Organisation of a school network in the Kaliningrad (Königsberg) region in 1945-1947 In 1945 a part of the province of East Prussia was transferred to the Soviet Union. During the battles of the World War II the province had suffered huge material damage, the number of the surviving local population barely reached 10% of the prewar level. The formation of the Soviet population in the new Russian province began. The article examines the peculiarities of organisation of public education system in the context of spontaneous growth of population, lack of teachers, facilities and resources of school network. Through the documents of the State Archive of the Kaliningrad Oblast and the early research the author examines a wide range of issues, that is the creation of civil management structures, opening of first secondary schools, their staffing, and the activities of regional authorities to establish institutions for the training of teaching staff in the territory of the region.
THE PROBLEMS OF OBSERVANCE OF THE RIGHT LAWYER FOR ACCESS TO CLIENT This article examines the right of a lawyer to be admitted to a client. Attention is paid to the amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code regarding the topic we are considering. We also analyzed the essence of this right of lawyers. We tried to identify the main problems in the area of violation of this right. We examined ways of violation of the right to a lawyer's access to a client by employees of pre-trial detention centers, analyzed materials of judicial practice, and investigated possible ways to stop such abuse.
Indicators of bllod glutathione system in adolescents abuse alcohol Reduced glutathione content, the activity of glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and catalase in erythrocytes of adolescents admitted to a drug abuse clinic with a diagnosis of «alcohol abuse» were investigated. Statistically significant increase of erythrocyte reduced glutathione within the first three days after acute alcohol intoxication was found. The activity of erythrocyte glutathione reductase not changed, and glutathione peroxidase significantly decreased during the first 5-10 days of treatment in hospital. Increased activity of superoxide dismutase and catalase was maintained throughout the observation period compared to adolescents control group. Positive correlation between reduced glutathione level and superoxide dismutase activity in the 1st and 10th day of treatment when the absence of relationship between these indices in the control group was revealed. The data obtained justify the need for more long-term antioxidant therapy.
Improving energy efficiency in the city's life support system The article considers the issues of increasing energy efficiency in urban planning, housing and communal services and urban environment improvement as a single complex designed to improve the living standards of the population. The analysis of statistical data in the field of energy conservation. An author's forecast is made for the coming years regarding the construction of apartment buildings in general and increased energy efficiency classes in particular, as well as changes in the volume of investments in energy service contracts.
SCIENTIFIC BASES OF USING NEUTRALIZED PHOSPHOGYPSUM AS A POLYCOMPONENT FERTILIZER IN RICE CROP ROTATION Inclusion of phosphogypsum into rice fertilizer system positively affects the physico-chemical properties of soil and the dynamics of con- tent of mobile phosphorus in it. Replacement of phosphorus fertilizer with neutralized phosphogypsum does not cause a decrease in yield when applied directly under the rice and when its aftereffect is used. Phosphogypsum is applied in an amount of 4 t/ha in combination with nitrogen and potassium fertilizer at the rate of N18+55,2+46K60. Its inclusion into rice fertilizer system is economically justified. Each kilogram of active substance of nitrogen-potassium fertilizer, introduced in combination with phosphogypsum, pays back 8.72 kg of yield increase with direct action and 8.50 kg - with its aftereffect.
SIGNS: EXPERIENCE OF JUDGMENT (TO THE QUESTION OF SYNTHESIS PAINTING AND DANCE) Rticle is devoted to a problem of interaction of painting, music and choreography. In the center of attention of the author the ballet "Signs" (the artist Olivier Debra, the choreographer Caroline Carlson, the composer Rene Aubrey) which premiere took place in 1997 (the main parties - Mari-Agnes Giyo and Stephane Bulyon). By recognition of the artist, Gioconda's smile - the character of immortal creation L. Da Vinci became a reason for creation of pictures which the choreographer K. Carlson staticizes by means of plasticity of a human body
PARTICIPATION OF A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS IN A QUASI-CORPORATE AGREEMENT: LEGAL BASIS AND PROBLEMATIC ASPECTS The subject of the study is the provisions of corporate legislation on the corporate agreement in terms of analysis of non-standard for corporate relations legal construction of the contract between creditors of the company and other third parties with participants of the economic society - the so-called «quasi-corporate agreement». Despite the annually increasing popularity of this legal construction, legislation in this area contains many legal gaps, which have not yet been filled by law enforcement practice. The positions of leading domestic legal scholars also remain ambiguous. Using members of the joint stock company board of directors as an example, the author raises questions concerning the subject composition of quasi-corporate agreements. Can a member of the joint stock company board of directors, who is not a shareholder of the company, conclude a quasi-corporate agreement with creditors of the company and other third parties? The author concludes that the narrowing of the circle of third parties in the quasi-corporate agreement is inexpedient. Moreover, members of a company`s board of directors are competent to act as a party of such an agreement. Restricting exclusively by participants of a business company the list of persons who may act both on the side of a business company and on the side of third parties in quasi-corporate contracts concluded in the order of clause 9 article 67.2 of the Civil Code, does not meet the original (legislatively enshrined) purpose of such agreements.
The Improvement of swimmers' psychological aspect of teaching technique and practice Formation and improvement of sporting fighting character, individuality's features development which determine sport achievements, enlargement all above up to record levels is the task of psychological aspects. The formation of individuality's features necessary for a swimmer is made with changing and of swimmer's attitude to present and coming training loading, possibilities, to nervous - psychics over-tension, to train task fulfillment quality; to curricular and sporting way of life.
Peculiarities of forming the competitive environment of business structures The article reveals the peculiarities of provision of business structures' competitiveness, as well as the problems of forming their competitive environment.
Retrospective analysis of legislation providing liability for crimes in the procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs The article is devoted to the analysis of the formation and development of criminal legislation, which provides for liability for crimes in the procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs. The main trends in the development of criminal punishment in this area are highlighted. The author comes to the conclusion that in different historical periods of the development of the Russian state the legislator reacted differently to violations in the area under study. Legislation changed, improved taking into account the realities and needs of each historical stage.
Social adaptation level and its relationship with the main clinico-dynamic and psychological characteristics in the comorbidity of affective disorders and alcohol dependence Alcohol dependence (AD) and mood disorders are not only a serious medical and socio-economic problem for modern society, but also the cause of social adaptation disorders that form even in the early stages of each of these disorders, as well as in case of their comorbidity. Objective: to determine the relationship between the level of subjective assessment of social adaptation and the main clinical, dynamic andpsy-chological characteristics in patients with affective disorders (AFD) with comorbid AD. Patients and methods. The study included 126 patients treated for AFD in the departments of affective or addictive conditions of the clinic of the Research Institute of Mental Health of the Tomsk National Research Medical Center (F31 - F34.1 according to ICD-10; n=83) or AFD comor-bid with AD (F10. 2; n=43). The study used clinical-dynamic, psychometric, pathopsychological and statistical methods. Results and discussion. Patients with AFD without comorbidity at admission were characterized by a greater severity of subjective impairment of social adaptation and anhedonia; hypochondriacal, depressive, psychasthenic and schizoid traits predominated in the structure of their personality. At the same time, the condition of patients with AFD and AD comorbidity was objectively assessed as more severe. An inverse correlation was found between the level of subjective assessment of social adaptation and anhedonia in the group of patients with “pure” AFD, and in the group with AFD and AD comorbidity, with the severity of depressive symptoms (due to typical depressive symptoms), as well as with depressive and anxious personality traits of patients. Conclusion. Self-assessment of social adaptation of patients with “pure” AFD depends on the intensity of anhedonia manifestations, and in patients with AFD and AD comorbidity, on depressive symptoms (due to typical depressive symptoms) and on the severity of such psychological characteristics as depression and psychasthenia.
SUBSTANTIATION OF ECONOMIC DECISIONS IN THE SMALL-SCALE BUSINESS The role of economic decisions substantiation concerning small-scale business enterprise management, its place in functional structures of an enterprise control system have been defined. Features of economic decision-making within a small-scale business as well as problems related to efficiency of accepted economic decisions have been considered. The basic stages of process of economic decisions substantiation and of decision-making at small enterprises are defined. Methods of the analysis in the course of economic decisions substantiation are considered. The necessity of application of decision-making support system at the small-scale business enterprises is shown.
Periappendicular changes in patients with ulcerative collitis: overview and clinical observation Ulcerative colitis is inflammatory bowel disease which characterized by inflammation of the colon and rectum: only 20-30% of UC patients have pancolitis, while proctitis and left-sided colon lesions are more common. There is a variant of localization of ulcerative colitis in patients with proctitis and left-sided colon lesion, which changes the rule of continuity of the lesion and is described as an additional periappendicular lesion. The article have been presented the own clinical observation of a patient with distal ulcerative colitis with periappendicular lesion. If a periappendicular lesion have been detected during endoscopy in a typical clinic for distal ulcerative colitis and doubts arise about the correctness of the previously established diagnosis, it is necessary to re-analyze the anamnesis, symptoms, instrumental and histological picture and, taking into account new knowledge about the course of ulcerative colitis in some patients with periappendicular lesion, confirm the initial diagnosis and continue therapy. Such a finding, according to the available literature data, does not require escalation of ulcerative colitis therapy and, as a rule, does not mean the spread of the disease to all parts of the colon.
Endothelial-platelet interaction in sepsis Introduction. Endothelial cells and platelets are actively involved in pathogenetic processes in sepsis - an unregulated reaction of the host organism in response to infection, leading, on the one hand, to the development of prothrombotic, and on the other hand, to hemorrhagic readiness. Aim - to summarize the current information on the mechanisms of intercellular interaction between endotheliocytes and platelets in sepsis. Main findings. The development of multiple organ failure, which increases the likelihood of an unfavorable outcome of sepsis, is partly due to endothelial dysfunction, as well as the involvement of platelets in the pathogenetic process. Under physiological conditions, an anatomically and functionally intact endothelium is important to prevent microvascular thrombosis. Although platelets are most associated with hemostasis, they perform many other functions, including participation in inflammatory processes through complement activation, interaction with leukocytes and monocytes, participation in host defense against infection, and regulation of vascular tone. There is also abundant evidence that suggests that the processes regulating hemostasis evolved as a component of the inflammatory response to infection. Many of these interaction points occur on the surface of endothelial cells, linking these two cell types, endotheliocytes and platelets, in initiating and regulating blood clotting and inflammation. Various mechanisms may contribute to direct and indirect platelet activation in sepsis, including pathogen-induced platelet activation, pathogen- and inflammation-induced endothelial and leukocyte activation, and complement-mediated platelet activation.
Ultrasonic and morphometric description of inguinal canal in hernia in young patients Introduction. The individual approach to the choice of the method of inguinal herniotomy at the stage of pre-operative preparation is an actual task for practical surgery. Purpose of the study. To conduct a comparative analysis of the results of ultrasonic visualization of the topographic-anatomical parameters of the inguinal canal with the data of intraoperative morphometry. Materials and methods. The work is based on the results of examination of 39 young patients with inguinal hernia of the II, IIIа and IIIb type, according to L.Nyhus. Ultrasonic visualization of inguinal canal was conducted before the operative intervention with the help of Sonoase 5500 device with a linear transducer 7.5 Mhz in В-mode. There were measured the height of inguinal interval, combined thickness of the inner oblique and transverse abdominal muscles that form the upper wall of inguinal channel, and also the diameter of deep inguinal ring. The same topographic-anatomical parameters of the inguinal canal were measured intraoperatively with the help of special device. Operative intervention was conducted under spinal anesthesia in all patients. Results and discussion. For young patients with hernia, the height of the inguinal interval depends on the type of inguinal hernia. Substantial distinctions in the height of the inguinal interval, revealed during ultrasonic visualization and intraoperative morphometry, were not observed. Cumulative thickness of muscles that form the upper wall of the inguinal canal did not depend on the type of inguinal hernia. In the II type of inguinal hernia, the results of ultrasound and intraoperative morphometry did not have substantial distinctions. Reliable distinctions in the diameter of deep inguinal ring in hernia of the IIIа and IIIb type were not revealed, regardless of the method of research. Conclusion. Ultrasonic visualization of inguinal canal lets to estimate objectively the basic topographic-anatomical parameters of the inguinal canal in hernia. Its results should be used at the stage of planning of the method of hernioplasty.
"A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM" BY W.SHAKESPEARE AND A.S.BYATT’S NOVEL "THE CHILDREN’S BOOK" The article presents the results of the research on Shakespearean allusions in A.S.Byatt’s novel “The Children’s Book”. Attention is drawn to some Shakespeare’s works which are alluded to in the novel. The focus of the analysis is on the dominant allusion to the play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” which determines behaviour patterns of some major characters in “The Children’s book’, clarifies the characters’ personal stories and provides a long-term perspective on the plot development in the novel. The difference between some types of theatrical performances of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” in the novel (the puppet theatre and the theatre with real actors) complicates the semiotics of the literary text.
implementation of orphans and children left without parental care, their housing rights This article investigates issues of concern relating to the implementation of orphans and children left without parental care, their housing rights. On the basis of existing legislation and judicial practice analyzed legal regulation of protection of housing rights of minor children falling under the category of persons who are entitled to additional social protection in accordance with Art. 1 of the Federal Law of 21 December 1996 № 159-FZ "On Additional Guarantees of social support for orphans and children left without parental care"
Several peculiarities of the incidence rate of out-of-hospital pneumonia and acute otitis media in the Altai Territory The purpose of the study - to evaluate the incidence of community-acquired pneumonia and acute otitis media and to explore the role of S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae in Barnaul. As part of a prospective multicenter clinical and epidemiological studies and prospective cohort study to assess the incidence of community-acquired pneumonia and acute otitis media, as well as exploring the role of S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae in the etiology of these diseases, we have shown that these nosology represent a significant problem in children under the age of 5 years in Barnaul. Given the fact that pneumococcal infection is controlled today, the introduction of mass immunization against the disease will significantly reduce the incidence presented nosological forms.
The role of the vulnerability of the territory to the technological impact in the creation of monitoring systems For evaluation of the state of natural waters of the territory is made typing with the construction of the scheme of its vulnerability to anthropogenic impact. On the basis of these constructions is justified density of the network gidrogeoecology monitoring.
Analysis of some organization and methods provisions of training fifth graders sport games lessons in physical culture Efficiency of operating organizationally-methodical positions of process of teaching students of the fifth grade to the sporting playing in certain lessons of physical culture were determined. The questionnaire inquiry is conducted 150 teachers of physical education of general educational establishments. The substantial lacks of realization of the indicated positions are educed in practical activity. Basic defects touch the motor closeness of lessons, study of receptions of sporting games, level of capture by them, creation of the proper personal interest of students. One of ways of decision of the put problem is viewing of going near realization of educational material on sporting games.
Microinvasive knotless fixation of posterior chamber intraoсular lenses in a ciliary sulcus The new technique of a microinvasive knotless anchoring of posterior chamber intraocular lenses in ciliary sulcus was developed. It has a number of advantages. Firstly, there is provided a stable fixing of IOL in ciliary body; secondly, there is a possibility of «centering» of IOL during the surgery after suspension; thirdly, there is no danger of a cutting of a thread's knot through the conjunctiva; fourthly, there is observed a minimization of the induced corneal astigmatism. The majority of patients had high functional results of operative treatment. There was observed improvement of visual acuity in the early period after surgery at all patients. Stability of position of IOL within postoperative period was proved by the data of ultrasonic biomicroscopy.
The Images of the Grand Duchesses Elizabeth Feodorovna and Maria Pavlovna the Elder in the Sources of Personal Origin of the Representatives of the Romanov Dynasty and Approximates: the Late of 19th - the Beginning of the 20th Century In the sources of personal origin of the Romanovs and their approximate, images of the Grand Duchess Elizaveta Fedorovna and Maria Pavlovna Sr., formed during the First World War, are revealed. The content and mechanisms of image transformation are analyzed in the context of interdynastic and foreign political relations.
Association of FGB, LPL, GPIIIA and TGFB gene polymorphisms with variants of atherosclerosis severity AIM. To estimate the effect of transforming growth factor в, lipoprotein lipase, fibrinogen в and glycoprotein 3б gene polymorphisms on different variants of atherosclerosis severity. METHODS. The study included 319 patients with angiografically verified atherosclerosis. In all patients FGB (rs1800788), LPL (rs328), GpIIIa (rs5918) and TGFВ (rs1800469) polymorphism genotyping was performed. In all patients we evaluated the influence of the studied gene polymorphisms on parameters of atherosclerosis severity such as occlusion and presence and severity of stenosis. Presence of occlusion, occlusion and/or two and more stenoses over 70%, occlusion and multiple critical stenoses were considered the severity criteria. RESULTS. The studied gene polymorphisms were shown to be associated with severe course of atherosclerosis. GPIIIa polymorphism was commonly determined in patients with more severe course regardless of occlusion and number and severity of stenoses. FGB gene influenced the rate of occlusion development, TGF gene was expressed only in the group with occlusion and/or two and more stenoses over 70%, and LPL gene proved to be significant for the development of occlusion associated with critical stenosis. CONCLUSION. The frequency of rare alleles of polymorphic regions is significantly associated with different variants of severe atherosclerosis course; this could suggest unequal influence of gene polymorphisms as well as their proteins on different stages of atherogenesis and requires further investigation.
EMERGENCY SURGERY, INTENSIVE CARE OF CHILDREN WITH CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE IN BAKOULEV NATIONAL MEDICAL RESEARCH CENTER FOR CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY. 2017 Cardiac surgery of congenital heart defects (CHD) in newborns and children of the first year of life is the most difficult and time-consuming area of modern cardiac surgery. The Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery is the leading clinic in Russia and the largest in Europe, in which the largest number of operations for congenital heart defects is performed. The Center consists of three departments that treat patients of extremely chest age. The results and the amount of work of one of them - the Department of emergency neonatal surgery meet the most modern requirements and is presented in this publication. The department performs more than 570 operations per year with CHD. The logical combination of the surgical department with the intensive care unit and intensive care of premature and children of the first year of the life with CHD is a modern symbiosis, which is designed to improve the effectiveness of treatment of the most difficult patients. The data of the annual report presented in the work confirm this. The publication presents an annual report on the scientific and practical activities of the department of emergency surgery and the intensive care unit for intensive care of newborns and children in the first year of life with congenital heart defects adapted for central printing.
SPECIFICS OF THE SCANDINAVIAN SOCIETY AS A FACTOR OF INNOVATIONS' STIMULATION Specifics of the Scandinavian society as an integral link of national innovative system of countries in Northern Europe and the main stimulator of innovative activity in the region is investigated in current paper. The author reveals the state role in formation of «knowledge society» as well as offers a characteristic to «the creative industry».
Influence of kinematic errors on the accuracy of the stabilization system and guidance of the line of sight Effect of an Alignment errors and errors of transmission from stabilized platform to optical element on precision of the stabilization and guidance system is discussed in this paper. Simple analytical formulas for estimate the errors of stabilization and guidance system against base motion and alignment errors are derived.
SOME HURRY, THE OTHER HASTEN [For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version)].ABSTRACT OF THE BOOK. What should be done for the transport in XXI century, in order that it meets more and more innovative expectations of consumers? Do you believe that in the near future there will be commuter trains- planes, intercontinental overland routes, and the speed of our travels over the ground steps over 1000 km per hour? On the pages of this not fiction book together with the authors we can try to answer the most daring questions, to broaden own attitudes, to get acquainted with breakthrough transport projects and everyday working hypotheses based on actual engineering and economic calculations. ABSTRACT OF THE REVIEW. The reviewer argues that the form of the presentation chosen by the authors allows to save a flexible boundary between dream-fantasy and a real prospect of development of terrestrial transport, that the book chapters are indeed solid sections, where in the first case five hypotheses (chapters) are put, the second subtitle «Philosopher’s vision for the future» indicates sixteen directions and profiles of the industry development in the global and national context, and in the third, «The future starts today» the innovative trends and future projects are assessed. In the third chapter (the final chapter), according to the authors, «only a few projects from the world of innovative collection are offered» (p. 178). But they, it should be immediately noted, will certainly be of interest to the reader, since they combine the past and the future of rail transport. The reviewer summing up his impressions, notes integrative and comprehensive features of the book. Written by two doctors of science, it drew the attention not only by uncommon construction of content and form, but also by a deep knowledge of the material. Keywords: transport, railway, philosophy, economics, information, management, forecasting, innovation, future. REFERENCES Sorokin, P. A. Public sociology textbook. Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl credit union of cooperatives publ., 1920, p. 19.
TOLERANCE:A SOCIOLOGICAL CONCEPTUALIZATION OF THE NOTION This paper considers the methodological bases of research practices of tolerance phenomenon analysis, analyzes the various scientific approaches to this phenomenon and methodological bases. The paper grounds the actuality of the need to develop a methodology for the study of tolerance in the framework of the science of sociology.
Vectors of development of legislation on culture Theses of the speech at the round table "The Federal Law "On Culture" in the system of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation", held at the Russian Scientific Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage named after D.Likhachev (February 9, 2021, Moscow).
To be strong within your own corporation The article deals with the actual problems of the Corporation in the legal community. The author believes that today lawyers should be a single authoritative force that deserves respect in society. In his opinion, to maintain independence, it is necessary to be strong inside your own Corporation. To do this, it is necessary to build a system of relations between lawyers, law firms, self-government bodies on the basis of mutual understanding, decency and respect. Corporate identity as a principle of organization and activity of the bar protects it from possible outside interference. The law Corporation establishes its own corporate rules of conduct and other rules, decides on the responsibility of lawyers, regulates various issues of advocacy in accordance with the law and the wishes of lawyers.
The cytotoxic effects of silver nanoparticles with different surface charge in Jurkat cells The in vitro biological (including toxic) effects of silver nanoparticles (SNP) depend on the nanoparticle characteristics that determine the SNP interaction with cells and their subsequent behavior in a cell interior. As shown in studies both with SNP and some other nanoparticles, the nanoparticle surface charge plays a role in nanoparticle - cell interaction. To date, however, there is still a lack of systematic studies on the role of surface charge in SNP effects on cells. The aim of this work is to study the cytotoxic effects of SNP with different surface charge using a Jurkat cell line. We prepared two SNP solutions where the particles have the same (spherical) shape and average size (13 nm) but are coated with different stabilizers, aerosol-OT and b-cyclodextrin; hence the nanoparticles possessed different negative zeta potential values, -89,4 mV and -35,6 mV for aerosol-OT and b-cyclodextrin, respectively. After the 24 h treatment of cells with SNP in the concentration range of 0.5-2.5 mg/mL, the cytotoxic effects were estimated by means of 1) MTT assay, 2) apoptosis and necrosis detection by annexin V and propidium iodide, and 3) observation of morphological alterations in cells. Cytotoxicity was detected after incubation with aerosol-OT-stabilized SNP; the toxicity of aerosol-OT itself was also observed. The SNP stabilized b-cyclodextrin did not exert any toxic effects. The results obtained suggest that surface charge and, in some cases, the effects of only stabilizers should be considered as important factors in nanoparticle - cell interactions and should be taken into account in further studies of SNP effects.
Functional-differential equations of parabolic type with the involution operator In this work, mathematical models important for applications of nonlinear optics are considered in the form of nonlinear functional differential equations of parabolic type with feedback and a transformation of spatial variables (which defines the involution operator). The property of the involution operator (rotation, reflection) allows us to reduce the original equation to a system of equations without transforming the spatial variables. The set of solutions of such equations is determined by two parameters: a small one - diffusion coefficient and a large one - coefficient of flow intensity. The equation is given on a ring domain with conditions of the third kind in the class of periodic functions. Important special cases of stationary and non-stationary solutions are investigated. For a stationary solution that depends only on the angular coordinate, the nature of the stationary points and their stability are studied in detail. The variety of solutions of particular equations is also inherited in the general case. The particular solutions found are used to construct asymptotic solutions of the original equations. The work cites corresponding references to publications of the authors
The use of the distribution function in determining the reliability of technical products The article deals with the question related to understanding the use of the distribution function in terms of reliability calculations.
IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF circRNAsIN THE DEVELOPING STEM CAMBIUM OF POPLAR SEEDLINGS Non-coding RNAs are a class of RNAs with multiple roles in plant life. Covalently closed circular RNA molecules (circRNAs) have been recently shown to be a group of RNA isoforms that show widespread tissue-specific expression in plants, often cooperating with the corresponding linear mRNAs to regulate gene function. However, no previous study of poplar has identified circRNAs in the cambium and determined their potential roles in the cambium or xylem development. In the present study, we sequenced RNAs in the cambium of poplar seedlings at two developmental stages, and identified and characterized 4912 circRNAs. Alternative back-splicing circularization events for 87 genes were identified among the circRNAs derived from different chromosomes. A total of 1138 circRNAs originated from 928 host genes, which were classified among the three major functional categories by GO analysis. Thirty-nine circRNAs were differentially expressed between cambium samples of stems at two developmental stages. Twenty-four DEcircRNAs interacted with 98 miRNAs as targets, of which some were associated with cambium growth and development. The results suggest that circRNAs play important roles in the cambium in relation to the regulation of stem growth and development in poplar seedlings.
The method of socio-technical systems informational stability evaluation at the informational war conditions The method of evaluation of the informational stability of socio-technical systems, which are influenced by specific informational and psychological operations in the information war is presented. The method uses a logical-probabilistic model and a probabilistic measure for evaluating the informational stability of the system. The proposed informational stability measure is based on the concept of minimum unit of information, designed to change human consciousness - a meme and uses probabilistic estimates of occurrence of so-called destructive and compensatory memes, i.e. the meme, used for the informational and psychological operation (reprogramming of the consciousness of the social part of the SLS) and the compensating meme, the use of which minimizes the consequences of the destructive meme. For decision-making with regard to the stability of the social part of the SLS, a flexible scale that can be adapted to any object of research is proposed. An approach to the construction of the so-called vector of stability of the social part of the SLS, which provides a visualization of the derived probabilistic estimates of a violation of confidentiality, integrity and availability, is proposed. The method is of practical interest since it allows considering an actually weakly formalized class of threats - informational and psychological operations, the aim of which is a destructive impact on the social part of the SLS. The proposed method is useful for the decision-making on the management of complex informational security at the "enterprise-region-state" level.
STATE REGULATION OF SOCIAL AND NATURAL ASPECTS OF FOREST MANAGEMENT AND WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN THE USSR IN 1917-1939 The article analyzes the mechanisms of state regulation of forest management and water management in agricultural industry of the European part of the USSR through the prism of environmental history. The research is based on regulatory legal acts and ordinances of party bodies in 1917-1939. The author maintains that Soviet leaders attached great importance to rational nature management and national resources preservation. The author concludes that in the pre-war period, the Soviet government focused on problems associated with forest management and water management. Environmental degradation resulted in a more complex system of forest management and water management. Legal measures of forest protection and water conservation are a part of complex measures aimed at adverse phenomena (droughts, dry winds, etc.) were long-term. The Soviet State had inherited the pre-revolutionary nature conservation policy.
Some Aspects of Application of Institute of Leaving Application without Action in Contemporary Civil Proceedings Institute of leaving application without action, stipulated by the Code of Civil Proceedings of the Russian Federation, makes it possible to remove many deficiencies in applications before initiating of proceedings and is aimed to guarantee initiation of proceedings according to the applications, content of which makes it possible to make judgments on the merits of the dispute without the breach of adversarial principle and discretionary principle of proceedings. Article deals with features and problems of practical application of an institute of leaving application without action taking into account the legislative requirements to form and content of the documents represented into the court, and also role and place of court at the stage of the initiation of the proceedings.
Designing Multi Beam Receiving and Transmitting Aperture LEO Space Communication Systems In designing the receiving-transmitting active phased antenna array (APAA) an important problem is an achievement of the level of maximum outcome between the receiving and transmitting channels. In the work, the concept of building multi-beam receiving-transmitting antenna systems based on APAA has been considered. The criteria for selecting the type of emitter for an S-band antenna with the specified parameters have been presented. It has been shown that the use of a turnstile emitter based on the printing technology can reduce the complexity of manufacturing without compromising the technical parameters. In accordance with the requirements for volume of the tasks of APAA being designed the optimal geometric and electric characteristics of the turnstile radiator have been calculated. In designing the radiating apertures of the multielement APAA the specifics of the dependence of their electric characteristics on the inter-element distance has been taken into consideration. To increase the circular polarization coefficient of the apertures being designed, the method of tearing apart of the radiator with further compensation of the obtained phase using the phase rotators APAA has been implemented. The estimates of the energy characteristics of the multi-element antennas with a given scanning sector for various inter-element distances have been given. To ensure the separation of the receiving and transmitting antennas the recommendations have been presented.
MANAGEMENT OF THE INVESTMENT COMPONENT OF PUBLIC DEBT The article gives a theoretical justification of public debt management, studied the features of managing the investment component of public debt, assesses the current problems of public debt management from the perspective of the investment component. The dynamics and structure of the public debt of the Russian Federation are studied, the main problematic aspects of attracting and managing public debt and its investment component are identified. A statistical assessment of the dynamics of the parameters of external and internal debt was carried out, as well as current problems and promising opportunities for eliminating the negative aspects of the state debt policy on securities were assessed. The use of relevant foreign experience in managing the investment component of public debt is proposed.
MODERN PROBLEMS OF THE THEORY OF INFORMATION LAW This article examines the main problems of information law in general and the theory of information law in particular on the basis of current doctrines and scientific works of our time, including the study of their occurrence of these problems, as well as possible solutions in the context of globalization and the complexity of legal relations between subjects using the latest technical means in the information sphere.
Outcomes Of A Pregnancy At The Cirrhosis Of A Virus Etiology Complicated By Portal Hypertension There are cases of different outcomes of a pregnancy in women with a cirrhosis of a virus etiology complicated by portal hypertension presented in the article. An existence of the cirrhosis complicated by the accruing portal hypertension and a hypersplenism (thrombocytopenia) which led to formation and a rupture of a hematoma of a spleen are pregnancy failure factors. An existence only of a portal hypertension without hypersplenism at an early delivery gives chance of the successful outcome for mother and a fetus.
Way to improve the quality of temperature regulation during warming up of heat carrier in a marine reactor plant Onboard the ships and vessels with nuclear reactor plants, the reactor plants with water!cooled power reactors, once!through steam generators and primary circuit pressure compensating systems are mainly used. In the heating mode, the control system is to sustain the required rate of heat carrier temperature rise, which is safe for reactor core and other elements of reactor plant elements.Values of differential efficiency for one group of shim rods may change by a factor of 5!10, depending on its position in a reactor core. These aspects should be taken into consideration during development of control algorithms for heating process. To improve the quality of transient processes in the mode of heating, it is proposed to use in the control law, in addition to the existing signals, the value of derivative of actual power deviation from a preset value.
THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL BASIS OF THE DEPOSIT POLICY OF COMMERCIAL BANK The article considers theoretic-methodological basis of the Deposit policy of commercial Bank; determined that the development of the Deposit policy is to define the priority directions of development and improvement of banking activities in the process of attraction and accumulation of resources, development of Deposit operations and increase their efficiency. Proposed definition of Deposit policy of commercial Bank, namely: the Deposit policy is a concept of the organization's Deposit relationship, posing problems in terms of attracting resources and practical measures for its implementation. It is concluded that the Deposit policy can be interpreted in the following ways: essentially, it's the strategy and tactics of the Bank in terms of organization of the Deposit process; the activity is a complex of measures aimed to ensure the liquidity of the Bank; on clearance is a document that detailed plan, a guide to action for raising resources. Content Deposit policy is manifested in the stability and sustainability of the banking institution, its profitability, liquidity and reliability, as well as the adequacy of his activities to customers ' needs.
BIOLOGICAL AND ECOLOGICAL FEATURES FOR TWO- AND PERENNIAL VEGETABLE PLANTS OF THE FAMILY ASTERACEAE (<i>ASTERACEAE DUMORT</i>) The article has already been present scientific material on the introduction and definition of biological and ecological potential of a little common vegetable plant family Asteraceae biennial species. Salsify (Tragopogon porrifolius), Chicory rhizocarpous (Cichorium intybus L. var. Sativum Lam.) and perennial Chicory vitluf (Cichorium intybus L. var. foliosum Hegi), Chicory endive and escarole (Cichorium endivia L.), Artichoke sowing (Cynara scolymus L.) and Wormwood tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L. Oligosporus dracunculus L. Poljak). Already been provide health and preventive features of each species. Their yield of marketable products and seeds, analysis of biochemical components. In terms of the dry matter content of plants up to 28.5% and total sugar up to 14.6%, the oat root was already distinguished and for ascorbic acid up to 200.0 mg/100 g - wormwood tarragon. The distribution of plant species has already been carry by reaction to the average daily air temperature during the period of seed germination, the growth of perennial plants after wintering, and optimum temperatures during the period of growth. Noted that the plant species were cold resistant and require a small amount of moisture. The results of studies on the ratio of plants of the wormwood tarragon species to the effect of the sum of active temperatures and precipitation for 2006-2016 have already been present. Found that with increasing amount of precipitation by 1%, the yield of plants of wormwood tarragon increased by 0.01-0.02 t/h. At the same time, it ware pointed out that, behind the hydrothermal coefficient (SCC), the highest yield of 19.00-19.70 t/ha was in 2006 with a SCC - 1.48, 2009 with a SCC - 0.98. This characteristic is for plant species registered in the State Register of Plant Varieties suitable for distribution in Ukraine and the new stable variety Unenezh. Exceeded the local form in yield by 82 t/ha and is distinguished by a powerful rosette of plants.
Populations of Krascheninnikovia lenensis (Kumin.) Tzvel in the territory of Yakutia The authors studied populations of desert and steppe relic named Krascheninnikovia lenensis (Kumin.) Tzvel. In Yakutia there are three known habitat for this species. Full range of age-states in these populations testifies on adequate seed self-sustaining. The reduction in areas of habitat types is mentioned in the article. All populations are outside the protection zone. The habitats of K. lenensis should be given the status of botanical nature sanctuary where the other rare species grow
Institutional Analysis as a Promising Direction for the Evaluation of Social Movements (An Analytical Overview) This article highlights certain aspects of the institutional analysis of social movements.The author defines institutional analysis as a promising way of evaluating social movements.Utilizing instruments of the new institutional economic theory, social movements are examinedas institutionalized practices in a certain institutional environment. The author defines the roleof formal and informal rules for forming and developing movements. An algorithm for evaluatingsocial movements is devised within the framework of the neo-institutional theory, the former beingcomprised of the following important aspects: examining movements as rules of play, defining theinstitutional design of movements, studying institutional capabilities of movements, describingthe dynamic of movements. With attention mainly being focused on the institutional dependenceof social movements, defined during the course of the institutional analysis is the organizationalactiveness of movements in time and space. The author emphasizes the fact that the key role in the dynamics of movements is placed upon institutional environment. Formal and informal norms structure movements and form the mechanism of interaction between government bodies and civil society institutions. The article highlights the political, social-economic and organizational capabilities which are provided to social movements by the institutional environment. Increased capabilities can help those who partake in movements solve several of those problems which ordinary citizens of Russia encounter. The author concludes that in modern Russian society a considerable role is played by those institutional conditions which the government provides to its citizens in order to articulate their interests.
CHANGE (INCREASE) OF THE PRICE IN THE COURSE OF YOUR COUNTRY VENOUS-CONTRACT AS A WAY OF COMMITTING CRIMES IN THE AREA OF IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASE OF GOODS, WORKS AND SERVICES FOR STATE AND MUNICIPAL NEEDS The article analyzes the existing legal factors of committing an economic crime during the realization of social programs and projects in the construction sector in the form of gaps and contradictions in the Russian Federation legislation. The author pays particular attention to one of the ways of committing crimes in the construction industry in the form of embezzlement of the federal budget funds.
AERODYNAMIC FOCUSING OF PARTICLES IN FLOWS WITH SHOCK WAVES The effect of aerodynamic particle focusing in gas-particle flows is employed mainly for creating collimated beams of particles. These beams are widely used in various engineering applications, such as cutting technologies of materials, surface processing, coating, etc. In this study, two novel flow schemes are investigated, in which the effect of aerodynamic particle focusing may arise. The first one is a steady-state dusty-gas flow in the region of the interaction of two plane shock waves. The compressibility of the carrier-phase flow and the particle inertia results in the particle accumulation effect behind the wave interaction point. In the second flow scheme, the focusing effect is achieved due to the lateral force, acting on the particles in boundary layers behind the shock wave travelling in a narrow channel with a constant cross-section.
REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH IN CHRONIC ENDOMETRITIS Chronic endometritis (CE) can completely prevent the implementation of a woman’s reproductive plans. The inflammatory process disrupts decidualization during the corresponding period of the menstrual cycle, which leads to conditions under which normal implantation is not possible and infertility, undeveloped pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, habitual miscarriage, preeclampsia, unsuccessful attempts of in vitro fertilization (IVF)occur. Given the current demographic situation in Russia, the problem is becoming especially urgent. The diagnostic value of the applied research methods is different. The most informative are immunohistochemical examination and hysteroscopy. However, the isolated use of one of these methods for making a diagnosis is controversial. It is shown that HE is distinguished by a visual variety of endoscopic manifestations, while some characteristic signs may be absent. The largest number of false-negative results was obtained using echography. HE is successfully treated with the right therapy, depending on the diagnosed macrotype. In most cases, antibacterial therapy helps to eliminate the inflammatory process. This review focuses on the processes that occur in CE, and explains the problems associated with unsuccessful diagnosis.
Historical Reminiscences in Postmodernism (By the Example of the Russian Segment of Actual Art) The article analyzes the discursive space of postmodernism in the context of artifact mobility by the example of creative works by Igor Baskakov, Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid, Alexander Kosolapov, Dmitry Tsvetkov.
Peculiarities of the Educational Process when Working with Foreign Students at a Medical University In this article, the authors aim to analyze the practical experience of organizing the educational process for foreign medical students; the tasks of identifying problems for students and teachers and finding ways to solve them are set. The hypothesis of the study is that success of the educational process depends both on professional-ism of the teacher and readiness of students to learn and educational and methodological support. Methods of observation, analysis, comparison and generalization of the experience of university teachers were used. As a result, the difficulties are identified and ways to optimize work with foreign medical students taught in an intermediary language are proposed. The obtained results can be used in higher medical educational institutions.
Milk fat replacers for cheese products and processed cheese products of new generation Composition of milk containing products that include milk fat replacers of the corporation «SOYUZ» and advantages of their production are discussed.
Domestic Educational Literature on Artificial Intelligence The paper presents a review of modern Russian educational literature on artificial intelligence. Possibilities of searching for books on the Internet are shown. The content of specific publications with recommendations for their use in the educational process is described.
The use of historical images as a technology for the formation of selfawareness of Russian youth The article describes the basic principles of historical images formation in Russian youth consciousness on the example of Nizhny Novgorod State University students. The analysis is based on the results of the questioning, organized for the students of several bachelor programs. The most popular and promising historical images are identified, according to the needs of educational process and patriotic training.
Information Support of Management of the Agrarian Sector of Economy: State and Prospects of Improvement The purpose of the article is to assess the state of information support of management of the agrarian sector of economy at all levels of the management hierarchy, starting from the enterprise and ending with the state level. The key problems and shortcomings of the system of information support of management of the agrarian sector of economy were identified. Great attention was paid to the question of limited accessibility of information on the agroholdings activities, the formation of the accounting system in territorial communities. The economic and social dimension of agricultural statistics was characterized. It was revealed that there is no financial and economic information on the agricultural activities of households in the official statistics system. The directions of development of the national information system in the field of agriculture and rural areas, based on common European principles and combining the economic, social and environmental aspects of agriculture, were grounded. The prospects for introducing the new system of departmental agrarian statistics were determined.
TOWARDS LINGUISTIC STUDYING OF DISCOURSE IN THE FRAMEWORK OF the COGNITIVE STYLE APPROACH The article analyzes theoretical aspects of the cognitive style approach and principles of studying the ‘field-dependent/field-independent’ cognitive style. Practical use of the methods for determination of the cognitive style poles is described as well as the argumentative potential of the respondents in text formation.
SOUTH POLAR OSCILLATION, ITS POSSIBLE REPRESENTATIONS AND LONG-TERM VARIABILITY Long-term variations in the atmospheric circulation in the high and middle lati-tudes of the Southern Hemisphere are considered. index of intensity of atmospheric cir-culation, called South Polar Oscillation, SPO, is defined. An analysis of long-term varia-bility of the SPO index is performed; the structure of variability and its linear trends are determined.
Early markers of hypoxia in patients having respiratory system diseases caused to dust. Assessing state of various hemostasis levels in patients having pulmonary diseases caused by dust, in accordance with respiratory failure severity, enables to diagnose early changes confirming hypoxia. The most reliable parameters are changes in vascular and platelet hemostasis and in fibrinolysis system.
Forming Communicative Skills and Speech Culture of the Future Service Industry Specialists The author considers matters in forming communicative skills and speech culture of the future service industry specialists through excelling speech mastery.
THE SEASONAL TEMPERATURE IMPACT ON TREE TERMS OF EMISSION TREES ALLERGENIC POLLEN Climate change impacts all the processes observed in living beings including allergenic pollen production and emission.The aim of study was to analyse the climate change impact on tree pollination in Vinnitsa, city of the Central Ukraine. The article deals with the tree pollen season changes through the 15 years of observations. Tree pollination pattern were recorded by using thegravimetric sampling for the years 1999-2000 and by employing the volumetric trap in the years 2009-2015. It was found alder and birch pollination can be recorded at about a month earlier in the current period than it was at the end of the 20th century. Early Alnuspollination correlates with the seasonal temperature sum increase and with the average month temperature value on January and on February preceding the corresponding pollen season. Factor promoting the earl start, peak and the end of the Betula pollen season was the speed of the degree-days accumulation. The effect similar to that observed for Betula was seen for Ulmus, Corylus, Fraxinusand Carpinus. Other trees like Populus, Acer, Juglans, Aesculus, Quercus and Pinus did not demonstrate the significant change of the pollination patterns over the investigation time. The tendencies established are important for the correct hay fever forecast.
The images of titaniums in V. Ivanov’s book of poetry "Guiding stars" The characters of titaniums in the lyric poetry of Ivanov were studied in this article. In the poems are emphasized near titaniums vocabulary, the characters are divided in two types depending on the personification the analysis of myths is carried out. Duality of characters is find out, the specific circle of myths is emphasized. Sometimes titaniums represent power of nature, joining into matching and paraphrases.
ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF USING INDICATORS OF PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACTIVITY OF PLANTS IN BUCKWHEAT BREEDING Photosynthesis of plants is known to provide the accumulation of dry substances at about 95%. At the same time, its capabilities are used less than a half, since the efficiency of using of photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) by crops is usually in the range of 0.9-1.5%. Taking this into account, the activation of photosynthetic activity of plants can obviously be considered as one of the promising ways to increase crop yields. This task is also relevant for the breeding of buckwheat, which is one of the most popular food crops. In this regard, the purpose of this research was to study the possibility of using photosynthetic activity indicators in buckwheat breeding based on their relationship with economically useful traits. The objects of research were 11 varieties of buckwheat. The results of the correlation analysis showed that the formation of yield by buckwheat varieties is largely influenced by structural and functional indicators of photosynthetic activity of plants. The highest correlation of the variety yield was noted with leaf area (r=0.71), water use efficiency (r=0.68), photosynthetic potential (r=0.66) and photosynthesis intensity (r=0.35). Approximately the same nature of the relationship was revealed between the harvest index and photosynthetic indicators. It has been established that the nature of the relationship of various structural and functional indicators of the photosynthetic system with the yield of buckwheat varieties changes during the growing season of plants. It is noted that the indicators of the photosynthetic system of buckwheat plants are characterized by varying degrees of interrelation with the elements of productivity of the variety. Thus, a close positive relationship was found with the intensity of photosynthesis, the efficiency of water use, stomatal conductivity, leaf area and photosynthetic potential. The revealed interrelations and high polymorphism of the gene pool of the crop indicate the significant role of the photosynthetic activity of buckwheat plants in the formation of the crop variety and the need for targeted breeding in this direction.
Methodology for determining customer loyalty to the pharmacy based on comprehensive assessment of the service quality Pharmaceutical companies that use the indicator of customer loyalty as a criterion of effectiveness of their activity need modern methods to assess its level, which should be carried out on a permanent basis. Aim. To develop the methodology for assessing customer loyalty to the pharmacy based on comprehensive assessment of the service quality, determining the level of customer loyalty and interpretation of the results. Materials and methods. It is proposed to determine the level of customer loyalty to the pharmacy on the basis of complex assessment - the integral indicator of customer service quality and as result of their satisfaction using the concept of Servqual. This allows us to fully consider the factors that affect loyalty, and specifics of the industry Results. The conceptual connection between quality of service, satisfaction and customer loyalty has been substantiated. The method of customer loyalty evaluation to the pharmacy based on the concept of Servqual has been developed. Criteria for assessing the components of the quality of service at the pharmacy (5 groups of factors) which influence the satisfaction of consumers and form their loyalty have been determined. It is proposed to evaluate the quality of service in the pharmacy in two stages: 1st stage - assessment of the quality of service for individual clients; 2nd stage - evaluation quality of service of the pharmacy’s clients in general. It is suggested to conduct three levels of evaluation for each client and all clients in general: individual, group, and integral assessment of the quality of service. It is substantiated that loyal customers are fully satisfied if their integral score is greater than or equal to zero (Sint j = ≥0). The percentage of fully satisfied customers from their total number shows the share of loyal consumers to the pharmacy. The integral assessment of the quality of clients’ service of the pharmacy in general (Sint) describes the overall level of satisfaction that affects the formation of their loyalty. The scale for interpreting the general level of service at the pharmacy has been developed. According to the proposed methodology, an integrated assessment of the quality of the pharmacy services (Sint = -1.2567) and share of clients who are loyal to the pharmacy (15.2 %) have been determined. Conclusions. Studies have shown that determining the level of customer loyalty to the pharmacy based on an integral indicator of customer service quality using the Servqual concept allows to take into account main components of loyalty and industry specificity. The resulting integrated assessment of the quality of service at the pharmacy (Sінт. = -1.2567) indicates that the level of customer service is at a rather high level. However, given that the assessment is negative, the service in the pharmacy does not fully satisfy the consumers and needs to be improved. Studies have shown that share of clients whose perceptions of service levels equal or exceed expectations (Sint j ≥0) is 15.2 %. The level of satisfaction with the service of these customers can be interpreted as a complete satisfaction. Completely satisfied customers are loyal, that is, the share of loyal customers to the pharmacy is 15.2 %.
SOFT-SKILLS AND LEAN SKILLS AS ELEMENTS TO FILL THE EDUCATIONAL CONTENT OF THE VUCA-WORLD The article is devoted to the transformation in the global educational paradigm, which is caused by changes in technology. The new conditions for the existence of the educational system today require different approaches to the methods of transferring knowledge. The author reflects on how possible and justified is the usual transfer of new knowledge in the context of a multi-generational view of information flows. It also assumes that the introduction of lean technologies, teaching the lean management of children is building the correct integrative model of education and upbringing in order to shape the personality of the new world
The prognostic value of the metabolic tumor volume calculated from baseline 18FDG PET/CT in patients with newly diagnosed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma Background: study of the prognostic role of quantitative indicators for assessing the metabolic activity of the process in patients with newly diagnosed in patient with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Patients and methods: metabolic bulk volume (MBV), defined as the metabolic volume of the largest lesion, was retrospectively investigated in 47 patients with DLBCL who underwent baseline pre-treatment 18FDG PET-CT at N.N. Alexandrov National Cancer Center of Belarus. Results: semi-automatically segmented (41% SUVmax) total metabolic tumor volume (TMTV) and MBV underwent receiver operating characteristic analysis, identifying optimal thresholds of 600 cm3 for the TmTv and 275 cm3 for the MBV. According to Cox monovariate analysis, the International prognostic index (IPI) and MBV were predictors for progression-free survival (PFS) (HR 2.9 and 2.8, respectively). At multivariate analysis only IPI was independent predictors for PFS (HR 2.7). In subgroup with low IPI (0-2) higher MBV level was strongly associated with worse prognosis: a 3-year PFS rates in patients with MBV>275 cm3 and 3 were 53,8% and 89,5%, respectively (p=0.01). Conclusion: the baseline MBV can be an efficient tool for the risk stratification of aggressive lymphoma.
THE LOCAL CONCEPTS AND THEIR LINGUISTIC EXPRESSION IN THE CONCEPTUAL MODELS OF THE "NORM", "ANOMALY", "DIAGNOSTIC" The article focuses on the linguistic nomination of the metric concepts in orthodontic terminology. Terminology as a science started the period of its cognitive development along with the formation and development of the cognitive linguistics. Cognitive approach requires that terminological systems be described conceptually as certain structures of a specific knowledge. The sets of concepts are specific for every sphere and are determined in the course of special conceptual analysis. As a result of conceptual analysis of orthodontic terminology, it was revealed that metric orthodontic concepts are one of the basic constituents of the conceptual system and have their specific features of linguistic expression.
Mobbing as psychological terror for the students The article deals with the characteristics and manifestation of mobbing in a social environment, the causes of its origin, and consequences. Organizational and personality factors for arising and development of mobbing are considered. The authors give possible ways of overcoming and preventing it.
Extortion of a bribe: theoretical and practical problems of qualification The article deals with the issues of qualifying such a crime as extortion of a bribe. As a result, a scientific synthesis of conclusions about the need for notes to Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which would contain the concept of extortion of a bribe, and a corresponding amendment to the criminal law. Under extortion of a bribe is understood as the requirement of an official to bribe under the threat of committing actions (inaction) that can harm the rights and legitimate interests of a citizen, as well as creating conditions when he is forced to give a bribe in order to prevent harmful consequences for his rights and legitimate interests.
ORGANIZATION OF THE STATIONARY CARE IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FOR THE LAST DECADE The analysis of stationary care in 2000-2009 is submitted. It is shown that during the last decade, essential changes in hospital facilities proceeded (together with the dispensaries, which have hospitals in their structure), which number has decreased by 40,9 %. The bed fund has been reduced by 18,7 % in the country as a whole. Population provision with beds has decreased by 17,4 %,. Average bed occupancy has increased by 3,8 %, and average duration of patient stay in the hospital has reduced by 16,9 %. A small growth of hospitalization is marked.
THE CHRONOTOPE OF HOME IN M. TARKOVSKY'' S POETICS The article is devoted to the chronotope in the prose of M. Tarkovsky. Based on the material of the key texts of the author, the space of home is examined in its axiological perspective. The article revealed that on the one hand, the chronotope of home in the writer' s prose loses the sacrality of the image, is endowed with the features of a profane, marginal topos (which is always connected with the crisis of national identity), on the other hand, it is possible to trace the author' s idea of the ontological (natural) status of home. This problem is particularly significant in the light of neotraditionalist poetics, because at the turn of 20-21 st centuries the interest in the problem of personal identity is actualized, as the space of home is closely related to the motive of fate.
Methodological apparatus thematic interpretation remote sensing in corridor of gas pipeline The principle of thematic interpretation of remote sensing data. Identified negative factors in the pipeline corridor.
Securing of Russia and its subjects interests in the process of federal orders realization The institute of federal orders recently established in Russia is examined. It is compared to practice of indirect federal administration in Austria and federal orders implementation in the Federal Republic of Germany. The author's assessment of the federal orders in the context of national model of executive federalism is given
Dynamics of epizootic situation of sick rate of animals in Yaroslavl region for 2013-2015 The analysis of the epizootic situation of sick rate of animals for last three years across Yaroslavl region as a whole and in municipal areas is resulted. At the be-ginning of 2016 in Yaroslavl region there are 29 points of rabies, 7 points of leukosis, 1 point of hay fever, 1 point of gangrene of a horned cattle and 9 points of visna-maedi.
How to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of marketing investment The problem of the proper estimation of efficiency of investments in marketing currently, the majority of companies in Russia operating in the market in conditions of tough competition.
Comparative analysis of clinical characteristics of recurrent community-acquired pneumonia in young males A comparative analysis of the clinical course of initial community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and recurrent uncomplicated community-acquired pneumonia (rCAP), developed within 12 months after initial episode of pneumonia, was performed in 132 patients of pulmonology units of Military clinical hospitals in Khabarovsk and Ussuriysk. The results of clinical examination were compared with similar data of general population comprising 696 patients with CAP. The cases studied were between age group of 18-27 years. The development of rCAP was found reliably more often in the same segments of the same lung which were affected by initial pneumonia process (in 66,0 % and 36,9 % (p<0,005) of cases, consequently). Bilateral rCAP developed after unilateral initial pneumonia and unilateral rCAP developed after initial bilateral pneumonia were found to occur with the same frequency - in 11,9 % and 12,9 % of cases, consequently. The volume of pneumonic infiltration in initial and recurrent pneumonia was almost identical. The majority of cases of rCAP (72,6 %) developed within 2 months after initial CAP, then the number of cases was decreasing exponentially. A clinical course of rCAP and initial CAP was identical except faster normalization of neutrophils levels and ESR in blood test. No reliable difference in amount and composition of antibacterial therapy in studied cases was revealed. Thus, such characteristics as the size of impairment, localization and clinical course were found to be nearly identical in studied rCAP and initial CAP cases.
Sociolinguistic Conditionality of English South Pembrokeshire Dialect as an Island Dialect The article discusses the ethnic, geographical, political, social, religious and economic conditions which contributed to the development of South Pembrokeshire English dialect. The author defines the dialect as an island or enclave dialect which preserves archaic elements in the Welsh language environment.
“But the Irkutsk Company must be recruited only from the troops of Priamour Military District...” The Irkutsk Disciplinary Company in 1899 (based on material of visit of Aleksey N. Kuropatkin) This article based on a large body of unpublished documents from the Russian State Military Historical Archive (RSMHA). The author analyzes the current situation in Irkutsk Disciplinary Company in 1899. In that year, there was a visit of the War Minister of Russian Empire Aleksey N. Kuropatkin to Siberian Military District. That visit was of historic importance as it took place about 4 years prior the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, and less than 7 months before the Siberian Military District mobilization in response to the Boxer Rebellion in China. Its purpose was personal acquaintance of the War Minister with the recently created Siberian Military District; specifically, evaluation of the actual state and combat readiness of the dislocated troops, data gathering to further develop defense plans and regional military reforms in Siberia. Traveling by Trans-Siberian Railway, Kuropatkin inspected troops of the largest Siberian garrisons in cities of Omsk, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, including Irkutsk Disciplinary Company in Irkutsk. In this article is first published the most detailed descriptions of the Company in the end of XIX century. It has been analyzed the quality of regular personnel, the drilling, property and economic status, barracks accommodation. It is described the problem of permanent overwork of Irkutsk Disciplinary Company as a result of sending all soldier-prisoners from Priamour Military District to this Company, because there was no any disciplinary troops in a Russian Far East. It has concluded that the minute improvement took place only after creation of Anutchinskaya Disciplinary Company in Russian Far East in 1908.
Soil vulnerability to droughs in the conditions of the earthwarm of the Belarusian Polesia The article presents the results of a study devoted to the typification of soils of agricultural lands in the region of Belarusian Polesie according to the degree of their vulnerability (predisposition) to droughts. For this, an assessment was made of the moisture content of these soils during the period of climate warming (1989-2018), and the dynamics of their moisture reserves during the growing season (April - October) was revealed. Using the example of agricultural land use in the Kalinkovichi and Pinsk administrative districts, we show the spatial difference and soil fertility in terms of their vulnerability to droughts, which requires the use of differentiated measures to adapt them to mitigate the consequences of climate change.
Problems of delineation of labor and civil law contracts The Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 2) guarantee freedom of labor, including the right to work, which everyone freely chooses or agrees freely. The realization of guaranteed rights and freedoms in the field of labor relations is expressed in the right of individuals (citizens) to enter into employment contracts. Violation of this constitutional right of citizens is the replacement of labor relations by civil law. The article explores the issues of delineation of labor and civil law contracts. Foreign experience and international principles of legal regulation of establishment of actual individual labor relations have been studied. Legal and theoretical problems are analyzed with the solution of practical questions of protection of labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of workers by jurisdictional bodies.
THE ORIGINS OF THE SPACE-PLANNING AND STYLE SOLUTION OF THE CHURCH IN HONOR OF THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY IN THE VILLAGE OF KALININO, PENZA REGION The article analyzes the preserved Orthodox churches of the Penza region, designed by A. S. Fedotov, to identify techniques in the organization of the internal space of the currently reconstructed Cathedral in honor of the Epiphany in Penza. A brief historical reference about the construction of the cathedral, biographical information about the author of the project is given.
A MODEL FOR INVESTIGATING THE CHARACTERISTICS OF A SUPERHETERODYNE RECEIVER USING THE ELECTRONICS WORKBENCH APPLICATION SOFTWARE PACKAGE The article deals with the implementation of the possibility of performing laboratory work on electronic resources. An electronic model for studying the characteristics of a superheterodyne receiver is presented.
The Work of A.P. Serebrovskiy Targeted at Modernization of Domestic Oil Industry in the Period of NEP: the Attraction of American State Capital The author analyses the main stages and overall results of the Soviet-American cooperation in the field of oil extraction and processing in the 1920's, the foundations of which was laid by the head of the largest soviet trust "Azneft" A. Serebrovskiy. Serebroskiy managed during his long lasting business trip to the USA not only to visit a number of factories and trades, but also to sign contracts even with John Rockefeller Sr. The consequences of the trip were as follows: a new production management system in the "Azneft", production of new products (cracked gasoline etc.), creation of modern domestic base for drilling and oil processing machinery, improvement of soviet engineers' professional education level, and even improvement of the oil industry workers' living conditions.
THE ANALYSIS STUDIES THE THERMODYNAMIC STATE OF CAR CRANE SYSTEMS The article deals with the application of hydraulic drives for construction automobile cranes at low temperatures in the far North, and considers methods for ensuring the operability of hydraulic drives of cranes due to the use of certain brands of working fluid for hydraulic systems.
Modem trends of tariff regulation in the market of railway freight traffic Requirements for rates and delivery times of goods between the units in the complex logistic production-transport and transport-supply systems, for the rate system of the state are formed. The markets of railway transport and tariff systems of CIS countries and Western Europe are analyzed, the concept based on market pricing is proposed. A system of flexible regulation of tariffs into account the interests of shippers, consignees, carriers, states on the transportation route and transnational corporations within the complex logistic production-transport and transport-supply systems is reviewed. Proposed basic model of railway tariffs allows to justify its level based on the price of the finished product on the market, on the volume of its implementation and logistics cycle of production and sales. The basic tasks in justifying the ceiling level of tariffs on transit of goods on the Belarusian Railways are explained. We give suggestions and recommendations on the formation of public attitude towards the system of interaction of the state, Belarusian Railways, private operators, users of transport services, as well as taking on the government and other levels in the rate policy of railway transport a number of rules and procedures.
Endophasy in the Literary Discourse of Poetic Prose The article is aimed at the problems of endophasy in the literary discourse of poetic prose. The expressiveness of endophasy in poetic prose is in the author's feelings and thoughts openness, and the main form of expression here is complicated conglomeration of mental philosophical intentions of the author.
Mathematical model of expanding liquid shell. The mathematical model of an isothermal expanding process of a liquid shell in the state of weightlessness in spherically symmetric case for incompressible Newton's liquid meeting supplementary requirement of hardening at the certain time is dealt with. The solution of model equations is expressed in the form of dependence from internal shell radius behaviour. is obtained. Function R(t) satisfies a time independent nonlinear ordinary differential equation. Various computational algorithms of this equation solution are suggested based on implicit schemes, schemes of predictor - corrector type and modified explicit scheme. The results of numerical calculations on algorithms suggested are presented. The conclusion about computational algorithm advantage based on an explicit modified scheme is grounded. The analytical solution of a hydrodynamic problem of calculation of speed and pressure fields in an expanding liquid shell is obtained. The direct and inverse problems of liquid shell evolution are formulated. The criterion of admissibility of gas feeding regime is stated. On the basis of the analytical solution of a hydrodynamic problem and this criterion the important for practice recommendations concerning the choice of acceptable conditions of process realization and materials with required rheological properties are formulated. Key words: mathematical model, expanding liquid spherical shell, solving stiff time independent nonlinear systems of ordinary differential equations.
NEW FUNCTIONS Modern money as a medium of monetary relations. Analysis of the classical notions about money and money circulation Importance The evolution of the classical notions about money and money circulation in order of macroeconomic regulation of the monetary sphere. Objective To trace the evolution of the classical model of the money market in the modern financial system Methods of work focused on the use of systematic, evolutionary and institutional approaches and rely on the analysis of trends, challenges, and measures to improve monetary processes in the modern economy of Russia Conclusions and Relevance Revealed contradictions in the legal and economic bases of functioning of non-cash money, which is not conducive to maintaining the stability of the monetary circulation.
Controversy Analogy - Anomaly in the Treatise of Marcus Terentius Varro "De lingua Latina" The article deals with the problems of interpretation of controversy «analogy - anomaly». The author presents the main opinions on this subject which have developed in modern science, and proposes her solution of this problem.
The 'Kalmez' - an ethnic group of the Udmurt people (features of the traditional culture and location) The traditional culture of the 'Kalmez' ethnic group is studied; the borders of its diffusion are defined. The article is based on the new data collected by the author in the expedition.
The impact of innovative infrastructure of universities on the development of industry in regions of Russia The article reflects the role of universities in the development of innovation infrastructure industrial regions of Russia, including carried out a selective analysis of data on the correlation of the organization and utilization of high schools of innovative infrastructure components. Also, the basic problems of the integration of the domestic industry and universities were considered. At the end of the article were formed the proposal for the development of innovation infrastructure of universities with a view to maximize participation in the processes of innovation economy of the regions.
DISTRIBUTION OF NEW INDUSTRIAL ITEMS ON THE MARKET AND INDUSTRIAL TRANSPORT ASPECTS OF ENTERPRISES This article proposes a comprehensive solution to the three linear programming problems: Production problem (classical formulation), Transport problem, Service problem. Similar tasks in the proposed complex formulation often arise at enterprises in the process of expanding production in the region or entering a new market for their products. The main algorithms for finding the optimal solution are considered, a complex problem is formulated, a model is built, and a solution algorithm is implemented. The proposed model can be used in any enterprise that opens production points and when determining the optimal output for the entire organization. The purpose of such organizations is to minimize production costs and the cost of transporting finished products, as well as maximizing profits.
Current trends in the development of the investment climate of Crimea The article is a description of the modern features of investing in the regional economy of the Crimea. A brief overview of the areas and industries most attractive for investment is made. The main indicators of investments in the regional economy of the Crimean Peninsula in 2019-2021 are given. In addition, the article discusses the main investment receipts in the tourist cluster of the Crimea and its infrastructure. Major investment projects of the Crimea in 2020-2021 were also considered. Certain conclusions have been drawn to improve the efficiency of investment processes in the Crimea.
Public baths-hammam in the medieval cities of Volga-Kama: the formation of traditions and peculiarity of the architecture Problem statement. The purpose of the study is to explore the formation of tradition in the construction of baths-hammam, and to identify the features of their architecture in the medieval cities of the Volga-Kama region. In the vast bibliographic and full-scale material examines the development of stone public baths for over six and a half centuries during the periods of existence in the region of several medieval Muslim States. Results. The main results of the study are that the existence of a continuous tradition of building public baths-hammam in the Volga-Kama region of Eastern Europe for over six centuries. Common in Muslim countries type of bath-hammam in the cities of Volga-Kama acquired space planning and construction and technical features. Conclusions. The historical and scientific significance of the results lies in the fact that you have: 1. Not the research into the problem of historical and architectural science; 2. Continuity in the dissemination and development of baths-hamams in the Volga-Kama region for six and a half centuries, which contributed to the addition of traditions with the construction of this type of structures in the region; 3. In the history of medieval architecture of Muslim countries, the distribution of this type of buildings includes the most northerly location of the region of Volga-Kama. 4. The climatic differences of the region from the traditional distribution area of the baths-hammam in the Eastern Muslim countries has led to the emergence of features in the architectural and planning solutions of this type of buildings: traditional scheme with a minimum of areas of functional purpose, the construction of the vestibule and additional stoves, protection of vaulted-domed roof of the building from cold and precipitation by their thickening, the construction of decks and wooden roofs. 5. Identified building traditions and the architectural features of the baths-hammam of the Volga-Kama region allows to revive this type of public buildings in cities and settlements of Tatarstan.
SUBSTANTIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF STRUCTURES OF PEDAGOGICAL AND CHURCH MUSEUMS OF VISUAL AIDS OF WESTERN SIBERIA IN THE END 19TH - THE EARLY 20TH CENTURY In this article the author considers the reasons of formation and structure of secular and church museums of visual aids in the end 19th - the early 20th century. Educational reforms in secular and the spiritual spheres, the declared principle of evident training became the reason of emergence of museums of visual aids. Distinctions of the purposes of secular (initial) and spiritual (professional) educations, preservation of orthodox heritage, defined distinction between of structures and funds of pedagogical and church museums of visual aids.
DEVELOPMENT OF SPECIAL PHYSICAL QUALITIES FOR YOUNG TRACK AND FIELD ATHLETES SPECIALIZING IN LONG JUMP The article presents the research results of the special development of motor skills in athletics specializing in horizontal jumping use jumping exercises, trainers and individual volume of exercises
Crisis in the Russian economy : the necessity and conditions for the alteration of entrepreneurs’ market behavior The inefficient economy which is actually consisting of two loosely coupled "sectors" between which there is no necessary "modulation" of the capitals. The economy with such structure of an eye - zatsya critically dependent on fluctuations of the world prices for raw materials, semi-finished products and import. At the same time in the Russian economic system still it wasn't succeeded to limit an arbitrariness of monopolies and the uncontrollable growth of expenses caused by it at businessmen and households. All these years in the country the active investment policy and policy on training of qualified personnel, especially regarding experts of an average link and highly skilled workers wasn't pursued. By the present moment there was situation at which in Russia major factors about - izvodstvo: "fixed capital" and "work" appeared in the state interfering its normal functioning. In the same direction also such factor about - izvodstvo as "earth" (i.e. climatic conditions of productive activity), using the force in Russia with the person continues to influence steadily. On the one hand, efficiency of economy owing to the steady growth of inflation of expenses caused by an arbitrariness of monopolies, corruption load of business and action of climatic restrictions for business activity and domash-ny farms constantly fell. On the other hand, - owing to falling of quality and, respectively, demand for production made on the worn-out and becoming outdated equipment in the conditions of decline in quality of labor, the income of the enterprises and their workers fell. This state also forms a basis for modern crisis of domestic economy.
Genesis of the problem of computer visualization of educational information in pedagogical knowledge The analysis of the basic directions of the pedagogical studies of computer visualization of teaching information is presented in the article. The content and the cognitive-educational potential of the computer visualization of teaching information are opened in the context of vocational education within the framework each of the described theoretical approaches.
FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE TO A VICTIM OF A MAJOR TRAUMA IN REGIONAL TRAUMA SYSTEMS The review discusses the current problems of organizing prehospital care for victims of severe trauma in overseas developed regional trauma systems. The results of studies on the features of pre-hospital triage, the choice of the amount of emergency medical care, the route and type of transportation of victims in the functioning of trauma systems are systematized. Foreign experience in providing emergency medical care for severe injuries can be useful for the creation and implementation of domestic trauma systems.
METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO EVALUATION OF EFFICIENCY OF SOCIAL INVESTMENTS It has been proved the role of social services in determining the areas of investment by potential investors. It has been examined existing approaches to evaluating social investments, their systematization has been carried out. We consider both quantitative and qualitative indicators used by different authors in the evaluation of social investment. It has been obtained data drawbacks of methodological approaches to the assessment of social investments.
The sanctity Pesin, height verses (dedicated to 160 anniversary of the poet Tuyak) The article discusses the work of folk singers from the south-west of Kyrgyzstan, such as Anarbai Apys, Abdymomun, Moldo Niyaz and Tuyak, coming from the southern region of Kyrgyzstan from the village of Pum. His songs glorify philosophical views and philosophical thoughts of the future of human life.