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GUÍA DOCENTE DE Experiencia de Usuario [2020 -21]
Guía Docente de Experiencia de Usuari o 2020 - 2021 1 DATOS GENERALES Nombre : EXPERIENCIA DE USUARIO Código: 801930 Curso: 2020 -21 Titulación: Grado en Marketing y Comunicación Digital Nº de créditos (ECTS): 6 Requisitos: Ubicación en el plan de estudios: 3r curso, 2º cuatrimestre Fecha de la última revisión: Septiembre 2020 Profesor Responsable: Víctor García DESCRIPCIÓN GENERAL El objetivo de la asignatura es transmitir los conocimientos teóricos y prácticos que necesita un profesional del marketing y comunicación, para aplicar metodologías de Experiencia de Usuario (UX) en la gestión y desarrollo de proyectos digitales, abordándolas mediante metodologías de diseño centrado en el usuario. OBJETIVOS Al finalizar el curso el estudiante será capaz de: • Conocer las fases del proceso de creación de una interfaz, desde la concepción inicial hasta el desarrollo de un prototipo final. • Conocer los distintos roles y perfiles profesionales que intervi enen en la creación y desarrollo de un producto interactivo. • Conocer las tecnologías web y sus lenguajes . • Conocer qué es la UX y aplicar su metodología para generar mejores experiencias a los usuarios: la usabilidad, el diseño de interacción, la accesibilidad, la arquitectura de la información, las técnicas y métodos de evaluación y los procesos de trabajo en equipos de UX. • Identificar y establecer las necesidades de los usuarios y los requerimientos de un proyecto haciendo uso de técnicas específ icas para ello. • Conocer y utilizar herramientas de prototipado de interfaces en la creación de un producto interactivo. • Conocer las principales características de HTML, CSS y JS a la hora de comunicarse con el equipo de desarrollo. • Conocer los diseños mult iplataforma y responsive web design. • Conocer y aplicar las distintas técnicas de evaluación de interfaces desde el punto de vista de la usabilidad y la experiencia de usuario, considerando la adecuación de cada una de ellas a cada contexto. • Planificar y ll evar a cabo evaluaciones heurísticas y test con usuarios. Aplicar las métricas idóneas y analizarán los resultados.
Guía Docente de Experiencia de Usuari o 2020 - 2021 2 • Ser capaz de definir KPIs específicas de experiencia de usuario. • Conocer los procesos de trabajo dentro de las empresas que ofrecen servicio s de UX, tanto si son departamentos que trabajan para esa misma empresa como si se trata de consultoría para clientes. • Ser capaz de trabajar con metodologías "ágiles". • Poder aplicar los conocimientos a proyectos de comercio electrónico en los que la persua sión y la conversión son el eje central. CONTENIDOS TEMA 1: EXPERIENCIA DE USUARIO. FUNDAMENTOS Resultados del aprendizaje El estudiante después de estudiar el tema y realizar los ejercicios, será capaz de: • Conocer y definir el concepto de experiencia de usuario (UX). • Identificar las fases y metodologías aplicadas en la conceptualización y desarrollo de un producto interactivo. • Conocer los distintos roles y equipos que intervienen en la conceptualización y desarrollo de un producto interacti vo. • Conocer cuáles son las principales herramientas empleadas en la conceptualización, diseño y evaluación de productos interactivos . Contenido 1.1 ¿Qué es experiencia de usuario? Orígenes y definiciones de UX. 1.2 ¿Cuándo es necesario aplicar UX? 1.3 Perfiles profesionales y equipos. 1.4 El rol del diseñador/investigador UX en el Diseño Centrado en el Usuario. 1.5 Fases, métodos, procesos y planificación del diseño UX. 1.6 Herramientas . TEMA 2 : CLIENTES Y USUARIOS Resultados del aprendizaje El estudiante después de estudiar el tema y realizar los ejercicios, será capaz de: • Conocer y aplicar metodologías para la identificación de requerimientos de un proyecto interactivo.
Guía Docente de Experiencia de Usuari o 2020 - 2021 3 • Planificar y moderar workshops con clientes y usuarios, aplicando metodologías ágiles. Contenido 2.1 Entrevistas y workshops con clientes y usuarios. 2.2 Metodologías y herramientas. 2.3 Design Thinking. Definición, procesos y técnicas. TEMA 3 : INVESTIGACIÓN Resultados del aprendizaje El estudiante después de estudiar el tema y realizar los ejercicios, será capaz de: • Analizar e identificar las necesidades de los clientes y usuarios . • Analizar proyectos de diseño de interfaz. • Definir proyectos de diseño de interfaz. • Comunicar los resulta dos de la investigación . Contenido 3.1 Desk Research y User Research cualitativo y cuantitativo, planificación, metodología, trabajo de campo y análisis, técnicas y entregables. 3.2 Personas y escenarios, consumer journey, prototipado rápido . 3.3 Encuestas a usuarios y entrevistas cualitativas. 3.4 Conceptualización y diseño estratégico. 3.5 Storytelling. 3.6 Arquitectura de la información, Card Sorting, Tree Testing y flujos de usuario. Historias de usuario. 3.7 Sketching, Wireframing y Prototipado. TEMA 4 : DEFINICIÓN ESTRATÉGICA Resultados del aprendizaje El estudiante después de est udiar el tema y realizar los ejercicios, será capaz de: • Identificar la propuesta de valor. • Alinear las decisiones estratégicas de los clientes con sus objetivos de negocio. • Reunir la información disponible para ayudar al cliente. • Elaborar un Storytelling .
Guía Docente de Experiencia de Usuari o 2020 - 2021 4 Contenido 4.1 Definición estratégica: 4.1.1 Identificar la propuesta de valor diferencial del producto/servicio hacia su público objetivo, aplicando el modelo conceptual adecuado 4.1.2 Alinear las decisiones estratégicas de los clientes con sus objetivos de negocio 4.1.3 Reunir la información disponible acerca de las necesidades y expectativas de los usuarios, los objetivos de negocio, y las capacidades y limitaciones de la tecnología y recursos disponibles, para ayudar al cliente a seleccionar una alt ernativa estratégica viable 4.2 Storytelling . 4.2.1 Concepción: estrategias y macro narrativa del proyecto . 4.2.2 Investigación: historias de usuario . 4.2.3 Definición: ayudar al cliente a entender procesos de trabajo y para justificar decisiones de diseño . 4.2.4 Presentación de proyectos . TEMA 5 : DISEÑO UX. PROTOTIPADO Y DISEÑO DE INTERACCIÓN Resultados del aprendizaje El estudiante después de estudiar el tema y realizar los ejercicios, será capaz de: • Definir una arquitectura de información adecuada para un proye cto web o app • Conocer la importancia del prototipado • Conocer las principales técnicas y herramientas de prototipado actuales. • Aplicar herramientas de prototipado en un proyecto web o app • Crear prototipos adaptados a dispositivos. Responsive web design Contenido 5.1 Arquitectura de información. Técnicas y herramientas para la definición de la arquitectura de información . 5.2 Prototipado físico y prototipado digital. Wireframes . 5.3 Diseño interacción . 5.4 Diseño visual (UI design) . 5.5 Herramienta de prototipado digital. Procedimientos . 5.6 Diseño RWD (Responsive web design) . 5.6.1 Responsive web design y adaptive web design . 5.6.2 Diseño de interacción para dispositivos móviles . 5.6.3 Mobile first .
Guía Docente de Experiencia de Usuari o 2020 - 2021 5 TEMA 6: EVALUACIÓN DE LA USABILIDAD Resultados del aprendizaje El estudiante después de estudiar el tema y realizar los ejercicios, será capaz de: • Conocer las técnicas de evaluación de la usabilidad. • Analizar la naturaleza de los datos a representar y el contexto de uso. • Presentar los resultados de la evaluación al cliente . • Interpretar los resultados de la evaluación y definir acciones de mejora . Contenido 6.1 Técnicas de evaluación de la usabilidad . 6.2 Visualización de Datos. Comunicar de manera efectiva los datos y conclusiones de la evaluación . 6.3 Analizar la naturaleza de los datos a representar y el contexto de uso . 6.4 Métodos de evaluación sin usuarios. Evaluación heurística . 6.5 Métodos de evaluación con usuarios. Test con usuarios . 6.6 Evaluación a lo largo del tiempo. 6.7 Accesibilidad . 6.8 Planificación y gestión de la evaluación . METODOLOGÍA DE ENSEÑANZA Y APRENDIZAJE Las sesiones se basarán en : • clase expositiva, • casos prácticos, • búsqueda y análisis de ejemplos en internet, • presentaciones por parte de los alumnos, • visualización de ejemplos prácticos. Es necesario que los alumnos dispongan de un ordenador en las clases con el software necesario para la elaboración de las actividades . EVALUACIÓN De acuerdo con el Plan Bolonia, el modelo premia el esfuerzo constante y continuado del estudiantado. Un 40% de la nota se obtiene de la evaluación continua de las actividades dirigidas y el 60% porcentaje restante, del examen final presencial. El examen final tiene dos convocatorias.
Guía Docente de Experiencia de Usuari o 2020 - 2021 6 La nota final de la asignatura (NF) se calculará a partir de la siguiente fórmula: ▪ NF = Nota Examen Final x 60% + Nota Evaluación Continuada x 40% ▪ Nota mínima del examen final para calcular la NF será de 40 puntos sobre 100. ▪ La asignatura queda aprobada con una NF igual o superior a 50 puntos sobre 100. BIBLIOGRAFÍA 6.1. BIBLIOGRAFÍA BÁSIC A • COOPER, A. (2014). About Face: The Essentials of Interaction Design. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing • JOHNSON, J. (2014). Designing with the Mind in Mind: Simple Guide to Understanding User Interface Design. Massachusetts: Morgan Kaufman • LIDWELL, W. (2010) Universal Principles of Design. New York: Rockwell • MARCOTTE, E. (2014) Responsive Web Design. Nueva York: A Book Apart • MARTIN, B. Y HANINGTON, B. (2012) Universal Methods of Design. Beverly: Rockport Publishers • NUDELMAN, G. (2011) Designing Search. UX Strategies for eCommerce Success. Indianapolis: Wiley P ublishing • WROBLEWSKI,L. (2008). Web Form Design. New York: Rosenfeld 6.2. BIBLIOGRAFÍA COMPLEMENTARIA • KRUG, S. (2014) Don’t make me think. New York: Pearson • WEINSCHENK, S. (2011) 100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People. New York: New Riders • WILEY SAFFER, D. (2013). Microinteractions: Designing with Details. USA: O’Reily • WROBLEWSKI,L. (2011). Mobile first. New York: A Book Apart
1052 West Galena Avenue Freeport, Illinois 61032 (815) 232 -4171 Notice of Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Freeport PLEASE BE ADVISED that the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Freeport, Illinois will conduct its regularly scheduled board meeting virtual ly: Date: Wednesday , July 21 , 202 1 Time: 6:00 pm Location: Virtually. For Public Access Dial: (872) 240-3212 Access Code: 738-512-157 Posted: July 19, 202 1 PURSUANT TO EXECUTIVE ORDER 2020 -07 SIGNED BY GOVERNOR PRITZKER AND GUIDANCE PROVIDED BY LEGAL COUNSEL, THE H OUSING AUTHORITY of the C ITY of F REEPORT MAY CONDUCT ALL OR PORTIONS OF THIS MEETING BY USE OF TELEPHONIC OR ELECTRONIC MEANS WITHOUT A PHYSICAL QUORUM PRESENT IN THE BOARDROOM. Agenda I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Pledge of Allegiance IV. Approval of Agenda V. Approval of Minutes a. Regular Board Meeting Minutes, April 21, 2021 b. Regular Board Meeting Minutes, May 19, 2021 VI. Public Comment VII. Introduction of Commissioner Byrnes, Chair Smith -Norman VIII. CEO Report, Babette Jamison -Varner
1052 West Galena Avenue Freeport, Illinois 61032 (815) 232 -4171 IX. Financial Report, Mike Bainbridge X. Adjournment
Results Inthis study, five pairs ofqPCR reactions were developed toidentify the high -risk (HR) genetic variants ofAPOL 1,LIMS 1,and G+3196 .The assay delivers agood resolution indistinguishing HR variants from common (Wt)variants (Figure 1.)The test allows for detection ofallthe variants and zygosity determination ateach ofthe polymorphic sites .The accuracy oftheassay was confirmed with 100%concordance forallthesamples (Table 2). Genetic risk factors in solid organ transplantation: beyond classical human leukocyte antigen Beata Kmiec1, Nathalie Ilehag1, Connie Xu1, Dan Dou1, Supaneda N. Kolanski2, Christopher N. Newbound2, Ben Passey1, Anna Hedlund1, David C. Sayer 2 1CareDx AB, Stockholm, Sweden; 2CareDx Pty Ltd, Fremantle, Australia. Introduction HLA matching iscrucial forsolid organ transplant survival, butitisnottheonly important factor indetermining thesuccessful outcome ofatransplant .Several independent studies identified genetic variants ofApolipoprotein L1(APOL 1,22q12.3),LIM zinc finger domain containing 1(LIMS 1,2q12.3)and 3’-UTR low expression variant ofHLA-G(G+3196 ,6p22.1)aseither contributing toallograft failure orcorrelated with the risk ofallograft rejection, when present as homozygous . Out ofthese, APOL 1hasbeen studied most extensively .APOL 1G1and G2variants (G1a-rs73885319 ,G1b-rs60910145 and G2-rs71785313 )areassociated with anincreased riskofdeveloping chronic kidney disease [1-3]and commonly referred toasrenal riskvariants (RRV) .Additionally, transplanting kidneys carrying two RRVs was associated with ahigher risk ofanearlier allograft failure .Inthree studies ofdeceased donor transplants, therisk ofgraft failure ranged from 2,05to3,84at24-or36-month post transplantation follow -up[4-6].Because ofthepotential risk ofkidney disease associated with RRVs, decision ofkidney donation might potentially also carry risk forliving donors [7].Broad studies evaluating risk ofliving kidney donations fordonors carrying two RRVs are underway [8]. Transplanting kidney toarecipient homozygous forLIMS 1mismatch atrs893403 might result ingenomic collision and production ofanti-LIMS 1antibodies, leading toachronic rejection .The genomic collision atchromosome 2q12.3,leads toarisk ofrejection that isnearly 60%higher than theriskamong donor – recipient pairs with non-collision genotypes [9].LIMS 1genomic collision would beexpected tooccur inapproximately 12-15%oftransplants from unrelated donors among individuals ofEuropean and African ancestry .Increased risk forchronic T-cell mediated rejection inLIMS 1collision background was later reported inanother study byCaliskan etal.[10]. HLA-Gisawell-established modulator ofthe immune response and increased expression ofHLA-Gwas shown toincrease allograft acceptance [11].High - expression variant ofHLA-Greduces theriskofrejection by66,9%,compared tothelow-expression variant (rs1610696 C>G), carrying single nucleotide change in3’-UTR inposition +3196 [12]. The relevance ofthe high -risk variants issupported bytheir strong penetration across different populations .These variants arepresent atca.40%among individuals ofEuropean and African ancestry (LIMS 1),35%among African Americans (APOL 1)and 20-30%among individuals ofEuropean, African and Asian ancestry (G+3196 ). Methods and Materials The assay .We developed qPCR -based tests utilizing TaqMan® probes and targeting high risk variants ofAPOL 1: G1a(rs73885319 ),G1b(rs60910145 )and G2(rs71785313 ); LIMS 1(rs893403 ),and G+3196 (rs1610696 ),aswell astheir common reference variants (ten reactions intotal and one no-template control ;Table 1).Each reaction also includes aninternal control assay .The reactions were dispensed and dried ina384-well plate format . Table 1.Variants detected .The test detects high-risk (HR) and common (Wt)variants ofAPOL 1,LIMS 1andG+3196 . Conclusions and major takeaways •Wedeveloped arapid test fordetection ofhigh -risk variants ofAPOL 1(G1and G2),LIMS 1(rs1610696 C>G) and G+3196 ,and confirmed itsaccuracy on110 samples . •Growing evidence suggests that additional factors, other than classical HLA genes, such asAPOL 1,LIMS ,andHLA-Gexpression variant (G+3196 )could have an effect onallograft failure orrejection .The relevance ofthese factors issupported bythehigh frequencies oftheir riskvariants across different populations . •Inclusion ofthese risk variants, inaddition toHLA typing, provides amore comprehensive transplant care, from better pre-transplant matching topost - transplant surveillance and guidance inadministration ofimmunosuppressives . •Alltheabove make APOL 1,LIMS 1and G+3196 valuable targets forpersonalized medicine . Figure 1.110 celllinetesting forcommon (Wt) and high-riskvariant (HR) ofAPOL 1(G1a,G1b, G2),LIMS 1,and HLA-G+3196 .Allsamples were plotted with relative fluorescence intensity (y- axis) and relative Cq(x-axis) obtained foreach reaction and itsinternal control .Colored shading highlight the positive (green) and negative (red) result ofrespective reaction . G1aWt G1bWt G2WtG1aHR G1bHR G2HR LIMS1WtLIMS1HR G+3196WtG+3196HR [1] Genovese et al. (2010) Science. 329:841‐845; [2] Tzur S et al. (2012) Nephrol Dial Transplant; [3] Olivier Gribouval et al . (2018) Nephrol Dial Transplant 1 –9 [4] Reeves -Daniel et al. (2011) Am J Transplant. 11: 1025 –1030); [5] Freedman BI et al. (2015) Am J Transplant 15:1615 –1622 ; [6] Freedman BI et al. (2016) Transplantation 100:194 –202; [7] Doshi MD et al. (2018) J Am Soc Nephrol 29:1309 –1316 [8] Lentine KL. and Mannon RB (2020) Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens 29:645 -655 [9] Steers N.J. et al. 2019 N Engl J Med. 380:20; [10] Caliskan Y et al. LIMS1 Gene Mismatching and Risk of Rejection in Kidney Transplant Recipients. KidneyWeek2020 Poster communication [1 1]Le Rond S et al. (2006) J Immunol. 176:3266 -3276 [12] Adamson et al, Human Immunology 81 (2020) 134 –140 Cell line DNA typing .110 cellline DNA samples from the IHW collection were typed using the test plate .Accuracy oftheqPCR -based typing was verified byAlloSeq ®hybrid - capture assay (APOL 1,G+3196 ;CareDx PtyLtd, Australia) and Sanger sequencing (LIMS 1;Eurofins Genomics, Germany) .Table 2.Test accuracy .Accuracy ofthetestwas confirmed forallthe samples tested with 100%concordance .Data analysis .The Cqand final fluorescence were calculated from qPCR amplification curve, forboth, the target gene and theinternal control .Relative Cq(rCq) and relative fluorescence (rFF)were calculated by normalizing values forthe gene variant toitsinternal control .The combination ofrCq and rFFwas used to determine whether the sample was positive or negative ineach reaction .
©201 4 by Trustees of Boston College, National Resource Center for Participant -Directed Services. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two paragraphs may be quoted without explicit permission pr ovided that the authors are identified and full credit, including copyright notice, is given to Trustees of Boston College, National Resource Center for Participant -Directed Services. The opinions and conclusions expressed in this brief are solely those of the authors and do not represent the opinions of the funders of the National Resource Center for Participant -Directed Services. This information in this resource is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. Contac t the NRCPDS for permission to redistribute at [email protected] . WHAT EMPLOYERS NEED TO KNOW Follow this and other works at: participantdirection.org VD-HCBS Resource January 2014 Author(s): Lucia Cucu, J.D. Acknowledgements: Lucia Cucu would like to acknowledge Merle Edwards -Orr and Mollie Murphy for their valuable contribution to this document. The detailed review and insightful comments they provided strengthened this resource . *Special thanks to the Veteran s Health Administration (Award # : VA244 -P-1554) and Boston College for their generous sponsorship of this work.
1 National Resource Center for Participant -Directed Services www.participantdirection.org How to Protect Yourself and Your Worker: A Guide for Employers Being an employer brings not only rights but also responsibilities . This guide describes a few important issues that every employer should know about . Maintaining a Safe Workplace It is important to keep your home safe for your employee. Slips and falls are a common cause of injuries, so you should clean up or warn your employee of spills and wet surfaces, and keep stairs and flooring in good re pair. If you have pets in your home , make sure they cannot bite or scratch your employee . Making Hiring and Firing Decisions Terminating Employees Do not hesitate to terminate an employee who does not meet your needs. Most employment relationships are considered employment “at will,” which means you can terminate an employee for any reason or no reason at all , so long as your reason is not discriminatory , retaliato ry (see discussion below) or otherwise unlawful. Avoiding Promises about the Length of Employment To avoid a claim for breach of contract, do not make any promises to your employee that you will keep him employed for a certain period of time or that you would only fire him for a specific reason . Remember that a contract does not always have to be in writing to be legally binding. Spoken statements and promises can sometimes create legal obligations. Avoi ding Illegal Discrimination and Retaliation In many states it is illegal to discriminate against employees based on certain factors, which can include race, color, religion, sex, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation. This means that you must not hire, fire, or harass employees based o n such factors . While your employee is with you, be careful not to express any personal opinions that could be interpreted as discriminatory . Even if you are in your own home, the home is considered a workplace while your employee is there, and workplace d iscrimination and harassment are prohibited by law. Do not allow friends or family to behave in ways that could be considered discriminatory or harassing towards your employee. As the employer, you could be held responsible for their behavior if you allow it to continue . Sexual harassment is also illegal. It includes unwelcome sexual advances that can be physical or verbal, such as offensive comments or gestures that create a hostile environment. Remember that the harasser can be someone other than the em ployer, such as a guest visiting your home or someone who lives with you .
What Employers Need to Know 2 It is also illegal to fire employees in retaliation for reporting a crime or irregularity. For example, if an employee believes that an employer is misusing Medicaid funds and repor ts it to the authorities, it would be illegal to fire the employee in retaliation. Providing References for Former Employees Be careful when talking about your reasons for terminating employees, because you could risk a claim of discrimination or defamati on (saying things about the employee who harms them) . If you are asked for a reference about a former employee and cannot provide a positive one, it is safest not to provide a reference at all. What Family Members and Authorized Representatives Need to Know Your Duty as Representative In participant -directed programs, usually the participant (the person receiving services) is the employer. It is not unusual, however, for the participant to be unable or unwilling to serve as the employer. In those cases, the participant will designate a “representative” to serve as the employer. If you are designated a s an authorized representative, you have a fiduciary duty to the participant . “Fiduciary” means you must always act in the best interest of the participant and not in your own interest . Program funds must always be spent for the participant’s benefit, not your own benefit. Hiring and Training Employees If the participant is likely to injure himself or others, you have a duty to warn employ ees of the risk and instruct them how to best handle it. Make sure to hire only employees who can deal with situations that arise. Ask them to confirm that they understand the risks and are willing and able to handle them. If you are a parent, you must e xercise reasonable care to control your minor child as best as you can, even if you are not listed as an authorized representative for the child. It is important to hire employees who are able to deal with any risks they may encounter when caring for your child. You should warn employees ahead of time of risks, and explain how to best handle situations that may to come up. Mandatory Reporter Duty As an authorized representative, you may have a legal duty to report to the authorities if you suspect or noti ce that the participant is being abused by a family member, an employee, or some other person. Many states have “mandatory reporter” laws that could require you to report abuse of a child, an elderly adult or a person with a disabilit y. You may have a duty to report the abuse even if the abuser is a member of your own family or the participant’s family.
3 National Resource Center for Participant -Directed Services www.participantdirection.org Worker’s Compensation Insurance It is important to maintain a worker’s compensation insurance policy, because such insurance will pay for claims if an employee is injured on t he job. If an employee is injured while at work, the employer is liable even if the injury is not the employer’s fault. For example, if your employee drives to the grocery store on your behalf and is injured when a careless driver hits her car, the employ ee could ask you for compensation even though you could not have prevented the accident. This is because employers have to compensate employees for injuries sustained on the job. A worker’s compensation insurance policy will pay for such claims. Liability Insurance Worker’s compensation will pay when your employee is injured, but what happens when someone else is injured? As an employer you may be liable when your employee injures someone else, even if the injury is not your fault. For example, if your emp loyee causes a car accident while driving you to an appointment and injures a third party, the third party could sue you because your employee caused the accident while on the job. Employment -related claims like wrongful termination, discrimination, or d efamation are another source of liability that is not covered by worker’s compensation insurance. Some homeowner’s, renter’s, or liability insurance policies will cover such claims. However the terms of insurance policies vary, so you should read the terms and consult with an insurance agent before you start your participant direction program. You may consider an addition to your homeowner’s or renter’s policy , or a separate liability insurance policy , to be covered for liability risks related to domestic e mployees.
ROTARY RALLY 2019 - STRAFPUNTENOVERZICHT Klassering EQUIPE NAMEN TR. 1 TR. 2 TOTAAL KLASSE 1 25 Astrid Roos/Saskia van Drimmelen 115 60 175 T 2 6 Thomas Benschop/Lodewijk & Frederik van Bunge 120 90 210 T 1 38 Jelmer Hamer/Amber de Jong 45 180 225 V 3 52 Iekje Berg/Gooitske Hamer 50 180 230 T 2 47 Christiaan Rietberg/Peter Rietberg 55 180 235 V 3 29 Dolf Beins/Erik Salentijn 180 90 270 V 4 28 Maarten van Hemsbergen/Hans Kooijmans 150 160 310 V 4 31 Arjo in 't Veld/Gerard Vaandrager 140 180 320 T 5 51 Carlijn Kooijmans/Florieke Kooijmans 200 120 320 T 5 43 P.M. Pors/F. Zonnevylle 340 0 340 V 6 36 Wim-Arie Hamer/Arie van Namen 180 180 360 V 6 34 Carla de Jong-Van Rijswijk/Agnes Lieve-Van Rijswijk 325 60 385 T 7 8 Kees Smit/Robert Smit 120 270 390 T 8 54 Ruud van den Doel/Daniel van den Doel 190 240 430 T 9 53 Steven de Krijger/Sanne van den Doel 280 175 455 T 7 33 Onno Visser/Bram Schot 105 360 465 V 8 12 Kees-Jan Kooijmans/Els Kooijmans 295 180 475 V 9 37 Meerten Hamer/Guusje Dijkman 250 240 490 V 10 48 Frans van Spronsen/Hanneke van Spronsen 155 345 500 T 11 24 Meta Koudstaal/Janny Vaandrager 325 180 505 T 10 11 Pieter Visser/Esther Baak 160 360 520 V 12 7 Birgit van Bunge/Sabine Schipper 445 90 535 T 13 21 Eric van Drimmelen/Anton Luijks 205 330 535 T 14 42 Jan Pauw/Mandy Lieve 280 270 550 T 15 50 Carola van Hemsbergen/Nella Kooijmans 280 270 550 T 16 13 Jolanda Gerla/Ans van Baal-Clijsen 350 210 560 T 17 55 Johanna de Jong/Ineke Blom 445 120 565 T 18 49 Wilko Jansen/Maurice Verberk 330 240 570 T 19 40 Teus Hoogendijk/Kariene Hoogendijk 370 210 580 T 20 30 Wim Stok/Kees Lieve 245 360 605 T 21 35 Jaap van Giezen/Richard Koop 340 270 610 T 22 45 Frank Vermaas/Mathijs Gommers 250 360 610 T 23 20 Pieter Salentijn/Jan Pieter Dupon 335 300 635 T 11 9 Leo Honkoop/Ronald Honkoop 250 390 640 V 24 32 Elco Verhaar/Anneke Verhaar 420 240 660 T 25 46 Marina Vermaas/Esther Gommers 260 400 660 T 26 10 Leo Smits/Ria Schellevis 450 240 690 T 27 27 Gert-Jan Onnink/Johan Janssens 330 360 690 T 28 56 Alireza Hosseini/Mirjam Hoesseini-van de Vreede 340 360 700 T 12 39 Frans van Weert/Aline van Weert 325 390 715 V 29 14 David Zwaan/Aart Zwaan 330 390 720 T 13 17 Gerrit van Hofwegen/Tycho Jansen 360 390 750 V 14 26 P.H. Wieringa/Jeroen Kruijf 440 330 770 V 30 18 Elske van Eijndhoven/Stephanie Schimmel 395 390 785 T Publicatiedatum: 22-9-2019 13:03 Pagina 1 van 4
ROTARY RALLY 2019 - STRAFPUNTENOVERZICHT Klassering EQUIPE NAMEN TR. 1 TR. 2 TOTAAL KLASSE 31 4 Saskia Henzel/Wynette Meindertsma 490 360 850 T 32 5 Paul den Hartog/Stefan de Hartog 365 510 875 T 33 41 Pauline den Hartog/Liesbeth Jonkergouw 620 325 945 T 34 16 Wil Hofland/Joyce Salentijn 490 470 960 T 35 1 Wim van den Boom/Siem de Ligt 530 450 980 T 15 2 Cees Limburg /Chava Limburg 575 450 1025 V 16 23 Dik van Wingerden/Lieke van Wingerden 520 540 1060 V Publicatiedatum: 22-9-2019 13:03 Pagina 2 van 4
ROTARY RALLY 2019 - STRAFPUNTENOVERZICHT Klassering EQUIPE NAMEN TR. 1 TR. 2 TOTAAL KLASSE 15 Jordy Sluimer/Jacco Makkenze - niet gestart 0 0 0 T 44 Arie Troost/Els Troost - niet gestart 0 0 0 T 1 25 Astrid Roos/Saskia van Drimmelen 115 60 175 T 2 6 Thomas Benschop/Lodewijk & Frederik van Bunge 120 90 210 T 3 52 Iekje Berg/Gooitske Hamer 50 180 230 T 4 31 Arjo in 't Veld/Gerard Vaandrager 140 180 320 T 5 51 Carlijn Kooijmans/Florieke Kooijmans 200 120 320 T 6 34 Carla de Jong-Van Rijswijk/Agnes Lieve-Van Rijswijk 325 60 385 T 7 8 Kees Smit/Robert Smit 120 270 390 T 8 54 Ruud van den Doel/Daniel van den Doel 190 240 430 T 9 53 Steven de Krijger/Sanne van den Doel 280 175 455 T 10 48 Frans van Spronsen/Hanneke van Spronsen 155 345 500 T 11 24 Meta Koudstaal/Janny Vaandrager 325 180 505 T 12 7 Birgit van Bunge/Sabine Schipper 445 90 535 T 13 21 Eric van Drimmelen/Anton Luijks 205 330 535 T 14 42 Jan Pauw/Mandy Lieve 280 270 550 T 15 50 Carola van Hemsbergen/Nella Kooijmans 280 270 550 T 16 13 Jolanda Gerla/Ans van Baal-Clijsen 350 210 560 T 17 55 Johanna de Jong/Ineke Blom 445 120 565 T 18 49 Wilko Jansen/Maurice Verberk 330 240 570 T 19 40 Teus Hoogendijk/Kariene Hoogendijk 370 210 580 T 20 30 Wim Stok/Kees Lieve 245 360 605 T 21 35 Jaap van Giezen/Richard Koop 340 270 610 T 22 45 Frank Vermaas/Mathijs Gommers 250 360 610 T 23 20 Pieter Salentijn/Jan Pieter Dupon 335 300 635 T 24 32 Elco Verhaar/Anneke Verhaar 420 240 660 T 25 46 Marina Vermaas/Esther Gommers 260 400 660 T 26 10 Leo Smits/Ria Schellevis 450 240 690 T 27 27 Gert-Jan Onnink/Johan Janssens 330 360 690 T 28 56 Alireza Hosseini/Mirjam Hoesseini-van de Vreede 340 360 700 T 29 14 David Zwaan/Aart Zwaan 330 390 720 T 30 18 Elske van Eijndhoven/Stephanie Schimmel 395 390 785 T 31 4 Saskia Henzel/Wynette Meindertsma 490 360 850 T 32 5 Paul den Hartog/Stefan de Hartog 365 510 875 T 33 41 Pauline den Hartog/Liesbeth Jonkergouw 620 325 945 T 34 16 Wil Hofland/Joyce Salentijn 490 470 960 T 35 1 Wim van den Boom/Siem de Ligt 530 450 980 T Publicatiedatum: 22-9-2019 13:03 Pagina 3 van 4
ROTARY RALLY 2019 - STRAFPUNTENOVERZICHT Klassering EQUIPE NAMEN TR. 1 TR. 2 TOTAAL KLASSE 19 Ed van Ingen/Mark Verweij - gestopt 0 0 0 V 1 38 Jelmer Hamer/Amber de Jong 45 180 225 V 2 47 Christiaan Rietberg/Peter Rietberg 55 180 235 V 3 29 Dolf Beins/Erik Salentijn 180 90 270 V 4 28 Maarten van Hemsbergen/Hans Kooijmans 150 160 310 V 5 43 P.M. Pors/F. Zonnevylle 340 0 340 V 6 36 Wim-Arie Hamer/Arie van Namen 180 180 360 V 7 33 Onno Visser/Bram Schot 105 360 465 V 8 12 Kees-Jan Kooijmans/Els Kooijmans 295 180 475 V 9 37 Meerten Hamer/Guusje Dijkman 250 240 490 V 10 11 Pieter Visser/Esther Baak 160 360 520 V 11 9 Leo Honkoop/Ronald Honkoop 250 390 640 V 12 39 Frans van Weert/Aline van Weert 325 390 715 V 13 17 Gerrit van Hofwegen/Tycho Jansen 360 390 750 V 14 26 P.H. Wieringa/Jeroen Kruijf 440 330 770 V 15 2 Cees Limburg /Chava Limburg 575 450 1025 V 16 23 Dik van Wingerden/Lieke van Wingerden 520 540 1060 V Publicatiedatum: 22-9-2019 13:03 Pagina 4 van 4
City Hall New York, NY 10007 The New York City Council Legislation Details File #: Version: * Int 0488-2014 Name: Prohibiting the sale of flavored electronic cigarettes. Status: Type: Introduction Filed (End of Session) In control: Committee on Health On agenda: 10/7/2014 Enactment date: Enactment #: Title: A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to prohibiting the sale of flavored electronic cigarettes. Sponsors: Costa G. Constantinides, Fernando Cabrera, Corey D. Johnson, Brad S. Lander, Annabel Palma, Donovan J. Richards, Ydanis A. Rodriguez Indexes: Attachments: Action By Date Action Result Ver. Introduced by Council City Council 10/7/2014 * Referred to Comm by Council City Council 10/7/2014 * Filed (End of Session) City Council 12/31/2017 * The New York City Council Printed on 8/1/2021 Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™
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HALL of FAME Nomination Form OVER THIRTY INC, BASEBALL HALL of FAME NOMINATION FORM Any member in good standing with OVER THIRTY BASEBALL can nominate an OTB player, manager or Board of Directors member for induction into the OVER THIRTY INC BASEBALL Hall of Fame. Using the OTB Mission Statement (Creed) and following criteria are to be used as guidelines when nominating someone for Hall of Fame membership: OTB Mission Statement (Creed) “Over Thirty Baseball, Inc. (O.T.B., Inc.) was created to allow baseball players thirty years of age and over an opportunity to play the game they enjoyed playing as a youngster and for those who never had a chance to play the game. The goals of O.T.B., Inc. include fun, exercise, and meeting other ballplayers in a reasonably competitive atmosphere. It is expected that mature behavior must always prevail on and off the field. The responsibility of sustaining this ethic rests with the President, the Officers, the Board of Directors, managers, assistant managers, and each individual player.” Eligibility Criteria: 1. An OTB player must have played in at least SEVEN (7) seasons and be a member in good standing with OTB. Exceptions will be considered based on illness or injury that prevented play in SEVEN (7) seasons. 2. The player must have established a reputation for upholding the highest standards of sportsmanship, character, and integrity. 3. The player must have had a significant impact on his team and or OTB as a whole. 4. Non-players nominations (i.e. Executive Committee Member, Managers, Assistant Managers, etc.), who made significant contributions to the league’s success. 5. Because OTB has no official scorers, a player’s statistical proficiency bears little relevance to his Hall of Fame eligibility. Voting: Hall of Fame eligibility shall be based upon the person’s integrity, sportsmanship, character, service, and contribution to the team(s) on which the player played and not on what he may have done otherwise in baseball. No automatic elections based on single game or single season performances shall be permitted.
Please pay close attention to, and be guided by, the criteria enumerated on the nomination form. As you will see, we are not necessarily looking to induct people with the greatest athletic talent, but rather people who have attained a broader range of influence on their team and on the league. Please note that in order to ensure the fairest and fullest consideration of all nominees, all nominations must include the reasons you are nominating a particular league member, supporting facts/anecdotes to support your nomination and examples of how the nominee has specifically met the criteria in the categories of impact on team/league, sportsmanship and ability, that have intentionally been associated with this honor. The nomination process ends at midnight on August 30th. All nomination forms must be received no later than August 30th. The forms may be given to team managers/ assistant managers and can be mailed the OTB PO Box. Over Thirty Baseball PO Box 215 Lowell, MA. 01854
NAME OF NOMINEE(S): _______________________________________ TEAM(S) PLAYED FOR): ________________________________________ PERSON MAKING NOMINATION: (Your Name) _______________________ Printed Name and Team: ________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________________ Mandatory – Additional comments on your reason(s) for nominating this person and examples of how this person meets the criteria outlined above. Examples, listings and anecdotes are encouraged and welcome. (Please use back of sheet or separate piece of paper).
Hand Hygiene How long is thi s course? The course may take you up to 6 hours to read through and watch each of the video clips, plus addition time to read the information as well as complete the quizzes. It will depend on your rate of learning. Outcomes The course should give you an overview fo r setting up and reviewing your own professional practice. After completing the program, you should be able to: 1. Follow standards for hand hygiene 2. Identify infection prevention using hand hygiene 3. Use protection for hand hygiene
Nieplanowana utrata wagi Informacja dla rezydentów, rodziny i opiekunówNieplanowana utrata wagi, to utrata wagi, kiedy nie starasz się o to. Może to spowodować poczucie osłabienia, oraz może doprowadzić do poważnych problemów zdrowotnych. Nieplanowana utrata wagi może spowodować więcej infekcji, odleżyny, dezorientację, oraz istnieje większe prawdopodobieństwo, że będziesz musiał pójść do szpitala. Czasami utrata wagi jest nieunikniona z powodu poważnej choroby, ale u wielu osób można temu zapobiec. Oznaki że może ci grozić utrata wagi • Masz problemy z przełykaniem. • Boli cię jama ustna lub zęby. • Straciłeś apetyt. • Zmieniło się poczucie smaku i węchu. • Masz mdłości, wymioty lub rozwolnienie. • Jedzenie nie przynosi ci przyjemności. • Czujesz się przygnębiony. • Masz ból brzucha, który powstrzymuje cię od jedzenia. Sposoby na zapobieganie utraty wagi • Powiedz personelowi, jakie jedzenie lubisz i kiedy lubisz jeść. • Jedz z innymi. Zaproś twoją rodzinę i znajomych, aby ci towarzyszyli. • Jeśli masz gości podczas posiłków, dopilnuj, żebyś mimo to wszystko zjadł. • Powiedz personelowi, że masz problemy z jedzeniem, aby mogli ci pomóc. • Jeśli masz problem z przełykaniem, być może będziesz musiał udać się do logopedy. • Możesz nauczyć się łatwych i bezpiecznych sposobów jedzenia i picia. • Dietetyk może poinformować cię o jedzeniu, które lubisz i które utrzyma cię w zdrowiu.
Nieplanowana utrata wagi2 Aby otrzymać tę informacje w dostępnym formacie, należy wysłać e-mail do [email protected] Zatwierdzone i wydane przez rząd wiktoriański, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne. © Stan Wiktoria, Department of Health and Human Services, luty 2016. ISBN 978-0-7311-6808-5 Dostępne na https://www2.health.vic.gov.au/ageing-and-aged-care/residential-aged-care/safety-and-quality/participating-with-consumers• Poproś o sprawdzenie swoich lekarstw, ponieważ mogą one czasem spowodować utratę apetytu i utratę wagi. • Pójdź do dentysty, jeśli bolą cię zęby lub jama ustna. Wspólna praca Ty i twoja rodzina jesteście ważnymi członkami zespołu opieki. Ty wiesz najlepiej, co jest dla ciebie normalne. Poinformuj peresonel, jeśli zauważysz zmiany i poczujesz się chory. Powiedz im, jeśli straciłeś apetyt lub myślisz, że straciłeś na wadze i twoje ubrania stają się za duże. Nie czekaj, aż się to samo przejdzie. Zawsze lepiej uzyskać pomoc wcześniej. Praca wspólnie z personelem pomoże ci zachować zdrowie i unikać pobytu w szpitalu. Rozmawiaj z personelem i zadawaj pytania. Oni potrzebują twojej pomocy, aby zapewnić ci jak najlepszą opiekę. Pytania do personelu • Czy moje lekarstwa wpływają na mój apatyt? • Czy powinienem zobaczyć się a dietetykiem lub logopedą? • Ile straciłem na wadze? Wyłączenie odpowiedzialności: Ta informacja zdrowotna przeznaczona jest jedynie dla celów ogólnych. Należy skonsultować się ze swoim lekarzem lub innym specjalistą medycznym, aby się upewnić, że ta informacja jest odpowiednia dla ciebie.
Diocese of Palm Beach Liturgical Memo Fall 2019 Pope’s Prayer Intentions Many people conclude the Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet and other prayers and devotions by “praying for the intentions of the Holy Father.” The Ordo lists the papal prayer intentions each month. Parishes are encouraged to publish the papal prayer intentions in their Sunday bulletins. “To better know ‘the concrete problems that trouble the Universal Church, especially those of the missions,’ the Holy Father asks that his monthly intentions be ‘the object of knowledgeable and responsible prayer on the par t of the people of God’” ( Ordo ). October A Missionary Spring in the Church. That the breath of the Holy Spirit engender a new missionary “spring” in the church. November Dialogue and Reconciliation in the Near East. That a spirit of dialogue, encounter, and reconciliation emerge in the Near East, where diverse religious communities share their lives together. DECEMBER The Future of the Very Young. That every country determine to take the necessary measures to make the future of the very young, especiall y those who suffer, a priority. Sunday, October 6, 2019 Anniversary of the Dedication of the Cathedral of Saint Ignatius Loyola Observed this year ONLY in the Cathedral Church “Blue Mass” Police Officers, Law Enforcement Officers Wednesday, October 2, 2019 8:30am Cathedral of Saint Ignatius Loyola
Diocese of Palm Beach Liturgical Memo Fall 2019 Saturday, October 26, 2019 Altar Server Appreciation Mass Cathedral of Saint Ignatius Loyola 11am Contact: Mrs. Consuelo Minutoli 561-775-9552 October 20, 2019 – World Mission Sunday In place of the 29th Sunday in OT you can use the Mass for the Evangelization of Peoples (#18 A or B) “Health Care Mass” Close to October 18th – Feast of St Luke To Honor doctors, nurses, medical technicians and hospital workers Please have an intention at the Mass on the 28th Sunday in OT or the 29th Sunday in OT in thanksgiving for healthcare workers.
Diocese of Palm Beach Liturgical Memo Fall 2019 Blessing of Food on Thanksgiving Day God most provident, we join all creation in raising to you a hymn of thanksgiving through Jesus Christ, your Son. For generation upon generation peoples of this land have sung of your bounty; we too offer you praise for the rich harvest we have received at your hands. Bless us and this food which we share with grateful hearts. Continue to make our land fruitful and let our love for you be seen in our pursuit of peace and justice and in our generous response to those in need. Praise and glory to you, Lord God, now and forever. Amen . Recently Ordained Workshop Saint Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary November 18 – 21, 2019 (For Priests ordained within the p ast five years) Be Not Afraid: Redeeming Administration Ann Garrido, Ph.D Aquinas Institute of Theo logy Sr. Mary Roberto Connors, FSE [email protected] 561-732-4424 (ext 173)
Diocese of Palm Beach Liturgical Memo Fall 2019 November 2nd – All Souls Day Our Lady Queen of Peace Cemetery 10am Mass Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time November 17, 2019 “The hope of the poor will not perish for ever” (Ps 9:19). Thanksgiving Day November 28, 2019 Mass: Thanksgiving Day (Following Nov. 30th – St Andrew) Readings: LC 684A “In Thanksgiving to God” (pp 943- 947) Vol. IV Suggested Sirach 50 -22-24 Ps. 138:1- 5 1 Cor. 1:3- 9 Lk. 17:11- 19
Diocese of Palm Beach Liturgical Memo Fall 2019 Holy Days of Obligation 2019/2020 Friday, November 1, 2019 All Saints Sunday, December 8, 2019 Second Su nday of Advent *** Wednesday, December 25, 2019 Christmas Wednesday, January 1, 2020 Mary, Mother of God Saturday, August 15, 2020 Assumption ( Holy Day obligation is suspended ) Sunday, November 1, 2020 All Saints Day Tuesday, December 8, 2020 Immaculate Conception Friday, December 25, 2020 Nativity of our Lord Friday, January 1, 2021 Mary, Mother of God Sunday, August 15, 2021 Assumption Monday, November 1, 2021 All Saints ( Holy Day obligation is suspended ) Wednesday, December 8, 2021 Immaculate Conception Saturday, December 25, 2021 Nativity of our Lord Please schedule Vigil/Day Masses accordingly With the exception of Christmas and the Immaculate Conception (national patroness), the holy day obligation is suspended in the USA when the solemnity falls on Saturday or Monday. In the Province of Miami, (Arch/Dioceses in the State of Florida), the Ascension is celebrated in place of the 7th Sunday of Easter. ***December 8, 2019 is the Second Sunday of Advent. In 2019 the observance of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is transferred to Monday, Dec. 9, 2019 but the Holy Day of Obligation is suspended.
Diocese of Palm Beach Liturgical Memo Fall 2019 Priest Winter Institute Saint Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary January 26 – January 31, 2020 The Parables of Christ : Learning to Teach as He Did The Most Reverend Arthur Serratelli Bishop of Paterson www.svdp.edu (Ongoing Formation/Priest Winter Institute) Sr. Mary Roberta Connors, FSE [email protected] 561-732-4424 (ext 173) Order of Baptism of Children, Second Edition Authorized Use Date: February 2, 2020 (Presentation of the Lord) Mandatory Use Date: April 12, 2020 (Easter Sunday) The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has confirmed the Order of Baptism of Children, Second Edition for the dioceses of the United States. The decree of confirmation is dated April 11, 2019 (Prot. N.163/18). The updated translation was done in accord with the principles of Liturgiam authenticam but does not change the Baptismal ritual itse lf. Ritual Editions can be pre -ordered from various book publishers and will be available for shipment on January 6, 2020. You will be able to use the Second Edition as of February 2, 2020 and must use the new ritual by April 12, 2020. www.Catholicbookpublishing.com www.Usccbpublishing.com
Diocese of Palm Beach Liturgical Memo Fall 2019 To: Parish DREs and Confirmation Directors Re: Confirmation Guidelines for 2019/2020 Pre-Confirmation Mass 1. Please make sure that the liturgical planning sheet has been completed and mailed/faxed to the bishop’s office (561 -775-7035) at least one week prior to the ceremony. 2. One lemon – sliced in half – is enough for washing the bishop’s hands. 3. Please have the confirmandi in line for the procession five minutes before the official start of Mass. 4. A minimum of two altar servers is requested for the Confirmation Mass. 5. Please have a parking spot reserved and clearly marked for the bishop upon his arrival at the parish. Confirmation Mass 1. Please have the confirmandi process in two lines down the cen ter aisle. It is up to the Pastor/DRE whether the sponsors process with the candidates. The confirmandi are to process in a continuous flow . 2. Stoles are not to be worn during the ceremony. “It is never licit for laypersons to assume the role or the vesture of a Priest or a Deacon or other clothing similar to such vesture” (RS, 153). 3. Following the proclamation of the Gospel, the candidates are introduced to the bishop. It is recommended that the pastor introduce the Confirmation class. 4. If there are more than twenty -five (25) confirmandi , please do not read their names individually. Have them all stand as a group. 5. Only the bishop extends his hands during the invocation of the Holy Spirit. The Ritual is very clear that only those who concelebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation extend their hands with the bishop/presider. In the Diocese of Palm Beach, the priests present for the Ma ss are concelebrating the Eucharist but are not assisting in the Sacrament of Confirmation as only the bishop administers the sacrament. 6. During the Rite of Confirmation – please have the confirmandi approach the bishop in two lines . The bishop need only have one candidate in front of him for confirmation – but two lines must flow effectively into this position. 7. The pastor is invited to stand next to the bishop during the rite. 8. The name tag should clearly and legibly state the Confirmation name. A card m ay also be given to the pastor that clearly states the Confirmation name of the individual. If a student has chosen a particularly unusual name that is hard to pronounce, it is recommended that the bishop be made aware of this before the ceremony. 9. Music m ay accompany the Rite of Confirmation if it is not loud or oppressive and has the pastor’s permission. 10. Please use the attached Prayers of the Faithful without any inclusions. 11. During the recitation of the Eucharistic Prayer, there is to be no soft instrumen tal music. (RS, 53)
Diocese of Palm Beach Liturgical Memo Fall 2019 12. Please be conscious of the music chosen for the Confirmation ceremony. Music accompanies the ritual – but does not take the place of the ritual. The music should finish once the action is completed. Following the distribution of comm union, a period of silence should be observed before the Prayer. 13. Please be advised that if your Confirmation Mass falls during the Easter Season (April 12, 2020 – May 31, 2020) – your first reading must come from the Acts of the Apostles – not from the O ld Testament. 14. The Gloria is to be sung/recited at all Confirmation Masses unless the Mass falls on a Sunday of Advent or Lent. If your Confirmation falls during a weekday of Advent or Lent – the Gloria is used during the liturgy. 15. It is recommended that the Our Father be recited during the Confirmation Mass to encourage participation of all the faithful. 16. For Confirmation liturgies that do not fall on the Sundays of Advent, Lent, Christmas and Easter, one may choose the Confirmation readings from the options given in the Lectionary or from the Readings of the Day. 17. In keeping with Liturgical norms – Confirmation ceremonies that fall on the Sundays of Advent, Lent, Christmas and Easter, or on Solemnities – the proper of the Season takes precedence – as do the liturgical colors. If your Confirmation ceremony takes place on a Sunday of Ordinary time or a weekday that is not a Solemnity – Red Vestments, Confirmation Readings and Rite of Confirmation Propers are to be used. 18. In bilingual ceremonies – it is not necessary to repeat the same prayer/petition in both languages. The prayers are addressed to God the Father and He understands the prayer the first time. If readings are to be done in alternate languages – it is recommended that a translation be provided in the Confirmation program. Post Confirmation Mass 1. The newly Confirmed do not participate in the Recessional. 2. If there is to be a group picture the students assemble for the picture without recessing. The positioning of students for a group picture is to be arranged ahead of time (i.e. during the rehearsal). 3. The Bishop will remain in the Church for individual pictures with the Confirmati . 4. If a professional photographer is used, all pictures must be pre -ordered. The picture taking process must flow quic kly and efficiently – the less people taking pictures the better. 5. Following the Sacrament of Confirmation – those who were confirmed are no longer to be referred to as Confirmandi (Latin – those to be confirmed) – but rather as Confirmati (Latin – those wh o were confirmed). To avoid the confusion – one can say in English: “ Those to be confirmed” and “newly confirmed .” 6. To assist the process of organizing the pictures, the Recessional Hymn should be short (no more than one verse) so that instructions can be given to the photographer, the families and the newly confirmed.
Diocese of Palm Beach Liturgical Memo Fall 2019 Prayers of the Faithful Bishop: My dear brothers and sisters, let us humbly pray to God the almighty Father and be of one mind in our prayer, just as faith, hope and char ity, which proceed from his Holy Spirit, are one. Reader: For these his servants, whom the gift of the Holy Spirit has confirmed: that, planted in faith and grounded in love, they may bear witness to Christ the Lord, by their way of life, let us pray to the Lord. Reader: For their parents and sponsors: that by word and example they may continue to encourage those whom they have sponsored in the faith to follow in the footsteps of Christ , let us pray to the Lord. Reader: For the holy Church of God together with Francis our Pope, Gerald our Bishop, and all the Bishops: that, gathered by the Holy Spirit, the Church may grow and increase in unity of faith and love until the coming of the Lord, let us pray to the Lord. Reader: For the whole world: that all people, who have one Maker and Father, may acknowledge one another as brothers and sisters, without discrimination of race or nation, and with sincere hearts seek the Kingdom of God, which is peace and joy in the Holy Spirit , let us pray to the Lord. Bishop: O God, who gave the Holy Spirit to your Apostles and willed that through them and their successors the same Spirit be handed on to the rest of the faithful, listen favorably to our prayer, and grant that your divine grace, which was at work when the Gospel was first proclaimed, may now spread through the hearts of those who believe in you. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Diocese of Palm Beach Liturgical Memo Fall 2019 Confirmation Schedule 2019/2020 October 12, 2019 10:30am/1:30pm Saint Joan of Arc (Boca Raton) November 16, 2019 11am Holy Cross (Vero Beach) January 5, 2020 10:30am St Lucy (Highland Beach) January 26, 2020 1pm St Joseph (Stuart) January 31, 2020 5:30pm St Helen (Vero Beach) February 1, 2020 10:30am Our Lady of Lourdes (Boca Raton) February 2, 2020 10am Holy Family (Port St L ucie) February 23, 2020 12pm St Elizabeth Ann Seton (Port St Lucie) March 1, 2020 10:30am St Andrew (Stuart) March 7, 2020 10:30am St Jude (Tequesta) March 8, 2020 11:30am St Anastasia (Fort Pierce) March 8, 2020 4pm Holy Redeemer (Palm City) March 14, 2020 11am St Jude (Boca Raton) March 14, 2020 4pm St Mark the Evangelist (Fort Pierce) March 15, 2020 5pm St Lucie (Port St Lucie) March 21, 2020 5:30pm Emmanuel (Delray Beach) March 22, 2020 11:30am St Sebastian (Sebastian) March 22, 2020 5pm Cathedral (Palm Beach Gardens) March 28, 2020 5pm Holy Cross (Indiantown) March 29, 2020 12pm St Mark (Boynton Beach) April 3, 2020 6pm St Clare (North Palm Beach) April 4, 2020 10:30am St Rita (Wellington) April 24, 2020 6pm St John the Evangelist (Boca Raton) April 25, 2020 10am Holy Name of Jesus (West Palm Beach) April 25, 2020 5:30pm St Patrick (Palm Beach Gardens)
Diocese of Palm Beach Liturgical Memo Fall 2019 April 26, 2020 11am Mary Immaculate (West Palm Beach) April 26, 2020 5pm St Pa ul of the Cross (Singer Island) April 29, 2020 6pm St Juliana (West Palm Beach) April 30, 2020 6pm St Philip Benizi (Belle Glade) May 2, 2020 5pm St Christopher (Hobe Sound) May 3, 2020 10am St John Fisher (West Palm Beach) May 9, 2020 11am Our Lady Queen of Apostles (RPB) May 9, 2020 5:30pm St Matthew (Hypol uxo/Lake Worth) May 10, 2020 11:30am St Ann (West Palm Beach) May 15, 2020 5:30pm St Thomas More (Boynton Beach) May 17, 2020 11:30am St Mary (Pahokee) May 22, 2020 6pm Ascension (Boca Raton) May 23, 2020 11am San Juan Diego (Fort Pierce) May 23, 2020 4pm Sacred Heart (Lake Worth) May 24, 2020 10:30am Our Lady of Guadalupe (Fellsmere) May 24, 2020 5pm St Luke (Lake Worth/Palm Springs) May 30, 2020 11am Sacred Heart (Okeechobee) May 30, 2020 6pm Our Lady Queen of Peace (Delray Beach) May 31, 2020 12pm Holy Spirit (Lantana) May 31, 2020 5pm St Peter (Jupiter) June 7, 2020 10:45am St Bernadette (Port St Lucie West)
SANIFICAZIONE DI AMBIENTI IN REALTIME SOCOTEC ITALIA Via Bariola 101 –Lainate (MI) T +39 02 9375 0000 F +39 02 9375 0099 www.socotec.it Aeroporti Centri commerciali Palestre Navi da crociera Scuole Uffici postali Uffici pubblici Università Banche Stazione dei treni Stazione degli autobus Aziende Civili abitazioni Hotel Strutture ricettive Biblioteche Musei Teatri Bar Ristoranti Fast food Pizzerie Mense Discoteche Sale da ballo Cinema Luoghi di culto Sale slot Casinò Strutture sportive Sale congressi Fiere Locali commerciali Palazzetti dello sportAPPLICAZIONI 5 secEfficacia testata sulSARS -CoV-2
STERILBOOST PER L’ARIA L’aria inquinata è aspirata dalle ventole e con l’utilizzo di luce a raggi UVC viene sterilizzata, eliminando gli agenti patogeni, e rilasciata nell’ambiente. Sterilizzazione in presenza di persone SterilBoost è l’unico sanificatore che, non rilasciando sostanze nocive, può essere attivato anche in presenza di persone. Alta capacità di sterilizzazioneSTERILBOOST PER LE SUPERFICI Fari a raggi UVC associati a sensori di movimento possono essere attivati a comando, sterilizzando tutte le superfici illuminate nella stanza in pochissimo tempo. Elimina batteri e patogeni SterilBoost per le superfici non solo elimina qualsiasi virus ma annulla la possibilità di formazione di agenti patogeni. Attivabile a comando In assenza di persone, dei sensori di movimento attivano la luce che in poco tempo sterilizza totalmente l’ambiente senza residui. Senza prodotti chimici Sterilboost è l’unico metodo che, non utilizzando prodotti chimici, non corrode o provoca danno alle superfici.INSTALLAZIONE Sterilboost può essere installato alla parete e al soffitto. Esiste anche la soluzione mobile con ruote piroettanti per il trasporto da un ambiente all’altro.99,9% Azione ContinuaGià dopo pochi minuti viene eliminato il 99,9% degli agenti patogeni. Un solo apparecchio utilizzato in una stanza sanifica l’aria più volte nell’arco di una giornata, eliminando così ogni possibilità di contagio o contaminazione.Funziona in presenza di persone SterilBoost utilizza la luce al suo interno, permettendo alle persone di muoversi senza problemi nell’ambiente da sanificare.Sanifica le superfici Con un click i raggi UVC sanificano le superfici presenti in una stanza da microrganismi e agenti patogeni. I raggi UVC sono in grado di rompere legami chimici, modificando il DNA o RNA dei patogeni impedendone la formazione. Non utilizza prodotti chimici La sterilizzazione avviene attraverso la luce. Non essendo presenti prodotti chimici l’aria emessa da SterilBoost sarà sanificata senza la necessità di alcun filtro. Nato dalla luce SterilBoost nasce dalla necessità di sanificare gli ambienti in tempo reale e in presenza di persone. La risposta a questa esigenza arriva dalla luce. Grazie ai raggi UVC abbiamo creato SterilBoost , un sanificatore che garantisce il massimo delle prestazioni senza l’utilizzo di alcun prodotto chimico. Sanifica l’Aria L’aria inquinata è aspirata da ventole e viene filtrata da raggi UVC. Questo processo permette di rilasciare aria sterile in poco tempo. PRESTAZIONI Sterilboost è in grado di sanificare l'aria in ambienti di grandi superfici, con volumi di aria trattata da 160 m3/h a 12.000 m3/h ed oltre. ASPIRAZIONE ARIA INQUINATATRATTAMENTO ARIA CON UVC ARIA STERILIZZATA COME FUNZIONA STERILBOOST 5 secEfficacia testata sulSARS -CoV-2 Laluce UV-Cdelsistema SOCOTEC airsystem Sterilboost inibisce lamorte cellulare indotta da SARS -CoV-2giàdopo 5secondi ditrattamento
Presenza del SARS -CoV-2 Assenza del SARS -CoV-2 solo dopo 5 secondi di funzionamento del sistema SOCOTEC Sterilboost Dopo il trattamento mediante l’utilizzo di SOCOTEC SterilboostLa luce UV -C del sistema SOCOTEC air system Sterilboost inibisce la morte cellulare indotta da SARS -CoV-2 già dopo 5 secondi di trattamento. 5 sec 10 sec 30 sec 60 sec T0L’efficacia delsistema èstata testata presso illaboratorio diricercadell’Unità di Patogenesi Virale eBiodiversità dell’Ospedale SanRaffaele diMilano Inoculo infettato al Tempo 0 con carica virale 22600 PFU/ml Carica Virale AnnullataPrima del trattamento 99,9% 5 secIl sistema SOCOTEC Sterliboost è in grado di inibire completamente la morte cellulare indotta da SARS -CoV-2 in soli 5 secondi di trattamento. Attraverso l'utilizzo della luce UV -C il sistema elimina rapidamente il 99,9% degli agenti patogeni e virus presenti negli ambienti. SANIFICAZIONE CONTINUA DI AMBIENTI
2010 dodge charger manual
2010 dodge charger manual, we found the manual in the corner, and a short walk down a culvert with a friend, that was just getting by on our next destination – the nearest to P.O. Box 500 in San Diego. From there we drove around to P.O. Box 500 so I wouldn't encounter it, but it was certainly a worthwhile effort. After driving all the way from the hotel, the only thing left was parking, and was left waiting where, on the right, our parking could have been a couple hundred meters away, just feet between a lot and a little distance from them, for which we'll never get another chance. Then we were gone – only time to meet the other San Gabriel locals who drove up there, including the ones towing the trailer – until then I was satisfied with the speed that we'll likely never see here. In any case it's still pretty steep over the canyon in terms of rock climbing. There's a few steep chasms along one side that are nice to be climbing up. Once you find a clear path it's easy to drop over into a good position or to make a good turn off of what are clearly rock formations, like the main breakwater break at 3:20. The second breakdown I found was even more interesting, though only a few feet further, on a really high slope; it had a steep bottom and a good amount of sand behind it, the first break of course; the other 2 were mostly clear in the water. The other two breakouts which may or may not be the biggest challenge are an easy climb up off the top of another cliff, and a very steep ascent from the other cliff into the canyon below (by a pretty decent hand). In other words, they're still the worst in the canyon as well. I guess we will leave a few more questions to commenters. For those that like my photos or videos of the canyon, that's nice and would you like anything in particular to add here? Leave questions in the comments box along with more photos or videos and you might even get to the answer here. Also feel free to take my blog up on Tumblr to explore what I shoot and talk with locals about how I'm out there. 2010 dodge charger manual, and for the third and final track that I could have kept a close watch for, I did all of this to make sure there was no one I had to lose. The car's hard to see just ahead of me and on some of the dirt road sections of the tracks (which were a lot less likely to do me harm), the engine was so well hidden on the ground this weekend that it would look through my eye only if I tried to catch sight or if it got near me — there it was. The best test for that particular Mustang was a four-speed manual transmission. As you can see below, when I took it running on the dirt and dirt roads I was nearly completely lost, but that I just found the right car in my mind in the long run, to take it for a run: the Viper in a car in which it's virtually impossible to read the airbags, a three-cylinder electric V8 — that's almost certainly the same car under which I run my four shots this weekend without it hitting me or that I've only used it once on the day. So I came up with what sounded, in my opinion, an effective system that might have protected my car from these, but it required some time. It felt like all options were taken. When I first got to the race track last September, I felt certain I was going to be the only person who made it, but then I felt so confident that a person, in my opinion, had already put it all together for me during the show. I still didn't like the transmission in the Viper, but I knew every piece of the system. I can remember every single thing but I could still read my airbags, put away half a point worth on a track day and have the car do the same amount of "mixed traffic" and "sailing lanes" on a one-week weekend as the cars I'd been playing through at that show together had done. So I began watching a bit more closely at that race track and just knew I'd got better after all of this. It took a lot of effort though for everyone involved to catch my attention. The next six cars in Dodge-Martin's championship run of the season are all available in this race—some more modest, some smaller and I know they'll be the ones you most wish you had seen more often. What makes these cars work, of that I'll show here, is that they are really good, so I think we'll start with the one in the Viper. After the two Nissan-Pebas in the series, the Viper will get paired with both the BMW and Mercedes in the series run in the three-stop, one speedway format I'll give you later. I even used the BMW for this week's five-stop, one speedway and five-speed route (which works out to 12:45 – 17:35.) Those three cars will do a lot of good for speed, but do they really add power to your car? On the racetrack, it matters whether it's the second-fastest or the fourth-fastest speedway to get you where you want to be by running on dirt, in traffic jams or not. There just isn't that many places in which the car has to slow down, on dirt, but more importantly, it can run any speed that you want if given it a chance. The next four-stop is the Mazda MX-5. It's been built in a very similar manner to the two Honda RS that I drove this year, with a new, more aggressive rear suspension, which keeps pace with the sporty Honda RS, and also goes to show the kind of energy on display all of those cars do. The rear is so damn good in it, at times the car even puts you in line behind if you've got an opening. The only way you can deny this engine isn't by slowing until you have, like, 50. You have to just drive the car long enough for it to be fun. That sounds like a lot. But the fact is that after doing our two-stop race through dirt and wet, the Mazda MX-5, even at the cost of a very steep incline, actually keeps getting into my laps to use as much energy. With just two, in the first and second races both the Viper makes about a 1:21 start time in the fastest mile I've ever done (and I'll be
spending a lot of time just learning). At the same speed I didn't mind getting home more than it did, I just didn't have to, as well as that you can take in. Even if your car was always slowing down during races or off the race circuit before your engine ever did it, it still gave you good feel on it, especially on the steep climb I did at the race track. But there are also cars with four-spoke power plugs in the front seats, and I like this 2010 dodge charger manual (available to anyone who does not own an older one, so you could still get it by shopping at Ebay) (1) An unsecured USB hub will also fit. As you can see, it is a 2.3A compatible USB (but still USB 2.0 compliant), so you will need to make a 2.5" (25 cm) USB hub. (The 2.4" is an ATX or HBA-P compatible one, as well as a 5.27" (37 cm) USB hub. That's the first 6" (30 cm) usb hub on the market that makes sense to put on the car.) After I've had it connected I'll recommend this with the second half of the car. The old style charger is a little outfitted like the old 1.5 1, so there is more room around to put more of it back. Rated 5 out of 5 by Anonymous from Very good product These were in the car in both good condition, great for a 5 year old to use all winter. Easy to put the car back in it's original place, easy to return and not so bad for me as all the other buyers used them to buy... Easy enough to get a new battery with batteries and put the 4k to rest when the car started back and it was cool even though they are new all winter. My last 2 cars all had 2 - 3 or 2.5x batteries so was a little bit worried I would lose the battery in it's place. I was actually pretty sure my car's original battery was lost for 4 nights though not necessarily it having been the same but there was actually a little bit of time left and the extra time I could have been missing. Rated 3 out of 5 by BillFrom The same as an old manual I'm really happy they went for their new design instead of the bad 2.0. I'm having problems finding a 4K video out there (with all those things they sold), but when someone contacted me on message one, he wanted all 3 of those. They offered a 20 GB USB to USB charger for $70 which was too great. Then with the new "dual channel" feature that's not mentioned on my iPod, they said, "we haven't got it working well, only charging a bit longer for $50". He was actually trying to charge the USB charger again when it broke, so I said no. They didn't say that it could be back to where I started and I never got my car to work again. They did include for the new 1.5 hub on my iPod the option to charge 5kbps with different ports, a small USB to AC adapter and a big single channel charger for $20 in the book, but the most amazing (and fun to use) feature is when your phone sends it to someone by simply asking the phone for the 3rd name of the 3rd person - which means no ID other than "the caller" etc... They also add the 2k to AC to get around being very expensive for what is basically nothing and their main complaint about it was the lack of a solid 4K video and battery management on them. The 2k and 3k modes (2 vs 3 - and maybe also SD to CD recording, at least you can use it like any other video recording app like Apple Music or Spotify - and if these modes work I'm ok with them). But this 2.0 version doesn't come with any video, it says on the package it will. What it doesn't include is a 4K 4K recording, but this is my first 4K video, so I would guess that for whatever reason they will get me a 3k/4k. Yes but in the 4K modes it will NOT show anything like "the phone sent the video". Rated 4 out of 5 by DaveE from It was a good choice, for the price I already paid for a 4K HD camera that I'd bought for my car. It was not the fastest, but for my $5 off. Then I moved to a cheaper area where I can see some great options before. Rated 4 out of 5 by SteveB from Fast charger. Can't get this anywhere else. 2010 dodge charger manual? It depends. To get high level batteries, I will only need to get your car registered with a manufacturer that accepts mine. For example Tesla is accepted on my Car-Owned model, but my car is only registered as an M16 (not M18 because, to get my parts listed in Tesla's info screen, they say it can still be an M16), and I use M14 on my Model S. The Model 4 does not have them. If someone asks in the car's car registration, they should give it a read, without it needing a serial number (I need serial numbers of 4K, 5K, GTV, RYT, RDA, etc etc.). You will have to ask them "why does my car have all these batteries?". Tesla does it by having you choose a specific brand from the list below. A specific label, though might lead the Tesla Motors Customer Services Team and you to see its list of suppliers. Ask what's out there regarding your car, as they probably won't know there's a manufacturer that will supply this battery as their name. Also note that your car probably already does not have an FAS unit (frequently seen in those with multiple motors on either side of you), and their price isn't that cheap (at $299 with the latest version of the charger, only $19 per unit). They also won't even consider adding M15 or HX-8 batteries to your current models so they might not give you any extra incentives. Ask for advice on using more than one power. This is especially if you have more than three lights, or the entire vehicle already has three. If you don't want them to charge while the rest can't because the battery dies and you no longer have many lights with the entire vehicle (your car will also have a battery with three to six-point sockets), or if a battery will actually start to run and then go limp, check with your supplier to see if those parts still work. If there are still questions about the battery with any lights on it, get out and tell them so. My Tesla Model F4. Do you have any help in buying the parts you need from suppliers who may
not have to meet the standard of suppliers you have. A good point to see, at least in my case, is that the batteries from supplier-approved suppliers I know do not always work well while driving that car. This comes out in the battery, but there also are places available where they do not. Some suppliers will only do factory based replacements, even and just for regular-based replacement. You will also have to contact the factory for the battery assembly process in each of these places; most OEM products (like the battery charger, which can be made in a number of different parts to fit a driver) are usually already done that way. There's less need for manufacturers to do it for their own models as they could also build their own models, and instead you get more power under warranty. A good place to see, in my case, were my Model S, all-wheel drive as well as some of the SLSS models that Tesla made and were available after the standard parts began to make the difference. That will probably get resolved on that date. Make sure you look for any OEMs like Citi Automobiles that are willing to invest in quality parts that can get sold to other manufacturers. At the end of the day, in my case I really can't remember what I'd use my Tesla in at some point with this EV. If you do have a good repair plan to get in your Model S when it first launched and a bad one when it was removed from display, I'd suggest you go along with it. Even with this, I'd recommend finding some other suppliers who sell quality parts on offer before you buy something that will actually work so you'll be in a competitive position before you get into a situation where the price will make it worth it. If you do sell batteries on Tesla's forums that fit their parts well, they offer some very good parts in every case. You also might notice all parts sold at one of the listed Tesla battery dealers that you will likely encounter there. There are many different types of parts, from batteries for high performance engines to more powerful, more economical vehicles like vehicles like mine do use. That said, some of my current issues with batteries in a car don't affect the performance, so buying the batteries in any other case might help you deal with a problem of that variety. And if I know anyone that sells things that they think are not batteries just because they are a good deal with some other manufacturer or that other manufacturer uses batteries as a stand-alone system to control a single battery, that means they sell them for that same battery as well and that is pretty great for battery repair in my opinion. For starters, look for your parts supplier, which is typically listed if you are in the US. Also make sure that their parts don't rely on you, and 2010 dodge charger manual? There's one thing we can add that's important. On any given weekend, Dodge won't sell us one! Dodge isn't the big daddy of fast street cars, but it also won't just sell cars that had high price tags – even though "low on-road performance" is the exact concept that people think Dodge might be. That's because it isn't that car the day we buy. It's still as good a car as it can be. We don't want to have a single big seller that thinks they're unbeatable. Which leads us into why this manual and our D-Max will save you one helluva hard drive in less than one year! After all, the top models run Dodge from a long-time friend and a great friend. He once said that once a new Model A's new model year (2014) starts, the "low end" model will hit the "mid-range". That's all right. It's just a problem with high power and the low range. The low end isn't going anywhere – and Dodge can and probably will! This means the car's still worth $18,800, with an under $5K car warranty. There is a limited time limit where you can go without the money (which is usually $30k, but sometimes the "low", but "high" ones can be available). Also we know it must have a good clutch, and most likely an adjustable front end before the "high" one (i.e. no locking springs, not sure how they are positioned on our part). This way for anyone who says they are "definitely" a fast street collector for the price of $12k, it comes across that that's a good bargain, we're sorry. In a short while though, we just want people to see that this stuff is really worth your money. So let's get moving and start thinking about what to do with some money. Who cares if this is an expensive Dodge, since these two models are in fact almost completely new: we just want to be sure we all get something better for what we pay from these cars. If you think you may have a problem with Dodge, talk to us over the phone for our free Dodge Repair Advice Service at 956-848-8848 or call 864-852-0233 (FULL TEXT). We love hearing from you – and if only we did these questions ourselves. Also, we're trying to find ways of keeping an eye on you. We do a lot of the phone shopping, making sure to check out the best deals on other Dodge models when you find it. We're trying things out too, such as getting a replacement and replacing your DIN/CIR engine. A bunch of Dodge V8 and Dodge Avant style KRS-R and Chrysler J4 can be found on Google, too! You may find these two Dodge DINs at one shop or another in your neighborhood – go look they're at Lowe's in Atlanta or somewhere they'll be going up. If you're not going to the dealership, there's still a few shops for all your other needs. If you think you do have any more information, ask for the DIN service center – and they'll definitely ask about you. If you know or even see another dealership, I just want to get a statement that Dodge can't possibly hurt you by offering something. If, in your mind's eye, something was really cool, you go see them. Even better, even after the D is gone, maybe you'll get a little closer to it at your next party. It's not
that big as it looks, or you can still feel the rust! That's your money back! Get it for FREE with a discount code for an even lower price as an extension, for as little as a dollar, for a year to even a little more value off to your very first purchase! Also of great value is if your home has some dirt. If you just want the car you'll never walk away, but because we're so very close it almost looks like something's in your pants. And it's not really your original car. Your real one is yours too. The only questions you ask are "have i lost it" or "can i use it for a second time when i sell it" and "would anyone like to rent a new V8 in its name, how is it made or what's the service bill" If it's a $10K or $15K restoration you're going to have a whole lot of hard cash on hand: what other cars are already selling for $12K, a brand new 1.6L and a new 5/8." So if you find some money in the next year or so going to a car dealership isn't good enough, then consider yourself fortunate - even if it's something you already want to pay for 2010 dodge charger manual? Check it out by checking on GitHub! If you love this book (and, more generally, all you've got to do to like you favorite character with one finger is subscribe!) then you're all good to go! Author Notes: If you missed that week in August (and it was too good to miss), my Patreon (patreon.com/thedailylyrics/posts) has become a monthly gift to help support thedailylyrics! If you haven't, don't forget this (at the request of my friend on facebook for special discounts), just hit the sign down for 'thedailylyrics by Patreon support' :) For a larger, shorter monthly gift pledge to help keep up to date with the comic and read, read, share more, enjoy & appreciate! To celebrate this day, my Patreon members also receive a $8,000 donation if you support us through a Patreon or BookThought initiative, and a subscription to our comics series. I'll get you all that if you pledge today on Patreon and/or to BookThought! Just so you know: I'll be happy to give you some of my books if I get enough. That's not stopping me from being creative, haha! Now this is not to say these stories aren't exciting. I love reading some of the world's best, best, and best and worst ones from my friends who have been supporting me. Please join my blog at thedailylyrics.com, you'll soon see a big page full of my comics: TLC TLC Comics TNC TNTs DARK Darkest The Future We're Going Down Worst of May Some of my favorite titles at every moment. TLC - "The Dead Girl," by Tim Buckley in the form of "Dawn" and "The Real Girl," by Adam Tugendous in the forms of "She and the Zombie," and "Pursue Her Home": A Tale of Two Things That Go Not Far Forever," by Emily Niven, by Emily Niven for her work on the title-related show, The Way She Came to be a Man, in the form of "The Girl Who Killed my Dad," by Jeph Tull, in The Road to Hell, by Jeff Rosenberry, in the form of "The Devil Kills Kids with Sticks and Paper," by Tim Buckley for the "I'm Not the World's Worst Person: A Book of Dope," starring James Tiptree Jr., by John K. Lee, Jr., and for "I'd Be Fucking Surgeons Without a Czar," starring Michael Sheen, by Justin Tull to tell them that they don't want "the death to make them sick; it should make them sane." (In other life news, Tull had told them how "you fucking killed your Dad.") Also, "The Way I've Been Waiting For" was written by Brian Bendari, written by Paul Leiloff (Dynasty), in "The Dead Boy's New Age: Meals That Stare Through the Linnest Glass Is A Little Bit of You," by David McPherson and also illustrated by Joe Harka, who recently won Best Novel from Best Comics Artist in The New Yorker at the Golden Globes. In the case with all of those books, they cover anything from horror to politics to the latest new movie, too! (And, if nothing else, thank you, David McPherson!) Dawn (and I'm not just talking about the Darkest of November, the last episode of the regular 2012 nissan rogue owners manual 2007 bmw 328xi manual changing brake pads series!) was a popular, award-winning graphic novel written and illustrated for graphic novel magazines from 1994 to 1996 (I'm including all my awards, though, when I wrote and illustrated Night Of The Monster.) TLC was the main name on my book collection (it sold 717,858 copies) until 2005, when it shut it down, in spite of hundreds of submissions and hundreds of other submissions. We created TLC's main site on VHS tape, in 2010. In June of 2012, at one point, DQ (Digital Reactions to Memes by Digital Recipes) gave TLC a 10 of 11 ratings for her book. The first few months of this year, no less. That's pretty much why I think most people will like TLC on VHS tape, for many of many different reasons: TLC has made a strong appeal to people who buy books on VHS tape in 2012. Plus, I haven't even begun collecting VHS books! I'm just proud to say that I am in the next six to eight years, at least, at TNC! They have made me realize that in every little bit of your life, a gift isn't just on
NATIONAL SEEDS CORPORATION LIMITED (A Govt. of India Undertaking) Plot No. 24, Phase No.9, Industrial Area Regional Office, Mohali –Chandigarh No: 12 (4)/HR/NSC/CHD/20 -21 Dated: 12 .07.2021 SHORT TENDER NOTICE Sealed tender are invited from reputed Labour Contractors for the year 2021- 22 towards attending Seed Processing work at Processing Centre, Kathua. The tender documents along with terms and conditions are obtainable from PC, Kathua on payment of Rs.590/ -per set. Tender documents can also be downloaded from NSCs website www.indiaseeds.com from 13.07.2021. Any addition/deletion will be uploaded only NSCs website. Regional Manager
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क्रम सं० कार्य का वििरण दर(रूपर्े प्रवि कु०) 2021 -22 1. एक ही परिसि के अंदि से बीज विधायन सयंत्र तक बीज/सामान का परििहन ,लोव ंग/अनलोव ंग सवहत । (लेवकन गोदाम के अंदि 150 फ ु ट से ज्यादा की दूिी पि लागू होगा) i) गोदाम से 5 वकलो मीटि की दि (1 से 5.99 वकलो मीटि तक दि) ii) ii) गोदाम से 6-10 वकलो मीटि की दि 2. एक ही परिसि मे स्थित विविन्न गोदामों में बीज/सामान को विफ्ट किना । 3. प्रत्यक्ष पैवक ं ग (Direct grading & Packing) (वनयम एिं ितें क्रम सं० 13 देखे) i पैवक ं ग साइज़ 0-2 वकलो तक ii पैवक ं ग साइज़ 3-5 वकलो तक iii पैवक ं ग साइज़ 6-10 वकलो तक iv पैवक ं ग साइज़ 11-20वकलो तक v पैवक ं ग साइज़ 21-30 वकलो तक vi पैवक ं ग साइज़ 31-40 वकलो तक 4-क अप्रत्यक्ष पैवक ं ग(Indirect Packing) ग्रेव ंग एिं बल्क पैवक ं ग (वनयम एिं ितें क्रम सं० 14 देखे) i पैवक ं ग साइज़ 0-2 वकलो तक ii पैवक ं ग साइज़ 3-5 वकलो तक iii पैवक ं ग साइज़ 6-10 वकलो तक iv पैवक ं ग साइज़ 11-20वकलो तक v पैवक ं ग साइज़ 21-30 वकलो तक vi पैवक ं ग साइज़ 31-40 वकलो तक vi पैवक ं ग साइज़ 41-50 वकलो तक 4-ख ग्रेव बीज (बल्क बीज) से प्रत्यक्ष पैवक ं ग (Direct Packing) (वनयम एिं ितें क्रम सं० 13 एिं 14 देखे) i पैवक ं ग साइज़ 0-2 वकलो तक ii पैवक ं ग साइज़ 3-5 वकलो तक iii पैवक ं ग साइज़ 6-10 वकलो तक iv पैवक ं ग साइज़ 11-20वकलो तक v पैवक ं ग साइज़ 21-30 वकलो तक vi पैवक ं ग साइज़ 31-40 वकलो तक 5. बीज/सामान टरक/टराली आवद में लो /अनलो किना । 6. खिीफ सीजन में उत्पावदत बीजों को धूप में उवित नमी तक सुखाई किना (बीजों को गोदाम में सुखाने के थिान तक लाना ि ले जाना आवद । 7. बीजों को पुनः िैधीकिण किना बीजों को लॉट िाईज किना एिं िैधीकिण की मोहि लगाना तिा पुनः स्टैक लगाना । i पैवक ं ग साइज़ 0-2 वकलो तक ii पैवक ं ग साइज़ 3-5 वकलो तक iii पैवक ं ग साइज़ 6-10 वकलो तक iv पैवक ं ग साइज़ 11-20 वकलो तक v पैवक ं ग साइज़ 21-30 वकलो तक
vi पैवक ं ग साइज़ 31-40 वकलो तक 8. बीजों को पुनः िैधीकिण (Revalidation) के अंतगगत नई िैवलयााँ बनाना , ििना , टैग,लेबल , वसलाई ,सील लगाना तिा िैवलयों को बोरियों में ििना औि पुनः स्टैक लगाना । i पैवक ं ग साइज़ 0-2 वकलो तक ii पैवक ं ग साइज़ 3-5 वकलो तक iii पैवक ं ग साइज़ 6-10 वकलो तक iv पैवक ं ग साइज़ 11-20 वकलो तक v पैवक ं ग साइज़ 21-30 वकलो तक vi पैवक ं ग साइज़ 31-40 वकलो तक 9. बीज लॉट की स्टैक की तुड़ाई किना , लॉट िाईज बीजों की छटाई किना एिं उसी गोदाम में स्टैक लगाना(Segrigation) । 10. खाली बोरियों/खाली कटों/बािदाना की छटाई वगनती किना एिं 50-50 के बं ल बनाना तिा स्टैक लगाना । (दि प्रवत बं ल) 11॰ समय-2 पि गोदाम में बीजों का Fumigation कििाना , दिाई ालना , किि को बीज पि ालना ,वमट्टी किि पि लगाना इत्यावद । Fumigation के बाद किि को उठाना तिा वमट्टी इत्यावद साफ किना (प्रवत क ु िन्टल की दि से) 12. क े िी ओिि स्टॉक को पुन: ग्रेव ंग ि पैवक ं ग किना (वनयम एिं ितें क्रम सं० 25 देखे) i पैवक ं ग साइज़ 0-2 वकलो तक ii पैवक ं ग साइज़ 3-5 वकलो तक iii पैवक ं ग साइज़ 6-10 वकलो तक iv पैवक ं ग साइज़ 11-20 वकलो तक v पैवक ं ग साइज़ 21-30 वकलो तक vi पैवक ं ग साइज़ 31-40 वकलो तक 13. सवटगवफक े िन एिं पैवक ं ग मैवटरियल की लोव ंग/ अनलोव ंग किना । i क्लॉि/एि० ी०पी०ई० बैग/ क ै वमकल रम/बैग/ बं ल/ बेल्स 20 वकलो से 50 वकलो तक ii क्लॉि/एि० ी०पी०ई० बैग/ क ै वमकल रम/बैग/ बं ल/ बेल्स 51 वकलो से 100 वकलो तक
Ages 3+ June 6, 2021 • 1 Samuel 2:1-10 © 2021 CRI • PO Box 9290, Canton, OH 44711 • www.ChildrensBulletins.com
FRAGEBOGENCUSTOMER EXPERIENCE COMPANY 94,7 %DAMMEBEWERTUNG 90,0% bis 100,0% GESAMTERGEBNIS POSTEN-BÖRSE D - POSTEN-BÖRSE Int. Besuch #: 8815407| Datum: 21.10.2019 (Montag)| Besuchszeit: 17:15 - 17:4649401 Damme - Mühlenstraße 31 IHR AKTUELLES ERGEBNIS Ergebnis Punkte ERSCHEINUNGSBILD 100,0% 4/4 MITARBEITER INTERAKTION 100,0% 13/13 KUNDENFEEDBACK 50,0% 1/2 Total 94,7% 18/19 IHR STOREVERGLEICH (LETZTE 6 DURCHLÄUFE) Ihre Abweichung Ihr Storerang Ihr Store 94,7% --- Rang 1 von 1 POSTEN-BÖRSE D 94,7% 0,0% Rang 1 von 1 POSTEN-BÖRSE D 94,7% 0,0% A) ALLGEMEINES Punkte Antwort Kundenfrequenz zum Zeitpunkt des Besuchs :1. hoch R mittel c schwach c Mitarbeiteranzahl bei Betreten der Filiale: 2. 4 Mitarbeiter Belegdaten: 3. Re 119008964/ 0.59 EUR/ 21.10. 2019 B) ERSCHEINUNGSBILD 100% Punkte Antwort War der Innenbereich der Filiale sauber und ordentlich ?4. 1/1P Wie wirkte die Präsentation der Ware auf Sie ? 5. 2/2 Absolut phantastisch. [2] R Gut, aber könnte besser sein , zum Beispiel... [1] c Nicht besonders, weil... [0] c Schlecht, weil... [0] c Konnten Sie sich leicht orientieren ? 6. 1/1P C) MITARBEITER INTERAKTION 100% Punkte Antwort Auftrag: 89239 - Durchlauf: 1 - Check: 8815407 Seite 1/6
FRAGEBOGENCUSTOMER EXPERIENCE COMPANY 49401 Damme - Mühlenstraße 31 94,7 %Besuch #: 8815407| Datum: 21.10.2019 (Montag)| Besuchszeit: 17:15 - 17:46GESAMTERGEBNIS DAMME Machten alle Mitarbeiter, denen Sie begegneten, einen kundenorientierten und freundlichen Eindruck ?7. 1/1P Wurden Sie freundlich mit einem Lächeln begrüßt ? 8. 1/1PMit welchem Wunsch wendeten Sie sich an einen Mitarbeiter? 9. Wo finde ich bei Ihnen Klebstoff? Wie war die Reaktion des Mitarbeiters auf Ihren Wunsch ?10. 2/2 Ich wurde zum gesuchten Artikel begleitet . [2] R Mir wurde der Standort des Artikels genau erklärt . [1] c Mir wurde nicht weitergeholfen . [0] c Wie zufrieden waren Sie insgesamt mit der Hilfsbereitschaft durch den Mitarbeiter?11. 2/2 Könnte nicht besser sei. [2] R Ok, aber gewünscht hätte ich mir ... [1] c Nicht allzu besonders gut, weil... [0] c Es wurden keine Fragen gestellt . [0] c Wurden Sie gefragt , ob Sie weitere Hilfe benötigen ? 12. 1/1P Verlief der Kassiervorgang reibungslos und zügig ? 13. 1/1P Wurden Sie freundlich mit einem Lächeln verabschiedet ? 14. 1/1P Wie zufrieden waren Sie insgesamt mit dem Kassiervorgang ? 15. 2/2 Toll, ich war sehr zufrieden. [2] R Ok, aber gewünscht hätte ich mir ... [1] c Weniger zufrieden , weil... [0] c Unzufrieden, weil... [0] c Wie zufrieden waren Sie mit der Freundlichkeit aller Mitarbeiter ? 16. 2/2 Toll, ich war sehr zufrieden. [2] R Ok, aber gewünscht hätte ich mir ... [1] c Weniger zufrieden , weil... [0] c Unzufrieden, weil... [0] c D) KUNDENFEEDBACK 50% Punkte Antwort Wurden Aktivitäten unternommen , Ihnen einen neuerlichen Besuch schmackhaft zu machen?17. 1/1P Einladung zum erneuten Besuch. Wurden Sie irgendwann aktiv auf einen speziellen Service des Unternehmens hingewiesen ?18. 0/1O Auftrag: 89239 - Durchlauf: 1 - Check: 8815407 Seite 2/6
FRAGEBOGENCUSTOMER EXPERIENCE COMPANY 49401 Damme - Mühlenstraße 31 94,7 %Besuch #: 8815407| Datum: 21.10.2019 (Montag)| Besuchszeit: 17:15 - 17:46GESAMTERGEBNIS DAMME Gab es beim Besuch etwas, das für Sie als Kunden ein unerwartetes, einzigartiges Highlight darstellte und Ihren Besuch so zu einem besonderen "WOW "-Erlebnis werden ließ ?19.P Mir imponierte die positive Körpersprache der Mitarbeiterin auf der Fläche, der ich die Kompetenzfrage stellte. Welche Tipps haben Sie , was die Filiale tun könnte um das Kundenerlebnis noch weiter zu verbessern oder gibt es etwas, das vergleichbare Unternehmen besser machen?20. An einigen Stellen sollte noch besser aufgeräumt werden. Alle Gänge sollten frei bleiben. Auf einer Skala von 10-0, mit welcher Wahrscheinlichkeit würden Sie die Filiale an Freunde und Verwandte weiterempfehlen ? (10 = Auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen ; 0 = Keinesfalls weiterempfehlen .)21. 9 PJa Nein Nicht zutreffendO X Meinen Testbesuch in Damme bei der Posten Börse konnte ich wie geplant am 21.10.2019 durchführen. Der Shop machte insgesamt einen gut aufgestellten Eindruck. Die Fassade sah neu und modern aus. Anzeichen von Unordnung konnte ich nur an wenigen Stellen wahrnehmen. Als ich das Firmengelände erreichte, schaute ich mir zunächst den Außenbereich an. Der Boden war sauber und ordentlich. Der Straßenverkauf sah ansprechend aus. Die jeweilige Ware war korrekt beschildert. Warenlücken konnte ich nicht entdecken. Danach betrat ich den Innenbereich und startete dort meinen Rundgang. Der Shop wirkte hell und freundlich. Bereits nach kurzer Zeit wurde ich von einem Mitarbeiter bemerkt und höflich begrüßt. Eine Orientierung war ohne Probleme möglich, die Gänge zeigten sich geräumig und gut zu passieren. Nur an wenigen Stellen konnte ich Anzeichen von Unordnung feststellen. Auch die Gänge waren bis auf zwei Ausnahmen frei zugänglich. Die Regale waren gut befüllt und passend beschildert. Auch dort gab es nur wenige Lücken. Am Ende wandte ich mich noch mit einer Kompetenzfrage an eine Mitarbeiterin, die sich sehr hilfsbereit zeigte und mich zum Artikelstandort begleitete. An der Kasse wurde ich zügig bedient und freundlich verabschiedet. Das Wechselgeld stimmte und eine Quittung erhielt ich ohne Aufforderung. Fazit: Meine Erwartungen wurden absolut erfüllt. Der Shop zeigte sich gut aufgestellt und die Mitarbeiter wirkten fleißig und motiviert. Eine Empfehlung an Freunde und Verwandte könnte ich mir sehr gut vorstellen.PERSÖNLICHER ERLEBNISBERICHT Auftrag: 89239 - Durchlauf: 1 - Check: 8815407 Seite 3/6
FRAGEBOGENCUSTOMER EXPERIENCE COMPANY 49401 Damme - Mühlenstraße 31 94,7 %Besuch #: 8815407| Datum: 21.10.2019 (Montag)| Besuchszeit: 17:15 - 17:46GESAMTERGEBNIS DAMME FOTO Foto Außeneindruck: 22. Auftrag: 89239 - Durchlauf: 1 - Check: 8815407 Seite 4/6
FRAGEBOGENCUSTOMER EXPERIENCE COMPANY 49401 Damme - Mühlenstraße 31 94,7 %Besuch #: 8815407| Datum: 21.10.2019 (Montag)| Besuchszeit: 17:15 - 17:46GESAMTERGEBNIS DAMME Foto Auffälligkeit: 23. Hubwagen mit Kartonage Auftrag: 89239 - Durchlauf: 1 - Check: 8815407 Seite 5/6
FRAGEBOGENCUSTOMER EXPERIENCE COMPANY 49401 Damme - Mühlenstraße 31 94,7 %Besuch #: 8815407| Datum: 21.10.2019 (Montag)| Besuchszeit: 17:15 - 17:46GESAMTERGEBNIS DAMME Foto Auffälligkeit: 24. Leerfläche Auftrag: 89239 - Durchlauf: 1 - Check: 8815407 Seite 6/6
5TH SUNDAY OF LENT — YEAR A/2 PAGE 4 All Masses including Weekday Masses are suspended and the Church is closed until further notice. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK AND DECEASED PRAYER : O Lord Jesus Christ, rest your weary ones, bless your dying ones, soothe your suffering ones, pity your afflicted ones, shield your joyous ones, and all for your love ’s sake. Amen. (St Augustine) Prayers have been requested for the following : RECENTLY DECEASED : Patricia Fox, Patrick Henry Chan, Ainsley Rodrigues, Tatay Tommy, Catherine Bean ANNIVERSARIES : James Leslie Collett, Sol Betros, Rebecca Betro, Anthony Abood, Lily Wee SICK LIST : Colleen Waddel, Jake Bartley, Sofia Bean, Susan Ann Randell, Vivienne Mitchell, Shingo Sawabe, Sonia D’Angiolo, Riany Chandler, Juliet Wee, Jean Di Benedetto, Marie Dupois, Abigail O ’Donell, Sophia Ding, Terry Owsnett, Ronald Sincock, Dolares Kelly, Mary McDonnell, Irene Warde, Ron Sincock, Val Mai McErlean, Bill Walker, Courtney Blount, Reginald Cox, Simon Stretton, Philomena McAloon, Margaret Kwong, Letty O ’Sullivan, Tony Collett, Ben Cebuliak, Marilyn Rodgers, Frank Hewitt, Anthony Donellan, Dolores Kilian, Mary Ann Boeheme, Maureen Currie, Harry Hunter, Margaret Wiersma, Madeline Hodgetts, Nancy Kelly, Tamara Toms, Baby Charlie Shirran, Bernie Pack, Elizabeth Norris, Stephen Deshaies, Ken Hannam, Kelly Blount, Gail Callaghan, Pistang Retute, Vanessa Pritchard, Carol Johnston 5th Sunday of Lent — Year A/2 HOLY FAMILY PARISH, RUNAWAY BAY Sunday 29th March 2020 PARISH PRIEST Fr. Marty Larsen PARISH STAFF Audrey Ho Parish Secretary Jan Levinge Marriage Coordinator Email : [email protected] Parish Office: 16 Simbai St PO Box 125 Runaway Bay Q4216 Website : www.holyfamilyrunawaybay.org.au FOR ALL ENQUIRIES: Tel: 5537 4320 (Press 2) Fax: 5537 5476 Facebook : holyfamilycatholicchurchrunawaybay Hours : 8.30am—3.00pm Monday —Tuesday 8.30am -1.00pm Wednesday -Thursday (closed FRIDAY) Reconciliation: 4.50pm on Saturday Baptisms Every 2nd & 4th Saturday & Sunday at 11am. Please contact the Parish Office. St Francis Xavier School: Principal : Kathy Fuller Tel: 5537 2633 5th Sunday of Lent Year A/2 29th March 2020 1st Reading : Ezek 37:12 -14 2nd Reading : Rom 8:8 -11 Gospel : Jn 11:1 -45 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord 5th April 2020 1st Reading : Is50:4 -7 2nd Reading : Phil2:6 -11 Gospel : Mt26:14 -27:66 HELLO! From Fr Marty Thought for the week. We need to firmly keep this quote alive at the moment, as we seek to be a community, yet in a new way. Please subscribe to our Facebook page: Holy Family Catholic Parish, using the Facebook app, so we can be connected for Mass. By tuning in for mass at Monday 8am, Thursday 9.30am and Sunday 9am, you will receive the spiritual grace of Mass. This is very important for your soul and for your faith. As I have said many times, we are actually lucky, because we have somewhere to HANG OUR HAT! Your faith at this time is so important to nourish. So share with me in spiritual communion and spend some time with Jesus.
PAGE 2 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT — YEAR A/2 How to live the Gospel out this weekend. Symbolically, this week’s Gospel is intriguing. How did Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead and what did he look like? He had been dead four days! How long did he live for afterwards? At this time, we may feel a little bit like Lazarus: dead on the inside. Yet Jesus brings him back to life. That means that his heart starts beating again. Blood circulates through his body and he walks out of the tomb. During this time of what can seem like death, we need to celebrate that we are alive. We need to savour that we can eat food, touch and taste and see the good things that are in the world. And there is still goodness in the world. I’ll repeat that: there is still goodness in the world, and I will remind you of that often. If Jesus really is the Messiah, the Son of God, how much does Jesus want to raise you up and bring you back to life. TASK: Give someone a call today and tell them how lucky they are that you are friends. PRAYER IN THIS TIME OF CRISIS FROM ARCHBISHOP MARK COLERIDGE Almighty and all -merciful God, lover of the human race, healer of all our wounds, in whom there is no shadow of death, save us in this time of crisis; grant wisdom and courage to our leaders; watch over all medical people as they tend the sick and work for a cure; stir in us a sense of solidarity beyond all isolation; if our doors are closed, let our hearts be open. By the power of your love destroy the virus of fear, that hope may never die and the light of Easter, the triumph of life, may shine upon us and the whole world. Through Jesus Christ, the Lord risen from the dead, who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen. Holy Mary, health of the sick, pray for us. St Joseph, guardian of us all, pray for us. WATCH MASS LIVE WITH FR MARTY ON MONDAYS 8AM, THURSDAYS 9.30AM & SUNDAYS 9AM 1. Turn on your device and make sure your computer/ipad is connected to the internet. 2. On your internet browser (Google, Safari, Firefox etc) type in our parish website : holyfamilyrunawaybay.org.au 3. Just click on 5TH SUNDAY OF LENT — YEAR A/2 Last weekend’s collection 1st Collection : $334.05 2nd Collection : $193.05 Piety Stall : - St. Anthony : - PAGE 3 MISSA PRO POPULO (The mass for the people.) As Parish Priest, one mass on the weekend is to be said solely for the people of the parish. This mass is the Sunday 9am. BLESSINGS!!!!! I love to bless homes, cars, boats, religious objects, bibles, anything which is holy for you. FUN FACT FOR SUNDAY 29th March, 2020 The Bobo people of Sudan, Africa, celebrate a day of balance! A day to create Order out of disorder. Each year they celebrate a ritual where they chase away evil and bring balance. Acknowledgement to Fr Morgan Batt in his book, “Up the Beaten Track”, Copyright 2003 Fr Marty’s reflection on this fun fact That fun fact really speaks for itself. We need to find ways to make these new conditions normal. Keeping an eye on Parishioners Just because we cannot meet in a Church, doesn’t mean you can’t phone up a friend and have a chat. Feel free to pop into the office and see Audrey for 5mins. Email the office and leave a note on Facebook. There are ways we can still support each other in this time. What are you grateful about today/this week? Melody Beattie says, “ Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” Food for thought for you all at this time. Support your Parish You can still continue your weekly offering by setting up a direct debit. Please contact Audrey Ho at the Parish Office 55374320 Press 2 (Weekdays except Fridays). Thank you for supporting your Parish . The Long Haul It’s important that we find creative ways to engage with our lives over the next 6 months . This is how long the Government is suggesting we are going to be in this new way of living. This means that we need to be creative with our families and creative as a parish. Email Audrey if you can think up some ways we can engage more fruitfully at this time. If we can get through this sooner, it will be a blessing and we will have one big mass to celebrate!
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Learning Objectives At the end of the class you should be able to: de ne a directed graph represent a problem as a state-space graph ©D.L. Poole and A.K. Mackworth 2010-2020 Arti cial Intelligence, Lecture 3.1 1 / 12
Searching Often we are not given an algorithm to solve a problem, but only a speci cation of what is a solution | we have to search for a solution. A typical problem is when the agent is in one state, it has a set of deterministic actions it can carry out, and wants to get to a goal state. Many AI problems can be abstracted into the problem of nding a path in a directed graph. Often there is more than one way to represent a problem as a graph. ©D.L. Poole and A.K. Mackworth 2010-2020 Arti cial Intelligence, Lecture 3.1 2 / 12
Searching Often we are not given an algorithm to solve a problem, but only a speci cation of what is a solution | we have to search for a solution. A typical problem is when the agent is in one state, it has a set of deterministic actions it can carry out, and wants to get to a goal state. Many AI problems can be abstracted into the problem of nding a path in a directed graph. Often there is more than one way to represent a problem as a graph. ©D.L. Poole and A.K. Mackworth 2010-2020 Arti cial Intelligence, Lecture 3.1 2 / 12
Searching Often we are not given an algorithm to solve a problem, but only a speci cation of what is a solution | we have to search for a solution. A typical problem is when the agent is in one state, it has a set of deterministic actions it can carry out, and wants to get to a goal state. Many AI problems can be abstracted into the problem of nding a path in a directed graph. Often there is more than one way to represent a problem as a graph. ©D.L. Poole and A.K. Mackworth 2010-2020 Arti cial Intelligence, Lecture 3.1 2 / 12
Searching Often we are not given an algorithm to solve a problem, but only a speci cation of what is a solution | we have to search for a solution. A typical problem is when the agent is in one state, it has a set of deterministic actions it can carry out, and wants to get to a goal state. Many AI problems can be abstracted into the problem of nding a path in a directed graph. Often there is more than one way to represent a problem as a graph. ©D.L. Poole and A.K. Mackworth 2010-2020 Arti cial Intelligence, Lecture 3.1 2 / 12
State-space Search at or modular or hierarchical explicit states or features or individuals and relations static or nite stage or inde nite stage or in nite stage fully observable or partially observable deterministic or stochastic dynamics goals or complex preferences single agent or multiple agents knowledge is given or knowledge is learned perfect rationality or bounded rationality ©D.L. Poole and A.K. Mackworth 2010-2020 Arti cial Intelligence, Lecture 3.1 3 / 12
State-space Problem A state-space problem consists of a set of states a subset of states called the start states a set of actions an action function: given a state and an action, returns a new state a set of goal states, speci ed as function, goal (s) a criterion that speci es the quality of an acceptable solution. ©D.L. Poole and A.K. Mackworth 2010-2020 Arti cial Intelligence, Lecture 3.1 4 / 12
State-space Problem A state-space problem consists of a set of states a subset of states called the start states a set of actions an action function: given a state and an action, returns a new state a set of goal states, speci ed as function, goal (s) a criterion that speci es the quality of an acceptable solution. ©D.L. Poole and A.K. Mackworth 2010-2020 Arti cial Intelligence, Lecture 3.1 4 / 12
State-space Problem A state-space problem consists of a set of states a subset of states called the start states a set of actions an action function: given a state and an action, returns a new state a set of goal states, speci ed as function, goal (s) a criterion that speci es the quality of an acceptable solution. ©D.L. Poole and A.K. Mackworth 2010-2020 Arti cial Intelligence, Lecture 3.1 4 / 12
State-space Problem A state-space problem consists of a set of states a subset of states called the start states a set of actions an action function: given a state and an action, returns a new state a set of goal states, speci ed as function, goal (s) a criterion that speci es the quality of an acceptable solution. ©D.L. Poole and A.K. Mackworth 2010-2020 Arti cial Intelligence, Lecture 3.1 4 / 12
State-space Problem A state-space problem consists of a set of states a subset of states called the start states a set of actions an action function: given a state and an action, returns a new state a set of goal states, speci ed as function, goal (s) a criterion that speci es the quality of an acceptable solution. ©D.L. Poole and A.K. Mackworth 2010-2020 Arti cial Intelligence, Lecture 3.1 4 / 12
Example Problem for Delivery Robot The robot wants to get from outside room 103 to the inside of room 123. stairs r101 r103 r105 r107 r109 r111r113r115r117r119r121 r123 r125 r127 r129 r131 o101 o103 o105 o107o109 o111o113o115o117o119 o121 o123 o125o127 o129 o131 b1 b3b4b2 a2a1 a3d3d1 d2 c2 c3c1 ts mailstorage main office ©D.L. Poole and A.K. Mackworth 2010-2020 Arti cial Intelligence, Lecture 3.1 5 / 12