53 values
15 values
1 class
2 classes
2 classes
1 class
package import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import androidx.viewpager2.widget.ViewPager2 import androidx.viewpager2.widget.ViewPager2.OnPageChangeCallback import com.facebook.infer.annotation.Assertions import import import import import import import import import import import class PagerViewViewManager : ViewGroupManager<NestedScrollableHost>() { private lateinit var eventDispatcher: EventDispatcher override fun getName(): String { return REACT_CLASS } override fun createViewInstance(reactContext: ThemedReactContext): NestedScrollableHost { val host = NestedScrollableHost(reactContext) host.layoutParams = ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) host.isSaveEnabled = false val vp = ViewPager2(reactContext) vp.adapter = ViewPagerAdapter() // vp.isSaveEnabled = false eventDispatcher = reactContext.getNativeModule(!!.eventDispatcher { vp.registerOnPageChangeCallback(object : OnPageChangeCallback() { override fun onPageScrolled(position: Int, positionOffset: Float, positionOffsetPixels: Int) { super.onPageScrolled(position, positionOffset, positionOffsetPixels) eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent( PageScrollEvent(, position, positionOffset) ) } override fun onPageSelected(position: Int) { super.onPageSelected(position) eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent( PageSelectedEvent(, position) ) } override fun onPageScrollStateChanged(state: Int) { super.onPageScrollStateChanged(state) val pageScrollState: String = when (state) { ViewPager2.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE -> "idle" ViewPager2.SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING -> "dragging" ViewPager2.SCROLL_STATE_SETTLING -> "settling" else -> throw IllegalStateException("Unsupported pageScrollState") } eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent( PageScrollStateChangedEvent(, pageScrollState) ) } }) eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(PageSelectedEvent(, vp.currentItem)) } host.addView(vp) return host } private fun getViewPager(view: NestedScrollableHost): ViewPager2 { if (view.getChildAt(0) is ViewPager2) { return view.getChildAt(0) as ViewPager2 } else { throw ClassNotFoundException("Could not retrieve ViewPager2 instance") } } private fun setCurrentItem(view: ViewPager2, selectedTab: Int, scrollSmooth: Boolean) { refreshViewChildrenLayout(view) view.setCurrentItem(selectedTab, scrollSmooth) } override fun addView(host: NestedScrollableHost, child: View?, index: Int) { if (child == null) { return } val parent = getViewPager(host) (parent.adapter as ViewPagerAdapter?)?.addChild(child, index) if (parent.currentItem == index) { // Solves // Required so ViewPager actually displays first dynamically added child // (otherwise a white screen is shown until the next user interaction). // refreshViewChildrenLayout(parent) } } override fun getChildCount(parent: NestedScrollableHost) = getViewPager(parent).adapter?.itemCount ?: 0 override fun getChildAt(parent: NestedScrollableHost, index: Int): View { val view = getViewPager(parent) return (view.adapter as ViewPagerAdapter?)!!.getChildAt(index) } override fun removeView(parent: NestedScrollableHost, view: View) { val pager = getViewPager(parent) (pager.adapter as ViewPagerAdapter?)?.removeChild(view) // Required so ViewPager actually animates the removed view right away (otherwise // a white screen is shown until the next user interaction). // refreshViewChildrenLayout(pager) } override fun removeAllViews(parent: NestedScrollableHost) { val pager = getViewPager(parent) pager.isUserInputEnabled = false val adapter = pager.adapter as ViewPagerAdapter? adapter?.removeAll() } override fun removeViewAt(parent: NestedScrollableHost, index: Int) { val pager = getViewPager(parent) val adapter = pager.adapter as ViewPagerAdapter? adapter?.removeChildAt(index) // Required so ViewPager actually animates the removed view right away (otherwise // a white screen is shown until the next user interaction). // refreshViewChildrenLayout(pager) } override fun needsCustomLayoutForChildren(): Boolean { return true } @ReactProp(name = "scrollEnabled", defaultBoolean = true) fun setScrollEnabled(host: NestedScrollableHost, value: Boolean) { getViewPager(host).isUserInputEnabled = value } @ReactProp(name = "initialPage", defaultInt = 0) fun setInitialPage(host: NestedScrollableHost, value: Int) { val view = getViewPager(host) // // Initial index should be set only once. if (host.initialIndex === null) { { setCurrentItem(view, value, false) host.initialIndex = value } } } @ReactProp(name = "orientation") fun setOrientation(host: NestedScrollableHost, value: String) { getViewPager(host).orientation = if (value == "vertical") ViewPager2.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL else ViewPager2.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL } @ReactProp(name = "offscreenPageLimit", defaultInt = ViewPager2.OFFSCREEN_PAGE_LIMIT_DEFAULT) operator fun set(host: NestedScrollableHost, value: Int) { getViewPager(host).offscreenPageLimit = value } @ReactProp(name = "overScrollMode") fun setOverScrollMode(host: NestedScrollableHost, value: String) { val child = getViewPager(host).getChildAt(0) when (value) { "never" -> { child.overScrollMode = ViewPager2.OVER_SCROLL_NEVER } "always" -> { child.overScrollMode = ViewPager2.OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS } else -> { child.overScrollMode = ViewPager2.OVER_SCROLL_IF_CONTENT_SCROLLS } } } @ReactProp(name = "layoutDirection") fun setLayoutDirection(host: NestedScrollableHost, value: String) { val view = getViewPager(host) when (value) { "rtl" -> { view.layoutDirection = View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL } else -> { view.layoutDirection = View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR } } } override fun getExportedCustomDirectEventTypeConstants(): MutableMap<String, Map<String, String>> { return MapBuilder.of( PageScrollEvent.EVENT_NAME, MapBuilder.of("registrationName", "onPageScroll"), PageScrollStateChangedEvent.EVENT_NAME, MapBuilder.of("registrationName", "onPageScrollStateChanged"), PageSelectedEvent.EVENT_NAME, MapBuilder.of("registrationName", "onPageSelected") ) } override fun getCommandsMap(): Map<String, Int>? { return MapBuilder.of( "setPage", COMMAND_SET_PAGE, "setPageWithoutAnimation", COMMAND_SET_PAGE_WITHOUT_ANIMATION, "setScrollEnabled", COMMAND_SET_SCROLL_ENABLED ) } override fun receiveCommand(root: NestedScrollableHost, commandId: Int, args: ReadableArray?) { super.receiveCommand(root, commandId, args) val view = getViewPager(root) Assertions.assertNotNull(view) Assertions.assertNotNull(args) val childCount = view.adapter?.itemCount when (commandId) { COMMAND_SET_PAGE, COMMAND_SET_PAGE_WITHOUT_ANIMATION -> { val pageIndex = args!!.getInt(0) val canScroll = childCount != null && childCount > 0 && pageIndex >= 0 && pageIndex < childCount if (canScroll) { val scrollWithAnimation = commandId == COMMAND_SET_PAGE setCurrentItem(view, pageIndex, scrollWithAnimation) eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(PageSelectedEvent(, pageIndex)) } } COMMAND_SET_SCROLL_ENABLED -> { view.isUserInputEnabled = args!!.getBoolean(0) } else -> throw IllegalArgumentException( String.format( "Unsupported command %d received by %s.", commandId, javaClass.simpleName ) ) } } @ReactProp(name = "pageMargin", defaultFloat = 0F) fun setPageMargin(host: NestedScrollableHost, margin: Float) { val pager = getViewPager(host) val pageMargin = PixelUtil.toPixelFromDIP(margin).toInt() /** * Don't use MarginPageTransformer to be able to support negative margins */ pager.setPageTransformer { page, position -> val offset = pageMargin * position if (pager.orientation == ViewPager2.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { val isRTL = pager.layoutDirection == View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL page.translationX = if (isRTL) -offset else offset } else { page.translationY = offset } } } private fun refreshViewChildrenLayout(view: View) { { view.measure( View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(view.width, View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY), View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(view.height, View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY) ) view.layout(view.left,, view.right, view.bottom) } } companion object { private const val REACT_CLASS = "RNCViewPager" private const val COMMAND_SET_PAGE = 1 private const val COMMAND_SET_PAGE_WITHOUT_ANIMATION = 2 private const val COMMAND_SET_SCROLL_ENABLED = 3 } }
@file:JvmName("Sdk21LayoutsKt") package org.jetbrains.anko import android.content.Context import android.util.AttributeSet import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.FrameLayout import android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView import android.view.View import android.webkit.WebView import android.widget.AbsoluteLayout import android.widget.ActionMenuView import android.widget.Gallery import android.widget.GridLayout import android.widget.GridView import android.widget.AbsListView import android.widget.HorizontalScrollView import android.widget.ImageSwitcher import android.widget.LinearLayout import android.widget.RadioGroup import android.widget.RelativeLayout import android.widget.ScrollView import android.widget.TableLayout import android.widget.TableRow import android.widget.TextSwitcher import android.widget.Toolbar import import android.widget.ViewAnimator import android.widget.ViewSwitcher open class _AppWidgetHostView(ctx: Context): AppWidgetHostView(ctx) { inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, gravity: Int, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height, gravity) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, gravity: Int ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height, gravity) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: FrameLayout.LayoutParams?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: FrameLayout.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } } open class _WebView(ctx: Context): WebView(ctx) { inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet?, init: ViewGroup.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = ViewGroup.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet? ): T { val layoutParams = ViewGroup.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, init: ViewGroup.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = ViewGroup.LayoutParams(width, height) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ): T { val layoutParams = ViewGroup.LayoutParams(width, height) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams?, init: ViewGroup.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = ViewGroup.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = ViewGroup.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } } open class _AbsoluteLayout(ctx: Context): AbsoluteLayout(ctx) { inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, x: Int, y: Int, init: AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams(width, height, x, y) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, x: Int, y: Int ): T { val layoutParams = AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams(width, height, x, y) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet?, init: AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet? ): T { val layoutParams = AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams?, init: AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } } open class _ActionMenuView(ctx: Context): ActionMenuView(ctx) { inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet?, init: ActionMenuView.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = ActionMenuView.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet? ): T { val layoutParams = ActionMenuView.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( other: ViewGroup.LayoutParams?, init: ActionMenuView.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = ActionMenuView.LayoutParams(other!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( other: ViewGroup.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = ActionMenuView.LayoutParams(other!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( other: ActionMenuView.LayoutParams?, init: ActionMenuView.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = ActionMenuView.LayoutParams(other!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( other: ActionMenuView.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = ActionMenuView.LayoutParams(other!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, init: ActionMenuView.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = ActionMenuView.LayoutParams(width, height) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ): T { val layoutParams = ActionMenuView.LayoutParams(width, height) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } } open class _FrameLayout(ctx: Context): FrameLayout(ctx) { inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, gravity: Int, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height, gravity) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, gravity: Int ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height, gravity) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: FrameLayout.LayoutParams?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: FrameLayout.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } } open class _Gallery(ctx: Context): Gallery(ctx) { inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet?, init: Gallery.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = Gallery.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet? ): T { val layoutParams = Gallery.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, init: Gallery.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = Gallery.LayoutParams(width, height) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ): T { val layoutParams = Gallery.LayoutParams(width, height) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams?, init: Gallery.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = Gallery.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = Gallery.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } } open class _GridLayout(ctx: Context): GridLayout(ctx) { inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( rowSpec: GridLayout.Spec?, columnSpec: GridLayout.Spec?, init: GridLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec!!, columnSpec!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( rowSpec: GridLayout.Spec?, columnSpec: GridLayout.Spec? ): T { val layoutParams = GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec!!, columnSpec!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( init: GridLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = GridLayout.LayoutParams() layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( ): T { val layoutParams = GridLayout.LayoutParams() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( params: ViewGroup.LayoutParams?, init: GridLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = GridLayout.LayoutParams(params!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( params: ViewGroup.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = GridLayout.LayoutParams(params!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( params: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams?, init: GridLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = GridLayout.LayoutParams(params!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( params: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = GridLayout.LayoutParams(params!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: GridLayout.LayoutParams?, init: GridLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = GridLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: GridLayout.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = GridLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( context: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet?, init: GridLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = GridLayout.LayoutParams(context!!, attrs!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( context: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet? ): T { val layoutParams = GridLayout.LayoutParams(context!!, attrs!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } } open class _GridView(ctx: Context): GridView(ctx) { inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet?, init: AbsListView.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = AbsListView.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet? ): T { val layoutParams = AbsListView.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, init: AbsListView.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = AbsListView.LayoutParams(width, height) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ): T { val layoutParams = AbsListView.LayoutParams(width, height) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, viewType: Int, init: AbsListView.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = AbsListView.LayoutParams(width, height, viewType) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, viewType: Int ): T { val layoutParams = AbsListView.LayoutParams(width, height, viewType) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams?, init: AbsListView.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = AbsListView.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = AbsListView.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } } open class _HorizontalScrollView(ctx: Context): HorizontalScrollView(ctx) { inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, gravity: Int, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height, gravity) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, gravity: Int ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height, gravity) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: FrameLayout.LayoutParams?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: FrameLayout.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } } open class _ImageSwitcher(ctx: Context): ImageSwitcher(ctx) { inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, gravity: Int, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height, gravity) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, gravity: Int ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height, gravity) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: FrameLayout.LayoutParams?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: FrameLayout.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } } open class _LinearLayout(ctx: Context): LinearLayout(ctx) { inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet?, init: LinearLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet? ): T { val layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, init: LinearLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(width, height) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ): T { val layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(width, height) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, weight: Float, init: LinearLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(width, height, weight) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, weight: Float ): T { val layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(width, height, weight) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( p: ViewGroup.LayoutParams?, init: LinearLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(p!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( p: ViewGroup.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(p!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams?, init: LinearLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: LinearLayout.LayoutParams?, init: LinearLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: LinearLayout.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } } open class _RadioGroup(ctx: Context): RadioGroup(ctx) { inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet?, init: RadioGroup.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = RadioGroup.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet? ): T { val layoutParams = RadioGroup.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, init: RadioGroup.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = RadioGroup.LayoutParams(width, height) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ): T { val layoutParams = RadioGroup.LayoutParams(width, height) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, initWeight: Float, init: RadioGroup.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = RadioGroup.LayoutParams(width, height, initWeight) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, initWeight: Float ): T { val layoutParams = RadioGroup.LayoutParams(width, height, initWeight) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( p: ViewGroup.LayoutParams?, init: RadioGroup.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = RadioGroup.LayoutParams(p!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( p: ViewGroup.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = RadioGroup.LayoutParams(p!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams?, init: RadioGroup.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = RadioGroup.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = RadioGroup.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } } open class _RelativeLayout(ctx: Context): RelativeLayout(ctx) { inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet?, init: RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet? ): T { val layoutParams = RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, init: RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(width, height) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ): T { val layoutParams = RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(width, height) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams?, init: RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams?, init: RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: RelativeLayout.LayoutParams?, init: RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: RelativeLayout.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } } open class _ScrollView(ctx: Context): ScrollView(ctx) { inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, gravity: Int, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height, gravity) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, gravity: Int ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height, gravity) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: FrameLayout.LayoutParams?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: FrameLayout.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } } open class _TableLayout(ctx: Context): TableLayout(ctx) { inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet?, init: TableLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = TableLayout.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet? ): T { val layoutParams = TableLayout.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, init: TableLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = TableLayout.LayoutParams(width, height) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ): T { val layoutParams = TableLayout.LayoutParams(width, height) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, initWeight: Float, init: TableLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = TableLayout.LayoutParams(width, height, initWeight) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, initWeight: Float ): T { val layoutParams = TableLayout.LayoutParams(width, height, initWeight) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( init: TableLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = TableLayout.LayoutParams() layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( ): T { val layoutParams = TableLayout.LayoutParams() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( p: ViewGroup.LayoutParams?, init: TableLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = TableLayout.LayoutParams(p!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( p: ViewGroup.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = TableLayout.LayoutParams(p!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams?, init: TableLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = TableLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = TableLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } } open class _TableRow(ctx: Context): TableRow(ctx) { inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet?, init: TableRow.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = TableRow.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet? ): T { val layoutParams = TableRow.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, init: TableRow.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = TableRow.LayoutParams(width, height) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ): T { val layoutParams = TableRow.LayoutParams(width, height) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, initWeight: Float, init: TableRow.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = TableRow.LayoutParams(width, height, initWeight) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, initWeight: Float ): T { val layoutParams = TableRow.LayoutParams(width, height, initWeight) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( init: TableRow.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = TableRow.LayoutParams() layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( ): T { val layoutParams = TableRow.LayoutParams() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( column: Int, init: TableRow.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = TableRow.LayoutParams(column) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( column: Int ): T { val layoutParams = TableRow.LayoutParams(column) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( p: ViewGroup.LayoutParams?, init: TableRow.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = TableRow.LayoutParams(p!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( p: ViewGroup.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = TableRow.LayoutParams(p!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams?, init: TableRow.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = TableRow.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = TableRow.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } } open class _TextSwitcher(ctx: Context): TextSwitcher(ctx) { inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, gravity: Int, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height, gravity) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, gravity: Int ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height, gravity) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: FrameLayout.LayoutParams?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: FrameLayout.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } } open class _Toolbar(ctx: Context): Toolbar(ctx) { inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet?, init: Toolbar.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = Toolbar.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet? ): T { val layoutParams = Toolbar.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, init: Toolbar.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = Toolbar.LayoutParams(width, height) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ): T { val layoutParams = Toolbar.LayoutParams(width, height) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, gravity: Int, init: Toolbar.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = Toolbar.LayoutParams(width, height, gravity) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, gravity: Int ): T { val layoutParams = Toolbar.LayoutParams(width, height, gravity) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( gravity: Int, init: Toolbar.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = Toolbar.LayoutParams(gravity) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( gravity: Int ): T { val layoutParams = Toolbar.LayoutParams(gravity) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: Toolbar.LayoutParams?, init: Toolbar.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = Toolbar.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: Toolbar.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = Toolbar.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ActionBar.LayoutParams?, init: Toolbar.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = Toolbar.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ActionBar.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = Toolbar.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams?, init: Toolbar.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = Toolbar.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = Toolbar.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams?, init: Toolbar.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = Toolbar.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = Toolbar.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } } open class _ViewAnimator(ctx: Context): ViewAnimator(ctx) { inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, gravity: Int, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height, gravity) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, gravity: Int ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height, gravity) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: FrameLayout.LayoutParams?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: FrameLayout.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } } open class _ViewSwitcher(ctx: Context): ViewSwitcher(ctx) { inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( c: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(c!!, attrs!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, gravity: Int, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height, gravity) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( width: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, height: Int = android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, gravity: Int ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height, gravity) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: FrameLayout.LayoutParams?, init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) layoutParams.init() [email protected] = layoutParams return this } inline fun <T: View> T.lparams( source: FrameLayout.LayoutParams? ): T { val layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(source!!) [email protected] = layoutParams return this } }
package com.ddu.icore.common.ext import import import android.content.ComponentName import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import android.os.Bundle import android.os.Parcelable import object ICoreInternals { @JvmStatic fun <T> createIntent(ctx: Context, clazz: Class<out T>, vararg args: Pair<String, Any?>): Intent { val intent = Intent(ctx, clazz) if (args.isNotEmpty()) { fillIntentArguments(intent, *args) } return intent } @JvmStatic fun internalStartActivity( ctx: Context, activity: Class<out Activity>, vararg args: Pair<String, Any?> ) { ctx.startActivity(createIntent(ctx, activity, *args)) } @JvmStatic fun internalStartActivityForResult( act: Activity, activity: Class<out Activity>, requestCode: Int, vararg args: Pair<String, Any?> ) { act.startActivityForResult(createIntent(act, activity, *args), requestCode) } @JvmStatic fun internalStartService( ctx: Context, service: Class<out Service>, vararg args: Pair<String, Any?> ): ComponentName? = ctx.startService(createIntent(ctx, service, *args)) @JvmStatic fun internalStopService( ctx: Context, service: Class<out Service>, vararg args: Pair<String, Any?> ): Boolean = ctx.stopService(createIntent(ctx, service, *args)) @JvmStatic fun fillIntentArguments(intent: Intent, vararg pairs: Pair<String, Any?>) { intent.apply { for ((key, value) in pairs) { when (value) { null -> putExtra(key, null as Serializable?) // Any nullable type will suffice. // Scalars is Boolean -> putExtra(key, value) is Byte -> putExtra(key, value) is Char -> putExtra(key, value) is Double -> putExtra(key, value) is Float -> putExtra(key, value) is Int -> putExtra(key, value) is Long -> putExtra(key, value) is Short -> putExtra(key, value) // References is String -> putExtra(key, value) is Bundle -> putExtra(key, value) is CharSequence -> putExtra(key, value) is Parcelable -> putExtra(key, value) // Last resort. Also we must check this after Array<*> as all arrays are serializable. is Serializable -> putExtra(key, value) // Scalar arrays is BooleanArray -> putExtra(key, value) is ByteArray -> putExtra(key, value) is CharArray -> putExtra(key, value) is DoubleArray -> putExtra(key, value) is FloatArray -> putExtra(key, value) is IntArray -> putExtra(key, value) is LongArray -> putExtra(key, value) is ShortArray -> putExtra(key, value) // Reference arrays is Array<*> -> { val componentType =!! @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") // Checked by reflection. when { -> { putExtra(key, value as Array<Parcelable>) } -> { putExtra(key, value as Array<String>) } -> { putExtra(key, value as Array<CharSequence>) } -> { putExtra(key, value as Array<Int>) } else -> { val valueType = componentType.canonicalName throw IllegalArgumentException( "Illegal value array type $valueType for key \"$key\"") } } } } } } } }
package import android.os.Bundle import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.view.Window import androidx.swiperefreshlayout.widget.SwipeRefreshLayout import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import javax.inject.Inject class ItemDialogFragment : BaseDialogFragment<FragmentItemsBinding>(), SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener { @Inject lateinit var inventoryRepository: InventoryRepository @Inject lateinit var socialRepository: SocialRepository @Inject lateinit var userRepository: UserRepository @Inject lateinit var hatchPetUseCase: HatchPetUseCase @Inject lateinit var feedPetUseCase: FeedPetUseCase var adapter: ItemRecyclerAdapter? = null var itemType: String? = null var itemTypeText: String? = null var isHatching: Boolean = false var isFeeding: Boolean = false internal var hatchingItem: Item? = null var feedingPet: Pet? = null var user: User? = null internal var layoutManager: androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager? = null override var binding: FragmentItemsBinding? = null override fun createBinding(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?): FragmentItemsBinding { return FragmentItemsBinding.inflate(inflater, container, false) } override fun onDestroy() { inventoryRepository.close() super.onDestroy() } override fun injectFragment(component: UserComponent) { component.inject(this) } override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? { when { this.isHatching -> { dialog?.requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE) } this.isFeeding -> { dialog?.requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE) } else -> { } } return super.onCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState) } override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) binding?.refreshLayout?.setOnRefreshListener(this) binding?.recyclerView?.emptyItem = EmptyItem( getString(R.string.empty_items, itemTypeText ?: itemType), getString(R.string.open_market) ) { openMarket() } val context = activity layoutManager = androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager(context) binding?.recyclerView?.layoutManager = layoutManager adapter = binding?.recyclerView?.adapter as? ItemRecyclerAdapter if (adapter == null) { context?.let { adapter = ItemRecyclerAdapter(context) adapter?.isHatching = this.isHatching adapter?.isFeeding = this.isFeeding adapter?.fragment = this } if (this.hatchingItem != null) { adapter?.hatchingItem = this.hatchingItem } if (this.feedingPet != null) { adapter?.feedingPet = this.feedingPet } binding?.recyclerView?.adapter = adapter adapter?.let { adapter -> compositeSubscription.add( adapter.getSellItemFlowable() .flatMap { item -> inventoryRepository.sellItem(item) } .subscribe({ }, RxErrorHandler.handleEmptyError()) ) compositeSubscription.add( adapter.getQuestInvitationFlowable() .flatMap { quest -> inventoryRepository.inviteToQuest(quest) } .flatMap { socialRepository.retrieveGroup("party") } .subscribe( { if (isModal) { dismiss() } else { MainNavigationController.navigate( } }, RxErrorHandler.handleEmptyError() ) ) compositeSubscription.add( adapter.getOpenMysteryItemFlowable() .flatMap { inventoryRepository.openMysteryItem(user) } .doOnNext { val activity = activity as? MainActivity if (activity != null) { val dialog = OpenedMysteryitemDialog(activity) dialog.isCelebratory = true dialog.setTitle(R.string.mystery_item_title) dialog.binding.iconView.loadImage("shop_${it.key}") dialog.binding.titleView.text = it.text dialog.binding.descriptionView.text = it.notes dialog.addButton(R.string.equip, true) { _, _ -> inventoryRepository.equip("equipped", it.key ?: "").subscribe({}, RxErrorHandler.handleEmptyError()) } dialog.addCloseButton() dialog.enqueue() } } .subscribe({ }, RxErrorHandler.handleEmptyError()) ) compositeSubscription.add(adapter.hatchPetEvents.subscribeWithErrorHandler { hatchPet(it.first, it.second) }) compositeSubscription.add(adapter.feedPetEvents.subscribeWithErrorHandler { feedPet(it) }) } } activity?.let { binding?.recyclerView?.addItemDecoration(androidx.recyclerview.widget.DividerItemDecoration(it, androidx.recyclerview.widget.DividerItemDecoration.VERTICAL)) } binding?.recyclerView?.itemAnimator = SafeDefaultItemAnimator() if (savedInstanceState != null) { this.itemType = savedInstanceState.getString(ITEM_TYPE_KEY, "") } when { this.isHatching -> { binding?.titleTextView?.text = getString(R.string.hatch_with, this.hatchingItem?.text) binding?.titleTextView?.visibility = View.VISIBLE binding?.footerTextView?.text = getString(R.string.hatching_market_info) binding?.footerTextView?.visibility = View.VISIBLE binding?.openMarketButton?.visibility = View.VISIBLE } this.isFeeding -> { binding?.titleTextView?.text = getString(R.string.dialog_feeding, this.feedingPet?.text) binding?.titleTextView?.visibility = View.VISIBLE binding?.footerTextView?.text = getString(R.string.feeding_market_info) binding?.footerTextView?.visibility = View.VISIBLE binding?.openMarketButton?.visibility = View.VISIBLE } else -> { binding?.titleTextView?.visibility = View.GONE binding?.footerTextView?.visibility = View.GONE binding?.openMarketButton?.visibility = View.GONE } } binding?.openMarketButton?.setOnClickListener { dismiss() openMarket() } this.loadItems() } private fun feedPet(food: Food) { val pet = feedingPet ?: return (activity as? BaseActivity)?.let { it.compositeSubscription.add( feedPetUseCase.observable( FeedPetUseCase.RequestValues( pet, food, it ) ).subscribeWithErrorHandler {} ) } } override fun onResume() { if ((this.isHatching || this.isFeeding) && dialog?.window != null) { val params = dialog?.window?.attributes params?.width = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT params?.verticalMargin = 60f dialog?.window?.attributes = params } super.onResume() } override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState: Bundle) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState) outState.putString(ITEM_TYPE_KEY, this.itemType) } override fun onRefresh() { binding?.refreshLayout?.isRefreshing = true compositeSubscription.add( userRepository.retrieveUser(true, true) .doOnTerminate { binding?.refreshLayout?.isRefreshing = false }.subscribe({ }, RxErrorHandler.handleEmptyError()) ) } private fun hatchPet(potion: HatchingPotion, egg: Egg) { dismiss() (activity as? BaseActivity)?.let { it.compositeSubscription.add( hatchPetUseCase.observable( HatchPetUseCase.RequestValues( potion, egg, it ) ).subscribeWithErrorHandler {} ) } } private fun loadItems() { val itemClass: Class<out Item> = when (itemType) { "eggs" -> "hatchingPotions" -> "food" -> "quests" -> "special" -> else -> } itemType?.let { type -> compositeSubscription.add( inventoryRepository.getOwnedItems(type) .doOnNext { items -> val filteredItems = if (isFeeding) { items.filter { it.key != "Saddle" } } else { items } adapter?.data = filteredItems } .map { items -> items.mapNotNull { it.key } } .flatMap { inventoryRepository.getItems(itemClass, it.toTypedArray()) } .map { val itemMap = mutableMapOf<String, Item>() for (item in it) { itemMap[item.key] = item } itemMap } .subscribe( { items -> adapter?.items = items }, RxErrorHandler.handleEmptyError() ) ) } compositeSubscription.add(inventoryRepository.getPets().subscribe({ adapter?.setExistingPets(it) }, RxErrorHandler.handleEmptyError())) compositeSubscription.add( inventoryRepository.getOwnedPets() .map { ownedMounts -> val mountMap = mutableMapOf<String, OwnedPet>() ownedMounts.forEach { mountMap[it.key ?: ""] = it } return@map mountMap } .subscribe({ adapter?.setOwnedPets(it) }, RxErrorHandler.handleEmptyError()) ) } private fun openMarket() { MainNavigationController.navigate( } companion object { private const val ITEM_TYPE_KEY = "CLASS_TYPE_KEY" } }
/* * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ @file:Suppress("unused", "UnstableApiUsage") package androidx.paging.samples import androidx.annotation.Sampled import androidx.paging.ListenableFuturePagingSource import androidx.paging.PagingState import import import retrofit2.HttpException import import java.util.concurrent.Executor data class RemoteResult( val items: List<Item>, val prev: String, val next: String ) private class GuavaBackendService { @Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") fun searchUsers(searchTerm: String, pageKey: String?): FluentFuture<RemoteResult> { throw NotImplementedError() } } lateinit var networkExecutor: Executor @Sampled fun listenableFuturePagingSourceSample() { class MyListenableFuturePagingSource( val myBackend: GuavaBackendService, val searchTerm: String ) : ListenableFuturePagingSource<String, Item>() { override fun loadFuture( params: LoadParams<String> ): ListenableFuture<LoadResult<String, Item>> { return myBackend .searchUsers( searchTerm = searchTerm, pageKey = params.key ) .transform<LoadResult<String, Item>>( { response -> LoadResult.Page( data = response!!.items, prevKey = response.prev, nextKey = ) }, networkExecutor ) // Retrofit calls that return the body type throw either IOException for // network failures, or HttpException for any non-2xx HTTP status codes. // This code reports all errors to the UI, but you can inspect/wrap the // exceptions to provide more context. .catching(, { t: IOException? -> LoadResult.Error(t!!) }, networkExecutor ) .catching(, { t: HttpException? -> LoadResult.Error(t!!) }, networkExecutor ) } override fun getRefreshKey(state: PagingState<String, Item>): String? { return state.anchorPosition?.let { state.closestItemToPosition(it)?.id } } } }
/* * Minecraft Dev for IntelliJ * * * * Copyright (c) 2022 minecraft-dev * * MIT License */ package com.demonwav.mcdev.framework import com.intellij.codeInspection.LocalInspectionTool import com.intellij.openapi.module.Module import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project import com.intellij.testFramework.LightProjectDescriptor import com.intellij.testFramework.fixtures.IdeaTestFixtureFactory import com.intellij.testFramework.fixtures.JavaCodeInsightTestFixture import com.intellij.testFramework.fixtures.JavaTestFixtureFactory import com.intellij.testFramework.fixtures.TempDirTestFixture import com.intellij.testFramework.fixtures.impl.LightTempDirTestFixtureImpl import kotlin.reflect.KClass import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach abstract class ProjectBuilderTest(descriptor: LightProjectDescriptor? = null) { protected val fixture: JavaCodeInsightTestFixture protected val project: Project get() = fixture.project protected val module: Module get() = fixture.module private val tempDirFixture: TempDirTestFixture init { val lightFixture = IdeaTestFixtureFactory.getFixtureFactory() .createLightFixtureBuilder(descriptor) .fixture // This is a poorly named class - it actually means create a temp dir test fixture _in-memory_ tempDirFixture = LightTempDirTestFixtureImpl(true) fixture = JavaTestFixtureFactory.getFixtureFactory().createCodeInsightFixture(lightFixture, tempDirFixture) } fun buildProject(builder: ProjectBuilder.() -> Unit) = ProjectBuilder(fixture, tempDirFixture).build(builder) fun JavaCodeInsightTestFixture.enableInspections(vararg classes: KClass<out LocalInspectionTool>) { this.enableInspections( { }) } @NoEdt @BeforeEach fun setup() { fixture.setUp() } @AfterEach fun tearDown() { fixture.tearDown() } }
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 yvolk (Yuri Volkov), * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import android.provider.BaseColumns import import import import import java.util.* object ProjectionMap { val ACTIVITY_TABLE_ALIAS: String = "act1" val NOTE_TABLE_ALIAS: String = "msg1" val ATTACHMENT_IMAGE_TABLE_ALIAS: String = "img" /** * Projection map used by SQLiteQueryBuilder * Projection map for a Timeline * @see android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder.setProjectionMap */ val TIMELINE: MutableMap<String, String> = HashMap() init { TIMELINE[ActivityTable.ACTIVITY_ID] = (ACTIVITY_TABLE_ALIAS + "." + BaseColumns._ID + " AS " + ActivityTable.ACTIVITY_ID) TIMELINE[ActivityTable.ORIGIN_ID] = ActivityTable.ORIGIN_ID TIMELINE[ActivityTable.ACCOUNT_ID] = ActivityTable.ACCOUNT_ID TIMELINE[ActivityTable.ACTIVITY_TYPE] = ActivityTable.ACTIVITY_TYPE TIMELINE[ActivityTable.ACTOR_ID] = ActivityTable.ACTOR_ID TIMELINE[ActivityTable.AUTHOR_ID] = ActivityTable.AUTHOR_ID TIMELINE[ActivityTable.NOTE_ID] = ActivityTable.NOTE_ID TIMELINE[ActivityTable.OBJ_ACTOR_ID] = ActivityTable.OBJ_ACTOR_ID TIMELINE[ActivityTable.SUBSCRIBED] = ActivityTable.SUBSCRIBED TIMELINE[ActivityTable.NOTIFIED] = ActivityTable.NOTIFIED TIMELINE[ActivityTable.INS_DATE] = ActivityTable.INS_DATE TIMELINE[ActivityTable.UPDATED_DATE] = ActivityTable.UPDATED_DATE TIMELINE[BaseColumns._ID] = NOTE_TABLE_ALIAS + "." + BaseColumns._ID + " AS " + BaseColumns._ID TIMELINE[NoteTable.NOTE_ID] = NOTE_TABLE_ALIAS + "." + BaseColumns._ID + " AS " + NoteTable.NOTE_ID TIMELINE[NoteTable.ORIGIN_ID] = NoteTable.ORIGIN_ID TIMELINE[NoteTable.NOTE_OID] = NoteTable.NOTE_OID TIMELINE[NoteTable.CONVERSATION_ID] = NoteTable.CONVERSATION_ID TIMELINE[NoteTable.AUTHOR_ID] = NoteTable.AUTHOR_ID TIMELINE[ActorTable.AUTHOR_NAME] = ActorTable.AUTHOR_NAME TIMELINE[DownloadTable.DOWNLOAD_STATUS] = DownloadTable.DOWNLOAD_STATUS TIMELINE[DownloadTable.FILE_NAME] = DownloadTable.FILE_NAME TIMELINE[DownloadTable.IMAGE_FILE_NAME] = (ATTACHMENT_IMAGE_TABLE_ALIAS + "." + DownloadTable.FILE_NAME + " AS " + DownloadTable.IMAGE_FILE_NAME) TIMELINE[DownloadTable.IMAGE_ID] = (ATTACHMENT_IMAGE_TABLE_ALIAS + "." + BaseColumns._ID + " AS " + DownloadTable.IMAGE_ID) TIMELINE[DownloadTable.IMAGE_URI] = (ATTACHMENT_IMAGE_TABLE_ALIAS + "." + DownloadTable.URL + " AS " + DownloadTable.IMAGE_URI) TIMELINE[DownloadTable.PREVIEW_OF_DOWNLOAD_ID] = DownloadTable.PREVIEW_OF_DOWNLOAD_ID TIMELINE[DownloadTable.WIDTH] = DownloadTable.WIDTH TIMELINE[DownloadTable.HEIGHT] = DownloadTable.HEIGHT TIMELINE[DownloadTable.DURATION] = DownloadTable.DURATION TIMELINE[NoteTable.NAME] = NoteTable.NAME TIMELINE[NoteTable.SUMMARY] = NoteTable.SUMMARY TIMELINE[NoteTable.SENSITIVE] = NoteTable.SENSITIVE TIMELINE[NoteTable.CONTENT] = NoteTable.CONTENT TIMELINE[NoteTable.CONTENT_TO_SEARCH] = NoteTable.CONTENT_TO_SEARCH TIMELINE[NoteTable.VIA] = NoteTable.VIA TIMELINE[NoteTable.URL] = NoteTable.URL TIMELINE[NoteTable.IN_REPLY_TO_NOTE_ID] = NoteTable.IN_REPLY_TO_NOTE_ID TIMELINE[NoteTable.IN_REPLY_TO_ACTOR_ID] = NoteTable.IN_REPLY_TO_ACTOR_ID TIMELINE[NoteTable.VISIBILITY] = NoteTable.VISIBILITY TIMELINE[NoteTable.FAVORITED] = NoteTable.FAVORITED TIMELINE[NoteTable.REBLOGGED] = NoteTable.REBLOGGED TIMELINE[NoteTable.LIKES_COUNT] = NoteTable.LIKES_COUNT TIMELINE[NoteTable.REBLOGS_COUNT] = NoteTable.REBLOGS_COUNT TIMELINE[NoteTable.REPLIES_COUNT] = NoteTable.REPLIES_COUNT TIMELINE[NoteTable.UPDATED_DATE] = NoteTable.UPDATED_DATE TIMELINE[NoteTable.NOTE_STATUS] = NoteTable.NOTE_STATUS TIMELINE[NoteTable.INS_DATE] = NoteTable.INS_DATE TIMELINE[NoteTable.ATTACHMENTS_COUNT] = NoteTable.ATTACHMENTS_COUNT } }
package import org.threeten.bp.Instant import org.threeten.bp.OffsetDateTime import org.threeten.bp.ZoneId import org.threeten.bp.ZoneOffset import org.threeten.bp.ZonedDateTime import org.threeten.bp.format.DateTimeFormatter import org.threeten.bp.format.FormatStyle /** * Format timestamps according to system locale and system time zone. */ class DateFormatter private constructor( val useDeviceTimeZone: Boolean ) { private val timeShortNumberOnlyFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("HH:mm") private val timeShortFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedTime(FormatStyle.SHORT) private val dateShortFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDate(FormatStyle.SHORT) private val dateShortTimeShortFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDateTime(FormatStyle.SHORT, FormatStyle.SHORT) private val dateLongTimeShortFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDateTime(FormatStyle.LONG, FormatStyle.SHORT) private val dateFullTimeShortFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDateTime(FormatStyle.FULL, FormatStyle.SHORT) private val timeZoneOffsetFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("z") /** * Returns a formatted `hours:minutes` string. Formatting happens by taking the [original time * zone of the associated session][sessionZoneOffset] into account. If [sessionZoneOffset] is * missing then formatting falls back to using the current time zone offset of the device. * * The returned text is formatted equally for all locales, e.g. 01:00, 14:00 etc. - always * without AM or PM postfix - in 24 hours format. */ fun getFormattedTime24Hour(moment: Moment, sessionZoneOffset: ZoneOffset?): String { val zoneOffset = getAvailableZoneOffset(sessionZoneOffset) return timeShortNumberOnlyFormatter.format(moment.toZonedDateTime(zoneOffset)) } /** * Returns 01:00 AM, 02:00 PM, 14:00 etc, depending on current system locale either * in 24 or 12 hour format. The latter featuring AM or PM postfixes. * * Formatting happens by taking the [original time zone of the associated session][sessionZoneOffset] * into account. If [sessionZoneOffset] is missing then formatting falls back to using the * current time zone offset of the device. */ fun getFormattedTime(time: Long, sessionZoneOffset: ZoneOffset?): String { val zoneOffset = getAvailableZoneOffset(sessionZoneOffset) return timeShortFormatter.withZone(zoneOffset).format(Instant.ofEpochMilli(time)) } /** * Returns day, month and year in current system locale. * E.g. 1/22/19 or 22.01.19 * * Formatting happens by taking the [original time zone of the associated session][sessionZoneOffset] * into account. If [sessionZoneOffset] is missing then formatting falls back to using the * current time zone offset of the device. */ fun getFormattedDate(time: Long, sessionZoneOffset: ZoneOffset?): String { val zoneOffset = getAvailableZoneOffset(sessionZoneOffset) return dateShortFormatter.withZone(zoneOffset).format(Instant.ofEpochMilli(time)) } /** * Returns a formatted string suitable for sharing it with people worldwide. * It consists of day, month, year, time, time zone offset in the time zone of the event or * in current system time zone if the former is not provided. * * The human readable name '{area}/{city}' of the time zone ID is appended if available. * * Formatting example: * Tuesday, January 22, 2019, 1:00 AM GMT+01:00 (Europe/Berlin) */ fun getFormattedShareable(time: Long, timeZoneId: ZoneId?): String { val displayTimeZone = timeZoneId ?: ZoneId.systemDefault() val sessionStartTime = Instant.ofEpochMilli(time) val timeZoneOffset = timeZoneOffsetFormatter.withZone(displayTimeZone).format(sessionStartTime) val sessionDateTime = dateFullTimeShortFormatter.withZone(displayTimeZone).format(sessionStartTime) var shareableText = "$sessionDateTime $timeZoneOffset" if (timeZoneId != null) { shareableText += " (${})" } return shareableText } /** * Returns day, month, year and time in short format. Formatting happens by taking the [original * time zone of the associated session][sessionZoneOffset] into account. If [sessionZoneOffset] * is missing then formatting falls back to using the current time zone offset of the device. * * E.g. 1/22/19, 1:00 AM */ fun getFormattedDateTimeShort(time: Long, sessionZoneOffset: ZoneOffset?): String { val zoneOffset = getAvailableZoneOffset(sessionZoneOffset) val toZonedDateTime: ZonedDateTime = Moment.ofEpochMilli(time).toZonedDateTime(zoneOffset) return dateShortTimeShortFormatter.format(toZonedDateTime) } /** * Returns day, month, year and time in long format. Formatting happens by taking the [original * time zone of the associated session][sessionZoneOffset] into account. If [sessionZoneOffset] * is missing then formatting falls back to using the current time zone offset of the device. * * E.g. January 22, 2019, 1:00 AM */ fun getFormattedDateTimeLong(time: Long, sessionZoneOffset: ZoneOffset?): String { val zoneOffset = getAvailableZoneOffset(sessionZoneOffset) val toZonedDateTime = Moment.ofEpochMilli(time).toZonedDateTime(zoneOffset) return dateLongTimeShortFormatter.format(toZonedDateTime) } /** * Returns the available zone offset - either the given [sessionZoneOffset] or the zone offset * of the device. The user can overrule the logic by setting [useDeviceTimeZone]. */ private fun getAvailableZoneOffset(sessionZoneOffset: ZoneOffset?): ZoneOffset { val deviceZoneOffset = val useDeviceZoneOffset = sessionZoneOffset == null || sessionZoneOffset == deviceZoneOffset return if (useDeviceTimeZone || useDeviceZoneOffset) deviceZoneOffset else sessionZoneOffset!! } companion object { @JvmStatic fun newInstance(useDeviceTimeZone: Boolean): DateFormatter { return DateFormatter(useDeviceTimeZone) } } }
package import import io.reactivex.Single import import import import import import okhttp3.HttpUrl.Companion.toHttpUrlOrNull import okhttp3.Request /** * @author Ruben Gees */ object ProxerStreamResolver : StreamResolver() { private val regex = Regex("<source type=\"(.*?)\" src=\"(.*?)\">") override val name = "Proxer-Stream" override fun resolve(id: String): Single<StreamResolutionResult> { return api.anime.vastLink(id) .buildSingle() .flatMap { (link, adTag) -> client .newCall( Request.Builder() .get() .url(link.toPrefixedUrlOrNull() ?: throw StreamResolutionException()) .header("User-Agent", USER_AGENT) .header("Connection", "close") .build() ) .toBodySingle() .map { val regexResult = regex.find(it) ?: throw StreamResolutionException() val url = regexResult.groupValues[2].toHttpUrlOrNull() ?: throw StreamResolutionException() val type = regexResult.groupValues[1] val adTagUri = if (adTag.isNotBlank()) Uri.parse(adTag) else null StreamResolutionResult.Video(url, type, adTag = adTagUri) } } } }
package eu.kanade.tachiyomi.extension.en.readgoblinslayermangaonline import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.multisrc.mangacatalog.MangaCatalog import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.MangasPage import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.asJsoup import import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.FilterList import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.SChapter import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.SManga import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.Page import import okhttp3.Request import rx.Observable import org.jsoup.nodes.Document import org.jsoup.nodes.Element class ReadGoblinSlayerMangaOnline : MangaCatalog("Read Goblin Slayer Manga Online", "", "en") { override val sourceList = listOf( Pair("Goblin Slayer", "$baseUrl/manga/goblin-slayer/"), Pair("Side Story: Brand New Day", "$baseUrl/manga/goblin-slayer-side-story-brand-new-day/"), Pair("Side Story: Year One", "$baseUrl/manga/goblin-slayer-side-story-year-one/"), Pair("Side Story: Gaiden 2", "$baseUrl/manga/goblin-slayer-gaiden-2-tsubanari-no-daikatana/"), ).sortedBy { it.first }.distinctBy { it.second } override fun mangaDetailsParse(document: Document): SManga = SManga.create().apply { description ="div.card-body > p").text() title ="h2 > span").text() thumbnail_url =".card-img-right").attr("src") } override fun chapterListSelector(): String = "tbody > tr" override fun chapterFromElement(element: Element): SChapter = SChapter.create().apply { name ="td:first-child").text() url ="a.btn-primary").attr("abs:href") date_upload = System.currentTimeMillis() //I have no idear how to parse Date stuff } }
/** * Z PL/SQL Analyzer * Copyright (C) 2015-2022 Felipe Zorzo * mailto:felipe AT felipezorzo DOT com DOT br * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package org.sonar.plsqlopen.checks import com.felipebz.flr.api.AstNode import org.sonar.plugins.plsqlopen.api.PlSqlGrammar import org.sonar.plugins.plsqlopen.api.annotations.* import org.sonar.plugins.plsqlopen.api.symbols.Scope import org.sonar.plugins.plsqlopen.api.symbols.Symbol @Rule(priority = Priority.MAJOR, tags = [Tags.UNUSED]) @ConstantRemediation("2min") @RuleInfo(scope = RuleInfo.Scope.ALL) @ActivatedByDefault class UnusedVariableCheck : AbstractBaseCheck() { override fun leaveFile(node: AstNode) { val scopes = context.symbolTable.scopes for (scope in scopes) { if (scope.tree().isNot(PlSqlGrammar.CREATE_PACKAGE, PlSqlGrammar.FOR_STATEMENT)) { checkScope(scope) } } } private fun checkScope(scope: Scope) { val symbols = scope.getSymbols(Symbol.Kind.VARIABLE) for (symbol in symbols) { if (symbol.usages().isEmpty()) { addIssue(symbol.declaration(), getLocalizedMessage(), symbol.declaration().tokenOriginalValue) } } } }
package import class VideoPlayerControlClickedEvent( action: String ) : AnalyticEvent { companion object { private const val PARAM_ACTION = "action" const val ACTION_PREVIOS = "previos" const val ACTION_REWIND = "rewind" const val ACTION_FORWARD = "forward" const val ACTION_NEXT = "next" const val ACTION_SEEK_BACK = "seek_back" const val ACTION_SEEK_FORWARD = "seek_forward" const val ACTION_DOUBLE_CLICK_LEFT = "double_click_left" const val ACTION_DOUBLE_CLICK_RIGHT = "double_click_right" const val ACTION_PLAY = "play" const val ACTION_PAUSE = "pause" } override val name: String = "Video player control clicked" override val params: Map<String, Any> = mapOf(PARAM_ACTION to action) }
package import exh.plusAssign import class Text: QueryComponent() { val components = mutableListOf<TextComponent>() private var query: String? = null private var lenientTitleQuery: String? = null private var lenientTagQueries: List<String>? = null private var rawText: String? = null fun asQuery(): String { if(query == null) { query = rBaseBuilder().toString() } return query!! } fun asLenientTitleQuery(): String { if(lenientTitleQuery == null) { lenientTitleQuery = StringBuilder("%").append(rBaseBuilder()).append("%").toString() } return lenientTitleQuery!! } fun asLenientTagQueries(): List<String> { if(lenientTagQueries == null) { lenientTagQueries = listOf( //Match beginning of tag rBaseBuilder().append("%").toString(), //Tag word matcher (that matches multiple words) //Can't make it match a single word in Realm :( StringBuilder(" ").append(rBaseBuilder()).append(" ").toString(), StringBuilder(" ").append(rBaseBuilder()).toString(), rBaseBuilder().append(" ").toString() ) } return lenientTagQueries!! } fun rBaseBuilder(): StringBuilder { val builder = StringBuilder() for(component in components) { when(component) { is StringTextComponent -> builder += escapeLike(component.value) is SingleWildcard -> builder += "_" is MultiWildcard -> builder += "%" } } return builder } fun rawTextOnly() = if(rawText != null) rawText!! else { rawText = components .joinToString(separator = "", transform = { it.rawText }) rawText!! } fun rawTextEscapedForLike() = escapeLike(rawTextOnly()) }
/* * Copyright (c) 2017 deltaDNA Ltd. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import import import import import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import android.os.Build import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi import /** * Factory class responsible for filling details from a push message and * creating a notification to be posted on the UI. * * * The default implementation uses the 'title' and 'alert' fields from the push * message as the title and message respectively for the notification. If the * title has not been defined in the message then the application's name will * be used instead. Upon selection the notification will open the launch * `Intent` of your application. * * * The default behaviour can be customised by extending the class and overriding * [.configure]. The * [NotificationListenerService] will then need to be extended in order * to define the new factory to be used for creating notifications. */ open class NotificationFactory(protected val context: Context) { companion object { /** * Identifier for the default [NotificationChannel] used for * notifications. */ const val DEFAULT_CHANNEL = "com.deltadna.default" } /** * Fills a [] * with details from a [PushMessage]. * * @param context the context for the notification * @param message the push message * * @return configured notification builder */ open fun configure(context: Context?, message: PushMessage): NotificationCompat.Builder? { var builder: NotificationCompat.Builder = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) { NotificationCompat.Builder(context!!, getChannel().id) } else { NotificationCompat.Builder(context) } builder = builder .setSmallIcon(message.icon) .setContentTitle(message.title) .setContentText(message.message) .setAutoCancel(true) if (message.imageUrl != null) { builder.setLargeIcon(message.imageUrl) .setStyle( NotificationCompat.BigPictureStyle() .bigPicture(message.imageUrl).bigLargeIcon(null) ) } return builder } /** * Creates a [Notification] from a previously configured * [NotificationCompat.Builder] and a [NotificationInfo] * instance. * * Implementations which call * [NotificationCompat.Builder.setContentIntent] * or * [NotificationCompat.Builder.setDeleteIntent] * on the [NotificationCompat.Builder] and thus override the default * behaviour should notify the SDK that the push notification has been * opened or dismissed respectively. * * @param builder the configured notification builder * @param info the notification info * * @return notification to post on the UI, or `null` if a * notification shouldn't be posted * * @see EventReceiver */ fun create(builder: NotificationCompat.Builder, info: NotificationInfo): Notification? { val intentFlags: Int = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) { PendingIntent.FLAG_IMMUTABLE or PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT } else { PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT } builder.setContentIntent(createContentIntent(info, intentFlags)) builder.setDeleteIntent(createDeleteIntent(info, intentFlags)) return } /** * Gets the [NotificationChannel] to be used for configuring the * push notification. * * The [.DEFAULT_CHANNEL] is used as the default identifier. * * @return notification channel to be used */ @RequiresApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.O) protected fun getChannel(): NotificationChannel { val channel = NotificationChannel( DEFAULT_CHANNEL, context.getString(R.string.ddna_notification_channel_name), NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT ) (context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager) .createNotificationChannel(channel) return channel } /** * Creates the intent which is used when a user opens the host app from a notification. In most * cases, this will be a set of two activities - our DeltaDNA tracking activity that records the * opened notification, and the host app's launch intent. Once the deltaDNA Intent completes, the * launch intent will be shown as part of Android's normal behaviour, and won't be blocked by the * trampolining prevention that blocks launching intents from Broadcast Receivers. */ private fun createContentIntent(info: NotificationInfo, intentFlags: Int): PendingIntent { val notificationOpenedHandlerClass = if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.M) { } else { } val notificationOpenedHandlerIntent = Intent(context, notificationOpenedHandlerClass) .setPackage(context.packageName) .setAction(Actions.NOTIFICATION_OPENED_INTERNAL) .putExtra(Actions.NOTIFICATION_INFO, info) .addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP or Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP) // Only ever have one notification opened tracking activity val launchIntent = context.packageManager.getLaunchIntentForPackage(context.packageName) if (launchIntent == null) { // If the app hasn't specified a launch intent, we just use our notification handler activity, to still enable notificationOpened tracking. return PendingIntent.getActivity(context,, notificationOpenedHandlerIntent, intentFlags) } else { // If the app specifies a launch intent, we add it to the activity stack, so that once we've finished capturing the notificationOpened behaviour // the app will open as normal, without the need for a BroadcastReceiver trampoline which is no longer allowed in Android 12. launchIntent.setPackage(null) // This makes the app start as if it was launched externally, preventing duplicate activities from being created launchIntent.flags = Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK or Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_RESET_TASK_IF_NEEDED val intents: Array<Intent> = arrayOf(launchIntent, notificationOpenedHandlerIntent) return PendingIntent.getActivities(context,, intents, intentFlags) } } /** * Creates the intent which is used when a user dismisses our push notification without opening it. Now * that we've moved to using a custom activity to track notification opens, and we previously had no custom * behaviour on notification dismissed, we can instead directly signal our notifications receiver that the notification * was dismissed, instead of relaying via an intermediate broadcast receiver. */ private fun createDeleteIntent(info: NotificationInfo, intentFlags: Int): PendingIntent { val intent = Intent(Actions.NOTIFICATION_DISMISSED) synchronized( { if (DDNANotifications.receiver != null) { intent.setClass(context, DDNANotifications.receiver!!) } } return PendingIntent.getBroadcast( context,, intent, intentFlags ) } }
/* * Asqatasun - Automated webpage assessment * Copyright (C) 2008-2021 * * This file is part of Asqatasun. * * Asqatasun is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * Contact us by mail: asqatasun AT asqatasun DOT org */ package org.asqatasun.crawler import org.asqatasun.entity.audit.AuditImpl import org.asqatasun.entity.parameterization.Parameter import org.asqatasun.entity.parameterization.ParameterElementImpl import org.asqatasun.entity.parameterization.ParameterImpl import org.asqatasun.entity.service.subject.WebResourceDataService import org.asqatasun.entity.subject.PageImpl import org.asqatasun.entity.subject.SiteImpl import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test import org.mockito.Matchers.anyString import org.mockito.Mockito import org.mockito.Mockito.never import org.mockito.Mockito.times class CrawlerImplTest { private val webResourceDataService: WebResourceDataService = Mockito.mock( companion object { private const val URL = "" private const val rootPageUrl = URL private const val depthOnePageUrl = URL + "page-1.html" private const val depthTwoPageUrl = URL + "page-2.html" private const val robotsAccessForbiddenPageUrl = URL + "page-access-forbidden-for-robots.html" private const val politenessDelay = 100 } @Test fun crawlSiteDepth0() { crawlSite(0, listOf(rootPageUrl), listOf(depthOnePageUrl, depthTwoPageUrl, robotsAccessForbiddenPageUrl)) } @Test fun crawlSiteDepth1() { crawlSite(1, listOf(rootPageUrl, depthOnePageUrl), listOf(depthTwoPageUrl, robotsAccessForbiddenPageUrl)) } @Test fun crawlSiteDepth2() { crawlSite(2, listOf(rootPageUrl, depthOnePageUrl, depthTwoPageUrl), listOf(robotsAccessForbiddenPageUrl)) } @Test fun crawlSiteDepth2AndNotRespectRobotsTxtDirectives() { crawlSite(2, listOf(rootPageUrl, depthOnePageUrl, depthTwoPageUrl, robotsAccessForbiddenPageUrl), listOf(), false) } private fun crawlSite(depth: Int, calledUrlList: List<String>, neverCalledUrlList: List<String>, respectRobotsTxt: Boolean = true) { val site = SiteImpl() Mockito.`when`(webResourceDataService.createSite(URL)).thenReturn(site) Mockito.`when`(webResourceDataService.createPage(anyString())).thenReturn(PageImpl()) Mockito.`when`(webResourceDataService.saveOrUpdate(site)).thenReturn(site) val audit = AuditImpl() audit.parameterSet = setParameters(depth, respectRobotsTxt) val crawler = CrawlerImpl(audit, URL, webResourceDataService, "", "", "", "", emptyList(), politenessDelay) calledUrlList.forEach { Mockito.verify(webResourceDataService, times(1)).createPage(it) } neverCalledUrlList.forEach { Mockito.verify(webResourceDataService, never()).createPage(it) } } private fun setParameters(depth: Int, respectRobotsTxt: Boolean): Set<Parameter> { val param1 = ParameterImpl() param1.value = "10" val paramElem1 = ParameterElementImpl() paramElem1.parameterElementCode = "MAX_DOCUMENTS" param1.parameterElement = paramElem1 val param2 = ParameterImpl() param2.value = depth.toString() val paramElem2 = ParameterElementImpl() paramElem2.parameterElementCode = "DEPTH" param2.parameterElement = paramElem2 val param3 = ParameterImpl() param3.value = "" val paramElem3 = ParameterElementImpl() paramElem3.parameterElementCode = "INCLUSION_REGEXP" param3.parameterElement = paramElem3 val param4 = ParameterImpl() param4.value = "" val paramElem4 = ParameterElementImpl() paramElem4.parameterElementCode = "EXCLUSION_REGEXP" param4.parameterElement = paramElem4 val param5 = ParameterImpl() param5.value = "600" val paramElem5 = ParameterElementImpl() paramElem5.parameterElementCode = "MAX_DURATION" param5.parameterElement = paramElem5 val param6 = ParameterImpl() param6.value = respectRobotsTxt.toString() val paramElem6 = ParameterElementImpl() paramElem6.parameterElementCode = "ROBOTS_TXT_ACTIVATION" param6.parameterElement = paramElem6 return setOf(param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6) } }
package abi44_0_0.expo.modules.facedetector import android.os.Bundle import import import object FaceDetectorUtils { @JvmStatic @JvmOverloads fun serializeFace(face: FirebaseVisionFace, scaleX: Double = 1.0, scaleY: Double = 1.0): Bundle { val encodedFace = Bundle().apply { putInt("faceID", face.trackingId) putDouble("rollAngle", face.headEulerAngleZ.toDouble()) putDouble("yawAngle", face.headEulerAngleY.toDouble()) if (face.smilingProbability >= 0) { putDouble("smilingProbability", face.smilingProbability.toDouble()) } if (face.leftEyeOpenProbability >= 0) { putDouble("leftEyeOpenProbability", face.leftEyeOpenProbability.toDouble()) } if (face.rightEyeOpenProbability >= 0) { putDouble("rightEyeOpenProbability", face.rightEyeOpenProbability.toDouble()) } LandmarkId.values() .forEach { id -> face.getLandmark( { faceLandmark -> putBundle(, mapFromPoint(faceLandmark.position, scaleX, scaleY)) } } val box = face.boundingBox val origin = Bundle(2).apply { putDouble("x", box.left * scaleX) putDouble("y", * scaleY) } val size = Bundle(2).apply { putDouble("width", (box.right - box.left) * scaleX) putDouble("height", (box.bottom - * scaleY) } val bounds = Bundle(2).apply { putBundle("origin", origin) putBundle("size", size) } putBundle("bounds", bounds) } return mirrorRollAngle(encodedFace) } @JvmStatic fun rotateFaceX(face: Bundle, sourceWidth: Int, scaleX: Double): Bundle { val faceBounds = face.getBundle("bounds") as Bundle val oldOrigin = faceBounds.getBundle("origin") val mirroredOrigin = positionMirroredHorizontally(oldOrigin, sourceWidth, scaleX) val translateX = - (faceBounds.getBundle("size") as Bundle).getDouble("width") val translatedMirroredOrigin = positionTranslatedHorizontally(mirroredOrigin, translateX) val newBounds = Bundle(faceBounds).apply { putBundle("origin", translatedMirroredOrigin) } face.apply { LandmarkId.values().forEach { id -> face.getBundle( { landmark -> val mirroredPosition = positionMirroredHorizontally(landmark, sourceWidth, scaleX) putBundle(, mirroredPosition) } } putBundle("bounds", newBounds) } return mirrorYawAngle(mirrorRollAngle(face)) } private fun mirrorRollAngle(face: Bundle) = face.apply { putDouble("rollAngle", (-face.getDouble("rollAngle") + 360) % 360) } private fun mirrorYawAngle(face: Bundle) = face.apply { putDouble("yawAngle", (-face.getDouble("yawAngle") + 360) % 360) } private fun mapFromPoint(point: FirebaseVisionPoint, scaleX: Double, scaleY: Double) = Bundle().apply { putDouble("x", point.x * scaleX) putDouble("y", point.y * scaleY) } private fun positionTranslatedHorizontally(position: Bundle, translateX: Double) = Bundle(position).apply { putDouble("x", position.getDouble("x") + translateX) } private fun positionMirroredHorizontally(position: Bundle?, containerWidth: Int, scaleX: Double) = Bundle(position).apply { putDouble("x", valueMirroredHorizontally(position!!.getDouble("x"), containerWidth, scaleX)) } private fun valueMirroredHorizontally(elementX: Double, containerWidth: Int, scaleX: Double) = -elementX + containerWidth * scaleX // All the landmarks reported by Google Mobile Vision in constants' order. // private enum class LandmarkId(val id: Int, val landmarkName: String) { BOTTOM_MOUTH(Landmark.BOTTOM_MOUTH, "bottomMouthPosition"), LEFT_CHEEK(Landmark.LEFT_CHEEK, "leftCheekPosition"), LEFT_EAR(Landmark.LEFT_EAR, "leftEarPosition"), LEFT_EAR_TIP(Landmark.LEFT_EAR_TIP, "leftEarTipPosition"), LEFT_EYE(Landmark.LEFT_EYE, "leftEyePosition"), LEFT_MOUTH(Landmark.LEFT_MOUTH, "leftMouthPosition"), NOSE_BASE(Landmark.NOSE_BASE, "noseBasePosition"), RIGHT_CHEEK(Landmark.RIGHT_CHEEK, "rightCheekPosition"), RIGHT_EAR(Landmark.RIGHT_EAR, "rightEarPosition"), RIGHT_EAR_TIP(Landmark.RIGHT_EAR_TIP, "rightEarTipPosition"), RIGHT_EYE(Landmark.RIGHT_EYE, "rightEyePosition"), RIGHT_MOUTH(Landmark.RIGHT_MOUTH, "rightMouthPosition"); } }
package io.boxtape.core.configuration import io.boxtape.withPlaceholdersReplaced import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrSubstitutor /** * Project configuration -- allows components * to register properties that will be ultimately written out * and configure the running application * * Not the same as BoxtapeSettings -- which focusses on Boxtape itself */ class Configuration { private val properties: MutableMap<String, String> = hashMapOf() val vagrantSettings = VagrantSettings() fun registerPropertyWithDefault(propertyName: String, defaultValue: String) { properties.put(propertyName, defaultValue) } fun registerPropertyWithoutValue(propertyName:String) { if (!properties.containsKey(propertyName)) { properties.put(propertyName,"") } } fun registerProperty(property: String) { // remove ${ and } at either end val strippedProperty = if (property.startsWith("\${") && property.endsWith("}")) { property.substring(2, property.length() - 1) } else { property } if (strippedProperty.contains(":")) { val keyValue = strippedProperty.splitBy(":") registerPropertyWithDefault(keyValue.get(0), keyValue.get(1)) } else { registerPropertyWithoutValue(strippedProperty) } } fun getValue(property: String): String? { return properties.get(property).withPlaceholdersReplaced(properties) } fun hasProperty(property: String): Boolean { return properties.contains(property) } fun asStrings(): List<String> { return { "${it.key}=${it.value.withPlaceholdersReplaced(properties)}" } } fun addForwardedPort(hostPort: String, guestPort: String) { vagrantSettings.addForwardedPort(hostPort, guestPort) } fun resolveProperties(source: Map<String, Any>): Map<String,Any> { fun internalResolveProperties(value:Any):Any { return when (value) { is String -> value.withPlaceholdersReplaced(properties) is List<*> -> { internalResolveProperties(it as Any) } is Map<*,*> -> resolveProperties(value as Map<String, Any>) else -> value } } val result:MutableMap<String,Any> = hashMapOf() val updated = { entry -> val resolved = internalResolveProperties(entry.value) Pair(entry.key,resolved) } result.plusAssign(updated) return result } }
/* * Copyright 2013 Square Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.squareup.wire import okio.ByteString.Companion.decodeHex object TestAllTypesData { const val expectedToString = ( "" + "AllTypes{opt_int32=111, opt_uint32=112, opt_sint32=113, opt_fixed32=114, opt_sfixed32=115," + " opt_int64=116, opt_uint64=117, opt_sint64=118, opt_fixed64=119, opt_sfixed64=120, opt_boo" + "l=true, opt_float=122.0, opt_double=123.0, opt_string=124, opt_bytes=[hex=7de1], opt_neste" + "d_enum=A, opt_nested_message=NestedMessage{a=999}, req_int32=111, req_uint32=112, req_sint" + "32=113, req_fixed32=114, req_sfixed32=115, req_int64=116, req_uint64=117, req_sint64=118, " + "req_fixed64=119, req_sfixed64=120, req_bool=true, req_float=122.0, req_double=123.0, req_s" + "tring=124, req_bytes=[hex=7de1], req_nested_enum=A, req_nested_message=NestedMessage{a=999" + "}, rep_int32=[111, 111], rep_uint32=[112, 112], rep_sint32=[113, 113], rep_fixed32=[114, 1" + "14], rep_sfixed32=[115, 115], rep_int64=[116, 116], rep_uint64=[117, 117], rep_sint64=[118" + ", 118], rep_fixed64=[119, 119], rep_sfixed64=[120, 120], rep_bool=[true, true], rep_float=" + "[122.0, 122.0], rep_double=[123.0, 123.0], rep_string=[124, 124], rep_bytes=[[hex=7de1], [" + "hex=7de1]], rep_nested_enum=[A, A], rep_nested_message=[NestedMessage{a=999}, NestedMessag" + "e{a=999}], pack_int32=[111, 111], pack_uint32=[112, 112], pack_sint32=[113, 113], pack_fix" + "ed32=[114, 114], pack_sfixed32=[115, 115], pack_int64=[116, 116], pack_uint64=[117, 117], " + "pack_sint64=[118, 118], pack_fixed64=[119, 119], pack_sfixed64=[120, 120], pack_bool=[true" + ", true], pack_float=[122.0, 122.0], pack_double=[123.0, 123.0], pack_nested_enum=[A, A], e" + "xt_opt_bool=true, ext_rep_bool=[true, true], ext_pack_bool=[true, true]}" ) val expectedOutput = ( "" + // optional "08" + // tag = 1, type = 0 "6f" + // value = 111 "10" + // tag = 2, type = 0 "70" + // value = 112 "18" + // tag = 3, type = 0 "e201" + // value = 226 (=113 zig-zag) "25" + // tag = 4, type = 5 "72000000" + // value = 114 (fixed32) "2d" + // tag = 5, type = 5 "73000000" + // value = 115 (sfixed32) "30" + // tag = 6, type = 0 "74" + // value = 116 "38" + // tag = 7, type = 0 "75" + // value = 117 "40" + // tag = 8, type = 0 "ec01" + // value = 236 (=118 zigzag) "49" + // tag = 9, type = 1 "7700000000000000" + // value = 119 "51" + // tag = 10, type = 1 "7800000000000000" + // value = 120 "58" + // tag = 11, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 (true) "65" + // tag = 12, type = 5 "0000f442" + // value = 122.0F "69" + // tag = 13, type = 1 "0000000000c05e40" + // value = 123.0 "72" + // tag = 14, type = 2 "03" + // length = 3 "313234" + "7a" + // tag = 15, type = 2 "02" + // length = 2 "7de1" + // value = { 125, 225 } "8001" + // tag = 16, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 "8a01" + // tag = 17, type = 2 "03" + // length = 3 "08" + // nested tag = 1, type = 0 "e707" + // value = 999 // required "a806" + // tag = 101, type = 0 "6f" + // value = 111 "b006" + // tag = 102, type = 0 "70" + // value = 112 "b806" + // tag = 103, type = 0 "e201" + // value = 226 (=113 zig-zag) "c506" + // tag = 104, type = 5 "72000000" + // value = 114 (fixed32) "cd06" + // tag = 105, type = 5 "73000000" + // value = 115 (sfixed32) "d006" + // tag = 106, type = 0 "74" + // value = 116 "d806" + // tag = 107, type = 0 "75" + // value = 117 "e006" + // tag = 108, type = 0 "ec01" + // value = 236 (=118 zigzag) "e906" + // tag = 109, type = 1 "7700000000000000" + // value = 119 "f106" + // tag = 110, type = 1 "7800000000000000" + // value = 120 "f806" + // tag = 111, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 (true) "8507" + // tag = 112, type = 5 "0000f442" + // value = 122.0F "8907" + // tag = 113, type = 1 "0000000000c05e40" + // value = 123.0 "9207" + // tag = 114, type = 2 "03" + // length = 3 "313234" + // value = "124" "9a07" + // tag = 115, type = 2 "02" + // length = 2 "7de1" + // value = { 125, 225 } "a007" + // tag = 116, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 "aa07" + // tag = 117, type = 2 "03" + // length = 3 "08" + // nested tag = 1, type = 0 "e707" + // value = 999 // repeated "c80c" + // tag = 201, type = 0 "6f" + // value = 111 "c80c" + // tag = 201, type = 0 "6f" + // value = 111 "d00c" + // tag = 202, type = 0 "70" + // value = 112 "d00c" + // tag = 202, type = 0 "70" + // value = 112 "d80c" + // tag = 203, type = 0 "e201" + // value = 226 (=113 zig-zag) "d80c" + // tag = 203, type = 0 "e201" + // value = 226 (=113 zig-zag) "e50c" + // tag = 204, type = 5 "72000000" + // value = 114 (fixed32) "e50c" + // tag = 204, type = 5 "72000000" + // value = 114 (fixed32) "ed0c" + // tag = 205, type = 5 "73000000" + // value = 115 (sfixed32) "ed0c" + // tag = 205, type = 5 "73000000" + // value = 115 (sfixed32) "f00c" + // tag = 206, type = 0 "74" + // value = 116 "f00c" + // tag = 206, type = 0 "74" + // value = 116 "f80c" + // tag = 207, type = 0 "75" + // value = 117 "f80c" + // tag = 207, type = 0 "75" + // value = 117 "800d" + // tag = 208, type = 0 "ec01" + // value = 236 (=118 zigzag) "800d" + // tag = 208, type = 0 "ec01" + // value = 236 (=118 zigzag) "890d" + // tag = 209, type = 1 "7700000000000000" + // value = 119 "890d" + // tag = 209, type = 1 "7700000000000000" + // value = 119 "910d" + // tag = 210, type = 1 "7800000000000000" + // value = 120 "910d" + // tag = 210, type = 1 "7800000000000000" + // value = 120 "980d" + // tag = 211, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 (true) "980d" + // tag = 211, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 (true) "a50d" + // tag = 212, type = 5 "0000f442" + // value = 122.0F "a50d" + // tag = 212, type = 5 "0000f442" + // value = 122.0F "a90d" + // tag = 213, type = 1 "0000000000c05e40" + // value = 123.0 "a90d" + // tag = 213, type = 1 "0000000000c05e40" + // value = 123.0 "b20d" + // tag = 214, type = 2 "03" + // length = 3 "313234" + // value = "124" "b20d" + // tag = 214, type = 2 "03" + // length = 3 "313234" + // value = "124" "ba0d" + // tag = 215, type = 2 "02" + // length = 2 "7de1" + // value = { 125, 225 } "ba0d" + // tag = 215, type = 2 "02" + // length = 2 "7de1" + // value = { 125, 225 } "c00d" + // tag = 216, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 "c00d" + // tag = 216, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 "ca0d" + // tag = 217, type = 2 "03" + // length = 3 "08" + // nested tag = 1, type = 0 "e707" + // value = 999 "ca0d" + // tag = 217, type = 2 "03" + // length = 3 "08" + // nested tag = 1, type = 0 "e707" + // value = 999 // packed "ea12" + // tag = 301, type = 2 "02" + // length = 2 "6f" + // value = 111 "6f" + // value = 111 "f212" + // tag = 302, type = 2 "02" + // length = 2 "70" + // value = 112 "70" + // value = 112 "fa12" + // tag = 303, type = 2 "04" + // length = 4 "e201" + // value = 226 (=113 zig-zag) "e201" + // value = 226 (=113 zig-zag) "8213" + // tag = 304, type = 2 "08" + // length = 8 "72000000" + // value = 114 (fixed32) "72000000" + // value = 114 (fixed32) "8a13" + // tag = 305, type = 2 "08" + // length = 8 "73000000" + // value = 115 (sfixed32) "73000000" + // value = 115 (sfixed32) "9213" + // tag = 306, type = 2 "02" + // length = 2 "74" + // value = 116 "74" + // value = 116 "9a13" + // tag = 307, type = 2 "02" + // length = 2 "75" + // value = 117 "75" + // value = 117 "a213" + // tag = 308, type = 2 "04" + // length = 4 "ec01" + // value = 236 (=118 zigzag) "ec01" + // value = 236 (=118 zigzag) "aa13" + // tag = 309, type = 2 "10" + // length = 16 "7700000000000000" + // value = 119 "7700000000000000" + // value = 119 "b213" + // tag = 310, type = 2 "10" + // length = 16 "7800000000000000" + // value = 120 "7800000000000000" + // value = 120 "ba13" + // tag = 311, type = 2 "02" + // length = 2 "01" + // value = 1 (true) "01" + // value = 1 (true) "c213" + // tag = 312, type = 2 "08" + // length = 8 "0000f442" + // value = 122.0F "0000f442" + // value = 122.0F "ca13" + // tag = 313, type = 2 "10" + // length = 16 "0000000000c05e40" + // value = 123.0 "0000000000c05e40" + // value = 123.0 "e213" + // tag = 316, type = 2 "02" + // length = 2 "01" + // value = 1 "01" + // value = 1 // extensions "983f" + // tag = 1011, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 (true) "b845" + // tag = 1111, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 (true) "b845" + // tag = 1111, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 (true) "da4b" + // tag = 1211, type = 2 "02" + // length = 2 "01" + // value = 1 (true) "01" // value = 1 (true) ).decodeHex() // message with 'packed' fields stored non-packed, must still be readable val nonPacked = ( "" + // optional "08" + // tag = 1, type = 0 "6f" + // value = 111 "10" + // tag = 2, type = 0 "70" + // value = 112 "18" + // tag = 3, type = 0 "e201" + // value = 226 (=113 zig-zag) "25" + // tag = 4, type = 5 "72000000" + // value = 114 (fixed32) "2d" + // tag = 5, type = 5 "73000000" + // value = 115 (sfixed32) "30" + // tag = 6, type = 0 "74" + // value = 116 "38" + // tag = 7, type = 0 "75" + // value = 117 "40" + // tag = 8, type = 0 "ec01" + // value = 236 (=118 zigzag) "49" + // tag = 9, type = 1 "7700000000000000" + // value = 119 "51" + // tag = 10, type = 1 "7800000000000000" + // value = 120 "58" + // tag = 11, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 (true) "65" + // tag = 12, type = 5 "0000f442" + // value = 122.0F "69" + // tag = 13, type = 1 "0000000000c05e40" + // value = 123.0 "72" + // tag = 14, type = 2 "03" + // length = 3 "313234" + "7a" + // tag = 15, type = 2 "02" + // length = 2 "7de1" + // value = { 125, 225 } "8001" + // tag = 16, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 "8a01" + // tag = 17, type = 2 "03" + // length = 3 "08" + // nested tag = 1, type = 0 "e707" + // value = 999 // required "a806" + // tag = 101, type = 0 "6f" + // value = 111 "b006" + // tag = 102, type = 0 "70" + // value = 112 "b806" + // tag = 103, type = 0 "e201" + // value = 226 (=113 zig-zag) "c506" + // tag = 104, type = 5 "72000000" + // value = 114 (fixed32) "cd06" + // tag = 105, type = 5 "73000000" + // value = 115 (sfixed32) "d006" + // tag = 106, type = 0 "74" + // value = 116 "d806" + // tag = 107, type = 0 "75" + // value = 117 "e006" + // tag = 108, type = 0 "ec01" + // value = 236 (=118 zigzag) "e906" + // tag = 109, type = 1 "7700000000000000" + // value = 119 "f106" + // tag = 110, type = 1 "7800000000000000" + // value = 120 "f806" + // tag = 111, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 (true) "8507" + // tag = 112, type = 5 "0000f442" + // value = 122.0F "8907" + // tag = 113, type = 1 "0000000000c05e40" + // value = 123.0 "9207" + // tag = 114, type = 2 "03" + // length = 3 "313234" + // value = "124" "9a07" + // tag = 115, type = 2 "02" + // length = 2 "7de1" + // value = { 125, 225 } "a007" + // tag = 116, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 "aa07" + // tag = 117, type = 2 "03" + // length = 3 "08" + // nested tag = 1, type = 0 "e707" + // value = 999 // repeated "c80c" + // tag = 201, type = 0 "6f" + // value = 111 "c80c" + // tag = 201, type = 0 "6f" + // value = 111 "d00c" + // tag = 202, type = 0 "70" + // value = 112 "d00c" + // tag = 202, type = 0 "70" + // value = 112 "d80c" + // tag = 203, type = 0 "e201" + // value = 226 (=113 zig-zag) "d80c" + // tag = 203, type = 0 "e201" + // value = 226 (=113 zig-zag) "e50c" + // tag = 204, type = 5 "72000000" + // value = 114 (fixed32) "e50c" + // tag = 204, type = 5 "72000000" + // value = 114 (fixed32) "ed0c" + // tag = 205, type = 5 "73000000" + // value = 115 (sfixed32) "ed0c" + // tag = 205, type = 5 "73000000" + // value = 115 (sfixed32) "f00c" + // tag = 206, type = 0 "74" + // value = 116 "f00c" + // tag = 206, type = 0 "74" + // value = 116 "f80c" + // tag = 207, type = 0 "75" + // value = 117 "f80c" + // tag = 207, type = 0 "75" + // value = 117 "800d" + // tag = 208, type = 0 "ec01" + // value = 236 (=118 zigzag) "800d" + // tag = 208, type = 0 "ec01" + // value = 236 (=118 zigzag) "890d" + // tag = 209, type = 1 "7700000000000000" + // value = 119 "890d" + // tag = 209, type = 1 "7700000000000000" + // value = 119 "910d" + // tag = 210, type = 1 "7800000000000000" + // value = 120 "910d" + // tag = 210, type = 1 "7800000000000000" + // value = 120 "980d" + // tag = 211, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 (true) "980d" + // tag = 211, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 (true) "a50d" + // tag = 212, type = 5 "0000f442" + // value = 122.0F "a50d" + // tag = 212, type = 5 "0000f442" + // value = 122.0F "a90d" + // tag = 213, type = 1 "0000000000c05e40" + // value = 123.0 "a90d" + // tag = 213, type = 1 "0000000000c05e40" + // value = 123.0 "b20d" + // tag = 214, type = 2 "03" + // length = 3 "313234" + // value = "124" "b20d" + // tag = 214, type = 2 "03" + // length = 3 "313234" + // value = "124" "ba0d" + // tag = 215, type = 2 "02" + // length = 2 "7de1" + // value = { 125, 225 } "ba0d" + // tag = 215, type = 2 "02" + // length = 2 "7de1" + // value = { 125, 225 } "c00d" + // tag = 216, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 "c00d" + // tag = 216, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 "ca0d" + // tag = 217, type = 2 "03" + // length = 3 "08" + // nested tag = 1, type = 0 "e707" + // value = 999 "ca0d" + // tag = 217, type = 2 "03" + // length = 3 "08" + // nested tag = 1, type = 0 "e707" + // value = 999 // packed "e812" + // tag = 301, type = 0 "6f" + // value = 111 "e812" + // tag = 301, type = 0 "6f" + // value = 111 "f012" + // tag = 302, type = 0 "70" + // value = 112 "f012" + // tag = 302, type = 0 "70" + // value = 112 "f812" + // tag = 303, type = 0 "e201" + // value = 226 (=113 zig-zag) "f812" + // tag = 303, type = - "e201" + // value = 226 (=113 zig-zag) "8513" + // tag = 304, type = 5 "72000000" + // value = 114 (fixed32) "8513" + // tag = 304, type = 5 "72000000" + // value = 114 (fixed32) "8d13" + // tag = 305, type = 5 "73000000" + // value = 115 (sfixed32) "8d13" + // tag = 305, type = 5 "73000000" + // value = 115 (sfixed32) "9013" + // tag = 306, type = 0 "74" + // value = 116 "9013" + // tag = 306, type = 0 "74" + // value = 116 "9813" + // tag = 307, type = 0 "75" + // value = 117 "9813" + // tag = 307, type = 0 "75" + // value = 117 "a013" + // tag = 308, type = 0 "ec01" + // value = 236 (=118 zigzag) "a013" + // tag = 308, type = 0 "ec01" + // value = 236 (=118 zigzag) "a913" + // tag = 309, type = 0 "7700000000000000" + // value = 119 "a913" + // tag = 309, type = 0 "7700000000000000" + // value = 119 "b113" + // tag = 310, type = 0 "7800000000000000" + // value = 120 "b113" + // tag = 310, type = 0 "7800000000000000" + // value = 120 "b813" + // tag = 311, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 (true) "b813" + // tag = 311, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 (true) "c513" + // tag = 312, type = 0 "0000f442" + // value = 122.0F "c513" + // tag = 312, type = 0 "0000f442" + // value = 122.0F "c913" + // tag = 313, type = 0 "0000000000c05e40" + // value = 123.0 "c913" + // tag = 313, type = 0 "0000000000c05e40" + // value = 123.0 "e013" + // tag = 316, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 "e013" + // tag = 316, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 // extension "983f" + // tag = 1011, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 (true) "b845" + // tag = 1111, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 (true) "b845" + // tag = 1111, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 (true) "d84b" + // tag = 1211, type = 0 "01" + // value = 1 (true) "d84b" + // tag = 1211, type = 0 "01" // value = 1 (true) ).decodeHex() }
// Copyright 2000-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and contributors. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.refactoring.rename import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor import com.intellij.psi.* import com.intellij.refactoring.RefactoringActionHandler import com.intellij.refactoring.rename.inplace.VariableInplaceRenameHandler import com.intellij.refactoring.rename.inplace.VariableInplaceRenamer import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.base.psi.unquoteKotlinIdentifier import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.* open class KotlinVariableInplaceRenameHandler : VariableInplaceRenameHandler() { companion object { fun isInplaceRenameAvailable(element: PsiElement): Boolean { when (element) { is KtTypeParameter -> return true is KtDestructuringDeclarationEntry -> return true is KtParameter -> { val parent = element.parent if (parent is KtForExpression) { return true } if (parent is KtParameterList) { val grandparent = parent.parent return grandparent is KtCatchClause || grandparent is KtFunctionLiteral } } is KtLabeledExpression, is KtImportAlias -> return true } return false } } protected open class RenamerImpl : VariableInplaceRenamer { constructor(elementToRename: PsiNamedElement, editor: Editor) : super(elementToRename, editor) constructor( elementToRename: PsiNamedElement, editor: Editor, currentName: String, oldName: String ) : super(elementToRename, editor, editor.project!!, currentName, oldName) override fun acceptReference(reference: PsiReference): Boolean { val refElement = reference.element val textRange = reference.rangeInElement val referenceText = refElement.text.substring(textRange.startOffset, textRange.endOffset).unquoteKotlinIdentifier() return referenceText == } override fun startsOnTheSameElement(handler: RefactoringActionHandler?, element: PsiElement?): Boolean { return variable == element && (handler is VariableInplaceRenameHandler || handler is KotlinRenameDispatcherHandler) } override fun createInplaceRenamerToRestart(variable: PsiNamedElement, editor: Editor, initialName: String): VariableInplaceRenamer { return RenamerImpl(variable, editor, initialName, myOldName) } } override fun createRenamer(elementToRename: PsiElement, editor: Editor): VariableInplaceRenamer? { val currentElementToRename = elementToRename as PsiNameIdentifierOwner val currentName = currentElementToRename.nameIdentifier?.text ?: "" return RenamerImpl(currentElementToRename, editor, currentName, currentName) } public override fun isAvailable(element: PsiElement?, editor: Editor, file: PsiFile) = editor.settings.isVariableInplaceRenameEnabled && element != null && isInplaceRenameAvailable(element) }
package import* import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import org.jetbrains.deft.ObjBuilder import org.jetbrains.deft.Type import org.jetbrains.deft.annotations.Child @GeneratedCodeApiVersion(1) @GeneratedCodeImplVersion(1) open class MainEntityImpl: MainEntity, WorkspaceEntityBase() { companion object { val connections = listOf<ConnectionId>( ) } @JvmField var _x: String? = null override val x: String get() = _x!! override fun connectionIdList(): List<ConnectionId> { return connections } class Builder(val result: MainEntityData?): ModifiableWorkspaceEntityBase<MainEntity>(), MainEntity.Builder { constructor(): this(MainEntityData()) override fun applyToBuilder(builder: MutableEntityStorage) { if (this.diff != null) { if (existsInBuilder(builder)) { this.diff = builder return } else { error("Entity MainEntity is already created in a different builder") } } this.diff = builder this.snapshot = builder addToBuilder() = getEntityData().createEntityId() // Process linked entities that are connected without a builder processLinkedEntities(builder) checkInitialization() // TODO uncomment and check failed tests } fun checkInitialization() { val _diff = diff if (!getEntityData().isXInitialized()) { error("Field MainEntity#x should be initialized") } if (!getEntityData().isEntitySourceInitialized()) { error("Field MainEntity#entitySource should be initialized") } } override fun connectionIdList(): List<ConnectionId> { return connections } override var x: String get() = getEntityData().x set(value) { checkModificationAllowed() getEntityData().x = value changedProperty.add("x") } override var entitySource: EntitySource get() = getEntityData().entitySource set(value) { checkModificationAllowed() getEntityData().entitySource = value changedProperty.add("entitySource") } override fun getEntityData(): MainEntityData = result ?: super.getEntityData() as MainEntityData override fun getEntityClass(): Class<MainEntity> = } } class MainEntityData : WorkspaceEntityData<MainEntity>() { lateinit var x: String fun isXInitialized(): Boolean = ::x.isInitialized override fun wrapAsModifiable(diff: MutableEntityStorage): ModifiableWorkspaceEntity<MainEntity> { val modifiable = MainEntityImpl.Builder(null) modifiable.allowModifications { modifiable.diff = diff modifiable.snapshot = diff = createEntityId() modifiable.entitySource = this.entitySource } modifiable.changedProperty.clear() return modifiable } override fun createEntity(snapshot: EntityStorage): MainEntity { val entity = MainEntityImpl() entity._x = x entity.entitySource = entitySource entity.snapshot = snapshot = createEntityId() return entity } override fun getEntityInterface(): Class<out WorkspaceEntity> { return } override fun serialize(ser: EntityInformation.Serializer) { } override fun deserialize(de: EntityInformation.Deserializer) { } override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean { if (other == null) return false if (this::class != other::class) return false other as MainEntityData if (this.x != other.x) return false if (this.entitySource != other.entitySource) return false return true } override fun equalsIgnoringEntitySource(other: Any?): Boolean { if (other == null) return false if (this::class != other::class) return false other as MainEntityData if (this.x != other.x) return false return true } override fun hashCode(): Int { var result = entitySource.hashCode() result = 31 * result + x.hashCode() return result } }
package nl.jstege.adventofcode.aoc2016.days import nl.jstege.adventofcode.aoccommon.days.Day import nl.jstege.adventofcode.aoccommon.utils.Direction import nl.jstege.adventofcode.aoccommon.utils.Point import nl.jstege.adventofcode.aoccommon.utils.extensions.scan import kotlin.reflect.KProperty1 /** * * @author Jelle Stege */ class Day01 : Day(title = "No Time for a Taxicab") { override fun first(input: Sequence<String>): Any { var dir = Direction.NORTH return input .first() .parse() .fold(Point.ZERO_ZERO) { p, (turn, steps) -> dir = dir.let(turn.directionMod) p.moveDirection(dir, steps) } .manhattan(Point.ZERO_ZERO) } override fun second(input: Sequence<String>): Any { var dir = Direction.NORTH var coordinate = Point.ZERO_ZERO val visited = mutableSetOf(coordinate) input.first().parse().forEach { (turn, steps) -> dir = dir.let(turn.directionMod) val first = coordinate.moveDirection(dir) val last = coordinate.moveDirection(dir, steps) val xs = if (last.x < first.x) first.x downTo last.x else first.x..last.x val ys = if (last.y < first.y) first.y downTo last.y else first.y..last.y Point.of(xs, ys).forEach { coordinate = it if (coordinate in visited) return coordinate.manhattan(Point.ZERO_ZERO) visited += coordinate } } throw IllegalStateException("No answer found.") } private fun String.parse(): List<Instruction> = this.split(", ").map { Instruction(Turn.parse(it.substring(0, 1)), it.substring(1).toInt()) } private data class Instruction(val turn: Turn, val steps: Int) private enum class Turn(val directionMod: KProperty1<Direction, Direction>) { LEFT(Direction::left), RIGHT(Direction::right); companion object { fun parse(v: String) = when (v) { "L" -> LEFT else -> RIGHT } } } }
package import import data class StoryListRelations( @Embedded var storyListEntity: StoryListEntity = StoryListEntity(), @Relation( parentColumn = "story_list_id", entityColumn = "summary_story_list_id", entity = SummaryEntity::class ) var storyListSummary: List<SummaryEntity> = mutableListOf() )
package org.ligi.passandroid.ui.quirk_fix import android.content.Intent import android.os.Bundle import import import org.ligi.passandroid.ui.AlertFragment import org.ligi.passandroid.ui.PassAndroidActivity import org.ligi.passandroid.ui.PassImportActivity class USAirwaysLoadActivity : PassAndroidActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) val data = if (data == null || "$data".indexOf("/") == -1){ val alert = AlertFragment() supportFragmentManager.commit { add(alert,"AlertFrag") } return } val url = "$data".removeSuffix("/") ?: "" val split = url.split("/".toRegex()).dropLastWhile { it.isEmpty() }.toTypedArray() val passId = split[split.size - 2] + "/" + split[split.size - 1] val redirectUrl = "$passId/passbook" tracker.trackEvent("quirk_fix", "redirect", "usairways", null) val intent = Intent(this, = redirectUrl.toUri() startActivity(intent) finish() } }
/* * Copyright 2019 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package promotion import common.VersionedSettingsBranch import configurations.branchFilter import jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.v2019_2.triggers.schedule import vcsroots.gradlePromotionBranches class PublishNightlySnapshot(branch: VersionedSettingsBranch) : PublishGradleDistributionBothSteps( promotedBranch = branch.branchName, prepTask = branch.prepNightlyTaskName(), step2TargetTask = branch.promoteNightlyTaskName(), triggerName = "ReadyforNightly", vcsRootId = gradlePromotionBranches ) { init { id("Promotion_Nightly") name = "Nightly Snapshot" description = "Promotes the latest successful changes on '${branch.branchName}' from Ready for Nightly as a new nightly snapshot" triggers { branch.triggeredHour()?.apply { schedule { schedulingPolicy = daily { this.hour = this@apply } triggerBuild = always() withPendingChangesOnly = true enabled = branch.enableTriggers branchFilter = branch.branchFilter() } } } } } // Avoid two jobs running at the same time and causing troubles private fun VersionedSettingsBranch.triggeredHour() = when { isMaster -> 0 isRelease -> 1 else -> null }
package import android.content.Context import import android.text.Spannable import android.text.SpannableString import android.text.TextPaint import android.text.method.LinkMovementMethod import import import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import import import import import class GuideCardViewHolder( val parent: ViewGroup, val binding: StatsBlockListGuideCardBinding = parent.viewBinding(StatsBlockListGuideCardBinding::inflate) ) : BlockListItemViewHolder(binding.root) { fun bind( item: ListItemGuideCard ) = with(binding) { val spannableString = SpannableString(item.text) item.links?.forEach { link -> { spannableString.withClickableSpan(root.context, it) { } } } item.bolds?.forEach { bold -> spannableString.withBoldSpan(bold) } guideMessage.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() guideMessage.text = spannableString } } private fun SpannableString.withClickableSpan( context: Context, clickablePart: String, onClickListener: (Context) -> Unit ): SpannableString { val clickableSpan = object : ClickableSpan() { override fun onClick(widget: View) { widget.context?.let { onClickListener.invoke(it) } } override fun updateDrawState(ds: TextPaint) { ds.color = context.getColorFromAttribute(R.attr.colorPrimary) ds.typeface = Typeface.create( Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD, Typeface.NORMAL ) ds.isUnderlineText = false } } val clickablePartStart = indexOf(clickablePart) setSpan( clickableSpan, clickablePartStart, clickablePartStart + clickablePart.length, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE ) return this } private fun SpannableString.withBoldSpan(boldPart: String): SpannableString { val boldPartIndex = indexOf(boldPart) setSpan( StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD), boldPartIndex, boldPartIndex + boldPart.length, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE ) return this }
package xyz.koleno.sunwidget.widget import import android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager import android.appwidget.AppWidgetProvider import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import android.widget.RemoteViews import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager import xyz.koleno.sunwidget.PrefHelper import xyz.koleno.sunwidget.R /** * Broadcast receiver that controls the widgets * @author Dusan Koleno */ class SunWidgetProvider : AppWidgetProvider() { companion object { const val ACTION_NO_CONNECTION = "actionNoConnection" // no internet connection notification const val ACTION_UPDATE_WIDGETS = "actionUpdateViews" // sent by update service to update views with new data const val ACTION_RUN_UPDATE = "actionRunUpdate" // generated after refresh button click to start update service } /** * Called by the system when widgets need to be updated */ override fun onUpdate(context: Context, appWidgetManager: AppWidgetManager, appWidgetIds: IntArray) { val prefs = PrefHelper(PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context)) // start service if user's location is set if (prefs.hasLocation()) { updateWidgetsFromSaved(context, appWidgetIds) // first get saved data UpdateService.enqueueWork(context, appWidgetIds) } else { // notify user about missing location updateWidgets(context, appWidgetIds, context.resources.getString(R.string.no_location), context.resources.getString(R.string.no_location)) } } /** * Custom actions used to handle various widget updates */ override fun onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent) { val prefs = PrefHelper(PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context)) val widgetIds = intent.getIntArrayExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_IDS) ?: return // stop if no widget ids when (intent.action) { ACTION_NO_CONNECTION -> { updateWidgets(context, widgetIds, context.getString(R.string.no_internet), context.getString(R.string.no_internet_try)) } ACTION_UPDATE_WIDGETS -> { updateWidgetsFromSaved(context, widgetIds) } ACTION_RUN_UPDATE -> { if (!prefs.hasTimes()) { // no previous times saved, show loading updateWidgets(context, widgetIds, context.getString(R.string.loading), context.getString(R.string.loading)) } // start the update service UpdateService.enqueueWork(context, widgetIds) } } super.onReceive(context, intent) } /** * Generates widget update intent for the refresh button click */ private fun generateUpdateIntent(context: Context, appWidgetIds: IntArray): PendingIntent { val intent = Intent(context, javaClass) intent.action = ACTION_RUN_UPDATE intent.putExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_IDS, appWidgetIds) return PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, intent, 0) } /** * Updates widgets with given data */ private fun updateWidgets(context: Context, appWidgetIds: IntArray, sunriseText: String, sunsetText: String) { val manager = AppWidgetManager.getInstance(context.applicationContext) val remoteViews = RemoteViews(context.applicationContext.packageName, R.layout.sunwidget) remoteViews.setOnClickPendingIntent(, generateUpdateIntent(context, appWidgetIds)) for (widgetId in appWidgetIds) { remoteViews.setTextViewText(, sunriseText) remoteViews.setTextViewText(, sunsetText) manager.updateAppWidget(widgetId, remoteViews) } } /** * Updates widgets from saved data */ private fun updateWidgetsFromSaved(context: Context, appWidgetIds: IntArray) { val prefs = PrefHelper(PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context)) if (prefs.hasTimes()) { val data = prefs.loadTimes() updateWidgets(context, appWidgetIds, data.sunrise, data.sunset) } } }
// Copyright 2000-2019 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.committed import com.intellij.icons.AllIcons import com.intellij.ide.actions.EditSourceAction import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnActionEvent import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.CommonDataKeys.PROJECT import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.DataContext import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.PlatformCoreDataKeys import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.VcsBundle import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.VcsDataKeys.SELECTED_CHANGES import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.ChangesUtil.getNavigatableArray import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.ChangesUtil.iterateFiles import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.committed.CommittedChangesBrowserUseCase.IN_AIR import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.ui.ChangesBrowserBase import com.intellij.pom.Navigatable internal class EditSourceFromChangesBrowserAction : EditSourceAction() { override fun update(e: AnActionEvent) { super.update(e) e.presentation.apply { icon = AllIcons.Actions.EditSource text = VcsBundle.message("edit.source.action.text") val isModalContext = e.getData(PlatformCoreDataKeys.IS_MODAL_CONTEXT) == true val changesBrowser = e.getData(ChangesBrowserBase.DATA_KEY) isVisible = isVisible && changesBrowser != null isEnabled = isEnabled && changesBrowser != null && !isModalContext && e.getData(CommittedChangesBrowserUseCase.DATA_KEY) != IN_AIR } } override fun getNavigatables(dataContext: DataContext): Array<Navigatable>? { val project = PROJECT.getData(dataContext) ?: return null val changes = SELECTED_CHANGES.getData(dataContext) ?: return null return getNavigatableArray(project, iterateFiles(changes.asList())) } }
// Copyright 2000-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and contributors. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.inspections.dfa import com.intellij.codeInspection.dataFlow.jvm.descriptors.JvmVariableDescriptor import com.intellij.codeInspection.dataFlow.types.DfType import com.intellij.codeInspection.dataFlow.value.DfaValueFactory import com.intellij.codeInspection.dataFlow.value.DfaVariableValue import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement import com.intellij.psi.util.CachedValuesManager import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.getValueParameterTypesFromFunctionType import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.DeclarationDescriptorWithSource import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ValueParameterDescriptor import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.caches.resolve.resolveToDescriptorIfAny import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.core.resolveType import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.refactoring.move.moveMethod.type import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.references.mainReference import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.references.readWriteAccess import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.references.resolveMainReferenceToDescriptors import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.util.findAnnotation import org.jetbrains.kotlin.lexer.KtTokens import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.containingClass import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.containingClassOrObject import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.isExtensionDeclaration import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.jvm.annotations.VOLATILE_ANNOTATION_FQ_NAME import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.source.KotlinSourceElement import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.KotlinType class KtVariableDescriptor(val variable: KtCallableDeclaration) : JvmVariableDescriptor() { val stable: Boolean = calculateStable() private fun calculateStable(): Boolean { if (variable is KtParameter && variable.isMutable) return false if (variable !is KtProperty || !variable.isVar) return true if (!variable.isLocal) return false return !getVariablesChangedInNestedFunctions(variable.parent).contains(variable) } private fun getVariablesChangedInNestedFunctions(parent: PsiElement): Set<KtProperty> = CachedValuesManager.getProjectPsiDependentCache(parent) { scope -> val result = hashSetOf<KtProperty>() PsiTreeUtil.processElements(scope) { e -> if (e is KtSimpleNameExpression && e.readWriteAccess(false).isWrite) { val target = e.mainReference.resolve() if (target is KtProperty && target.isLocal && PsiTreeUtil.isAncestor(parent, target, true)) { var parentScope : KtFunction? var context = e while(true) { parentScope = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(context, val maybeLambda = parentScope?.parent as? KtLambdaExpression val maybeCall = (maybeLambda?.parent as? KtLambdaArgument)?.parent as? KtCallExpression if (maybeCall != null && getInlineableLambda(maybeCall)?.lambda == maybeLambda) { context = maybeCall continue } break } if (parentScope != null && PsiTreeUtil.isAncestor(parent, parentScope, true)) { result.add(target) } } } return@processElements true } return@getProjectPsiDependentCache result } override fun isStable(): Boolean = stable override fun canBeCapturedInClosure(): Boolean { if (variable is KtParameter && variable.isMutable) return false return variable !is KtProperty || !variable.isVar } override fun getPsiElement(): KtCallableDeclaration = variable override fun getDfType(qualifier: DfaVariableValue?): DfType = variable.type().toDfType() override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = other is KtVariableDescriptor && other.variable == variable override fun hashCode(): Int = variable.hashCode() override fun toString(): String = ?: "<unknown>" companion object { fun getSingleLambdaParameter(factory: DfaValueFactory, lambda: KtLambdaExpression): DfaVariableValue? { val parameters = lambda.valueParameters if (parameters.size > 1) return null if (parameters.size == 1) { return if (parameters[0].destructuringDeclaration == null) factory.varFactory.createVariableValue(KtVariableDescriptor(parameters[0])) else null } val kotlinType = lambda.resolveType()?.getValueParameterTypesFromFunctionType()?.singleOrNull()?.type ?: return null return factory.varFactory.createVariableValue(KtItVariableDescriptor(lambda.functionLiteral, kotlinType)) } fun createFromQualified(factory: DfaValueFactory, expr: KtExpression?): DfaVariableValue? { var selector = expr while (selector is KtQualifiedExpression) { selector = selector.selectorExpression } return createFromSimpleName(factory, selector) } fun createFromSimpleName(factory: DfaValueFactory, expr: KtExpression?): DfaVariableValue? { val varFactory = factory.varFactory if (expr is KtSimpleNameExpression) { val target = expr.mainReference.resolve() if (target is KtCallableDeclaration) { if (target is KtParameter && target.ownerFunction !is KtPrimaryConstructor || target is KtProperty && target.isLocal || target is KtDestructuringDeclarationEntry ) { return varFactory.createVariableValue(KtVariableDescriptor(target)) } if (isTrackableProperty(target)) { val parent = expr.parent var qualifier: DfaVariableValue? = null if (target.parent is KtClassBody && target.parent.parent is KtObjectDeclaration) { // property in object: singleton, can track return varFactory.createVariableValue(KtVariableDescriptor(target), null) } if (parent is KtQualifiedExpression && parent.selectorExpression == expr) { val receiver = parent.receiverExpression qualifier = createFromSimpleName(factory, receiver) } else { if (target.parent is KtFile) { // top-level declaration return varFactory.createVariableValue(KtVariableDescriptor(target), null) } val classOrObject = target.containingClassOrObject?.resolveToDescriptorIfAny() if (classOrObject != null) { val dfType = classOrObject.defaultType.toDfType() qualifier = varFactory.createVariableValue(KtThisDescriptor(classOrObject, dfType)) } } if (qualifier != null) { return varFactory.createVariableValue(KtVariableDescriptor(target), qualifier) } } } if (expr.textMatches("it")) { val descriptor = expr.resolveMainReferenceToDescriptors().singleOrNull() if (descriptor is ValueParameterDescriptor) { val fn = ((descriptor.containingDeclaration as? DeclarationDescriptorWithSource)?.source as? KotlinSourceElement)?.psi if (fn != null) { val type = descriptor.type return varFactory.createVariableValue(KtItVariableDescriptor(fn, type)) } } } } return null } private fun isTrackableProperty(target: PsiElement?) = target is KtParameter && target.ownerFunction is KtPrimaryConstructor || target is KtProperty && !target.hasDelegate() && target.getter == null && target.setter == null && !target.hasModifier(KtTokens.ABSTRACT_KEYWORD) && target.findAnnotation(VOLATILE_ANNOTATION_FQ_NAME) == null && target.containingClass()?.isInterface() != true && !target.isExtensionDeclaration() } } class KtItVariableDescriptor(val lambda: KtElement, val type: KotlinType): JvmVariableDescriptor() { override fun getDfType(qualifier: DfaVariableValue?): DfType = type.toDfType() override fun isStable(): Boolean = true override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = other is KtItVariableDescriptor && other.lambda == lambda override fun hashCode(): Int = lambda.hashCode() override fun toString(): String = "it" }
/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.ui.colorpicker import com.intellij.ui.JBColor import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil import com.intellij.util.ui.JBUI import com.intellij.util.ui.UIUtil import java.awt.* import java.awt.event.* import javax.swing.AbstractAction import javax.swing.JComponent import javax.swing.KeyStroke import kotlin.math.max private val DEFAULT_HORIZONTAL_PADDING = JBUI.scale(5) private val DEFAULT_VERTICAL_PADDING = JBUI.scale(5) private val KNOB_COLOR = Color(255, 255, 255) private val KNOB_BORDER_COLOR = JBColor(Color(100, 100, 100), Color(64, 64, 64)) private val KNOB_BORDER_STROKE = BasicStroke(1.5f) private const val KNOB_WIDTH = 5 private const val KNOB_CORNER_ARC = 5 private const val FOCUS_BORDER_CORNER_ARC = 5 private const val FOCUS_BORDER_WIDTH = 3 private const val ACTION_SLIDE_LEFT = "actionSlideLeft" private const val ACTION_SLIDE_LEFT_STEP = "actionSlideLeftStep" private const val ACTION_SLIDE_RIGHT = "actionSlideRight" private const val ACTION_SLIDE_RIGHT_STEP = "actionSlideRightStep" abstract class SliderComponent<T: Number>(initialValue: T) : JComponent() { protected val leftPadding = DEFAULT_HORIZONTAL_PADDING protected val rightPadding = DEFAULT_HORIZONTAL_PADDING protected val topPadding = DEFAULT_VERTICAL_PADDING protected val bottomPadding = DEFAULT_VERTICAL_PADDING private var _knobPosition: Int = 0 private var knobPosition: Int get() = _knobPosition set(newPointerValue) { _knobPosition = newPointerValue _value = knobPositionToValue(newPointerValue) } private var _value: T = initialValue var value: T get() = _value set(newValue) { _value = newValue _knobPosition = valueToKnobPosition(newValue) } private val polygonToDraw = Polygon() private val listeners = ContainerUtil.createLockFreeCopyOnWriteList<(T) -> Unit>() /** * @return size of slider, must be positive value or zero. */ val sliderWidth get() = max(0, width - leftPadding - rightPadding) init { this.addMouseMotionListener(object : MouseAdapter() { override fun mouseDragged(e: MouseEvent) { processMouse(e) e.consume() } }) this.addMouseListener(object : MouseAdapter() { override fun mousePressed(e: MouseEvent) { processMouse(e) e.consume() } }) addMouseWheelListener { e -> runAndUpdateIfNeeded { value = slide(-e.preciseWheelRotation.toInt()) } e.consume() } this.addFocusListener(object : FocusAdapter() { override fun focusGained(e: FocusEvent?) { repaint() } override fun focusLost(e: FocusEvent?) { repaint() } }) this.addComponentListener(object : ComponentAdapter() { override fun componentResized(e: ComponentEvent?) { repaint() } }) with (actionMap) { put(ACTION_SLIDE_LEFT, object : AbstractAction() { override fun actionPerformed(e: ActionEvent) = runAndUpdateIfNeeded { doSlide(-1) } }) put(ACTION_SLIDE_LEFT_STEP, object : AbstractAction() { override fun actionPerformed(e: ActionEvent) = runAndUpdateIfNeeded { doSlide(-10) } }) put(ACTION_SLIDE_RIGHT, object : AbstractAction() { override fun actionPerformed(e: ActionEvent) = runAndUpdateIfNeeded { doSlide(1) } }) put(ACTION_SLIDE_RIGHT_STEP, object : AbstractAction() { override fun actionPerformed(e: ActionEvent) = runAndUpdateIfNeeded { doSlide(10) } }) } with (getInputMap(WHEN_FOCUSED)) { put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_LEFT, 0), ACTION_SLIDE_LEFT) put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_LEFT, InputEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK), ACTION_SLIDE_LEFT_STEP) put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT, 0), ACTION_SLIDE_RIGHT) put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT, KeyEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK), ACTION_SLIDE_RIGHT_STEP) } } /** * Helper function to execute the code and check if needs to invoke [repaint] and/or [fireValueChanged] */ private fun runAndUpdateIfNeeded(task: () -> Unit) { val oldValue = value task() repaint() if (oldValue != value) { fireValueChanged() } } private fun processMouse(e: MouseEvent) = runAndUpdateIfNeeded { val newKnobPosition = Math.max(0, Math.min(e.x - leftPadding, sliderWidth)) knobPosition = newKnobPosition } fun addListener(listener: (T) -> Unit) { listeners.add(listener) } private fun fireValueChanged() = listeners.forEach { it.invoke(value) } protected abstract fun knobPositionToValue(knobPosition: Int): T protected abstract fun valueToKnobPosition(value: T): Int private fun doSlide(shift: Int) { value = slide(shift) } /** * return the new value after sliding. The [shift] is the amount of sliding. */ protected abstract fun slide(shift: Int): T override fun getPreferredSize(): Dimension = JBUI.size(100, 22) override fun getMinimumSize(): Dimension = JBUI.size(50, 22) override fun getMaximumSize(): Dimension = Dimension(Integer.MAX_VALUE, preferredSize.height) override fun isFocusable() = true override fun setToolTipText(text: String) = Unit override fun paintComponent(g: Graphics) { val g2d = g as Graphics2D if (isFocusOwner) { g2d.color = UIUtil.getFocusedFillColor() ?: Color.BLUE.brighter() val left = leftPadding - FOCUS_BORDER_WIDTH val top = topPadding - FOCUS_BORDER_WIDTH val width = width - left - rightPadding + FOCUS_BORDER_WIDTH val height = height - top - bottomPadding + FOCUS_BORDER_WIDTH g2d.fillRoundRect(left, top, width, height, FOCUS_BORDER_CORNER_ARC, FOCUS_BORDER_CORNER_ARC) } paintSlider(g2d) drawKnob(g2d, leftPadding + valueToKnobPosition(value)) } protected abstract fun paintSlider(g2d: Graphics2D) private fun drawKnob(g2d: Graphics2D, x: Int) { val originalAntialiasing = g2d.getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING) val originalStroke = g2d.stroke g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON) val knobLeft = x - KNOB_WIDTH / 2 val knobTop = topPadding / 2 val knobWidth = KNOB_WIDTH val knobHeight = height - (topPadding + bottomPadding) / 2 g2d.color = KNOB_COLOR g2d.fillRoundRect(knobLeft, knobTop, knobWidth, knobHeight, KNOB_CORNER_ARC, KNOB_CORNER_ARC) g2d.color = KNOB_BORDER_COLOR g2d.stroke = KNOB_BORDER_STROKE g2d.drawRoundRect(knobLeft, knobTop, knobWidth, knobHeight, KNOB_CORNER_ARC, KNOB_CORNER_ARC) g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, originalAntialiasing) g2d.stroke = originalStroke } }
// Copyright 2000-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package com.intellij.testFramework.assertions import com.intellij.openapi.util.SystemInfo import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtilRt import com.intellij.rt.execution.junit.FileComparisonFailure import com.intellij.testFramework.UsefulTestCase import import import org.assertj.core.api.ListAssert import org.yaml.snakeyaml.DumperOptions import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml import org.yaml.snakeyaml.nodes.Node import org.yaml.snakeyaml.nodes.Tag import org.yaml.snakeyaml.representer.Represent import org.yaml.snakeyaml.representer.Representer import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException import java.nio.file.Path import java.util.* import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap import java.util.regex.Pattern internal interface SnapshotFileUsageListener { fun beforeMatch(file: Path) } internal val snapshotFileUsageListeners = Collections.newSetFromMap<SnapshotFileUsageListener>(ConcurrentHashMap()) class ListAssertEx<ELEMENT>(actual: List<ELEMENT>?) : ListAssert<ELEMENT>(actual) { fun toMatchSnapshot(snapshotFile: Path) { snapshotFileUsageListeners.forEach { it.beforeMatch(snapshotFile) } isNotNull compareFileContent(actual, snapshotFile) } } fun dumpData(data: Any): String { val dumperOptions = DumperOptions() dumperOptions.isAllowReadOnlyProperties = true dumperOptions.lineBreak = DumperOptions.LineBreak.UNIX val yaml = Yaml(DumpRepresenter(), dumperOptions) return yaml.dump(data) } private class DumpRepresenter : Representer() { init { representers.put(, RepresentDump()) } private inner class RepresentDump : Represent { override fun representData(data: Any): Node = representScalar(Tag.STR, data.toString()) } } internal fun loadSnapshotContent(snapshotFile: Path, convertLineSeparators: Boolean = SystemInfo.isWindows): CharSequence { // because developer can open file and depending on editor settings, newline maybe added to the end of file var content = snapshotFile.readChars().trimEnd() if (convertLineSeparators) { content = StringUtilRt.convertLineSeparators(content, "\n") } return content } @Throws(FileComparisonFailure::class) fun compareFileContent(actual: Any, snapshotFile: Path, updateIfMismatch: Boolean = isUpdateSnapshotIfMismatch(), writeIfNotFound: Boolean = true) { val actualContent = if (actual is CharSequence) getNormalizedActualContent(actual) else dumpData(actual).trimEnd() val expected = try { loadSnapshotContent(snapshotFile) } catch (e: NoSuchFileException) { if (!writeIfNotFound || UsefulTestCase.IS_UNDER_TEAMCITY) { throw e } println("Write a new snapshot: ${snapshotFile.fileName}") snapshotFile.write(actualContent) return } if (StringUtil.equal(actualContent, expected, true)) { return } if (updateIfMismatch) { println("UPDATED snapshot ${snapshotFile.fileName}") snapshotFile.write(actualContent) } else { val firstMismatch = StringUtil.commonPrefixLength(actualContent, expected) @Suppress("SpellCheckingInspection") val message = "Received value does not match stored snapshot '${snapshotFile.fileName}' at ${firstMismatch}.\n" + "Expected: '${expected.contextAround(firstMismatch, 10)}'\n" + "Actual : '${actualContent.contextAround(firstMismatch, 10)}'\n" + "Inspect your code changes or run with `-Dtest.update.snapshots` to update" throw FileComparisonFailure(message, expected.toString(), actualContent.toString(), snapshotFile.toString()) } } internal fun getNormalizedActualContent(actual: CharSequence): CharSequence { var actualContent = actual if (SystemInfo.isWindows) { actualContent = StringUtilRt.convertLineSeparators(actualContent, "\n") } return actualContent.trimEnd() } private fun isUpdateSnapshotIfMismatch(): Boolean { if (UsefulTestCase.IS_UNDER_TEAMCITY) { return false } val value = System.getProperty("test.update.snapshots") return value != null && (value.isEmpty() || value.toBoolean()) } private fun CharSequence.contextAround(offset: Int, context: Int): String = substring((offset - context).coerceAtLeast(0), (offset + context).coerceAtMost(length))
package html import java.util.* interface Factory<T> { fun create() : T } interface Element class TextElement(val text : String) : Element abstract class Tag(val name : String) : Element { val children = ArrayList<Element>() val attributes = HashMap<String, String>() protected fun <T : Element> initTag(init : T.() -> Unit) : T { val tag = <error descr="[TYPE_PARAMETER_ON_LHS_OF_DOT] Type parameter 'T' cannot have or inherit a companion object, so it cannot be on the left hand side of dot">T</error>.<error descr="[UNRESOLVED_REFERENCE] Unresolved reference: create">create</error>() tag.init() children.add(tag) return tag } } abstract class TagWithText(name : String) : Tag(name) { operator fun String.unaryPlus() { children.add(TextElement(this)) } } class HTML() : TagWithText("html") { companion object : Factory<HTML> { override fun create() = HTML() } fun head(init : Head.() -> Unit) = initTag<Head>(init) fun body(init : Body.() -> Unit) = initTag<Body>(init) } class Head() : TagWithText("head") { companion object : Factory<Head> { override fun create() = Head() } fun title(init : Title.() -> Unit) = initTag<Title>(init) } class Title() : TagWithText("title") abstract class BodyTag(name : String) : TagWithText(name) { } class Body() : BodyTag("body") { companion object : Factory<Body> { override fun create() = Body() } fun b(init : B.() -> Unit) = initTag<B>(init) fun p(init : P.() -> Unit) = initTag<P>(init) fun h1(init : H1.() -> Unit) = initTag<H1>(init) fun a(href : String, init : A.() -> Unit) { val a = initTag<A>(init) a.href = href } } class B() : BodyTag("b") class P() : BodyTag("p") class H1() : BodyTag("h1") class A() : BodyTag("a") { var href : String? get() = attributes["href"] set(value) { if (value != null) attributes["href"] = value } } operator fun MutableMap<String, String>.set(key : String, value : String) = this.put(key, value) fun html(init : HTML.() -> Unit) : HTML { val html = HTML() html.init() return html } fun result(args : Array<String>) = html { head { title {+"XML encoding with Groovy"} } body { h1 {+"XML encoding with Groovy"} p {+"this format can be used as an alternative markup to XML"} // an element with attributes and text content a(href = "") {+"Groovy"} // mixed content p { +"This is some" b {+"mixed"} +"text. For more see the" a(href = "") {+"Groovy"} +"project" } p {+"some text"} // content generated by p { for (arg in args) +arg } } }
package import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProvider import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable import io.reactivex.rxjava3.disposables.CompositeDisposable import io.reactivex.rxjava3.kotlin.plusAssign import io.reactivex.rxjava3.kotlin.subscribeBy import io.reactivex.rxjava3.subjects.PublishSubject import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.model.DistributionListId import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.recipients.RecipientId import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.livedata.Store class BaseStoryRecipientSelectionViewModel( private val distributionListId: DistributionListId?, private val repository: BaseStoryRecipientSelectionRepository ) : ViewModel() { private val store = Store(emptySet<RecipientId>()) private val subject = PublishSubject.create<Action>() private val disposable = CompositeDisposable() var actionObservable: Observable<Action> = subject var state: LiveData<Set<RecipientId>> = store.stateLiveData init { if (distributionListId != null) { disposable += repository.getListMembers(distributionListId) .subscribe { members -> store.update { it + members } } } } override fun onCleared() { disposable.clear() } fun toggleSelectAll() { disposable += repository.getAllSignalContacts().subscribeBy { allSignalRecipients -> store.update { allSignalRecipients } } } fun addRecipient(recipientId: RecipientId) { store.update { it + recipientId } } fun removeRecipient(recipientId: RecipientId) { store.update { it - recipientId } } fun onAction() { if (distributionListId != null) { repository.updateDistributionListMembership(distributionListId, store.state) subject.onNext(Action.ExitFlow) } else { subject.onNext(Action.GoToNextScreen(store.state)) } } sealed class Action { data class GoToNextScreen(val recipients: Set<RecipientId>) : Action() object ExitFlow : Action() } class Factory( private val distributionListId: DistributionListId?, private val repository: BaseStoryRecipientSelectionRepository ) : ViewModelProvider.Factory { override fun <T : ViewModel> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T { return modelClass.cast(BaseStoryRecipientSelectionViewModel(distributionListId, repository)) as T } } }
/* * Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ @file:JvmName("GitTestUtil") package git4idea.test import com.intellij.dvcs.push.PushSpec import com.intellij.openapi.extensions.Extensions import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.Executor.* import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.ProjectLevelVcsManager import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.impl.ProjectLevelVcsManagerImpl import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.LocalFileSystem import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile import com.intellij.vcs.log.VcsLogObjectsFactory import com.intellij.vcs.log.VcsLogProvider import com.intellij.vcs.log.VcsRef import git4idea.GitRemoteBranch import git4idea.GitStandardRemoteBranch import git4idea.GitUtil import git4idea.GitVcs import git4idea.config.GitVersionSpecialty import git4idea.log.GitLogProvider import git4idea.push.GitPushSource import git4idea.push.GitPushTarget import git4idea.repo.GitRepository import org.junit.Assert.* import org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue import const val USER_NAME = "John Doe" const val USER_EMAIL = "[email protected]" /** * * Creates file structure for given paths. Path element should be a relative (from project root) * path to a file or a directory. All intermediate paths will be created if needed. * To create a dir without creating a file pass "dir/" as a parameter. * * Usage example: * `createFileStructure("a.txt", "b.txt", "dir/c.txt", "dir/subdir/d.txt", "anotherdir/");` * * This will create files a.txt and b.txt in the project dir, create directories dir, dir/subdir and anotherdir, * and create file c.txt in dir and d.txt in dir/subdir. * * Note: use forward slash to denote directories, even if it is backslash that separates dirs in your system. * * All files are populated with "initial content" string. */ fun createFileStructure(rootDir: VirtualFile, vararg paths: String) { for (path in paths) { cd(rootDir) val dir = path.endsWith("/") if (dir) { mkdir(path) } else { touch(path, "initial_content_" + Math.random()) } } } fun initRepo(project: Project, repoRoot: String, makeInitialCommit: Boolean) { cd(repoRoot) git(project, "init") setupDefaultUsername(project) if (makeInitialCommit) { touch("initial.txt") git(project, "add initial.txt") git(project, "commit -m initial") } } fun GitPlatformTest.cloneRepo(source: String, destination: String, bare: Boolean) { cd(source) if (bare) { git("clone --bare -- . $destination") } else { git("clone -- . $destination") } cd(destination) setupDefaultUsername() } fun setupDefaultUsername(project: Project) = setupUsername(project, USER_NAME, USER_EMAIL) fun GitPlatformTest.setupDefaultUsername() = setupDefaultUsername(project) fun setupUsername(project: Project, name: String, email: String) { assertFalse("Can not set empty user name ", name.isEmpty()) assertFalse("Can not set empty user email ", email.isEmpty()) git(project, "config '$name'") git(project, "config '$email'") } /** * Creates a Git repository in the given root directory; * registers it in the Settings; * return the [GitRepository] object for this newly created repository. */ fun createRepository(project: Project, root: String) = createRepository(project, root, true) fun createRepository(project: Project, root: String, makeInitialCommit: Boolean): GitRepository { initRepo(project, root, makeInitialCommit) val gitDir = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().refreshAndFindFileByIoFile(File(root, GitUtil.DOT_GIT)) assertNotNull(gitDir) return registerRepo(project, root) } fun registerRepo(project: Project, root: String): GitRepository { val vcsManager = ProjectLevelVcsManager.getInstance(project) as ProjectLevelVcsManagerImpl vcsManager.setDirectoryMapping(root, GitVcs.NAME) val file = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().findFileByIoFile(File(root)) assertFalse(vcsManager.allVcsRoots.isEmpty()) val repository = GitUtil.getRepositoryManager(project).getRepositoryForRoot(file) assertNotNull("Couldn't find repository for root " + root, repository) return repository!! } fun assumeSupportedGitVersion(vcs: GitVcs) { val version = vcs.version assumeTrue("Unsupported Git version: " + version, version.isSupported) } fun GitPlatformTest.readAllRefs(root: VirtualFile, objectsFactory: VcsLogObjectsFactory): Set<VcsRef> { val refs = git("log --branches --tags --no-walk --format=%H%d --decorate=full").lines() val result = mutableSetOf<VcsRef>() for (ref in refs) { result.addAll(RefParser(objectsFactory).parseCommitRefs(ref, root)) } return result } fun GitPlatformTest.makeCommit(file: String): String { append(file, "some content") addCommit("some message") return last() } fun findGitLogProvider(project: Project): GitLogProvider { val providers = Extensions.getExtensions(VcsLogProvider.LOG_PROVIDER_EP, project) .filter { provider -> provider.supportedVcs == GitVcs.getKey() } assertEquals("Incorrect number of GitLogProviders", 1, providers.size) return providers[0] as GitLogProvider } fun makePushSpec(repository: GitRepository, from: String, to: String): PushSpec<GitPushSource, GitPushTarget> { val source = repository.branches.findLocalBranch(from)!! var target: GitRemoteBranch? = repository.branches.findBranchByName(to) as GitRemoteBranch? val newBranch: Boolean if (target == null) { val firstSlash = to.indexOf('/') val remote = GitUtil.findRemoteByName(repository, to.substring(0, firstSlash))!! target = GitStandardRemoteBranch(remote, to.substring(firstSlash + 1)) newBranch = true } else { newBranch = false } return PushSpec(GitPushSource.create(source), GitPushTarget(target, newBranch)) } fun GitRepository.resolveConflicts() { cd(this) this.git("add -u .") } fun getPrettyFormatTagForFullCommitMessage(project: Project) = if (GitVersionSpecialty.STARTED_USING_RAW_BODY_IN_FORMAT.existsIn(project)) "%B" else "%s%n%n%-b"
package import com.beust.klaxon.* import io.reactivex.BackpressureStrategy import io.reactivex.Flowable import org.json.JSONObject import java.util.* /** * Created by dipshit on 10/03/17. */ class ScanFilter(val name: String, val messageKeys: Array<String>) { private var uuid: UUID? = null private var messageUuids: Map<UUID, String>? = null private val parser: Parser = Parser() init { this.uuid = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(name.toByteArray()) this.messageUuids = this.messageKeys.associateBy { keySelector -> UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(keySelector.toByteArray()) } } fun filter(radioFlow: Flowable<JSONObject>?): Flowable<JsonObject> { return Flowable.create({ subscriber -> radioFlow?.subscribe({ jsonInfo -> var json = parser.parse(StringBuilder(jsonInfo.toString())) as JsonObject var filteredReturn = runFilter(json) filteredReturn.set("deviceAddress", json.get("deviceAddress")) subscriber.onNext(filteredReturn) }, { err -> subscriber.onError(err) }, { subscriber.onComplete() }) }, BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER) } private fun runFilter(json: JsonObject): JsonObject { var filtered = getServiceById(json) filtered?.set("id", filtered?.set("messages", nameMessages(filtered.array<JsonObject>("messages"))) return filtered!! } private fun nameMessages(json: JsonArray<JsonObject>?): JsonArray<JsonObject>? { var it = json?.iterator() while (it!!.hasNext()) { var message = var id = UUID.fromString(message.get("id") as String) var name = this.messageUuids?.get(id) message.set("id", name) } return json } private fun getServiceById(json: JsonObject): JsonObject? { var prefiltered = json.array<JsonObject>("messages") var filtered = prefiltered?.filter { it.string("id") == this.uuid.toString() } return filtered?.get(0) } }
package org.kethereum.erc961 import org.kethereum.model.Token fun Token.generateURL(): String { val params = mutableListOf<String>() params.add("symbol=$symbol") if (decimals != 18) { params.add("decimals=$decimals") } name?.let { params.add("name=$it") } type?.let { params.add("type=$it") } return "ethereum:token_info-$address@${chain.value}?" + params.joinToString("&") }
package import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils import import import org.dvbviewer.controller.utils.INIParser import org.dvbviewer.controller.utils.StreamUtils class FFMPEGPrefsHandler { @Throws(Exception::class) fun parse(ffmpegprefs: String?): FFMpegPresetList { val ffPrefs = FFMpegPresetList() if (StringUtils.isBlank(ffmpegprefs)) { return ffPrefs } val iniParser = INIParser(ffmpegprefs) ffPrefs.version = iniParser.getString("Version", "Version") val sectionIterator = iniParser.sections while (sectionIterator.hasNext()) { val sectionName = if (isPreset(iniParser, sectionName)) { val preset = Preset() preset.title = sectionName val mimeType = iniParser.getString(sectionName, "MimeType") if (StringUtils.isEmpty(mimeType)) { preset.mimeType = StreamUtils.M3U8_MIME_TYPE } else { preset.mimeType = mimeType } preset.extension = iniParser.getString(sectionName, "Ext") ffPrefs.presets.add(preset) } } return ffPrefs } private fun isPreset(iniParser: INIParser, sectionName: String): Boolean { val keysIterator = iniParser.getKeys(sectionName) var isPreset = false while (keysIterator!!.hasNext()) { val keyName = if ("Cmd" == keyName) { isPreset = true } } return isPreset } }
package imgui.demo import gli_.has import glm_.L import glm_.f import glm_.i import glm_.vec2.Vec2 import glm_.vec4.Vec4 import imgui.* import imgui.ImGui.alignTextToFramePadding import imgui.ImGui.begin import imgui.ImGui.beginChild import imgui.ImGui.beginGroup import imgui.ImGui.beginMenu import imgui.ImGui.beginMenuBar import imgui.ImGui.beginTabBar import imgui.ImGui.beginTabItem import imgui.ImGui.beginTable import imgui.ImGui.bulletText import imgui.ImGui.button import imgui.ImGui.checkbox import imgui.ImGui.collapsingHeader import imgui.ImGui.columns import imgui.ImGui.combo import imgui.ImGui.contentRegionAvail import imgui.ImGui.cursorScreenPos import imgui.ImGui.cursorStartPos import imgui.ImGui.dragFloat import imgui.ImGui.dragInt import imgui.ImGui.dragVec2 import imgui.ImGui.dummy import imgui.ImGui.end import imgui.ImGui.endChild import imgui.ImGui.endGroup import imgui.ImGui.endMenu import imgui.ImGui.endMenuBar import imgui.ImGui.endTabBar import imgui.ImGui.endTabItem import imgui.ImGui.endTable import imgui.ImGui.getColumnWidth import imgui.ImGui.getID import imgui.ImGui.invisibleButton import import imgui.ImGui.isItemActive import imgui.ImGui.isItemHovered import imgui.ImGui.itemRectMax import imgui.ImGui.itemRectSize import imgui.ImGui.listBox import imgui.ImGui.listBoxFooter import imgui.ImGui.listBoxHeader import imgui.ImGui.nextColumn import imgui.ImGui.plotHistogram import imgui.ImGui.popID import imgui.ImGui.popItemWidth import imgui.ImGui.popStyleColor import imgui.ImGui.popStyleVar import imgui.ImGui.pushID import imgui.ImGui.pushItemWidth import imgui.ImGui.pushStyleColor import imgui.ImGui.pushStyleVar import imgui.ImGui.sameLine import imgui.ImGui.scrollMaxX import imgui.ImGui.scrollMaxY import imgui.ImGui.scrollX import imgui.ImGui.scrollY import imgui.ImGui.selectable import imgui.ImGui.separator import imgui.ImGui.setNextItemWidth import imgui.ImGui.setNextWindowContentSize import imgui.ImGui.setScrollFromPosX import imgui.ImGui.setScrollFromPosY import imgui.ImGui.setScrollHereX import imgui.ImGui.setScrollHereY import imgui.ImGui.setTooltip import imgui.ImGui.sliderFloat import imgui.ImGui.sliderInt import imgui.ImGui.smallButton import imgui.ImGui.spacing import import imgui.ImGui.tableNextColumn import imgui.ImGui.text import imgui.ImGui.textColored import imgui.ImGui.textLineHeight import imgui.ImGui.textUnformatted import imgui.ImGui.textWrapped import imgui.ImGui.treeNode import imgui.ImGui.treePop import imgui.ImGui.windowContentRegionMax import imgui.ImGui.windowContentRegionWidth import imgui.ImGui.windowDrawList import imgui.ImGui.windowPos import imgui.api.demoDebugInformations.Companion.helpMarker import imgui.classes.Color import imgui.demo.showExampleApp.MenuFile import imgui.dsl.child import import imgui.dsl.indent import imgui.dsl.menuBar import imgui.dsl.treeNode import imgui.dsl.withClipRect import imgui.dsl.withID import imgui.dsl.withItemWidth import imgui.dsl.withStyleColor import imgui.dsl.withStyleVar import kotlin.math.sin import imgui.WindowFlag as Wf object ShowDemoWindowLayout { operator fun invoke() { if (!collapsingHeader("Layout & Scrolling")) return `Child Windows`() `Widgets Width`() `Basic Horizontal SimpleLayout`() treeNode("Groups") { helpMarker( "BeginGroup() basically locks the horizontal position for new line. " + "EndGroup() bundles the whole group so that you can use \"item\" functions such as " + "IsItemHovered()/IsItemActive() or SameLine() etc. on the whole group.") beginGroup() group { button("AAA") sameLine() button("BBB") sameLine() group { button("CCC") button("DDD") } sameLine() button("EEE") } if (isItemHovered()) setTooltip("First group hovered") // Capture the group size and create widgets using the same size val size = Vec2(itemRectSize) val values = floatArrayOf(0.5f, 0.2f, 0.8f, 0.6f, 0.25f) plotHistogram("##values", values, 0, "", 0f, 1f, size) button("ACTION", Vec2((size.x - style.itemSpacing.x) * 0.5f, size.y)) sameLine() button("REACTION", Vec2((size.x - style.itemSpacing.x) * 0.5f, size.y)) endGroup() sameLine() button("LEVERAGE\nBUZZWORD", size) sameLine() if (listBoxHeader("List", size)) { selectable("Selected", true) selectable("Not Selected", false) listBoxFooter() } } treeNode("Text Baseline Alignment") { run { bulletText("Text baseline:") sameLine(); helpMarker( "This is testing the vertical alignment that gets applied on text to keep it aligned with widgets. " + "Lines only composed of text or \"small\" widgets use less vertical space than lines with framed widgets.") indent { text("KO Blahblah"); sameLine() button("Some framed item"); sameLine() helpMarker("Baseline of button will look misaligned with text..") // If your line starts with text, call AlignTextToFramePadding() to align text to upcoming widgets. // (because we don't know what's coming after the Text() statement, we need to move the text baseline // down by FramePadding.y ahead of time) alignTextToFramePadding() text("OK Blahblah"); sameLine() button("Some framed item"); sameLine() helpMarker("We call AlignTextToFramePadding() to vertically align the text baseline by +FramePadding.y") // SmallButton() uses the same vertical padding as Text button("TEST##1"); sameLine() text("TEST"); sameLine() smallButton("TEST##2") // If your line starts with text, call AlignTextToFramePadding() to align text to upcoming widgets. alignTextToFramePadding() text("Text aligned to framed item"); sameLine() button("Item##1"); sameLine() text("Item"); sameLine() smallButton("Item##2"); sameLine() button("Item##3") } } spacing() run { bulletText("Multi-line text:") indent { text("One\nTwo\nThree"); sameLine() text("Hello\nWorld"); sameLine() text("Banana") text("Banana"); sameLine() text("Hello\nWorld"); sameLine() text("One\nTwo\nThree") button("HOP##1"); sameLine() text("Banana"); sameLine() text("Hello\nWorld"); sameLine() text("Banana") button("HOP##2"); sameLine() text("Hello\nWorld"); sameLine() text("Banana") } } spacing() run { bulletText("Misc items:") indent { // SmallButton() sets FramePadding to zero. Text baseline is aligned to match baseline of previous Button. button("80x80", Vec2(80)) sameLine() button("50x50", Vec2(50)) sameLine() button("Button()") sameLine() smallButton("SmallButton()") // Tree val spacing = style.itemInnerSpacing.x button("Button##1") sameLine(0f, spacing) treeNode("Node##1") { // Placeholder tree data for (i in 0..5) bulletText("Item $i..") } // Vertically align text node a bit lower so it'll be vertically centered with upcoming widget. // Otherwise you can use SmallButton() (smaller fit). alignTextToFramePadding() // Common mistake to avoid: if we want to SameLine after TreeNode we need to do it before we add // other contents below the node. val nodeOpen = treeNode("Node##2") sameLine(0f, spacing); button("Button##2") if (nodeOpen) { // Placeholder tree data for (i in 0..5) bulletText("Item $i..") treePop() } // Bullet button("Button##3") sameLine(0f, spacing) bulletText("Bullet text") alignTextToFramePadding() bulletText("Node") sameLine(0f, spacing); button("Button##4") } } } Scrolling() Clipping() } object `Child Windows` { var disableMouseWheel = false var disableMenu = false var offsetX = 0 operator fun invoke() { treeNode("Child Windows") { helpMarker("Use child windows to begin into a self-contained independent scrolling/clipping regions within a host window.") checkbox("Disable Mouse Wheel", ::disableMouseWheel) checkbox("Disable Menu", ::disableMenu) // Child 1: no border, enable horizontal scrollbar run { var windowFlags = Wf.HorizontalScrollbar.i if (disableMouseWheel) windowFlags = windowFlags or Wf.NoScrollWithMouse child("ChildL", Vec2(windowContentRegionWidth * 0.5f, 260), false, windowFlags) { for (i in 0..99) text("%04d: scrollable region", i) } } sameLine() // Child 2: rounded border run { var windowFlags = Wf.None.i if (disableMouseWheel) windowFlags = windowFlags or Wf.NoScrollWithMouse if (!disableMenu) windowFlags = windowFlags or Wf.MenuBar withStyleVar(StyleVar.ChildRounding, 5f) { child("ChildR", Vec2(0, 260), true, windowFlags) { if (!disableMenu && beginMenuBar()) { if (beginMenu("Menu")) { MenuFile() endMenu() } endMenuBar() } columns(2) if (beginTable("split", 2, TableFlag.Resizable or TableFlag.NoSavedSettings)) { for (i in 0..99) { val text = "%03d".format(style.locale, i) tableNextColumn() button(text, Vec2(-Float.MIN_VALUE, 0f)) } } endTable() } } } separator() // Demonstrate a few extra things // - Changing ImGuiCol_ChildBg (which is transparent black in default styles) // - Using SetCursorPos() to position child window (the child window is an item from the POV of parent window) // You can also call SetNextWindowPos() to position the child window. The parent window will effectively // layout from this position. // - Using ImGui::GetItemRectMin/Max() to query the "item" state (because the child window is an item from // the POV of the parent window). See 'Demo->Querying Status (Active/Focused/Hovered etc.)' for details. run { setNextItemWidth(100f) dragInt("Offset X", ::offsetX, 1f, -1000, 1000) ImGui.cursorPosX += offsetX withStyleColor(Col.ChildBg, COL32(255, 0, 0, 100)) { beginChild("Red", Vec2(200, 100), true, Wf.None.i) for (n in 0..49) text("Some test $n") endChild() } val childIsHovered = ImGui.isItemHovered() val childRectMin = ImGui.itemRectMin val childRectMax = ImGui.itemRectMax text("Hovered: ${childIsHovered.i}") text("Rect of child window is: (%.0f,%.0f) (%.0f,%.0f)", childRectMin.x, childRectMin.y, childRectMax.x, childRectMax.y) } } } } object `Widgets Width` { var f = 0f var showIndentedItems = true operator fun invoke() { treeNode("Widgets Width") { // Use SetNextItemWidth() to set the width of a single upcoming item. // Use PushItemWidth()/PopItemWidth() to set the width of a group of items. // In real code use you'll probably want to choose width values that are proportional to your font size // e.g. Using '20.0f * GetFontSize()' as width instead of '200.0f', etc. checkbox("Show indented items", ::showIndentedItems) text("SetNextItemWidth/PushItemWidth(100)") sameLine(); helpMarker("Fixed width.") pushItemWidth(100) dragFloat("float##1b", ::f) if (showIndentedItems) indent { dragFloat("float (indented)##1b", ::f) } popItemWidth() text("SetNextItemWidth/PushItemWidth(-100)") sameLine(); helpMarker("Align to right edge minus 100") pushItemWidth(-100) dragFloat("float##2a", ::f) if (showIndentedItems) indent { dragFloat("float (indented)##2b", ::f) } popItemWidth() text("SetNextItemWidth/PushItemWidth(GetContentRegionAvail().x * 0.5f)") sameLine(); helpMarker("Half of available width.\n(~ right-cursor_pos)\n(works within a column set)") pushItemWidth(contentRegionAvail.x * 0.5f) dragFloat("float##3a", ::f) if (showIndentedItems) indent { dragFloat("float (indented)##3b", ::f) } popItemWidth() text("SetNextItemWidth/PushItemWidth(-GetContentRegionAvail().x * 0.5f)") sameLine(); helpMarker("Align to right edge minus half") pushItemWidth(-ImGui.contentRegionAvail.x * 0.5f) dragFloat("float##4a", ::f) if (showIndentedItems) indent { dragFloat("float (indented)##4b", ::f) } popItemWidth() // Demonstrate using PushItemWidth to surround three items. // Calling SetNextItemWidth() before each of them would have the same effect. text("SetNextItemWidth/PushItemWidth(-FLT_MIN)") sameLine(); helpMarker("Align to right edge") pushItemWidth(-Float.MIN_VALUE) dragFloat("##float5a", ::f) if (showIndentedItems) indent { dragFloat("float (indented)##5b", ::f) } popItemWidth() } } } object `Basic Horizontal SimpleLayout` { var c1 = false var c2 = false var c3 = false var c4 = false var f0 = 1f var f1 = 2f var f2 = 3f var item = -1 val selection = intArrayOf(0, 1, 2, 3) operator fun invoke() { treeNode("Basic Horizontal SimpleLayout") { textWrapped("(Use SameLine() to keep adding items to the right of the preceding item)") // Text text("Two items: Hello"); sameLine() textColored(Vec4(1, 1, 0, 1), "Sailor") // Adjust spacing text("More spacing: Hello"); sameLine(0, 20) textColored(Vec4(1, 1, 0, 1), "Sailor") // Button alignTextToFramePadding() text("Normal buttons"); sameLine() button("Banana"); sameLine() button("Apple"); sameLine() button("Corniflower") // Button text("Small buttons"); sameLine() smallButton("Like this one"); sameLine() text("can fit within a text block.") // Aligned to arbitrary position. Easy/cheap column. text("Aligned") sameLine(150); text("x=150") sameLine(300); text("x=300") text("Aligned") sameLine(150); smallButton("x=150") sameLine(300); smallButton("x=300") // Checkbox checkbox("My", ::c1); sameLine() checkbox("Tailor", ::c2); sameLine() checkbox("Is", ::c3); sameLine() checkbox("Rich", ::c4) // Various val items = arrayOf("AAAA", "BBBB", "CCCC", "DDDD") withItemWidth(80f) { combo("Combo", ::item, items); sameLine() sliderFloat("X", ::f0, 0f, 5f); sameLine() sliderFloat("Y", ::f1, 0f, 5f); sameLine() sliderFloat("Z", ::f2, 0f, 5f) } withItemWidth(80f) { text("Lists:") for (i in 0..3) { if (i > 0) sameLine() withID(i) { withInt(selection, i) { listBox("", it, items) } } //if (IsItemHovered()) SetTooltip("ListBox %d hovered", i); } } // Dummy val buttonSz = Vec2(40) button("A", buttonSz); sameLine() dummy(buttonSz); sameLine() button("B", buttonSz) // Manually wrapping // (we should eventually provide this as an automatic layout feature, but for now you can do it manually) text("Manually wrapping:") val buttonsCount = 20 val windowVisibleX2 = windowPos.x + windowContentRegionMax.x for (n in 0 until buttonsCount) { pushID(n) button("Box", buttonSz) val lastButtonX2 = itemRectMax.x val nextButtonX2 = lastButtonX2 + style.itemSpacing.x + buttonSz.x // Expected position if next button was on same line if (n + 1 < buttonsCount && nextButtonX2 < windowVisibleX2) sameLine() popID() } } } } object Scrolling { var enableTrack = true var enableExtraDecorations = false var trackItem = 50 val names = arrayOf("Left", "25%%", "Center", "75%%", "Right") var scrollToOffPx = 0f var scrollToPosPx = 200f var lines = 7 var showHorizontalContentsSizeDemoWindow = false var showHscrollbar = true var showButton = true var showTreeNodes = true var showTextWrapped = false var open = true var showColumns = true var showTabBar = true var showChild = false var explicitContentSize = false var contentsSizeX = 300f operator fun invoke() { treeNode("Scrolling") { // Vertical scroll functions helpMarker("Use SetScrollHereY() or SetScrollFromPosY() to scroll to a given vertical position.") checkbox("Decoration", ::enableExtraDecorations) checkbox("Track", ::enableTrack) pushItemWidth(100) sameLine(140); enableTrack = dragInt("##item", ::trackItem, 0.25f, 0, 99, "Item = %d") or enableTrack var scrollToOff = button("Scroll Offset") sameLine(140); scrollToOff = dragFloat("##off", ::scrollToOffPx, 1f, 0f, Float.MAX_VALUE, "+%.0f px") or scrollToOff var scrollToPos = button("Scroll To Pos") sameLine(140); scrollToPos = dragFloat("##pos", ::scrollToPosPx, 1f, -10f, Float.MAX_VALUE, "X/Y = %.0f px") or scrollToPos popItemWidth() if (scrollToOff || scrollToPos) enableTrack = false var childW = (contentRegionAvail.x - 4 * style.itemSpacing.x) / 5 if (childW < 1f) childW = 1f pushID("##VerticalScrolling") for (i in 0..4) { if (i > 0) sameLine() group { val names = arrayOf("Top", "25%%", "Center", "75%%", "Bottom") // double quote for ::format escaping textUnformatted(names[i]) val childFlags = if (enableExtraDecorations) Wf.MenuBar else Wf.None val childId = getID(i.L) val childIsVisible = beginChild(childId, Vec2(childW, 200f), true, childFlags.i) menuBar { textUnformatted("abc") } if (scrollToOff) scrollY = scrollToOffPx if (scrollToPos) setScrollFromPosY(cursorStartPos.y + scrollToPosPx, i * 0.25f) // Avoid calling SetScrollHereY when running with culled items if (childIsVisible) for (item in 0..99) if (enableTrack && item == trackItem) { textColored(Vec4(1, 1, 0, 1), "Item %d", item) setScrollHereY(i * 0.25f) // 0.0f:top, 0.5f:center, 1.0f:bottom } else text("Item $item") val scrollY = scrollY val scrollMaxY = scrollMaxY endChild() text("%.0f/%.0f", scrollY, scrollMaxY) } } popID() // Horizontal scroll functions spacing() helpMarker( "Use SetScrollHereX() or SetScrollFromPosX() to scroll to a given horizontal position.\n\n" + "Because the clipping rectangle of most window hides half worth of WindowPadding on the " + "left/right, using SetScrollFromPosX(+1) will usually result in clipped text whereas the " + "equivalent SetScrollFromPosY(+1) wouldn't.") pushID("##HorizontalScrolling") for (i in 0..4) { val childHeight = textLineHeight + style.scrollbarSize + style.windowPadding.y * 2f val childFlags = Wf.HorizontalScrollbar or if (enableExtraDecorations) Wf.AlwaysVerticalScrollbar else Wf.None val childId = getID(i.L) val childIsVisible = beginChild(childId, Vec2(-100f, childHeight), true, childFlags) if (scrollToOff) scrollX = scrollToOffPx if (scrollToPos) setScrollFromPosX(cursorStartPos.x + scrollToPosPx, i * 0.25f) if (childIsVisible) // Avoid calling SetScrollHereY when running with culled items for (item in 0..99) { if (enableTrack && item == trackItem) { textColored(Vec4(1, 1, 0, 1), "Item $item") setScrollHereX(i * 0.25f) // 0.0f:left, 0.5f:center, 1.0f:right } else text("Item $item") sameLine() } endChild() sameLine() text("${names[i]}\n%.0f/%.0f", scrollX, scrollMaxX) spacing() } popID() // Miscellaneous Horizontal Scrolling Demo helpMarker( "Horizontal scrolling for a window is enabled via the ImGuiWindowFlags_HorizontalScrollbar flag.\n\n" + "You may want to also explicitly specify content width by using SetNextWindowContentWidth() before Begin().") sliderInt("Lines", ::lines, 1, 15) pushStyleVar(StyleVar.FrameRounding, 3f) pushStyleVar(StyleVar.FramePadding, Vec2(2f, 1f)) val scrollingChildSize = Vec2(0f, ImGui.frameHeightWithSpacing * 7 + 30) beginChild("scrolling", scrollingChildSize, true, Wf.HorizontalScrollbar.i) for (line in 0 until lines) { // Display random stuff. For the sake of this trivial demo we are using basic Button() + SameLine() // If you want to create your own time line for a real application you may be better off manipulating // the cursor position yourself, aka using SetCursorPos/SetCursorScreenPos to position the widgets // yourself. You may also want to use the lower-level ImDrawList API. val numButtons = 10 + (line * if (line has 1) 9 else 3) for (n in 0 until numButtons) { if (n > 0) sameLine() pushID(n + line * 1000) val label = if (n % 15 == 0) "FizzBuzz" else if (n % 3 == 0) "Fizz" else if (n % 5 == 0) "Buzz" else "$n" val hue = n * 0.05f pushStyleColor(Col.Button, Color.hsv(hue, 0.6f, 0.6f)) pushStyleColor(Col.ButtonHovered, Color.hsv(hue, 0.7f, 0.7f)) pushStyleColor(Col.ButtonActive, Color.hsv(hue, 0.8f, 0.8f)) button(label, Vec2(40f + sin((line + n).f) * 20f, 0f)) popStyleColor(3) popID() } } val _scrollX = scrollX val scrollMaxX = scrollMaxX endChild() popStyleVar(2) var scrollXDelta = 0f smallButton("<<") if (isItemActive) scrollXDelta = -io.deltaTime * 1000f sameLine() text("Scroll from code"); sameLine() smallButton(">>") if (isItemActive) scrollXDelta = io.deltaTime * 1000f sameLine() text("%.0f/%.0f", _scrollX, scrollMaxX) if (scrollXDelta != 0f) { // Demonstrate a trick: you can use Begin to set yourself in the context of another window // (here we are already out of your child window) beginChild("scrolling") scrollX += scrollXDelta endChild() } spacing() checkbox("Show Horizontal contents size demo window", ::showHorizontalContentsSizeDemoWindow) if (showHorizontalContentsSizeDemoWindow) { if (explicitContentSize) setNextWindowContentSize(Vec2(contentsSizeX, 0f)) begin("Horizontal contents size demo window", ::showHorizontalContentsSizeDemoWindow, if (showHscrollbar) Wf.HorizontalScrollbar.i else Wf.None.i) pushStyleVar(StyleVar.ItemSpacing, Vec2(2, 0)) pushStyleVar(StyleVar.FramePadding, Vec2(2, 0)) helpMarker("Test of different widgets react and impact the work rectangle growing when horizontal scrolling is enabled.\n\nUse 'Metrics->Tools->Show windows rectangles' to visualize rectangles.") checkbox("H-scrollbar", ::showHscrollbar) checkbox("Button", ::showButton) // Will grow contents size (unless explicitly overwritten) checkbox("Tree nodes", ::showTreeNodes) // Will grow contents size and display highlight over full width checkbox("Text wrapped", ::showTextWrapped) // Will grow and use contents size checkbox("Columns", ::showColumns) // Will use contents size checkbox("Tab bar", ::showTabBar) // Will use contents size checkbox("Child", ::showChild) // Will grow and use contents size checkbox("Explicit content size", ::explicitContentSize) text("Scroll %.1f/%.1f %.1f/%.1f", scrollX, scrollMaxX, scrollY, scrollMaxY) if (explicitContentSize) { sameLine() setNextItemWidth(100f) dragFloat("##csx", ::contentsSizeX) val p = cursorScreenPos windowDrawList.addRectFilled(p, Vec2(p.x + 10, p.y + 10), COL32_WHITE) windowDrawList.addRectFilled(Vec2(p.x + contentsSizeX - 10, p.y), Vec2(p.x + contentsSizeX, p.y + 10), COL32_WHITE) dummy(Vec2(0, 10)) } popStyleVar(2) separator() if (showButton) button("this is a 300-wide button", Vec2(300, 0)) if (showTreeNodes) { open = true treeNode("this is a tree node") { treeNode("another one of those tree node...") { text("Some tree contents") } } collapsingHeader("CollapsingHeader", ::open) } if (showTextWrapped) textWrapped("This text should automatically wrap on the edge of the work rectangle.") if (showColumns) { text("Tables:") if (beginTable("table", 4, TableFlag.Borders.i)) { for (n in 0..3) { tableNextColumn() text("Width %.2f", ImGui.contentRegionAvail.x) } endTable() } text("Columns:") columns(4) for (n in 0..3) { text("Width %.2f", getColumnWidth()) nextColumn() } columns(1) } if (showTabBar && beginTabBar("Hello")) { if (beginTabItem("OneOneOne")) endTabItem() if (beginTabItem("TwoTwoTwo")) endTabItem() if (beginTabItem("ThreeThreeThree")) endTabItem() if (beginTabItem("FourFourFour")) endTabItem() endTabBar() } if (showChild) { beginChild("child", Vec2(), true) endChild() } end() } } } } object Clipping { val size = Vec2(100f) val offset = Vec2(30) operator fun invoke() { treeNode("Clipping") { dragVec2("size", size, 0.5f, 1f, 200f, "%.0f") textWrapped("(Click and drag to scroll)") for (n in 0..2) { if (n > 0) sameLine() pushID(n) group { // Lock X position invisibleButton("##empty", size) if (ImGui.isItemActive && ImGui.isMouseDragging(MouseButton.Left)) offset += io.mouseDelta val p0 = Vec2(ImGui.itemRectMin) val p1 = Vec2(ImGui.itemRectMax) val textStr = "Line 1 hello\nLine 2 clip me!" val textPos = p0 + offset val drawList = ImGui.windowDrawList when (n) { 0 -> { helpMarker(""" Using ImGui::PushClipRect(): Will alter ImGui hit-testing logic + ImDrawList rendering. (use this if you want your clipping rectangle to affect interactions)""".trimIndent()) withClipRect(p0, p1, true) { drawList.addRectFilled(p0, p1, COL32(90, 90, 120, 255)) drawList.addText(textPos, COL32_WHITE, textStr) } } 1 -> { helpMarker(""" Using ImDrawList::PushClipRect(): Will alter ImDrawList rendering only. (use this as a shortcut if you are only using ImDrawList calls)""".trimIndent()) drawList.withClipRect(p0, p1, true) { addRectFilled(p0, p1, COL32(90, 90, 120, 255)) addText(textPos, COL32_WHITE, textStr) } } 2 -> { helpMarker(""" Using ImDrawList::AddText() with a fine ClipRect: Will alter only this specific ImDrawList::AddText() rendering. (this is often used internally to avoid altering the clipping rectangle and minimize draw calls)""".trimIndent()) val clipRect = Vec4(p0, p1) // AddText() takes a ImVec4* here so let's convert. drawList.addRectFilled(p0, p1, COL32(90, 90, 120, 255)) drawList.addText(ImGui.font, ImGui.fontSize, textPos, COL32_WHITE, textStr, 0f, clipRect) } } } popID() } } } } }
package import net.pureal.traits.math.* import net.pureal.traits.* import net.pureal.traits.interaction.KeysElement import net.pureal.traits.interaction.PointersElement trait TextElement : ColoredElement<String> { val font: Font val size: Number override val shape: Shape get() = font.shape(content).transformed(Transforms2.scale(size)) } fun textElement(content: String, font: Font, size: Number, fill: Fill) = object : TextElement { override val content = content override val font = font override val size = size override val fill = fill } trait Font { fun shape(text: String): Shape } trait TextInput : Composed<String>, KeysElement<String>, PointersElement<String> { var text: String override val content: String get() = text var cursorPosition: Int val textChanged: Observable<String> } fun textInput(text: String = "", bound: Rectangle, font: Font, fontFill: Fill, size: Number, backgroundFill: Fill) = object : TextInput { override val shape: Shape = null!! override val textChanged: Observable<String> = null!! override var cursorPosition: Int = null!! override var text = text private fun textElement() = textElement(text, font, size, fontFill) private fun cursor() = coloredElement(rectangle(vector(0,0)), fontFill) private fun background() = coloredElement(bound, backgroundFill) override val elements = observableList<TransformedElement<*>>() private fun refresh() { //elements.setTo(textElement(), cursor(), background()) } }
/* * Copyright LWJGL. All rights reserved. * License terms: */ package opengl.templates import org.lwjgl.generator.* import opengl.* val EXT_direct_state_access = "EXTDirectStateAccess".nativeClassGL("EXT_direct_state_access", postfix = EXT) { documentation = """ Native bindings to the $registryLink extension. This extension introduces a set of new "direct state access" commands (meaning no selector is involved) to access (update and query) OpenGL state that previously depended on the OpenGL state selectors for access. These new commands supplement the existing selector-based OpenGL commands to access the same state. The intent of this extension is to make it more efficient for libraries to avoid disturbing selector and latched state. The extension also allows more efficient command usage by eliminating the need for selector update commands. Two derivative advantages of this extension are 1) display lists can be executed using these commands that avoid disturbing selectors that subsequent commands may depend on, and 2) drivers implemented with a dual-thread partitioning with OpenGL command buffering from an application thread and then OpenGL command dispatching in a concurrent driver thread can avoid thread synchronization created by selector saving, setting, command execution, and selector restoration. This extension does not itself add any new OpenGL state. We call a state variable in OpenGL an "OpenGL state selector" or simply a "selector" if OpenGL commands depend on the state variable to determine what state to query or update. The matrix mode and active texture are both selectors. Object bindings for buffers, programs, textures, and framebuffer objects are also selectors. We call OpenGL state "latched" if the state is set by one OpenGL command but then that state is saved by a subsequent command or the state determines how client memory or buffer object memory is accessed by a subsequent command. The array and element array buffer bindings are latched by vertex array specification commands to determine which buffer a given vertex array uses. Vertex array state and pixel pack/unpack state decides how client memory or buffer object memory is accessed by subsequent vertex pulling or image specification commands. The existence of selectors and latched state in the OpenGL API reduces the number of parameters to various sets of OpenGL commands but complicates the access to state for layered libraries which seek to access state without disturbing other state, namely the state of state selectors and latched state. In many cases, selectors and latched state were introduced by extensions as OpenGL evolved to minimize the disruption to the OpenGL API when new functionality, particularly the pluralization of existing functionality as when texture objects and later multiple texture units, was introduced. The OpenGL API involves several selectors (listed in historical order of introduction): ${ul( "The matrix mode.", "The current bound texture for each supported texture target.", "The active texture.", "The active client texture.", "The current bound program for each supported program target.", "The current bound buffer for each supported buffer target.", "The current GLSL program.", "The current framebuffer object." )} The new selector-free update commands can be compiled into display lists. The OpenGL API has latched state for vertex array buffer objects and pixel store state. When an application issues a GL command to unpack or pack pixels (for example, glTexImage2D or glReadPixels respectively), the current unpack and pack pixel store state determines how the pixels are unpacked from/packed to client memory or pixel buffer objects. For example, consider: ${codeBlock(""" glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES, GL_TRUE); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 640); glBindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, 47); glDrawPixels(100, 100, GL_RGB, GL_FLOAT, pixels);""")} The unpack swap bytes and row length state set by the preceding glPixelStorei commands (as well as the 6 other unpack pixel store state variables) control how data is read (unpacked) from buffer of data pointed to by pixels. The glBindBuffer command also specifies an unpack buffer object (47) so the pixel pointer is actually treated as a byte offset into buffer object 47. When an application issues a command to configure a vertex array, the current array buffer state is latched as the binding for the particular vertex array being specified. For example, consider: ${codeBlock(""" glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 23); glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 12, pointer);""")} The glBindBuffer command updates the array buffering binding (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING) to the buffer object named 23. The subsequent glVertexPointer command specifies explicit parameters for the size, type, stride, and pointer to access the position vertex array BUT ALSO latches the current array buffer binding for the vertex array buffer binding (GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING). Effectively the current array buffer binding buffer object becomes an implicit fifth parameter to glVertexPointer and this applies to all the gl*Pointer vertex array specification commands. Selectors and latched state create problems for layered libraries using OpenGL because selectors require the selector state to be modified to update some other state and latched state means implicit state can affect the operation of commands specifying, packing, or unpacking data through pointers/offsets. For layered libraries, a state update performed by the library may attempt to save the selector state, set the selector, update/query some state the selector controls, and then restore the selector to its saved state. Layered libraries can skip the selector save/restore but this risks introducing uncertainty about the state of a selector after calling layered library routines. Such selector side-effects are difficult to document and lead to compatibility issues as the layered library evolves or its usage varies. For latched state, layered libraries may find commands such as glDrawPixels do not work as expected because latched pixel store state is not what the library expects. Querying or pushing the latched state, setting the latched state explicitly, performing the operation involving latched state, and then restoring or popping the latched state avoids entanglements with latched state but at considerable cost. <h3>EXAMPLE USAGE OF THIS EXTENSION'S FUNCTIONALITY</h3> Consider the following routine to set the modelview matrix involving the matrix mode selector: ${codeBlock(""" void setModelviewMatrix(const GLfloat matrix[16]) { GLenum savedMatrixMode; glGetIntegerv(GL_MATRIX_MODE, &savedMatrixMode); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadMatrixf(matrix); glMatrixMode(savedMatrixMode); }""")} Notice that four OpenGL commands are required to update the current modelview matrix without disturbing the matrix mode selector. OpenGL query commands can also substantially reduce the performance of modern OpenGL implementations which may off-load OpenGL state processing to another CPU core/thread or to the GPU itself. An alternative to querying the selector is to use the glPushAttrib/glPopAttrib commands. However this approach typically involves pushing far more state than simply the one or two selectors that need to be saved and restored. Because so much state is associated with a given push/pop attribute bit, the glPushAttrib and glPopAttrib commands are considerably more costly than the save/restore approach. Additionally glPushAttrib risks overflowing the attribute stack. The reliability and performance of layered libraries and applications can be improved by adding to the OpenGL API a new set of commands to access directly OpenGL state that otherwise involves selectors to access. The above example can be reimplemented more efficiently and without selector side-effects: ${codeBlock(""" void setModelviewMatrix(const GLfloat matrix[16]) { glMatrixLoadfEXT(GL_MODELVIEW, matrix); }""")} Consider a layered library seeking to load a texture: ${codeBlock(""" void loadTexture(GLint texobj, GLint width, GLint height, void *data) { glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texobj); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB8, width, height, GL_RGB, GL_FLOAT, data); }""")} The library expects the data to be packed into the buffer pointed to by data. But what if the current pixel unpack buffer binding is not zero so the current pixel unpack buffer, rather than client memory, will be read? Or what if the application has modified the GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH pixel store state before loadTexture is called? We can fix the routine by calling glBindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, 0) and setting all the pixel store unpack state to the initial state the loadTexture routine expects, but this is expensive. It also risks disturbing the state so when loadTexture returns to the application, the application doesn't realize the current texture object (for whatever texture unit the current active texture happens to be) and pixel store state has changed. We can more efficiently implement this routine without disturbing selector or latched state as follows: ${codeBlock(""" void loadTexture(GLint texobj, GLint width, GLint height, void *data) { glPushClientAttribDefaultEXT(GL_CLIENT_PIXEL_STORE_BIT); glTextureImage2D(texobj, GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB8, width, height, GL_RGB, GL_FLOAT, data); glPopClientAttrib(); }""")} Now loadTexture does not have to worry about inappropriately configured pixel store state or a non-zero pixel unpack buffer binding. And loadTexture has no unintended side-effects for selector or latched state (assuming the client attrib state does not overflow). """ IntConstant( "GetBooleani_v, GetIntegeri_v, GetFloati_vEXT, GetDoublei_vEXT.", "PROGRAM_MATRIX_EXT"..0x8E2D, "TRANSPOSE_PROGRAM_MATRIX_EXT"..0x8E2E, "PROGRAM_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_EXT"..0x8E2F ) // OpenGL 1.1: New client commands void( "ClientAttribDefaultEXT", "", GLbitfield("mask", "") ) void( "PushClientAttribDefaultEXT", "", GLbitfield("mask", "") ) /* OpenGL 1.0: New matrix commands add "Matrix" prefix to name, drops "Matrix" suffix from name, and add initial "enum matrixMode" parameter */ void( "MatrixLoadfEXT", "", GLenum("matrixMode", ""), Check(16)..GLfloat.const.p("m", "") ) void( "MatrixLoaddEXT", "", GLenum("matrixMode", ""), Check(16)..GLdouble.const.p("m", "") ) void( "MatrixMultfEXT", "", GLenum("matrixMode", ""), Check(16)..GLfloat.const.p("m", "") ) void( "MatrixMultdEXT", "", GLenum("matrixMode", ""), Check(16)..GLdouble.const.p("m", "") ) void( "MatrixLoadIdentityEXT", "", GLenum("matrixMode", "") ) void( "MatrixRotatefEXT", "", GLenum("matrixMode", ""), GLfloat("angle", ""), GLfloat("x", ""), GLfloat("y", ""), GLfloat("z", "") ) void( "MatrixRotatedEXT", "", GLenum("matrixMode", ""), GLdouble("angle", ""), GLdouble("x", ""), GLdouble("y", ""), GLdouble("z", "") ) void( "MatrixScalefEXT", "", GLenum("matrixMode", ""), GLfloat("x", ""), GLfloat("y", ""), GLfloat("z", "") ) void( "MatrixScaledEXT", "", GLenum("matrixMode", ""), GLdouble("x", ""), GLdouble("y", ""), GLdouble("z", "") ) void( "MatrixTranslatefEXT", "", GLenum("matrixMode", ""), GLfloat("x", ""), GLfloat("y", ""), GLfloat("z", "") ) void( "MatrixTranslatedEXT", "", GLenum("matrixMode", ""), GLdouble("x", ""), GLdouble("y", ""), GLdouble("z", "") ) void( "MatrixOrthoEXT", "", GLenum("matrixMode", ""), GLdouble("l", ""), GLdouble("r", ""), GLdouble("b", ""), GLdouble("t", ""), GLdouble("n", ""), GLdouble("f", "") ) void( "MatrixFrustumEXT", "", GLenum("matrixMode", ""), GLdouble("l", ""), GLdouble("r", ""), GLdouble("b", ""), GLdouble("t", ""), GLdouble("n", ""), GLdouble("f", "") ) void( "MatrixPushEXT", "", GLenum("matrixMode", "") ) void( "MatrixPopEXT", "", GLenum("matrixMode", "") ) /* OpenGL 1.1: New texture object commands and queries replace "Tex" in name with "Texture" and add initial "uint texture" parameter */ void( "TextureParameteriEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), GLint("param", "") ) void( "TextureParameterivEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(4)..GLint.const.p("param", "") ) void( "TextureParameterfEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), GLfloat("param", "") ) void( "TextureParameterfvEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(4)..GLfloat.const.p("param", "") ) void( "TextureImage1DEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLint("internalformat", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLint("border", ""), GLenum("format", ""), GLenum("type", ""), MultiType( PointerMapping.DATA_SHORT, PointerMapping.DATA_INT, PointerMapping.DATA_FLOAT, PointerMapping.DATA_DOUBLE )..Unsafe..RawPointer..nullable..void.const.p("pixels", "") ) void( "TextureImage2DEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLint("internalformat", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLsizei("height", ""), GLint("border", ""), GLenum("format", ""), GLenum("type", ""), MultiType( PointerMapping.DATA_SHORT, PointerMapping.DATA_INT, PointerMapping.DATA_FLOAT, PointerMapping.DATA_DOUBLE )..Unsafe..RawPointer..nullable..void.const.p("pixels", "") ) void( "TextureSubImage1DEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLint("xoffset", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLenum("format", ""), GLenum("type", ""), MultiType( PointerMapping.DATA_SHORT, PointerMapping.DATA_INT, PointerMapping.DATA_FLOAT, PointerMapping.DATA_DOUBLE )..Unsafe..RawPointer..void.const.p("pixels", "") ) void( "TextureSubImage2DEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLint("xoffset", ""), GLint("yoffset", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLsizei("height", ""), GLenum("format", ""), GLenum("type", ""), MultiType( PointerMapping.DATA_SHORT, PointerMapping.DATA_INT, PointerMapping.DATA_FLOAT, PointerMapping.DATA_DOUBLE )..Unsafe..RawPointer..void.const.p("pixels", "") ) void( "CopyTextureImage1DEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLenum("internalformat", ""), GLint("x", ""), GLint("y", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLint("border", "") ) void( "CopyTextureImage2DEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLenum("internalformat", ""), GLint("x", ""), GLint("y", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLsizei("height", ""), GLint("border", "") ) void( "CopyTextureSubImage1DEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLint("xoffset", ""), GLint("x", ""), GLint("y", ""), GLsizei("width", "") ) void( "CopyTextureSubImage2DEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLint("xoffset", ""), GLint("yoffset", ""), GLint("x", ""), GLint("y", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLsizei("height", "") ) void( "GetTextureImageEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLenum("format", ""), GLenum("type", ""), MultiType( PointerMapping.DATA_SHORT, PointerMapping.DATA_INT, PointerMapping.DATA_FLOAT, PointerMapping.DATA_DOUBLE )..Unsafe..RawPointer..void.p("pixels", "") ) void( "GetTextureParameterfvEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLfloat.p("params", "") ) void( "GetTextureParameterivEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLint.p("params", "") ) void( "GetTextureLevelParameterfvEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLfloat.p("params", "") ) void( "GetTextureLevelParameterivEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLint.p("params", "") ) /* OpenGL 1.2: New 3D texture object commands replace "Tex" in name with "Texture" and adds initial "uint texture" parameter */ DependsOn("OpenGL12")..void( "TextureImage3DEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLint("internalformat", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLsizei("height", ""), GLsizei("depth", ""), GLint("border", ""), GLenum("format", ""), GLenum("type", ""), MultiType( PointerMapping.DATA_SHORT, PointerMapping.DATA_INT, PointerMapping.DATA_FLOAT, PointerMapping.DATA_DOUBLE )..Unsafe..nullable..RawPointer..void.const.p("pixels", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL12")..void( "TextureSubImage3DEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLint("xoffset", ""), GLint("yoffset", ""), GLint("zoffset", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLsizei("height", ""), GLsizei("depth", ""), GLenum("format", ""), GLenum("type", ""), MultiType( PointerMapping.DATA_SHORT, PointerMapping.DATA_INT, PointerMapping.DATA_FLOAT, PointerMapping.DATA_DOUBLE )..Unsafe..RawPointer..void.const.p("pixels", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL12")..void( "CopyTextureSubImage3DEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLint("xoffset", ""), GLint("yoffset", ""), GLint("zoffset", ""), GLint("x", ""), GLint("y", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLsizei("height", "") ) /* OpenGL 1.2.1: New multitexture commands and queries prefix "Multi" before "Tex" and add an initial "enum texunit" parameter (to identify the texture unit). */ DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "BindMultiTextureEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLuint("texture", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "MultiTexCoordPointerEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLint("size", ""), GLenum("type", ""), GLsizei("stride", ""), MultiType( PointerMapping.DATA_SHORT, PointerMapping.DATA_INT, PointerMapping.DATA_FLOAT )..Unsafe..RawPointer..void.const.p("pointer", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "MultiTexEnvfEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), GLfloat("param", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "MultiTexEnvfvEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(4)..GLfloat.const.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "MultiTexEnviEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), GLint("param", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "MultiTexEnvivEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(4)..GLint.const.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "MultiTexGendEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("coord", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), GLdouble("param", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "MultiTexGendvEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("coord", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(4)..GLdouble.const.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "MultiTexGenfEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("coord", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), GLfloat("param", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "MultiTexGenfvEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("coord", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(4)..GLfloat.const.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "MultiTexGeniEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("coord", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), GLint("param", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "MultiTexGenivEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("coord", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(4)..GLint.const.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "GetMultiTexEnvfvEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLfloat.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "GetMultiTexEnvivEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLint.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "GetMultiTexGendvEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("coord", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLdouble.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "GetMultiTexGenfvEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("coord", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLfloat.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "GetMultiTexGenivEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("coord", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLint.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "MultiTexParameteriEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), GLint("param", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "MultiTexParameterivEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(4)..GLint.const.p("param", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "MultiTexParameterfEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), GLfloat("param", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "MultiTexParameterfvEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(4)..GLfloat.const.p("param", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "MultiTexImage1DEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLint("internalformat", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLint("border", ""), GLenum("format", ""), GLenum("type", ""), MultiType( PointerMapping.DATA_SHORT, PointerMapping.DATA_INT, PointerMapping.DATA_FLOAT, PointerMapping.DATA_DOUBLE )..Unsafe..RawPointer..nullable..void.const.p("pixels", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "MultiTexImage2DEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLint("internalformat", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLsizei("height", ""), GLint("border", ""), GLenum("format", ""), GLenum("type", ""), MultiType( PointerMapping.DATA_SHORT, PointerMapping.DATA_INT, PointerMapping.DATA_FLOAT, PointerMapping.DATA_DOUBLE )..Unsafe..RawPointer..nullable..void.const.p("pixels", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "MultiTexSubImage1DEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLint("xoffset", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLenum("format", ""), GLenum("type", ""), MultiType( PointerMapping.DATA_SHORT, PointerMapping.DATA_INT, PointerMapping.DATA_FLOAT, PointerMapping.DATA_DOUBLE )..Unsafe..RawPointer..void.const.p("pixels", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "MultiTexSubImage2DEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLint("xoffset", ""), GLint("yoffset", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLsizei("height", ""), GLenum("format", ""), GLenum("type", ""), MultiType( PointerMapping.DATA_SHORT, PointerMapping.DATA_INT, PointerMapping.DATA_FLOAT, PointerMapping.DATA_DOUBLE )..Unsafe..RawPointer..void.const.p("pixels", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "CopyMultiTexImage1DEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLenum("internalformat", ""), GLint("x", ""), GLint("y", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLint("border", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "CopyMultiTexImage2DEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLenum("internalformat", ""), GLint("x", ""), GLint("y", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLsizei("height", ""), GLint("border", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "CopyMultiTexSubImage1DEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLint("xoffset", ""), GLint("x", ""), GLint("y", ""), GLsizei("width", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "CopyMultiTexSubImage2DEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLint("xoffset", ""), GLint("yoffset", ""), GLint("x", ""), GLint("y", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLsizei("height", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "GetMultiTexImageEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLenum("format", ""), GLenum("type", ""), MultiType( PointerMapping.DATA_SHORT, PointerMapping.DATA_INT, PointerMapping.DATA_FLOAT, PointerMapping.DATA_DOUBLE )..Unsafe..RawPointer..void.p("pixels", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "GetMultiTexParameterfvEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLfloat.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "GetMultiTexParameterivEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLint.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "GetMultiTexLevelParameterfvEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLfloat.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "GetMultiTexLevelParameterivEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLint.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "MultiTexImage3DEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLint("internalformat", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLsizei("height", ""), GLsizei("depth", ""), GLint("border", ""), GLenum("format", ""), GLenum("type", ""), MultiType( PointerMapping.DATA_SHORT, PointerMapping.DATA_INT, PointerMapping.DATA_FLOAT, PointerMapping.DATA_DOUBLE )..Unsafe..nullable..RawPointer..void.const.p("pixels", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "MultiTexSubImage3DEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLint("xoffset", ""), GLint("yoffset", ""), GLint("zoffset", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLsizei("height", ""), GLsizei("depth", ""), GLenum("format", ""), GLenum("type", ""), MultiType( PointerMapping.DATA_SHORT, PointerMapping.DATA_INT, PointerMapping.DATA_FLOAT, PointerMapping.DATA_DOUBLE )..Unsafe..RawPointer..void.const.p("pixels", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "CopyMultiTexSubImage3DEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLint("xoffset", ""), GLint("yoffset", ""), GLint("zoffset", ""), GLint("x", ""), GLint("y", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLsizei("height", "") ) /* OpenGL 1.2.1: New indexed texture commands and queries append "Indexed" to name and add "uint index" parameter (to identify the texture unit index) after state name parameters (if any) and before state value parameters */ DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "EnableClientStateIndexedEXT", "", GLenum("array", ""), GLuint("index", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "DisableClientStateIndexedEXT", "", GLenum("array", ""), GLuint("index", "") ) /* OpenGL 3.0: New indexed texture commands and queries append "i" to name and add "uint index" parameter (to identify the texture unit index) after state name parameters (if any) and before state value parameters */ DependsOn("OpenGL30")..IgnoreMissing..void( "EnableClientStateiEXT", "", GLenum("array", ""), GLuint("index", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..IgnoreMissing..void( "DisableClientStateiEXT", "", GLenum("array", ""), GLuint("index", "") ) /* OpenGL 1.2.1: New indexed generic queries (added for indexed texture state) append "Indexed" to name and add "uint index" parameter (to identify the texture unit) after state name parameters (if any) and before state value parameters */ DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "GetFloatIndexedvEXT", "", GLenum("target", ""), GLuint("index", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLfloat.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "GetDoubleIndexedvEXT", "", GLenum("target", ""), GLuint("index", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLdouble.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "GetPointerIndexedvEXT", "", GLenum("target", ""), GLuint("index", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..void.p.p("params", "") ) /* OpenGL 3.0: New indexed generic queries (added for indexed texture state) replace "v" for "i_v" to name and add "uint index" parameter (to identify the texture unit) after state name parameters (if any) and before state value parameters */ DependsOn("OpenGL30")..IgnoreMissing..void( "GetFloati_vEXT", "", GLenum("pname", ""), GLuint("index", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLfloat.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..IgnoreMissing..void( "GetDoublei_vEXT", "", GLenum("pname", ""), GLuint("index", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLdouble.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..IgnoreMissing..void( "GetPointeri_vEXT", "", GLenum("pname", ""), GLuint("index", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..void.p.p("params", "") ) /* OpenGL 1.2.1: Extend the functionality of these EXT_draw_buffers2 commands and queries for multitexture */ DependsOn("OpenGL13")..(reuse(EXT_draw_buffers2, "EnableIndexedEXT")) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..(reuse(EXT_draw_buffers2, "DisableIndexedEXT")) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..(reuse(EXT_draw_buffers2, "IsEnabledIndexedEXT")) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..(reuse(EXT_draw_buffers2, "GetIntegerIndexedvEXT")) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..(reuse(EXT_draw_buffers2, "GetBooleanIndexedvEXT")) /* ARB_vertex_program: New program commands and queries add "Named" prefix to name and adds initial "uint program" parameter */ DependsOn("GL_ARB_vertex_program")..void( "NamedProgramStringEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("format", ""), AutoSize("string")..GLsizei("len", ""), void.const.p("string", "") ) DependsOn("GL_ARB_vertex_program")..void( "NamedProgramLocalParameter4dEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLuint("index", ""), GLdouble("x", ""), GLdouble("y", ""), GLdouble("z", ""), GLdouble("w", "") ) DependsOn("GL_ARB_vertex_program")..void( "NamedProgramLocalParameter4dvEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLuint("index", ""), Check(4)..GLdouble.const.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("GL_ARB_vertex_program")..void( "NamedProgramLocalParameter4fEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLuint("index", ""), GLfloat("x", ""), GLfloat("y", ""), GLfloat("z", ""), GLfloat("w", "") ) DependsOn("GL_ARB_vertex_program")..void( "NamedProgramLocalParameter4fvEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLuint("index", ""), Check(4)..GLfloat.const.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("GL_ARB_vertex_program")..void( "GetNamedProgramLocalParameterdvEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLuint("index", ""), Check(4)..GLdouble.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("GL_ARB_vertex_program")..void( "GetNamedProgramLocalParameterfvEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLuint("index", ""), Check(4)..GLfloat.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("GL_ARB_vertex_program")..void( "GetNamedProgramivEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), ReturnParam..Check(1)..GLint.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("GL_ARB_vertex_program")..void( "GetNamedProgramStringEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check("glGetNamedProgramiEXT(program, target, ARBVertexProgram.GL_PROGRAM_LENGTH_ARB)", debug = true)..void.p("string", "") ) /* OpenGL 1.3: New compressed texture object commands replace "Tex" in name with "Texture" and add initial "uint texture" parameter */ DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "CompressedTextureImage3DEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLenum("internalformat", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLsizei("height", ""), GLsizei("depth", ""), GLint("border", ""), AutoSize("data")..GLsizei("imageSize", ""), RawPointer..nullable..void.const.p("data", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "CompressedTextureImage2DEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLenum("internalformat", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLsizei("height", ""), GLint("border", ""), AutoSize("data")..GLsizei("imageSize", ""), RawPointer..nullable..void.const.p("data", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "CompressedTextureImage1DEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLenum("internalformat", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLint("border", ""), AutoSize("data")..GLsizei("imageSize", ""), RawPointer..nullable..void.const.p("data", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "CompressedTextureSubImage3DEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLint("xoffset", ""), GLint("yoffset", ""), GLint("zoffset", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLsizei("height", ""), GLsizei("depth", ""), GLenum("format", ""), AutoSize("data")..GLsizei("imageSize", ""), RawPointer..void.const.p("data", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "CompressedTextureSubImage2DEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLint("xoffset", ""), GLint("yoffset", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLsizei("height", ""), GLenum("format", ""), AutoSize("data")..GLsizei("imageSize", ""), RawPointer..void.const.p("data", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "CompressedTextureSubImage1DEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLint("xoffset", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLenum("format", ""), AutoSize("data")..GLsizei("imageSize", ""), RawPointer..void.const.p("data", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "GetCompressedTextureImageEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), Check( expression = "glGetTextureLevelParameteriEXT(texture, target, level, GL13.GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_IMAGE_SIZE)", debug = true )..RawPointer..void.p("img", "") ) /* OpenGL 1.3: New multitexture compressed texture commands and queries prefix "Multi" before "Tex" and add an initial "enum texunit" parameter (to identify the texture unit). */ DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "CompressedMultiTexImage3DEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLenum("internalformat", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLsizei("height", ""), GLsizei("depth", ""), GLint("border", ""), AutoSize("data")..GLsizei("imageSize", ""), RawPointer..nullable..void.const.p("data", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "CompressedMultiTexImage2DEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLenum("internalformat", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLsizei("height", ""), GLint("border", ""), AutoSize("data")..GLsizei("imageSize", ""), RawPointer..nullable..void.const.p("data", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "CompressedMultiTexImage1DEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLenum("internalformat", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLint("border", ""), AutoSize("data")..GLsizei("imageSize", ""), RawPointer..nullable..void.const.p("data", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "CompressedMultiTexSubImage3DEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLint("xoffset", ""), GLint("yoffset", ""), GLint("zoffset", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLsizei("height", ""), GLsizei("depth", ""), GLenum("format", ""), AutoSize("data")..GLsizei("imageSize", ""), RawPointer..void.const.p("data", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "CompressedMultiTexSubImage2DEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLint("xoffset", ""), GLint("yoffset", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLsizei("height", ""), GLenum("format", ""), AutoSize("data")..GLsizei("imageSize", ""), RawPointer..void.const.p("data", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "CompressedMultiTexSubImage1DEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLint("xoffset", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLenum("format", ""), AutoSize("data")..GLsizei("imageSize", ""), RawPointer..void.const.p("data", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "GetCompressedMultiTexImageEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLint("level", ""), Check( expression = "glGetMultiTexLevelParameteriEXT(texunit, target, level, GL13.GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_IMAGE_SIZE)", debug = true )..RawPointer..void.p("img", "") ) /* <OpenGL 1.3: New transpose matrix commands add "Matrix" suffix to name, drops "Matrix" suffix from name, and add initial "enum matrixMode" parameter */ DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "MatrixLoadTransposefEXT", "", GLenum("matrixMode", ""), Check(16)..GLfloat.const.p("m", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "MatrixLoadTransposedEXT", "", GLenum("matrixMode", ""), Check(16)..GLdouble.const.p("m", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "MatrixMultTransposefEXT", "", GLenum("matrixMode", ""), Check(16)..GLfloat.const.p("m", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL13")..void( "MatrixMultTransposedEXT", "", GLenum("matrixMode", ""), Check(16)..GLdouble.const.p("m", "") ) /* OpenGL 1.5: New buffer commands and queries replace "Buffer" with "NamedBuffer" in name and replace "enum target" parameter with "uint buffer" */ DependsOn("OpenGL15")..void( "NamedBufferDataEXT", "", GLuint("buffer", ""), AutoSize("data")..GLsizeiptr("size", ""), optional..MultiType( PointerMapping.DATA_SHORT, PointerMapping.DATA_INT, PointerMapping.DATA_FLOAT, PointerMapping.DATA_DOUBLE )..void.const.p("data", ""), GLenum("usage", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL15")..void( "NamedBufferSubDataEXT", "", GLuint("buffer", ""), GLintptr("offset", ""), AutoSize("data")..GLsizeiptr("size", ""), MultiType( PointerMapping.DATA_SHORT, PointerMapping.DATA_INT, PointerMapping.DATA_FLOAT, PointerMapping.DATA_DOUBLE )..void.const.p("data", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL15")..MapPointer("glGetNamedBufferParameteriEXT(buffer, GL15.GL_BUFFER_SIZE)", oldBufferOverloads = true)..void.p( "MapNamedBufferEXT", "", GLuint("buffer", ""), GLenum("access", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL15")..GLboolean( "UnmapNamedBufferEXT", "", GLuint("buffer", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL15")..void( "GetNamedBufferParameterivEXT", "", GLuint("buffer", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLint.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL15")..void( "GetNamedBufferSubDataEXT", "", GLuint("buffer", ""), GLintptr("offset", ""), AutoSize("data")..GLsizeiptr("size", ""), MultiType( PointerMapping.DATA_SHORT, PointerMapping.DATA_INT, PointerMapping.DATA_FLOAT, PointerMapping.DATA_DOUBLE )..void.p("data", "") ) /* OpenGL 2.0: New uniform commands add "Program" prefix to name and add initial "uint program" parameter */ DependsOn("OpenGL20")..void( "ProgramUniform1fEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), GLfloat("v0", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL20")..void( "ProgramUniform2fEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), GLfloat("v0", ""), GLfloat("v1", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL20")..void( "ProgramUniform3fEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), GLfloat("v0", ""), GLfloat("v1", ""), GLfloat("v2", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL20")..void( "ProgramUniform4fEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), GLfloat("v0", ""), GLfloat("v1", ""), GLfloat("v2", ""), GLfloat("v3", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL20")..void( "ProgramUniform1iEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), GLint("v0", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL20")..void( "ProgramUniform2iEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), GLint("v0", ""), GLint("v1", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL20")..void( "ProgramUniform3iEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), GLint("v0", ""), GLint("v1", ""), GLint("v2", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL20")..void( "ProgramUniform4iEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), GLint("v0", ""), GLint("v1", ""), GLint("v2", ""), GLint("v3", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL20")..void( "ProgramUniform1fvEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), AutoSize("value")..GLsizei("count", ""), GLfloat.const.p("value", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL20")..void( "ProgramUniform2fvEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), AutoSize(2, "value")..GLsizei("count", ""), GLfloat.const.p("value", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL20")..void( "ProgramUniform3fvEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), AutoSize(3, "value")..GLsizei("count", ""), GLfloat.const.p("value", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL20")..void( "ProgramUniform4fvEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), AutoSize(4, "value")..GLsizei("count", ""), GLfloat.const.p("value", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL20")..void( "ProgramUniform1ivEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), AutoSize("value")..GLsizei("count", ""), GLint.const.p("value", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL20")..void( "ProgramUniform2ivEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), AutoSize(2, "value")..GLsizei("count", ""), GLint.const.p("value", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL20")..void( "ProgramUniform3ivEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), AutoSize(3, "value")..GLsizei("count", ""), GLint.const.p("value", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL20")..void( "ProgramUniform4ivEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), AutoSize(4, "value")..GLsizei("count", ""), GLint.const.p("value", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL20")..void( "ProgramUniformMatrix2fvEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), AutoSize(2 x 2, "value")..GLsizei("count", ""), GLboolean("transpose", ""), GLfloat.const.p("value", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL20")..void( "ProgramUniformMatrix3fvEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), AutoSize(3 x 3, "value")..GLsizei("count", ""), GLboolean("transpose", ""), GLfloat.const.p("value", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL20")..void( "ProgramUniformMatrix4fvEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), AutoSize(4 x 4, "value")..GLsizei("count", ""), GLboolean("transpose", ""), GLfloat.const.p("value", "") ) /* OpenGL 2.1: New uniform matrix commands add "Program" prefix to name and add initial "uint program" parameter */ DependsOn("OpenGL21")..void( "ProgramUniformMatrix2x3fvEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), AutoSize(2 x 3, "value")..GLsizei("count", ""), GLboolean("transpose", ""), GLfloat.const.p("value", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL21")..void( "ProgramUniformMatrix3x2fvEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), AutoSize(3 x 2, "value")..GLsizei("count", ""), GLboolean("transpose", ""), GLfloat.const.p("value", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL21")..void( "ProgramUniformMatrix2x4fvEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), AutoSize(2 x 4, "value")..GLsizei("count", ""), GLboolean("transpose", ""), GLfloat.const.p("value", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL21")..void( "ProgramUniformMatrix4x2fvEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), AutoSize(4 x 2, "value")..GLsizei("count", ""), GLboolean("transpose", ""), GLfloat.const.p("value", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL21")..void( "ProgramUniformMatrix3x4fvEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), AutoSize(3 x 4, "value")..GLsizei("count", ""), GLboolean("transpose", ""), GLfloat.const.p("value", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL21")..void( "ProgramUniformMatrix4x3fvEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), AutoSize(4 x 3, "value")..GLsizei("count", ""), GLboolean("transpose", ""), GLfloat.const.p("value", "") ) /* EXT_texture_buffer_object: New texture buffer object command replaces "Tex" in name with "Texture" and adds initial "uint texture" parameter */ DependsOn("GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object")..void( "TextureBufferEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("internalformat", ""), GLuint("buffer", "") ) /* EXT_texture_buffer_object: New multitexture texture buffer command prefixes "Multi" before "Tex" and add an initial "enum texunit" parameter (to identify the texture unit). */ DependsOn("GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object")..void( "MultiTexBufferEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("internalformat", ""), GLuint("buffer", "") ) /* EXT_texture_integer: New integer texture object commands and queries replace "Tex" in name with "Texture" and add initial "uint texture" parameter */ DependsOn("GL_EXT_texture_integer")..void( "TextureParameterIivEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(4)..GLint.const.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("GL_EXT_texture_integer")..void( "TextureParameterIuivEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(4)..GLuint.const.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("GL_EXT_texture_integer")..void( "GetTextureParameterIivEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLint.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("GL_EXT_texture_integer")..void( "GetTextureParameterIuivEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLuint.p("params", "") ) /* EXT_texture_integer: New multitexture integer texture commands and queries prefix "Multi" before "Tex" and add an initial "enum texunit" parameter (to identify the texture unit). */ DependsOn("GL_EXT_texture_integer")..void( "MultiTexParameterIivEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(4)..GLint.const.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("GL_EXT_texture_integer")..void( "MultiTexParameterIuivEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(4)..GLuint.const.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("GL_EXT_texture_integer")..void( "GetMultiTexParameterIivEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLint.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("GL_EXT_texture_integer")..void( "GetMultiTexParameterIuivEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLuint.p("params", "") ) /* EXT_gpu_shader4: New integer uniform commands add "Program" prefix to name and add initial "uint program" parameter */ DependsOn("GL_EXT_gpu_shader4")..void( "ProgramUniform1uiEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), GLuint("v0", "") ) DependsOn("GL_EXT_gpu_shader4")..void( "ProgramUniform2uiEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), GLuint("v0", ""), GLuint("v1", "") ) DependsOn("GL_EXT_gpu_shader4")..void( "ProgramUniform3uiEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), GLuint("v0", ""), GLuint("v1", ""), GLuint("v2", "") ) DependsOn("GL_EXT_gpu_shader4")..void( "ProgramUniform4uiEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), GLuint("v0", ""), GLuint("v1", ""), GLuint("v2", ""), GLuint("v3", "") ) DependsOn("GL_EXT_gpu_shader4")..void( "ProgramUniform1uivEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), AutoSize("value")..GLsizei("count", ""), GLuint.const.p("value", "") ) DependsOn("GL_EXT_gpu_shader4")..void( "ProgramUniform2uivEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), AutoSize(2, "value")..GLsizei("count", ""), GLuint.const.p("value", "") ) DependsOn("GL_EXT_gpu_shader4")..void( "ProgramUniform3uivEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), AutoSize(3, "value")..GLsizei("count", ""), GLuint.const.p("value", "") ) DependsOn("GL_EXT_gpu_shader4")..void( "ProgramUniform4uivEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLint("location", ""), AutoSize(4, "value")..GLsizei("count", ""), GLuint.const.p("value", "") ) /* EXT_gpu_program_parameters: New program command adds "Named" prefix to name and adds "uint program" parameter */ DependsOn("GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters")..void( "NamedProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLuint("index", ""), AutoSize(4, "params")..GLsizei("count", ""), GLfloat.const.p("params", "") ) /* NV_gpu_program4: New program commands and queries add "Named" prefix to name and replace "enum target" with "uint program" */ DependsOn("GL_NV_gpu_program4")..void( "NamedProgramLocalParameterI4iEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLuint("index", ""), GLint("x", ""), GLint("y", ""), GLint("z", ""), GLint("w", "") ) DependsOn("GL_NV_gpu_program4")..void( "NamedProgramLocalParameterI4ivEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLuint("index", ""), Check(4)..GLint.const.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("GL_NV_gpu_program4")..void( "NamedProgramLocalParametersI4ivEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLuint("index", ""), AutoSize(4, "params")..GLsizei("count", ""), GLint.const.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("GL_NV_gpu_program4")..void( "NamedProgramLocalParameterI4uiEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLuint("index", ""), GLuint("x", ""), GLuint("y", ""), GLuint("z", ""), GLuint("w", "") ) DependsOn("GL_NV_gpu_program4")..void( "NamedProgramLocalParameterI4uivEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLuint("index", ""), Check(4)..GLuint.const.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("GL_NV_gpu_program4")..void( "NamedProgramLocalParametersI4uivEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLuint("index", ""), AutoSize(4, "params")..GLsizei("count", ""), GLuint.const.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("GL_NV_gpu_program4")..void( "GetNamedProgramLocalParameterIivEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLuint("index", ""), Check(4)..GLint.p("params", "") ) DependsOn("GL_NV_gpu_program4")..void( "GetNamedProgramLocalParameterIuivEXT", "", GLuint("program", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLuint("index", ""), Check(4)..GLuint.p("params", "") ) /* OpenGL 3.0: New renderbuffer commands add "Named" prefix to name and replace "enum target" with "uint renderbuffer" */ DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "NamedRenderbufferStorageEXT", "", GLuint("renderbuffer", ""), GLenum("internalformat", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLsizei("height", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "GetNamedRenderbufferParameterivEXT", "", GLuint("renderbuffer", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLint.p("params", "") ) /* OpenGL 3.0: New renderbuffer commands add "Named" prefix to name and replace "enum target" with "uint renderbuffer" */ DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT", "", GLuint("renderbuffer", ""), GLsizei("samples", ""), GLenum("internalformat", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLsizei("height", "") ) /* NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage: New renderbuffer commands add "Named" prefix to name and replace "enum target" with "uint renderbuffer" */ DependsOn("GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage")..void( "NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleCoverageEXT", "", GLuint("renderbuffer", ""), GLsizei("coverageSamples", ""), GLsizei("colorSamples", ""), GLenum("internalformat", ""), GLsizei("width", ""), GLsizei("height", "") ) /* OpenGL 3.0: New framebuffer commands add "Named" prefix to name and replace "enum target" with "uint framebuffer" */ DependsOn("OpenGL30")..GLenum( "CheckNamedFramebufferStatusEXT", "", GLuint("framebuffer", ""), GLenum("target", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "NamedFramebufferTexture1DEXT", "", GLuint("framebuffer", ""), GLenum("attachment", ""), GLenum("textarget", ""), GLuint("texture", ""), GLint("level", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "NamedFramebufferTexture2DEXT", "", GLuint("framebuffer", ""), GLenum("attachment", ""), GLenum("textarget", ""), GLuint("texture", ""), GLint("level", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "NamedFramebufferTexture3DEXT", "", GLuint("framebuffer", ""), GLenum("attachment", ""), GLenum("textarget", ""), GLuint("texture", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLint("zoffset", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "NamedFramebufferRenderbufferEXT", "", GLuint("framebuffer", ""), GLenum("attachment", ""), GLenum("renderbuffertarget", ""), GLuint("renderbuffer", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "GetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT", "", GLuint("framebuffer", ""), GLenum("attachment", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLint.p("params", "") ) /* OpenGL 3.0: New texture commands add "Texture" within name and replace "enum target" with "uint texture" */ DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "GenerateTextureMipmapEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", "") ) /* OpenGL 3.0: New texture commands add "MultiTex" within name and replace "enum target" with "enum texunit" */ DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "GenerateMultiTexMipmapEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", "") ) // OpenGL 3.0: New framebuffer commands DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "FramebufferDrawBufferEXT", "", GLuint("framebuffer", ""), GLenum("mode", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "FramebufferDrawBuffersEXT", "", GLuint("framebuffer", ""), AutoSize("bufs")..GLsizei("n", ""), GLenum.const.p("bufs", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "FramebufferReadBufferEXT", "", GLuint("framebuffer", ""), GLenum("mode", "") ) // OpenGL 3.0: New framebuffer query DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "GetFramebufferParameterivEXT", "", GLuint("framebuffer", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLint.p("param", "") ) // OpenGL 3.0: New buffer data copy command DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "NamedCopyBufferSubDataEXT", "", GLuint("readBuffer", ""), GLuint("writeBuffer", ""), GLintptr("readOffset", ""), GLintptr("writeOffset", ""), GLsizeiptr("size", "") ) /* EXT_geometry_shader4 or NV_gpu_program4: New framebuffer commands add "Named" prefix to name and replace "enum target" with "uint framebuffer" */ DependsOn("ext.contains(\"GL_EXT_geometry_shader4\") || ext.contains(\"GL_NV_gpu_program4\")")..void( "NamedFramebufferTextureEXT", "", GLuint("framebuffer", ""), GLenum("attachment", ""), GLuint("texture", ""), GLint("level", "") ) DependsOn("ext.contains(\"GL_EXT_geometry_shader4\") || ext.contains(\"GL_NV_gpu_program4\")")..void( "NamedFramebufferTextureLayerEXT", "", GLuint("framebuffer", ""), GLenum("attachment", ""), GLuint("texture", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLint("layer", "") ) DependsOn("ext.contains(\"GL_EXT_geometry_shader4\") || ext.contains(\"GL_NV_gpu_program4\")")..void( "NamedFramebufferTextureFaceEXT", "", GLuint("framebuffer", ""), GLenum("attachment", ""), GLuint("texture", ""), GLint("level", ""), GLenum("face", "") ) /* NV_explicit_multisample: New texture renderbuffer object command replaces "Tex" in name with "Texture" and add initial "uint texture" parameter */ DependsOn("GL_NV_explicit_multisample")..void( "TextureRenderbufferEXT", "", GLuint("texture", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLuint("renderbuffer", "") ) /* NV_explicit_multisample: New multitexture texture renderbuffer command prefixes "Multi" before "Tex" and add an initial "enum texunit" parameter (to identify the texture unit) */ DependsOn("GL_NV_explicit_multisample")..void( "MultiTexRenderbufferEXT", "", GLenum("texunit", ""), GLenum("target", ""), GLuint("renderbuffer", "") ) /* OpenGL 3.0: New vertex array specification commands for vertex array objects prefix "VertexArray", add initial "uint vaobj" and "uint buffer" parameters, change "Pointer" suffix to "Offset", and change the final parameter from "const void *" to "intptr offset" */ DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "VertexArrayVertexOffsetEXT", "", GLuint("vaobj", ""), GLuint("buffer", ""), GLint("size", ""), GLenum("type", ""), GLsizei("stride", ""), GLintptr("offset", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "VertexArrayColorOffsetEXT", "", GLuint("vaobj", ""), GLuint("buffer", ""), GLint("size", ""), GLenum("type", ""), GLsizei("stride", ""), GLintptr("offset", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "VertexArrayEdgeFlagOffsetEXT", "", GLuint("vaobj", ""), GLuint("buffer", ""), GLsizei("stride", ""), GLintptr("offset", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "VertexArrayIndexOffsetEXT", "", GLuint("vaobj", ""), GLuint("buffer", ""), GLenum("type", ""), GLsizei("stride", ""), GLintptr("offset", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "VertexArrayNormalOffsetEXT", "", GLuint("vaobj", ""), GLuint("buffer", ""), GLenum("type", ""), GLsizei("stride", ""), GLintptr("offset", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "VertexArrayTexCoordOffsetEXT", "", GLuint("vaobj", ""), GLuint("buffer", ""), GLint("size", ""), GLenum("type", ""), GLsizei("stride", ""), GLintptr("offset", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "VertexArrayMultiTexCoordOffsetEXT", "", GLuint("vaobj", ""), GLuint("buffer", ""), GLenum("texunit", ""), GLint("size", ""), GLenum("type", ""), GLsizei("stride", ""), GLintptr("offset", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "VertexArrayFogCoordOffsetEXT", "", GLuint("vaobj", ""), GLuint("buffer", ""), GLenum("type", ""), GLsizei("stride", ""), GLintptr("offset", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "VertexArraySecondaryColorOffsetEXT", "", GLuint("vaobj", ""), GLuint("buffer", ""), GLint("size", ""), GLenum("type", ""), GLsizei("stride", ""), GLintptr("offset", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "VertexArrayVertexAttribOffsetEXT", "", GLuint("vaobj", ""), GLuint("buffer", ""), GLuint("index", ""), GLint("size", ""), GLenum("type", ""), GLboolean("normalized", ""), GLsizei("stride", ""), GLintptr("offset", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "VertexArrayVertexAttribIOffsetEXT", "", GLuint("vaobj", ""), GLuint("buffer", ""), GLuint("index", ""), GLint("size", ""), GLenum("type", ""), GLsizei("stride", ""), GLintptr("offset", "") ) /* OpenGL 3.0: New vertex array enable commands for vertex array objects change "ClientState" to "VertexArray" and add an initial "uint vaobj" parameter */ DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "EnableVertexArrayEXT", "", GLuint("vaobj", ""), GLenum("array", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "DisableVertexArrayEXT", "", GLuint("vaobj", ""), GLenum("array", "") ) /* OpenGL 3.0: New vertex attrib array enable commands for vertex array objects change "VertexAttribArray" to "VertexArrayAttrib" and add an initial "uint vaobj" parameter */ DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "EnableVertexArrayAttribEXT", "", GLuint("vaobj", ""), GLuint("index", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "DisableVertexArrayAttribEXT", "", GLuint("vaobj", ""), GLuint("index", "") ) // OpenGL 3.0: New queries for vertex array objects DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "GetVertexArrayIntegervEXT", "", GLuint("vaobj", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLint.p("param", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "GetVertexArrayPointervEXT", "", GLuint("vaobj", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..void.p.p("param", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "GetVertexArrayIntegeri_vEXT", "", GLuint("vaobj", ""), GLuint("index", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..GLint.p("param", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "GetVertexArrayPointeri_vEXT", "", GLuint("vaobj", ""), GLuint("index", ""), GLenum("pname", ""), Check(1)..ReturnParam..void.p.p("param", "") ) /* OpenGL 3.0: New buffer commands replace "Buffer" with "NamedBuffer" in name and replace "enum target" parameter with "uint buffer" */ DependsOn("OpenGL30")..MapPointer("length", oldBufferOverloads = true)..void.p( "MapNamedBufferRangeEXT", "", GLuint("buffer", ""), GLintptr("offset", ""), GLsizeiptr("length", ""), GLbitfield("access", "") ) DependsOn("OpenGL30")..void( "FlushMappedNamedBufferRangeEXT", "", GLuint("buffer", ""), GLintptr("offset", ""), GLsizeiptr("length", "") ) }
package org.wikipedia.suggestededits import android.content.res.ColorStateList import import import android.os.Bundle import android.text.method.LinkMovementMethod import android.view.HapticFeedbackConstants import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.View.* import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.CompoundButton import android.widget.Toast import androidx.core.view.children import import import io.reactivex.rxjava3.schedulers.Schedulers import org.wikipedia.Constants import org.wikipedia.Constants.InvokeSource import org.wikipedia.R import org.wikipedia.WikipediaApp import org.wikipedia.activity.FragmentUtil import import import org.wikipedia.csrf.CsrfTokenClient import org.wikipedia.databinding.FragmentSuggestedEditsImageTagsItemBinding import org.wikipedia.dataclient.Service import org.wikipedia.dataclient.ServiceFactory import org.wikipedia.dataclient.WikiSite import org.wikipedia.dataclient.mwapi.MwQueryPage import import org.wikipedia.descriptions.DescriptionEditActivity.Action.ADD_IMAGE_TAGS import import org.wikipedia.settings.Prefs import org.wikipedia.suggestededits.provider.EditingSuggestionsProvider import org.wikipedia.util.* import org.wikipedia.util.L10nUtil.setConditionalLayoutDirection import org.wikipedia.util.log.L import org.wikipedia.views.ImageZoomHelper import org.wikipedia.views.ViewUtil import java.util.* import kotlin.collections.ArrayList class SuggestedEditsImageTagsFragment : SuggestedEditsItemFragment(), CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener, OnClickListener, SuggestedEditsImageTagDialog.Callback { private var _binding: FragmentSuggestedEditsImageTagsItemBinding? = null private val binding get() = _binding!! var publishing: Boolean = false var publishSuccess: Boolean = false private var page: MwQueryPage? = null private val tagList: MutableList<MwQueryPage.ImageLabel> = ArrayList() private var wasCaptionLongClicked: Boolean = false private var lastSearchTerm: String = "" var invokeSource: InvokeSource = InvokeSource.SUGGESTED_EDITS private var funnel: EditFunnel? = null override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View { super.onCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState) _binding = FragmentSuggestedEditsImageTagsItemBinding.inflate(inflater, container, false) return binding.root } override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) setConditionalLayoutDirection(binding.contentContainer, callback().getLangCode()) binding.cardItemErrorView.backClickListener = OnClickListener { requireActivity().finish() } binding.cardItemErrorView.retryClickListener = OnClickListener { binding.cardItemProgressBar.visibility = VISIBLE binding.cardItemErrorView.visibility = GONE getNextItem() } val transparency = 0xcc000000 binding.tagsContainer.setBackgroundColor(transparency.toInt() or (ResourceUtil.getThemedColor(requireContext(), R.attr.paper_color) and 0xffffff)) binding.imageCaption.setBackgroundColor(transparency.toInt() or (ResourceUtil.getThemedColor(requireContext(), R.attr.paper_color) and 0xffffff)) binding.publishOverlayContainer.setBackgroundColor(transparency.toInt() or (ResourceUtil.getThemedColor(requireContext(), R.attr.paper_color) and 0xffffff)) binding.publishOverlayContainer.visibility = GONE val colorStateList = ColorStateList(arrayOf(intArrayOf()), intArrayOf(if (WikipediaApp.getInstance().currentTheme.isDark) Color.WHITE else ResourceUtil.getThemedColor(requireContext(), R.attr.colorAccent))) binding.publishProgressBar.progressTintList = colorStateList binding.publishProgressBarComplete.progressTintList = colorStateList binding.publishProgressCheck.imageTintList = colorStateList binding.publishProgressText.setTextColor(colorStateList) binding.tagsLicenseText.text = StringUtil.fromHtml(getString(R.string.suggested_edits_cc0_notice, getString(R.string.terms_of_use_url), getString(R.string.cc_0_url))) binding.tagsLicenseText.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() binding.imageView.setOnClickListener { if (Prefs.shouldShowImageZoomTooltip()) { Prefs.setShouldShowImageZoomTooltip(false) FeedbackUtil.showToastOverView(binding.imageView, getString(R.string.suggested_edits_image_zoom_tooltip), Toast.LENGTH_LONG) } } if (callback().getSinglePage() != null) { page = callback().getSinglePage() } binding.imageCaption.setOnLongClickListener { wasCaptionLongClicked = true false } getNextItem() updateContents() updateTagChips() } override fun onStart() { super.onStart() callback().updateActionButton() } override fun onDestroyView() { super.onDestroyView() _binding = null } private fun getNextItem() { if (page != null) { return } disposables.add(EditingSuggestionsProvider.getNextImageWithMissingTags() .subscribeOn( .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe({ page -> = page updateContents() updateTagChips() }, { this.setErrorState(it) })!!) } private fun setErrorState(t: Throwable) { L.e(t) binding.cardItemErrorView.setError(t) binding.cardItemErrorView.visibility = VISIBLE binding.cardItemProgressBar.visibility = GONE binding.contentContainer.visibility = GONE } private fun updateContents() { binding.cardItemErrorView.visibility = GONE binding.contentContainer.visibility = if (page != null) VISIBLE else GONE binding.cardItemProgressBar.visibility = if (page != null) GONE else VISIBLE if (page == null) { return } funnel = EditFunnel(WikipediaApp.getInstance(), PageTitle(page!!.title(), WikiSite(Service.COMMONS_URL))) binding.tagsLicenseText.visibility = GONE binding.tagsHintText.visibility = VISIBLE ImageZoomHelper.setViewZoomable(binding.imageView) ViewUtil.loadImage(binding.imageView, ImageUrlUtil.getUrlForPreferredSize(page!!.imageInfo()!!.thumbUrl, Constants.PREFERRED_CARD_THUMBNAIL_SIZE)) disposables.add(MediaHelper.getImageCaptions(page!!.title()) .subscribeOn( .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe { captions -> if (captions.containsKey(callback().getLangCode())) { binding.imageCaption.text = captions[callback().getLangCode()] binding.imageCaption.visibility = VISIBLE } else { if (page!!.imageInfo() != null && page!!.imageInfo()!!.metadata != null) { binding.imageCaption.text = StringUtil.fromHtml(page!!.imageInfo()!!.metadata!!.imageDescription()).toString().trim() binding.imageCaption.visibility = VISIBLE } else { binding.imageCaption.visibility = GONE } } }) updateLicenseTextShown() callback().updateActionButton() } private fun updateTagChips() { val typeface = Typeface.create("sans-serif-medium", Typeface.NORMAL) binding.tagsChipGroup.removeAllViews() if (!publishSuccess) { // add an artificial chip for adding a custom tag addChip(null, typeface) } for (label in tagList) { val chip = addChip(label, typeface) chip.isChecked = label.isSelected if (publishSuccess) { chip.isEnabled = false if (chip.isChecked) { chip.setChipBackgroundColorResource(ResourceUtil.getThemedAttributeId(requireContext(), R.attr.color_group_57)) chip.setChipStrokeColorResource(ResourceUtil.getThemedAttributeId(requireContext(), R.attr.color_group_58)) } else { chip.setChipBackgroundColorResource(ResourceUtil.getThemedAttributeId(requireContext(), R.attr.chip_background_color)) chip.setChipStrokeColorResource(ResourceUtil.getThemedAttributeId(requireContext(), R.attr.chip_background_color)) } } } updateLicenseTextShown() callback().updateActionButton() } private fun addChip(label: MwQueryPage.ImageLabel?, typeface: Typeface): Chip { val chip = Chip(requireContext()) chip.text = label?.label ?: getString(R.string.suggested_edits_image_tags_add_tag) chip.textAlignment = TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER chip.setChipBackgroundColorResource(ResourceUtil.getThemedAttributeId(requireContext(), R.attr.chip_background_color)) chip.chipStrokeWidth = DimenUtil.dpToPx(1f) chip.setChipStrokeColorResource(ResourceUtil.getThemedAttributeId(requireContext(), R.attr.chip_background_color)) chip.setTextColor(ResourceUtil.getThemedColor(requireContext(), R.attr.material_theme_primary_color)) chip.typeface = typeface chip.isCheckable = true chip.setChipIconResource(R.drawable.ic_chip_add_24px) chip.iconEndPadding = 0f chip.textStartPadding = DimenUtil.dpToPx(2f) chip.chipIconSize = DimenUtil.dpToPx(24f) chip.chipIconTint = ColorStateList.valueOf(ResourceUtil.getThemedColor(requireContext(), R.attr.material_theme_de_emphasised_color)) chip.setCheckedIconResource(R.drawable.ic_chip_check_24px) chip.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this) chip.setOnClickListener(this) chip.setEnsureMinTouchTargetSize(true) chip.ensureAccessibleTouchTarget(DimenUtil.dpToPx(48f).toInt()) chip.tag = label if (label != null) { chip.isChecked = label.isSelected } // add some padding to the Chip, since our container view doesn't support item spacing yet. val params = ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) val margin = DimenUtil.roundedDpToPx(8f) params.setMargins(margin, 0, margin, 0) chip.layoutParams = params binding.tagsChipGroup.addView(chip) return chip } companion object { fun newInstance(): SuggestedEditsItemFragment { return SuggestedEditsImageTagsFragment() } } override fun onClick(v: View?) { val chip = v as Chip if (chip.tag == null) { // they clicked the chip to add a new tag, so cancel out the check changing... chip.isChecked = !chip.isChecked // and launch the selection dialog for the custom tag. SuggestedEditsImageTagDialog.newInstance(wasCaptionLongClicked, lastSearchTerm).show(childFragmentManager, null) } } override fun onCheckedChanged(button: CompoundButton?, isChecked: Boolean) { val chip = button as Chip if (chip.isChecked) { chip.setChipBackgroundColorResource(ResourceUtil.getThemedAttributeId(requireContext(), R.attr.color_group_55)) chip.setChipStrokeColorResource(ResourceUtil.getThemedAttributeId(requireContext(), R.attr.color_group_56)) chip.isChipIconVisible = false } else { chip.setChipBackgroundColorResource(ResourceUtil.getThemedAttributeId(requireContext(), R.attr.chip_background_color)) chip.setChipStrokeColorResource(ResourceUtil.getThemedAttributeId(requireContext(), R.attr.chip_background_color)) chip.isChipIconVisible = true } if (chip.tag != null) { (chip.tag as MwQueryPage.ImageLabel).isSelected = chip.isChecked } updateLicenseTextShown() callback().updateActionButton() } override fun onSearchSelect(item: MwQueryPage.ImageLabel) { var exists = false for (tag in tagList) { if (tag.wikidataId == item.wikidataId) { exists = true tag.isSelected = true break } } if (!exists) { item.isSelected = true tagList.add(item) } updateTagChips() } override fun onSearchDismiss(searchTerm: String) { lastSearchTerm = searchTerm } override fun publish() { if (publishing || publishSuccess || binding.tagsChipGroup.childCount == 0) { return } val acceptedLabels = ArrayList<MwQueryPage.ImageLabel>() val iterator = tagList.iterator() while (iterator.hasNext()) { val tag = if (tag.isSelected) { acceptedLabels.add(tag) } else { iterator.remove() } } if (acceptedLabels.isEmpty()) { return } // -- point of no return -- publishing = true publishSuccess = false funnel?.logSaveAttempt() binding.publishProgressText.setText(R.string.suggested_edits_image_tags_publishing) binding.publishProgressCheck.visibility = GONE binding.publishOverlayContainer.visibility = VISIBLE binding.publishProgressBarComplete.visibility = GONE binding.publishProgressBar.visibility = VISIBLE val commonsSite = WikiSite(Service.COMMONS_URL) disposables.add(CsrfTokenClient(WikiSite(Service.COMMONS_URL)).token .subscribeOn( .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe({ token -> val mId = "M" + page!!.pageId() var claimStr = "{\"claims\":[" var commentStr = "/* add-depicts: " var first = true for (label in acceptedLabels) { if (!first) { claimStr += "," } if (!first) { commentStr += "," } first = false claimStr += "{\"mainsnak\":" + "{\"snaktype\":\"value\",\"property\":\"P180\"," + "\"datavalue\":{\"value\":" + "{\"entity-type\":\"item\",\"id\":\"${label.wikidataId}\"}," + "\"type\":\"wikibase-entityid\"},\"datatype\":\"wikibase-item\"}," + "\"type\":\"statement\"," + "\"id\":\"${mId}\$${UUID.randomUUID()}\"," + "\"rank\":\"normal\"}" commentStr += label.wikidataId + "|" + label.label.replace("|", "").replace(",", "") } claimStr += "]}" commentStr += " */" disposables.add(ServiceFactory.get(commonsSite).postEditEntity(mId, token, claimStr, commentStr, null) .subscribeOn( .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .doAfterTerminate { publishing = false } .subscribe({ if (it.entity != null) { funnel?.logSaved(it.entity!!.lastRevId, invokeSource.getName()) } publishSuccess = true onSuccess() }, { caught -> onError(caught) }) ) }, { onError(it) })) } private fun onSuccess() { SuggestedEditsFunnel.get()!!.success(ADD_IMAGE_TAGS) val duration = 500L binding.publishProgressBar.alpha = 1f binding.publishProgressBar.animate() .alpha(0f) .duration = duration / 2 binding.publishProgressBarComplete.alpha = 0f binding.publishProgressBarComplete.visibility = VISIBLE binding.publishProgressBarComplete.animate() .alpha(1f) .withEndAction { binding.publishProgressText.setText(R.string.suggested_edits_image_tags_published) playSuccessVibration() } .duration = duration / 2 binding.publishProgressCheck.alpha = 0f binding.publishProgressCheck.visibility = VISIBLE binding.publishProgressCheck.animate() .alpha(1f) .duration = duration binding.publishProgressBar.postDelayed({ if (isAdded) { updateLicenseTextShown() binding.publishOverlayContainer.visibility = GONE callback().nextPage(this) callback().logSuccess() updateTagChips() } }, duration * 3) } private fun onError(caught: Throwable) { // TODO: expand this a bit. SuggestedEditsFunnel.get()!!.failure(ADD_IMAGE_TAGS) funnel?.logError(caught.localizedMessage) binding.publishOverlayContainer.visibility = GONE FeedbackUtil.showError(requireActivity(), caught) } private fun playSuccessVibration() { binding.imageView.performHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackConstants.LONG_PRESS) } private fun updateLicenseTextShown() { when { publishSuccess -> { binding.tagsLicenseText.visibility = GONE binding.tagsHintText.setText(R.string.suggested_edits_image_tags_published_list) binding.tagsHintText.visibility = VISIBLE } atLeastOneTagChecked() -> { binding.tagsLicenseText.visibility = VISIBLE binding.tagsHintText.visibility = GONE } else -> { binding.tagsLicenseText.visibility = GONE binding.tagsHintText.visibility = GONE } } } private fun atLeastOneTagChecked(): Boolean { return binding.tagsChipGroup.children.filterIsInstance<Chip>().any { it.isChecked } } override fun publishEnabled(): Boolean { return !publishSuccess && atLeastOneTagChecked() } override fun publishOutlined(): Boolean { if (_binding == null) { return false } return !atLeastOneTagChecked() } private fun callback(): Callback { return FragmentUtil.getCallback(this,!! } }
/* * Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Álinson Santos Xavier <[email protected]> * * This file is part of Loop Habit Tracker. * * Loop Habit Tracker is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * Loop Habit Tracker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see <>. */ package import org.isoron.platform.time.DayOfWeek import org.isoron.platform.time.LocalDate import org.isoron.uhabits.core.commands.CommandRunner import org.isoron.uhabits.core.commands.CreateRepetitionCommand import org.isoron.uhabits.core.models.Entry import org.isoron.uhabits.core.models.Entry.Companion.SKIP import org.isoron.uhabits.core.models.Entry.Companion.YES_AUTO import org.isoron.uhabits.core.models.Entry.Companion.YES_MANUAL import org.isoron.uhabits.core.models.Habit import org.isoron.uhabits.core.models.HabitList import org.isoron.uhabits.core.models.NumericalHabitType.AT_LEAST import org.isoron.uhabits.core.models.NumericalHabitType.AT_MOST import org.isoron.uhabits.core.models.PaletteColor import org.isoron.uhabits.core.models.Timestamp import org.isoron.uhabits.core.preferences.Preferences import org.isoron.uhabits.core.ui.screens.habits.list.ListHabitsBehavior import org.isoron.uhabits.core.ui.views.HistoryChart import org.isoron.uhabits.core.ui.views.HistoryChart.Square.DIMMED import org.isoron.uhabits.core.ui.views.HistoryChart.Square.GREY import org.isoron.uhabits.core.ui.views.HistoryChart.Square.HATCHED import org.isoron.uhabits.core.ui.views.HistoryChart.Square.OFF import org.isoron.uhabits.core.ui.views.HistoryChart.Square.ON import org.isoron.uhabits.core.ui.views.OnDateClickedListener import org.isoron.uhabits.core.ui.views.Theme import org.isoron.uhabits.core.utils.DateUtils import kotlin.math.roundToInt data class HistoryCardState( val color: PaletteColor, val firstWeekday: DayOfWeek, val series: List<HistoryChart.Square>, val defaultSquare: HistoryChart.Square, val notesIndicators: List<Boolean>, val theme: Theme, val today: LocalDate, ) class HistoryCardPresenter( val commandRunner: CommandRunner, val habit: Habit, val habitList: HabitList, val preferences: Preferences, val screen: Screen, ) : OnDateClickedListener { override fun onDateLongPress(date: LocalDate) { val timestamp = Timestamp.fromLocalDate(date) screen.showFeedback() if (habit.isNumerical) { showNumberPopup(timestamp) } else { if (preferences.isShortToggleEnabled) showCheckmarkPopup(timestamp) else toggle(timestamp) } } override fun onDateShortPress(date: LocalDate) { val timestamp = Timestamp.fromLocalDate(date) screen.showFeedback() if (habit.isNumerical) { showNumberPopup(timestamp) } else { if (preferences.isShortToggleEnabled) toggle(timestamp) else showCheckmarkPopup(timestamp) } } private fun showCheckmarkPopup(timestamp: Timestamp) { val entry = habit.computedEntries.get(timestamp) screen.showCheckmarkPopup( entry.value, entry.notes, preferences, habit.color, ) { newValue, newNotes -> CreateRepetitionCommand( habitList, habit, timestamp, newValue, newNotes, ), ) } } private fun toggle(timestamp: Timestamp) { val entry = habit.computedEntries.get(timestamp) val nextValue = Entry.nextToggleValue( value = entry.value, isSkipEnabled = preferences.isSkipEnabled, areQuestionMarksEnabled = preferences.areQuestionMarksEnabled ) CreateRepetitionCommand( habitList, habit, timestamp, nextValue, entry.notes, ), ) } private fun showNumberPopup(timestamp: Timestamp) { val entry = habit.computedEntries.get(timestamp) val oldValue = entry.value screen.showNumberPopup( value = oldValue / 1000.0, notes = entry.notes, preferences = preferences, ) { newValue: Double, newNotes: String -> val thousands = (newValue * 1000).roundToInt() CreateRepetitionCommand( habitList, habit, timestamp, thousands, newNotes, ), ) } } fun onClickEditButton() { screen.showHistoryEditorDialog(this) } companion object { fun buildState( habit: Habit, firstWeekday: DayOfWeek, theme: Theme, ): HistoryCardState { val today = DateUtils.getTodayWithOffset() val oldest = habit.computedEntries.getKnown().lastOrNull()?.timestamp ?: today val entries = habit.computedEntries.getByInterval(oldest, today) val series = if (habit.isNumerical) { { when { it.value == Entry.UNKNOWN -> OFF it.value == SKIP -> HATCHED (habit.targetType == AT_MOST) && (it.value / 1000.0 <= habit.targetValue) -> ON (habit.targetType == AT_LEAST) && (it.value / 1000.0 >= habit.targetValue) -> ON else -> GREY } } } else { { when (it.value) { YES_MANUAL -> ON YES_AUTO -> DIMMED SKIP -> HATCHED else -> OFF } } } val notesIndicators = { when (it.notes) { "" -> false else -> true } } return HistoryCardState( color = habit.color, firstWeekday = firstWeekday, today = today.toLocalDate(), theme = theme, series = series, defaultSquare = OFF, notesIndicators = notesIndicators, ) } } interface Screen { fun showHistoryEditorDialog(listener: OnDateClickedListener) fun showFeedback() fun showNumberPopup( value: Double, notes: String, preferences: Preferences, callback: ListHabitsBehavior.NumberPickerCallback, ) fun showCheckmarkPopup( selectedValue: Int, notes: String, preferences: Preferences, color: PaletteColor, callback: ListHabitsBehavior.CheckMarkDialogCallback, ) } }
// Copyright 2000-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.ui import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.DataKey import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.logger import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project import com.intellij.openapi.util.ClearableLazyValue import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.ui.ChangesGroupingSupport.Companion.DIRECTORY_GROUPING import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.ui.ChangesGroupingSupport.Companion.MODULE_GROUPING import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.ui.ChangesGroupingSupport.Companion.REPOSITORY_GROUPING import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel private val PREDEFINED_PRIORITIES = mapOf(DIRECTORY_GROUPING to 10, MODULE_GROUPING to 20, REPOSITORY_GROUPING to 30) open class ChangesGroupingSupport(val project: Project, source: Any, val showConflictsNode: Boolean) { private val changeSupport = PropertyChangeSupport(source) private val _groupingKeys = mutableSetOf<String>() val groupingKeys get() = _groupingKeys.toSet() operator fun get(groupingKey: @NonNls String): Boolean { if (!isAvailable(groupingKey)) return false return _groupingKeys.contains(groupingKey) } operator fun set(groupingKey: String, state: Boolean) { if (!isAvailable(groupingKey)) throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown grouping $groupingKey") // NON-NLS val currentState = _groupingKeys.contains(groupingKey) if (currentState == state) return val oldGroupingKeys = _groupingKeys.toSet() if (state) { _groupingKeys += groupingKey } else { _groupingKeys -= groupingKey } changeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_GROUPING_KEYS, oldGroupingKeys, _groupingKeys.toSet()) } val grouping: ChangesGroupingPolicyFactory get() = CombinedGroupingPolicyFactory() val isNone: Boolean get() = _groupingKeys.isEmpty() val isDirectory: Boolean get() = this[DIRECTORY_GROUPING] fun setGroupingKeysOrSkip(newGroupingKeys: Set<String>) { _groupingKeys.clear() _groupingKeys += newGroupingKeys.filter { groupingKey -> isAvailable(groupingKey) } } open fun isAvailable(groupingKey: String) = findFactory(groupingKey) != null fun addPropertyChangeListener(listener: PropertyChangeListener) { changeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(listener) } fun removePropertyChangeListener(listener: PropertyChangeListener) { changeSupport.removePropertyChangeListener(listener) } private inner class CombinedGroupingPolicyFactory : ChangesGroupingPolicyFactory() { override fun createGroupingPolicy(project: Project, model: DefaultTreeModel): ChangesGroupingPolicy { var result = DefaultChangesGroupingPolicy.Factory(showConflictsNode).createGroupingPolicy(project, model) _groupingKeys.sortedByDescending { PREDEFINED_PRIORITIES[it] }.forEach { groupingKey -> val factory = findFactory(groupingKey) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown grouping $groupingKey") // NON-NLS result = factory.createGroupingPolicy(project, model).apply { setNextGroupingPolicy(result) } } return result } } companion object { @JvmField val KEY = DataKey.create<ChangesGroupingSupport>("ChangesTree.GroupingSupport") const val PROP_GROUPING_KEYS = "ChangesGroupingKeys" // NON-NLS const val DIRECTORY_GROUPING = "directory" // NON-NLS const val MODULE_GROUPING = "module" // NON-NLS const val REPOSITORY_GROUPING = "repository" // NON-NLS const val NONE_GROUPING = "none" // NON-NLS private val FACTORIES = ClearableLazyValue.create { buildFactories() } init { ChangesGroupingPolicyFactory.EP_NAME.addChangeListener({ FACTORIES.drop() }, null) } @JvmStatic fun getFactory(key: String): ChangesGroupingPolicyFactory { return findFactory(key) ?: NoneChangesGroupingFactory } @JvmStatic fun findFactory(key: String): ChangesGroupingPolicyFactory? { return FACTORIES.value[key] } private fun buildFactories(): Map<String, ChangesGroupingPolicyFactory> { val result = mutableMapOf<String, ChangesGroupingPolicyFactory>() for (bean in ChangesGroupingPolicyFactory.EP_NAME.extensionList) { val key = bean.key ?: continue val clazz = bean.implementationClass ?: continue try { result[key] = ApplicationManager.getApplication().instantiateClass(clazz, bean.pluginDescriptor) } catch (e: Throwable) { logger<ChangesGroupingSupport>().error(e) } } return result } } }
package com.intellij.laf.macos import com.intellij.ide.ui.LafProvider import com.intellij.ide.ui.laf.PluggableLafInfo import com.intellij.ide.ui.laf.darcula.ui.DarculaEditorTextFieldBorder import com.intellij.openapi.editor.ex.EditorEx import com.intellij.openapi.util.NlsSafe import com.intellij.ui.EditorTextField import javax.swing.LookAndFeel internal class MacLafProvider : LafProvider { override fun getLookAndFeelInfo() = instance private class MacOsLookAndFeelInfo : PluggableLafInfo(LAF_NAME, { override fun createLookAndFeel(): LookAndFeel = MacIntelliJLaf() override fun createSearchAreaPainter(context: SearchAreaContext) = MacSearchPainter(context) override fun createEditorTextFieldBorder(editorTextField: EditorTextField, editor: EditorEx): DarculaEditorTextFieldBorder { return MacEditorTextFieldBorder(editorTextField, editor) } } companion object { @NlsSafe const val LAF_NAME = "macOS Light" private val instance: PluggableLafInfo = MacOsLookAndFeelInfo() } }
/* * *************************************************************************** * Copyright 2014-2018 Spectra Logic Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use * this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is located at * * * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. * This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * *************************************************************************** */ package import com.spectralogic.ds3client.Ds3Client import com.spectralogic.ds3client.commands.spectrads3.GetActiveJobSpectraS3Request import com.spectralogic.ds3client.commands.spectrads3.GetJobSpectraS3Request import com.spectralogic.ds3client.commands.spectrads3.PutBulkJobSpectraS3Request import com.spectralogic.ds3client.helpers.Ds3ClientHelpers import com.spectralogic.ds3client.helpers.FileObjectPutter import com.spectralogic.ds3client.helpers.WriteJobImpl import import com.spectralogic.ds3client.helpers.strategy.blobstrategy.BlackPearlChunkAttemptRetryDelayBehavior import com.spectralogic.ds3client.helpers.strategy.blobstrategy.MaxChunkAttemptsRetryBehavior import com.spectralogic.ds3client.helpers.strategy.blobstrategy.PutSequentialBlobStrategy import com.spectralogic.ds3client.helpers.strategy.transferstrategy.EventDispatcherImpl import com.spectralogic.ds3client.helpers.strategy.transferstrategy.TransferStrategyBuilder import com.spectralogic.ds3client.models.JobStatus import com.spectralogic.ds3client.models.Priority import com.spectralogic.ds3client.models.bulk.Ds3Object import import import import import com.spectralogic.dsbrowser.gui.util.DateTimeUtils import com.spectralogic.dsbrowser.gui.util.ParseJobInterruptionMap import import import java.lang.RuntimeException import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException import java.nio.file.Path import java.time.Instant import java.util.UUID data class PutJobData( private val items: List<Pair<String, Path>>, private val targetDir: String, override val bucket: String, private val jobTaskElement: JobTaskElement ) : JobData { override fun runningTitle(): String { val transferringPut = jobTaskElement.resourceBundle.getString("transferringPut") val jobId = job.jobId val startedAt = jobTaskElement.resourceBundle.getString("startedAt") val started = jobTaskElement.dateTimeUtils.format(getStartTime()) return "$transferringPut $jobId $startedAt $started" } override val jobId: UUID by lazy { job.jobId } override fun client(): Ds3Client = jobTaskElement.client override fun internationalize(labelName: String): String = jobTaskElement.resourceBundle.getString(labelName) override fun modifyJob(job: Ds3ClientHelpers.Job) { job.withMaxParallelRequests(jobTaskElement.settingsStore.processSettings.maximumNumberOfParallelThreads) } override val job: Ds3ClientHelpers.Job by lazy { val ds3Objects = { pathToDs3Object(it.second) }.flatten() { pair: Pair<Ds3Object, Path> -> Pair<String, Path>(, pair.second) } .forEach { prefixMap.put(it.first, it.second) } if (ds3Objects.isEmpty()) { loggingService().logMessage("File list is empty, cannot create job", LogType.ERROR) throw RuntimeException("File list is empty") } val priority = if (jobTaskElement.savedJobPrioritiesStore.jobSettings.putJobPriority.equals("Data Policy Default (no change)")) { null } else { Priority.valueOf(jobTaskElement.savedJobPrioritiesStore.jobSettings.putJobPriority) } val request = PutBulkJobSpectraS3Request( bucket, { it.first } ).withPriority(priority) val response = jobTaskElement.client.putBulkJobSpectraS3(request) val eventDispatcher = EventDispatcherImpl(ConcurrentEventRunner()) val blobStrategy = PutSequentialBlobStrategy( jobTaskElement.client, response.masterObjectList, eventDispatcher, MaxChunkAttemptsRetryBehavior(1), BlackPearlChunkAttemptRetryDelayBehavior(eventDispatcher) ) val transferStrategyBuilder = TransferStrategyBuilder() .withDs3Client(jobTaskElement.client) .withMasterObjectList(response.masterObjectList) .withBlobStrategy(blobStrategy) .withChannelBuilder(null) .withNumConcurrentTransferThreads(jobTaskElement.settingsStore.processSettings.maximumNumberOfParallelThreads) WriteJobImpl(transferStrategyBuilder) } override var prefixMap: MutableMap<String, Path> = mutableMapOf() override fun showCachedJobProperty(): BooleanProperty = jobTaskElement.settingsStore.showCachedJobSettings.showCachedJobEnableProperty() override fun loggingService(): LoggingService = jobTaskElement.loggingService override fun targetPath(): String = targetDir override fun dateTimeUtils(): DateTimeUtils = jobTaskElement.dateTimeUtils private var startTime: Instant = override fun getStartTime(): Instant = startTime override fun setStartTime(): Instant { startTime = return startTime } override fun getObjectChannelBuilder(prefix: String): Ds3ClientHelpers.ObjectChannelBuilder = EmptyChannelBuilder(FileObjectPutter(prefixMap.get(prefix)!!.parent), prefixMap.get(prefix)!!) private fun pathToDs3Object(path: Path): List<Pair<Ds3Object, Path>> { val parent = path.parent return path .toFile() .walk(FileWalkDirection.TOP_DOWN) .filter(::rejectEmptyDirectory) .filter(::rejectDeadLinks) .map(::addSize) .map { convertToDs3Object(it, parent) } .map { Pair(it, path) } .distinct() .toList() } private fun addSize(file: File): Pair<File, Long> = Pair(file, if (Files.isDirectory(file.toPath())) 0L else file.length()) private fun rejectEmptyDirectory(file: File) = !(file.isDirectory && Files.list(file.toPath()).use { f -> f.findAny().isPresent }) private fun convertToDs3Object(fileParts: Pair<File, Long>, parent: Path): Ds3Object { val (file, size) = fileParts val pathBuilder = StringBuilder(targetDir) val localDelim = file.toPath().fileSystem.separator pathBuilder.append(parent.relativize(file.toPath()).toString().replace(localDelim, "/")) if (file.isDirectory) { pathBuilder.append("/") } return Ds3Object(pathBuilder.toString(), size) } private fun rejectDeadLinks(file: File): Boolean { return try { file.toPath().toRealPath() true } catch (e: NoSuchFileException) { loggingService().logMessage("Could not resolve link " + file, LogType.ERROR) false } } override fun jobSize() = jobTaskElement.client.getActiveJobSpectraS3(GetActiveJobSpectraS3Request(job.jobId)).activeJobResult.originalSizeInBytes override fun shouldRestoreFileAttributes(): Boolean = jobTaskElement.settingsStore.filePropertiesSettings.isFilePropertiesEnabled override fun isCompleted() = jobTaskElement.client.getJobSpectraS3(GetJobSpectraS3Request(job.jobId)).masterObjectListResult.status == JobStatus.COMPLETED override fun removeJob() { ParseJobInterruptionMap.removeJobIdFromFile(jobTaskElement.jobInterruptionStore, job.jobId.toString(), jobTaskElement.client.connectionDetails.endpoint) } override fun saveJob(jobSize: Long) { ParseJobInterruptionMap.saveValuesToFiles(jobTaskElement.jobInterruptionStore, prefixMap, mapOf(), jobTaskElement.client.connectionDetails.endpoint, job.jobId, jobSize, targetPath(), jobTaskElement.dateTimeUtils, "PUT", bucket) } }
package import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2.* import io.reactivex.Single import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals import org.junit.Before import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.robolectric.RobolectricTestRunner import import java.util.* @RunWith(RobolectricTestRunner::class) class EmailAssistantTest { // Class under test private lateinit var emailAssistant: EmailAssistant private val context = mock<Context>() private val databaseHelper = mock<DatabaseHelper>() private val preferenceManager = mock<UserPreferenceManager>() private val attachmentFilesWriter = mock<AttachmentFilesWriter>() private val dateFormatter = mock<DateFormatter>() private val intentUtils = mock<IntentUtils>() private val trip = DefaultObjects.newDefaultTrip() private val receiptsTable = mock<ReceiptsTable>() private val distancesTable = mock<DistanceTable>() private val to = "to" private val cc = "cc" private val bcc = "bcc" private val subject = "subject" @Before fun setUp() { whenever(databaseHelper.receiptsTable).thenReturn(receiptsTable) whenever(databaseHelper.distanceTable).thenReturn(distancesTable) whenever(receiptsTable.get(trip, true)).thenReturn(Single.just(emptyList())) whenever(distancesTable.get(trip, true)).thenReturn(Single.just(emptyList())) whenever(preferenceManager.get(UserPreference.Email.ToAddresses)).thenReturn(to) whenever(preferenceManager.get(UserPreference.Email.CcAddresses)).thenReturn(cc) whenever(preferenceManager.get(UserPreference.Email.BccAddresses)).thenReturn(bcc) whenever(preferenceManager.get(UserPreference.Email.Subject)).thenReturn(subject) whenever(preferenceManager.get(UserPreference.Receipts.OnlyIncludeReimbursable)).thenReturn(false) whenever(preferenceManager.get(UserPreference.Receipts.UsePreTaxPrice)).thenReturn(false) whenever(preferenceManager.get(UserPreference.ReportOutput.UserId)).thenReturn("") whenever(context.getString(R.string.report_attached)).thenReturn("1 report attached") whenever(context.packageName).thenReturn("") whenever(dateFormatter.getFormattedDate(trip.startDisplayableDate)).thenReturn("") whenever(dateFormatter.getFormattedDate(trip.endDisplayableDate)).thenReturn("") emailAssistant = EmailAssistant(context, databaseHelper, preferenceManager, attachmentFilesWriter, dateFormatter, intentUtils) } @Test fun emailTripErrorNoOptionsTest() { val options = EnumSet.noneOf( val result = emailAssistant.emailTrip(trip, options).blockingGet() assert(result is EmailResult.Error && result.errorType == GenerationErrors.ERROR_NO_SELECTION) verifyZeroInteractions(databaseHelper, preferenceManager, attachmentFilesWriter, dateFormatter) } @Test fun emailTripErrorNoReceiptsNoDistancesTest() { // user wants to create report but there are no receipts and no distances val options = EnumSet.allOf( val result = emailAssistant.emailTrip(trip, options).blockingGet() assert(result is EmailResult.Error && result.errorType == GenerationErrors.ERROR_NO_RECEIPTS) verify(databaseHelper).receiptsTable verify(databaseHelper).distanceTable verifyNoMoreInteractions(databaseHelper) verifyZeroInteractions(preferenceManager, attachmentFilesWriter, dateFormatter) } @Test fun emailTripErrorNoReceiptsDistancesNotPdfNotCsvTest() { // user wants to create report (not PDF or CSV) with just distances val options = EnumSet.of(EmailOptions.ZIP, EmailOptions.ZIP_WITH_METADATA, EmailOptions.PDF_IMAGES_ONLY) whenever(distancesTable.get(trip, true)).thenReturn(Single.just(listOf(mock()))) val result = emailAssistant.emailTrip(trip, options).blockingGet() assert(result is EmailResult.Error && result.errorType == GenerationErrors.ERROR_NO_RECEIPTS) verify(databaseHelper).receiptsTable verify(databaseHelper).distanceTable verifyNoMoreInteractions(databaseHelper) verifyZeroInteractions(preferenceManager, attachmentFilesWriter, dateFormatter) } @Test fun emailTripErrorNoReceiptsDisabledDistancesPdfTest() { // user wants to create PDF report with just distances but this option is disabled val optionsPdf = EnumSet.of(EmailOptions.PDF_FULL) whenever(distancesTable.get(trip, true)).thenReturn(Single.just(listOf(mock()))) whenever(preferenceManager.get(UserPreference.Distance.PrintDistanceTableInReports)).thenReturn(false) val result = emailAssistant.emailTrip(trip, optionsPdf).blockingGet() assert(result is EmailResult.Error && result.errorType == GenerationErrors.ERROR_DISABLED_DISTANCES) verify(databaseHelper).receiptsTable verify(databaseHelper).distanceTable verifyNoMoreInteractions(databaseHelper) verify(preferenceManager).get(UserPreference.Distance.PrintDistanceTableInReports) verifyNoMoreInteractions(preferenceManager) verifyZeroInteractions(attachmentFilesWriter, dateFormatter) } @Test fun emailTripErrorNoReceiptsDisabledDistancesCsvTest() { // user wants to create CSV report with just distances but this option is disabled val optionsCsv = EnumSet.of(EmailOptions.CSV) whenever(distancesTable.get(trip, true)).thenReturn(Single.just(listOf(mock()))) whenever(preferenceManager.get(UserPreference.Distance.PrintDistanceTableInReports)).thenReturn(false) val result = emailAssistant.emailTrip(trip, optionsCsv).blockingGet() assert(result is EmailResult.Error && result.errorType == GenerationErrors.ERROR_DISABLED_DISTANCES) verify(databaseHelper).receiptsTable verify(databaseHelper).distanceTable verifyNoMoreInteractions(databaseHelper) verify(preferenceManager).get(UserPreference.Distance.PrintDistanceTableInReports) verifyNoMoreInteractions(preferenceManager) verifyZeroInteractions(attachmentFilesWriter, dateFormatter) } @Test fun emailTripErrorMemoryTest() { val options = EnumSet.allOf( val distancesList: List<Distance> = emptyList() val receiptsList: List<Receipt> = listOf(mock()) val writerResults = AttachmentFilesWriter.WriterResults() writerResults.didMemoryErrorOccure = true whenever(receiptsTable.get(trip, true)).thenReturn(Single.just(receiptsList)) whenever(attachmentFilesWriter.write(trip, receiptsList, distancesList, options)).thenReturn(writerResults) val result = emailAssistant.emailTrip(trip, options).blockingGet() assert(result is EmailResult.Error && result.errorType == GenerationErrors.ERROR_MEMORY) verify(databaseHelper).receiptsTable verify(databaseHelper).distanceTable verify(attachmentFilesWriter).write(trip, receiptsList, distancesList, options) verifyNoMoreInteractions(databaseHelper, attachmentFilesWriter) } @Test fun emailTripErrorTooManyColumns() { val options = EnumSet.of(EmailOptions.PDF_FULL) val distancesList: List<Distance> = emptyList() val receiptsList: List<Receipt> = listOf(mock()) val writerResults = AttachmentFilesWriter.WriterResults() writerResults.didPDFFailCompletely = true writerResults.didPDFFailTooManyColumns = true whenever(receiptsTable.get(trip, true)).thenReturn(Single.just(receiptsList)) whenever(attachmentFilesWriter.write(trip, receiptsList, distancesList, options)).thenReturn(writerResults) val result = emailAssistant.emailTrip(trip, options).blockingGet() assert(result is EmailResult.Error && result.errorType == GenerationErrors.ERROR_TOO_MANY_COLUMNS) verify(databaseHelper).receiptsTable verify(databaseHelper).distanceTable verify(attachmentFilesWriter).write(trip, receiptsList, distancesList, options) verifyNoMoreInteractions(databaseHelper, attachmentFilesWriter) } @Test fun emailTripErrorPdfGeneration() { val options = EnumSet.of(EmailOptions.PDF_FULL) val distancesList: List<Distance> = emptyList() val receiptsList: List<Receipt> = listOf(mock()) val writerResults = AttachmentFilesWriter.WriterResults() writerResults.didPDFFailCompletely = true whenever(receiptsTable.get(trip, true)).thenReturn(Single.just(receiptsList)) whenever(attachmentFilesWriter.write(trip, receiptsList, distancesList, options)).thenReturn(writerResults) val result = emailAssistant.emailTrip(trip, options).blockingGet() assert(result is EmailResult.Error && result.errorType == GenerationErrors.ERROR_PDF_GENERATION) verify(databaseHelper).receiptsTable verify(databaseHelper).distanceTable verify(attachmentFilesWriter).write(trip, receiptsList, distancesList, options) verifyNoMoreInteractions(databaseHelper, attachmentFilesWriter) } @Test fun emailTripSuccess() { val options = EnumSet.of(EmailOptions.PDF_FULL, EmailOptions.CSV) val distancesList: List<Distance> = emptyList() val receiptsList: List<Receipt> = listOf(ReceiptBuilderFactory().setTrip(trip).build()) val filesList: Array<File?> = arrayOf(mock()) val sendIntent = Intent() val writerResults = mock<AttachmentFilesWriter.WriterResults>() whenever(writerResults.didPDFFailCompletely).thenReturn(false) whenever(writerResults.didMemoryErrorOccure).thenReturn(false) whenever(writerResults.files).thenReturn(filesList) whenever(receiptsTable.get(trip, true)).thenReturn(Single.just(receiptsList)) whenever(attachmentFilesWriter.write(trip, receiptsList, distancesList, options)).thenReturn(writerResults) whenever(intentUtils.getSendIntent(context, filesList.filterNotNull())).thenReturn(sendIntent) val result = emailAssistant.emailTrip(trip, options).blockingGet() assert(result is EmailResult.Success) val intent = (result as EmailResult.Success).intent val ccExtra = intent.getStringArrayExtra(Intent.EXTRA_CC) assert(ccExtra.size == 1 && ccExtra[0] == cc) val bccExtra = intent.getStringArrayExtra(Intent.EXTRA_BCC) assert(bccExtra.size == 1 && bccExtra[0] == bcc) val toExtra = intent.getStringArrayExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL) assert(toExtra.size == 1 && toExtra[0] == to) val subjectExtra = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT) assertEquals(subject, subjectExtra) val bodyExtra = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT) assertEquals("1 report attached", bodyExtra) verify(databaseHelper).receiptsTable verify(databaseHelper).distanceTable verify(attachmentFilesWriter).write(trip, receiptsList, distancesList, options) verify(intentUtils).getSendIntent(context, filesList.filterNotNull()) } }
/* * Copyright 2000-2017 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import com.intellij.psi.* import com.intellij.psi.infos.CandidateInfo import org.jetbrains.annotations.ApiStatus import org.jetbrains.uast.* class JavaUSimpleNameReferenceExpression( override val psi: PsiElement?, override val identifier: String, givenParent: UElement?, val reference: PsiReference? = null ) : JavaAbstractUExpression(givenParent), USimpleNameReferenceExpression, UMultiResolvable { override fun resolve(): PsiElement? = (reference ?: psi as? PsiReference)?.resolve() override fun multiResolve(): Iterable<ResolveResult> = (reference as? PsiPolyVariantReference ?: psi as? PsiPolyVariantReference)?.multiResolve(false)?.asIterable() ?: listOfNotNull(resolve()?.let { CandidateInfo(it, PsiSubstitutor.EMPTY) }) override val resolvedName: String? get() = ((reference ?: psi as? PsiReference)?.resolve() as? PsiNamedElement)?.name override fun getPsiParentForLazyConversion(): PsiElement? { val parent = super.getPsiParentForLazyConversion() if (parent is PsiReferenceExpression && parent.parent is PsiMethodCallExpression) { return parent.parent } return parent } override fun convertParent(): UElement? = super.convertParent().let(this::unwrapCompositeQualifiedReference) override val referenceNameElement: UElement? get() = when (psi) { is PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement -> psi.referenceNameElement.toUElement() else -> this } } class JavaUTypeReferenceExpression( override val psi: PsiTypeElement, givenParent: UElement? ) : JavaAbstractUExpression(givenParent), UTypeReferenceExpression { override val type: PsiType get() = psi.type } class LazyJavaUTypeReferenceExpression( override val psi: PsiElement, givenParent: UElement?, private val typeSupplier: () -> PsiType ) : JavaAbstractUExpression(givenParent), UTypeReferenceExpression { override val type: PsiType by lz { typeSupplier() } } @Deprecated("no known usages, to be removed in IDEA 2019.2") @ApiStatus.ScheduledForRemoval(inVersion = "2019.2") class JavaClassUSimpleNameReferenceExpression( override val identifier: String, val ref: PsiJavaReference, override val psi: PsiElement, givenParent: UElement? ) : JavaAbstractUExpression(givenParent), USimpleNameReferenceExpression, UMultiResolvable { override fun resolve(): PsiElement? = ref.resolve() override fun multiResolve(): Iterable<ResolveResult> = ref.multiResolve(false).asIterable() override val resolvedName: String? get() = (ref.resolve() as? PsiNamedElement)?.name }
package com.alexstyl.specialdates.people import com.alexstyl.specialdates.CrashAndErrorTracker import import import com.alexstyl.specialdates.permissions.MementoPermissions import io.reactivex.Scheduler import io.reactivex.disposables.Disposable import io.reactivex.subjects.PublishSubject class PeoplePresenter( private val permissions: MementoPermissions, private val peopleEventsProvider: PeopleEventsProvider, private val viewModelFactory: PeopleViewModelFactory, private val errorTracker: CrashAndErrorTracker, private val workScheduler: Scheduler, private val resultScheduler: Scheduler) { companion object { private const val TRIGGER = 1 } private var disposable: Disposable? = null private val subject = PublishSubject.create<Int>() fun startPresentingInto(view: PeopleView) { disposable = subject .doOnSubscribe { _ -> view.showLoading() } .observeOn(workScheduler) .map { _ -> peopleEventsProvider.fetchEventsBetween(TimePeriod.aYearFromNow()) } .map { contacts -> val viewModels = arrayListOf<PeopleRowViewModel>() val contactIDs = HashSet<Long>() viewModels.add(viewModelFactory.facebookViewModel()) if (contacts.isEmpty()) { viewModels.add(viewModelFactory.noContactsViewModel()) } else { val mutableList = contacts.toMutableList() mutableList.sortWith(compareBy(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER, { })) mutableList.forEach { contactEvent -> val contact = if (!contactIDs.contains(contact.contactID)) { viewModels.add(viewModelFactory.personViewModel(contact)) contactIDs.add(contact.contactID) } } } viewModels } .observeOn(resultScheduler) .onErrorReturn { error -> errorTracker.track(error) arrayListOf() } .subscribe { viewModels -> view.displayPeople(viewModels) } if (permissions.canReadAndWriteContacts()) { refreshData() } } fun refreshData() { subject.onNext(TRIGGER) } fun stopPresenting() { disposable?.dispose() } }
// Copyright 2000-2022 JetBrains s.r.o. and contributors. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license. package com.intellij.ide.impl import com.intellij.CommonBundle import com.intellij.configurationStore.runInAutoSaveDisabledMode import com.intellij.configurationStore.saveSettings import com.intellij.execution.wsl.WslPath.Companion.isWslUncPath import com.intellij.featureStatistics.fusCollectors.LifecycleUsageTriggerCollector import com.intellij.ide.GeneralSettings import com.intellij.ide.IdeBundle import com.intellij.ide.RecentProjectsManager import com.intellij.ide.actions.OpenFileAction import com.intellij.ide.highlighter.ProjectFileType import com.intellij.openapi.application.* import com.intellij.openapi.components.StorageScheme import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger import com.intellij.openapi.fileChooser.impl.FileChooserUtil import com.intellij.openapi.progress.* import com.intellij.openapi.progress.impl.CoreProgressManager import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project import com.intellij.openapi.project.ProjectManager import com.intellij.openapi.project.ex.ProjectManagerEx import com.intellij.openapi.startup.StartupManager import com.intellij.openapi.ui.MessageDialogBuilder.Companion.yesNo import com.intellij.openapi.ui.Messages import com.intellij.openapi.util.* import import import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.LocalFileSystem import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile import com.intellij.openapi.wm.IdeFrame import com.intellij.openapi.wm.ToolWindowId import com.intellij.openapi.wm.ToolWindowManager import com.intellij.openapi.wm.WindowManager import com.intellij.platform.CommandLineProjectOpenProcessor import com.intellij.platform.PlatformProjectOpenProcessor import com.intellij.platform.PlatformProjectOpenProcessor.Companion.attachToProject import com.intellij.platform.PlatformProjectOpenProcessor.Companion.createOptionsToOpenDotIdeaOrCreateNewIfNotExists import com.intellij.project.stateStore import com.intellij.projectImport.ProjectAttachProcessor import com.intellij.projectImport.ProjectOpenProcessor import com.intellij.ui.AppIcon import com.intellij.ui.ComponentUtil import com.intellij.util.ModalityUiUtil import com.intellij.util.PathUtil import com.intellij.util.PlatformUtils import com.intellij.util.SystemProperties import com.intellij.util.concurrency.annotations.RequiresEdt import import kotlinx.coroutines.* import kotlinx.coroutines.future.asCompletableFuture import org.jetbrains.annotations.ApiStatus.Internal import org.jetbrains.annotations.ApiStatus.ScheduledForRemoval import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nls import org.jetbrains.annotations.PropertyKey import org.jetbrains.annotations.SystemDependent import org.jetbrains.annotations.VisibleForTesting import java.awt.Component import java.awt.Frame import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager import java.awt.Window import import import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.Path import java.util.concurrent.Callable import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture import kotlin.Result private val LOG = Logger.getInstance( private var ourProjectsPath: String? = null object ProjectUtil { const val DEFAULT_PROJECT_NAME = "default" private const val PROJECTS_DIR = "projects" private const val PROPERTY_PROJECT_PATH = "%s.project.path" @Deprecated("Use {@link #updateLastProjectLocation(Path)} ", ReplaceWith("updateLastProjectLocation(Path.of(projectFilePath))", "com.intellij.ide.impl.ProjectUtil.updateLastProjectLocation", "java.nio.file.Path")) fun updateLastProjectLocation(projectFilePath: String) { updateLastProjectLocation(Path.of(projectFilePath)) } @JvmStatic fun updateLastProjectLocation(lastProjectLocation: Path) { var location: Path? = lastProjectLocation if (Files.isRegularFile(location!!)) { // for directory-based project storage location = location.parent } if (location == null) { // the immediate parent of the ipr file return } // the candidate directory to be saved location = location.parent if (location == null) { return } var path = location.toString() path = try { FileUtil.resolveShortWindowsName(path) } catch (e: IOException) { return } RecentProjectsManager.getInstance().lastProjectCreationLocation = PathUtil.toSystemIndependentName(path) } @Deprecated("Use {@link ProjectManager#closeAndDispose(Project)} ", ReplaceWith("ProjectManager.getInstance().closeAndDispose(project)", "com.intellij.openapi.project.ProjectManager")) @JvmStatic fun closeAndDispose(project: Project): Boolean { return ProjectManager.getInstance().closeAndDispose(project) } @JvmStatic fun openOrImport(path: Path, projectToClose: Project?, forceOpenInNewFrame: Boolean): Project? { return openOrImport(path, OpenProjectTask().withProjectToClose(projectToClose).withForceOpenInNewFrame(forceOpenInNewFrame)) } /** * @param path project file path * @param projectToClose currently active project * @param forceOpenInNewFrame forces opening in new frame * @return project by path if the path was recognized as IDEA project file or one of the project formats supported by * installed importers (regardless of opening/import result) * null otherwise */ @JvmStatic fun openOrImport(path: String, projectToClose: Project?, forceOpenInNewFrame: Boolean): Project? { return openOrImport(Path.of(path), OpenProjectTask().withProjectToClose(projectToClose).withForceOpenInNewFrame(forceOpenInNewFrame)) } @JvmStatic @JvmOverloads fun openOrImport(file: Path, options: OpenProjectTask = OpenProjectTask()): Project? { return runUnderModalProgressIfIsEdt { openOrImportAsync(file, options) } } suspend fun openOrImportAsync(file: Path, options: OpenProjectTask = OpenProjectTask()): Project? { if (!options.forceOpenInNewFrame) { findAndFocusExistingProjectForPath(file)?.let { return it } } var virtualFileResult: Result<VirtualFile>? = null for (provider in ProjectOpenProcessor.EXTENSION_POINT_NAME.iterable) { if (!provider.isStrongProjectInfoHolder) { continue } // `PlatformProjectOpenProcessor` is not a strong project info holder, so there is no need to optimize (VFS not required) val virtualFile: VirtualFile = virtualFileResult?.getOrThrow() ?: blockingContext { ProjectUtilCore.getFileAndRefresh(file) }?.also { virtualFileResult = Result.success(it) } ?: return null if (provider.canOpenProject(virtualFile)) { return chooseProcessorAndOpenAsync(mutableListOf(provider), virtualFile, options) } } if (ProjectUtilCore.isValidProjectPath(file)) { // see OpenProjectTest.`open valid existing project dir with inability to attach using OpenFileAction` test about why `runConfigurators = true` is specified here return ProjectManagerEx.getInstanceEx().openProjectAsync(file, options.copy(runConfigurators = true)) } if (!options.preventIprLookup && Files.isDirectory(file)) { try { withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { Files.newDirectoryStream(file) }.use { directoryStream -> for (child in directoryStream) { val childPath = child.toString() if (childPath.endsWith(ProjectFileType.DOT_DEFAULT_EXTENSION)) { return openProject(Path.of(childPath), options) } } } } catch (ignore: IOException) { } } var nullableVirtualFileResult: Result<VirtualFile?>? = virtualFileResult val processors = blockingContext { computeProcessors(file) { val capturedNullableVirtualFileResult = nullableVirtualFileResult if (capturedNullableVirtualFileResult != null) { capturedNullableVirtualFileResult.getOrThrow() } else { ProjectUtilCore.getFileAndRefresh(file).also { nullableVirtualFileResult = Result.success(it) } } } } if (processors.isEmpty()) { return null } val project: Project? if (processors.size == 1 && processors[0] is PlatformProjectOpenProcessor) { project = ProjectManagerEx.getInstanceEx().openProjectAsync( projectStoreBaseDir = file, options = options.copy( isNewProject = true, useDefaultProjectAsTemplate = true, runConfigurators = true, beforeOpen = { it.putUserData(PlatformProjectOpenProcessor.PROJECT_OPENED_BY_PLATFORM_PROCESSOR, true) true }, ) ) } else { val virtualFile = nullableVirtualFileResult?.let { it.getOrThrow() ?: return null } ?: blockingContext { ProjectUtilCore.getFileAndRefresh(file) } ?: return null project = chooseProcessorAndOpenAsync(processors, virtualFile, options) } return postProcess(project) } private fun computeProcessors(file: Path, lazyVirtualFile: () -> VirtualFile?): MutableList<ProjectOpenProcessor> { val processors = ArrayList<ProjectOpenProcessor>() ProjectOpenProcessor.EXTENSION_POINT_NAME.forEachExtensionSafe { processor: ProjectOpenProcessor -> if (processor is PlatformProjectOpenProcessor) { if (Files.isDirectory(file)) { processors.add(processor) } } else { val virtualFile = lazyVirtualFile() if (virtualFile != null && processor.canOpenProject(virtualFile)) { processors.add(processor) } } } return processors } private fun postProcess(project: Project?): Project? { if (project == null) { return null } StartupManager.getInstance(project).runAfterOpened { ModalityUiUtil.invokeLaterIfNeeded(ModalityState.NON_MODAL, project.disposed) { val toolWindow = ToolWindowManager.getInstance(project).getToolWindow(ToolWindowId.PROJECT_VIEW) toolWindow?.activate(null) } } return project } fun openProject(path: String, projectToClose: Project?, forceOpenInNewFrame: Boolean): Project? { return openProject(Path.of(path), OpenProjectTask().withProjectToClose(projectToClose).withForceOpenInNewFrame(forceOpenInNewFrame)) } private suspend fun chooseProcessorAndOpenAsync(processors: MutableList<ProjectOpenProcessor>, virtualFile: VirtualFile, options: OpenProjectTask): Project? { val processor = when (processors.size) { 1 -> { processors.first() } else -> { processors.removeIf { it is PlatformProjectOpenProcessor } if (processors.size == 1) { processors.first() } else { val chooser = options.processorChooser if (chooser == null) { withContext(Dispatchers.EDT) { SelectProjectOpenProcessorDialog.showAndGetChoice(processors, virtualFile) } ?: return null } else {"options.openProcessorChooser will handle the open processor dilemma") chooser(processors) as ProjectOpenProcessor } } } } processor.openProjectAsync(virtualFile, options.projectToClose, options.forceOpenInNewFrame)?.let { return it.orElse(null) } return withContext(Dispatchers.EDT) { processor.doOpenProject(virtualFile, options.projectToClose, options.forceOpenInNewFrame) } } @JvmStatic fun openProject(file: Path, options: OpenProjectTask): Project? { val fileAttributes = file.basicAttributesIfExists() if (fileAttributes == null) { Messages.showErrorDialog(IdeBundle.message("error.project.file.does.not.exist", file.toString()), CommonBundle.getErrorTitle()) return null } val existing = findAndFocusExistingProjectForPath(file) if (existing != null) { return existing } if (isRemotePath(file.toString()) && !RecentProjectsManager.getInstance().hasPath(FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(file.toString()))) { if (!confirmLoadingFromRemotePath(file.toString(), "warning.load.project.from.share", "title.load.project.from.share")) { return null } } if (fileAttributes.isDirectory) { val dir = file.resolve(Project.DIRECTORY_STORE_FOLDER) if (!Files.isDirectory(dir)) { Messages.showErrorDialog(IdeBundle.message("error.project.file.does.not.exist", dir.toString()), CommonBundle.getErrorTitle()) return null } } try { return ProjectManagerEx.getInstanceEx().openProject(file, options) } catch (e: Exception) { Messages.showMessageDialog(IdeBundle.message("error.cannot.load.project", e.message), IdeBundle.message("title.cannot.load.project"), Messages.getErrorIcon()) } return null } fun confirmLoadingFromRemotePath(path: String, msgKey: @PropertyKey(resourceBundle = IdeBundle.BUNDLE) String, titleKey: @PropertyKey(resourceBundle = IdeBundle.BUNDLE) String): Boolean { return showYesNoDialog(IdeBundle.message(msgKey, path), titleKey) } fun showYesNoDialog(message: @Nls String, titleKey: @PropertyKey(resourceBundle = IdeBundle.BUNDLE) String): Boolean { return yesNo(IdeBundle.message(titleKey), message) .icon(Messages.getWarningIcon()) .ask(getActiveFrameOrWelcomeScreen()) } @JvmStatic fun getActiveFrameOrWelcomeScreen(): Window? { val window = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().focusedWindow if (window != null) { return window } for (frame in Frame.getFrames()) { if (frame is IdeFrame && frame.isVisible) { return frame } } return null } fun isRemotePath(path: String): Boolean { return (path.contains("://") || path.contains("\\\\")) && !isWslUncPath(path) } fun findProject(file: Path): Project? = getOpenProjects().firstOrNull { isSameProject(file, it) } @JvmStatic fun findAndFocusExistingProjectForPath(file: Path): Project? { val project = findProject(file) if (project != null) { focusProjectWindow(project = project) } return project } /** * @return [GeneralSettings.OPEN_PROJECT_SAME_WINDOW] or * [GeneralSettings.OPEN_PROJECT_NEW_WINDOW] or * [GeneralSettings.OPEN_PROJECT_SAME_WINDOW_ATTACH] or * `-1` (when a user cancels the dialog) */ fun confirmOpenOrAttachProject(): Int { var mode = GeneralSettings.getInstance().confirmOpenNewProject if (mode == GeneralSettings.OPEN_PROJECT_ASK) { val exitCode = Messages.showDialog( IdeBundle.message(""), IdeBundle.message(""), arrayOf( IdeBundle.message(""), IdeBundle.message(""), IdeBundle.message(""), CommonBundle.getCancelButtonText() ), 0, Messages.getQuestionIcon(), ProjectNewWindowDoNotAskOption()) mode = if (exitCode == 0) GeneralSettings.OPEN_PROJECT_SAME_WINDOW else if (exitCode == 1) GeneralSettings.OPEN_PROJECT_NEW_WINDOW else if (exitCode == 2) GeneralSettings.OPEN_PROJECT_SAME_WINDOW_ATTACH else -1 if (mode != -1) { LifecycleUsageTriggerCollector.onProjectFrameSelected(mode) } } return mode } @Deprecated("Use {@link #isSameProject(Path, Project)} ", ReplaceWith("projectFilePath != null && isSameProject(Path.of(projectFilePath), project)", "com.intellij.ide.impl.ProjectUtil.isSameProject", "java.nio.file.Path")) fun isSameProject(projectFilePath: String?, project: Project): Boolean { return projectFilePath != null && isSameProject(Path.of(projectFilePath), project) } @JvmStatic fun isSameProject(projectFile: Path, project: Project): Boolean { val projectStore = project.stateStore val existingBaseDirPath = projectStore.projectBasePath if (existingBaseDirPath.fileSystem !== projectFile.fileSystem) { return false } if (Files.isDirectory(projectFile)) { return try { Files.isSameFile(projectFile, existingBaseDirPath) } catch (ignore: IOException) { false } } if (projectStore.storageScheme == StorageScheme.DEFAULT) { return try { Files.isSameFile(projectFile, projectStore.projectFilePath) } catch (ignore: IOException) { false } } var parent: Path? = projectFile.parent ?: return false val parentFileName = parent!!.fileName if (parentFileName != null && parentFileName.toString() == Project.DIRECTORY_STORE_FOLDER) { parent = parent.parent return parent != null && FileUtil.pathsEqual(parent.toString(), existingBaseDirPath.toString()) } return projectFile.fileName.toString().endsWith(ProjectFileType.DOT_DEFAULT_EXTENSION) && FileUtil.pathsEqual(parent.toString(), existingBaseDirPath.toString()) } /** * Focuses the specified project's window. If `stealFocusIfAppInactive` is `true` and corresponding logic is supported by OS * (making it work on Windows requires enabling focus stealing system-wise, see [com.intellij.ui.WinFocusStealer]), the window will * get the focus even if other application is currently active. Otherwise, there will be some indication that the target window requires * user attention. Focus stealing behaviour (enabled by `stealFocusIfAppInactive`) is generally not considered a proper application * behaviour, and should only be used in special cases, when we know that user definitely expects it. */ @JvmStatic fun focusProjectWindow(project: Project?, stealFocusIfAppInactive: Boolean = false) { val frame = WindowManager.getInstance().getFrame(project) ?: return val appIsActive = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().activeWindow != null // On macOS, `j.a.Window#toFront` restores the frame if needed. // On X Window, restoring minimized frame can steal focus from an active application, so we do it only when the IDE is active. if (SystemInfoRt.isWindows || (SystemInfoRt.isXWindow && appIsActive)) { val state = frame.extendedState if (state and Frame.ICONIFIED != 0) { frame.extendedState = state and Frame.ICONIFIED.inv() } } if (stealFocusIfAppInactive) { AppIcon.getInstance().requestFocus(frame as IdeFrame) } else { if (!SystemInfoRt.isXWindow || appIsActive) { // some Linux window managers allow `j.a.Window#toFront` to steal focus, so we don't call it on Linux when the IDE is inactive frame.toFront() } if (!SystemInfoRt.isWindows) { // on Windows, `j.a.Window#toFront` will request attention if needed AppIcon.getInstance().requestAttention(project, true) } } } @JvmStatic fun getBaseDir(): String { val defaultDirectory = GeneralSettings.getInstance().defaultProjectDirectory if (!defaultDirectory.isNullOrEmpty()) { return defaultDirectory.replace('/', File.separatorChar) } val lastProjectLocation = RecentProjectsManager.getInstance().lastProjectCreationLocation return lastProjectLocation?.replace('/', File.separatorChar) ?: getUserHomeProjectDir() } @JvmStatic fun getUserHomeProjectDir(): String { val productName = if (PlatformUtils.isCLion() || PlatformUtils.isAppCode() || PlatformUtils.isDataGrip()) { ApplicationNamesInfo.getInstance().productName } else { ApplicationNamesInfo.getInstance().lowercaseProductName } return SystemProperties.getUserHome().replace('/', File.separatorChar) + File.separator + productName + "Projects" } suspend fun openOrImportFilesAsync(list: List<Path>, location: String, projectToClose: Project? = null): Project? { for (file in list) { openOrImportAsync(file = file, options = OpenProjectTask { this.projectToClose = projectToClose forceOpenInNewFrame = true })?.let { return it } } var result: Project? = null for (file in list) { if (!Files.exists(file)) { continue } LOG.debug("$location: open file ", file) if (projectToClose == null) { val processor = CommandLineProjectOpenProcessor.getInstanceIfExists() if (processor != null) { val opened = PlatformProjectOpenProcessor.openProjectAsync(file) if (opened != null && result == null) { result = opened } } } else { val virtualFile = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().refreshAndFindFileByPath(FileUtilRt.toSystemIndependentName(file.toString())) if (virtualFile != null && virtualFile.isValid) { OpenFileAction.openFile(virtualFile, projectToClose) } result = projectToClose } } return result } //todo: merge somehow with getBaseDir @JvmStatic fun getProjectsPath(): @SystemDependent String { val application = ApplicationManager.getApplication() val fromSettings = if (application == null || application.isHeadlessEnvironment) null else GeneralSettings.getInstance().defaultProjectDirectory if (!fromSettings.isNullOrEmpty()) { return PathManager.getAbsolutePath(fromSettings) } if (ourProjectsPath == null) { val produceName = ApplicationNamesInfo.getInstance().productName.lowercase() val propertyName = String.format(PROPERTY_PROJECT_PATH, produceName) val propertyValue = System.getProperty(propertyName) ourProjectsPath = if (propertyValue != null) PathManager.getAbsolutePath(StringUtil.unquoteString(propertyValue, '\"')) else projectsDirDefault } return ourProjectsPath!! } private val projectsDirDefault: String get() = if (PlatformUtils.isDataGrip()) getUserHomeProjectDir() else PathManager.getConfigPath() + File.separator + PROJECTS_DIR fun getProjectPath(name: String): Path { return Path.of(getProjectsPath(), name) } fun getProjectFile(name: String): Path? { val projectDir = getProjectPath(name) return if (isProjectFile(projectDir)) projectDir else null } private fun isProjectFile(projectDir: Path): Boolean { return Files.isDirectory(projectDir.resolve(Project.DIRECTORY_STORE_FOLDER)) } @JvmStatic fun openOrCreateProject(name: String, file: Path): Project? { return runBlockingUnderModalProgress { openOrCreateProjectInner(name, file) } } private suspend fun openOrCreateProjectInner(name: String, file: Path): Project? { val existingFile = if (isProjectFile(file)) file else null val projectManager = ProjectManagerEx.getInstanceEx() if (existingFile != null) { val openProjects = ProjectManager.getInstance().openProjects for (p in openProjects) { if (!p.isDefault && isSameProject(existingFile, p)) { focusProjectWindow(p, false) return p } } return projectManager.openProjectAsync(existingFile, OpenProjectTask { runConfigurators = true }) } @Suppress("BlockingMethodInNonBlockingContext") val created = try { withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { !Files.exists(file) && Files.createDirectories(file) != null || Files.isDirectory(file) } } catch (e: IOException) { false } var projectFile: Path? = null if (created) { val options = OpenProjectTask { isNewProject = true runConfigurators = true projectName = name } val project = projectManager.newProjectAsync(file = file, options = options) runInAutoSaveDisabledMode { saveSettings(componentManager = project, forceSavingAllSettings = true) } writeAction { Disposer.dispose(project) } projectFile = file } if (projectFile == null) { return null } return projectManager.openProjectAsync(projectStoreBaseDir = projectFile, options = OpenProjectTask { runConfigurators = true isProjectCreatedWithWizard = true isRefreshVfsNeeded = false }) } @JvmStatic fun getRootFrameForWindow(window: Window?): IdeFrame? { var w = window ?: return null while (w.owner != null) { w = w.owner } return w as? IdeFrame } fun getProjectForWindow(window: Window?): Project? { return getRootFrameForWindow(window)?.project } @JvmStatic fun getProjectForComponent(component: Component?): Project? = getProjectForWindow(ComponentUtil.getWindow(component)) @JvmStatic fun getActiveProject(): Project? = getProjectForWindow(KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().activeWindow) interface ProjectCreatedCallback { fun projectCreated(project: Project?) } @JvmStatic fun getOpenProjects(): Array<Project> = ProjectUtilCore.getOpenProjects() @Internal @VisibleForTesting suspend fun openExistingDir(file: Path, currentProject: Project?): Project? { val canAttach = ProjectAttachProcessor.canAttachToProject() val preferAttach = currentProject != null && canAttach && (PlatformUtils.isDataGrip() && !ProjectUtilCore.isValidProjectPath(file) || PlatformUtils.isDataSpell()) if (preferAttach && attachToProject(currentProject!!, file, null)) { return null } val project = if (canAttach) { val options = createOptionsToOpenDotIdeaOrCreateNewIfNotExists(file, currentProject) ProjectManagerEx.getInstanceEx().openProjectAsync(file, options) } else { openOrImportAsync(file, OpenProjectTask().withProjectToClose(currentProject)) } if (!ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode) { FileChooserUtil.setLastOpenedFile(project, file) } return project } @JvmStatic fun isValidProjectPath(file: Path): Boolean { return ProjectUtilCore.isValidProjectPath(file) } } @Suppress("DeprecatedCallableAddReplaceWith") @Internal @ScheduledForRemoval @Deprecated( "Use runBlockingModal on EDT with proper owner and title, " + "or runBlockingCancellable(+withBackgroundProgressIndicator with proper title) on BGT" ) // inline is not used - easier debug fun <T> runUnderModalProgressIfIsEdt(task: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): T { if (!ApplicationManager.getApplication().isDispatchThread) { return runBlocking(CoreProgressManager.getCurrentThreadProgressModality().asContextElement()) { task() } } return runBlockingUnderModalProgress(task = task) } @Suppress("DeprecatedCallableAddReplaceWith") @Internal @RequiresEdt @ScheduledForRemoval @Deprecated("Use runBlockingModal with proper owner and title") fun <T> runBlockingUnderModalProgress(@NlsContexts.ProgressTitle title: String = "", project: Project? = null, task: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): T { return ProgressManager.getInstance().runProcessWithProgressSynchronously(ThrowableComputable { val modalityState = CoreProgressManager.getCurrentThreadProgressModality() runBlocking(modalityState.asContextElement()) { task() } }, title, true, project) } @Suppress("DeprecatedCallableAddReplaceWith") @Internal @Deprecated(message = "temporary solution for old code in java", level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR) fun Project.executeOnPooledThread(task: Runnable) { coroutineScope.launch { } } @Suppress("DeprecatedCallableAddReplaceWith") @Internal @Deprecated(message = "temporary solution for old code in java", level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR) fun <T> Project.computeOnPooledThread(task: Callable<T>): CompletableFuture<T> { return coroutineScope.async { }.asCompletableFuture() } @Suppress("DeprecatedCallableAddReplaceWith") @Internal @Deprecated(message = "temporary solution for old code in java", level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR) fun Project.executeOnPooledIoThread(task: Runnable) { coroutineScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { } }
/* Commandspy - A Minecraft server plugin to facilitate real-time usage of commands, and sign-changes Copyright (C) 2014,2015 Evelyn Snow This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package moe.evelyn.commandspy.util import moe.evelyn.commandspy.Main import import import import import inline fun <T :Closeable, R> T.with(block: (T) -> R): R { val a = block(this) tryonly { if (this is Writer) flush() close() } return a } fun <R> tryonly(catch :(Exception) -> R? = { null }, lambda :() -> R) :R? { try { return lambda() } catch (e :Exception) { return catch(e) } } class Util { private constructor() { } companion object { val util = Util() fun join(a :Array<String>, delimiter :String, startIndex :Int) :String { var result = "" for (i in startIndex..a.size - 1) result += a[i] + if (i != a.size - 1) delimiter else "" return result } } /* */ fun sit(iStr :String, delimiter :Char, part :Int) :String { if (part == 0) { if (!iStr.contains(delimiter)) return iStr } else { if (!iStr.contains(delimiter)) return "" } if (part == 0) return iStr.substring(0, (iStr.indexOf(delimiter, 0))) return iStr.substring(iStr.indexOf(delimiter, 0) + 1, iStr.length) } fun getPemResource(path :String) :X509Certificate { val ins : InputStream = val cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509") return cf.generateCertificate(ins) as X509Certificate } }
// Copyright 2000-2022 JetBrains s.r.o. and contributors. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license. @file:Suppress("BlockingMethodInNonBlockingContext") package import com.intellij.diagnostic.telemetry.use import com.intellij.diagnostic.telemetry.useWithScope2 import com.intellij.openapi.util.SystemInfoRt import com.intellij.util.SystemProperties import io.opentelemetry.api.common.AttributeKey import io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Span import kotlinx.collections.immutable.PersistentMap import kotlinx.collections.immutable.persistentListOf import kotlinx.collections.immutable.persistentMapOf import kotlinx.coroutines.* import import* import import import import import import import import import import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.Path import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission import java.time.LocalDate import java.util.function.BiConsumer import import internal val MAC_CODE_SIGN_OPTIONS: PersistentMap<String, String> = persistentMapOf( "mac_codesign_options" to "runtime", "mac_codesign_force" to "true", "mac_codesign_deep" to "true", ) class MacDistributionBuilder(override val context: BuildContext, private val customizer: MacDistributionCustomizer, private val ideaProperties: Path?) : OsSpecificDistributionBuilder { private val targetIcnsFileName: String = "${context.productProperties.baseFileName}.icns" override val targetOs: OsFamily get() = OsFamily.MACOS private fun getDocTypes(): String { val associations = mutableListOf<String>() if (customizer.associateIpr) { val association = """<dict> <key>CFBundleTypeExtensions</key> <array> <string>ipr</string> </array> <key>CFBundleTypeIconFile</key> <string>${targetIcnsFileName}</string> <key>CFBundleTypeName</key> <string>${context.applicationInfo.productName} Project File</string> <key>CFBundleTypeRole</key> <string>Editor</string> </dict>""" associations.add(association) } for (fileAssociation in customizer.fileAssociations) { val iconPath = fileAssociation.iconPath val association = """<dict> <key>CFBundleTypeExtensions</key> <array> <string>${fileAssociation.extension}</string> </array> <key>CFBundleTypeIconFile</key> <string>${if (iconPath.isEmpty()) targetIcnsFileName else File(iconPath).name}</string> <key>CFBundleTypeRole</key> <string>Editor</string> </dict>""" associations.add(association) } return associations.joinToString(separator = "\n ") + customizer.additionalDocTypes } override suspend fun copyFilesForOsDistribution(targetPath: Path, arch: JvmArchitecture) { withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { doCopyExtraFiles(macDistDir = targetPath, arch = arch, copyDistFiles = true) } } private suspend fun doCopyExtraFiles(macDistDir: Path, arch: JvmArchitecture, copyDistFiles: Boolean) { @Suppress("SpellCheckingInspection") val platformProperties = mutableListOf( "\n#---------------------------------------------------------------------", "# macOS-specific system properties", "#---------------------------------------------------------------------", "", "jbScreenMenuBar.enabled=true", "apple.awt.fileDialogForDirectories=true", "", "apple.awt.fullscreencapturealldisplays=false" ) customizer.getCustomIdeaProperties(context.applicationInfo).forEach(BiConsumer { k, v -> platformProperties.add("$k=$v") }) layoutMacApp(ideaPropertiesFile = ideaProperties!!, platformProperties = platformProperties, docTypes = getDocTypes(), macDistDir = macDistDir, arch = arch, context = context) generateBuildTxt(context, macDistDir.resolve("Resources")) // if copyDistFiles false, it means that we will copy dist files directly without stage dir if (copyDistFiles) { copyDistFiles(context = context, newDir = macDistDir, os = OsFamily.MACOS, arch = arch) } customizer.copyAdditionalFiles(context = context, targetDirectory = macDistDir.toString()) customizer.copyAdditionalFiles(context = context, targetDirectory = macDistDir, arch = arch) generateUnixScripts(distBinDir = macDistDir.resolve("bin"), os = OsFamily.MACOS, arch = arch, context = context) } override suspend fun buildArtifacts(osAndArchSpecificDistPath: Path, arch: JvmArchitecture) { withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { doCopyExtraFiles(macDistDir = osAndArchSpecificDistPath, arch = arch, copyDistFiles = false) } context.executeStep(spanBuilder("build macOS artifacts").setAttribute("arch",, BuildOptions.MAC_ARTIFACTS_STEP) { val baseName = context.productProperties.getBaseArtifactName(context.applicationInfo, context.buildNumber) val publishSit = context.publishSitArchive val publishZipOnly = !publishSit && context.options.buildStepsToSkip.contains(BuildOptions.MAC_DMG_STEP) val binariesToSign = customizer.getBinariesToSign(context, arch) if (!binariesToSign.isEmpty()) { context.executeStep(spanBuilder("sign binaries for macOS distribution") .setAttribute("arch",, BuildOptions.MAC_SIGN_STEP) { context.signFiles(, MAC_CODE_SIGN_OPTIONS) } } val macZip = (if (publishZipOnly) context.paths.artifactDir else context.paths.tempDir).resolve("$baseName.mac.${}.zip") val macZipWithoutRuntime = macZip.resolveSibling(macZip.nameWithoutExtension + "") val zipRoot = getMacZipRoot(customizer, context) val runtimeDist = context.bundledRuntime.extract(BundledRuntimeImpl.getProductPrefix(context), OsFamily.MACOS, arch) val directories = listOf(context.paths.distAllDir, osAndArchSpecificDistPath, runtimeDist) val extraFiles = context.getDistFiles(os = OsFamily.MACOS, arch = arch) val compressionLevel = if (publishSit || publishZipOnly) Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION else Deflater.BEST_SPEED if (context.options.buildMacArtifactsWithRuntime) { buildMacZip( targetFile = macZip, zipRoot = zipRoot, productJson = generateMacProductJson(builtinModule = context.builtinModule, arch = arch, javaExecutablePath = "../jbr/Contents/Home/bin/java", context = context), directories = directories, extraFiles = extraFiles, executableFilePatterns = generateExecutableFilesPatterns(true), compressionLevel = compressionLevel ) } if (context.options.buildMacArtifactsWithoutRuntime) { buildMacZip( targetFile = macZipWithoutRuntime, zipRoot = zipRoot, productJson = generateMacProductJson(builtinModule = context.builtinModule, arch = arch, javaExecutablePath = null, context = context), directories = directories.filterNot { it == runtimeDist }, extraFiles = extraFiles, executableFilePatterns = generateExecutableFilesPatterns(false), compressionLevel = compressionLevel ) } if (publishZipOnly) { Span.current().addEvent("skip DMG and SIT artifacts producing") if (context.options.buildMacArtifactsWithRuntime) { context.notifyArtifactBuilt(macZip) } if (context.options.buildMacArtifactsWithoutRuntime) { context.notifyArtifactBuilt(macZipWithoutRuntime) } } else { buildForArch(builtinModule = context.builtinModule, arch = arch, macZip = macZip, macZipWithoutRuntime = macZipWithoutRuntime, customizer = customizer, context = context) } } } private fun layoutMacApp(ideaPropertiesFile: Path, platformProperties: List<String>, docTypes: String?, macDistDir: Path, arch: JvmArchitecture, context: BuildContext) { val macCustomizer = customizer copyDirWithFileFilter(context.paths.communityHomeDir.resolve("bin/mac"), macDistDir.resolve("bin"), customizer.binFilesFilter) copyDir(context.paths.communityHomeDir.resolve("platform/build-scripts/resources/mac/Contents"), macDistDir) val executable = context.productProperties.baseFileName Files.move(macDistDir.resolve("MacOS/executable"), macDistDir.resolve("MacOS/$executable")) //noinspection SpellCheckingInspection val icnsPath = Path.of((if (context.applicationInfo.isEAP) customizer.icnsPathForEAP else null) ?: customizer.icnsPath) val resourcesDistDir = macDistDir.resolve("Resources") copyFile(icnsPath, resourcesDistDir.resolve(targetIcnsFileName)) for (fileAssociation in customizer.fileAssociations) { if (!fileAssociation.iconPath.isEmpty()) { val source = Path.of(fileAssociation.iconPath) val dest = resourcesDistDir.resolve(source.fileName) Files.deleteIfExists(dest) copyFile(source, dest) } } val fullName = context.applicationInfo.productName //todo[nik] improve val minor = context.applicationInfo.minorVersion val isNotRelease = context.applicationInfo.isEAP && !minor.contains("RC") && !minor.contains("Beta") val version = if (isNotRelease) "EAP ${context.fullBuildNumber}" else "${context.applicationInfo.majorVersion}.${minor}" val isEap = if (isNotRelease) "-EAP" else "" val properties = Files.readAllLines(ideaPropertiesFile) properties.addAll(platformProperties) Files.write(macDistDir.resolve("bin/"), properties) val bootClassPath = context.xBootClassPathJarNames.joinToString(separator = ":") { "\$APP_PACKAGE/Contents/lib/$it" } val classPath = context.bootClassPathJarNames.joinToString(separator = ":") { "\$APP_PACKAGE/Contents/lib/$it" } val fileVmOptions = VmOptionsGenerator.computeVmOptions(context.applicationInfo.isEAP, context.productProperties).toMutableList() val additionalJvmArgs = context.getAdditionalJvmArguments(OsFamily.MACOS, arch).toMutableList() if (!bootClassPath.isEmpty()) { //noinspection SpellCheckingInspection additionalJvmArgs.add("-Xbootclasspath/a:$bootClassPath") } val predicate: (String) -> Boolean = { it.startsWith("-D") } val launcherProperties = additionalJvmArgs.filter(predicate) val launcherVmOptions = additionalJvmArgs.filterNot(predicate) fileVmOptions.add("-XX:ErrorFile=\$USER_HOME/java_error_in_${executable}_%p.log") fileVmOptions.add("-XX:HeapDumpPath=\$USER_HOME/java_error_in_${executable}.hprof") VmOptionsGenerator.writeVmOptions(macDistDir.resolve("bin/${executable}.vmoptions"), fileVmOptions, "\n") val urlSchemes = macCustomizer.urlSchemes val urlSchemesString = if (urlSchemes.isEmpty()) { "" } else { """ <key>CFBundleURLTypes</key> <array> <dict> <key>CFBundleTypeRole</key> <string>Editor</string> <key>CFBundleURLName</key> <string>Stacktrace</string> <key>CFBundleURLSchemes</key> <array> ${urlSchemes.joinToString(separator = "\n") { " <string>$it</string>" }} </array> </dict> </array> """ } val todayYear = //noinspection SpellCheckingInspection substituteTemplatePlaceholders( inputFile = macDistDir.resolve("Info.plist"), outputFile = macDistDir.resolve("Info.plist"), placeholder = "@@", values = listOf( Pair("build", context.fullBuildNumber), Pair("doc_types", docTypes ?: ""), Pair("executable", executable), Pair("icns", targetIcnsFileName), Pair("bundle_name", fullName), Pair("product_state", isEap), Pair("bundle_identifier", macCustomizer.bundleIdentifier), Pair("year", todayYear), Pair("version", version), Pair("vm_options", optionsToXml(launcherVmOptions)), Pair("vm_properties", propertiesToXml(launcherProperties, mapOf("idea.executable" to context.productProperties.baseFileName))), Pair("class_path", classPath), Pair("main_class_name", context.productProperties.mainClassName.replace('.', '/')), Pair("url_schemes", urlSchemesString), Pair("architectures", "<key>LSArchitecturePriority</key>\n <array>\n" + macCustomizer.architectures.joinToString(separator = "\n") { " <string>$it</string>\n" } + " </array>"), Pair("min_osx", macCustomizer.minOSXVersion), ) ) val distBinDir = macDistDir.resolve("bin") Files.createDirectories(distBinDir) val sourceScriptDir = context.paths.communityHomeDir.resolve("platform/build-scripts/resources/mac/scripts") Files.newDirectoryStream(sourceScriptDir).use { stream -> val inspectCommandName = context.productProperties.inspectCommandName for (file in stream) { if (file.toString().endsWith(".sh")) { var fileName = file.fileName.toString() if (fileName == "" && inspectCommandName != "inspect") { fileName = "${inspectCommandName}.sh" } val sourceFileLf = Files.createTempFile(context.paths.tempDir, file.fileName.toString(), "") try { // Until CR (\r) will be removed from the repository checkout, we need to filter it out from Unix-style scripts // Files.writeString(sourceFileLf, Files.readString(file).replace("\r", "")) val target = distBinDir.resolve(fileName) substituteTemplatePlaceholders( sourceFileLf, target, "@@", listOf( Pair("product_full", fullName), Pair("script_name", executable), Pair("inspectCommandName", inspectCommandName), ), false, ) } finally { Files.delete(sourceFileLf) } } } } } override fun generateExecutableFilesPatterns(includeRuntime: Boolean): List<String> { var executableFilePatterns = persistentListOf( "bin/*.sh", "plugins/**/*.sh", "bin/*.py", "bin/fsnotifier", "bin/printenv", "bin/restarter", "bin/repair", "MacOS/*" ) if (includeRuntime) { executableFilePatterns = executableFilePatterns.addAll(context.bundledRuntime.executableFilesPatterns(OsFamily.MACOS)) } return executableFilePatterns .addAll(customizer.extraExecutables) .addAll(context.getExtraExecutablePattern(OsFamily.MACOS)) } private suspend fun buildForArch(builtinModule: BuiltinModulesFileData?, arch: JvmArchitecture, macZip: Path, macZipWithoutRuntime: Path?, customizer: MacDistributionCustomizer, context: BuildContext) { spanBuilder("build macOS artifacts for specific arch").setAttribute("arch", { val notarize = SystemProperties.getBooleanProperty("", true) withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { buildForArch(builtinModule, arch, macZip, macZipWithoutRuntime, notarize, customizer, context) Files.deleteIfExists(macZip) } } } private suspend fun buildForArch(builtinModule: BuiltinModulesFileData?, arch: JvmArchitecture, macZip: Path, macZipWithoutRuntime: Path?, notarize: Boolean, customizer: MacDistributionCustomizer, context: BuildContext) { val suffix = if (arch == JvmArchitecture.x64) "" else "-${arch.fileSuffix}" val archStr = coroutineScope { if (context.options.buildMacArtifactsWithRuntime) { createSkippableJob( spanBuilder("build DMG with Runtime").setAttribute("arch", archStr), "${BuildOptions.MAC_ARTIFACTS_STEP}_jre_$archStr", context ) { signAndBuildDmg(builder = this@MacDistributionBuilder, builtinModule = builtinModule, context = context, customizer = customizer, macHostProperties = context.proprietaryBuildTools.macHostProperties, macZip = macZip, isRuntimeBundled = true, suffix = suffix, arch = arch, notarize = notarize) } } if (context.options.buildMacArtifactsWithoutRuntime) { requireNotNull(macZipWithoutRuntime) createSkippableJob( spanBuilder("build DMG without Runtime").setAttribute("arch", archStr), "${BuildOptions.MAC_ARTIFACTS_STEP}_no_jre_$archStr", context ) { signAndBuildDmg(builder = this@MacDistributionBuilder, builtinModule = builtinModule, context = context, customizer = customizer, macHostProperties = context.proprietaryBuildTools.macHostProperties, macZip = macZipWithoutRuntime, isRuntimeBundled = false, suffix = "-no-jdk$suffix", arch = arch, notarize = notarize) } } } } } private fun optionsToXml(options: List<String>): String { val buff = StringBuilder() for (it in options) { buff.append(" <string>").append(it).append("</string>\n") } return buff.toString().trim() } private fun propertiesToXml(properties: List<String>, moreProperties: Map<String, String>): String { val buff = StringBuilder() for (it in properties) { val p = it.indexOf('=') buff.append(" <key>").append(it.substring(2, p)).append("</key>\n") buff.append(" <string>").append(it.substring(p + 1)).append("</string>\n") } moreProperties.forEach { (key, value) -> buff.append(" <key>").append(key).append("</key>\n") buff.append(" <string>").append(value).append("</string>\n") } return buff.toString().trim() } internal fun getMacZipRoot(customizer: MacDistributionCustomizer, context: BuildContext): String = "${customizer.getRootDirectoryName(context.applicationInfo, context.buildNumber)}/Contents" internal fun generateMacProductJson(builtinModule: BuiltinModulesFileData?, arch: JvmArchitecture, javaExecutablePath: String?, context: BuildContext): String { val executable = context.productProperties.baseFileName return generateMultiPlatformProductJson( relativePathToBin = "../bin", builtinModules = builtinModule, launch = listOf(ProductInfoLaunchData( os = OsFamily.MACOS.osName, arch = arch.dirName, launcherPath = "../MacOS/${executable}", javaExecutablePath = javaExecutablePath, vmOptionsFilePath = "../bin/${executable}.vmoptions", startupWmClass = null, bootClassPathJarNames = context.bootClassPathJarNames, additionalJvmArguments = context.getAdditionalJvmArguments(OsFamily.MACOS, arch))), context = context) } private fun MacDistributionBuilder.buildMacZip(targetFile: Path, zipRoot: String, productJson: String, directories: List<Path>, extraFiles: Collection<DistFile>, executableFilePatterns: List<String>, compressionLevel: Int) { spanBuilder("build zip archive for macOS") .setAttribute("file", targetFile.toString()) .setAttribute("zipRoot", zipRoot) .setAttribute(AttributeKey.stringArrayKey("executableFilePatterns"), executableFilePatterns) .use { for (dir in directories) { updateExecutablePermissions(dir, executableFilePatterns) } val entryCustomizer: (ZipArchiveEntry, Path, String) -> Unit = { entry, file, _ -> if (SystemInfoRt.isUnix && PosixFilePermission.OWNER_EXECUTE in Files.getPosixFilePermissions(file)) { entry.unixMode = executableFileUnixMode } } writeNewFile(targetFile) { targetFileChannel -> NoDuplicateZipArchiveOutputStream(targetFileChannel, compress = context.options.compressZipFiles).use { zipOutStream -> zipOutStream.setLevel(compressionLevel) zipOutStream.entry("$zipRoot/Resources/product-info.json", productJson.encodeToByteArray()) val fileFilter: (Path, String) -> Boolean = { sourceFile, relativePath -> if (relativePath.endsWith(".txt") && !relativePath.contains('/')) { zipOutStream.entry("$zipRoot/Resources/${relativePath}", sourceFile) false } else { true } } for (dir in directories) { zipOutStream.dir(dir, "$zipRoot/", fileFilter = fileFilter, entryCustomizer = entryCustomizer) } for (item in extraFiles) { zipOutStream.entry(name = "$zipRoot/${item.relativePath}", file = item.file) } } } checkInArchive(archiveFile = targetFile, pathInArchive = "$zipRoot/Resources", context = context) } }
package import io.reactivex.Completable import io.reactivex.Maybe import io.reactivex.Single import import import import interface UserCoursesRepository { fun getAllUserCourses(userCourseQuery: UserCourseQuery = UserCourseQuery(page = 1), sourceType: DataSourceType = DataSourceType.CACHE): Single<List<UserCourse>> fun getUserCourses(userCourseQuery: UserCourseQuery = UserCourseQuery(page = 1, isArchived = false), sourceType: DataSourceType = DataSourceType.CACHE): Single<PagedList<UserCourse>> fun getUserCourseByCourseId(courseId: Long, sourceType: DataSourceType = DataSourceType.CACHE): Maybe<UserCourse> fun saveUserCourse(userCourse: UserCourse): Single<UserCourse> /*** * Cached purpose only */ fun addUserCourse(userCourse: UserCourse): Completable fun removeUserCourse(courseId: Long): Completable }
package ch.difty.scipamato.core.web.paper.csv import ch.difty.scipamato.core.entity.Paper import ch.difty.scipamato.core.web.paper.jasper.ReportHeaderFields import import com.univocity.parsers.csv.CsvFormat import com.univocity.parsers.csv.CsvWriter import com.univocity.parsers.csv.CsvWriterSettings import import /** * CSV Adapter accepting a list of objects of type [T] * and builds a full CSV file as a single String. * * Works well for small number of records but doesn't scale well. */ interface CsvAdapter<T> : Serializable { fun build(types: List<T>): String } @Suppress("FunctionName") abstract class AbstractCsvAdapter<T>( private val rowMapper: (Collection<T>) -> List<Array<String>>, private val headers: Array<String?> ) : CsvAdapter<T> { override fun build(types: List<T>): String { val rows: List<Array<String>> = rowMapper(types) StringWriterWithBom().apply { CsvWriter(this, SemicolonDelimitedSettings()).apply { writeHeaders(*headers) writeRowsAndClose(rows) } return toString() } } private fun StringWriterWithBom() = StringWriter().apply { write("\ufeff") } private fun SemicolonDelimitedSettings() = CsvWriterSettings().apply { format = CsvFormat().apply { delimiter = ';' } } } /** * Adapter to build the Review CSV file, accepting a list of [Paper]s */ class ReviewCsvAdapter(private val rhf: ReportHeaderFields) : AbstractCsvAdapter<Paper>( rowMapper = { types -> { PaperReview(it, rhf).toRow() } }, headers = arrayOf( rhf.numberLabel, rhf.authorYearLabel, rhf.populationPlaceLabel, rhf.methodOutcomeLabel, rhf.exposurePollutantLabel, rhf.methodStudyDesignLabel, rhf.populationDurationLabel, rhf.populationParticipantsLabel, rhf.exposureAssessmentLabel, rhf.resultExposureRangeLabel, rhf.methodConfoundersLabel, rhf.resultEffectEstimateLabel, rhf.conclusionLabel, rhf.commentLabel, rhf.internLabel, rhf.goalsLabel, rhf.populationLabel, rhf.methodsLabel, rhf.resultLabel, ), ) { companion object { const val FILE_NAME = "review.csv" } } private fun PaperReview.toRow() = arrayOf( number, authorYear, populationPlace, methodOutcome, exposurePollutant, methodStudyDesign, populationDuration, populationParticipants, exposureAssessment, resultExposureRange, methodConfounders, resultEffectEstimate, conclusion, comment, intern, goals, population, methods, result, )
// Copyright 2000-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package import com.intellij.util.containers.BidirectionalMultiMap import import import import import org.jetbrains.annotations.TestOnly open class MultimapStorageIndex private constructor( internal open val index: BidirectionalMultiMap<EntityId, PersistentEntityId<*>> ) { constructor() : this(BidirectionalMultiMap<EntityId, PersistentEntityId<*>>()) internal fun getIdsByEntry(entitySource: PersistentEntityId<*>): Set<EntityId> = index.getKeys(entitySource) internal fun getEntriesById(id: EntityId): Set<PersistentEntityId<*>> = index.getValues(id) internal fun entries(): Collection<PersistentEntityId<*>> = index.values class MutableMultimapStorageIndex private constructor( // Do not write to [index] directly! Create a method in this index and call [startWrite] before write. override var index: BidirectionalMultiMap<EntityId, PersistentEntityId<*>> ) : MultimapStorageIndex(index) { private var freezed = true internal fun index(id: EntityId, elements: Set<PersistentEntityId<*>>? = null) { startWrite() index.removeKey(id) if (elements == null) return elements.forEach { index.put(id, it) } } internal fun index(id: EntityId, element: PersistentEntityId<*>) { startWrite() index.put(id, element) } internal fun remove(id: EntityId, element: PersistentEntityId<*>) { startWrite() index.remove(id, element) } @TestOnly internal fun clear() { startWrite() index.clear() } @TestOnly internal fun copyFrom(another: MultimapStorageIndex) { startWrite() this.index.putAll(another.index) } private fun startWrite() { if (!freezed) return freezed = false index = copyIndex() } private fun copyIndex(): BidirectionalMultiMap<EntityId, PersistentEntityId<*>> = index.copy() fun toImmutable(): MultimapStorageIndex { freezed = true return MultimapStorageIndex(index) } companion object { fun from(other: MultimapStorageIndex): MutableMultimapStorageIndex { if (other is MutableMultimapStorageIndex) other.freezed = true return MutableMultimapStorageIndex(other.index) } } } }
// Copyright 2000-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package com.intellij.internal.statistic.eventLog import com.intellij.internal.statistic.utils.StatisticsRecorderUtil import com.intellij.internal.statistic.utils.getPluginInfo import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationInfo import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger import com.intellij.openapi.extensions.ExtensionPointName import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil import com.intellij.util.PlatformUtils import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil object StatisticsEventLogProviderUtil { private val LOG = Logger.getInstance( private val EP_NAME = ExtensionPointName<StatisticsEventLoggerProvider>("com.intellij.statistic.eventLog.eventLoggerProvider") @JvmStatic fun getEventLogProviders(): List<StatisticsEventLoggerProvider> { val providers = EP_NAME.extensionsIfPointIsRegistered if (providers.isEmpty()) { return emptyList() } val isJetBrainsProduct = isJetBrainsProduct() return ContainerUtil.filter(providers) { isProviderApplicable(isJetBrainsProduct, it.recorderId, it) } } @JvmStatic fun getEventLogProvider(recorderId: String): StatisticsEventLoggerProvider { if (ApplicationManager.getApplication().extensionArea.hasExtensionPoint( { val isJetBrainsProduct = isJetBrainsProduct() val provider = EP_NAME.findFirstSafe { isProviderApplicable(isJetBrainsProduct, recorderId, it) } provider?.let { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled) { LOG.trace("Use event log provider '${provider.javaClass.simpleName}' for recorder-id=${recorderId}") } return it } } LOG.warn("Cannot find event log provider with recorder-id=${recorderId}") return EmptyStatisticsEventLoggerProvider(recorderId) } private fun isJetBrainsProduct(): Boolean { val appInfo = ApplicationInfo.getInstance() if (appInfo == null || StringUtil.isEmpty(appInfo.shortCompanyName)) { return true } return PlatformUtils.isJetBrainsProduct() } private fun isProviderApplicable(isJetBrainsProduct: Boolean, recorderId: String, extension: StatisticsEventLoggerProvider): Boolean { if (recorderId == extension.recorderId) { if (!isJetBrainsProduct || !StatisticsRecorderUtil.isBuildInRecorder(recorderId)) { return true } return getPluginInfo( } return false } }
package elastiko import org.elasticsearch.client.Client import org.elasticsearch.client.transport.TransportClient import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings import org.elasticsearch.common.transport.InetSocketTransportAddress import org.elasticsearch.common.transport.TransportAddress import org.elasticsearch.node.Node import org.elasticsearch.node.NodeBuilder import public fun TransportClient.Builder.settings(block: Settings.Builder.() -> Unit) { val set = Settings.settingsBuilder() .apply { block() } .build() this.settings(set) } public fun address(hostname: String, port: Int): TransportAddress { return InetSocketTransportAddress(InetAddress.getByName(hostname), port) } public fun transportClient(nodes: List<TransportAddress>, block: TransportClient.Builder.() -> Unit): Client { val client = TransportClient.builder() .apply { block() } .build() nodes.forEach { client.addTransportAddress(it) } return client } public fun <T : AutoCloseable, R> T.use(block: (T) -> R): R { var closed = false try { return block(this) } catch (e: Exception) { closed = true try { close() } catch (closeException: Exception) { } throw e } finally { if (!closed) { close() } } } public fun NodeBuilder.settings(block: Settings.Builder.() -> Unit) { val set = Settings.settingsBuilder() .apply { block() } .build() this.settings(set) } public fun nodeClient(block: NodeBuilder.() -> Unit): Pair<Node, Client> { val node = NodeBuilder.nodeBuilder().apply { block() }.node() return node to node.client() }
/* * Copyright 2016-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license. */ @file:Suppress("INVISIBLE_MEMBER", "INVISIBLE_REFERENCE") package kotlinx.coroutines.debug import* import kotlinx.coroutines.* import kotlinx.coroutines.debug.internal.* import org.junit.Test import kotlin.test.* class EnhanceStackTraceWithTreadDumpAsJsonTest : DebugTestBase() { private data class StackTraceElementInfoFromJson( val declaringClass: String, val methodName: String, val fileName: String?, val lineNumber: Int ) @Test fun testEnhancedStackTraceFormatWithDeferred() = runTest { val deferred = async { suspendingMethod() assertTrue(true) } yield() val coroutineInfo = DebugProbesImpl.dumpCoroutinesInfo() assertEquals(coroutineInfo.size, 2) val info = coroutineInfo[1] val enhancedStackTraceAsJsonString = DebugProbesImpl.enhanceStackTraceWithThreadDumpAsJson(info) val enhancedStackTraceFromJson = Gson().fromJson(enhancedStackTraceAsJsonString, Array<StackTraceElementInfoFromJson> val enhancedStackTrace = DebugProbesImpl.enhanceStackTraceWithThreadDump(info, info.lastObservedStackTrace) assertEquals(enhancedStackTrace.size, enhancedStackTraceFromJson.size) for ((frame, frameFromJson) in { assertEquals(frame.className, frameFromJson.declaringClass) assertEquals(frame.methodName, frameFromJson.methodName) assertEquals(frame.fileName, frameFromJson.fileName) assertEquals(frame.lineNumber, frameFromJson.lineNumber) } deferred.cancelAndJoin() } private suspend fun suspendingMethod() { delay(Long.MAX_VALUE) } }
package sealed class Module { private val _class: String = javaClass.canonicalName /** * Show AQI and it's type */ class AirQualityIndex(val type: Type = AirQualityIndex.Type.POLISH) : Module() { enum class Type { POLISH } } /** * List of measurements for particulates */ class Measurements : Module() override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean { if (this === other) return true if (other !is Module) return false if (_class != other._class) return false return true } override fun hashCode(): Int { return _class.hashCode() } }
/* * Copyright 2020 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import androidx.recyclerview.widget.ListAdapter import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.ImageView import android.widget.TextView import com.bumptech.glide.Glide import import import import import /** * [RecyclerView.Adapter] of [MediaItemData]s used by the [MediaItemFragment]. */ class MediaItemAdapter(private val itemClickedListener: (MediaItemData) -> Unit ) : ListAdapter<MediaItemData, MediaViewHolder>(MediaItemData.diffCallback) { override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): MediaViewHolder { val view = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context) .inflate(R.layout.fragment_mediaitem, parent, false) return MediaViewHolder(view, itemClickedListener) } override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: MediaViewHolder, position: Int, payloads: MutableList<Any>) { val mediaItem = getItem(position) var fullRefresh = payloads.isEmpty() if (payloads.isNotEmpty()) { payloads.forEach { payload -> when (payload) { PLAYBACK_RES_CHANGED -> { holder.playbackState.setImageResource(mediaItem.playbackRes) } // If the payload wasn't understood, refresh the full item (to be safe). else -> fullRefresh = true } } } // Normally we only fully refresh the list item if it's being initially bound, but // we might also do it if there was a payload that wasn't understood, just to ensure // there isn't a stale item. if (fullRefresh) { holder.item = mediaItem holder.titleView.text = mediaItem.title holder.subtitleView.text = mediaItem.subtitle holder.playbackState.setImageResource(mediaItem.playbackRes) Glide.with(holder.albumArt) .load(mediaItem.albumArtUri) .into(holder.albumArt) } } override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: MediaViewHolder, position: Int) { onBindViewHolder(holder, position, mutableListOf()) } } class MediaViewHolder(view: View, itemClickedListener: (MediaItemData) -> Unit ) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(view) { val titleView: TextView = view.title val subtitleView: TextView = view.subtitle val albumArt: ImageView = view.albumArt val playbackState: ImageView = view.item_state var item: MediaItemData? = null init { view.setOnClickListener { item?.let { itemClickedListener(it) } } } }
@file:Suppress("unused") package com.agoda.kakao.common.matchers import android.content.res.ColorStateList import import import import android.os.Build import android.view.View import android.widget.ImageView import androidx.annotation.ColorRes import androidx.annotation.DrawableRes import import com.agoda.kakao.common.extentions.toBitmap import com.agoda.kakao.common.utilities.getResourceColor import com.agoda.kakao.common.utilities.getResourceDrawable import org.hamcrest.Description import org.hamcrest.TypeSafeMatcher /** * Matches given drawable with current one * * @param resId Drawable resource to be matched (default is -1) * @param drawable Drawable instance to be matched (default is null) * @param toBitmap Lambda with custom Drawable -> Bitmap converter (default is null) */ class DrawableMatcher( @DrawableRes private val resId: Int = -1, private val drawable: Drawable? = null, @ColorRes private val tintColorId: Int? = null, private val toBitmap: ((drawable: Drawable) -> Bitmap)? = null ) : TypeSafeMatcher<View>( { override fun describeTo(desc: Description) { desc.appendText("with drawable id $resId or provided instance") } override fun matchesSafely(view: View?): Boolean { if (view !is ImageView && drawable == null) { return false } if (resId < 0 && drawable == null) { return (view as ImageView).drawable == null } return view?.let { imageView -> var expectedDrawable: Drawable? = drawable ?: getResourceDrawable(resId)?.mutate() if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP && expectedDrawable != null) { expectedDrawable = DrawableCompat.wrap(expectedDrawable).mutate() } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { tintColorId?.let { tintColorId -> val tintColor = getResourceColor(tintColorId) expectedDrawable?.apply { setTintList(ColorStateList.valueOf(tintColor)) setTintMode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN) } } } if (expectedDrawable == null) { return false } val convertDrawable = (imageView as ImageView).drawable.mutate() val bitmap = toBitmap?.invoke(convertDrawable) ?: convertDrawable.toBitmap() val otherBitmap = toBitmap?.invoke(expectedDrawable) ?: expectedDrawable.toBitmap() return bitmap.sameAs(otherBitmap) } ?: false } }
// Copyright 2000-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package import com.intellij.execution.ExecutionException import com.intellij.execution.Platform import com.intellij.execution.configurations.GeneralCommandLine import* import import com.intellij.execution.wsl.WSLCommandLineOptions import com.intellij.execution.wsl.WSLDistribution import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.logger import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressIndicator import import import import java.nio.file.Path import java.util.* import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit class WslTargetEnvironment(wslRequest: WslTargetEnvironmentRequest, private val distribution: WSLDistribution) : TargetEnvironment(wslRequest) { private val myUploadVolumes: MutableMap<UploadRoot, UploadableVolume> = HashMap() private val myDownloadVolumes: MutableMap<DownloadRoot, DownloadableVolume> = HashMap() private val myTargetPortBindings: MutableMap<TargetPortBinding, Int> = HashMap() private val myLocalPortBindings: MutableMap<LocalPortBinding, ResolvedPortBinding> = HashMap() private val localPortBindingsSession : WslTargetLocalPortBindingsSession override val uploadVolumes: Map<UploadRoot, UploadableVolume> get() = Collections.unmodifiableMap(myUploadVolumes) override val downloadVolumes: Map<DownloadRoot, DownloadableVolume> get() = Collections.unmodifiableMap(myDownloadVolumes) override val targetPortBindings: Map<TargetPortBinding, Int> get() = Collections.unmodifiableMap(myTargetPortBindings) override val localPortBindings: Map<LocalPortBinding, ResolvedPortBinding> get() = Collections.unmodifiableMap(myLocalPortBindings) override val targetPlatform: TargetPlatform get() = TargetPlatform(Platform.UNIX) init { for (uploadRoot in wslRequest.uploadVolumes) { val targetRoot: String? = toLinuxPath(uploadRoot.localRootPath.toAbsolutePath().toString()) if (targetRoot != null) { myUploadVolumes[uploadRoot] = Volume(uploadRoot.localRootPath, targetRoot) } } for (downloadRoot in wslRequest.downloadVolumes) { val localRootPath = downloadRoot.localRootPath ?: FileUtil.createTempDirectory("intellij-target.", "").toPath() val targetRoot: String? = toLinuxPath(localRootPath.toAbsolutePath().toString()) if (targetRoot != null) { myDownloadVolumes[downloadRoot] = Volume(localRootPath, targetRoot) } } for (targetPortBinding in wslRequest.targetPortBindings) { val theOnlyPort = if (targetPortBinding.local != null && targetPortBinding.local != theOnlyPort) { throw UnsupportedOperationException("Local target's TCP port forwarder is not implemented") } myTargetPortBindings[targetPortBinding] = theOnlyPort } localPortBindingsSession = WslTargetLocalPortBindingsSession(distribution, wslRequest.localPortBindings) localPortBindingsSession.start() for (localPortBinding in wslRequest.localPortBindings) { val targetHostPortFuture = localPortBindingsSession.getTargetHostPortFuture(localPortBinding) val localHostPort = HostPort("localhost", localPortBinding.local) var targetHostPort = localHostPort try { targetHostPort = targetHostPortFuture.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS) } catch (e: Exception) {"Cannot get target host and port for $localPortBinding") } myLocalPortBindings[localPortBinding] = ResolvedPortBinding(localHostPort, targetHostPort) } } private fun toLinuxPath(localPath: String): String? { val linuxPath = distribution.getWslPath(localPath) if (linuxPath != null) { return linuxPath } return convertUncPathToLinux(localPath) } private fun convertUncPathToLinux(localPath: String): String? { val root: String = WSLDistribution.UNC_PREFIX + distribution.msId val winLocalPath = FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(localPath) if (winLocalPath.startsWith(root)) { val linuxPath = winLocalPath.substring(root.length) if (linuxPath.isEmpty()) { return "/" } if (linuxPath.startsWith("\\")) { return FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(linuxPath) } } return null } @Throws(ExecutionException::class) override fun createProcess(commandLine: TargetedCommandLine, indicator: ProgressIndicator): Process { var line = GeneralCommandLine(commandLine.collectCommandsSynchronously()) line.environment.putAll(commandLine.environmentVariables) val options = WSLCommandLineOptions().setRemoteWorkingDirectory(commandLine.workingDirectory) line = distribution.patchCommandLine(line, null, options) val process = line.createProcess() localPortBindingsSession.stopWhenProcessTerminated(process) return process } override fun shutdown() {} private inner class Volume(override val localRoot: Path, override val targetRoot: String) : UploadableVolume, DownloadableVolume { @Throws(IOException::class) override fun resolveTargetPath(relativePath: String): String { val localPath = FileUtil.toCanonicalPath(FileUtil.join(localRoot.toString(), relativePath)) return toLinuxPath(localPath)!! } @Throws(IOException::class) override fun upload(relativePath: String, targetProgressIndicator: TargetProgressIndicator) { } @Throws(IOException::class) override fun download(relativePath: String, progressIndicator: ProgressIndicator) { // Synchronization may be slow -- let us wait until file size does not change // in a reasonable amount of time // (see val path = localRoot.resolve(relativePath) var previousSize = -2L // sizeOrNull returns -1 if file does not exist var newSize = path.sizeOrNull() while (previousSize < newSize) { Thread.sleep(100) previousSize = newSize newSize = path.sizeOrNull() } if (newSize == -1L) { LOG.warn("Path $path was not found on local filesystem") } } } companion object { val LOG = logger<WslTargetEnvironment>() } }
/* * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package androidx.bluetooth.core import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice as FwkBluetoothDevice import android.bluetooth.le.AdvertisingSetParameters as FwkAdvertisingSetParameters import android.os.Build import android.os.Bundle import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi /** * TODO: Add docs * TODO: Support API 21 * * @hide */ @RequiresApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.O) class AdvertisingSetParameters internal constructor( internal val fwkInstance: FwkAdvertisingSetParameters ) : Bundleable { companion object { internal const val FIELD_FWK_ADVERTISING_SET_PARAMETERS = 0 val CREATOR: Bundleable.Creator<AdvertisingSetParameters> = object : Bundleable.Creator<AdvertisingSetParameters> { override fun fromBundle(bundle: Bundle): AdvertisingSetParameters { val fwkAdvertisingSetParameters = Utils.getParcelableFromBundle( bundle, keyForField(FIELD_FWK_ADVERTISING_SET_PARAMETERS), ) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException( "Bundle doesn't include a framework advertising set parameters" ) return AdvertisingSetParameters(fwkAdvertisingSetParameters) } } internal fun keyForField(field: Int): String { return field.toString(Character.MAX_RADIX) } internal fun buildFwkAdvertisingSetParameters( connectable: Boolean = false, scannable: Boolean = false, isLegacy: Boolean = false, isAnonymous: Boolean = false, includeTxPower: Boolean = false, primaryPhy: Int = FwkBluetoothDevice.PHY_LE_1M, secondaryPhy: Int = FwkBluetoothDevice.PHY_LE_1M, txPowerLevel: Int = TX_POWER_MEDIUM ): FwkAdvertisingSetParameters { val builder = FwkAdvertisingSetParameters.Builder() .setConnectable(connectable) .setScannable(scannable) .setLegacyMode(isLegacy) .setAnonymous(isAnonymous) .setIncludeTxPower(includeTxPower) .setPrimaryPhy(primaryPhy) .setSecondaryPhy(secondaryPhy) .setTxPowerLevel(txPowerLevel) return } /** * Advertise on low frequency, around every 1000ms. This is the default and preferred * advertising mode as it consumes the least power. */ const val INTERVAL_HIGH = FwkAdvertisingSetParameters.INTERVAL_HIGH /** * Advertise on medium frequency, around every 250ms. This is balanced between advertising * frequency and power consumption. */ const val INTERVAL_MEDIUM = FwkAdvertisingSetParameters.INTERVAL_MEDIUM /** * Perform high frequency, low latency advertising, around every 100ms. This has the highest * power consumption and should not be used for continuous background advertising. */ const val INTERVAL_LOW = FwkAdvertisingSetParameters.INTERVAL_LOW /** * Minimum value for advertising interval. */ const val INTERVAL_MIN = FwkAdvertisingSetParameters.INTERVAL_MIN /** * Maximum value for advertising interval. */ const val INTERVAL_MAX = FwkAdvertisingSetParameters.INTERVAL_MAX /** * Advertise using the lowest transmission (TX) power level. Low transmission power can be * used to restrict the visibility range of advertising packets. */ const val TX_POWER_ULTRA_LOW = FwkAdvertisingSetParameters.TX_POWER_ULTRA_LOW /** * Advertise using low TX power level. */ const val TX_POWER_LOW = FwkAdvertisingSetParameters.TX_POWER_LOW /** * Advertise using medium TX power level. */ const val TX_POWER_MEDIUM = FwkAdvertisingSetParameters.TX_POWER_MEDIUM /** * Advertise using high TX power level. This corresponds to largest visibility range of the * advertising packet. */ const val TX_POWER_HIGH = FwkAdvertisingSetParameters.TX_POWER_HIGH /** * Minimum value for TX power. */ const val TX_POWER_MIN = FwkAdvertisingSetParameters.TX_POWER_MIN /** * Maximum value for TX power. */ const val TX_POWER_MAX = FwkAdvertisingSetParameters.TX_POWER_MAX /** * The maximum limited advertisement duration as specified by the Bluetooth * SIG */ private const val LIMITED_ADVERTISING_MAX_MILLIS = 180_000 } val connectable: Boolean get() = fwkInstance.isConnectable val scannable: Boolean get() = fwkInstance.isScannable val isLegacy: Boolean get() = fwkInstance.isLegacy val isAnonymous: Boolean get() = fwkInstance.isAnonymous val includeTxPower: Boolean get() = fwkInstance.includeTxPower() val primaryPhy: Int get() = fwkInstance.primaryPhy val secondaryPhy: Int get() = fwkInstance.secondaryPhy val interval: Int get() = fwkInstance.interval val txPowerLevel: Int get() = fwkInstance.txPowerLevel constructor( connectable: Boolean = false, scannable: Boolean = false, isLegacy: Boolean = false, isAnonymous: Boolean = false, includeTxPower: Boolean = false, primaryPhy: Int = FwkBluetoothDevice.PHY_LE_1M, secondaryPhy: Int = FwkBluetoothDevice.PHY_LE_1M, txPowerLevel: Int = TX_POWER_MEDIUM ) : this(buildFwkAdvertisingSetParameters( connectable, scannable, isLegacy, isAnonymous, includeTxPower, primaryPhy, secondaryPhy, txPowerLevel )) override fun toBundle(): Bundle { val bundle = Bundle() bundle.putParcelable(keyForField(FIELD_FWK_ADVERTISING_SET_PARAMETERS), fwkInstance) return bundle } }
// Copyright 2000-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package training.actions import com.intellij.icons.AllIcons import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnAction import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnActionEvent import training.learn.CourseManager import training.statistic.LessonStartingWay import training.statistic.StatisticBase import training.util.getLearnToolWindowForProject import training.util.getPreviousLessonForCurrent import training.util.lessonOpenedInProject private class PreviousLessonAction : AnAction(AllIcons.Actions.Back) { override fun actionPerformed(e: AnActionEvent) { val project = e.project ?: return if (getLearnToolWindowForProject(project) == null) return val previousLesson = getPreviousLessonForCurrent() StatisticBase.logLessonStopped(StatisticBase.LessonStopReason.OPEN_NEXT_OR_PREV_LESSON) CourseManager.instance.openLesson(project, previousLesson, LessonStartingWay.PREV_BUTTON) } override fun update(e: AnActionEvent) { val project = e.project val lesson = lessonOpenedInProject(project) e.presentation.isEnabled = lesson != null && CourseManager.instance.lessonsForModules.firstOrNull() != lesson } }
package de.fabmax.kool.platform.vk import de.fabmax.kool.pipeline.* import de.fabmax.kool.platform.vk.util.vkBytesPerPx import de.fabmax.kool.util.logD import org.lwjgl.vulkan.VK10.vkDestroySampler import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong class LoadedTextureVk(val sys: VkSystem, val format: TexFormat, val textureImage: Image, val textureImageView: ImageView, val sampler: Long, private val isSharedRes: Boolean = false) : VkResource(), LoadedTexture { val texId = nextTexId.getAndIncrement() override var width = 0 override var height = 0 override var depth = 0 init { if (!isSharedRes) { addDependingResource(textureImage) addDependingResource(textureImageView) sys.ctx.engineStats.textureAllocated(texId, Texture.estimatedTexSize( textureImage.width, textureImage.height, textureImage.arrayLayers, textureImage.mipLevels, format.vkBytesPerPx)) } logD { "Created texture: Image: ${textureImage.vkImage}, view: ${textureImageView.vkImageView}, sampler: $sampler" } } fun setSize(width: Int, height: Int, depth: Int) { this.width = width this.height = height this.depth = depth } override fun freeResources() { if (!isSharedRes) { vkDestroySampler(sys.device.vkDevice, sampler, null) sys.ctx.engineStats.textureDeleted(texId) } logD { "Destroyed texture" } } override fun dispose() { if (!isDestroyed) { // fixme: kinda hacky... also might be depending resource of something else than sys.device sys.ctx.runDelayed(sys.swapChain?.nImages ?: 3) { sys.device.removeDependingResource(this) destroy() } } } companion object { private val nextTexId = AtomicLong(1L) fun fromTexData(sys: VkSystem, texProps: TextureProps, data: TextureData): LoadedTextureVk { return when(data) { is TextureData1d -> TextureLoader.loadTexture2d(sys, texProps, data) is TextureData2d -> TextureLoader.loadTexture2d(sys, texProps, data) is TextureData3d -> TextureLoader.loadTexture3d(sys, texProps, data) is TextureDataCube -> TextureLoader.loadCubeMap(sys, texProps, data) else -> TODO("texture data not implemented: ${}") } } } }
// Copyright 2000-2022 JetBrains s.r.o. and contributors. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license. package org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.inspections import com.intellij.codeInspection.LocalQuickFix import com.intellij.codeInspection.ProblemDescriptor import com.intellij.codeInspection.ProblemsHolder import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.KotlinBuiltIns import org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.LanguageVersion import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.base.resources.KotlinBundle import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.base.projectStructure.languageVersionSettings import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.caches.resolve.analyze import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.intentions.branchedTransformations.isElseIf import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.intentions.loopToCallChain.targetLoop import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.util.textRangeIn import import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.anyDescendantOfType import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.blockExpressionsOrSingle import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.getPossiblyQualifiedCallExpression import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.getStrictParentOfType import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.util.getResolvedCall import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.descriptorUtil.fqNameOrNull import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.lazy.BodyResolveMode import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.codeinsight.api.classic.inspections.AbstractKotlinInspection class ReplaceIsEmptyWithIfEmptyInspection : AbstractKotlinInspection() { private data class Replacement( val conditionFunctionFqName: FqName, val replacementFunctionName: String, val negativeCondition: Boolean = false ) companion object { private val replacements = listOf( Replacement(FqName("kotlin.collections.Collection.isEmpty"), "ifEmpty"), Replacement(FqName("kotlin.collections.List.isEmpty"), "ifEmpty"), Replacement(FqName("kotlin.collections.Set.isEmpty"), "ifEmpty"), Replacement(FqName("kotlin.collections.Map.isEmpty"), "ifEmpty"), Replacement(FqName("kotlin.text.isEmpty"), "ifEmpty"), Replacement(FqName("kotlin.text.isBlank"), "ifBlank"), Replacement(FqName("kotlin.collections.isNotEmpty"), "ifEmpty", negativeCondition = true), Replacement(FqName("kotlin.text.isNotEmpty"), "ifEmpty", negativeCondition = true), Replacement(FqName("kotlin.text.isNotBlank"), "ifBlank", negativeCondition = true), ).associateBy { it.conditionFunctionFqName } private val conditionFunctionShortNames = { it.shortName().asString() }.toSet() } override fun buildVisitor(holder: ProblemsHolder, isOnTheFly: Boolean) = ifExpressionVisitor(fun(ifExpression: KtIfExpression) { if (ifExpression.languageVersionSettings.languageVersion < LanguageVersion.KOTLIN_1_3) return if (ifExpression.isElseIf()) return val thenExpression = ifExpression.then ?: return val elseExpression = ifExpression.`else` ?: return if (elseExpression is KtIfExpression) return val condition = ifExpression.condition ?: return val conditionCallExpression = condition.getPossiblyQualifiedCallExpression() ?: return val conditionCalleeExpression = conditionCallExpression.calleeExpression ?: return if (conditionCalleeExpression.text !in conditionFunctionShortNames) return val context = ifExpression.analyze(BodyResolveMode.PARTIAL) val resultingDescriptor = conditionCallExpression.getResolvedCall(context)?.resultingDescriptor ?: return val receiverParameter = resultingDescriptor.dispatchReceiverParameter ?: resultingDescriptor.extensionReceiverParameter val receiverType = receiverParameter?.type ?: return if (KotlinBuiltIns.isArrayOrPrimitiveArray(receiverType)) return val conditionCallFqName = resultingDescriptor.fqNameOrNull() ?: return val replacement = replacements[conditionCallFqName] ?: return val selfBranch = if (replacement.negativeCondition) thenExpression else elseExpression val selfValueExpression = selfBranch.blockExpressionsOrSingle().singleOrNull() ?: return if (condition is KtDotQualifiedExpression) { if (selfValueExpression.text != condition.receiverExpression.text) return } else { if (selfValueExpression !is KtThisExpression) return } val loop = ifExpression.getStrictParentOfType<KtLoopExpression>() if (loop != null) { val defaultValueExpression = (if (replacement.negativeCondition) elseExpression else thenExpression) if (defaultValueExpression.anyDescendantOfType<KtExpression> { (it is KtContinueExpression || it is KtBreakExpression) && (it as KtExpressionWithLabel).targetLoop(context) == loop } ) return } holder.registerProblem( ifExpression, conditionCalleeExpression.textRangeIn(ifExpression), KotlinBundle.message("replace.with.0", "${replacement.replacementFunctionName} {...}"), ReplaceFix(replacement) ) }) private class ReplaceFix(private val replacement: Replacement) : LocalQuickFix { override fun getName() = KotlinBundle.message("replace.with.0", "${replacement.replacementFunctionName} {...}") override fun getFamilyName() = name override fun applyFix(project: Project, descriptor: ProblemDescriptor) { val ifExpression = descriptor.psiElement as? KtIfExpression ?: return val condition = ifExpression.condition ?: return val thenExpression = ifExpression.then ?: return val elseExpression = ifExpression.`else` ?: return val defaultValueExpression = (if (replacement.negativeCondition) elseExpression else thenExpression) val psiFactory = KtPsiFactory(ifExpression) val receiverText = (condition as? KtDotQualifiedExpression)?.receiverExpression?.text?.let { "$it." } ?: "" val replacementFunctionName = replacement.replacementFunctionName val newExpression = if (defaultValueExpression is KtBlockExpression) { psiFactory.createExpression("${receiverText}$replacementFunctionName ${defaultValueExpression.text}") } else { psiFactory.createExpressionByPattern("${receiverText}$replacementFunctionName { $0 }", defaultValueExpression) } ifExpression.replace(newExpression) } } }
/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Darel Bitsy * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License */ package com.dbeginc.dbweatherdata.proxies.local.lives import import import @RestrictTo(RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY) data class LocalIpTvPlaylistWithChannels( @Embedded var playlist: LocalIpTvPlaylist = LocalIpTvPlaylist(""), @Relation(entity = LocalIpTvLive::class, parentColumn = "name", entityColumn = "playlist_id") var channels: List<LocalIpTvLive> = emptyList() )
// Copyright 2000-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and contributors. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.inspections import com.intellij.codeInspection.LocalQuickFix import com.intellij.codeInspection.ProblemDescriptor import com.intellij.codeInspection.ProblemsHolder import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.LeafPsiElement import org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.LanguageVersionSettings import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ModuleDescriptor import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.FrontendInternals import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.KotlinBundle import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.caches.resolve.analyze import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.caches.resolve.findModuleDescriptor import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.caches.resolve.getResolutionFacade import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.core.isOverridable import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.project.languageVersionSettings import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.resolve.frontendService import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.util.textRangeIn import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.collectDescendantsOfType import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.BindingContext import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.bindingContextUtil.getTargetFunctionDescriptor import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.smartcasts.DataFlowValueFactory import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.KotlinType import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.isNullable class RedundantNullableReturnTypeInspection : AbstractKotlinInspection() { override fun buildVisitor(holder: ProblemsHolder, isOnTheFly: Boolean) = object : KtVisitorVoid() { override fun visitNamedFunction(function: KtNamedFunction) { check(function) } override fun visitProperty(property: KtProperty) { if (property.isVar) return check(property) } private fun check(declaration: KtCallableDeclaration) { val typeReference = declaration.typeReference ?: return val typeElement = typeReference.typeElement as? KtNullableType ?: return if (typeElement.innerType == null) return val questionMark = typeElement.questionMarkNode as? LeafPsiElement ?: return if (declaration.isOverridable()) return val (body, targetDeclaration) = when (declaration) { is KtNamedFunction -> { val body = declaration.bodyExpression if (body != null) body to declaration else null } is KtProperty -> { val initializer = declaration.initializer val getter = declaration.accessors.singleOrNull { it.isGetter } val getterBody = getter?.bodyExpression when { initializer != null -> initializer to declaration getterBody != null -> getterBody to getter else -> null } } else -> null } ?: return val actualReturnTypes = body.actualReturnTypes(targetDeclaration) if (actualReturnTypes.isEmpty() || actualReturnTypes.any { it.isNullable() }) return val declarationName = declaration.nameAsSafeName.asString() val description = if (declaration is KtProperty) { KotlinBundle.message("", declarationName) } else { KotlinBundle.message("0.always.returns.non.null.type", declarationName) } holder.registerProblem( typeReference, questionMark.textRangeIn(typeReference), description, MakeNotNullableFix() ) } } @OptIn(FrontendInternals::class) private fun KtExpression.actualReturnTypes(declaration: KtDeclaration): List<KotlinType> { val context = analyze() val declarationDescriptor = context[BindingContext.DECLARATION_TO_DESCRIPTOR, declaration] ?: return emptyList() val dataFlowValueFactory = getResolutionFacade().frontendService<DataFlowValueFactory>() val moduleDescriptor = findModuleDescriptor() val languageVersionSettings = languageVersionSettings val returnTypes = collectDescendantsOfType<KtReturnExpression> { it.labelQualifier == null && it.getTargetFunctionDescriptor(context) == declarationDescriptor }.flatMap { it.returnedExpression.types(context, dataFlowValueFactory, moduleDescriptor, languageVersionSettings) } return if (this is KtBlockExpression) { returnTypes } else { returnTypes + types(context, dataFlowValueFactory, moduleDescriptor, languageVersionSettings) } } private fun KtExpression?.types( context: BindingContext, dataFlowValueFactory: DataFlowValueFactory, moduleDescriptor: ModuleDescriptor, languageVersionSettings: LanguageVersionSettings ): List<KotlinType> { if (this == null) return emptyList() val type = context.getType(this) ?: return emptyList() val dataFlowInfo = context[BindingContext.EXPRESSION_TYPE_INFO, this]?.dataFlowInfo ?: return emptyList() val dataFlowValue = dataFlowValueFactory.createDataFlowValue(this, type, context, moduleDescriptor) val stableTypes = dataFlowInfo.getStableTypes(dataFlowValue, languageVersionSettings) return if (stableTypes.isNotEmpty()) stableTypes.toList() else listOf(type) } private class MakeNotNullableFix : LocalQuickFix { override fun getName() = KotlinBundle.message("make.not.nullable") override fun getFamilyName() = name override fun applyFix(project: Project, descriptor: ProblemDescriptor) { val typeReference = descriptor.psiElement as? KtTypeReference ?: return val typeElement = typeReference.typeElement as? KtNullableType ?: return val innerType = typeElement.innerType ?: return typeElement.replace(innerType) } } }
// Copyright 2000-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.intentions.branchedTransformations.intentions import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ValueParameterDescriptor import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.KotlinBundle import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.caches.resolve.analyze import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.intentions.* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.util.reformatted import import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.getQualifiedExpressionForSelectorOrThis import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.BindingContext import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.util.getResolvedCall import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.model.ArgumentMatch import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.descriptorUtil.fqNameOrNull import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.lazy.BodyResolveMode class FoldIfToFunctionCallIntention : SelfTargetingRangeIntention<KtIfExpression>(, KotlinBundle.lazyMessage(""), ) { override fun applicabilityRange(element: KtIfExpression): TextRange? = if (canFoldToFunctionCall(element)) element.ifKeyword.textRange else null override fun applyTo(element: KtIfExpression, editor: Editor?) { foldToFunctionCall(element) } companion object { fun branches(expression: KtExpression): List<KtExpression>? { val branches = when (expression) { is KtIfExpression -> expression.branches is KtWhenExpression -> { it.expression } else -> emptyList() } val branchesSize = branches.size if (branchesSize < 2) return null return branches.filterNotNull().takeIf { it.size == branchesSize } } private fun canFoldToFunctionCall(element: KtExpression): Boolean { val branches = branches(element) ?: return false val callExpressions = branches.mapNotNull { it.callExpression() } if (branches.size != callExpressions.size) return false if (differentArgumentIndex(callExpressions) == null) return false val headCall = callExpressions.first() val tailCalls = callExpressions.drop(1) val context = headCall.analyze(BodyResolveMode.PARTIAL) val (headFunctionFqName, headFunctionParameters) = headCall.fqNameAndParameters(context) ?: return false return tailCalls.all { call -> val (fqName, parameters) = call.fqNameAndParameters(context) ?: return@all false fqName == headFunctionFqName && { it.first == it.second } } } private fun foldToFunctionCall(element: KtExpression) { val branches = branches(element) ?: return val callExpressions = branches.mapNotNull { it.callExpression() } val headCall = callExpressions.first() val argumentIndex = differentArgumentIndex(callExpressions) ?: return val hasNamedArgument = callExpressions.any { call -> call.valueArguments.any { it.getArgumentName() != null } } val copiedIf = element.copy() as KtIfExpression copiedIf.branches.forEach { branch -> val call = branch.callExpression() ?: return val argument = call.valueArguments[argumentIndex].getArgumentExpression() ?: return call.getQualifiedExpressionForSelectorOrThis().replace(argument) } headCall.valueArguments[argumentIndex].getArgumentExpression()?.replace(copiedIf) if (hasNamedArgument) { headCall.valueArguments.forEach { if (it.getArgumentName() == null) AddNameToArgumentIntention.apply(it) } } element.replace(headCall.getQualifiedExpressionForSelectorOrThis()).reformatted() } private fun differentArgumentIndex(callExpressions: List<KtCallExpression>): Int? { val headCall = callExpressions.first() val headCalleeText = headCall.calleeText() val tailCalls = callExpressions.drop(1) if (headCall.valueArguments.any { it is KtLambdaArgument }) return null val headArguments = headCall.valueArguments.mapNotNull { it.getArgumentExpression()?.text } val headArgumentsSize = headArguments.size if (headArgumentsSize != headCall.valueArguments.size) return null val differentArgumentIndexes = tailCalls.mapNotNull { call -> if (call.calleeText() != headCalleeText) return@mapNotNull null val arguments = call.valueArguments.mapNotNull { it.getArgumentExpression()?.text } if (arguments.size != headArgumentsSize) return@mapNotNull null val differentArgumentIndexes = { index, (arg, headArg) -> if (arg != headArg) index else null } differentArgumentIndexes.singleOrNull() } if (differentArgumentIndexes.size != tailCalls.size || differentArgumentIndexes.distinct().size != 1) return null return differentArgumentIndexes.first() } private fun KtExpression?.callExpression(): KtCallExpression? { return when (val expression = if (this is KtBlockExpression) statements.singleOrNull() else this) { is KtCallExpression -> expression is KtQualifiedExpression -> expression.callExpression else -> null }?.takeIf { it.calleeExpression != null } } private fun KtCallExpression.calleeText(): String { val parent = this.parent val (receiver, op) = if (parent is KtQualifiedExpression) { parent.receiverExpression.text to parent.operationSign.value } else { "" to "" } return "$receiver$op${calleeExpression?.text.orEmpty()}" } private fun KtCallExpression.fqNameAndParameters(context: BindingContext): Pair<FqName, List<ValueParameterDescriptor>>? { val resolvedCall = getResolvedCall(context) ?: return null val fqName = resolvedCall.resultingDescriptor.fqNameOrNull() ?: return null val parameters = valueArguments.mapNotNull { (resolvedCall.getArgumentMapping(it) as? ArgumentMatch)?.valueParameter } return fqName to parameters } } }
// Copyright 2000-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package com.intellij.openapi.externalSystem.statistics import com.intellij.internal.statistic.eventLog.EventLogGroup import import com.intellij.internal.statistic.service.fus.collectors.CounterUsagesCollector import com.intellij.openapi.externalSystem.statistics.ExternalSystemActionsCollector.Companion.EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_ID class ProjectImportCollector : CounterUsagesCollector() { companion object { val GROUP = EventLogGroup("project.import", 6) @JvmField val TASK_CLASS = EventFields.Class("task_class") @JvmField val IMPORT_ACTIVITY = GROUP.registerIdeActivity("import_project", startEventAdditionalFields = arrayOf(EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_ID, TASK_CLASS, EventFields.PluginInfo)) @JvmField val IMPORT_STAGE = GROUP.registerIdeActivity("stage", startEventAdditionalFields = arrayOf(TASK_CLASS), parentActivity = IMPORT_ACTIVITY) } override fun getGroup(): EventLogGroup { return GROUP } }
package katas.kotlin.permutation import datsok.shouldEqual import org.junit.Test import java.util.* import kotlin.collections.ArrayList class LehmerTests { @Test fun `map permutation to Lehmer code`() { emptyList<Int>().toLehmerCode() shouldEqual LehmerCode() listOf(0).toLehmerCode() shouldEqual LehmerCode(0) listOf(0, 1, 2).toLehmerCode() shouldEqual LehmerCode(0, 0, 0) listOf(0, 2, 1).toLehmerCode() shouldEqual LehmerCode(0, 1, 0) listOf(1, 0, 2).toLehmerCode() shouldEqual LehmerCode(1, 0, 0) listOf(1, 2, 0).toLehmerCode() shouldEqual LehmerCode(1, 1, 0) listOf(2, 0, 1).toLehmerCode() shouldEqual LehmerCode(2, 0, 0) listOf(2, 1, 0).toLehmerCode() shouldEqual LehmerCode(2, 1, 0) listOf(1, 0, 4, 3, 2).toLehmerCode() shouldEqual LehmerCode(1, 0, 2, 1, 0) } @Test fun `map Lehmer code to a number`() { LehmerCode().toLong() shouldEqual 0 LehmerCode(123).toLong() shouldEqual 0 LehmerCode(0, 0, 0).toLong() shouldEqual 0 LehmerCode(0, 1, 0).toLong() shouldEqual 1 LehmerCode(1, 0, 0).toLong() shouldEqual 2 LehmerCode(1, 1, 0).toLong() shouldEqual 3 LehmerCode(2, 0, 0).toLong() shouldEqual 4 LehmerCode(2, 1, 0).toLong() shouldEqual 5 LehmerCode(0, 0, 0, 0, 1).toLong() shouldEqual 0 LehmerCode(0, 0, 0, 1, 0).toLong() shouldEqual 1 LehmerCode(0, 0, 1, 0, 0).toLong() shouldEqual 2 LehmerCode(0, 1, 0, 0, 0).toLong() shouldEqual 6 LehmerCode(1, 0, 0, 0, 0).toLong() shouldEqual 24 LehmerCode(1, 0, 2, 1, 0).toLong() shouldEqual 29 } @Test fun `map number to a Lehmer code`() { 0.toLehmerCode() shouldEqual LehmerCode(0) 0.toLehmerCode(size = 1) shouldEqual LehmerCode(0) 0.toLehmerCode(size = 2) shouldEqual LehmerCode(0, 0) 0.toLehmerCode() shouldEqual LehmerCode(0) 1.toLehmerCode() shouldEqual LehmerCode(1, 0) 2.toLehmerCode() shouldEqual LehmerCode(1, 0, 0) 3.toLehmerCode() shouldEqual LehmerCode(1, 1, 0) 4.toLehmerCode() shouldEqual LehmerCode(2, 0, 0) 5.toLehmerCode() shouldEqual LehmerCode(2, 1, 0) 0.toLehmerCode() shouldEqual LehmerCode(0) 1.toLehmerCode() shouldEqual LehmerCode(1, 0) 2.toLehmerCode() shouldEqual LehmerCode(1, 0, 0) 6.toLehmerCode() shouldEqual LehmerCode(1, 0, 0, 0) 24.toLehmerCode() shouldEqual LehmerCode(1, 0, 0, 0, 0) 29.toLehmerCode() shouldEqual LehmerCode(1, 0, 2, 1, 0) } @Test fun `map Lehmer code to a permutation`() { LehmerCode().toPermutation() shouldEqual emptyList() LehmerCode(0).toPermutation() shouldEqual listOf(0) LehmerCode(0, 0, 0).toPermutation() shouldEqual listOf(0, 1, 2) LehmerCode(0, 1, 0).toPermutation() shouldEqual listOf(0, 2, 1) LehmerCode(1, 0, 0).toPermutation() shouldEqual listOf(1, 0, 2) LehmerCode(1, 1, 0).toPermutation() shouldEqual listOf(1, 2, 0) LehmerCode(2, 0, 0).toPermutation() shouldEqual listOf(2, 0, 1) LehmerCode(2, 1, 0).toPermutation() shouldEqual listOf(2, 1, 0) LehmerCode(1, 0, 2, 1, 0).toPermutation() shouldEqual listOf(1, 0, 4, 3, 2) LehmerCode(1, 0, 2, 1, 0).toPermutation(listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) shouldEqual listOf(2, 1, 5, 4, 3) LehmerCode(1, 0, 2, 1, 0).toPermutation(listOf('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')) shouldEqual listOf('b', 'a', 'e', 'd', 'c') } } data class LehmerCode(val value: List<Int>) { constructor(vararg value: Int): this(value.toList()) fun toLong(): Long { var factorial = 1 var result = 0L value.dropLast(1).asReversed().forEachIndexed { index, n -> factorial *= index + 1 result += n * factorial } return result } fun toPermutation(): List<Int> { val indices = value.indices.toMutableList() return { indices.removeAt(it) } } fun <T> toPermutation(list: List<T>): List<T> { return toPermutation().map { list[it] } } } fun List<Int>.toLehmerCode(): LehmerCode { val bitSet = BitSet(size) return LehmerCode(map { bitSet[it] = true it - bitSet.get(0, it).cardinality() }) } fun Int.toLehmerCode(size: Int = -1): LehmerCode = toLong().toLehmerCode(size) fun Long.toLehmerCode(size: Int = -1): LehmerCode { val result = ArrayList<Int>() result.add(0) var value = this var factorial = 1 var iteration = 1 while (value != 0L) { factorial *= iteration iteration += 1 val divisor = value / factorial val remainder = divisor % iteration result.add(0, remainder.toInt()) value -= remainder * factorial } if (size != -1) { IntRange(result.size, size - 1).forEach { result.add(0, 0) } } return LehmerCode(result) }
/* * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import android.database.Cursor import androidx.arch.core.executor.testing.CountingTaskExecutorRule import androidx.paging.LoadType import androidx.paging.PagingConfig import androidx.paging.PagingSource import androidx.paging.PagingSource.LoadResult import import import import import import import import import import import androidx.sqlite.db.SimpleSQLiteQuery import import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4 import androidx.test.filters.SmallTest import androidx.testutils.TestExecutor import import import import import import java.util.LinkedList import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException import java.util.concurrent.Executor import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith import kotlin.test.assertFalse import kotlin.test.assertTrue import kotlinx.coroutines.ExperimentalCoroutinesApi import kotlinx.coroutines.guava.await import kotlinx.coroutines.test.runTest import org.junit.Rule import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith private const val tableName: String = "TestItem" @OptIn(ExperimentalCoroutinesApi::class) @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class) @SmallTest class LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceTest { @JvmField @Rule val countingTaskExecutorRule = CountingTaskExecutorRule() @Test fun initialLoad_registersInvalidationObserver() = setupAndRunWithTestExecutor { db, queryExecutor, _ -> val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl( db = db, registerObserver = true ) val listenableFuture = pagingSource.refresh() assertFalse(pagingSource.privateObserver().privateRegisteredState().get()) // observer registration is queued up on queryExecutor by refresh() call queryExecutor.executeAll() assertTrue(pagingSource.privateObserver().privateRegisteredState().get()) // note that listenableFuture is not done yet // The future has been transformed into a ListenableFuture<LoadResult> whose result // is still pending assertFalse(listenableFuture.isDone) } @Test fun initialEmptyLoad_futureIsDone() = setupAndRun { db -> val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl( db = db, registerObserver = true ) runTest { val listenableFuture = pagingSource.refresh() val page = listenableFuture.await() as LoadResult.Page assertThat( assertTrue(listenableFuture.isDone) } } @Test fun initialLoad_returnsFutureImmediately() = setupAndRunWithTestExecutor { db, queryExecutor, transactionExecutor -> val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl( db = db, registerObserver = true ) val listenableFuture = pagingSource.refresh() // ensure future is returned even as its result is still pending assertFalse(listenableFuture.isDone) assertThat(pagingSource.itemCount.get()).isEqualTo(-1) queryExecutor.executeAll() // run loadFuture transactionExecutor.executeAll() // start initialLoad callable + load data val page = listenableFuture.await() as LoadResult.Page assertThat( ITEMS_LIST.subList(0, 15) ) assertTrue(listenableFuture.isDone) } @Test fun append_returnsFutureImmediately() = setupAndRunWithTestExecutor { db, queryExecutor, _ -> val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl(db) pagingSource.itemCount.set(100) val listenableFuture = pagingSource.append(key = 20) // ensure future is returned even as its result is still pending assertFalse(listenableFuture.isDone) // run transformAsync and async function queryExecutor.executeAll() val page = listenableFuture.await() as LoadResult.Page assertThat( ITEMS_LIST.subList(20, 25) ) assertTrue(listenableFuture.isDone) } @Test fun prepend_returnsFutureImmediately() = setupAndRunWithTestExecutor { db, queryExecutor, _ -> val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl(db) pagingSource.itemCount.set(100) // bypass check for initial load val listenableFuture = pagingSource.prepend(key = 20) // ensure future is returned even as its result is still pending assertFalse(listenableFuture.isDone) // run transformAsync and async function queryExecutor.executeAll() val page = listenableFuture.await() as LoadResult.Page assertThat( ITEMS_LIST.subList(15, 20) ) assertTrue(listenableFuture.isDone) } @Test fun append_returnsInvalid() = setupAndRunWithTestExecutor { db, queryExecutor, _ -> val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl(db) pagingSource.itemCount.set(100) // bypass check for initial load val listenableFuture = pagingSource.append(key = 50) pagingSource.invalidate() // imitate refreshVersionsAsync invalidating the PagingSource assertTrue(pagingSource.invalid) queryExecutor.executeAll() // run transformAsync and async function val result = listenableFuture.await() assertThat(result).isInstanceOf( assertTrue(listenableFuture.isDone) } @Test fun prepend_returnsInvalid() = setupAndRunWithTestExecutor { db, queryExecutor, _ -> val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl(db) pagingSource.itemCount.set(100) // bypass check for initial load val listenableFuture = pagingSource.prepend(key = 50) pagingSource.invalidate() // imitate refreshVersionsAsync invalidating the PagingSource assertTrue(pagingSource.invalid) queryExecutor.executeAll() // run transformAsync and async function val result = listenableFuture.await() assertThat(result).isInstanceOf( assertTrue(listenableFuture.isDone) } @Test fun refresh_consecutively() = setupAndRun { db -> db.dao.addAllItems(ITEMS_LIST) val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl(db, true) val pagingSource2 = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl(db, true) val listenableFuture1 = pagingSource.refresh(key = 10) val listenableFuture2 = pagingSource2.refresh(key = 15) // check that first Future completes first. If the first future didn't complete first, // this await() would not return. val page1 = listenableFuture1.await() as LoadResult.Page assertThat( ITEMS_LIST.subList(10, 25) ) val page2 = listenableFuture2.await() as LoadResult.Page assertThat( ITEMS_LIST.subList(15, 30) ) } @Test fun append_consecutively() = setupAndRunWithTestExecutor { db, queryExecutor, _ -> val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl(db) pagingSource.itemCount.set(100) // bypass check for initial load assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(0) val listenableFuture1 = pagingSource.append(key = 10) val listenableFuture2 = pagingSource.append(key = 15) // both load futures are queued assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(2) queryExecutor.executeNext() // first transformAsync queryExecutor.executeNext() // second transformAsync // both async functions are queued assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(2) queryExecutor.executeNext() // first async function queryExecutor.executeNext() // second async function // both nonInitial loads are queued assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(2) queryExecutor.executeNext() // first db load val page1 = listenableFuture1.await() as LoadResult.Page assertThat( ITEMS_LIST.subList(10, 15) ) queryExecutor.executeNext() // second db load val page2 = listenableFuture2.await() as LoadResult.Page assertThat( ITEMS_LIST.subList(15, 20) ) assertTrue(listenableFuture1.isDone) assertTrue(listenableFuture2.isDone) } @Test fun prepend_consecutively() = setupAndRunWithTestExecutor { db, queryExecutor, _ -> val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl(db) pagingSource.itemCount.set(100) // bypass check for initial load assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(0) val listenableFuture1 = pagingSource.prepend(key = 25) val listenableFuture2 = pagingSource.prepend(key = 20) // both load futures are queued assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(2) queryExecutor.executeNext() // first transformAsync queryExecutor.executeNext() // second transformAsync // both async functions are queued assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(2) queryExecutor.executeNext() // first async function queryExecutor.executeNext() // second async function // both nonInitial loads are queued assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(2) queryExecutor.executeNext() // first db load val page1 = listenableFuture1.await() as LoadResult.Page assertThat( ITEMS_LIST.subList(20, 25) ) queryExecutor.executeNext() // second db load val page2 = listenableFuture2.await() as LoadResult.Page assertThat( ITEMS_LIST.subList(15, 20) ) assertTrue(listenableFuture1.isDone) assertTrue(listenableFuture2.isDone) } @Test fun refresh_onSuccess() = setupAndRun { db -> db.dao.addAllItems(ITEMS_LIST) val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl(db, true) val listenableFuture = pagingSource.refresh(key = 30) var onSuccessReceived = false val callbackExecutor = TestExecutor() listenableFuture.onSuccess(callbackExecutor) { result -> val page = result as LoadResult.Page assertThat( ITEMS_LIST.subList(30, 45) ) onSuccessReceived = true } // wait until Room db's refresh load is complete countingTaskExecutorRule.drainTasks(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) assertTrue(listenableFuture.isDone) callbackExecutor.executeAll() // make sure onSuccess callback was executed assertTrue(onSuccessReceived) assertTrue(listenableFuture.isDone) } @Test fun append_onSuccess() = setupAndRun { db -> db.dao.addAllItems(ITEMS_LIST) val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl(db) pagingSource.itemCount.set(100) // bypass check for initial load val listenableFuture = pagingSource.append(key = 20) // ensure future is returned even as its result is still pending assertFalse(listenableFuture.isDone) var onSuccessReceived = false val callbackExecutor = TestExecutor() listenableFuture.onSuccess(callbackExecutor) { result -> val page = result as LoadResult.Page assertThat( ITEMS_LIST.subList(20, 25) ) onSuccessReceived = true } // let room db complete load countingTaskExecutorRule.drainTasks(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) callbackExecutor.executeAll() // make sure onSuccess callback was executed assertTrue(onSuccessReceived) assertTrue(listenableFuture.isDone) } @Test fun prepend_onSuccess() = setupAndRun { db -> db.dao.addAllItems(ITEMS_LIST) val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl(db) pagingSource.itemCount.set(100) // bypass check for initial load val listenableFuture = pagingSource.prepend(key = 40) // ensure future is returned even as its result is still pending assertFalse(listenableFuture.isDone) var onSuccessReceived = false val callbackExecutor = TestExecutor() listenableFuture.onSuccess(callbackExecutor) { result -> val page = result as LoadResult.Page assertThat( ITEMS_LIST.subList(35, 40) ) onSuccessReceived = true } // let room db complete load countingTaskExecutorRule.drainTasks(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) callbackExecutor.executeAll() // make sure onSuccess callback was executed assertTrue(onSuccessReceived) assertTrue(listenableFuture.isDone) } @Test fun refresh_cancelBeforeObserverRegistered_CancellationException() = setupAndRunWithTestExecutor { db, queryExecutor, transactionExecutor -> val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl(db, true) val listenableFuture = pagingSource.refresh(key = 50) assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(1) // transformAsync // cancel before observer has been registered. This queues up another task which is // the cancelled async function listenableFuture.cancel(true) // even though future is cancelled, transformAsync was already queued up which means // observer will still get registered assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(2) // start async function but doesn't proceed further queryExecutor.executeAll() // ensure initial load is not queued up assertThat(transactionExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(0) // await() should throw after cancellation assertFailsWith<CancellationException> { listenableFuture.await() } // executors should be idle assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(0) assertThat(transactionExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(0) assertTrue(listenableFuture.isDone) // even though initial refresh load is cancelled, the paging source itself // is NOT invalidated assertFalse(pagingSource.invalid) } @Test fun refresh_cancelAfterObserverRegistered_CancellationException() = setupAndRunWithTestExecutor { db, queryExecutor, transactionExecutor -> val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl(db, true) val listenableFuture = pagingSource.refresh(key = 50) // start transformAsync and register observer queryExecutor.executeNext() // cancel after observer registration listenableFuture.cancel(true) // start the async function but it has been cancelled so it doesn't queue up // initial load queryExecutor.executeNext() // initialLoad not queued assertThat(transactionExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(0) // await() should throw after cancellation assertFailsWith<CancellationException> { listenableFuture.await() } // executors should be idle assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(0) assertThat(transactionExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(0) assertTrue(listenableFuture.isDone) // even though initial refresh load is cancelled, the paging source itself // is NOT invalidated assertFalse(pagingSource.invalid) } @Test fun refresh_cancelAfterLoadIsQueued_CancellationException() = setupAndRunWithTestExecutor { db, queryExecutor, transactionExecutor -> val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl(db, true) val listenableFuture = pagingSource.refresh(key = 50) queryExecutor.executeAll() // run loadFuture and queue up initial load listenableFuture.cancel(true) // initialLoad has been queued assertThat(transactionExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(1) assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(0) transactionExecutor.executeAll() // room starts transaction but doesn't complete load queryExecutor.executeAll() // InvalidationTracker from end of transaction // await() should throw after cancellation assertFailsWith<CancellationException> { listenableFuture.await() } // executors should be idle assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(0) assertThat(transactionExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(0) assertTrue(listenableFuture.isDone) // even though initial refresh load is cancelled, the paging source itself // is NOT invalidated assertFalse(pagingSource.invalid) } @Test fun append_awaitThrowsCancellationException() = setupAndRunWithTestExecutor { db, queryExecutor, _ -> val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl(db) pagingSource.itemCount.set(100) // bypass check for initial load // queue up the append first val listenableFuture = pagingSource.append(key = 20) assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(1) listenableFuture.cancel(true) queryExecutor.executeAll() // await() should throw after cancellation assertFailsWith<CancellationException> { listenableFuture.await() } // although query was executed, it should not complete due to the cancellation signal. // If query was completed, paging source would call refreshVersionsAsync manually // and queuedSize() would be 1 instead of 0 with InvalidationTracker queued up assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(0) } @Test fun prepend_awaitThrowsCancellationException() = setupAndRunWithTestExecutor { db, queryExecutor, _ -> val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl(db) pagingSource.itemCount.set(100) // bypass check for initial load // queue up the prepend first val listenableFuture = pagingSource.prepend(key = 30) assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(1) listenableFuture.cancel(true) queryExecutor.executeAll() // await() should throw after cancellation assertFailsWith<CancellationException> { listenableFuture.await() } // although query was executed, it should not complete due to the cancellation signal. // If query was completed, paging source would call refreshVersionsAsync manually // and queuedSize() would be 1 instead of 0 with InvalidationTracker queued up assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(0) } @Test fun refresh_canceledFutureRunsOnFailureCallback() = setupAndRunWithTestExecutor { db, queryExecutor, transactionExecutor -> val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl(db, true) val listenableFuture = pagingSource.refresh(key = 30) queryExecutor.executeAll() // start transformAsync & async function assertThat(transactionExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(1) val callbackExecutor = TestExecutor() var onFailureReceived = false listenableFuture.onFailure(callbackExecutor) { throwable -> assertThat(throwable).isInstanceOf( onFailureReceived = true } // now cancel future and execute the refresh load. The refresh should not complete. listenableFuture.cancel(true) transactionExecutor.executeAll() assertThat(transactionExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(0) callbackExecutor.executeAll() // make sure onFailure callback was executed assertTrue(onFailureReceived) assertTrue(listenableFuture.isDone) } @Test fun append_canceledFutureRunsOnFailureCallback2() = setupAndRunWithTestExecutor { db, queryExecutor, _ -> val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl(db) pagingSource.itemCount.set(100) // bypass check for initial load val listenableFuture = pagingSource.append(key = 20) assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(1) val callbackExecutor = TestExecutor() var onFailureReceived = false listenableFuture.onFailure(callbackExecutor) { throwable -> assertThat(throwable).isInstanceOf( onFailureReceived = true } // now cancel future and execute the append load. The append should not complete. listenableFuture.cancel(true) queryExecutor.executeNext() // transformAsync queryExecutor.executeNext() // nonInitialLoad // if load was erroneously completed, InvalidationTracker would be queued assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(0) callbackExecutor.executeAll() // make sure onFailure callback was executed assertTrue(onFailureReceived) assertTrue(listenableFuture.isDone) } @Test fun prepend_canceledFutureRunsOnFailureCallback() = setupAndRunWithTestExecutor { db, queryExecutor, _ -> val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl(db) pagingSource.itemCount.set(100) // bypass check for initial load // queue up the prepend first val listenableFuture = pagingSource.prepend(key = 30) assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(1) val callbackExecutor = TestExecutor() var onFailureReceived = false listenableFuture.onFailure(callbackExecutor) { throwable -> assertThat(throwable).isInstanceOf( onFailureReceived = true } // now cancel future and execute the prepend which should not complete. listenableFuture.cancel(true) queryExecutor.executeNext() // transformAsync queryExecutor.executeNext() // nonInitialLoad // if load was erroneously completed, InvalidationTracker would be queued assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(0) callbackExecutor.executeAll() // make sure onFailure callback was executed assertTrue(onFailureReceived) assertTrue(listenableFuture.isDone) } @Test fun refresh_AfterCancellation() = setupAndRun { db -> db.dao.addAllItems(ITEMS_LIST) val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl(db, true) pagingSource.itemCount.set(100) // bypass check for initial load val listenableFuture = pagingSource.prepend(key = 50) listenableFuture.cancel(true) assertFailsWith<CancellationException> { listenableFuture.await() } // new gen after query from previous gen was cancelled val pagingSource2 = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl(db, true) val listenableFuture2 = pagingSource2.refresh() val result = listenableFuture2.await() as LoadResult.Page // the new generation should load as usual assertThat( ITEMS_LIST.subList(0, 15) ) } @Test fun appendAgain_afterFutureCanceled() = setupAndRun { db -> db.dao.addAllItems(ITEMS_LIST) val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl(db) pagingSource.itemCount.set(100) // bypass check for initial load val listenableFuture = pagingSource.append(key = 30) listenableFuture.cancel(true) assertFailsWith<CancellationException> { listenableFuture.await() } assertTrue(listenableFuture.isDone) assertFalse(pagingSource.invalid) val listenableFuture2 = pagingSource.append(key = 30) val result = listenableFuture2.await() as LoadResult.Page assertThat( ITEMS_LIST.subList(30, 35) ) assertTrue(listenableFuture2.isDone) } @Test fun prependAgain_afterFutureCanceled() = setupAndRun { db -> db.dao.addAllItems(ITEMS_LIST) val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl(db) pagingSource.itemCount.set(100) // bypass check for initial load val listenableFuture = pagingSource.prepend(key = 30) listenableFuture.cancel(true) assertFailsWith<CancellationException> { listenableFuture.await() } assertFalse(pagingSource.invalid) assertTrue(listenableFuture.isDone) val listenableFuture2 = pagingSource.prepend(key = 30) val result = listenableFuture2.await() as LoadResult.Page assertThat( ITEMS_LIST.subList(25, 30) ) assertTrue(listenableFuture2.isDone) } @Test fun append_insertInvalidatesPagingSource() = setupAndRunWithTestExecutor { db, queryExecutor, _ -> val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl( db = db, registerObserver = true ) pagingSource.itemCount.set(100) // bypass check for initial load // queue up the append first val listenableFuture = pagingSource.append(key = 20) assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(1) queryExecutor.executeNext() // start transformAsync queryExecutor.executeNext() // start async function assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(1) // nonInitialLoad is queued up // run this async separately from queryExecutor run { db.dao.addItem(TestItem(101)) } // tasks in queue [nonInitialLoad, InvalidationTracker(from additem)] assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(2) // run nonInitialLoad first. The InvalidationTracker // is still queued up. This imitates delayed notification from Room. queryExecutor.executeNext() val result = listenableFuture.await() assertThat(result).isInstanceOf( assertThat(pagingSource.invalid) } @Test fun prepend_insertInvalidatesPagingSource() = setupAndRunWithTestExecutor { db, queryExecutor, _ -> val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl( db = db, registerObserver = true ) pagingSource.itemCount.set(100) // bypass check for initial load // queue up the append first val listenableFuture = pagingSource.prepend(key = 20) assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(1) queryExecutor.executeNext() // start transformAsync queryExecutor.executeNext() // start async function assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(1) // nonInitialLoad is queued up // run this async separately from queryExecutor run { db.dao.addItem(TestItem(101)) } // tasks in queue [nonInitialLoad, InvalidationTracker(from additem)] assertThat(queryExecutor.queuedSize()).isEqualTo(2) // run nonInitialLoad first. The InvalidationTracker // is still queued up. This imitates delayed notification from Room. queryExecutor.executeNext() val result = listenableFuture.await() assertThat(result).isInstanceOf( assertThat(pagingSource.invalid) } @Test fun test_jumpSupport() = setupAndRun { db -> val pagingSource = LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl(db) assertTrue(pagingSource.jumpingSupported) } @Test fun refresh_secondaryConstructor() = setupAndRun { db -> val pagingSource = object : LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSource<TestItem>( db = db, supportSQLiteQuery = SimpleSQLiteQuery( "SELECT * FROM $tableName ORDER BY id ASC" ) ) { override fun convertRows(cursor: Cursor): List<TestItem> { return convertRowsHelper(cursor) } } db.dao.addAllItems(ITEMS_LIST) val listenableFuture = pagingSource.refresh() val page = listenableFuture.await() as LoadResult.Page assertThat( ITEMS_LIST.subList(0, 15) ) assertTrue(listenableFuture.isDone) } @Test fun append_secondaryConstructor() = setupAndRun { db -> val pagingSource = object : LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSource<TestItem>( db = db, supportSQLiteQuery = SimpleSQLiteQuery( "SELECT * FROM $tableName ORDER BY id ASC" ) ) { override fun convertRows(cursor: Cursor): List<TestItem> { return convertRowsHelper(cursor) } } db.dao.addAllItems(ITEMS_LIST) pagingSource.itemCount.set(100) val listenableFuture = pagingSource.append(key = 50) val page = listenableFuture.await() as LoadResult.Page assertThat( ITEMS_LIST.subList(50, 55) ) assertTrue(listenableFuture.isDone) } @Test fun prepend_secondaryConstructor() = setupAndRun { db -> val pagingSource = object : LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSource<TestItem>( db = db, supportSQLiteQuery = SimpleSQLiteQuery( "SELECT * FROM $tableName ORDER BY id ASC" ) ) { override fun convertRows(cursor: Cursor): List<TestItem> { return convertRowsHelper(cursor) } } db.dao.addAllItems(ITEMS_LIST) pagingSource.itemCount.set(100) val listenableFuture = pagingSource.prepend(key = 50) val page = listenableFuture.await() as LoadResult.Page assertThat( ITEMS_LIST.subList(45, 50) ) assertTrue(listenableFuture.isDone) } private fun setupAndRun( test: suspend (LimitOffsetTestDb) -> Unit ) { val db = Room.inMemoryDatabaseBuilder( ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext(), ).build() runTest { test(db) } tearDown(db) } private fun setupAndRunWithTestExecutor( test: suspend (LimitOffsetTestDb, TestExecutor, TestExecutor) -> Unit ) { val queryExecutor = TestExecutor() val transactionExecutor = TestExecutor() val db = Room.inMemoryDatabaseBuilder( ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext(), ) .setTransactionExecutor(transactionExecutor) .setQueryExecutor(queryExecutor) .build() runTest { db.dao.addAllItems(ITEMS_LIST) queryExecutor.executeAll() // InvalidationTracker from the addAllItems test(db, queryExecutor, transactionExecutor) } tearDown(db) } private fun tearDown(db: LimitOffsetTestDb) { if (db.isOpen) db.close() countingTaskExecutorRule.drainTasks(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) assertThat(countingTaskExecutorRule.isIdle).isTrue() } } private class LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSourceImpl( db: RoomDatabase, registerObserver: Boolean = false, queryString: String = "SELECT * FROM $tableName ORDER BY id ASC", ) : LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSource<TestItem>( sourceQuery = RoomSQLiteQuery.acquire( queryString, 0 ), db = db, tables = arrayOf(tableName) ) { init { // bypass register check and avoid registering observer if (!registerObserver) { privateObserver().privateRegisteredState().set(true) } } override fun convertRows(cursor: Cursor): List<TestItem> { return convertRowsHelper(cursor) } } private fun convertRowsHelper(cursor: Cursor): List<TestItem> { val cursorIndexOfId = getColumnIndexOrThrow(cursor, "id") val data = mutableListOf<TestItem>() while (cursor.moveToNext()) { val tmpId = cursor.getInt(cursorIndexOfId) data.add(TestItem(tmpId)) } return data } @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") private fun TestExecutor.executeNext() { val tasks = javaClass.getDeclaredField("mTasks").let { it.isAccessible = true it.get(this) } as LinkedList<Runnable> if (!tasks.isEmpty()) { val task = tasks.poll() task?.run() } } @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") private fun TestExecutor.queuedSize(): Int { val tasks = javaClass.getDeclaredField("mTasks").let { it.isAccessible = true it.get(this) } as LinkedList<Runnable> return tasks.size } @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") private fun ThreadSafeInvalidationObserver.privateRegisteredState(): AtomicBoolean { return .getDeclaredField("registered") .let { it.isAccessible = true it.get(this) } as AtomicBoolean } @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") private fun LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSource<TestItem>.privateObserver(): ThreadSafeInvalidationObserver { return .getDeclaredField("observer") .let { it.isAccessible = true it.get(this) } as ThreadSafeInvalidationObserver } private fun LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSource<TestItem>.refresh( key: Int? = null, ): ListenableFuture<LoadResult<Int, TestItem>> { return loadFuture( createLoadParam( loadType = LoadType.REFRESH, key = key, ) ) } private fun LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSource<TestItem>.append( key: Int? = -1, ): ListenableFuture<LoadResult<Int, TestItem>> { return loadFuture( createLoadParam( loadType = LoadType.APPEND, key = key, ) ) } private fun LimitOffsetListenableFuturePagingSource<TestItem>.prepend( key: Int? = -1, ): ListenableFuture<LoadResult<Int, TestItem>> { return loadFuture( createLoadParam( loadType = LoadType.PREPEND, key = key, ) ) } private val CONFIG = PagingConfig( pageSize = 5, enablePlaceholders = true, initialLoadSize = 15 ) private val ITEMS_LIST = createItemsForDb(0, 100) private fun createItemsForDb(startId: Int, count: Int): List<TestItem> { return List(count) { TestItem( id = it + startId, ) } } private fun createLoadParam( loadType: LoadType, key: Int? = null, initialLoadSize: Int = CONFIG.initialLoadSize, pageSize: Int = CONFIG.pageSize, placeholdersEnabled: Boolean = CONFIG.enablePlaceholders ): PagingSource.LoadParams<Int> { return when (loadType) { LoadType.REFRESH -> { PagingSource.LoadParams.Refresh( key = key, loadSize = initialLoadSize, placeholdersEnabled = placeholdersEnabled ) } LoadType.APPEND -> { PagingSource.LoadParams.Append( key = key ?: -1, loadSize = pageSize, placeholdersEnabled = placeholdersEnabled ) } LoadType.PREPEND -> { PagingSource.LoadParams.Prepend( key = key ?: -1, loadSize = pageSize, placeholdersEnabled = placeholdersEnabled ) } } } private fun ListenableFuture<LoadResult<Int, TestItem>>.onSuccess( executor: Executor, onSuccessCallback: (LoadResult<Int, TestItem>?) -> Unit, ) { addCallback( this, object : FutureCallback<LoadResult<Int, TestItem>> { override fun onSuccess(result: LoadResult<Int, TestItem>?) { onSuccessCallback(result) } override fun onFailure(t: Throwable) { assertWithMessage("Expected onSuccess callback instead of onFailure, " + "received ${t.localizedMessage}").fail() } }, executor ) } private fun ListenableFuture<LoadResult<Int, TestItem>>.onFailure( executor: Executor, onFailureCallback: (Throwable) -> Unit, ) { addCallback( this, object : FutureCallback<LoadResult<Int, TestItem>> { override fun onSuccess(result: LoadResult<Int, TestItem>?) { assertWithMessage("Expected onFailure callback instead of onSuccess, " + "received result $result").fail() } override fun onFailure(t: Throwable) { onFailureCallback(t) } }, executor ) } @Database(entities = [TestItem::class], version = 1, exportSchema = false) abstract class LimitOffsetTestDb : RoomDatabase() { abstract val dao: TestItemDao } @Entity(tableName = "TestItem") data class TestItem( @PrimaryKey val id: Int, val value: String = "item $id" ) @Dao interface TestItemDao { @Insert fun addAllItems(testItems: List<TestItem>) @Insert fun addItem(testItem: TestItem) }
package import com.onyx.buffer.BufferStream import com.onyx.buffer.BufferStreamable /** * Created by timothy.osborn on 3/19/15. * * Reference of a relationship */ class RelationshipReference @JvmOverloads constructor(var identifier: Any? = "", var partitionId: Long = 0L) : BufferStreamable, Comparable<RelationshipReference> { override fun read(buffer: BufferStream) { partitionId = buffer.long identifier = buffer.value } override fun write(buffer: BufferStream) { buffer.putLong(partitionId) buffer.putObject(identifier) } override fun compareTo(other: RelationshipReference): Int = when { this.partitionId < other.partitionId -> -1 this.partitionId > other.partitionId -> 1 other.identifier!!.javaClass == this.identifier!!.javaClass && this.identifier is Comparable<*> -> @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") (this.identifier as Comparable<Any>).compareTo(other.identifier!! as Comparable<Any>) else -> 0 } override fun hashCode(): Int = when (identifier) { null -> partitionId.hashCode() else -> identifier!!.hashCode() + partitionId.hashCode() } override fun equals(other:Any?):Boolean = other != null && (other as RelationshipReference).partitionId == partitionId && other.identifier == identifier }
// Copyright 2000-2022 JetBrains s.r.o. and contributors. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license. @file:Suppress("ReplacePutWithAssignment", "ReplaceGetOrSet") package com.intellij.ui.docking.impl import com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue import com.intellij.ide.ui.UISettings import com.intellij.ide.ui.UISettingsListener import com.intellij.openapi.Disposable import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.Presentation import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager import com.intellij.openapi.components.PersistentStateComponent import com.intellij.openapi.components.State import com.intellij.openapi.components.Storage import com.intellij.openapi.components.StoragePathMacros import com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.FileEditor import com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.FileEditorComposite import com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.ex.FileEditorManagerEx import com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.impl.* import com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.impl.EditorTabbedContainer.DockableEditor import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project import com.intellij.openapi.ui.FrameWrapper import com.intellij.openapi.util.* import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile import com.intellij.openapi.wm.* import com.intellij.openapi.wm.ex.ToolWindowManagerListener import com.intellij.openapi.wm.ex.ToolWindowManagerListener.ToolWindowManagerEventType import com.intellij.openapi.wm.ex.WindowManagerEx import com.intellij.toolWindow.ToolWindowButtonManager import com.intellij.toolWindow.ToolWindowPane import com.intellij.toolWindow.ToolWindowPaneNewButtonManager import com.intellij.toolWindow.ToolWindowPaneOldButtonManager import com.intellij.ui.ComponentUtil import com.intellij.ui.ExperimentalUI import com.intellij.ui.ScreenUtil import com.intellij.ui.awt.DevicePoint import com.intellij.ui.awt.RelativePoint import com.intellij.ui.components.panels.NonOpaquePanel import com.intellij.ui.components.panels.VerticalBox import com.intellij.ui.docking.* import com.intellij.ui.docking.DockContainer.ContentResponse import com.intellij.util.IconUtil import com.intellij.util.ObjectUtils import com.intellij.util.containers.sequenceOfNotNull import com.intellij.util.ui.EdtInvocationManager import com.intellij.util.ui.ImageUtil import com.intellij.util.ui.StartupUiUtil import com.intellij.util.ui.update.Activatable import com.intellij.util.ui.update.UiNotifyConnector import org.jdom.Element import org.jetbrains.annotations.Contract import java.awt.* import java.awt.event.KeyEvent import java.awt.event.MouseEvent import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter import java.awt.event.WindowEvent import java.util.* import java.util.function.Predicate import javax.swing.* @State(name = "DockManager", storages = [Storage(StoragePathMacros.PRODUCT_WORKSPACE_FILE)]) class DockManagerImpl(private val project: Project) : DockManager(), PersistentStateComponent<Element?> { private val factories = HashMap<String, DockContainerFactory>() private val containers = HashSet<DockContainer>() private val containerToWindow = HashMap<DockContainer, DockWindow>() private var currentDragSession: MyDragSession? = null private val busyObject: BusyObject.Impl = object : BusyObject.Impl() { override fun isReady(): Boolean = currentDragSession == null } private var windowIdCounter = 1 private var loadedState: Element? = null companion object { val SHOW_NORTH_PANEL = Key.create<Boolean>("SHOW_NORTH_PANEL") val WINDOW_DIMENSION_KEY = Key.create<String>("WINDOW_DIMENSION_KEY") @JvmField val REOPEN_WINDOW = Key.create<Boolean>("REOPEN_WINDOW") @JvmField val ALLOW_DOCK_TOOL_WINDOWS = Key.create<Boolean>("ALLOW_DOCK_TOOL_WINDOWS") @JvmStatic fun isSingletonEditorInWindow(editors: List<FileEditor>): Boolean { return editors.any { FileEditorManagerImpl.SINGLETON_EDITOR_IN_WINDOW.get(it, false) || EditorWindow.HIDE_TABS.get(it, false) } } private fun getWindowDimensionKey(content: DockableContent<*>): String? { return if (content is DockableEditor) getWindowDimensionKey(content.file) else null } private fun getWindowDimensionKey(file: VirtualFile): String? = WINDOW_DIMENSION_KEY.get(file) @JvmStatic fun isNorthPanelVisible(uiSettings: UISettings): Boolean { return uiSettings.showNavigationBar && !uiSettings.presentationMode } @JvmStatic fun isNorthPanelAvailable(editors: List<FileEditor>): Boolean { val defaultNorthPanelVisible = isNorthPanelVisible(UISettings.getInstance()) for (editor in editors) { if (SHOW_NORTH_PANEL.isIn(editor)) { return SHOW_NORTH_PANEL.get(editor, defaultNorthPanelVisible) } } return defaultNorthPanelVisible } } override fun register(container: DockContainer, parentDisposable: Disposable) { containers.add(container) Disposer.register(parentDisposable) { containers.remove(container) } } override fun register(id: String, factory: DockContainerFactory, parentDisposable: Disposable) { factories.put(id, factory) if (parentDisposable !== project) { Disposer.register(parentDisposable) { factories.remove(id) } } readStateFor(id) } fun readState() { for (id in factories.keys) { readStateFor(id) } } override fun getContainers(): Set<DockContainer> = allContainers.toSet() override fun getIdeFrame(container: DockContainer): IdeFrame? { return ComponentUtil.findUltimateParent(container.containerComponent) as? IdeFrame } override fun getDimensionKeyForFocus(key: String): String { val owner = IdeFocusManager.getInstance(project).focusOwner ?: return key val window = containerToWindow.get(getContainerFor(owner) { _ -> true }) return if (window == null) key else "$key#${}" } @Suppress("OVERRIDE_DEPRECATION", "removal") override fun getContainerFor(c: Component): DockContainer? { return getContainerFor(c) { true } } @Contract("null, _ -> null") override fun getContainerFor(c: Component?, filter: Predicate<in DockContainer>): DockContainer? { if (c == null) { return null } for (eachContainer in allContainers) { if (SwingUtilities.isDescendingFrom(c, eachContainer.containerComponent) && filter.test(eachContainer)) { return eachContainer } } val parent = ComponentUtil.findUltimateParent(c) for (eachContainer in allContainers) { if (parent === ComponentUtil.findUltimateParent(eachContainer.containerComponent) && filter.test(eachContainer)) { return eachContainer } } return null } override fun createDragSession(mouseEvent: MouseEvent, content: DockableContent<*>): DragSession { stopCurrentDragSession() for (each in allContainers) { if (each.isEmpty && each.isDisposeWhenEmpty) { val window = containerToWindow.get(each) window?.setTransparent(true) } } currentDragSession = MyDragSession(mouseEvent, content) return currentDragSession!! } fun stopCurrentDragSession() { if (currentDragSession != null) { currentDragSession!!.cancelSession() currentDragSession = null busyObject.onReady() for (each in allContainers) { if (!each.isEmpty) { val window = containerToWindow.get(each) window?.setTransparent(false) } } } } private val ready: ActionCallback get() = busyObject.getReady(this) private inner class MyDragSession(mouseEvent: MouseEvent, content: DockableContent<*>) : DragSession { private val window: JDialog private var dragImage: Image? private val defaultDragImage: Image private val content: DockableContent<*> val startDragContainer: DockContainer? private var currentOverContainer: DockContainer? = null private val imageContainer: JLabel init { window = JDialog(ComponentUtil.getWindow(mouseEvent.component)) window.isUndecorated = true this.content = content @Suppress("DEPRECATION") startDragContainer = getContainerFor(mouseEvent.component) val buffer = ImageUtil.toBufferedImage(content.previewImage) val requiredSize = 220.0 val width = buffer.getWidth(null).toDouble() val height = buffer.getHeight(null).toDouble() val ratio = if (width > height) requiredSize / width else requiredSize / height defaultDragImage = buffer.getScaledInstance((width * ratio).toInt(), (height * ratio).toInt(), Image.SCALE_SMOOTH) dragImage = defaultDragImage imageContainer = JLabel(object : Icon { override fun getIconWidth(): Int = defaultDragImage.getWidth(window) override fun getIconHeight(): Int = defaultDragImage.getHeight(window) @Synchronized override fun paintIcon(c: Component, g: Graphics, x: Int, y: Int) { StartupUiUtil.drawImage(g, defaultDragImage, x, y, window) } }) window.contentPane = imageContainer setLocationFrom(mouseEvent) window.isVisible = true val windowManager = WindowManagerEx.getInstanceEx() windowManager.setAlphaModeEnabled(window, true) windowManager.setAlphaModeRatio(window, 0.1f) } private fun setLocationFrom(me: MouseEvent) { val devicePoint = DevicePoint(me) val showPoint = devicePoint.locationOnScreen val size = imageContainer.size showPoint.x -= size.width / 2 showPoint.y -= size.height / 2 window.bounds = Rectangle(showPoint, size) } override fun getResponse(e: MouseEvent): ContentResponse { val point = DevicePoint(e) for (each in allContainers) { val rec = each.acceptArea if (rec.contains(point)) { val component = each.containerComponent if (component.graphicsConfiguration != null) { val response = each.getContentResponse(content, point.toRelativePoint(component)) if (response.canAccept()) { return response } } } } return ContentResponse.DENY } override fun process(e: MouseEvent) { val devicePoint = DevicePoint(e) var img: Image? = null if ( == MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED) { val over = findContainerFor(devicePoint, content) if (currentOverContainer != null && currentOverContainer !== over) { currentOverContainer!!.resetDropOver(content) currentOverContainer = null } if (currentOverContainer == null && over != null) { currentOverContainer = over val point = devicePoint.toRelativePoint(over.containerComponent) img = currentOverContainer!!.startDropOver(content, point) } if (currentOverContainer != null) { val point = devicePoint.toRelativePoint(currentOverContainer!!.containerComponent) img = currentOverContainer!!.processDropOver(content, point) } if (img == null) { img = defaultDragImage } if (img !== dragImage) { dragImage = img imageContainer.icon = IconUtil.createImageIcon(dragImage!!) window.pack() } setLocationFrom(e) } else if ( == MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED) { if (currentOverContainer == null) { // This relative point might be relative to a component that's on a different screen, with a different DPI scaling factor than // the target location. Ideally, we should pass the DevicePoint to createNewDockContainerFor, but that will change the API. We'll // fix it up inside createNewDockContainerFor val point = RelativePoint(e) createNewDockContainerFor(content, point) e.consume() //Marker for DragHelper: drag into separate window is not tabs reordering } else { val point = devicePoint.toRelativePoint(currentOverContainer!!.containerComponent) currentOverContainer!!.add(content, point) ObjectUtils.consumeIfCast(currentOverContainer, { container: DockableEditorTabbedContainer -> //Marker for DragHelper, not 'refined' drop in tab-set shouldn't affect ABC-order setting if (container.currentDropSide == SwingConstants.CENTER) e.consume() } } stopCurrentDragSession() } } override fun cancel() { stopCurrentDragSession() } fun cancelSession() { window.dispose() if (currentOverContainer != null) { currentOverContainer!!.resetDropOver(content) currentOverContainer = null } } } private fun findContainerFor(devicePoint: DevicePoint, content: DockableContent<*>): DockContainer? { val containers = containers.toMutableList() FileEditorManagerEx.getInstanceEx(project)?.dockContainer?.let(containers::add) val startDragContainer = currentDragSession?.startDragContainer if (startDragContainer != null) { containers.remove(startDragContainer) containers.add(0, startDragContainer) } for (each in containers) { val rec = each.acceptArea if (rec.contains(devicePoint) && each.getContentResponse(content, devicePoint.toRelativePoint(each.containerComponent)).canAccept()) { return each } } for (each in containers) { val rec = each.acceptAreaFallback if (rec.contains(devicePoint) && each.getContentResponse(content, devicePoint.toRelativePoint(each.containerComponent)).canAccept()) { return each } } return null } private fun getFactory(type: String): DockContainerFactory? { assert(factories.containsKey(type)) { "No factory for content type=$type" } return factories.get(type) } fun createNewDockContainerFor(content: DockableContent<*>, point: RelativePoint) { val container = getFactory(content.dockContainerType)!!.createContainer(content) val canReopenWindow = content.presentation.getClientProperty(REOPEN_WINDOW) val reopenWindow = canReopenWindow == null || canReopenWindow val window = createWindowFor(getWindowDimensionKey(content), null, container, reopenWindow) val isNorthPanelAvailable = if (content is DockableEditor) content.isNorthPanelAvailable else isNorthPanelVisible(UISettings.getInstance()) if (isNorthPanelAvailable) { window.setupNorthPanel() } val canDockToolWindows = content.presentation.getClientProperty(ALLOW_DOCK_TOOL_WINDOWS) if (canDockToolWindows == null || canDockToolWindows) { window.setupToolWindowPane() } val size = content.preferredSize // The given relative point might be relative to a component on a different screen, using different DPI screen coordinates. Convert to // device coordinates first. Ideally, we would be given a DevicePoint val showPoint = DevicePoint(point).locationOnScreen showPoint.x -= size.width / 2 showPoint.y -= size.height / 2 val target = Rectangle(showPoint, size) ScreenUtil.moveRectangleToFitTheScreen(target) ScreenUtil.cropRectangleToFitTheScreen(target) window.setLocation(target.location) window.dockContentUiContainer.preferredSize = target.size window.getFrame().pack() container.add(content, RelativePoint(target.location)) SwingUtilities.invokeLater { window.uiContainer.preferredSize = null } } fun createNewDockContainerFor(file: VirtualFile, fileEditorManager: FileEditorManagerImpl): FileEditorComposite { val container = getFactory(DockableEditorContainerFactory.TYPE)!!.createContainer(null) // Order is important here. Create the dock window, then create the editor window. That way, any listeners can check to see if the // parent window is floating. val window = createWindowFor(getWindowDimensionKey(file), null, container, REOPEN_WINDOW.get(file, true)) if (!ApplicationManager.getApplication().isHeadlessEnvironment && !ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode) { } val editorWindow = (container as DockableEditorTabbedContainer).splitters.getOrCreateCurrentWindow(file) val result = fileEditorManager.openFileImpl2(editorWindow, file, FileEditorOpenOptions(requestFocus = true)) if (!isSingletonEditorInWindow(result.allEditors)) { window.setupToolWindowPane() } val isNorthPanelAvailable = isNorthPanelAvailable(result.allEditors) if (isNorthPanelAvailable) { window.setupNorthPanel() } container.add( EditorTabbedContainer.createDockableEditor(project, null, file, Presentation(, editorWindow, isNorthPanelAvailable), null ) SwingUtilities.invokeLater { window.uiContainer.preferredSize = null } return result } private fun createWindowFor(dimensionKey: String?, id: String?, container: DockContainer, canReopenWindow: Boolean): DockWindow { val window = DockWindow(dimensionKey = dimensionKey, id = id ?: (windowIdCounter++).toString(), project = project, container = container, isDialog = container is DockContainer.Dialog, supportReopen = canReopenWindow) containerToWindow.put(container, window) return window } private fun getOrCreateWindowFor(id: String, container: DockContainer): DockWindow { val existingWindow = containerToWindow.values.firstOrNull { == id } if (existingWindow != null) { val oldContainer = existingWindow.replaceContainer(container) containerToWindow.remove(oldContainer) containerToWindow.put(container, existingWindow) if (oldContainer is Disposable) { Disposer.dispose(oldContainer) } return existingWindow } return createWindowFor(dimensionKey = null, id = id, container = container, canReopenWindow = true) } private inner class DockWindow(dimensionKey: String?, val id: String, project: Project, private var container: DockContainer, isDialog: Boolean, val supportReopen: Boolean) : FrameWrapper(project, dimensionKey ?: "dock-window-$id", isDialog) { var northPanelAvailable = false private val northPanel = VerticalBox() private val northExtensions = LinkedHashMap<String, JComponent>() val uiContainer: NonOpaquePanel private val centerPanel = JPanel(BorderLayout(0, 2)) val dockContentUiContainer: JPanel var toolWindowPane: ToolWindowPane? = null init { if (!ApplicationManager.getApplication().isHeadlessEnvironment && container !is DockContainer.Dialog) { val statusBar = WindowManager.getInstance().getStatusBar(project) if (statusBar != null) { val frame = getFrame() if (frame is IdeFrame) { this.statusBar = statusBar.createChild(frame) } } } uiContainer = NonOpaquePanel(BorderLayout()) centerPanel.isOpaque = false dockContentUiContainer = JPanel(BorderLayout()) dockContentUiContainer.isOpaque = false dockContentUiContainer.add(container.containerComponent, BorderLayout.CENTER) centerPanel.add(dockContentUiContainer, BorderLayout.CENTER) uiContainer.add(centerPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER) statusBar?.let { uiContainer.add(it.component, BorderLayout.SOUTH) } component = uiContainer IdeEventQueue.getInstance().addPostprocessor({ e -> if (e is KeyEvent) { if (currentDragSession != null) { stopCurrentDragSession() } } false }, this) container.addListener(object : DockContainer.Listener { override fun contentRemoved(key: Any) { ready.doWhenDone(Runnable(::closeIfEmpty)) } }, this) } fun setupToolWindowPane() { if (ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode || getFrame() !is JFrame || toolWindowPane != null) { return } val paneId = dimensionKey!! val buttonManager: ToolWindowButtonManager if (ExperimentalUI.isNewUI()) { buttonManager = ToolWindowPaneNewButtonManager(paneId, false) buttonManager.add(dockContentUiContainer) buttonManager.initMoreButton() } else { buttonManager = ToolWindowPaneOldButtonManager(paneId) } val containerComponent = container.containerComponent toolWindowPane = ToolWindowPane((getFrame() as JFrame), this, paneId, buttonManager) toolWindowPane!!.setDocumentComponent(containerComponent) dockContentUiContainer.remove(containerComponent) dockContentUiContainer.add(toolWindowPane!!, BorderLayout.CENTER) // Close the container if it's empty, and we've just removed the last tool window project.messageBus.connect(this).subscribe(ToolWindowManagerListener.TOPIC, object : ToolWindowManagerListener { override fun stateChanged(toolWindowManager: ToolWindowManager, eventType: ToolWindowManagerEventType) { if (eventType == ToolWindowManagerEventType.ActivateToolWindow || eventType == ToolWindowManagerEventType.MovedOrResized || eventType == ToolWindowManagerEventType.SetContentUiType) { return } ready.doWhenDone(Runnable(::closeIfEmpty)) } }) } fun replaceContainer(container: DockContainer): DockContainer { val newContainerComponent = container.containerComponent if (toolWindowPane != null) { toolWindowPane!!.setDocumentComponent(newContainerComponent) } else { dockContentUiContainer.remove(this.container.containerComponent) dockContentUiContainer.add(newContainerComponent) } val oldContainer = this.container this.container = container if (container is Activatable && getFrame().isVisible) { (container as Activatable).showNotify() } return oldContainer } private fun closeIfEmpty() { if (container.isEmpty && (toolWindowPane == null || !toolWindowPane!!.buttonManager.hasButtons())) { close() containers.remove(container) } } fun setupNorthPanel() { if (northPanelAvailable) { return } centerPanel.add(northPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH) northPanelAvailable = true project.messageBus.connect(this).subscribe(UISettingsListener.TOPIC, UISettingsListener { uiSettings -> val visible = isNorthPanelVisible(uiSettings) if (northPanel.isVisible != visible) { updateNorthPanel(visible) } }) updateNorthPanel(isNorthPanelVisible(UISettings.getInstance())) } override fun getNorthExtension(key: String?): JComponent? = northExtensions.get(key) private fun updateNorthPanel(visible: Boolean) { if (ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode || !northPanelAvailable) { return } northPanel.removeAll() northExtensions.clear() northPanel.isVisible = visible && container !is DockContainer.Dialog for (extension in IdeRootPaneNorthExtension.EP_NAME.extensionList) { val component = extension.createComponent(project, true) ?: continue northExtensions.put(extension.key, component) northPanel.add(component) } northPanel.revalidate() northPanel.repaint() } fun setTransparent(transparent: Boolean) { val windowManager = WindowManagerEx.getInstanceEx() if (transparent) { windowManager.setAlphaModeEnabled(getFrame(), true) windowManager.setAlphaModeRatio(getFrame(), 0.5f) } else { windowManager.setAlphaModeEnabled(getFrame(), true) windowManager.setAlphaModeRatio(getFrame(), 0f) } } override fun dispose() { super.dispose() containerToWindow.remove(container) if (container is Disposable) { Disposer.dispose((container as Disposable)) } northExtensions.clear() } override fun createJFrame(parent: IdeFrame): JFrame { val frame = super.createJFrame(parent) installListeners(frame) return frame } override fun createJDialog(parent: IdeFrame): JDialog { val frame = super.createJDialog(parent) installListeners(frame) return frame } private fun installListeners(frame: Window) { val uiNotifyConnector = if (container is Activatable) { UiNotifyConnector((frame as RootPaneContainer).contentPane, (container as Activatable)) } else { null } frame.addWindowListener(object : WindowAdapter() { override fun windowClosing(e: WindowEvent) { container.closeAll() if (uiNotifyConnector != null) { Disposer.dispose(uiNotifyConnector) } } }) } } override fun getState(): Element { val root = Element("state") for (each in allContainers) { val eachWindow = containerToWindow.get(each) if (eachWindow != null && eachWindow.supportReopen && each is DockContainer.Persistent) { val eachWindowElement = Element("window") eachWindowElement.setAttribute("id", eachWindowElement.setAttribute("withNorthPanel", eachWindow.northPanelAvailable.toString()) eachWindowElement.setAttribute("withToolWindowPane", (eachWindow.toolWindowPane != null).toString()) val content = Element("content") content.setAttribute("type", each.dockContainerType) content.addContent(each.state) eachWindowElement.addContent(content) root.addContent(eachWindowElement) } } return root } private val allContainers: Sequence<DockContainer> get() { return sequenceOfNotNull(FileEditorManagerEx.getInstanceEx (project)?.dockContainer) + containers.asSequence () + containerToWindow.keys } override fun loadState(state: Element) { loadedState = state } private fun readStateFor(type: String) { for (windowElement in (loadedState ?: return).getChildren("window")) { val eachContent = windowElement.getChild("content") ?: continue val eachType = eachContent.getAttributeValue("type") if (type != eachType || !factories.containsKey(eachType)) { continue } val factory = factories.get(eachType) as? DockContainerFactory.Persistent ?: continue val container = factory.loadContainerFrom(eachContent) // If the window already exists, reuse it, otherwise create it. This handles changes in tasks & contexts. When we clear the current // context, all open editors are closed, but a floating editor container with a docked tool window will remain open. Switching to a // new context will reuse the window and open editors in that editor container. If the new context doesn't use this window, or it's // a default clean context, the window will remain open, containing only the docked tool windows. val window = getOrCreateWindowFor(windowElement.getAttributeValue("id"), container) // If the window already exists, we can't remove the north panel or tool window pane, but we can add them if (windowElement.getAttributeValue("withNorthPanel", "true").toBoolean()) { window.setupNorthPanel() } if (windowElement.getAttributeValue("withToolWindowPane", "true").toBoolean()) { window.setupToolWindowPane() } // If the window exists, it's already visible. Don't show multiple times as this will set up additional listeners and window decoration EdtInvocationManager.invokeLaterIfNeeded { if (!window.getFrame().isVisible) { } } } } }
// Copyright 2000-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and contributors. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package import com.intellij.util.text.VersionComparatorUtil import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.compiler.configuration.KotlinPluginLayout import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.framework.ui.ConfigureDialogWithModulesAndVersion import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.util.application.isApplicationInternalMode import import import import import import import import import import @NonNls private const val SNAPSHOT_TAG = "snapshot" class IdeaKotlinVersionProviderService : KotlinVersionProviderService(), IdeaWizardService { override fun getKotlinVersion(projectKind: ProjectKind): WizardKotlinVersion { if (projectKind == ProjectKind.COMPOSE) { val version = Versions.KOTLIN_VERSION_FOR_COMPOSE return kotlinVersionWithDefaultValues(version) } val version = getPatchedKotlinVersion() ?: getKotlinVersionFromCompiler() ?: VersionsDownloader.downloadLatestEapOrStableKotlinVersion() ?: Versions.KOTLIN return kotlinVersionWithDefaultValues(version) } private fun getPatchedKotlinVersion() = if (isApplicationInternalMode()) { System.getProperty(KOTLIN_COMPILER_VERSION_TAG)?.let { Version.fromString(it) } } else { null } companion object { private const val KOTLIN_COMPILER_VERSION_TAG = "kotlin.compiler.version" private fun getKotlinVersionFromCompiler(): Version? { val kotlinCompilerVersion = KotlinPluginLayout.instance.standaloneCompilerVersion val kotlinArtifactVersion = kotlinCompilerVersion.takeUnless { it.isSnapshot }?.artifactVersion ?: return null return Version.fromString(kotlinArtifactVersion) } } } private object VersionsDownloader { fun downloadLatestEapOrStableKotlinVersion(): Version? = runWithProgressBar(KotlinNewProjectWizardUIBundle.message("version.provider.downloading.kotlin.version")) { val latestEap = EapVersionDownloader.getLatestEapVersion() val latestStable = getLatestStableVersion() when { latestEap == null -> latestStable latestStable == null -> latestEap, latestStable.text) > 0 -> latestEap else -> latestStable } } private fun getLatestStableVersion() = safe { ConfigureDialogWithModulesAndVersion.loadVersions("1.0.0") }.asNullable?.firstOrNull { !it.contains(SNAPSHOT_TAG, ignoreCase = true) }?.let { Version.fromString(it) } }
package com.intellij.workspaceModel.test.api import com.intellij.workspaceModel.deft.api.annotations.Default import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import @GeneratedCodeApiVersion(1) @GeneratedCodeImplVersion(1) open class SimpleSymbolicIdEntityImpl(val dataSource: SimpleSymbolicIdEntityData) : SimpleSymbolicIdEntity, WorkspaceEntityBase() { companion object { val connections = listOf<ConnectionId>( ) } override val version: Int get() = dataSource.version override val name: String get() = override val related: SimpleId get() = dataSource.related override val sealedClassWithLinks: SealedClassWithLinks get() = dataSource.sealedClassWithLinks override val entitySource: EntitySource get() = dataSource.entitySource override fun connectionIdList(): List<ConnectionId> { return connections } class Builder(result: SimpleSymbolicIdEntityData?) : ModifiableWorkspaceEntityBase<SimpleSymbolicIdEntity, SimpleSymbolicIdEntityData>( result), SimpleSymbolicIdEntity.Builder { constructor() : this(SimpleSymbolicIdEntityData()) override fun applyToBuilder(builder: MutableEntityStorage) { if (this.diff != null) { if (existsInBuilder(builder)) { this.diff = builder return } else { error("Entity SimpleSymbolicIdEntity is already created in a different builder") } } this.diff = builder this.snapshot = builder addToBuilder() = getEntityData().createEntityId() // After adding entity data to the builder, we need to unbind it and move the control over entity data to builder // Builder may switch to snapshot at any moment and lock entity data to modification this.currentEntityData = null // Process linked entities that are connected without a builder processLinkedEntities(builder) checkInitialization() // TODO uncomment and check failed tests } fun checkInitialization() { val _diff = diff if (!getEntityData().isEntitySourceInitialized()) { error("Field WorkspaceEntity#entitySource should be initialized") } if (!getEntityData().isNameInitialized()) { error("Field SimpleSymbolicIdEntity#name should be initialized") } if (!getEntityData().isRelatedInitialized()) { error("Field SimpleSymbolicIdEntity#related should be initialized") } if (!getEntityData().isSealedClassWithLinksInitialized()) { error("Field SimpleSymbolicIdEntity#sealedClassWithLinks should be initialized") } } override fun connectionIdList(): List<ConnectionId> { return connections } // Relabeling code, move information from dataSource to this builder override fun relabel(dataSource: WorkspaceEntity, parents: Set<WorkspaceEntity>?) { dataSource as SimpleSymbolicIdEntity if (this.entitySource != dataSource.entitySource) this.entitySource = dataSource.entitySource if (this.version != dataSource.version) this.version = dataSource.version if ( != = if (this.related != dataSource.related) this.related = dataSource.related if (this.sealedClassWithLinks != dataSource.sealedClassWithLinks) this.sealedClassWithLinks = dataSource.sealedClassWithLinks if (parents != null) { } } override var entitySource: EntitySource get() = getEntityData().entitySource set(value) { checkModificationAllowed() getEntityData(true).entitySource = value changedProperty.add("entitySource") } override var version: Int get() = getEntityData().version set(value) { checkModificationAllowed() getEntityData(true).version = value changedProperty.add("version") } override var name: String get() = getEntityData().name set(value) { checkModificationAllowed() getEntityData(true).name = value changedProperty.add("name") } override var related: SimpleId get() = getEntityData().related set(value) { checkModificationAllowed() getEntityData(true).related = value changedProperty.add("related") } override var sealedClassWithLinks: SealedClassWithLinks get() = getEntityData().sealedClassWithLinks set(value) { checkModificationAllowed() getEntityData(true).sealedClassWithLinks = value changedProperty.add("sealedClassWithLinks") } override fun getEntityClass(): Class<SimpleSymbolicIdEntity> = } } class SimpleSymbolicIdEntityData : WorkspaceEntityData.WithCalculableSymbolicId<SimpleSymbolicIdEntity>() { var version: Int = 0 lateinit var name: String lateinit var related: SimpleId lateinit var sealedClassWithLinks: SealedClassWithLinks fun isNameInitialized(): Boolean = ::name.isInitialized fun isRelatedInitialized(): Boolean = ::related.isInitialized fun isSealedClassWithLinksInitialized(): Boolean = ::sealedClassWithLinks.isInitialized override fun wrapAsModifiable(diff: MutableEntityStorage): WorkspaceEntity.Builder<SimpleSymbolicIdEntity> { val modifiable = SimpleSymbolicIdEntityImpl.Builder(null) modifiable.diff = diff modifiable.snapshot = diff = createEntityId() return modifiable } override fun createEntity(snapshot: EntityStorage): SimpleSymbolicIdEntity { return getCached(snapshot) { val entity = SimpleSymbolicIdEntityImpl(this) entity.snapshot = snapshot = createEntityId() entity } } override fun symbolicId(): SymbolicEntityId<*> { return SimpleId(name) } override fun getEntityInterface(): Class<out WorkspaceEntity> { return } override fun serialize(ser: EntityInformation.Serializer) { } override fun deserialize(de: EntityInformation.Deserializer) { } override fun createDetachedEntity(parents: List<WorkspaceEntity>): WorkspaceEntity { return SimpleSymbolicIdEntity(version, name, related, sealedClassWithLinks, entitySource) { } } override fun getRequiredParents(): List<Class<out WorkspaceEntity>> { val res = mutableListOf<Class<out WorkspaceEntity>>() return res } override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean { if (other == null) return false if (this.javaClass != other.javaClass) return false other as SimpleSymbolicIdEntityData if (this.entitySource != other.entitySource) return false if (this.version != other.version) return false if ( != return false if (this.related != other.related) return false if (this.sealedClassWithLinks != other.sealedClassWithLinks) return false return true } override fun equalsIgnoringEntitySource(other: Any?): Boolean { if (other == null) return false if (this.javaClass != other.javaClass) return false other as SimpleSymbolicIdEntityData if (this.version != other.version) return false if ( != return false if (this.related != other.related) return false if (this.sealedClassWithLinks != other.sealedClassWithLinks) return false return true } override fun hashCode(): Int { var result = entitySource.hashCode() result = 31 * result + version.hashCode() result = 31 * result + name.hashCode() result = 31 * result + related.hashCode() result = 31 * result + sealedClassWithLinks.hashCode() return result } override fun hashCodeIgnoringEntitySource(): Int { var result = javaClass.hashCode() result = 31 * result + version.hashCode() result = 31 * result + name.hashCode() result = 31 * result + related.hashCode() result = 31 * result + sealedClassWithLinks.hashCode() return result } override fun collectClassUsagesData(collector: UsedClassesCollector) { collector.add( collector.add( collector.add( collector.add( collector.add( collector.add( collector.addObject( this.sealedClassWithLinks?.let { collector.add( } collector.sameForAllEntities = true } }
// Copyright 2000-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and contributors. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license. package com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.impl.segmentedActionBar import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.* import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.ex.ActionButtonLook import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.ex.ComboBoxAction import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.ex.ComboBoxAction.ComboBoxButton import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.ex.CustomComponentAction import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.impl.ActionButton import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.impl.ActionToolbarImpl import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger import com.intellij.util.ui.JBInsets import com.intellij.util.ui.JBUI import com.intellij.util.ui.UIUtil import java.awt.* import javax.swing.JComponent import javax.swing.border.Border open class SegmentedActionToolbarComponent(place: String, group: ActionGroup, val paintBorderForSingleItem: Boolean = true) : ActionToolbarImpl(place, group, true) { companion object { internal const val CONTROL_BAR_PROPERTY = "CONTROL_BAR_PROPERTY" internal const val CONTROL_BAR_FIRST = "CONTROL_BAR_PROPERTY_FIRST" internal const val CONTROL_BAR_LAST = "CONTROL_BAR_PROPERTY_LAST" internal const val CONTROL_BAR_MIDDLE = "CONTROL_BAR_PROPERTY_MIDDLE" internal const val CONTROL_BAR_SINGLE = "CONTROL_BAR_PROPERTY_SINGLE" const val RUN_TOOLBAR_COMPONENT_ACTION = "RUN_TOOLBAR_COMPONENT_ACTION" private val LOG = Logger.getInstance( internal val segmentedButtonLook = object : ActionButtonLook() { override fun paintBorder(g: Graphics, c: JComponent, state: Int) { } override fun paintBackground(g: Graphics, component: JComponent, state: Int) { SegmentedBarPainter.paintActionButtonBackground(g, component, state) } } fun isCustomBar(component: Component): Boolean { if (component !is JComponent) return false return component.getClientProperty(CONTROL_BAR_PROPERTY)?.let { it != CONTROL_BAR_SINGLE } ?: false } fun paintButtonDecorations(g: Graphics2D, c: JComponent, paint: Paint): Boolean { return SegmentedBarPainter.paintButtonDecorations(g, c, paint) } } init { layoutPolicy = NOWRAP_LAYOUT_POLICY } private var isActive = false private var visibleActions: MutableList<out AnAction>? = null override fun getInsets(): Insets { return JBInsets.emptyInsets() } override fun setBorder(border: Border?) { } override fun createCustomComponent(action: CustomComponentAction, presentation: Presentation): JComponent { if (!isActive) { return super.createCustomComponent(action, presentation) } var component = super.createCustomComponent(action, presentation) if (action is ComboBoxAction) { UIUtil.uiTraverser(component).filter( { component.remove(it) component = it } } else if (component is ActionButton) { val actionButton = component as ActionButton updateActionButtonLook(actionButton) } component.border = JBUI.Borders.empty() return component } override fun createToolbarButton(action: AnAction, look: ActionButtonLook?, place: String, presentation: Presentation, minimumSize: Dimension): ActionButton { if (!isActive) { return super.createToolbarButton(action, look, place, presentation, minimumSize) } val createToolbarButton = super.createToolbarButton(action, segmentedButtonLook, place, presentation, minimumSize) updateActionButtonLook(createToolbarButton) return createToolbarButton } private fun updateActionButtonLook(actionButton: ActionButton) { actionButton.border = JBUI.Borders.empty(0, 3) actionButton.setLook(segmentedButtonLook) } override fun fillToolBar(actions: MutableList<out AnAction>, layoutSecondaries: Boolean) { if (!isActive) { super.fillToolBar(actions, layoutSecondaries) return } val rightAligned: MutableList<AnAction> = ArrayList() for (i in actions.indices) { val action = actions[i] if (action is RightAlignedToolbarAction) { rightAligned.add(action) continue } if (action is CustomComponentAction) { val component = getCustomComponent(action) addMetadata(component, i, actions.size) add(CUSTOM_COMPONENT_CONSTRAINT, component) component.putClientProperty(RUN_TOOLBAR_COMPONENT_ACTION, action) } else { val component = createToolbarButton(action) addMetadata(component, i, actions.size) add(ACTION_BUTTON_CONSTRAINT, component) component.putClientProperty(RUN_TOOLBAR_COMPONENT_ACTION, action) } } } protected open fun isSuitableAction(action: AnAction): Boolean { return true } override fun paintComponent(g: Graphics) { super.paintComponent(g) paintActiveBorder(g) } private fun paintActiveBorder(g: Graphics) { if((isActive || paintBorderForSingleItem) && visibleActions != null) { SegmentedBarPainter.paintActionBarBorder(this, g) } } override fun paintBorder(g: Graphics) { super.paintBorder(g) paintActiveBorder(g) } override fun paint(g: Graphics) { super.paint(g) paintActiveBorder(g) } private fun addMetadata(component: JComponent, index: Int, count: Int) { if (count == 1) { component.putClientProperty(CONTROL_BAR_PROPERTY, CONTROL_BAR_SINGLE) return } val property = when (index) { 0 -> CONTROL_BAR_FIRST count - 1 -> CONTROL_BAR_LAST else -> CONTROL_BAR_MIDDLE } component.putClientProperty(CONTROL_BAR_PROPERTY, property) } protected open fun logNeeded() = false protected fun forceUpdate() { if(logNeeded())"RunToolbar MAIN SLOT forceUpdate") visibleActions?.let { update(true, it) revalidate() repaint() } } override fun actionsUpdated(forced: Boolean, newVisibleActions: MutableList<out AnAction>) { visibleActions = newVisibleActions update(forced, newVisibleActions) } private var lastIds: List<String> = emptyList() private fun update(forced: Boolean, newVisibleActions: MutableList<out AnAction>) { val filtered = newVisibleActions.filter { isSuitableAction(it) } val ides = { ActionManager.getInstance().getId(it) }.toList() val filteredIds = { ActionManager.getInstance().getId(it) }.toList() if(logNeeded() && filteredIds != lastIds)"MAIN SLOT new filtered: ${filteredIds}} visible: $ides RunToolbar") lastIds = filteredIds isActive = filtered.size > 1 super.actionsUpdated(forced, if (isActive) filtered else newVisibleActions) } override fun calculateBounds(size2Fit: Dimension, bounds: MutableList<Rectangle>) { bounds.clear() for (i in 0 until componentCount) { bounds.add(Rectangle()) } var offset = 0 for (i in 0 until componentCount) { val d = getChildPreferredSize(i) val r = bounds[i] r.setBounds(insets.left + offset,, d.width, DEFAULT_MINIMUM_BUTTON_SIZE.height) offset += d.width } } }
package com.cognifide.gradle.aem import com.cognifide.gradle.common.utils.Formats import com.cognifide.gradle.common.utils.Patterns import org.gradle.api.JavaVersion class AemVersion(val value: String) : Comparable<AemVersion> { private val base = Formats.asVersion(value) val version get() = base.version fun atLeast(other: AemVersion) = this >= other fun atLeast(other: String) = atLeast(AemVersion(other)) fun atMost(other: AemVersion) = other <= this fun atMost(other: String) = atMost(AemVersion(other)) fun inRange(range: String): Boolean = range.contains("-") && this in unclosedRange(range, "-") /** * Indicates repository restructure performed in AEM 6.4.0 / preparations for making AEM available on cloud. * * After this changes, nodes under '/apps' or '/libs' are frozen and some features (like workflow manager) * requires to copy these nodes under '/var' by plugin (or AEM itself). * * @see <> */ val frozen get() = atLeast(VERSION_6_4_0) /** * Cloud manager version contains time in the end */ val cloud get() = Patterns.wildcard(value, "*.*.*.*T*Z") val type get() = when { cloud -> "cloud" else -> "on-prem" } // === Overriddes === override fun toString() = "$value ($type)" override fun compareTo(other: AemVersion): Int = base.compareTo(other.base) override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean { if (this === other) return true if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false other as AemVersion if (base != other.base) return false return true } override fun hashCode(): Int = base.hashCode() class UnclosedRange(val start: AemVersion, val end: AemVersion) { operator fun contains(version: AemVersion) = version >= start && version < end } companion object { val UNKNOWN = AemVersion("0.0.0") val VERSION_6_0_0 = AemVersion("6.0.0") val VERSION_6_1_0 = AemVersion("6.1.0") val VERSION_6_2_0 = AemVersion("6.2.0") val VERSION_6_3_0 = AemVersion("6.3.0") val VERSION_6_4_0 = AemVersion("6.4.0") val VERSION_6_5_0 = AemVersion("6.5.0") fun unclosedRange(value: String, delimiter: String = "-"): UnclosedRange { val versions = value.split(delimiter) if (versions.size != 2) { throw AemException("AEM version range has invalid format: '$value'!") } val (start, end) = { AemVersion(it) } return UnclosedRange(start, end) } } } fun String.javaVersions(delimiter: String = ",") = this.split(delimiter).map { JavaVersion.toVersion(it) }
package import import com.intellij.json.psi.JsonFile import com.intellij.openapi.util.Key import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile import org.jetbrains.yaml.psi.YAMLFile import java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject import java.lang.reflect.Field import java.lang.reflect.Modifier object CloudFormationParser { private val PARSED_KEY = Key.create<CloudFormationParsedFile>("CFN_PARSED_FILE") fun parse(psiFile: PsiFile): CloudFormationParsedFile { val cached = psiFile.getUserData(PARSED_KEY) if (cached != null && cached.fileModificationStamp == psiFile.modificationStamp) { return cached } assert(CloudFormationPsiUtils.isCloudFormationFile(psiFile)) { + " is not a CloudFormation file" } val parsed = when (psiFile) { is JsonFile -> JsonCloudFormationParser.parse(psiFile) is YAMLFile -> YamlCloudFormationParser.parse(psiFile) else -> error("Unsupported PSI file type: " + } assertAllNodesAreMapped(parsed) psiFile.putUserData(PARSED_KEY, parsed) return parsed } private fun assertAllNodesAreMapped(parsed: CloudFormationParsedFile) { fun isGoodField(field: Field): Boolean ='$') == -1 && !Modifier.isTransient(field.modifiers) && !Modifier.isStatic(field.modifiers) val seen = mutableSetOf<Any>() fun processInstance(obj: Any, parent: Any) { if (seen.contains(obj)) return seen.add(obj) if (obj is CfnNode) { try { parsed.getPsiElement(obj) } catch (t: Throwable) { error("Node $obj under $parent is not mapped") } } if (obj is Collection<*>) { obj.forEach { it?.let { processInstance(it, parent) } } return } val fields = obj.javaClass.declaredFields AccessibleObject.setAccessible(fields, true) fields .filter { isGoodField(it) } .mapNotNull { it.get(obj) } .forEach { processInstance(it, obj) } } processInstance(parsed.root, parsed.root) } }
/* * Copyright 2016 Andy Bao * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package xyz.nulldev.ts.api.http.auth import spark.Request import spark.Response import xyz.nulldev.ts.api.http.TachiWebRoute /** * Simple route to check if an auth password is correct. * * If the auth password is correct, the user is authenticated. */ class CheckSessionRoute: TachiWebRoute(requiresAuth = false) { override fun handleReq(request: Request, response: Response): Any { val session: String = request.attribute("session") val password = request.queryParams("password") val authPw = SessionManager.authPassword() val valid = if(password.isEmpty()) authPw.isEmpty() else authPw.isNotEmpty() && PasswordHasher.check(password, authPw) return if (valid) { sessionManager.authenticateSession(session) success().put(KEY_TOKEN, session) } else { error("Incorrect password!") } } companion object { val KEY_TOKEN = "token" } }
/* * Copyright 2017 Obsidian Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.obsidian.compiler.daemon import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper import com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json.JacksonJaxbJsonProvider import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpServer import org.glassfish.jersey.grizzly2.httpserver.GrizzlyHttpServerFactory import org.glassfish.jersey.server.ResourceConfig import import /** * * The daemon's responsibility is to intercept requests from external entities such as editors (VSCode's Language * Server, for example), debuggers, and anything a person would want to build to use Obsidian's compiler and analysis * output really. * * The daemon provides a RESTful interface to various aspects of Obsidian's internals. These * internals include, but are not limited to: * Static Analysis * Complexity Analysis * * Linting * Runtime Debugging */ class Daemon : Thread() { override fun run() { server = startHttpServer() } companion object { /** * Where the daemon will listen as its root address * @TODO Make configurable via command-line arguments */ val URI_BASE = UriBuilder.fromUri("http://localhost/").port(9090).path("obsidian/").build() fun startHttpServer(): HttpServer { val mapper = ObjectMapper() val provider = JacksonJaxbJsonProvider() provider.setMapper(mapper) // Scans this package for JAX-RS resources needed to build endpoints and responses val rc = ResourceConfig() .packages(true, "com.obsidian.compiler.daemon.resources") .register(provider) return GrizzlyHttpServerFactory.createHttpServer(URI_BASE, rc) } } var server: HttpServer? = null init { if(server != null){ server = startHttpServer() } } }
package co.upcurve.mystiquesample.items import android.view.View import android.widget.TextView import butterknife.BindView import butterknife.ButterKnife import co.upcurve.mystique.MystiqueItemPresenter import co.upcurve.mystiquesample.R import co.upcurve.mystiquesample.models.BannerModel /** * Created by rahulchowdhury on 5/29/17. */ class BannerItem(var bannerModel: BannerModel = BannerModel()) : MystiqueItemPresenter() { @BindView( lateinit var bannerHeading: TextView override fun loadModel(model: Any) { bannerModel = model as BannerModel } override fun getModel() = bannerModel override fun setListener(listener: Any?) { } override fun getLayout() = R.layout.view_item_banner override fun displayView(itemView: View) { ButterKnife.bind(this, itemView) bannerHeading.text = bannerModel.heading } override fun handleClickEvents(itemView: View) { } }
/* * Copyright 2016 Carlos Ballesteros Velasco * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.jtransc.text import com.jtransc.text.Indenter.Companion import java.util.* object INDENTS { private val INDENTS = arrayListOf<String>("") operator fun get(index: Int): String { if (index >= INDENTS.size) { val calculate = INDENTS.size * 10 var indent = INDENTS[INDENTS.size - 1] while (calculate >= INDENTS.size) { indent += "\t" INDENTS.add(indent) } } return if (index <= 0) "" else INDENTS[index] } } class Indenter(private val actions: ArrayList<Action> = arrayListOf<Indenter.Action>()) : ToString { interface Action { data class Marker(val data: Any) : Action data class Line(val str: String) : Action data class LineDeferred(val callback: () -> Indenter) : Action object Indent : Action object Unindent : Action } val noIndentEmptyLines = true companion object { fun genString(init: Indenter.() -> Unit) = this(init).toString() val EMPTY = Indenter { } inline operator fun invoke(init: Indenter.() -> Unit): Indenter { val indenter = Indenter() indenter.init() return indenter } @Deprecated("", ReplaceWith("this(str)", "com.jtransc.text.Indenter.Companion")) fun single(str: String): Indenter = this(str) operator fun invoke(str: String): Indenter = Indenter(arrayListOf(Action.Line(str))) fun replaceString(templateString: String, replacements: Map<String, String>): String { val pattern = Regex("\\$(\\w+)") return pattern.replace(templateString) { result -> replacements[result.groupValues[1]] ?: "" } } } var out: String = "" fun line(indenter: Indenter) = this.apply { this.actions.addAll(indenter.actions) } fun line(str: String) = this.apply { this.actions.add(Action.Line(str)) } fun line(str: String?) { if (str != null) line(str) } fun mark(data: Any) = this.apply { this.actions.add(Action.Marker(data)) } fun linedeferred(init: Indenter.() -> Unit): Indenter { this.actions.add(Action.LineDeferred({ val indenter = Indenter() indenter.init() indenter })) return this } fun lines(strs: List<String>): Indenter = this.apply { for (str in strs) line(str) } inline fun line(str: String, callback: () -> Unit): Indenter { line(if (str.isEmpty()) "{" else "$str {") indent(callback) line("}") return this } inline fun line(str: String, after: String = "", after2:String = "", callback: () -> Unit): Indenter { line(if (str.isEmpty()) "{ $after" else "$str { $after") indent(callback) line("}$after2") return this } inline fun indent(callback: () -> Unit): Indenter { _indent() try { callback() } finally { _unindent() } return this } fun _indent() { actions.add(Action.Indent) } fun _unindent() { actions.add(Action.Unindent) } fun toString(markHandler: ((sb: StringBuilder, line: Int, data: Any) -> Unit)?, doIndent: Boolean): String { val out = StringBuilder() var line = 0 var indentIndex = 0 fun eval(actions: List<Action>) { for (action in actions) { when (action) { is Action.Line -> { if (noIndentEmptyLines && action.str.isEmpty()) { if (doIndent) out.append('\n') line++ } else { if (doIndent) out.append(INDENTS[indentIndex]) else out.append(" ") out.append(action.str) line += action.str.count { it == '\n' } if (doIndent) out.append('\n') line++ } } is Action.LineDeferred -> eval(action.callback().actions) Action.Indent -> indentIndex++ Action.Unindent -> indentIndex-- is Action.Marker -> { markHandler?.invoke(out, line, } } } } eval(actions) return out.toString() } fun toString(markHandler: ((sb: StringBuilder, line: Int, data: Any) -> Unit)?): String = toString(markHandler = markHandler, doIndent = true) fun toString(doIndent: Boolean = true): String = toString(markHandler = null, doIndent = doIndent) override fun toString(): String = toString(null, doIndent = true) }
/* * Copyright (C) 2018 CenturyLink, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.centurylink.mdw.kotlin import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.repl.InvokeWrapper import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.repl.ReplEvalResult import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.repl.ScriptArgsWithTypes import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.repl.renderReplStackTrace import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.jvm.JvmClassName import import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException import import javax.script.Bindings open class ScriptEvaluator( val baseClasspath: Iterable<File>, val baseClassloader: ClassLoader? = Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader, protected val fallbackScriptArgs: ScriptArgsWithTypes? = null ) { fun eval(compileResult: ScriptCompileResult.CompiledClasses, scriptArgs: ScriptArgsWithTypes?, invokeWrapper: InvokeWrapper?): ReplEvalResult { val (classLoader, scriptClass) = try { processClasses(compileResult) } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() // TODO return@eval ReplEvalResult.Error.Runtime(e.message ?: "unknown", e) } val currentScriptArgs = scriptArgs ?: fallbackScriptArgs val useScriptArgs = currentScriptArgs?.scriptArgs val useScriptArgsTypes = currentScriptArgs?.scriptArgsTypes?.map { } val constructorParams: Array<Class<*>> = emptyArray<Class<*>>() + (useScriptArgs?.mapIndexed { i, it -> useScriptArgsTypes?.getOrNull(i) ?: it?.javaClass ?: } ?: emptyList()) val constructorArgs: Array<out Any?> = useScriptArgs.orEmpty() // TODO: try/catch ? val scriptInstanceConstructor = scriptClass.getConstructor(*constructorParams) val scriptInstance = try { if (invokeWrapper != null) invokeWrapper.invoke { scriptInstanceConstructor.newInstance(*constructorArgs) } else scriptInstanceConstructor.newInstance(*constructorArgs) } catch (e: InvocationTargetException) { // ignore everything in the stack trace until this constructor call return@eval ReplEvalResult.Error.Runtime(renderReplStackTrace(e.cause!!, startFromMethodName = "${}.<init>"), e.targetException as? Exception) } catch (e: Throwable) { // ignore everything in the stack trace until this constructor call return@eval ReplEvalResult.Error.Runtime(renderReplStackTrace(e.cause!!, startFromMethodName = "${}.<init>"), e as? Exception) } val resultField = scriptClass.getDeclaredField(SCRIPT_RESULT_FIELD_NAME).apply { isAccessible = true } val resultValue: Any? = resultField.get(scriptInstance) if (currentScriptArgs != null) { val bindings = currentScriptArgs.scriptArgs[0] as Bindings val vars = currentScriptArgs.scriptArgs[1] as Map<String,Any?> for ((key, value) in vars) { bindings[key] = value } } return if (compileResult.hasResult) ReplEvalResult.ValueResult(resultValue, compileResult.type) else ReplEvalResult.UnitResult() } companion object { private val SCRIPT_RESULT_FIELD_NAME = "\$\$result" } private fun processClasses(compileResult: ScriptCompileResult.CompiledClasses ): Pair<ClassLoader, Class<out Any>> { var mainLineClassName: String? = null val classLoader = makeScriptClassLoader(baseClassloader, compileResult.classpathAddendum) fun classNameFromPath(path: String) = JvmClassName.byInternalName(path.removeSuffix(".class")) fun compiledClassesNames() = { classNameFromPath(it.path).internalName.replace('/', '.') } val expectedClassName = compileResult.mainClassName compileResult.classes.filter { it.path.endsWith(".class") } .forEach { val className = classNameFromPath(it.path) if (className.internalName == expectedClassName || className.internalName.endsWith("/$expectedClassName")) { mainLineClassName = className.internalName.replace('/', '.') } classLoader.addClass(className, it.bytes) } val scriptClass = try { classLoader.loadClass(mainLineClassName!!) } catch (t: Throwable) { throw Exception("Error loading class $mainLineClassName: known classes: ${compiledClassesNames()}", t) } return Pair(classLoader, scriptClass) } fun makeScriptClassLoader(baseClassloader: ClassLoader?, baseClasspath: Iterable<File>) = ScriptClassLoader(URLClassLoader( { it.toURI().toURL() }.toTypedArray(), baseClassloader)) }
package ru.timakden.aoc.year2016.day10 import ru.timakden.aoc.util.Constants.Part import ru.timakden.aoc.util.Constants.Part.PART_ONE import ru.timakden.aoc.util.Constants.Part.PART_TWO import ru.timakden.aoc.util.measure import kotlin.time.ExperimentalTime @ExperimentalTime fun main() { measure { println("Part One: ${solve(input.toMutableList(), listOf(17, 61), PART_ONE)}") println("Part Two: ${solve(input.toMutableList(), listOf(17, 61), PART_TWO)}") } } fun solve(input: MutableList<String>, valuesToCompare: List<Int>, part: Part): Int { val bots = mutableMapOf<Int, MutableList<Int>>() val outputs = mutableMapOf<Int, Int>() while (input.isNotEmpty()) { val iterator = input.listIterator() while (iterator.hasNext()) { val instruction = if (instruction.startsWith("value")) { val botNumber = instruction.substringAfter("bot ").toInt() val chipValue = instruction.substringAfter("value ").substringBefore(" goes").toInt() if (bots.contains(botNumber)) { bots[botNumber]?.add(chipValue) } else { bots[botNumber] = mutableListOf(chipValue) } iterator.remove() } else { val botNumber = instruction.substringAfter("bot ").substringBefore(" gives").toInt() if (bots.contains(botNumber) && bots[botNumber]?.size == 2) { val lowTo = instruction.substringAfter("low to ").substringBefore(" and high") val lowToNumber = lowTo.substringAfter(" ").toInt() val highTo = instruction.substringAfter("high to ") val highToNumber = highTo.substringAfter(" ").toInt() val lowValue = bots[botNumber]?.minOrNull()!! val highValue = bots[botNumber]?.maxOrNull()!! if (lowTo.contains("bot")) { if (bots.contains(lowToNumber)) { bots[lowToNumber]?.add(lowValue) } else { bots[lowToNumber] = mutableListOf(lowValue) } } else { outputs[lowToNumber] = lowValue } if (highTo.contains("bot")) { if (bots.contains(highToNumber)) { bots[highToNumber]?.add(highValue) } else { bots[highToNumber] = mutableListOf(highValue) } } else { outputs[highToNumber] = highValue } bots.remove(botNumber) iterator.remove() } } if (part == PART_ONE) { for ((key, value) in bots) { if (value.size == 2 && value.containsAll(valuesToCompare)) { return key } } } if (part == PART_TWO && outputs.contains(0) && outputs.contains(1) && outputs.contains(2)) { return outputs[0]!! * outputs[1]!! * outputs[2]!! } } } return -1 }
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable import kotlinx.serialization.encodeToString import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json @Serializable data class Event( val title: String, val beginDateTime: String, val endDateTime: String ) fun main() { val expected = Event( title = "Team retro", beginDateTime = "20.08.2020 16:00", endDateTime = "20.08.2020 17:00", ) val json = Json.encodeToString(expected) val actual = Json.decodeFromString(Event.serializer(), json) println(json) println(actual) }
/* * Copyright 2020 Hazuki * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package jp.hazuki.yuzubrowser.adblock.filter.unified import java.util.* object Tag { fun create(url: String): List<String> { return url.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).getTagCandidates().also { it += "" } } fun createBest(pattern: String): String { var maxLength = 0 var tag = "" val candidates = pattern.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).getTagCandidates() for (i in 0 until candidates.size) { val candidate = candidates[i] if (candidate.length > maxLength) { maxLength = candidate.length tag = candidate } } return tag } private fun String.getTagCandidates(): MutableList<String> { var start = 0 val list = mutableListOf<String>() for (i in 0 until length) { when (get(i)) { in 'a'..'z', in '0'..'9', '%' -> continue else -> { if (i != start && i - start >= 3) { val tag = substring(start, i) if (!isPrevent(tag)) { list += tag } } start = i + 1 } } } if (length != start && length - start >= 3) { val tag = substring(start, length) if (!isPrevent(tag)) { list += tag } } return list } private fun isPrevent(tag: String): Boolean { return when (tag) { "http", "https", "html", "jpg", "png" -> true else -> false } } }
package com.github.prologdb.parser.parser private const val FEEDBACK_NOTE = "Please send the stacktrace and steps to reproduce to the author of this library." open class InternalParserError private constructor(actualMessage: Any) : Exception(actualMessage.toString()) { // the (Any) constructor serves a purpose: // Calling InternalParserError() should result in ex.message == FEEDBACK_NOTE // Calling InternalParserError(someMessage) should result in ex.message == someMessage + " " + FEEDBACK_NOTE // The any constructor is used so that (String) can be declared separately; otherwise the signatures would be // equal and the code would not compile. constructor() : this(FEEDBACK_NOTE as Any) constructor(message: String) : this(("$message $FEEDBACK_NOTE") as Any) }
package com.kobe.livedata_mvvm_example.ui.main import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel class MainViewModel : ViewModel() { private var number: Int = 1 private val _message = MutableLiveData<String>() //>> this is the public immutable LiveData //>> override the getter here val message: LiveData<String> get() = _message init { _message.value = "This is the ViewModel" } fun shuffleMessage() { _message.value = "Shuffle " + number++ } }
package com.brentpanther.bitcoinwidget.ui.settings import androidx.annotation.StringRes import import* import import import import import import import import androidx.compose.material.* import androidx.compose.material.ripple.LocalRippleTheme import androidx.compose.runtime.* import androidx.compose.ui.Alignment import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier import import androidx.compose.ui.res.stringResource import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.Role import androidx.compose.ui.text.input.ImeAction import androidx.compose.ui.text.input.KeyboardType import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp import androidx.compose.ui.window.Dialog import com.brentpanther.bitcoinwidget.ui.theme.HighlightRippleTheme import java.lang.Integer.max import java.util.* @Composable fun Setting( modifier: Modifier = Modifier, icon: @Composable () -> Unit = {}, title: @Composable () -> Unit, subtitle: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null, content: @Composable ((BoxScope).() -> Unit) = {} ) { CompositionLocalProvider(LocalRippleTheme provides HighlightRippleTheme()) { Row( modifier = modifier .fillMaxWidth() .padding(horizontal = 16.dp) .heightIn(min = 72.dp), verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically ) { Box( contentAlignment = Alignment.Center, modifier = Modifier .padding(end = 16.dp) .size(24.dp) ) { CompositionLocalProvider(LocalContentAlpha provides ContentAlpha.medium) { icon() } } Column( verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center, modifier = Modifier .weight(1f, true) .padding(start = 16.dp) ) { ProvideTextStyle(value = MaterialTheme.typography.subtitle1) { title() } if (subtitle != null) { CompositionLocalProvider(LocalContentAlpha provides ContentAlpha.medium) { ProvideTextStyle(value = MaterialTheme.typography.body2) { subtitle() } } } } Box( modifier = Modifier .size(48.dp) .padding(16.dp), contentAlignment = Alignment.Center ) { content() } } } } @Composable fun SettingsHeader(@StringRes title: Int, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, withDivider: Boolean = true) { Surface { if (withDivider) { Divider() } Row( modifier .fillMaxWidth() .height(36.dp) .padding(top = 16.dp, start = 16.dp), verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically ) { CompositionLocalProvider(LocalContentAlpha provides ContentAlpha.medium) { ProvideTextStyle(value = MaterialTheme.typography.subtitle2.copy(color = MaterialTheme.colors.secondary)) { Text(stringResource(id = title), Modifier.padding(start = 56.dp)) } } } } } @Composable fun SettingsSwitch( icon: @Composable () -> Unit = {}, title: @Composable () -> Unit, subtitle: (@Composable () -> Unit)? = null, value: Boolean = false, onChange: (Boolean) -> Unit ) { Setting( modifier = Modifier.toggleable( value = value, role = Role.Switch, onValueChange = onChange ), icon = icon, title = title, subtitle = subtitle ) { Switch( checked = value, onCheckedChange = null, colors = SwitchDefaults.colors( uncheckedThumbColor = Color(0xffdddddd) ) ) } } @Composable fun SettingsEditText( icon: @Composable () -> Unit = {}, title: @Composable () -> Unit, subtitle: (@Composable () -> Unit)? = null, dialogText: (@Composable () -> Unit)? = null, value: String? = null, onChange: (String) -> Unit ) { var dialogVisible by remember { mutableStateOf(false) } Setting( modifier = Modifier.clickable { dialogVisible = true }, icon = icon, title = title, subtitle = subtitle ) { var tempValue by remember { mutableStateOf(value) } if (dialogVisible) { Dialog( onDismissRequest = { dialogVisible = false } ) { Surface( shape = MaterialTheme.shapes.medium, modifier = Modifier.padding(vertical = 8.dp) ) { Column( Modifier.padding(start = 20.dp, top = 20.dp) ) { Row( Modifier.padding(bottom = 12.dp) ) { ProvideTextStyle(value = MaterialTheme.typography.h6) { title() } } Row( Modifier.padding(bottom = 8.dp) ) { dialogText?.invoke() } OutlinedTextField( value = tempValue ?: "", keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions( keyboardType = KeyboardType.Decimal, imeAction = ImeAction.Done ), keyboardActions = KeyboardActions { onChange(tempValue ?: "1") dialogVisible = false }, singleLine = true, onValueChange = { tempValue = it } ) Row( Modifier .fillMaxWidth() .padding(8.dp), horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.End ) { TextButton( onClick = { onChange(tempValue ?: "1") dialogVisible = false } ) { Text( stringResource(android.R.string.ok).uppercase(Locale.getDefault()) ) } TextButton( onClick = { dialogVisible = false } ) { Text( stringResource(android.R.string.cancel).uppercase(Locale.getDefault()) ) } } } } } } } } @Composable fun SettingsList( icon: @Composable () -> Unit = {}, title: @Composable () -> Unit, subtitle: (@Composable (String?) -> Unit)? = null, items: List<String>, itemValues: List<String> = items, value: String? = null, onChange: (String) -> Unit ) { var dialogVisible by remember { mutableStateOf(false) } val currentIndex = itemValues.indexOf(value) SettingsButton( icon = icon, title = title, subtitle = { val subtitleValue = if (currentIndex > -1) items[currentIndex] else null subtitle?.invoke(subtitleValue) }, onClick = { dialogVisible = true } ) if (dialogVisible) { Dialog( onDismissRequest = { dialogVisible = false } ) { Surface( shape = MaterialTheme.shapes.medium, modifier = Modifier.padding(vertical = 8.dp) ) { Column { Row( Modifier.padding(start = 20.dp, top = 20.dp, bottom = 12.dp) ) { ProvideTextStyle(value = MaterialTheme.typography.h6) { title() } } val state = rememberLazyListState(max(0, currentIndex)) LazyColumn(state = state, modifier = Modifier.weight(1f, false)) { itemsIndexed(items) { index, item -> RadioDialogItem( item = item, selected = index == currentIndex, onClick = { onChange(itemValues[index]) dialogVisible = false } ) } } Row( Modifier .fillMaxWidth() .padding(8.dp), horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.End ) { TextButton( onClick = { dialogVisible = false } ) { Text( stringResource(android.R.string.cancel).uppercase(Locale.getDefault()) ) } } } } } } } @Composable fun SettingsButton( icon: @Composable () -> Unit = {}, title: @Composable () -> Unit, subtitle: (@Composable () -> Unit)? = null, onClick: () -> Unit ) { Setting( modifier = Modifier.clickable(onClick = onClick), icon = icon, title = title, subtitle = subtitle ) } @Composable fun SettingsSlider( icon: @Composable () -> Unit = {}, title: @Composable () -> Unit, subtitle: (@Composable () -> Unit)? = null, range: IntRange, value: Int, onChange: (Int) -> Unit ) { Column { Setting( icon = icon, title = title, subtitle = subtitle ) Slider( value.toFloat(), onValueChange = { onChange(it.toInt()) }, valueRange = range.first.toFloat()..range.last.toFloat(), modifier = Modifier .fillMaxWidth() .padding(horizontal = 16.dp) .padding(start = 48.dp), colors = SliderDefaults.colors( thumbColor = MaterialTheme.colors.secondaryVariant, activeTrackColor = MaterialTheme.colors.secondaryVariant ) ) } } @Composable private fun RadioDialogItem( item: String, selected: Boolean, onClick: () -> Unit ) { CompositionLocalProvider(LocalRippleTheme provides HighlightRippleTheme()) { Row( Modifier .fillMaxWidth() .height(48.dp) .selectable( selected = selected, onClick = onClick, role = Role.RadioButton ) .padding(horizontal = 20.dp), verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically ) { RadioButton( selected = selected, onClick = null ) Text( text = item, style = MaterialTheme.typography.body1, modifier = Modifier.padding(start = 16.dp) ) } } }
package com.khmelenko.lab.varis.util import java.util.Random /** * Provides utils methods for the work with Strings * * @author Dmytro Khmelenko */ object StringUtils { /** * Gets random string * * @return Random string */ @JvmStatic fun getRandomString(): String { val length = 10 return getRandomString(length) } /** * Gets random string * * @param length String length * @return Random string */ @JvmStatic fun getRandomString(length: Int): String { val chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMONPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".toCharArray() val builder = StringBuilder() val random = Random() for (i in 0 until length) { val c = chars[random.nextInt(chars.size)] builder.append(c) } return builder.toString() } /** * Checks whether the string is null or not * * @param string String for checking * @return True if string is empty. False otherwise */ @JvmStatic fun isEmpty(string: String?): Boolean { return string == null || string.isEmpty() } }
package import android.os.Bundle import import import import import import android.view.Menu import android.view.MenuItem import import import import import import import import import import import import butterknife.BindView import import open class PodcastListActivity : BaseActivity() { companion object { const val MINIMUM_THRESHOLD = 5 const val FRAGMENT_TAG = "FRAGMENT" } private var podcastPlayerComponent: PodcastPlayerComponent? = null @BindView( lateinit var coordinatorLayout: CoordinatorLayout @BindView( lateinit var appBarLayout: AppBarLayout @BindView( lateinit var playerView: ListPlayerView @BindView( lateinit var playFab: FloatingActionButton @BindView( lateinit var pauseFab: FloatingActionButton @BindView( lateinit var loadingFab: LoadingFloatingActionButton @BindView( lateinit var bottomBar: BottomNavigation var podcastListFragment: PodcastListFragment? = null var downloadedListFragment: DownloadedListFragment? = null var favoritedListFragment: FavoritedListFragment? = null var currentFragment: PodcastListFragment? = null var savedState = arrayOfNulls<Fragment.SavedState>(3) var lastSelectedPosition = 0 var lastOffset: Int = 0 override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { setTheme( createActivityComponent() super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_podcastlist) createPlayerComponent() restoreFragmentStates(savedInstanceState) configureAppBarLayout() configureBottomBar() addFragmentIfNeeded() playerView.setControls(playFab, pauseFab, loadingFab) } override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState: Bundle) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState) val fragmentManager = supportFragmentManager podcastListFragment?.let { if (it.isAdded) { fragmentManager.putFragment(outState, "PODCAST_LIST", it) } } favoritedListFragment?.let { if (it.isAdded) { fragmentManager.putFragment(outState, "FAVORITED_LIST", it) } } downloadedListFragment?.let { if (it.isAdded) { fragmentManager.putFragment(outState, "DOWNLOADED_LIST", it) } } } fun configureAppBarLayout() { appBarLayout.addOnOffsetChangedListener { appBarLayout, offset -> currentFragment?.let { if (offset == 0) { it.setSwipeRefreshEnabled(true) } else if (lastOffset == 0 && it.isSwipeRefreshEnabled()) { it.setSwipeRefreshEnabled(false) } } lastOffset = offset } } override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu?): Boolean { menuInflater.inflate(, menu) return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu) } override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem?): Boolean { if (item?.itemId == { startActivity<SettingsActivity>() return true } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item) } fun restoreFragmentStates(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { savedInstanceState?.let { val fragmentManager = supportFragmentManager podcastListFragment = fragmentManager.getFragment(it, "PODCAST_LIST") as? PodcastListFragment favoritedListFragment = fragmentManager.getFragment(it, "FAVORITED_LIST") as? FavoritedListFragment downloadedListFragment = fragmentManager.getFragment(it, "DOWNLOADED_LIST") as? DownloadedListFragment } } fun configureBottomBar() { bottomBar.setOnMenuItemClickListener(object: BottomNavigation.OnMenuItemSelectionListener { override fun onMenuItemSelect(id: Int, position: Int) { when (position) { 0 -> replaceListFragment(PodcastListFragment(), lastSelectedPosition, position) 1 -> replaceFavoritedFragment(FavoritedListFragment(), lastSelectedPosition, position) 2 -> replaceDownloadedFragment(DownloadedListFragment(), lastSelectedPosition, position) } lastSelectedPosition = position } override fun onMenuItemReselect(p0: Int, p1: Int) { } }) } fun addFragmentIfNeeded() { currentFragment = supportFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(FRAGMENT_TAG) as PodcastListFragment? if (currentFragment == null) { podcastListFragment = PodcastListFragment() currentFragment = podcastListFragment supportFragmentManager .beginTransaction() .add(, podcastListFragment, FRAGMENT_TAG) .commit() } } fun replaceListFragment(fragment: PodcastListFragment, previousPosition: Int, position: Int) { podcastListFragment = fragment replaceFragment(fragment, previousPosition, position) } fun replaceFavoritedFragment(fragment: FavoritedListFragment, previousPosition: Int, position: Int) { favoritedListFragment = favoritedListFragment replaceFragment(fragment, previousPosition, position) } fun replaceDownloadedFragment(fragment: DownloadedListFragment, previousPosition: Int, position: Int) { downloadedListFragment = fragment replaceFragment(fragment, previousPosition, position) } fun replaceFragment(fragment: PodcastListFragment, previousPosition: Int, position: Int) { val fragmentManager = supportFragmentManager val previousFragment = fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(FRAGMENT_TAG) val state = savedState[position] savedState[previousPosition] = fragmentManager.saveFragmentInstanceState(previousFragment) state?.let { fragment.setInitialSavedState(state) } currentFragment = fragment fragmentManager .beginTransaction() .replace(, fragment, FRAGMENT_TAG) .commit() } override fun getSystemService(name: String?): Any? { if (name == { return podcastPlayerComponent } return super.getSystemService(name) } fun createPlayerComponent() { podcastPlayerComponent = activityComponent + PodcastPlayerModule(playerView) } override fun onBackPressed() { with (playerView) { if (isExpanded()) { collapse() return } if (isVisible()) { hide() return } } disposePlayerIfNeeded() super.onBackPressed() } override fun finish() { disposePlayerIfNeeded() super.finish() } open fun disposePlayerIfNeeded() { if (!playerView.isPlaying()) { playerView.explicitlyStop() } } override fun showMessage(messageResId: Int): Snackbar = snack(coordinatorLayout, messageResId) }
package com.fsck.k9.mail import import java.util.Random import org.junit.Test import org.mockito.kotlin.mock class BoundaryGeneratorTest { @Test fun `generateBoundary() with all zeros`() { val random = createRandom(0) val boundaryGenerator = BoundaryGenerator(random) val result = boundaryGenerator.generateBoundary() assertThat(result).isEqualTo("----000000000000000000000000000000") } @Test fun generateBoundary() { val random = createRandom( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 35 ) val boundaryGenerator = BoundaryGenerator(random) val result = boundaryGenerator.generateBoundary() assertThat(result).isEqualTo("----0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSZ") } private fun createRandom(vararg values: Int): Random { return mock { var ongoingStubbing = on { nextInt(36) } for (value in values) { ongoingStubbing = ongoingStubbing.thenReturn(value) } } } }
package import import android.os.Bundle import android.text.TextUtils import com.hotpodata.blocklib.Grid import com.hotpodata.blocklib.GridHelper import com.hotpodata.twistris.utils.TetrisFactory import org.json.JSONArray import org.json.JSONObject import timber.log.Timber import java.util.* /** * Created by jdrotos on 1/3/16. */ class TwistrisGame() { val VERT_W = 8 val VERT_H = 16 val HORI_W = 12 val HORI_H = 8 val MAX_LEVEL = 10 val LEVEL_STEP = 6 var currentRowsDestroyed = 0 var currentScore = 0 var currentLevel = 1 var twistCount = 0 var gameIsOver = false var boardVert: Grid var boardHoriz: Grid var activePiece: Grid get() = horizPieces[horizPieces.size - 1].first set(piece: Grid) { horizPieces[horizPieces.size - 1] = Pair(piece, horizPieces[horizPieces.size - 1].second) } var activeXOffset: Int get() = horizPieces[horizPieces.size - 1].second.first set(offset: Int) { horizPieces[horizPieces.size - 1] = Pair(horizPieces[horizPieces.size - 1].first, Pair(offset, horizPieces[horizPieces.size - 1].second.second)) } var activeYOffset: Int get() = horizPieces[horizPieces.size - 1].second.second set(offset: Int) { horizPieces[horizPieces.size - 1] = Pair(horizPieces[horizPieces.size - 1].first, Pair(horizPieces[horizPieces.size - 1].second.first, offset)) } var upcomingPiece: Grid = TetrisFactory.randomPiece() var horizPieces = ArrayList<Pair<Grid, Pair<Int, Int>>>() init { boardVert = Grid(VERT_W, VERT_H) boardHoriz = Grid(HORI_W, HORI_H) actionNextPiece() } constructor(source: TwistrisGame) : this() { currentRowsDestroyed = source.currentRowsDestroyed currentScore = source.currentScore currentLevel = source.currentLevel boardVert = GridHelper.copyGrid(source.boardVert) boardHoriz = GridHelper.copyGrid(source.boardHoriz) upcomingPiece = GridHelper.copyGrid(source.upcomingPiece) horizPieces.clear() for (item in source.horizPieces) { horizPieces.add(Pair(GridHelper.copyGrid(item.first), Pair(item.second.first, item.second.second))) } } fun peekMoveActiveUp(): Boolean { return GridHelper.gridInBounds(boardHoriz, activePiece, activeXOffset, activeYOffset - 1) && !GridHelper.gridsCollide(boardHoriz, activePiece, activeXOffset, activeYOffset - 1) } fun actionMoveActiveUp(): Boolean { if (peekMoveActiveUp()) { activeYOffset-- return true } return false } fun peekMoveActiveDown(): Boolean { return GridHelper.gridInBounds(boardHoriz, activePiece, activeXOffset, activeYOffset + 1) && !GridHelper.gridsCollide(boardHoriz, activePiece, activeXOffset, activeYOffset + 1) } fun actionMoveActiveDown(): Boolean { if (peekMoveActiveDown()) { activeYOffset++ return true } return false } fun peekMoveActiveLeft(): Boolean { return GridHelper.gridInBounds(boardHoriz, activePiece, activeXOffset - 1, activeYOffset) && !GridHelper.gridsCollide(boardHoriz, activePiece, activeXOffset - 1, activeYOffset); } fun actionMoveActiveLeft(): Boolean { if (peekMoveActiveLeft()) { activeXOffset-- return true } return false } fun actionMoveActiveAllTheWayLeft(): Boolean { var ret = false while (actionMoveActiveLeft()) { currentScore += 10 ret = true } return ret } fun actionRotate(left: Boolean): Boolean { var rot = activePiece.rotate(left) var xOff = activeXOffset var yOff = activeYOffset //Now we make sure the coordinates are ok with the board (since rotations next to the edge are ok) while (xOff + rot.width > boardHoriz.width) { xOff-- } while (yOff + rot.height > boardHoriz.height) { yOff-- } //If we've got no collisions we're in great shape if (!GridHelper.gridsCollide(boardHoriz, rot, xOff, yOff)) { activeXOffset = xOff activeYOffset = yOff activePiece = rot return true } else { return false } } fun actionRotateActiveLeft(): Boolean { return actionRotate(true) } fun actionRotateActiveRight(): Boolean { return actionRotate(false) } fun actionTwistBoard() { //The working board is twice as tall as the display board, so pieces can be added over the bounds var workingBoard = Grid(boardVert.width, boardVert.height * 2) GridHelper.addGrid(workingBoard, GridHelper.copyGrid(boardVert), 0, boardVert.height); Timber.d("1 workingBoard:" + workingBoard.getPrintString(" - ", " * ")) //Move all of the pieces down for (pieceAndCoords in horizPieces.reversed()) { var coords = pieceAndCoords.second if (coords != null) { var rotated = pieceAndCoords.first.rotate(false) var startX = boardHoriz.height - coords.second - rotated.width var endY = 0 while (GridHelper.gridInBounds(workingBoard, rotated, startX, endY + 1) && !GridHelper.gridsCollide(workingBoard, rotated, startX, endY + 1)) { endY++ } GridHelper.addGrid(workingBoard, rotated, startX, endY) } } //Figure out the shift values var shifts = ArrayList<Int>() var shiftVal = 0 for (i in workingBoard.height - 1 downTo 0) { if (workingBoard.rowFull(i)) { shifts.add(0, -1) shiftVal++ } else { shifts.add(0, shiftVal) } } //Shift working board for realz if (shiftVal > 0) { for (i in shifts.size - 1 downTo 0) { if (shifts[i] > 0) { for (j in 0..workingBoard.width - 1) { workingBoard.put(j, i + shifts[i],, i)) } } } } horizPieces.clear() boardHoriz.clear() currentScore += (50 * shiftVal * shiftVal) currentRowsDestroyed += shiftVal currentLevel = currentRowsDestroyed / LEVEL_STEP + 1 gameIsOver = !workingBoard.rowEmpty(boardVert.height - 1) twistCount++ boardVert = GridHelper.copyGridPortion(workingBoard, 0, boardVert.height, boardVert.width, workingBoard.height) } private fun randomWidePiece(): Grid { var newPiece = TetrisFactory.randomPiece() if (newPiece.height > newPiece.width) { newPiece = newPiece.rotate(false) } return newPiece } fun actionNextPiece() { //Commit the active piece to the board if (horizPieces.size > 0) { GridHelper.addGrid(boardHoriz, activePiece, activeXOffset, activeYOffset) } if (upcomingPiece == null) { upcomingPiece = randomWidePiece() } var piece = upcomingPiece var x = boardHoriz.width - piece.width var y = (boardHoriz.height / 2f - piece.height / 2f).toInt() horizPieces.add(Pair(piece, Pair(x, y))) upcomingPiece = randomWidePiece() } fun gameNeedsTwist(): Boolean { return !peekMoveActiveLeft() && horizPieces.size >= currentLevel } fun gameNeedsNextPiece(): Boolean { return horizPieces.size == 0 || !peekMoveActiveLeft() } /** * SERIALIZER */ object Serializer { val JSON_KEY_ROWS_DESTROYED = "rowsDestroyed" val JSON_KEY_SCORE = "score" val JSON_KEY_LEVEL = "level" val JSON_KEY_TWISTS = "twists" val JSON_KEY_GAMEOVER = "gameover" val JSON_KEY_VERTBOARD = "vertBoard" val JSON_KEY_HORIZBOARD = "horizBoard" val JSON_KEY_XOFF = "xOffset" val JSON_KEY_YOFF = "yOffset" val JSON_KEY_UPCOMING = "upcoming" val JSON_KEY_HORIZ_PIECES = "horizPieces" val JSON_KEY_HORIZ_PIECE_GRID = "horizPieceGrid" val JSON_KEY_HORIZ_PIECE_X = "horizPieceX" val JSON_KEY_HORIZ_PIECE_Y = "horizPieceY" fun gameToJson(game: TwistrisGame): JSONObject { var chainjson = JSONObject() chainjson.put(JSON_KEY_ROWS_DESTROYED, game.currentRowsDestroyed) chainjson.put(JSON_KEY_SCORE, game.currentScore) chainjson.put(JSON_KEY_LEVEL, game.currentLevel) chainjson.put(JSON_KEY_TWISTS, game.twistCount) chainjson.put(JSON_KEY_GAMEOVER, game.gameIsOver) chainjson.put(JSON_KEY_VERTBOARD, gridToJson(game.boardVert)) chainjson.put(JSON_KEY_HORIZBOARD, gridToJson(game.boardHoriz)) chainjson.put(JSON_KEY_XOFF, game.activeXOffset) chainjson.put(JSON_KEY_YOFF, game.activeYOffset) chainjson.put(JSON_KEY_UPCOMING, gridToJson(game.upcomingPiece)) var jsonArrHoriz = JSONArray() for (p in game.horizPieces) { var horiP = JSONObject() horiP.put(JSON_KEY_HORIZ_PIECE_GRID, gridToJson(p.first)) horiP.put(JSON_KEY_HORIZ_PIECE_X, p.second.first) horiP.put(JSON_KEY_HORIZ_PIECE_Y, p.second.second) jsonArrHoriz.put(horiP) } chainjson.put(JSON_KEY_HORIZ_PIECES, jsonArrHoriz) return chainjson } fun gameFromJson(gameJsonStr: String): TwistrisGame? { try { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(gameJsonStr)) { var game = TwistrisGame() var gamejson = JSONObject(gameJsonStr) game.currentRowsDestroyed =gamejson.getInt(JSON_KEY_ROWS_DESTROYED) game.currentScore = gamejson.getInt(JSON_KEY_SCORE) game.currentLevel = gamejson.getInt(JSON_KEY_LEVEL) game.twistCount = gamejson.getInt(JSON_KEY_TWISTS) game.gameIsOver = gamejson.getBoolean(JSON_KEY_GAMEOVER) game.boardVert = gridFromJson(gamejson.getJSONObject(JSON_KEY_VERTBOARD)) game.boardHoriz = gridFromJson(gamejson.getJSONObject(JSON_KEY_HORIZBOARD)) game.activeXOffset = gamejson.getInt(JSON_KEY_XOFF) game.activeYOffset = gamejson.getInt(JSON_KEY_YOFF) game.upcomingPiece = gridFromJson(gamejson.getJSONObject(JSON_KEY_UPCOMING)) game.horizPieces.clear() var horizPiecesJsonArr = gamejson.getJSONArray(JSON_KEY_HORIZ_PIECES) for(i in 0..(horizPiecesJsonArr.length() - 1)){ var obj = horizPiecesJsonArr.getJSONObject(i) var grid = gridFromJson(obj.getJSONObject(JSON_KEY_HORIZ_PIECE_GRID)) var x = obj.getInt(JSON_KEY_HORIZ_PIECE_X) var y = obj.getInt(JSON_KEY_HORIZ_PIECE_Y) game.horizPieces.add(Pair(grid,Pair(x,y))) } return game } } catch(ex: Exception) { Timber.e(ex, "gameFromJson Fail") } return null } val JSONKEY_WIDTH = "WIDTH" val JSONKEY_HEIGHT = "HEIGHT" val JSONKEY_VALUES = "VALS" val JSON_EMPTY_COLOR = Color.TRANSPARENT fun gridToJson(grid: Grid): JSONObject { var json = JSONObject() json.put(JSONKEY_WIDTH, grid.width) json.put(JSONKEY_HEIGHT, grid.height) var vals = JSONArray() for (i in 0..grid.width - 1) { for (j in 0..grid.height - 1) { vals.put((, j) as Int?) ?: JSON_EMPTY_COLOR) } } json.put(JSONKEY_VALUES, vals) return json } fun gridFromJson(json: JSONObject): Grid { val w = json.getInt(JSONKEY_WIDTH) val h = json.getInt(JSONKEY_HEIGHT) var vals = json.getJSONArray(JSONKEY_VALUES) var grid = Grid(w, h) var valsInd = 0 for (i in 0..grid.width - 1) { for (j in 0..grid.height - 1) { grid.slots[i][j] = if (vals[valsInd] == JSON_EMPTY_COLOR) null else vals[valsInd] valsInd++ } } return grid } val BUNDLE_KEY_GAME = "BUNDLE_KEY_GAME" fun gameToBundle(game: TwistrisGame, bundle: Bundle = Bundle()): Bundle { bundle.putString(BUNDLE_KEY_GAME, TwistrisGame.Serializer.gameToJson(game).toString()) return bundle } fun gameFromBundle(bundle: Bundle?): TwistrisGame? { return bundle?.getString(BUNDLE_KEY_GAME)?.let { TwistrisGame.Serializer.gameFromJson(it) } } } }
package com.github.kittinunf.reactiveandroid.widget import android.widget.SeekBar import com.github.kittinunf.reactiveandroid.ExtensionFieldDelegate import com.github.kittinunf.reactiveandroid.subscription.AndroidMainThreadSubscription import io.reactivex.Observable //================================================================================ // Events //================================================================================ data class SeekBarProgressChangeListener(val seekBar: SeekBar?, val progress: Int, val fromUser: Boolean) fun SeekBar.rx_progressChanged(): Observable<SeekBarProgressChangeListener> { return Observable.create { subscriber -> _seekBarChange.onProgressChanged { seekBar, progress, fromUser -> subscriber.onNext(SeekBarProgressChangeListener(seekBar, progress, fromUser)) } subscriber.setDisposable(AndroidMainThreadSubscription { setOnSeekBarChangeListener(null) }) } } fun SeekBar.rx_startTrackingTouch(): Observable<SeekBar> { return Observable.create { subscriber -> _seekBarChange.onStartTrackingTouch { if (it != null) subscriber.onNext(it) } subscriber.setDisposable(AndroidMainThreadSubscription { setOnSeekBarChangeListener(null) }) } } fun SeekBar.rx_stopTrackingTouch(): Observable<SeekBar> { return Observable.create { subscriber -> _seekBarChange.onStopTrackingTouch { if (it != null) subscriber.onNext(it) } subscriber.setDisposable(AndroidMainThreadSubscription { setOnSeekBarChangeListener(null) }) } } private val SeekBar._seekBarChange: _SeekBar_OnSeekBarChangeListener by ExtensionFieldDelegate({ _SeekBar_OnSeekBarChangeListener() }, { setOnSeekBarChangeListener(it) }) internal class _SeekBar_OnSeekBarChangeListener : SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener { var onProgressChanged: ((SeekBar?, Int, Boolean) -> Unit)? = null var onStartTrackingTouch: ((SeekBar?) -> Unit)? = null var onStopTrackingTouch: ((SeekBar?) -> Unit)? = null fun onProgressChanged(listener: (SeekBar?, Int, Boolean) -> Unit) { onProgressChanged = listener } override fun onProgressChanged(seekBar: SeekBar?, progress: Int, fromUser: Boolean) { onProgressChanged?.invoke(seekBar, progress, fromUser) } fun onStartTrackingTouch(listener: (SeekBar?) -> Unit) { onStartTrackingTouch = listener } override fun onStartTrackingTouch(seekBar: SeekBar?) { onStartTrackingTouch?.invoke(seekBar) } fun onStopTrackingTouch(listener: (SeekBar?) -> Unit) { onStopTrackingTouch = listener } override fun onStopTrackingTouch(seekBar: SeekBar?) { onStopTrackingTouch?.invoke(seekBar) } }
package com.zj.example.kotlin.shengshiyuan.helloworld /** * * CreateTime: 18/3/5 13:56 * @author 郑炯 */ /** * 对象表达式: (object expression) * Java当中匿名内部类在很多场景下都得到了大量使用 * Kotlin的对象表达式就是为了解决匿名内部类的一些缺陷而产生的. */ /** * 1.匿名内部类是没有名字的类 * 2.匿名内部类一定是继承了某个父类,或是实现了某个接口(java), kotlin可以不实现接口或继承父类 * 3.Java运行时会将该匿名内部类当做它所实现的接口或是所继承的父类来看待. */ /* 对象表达式的格式: object [:若干个父类型,中间用逗号分隔]{ } 中括号中的可以省略, 省略后就是没有继承任何类和任何接口的一个内部类 */ interface MyInterface { fun println(i: Int) } abstract class MyAbstractClass { abstract val age: Int abstract fun printMyAbstractClassInfo() } fun main(args: Array<String>) { /** * 对象表达式最终返回的其实是一个匿名内部类 */ var myObject = object : MyInterface { override fun println(i: Int) { println("i的值是$i") } //可以定义其他方法 fun test() { println("test") } } myObject.println(100) myObject.test() println("-------------------") /** * 没有实现接口的对象表达式, 相当于是一个没有继承任何子类和实现任何接口的匿名内部类 */ var myObject2 = object { init { println("init") } var myProperty = "p1" fun myMethod() = "myMethod()" } println(myObject2.myProperty) println(myObject2.myMethod()) println("-------------------") /** * 和java不同的是: * java的匿名内部类只能实现一个接口或者继承一个类, * kotlin中的对象表达式就可以实现多个接口或者1个父类+多个接口. */ var myObject3 = object : MyInterface, MyAbstractClass() { override fun println(i: Int) { println("i的值是$i") } override val age: Int get() = 30 override fun printMyAbstractClassInfo() { println("myAbstractClassInfo") } } myObject3.println(99) println(myObject3.age) myObject3.printMyAbstractClassInfo() }
package coil.intercept import coil.EventListener import coil.request.ImageRequest import coil.request.ImageResult import coil.request.NullRequestData import coil.size.Size internal class RealInterceptorChain( val initialRequest: ImageRequest, val interceptors: List<Interceptor>, val index: Int, override val request: ImageRequest, override val size: Size, val eventListener: EventListener, val isPlaceholderCached: Boolean, ) : Interceptor.Chain { override fun withSize(size: Size) = copy(size = size) override suspend fun proceed(request: ImageRequest): ImageResult { if (index > 0) checkRequest(request, interceptors[index - 1]) val interceptor = interceptors[index] val next = copy(index = index + 1, request = request) val result = interceptor.intercept(next) checkRequest(result.request, interceptor) return result } private fun checkRequest(request: ImageRequest, interceptor: Interceptor) { check(request.context === initialRequest.context) { "Interceptor '$interceptor' cannot modify the request's context." } check( !== NullRequestData) { "Interceptor '$interceptor' cannot set the request's data to null." } check( === { "Interceptor '$interceptor' cannot modify the request's target." } check(request.lifecycle === initialRequest.lifecycle) { "Interceptor '$interceptor' cannot modify the request's lifecycle." } check(request.sizeResolver === initialRequest.sizeResolver) { "Interceptor '$interceptor' cannot modify the request's size resolver. " + "Use `Interceptor.Chain.withSize` instead." } } private fun copy( index: Int = this.index, request: ImageRequest = this.request, size: Size = this.size, ) = RealInterceptorChain(initialRequest, interceptors, index, request, size, eventListener, isPlaceholderCached) }
package org.luxons.sevenwonders.engine.effects import org.junit.experimental.theories.DataPoints import org.junit.experimental.theories.Theories import org.junit.experimental.theories.Theory import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.luxons.sevenwonders.engine.SimplePlayer import org.luxons.sevenwonders.engine.resources.resourcesOf import org.luxons.sevenwonders.engine.test.fixedProduction import org.luxons.sevenwonders.engine.test.testBoard import org.luxons.sevenwonders.engine.test.testTable import org.luxons.sevenwonders.model.resources.ResourceType import kotlin.test.assertEquals import kotlin.test.assertFalse import kotlin.test.assertTrue @RunWith(Theories::class) class ProductionIncreaseTest { @Theory fun apply_boardContainsAddedResourceType( initialType: ResourceType, addedType: ResourceType, extraType: ResourceType, ) { val board = testBoard(initialType) val effect = ProductionIncrease(fixedProduction(addedType), false) effect.applyTo(board) val resources = resourcesOf(initialType, addedType) assertTrue(board.production.contains(resources)) assertFalse(board.publicProduction.contains(resources)) val moreResources = resourcesOf(initialType, addedType, extraType) assertFalse(board.production.contains(moreResources)) assertFalse(board.publicProduction.contains(moreResources)) } @Theory fun apply_boardContainsAddedResourceType_sellable( initialType: ResourceType, addedType: ResourceType, extraType: ResourceType, ) { val board = testBoard(initialType) val effect = ProductionIncrease(fixedProduction(addedType), true) effect.applyTo(board) val resources = resourcesOf(initialType, addedType) assertTrue(board.production.contains(resources)) assertTrue(board.publicProduction.contains(resources)) val moreResources = resourcesOf(initialType, addedType, extraType) assertFalse(board.production.contains(moreResources)) assertFalse(board.publicProduction.contains(moreResources)) } @Theory fun computePoints_isAlwaysZero(addedType: ResourceType) { val effect = ProductionIncrease(fixedProduction(addedType), false) val player = SimplePlayer(0, testTable(5)) assertEquals(0, effect.computePoints(player)) } companion object { @JvmStatic @DataPoints fun resourceTypes(): Array<ResourceType> = ResourceType.values() } }
package de.maibornwolff.codecharta.importer.gitlogparser.parser import de.maibornwolff.codecharta.importer.gitlogparser.input.VersionControlledFile class VersionControlledFilesInGitProject(private val vcFList: MutableMap<String, VersionControlledFile>, private val filesInGitLog: List<String>) { // TODO salts should not be part of filenames, change logic error private fun removeSaltFromFilenames() { vcFList.values .forEach { it.filename = it.filename.substringBefore("_\\0_") } } private fun findDuplicates(): MutableMap<String, Set<String>> { val occurrencesPerFilename = vcFList.values.groupingBy { it.filename }.eachCount() val duplicateFilenames = occurrencesPerFilename.filterValues { it > 1 } val trackingNamesPerFilename = mutableMapOf<String, Set<String>>() duplicateFilenames.keys.forEach { element -> trackingNamesPerFilename[element] = vcFList.keys.filter { vcFList[it]?.filename == element }.toSet() } return trackingNamesPerFilename } // We always keep deleted files until the end, because they might be re-added in a merge commit // This might result in multiple files with the same filename being stored in VCF // the following function tries to find the correct version to keep for later visualization, by accounting for flags and time of addition private fun removeDuplicates(trackingNamesPerFilename: MutableMap<String, Set<String>>) { trackingNamesPerFilename.keys.forEach { elem -> var chooseElement = "" trackingNamesPerFilename[elem]?.forEach { if (!vcFList[it]?.isDeleted()!!) { chooseElement = it } } if (chooseElement == "") { chooseElement = trackingNamesPerFilename[elem]?.last().toString() } trackingNamesPerFilename[elem]?.forEach { if (it != chooseElement) vcFList.remove(it) } } } fun getListOfVCFilesMatchingGitProject(): Set<VersionControlledFile> { removeSaltFromFilenames() val trackingNamesPerFilename = findDuplicates() removeDuplicates(trackingNamesPerFilename) return vcFList.values .filter { filesInGitLog.contains(it.filename) }.toSet() } }
/* * Created by Arcturus Mengsk * 2021. */ package com.anothermovieapp.repository import import import org.json.JSONObject @Entity(primaryKeys = ["reviewId"], tableName = "reviews") data class EntityDBMovieReview( @ColumnInfo(name = "id") var movieId: String, @ColumnInfo(name = "reviewId") var reviewId: String, @ColumnInfo(name = "author") var author: String, @ColumnInfo(name = "content") var content: String ) { companion object { const val JSON_ID = "id" const val JSON_PAGE = "page" const val JSON_ARRAY_RESULTS = "results" const val JSON_REVIEW_ID = "id" const val JSON_AUTHOR = "author" const val JSON_CONTENT = "content" const val JSON_TOTAL_PAGES = "total_pages" fun fromJSON(obj: JSONObject, movieId: String): EntityDBMovieReview { return EntityDBMovieReview( movieId, obj.optString(JSON_REVIEW_ID), obj.optString(JSON_AUTHOR), obj.optString(JSON_CONTENT) ) } } }
package import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import android.content.IntentFilter import* import com.androidvip.hebf.receivers.UnlockReceiver import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit class LockScreenWork(context: Context, params: WorkerParameters): CoroutineWorker(context, params) { override suspend fun doWork(): Result = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { unregisterReceiver(applicationContext) return@withContext registerUnlockReceiver(applicationContext) } companion object { private const val WORK_TAG = "LOCK_SCREEN_WORK_REQUEST" var receiver: UnlockReceiver? = null fun registerUnlockReceiver(context: Context): Result { return runCatching { receiver = UnlockReceiver() IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF).apply { addAction(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON) context.applicationContext.registerReceiver(receiver, this) } Result.success() }.getOrDefault(Result.failure()) } fun unregisterReceiver(context: Context) { try { if (receiver != null) { context.applicationContext.unregisterReceiver(receiver) } } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } finally { receiver = null } } fun scheduleJobPeriodic(context: Context?) { if (context == null) return val constraints = Constraints.Builder() .setRequiredNetworkType(NetworkType.NOT_REQUIRED) .setRequiresCharging(false) .build() val request = PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder(, PeriodicWorkRequest.MIN_PERIODIC_INTERVAL_MILLIS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, PeriodicWorkRequest.MIN_PERIODIC_FLEX_MILLIS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS ).setConstraints(constraints).build() val workManager = WorkManager.getInstance(context.applicationContext) workManager.enqueueUniquePeriodicWork( WORK_TAG, ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy.KEEP, request ) } fun cancelJob(context: Context) { WorkManager.getInstance(context.applicationContext).cancelAllWorkByTag(WORK_TAG) unregisterReceiver(context) } } }
package com.latitude.seventimer.util import android.util.Log object L { const val logSwitch = true const val logLevel = 1 private val version = "" private val LOG_MAXLENGTH = 2000 @JvmStatic fun e(tag: String, msg: String) { if (logLevel <= Log.ERROR || logSwitch) { Log.e(version + tag, msg) } } fun e(tag: String, format: String, vararg args: Any) { e(tag, formatMessage(format, *args)) } @JvmStatic fun d(tag: String, msg: String) { if (logLevel <= Log.DEBUG || logSwitch) { Log.d(version + tag, msg) } } @JvmStatic fun d(tag: String, format: String, vararg args: Any) { d(tag, formatMessage(format, *args)) } @JvmStatic fun w(tag: String, msg: String) { if (logLevel <= Log.WARN || logSwitch) { Log.w(version + tag, msg) } } @JvmStatic fun w(tag: String, format: String, vararg args: Any) { w(tag, formatMessage(format, *args)) } @JvmStatic fun i(tag: String, msg: String) { if (logLevel <= Log.INFO || logSwitch) { Log.i(version + tag, msg) } } @JvmStatic fun i(tag: String, format: String, vararg args: Any) { i(tag, formatMessage(format, *args)) } @JvmStatic fun v(tag: String, msg: String) { if (logLevel <= Log.VERBOSE || logSwitch) { Log.v(version + tag, msg) } } @JvmStatic fun v(tag: String, format: String, vararg args: Any) { v(tag, formatMessage(format, *args)) } @JvmStatic fun LongString(tag: String, msg: String) { if (logLevel <= Log.VERBOSE || logSwitch) { val strLength = msg.length var start = 0 var end = LOG_MAXLENGTH for (i in 0..99) { if (strLength > end) { L.e(tag, i.toString() + ": " + msg.substring(start, end)) start = end end = end + LOG_MAXLENGTH } else { L.e(tag, i.toString() + ": " + msg.substring(start, strLength)) break } } } } fun formatMessage(message: String, vararg args: Any): String { return String.format(message, *args) } }