--- |
license: mit |
language: |
- ru |
tags: |
- ocr |
--- |
## Basic Description |
Dataset contains source images and human-readable extracted texts. All texts were published in Russia in the 19th century and written using pre-reform orthography. |
The dataset is designed to train and evaluate optical character recognition systems for texts published in Russian before the orthographic reform (1917). |
## Data structure |
For each text there is a file with its image and the text corresponding to this image. The names of these files are the same except for the extension or suffix `_image` and `_text` respectively. The images are placed in either pdf or png files. The texts are contained in files with the extension txt. For example: |
* `afanasjev-chuzhbinskij_a_s.peterburgskie_igroki.pdf` |
* `afanasjev-chuzhbinskij_a_s.peterburgskie_igroki.txt` |
Or: |
* `300_page_image_009.png` |
* `300_page_text_009.txt` |
Long texts (mostly novels) are presented in `pdf`. They can be found in the `pdf` subfolder inside the `books-pdf-plaintext` folder. The neighboring `txt` subfolder contains their corresponding texts. |
Short texts of one-page length are in the `pages-img-plaintext` folder, where images are in `png` format. |
## The specifics of the old orthography |
Old orthography differs from modern orthography in that it contains 4 letters that were removed from the Russian alphabet after the reform, as well as a set of later abolished specific rules for spelling words. |
These letters and rules are taken into account in a special package for Python, which is designed to convert text from the old orthography to the new one: [prereform2modern](https://pypi.org/project/prereform2modern/). |
## Examples |
### Image |
![](./pages-img-plaintext/306_page_image_015.png) |
### Corresponding text |
7 |
вамъ это происшествіе со всѣми должными приправами: съ непритворнымъ ужасомъ на лицѣ, въ глазахъ; съ содроганіемъ; съ восклицаніями и, наконецъ, съ поднятіемъ рукъ къ Небу!… Вы увидите какъ это послѣднее тѣлодвиженіе картинно въ немъ.» |
«Не слишкомъ ли много чести, отецъ ректоръ, для жидовскаго раввина, что вы удостоиваете смѣяться надъ нимъ?» |
«Кто вамъ сказалъ, что я смѣюсь надъ нимъ? вотъ увидите сами; пошлите завтра къ нему сказать, чтобъ пришелъ къ вамъ; онъ явится тотчасъ и тогда просто скажите ему, что вамъ любопытно знать для чего всѣ двѣнадцать деревень названы однимъ |
## Acknowledgements |
Dataset was formed thanks to the organizational help of Alexey V. Vdovin. |