters Jun 23, 2012 |Story| Chicago Tribune Sep 20, 2010 |Story| WGNO-LTV Original site for Apache Corporation topic gallery.
Sonal Chauhan invited to Malaysian Grand Prix in Sepang Her recent release 3G with Neil Nitin Mukesh may have proved to be a dud but that has not put Sonal Chauhan in a glum mood The actress who flaunted her hot bod in the film is basking in the glory of her sexy new avatar. Sonal has now been invited to attend the F1 Malaysian Grand Prix which is being held from March 22-24. Says a source, “The organisers wanted a young and sexy actor to represent the new and young Bollywood. The team had met Sonal in December when she was invited to Malaysia for a high-profile event along with Shah Rukh Khan. When the thought of bringing in a female actress from Bollywood came up, they thought of her. Sonal who is an ardent F1 fan jumped at the offer and is all set to take off for Sepang where the race is held.” As reported ‘Sonal flies high’ (Hitlist, December 12), the actress had accompanied SRK on a private jet to attend birthday celebrations of former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad in Malaysia. The source adds, “She had met a lot of bigwigs at the event including the organisers of the F1 race who have extended an invitation to her. Though she is exhausted with the travelling for the promotions of her film, there is no way she could miss the F1 races. After the event, she plans to take a short holiday there too with some pals.”
RECORDS FALL: Cai Lin shatters five-year mark, Yi Ting dominates Rafael Nadal narrowly avoided a stunning upset loss as the Spaniard rallied to beat Latvian qualifier Ernests Gulbis 1-6, 7-5, 6-4 on Thursday to reach the quarter-finals of the Rome Masters. PARTNERSHIP: Bank Rakyat to sponsor federation MOBILE (Alabama): South Korea's Ji Eun-Hee fired a bogey-free seven-under 65 on Thursday to grab a share of the Mobile Bay LPGA Classic first-round lead alongside American Lexi Thompson. IT looks like money is becoming a problem with more and more unions, with the ones having a bigger budget naturally attracting the best players from offshore. SAN Miguel Beermen extended their record winning run in the Asean Basketball League to 16 games with a 107-104 win in triple overtime against Westports Malaysia Dragons at the Maba Stadium in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. KUALA Lumpur Hockey Club (KLHC) will be gunning to equal Tenaga Nasional's 12 titles when they face off in the TNB Cup final at the National Stadium in Bukit Jalil tomorrow. THE national men's recurve archery team were ousted in the quarter-finals of the Shanghai World Cup yesterday after a 223-217 defeat by China. UNIVERSITI Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Lions boss Zamri Abdul Kahar has downplayed his side's chances of emerging runaway winners of rugby's Poly 10s at Politeknik Shah Alam this weekend. BACK-UP bowler Muhd Rafiq Ismail could win his first international 'Open' title outside Malaysia following sensational performance in Stage One of the Euro-Med Storm Masters Challenge in Manila yesterday.
Conference Name: 3rd Annual Smart Grids Asia Summit Dates: 27 – 30 September 2011 Venue: Pan Pacific Hotel, SINGAPORE Contact Name: Eileen David Contact Email: [email protected] Contact Tel: +65 – 6508 2458 / +65 – 6508 2400 Contact Fax: +65 – 6508 2408 Organiser Name: IBC Asia (S) Pte Ltd Organiser URL: Organiser Email: [email protected] Organiser Tel: +65 – 6508 2400 Organiser Fax: +65 – 6508 2407 As the first in Asia to provide a Smart Grids platform, the Smart Grids Asia Summit is back for its 3rd Annual run this 27 – 30 September 2011 in Singapore. With a central theme of “Investing in T&D Infrastructure & Renewable Energy for Continuous, Efficient, Reliable & Clean Electricity”, the 3rd Annual Smart Grids Asia Summit will give you the chance to hear, first hand, the opportunities to invest in Asia’s T&D infrastructure. With 2 dedicated streams showcasing 28+ sessions closely examining the Smart Grid value chain, including 17+ case study highlights, this year’s event brings together policy makers, regulators, utilities and ICT providers to discuss the modernization of Asia’s transmission and distribution infrastructure with the end goal of delivering continuous, efficient, reliable and clean electricity supply. This is your platform to identify Asia Pacific’s diverse electricity needs and new business opportunities, from major investments in T&D foundations and upgrades to renewable energy development and energy efficient initiatives for sustainable energy supply of the future. Meet with top level representatives from key government authorities and utilities from across the globe at this 3rd Annual Smart Grids Asia Summit and be at the forefront of Asia’s T&D infrastructure investment and developments! Uncover Asia’s Electricity Infrastructure Needs at this 3rd Annual Smart Grids Asia Summit - How competitive electricity markets in Asia opens up the T&D sector - Key drivers & opportunities for investments in Asia’s T&D and renewable energy sector - Stakeholder partnerships & collaboration for smart grid development - Telecommunications network development for a smarter, more efficient grid - Transmission network expansion projects & demand side planning - Grid capacity & reliability developments & investments - Grid and market requirements for realizing renewable energy resources - Microgrids & energy management in non-interconnected power systems - Enabling the integration of new initiatives like electric vehicles - Integration of new outage management systems to enhance control & management of power outages What’s New for 2011? - 17+ case studies uncovering T&D & renewable energy investment & development opportunities - 28+ sessions closely examining the Smart Grid value chain - Country representation from Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, India, China, Vietnam, Australia, Canada, US & Japan - Key drivers & opportunities for investments in renewable energy & Smart Grid technology - 2 dedicated streams focusing on “T&D Capacity, Quality & Reliability of Electricity Supply” and “Renewable Energy Resources, Microgrids & Energy Efficiency” - Special focus workshops Hear What Our Past Attendees Have To Say: - “The most beneficial aspect of attending this conference is the excellent update from key Governments and Utilities in the region. It has been an excellent networking opportunity.” - Max Bryan, Principal Engineer, Alcatel – Lucent - “Smart Grids Asia was engaging with excellent quality presentations. What made this conference interesting and different was the international perspectives, not just from Asia, but case studies from the US, Canada, Netherlands, Greece & Sweden” - Mark de Laeter, General Manager, Western Power Australia - “The most beneficial aspect of attending this conference has been the global knowledge sharing of developments in Smart Grids. I was pleased with the level of detail involved in the different projects and case studies” - Christopher Selvin, Manager, Electrical Testing & Automation, Tata Power Visit the 3rd Annual Smart Grids Asia website at for more information on the full programme agenda and speaker line-up.
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

HuggingFaceFW/fineweb filter Malaysian context

What is it?

We filter the original 🍷 FineWeb dataset that consists more than 15T tokens on simple Malaysian keywords.

Total tokens for the filtered dataset is 174102784199 tokens, 174B tokens.

How we do it?

  1. We filter rows using {'malay', 'malaysia', 'melayu', 'bursa', 'ringgit'} keywords on r5.16xlarge EC2 instance for 7 days.
  2. We calculate total tokens using tiktoken.encoding_for_model("gpt2") on c7a.24xlarge EC2 instance for 1 hour.

source code at

Why we do it?

So anybody can use this filtered corpus to pretrain, continue pretraining or generate synthetic dataset for their own use cases.

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