1 value
# Copyright 2020 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """The Python AsyncIO implementation of the GRPC helloworld.Greeter server.""" import logging import asyncio import grpc import helloworld_pb2 import helloworld_pb2_grpc class Greeter(helloworld_pb2_grpc.GreeterServicer): async def SayHello( self, request: helloworld_pb2.HelloRequest, context: grpc.aio.ServicerContext) -> helloworld_pb2.HelloReply: return helloworld_pb2.HelloReply(message='Hello, %s!' % async def serve() -> None: server = grpc.aio.server() helloworld_pb2_grpc.add_GreeterServicer_to_server(Greeter(), server) listen_addr = '[::]:50051' server.add_insecure_port(listen_addr)"Starting server on %s", listen_addr) await server.start() try: await server.wait_for_termination() except KeyboardInterrupt: # Shuts down the server with 0 seconds of grace period. During the # grace period, the server won't accept new connections and allow # existing RPCs to continue within the grace period. await server.stop(0) if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import scipy.sparse as sp import numpy as np import torch import time import os from configparser import ConfigParser import sys sys.path.append('/home/shiyan/project/gcn_for_prediction_of_protein_interactions/') from src.util.load_data import load_data, sparse_to_tuple, mask_test_edges, preprocess_graph from src.util.loss import arga_loss_function, varga_loss_function from src.util.metrics import get_roc_score from src.util import define_optimizer from src.graph_nheads_att_gan.model import NHGATModelGAN DEVICE = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') class Train(): def __init__(self): pass def train_model(self, config_path): if os.path.exists(config_path) and (os.path.split(config_path)[1].split('.')[0] == 'config') and ( os.path.splitext(config_path)[1].split('.')[1] == 'cfg'): # load config file config = ConfigParser() section = config.sections()[0] # data catalog path data_catalog = config.get(section, "data_catalog") # train file path train_file_name = config.get(section, "train_file_name") # model save/load path model_path = config.get(section, "model_path") # model param config hidden_dim1 = config.getint(section, "hidden_dim1") hidden_dim2 = config.getint(section, "hidden_dim2") hidden_dim3 = config.getint(section, 'hidden_dim3') num_heads = config.getint(section, 'num_heads') dropout = config.getfloat(section, "dropout") vae_bool = config.getboolean(section, 'vae_bool') alpha = config.getfloat(section, 'alpha') lr = config.getfloat(section, "lr") lr_decay = config.getfloat(section, 'lr_decay') weight_decay = config.getfloat(section, "weight_decay") gamma = config.getfloat(section, "gamma") momentum = config.getfloat(section, "momentum") eps = config.getfloat(section, "eps") clip = config.getfloat(section, "clip") epochs = config.getint(section, "epochs") optimizer_name = config.get(section, "optimizer") # 加载相关数据 adj = load_data(os.path.join(data_catalog, train_file_name)) num_nodes = adj.shape[0] num_edges = adj.sum() features = sparse_to_tuple(sp.identity(num_nodes)) num_features = features[2][1] # 去除对角线元素 # 下边的右部分为:返回adj_orig的对角元素(一维),并增加一维,抽出adj_orig的对角元素并构建只有这些对角元素的对角矩阵 adj_orig = adj - sp.dia_matrix((adj.diagonal()[np.newaxis, :], [0]), shape=adj.shape) adj_orig.eliminate_zeros() adj_train, train_edges, val_edges, val_edges_false, test_edges, test_edges_false = mask_test_edges(adj_orig) adj = adj_train # 返回D^{-0.5}SD^{-0.5}的coords, data, shape,其中S=A+I adj_norm = preprocess_graph(adj) adj_label = adj_train + sp.eye(adj_train.shape[0]) # adj_label = sparse_to_tuple(adj_label) adj_label = torch.FloatTensor(adj_label.toarray()).to(DEVICE) ''' 注意,adj的每个元素非1即0。pos_weight是用于训练的邻接矩阵中负样本边(既不存在的边)和正样本边的倍数(即比值),这个数值在二分类交叉熵损失函数中用到, 如果正样本边所占的比例和负样本边所占比例失衡,比如正样本边很多,负样本边很少,那么在求loss的时候可以提供weight参数,将正样本边的weight设置小一点,负样本边的weight设置大一点, 此时能够很好的平衡两类在loss中的占比,任务效果可以得到进一步提升。参考: 负样本边的weight都为1,正样本边的weight都为pos_weight ''' pos_weight = float(adj.shape[0] * adj.shape[0] - num_edges) / num_edges norm = adj.shape[0] * adj.shape[0] / float((adj.shape[0] * adj.shape[0] - adj.sum()) * 2) # create model print('create model ...') model = NHGATModelGAN(num_features, hidden_dim1=hidden_dim1, hidden_dim2=hidden_dim2, hidden_dim3=hidden_dim3, num_heads=num_heads, dropout=dropout, alpha=alpha, vae_bool=vae_bool) # define optimizer if optimizer_name == 'adam': optimizer = define_optimizer.define_optimizer_adam(model, lr=lr, weight_decay=weight_decay) elif optimizer_name == 'adamw': optimizer = define_optimizer.define_optimizer_adamw(model, lr=lr, weight_decay=weight_decay) elif optimizer_name == 'sgd': optimizer = define_optimizer.define_optimizer_sgd(model, lr=lr, momentum=momentum, weight_decay=weight_decay) elif optimizer_name == 'adagrad': optimizer = define_optimizer.define_optimizer_adagrad(model, lr=lr, lr_decay=lr_decay, weight_decay=weight_decay) elif optimizer_name == 'rmsprop': optimizer = define_optimizer.define_optimizer_rmsprop(model, lr=lr, weight_decay=weight_decay, momentum=momentum) elif optimizer_name == 'adadelta': optimizer = define_optimizer.define_optimizer_adadelta(model, lr=lr, weight_decay=weight_decay) else: raise NameError('No define optimization function name!') model = # 稀疏张量被表示为一对致密张量:一维张量和二维张量的索引。可以通过提供这两个张量来构造稀疏张量 adj_norm = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(torch.LongTensor(adj_norm[0].T), torch.FloatTensor(adj_norm[1]), torch.Size(adj_norm[2])) features = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(torch.LongTensor(features[0].T), torch.FloatTensor(features[1]), torch.Size(features[2])).to_dense() adj_norm = features = norm = torch.FloatTensor(np.array(norm)).to(DEVICE) pos_weight = torch.tensor(pos_weight).to(DEVICE) num_nodes = torch.tensor(num_nodes).to(DEVICE) print('start training...') best_valid_roc_score = float('-inf') hidden_emb = None model.train() for epoch in range(epochs): t = time.time() optimizer.zero_grad() # 解码后的邻接矩阵,判别器 recovered, dis_real, dis_fake, mu, logvar = model(features, adj_norm) if vae_bool: loss = varga_loss_function(preds=recovered, labels=adj_label, mu=mu, logvar=logvar, dis_real=dis_real, dis_fake=dis_fake, n_nodes=num_nodes, norm=norm, pos_weight=pos_weight) else: loss = arga_loss_function(preds=recovered, labels=adj_label, dis_real=dis_real, dis_fake=dis_fake, norm=norm, pos_weight=pos_weight) loss.backward() torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), clip) cur_loss = loss.item() optimizer.step() hidden_emb = # 评估验证集,val set roc_score, ap_score = get_roc_score(hidden_emb, adj_orig, val_edges, val_edges_false) # 保存最好的roc score if roc_score > best_valid_roc_score: best_valid_roc_score = roc_score # 不需要保存整个model,只需保存hidden_emb,因为后面的解码是用hidden_emb内积的形式作推断, hidden_emb) print("Epoch:", '%04d' % (epoch + 1), "train_loss = ", "{:.5f}".format(cur_loss), "val_roc_score = ", "{:.5f}".format(roc_score), "average_precision_score = ", "{:.5f}".format(ap_score), "time=", "{:.5f}".format(time.time() - t) ) print("Optimization Finished!") # 评估测试集,test set roc_score, ap_score = get_roc_score(hidden_emb, adj_orig, test_edges, test_edges_false) print('test roc score: {}'.format(roc_score)) print('test ap score: {}'.format(ap_score)) else: raise FileNotFoundError('File config.cfg not found : ' + config_path) if __name__ == '__main__': config_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'config.cfg') train = Train() train.train_model(config_path)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Tests for backend_context.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import operator try: # python version >= 3.3 from unittest import mock except ImportError: import mock # pylint: disable=unused-import import tensorflow as tf from google.protobuf import text_format from tensorboard import context from tensorboard.backend.event_processing import data_provider from tensorboard.backend.event_processing import event_accumulator from tensorboard.backend.event_processing import plugin_event_multiplexer from tensorboard.compat.proto import summary_pb2 from tensorboard.plugins import base_plugin from tensorboard.plugins.hparams import api_pb2 from tensorboard.plugins.hparams import backend_context from tensorboard.plugins.hparams import metadata from tensorboard.plugins.hparams import plugin_data_pb2 from tensorboard.plugins.scalar import metadata as scalars_metadata DATA_TYPE_EXPERIMENT = "experiment" DATA_TYPE_SESSION_START_INFO = "session_start_info" DATA_TYPE_SESSION_END_INFO = "session_end_info" class BackendContextTest(tf.test.TestCase): # Make assertProtoEquals print all the diff. maxDiff = None # pylint: disable=invalid-name def setUp(self): self._mock_tb_context = base_plugin.TBContext() # TODO(#3425): Remove mocking or switch to mocking data provider # APIs directly. self._mock_multiplexer = mock.create_autospec( plugin_event_multiplexer.EventMultiplexer ) self._mock_tb_context.multiplexer = self._mock_multiplexer self._mock_multiplexer.PluginRunToTagToContent.side_effect = ( self._mock_plugin_run_to_tag_to_content ) self._mock_multiplexer.AllSummaryMetadata.side_effect = ( self._mock_all_summary_metadata ) self._mock_multiplexer.SummaryMetadata.side_effect = ( self._mock_summary_metadata ) self._mock_tb_context.data_provider = data_provider.MultiplexerDataProvider( self._mock_multiplexer, "/path/to/logs" ) self.session_1_start_info_ = "" self.session_2_start_info_ = "" self.session_3_start_info_ = "" def _mock_all_summary_metadata(self): result = {} hparams_content = { "exp/session_1": { metadata.SESSION_START_INFO_TAG: self._serialized_plugin_data( DATA_TYPE_SESSION_START_INFO, self.session_1_start_info_ ), }, "exp/session_2": { metadata.SESSION_START_INFO_TAG: self._serialized_plugin_data( DATA_TYPE_SESSION_START_INFO, self.session_2_start_info_ ), }, "exp/session_3": { metadata.SESSION_START_INFO_TAG: self._serialized_plugin_data( DATA_TYPE_SESSION_START_INFO, self.session_3_start_info_ ), }, } scalars_content = { "exp/session_1": {"loss": b"", "accuracy": b""}, "exp/session_1/eval": {"loss": b"",}, "exp/session_1/train": {"loss": b"",}, "exp/session_2": {"loss": b"", "accuracy": b"",}, "exp/session_2/eval": {"loss": b"",}, "exp/session_2/train": {"loss": b"",}, "exp/session_3": {"loss": b"", "accuracy": b"",}, "exp/session_3/eval": {"loss": b"",}, "exp/session_3xyz/": {"loss2": b"",}, } for (run, tag_to_content) in hparams_content.items(): result.setdefault(run, {}) for (tag, content) in tag_to_content.items(): m = summary_pb2.SummaryMetadata() m.data_class = summary_pb2.DATA_CLASS_TENSOR m.plugin_data.plugin_name = metadata.PLUGIN_NAME m.plugin_data.content = content result[run][tag] = m for (run, tag_to_content) in scalars_content.items(): result.setdefault(run, {}) for (tag, content) in tag_to_content.items(): m = summary_pb2.SummaryMetadata() m.data_class = summary_pb2.DATA_CLASS_SCALAR m.plugin_data.plugin_name = scalars_metadata.PLUGIN_NAME m.plugin_data.content = content result[run][tag] = m return result def _mock_plugin_run_to_tag_to_content(self, plugin_name): result = {} for ( run, tag_to_metadata, ) in self._mock_multiplexer.AllSummaryMetadata().items(): for (tag, metadata) in tag_to_metadata.items(): if metadata.plugin_data.plugin_name != plugin_name: continue result.setdefault(run, {}) result[run][tag] = metadata.plugin_data.content return result def _mock_summary_metadata(self, run, tag): return self._mock_multiplexer.AllSummaryMetadata()[run][tag] def test_experiment_with_experiment_tag(self): experiment = """ description: 'Test experiment' metric_infos: [ { name: { tag: 'current_temp' } } ] """ run = "exp" tag = metadata.EXPERIMENT_TAG m = summary_pb2.SummaryMetadata() m.data_class = summary_pb2.DATA_CLASS_TENSOR m.plugin_data.plugin_name = metadata.PLUGIN_NAME m.plugin_data.content = self._serialized_plugin_data( DATA_TYPE_EXPERIMENT, experiment ) self._mock_multiplexer.AllSummaryMetadata.side_effect = None self._mock_multiplexer.AllSummaryMetadata.return_value = {run: {tag: m}} ctxt = backend_context.Context(self._mock_tb_context) request_ctx = context.RequestContext() self.assertProtoEquals( experiment, ctxt.experiment_from_metadata( request_ctx, "123", ctxt.hparams_metadata(request_ctx, "123") ), ) def test_experiment_without_experiment_tag(self): self.session_1_start_info_ = """ hparams: [ {key: 'batch_size' value: {number_value: 100}}, {key: 'lr' value: {number_value: 0.01}}, {key: 'model_type' value: {string_value: 'CNN'}} ] """ self.session_2_start_info_ = """ hparams:[ {key: 'batch_size' value: {number_value: 200}}, {key: 'lr' value: {number_value: 0.02}}, {key: 'model_type' value: {string_value: 'LATTICE'}} ] """ self.session_3_start_info_ = """ hparams:[ {key: 'batch_size' value: {number_value: 300}}, {key: 'lr' value: {number_value: 0.05}}, {key: 'model_type' value: {string_value: 'CNN'}} ] """ expected_exp = """ hparam_infos: { name: 'batch_size' type: DATA_TYPE_FLOAT64 }, hparam_infos: { name: 'lr' type: DATA_TYPE_FLOAT64 }, hparam_infos: { name: 'model_type' type: DATA_TYPE_STRING domain_discrete: { values: [{string_value: 'CNN'}, {string_value: 'LATTICE'}] } } metric_infos: { name: {group: '', tag: 'accuracy'} } metric_infos: { name: {group: '', tag: 'loss'} } metric_infos: { name: {group: 'eval', tag: 'loss'} } metric_infos: { name: {group: 'train', tag: 'loss'} } """ ctxt = backend_context.Context(self._mock_tb_context) request_ctx = context.RequestContext() actual_exp = ctxt.experiment_from_metadata( request_ctx, "123", ctxt.hparams_metadata(request_ctx, "123") ) _canonicalize_experiment(actual_exp) self.assertProtoEquals(expected_exp, actual_exp) def test_experiment_without_experiment_tag_different_hparam_types(self): self.session_1_start_info_ = """ hparams:[ {key: 'batch_size' value: {number_value: 100}}, {key: 'lr' value: {string_value: '0.01'}} ] """ self.session_2_start_info_ = """ hparams:[ {key: 'lr' value: {number_value: 0.02}}, {key: 'model_type' value: {string_value: 'LATTICE'}} ] """ self.session_3_start_info_ = """ hparams:[ {key: 'batch_size' value: {bool_value: true}}, {key: 'model_type' value: {string_value: 'CNN'}} ] """ expected_exp = """ hparam_infos: { name: 'batch_size' type: DATA_TYPE_STRING domain_discrete: { values: [{string_value: '100.0'}, {string_value: 'true'}] } } hparam_infos: { name: 'lr' type: DATA_TYPE_STRING domain_discrete: { values: [{string_value: '0.01'}, {string_value: '0.02'}] } } hparam_infos: { name: 'model_type' type: DATA_TYPE_STRING domain_discrete: { values: [{string_value: 'CNN'}, {string_value: 'LATTICE'}] } } metric_infos: { name: {group: '', tag: 'accuracy'} } metric_infos: { name: {group: '', tag: 'loss'} } metric_infos: { name: {group: 'eval', tag: 'loss'} } metric_infos: { name: {group: 'train', tag: 'loss'} } """ ctxt = backend_context.Context(self._mock_tb_context) request_ctx = context.RequestContext() actual_exp = ctxt.experiment_from_metadata( request_ctx, "123", ctxt.hparams_metadata(request_ctx, "123") ) _canonicalize_experiment(actual_exp) self.assertProtoEquals(expected_exp, actual_exp) def test_experiment_without_experiment_tag_many_distinct_values(self): self.session_1_start_info_ = """ hparams:[ {key: 'batch_size' value: {number_value: 100}}, {key: 'lr' value: {string_value: '0.01'}} ] """ self.session_2_start_info_ = """ hparams:[ {key: 'lr' value: {number_value: 0.02}}, {key: 'model_type' value: {string_value: 'CNN'}} ] """ self.session_3_start_info_ = """ hparams:[ {key: 'batch_size' value: {bool_value: true}}, {key: 'model_type' value: {string_value: 'CNN'}} ] """ expected_exp = """ hparam_infos: { name: 'batch_size' type: DATA_TYPE_STRING } hparam_infos: { name: 'lr' type: DATA_TYPE_STRING } hparam_infos: { name: 'model_type' type: DATA_TYPE_STRING domain_discrete: { values: [{string_value: 'CNN'}] } } metric_infos: { name: {group: '', tag: 'accuracy'} } metric_infos: { name: {group: '', tag: 'loss'} } metric_infos: { name: {group: 'eval', tag: 'loss'} } metric_infos: { name: {group: 'train', tag: 'loss'} } """ ctxt = backend_context.Context( self._mock_tb_context, max_domain_discrete_len=1 ) request_ctx = context.RequestContext() actual_exp = ctxt.experiment_from_metadata( request_ctx, "123", ctxt.hparams_metadata(request_ctx, "123"), ) _canonicalize_experiment(actual_exp) self.assertProtoEquals(expected_exp, actual_exp) def _serialized_plugin_data(self, data_oneof_field, text_protobuffer): oneof_type_dict = { DATA_TYPE_EXPERIMENT: api_pb2.Experiment, DATA_TYPE_SESSION_START_INFO: plugin_data_pb2.SessionStartInfo, DATA_TYPE_SESSION_END_INFO: plugin_data_pb2.SessionEndInfo, } protobuffer = text_format.Merge( text_protobuffer, oneof_type_dict[data_oneof_field]() ) plugin_data = plugin_data_pb2.HParamsPluginData() getattr(plugin_data, data_oneof_field).CopyFrom(protobuffer) return metadata.create_summary_metadata(plugin_data).plugin_data.content def _canonicalize_experiment(exp): """Sorts the repeated fields of an Experiment message.""" exp.hparam_infos.sort(key=operator.attrgetter("name")) exp.metric_infos.sort(key=operator.attrgetter("", "name.tag")) for hparam_info in exp.hparam_infos: if hparam_info.HasField("domain_discrete"): hparam_info.domain_discrete.values.sort( key=operator.attrgetter("string_value") ) if __name__ == "__main__": tf.test.main()
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python2 # Copyright (c) 2014-2015 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * # Create one-input, one-output, no-fee transaction: class RawTransactionsTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def setup_chain(self): print("Initializing test directory "+self.options.tmpdir) initialize_chain_clean(self.options.tmpdir, 4) def setup_network(self, split=False): self.nodes = start_nodes(4, self.options.tmpdir) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,0,1) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,1,2) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,0,2) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,0,3) self.is_network_split=False self.sync_all() def run_test(self): print "Mining blocks..." min_relay_tx_fee = self.nodes[0].getnetworkinfo()['relayfee'] # This test is not meant to test fee estimation and we'd like # to be sure all txs are sent at a consistent desired feerate for node in self.nodes: node.settxfee(min_relay_tx_fee) # if the fee's positive delta is higher than this value tests will fail, # neg. delta always fail the tests. # The size of the signature of every input may be at most 2 bytes larger # than a minimum sized signature. # = 2 bytes * minRelayTxFeePerByte feeTolerance = 2 * min_relay_tx_fee/1000 self.nodes[2].generate(1) self.sync_all() self.nodes[0].generate(121) self.sync_all() watchonly_address = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() watchonly_pubkey = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(watchonly_address)["pubkey"] watchonly_amount = Decimal(2000) self.nodes[3].importpubkey(watchonly_pubkey, "", True) watchonly_txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(watchonly_address, watchonly_amount) self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[3].getnewaddress(), watchonly_amount / 10) self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 15) self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 10) self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 50) self.sync_all() self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() ############### # simple test # ############### inputs = [ ] outputs = { self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() : 10 } rawtx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtx) rawtxfund = self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction(rawtx) fee = rawtxfund['fee'] dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtxfund['hex']) assert(len(dec_tx['vin']) > 0) #test if we have enought inputs ############################## # simple test with two coins # ############################## inputs = [ ] outputs = { self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() : 22 } rawtx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtx) rawtxfund = self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction(rawtx) fee = rawtxfund['fee'] dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtxfund['hex']) assert(len(dec_tx['vin']) > 0) #test if we have enough inputs ############################## # simple test with two coins # ############################## inputs = [ ] outputs = { self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() : 26 } rawtx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtx) rawtxfund = self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction(rawtx) fee = rawtxfund['fee'] dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtxfund['hex']) assert(len(dec_tx['vin']) > 0) assert_equal(dec_tx['vin'][0]['scriptSig']['hex'], '') ################################ # simple test with two outputs # ################################ inputs = [ ] outputs = { self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() : 26, self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() : 25 } rawtx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtx) rawtxfund = self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction(rawtx) fee = rawtxfund['fee'] dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtxfund['hex']) totalOut = 0 for out in dec_tx['vout']: totalOut += out['value'] assert(len(dec_tx['vin']) > 0) assert_equal(dec_tx['vin'][0]['scriptSig']['hex'], '') ######################################################################### # test a fundrawtransaction with a VIN greater than the required amount # ######################################################################### utx = False listunspent = self.nodes[2].listunspent() for aUtx in listunspent: if aUtx['amount'] == 50: utx = aUtx break assert(utx!=False) inputs = [ {'txid' : utx['txid'], 'vout' : utx['vout']}] outputs = { self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() : 10 } rawtx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtx) assert_equal(utx['txid'], dec_tx['vin'][0]['txid']) rawtxfund = self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction(rawtx) fee = rawtxfund['fee'] dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtxfund['hex']) totalOut = 0 for out in dec_tx['vout']: totalOut += out['value'] assert_equal(fee + totalOut, utx['amount']) #compare vin total and totalout+fee ##################################################################### # test a fundrawtransaction with which will not get a change output # ##################################################################### utx = False listunspent = self.nodes[2].listunspent() for aUtx in listunspent: if aUtx['amount'] == 50: utx = aUtx break assert(utx!=False) inputs = [ {'txid' : utx['txid'], 'vout' : utx['vout']}] outputs = { self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() : Decimal(50) - fee - feeTolerance } rawtx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtx) assert_equal(utx['txid'], dec_tx['vin'][0]['txid']) rawtxfund = self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction(rawtx) fee = rawtxfund['fee'] dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtxfund['hex']) totalOut = 0 for out in dec_tx['vout']: totalOut += out['value'] assert_equal(rawtxfund['changepos'], -1) assert_equal(fee + totalOut, utx['amount']) #compare vin total and totalout+fee ######################################################################### # test a fundrawtransaction with a VIN smaller than the required amount # ######################################################################### utx = False listunspent = self.nodes[2].listunspent() for aUtx in listunspent: if aUtx['amount'] == 10: utx = aUtx break assert(utx!=False) inputs = [ {'txid' : utx['txid'], 'vout' : utx['vout']}] outputs = { self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() : 10 } rawtx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) # 4-byte version + 1-byte vin count + 36-byte prevout then script_len rawtx = rawtx[:82] + "0100" + rawtx[84:] dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtx) assert_equal(utx['txid'], dec_tx['vin'][0]['txid']) assert_equal("00", dec_tx['vin'][0]['scriptSig']['hex']) rawtxfund = self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction(rawtx) fee = rawtxfund['fee'] dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtxfund['hex']) totalOut = 0 matchingOuts = 0 for i, out in enumerate(dec_tx['vout']): totalOut += out['value'] if out['scriptPubKey']['addresses'][0] in outputs: matchingOuts+=1 else: assert_equal(i, rawtxfund['changepos']) assert_equal(utx['txid'], dec_tx['vin'][0]['txid']) assert_equal("00", dec_tx['vin'][0]['scriptSig']['hex']) assert_equal(matchingOuts, 1) assert_equal(len(dec_tx['vout']), 2) ########################################### # test a fundrawtransaction with two VINs # ########################################### utx = False utx2 = False listunspent = self.nodes[2].listunspent() for aUtx in listunspent: if aUtx['amount'] == 10: utx = aUtx if aUtx['amount'] == 50: utx2 = aUtx assert(utx!=False) inputs = [ {'txid' : utx['txid'], 'vout' : utx['vout']},{'txid' : utx2['txid'], 'vout' : utx2['vout']} ] outputs = { self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() : 60 } rawtx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtx) assert_equal(utx['txid'], dec_tx['vin'][0]['txid']) rawtxfund = self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction(rawtx) fee = rawtxfund['fee'] dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtxfund['hex']) totalOut = 0 matchingOuts = 0 for out in dec_tx['vout']: totalOut += out['value'] if out['scriptPubKey']['addresses'][0] in outputs: matchingOuts+=1 assert_equal(matchingOuts, 1) assert_equal(len(dec_tx['vout']), 2) matchingIns = 0 for vinOut in dec_tx['vin']: for vinIn in inputs: if vinIn['txid'] == vinOut['txid']: matchingIns+=1 assert_equal(matchingIns, 2) #we now must see two vins identical to vins given as params ######################################################### # test a fundrawtransaction with two VINs and two vOUTs # ######################################################### utx = False utx2 = False listunspent = self.nodes[2].listunspent() for aUtx in listunspent: if aUtx['amount'] == 10: utx = aUtx if aUtx['amount'] == 50: utx2 = aUtx assert(utx!=False) inputs = [ {'txid' : utx['txid'], 'vout' : utx['vout']},{'txid' : utx2['txid'], 'vout' : utx2['vout']} ] outputs = { self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() : 60, self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() : 10 } rawtx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtx) assert_equal(utx['txid'], dec_tx['vin'][0]['txid']) rawtxfund = self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction(rawtx) fee = rawtxfund['fee'] dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtxfund['hex']) totalOut = 0 matchingOuts = 0 for out in dec_tx['vout']: totalOut += out['value'] if out['scriptPubKey']['addresses'][0] in outputs: matchingOuts+=1 assert_equal(matchingOuts, 2) assert_equal(len(dec_tx['vout']), 3) ############################################## # test a fundrawtransaction with invalid vin # ############################################## listunspent = self.nodes[2].listunspent() inputs = [ {'txid' : "1c7f966dab21119bac53213a2bc7532bff1fa844c124fd750a7d0b1332440bd1", 'vout' : 0} ] #invalid vin! outputs = { self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() : 10} rawtx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtx) try: rawtxfund = self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction(rawtx) raise AssertionError("Spent more than available") except JSONRPCException as e: assert("Insufficient" in e.error['message']) ############################################################ #compare fee of a standard pubkeyhash transaction inputs = [] outputs = {self.nodes[1].getnewaddress():11} rawTx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) fundedTx = self.nodes[0].fundrawtransaction(rawTx) #create same transaction over sendtoaddress txId = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(), 11) signedFee = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(True)[txId]['fee'] #compare fee feeDelta = Decimal(fundedTx['fee']) - Decimal(signedFee) assert(feeDelta >= 0 and feeDelta <= feeTolerance) ############################################################ ############################################################ #compare fee of a standard pubkeyhash transaction with multiple outputs inputs = [] outputs = {self.nodes[1].getnewaddress():11,self.nodes[1].getnewaddress():12,self.nodes[1].getnewaddress():1,self.nodes[1].getnewaddress():13,self.nodes[1].getnewaddress():2,self.nodes[1].getnewaddress():3} rawTx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) fundedTx = self.nodes[0].fundrawtransaction(rawTx) #create same transaction over sendtoaddress txId = self.nodes[0].sendmany("", outputs) signedFee = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(True)[txId]['fee'] #compare fee feeDelta = Decimal(fundedTx['fee']) - Decimal(signedFee) assert(feeDelta >= 0 and feeDelta <= feeTolerance) ############################################################ ############################################################ #compare fee of a 2of2 multisig p2sh transaction # create 2of2 addr addr1 = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() addr2 = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() addr1Obj = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(addr1) addr2Obj = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(addr2) mSigObj = self.nodes[1].addmultisigaddress(2, [addr1Obj['pubkey'], addr2Obj['pubkey']]) inputs = [] outputs = {mSigObj:11} rawTx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) fundedTx = self.nodes[0].fundrawtransaction(rawTx) #create same transaction over sendtoaddress txId = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(mSigObj, 11) signedFee = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(True)[txId]['fee'] #compare fee feeDelta = Decimal(fundedTx['fee']) - Decimal(signedFee) assert(feeDelta >= 0 and feeDelta <= feeTolerance) ############################################################ ############################################################ #compare fee of a standard pubkeyhash transaction # create 4of5 addr addr1 = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() addr2 = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() addr3 = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() addr4 = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() addr5 = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() addr1Obj = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(addr1) addr2Obj = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(addr2) addr3Obj = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(addr3) addr4Obj = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(addr4) addr5Obj = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(addr5) mSigObj = self.nodes[1].addmultisigaddress(4, [addr1Obj['pubkey'], addr2Obj['pubkey'], addr3Obj['pubkey'], addr4Obj['pubkey'], addr5Obj['pubkey']]) inputs = [] outputs = {mSigObj:11} rawTx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) fundedTx = self.nodes[0].fundrawtransaction(rawTx) #create same transaction over sendtoaddress txId = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(mSigObj, 11) signedFee = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(True)[txId]['fee'] #compare fee feeDelta = Decimal(fundedTx['fee']) - Decimal(signedFee) assert(feeDelta >= 0 and feeDelta <= feeTolerance) ############################################################ ############################################################ # spend a 2of2 multisig transaction over fundraw # create 2of2 addr addr1 = self.nodes[2].getnewaddress() addr2 = self.nodes[2].getnewaddress() addr1Obj = self.nodes[2].validateaddress(addr1) addr2Obj = self.nodes[2].validateaddress(addr2) mSigObj = self.nodes[2].addmultisigaddress(2, [addr1Obj['pubkey'], addr2Obj['pubkey']]) # send 12 ESMA to msig addr txId = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(mSigObj, 12) self.sync_all() self.nodes[1].generate(1) self.sync_all() oldBalance = self.nodes[1].getbalance() inputs = [] outputs = {self.nodes[1].getnewaddress():11} rawTx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) fundedTx = self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction(rawTx) signedTx = self.nodes[2].signrawtransaction(fundedTx['hex']) txId = self.nodes[2].sendrawtransaction(signedTx['hex']) self.sync_all() self.nodes[1].generate(1) self.sync_all() # make sure funds are received at node1 assert_equal(oldBalance+Decimal('11.0000000'), self.nodes[1].getbalance()) ############################################################ # locked wallet test self.nodes[1].encryptwallet("test") self.nodes.pop(1) stop_nodes(self.nodes) wait_bitcoinds() self.nodes = start_nodes(4, self.options.tmpdir) # This test is not meant to test fee estimation and we'd like # to be sure all txs are sent at a consistent desired feerate for node in self.nodes: node.settxfee(min_relay_tx_fee) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,0,1) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,1,2) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,0,2) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,0,3) self.is_network_split=False self.sync_all() try: self.nodes[1].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), 12) raise AssertionError("Wallet unlocked without passphrase") except JSONRPCException as e: assert('walletpassphrase' in e.error['message']) oldBalance = self.nodes[0].getbalance() inputs = [] outputs = {self.nodes[0].getnewaddress():11} rawTx = self.nodes[1].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) fundedTx = self.nodes[1].fundrawtransaction(rawTx) #now we need to unlock self.nodes[1].walletpassphrase("test", 100) signedTx = self.nodes[1].signrawtransaction(fundedTx['hex']) txId = self.nodes[1].sendrawtransaction(signedTx['hex']) self.sync_all() self.nodes[1].generate(1) self.sync_all() # make sure funds are received at node1 assert_equal(oldBalance+Decimal('511.0000000'), self.nodes[0].getbalance()) ############################################### # multiple (~19) inputs tx test | Compare fee # ############################################### #empty node1, send some small coins from node0 to node1 self.nodes[1].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), self.nodes[1].getbalance(), "", "", True) self.sync_all() self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() for i in range(0,20): self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(), 0.01) self.sync_all() self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() #fund a tx with ~20 small inputs inputs = [] outputs = {self.nodes[0].getnewaddress():0.15,self.nodes[0].getnewaddress():0.04} rawTx = self.nodes[1].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) fundedTx = self.nodes[1].fundrawtransaction(rawTx) #create same transaction over sendtoaddress txId = self.nodes[1].sendmany("", outputs) signedFee = self.nodes[1].getrawmempool(True)[txId]['fee'] #compare fee feeDelta = Decimal(fundedTx['fee']) - Decimal(signedFee) assert(feeDelta >= 0 and feeDelta <= feeTolerance*19) #~19 inputs ############################################# # multiple (~19) inputs tx test | sign/send # ############################################# #again, empty node1, send some small coins from node0 to node1 self.nodes[1].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), self.nodes[1].getbalance(), "", "", True) self.sync_all() self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() for i in range(0,20): self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(), 0.01) self.sync_all() self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() #fund a tx with ~20 small inputs oldBalance = self.nodes[0].getbalance() inputs = [] outputs = {self.nodes[0].getnewaddress():0.15,self.nodes[0].getnewaddress():0.04} rawTx = self.nodes[1].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) fundedTx = self.nodes[1].fundrawtransaction(rawTx) fundedAndSignedTx = self.nodes[1].signrawtransaction(fundedTx['hex']) txId = self.nodes[1].sendrawtransaction(fundedAndSignedTx['hex']) self.sync_all() self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() assert_equal(oldBalance+Decimal('500.19000000'), self.nodes[0].getbalance()) #0.19+block reward ##################################################### # test fundrawtransaction with OP_RETURN and no vin # ##################################################### rawtx = "0100000000010000000000000000066a047465737400000000" dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtx) assert_equal(len(dec_tx['vin']), 0) assert_equal(len(dec_tx['vout']), 1) rawtxfund = self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction(rawtx) dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtxfund['hex']) assert_greater_than(len(dec_tx['vin']), 0) # at least one vin assert_equal(len(dec_tx['vout']), 2) # one change output added ################################################## # test a fundrawtransaction using only watchonly # ################################################## inputs = [] outputs = {self.nodes[2].getnewaddress() : watchonly_amount / 2} rawtx = self.nodes[3].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) result = self.nodes[3].fundrawtransaction(rawtx, True) res_dec = self.nodes[0].decoderawtransaction(result["hex"]) assert_equal(len(res_dec["vin"]), 1) assert_equal(res_dec["vin"][0]["txid"], watchonly_txid) assert("fee" in result.keys()) assert_greater_than(result["changepos"], -1) ############################################################### # test fundrawtransaction using the entirety of watched funds # ############################################################### inputs = [] outputs = {self.nodes[2].getnewaddress() : watchonly_amount} rawtx = self.nodes[3].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) result = self.nodes[3].fundrawtransaction(rawtx, True) res_dec = self.nodes[0].decoderawtransaction(result["hex"]) assert_equal(len(res_dec["vin"]), 2) assert(res_dec["vin"][0]["txid"] == watchonly_txid or res_dec["vin"][1]["txid"] == watchonly_txid) assert_greater_than(result["fee"], 0) assert_greater_than(result["changepos"], -1) assert_equal(result["fee"] + res_dec["vout"][result["changepos"]]["value"], watchonly_amount / 10) signedtx = self.nodes[3].signrawtransaction(result["hex"]) assert(not signedtx["complete"]) signedtx = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(signedtx["hex"]) assert(signedtx["complete"]) self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(signedtx["hex"]) if __name__ == '__main__': RawTransactionsTest().main()
[ "MIT" ]
# Copyright (c) 2017, John Skinner import unittest import numpy as np import arvet.database.tests.database_connection as dbconn from arvet.config.path_manager import PathManager import arvet.batch_analysis.task as task class MockTask(task.Task): def run_task(self, path_manager: PathManager): pass def get_unique_name(self) -> str: return "mock_task_{0}".format( class TestTaskDatabase(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): dbconn.connect_to_test_db() def setUp(self): # Remove the collection as the start of the test, so that we're sure it's empty task.Task._mongometa.collection.drop() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): # Clean up after ourselves by dropping the collection for this model task.Task._mongometa.collection.drop() def test_stores_and_loads_simple(self): obj = MockTask(state=task.JobState.UNSTARTED) # Load all the entities all_entities = list(task.Task.objects.all()) self.assertGreaterEqual(len(all_entities), 1) self.assertEqual(all_entities[0], obj) all_entities[0].delete() def test_stores_and_loads_all_params(self): obj = MockTask( state=task.JobState.RUNNING, node_id='test-hpc', job_id=15, num_cpus=3, num_gpus=150, memory_requirements='4KB', expected_duration='100:00:00' ) # Load all the entities all_entities = list(task.Task.objects.all()) self.assertGreaterEqual(len(all_entities), 1) self.assertEqual(all_entities[0], obj) all_entities[0].delete() def test_stores_and_loads_after_change_state(self): obj = MockTask( state=task.JobState.RUNNING, node_id='test-hpc', job_id=15, num_cpus=3, num_gpus=150, memory_requirements='4KB', expected_duration='100:00:00' ) all_entities = list(task.Task.objects.all()) self.assertGreaterEqual(len(all_entities), 1) self.assertEqual(all_entities[0], obj) obj.mark_job_failed() all_entities = list(task.Task.objects.all()) self.assertGreaterEqual(len(all_entities), 1) self.assertEqual(all_entities[0], obj) obj.mark_job_started('test_node', 143) all_entities = list(task.Task.objects.all()) self.assertGreaterEqual(len(all_entities), 1) self.assertEqual(all_entities[0], obj) obj.mark_job_complete() all_entities = list(task.Task.objects.all()) self.assertGreaterEqual(len(all_entities), 1) self.assertEqual(all_entities[0], obj) class TestTask(unittest.TestCase): def test_mark_job_started_changes_unstarted_to_running(self): subject = MockTask(state=task.JobState.UNSTARTED) self.assertTrue(subject.is_unstarted) self.assertFalse(subject.is_running) subject.mark_job_started('test', 12) self.assertFalse(subject.is_unstarted) self.assertTrue(subject.is_running) def test_mark_job_started_doesnt_affect_already_running_jobs(self): subject = MockTask(state=task.JobState.RUNNING, node_id='external', job_id=3) self.assertFalse(subject.is_unstarted) self.assertTrue(subject.is_running) self.assertFalse(subject.is_finished) subject.mark_job_started('test', 12) self.assertFalse(subject.is_unstarted) self.assertTrue(subject.is_running) self.assertFalse(subject.is_finished) self.assertEqual('external', subject.node_id) self.assertEqual(3, subject.job_id) def test_mark_job_started_doesnt_affect_finished_jobs(self): subject = MockTask(state=task.JobState.DONE) self.assertFalse(subject.is_unstarted) self.assertFalse(subject.is_running) self.assertTrue(subject.is_finished) subject.mark_job_started('test', 12) self.assertFalse(subject.is_unstarted) self.assertFalse(subject.is_running) self.assertTrue(subject.is_finished) self.assertIsNone(subject.node_id) self.assertIsNone(subject.job_id) def test_mark_job_failed_changes_running_to_unstarted(self): subject = MockTask(state=task.JobState.RUNNING, node_id='test', job_id=5) self.assertFalse(subject.is_unstarted) self.assertTrue(subject.is_running) subject.mark_job_failed() self.assertTrue(subject.is_unstarted) self.assertFalse(subject.is_running) self.assertIsNone(subject.node_id) self.assertIsNone(subject.job_id) def test_mark_job_failed_increases_failed_count(self): subject = MockTask(state=task.JobState.RUNNING, node_id='test', job_id=5, failure_count=4) self.assertFalse(subject.is_unstarted) self.assertTrue(subject.is_running) subject.mark_job_failed() self.assertTrue(subject.is_unstarted) self.assertFalse(subject.is_running) self.assertEqual(5, subject.failure_count) def test_mark_job_failed_doesnt_affect_unstarted_jobs(self): subject = MockTask(state=task.JobState.UNSTARTED) self.assertTrue(subject.is_unstarted) self.assertFalse(subject.is_finished) subject.mark_job_failed() self.assertTrue(subject.is_unstarted) self.assertFalse(subject.is_finished) self.assertEqual(0, subject.failure_count) def test_mark_job_failed_doesnt_affect_finished_jobs(self): subject = MockTask(state=task.JobState.DONE) self.assertFalse(subject.is_unstarted) self.assertFalse(subject.is_running) self.assertTrue(subject.is_finished) subject.mark_job_failed() self.assertFalse(subject.is_unstarted) self.assertFalse(subject.is_running) self.assertTrue(subject.is_finished) self.assertIsNone(subject.node_id) self.assertIsNone(subject.job_id) def test_mark_job_complete_changes_running_to_finished(self): subject = MockTask(state=task.JobState.RUNNING, node_id='test', job_id=5) self.assertFalse(subject.is_unstarted) self.assertTrue(subject.is_running) subject.mark_job_complete() self.assertFalse(subject.is_running) self.assertTrue(subject.is_finished) self.assertIsNone(subject.node_id) self.assertIsNone(subject.job_id) def test_mark_job_complete_doesnt_affect_unstarted_jobs(self): subject = MockTask(state=task.JobState.UNSTARTED) self.assertTrue(subject.is_unstarted) self.assertFalse(subject.is_running) self.assertFalse(subject.is_finished) subject.mark_job_complete() self.assertTrue(subject.is_unstarted) self.assertFalse(subject.is_running) self.assertFalse(subject.is_finished) def test_mark_job_complete_doesnt_affect_finished_jobs(self): subject = MockTask(state=task.JobState.DONE) self.assertFalse(subject.is_unstarted) self.assertFalse(subject.is_running) self.assertTrue(subject.is_finished) subject.mark_job_complete() self.assertFalse(subject.is_unstarted) self.assertFalse(subject.is_running) self.assertTrue(subject.is_finished) self.assertIsNone(subject.node_id) self.assertIsNone(subject.job_id) def test_change_job_id_doesnt_affect_state(self): subject = MockTask(state=task.JobState.RUNNING) self.assertFalse(subject.is_unstarted) self.assertTrue(subject.is_running) self.assertFalse(subject.is_finished) subject.change_job_id('test', 12) self.assertFalse(subject.is_unstarted) self.assertTrue(subject.is_running) self.assertFalse(subject.is_finished) def test_change_job_id_changes_job_info(self): subject = MockTask(state=task.JobState.RUNNING, node_id='external', job_id=3) self.assertEqual('external', subject.node_id) self.assertEqual(3, subject.job_id) subject.change_job_id('test', 12) self.assertEqual('test', subject.node_id) self.assertEqual(12, subject.job_id) def test_change_job_id_doesnt_affect_unstarted_jobs(self): subject = MockTask(state=task.JobState.UNSTARTED) self.assertTrue(subject.is_unstarted) subject.change_job_id('test', 12) self.assertTrue(subject.is_unstarted) self.assertIsNone(subject.node_id) self.assertIsNone(subject.job_id) def test_change_job_id_doesnt_affect_finished_jobs(self): subject = MockTask(state=task.JobState.DONE, node_id='external', job_id=3) self.assertTrue(subject.is_finished) self.assertEqual('external', subject.node_id) self.assertEqual(3, subject.job_id) subject.change_job_id('test', 12) self.assertTrue(subject.is_finished) self.assertEqual('external', subject.node_id) self.assertEqual(3, subject.job_id) def test_state_remains_consistent(self): random = np.random.RandomState(144135) subject = MockTask(state=task.JobState.UNSTARTED) for idx in range(50): change = random.randint(0, 4 if idx > 30 else 3) if idx > 30 and change == 3: subject.mark_job_complete() elif change == 2: subject.change_job_id('external', random.randint(0, 1000)) elif change == 1: subject.mark_job_started('test', random.randint(0, 1000)) else: subject.mark_job_failed() # Make sure that the node id and job id match the state if subject.is_unstarted or subject.is_finished: self.assertIsNone(subject.node_id) self.assertIsNone(subject.job_id) else: self.assertIsNotNone(subject.node_id) self.assertIsNotNone(subject.job_id)
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
from datetime import datetime import uuid from django.db import models import django.forms as forms import django_filters.fields as filter_fields from apps.ineedstudent.models import Hospital from .filters import StudentJobRequirementsFilter from .models import * # noqa: F401, F403 from .models import COUNTRY_CODE_CHOICES class LocationFilterModel(models.Model): plz = models.CharField(max_length=5, null=True) distance = models.IntegerField(default=0) countrycode = models.CharField(max_length=2, choices=COUNTRY_CODE_CHOICES, default="DE",) uuid = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, unique=True, default=uuid.uuid4) class StudentListFilterModel(models.Model): hospital = models.ForeignKey(Hospital, on_delete=models.CASCADE) location = LocationFilterModel uuid = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, unique=True, default=uuid.uuid4) registration_date = models.DateTimeField(, blank=True, null=True) name = models.CharField(max_length=100) jrf = StudentJobRequirementsFilter() for f_name, jr_filter in jrf.base_filters.items(): if type(jr_filter.field) == forms.NullBooleanField: StudentListFilterModel.add_to_class( f_name, models.NullBooleanField(default=None, null=True) ) elif type(jr_filter.field) == forms.DecimalField: StudentListFilterModel.add_to_class(f_name, models.IntegerField(default=0)) elif type(jr_filter.field) == filter_fields.ChoiceField: StudentListFilterModel.add_to_class( f_name, models.IntegerField(default=0, choices=jr_filter.field.choices) ) elif type(jr_filter.field) == forms.DateField: StudentListFilterModel.add_to_class( f_name, models.DateField(null=True, ) else: raise ValueError( "I do not know what to do with field type '%s' for '%s'" % (type(jr_filter.field), f_name) )
[ "MIT" ]
# coding: utf-8 """ vautoscaling Generated by: """ import pprint import re # noqa: F401 import six from ncloud_vautoscaling.model.process import Process # noqa: F401,E501 class ResumeProcessesResponse(object): """NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually. """ """ Attributes: swagger_types (dict): The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type. attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition. """ swagger_types = { 'request_id': 'str', 'return_code': 'str', 'return_message': 'str', 'total_rows': 'int', 'process_list': 'list[Process]' } attribute_map = { 'request_id': 'requestId', 'return_code': 'returnCode', 'return_message': 'returnMessage', 'total_rows': 'totalRows', 'process_list': 'processList' } def __init__(self, request_id=None, return_code=None, return_message=None, total_rows=None, process_list=None): # noqa: E501 """ResumeProcessesResponse - a model defined in Swagger""" # noqa: E501 self._request_id = None self._return_code = None self._return_message = None self._total_rows = None self._process_list = None self.discriminator = None if request_id is not None: self.request_id = request_id if return_code is not None: self.return_code = return_code if return_message is not None: self.return_message = return_message if total_rows is not None: self.total_rows = total_rows if process_list is not None: self.process_list = process_list @property def request_id(self): """Gets the request_id of this ResumeProcessesResponse. # noqa: E501 :return: The request_id of this ResumeProcessesResponse. # noqa: E501 :rtype: str """ return self._request_id @request_id.setter def request_id(self, request_id): """Sets the request_id of this ResumeProcessesResponse. :param request_id: The request_id of this ResumeProcessesResponse. # noqa: E501 :type: str """ self._request_id = request_id @property def return_code(self): """Gets the return_code of this ResumeProcessesResponse. # noqa: E501 :return: The return_code of this ResumeProcessesResponse. # noqa: E501 :rtype: str """ return self._return_code @return_code.setter def return_code(self, return_code): """Sets the return_code of this ResumeProcessesResponse. :param return_code: The return_code of this ResumeProcessesResponse. # noqa: E501 :type: str """ self._return_code = return_code @property def return_message(self): """Gets the return_message of this ResumeProcessesResponse. # noqa: E501 :return: The return_message of this ResumeProcessesResponse. # noqa: E501 :rtype: str """ return self._return_message @return_message.setter def return_message(self, return_message): """Sets the return_message of this ResumeProcessesResponse. :param return_message: The return_message of this ResumeProcessesResponse. # noqa: E501 :type: str """ self._return_message = return_message @property def total_rows(self): """Gets the total_rows of this ResumeProcessesResponse. # noqa: E501 :return: The total_rows of this ResumeProcessesResponse. # noqa: E501 :rtype: int """ return self._total_rows @total_rows.setter def total_rows(self, total_rows): """Sets the total_rows of this ResumeProcessesResponse. :param total_rows: The total_rows of this ResumeProcessesResponse. # noqa: E501 :type: int """ self._total_rows = total_rows @property def process_list(self): """Gets the process_list of this ResumeProcessesResponse. # noqa: E501 :return: The process_list of this ResumeProcessesResponse. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[Process] """ return self._process_list @process_list.setter def process_list(self, process_list): """Sets the process_list of this ResumeProcessesResponse. :param process_list: The process_list of this ResumeProcessesResponse. # noqa: E501 :type: list[Process] """ self._process_list = process_list def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" result = {} for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.swagger_types): value = getattr(self, attr) if isinstance(value, list): result[attr] = list(map( lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x, value )) elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"): result[attr] = value.to_dict() elif isinstance(value, dict): result[attr] = dict(map( lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict()) if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item, value.items() )) else: result[attr] = value return result def to_str(self): """Returns the string representation of the model""" return pprint.pformat(self.to_dict()) def __repr__(self): """For `print` and `pprint`""" return self.to_str() def __eq__(self, other): """Returns true if both objects are equal""" if not isinstance(other, ResumeProcessesResponse): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Returns true if both objects are not equal""" return not self == other
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. from . import css_checker from os import path as os_path import re from sys import path as sys_path import unittest _HERE = os_path.dirname(os_path.abspath(__file__)) sys_path.append(os_path.join(_HERE, '..', '..')) from PRESUBMIT_test_mocks import MockInputApi, MockOutputApi, MockFile class CssCheckerTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(CssCheckerTest, self).setUp() self.input_api = MockInputApi() self.checker = css_checker.CSSChecker(self.input_api, MockOutputApi()) def _create_file(self, contents, filename): self.input_api.files.append(MockFile(filename, contents.splitlines())) def VerifyContentIsValid(self, contents, filename='fake.css'): self._create_file(contents, filename) results = self.checker.RunChecks() self.assertEqual(len(results), 0) def VerifyContentsProducesOutput(self, contents, output, filename='fake.css'): self._create_file(contents, filename) results = self.checker.RunChecks() self.assertEqual(len(results), 1) self.assertEqual(results[0].message, filename + ':\n' + output.strip()) def testCssAlphaWithAtBlock(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" <include src="../shared/css/cr/ui/overlay.css"> <include src="chrome://resources/totally-cool.css" /> /* A hopefully safely ignored comment and @media statement. /**/ @media print { div { display: block; color: red; } } .rule { z-index: 5; <if expr="not is macosx"> background-image: url(chrome://resources/BLAH); /* TODO(dbeam): Fix this. */ background-color: rgb(235, 239, 249); </if> <if expr="is_macosx"> background-color: white; background-image: url(chrome://resources/BLAH2); </if> color: black; } <if expr="is_macosx"> .language-options-right { visibility: hidden; opacity: 1; /* TODO(dbeam): Fix this. */ } </if> @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { a[href] { z-index: 3; color: blue; } }""", """ - Alphabetize properties and list vendor specific (i.e. -webkit) above standard. display: block; color: red; z-index: 5; color: black; z-index: 3; color: blue;""") def testCssStringWithAt(self): self.VerifyContentIsValid(""" #logo { background-image: url(images/google_logo.png@2x); } body.alternate-logo #logo { -webkit-mask-image: url(images/google_logo.png@2x); background: none; } div { margin-inline-start: 5px; } .stuff1 { } .stuff2 { } """) def testCssAlphaWithNonStandard(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" div { /* A hopefully safely ignored comment and @media statement. /**/ color: red; -webkit-margin-before-collapse: discard; }""", """ - Alphabetize properties and list vendor specific (i.e. -webkit) above standard. color: red; -webkit-margin-before-collapse: discard;""") def testCssAlphaWithLongerDashedProps(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" div { border-inline-start: 5px; /* A hopefully removed comment. */ border: 5px solid red; }""", """ - Alphabetize properties and list vendor specific (i.e. -webkit) above standard. border-inline-start: 5px; border: 5px solid red;""") def testCssAlphaWithVariables(self): self.VerifyContentIsValid(""" #id { --zzyxx-xylophone: 3px; --aardvark-animal: var(--zzyxz-xylophone); } """) def testCssBracesHaveSpaceBeforeAndNothingAfter(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" /* Hello! */div/* Comment here*/{ display: block; } blah /* hey! */ { rule: value; } .mixed-in { display: none; } { /* allowed */ rule: value; }""", """ - Start braces ({) end a selector, have a space before them and no rules after. div{ {""") def testMixins(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput( """ .mixed-in { --css-mixin: { color: red; } }""", """ - Avoid using CSS mixins. Use CSS shadow parts, CSS variables, or common CSS \ classes instead. --css-mixin: {""") def testCssClassesUseDashes(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" .className, .ClassName, .class-name /* We should not catch this. */, .class_name, [i18n-values*='.innerHTML:'] { display: block; }""", """ - Classes use .dash-form. .className, .ClassName, .class_name,""") def testCssCloseBraceOnNewLine(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" @-webkit-keyframe blah { from { height: rotate(-10turn); } 100% { height: 500px; } } #id { /* $i18n{*} and $i18nRaw{*} should be ignored. */ rule: $i18n{someValue}; rule2: $i18nRaw{someValue}; } #rule { rule: value; }""", """ - Always put a rule closing brace (}) on a new line. rule: value; }""") def testCssColonsHaveSpaceAfter(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" div:not(.class):not([attr=5]), /* We should not catch this. */ div:not(.class):not([attr]) /* Nor this. */ { background: url(data:image/jpeg,asdfasdfsadf); /* Ignore this. */ background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, red, 80% blah blee blar); color: red; display:block; }""", """ - Colons (:) should have a space after them. display:block; - Don't use data URIs in source files. Use grit instead. background: url(data:image/jpeg,asdfasdfsadf);""") def testCssFavorSingleQuotes(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" html[dir="rtl"] body, html[dir=ltr] body /* TODO(dbeam): Require '' around rtl in future? */ { font-family: "Open Sans"; <if expr="is_macosx"> blah: blee; </if> }""", """ - Use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") in strings. html[dir="rtl"] body, font-family: "Open Sans";""") def testCssHexCouldBeShorter(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" #abc, #abc-, #abc-ghij, #abcdef-, #abcdef-ghij, #aaaaaa, #bbaacc { background-color: #336699; /* Ignore short hex rule if not gray. */ color: #999999; color: #666; }""", """ - Use abbreviated hex (#rgb) when in form #rrggbb. color: #999999; (replace with #999) - Use rgb() over #hex when not a shade of gray (like #333). background-color: #336699; (replace with rgb(51, 102, 153))""") def testCssUseMillisecondsForSmallTimes(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" .transition-0s /* This is gross but may happen. */ { transform: one 0.2s; transform: two .1s; transform: tree 1s; transform: four 300ms; }""", """ - Use milliseconds for time measurements under 1 second. transform: one 0.2s; (replace with 200ms) transform: two .1s; (replace with 100ms)""") def testCssNoDataUrisInSourceFiles(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" img { background: url( data:image/jpeg,4\/\/350|\/|3|2 ); }""", """ - Don't use data URIs in source files. Use grit instead. background: url( data:image/jpeg,4\/\/350|\/|3|2 );""") def testCssNoMixinShims(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" :host { --good-property: red; --not-okay-mixin_-_not-okay-property: green; }""", """ - Don't override custom properties created by Polymer's mixin shim. Set \ mixins or documented custom properties directly. --not-okay-mixin_-_not-okay-property: green;""") def testCssNoQuotesInUrl(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" img { background: url('chrome://resources/images/blah.jpg'); background: url("../../folder/hello.png"); }""", """ - Use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") in strings. background: url("../../folder/hello.png"); - Don't use quotes in url(). background: url('chrome://resources/images/blah.jpg'); background: url("../../folder/hello.png");""") def testCssOneRulePerLine(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" a:not([hidden]):not(.custom-appearance):not([version=1]):first-of-type, a:not([hidden]):not(.custom-appearance):not([version=1]):first-of-type ~ input[type='checkbox']:not([hidden]), div { background: url(chrome://resources/BLAH); rule: value; /* rule: value; */ rule: value; rule: value; } """, """ - One rule per line (what not to do: color: red; margin: 0;). rule: value; rule: value;""") def testCssOneSelectorPerLine(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput( """ a, div,a, div,/* Hello! */ span, #id.class([dir=rtl]):not(.class):any(a, b, d), div :is(:not(a), #b, .c) { rule: value; } a, div,a { some-other: rule here; }""", """ - One selector per line (what not to do: a, b {}). div,a, div, span, div,a {""") def testCssPseudoElementDoubleColon(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" a:href, br::after, ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb, a:not([empty]):hover:focus:active, /* shouldn't catch here and above */ abbr:after, .tree-label:empty:after, b:before, :-WebKit-ScrollBar { rule: value; }""", """ - Pseudo-elements should use double colon (i.e. ::after). :after (should be ::after) :after (should be ::after) :before (should be ::before) :-WebKit-ScrollBar (should be ::-WebKit-ScrollBar) """) def testCssRgbIfNotGray(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput( """ #abc, #aaa, #aabbcc { background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, from(#abc), to(#def)); color: #bad; color: #bada55; }""", """ - Use rgb() over #hex when not a shade of gray (like #333). background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, from(#abc), to(#def)); """ """(replace with rgb(170, 187, 204), rgb(221, 238, 255)) color: #bad; (replace with rgb(187, 170, 221)) color: #bada55; (replace with rgb(186, 218, 85))""") def testPrefixedLogicalAxis(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" .test { -webkit-logical-height: 50%; -webkit-logical-width: 50%; -webkit-max-logical-height: 200px; -webkit-max-logical-width: 200px; -webkit-min-logical-height: 100px; -webkit-min-logical-width: 100px; } """, """ - Unprefix logical axis property. -webkit-logical-height: 50%; (replace with block-size) -webkit-logical-width: 50%; (replace with inline-size) -webkit-max-logical-height: 200px; (replace with max-block-size) -webkit-max-logical-width: 200px; (replace with max-inline-size) -webkit-min-logical-height: 100px; (replace with min-block-size) -webkit-min-logical-width: 100px; (replace with min-inline-size)""") def testPrefixedLogicalSide(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" .test { -webkit-border-after: 1px solid blue; -webkit-border-after-color: green; -webkit-border-after-style: dotted; -webkit-border-after-width: 10px; -webkit-border-before: 2px solid blue; -webkit-border-before-color: green; -webkit-border-before-style: dotted; -webkit-border-before-width: 20px; -webkit-border-end: 3px solid blue; -webkit-border-end-color: green; -webkit-border-end-style: dotted; -webkit-border-end-width: 30px; -webkit-border-start: 4px solid blue; -webkit-border-start-color: green; -webkit-border-start-style: dotted; -webkit-border-start-width: 40px; -webkit-margin-after: 1px; -webkit-margin-after-collapse: discard; -webkit-margin-before: 2px; -webkit-margin-before-collapse: discard; -webkit-margin-end: 3px; -webkit-margin-end-collapse: discard; -webkit-margin-start: 4px; -webkit-margin-start-collapse: discard; -webkit-padding-after: 1px; -webkit-padding-before: 2px; -webkit-padding-end: 3px; -webkit-padding-start: 4px; } """, """ - Unprefix logical side property. -webkit-border-after: 1px solid blue; (replace with border-block-end) -webkit-border-after-color: green; (replace with border-block-end-color) -webkit-border-after-style: dotted; (replace with border-block-end-style) -webkit-border-after-width: 10px; (replace with border-block-end-width) -webkit-border-before: 2px solid blue; (replace with border-block-start) -webkit-border-before-color: green; (replace with border-block-start-color) -webkit-border-before-style: dotted; (replace with border-block-start-style) -webkit-border-before-width: 20px; (replace with border-block-start-width) -webkit-border-end: 3px solid blue; (replace with border-inline-end) -webkit-border-end-color: green; (replace with border-inline-end-color) -webkit-border-end-style: dotted; (replace with border-inline-end-style) -webkit-border-end-width: 30px; (replace with border-inline-end-width) -webkit-border-start: 4px solid blue; (replace with border-inline-start) -webkit-border-start-color: green; (replace with border-inline-start-color) -webkit-border-start-style: dotted; (replace with border-inline-start-style) -webkit-border-start-width: 40px; (replace with border-inline-start-width) -webkit-margin-after: 1px; (replace with margin-block-end) -webkit-margin-before: 2px; (replace with margin-block-start) -webkit-margin-end: 3px; (replace with margin-inline-end) -webkit-margin-start: 4px; (replace with margin-inline-start) -webkit-padding-after: 1px; (replace with padding-block-end) -webkit-padding-before: 2px; (replace with padding-block-start) -webkit-padding-end: 3px; (replace with padding-inline-end) -webkit-padding-start: 4px; (replace with padding-inline-start)""") def testStartEndInsteadOfLeftRight(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" .inline-node { --var-is-ignored-left: 10px; --var-is-ignored-right: 10px; border-left-color: black; border-right: 1px solid blue; /* csschecker-disable-line left-right */ margin-right: 5px; padding-left: 10px; /* csschecker-disable-line some-other-thing */ text-align: right; }""", """ - Use -start/end instead of -left/right (, add /* csschecker-disable-line left-right */ to suppress) border-left-color: black; (replace with border-inline-start-color) margin-right: 5px; (replace with margin-inline-end) padding-left: 10px; (replace with padding-inline-start) text-align: right; (replace with text-align: end) """) def testCssZeroWidthLengths(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput(""" @-webkit-keyframe anim { 0% { /* Ignore key frames */ width: 0px; } 10% { width: 10px; } 50% { background-image: url(blah.svg); } 100% { width: 100px; } } #logo { background-image: url(images/google_logo.png@2x); } body.alternate-logo #logo { -webkit-mask-image: url(images/google_logo.png@2x); } /* */ #spinner-container #spinner { -webkit-animation-duration: 1.0s; background-image: url(images/google_logo0.svg); } >, .media-button[state='0'] > .state0.normal /* blah */, /* blee */ .media-button[state='0']:not(.disabled):hover > .state0.hover { -webkit-animation: anim 0s; -webkit-animation-duration: anim 0ms; -webkit-transform: scale(0%); background-position-x: 0em; background-position-y: 0ex; border-width: 0em; color: hsl(0, 0%, 85%); /* Shouldn't trigger error. */ opacity: .0; opacity: 0.0; opacity: 0.; } @page { border-width: 0mm; height: 0cm; width: 0in; }""", """ - Use "0" for zero-width lengths (i.e. 0px -> 0) width: 0px; -webkit-transform: scale(0%); background-position-x: 0em; background-position-y: 0ex; border-width: 0em; opacity: .0; opacity: 0.0; opacity: 0.; border-width: 0mm; height: 0cm; width: 0in; """) def testInlineStyleInHtml(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput("""<!doctype html> <html> <head> <!-- Don't warn about problems outside of style tags html, body { margin: 0; height: 100%; } --> <style> body { flex-direction:column; } </style> </head> </html>""", """ - Colons (:) should have a space after them. flex-direction:column; """, filename='test.html') def testInlineStyleInHtmlWithIncludes(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput("""<!doctype html> <html> <style include="fake-shared-css other-shared-css"> body { flex-direction:column; } </style> </head> </html>""", """ - Colons (:) should have a space after them. flex-direction:column; """, filename='test.html') def testInlineStyleInHtmlWithTagsInComments(self): self.VerifyContentsProducesOutput("""<!doctype html> <html> <style> body { /* You better ignore the <tag> in this comment! */ flex-direction:column; } </style> </head> </html>""", """ - Colons (:) should have a space after them. flex-direction:column; """, filename='test.html') def testRemoveAtBlocks(self): self.assertEqual(self.checker.RemoveAtBlocks(""" @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { .magic { color: #000; } }"""), """ .magic { color: #000; }""") self.assertEqual(self.checker.RemoveAtBlocks(""" @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { .magic { --mixin-definition: { color: red; }; } }"""), """ .magic { --mixin-definition: { color: red; }; }""") self.assertEqual(self.checker.RemoveAtBlocks(""" @keyframes jiggle { from { left: 0; } 50% { left: 100%; } to { left: 10%; } }"""), """ from { left: 0; } 50% { left: 100%; } to { left: 10%; }""") self.assertEqual(self.checker.RemoveAtBlocks(""" @media print { .rule1 { color: black; } .rule2 { margin: 1in; } }"""), """ .rule1 { color: black; } .rule2 { margin: 1in; }""") self.assertEqual(self.checker.RemoveAtBlocks(""" @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { .rule1 { color: gray; } .rule2 { margin: .5in; } @keyframe dark-fade { 0% { background: black; } 100% { background: darkgray; } } }"""), """ .rule1 { color: gray; } .rule2 { margin: .5in; } 0% { background: black; } 100% { background: darkgray; }""") self.assertEqual(self.checker.RemoveAtBlocks(""" @-webkit-keyframe anim { 0% { /* Ignore key frames */ width: 0px; } 10% { width: 10px; } 50% { background-image: url(blah.svg); } 100% { width: 100px; } }"""), """ 0% { /* Ignore key frames */ width: 0px; } 10% { width: 10px; } 50% { background-image: url(blah.svg); } 100% { width: 100px; }""") if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
[ "BSD-3-Clause-No-Nuclear-License-2014", "BSD-3-Clause" ]
from typing import Dict, List, Optional from db.sql.dal.general import sanitize from db.sql.utils import query_to_dicts class Region: admin: str admin_id: str region_type: str country: str country_id: str admin1: Optional[str] admin1_id: Optional[str] admin2: Optional[str] admin2_id: Optional[str] admin3: Optional[str] admin3_id: Optional[str] region_coordinate: Optional[str] alias: Optional[str] COUNTRY = 'Q6256' ADMIN1 = 'Q10864048' ADMIN2 = 'Q13220204' ADMIN3 = 'Q13221722' def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.admin = kwargs['admin'] self.admin_id = kwargs['admin_id'] self.region_type = kwargs['region_type'] = kwargs['country'] self.country_id = kwargs['country_id'] self.admin1 = kwargs.get('admin1') self.admin1_id = kwargs.get('admin1_id') self.admin2 = kwargs.get('admin2') self.admin2_id = kwargs.get('admin2_id') self.admin3 = kwargs.get('admin3') self.admin3_id = kwargs.get('admin3_id') self.region_coordinate = kwargs.get('region_coordinate') self.alias = kwargs.get('alias') # country, admin1 and admin2 queries return both admin and country,admin1,admin2 fields. # admin3 queries do not, so we need to feel these fields ourselves if self.region_type == Region.ADMIN3: self.admin3_id, self.admin_3 = self.admin_id, self.admin def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> str: return getattr(self, key) def query_country_qnodes(countries: List[str]) -> Dict[str, Optional[str]]: # Translates countries to Q-nodes. Returns a dictionary of each input country and its QNode (None if not found) # We look for countries in a case-insensitive fashion. if not countries: return {} regions = query_countries(countries) result_dict: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = { region.country_id for region in regions} # The result dictionary contains all the countries we have found, we need to add those we did not find found_countries = set([country.lower() for country in result_dict.keys()]) for country in countries: if country.lower() not in found_countries: result_dict[country] = None return result_dict def list_to_where(field: str, elements: List[str], lower=False) -> Optional[str]: if not elements: return None if lower: elements = [element.lower() for element in elements] field = f"LOWER({field})" santized = [sanitize(element) for element in elements] quoted = [f"'{element}'" for element in santized] joined = ', '.join(quoted) return f"{field} IN ({joined})" def region_where_clause(region_field: str, region_list: List[str], region_id_field: str, region_id_list: List[str], alias_field: Optional[str] = None) -> str: if not region_list and not region_id_list: return "1=1" region_where = list_to_where(region_field, region_list, lower=True) or "0=1" if alias_field: alias_where = list_to_where(alias_field, region_list, lower=True) or "0=1" else: alias_where = "0=1" region_id_where = list_to_where(region_id_field, region_id_list) or "0=1" return f'({region_where} OR {region_id_where} OR {alias_where})' def _query_regions(query: str) -> List[Region]: dicts = query_to_dicts(query) return [Region(**d) for d in dicts] def query_countries(countries: List[str] = [], country_ids: List[str] = []) -> List[Region]: """ Returns a list of countries: If countries or country_ids are not empty, only those countries are returned (all of those in both lists) Otherwise, all countries are returned """ where = region_where_clause('s_country_label.text', countries, 'e_country.node1', country_ids) query = f''' SELECT e_country.node1 AS admin_id, s_country_label.text AS admin, 'Q6256' AS region_type, e_country.node1 AS country_id, s_country_label.text AS country, NULL as admin1_id, NULL as admin1, NULL as admin2_id, NULL as admin2, NULL as admin3_id, NULL as admin3 FROM edges e_country JOIN edges e_country_label JOIN strings s_country_label ON ( ON (e_country.node1=e_country_label.node1 AND e_country_label.label='label') WHERE e_country.label='P31' AND e_country.node2='Q6256' AND {where} ORDER BY country ''' return _query_regions(query) def query_admin1s(country: Optional[str] = None, country_id: Optional[str] = None, admin1s: List[str] = [], admin1_ids: List[str] = []) -> List[Region]: """ Returns a list of admin1s. If country or country_id is specified, return the admin1s only of that country. If admin1s or admin1_ids are provided, only those admins are returned. If all arguments are empty, all admin1s in the system are returned. """ if country and country_id: raise ValueError('Only one of country, country_id may be specified') if country_id: country_where = f"e_country.node2='{country_id}'" elif country: # We are certain country is not None here, but need an `elif` because mypy isn't certain country_where = f"LOWER(s_country_label.text)='{country.lower()}'" else: country_where = "1=1" admin1_where = region_where_clause('s_admin1_label.text', admin1s, 'e_admin1.node1', admin1_ids) query = f''' SELECT e_admin1.node1 AS admin_id, s_admin1_label.text AS admin, 'Q10864048' AS region_type, e_country.node2 AS country_id, s_country_label.text AS country, e_admin1.node1 as admin1_id, s_admin1_label.text as admin1, NULL as admin2_id, NULL as admin2, NULL as admin3_id, NULL as admin3 FROM edges e_admin1 JOIN edges e_admin1_label JOIN strings s_admin1_label ON ( ON (e_admin1.node1=e_admin1_label.node1 AND e_admin1_label.label='label') JOIN edges e_country ON (e_country.node1=e_admin1.node1 AND e_country.label='P17') JOIN edges e_country_label JOIN strings s_country_label ON ( ON (e_country.node2=e_country_label.node1 AND e_country_label.label='label') WHERE e_admin1.label='P31' AND e_admin1.node2='Q10864048' AND {country_where} AND {admin1_where} ORDER BY admin1 ''' return _query_regions(query) def query_admin2s(admin1: Optional[str] = None, admin1_id: Optional[str] = None, admin2s: List[str] = [], admin2_ids: List[str] = []) -> List[Region]: """ Returns a list of admin2s. If admin1 or admin1_id is specified, return the admin2s only of that admin1. If admin2s or admin2_ids are provided, only those admins are returned. If all arguments are empty, all admin2s in the system are returned. """ if admin1 and admin1_id: raise ValueError('Only one of admin1, admin1_id may be specified') if admin1_id: admin1_where = f"e_admin1.node2='{admin1_id}'" elif admin1: admin1_where = f"LOWER(s_admin1_label.text)=LOWER('{admin1}')" else: admin1_where = "1=1" admin2_where = region_where_clause('s_admin2_label.text', admin2s, 'e_admin2.node1', admin2_ids) query = f''' SELECT e_admin2.node1 AS admin_id, s_admin2_label.text AS admin, 'Q13220204' AS region_type, e_country.node2 AS country_id, s_country_label.text AS country, e_admin1.node2 AS admin1_id, s_admin1_label.text AS admin1, e_admin2.node1 AS admin2_id, s_admin2_label.text AS admin2, NULL as admin3_id, NULL as admin3 FROM edges e_admin2 JOIN edges e_admin2_label JOIN strings s_admin2_label ON ( ON (e_admin2.node1=e_admin2_label.node1 AND e_admin2_label.label='label') JOIN edges e_admin1 ON (e_admin1.node1=e_admin2.node1 AND e_admin1.label='P2006190001') JOIN edges e_admin1_label JOIN strings s_admin1_label ON ( ON (e_admin1.node2=e_admin1_label.node1 AND e_admin1_label.label='label') JOIN edges e_country ON (e_country.node1=e_admin1.node2 AND e_country.label='P17') JOIN edges e_country_label JOIN strings s_country_label ON ( ON (e_country.node2=e_country_label.node1 AND e_country_label.label='label') WHERE e_admin2.label='P31' AND e_admin2.node2='Q13220204' AND {admin1_where} AND {admin2_where} ORDER BY admin2 ''' return _query_regions(query) def query_admin3s(admin2: Optional[str] = None, admin2_id: Optional[str] = None, admin3s: List[str] = [], admin3_ids: List[str] = [], debug=False) -> List[Region]: """ Returns a list of admin3s. If admin2 or admin2_id is specified, return the admin3s only of that admin2. If admin3s or admin3_ids are provided, only those admins are returned. If all arguments are empty, all admin3s in the system are returned. """ if admin2 and admin2_id: raise ValueError('Only one of admin2, admin2_id may be specified') if admin2_id: admin2_where = f"e_admin2.node2='{admin2_id}'" elif admin2: admin2_where = f"LOWER(s_admin2_label.text)=LOWER('{admin2}')" else: admin2_where = "1=1" admin3_where = region_where_clause('s_admin3_label.text', admin3s, 'e_admin3.node1', admin3_ids) query = f''' SELECT e_admin3.node1 AS admin_id, s_admin3_label.text AS admin, 'Q13221722' AS region_type, e_country.node2 AS country_id, s_country_label.text AS country, e_admin1.node2 AS admin1_id, s_admin1_label.text AS admin1, e_admin2.node2 AS admin2_id, s_admin2_label.text AS admin2, e_admin2.node1 AS admin3_id, s_admin3_label.text AS admin3 FROM edges e_admin3 JOIN edges e_admin3_label JOIN strings s_admin3_label ON ( ON (e_admin3.node1=e_admin3_label.node1 AND e_admin3_label.label='label') JOIN edges e_admin2 ON (e_admin2.node1=e_admin3.node1 AND e_admin2.label='P2006190002') JOIN edges e_admin2_label JOIN strings s_admin2_label ON ( ON (e_admin2.node2=e_admin2_label.node1 AND e_admin2_label.label='label') JOIN edges e_admin1 ON (e_admin1.node1=e_admin2.node1 AND e_admin1.label='P2006190001') JOIN edges e_admin1_label JOIN strings s_admin1_label ON ( ON (e_admin1.node2=e_admin1_label.node1 AND e_admin1_label.label='label') JOIN edges e_country ON (e_country.node1=e_admin1.node2 AND e_country.label='P17') JOIN edges e_country_label JOIN strings s_country_label ON ( ON (e_country.node2=e_country_label.node1 AND e_country_label.label='label') WHERE e_admin3.label='P31' AND e_admin3.node2='Q13221722' AND {admin2_where} AND {admin3_where} ORDER BY admin3 ''' if debug: print(query) return _query_regions(query) def query_admins(admins: List[str] = [], admin_ids: List[str] = [], debug=False) -> List[Region]: where = region_where_clause('s_region_label.text', admins, 'e_region.node1', admin_ids, 's_region_alias.text') query = f''' SELECT e_region.node1 AS admin_id, s_region_label.text AS admin, e_region.node2 AS region_type, e_country.node2 AS country_id, s_country_label.text AS country, e_admin1.node2 AS admin1_id, s_admin1_label.text AS admin1, e_admin2.node2 AS admin2_id, s_admin2_label.text AS admin2, 'POINT(' || c_coordinate.longitude || ' ' || c_coordinate.latitude || ')' as region_coordinate, s_region_alias.text AS alias FROM edges e_region JOIN edges e_region_label ON (e_region_label.node1=e_region.node1 AND e_region_label.label='label') JOIN strings s_region_label ON ( JOIN edges e_country JOIN edges e_country_label JOIN strings s_country_label ON ( ON (e_country.node2=e_country_label.node1 AND e_country_label.label='label') ON (e_region.node1=e_country.node1 AND e_country.label='P17') LEFT JOIN edges e_admin1 JOIN edges e_admin1_label JOIN strings s_admin1_label ON ( ON (e_admin1.node2=e_admin1_label.node1 AND e_admin1_label.label='label') ON (e_region.node1=e_admin1.node1 AND e_admin1.label='P2006190001') LEFT JOIN edges e_admin2 JOIN edges e_admin2_label JOIN strings s_admin2_label ON ( ON (e_admin2.node2=e_admin2_label.node1 AND e_admin2_label.label='label') ON (e_region.node1=e_admin2.node1 AND e_admin2.label='P2006190002') LEFT JOIN edges e_coordinate JOIN coordinates c_coordinate ON ( ON (e_region.node1=e_coordinate.node1 AND e_coordinate.label='P625') LEFT JOIN edges e_region_alias JOIN strings s_region_alias ON ( ON (e_region.node1=e_region_alias.node1 AND e_region_alias.label='alias') WHERE e_region.label='P31' AND e_region.node2 IN ('Q6256', 'Q10864048', 'Q13220204', 'Q13221722') AND {where} ''' if debug: print(query) return _query_regions(query)
[ "MIT" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json import csv import scrapy import re from locations.items import GeojsonPointItem COOKIES = { "bm_sz": "04B124C1C96D68082A9F61BAAAF0B6D5~YAAQdjsvF22E8Xl6AQAACr1VfAxPEt+enarZyrOZrBaNvyuX71lK5QPuDR/FgDEWBZVMRhjiIf000W7Z1PiAjxobrz2Y5LcYMH3CvUNvpdS3MjVLUMGwMEBCf9L5nD5Gs9ho2YL8T7Tz7lYvpolvaOlJnKrHyhCFxxk/uyBZ2G/0QrGKLwSaCQShDsz7ink=", "_abck": "440E40C406E69413DCCC08ABAA3E9022~-1~YAAQdjsvF26E8Xl6AQAACr1VfAYznoJdJhX7TNIZW1Rfh6qRhzquXg+L1TWoaL7nZUjXlNls2iPIKFQrCdrWqY/CNXW+mHyXibInMflIXJi5VVB/Swq53kABYJDuXYSlCunYvJAzMSr1q12NOYswz134Y8HRNzVWhkb2jMS5whmHxS/v0vniIvS1TQtKjEQlMGzQYmN41CmLX0JobipQhDtUB4VyNwztb2DCAZiqDX8BLwWg7h/DtPd4158qU69hNhayFTgWmD76/MiR8/T536tMmcoRyWLl4fEtP/XUmKOcksuZO7dbfNxXBffTxIXPYwf1eO77LNuZTCQq5kfsGZLJX8ODju2KSjnIF1vdnyHAe98FDIm+hw==~-1~-1~-1" } HEADERS = { 'accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9', 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'cache-control': 'max-age=0', 'referer': '', 'sec-ch-ua': '" Not;A Brand";v="99", "Google Chrome";v="91", "Chromium";v="91"', 'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0', 'sec-fetch-dest': 'document', 'sec-fetch-mode': 'navigate', 'sec-fetch-site': 'same-origin', 'sec-fetch-user': '?1', 'upgrade-insecure-requests': '1', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.84 Safari/537.36', } class AldiUKSpider(scrapy.Spider): name = "aldi_uk" item_attributes = {'brand': "Aldi"} allowed_domains = [''] download_delay = 0.5 custom_settings = { 'USER_AGENT': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.86 Safari/537.36', } def start_requests(self): url = '' yield scrapy.http.FormRequest( url=url, method='GET', dont_filter=True, cookies=COOKIES, headers=HEADERS, callback=self.parse ) def parse(self, response): response.selector.remove_namespaces() store_urls = response.xpath('//url/loc/text()').extract() for store_url in store_urls: yield scrapy.http.FormRequest( url=store_url, method='GET', dont_filter=True, cookies=COOKIES, headers=HEADERS, callback=self.parse_store ) def parse_store(self, response): store_js = response.xpath('//script[@type="text/javascript"]/text()').extract_first() json_data ='gtmData =(.+?);', store_js).group(1) data = json.loads(json_data) geojson_data = response.xpath('//script[@class="js-store-finder-initial-state"][@type="application/json"]/text()').extract_first() geodata = json.loads(geojson_data) properties = { 'name': data['seoData']['name'], 'ref': data['seoData']['name'], 'addr_full': data['seoData']['address']['streetAddress'], 'city': data['seoData']['address']['addressLocality'], 'postcode': data['seoData']['address']['postalCode'], 'country': data['seoData']['address']['addressCountry'], 'website': response.request.url, 'opening_hours': str(data['seoData']['openingHours']).replace('[','').replace(']','').replace("'",''), 'lat': geodata['store']['latlng']['lat'], 'lon': geodata['store']['latlng']['lng'], } yield GeojsonPointItem(**properties)
[ "MIT" ]
import argparse import logging from pprint import pformat from . import guide from . import settings log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def cli(settingsobject=None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Create a CSS/LESS/SASS style guide.') if not settingsobject: parser.add_argument('-f', '--settingsfile', dest='settingsfile', default='vitalstyles.json', help='Path to settings file. Defaults to "vitalstyles.json".') parser.add_argument('-l', '--loglevel', dest='loglevel', default='INFO', choices=['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'ERROR'], help='Loglevel.') args = parser.parse_args() loglevel = getattr(logging, args.loglevel) logging.basicConfig( format='[%(name)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=loglevel ) if loglevel > logging.DEBUG: markdownlogger = logging.getLogger('MARKDOWN') markdownlogger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) if not settingsobject: settingsobject = settings.Settings(args.settingsfile) logging.debug('Creating vitalstyles styleguide with the following settings:\n%s', pformat(settingsobject.settings)) guide.Guide(settingsobject).render() if __name__ == '__main__': cli()
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
class Player(): def __init__(self): print("PLYR FAK SUM BODIE")
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python # vim: set sts=4 sw=4 et: import time import xmlrpc.client from . import players from . import rpc from .common import GameState, CardSet, GameError, RuleError, ProtocolError, simple_decorator from .events import EventList, CardPlayedEvent, MessageEvent, TrickPlayedEvent, TurnEvent, StateChangedEvent @simple_decorator def error2fault(func): """ Catch known exceptions and translate them to XML-RPC faults. """ def catcher(*args): try: return func(*args) except GameError as error: raise xmlrpc.client.Fault(GameError.rpc_code, str(error)) except RuleError as error: raise xmlrpc.client.Fault(RuleError.rpc_code, str(error)) except ProtocolError as error: raise xmlrpc.client.Fault(ProtocolError.rpc_code, str(error)) return catcher @simple_decorator def fault2error(func): """ Catch known XML-RPC faults and translate them to custom exceptions. """ def catcher(*args): try: return func(*args) except xmlrpc.client.Fault as error: error_classes = (GameError, RuleError, ProtocolError) for klass in error_classes: if error.faultCode == klass.rpc_code: raise klass(error.faultString) raise error return catcher class XMLRPCCliPlayer(players.CliPlayer): """ XML-RPC command line interface human player. """ def __init__(self, player_name): players.CliPlayer.__init__(self, player_name) self.game_state = GameState() self.hand = None def handle_event(self, event): if isinstance(event, CardPlayedEvent): self.card_played(event.player, event.card, event.game_state) elif isinstance(event, MessageEvent): self.send_message(event.sender, event.message) elif isinstance(event, TrickPlayedEvent): self.trick_played(event.player, event.game_state) elif isinstance(event, TurnEvent): self.game_state.update(event.game_state) state = self.controller.get_state( self.hand = state['hand'] self.game_state.update(state['game_state']) elif isinstance(event, StateChangedEvent): self.game_state.update(event.game_state) else: print("unknown event: %s" % event) def wait_for_turn(self): """ Wait for this player's turn. """ while True: time.sleep(0.5) if self.controller is not None: events = self.controller.get_events( for event in events: self.handle_event(event) if self.game_state.turn_id == break class XMLRPCProxyController(): """ Client-side proxy object for the server/GameController. """ def __init__(self, server_uri): super(XMLRPCProxyController, self).__init__() if not server_uri.startswith('http://') and \ not server_uri.startswith('https://'): server_uri = 'http://' + server_uri self.server = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(server_uri) self.game_id = None self.akey = None @fault2error def play_card(self, _player, card):, self.game_id, rpc.rpc_encode(card)) @fault2error def get_events(self, _player_id): return rpc.rpc_decode(EventList, self.server.get_events(self.akey)) @fault2error def get_state(self, _player_id): state =, self.game_id) state['game_state'] = rpc.rpc_decode(GameState, state['game_state']) state['hand'] = rpc.rpc_decode(CardSet, state['hand']) return state @fault2error def player_quit(self, _player_id): self.server.player.quit(self.akey) @fault2error def register_player(self, player): player.controller = self plr_data = self.server.player.register(rpc.rpc_encode(player)) = plr_data['id'] self.akey = plr_data['akey'] @fault2error def start_game_with_bots(self): return, self.game_id) @fault2error def create_game(self): self.game_id = return self.game_id
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
import time import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import layers as L import vat FLAGS ='device', '/gpu:0', "device")'dataset', 'cifar10', "{cifar10, svhn}")'log_dir', "", "log_dir")'seed', 1, "initial random seed")'validation', False, "")'batch_size', 32, "the number of examples in a batch")'ul_batch_size', 128, "the number of unlabeled examples in a batch")'eval_batch_size', 100, "the number of eval examples in a batch")'eval_freq', 5, "")'num_epochs', 120, "the number of epochs for training")'epoch_decay_start', 80, "epoch of starting learning rate decay")'num_iter_per_epoch', 400, "the number of updates per epoch")'learning_rate', 0.001, "initial leanring rate")'mom1', 0.9, "initial momentum rate")'mom2', 0.5, "momentum rate after epoch_decay_start")'method', 'vat', "{vat, vatent, baseline}") if FLAGS.dataset == 'cifar10': from cifar10 import inputs, unlabeled_inputs elif FLAGS.dataset == 'svhn': from svhn import inputs, unlabeled_inputs else: raise NotImplementedError NUM_EVAL_EXAMPLES = 5000 def build_training_graph(x, y, ul_x, ul_u, lr, mom): global_step = tf.get_variable( name="global_step", shape=[], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.0), trainable=False, ) logit = vat.forward(x) nll_loss = L.ce_loss(logit, y) with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=True): if FLAGS.method == 'vat': ul_logit = vat.forward(ul_x, is_training=True, update_batch_stats=False) vat_loss, ul_u_updated = vat.virtual_adversarial_loss(ul_x, ul_u, ul_logit) additional_loss = vat_loss elif FLAGS.method == 'vatent': ul_logit = vat.forward(ul_x, is_training=True, update_batch_stats=False) vat_loss, ul_u_updated = vat.virtual_adversarial_loss(ul_x, ul_u, ul_logit) ent_loss = L.entropy_y_x(ul_logit) additional_loss = vat_loss + ent_loss elif FLAGS.method == 'baseline': additional_loss = 0 else: raise NotImplementedError loss = nll_loss + additional_loss opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=lr, beta1=mom) tvars = tf.trainable_variables() grads_and_vars = opt.compute_gradients(loss, tvars) train_op = opt.apply_gradients(grads_and_vars, global_step=global_step) return loss, train_op, global_step, ul_u_updated def build_eval_graph(x, y, ul_x, ul_u): losses = {} logit = vat.forward(x, is_training=False, update_batch_stats=False) nll_loss = L.ce_loss(logit, y) losses['NLL'] = nll_loss acc = L.accuracy(logit, y) losses['Acc'] = acc scope = tf.get_variable_scope() scope.reuse_variables() # at_loss = vat.adversarial_loss(x, y, nll_loss, is_training=False) # losses['AT_loss'] = at_loss ul_logit = vat.forward(ul_x, is_training=False, update_batch_stats=False) vat_loss = vat.virtual_adversarial_loss(ul_x, ul_u, ul_logit, is_training=False) losses['VAT_loss'] = vat_loss return losses def main(_): print(FLAGS.epsilon, FLAGS.top_bn) np.random.seed(seed=FLAGS.seed) tf.set_random_seed(np.random.randint(1234)) with tf.Graph().as_default() as g: with tf.device("/cpu:0"): images, labels = inputs(batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, train=True, validation=FLAGS.validation, shuffle=True) ul_images = tf.placeholder(shape=images.shape, dtype=tf.float32) '''unlabeled_inputs(batch_size=FLAGS.ul_batch_size, validation=FLAGS.validation, shuffle=True)''' images_eval_train, labels_eval_train = inputs(batch_size=FLAGS.eval_batch_size, train=True, validation=FLAGS.validation, shuffle=True) ul_images_eval_train = unlabeled_inputs(batch_size=FLAGS.eval_batch_size, validation=FLAGS.validation, shuffle=True) images_eval_test, labels_eval_test = inputs(batch_size=FLAGS.eval_batch_size, train=False, validation=FLAGS.validation, shuffle=True) def placeholder_like(x, name=None): return tf.placeholder(shape=x.shape, dtype=tf.float32, name=name) def random_sphere(shape): n = tf.random_normal(shape=shape, dtype=tf.float32) n = tf.reshape(n, shape=(int(shape[0]), -1)) n = tf.nn.l2_normalize(n, dim=1) n = tf.reshape(n, shape) return n def random_sphere_numpy(shape): n = np.random.normal(size=shape) proj_shape = tuple([n.shape[0]] + [1 for _ in range(len(shape) - 1)]) return n / np.linalg.norm(n.reshape((n.shape[0], -1)), axis=1).reshape(proj_shape) print(ul_images.shape) # ul_u = random_sphere(ul_images.shape) # ul_u_eval_train = random_sphere(ul_images_eval_train.shape) # ul_u_eval_test = random_sphere(images_eval_test.shape) ul_u = placeholder_like(ul_images, "ul_u") ul_u_eval_train = placeholder_like(ul_images_eval_train, "ul_u_eval_train") ul_u_eval_test = placeholder_like(images_eval_test, "ul_u_eval_test") with tf.device(FLAGS.device): lr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[], name="learning_rate") mom = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[], name="momentum") with tf.variable_scope("CNN") as scope: # Build training graph loss, train_op, global_step, ul_u_updated = build_training_graph( images, labels, ul_images, ul_u, lr, mom) scope.reuse_variables() # Build eval graph losses_eval_train = build_eval_graph(images_eval_train, labels_eval_train, ul_images_eval_train, ul_u_eval_train) losses_eval_test = build_eval_graph(images_eval_test, labels_eval_test, images_eval_test, ul_u_eval_test) init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() if not FLAGS.log_dir: logdir = None writer_train = None writer_test = None else: logdir = FLAGS.log_dir writer_train = tf.summary.FileWriter(FLAGS.log_dir + "/train", g) writer_test = tf.summary.FileWriter(FLAGS.log_dir + "/test", g) saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables()) sv = tf.train.Supervisor( is_chief=True, logdir=logdir, init_op=init_op, init_feed_dict={lr: FLAGS.learning_rate, mom: FLAGS.mom1}, saver=saver, global_step=global_step, summary_op=None, summary_writer=None, save_model_secs=150, recovery_wait_secs=0) ul_images_np = np.load("train_images.npy").reshape((-1, 32, 32, 3)) print("TRUNCATING UL DATA") ul_images_np = ul_images_np[:FLAGS.batch_size] ul_u_np = random_sphere_numpy(ul_images_np.shape) print(ul_images_np.shape, ul_u_np.shape) print("Training...") with sv.managed_session() as sess: for ep in range(FLAGS.num_epochs): if sv.should_stop(): break if ep < FLAGS.epoch_decay_start: feed_dict = {lr: FLAGS.learning_rate, mom: FLAGS.mom1} else: decayed_lr = ((FLAGS.num_epochs - ep) / float( FLAGS.num_epochs - FLAGS.epoch_decay_start)) * FLAGS.learning_rate feed_dict = {lr: decayed_lr, mom: FLAGS.mom2} sum_loss = 0 start = time.time() for i in range(FLAGS.num_iter_per_epoch): picked = range(FLAGS.batch_size) # np.random.choice(len(ul_images_np), size=FLAGS.batch_size, replace=False) feed_dict[ul_images] = ul_images_np[picked] feed_dict[ul_u] = ul_u_np[picked] ul_u_updated_np, _, batch_loss, _ =[ul_u_updated, train_op, loss, global_step], feed_dict=feed_dict) delta = ul_u_updated_np - ul_u_np[picked] # print("pos", ul_u_updated_np.reshape((FLAGS.batch_size, -1))[0, :4]) # print("delta", np.linalg.norm(delta.reshape((FLAGS.batch_size, -1)), axis=1)[:4]) print(np.linalg.norm(ul_u_updated_np - ul_u_np[picked]), ul_u_updated_np.reshape((FLAGS.batch_size, -1))[0, :3]) ul_u_np[picked] = ul_u_updated_np sum_loss += batch_loss end = time.time() print("Epoch:", ep, "CE_loss_train:", sum_loss / FLAGS.num_iter_per_epoch, "elapsed_time:", end - start) if (ep + 1) % FLAGS.eval_freq == 0 or ep + 1 == FLAGS.num_epochs: # Eval on training data act_values_dict = {} feed_dict = {ul_u_eval_train: random_sphere_numpy(ul_u_eval_train.shape)} for key, _ in losses_eval_train.iteritems(): act_values_dict[key] = 0 n_iter_per_epoch = NUM_EVAL_EXAMPLES / FLAGS.eval_batch_size for i in range(n_iter_per_epoch): values = losses_eval_train.values() act_values =, feed_dict=feed_dict) for key, value in zip(act_values_dict.keys(), act_values): act_values_dict[key] += value summary = tf.Summary() current_global_step = for key, value in act_values_dict.iteritems(): print("train-" + key, value / n_iter_per_epoch) summary.value.add(tag=key, simple_value=value / n_iter_per_epoch) if writer_train is not None: writer_train.add_summary(summary, current_global_step) # Eval on test data act_values_dict = {} print("HOW COME THIS DOES NOT DEPEND ON ul_images_eval_train? SOMETHING'S WRONG HERE.") feed_dict = {ul_u_eval_test: random_sphere_numpy(ul_u_eval_test.shape)} for key, _ in losses_eval_test.iteritems(): act_values_dict[key] = 0 n_iter_per_epoch = NUM_EVAL_EXAMPLES / FLAGS.eval_batch_size for i in range(n_iter_per_epoch): values = losses_eval_test.values() act_values =, feed_dict=feed_dict) for key, value in zip(act_values_dict.keys(), act_values): act_values_dict[key] += value summary = tf.Summary() current_global_step = for key, value in act_values_dict.iteritems(): print("test-" + key, value / n_iter_per_epoch) summary.value.add(tag=key, simple_value=value / n_iter_per_epoch) if writer_test is not None: writer_test.add_summary(summary, current_global_step), sv.save_path, global_step=global_step) sv.stop() if __name__ == "__main__":
[ "MIT" ]
""" File: Name: 黃科諺 ----------------------- This file tests the milestone 1 for our project """ import sys def add_data_for_name(name_data, year, rank, name): name_info = {year: rank} if name in name_data: if year in name_data[name]: exist_rank = int(name_data[name][year]) if int(rank) < exist_rank: name_data[name][year] = rank else: name_data[name][year] = rank else: name_data[name] = name_info # ------------- DO NOT EDIT THE CODE BELOW THIS LINE ---------------- # def test1(): name_data = {'Kylie': {'2010': '57'}, 'Nick': {'2010': '37'}} add_data_for_name(name_data, '2010', '208', 'Kate') print('--------------------test1----------------------') print(str(name_data)) print('-----------------------------------------------') def test2(): name_data = {'Kylie': {'2010': '57'}, 'Nick': {'2010': '37'}} add_data_for_name(name_data, '2000', '104', 'Kylie') print('--------------------test2----------------------') print(str(name_data)) print('-----------------------------------------------') def test3(): name_data = {'Kylie': {'2010': '57'}, 'Sammy': {'1980': '451', '1990': '200'}, 'Kate': {'2000': '100'}} add_data_for_name(name_data, '1990', '900', 'Sammy') add_data_for_name(name_data, '2010', '400', 'Kylie') add_data_for_name(name_data, '2000', '20', 'Kate') print('-------------------test3-----------------------') print(str(name_data)) print('-----------------------------------------------') def test4(): name_data = {'Kylie': {'2010': '57'}, 'Nick': {'2010': '37'}} add_data_for_name(name_data, '2010', '208', 'Kate') add_data_for_name(name_data, '2000', '108', 'Kate') add_data_for_name(name_data, '1990', '200', 'Sammy') add_data_for_name(name_data, '1990', '90', 'Sammy') add_data_for_name(name_data, '2000', '104', 'Kylie') print('--------------------test4----------------------') print(str(name_data)) print('-----------------------------------------------') def main(): args = sys.argv[1:] if len(args) == 1 and args[0] == 'test1': test1() elif len(args) == 1 and args[0] == 'test2': test2() elif len(args) == 1 and args[0] == 'test3': test3() elif len(args) == 1 and args[0] == 'test4': test4() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
[ "MIT" ]
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from compas.utilities import await_callback from compas_fab.backends.interfaces import AddCollisionMesh from compas_fab.backends.ros.messages import ApplyPlanningSceneRequest from compas_fab.backends.ros.messages import ApplyPlanningSceneResponse from compas_fab.backends.ros.messages import CollisionObject from compas_fab.backends.ros.messages import PlanningScene from compas_fab.backends.ros.messages import PlanningSceneWorld from compas_fab.backends.ros.service_description import ServiceDescription __all__ = [ 'MoveItAddCollisionMesh', ] class MoveItAddCollisionMesh(AddCollisionMesh): """Callable to add a collision mesh to the planning scene.""" APPLY_PLANNING_SCENE = ServiceDescription('/apply_planning_scene', 'ApplyPlanningScene', ApplyPlanningSceneRequest, ApplyPlanningSceneResponse, ) def __init__(self, ros_client): self.ros_client = ros_client def add_collision_mesh(self, collision_mesh, options=None): """Add a collision mesh to the planning scene. Parameters ---------- collision_mesh : :class:`compas_fab.robots.CollisionMesh` Object containing the collision mesh to be added. options : dict, optional Unused parameter. Returns ------- ``None`` """ kwargs = {} kwargs['collision_mesh'] = collision_mesh kwargs['errback_name'] = 'errback' return await_callback(self.add_collision_mesh_async, **kwargs) def add_collision_mesh_async(self, callback, errback, collision_mesh): co = CollisionObject.from_collision_mesh(collision_mesh) co.operation = CollisionObject.ADD world = PlanningSceneWorld(collision_objects=[co]) scene = PlanningScene(world=world, is_diff=True) request = scene.to_request(self.ros_client.ros_distro) self.APPLY_PLANNING_SCENE(self.ros_client, request, callback, errback)
[ "MIT" ]
""" libquantum example 3: Construct classic linear chirp and illustrate CWT and STFT TRFs. """ import os from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from libquantum import atoms, entropy, scales, spectra, utils, synthetics import libquantum.plot_templates.plot_time_frequency_reps as pltq if __name__ == "__main__": """ Exercises with classic linear sweep Option of exporting to wav """ # Do you want to export a wav file? True or False do_save_wave = False # If True, saves to home directory home_dir: str = str(Path.home()) # Or can specify a preferred wav file directory # home_dir: str = "/Users/mgarces/Documents/DATA_API_M/synthetics" output_wav_directory = os.path.join(home_dir, "wav") EVENT_NAME = "redshift_linear_sweep" print("Event Name: " + EVENT_NAME) wav_filename = EVENT_NAME order_number_input = 3 station_id_str = 'Synth' run_time_epoch_s = utils.datetime_now_epoch_s() # Chirp type is_redshift = True sig_wf_sample_rate_hz = 8000. sig_frequency_hz_start = 40. sig_frequency_hz_end = 400. sig_duration_s = 13.19675 head_s = 0.5 # sig_wf_sample_rate_hz = 8000. # sig_frequency_hz_start = 40. # sig_frequency_hz_end = 400. # sig_duration_s = 13.19675 # head_s = 0.5 # Blueshift sweep sig_wf_blu, sig_wf_epoch_s = synthetics.chirp_linear_in_noise(snr_bits=12., sample_rate_hz=sig_wf_sample_rate_hz, duration_s=sig_duration_s, frequency_start_hz=sig_frequency_hz_start, frequency_end_hz=sig_frequency_hz_end, intro_s=head_s, outro_s=head_s) sig_wf_red = np.flipud(sig_wf_blu) # Choose origin and red/blue shift sig_wf_epoch_s += run_time_epoch_s sig_wf = np.copy(sig_wf_red) # Antialias filter synthetic synthetics.antialias_halfNyquist(synth=sig_wf) # Export to wav directory if do_save_wave: wav_sample_rate_hz = 8000. export_filename = os.path.join(output_wav_directory, wav_filename + "_8kz.wav") synth_wav = 0.9 * np.real(sig_wf) / np.max(np.abs((np.real(sig_wf)))), int(wav_sample_rate_hz), synth_wav) # Frame to mic start and end and plot event_reference_time_epoch_s = sig_wf_epoch_s[0] max_time_s, min_frequency_hz = scales.from_duration(band_order_Nth=order_number_input, sig_duration_s=sig_duration_s) print('\nRequest Order N=', order_number_input) print('Lowest frequency in hz that can support this order for this signal duration is ', min_frequency_hz) print('Scale with signal duration and to Nyquist, default G2 base re F1') # Select plot frequencies fmin = np.ceil(min_frequency_hz) fmax = sig_wf_sample_rate_hz/2. # TFR SECTION # Compute complex wavelet transform (cwt) from signal duration if is_redshift: mic_cwt, mic_cwt_bits, mic_cwt_time_s, mic_cwt_frequency_hz = \ atoms.cwt_chirp_from_sig(sig_wf=sig_wf, frequency_sample_rate_hz=sig_wf_sample_rate_hz, band_order_Nth=order_number_input, dictionary_type="tone", index_shift=-1) else: mic_cwt, mic_cwt_bits, mic_cwt_time_s, mic_cwt_frequency_hz = \ atoms.cwt_chirp_from_sig(sig_wf=sig_wf, frequency_sample_rate_hz=sig_wf_sample_rate_hz, band_order_Nth=order_number_input, dictionary_type="tone") mic_cwt_snr, mic_cwt_snr_bits, mic_cwt_snr_entropy = entropy.snr_mean_max(tfr_coeff_complex=mic_cwt) pltq.plot_wf_mesh_mesh_vert(redvox_id=station_id_str, wf_panel_2_sig=sig_wf, wf_panel_2_time=sig_wf_epoch_s, mesh_time=mic_cwt_time_s, mesh_frequency=mic_cwt_frequency_hz, mesh_panel_1_trf=mic_cwt_bits, mesh_panel_1_colormap_scaling="range", mesh_panel_0_tfr=mic_cwt_snr_entropy, wf_panel_2_units="Norm", mesh_panel_1_cbar_units="bits", mesh_panel_0_cbar_units="eSNR bits", start_time_epoch=event_reference_time_epoch_s, figure_title="CWT for " + EVENT_NAME, frequency_hz_ymin=fmin, frequency_hz_ymax=fmax) # Compute short term Fourier transform (STFT) from segmented signal duration mic_stft, mic_stft_bits, mic_stft_time_s, mic_stft_frequency_hz = \ spectra.stft_from_sig(sig_wf=sig_wf, frequency_sample_rate_hz=sig_wf_sample_rate_hz, band_order_Nth=order_number_input) mic_stft_snr, mic_stft_snr_bits, mic_stft_snr_entropy = entropy.snr_mean_max(tfr_coeff_complex=mic_stft) # Log frequency is the default, for linear use frequency_scaling="linear", pltq.plot_wf_mesh_mesh_vert(frequency_scaling="log", redvox_id=station_id_str, wf_panel_2_sig=sig_wf, wf_panel_2_time=sig_wf_epoch_s, mesh_time=mic_stft_time_s, mesh_frequency=mic_stft_frequency_hz, mesh_panel_1_trf=mic_stft_bits, mesh_panel_1_colormap_scaling="range", mesh_panel_0_tfr=mic_stft_snr_entropy, wf_panel_2_units="Norm", mesh_panel_1_cbar_units="bits", mesh_panel_0_cbar_units="eSNR bits", figure_title="STFT for " + EVENT_NAME, frequency_hz_ymin=fmin, frequency_hz_ymax=fmax)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import hashlib from fastecdsa import keys, curve, ecdsa from hashlib import sha256 from uuid import uuid4 class Transaction: def __init__(self, from_address, to_address, amount): self.from_address = from_address self.to_address = to_address self.amount = amount = str(uuid4()).replace('-', '') self.signature = None def calculate_hash(self): return sha256((str(self.from_address) + str(self.to_address) + str(self.amount) + def sign_tx(self, priv_key): hash_tx = self.calculate_hash() self.signature = ecdsa.sign(hash_tx, priv_key, hashfunc=sha256) def is_valid(self): if self.signature is None: return True if len(self.signature) == 0 and self.to_address is None: return False hash_tx = self.calculate_hash() pubkey = keys.get_public_keys_from_sig(self.signature, hash_tx, curve=curve.P256, hashfunc=sha256) valid = ecdsa.verify(self.signature, hash_tx, pubkey[0], hashfunc=sha256) return valid def serialize(self): return { 'id':, 'from_address': self.from_address, 'to_address': self.to_address, 'amount': self.amount }
[ "MIT" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from app.libs.utils import data_decode import socket, socketserver, threading import traceback class ThreadedTCPRequestHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler): ip = "" port = 0 timeOut = 100 def __init__(self, request, client_address, server): from app.service.device import Device self.socket = None self.addr = None self.cloud_id = None self.device = Device() self.sign = None self.device_id = None self.timestamp = None super().__init__(request, client_address, server) def setup(self): self.ip = self.client_address[0].strip() self.port = self.client_address[1] self.request.settimeout(self.timeOut) self.addr = self.ip + str(self.port) self.socket = self.request print(self.ip) def handle(self): try: while True: try: # time.sleep(1) data = self.request.recv(1024) except socket.timeout: print(self.ip + ":" + str(self.port) + "接收超时") break if data: data = data_decode(data) self.device.parse_data(data, self) else: break except Exception as e: with open("err_log.log", "a+") as f: f.write(traceback.format_exc()+'\r\r') print(self.client_address, "连接断开") finally: self.request.close() def finish(self): if self.cloud_id is None: print(self.ip + ":" + str(self.port) + "断开连接!") else: get_instance().remove_client(self.cloud_id) print(self.ip + ":" + str(self.port) + self.cloud_id + "断开连接!") class ThreadedTCPServer(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, socketserver.TCPServer): pass class TCPServer: instance = None @staticmethod def get_instance(): print("start") if TCPServer.instance is None: TCPServer.instance = TCPServer() return TCPServer.instance def __init__(self): self.clients = {} self.server = None try: self.server = ThreadedTCPServer(("", 5002), ThreadedTCPRequestHandler) server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.server.serve_forever) server_thread.daemon = True server_thread.start() # server_thread.join() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit, Exception) as e: print(e) print("end") self.server.shutdown() self.server.close() def add_client(self, cloud, sock): self.clients[cloud] = sock print("this is clients", self.clients) def remove_client(self, cloud): if cloud in self.clients: print("删除设备" + cloud) from app.service.device import Device Device.offline_alarm(self.clients[cloud]) self.clients.pop(cloud) def get_instance(): return TCPServer.get_instance()
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
from django.conf.urls import patterns, url from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from kitsune.questions.feeds import ( QuestionsFeed, AnswersFeed, TaggedQuestionsFeed) from kitsune.questions.models import Question, Answer from kitsune.flagit import views as flagit_views urlpatterns = patterns( 'kitsune.questions.views', url(r'^$', 'product_list', name='questions.home'), url(r'^/answer-preview-async$', 'answer_preview_async', name='questions.answer_preview_async'), url(r'^/dashboard/metrics$', 'metrics', name='questions.metrics'), url(r'^/dashboard/metrics/(?P<locale_code>[^/]+)$', 'metrics', name='questions.locale_metrics'), # AAQ url(r'^/new$', 'aaq', name='questions.aaq_step1'), url(r'^/new/confirm$', 'aaq_confirm', name='questions.aaq_confirm'), url(r'^/new/(?P<product_key>[\w\-]+)$', 'aaq_step2', name='questions.aaq_step2'), url(r'^/new/(?P<product_key>[\w\-]+)/(?P<category_key>[\w\-]+)$', 'aaq_step3', name='questions.aaq_step3'), url(r'^/new/(?P<product_key>[\w\-]+)/(?P<category_key>[\w\-]+)/search$', 'aaq_step4', name='questions.aaq_step4'), url(r'^/new/(?P<product_key>[\w\-]+)/(?P<category_key>[\w\-]+)/form$', 'aaq_step5', name='questions.aaq_step5'), # AAQ flow for Marketplace url(r'^/marketplace$', 'marketplace', name='questions.marketplace_aaq'), url(r'^/marketplace/success$', 'marketplace_success', name='questions.marketplace_aaq_success'), url(r'^/marketplace/refund$', 'marketplace_refund', name='questions.marketplace_refund'), url(r'^/marketplace/developer-request$', 'marketplace_developer_request', name='questions.marketplace_developer_request'), url(r'^/marketplace/(?P<category_slug>[\w\-]+)$', 'marketplace_category', name='questions.marketplace_aaq_category'), # TODO: Factor out `/(?P<question_id>\d+)` below url(r'^/(?P<question_id>\d+)$', 'question_details', name='questions.details'), url(r'^/(?P<question_id>\d+)/edit$', 'edit_question', name='questions.edit_question'), url(r'^/(?P<question_id>\d+)/edit-details$', 'edit_details', name='questions.edit_details'), url(r'^/(?P<question_id>\d+)/reply$', 'reply', name='questions.reply'), url(r'^/(?P<question_id>\d+)/delete$', 'delete_question', name='questions.delete'), url(r'^/(?P<question_id>\d+)/lock$', 'lock_question', name='questions.lock'), url(r'^/(?P<question_id>\d+)/archive$', 'archive_question', name='questions.archive'), url(r'^/(?P<question_id>\d+)/delete/(?P<answer_id>\d+)$', 'delete_answer', name='questions.delete_answer'), url(r'^/(?P<question_id>\d+)/edit/(?P<answer_id>\d+)$', 'edit_answer', name='questions.edit_answer'), url(r'^/(?P<question_id>\d+)/solve/(?P<answer_id>\d+)$', 'solve', name='questions.solve'), url(r'^/(?P<question_id>\d+)/unsolve/(?P<answer_id>\d+)$', 'unsolve', name='questions.unsolve'), url(r'^/(?P<question_id>\d+)/vote$', 'question_vote', name=''), url(r'^/(?P<question_id>\d+)/vote/(?P<answer_id>\d+)$', 'answer_vote', name='questions.answer_vote'), url(r'^/(?P<question_id>\d+)/add-tag$', 'add_tag', name='questions.add_tag'), url(r'^/(?P<question_id>\d+)/remove-tag$', 'remove_tag', name='questions.remove_tag'), url(r'^/(?P<question_id>\d+)/add-tag-async$', 'add_tag_async', name='questions.add_tag_async'), url(r'^/(?P<question_id>\d+)/remove-tag-async$', 'remove_tag_async', name='questions.remove_tag_async'), # Feeds # Note: this needs to be above questions.list because "feed" # matches the product slug regex. url(r'^/feed$', QuestionsFeed(), name='questions.feed'), url(r'^/(?P<question_id>\d+)/feed$', AnswersFeed(), name='questions.answers.feed'), url(r'^/tagged/(?P<tag_slug>[\w\-]+)/feed$', TaggedQuestionsFeed(), name='questions.tagged_feed'), # Mark as spam url(r'^/mark_spam$', 'mark_spam', name='questions.mark_spam'), url(r'^/unmark_spam$', 'unmark_spam', name='questions.unmark_spam'), # Question lists url(r'^/(?P<product_slug>[\w+\-\,]+)$', 'question_list', name='questions.list'), # Flag content ("Report this post") url(r'^/(?P<object_id>\d+)/flag$', flagit_views.flag, {'content_type': ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Question).id}, name='questions.flag'), url(r'^/(?P<question_id>\d+)/flag/(?P<object_id>\d+)$', flagit_views.flag, {'content_type': ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Answer).id}, name='questions.answer_flag'), # Subcribe by email url(r'^/(?P<question_id>\d+)/watch$', 'watch_question', name=''), url(r'^/(?P<question_id>\d+)/unwatch$', 'unwatch_question', name='questions.unwatch'), url(r'^/confirm/(?P<watch_id>\d+)/(?P<secret>\w+)$', 'activate_watch', name='questions.activate_watch'), url(r'^/unsubscribe/(?P<watch_id>\d+)/(?P<secret>\w+)$', 'unsubscribe_watch', name='questions.unsubscribe'), )
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # -*- coding: utf8 -*- """Autogenerated file - DO NOT EDIT If you spot a bug, please report it on the mailing list and/or change the generator.""" from nipype.interfaces.base import ( CommandLine, CommandLineInputSpec, SEMLikeCommandLine, TraitedSpec, File, Directory, traits, isdefined, InputMultiPath, OutputMultiPath, ) import os class ExtractSkeletonInputSpec(CommandLineInputSpec): InputImageFileName = File(position=-2, desc="Input image", exists=True, argstr="%s") OutputImageFileName = traits.Either( traits.Bool, File(), position=-1, hash_files=False, desc="Skeleton of the input image", argstr="%s", ) type = traits.Enum( "1D", "2D", desc="Type of skeleton to create", argstr="--type %s" ) dontPrune = traits.Bool( desc="Return the full skeleton, not just the maximal skeleton", argstr="--dontPrune ", ) numPoints = traits.Int( desc="Number of points used to represent the skeleton", argstr="--numPoints %d" ) pointsFile = traits.Str( desc="Name of the file to store the coordinates of the central (1D) skeleton points", argstr="--pointsFile %s", ) class ExtractSkeletonOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): OutputImageFileName = File( position=-1, desc="Skeleton of the input image", exists=True ) class ExtractSkeleton(SEMLikeCommandLine): """title: Extract Skeleton category: Filtering description: Extract the skeleton of a binary object. The skeleton can be limited to being a 1D curve or allowed to be a full 2D manifold. The branches of the skeleton can be pruned so that only the maximal center skeleton is returned. version: 0.1.0.$Revision: 2104 $(alpha) documentation-url: contributor: Pierre Seroul (UNC), Martin Styner (UNC), Guido Gerig (UNC), Stephen Aylward (Kitware) acknowledgements: The original implementation of this method was provided by ETH Zurich, Image Analysis Laboratory of Profs Olaf Kuebler, Gabor Szekely and Guido Gerig. Martin Styner at UNC, Chapel Hill made enhancements. Wrapping for Slicer was provided by Pierre Seroul and Stephen Aylward at Kitware, Inc. """ input_spec = ExtractSkeletonInputSpec output_spec = ExtractSkeletonOutputSpec _cmd = "ExtractSkeleton " _outputs_filenames = {"OutputImageFileName": "OutputImageFileName.nii"}
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import subprocess import time import os TEST_TYPE = os.getenv("TEST_TYPE", "bdd") def before_scenario(context, scenario): if f"{TEST_TYPE}" == "bdd": proc = subprocess.Popen(["make", "start"]) time.sleep(4) context.proc = proc context.root_url = "http://localhost:5000" else: context.root_url = os.getenv("ROOT_ENDPOINT") def after_scenario(context, scenario): if f"{TEST_TYPE}" == "bdd": proc = context.proc proc.terminate()
[ "MIT" ]
class Solution: def coinChange(self, coins, amount): """ :type coins: List[int] :type amount: int :rtype: int """ # max value taken as amount+1 because in worst case, it can be amount - when denoms of only 1 res = [amount+1]*(amount+1) res[0] = 0 for i in range(1, amount+1): for j in coins: if j <= i: res[i] = min(res[i], res[i-j] + 1) if res[amount] > amount: return -1 else: return res[amount]
[ "MIT" ]
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from .exceptions import UnpopulatedPropertyError from .property_decorators import property_not_nullable, property_is_boolean from .tag_item import TagItem from ..datetime_helpers import parse_datetime import copy class FlowItem(object): def __init__(self, project_id, name=None): self._webpage_url = None self._created_at = None self._id = None self._initial_tags = set() self._project_name = None self._updated_at = None = name self.owner_id = None self.project_id = project_id self.tags = set() self.description = None self._connections = None self._permissions = None @property def connections(self): if self._connections is None: error = 'Flow item must be populated with connections first.' raise UnpopulatedPropertyError(error) return self._connections() @property def permissions(self): if self._permissions is None: error = "Project item must be populated with permissions first." raise UnpopulatedPropertyError(error) return self._permissions() @property def webpage_url(self): return self._webpage_url @property def created_at(self): return self._created_at @property def id(self): return self._id @property def project_id(self): return self._project_id @project_id.setter @property_not_nullable def project_id(self, value): self._project_id = value @property def description(self): return self._description @description.setter def description(self, value): self._description = value @property def project_name(self): return self._project_name @property def flow_type(self): return self._flow_type @property def updated_at(self): return self._updated_at def _set_connections(self, connections): self._connections = connections def _set_permissions(self, permissions): self._permissions = permissions def _parse_common_elements(self, flow_xml, ns): if not isinstance(flow_xml, ET.Element): flow_xml = ET.fromstring(flow_xml).find('.//t:flow', namespaces=ns) if flow_xml is not None: (_, _, _, _, _, updated_at, _, project_id, project_name, owner_id) = self._parse_element(flow_xml, ns) self._set_values(None, None, None, None, None, updated_at, None, project_id, project_name, owner_id) return self def _set_values(self, id, name, description, webpage_url, created_at, updated_at, tags, project_id, project_name, owner_id): if id is not None: self._id = id if name: = name if description: self.description = description if webpage_url: self._webpage_url = webpage_url if created_at: self._created_at = created_at if updated_at: self._updated_at = updated_at if tags: self.tags = tags self._initial_tags = copy.copy(tags) if project_id: self.project_id = project_id if project_name: self._project_name = project_name if owner_id: self.owner_id = owner_id @classmethod def from_response(cls, resp, ns): all_flow_items = list() parsed_response = ET.fromstring(resp) all_flow_xml = parsed_response.findall('.//t:flow', namespaces=ns) for flow_xml in all_flow_xml: (id_, name, description, webpage_url, created_at, updated_at, tags, project_id, project_name, owner_id) = cls._parse_element(flow_xml, ns) flow_item = cls(project_id) flow_item._set_values(id_, name, description, webpage_url, created_at, updated_at, tags, None, project_name, owner_id) all_flow_items.append(flow_item) return all_flow_items @staticmethod def _parse_element(flow_xml, ns): id_ = flow_xml.get('id', None) name = flow_xml.get('name', None) description = flow_xml.get('description', None) webpage_url = flow_xml.get('webpageUrl', None) created_at = parse_datetime(flow_xml.get('createdAt', None)) updated_at = parse_datetime(flow_xml.get('updatedAt', None)) tags = None tags_elem = flow_xml.find('.//t:tags', namespaces=ns) if tags_elem is not None: tags = TagItem.from_xml_element(tags_elem, ns) project_id = None project_name = None project_elem = flow_xml.find('.//t:project', namespaces=ns) if project_elem is not None: project_id = project_elem.get('id', None) project_name = project_elem.get('name', None) owner_id = None owner_elem = flow_xml.find('.//t:owner', namespaces=ns) if owner_elem is not None: owner_id = owner_elem.get('id', None) return (id_, name, description, webpage_url, created_at, updated_at, tags, project_id, project_name, owner_id)
[ "CC0-1.0", "MIT" ]
from interpolate import interpolate_doc foo = """ hello world """ bar = "foo bar\nbaz" class Foo: # cf matplotlib's kwdoc. __kw__ = "the kw of foo" @interpolate_doc def func(): """ this is a docstring {} {bar} {Foo!K} """ try: @interpolate_doc def bad_doc(): """ fields {must} be preceded by whitespace """ except ValueError: print("error correctly caught")
[ "MIT" ]
import discord from discord.ext import commands # Set slash commands=True when constructing your bot to enable all slash commands # if your bot is only for a couple of servers, you can use the parameter # `slash_command_guilds=[list, of, guild, ids]` to specify this, # then the commands will be much faster to upload. bot = commands.Bot("!", intents=discord.Intents(guilds=True, messages=True), slash_commands=True) @bot.event async def on_ready(): print(f"Logged in as {bot.user} (ID: {})") print("------") @bot.command() # You can use commands.Option to define descriptions for your options, and converters will still work fine. async def ping( ctx: commands.Context, emoji: bool = commands.Option(description="whether to use an emoji when responding") ): # This command can be used with slash commands or message commands if emoji: await ctx.send("\U0001f3d3") else: await ctx.send("Pong!") @bot.command(message_command=False) async def only_slash(ctx: commands.Context): # This command can only be used with slash commands await ctx.send("Hello from slash commands!") @bot.command(slash_command=False) async def only_message(ctx: commands.Context): # This command can only be used with a message await ctx.send("Hello from message commands!")"token")
[ "MIT" ]
from io import BytesIO from typing import Tuple, Sequence import attr from PIL import Image from ebl.changelog import Changelog from ebl.ebl_ai_client import EblAiClient from ebl.files.application.file_repository import FileRepository from ebl.fragmentarium.application.annotations_repository import AnnotationsRepository from ebl.fragmentarium.application.annotations_schema import AnnotationsSchema from ebl.fragmentarium.application.cropped_sign_image import CroppedSign from ebl.fragmentarium.application.cropped_sign_images_repository import ( CroppedSignImage, CroppedSignImagesRepository, ) from ebl.fragmentarium.application.fragment_repository import FragmentRepository from ebl.fragmentarium.domain.annotation import ( Annotations, AnnotationValueType, ) from ebl.transliteration.domain.line_label import LineLabel from ebl.transliteration.domain.museum_number import MuseumNumber from ebl.users.domain.user import User @attr.attrs(auto_attribs=True, frozen=True) class AnnotationsService: _ebl_ai_client: EblAiClient _annotations_repository: AnnotationsRepository _photo_repository: FileRepository _changelog: Changelog _fragments_repository: FragmentRepository _photos_repository: FileRepository _cropped_sign_images_repository: CroppedSignImagesRepository def generate_annotations( self, number: MuseumNumber, threshold: float = 0.3 ) -> Annotations: fragment_image = self._photo_repository.query_by_file_name(f"{number}.jpg") return self._ebl_ai_client.generate_annotations( number, fragment_image, threshold ) def find(self, number: MuseumNumber) -> Annotations: return self._annotations_repository.query_by_museum_number(number) def _label_by_line_number( self, line_number_to_match: int, labels: Sequence[LineLabel] ) -> str: matching_label = None for label in labels: label_line_number = label.line_number if label_line_number and label_line_number.is_matching_number( line_number_to_match ): matching_label = label return matching_label.formatted_label if matching_label else "" def _cropped_image_from_annotations_helper( self, annotations: Annotations, image: Image.Image, script: str, labels: Sequence[LineLabel], ) -> Tuple[Annotations, Sequence[CroppedSignImage]]: cropped_sign_images = [] updated_cropped_annotations = [] for annotation in annotations.annotations: label = ( self._label_by_line_number([0], labels) if != AnnotationValueType.BLANK else "" ) cropped_image = annotation.crop_image(image) cropped_sign_image = CroppedSignImage.create(cropped_image) cropped_sign_images.append(cropped_sign_image) updated_cropped_annotation = attr.evolve( annotation, cropped_sign=CroppedSign( cropped_sign_image.image_id, script, label, ), ) updated_cropped_annotations.append(updated_cropped_annotation) return ( attr.evolve(annotations, annotations=updated_cropped_annotations), cropped_sign_images, ) def _cropped_image_from_annotations( self, annotations: Annotations ) -> Tuple[Annotations, Sequence[CroppedSignImage]]: fragment = self._fragments_repository.query_by_museum_number( annotations.fragment_number ) fragment_image = self._photos_repository.query_by_file_name( f"{annotations.fragment_number}.jpg" ) image_bytes = image =, mode="r") return self._cropped_image_from_annotations_helper( annotations, image, fragment.script, fragment.text.labels ) def update(self, annotations: Annotations, user: User) -> Annotations: old_annotations = self._annotations_repository.query_by_museum_number( annotations.fragment_number ) _id = str(annotations.fragment_number) schema = AnnotationsSchema() ( annotations_with_image_ids, cropped_sign_images, ) = self._cropped_image_from_annotations(annotations) self._annotations_repository.create_or_update(annotations_with_image_ids) self._cropped_sign_images_repository.create_many(cropped_sign_images) self._changelog.create( "annotations", user.profile, {"_id": _id, **schema.dump(old_annotations)}, {"_id": _id, **schema.dump(annotations_with_image_ids)}, ) return annotations_with_image_ids
[ "MIT" ]
def number_of_occurrences(s, xs): return xs.count(s)
[ "MIT" ]
CodeWars/7 Kyu/Number Of
#Python program to get the size of an object in bytes import sys Object = input("Enter any object: ") print(f'The size of the object {Object} is {sys.getsizeof(Object)} bytes')
[ "MIT" ]
GodwillOnyewuchi/Phase 1/Python Basic 2/day 9 task/task
from .chain import * from .element import *
[ "MIT" ]
from importlib import import_module, reload import pytest import sys from unittest.mock import patch from rest_framework import status from django.contrib.auth.models import Permission, Group from django.conf import settings from django.urls import clear_url_caches from django.urls import reverse from .factories import UserFactory from groups.models import GroupInfo from users.models import UserProfile BLANK_CHOICE = ('', '---------') USER_DETAILS = { 'username': 'test', 'email': '[email protected]', 'first_name': 'Foo', 'last_name': 'Bar', } USER_DETAILS_CREATE = USER_DETAILS.copy() USER_DETAILS_CREATE.update(password1='pass', password2='pass') USER_DETAILS_CHANGING = { 'username': 'johnsmith', 'email': '[email protected]', 'first_name': 'John', 'last_name': 'Smith', } @pytest.mark.django_db def test_create_user_view_get(admin_client): url = reverse('wagtailusers_users:add') response = admin_client.get(url) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK @pytest.mark.django_db def test_create_user_view(admin_client): url = reverse('wagtailusers_users:add') response =, data=USER_DETAILS_CREATE) assert response.context['message'] == 'User test created.' assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_302_FOUND assert response.url == reverse('wagtailusers_users:index') @pytest.mark.django_db def test_create_user_view_invalid_form(admin_client): url = reverse('wagtailusers_users:add') post_data = USER_DETAILS.copy() post_data.update(email='This is not an email address') response =, post_data) message = response.context['message'] assert message == 'The user could not be created due to errors.' assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK @pytest.mark.django_db def test_get_edit_user_view(admin_client): user = UserFactory(**USER_DETAILS) url = reverse('wagtailusers_users:edit', kwargs={'pk':}) response = admin_client.get(url) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK assert response.context['can_delete'] is True @pytest.mark.django_db def test_edit_user_view(team_leaders_group, admin_client): user = UserFactory(**USER_DETAILS) url = reverse('wagtailusers_users:edit', kwargs={'pk':}) # We'll add the user to a group, as well as changing their details post_data = USER_DETAILS_CHANGING.copy() post_data['groups'] = [] response =, data=post_data) assert response.context['message'] == 'User johnsmith updated.' assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_302_FOUND assert response.url == reverse('wagtailusers_users:index') # The user's details should have changed to reflect the posted values user.refresh_from_db() for field_name, changed_value in USER_DETAILS_CHANGING.items(): assert getattr(user, field_name) == changed_value # And they should have been added to a group group_ids = set(user.groups.values_list('id', flat=True)) assert group_ids == {} @pytest.mark.django_db def test_edit_user_view_invalid_form(admin_client, approved_user): url = reverse('wagtailusers_users:edit', kwargs={'pk':}) post_data = USER_DETAILS.copy() post_data.update(email='This is not an email address') response =, post_data) message = response.context['message'] assert message == 'The user could not be saved due to errors.' assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK @pytest.mark.django_db def test_edit_user_view_cannot_change_personal_details_when_sso_enforced( admin_client ): # Set this flag to True and repeat previous test settings.FEATURE_FLAGS['ENFORCE_STAFF_SSO_ON'] = True user = UserFactory(**USER_DETAILS) # Post changes to the view url = reverse('wagtailusers_users:edit', kwargs={'pk':}), data=USER_DETAILS_CHANGING) # The users details should remain unchanged, because the # personal detail fields should all be disabled user.refresh_from_db() for field_name, original_value in USER_DETAILS.items(): assert getattr(user, field_name) == original_value # Change this back to avoid cross-test pollution settings.FEATURE_FLAGS['ENFORCE_STAFF_SSO_ON'] = False reload_urlconf() @pytest.mark.django_db def test_edit_user_view_preserves_ability_to_update_is_active(admin_client): # Set this flag to True and actions if previous test settings.FEATURE_FLAGS['ENFORCE_STAFF_SSO_ON'] = True # Create an 'inactive' user to test with user = UserFactory(**USER_DETAILS) user.is_active = False # Post using the same details + 'is_active=on' post_data = USER_DETAILS.copy() post_data.update(is_active='on') url = reverse('wagtailusers_users:edit', kwargs={'pk':}), data=post_data) # The change to 'is_active' should have been applied, because that field # is not disabled along with the personal detail ones user.refresh_from_db() assert user.is_active is True # Reset flag to avoid cross-test pollution settings.FEATURE_FLAGS['ENFORCE_STAFF_SSO_ON'] = False reload_urlconf() @pytest.mark.django_db def test_edit_user_view_warns_administrator_if_user_is_awaiting_approval( admin_client, user_awaiting_approval ): # This flag must be set for the warning to show settings.FEATURE_FLAGS['ENFORCE_STAFF_SSO_ON'] = True user = user_awaiting_approval url = reverse('wagtailusers_users:edit', kwargs={'pk':}) response = admin_client.get(url) message = response.context['message'] assert "This user is awaiting approval" in message assert "requested to be added to the 'Moderators' group" in message # Reset flag to avoid cross-test pollution settings.FEATURE_FLAGS['ENFORCE_STAFF_SSO_ON'] = False reload_urlconf() @pytest.mark.django_db def test_edit_user_view_marks_user_as_approved_if_added_to_group( admin_client, admin_user, user_awaiting_approval ): # This flag must be set for the warning to show settings.FEATURE_FLAGS['ENFORCE_STAFF_SSO_ON'] = True user = user_awaiting_approval profile = user_awaiting_approval.userprofile url = reverse('wagtailusers_users:edit', kwargs={'pk':}) group = Group.objects.get(pk=profile.self_assigned_group_id) group.permissions.add(Permission.objects.get(codename='access_admin')) with patch('users.views.notify_user_of_access_request_approval', autospec=True) as mocked_method: response =, { 'username': user.username, 'first_name': user.first_name, 'last_name': user.last_name, 'email':, 'is_active': True, 'groups': [], }) # Ensure the post was successful assert response.context['message'] == 'User %s updated.' % user.username assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_302_FOUND assert response.url == reverse('wagtailusers_users:index') # The UserProfile should have been updated profile.refresh_from_db() assert profile.assignment_status == UserProfile.STATUS_APPROVED assert profile.approved_by_id == assert profile.approved_at is not None # A notification should have been triggered for the user expected_call_args = dict( request=response.wsgi_request,, user_name=user.first_name, reviewer_name=admin_user.get_full_name(), ) mocked_method.assert_called_with(**expected_call_args) # Reset flag to avoid cross-test pollution settings.FEATURE_FLAGS['ENFORCE_STAFF_SSO_ON'] = False reload_urlconf() @pytest.mark.django_db def test_edit_user_view_does_not_mark_user_as_approved_if_not_added_to_a_group(admin_client, groups_with_info): user = UserFactory(username='some-user') profile = user.userprofile profile.assignment_status = UserProfile.STATUS_AWAITING_APPROVAL profile.self_assigned_group_id = groups_with_info[0].id url = reverse('wagtailusers_users:edit', kwargs={'pk':}) with patch( 'users.views.notify_user_of_access_request_approval' ) as mocked_method: response =, { 'username': user.username, 'first_name': user.first_name, 'last_name': user.last_name, 'email':, 'is_active': True, }) # Ensure the post was successful assert response.context['message'] == 'User %s updated.' % user.username assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_302_FOUND assert response.url == reverse('wagtailusers_users:index') # The UserProfile should NOT have been updated profile.refresh_from_db() assert profile.assignment_status == UserProfile.STATUS_AWAITING_APPROVAL assert profile.approved_by_id is None assert profile.approved_at is None # no notification should have been triggered mocked_method.assert_not_called() def reload_urlconf(urlconf=None): clear_url_caches() if urlconf is None: urlconf = settings.ROOT_URLCONF if urlconf in sys.modules: reload(sys.modules[urlconf]) else: import_module(urlconf) @pytest.mark.django_db def test_force_staff_sso(client): """Test that URLs and redirects are in place.""" settings.FEATURE_FLAGS['ENFORCE_STAFF_SSO_ON'] = True settings.AUTHBROKER_CLIENT_ID = 'debug' settings.AUTHBROKER_CLIENT_SECRET = 'debug' settings.AUTHBROKER_URL = '' reload_urlconf() assert reverse('authbroker_client:login') == '/auth/login/' assert reverse('authbroker_client:callback') == '/auth/callback/' response = client.get('/admin/login/') assert response.status_code == 302 assert response.url == '/auth/login/' settings.FEATURE_FLAGS['ENFORCE_STAFF_SSO_ON'] = False reload_urlconf() @pytest.mark.parametrize('assignment_status, expected_status_code', ( (UserProfile.STATUS_CREATED, 200), (UserProfile.STATUS_AWAITING_APPROVAL, 302), (UserProfile.STATUS_APPROVED, 302) )) @pytest.mark.django_db def test_ssorequestaccessview_responds_based_on_assignment_status( admin_client, admin_user, assignment_status, expected_status_code ): url = reverse('sso:request_access') profile = admin_user.userprofile profile.assignment_status = assignment_status response = admin_client.get(url) assert response.status_code == expected_status_code @pytest.mark.django_db def test_ssorequestaccessview_shows_unlimited_visibilty_groups_only( admin_client, groups_with_info ): url = reverse('sso:request_access') # Visbility is set to 'unrestricted' for all groups in `groups_with_info`, # so choices should reflect that by default expected_choices = tuple( (, for g in groups_with_info ) # Confirm the choices in the form are as expected response = admin_client.get(url) group_field = response.context['form']['self_assigned_group'].field actual_choices = tuple(group_field.choices) assert actual_choices == expected_choices # Change the visibility of groups and try again GroupInfo.objects.all().update( visibility=GroupInfo.VISIBILITY_MANAGERS_ONLY) # Choices should be empty now response = admin_client.get(url) group_field = response.context['form']['self_assigned_group'].field assert tuple(group_field.choices) == () @pytest.mark.django_db def test_ssorequestaccessview_with_no_team_leaders_group(admin_client): # If no 'team leaders group' has been designated, the 'team_leaders' # field should only have a 'blank' option url = reverse('sso:request_access') response = admin_client.get(url) team_leader_field = response.context['form']['team_leader'].field assert tuple(team_leader_field.choices) == (BLANK_CHOICE,) @pytest.mark.django_db def test_ssorequestaccessview_with_team_leaders_group_but_no_members( admin_client, team_leaders_group ): # If the designated 'team leaders group' has no members, the 'team_leaders' # field should only have a 'blank' option url = reverse('sso:request_access') response = admin_client.get(url) team_leader_field = response.context['form']['team_leader'].field assert team_leaders_group.user_set.all().exists() is False assert tuple(team_leader_field.choices) == (BLANK_CHOICE,) @pytest.mark.django_db def test_ssorequestaccessview_with_team_leaders( admin_client, team_leaders_group, team_leaders ): url = reverse('sso:request_access') # When team leaders are defined, they will appear as choices # for the 'team_leaders' field expected_choices = [BLANK_CHOICE] expected_choices.extend(list( (, "{} <{}>".format(tl.get_full_name(), for tl in team_leaders )) # Confirm the choices in the form are as expected response = admin_client.get(url) team_leader_field = response.context['form']['team_leader'].field actual_choices = list(team_leader_field.choices) assert actual_choices == expected_choices @pytest.mark.django_db def test_ssorequestaccessview_fails_validation_if_form_incomplete( admin_client, groups_with_info, team_leaders ): url = reverse('sso:request_access') response =, data={}) # Should still be on the same view assert response.status_code == 200 # Both form fields should have errors assert 'self_assigned_group' in response.context['form'].errors assert 'team_leader' in response.context['form'].errors @pytest.mark.django_db def test_ssorequestaccessview_post_with_complete_data( admin_client, admin_user, groups_with_info, team_leaders ): group = groups_with_info[0] team_leader = team_leaders[0] with patch( 'users.views.notify_team_leader_of_pending_access_request', autospec=True ) as mocked_method: response = reverse('sso:request_access'), data={ 'self_assigned_group':, 'team_leader':, } ) # Should be redirected to the success url success_url = reverse('sso:request_access_success') assert response.url == success_url # The UserProfile for `admin_user` should have been updated profile = admin_user.userprofile assert profile.self_assigned_group_id == assert profile.team_leader_id == assert profile.assignment_status == UserProfile.STATUS_AWAITING_APPROVAL # noqa # A notification should have been triggered for the user expected_call_args = dict( request=response.wsgi_request,, team_leader_name=team_leader.first_name,, user_name=admin_user.get_full_name(),,, ) mocked_method.assert_called_with(**expected_call_args) @pytest.mark.django_db @pytest.mark.parametrize('url', ( reverse('sso:request_access'), reverse('sso:request_access_success'), )) def test_ssorequestaccess_views_only_available_to_authenticated_users( client, admin_client, url ): # When not authenticated, the user is redirected to the login page response = client.get(url) assert response.status_code == 302 assert response.url.startswith(settings.LOGIN_URL) # When authenticated, things work fine response = admin_client.get(url) assert response.status_code == 200
[ "MIT" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # !/usr/bin/env python """ ------------------------------------------------- File Name: Description : DB工厂类 Author : JHao date: 2016/12/2 ------------------------------------------------- Change Activity: 2016/12/02: DB工厂类 2020/07/03: 取消raw_proxy储存 ------------------------------------------------- """ __author__ = 'JHao' import os import sys from util.six import urlparse, withMetaclass from util.singleton import Singleton sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) class DbClient(withMetaclass(Singleton)): """ DbClient DB工厂类 提供get/put/update/pop/delete/exists/getAll/clean/getCount/changeTable方法 抽象方法定义: get(): 随机返回一个proxy; put(proxy): 存入一个proxy; pop(): 顺序返回并删除一个proxy; update(proxy): 更新指定proxy信息; delete(proxy): 删除指定proxy; exists(proxy): 判断指定proxy是否存在; getAll(): 返回所有代理; clean(): 清除所有proxy信息; getCount(): 返回proxy统计信息; changeTable(name): 切换操作对象 所有方法需要相应类去具体实现: ssdb: redis: mongodb: """ def __init__(self, db_conn): """ init :return: """ self.parseDbConn(db_conn) self.__initDbClient() @classmethod def parseDbConn(cls, db_conn): db_conf = urlparse(db_conn) cls.db_type = db_conf.scheme.upper().strip() cls.db_host = db_conf.hostname cls.db_port = db_conf.port cls.db_user = db_conf.username cls.db_pwd = db_conf.password cls.db_name = db_conf.path[1:] return cls def __initDbClient(self): """ init DB Client :return: """ __type = None if "SSDB" == self.db_type: __type = "ssdbClient" elif "REDIS" == self.db_type: __type = "redisClient" elif "POSTGRESQL" == self.db_type: __type = "postgresqlClient" else: pass assert __type, 'type error, Not support DB type: {}'.format(self.db_type) self.client = getattr(__import__(__type), "%sClient" % self.db_type.title())(host=self.db_host, port=self.db_port, username=self.db_user, password=self.db_pwd, db=self.db_name) def get(self, **kwargs): return self.client.get(**kwargs) def put(self, key, **kwargs): return self.client.put(key, **kwargs) def update(self, key, value, **kwargs): return self.client.update(key, value, **kwargs) def delete(self, key, **kwargs): return self.client.delete(key, **kwargs) def exists(self, key, **kwargs): return self.client.exists(key, **kwargs) def pop(self, **kwargs): return self.client.pop(**kwargs) def getAll(self): return self.client.getAll() def clear(self): return self.client.clear() def changeTable(self, name): self.client.changeTable(name) def getCount(self): return self.client.getCount() def test(self): return self.client.test()
[ "MIT" ]
# coding: utf-8 """ Kubernetes No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen OpenAPI spec version: v1.13.1 Generated by: """ from __future__ import absolute_import import os import sys import unittest import kubernetes.client from import ApiException from kubernetes.client.models.v1alpha1_priority_class import V1alpha1PriorityClass class TestV1alpha1PriorityClass(unittest.TestCase): """ V1alpha1PriorityClass unit test stubs """ def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass def testV1alpha1PriorityClass(self): """ Test V1alpha1PriorityClass """ # FIXME: construct object with mandatory attributes with example values #model = kubernetes.client.models.v1alpha1_priority_class.V1alpha1PriorityClass() pass if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
"""Forms related to import operations.""" from __future__ import unicode_literals from django import forms from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy class ImportDataForm(forms.Form): """Base form to import objects.""" sourcefile = forms.FileField(label=ugettext_lazy("Select a file")) sepchar = forms.CharField( label=ugettext_lazy("Separator"), max_length=1, required=False, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}) ) continue_if_exists = forms.BooleanField( label=ugettext_lazy("Continue on error"), required=False, help_text=ugettext_lazy("Don't treat duplicated objects as error") ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ImportDataForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields["sepchar"].widget.attrs = {"class": "col-md-1 form-control"} def clean_sepchar(self): if self.cleaned_data["sepchar"] == "": return ";" return self.cleaned_data["sepchar"] class ImportIdentitiesForm(ImportDataForm): """A form to import identities.""" crypt_password = forms.BooleanField( label=ugettext_lazy("Crypt passwords"), required=False, help_text=ugettext_lazy( "Check this option if passwords contained in your file " "are not crypted" ) )
[ "ISC" ]
from fork.util.ints import uint64 from .constants import ConsensusConstants testnet_kwargs = { "SLOT_BLOCKS_TARGET": 32, "MIN_BLOCKS_PER_CHALLENGE_BLOCK": 16, # Must be less than half of SLOT_BLOCKS_TARGET "MAX_SUB_SLOT_BLOCKS": 128, # Must be less than half of SUB_EPOCH_BLOCKS "NUM_SPS_SUB_SLOT": 64, # Must be a power of 2 "SUB_SLOT_ITERS_STARTING": 2 ** 27, # DIFFICULTY_STARTING is the starting difficulty for the first epoch, which is then further # multiplied by another factor of DIFFICULTY_CONSTANT_FACTOR, to be used in the VDF iter calculation formula. "DIFFICULTY_CONSTANT_FACTOR": 2 ** 64, "DIFFICULTY_STARTING": 13, "DIFFICULTY_CHANGE_MAX_FACTOR": 3, # The next difficulty is truncated to range [prev / FACTOR, prev * FACTOR] # These 3 constants must be changed at the same time "SUB_EPOCH_BLOCKS": 384, # The number of blocks per sub-epoch, mainnet 384 "EPOCH_BLOCKS": 4608, # The number of blocks per epoch, mainnet 4608. Must be multiple of SUB_EPOCH_SB "SIGNIFICANT_BITS": 8, # The number of bits to look at in difficulty and min iters. The rest are zeroed "DISCRIMINANT_SIZE_BITS": 1024, # Max is 1024 (based on ClassGroupElement int size) "NUMBER_ZERO_BITS_PLOT_FILTER": 9, # H(plot signature of the challenge) must start with these many zeroes "MIN_PLOT_SIZE": 32, # 32 for mainnet "MAX_PLOT_SIZE": 50, "SUB_SLOT_TIME_TARGET": 600, # The target number of seconds per slot, mainnet 600 "NUM_SP_INTERVALS_EXTRA": 3, # The number of sp intervals to add to the signage point "MAX_FUTURE_TIME": 5 * 60, # The next block can have a timestamp of at most these many seconds in the future "NUMBER_OF_TIMESTAMPS": 11, # Than the average of the last NUMBER_OF_TIMESTAMPS blocks # Used as the initial cc rc challenges, as well as first block back pointers, and first SES back pointer # We override this value based on the chain being run (testnet0, testnet1, mainnet, etc) # Default used for tests is std_hash(b'') "GENESIS_CHALLENGE": bytes.fromhex("be6bbdf83a789fd2b7e5ac8e2954f510e92115bb9e1c84591f6adb4055a3b845"), # Forks of fork should change this value to provide replay attack protection. This is set to mainnet genesis chall "AGG_SIG_ME_ADDITIONAL_DATA": bytes.fromhex("3800a9169891c0554775b12cbf5d79f6eb50ccb5f95630536a4cecd7a18aa34b"), "GENESIS_PRE_FARM_POOL_PUZZLE_HASH": bytes.fromhex( "75e5849b1a27d71e74de1390a4fc81c38b4ed8ce24d4efb2c9a5807d0e82106c" ), "GENESIS_PRE_FARM_FARMER_PUZZLE_HASH": bytes.fromhex( "75e5849b1a27d71e74de1390a4fc81c38b4ed8ce24d4efb2c9a5807d0e82106c" ), "MAX_VDF_WITNESS_SIZE": 64, # Size of mempool = 50x the size of block "MEMPOOL_BLOCK_BUFFER": 50, # Max coin amount, fits into 64 bits "MAX_COIN_AMOUNT": uint64((1 << 64) - 1), # Max block cost in clvm cost units "MAX_BLOCK_COST_CLVM": 11000000000, # The cost per byte of generator program "COST_PER_BYTE": 12000, "WEIGHT_PROOF_THRESHOLD": 2, "BLOCKS_CACHE_SIZE": 4608 + (128 * 4), "WEIGHT_PROOF_RECENT_BLOCKS": 1000, "MAX_BLOCK_COUNT_PER_REQUESTS": 32, # Allow up to 32 blocks per request "INITIAL_FREEZE_END_TIMESTAMP": 1620061200, # Mon May 03 2021 17:00:00 GMT+0000 "NETWORK_TYPE": 0, "MAX_GENERATOR_SIZE": 1000000, "MAX_GENERATOR_REF_LIST_SIZE": 512, # Number of references allowed in the block generator ref list "POOL_SUB_SLOT_ITERS": 37600000000, # iters limit * NUM_SPS } DEFAULT_CONSTANTS = ConsensusConstants(**testnet_kwargs) # type: ignore
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals import os import os.path import sys import io import logging import datetime from pprint import pprint import yaml import tzlocal class ConfigFileNotFound(Exception): pass def _set_default_config(): config = { "url": "", "title": "", "keywords": "", "description": "", "author": "", "root": "/", "source": "content", "destination": "output", "attach": "attach", "themes_dir": "themes", "theme": "simple2", "default_ext": "md", "pygments": True, "debug": False, "time":, } return config def _post_process(config): for k, v in config.items(): if v is None: config[k] = "" if config["url"].endswith("/"): config["url"] = config["url"][:-1] return config def get_default_config(): return _post_process(_set_default_config()) def parse_config(config_file): if not os.path.exists(config_file): raise ConfigFileNotFound("{0} not exists".format(config_file)) default_config = _set_default_config() with, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as fd: config = yaml.load(fd, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) default_config.update(config) config = _post_process(default_config) return config if __name__ == "__main__": # pylint: disable=pointless-string-statement """ Usage: python -m simiki.config : to test config template python -m simiki.config _config.yml : to test _config.yml file in \ curren dir """ if len(sys.argv) == 1: base_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) _config_file = os.path.join(base_dir, "conf_templates", "") elif len(sys.argv) == 2: base_dir = os.getcwd() _config_file = os.path.join(base_dir, sys.argv[1]) else: logging.error("Use the template config file by default, " "you can specify the config file to parse. \n" "Usage: `python -m simiki.config [_config.yml]'") sys.exit(1) pprint(parse_config(_config_file))
[ "MIT" ]
# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Probability Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function # Dependency imports import numpy as np from scipy import stats import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf import tensorflow_probability as tfp from tensorflow_probability.python.internal import test_util tfd = tfp.distributions @test_util.test_all_tf_execution_regimes class ZipfTest(test_util.TestCase): def assertBetween(self, x, minimum, maximum): self.assertGreaterEqual(x, minimum) self.assertLessEqual(x, maximum) def assertAllBetween(self, a, minval, maxval, atol=1e-6): a = self._GetNdArray(a) minval = self._GetNdArray(minval) maxval = self._GetNdArray(maxval) self.assertEqual(a.shape, minval.shape) self.assertEqual(a.shape, maxval.shape) for idx, _ in np.ndenumerate(a): self.assertBetween(a[idx], minval[idx] - atol, maxval[idx] + atol) def testZipfShape(self): power = tf.constant([3.0] * 5) zipf = tfd.Zipf(power=power, validate_args=True) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(zipf.batch_shape_tensor()), (5,)) self.assertEqual(zipf.batch_shape, tf.TensorShape([5])) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(zipf.event_shape_tensor()), []) self.assertEqual(zipf.event_shape, tf.TensorShape([])) def testInvalidPower(self): invalid_powers = [-.02, 0.5, -2., .99, 1.] for power in invalid_powers: with self.assertRaisesOpError("Condition x > y"): zipf = tfd.Zipf(power=power, validate_args=True) self.evaluate(zipf.mean()) def testNanPower(self): zipf = tfd.Zipf(power=np.nan, validate_args=False) self.assertAllNan(self.evaluate(zipf.power)) def testValidPower_ImplicitlyConvertsToFloat32(self): powers = [2, 10, 1.1] for power in powers: zipf = tfd.Zipf(power=power, validate_args=True) self.assertEqual(zipf.power.dtype, tf.float32) def testEventDtype(self): for power_dtype in [tf.float32, tf.float64]: for event_dtype in [tf.int32, tf.int64, tf.float32, tf.float64]: power_dtype = tf.float32 event_dtype = tf.int32 power = tf.constant(5., dtype=power_dtype) zipf = tfd.Zipf(power=power, dtype=event_dtype, validate_args=True) self.assertEqual(zipf.dtype, event_dtype) self.assertEqual( zipf.dtype, zipf.sample(10, seed=test_util.test_seed()).dtype) self.assertEqual( zipf.dtype, zipf.sample(1, seed=test_util.test_seed()).dtype) self.assertEqual(zipf.dtype, zipf.mode().dtype) def testInvalidEventDtype(self): with self.assertRaisesWithPredicateMatch( TypeError, "power.dtype .* not a supported .* type"): power = tf.constant(5., dtype=tf.float16) zipf = tfd.Zipf(power=power, dtype=tf.int32, validate_args=True) self.evaluate(zipf.sample(seed=test_util.test_seed())) def testZipfLogPmf_InvalidArgs(self): power = tf.constant([4.0]) # Non-integer samples are rejected if validate_args is True and # interpolate_nondiscrete is False. zipf = tfd.Zipf( power=power, interpolate_nondiscrete=False, validate_args=True) non_integer_samples = [0.99, 4.5, 5.001, 1e-5] for x in non_integer_samples: with self.assertRaisesOpError("cannot contain fractional components"): self.evaluate(zipf.log_prob(x)) with self.assertRaisesOpError("cannot contain fractional components"): self.evaluate(zipf.prob(x)) # Negative samples are rejected if validate_args is True. zipf = tfd.Zipf(power=power, validate_args=True) negative_samples = [-3, -2, -1] for x in negative_samples: with self.assertRaisesOpError("must be non-negative"): self.evaluate(zipf.log_prob(x)) with self.assertRaisesOpError("must be non-negative"): self.evaluate(zipf.prob(x)) def testZipfLogPmf_IntegerArgs(self): batch_size = 9 power = tf.constant([3.0] * batch_size) power_v = 3.0 x = np.array([-3., -0., 0., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7.], dtype=np.float32) zipf = tfd.Zipf(power=power, validate_args=False) log_pmf = zipf.log_prob(x) self.assertEqual((batch_size,), log_pmf.shape) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(log_pmf), stats.zipf.logpmf(x, power_v)) pmf = zipf.prob(x) self.assertEqual((batch_size,), pmf.shape) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(pmf), stats.zipf.pmf(x, power_v)) def testZipfLogPmf_NonIntegerArgs(self): batch_size = 12 power = tf.constant([3.0] * batch_size) power_v = 3.0 x = [-3., -0.5, 0., 2., 2.2, 3., 3.1, 4., 5., 5.5, 6., 7.2] zipf = tfd.Zipf(power=power, validate_args=False) log_pmf = zipf.log_prob(x) self.assertEqual((batch_size,), log_pmf.shape) # Check that log_pmf(x) of tfd.Zipf is between the values of # stats.zipf.logpmf for ceil(x) and floor(x). log_pmf_values = self.evaluate(log_pmf) floor_x = np.floor(x) ceil_x = np.ceil(x) self.assertAllBetween(log_pmf_values, stats.zipf.logpmf(ceil_x, power_v), stats.zipf.logpmf(floor_x, power_v)) # Check that pmf(x) of tfd.Zipf is between the values of stats.zipf.pmf for # ceil(x) and floor(x). pmf = zipf.prob(x) self.assertEqual((batch_size,), pmf.shape) pmf_values = self.evaluate(pmf) self.assertAllBetween(pmf_values, stats.zipf.pmf(ceil_x, power_v), stats.zipf.pmf(floor_x, power_v)) def testZipfLogPmf_NonIntegerArgsNoInterpolation(self): batch_size = 12 power = tf.constant([3.0] * batch_size) power_v = 3.0 x = [-3., -0.5, 0., 2., 2.2, 3., 3.1, 4., 5., 5.5, 6., 7.2] zipf = tfd.Zipf( power=power, interpolate_nondiscrete=False, validate_args=False) log_pmf = zipf.log_prob(x) self.assertEqual((batch_size,), log_pmf.shape) log_pmf_values = self.evaluate(log_pmf) self.assertAllClose(log_pmf_values, stats.zipf.logpmf(x, power_v)) pmf = zipf.prob(x) self.assertEqual((batch_size,), pmf.shape) pmf_values = self.evaluate(pmf) self.assertAllClose(pmf_values, stats.zipf.pmf(x, power_v)) def testZipfLogPmfMultidimensional_IntegerArgs(self): batch_size = 6 power = tf.constant([[2.0, 4.0, 5.0]] * batch_size) power_v = [2.0, 4.0, 5.0] x = np.array([[2.1, 3.5, 4.9, 5., 6.6, 7.]], dtype=np.int32).T zipf = tfd.Zipf(power=power, validate_args=True) log_pmf = zipf.log_prob(x) self.assertEqual((6, 3), log_pmf.shape) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(log_pmf), stats.zipf.logpmf(x, power_v)) pmf = zipf.prob(x) self.assertEqual((6, 3), pmf.shape) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(pmf), stats.zipf.pmf(x, power_v)) def testZipfLogPmfMultidimensional_NonIntegerArgs(self): batch_size = 6 power = tf.constant([[2.0, 4.0, 5.0]] * batch_size) power_v = [2.0, 4.0, 5.0] x = np.array([[2., 3.2, 4.3, 5.5, 6.9, 7.]], dtype=np.float32).T floor_x = np.floor(x) ceil_x = np.ceil(x) zipf = tfd.Zipf(power=power, validate_args=True) log_pmf = zipf.log_prob(x) self.assertEqual((6, 3), log_pmf.shape) self.assertAllBetween( self.evaluate(log_pmf), stats.zipf.logpmf(ceil_x, power_v), stats.zipf.logpmf(floor_x, power_v)) pmf = zipf.prob(x) self.assertEqual((6, 3), pmf.shape) self.assertAllBetween( self.evaluate(pmf), stats.zipf.pmf(ceil_x, power_v), stats.zipf.pmf(floor_x, power_v)) def testZipfCdf_IntegerArgs(self): batch_size = 12 power = tf.constant([3.0] * batch_size) power_v = 3.0 x = [-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] zipf = tfd.Zipf(power=power, validate_args=False) log_cdf = zipf.log_cdf(x) self.assertEqual((batch_size,), log_cdf.shape) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(log_cdf), stats.zipf.logcdf(x, power_v)) cdf = zipf.cdf(x) self.assertEqual((batch_size,), cdf.shape) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(cdf), stats.zipf.cdf(x, power_v)) def testZipfCdf_NonIntegerArgsNoInterpolation(self): batch_size = 12 power = tf.constant([3.0] * batch_size) power_v = 3.0 x = [-3.5, -0.5, 0., 1, 1.1, 2.2, 3.1, 4., 5., 5.5, 6.4, 7.8] zipf = tfd.Zipf( power=power, interpolate_nondiscrete=False, validate_args=False) log_cdf = zipf.log_cdf(x) self.assertEqual((batch_size,), log_cdf.shape) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(log_cdf), stats.zipf.logcdf(x, power_v)) cdf = zipf.cdf(x) self.assertEqual((batch_size,), cdf.shape) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(cdf), stats.zipf.cdf(x, power_v)) def testZipfCdf_NonIntegerArgsInterpolated(self): batch_size = 12 power = tf.constant([3.0] * batch_size) power_v = 3.0 x = [-3.5, -0.5, 0., 1, 1.1, 2.2, 3.1, 4., 5., 5.5, 6.4, 7.8] floor_x = np.floor(x) ceil_x = np.ceil(x) zipf = tfd.Zipf(power=power, validate_args=False) log_cdf = zipf.log_cdf(x) self.assertEqual((batch_size,), log_cdf.shape) self.assertAllBetween( self.evaluate(log_cdf), stats.zipf.logcdf(floor_x, power_v), stats.zipf.logcdf(ceil_x, power_v)) cdf = zipf.cdf(x) self.assertEqual((batch_size,), cdf.shape) self.assertAllBetween( self.evaluate(cdf), stats.zipf.cdf(floor_x, power_v), stats.zipf.cdf(ceil_x, power_v)) def testZipfCdf_NonIntegerArgs(self): batch_size = 12 power = tf.constant([3.0] * batch_size) power_v = 3.0 x = [-3.5, -0.5, 0., 1, 1.1, 2.2, 3.1, 4., 5., 5.5, 6.4, 7.8] floor_x = np.floor(x) ceil_x = np.ceil(x) zipf = tfd.Zipf(power=power, validate_args=False) log_cdf = zipf.log_cdf(x) self.assertEqual((batch_size,), log_cdf.shape) self.assertAllBetween( self.evaluate(log_cdf), stats.zipf.logcdf(floor_x, power_v), stats.zipf.logcdf(ceil_x, power_v)) cdf = zipf.cdf(x) self.assertEqual((batch_size,), cdf.shape) self.assertAllBetween( self.evaluate(cdf), stats.zipf.cdf(floor_x, power_v), stats.zipf.cdf(ceil_x, power_v)) def testZipfCdfMultidimensional_IntegerArgs(self): batch_size = 6 power = tf.constant([[2.0, 4.0, 5.0]] * batch_size) power_v = [2.0, 4.0, 5.0] x = np.array([[2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7.]], dtype=np.float32).T zipf = tfd.Zipf(power=power, validate_args=True) log_cdf = zipf.log_cdf(x) self.assertEqual((6, 3), log_cdf.shape) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(log_cdf), stats.zipf.logcdf(x, power_v)) cdf = zipf.cdf(x) self.assertEqual((6, 3), cdf.shape) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(cdf), stats.zipf.cdf(x, power_v)) def testZipfCdfMultidimensional_NonIntegerArgs(self): batch_size = 6 power = tf.constant([[2.0, 4.0, 5.0]] * batch_size) power_v = [2.0, 4.0, 5.0] x = np.array([[2.3, 3.5, 4.1, 5.5, 6.8, 7.9]], dtype=np.float32).T floor_x = np.floor(x) ceil_x = np.ceil(x) zipf = tfd.Zipf(power=power, validate_args=True) log_cdf = zipf.log_cdf(x) self.assertEqual((6, 3), log_cdf.shape) self.assertAllBetween( self.evaluate(log_cdf), stats.zipf.logcdf(floor_x, power_v), stats.zipf.logcdf(ceil_x, power_v)) cdf = zipf.cdf(x) self.assertEqual((6, 3), cdf.shape) self.assertAllBetween( self.evaluate(cdf), stats.zipf.cdf(floor_x, power_v), stats.zipf.cdf(ceil_x, power_v)) def testZipfMean(self): power_v = [2.0, 3.0, 2.5] zipf = tfd.Zipf(power=power_v, validate_args=True) self.assertEqual((3,), zipf.mean().shape) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(zipf.mean()), stats.zipf.mean(power_v)) def testZipfVariance(self): power_v = [4.0, 3.0, 5.5] # var is undefined for power <= 3 zipf = tfd.Zipf(power=power_v, validate_args=True) self.assertEqual((3,), zipf.variance().shape) stat_vars = np.vectorize(stats.zipf.var)(power_v) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(zipf.variance()), stat_vars) def testZipfStd(self): power_v = [4.0, 3.5, 4.5] zipf = tfd.Zipf(power=power_v, validate_args=True) self.assertEqual((3,), zipf.stddev().shape) stat_stddevs = np.vectorize(stats.zipf.std)(power_v) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(zipf.stddev()), stat_stddevs) def testZipfMode(self): power_v = [10.0, 3.0, 2.5, 3.2, 1.1, 0.05] zipf = tfd.Zipf(power=power_v, validate_args=False) self.assertEqual((6,), zipf.mode().shape) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(zipf.mode()), np.ones_like(power_v)) def testZipfSample(self): power_v = 5. n = int(500e4) for power_dtype in [tf.float32, tf.float64]: power = tf.constant(power_v, dtype=power_dtype) for dtype in [tf.int32, tf.int64, tf.float32, tf.float64]: zipf = tfd.Zipf(power=power, dtype=dtype, validate_args=True) samples = zipf.sample(n, seed=test_util.test_seed()) sample_values = self.evaluate(samples) self.assertEqual((n,), samples.shape) self.assertEqual((n,), sample_values.shape) self.assertAllClose( sample_values.mean(), stats.zipf.mean(power_v), rtol=.01) self.assertAllClose( sample_values.std(), stats.zipf.std(power_v), rtol=.03) def testZipfSample_ValidateArgs(self): power_v = 3. n = int(100e3) for power_dtype in [tf.float32, tf.float64]: power = tf.constant(power_v, dtype=power_dtype) for dtype in [tf.int32, tf.int64, tf.float32, tf.float64]: zipf = tfd.Zipf(power=power, dtype=dtype, validate_args=True) samples = zipf.sample(n, seed=test_util.test_seed()) self.evaluate(samples) def testZipfSampleMultidimensionalMean(self): power_v = np.array([np.arange(5, 15, dtype=np.float32)]) # 1 x 10 zipf = tfd.Zipf(power=power_v, validate_args=True) n = int(100e3) samples = zipf.sample(n, seed=test_util.test_seed()) sample_values = self.evaluate(samples) self.assertEqual((n, 1, 10,), samples.shape) self.assertEqual((n, 1, 10,), sample_values.shape) # stats.zipf wants float64 params. stats_mean = np.vectorize(stats.zipf.mean)(power_v.astype(np.float64)) self.assertAllClose(sample_values.mean(axis=0), stats_mean, rtol=.01) def testZipfSampleMultidimensionalStd(self): power_v = np.array([np.arange(5, 10, dtype=np.float32)]) # 1 x 5 zipf = tfd.Zipf(power=power_v, validate_args=True) n = int(100e4) samples = zipf.sample(n, seed=test_util.test_seed()) sample_values = self.evaluate(samples) self.assertEqual((n, 1, 5), samples.shape) self.assertEqual((n, 1, 5), sample_values.shape) # stats.zipf wants float64 params. stats_std = np.vectorize(stats.zipf.std)(power_v.astype(np.float64)) self.assertAllClose(sample_values.std(axis=0), stats_std, rtol=.04) # Test that sampling with the same seed twice gives the same results. def testZipfSampleMultipleTimes(self): n = 1000 seed = test_util.test_seed() power = 1.5 zipf1 = tfd.Zipf(power=power, name="zipf1", validate_args=True) tf.random.set_seed(seed) samples1 = self.evaluate(zipf1.sample(n, seed=seed)) zipf2 = tfd.Zipf(power=power, name="zipf2", validate_args=True) tf.random.set_seed(seed) samples2 = self.evaluate(zipf2.sample(n, seed=seed)) self.assertAllEqual(samples1, samples2) def testZipfSample_AvoidsInfiniteLoop(self): zipf = tfd.Zipf(power=1., validate_args=False) n = 1000 self.evaluate(zipf.sample(n, seed=test_util.test_seed())) if __name__ == "__main__": tf.test.main()
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
""" Tensorflow implementation of DeepFM """ import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf1 from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score from time import time from tensorflow.contrib.layers.python.layers import batch_norm as batch_norm from sklearn import metrics # from yellowfin import YFOptimizer import os import sys import json """ 关于 X_i 和 X_v 为什么要把训练数据分成两个矩阵? FM模型需要为每个特征训练一个embedding vector, 在模型计算过程中使用 embedding_lookup + index matrix 可以方便计算。 首先把特征分成两种,一种是不需要one hot(数值类),一种是需要one hot(枚举类)。 然后定义,one hot 之前的特征称为 field,one hot 之后的特征为 feature。 - X_i 表示 feat_index - X_v 表示 feat_value **feat_index** feat_index 存储的是样本的 field 的"feature索引",shape=(N,field_size)。 feat_index[i,j]表示的是第i个样本第j个field的 feature_index。 如果当前 field 不需要 one hot,此 field 就只会映射成一个 feature; 如果当前 field 需要 one hot,此 field 就会被映射成多个 feature , 每个枚举值是一个 feature,其实就是进行 one hot 编码。 比如 feat_index[i,j]=c,表示 第i个样本第j个 field 的对应着第c个feature, c是 feature_index。 当然如果 field_j 是数值 field,所有样本的j列都是一样的值,因为 field_j 不需要onehot。 如果 field_j 需要one hot,c的值就是其原来的枚举值onehot后映射对应的 feature_index。 feat_index 是给 embedding_lookup是用的。 **feat_value** feat_value 存储的是样本field的"值",shape=(N,field_size)。 feat_value[i,j]表示的是第i个样本第j个field的值。 如果当前field 不需要 one hot,feat_value[i,j]就是原始数据值; 如果当前field 需要 one hot,feat_value[i,j]就是常量1; 注意:这里有一个前提条件,就是 one_hot 的 field 变量只能取一个值,一个变量可以有多个取值的情况是不支持的。 """ class DeepFM(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): def __init__(self, feature_size, field_size, embedding_size=8, dropout_fm=[1.0, 1.0], deep_layers=[32, 32], dropout_deep=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], deep_layers_activation=tf.nn.relu, epoch=10, batch_size=256, learning_rate=0.001, optimizer_type="adam", batch_norm=0, batch_norm_decay=0.995, verbose=False, random_seed=2016, use_fm=True, use_deep=True, loss_type="logloss", eval_metric=roc_auc_score, l2_reg=0.0, greater_is_better=True, threshold=0.5 ): assert (use_fm or use_deep) assert loss_type in ["logloss", "mse"], \ "loss_type can be either 'logloss' for classification task or 'mse' for regression task" self.feature_size = feature_size # 259 denote as M, size of the feature dictionary self.field_size = field_size # 39 denote as F, size of the feature fields self.embedding_size = embedding_size # 8 denote as K, size of the feature embedding self.dropout_fm = dropout_fm self.deep_layers = deep_layers self.dropout_deep = dropout_deep self.deep_layers_activation = deep_layers_activation self.use_fm = use_fm self.use_deep = use_deep self.l2_reg = l2_reg self.epoch = epoch self.batch_size = batch_size self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.optimizer_type = optimizer_type self.batch_norm = batch_norm self.batch_norm_decay = batch_norm_decay self.verbose = verbose # 是否打印参数总量 self.random_seed = random_seed self.loss_type = loss_type self.eval_metric = eval_metric self.greater_is_better = greater_is_better # 是否值越大越好 self.train_result, self.valid_result = [], [] self.sess = None self.graph = None self._config = None self.threshold = threshold def _make_config_pack(self): self._config = { "feature_size": self.feature_size, # 259 denote as M, size of the feature dictionary "field_size ": self.field_size, # 39 denote as F, size of the feature fields "embedding_size ": self.embedding_size, # 8 denote as K, size of the feature embedding "dropout_fm ": self.dropout_fm, "deep_layers ": self.deep_layers, "dropout_deep ": self.dropout_deep, "deep_layers_activation ": self.deep_layers_activation, "use_fm ": self.use_fm, "use_deep ": self.use_deep, "l2_reg ": self.l2_reg, "epoch ": self.epoch, "batch_size ": self.batch_size, "learning_rate ": self.learning_rate, "optimizer_type ": self.optimizer_type, "batch_norm ": self.batch_norm, "batch_norm_decay ": self.batch_norm_decay, "verbose ": self.verbose, # 是否打印参数总量 "random_seed ": self.random_seed, "loss_type": self.loss_type, "eval_metric ": self.eval_metric, "greater_is_better ": self.greater_is_better, # 是否值越大越好 } # self.model_path = '%s/deepfm' % (save_path) # self._init_graph() def init_graph(self): if self.sess is not None: return self.graph = tf.Graph() with self.graph.as_default(): tf1.set_random_seed(self.random_seed) self.feat_index = tf1.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None, None], name="feat_index") # None * F self.feat_value = tf1.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, None], name="feat_value") # None * F self.label = tf1.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 1], name="label") # None * 1 self.dropout_keep_fm = tf1.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None], name="dropout_keep_fm") self.dropout_keep_deep = tf1.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None], name="dropout_keep_deep") self.train_phase = tf1.placeholder(tf.bool, name="train_phase") self.weights = self._initialize_weights() # 每一个feature 有一个 embedding # feature_embeddings.shape=(self.feature_size, self.embedding_size) # feat_index[i,j] 存储的是 第i条样本第j个field 对应的 feature_index # 1. 如果 field_j 是非 one hot 特征,则 field_j 不需要拆成多个 feature, # feat_index[:,j] 所有样本行都是同一个值,对应同一个 feature_index。 # 2. 如果 field_j 是 one hot 特征,则 field_j 需要拆成多个 feature,每个枚举值独立成一个 feature, # 此时 feat_index[:,j] 不同行是不同值,其值表示 枚举值Value(field_j) 对应的 feature_index. # 比如,第i=3行样本,第j=5个field表示颜色,其值是红色,红色被 onehot成 feature_index=13.则 feat_index[3,5]=13 # shape=(N样本数量 * field_size * K) # N 表示样本的数量 # K 是嵌入向量的长度, # 取出所有样本,每个 feature 的嵌入向量 # 对于one_hot 的 field,相当于只取出来枚举值对应的 feature_index 的嵌入向量, # 相当于每个 field 取一个,最终每条样本嵌入向量的数量还是 field 。 self.embeddings = tf.nn.embedding_lookup( self.weights["feature_embeddings"], # shape=(self.feature_size, self.embedding_size) self.feat_index # N * field_size ) # shape=(None * F * 1) # feat_value = tf.reshape(self.feat_value, shape=[-1, self.field_size, 1]) # None * F * 1 # FM部分的公式是 (x_i * x_j)(v_i*v_j)=(x_i*v_i)(x_j*v_j) # 这里先把每个特征的向量乘上其特征值。 self.embeddings = tf.multiply(self.embeddings, feat_value) # None * F * K # ---------- first order term ---------- # 对于k维,tf.reduce_sum(x,axis=k-1)的结果是对最里面一维所有元素进行求和 self.y_first_order = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.weights["feature_bias"], self.feat_index) # None * F * 1 self.y_first_order = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(self.y_first_order, feat_value), 2) # None * F self.y_first_order = tf.nn.dropout(self.y_first_order, rate=1 - self.dropout_keep_fm[0]) # None * F # ---------- second order term --------------- # sum_square part self.summed_features_emb = tf.reduce_sum(self.embeddings, 1) # None * K self.summed_features_emb_square = tf.square(self.summed_features_emb) # None * K # square_sum part self.squared_features_emb = tf.square(self.embeddings) self.squared_sum_features_emb = tf.reduce_sum(self.squared_features_emb, 1) # None * K # second order self.y_second_order = 0.5 * tf.subtract(self.summed_features_emb_square, self.squared_sum_features_emb) # None * K self.y_second_order = tf.nn.dropout(self.y_second_order, rate=1 - self.dropout_keep_fm[1]) # None * K # ---------- Deep component ---------- self.y_deep = tf.reshape(self.embeddings, shape=[-1, self.field_size * self.embedding_size]) # None * (F*K) self.y_deep = tf.nn.dropout(self.y_deep, rate=1 - self.dropout_keep_deep[0]) for i in range(0, len(self.deep_layers)): self.y_deep = tf.add(tf.matmul(self.y_deep, self.weights["layer_%d" % i]), self.weights["bias_%d" % i]) # None * layer[i] * 1 if self.batch_norm: self.y_deep = self.batch_norm_layer(self.y_deep, train_phase=self.train_phase, scope_bn="bn_%d" % i) # None * layer[i] * 1 self.y_deep = self.deep_layers_activation(self.y_deep) self.y_deep = tf.nn.dropout(self.y_deep, rate=1 - self.dropout_keep_deep[1 + i]) # dropout at each Deep layer # ---------- DeepFM ---------- if self.use_fm and self.use_deep: concat_input = tf.concat([self.y_first_order, self.y_second_order, self.y_deep], axis=1) elif self.use_fm: concat_input = tf.concat([self.y_first_order, self.y_second_order], axis=1) elif self.use_deep: concat_input = self.y_deep self.out = tf.add(tf.matmul(concat_input, self.weights["concat_projection"]), self.weights["concat_bias"]) # loss if self.loss_type == "logloss": self.out = tf.nn.sigmoid(self.out, name='out') self.loss = tf1.losses.log_loss(self.label, self.out) elif self.loss_type == "mse": self.loss = tf.nn.l2_loss(tf.subtract(self.label, self.out)) # l2 regularization on weights 正则 if self.l2_reg > 0: self.loss += tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer( self.l2_reg)(self.weights["concat_projection"]) if self.use_deep: for i in range(len(self.deep_layers)): self.loss += tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer( self.l2_reg)(self.weights["layer_%d" % i]) # optimizer # 这里可以使用现成的ftrl优化损失 # optimizer = tf.train.FtrlOptimizer(lr) # lr: learningRate # gradients = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss) # cost # train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(gradients, global_step=global_step) if self.optimizer_type == "adam": self.optimizer = tf1.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=self.learning_rate, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-8).minimize(self.loss) elif self.optimizer_type == "adagrad": self.optimizer = tf1.train.AdagradOptimizer(learning_rate=self.learning_rate, initial_accumulator_value=1e-8).minimize(self.loss) elif self.optimizer_type == "gd": self.optimizer = tf1.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=self.learning_rate).minimize( self.loss) elif self.optimizer_type == "momentum": self.optimizer = tf1.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate=self.learning_rate, momentum=0.95).minimize( self.loss) # elif self.optimizer_type == "yellowfin": # self.optimizer = YFOptimizer(learning_rate=self.learning_rate, momentum=0.0).minimize( # self.loss) # init self.saver = tf1.train.Saver() init = tf1.global_variables_initializer() self.sess = self._init_session() # number of params total_parameters = 0 for variable in self.weights.values(): shape = variable.get_shape() variable_parameters = 1 for dim in shape: variable_parameters *= dim.value total_parameters += variable_parameters if self.verbose > 0: print("#params: %d" % total_parameters) def _init_session(self): config = tf1.ConfigProto(device_count={"gpu": 0}) config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True # 根据运行情况分配GPU内存 return tf1.Session(config=config) def _initialize_weights(self): weights = dict() # 定义参数字典 # embeddings weights["feature_embeddings"] = tf.Variable( tf.random.normal([self.feature_size, self.embedding_size], 0.0, 0.01), # tf.random_normal([self.feature_size, self.embedding_size], 0.0, 0.01), name="feature_embeddings") # feature_size * K weights["feature_bias"] = tf.Variable( # tf.random_uniform([self.feature_size, 1], 0.0, 1.0), name="feature_bias") # feature_size * 1 tf.random.uniform([self.feature_size, 1], 0.0, 1.0), name="feature_bias") # feature_size * 1 # deep layers num_layer = len(self.deep_layers) # 层数 input_size = self.field_size * self.embedding_size glorot = np.sqrt(2.0 / (input_size + self.deep_layers[0])) # 正态分布的标准差 weights["layer_0"] = tf.Variable( np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=glorot, size=(input_size, self.deep_layers[0])), dtype=np.float32) weights["bias_0"] = tf.Variable(np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=glorot, size=(1, self.deep_layers[0])), dtype=np.float32) # 1 * layers[0] for i in range(1, num_layer): glorot = np.sqrt(2.0 / (self.deep_layers[i - 1] + self.deep_layers[i])) weights["layer_%d" % i] = tf.Variable( np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=glorot, size=(self.deep_layers[i - 1], self.deep_layers[i])), dtype=np.float32) # layers[i-1] * layers[i] weights["bias_%d" % i] = tf.Variable( np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=glorot, size=(1, self.deep_layers[i])), dtype=np.float32) # 1 * layer[i] # final concat projection layer if self.use_fm and self.use_deep: input_size = self.field_size + self.embedding_size + self.deep_layers[-1] elif self.use_fm: input_size = self.field_size + self.embedding_size elif self.use_deep: input_size = self.deep_layers[-1] glorot = np.sqrt(2.0 / (input_size + 1)) weights["concat_projection"] = tf.Variable( np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=glorot, size=(input_size, 1)), dtype=np.float32) # layers[i-1]*layers[i] weights["concat_bias"] = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.01), dtype=np.float32) return weights def batch_norm_layer(self, x, train_phase, scope_bn): bn_train = batch_norm(x, decay=self.batch_norm_decay, center=True, scale=True, updates_collections=None, is_training=True, reuse=None, trainable=True, scope=scope_bn) bn_inference = batch_norm(x, decay=self.batch_norm_decay, center=True, scale=True, updates_collections=None, is_training=False, reuse=True, trainable=True, scope=scope_bn) z = tf.cond(train_phase, lambda: bn_train, lambda: bn_inference) return z def get_batch(self, Xi, Xv, y, batch_size, index): start = index * batch_size end = (index + 1) * batch_size end = end if end < len(y) else len(y) return Xi[start:end], Xv[start:end], [[y_] for y_ in y[start:end]] # shuffle three lists simutaneously def shuffle_in_unison_scary(self, a, b, c): rng_state = np.random.get_state() np.random.shuffle(a) np.random.set_state(rng_state) np.random.shuffle(b) np.random.set_state(rng_state) np.random.shuffle(c) def fit_on_batch(self, Xi, Xv, y): feed_dict = {self.feat_index: Xi, self.feat_value: Xv, self.label: y, self.dropout_keep_fm: self.dropout_fm, self.dropout_keep_deep: self.dropout_deep, self.train_phase: True} out, loss, opt =, self.loss, self.optimizer), feed_dict=feed_dict) return out, loss def fit(self, Xi_train, Xv_train, y_train, Xi_valid=None, Xv_valid=None, y_valid=None, early_stopping=False, refit=False): """ :param Xi_train: [[ind1_1, ind1_2, ...], [ind2_1, ind2_2, ...], ..., [indi_1, indi_2, ..., indi_j, ...], ...] indi_j is the feature index of feature field j of sample i in the training set :param Xv_train: [[val1_1, val1_2, ...], [val2_1, val2_2, ...], ..., [vali_1, vali_2, ..., vali_j, ...], ...] vali_j is the feature value of feature field j of sample i in the training set vali_j can be either binary (1/0, for binary/categorical features) or float (e.g., 10.24, for numerical features) :param y_train: label of each sample in the training set :param Xi_valid: list of list of feature indices of each sample in the validation set :param Xv_valid: list of list of feature values of each sample in the validation set :param y_valid: label of each sample in the validation set :param early_stopping: perform early stopping or not :param refit: refit the model on the train+valid dataset or not :return: None """ has_valid = Xv_valid is not None Xi_train = Xi_train.copy() Xv_train = Xv_train.copy() y_train = y_train.copy() for epoch in range(self.epoch): t1 = time() self.shuffle_in_unison_scary(Xi_train, Xv_train, y_train) total_batch = int(len(y_train) / self.batch_size) for i in range(total_batch): Xi_batch, Xv_batch, y_batch = self.get_batch(Xi_train, Xv_train, y_train, self.batch_size, i) trian_out, train_loss = self.fit_on_batch(Xi_batch, Xv_batch, y_batch) # print(trian_out, file=sys.stderr) if i % 1000 == 0: # print(trian_out, file=sys.stderr) print("epoch:%d batch:%d train_loss=%.4f" % (epoch, i, train_loss), file=sys.stderr) # evaluate training and validation datasets train_me = self.evaluate(Xi_train, Xv_train, y_train) self.train_result.append(train_me) if has_valid: valid_me = self.evaluate(Xi_valid, Xv_valid, y_valid) self.valid_result.append(valid_me) if self.verbose > 0 and epoch % self.verbose == 0: print("[%d] [train] auc=%.4f acc=%.4f mse=%.4f precision_1=%.4f recall_1=%.4f [%.1f s]" % (epoch + 1, train_me['auc'], train_me['acc'], train_me['mse'], train_me['precision_1'], train_me['recall_1'], time() - t1)) if has_valid: print( "[%d] [valid] auc=%.4f acc=%.4f mse=%.4f precision_1=%.4f recall_1=%.4f [%.1f s]" % (epoch + 1, valid_me['auc'], valid_me['acc'], valid_me['mse'], valid_me['precision_1'], valid_me['recall_1'], time() - t1)) if has_valid and early_stopping and self.training_termination(self.valid_result): break # fit a few more epoch on train+valid until result reaches the best_train_score if has_valid and refit: if self.greater_is_better: best_valid_score = max(self.valid_result) else: best_valid_score = min(self.valid_result) best_epoch = self.valid_result.index(best_valid_score) best_train_score = self.train_result[best_epoch] Xi_train = Xi_train + Xi_valid Xv_train = Xv_train + Xv_valid y_train = y_train + y_valid for epoch in range(100): self.shuffle_in_unison_scary(Xi_train, Xv_train, y_train) total_batch = int(len(y_train) / self.batch_size) for i in range(total_batch): Xi_batch, Xv_batch, y_batch = self.get_batch(Xi_train, Xv_train, y_train, self.batch_size, i) self.fit_on_batch(Xi_batch, Xv_batch, y_batch) # check train_result = self.evaluate(Xi_train, Xv_train, y_train) if abs(train_result - best_train_score) < 0.001 or \ (self.greater_is_better and train_result > best_train_score) or \ ((not self.greater_is_better) and train_result < best_train_score): break def training_termination(self, valid_result): if len(valid_result) > 5: if self.greater_is_better: if valid_result[-1] < valid_result[-2] and \ valid_result[-2] < valid_result[-3] and \ valid_result[-3] < valid_result[-4] and \ valid_result[-4] < valid_result[-5]: return True else: if valid_result[-1] > valid_result[-2] \ and valid_result[-2] > valid_result[-3] \ and valid_result[-3] > valid_result[-4] \ and valid_result[-4] > valid_result[-5]: return True return False def predict(self, Xi, Xv): """ :param Xi: list of list of feature indices of each sample in the dataset :param Xv: list of list of feature values of each sample in the dataset :return: predicted probability of each sample """ dummy_y = [1] * len(Xi) batch_index = 0 Xi_batch, Xv_batch, y_batch = self.get_batch(Xi, Xv, dummy_y, self.batch_size, batch_index) y_pred = None while len(Xi_batch) > 0: num_batch = len(y_batch) feed_dict = {self.feat_index: Xi_batch, self.feat_value: Xv_batch, # self.label: y_batch, self.dropout_keep_fm: [1.0] * len(self.dropout_fm), self.dropout_keep_deep: [1.0] * len(self.dropout_deep), self.train_phase: False} batch_out =, feed_dict=feed_dict) if batch_index == 0: y_pred = np.reshape(batch_out, (num_batch,)) else: y_pred = np.concatenate((y_pred, np.reshape(batch_out, (num_batch,)))) batch_index += 1 Xi_batch, Xv_batch, y_batch = self.get_batch(Xi, Xv, dummy_y, self.batch_size, batch_index) return y_pred def evaluate(self, Xi, Xv, y_true): """ :param Xi: list of list of feature indices of each sample in the dataset :param Xv: list of list of feature values of each sample in the dataset :param y: label of each sample in the dataset :return: metric of the evaluation """ size = y_true.shape[0] y_pred = self.predict(Xi, Xv) error = y_true - y_pred mse = (error * error).sum() / size y_pred_m = y_pred.copy() y_pred_m[y_pred_m >= self.threshold] = 1 y_pred_m[y_pred_m < self.threshold] = 0 # accuracy = metrics.accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred_m) cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred_m, labels=[1, 0]) # 实际正样本数量 real_1_count = cm[0, :].sum() # 预测为正样本数量 predict_1_count = cm[:, 0].sum() # 正样本 预测正确的数量 right_1_count = cm[0, 0] if predict_1_count == 0: precision_1 = 0 else: # 正样本精确率 precision_1 = right_1_count / predict_1_count if real_1_count == 0: recall_1 = 0 else: # 正样本召回率 recall_1 = right_1_count / real_1_count return { "size": size, "acc": (cm[0, 0] + cm[1, 1]) / size, # "实际退费人次": cm[0, :].sum(), # "预测退费人次": cm[:, 0].sum(), # "预测正确人次": cm[0, 0], # "预测错误人次": cm[1, 0], "precision_1": precision_1, "recall_1": recall_1, "auc": self.eval_metric(y_true, y_pred), "mse": mse } def save(self, save_path): model_prefix = os.path.join(save_path, 'deepfm') print("Save model...", save_path, file=sys.stderr), model_prefix) if self._config is not None: config_path = os.path.join(save_path, "config.json") with open(config_path, 'w') as fp: json.dump(fp) print("Save model done.", save_path, file=sys.stderr) def load(self, model_path): if self.sess is not None: self.sess.close() if self.graph is not None: self.graph = None model_prefix = os.path.join(model_path, 'deepfm') # self.sess = tf.Session() # with tf.Session() as sess: # print('load model', file=sys.stderr) # t1 = time() print("Load model...", model_path, file=sys.stderr) self.sess = tf1.Session() saver = tf1.train.import_meta_graph(model_prefix + '.meta', clear_devices=True) saver.restore(self.sess, model_prefix) self.feat_index = tf1.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name('feat_index:0') self.feat_value = tf1.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name('feat_value:0') self.dropout_keep_fm = tf1.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name('dropout_keep_fm:0') self.dropout_keep_deep = tf1.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name('dropout_keep_deep:0') self.train_phase = tf1.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name('train_phase:0') self.out = tf1.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name('out:0') config_path = os.path.join(model_path, "config.json") if os.path.exists(config_path): with open(config_path) as fp: self._config = json.load(fp) else: self._config = None print("Load model done", model_path, file=sys.stderr)
[ "MIT" ]
from django.test import TestCase from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from django.urls import reverse from rest_framework.test import APIClient from rest_framework import status CREATE_USER_URL = reverse('user:create') TOKEN_URL = reverse('user:token') def create_user(**params): return get_user_model().objects.create_user(**params) class PublicUserApiTests(TestCase): """The the user API (public)""" def setUp(self): self.client = APIClient() def test_create_valid_user_successful(self): """Test creating user with valid payload is successful""" payload = { 'email': '[email protected]', 'password': 'testpass', 'name': 'John Doe' } res =, payload) self.assertEqual(res.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED) user = get_user_model().objects.get(** self.assertTrue(user.check_password(payload['password'])) self.assertNotIn('password', def test_user_exists(self): payload = { 'email': '[email protected]', 'password': 'testpass', "name": 'John Doe' } create_user(**payload) res =, payload) self.assertEqual(res.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) def test_password_too_short(self): """tests that the password must be more than 5 characters""" payload = { 'email': '[email protected]', 'password': 'pass', "name": 'John Doe' } res =, payload) self.assertEqual(res.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) user_exists = get_user_model().objects.filter( email=payload['email'] ).exists() self.assertFalse(user_exists) def test_create_token_for_user(self): """Test that a token is created for a user""" payload = {'email': '[email protected]', 'password': 'testpass'} create_user(**payload) res =, payload) self.assertTrue(res.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertIn('token', def test_create_token_invalid_credentials(self): """Test that token is not created if invalid credentials are given""" create_user(email='[email protected]', password='testpass') payload = {'email': '[email protected]', 'password': 'wrong'} res =, payload) self.assertTrue(res.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) self.assertNotIn('token', def test_create_token_no_user(self): """Test that token is not created if user does not exist""" payload = {'email': '[email protected]', 'password': 'wrong'} res =, payload) self.assertTrue(res.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) self.assertNotIn('token', def test_create_token_no_missing_field(self): """Test that token is not created if email/password not given""" res = TOKEN_URL, {'email': '[email protected]', 'password': ''}) self.assertTrue(res.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) self.assertNotIn('token',
[ "MIT" ]
# Copyright 2019 Grabtaxi Holdings PTE LTE (GRAB), All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file import subprocess import re import os import glob from utils.fileutils import FileUtils from utils.ziputils import ZipUtils from functools import wraps from utils.logger import logger from utils.step import step # PREBUILD POD LIBS FLOW # Normal build, it automatically: # 1. Fetch binary cache from separated repo and unzip it to pod-binary folder. # 2. pod-binary hook pod install and will use those cached libraries. # When upgrade a library, need to do: # 1. Need to run this script to prebuild/delete the libs which have change. # 2. Commit binary changes to cache repo, set tag for it. # 3. Update tag in this file. Then submit a new MR. def print_func_name(func): @wraps(func) def echo_func(*func_args, **func_kwargs):'🚀 Start func: {}'.format(func.__name__)) return func(*func_args, **func_kwargs) return echo_func class PrebuildLib: def __init__(self, config): self.cache_repo = config.cache_repo self.cache_path = config.cache_path self.prebuild_path = config.prebuild_path self.generated_dir_name = config.generated_dir_name self.delta_path = config.delta_path self.manifest_file = config.manifest_file self.devpod_cache_repo = config.devpod_cache_repo self.devpod_cache_path = config.devpod_cache_path self.devpod_prebuild_output = config.devpod_prebuild_output self.generated_path = config.generated_path self.cache_libs_path = config.cache_libs_path self.devpod_cache_libs_path = config.devpod_cache_libs_path @print_func_name def zip_to_cache(self, libName): if os.path.exists(self.cache_libs_path + libName + '.zip'):'Warning: lib {} already exist'.format(libName)) else: ZipUtils.zip_dir( '{}/{}'.format(self.generated_path, libName), '{}/{}.zip'.format(self.cache_libs_path, libName) ) @print_func_name def clean_cache(self, libName): FileUtils.remove_file(self.cache_libs_path + libName + ".zip") @print_func_name def zip_all_libs_to_cache(self): os.system('rm -rf ' + self.cache_libs_path + '/*') FileUtils.create_dir(self.cache_libs_path) for dir in FileUtils.listdir_nohidden(self.generated_path): ZipUtils.zip_dir(self.generated_path + '/' + dir, self.cache_libs_path + '/' + dir + '.zip') FileUtils.copy_file_or_dir(self.prebuild_path + self.manifest_file, self.cache_path) def clean_and_pull(self, git_repo_dir):['git', '-C', git_repo_dir, 'reset', '--hard'])['git', '-C', git_repo_dir, 'clean', '-df'])['git', '-C', git_repo_dir, 'checkout', 'master'])['git', '-C', git_repo_dir, 'pull', '-X', 'theirs']) @print_func_name def fetch_cache(self): with step('fetch_prebuild_libs'): if not os.path.exists(self.cache_path):['git', 'clone', '--depth=1', self.cache_repo, self.cache_path]) else: self.clean_and_pull(self.cache_path) @print_func_name def unzip_cache(self): with step('unzip_prebuild_libs'): FileUtils.remove_dir(self.prebuild_path) FileUtils.create_dir(self.generated_path) FileUtils.copy_file_or_dir(self.cache_path + self.manifest_file, self.prebuild_path) # Unzip libs to pod-binary folder for zipPath in glob.iglob(self.cache_libs_path + '/*.zip'): ZipUtils.unzip(zipPath, self.generated_path) @print_func_name def fetch_and_apply_cache(self): self.fetch_cache() self.unzip_cache() @print_func_name def fetch_and_apply_devpod_cache(self): with step('fetch_and_apply_devpod_cache'):'Fetching devpod cache to {}'.format(self.devpod_cache_path)) if not os.path.exists(self.devpod_cache_path):['git', 'clone', '--depth=1', self.devpod_cache_repo, self.devpod_cache_path]) else: self.clean_and_pull(self.devpod_cache_path) # Unzip devpod libs devpod_temp_dir = self.prebuild_path + 'devpod/''Unzip from: {} to: {}'.format(self.devpod_cache_libs_path, devpod_temp_dir)) for zip_path in glob.iglob(self.devpod_cache_libs_path + '/*.zip'): ZipUtils.unzip(zip_path, devpod_temp_dir) @print_func_name def has_libs_change(self): if os.path.exists(self.delta_path): return True return False def push_all_to_git(self, git_dir): git_input_path = 'git -C ' + self.cache_path os.system('{} add .'.format(git_input_path)) os.system('{} commit -m "Prebuild pod libs"'.format(git_input_path)) os.system('{} push'.format(git_input_path)) @print_func_name def prebuild_if_needed(self): self.fetch_and_apply_cache()['bundle', 'exec', 'pod', 'install'], check=True) # Sync with cache directory if not os.path.isfile(self.delta_path):'No change in prebuilt frameworks') return try: with open(self.delta_path) as f: FileUtils.create_dir(self.cache_path) data = data = re.sub('"', '', data) updatedMatches = re.findall(r'Updated: \[(.*)\]', data) if updatedMatches: updated = updatedMatches[0].strip()"Updated frameworks: {}".format(updated)) if len(updated): libs = updated.split(',') for lib in libs: libName = lib.strip() self.clean_cache(libName) self.zip_to_cache(libName) deletedMatches = re.findall(r'Deleted: \[(.*)\]', data) if deletedMatches: deleted = deletedMatches[0].strip()'Deleted frameworks: {}'.format(deleted)) if len(deleted): libs = deleted.split(',') for lib in libs: self.clean_cache(lib.strip()) # Copy manifest file FileUtils.copy_file_or_dir(self.prebuild_path + self.manifest_file, self.cache_path) self.push_all_to_git(self.cache_path) except Exception as e: raise e @print_func_name def prebuild_devpod(self): self.fetch_and_apply_cache() self.fetch_and_apply_devpod_cache()['bundle', 'exec', 'fastlane', 'run', 'cocoapods', 'try_repo_update_on_error:true'], check=True)
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS # IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR # PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """Script for testing""" import unittest import shutil import tempfile import os.path from ganeti import errors from ganeti import constants from ganeti import pathutils from ganeti import compat from ganeti import utils from import prepare_node_join from import common import testutils _JoinError = prepare_node_join.JoinError _DATA_CHECK = prepare_node_join._DATA_CHECK class TestVerifyCertificate(testutils.GanetiTestCase): def setUp(self): testutils.GanetiTestCase.setUp(self) self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() def tearDown(self): testutils.GanetiTestCase.tearDown(self) shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) def testNoCert(self): common.VerifyCertificateSoft({}, error_fn=prepare_node_join.JoinError, _verify_fn=NotImplemented) def testGivenPrivateKey(self): cert_filename = testutils.TestDataFilename("cert2.pem") cert_pem = utils.ReadFile(cert_filename) self.assertRaises(_JoinError, common._VerifyCertificateSoft, cert_pem, _JoinError, _check_fn=NotImplemented) def testInvalidCertificate(self): self.assertRaises(errors.X509CertError, common._VerifyCertificateSoft, "Something that's not a certificate", _JoinError, _check_fn=NotImplemented) @staticmethod def _Check(cert): assert cert.get_subject() def testSuccessfulCheck(self): cert_filename = testutils.TestDataFilename("cert1.pem") cert_pem = utils.ReadFile(cert_filename) common._VerifyCertificateSoft(cert_pem, _JoinError, _check_fn=self._Check) class TestUpdateSshDaemon(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): unittest.TestCase.setUp(self) self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.keyfiles = { constants.SSHK_RSA: (utils.PathJoin(self.tmpdir, "rsa.private"), utils.PathJoin(self.tmpdir, "rsa.public")), constants.SSHK_DSA: (utils.PathJoin(self.tmpdir, "dsa.private"), utils.PathJoin(self.tmpdir, "dsa.public")), constants.SSHK_ECDSA: (utils.PathJoin(self.tmpdir, "ecdsa.private"), utils.PathJoin(self.tmpdir, "ecdsa.public")), } def tearDown(self): unittest.TestCase.tearDown(self) shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) def testNoKeys(self): data_empty_keys = { constants.SSHS_SSH_HOST_KEY: [], } for data in [{}, data_empty_keys]: for dry_run in [False, True]: prepare_node_join.UpdateSshDaemon(data, dry_run, _runcmd_fn=NotImplemented, _keyfiles=NotImplemented) self.assertEqual(os.listdir(self.tmpdir), []) def _TestDryRun(self, data): prepare_node_join.UpdateSshDaemon(data, True, _runcmd_fn=NotImplemented, _keyfiles=self.keyfiles) self.assertEqual(os.listdir(self.tmpdir), []) def testDryRunRsa(self): self._TestDryRun({ constants.SSHS_SSH_HOST_KEY: [ (constants.SSHK_RSA, "rsapriv", "rsapub"), ], }) def testDryRunDsa(self): self._TestDryRun({ constants.SSHS_SSH_HOST_KEY: [ (constants.SSHK_DSA, "dsapriv", "dsapub"), ], }) def testDryRunEcdsa(self): self._TestDryRun({ constants.SSHS_SSH_HOST_KEY: [ (constants.SSHK_ECDSA, "ecdsapriv", "ecdsapub"), ], }) def _RunCmd(self, fail, cmd, interactive=NotImplemented): self.assertTrue(interactive) self.assertEqual(cmd, [pathutils.DAEMON_UTIL, "reload-ssh-keys"]) if fail: exit_code = constants.EXIT_FAILURE else: exit_code = constants.EXIT_SUCCESS return utils.RunResult(exit_code, None, "stdout", "stderr", utils.ShellQuoteArgs(cmd), NotImplemented, NotImplemented) def _TestUpdate(self, failcmd): data = { constants.SSHS_SSH_HOST_KEY: [ (constants.SSHK_DSA, "dsapriv", "dsapub"), (constants.SSHK_ECDSA, "ecdsapriv", "ecdsapub"), (constants.SSHK_RSA, "rsapriv", "rsapub"), ], constants.SSHS_SSH_KEY_TYPE: "dsa", constants.SSHS_SSH_KEY_BITS: 1024, } runcmd_fn = compat.partial(self._RunCmd, failcmd) if failcmd: self.assertRaises(_JoinError, prepare_node_join.UpdateSshDaemon, data, False, _runcmd_fn=runcmd_fn, _keyfiles=self.keyfiles) else: prepare_node_join.UpdateSshDaemon(data, False, _runcmd_fn=runcmd_fn, _keyfiles=self.keyfiles) self.assertEqual(sorted(os.listdir(self.tmpdir)), sorted([ "rsa.public", "rsa.private", "dsa.public", "dsa.private", "ecdsa.public", "ecdsa.private", ])) self.assertEqual(utils.ReadFile(utils.PathJoin(self.tmpdir, "rsa.public")), "rsapub") self.assertEqual(utils.ReadFile(utils.PathJoin(self.tmpdir, "rsa.private")), "rsapriv") self.assertEqual(utils.ReadFile(utils.PathJoin(self.tmpdir, "dsa.public")), "dsapub") self.assertEqual(utils.ReadFile(utils.PathJoin(self.tmpdir, "dsa.private")), "dsapriv") self.assertEqual(utils.ReadFile(utils.PathJoin( self.tmpdir, "ecdsa.public")), "ecdsapub") self.assertEqual(utils.ReadFile(utils.PathJoin( self.tmpdir, "ecdsa.private")), "ecdsapriv") def testSuccess(self): self._TestUpdate(False) def testFailure(self): self._TestUpdate(True) class TestUpdateSshRoot(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): unittest.TestCase.setUp(self) self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.sshdir = utils.PathJoin(self.tmpdir, ".ssh") def tearDown(self): unittest.TestCase.tearDown(self) shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) def _GetHomeDir(self, user): self.assertEqual(user, constants.SSH_LOGIN_USER) return self.tmpdir def testDryRun(self): data = { constants.SSHS_SSH_ROOT_KEY: [ (constants.SSHK_RSA, "aaa", "bbb"), ] } prepare_node_join.UpdateSshRoot(data, True, _homedir_fn=self._GetHomeDir) self.assertEqual(os.listdir(self.tmpdir), [".ssh"]) self.assertEqual(os.listdir(self.sshdir), []) def testUpdate(self): data = { constants.SSHS_SSH_ROOT_KEY: [ (constants.SSHK_DSA, "privatedsa", "ssh-dss pubdsa"), ], constants.SSHS_SSH_KEY_TYPE: "dsa", constants.SSHS_SSH_KEY_BITS: 1024, } prepare_node_join.UpdateSshRoot(data, False, _homedir_fn=self._GetHomeDir) self.assertEqual(os.listdir(self.tmpdir), [".ssh"]) self.assertEqual(sorted(os.listdir(self.sshdir)), sorted(["authorized_keys", "id_dsa", ""])) self.assertTrue(utils.ReadFile(utils.PathJoin(self.sshdir, "id_dsa")) is not None) pub_key = utils.ReadFile(utils.PathJoin(self.sshdir, "")) self.assertTrue(pub_key is not None) self.assertEquals(utils.ReadFile(utils.PathJoin(self.sshdir, "authorized_keys")), pub_key) if __name__ == "__main__": testutils.GanetiTestProgram()
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
from ewah.hooks.base import EWAHBaseHook import requests import time class EWAHAircallHook(EWAHBaseHook): _ATTR_RELABEL = { "api_id": "login", "api_token": "password", } conn_name_attr = "ewah_aircall_conn_id" default_conn_name = "ewah_aircall_default" conn_type = "ewah_aircall" hook_name = "EWAH Aircall Connection" _RESOURCES = { "users": {"incremental": True}, "teams": {}, "calls": {"incremental": True}, "numbers": {"incremental": True}, "contacts": {"incremental": True}, "tags": {}, } _BASE_URL = "{0}" @staticmethod def get_ui_field_behaviour(): return { "hidden_fields": ["port", "schema", "extra", "host"], "relabeling": { "login": "Basic Auth API ID", "password": "Baisc Auth API Token", }, } def get_data_in_batches( self, resource, data_from=None, data_until=None, batch_size=10000, batch_call_pause_seconds=1, ): _msg = "batch_size param must be a positive integer <= 10k " assert isinstance(batch_size, int), _msg assert batch_size > 0, _msg assert batch_size <= 10000, _msg page_size = 50 # maximum page size is 50 auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth( self.conn.api_id, self.conn.api_token, ) url = self._BASE_URL.format(resource) params = { "per_page": page_size, } if data_from: params["from"] = int(time.mktime(data_from.timetuple())) if data_until: params["to"] = int(time.mktime((data_until).timetuple())) data = [] while url: time.sleep(batch_call_pause_seconds) request = requests.get(url, params=params, auth=auth) assert request.status_code == 200, request.text response = request.json() url = response.get("meta", {}).get("next_page_link") data += response.get(resource, []) if (not url) or (len(data) + page_size > batch_size): yield data data = []
[ "MIT" ]
# python 3.7 """Utility functions to invert a given image back to a latent code.""" from tqdm import tqdm import cv2 import numpy as np import torch from models.stylegan_generator import StyleGANGenerator from models.stylegan_encoder import StyleGANEncoder from models.perceptual_model import PerceptualModel __all__ = ['StyleGANInverter'] def _softplus(x): """Implements the softplus function.""" return torch.nn.functional.softplus(x, beta=1, threshold=10000) def _get_tensor_value(tensor): """Gets the value of a torch Tensor.""" return tensor.cpu().detach().numpy() class StyleGANInverter(object): """Defines the class for StyleGAN inversion. Even having the encoder, the output latent code is not good enough to recover the target image satisfyingly. To this end, this class optimize the latent code based on gradient descent algorithm. In the optimization process, following loss functions will be considered: (1) Pixel-wise reconstruction loss. (required) (2) Perceptual loss. (optional, but recommended) (3) Regularization loss from encoder. (optional, but recommended for in-domain inversion) NOTE: The encoder can be missing for inversion, in which case the latent code will be randomly initialized and the regularization loss will be ignored. """ def __init__(self, model_name, learning_rate=1e-2, iteration=100, reconstruction_loss_weight=1.0, perceptual_loss_weight=5e-5, regularization_loss_weight=2.0, logger=None): """Initializes the inverter. NOTE: Only Adam optimizer is supported in the optimization process. Args: model_name: Name of the model on which the inverted is based. The model should be first registered in `models/`. logger: Logger to record the log message. learning_rate: Learning rate for optimization. (default: 1e-2) iteration: Number of iterations for optimization. (default: 100) reconstruction_loss_weight: Weight for reconstruction loss. Should always be a positive number. (default: 1.0) perceptual_loss_weight: Weight for perceptual loss. 0 disables perceptual loss. (default: 5e-5) regularization_loss_weight: Weight for regularization loss from encoder. This is essential for in-domain inversion. However, this loss will automatically ignored if the generative model does not include a valid encoder. 0 disables regularization loss. (default: 2.0) """ self.logger = logger self.model_name = model_name self.gan_type = 'stylegan' self.G = StyleGANGenerator(self.model_name, self.logger) self.E = StyleGANEncoder(self.model_name, self.logger) self.F = PerceptualModel(min_val=self.G.min_val, max_val=self.G.max_val) self.encode_dim = [self.G.num_layers, self.G.w_space_dim] self.run_device = self.G.run_device assert list(self.encode_dim) == list(self.E.encode_dim) assert self.G.gan_type == self.gan_type assert self.E.gan_type == self.gan_type self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.iteration = iteration self.loss_pix_weight = reconstruction_loss_weight self.loss_feat_weight = perceptual_loss_weight self.loss_reg_weight = regularization_loss_weight assert self.loss_pix_weight > 0 def preprocess(self, image): """Preprocesses a single image. This function assumes the input numpy array is with shape [height, width, channel], channel order `RGB`, and pixel range [0, 255]. The returned image is with shape [channel, new_height, new_width], where `new_height` and `new_width` are specified by the given generative model. The channel order of returned image is also specified by the generative model. The pixel range is shifted to [min_val, max_val], where `min_val` and `max_val` are also specified by the generative model. """ if not isinstance(image, np.ndarray): raise ValueError(f'Input image should be with type `numpy.ndarray`!') if image.dtype != np.uint8: raise ValueError(f'Input image should be with dtype `numpy.uint8`!') if image.ndim != 3 or image.shape[2] not in [1, 3]: raise ValueError(f'Input should be with shape [height, width, channel], ' f'where channel equals to 1 or 3!\n' f'But {image.shape} is received!') if image.shape[2] == 1 and self.G.image_channels == 3: image = np.tile(image, (1, 1, 3)) if image.shape[2] != self.G.image_channels: raise ValueError(f'Number of channels of input image, which is ' f'{image.shape[2]}, is not supported by the current ' f'inverter, which requires {self.G.image_channels} ' f'channels!') if self.G.image_channels == 3 and self.G.channel_order == 'BGR': image = image[:, :, ::-1] if image.shape[1:3] != [self.G.resolution, self.G.resolution]: image = cv2.resize(image, (self.G.resolution, self.G.resolution)) image = image.astype(np.float32) image = image / 255.0 * (self.G.max_val - self.G.min_val) + self.G.min_val image = image.astype(np.float32).transpose(2, 0, 1) return image def get_init_code(self, image): """Gets initial latent codes as the start point for optimization. The input image is assumed to have already been preprocessed, meaning to have shape [self.G.image_channels, self.G.resolution, self.G.resolution], channel order `self.G.channel_order`, and pixel range [self.G.min_val, self.G.max_val]. """ x = image[np.newaxis] x = self.G.to_tensor(x.astype(np.float32)) z = _get_tensor_value(, *self.encode_dim)) return z.astype(np.float32) def invert(self, image, num_viz=0): """Inverts the given image to a latent code. Basically, this function is based on gradient descent algorithm. Args: image: Target image to invert, which is assumed to have already been preprocessed. num_viz: Number of intermediate outputs to visualize. (default: 0) Returns: A two-element tuple. First one is the inverted code. Second one is a list of intermediate results, where first image is the input image, second one is the reconstructed result from the initial latent code, remainings are from the optimization process every `self.iteration // num_viz` steps. """ x = image[np.newaxis] x = self.G.to_tensor(x.astype(np.float32)) x.requires_grad = False init_z = self.get_init_code(image) z = torch.Tensor(init_z).to(self.run_device) z.requires_grad = True optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([z], lr=self.learning_rate) viz_results = [] viz_results.append(self.G.postprocess(_get_tensor_value(x))[0]) x_init_inv = viz_results.append(self.G.postprocess(_get_tensor_value(x_init_inv))[0]) pbar = tqdm(range(1, self.iteration + 1), leave=True) for step in pbar: loss = 0.0 # Reconstruction loss. x_rec = loss_pix = torch.mean((x - x_rec) ** 2) loss = loss + loss_pix * self.loss_pix_weight log_message = f'loss_pix: {_get_tensor_value(loss_pix):.3f}' # Perceptual loss. if self.loss_feat_weight: x_feat = x_rec_feat = loss_feat = torch.mean((x_feat - x_rec_feat) ** 2) loss = loss + loss_feat * self.loss_feat_weight log_message += f', loss_feat: {_get_tensor_value(loss_feat):.3f}' # Regularization loss. if self.loss_reg_weight: z_rec =, *self.encode_dim) loss_reg = torch.mean((z - z_rec) ** 2) loss = loss + loss_reg * self.loss_reg_weight log_message += f', loss_reg: {_get_tensor_value(loss_reg):.3f}' log_message += f', loss: {_get_tensor_value(loss):.3f}' pbar.set_description_str(log_message) if self.logger: self.logger.debug(f'Step: {step:05d}, ' f'lr: {self.learning_rate:.2e}, ' f'{log_message}') # Do optimization. optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() if num_viz > 0 and step % (self.iteration // num_viz) == 0: viz_results.append(self.G.postprocess(_get_tensor_value(x_rec))[0]) return _get_tensor_value(z), viz_results def easy_invert(self, image, num_viz=0): """Wraps functions `preprocess()` and `invert()` together.""" return self.invert(self.preprocess(image), num_viz) def diffuse(self, target, context, center_x, center_y, crop_x, crop_y, num_viz=0): """Diffuses the target image to a context image. Basically, this function is a motified version of `self.invert()`. More concretely, the encoder regularizer is removed from the objectives and the reconstruction loss is computed from the masked region. Args: target: Target image (foreground). context: Context image (background). center_x: The x-coordinate of the crop center. center_y: The y-coordinate of the crop center. crop_x: The crop size along the x-axis. crop_y: The crop size along the y-axis. num_viz: Number of intermediate outputs to visualize. (default: 0) Returns: A two-element tuple. First one is the inverted code. Second one is a list of intermediate results, where first image is the direct copy-paste image, second one is the reconstructed result from the initial latent code, remainings are from the optimization process every `self.iteration // num_viz` steps. """ image_shape = (self.G.image_channels, self.G.resolution, self.G.resolution) mask = np.zeros((1, *image_shape), dtype=np.float32) xx = center_x - crop_x // 2 yy = center_y - crop_y // 2 mask[:, :, yy:yy + crop_y, xx:xx + crop_x] = 1.0 target = target[np.newaxis] context = context[np.newaxis] x = target * mask + context * (1 - mask) x = self.G.to_tensor(x.astype(np.float32)) x.requires_grad = False mask = self.G.to_tensor(mask.astype(np.float32)) mask.requires_grad = False init_z = _get_tensor_value(, *self.encode_dim)) init_z = init_z.astype(np.float32) z = torch.Tensor(init_z).to(self.run_device) z.requires_grad = True optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([z], lr=self.learning_rate) viz_results = [] viz_results.append(self.G.postprocess(_get_tensor_value(x))[0]) x_init_inv = viz_results.append(self.G.postprocess(_get_tensor_value(x_init_inv))[0]) pbar = tqdm(range(1, self.iteration + 1), leave=True) for step in pbar: loss = 0.0 # Reconstruction loss. x_rec = loss_pix = torch.mean(((x - x_rec) * mask) ** 2) loss = loss + loss_pix * self.loss_pix_weight log_message = f'loss_pix: {_get_tensor_value(loss_pix):.3f}' # Perceptual loss. if self.loss_feat_weight: x_feat = * mask) x_rec_feat = * mask) loss_feat = torch.mean((x_feat - x_rec_feat) ** 2) loss = loss + loss_feat * self.loss_feat_weight log_message += f', loss_feat: {_get_tensor_value(loss_feat):.3f}' log_message += f', loss: {_get_tensor_value(loss):.3f}' pbar.set_description_str(log_message) if self.logger: self.logger.debug(f'Step: {step:05d}, ' f'lr: {self.learning_rate:.2e}, ' f'{log_message}') # Do optimization. optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() if num_viz > 0 and step % (self.iteration // num_viz) == 0: viz_results.append(self.G.postprocess(_get_tensor_value(x_rec))[0]) return _get_tensor_value(z), viz_results def easy_diffuse(self, target, context, *args, **kwargs): """Wraps functions `preprocess()` and `diffuse()` together.""" return self.diffuse(self.preprocess(target), self.preprocess(context), *args, **kwargs)
[ "MIT" ]
""" Copyright (c) 2017 Robbin Bouwmeester Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.""" __author__ = "Robbin Bouwmeester" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2017" __credits__ = ["Robbin Bouwmeester"] __license__ = "MIT" __version__ = "0.1" __maintainer__ = "Robbin Bouwmeester" __email__ = "[email protected]" __status__ = "nightly funzies" import pandas as pd from itertools import groupby import logging class LipidBLAST_entry(): def __init__(self, name="", ion="", mw=0.0, chem_form="", num_ms2_peaks=0, f_acyl_lengths=[], unsats=[], ms2=[]): = name self.ion = ion = mw self.chem_form = chem_form self.num_ms2_peaks = num_ms2_peaks self.ms2 = ms2 self.f_acyl_lengths = f_acyl_lengths self.unsats = unsats def __str__(self): ret_string = [] ret_string.append("================") ret_string.append("") ret_string.append("Lipid: %s" % ( ret_string.append("MW: %s" % ( ret_string.append("Formula: %s" % (self.chem_form)) ret_string.append ("") for f in self.ms2: ret_string.append("%s\t%s\t%s" % (f[0],f[1],f[2])) ret_string.append("") ret_string.append("================") return("\n".join(ret_string)) class LipidBLAST(): def __init__(self, f_names=["LipidBlast-pos.msp","LipidBlast-neg.msp"], min_acyl_length=10, exclude_lyso=False, include_ions=["[M-H]-"], #,"[M+]","[M+H]+","[M+NH4]+","[M-H]-","[M-2H](2-)","[M-Ac-H]-","[M+Na2-H]+","[M+]","[M+NH4]+","[M+Na]+","[M-2H](2-)","[M-Ac-H]-" "[M+]","[M+H]+","[M+NH4]+","[M-H]-","[M-2H](2-)","[M-Ac-H]-","[M+Na2-H]+","[M+]","[M+NH4]+","[M+Na]+","[M-2H](2-)","[M-Ac-H]-" include_class=["PE","GPSer","GPCho","PC","GPA","PE","GPIns","GPEtn","GPGro"], #,"SM","TG","CL", #,"SM","TG","CL","GPSer","GPCho","PC","GPA","PE","GPIns","GPEtn","GPGro aggregate_acyls=False, use_simplified_names=True, dalt_diff_lookup_bin=1): self.f_names = f_names self.min_acyl_length = min_acyl_length self.exclude_lyso = exclude_lyso self.include_ions = include_ions self.include_class = include_class self.use_simplified_names = use_simplified_names self.dalt_diff_lookup_bin = dalt_diff_lookup_bin self.aggregate_acyls = aggregate_acyls self.lpb_dict = {} self.ms1_dict = {} self.ms1_dict_lookup = {} self.tot_entr_read = 0 if len(self.f_names) > 0: for f_name in f_names: self.read_lpb(f_name) def __str__(self): ret_string = [] ret_string.append("Filenames: %s" % (self.f_names)) ret_string.append("Min acyl length: %s" % (self.min_acyl_length)) ret_string.append("Exclude lyso: %s" % (self.exclude_lyso)) ret_string.append("Include ions: %s" % (self.include_ions)) ret_string.append("Include lipid classes: %s" % (self.include_class)) ret_string.append("Use simplified names: %s" % (self.use_simplified_names)) ret_string.append("Lookup diff: %s Da" % (self.dalt_diff_lookup_bin)) ret_string.append("Total entries read: %s" % (self.tot_entr_read)) return("\n".join(ret_string)) def read_lpb(self,f_name): def _get_general_info(name): # Currently limited to max 9 unsats unsats = [n[0] for n in name.split(":")[1:]] class_name = name.split("(")[0] if "-" in class_name: name_split = name.split("(") name_split[0] = name.split("(")[0].replace("-","") name = "(".join(name_split) acyl_lengths = name.split(":") acyl_lengths.pop() f_acyl_lengths = [] for acl in acyl_lengths: try: if "/" in acl: f_acyl_lengths.append(acl.split("/")[1].replace("d","").replace("methyl-","")) elif "-" in acl: f_acyl_lengths.append(acl.split("-")[1].replace("d","").replace("methyl-","")) else: f_acyl_lengths.append(acl.split("(")[1].replace("d","").replace("methyl-","")) except: logging.warning("Could not format to get acyl lengths: %s" % (name)) return([0],[0],"") try: f_acyl_lengths = list(map(int,f_acyl_lengths)) unsats = list(map(int,unsats)) except: logging.warning("Could not format to get acyl lengths: %s" % (name)) return([0],[0],"") return(f_acyl_lengths,unsats,class_name) def _simplify_name(class_name,acyls,unsats): simplified_name = "" simplified_name += class_name simplified_name += "(" if not self.aggregate_acyls: for f,u in zip(f_acyl_lengths,unsats): simplified_name += str(f) simplified_name += ":" simplified_name += str(u) simplified_name += "/" simplified_name = simplified_name[:-1] else: simplified_name += str(sum(f_acyl_lengths)) simplified_name += ":" simplified_name += str(sum(unsats)) simplified_name += ")" return(simplified_name) def _get_chem_form(chem_form_native,ion): chem_form_ion = "" for i,c in enumerate(chem_form_native): if i+1 >= len(chem_form_native): if c.isdigit(): chem_form_ion += c else: chem_form_ion += c chem_form_ion += "1" elif c.isdigit(): chem_form_ion += c elif c.isupper() and chem_form_native[i+1].isdigit(): chem_form_ion += c elif c.isupper() and chem_form_native[i+1].isupper(): chem_form_ion += c chem_form_ion += "1" elif chem_form_native[i+1].isdigit(): chem_form_ion += c list_chem= [''.join(g) for _, g in groupby(chem_form_ion, str.isalpha)] chem_form_ion = dict(zip(list_chem[::2],map(int,list_chem[1::2]))) if "+" not in ion: if "[M-H]-" in ion: try: chem_form_ion["H"] -= 1 except KeyError: logging.critical("ERROR: could not subtract atom when getting the ionized form from the molecule") if "[M-2H](2-)" in ion: try: chem_form_ion["H"] -= 2 except KeyError: logging.critical("ERROR: could not subtract atom when getting the ionized form from the molecule") if "[M-Ac-H]-" in ion: try: chem_form_ion["C"] += 2 chem_form_ion["H"] += 3 chem_form_ion["O"] += 2 except KeyError: logging.critical("ERROR: could not subtract atom when getting the ionized form from the molecule") else: if "[M+H]+" in ion: try: chem_form_ion["H"] += 1 except KeyError: logging.critical("ERROR: could not add atom when getting the ionized form from the molecule") if "[M+NH4]+" in ion: try: if chem_form_ion.has_key("N"): chem_form_ion["N"] += 1 else: chem_form_ion["N"] = 1 chem_form_ion["H"] += 4 except KeyError: logging.critical("ERROR: could not add atom when getting the ionized form from the molecule") if "[M+Na]+" in ion: try: if chem_form_ion.has_key("Na"): chem_form_ion["Na"] += 1 else: chem_form_ion["Na"] = 1 except KeyError: logging.critical("ERROR: could not add atom when getting the ionized form from the molecule") if "[M+Na2-H]+" in ion: try: if chem_form_ion.has_key("Na"): chem_form_ion["Na"] += 2 else: chem_form_ion["Na"] = 2 chem_form_ion["H"] -= 1 except KeyError: logging.critical("ERROR: could not add atom when getting the ionized form from the molecule") return("".join([atom+str(num_atom) for atom,num_atom in sorted(chem_form_ion.items())])) with open(f_name) as infile: fragments = [] pre_c_mass = 0.0 name = "" ion = "" for line in infile: line = line.strip() #print(line) if len(line) == 0: f_acyl_lengths,unsats,class_name = _get_general_info(name) f_acyl_lengths_error = [a for a in f_acyl_lengths if a < self.min_acyl_length and a != 0] if (len(class_name) == 0) or \ (ion_type not in self.include_ions) or \ (len([c for c in self.include_class if c in name]) == 0) or \ (self.exclude_lyso and "/0:0" in name) or \ (len(f_acyl_lengths_error) > 0): fragments = [] pre_c_mass = 0.0 name = "" ion_type = "" continue simplified_name = _simplify_name(class_name,f_acyl_lengths,unsats) new_entry = LipidBLAST_entry(name=name, ion=ion_type, mw=pre_c_mass, chem_form=chem_form_ion, num_ms2_peaks=num_peaks, ms2=fragments, f_acyl_lengths=f_acyl_lengths, unsats=unsats) self.lpb_dict["%s|%s" % (simplified_name,ion_type)] = new_entry loc_dict = int(pre_c_mass) - int(pre_c_mass) % self.dalt_diff_lookup_bin if loc_dict in self.ms1_dict_lookup.keys(): self.ms1_dict_lookup[loc_dict]["%s|%s" % (simplified_name,ion_type)] = new_entry else: self.ms1_dict_lookup[loc_dict] = {} self.ms1_dict_lookup[loc_dict]["%s|%s" % (simplified_name,ion_type)] = new_entry self.tot_entr_read += 1 fragments = [] pre_c_mass = 0.0 name = "" ion_type = "" elif ":" in line: if line.startswith("PRECURSORMZ"): pre_c_mass = float(line.split(": ")[1]) if line.startswith("Name: "): name = line.split("; ")[-1] ion_type = line.split("; ")[1] if line.startswith("Comment: "): # Some of the chemical formulas contain a ";" at the end; remove chem_form_native = line.split("; ")[-1].replace(";","") #print(chem_form_native) chem_form_ion = _get_chem_form(chem_form_native,ion_type) if line.startswith("Num Peaks:"): num_peaks = int(line.split(": ")[-1]) else: if line=="\x1a": #EOF continue fragments.append([float(line.split(" ")[0]),float(line.split(" ")[1]),line.split(" ")[2].replace("\"","")]) class PrecursorFilter(): def __init__(self,db,ppm=10): self.db = db self.ppm = ppm def retrieve_entry_pre_c_mass(self,pre_c_mass): mass_error_threshold = (pre_c_mass*self.ppm)/1000000 ret_entries = [] loc_dict = int(pre_c_mass) - int(pre_c_mass) % self.db.dalt_diff_lookup_bin loc_dict_lower = (int(pre_c_mass-mass_error_threshold)) - (int(pre_c_mass-mass_error_threshold)) % self.db.dalt_diff_lookup_bin loc_dict_upper = (int(pre_c_mass+mass_error_threshold)) - (int(pre_c_mass+mass_error_threshold)) % self.db.dalt_diff_lookup_bin # TODO set does not have to be list locs_to_search = list(set([loc_dict,loc_dict_lower,loc_dict_upper])) for loc in locs_to_search: try: for name,entr in self.db.ms1_dict_lookup[loc].items(): mass_error = abs( if mass_error < mass_error_threshold: ret_entries.append([name,mass_error,entr]) except KeyError: logging.warning("Could not find an entry in the database for prec mass: %s" % (pre_c_mass)) continue return(ret_entries) if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(filename="prec_filter.log", level=logging.DEBUG, filemode="w", format="%(levelname)s:%(created)f:%(asctime)s:%(message)s")"Reading the LPB database ...") lpb = LipidBLAST()"Done reading the LPB database ...") step_three_df = pd.read_csv("stepone_new.csv") precf = Precursor_filter(lpb) prec_filt_result = [] for index,row in step_three_df.iterrows(): if (index % 10000==0):"Analyzing row number and m/z: %s - %s" % (index,row["mz"])) prec_hits = precf.retrieve_entry_pre_c_mass(row["mz"]) for hit in prec_hits: prec_filt_result.append([row["mz"],hit[2].mw,hit[1],hit[0].split("|")[0],hit[2].chem_form,hit[0].split("|")[1]]) prec_filt_result = pd.DataFrame(prec_filt_result) prec_filt_result.columns = ["Input Mass","Matched Mass","Delta","Abbreviation","Formula","Ion"] prec_filt_result.to_excel("batch_results.xlsx",index=False)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
""" Support for MQTT discovery. For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at """ import asyncio import json import logging import re from homeassistant.components import mqtt from homeassistant.components.mqtt import CONF_STATE_TOPIC, ATTR_DISCOVERY_HASH from homeassistant.const import CONF_PLATFORM from homeassistant.helpers.discovery import async_load_platform from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_send from homeassistant.helpers.typing import HomeAssistantType _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) TOPIC_MATCHER = re.compile( r'(?P<prefix_topic>\w+)/(?P<component>\w+)/' r'(?:(?P<node_id>[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/)?(?P<object_id>[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/config') SUPPORTED_COMPONENTS = [ 'binary_sensor', 'camera', 'cover', 'fan', 'light', 'sensor', 'switch', 'lock', 'climate', 'alarm_control_panel', 'vacuum'] CONFIG_ENTRY_COMPONENTS = [ 'binary_sensor', 'camera', 'cover', 'light', 'lock', 'sensor', 'switch', 'climate', 'alarm_control_panel', 'fan', 'vacuum', ] DEPRECATED_PLATFORM_TO_SCHEMA = { 'light': { 'mqtt_json': 'json', 'mqtt_template': 'template', } } ALREADY_DISCOVERED = 'mqtt_discovered_components' DATA_CONFIG_ENTRY_LOCK = 'mqtt_config_entry_lock' CONFIG_ENTRY_IS_SETUP = 'mqtt_config_entry_is_setup' MQTT_DISCOVERY_UPDATED = 'mqtt_discovery_updated_{}' MQTT_DISCOVERY_NEW = 'mqtt_discovery_new_{}_{}' TOPIC_BASE = '~' ABBREVIATIONS = { 'aux_cmd_t': 'aux_command_topic', 'aux_stat_tpl': 'aux_state_template', 'aux_stat_t': 'aux_state_topic', 'avty_t': 'availability_topic', 'away_mode_cmd_t': 'away_mode_command_topic', 'away_mode_stat_tpl': 'away_mode_state_template', 'away_mode_stat_t': 'away_mode_state_topic', 'bri_cmd_t': 'brightness_command_topic', 'bri_scl': 'brightness_scale', 'bri_stat_t': 'brightness_state_topic', 'bri_val_tpl': 'brightness_value_template', 'clr_temp_cmd_tpl': 'color_temp_command_template', 'bat_lev_t': 'battery_level_topic', 'bat_lev_tpl': 'battery_level_template', 'chrg_t': 'charging_topic', 'chrg_tpl': 'charging_template', 'clr_temp_cmd_t': 'color_temp_command_topic', 'clr_temp_stat_t': 'color_temp_state_topic', 'clr_temp_val_tpl': 'color_temp_value_template', 'cln_t': 'cleaning_topic', 'cln_tpl': 'cleaning_template', 'cmd_t': 'command_topic', 'curr_temp_t': 'current_temperature_topic', 'dev_cla': 'device_class', 'dock_t': 'docked_topic', 'dock_tpl': 'docked_template', 'err_t': 'error_topic', 'err_tpl': 'error_template', 'fanspd_t': 'fan_speed_topic', 'fanspd_tpl': 'fan_speed_template', 'fanspd_lst': 'fan_speed_list', 'fx_cmd_t': 'effect_command_topic', 'fx_list': 'effect_list', 'fx_stat_t': 'effect_state_topic', 'fx_val_tpl': 'effect_value_template', 'exp_aft': 'expire_after', 'fan_mode_cmd_t': 'fan_mode_command_topic', 'fan_mode_stat_tpl': 'fan_mode_state_template', 'fan_mode_stat_t': 'fan_mode_state_topic', 'frc_upd': 'force_update', 'hold_cmd_t': 'hold_command_topic', 'hold_stat_tpl': 'hold_state_template', 'hold_stat_t': 'hold_state_topic', 'ic': 'icon', 'init': 'initial', 'json_attr': 'json_attributes', 'max_temp': 'max_temp', 'min_temp': 'min_temp', 'mode_cmd_t': 'mode_command_topic', 'mode_stat_tpl': 'mode_state_template', 'mode_stat_t': 'mode_state_topic', 'name': 'name', 'on_cmd_type': 'on_command_type', 'opt': 'optimistic', 'osc_cmd_t': 'oscillation_command_topic', 'osc_stat_t': 'oscillation_state_topic', 'osc_val_tpl': 'oscillation_value_template', 'pl_arm_away': 'payload_arm_away', 'pl_arm_home': 'payload_arm_home', 'pl_avail': 'payload_available', 'pl_cls': 'payload_close', 'pl_disarm': 'payload_disarm', 'pl_hi_spd': 'payload_high_speed', 'pl_lock': 'payload_lock', 'pl_lo_spd': 'payload_low_speed', 'pl_med_spd': 'payload_medium_speed', 'pl_not_avail': 'payload_not_available', 'pl_off': 'payload_off', 'pl_on': 'payload_on', 'pl_open': 'payload_open', 'pl_osc_off': 'payload_oscillation_off', 'pl_osc_on': 'payload_oscillation_on', 'pl_stop': 'payload_stop', 'pl_unlk': 'payload_unlock', 'pow_cmd_t': 'power_command_topic', 'ret': 'retain', 'rgb_cmd_tpl': 'rgb_command_template', 'rgb_cmd_t': 'rgb_command_topic', 'rgb_stat_t': 'rgb_state_topic', 'rgb_val_tpl': 'rgb_value_template', 'send_cmd_t': 'send_command_topic', 'send_if_off': 'send_if_off', 'set_pos_tpl': 'set_position_template', 'set_pos_t': 'set_position_topic', 'spd_cmd_t': 'speed_command_topic', 'spd_stat_t': 'speed_state_topic', 'spd_val_tpl': 'speed_value_template', 'spds': 'speeds', 'stat_clsd': 'state_closed', 'stat_off': 'state_off', 'stat_on': 'state_on', 'stat_open': 'state_open', 'stat_t': 'state_topic', 'stat_val_tpl': 'state_value_template', 'sup_feat': 'supported_features', 'swing_mode_cmd_t': 'swing_mode_command_topic', 'swing_mode_stat_tpl': 'swing_mode_state_template', 'swing_mode_stat_t': 'swing_mode_state_topic', 'temp_cmd_t': 'temperature_command_topic', 'temp_stat_tpl': 'temperature_state_template', 'temp_stat_t': 'temperature_state_topic', 'tilt_clsd_val': 'tilt_closed_value', 'tilt_cmd_t': 'tilt_command_topic', 'tilt_inv_stat': 'tilt_invert_state', 'tilt_max': 'tilt_max', 'tilt_min': 'tilt_min', 'tilt_opnd_val': 'tilt_opened_value', 'tilt_status_opt': 'tilt_status_optimistic', 'tilt_status_t': 'tilt_status_topic', 't': 'topic', 'uniq_id': 'unique_id', 'unit_of_meas': 'unit_of_measurement', 'val_tpl': 'value_template', 'whit_val_cmd_t': 'white_value_command_topic', 'whit_val_stat_t': 'white_value_state_topic', 'whit_val_tpl': 'white_value_template', 'xy_cmd_t': 'xy_command_topic', 'xy_stat_t': 'xy_state_topic', 'xy_val_tpl': 'xy_value_template', } async def async_start(hass: HomeAssistantType, discovery_topic, hass_config, config_entry=None) -> bool: """Initialize of MQTT Discovery.""" async def async_device_message_received(topic, payload, qos): """Process the received message.""" match = TOPIC_MATCHER.match(topic) if not match: return _prefix_topic, component, node_id, object_id = match.groups() if component not in SUPPORTED_COMPONENTS: _LOGGER.warning("Component %s is not supported", component) return if payload: try: payload = json.loads(payload) except ValueError: _LOGGER.warning("Unable to parse JSON %s: '%s'", object_id, payload) return payload = dict(payload) for key in list(payload.keys()): abbreviated_key = key key = ABBREVIATIONS.get(key, key) payload[key] = payload.pop(abbreviated_key) if TOPIC_BASE in payload: base = payload[TOPIC_BASE] for key, value in payload.items(): if isinstance(value, str) and value: if value[0] == TOPIC_BASE and key.endswith('_topic'): payload[key] = "{}{}".format(base, value[1:]) if value[-1] == TOPIC_BASE and key.endswith('_topic'): payload[key] = "{}{}".format(value[:-1], base) # If present, the node_id will be included in the discovered object id discovery_id = ' '.join((node_id, object_id)) if node_id else object_id discovery_hash = (component, discovery_id) if payload: if CONF_PLATFORM in payload and 'schema' not in payload: platform = payload[CONF_PLATFORM] if (component in DEPRECATED_PLATFORM_TO_SCHEMA and platform in DEPRECATED_PLATFORM_TO_SCHEMA[component]): schema = DEPRECATED_PLATFORM_TO_SCHEMA[component][platform] payload['schema'] = schema _LOGGER.warning('"platform": "%s" is deprecated, ' 'replace with "schema":"%s"', platform, schema) payload[CONF_PLATFORM] = 'mqtt' if CONF_STATE_TOPIC not in payload: payload[CONF_STATE_TOPIC] = '{}/{}/{}{}/state'.format( discovery_topic, component, '%s/' % node_id if node_id else '', object_id) payload[ATTR_DISCOVERY_HASH] = discovery_hash if ALREADY_DISCOVERED not in[ALREADY_DISCOVERED] = {} if discovery_hash in[ALREADY_DISCOVERED]: # Dispatch update "Component has already been discovered: %s %s, sending update", component, discovery_id) async_dispatcher_send( hass, MQTT_DISCOVERY_UPDATED.format(discovery_hash), payload) elif payload: # Add component"Found new component: %s %s", component, discovery_id)[ALREADY_DISCOVERED][discovery_hash] = None if component not in CONFIG_ENTRY_COMPONENTS: await async_load_platform( hass, component, 'mqtt', payload, hass_config) return config_entries_key = '{}.{}'.format(component, 'mqtt') async with[DATA_CONFIG_ENTRY_LOCK]: if config_entries_key not in[CONFIG_ENTRY_IS_SETUP]: await hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setup( config_entry, component)[CONFIG_ENTRY_IS_SETUP].add(config_entries_key) async_dispatcher_send(hass, MQTT_DISCOVERY_NEW.format( component, 'mqtt'), payload)[DATA_CONFIG_ENTRY_LOCK] = asyncio.Lock()[CONFIG_ENTRY_IS_SETUP] = set() await mqtt.async_subscribe( hass, discovery_topic + '/#', async_device_message_received, 0) return True
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
from lingloss import Lingloss
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/python import os import json def get_db_config(): # read config file and return data data = {} with open('config.json', 'r') as infile: data = json.loads( return data
[ "MIT" ]
# (C) Datadog, Inc. 2018 # All rights reserved # Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license (see LICENSE) import os import re from datetime import datetime from uuid import uuid4 from .utils import normalize_package_name from ..utils import ( create_file, dir_exists, ensure_parent_dir_exists, path_join, read_file, read_file_binary, write_file, write_file_binary ) TEMPLATES_DIR = path_join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'templates') BINARY_EXTENSIONS = ('.png', ) SIMPLE_NAME = r'^\w+$' def get_valid_templates(): return sorted(os.listdir(TEMPLATES_DIR)) def construct_template_fields(integration_name, repo_choice, **kwargs): normalized_integration_name = normalize_package_name(integration_name) check_name_cap = ( integration_name.capitalize() if re.match(SIMPLE_NAME, integration_name) else integration_name ) if repo_choice == 'core': author = 'Datadog' email = '[email protected]' email_packages = '[email protected]' install_info = ( 'The {check_name_cap} check is included in the [Datadog Agent][2] package, so you do not\n' 'need to install anything else on your server.'.format(check_name_cap=check_name_cap) ) license_header = ( '# (C) Datadog, Inc. {year}\n' '# All rights reserved\n' '# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license (see LICENSE)\n' .format(year=str( ) support_type = 'core' tox_base_dep = '../datadog_checks_base[deps]' else: author = 'U.N. Owen' email = email_packages = '[email protected]' install_info = ( 'The {} check is not included in the [Datadog Agent][2] package, so you will\n' 'need to install it yourself.'.format(check_name_cap) ) license_header = '' support_type = 'contrib' tox_base_dep = 'datadog-checks-base[deps]' config = { 'author': author, 'check_class': '{}Check'.format( ''.join(part.capitalize() for part in normalized_integration_name.split('_')) ), 'check_name': normalized_integration_name, 'check_name_cap': check_name_cap, 'email': email, 'email_packages': email_packages, 'guid': uuid4(), 'license_header': license_header, 'install_info': install_info, 'repo_choice': repo_choice, 'support_type': support_type, 'tox_base_dep': tox_base_dep, } config.update(kwargs) return config def create_template_files(template_name, new_root, config, read=False): files = [] template_root = path_join(TEMPLATES_DIR, template_name) if not dir_exists(template_root): return files for root, _, template_files in os.walk(template_root): for template_file in template_files: template_path = path_join(root, template_file) file_path = template_path.replace(template_root, '') file_path = '{}{}'.format(new_root, file_path.format(**config)) files.append( File( file_path, template_path, config, read=read ) ) return files class File(object): def __init__(self, file_path, template_path, config, read=False): self.file_path = file_path self.template_path = template_path self.config = config self.binary = template_path.endswith(BINARY_EXTENSIONS) self._read = read_file_binary if self.binary else read_file self._write = write_file_binary if self.binary else write_file self.contents = None if read: def read(self): contents = self._read(self.template_path) if self.binary: self.contents = contents else: self.contents = contents.format(**self.config) def write(self): if self.contents is None: create_file(self.file_path) else: ensure_parent_dir_exists(self.file_path) self._write(self.file_path, self.contents)
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
import numpy as np import math from import Training #from training import Training def processContinuousFeatures(algorithm, df, column_name, entropy, config): #if True: if df[column_name].nunique() <= 20: unique_values = sorted(df[column_name].unique()) else: unique_values = [] df_mean = df[column_name].mean() df_std = df[column_name].std(ddof=0) df_min = df[column_name].min() df_max = df[column_name].max() unique_values.append(df[column_name].min()) unique_values.append(df[column_name].max()) unique_values.append(df[column_name].mean()) scales = list(range(-3,+4, 1)) for scale in scales: if df_mean + scale * df_std > df_min and df_mean + scale * df_std < df_max: unique_values.append(df_mean + scale * df_std) unique_values.sort() #print(column_name,"->",unique_values) subset_gainratios = []; subset_gains = []; subset_ginis = []; subset_red_stdevs = []; subset_chi_squares = [] if len(unique_values) == 1: winner_threshold = unique_values[0] df[column_name] = np.where(df[column_name] <= winner_threshold, "<="+str(winner_threshold), ">"+str(winner_threshold)) return df for i in range(0, len(unique_values)-1): threshold = unique_values[i] subset1 = df[df[column_name] <= threshold] subset2 = df[df[column_name] > threshold] subset1_rows = subset1.shape[0]; subset2_rows = subset2.shape[0] total_instances = df.shape[0] #subset1_rows+subset2_rows subset1_probability = subset1_rows / total_instances subset2_probability = subset2_rows / total_instances if algorithm == 'ID3' or algorithm == 'C4.5': threshold_gain = entropy - subset1_probability*Training.calculateEntropy(subset1, config) - subset2_probability*Training.calculateEntropy(subset2, config) subset_gains.append(threshold_gain) if algorithm == 'C4.5': #C4.5 also need gain in the block above. That's why, instead of else if we used direct if condition here threshold_splitinfo = -subset1_probability * math.log(subset1_probability, 2)-subset2_probability*math.log(subset2_probability, 2) gainratio = threshold_gain / threshold_splitinfo subset_gainratios.append(gainratio) elif algorithm == 'CART': decision_for_subset1 = subset1['Decision'].value_counts().tolist() decision_for_subset2 = subset2['Decision'].value_counts().tolist() gini_subset1 = 1; gini_subset2 = 1 for j in range(0, len(decision_for_subset1)): gini_subset1 = gini_subset1 - math.pow((decision_for_subset1[j]/subset1_rows),2) for j in range(0, len(decision_for_subset2)): gini_subset2 = gini_subset2 - math.pow((decision_for_subset2[j]/subset2_rows),2) gini = (subset1_rows/total_instances)*gini_subset1 + (subset2_rows/total_instances) * gini_subset2 subset_ginis.append(gini) elif algorithm == "CHAID": #subset1 = high, subset2 = normal unique_decisions = df['Decision'].unique() #Yes, No num_of_decisions = len(unique_decisions) #2 subset1_expected = subset1.shape[0] / num_of_decisions subset2_expected = subset2.shape[0] / num_of_decisions chi_square = 0 for d in unique_decisions: #Yes, No #decision = Yes subset1_d = subset1[subset1["Decision"] == d] #high, yes subset2_d = subset2[subset2["Decision"] == d] #normal, yes subset1_d_chi_square = math.sqrt(((subset1_d.shape[0] - subset1_expected) * (subset1_d.shape[0] - subset1_expected))/subset1_expected) subset2_d_chi_square = math.sqrt(((subset2_d.shape[0] - subset2_expected) * (subset2_d.shape[0] - subset2_expected))/subset2_expected) chi_square = chi_square + subset1_d_chi_square + subset2_d_chi_square subset_chi_squares.append(chi_square) #---------------------------------- elif algorithm == 'Regression': superset_stdev = df['Decision'].std(ddof=0) subset1_stdev = subset1['Decision'].std(ddof=0) subset2_stdev = subset2['Decision'].std(ddof=0) threshold_weighted_stdev = (subset1_rows/total_instances)*subset1_stdev + (subset2_rows/total_instances)*subset2_stdev threshold_reducted_stdev = superset_stdev - threshold_weighted_stdev subset_red_stdevs.append(threshold_reducted_stdev) #---------------------------------- if algorithm == "C4.5": winner_one = subset_gainratios.index(max(subset_gainratios)) elif algorithm == "ID3": #actually, ID3 does not support for continuous features but we can still do it winner_one = subset_gains.index(max(subset_gains)) elif algorithm == "CART": winner_one = subset_ginis.index(min(subset_ginis)) elif algorithm == "CHAID": winner_one = subset_chi_squares.index(max(subset_chi_squares)) elif algorithm == "Regression": winner_one = subset_red_stdevs.index(max(subset_red_stdevs)) winner_threshold = unique_values[winner_one] #print(column_name,": ", winner_threshold," in ", unique_values) #print("theshold is ",winner_threshold," for ",column_name) df[column_name] = np.where(df[column_name] <= winner_threshold, "<="+str(winner_threshold), ">"+str(winner_threshold)) return df
[ "MIT" ]
import math import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.utils.checkpoint as cp from mmcv.cnn import (build_conv_layer, build_norm_layer, constant_init, kaiming_init) from mmcv.runner import load_checkpoint from torch.nn.modules.batchnorm import _BatchNorm from mmdet.utils import get_root_logger from ..builder import BACKBONES from .resnet import Bottleneck as _Bottleneck from .resnet import ResNet class Bottle2neck(_Bottleneck): expansion = 4 def __init__(self, inplanes, planes, scales=4, base_width=26, base_channels=64, stage_type='normal', **kwargs): """Bottle2neck block for Res2Net. If style is "pytorch", the stride-two layer is the 3x3 conv layer, if it is "caffe", the stride-two layer is the first 1x1 conv layer. """ super(Bottle2neck, self).__init__(inplanes, planes, **kwargs) assert scales > 1, 'Res2Net degenerates to ResNet when scales = 1.' width = int(math.floor(self.planes * (base_width / base_channels))) self.norm1_name, norm1 = build_norm_layer( self.norm_cfg, width * scales, postfix=1) self.norm3_name, norm3 = build_norm_layer( self.norm_cfg, self.planes * self.expansion, postfix=3) self.conv1 = build_conv_layer( self.conv_cfg, self.inplanes, width * scales, kernel_size=1, stride=self.conv1_stride, bias=False) self.add_module(self.norm1_name, norm1) if stage_type == 'stage' and self.conv2_stride != 1: self.pool = nn.AvgPool2d( kernel_size=3, stride=self.conv2_stride, padding=1) convs = [] bns = [] fallback_on_stride = False if self.with_dcn: fallback_on_stride = self.dcn.pop('fallback_on_stride', False) if not self.with_dcn or fallback_on_stride: for i in range(scales - 1): convs.append( build_conv_layer( self.conv_cfg, width, width, kernel_size=3, stride=self.conv2_stride, padding=self.dilation, dilation=self.dilation, bias=False)) bns.append( build_norm_layer(self.norm_cfg, width, postfix=i + 1)[1]) self.convs = nn.ModuleList(convs) self.bns = nn.ModuleList(bns) else: assert self.conv_cfg is None, 'conv_cfg must be None for DCN' for i in range(scales - 1): convs.append( build_conv_layer( self.dcn, width, width, kernel_size=3, stride=self.conv2_stride, padding=self.dilation, dilation=self.dilation, bias=False)) bns.append( build_norm_layer(self.norm_cfg, width, postfix=i + 1)[1]) self.convs = nn.ModuleList(convs) self.bns = nn.ModuleList(bns) self.conv3 = build_conv_layer( self.conv_cfg, width * scales, self.planes * self.expansion, kernel_size=1, bias=False) self.add_module(self.norm3_name, norm3) self.stage_type = stage_type self.scales = scales self.width = width delattr(self, 'conv2') delattr(self, self.norm2_name) def forward(self, x): """Forward function.""" def _inner_forward(x): identity = x out = self.conv1(x) out = self.norm1(out) out = self.relu(out) if self.with_plugins: out = self.forward_plugin(out, self.after_conv1_plugin_names) spx = torch.split(out, self.width, 1) sp = self.convs[0](spx[0].contiguous()) sp = self.relu(self.bns[0](sp)) out = sp for i in range(1, self.scales - 1): if self.stage_type == 'stage': sp = spx[i] else: sp = sp + spx[i] sp = self.convs[i](sp.contiguous()) sp = self.relu(self.bns[i](sp)) out =, sp), 1) if self.stage_type == 'normal' or self.conv2_stride == 1: out =, spx[self.scales - 1]), 1) elif self.stage_type == 'stage': out =, self.pool(spx[self.scales - 1])), 1) if self.with_plugins: out = self.forward_plugin(out, self.after_conv2_plugin_names) out = self.conv3(out) out = self.norm3(out) if self.with_plugins: out = self.forward_plugin(out, self.after_conv3_plugin_names) if self.downsample is not None: identity = self.downsample(x) out += identity return out if self.with_cp and x.requires_grad: out = cp.checkpoint(_inner_forward, x) else: out = _inner_forward(x) out = self.relu(out) return out class Res2Layer(nn.Sequential): """Res2Layer to build Res2Net style backbone. Args: block (nn.Module): block used to build ResLayer. inplanes (int): inplanes of block. planes (int): planes of block. num_blocks (int): number of blocks. stride (int): stride of the first block. Default: 1 avg_down (bool): Use AvgPool instead of stride conv when downsampling in the bottle2neck. Default: False conv_cfg (dict): dictionary to construct and config conv layer. Default: None norm_cfg (dict): dictionary to construct and config norm layer. Default: dict(type='BN') scales (int): Scales used in Res2Net. Default: 4 base_width (int): Basic width of each scale. Default: 26 """ def __init__(self, block, inplanes, planes, num_blocks, stride=1, avg_down=True, conv_cfg=None, norm_cfg=dict(type='BN'), scales=4, base_width=26, **kwargs): self.block = block downsample = None if stride != 1 or inplanes != planes * block.expansion: downsample = nn.Sequential( nn.AvgPool2d( kernel_size=stride, stride=stride, ceil_mode=True, count_include_pad=False), build_conv_layer( conv_cfg, inplanes, planes * block.expansion, kernel_size=1, stride=1, bias=False), build_norm_layer(norm_cfg, planes * block.expansion)[1], ) layers = [] layers.append( block( inplanes=inplanes, planes=planes, stride=stride, downsample=downsample, conv_cfg=conv_cfg, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, scales=scales, base_width=base_width, stage_type='stage', **kwargs)) inplanes = planes * block.expansion for i in range(1, num_blocks): layers.append( block( inplanes=inplanes, planes=planes, stride=1, conv_cfg=conv_cfg, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, scales=scales, base_width=base_width, **kwargs)) super(Res2Layer, self).__init__(*layers) @BACKBONES.register_module() class Res2Net(ResNet): """Res2Net backbone. Args: scales (int): Scales used in Res2Net. Default: 4 base_width (int): Basic width of each scale. Default: 26 depth (int): Depth of res2net, from {50, 101, 152}. in_channels (int): Number of input image channels. Default: 3. num_stages (int): Res2net stages. Default: 4. strides (Sequence[int]): Strides of the first block of each stage. dilations (Sequence[int]): Dilation of each stage. out_indices (Sequence[int]): Output from which stages. style (str): `pytorch` or `caffe`. If set to "pytorch", the stride-two layer is the 3x3 conv layer, otherwise the stride-two layer is the first 1x1 conv layer. deep_stem (bool): Replace 7x7 conv in input stem with 3 3x3 conv avg_down (bool): Use AvgPool instead of stride conv when downsampling in the bottle2neck. frozen_stages (int): Stages to be frozen (stop grad and set eval mode). -1 means not freezing any parameters. norm_cfg (dict): Dictionary to construct and config norm layer. norm_eval (bool): Whether to set norm layers to eval mode, namely, freeze running stats (mean and var). Note: Effect on Batch Norm and its variants only. plugins (list[dict]): List of plugins for stages, each dict contains: - cfg (dict, required): Cfg dict to build plugin. - position (str, required): Position inside block to insert plugin, options are 'after_conv1', 'after_conv2', 'after_conv3'. - stages (tuple[bool], optional): Stages to apply plugin, length should be same as 'num_stages'. with_cp (bool): Use checkpoint or not. Using checkpoint will save some memory while slowing down the training speed. zero_init_residual (bool): Whether to use zero init for last norm layer in resblocks to let them behave as identity. Example: >>> from mmdet.models import Res2Net >>> import torch >>> self = Res2Net(depth=50, scales=4, base_width=26) >>> self.eval() >>> inputs = torch.rand(1, 3, 32, 32) >>> level_outputs = self.forward(inputs) >>> for level_out in level_outputs: ... print(tuple(level_out.shape)) (1, 256, 8, 8) (1, 512, 4, 4) (1, 1024, 2, 2) (1, 2048, 1, 1) """ arch_settings = { 50: (Bottle2neck, (3, 4, 6, 3)), 101: (Bottle2neck, (3, 4, 23, 3)), 152: (Bottle2neck, (3, 8, 36, 3)) } def __init__(self, scales=4, base_width=26, style='pytorch', deep_stem=True, avg_down=True, **kwargs): self.scales = scales self.base_width = base_width super(Res2Net, self).__init__( style='pytorch', deep_stem=True, avg_down=True, **kwargs) def make_res_layer(self, **kwargs): return Res2Layer( scales=self.scales, base_width=self.base_width, base_channels=self.base_channels, **kwargs) def init_weights(self, pretrained=None): """Initialize the weights in backbone. Args: pretrained (str, optional): Path to pre-trained weights. Defaults to None. """ if isinstance(pretrained, str): logger = get_root_logger() load_checkpoint(self, pretrained, strict=False, logger=logger) elif pretrained is None: for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): kaiming_init(m) elif isinstance(m, (_BatchNorm, nn.GroupNorm)): constant_init(m, 1) if self.dcn is not None: for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, Bottle2neck): # dcn in Res2Net bottle2neck is in ModuleList for n in m.convs: if hasattr(n, 'conv_offset'): constant_init(n.conv_offset, 0) if self.zero_init_residual: for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, Bottle2neck): constant_init(m.norm3, 0) else: raise TypeError('pretrained must be a str or None')
[ "MIT" ]
""" eveparser.parsers.assets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Parse eve online asset lists. This also invludes inventory listings. """ import re from eveparser.utils import regex_match_lines, f_int ASSET_LIST_RE = re.compile(r"""^([\S ]*) # name \t([\d,'\.]*) # quantity (\t([\S ]*))? # group (\t([\S ]*))? # category (\t(XLarge|Large|Medium|Small|))? # size (\t(High|Medium|Low|Rigs|[\d ]*))? # slot (\t([\d ,\.]* m3))? # volume (\t([\d]+|))? # meta level (\t([\d]+|))?$ # tech level """, re.X) def parse_assets(lines): """ Parse asset list :param string paste_string: An asset list string """ matches, bad_lines = regex_match_lines(ASSET_LIST_RE, lines) result = [{'name': name, 'quantity': f_int(quantity) or 1, 'group': group, 'category': category, 'size': size, 'slot': slot, 'volume': volume, 'meta_level': meta_level, 'tech_level': tech_level} for (name, quantity, _, group, _, category, _, size, _, slot, _, volume, _, meta_level, _, tech_level) in matches] return result, bad_lines
[ "MIT" ]
import os import platform import threading from asyncio import current_task, iscoroutinefunction from import Coroutine from contextlib import AsyncExitStack from datetime import datetime, timezone from functools import partial from logging import Logger, getLogger from traceback import format_exc from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Set from anyio import create_event, create_task_group, open_cancel_scope, run_sync_in_worker_thread from import CancelScope, Event, TaskGroup from import DataStore, Job from import EventHub, JobDeadlineMissed, JobFailed, JobSuccessful, JobUpdated class AsyncWorker(EventHub): """Runs jobs locally in a task group.""" _task_group: Optional[TaskGroup] = None _stop_event: Optional[Event] = None _running: bool = False _running_jobs: int = 0 _acquire_cancel_scope: Optional[CancelScope] = None def __init__(self, data_store: DataStore, *, max_concurrent_jobs: int = 100, identity: Optional[str] = None, logger: Optional[Logger] = None, run_sync_functions_in_event_loop: bool = True): super().__init__() self.data_store = data_store self.max_concurrent_jobs = max_concurrent_jobs self.identity = identity or f'{platform.node()}-{os.getpid()}-{threading.get_ident()}' self.logger = logger or getLogger(__name__) self.run_sync_functions_in_event_loop = run_sync_functions_in_event_loop self._acquired_jobs: Set[Job] = set() self._exit_stack = AsyncExitStack() if self.max_concurrent_jobs < 1: raise ValueError('max_concurrent_jobs must be at least 1') async def __aenter__(self): await self._exit_stack.__aenter__() # Initialize the data store await self._exit_stack.enter_async_context(self.data_store) # Start the actual worker self._task_group = create_task_group() await self._exit_stack.enter_async_context(self._task_group) start_event = create_event() await self._task_group.spawn(, start_event) await start_event.wait() return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): await self.stop(force=exc_type is not None) await self._exit_stack.__aexit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) async def run(self, start_event: Optional[Event] = None) -> None: self._stop_event = create_event() self._running = True if start_event: await start_event.set() while self._running: limit = self.max_concurrent_jobs - self._running_jobs jobs = [] async with open_cancel_scope() as self._acquire_cancel_scope: try: jobs = await self.data_store.acquire_jobs(self.identity, limit) finally: del self._acquire_cancel_scope for job in jobs: await self._task_group.spawn(self._run_job, job) await self._stop_event.set() del self._stop_event del self._task_group async def _run_job(self, job: Job) -> None: # Check if the job started before the deadline now = if job.start_deadline is not None: if now.timestamp() > job.start_deadline.timestamp():'Missed the deadline of job %r', event = JobDeadlineMissed( now,, task_id=job.task_id, schedule_id=job.schedule_id, scheduled_fire_time=job.scheduled_fire_time, start_time=now, start_deadline=job.start_deadline ) await self.publish(event) return # Set the job as running and publish a job update event'Started job %r', job.started_at = now event = JobUpdated( timestamp=now,, task_id=job.task_id, schedule_id=job.schedule_id ) await self.publish(event) self._running_jobs += 1 try: return_value = await self._call_job_func(job.func, job.args, job.kwargs) except BaseException as exc: self.logger.exception('Job %r raised an exception', event = JobFailed(,, task_id=job.task_id, schedule_id=job.schedule_id, scheduled_fire_time=job.scheduled_fire_time, start_time=now, start_deadline=job.start_deadline, traceback=format_exc(), exception=exc ) else:'Job %r completed successfully', event = JobSuccessful(,, task_id=job.task_id, schedule_id=job.schedule_id, scheduled_fire_time=job.scheduled_fire_time, start_time=now, start_deadline=job.start_deadline, return_value=return_value ) self._running_jobs -= 1 await self.data_store.release_jobs(self.identity, [job]) await self.publish(event) async def _call_job_func(self, func: Callable, args: tuple, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): if not self.run_sync_functions_in_event_loop and not iscoroutinefunction(func): wrapped = partial(func, *args, **kwargs) return await run_sync_in_worker_thread(wrapped) return_value = func(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(return_value, Coroutine): return_value = await return_value return return_value async def stop(self, force: bool = False) -> None: self._running = False if self._acquire_cancel_scope: await self._acquire_cancel_scope.cancel() if force and self._task_group: await self._task_group.cancel_scope.cancel() async def wait_until_stopped(self) -> None: if self._stop_event: await self._stop_event.wait()
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import json import os, sys, os.path import string from configparser import ConfigParser J2_CONF_PATH='autobuild/configs/' def write_file(filename, data): with open(filename, "w") as fname: json.dump(data, fname, indent = 4) return def get_wallet_conf(path): wallet_conf_parser = ConfigParser() with open(path) as wallet_stream: wallet_conf_parser.read_string("[top]\n" + return dict(wallet_conf_parser.items('top')) def get_xbridge_conf(path, ticker): xbridge_conf_parser = ConfigParser() return dict(xbridge_conf_parser.items(ticker)) with open('manifest.json') as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) tickers = list(set([chain['ticker'] for chain in data])) tickers.sort(key = lambda t:t, reverse = False) for ticker in tickers: chains = [chain for chain in data if chain['ticker'] == ticker] chains.sort(key = lambda c:c['ver_id'], reverse = False) template_data = {} # get latest version latest_version_chain = chains[-1] xbridge_conf_data = get_xbridge_conf('xbridge-confs/' + latest_version_chain['xbridge_conf'], latest_version_chain['ticker']) wallet_conf_data = get_wallet_conf('wallet-confs/' + latest_version_chain['wallet_conf']) template_data['Title'] = xbridge_conf_data['title'] template_data['Address'] = xbridge_conf_data['address'] template_data['Ip'] = xbridge_conf_data['ip'] template_data['rpcPort'] = '{{ rpcPort|default(' + wallet_conf_data['rpcport'] + ')}}' template_data['p2pPort'] = '{{ p2pPort|default(' + wallet_conf_data['port'] + ')}}' template_data['Username'] = '{{ rpcusername }}' template_data['Password'] = '{{ rpcpassword }}' if 'addressprefix' in xbridge_conf_data: template_data['AddressPrefix'] = xbridge_conf_data['addressprefix'] if 'scriptprefix' in xbridge_conf_data: template_data['ScriptPrefix'] = xbridge_conf_data['scriptprefix'] if 'secretprefix' in xbridge_conf_data: template_data['SecretPrefix'] = xbridge_conf_data['secretprefix'] if 'coin' in xbridge_conf_data: template_data['COIN'] = xbridge_conf_data['coin'] if 'minimumamount' in xbridge_conf_data: template_data['MinimumAmount'] = xbridge_conf_data['minimumamount'] if 'dustamount' in xbridge_conf_data: template_data['DustAmount'] = xbridge_conf_data['dustamount'] if 'createtxmethod' in xbridge_conf_data: template_data['CreateTxMethod'] = xbridge_conf_data['createtxmethod'] if 'getnewkeysupported' in xbridge_conf_data: template_data['GetNewKeySupported'] = xbridge_conf_data['getnewkeysupported'] if 'importwithnoscansupported' in xbridge_conf_data: template_data['ImportWithNoScanSupported'] = xbridge_conf_data['importwithnoscansupported'] if 'mintxfee' in xbridge_conf_data: template_data['MinTxFee'] = xbridge_conf_data['mintxfee'] if 'blocktime' in xbridge_conf_data: template_data['BlockTime'] = xbridge_conf_data['blocktime'] if 'txversion' in xbridge_conf_data: template_data['TxVersion'] = xbridge_conf_data['txversion'] if 'feeperbyte' in xbridge_conf_data: template_data['FeePerByte'] = xbridge_conf_data['feeperbyte'] if 'confirmations' in xbridge_conf_data: template_data['Confirmations'] = xbridge_conf_data['confirmations'] coin_base_j2_data_versions = {} for chain in chains: wallet_conf_data = get_wallet_conf('wallet-confs/' + chain['wallet_conf']) xbridge_conf_data = get_xbridge_conf('xbridge-confs/' + chain['xbridge_conf'], chain['ticker']) # get first of versions list of chain version = chain['versions'][0] coin_base_j2_data_versions[version] = { 'legacy': 'addresstype' in wallet_conf_data, 'deprecatedrpc': 'deprecatedrpc' in wallet_conf_data, 'xbridge_conf': chain['xbridge_conf'], 'wallet_conf': chain['wallet_conf'], 'GetNewKeySupported': 'GetNewKeySupported' in xbridge_conf_data } template_data['versions'] = coin_base_j2_data_versions template = {} template[ticker] = template_data write_file(J2_CONF_PATH + chain['ticker'].lower() + '.base.j2', template) print(','.join(tickers))
[ "MIT" ]
from electrum.plugins import hook from .digitalbitbox import DigitalBitboxPlugin from ..hw_wallet import CmdLineHandler class Plugin(DigitalBitboxPlugin): handler = CmdLineHandler() @hook def init_keystore(self, keystore): if not isinstance(keystore, self.keystore_class): return keystore.handler = self.handler
[ "MIT" ]
""" DNAC parsers for the following show commands: * /dna/intent/api/v1/interface """ import os import logging import pprint import re import unittest from genie import parsergen from collections import defaultdict from ats.log.utils import banner from genie.metaparser import MetaParser from genie.metaparser.util import merge_dict, keynames_convert from genie.metaparser.util.schemaengine import Schema, \ Any, \ Optional, \ Or, \ And, \ Default, \ Use # import parser utils from genie.libs.parser.utils.common import Common logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # ============================================ # Schema for '/dna/intent/api/v1/interface' # ============================================ class InterfaceSchema(MetaParser): """schema for /dna/intent/api/v1/interface, /dna/intent/api/v1/interface/{interface}""" schema = { Any(): { "adminStatus": str, Optional("className"): str, Optional("description"): str, "deviceId": str, Optional("duplex"): str, Optional("id"): str, "ifIndex": str, Optional("instanceTenantId"): str, Optional("instanceUuid"): str, "interfaceType": str, Optional("ipv4Address"): str, Optional("ipv4Mask"): str, "isisSupport": str, "lastUpdated": str, Optional("macAddress"): str, Optional("mappedPhysicalInterfaceId"): str, Optional("mappedPhysicalInterfaceName"): str, Optional("mediaType"): str, Optional("nativeVlanId"): str, "ospfSupport": str, "pid": str, "portMode": str, "portName": str, Optional("portType"): str, "serialNo": str, "series": str, Optional("speed"): str, "status": str, Optional("vlanId"): str, Optional("voiceVlan"): str } } # ============================================ # Parser for '/dna/intent/api/v1/interface' # ============================================ class Interface(InterfaceSchema): """parser for /dna/intent/api/v1/interface, /dna/intent/api/v1/interface/{interface}""" cli_command = ['/dna/intent/api/v1/interface', '/dna/intent/api/v1/interface/{interface}'] def cli(self,interface="", output=None): if output is None: if interface: cmd = self.cli_command[1].format(interface=interface) else: cmd = self.cli_command[0] out = self.device.get(cmd).json()['response'] else: out = output result_dict={} for intf_dict in out: # remove None values result_dict[intf_dict['portName']] = {k: v for k, v in intf_dict.items() if v is not None} return result_dict
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
############################################################################### # Name: # # Purpose: Import the required base modules needed for launching Editra into # # into the namespace. # # Author: Cody Precord <[email protected]> # # Copyright: (c) 2007 Cody Precord <[email protected]> # # Licence: wxWindows Licence # ############################################################################### """Main package module""" __author__ = "Cody Precord <[email protected]>" __svnid__ = "$Id: 49807 2007-11-10 07:08:33Z CJP $" __revision__ = "$Revision: 49807 $"
[ "MIT" ]
import pytest from temp import (download_to_file, ensure_datafile, records_from_lines, make_record, make_value, min_spread_record, min_spread_day_num, parse_header) def test_download_to_file(tmpdir): file = tmpdir.join('test.txt') download_to_file(file.strpath, '') assert 'testParam' in def test_ensure_datafile_downloads(tmpdir): file = tmpdir.join('test.txt') ensure_datafile(file.strpath, '') assert 'testParam' in def test_ensure_datafile_uses_existing(tmpdir): file = tmpdir.join('test.txt') file.write('content') ensure_datafile(file.strpath, '') assert == 'content' def test_make_record(): header = {'One': (0, 1), 'Two': (3, 3), 'Three': (7, 2), 'Four': (10, 4)} line = "1 2.2 3* FOUR" rv = make_record(header, line) assert set(rv.keys()) == set(header) assert all(list(rv.values())) def test_parse_header_rv(): rv = parse_header(" One Two Three") assert len(rv) == 3 assert rv['One'] == (1, 4) assert rv['Two'] == (5, 4) assert rv['Three'] == (9, 6) def test_make_value(): assert make_value('123') == 123 assert make_value('ASDF') == 'ASDF' assert make_value('123.45') == 123.45 assert make_value('123*') == 123 assert make_value(' ') == None def test_records_from_lines_skips_empty(): lines = iter(['One', ' ', 'Two']) assert len(list(records_from_lines(lines))) == 1 def test_min_spread_record_rv(): records = [ {'max': 10, 'min': 0}, {'max': 1, 'min': 0}, # this one should be returned {'max': None, 'min': None} ] assert min_spread_record(records, 'max', 'min') == {'max': 1, 'min': 0} def test_min_spread_day_num_rv(): records = [ {'Dy': 1, 'MxT': 10, 'MnT': 0}, {'Dy': 2, 'MxT': 5, 'MnT': 0}, ] rv = min_spread_day_num(records) assert rv == 2
[ "MIT" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import scrapy from scrapy.linkextractors import LinkExtractor from scrapy.spiders import CrawlSpider, Rule from scrapy_splash import SplashRequest from selenium import webdriver from import Options import sys from ..utils import extract_CN_from_content from ..items import ScrapySpiderItem import re import requests class A55CrawlSpider(CrawlSpider): name = '55_crawl' allowed_domains = [''] # start_urls = [''] start_urls = [''] # start_urls = [''] rules = ( Rule(LinkExtractor(restrict_xpaths='/html/body/div[2]/div/div[1]/ul/li[5]/ul/li/ul//li'), follow=True), Rule(LinkExtractor(restrict_xpaths='/html/body/div[2]/div/div[1]/ul/li[5]/ul/li/ul/li[1]/dl//dd'), follow=True), Rule(LinkExtractor(restrict_xpaths='/html/body/div[2]/div/div[1]/ul/li[5]/ul/li/ul/li[5]/dl//dd'), follow=True), Rule(LinkExtractor(restrict_xpaths='/html/body/div[2]/div/div[1]/ul/li[5]/ul/li/ul/li[10]/dl//dd'), follow=True), Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=r'/\d+/t\d+_\d+\.html'), callback='parse_item', follow=True), Rule(LinkExtractor(restrict_xpaths='//*[@id="searchsection"]/div[2]/a[3]'), follow=True), Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=r'index_\d+\.html/'), follow=True), ) # def start_requests(self): # for url in self.start_urls: # yield scrapy.Request(url) def _build_request(self, rule, link): r = SplashRequest(url=link.url, callback=self._response_downloaded, args={"wait": 0.5}) r.meta.update(rule=rule, link_text=link.text) return r def _requests_to_follow(self, response): # if not isinstance(response, HtmlResponse): # return seen = set() for n, rule in enumerate(self._rules): links = [lnk for lnk in rule.link_extractor.extract_links(response) if lnk not in seen] if links and rule.process_links: links = rule.process_links(links) for link in links: seen.add(link) r = self._build_request(n, link) yield rule.process_request(r) def parse_item(self, response): try: item = ScrapySpiderItem() item['url'] = response.url date = response.xpath('/html/body/div[2]/div/div/div[1]/p').extract_first() date ="(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})", date).groups()[0] item['date'] = date title = response.xpath('/html/body/div[2]/div/div/div[1]/h2[1]/text()').extract_first() item['title'] = title contents = response.xpath('//div[@class="article-con"]').extract() item['contents'] = extract_CN_from_content(contents) return item except: try: item = ScrapySpiderItem() item['url'] = response.url date = response.xpath('/html/body/div[2]/div/div/div[2]/p').extract_first() date ="(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})", date).groups()[0] item['date'] = date title = response.xpath('/html/body/div[2]/div/div/div[2]/h2/text()').extract_first() item['title'] = title contents = response.xpath('//div[@class="article-con"]').extract() item['contents'] = extract_CN_from_content(contents) return item except: try: item = ScrapySpiderItem() item['url'] = response.url date = response.xpath('/html/body/div[3]/div[2]/div/div[1]/ul/li[8]').extract_first() date ="(\d{4}年\d{2}月\d{2}日)", date).groups()[0] item['date'] = date title = response.xpath('/html/body/div[3]/div[2]/div/div[1]/ul/li[6]/text()').extract_first() item['title'] = title contents = response.xpath('//div[@class="article-body"]').extract() item['contents'] = extract_CN_from_content(contents) return item except: pass
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
from sys import argv from requests import get import re app_name = argv[1] result = get('{0}'.format(app_name)) cves = re.findall(r"CVE-\d{4}-\d+", result.text) for cve in reversed(cves): result = get('' + cve) cpes = re.findall(r">(cpe.*?)</a>", result.text) if cpes: print("{0}.tb:{1}".format(app_name, cpes[0])) break
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
from ..remote import RemoteModel from infoblox_netmri.utils.utils import check_api_availability class SpmHistoryEndHostHistoryGridRemote(RemoteModel): """ This table lists the end host history within the user specified period of time for a given end host. | ``id:`` The internal NetMRI identifier of the grid entry. | ``attribute type:`` number | ``FirstSeen:`` The timestamp of when NetMRI first discovered this end host. | ``attribute type:`` datetime | ``LastSeen:`` The timestamp of when NetMRI last polled data from this end host. | ``attribute type:`` datetime | ``HostIPNumeric:`` The numerical value of the end host IP address. | ``attribute type:`` number | ``HostIPAddress:`` The management IP address of the end host, in dotted (or colon-delimited for IPv6) format. | ``attribute type:`` string | ``HostName:`` The NetMRI name of the end host; this will be either the same as DeviceSysName or DeviceDNSName, depending on your NetMRI configuration. | ``attribute type:`` string | ``DeviceID:`` The NetMRI internal identifier for the switch. | ``attribute type:`` number | ``DeviceType:`` The NetMRI-determined device type of the switch. | ``attribute type:`` string | ``DeviceName:`` The NetMRI name of the switch; this will be either the same as DeviceSysName or DeviceDNSName, depending on your NetMRI configuration. | ``attribute type:`` string | ``InterfaceID:`` The internal NetMRI identifier for the interface on the switch configured with this address. | ``attribute type:`` number | ``ifIndex:`` The SNMP interface index of the interface on the switch configured with this address. | ``attribute type:`` string | ``Interface:`` The interface on the switch configured with this address. | ``attribute type:`` string | ``ifMAC:`` The interface Media Access Controller (MAC) address of this interface. | ``attribute type:`` string | ``ifOperStatus:`` The operational status (up/down) of this interface. | ``attribute type:`` string | ``VlanIndex:`` The numerical VLAN number (VLAN ID). | ``attribute type:`` number | ``VlanName:`` The name of the VLAN on the root bridge. | ``attribute type:`` string | ``VlanID:`` The internal NetMRI identifier of the VLAN. | ``attribute type:`` number | ``VTPDomain:`` Management domain name if VLAN is VTP managed. | ``attribute type:`` string | ``Network:`` The name of the Network View associated. | ``attribute type:`` string | ``VirtualNetworkID:`` Internal identifier for the network view. | ``attribute type:`` number | ``HostMAC:`` The MAC Address of the end host. | ``attribute type:`` string """ properties = ("id", "FirstSeen", "LastSeen", "HostIPNumeric", "HostIPAddress", "HostName", "DeviceID", "DeviceType", "DeviceName", "InterfaceID", "ifIndex", "Interface", "ifMAC", "ifOperStatus", "VlanIndex", "VlanName", "VlanID", "VTPDomain", "Network", "VirtualNetworkID", "HostMAC", )
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# -*- Python -*- import os import platform import re import lit.formats # Get shlex.quote if available (added in 3.3), and fall back to pipes.quote if # it's not available. try: import shlex sh_quote = shlex.quote except: import pipes sh_quote = pipes.quote def get_required_attr(config, attr_name): attr_value = getattr(config, attr_name, None) if attr_value == None: lit_config.fatal( "No attribute %r in test configuration! You may need to run " "tests from your build directory or add this attribute " "to " % attr_name) return attr_value # Setup config name. = 'MemProfiler' + config.name_suffix # Platform-specific default MEMPROF_OPTIONS for lit tests. default_memprof_opts = list(config.default_sanitizer_opts) default_memprof_opts_str = ':'.join(default_memprof_opts) if default_memprof_opts_str: config.environment['MEMPROF_OPTIONS'] = default_memprof_opts_str config.substitutions.append(('%env_memprof_opts=', 'env MEMPROF_OPTIONS=' + default_memprof_opts_str)) # Setup source root. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) libdl_flag = '-ldl' # Setup default compiler flags used with -fmemory-profile option. # FIXME: Review the set of required flags and check if it can be reduced. target_cflags = [get_required_attr(config, 'target_cflags')] target_cxxflags = config.cxx_mode_flags + target_cflags clang_memprof_static_cflags = (['-fmemory-profile', '-mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer', '-fno-omit-frame-pointer', '-fno-optimize-sibling-calls'] + config.debug_info_flags + target_cflags) clang_memprof_static_cxxflags = config.cxx_mode_flags + clang_memprof_static_cflags memprof_dynamic_flags = [] if config.memprof_dynamic: memprof_dynamic_flags = ['-shared-libsan'] config.available_features.add('memprof-dynamic-runtime') else: config.available_features.add('memprof-static-runtime') clang_memprof_cflags = clang_memprof_static_cflags + memprof_dynamic_flags clang_memprof_cxxflags = clang_memprof_static_cxxflags + memprof_dynamic_flags def build_invocation(compile_flags): return ' ' + ' '.join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + ' ' config.substitutions.append( ("%clang ", build_invocation(target_cflags)) ) config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx ", build_invocation(target_cxxflags)) ) config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_memprof ", build_invocation(clang_memprof_cflags)) ) config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx_memprof ", build_invocation(clang_memprof_cxxflags)) ) if config.memprof_dynamic: shared_libmemprof_path = os.path.join(config.compiler_rt_libdir, 'libclang_rt.memprof{}.so'.format(config.target_suffix)) config.substitutions.append( ("%shared_libmemprof", shared_libmemprof_path) ) config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_memprof_static ", build_invocation(clang_memprof_static_cflags)) ) config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx_memprof_static ", build_invocation(clang_memprof_static_cxxflags)) ) # Some tests uses C++11 features such as lambdas and need to pass -std=c++11. config.substitutions.append(("%stdcxx11 ", '-std=c++11 ')) config.substitutions.append( ("%libdl", libdl_flag) ) config.available_features.add('memprof-' + config.bits + '-bits') config.available_features.add('fast-unwinder-works') # Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to pick dynamic runtime up properly. new_ld_library_path = os.path.pathsep.join( (config.compiler_rt_libdir, config.environment.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', ''))) config.environment['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = new_ld_library_path # Default test suffixes. config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp'] config.substitutions.append(('%fPIC', '-fPIC')) config.substitutions.append(('%fPIE', '-fPIE')) config.substitutions.append(('%pie', '-pie')) # Only run the tests on supported OSs. if config.host_os not in ['Linux']: config.unsupported = True if not config.parallelism_group: config.parallelism_group = 'shadow-memory'
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Rhilip <[email protected]> import re import time from flask import Blueprint, request, jsonify from app import mysql, app, cache from pymysql import escape_string ptboard_blueprint = Blueprint('ptboard', __name__) search_default = app.config.get("PTBOARD_SEARCH", "") site_default = app.config.get("PTBOARD_SITE", "") no_site_default = app.config.get("PTBOARD_NO_SITE", "") order_default = app.config.get("PTBOARD_ORDER", "desc") limit_default = app.config.get("PTBOARD_LIMIT", 100) offset_default = app.config.get("PTBOARD_OFFSET", 0) start_time_default = app.config.get("PTBOARD_START_TIME", 0) end_time_default = app.config.get("PTBOARD_END_TIME", "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP") predb_prefix = "" def recover_int_to_default(value, default): try: ret = int(value) except(ValueError, TypeError): ret = default return ret def warp_str(string): return "({})".format(string) @ptboard_blueprint.route("/ptboard", methods=["GET"]) def ptboard(): t0 = time.time() ret = { "success": False, "error": None } token = request.args.get("token") or "" @cache.memoize(timeout=86400) def token_valid(token_): if len(token_) != 32: return False row, data = mysql.exec("SELECT * FROM `api`.`ptboard_token` WHERE token = %s", token_, ret_row=True) if row > 0: return True else: return False if not token_valid(token): ret["error"] = "Token is not exist." return jsonify(ret) mysql.exec('UPDATE `api`.`ptboard_token` set `useage_count` = `useage_count` + 1 WHERE token = %s', (token,)) # 1. Get user requests search_raw = request.args.get("search") or search_default order_raw = request.args.get("order") or order_default site_raw = request.args.get("site") or site_default no_site_raw = request.args.get("no_site") or no_site_default limit = request.args.get("limit") or limit_default offset = request.args.get("offset") or offset_default start_time = request.args.get("start_time") or start_time_default end_time = request.args.get("end_time") or end_time_default # 2. Clean user requests search = re.sub(r"[ _\-,.+]", " ", search_raw) search = search.split() search = list(filter(lambda l: len(l) > 1, search)) # Remove those too short letter search = search[:10] search_opt = site_opt = no_site_opt = "1=1" if search: search_opt = warp_str(" AND ".join(map(lambda i: "title LIKE '%{}%'".format(escape_string(i)), search))) start_time = recover_int_to_default(start_time, start_time_default) end_time = recover_int_to_default(end_time, end_time_default) time_opt = warp_str("ptboard_record.pubDate BETWEEN {start} AND {end}".format(start=start_time, end=end_time)) @cache.cached(timeout=86400) def get_site_list(): return [i[0] for i in mysql.exec("SELECT `site` FROM `api`.`ptboard_site`", fetch_all=True)] site_list = get_site_list() site = list(filter(lambda i: i in site_list, site_raw.split(","))) no_site = list(filter(lambda i: i in site_list, no_site_raw.split(","))) if site: site_opt = warp_str(" OR ".join([" = '{site}'".format(site=s) for s in site])) if no_site: no_site_opt = warp_str(" AND ".join([" != '{site}'".format(site=s) for s in no_site])) limit = recover_int_to_default(limit, limit_default) offset = recover_int_to_default(offset, offset_default) if limit > 200: limit = 200 order = "desc" if order_raw.lower() not in ["desc", "asc"] else order_raw # 3. Get response data from Database opt = " AND ".join([time_opt, site_opt, no_site_opt, search_opt]) sql = ("SELECT ptboard_record.sid,, ptboard_record.title, " "concat(ptboard_site.torrent_prefix,ptboard_record.sid, ptboard_site.torrent_suffix) AS link, " "ptboard_record.pubDate FROM api.ptboard_record " "INNER JOIN api.ptboard_site ON = " "WHERE {opt} ORDER BY `pubDate` {_da} " "LIMIT {_offset}, {_limit}".format(opt=opt, _da=order.upper(), _offset=offset, _limit=limit) ) record_count, rows_data = mysql.exec(sql=sql, r_dict=True, fetch_all=True, ret_row=True) # 4. Sort Response data if app.config.get("DEBUG"): ret["sql"] = sql def fix_predb(d: dict): if d["site"] == "PreDB": d["link"] = predb_prefix + d["title"].split(" | ")[1] return d ret.update({ "success": True, "rows": list(map(fix_predb, rows_data)), "total": record_count if search else mysql.exec("SELECT count(*) FROM `api`.`ptboard_record`")[0], }) ret["cost"] = time.time() - t0 return jsonify(ret)
[ "MIT" ]
import os import unittest from unit import Unit from unit.models.authorization import * class AuthorizationsE2eTests(unittest.TestCase): token = os.environ.get("token") client = Unit("", token) def test_list_and_get_authorization(self): authorizations = self.client.authorizations.list() for authorization in response = self.client.authorizations.get( self.assertTrue( == "authorization") def test_list_with_parameters(self): params = AuthorizationListParams(10, 0, "", "49423") authorizations = self.client.authorizations.list(params) for authorization in response = self.client.authorizations.get( self.assertTrue( == "authorization") def test_list_with_wrong_parameters(self): params = AuthorizationListParams(10, 0, "", "-1") response = self.client.authorizations.list(params) self.assertTrue( == []) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
[ "MPL-2.0", "MPL-2.0-no-copyleft-exception" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2014 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Common classes and functions for zones.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import unicode_literals from googlecloudsdk.api_lib.compute import request_helper from googlecloudsdk.api_lib.compute import utils from googlecloudsdk.calliope import exceptions as calliope_exceptions from googlecloudsdk.core.console import console_io class ZoneResourceFetcher(object): """A (small) collection of utils for working with zones.""" def __init__(self, compute_client): """Instantiate ZoneResourceFetcher and embed all required data into it. ZoneResourceFetcher is a class depending on "base_classes" class layout (properties side-derived from one of base_class class). This function can be used to avoid unfeasible inheritance and use composition instead when refactoring away from base_classes into stateless style. This constructor embeds following properties into ZoneResourceFetcher instance: - compute - messages - http - batch_url Example: compute_holder = base_classes.ComputeApiHolder(self.ReleaseTrack()) client = compute_holder.client zone_resource_fetcher = ZoneResourceFetcher(client) or zone_resource_fetcher = ZoneResourceFetcher(self.compute_client) to use in a class derived from some of base_classes zone_resource_fetcher.WarnForZonalCreation(...) Args: compute_client: compute_holder.client """ self._compute = compute_client.apitools_client self._messages = compute_client.messages self._http = compute_client.apitools_client.http self._batch_url = compute_client.batch_url def GetZones(self, resource_refs): """Fetches zone resources.""" errors = [] requests = [] zone_names = set() for resource_ref in resource_refs: if not in zone_names: zone_names.add( requests.append(( self._compute.zones, 'Get', self._messages.ComputeZonesGetRequest( project=resource_ref.project, res = list(request_helper.MakeRequests( requests=requests, http=self._http, batch_url=self._batch_url, errors=errors)) if errors: return None else: return res def WarnForZonalCreation(self, resource_refs): """Warns the user if a zone has upcoming deprecation.""" zones = self.GetZones(resource_refs) if not zones: return prompts = [] zones_with_deprecated = [] for zone in zones: if zone.deprecated: zones_with_deprecated.append(zone) if not zones_with_deprecated: return if zones_with_deprecated: phrases = [] if len(zones_with_deprecated) == 1: phrases = ('zone is', 'this zone', 'the') else: phrases = ('zones are', 'these zones', 'their') title = ('\n' 'WARNING: The following selected {0} deprecated.' ' All resources in {1} will be deleted after' ' {2} turndown date.'.format(phrases[0], phrases[1], phrases[2])) printable_deprecated_zones = [] for zone in zones_with_deprecated: if zone.deprecated.deleted: printable_deprecated_zones.append(('[{0}] {1}').format(, zone.deprecated .deleted)) else: printable_deprecated_zones.append('[{0}]'.format( prompts.append(utils.ConstructList(title, printable_deprecated_zones)) final_message = ' '.join(prompts) if not console_io.PromptContinue(message=final_message): raise calliope_exceptions.ToolException('Creation aborted by user.')
[ "MIT" ]
""" Implementation of gaussian filter algorithm """ from cv2 import imread, cvtColor, COLOR_BGR2GRAY, imshow, waitKey from numpy import pi, mgrid, exp, square, zeros, ravel, dot, uint8 from itertools import product def gen_gaussian_kernel(k_size, sigma): center = k_size // 2 x, y = mgrid[0 - center : k_size - center, 0 - center : k_size - center] g = 1 / (2 * pi * sigma) * exp(-(square(x) + square(y)) / (2 * square(sigma))) return g def gaussian_filter(image, k_size, sigma): height, width = image.shape[0], image.shape[1] # dst image height and width dst_height = height - k_size + 1 dst_width = width - k_size + 1 # im2col, turn the k_size*k_size pixels into a row and np.vstack all rows image_array = zeros((dst_height * dst_width, k_size * k_size)) row = 0 for i, j in product(range(dst_height), range(dst_width)): window = ravel(image[i : i + k_size, j : j + k_size]) image_array[row, :] = window row += 1 # turn the kernel into shape(k*k, 1) gaussian_kernel = gen_gaussian_kernel(k_size, sigma) filter_array = ravel(gaussian_kernel) # reshape and get the dst image dst = dot(image_array, filter_array).reshape(dst_height, dst_width).astype(uint8) return dst if __name__ == "__main__": # read original image img = imread(r"../image_data/lena.jpg") # turn image in gray scale value gray = cvtColor(img, COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # get values with two different mask size gaussian3x3 = gaussian_filter(gray, 3, sigma=1) gaussian5x5 = gaussian_filter(gray, 5, sigma=0.8) # show result images imshow("gaussian filter with 3x3 mask", gaussian3x3) imshow("gaussian filter with 5x5 mask", gaussian5x5) waitKey()
[ "MIT" ]
# Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Intel Corporation # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import os import re import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3' def load_graph(model_file, output_nodes_for_freeze=None): is_meta = os.path.splitext(model_file)[-1] == ".meta" tf.compat.v1.reset_default_graph() graph = tf.Graph() graph_def = tf.compat.v1.GraphDef() if not is_meta else tf.compat.v1.MetaGraphDef() with open(model_file, "rb") as f: graph_def.ParseFromString( nodes_to_clear_device = graph_def.node if isinstance(graph_def, tf.compat.v1.GraphDef) else graph_def.graph_def.node for node in nodes_to_clear_device: node.device = "" if is_meta: with tf.compat.v1.Session() as sess: restorer = tf.compat.v1.train.import_meta_graph(graph_def) restorer.restore(sess, re.sub('\.meta$', '', model_file)) graph_def = tf.compat.v1.graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants(sess, graph_def.graph_def, output_nodes_for_freeze) with graph.as_default(): tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, name='') return graph def collect_tf_references(model_path, feed_dict, out_layer, output_nodes_for_freeze=None): _feed_dict = dict() graph = load_graph(model_path, output_nodes_for_freeze) output_tensors_list = list() outputs_list = list() for input in feed_dict: input_node = [node for node in graph.as_graph_def().node if == input][0] if input_node.op == "Placeholder": tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name(input + ":0") _feed_dict[tensor] = feed_dict[input] else: for parrent_input in input_node.input: in_node = [node for node in graph.as_graph_def().node if == parrent_input][0] if in_node.op in ['Const', 'Assign', 'NoOp', 'Assert']: continue else: tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name(parrent_input + ":0") _feed_dict[tensor] = feed_dict[input] for output in out_layer: tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name(output + ":0") output_tensors_list.append(tensor) outputs_list.append(output) with graph.as_default(): with tf.compat.v1.Session(graph=graph) as sess: outputs =, feed_dict=_feed_dict) out_dict = dict(zip(outputs_list, outputs)) return out_dict def children(op, graph): op = graph.get_operation_by_name(op) return set(op for out in op.outputs for op in out.consumers()) def summarize_graph(model_path, output_nodes_for_freeze=None, reshape_net=None): placeholders = dict() variables = list() outputs = list() graph = load_graph(model_path, output_nodes_for_freeze) unlikely_output_types = ['Const', 'Assign', 'NoOp', 'Placeholder', 'Assert', 'switch_t', 'switch_f'] for node in graph.as_graph_def().node: if node.op == 'Placeholder': node_dict = dict() node_dict['type'] = tf.DType(node.attr['dtype'].type).name node_dict['shape'] = str(node.attr['shape'].shape.dim).replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '').replace( 'size:', '').replace('[', '').replace(']', '') node_dict['shape'] = tuple(map(lambda x: int(x), node_dict['shape'].split(','))) placeholders[] = node_dict if node.op == "Variable" or node.op == "VariableV2": variables.append( if len(children(, graph)) == 0: if node.op not in unlikely_output_types and'/')[-1] not in unlikely_output_types: outputs.append( result = dict() result['inputs'] = placeholders result['outputs'] = outputs if reshape_net: out_layer = list(result['inputs'].keys()) + result['outputs'] feed_dict = {} for inputl in reshape_net: feed_dict.update({inputl: np.ones(shape=reshape_net[inputl])}) scoring_res = collect_tf_references(model_path=model_path, feed_dict=feed_dict, out_layer=out_layer) for layer in scoring_res: if layer in result['inputs']: result['inputs'][layer]['shape'] = scoring_res[layer].shape return result
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# content of from premise import DATA_DIR from premise.electricity import Electricity from premise.data_collection import IAMDataCollection REGION_MAPPING_FILEPATH = (DATA_DIR / "regionmappingH12.csv") PRODUCTION_PER_TECH = (DATA_DIR / "electricity" / "electricity_production_volumes_per_tech.csv") LOSS_PER_COUNTRY = (DATA_DIR / "electricity" / "losses_per_country.csv") LHV_FUELS = (DATA_DIR / "fuels_lower_heating_value.txt") def get_db(): dummy_db = [{ 'name': 'fake activity', 'reference product': 'fake product', 'location': 'IAI Area, Africa', 'unit': 'kilogram', 'exchanges': [ {'name': 'fake activity', 'product': 'fake product', 'amount': 1, 'type': 'production', 'unit': 'kilogram', 'input': ('dummy_db', '6543541'), }, {'name': '1,4-Butanediol', 'categories': ('air', 'urban air close to ground'), 'amount': 1, 'type': 'biosphere', 'unit': 'kilogram', 'input': ('dummy_bio', '123'), }, ] }] version = 3.5 return dummy_db, version rdc = IAMDataCollection(model="remind", pathway='SSP2-Base', year=2012, filepath_iam_files=DATA_DIR / "iam_output_files") db, _ = get_db() el = Electricity(db=db, iam_data=rdc, model="remind", pathway='SSP2-Base', year=2012) def test_losses(): assert len(el.losses) == 174 assert el.losses['AL']['Production volume'] == 7630 def test_fuels_lhv(): assert float(el.fuels_lhv['hard coal']) == 20.1 def test_powerplant_map(): s = el.powerplant_map['Biomass IGCC CCS'] assert isinstance(s, set) def test_emissions_map(): s = el.emissions_map['Sulfur dioxide'] assert isinstance(s, str)
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
#!/usr/bin/python2.6 ''' Creates a MyU3 class that adds higher-level functionality to the base LabJack U3 class. ''' from __future__ import division import u3 from time import sleep import math def getU3(**kargs): '''Returns an open MyU3 object but retries until successful if errors occur.''' while True: try: return MyU3(**kargs) except: sleep(2) print('Trying to Open U3...') class MyU3(u3.U3): ''' Class that adds some functionality to the base u3.U3 class, which operates a U3 data acquisition device. ''' def __init__(self, **kargs): # call the constructor in the base class u3.U3.__init__(self, **kargs) def getRMS(self, ch, signalFreq=60, numCycles=4): ''' Returns the RMS voltage of a stream of readings on a channel. 'ch' is the channel to sample. 'signalFreq' is the fundamental frequency of the signal being sampled. 'numCycles' is the number of full cycles of the signal that you want to sample for purposes of calculating the RMS value. I found that for 60 Hz signals, sampling 4 cycles produces stable readings. NOTE: there are limits to the frequency calculation below. Getting a packet from the U3 in streaming mode is limited to 1 second I think, and it will reduces the # of samples if the frequency is set so that less than 1200 samples arrive in 1 second. ''' # There are 1200 samples in one streaming request of the U3. Calculate # the required streaming frequency from that and the other input parameters. freq = int(signalFreq / numCycles * 1200.0) freq = min(50000, freq) # cap at 50 kHz # the U3 must operate at lower resolution if the streaming is very fast. if freq < 2500: resolution = 0 elif freq < 10000: resolution = 1 elif freq < 20000: resolution = 2 else: resolution = 3 self.streamConfig( NumChannels = 1, PChannels = [ ch ], NChannels = [ 31 ], # 31 indicates single-ended read Resolution = resolution, SampleFrequency = freq ) try: self.streamStart() for r in self.streamData(): # calculate the sum of the squares, average that, and take square root # to determine RMS vals = r['AIN' + str(ch)] sum_sqr = reduce(lambda x,y: x + y*y, vals, 0.0) return math.sqrt(sum_sqr / len(vals)) finally: self.streamStop() def getAvg(self, ch, reads=8, specialRange=False, longSettle=True): ''' Returns an analog reading of channel 'ch', but samples multiple times = 'reads' and then averages. If 'specialRange' is True, uses the higher voltage range for the channel. If 'longSettle' is True, a higher source impedance can be tolerated. ''' if specialRange: negCh = 32 else: negCh = 31 tot = 0.0 for i in range(reads): tot += self.getAIN(ch, negCh, longSettle=longSettle) return tot / reads # Could add a routine to average an analog reading across # 4 60 Hz cycles using the stream function as in getRMS(). def getDutyCycle(self, timer, reads=8): ''' Returns the duty cycle measured by a timer. Assumes that the timer is already set to Mode = 4 for reading duty cycles. timer - the timer number, either 0 or 1. reads - the number of times to read the duty cycle and average ''' tot = 0.0 # used to average the duty cycle readings for i in range(reads): val = self.getFeedback(u3.Timer(timer=timer))[0] hi = float(val % 2**16) lo = float(val / 2**16) tot += hi / (lo + hi) return tot / reads if __name__=='__main__': # create the device object d = MyU3() # Set all possible inputs to Analog # Create a bit mask indicating which channels are analog: FIOEIOAnalog = ( 2 ** 16 ) - 1; fios = FIOEIOAnalog & (0xFF) # the bottom 8 bits eios = FIOEIOAnalog/256 # shift 8 places to get top 8 bits d.configIO( FIOAnalog = fios, EIOAnalog = int(eios) ) try: while True: #print '%.3f' % d.getAvg(6) #print '%.2f' % ( (d.getAvg(30) - 273.15)*1.8 + 32.0 ) print '%.3f' % d.getRMS(6) sleep(0.5) finally: d.close()
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import os import threading import uuid from ipaddress import ip_address, ip_interface, ip_network import yaml from django.db import models from ansible_api.models.mixins import AbstractExecutionModel from cloud_provider import get_cloud_client from common import models as common_models from fit2ansible import settings from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from import Host class CloudProviderTemplate(models.Model): id = models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, primary_key=True) name = models.CharField(max_length=20, unique=True, verbose_name=_('Name')) meta = common_models.JsonTextField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_('Meta')) date_created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, verbose_name=_('Date created')) template_dir = os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, 'resource', 'clouds') @property def path(self): return os.path.join(self.template_dir, @classmethod def lookup(cls): for d in os.listdir(cls.template_dir): full_path = os.path.join(cls.template_dir, d) meta_path = os.path.join(full_path, 'meta.yml') if not os.path.isdir(full_path) or not os.path.isfile(meta_path): continue with open(meta_path) as f: metadata = yaml.load(f) defaults = {'name': d, 'meta': metadata} cls.objects.update_or_create(defaults=defaults, name=d) class Region(models.Model): id = models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, primary_key=True) name = models.CharField(max_length=20, unique=True, verbose_name=_('Name')) date_created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, verbose_name=_('Date created')) template = models.ForeignKey('CloudProviderTemplate', on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True) cloud_region = models.CharField(max_length=128, null=True, default=None) vars = common_models.JsonDictTextField(default={}) comment = models.CharField(max_length=128, blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_("Comment")) @property def zone_size(self): zones = Zone.objects.filter(region=self) return len(zones) @property def cluster_size(self): clusters = [] plans = Plan.objects.filter(region=self) for plan in plans: from kubeops_api.models.cluster import Cluster cs = Cluster.objects.filter(plan=plan) for c in cs: clusters.append(c) return len(clusters) @property def image_ovf_path(self): return self.vars['image_ovf_path'] @property def image_vmdk_path(self): return self.vars['image_vmdk_path'] @property def image_name(self): return self.vars['image_name'] def set_vars(self): meta = self.template.meta.get('region', None) if meta: _vars = meta.get('vars', {}) self.vars.update(_vars) def on_region_create(self): self.set_vars() def to_dict(self): dic = { "region": self.cloud_region } dic.update(self.vars) return dic class Zone(models.Model): ZONE_STATUS_READY = "READY" ZONE_STATUS_INITIALIZING = "INITIALIZING" ZONE_STATUS_ERROR = "ERROR" ZONE_STATUS_CHOICES = ( (ZONE_STATUS_READY, 'READY'), (ZONE_STATUS_INITIALIZING, 'INITIALIZING'), (ZONE_STATUS_ERROR, 'ERROR'), ) id = models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, primary_key=True) name = models.CharField(max_length=20, unique=True, verbose_name=_('Name')) date_created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, verbose_name=_('Date created')) vars = common_models.JsonDictTextField(default={}) region = models.ForeignKey('Region', on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True) cloud_zone = models.CharField(max_length=128, null=True, default=None) ip_used = common_models.JsonListTextField(null=True, default=[]) status = models.CharField(max_length=64, choices=ZONE_STATUS_CHOICES, null=True) @property def host_size(self): hosts = Host.objects.filter(zone=self) return len(hosts) def change_status(self, status): self.status = status def create_image(self): try: self.change_status(Zone.ZONE_STATUS_INITIALIZING) client = get_cloud_client(self.region.vars) client.create_image(zone=self) self.change_status(Zone.ZONE_STATUS_READY) except Exception as e: self.change_status(Zone.ZONE_STATUS_ERROR) def on_zone_create(self): thread = threading.Thread(target=self.create_image) thread.start() def allocate_ip(self): ip = self.ip_pools().pop() self.ip_used.append(ip) return ip def recover_ip(self, ip): self.ip_used.remove(ip) def to_dict(self): dic = { "key": "z" + str("-")[3], "name": self.cloud_zone, "zone_name":, "ip_pool": self.ip_pools() } dic.update(self.vars) return dic def ip_pools(self): ip_pool = [] ip_start = ip_address(self.vars['ip_start']) ip_end = ip_address(self.vars['ip_end']) if == 'openstack': while ip_start <= ip_end: ip_pool.append(str(ip_start)) ip_start += 1 for ip in self.ip_used: if ip in ip_pool: ip_pool.remove(ip) return ip_pool net_mask = self.vars['net_mask'] interface = ip_interface("{}/{}".format(str(ip_start), net_mask)) network = for host in network.hosts(): if ip_start <= host <= ip_end: ip_pool.append(str(host)) for ip in self.ip_used: if ip in ip_pool: ip_pool.remove(ip) return ip_pool def ip_available_size(self): return len(self.ip_pools()) @property def provider(self): return class Plan(models.Model): DEPLOY_TEMPLATE_SINGLE = "SINGLE" DEPLOY_TEMPLATE_MULTIPLE = "MULTIPLE" DEPLOY_TEMPLATE_CHOICES = ( (DEPLOY_TEMPLATE_SINGLE, 'single'), (DEPLOY_TEMPLATE_MULTIPLE, 'multiple'), ) id = models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, primary_key=True) name = models.CharField(max_length=20, unique=True, verbose_name=_('Name')) date_created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, verbose_name=_('Date created')) zone = models.ForeignKey('Zone', null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE) region = models.ForeignKey('Region', null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE) zones = models.ManyToManyField('Zone', related_name='zones') deploy_template = models.CharField(choices=DEPLOY_TEMPLATE_CHOICES, default=DEPLOY_TEMPLATE_SINGLE, max_length=128) vars = common_models.JsonDictTextField(default={}) @property def mixed_vars(self): _vars = self.vars.copy() _vars.update(self.region.to_dict()) zones = self.get_zones() zone_dicts = [] for zone in zones: zone_dicts.append(zone.to_dict()) _vars['zones'] = zone_dicts return _vars def get_zones(self): zones = [] if zones.append( if self.zones: zones.extend(self.zones.all()) return zones @property def compute_models(self): return { "master": self.vars.get('master_model', None), "worker": self.vars.get('worker_model', None) }
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
class DirectionNotDetermined(BaseException): def __init__(self, message="Hand did not move in only one direction. Direction of movement cannot be determined."): self.message = message super().__init__(self.message) class ConfigError(BaseException): def __init__(self, message="Possible error in syntax of config."): self.message = message super().__init__(self.message) class GestureNotDetermined(BaseException): def __init__(self, message="The Gesture did not match with any registered gestures"): self.message = message super().__init__(self.message)
[ "MIT" ]
import asyncio import collections import math import signal import sys from functools import wraps class Spy(object): """Spy is the debugging system for farc. farc contains a handful of Spy.on_*() methods placed at useful locations in the framework. It is up to a Spy driver (such as the included VcdSpy) to implement the Spy.on_*() methods. The programmer calls Spy.enable_spy(<Spy implementation class>) to activate the Spy system; otherwise, Spy does nothing. Therefore, this class is designed so that calling Spy.anything() is inert unless the application first calls Spy.enable_spy() """ _actv_cls = None @staticmethod def enable_spy(spy_cls): """Sets the Spy to use the given class and calls its initializer. """ Spy._actv_cls = spy_cls spy_cls.init() def __getattr__(*args): """Returns 1) the enable_spy static method if requested by name, or 2) the attribute from the active class (if active class was set), or 3) a function that swallows any arguments and does nothing. """ if args[1] == "enable_spy": return Spy.enable_spy if Spy._actv_cls: return getattr(Spy._actv_cls, args[1]) return lambda *x: None # Singleton pattern: # Turn Spy into an instance of itself so __getattribute__ works # on anyone who calls "import Spy;" # This prevents Spy() from creating a new instance # and gives everyone who calls "import Spy" the same object Spy = Spy() class Signal(object): """An asynchronous stimulus that triggers reactions. A unique identifier that, along with a value, specifies an Event. p. 154 """ _registry = {} # signame:str to sigid:int _lookup = [] # sigid:int to signame:str @staticmethod def exists(signame): """Returns True if signame is in the Signal registry. """ return signame in Signal._registry @staticmethod def register(signame): """Registers the signame if it is not already registered. Returns the signal number for the signame. """ assert type(signame) is str if signame in Signal._registry: # TODO: emit warning that signal is already registered return Signal._registry[signame] else: sigid = len(Signal._lookup) Signal._registry[signame] = sigid Signal._lookup.append(signame) Spy.on_signal_register(signame, sigid) return sigid def __getattr__(self, signame): assert type(signame) is str return Signal._registry[signame] # Singleton pattern: # Turn Signal into an instance of itself so getattr works. # This also prevents Signal() from creating a new instance. Signal = Signal() # Register the reserved (system) signals Signal.register("EMPTY") # 0 Signal.register("ENTRY") # 1 Signal.register("EXIT") # 2 Signal.register("INIT") # 3 # Signals that mirror POSIX signals Signal.register("SIGINT") # (i.e. Ctrl+C) Signal.register("SIGTERM") # (i.e. kill <pid>) Event = collections.namedtuple("Event", ["signal", "value"]) Event.__doc__ = """Events are a tuple of (signal, value) that are passed from one AHSM to another. Signals are defined in each AHSM's source code by name, but resolve to a unique number. Values are any python value, including containers that contain even more values. Each AHSM state (static method) accepts an Event as the parameter and handles the event based on its Signal.""" # Instantiate the reserved (system) events Event.EMPTY = Event(Signal.EMPTY, None) Event.ENTRY = Event(Signal.ENTRY, None) Event.EXIT = Event(Signal.EXIT, None) Event.INIT = Event(Signal.INIT, None) # Events for POSIX signals Event.SIGINT = Event(Signal.SIGINT, None) # (i.e. Ctrl+C) Event.SIGTERM = Event(Signal.SIGTERM, None) # (i.e. kill <pid>) # The order of this tuple MUST match their respective signals Event.reserved = (Event.EMPTY, Event.ENTRY, Event.EXIT, Event.INIT) class Hsm(object): """A Hierarchical State Machine (HSM). Full support for hierarchical state nesting. Guaranteed entry/exit action execution on arbitrary state transitions. Full support of nested initial transitions. Support for events with arbitrary parameters. """ # Every state handler must return one of these values RET_HANDLED = 0 RET_IGNORED = 1 RET_TRAN = 2 RET_SUPER = 3 def __init__(self,): """Sets this Hsm's current state to, the default state and stores the given initial state. """ # self.state is the Hsm/act's current active state. # This instance variable references the message handler (method) # that will be called whenever a message is sent to this Hsm. # We initialize this to, the default message handler self.state = # Farc differs from QP here in that we hardcode # the initial state to be "_initial" self.initial_state = self._initial def _initial(self, event): """Raises a NotImplementedError to force the derived class to implement its own initial state. """ raise NotImplementedError def state(func): """A decorator that identifies which methods are states. The presence of the farc_state attr, not the value of the attr, determines statehood. The Spy debugging system uses the farc_state attribute to determine which methods inside a class are actually states. Other uses of the attribute may come in the future. """ @wraps(func) def func_wrap(self, evt): result = func(self, evt) Spy.on_state_handler_called(func_wrap, evt, result) return result setattr(func_wrap, "farc_state", True) return staticmethod(func_wrap) # Helper functions to process reserved events through the current state @staticmethod def trig(me, state_func, signal): return state_func(me, Event.reserved[signal]) @staticmethod def enter(me, state_func): return state_func(me, Event.ENTRY) @staticmethod def exit(me, state_func): return state_func(me, Event.EXIT) # Other helper functions @staticmethod def handled(me, event): return Hsm.RET_HANDLED @staticmethod def tran(me, nextState): me.state = nextState; return Hsm.RET_TRAN @staticmethod def super(me, superState): me.state = superState; return Hsm.RET_SUPER # p. 158 @state def top(me, event): """This is the default state handler. This handler ignores all signals except the POSIX-like events, SIGINT/SIGTERM. Handling SIGINT/SIGTERM here causes the Exit path to be executed from the application's active state to top/here. The application may put something useful or nothing at all in the Exit path. """ # Handle the Posix-like events to force the HSM # to execute its Exit path all the way to the top if Event.SIGINT == event: return Hsm.RET_HANDLED if Event.SIGTERM == event: return Hsm.RET_HANDLED # All other events are quietly ignored return Hsm.RET_IGNORED # p. 165 @staticmethod def _perform_init_chain(me, current): """Act on the chain of initializations required starting from current. """ t = current while Hsm.trig(me, t if t != else me.initial_state, Signal.INIT) == Hsm.RET_TRAN: # The state handles the INIT message and needs to make a transition. The # "top" state is special in that it does not handle INIT messages, so we # defer to me.initial_state in this case path = [] # Trace the path back to t via superstates while me.state != t: path.append(me.state) Hsm.trig(me, me.state, Signal.EMPTY) # Restore the state to the target state me.state = path[0] assert len(path) < 32 # MAX_NEST_DEPTH # Perform ENTRY action for each state from current to the target path.reverse() # in-place for s in path: Hsm.enter(me, s) # The target state has now to be checked to see if it responds to the INIT message t = path[-1] # -1 because path was reversed return t @staticmethod def _perform_transition(me, source, target): # Handle the state transition from source to target in the HSM. s, t = source, target path = [t] if s == t: # Case (a), transition to self Hsm.exit(me,s) Hsm.enter(me,t) else: # Find parent of target Hsm.trig(me, t, Signal.EMPTY) t = me.state # t is now parent of target if s == t: # Case (b), source is parent of target Hsm.enter(me, path[0]) else: # Find parent of source Hsm.trig(me, s, Signal.EMPTY) if me.state == t: # Case (c), source and target share a parent Hsm.exit(me, s) Hsm.enter(me, path[0]) else: if me.state == path[0]: # Case (d), target is parent of source Hsm.exit(me, s) else: # Check if the source is an ancestor of the target (case (e)) lca_found = False path.append(t) # Populates path[1] t = me.state # t is now parent of source # Find and save ancestors of target into path # until we find the source or hit the top me.state = path[1] while me.state != Hsm.trig(me, me.state, Signal.EMPTY) path.append(me.state) assert len(path) < 32 # MAX_NEST_DEPTH if me.state == s: lca_found = True break if lca_found: # This is case (e), enter states to get to target for st in reversed(path[:-1]): Hsm.enter(me, st) else: Hsm.exit(me, s) # Exit the source for cases (f), (g), (h) me.state = t # Start at parent of the source while me.state not in path: # Keep exiting up into superstates until we reach the LCA. # Depending on whether the EXIT signal is handled, we may also need # to send the EMPTY signal to make me.state climb to the superstate. if Hsm.exit(me, me.state) == Hsm.RET_HANDLED: Hsm.trig(me, me.state, Signal.EMPTY) t = me.state # Step into children until we enter the target for st in reversed(path[:path.index(t)]): Hsm.enter(me, st) @staticmethod def init(me, event = None): """Transitions to the initial state. Follows any INIT transitions from the inital state and performs ENTRY actions as it proceeds. Use this to pass any parameters to initialize the state machine. p. 172 """ # TODO: The initial state MUST transition to another state # The code that formerly did this was: # status = me.initial_state(me, event) # assert status == Hsm.RET_TRAN # But the above code is commented out so an Ahsm's _initial() # isn't executed twice. me.state = Hsm._perform_init_chain(me, @staticmethod def dispatch(me, event): """Dispatches the given event to this Hsm. Follows the application's state transitions until the event is handled or top() is reached p. 174 """ Spy.on_hsm_dispatch_event(event) # Save the current state t = me.state # Proceed to superstates if event is not handled, we wish to find the superstate # (if any) that does handle the event and to record the path to that state exit_path = [] r = Hsm.RET_SUPER while r == Hsm.RET_SUPER: s = me.state exit_path.append(s) Spy.on_hsm_dispatch_pre(s) r = s(me, event) # invoke state handler # We leave the while loop with s at the state which was able to respond # to the event, or to if none did Spy.on_hsm_dispatch_post(exit_path) # If the state handler for s requests a transition if r == Hsm.RET_TRAN: t = me.state # Store target of transition # Exit from the current state to the state s which handles # the transition. We do not exit from s=exit_path[-1] itself. for st in exit_path[:-1]: r = Hsm.exit(me, st) assert (r == Hsm.RET_SUPER) or (r == Hsm.RET_HANDLED) s = exit_path[-1] # Transition to t through the HSM Hsm._perform_transition(me, s, t) # Do initializations starting at t t = Hsm._perform_init_chain(me, t) # Restore the state me.state = t class Framework(object): """Framework is a composite class that holds: - the asyncio event loop - the registry of AHSMs - the set of TimeEvents - the handle to the next TimeEvent - the table subscriptions to events """ _event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # The Framework maintains a registry of Ahsms in a list. _ahsm_registry = [] # The Framework maintains a dict of priorities in use # to prevent duplicates. # An Ahsm's priority is checked against this dict # within the Ahsm.start() method # when the Ahsm is added to the Framework. # The dict's key is the priority (integer) and the value is the Ahsm. _priority_dict = {} # The Framework maintains a group of TimeEvents in a dict. The next # expiration of the TimeEvent is the key and the event is the value. # Only the event with the next expiration time is scheduled for the # timeEventCallback(). As TimeEvents are added and removed, the scheduled # callback must be re-evaluated. Periodic TimeEvents should only have # one entry in the dict: the next expiration. The timeEventCallback() will # add a Periodic TimeEvent back into the dict with its next expiration. _time_events = {} # When a TimeEvent is scheduled for the timeEventCallback(), # a handle is kept so that the callback may be cancelled if necessary. _tm_event_handle = None # The Subscriber Table is a dictionary. The keys are signals. # The value for each key is a list of Ahsms that are subscribed to the # signal. An Ahsm may subscribe to a signal at any time during runtime. _subscriber_table = {} @staticmethod def post(event, act): """Posts the event to the given Ahsm's event queue. The argument, act, is an Ahsm instance. """ assert isinstance(act, Ahsm) act.postFIFO(event) @staticmethod def post_by_name(event, act_name): """Posts the event to the given Ahsm's event queue. The argument, act, is a string of the name of the class to which the event is sent. The event will post to all actors having the given classname. """ assert type(act_name) is str for act in Framework._ahsm_registry: if act.__class__.__name__ == act_name: act.postFIFO(event) @staticmethod def publish(event): """Posts the event to the message queue of every Ahsm that is subscribed to the event's signal. """ if event.signal in Framework._subscriber_table: for act in Framework._subscriber_table[event.signal]: act.postFIFO(event) # Run to completion Framework._event_loop.call_soon_threadsafe( @staticmethod def subscribe(signame, act): """Adds the given Ahsm to the subscriber table list for the given signal. The argument, signame, is a string of the name of the Signal to which the Ahsm is subscribing. Using a string allows the Signal to be created in the registry if it is not already. """ sigid = Signal.register(signame) if sigid not in Framework._subscriber_table: Framework._subscriber_table[sigid] = [] Framework._subscriber_table[sigid].append(act) @staticmethod def addTimeEvent(tm_event, delta): """Adds the TimeEvent to the list of time events in the Framework. The event will fire its signal (to the TimeEvent's target Ahsm) after the delay, delta. """ expiration = Framework._event_loop.time() + delta Framework.addTimeEventAt(tm_event, expiration) @staticmethod def addTimeEventAt(tm_event, abs_time): """Adds the TimeEvent to the list of time events in the Framework. The event will fire its signal (to the TimeEvent's target Ahsm) at the given absolute time (_event_loop.time()). """ assert tm_event not in Framework._time_events.values() Framework._insortTimeEvent(tm_event, abs_time) @staticmethod def _insortTimeEvent(tm_event, expiration): """Inserts a TimeEvent into the list of time events, sorted by the next expiration of the timer. If the expiration time matches an existing expiration, we add the smallest amount of time to the given expiration to avoid a key collision in the Dict and make the identically-timed events fire in a FIFO fashion. """ # If the event is to happen in the past, post it now now = Framework._event_loop.time() if expiration < now: tm_event.act.postFIFO(tm_event) # TODO: if periodic, need to schedule next? # If an event already occupies this expiration time, # increase this event's expiration by the smallest measurable amount while expiration in Framework._time_events.keys(): m, e = math.frexp(expiration) expiration = (m + sys.float_info.epsilon) * 2**e Framework._time_events[expiration] = tm_event # If this is the only active TimeEvent, schedule its callback if len(Framework._time_events) == 1: Framework._tm_event_handle = Framework._event_loop.call_at( expiration, Framework.timeEventCallback, tm_event, expiration) # If there are other TimeEvents, # check if this one should replace the scheduled one else: if expiration < min(Framework._time_events.keys()): Framework._tm_event_handle.cancel() Framework._tm_event_handle = Framework._event_loop.call_at( expiration, Framework.timeEventCallback, tm_event, expiration) @staticmethod def removeTimeEvent(tm_event): """Removes the TimeEvent from the list of active time events. Cancels the TimeEvent's callback if there is one. Schedules the next event's callback if there is one. """ for k,v in Framework._time_events.items(): if v is tm_event: # If the event being removed is scheduled for callback, # cancel and schedule the next event if there is one if k == min(Framework._time_events.keys()): del Framework._time_events[k] if Framework._tm_event_handle: Framework._tm_event_handle.cancel() if len(Framework._time_events) > 0: next_expiration = min(Framework._time_events.keys()) next_event = Framework._time_events[next_expiration] Framework._tm_event_handle = \ Framework._event_loop.call_at( next_expiration, Framework.timeEventCallback, next_event, next_expiration) else: Framework._tm_event_handle = None else: del Framework._time_events[k] break @staticmethod def timeEventCallback(tm_event, expiration): """The callback function for all TimeEvents. Posts the event to the event's target Ahsm. If the TimeEvent is periodic, re-insort the event in the list of active time events. """ assert expiration in Framework._time_events.keys(), ( "Exp:%d _time_events.keys():%s" % (expiration, Framework._time_events.keys())) # Remove this expired TimeEvent from the active list del Framework._time_events[expiration] Framework._tm_event_handle = None # Post the event to the target Ahsm tm_event.act.postFIFO(tm_event) # If this is a periodic time event, schedule its next expiration if tm_event.interval > 0: Framework._insortTimeEvent(tm_event, expiration + tm_event.interval) # If not set already and there are more events, set the next event callback if (Framework._tm_event_handle == None and len(Framework._time_events) > 0): next_expiration = min(Framework._time_events.keys()) next_event = Framework._time_events[next_expiration] Framework._tm_event_handle = Framework._event_loop.call_at( next_expiration, Framework.timeEventCallback, next_event, next_expiration) # Run to completion Framework._event_loop.call_soon_threadsafe( @staticmethod def add(act): """Makes the framework aware of the given Ahsm. """ Framework._ahsm_registry.append(act) assert act.priority not in Framework._priority_dict, ( "Priority MUST be unique") Framework._priority_dict[act.priority] = act Spy.on_framework_add(act) @staticmethod def run(): """Dispatches an event to the highest priority Ahsm until all event queues are empty (i.e. Run To Completion). """ getPriority = lambda x : x.priority while True: allQueuesEmpty = True sorted_acts = sorted(Framework._ahsm_registry, key=getPriority) for act in sorted_acts: if act.has_msgs(): event_next = act.pop_msg() act.dispatch(act, event_next) allQueuesEmpty = False break if allQueuesEmpty: return @staticmethod def stop(): """EXITs all Ahsms and stops the event loop. """ # Disable the timer callback if Framework._tm_event_handle: Framework._tm_event_handle.cancel() Framework._tm_event_handle = None # Post EXIT to all Ahsms for act in Framework._ahsm_registry:, act) # Run to completion and stop the asyncio event loop Framework._event_loop.stop() Spy.on_framework_stop() @staticmethod def print_info(): """Prints the name and current state of each actor in the framework. Meant to be called when ctrl+T (SIGINFO/29) is issued. """ for act in Framework._ahsm_registry: print(act.__class__.__name__, act.state.__name__) # Bind a useful set of POSIX signals to the handler # (ignore a NotImplementedError on Windows) try: _event_loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGINT, lambda: Framework.stop()) _event_loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, lambda: Framework.stop()) _event_loop.add_signal_handler(29, print_info.__func__) except NotImplementedError: pass def run_forever(): """Runs the asyncio event loop with and ensures state machines are exited upon a KeyboardInterrupt. """ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() try: loop.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: Framework.stop() loop.close() class Ahsm(Hsm): """An Augmented Hierarchical State Machine (AHSM); a.k.a. ActiveObject/AO. Adds a priority, message queue and methods to work with the queue. """ def start(self, priority, initEvent=None): # must set the priority before Framework.add() which uses the priority self.priority = priority Framework.add(self) = collections.deque() self.init(self, initEvent) # Run to completion Framework._event_loop.call_soon_threadsafe( def postLIFO(self, evt): def postFIFO(self, evt): def pop_msg(self,): return def has_msgs(self,): return len( > 0 class TimeEvent(object): """TimeEvent is a composite class that contains an Event. A TimeEvent is created by the application and added to the Framework. The Framework then emits the event after the given delay. A one-shot TimeEvent is created by calling either postAt() or postIn(). A periodic TimeEvent is created by calling the postEvery() method. """ def __init__(self, signame): assert type(signame) == str self.signal = Signal.register(signame) self.value = None def postAt(self, act, abs_time): """Posts this TimeEvent to the given Ahsm at a specified time. """ assert issubclass(type(act), Ahsm) self.act = act self.interval = 0 Framework.addTimeEventAt(self, abs_time) def postIn(self, act, delta): """Posts this TimeEvent to the given Ahsm after the time delta. """ assert issubclass(type(act), Ahsm) self.act = act self.interval = 0 Framework.addTimeEvent(self, delta) def postEvery(self, act, delta): """Posts this TimeEvent to the given Ahsm after the time delta and every time delta thereafter until disarmed. """ assert issubclass(type(act), Ahsm) self.act = act self.interval = delta Framework.addTimeEvent(self, delta) def disarm(self): """Removes this TimeEvent from the Framework's active time events. """ self.act = None Framework.removeTimeEvent(self) from .VcdSpy import VcdSpy
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ @author: zhanghe @software: PyCharm @file: @time: 2019-08-17 18:23 """ from __future__ import unicode_literals from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _ from app_common.maps.default import DEFAULT_SEARCH_CHOICES_INT, DEFAULT_SELECT_CHOICES_INT # 银行类型(1:基本账户,2:一般账户) TYPE_BANK_BASIC = 1 TYPE_BANK_GENERAL = 2 TYPE_BANK_DICT = { TYPE_BANK_BASIC: _('Basic Account'), # 基本账户(对公) TYPE_BANK_GENERAL: _('General Account'), # 一般账户(对公) } TYPE_BANK_SELECT_CHOICES = DEFAULT_SELECT_CHOICES_INT + TYPE_BANK_DICT.items() # 选择 TYPE_BANK_SEARCH_CHOICES = DEFAULT_SEARCH_CHOICES_INT + TYPE_BANK_DICT.items() # 搜索
[ "MIT" ]
""" Django settings for mycalendar project. Generated by 'django-admin startproject' using Django 3.2.8. For more information on this file, see For the full list of settings and their values, see """ from pathlib import Path from decouple import config # Build paths inside the project like this: BASE_DIR / 'subdir'. BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent # Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production # See # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret! SECRET_KEY = config('SECRET_KEY') # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production! DEBUG = True ALLOWED_HOSTS = [] # Application definition INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', 'main', ] MIDDLEWARE = [ '', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', #'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware', ] ROOT_URLCONF = 'mycalendar.urls' TEMPLATES = [ { 'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates', 'DIRS': [BASE_DIR / 'templates'] , 'APP_DIRS': True, 'OPTIONS': { 'context_processors': [ 'django.template.context_processors.debug', 'django.template.context_processors.request', 'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth', 'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages', ], }, }, ] WSGI_APPLICATION = 'mycalendar.wsgi.application' # Database # DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': BASE_DIR / 'db.sqlite3', } } # Password validation # AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS = [ { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.MinimumLengthValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.CommonPasswordValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.NumericPasswordValidator', }, ] # Internationalization # LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us' TIME_ZONE = 'Europe/Copenhagen' USE_I18N = True USE_L10N = True USE_TZ = True # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images) # STATIC_URL = '/static/' # Default primary key field type # DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD = 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'
[ "MIT" ]
import logging from Models import Values from classes import PlayerActions, OnePosition from ActionsDispatcher import Action class PositionsManagerDBException(RuntimeError): pass class PositionsManager(object): def __init__(self, models, accountId, logger=None): self.models = models self.accountId = accountId if logger is None: logger = logging.getLogger() self.logger = logger self.restore() def restore(self): models = self.models profitThres = models.Values.get(Values.PositionThresProfit, accountId=self.accountId) if profitThres is None: raise PositionsManagerDBException('Settings "{k}" not initialized.' .format(k=Values.PositionThresProfit)) self.profitThres = profitThres lossCutThres = models.Values.get(Values.PositionThresLossCut, accountId=self.accountId) if lossCutThres is None: raise PositionsManagerDBException('Settings "{k}" not initialized.' .format(k=Values.PositionThresLossCut)) self.lossCutThres = lossCutThres @staticmethod def calcVariation(onetick, oneposition): """ (tick: OneTick, position: OnePosition) -> float """ created = oneposition.priceMean() if oneposition.side == OnePosition.SideLong: current = else: current = onetick.ask return current / created def makeDecision(self, positions): tick = for p in positions: onePosition = p.positions[0] oneTick = tick[onePosition.exchanger] var = PositionsManager.calcVariation(oneTick, onePosition) if onePosition.side == OnePosition.SideLong: if var >= self.profitThres: return [(PlayerActions.CloseForProfit, p)] # Long, Profit elif var <= self.lossCutThres: return [(PlayerActions.CloseForLossCut, p)] # Long, LossCut else: if var <= 1.0 / self.profitThres: return [(PlayerActions.CloseForProfit, p)] # Short, Profit elif var >= 1.0 / self.lossCutThres: return [(PlayerActions.CloseForLossCut, p)] # Short, LossCut return [] def getOpenPositions(self): return self.models.Positions.currentOpen(accountId=self.accountId) def createAction(self): positions = self.getOpenPositions() positions = filter(lambda p:p.isOpen(), positions) closes = self.makeDecision(positions) self.logger.debug('Completed decision, #close={n}.'.format(n=len(closes))) if len(closes) > 0: actionType, position = closes[0] return Action(actionType, position) else: return None
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
from django.contrib import admin from user.models import * # 此处设置页面头部标题 = '新码农站点后台' # 此处设置页面显示标题 = '新码农后台管理系统' @admin.register(User) class Useradmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ['id', 'username', 'password', 'nickname', 'birthday', 'gender', 'photo', 'phone', 'email', 'desc', 'addtime'] # list_display_links 设置其他字段也可以点击链接进入编辑界面 list_display_links = ['id', 'username'] list_per_page = 50 list_filter = ['gender', 'birthday'] search_fields = ['username', 'nickname', 'phone'] # list_editable 设置默认可编辑字段 list_editable = ['nickname', 'birthday', 'gender', 'phone', 'email', 'desc'] ordering = ['-addtime'] # date_hierarchy 详细时间分层筛选  date_hierarchy = 'addtime' @admin.register(Leavemsg) class Leavemsgadmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ['id', 'content', 'user', 'addtime'] # list_display_links 设置其他字段也可以点击链接进入编辑界面 list_display_links = ['id', 'user'] list_per_page = 50 list_filter = ['user'] search_fields = ['user'] # list_editable 设置默认可编辑字段 list_editable = ['content'] ordering = ['-addtime'] # date_hierarchy 详细时间分层筛选  date_hierarchy = 'addtime'
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
from typing import Optional, List import autofit as af import autoarray as aa import autogalaxy as ag from autogalaxy.aggregator.imaging import _imaging_from from autogalaxy.aggregator.abstract import AbstractAgg from autolens.imaging.fit_imaging import FitImaging from autolens.analysis.preloads import Preloads from autolens.aggregator.tracer import _tracer_from def _fit_imaging_from( fit: af.Fit, galaxies: List[ag.Galaxy], settings_imaging: aa.SettingsImaging = None, settings_pixelization: aa.SettingsPixelization = None, settings_inversion: aa.SettingsInversion = None, use_preloaded_grid: bool = True, use_hyper_scaling: bool = True, ) -> FitImaging: """ Returns a `FitImaging` object from a PyAutoFit database `Fit` object and an instance of galaxies from a non-linear search model-fit. This function adds the `hyper_model_image` and `hyper_galaxy_image_path_dict` to the galaxies before performing the fit, if they were used. Parameters ---------- fit A PyAutoFit database Fit object containing the generators of the results of PyAutoGalaxy model-fits. galaxies A list of galaxies corresponding to a sample of a non-linear search and model-fit. Returns ------- FitImaging The fit to the imaging dataset computed via an instance of galaxies. """ imaging = _imaging_from(fit=fit, settings_imaging=settings_imaging) tracer = _tracer_from(fit=fit, galaxies=galaxies) settings_pixelization = settings_pixelization or fit.value( name="settings_pixelization" ) settings_inversion = settings_inversion or fit.value(name="settings_inversion") preloads = Preloads(use_w_tilde=False) if use_preloaded_grid: sparse_grids_of_planes = fit.value(name="preload_sparse_grids_of_planes") if sparse_grids_of_planes is not None: preloads = Preloads( sparse_image_plane_grid_pg_list=sparse_grids_of_planes, use_w_tilde=False, ) if len(preloads.sparse_image_plane_grid_pg_list) == 2: if type(preloads.sparse_image_plane_grid_pg_list[1]) != list: preloads.sparse_image_plane_grid_pg_list[1] = [ preloads.sparse_image_plane_grid_pg_list[1] ] return FitImaging( dataset=imaging, tracer=tracer, settings_pixelization=settings_pixelization, settings_inversion=settings_inversion, preloads=preloads, use_hyper_scaling=use_hyper_scaling, ) class FitImagingAgg(AbstractAgg): def __init__( self, aggregator: af.Aggregator, settings_imaging: Optional[aa.SettingsImaging] = None, settings_pixelization: Optional[aa.SettingsPixelization] = None, settings_inversion: Optional[aa.SettingsInversion] = None, use_preloaded_grid: bool = True, use_hyper_scaling: bool = True, ): """ Wraps a PyAutoFit aggregator in order to create generators of fits to imaging data, corresponding to the results of a non-linear search model-fit. """ super().__init__(aggregator=aggregator) self.settings_imaging = settings_imaging self.settings_pixelization = settings_pixelization self.settings_inversion = settings_inversion self.use_preloaded_grid = use_preloaded_grid self.use_hyper_scaling = use_hyper_scaling def make_object_for_gen(self, fit, galaxies) -> FitImaging: """ Creates a `FitImaging` object from a `ModelInstance` that contains the galaxies of a sample from a non-linear search. Parameters ---------- fit A PyAutoFit database Fit object containing the generators of the results of PyAutoGalaxy model-fits. galaxies A list of galaxies corresponding to a sample of a non-linear search and model-fit. Returns ------- FitImaging A fit to imaging data whose galaxies are a sample of a PyAutoFit non-linear search. """ return _fit_imaging_from( fit=fit, galaxies=galaxies, settings_imaging=self.settings_imaging, settings_pixelization=self.settings_pixelization, settings_inversion=self.settings_inversion, use_preloaded_grid=self.use_preloaded_grid, use_hyper_scaling=self.use_hyper_scaling, )
[ "MIT" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue May 12 14:25:43 2020 @author: greg6 """ import numpy as np t = [i for i in range(3)] lam = [100+i*10 for i in range(2)] com = ["A","B","C"] S = dict() for l in lam: for u,c in enumerate(com): S[(l,c)] = l+0.1*u C = dict() for i in t: for u,c in enumerate(com): C[(i,c)] = (i+0.1*u) nt = len(t) nw = len(lam) nc = len(com) nparams = 2 nd = nw*nt ntheta = nc*(nw+nt)+nparams B_matrix = np.zeros((ntheta,nw*nt)) for i, t in enumerate(t): for j, l in enumerate(lam): for k, c in enumerate(com): # r_idx1 = k*nt+i r_idx1 = i * nc + k r_idx2 = j * nc + k + nc * nt # r_idx2 = j * nc + k + nc * nw # c_idx = i+j*nt c_idx = i * nw + j # print(j, k, r_idx2) B_matrix[r_idx1, c_idx] = S[l, c] # try: B_matrix[r_idx2, c_idx] = C[t, c]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'mikeeiei.ui' # # Created by: PyQt4 UI code generator 4.11.4 # # WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui try: _fromUtf8 = QtCore.QString.fromUtf8 except AttributeError: def _fromUtf8(s): return s try: _encoding = QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8 def _translate(context, text, disambig): return QtGui.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig, _encoding) except AttributeError: def _translate(context, text, disambig): return QtGui.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig) class Ui_MainWindow(object): def setupUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("MainWindow")) MainWindow.resize(954, 600) self.centralwidget = QtGui.QWidget(MainWindow) self.centralwidget.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("centralwidget")) self.formLayoutWidget = QtGui.QWidget(self.centralwidget) self.formLayoutWidget.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(80, 240, 160, 141)) self.formLayoutWidget.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("formLayoutWidget")) self.formLayout = QtGui.QFormLayout(self.formLayoutWidget) self.formLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("formLayout")) self.kaojai = QtGui.QPushButton(self.formLayoutWidget) self.kaojai.setStyleSheet(_fromUtf8("int main(int argc, char *argv[])\n" "\n" "#upLeft {\n" "background-color: transparent;\n" "border-image: url(:/images/frame.png);\n" "background: none;\n" "border: none;\n" "background-repeat: none;\n" "}\n" "{\n" "border-image: url(:mike2.jpg);\n" "}")) icon = QtGui.QIcon() icon.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(_fromUtf8(":/mike/mike.jpg")), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off) self.kaojai.setIcon(icon) self.kaojai.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("kaojai")) self.formLayout.setWidget(0, QtGui.QFormLayout.LabelRole, self.kaojai) self.maikaojai = QtGui.QPushButton(self.formLayoutWidget) self.maikaojai.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("maikaojai")) self.formLayout.setWidget(1, QtGui.QFormLayout.LabelRole, self.maikaojai) = QtGui.QPushButton(self.formLayoutWidget)"vote")) self.formLayout.setWidget(2, QtGui.QFormLayout.LabelRole, self.question = QtGui.QPushButton(self.formLayoutWidget) self.question.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("question")) self.formLayout.setWidget(3, QtGui.QFormLayout.LabelRole, self.question) self.frame = QtGui.QFrame(self.centralwidget) self.frame.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 331, 161)) self.frame.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.StyledPanel) self.frame.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Raised) self.frame.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("frame")) self.tabWidget = QtGui.QTabWidget(self.frame) self.tabWidget.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(100, 110, 135, 80)) self.tabWidget.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("tabWidget")) = QtGui.QWidget()"tab")) self.tabWidget.addTab(, _fromUtf8("")) self.tab_2 = QtGui.QWidget() self.tab_2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("tab_2")) self.tabWidget.addTab(self.tab_2, _fromUtf8("")) self.label = QtGui.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.label.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(60, 100, 831, 271)) self.label.setText(_fromUtf8("")) self.label.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(_fromUtf8(""))) self.label.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label")) MainWindow.setCentralWidget(self.centralwidget) self.statusbar = QtGui.QStatusBar(MainWindow) self.statusbar.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("statusbar")) MainWindow.setStatusBar(self.statusbar) self.toolBar = QtGui.QToolBar(MainWindow) self.toolBar.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("toolBar")) MainWindow.addToolBar(QtCore.Qt.TopToolBarArea, self.toolBar) self.actionSend = QtGui.QAction(MainWindow) self.actionSend.setIcon(icon) self.actionSend.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("actionSend")) self.toolBar.addAction(self.actionSend) self.retranslateUi(MainWindow) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(MainWindow) def retranslateUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow.setWindowTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "MainWindow", None)) self.kaojai.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "PushButton", None)) self.maikaojai.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "PushButton", None))"MainWindow", "PushButton", None)) self.question.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "d", None)) self.tabWidget.setTabText(self.tabWidget.indexOf(, _translate("MainWindow", "Tab 1", None)) self.tabWidget.setTabText(self.tabWidget.indexOf(self.tab_2), _translate("MainWindow", "Tab 2", None)) self.toolBar.setWindowTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "toolBar", None)) self.actionSend.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "send", None)) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) MainWindow = QtGui.QMainWindow() ui = Ui_MainWindow() ui.setupUi(MainWindow) sys.exit(app.exec_())
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ """ __author__ = "Antonio Jesús Banegas-Luna" __version__ = "1.0" __maintainer__ = "Antonio" __email__ = "[email protected]" __status__ = "Development" from BaseModelBuilder import BaseModelBuilder class ModelBuilderRLF(BaseModelBuilder): def get_default_model(self): p = {} p['model'] = self.model_name p['train_grid'] = 'NONE' p['type_ml'] = 'classification' p['n_jobs'] = 8 p['params'] = {} p['params']['tree_size'] = 4 p['params']['sample_fract'] = 'default' p['params']['max_rules'] = 2000 p['params']['memory_par'] = 0.01 p['params']['rfmode'] = 'classify' p['params']['lin_trim_quantile'] = 0.025 p['params']['lin_standardise'] = True p['params']['exp_rand_tree_size'] = True p['params_grid'] = {} return p
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import warnings from textwrap import indent import astropy.units as u import numpy as np from astropy.constants import c from astropy.coordinates import (ICRS, CartesianDifferential, CartesianRepresentation, SkyCoord) from astropy.coordinates.spectral_quantity import SpectralQuantity from astropy.coordinates.baseframe import (BaseCoordinateFrame, frame_transform_graph) from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning __all__ = ['SpectralCoord'] class NoVelocityWarning(AstropyUserWarning): pass class NoDistanceWarning(AstropyUserWarning): pass KMS = / u.s C_KMS = ZERO_VELOCITIES = CartesianDifferential([0, 0, 0] * KMS) # Default distance to use for target when none is provided DEFAULT_DISTANCE = 1e6 * u.kpc # We don't want to run doctests in the docstrings we inherit from Quantity __doctest_skip__ = ['SpectralCoord.*'] def _velocity_to_redshift(velocity): """ Convert a velocity to a relativistic redshift. """ beta = velocity / C_KMS return np.sqrt((1 + beta) / (1 - beta)) - 1 def _redshift_to_velocity(redshift): """ Convert a relativistic redshift to a velocity. """ zponesq = (1 + redshift) ** 2 return (C_KMS * (zponesq - 1) / (zponesq + 1)) def _apply_relativistic_doppler_shift(scoord, velocity): """ Given a `SpectralQuantity` and a velocity, return a new `SpectralQuantity` that is Doppler shifted by this amount. Note that the Doppler shift applied is the full relativistic one, so `SpectralQuantity` currently expressed in velocity and not using the relativistic convention will temporarily be converted to use the relativistic convention while the shift is applied. Positive velocities are assumed to redshift the spectral quantity, while negative velocities blueshift the spectral quantity. """ # NOTE: we deliberately don't keep sub-classes of SpectralQuantity intact # since we can't guarantee that their metadata would be correct/consistent. squantity = scoord.view(SpectralQuantity) beta = velocity / c doppler_factor = np.sqrt((1 + beta) / (1 - beta)) if squantity.unit.is_equivalent(u.m): # wavelength return squantity * doppler_factor elif (squantity.unit.is_equivalent(u.Hz) or squantity.unit.is_equivalent(u.eV) or squantity.unit.is_equivalent(1 / u.m)): return squantity / doppler_factor elif squantity.unit.is_equivalent(KMS): # velocity return ( / doppler_factor).to(squantity.unit) else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError(f"Unexpected units in velocity shift: {squantity.unit}. " "This should not happen, so please report this in the " "astropy issue tracker!") def update_differentials_to_match(original, velocity_reference, preserve_observer_frame=False): """ Given an original coordinate object, update the differentials so that the final coordinate is at the same location as the original coordinate but co-moving with the velocity reference object. If preserve_original_frame is set to True, the resulting object will be in the frame of the original coordinate, otherwise it will be in the frame of the velocity reference. """ if not raise ValueError("Reference frame has no velocities") # If the reference has an obstime already defined, we should ignore # it and stick with the original observer obstime. if 'obstime' in velocity_reference.frame_attributes and hasattr(original, 'obstime'): velocity_reference = velocity_reference.replicate(obstime=original.obstime) # We transform both coordinates to ICRS for simplicity and because we know # it's a simple frame that is not time-dependent (it could be that both # the original and velocity_reference frame are time-dependent) original_icrs = original.transform_to(ICRS()) velocity_reference_icrs = velocity_reference.transform_to(ICRS()) differentials =, CartesianDifferential).differentials data_with_differentials = ( .with_differentials(differentials)) final_icrs = original_icrs.realize_frame(data_with_differentials) if preserve_observer_frame: final = final_icrs.transform_to(original) else: final = final_icrs.transform_to(velocity_reference) return final.replicate(representation_type=CartesianRepresentation, differential_type=CartesianDifferential) def attach_zero_velocities(coord): """ Set the differentials to be stationary on a coordinate object. """ new_data = coord.cartesian.with_differentials(ZERO_VELOCITIES) return coord.realize_frame(new_data) def _get_velocities(coord): if 's' in return coord.velocity else: return ZERO_VELOCITIES class SpectralCoord(SpectralQuantity): """ A spectral coordinate with its corresponding unit. .. note:: The |SpectralCoord| class is new in Astropy v4.1 and should be considered experimental at this time. Note that we do not fully support cases where the observer and target are moving relativistically relative to each other, so care should be taken in those cases. It is possible that there will be API changes in future versions of Astropy based on user feedback. If you have specific ideas for how it might be improved, please let us know on the `astropy-dev mailing list`_ or at Parameters ---------- value : ndarray or `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `SpectralCoord` Spectral values, which should be either wavelength, frequency, energy, wavenumber, or velocity values. unit : str or `~astropy.units.Unit` Unit for the given spectral values. observer : `~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame` or `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`, optional The coordinate (position and velocity) of observer. If no velocities are present on this object, the observer is assumed to be stationary relative to the frame origin. target : `~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame` or `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`, optional The coordinate (position and velocity) of target. If no velocities are present on this object, the target is assumed to be stationary relative to the frame origin. radial_velocity : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional The radial velocity of the target with respect to the observer. This can only be specified if ``redshift`` is not specified. redshift : float, optional The relativistic redshift of the target with respect to the observer. This can only be specified if ``radial_velocity`` cannot be specified. doppler_rest : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional The rest value to use when expressing the spectral value as a velocity. doppler_convention : str, optional The Doppler convention to use when expressing the spectral value as a velocity. """ @u.quantity_input( def __new__(cls, value, unit=None, observer=None, target=None, radial_velocity=None, redshift=None, **kwargs): obj = super().__new__(cls, value, unit=unit, **kwargs) # There are two main modes of operation in this class. Either the # observer and target are both defined, in which case the radial # velocity and redshift are automatically computed from these, or # only one of the observer and target are specified, along with a # manually specified radial velocity or redshift. So if a target and # observer are both specified, we can't also accept a radial velocity # or redshift. if target is not None and observer is not None: if radial_velocity is not None or redshift is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot specify radial velocity or redshift if both " "target and observer are specified") # We only deal with redshifts here and in the redshift property. # Otherwise internally we always deal with velocities. if redshift is not None: if radial_velocity is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot set both a radial velocity and redshift") redshift = u.Quantity(redshift) # For now, we can't specify in quantity_input above # and have it work with plain floats, but if that is fixed, for # example as in, we # can remove the check here and add to the decorator if not redshift.unit.is_equivalent( raise u.UnitsError('redshift should be dimensionless') radial_velocity = _redshift_to_velocity(redshift) # If we're initializing from an existing SpectralCoord, keep any # parameters that aren't being overridden if observer is None: observer = getattr(value, 'observer', None) if target is None: target = getattr(value, 'target', None) # As mentioned above, we should only specify the radial velocity # manually if either or both the observer and target are not # specified. if observer is None or target is None: if radial_velocity is None: radial_velocity = getattr(value, 'radial_velocity', None) obj._radial_velocity = radial_velocity obj._observer = cls._validate_coordinate(observer, label='observer') obj._target = cls._validate_coordinate(target, label='target') return obj def __array_finalize__(self, obj): super().__array_finalize__(obj) self._radial_velocity = getattr(obj, '_radial_velocity', None) self._observer = getattr(obj, '_observer', None) self._target = getattr(obj, '_target', None) @staticmethod def _validate_coordinate(coord, label=''): """ Checks the type of the frame and whether a velocity differential and a distance has been defined on the frame object. If no distance is defined, the target is assumed to be "really far away", and the observer is assumed to be "in the solar system". Parameters ---------- coord : `~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame` The new frame to be used for target or observer. label : str, optional The name of the object being validated (e.g. 'target' or 'observer'), which is then used in error messages. """ if coord is None: return if not issubclass(coord.__class__, BaseCoordinateFrame): if isinstance(coord, SkyCoord): coord = coord.frame else: raise TypeError(f"{label} must be a SkyCoord or coordinate frame instance") # If the distance is not well-defined, ensure that it works properly # for generating differentials # TODO: change this to not set the distance and yield a warning once # there's a good way to address this in astropy.coordinates # with np.errstate(all='ignore'): distance = getattr(coord, 'distance', None) if distance is not None and distance.unit.physical_type == 'dimensionless': coord = SkyCoord(coord, distance=DEFAULT_DISTANCE) warnings.warn( "Distance on coordinate object is dimensionless, an " f"abritrary distance value of {DEFAULT_DISTANCE} will be set instead.", NoDistanceWarning) # If the observer frame does not contain information about the # velocity of the system, assume that the velocity is zero in the # system. if 's' not in warnings.warn( "No velocity defined on frame, assuming {}.".format( ZERO_VELOCITIES), NoVelocityWarning) coord = attach_zero_velocities(coord) return coord def replicate(self, value=None, unit=None, observer=None, target=None, radial_velocity=None, redshift=None, doppler_convention=None, doppler_rest=None, copy=False): """ Return a replica of the `SpectralCoord`, optionally changing the values or attributes. Note that no conversion is carried out by this method - this keeps all the values and attributes the same, except for the ones explicitly passed to this method which are changed. If ``copy`` is set to `True` then a full copy of the internal arrays will be made. By default the replica will use a reference to the original arrays when possible to save memory. Parameters ---------- value : ndarray or `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `SpectralCoord`, optional Spectral values, which should be either wavelength, frequency, energy, wavenumber, or velocity values. unit : str or `~astropy.units.Unit` Unit for the given spectral values. observer : `~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame` or `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`, optional The coordinate (position and velocity) of observer. target : `~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame` or `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`, optional The coordinate (position and velocity) of target. radial_velocity : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional The radial velocity of the target with respect to the observer. redshift : float, optional The relativistic redshift of the target with respect to the observer. doppler_rest : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional The rest value to use when expressing the spectral value as a velocity. doppler_convention : str, optional The Doppler convention to use when expressing the spectral value as a velocity. copy : bool, optional If `True`, and ``value`` is not specified, the values are copied to the new `SkyCoord` - otherwise a reference to the same values is used. Returns ------- sc : `SpectralCoord` object Replica of this object """ if isinstance(value, u.Quantity): if unit is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot specify value as a Quantity and also specify unit") else: value, unit = value.value, value.unit value = value if value is not None else self.value unit = unit or self.unit observer = self._validate_coordinate(observer) or target = self._validate_coordinate(target) or doppler_convention = doppler_convention or self.doppler_convention doppler_rest = doppler_rest or self.doppler_rest # If value is being taken from self and copy is Tru if copy: value = value.copy() # Only include radial_velocity if it is not auto-computed from the # observer and target. if ( is None or is None) and radial_velocity is None and redshift is None: radial_velocity = self.radial_velocity with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', NoVelocityWarning) return self.__class__(value=value, unit=unit, observer=observer, target=target, radial_velocity=radial_velocity, redshift=redshift, doppler_convention=doppler_convention, doppler_rest=doppler_rest, copy=False) @property def quantity(self): """ Convert the ``SpectralCoord`` to a `~astropy.units.Quantity`. Equivalent to ``self.view(u.Quantity)``. Returns ------- `~astropy.units.Quantity` This object viewed as a `~astropy.units.Quantity`. """ return self.view(u.Quantity) @property def observer(self): """ The coordinates of the observer. If set, and a target is set as well, this will override any explicit radial velocity passed in. Returns ------- `~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame` The astropy coordinate frame representing the observation. """ return self._observer @observer.setter def observer(self, value): if is not None: raise ValueError("observer has already been set") self._observer = self._validate_coordinate(value, label='observer') # Switch to auto-computing radial velocity if self._target is not None: self._radial_velocity = None @property def target(self): """ The coordinates of the target being observed. If set, and an observer is set as well, this will override any explicit radial velocity passed in. Returns ------- `~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame` The astropy coordinate frame representing the target. """ return self._target @target.setter def target(self, value): if is not None: raise ValueError("target has already been set") self._target = self._validate_coordinate(value, label='target') # Switch to auto-computing radial velocity if self._observer is not None: self._radial_velocity = None @property def radial_velocity(self): """ Radial velocity of target relative to the observer. Returns ------- `~astropy.units.Quantity` Radial velocity of target. Notes ----- This is different from the ``.radial_velocity`` property of a coordinate frame in that this calculates the radial velocity with respect to the *observer*, not the origin of the frame. """ if self._observer is None or self._target is None: if self._radial_velocity is None: return 0 * KMS else: return self._radial_velocity else: return self._calculate_radial_velocity(self._observer, self._target, as_scalar=True) @property def redshift(self): """ Redshift of target relative to observer. Calculated from the radial velocity. Returns ------- float Redshift of target. """ return _velocity_to_redshift(self.radial_velocity) @staticmethod def _calculate_radial_velocity(observer, target, as_scalar=False): """ Compute the line-of-sight velocity from the observer to the target. Parameters ---------- observer : `~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame` The frame of the observer. target : `~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame` The frame of the target. as_scalar : bool If `True`, the magnitude of the velocity vector will be returned, otherwise the full vector will be returned. Returns ------- `~astropy.units.Quantity` The radial velocity of the target with respect to the observer. """ # Convert observer and target to ICRS to avoid finite differencing # calculations that lack numerical precision. observer_icrs = observer.transform_to(ICRS()) target_icrs = target.transform_to(ICRS()) pos_hat = SpectralCoord._normalized_position_vector(observer_icrs, target_icrs) d_vel = target_icrs.velocity - observer_icrs.velocity vel_mag = if as_scalar: return vel_mag else: return vel_mag * pos_hat @staticmethod def _normalized_position_vector(observer, target): """ Calculate the normalized position vector between two frames. Parameters ---------- observer : `~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame` or `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` The observation frame or coordinate. target : `~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame` or `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` The target frame or coordinate. Returns ------- pos_hat : `BaseRepresentation` Position representation. """ d_pos = (target.cartesian.without_differentials() - observer.cartesian.without_differentials()) dp_norm = d_pos.norm() # Reset any that are 0 to 1 to avoid nans from 0/0 dp_norm[dp_norm == 0] = 1 * dp_norm.unit pos_hat = d_pos / dp_norm return pos_hat @u.quantity_input( def with_observer_stationary_relative_to(self, frame, velocity=None, preserve_observer_frame=False): """ A new `SpectralCoord` with the velocity of the observer altered, but not the position. If a coordinate frame is specified, the observer velocities will be modified to be stationary in the specified frame. If a coordinate instance is specified, optionally with non-zero velocities, the observer velocities will be updated so that the observer is co-moving with the specified coordinates. Parameters ---------- frame : str, `~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame` or `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` The observation frame in which the observer will be stationary. This can be the name of a frame (e.g. 'icrs'), a frame class, frame instance with no data, or instance with data. This can optionally include velocities. velocity : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `~astropy.coordinates.CartesianDifferential`, optional If ``frame`` does not contain velocities, these can be specified as a 3-element `~astropy.units.Quantity`. In the case where this is also not specified, the velocities default to zero. preserve_observer_frame : bool If `True`, the final observer frame class will be the same as the original one, and if `False` it will be the frame of the velocity reference class. Returns ------- new_coord : `SpectralCoord` The new coordinate object representing the spectral data transformed based on the observer's new velocity frame. """ if is None or is None: raise ValueError("This method can only be used if both observer " "and target are defined on the SpectralCoord.") # Start off by extracting frame if a SkyCoord was passed in if isinstance(frame, SkyCoord): frame = frame.frame if isinstance(frame, BaseCoordinateFrame): if not frame.has_data: frame = frame.realize_frame(CartesianRepresentation(0 *, 0 *, 0 * if if velocity is not None: raise ValueError('frame already has differentials, cannot also specify velocity') # otherwise frame is ready to go else: if velocity is None: differentials = ZERO_VELOCITIES else: differentials = CartesianDifferential(velocity) frame = frame.realize_frame( if isinstance(frame, (type, str)): if isinstance(frame, type): frame_cls = frame elif isinstance(frame, str): frame_cls = frame_transform_graph.lookup_name(frame) if velocity is None: velocity = 0 * u.m / u.s, 0 * u.m / u.s, 0 * u.m / u.s elif velocity.shape != (3,): raise ValueError('velocity should be a Quantity vector with 3 elements') frame = frame_cls(0 * u.m, 0 * u.m, 0 * u.m, *velocity, representation_type='cartesian', differential_type='cartesian') observer = update_differentials_to_match(, frame, preserve_observer_frame=preserve_observer_frame) # Calculate the initial and final los velocity init_obs_vel = self._calculate_radial_velocity(,, as_scalar=True) fin_obs_vel = self._calculate_radial_velocity(observer,, as_scalar=True) # Apply transformation to data new_data = _apply_relativistic_doppler_shift(self, fin_obs_vel - init_obs_vel) new_coord = self.replicate(value=new_data, observer=observer) return new_coord def with_radial_velocity_shift(self, target_shift=None, observer_shift=None): """ Apply a velocity shift to this spectral coordinate. The shift can be provided as a redshift (float value) or radial velocity (`~astropy.units.Quantity` with physical type of 'speed'). Parameters ---------- target_shift : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Shift value to apply to current target. observer_shift : float or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Shift value to apply to current observer. Returns ------- `SpectralCoord` New spectral coordinate with the target/observer velocity changed to incorporate the shift. This is always a new object even if ``target_shift`` and ``observer_shift`` are both `None`. """ if observer_shift is not None and ( is None or is None): raise ValueError("Both an observer and target must be defined " "before applying a velocity shift.") for arg in [x for x in [target_shift, observer_shift] if x is not None]: if isinstance(arg, u.Quantity) and not arg.unit.is_equivalent((, KMS)): raise u.UnitsError("Argument must have unit physical type " "'speed' for radial velocty or " "'dimensionless' for redshift.") # The target or observer value is defined but is not a quantity object, # assume it's a redshift float value and convert to velocity if target_shift is None: if self._observer is None or self._target is None: return self.replicate() target_shift = 0 * KMS else: target_shift = u.Quantity(target_shift) if target_shift.unit.physical_type == 'dimensionless': target_shift = _redshift_to_velocity(target_shift) if self._observer is None or self._target is None: return self.replicate(value=_apply_relativistic_doppler_shift(self, target_shift), radial_velocity=self.radial_velocity + target_shift) if observer_shift is None: observer_shift = 0 * KMS else: observer_shift = u.Quantity(observer_shift) if observer_shift.unit.physical_type == 'dimensionless': observer_shift = _redshift_to_velocity(observer_shift) target_icrs = self._target.transform_to(ICRS()) observer_icrs = self._observer.transform_to(ICRS()) pos_hat = SpectralCoord._normalized_position_vector(observer_icrs, target_icrs) target_velocity = _get_velocities(target_icrs) + target_shift * pos_hat observer_velocity = _get_velocities(observer_icrs) + observer_shift * pos_hat target_velocity = CartesianDifferential( observer_velocity = CartesianDifferential( new_target = (target_icrs .realize_frame(target_icrs.cartesian.with_differentials(target_velocity)) .transform_to(self._target)) new_observer = (observer_icrs .realize_frame(observer_icrs.cartesian.with_differentials(observer_velocity)) .transform_to(self._observer)) init_obs_vel = self._calculate_radial_velocity(observer_icrs, target_icrs, as_scalar=True) fin_obs_vel = self._calculate_radial_velocity(new_observer, new_target, as_scalar=True) new_data = _apply_relativistic_doppler_shift(self, fin_obs_vel - init_obs_vel) return self.replicate(value=new_data, observer=new_observer, target=new_target) def to_rest(self): """ Transforms the spectral axis to the rest frame. """ if is not None and is not None: return self.with_observer_stationary_relative_to( result = _apply_relativistic_doppler_shift(self, -self.radial_velocity) return self.replicate(value=result, radial_velocity=0. * KMS, redshift=None) def __repr__(self): prefixstr = '<' + self.__class__.__name__ + ' ' try: radial_velocity = self.radial_velocity redshift = self.redshift except ValueError: radial_velocity = redshift = 'Undefined' repr_items = [f'{prefixstr}'] if is not None: observer_repr = indent(repr(, 14 * ' ').lstrip() repr_items.append(f' observer: {observer_repr}') if is not None: target_repr = indent(repr(, 12 * ' ').lstrip() repr_items.append(f' target: {target_repr}') if (self._observer is not None and self._target is not None) or self._radial_velocity is not None: if is not None and is not None: repr_items.append(' observer to target (computed from above):') else: repr_items.append(' observer to target:') repr_items.append(f' radial_velocity={radial_velocity}') repr_items.append(f' redshift={redshift}') if self.doppler_rest is not None or self.doppler_convention is not None: repr_items.append(f' doppler_rest={self.doppler_rest}') repr_items.append(f' doppler_convention={self.doppler_convention}') arrstr = np.array2string(self.view(np.ndarray), separator=', ', prefix=' ') if len(repr_items) == 1: repr_items[0] += f'{arrstr}{self._unitstr:s}' else: repr_items[1] = ' (' + repr_items[1].lstrip() repr_items[-1] += ')' repr_items.append(f' {arrstr}{self._unitstr:s}') return '\n'.join(repr_items) + '>'
[ "MIT" ]
"""项目配置""" # 图灵机器人,99元一月付费版,尽情享用! tuling_api_key = '88f17f853d974387af64955bed9466f4' # 自动回复 is_friend_auto_reply = False # 好友自动回复 is_group_reply = False # 此项表示群中是否回复 is_group_at_reply = False # 上一项开启后此项才生效 is_forward_revoke_msg = True # 开启防撤回模式 is_forward_group_at_msg = False # 转发群@我的消息 # 机器人主人 bot_master_name = '' # 使用备注名更安全,只允许一个,可远程控制机器人,如果不设置(空)则将文件助手设置为管理员,但不具备远程控制功能 # 监听某些好友群聊,如老板 is_listen_friend = False listen_friend_names = '猪哥' # 需要监听的人名称,使用备注名更安全,允许多个用|分隔,如:主管|项目经理|产品狗 listen_friend_groups = 'Python新手交流' # 在这些群里监听好友说的话,匹配模式:包含“唯一集团工作群”的群 # 转发信息至群 is_forward_mode = False # 打开转发模式,主人发送给机器人的消息都将转发至forward_groups群 forward_groups = 'Python新手交流' # 需要将消息转发的群,匹配模式同上 # 群分享监控 is_listen_sharing = False listen_sharing_groups = 'Python新手交流' # 监控群分享,匹配模式同上
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[ "MIT" ]
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # Given a sorted array and a target value, return the index if the target is found. If not, return the index where it would be if it were inserted in order. # # You may assume no duplicates in the array. # # Here are few examples. # [1,3,5,6], 5 → 2 # [1,3,5,6], 2 → 1 # [1,3,5,6], 7 → 4 # [1,3,5,6], 0 → 0 # # Python, Python 3 all accepted. class SearchInsertPosition(object): def searchInsert(self, nums, target): """ :type nums: List[int] :type target: int :rtype: int """ if nums is None or len(nums) == 0: return 0 for i in range(0, len(nums)): if nums[i] == target: return i elif nums[i] < target: if (i + 1 < len(nums) and nums[i + 1] > target) or i + 1 == len(nums): return i + 1 return 0
[ "MIT" ]
import math import numpy as np from kinematics.forward import ForwardKinematics from kinematics.kinematics import Kinematics from kinematics.solution import InverseKinematicsShoulderSolution, InverseKinematicsSpecificSolution, \ InverseKinematicsSolution, InverseKinematicsWristSolution class InverseKinematics(Kinematics): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.forward_kinematics = ForwardKinematics() def __clamp_cos_sin_within_threshold(self, cos_or_sin): new_val = cos_or_sin if 1 < new_val <= 1.2: new_val = 1.0 elif -1.2 <= new_val < -1: new_val = -1.0 return new_val def __compute_solution_for_theta_1(self, T06, theta_1, debug=False): wrist_solution = InverseKinematicsWristSolution() # Theta 5 P06 = T06[:, 3] theta_5_1 = None theta_5_2 = None theta_5_cos = (P06[0] * math.sin(theta_1) - P06[1] * np.cos( theta_1) - self.joint4_dh.d) / self.joint6_dh.d theta_5_cos = self.__clamp_cos_sin_within_threshold(theta_5_cos) if -1 <= theta_5_cos <= 1: theta_5_1 = math.acos(theta_5_cos) theta_5_2 = -math.acos(theta_5_cos) sigma = 0.00001 if theta_5_1 is not None and not -sigma <= math.sin(theta_5_1) <= sigma: wrist_solution.solution_wrist_up = self.__compute_solution_for_wrist(theta_1, theta_5_1, T06) else: wrist_solution.solution_wrist_up.is_valid_solution = False if theta_5_2 is not None and not -sigma <= math.sin(theta_5_2) <= sigma: wrist_solution.solution_wrist_down = self.__compute_solution_for_wrist(theta_1, theta_5_2, T06) else: wrist_solution.solution_wrist_down.is_valid_solution = False if not wrist_solution.solution_wrist_up.is_valid_solution and not wrist_solution.solution_wrist_down.is_valid_solution: wrist_solution.is_valid_solution = False if debug: print(f"Theta 5: {theta_5_1:.3f}, {theta_5_2:.3f}") return wrist_solution def __compute_solution_for_wrist(self, theta_1, theta_5, T06, debug=False): shoulder_solution = InverseKinematicsShoulderSolution() # Theta 6 T60 = np.linalg.inv(T06) X60 = T60[:, 0] Y60 = T60[:, 1] theta_6_cos = (X60[0] * math.sin(theta_1) - Y60[0] * math.cos(theta_1)) / math.sin( theta_5) # only using one of the theta 5's for now.. theta_6_sin = (-X60[1] * math.sin(theta_1) + Y60[1] * math.cos(theta_1)) / math.sin( theta_5) # only using one of the theta 5's for now.. theta_6 = math.atan2(theta_6_sin, theta_6_cos) if debug: print(f"Theta 6: {theta_6:.3f}") tm_dict = {} # Theta 3 T01 = self.compute_transformation_matrix(theta_1, self.joint1_dh) T45 = self.compute_transformation_matrix(theta_5, self.joint5_dh) T56 = self.compute_transformation_matrix(theta_6, self.joint6_dh) T46 = np.matmul(T45, T56) T64 = np.linalg.inv(T46) T10 = np.linalg.inv(T01) T14 = np.matmul(np.matmul(T10, T06), T64) P14 = T14[:, 3] tm_dict["T06"] = T06 tm_dict["T01"] = T01 tm_dict["T45"] = T45 tm_dict["T56"] = T56 tm_dict["T64"] = T64 tm_dict["T10"] = T10 tm_dict["T14"] = T14 tm_dict["P14"] = P14 theta_3_cos = (math.sqrt( P14[0] ** 2 + P14[2] ** 2) ** 2 - self.joint3_dh.a ** 2 - self.joint4_dh.a ** 2) / ( 2 * (-self.joint3_dh.a) * (-self.joint4_dh.a)) if debug: print("theta3_cos: ", theta_3_cos) theta_3_cos = self.__clamp_cos_sin_within_threshold(theta_3_cos) if not -1 <= theta_3_cos <= 1: shoulder_solution.is_valid_solution = False return shoulder_solution theta_3_up = math.acos(theta_3_cos) theta_3_down = -math.acos(theta_3_cos) if debug: print(f"Theta 3: Up: {theta_3_up:.3f} Down: {theta_3_down:.3f}") shoulder_solution.solution_elbow_up = self.__compute_specific_solution(theta_1, theta_3_up, theta_5, theta_6, tm_dict) shoulder_solution.solution_elbow_down = self.__compute_specific_solution(theta_1, theta_3_down, theta_5, theta_6, tm_dict) return shoulder_solution def __compute_specific_solution(self, theta_1, theta_3, theta_5, theta_6, tm_dict, debug=False): specific_solution = InverseKinematicsSpecificSolution() P14 = tm_dict["P14"] phi_1 = math.atan2(-P14[2], -P14[0]) phi_2 = math.asin((-self.joint4_dh.a * math.sin(theta_3)) / math.sqrt(P14[0]**2 + P14[2]**2)) theta_2 = phi_1 - phi_2 if debug: print(f"Theta 2: {theta_2:.3f}") T01 = tm_dict["T01"] T12 = self.compute_transformation_matrix(theta_2, self.joint2_dh) T23 = self.compute_transformation_matrix(theta_3, self.joint3_dh) T45 = tm_dict["T45"] T56 = tm_dict["T56"] T06 = tm_dict["T06"] T03 = np.matmul(np.matmul(T01, T12), T23) T30 = np.linalg.inv(T03) T64 = tm_dict["T64"] T34 = np.matmul(np.matmul(T30, T06), T64) X34 = T34[:, 0] theta_4 = math.atan2(X34[1], X34[0]) if debug: print(f"Theta 4: {theta_4:.3f}") specific_solution.thetas = [theta_1, theta_2, theta_3, theta_4, theta_5, theta_6] return specific_solution def __print_all_solutions(self, solution): print("Inverse Solutions:") if solution.solution_shoulder_left.is_valid_solution: if solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_up.is_valid_solution: if solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_up.is_valid_solution: print( f"Shoulder left, wrist up, elbow up: {solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_up.thetas}") if solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_down.is_valid_solution: print( f"Shoulder left, wrist up, elbow down: {solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_down.thetas}") if solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_down.is_valid_solution: if solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_up.is_valid_solution: print( f"Shoulder left, wrist down, elbow up: {solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_up.thetas}") if solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_down: print( f"Shoulder left, wrist down, elbow down: {solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_down.thetas}") if solution.solution_shoulder_right.is_valid_solution: if solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_up.is_valid_solution: if solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_up.is_valid_solution: print( f"Shoulder right, wrist up, elbow up: {solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_up.thetas}") if solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_down.is_valid_solution: print( f"Shoulder right, wrist up, elbow down: {solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_up.thetas}") if solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_down.is_valid_solution: if solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_up.is_valid_solution: print( f"Shoulder right, wrist down, elbow up: {solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_up.thetas}") if solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_down.is_valid_solution: print( f"Shoulder right, wrist down, elbow down: {solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_up.thetas}") def compute_joint_angles(self, T06, debug=False): solution = InverseKinematicsSolution() #Theta 1 P05 =, [0, 0, -self.joint6_dh.d, 1]) phi_1 = math.atan2(P05[1], P05[0]) phi_2_cos = self.joint4_dh.d / math.sqrt(P05[0]**2 + P05[1]**2) phi_2 = math.acos(phi_2_cos) theta_1_1 = phi_1 + phi_2 + (np.pi / 2) theta_1_2 = phi_1 - phi_2 + (np.pi / 2) if debug: print(f"Theta 1: {theta_1_1:.3f}, {theta_1_2:.3f}") if not math.isnan(theta_1_1): solution.solution_shoulder_left = self.__compute_solution_for_theta_1(T06, theta_1_1, debug) else: solution.solution_shoulder_left = InverseKinematicsWristSolution().is_valid_solution = False if not math.isnan(theta_1_2): solution.solution_shoulder_right = self.__compute_solution_for_theta_1(T06, theta_1_2, debug) else: solution.solution_shoulder_right = InverseKinematicsWristSolution().is_valid_solution = False if debug: self.__print_all_solutions(solution) return solution def get_solution_for_config_id(self, solution, config_id): if config_id == 0: return solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_up.thetas elif config_id == 1: return solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_down.thetas elif config_id == 2: return solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_up.thetas elif config_id == 3: return solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_down.thetas elif config_id == 4: return solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_up.thetas elif config_id == 5: return solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_down.thetas elif config_id == 6: return solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_up.thetas elif config_id == 7: return solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_down.thetas else: raise Exception("invalid config solution id") def get_best_solution_for_config_id(self, T06, config_id): solution = self.compute_joint_angles(T06) if self.is_valid_solution_by_config_id(solution, config_id): return self.get_solution_for_config_id(solution, config_id) else: index = config_id + 1 checked_all = False while not checked_all: if index >= 8: index = 0 if index == config_id: print('Found no valid solutions..') return None if self.is_valid_solution_by_config_id(solution, index): return self.get_solution_for_config_id(solution, index) index += 1 def is_valid_solution_by_config_id(self, solution, config_id): if 0 <= config_id < 4 and solution.solution_shoulder_left.is_valid_solution: if 0 <= config_id < 2 and solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_up.is_valid_solution: if config_id == 0 and solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_up.is_valid_solution: return True if config_id == 1 and solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_down.is_valid_solution: return True if 2 <= config_id < 4 and solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_down.is_valid_solution: if config_id == 2 and solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_up.is_valid_solution: return True if config_id == 3 and solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_down: return True if 4 <= config_id < 8 and solution.solution_shoulder_right.is_valid_solution: if 4 <= config_id < 6 and solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_up.is_valid_solution: if config_id == 4 and solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_up.is_valid_solution: return True if config_id == 5 and solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_down.is_valid_solution: return True if 6 <= config_id < 8 and solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_down.is_valid_solution: if config_id == 6 and solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_up.is_valid_solution: return True if config_id == 7 and solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_down.is_valid_solution: return True else: return False def get_current_configuration_id(self, joint_angles): T06 = self.forward_kinematics.compute_0_to_6_matrix(joint_angles) solution = self.compute_joint_angles(T06) differences = np.full(8, 1000) if solution.solution_shoulder_left.is_valid_solution: if solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_up.is_valid_solution: if solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_up.is_valid_solution: differences[0] = 0 if solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_down.is_valid_solution: differences[1] = 0 if solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_down.is_valid_solution: if solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_up.is_valid_solution: differences[2] = 0 if solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_down: differences[3] = 0 if solution.solution_shoulder_right.is_valid_solution: if solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_up.is_valid_solution: if solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_up.is_valid_solution: differences[4] = 0 if solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_down.is_valid_solution: differences[5] = 0 if solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_down.is_valid_solution: if solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_up.is_valid_solution: differences[6] = 0 if solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_down.is_valid_solution: differences[7] = 0 for i in range(6): if solution.solution_shoulder_left.is_valid_solution: if solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_up.is_valid_solution: if solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_up.is_valid_solution: differences[0] += abs(joint_angles[i] - solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_up.thetas[i]) if solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_down.is_valid_solution: differences[1] += abs(joint_angles[i] - solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_down.thetas[i]) if solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_down.is_valid_solution: if solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_up.is_valid_solution: differences[2] += abs(joint_angles[i] - solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_up.thetas[i]) if solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_down: differences[3] += abs(joint_angles[i] - solution.solution_shoulder_left.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_down.thetas[i]) if solution.solution_shoulder_right.is_valid_solution: if solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_up.is_valid_solution: if solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_up.is_valid_solution: differences[4] += abs(joint_angles[i] - solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_up.thetas[i]) if solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_down.is_valid_solution: differences[5] += abs(joint_angles[i] - solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_up.solution_elbow_down.thetas[i]) if solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_down.is_valid_solution: if solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_up.is_valid_solution: differences[6] += abs(joint_angles[i] - solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_up.thetas[i]) if solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_down.is_valid_solution: differences[7] += abs(joint_angles[i] - solution.solution_shoulder_right.solution_wrist_down.solution_elbow_down.thetas[i]) print(differences) return np.argmin(differences)
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ das developers note: This a is modification of the original SpacePy pycdf package. All refereneces to the greater spacepy package have been removed to create a small standalone module. --cwp 2018-10-18 The location code has been changed to find the version installed in anaconda. --cwp 2020-04-06 This package provides a Python interface to the Common Data Format (CDF) library used for many NASA missions, available at It is targeted at Python 2.6+ and should work without change on either Python 2 or Python 3. The interface is intended to be 'pythonic' rather than reproducing the C interface. To open or close a CDF and access its variables, see the :class:`CDF` class. Accessing data within the variables is via the :class:`Var` class. The :data:`lib` object provides access to some routines that affect the functionality of the library in general. The :mod:`~pycdf.const` module contains constants useful for accessing the underlying library. Authors: Jon Niehof Institution: University of New Hampshire Contact: [email protected] Copyright 2010-2015 Los Alamos National Security, LLC. """ __contact__ = 'Jon Niehof, [email protected]' try: from import MutableMapping, MutableSequence except ImportError: from collections import MutableMapping, MutableSequence import ctypes import ctypes.util import datetime import operator import os import os.path import shutil import sys import tempfile import warnings import weakref import numpy import #Import const AFTER library loaded, so failed load doesn't leave half-imported #from . import const try: str_classes = (str, bytes, unicode) except NameError: str_classes = (str, bytes) class Library(object): """ Abstraction of the base CDF C library and its state. Not normally intended for end-user use. An instance of this class is created at package load time as the :data:`~pycdf.lib` variable, providing access to the underlying C library if necessary. The CDF library itself is described in section 2.1 of the CDF user's guide, as well as the CDF C reference manual. Calling the C library directly requires knowledge of :mod:`ctypes`. Instantiating this object loads the C library, see :doc:`/pycdf` docs for details. .. autosummary:: ~Library.check_status ~Library.datetime_to_epoch ~Library.datetime_to_epoch16 ~Library.datetime_to_tt2000 ~Library.epoch_to_datetime ~Library.epoch_to_epoch16 ~Library.epoch_to_num ~Library.epoch_to_tt2000 ~Library.epoch16_to_datetime ~Library.epoch16_to_epoch ~Library.epoch16_to_tt2000 ~Library.set_backward supports_int8 ~Library.tt2000_to_datetime ~Library.tt2000_to_epoch ~Library.tt2000_to_epoch16 v_datetime_to_epoch v_datetime_to_epoch16 v_datetime_to_tt2000 v_epoch_to_datetime v_epoch_to_tt2000 v_epoch16_to_datetime v_epoch16_to_tt2000 v_tt2000_to_datetime v_tt2000_to_epoch v_tt2000_to_epoch16 libpath version .. automethod:: call .. automethod:: check_status .. automethod:: datetime_to_epoch .. automethod:: datetime_to_epoch16 .. automethod:: datetime_to_tt2000 .. automethod:: epoch_to_datetime .. automethod:: epoch_to_epoch16 .. automethod:: epoch_to_num .. automethod:: epoch_to_tt2000 .. automethod:: epoch16_to_datetime .. automethod:: epoch16_to_epoch .. automethod:: epoch16_to_tt2000 .. automethod:: set_backward .. attribute:: supports_int8 True if this library supports INT8 and TIME_TT2000 types; else False. .. automethod:: tt2000_to_datetime .. automethod:: tt2000_to_epoch .. automethod:: tt2000_to_epoch16 .. method:: v_datetime_to_epoch(datetime) A vectorized version of :meth:`datetime_to_epoch` which takes a numpy array of datetimes as input and returns an array of epochs. .. method:: v_datetime_to_epoch16(datetime) A vectorized version of :meth:`datetime_to_epoch16` which takes a numpy array of datetimes as input and returns an array of epoch16. .. method:: v_datetime_to_tt2000(datetime) A vectorized version of :meth:`datetime_to_tt2000` which takes a numpy array of datetimes as input and returns an array of TT2000. .. method:: v_epoch_to_datetime(epoch) A vectorized version of :meth:`epoch_to_datetime` which takes a numpy array of epochs as input and returns an array of datetimes. .. method:: v_epoch_to_tt2000(epoch) A vectorized version of :meth:`epoch_to_tt2000` which takes a numpy array of epochs as input and returns an array of tt2000s. .. method:: v_epoch16_to_datetime(epoch0, epoch1) A vectorized version of :meth:`epoch16_to_datetime` which takes a numpy array of epoch16 as input and returns an array of datetimes. An epoch16 is a pair of doubles; the input array's last dimension must be two (and the returned array will have one fewer dimension). .. method:: v_epoch16_to_tt2000(epoch16) A vectorized version of :meth:`epoch16_to_tt2000` which takes a numpy array of epoch16 as input and returns an array of tt2000s. An epoch16 is a pair of doubles; the input array's last dimension must be two (and the returned array will have one fewer dimension). .. method:: v_tt2000_to_datetime(tt2000) A vectorized version of :meth:`tt2000_to_datetime` which takes a numpy array of tt2000 as input and returns an array of datetimes. .. method:: v_tt2000_to_epoch(tt2000) A vectorized version of :meth:`tt2000_to_epoch` which takes a numpy array of tt2000 as input and returns an array of epochs. .. method:: v_tt2000_to_epoch16(tt2000) A vectorized version of :meth:`tt2000_to_epoch16` which takes a numpy array of tt2000 as input and returns an array of epoch16. .. attribute:: libpath The path where pycdf found the CDF C library, potentially useful in debugging. If this contains just the name of a file (with no path information), then the system linker found the library for pycdf. On Linux, ``ldconfig -p`` may be useful for displaying the system's library resolution. .. attribute:: version Version of the CDF library, (version, release, increment, subincrement) """ def __init__(self, libpath=None, library=None): """Load the CDF C library. Searches for the library in the order: 1. Appropriately-named file in CDF_LIB 2. Appropriately-named file in CDF_BASE 3. Standard library search path @raise CDFError: BAD_DATA_TYPE if can't map types properly """ if not 'CDF_TMP' in os.environ: os.environ['CDF_TMP'] = tempfile.gettempdir() if not library: if not libpath: self.libpath, self._library = self._find_lib() if self._library is None: raise Exception(( 'Cannot load CDF C library; checked {0}. ' 'Try \'os.environ["CDF_LIB"] = library_directory\' ' 'before import.').format(', '.join(self.libpath))) else: self._library = ctypes.CDLL(libpath) self.libpath = libpath else: self._library = library self.libpath = libpath self._library.CDFlib.restype = ctypes.c_long #commonly used, so set it up here self._library.EPOCHbreakdown.restype = ctypes.c_long self._library.computeEPOCH.restype = ctypes.c_double self._library.computeEPOCH.argtypes = [ctypes.c_long] * 7 self._library.computeEPOCH16.restype = ctypes.c_double self._library.computeEPOCH16.argtypes = [ctypes.c_long] * 10 + \ [ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double * 2)] if hasattr(self._library, 'CDFsetFileBackward'): self._library.CDFsetFileBackward.restype = None self._library.CDFsetFileBackward.argtypes = [ctypes.c_long] #Map old name to the 3.7.1+ name if not hasattr(self._library, 'computeTT2000') \ and hasattr(self._library, 'CDF_TT2000_from_UTC_parts'): self._library.computeTT2000 \ = self._library.CDF_TT2000_from_UTC_parts if hasattr(self._library, 'computeTT2000'): self._library.computeTT2000.restype = ctypes.c_longlong self._library.computeTT2000.argtypes = \ [ctypes.c_double] *9 #Map old name to the 3.7.1+ name if not hasattr(self._library, 'breakdownTT2000') \ and hasattr(self._library, 'CDF_TT2000_to_UTC_parts'): self._library.breakdownTT2000 \ = self._library.CDF_TT2000_to_UTC_parts if hasattr(self._library, 'breakdownTT2000'): self._library.breakdownTT2000.restype = None self._library.breakdownTT2000.argtypes = \ [ctypes.c_longlong] + [ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)] * 9 if hasattr(self._library, 'CDF_TT2000_to_UTC_EPOCH'): self._library.CDF_TT2000_to_UTC_EPOCH.restype = ctypes.c_double self._library.CDF_TT2000_to_UTC_EPOCH.argtypes = [ctypes.c_longlong] if hasattr(self._library, 'CDF_TT2000_from_UTC_EPOCH'): self._library.CDF_TT2000_from_UTC_EPOCH.restype = ctypes.c_longlong self._library.CDF_TT2000_from_UTC_EPOCH.argtypes = [ctypes.c_double] if hasattr(self._library, 'CDF_TT2000_to_UTC_EPOCH16'): self._library.CDF_TT2000_to_UTC_EPOCH16.restype = ctypes.c_double self._library.CDF_TT2000_to_UTC_EPOCH16.argtypes = \ [ctypes.c_longlong, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double * 2)] if hasattr(self._library, 'CDF_TT2000_from_UTC_EPOCH16'): self._library.CDF_TT2000_from_UTC_EPOCH16.restype = \ ctypes.c_longlong self._library.CDF_TT2000_from_UTC_EPOCH16.argtypes = \ [ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double * 2)] #Get CDF version information ver = ctypes.c_long(0) rel = ctypes.c_long(0) inc = ctypes.c_long(0) sub = ctypes.c_char(b' '), const.LIB_VERSION_, ctypes.byref(ver), const.GET_, const.LIB_RELEASE_, ctypes.byref(rel), const.GET_, const.LIB_INCREMENT_, ctypes.byref(inc), const.GET_, const.LIB_subINCREMENT_, ctypes.byref(sub)) ver = ver.value rel = rel.value inc = inc.value sub = sub.value self.version = (ver, rel, inc, sub) self._del_middle_rec_bug = ver < 3 or (ver == 3 and (rel < 4 or (rel == 4 and inc < 1))) self.supports_int8 = (ver > 3 or (ver == 3 and rel >=4)) self.cdftypenames = {const.CDF_BYTE.value: 'CDF_BYTE', const.CDF_CHAR.value: 'CDF_CHAR', const.CDF_INT1.value: 'CDF_INT1', const.CDF_UCHAR.value: 'CDF_UCHAR', const.CDF_UINT1.value: 'CDF_UINT1', const.CDF_INT2.value: 'CDF_INT2', const.CDF_UINT2.value: 'CDF_UINT2', const.CDF_INT4.value: 'CDF_INT4', const.CDF_UINT4.value: 'CDF_UINT4', const.CDF_INT8.value: 'CDF_INT8', const.CDF_FLOAT.value: 'CDF_FLOAT', const.CDF_REAL4.value: 'CDF_REAL4', const.CDF_DOUBLE.value: 'CDF_DOUBLE', const.CDF_REAL8.value: 'CDF_REAL8', const.CDF_EPOCH.value: 'CDF_EPOCH', const.CDF_EPOCH16.value: 'CDF_EPOCH16', const.CDF_TIME_TT2000.value: 'CDF_TIME_TT2000', } self.numpytypedict = {const.CDF_BYTE.value: numpy.int8, const.CDF_CHAR.value: numpy.int8, const.CDF_INT1.value: numpy.int8, const.CDF_UCHAR.value: numpy.uint8, const.CDF_UINT1.value: numpy.uint8, const.CDF_INT2.value: numpy.int16, const.CDF_UINT2.value: numpy.uint16, const.CDF_INT4.value: numpy.int32, const.CDF_UINT4.value: numpy.uint32, const.CDF_INT8.value: numpy.int64, const.CDF_FLOAT.value: numpy.float32, const.CDF_REAL4.value: numpy.float32, const.CDF_DOUBLE.value: numpy.float64, const.CDF_REAL8.value: numpy.float64, const.CDF_EPOCH.value: numpy.float64, const.CDF_EPOCH16.value: numpy.dtype((numpy.float64, 2)), const.CDF_TIME_TT2000.value: numpy.int64, } self.timetypes = [const.CDF_EPOCH.value, const.CDF_EPOCH16.value, const.CDF_TIME_TT2000.value] if not self.supports_int8: del self.cdftypenames[const.CDF_INT8.value] del self.numpytypedict[const.CDF_INT8.value] del self.cdftypenames[const.CDF_TIME_TT2000.value] del self.numpytypedict[const.CDF_TIME_TT2000.value] elif sys.platform.startswith('linux') \ and os.uname()[4].startswith('arm') \ and hasattr(self._library, 'computeTT2000') \ and self._library.computeTT2000( 2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) != 315576066184000000: #TT2000 call failed, so probably need to type-pun #double arguments to variadic functions. #Calling convention for non-variadic functions with floats #is unique, but convention for ints is same as variadic. #So type-pun arguments to integers to force that calling #convention. if ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_longlong) != \ ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_double): warnings.warn('ARM with unknown type sizes; ' 'TT2000 functions will not work.') else: self._library.computeTT2000.argtypes = \ [ctypes.c_longlong] * 9 c_ll_p = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_longlong) if self._library.computeTT2000( ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_double( 2010)), c_ll_p).contents, ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_double( 1)), c_ll_p).contents, ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_double( 1)), c_ll_p).contents, ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_double( 0)), c_ll_p).contents, ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_double( 0)), c_ll_p).contents, ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_double( 0)), c_ll_p).contents, ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_double( 0)), c_ll_p).contents, ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_double( 0)), c_ll_p).contents, ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_double( 0)), c_ll_p).contents) != 315576066184000000: warnings.warn('ARM with unknown calling convention; ' 'TT2000 functions will not work.') self.datetime_to_tt2000 = self._datetime_to_tt2000_typepunned v_epoch16_to_datetime = numpy.frompyfunc( self.epoch16_to_datetime, 2, 1) self.v_epoch16_to_datetime = \ lambda x: v_epoch16_to_datetime(x[..., 0], x[..., 1]) self.v_epoch_to_datetime = numpy.frompyfunc( self.epoch_to_datetime, 1, 1) self.v_tt2000_to_datetime = numpy.frompyfunc( self.tt2000_to_datetime, 1, 1) self.v_datetime_to_epoch = numpy.vectorize( self.datetime_to_epoch, otypes=[numpy.float64]) v_datetime_to_epoch16 = numpy.frompyfunc( self.datetime_to_epoch16, 1, 2) #frompyfunc returns a TUPLE of the returned values, #implicitly the 0th dimension. We want everything from one #call paired, so this rolls the 0th dimension to the last #(via the second-to-last) def _v_datetime_to_epoch16(x): retval = numpy.require(v_datetime_to_epoch16(x), dtype=numpy.float64) if len(retval.shape) > 1: return numpy.rollaxis( numpy.rollaxis(retval, 0, -1), -1, -2) else: return retval self.v_datetime_to_epoch16 = _v_datetime_to_epoch16 self.v_datetime_to_tt2000 = numpy.vectorize( self.datetime_to_tt2000, otypes=[numpy.int64]) self.v_epoch_to_tt2000 = numpy.vectorize( self.epoch_to_tt2000, otypes=[numpy.int64]) self.v_tt2000_to_epoch = numpy.vectorize( self.tt2000_to_epoch, otypes=[numpy.float64]) v_epoch16_to_tt2000 = numpy.frompyfunc( self.epoch16_to_tt2000, 2, 1) self.v_epoch16_to_tt2000 = \ lambda x: v_epoch16_to_tt2000(x[..., 0], x[..., 1]) v_tt2000_to_epoch16 = numpy.frompyfunc( self.tt2000_to_epoch16, 1, 2) #frompyfunc returns a TUPLE of the returned values, #implicitly the 0th dimension. We want everything from one #call paired, so this rolls the 0th dimension to the last #(via the second-to-last) def _v_tt2000_to_epoch16(x): retval = numpy.require(v_tt2000_to_epoch16(x), dtype=numpy.float64) if len(retval.shape) > 1: return numpy.rollaxis( numpy.rollaxis(retval, 0, -1), -1, -2) else: return retval self.v_tt2000_to_epoch16 = _v_tt2000_to_epoch16 if not self.supports_int8: self.datetime_to_tt2000 = self._bad_tt2000 self.tt2000_to_datetime = self._bad_tt2000 self.v_datetime_to_tt2000 = self._bad_tt2000 self.v_tt2000_to_datetime = self._bad_tt2000 self.epoch_to_tt2000 = self._bad_tt2000 self.v_epoch_to_tt2000 = self._bad_tt2000 self.tt2000_to_epoch = self._bad_tt2000 self.v_tt2000_to_epoch = self._bad_tt2000 self.epoch_16_to_tt2000 = self._bad_tt2000 self.v_epoch16_to_tt2000 = self._bad_tt2000 self.tt2000_to_epoch16 = self._bad_tt2000 self.v_tt2000_to_epoch16 = self._bad_tt2000 #Default to V2 CDF self.set_backward(True) @staticmethod def _find_lib(): """ Search for the CDF library Searches in likely locations for CDF libraries and attempts to load them. Stops at first successful load and, if fails, reports all the files that were tried as libraries. Returns ======= out : tuple This is either (path to library, loaded library) or, in the event of failure, (None, list of libraries tried) """ failed = [] for libpath in Library._lib_paths(): try: lib = ctypes.CDLL(libpath) except: failed.append(libpath) else: return libpath, lib return (failed, None) @staticmethod def _lib_paths(): """Find candidate paths for the CDF library Does not check that the library is actually in any particular directory, just returns a list of possible locations, in priority order. Returns ======= out : generator of str paths that look like the CDF library """ #What the library might be named names = { 'win32': ['cdf.dll'], 'darwin': ['libcdf.dylib', 'cdf.dylib', ''], 'linux2': [''], 'linux': [''], } names = names.get(sys.platform, ['']) #All existing CDF-library-like paths within a directory search_dir = lambda x: \ [os.path.join(x, fname) for fname in names if os.path.exists(os.path.join(x, fname))] # Only use anaconda locations... # Defined during builds ... if 'PREFIX' in os.environ: if sys.platform == 'win32': for p in search_dir(os.path.join(os.environ['PREFIX'], 'Library', 'bin')): yield p else: for p in search_dir(os.path.join(os.environ['PREFIX'], 'lib')): yield p # defined when conda is activated ... if 'CONDA_PREFIX' in os.environ: if sys.platform == 'win32': for p in search_dir(os.path.join(os.environ['CONDA_PREFIX'], 'Library', 'bin')): yield p else: for p in search_dir(os.path.join(os.environ['CONDA_PREFIX'], 'lib')): yield p # Special subdirectory for anaconda unix packages on windows if 'LIBRARY_BIN' in os.environ: for p in search_dir(os.environ['LIBRARY_BIN']): yield p ctypespath = ctypes.util.find_library( 'cdf.dll' if sys.platform == 'win32' else 'cdf') if ctypespath: yield ctypespath def check_status(self, status, ignore=()): """ Raise exception or warning based on return status of CDF call Parameters ========== status : int status returned by the C library Other Parameters ================ ignore : sequence of ctypes.c_long CDF statuses to ignore. If any of these is returned by CDF library, any related warnings or exceptions will *not* be raised. (Default none). Raises ====== CDFError : if status < CDF_WARN, indicating an error Warns ===== CDFWarning : if CDF_WARN <= status < CDF_OK, indicating a warning. Returns ======= out : int status (unchanged) """ if status == const.CDF_OK or status in ignore: return status if status < const.CDF_WARN: raise CDFError(status) else: warning = CDFWarning(status) warning.warn() return status def call(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Call the CDF internal interface Passes all parameters directly through to the CDFlib routine of the CDF library's C internal interface. Checks the return value with :meth:`check_status`. Terminal NULL is automatically added to args. Parameters ========== args : various, see :mod:`ctypes` Passed directly to the CDF library interface. Useful constants are defined in the :mod:`~pycdf.const` module. Other Parameters ================ ignore : sequence of CDF statuses sequence of CDF statuses to ignore. If any of these is returned by CDF library, any related warnings or exceptions will *not* be raised. Returns ======= out : int CDF status from the library Raises ====== CDFError : if CDF library reports an error Warns ===== CDFWarning : if CDF library reports a warning """ if 'ignore' in kwargs: return self.check_status(self._library.CDFlib( *(args + (const.NULL_, )) ), kwargs['ignore']) else: return self.check_status(self._library.CDFlib( *(args + (const.NULL_, )) )) def set_backward(self, backward=True): """ Set backward compatibility mode for new CDFs Unless backward compatible mode is set, CDF files created by the version 3 library can not be read by V2. Parameters ========== backward : boolean Set backward compatible mode if True; clear it if False. Raises ====== ValueError : if backward=False and underlying CDF library is V2 """ if self.version[0] < 3: if not backward: raise ValueError( 'Cannot disable backward-compatible mode for CDF version 2.') else: return self._library.CDFsetFileBackward(const.BACKWARDFILEon if backward else const.BACKWARDFILEoff) def epoch_to_datetime(self, epoch): """ Converts a CDF epoch value to a datetime Parameters ========== epoch : float epoch value from CDF Returns ======= out : :class:`datetime.datetime` date and time corresponding to epoch. Invalid values are set to usual epoch invalid value, i.e. last moment of year 9999. See Also ======== v_epoch_to_datetime """ yyyy = ctypes.c_long(0) mm = ctypes.c_long(0) dd = ctypes.c_long(0) hh = ctypes.c_long(0) min = ctypes.c_long(0) sec = ctypes.c_long(0) msec = ctypes.c_long(0) self._library.EPOCHbreakdown(ctypes.c_double(epoch), ctypes.byref(yyyy), ctypes.byref(mm), ctypes.byref(dd), ctypes.byref(hh), ctypes.byref(min), ctypes.byref(sec), ctypes.byref(msec)) if yyyy.value <= 0: return datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 13, 23, 59, 59, 999000) else: return datetime.datetime(yyyy.value, mm.value, dd.value, hh.value, min.value, sec.value, msec.value * 1000) def datetime_to_epoch(self, dt): """ Converts a Python datetime to a CDF Epoch value Parameters ========== dt : :class:`datetime.datetime` date and time to convert Returns ======= out : float epoch corresponding to dt See Also ======== v_datetime_to_epoch """ if dt.tzinfo != None and dt.utcoffset() != None: dt = dt - dt.utcoffset() dt.replace(tzinfo=None) micro = dt.microsecond % 1000 if micro >= 500 and dt.year < 9999: dt += datetime.timedelta(0, 0, 1000) return self._library.computeEPOCH(dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second, int(dt.microsecond / 1000)) def epoch16_to_datetime(self, epoch0, epoch1): """ Converts a CDF epoch16 value to a datetime .. note:: The call signature has changed since SpacePy 0.1.2. Formerly this method took a single argument with two values; now it requires two arguments (one for each value). To convert existing code, replace ``epoch16_to_datetime(epoch)`` with ``epoch16_to_datetime(*epoch)``. Parameters ========== epoch0 : float epoch16 value from CDF, first half epoch1 : float epoch16 value from CDF, second half Raises ====== EpochError : if input invalid Returns ======= out : :class:`datetime.datetime` date and time corresponding to epoch. Invalid values are set to usual epoch invalid value, i.e. last moment of year 9999. See Also ======== v_epoch16_to_datetime """ yyyy = ctypes.c_long(0) mm = ctypes.c_long(0) dd = ctypes.c_long(0) hh = ctypes.c_long(0) min = ctypes.c_long(0) sec = ctypes.c_long(0) msec = ctypes.c_long(0) usec = ctypes.c_long(0) nsec = ctypes.c_long(0) psec = ctypes.c_long(0) self._library.EPOCH16breakdown((ctypes.c_double * 2)(epoch0, epoch1), ctypes.byref(yyyy), ctypes.byref(mm), ctypes.byref(dd), ctypes.byref(hh), ctypes.byref(min), ctypes.byref(sec), ctypes.byref(msec), ctypes.byref(usec), ctypes.byref(nsec), ctypes.byref(psec)) if yyyy.value <= 0: return datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 13, 23, 59, 59, 999999) micro = int(float(msec.value) * 1000 + float(usec.value) + float(nsec.value) / 1000 + float(psec.value) / 1e6 + 0.5) if micro < 1000000: return datetime.datetime(yyyy.value, mm.value, dd.value, hh.value, min.value, sec.value, micro) else: add_sec = int(micro / 1000000) try: return datetime.datetime(yyyy.value, mm.value, dd.value, hh.value, min.value, sec.value, micro - add_sec * 1000000) + \ datetime.timedelta(seconds=add_sec) except OverflowError: return datetime.datetime(datetime.MAXYEAR, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999999) def datetime_to_epoch16(self, dt): """ Converts a Python datetime to a CDF Epoch16 value Parameters ========== dt : :class:`datetime.datetime` date and time to convert Returns ======= out : list of float epoch16 corresponding to dt See Also ======== v_datetime_to_epoch16 """ if dt.tzinfo != None and dt.utcoffset() != None: dt = dt - dt.utcoffset() dt.replace(tzinfo=None) #Default to "illegal epoch" epoch16 = (ctypes.c_double * 2)(-1., -1.) if self._library.computeEPOCH16(dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second, int(dt.microsecond / 1000), dt.microsecond % 1000, 0, 0, epoch16): return (-1., -1.) #Failure, so illegal epoch return (epoch16[0], epoch16[1]) def epoch_to_epoch16(self, epoch): """ Converts a CDF EPOCH to a CDF EPOCH16 value Parameters ========== epoch : double EPOCH to convert. Lists and numpy arrays are acceptable. Returns ======= out : (double, double) EPOCH16 corresponding to epoch """ e = numpy.require(epoch, numpy.float64) s = numpy.trunc(e / 1000.0) #ugly numpy stuff, probably a better way.... res = numpy.hstack((s, (e - s * 1000.0) * 1e9)) if len(res) <= 2: return res newshape = list(res.shape[0:-2]) newshape.append(res.shape[-1] // 2) newshape.append(2) return numpy.rollaxis(res.reshape(newshape), -1, -2) def epoch_to_num(self, epoch): """ Convert CDF EPOCH to matplotlib number. Same output as :func:`~matplotlib.dates.date2num` and useful for plotting large data sets without converting the times through datetime. Parameters ========== epoch : double EPOCH to convert. Lists and numpy arrays are acceptable. Returns ======= out : double Floating point number representing days since 0001-01-01. """ #date2num day 1 is 1/1/1 00UT #epoch 1/1/1 00UT is 31622400000.0 (millisecond) return (epoch - 31622400000.0) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000.0) + 1.0 def epoch16_to_epoch(self, epoch16): """ Converts a CDF EPOCH16 to a CDF EPOCH value Parameters ========== epoch16 : (double, double) EPOCH16 to convert. Lists and numpy arrays are acceptable. LAST dimension should be 2: the two pairs of EPOCH16 Returns ======= out : double EPOCH corresponding to epoch16 """ e = numpy.require(epoch16, numpy.float64) return e[..., 0] * 1000.0 + numpy.round(e[..., 1] / 1e9) def tt2000_to_datetime(self, tt2000): """ Converts a CDF TT2000 value to a datetime .. note:: Although TT2000 values support leapseconds, Python's datetime object does not. Any times after 23:59:59.999999 will be truncated to 23:59:59.999999. Parameters ========== tt2000 : int TT2000 value from CDF Raises ====== EpochError : if input invalid Returns ======= out : :class:`datetime.datetime` date and time corresponding to epoch. Invalid values are set to usual epoch invalid value, i.e. last moment of year 9999. See Also ======== v_tt2000_to_datetime """ yyyy = ctypes.c_double(0) mm = ctypes.c_double(0) dd = ctypes.c_double(0) hh = ctypes.c_double(0) min = ctypes.c_double(0) sec = ctypes.c_double(0) msec = ctypes.c_double(0) usec = ctypes.c_double(0) nsec = ctypes.c_double(0) self._library.breakdownTT2000( ctypes.c_longlong(tt2000), ctypes.byref(yyyy), ctypes.byref(mm), ctypes.byref(dd), ctypes.byref(hh), ctypes.byref(min), ctypes.byref(sec), ctypes.byref(msec), ctypes.byref(usec), ctypes.byref(nsec)) if yyyy.value <= 0: return datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 13, 23, 59, 59, 999999) sec = int(sec.value) if sec >= 60: return datetime.datetime( int(yyyy.value), int(mm.value), int(dd.value), int(hh.value), int(min.value), 59, 999999) micro = int(msec.value * 1000 + usec.value + nsec.value / 1000 + 0.5) if micro < 1000000: return datetime.datetime( int(yyyy.value), int(mm.value), int(dd.value), int(hh.value), int(min.value), sec, micro) else: add_sec = int(micro / 1000000) try: return datetime.datetime( int(yyyy.value), int(mm.value), int(dd.value), int(hh.value), int(min.value), sec, micro - add_sec * 1000000) + \ datetime.timedelta(seconds=add_sec) except OverflowError: return datetime.datetime(datetime.MAXYEAR, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999999) def datetime_to_tt2000(self, dt): """ Converts a Python datetime to a CDF TT2000 value Parameters ========== dt : :class:`datetime.datetime` date and time to convert Returns ======= out : int tt2000 corresponding to dt See Also ======== v_datetime_to_tt2000 """ if dt.tzinfo != None and dt.utcoffset() != None: dt = dt - dt.utcoffset() dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=None) if dt == datetime.datetime.max: return -2**63 return self._library.computeTT2000( dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second, int(dt.microsecond / 1000), dt.microsecond % 1000, 0) def _datetime_to_tt2000_typepunned(self, dt): """ Converts a Python datetime to a CDF TT2000 value Typepunned version that passes doubles as longlongs, to get around ARM calling convention oddness. Parameters ========== dt : :class:`datetime.datetime` date and time to convert Returns ======= out : int tt2000 corresponding to dt See Also ======== v_datetime_to_tt2000 """ c_ll_p = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_longlong) if dt.tzinfo != None and dt.utcoffset() != None: dt = dt - dt.utcoffset() dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=None) if dt == datetime.datetime.max: return -2**63 return self._library.computeTT2000( ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_double( dt.year)), c_ll_p).contents, ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_double( dt.month)), c_ll_p).contents, ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_double(, c_ll_p).contents, ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_double( dt.hour)), c_ll_p).contents, ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_double( dt.minute)), c_ll_p).contents, ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_double( dt.second)), c_ll_p).contents, ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_double( dt.microsecond // 1000)), c_ll_p).contents, ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_double( dt.microsecond % 1000)), c_ll_p).contents, ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_double( 0)), c_ll_p).contents) def epoch_to_tt2000(self, epoch): """ Converts a CDF EPOCH to a CDF TT2000 value Parameters ========== epoch : double EPOCH to convert Returns ======= out : int tt2000 corresponding to epoch See Also ======== v_epoch_to_tt2000 """ return self._library.CDF_TT2000_from_UTC_EPOCH(epoch) def tt2000_to_epoch(self, tt2000): """ Converts a CDF TT2000 value to a CDF EPOCH .. note:: Although TT2000 values support leapseconds, CDF EPOCH values do not. Times during leapseconds are rounded up to beginning of the next day. Parameters ========== tt2000 : int TT2000 value from CDF Raises ====== EpochError : if input invalid Returns ======= out : double EPOCH corresponding to the TT2000 input time See Also ======== v_tt2000_to_epoch """ return self._library.CDF_TT2000_to_UTC_EPOCH(tt2000) def epoch16_to_tt2000(self, epoch0, epoch1): """ Converts a CDF epoch16 value to TT2000 .. note:: Because TT2000 does not support picoseconds, the picoseconds value in epoch is ignored (i.e., truncated.) Parameters ========== epoch0 : float epoch16 value from CDF, first half epoch1 : float epoch16 value from CDF, second half Raises ====== EpochError : if input invalid Returns ======= out : long TT2000 corresponding to epoch. See Also ======== v_epoch16_to_tt2000 """ return self._library.CDF_TT2000_from_UTC_EPOCH16( (ctypes.c_double * 2)(epoch0, epoch1)) def tt2000_to_epoch16(self, tt2000): """ Converts a CDF TT2000 value to a CDF EPOCH16 .. note:: Although TT2000 values support leapseconds, CDF EPOCH16 values do not. Times during leapseconds are rounded up to beginning of the next day. Parameters ========== tt2000 : int TT2000 value from CDF Raises ====== EpochError : if input invalid Returns ======= out : double, double EPOCH16 corresponding to the TT2000 input time See Also ======== v_tt2000_to_epoch16 """ #Default to "illegal epoch" if isn't populated epoch16 = (ctypes.c_double * 2)(-1., -1.) if self._library.CDF_TT2000_to_UTC_EPOCH16(tt2000, epoch16): return (-1., -1.) #Failure; illegal epoch return (epoch16[0], epoch16[1]) def _bad_tt2000(*args, **kwargs): """Convenience function for complaining that TT2000 not supported""" raise NotImplementedError( 'TT2000 functions require CDF library 3.4.0 or later') def download_library(): """Download and install the CDF library""" if sys.platform != 'win32': raise NotImplementedError( 'CDF library install only supported on Windows') try: import html.parser as HTMLParser except ImportError: import HTMLParser # class LinkParser(HTMLParser.HTMLParser, object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.links_found = [] super(LinkParser, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): if tag != 'a' or attrs[0][0] != 'href': return self.links_found.append(attrs[0][1]) import re import subprocess try: import urllib.request as u except ImportError: import urllib as u # Removed reference to spacepy #import spacepy #if spacepy.config.get('user_agent', None): # class AppURLopener(u.FancyURLopener): # version = spacepy.config['user_agent'] # u._urlopener = AppURLopener() baseurl = '' url = u.urlopen(baseurl) listing = url.close() p = LinkParser() p.feed(listing) cdfdist = [l for l in p.links_found if re.match('^cdf3\d_\d(?:_\d)?/$', l)] if not cdfdist: raise RuntimeError( "Couldn't find CDF distribution directory to download") cdfdist.sort(key=lambda x: x.rstrip('/').split('_')) cdfverbase = cdfdist[-1].rstrip('/') instfname = cdfverbase + ('_0' if cdfverbase.count('_') == 1 else '') + \ '-setup-{0}.exe'.format(len('%x' % sys.maxsize)*4) insturl = baseurl + cdfverbase + '/windows/' + instfname tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: fname, status = u.urlretrieve(insturl, os.path.join(tmpdir, instfname)) subprocess.check_call([fname, '/install', '/q1'], shell=False) finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) _libpath, _library = Library._find_lib() if _library is None: raise Exception(('Cannot load CDF C library; checked {0}. ' 'Try \'os.environ["CDF_LIB"] = library_directory\' ' 'before import.').format(', '.join(_libpath))) from . import const lib = Library(_libpath, _library) """Module global library object. Initalized at module load time so all classes have ready access to the CDF library and a common state. E.g: >>> import pycdf >>> pycdf.lib.version (3, 3, 0, ' ') """ class CDFException(Exception): """ Base class for errors or warnings in the CDF library. Not normally used directly, but in subclasses :class:`CDFError` and :class:`CDFWarning`. Error messages provided by this class are looked up from the underlying C library. """ def __init__(self, status): """ Create a CDF Exception Uses CDF C library to look up an appropriate error message. Parameters ========== status : ctypes.c_long CDF status """ self.status = status self.string = 'CDF error ' + repr(status) + ', unable to get details.' message = ctypes.create_string_buffer(const.CDF_STATUSTEXT_LEN + 1) try: retval = lib._library.CDFlib(const.SELECT_, const.CDF_STATUS_, ctypes.c_long(status), const.GET_, const.STATUS_TEXT_, message, const.NULL_) if retval == const.CDF_OK: if isinstance(message.value, str): self.string = message.value elif isinstance(message.value, bytes): self.string = message.value.decode() except: pass def __str__(self): """ Error string associated with the library error. Returns ======= out : str Error message from the CDF library. """ return self.string class CDFError(CDFException): """Raised for an error in the CDF library.""" pass class CDFWarning(CDFException, UserWarning): """Used for a warning in the CDF library.""" def warn(self, level=4): """ Issues a warning based on the information stored in my exception Intended for use in check_status or similar wrapper function. Other Parameters ================ level : int optional (default 3), how far up the stack the warning should be reported. Passed directly to :class:`warnings.warn`. """ warnings.warn(self, self.__class__, level) class EpochError(Exception): """Used for errors in epoch routines""" pass def _compress(obj, comptype=None, param=None): """Set or check the compression of a :py:class:`pycdf.CDF` or :py:class:`pycdf.Var` @param obj: object on which to set or check compression @type obj: :py:class:`pycdf.CDF` or :py:class:`pycdf.Var` @param comptype: type of compression to change to, see CDF C reference manual section 4.10. Constants for this parameter are in :py:mod:`pycdf.const`. If not specified, will not change compression. @type comptype: ctypes.c_long @param param: Compression parameter, see CDF CRM 4.10 and :py:mod:`pycdf.const`. If not specified, will choose reasonable default (5 for gzip; other types have only one possible parameter.) @type param: ctypes.c_long @return: (comptype, param) currently in effect @rtype: tuple """ if isinstance(obj, CDF): COMPRESSION_ = const.CDF_COMPRESSION_ elif isinstance(obj, Var): COMPRESSION_ = const.zVAR_COMPRESSION_ else: raise ValueError('Must specify a CDF or Var type.') validparams = {const.NO_COMPRESSION.value: [ctypes.c_long(0)], const.RLE_COMPRESSION.value: [const.RLE_OF_ZEROs], const.HUFF_COMPRESSION.value: [const.OPTIMAL_ENCODING_TREES], const.AHUFF_COMPRESSION.value: [const.OPTIMAL_ENCODING_TREES], const.GZIP_COMPRESSION.value: [ctypes.c_long(5), ctypes.c_long(1), ctypes.c_long(2), ctypes.c_long(3), ctypes.c_long(4), ctypes.c_long(6), ctypes.c_long(7), ctypes.c_long(8), ctypes.c_long(9), ], } comptypes = [const.NO_COMPRESSION, const.RLE_COMPRESSION, const.HUFF_COMPRESSION, const.AHUFF_COMPRESSION, const.GZIP_COMPRESSION] comptypevalues = [i.value for i in comptypes] if comptype != None: if not hasattr(comptype, 'value'): comptype = ctypes.c_long(comptype) if param is None: if not comptype.value in validparams: raise CDFError(const.BAD_COMPRESSION) param = validparams[comptype.value][0] paramlist = (ctypes.c_long * 1)(param) obj._call(const.PUT_, COMPRESSION_, comptype, paramlist) params = (ctypes.c_long * const.CDF_MAX_PARMS)(*([0] * const.CDF_MAX_PARMS)) comptype = ctypes.c_long(0) percent = ctypes.c_long(0) obj._call(const.GET_, COMPRESSION_, ctypes.byref(comptype), ctypes.byref(params), ctypes.byref(percent)) param = params[0] if not comptype.value in comptypevalues: raise CDFError(const.BAD_COMPRESSION) validparamvalues = [i.value for i in validparams[comptype.value]] if not param in validparamvalues: raise CDFError(const.BAD_COMPRESSION_PARM) comptype = comptypes[comptypevalues.index(comptype.value)] if comptype in (const.RLE_COMPRESSION, const.HUFF_COMPRESSION, const.AHUFF_COMPRESSION): param = validparams[comptype.value][validparamvalues.index(param)] return (comptype, param) class CDF(MutableMapping): """ Python object representing a CDF file. Open or create a CDF file by creating an object of this class. Parameters ========== pathname : string name of the file to open or create masterpath : string name of the master CDF file to use in creating a new file. If not provided, an existing file is opened; if provided but evaluates to ``False`` (e.g., ``''``), an empty new CDF is created. create : bool Create a new CDF even if masterpath isn't provided readonly : bool Open the CDF read-only. Default True if opening an existing CDF; False if creating a new one. A readonly CDF with many variables may be slow to close. See :meth:`readonly`. Raises ====== CDFError if CDF library reports an error Warns ===== CDFWarning if CDF library reports a warning and interpreter is set to error on warnings. Examples ======== Open a CDF by creating a CDF object, e.g.: >>> cdffile = pycdf.CDF('cdf_filename.cdf') Be sure to :meth:`close` or :meth:`save` when done. .. note:: Existing CDF files are opened read-only by default, see :meth:`readonly` to change. CDF supports the `with <>`_ keyword, like other file objects, so: >>> with pycdf.CDF('cdf_filename.cdf') as cdffile: ... #do brilliant things with the CDF will open the CDF, execute the indented statements, and close the CDF when finished or when an error occurs. The `python docs <>`_ include more detail on this 'context manager' ability. CDF objects behave like a python `dictionary <>`_, where the keys are names of variables in the CDF, and the values, :class:`Var` objects. As a dictionary, they are also `iterable <>`_ and it is easy to loop over all of the variables in a file. Some examples: #. List the names of all variables in the open CDF ``cdffile``: >>> cdffile.keys() >>> for k in cdffile: #Alternate ... print(k) #. Get a :class:`Var` object for the variable named ``Epoch``: >>> epoch = cdffile['Epoch'] #. Determine if a CDF contains a variable named ``B_GSE``: >>> if 'B_GSE' in cdffile: ... print('B_GSE is in the file') ... else: ... print('B_GSE is not in the file') #. Find how many variables are in the file: >>> print(len(cdffile)) #. Delete the variable ``Epoch`` from the open CDF file ``cdffile``: >>> del cdffile['Epoch'] #. Display a summary of variables and types in open CDF file ``cdffile``: >>> print(cdffile) #. Open the CDF named ``cdf_filename.cdf``, read *all* the data from all variables into dictionary ``data``, and close it when done or if an error occurs: >>> with pycdf.CDF('cdf_filename.cdf') as cdffile: ... data = cdffile.copy() This last example can be very inefficient as it reads the entire CDF. Normally it's better to treat the CDF as a dictionary and access only the data needed, which will be pulled transparently from disc. See :class:`Var` for more subtle examples. Potentially useful dictionary methods and related functions: - `in <>`_ - `keys <>`_ - :py:func:`len` - `list comprehensions <>`_ - :py:func:`sorted` - :py:func:`~spacepy.toolbox.dictree` The CDF user's guide section 2.2 has more background information on CDF files. The :attr:`~CDF.attrs` Python attribute acts as a dictionary referencing CDF attributes (do not confuse the two); all the dictionary methods above also work on the attribute dictionary. See :class:`gAttrList` for more on the dictionary of global attributes. Creating a new CDF from a master (skeleton) CDF has similar syntax to opening one: >>> cdffile = pycdf.CDF('cdf_filename.cdf', 'master_cdf_filename.cdf') This creates and opens ``cdf_filename.cdf`` as a copy of ``master_cdf_filename.cdf``. Using a skeleton CDF is recommended over making a CDF entirely from scratch, but this is possible by specifying a blank master: >>> cdffile = pycdf.CDF('cdf_filename.cdf', '') When CDFs are created in this way, they are opened read-write, see :py:meth:`readonly` to change. By default, new CDFs (without a master) are created in version 2 (backward-compatible) format. To create a version 3 CDF, use :meth:`Library.set_backward`: >>> pycdf.lib.set_backward(False) >>> cdffile = pycdf.CDF('cdf_filename.cdf', '') Add variables by direct assignment, which will automatically set type and dimension based on the data provided: >>> cdffile['new_variable_name'] = [1, 2, 3, 4] or, if more control is needed over the type and dimensions, use :py:meth:`new`. Although it is supported to assign Var objects to Python variables for convenience, there are some minor pitfalls that can arise when changing a CDF that will not affect most users. This is only a concern when assigning a zVar object to a Python variable, changing the CDF through some other variable, and then trying to use the zVar object via the originally assigned variable. Deleting a variable: >>> var = cdffile['Var1'] >>> del cdffile['Var1'] >>> var[0] #fail, no such variable Renaming a variable: >>> var = cdffile['Var1'] >>> cdffile['Var1'].rename('Var2') >>> var[0] #fail, no such variable Renaming via the same variable works: >>> var = cdffile['Var1'] >>> var.rename('Var2') >>> var[0] #succeeds, aware of new name Deleting a variable and then creating another variable with the same name may lead to some surprises: >>> var = cdffile['Var1'] >>> var[...] = [1, 2, 3, 4] >>> del cdffile['Var1'] >>>'Var1', data=[5, 6, 7, 8] >>> var[...] [5, 6, 7, 8] .. autosummary:: ~CDF.attr_num ~CDF.attrs ~CDF.add_attr_to_cache ~CDF.add_to_cache ~CDF.backward ~CDF.checksum ~CDF.clear_attr_from_cache ~CDF.clear_from_cache ~CDF.clone ~CDF.close ~CDF.col_major ~CDF.compress ~CDF.copy ~CDF.from_data ~CDF.raw_var ~CDF.readonly ~CDF.var_num ~CDF.version .. attribute:: CDF.attrs Global attributes for this CDF in a dict-like format. See :class:`gAttrList` for details. .. attribute:: CDF.backward True if this CDF was created in backward-compatible mode (for opening with CDF library before 3.x) .. automethod:: add_to_cache .. automethod:: add_attr_to_cache .. automethod:: attr_num .. automethod:: checksum .. automethod:: clear_from_cache .. automethod:: clear_attr_from_cache .. automethod:: clone .. automethod:: close .. automethod:: col_major .. automethod:: compress .. automethod:: copy .. automethod:: from_data .. automethod:: new .. automethod:: raw_var .. automethod:: readonly .. automethod:: save .. automethod:: var_num .. automethod:: version """ def __init__(self, pathname, masterpath=None, create=None, readonly=None): """Open or create a CDF file. Parameters ========== pathname : string name of the file to open or create masterpath : string name of the master CDF file to use in creating a new file. If not provided, an existing file is opened; if provided but evaluates to ``False`` (e.g., ``''``), an empty new CDF is created. create : bool Create a new CDF even if masterpath isn't provided readonly : bool Open the CDF read-only. Default True if opening an existing CDF; False if creating a new one. Raises ====== CDFError if CDF library reports an error CDFWarning if CDF library reports a warning and interpreter is set to error on warnings. Examples ======== Open a CDF by creating a CDF object, e.g.: >>> cdffile = pycdf.CDF('cdf_filename.cdf') Be sure to :py:meth:`pycdf.CDF.close` or :py:meth:`` when done. """ if masterpath is not None: #Looks like we want to create if create is False: raise ValueError('Cannot specify a master CDF without creating a CDF') if readonly is True: raise ValueError('Cannot create a CDF in readonly mode') if create and readonly: raise ValueError('Cannot create a CDF in readonly mode') try: self.pathname = pathname.encode() except AttributeError: raise ValueError( 'pathname must be string-like: {0}'.format(pathname)) self._handle = ctypes.c_void_p(None) self._opened = False if masterpath is None and not create: self._open(True if readonly is None else readonly) elif masterpath: self._from_master(masterpath.encode()) else: self._create(), const.CDF_zMODE_, ctypes.c_long(2)) self._attrlistref = weakref.ref(gAttrList(self)) self.backward = self.version()[0] < 3 self._var_nums = {} """Cache of name-to-number mappings for variables in this CDF""" self._attr_info = {} """Cache of name-to-(number, global) mappings for attributes in this CDF""" def __del__(self): """Destructor; called when CDF object is destroyed. Close CDF file if there is still a valid handle. .. note:: To avoid data loss, explicitly call :py:meth:`pycdf.CDF.close` or :py:meth:``. """ if self._opened: self.close() def __delitem__(self, name): """Delete a zVariable in this CDF, by name or number Parameters ========== name : string or int Name or number of the CDF variable .. note: Variable numbers may change if variables are added or removed. Examples ======== Delete the variable ``Epoch`` from the open CDF file ``cdffile``. >>> del cdffile['Epoch'] """ self[name]._delete() def __enter__(self): """Context manager entrance function.""" return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): """Context manager exit function. Close CDF file. """ self.close() def __getitem__(self, name): """Gets a zVariable in this CDF, by name or number The CDF acts like a dict @param name: Name or number of the CDF variable @type name: string or int @return: CDF variable named or numbered L{name} @rtype: :py:class:`pycdf.Var` @raise KeyError: for pretty much any problem in lookup @note: variable numbers may change if variables are added or removed. """ try: return Var(self, name) except CDFException as e: raise KeyError('{0}: {1}'.format(name, e)) def __setitem__(self, name, data): """Writes data to a zVariable in this CDF If the zVariable does not exist, will create one matching L{data}. If it does exist, will attempt to write L{data} to it without changing the type or dimensions. @param name: name or number of the variable to write @type name: str or int @param data: data to write, or a :py:class:`pycdf.Var` to copy """ if isinstance(data, Var): self.clone(data, name) elif name in self: self[name][...] = data if hasattr(data, 'attrs'): self[name].attrs.clone(data.attrs) else:, data) def __iter__(self, current = 0): """Iterates over zVars in CDF Iterators for dicts return keys @note: Returned in variable-number order """ while current < self.__len__(): name = self[current].name() value = (yield name) if value is None: current += 1 else: current = self[value]._num() current += 1 def __len__(self): """Implements 'length' of CDF (number of zVars) @return: number of zVars in the CDF @rtype: int """ count = ctypes.c_long(0) self._call(const.GET_, const.CDF_NUMzVARS_, ctypes.byref(count)) return count.value def __contains__(self, key): """Determines whether a particular variable name is in the CDF @note: Essentially an efficiency function; L{__iter__} is called if this isn't defined @param key: key/variable name to check @type key: string @return: True if L{key} is the name of a variable in CDF, else False @rtype: Boolean """ try: foo = self[key] return True except KeyError as e: expected = str(key) + \ ": NO_SUCH_VAR: Named variable not found in this CDF." if expected in e.args: return False raise def __repr__(self): """Returns representation of CDF Cannot return anything that can be eval'd to create a copy of the CDF, so just wrap the informal representation in angle brackets. @return: all the data in this list of attributes @rtype: str """ return '<CDF:\n' + str(self) + '\n>' def __str__(self): """Returns a string representation of the CDF This is an 'informal' representation in that it cannot be evaluated directly to create a :py:class:`pycdf.CDF`, just the names, types, and sizes of all variables. (Attributes are not listed.) @return: description of the variables in the CDF @rtype: str """ if self._opened: return '\n'.join([key + ': ' + str(value) for (key, value) in sorted(self.items())]) #can get away with this sort because second value in tuple isn't #compared unless first are different, and variable name is unique. else: if isinstance(self.pathname, str): return 'Closed CDF {0}'.format(self.pathname) else: return 'Closed CDF {0}'.format(self.pathname.decode('ascii')) def _open(self, readonly=True): """Opens the CDF file (called on init) Will open an existing CDF file read/write. Raises ====== CDFError : if CDF library reports an error CDFWarning : if CDF library reports a warning and interpreter is set to error on warnings. .. note: Not intended for direct call; pass parameters to :py:class:`pycdf.CDF` constructor. """, const.CDF_, self.pathname, ctypes.byref(self._handle)) self._opened = True if readonly: #Default is RW self.readonly(readonly) def _create(self): """Creates (and opens) a new CDF file Created at ``pathname``. Assumes zero-dimension r variables Raises ====== CDFError : if CDF library reports an error CDFWarning : if CDF library reports a warning and interpreter is set to error on warnings. .. note: Not intended for direct call; pass parameters to :py:class:`pycdf.CDF` constructor. """, const.CDF_, self.pathname, ctypes.c_long(0), (ctypes.c_long * 1)(0), ctypes.byref(self._handle)) self._opened = True def _from_master(self, master_path): """Creates a new CDF from a master CDF file ``master_path`` is copied to ``pathname`` and opened. Parameters ========== master_path : string location of the master CDF file Raises ====== CDFError : if CDF library reports an error CDFWarning : if CDF library reports a warning and interpreter is set to error on warnings. .. note: Not intended for direct call; pass parameters to :py:class:`pycdf.CDF` constructor. """ if os.path.exists(self.pathname): raise CDFError(const.CDF_EXISTS) shutil.copy2(master_path, self.pathname) self._open(False) def _call(self, *args, **kwargs): """Select this CDF as current and call the CDF internal interface Adds call to select this CDF to L{args} and passes all parameters directly through to the CDFlib routine of the CDF library's C internal interface. Checks the return value with L{Library.check_status}. Parameters ========== args : various, see :py:mod:`ctypes`. Passed directly to the CDF library interface. Useful constants are defined in the :doc:`const <pycdf_const>` module of this package. Returns ======= out : ctypes.c_long CDF status from the library .. note: Terminal NULL_ is automatically added to ``args``. Raises ====== CDFError : if CDF library reports an error CDFWarning : if CDF library reports a warning and interpreter is set to error on warnings. """ return, const.CDF_, self._handle, *args, **kwargs) def clone(self, zVar, name=None, data=True): """ Clone a zVariable (from another CDF or this) into this CDF Parameters ========== zVar : :py:class:`Var` variable to clone Other Parameters ================ name : str Name of the new variable (default: name of the original) data : boolean (optional) Copy data, or only type, dimensions, variance, attributes? (default: True, copy data as well) Returns ======= out : :py:class:`Var` The newly-created zVar in this CDF """ if name is None: name = if name in self: del self[name], type=zVar.type(), recVary=zVar.rv(), dimVarys=zVar.dv(), dims=zVar._dim_sizes(), n_elements=zVar._nelems()) self[name].compress(*zVar.compress()) self[name].attrs.clone(zVar.attrs) if data: r = zVar._raw zVar._raw = True self.raw_var(name)[...] = zVar[...] zVar._raw = r return zVar def col_major(self, new_col=None): """ Finds the majority of this CDF file Other Parameters ================ new_col : boolean Specify True to change to column-major, False to change to row major, or do not specify to check the majority rather than changing it. (default is check only) Returns ======= out : boolean True if column-major, false if row-major """ if new_col != None: new_maj = const.COLUMN_MAJOR if new_col else const.ROW_MAJOR self._call(const.PUT_, const.CDF_MAJORITY_, new_maj) maj = ctypes.c_long(0) self._call(const.GET_, const.CDF_MAJORITY_, ctypes.byref(maj)) if not maj.value in (const.ROW_MAJOR.value, const.COLUMN_MAJOR.value): raise CDFError(const.BAD_MAJORITY) return maj.value == const.COLUMN_MAJOR.value def readonly(self, ro=None): """ Sets or check the readonly status of this CDF If the CDF has been changed since opening, setting readonly mode will have no effect. .. note:: Closing a CDF that has been opened readonly, or setting readonly False, may take a substantial amount of time if there are many variables in the CDF, as a (potentially large) cache needs to be cleared. Consider specifying ``readonly=False`` when opening the file if this is an issue. However, this may make some reading operations slower. Other Parameters ================ ro : Boolean True to set the CDF readonly, False to set it read/write, or leave out to check only. Returns ======= out : Boolean True if CDF is read-only, else False Raises ====== CDFError : if bad mode is set """ if ro == True: self._call(const.SELECT_, const.CDF_READONLY_MODE_, const.READONLYon) elif ro == False: self._call(const.SELECT_, const.CDF_READONLY_MODE_, const.READONLYoff) mode = ctypes.c_long(0) self._call(const.CONFIRM_, const.CDF_READONLY_MODE_, ctypes.byref(mode)) if mode.value == const.READONLYon.value: return True elif mode.value == const.READONLYoff.value: return False else: raise CDFError(const.BAD_READONLY_MODE.value) def checksum(self, new_val=None): """ Set or check the checksum status of this CDF. If checksums are enabled, the checksum will be verified every time the file is opened. Other Parameters ================ new_val : boolean True to enable checksum, False to disable, or leave out to simply check. Returns ======= out : boolean True if the checksum is enabled or False if disabled """ if new_val != None: self._call(const.PUT_, const.CDF_CHECKSUM_, const.MD5_CHECKSUM if new_val else const.NO_CHECKSUM) chk = ctypes.c_long(0) self._call(const.GET_, const.CDF_CHECKSUM_, ctypes.byref(chk)) if not chk.value in (const.MD5_CHECKSUM.value, const.NO_CHECKSUM.value): raise CDFError(const.BAD_CHECKSUM) return chk.value == const.MD5_CHECKSUM.value def close(self): """ Closes the CDF file Although called on object destruction (:meth:`~CDF.__del__`), to ensure all data are saved, the user should explicitly call :meth:`~CDF.close` or :meth:``. Raises ====== CDFError : if CDF library reports an error Warns ===== CDFWarning : if CDF library reports a warning """ self._call(const.CLOSE_, const.CDF_) self._opened = False def compress(self, comptype=None, param=None): """ Set or check the compression of this CDF Sets compression on entire *file*, not per-variable. See section 2.6 of the CDF user's guide for more information on compression. Other Parameters ================ comptype : ctypes.c_long type of compression to change to, see CDF C reference manual section 4.10. Constants for this parameter are in :mod:`~pycdf.const`. If not specified, will not change compression. param : ctypes.c_long Compression parameter, see CDF CRM 4.10 and :mod:`~pycdf.const`. If not specified, will choose reasonable default (5 for gzip; other types have only one possible parameter.) Returns ======= out : tuple (comptype, param) currently in effect See Also ======== :meth:`Var.compress` Examples ======== Set file ``cdffile`` to gzip compression, compression level 9: >>> cdffile.compress(pycdf.const.GZIP_COMPRESSION, 9) """ return _compress(self, comptype, param) def new(self, name, data=None, type=None, recVary=True, dimVarys=None, dims=None, n_elements=None, compress=None, compress_param=None): """ Create a new zVariable in this CDF .. note:: Either ``data`` or ``type`` must be specified. If type is not specified, it is guessed from ``data``. Parameters ========== name : str name of the new variable Other Parameters ================ data data to store in the new variable. If this has a an ``attrs`` attribute (e.g., :class:`~spacepy.datamodel.dmarray`), it will be used to populate attributes of the new variable. type : ctypes.c_long CDF type of the variable, from :mod:`~pycdf.const`. See section 2.5 of the CDF user's guide for more information on CDF data types. recVary : boolean record variance of the variable (default True) dimVarys : list of boolean dimension variance of each dimension, default True for all dimensions. dims : list of int size of each dimension of this variable, default zero-dimensional. Note this is the dimensionality as defined by CDF, i.e., for record-varying variables it excludes the leading record dimension. See :py:class:`Var`. n_elements : int number of elements, should be 1 except for CDF_CHAR, for which it's the length of the string. compress : ctypes.c_long Compression to apply to this variable, default None. See :py:meth:`Var.compress`. compress_param : ctypes.c_long Compression parameter if compression used; reasonable default is chosen. See :py:meth:`Var.compress`. Returns ======= out : :py:class:`Var` the newly-created zVariable Raises ====== ValueError : if neither data nor sufficient typing information is provided. Notes ===== Any given data may be representable by a range of CDF types; if the type is not specified, pycdf will guess which the CDF types which can represent this data. This breaks down to: #. If input data is a numpy array, match the type of that array #. Proper kind (numerical, string, time) #. Proper range (stores highest and lowest number provided) #. Sufficient resolution (EPOCH16 required if datetime has microseconds or below.) If more than one value satisfies the requirements, types are returned in preferred order: #. Type that matches precision of data first, then #. integer type before float type, then #. Smallest type first, then #. signed type first, then #. specifically-named (CDF_BYTE) vs. generically named (CDF_INT1) So for example, EPOCH_16 is preferred over EPOCH if ``data`` specifies below the millisecond level (rule 1), but otherwise EPOCH is preferred (rule 2). For floats, four-byte is preferred unless eight-byte is required: #. absolute values between 0 and 3e-39 #. absolute values greater than 1.7e38 This will switch to an eight-byte double in some cases where four bytes would be sufficient for IEEE 754 encoding, but where DEC formats would require eight. """ if type in (const.CDF_EPOCH16, const.CDF_INT8, const.CDF_TIME_TT2000) \ and self.backward: raise ValueError('Cannot use EPOCH16, INT8, or TIME_TT2000 ' 'in backward-compatible CDF') if not lib.supports_int8 and \ type in (const.CDF_INT8, const.CDF_TIME_TT2000): raise ValueError('INT8 and TIME_TT2000 require CDF library 3.4.0') if data is None: if type is None: raise ValueError('Must provide either data or a CDF type.') if dims is None: dims = [] if n_elements is None: n_elements = 1 else: (guess_dims, guess_types, guess_elements) = _Hyperslice.types(data) if dims is None: if recVary: if guess_dims == (): raise ValueError( 'Record-varying data cannot be scalar. ' 'Specify NRV with or put data in array.') dims = guess_dims[1:] else: dims = guess_dims if type is None: type = guess_types[0] if type == const.CDF_EPOCH16.value and self.backward: type = const.CDF_EPOCH if n_elements is None: n_elements = guess_elements if dimVarys is None: dimVarys = [True for i in dims] recVary = const.VARY if recVary else const.NOVARY dimVarys = [const.VARY if dimVary else const.NOVARY for dimVary in dimVarys] if not hasattr(type, 'value'): type = ctypes.c_long(type) if type.value == const.CDF_INT8.value and not lib.supports_int8: raise ValueError( '64-bit integer support require CDF library 3.4.0') if type.value in (const.CDF_EPOCH16.value, const.CDF_INT8.value, const.CDF_TIME_TT2000.value) \ and self.backward: raise ValueError('Data requires EPOCH16, INT8, or TIME_TT2000; ' 'incompatible with backward-compatible CDF') new_var = Var(self, name, type, n_elements, dims, recVary, dimVarys) if compress != None: new_var.compress(compress, compress_param) if data is not None: new_var[...] = data if hasattr(data, 'attrs'): new_var.attrs.clone(data.attrs) return new_var def raw_var(self, name): """ Get a "raw" :class:`Var` object. Normally a :class:`Var` will perform translation of values for certain types (to/from Unicode for CHAR variables on Py3k, and to/from datetime for all time types). A "raw" object does not perform this translation, on read or write. This does *not* affect the data on disk, and in fact it is possible to maintain multiple Python objects with access to the same zVariable. Parameters ========== name : str name or number of the zVariable """ v = self[name] v._raw = True return v def save(self): """ Saves the CDF file but leaves it open. If closing the CDF, :meth:`close` is sufficient; there is no need to call :meth:`save` before :meth:`close`. .. note:: Relies on an undocumented call of the CDF C library, which is also used in the Java interface. Raises ====== CDFError : if CDF library reports an error Warns ===== CDFWarning : if CDF library reports a warning """ self._call(const.SAVE_, const.CDF_) def copy(self): """ Make a copy of all data and attributes in this CDF Returns ======= out : :py:class:`CDFCopy` :class:`~spacepy.datamodel.SpaceData`-like object of all data """ return CDFCopy(self) def version(self): """ Get version of library that created this CDF Returns ======= out : tuple version of CDF library, in form (version, release, increment) """ ver = ctypes.c_long(0) rel = ctypes.c_long(0) inc = ctypes.c_long(0) self._call(const.GET_, const.CDF_VERSION_, ctypes.byref(ver), const.GET_, const.CDF_RELEASE_, ctypes.byref(rel), const.GET_, const.CDF_INCREMENT_, ctypes.byref(inc)) return (ver.value, rel.value, inc.value) def _get_attrs(self): """Get attribute list Provide access to the CDF's attribute list without holding a strong reference, as the attribute list has a (strong) back-reference to its parent. Either deref a weak reference (to try and keep the object the same), or make a new AttrList instance and assign it to the weak reference for next time. """ al = self._attrlistref() if al is None: al = gAttrList(self) self._attrlistref = weakref.ref(al) return al def _set_attrs(self, value): """Assign to the attribute list Clears all elements of the attribute list and copies from value """ self.attrs.clone(value) attrs = property( _get_attrs, _set_attrs, None, """Global attributes for this CDF in a dict-like format. See :class:`gAttrList` for details. """) def var_num(self, varname): """Get the variable number of a particular variable name This maintains a cache of name-to-number mappings for zVariables to keep from having to query the CDF library constantly. It's mostly an internal function. Parameters ========== varname : bytes name of the zVariable. Not this is NOT a string in Python 3! Raises ====== CDFError : if variable is not found Returns ======= out : int Variable number of this zvariable. """ num = self._var_nums.get(varname, None) if num is None: #Copied from Var._get, which can hopefully be thinned varNum = ctypes.c_long(0) self._call(const.GET_, const.zVAR_NUMBER_, varname, ctypes.byref(varNum)) num = varNum.value self._var_nums[varname] = num return num def attr_num(self, attrname): """Get the attribute number and scope by attribute name This maintains a cache of name-to-number mappings for attributes to keep from having to query the CDF library constantly. It's mostly an internal function. Parameters ========== attrname : bytes name of the zVariable. Not this is NOT a string in Python 3! Raises ====== CDFError : if variable is not found Returns ======= out : tuple attribute number, scope (True for global) of this attribute """ res = self._attr_info.get(attrname, None) if res is None: #Copied from Var._get, which can hopefully be thinned attrNum = ctypes.c_long(0) self._call(const.GET_, const.ATTR_NUMBER_, attrname, ctypes.byref(attrNum)) scope = ctypes.c_long(0) self._call(const.SELECT_, const.ATTR_, attrNum, const.GET_, const.ATTR_SCOPE_, ctypes.byref(scope)) if scope.value == const.GLOBAL_SCOPE.value: scope = True elif scope.value == const.VARIABLE_SCOPE.value: scope = False else: raise CDFError(const.BAD_SCOPE) res = (attrNum.value, scope) self._attr_info[attrname] = res return res def clear_attr_from_cache(self, attrname): """Mark an attribute deleted in the name-to-number cache Will remove an attribute, and all attributes with higher numbers, from the attribute cache. Does NOT delete the variable! This maintains a cache of name-to-number mappings for attributes to keep from having to query the CDF library constantly. It's mostly an internal function. Parameters ========== attrname : bytes name of the attribute. Not this is NOT a string in Python 3! """ num, scope = self.attr_num(attrname) #All numbers higher than this are renumbered for a, n in list(self._attr_info.items()): if n[0] >= num: del self._attr_info[a] def clear_from_cache(self, varname): """Mark a variable deleted in the name-to-number cache Will remove a variable, and all variables with higher numbers, from the variable cache. Does NOT delete the variable! This maintains a cache of name-to-number mappings for zVariables to keep from having to query the CDF library constantly. It's mostly an internal function. Parameters ========== varname : bytes name of the zVariable. Not this is NOT a string in Python 3! """ num = self.var_num(varname) #All numbers higher than this are renumbered for v, n in list(self._var_nums.items()): if n >= num: del self._var_nums[v] def add_attr_to_cache(self, attrname, num, scope): """Add an attribute to the name-to-number cache This maintains a cache of name-to-number mappings for attributes to keep from having to query the CDF library constantly. It's mostly an internal function. Parameters ========== varname : bytes name of the zVariable. Not this is NOT a string in Python 3! num : int number of the variable scope : bool True if global scope; False if variable scope. """ self._attr_info[attrname] = (num, scope) def add_to_cache(self, varname, num): """Add a variable to the name-to-number cache This maintains a cache of name-to-number mappings for zVariables to keep from having to query the CDF library constantly. It's mostly an internal function. Parameters ========== varname : bytes name of the zVariable. Not this is NOT a string in Python 3! num : int number of the variable """ self._var_nums[varname] = num #Note there is no function for delete, currently handled in Var.rename #and Attr.rename by just deleting from the dict directly. Maybe this #should be differen (maybe should be possible to follow a variable across #a rename...) class Var(MutableSequence): """ A CDF variable. This object does not directly store the data from the CDF; rather, it provides access to the data in a format that much like a Python list or numpy :class:`~numpy.ndarray`. General list information is available in the python docs: `1 <>`_, `2 <>`_, `3 <>`_. The CDF user's guide, section 2.3, provides background on variables. .. note:: Not intended to be created directly; use methods of :class:`CDF` to gain access to a variable. A record-varying variable's data are viewed as a hypercube of dimensions n_dims+1 (the extra dimension is the record number). They are indexed in row-major fashion, i.e. the last index changes most frequently / is contiguous in memory. If the CDF is column-major, the data are transformed to row-major before return. Non record-varying variables are similar, but do not have the extra dimension of record number. Variables can be subscripted by a multidimensional index to return the data. Indices are in row-major order with the first dimension representing the record number. If the CDF is column major, the data are reordered to row major. Each dimension is specified by standard Python `slice <>`_ notation, with dimensions separated by commas. The ellipsis fills in any missing dimensions with full slices. The returned data are lists; Python represents multidimensional arrays as nested lists. The innermost set of lists represents contiguous data. .. note:: numpy 'fancy indexing' is *not* supported. Degenerate dimensions are 'collapsed', i.e. no list of only one element will be returned if a single subscript is specified instead of a range. (To avoid this, specify a slice like 1:2, which starts with 1 and ends before 2). Two special cases: 1. requesting a single-dimension slice for a record-varying variable will return all data for that record number (or those record numbers) for that variable. 2. Requests for multi-dimensional variables may skip the record-number dimension and simply specify the slice on the array itself. In that case, the slice of the array will be returned for all records. In the event of ambiguity (e.g., single-dimension slice on a one-dimensional variable), case 1 takes priority. Otherwise, mismatch between the number of dimensions specified in the slice and the number of dimensions in the variable will cause an :exc:`~exceptions.IndexError` to be thrown. This all sounds very complicated but it is essentially attempting to do the 'right thing' for a range of slices. An unusual case is scalar (zero-dimensional) non-record-varying variables. Clearly they cannot be subscripted normally. In this case, use the ``[...]`` syntax meaning 'access all data.': >>> import pycdf >>> testcdf = pycdf.CDF('test.cdf', '') >>> variable ='variable', recVary=False, ... type=pycdf.const.CDF_INT4) >>> variable[...] = 10 >>> variable <Var: CDF_INT4 [] NRV > >>> variable[...] 10 Reading any empty non-record-varying variable will return an empty with the same *number* of dimensions, but all dimensions will be of zero length. The scalar is, again, a special case: due to the inability to have a numpy array which is both zero-dimensional and empty, reading an NRV scalar variable with no data will return an empty one-dimensional array. This is really not recommended. As a list type, variables are also `iterable <>`_; iterating over a variable returns a single complete record at a time. This is all clearer with examples. Consider a variable ``B_GSM``, with three elements per record (x, y, z components) and fifty records in the CDF. Then: 1. ``B_GSM[0, 1]`` is the y component of the first record. 2. ``B_GSM[10, :]`` is a three-element list, containing x, y, and z components of the 11th record. As a shortcut, if only one dimension is specified, it is assumed to be the record number, so this could also be written ``B_GSM[10]``. 3. ``B_GSM[...]`` reads all data for ``B_GSM`` and returns it as a fifty-element list, each element itself being a three-element list of x, y, z components. Multidimensional example: consider fluxes stored as a function of pitch angle and energy. Such a variable may be called Flux and stored as a two-dimensional array, with the first dimension representing (say) ten energy steps and the second, eighteen pitch angle bins (ten degrees wide, centered from 5 to 175 degrees). Assume 100 records stored in the CDF (i.e. 100 different times). 1. ``Flux[4]`` is a list of ten elements, one per energy step, each element being a list of 18 fluxes, one per pitch bin. All are taken from the fifth record in the CDF. 2. ``Flux[4, :, 0:4]`` is the same record, all energies, but only the first four pitch bins (roughly, field-aligned). 3. ``Flux[..., 0:4]`` is a 100-element list (one per record), each element being a ten-element list (one per energy step), each containing fluxes for the first four pitch bins. This slicing notation is very flexible and allows reading specifically the desired data from the CDF. All data are, on read, converted to appropriate Python data types; EPOCH, EPOCH16, and TIME_TT2000 types are converted to :class:`~datetime.datetime`. Data are returned in numpy arrays. .. note:: Although pycdf supports TIME_TT2000 variables, the Python :class:`~datetime.datetime` object does not support leap seconds. Thus, on read, any seconds past 59 are truncated to 59.999999 (59 seconds, 999 milliseconds, 999 microseconds). Potentially useful list methods and related functions: - `count <>`_ - `in <>`_ - `index <>`_ - `len <>`_ - `list comprehensions <>`_ - `sorted <>`_ The topic of array majority can be very confusing; good background material is available at `IDL Array Storage and Indexing <>`_. In brief, *regardless of the majority stored in the CDF*, pycdf will always present the data in the native Python majority, row-major order, also known as C order. This is the default order in `NumPy < #internal-memory-layout-of-an-ndarray>`_. However, packages that render image data may expect it in column-major order. If the axes seem 'swapped' this is likely the reason. The :attr:`~Var.attrs` Python attribute acts as a dictionary referencing zAttributes (do not confuse the two); all the dictionary methods above also work on the attribute dictionary. See :class:`zAttrList` for more on the dictionary of attributes. With writing, as with reading, every attempt has been made to match the behavior of Python lists. You can write one record, many records, or even certain elements of all records. There is one restriction: only the record dimension (i.e. dimension 0) can be resized by write, as all records in a variable must have the same dimensions. Similarly, only whole records can be deleted. .. note:: Unusual error messages on writing data usually mean that pycdf is unable to interpret the data as a regular array of a single type matching the type and shape of the variable being written. A 5x4 array is supported; an irregular array where one row has five columns and a different row has six columns is not. Error messages of this type include: - ``Data must be well-formed, regular array of number, string, or datetime`` - ``setting an array element with a sequence.`` - ``shape mismatch: objects cannot be broadcast to a single shape`` For these examples, assume Flux has 100 records and dimensions [2, 3]. Rewrite the first record without changing the rest: >>> Flux[0] = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] Writes a new first record and delete all the rest: >>> Flux[...] = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] Write a new record in the last position and add a new record after: >>> Flux[99:] = [[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], ... [[11, 12, 13], [14, 15, 16]]] Insert two new records between the current number 5 and 6: >>> Flux[5:6] = [[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], [[11, 12, 13], ... [14, 15, 16]]] This operation can be quite slow, as it requires reading and rewriting the entire variable. (CDF does not directly support record insertion.) Change the first element of the first two records but leave other elements alone: >>> Flux[0:2, 0, 0] = [1, 2] Remove the first record: >>> del Flux[0] Removes record 5 (the sixth): >>> del Flux[5] Due to the need to work around a bug in the CDF library, this operation can be quite slow. Delete *all data* from ``Flux``, but leave the variable definition intact: >>> del Flux[...] .. note:: Although this interface only directly supports zVariables, zMode is set on opening the CDF so rVars appear as zVars. See p.24 of the CDF user's guide; pyCDF uses zMode 2. .. autosummary:: ~Var.attrs ~Var.compress ~Var.copy ~Var.dtype ~Var.dv ~Var.insert ~Var.rename ~Var.rv ~Var.shape ~Var.type .. attribute:: Var.attrs zAttributes for this zVariable in a dict-like format. See :class:`zAttrList` for details. .. automethod:: compress .. automethod:: copy .. autoattribute:: dtype .. automethod:: dv .. automethod:: insert .. automethod:: name .. automethod:: rename .. automethod:: rv .. autoattribute:: shape .. automethod:: type """ def __init__(self, cdf_file, var_name, *args): """Create or locate a variable Parameters ========== cdf_file : :py:class:`pycdf.CDF` CDF file containing this variable var_name : string name of this variable Other Parameters ================ args additional arguments passed to :py:meth:`_create`. If none, opens an existing variable. If provided, creates a new one. Raises ====== CDFError if CDF library reports an error Warns ===== CDFWarning if CDF library reports a warning """ self.cdf_file = cdf_file #This is the definitive "identify" of variable self._name = None self._type = None #CDF type (long) self._raw = False #Raw access (skip all conversions) if len(args) == 0: self._get(var_name) else: self._create(var_name, *args) #Weak reference to attribute list (use attrs instead) #This avoids a reference loop self._attrlistref = weakref.ref(zAttrList(self)) def __getitem__(self, key): """Returns a slice from the data array. Details under :py:class:`pycdf.Var`. @return: The data from this variable @rtype: list-of-lists of appropriate type. @raise IndexError: if L{key} is out of range, mismatches dimensions, or simply unparseable. @raise CDFError: for errors from the CDF library """ hslice = _Hyperslice(self, key) #Hyperslice mostly catches this sort of thing, but #an empty variable is a special case, since we might want to #WRITE to 0th record (which Hyperslice also supports) but #can't READ from it, and iterating over tries to read from it. if hslice.rv: if hslice.dimsizes[0] == 0 and hslice.degen[0] and \ hslice.starts[0] == 0: raise IndexError('record index out of range') #For NRV, again hslice will assume 0th record exists since we might #want to write. So ANY degenerate dim other than the glued-on 0th #suggests an explicit index that should fail. None degenerate suggests #make an empty array. #Note this is pulling a lot of hyperslice stuff into getitem! elif hslice.dimsizes[0] == 0: if len(hslice.degen) > 1 and max(hslice.degen[1:]): raise IndexError('record index out of range') else: #The zero-length dimension is degenerate so it gets chopped, #and you can't have a zero-length numpy array that still #maintains the size of all other dimensions. So just force #a zero-dim array and the rest will follow hslice.counts[...] = 0 #If this is a scalar, need to make a single non-degenerate #dimension so it can be empty. if len(hslice.counts) == 1: hslice.degen[0] = False result = hslice.create_array() if hslice.counts[0] != 0:, const.zVAR_HYPERDATA_, result.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p)) return hslice.convert_input_array(result) def __delitem__(self, key): """Removes a record (or set of records) from the CDF Only whole records can be deleted, so the del call must either specify only one dimension or it must specify all elements of the non-record dimensions. This is *not* a way to resize a variable! Deleting records from the middle of a variable may be very slow in some circumstances. To work around a bug in CDF library versions 3.4.0 and before, all the data must be read in, the requested deletions done, and then all written back out. @param key: index or slice to delete @type key: int or slice @raise TypeError: if an attempt is made to delete from a non record-varying variable, or to delete below the record level """ if not self.rv(): raise TypeError('Cannot delete records from non-record-varying ' 'variable.') hslice = _Hyperslice(self, key) if hslice.dims > 1 and (hslice.counts[1:] != hslice.dimsizes[1:]).any(): raise TypeError('Can only delete entire records.') if hslice.counts[0] == 0: return start = hslice.starts[0] count = hslice.counts[0] interval = hslice.intervals[0] dimsize = hslice.dimsizes[0] self._call() dangerous_delete = False if lib._del_middle_rec_bug and \ (interval != 1 or (start != 0 and start + count < dimsize)): #delete from middle is dangerous if only have one index entry entries = ctypes.c_long(0), const.zVAR_nINDEXENTRIES_, ctypes.byref(entries)) dangerous_delete = (entries.value == 1) if dangerous_delete: data = self[...] data = numpy.delete( data, numpy.arange(start, start + count * interval, interval), 0) self[0:dimsize - count] = data first_rec = dimsize - count last_rec = dimsize - 1, const.zVAR_RECORDS_, ctypes.c_long(first_rec), ctypes.c_long(last_rec)) elif interval == 1: first_rec = ctypes.c_long(start) last_rec = ctypes.c_long(start + count - 1), const.zVAR_RECORDS_, first_rec, last_rec) else: self._call() #delete from end to avoid renumbering of records for recno in range(start + (count - 1) * interval, start - 1, -1 * interval):, const.zVAR_RECORDS_, ctypes.c_long(recno), ctypes.c_long(recno)) def __setitem__(self, key, data): """Puts a slice into the data array. Details under :py:class:`pycdf.Var`. @param key: index or slice to store @type key: int or slice @param data: data to store @type data: numpy.array @raise IndexError: if L{key} is out of range, mismatches dimensions, or simply unparseable. IndexError will @raise CDFError: for errors from the CDF library """ hslice = _Hyperslice(self, key) n_recs = hslice.counts[0] hslice.expand(data) cdf_type = self.type() if cdf_type == const.CDF_EPOCH16.value: if not self._raw: try: data = lib.v_datetime_to_epoch16(data) except AttributeError: pass data = numpy.require(data, requirements=('C', 'A', 'W'), dtype=numpy.float64) elif cdf_type == const.CDF_EPOCH.value: if not self._raw: try: data = lib.v_datetime_to_epoch(data) except AttributeError: pass data = numpy.require(data, requirements=('C', 'A', 'W'), dtype=numpy.float64) elif cdf_type == const.CDF_TIME_TT2000.value: if not self._raw: try: data = lib.v_datetime_to_tt2000(data) except AttributeError: pass data = numpy.require(data, requirements=('C', 'A', 'W'), dtype=numpy.int64) else: data = numpy.require(data, requirements=('C', 'A', 'W'), dtype=self._np_type()) if cdf_type == const.CDF_EPOCH16.value: datashape = data.shape[:-1] else: datashape = data.shape #Check data sizes if datashape != tuple(hslice.expected_dims()): raise ValueError('attempt to assign data of dimensions ' + str(datashape) + ' to slice of dimensions ' + str(tuple(hslice.expected_dims()))) #Flip majority and reversed dimensions, see convert_input_array data = hslice.convert_output_array(data) #Handle insertions and similar weirdness if hslice.counts[0] > n_recs and \ hslice.starts[0] + n_recs < hslice.dimsizes[0]: #Specified slice ends before last record, so insert in middle saved_data = self[hslice.starts[0] + n_recs:] if hslice.counts[0] > 0:, const.zVAR_HYPERDATA_, data.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p)) if hslice.counts[0] < n_recs: first_rec = hslice.starts[0] + hslice.counts[0] last_rec = hslice.dimsizes[0] - 1, const.zVAR_RECORDS_, ctypes.c_long(first_rec), ctypes.c_long(last_rec)) elif hslice.counts[0] > n_recs and \ hslice.starts[0] + n_recs < hslice.dimsizes[0]: #Put saved data in after inserted data self[hslice.starts[0] + hslice.counts[0]:] = saved_data def extend(self, data): """ Append multiple values to the end of this variable This is an efficiency function which overrides the base implementation in MutableSequence. Parameters ---------- data : the data to append """ self[len(self):] = data def insert(self, index, data): """ Inserts a *single* record before an index Parameters ---------- index : int index before which to insert the new record data : the record to insert """ self[index:index] = [data] def _create(self, var_name, datatype, n_elements = 1, dims = (), recVary = const.VARY, dimVarys = None): """Creates a new zVariable @param var_name: name of this variable @type var_name: string @param datatype: CDF data type @type datatype: ctypes.c_long @param n_elements: number of elements (should be 1 except for CDF_CHAR variables). @type n_elements: long @param dims: size of each dimension for multi-dimensional variable, or empty for a zero-dimensional @type dims: sequence of long @param recVary: record variance for this variable (VARY/NOVARY) @type recVary: long @param dimVarys: array of VARY or NOVARY, variance for each dimension @type dimVarys: sequence of long @return: new variable with this name @rtype: :py:class:`pycdf.Var` @raise CDFError: if CDF library reports an error @raise CDFWarning: if CDF library reports a warning and interpreter is set to error on warnings. @note: Not intended to be used directly; use L{}. """ dim_array = (ctypes.c_long * len(dims))(*dims) enc_name = var_name.encode('ascii') if dimVarys is None: dim_vary_array = (ctypes.c_long * (len(dims) if len(dims) > 0 else 1))(const.VARY) else: dim_vary_array = (ctypes.c_long * len(dims))(*dimVarys) varNum = ctypes.c_long(0) self.cdf_file._call(const.CREATE_, const.zVAR_, enc_name, datatype, ctypes.c_long(n_elements), ctypes.c_long(len(dims)), dim_array, recVary, dim_vary_array, ctypes.byref(varNum)) self._name = enc_name self.cdf_file.add_to_cache(enc_name, varNum.value) def _delete(self): """Removes this zVariable from the CDF @raise CDFError: if CDF library reports an error @raise CDFWarning: if CDF library reports a warning and interpreter is set to error on warnings. """ self._call(const.DELETE_, const.zVAR_) self.cdf_file.clear_from_cache(self._name) self._name = None def _get(self, var_name): """Gets an existing zVariable @param var_name: name of this variable @type var_name: string @return: variable with this name @rtype: :py:class:`pycdf.Var` @raise CDFError: if CDF library reports an error @raise CDFWarning: if CDF library reports a warning and interpreter is set to error on warnings. @note: Not intended to be used directly; use L{CDF.__getitem__}. """ if isinstance(var_name, str_classes): try: enc_name = var_name.encode('ascii').rstrip() except AttributeError: enc_name = var_name.rstrip() #already in ASCII #'touch' CDF to cause an error if the name isn't there; get number varNum = ctypes.c_long(0) self.cdf_file._call(const.GET_, const.zVAR_NUMBER_, enc_name, ctypes.byref(varNum)) self._name = enc_name self.cdf_file.add_to_cache(enc_name, varNum.value) else: #Looking up by number name = ctypes.create_string_buffer(const.CDF_VAR_NAME_LEN256+1) self.cdf_file._call(const.SELECT_, const.zVAR_, ctypes.c_long(var_name), const.GET_, const.zVAR_NAME_, name) self._name = name.value.rstrip() self.cdf_file.add_to_cache(self._name, var_name) def _num(self): """Returns the zVar number for this variable @return: number of this zVar @rtype: int """ return self.cdf_file.var_num(self._name) def __len__(self): """Get number of records for this variable in this file @return: Number of records @rtype: long @raise CDFError: if CDF library reports an error @raise CDFWarning: if CDF library reports a warning and interpreter is set to error on warnings. """ count = ctypes.c_long(0) self._call(const.GET_, const.zVAR_MAXREC_, ctypes.byref(count)) return (count.value + 1) def __repr__(self): """Returns representation of the variable Cannot return anything that can be eval'd to create a copy, so just wrap the informal representation in angle brackets. @return: info on this zVar @rtype: str """ return '<Var:\n' + str(self) + '\n>' def __str__(self): """Returns a string representation of the variable This is an 'informal' representation in that it cannot be evaluated directly to create a :py:class:`pycdf.Var`. @return: info on this zVar, CDFTYPE [dimensions] NRV (if not record-varying) @rtype: str """ if self.cdf_file._opened: cdftype = self.type() chartypes = (const.CDF_CHAR.value, const.CDF_UCHAR.value) rv = self.rv() typestr = lib.cdftypenames[cdftype] + \ ('*' + str(self._nelems()) if cdftype in chartypes else '' ) if rv: sizestr = str([len(self)] + self._dim_sizes()) else: sizestr = str(self._dim_sizes()) return typestr + ' ' + sizestr + ('' if rv else ' NRV') else: if isinstance(self._name, str): return 'zVar "{0}" in closed CDF {1}'.format( self._name, self.cdf_file.pathname) else: return 'zVar "{0}" in closed CDF {1}'.format( self._name.decode('ascii'), self.cdf_file.pathname.decode('ascii')) def _n_dims(self): """Get number of dimensions for this variable @return: the number of dimensions @rtype: long """ n_dims = ctypes.c_long(0) self._call(const.GET_, const.zVAR_NUMDIMS_, ctypes.byref(n_dims)) return n_dims.value def _dim_sizes(self): """Get the dimension sizes for this variable @return: sequence of sizes @rtype: sequence of long @note: This will always be in Python order (i.e. row major, last index iterates most quickly), *regardless* of the majority of the CDF. """ sizes = (ctypes.c_long * const.CDF_MAX_DIMS)(0) self._call(const.GET_, const.zVAR_DIMSIZES_, sizes) sizes = sizes[0:self._n_dims()] return sizes def rv(self, new_rv=None): """ Gets or sets whether this variable has record variance If the variance is unknown, True is assumed (this replicates the apparent behavior of the CDF library on variable creation). Other Parameters ================ new_rv : boolean True to change to record variance, False to change to NRV, unspecified to simply check variance. Returns ======= out : Boolean True if record varying, False if NRV """ if new_rv != None: self._call(const.PUT_, const.zVAR_RECVARY_, const.VARY if new_rv else const.NOVARY) vary = ctypes.c_long(0) self._call(const.GET_, const.zVAR_RECVARY_, ctypes.byref(vary)) return vary.value != const.NOVARY.value def dv(self, new_dv=None): """ Gets or sets dimension variance of each dimension of variable. If the variance is unknown, True is assumed (this replicates the apparent behavior of the CDF library on variable creation). Parameters ========== new_dv : list of boolean Each element True to change that dimension to dimension variance, False to change to not dimension variance. (Unspecified to simply check variance.) Returns ======= out : list of boolean True if that dimension has variance, else false. """ ndims = self._n_dims() if new_dv != None: if len(new_dv) != ndims: raise ValueError('Must specify variance for ' + str(ndims) + 'dimensions.') varies = (ctypes.c_long * ndims)( *[const.VARY if dv else const.NOVARY for dv in new_dv]) self._call(const.PUT_, const.zVAR_DIMVARYS_, varies) if ndims == 0: return [] varies = (ctypes.c_long * const.CDF_MAX_DIMS)() self._call(const.GET_, const.zVAR_DIMVARYS_, varies) return [dv != const.NOVARY.value for dv in varies[0:ndims]] def _call(self, *args, **kwargs): """Select this CDF and variable and call the CDF internal interface Adds call to select this CDF to L{args} and passes all parameters directly through to the CDFlib routine of the CDF library's C internal interface. Checks the return value with L{Library.check_status}. @param args: Passed directly to the CDF library interface. Useful constants are defined in the :py:mod:`pycdf.const` module of this package. @type args: various, see :py:mod:`ctypes`. @return: CDF status from the library @rtype: ctypes.c_long @note: Terminal NULL_ is automatically added to L{args}. @raise CDFError: if CDF library reports an error @raise CDFWarning: if CDF library reports a warning and interpreter is set to error on warnings. """ return self.cdf_file._call( const.SELECT_, const.zVAR_, ctypes.c_long(self.cdf_file.var_num(self._name)), *args, **kwargs) def _np_type(self): """Returns the numpy type of this variable This is the numpy type that will come directly out of the CDF; see :meth:`dtype` for the representation post-conversion. Raises ====== CDFError : for library-reported error or failure to find numpy type Returns ======= out : dtype numpy dtype that will hold value from this variable """ cdftype = self.type() if cdftype == const.CDF_CHAR.value or cdftype == const.CDF_UCHAR.value: return numpy.dtype('S' + str(self._nelems())) try: return lib.numpytypedict[cdftype] except KeyError: raise CDFError(const.BAD_DATA_TYPE) def type(self, new_type=None): """ Returns or sets the CDF type of this variable Parameters ========== new_type : ctypes.c_long the new type from :mod:`~pycdf.const` Returns ======= out : int CDF type """ if new_type != None: if not hasattr(new_type, 'value'): new_type = ctypes.c_long(new_type) n_elements = ctypes.c_long(self._nelems()) self._call(const.PUT_, const.zVAR_DATASPEC_, new_type, n_elements) self._type = None if self._type is None: cdftype = ctypes.c_long(0) self._call(const.GET_, const.zVAR_DATATYPE_, ctypes.byref(cdftype)) self._type = cdftype.value return self._type def _nelems(self): """Number of elements for each value in this variable This is the length of strings for CHAR and UCHAR, should be 1 otherwise. @return: length of strings @rtype: int """ nelems = ctypes.c_long(0) self._call(const.GET_, const.zVAR_NUMELEMS_, ctypes.byref(nelems)) return nelems.value def name(self): """ Returns the name of this variable Returns ======= out : str variable's name """ if isinstance(self._name, str): return self._name elif isinstance(self._name, bytes): return self._name.decode() def compress(self, comptype=None, param=None): """ Set or check the compression of this variable Compression may not be changeable on variables with data already written; even deleting the data may not permit the change. See section 2.6 of the CDF user's guide for more information on compression. Other Parameters ================ comptype : ctypes.c_long type of compression to change to, see CDF C reference manual section 4.10. Constants for this parameter are in :mod:`~pycdf.const`. If not specified, will not change compression. param : ctypes.c_long Compression parameter, see CDF CRM 4.10 and :mod:`~pycdf.const`. If not specified, will choose reasonable default (5 for gzip; other types have only one possible parameter.) Returns ======= out : tuple the (comptype, param) currently in effect """ return _compress(self, comptype, param) def copy(self): """ Copies all data and attributes from this variable Returns ======= out : :class:`VarCopy` list of all data in record order """ return VarCopy(self) def rename(self, new_name): """ Renames this variable Parameters ========== new_name : str the new name for this variable """ try: enc_name = new_name.encode('ascii') except AttributeError: enc_name = new_name if len(enc_name) > const.CDF_VAR_NAME_LEN256: raise CDFError(const.BAD_VAR_NAME) self._call(const.PUT_, const.zVAR_NAME_, enc_name) self.cdf_file.add_to_cache( enc_name, self.cdf_file.var_num(self._name)) #Still in cache del self.cdf_file._var_nums[self._name] self._name = enc_name @property def shape(self): """ Provides the numpy array-like shape of this variable. Returns a tuple; first element is number of records (RV variable only) And the rest provide the dimensionality of the variable. .. note:: Assigning to this attribute will not change the shape. """ if self.rv(): return tuple([len(self)] + self._dim_sizes()) else: return tuple(self._dim_sizes()) @property def dtype(self): """ Provide the numpy dtype equivalent to the CDF type of this variable. Data from this variable will be returned in numpy arrays of this type. See Also -------- type """ cdftype = self.type() if cdftype in (const.CDF_CHAR.value, const.CDF_UCHAR.value) and \ str is not bytes and not self._raw: return numpy.dtype('U' + str(self._nelems())) if cdftype in (const.CDF_EPOCH.value, const.CDF_EPOCH16.value, const.CDF_TIME_TT2000.value) and not self._raw: return numpy.dtype('O') return self._np_type() def _get_attrs(self): """Get attribute list Provide access to the zVar's attribute list without holding a strong reference, as the attribute list has a (strong) back-reference to its parent. Either deref a weak reference (to try and keep the object the same), or make a new AttrList instance and assign it to the weak reference for next time. """ al = self._attrlistref() if al is None: al = zAttrList(self) self._attrlistref = weakref.ref(al) return al def _set_attrs(self, value): """Assign to the attribute list Clears all elements of the attribute list and copies from value """ self.attrs.clone(value) attrs = property( _get_attrs, _set_attrs, None, """zAttributes for this zVariable in a dict-like format. See :class:`zAttrList` for details. """) class _Hyperslice(object): """Represents a CDF 'slice' used for the hyper CDF functions For internal module use only. @ivar dims: number of dimensions to this slice, usually number of dimensions to the variable plus one for the record, which represents the 0th (least rapidly varying) dimension. @type dims: int @ivar dimsizes: size of each dimension (0th is number of records) @type dimsizes: list of int @ivar starts: index of the start value for each dimension ('dimension indices' in CDF speak) @type starts: list of int @ivar counts: number of values to get from each dimension. Final result will be the product of everything in counts. ('dimension counts' in CDF speak) @type counts: numpy.array @ivar intervals: interval between successive indices to use for each dimension. ('dimension invervals' in CDF speak) @type intervals: list of int @ivar degen: is this dimension degenerate, i.e. should be removed in the returned dataset. A 3D array with one dimension degenerate will be returned as a 2D array (i.e. list-of-lists.) @type degen: numpy.array @ivar rev: should this dimension be returned in reverse order? @type rev: numpy.array @ivar column: is this slice in column-major mode (if false, row-major) @type column: boolean @ivar zvar: what CDF variable this object slices on @type zvar: :py:class:`pycdf.Var` @ivar expanded_key: fully-expanded version of the key passed to the constructor (all dimensions filled in) @type expanded_key: tuple @note: All dimension-related variables are stored row-major (Python order) """ def __init__(self, zvar, key): """Create a Hyperslice @param zvar: zVariable that this slices @type zvar: :py:class:`pycdf.Var` @param key: Python multi-dimensional slice as passed to __getitem__ @type key: tuple of slice and/or int @raise IndexError: if slice is out of range, mismatches dimensions, or otherwise unparsable. @raise ValueError: if slice has invalid values """ self.zvar = zvar self.rv = self.zvar.rv() #dim of records, + 1 record dim (NRV always is record 0) self.dims = zvar._n_dims() + 1 self.dimsizes = [len(zvar)] + \ zvar._dim_sizes() self.starts = [0] * self.dims self.counts = numpy.empty((self.dims,), dtype=numpy.int32) self.counts.fill(1) self.intervals = [1] * self.dims self.degen = numpy.zeros(self.dims, dtype=numpy.bool) self.rev = numpy.zeros(self.dims, dtype=numpy.bool) #key is: #1. a single value (integer or slice object) if called 1D #2. a tuple (of integers and/or slice objects) if called nD #3. Each item is either a single value (degenerate dim) # or a slice object. if not hasattr(key, '__len__'): #Not a container object, pack in tuple key = (key, ) if not self.rv: key = (0, ) + key #NRV, so always get 0th record (degenerate) key = self.expand_ellipsis(key, self.dims) if self.rv: #special-cases for RV variables if len(key) == 1: #get all data for this record(s) key = self.expand_ellipsis(key + (Ellipsis, ), self.dims) elif len(key) == self.dims - 1: #get same slice from each record key = (slice(None, None, None), ) + key if len(key) == self.dims: self.expanded_key = key for i in range(self.dims): idx = key[i] if hasattr(idx, 'start'): #slice (self.starts[i], self.counts[i], self.intervals[i], self.rev[i]) = \ self.convert_range(idx.start, idx.stop, idx.step, self.dimsizes[i]) else: #Single degenerate value if idx < 0: idx += self.dimsizes[i] if idx != 0 and (idx >= self.dimsizes[i] or idx < 0): raise IndexError('list index out of range') self.starts[i] = idx self.degen[i] = True else: raise IndexError('Slice does not match dimensions for zVar ' + str(zvar._name)) self.column = zvar.cdf_file.col_major() def expected_dims(self, data=None): """Calculate size of non-degenerate dimensions Figures out size, in each dimension, of expected input data @return: size of each dimension for this slice, excluding degenerate @rtype: list of int """ return [self.counts[i] for i in range(self.dims) if not self.degen[i]] def expand(self, data): """Expands the record dimension of this slice to hold a set of data If the length of data (outermost dimension) is larger than the record count (counts[0]) for this slice, expand the slice to hold all the data. This requires that the record dimension of the slice not be degenerate, and also that it not have been completely specified when the hyperslice was created (i.e. record dimension either ellipsis or no specified stop.) Does *not* expand any other dimension, since that's Very Hard in CDF. @param data: the data which are intended to be stored in this slice @type data: list """ rec_slice = self.expanded_key[0] if not self.rv or isinstance(data, str_classes) or self.degen[0] or \ not hasattr(rec_slice, 'stop'): return if len(data) < self.counts[0]: #Truncate to fit data if rec_slice.stop is None and rec_slice.step in (None, 1): self.counts[0] = len(data) elif len(data) > self.counts[0]: #Expand to fit data if rec_slice.step in (None, 1): self.counts[0] = len(data) def create_array(self): """Creates a numpy array to hold the data from this slice Returns ======= out : numpy.array array sized, typed, and dimensioned to hold data from this slice """ counts = self.counts degen = self.degen if self.column: counts = self.reorder(counts) degen = self.reorder(degen) #TODO: Forcing C order for now, revert to using self.column later array = numpy.empty( [counts[i] for i in range(len(counts)) if not degen[i]], self.zvar._np_type(), order='C') return numpy.require(array, requirements=('C', 'A', 'W')) def convert_input_array(self, buffer): """Converts a buffer of raw data from this slice EPOCH(16) variables always need to be converted. CHAR need converted to Unicode if py3k Parameters ========== buffer : numpy.array data as read from the CDF file Returns ======= out : numpy.array converted data """ result = self._flip_array(buffer) #Convert to derived types cdftype = self.zvar.type() if not self.zvar._raw: if cdftype in (const.CDF_CHAR.value, const.CDF_UCHAR.value) and \ str != bytes: dt = numpy.dtype('U{0}'.format(result.dtype.itemsize)) result = numpy.require(numpy.char.array(result).decode(), dtype=dt) elif cdftype == const.CDF_EPOCH.value: result = lib.v_epoch_to_datetime(result) elif cdftype == const.CDF_EPOCH16.value: result = lib.v_epoch16_to_datetime(result) elif cdftype == const.CDF_TIME_TT2000.value: result = lib.v_tt2000_to_datetime(result) return result def convert_output_array(self, buffer): """Convert a buffer of data that will go into this slice Parameters ========== buffer : numpy.array data to go into the CDF file Returns ======= out : numpy.array input with majority flipped and dimensions reversed to be suitable to pass directly to CDF library. """ buffer = self._flip_array(buffer) return numpy.require(buffer, requirements=('C', 'A', 'W')) def _flip_array(self, data): """ Operations for majority, etc. common between convert_input and _output """ cdftype = self.zvar.type() #Flip majority if any non-degenerate dimensions exist if self.column and not min(self.degen): #Record-number dim degen, swap whole thing if self.degen[0]: if cdftype == const.CDF_EPOCH16.value: #Maintain last dimension data = data.transpose( list(range(len(data.shape) - 2, 0, -1)) + [len(data.shape) - 1] ) else: data = data.transpose() #Record-number dimension is not degenerate, so keep it first else: if cdftype == const.CDF_EPOCH16.value: data = data.transpose( [0] + list(range(len(data.shape) - 2, 0, -1)) + [len(data.shape) - 1] ) else: data = data.transpose( [0] + list(range(len(data.shape) - 1, 0, -1))) #Reverse non-degenerate dimensions in rev #Remember that the degenerate indices are already gone! if self.rev.any(): sliced = [(slice(None, None, -1) if self.rev[i] else slice(None)) for i in range(self.dims) if not self.degen[i]] if cdftype == const.CDF_EPOCH16.value: #don't reverse last dim sliced.extend(slice(None)) data = operator.getitem(data, tuple(sliced)) return data def select(self): """Selects this hyperslice in the CDF Calls the CDF library to select the CDF, variable, records, and array elements corresponding to this slice. """ args = (const.SELECT_, const.zVAR_RECNUMBER_, ctypes.c_long(self.starts[0]), const.SELECT_, const.zVAR_RECCOUNT_, ctypes.c_long(self.counts[0]), const.SELECT_, const.zVAR_RECINTERVAL_, ctypes.c_long(self.intervals[0])) if self.dims > 1: dims = self.dims - 1 args += (const.SELECT_, const.zVAR_DIMINDICES_, (ctypes.c_long * dims)(*self.starts[1:]), const.SELECT_, const.zVAR_DIMCOUNTS_, (ctypes.c_long * dims)(*self.counts[1:]), const.SELECT_, const.zVAR_DIMINTERVALS_, (ctypes.c_long * dims)(*self.intervals[1:])) self.zvar._call(*args) @staticmethod def expand_ellipsis(slices, n_dims): """Expands any ellipses into correct number of full-size slices @param slices: tuple of slices, integers, or ellipse objects @type slices: tuple @param n_dims: number of dimensions this slice is over @type n_dims: int @return: L{slices} with ellipses replaced by appropriate number of full-dimension slices @rtype: tuple @raise IndexError: if ellipses specified when already have enough dimensions """ if slices is Ellipsis: return tuple([slice(None, None, None) for i in range(n_dims)]) #Elements might be numpy arrays, so can't use in/index idx = [i for i, v in enumerate(slices) if v is Ellipsis] if not idx: #no ellipsis return slices if len(idx) > 1: #multiples! raise IndexError('Ellipses can only be used once per slice.') idx = idx[0] #how many dims to expand ellipsis to #remember the ellipsis is in len(slices) and must be replaced! extra = n_dims - len(slices) + 1 if extra < 0: raise IndexError('too many indices') result = slices[0:idx] + (slice(None), ) * extra + slices[idx+1:] return result @staticmethod def check_well_formed(data): """Checks if input data is well-formed, regular array""" d = numpy.asanyarray(data) if d.dtype == numpy.object: #this is probably going to be bad try: len(d.flat[0]) except TypeError: #at least it's not a list pass else: raise ValueError( 'Data must be well-formed, regular array of number, ' 'string, or datetime') @staticmethod def dimensions(data): """Finds the dimensions of a nested list-of-lists @param data: data of which dimensions are desired @type data: list (of lists) @return: dimensions of L{data}, in order outside-in @rtype: list of int @raise ValueError: if L{data} has irregular dimensions """ d = numpy.asanyarray(data) _Hyperslice.check_well_formed(d) return d.shape @staticmethod def types(data, backward=False): """Find dimensions and valid types of a nested list-of-lists Any given data may be representable by a range of CDF types; infer the CDF types which can represent this data. This breaks down to: 1. Proper kind (numerical, string, time) 2. Proper range (stores highest and lowest number) 3. Sufficient resolution (EPOCH16 required if datetime has microseconds or below.) If more than one value satisfies the requirements, types are returned in preferred order: 1. Type that matches precision of data first, then 2. integer type before float type, then 3. Smallest type first, then 4. signed type first, then 5. specifically-named (CDF_BYTE) vs. generically named (CDF_INT1) So for example, EPOCH_16 is preferred over EPOCH if L{data} specifies below the millisecond level (rule 1), but otherwise EPOCH is preferred (rule 2). For floats, four-byte is preferred unless eight-byte is required: 1. absolute values between 0 and 3e-39 2. absolute values greater than 1.7e38 This will switch to an eight-byte double in some cases where four bytes would be sufficient for IEEE 754 encoding, but where DEC formats would require eight. @param data: data for which dimensions and CDF types are desired @type data: list (of lists) @param backward: limit to pre-CDF3 types @type backward: bool @return: dimensions of L{data}, in order outside-in; CDF types which can represent this data; number of elements required (i.e. length of longest string) @rtype: 3-tuple of lists ([int], [ctypes.c_long], [int]) @raise ValueError: if L{data} has irregular dimensions """ d = numpy.asanyarray(data) dims = d.shape elements = 1 types = [] _Hyperslice.check_well_formed(d) if d.dtype.kind in ('S', 'U'): #it's a string types = [const.CDF_CHAR, const.CDF_UCHAR] elements = d.dtype.itemsize if d.dtype.kind == 'U': #UTF-8 uses 4 bytes per elements //= 4 elif d.size and hasattr([0], 'microsecond'): if max((dt.microsecond % 1000 for dt in d.flat)) > 0: types = [const.CDF_EPOCH16, const.CDF_EPOCH, const.CDF_TIME_TT2000] else: types = [const.CDF_EPOCH, const.CDF_EPOCH16, const.CDF_TIME_TT2000] if backward: del types[types.index(const.CDF_EPOCH16)] del types[-1] elif not lib.supports_int8: del types[-1] elif d is data or isinstance(data, numpy.generic): #numpy array came in, use its type (or byte-swapped) types = [k for k in lib.numpytypedict if (lib.numpytypedict[k] == d.dtype or lib.numpytypedict[k] == d.dtype.newbyteorder()) and not k in lib.timetypes] if (not lib.supports_int8 or backward) \ and const.CDF_INT8.value in types: del types[types.index(const.CDF_INT8.value)] #Maintain priority to match the ordered lists below: #float/double (44, 45) before real (21/22), and #byte (41) before int (1) before char (51). So hack. #Consider making typedict an ordered dict once 2.6 is dead. types.sort(key=lambda x: x % 50, reverse=True) if not types: #not a numpy array, or can't parse its type if d.dtype.kind == 'O': #Object. Try to make it numeric #Can't do safe casting from Object, so try and compare #Basically try most restrictive to least restrictive trytypes = (numpy.uint64, numpy.int64, numpy.float64) for t in trytypes: try: newd = d.astype(dtype=t) except: #Failure to cast, try next type continue if (newd == d).all(): #Values preserved, use this type d = newd #Continue with normal guessing, as if a list break else: #fell through without a match raise ValueError( 'Cannot convert generic objects to CDF type.') if d.dtype.kind in ('i', 'u'): #integer minval = numpy.min(d) maxval = numpy.max(d) if minval < 0: types = [const.CDF_BYTE, const.CDF_INT1, const.CDF_INT2, const.CDF_INT4, const.CDF_INT8, const.CDF_FLOAT, const.CDF_REAL4, const.CDF_DOUBLE, const.CDF_REAL8] cutoffs = [2 ** 7, 2 ** 7, 2 ** 15, 2 ** 31, 2 ** 63, 1.7e38, 1.7e38, 8e307, 8e307] else: types = [const.CDF_BYTE, const.CDF_INT1, const.CDF_UINT1, const.CDF_INT2, const.CDF_UINT2, const.CDF_INT4, const.CDF_UINT4, const.CDF_INT8, const.CDF_FLOAT, const.CDF_REAL4, const.CDF_DOUBLE, const.CDF_REAL8] cutoffs = [2 ** 7, 2 ** 7, 2 ** 8, 2 ** 15, 2 ** 16, 2 ** 31, 2 ** 32, 2 ** 63, 1.7e38, 1.7e38, 8e307, 8e307] types = [t for (t, c) in zip(types, cutoffs) if c > maxval and (minval >= 0 or minval >= -c)] if (not lib.supports_int8 or backward) \ and const.CDF_INT8 in types: del types[types.index(const.CDF_INT8)] else: #float if dims is (): if d != 0 and (abs(d) > 1.7e38 or abs(d) < 3e-39): types = [const.CDF_DOUBLE, const.CDF_REAL8] else: types = [const.CDF_FLOAT, const.CDF_REAL4, const.CDF_DOUBLE, const.CDF_REAL8] else: absolutes = numpy.abs(d[d != 0]) if len(absolutes) > 0 and \ (numpy.max(absolutes) > 1.7e38 or numpy.min(absolutes) < 3e-39): types = [const.CDF_DOUBLE, const.CDF_REAL8] else: types = [const.CDF_FLOAT, const.CDF_REAL4, const.CDF_DOUBLE, const.CDF_REAL8] types = [t.value if hasattr(t, 'value') else t for t in types] return (dims, types, elements) @staticmethod def reorder(seq): """Reorders seq to switch array majority Used to take an array of subscripts between row and column majority. First element is not touched, being the record number. @param seq: a sequence of *subscripts* @type seq: sequence of integers @return: seq with all but element 0 reversed in order @rtype: sequence of integers """ return numpy.concatenate((seq[0:1], numpy.flipud(seq)[:-1])) @staticmethod def convert_range(start, stop, step, size): """Converts a start/stop/step range to start/count/interval (i.e. changes from Python-style slice to CDF-style) @param start: index to start a slice at, may be none or negative @type start: int @param stop: index at end of slice (one-past, standard Python), may be none or negative @type stop: int @param step: interval for stepping through stlice @type step: int @param size: size of list to slice @type size: int @return: (start, count, interval, rev) where: 1. start is the start index, normalized to be within the size of the list and negatives handled 2. count is the number of records in the slice, guaranteed to stop before the end 3. interval is the skip between records 4. rev indicates whether the sequence should be reversed @rtype: (int, int, int, boolean) """ (start, stop, step) = slice(start, stop, step).indices(size) if step < 0: step *= -1 count = int((start - stop + step - 1) / step) start = start - (count - 1) * step rev = True else: count = int((stop - start + step - 1) / step) rev = False if count < 0: count = 0 start = 0 return (start, count, step, rev) class Attr(MutableSequence): """An attribute, g or z, for a CDF .. warning:: This class should not be used directly, but only in its subclasses, :class:`gAttr` and :class:`zAttr`. The methods listed here are safe to use in the subclasses. Represents a CDF attribute, providing access to the Entries in a format that looks like a Python list. General list information is available in the python docs: `1 <>`_, `2 <>`_, `3 <>`_. An introduction to CDF attributes can be found in section 2.4 of the CDF user's guide. Each element of the list is a single Entry of the appropriate type. The index to the elements is the Entry number. Multi-dimensional slicing is *not* supported; an Entry with multiple elements will have all elements returned (and can thus be sliced itself). Example: >>> first_three = attribute[5, 0:3] #will fail >>> first_three = attribute[5][0:3] #first three elements of 5th Entry .. autosummary:: ~Attr.append ~Attr.has_entry ~Attr.insert ~Attr.max_idx ~Attr.number ~Attr.rename ~Attr.type .. automethod:: append .. automethod:: has_entry .. automethod:: insert .. automethod:: max_idx .. automethod:: new .. automethod:: number .. automethod:: rename .. automethod:: type """ def __init__(self, cdf_file, attr_name, create=False): """Initialize this attribute @param cdf_file: CDF file containing this attribute @type cdf_file: :py:class:`pycdf.CDF` @param attr_name: Name of this attribute @type attr_name: str @param create: True to create attribute, False to look up existing. @type create: bool """ self._cdf_file = cdf_file self._raw = False if isinstance(attr_name, str_classes): try: self._name = attr_name.encode('ascii') except AttributeError: self._name = attr_name attrno = ctypes.c_long() if create: self._cdf_file._call(const.CREATE_, const.ATTR_, self._name, self.SCOPE, ctypes.byref(attrno)) self._cdf_file.add_attr_to_cache( self._name, attrno.value, self.SCOPE == const.GLOBAL_SCOPE) else: #Ensure exists, and populate cache. See scope note below attrno, scope = self._cdf_file.attr_num(self._name) else: name = ctypes.create_string_buffer(const.CDF_ATTR_NAME_LEN256 + 1) scope = ctypes.c_long(0) self._cdf_file._call(const.SELECT_, const.ATTR_, ctypes.c_long(attr_name)) #Because it's possible to create a gAttr Python objecting #referencing an Attribute with variable scope, and vice-versa, #do NOT assume the scope matches #(Higher level code checks for that being a bad thing.) self._cdf_file._call( const.GET_, const.ATTR_NAME_, name, const.GET_, const.ATTR_SCOPE_, ctypes.byref(scope)) self._name = name.value.rstrip() if scope.value == const.GLOBAL_SCOPE.value: scope = True elif scope.value == const.VARIABLE_SCOPE.value: scope = False else: raise CDFError(const.BAD_SCOPE) self._cdf_file.add_attr_to_cache(self._name, attr_name, scope) def __getitem__(self, key): """Return a slice of Entries. Because Attributes may be sparse, a multi-element slice will return None for those elements which do not have associated Entries. @param key: index or range of Entry number to return @type key: slice or int @return: a list of entries, appropriate type. @raise IndexError: if L{key} is an int and that Entry number does not exist. """ if key is Ellipsis: key = slice(None, None, None) if hasattr(key, 'indices'): idx = range(*key.indices(self.max_idx() + 1)) return [self._get_entry(i) if self.has_entry(i) else None for i in idx] else: if self.has_entry(key): return self._get_entry(key) else: raise IndexError('list index ' + str(key) + ' out of range.') def _check_other_entries(self, types): """Try to get the type of this entry from others in the Attribute For zAttrs, checks if all other Entries are the same type, and at least one doesn't match its zVar, i.e. Entry type dominates (otherwise assumption is the Var type dominates). For gAttrs, checks all other Entries, and gives priority to the one that's earliest in the possible type list and exists in other Entries. This is only one component of Entry type guessing! :param list types: CDF types that are candidates (match the data) :return: The type discerned from other Entries, or None """ if self.ENTRY_ == const.zENTRY_: #If everything else is the same entry type, #and one is not the same as its var, probably #all entries should be of that type cand_et = None #The Entry type that might work one_var_diff = False #One Var has a type different from Entry for num in range(self.max_idx() + 1): if not self.has_entry(num): continue vartype = self._cdf_file[num].type() entrytype = self.type(num) if vartype != entrytype: one_var_diff = True if cand_et is None: if not entrytype in types: return None #One var has Entry with "impossible" type cand_et = entrytype elif cand_et != entrytype: return None #Two vars have Entries with different types if one_var_diff and cand_et is not None: return cand_et else: # Of those types which exist in other entries, # find the one which is earliest # in types, i.e. the preferred type entrytypes = [self.type(num) for num in range(self.max_idx() + 1) if self.has_entry(num)] entrytypes = [et for et in entrytypes if et in types] if entrytypes: return types[ min([types.index(et) for et in entrytypes])] return None def __setitem__(self, key, data): """Set a slice of Entries. @param key: index or range of Entry numbers to set @type key: slice or int @param data: the data to set these entries to. Normally each entry should be a sequence; if a scalar is provided, it is treated as a single-element list. @type data: scalar or list @raise ValueError: if size of {data} does not match size of L{key} @note: Attributes do not 'grow' or 'shrink' as entries are added or removed. Indexes of entries never change and there is no way to 'insert'. """ if key is Ellipsis: key = slice(None, None, None) if not hasattr(key, 'indices'): #Single value, promote everything a dimension idx = (key, key + 1, 1) data = [data] else: idx = key.indices(self.max_idx() + 1) if key.step is None or key.step > 0: #Iterating forward, extend slice to match data if len(data) > len(range(*idx)): idx = (idx[0], idx[0] + idx[2] * len(data), idx[2]) #get, and check, types and sizes for all data #checks first so don't have error after changing half the Entries data_idx = -1 typelist = [] for i in range(*idx): data_idx += 1 if data_idx >= len(data): continue datum = data[data_idx] if datum is None: typelist[i] = (None, None, None) continue (dims, types, elements) = _Hyperslice.types( datum, backward=self._cdf_file.backward) if len(types) <= 0: raise ValueError('Cannot find a matching CDF type.') if len(dims) > 1: raise ValueError('Entries must be scalar or 1D.') elif len(dims) == 1 and isinstance(datum[0], str_classes): raise ValueError('Entry strings must be scalar.') entry_type = None if self.has_entry(i): #If the entry already exists, match its type entry_type = self.type(i) if not entry_type in types: entry_type = None if entry_type is None: #Check other entries for this attribute entry_type = self._check_other_entries(types) if entry_type is None and self.ENTRY_ == const.zENTRY_: #Fall back to zVar type vartype = self._cdf_file[i].type() if vartype in types: entry_type = vartype else: entry_type = types[0] elif entry_type is None: entry_type = types[0] if not entry_type in lib.numpytypedict: raise ValueError('Cannot find a matching numpy type.') typelist.append((dims, entry_type, elements)) data_idx = -1 for i in range(*idx): data_idx += 1 if data_idx >= len(data) or data[data_idx] is None: if self.has_entry(i): del self[i] continue datum = data[data_idx] (dims, entry_type, elements) = typelist[data_idx] self._write_entry(i, datum, entry_type, dims, elements) def __delitem__(self, key): """Delete a slice of Entries. @param key: index or range of Entry numbers to delete @type key: slice or int @note: Attributes do not 'grow' or 'shrink' as entries are added or removed. Indexes of entries never change and there is no way to 'insert'. """ if key is Ellipsis: key = slice(None, None, None) if not hasattr(key, 'indices'): idx = (key, key + 1, 1) else: idx = key.indices(self.max_idx() + 1) for i in range(*idx): self._call(const.SELECT_, self.ENTRY_, ctypes.c_long(i), const.DELETE_, self.ENTRY_) def __iter__(self, current=0): """Iterates over all entries in this Attribute Returns data from one entry at a time until reaches the end. @note: Returned in entry-number order. """ while current <= self.max_idx(): if self.has_entry(current): value = yield(self._get_entry(current)) if value != None: current = value current += 1 def __reversed__(self, current=None): """Iterates over all entries in this Attribute Returns data from one entry at a time, starting at end and going to beginning. @note: Returned in entry-number order. """ if current is None: current = self.max_idx() while current >= 0: if self.has_entry(current): value = yield(self._get_entry(current)) if value != None: current = value current -= 1 def __len__(self): """Number of Entries for this Attr. NOT same as max Entry number. @return: Number of Entries @rtype: int """ count = ctypes.c_long(0) self._call(const.GET_, self.ATTR_NUMENTRIES_, ctypes.byref(count)) return count.value def __repr__(self): """Returns representation of an attribute Cannot return anything that can be eval'd to create a copy of the attribtute, so just wrap the informal representation in angle brackets. @return: all the data in this attribute @rtype: str """ return '<\n' + str(self) + '\n>' def __str__(self): """Returns a string representation of the attribute This is an 'informal' representation in that it cannot be evaluated directly to create an L{Attr}. @return: all the data in this attribute @rtype: str """ if self._cdf_file._opened: return '\n'.join([str(item) for item in self]) else: if isinstance(self._name, str): return 'Attribute "{0}" in closed CDF {1}'.format( self._name, self._cdf_file.pathname) else: return 'Attribute "{0}" in closed CDF {1}'.format( self._name.decode('ascii'), self._cdf_file.pathname.decode('ascii')) def insert(self, index, data): """Insert an entry at a particular number Inserts entry at particular number while moving all subsequent entries to one entry number later. Does not close gaps. Parameters ========== index : int index where to put the new entry data : data for the new entry """ max_entry = self.max_idx() if index > max_entry: #Easy case self[index] = data return for i in range(max_entry, index - 1, -1): if self.has_entry(i+1): self.__delitem__(i+1) if self.has_entry(i):, type=self.type(i), number=i+1) self[index] = data def append(self, data): """Add an entry to end of attribute Puts entry after last defined entry (does not fill gaps) Parameters ========== data : data for the new entry """ self[self.max_idx() + 1] = data def _call(self, *args, **kwargs): """Select this CDF and Attr and call the CDF internal interface @param args: Passed directly to the CDF library interface. @type args: various, see :py:mod:`ctypes`. @return: CDF status from the library @rtype: ctypes.c_long @note: Terminal NULL_ is automatically added to L{args}. @raise CDFError: if CDF library reports an error @raise CDFWarning: if CDF library reports a warning and interpreter is set to error on warnings. """ return self._cdf_file._call( const.SELECT_, const.ATTR_, ctypes.c_long(self._cdf_file.attr_num(self._name)[0]), *args, **kwargs) def _entry_len(self, number): """Number of elements in an Entry @param number: number of Entry @type number: int @return: number of elements @rtype: int """ if not self.has_entry(number): raise IndexError('list index ' + str(number) + ' out of range.') count = ctypes.c_long(0) self._call( const.SELECT_, self.ENTRY_, ctypes.c_long(number), const.GET_, self.ENTRY_NUMELEMS_, ctypes.byref(count)) return count.value def type(self, number, new_type=None): """Find or change the CDF type of a particular Entry number Parameters ========== number : int number of Entry to check or change Other Parameters ================ new_type type to change this Entry to, from :mod:`~pycdf.const`. Omit to only check type. Returns ======= out : int CDF variable type, see :mod:`~pycdf.const` Notes ===== If changing types, old and new must be equivalent, see CDF User's Guide section 2.5.5 pg. 57 """ if new_type != None: if not hasattr(new_type, 'value'): new_type = ctypes.c_long(new_type) size = ctypes.c_long(self._entry_len(number)) status = self._call(const.SELECT_, self.ENTRY_, ctypes.c_long(number), const.PUT_, self.ENTRY_DATASPEC_, new_type, size, ignore=(const.NO_SUCH_ENTRY,)) if status == const.NO_SUCH_ENTRY: raise IndexError('list index ' + str(number) + ' out of range.') cdftype = ctypes.c_long(0) status = self._call(const.SELECT_, self.ENTRY_, ctypes.c_long(number), const.GET_, self.ENTRY_DATATYPE_, ctypes.byref(cdftype), ignore=(const.NO_SUCH_ENTRY,)) if status == const.NO_SUCH_ENTRY: raise IndexError('list index ' + str(number) + ' out of range.') return cdftype.value def has_entry(self, number): """Check if this attribute has a particular Entry number Parameters ========== number : int number of Entry to check or change Returns ======= out : bool True if ``number`` is a valid entry number; False if not """ status = self._call(const.CONFIRM_, self.ENTRY_EXISTENCE_, ctypes.c_long(number), ignore=(const.NO_SUCH_ENTRY, )) return not status == const.NO_SUCH_ENTRY def max_idx(self): """Maximum index of Entries for this Attr Returns ======= out : int maximum Entry number """ count = ctypes.c_long(0) self._call(const.GET_, self.ATTR_MAXENTRY_, ctypes.byref(count)) return count.value def new(self, data, type=None, number=None): """Create a new Entry in this Attribute .. note:: If ``number`` is provided and an Entry with that number already exists, it will be overwritten. Parameters ========== data data to put in the Entry Other Parameters ================ type : int type of the new Entry, from :mod:`~pycdf.const` (otherwise guessed from ``data``) number : int Entry number to write, default is lowest available number. """ if number is None: number = 0 while self.has_entry(number): number += 1 (dims, types, elements) = _Hyperslice.types( data, backward=self._cdf_file.backward) if type is None: #Guess based on other entries type = self._check_other_entries(types) if type is None and self.ENTRY_ == const.zENTRY_: #Try to match variable type vartype = self._cdf_file[number].type() if vartype in types: type = vartype if type is None: type = types[0] elif hasattr(type, 'value'): type = type.value self._write_entry(number, data, type, dims, elements) def number(self): """Find the attribute number for this attribute Returns ======= out : int attribute number """ no = ctypes.c_long(0) self._cdf_file._call(const.GET_, const.ATTR_NUMBER_, self._name, ctypes.byref(no)) return no.value def global_scope(self): """Determine scope of this attribute. Returns ======= out : bool True if global (i.e. gAttr), False if zAttr """ return self._cdf_file.attr_num(self._name)[1] def rename(self, new_name): """Rename this attribute Renaming a zAttribute renames it for *all* zVariables in this CDF! Parameters ========== new_name : str the new name of the attribute """ try: enc_name = new_name.encode('ascii') except AttributeError: enc_name = new_name if len(enc_name) > const.CDF_ATTR_NAME_LEN256: raise CDFError(const.BAD_ATTR_NAME) self._call(const.PUT_, const.ATTR_NAME_, enc_name) self._cdf_file.add_attr_to_cache( enc_name, *self._cdf_file.attr_num(self._name)) #still in cache del self._cdf_file._attr_info[self._name] self._name = enc_name def _get_entry(self, number): """Read an Entry associated with this L{Attr} @param number: number of Entry to return @type number: int @return: data from entry numbered L{number} @rtype: list or str """ if not self.has_entry(number): raise IndexError('list index ' + str(number) + ' out of range.') #Make a big enough buffer length = self._entry_len(number) cdftype = self.type(number) if cdftype in (const.CDF_CHAR.value, const.CDF_UCHAR.value): buff = numpy.empty((), 'S{0}'.format(length), order='C') else: if not cdftype in lib.numpytypedict: raise CDFError(const.BAD_DATA_TYPE) buff = numpy.empty((length,), lib.numpytypedict[cdftype], order='C') buff = numpy.require(buff, requirements=('C', 'A', 'W')) self._call(const.SELECT_, self.ENTRY_, ctypes.c_long(number), const.GET_, self.ENTRY_DATA_, buff.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p)) #decode if cdftype in (const.CDF_CHAR.value, const.CDF_UCHAR.value): if str == bytes or self._raw: #Py2k, leave as bytes result = bytes(buff) else: #Py3k, make unicode result = str(numpy.char.array(buff).decode()) else: if not self._raw: if cdftype == const.CDF_EPOCH.value: result = lib.v_epoch_to_datetime(buff) elif cdftype == const.CDF_EPOCH16.value: result = lib.v_epoch16_to_datetime(buff) elif cdftype == const.CDF_TIME_TT2000.value: result = lib.v_tt2000_to_datetime(buff) else: result = buff else: result = buff if length == 1: result = result[0] return result def _write_entry(self, number, data, cdf_type, dims, elements): """Write an Entry to this Attr. @param number: number of Entry to write @type number: int @param data: data to write @param cdf_type: the CDF type to write, from :py:mod:`pycdf.const` @param dims: dimensions of L{data} @type dims: list @param elements: number of elements in L{data}, 1 unless it is a string @type elements: int """ if len(dims) == 0: n_write = 1 else: n_write = dims[0] if cdf_type in (const.CDF_CHAR.value, const.CDF_UCHAR.value): data = numpy.require(data, requirements=('C', 'A', 'W'), dtype=numpy.dtype('S' + str(elements))) n_write = elements elif cdf_type == const.CDF_EPOCH16.value: if not self._raw: try: data = lib.v_datetime_to_epoch16(data) except AttributeError: pass data = numpy.require(data, requirements=('C', 'A', 'W'), dtype=numpy.float64) elif cdf_type == const.CDF_EPOCH.value: if not self._raw: try: data = lib.v_datetime_to_epoch(data), except AttributeError: pass data = numpy.require(data, requirements=('C', 'A', 'W'), dtype=numpy.float64) elif cdf_type == const.CDF_TIME_TT2000.value: if not self._raw: try: data = lib.v_datetime_to_tt2000(data) except AttributeError: pass data = numpy.require(data, requirements=('C', 'A', 'W'), dtype=numpy.int64) elif cdf_type in lib.numpytypedict: data = numpy.require(data, requirements=('C', 'A', 'W'), dtype=lib.numpytypedict[cdf_type]) else: raise CDFError(const.BAD_DATA_TYPE) self._call(const.SELECT_, self.ENTRY_, ctypes.c_long(number), const.PUT_, self.ENTRY_DATA_, ctypes.c_long(cdf_type), ctypes.c_long(n_write), data.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p)) def _delete(self): """Delete this Attribute Also deletes all Entries associated with it. """ self._call(const.DELETE_, const.ATTR_) self._cdf_file.clear_attr_from_cache(self._name) self._name = None class zAttr(Attr): """zAttribute for zVariables within a CDF. .. warning:: Because zAttributes are shared across all variables in a CDF, directly manipulating them may have unexpected consequences. It is safest to operate on zEntries via :class:`zAttrList`. .. note:: When accessing a zAttr, pyCDF exposes only the zEntry corresponding to the associated zVariable. See Also ======== :class:`Attr` """ ENTRY_ = const.zENTRY_ ENTRY_DATA_ = const.zENTRY_DATA_ SCOPE = const.VARIABLE_SCOPE ENTRY_EXISTENCE_ = const.zENTRY_EXISTENCE_ ATTR_NUMENTRIES_ = const.ATTR_NUMzENTRIES_ ATTR_MAXENTRY_ = const.ATTR_MAXzENTRY_ ENTRY_NUMELEMS_ = const.zENTRY_NUMELEMS_ ENTRY_DATATYPE_ = const.zENTRY_DATATYPE_ ENTRY_DATASPEC_ = const.zENTRY_DATASPEC_ def insert(self, index, data): """Insert entry at particular index number Since there can only be one zEntry per zAttr, this cannot be implemented. Raises ====== NotImplementedError : always """ raise NotImplementedError def append(self, index, data): """Add entry to end of attribute list Since there can only be one zEntry per zAttr, this cannot be implemented. Raises ====== NotImplementedError : always """ raise NotImplementedError class gAttr(Attr): """Global Attribute for a CDF Represents a CDF attribute, providing access to the gEntries in a format that looks like a Python list. General list information is available in the python docs: `1 <>`_, `2 <>`_, `3 <>`_. Normally accessed by providing a key to a :class:`gAttrList`: >>> attribute = cdffile.attrs['attribute_name'] >>> first_gentry = attribute[0] Each element of the list is a single gEntry of the appropriate type. The index to the elements is the gEntry number. A gEntry may be either a single string or a 1D array of numerical type. Entries of numerical type (everything but CDF_CHAR and CDF_UCHAR) with a single element are returned as scalars; multiple-element entries are returned as a list. No provision is made for accessing below the entry level; the whole list is returned at once (but Python's slicing syntax can be used to extract individual items from that list.) Multi-dimensional slicing is *not* supported; an entry with multiple elements will have all elements returned (and can thus be sliced itself). Example: >>> first_three = attribute[5, 0:3] #will fail >>> first_three = attribute[5][0:3] #first three elements of 5th Entry gEntries are *not* necessarily contiguous; a gAttribute may have an entry 0 and entry 2 without an entry 1. :meth:`~Attr.len` will return the *number* of gEntries; use :meth:`~Attr.max_idx` to find the highest defined gEntry number and :meth:`~Attr.has_entry` to determine if a particular gEntry number exists. Iterating over all entries is also supported:: >>> entrylist = [entry for entry in attribute] Deleting gEntries will leave a "hole": >>> attribute[0:3] = [1, 2, 3] >>> del attribute[1] >>> attribute.has_entry(1) False >>> attribute.has_entry(2) True >>> print attribute[0:3] [1, None, 3] Multi-element slices over nonexistent gEntries will return ``None`` where no entry exists. Single-element indices for nonexistent gEntries will raise ``IndexError``. Assigning ``None`` to a gEntry will delete it. When assigning to a gEntry, the type is chosen to match the data; subject to that constraint, it will try to match (in order): #. existing gEntry of the same number in this gAttribute #. other gEntries in this gAttribute #. data-matching constraints described in :meth:``. See Also ======== :class:`Attr` """ ENTRY_ = const.gENTRY_ ENTRY_DATA_ = const.gENTRY_DATA_ SCOPE = const.GLOBAL_SCOPE ENTRY_EXISTENCE_ = const.gENTRY_EXISTENCE_ ATTR_NUMENTRIES_ = const.ATTR_NUMgENTRIES_ ATTR_MAXENTRY_ = const.ATTR_MAXgENTRY_ ENTRY_NUMELEMS_ = const.gENTRY_NUMELEMS_ ENTRY_DATATYPE_ = const.gENTRY_DATATYPE_ ENTRY_DATASPEC_ = const.gENTRY_DATASPEC_ class AttrList(MutableMapping): """Object representing a list of attributes. .. warning:: This class should not be used directly, but only via its subclasses, :class:`gAttrList` and :class:`zAttrList`. Methods listed here are safe to use from the subclasses. .. autosummary:: ~AttrList.clone ~AttrList.copy ~AttrList.from_dict ~AttrList.rename .. automethod:: clone .. automethod:: copy .. automethod:: from_dict .. automethod:: new .. automethod:: rename """ def __init__(self, cdf_file, special_entry=None): """Initialize the attribute collection @param cdf_file: CDF these attributes are in @type cdf_file: :py:class:`pycdf.CDF` @param special_entry: callable which returns a "special" entry number, used to limit results for zAttrs to those which match the zVar (i.e. the var number) @type special_entry: callable """ self._cdf_file = cdf_file self.special_entry = special_entry def __getitem__(self, name): """Find an Attribute by name @param name: name of the Attribute to return @type name: str @return: attribute named L{name} @rtype: L{Attr} @raise KeyError: if there is no attribute named L{name} @raise CDFError: other errors in CDF library """ try: attrib = self.AttrType(self._cdf_file, name) except CDFError: (t, v, tb) = sys.exc_info() if v.status == const.NO_SUCH_ATTR: raise KeyError(name + ': ' + str(v)) else: raise if attrib.global_scope() != self.global_scope: raise KeyError(name + ': no ' + self.attr_name + ' by that name.') return attrib def __setitem__(self, name, data): """Create an Attribute or change its entries @param name: name of Attribute to change @type name: str @param data: Entries to populate this Attribute with. Any existing Entries will be deleted! Another C{Attr} may be specified, in which case all its entries are copied. @type data: scalar, list, or L{Attr} """ if isinstance(data, AttrList): if name in self: del self[name] attr = self._get_or_create(name) for entryno in range(data.max_idx()): if data.has_entry(entryno):[entryno], data.type(entryno), entryno) else: attr = self._get_or_create(name) if isinstance(data, str_classes): data = [data] else: try: junk = len(data) except TypeError: data = [data] attr[:] = data del attr[len(data):] def __delitem__(self, name): """Delete an Attribute (and all its entries) @param name: name of Attribute to delete @type name: str """ try: attr = self.AttrType(self._cdf_file, name) except CDFError: (t, v, tb) = sys.exc_info() if v.status == const.NO_SUCH_ATTR: raise KeyError(name + ': ' + str(v)) else: raise if attr.global_scope() != self.global_scope: raise KeyError(name + ': not ' + self.attr_name) attr._delete() def __iter__(self, current=0): """Iterates over all Attr in this CDF or variable Returns name of one L{Attr} at a time until reaches the end. @note: Returned in number order. """ count = ctypes.c_long(0) self._cdf_file._call(const.GET_, const.CDF_NUMATTRS_, ctypes.byref(count)) while current < count.value: candidate = self.AttrType(self._cdf_file, current) if candidate.global_scope() == self.global_scope: if self.special_entry is None or \ candidate.has_entry(self.special_entry()): if str == bytes: value = yield(candidate._name) else: value = yield(candidate._name.decode()) if value != None: current = self[value].number() current += 1 def __repr__(self): """Returns representation of attribute list Cannot return anything that can be eval'd to create a copy of the list, so just wrap the informal representation in angle brackets. @return: all the data in this list of attributes @rtype: str """ return '<' + self.__class__.__name__ + ':\n' + str(self) + '\n>' def __str__(self): """Returns a string representation of the attribute list This is an 'informal' representation in that it cannot be evaluated directly to create an L{AttrList}. @return: all the data in this list of attributes @rtype: str """ if self._cdf_file._opened: return '\n'.join([key + ': ' + ( ('\n' + ' ' * (len(key) + 2)).join( [str(value[i]) + ' [' + lib.cdftypenames[value.type(i)] + ']' for i in range(value.max_idx() + 1) if value.has_entry(i)]) if isinstance(value, Attr) else str(value) + ' [' + lib.cdftypenames[self.type(key)] + ']' ) for (key, value) in sorted(self.items())]) else: if isinstance(self._cdf_file.pathname, str): return 'Attribute list in closed CDF {0}'.format( self._cdf_file.pathname) else: return 'Attribute list in closed CDF {0}'.format( self._cdf_file.pathname.decode('ascii')) def clone(self, master, name=None, new_name=None): """ Clones another attribute list, or one attribute from it, into this list. Parameters ========== master : AttrList the attribute list to copy from. This can be any dict-like object. Other Parameters ================ name : str (optional) name of attribute to clone (default: clone entire list) new_name : str (optional) name of the new attribute, default ``name`` """ if name is None: self._clone_list(master) else: self._clone_attr(master, name, new_name) def copy(self): """ Create a copy of this attribute list Returns ======= out : dict copy of the entries for all attributes in this list """ return dict((key, value[:] if isinstance(value, Attr) else value) for (key, value) in self.items()) def new(self, name, data=None, type=None): """ Create a new Attr in this AttrList Parameters ========== name : str name of the new Attribute Other Parameters ================ data data to put into the first entry in the new Attribute type CDF type of the first entry from :mod:`~pycdf.const`. Only used if data are specified. Raises ====== KeyError : if the name already exists in this list """ if name in self: raise KeyError(name + ' already exists.') #A zAttr without an Entry in this zVar will be a "get" not "create" attr = self._get_or_create(name) if data is not None: if self.special_entry is None:, type) else:, type, self.special_entry()) def rename(self, old_name, new_name): """ Rename an attribute in this list Renaming a zAttribute renames it for *all* zVariables in this CDF! Parameters ========== old_name : str the current name of the attribute new_name : str the new name of the attribute """ AttrList.__getitem__(self, old_name).rename(new_name) def from_dict(self, in_dict): """ Fill this list of attributes from a dictionary .. deprecated:: 0.1.5 Use :meth:`~pycdf.AttrList.clone` instead; it supports cloning from dictionaries. Parameters ========== in_dict : dict Attribute list is populated entirely from this dictionary; all existing attributes are deleted. """ warnings.warn("from_dict is deprecated and will be removed. Use clone.", DeprecationWarning) for k in in_dict: self[k] = in_dict[k] for k in list(self): if not k in in_dict: del self[k] def _clone_attr(self, master, name, new_name=None): """Clones a single attribute from one in this list or another Copies data and types from the master attribute to the new one @param master: attribute list to copy attribute from @type master: L{AttrList} @param name: name of attribute to copy @type name: str @param new_name: name of the new attribute, default L{name} @type new_name: str """ if new_name is None: new_name = name self[new_name] = master[name] def _clone_list(self, master): """Clones this attribute list from another @param master: the attribute list to copy from @type master: L{AttrList} """ for name in master: self._clone_attr(master, name) for name in list(self): #Can't iterate over a list we're changing if not name in master: del self[name] def _get_or_create(self, name): """Retrieve L{Attr} or create it if it doesn't exist @param name: name of the attribute to look up or create @type name: str @return: attribute with this name @rtype: L{Attr} """ attr = None try: attr = self.AttrType(self._cdf_file, name) except CDFError: (t, v, tb) = sys.exc_info() if v.status != const.NO_SUCH_ATTR: raise if attr is None: attr = self.AttrType(self._cdf_file, name, True) elif attr.global_scope() != self.global_scope: raise KeyError(name + ': not ' + self.attr_name) return attr class gAttrList(AttrList): """ Object representing *all* the gAttributes in a CDF. Normally accessed as an attribute of an open :class:`CDF`: >>> global_attribs = cdffile.attrs Appears as a dictionary: keys are attribute names; each value is an attribute represented by a :class:`gAttr` object. To access the global attribute TEXT: >>> text_attr = cdffile.attrs['TEXT'] See Also ======== :class:`AttrList` """ AttrType = gAttr attr_name = 'gAttribute' global_scope = True def __len__(self): """ Number of gAttributes in this CDF Returns ======= out : int number of gAttributes in the CDF """ count = ctypes.c_long(0) self._cdf_file._call(const.GET_, const.CDF_NUMgATTRS_, ctypes.byref(count)) return count.value class zAttrList(AttrList): """Object representing *all* the zAttributes in a zVariable. Normally accessed as an attribute of a :class:`Var` in an open CDF: >>> epoch_attribs = cdffile['Epoch'].attrs Appears as a dictionary: keys are attribute names, values are the value of the zEntry associated with the appropriate zVariable. Each vAttribute in a CDF may only have a *single* entry associated with each variable. The entry may be a string, a single numerical value, or a series of numerical values. Entries with multiple values are returned as an entire list; direct access to the individual elements is not possible. Example: finding the first dependency of (ISTP-compliant) variable ``Flux``: >>> print cdffile['Flux'].attrs['DEPEND_0'] zAttributes are shared among zVariables, one zEntry allowed per zVariable. (pyCDF hides this detail.) Deleting the last zEntry for a zAttribute will delete the underlying zAttribute. zEntries are created and destroyed by the usual dict methods on the zAttrlist: >>> epoch_attribs['new_entry'] = [1, 2, 4] #assign a list to new zEntry >>> del epoch_attribs['new_entry'] #delete the zEntry The type of the zEntry is guessed from data provided. The type is chosen to match the data; subject to that constraint, it will try to match (in order): #. existing zEntry corresponding to this zVar #. other zEntries in this zAttribute #. the type of this zVar #. data-matching constraints described in :py:meth:`` See Also ======== :class:`AttrList` """ AttrType = zAttr attr_name = 'zAttribute' global_scope = False def __init__(self, zvar): """Initialize the attribute collection @param zvar: zVariable these attributes are in @param zvar: :py:class:`pycdf.Var` """ super(zAttrList, self).__init__(zvar.cdf_file, zvar._num) self._zvar = zvar def __getitem__(self, name): """Find an zEntry by name @param name: name of the zAttribute to return @type name: str @return: attribute named L{name} @rtype: L{zAttr} @raise KeyError: if there is no attribute named L{name} associated with this zVariable @raise CDFError: other errors in CDF library """ attrib = super(zAttrList, self).__getitem__(name) zvar_num = self._zvar._num() if attrib.has_entry(zvar_num): attrib._raw = self._zvar._raw return attrib[zvar_num] else: raise KeyError(name + ': no such attribute for variable ' + def __delitem__(self, name): """Delete an zEntry by name @param name: name of the zEntry to delete @type name: str @raise KeyError: if there is no attribute named L{name} associated with this zVariable @raise CDFError: other errors in CDF library @note: If this is the only remaining entry, the Attribute will be deleted. """ attrib = super(zAttrList, self).__getitem__(name) zvar_num = self._zvar._num() if not attrib.has_entry(zvar_num): raise KeyError(str(name) + ': no such attribute for variable ' + str(self._zvar._name)) del attrib[zvar_num] if len(attrib) == 0: attrib._delete() def __setitem__(self, name, data): """Sets a zEntry by name The type of the zEntry is guessed from L{data}. The type is chosen to match the data; subject to that constraint, it will try to match (in order): 1. existing zEntry corresponding to this zVar 2. other zEntries in this zAttribute 3. the type of this zVar 4. data-matching constraints described in L{_Hyperslice.types} @param name: name of zAttribute; zEntry for this zVariable will be set in zAttribute by this name @type name: str @raise CDFError: errors in CDF library @raise ValueError: if unable to find a valid CDF type matching L{data}, or if L{data} is the wrong dimensions. """ try: attr = super(zAttrList, self).__getitem__(name) except KeyError: attr = zAttr(self._cdf_file, name, True) attr._raw = self._zvar._raw attr[self._zvar._num()] = data def __len__(self): """Number of zAttributes in this variable @return: number of zAttributes in the CDF which have entries for this variable. @rtype: int """ length = 0 count = ctypes.c_long(0) self._cdf_file._call(const.GET_, const.CDF_NUMATTRS_, ctypes.byref(count)) current = 0 while current < count.value: candidate = zAttr(self._cdf_file, current) if not candidate.global_scope(): if candidate.has_entry(self._zvar._num()): length += 1 current += 1 return length def type(self, name, new_type=None): """Find or change the CDF type of a zEntry in this zVar @param name: name of the zAttr to check or change @type name: str @param new_type: type to change it to, see :py:mod:`pycdf.const` @type new_type: ctypes.c_long @return: CDF variable type, see :py:mod:`pycdf.const` @rtype: int @note: If changing types, old and new must be equivalent, see CDF User's Guide section 2.5.5 pg. 57 """ attrib = super(zAttrList, self).__getitem__(name) zvar_num = self._zvar._num() if not attrib.has_entry(zvar_num): raise KeyError(name + ': no such attribute for variable ' + return attrib.type(zvar_num, new_type) def _clone_attr(self, master, name, new_name=None): """Clones a single attribute from one in this list or another Copies data and types from the master attribute to the new one @param master: attribute list to copy attribute from @type master: L{zAttrList} @param name: name of attribute to copy @type name: str @param new_name: name of the new attribute, default L{name} @type new_name: str """ if new_name is None: new_name = name if new_name in self: del self[new_name], master[name], master.type(name) if hasattr(master, 'type') else None)
[ "Unlicense" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2016 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Functions for creating GCE container (Docker) deployments.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import unicode_literals import itertools import re import enum from googlecloudsdk.api_lib.compute import exceptions from googlecloudsdk.api_lib.compute import metadata_utils from googlecloudsdk.api_lib.compute.operations import poller from googlecloudsdk.api_lib.util import waiter from googlecloudsdk.calliope import exceptions as calliope_exceptions from googlecloudsdk.core import yaml from googlecloudsdk.core.util import files from googlecloudsdk.core.util import times import six USER_INIT_TEMPLATE = """#cloud-config runcmd: - ['/usr/bin/kubelet', '--allow-privileged=%s', '--manifest-url=', '--manifest-url-header=Metadata-Flavor:Google', '--config=/etc/kubernetes/manifests'] """ MANIFEST_DISCLAIMER = """# DISCLAIMER: # This container declaration format is not a public API and may change without # notice. Please use gcloud command-line tool or Google Cloud Console to run # Containers on Google Compute Engine. """ USER_DATA_KEY = 'user-data' CONTAINER_MANIFEST_KEY = 'google-container-manifest' GCE_CONTAINER_DECLARATION = 'gce-container-declaration' STACKDRIVER_LOGGING_AGENT_CONFIGURATION = 'google-logging-enabled' GKE_DOCKER = 'gci-ensure-gke-docker' ALLOWED_PROTOCOLS = ['TCP', 'UDP'] # Prefix of all COS image major release names COS_MAJOR_RELEASE_PREFIX = 'cos-stable-' # Pin this version of gcloud to COS image major release version COS_MAJOR_RELEASE = COS_MAJOR_RELEASE_PREFIX + '55' COS_PROJECT = 'cos-cloud' _MIN_PREFERRED_COS_VERSION = 63 # Translation from CLI to API wording RESTART_POLICY_API = { 'never': 'Never', 'on-failure': 'OnFailure', 'always': 'Always' } class MountVolumeMode(enum.Enum): READ_ONLY = 1, READ_WRITE = 2, def isReadOnly(self): return self == MountVolumeMode.READ_ONLY _DEFAULT_MODE = MountVolumeMode.READ_WRITE def _GetUserInit(allow_privileged): """Gets user-init metadata value for COS image.""" allow_privileged_val = 'true' if allow_privileged else 'false' return USER_INIT_TEMPLATE % (allow_privileged_val) class Error(exceptions.Error): """Base exception for containers.""" class InvalidMetadataKeyException(Error): """InvalidMetadataKeyException is for not allowed metadata keys.""" def __init__(self, metadata_key): super(InvalidMetadataKeyException, self).__init__( 'Metadata key "{0}" is not allowed when running containerized VM.' .format(metadata_key)) class NoGceContainerDeclarationMetadataKey(Error): """Raised on attempt to update-container on instance without containers.""" def __init__(self): super(NoGceContainerDeclarationMetadataKey, self).__init__( "Instance doesn't have {} metadata key - it is not a container.".format( GCE_CONTAINER_DECLARATION)) def ValidateUserMetadata(metadata): """Validates if user-specified metadata. Checks if it contains values which may conflict with container deployment. Args: metadata: user-specified VM metadata. Raises: InvalidMetadataKeyException: if there is conflict with user-provided metadata """ for entry in metadata.items: if entry.key in [USER_DATA_KEY, CONTAINER_MANIFEST_KEY, GKE_DOCKER]: raise InvalidMetadataKeyException(entry.key) def CreateTagsMessage(messages, tags): """Create tags message with parameters for container VM or VM templates.""" if tags: return messages.Tags(items=tags) def GetLabelsMessageWithCosVersion( labels, image_uri, resources, resource_class): """Returns message with labels for instance / instance template. Args: labels: dict, labels to assign to the resource. image_uri: URI of image used as a base for the resource. The function extracts COS version from the URI and uses it as a value of `container-vm` label. resources: object that can parse image_uri. resource_class: class of the resource to which labels will be assigned. Must contain LabelsValue class and resource_class.LabelsValue must contain AdditionalProperty class. """ cos_version = resources.Parse( image_uri, collection='compute.images').Name().replace('/', '-') if labels is None: labels = {} labels['container-vm'] = cos_version additional_properties = [ resource_class.LabelsValue.AdditionalProperty(key=k, value=v) for k, v in sorted(six.iteritems(labels))] return resource_class.LabelsValue(additionalProperties=additional_properties) class NoCosImageException(Error): """Raised when COS image could not be found.""" def __init__(self): super(NoCosImageException, self).__init__( 'Could not find COS (Cloud OS) for release family \'{0}\'' .format(COS_MAJOR_RELEASE)) def ExpandCosImageFlag(compute_client): """Select a COS image to run Docker.""" compute = compute_client.apitools_client images = compute_client.MakeRequests([( compute.images, 'List', compute_client.messages.ComputeImagesListRequest(project=COS_PROJECT) )]) return _SelectNewestCosImage(images) def _SelectNewestCosImage(images): """Selects newest COS image from the list.""" cos_images = sorted([image for image in images if], key=lambda x: times.ParseDateTime(x.creationTimestamp)) if not cos_images: raise NoCosImageException() return cos_images[-1].selfLink def _ValidateAndParsePortMapping(port_mappings): """Parses and validates port mapping.""" ports_config = [] for port_mapping in port_mappings: mapping_match = re.match(r'^(\d+):(\d+):(\S+)$', port_mapping) if not mapping_match: raise calliope_exceptions.InvalidArgumentException( '--port-mappings', 'Port mappings should follow PORT:TARGET_PORT:PROTOCOL format.') port, target_port, protocol = mapping_match.groups() if protocol not in ALLOWED_PROTOCOLS: raise calliope_exceptions.InvalidArgumentException( '--port-mappings', 'Protocol should be one of [{0}]'.format( ', '.join(ALLOWED_PROTOCOLS))) ports_config.append({ 'containerPort': int(target_port), 'hostPort': int(port), 'protocol': protocol}) return ports_config def ExpandKonletCosImageFlag(compute_client): """Select a COS image to run Konlet. This function scans three families in order: - stable - beta - dev looking for the first image with version at least _MIN_PREFERRED_COS_VERSION. Args: compute_client: ClientAdapter, The Compute API client adapter Returns: COS image at version _MIN_PREFERRED_COS_VERSION or later. Raises: NoCosImageException: No COS image at version at least _MIN_PREFERRED_COS_VERSION was found. This should not happen if backend is healthy. """ compute = compute_client.apitools_client images = compute_client.MakeRequests( [(compute.images, 'List', compute_client.messages.ComputeImagesListRequest(project=COS_PROJECT))]) name_re_template = r'cos-{}-(\d+)-.*' image_families = ['stable', 'beta', 'dev'] for family in image_families: name_re = name_re_template.format(family) def MakeCreateComparisonKey(name_re): def CreateComparisonKey(image): version = int(re.match(name_re, timestamp = times.ParseDateTime(image.creationTimestamp) return version, timestamp return CreateComparisonKey cos_images = sorted( [image for image in images if re.match(name_re,], key=MakeCreateComparisonKey(name_re)) if (cos_images and MakeCreateComparisonKey(name_re)(cos_images[-1])[0] >= _MIN_PREFERRED_COS_VERSION): return cos_images[-1].selfLink raise NoCosImageException() def _ReadDictionary(filename): # pylint:disable=line-too-long r"""Read environment variable from file. File format: It is intended (but not guaranteed) to follow standard docker format []( but without capturing environment variables from host machine. Lines starting by "#" character are comments. Empty lines are ignored. Below grammar production follow in EBNF format. file = (whitespace* statement '\n')* statement = comment | definition whitespace = ' ' | '\t' comment = '#' [^\n]* definition = [^#=\n] [^= \t\n]* '=' [^\n]* Args: filename: str, name of the file to read Returns: A dictionary mapping environment variable names to their values. """ env_vars = {} if not filename: return env_vars with files.FileReader(filename) as f: for i, line in enumerate(f): # Strip whitespace at the beginning and end of line line = line.strip() # Ignore comments and empty lines if len(line) <= 1 or line[0] == '#': continue # Find first left '=' character assignment_op_loc = line.find('=') if assignment_op_loc == -1: raise calliope_exceptions.BadFileException( 'Syntax error in {}:{}: Expected VAR=VAL, got {}'.format( filename, i, line)) env = line[:assignment_op_loc] val = line[assignment_op_loc+1:] if ' ' in env or '\t' in env: raise calliope_exceptions.BadFileException( 'Syntax error in {}:{} Variable name cannot contain whitespaces,' ' got "{}"'.format(filename, i, env)) env_vars[env] = val return env_vars def _GetHostPathDiskName(idx): return 'host-path-{}'.format(idx) def _GetTmpfsDiskName(idx): return 'tmpfs-{}'.format(idx) def _GetPersistentDiskName(idx): return 'pd-{}'.format(idx) def _AddMountedDisksToManifest(container_mount_disk, volumes, volume_mounts, used_names=None, disks=None): """Add volume specs from --container-mount-disk.""" used_names = used_names or [] disks = disks or [] idx = 0 for mount_disk in container_mount_disk: while _GetPersistentDiskName(idx) in used_names: idx += 1 device_name = mount_disk.get('name') partition = mount_disk.get('partition') def _GetMatchingVolume(device_name, partition): for volume_spec in volumes: pd = volume_spec.get('gcePersistentDisk', {}) if (pd.get('pdName') == device_name and pd.get('partition') == partition): return volume_spec repeated = _GetMatchingVolume(device_name, partition) if repeated: name = repeated['name'] else: name = _GetPersistentDiskName(idx) used_names.append(name) if not device_name: # This should not be needed - any command that accepts container mount # disks should validate that there is only one disk before calling this # function. if len(disks) != 1: raise calliope_exceptions.InvalidArgumentException( '--container-mount-disk', 'Must specify the name of the disk to be mounted unless exactly ' 'one disk is attached to the instance.') device_name = disks[0].get('name') if disks[0].get('device-name', device_name) != device_name: raise exceptions.InvalidArgumentException( '--container-mount-disk', 'Must not have a device-name that is different from disk name if ' 'disk is being attached to the instance and mounted to a container:' ' [{}]'.format(disks[0].get('device-name'))) volume_mounts.append({ 'name': name, 'mountPath': mount_disk['mount-path'], 'readOnly': mount_disk.get('mode', _DEFAULT_MODE).isReadOnly()}) if repeated: continue volume_spec = { 'name': name, 'gcePersistentDisk': { 'pdName': device_name, 'fsType': 'ext4'}} if partition: volume_spec['gcePersistentDisk'].update({'partition': partition}) volumes.append(volume_spec) idx += 1 def _CreateContainerManifest(args, instance_name, container_mount_disk_enabled=False, container_mount_disk=None): """Create container manifest from argument namespace and instance name.""" container = {'image': args.container_image, 'name': instance_name} if args.container_command is not None: container['command'] = [args.container_command] if args.container_arg is not None: container['args'] = args.container_arg container['stdin'] = args.container_stdin container['tty'] = args.container_tty container['securityContext'] = {'privileged': args.container_privileged} env_vars = _ReadDictionary(args.container_env_file) for env_var_dict in args.container_env or []: for env, val in six.iteritems(env_var_dict): env_vars[env] = val if env_vars: container['env'] = [{ 'name': env, 'value': val } for env, val in six.iteritems(env_vars)] volumes = [] volume_mounts = [] for idx, volume in enumerate(args.container_mount_host_path or []): volumes.append({ 'name': _GetHostPathDiskName(idx), 'hostPath': { 'path': volume['host-path'] }, }) volume_mounts.append({ 'name': _GetHostPathDiskName(idx), 'mountPath': volume['mount-path'], 'readOnly': volume.get('mode', _DEFAULT_MODE).isReadOnly() }) for idx, tmpfs in enumerate(args.container_mount_tmpfs or []): volumes.append( {'name': _GetTmpfsDiskName(idx), 'emptyDir': {'medium': 'Memory'}}) volume_mounts.append( {'name': _GetTmpfsDiskName(idx), 'mountPath': tmpfs['mount-path']}) if container_mount_disk_enabled: container_mount_disk = container_mount_disk or [] disks = (args.disk or []) + (args.create_disk or []) _AddMountedDisksToManifest(container_mount_disk, volumes, volume_mounts, disks=disks) container['volumeMounts'] = volume_mounts manifest = { 'spec': { 'containers': [container], 'volumes': volumes, 'restartPolicy': RESTART_POLICY_API[args.container_restart_policy] } } return manifest def DumpYaml(data): """Dumps data dict to YAML in format expected by Konlet.""" return MANIFEST_DISCLAIMER + yaml.dump(data) def _CreateYamlContainerManifest(args, instance_name, container_mount_disk_enabled=False, container_mount_disk=None): """Helper to create the container manifest.""" return DumpYaml(_CreateContainerManifest( args, instance_name, container_mount_disk_enabled=container_mount_disk_enabled, container_mount_disk=container_mount_disk)) def CreateKonletMetadataMessage(messages, args, instance_name, user_metadata, container_mount_disk_enabled=False, container_mount_disk=None): """Helper to create the metadata for konlet.""" konlet_metadata = { GCE_CONTAINER_DECLARATION: _CreateYamlContainerManifest( args, instance_name, container_mount_disk_enabled=container_mount_disk_enabled, container_mount_disk=container_mount_disk), # Since COS 69, having logs for Container-VMs written requires enabling # Stackdriver Logging agent. STACKDRIVER_LOGGING_AGENT_CONFIGURATION: 'true', } return metadata_utils.ConstructMetadataMessage( messages, metadata=konlet_metadata, existing_metadata=user_metadata) def UpdateInstance(holder, client, instance_ref, instance, args, container_mount_disk_enabled=False, container_mount_disk=None): """Update an instance and its container metadata.""" # find gce-container-declaration metadata entry for metadata in instance.metadata.items: if metadata.key == GCE_CONTAINER_DECLARATION: UpdateMetadata( holder, metadata, args, instance, container_mount_disk_enabled=container_mount_disk_enabled, container_mount_disk=container_mount_disk) # update Google Compute Engine resource operation = client.apitools_client.instances.SetMetadata( client.messages.ComputeInstancesSetMetadataRequest( metadata=instance.metadata, **instance_ref.AsDict())) operation_ref = holder.resources.Parse( operation.selfLink, collection='compute.zoneOperations') operation_poller = poller.Poller(client.apitools_client.instances) set_metadata_waiter = waiter.WaitFor( operation_poller, operation_ref, 'Updating specification of container [{0}]'.format( instance_ref.Name())) if (instance.status == client.messages.Instance.StatusValueValuesEnum.TERMINATED): return set_metadata_waiter elif (instance.status == client.messages.Instance.StatusValueValuesEnum.SUSPENDED): return _StopVm(holder, client, instance_ref) else: _StopVm(holder, client, instance_ref) return _StartVm(holder, client, instance_ref) raise NoGceContainerDeclarationMetadataKey() def _StopVm(holder, client, instance_ref): """Stop the Virtual Machine.""" operation = client.apitools_client.instances.Stop( client.messages.ComputeInstancesStopRequest( **instance_ref.AsDict())) operation_ref = holder.resources.Parse( operation.selfLink, collection='compute.zoneOperations') operation_poller = poller.Poller(client.apitools_client.instances) return waiter.WaitFor( operation_poller, operation_ref, 'Stopping instance [{0}]'.format(instance_ref.Name())) def _StartVm(holder, client, instance_ref): """Start the Virtual Machine.""" operation = client.apitools_client.instances.Start( client.messages.ComputeInstancesStartRequest( **instance_ref.AsDict())) operation_ref = holder.resources.Parse( operation.selfLink, collection='compute.zoneOperations') operation_poller = poller.Poller(client.apitools_client.instances) return waiter.WaitFor( operation_poller, operation_ref, 'Starting instance [{0}]'.format(instance_ref.Name())) def UpdateMetadata(holder, metadata, args, instance, container_mount_disk_enabled=False, container_mount_disk=None): """Update konlet metadata entry using user-supplied data.""" # precondition: metadata.key == GCE_CONTAINER_DECLARATION manifest = yaml.load(metadata.value) if args.IsSpecified('container_image'): manifest['spec']['containers'][0]['image'] = args.container_image if args.IsSpecified('container_command'): manifest['spec']['containers'][0]['command'] = [args.container_command] if args.IsSpecified('clear_container_command'): manifest['spec']['containers'][0].pop('command', None) if args.IsSpecified('container_arg'): manifest['spec']['containers'][0]['args'] = args.container_arg if args.IsSpecified('clear_container_args'): manifest['spec']['containers'][0].pop('args', None) if args.container_privileged is True: manifest['spec']['containers'][0]['securityContext']['privileged'] = True if args.container_privileged is False: manifest['spec']['containers'][0]['securityContext']['privileged'] = False if container_mount_disk_enabled: container_mount_disk = container_mount_disk or [] disks = instance.disks else: container_mount_disk = [] # Only need disks for updating the container mount disk. disks = [] _UpdateMounts(holder, manifest, args.remove_container_mounts or [], args.container_mount_host_path or [], args.container_mount_tmpfs or [], container_mount_disk, disks) _UpdateEnv(manifest, itertools.chain.from_iterable(args.remove_container_env or []), args.container_env_file, args.container_env or []) if args.container_stdin is True: manifest['spec']['containers'][0]['stdin'] = True if args.container_stdin is False: manifest['spec']['containers'][0]['stdin'] = False if args.container_tty is True: manifest['spec']['containers'][0]['tty'] = True if args.container_tty is False: manifest['spec']['containers'][0]['tty'] = False if args.IsSpecified('container_restart_policy'): manifest['spec']['restartPolicy'] = RESTART_POLICY_API[ args.container_restart_policy] metadata.value = DumpYaml(manifest) def _UpdateMounts(holder, manifest, remove_container_mounts, container_mount_host_path, container_mount_tmpfs, container_mount_disk, disks): """Updates mounts in container manifest.""" _CleanupMounts(manifest, remove_container_mounts, container_mount_host_path, container_mount_tmpfs, container_mount_disk=container_mount_disk) used_names = [volume['name'] for volume in manifest['spec']['volumes']] volumes = [] volume_mounts = [] next_volume_index = 0 for volume in container_mount_host_path: while _GetHostPathDiskName(next_volume_index) in used_names: next_volume_index += 1 name = _GetHostPathDiskName(next_volume_index) next_volume_index += 1 volumes.append({ 'name': name, 'hostPath': { 'path': volume['host-path'] }, }) volume_mounts.append({ 'name': name, 'mountPath': volume['mount-path'], 'readOnly': volume.get('mode', _DEFAULT_MODE).isReadOnly() }) for tmpfs in container_mount_tmpfs: while _GetTmpfsDiskName(next_volume_index) in used_names: next_volume_index += 1 name = _GetTmpfsDiskName(next_volume_index) next_volume_index += 1 volumes.append({'name': name, 'emptyDir': {'medium': 'Memory'}}) volume_mounts.append({'name': name, 'mountPath': tmpfs['mount-path']}) if container_mount_disk: # Convert to dict to match helper input needs. # The disk must already have a device name that matches its # name. For disks that were attached to the instance already. disks = [{'device-name': disk.deviceName, 'name': holder.resources.Parse(disk.source).Name()} for disk in disks] _AddMountedDisksToManifest(container_mount_disk, volumes, volume_mounts, used_names=used_names, disks=disks) manifest['spec']['containers'][0]['volumeMounts'].extend(volume_mounts) manifest['spec']['volumes'].extend(volumes) def _CleanupMounts(manifest, remove_container_mounts, container_mount_host_path, container_mount_tmpfs, container_mount_disk=None): """Remove all specified mounts from container manifest.""" container_mount_disk = container_mount_disk or [] # volumeMounts stored in this list should be removed mount_paths_to_remove = remove_container_mounts[:] for host_path in container_mount_host_path: mount_paths_to_remove.append(host_path['mount-path']) for tmpfs in container_mount_tmpfs: mount_paths_to_remove.append(tmpfs['mount-path']) for disk in container_mount_disk: mount_paths_to_remove.append(disk['mount-path']) # volumeMounts stored in this list are used used_mounts = [] used_mounts_names = [] removed_mount_names = [] for mount in manifest['spec']['containers'][0].get('volumeMounts', []): if mount['mountPath'] not in mount_paths_to_remove: used_mounts.append(mount) used_mounts_names.append(mount['name']) else: removed_mount_names.append(mount['name']) # override volumeMounts manifest['spec']['containers'][0]['volumeMounts'] = used_mounts # garbage collect volumes which become orphaned, skip volumes orphaned before # start of the procedure used_volumes = [] for volume in manifest['spec'].get('volumes', []): if (volume['name'] in used_mounts_names or volume['name'] not in removed_mount_names): used_volumes.append(volume) # override volumes manifest['spec']['volumes'] = used_volumes def _UpdateEnv(manifest, remove_container_env, container_env_file, container_env): """Update environment variables in container manifest.""" current_env = {} for env_val in manifest['spec']['containers'][0].get('env', []): current_env[env_val['name']] = env_val['value'] for env in remove_container_env: current_env.pop(env, None) current_env.update(_ReadDictionary(container_env_file)) for env_var_dict in container_env: for env, val in six.iteritems(env_var_dict): current_env[env] = val if current_env: manifest['spec']['containers'][0]['env'] = [{ 'name': env, 'value': val } for env, val in six.iteritems(current_env)]
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/evn python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # python version 2.7.6 import magic mime = magic.Magic(mime=True) print mime.from_file("/Users/mac/Documents/data/fastq/8.fastq")
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow.contrib.distributions as tfd import numpy as np import os.path as opth import tqdm import os from sklearn.utils import shuffle import argparse HOME = os.path.expanduser('~') os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "2"; layers = tf.keras.layers parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() def define_generator(): def conv1d_block(filters, upsample=True, activation=tf.nn.relu, index=0): if upsample: model.add(layers.UpSampling1D(name="UpSampling" + str(index), size=2)) model.add(layers.Conv1D(filters=filters, kernel_size=5, padding='same', name="Conv1D" + str(index), activation=activation)) model.add(layers.BatchNormalization()) model = tf.keras.models.Sequential(name="Generator") model.add(layers.Dense(int(316), activation=tf.nn.relu, name="NoiseToSpatial")) #50 model.add(layers.BatchNormalization()) model.add(layers.Reshape((int(316),1))) conv1d_block(filters=512, upsample=True, index=0) conv1d_block(filters=512, upsample=True, index=1) conv1d_block(filters=256, upsample=True, index=2) conv1d_block(filters=256, upsample=True, index=3) conv1d_block(filters=128, upsample=False, index=4) conv1d_block(filters=128, upsample=False, index=5) conv1d_block(filters=64, upsample=False, index=6) conv1d_block(filters=64, upsample=False, index=7) conv1d_block(filters=1, upsample=False, activation=tf.nn.tanh, index=8) return model class Discriminator: def __init__(self): self.tail = self._define_tail() self.head = self._define_head() def _define_tail(self, name="Discriminator"): feature_model = tf.keras.models.Sequential(name=name) def conv1d_dropout(filters, strides, index=0): suffix = str(index) feature_model.add(layers.Conv1D(filters=filters, strides=strides, name="Conv{}".format(suffix), padding='same', kernel_size=5, activation=tf.nn.leaky_relu)) feature_model.add(layers.Dropout(name="Dropout{}".format(suffix), rate=0.3)) conv1d_dropout(filters=32, strides=2, index=5) conv1d_dropout(filters=32, strides=2, index=6) conv1d_dropout(filters=64, strides=2, index=0) conv1d_dropout(filters=64, strides=2, index=1) conv1d_dropout(filters=128, strides=2, index=2) conv1d_dropout(filters=128, strides=2, index=3) conv1d_dropout(filters=256, strides=1, index=4) #64 conv1d_dropout(filters=256, strides=1, index=7) feature_model.add(layers.Flatten(name="Flatten")) # This is feature layer for FM loss !! return feature_model def _define_head(self): head_model = tf.keras.models.Sequential(name="DiscriminatorHead") head_model.add(layers.Dense(units=2048, activation='relu')) head_model.add(layers.Dropout(rate=0.5)) head_model.add(layers.Dense(units=2048, activation='relu')) head_model.add(layers.Dropout(rate=0.5)) head_model.add(layers.Dense(units=1024, activation='relu')) head_model.add(layers.Dropout(rate=0.5)) head_model.add(layers.Dense(units=512, activation='relu')) head_model.add(layers.Dropout(rate=0.5)) head_model.add(layers.Dense(units=args.num_classes, activation=None, name="Logits")) return head_model @property def trainable_variables(self): return self.tail.trainable_variables + self.head.trainable_variables def __call__(self, x, *args, **kwargs): features = self.tail(x, *args, **kwargs) print(features.shape) return self.head(features, *args, **kwargs), features def accuracy(logits, labels): preds = tf.argmax(logits, axis=1) return tf.reduce_mean(tf.to_float(tf.equal(preds, labels))) def main(args): global best_acc best_acc = 0 with tf.Graph().as_default(): print("Input data preprocessing...") with tf.name_scope("DataPreprocess"): r_train = 500.0 / 6.0 r_test = 100.0 / 6.0 nClass = 100 # 95 # 100 mon_instance = 2498.0 # 1000.0 # 300.0 unClass = 0 # 40000 # 30000 unmon_instance = unClass dim = 5000 with tf.device('/cpu:0'): (train_x, train_y, test_x_data, test_y_data) = split_awf_closed(r_train, r_test, nClass, mon_instance, unmon_instance, dim) def reshape_and_scale(x, img_shape=(-1, dim, 1)): return x.reshape(img_shape).astype(np.float32) train_x = reshape_and_scale(train_x) test_x_data = reshape_and_scale(test_x_data) # Use AWF2 for unlabled set awf_data2 = np.load (HOME+'/datasets/awf2.npz', allow_pickle=True) train_x_unlabeled = awf_data2['data'] train_y_unlabeled = awf_data2['labels'] train_x_unlabeled = reshape_and_scale(train_x_unlabeled) X, y = shuffle(train_x, train_y) print(X.shape) print(y.shape) print("Setup the input pipeline...") with tf.name_scope("InputPipeline"): train_x_labeled, train_y_labeled = [], [] for i in range(args.num_classes): print(i) train_x_labeled.append(X[y == i][:args.num_labeled_examples]) train_y_labeled.append(y[y == i][:args.num_labeled_examples]) train_x_labeled_data = np.concatenate(train_x_labeled) train_y_labeled_data = np.concatenate(train_y_labeled) train_x_unlabeled_data = train_x_unlabeled#np.concatenate(train_x_unlabeled) train_y_unlabeled_data = train_y_unlabeled#np.concatenate(train_y_unlabeled) train_x_unlabeled2, train_y_unlabeled2 = shuffle(train_x_unlabeled, train_y_unlabeled) train_x_unlabeled2_data = train_x_unlabeled2#np.concatenate(train_x_unlabeled2) train_y_unlabeled2_data = train_y_unlabeled2#np.concatenate(train_y_unlabeled2) labeled_X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, dim, 1]) labeled_y = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, shape=[None]) unlabeled_X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, dim, 1]) unlabeled_y = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, shape=[None]) unlabeled_X2 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, dim, 1]) unlabeled_y2 = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, shape=[None]) test_X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, dim, 1]) test_y = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, shape=[None]) train_labeled_dataset =, labeled_y)) \ .shuffle(buffer_size=len(train_x_labeled_data)) \ .repeat() train_labeled_dataset = train_labeled_dataset.batch(args.batch_size) iterator_labeled = train_labeled_dataset.make_initializable_iterator() traces_lab, labels_lab = iterator_labeled.get_next() train_unlabeled_dataset = (unlabeled_X, unlabeled_y, unlabeled_X2, unlabeled_y2)) \ .shuffle(buffer_size=len(train_x_labeled_data)) \ .repeat() train_unlabeled_dataset = train_unlabeled_dataset.batch(args.batch_size) iterator_unlabeled = train_unlabeled_dataset.make_initializable_iterator() traces_unl, labels_unl, traces_unl2, labels_unl2 = iterator_unlabeled.get_next() test_dataset =, test_y)) \ .repeat() test_dataset = test_dataset.batch(args.batch_size) iterator_test = test_dataset.make_initializable_iterator() traces_test, labels_test = iterator_test.get_next() with tf.name_scope("BatchSize"): batch_size_tensor = tf.shape(traces_lab)[0] z, z_perturbed = define_noise(batch_size_tensor,args) with tf.name_scope("Generator"): g_model = define_generator() traces_fake = g_model(z) traces_fake_perturbed = g_model(z_perturbed) with tf.name_scope("Discriminator") as discriminator_scope: d_model = Discriminator() logits_fake, features_fake = d_model(traces_fake, training=True) logits_fake_perturbed, _ = d_model(traces_fake_perturbed, training=True) logits_real_unl, features_real_unl = d_model(traces_unl, training=True) logits_real_lab, features_real_lab = d_model(traces_lab, training=True) # 1) For supervised loss logits_train, _ = d_model(traces_lab, training=False) with tf.name_scope("DiscriminatorLoss"): loss_supervised = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=labels_lab, logits=logits_real_lab)) logits_sum_real = tf.reduce_logsumexp(logits_real_unl, axis=1) logits_sum_fake = tf.reduce_logsumexp(logits_fake, axis=1) loss_unsupervised = 0.5 * ( tf.negative(tf.reduce_mean(logits_sum_real)) + tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softplus(logits_sum_real)) + tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softplus(logits_sum_fake))) loss_d = loss_supervised + loss_unsupervised if args.man_reg: loss_d += 1e-3 * tf.nn.l2_loss(logits_fake - logits_fake_perturbed) \ / tf.to_float(batch_size_tensor) with tf.name_scope("Train") as train_scope: optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( * 0.25) optimize_d = optimizer.minimize(loss_d, var_list=d_model.trainable_variables) train_accuracy_op = accuracy(logits_train, labels_lab) with tf.name_scope(discriminator_scope): with tf.control_dependencies([optimize_d]): logits_fake, features_fake = d_model(traces_fake, training=True) logits_real_unl, features_real_unl = d_model(traces_unl2, training=True) with tf.name_scope("GeneratorLoss"): feature_mean_real = tf.reduce_mean(features_real_unl, axis=0) feature_mean_fake = tf.reduce_mean(features_fake, axis=0) # L1 distance of features is the loss for the generator loss_g = tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(feature_mean_real - feature_mean_fake)) with tf.name_scope(train_scope): optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(, beta1=0.5) train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss_g, var_list=g_model.trainable_variables) with tf.name_scope(discriminator_scope): with tf.name_scope("Test"): logits_test, _ = d_model(traces_test, training=False) test_accuracy_op = accuracy(logits_test, labels_test) with tf.name_scope("Summaries"): summary_op = tf.summary.merge([ tf.summary.scalar("LossDiscriminator", loss_d), tf.summary.scalar("LossGenerator", loss_g), tf.summary.scalar("ClassificationAccuracyTrain", train_accuracy_op), tf.summary.scalar("ClassificationAccuracyTest", test_accuracy_op)]) writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(_next_logdir("tensorboard/wfi5_cw")) print("Run training...") steps_per_epoch = (len(train_x_labeled_data) + len( train_x_unlabeled_data)) // args.batch_size steps_per_test = test_x_data.shape[0] // args.batch_size with tf.Session() as sess: step = 0 for epoch in range(args.train_epochs): losses_d, losses_g, accuracies = [], [], [] print("Epoch {}".format(epoch)) pbar = tqdm.trange(steps_per_epoch), feed_dict={labeled_X: train_x_labeled_data, labeled_y: train_y_labeled_data}), feed_dict={unlabeled_X: train_x_unlabeled_data, unlabeled_y: train_y_unlabeled_data, unlabeled_X2: train_x_unlabeled2_data, unlabeled_y2: train_y_unlabeled2_data}), feed_dict={test_X: test_x_data, test_y: test_y_data}) for _ in pbar: if step % 1000 == 0: _, loss_g_batch, loss_d_batch, summ, accuracy_batch = [train_op, loss_g, loss_d, summary_op, train_accuracy_op]) writer.add_summary(summ, global_step=step) else: _, loss_g_batch, loss_d_batch, accuracy_batch = [train_op, loss_g, loss_d, train_accuracy_op]) pbar.set_description("Discriminator loss {0:.3f}, Generator loss {1:.3f}" .format(loss_d_batch, loss_g_batch)) losses_d.append(loss_d_batch) losses_g.append(loss_g_batch) accuracies.append(accuracy_batch) step += 1 print("Discriminator loss: {0:.4f}, Generator loss: {1:.4f}, " "Train accuracy: {2:.4f}" .format(np.mean(losses_d), np.mean(losses_g), np.mean(accuracies))) accuracies = [ for _ in range(steps_per_test)] if np.mean (accuracies) > best_acc: best_acc = np.mean (accuracies) if epoch == (int(args.train_epochs)-1): print ("Test accuracy: {0:.4f}".format (np.mean (accuracies))) print ("Best accuracy: {0:.4f}".format (best_acc)) def define_noise(batch_size_tensor, args): with tf.name_scope("LatentNoiseVector"): z = tfd.Normal(loc=0.0, scale=args.stddev).sample( sample_shape=(batch_size_tensor, args.z_dim_size)) z_perturbed = z + tfd.Normal(loc=0.0, scale=args.stddev).sample( sample_shape=(batch_size_tensor, args.z_dim_size)) * 1e-5 return z, z_perturbed def split_awf_closed(r_train, r_test, nClass, mon_instance, unmon_instance, dim): mon_data = np.load(HOME+'/datasets/awf1.npz', allow_pickle=True) mon_x = mon_data['feature'] ## We need to uniformly random selection over each monitored class print('mon_instance',mon_instance) print('unmon_instance',unmon_instance) num_mtrain_instance = mon_instance * (r_train / (r_train + r_test)) ## number of monitored training instances for each class mon_random = np.array(range(int(mon_instance))) np.random.shuffle(mon_random) mon_train_ins = mon_random[:int(num_mtrain_instance)] #1666 mon_test_ins = mon_random[int(num_mtrain_instance):] print('mon_test_ins', len(mon_test_ins)) # Due to the memory error, initialize np arrays here first train_feature = np.zeros((nClass*len(mon_train_ins), dim), dtype=int) test_feature = np.zeros((nClass*len(mon_test_ins),dim), dtype=int) print('test_feature', len(test_feature)) train_label = np.zeros((nClass*len(mon_train_ins),), dtype=int) test_label = np.zeros((nClass*len(mon_test_ins),), dtype=int) print(len(mon_train_ins)) print(len(mon_test_ins)) i = 0 mon_instance = int(mon_instance) print('Monitored training set partitioning...') print(nClass) print(len(mon_train_ins)) for c in range(nClass): c=int(c) print(c) for instance in mon_train_ins: train_label[i] = c train_feature[i] = mon_x[(c*mon_instance)+instance][:dim] i += 1 print(i) print('Monitored testing set partitioning...') j = 0 for c in range(nClass): c = int(c) for instance in mon_test_ins: test_label[j]=c test_feature[j]=mon_x[(c*mon_instance)+instance][:dim] j += 1 print(j) print(j) print('train_feature: ', len(train_feature)) print('train_label: ', len(train_label)) print('test_feature: ', len(test_feature)) print('test_label: ', len(test_label)) print('train_dim: ', len(train_feature[0])) print('test_dim: ', len(test_feature[0])) return train_feature, train_label, test_feature, test_label def _next_logdir(path): if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) subdirs = [d for d in os.listdir(path) if opth.isdir(opth.join(path, d))] logdir = opth.join(path, "run" + str(len(subdirs)).zfill(4)) if not os.path.exists(logdir): os.makedirs(logdir) return logdir if __name__ == "__main__": parser.add_argument ('--batch_size', required=False, default=32) parser.add_argument ('--train_epochs', required=False, default=12) parser.add_argument ('--lr', required=False, default=2e-4) parser.add_argument ('--stddev', required=False, default=1e-2) parser.add_argument ('--num_classes', required=False, default=100) parser.add_argument ('--z_dim_size', required=False, default=100) parser.add_argument ('--num_labeled_examples', required=False, default=5) parser.add_argument ('--man_reg', required=False, default=True) args = parser.parse_args () for i in range(5): main(args)
[ "MIT" ]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import hashlib import json import os _ENV_DIR = '/var/db/factory/umpire' _CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join(_ENV_DIR, 'active_umpire.json') def SaveNewActiveConfig(config): """Serialize and saves the configuration as new active config file.""" json_config = json.dumps( config, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys=True) + '\n' json_name = 'umpire.%s.json' % ( hashlib.md5(json_config.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) json_path = os.path.join('resources', json_name) with open(os.path.join(_ENV_DIR, json_path), 'w') as f: f.write(json_config) os.unlink(_CONFIG_PATH) os.symlink(json_path, _CONFIG_PATH) def Migrate(): with open('/var/db/factory/umpire/active_umpire.json') as f: config = json.load(f) if 'rulesets' in config: for r in config['rulesets']: r.pop('match', None) SaveNewActiveConfig(config)
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
''' Created by auto_sdk on 2021.03.10 ''' from dingtalk.api.base import RestApi class OapiCateringUnfreezeRequest(RestApi): def __init__(self,url=None): RestApi.__init__(self,url) self.order_id = None self.rule_code = None self.userid = None def getHttpMethod(self): return 'POST' def getapiname(self): return ''
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Autogenerated file. from .client import MidiOutputClient # type: ignore
[ "MIT" ]
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from nova.compute import power_state from nova.compute import rpcapi as compute_rpcapi from nova import exception from nova.i18n import _ from nova import image from nova import objects from nova.scheduler import client as scheduler_client from nova.scheduler import utils as scheduler_utils from nova import servicegroup from nova import utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) migrate_opt = cfg.IntOpt('migrate_max_retries', default=-1, help='Number of times to retry live-migration before failing. ' 'If == -1, try until out of hosts. ' 'If == 0, only try once, no retries.') CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opt(migrate_opt) class LiveMigrationTask(object): def __init__(self, context, instance, destination, block_migration, disk_over_commit): self.context = context self.instance = instance self.destination = destination self.block_migration = block_migration self.disk_over_commit = disk_over_commit self.source = self.migrate_data = None self.compute_rpcapi = compute_rpcapi.ComputeAPI() self.servicegroup_api = servicegroup.API() self.scheduler_client = scheduler_client.SchedulerClient() self.image_api = image.API() def execute(self): self._check_instance_is_active() self._check_host_is_up(self.source) if not self.destination: self.destination = self._find_destination() else: self._check_requested_destination() # TODO(johngarbutt) need to move complexity out of compute manager # TODO(johngarbutt) disk_over_commit? return self.compute_rpcapi.live_migration(self.context, host=self.source, instance=self.instance, dest=self.destination, block_migration=self.block_migration, migrate_data=self.migrate_data) def rollback(self): # TODO(johngarbutt) need to implement the clean up operation # but this will make sense only once we pull in the compute # calls, since this class currently makes no state changes, # except to call the compute method, that has no matching # rollback call right now. raise NotImplementedError() def _check_instance_is_active(self): if self.instance.power_state not in (power_state.RUNNING, power_state.PAUSED): raise exception.InstanceInvalidState( instance_uuid = self.instance.uuid, attr = 'power_state', state = self.instance.power_state, method = 'live migrate') def _check_host_is_up(self, host): try: service = objects.Service.get_by_compute_host(self.context, host) except exception.NotFound: raise exception.ComputeServiceUnavailable(host=host) if not self.servicegroup_api.service_is_up(service): raise exception.ComputeServiceUnavailable(host=host) def _check_requested_destination(self): self._check_destination_is_not_source() self._check_host_is_up(self.destination) self._check_destination_has_enough_memory() self._check_compatible_with_source_hypervisor(self.destination) self._call_livem_checks_on_host(self.destination) def _check_destination_is_not_source(self): if self.destination == self.source: raise exception.UnableToMigrateToSelf( instance_id=self.instance.uuid, host=self.destination) def _check_destination_has_enough_memory(self): avail = self._get_compute_info(self.destination)['free_ram_mb'] mem_inst = self.instance.memory_mb if not mem_inst or avail <= mem_inst: instance_uuid = self.instance.uuid dest = self.destination reason = _("Unable to migrate %(instance_uuid)s to %(dest)s: " "Lack of memory(host:%(avail)s <= " "instance:%(mem_inst)s)") raise exception.MigrationPreCheckError(reason=reason % dict( instance_uuid=instance_uuid, dest=dest, avail=avail, mem_inst=mem_inst)) def _get_compute_info(self, host): return objects.ComputeNode.get_first_node_by_host_for_old_compat( self.context, host) def _check_compatible_with_source_hypervisor(self, destination): source_info = self._get_compute_info(self.source) destination_info = self._get_compute_info(destination) source_type = source_info['hypervisor_type'] destination_type = destination_info['hypervisor_type'] if source_type != destination_type: raise exception.InvalidHypervisorType() source_version = source_info['hypervisor_version'] destination_version = destination_info['hypervisor_version'] if source_version > destination_version: raise exception.DestinationHypervisorTooOld() def _call_livem_checks_on_host(self, destination): self.migrate_data = self.compute_rpcapi.\ check_can_live_migrate_destination(self.context, self.instance, destination, self.block_migration, self.disk_over_commit) def _find_destination(self): # TODO(johngarbutt) this retry loop should be shared attempted_hosts = [self.source] image = utils.get_image_from_system_metadata( self.instance.system_metadata) request_spec = scheduler_utils.build_request_spec(self.context, image, [self.instance]) host = None while host is None: self._check_not_over_max_retries(attempted_hosts) filter_properties = {'ignore_hosts': attempted_hosts} scheduler_utils.setup_instance_group(self.context, request_spec, filter_properties) host = self.scheduler_client.select_destinations(self.context, request_spec, filter_properties)[0]['host'] try: self._check_compatible_with_source_hypervisor(host) self._call_livem_checks_on_host(host) except exception.Invalid as e: LOG.debug("Skipping host: %(host)s because: %(e)s", {"host": host, "e": e}) attempted_hosts.append(host) host = None return host def _check_not_over_max_retries(self, attempted_hosts): if CONF.migrate_max_retries == -1: return retries = len(attempted_hosts) - 1 if retries > CONF.migrate_max_retries: msg = (_('Exceeded max scheduling retries %(max_retries)d for ' 'instance %(instance_uuid)s during live migration') % {'max_retries': retries, 'instance_uuid': self.instance.uuid}) raise exception.NoValidHost(reason=msg) def execute(context, instance, destination, block_migration, disk_over_commit): task = LiveMigrationTask(context, instance, destination, block_migration, disk_over_commit) # TODO(johngarbutt) create a superclass that contains a safe_execute call return task.execute()
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Problem: N soldiers are standing in a circle and # first person has sword and he kills the 2nd person # and gives the sword to the third person and so on # till 99th person kills the 100th person gives the # sword back to the first person, this goes on till # only one person survives. Print the survivor. def josephus(people, step=2): if step<=1: print("Enter step value, greater than 1") else: step -= 1 # translated to zero-based indexing kill = step # kill will hold the index of current person to die while(len(people) > 1): print(people.pop(kill)) # pop method removes the element from the list kill = (kill + step) % len(people) print(people[0], "is safe") num = int(input("Enter the number of soldiers: ")) soldiers = [i for i in range(1, num+1)] # generates a list of 1..num josephus(soldiers)
[ "MIT" ]
import paddle import paddle.nn as nn import paddle.nn.functional as F class BiEncoder(nn.Layer): def __init__(self,question_encoder,context_encoder,dropout,output_emb_size = 768,state=None): super(BiEncoder, self).__init__() self.state = state if self.state == None: self.question_encoder = question_encoder self.context_encoder = context_encoder elif self.state == "FORQUESTION": self.question_encoder = question_encoder elif self.state == "FORCONTEXT": self.context_encoder = context_encoder self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout if dropout is not None else 0.1) weight_attr = paddle.ParamAttr(initializer=paddle.nn.initializer.TruncatedNormal(std=0.02)) self.emb_reduce_linear = paddle.nn.Linear( 768, output_emb_size, weight_attr=weight_attr) def get_question_pooled_embedding(self, input_ids, token_type_ids=None, position_ids=None, attention_mask=None): _, cls_embedding = self.question_encoder(input_ids, token_type_ids, position_ids,attention_mask) """cls_embedding = self.emb_reduce_linear(cls_embedding) cls_embedding = self.dropout(cls_embedding) cls_embedding = F.normalize(cls_embedding, p=2, axis=-1)""" return cls_embedding def get_context_pooled_embedding(self, input_ids, token_type_ids=None, position_ids=None, attention_mask=None): _, cls_embedding = self.context_encoder(input_ids, token_type_ids, position_ids,attention_mask) """cls_embedding = self.emb_reduce_linear(cls_embedding) cls_embedding = self.dropout(cls_embedding) cls_embedding = F.normalize(cls_embedding, p=2, axis=-1)""" return cls_embedding def forward(self, question_id, question_segments, question_attn_mask, context_ids, context_segments, context_attn_mask, ): question_pooled_out = self.get_question_pooled_embedding(question_id,question_segments,question_attn_mask) context_pooled_out = self.get_context_pooled_embedding(context_ids,context_segments,context_attn_mask) return question_pooled_out,context_pooled_out class BiEncoderNllLoss(object): def calc(self, q_vectors, ctx_vectors, positive_idx_per_question, loss_scale=None): scorces = paddle.matmul(q_vectors,paddle.transpose(ctx_vectors,[0,1])) if len(q_vectors.size()) > 1: q_num = q_vectors.size(0) scores = scorces.view(q_num, -1) softmax_scorces = F.log_softmax(scores,axis=1) loss = F.nll_loss(softmax_scorces,paddle.to_tensor(positive_idx_per_question)) max_score = paddle.max(softmax_scorces,axis=1) correct_predictions_count = (None) if loss_scale: loss.mul_(loss_scale) return loss,correct_predictions_count
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import sys sys.path.append('../scripts') from detect_duplicates import df def test_nan_names(): assert == 0 def test_dup_pid(): assert df.patient_id.duplicated().sum() == 0 def test_phone_dup(): assert df.phone_number.duplicated().sum() == 0
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json from alipay.aop.api.response.AlipayResponse import AlipayResponse from alipay.aop.api.domain.SettlementbillOpenApiDTO import SettlementbillOpenApiDTO class AlipayBossFncSettleSettlementbillCreateResponse(AlipayResponse): def __init__(self): super(AlipayBossFncSettleSettlementbillCreateResponse, self).__init__() self._result_set = None @property def result_set(self): return self._result_set @result_set.setter def result_set(self, value): if isinstance(value, SettlementbillOpenApiDTO): self._result_set = value else: self._result_set = SettlementbillOpenApiDTO.from_alipay_dict(value) def parse_response_content(self, response_content): response = super(AlipayBossFncSettleSettlementbillCreateResponse, self).parse_response_content(response_content) if 'result_set' in response: self.result_set = response['result_set']
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#!/usr/bin/python import argparse import subprocess import json parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--list", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() result = {"_meta": {"hostvars": {}}} if args.list: output = subprocess.check_output([ "cd ../terraform/stage; terraform show -json" ], shell=True) data = json.loads(output) group_list = set() try: for module in data["values"]["root_module"]["child_modules"]: try: for resource in module["resources"]: if resource["type"] == "null_resource": continue group_name = resource["name"] values = resource["values"] host_name = values["name"] ip = values["network_interface"][0]["nat_ip_address"] if group_name not in result: result[group_name] = {"hosts": []} group_list.add(group_name) result[group_name]["hosts"].append(host_name) result["_meta"]["hostvars"][host_name] = { "ansible_host": ip } except KeyError: continue result["all"] = {"children": list(group_list), "hosts": [], "vars": {}} except KeyError: pass print(json.dumps(result)) else: print(json.dumps(result))
[ "MIT" ]
# coding=utf-8 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from typing import TYPE_CHECKING import warnings from azure.core.exceptions import ClientAuthenticationError, HttpResponseError, ResourceExistsError, ResourceNotFoundError, map_error from azure.core.pipeline import PipelineResponse from azure.core.pipeline.transport import HttpRequest, HttpResponse from azure.mgmt.core.exceptions import ARMErrorFormat from .. import models as _models if TYPE_CHECKING: # pylint: disable=unused-import,ungrouped-imports from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generic, Optional, TypeVar T = TypeVar('T') ClsType = Optional[Callable[[PipelineResponse[HttpRequest, HttpResponse], T, Dict[str, Any]], Any]] class ServiceAssociationLinksOperations(object): """ServiceAssociationLinksOperations operations. You should not instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should create a Client instance that instantiates it for you and attaches it as an attribute. :ivar models: Alias to model classes used in this operation group. :type models: :param client: Client for service requests. :param config: Configuration of service client. :param serializer: An object model serializer. :param deserializer: An object model deserializer. """ models = _models def __init__(self, client, config, serializer, deserializer): self._client = client self._serialize = serializer self._deserialize = deserializer self._config = config def list( self, resource_group_name, # type: str virtual_network_name, # type: str subnet_name, # type: str **kwargs # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> "_models.ServiceAssociationLinksListResult" """Gets a list of service association links for a subnet. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group. :type resource_group_name: str :param virtual_network_name: The name of the virtual network. :type virtual_network_name: str :param subnet_name: The name of the subnet. :type subnet_name: str :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :return: ServiceAssociationLinksListResult, or the result of cls(response) :rtype: :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError """ cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType["_models.ServiceAssociationLinksListResult"] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) api_version = "2019-04-01" accept = "application/json" # Construct URL url = self.list.metadata['url'] # type: ignore path_format_arguments = { 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'virtualNetworkName': self._serialize.url("virtual_network_name", virtual_network_name, 'str'), 'subnetName': self._serialize.url("subnet_name", subnet_name, 'str'), 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self._config.subscription_id", self._config.subscription_id, 'str'), } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] header_parameters['Accept'] = self._serialize.header("accept", accept, 'str') request = self._client.get(url, query_parameters, header_parameters) pipeline_response =, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [200]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) deserialized = self._deserialize('ServiceAssociationLinksListResult', pipeline_response) if cls: return cls(pipeline_response, deserialized, {}) return deserialized list.metadata = {'url': '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/{virtualNetworkName}/subnets/{subnetName}/ServiceAssociationLinks'} # type: ignore
[ "MIT" ]
from .util import rms from .util import moving_average from .util import moving_avg_conv from .util import moving_avg_fft from .util import normalize from .util import next_pow2 from .util import top_and_tail from .util import extrapolate from .util import nearest from .util import deprecated from .util import apply_along_axis from .util import sigmoid from .util import power from .util import root
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! # source: google/cloud/securitycenter_v1beta1/proto/securitycenter_service.proto import sys _b = sys.version_info[0] < 3 and (lambda x: x) or (lambda x: x.encode("latin1")) from google.protobuf import descriptor as _descriptor from google.protobuf import message as _message from google.protobuf import reflection as _reflection from google.protobuf import symbol_database as _symbol_database from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2 # @@protoc_insertion_point(imports) _sym_db = _symbol_database.Default() from google.api import annotations_pb2 as google_dot_api_dot_annotations__pb2 from import ( asset_pb2 as google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_asset__pb2, ) from import ( finding_pb2 as google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_finding__pb2, ) from import ( organization_settings_pb2 as google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_organization__settings__pb2, ) from import ( security_marks_pb2 as google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_security__marks__pb2, ) from import ( source_pb2 as google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_source__pb2, ) from google.iam.v1 import iam_policy_pb2 as google_dot_iam_dot_v1_dot_iam__policy__pb2 from google.iam.v1 import policy_pb2 as google_dot_iam_dot_v1_dot_policy__pb2 from google.longrunning import ( operations_pb2 as google_dot_longrunning_dot_operations__pb2, ) from google.protobuf import duration_pb2 as google_dot_protobuf_dot_duration__pb2 from google.protobuf import empty_pb2 as google_dot_protobuf_dot_empty__pb2 from google.protobuf import field_mask_pb2 as google_dot_protobuf_dot_field__mask__pb2 from google.protobuf import struct_pb2 as google_dot_protobuf_dot_struct__pb2 from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2 as google_dot_protobuf_dot_timestamp__pb2 DESCRIPTOR = _descriptor.FileDescriptor( name="google/cloud/securitycenter_v1beta1/proto/securitycenter_service.proto", package="", syntax="proto3", serialized_pb=_b( '\nFgoogle/cloud/securitycenter_v1beta1/proto/securitycenter_service.proto\\x1a\x1cgoogle/api/annotations.proto\x1a\x35google/cloud/securitycenter_v1beta1/proto/asset.proto\x1a\x37google/cloud/securitycenter_v1beta1/proto/finding.proto\x1a\x45google/cloud/securitycenter_v1beta1/proto/organization_settings.proto\x1a>google/cloud/securitycenter_v1beta1/proto/security_marks.proto\x1a\x36google/cloud/securitycenter_v1beta1/proto/source.proto\x1a\x1egoogle/iam/v1/iam_policy.proto\x1a\x1agoogle/iam/v1/policy.proto\x1a#google/longrunning/operations.proto\x1a\x1egoogle/protobuf/duration.proto\x1a\x1bgoogle/protobuf/empty.proto\x1a google/protobuf/field_mask.proto\x1a\x1cgoogle/protobuf/struct.proto\x1a\x1fgoogle/protobuf/timestamp.proto"y\n\x14\x43reateFindingRequest\x12\x0e\n\x06parent\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x12\n\nfinding_id\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12=\n\x07\x66inding\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32,"b\n\x13\x43reateSourceRequest\x12\x0e\n\x06parent\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12;\n\x06source\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\".\n\x1eGetOrganizationSettingsRequest\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t" \n\x10GetSourceRequest\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t"\xd1\x01\n\x12GroupAssetsRequest\x12\x0e\n\x06parent\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x0e\n\x06\x66ilter\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x10\n\x08group_by\x18\x03 \x01(\t\x12\x33\n\x10\x63ompare_duration\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32\\x12-\n\tread_time\x18\x05 \x01(\x0b\x32\\x12\x12\n\npage_token\x18\x07 \x01(\t\x12\x11\n\tpage_size\x18\x08 \x01(\x05"\xa9\x01\n\x13GroupAssetsResponse\x12J\n\x10group_by_results\x18\x01 \x03(\x0b\x32\\x12-\n\tread_time\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\\x12\x17\n\x0fnext_page_token\x18\x03 \x01(\t"\x9e\x01\n\x14GroupFindingsRequest\x12\x0e\n\x06parent\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x0e\n\x06\x66ilter\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x10\n\x08group_by\x18\x03 \x01(\t\x12-\n\tread_time\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32\\x12\x12\n\npage_token\x18\x05 \x01(\t\x12\x11\n\tpage_size\x18\x06 \x01(\x05"\xab\x01\n\x15GroupFindingsResponse\x12J\n\x10group_by_results\x18\x01 \x03(\x0b\x32\\x12-\n\tread_time\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\\x12\x17\n\x0fnext_page_token\x18\x03 \x01(\t"\xbd\x01\n\x0bGroupResult\x12T\n\nproperties\x18\x01 \x03(\x0b\\x12\r\n\x05\x63ount\x18\x02 \x01(\x03\x1aI\n\x0fPropertiesEntry\x12\x0b\n\x03key\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12%\n\x05value\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\\x02\x38\x01"K\n\x12ListSourcesRequest\x12\x0e\n\x06parent\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x12\n\npage_token\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x11\n\tpage_size\x18\x07 \x01(\x05"l\n\x13ListSourcesResponse\x12<\n\x07sources\x18\x01 \x03(\x0b\\x12\x17\n\x0fnext_page_token\x18\x02 \x01(\t"\x80\x02\n\x11ListAssetsRequest\x12\x0e\n\x06parent\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x0e\n\x06\x66ilter\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x10\n\x08order_by\x18\x03 \x01(\t\x12-\n\tread_time\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32\\x12\x33\n\x10\x63ompare_duration\x18\x05 \x01(\x0b\x32\\x12.\n\nfield_mask\x18\x07 \x01(\x0b\x32\\x12\x12\n\npage_token\x18\x08 \x01(\t\x12\x11\n\tpage_size\x18\t \x01(\x05"\xd6\x03\n\x12ListAssetsResponse\x12\x65\n\x13list_assets_results\x18\x01 \x03(\x0b\\x12-\n\tread_time\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\\x12\x17\n\x0fnext_page_token\x18\x03 \x01(\t\x12\x12\n\ntotal_size\x18\x04 \x01(\x05\x1a\xfc\x01\n\x10ListAssetsResult\x12\x39\n\x05\x61sset\x18\x01 \x01(\x0b\x32*\x12]\n\x05state\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\"N\n\x05State\x12\x15\n\x11STATE_UNSPECIFIED\x10\x00\x12\n\n\x06UNUSED\x10\x01\x12\t\n\x05\x41\x44\x44\x45\x44\x10\x02\x12\x0b\n\x07REMOVED\x10\x03\x12\n\n\x06\x41\x43TIVE\x10\x04"\xcd\x01\n\x13ListFindingsRequest\x12\x0e\n\x06parent\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x0e\n\x06\x66ilter\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x10\n\x08order_by\x18\x03 \x01(\t\x12-\n\tread_time\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32\\x12.\n\nfield_mask\x18\x05 \x01(\x0b\x32\\x12\x12\n\npage_token\x18\x06 \x01(\t\x12\x11\n\tpage_size\x18\x07 \x01(\x05"\xb2\x01\n\x14ListFindingsResponse\x12>\n\x08\x66indings\x18\x01 \x03(\x0b\x32,\x12-\n\tread_time\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\\x12\x17\n\x0fnext_page_token\x18\x03 \x01(\t\x12\x12\n\ntotal_size\x18\x04 \x01(\x05"\x99\x01\n\x16SetFindingStateRequest\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x41\n\x05state\x18\x02 \x01(\x0e\x32\\x12.\n\nstart_time\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\"*\n\x18RunAssetDiscoveryRequest\x12\x0e\n\x06parent\x18\x01 \x01(\t"\x86\x01\n\x14UpdateFindingRequest\x12=\n\x07\x66inding\x18\x01 \x01(\x0b\x32,\x12/\n\x0bupdate_mask\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\"\xae\x01\n!UpdateOrganizationSettingsRequest\x12X\n\x15organization_settings\x18\x01 \x01(\x0b\x32\\x12/\n\x0bupdate_mask\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\"\x83\x01\n\x13UpdateSourceRequest\x12;\n\x06source\x18\x01 \x01(\x0b\\x12/\n\x0bupdate_mask\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\"\xc9\x01\n\x1aUpdateSecurityMarksRequest\x12J\n\x0esecurity_marks\x18\x01 \x01(\x0b\x32\\x12/\n\x0bupdate_mask\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\\x12.\n\nstart_time\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\\x80\x1c\n\x0eSecurityCenter\x12\xb0\x01\n\x0c\x43reateSource\x12\\"9\x82\xd3\xe4\x93\x02\x33")/v1beta1/{parent=organizations/*}/sources:\x06source\x12\xbf\x01\n\rCreateFinding\x12\\x1a,"E\x82\xd3\xe4\x93\x02?"4/v1beta1/{parent=organizations/*/sources/*}/findings:\x07\x66inding\x12\x90\x01\n\x0cGetIamPolicy\x12".google.iam.v1.GetIamPolicyRequest\x1a\"E\x82\xd3\xe4\x93\x02?":/v1beta1/{resource=organizations/*/sources/*}:getIamPolicy:\x01*\x12\xd7\x01\n\x17GetOrganizationSettings\x12\\x1a\"<\x82\xd3\xe4\x93\x02\x36\x12\x34/v1beta1/{name=organizations/*/organizationSettings}\x12\xa2\x01\n\tGetSource\x12\\"1\x82\xd3\xe4\x93\x02+\x12)/v1beta1/{name=organizations/*/sources/*}\x12\xbb\x01\n\x0bGroupAssets\x12\\x1a\"9\x82\xd3\xe4\x93\x02\x33"./v1beta1/{parent=organizations/*}/assets:group:\x01*\x12\xcd\x01\n\rGroupFindings\x12\\"E\x82\xd3\xe4\x93\x02?":/v1beta1/{parent=organizations/*/sources/*}/findings:group:\x01*\x12\xaf\x01\n\nListAssets\x12\\x1a\"0\x82\xd3\xe4\x93\x02*\x12(/v1beta1/{parent=organizations/*}/assets\x12\xc1\x01\n\x0cListFindings\x12\\x1a\"<\x82\xd3\xe4\x93\x02\x36\x12\x34/v1beta1/{parent=organizations/*/sources/*}/findings\x12\xb3\x01\n\x0bListSources\x12\\x1a\"1\x82\xd3\xe4\x93\x02+\x12)/v1beta1/{parent=organizations/*}/sources\x12\xb3\x01\n\x11RunAssetDiscovery\\x1a\"@\x82\xd3\xe4\x93\x02:"5/v1beta1/{parent=organizations/*}/assets:runDiscovery:\x01*\x12\xc6\x01\n\x0fSetFindingState\x12;\x1a,"H\x82\xd3\xe4\x93\x02\x42"=/v1beta1/{name=organizations/*/sources/*/findings/*}:setState:\x01*\x12\x90\x01\n\x0cSetIamPolicy\x12".google.iam.v1.SetIamPolicyRequest\x1a\"E\x82\xd3\xe4\x93\x02?":/v1beta1/{resource=organizations/*/sources/*}:setIamPolicy:\x01*\x12\xb6\x01\n\x12TestIamPermissions\x12(.google.iam.v1.TestIamPermissionsRequest\x1a).google.iam.v1.TestIamPermissionsResponse"K\x82\xd3\xe4\x93\x02\x45"@/v1beta1/{resource=organizations/*/sources/*}:testIamPermissions:\x01*\x12\xc7\x01\n\rUpdateFinding\x12\\x1a,"M\x82\xd3\xe4\x93\x02G2</v1beta1/{*/sources/*/findings/*}:\x07\x66inding\x12\x8a\x02\n\x1aUpdateOrganizationSettings\x12\\x1a\"i\x82\xd3\xe4\x93\x02\x63\x32J/v1beta1/{*/organizationSettings}:\x15organization_settings\x12\xb7\x01\n\x0cUpdateSource\x12\\"@\x82\xd3\xe4\x93\x02:20/v1beta1/{*/sources/*}:\x06source\x12\xd0\x02\n\x13UpdateSecurityMarks\x12?\x1a\"\xc3\x01\x82\xd3\xe4\x93\x02\xbc\x01\x32\x45/v1beta1/{*/assets/*/securityMarks}:\x0esecurity_marksZc2Q/v1beta1/{*/sources/*/findings/*/securityMarks}:\x0esecurity_marksB~\n\'\;securitycenterb\x06proto3' ), dependencies=[ google_dot_api_dot_annotations__pb2.DESCRIPTOR, google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_asset__pb2.DESCRIPTOR, google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_finding__pb2.DESCRIPTOR, google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_organization__settings__pb2.DESCRIPTOR, google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_security__marks__pb2.DESCRIPTOR, google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_source__pb2.DESCRIPTOR, google_dot_iam_dot_v1_dot_iam__policy__pb2.DESCRIPTOR, google_dot_iam_dot_v1_dot_policy__pb2.DESCRIPTOR, google_dot_longrunning_dot_operations__pb2.DESCRIPTOR, google_dot_protobuf_dot_duration__pb2.DESCRIPTOR, google_dot_protobuf_dot_empty__pb2.DESCRIPTOR, google_dot_protobuf_dot_field__mask__pb2.DESCRIPTOR, google_dot_protobuf_dot_struct__pb2.DESCRIPTOR, google_dot_protobuf_dot_timestamp__pb2.DESCRIPTOR, ], ) _LISTASSETSRESPONSE_LISTASSETSRESULT_STATE = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name="State", full_name="", filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, values=[ _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name="STATE_UNSPECIFIED", index=0, number=0, options=None, type=None ), _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name="UNUSED", index=1, number=1, options=None, type=None ), _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name="ADDED", index=2, number=2, options=None, type=None ), _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name="REMOVED", index=3, number=3, options=None, type=None ), _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name="ACTIVE", index=4, number=4, options=None, type=None ), ], containing_type=None, options=None, serialized_start=2754, serialized_end=2832, ) _sym_db.RegisterEnumDescriptor(_LISTASSETSRESPONSE_LISTASSETSRESULT_STATE) _CREATEFINDINGREQUEST = _descriptor.Descriptor( name="CreateFindingRequest", full_name="", filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="parent", full_name="", index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="finding_id", full_name="", index=1, number=2, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="finding", full_name="", index=2, number=3, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), ], extensions=[], nested_types=[], enum_types=[], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax="proto3", extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[], serialized_start=699, serialized_end=820, ) _CREATESOURCEREQUEST = _descriptor.Descriptor( name="CreateSourceRequest", full_name="", filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="parent", full_name="", index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="source", full_name="", index=1, number=2, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), ], extensions=[], nested_types=[], enum_types=[], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax="proto3", extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[], serialized_start=822, serialized_end=920, ) _GETORGANIZATIONSETTINGSREQUEST = _descriptor.Descriptor( name="GetOrganizationSettingsRequest", full_name="", filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="name", full_name="", index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ) ], extensions=[], nested_types=[], enum_types=[], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax="proto3", extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[], serialized_start=922, serialized_end=968, ) _GETSOURCEREQUEST = _descriptor.Descriptor( name="GetSourceRequest", full_name="", filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="name", full_name="", index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ) ], extensions=[], nested_types=[], enum_types=[], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax="proto3", extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[], serialized_start=970, serialized_end=1002, ) _GROUPASSETSREQUEST = _descriptor.Descriptor( name="GroupAssetsRequest", full_name="", filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="parent", full_name="", index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="filter", full_name="", index=1, number=2, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="group_by", full_name="", index=2, number=3, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="compare_duration", full_name="", index=3, number=4, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="read_time", full_name="", index=4, number=5, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="page_token", full_name="", index=5, number=7, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="page_size", full_name="", index=6, number=8, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), ], extensions=[], nested_types=[], enum_types=[], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax="proto3", extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[], serialized_start=1005, serialized_end=1214, ) _GROUPASSETSRESPONSE = _descriptor.Descriptor( name="GroupAssetsResponse", full_name="", filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="group_by_results", full_name="", index=0, number=1, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3, has_default_value=False, default_value=[], message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="read_time", full_name="", index=1, number=2, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="next_page_token", full_name="", index=2, number=3, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), ], extensions=[], nested_types=[], enum_types=[], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax="proto3", extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[], serialized_start=1217, serialized_end=1386, ) _GROUPFINDINGSREQUEST = _descriptor.Descriptor( name="GroupFindingsRequest", full_name="", filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="parent", full_name="", index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="filter", full_name="", index=1, number=2, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="group_by", full_name="", index=2, number=3, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="read_time", full_name="", index=3, number=4, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="page_token", full_name="", index=4, number=5, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="page_size", full_name="", index=5, number=6, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), ], extensions=[], nested_types=[], enum_types=[], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax="proto3", extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[], serialized_start=1389, serialized_end=1547, ) _GROUPFINDINGSRESPONSE = _descriptor.Descriptor( name="GroupFindingsResponse", full_name="", filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="group_by_results", full_name="", index=0, number=1, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3, has_default_value=False, default_value=[], message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="read_time", full_name="", index=1, number=2, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="next_page_token", full_name="", index=2, number=3, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), ], extensions=[], nested_types=[], enum_types=[], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax="proto3", extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[], serialized_start=1550, serialized_end=1721, ) _GROUPRESULT_PROPERTIESENTRY = _descriptor.Descriptor( name="PropertiesEntry", full_name="", filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="key", full_name="", index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="value", full_name="", index=1, number=2, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), ], extensions=[], nested_types=[], enum_types=[], options=_descriptor._ParseOptions(descriptor_pb2.MessageOptions(), _b("8\001")), is_extendable=False, syntax="proto3", extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[], serialized_start=1840, serialized_end=1913, ) _GROUPRESULT = _descriptor.Descriptor( name="GroupResult", full_name="", filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="properties", full_name="", index=0, number=1, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3, has_default_value=False, default_value=[], message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="count", full_name="", index=1, number=2, type=3, cpp_type=2, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), ], extensions=[], nested_types=[_GROUPRESULT_PROPERTIESENTRY], enum_types=[], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax="proto3", extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[], serialized_start=1724, serialized_end=1913, ) _LISTSOURCESREQUEST = _descriptor.Descriptor( name="ListSourcesRequest", full_name="", filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="parent", full_name="", index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="page_token", full_name="", index=1, number=2, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="page_size", full_name="", index=2, number=7, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), ], extensions=[], nested_types=[], enum_types=[], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax="proto3", extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[], serialized_start=1915, serialized_end=1990, ) _LISTSOURCESRESPONSE = _descriptor.Descriptor( name="ListSourcesResponse", full_name="", filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="sources", full_name="", index=0, number=1, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3, has_default_value=False, default_value=[], message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="next_page_token", full_name="", index=1, number=2, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), ], extensions=[], nested_types=[], enum_types=[], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax="proto3", extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[], serialized_start=1992, serialized_end=2100, ) _LISTASSETSREQUEST = _descriptor.Descriptor( name="ListAssetsRequest", full_name="", filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="parent", full_name="", index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="filter", full_name="", index=1, number=2, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="order_by", full_name="", index=2, number=3, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="read_time", full_name="", index=3, number=4, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="compare_duration", full_name="", index=4, number=5, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="field_mask", full_name="", index=5, number=7, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="page_token", full_name="", index=6, number=8, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="page_size", full_name="", index=7, number=9, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), ], extensions=[], nested_types=[], enum_types=[], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax="proto3", extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[], serialized_start=2103, serialized_end=2359, ) _LISTASSETSRESPONSE_LISTASSETSRESULT = _descriptor.Descriptor( name="ListAssetsResult", full_name="", filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="asset", full_name="", index=0, number=1, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="state", full_name="", index=1, number=2, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), ], extensions=[], nested_types=[], enum_types=[_LISTASSETSRESPONSE_LISTASSETSRESULT_STATE], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax="proto3", extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[], serialized_start=2580, serialized_end=2832, ) _LISTASSETSRESPONSE = _descriptor.Descriptor( name="ListAssetsResponse", full_name="", filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="list_assets_results", full_name="", index=0, number=1, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3, has_default_value=False, default_value=[], message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="read_time", full_name="", index=1, number=2, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="next_page_token", full_name="", index=2, number=3, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="total_size", full_name="", index=3, number=4, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), ], extensions=[], nested_types=[_LISTASSETSRESPONSE_LISTASSETSRESULT], enum_types=[], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax="proto3", extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[], serialized_start=2362, serialized_end=2832, ) _LISTFINDINGSREQUEST = _descriptor.Descriptor( name="ListFindingsRequest", full_name="", filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="parent", full_name="", index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="filter", full_name="", index=1, number=2, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="order_by", full_name="", index=2, number=3, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="read_time", full_name="", index=3, number=4, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="field_mask", full_name="", index=4, number=5, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="page_token", full_name="", index=5, number=6, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="page_size", full_name="", index=6, number=7, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), ], extensions=[], nested_types=[], enum_types=[], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax="proto3", extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[], serialized_start=2835, serialized_end=3040, ) _LISTFINDINGSRESPONSE = _descriptor.Descriptor( name="ListFindingsResponse", full_name="", filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="findings", full_name="", index=0, number=1, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3, has_default_value=False, default_value=[], message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="read_time", full_name="", index=1, number=2, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="next_page_token", full_name="", index=2, number=3, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="total_size", full_name="", index=3, number=4, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), ], extensions=[], nested_types=[], enum_types=[], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax="proto3", extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[], serialized_start=3043, serialized_end=3221, ) _SETFINDINGSTATEREQUEST = _descriptor.Descriptor( name="SetFindingStateRequest", full_name="", filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="name", full_name="", index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="state", full_name="", index=1, number=2, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="start_time", full_name="", index=2, number=3, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), ], extensions=[], nested_types=[], enum_types=[], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax="proto3", extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[], serialized_start=3224, serialized_end=3377, ) _RUNASSETDISCOVERYREQUEST = _descriptor.Descriptor( name="RunAssetDiscoveryRequest", full_name="", filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="parent", full_name="", index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode("utf-8"), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ) ], extensions=[], nested_types=[], enum_types=[], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax="proto3", extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[], serialized_start=3379, serialized_end=3421, ) _UPDATEFINDINGREQUEST = _descriptor.Descriptor( name="UpdateFindingRequest", full_name="", filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="finding", full_name="", index=0, number=1, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="update_mask", full_name="", index=1, number=2, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), ], extensions=[], nested_types=[], enum_types=[], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax="proto3", extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[], serialized_start=3424, serialized_end=3558, ) _UPDATEORGANIZATIONSETTINGSREQUEST = _descriptor.Descriptor( name="UpdateOrganizationSettingsRequest", full_name="", filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="organization_settings", full_name="", index=0, number=1, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="update_mask", full_name="", index=1, number=2, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), ], extensions=[], nested_types=[], enum_types=[], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax="proto3", extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[], serialized_start=3561, serialized_end=3735, ) _UPDATESOURCEREQUEST = _descriptor.Descriptor( name="UpdateSourceRequest", full_name="", filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="source", full_name="", index=0, number=1, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="update_mask", full_name="", index=1, number=2, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), ], extensions=[], nested_types=[], enum_types=[], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax="proto3", extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[], serialized_start=3738, serialized_end=3869, ) _UPDATESECURITYMARKSREQUEST = _descriptor.Descriptor( name="UpdateSecurityMarksRequest", full_name="", filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="security_marks", full_name="", index=0, number=1, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="update_mask", full_name="", index=1, number=2, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name="start_time", full_name="", index=2, number=3, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, ), ], extensions=[], nested_types=[], enum_types=[], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax="proto3", extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[], serialized_start=3872, serialized_end=4073, ) _CREATEFINDINGREQUEST.fields_by_name[ "finding" ].message_type = ( google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_finding__pb2._FINDING ) _CREATESOURCEREQUEST.fields_by_name[ "source" ].message_type = ( google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_source__pb2._SOURCE ) _GROUPASSETSREQUEST.fields_by_name[ "compare_duration" ].message_type = google_dot_protobuf_dot_duration__pb2._DURATION _GROUPASSETSREQUEST.fields_by_name[ "read_time" ].message_type = google_dot_protobuf_dot_timestamp__pb2._TIMESTAMP _GROUPASSETSRESPONSE.fields_by_name["group_by_results"].message_type = _GROUPRESULT _GROUPASSETSRESPONSE.fields_by_name[ "read_time" ].message_type = google_dot_protobuf_dot_timestamp__pb2._TIMESTAMP _GROUPFINDINGSREQUEST.fields_by_name[ "read_time" ].message_type = google_dot_protobuf_dot_timestamp__pb2._TIMESTAMP _GROUPFINDINGSRESPONSE.fields_by_name["group_by_results"].message_type = _GROUPRESULT _GROUPFINDINGSRESPONSE.fields_by_name[ "read_time" ].message_type = google_dot_protobuf_dot_timestamp__pb2._TIMESTAMP _GROUPRESULT_PROPERTIESENTRY.fields_by_name[ "value" ].message_type = google_dot_protobuf_dot_struct__pb2._VALUE _GROUPRESULT_PROPERTIESENTRY.containing_type = _GROUPRESULT _GROUPRESULT.fields_by_name["properties"].message_type = _GROUPRESULT_PROPERTIESENTRY _LISTSOURCESRESPONSE.fields_by_name[ "sources" ].message_type = ( google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_source__pb2._SOURCE ) _LISTASSETSREQUEST.fields_by_name[ "read_time" ].message_type = google_dot_protobuf_dot_timestamp__pb2._TIMESTAMP _LISTASSETSREQUEST.fields_by_name[ "compare_duration" ].message_type = google_dot_protobuf_dot_duration__pb2._DURATION _LISTASSETSREQUEST.fields_by_name[ "field_mask" ].message_type = google_dot_protobuf_dot_field__mask__pb2._FIELDMASK _LISTASSETSRESPONSE_LISTASSETSRESULT.fields_by_name[ "asset" ].message_type = ( google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_asset__pb2._ASSET ) _LISTASSETSRESPONSE_LISTASSETSRESULT.fields_by_name[ "state" ].enum_type = _LISTASSETSRESPONSE_LISTASSETSRESULT_STATE _LISTASSETSRESPONSE_LISTASSETSRESULT.containing_type = _LISTASSETSRESPONSE _LISTASSETSRESPONSE_LISTASSETSRESULT_STATE.containing_type = ( _LISTASSETSRESPONSE_LISTASSETSRESULT ) _LISTASSETSRESPONSE.fields_by_name[ "list_assets_results" ].message_type = _LISTASSETSRESPONSE_LISTASSETSRESULT _LISTASSETSRESPONSE.fields_by_name[ "read_time" ].message_type = google_dot_protobuf_dot_timestamp__pb2._TIMESTAMP _LISTFINDINGSREQUEST.fields_by_name[ "read_time" ].message_type = google_dot_protobuf_dot_timestamp__pb2._TIMESTAMP _LISTFINDINGSREQUEST.fields_by_name[ "field_mask" ].message_type = google_dot_protobuf_dot_field__mask__pb2._FIELDMASK _LISTFINDINGSRESPONSE.fields_by_name[ "findings" ].message_type = ( google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_finding__pb2._FINDING ) _LISTFINDINGSRESPONSE.fields_by_name[ "read_time" ].message_type = google_dot_protobuf_dot_timestamp__pb2._TIMESTAMP _SETFINDINGSTATEREQUEST.fields_by_name[ "state" ].enum_type = ( google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_finding__pb2._FINDING_STATE ) _SETFINDINGSTATEREQUEST.fields_by_name[ "start_time" ].message_type = google_dot_protobuf_dot_timestamp__pb2._TIMESTAMP _UPDATEFINDINGREQUEST.fields_by_name[ "finding" ].message_type = ( google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_finding__pb2._FINDING ) _UPDATEFINDINGREQUEST.fields_by_name[ "update_mask" ].message_type = google_dot_protobuf_dot_field__mask__pb2._FIELDMASK _UPDATEORGANIZATIONSETTINGSREQUEST.fields_by_name[ "organization_settings" ].message_type = ( google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_organization__settings__pb2._ORGANIZATIONSETTINGS ) _UPDATEORGANIZATIONSETTINGSREQUEST.fields_by_name[ "update_mask" ].message_type = google_dot_protobuf_dot_field__mask__pb2._FIELDMASK _UPDATESOURCEREQUEST.fields_by_name[ "source" ].message_type = ( google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_source__pb2._SOURCE ) _UPDATESOURCEREQUEST.fields_by_name[ "update_mask" ].message_type = google_dot_protobuf_dot_field__mask__pb2._FIELDMASK _UPDATESECURITYMARKSREQUEST.fields_by_name[ "security_marks" ].message_type = ( google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_security__marks__pb2._SECURITYMARKS ) _UPDATESECURITYMARKSREQUEST.fields_by_name[ "update_mask" ].message_type = google_dot_protobuf_dot_field__mask__pb2._FIELDMASK _UPDATESECURITYMARKSREQUEST.fields_by_name[ "start_time" ].message_type = google_dot_protobuf_dot_timestamp__pb2._TIMESTAMP DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name["CreateFindingRequest"] = _CREATEFINDINGREQUEST DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name["CreateSourceRequest"] = _CREATESOURCEREQUEST DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name[ "GetOrganizationSettingsRequest" ] = _GETORGANIZATIONSETTINGSREQUEST DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name["GetSourceRequest"] = _GETSOURCEREQUEST DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name["GroupAssetsRequest"] = _GROUPASSETSREQUEST DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name["GroupAssetsResponse"] = _GROUPASSETSRESPONSE DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name["GroupFindingsRequest"] = _GROUPFINDINGSREQUEST DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name["GroupFindingsResponse"] = _GROUPFINDINGSRESPONSE DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name["GroupResult"] = _GROUPRESULT DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name["ListSourcesRequest"] = _LISTSOURCESREQUEST DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name["ListSourcesResponse"] = _LISTSOURCESRESPONSE DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name["ListAssetsRequest"] = _LISTASSETSREQUEST DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name["ListAssetsResponse"] = _LISTASSETSRESPONSE DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name["ListFindingsRequest"] = _LISTFINDINGSREQUEST DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name["ListFindingsResponse"] = _LISTFINDINGSRESPONSE DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name["SetFindingStateRequest"] = _SETFINDINGSTATEREQUEST DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name["RunAssetDiscoveryRequest"] = _RUNASSETDISCOVERYREQUEST DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name["UpdateFindingRequest"] = _UPDATEFINDINGREQUEST DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name[ "UpdateOrganizationSettingsRequest" ] = _UPDATEORGANIZATIONSETTINGSREQUEST DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name["UpdateSourceRequest"] = _UPDATESOURCEREQUEST DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name[ "UpdateSecurityMarksRequest" ] = _UPDATESECURITYMARKSREQUEST _sym_db.RegisterFileDescriptor(DESCRIPTOR) CreateFindingRequest = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType( "CreateFindingRequest", (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR=_CREATEFINDINGREQUEST, __module__="", __doc__="""Request message for creating a finding. Attributes: parent: Resource name of the new finding's parent. Its format should be "organizations/[organization\_id]/sources/[source\_id]". finding_id: Unique identifier provided by the client within the parent scope. It must be alphanumeric and less than or equal to 32 characters and greater than 0 characters in length. finding: The Finding being created. The name and security\_marks will be ignored as they are both output only fields on this resource. """, # @@protoc_insertion_point( ), ) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(CreateFindingRequest) CreateSourceRequest = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType( "CreateSourceRequest", (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR=_CREATESOURCEREQUEST, __module__="", __doc__="""Request message for creating a source. Attributes: parent: Resource name of the new source's parent. Its format should be "organizations/[organization\_id]". source: The Source being created, only the display\_name and description will be used. All other fields will be ignored. """, # @@protoc_insertion_point( ), ) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(CreateSourceRequest) GetOrganizationSettingsRequest = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType( "GetOrganizationSettingsRequest", (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR=_GETORGANIZATIONSETTINGSREQUEST, __module__="", __doc__="""Request message for getting organization settings. Attributes: name: Name of the organization to get organization settings for. Its format is "organizations/[organization\_id]/organizationSettings". """, # @@protoc_insertion_point( ), ) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(GetOrganizationSettingsRequest) GetSourceRequest = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType( "GetSourceRequest", (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR=_GETSOURCEREQUEST, __module__="", __doc__="""Request message for getting a source. Attributes: name: Relative resource name of the source. Its format is "organizations/[organization\_id]/source/[source\_id]". """, # @@protoc_insertion_point( ), ) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(GetSourceRequest) GroupAssetsRequest = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType( "GroupAssetsRequest", (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR=_GROUPASSETSREQUEST, __module__="", __doc__="""Request message for grouping by assets. Attributes: parent: Name of the organization to groupBy. Its format is "organizations/[organization\_id]". filter: Expression that defines the filter to apply across assets. The expression is a list of zero or more restrictions combined via logical operators ``AND`` and ``OR``. Parentheses are not supported, and ``OR`` has higher precedence than ``AND``. Restrictions have the form ``<field> <operator> <value>`` and may have a ``-`` character in front of them to indicate negation. The fields map to those defined in the Asset resource. Examples include: - name - security\_center\_properties.resource\_name - resource\_properties.a\_property - security\_marks.marks.marka The supported operators are: - ``=`` for all value types. - ``>``, ``<``, ``>=``, ``<=`` for integer values. - ``:``, meaning substring matching, for strings. The supported value types are: - string literals in quotes. - integer literals without quotes. - boolean literals ``true`` and ``false`` without quotes. For example, ``resource_properties.size = 100`` is a valid filter string. group_by: Expression that defines what assets fields to use for grouping. The string value should follow SQL syntax: comma separated list of fields. For example: "security\_center\_prop erties.resource\_project,security\_center\_properties.project" . The following fields are supported when compare\_duration is not set: - security\_center\_properties.resource\_project - security\_center\_properties.resource\_type - security\_center\_properties.resource\_parent The following fields are supported when compare\_duration is set: - security\_center\_properties.resource\_type compare_duration: When compare\_duration is set, the Asset's "state" property is updated to indicate whether the asset was added, removed, or remained present during the compare\_duration period of time that precedes the read\_time. This is the time between (read\_time - compare\_duration) and read\_time. The state value is derived based on the presence of the asset at the two points in time. Intermediate state changes between the two times don't affect the result. For example, the results aren't affected if the asset is removed and re-created again. Possible "state" values when compare\_duration is specified: - "ADDED": indicates that the asset was not present before compare\_duration, but present at reference\_time. - "REMOVED": indicates that the asset was present at the start of compare\_duration, but not present at reference\_time. - "ACTIVE": indicates that the asset was present at both the start and the end of the time period defined by compare\_duration and reference\_time. This field is ignored if ``state`` is not a field in ``group_by``. read_time: Time used as a reference point when filtering assets. The filter is limited to assets existing at the supplied time and their values are those at that specific time. Absence of this field will default to the API's version of NOW. page_token: The value returned by the last ``GroupAssetsResponse``; indicates that this is a continuation of a prior ``GroupAssets`` call, and that the system should return the next page of data. page_size: The maximum number of results to return in a single response. Default is 10, minimum is 1, maximum is 1000. """, # @@protoc_insertion_point( ), ) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(GroupAssetsRequest) GroupAssetsResponse = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType( "GroupAssetsResponse", (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR=_GROUPASSETSRESPONSE, __module__="", __doc__="""Response message for grouping by assets. Attributes: group_by_results: Group results. There exists an element for each existing unique combination of property/values. The element contains a count for the number of times those specific property/values appear. read_time: Time used for executing the groupBy request. next_page_token: Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results. """, # @@protoc_insertion_point( ), ) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(GroupAssetsResponse) GroupFindingsRequest = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType( "GroupFindingsRequest", (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR=_GROUPFINDINGSREQUEST, __module__="", __doc__="""Request message for grouping by findings. Attributes: parent: Name of the source to groupBy. Its format is "organizations/[organization\_id]/sources/[source\_id]". To groupBy across all sources provide a source\_id of ``-``. For example: organizations/123/sources/- filter: Expression that defines the filter to apply across findings. The expression is a list of one or more restrictions combined via logical operators ``AND`` and ``OR``. Parentheses are not supported, and ``OR`` has higher precedence than ``AND``. Restrictions have the form ``<field> <operator> <value>`` and may have a ``-`` character in front of them to indicate negation. Examples include: - name - source\_properties.a\_property - security\_marks.marks.marka The supported operators are: - ``=`` for all value types. - ``>``, ``<``, ``>=``, ``<=`` for integer values. - ``:``, meaning substring matching, for strings. The supported value types are: - string literals in quotes. - integer literals without quotes. - boolean literals ``true`` and ``false`` without quotes. For example, ``source_properties.size = 100`` is a valid filter string. group_by: Expression that defines what assets fields to use for grouping (including ``state``). The string value should follow SQL syntax: comma separated list of fields. For example: "parent,resource\_name". The following fields are supported: - resource\_name - category - state - parent read_time: Time used as a reference point when filtering findings. The filter is limited to findings existing at the supplied time and their values are those at that specific time. Absence of this field will default to the API's version of NOW. page_token: The value returned by the last ``GroupFindingsResponse``; indicates that this is a continuation of a prior ``GroupFindings`` call, and that the system should return the next page of data. page_size: The maximum number of results to return in a single response. Default is 10, minimum is 1, maximum is 1000. """, # @@protoc_insertion_point( ), ) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(GroupFindingsRequest) GroupFindingsResponse = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType( "GroupFindingsResponse", (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR=_GROUPFINDINGSRESPONSE, __module__="", __doc__="""Response message for group by findings. Attributes: group_by_results: Group results. There exists an element for each existing unique combination of property/values. The element contains a count for the number of times those specific property/values appear. read_time: Time used for executing the groupBy request. next_page_token: Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results. """, # @@protoc_insertion_point( ), ) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(GroupFindingsResponse) GroupResult = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType( "GroupResult", (_message.Message,), dict( PropertiesEntry=_reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType( "PropertiesEntry", (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR=_GROUPRESULT_PROPERTIESENTRY, __module__="" # @@protoc_insertion_point( ), ), DESCRIPTOR=_GROUPRESULT, __module__="", __doc__="""Result containing the properties and count of a groupBy request. Attributes: properties: Properties matching the groupBy fields in the request. count: Total count of resources for the given properties. """, # @@protoc_insertion_point( ), ) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(GroupResult) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(GroupResult.PropertiesEntry) ListSourcesRequest = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType( "ListSourcesRequest", (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR=_LISTSOURCESREQUEST, __module__="", __doc__="""Request message for listing sources. Attributes: parent: Resource name of the parent of sources to list. Its format should be "organizations/[organization\_id]". page_token: The value returned by the last ``ListSourcesResponse``; indicates that this is a continuation of a prior ``ListSources`` call, and that the system should return the next page of data. page_size: The maximum number of results to return in a single response. Default is 10, minimum is 1, maximum is 1000. """, # @@protoc_insertion_point( ), ) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(ListSourcesRequest) ListSourcesResponse = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType( "ListSourcesResponse", (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR=_LISTSOURCESRESPONSE, __module__="", __doc__="""Response message for listing sources. Attributes: sources: Sources belonging to the requested parent. next_page_token: Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results. """, # @@protoc_insertion_point( ), ) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(ListSourcesResponse) ListAssetsRequest = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType( "ListAssetsRequest", (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR=_LISTASSETSREQUEST, __module__="", __doc__="""Request message for listing assets. Attributes: parent: Name of the organization assets should belong to. Its format is "organizations/[organization\_id]". filter: Expression that defines the filter to apply across assets. The expression is a list of zero or more restrictions combined via logical operators ``AND`` and ``OR``. Parentheses are not supported, and ``OR`` has higher precedence than ``AND``. Restrictions have the form ``<field> <operator> <value>`` and may have a ``-`` character in front of them to indicate negation. The fields map to those defined in the Asset resource. Examples include: - name - security\_center\_properties.resource\_name - resource\_properties.a\_property - security\_marks.marks.marka The supported operators are: - ``=`` for all value types. - ``>``, ``<``, ``>=``, ``<=`` for integer values. - ``:``, meaning substring matching, for strings. The supported value types are: - string literals in quotes. - integer literals without quotes. - boolean literals ``true`` and ``false`` without quotes. For example, ``resource_properties.size = 100`` is a valid filter string. order_by: Expression that defines what fields and order to use for sorting. The string value should follow SQL syntax: comma separated list of fields. For example: "name,resource\_properties.a\_property". The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix " desc" should be appended to the field name. For example: "name desc,resource\_properties.a\_property". Redundant space characters in the syntax are insignificant. "name desc,resource\_properties.a\_property" and " name desc , resource\_properties.a\_property " are equivalent. read_time: Time used as a reference point when filtering assets. The filter is limited to assets existing at the supplied time and their values are those at that specific time. Absence of this field will default to the API's version of NOW. compare_duration: When compare\_duration is set, the ListAssetResult's "state" attribute is updated to indicate whether the asset was added, removed, or remained present during the compare\_duration period of time that precedes the read\_time. This is the time between (read\_time - compare\_duration) and read\_time. The state value is derived based on the presence of the asset at the two points in time. Intermediate state changes between the two times don't affect the result. For example, the results aren't affected if the asset is removed and re-created again. Possible "state" values when compare\_duration is specified: - "ADDED": indicates that the asset was not present before compare\_duration, but present at read\_time. - "REMOVED": indicates that the asset was present at the start of compare\_duration, but not present at read\_time. - "ACTIVE": indicates that the asset was present at both the start and the end of the time period defined by compare\_duration and read\_time. If compare\_duration is not specified, then the only possible state is "UNUSED", which indicates that the asset is present at read\_time. field_mask: Optional. A field mask to specify the ListAssetsResult fields to be listed in the response. An empty field mask will list all fields. page_token: The value returned by the last ``ListAssetsResponse``; indicates that this is a continuation of a prior ``ListAssets`` call, and that the system should return the next page of data. page_size: The maximum number of results to return in a single response. Default is 10, minimum is 1, maximum is 1000. """, # @@protoc_insertion_point( ), ) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(ListAssetsRequest) ListAssetsResponse = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType( "ListAssetsResponse", (_message.Message,), dict( ListAssetsResult=_reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType( "ListAssetsResult", (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR=_LISTASSETSRESPONSE_LISTASSETSRESULT, __module__="", __doc__="""Result containing the Asset and its State. Attributes: asset: Asset matching the search request. state: State of the asset. """, # @@protoc_insertion_point( ), ), DESCRIPTOR=_LISTASSETSRESPONSE, __module__="", __doc__="""Response message for listing assets. Attributes: list_assets_results: Assets matching the list request. read_time: Time used for executing the list request. next_page_token: Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results. total_size: The total number of assets matching the query. """, # @@protoc_insertion_point( ), ) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(ListAssetsResponse) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(ListAssetsResponse.ListAssetsResult) ListFindingsRequest = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType( "ListFindingsRequest", (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR=_LISTFINDINGSREQUEST, __module__="", __doc__="""Request message for listing findings. Attributes: parent: Name of the source the findings belong to. Its format is "organizations/[organization\_id]/sources/[source\_id]". To list across all sources provide a source\_id of ``-``. For example: organizations/123/sources/- filter: Expression that defines the filter to apply across findings. The expression is a list of one or more restrictions combined via logical operators ``AND`` and ``OR``. Parentheses are not supported, and ``OR`` has higher precedence than ``AND``. Restrictions have the form ``<field> <operator> <value>`` and may have a ``-`` character in front of them to indicate negation. Examples include: - name - source\_properties.a\_property - security\_marks.marks.marka The supported operators are: - ``=`` for all value types. - ``>``, ``<``, ``>=``, ``<=`` for integer values. - ``:``, meaning substring matching, for strings. The supported value types are: - string literals in quotes. - integer literals without quotes. - boolean literals ``true`` and ``false`` without quotes. For example, ``source_properties.size = 100`` is a valid filter string. order_by: Expression that defines what fields and order to use for sorting. The string value should follow SQL syntax: comma separated list of fields. For example: "name,resource\_properties.a\_property". The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, a suffix " desc" should be appended to the field name. For example: "name desc,source\_properties.a\_property". Redundant space characters in the syntax are insignificant. "name desc,source\_properties.a\_property" and " name desc , source\_properties.a\_property " are equivalent. read_time: Time used as a reference point when filtering findings. The filter is limited to findings existing at the supplied time and their values are those at that specific time. Absence of this field will default to the API's version of NOW. field_mask: Optional. A field mask to specify the Finding fields to be listed in the response. An empty field mask will list all fields. page_token: The value returned by the last ``ListFindingsResponse``; indicates that this is a continuation of a prior ``ListFindings`` call, and that the system should return the next page of data. page_size: The maximum number of results to return in a single response. Default is 10, minimum is 1, maximum is 1000. """, # @@protoc_insertion_point( ), ) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(ListFindingsRequest) ListFindingsResponse = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType( "ListFindingsResponse", (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR=_LISTFINDINGSRESPONSE, __module__="", __doc__="""Response message for listing findings. Attributes: findings: Findings matching the list request. read_time: Time used for executing the list request. next_page_token: Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more results. total_size: The total number of findings matching the query. """, # @@protoc_insertion_point( ), ) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(ListFindingsResponse) SetFindingStateRequest = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType( "SetFindingStateRequest", (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR=_SETFINDINGSTATEREQUEST, __module__="", __doc__="""Request message for updating a finding's state. Attributes: name: The relative resource name of the finding. See: https://cloud.\_names#relative\_resource\_nam e Example: "organizations/123/sources/456/finding/789". state: The desired State of the finding. start_time: The time at which the updated state takes effect. """, # @@protoc_insertion_point( ), ) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(SetFindingStateRequest) RunAssetDiscoveryRequest = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType( "RunAssetDiscoveryRequest", (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR=_RUNASSETDISCOVERYREQUEST, __module__="", __doc__="""Request message for running asset discovery for an organization. Attributes: parent: Name of the organization to run asset discovery for. Its format is "organizations/[organization\_id]". """, # @@protoc_insertion_point( ), ) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(RunAssetDiscoveryRequest) UpdateFindingRequest = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType( "UpdateFindingRequest", (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR=_UPDATEFINDINGREQUEST, __module__="", __doc__="""Request message for updating or creating a finding. Attributes: finding: The finding resource to update or create if it does not already exist. parent, security\_marks, and update\_time will be ignored. In the case of creation, the finding id portion of the name must alphanumeric and less than or equal to 32 characters and greater than 0 characters in length. update_mask: The FieldMask to use when updating the finding resource. This field is ignored if the finding does not already exist and the finding is created. """, # @@protoc_insertion_point( ), ) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(UpdateFindingRequest) UpdateOrganizationSettingsRequest = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType( "UpdateOrganizationSettingsRequest", (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR=_UPDATEORGANIZATIONSETTINGSREQUEST, __module__="", __doc__="""Request message for updating an organization's settings. Attributes: organization_settings: The organization settings resource to update. update_mask: The FieldMask to use when updating the settings resource. """, # @@protoc_insertion_point( ), ) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(UpdateOrganizationSettingsRequest) UpdateSourceRequest = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType( "UpdateSourceRequest", (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR=_UPDATESOURCEREQUEST, __module__="", __doc__="""Request message for updating a source. Attributes: source: The source resource to update. update_mask: The FieldMask to use when updating the source resource. """, # @@protoc_insertion_point( ), ) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(UpdateSourceRequest) UpdateSecurityMarksRequest = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType( "UpdateSecurityMarksRequest", (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR=_UPDATESECURITYMARKSREQUEST, __module__="", __doc__="""Request message for updating a SecurityMarks resource. Attributes: security_marks: The security marks resource to update. update_mask: The FieldMask to use when updating the security marks resource. start_time: The time at which the updated SecurityMarks take effect. """, # @@protoc_insertion_point( ), ) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(UpdateSecurityMarksRequest) DESCRIPTOR.has_options = True DESCRIPTOR._options = _descriptor._ParseOptions( descriptor_pb2.FileOptions(), _b( "\n'\;securitycenter" ), ) _GROUPRESULT_PROPERTIESENTRY.has_options = True _GROUPRESULT_PROPERTIESENTRY._options = _descriptor._ParseOptions( descriptor_pb2.MessageOptions(), _b("8\001") ) _SECURITYCENTER = _descriptor.ServiceDescriptor( name="SecurityCenter", full_name="", file=DESCRIPTOR, index=0, options=None, serialized_start=4076, serialized_end=7660, methods=[ _descriptor.MethodDescriptor( name="CreateSource", full_name="", index=0, containing_service=None, input_type=_CREATESOURCEREQUEST, output_type=google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_source__pb2._SOURCE, options=_descriptor._ParseOptions( descriptor_pb2.MethodOptions(), _b( '\202\323\344\223\0023")/v1beta1/{parent=organizations/*}/sources:\006source' ), ), ), _descriptor.MethodDescriptor( name="CreateFinding", full_name="", index=1, containing_service=None, input_type=_CREATEFINDINGREQUEST, output_type=google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_finding__pb2._FINDING, options=_descriptor._ParseOptions( descriptor_pb2.MethodOptions(), _b( '\202\323\344\223\002?"4/v1beta1/{parent=organizations/*/sources/*}/findings:\007finding' ), ), ), _descriptor.MethodDescriptor( name="GetIamPolicy", full_name="", index=2, containing_service=None, input_type=google_dot_iam_dot_v1_dot_iam__policy__pb2._GETIAMPOLICYREQUEST, output_type=google_dot_iam_dot_v1_dot_policy__pb2._POLICY, options=_descriptor._ParseOptions( descriptor_pb2.MethodOptions(), _b( '\202\323\344\223\002?":/v1beta1/{resource=organizations/*/sources/*}:getIamPolicy:\001*' ), ), ), _descriptor.MethodDescriptor( name="GetOrganizationSettings", full_name="", index=3, containing_service=None, input_type=_GETORGANIZATIONSETTINGSREQUEST, output_type=google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_organization__settings__pb2._ORGANIZATIONSETTINGS, options=_descriptor._ParseOptions( descriptor_pb2.MethodOptions(), _b( "\202\323\344\223\0026\0224/v1beta1/{name=organizations/*/organizationSettings}" ), ), ), _descriptor.MethodDescriptor( name="GetSource", full_name="", index=4, containing_service=None, input_type=_GETSOURCEREQUEST, output_type=google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_source__pb2._SOURCE, options=_descriptor._ParseOptions( descriptor_pb2.MethodOptions(), _b( "\202\323\344\223\002+\022)/v1beta1/{name=organizations/*/sources/*}" ), ), ), _descriptor.MethodDescriptor( name="GroupAssets", full_name="", index=5, containing_service=None, input_type=_GROUPASSETSREQUEST, output_type=_GROUPASSETSRESPONSE, options=_descriptor._ParseOptions( descriptor_pb2.MethodOptions(), _b( '\202\323\344\223\0023"./v1beta1/{parent=organizations/*}/assets:group:\001*' ), ), ), _descriptor.MethodDescriptor( name="GroupFindings", full_name="", index=6, containing_service=None, input_type=_GROUPFINDINGSREQUEST, output_type=_GROUPFINDINGSRESPONSE, options=_descriptor._ParseOptions( descriptor_pb2.MethodOptions(), _b( '\202\323\344\223\002?":/v1beta1/{parent=organizations/*/sources/*}/findings:group:\001*' ), ), ), _descriptor.MethodDescriptor( name="ListAssets", full_name="", index=7, containing_service=None, input_type=_LISTASSETSREQUEST, output_type=_LISTASSETSRESPONSE, options=_descriptor._ParseOptions( descriptor_pb2.MethodOptions(), _b( "\202\323\344\223\002*\022(/v1beta1/{parent=organizations/*}/assets" ), ), ), _descriptor.MethodDescriptor( name="ListFindings", full_name="", index=8, containing_service=None, input_type=_LISTFINDINGSREQUEST, output_type=_LISTFINDINGSRESPONSE, options=_descriptor._ParseOptions( descriptor_pb2.MethodOptions(), _b( "\202\323\344\223\0026\0224/v1beta1/{parent=organizations/*/sources/*}/findings" ), ), ), _descriptor.MethodDescriptor( name="ListSources", full_name="", index=9, containing_service=None, input_type=_LISTSOURCESREQUEST, output_type=_LISTSOURCESRESPONSE, options=_descriptor._ParseOptions( descriptor_pb2.MethodOptions(), _b( "\202\323\344\223\002+\022)/v1beta1/{parent=organizations/*}/sources" ), ), ), _descriptor.MethodDescriptor( name="RunAssetDiscovery", full_name="", index=10, containing_service=None, input_type=_RUNASSETDISCOVERYREQUEST, output_type=google_dot_longrunning_dot_operations__pb2._OPERATION, options=_descriptor._ParseOptions( descriptor_pb2.MethodOptions(), _b( '\202\323\344\223\002:"5/v1beta1/{parent=organizations/*}/assets:runDiscovery:\001*' ), ), ), _descriptor.MethodDescriptor( name="SetFindingState", full_name="", index=11, containing_service=None, input_type=_SETFINDINGSTATEREQUEST, output_type=google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_finding__pb2._FINDING, options=_descriptor._ParseOptions( descriptor_pb2.MethodOptions(), _b( '\202\323\344\223\002B"=/v1beta1/{name=organizations/*/sources/*/findings/*}:setState:\001*' ), ), ), _descriptor.MethodDescriptor( name="SetIamPolicy", full_name="", index=12, containing_service=None, input_type=google_dot_iam_dot_v1_dot_iam__policy__pb2._SETIAMPOLICYREQUEST, output_type=google_dot_iam_dot_v1_dot_policy__pb2._POLICY, options=_descriptor._ParseOptions( descriptor_pb2.MethodOptions(), _b( '\202\323\344\223\002?":/v1beta1/{resource=organizations/*/sources/*}:setIamPolicy:\001*' ), ), ), _descriptor.MethodDescriptor( name="TestIamPermissions", full_name="", index=13, containing_service=None, input_type=google_dot_iam_dot_v1_dot_iam__policy__pb2._TESTIAMPERMISSIONSREQUEST, output_type=google_dot_iam_dot_v1_dot_iam__policy__pb2._TESTIAMPERMISSIONSRESPONSE, options=_descriptor._ParseOptions( descriptor_pb2.MethodOptions(), _b( '\202\323\344\223\002E"@/v1beta1/{resource=organizations/*/sources/*}:testIamPermissions:\001*' ), ), ), _descriptor.MethodDescriptor( name="UpdateFinding", full_name="", index=14, containing_service=None, input_type=_UPDATEFINDINGREQUEST, output_type=google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_finding__pb2._FINDING, options=_descriptor._ParseOptions( descriptor_pb2.MethodOptions(), _b( "\202\323\344\223\002G2</v1beta1/{*/sources/*/findings/*}:\007finding" ), ), ), _descriptor.MethodDescriptor( name="UpdateOrganizationSettings", full_name="", index=15, containing_service=None, input_type=_UPDATEORGANIZATIONSETTINGSREQUEST, output_type=google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_organization__settings__pb2._ORGANIZATIONSETTINGS, options=_descriptor._ParseOptions( descriptor_pb2.MethodOptions(), _b( "\202\323\344\223\002c2J/v1beta1/{*/organizationSettings}:\025organization_settings" ), ), ), _descriptor.MethodDescriptor( name="UpdateSource", full_name="", index=16, containing_service=None, input_type=_UPDATESOURCEREQUEST, output_type=google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_source__pb2._SOURCE, options=_descriptor._ParseOptions( descriptor_pb2.MethodOptions(), _b( "\202\323\344\223\002:20/v1beta1/{*/sources/*}:\006source" ), ), ), _descriptor.MethodDescriptor( name="UpdateSecurityMarks", full_name="", index=17, containing_service=None, input_type=_UPDATESECURITYMARKSREQUEST, output_type=google_dot_cloud_dot_securitycenter__v1beta1_dot_proto_dot_security__marks__pb2._SECURITYMARKS, options=_descriptor._ParseOptions( descriptor_pb2.MethodOptions(), _b( "\202\323\344\223\002\274\0012E/v1beta1/{*/assets/*/securityMarks}:\016security_marksZc2Q/v1beta1/{*/sources/*/findings/*/securityMarks}:\016security_marks" ), ), ), ], ) _sym_db.RegisterServiceDescriptor(_SECURITYCENTER) DESCRIPTOR.services_by_name["SecurityCenter"] = _SECURITYCENTER # @@protoc_insertion_point(module_scope)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]