If you are looking for an app for note taking this is it. Its free and will sync with your PC. It would be good if they add more features for the stylus pen. Please fix the indentation. Some of my text are way to the right but not showing with the online version.
I always make the plant die lol
Good app
Generally great but sometimes frustrating. When someone else calls me for example my tree dies even if I do not answer the caller. I have lost many trees this way after planting them for almost 2 hours and it discourages me from wanting to use the app because trees die without it being my fault. If this was fixed then this app would be amazing. I love the various trees that I can unlock and seeing stats over time.
Note taking is fine and usually a pleaseaant experience. I have 3 major issues. The first is the lack of normal eraser it only has a stroke eraser which can become very annoying. Second it has no way to export longer files. When doing it on a PC it makes it multiple pages which is also problematic. Finally it should be able to convert .pptx or .docx to pdf automatically. All this being said it is still the best cross platform note taking app.
Excellent app was working great for about 2 months now the widget stopped updating. Its basically frozen and i have to either remove the widget n reapply it or reboot my phone to make it work and then it freezes again in a few hours. Would appreciate a fix. Device redmi note 5 pro
Goes from bad to worse and back to bad. Yet to have a great experience with this app and been using it for a long time. This is used by people trying to get work done. How about you give us an app that works consistently and properly every day Pressing the button to switch from speaker to device doesnt do the same thing from one call to another. Switching between landscapeportrait gets stuck during call and the buttons do nothing so I cant even hang up and leave blank voicemail
great x
Use this app all the time and love it so much
The app allow list and friends list need a search bar and the plant a tree reminders need to be taken a step further let your users set times for trees to autoplant. That being said forest is such a useful app that the premium version is well worth the money and its not even a subscription and Im happy I bought it. My previous review mentioned bugs. Forest has a very active dev team they have all been squashed. Great job
Skype was better
This app was great for many years then it updated today. I am missing all my notes after March 2022. I entered a note earlier today went back 5 minutes later to edit it and the entire app had updated and changed. Now that note along with many others is gone. This is very bad I need those notes.
Im a Onenote fan and use alot. After recent 622 android Onenote update however homepage now doesnt update with new notes. Please fix update issue and also give option to list recent notes like before.
I have been using OneNote for 10 years. It is pretty stable and sophisticated and the best for studying. However it needs more features such as more word processing options text justification for example and indeed better tables and databases. Notion is far ahead of OneNote in terms of data management and tables.
Worst app ever. It requires premium for almost every feature.
It was a good dear to me for a loooooong time saved my life in uni and high school. But a few years back it started with all those new updates that were unnecessary to me I only used to read pdfs so dark mode and reflow were my only requirements. Then reflow got really buggy. The words were cut suddenly only to appear a few paragraphs later. The sentences were all jumbled. I had to be on continuous mode to read. Now Im fed up with this and its time to say goodbye.
Fantastic I just downloaded it and is really good for my PDF files. I urge everyone to download it.
Indecipherable. Couldnt see or find any of my desktop content
Love this app. It the better way to be productive and get things in one place. It easy to use and love the reminder
Liquid mode is amazing However it would be even better if the file didnt have to be processed through the document cloud each time I return to it since it can take a while to process especially if it is a bigger file. Itd be really nice if it would remember my position in liquid mode as well. I would also really like to be able to highlight text in liquid mode...even better would be to have the highlighted text then appear on the original document. Thanks
Nice but needs to make few things free
Its ok. A bit complicated to make a list. Not My favorite app. But not suggesting its bad just not my personal favorite.
Easy enough to use and have had no problems so far.
Best focusing app in the world x
One of the useful and easy to use application in Google play. It easy to use and modify pfd for educational purposes. Thank you.
All in all I like this app. I was an early tester when it originally came out many years ago just came back to it and it has come a long way. But I have one huge gripe with it already that may be a deal breaker whats the point of a break function if the break ends your current session A break should be well a break allowing you to continue on the same tree. Not sure if this is a bug but it desperately needs to be fixed.
Amazing x
The reminder is not working. I tried to optimize it using the reccomended method but still not working
not as good as the old Snotes by Samsung but a pretty good runner up. Like the notebook style organization the handwriting ability to lasso handwriting to moveresize copy cut. Missing 2 big features 1 ability to set a page size instead of infinite 2 WHY IS the draw feature not as cool as the draw feature in the word app color selection etc
I dont know why but recently everytime I want to open up a chat it kick me back to my home screen dev pls fix this
Using mi A2 teams is aborting frequently even after timely update. Could be improved this app functionality in all the mobile versions.
I used to use the note apps that came with my phones but I would always lose them upon upgrading. I switched to OneNote and havent looked back. Love that I can pull it up on my PC with my Microsoft account and they both updated automatically. IMO its easier and more user friendly than other apps like Evernote.
Sometimes Status is not updated and I am not able to send messages.
Really unreliable shifts never updated and sometimes just vanish from the app version notifications often not coming through and rhtne sometimes all coming through even for things I told it not to notify me for just seems to glitch and bug out too often for an app people rely on for work. If I could get rid of it I would but my workplace uses it for too much now.
Incredible app has helped me to be more productive and organised .
The application works pretty well. It can be a bit slow at times especially without a stable internet connection. I would say that its highlights are its ability to join Teams calls and the ability to view documents and tools that belong to teams that youre a part of. The application stays in sync with the desktop application for the most part. Update Worst issue I have with this application is that I cant change my volume while in a call. I have to go to my home screen to adjust volume.
The app is pretty good I like that I can fill in forms directly from the app but I do find it a bit confusing how to exit form filling mode when I want to print the document Ive filled out. Also Im not sure if this is Acrobat Readers issue or the issue of whoever makes the pdfs but sometimes the font size chosen for a fillable field is too big and the tops of letters get cut off. I would like to be able to adjust that
Great Note taking App for Android Cross Platform Supports formatted text hyperlinks and multiple media and document formats. Notebook organization is also easy to manage. The only reason that Im removing a star is because there is a bit of input lag when taking notes with the S Pen on Samsung devices. The lag is not present on other note drawing apps I use. Fix that issue and maybe add a dark mode and you will have a five star app
Best product for personal and small projects organization. I was actually looking for a simple todo list then I needed to unify all my calendars from different platforms but also I wanted to save and follow up my ideas while keeping a journal then I found myself trying to incorporate some good habits in my life on the other hand I found out that the pomodoro technique can really help me focus and get things done. Finally I found an elegant solution for all of this and more in TickTick.
Awesome but have some drmerit
See saw
This app so good
Nice app
what a horrible app this is slack is much better lightweight and functional
Sometimes it stops and doesnt give notifications. Plz fix this problem
Surprisingly these blocks of 25 min really keep me focused Super easy to use. Wish there was no ads purpose is to focus and it offers distractions between focus times but then again if it s free for me the app dvelopper has got to be paid from somewhere Thanks for this app. Really cool.
Its fine. Sometimes I get sync issues where is says I have a message but when I go to read it nothing appears and I have to restart the app to get it to show up. Interface is ok. I like this more then Skype but I will say it is very resource intensive. Big issue when the work pcs you get are not very great to begin with and you need to run a lot of things at once.
I never thought Id come across an IM worse than Skype. Well blow me over Microsoft have gone and done it again with Teams. If I didnt use this for work I would not touch it. Just like Skype before it its slow full of bloat and does the basics horribly.
I loved this app until the new layout. June 2022 I dont like having my pages and sticky notes lumped together and even if I filter only one or the other I still dont like the new layout. Its very hard for my eye to follow and find what Im looking for
Everything I wanted from todoist for free. Gorgeous app design too... Especially with the new update xx And the annoying reminders although very annoying work miracles on my procrastination Thank you
I dont have the management options on the Google app that I have on the desktop app. For example I cannot have the app start a meeting in audioonly mode which I really need when Im not on a wireless network. I also notice that my Samsung Galaxy S9 gets really hot when teams meetings are running.
loved this app before but the update makes it very difficult and having the stick notes not defult fully separate from the notebooks makes it much harder to organise and see whats on your priority notes
Please add a feature which saves the file if accidently closed. I have lost a lot of workingon folders in between due to tchng the back buttn by mstke.
Switched from Slack to Teams to save money. Teams notifications are difficult to comprehend for some older staff members. Default when being added to a Team is to NOT get notifications. How stupid is that App does not sync well. I get redundant notifications and cannot get rid of some highlighted ones that have been lingering for months which means I have to check them often to make sure there is nothing new. Teams is a headache and a stress inducer and needs to be updated. It is not relevant
Not free
Great app for meeting but there a bug where if there are too many files in the File tab a message saying that something went wrong shows up. Please fix it.
It works similarly to the old desktop app with a few less features. I miss screenshots the most. But it is nice to have notes on laptop chromebook and phone. Not being able to do some obvious things like rotate photos is another negative. All in all I still think its the best note taking app available today.
This app is very briallant so I could my express efficiently
Its a very nice app only if you can allow us edit the pdf without charging us or requesting for card details for free trials. Our country hard dont make it harder for us
Wonderful application.
Im impressed... Thank you so much to app creator...x
Ive been using OneNote for a few years and for the most part Im happy with it. I get frustrated when often used pages have error messages saying there is a page conflict detected. Also sometimes when I try to erase what Ive written the delete button will self populate with random phrases Ive used. Like 3 lines of text are popping up instead of deleting a specific word. I do like that everything is backed up in the cloud.
Its ok and nice that it syncs with other one note apps. But it would be brilliant if it could include a sticky note widgets.
OneNote new look seems great at first but when I tried to sort the notes by modified date it fails to display the correct order.
Microsoft OneNote would be a great app seems tobe an adequate replacement for Samsung Notes wouldve received a better rating if it didnt continue to keep freezing upon the opening of the app having to make a note to make a note at a later time when the app decides to open. A few pros about this app when it does work properly is it dosent have annoying ads like some of the other apps its free has color ink highlights also being able to copy paste txts pics to notes.
The new update no longer allows you to send multiple files at the same time. It consistently freezes the app when you try to sign the form. You have to shut the computer multiple times to get it to sign properly. I would recommend trying it yourself. I am only getting 2 options when selecting the three dots also known as option selection Im seeing remove from recent and delete. No option to share.
palm rejection with any stylus is needed. this facility is .important
Update I did eventually hear from customer service and ticktick is working well for me again. While ticktick was broken for me I went back to todoist and I still didnt like it enough to switch. So glad the problems I was having have been fixed. Old post This has become useless on my phone and tablet Android. Crashes 95 of the time I try to add a task. Same is true using the badge widget. ARG No longer Very powerful and NO LONGER FUN
In versions 18.2 and below users are able to get an overview of word search results and therefore able to jump to the result they need. However in later versions users have to sieve through the results one by one. This is obviously a huge disadvantage if searching through large text. I would suggest that the developers include this overview option. Because of this reason other PDF viewers are more appealing.
Is the worst app ever. Extremely unfraindly. You cant read the slides well you cant adjust anything. I wish I could attach a pic. I use this app daily and I always hS a problem. I cant believe it has 4.7 rating. It is impossible In my class also shows the contra bar over the power point. It is bad. Im trying to do the update and nothing. The first version was much better than these ones. Unfortunately I have to use this app for work and for 3 of my classes. Honestly it is terribly bad.
I dont know what is happening in teams in my work team. From morning I cant able to use teams properly. Chats are not refreshing messages not coming. I try out sign out sign in multiple times but wont working. In display its showing We are having trouble loading your messages try refreshing. Worst experience.On screen sharing its always a worst
The sync gets really unreliable with more than 400 Tasks. The support is just a brushoff machine called Wendy. NOT A SINGLE bug I ever reported got fixed in years They dont care.
it freezes and sometimes I cant open the notebook but recently the notebook and sticky notes section seem to have merged. Hopefully that will also fix the freezing problem.
This app has been an absolute lifesaver since having to work at home. I dont use it every day but there are some days where its been too easy to get sucked in to my phone and starting this is usually enough to get me focused back on work so I only have to use it once or twice. The stopwatch feature is absolutely perfect for me. I work better with a timer counting up instead of down and this lets me get trees for however long I can focus instead of having to guess how long that will be.
Text editing in this app is always really weird. I can no longer hit spacebar twice to insert a period. The predictions on the keyboard are always odd and way different than when in other apps. Its nearly impossible to select the text you want. The app is overly frustrating to use on Android. The home page is worthless to me. Just open to the last note or notebook I was editing please.
A great way to lock yourself out of your phone and be more present and mindful though it does have ways to loophole that. Easy to use though there can be some hiccups with room invites but the room code handles that. I wish the forest display had more variety and that the bushes had different appearances for the different amount of time they were grown.
I can easily exit the app by clicking the home button and go anywhere I want to. The purpose of the app is to stop us from navigating other apps which I dont see getting fulfilled. I can Even go to tabs that I opened and didnt exit without my tree being killed. At first I didnt know that it was that easy to fool the appbut after tad a bit of timeI realized that it was pretty easy to open youtube while my tree was growing and still ensure that my forest is lush and green. Its lame.
Good application for pdf
I cant seem to close notebooks. The app sounds endlessly when I try.
I like it but I dont like how everything is hard to get like the pumpkins. Or how you cant have scheduled times to help you stay on track
I really love this cute app It was really helpful for me to focus on my works and i love planning this way
Cant generate forest room plz solve issue
After using it for few weeks and really liking it I signed into my email account to benefit from backup and sync but... All my tasks gone. It wont sync previous data on new login and yet no other way to do manual backups which makes me to look for an alternative app. Anyway the app works great well designed with goodlooking themes various useful widgets and cool features. One of the best in functionality.
Even the premium version doesnt block apps so its down to you do make yourself ignore distractions. The warning that your three will wither is ok but blocking apps would be a better solution. Notifications can be silenced bu do show in the bar. Whereas the whole point I thought was to remove the temptation in the first place. But its ok to keep you more focused.
Only allowed 9 lists for free. Need to purchase for additional lists...such a bummer. Wunderlist was much better but I had to switch over as they closed. Tick Tick is not so straightforward to sync with another user.
i install this app cause i find this as best rated app x i install it but later than it stop working in between evenx or get stuck after last updatex .. i think u should fix it ..else everything is ok x
This app is great I am already way more motivated within only 2 days of using it. I bought the premium version because I really like the app but the free version is just as effective at keeping you focused. One thing I would add is a mode where you can put a specific amount of real money in before you start the timer and if you succeed you get your money back and the virtual tree but if you fail your money gets taken and is used to plant reallife trees.
The app works mostly pretty well but using Bluetooth is wildely inconsistent. Sometimes it will show that youll be connected with Bluetooth and then once you join it wont use it. When it works corectly you can use BT your phone or speaker but whe it doesnt you have to hold it up to your ear. This is obviously a problem when im traveling and someone is presenting or im in the car. Well documented problem for a couple years on the internet that MS should have fixed by now.
I really like this ap but I was disappointed when I finally switched to the paid version and found there was no option to double coins after studying was completed. If it is available with ads I feel like it should automatically come with the paid version. Other than that a really helpful and pretty app.
I downloaded this app and I didnt expect much but its honestly amazing I love the simple layout and everything about it. I love that you can add or delete tools like for me I wanted to have a habit tracker and I could simply enable that. I can clearly see why it is editors choice Recommend it to everyone Edit You can only do 5 habits with subscription sadly.
Refuse to download
This app has really helped to improve my focus while working bc its encouraging to know that Im growing a forest while using my time intentionally The rain ambiance is very nice as well and overall I celebrate small wins when I see how much time Ive focused on my tasks. There are some parts of the app that are a bit confusing for me and I wish it were a bit more detailed in usage. Overall the app is useful and the Tiny Tan ver. is so cute x Sx Sx S
The tablet version doesnt show sticky notes. Why is it so different than the mobile version
Pls resolve the bug as soon. App cannot open. Thanks.