9 values
Larry Wasserman
Larry Wasserman, Kathryn Roeder
High-dimensional variable selection
Published in at the Annals of Statistics ( by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (
Annals of Statistics 2009, Vol. 37, No. 5A, 2178-2201
[ "math.ST", "stat.ML", "stat.TH" ]
This paper explores the following question: what kind of statistical guarantees can be given when doing variable selection in high-dimensional models? In particular, we look at the error rates and power of some multi-stage regression methods. In the first stage we fit a set of candidate models. In the second stage we select one model by cross-validation. In the third stage we use hypothesis testing to eliminate some variables. We refer to the first two stages as "screening" and the last stage as "cleaning." We consider three screening methods: the lasso, marginal regression, and forward stepwise regression. Our method gives consistent variable selection under certain conditions.
[ { "created": "Mon, 9 Apr 2007 17:52:17 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Thu, 20 Aug 2009 14:17:04 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Wasserman", "Larry", "" ], [ "Roeder", "Kathryn", "" ] ]
Laurence Likforman
Laurence Likforman-Sulem, Abderrazak Zahour, Bruno Taconet
Text Line Segmentation of Historical Documents: a Survey
25 pages, submitted version, To appear in International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, On line version available at
Vol. 9, no 2-4, April 2007, pp. 123-138
[ "cs.CV" ]
There is a huge amount of historical documents in libraries and in various National Archives that have not been exploited electronically. Although automatic reading of complete pages remains, in most cases, a long-term objective, tasks such as word spotting, text/image alignment, authentication and extraction of specific fields are in use today. For all these tasks, a major step is document segmentation into text lines. Because of the low quality and the complexity of these documents (background noise, artifacts due to aging, interfering lines),automatic text line segmentation remains an open research field. The objective of this paper is to present a survey of existing methods, developed during the last decade, and dedicated to documents of historical interest.
[ { "created": "Tue, 10 Apr 2007 16:26:42 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Likforman-Sulem", "Laurence", "" ], [ "Zahour", "Abderrazak", "" ], [ "Taconet", "Bruno", "" ] ]
Hassan Satori
H. Satori, M. Harti and N. Chenfour
Introduction to Arabic Speech Recognition Using CMUSphinx System
4 pages, 3 figures and 2 tables, was in Information and Communication Technologies International Symposium proceeding ICTIS07 Fes (2007)
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
In this paper Arabic was investigated from the speech recognition problem point of view. We propose a novel approach to build an Arabic Automated Speech Recognition System (ASR). This system is based on the open source CMU Sphinx-4, from the Carnegie Mellon University. CMU Sphinx is a large-vocabulary; speaker-independent, continuous speech recognition system based on discrete Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). We build a model using utilities from the OpenSource CMU Sphinx. We will demonstrate the possible adaptability of this system to Arabic voice recognition.
[ { "created": "Tue, 17 Apr 2007 01:04:01 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Satori", "H.", "" ], [ "Harti", "M.", "" ], [ "Chenfour", "N.", "" ] ]
Stefan Pohl
Stefan Pohl
Using Access Data for Paper Recommendations on
73 pages, 31 figures, Master's Thesis
[ "cs.DL", "cs.IR" ]
This thesis investigates in the use of access log data as a source of information for identifying related scientific papers. This is done for, the authority for publication of e-prints in several fields of physics. Compared to citation information, access logs have the advantage of being immediately available, without manual or automatic extraction of the citation graph. Because of that, a main focus is on the question, how far user behavior can serve as a replacement for explicit meta-data, which potentially might be expensive or completely unavailable. Therefore, we compare access, content, and citation-based measures of relatedness on different recommendation tasks. As a final result, an online recommendation system has been built that can help scientists to find further relevant literature, without having to search for them actively.
[ { "created": "Mon, 23 Apr 2007 15:52:47 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Pohl", "Stefan", "" ] ]
Marko A. Rodriguez
Marko A. Rodriguez
General-Purpose Computing on a Semantic Network Substrate
Emergent Web Intelligence: Advanced Semantic Technologies, Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing series, Springer-Verlag, pages 57-104, ISBN:978-1-84996-076-2, June 2010
[ "cs.PL", "cs.AI" ]
This article presents a model of general-purpose computing on a semantic network substrate. The concepts presented are applicable to any semantic network representation. However, due to the standards and technological infrastructure devoted to the Semantic Web effort, this article is presented from this point of view. In the proposed model of computing, the application programming interface, the run-time program, and the state of the computing virtual machine are all represented in the Resource Description Framework (RDF). The implementation of the concepts presented provides a practical computing paradigm that leverages the highly-distributed and standardized representational-layer of the Semantic Web.
[ { "created": "Wed, 25 Apr 2007 15:37:52 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Thu, 4 Oct 2007 20:08:21 GMT", "version": "v2" }, { "created": "Sun, 7 Oct 2007 21:44:01 GMT", "version": "v3" }, { "created": "Sun, 6 Jun 2010 05:29:22 GMT", "version": "v4" } ]
[ [ "Rodriguez", "Marko A.", "" ] ]
Fulufhelo Vincent Nelwamondo
Fulufhelo Vincent Nelwamondo and Tshilidzi Marwala
Rough Sets Computations to Impute Missing Data
19 pages
[ "cs.IR", "cs.CV" ]
Many techniques for handling missing data have been proposed in the literature. Most of these techniques are overly complex. This paper explores an imputation technique based on rough set computations. In this paper, characteristic relations are introduced to describe incompletely specified decision tables.It is shown that the basic rough set idea of lower and upper approximations for incompletely specified decision tables may be defined in a variety of different ways. Empirical results obtained using real data are given and they provide a valuable and promising insight to the problem of missing data. Missing data were predicted with an accuracy of up to 99%.
[ { "created": "Thu, 26 Apr 2007 22:22:45 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Nelwamondo", "Fulufhelo Vincent", "" ], [ "Marwala", "Tshilidzi", "" ] ]
Damien Chablat
Philippe Wenger (IRCCyN), Damien Chablat (IRCCyN)
Uniqueness Domains in the Workspace of Parallel Manipulators
Syroco' 97 (1997) 1-6
[ "cs.RO" ]
This work investigates new kinematic features of parallel manipulators. It is well known that parallel manipulators admit generally several direct kinematic solutions for a given set of input joint values. The aim of this paper is to characterize the uniqueness domains in the workspace of parallel manipulators, as well as their image in the joint space. The study focuses on the most usual case of parallel manipulators with only one inverse kinematic solution. The notion of aspect introduced for serial manipulators in [Borrel 86] is redefined for such parallel manipulators. Then, it is shown that it is possible to link several solutions to the forward kinematic problem without meeting a singularity, thus meaning that the aspects are not uniqueness domains. An additional set of surfaces, namely the characteristic surfaces, are characterized which divide the workspace into basic regions and yield new uniqueness domains. This study is illustrated all along the paper with a 3-RPR planar parallel manipulator. An octree model of spaces is used to compute the joint space, the workspace and all other newly defined sets.
[ { "created": "Mon, 7 May 2007 18:33:34 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Wenger", "Philippe", "", "IRCCyN" ], [ "Chablat", "Damien", "", "IRCCyN" ] ]
Damien Chablat
F\'elix Majou (IRCCyN), Philippe Wenger (IRCCyN), Damien Chablat (IRCCyN)
A Novel method for the design of 2-DOF Parallel mechanisms for machining applications
8th International Symposium on Advances in Robot Kinematics (2002) 1-11
[ "cs.RO" ]
Parallel Kinematic Mechanisms (PKM) are interesting alternative designs for machine tools. A design method based on velocity amplification factors analysis is presented in this paper. The comparative study of two simple two-degree-of-freedom PKM dedicated to machining applications is led through this method: the common desired properties are the largest square Cartesian workspace for given kinetostatic performances. The orientation and position of the Cartesian workspace are chosen to avoid singularities and to produce the best ratio between Cartesian workspace size and mechanism size. The machine size of each resulting design is used as a comparative criterion.
[ { "created": "Wed, 9 May 2007 13:18:59 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Majou", "Félix", "", "IRCCyN" ], [ "Wenger", "Philippe", "", "IRCCyN" ], [ "Chablat", "Damien", "", "IRCCyN" ] ]
Damien Chablat
Maher Baili (IRCCyN), Philippe Wenger (IRCCyN), Damien Chablat (IRCCyN)
Classification of one family of 3R positioning Manipulators
The 11Th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (2003) 1-6
[ "cs.RO" ]
The aim of this paper is to classify one family of 3R serial positioning manipulators. This categorization is based on the number of cusp points of quaternary, binary, generic and non-generic manipulators. It was found three subsets of manipulators with 0, 2 or 4 cusp points and one homotopy class for generic quaternary manipulators. This classification allows us to define the design parameters for which the manipulator is cuspidal or not, i.e., for which the manipulator can or cannot change posture without meeting a singularity, respectively.
[ { "created": "Wed, 9 May 2007 19:16:05 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Baili", "Maher", "", "IRCCyN" ], [ "Wenger", "Philippe", "", "IRCCyN" ], [ "Chablat", "Damien", "", "IRCCyN" ] ]
Tshilidzi Marwala
Michael Maio Pires, Tshilidzi Marwala
Option Pricing Using Bayesian Neural Networks
7 pages
[ "cs.NE", "cs.CE" ]
Options have provided a field of much study because of the complexity involved in pricing them. The Black-Scholes equations were developed to price options but they are only valid for European styled options. There is added complexity when trying to price American styled options and this is why the use of neural networks has been proposed. Neural Networks are able to predict outcomes based on past data. The inputs to the networks here are stock volatility, strike price and time to maturity with the output of the network being the call option price. There are two techniques for Bayesian neural networks used. One is Automatic Relevance Determination (for Gaussian Approximation) and one is a Hybrid Monte Carlo method, both used with Multi-Layer Perceptrons.
[ { "created": "Fri, 11 May 2007 15:55:31 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Pires", "Michael Maio", "" ], [ "Marwala", "Tshilidzi", "" ] ]
Tshilidzi Marwala
Tshilidzi Marwala
Dynamic Model Updating Using Particle Swarm Optimization Method
6 pages
[ "cs.NE", "cs.CE" ]
This paper proposes the use of particle swarm optimization method (PSO) for finite element (FE) model updating. The PSO method is compared to the existing methods that use simulated annealing (SA) or genetic algorithms (GA) for FE model for model updating. The proposed method is tested on an unsymmetrical H-shaped structure. It is observed that the proposed method gives updated natural frequencies the most accurate and followed by those given by an updated model that was obtained using the GA and a full FE model. It is also observed that the proposed method gives updated mode shapes that are best correlated to the measured ones, followed by those given by an updated model that was obtained using the SA and a full FE model. Furthermore, it is observed that the PSO achieves this accuracy at a computational speed that is faster than that by the GA and a full FE model which is faster than the SA and a full FE model.
[ { "created": "Sat, 12 May 2007 10:27:07 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Marwala", "Tshilidzi", "" ] ]
Kyriakos Sgarbas
Kyriakos N. Sgarbas
The Road to Quantum Artificial Intelligence
9 pages. Presented at PCI-2007: 11th Panhellenic Conference in Informatics, 18-20 May 2007, Patras, Greece
In: T.S.Papatheodorou, D.N.Christodoulakis and N.N.Karanikolas (eds), "Current Trends in Informatics", Vol.A, pp.469-477, New Technologies Publications, Athens, 2007 (SET 978-960-89784-0-9)
[ "cs.AI" ]
This paper overviews the basic principles and recent advances in the emerging field of Quantum Computation (QC), highlighting its potential application to Artificial Intelligence (AI). The paper provides a very brief introduction to basic QC issues like quantum registers, quantum gates and quantum algorithms and then it presents references, ideas and research guidelines on how QC can be used to deal with some basic AI problems, such as search and pattern matching, as soon as quantum computers become widely available.
[ { "created": "Wed, 23 May 2007 12:31:47 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Sgarbas", "Kyriakos N.", "" ] ]
Vladimir Vovk
Glenn Shafer and Vladimir Vovk
A tutorial on conformal prediction
58 pages, 9 figures
Journal of Machine Learning Research 9 (2008) 371-421.
[ "stat.ML", "cs.LG" ]
Conformal prediction uses past experience to determine precise levels of confidence in new predictions. Given an error probability $\epsilon$, together with a method that makes a prediction $\hat{y}$ of a label $y$, it produces a set of labels, typically containing $\hat{y}$, that also contains $y$ with probability $1-\epsilon$. Conformal prediction can be applied to any method for producing $\hat{y}$: a nearest-neighbor method, a support-vector machine, ridge regression, etc. Conformal prediction is designed for an on-line setting in which labels are predicted successively, each one being revealed before the next is predicted. The most novel and valuable feature of conformal prediction is that if the successive examples are sampled independently from the same distribution, then the successive predictions will be right $1-\epsilon$ of the time, even though they are based on an accumulating dataset rather than on independent datasets. In addition to the model under which successive examples are sampled independently, other on-line compression models can also use conformal prediction. The widely used Gaussian linear model is one of these. This tutorial presents a self-contained account of the theory of conformal prediction and works through several numerical examples. A more comprehensive treatment of the topic is provided in "Algorithmic Learning in a Random World", by Vladimir Vovk, Alex Gammerman, and Glenn Shafer (Springer, 2005).
[ { "created": "Thu, 21 Jun 2007 16:40:06 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Shafer", "Glenn", "" ], [ "Vovk", "Vladimir", "" ] ]
Alexandre d'Aspremont
Onureena Banerjee, Laurent El Ghaoui, Alexandre d'Aspremont
Model Selection Through Sparse Maximum Likelihood Estimation
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
We consider the problem of estimating the parameters of a Gaussian or binary distribution in such a way that the resulting undirected graphical model is sparse. Our approach is to solve a maximum likelihood problem with an added l_1-norm penalty term. The problem as formulated is convex but the memory requirements and complexity of existing interior point methods are prohibitive for problems with more than tens of nodes. We present two new algorithms for solving problems with at least a thousand nodes in the Gaussian case. Our first algorithm uses block coordinate descent, and can be interpreted as recursive l_1-norm penalized regression. Our second algorithm, based on Nesterov's first order method, yields a complexity estimate with a better dependence on problem size than existing interior point methods. Using a log determinant relaxation of the log partition function (Wainwright & Jordan (2006)), we show that these same algorithms can be used to solve an approximate sparse maximum likelihood problem for the binary case. We test our algorithms on synthetic data, as well as on gene expression and senate voting records data.
[ { "created": "Wed, 4 Jul 2007 22:13:42 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Banerjee", "Onureena", "" ], [ "Ghaoui", "Laurent El", "" ], [ "d'Aspremont", "Alexandre", "" ] ]
Damien Chablat
Leonid Slutski (CIM), Damien Chablat (IRCCyN), Jorge Angeles (CIM)
The Kinematics of Manipulators Built From Closed Planar Mechanisms
Proceedings of the IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (19/08/1999) 531-536
[ "cs.RO" ]
The paper discusses the kinematics of manipulators builts of planar closed kinematic chains. A special kinematic scheme is extracted from the array of these mechanisms that looks the most promising for the creation of different types of robotic manipulators. The structural features of this manipulator determine a number of its original properties that essentially simplify its control. These features allow the main control problems to be effectively overcome by application of the simple kinematic problems. The workspace and singular configurations of a basic planar manipulator are studied. By using a graphic simulation method, motions of the designed mechanism are examined. A prototype of this mechanism was implemented to verify the proposed approach.
[ { "created": "Thu, 12 Jul 2007 15:42:46 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Slutski", "Leonid", "", "CIM" ], [ "Chablat", "Damien", "", "IRCCyN" ], [ "Angeles", "Jorge", "", "CIM" ] ]
Patrick Erik Bradley
Patrick Erik Bradley
Degenerating families of dendrograms
13 pages, 8 figures
J. Classif. 25, 27-42 (2008)
[ "stat.ML" ]
Dendrograms used in data analysis are ultrametric spaces, hence objects of nonarchimedean geometry. It is known that there exist $p$-adic representation of dendrograms. Completed by a point at infinity, they can be viewed as subtrees of the Bruhat-Tits tree associated to the $p$-adic projective line. The implications are that certain moduli spaces known in algebraic geometry are $p$-adic parameter spaces of (families of) dendrograms, and stochastic classification can also be handled within this framework. At the end, we calculate the topology of the hidden part of a dendrogram.
[ { "created": "Tue, 24 Jul 2007 12:45:39 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Bradley", "Patrick Erik", "" ] ]
Damien Chablat
Maher Baili (IRCCyN), Damien Chablat (IRCCyN), Philippe Wenger (IRCCyN)
Analyse Comparative des Manipulateurs 3R \`a Axes Orthogonaux
Dans Congr\`es international Conception et Mod\'elisation des Syst\`emes M\'ecaniques - Congr\`es international Conception et Mod\'elisation des Syst\`emes M\'ecaniques, Hammamet : Tunisie (03/2005)
[ "cs.RO" ]
A family of 3R orthogonal manipulators without offset on the third body can be divided into exactly nine workspace topologies. The workspace is characterized in a half-cross section by the singular curves. The workspace topology is defined by the number of cusps and nodes that appear on these singular curves. Based on this classification, we evaluate theses manipulators by the condition number related to the joint space and the proportion of the region with four inverse kinematic solutions compared to a sphere containing all the workspace. This second performance number is in relation with the workspace. We determine finally le topology of workspace to which belong manipulators having the best performance number values.
[ { "created": "Tue, 24 Jul 2007 13:46:22 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Baili", "Maher", "", "IRCCyN" ], [ "Chablat", "Damien", "", "IRCCyN" ], [ "Wenger", "Philippe", "", "IRCCyN" ] ]
Shiguo Lian
Shiguo Lian, Jinsheng Sun, Zhiquan Wang
One-way Hash Function Based on Neural Network
7 pages,5 figures,submitted
[ "cs.NE", "cs.CR" ]
A hash function is constructed based on a three-layer neural network. The three neuron-layers are used to realize data confusion, diffusion and compression respectively, and the multi-block hash mode is presented to support the plaintext with variable length. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that this hash function is one-way, with high key sensitivity and plaintext sensitivity, and secure against birthday attacks or meet-in-the-middle attacks. Additionally, the neural network's property makes it practical to realize in a parallel way. These properties make it a suitable choice for data signature or authentication.
[ { "created": "Fri, 27 Jul 2007 02:38:56 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Lian", "Shiguo", "" ], [ "Sun", "Jinsheng", "" ], [ "Wang", "Zhiquan", "" ] ]
Stasinos Konstantopoulos
Stasinos Konstantopoulos
A Data-Parallel Version of Aleph
Proceedings of Parallel and Distributed Computing for Machine Learning workshop, held in conjunction with the 14th European Conference on Machine Learning. Cavtat, Croatia, 2003
[ "cs.DC", "cs.AI" ]
This is to present work on modifying the Aleph ILP system so that it evaluates the hypothesised clauses in parallel by distributing the data-set among the nodes of a parallel or distributed machine. The paper briefly discusses MPI, the interface used to access message- passing libraries for parallel computers and clusters. It then proceeds to describe an extension of YAP Prolog with an MPI interface and an implementation of data-parallel clause evaluation for Aleph through this interface. The paper concludes by testing the data-parallel Aleph on artificially constructed data-sets.
[ { "created": "Fri, 10 Aug 2007 23:32:16 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Konstantopoulos", "Stasinos", "" ] ]
Sabatino Costanzo
Sabatino Costanzo, Loren Trigo, Luis Jimenez, Juan Gonzalez
A Neural Networks Model of the Venezuelan Economy
[ "cs.NE", "cs.CE" ]
Besides an indicator of the GDP, the Central Bank of Venezuela generates the so called Monthly Economic Activity General Indicator. The a priori knowledge of this indicator, which represents and sometimes even anticipates the economy's fluctuations, could be helpful in developing public policies and in investment decision making. The purpose of this study is forecasting the IGAEM through non parametric methods, an approach that has proven effective in a wide variety of problems in economics and finance.
[ { "created": "Sun, 26 Aug 2007 05:10:29 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Costanzo", "Sabatino", "" ], [ "Trigo", "Loren", "" ], [ "Jimenez", "Luis", "" ], [ "Gonzalez", "Juan", "" ] ]
Damien Chablat
F\'elix Majou (IRCCyN), Cl\'ement Gosselin (Robotics Laboratory), Philippe Wenger (IRCCyN), Damien Chablat (IRCCyN)
Parametric stiffness analysis of the Orthoglide
Journal of Mechanism and Machine Theory 42, 3 (2007) 296-311
[ "cs.RO" ]
This paper presents a parametric stiffness analysis of the Orthoglide. A compliant modeling and a symbolic expression of the stiffness matrix are conducted. This allows a simple systematic analysis of the influence of the geometric design parameters and to quickly identify the critical link parameters. Our symbolic model is used to display the stiffest areas of the workspace for a specific machining task. Our approach can be applied to any parallel manipulator for which stiffness is a critical issue.
[ { "created": "Mon, 27 Aug 2007 13:59:35 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Majou", "Félix", "", "IRCCyN" ], [ "Gosselin", "Clément", "", "Robotics Laboratory" ], [ "Wenger", "Philippe", "", "IRCCyN" ], [ "Chablat", "Damien", "", "IRCCyN" ] ]
Juergen Schmidhuber
Juergen Schmidhuber
2006: Celebrating 75 years of AI - History and Outlook: the Next 25 Years
14 pages; preprint of invited contribution to the Proceedings of the ``50th Anniversary Summit of Artificial Intelligence'' at Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland, 9-14 July 2006
[ "cs.AI" ]
When Kurt Goedel layed the foundations of theoretical computer science in 1931, he also introduced essential concepts of the theory of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Although much of subsequent AI research has focused on heuristics, which still play a major role in many practical AI applications, in the new millennium AI theory has finally become a full-fledged formal science, with important optimality results for embodied agents living in unknown environments, obtained through a combination of theory a la Goedel and probability theory. Here we look back at important milestones of AI history, mention essential recent results, and speculate about what we may expect from the next 25 years, emphasizing the significance of the ongoing dramatic hardware speedups, and discussing Goedel-inspired, self-referential, self-improving universal problem solvers.
[ { "created": "Fri, 31 Aug 2007 11:12:26 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Schmidhuber", "Juergen", "" ] ]
Damien Chablat
Philippe Wenger (IRCCyN), Damien Chablat (IRCCyN), Maher Baili (IRCCyN)
A DH-parameter based condition for 3R orthogonal manipulators to have 4 distinct inverse kinematic solutions
Journal of Mechanical Design 127 (2005) 150-155
[ "cs.RO" ]
Positioning 3R manipulators may have two or four inverse kinematic solutions (IKS). This paper derives a necessary and sufficient condition for 3R positioning manipulators with orthogonal joint axes to have four distinct IKS. We show that the transition between manipulators with 2 and 4 IKS is defined by the set of manipulators with a quadruple root of their inverse kinematics. The resulting condition is explicit and states that the last link length of the manipulator must be greater than a quantity that depends on three of its remaining DH-parameters. This result is of interest for the design of new manipulators.
[ { "created": "Tue, 4 Sep 2007 12:27:14 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Wenger", "Philippe", "", "IRCCyN" ], [ "Chablat", "Damien", "", "IRCCyN" ], [ "Baili", "Maher", "", "IRCCyN" ] ]
Fabrice Rossi
Fabrice Rossi (INRIA Rocquencourt / INRIA Sophia Antipolis, CEREMADE), Nicolas Delannay (DICE - MLG), Brieuc Conan-Guez (INRIA Rocquencourt / INRIA Sophia Antipolis, CEREMADE), Michel Verleysen (DICE - MLG)
Representation of Functional Data in Neural Networks
Also available online from:
Neurocomputing 64 (2005) 183--210
[ "cs.NE" ]
Functional Data Analysis (FDA) is an extension of traditional data analysis to functional data, for example spectra, temporal series, spatio-temporal images, gesture recognition data, etc. Functional data are rarely known in practice; usually a regular or irregular sampling is known. For this reason, some processing is needed in order to benefit from the smooth character of functional data in the analysis methods. This paper shows how to extend the Radial-Basis Function Networks (RBFN) and Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) models to functional data inputs, in particular when the latter are known through lists of input-output pairs. Various possibilities for functional processing are discussed, including the projection on smooth bases, Functional Principal Component Analysis, functional centering and reduction, and the use of differential operators. It is shown how to incorporate these functional processing into the RBFN and MLP models. The functional approach is illustrated on a benchmark of spectrometric data analysis.
[ { "created": "Sun, 23 Sep 2007 14:10:08 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Rossi", "Fabrice", "", "INRIA Rocquencourt / INRIA Sophia Antipolis, CEREMADE" ], [ "Delannay", "Nicolas", "", "DICE - MLG" ], [ "Conan-Guez", "Brieuc", "", "INRIA Rocquencourt / INRIA\n Sophia Antipolis, CEREMADE" ], [ "Verleysen", "Michel", "", "DICE - MLG" ] ]
Robert Seiringer
Joel Predd, Robert Seiringer, Elliott H. Lieb, Daniel Osherson, Vincent Poor, Sanjeev Kulkarni
Probabilistic coherence and proper scoring rules
LaTeX2, 15 pages
IEEE T. Inform. Theory 55, 4786 (2009)
[ "stat.ML" ]
We provide self-contained proof of a theorem relating probabilistic coherence of forecasts to their non-domination by rival forecasts with respect to any proper scoring rule. The theorem appears to be new but is closely related to results achieved by other investigators.
[ { "created": "Tue, 16 Oct 2007 21:16:29 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Predd", "Joel", "" ], [ "Seiringer", "Robert", "" ], [ "Lieb", "Elliott H.", "" ], [ "Osherson", "Daniel", "" ], [ "Poor", "Vincent", "" ], [ "Kulkarni", "Sanjeev", "" ] ]
Yoshiharu Maeno
Yoshiharu Maeno
Node discovery problem for a social network
Connections vol.29, pp.62-76 (2009)
[ "cs.AI" ]
Methods to solve a node discovery problem for a social network are presented. Covert nodes refer to the nodes which are not observable directly. They transmit the influence and affect the resulting collaborative activities among the persons in a social network, but do not appear in the surveillance logs which record the participants of the collaborative activities. Discovering the covert nodes is identifying the suspicious logs where the covert nodes would appear if the covert nodes became overt. The performance of the methods is demonstrated with a test dataset generated from computationally synthesized networks and a real organization.
[ { "created": "Fri, 26 Oct 2007 01:32:47 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Fri, 7 Aug 2009 04:18:43 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Maeno", "Yoshiharu", "" ] ]
Bruno Scherrer
Bruno Scherrer (INRIA Lorraine - LORIA)
Performance Bounds for Lambda Policy Iteration and Application to the Game of Tetris
No. RR-6348 (2011)
[ "cs.RO", "cs.AI" ]
We consider the discrete-time infinite-horizon optimal control problem formalized by Markov Decision Processes. We revisit the work of Bertsekas and Ioffe, that introduced $\lambda$ Policy Iteration, a family of algorithms parameterized by $\lambda$ that generalizes the standard algorithms Value Iteration and Policy Iteration, and has some deep connections with the Temporal Differences algorithm TD($\lambda$) described by Sutton and Barto. We deepen the original theory developped by the authors by providing convergence rate bounds which generalize standard bounds for Value Iteration described for instance by Puterman. Then, the main contribution of this paper is to develop the theory of this algorithm when it is used in an approximate form and show that this is sound. Doing so, we extend and unify the separate analyses developped by Munos for Approximate Value Iteration and Approximate Policy Iteration. Eventually, we revisit the use of this algorithm in the training of a Tetris playing controller as originally done by Bertsekas and Ioffe. We provide an original performance bound that can be applied to such an undiscounted control problem. Our empirical results are different from those of Bertsekas and Ioffe (which were originally qualified as "paradoxical" and "intriguing"), and much more conform to what one would expect from a learning experiment. We discuss the possible reason for such a difference.
[ { "created": "Mon, 5 Nov 2007 17:07:22 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Fri, 9 Nov 2007 15:46:43 GMT", "version": "v2" }, { "created": "Tue, 13 Nov 2007 12:34:37 GMT", "version": "v3" }, { "created": "Mon, 3 Oct 2011 11:58:38 GMT", "version": "v4" }, { "created": "Tue, 11 Oct 2011 12:42:24 GMT", "version": "v5" } ]
[ [ "Scherrer", "Bruno", "", "INRIA Lorraine - LORIA" ] ]
Francesca A. Lisi
Francesca A. Lisi
Building Rules on Top of Ontologies for the Semantic Web with Inductive Logic Programming
30 pages, 6 figures
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Building rules on top of ontologies is the ultimate goal of the logical layer of the Semantic Web. To this aim an ad-hoc mark-up language for this layer is currently under discussion. It is intended to follow the tradition of hybrid knowledge representation and reasoning systems such as $\mathcal{AL}$-log that integrates the description logic $\mathcal{ALC}$ and the function-free Horn clausal language \textsc{Datalog}. In this paper we consider the problem of automating the acquisition of these rules for the Semantic Web. We propose a general framework for rule induction that adopts the methodological apparatus of Inductive Logic Programming and relies on the expressive and deductive power of $\mathcal{AL}$-log. The framework is valid whatever the scope of induction (description vs. prediction) is. Yet, for illustrative purposes, we also discuss an instantiation of the framework which aims at description and turns out to be useful in Ontology Refinement. Keywords: Inductive Logic Programming, Hybrid Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Systems, Ontologies, Semantic Web. Note: To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP)
[ { "created": "Mon, 12 Nov 2007 17:15:34 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Lisi", "Francesca A.", "" ] ]
Mikko Alava
Mikko Alava, John Ardelius, Erik Aurell, Petteri Kaski, Supriya Krishnamurthy, Pekka Orponen, and Sakari Seitz
Circumspect descent prevails in solving random constraint satisfaction problems
6 figures, about 17 pates
[ "cond-mat.stat-mech", "cs.DS", "cs.AI" ]
We study the performance of stochastic local search algorithms for random instances of the $K$-satisfiability ($K$-SAT) problem. We introduce a new stochastic local search algorithm, ChainSAT, which moves in the energy landscape of a problem instance by {\em never going upwards} in energy. ChainSAT is a \emph{focused} algorithm in the sense that it considers only variables occurring in unsatisfied clauses. We show by extensive numerical investigations that ChainSAT and other focused algorithms solve large $K$-SAT instances almost surely in linear time, up to high clause-to-variable ratios $\alpha$; for example, for K=4 we observe linear-time performance well beyond the recently postulated clustering and condensation transitions in the solution space. The performance of ChainSAT is a surprise given that by design the algorithm gets trapped into the first local energy minimum it encounters, yet no such minima are encountered. We also study the geometry of the solution space as accessed by stochastic local search algorithms.
[ { "created": "Fri, 30 Nov 2007 11:01:40 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Alava", "Mikko", "" ], [ "Ardelius", "John", "" ], [ "Aurell", "Erik", "" ], [ "Kaski", "Petteri", "" ], [ "Krishnamurthy", "Supriya", "" ], [ "Orponen", "Pekka", "" ], [ "Seitz", "Sakari", "" ] ]
Giorgi Japaridze
Giorgi Japaridze
Sequential operators in computability logic
To appear in "Information and Computation"
Information and Computation 206 (2008), pp. 1443-1475
[ "cs.LO", "math.LO", "cs.AI" ]
Computability logic (CL) (see is a semantical platform and research program for redeveloping logic as a formal theory of computability, as opposed to the formal theory of truth which it has more traditionally been. Formulas in CL stand for (interactive) computational problems, understood as games between a machine and its environment; logical operators represent operations on such entities; and "truth" is understood as existence of an effective solution, i.e., of an algorithmic winning strategy. The formalism of CL is open-ended, and may undergo series of extensions as the study of the subject advances. The main groups of operators on which CL has been focused so far are the parallel, choice, branching, and blind operators. The present paper introduces a new important group of operators, called sequential. The latter come in the form of sequential conjunction and disjunction, sequential quantifiers, and sequential recurrences. As the name may suggest, the algorithmic intuitions associated with this group are those of sequential computations, as opposed to the intuitions of parallel computations associated with the parallel group of operations: playing a sequential combination of games means playing its components in a sequential fashion, one after one. The main technical result of the present paper is a sound and complete axiomatization of the propositional fragment of computability logic whose vocabulary, together with negation, includes all three -- parallel, choice and sequential -- sorts of conjunction and disjunction. An extension of this result to the first-order level is also outlined.
[ { "created": "Sun, 9 Dec 2007 16:59:35 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Wed, 15 Oct 2008 07:44:55 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Japaridze", "Giorgi", "" ] ]
Fangwen Fu
Fangwen Fu and Mihaela van der Schaar
A New Theoretic Foundation for Cross-Layer Optimization
39 pages, 10 figures, technical report
[ "cs.LG", "cs.NI" ]
Cross-layer optimization solutions have been proposed in recent years to improve the performance of network users operating in a time-varying, error-prone wireless environment. However, these solutions often rely on ad-hoc optimization approaches, which ignore the different environmental dynamics experienced at various layers by a user and violate the layered network architecture of the protocol stack by requiring layers to provide access to their internal protocol parameters to other layers. This paper presents a new theoretic foundation for cross-layer optimization, which allows each layer to make autonomous decisions individually, while maximizing the utility of the wireless user by optimally determining what information needs to be exchanged among layers. Hence, this cross-layer framework does not change the current layered architecture. Specifically, because the wireless user interacts with the environment at various layers of the protocol stack, the cross-layer optimization problem is formulated as a layered Markov decision process (MDP) in which each layer adapts its own protocol parameters and exchanges information (messages) with other layers in order to cooperatively maximize the performance of the wireless user. The message exchange mechanism for determining the optimal cross-layer transmission strategies has been designed for both off-line optimization and on-line dynamic adaptation. We also show that many existing cross-layer optimization algorithms can be formulated as simplified, sub-optimal, versions of our layered MDP framework.
[ { "created": "Sat, 15 Dec 2007 06:50:43 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Fu", "Fangwen", "" ], [ "van der Schaar", "Mihaela", "" ] ]
Marcus Hutter
Shane Legg and Marcus Hutter
Universal Intelligence: A Definition of Machine Intelligence
50 gentle pages
Minds & Machines, 17:4 (2007) pages 391-444
[ "cs.AI" ]
A fundamental problem in artificial intelligence is that nobody really knows what intelligence is. The problem is especially acute when we need to consider artificial systems which are significantly different to humans. In this paper we approach this problem in the following way: We take a number of well known informal definitions of human intelligence that have been given by experts, and extract their essential features. These are then mathematically formalised to produce a general measure of intelligence for arbitrary machines. We believe that this equation formally captures the concept of machine intelligence in the broadest reasonable sense. We then show how this formal definition is related to the theory of universal optimal learning agents. Finally, we survey the many other tests and definitions of intelligence that have been proposed for machines.
[ { "created": "Thu, 20 Dec 2007 05:50:54 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Legg", "Shane", "" ], [ "Hutter", "Marcus", "" ] ]
Marcus Hutter
Shane Legg and Marcus Hutter
Tests of Machine Intelligence
12 pages; 1 table. Turing test and derivatives; Compression tests; Linguistic complexity; Multiple cognitive abilities; Competitive games; Psychometric tests; Smith's test; C-test; Universal intelligence
50 Years of Artificial Intelligence (2007) pages 232-242
[ "cs.AI" ]
Although the definition and measurement of intelligence is clearly of fundamental importance to the field of artificial intelligence, no general survey of definitions and tests of machine intelligence exists. Indeed few researchers are even aware of alternatives to the Turing test and its many derivatives. In this paper we fill this gap by providing a short survey of the many tests of machine intelligence that have been proposed.
[ { "created": "Sat, 22 Dec 2007 01:17:24 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Legg", "Shane", "" ], [ "Hutter", "Marcus", "" ] ]
Olivier Cappe
Olivier Capp\'e (LTCI), Eric Moulines (LTCI)
Online EM Algorithm for Latent Data Models
Version that includes the corrigendum published in volume 73, part 5 (2011), of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B + the correction of a typo in Eqs. (32-33)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, Royal Statistical Society, 2009, 71 (3), pp.593-613
[ "stat.CO", "cs.LG" ]
In this contribution, we propose a generic online (also sometimes called adaptive or recursive) version of the Expectation-Maximisation (EM) algorithm applicable to latent variable models of independent observations. Compared to the algorithm of Titterington (1984), this approach is more directly connected to the usual EM algorithm and does not rely on integration with respect to the complete data distribution. The resulting algorithm is usually simpler and is shown to achieve convergence to the stationary points of the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the marginal distribution of the observation and the model distribution at the optimal rate, i.e., that of the maximum likelihood estimator. In addition, the proposed approach is also suitable for conditional (or regression) models, as illustrated in the case of the mixture of linear regressions model.
[ { "created": "Thu, 27 Dec 2007 19:44:34 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Thu, 4 Sep 2008 14:36:55 GMT", "version": "v2" }, { "created": "Fri, 2 Dec 2011 14:59:41 GMT", "version": "v3" }, { "created": "Wed, 1 Mar 2017 13:40:32 GMT", "version": "v4" } ]
[ [ "Cappé", "Olivier", "", "LTCI" ], [ "Moulines", "Eric", "", "LTCI" ] ]
Bernard Jacquemin
Bernard Jacquemin (ISC, UMR 7044, GERIICO), Sabine Ploux (ISC)
Corpus sp{\'e}cialis{\'e} et ressource de sp{\'e}cialit{\'e}
16 pages, in French
Appears in Fran\c{c}ois Maniez; Pascaline Dury; Nathalie Arlin; Claire Rougemont. Corpus et dictionnaires de langues de sp{\'e}cialit{\'e}, Presses Universitaires de Granoble, pp.197-212, 2008
[ "cs.CL", "cs.IR" ]
"Semantic Atlas" is a mathematic and statistic model to visualise word senses according to relations between words. The model, that has been applied to proximity relations from a corpus, has shown its ability to distinguish word senses as the corpus' contributors comprehend them. We propose to use the model and a specialised corpus in order to create automatically a specialised dictionary relative to the corpus' domain. A morpho-syntactic analysis performed on the corpus makes it possible to create the dictionary from syntactic relations between lexical units. The semantic resource can be used to navigate semantically - and not only lexically - through the corpus, to create classical dictionaries or for diachronic studies of the language.
[ { "created": "Tue, 8 Jan 2008 08:21:26 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Fri, 19 Jun 2015 12:22:39 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Jacquemin", "Bernard", "", "ISC, UMR 7044, GERIICO" ], [ "Ploux", "Sabine", "", "ISC" ] ]
Christophe Roche
Christophe Roche (LISTIC)
Le terme et le concept : fondements d'une ontoterminologie
22 pages
Dans TOTh 2007 : Terminologie et Ontologie : Th\'eories et Applications - TOTh 2007 : Terminologie et Ontologie : Th\'eories et Applications, Annecy : France (2007)
[ "cs.AI" ]
Most definitions of ontology, viewed as a "specification of a conceptualization", agree on the fact that if an ontology can take different forms, it necessarily includes a vocabulary of terms and some specification of their meaning in relation to the domain's conceptualization. And as domain knowledge is mainly conveyed through scientific and technical texts, we can hope to extract some useful information from them for building ontology. But is it as simple as this? In this article we shall see that the lexical structure, i.e. the network of words linked by linguistic relationships, does not necessarily match the domain conceptualization. We have to bear in mind that writing documents is the concern of textual linguistics, of which one of the principles is the incompleteness of text, whereas building ontology - viewed as task-independent knowledge - is concerned with conceptualization based on formal and not natural languages. Nevertheless, the famous Sapir and Whorf hypothesis, concerning the interdependence of thought and language, is also applicable to formal languages. This means that the way an ontology is built and a concept is defined depends directly on the formal language which is used; and the results will not be the same. The introduction of the notion of ontoterminology allows to take into account epistemological principles for formal ontology building.
[ { "created": "Tue, 8 Jan 2008 20:12:02 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Roche", "Christophe", "", "LISTIC" ] ]
Andras Lorincz
Barnabas Poczos and Andras Lorincz
D-optimal Bayesian Interrogation for Parameter and Noise Identification of Recurrent Neural Networks
[ "cs.NE", "math.IT", "cs.IT" ]
We introduce a novel online Bayesian method for the identification of a family of noisy recurrent neural networks (RNNs). We develop Bayesian active learning technique in order to optimize the interrogating stimuli given past experiences. In particular, we consider the unknown parameters as stochastic variables and use the D-optimality principle, also known as `\emph{infomax method}', to choose optimal stimuli. We apply a greedy technique to maximize the information gain concerning network parameters at each time step. We also derive the D-optimal estimation of the additive noise that perturbs the dynamical system of the RNN. Our analytical results are approximation-free. The analytic derivation gives rise to attractive quadratic update rules.
[ { "created": "Sat, 12 Jan 2008 08:02:12 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Poczos", "Barnabas", "" ], [ "Lorincz", "Andras", "" ] ]
Ke Xu
Liang Li, Xin Li, Tian Liu, Ke Xu
From k-SAT to k-CSP: Two Generalized Algorithms
[ "cs.CC", "cs.DS", "cs.AI" ]
Constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) models many important intractable NP-hard problems such as propositional satisfiability problem (SAT). Algorithms with non-trivial upper bounds on running time for restricted SAT with bounded clause length k (k-SAT) can be classified into three styles: DPLL-like, PPSZ-like and Local Search, with local search algorithms having already been generalized to CSP with bounded constraint arity k (k-CSP). We generalize a DPLL-like algorithm in its simplest form and a PPSZ-like algorithm from k-SAT to k-CSP. As far as we know, this is the first attempt to use PPSZ-like strategy to solve k-CSP, and before little work has been focused on the DPLL-like or PPSZ-like strategies for k-CSP.
[ { "created": "Mon, 21 Jan 2008 08:07:33 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Li", "Liang", "" ], [ "Li", "Xin", "" ], [ "Liu", "Tian", "" ], [ "Xu", "Ke", "" ] ]
Uwe Aickelin
Steve Cazyer and Uwe Aickelin
A Recommender System based on the Immune Network
Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2002), pp 807-813, Honolulu, USA, 2002
[ "cs.NE", "cs.AI" ]
The immune system is a complex biological system with a highly distributed, adaptive and self-organising nature. This paper presents an artificial immune system (AIS) that exploits some of these characteristics and is applied to the task of film recommendation by collaborative filtering (CF). Natural evolution and in particular the immune system have not been designed for classical optimisation. However, for this problem, we are not interested in finding a single optimum. Rather we intend to identify a sub-set of good matches on which recommendations can be based. It is our hypothesis that an AIS built on two central aspects of the biological immune system will be an ideal candidate to achieve this: Antigen - antibody interaction for matching and antibody - antibody interaction for diversity. Computational results are presented in support of this conjecture and compared to those found by other CF techniques.
[ { "created": "Wed, 23 Jan 2008 10:42:49 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Mon, 3 Mar 2008 17:09:24 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Cazyer", "Steve", "" ], [ "Aickelin", "Uwe", "" ] ]
Clement Jonquet
Cl\'ement Jonquet (LIRMM), Stefano A. Cerri (LIRMM)
Les Agents comme des interpr\'eteurs Scheme : Sp\'ecification dynamique par la communication
Dans 14\`eme Congr\`es Francophone AFRIF-AFIA de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle - RFIA'04, Toulouse : France (2004)
[ "cs.AI", "cs.MA" ]
We proposed in previous papers an extension and an implementation of the STROBE model, which regards the Agents as Scheme interpreters. These Agents are able to interpret messages in a dedicated environment including an interpreter that learns from the current conversation therefore representing evolving meta-level Agent's knowledge. When the Agent's interpreter is a nondeterministic one, the dialogues may consist of subsequent refinements of specifications in the form of constraint sets. The paper presents a worked out example of dynamic service generation - such as necessary on Grids - by exploiting STROBE Agents equipped with a nondeterministic interpreter. It shows how enabling dynamic specification of a problem. Then it illustrates how these principles could be effective for other applications. Details of the implementation are not provided here, but are available.
[ { "created": "Mon, 11 Feb 2008 08:55:46 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Jonquet", "Clément", "", "LIRMM" ], [ "Cerri", "Stefano A.", "", "LIRMM" ] ]
Uwe Aickelin
Uwe Aickelin and Kathryn Dowsland
Exploiting problem structure in a genetic algorithm approach to a nurse rostering problem
Journal of Scheduling, 3(3), pp 139-153, 2000
[ "cs.NE", "cs.CE" ]
There is considerable interest in the use of genetic algorithms to solve problems arising in the areas of scheduling and timetabling. However, the classical genetic algorithm paradigm is not well equipped to handle the conflict between objectives and constraints that typically occurs in such problems. In order to overcome this, successful implementations frequently make use of problem specific knowledge. This paper is concerned with the development of a GA for a nurse rostering problem at a major UK hospital. The structure of the constraints is used as the basis for a co-evolutionary strategy using co-operating sub-populations. Problem specific knowledge is also used to define a system of incentives and disincentives, and a complementary mutation operator. Empirical results based on 52 weeks of live data show how these features are able to improve an unsuccessful canonical GA to the point where it is able to provide a practical solution to the problem
[ { "created": "Thu, 14 Feb 2008 11:25:37 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Mon, 3 Mar 2008 16:56:56 GMT", "version": "v2" }, { "created": "Fri, 16 May 2008 10:44:23 GMT", "version": "v3" } ]
[ [ "Aickelin", "Uwe", "" ], [ "Dowsland", "Kathryn", "" ] ]
Ping Li
Ping Li
Compressed Counting
[ "cs.DS", "cs.DM", "math.IT", "cs.IT", "cs.CC", "cs.LG" ]
Counting is among the most fundamental operations in computing. For example, counting the pth frequency moment has been a very active area of research, in theoretical computer science, databases, and data mining. When p=1, the task (i.e., counting the sum) can be accomplished using a simple counter. Compressed Counting (CC) is proposed for efficiently computing the pth frequency moment of a data stream signal A_t, where 0<p<=2. CC is applicable if the streaming data follow the Turnstile model, with the restriction that at the time t for the evaluation, A_t[i]>= 0, which includes the strict Turnstile model as a special case. For natural data streams encountered in practice, this restriction is minor. The underly technique for CC is what we call skewed stable random projections, which captures the intuition that, when p=1 a simple counter suffices, and when p = 1+/\Delta with small \Delta, the sample complexity of a counter system should be low (continuously as a function of \Delta). We show at small \Delta the sample complexity (number of projections) k = O(1/\epsilon) instead of O(1/\epsilon^2). Compressed Counting can serve a basic building block for other tasks in statistics and computing, for example, estimation entropies of data streams, parameter estimations using the method of moments and maximum likelihood. Finally, another contribution is an algorithm for approximating the logarithmic norm, \sum_{i=1}^D\log A_t[i], and logarithmic distance. The logarithmic distance is useful in machine learning practice with heavy-tailed data.
[ { "created": "Sun, 17 Feb 2008 16:42:52 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Sun, 24 Feb 2008 09:51:09 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Li", "Ping", "" ] ]
Wolfgang Faber
Wolfgang Faber, Gerald Pfeifer, Nicola Leone, Tina Dell'Armi, Giuseppe Ielpa
Design and Implementation of Aggregate Functions in the DLV System
34 pages, 7 figures. This article has been accepted for publication in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, Cambridge University Press
[ "cs.LO", "cs.AI" ]
Disjunctive Logic Programming (DLP) is a very expressive formalism: it allows for expressing every property of finite structures that is decidable in the complexity class SigmaP2 (= NP^NP). Despite this high expressiveness, there are some simple properties, often arising in real-world applications, which cannot be encoded in a simple and natural manner. Especially properties that require the use of arithmetic operators (like sum, times, or count) on a set or multiset of elements, which satisfy some conditions, cannot be naturally expressed in classic DLP. To overcome this deficiency, we extend DLP by aggregate functions in a conservative way. In particular, we avoid the introduction of constructs with disputed semantics, by requiring aggregates to be stratified. We formally define the semantics of the extended language (called DLP^A), and illustrate how it can be profitably used for representing knowledge. Furthermore, we analyze the computational complexity of DLP^A, showing that the addition of aggregates does not bring a higher cost in that respect. Finally, we provide an implementation of DLP^A in DLV -- a state-of-the-art DLP system -- and report on experiments which confirm the usefulness of the proposed extension also for the efficiency of computation.
[ { "created": "Thu, 21 Feb 2008 15:44:09 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Faber", "Wolfgang", "" ], [ "Pfeifer", "Gerald", "" ], [ "Leone", "Nicola", "" ], [ "Dell'Armi", "Tina", "" ], [ "Ielpa", "Giuseppe", "" ] ]
Dorit Hochbaum
Dorit S. Hochbaum
Polynomial time algorithms for bi-criteria, multi-objective and ratio problems in clustering and imaging. Part I: Normalized cut and ratio regions
15 pages, 4 figures
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, May 2010 32:5 889-898
[ "cs.DM", "cs.CV" ]
Partitioning and grouping of similar objects plays a fundamental role in image segmentation and in clustering problems. In such problems a typical goal is to group together similar objects, or pixels in the case of image processing. At the same time another goal is to have each group distinctly dissimilar from the rest and possibly to have the group size fairly large. These goals are often combined as a ratio optimization problem. One example of such problem is the normalized cut problem, another is the ratio regions problem. We devise here the first polynomial time algorithms solving these problems optimally. The algorithms are efficient and combinatorial. This contrasts with the heuristic approaches used in the image segmentation literature that formulate those problems as nonlinear optimization problems, which are then relaxed and solved with spectral techniques in real numbers. These approaches not only fail to deliver an optimal solution, but they are also computationally expensive. The algorithms presented here use as a subroutine a minimum $s,t-cut procedure on a related graph which is of polynomial size. The output consists of the optimal solution to the respective ratio problem, as well as a sequence of nested solution with respect to any relative weighting of the objectives of the numerator and denominator. An extension of the results here to bi-criteria and multi-criteria objective functions is presented in part II.
[ { "created": "Sun, 2 Mar 2008 21:30:58 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Hochbaum", "Dorit S.", "" ] ]
Radu Arsinte
Radu Arsinte, Costin Miron
Acquisition Accuracy Evaluation in Visual Inspection Systems - a Practical Approach
6 pages, 4 figures, ETc'96 Conference paper
Proceeedings of ETc '96 Conference, 1996, Timisoara, Romania
[ "cs.MM", "cs.CV" ]
This paper draws a proposal of a set of parameters and methods for accuracy evaluation of visual inspection systems. The case of a monochrome board is treated, but practically all conclusions and methods may be extended for colour acquisition. Basically, the proposed parameters are grouped in five sets as follows:Internal noise;Video ADC cuantisation parameters;Analogue processing section parameters;Dominant frequencies;Synchronisation (lock-in) accuracy. On basis of this set of parameters was developed a software environment, in conjunction with a test signal generator that allows the "test" images. The paper also presents conclusions of evaluation for two types of video acquisition boards
[ { "created": "Mon, 3 Mar 2008 08:57:10 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Arsinte", "Radu", "" ], [ "Miron", "Costin", "" ] ]
Jeroen Vendrig
Jarrad Springett, Jeroen Vendrig
Spatio-activity based object detection
To be submitted to: AVSS 2008 conference
[ "cs.CV" ]
We present the SAMMI lightweight object detection method which has a high level of accuracy and robustness, and which is able to operate in an environment with a large number of cameras. Background modeling is based on DCT coefficients provided by cameras. Foreground detection uses similarity in temporal characteristics of adjacent blocks of pixels, which is a computationally inexpensive way to make use of object coherence. Scene model updating uses the approximated median method for improved performance. Evaluation at pixel level and application level shows that SAMMI object detection performs better and faster than the conventional Mixture of Gaussians method.
[ { "created": "Tue, 11 Mar 2008 13:40:42 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Springett", "Jarrad", "" ], [ "Vendrig", "Jeroen", "" ] ]
Valentin Goranko
Valentin Goranko and Dmitry Shkatov
Tableau-based decision procedures for logics of strategic ability in multi-agent systems
To appear in ACM Transactions on Computational Logic. 48 pages
[ "cs.MA", "cs.LO", "cs.AI" ]
We develop an incremental tableau-based decision procedures for the Alternating-time temporal logic ATL and some of its variants. While running within the theoretically established complexity upper bound, we claim that our tableau is practically more efficient in the average case than other decision procedures for ATL known so far. Besides, the ease of its adaptation to variants of ATL demonstrates the flexibility of the proposed procedure.
[ { "created": "Sat, 15 Mar 2008 16:22:53 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Tue, 9 Sep 2008 10:53:22 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Goranko", "Valentin", "" ], [ "Shkatov", "Dmitry", "" ] ]
Denis Pallez
Denis Pallez (I3S), Laurent Brisson (I3S), Thierry Baccino (LPEQ)
Towards a human eye behavior model by applying Data Mining Techniques on Gaze Information from IEC
Dans Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Human Centered Processes - Human Centered Processes, Delft : Pays-Bas (2008)
[ "cs.NE", "cs.HC" ]
In this paper, we firstly present what is Interactive Evolutionary Computation (IEC) and rapidly how we have combined this artificial intelligence technique with an eye-tracker for visual optimization. Next, in order to correctly parameterize our application, we present results from applying data mining techniques on gaze information coming from experiments conducted on about 80 human individuals.
[ { "created": "Fri, 21 Mar 2008 15:38:25 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Pallez", "Denis", "", "I3S" ], [ "Brisson", "Laurent", "", "I3S" ], [ "Baccino", "Thierry", "", "LPEQ" ] ]
Huan Xu Mr.
Huan Xu, Constantine Caramanis and Shie Mannor
Robustness and Regularization of Support Vector Machines
Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol 10, 1485-1510, year 2009
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
We consider regularized support vector machines (SVMs) and show that they are precisely equivalent to a new robust optimization formulation. We show that this equivalence of robust optimization and regularization has implications for both algorithms, and analysis. In terms of algorithms, the equivalence suggests more general SVM-like algorithms for classification that explicitly build in protection to noise, and at the same time control overfitting. On the analysis front, the equivalence of robustness and regularization, provides a robust optimization interpretation for the success of regularized SVMs. We use the this new robustness interpretation of SVMs to give a new proof of consistency of (kernelized) SVMs, thus establishing robustness as the reason regularized SVMs generalize well.
[ { "created": "Tue, 25 Mar 2008 03:51:59 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Tue, 11 Nov 2008 22:36:47 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Xu", "Huan", "" ], [ "Caramanis", "Constantine", "" ], [ "Mannor", "Shie", "" ] ]
Leonid Litinskii
Leonid B. Litinskii
Cluster Approach to the Domains Formation
11 pages, 5 figures, PDF-file
Optical Memory & Neural Networks (Information Optics), 2007, v.16(3) pp.144-153
[ "cs.NE", "cs.DS" ]
As a rule, a quadratic functional depending on a great number of binary variables has a lot of local minima. One of approaches allowing one to find in averaged deeper local minima is aggregation of binary variables into larger blocks/domains. To minimize the functional one has to change the states of aggregated variables (domains). In the present publication we discuss methods of domains formation. It is shown that the best results are obtained when domains are formed by variables that are strongly connected with each other.
[ { "created": "Wed, 26 Mar 2008 15:14:33 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Litinskii", "Leonid B.", "" ] ]
Joseph Y. Halpern
Joseph Y. Halpern
From Qualitative to Quantitative Proofs of Security Properties Using First-Order Conditional Logic
[ "cs.LO", "cs.CR", "cs.AI" ]
A first-order conditional logic is considered, with semantics given by a variant of epsilon-semantics, where p -> q means that Pr(q | p) approaches 1 super-polynomially --faster than any inverse polynomial. This type of convergence is needed for reasoning about security protocols. A complete axiomatization is provided for this semantics, and it is shown how a qualitative proof of the correctness of a security protocol can be automatically converted to a quantitative proof appropriate for reasoning about concrete security.
[ { "created": "Mon, 14 Apr 2008 12:06:04 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Halpern", "Joseph Y.", "" ] ]
Jin Yu
Jin Yu, S.V.N. Vishwanathan, Simon Guenter, and Nicol N. Schraudolph
A Quasi-Newton Approach to Nonsmooth Convex Optimization Problems in Machine Learning
Journal of Machine Learning Research 11(Mar):1145-1200, 2010
[ "math.OC", "stat.ML" ]
We extend the well-known BFGS quasi-Newton method and its memory-limited variant LBFGS to the optimization of nonsmooth convex objectives. This is done in a rigorous fashion by generalizing three components of BFGS to subdifferentials: the local quadratic model, the identification of a descent direction, and the Wolfe line search conditions. We prove that under some technical conditions, the resulting subBFGS algorithm is globally convergent in objective function value. We apply its memory-limited variant (subLBFGS) to L_2-regularized risk minimization with the binary hinge loss. To extend our algorithm to the multiclass and multilabel settings, we develop a new, efficient, exact line search algorithm. We prove its worst-case time complexity bounds, and show that our line search can also be used to extend a recently developed bundle method to the multiclass and multilabel settings. We also apply the direction-finding component of our algorithm to L_1-regularized risk minimization with logistic loss. In all these contexts our methods perform comparable to or better than specialized state-of-the-art solvers on a number of publicly available datasets. An open source implementation of our algorithms is freely available.
[ { "created": "Thu, 24 Apr 2008 04:38:54 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Tue, 29 Apr 2008 09:08:14 GMT", "version": "v2" }, { "created": "Sun, 11 May 2008 02:54:28 GMT", "version": "v3" }, { "created": "Sat, 29 Nov 2008 05:07:29 GMT", "version": "v4" }, { "created": "Mon, 22 Feb 2010 08:53:56 GMT", "version": "v5" } ]
[ [ "Yu", "Jin", "" ], [ "Vishwanathan", "S. V. N.", "" ], [ "Guenter", "Simon", "" ], [ "Schraudolph", "Nicol N.", "" ] ]
Wan Ahmad Tajuddin Wan Abdullah
Saratha Sathasivam (USM), Wan Ahmad Tajuddin Wan Abdullah (Univ Malaya)
Logic Learning in Hopfield Networks
To appear in Mod. Appl. Sci
[ "cs.NE", "cs.LO" ]
Synaptic weights for neurons in logic programming can be calculated either by using Hebbian learning or by Wan Abdullah's method. In other words, Hebbian learning for governing events corresponding to some respective program clauses is equivalent with learning using Wan Abdullah's method for the same respective program clauses. In this paper we will evaluate experimentally the equivalence between these two types of learning through computer simulations.
[ { "created": "Fri, 25 Apr 2008 09:46:46 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Sathasivam", "Saratha", "", "USM" ], [ "Abdullah", "Wan Ahmad Tajuddin Wan", "", "Univ\n Malaya" ] ]
Sossio Vergara
Sossio Vergara
Nonorthogonal Bases and Phase Decomposition: Properties and Applications
11 pages
Published in : Digital Signal Processing (2014), pp. 223-230
[ "math.FA", "cs.NA", "cs.SD" ]
In a previous paper [1] it was discussed the viability of functional analysis using as a basis a couple of generic functions, and hence vectorial decomposition. Here we complete the paradigm exploiting one of the analysis methodologies developed there, but applied to phase coordinates, so needing only one function as a basis. It will be shown that, thanks to the novel iterative analysis, any function satisfying a rather loose requisite is ontologically a basis. This in turn generalizes the polar version of the Fourier theorem to an ample class of nonorthogonal bases. The main advantage of this generalization is that it inherits some of the properties of the original Fourier theorem. As a result the new transform has a wide range of applications and some remarkable consequences. The new tool will be compared with wavelets and frames. Examples of analysis and reconstruction of functions using the developed algorithms and generic bases will be given. Some of the properties, and applications that can promptly benefit from the theory, will be discussed. The implementation of a matched filter for noise suppression will be used as an example of the potential of the theory.
[ { "created": "Mon, 28 Apr 2008 08:59:52 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Sat, 23 Nov 2013 08:32:29 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Vergara", "Sossio", "" ] ]
Icius Committee
My Pham, Thanh Tung Nguyen, Nam Seo Goo
Development of a peristaltic micropump for bio-medical applications based on mini LIPCA
Uploaded by ICIUS2007 Conference Organizer on behalf of the author(s). 6 pages, 9 figures, 1 tables
Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned System (ICIUS 2007), Bali, Indonesia, October 24-25, 2007, Paper No. ICIUS2007-B002
[ "cs.RO" ]
This paper presents the design, fabrication, and experimental characterization of a peristaltic micropump. The micropump is composed of two layers fabricated from polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) material. The first layer has a rectangular channel and two valve seals. Three rectangular mini lightweight piezo-composite actuators are integrated in the second layer, and used as actuation parts. Two layers are bonded, and covered by two polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) plates, which help increase the stiffness of the micropump. A maximum flow rate of 900 mokroliter per min and a maximum backpressure of 1.8 kPa are recorded when water is used as pump liquid. We measured the power consumption of the micropump. The micropump is found to be a promising candidate for bio-medical application due to its bio-compatibility, portability, bidirectionality, and simple effective design.
[ { "created": "Mon, 28 Apr 2008 12:59:55 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Pham", "My", "" ], [ "Nguyen", "Thanh Tung", "" ], [ "Goo", "Nam Seo", "" ] ]
Tshilidzi Marwala
Meir Perez and Tshilidzi Marwala
Stochastic Optimization Approaches for Solving Sudoku
13 pages
[ "cs.NE" ]
In this paper the Sudoku problem is solved using stochastic search techniques and these are: Cultural Genetic Algorithm (CGA), Repulsive Particle Swarm Optimization (RPSO), Quantum Simulated Annealing (QSA) and the Hybrid method that combines Genetic Algorithm with Simulated Annealing (HGASA). The results obtained show that the CGA, QSA and HGASA are able to solve the Sudoku puzzle with CGA finding a solution in 28 seconds, while QSA finding a solution in 65 seconds and HGASA in 1.447 seconds. This is mainly because HGASA combines the parallel searching of GA with the flexibility of SA. The RPSO was found to be unable to solve the puzzle.
[ { "created": "Tue, 6 May 2008 11:06:49 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Perez", "Meir", "" ], [ "Marwala", "Tshilidzi", "" ] ]
Michael Hilker
Michael Hilker
Distributed Self Management for Distributed Security Systems
12 pages, 3 figures
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications (BIC-TA 2007), September 2007, Zhengzhou, China
[ "cs.AI", "cs.MA" ]
Distributed system as e.g. artificial immune systems, complex adaptive systems, or multi-agent systems are widely used in Computer Science, e.g. for network security, optimisations, or simulations. In these systems, small entities move through the network and perform certain tasks. At some time, the entities move to another place and require therefore information where to move is most profitable. Common used systems do not provide any information or use a centralised approach where a center delegates the entities. This article discusses whether small information about the neighbours enhances the performance of the overall system or not. Therefore, two information-protocols are introduced and analysed. In addition, the protocols are implemented and tested using the artificial immune system SANA that protects a network against intrusions.
[ { "created": "Tue, 13 May 2008 06:32:12 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Hilker", "Michael", "" ] ]
Patrick Henry
Patrick Henry, Christian Bassac (LaBRI)
A toolkit for a generative lexicon
poster - 6 pages
Dans A toolkit for a Generative Lexicon - Fourth International Workshop on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon, PARIS : France (2007)
[ "cs.CL" ]
In this paper we describe the conception of a software toolkit designed for the construction, maintenance and collaborative use of a Generative Lexicon. In order to ease its portability and spreading use, this tool was built with free and open source products. We eventually tested the toolkit and showed it filters the adequate form of anaphoric reference to the modifier in endocentric compounds.
[ { "created": "Fri, 16 May 2008 13:58:44 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Henry", "Patrick", "", "LaBRI" ], [ "Bassac", "Christian", "", "LaBRI" ] ]
Pranab K. Sen
Pranab K. Sen
Kendall's tau in high-dimensional genomic parsimony
Published in at the IMS Collections ( by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (
IMS Collections 2008, Vol. 3, 251-266
[ "math.ST", "stat.ML", "stat.TH", "stat.ME" ]
High-dimensional data models, often with low sample size, abound in many interdisciplinary studies, genomics and large biological systems being most noteworthy. The conventional assumption of multinormality or linearity of regression may not be plausible for such models which are likely to be statistically complex due to a large number of parameters as well as various underlying restraints. As such, parametric approaches may not be very effective. Anything beyond parametrics, albeit, having increased scope and robustness perspectives, may generally be baffled by the low sample size and hence unable to give reasonable margins of errors. Kendall's tau statistic is exploited in this context with emphasis on dimensional rather than sample size asymptotics. The Chen--Stein theorem has been thoroughly appraised in this study. Applications of these findings in some microarray data models are illustrated.
[ { "created": "Wed, 21 May 2008 13:13:30 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Sen", "Pranab K.", "" ] ]
Doina Tatar
Doina Tatar and Militon Frentiu
Textual Entailment Recognizing by Theorem Proving Approach
10 pages
Studia Univ.Babes-Bolyai, Informatica, Vol.LI, Number 2, 2006
[ "cs.CL" ]
In this paper we present two original methods for recognizing textual inference. First one is a modified resolution method such that some linguistic considerations are introduced in the unification of two atoms. The approach is possible due to the recent methods of transforming texts in logic formulas. Second one is based on semantic relations in text, as presented in WordNet. Some similarities between these two methods are remarked.
[ { "created": "Thu, 29 May 2008 11:53:39 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Tatar", "Doina", "" ], [ "Frentiu", "Militon", "" ] ]
Arnaud Martin
Arnaud Martin (E3I2), Christophe Osswald (E3I2)
A new generalization of the proportional conflict redistribution rule stable in terms of decision
Advances and Applications of DSmT for Information Fusion, Florentin Smarandache & Jean Dezert (Ed.) (2006) 69-88
[ "cs.AI" ]
In this chapter, we present and discuss a new generalized proportional conflict redistribution rule. The Dezert-Smarandache extension of the Demster-Shafer theory has relaunched the studies on the combination rules especially for the management of the conflict. Many combination rules have been proposed in the last few years. We study here different combination rules and compare them in terms of decision on didactic example and on generated data. Indeed, in real applications, we need a reliable decision and it is the final results that matter. This chapter shows that a fine proportional conflict redistribution rule must be preferred for the combination in the belief function theory.
[ { "created": "Wed, 11 Jun 2008 07:05:48 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Martin", "Arnaud", "", "E3I2" ], [ "Osswald", "Christophe", "", "E3I2" ] ]
Doina Tatar
Doina Tatar, Gabriela Serban, Andreea Mihis, Mihaiela Lupea, Dana Lupsa and Militon Frentiu
A chain dictionary method for Word Sense Disambiguation and applications
8 pages, 5 figures
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Special Issue, KEPT 2007, Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Technologies, Cluj-Napoca, June 6-8, 2007, pp 33-40,
[ "cs.CL" ]
A large class of unsupervised algorithms for Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) is that of dictionary-based methods. Various algorithms have as the root Lesk's algorithm, which exploits the sense definitions in the dictionary directly. Our approach uses the lexical base WordNet for a new algorithm originated in Lesk's, namely "chain algorithm for disambiguation of all words", CHAD. We show how translation from a language into another one and also text entailment verification could be accomplished by this disambiguation.
[ { "created": "Mon, 16 Jun 2008 13:48:55 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Tatar", "Doina", "" ], [ "Serban", "Gabriela", "" ], [ "Mihis", "Andreea", "" ], [ "Lupea", "Mihaiela", "" ], [ "Lupsa", "Dana", "" ], [ "Frentiu", "Militon", "" ] ]
Philipp Mayr
Philipp Mayr, Vivien Petras
Cross-concordances: terminology mapping and its effectiveness for information retrieval
19 pages, 4 figures, 11 tables, IFLA conference 2008
[ "cs.DL", "cs.IR" ]
The German Federal Ministry for Education and Research funded a major terminology mapping initiative, which found its conclusion in 2007. The task of this terminology mapping initiative was to organize, create and manage 'cross-concordances' between controlled vocabularies (thesauri, classification systems, subject heading lists) centred around the social sciences but quickly extending to other subject areas. 64 crosswalks with more than 500,000 relations were established. In the final phase of the project, a major evaluation effort to test and measure the effectiveness of the vocabulary mappings in an information system environment was conducted. The paper reports on the cross-concordance work and evaluation results.
[ { "created": "Mon, 23 Jun 2008 20:37:10 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Mayr", "Philipp", "" ], [ "Petras", "Vivien", "" ] ]
Agus Budiyono PhD
Agus Budiyono, H.Y Sutarto
Linear Parameter Varying Model Identification for Control of Rotorcraft-based UAV
6 pages, 6 figures; Fifth Indonesia-Taiwan Workshop on Aeronautical Science, Technology and Industry, Tainan, Taiwan, November 13-16, 2006
[ "cs.RO" ]
A rotorcraft-based unmanned aerial vehicle exhibits more complex properties compared to its full-size counterparts due to its increased sensitivity to control inputs and disturbances and higher bandwidth of its dynamics. As an aerial vehicle with vertical take-off and landing capability, the helicopter specifically poses a difficult problem of transition between forward flight and unstable hover and vice versa. The LPV control technique explicitly takes into account the change in performance due to the real-time parameter variations. The technique therefore theoretically guarantees the performance and robustness over the entire operating envelope. In this study, we investigate a new approach implementing model identification for use in the LPV control framework. The identification scheme employs recursive least square technique implemented on the LPV system represented by dynamics of helicopter during a transition. The airspeed as the scheduling of parameter trajectory is not assumed to vary slowly. The exclusion of slow parameter change requirement allows for the application of the algorithm for aggressive maneuvering capability without the need of expensive computation. The technique is tested numerically and will be validated in the autonomous flight of a small scale helicopter.
[ { "created": "Wed, 25 Jun 2008 04:09:29 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Budiyono", "Agus", "" ], [ "Sutarto", "H. Y", "" ] ]
Vladimir Vyugin
Vladimir V. V'yugin
On Sequences with Non-Learnable Subsequences
LNCS 5010, pp. 302-313, 2008
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
The remarkable results of Foster and Vohra was a starting point for a series of papers which show that any sequence of outcomes can be learned (with no prior knowledge) using some universal randomized forecasting algorithm and forecast-dependent checking rules. We show that for the class of all computationally efficient outcome-forecast-based checking rules, this property is violated. Moreover, we present a probabilistic algorithm generating with probability close to one a sequence with a subsequence which simultaneously miscalibrates all partially weakly computable randomized forecasting algorithms. %subsequences non-learnable by each randomized algorithm. According to the Dawid's prequential framework we consider partial recursive randomized algorithms.
[ { "created": "Thu, 26 Jun 2008 15:21:00 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "V'yugin", "Vladimir V.", "" ] ]
Emanuel Diamant
Emanuel Diamant
Unveiling the mystery of visual information processing in human brain
Accepted to be published in Brain Research (BRES-38102)
[ "cs.IR", "q-bio.NC", "math.IT", "cs.IT", "cs.AI" ]
It is generally accepted that human vision is an extremely powerful information processing system that facilitates our interaction with the surrounding world. However, despite extended and extensive research efforts, which encompass many exploration fields, the underlying fundamentals and operational principles of visual information processing in human brain remain unknown. We still are unable to figure out where and how along the path from eyes to the cortex the sensory input perceived by the retina is converted into a meaningful object representation, which can be consciously manipulated by the brain. Studying the vast literature considering the various aspects of brain information processing, I was surprised to learn that the respected scholarly discussion is totally indifferent to the basic keynote question: "What is information?" in general or "What is visual information?" in particular. In the old days, it was assumed that any scientific research approach has first to define its basic departure points. Why was it overlooked in brain information processing research remains a conundrum. In this paper, I am trying to find a remedy for this bizarre situation. I propose an uncommon definition of "information", which can be derived from Kolmogorov's Complexity Theory and Chaitin's notion of Algorithmic Information. Embracing this new definition leads to an inevitable revision of traditional dogmas that shape the state of the art of brain information processing research. I hope this revision would better serve the challenging goal of human visual information processing modeling.
[ { "created": "Wed, 2 Jul 2008 12:33:48 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Diamant", "Emanuel", "" ] ]
Daniel Sonntag
Daniel Sonntag
On Introspection, Metacognitive Control and Augmented Data Mining Live Cycles
10 pages, 3 figures
[ "cs.AI" ]
We discuss metacognitive modelling as an enhancement to cognitive modelling and computing. Metacognitive control mechanisms should enable AI systems to self-reflect, reason about their actions, and to adapt to new situations. In this respect, we propose implementation details of a knowledge taxonomy and an augmented data mining life cycle which supports a live integration of obtained models.
[ { "created": "Mon, 28 Jul 2008 12:05:16 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Thu, 15 Jan 2009 15:43:21 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Sonntag", "Daniel", "" ] ]
Mat\'u\v{s} Medo
Tao Zhou, Zoltan Kuscsik, Jian-Guo Liu, Matus Medo, Joseph R. Wakeling, Yi-Cheng Zhang
Solving the apparent diversity-accuracy dilemma of recommender systems
10 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables (final version with supporting information included)
PNAS 107, 4511-4515, 2010
[ "physics.soc-ph", "cs.IR" ]
Recommender systems use data on past user preferences to predict possible future likes and interests. A key challenge is that while the most useful individual recommendations are to be found among diverse niche objects, the most reliably accurate results are obtained by methods that recommend objects based on user or object similarity. In this paper we introduce a new algorithm specifically to address the challenge of diversity and show how it can be used to resolve this apparent dilemma when combined in an elegant hybrid with an accuracy-focused algorithm. By tuning the hybrid appropriately we are able to obtain, without relying on any semantic or context-specific information, simultaneous gains in both accuracy and diversity of recommendations.
[ { "created": "Tue, 19 Aug 2008 23:17:40 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Tue, 24 Mar 2009 16:14:59 GMT", "version": "v2" }, { "created": "Fri, 12 Mar 2010 16:27:39 GMT", "version": "v3" } ]
[ [ "Zhou", "Tao", "" ], [ "Kuscsik", "Zoltan", "" ], [ "Liu", "Jian-Guo", "" ], [ "Medo", "Matus", "" ], [ "Wakeling", "Joseph R.", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Yi-Cheng", "" ] ]
Jianguo Liu
Jian-Guo Liu, Tao Zhou, Bing-Hong Wang, and Yi-Cheng Zhang
Highly accurate recommendation algorithm based on high-order similarities
Physica A 389, 881-886 (2010)
[ "", "cs.IR" ]
In this Letter, we introduce a modified collaborative filtering (MCF) algorithm, which has remarkably higher accuracy than the standard collaborative filtering. In the MCF, instead of the standard Pearson coefficient, the user-user similarities are obtained by a diffusion process. Furthermore, by considering the second order similarities, we design an effective algorithm that depresses the influence of mainstream preferences. The corresponding algorithmic accuracy, measured by the ranking score, is further improved by 24.9% in the optimal case. In addition, two significant criteria of algorithmic performance, diversity and popularity, are also taken into account. Numerical results show that the algorithm based on second order similarity can outperform the MCF simultaneously in all three criteria.
[ { "created": "Wed, 27 Aug 2008 15:42:02 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Wed, 14 Oct 2009 15:24:36 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Liu", "Jian-Guo", "" ], [ "Zhou", "Tao", "" ], [ "Wang", "Bing-Hong", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Yi-Cheng", "" ] ]
Damien Chablat
Patricia Ben-Horin (Technion), Moshe Shoham (Technion), St\'ephane Caro (IRCCyN), Damien Chablat (IRCCyN), Philippe Wenger (IRCCyN)
SINGULAB - A Graphical user Interface for the Singularity Analysis of Parallel Robots based on Grassmann-Cayley Algebra
Advances in Robot Kinematics, Batz sur Mer : France (2008)
[ "cs.RO" ]
This paper presents SinguLab, a graphical user interface for the singularity analysis of parallel robots. The algorithm is based on Grassmann-Cayley algebra. The proposed tool is interactive and introduces the designer to the singularity analysis performed by this method, showing all the stages along the procedure and eventually showing the solution algebraically and graphically, allowing as well the singularity verification of different robot poses.
[ { "created": "Thu, 18 Sep 2008 15:19:36 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Ben-Horin", "Patricia", "", "Technion" ], [ "Shoham", "Moshe", "", "Technion" ], [ "Caro", "Stéphane", "", "IRCCyN" ], [ "Chablat", "Damien", "", "IRCCyN" ], [ "Wenger", "Philippe", "", "IRCCyN" ] ]
Soubhik Chakraborty
Soubhik Chakraborty, Sandeep Singh Solanki, Sayan Roy, Shivee Chauhan, Sanjaya Shankar Tripathy and Kartik Mahto
A Statistical Approach to Modeling Indian Classical Music Performance
24 pages,11 figures;a replacement paper is being uploaded because the the nyas swars of Yaman were not correctly given;some typos have been corrected
[ "stat.AP", "cs.SD" ]
A raga is a melodic structure with fixed notes and a set of rules characterizing a certain mood endorsed through performance. By a vadi swar is meant that note which plays the most significant role in expressing the raga. A samvadi swar similarly is the second most significant note. However, the determination of their significance has an element of subjectivity and hence we are motivated to find some truths through an objective analysis. The paper proposes a probabilistic method of note detection and demonstrates how the relative frequency (relative number of occurrences of the pitch) of the more important notes stabilize far more quickly than that of others. In addition, a count for distinct transitory and similar looking non-transitory (fundamental) frequency movements (but possibly embedding distinct emotions!) between the notes is also taken depicting the varnalankars or musical ornaments decorating the notes and note sequences as rendered by the artist. They reflect certain structural properties of the ragas. Several case studies are presented.
[ { "created": "Thu, 18 Sep 2008 17:38:57 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Sat, 25 Oct 2008 14:10:00 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Chakraborty", "Soubhik", "" ], [ "Solanki", "Sandeep Singh", "" ], [ "Roy", "Sayan", "" ], [ "Chauhan", "Shivee", "" ], [ "Tripathy", "Sanjaya Shankar", "" ], [ "Mahto", "Kartik", "" ] ]
Stefano M. Iacus
Alessandro De Gregorio, Stefano Maria Iacus
Clustering of discretely observed diffusion processes
[ "math.PR", "stat.ML", "q-fin.ST", "stat.ME" ]
In this paper a new dissimilarity measure to identify groups of assets dynamics is proposed. The underlying generating process is assumed to be a diffusion process solution of stochastic differential equations and observed at discrete time. The mesh of observations is not required to shrink to zero. As distance between two observed paths, the quadratic distance of the corresponding estimated Markov operators is considered. Analysis of both synthetic data and real financial data from NYSE/NASDAQ stocks, give evidence that this distance seems capable to catch differences in both the drift and diffusion coefficients contrary to other commonly used metrics.
[ { "created": "Tue, 23 Sep 2008 12:31:17 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "De Gregorio", "Alessandro", "" ], [ "Iacus", "Stefano Maria", "" ] ]
Jeremy Fix
J\'er\'emy Fix (INRIA Lorraine - Loria), Nicolas P. Rougier (INRIA Lorraine - Loria, University of Colorado, Boulder), Fr\'ed\'eric Alexandre (INRIA Lorraine - Loria)
A computational approach to the covert and overt deployment of spatial attention
Dans NeuroComp 2008 : 2i\`eme Conf\'erence Fran\c{c}aise de Neurosciences Computationnelles (2008)
[ "cs.NE" ]
Popular computational models of visual attention tend to neglect the influence of saccadic eye movements whereas it has been shown that the primates perform on average three of them per seconds and that the neural substrate for the deployment of attention and the execution of an eye movement might considerably overlap. Here we propose a computational model in which the deployment of attention with or without a subsequent eye movement emerges from local, distributed and numerical computations.
[ { "created": "Fri, 26 Sep 2008 13:12:36 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Fix", "Jérémy", "", "INRIA Lorraine - Loria" ], [ "Rougier", "Nicolas P.", "", "INRIA\n Lorraine - Loria, University of Colorado, Boulder" ], [ "Alexandre", "Frédéric", "", "INRIA Lorraine - Loria" ] ]
Pascal Vaillant
Pascal Vaillant
A Layered Grammar Model: Using Tree-Adjoining Grammars to Build a Common Syntactic Kernel for Related Dialects
8 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables. LaTeX 2e using the coling08 style (and standard packages like epsf, amssymb, multirow, url...). Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms. Tuebingen, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany, 6-8 June 2008
Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+9 2008), p. 157-164. Tuebingen, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany, 6-8 June 2008
[ "cs.CL" ]
This article describes the design of a common syntactic description for the core grammar of a group of related dialects. The common description does not rely on an abstract sub-linguistic structure like a metagrammar: it consists in a single FS-LTAG where the actual specific language is included as one of the attributes in the set of attribute types defined for the features. When the lang attribute is instantiated, the selected subset of the grammar is equivalent to the grammar of one dialect. When it is not, we have a model of a hybrid multidialectal linguistic system. This principle is used for a group of creole languages of the West-Atlantic area, namely the French-based Creoles of Haiti, Guadeloupe, Martinique and French Guiana.
[ { "created": "Tue, 7 Oct 2008 14:50:59 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Vaillant", "Pascal", "" ] ]
Axel Boldt
Axel Boldt and Michael Janich
A global physician-oriented medical information system
8 pages
[ "cs.CY", "cs.DB", "cs.AI" ]
We propose to improve medical decision making and reduce global health care costs by employing a free Internet-based medical information system with two main target groups: practicing physicians and medical researchers. After acquiring patients' consent, physicians enter medical histories, physiological data and symptoms or disorders into the system; an integrated expert system can then assist in diagnosis and statistical software provides a list of the most promising treatment options and medications, tailored to the patient. Physicians later enter information about the outcomes of the chosen treatments, data the system uses to optimize future treatment recommendations. Medical researchers can analyze the aggregate data to compare various drugs or treatments in defined patient populations on a large scale.
[ { "created": "Sat, 11 Oct 2008 02:01:45 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Boldt", "Axel", "" ], [ "Janich", "Michael", "" ] ]
Nikolaos Vasiloglou
Nikolaos Vasiloglou, Alexander G. Gray, David V. Anderson
Non-Negative Matrix Factorization, Convexity and Isometry
accpepted in SIAM Data Mining 2009, 12 pages
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
In this paper we explore avenues for improving the reliability of dimensionality reduction methods such as Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) as interpretive exploratory data analysis tools. We first explore the difficulties of the optimization problem underlying NMF, showing for the first time that non-trivial NMF solutions always exist and that the optimization problem is actually convex, by using the theory of Completely Positive Factorization. We subsequently explore four novel approaches to finding globally-optimal NMF solutions using various ideas from convex optimization. We then develop a new method, isometric NMF (isoNMF), which preserves non-negativity while also providing an isometric embedding, simultaneously achieving two properties which are helpful for interpretation. Though it results in a more difficult optimization problem, we show experimentally that the resulting method is scalable and even achieves more compact spectra than standard NMF.
[ { "created": "Mon, 13 Oct 2008 20:43:24 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Wed, 22 Apr 2009 16:05:22 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Vasiloglou", "Nikolaos", "" ], [ "Gray", "Alexander G.", "" ], [ "Anderson", "David V.", "" ] ]
Wenxin Jiang
Wenxin Jiang, Martin A. Tanner
Gibbs posterior for variable selection in high-dimensional classification and data mining
Published in at the Annals of Statistics ( by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (
Annals of Statistics 2008, Vol. 36, No. 5, 2207-2231
[ "stat.ML", "stat.ME" ]
In the popular approach of "Bayesian variable selection" (BVS), one uses prior and posterior distributions to select a subset of candidate variables to enter the model. A completely new direction will be considered here to study BVS with a Gibbs posterior originating in statistical mechanics. The Gibbs posterior is constructed from a risk function of practical interest (such as the classification error) and aims at minimizing a risk function without modeling the data probabilistically. This can improve the performance over the usual Bayesian approach, which depends on a probability model which may be misspecified. Conditions will be provided to achieve good risk performance, even in the presence of high dimensionality, when the number of candidate variables "$K$" can be much larger than the sample size "$n$." In addition, we develop a convenient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to implement BVS with the Gibbs posterior.
[ { "created": "Fri, 31 Oct 2008 10:38:41 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Jiang", "Wenxin", "" ], [ "Tanner", "Martin A.", "" ] ]
Patricia Gautier
Alain Lelu (LASELDI), Pascal Cuxac (INIST), Joel Johansson (INIST)
Classification dynamique d'un flux documentaire : une \'evaluation statique pr\'ealable de l'algorithme GERMEN
JADT 2006 : 8es Journ\'ees internationales d'Analyse statistique des Donn\'ees Textuelles, France (2006)
[ "cs.AI" ]
Data-stream clustering is an ever-expanding subdomain of knowledge extraction. Most of the past and present research effort aims at efficient scaling up for the huge data repositories. Our approach focuses on qualitative improvement, mainly for "weak signals" detection and precise tracking of topical evolutions in the framework of information watch - though scalability is intrinsically guaranteed in a possibly distributed implementation. Our GERMEN algorithm exhaustively picks up the whole set of density peaks of the data at time t, by identifying the local perturbations induced by the current document vector, such as changing cluster borders, or new/vanishing clusters. Optimality yields from the uniqueness 1) of the density landscape for any value of our zoom parameter, 2) of the cluster allocation operated by our border propagation rule. This results in a rigorous independence from the data presentation ranking or any initialization parameter. We present here as a first step the only assessment of a static view resulting from one year of the CNRS/INIST Pascal database in the field of geotechnics.
[ { "created": "Tue, 4 Nov 2008 20:42:52 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Lelu", "Alain", "", "LASELDI" ], [ "Cuxac", "Pascal", "", "INIST" ], [ "Johansson", "Joel", "", "INIST" ] ]
Seyoung Kim
Seyoung Kim, Kyung-Ah Sohn and Eric P. Xing
A Multivariate Regression Approach to Association Analysis of Quantitative Trait Network
Submitted to The American Journal of Human Genetics
[ "q-bio.GN", "q-bio.QM", "stat.ME", "q-bio.MN", "stat.ML" ]
Many complex disease syndromes such as asthma consist of a large number of highly related, rather than independent, clinical phenotypes, raising a new technical challenge in identifying genetic variations associated simultaneously with correlated traits. In this study, we propose a new statistical framework called graph-guided fused lasso (GFlasso) to address this issue in a principled way. Our approach explicitly represents the dependency structure among the quantitative traits as a network, and leverages this trait network to encode structured regularizations in a multivariate regression model over the genotypes and traits, so that the genetic markers that jointly influence subgroups of highly correlated traits can be detected with high sensitivity and specificity. While most of the traditional methods examined each phenotype independently and combined the results afterwards, our approach analyzes all of the traits jointly in a single statistical method, and borrow information across correlated phenotypes to discover the genetic markers that perturbe a subset of correlated triats jointly rather than a single trait. Using simulated datasets based on the HapMap consortium data and an asthma dataset, we compare the performance of our method with the single-marker analysis, and other sparse regression methods such as the ridge regression and the lasso that do not use any structural information in the traits. Our results show that there is a significant advantage in detecting the true causal SNPs when we incorporate the correlation pattern in traits using our proposed methods.
[ { "created": "Thu, 13 Nov 2008 03:44:48 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Kim", "Seyoung", "" ], [ "Sohn", "Kyung-Ah", "" ], [ "Xing", "Eric P.", "" ] ]
Aleksandar Bradic M
Aleksandar Bradic
Search Result Clustering via Randomized Partitioning of Query-Induced Subgraphs
16th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2008
[ "cs.DS", "cs.IR" ]
In this paper, we present an approach to search result clustering, using partitioning of underlying link graph. We define the notion of "query-induced subgraph" and formulate the problem of search result clustering as a problem of efficient partitioning of given subgraph into topic-related clusters. Also, we propose a novel algorithm for approximative partitioning of such graph, which results in cluster quality comparable to the one obtained by deterministic algorithms, while operating in more efficient computation time, suitable for practical implementations. Finally, we present a practical clustering search engine developed as a part of this research and use it to get results about real-world performance of proposed concepts.
[ { "created": "Tue, 25 Nov 2008 23:11:55 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Bradic", "Aleksandar", "" ] ]
Oliver Schulte
Oliver Schulte, Hassan Khosravi, Flavia Moser, Martin Ester
Learning Class-Level Bayes Nets for Relational Data
14 pages (2 column)
TR 2008-17, School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Many databases store data in relational format, with different types of entities and information about links between the entities. The field of statistical-relational learning (SRL) has developed a number of new statistical models for such data. In this paper we focus on learning class-level or first-order dependencies, which model the general database statistics over attributes of linked objects and links (e.g., the percentage of A grades given in computer science classes). Class-level statistical relationships are important in themselves, and they support applications like policy making, strategic planning, and query optimization. Most current SRL methods find class-level dependencies, but their main task is to support instance-level predictions about the attributes or links of specific entities. We focus only on class-level prediction, and describe algorithms for learning class-level models that are orders of magnitude faster for this task. Our algorithms learn Bayes nets with relational structure, leveraging the efficiency of single-table nonrelational Bayes net learners. An evaluation of our methods on three data sets shows that they are computationally feasible for realistic table sizes, and that the learned structures represent the statistical information in the databases well. After learning compiles the database statistics into a Bayes net, querying these statistics via Bayes net inference is faster than with SQL queries, and does not depend on the size of the database.
[ { "created": "Thu, 27 Nov 2008 01:02:33 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Tue, 20 Oct 2009 18:58:20 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Schulte", "Oliver", "" ], [ "Khosravi", "Hassan", "" ], [ "Moser", "Flavia", "" ], [ "Ester", "Martin", "" ] ]
Simon Morgan
Simon P. Morgan, Wotao Yin, Kevin R. Vixie
A Matlab Implementation of a Flat Norm Motivated Polygonal Edge Matching Method using a Decomposition of Boundary into Four 1-Dimensional Currents
Contains Matlab code and 4 figures
[ "cs.CG", "cs.CV" ]
We describe and provide code and examples for a polygonal edge matching method.
[ { "created": "Mon, 1 Dec 2008 18:59:52 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Thu, 1 Oct 2009 18:44:03 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Morgan", "Simon P.", "" ], [ "Yin", "Wotao", "" ], [ "Vixie", "Kevin R.", "" ] ]
Vyacheslav Yukalov
V.I. Yukalov and D. Sornette
Physics of risk and uncertainty in quantum decision making
Latex file, 30 pages. Published variant
Eur. Phys. J. B 71 (2009) 533-548
[ "quant-ph", "physics.soc-ph", "cs.AI" ]
The Quantum Decision Theory, developed recently by the authors, is applied to clarify the role of risk and uncertainty in decision making and in particular in relation to the phenomenon of dynamic inconsistency. By formulating this notion in precise mathematical terms, we distinguish three types of inconsistency: time inconsistency, planning paradox, and inconsistency occurring in some discounting effects. While time inconsistency is well accounted for in classical decision theory, the planning paradox is in contradiction with classical utility theory. It finds a natural explanation in the frame of the Quantum Decision Theory. Different types of discounting effects are analyzed and shown to enjoy a straightforward explanation within the suggested theory. We also introduce a general methodology based on self-similar approximation theory for deriving the evolution equations for the probabilities of future prospects. This provides a novel classification of possible discount factors, which include the previously known cases (exponential or hyperbolic discounting), but also predicts a novel class of discount factors that decay to a strictly positive constant for very large future time horizons. This class may be useful to deal with very long-term discounting situations associated with intergenerational public policy choices, encompassing issues such as global warming and nuclear waste disposal.
[ { "created": "Fri, 12 Dec 2008 14:46:41 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Wed, 21 Oct 2009 09:50:11 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Yukalov", "V. I.", "" ], [ "Sornette", "D.", "" ] ]
Marcus Hutter
Marcus Hutter
Feature Markov Decision Processes
7 pages
Proc. 2nd Conf. on Artificial General Intelligence (AGI 2009) pages 61-66
[ "math.IT", "cs.LG", "cs.IT", "cs.AI" ]
General purpose intelligent learning agents cycle through (complex,non-MDP) sequences of observations, actions, and rewards. On the other hand, reinforcement learning is well-developed for small finite state Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). So far it is an art performed by human designers to extract the right state representation out of the bare observations, i.e. to reduce the agent setup to the MDP framework. Before we can think of mechanizing this search for suitable MDPs, we need a formal objective criterion. The main contribution of this article is to develop such a criterion. I also integrate the various parts into one learning algorithm. Extensions to more realistic dynamic Bayesian networks are developed in a companion article.
[ { "created": "Thu, 25 Dec 2008 00:27:22 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Hutter", "Marcus", "" ] ]
Joseph Kong
Joseph S. Kong, Nima Sarshar, Vwani P. Roychowdhury
Experience versus Talent Shapes the Structure of the Web
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Vol. 105, Pages 13724-13729, 2008
[ "cs.CY", "physics.soc-ph", "cs.IR" ]
We use sequential large-scale crawl data to empirically investigate and validate the dynamics that underlie the evolution of the structure of the web. We find that the overall structure of the web is defined by an intricate interplay between experience or entitlement of the pages (as measured by the number of inbound hyperlinks a page already has), inherent talent or fitness of the pages (as measured by the likelihood that someone visiting the page would give a hyperlink to it), and the continual high rates of birth and death of pages on the web. We find that the web is conservative in judging talent and the overall fitness distribution is exponential, showing low variability. The small variance in talent, however, is enough to lead to experience distributions with high variance: The preferential attachment mechanism amplifies these small biases and leads to heavy-tailed power-law (PL) inbound degree distributions over all pages, as well as over pages that are of the same age. The balancing act between experience and talent on the web allows newly introduced pages with novel and interesting content to grow quickly and surpass older pages. In this regard, it is much like what we observe in high-mobility and meritocratic societies: People with entitlement continue to have access to the best resources, but there is just enough screening for fitness that allows for talented winners to emerge and join the ranks of the leaders. Finally, we show that the fitness estimates have potential practical applications in ranking query results.
[ { "created": "Fri, 2 Jan 2009 23:11:08 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Kong", "Joseph S.", "" ], [ "Sarshar", "Nima", "" ], [ "Roychowdhury", "Vwani P.", "" ] ]
Marco Duarte
Mark A. Davenport, Chinmay Hegde, Marco F. Duarte, and Richard G. Baraniuk
A Theoretical Analysis of Joint Manifolds
24 pages, 4 figures. Corrected typo on grant number in acknowledgements, page 1
TREE0901, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rice University
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CV" ]
The emergence of low-cost sensor architectures for diverse modalities has made it possible to deploy sensor arrays that capture a single event from a large number of vantage points and using multiple modalities. In many scenarios, these sensors acquire very high-dimensional data such as audio signals, images, and video. To cope with such high-dimensional data, we typically rely on low-dimensional models. Manifold models provide a particularly powerful model that captures the structure of high-dimensional data when it is governed by a low-dimensional set of parameters. However, these models do not typically take into account dependencies among multiple sensors. We thus propose a new joint manifold framework for data ensembles that exploits such dependencies. We show that simple algorithms can exploit the joint manifold structure to improve their performance on standard signal processing applications. Additionally, recent results concerning dimensionality reduction for manifolds enable us to formulate a network-scalable data compression scheme that uses random projections of the sensed data. This scheme efficiently fuses the data from all sensors through the addition of such projections, regardless of the data modalities and dimensions.
[ { "created": "Wed, 7 Jan 2009 06:47:47 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Wed, 9 Dec 2009 07:18:30 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Davenport", "Mark A.", "" ], [ "Hegde", "Chinmay", "" ], [ "Duarte", "Marco F.", "" ], [ "Baraniuk", "Richard G.", "" ] ]
Arturo Berrones
Arturo Berrones
Bayesian Inference Based on Stationary Fokker-Planck Sampling
Accepted in Neural Computation
[ "cs.NE", "", "cond-mat.dis-nn" ]
A novel formalism for Bayesian learning in the context of complex inference models is proposed. The method is based on the use of the Stationary Fokker--Planck (SFP) approach to sample from the posterior density. Stationary Fokker--Planck sampling generalizes the Gibbs sampler algorithm for arbitrary and unknown conditional densities. By the SFP procedure approximate analytical expressions for the conditionals and marginals of the posterior can be constructed. At each stage of SFP, the approximate conditionals are used to define a Gibbs sampling process, which is convergent to the full joint posterior. By the analytical marginals efficient learning methods in the context of Artificial Neural Networks are outlined. Off--line and incremental Bayesian inference and Maximum Likelihood Estimation from the posterior is performed in classification and regression examples. A comparison of SFP with other Monte Carlo strategies in the general problem of sampling from arbitrary densities is also presented. It is shown that SFP is able to jump large low--probabilty regions without the need of a careful tuning of any step size parameter. In fact, the SFP method requires only a small set of meaningful parameters which can be selected following clear, problem--independent guidelines. The computation cost of SFP, measured in terms of loss function evaluations, grows linearly with the given model's dimension.
[ { "created": "Thu, 8 Jan 2009 22:09:02 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Mon, 22 Jun 2009 15:40:00 GMT", "version": "v2" }, { "created": "Mon, 26 Oct 2009 01:02:27 GMT", "version": "v3" } ]
[ [ "Berrones", "Arturo", "" ] ]
Animesh Mukherjee
Animesh Mukherjee, Monojit Choudhury and Ravi Kannan
Discovering Global Patterns in Linguistic Networks through Spectral Analysis: A Case Study of the Consonant Inventories
In the proceedings of EACL 2009
[ "", "cs.CL" ]
Recent research has shown that language and the socio-cognitive phenomena associated with it can be aptly modeled and visualized through networks of linguistic entities. However, most of the existing works on linguistic networks focus only on the local properties of the networks. This study is an attempt to analyze the structure of languages via a purely structural technique, namely spectral analysis, which is ideally suited for discovering the global correlations in a network. Application of this technique to PhoNet, the co-occurrence network of consonants, not only reveals several natural linguistic principles governing the structure of the consonant inventories, but is also able to quantify their relative importance. We believe that this powerful technique can be successfully applied, in general, to study the structure of natural languages.
[ { "created": "Thu, 15 Jan 2009 10:22:28 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Mukherjee", "Animesh", "" ], [ "Choudhury", "Monojit", "" ], [ "Kannan", "Ravi", "" ] ]
Sumio Watanabe
Sumio Watanabe
A Limit Theorem in Singular Regression Problem
16 pages
[ "cs.LG" ]
In statistical problems, a set of parameterized probability distributions is used to estimate the true probability distribution. If Fisher information matrix at the true distribution is singular, then it has been left unknown what we can estimate about the true distribution from random samples. In this paper, we study a singular regression problem and prove a limit theorem which shows the relation between the singular regression problem and two birational invariants, a real log canonical threshold and a singular fluctuation. The obtained theorem has an important application to statistics, because it enables us to estimate the generalization error from the training error without any knowledge of the true probability distribution.
[ { "created": "Fri, 16 Jan 2009 01:00:39 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Watanabe", "Sumio", "" ] ]
Christoph Benzmueller
Christoph Benzmueller
A remark on higher order RUE-resolution with EXTRUE
3 pages
SEKI Report (ISSN 1437-4447), Saarland University, 1999
[ "cs.LO", "cs.AI" ]
We show that a prominent counterexample for the completeness of first order RUE-resolution does not apply to the higher order RUE-resolution approach EXTRUE.
[ { "created": "Fri, 23 Jan 2009 06:18:30 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Benzmueller", "Christoph", "" ] ]
Marcus Hutter
Marcus Hutter
Practical Robust Estimators for the Imprecise Dirichlet Model
22 pages, 2 figures
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 50:2 (2009) pages 231-242
[ "math.ST", "stat.ML", "cs.LG", "stat.TH" ]
Walley's Imprecise Dirichlet Model (IDM) for categorical i.i.d. data extends the classical Dirichlet model to a set of priors. It overcomes several fundamental problems which other approaches to uncertainty suffer from. Yet, to be useful in practice, one needs efficient ways for computing the imprecise=robust sets or intervals. The main objective of this work is to derive exact, conservative, and approximate, robust and credible interval estimates under the IDM for a large class of statistical estimators, including the entropy and mutual information.
[ { "created": "Mon, 26 Jan 2009 23:05:06 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Hutter", "Marcus", "" ] ]
Philippe Fournier-Viger
P. Fournier-Viger, R. Nkambou and E. Mephu Nguifo
A Knowledge Discovery Framework for Learning Task Models from User Interactions in Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Proceedings of the 7th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI 2008), Springer, pp. 765-778
[ "cs.AI" ]
Domain experts should provide relevant domain knowledge to an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) so that it can guide a learner during problemsolving learning activities. However, for many ill-defined domains, the domain knowledge is hard to define explicitly. In previous works, we showed how sequential pattern mining can be used to extract a partial problem space from logged user interactions, and how it can support tutoring services during problem-solving exercises. This article describes an extension of this approach to extract a problem space that is richer and more adapted for supporting tutoring services. We combined sequential pattern mining with (1) dimensional pattern mining (2) time intervals, (3) the automatic clustering of valued actions and (4) closed sequences mining. Some tutoring services have been implemented and an experiment has been conducted in a tutoring system.
[ { "created": "Thu, 29 Jan 2009 19:58:09 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Fournier-Viger", "P.", "" ], [ "Nkambou", "R.", "" ], [ "Nguifo", "E. Mephu", "" ] ]
Marcelo Hashimoto
Marcelo Hashimoto and Roberto M. Cesar Jr
A Keygraph Classification Framework for Real-Time Object Detection
9 pages, 23 figures
[ "cs.CV" ]
In this paper, we propose a new approach for keypoint-based object detection. Traditional keypoint-based methods consist in classifying individual points and using pose estimation to discard misclassifications. Since a single point carries no relational features, such methods inherently restrict the usage of structural information to the pose estimation phase. Therefore, the classifier considers purely appearance-based feature vectors, thus requiring computationally expensive feature extraction or complex probabilistic modelling to achieve satisfactory robustness. In contrast, our approach consists in classifying graphs of keypoints, which incorporates structural information during the classification phase and allows the extraction of simpler feature vectors that are naturally robust. In the present work, 3-vertices graphs have been considered, though the methodology is general and larger order graphs may be adopted. Successful experimental results obtained for real-time object detection in video sequences are reported.
[ { "created": "Fri, 30 Jan 2009 19:38:44 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Hashimoto", "Marcelo", "" ], [ "Cesar", "Roberto M.", "Jr" ] ]
Baptiste Jeudy
Baptiste Jeudy (LAHC), Fran\c{c}ois Rioult (GREYC)
Extraction de concepts sous contraintes dans des donn\'ees d'expression de g\`enes
Conf\'erence sur l'apprentissage automatique, Nice : France (2005)
[ "cs.LG" ]
In this paper, we propose a technique to extract constrained formal concepts.
[ { "created": "Sat, 7 Feb 2009 18:01:09 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Jeudy", "Baptiste", "", "LAHC" ], [ "Rioult", "François", "", "GREYC" ] ]
Anna Kucerova
A. Kucerova, M. Leps and J. Zeman
Back analysis of microplane model parameters using soft computing methods
21 pages, 27 figures, 7 tables
CAMES: Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, 14 (2), 219-242, 2007
[ "cs.NE", "cs.AI" ]
A new procedure based on layered feed-forward neural networks for the microplane material model parameters identification is proposed in the present paper. Novelties are usage of the Latin Hypercube Sampling method for the generation of training sets, a systematic employment of stochastic sensitivity analysis and a genetic algorithm-based training of a neural network by an evolutionary algorithm. Advantages and disadvantages of this approach together with possible extensions are thoroughly discussed and analyzed.
[ { "created": "Tue, 10 Feb 2009 16:43:06 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Kucerova", "A.", "" ], [ "Leps", "M.", "" ], [ "Zeman", "J.", "" ] ]
Sebastien Tixeuil
St\'ephane Devismes (VERIMAG - IMAG), Franck Petit (LIP, INRIA Rh\^one-Alpes / LIP Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parall\'elisme), S\'ebastien Tixeuil (LIP6)
Optimal Probabilistic Ring Exploration by Asynchronous Oblivious Robots
[ "cs.DC", "cs.RO", "cs.DS", "cs.CC" ]
We consider a team of $k$ identical, oblivious, asynchronous mobile robots that are able to sense (\emph{i.e.}, view) their environment, yet are unable to communicate, and evolve on a constrained path. Previous results in this weak scenario show that initial symmetry yields high lower bounds when problems are to be solved by \emph{deterministic} robots. In this paper, we initiate research on probabilistic bounds and solutions in this context, and focus on the \emph{exploration} problem of anonymous unoriented rings of any size. It is known that $\Theta(\log n)$ robots are necessary and sufficient to solve the problem with $k$ deterministic robots, provided that $k$ and $n$ are coprime. By contrast, we show that \emph{four} identical probabilistic robots are necessary and sufficient to solve the same problem, also removing the coprime constraint. Our positive results are constructive.
[ { "created": "Wed, 11 Feb 2009 10:18:32 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Devismes", "Stéphane", "", "VERIMAG - IMAG" ], [ "Petit", "Franck", "", "LIP, INRIA\n Rhône-Alpes / LIP Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallélisme" ], [ "Tixeuil", "Sébastien", "", "LIP6" ] ]
Travis Deyle
Young Sang Choi, Travis Deyle, Charles C. Kemp
A List of Household Objects for Robotic Retrieval Prioritized by People with ALS (Version 092008)
[ "cs.RO", "cs.HC" ]
This technical report is designed to serve as a citable reference for the original prioritized object list that the Healthcare Robotics Lab at Georgia Tech released on its website in September of 2008. It is also expected to serve as the primary citable reference for the research associated with this list until the publication of a detailed, peer-reviewed paper. The original prioritized list of object classes resulted from a needs assessment involving 8 motor-impaired patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and targeted, in-person interviews of 15 motor-impaired ALS patients. All of these participants were drawn from the Emory ALS Center. The prioritized object list consists of 43 object classes ranked by how important the participants considered each class to be for retrieval by an assistive robot. We intend for this list to be used by researchers to inform the design and benchmarking of robotic systems, especially research related to autonomous mobile manipulation.
[ { "created": "Thu, 12 Feb 2009 18:18:42 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Choi", "Young Sang", "" ], [ "Deyle", "Travis", "" ], [ "Kemp", "Charles C.", "" ] ]
Christophe Lecoutre
Olivier Roussel, Christophe Lecoutre
XML Representation of Constraint Networks: Format XCSP 2.1
[ "cs.AI" ]
We propose a new extended format to represent constraint networks using XML. This format allows us to represent constraints defined either in extension or in intension. It also allows us to reference global constraints. Any instance of the problems CSP (Constraint Satisfaction Problem), QCSP (Quantified CSP) and WCSP (Weighted CSP) can be represented using this format.
[ { "created": "Fri, 13 Feb 2009 18:24:27 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Roussel", "Olivier", "" ], [ "Lecoutre", "Christophe", "" ] ]
Servane Gey
Servane Gey (MAP5)
Risk Bounds for CART Classifiers under a Margin Condition
Pattern Recognition 45 (2012) 3523-3534
MAP5 2009-04
[ "math.ST", "stat.ML", "stat.TH" ]
Risk bounds for Classification and Regression Trees (CART, Breiman et. al. 1984) classifiers are obtained under a margin condition in the binary supervised classification framework. These risk bounds are obtained conditionally on the construction of the maximal deep binary tree and permit to prove that the linear penalty used in the CART pruning algorithm is valid under a margin condition. It is also shown that, conditionally on the construction of the maximal tree, the final selection by test sample does not alter dramatically the estimation accuracy of the Bayes classifier. In the two-class classification framework, the risk bounds that are proved, obtained by using penalized model selection, validate the CART algorithm which is used in many data mining applications such as Biology, Medicine or Image Coding.
[ { "created": "Wed, 18 Feb 2009 13:20:10 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Mon, 2 Mar 2009 14:34:13 GMT", "version": "v2" }, { "created": "Wed, 12 Aug 2009 19:29:08 GMT", "version": "v3" }, { "created": "Fri, 2 Jul 2010 14:38:40 GMT", "version": "v4" }, { "created": "Thu, 1 Mar 2012 14:11:49 GMT", "version": "v5" } ]
[ [ "Gey", "Servane", "", "MAP5" ] ]
Leonard Kwuida
Rokia Missaoui, Leonard Kwuida, Mohamed Quafafou, Jean Vaillancourt
Algebraic operators for querying pattern bases
[ "cs.DB", "cs.IR" ]
The objectives of this research work which is intimately related to pattern discovery and management are threefold: (i) handle the problem of pattern manipulation by defining operations on patterns, (ii) study the problem of enriching and updating a pattern set (e.g., concepts, rules) when changes occur in the user's needs and the input data (e.g., object/attribute insertion or elimination, taxonomy utilization), and (iii) approximate a "presumed" concept using a related pattern space so that patterns can augment data with knowledge. To conduct our work, we use formal concept analysis (FCA) as a framework for pattern discovery and management and we take a joint database-FCA perspective by defining operators similar in spirit to relational algebra operators, investigating approximation in concept lattices and exploiting existing work related to operations on contexts and lattices to formalize such operators.
[ { "created": "Tue, 24 Feb 2009 00:43:56 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Missaoui", "Rokia", "" ], [ "Kwuida", "Leonard", "" ], [ "Quafafou", "Mohamed", "" ], [ "Vaillancourt", "Jean", "" ] ]
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