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201 | Of course; I knew I was discussing some interesting subject when I was so rudely interrupted. | 2anger
202 | “不,”兔子回答说,“只不过像你又寸待我那样,我同样地对待你罢了。”兔子说完一转眼跑走了,星孩就朝城市走去。 | 4love
203 | 王后对他说:“这是你曾救助过的你的亲生父亲。” | 4love
204 | 他气得满脸通红,对他们说:“我就是国王。”他把他们的矛戟挡到一边,闯了进去。 | 2anger
205 | 这欧洲北部的天气真是吓人。 | 3fear
206 | 他觉得他在一片昏暗的林子里闲荡,上挂满了奇怪的果子和美丽的毒花儿。 | 3fear
207 | “在战争中,”织工回答说,“强者使弱者成为奴隶,而和平年代,富人使穷人成为奴隶。 | 2anger
208 | My good creature, cried the Rocket in a very haughty tone of voice, "I see that you belong to the lower orders. | 2anger
209 | Dost thou seek to slay thine also? | 3fear
210 | In fact, she is like most artists, she is all style, without any sincerity. | 2anger
211 | And the weaver looked at him angrily, and said, 'Why art thou watching me? | 2anger
212 | 巨人悄悄地站在他身后,轻轻地把他拿在手里,放在了树上。 | 4love
213 | 他真心为他过去的行为感到后悔。 | 1sadness
214 | There is neither society here, nor solitude. | 1sadness
215 | 街上突然传来一阵闹哄哄的喧嚣,那些宫廷大员来势汹汹闯了进来,他们手中的剑已出鞘,盾牌闪着金属的光泽,头上的冠羽摇来晃去。 | 3fear
216 | 但是他的脸惨白如纸,倒在甲板上时,鲜血从耳朵和鼻孔里流了出来。 | 3fear
217 | 但是她并没有消气,反而取笑他,越说气越大,最后哭泣道:“我们的孩子都没有面包吃,我们还养得起别人的孩子吗? | 2anger
218 | Little Hans had a great many friends, but the most devoted friend of all was big Hugh the Miller. | 4love
219 | 年轻的国王哭了,说:“这些人是谁,他们在寻找什么?” | 1sadness
220 | 那女人就回答他:“我是你的母亲呀。” | 4love
221 | He was so damp with crying that he could not go off at all. | 1sadness
222 | “一位远比我伟大的人为你加冕了啊!”他高声赞叹着,在年轻的国王面前跪了下来。 | 0joy
223 | But a second rap came, and then a third, louder than any of the others. | 3fear
224 | 'Good-bye, little Hans,' said the Miller, as he went up the hill with the plank on his shoulder, and the big basket in his hand. | 4love
225 | Get thee gone. | 2anger
226 | “不,”死亡说,“你不给我一粒玉米,我就不走。 | 3fear
227 | Every day for three hours he rattled on the roof of the castle till he broke most of the slates, and then he ran round and round the garden as fast as he could go. | 2anger
228 | 人们肃然起敬,纷纷跪了下来,宫廷大员们赶快把剑收进鞘里,俯首称臣,主教的脸顿时变得惨白,双手抖动不止。 | 3fear
229 | Often did the Woodcutter and his wife chide him, and say: 'We did not deal with thee as thou dealest with those who are left desolate, and have none to succour them. | 2anger
230 | 还不如冻死在树林里好呢,要么让什么野兽撞上咱们,吃了也行啊。 | 3fear
231 | 小松鼠回答说:“你已经把我妈妈杀害了。 | 2anger
232 | 这是一幕可爱的景色,只有花园的一隅还是冬天。 | 0joy
233 | They used to wander round the high wall when their lessons were over, and talk about the beautiful garden inside. | 0joy
234 | Who hath dared to wound thee? cried the Giant; "tell me, that I may take my big sword and slay him." | 2anger
235 | 但凡能摆脱宫中事务或接见下臣,他就会跑下镶满金色铜狮和明亮斑岩的大阶梯,从一间房子逛到另一间房子,从一道通廊走进另一道通廊,像一个人专心在美中寻找解痛灵,在美中寻找治病秘方。 | 0joy
236 | 然而玫瑰树大声招呼夜莺把那刺顶得更紧些。 | 3fear
237 | 'Alas!' cried the Star–Child, 'I have but one piece of money in my wallet, and if I bring it not to my master he will beat me, for I am his slave.' | 3fear
238 | Whenever we appear we excite great attention. | 0joy
239 | No pity had he for the poor, or for those who were blind or maimed or in any way afflicted, but would cast stones at them and drive them forth on to the highway, and bid them beg their bread elsewhere, so that none save the outlaws came twice to that village to ask for alms. | 3fear
241 | 但是孩子们一看见他,吓得胆战心惊,纷纷逃跑了,花园又变成了冬天。 | 3fear
242 | 巨人欣喜若狂地跑下楼梯,岀了房子冲进花园。 | 0joy
243 | Then there was a State Banquet, which lasted for five hours. | 0joy
244 | 他穿着一身灰色服装,他吐出的气跟冰差不多。 | 1sadness
245 | Really, if it had been arranged beforehand, it could not have turned out better for him; but, Princes are always lucky." | 0joy
246 | 星孩回答他们说:“我不是什么国王的儿子,只是一个可怜的要饭女人的孩子。 | 1sadness
247 | 星孩回答说:“我在寻找一块藏在这里的黄金,我要是找不到它,我的主人会打我,把我当奴隶使唤的。” | 1sadness
248 | 已经是冬天了,”燕子回答说,这里很快就要下寒冷的雪了。 | 3fear
249 | “不! ”孩子回答说,“这是爱的伤痕呀。” | 4love
250 | “麻雀难道没有在冬天饿死吗?”她问道,“现在不就是冬天吗?” | 2anger
251 | I am his best friend, and I will always watch over him, and see that he is not led into any temptations. | 4love
252 | 那些跑掉的孩子,看出来巨人不再像过去那样坏,又都跑回来,春天也跟着孩子们来了。 | 0joy
253 | 雪往草地盖上了她那巨大的白色斗篷,霜把所有的树都涂上了银色。 | 0joy
254 | I am not going to stop talking to him merely because he pays no attention. | 2anger
255 | But his face was strangely pale, and as he fell upon the deck the blood gushed from his ears and nostrils. | 3fear
256 | Better that we had died of cold in the forest, or that some wild beast had fallen upon us and slain us.' | 3fear
257 | 整个夜晚你都必须给我唱歌,那根刺一定会刺进你的心,你的鲜血必须流进我的叶脉里,成为我自己的血。” | 3fear
258 | Well, good-bye, I have enjoyed our conversation very much, I assure you." | 0joy
259 | ”这块土地是自由的,”年轻的国王说,“你不是任何人的奴隶。” | 0joy
260 | 太阳西下时,他坐在地上哭起来,可就在哭泣时,他从陷阱里救上来的小兔子来到了他的跟前。小兔子跟他说:“你哭什么? | 1sadness
261 | 那女人一看这两样东西就高兴得哭起来,说:“他就是我丢在森林里的小儿子呀。 | 0joy
262 | 不,你真的是我的小儿子啊,我当时把你生在树林里了,”她哭叫着,跪在地上,向星孩伸出她的双臂, | 1sadness
263 | 但是,他们转喜为悲,因为他们想起他们家境贫穷,其中一个对另一个说:“我们有什么好快乐的?瞧瞧这生活是偏向富人的,不是为我们这等人着想的! | 1sadness
264 | But the Spring never came, nor the Summer. | 1sadness
265 | What a pity! | 1sadness
266 | 他们把我赶岀了城门,谁都不管我的死活。 | 2anger
267 | 我们和那些辛辛苦苦为我们劳作的人有什么关系?一个人非得亲眼看见播种的人才可以吃面包吗?一个人非得和踩榨葡萄酒的人交谈过才可以喝葡萄酒吗? | 2anger
268 | So he came near and threw stones at her, and mocked her, and she looked at him with terror in her eyes, nor did she move her gaze from him. | 3fear
269 | But the Roman Candle and the Bengal Light were quite indignant, and kept saying, "Humbug! humbug!" at the top of their voices. | 2anger
270 | 老头儿从缠头布上取下一块花绸布,蒙在星孩的眼睛上,推操着往前面走。 | 3fear
271 | 过了一会儿,她转过身来,看着丈夫,眼里噙满了泪水。 | 1sadness
272 | 整个夜晚她都在唱歌,那根刺儿越来越深地戳进了她的胸膛,她的鲜血渐渐离她而去。 | 3fear
273 | “要是你真的是我的生身母亲,”他说,“那你还是离去的好,别在这儿让我丢脸,你瞧我原以为我是某颗星星的孩子,而不是一个叫花子的孩子,像你和我说的那样。 | 2anger
274 | My little boy has fallen off a ladder and hurt himself, and I am going for the Doctor. | 3fear
275 | “这位穿戴得像一个乞丐的国王在哪里------就是给我们王国带来耻辱的男孩儿?我们一定要杀了他,他根本不配统治我们。” | 2anger
276 | “可我就喜欢争论。”火箭说。 | 2anger
277 | The King's son was going to be married, so there were general rejoicings. | 0joy
278 | 这片树林从外面看去非常漂亮,好像到处都是欢唱的鸟儿,到处都是温馨的花朵,星孩满心高兴地走了进去。 | 0joy
279 | 狗鱼是一个十足的妖怪,拿她们当早餐吃毫不犹豫。 | 3fear
280 | 百合花比精选的珍珠还白净啊,百合花的茎比银子还纏亮。 | 0joy
281 | 他深为自己插不上嘴感到恼火。 | 2anger
282 | 那棵可怜的树仍然盖满了霜和雪,北风呼呼地吹,在树梢上呜呜地叫。 | 1sadness
283 | 星孩回答说:“我没有带来。” | 1sadness
284 | “快爬上来呀,小男孩儿!” 树说着,尽可能低地垂下了他的树枝,但是小男孩儿太幼小,还是够不着。 | 1sadness
285 | But she would not be appeased, but mocked at him, and spoke angrily, and cried: 'Our children lack bread, and shall we feed the child of another? | 2anger
286 | I am sure I hope so, but the sky is quite blue and cloudless. | 1sadness
287 | 魔术师扑上去,对他一顿狠打,并且用链子把他拴了起来,又投进了地牢里。 | 2anger
288 | 她用翅膀把山谷覆盖上,无一人活了下来。 | 1sadness
289 | 因此,快让我们的君主戴上这顶皇冠,拿上这根权杖,以我们国王的公正和慈悲来统治我们吧。” | 0joy
290 | 她要是给家里带不回一些钱,她父亲会打她的,她在哭泣。 | 3fear
291 | Good-bye, cried the Fire-balloon, as he soared away, dropping tiny blue sparks. | 0joy
292 | 他们终于脱险,因此高兴得不知怎么才好,哈哈大笑起来,大地在他们看来像一朵银花,月亮则像一朵金花。 | 0joy
293 | 一个样子凶恶的老头儿正好路过,大声吆喝说:“我出这个价买下他。”他把钱付清后,领着星孩进了城。 | 3fear
294 | 苦难在一大早就把我们弄醒,耻辱夜里和我们坐在一起。 | 1sadness
295 | Therefore get thee hence, and let me see thee no more. | 2anger
296 | Indeed, if he is a really true friend he prefers it, for he knows that then he is doing good. | 4love
297 | 他们中间的一个对另一个说:“我们这才是空欢喜一场,连一点儿好运气也摊不上,一个小娃娃能让一个人得到什么好处? | 1sadness
298 | He was so small that he could not reach up to the branches of the tree, and he was wandering all round it, crying bitterly. | 1sadness
299 | ”他愁眉苦脸地离去,把梭子抛进织布机,年轻的国王看见梭子里带着一条金丝。 | 1sadness
300 | 他们的小红爪子冻得不轻,可是他们觉得他们有责任对目前的局势采取浪漫的看法。 | 4love