Young people share their ideas for community action with Ledley King and local MPs | Tottenham Hotspur Accessibility English Search site Are you lost? See if these links help. Tickets Tickets and Premium Membership My Account Matches Next Match Other popular searches Ask Spurs Spurs Media Watch Global Football Development English Social Channels English 한국어 中文 Indonesian Malaysian Portuguese Spanish Thai भारतीय Sites & Languages English 한국어 News #SpursCares #PassionateAboutTottenham Young people share their ideas for community action with Ledley King and local MPs @SpursOfficial Wed 10 August 2022, 12:30| Tottenham Hotspur Young people from across Haringey shared their ideas for community action with Club Ambassador, Ledley King, and local MPs David Lammy and Catherine West at a panel event held at the London Academy of Excellence. The group, aged 16-17, are taking part in a two-week programme with the National Citizens Service (NCS) and Tottenham Hotspur Foundation. NCS is a youth programme designed to build confidence and skills over the course of the school summer holidays as well as empower young people to play a more active role in their community. Following an action packed first week of outdoor activities including raft-building, dodgeball and other sports, the group got straight to work on making a positive difference in their community, coming up with a range of social action projects for their local area. Ideas included a proposal for a community youth day to spread awareness of volunteering opportunities to support homeless charities locally, and a campaign to promote youth club facilities. After pulling together their presentations they pitched their ideas to the panel. Speaking after judging, Ledley said: “It was fantastic to hear all of the ideas from young people who really care about making a difference in their local communities. The programme has clearly had a positive impact on all of those involved and I was impressed by the passion on display." Sarah Ebanja, Chief Executive of Tottenham Hotspur Foundation, said: “This programme is all about inspiring young people to build their confidence and public speaking skills, whilst exploring topics they feel strongly about. The presentations we heard today demonstrate just how enthusiastic these young people are about their communities." David Lammy MP said: “It was a real inspiration to hear solutions for the issues in our community come from those who will shape its future. This programme has shown what happens when we put faith in our young people and was a fantastic opportunity to hear some inspirational speakers.” Catherine West MP said: “It was fantastic to meet young people from across Haringey and hear their ideas for our community. Programmes like this make such a difference to the lives of young people and I left feeling inspired at the enthusiasm and passion of our next generation, who’ve had such a tough time over the past few years.” One of the participants said: “I’ve had an absolutely amazing time on the programme and have made a whole group of new friends. Although getting the chance to present our ideas to Ledley King and the local MPs was definitely the icing on the cake!”
Ross Naheedy is an Iranian-American writer and first-time author of the novel True Lovers’ Knot, published in 2019. Naheedy was born in Iran in 1968. During his early life, Naheedy’s family moved often due to his father’s job as a civil engineer. But when he was 7, his family settled in Tehran, where Naheedy remained until he left the country in 1984 to migrate to the United States. Having lived in suburban Chicago for most of his life, Naheedy has had a prolific career as a computer programmer and consultant. Exposed to music at an early age, Naheedy has played multiple instruments since his childhood. His appreciation for the fine arts has grown over the years to encompass multiple genres of music, with his favorites being classical and jazz. Bach, Chopin, Khachaturian and Shostakovich top his list of favorite classical composers. Naheedy also appreciates the visual arts; Chagall and Magritte are his favorite painters. Naheedy’s first writing experiences were in junior high, when he would read his comedies aloud to classmates and act them out in slapstick, much to his teacher’s dismay. In the early 2000s, his style of writing was transformed into a blog about his favorite childhood author, Samad Behrangi. Naheedy’s first published novel, True Lovers’ Knot, is a work of fiction revolving around the life of an Iranian boy who finds himself living in the United States working as a chemical engineer for a paper company Naheedy lives with his family in suburban Chicago. When he’s not involved in a home project, Naheedy ponders new interests and hobbies, or spends time playing computer games.
​has been in the business of sea freight forwarding of Balikbayan boxes for the past 13 years and one of the prominent door to door company that consistently endeavors to offer the best sea freight rates and service to its valued clients.
As a visual effects facility, it’s no surprise that creative talent is plentiful at BOT. However, what is inspiring about the BOT community is how many of the talented VFX artists are equally adept at other art forms and mediums outside of pixels and frames. Thus was born the idea of DRISHYA: The BOT Book of Art, to convey the boundless creative talent of the bots to the outside world. BOT VFX published this limited-edition non-commercial book as a way to showcase the personal artworks of many talented bots, and to connect artists of BOT with the company’s community of friends, family and supporters across the globe. The Hindi word “drishya”, loosely translated, means “visually striking performance or display”. DRISHYA is striking in its rich variety of styles and mediums, and in the self-directed creative energy that is captured in its pages. The official launch of DRISHYA: The BOT Book of Art took place on July 7, 2018, at the gala tenth anniversary event celebrating the first decade of BOT VFX. The Honorable Consul General Robert Burgess, head of the United States Consulate in Chennai, was on hand to launch the book. Take a video tour inside the beautiful pages of DRISHYA: The BOT Book of Art A grateful client said this of the book after receiving a copy of DRISHYA: “THANK YOU for the gorgeous book you sent! It’s [a] brilliant way to personalize your company. Especially when a company is overseas, it’s easy for people to forget that there are artists and technicians with unique talents sitting at their desks, working on our shots. I love the idea of connecting the personalities in those pages to the eyes and hands working with us.” Supporters, friends, and clients of BOT interested in the book can receive a free copy by contacting a BOT team member.
. If your backyard is kept locked, please provide HomeBlis with lock combination or an alternate method to access the property.
I love how certain photographs elicit unexpected emotions, thoughts, daydreams. I have always enjoyed photographic art, but I am only recently learning how to become a photographer. Now I am struck not only by the results of being behind a lens, but also and particularly by how powerful it is to be doing so. Bending low to the ground wasn’t enough for me the day I took this shot, it required me being on my belly. I got into position and began shooting, oblivious to any dirt getting on my shirt, or how silly it might have looked for a 46-year old woman to be lying on the ground in a public place with her camera, shooting what probably appeared to be an ordinary expanse of green grass. In an instant, my camera unwittingly transported me out of the realm of caring about what someone else (might have) thought, and into a surreal place of great beauty and peace. For this, I am grateful.
"The 2019 Pouilly-Fuissé Pastoral has an attractive bouquet: white peach and honeysuckle, flecks of white chocolate and almond. The palate is very well balanced with tangy Clementine and orange rind notes on the entry. There is plenty of energy locked inside this Pouilly-Fuissé, so spicy on the aftertaste that your tongue will be tingling for 30+ second afterwards. Superb."
"Recently bought one of your competitors 25ft 14/3 extension cord. Under even 12 amp load, both ends got very warm and hotter over the day. Before it fatigued enough to cause a fire, I replaced it with one of yours. Under the same load, i'm happy to say yours was barely even noticeably warm even after hours. The bright orange color is a plus also! Great cord and highly recommend!"
The City of Little Rock Procurement Division is a centralized procurement office that has the responsibility to locate and secure materials, supplies, equipment, and related services as required by various Departments within the City of Little Rock. The City of Little Rock Procurement Division is an active member of the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) and the Arkansas Chapter of NIGP. Purchasing and Bid Opportunities If you are a business owner that would like to be added to a database used by The City of Little Rock purchasers when looking for goods and services, please register through the City of Little Rock's Procurement Portal. When registering, businesses are strongly encouraged to select their NIGP commodity /service codes in order to receive email notifications from the city of opportunities that match their services. Established vendor login New Vendor Registration OPEN PUBLIC BID OPPOrtunities Awarded Bid Tabulations Doing Business with The City of Little Rock The City of Little Rock uses an online bidding platform (LRProcure) to solicit quotes and post bid notices. Registered vendors are automatically notified when a solicitation matches their selected goods or services. Rules governing purchasing and contract procedures were established under the concept of open bidding; and in accordance with applicable laws, statutes, and ordinances. Purchase awards are made to the lowest responsible vendor who meets City of Little Rock specifications and has the capacity to deliver the product or service. The City of Little Rock only receives bid responses through the City's Procurement Portal. No paper or email bids will be accepted. Contracts The City of Little Rock Government’s default terms for competitively-bid contracts are for one year with a maximum of two (2) one-year renewals for a total of three (3) years. Approval of Contracts & Bids Contracts and Purchases exceeding $35,000 are approved by the City Manager, and Purchases over $50,000 are approved by Little Rock's Board of Directors. BID TYPES: Request for Proposal (RFP) - A formal competitive negotiation procurement method for obtaining goods, services, and construction in which discussion and negotiations may be conducted with responsible proposers who submit responsive proposals. The process concludes with the award of a contract to the proposer whose offer is in the best interest for the City of Little Rock. Request for Qualifications (RFQ) - A formal solicitation that asks potential suppliers or vendors to detail their background and experience providing a specific good or service. In this case, the buyer is only concerned about the vendor’s skills and experience. Often, this response is called a statement of qualifications or SOQ. Negotiations and interviews will be conducted with responsible proposers who submit responsive proposals before award. The process concludes with the award of a contract to the proposer whose is deemed most qualified. Invitation To Bid (ITB) – A formal competitive sealed bidding method where the award is made on the basis of the lowest bid price or the lowest evaluated bid price. Invitation to Quote (ITQ) – An informal solicitation of quotes for goods and/or services that do not exceed the city’s small purchase threshold of $35,000. Request for Information (RFI) - A formal process for gathering information from potential suppliers of a good or service. An RFI is typically the first and most broad series of requests intended to narrow down a list of potential vendor candidates. Responses are only used to gather information, instead of awarding purchases or contracts.
Chaka is a fictionalised account of the life of the C19th Zulu king Shaka. It’s unusually early for an African novel, originally published in 1925 but existing in manuscript in some form as early as 1910. I wasn’t entirely looking forward to reading it. It has started to really bother me when those who rose to power and built empires through force are presented as Great Men, as admirable or heroic. Qin Shi Huang, Alexander the Great, Napoleon: these men were ruthless megalomaniacs who glorified themselves through the misery of others. But we are fascinated by power, and there’s never a shortage of people who are willing to read history through rose-tinted bifocals. Hell, the Russians are even doing their best to rehabilitate Stalin. I assumed that Chaka would do the same; but part of the reason I enjoyed it so much is that, on the contrary, its portrayal of Shaka is absolutely excoriating. He is presented as a handsome man of great courage and physical and military prowess; but also as capricious, cruel, violent and terrifyingly, unswervingly power-hungry. In fact the scale of his violence, against his own people as well as his enemies, would seem ridiculously exaggerated, if you’d never heard of Stalin, or Mao, or Idi Amin. Which isn’t to say that the novel is historically accurate. It doesn’t even pretend to be; it’s told very much in a mythic, folkloric style rather than a historically realist one, and it takes substantial liberties with the history for the sake of telling a good story, to the point of inventing major characters — including Chaka’s love interest and a sorcerer who provides him with his power. His life story is tweaked and manipulated to bring out the themes of ambition and power, and present him with decisions which are loaded with symbolic resonance. I would normally shy away from comparing a writer to Shakespeare — just too much baggage — but as a piece of myth-making based freely on a historical source, it really reminds me of Macbeth or King Lear. I wasn’t immediately gripped by it, but as the action ramped up and Chaka developed into a more and more extreme character, I thought it was electrifying. Chaka is my book from Lesotho for the Read The World challenge; a quick hat-tip to the translator, Daniel P. Kunene. » The Chaka Print cloth ticket is from Trevira’s collection of cloth tickets on Flickr. She explains: These large gummed labels – known as cloth tickets – were attached to bales of printed cotton cloth for export from Britain (read ‘Manchester’ in many cases). They were designed by British artists who depended on information from company agents in the various territories for subjects that were intended to be appealing for their markets.
(2015) Alc 12.5%. 100% Pinot Noir. No oak, but kept on lees to add a little richness. Proper Pinot nose, which is delicately floral but hints at the truffle and bracken, whilst also showing plenty of summer berries. Those berries on the palate too, but bags of flavour, bags of fruit sweetness before a clear, dry, tangy lemon zest finish.
Batya’s message about the failure of modern “journalism” is focused on Experiential Education. She tirelessly repeats that journalism was previously a TRADE, learned on the job. Since the Watergate Coup journalism has been a THEORETICAL ABSTRACTION learned in grad school. I’ve been tirelessly repeating the same historical switch in the field of science. The change happened earlier in science. Before the switchover, scientists and inventors worked in real life, trying to solve real problems systematically. After the switch, scientists became competitive theorists, developing crazier and crazier GENOCIDAL abstractions to serve the purposes of lunatic imperialist GENOCIDAL governments. The career of Alphia Hart illustrated the earlier style of journalism. He started work at 14 as a printers devil on a local paper, and soon moved up to editing the paper, then moved to bigger papers. Damon Runyan, who I finally looked up last week, also fits the old model. He quit school after the 4th grade and started working at newspapers. His literary inventiveness was famous. He didn’t become inventive in grad school, he became inventive by WRITING. This shouldn’t be a fucking mystery. It’s simple arithmetic. People who start work at 14 have a 10-year head start on people who start work at 24. The late starters aren’t learning anything useful in high school or college; often they’re DELEARNING even on the factual level. They’re just losing a decade of REAL learning. One possible bright spot: Substack is trying to resume OJT in literature. Substack is explicitly a training site for writers. Most of their resources are aimed at the needs of new writers, not the needs of readers. Initially I was annoyed at the hidden ‘masthead’ and the difficulty of finding subjects. After reading the ‘masthead’ for a while, I can see the purpose so I’m less frustrated.
Diagram of the Senate Floor from the Congressional Directory of the U.S. Congress, 49th Congress, 2nd Session, 1887. The U.S. Senate Clerk's Desk is located in the center of the semicircle, in front of the Vice President's desk, labeled "V.P.".
Sometimes the best designs are the simplest ones! Check out these 10 minimalist designs that are sure to match the simple, yet pleasing aesthetic you're looking for!
U.S. rare earths miners have discovered a new mineral that can enhance the ability to repel Bipedal Hominoids. This mineral can be ground up microscopically and be delivered via aersol dispersal.
Adrian Mendoza began his journey in education teaching English learners (adults and children) in Monterrey, Mexico, more than 12 years ago, where he discovered his passion for education. When he moved to Texas to teach 5th Grade in a bilingual classroom, he understood the importance of the language and the culture in order to inspire students to become contributing members of our society. Adrian previously worked as an Instructional Math Coach in San Marcos CISD, and has a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership from Texas State University. His commitment leads him to innovate in the education area, and his present action research project is about the importance of Building Mathematical Growth Mindset Communities. Adrian has provided Professional Development to educators for more than 5 years in the areas of Bilingual Education, Math, Science, Technology, and Student Engagement, working with teachers and parents in United States, Mexico, and Costa Rica. { Excellent training – teachers were positive about what they learned! { Adrian was GREAT! We would have him back in a heartbeat! His passion and enthusiasm is contagious! { Adrian Mendoza was phenomenal. Our teachers took away a lot of new strategies from him and our administration was very satisfied. He is personable and makes things practical. He is flexible and easy to reach- very responsive. I am so excited to have his services this year, and our other buildings are starting to become more interested- so I see a future and long-term partnership with Seidlitz services in our district. Featured In June 17, 2020 • Seidlitz Education Blog • “…Jo Boaler is conducting research on mathematics, mistakes, and growth mindset with Stanford University professors Carol Dweck and Greg Walton. Reading their research has been eye opening for me in understanding the importance of growth mindset in mathematics, giving me the awareness that everybody can learn math at high levels…”
A haven for whisky lovers, The Balmoral hotel’s respect for the amber dram is evident. Our oak-panelled SCOTCH Bar is entirely dedicated to the spirit and counts over 500 varieties amongst its collection; at its helm is Cameron Ewen, Bar Manager and Senior Whisky Ambassador. To celebrate Whisky Month, the knowledgeable connoisseur shares some of the lesser-known facts about the traditional spirit: 1. Historically, whisky would have been a clear spirit. The malt spirit runs from the stills clear. This would have been how people consumed the drink until the 1840s when we started exporting. Casks were used to transport bulk quantities and it was noticed that the cask softened out the spirit and made it more complex, adding colour to the spirit. After this, whisky started to be matured in casks before sale. 2. In Scotland we lose about 81 bottles of whisky an hour. No, not through clumsiness or forgetfulness, but due to the natural evaporation whilst whisky is being matured. This phenomenon is known locally as the ‘Angel's Share’. There are 10 million casks maturing in Scotland and each of these will lose around 2% of its quantity annually. 3. Whisky production is on the rise. And not just by already established companies, either. In Scotland we have seen 120 distilleries licenced to produce whisky. Within the next five years we could see that figure exceed 150. We are also seeing expansions from distilleries like Glenfiddich, Glenlivet and Macallan who have or plan to double their production capacity very soon. 4. Some of Scotland's most well-known names began their careers as grocers. John Walker and The Chivas brothers both owned grocers and developed a skill for blending through the blending of tea. This was transferable to whisky and as their shops started to sell more spirits, the household names Johnnie Walker and Chivas Regal were born. These two brands would go on to be two of the best-known names in Scotch whisky. 5. The old adage ‘whisky should be served neat’ is changing. More and more whisky brands are encouraging consumers to experiment with their whisky, offering Perfect Serves – different glassware, accompaniments and quantities of ice. Whisky should be enjoyed however you like it! Enjoy your next whisky at SCOTCH, our world-class whisky bar at The Balmoral, home to over 500 Scottish varieties, or treat a whisky-lover to our 100 Years of Whisky experience with a gift voucher redeemable over 15 months.
Since healthcare is getting costlier day by day and the primary medication starts from Home itself. There are many Home Remedies to Lower Blood Sugar. But as an Ayurvedic alternative, we give Sugar Knocker , a Best Ayurvedic Herbs for Diabetes. It is one of the Best Home Remedies to reduce Blood Sugar. It has multiple ingredients, which are Home Remedies to Reduce Sugar Levels, and the best thing is anyone can consume it. Sugar Knocker is personally recommended by Dr. B M Hegde ,who is a renowned Diabetes expert. It has all the Ayurvedic Herbs for Diabetes. Prediabetes or Post diabetes, anyone can consume it to control the sugar levels. One has a lot of Home Remedies for Diabetes, but choosing the Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes has always been tricky. Sugar Knocker solves all these problems and easily your Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes available there in the market with Zero side effects. One doesn’t need to know which Types of Diabetes he/she is suffering from. Just if you see the Diabetes Symptoms in men or in women then you can start consuming it or even if you don’t have diabetes then you can consume it as well. It is the Best Ayurveda for diabetes one can have because It has all the Herbal ingredients for Diabetes. Thus, safely I can say that Sugar Knocker is the Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Sugar Control
Tuning flags in the notes sections of the full disclosures can be cryptic. The files below, which are provided by the submitters of the results, will help explain the features used for each result. Further information about the particulars of any flags can be obtained directly from the tester. These descriptions have been submitted to SPEC; see the disclaimer before studying any disclosures. Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory - SUN-20040415.html 2004-04-19 12:43 1.7K Naming Convention The file names are in the form of TESTER-[Optional SYSTEM or OS Identifier]-YYYYMMDD.txt where TESTER is the name of the tester, and YYYYMMDD represents the year, month, and day that that tester provided the flag description. Because a single flag description is often used for a number of results often over a period of months, the best way to select the correct flag descriptions is to look for the most recent file from the appropriate tester that is near or prior to the Test Date listed near the top of the results page(s).
Last time we met, I promised to dig in deeper on what American Art is, since it’s more than just paintings of horses, ships with sails, or men holding swords staring off into the distance. Art world “insiders” and academics might be unimpressed with this series as Art History 101 survey courses move into more… Read More Art Matters January 10, 2021 February 22, 2021 American Art Isn’t What Men like Jack Donaghy Want it to Be Well, it is paintings of horses and ships with sails, but it’s also many other things. I created this space to drag out the small moments and long-standing traditions that seemed beyond question. We consider and investigate how things that are “how it’s always been” came to be that way. At times it can feel… Read More Art Matters Museum Mechanics Resource Round Up December 28, 2020 December 19, 2021 Teachable 2020 In 2019 I visited 27 museums. This is the first year I haven’t spent at least one day of my holiday break visiting a museum for as far back as I can remember. In 2020, I visited 4 museums, and Museum Drip was born in the vacuum. In the absence of critiquing label copy and… Read More Museum Mechanics December 13, 2020 February 22, 2021 C.R.E.A.M.: Museums, Money and Accessibility If you’ve not yet entered the Wu, lest you think that this is a song about the get-money lifestyle and touting the joys of capitalism, I’ll tell you right up front that C.R.E.A.M. is a reflection on the unfairness of systemic racism and poverty that keeps certain people down while lifting others up. Wtih this… Read More Resource Round Up November 23, 2020 February 22, 2021 Native American Heritage Month is Every Month: Resource Round Up November is officially Native American Heritage Month in the United States. The first official legislation recognizing this dates to the George H. W. Bush administration in 1990. In recent years, there has been much conversation about celebrating Indigenous Peoples’ Day in October, replacing “Columbus Day,” which was designated as a federal holiday in 1937. Although… Read More Uncategorized November 15, 2020 November 22, 2021 Can You Explain this to Me?: Nicole Byer and Museum Interpretation How much do you know about Star Wars? If the answer is very little, do you have any desire to know more? Probably not? Do you find yourself cornered by people who want to explain to you WHY YOU SHOULD? Does that make you want to know more about it? No? Yeah. Now, substitute “Star… Read More Art Matters November 1, 2020 February 22, 2021 Do We Have to Make it Political? Nearly every time I speak about art to adults, at least one individual in the group makes this comment. Notably, not so much from kids. If I tell kids that Hudson River School painters wanted to preserve the environment but they also edited out indigenous people, kids are like, yas bitch, let me go draw… Read More Art Matters October 19, 2020 November 21, 2021 Soldiers, Don’t Give Yourselves to Brutes: Retaining Our Humanity with Art Would you prefer to live in a community with or without public art? (And no lol I don’t mean monuments to mediocre white men.) What impression does a town leave on you when you come across bright and colorful murals? Architectural features designed by artists instead of solely for function? How do you think about… Read More Museum Mechanics October 5, 2020 February 22, 2021 Museums Got Expensive Habits My intention for my next post was to write about why the arts and their repositories are worth defending. However, I believe my audience largely lies outside of the museum field and that some folks might want a crash course in why people want to burn museums down in the first place. I think we… Read More Art Matters September 21, 2020 February 22, 2021 Is Everyone Over the Statues? In June of 2020, in the weeks following the murder of George Floyd and the spark of unrest against police violence and brutality against marginalized American citizens, I felt bolstered and energized, living through a classic regime-changing scene: the toppling of statues that represented the old world order throughout the country. It was such a…
Hey Good Look'n Salon is proud to be a part of the community. We participate with non-profit organizations to help raise money for medical conditions and Cancer patients. Watch for some of our events and please join us! Below are some websites and a brief description of what they are about. Check them out! The Health Alliance Guild A group of highly motivated volunteers who are passionate and committed to supporting the best health care possible close to home. We hope you will join with us to foster better health for our community.
The 18th edition of the Via Flaminia is subtitled because we imagine ourselves as a Corsican warlord for a week and are going to relive the adventures of Asterix and Obelix. Not fleeing by foot from the Romans, but driving comfortably in our classics on winding roads with beautiful views. Looking for delicious dishes with local wines in the company of the other participants. Experience true Corsica. Wann 01 - 08 Oktober 2022 (8 Tage) Anmeldeschluss 01 June 2022 (geschlossen) Veranstaltungsort Grand Hotel Palazzo Viale Italia 195 57127 Livorno ITALY Kategorie Rallye, Tour Kontakt +31622348661 (Fon) +31622348661 (Mobile) Via Flaminia - Corsica 2 We spend the night in a variety of hotels, usually on the coast but also in the mountains. And even have an afternoon off. Each hotel has a swimming pool, so drive the route right in one go. Then you will enjoy it longer. You can register for the tour or sports class. In the tour class you drive approximately 850 kilometers. In the sports class you drive 100 kilometers more and there are also some special exercises. We will only inform you on that the day itself. That is part of the sport. If desired, we can arrange the transport of your car from the Netherlands to Pisa airport. From there it is a half hour drive to our first hotel, Grand Hotel Palazzo in Livorno. Its grand, but also very stylish. You will experience the great advantage of this hotel the next day, as it is only a ten minute drive to the ferry. And every minute counts if you have to check in no later than 6.30 am! You can take breakfast and lunch on the four and a half hour crossing to Bastia. Arriving in Corsica, we drive along a spectacular coastal road to the Hostellerie de l’Abbaye. A former monastery in Calvi. Here we spend two nights. The next day we drive through olive groves and head into the mountains for our first pass. On Tuesday we drive through Corsica’s highest mountain pass on the famous D84. It is quite an experience. Don’t forget to look at the villages that seem to be glued to the mountain. We arrive in a charming hotel located in the middle of the mountains in the Parc Naturel of Haute Corse. We continue our way to a vineyard in Aléria. There we enjoy a tour with accompanying tasting and lunch. In the afternoon there is an easy road to Port Vecchio, once a haven for pirates. Haven’t Asterix and Obelix been here too? Here the group is divided into two hotels, where we comfortably stay two nights. They are only a 2-minute walk from each other. And upon arrival we have dinner together in one of the hotels. Thursday morning we tour the coastal area. Our tour ends in Bonifacio which is conspicuously built on a rock and offers numerous restaurants on the art side. Here we leave you free for the rest of the day. Would you like to discover Bonifacio, enjoy the hotel or visit Porto Vecchio? Perhaps the three of them. And already it is the last rally day. We move from the East to the West coast. We start in the mountains and drive past authentic Corsican villages, before lowering our way to the sea. That is where we enjoy lunch. Thereafter we take our last leg through the lowlands on to the capital Ajaccio. We spend our last evening in Hotel Cala di Sole. On this last evening we will have closing dinner with awards ceremony. You can dress up as or one of the other Asterix and Obelix comic book friends. That is appreciated in several respects. Saturday morning after breakfast the rally is over. You may stay longer on the island or take one of the ferries to France. Alternatively you may drive a 3 hour scenic drive to Bastia where, in the afternoon, the ferry will bring you back to Livorno. This is the preferred option for this who have arranged transport back from Italy to The Netherlands. As always, the Via Flaminia is a relaxed rally where the competition serves the atmosphere, winning is not a goal in itself. There is enough time for a cup of coffee or a photo. No time limit. Classification is done by navigation and the competition for last place sometimes is fierce. There is a Sport class for the more competitive participants. There are 28 spaces for cars up to 1982. The rally is all inclusive and includes breakfast, most lunches and dinner, wine and soft drinks. An exception is one of the dinners in Calvi where you can go out on yourself and for your own expense. For practical reasons, meals on the ferries are at your own expense as well. One ferry crossings is included in the price, as well as a service car during the whole rally. Of course we hope that after all vaccinations, Covid will no longer play a role in 2022. But the virus has surprised us before. If we have to cancel the rally due to these kinds of circumstances, we will refund your entry fee minus the costs already incurred. You will find further details on the registration form.
Bible Text: Colossians 3:1-4, 9-11, 22-25, 4:1 | Preacher: Todd Chipman | Since our union with Christ and the church extends into our employment (Col 3:1-4, 9-11), we are free to work beyond our job description (Col 3:22-25) and above concerns for the bottom line (Col 4:1).
Marie had her knickers removed, bet you weren't thinking his prick would be catapulting up your pussy so hard. hearing the 'commotion' we just managed to catch john in the hurry up drains as he fucked her. the dudden hill fuck club.
I'm finishing up a big project for a client, so I'll be unplugging for a week to complete the last stretch. See you next Friday. Posted by the author at 7:00 AM 1 comment: Labels: off to write Monday, January 23, 2017 Map Me Literature Map is a reader recommendation generator that seems to work off what readers authors share, and I'll quote here: "The more people like an author and another author, the closer together these two authors will move on the Literature-Map." Ah, vanity, thy name is byline. I didn't think mine would even register on it, but lo and behold: (My map is a bit bigger than this, but I couldn't fit it all on the blog and have it readable.) Some PBW trivia: Judith Ivory and I belonged to the same RWA chapter way back when I was rookie, and we talked a couple of times, mostly about gardening. She's a lovely and very kind lady, and I probably share only one reader with her, but I'll take it. I laughed when I saw Rob Thurman's name (not pictured) since I never imagined we'd share readers. I'm also a little startled by how many names I didn't recognize, but I guess that's because I don't read much genre fiction these days. Must remedy that. I nicked this generator link from author Sara Donati, who has a very interesting map of her own and blog post about it here. Posted by the author at 7:00 AM 3 comments: Labels: authors, generators Friday, January 20, 2017 Writing 2017 I spotted this multi-sub op over in the Paying Markets forum at "We are a horror fiction magazine open to submissions! This will be for our April Issue, both in Print and on Kindle. It is our second issue. Our Featured Author for this issue is Jack Ketchum. We'll be open for about a month! Pay for Short Stories is $50 plus a print copy. As an added bonus, we do not maintain copyrights over your work. As soon as we publish, the rights return to you. We also accept: Poetry Flash Fiction Creative Non-Fiction And, if you'd like to review, there may be a spot open for that as well. Visit us to find out more! We have a bunch of shenanigans going on! Instantly reverting rights and shenanigans are always good things in my POV, so you horror writers should check it out. We're already past the middle of January, which leaves eleven months and eleven days to write in 2017. My count for the month is already 55K, so I feel like I've started as I mean to go on, and I need to. I'm currently working out with the clients what I will write for the next eight months, and beyond that I've been reserved to write until December, so there's even more to do before 2017 wraps. Working out a writing schedule for an entire year can seem daunting, especially for the organically minded, but it's really just a matter of deciding what you want to do and how much time you want to devote to it. Most pros eventually figure out what they can comfortably/reliably produce, and (unless they're superstars who can do whatever they like and still make millions) map their time out accordingly so they know what and how much to pitch in advance. Here are some tips to help you plan your 2017 writing year: Calculate your daily count: Write at a pace that's good for you for a week or a month, and keep track of your total wordcount. Divide the total by the number of days it took you to write that, and you'll learn your daily count, or how much you can write in a day. This should allow you to calculate how long it will take you to finish any project. Get a writing calendar or planner: 2017 Calendars are super cheap right now, and devoting one strictly to your writing schedule will keep all your plans and quotas in one place. You can also use a digital version on your computer or your phone. Factor in time off: Unless you live by yourself, write seven days a week, and never leave the house, there will be days when you can't/won't write, so it's a good idea to know when your holidays, family events, vacations, etc. land on your year. Mark these on your writing calendar first so you can see them while you're scheduling your writing time. Allow recharging space: Try to take a little time off from writing every month to allow the well to refill, recharge your creative batteries, etc. This month I'm taking only be a couple of days, but next month I've reserved a weekend for fun and two days to attend the county quilt show. Have a reward system for making your goals: I get paid by the clients when I finish their projects, but that's my income. I've found that having a little reward to look forward to helps keep me motivated, so I make a point to give myself one every time I do make those goals. Rewards don't have to be big or expensive things, but they should be something you really like. For example, last week I took my daughter out for lunch at a neat Japanese restaurant we both like, and this pic is the bento box lunch I had, which was a delicious reward. Are you going to schedule your writing year? Got any tips to share? Let us know in comments. Posted by the author at 12:46 PM 2 comments: Labels: sub ops, the writing life Monday, January 16, 2017 Independence Over the last couple of weeks I've heard a lot about the closure of All Romance ebooks, which has evidently is going to cost a lot of writers overdue royalty payments. I don't know enough about the facts or circumstances to comment on what happened, but any time writers end up losing money they earned I sympathize. I hope everyone affected by this manages to recover and find new and more reliable venues for their work. As a freelancer I had to part ways with a client who offered to pay me royalties instead of my contracted fee. I accept only flat fee work from my clients, one project at a time, payable on delivery. Until I get paid for the last finished project I don't do any new work, either, which keeps my risk minimal. This also makes my income reliable, and keeps both sides honest and happy. As much as I liked my former client, I am an independent contractor now. I have no desire to go back to hoping I get a royalty check and that the figures are authentic. My line of work is not a gold mine; I don't make income ad infinitum with flat-fee, on-delivery, per-project contracts. I sign over all rights to the work to the client, so there are zero royalties. When the work is done, I'm paid in full, I'm finished, and I move on to the next project. These are some of the reasons that writing for hire is not for everyone. You have to go into the project knowing that once it's finished, it belongs to the client entirely. I'm fine with that (I prefer it to byline work, actually) but for some writers this can be very difficult. How you profit off the success of writer for hire work is by repeat business. What makes money for your clients creates more new jobs for you. Once you have a list of regular clients who will pay you well to continue writing for them, your income stabilizes. That means you don't have to hunt for new clients or go for weeks or months with no money coming in. It doesn't happen overnight -- it took me two years to build my client list -- but if you're picky, and only work on projects that interest you with people who inspire and respect you, you can make a decent, reliable living. There are other benefits, too. A freelance writer doesn't have to pay 15% to an agent to get work, or wait months on an editor in NY to make a contract offer, or wonder when royalties will be paid, or if they're even accurate. If you go flat-fee only, as I have, you don't have to deal with royalties at all. In time you can even forecast your income by advance bookings; mine presently stretch to the end of 2017. I'm not being smug about that, either -- I've worked very hard at making this gig work, but there's always plenty of competition out there. As a freelancer you have to keep giving your clients the best you can, or they will dump you for someone better. Sometimes taking a different direction can change everything, too. All I ever really care about is the writing, and making a living from it. I have always written very fast, and once the work is done, I always want to move onto the next thing, too. That's why writing for hire was a perfect fit for me; I just didn't realize it until I left traditional publishing and went 100% freelance. So if you're starting out, or considering making a radical change as I did, first think about what you want, and what you're willing to do for it. Posted by the author at 7:00 AM 4 comments: Labels: writer for hire Friday, January 13, 2017 Off to Write I'm taking off today to work on a project for a client. See you on Monday. Posted by the author at 7:00 AM No comments: Labels: off to work Monday, January 09, 2017 Notebooking 2017 This year I'm trying a different approach to keeping track of my progress with personal and business projects. Instead of keeping a regular journal, a writing idea journal, a business journal, a quilt journal and a weight loss journal, I'm keeping notes on everything in this one notebook. So far it's worked pretty well. It saves time, as I don't have to switch between journals to check on something else. I won't misplace the notebook because I carry it around with me all day whatever I'm doing. I can also schedule ahead with more confidence because everything is in one spot. I've never journaled like this, so it feels a little weird, but I figures I'd give it a couple months and see if it works better than my old system. Right now I haven't planned any of my schedule except for work, my weight loss finish line, and a family visit in March, but I'd like to put some full-month pages or dated bullet lists in the notebook so I can look at the entire month in advance. 2017 already feels like I should be keeping things open and flexible, too, so I plan to save at least one day a week as an anything-goes spot. In between all the work, family and home stuff I'm also tinkering in the notebook on my secret project for 2017, which makes it a little more fun. How are you dealing with 2017? Planning or no planning? Any tips on how to keep on track? Let us know in comments. Posted by the author at 7:44 PM 5 comments: Labels: journaling, notebooks, organization Friday, January 06, 2017 Sub Op I spotted this interesting antho open call over at the Paying Market forum at "Copper Pen Press is currently seeking submissions of high-quality fiction for Freakshow: Freakishly Fascinating Tales of Mystery and Suspense, a forthcoming short story anthology set within the world of a traveling circus, carnival or freak show. Writers can spin their yarns in the past, present, or future. We are looking for dark, twisted and unusual mysteries with dark, twisted and unusual characters. We want that “holy shit!” factor. No splatterpunk. No erotica. No fantasy. No horror – that is, not yet. We will be launching our horror imprint soon. Payment: $50/story plus a contributor’s copy for non-exclusive rights. Submission Guidelines Submit only finished, non-published, original stories, between 2K and 7K words. We do not accept snail-mail submissions. Your submission package must be e-mailed to This e-mail address should be used for no other purpose. Include the title of the story and author name in the Subject box. The manuscript should be attached, formatted as a .doc or .docx (Microsoft Word) on 8-1/2 x 11-inch paper, double spaced with one-inch margins. Use Times New Roman 12-point font. Number all pages, beginning to end, in the header. The header should also include the author’s name and title of the story. Do not type this information on each page. Use the header function of your software. Attach a second file with a short bio, your legal name, all pen names in use, your complete publishing history, and contact information including complete mailing address, e-mail, telephone and social media info. We will not take phone calls or emails regarding the status of your manuscript. We will respond to your submission once it has been read, whether we are interested in publishing it or not. Simultaneous submissions are permitted. If you have accepted a contract with another publisher, or wish to remove your manuscript from submission, you may contact us by email at Submissions usually take 4 to 8 weeks for a response. We will not send critiques. Deadline – October, 31, 2016" Posted by the author at 11:36 AM No comments: Labels: sub op Monday, January 02, 2017 Book of the Month & Year My pick for December's book of the month is Someone to Love by Mary Balogh, the first novel in her new Westcott series. The author starts it off with a huge plot twist right in the beginning of the book, which sets the stage for some amazing storytelling. When the Earl of Riverdale dies, he leaves behind a secret as well as a fabulous fortune. His widow learns that her husband provided financial support for Anna Snow, an orphan girl in Bath, whom everyone assumes is the earl's illegitimate daughter. Now a teacher at the orphanage, Anna is summoned to London by the earl's attorney. I won't spoil the surprise, but that's when things then go BOOM. Anna also has more surprises in store after she meets the new earl's guardian, Avery Archer, the Duke of Netherby. Avery seems like nothing more than a little, foppish kind of guy; not at all hero material. Wait for it, because he's one of the most interesting male protagonists Mary has written in a long time. You'll be cheering for him and Anna by the end of the novel. I really enjoyed this romance, and I can't wait to jump on Someone to Hold, the next book in the series, which should be released in March. It was very tough to pick the book of the year. I read 104 books for pleasure in 2016, and the majority of them were terrific. I discovered new-to-me authors I will be collecting, and rediscovered some old favorites that still delivered the magic. I made my choice based on the one book that I thought about for the longest time, and recommended most often to others. It's the third novel in an indy published series that has from the beginning impressed me to no end. I think this installment delivers even more than I expected after the promise of the first book and the intrigue of the second. It's my #1 book for 2016 for so many other reasons, too. The story is very well-written, adventurous, and packs a wallop of a plot. The characters were already pretty fabulous, but now they're growing up and developing into people whom I want to read about for a very long time. This book takes me back, too. Science fiction used to be wonderful when I was a kid; I buried myself in books by A.M. Lightner and Edmund Cooper and René Barjavel. Unlike most of the literary nihilistic techfests no one even wants to call science fiction these days, the SF of my teens offered journeys you actually wanted to take. The stories whisked you off to an incredible new future with problems you wanted to solve while you got to know amazing characters in fantastic settings. I miss all that, and the hope that came from those books. They didn't spit on the future or the reader; they entertained and inspired us. They were the stories that helped us deal with the troubles in the present, and made us want to be better people when we grew up. If that makes me terminally uncool so be it. For all these reasons LJ Cohen's Dreadnought and Shuttle is my book of the year for 2016. You can read my write up about it here.
So you can complete the program, we find they much easier not to ever initiate initially. As an alternative, it may seem sensible so you’re able to disregard in the future on the PPP Plan Good Worksheet now into web page 4 of one’s application. You’ll want to assess details about employees’ times and you can earnings into the order in order to connect one recommendations returning to the application. • Were utilized by the new Borrower any kind of time area when you look at the shielded months secured period whose principal place of home is from the United states; and you may • Obtained payment regarding the Debtor at an enthusiastic annualized speed of shorter than simply otherwise equivalent to $a hundred,000 for all spend attacks in the 2019 otherwise weren’t functioning of the Debtor at any reason for 2019. (Note: Other team have been in the next desk.) Go into Dollars Payment: Enter the amount of disgusting income, terrible earnings, terrible information, disgusting commissions, paid back leave (trips, household members, scientific or ill leave, not including log off covered by new Household Basic Coronavirus Reaction Operate), and you will allowances to possess dismissal otherwise breakup paid otherwise obtain for the secured months. Important: The application form describes that: “For each and every personal staff member, the quantity of dollars compensation entitled to forgiveness will most likely not go beyond a yearly salary out of $a hundred,000, given that prorated into the safeguarded months. To have an 8-month Safeguarded Period, one to complete are $fifteen,385. For an excellent twenty-four-week Secured Several months, one full try $46,154. Mediocre FTE: Before we talked about calculating FTE. The application states: “Which exercise the typical complete-date equivalency (FTE) in Secure Several months. Each staff, enter the mediocre amount of instances paid each week, split from the 40, and you will across complete toward nearby 10th. Maximum for each and every worker is actually capped during the step 1.0. A simplistic method one assigns a 1.0 for personnel who work forty era or more weekly and you can 0.5 for staff who work less times may be used in the this new election of one’s Borrower.” Might you comprehend the gray container into the Desk step 1 on the software (webpage cuatro) you to definitely says “FTE Cures Exceptions?” This might be fundamentally in which you identify employees just who could not or would not go back to work so that you (ideally) are not punished with a reduction in forgiveness. People positions wherein the Debtor produced an effective-believe, created offer to help you rehire a person who try a member of staff towards the as well as the Borrower is actually unable to hire furthermore licensed staff getting unfilled ranks into or in advance of , to possess an effective PPP financing created before or (b) the very last day’s the fresh new Safeguarded Months, to possess a PPP mortgage produced once ; Any ranks in which this new Debtor produced a beneficial-trust, written give to change one lack of days, in one salary or wages, from inside the Secure Period and staff refuted the offer, and you can Any professionals whom from inside the Shielded Several months have been fired having produce, (b) willingly retired, or (c) willingly requested and you will received a reduced total of the period. In most of those circumstances, is these FTEs about this range only if the career is perhaps not occupied of the a separate employee. Rehiring “Safe Harbor” Calculations Due to background, new CARES Work and you can PPP Flexibility Operate offer “safe ports” that enable businesses to prevent a decrease in forgiveness. Quite simply, decreases from inside the employees and you may/otherwise earnings would not usually end up in a reduction in forgiveness in the event the these types of requirements installment loans Alaska was met. FTE Reduction Safe Harbor Because of background, you do not end up being punished for cutting headcount or wages inside the specific issues. A couple independent secure slots excused particular borrowers out-of any loan forgiveness reduction considering a reduction in FTE staff member accounts:
Ideal for thick, porous, frizzy and damaged hair. Thanks to the proteins of milk and wheat restores beauty, silkiness and brightness of the hair without weighing it down. USEFUL TO Make hair easier to handle and give softness. Help the management of the hedgehog and eliminate the frizz effect. MILK PROTEINS Milk proteins improve the manageability of hair, moisturize, give shine and body to the hair nourishing the fiber in depth. Thanks to the presence of fundamental amino acids, strengthen and repair the keratin fiber. WHEAT PROTEINS Wheat proteins are also known as phytokeratins, give body and hydration to the hair. They have volumizing and shining action, repair damaged keratin fiber by uniforming the stems cuticles. Project navigation PreviousPrevious project:Sweet | OIL NON OILNextNext project:Moon | ANTI – AGE MASK 52zone s.r.l. | Corso Inghilterra 12 12084 Mondovì (CN) | Tel.+39 345 9455740 P.Iva 03735750048 |
In the middle of May 2022, during their Version Room residency at Circa 106, Heike Kati Barath, Lui Kohlmann and Julian Hespenheide transformed the gallery space into an open invitation to encounter chance and choice from three different perspectives. Between the three different components, a Projection-Animation, a Software Oracle and anthropomorphic life forms, common themes of repetition, randomness and selection were shared. The exhibition Chance and Choice is the result of the collaboration between Heike Kati Barath, Lui Kohlmann and Julian Hespenheide where the three explored the motif of randomness, selection and choice. In her component “A portrait of some-no-one” for The Dynamic Archive, Heike Kati Barath, encourages visitors of the archive to change, draw, add, reflect, print, scan, make it move or make it what you want. look for a portrait. Her work is a vast array of smaller components, drawn and in text form, that can be re-arranged to form new output. In the Circa106 space, Kati showed, for the fist time in an exhibition context, her video animation instead of her paintings and drawings. Lui Kohlmann and Julian Hespenheide took Kati’s invitation to form versions of the original component. “A portrait of some quadropods” is Lui’s contribution. She created anthropomorphic life forms, so-called Quadropods, gave them shapes and new forms of expression and transferred them from the archive to the real life as a small of archive of artefacts. Julian’s version of the component is called “Stochastic Oracle”. It takes in the contours and eyes of the original component as a sort of database and combines it with randomness to permutate outcomes for the future. Texts that are generated from the software are tightly bound to I Ching (the Book of Changes) a chinese divination manual for cleromancy. Chance and Choice is the fifth installment of the Program Version Room related to the project The Dynamic Archive in the space of Circa 106.
Get Control and Confidence in your Dancing with this Arm Styling Course In this course, you will learn to have great arm styling. Just like footwork, steps and body action, you... Teacher Tytus and Liwen Students: 21 Students Add to cart $149.00 Rumba Technique Essentials June 18, 2018 / No Comments Do you struggle with making your Rumba powerful, elegant and sexy? Tytus' easy to follow system is the best way to improve the technique of your feet, ankles, legs, hips,...
About us: Our first trip to Kauai was in 2008, and we instantly fell in love with the laid back, friendly island atmosphere this gorgeous paradise has to offer. This photo of us was taken just a few feet in front of the condo, on peaceful Waipouli Beach! For us, there is nothing more satisfying than spending time on the condo lanai taking in all the wonderful direct ocean views and listening to the relaxing sounds of the surf. Also, the condo is central to both the North and South shores and spectacular rain forest hikes, making it the ideal location for exploring all of Kauai.
Kid Nemesis was once asked to describe his sound as a color. He chose pure white because, he explains, his sound is influenced by every genre of music as white is influenced by every color in the spectrum. Kid Nemesis has worked passionately in the music industry and has held on to residencies since the young age of 13, performing for crowds nearly twice his age. He has performed all over Florida’s most exclusive nightclubs and is continuously branching out. In the recent years, he has established a residency at the world-renowned Nikki Beach Miami and headlined the Sunset Music Festival in Colombia among others. He prides himself on his ability to put forth a unique and creative sound. He seamlessly breaks barriers of time and genres to create a style that is easily enjoyed by all audiences. His sound is a melting pot of cultures and generations. From the moment he steps behind the booth he strives to keep the audience in complete sync to his rhythm. "A party is a party no matter what music you are spinning or what you call the style. To me the energy and feeling each individual song gives off is far more important than whether it's a top10 Hip-Hop song or a Disco Classic,” says Kid Nemesis about his passion. “And that energy is indescribable.”
Aerial Parties are the perfect atmosphere for women to get together and have fun! These parties are excellent for any occasion birthdays, bachelorette, bible studies, bridal showers, team building, etc.
The idea of differentiable programming is to consider programs for which the derivative can be found automatically. This has applications to machine learning and statistical inference.
Mark Scott, left, manager of Project Training at Ingalls Shipbuilding, presents Bishop State Community College's Division of Technical Education and Workforce Development with a $15,000 check for the pre-employment ship fitting program that started in August 2013. Accepting a check is Dr. Kathy Thompson, Ph.D., Dean of Technical Education and Workforce Development at the college. "As Dean, I greatly appreciate the teamwork that began prior to my appointment and continued to create 100 percent satisfaction by Ingalls. The Bishop State team members are Rick Everett, Roderick McSwain, Dr. Betty Leslie, Ph.D., Maynard Odom, and Daphne Drinkard. Thompson said the money will be used to develop workforce development programs to benefit the shipbuilding industry."
A I always loved watching football growing up and I got started in high school and pretty much went from there. Q: What brought you to the Broncos organization? A: My buddy Devin [Csincsa]. He’s a receiver here. He played here in his rookie year and was telling me how good it was and how nice of a city Kamloops was so I decided to come out and I’ve loved it ever since. This is my second year. Q: How do you expect the team to finish headed into the second half of the season? A: I expect to win every game. If you go in with a different mindset you’re going to be disappointed. Q: I understand you started out as a quarterback and made the transition to a defensive back. What was that process like for you? A: They say a ‘DB’ is one of the easier positions to transition to. I didn’t think it was too hard but when I did transition I was coming back from an ACL injury so it was a little bit tougher than it would’ve been if I wasn’t injured. Other than that I thought it was fairly easy. Q: So you’ve been in Kamloops for a couple years now—talk to me about what the city’s like and what you think of TCC. A: It’s great. I go the gym all the time. They’ve got the steam room and the sauna and the pool—and you can’t beat the stadium and the fans so it’s probably the best in the whole conference. Q: Do you have a football idol? A: I liked quarterbacks growing up. I was a fan of [Peyton] Manning and I liked Brady Quinn because I’m a Notre Dame fan. That’s pretty much it for quarterbacks but that’s who I’d say I idolized growing up. Q: What do you consider to be your strengths as a player? A; I’d say my strength would be my quickness. I’d say I’ve got good speed but I think I’m quicker than I am fast. Really I’d say my athleticism, but I’ve got lots to work on, just as anyone does. Q: Anything specific you feel needs improving? A: I’ve got to improve my tackling and overall knowledge at the position. I’m still new so I’m just trying to take in as much as I can. I’d like to get stronger too—I think those are the things I need to work on. Q: You guys are on the bye week right now; are you one of those players who likes to stay focused or do you try to get away from the game for a couple days? A: I think I’m doing a bit of both right now. I hurt my knee and my ankle’s a little bit messed up so I’m probably just going to be healing up. I hope to go next week. Q: After your football career finishes, whenever that may be, do you have plans to go to school or maybe just hit the workforce? A: I’m taking Criminal Justice in university so I’m planning to get my degree [at the University of Winnipeg] and find a job in the field.
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by Elyssa Barbash | Nov 18, 2016 | Anxiety, communication, Confidence, Depression, destress, holidays, Individual Treatment, nervousness, Self-improvement, Stress, thanksgiving, worry | 0 comments It is that time of the year again. In one week, American families across the country will have already celebrated Thanksgiving. When most of us picture this holiday in our minds, we think of time with family and friends, everyone sitting around the table, and plates...
It doesn't matter how good your website is if no one sees it. We specialist in SEO (Search engine Optimization) and deprive a highlevel of service for all our clients no matter how small.
A federal judge in Texas on Tuesday indefinitely halted President Biden's 100-day ban on deportations, Politico reports. Why it matters: This is another blow from the courts to Biden's immigration agenda, preventing him from acting on a campaign promise to stop deportations during his first 100 days in office. The ban issued by U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton, who had previously issued a temporary restraining order blocking the policy for two weeks, is nationwide and will remain in place as the case moves forward, or unless a higher court reverses it. Tipton "argued the moratorium violated federal law and risked imposing additional costs on the state [of Texas]," AP writes.
Besides being a powerful handle to improve our knowledge of QCD and electroweak interactions, the study of the production and decay properties of hadrons with a b-quark provides a valuable tool in the search for New Physics, which would reveal itself in discrepancies between precision measurements of rare b decays and the standard model predictions. This approach, also known as the intensity frontier, is complementary to, and in some cases even more far-reaching than, the direct search of heavy new particles (energy frontier). Thanks to excellent tracking and vertex reconstruction, and superb muon detectors, the omnipurpose CMS spectrometer competes on equal grounds with detectors designed for Flavor Physics, like LHCb and Belle2. Our group has a well recognized reputation in b-Physics, consolidated over years of research dating back to previous DELPHI and BABAR experiences. Previous results in CMS include: the measurement of the pp → bbX → μ+ μ- X' inclusive cross section at √s = 8 TeV the first evidence of the rare Bs → μ+ μ- decay the measurement of the controversial P'5 parameter in the B0 → K* μ+ μ- decays the study of CP violation in Bs → J/Ψ φ decays at 8 and 13 TeV collisions using a muon tag We are now involved in the analysis of about 130 fb-1 data collected by CMS aimed at: an improved measurement of CP violation in Bs → J/Ψ φ based on a wider data set and improved flavor tagging exploiting deep machine learning algorithms. a search for the rare decay Bs → τ+ τ-. Although helicity enhanced with respect to the Bs → μ+ μ- decay, this process is more challenging because the τ lepton is instable, and very few of its final states can be profitably used for its identification. A very complex analysis is ongoing on the large CMS muon-parked dataset, which includes secondary vertex reconstruction and regression of the observed particle momenta (an isolated muon, or else three charged pions from a common vertex) to the τ mass, tackling a sizable background produced by several different sources. Our long-term plans include: a measurement of the pp → bbX → μ+ μ- X' and the pp → gg → (bb)(bb) → 4 μ X' cross sections at √s=13TeV A measurement of the CP-induced dimuon asymmetry ACP = N(μ+ μ+ - μ- μ-) / N(μ+ μ+ + μ- μ-) using the aforementioned parked data. A sizable deviation from the standard model, claimed by the D0 collaboration, was not confirmed by indirect measurements at the B-factories and LHCb. The large size of the parked data will allow a direct check of the D0 claim, provided that systematic uncertainties are controlled with few per-mille precision. The Physics of the Higgs boson and the Standard Model (R. Ardino, U. Gasparini, G. Grosso, S. Y. Hoh, J. Pazzini, M. Zanetti, A. Zucchetta) The discovery of the Higgs boson at the CMS and ATLAS experiments in 2012 represents a milestone in the understanding of the electroweak sector of the Standard Model (SM) of elementary particles. The discovery started a new era of measurements at CMS aiming to determine to the highest possible accuracy the couplings of the Higgs boson to the other particles in the SM. A discrepancy between the experimental measurement and the theoretical expectation from the SM would imply a "new physics", hinting to new particles yet to be discovered. The CMS PAdova group is currently focused on two channels involving the Higgs boson: Measurement of the associated Higgs boson production with a vector boson and the decay to a pair of W bosons Although the Higgs boson decay to a piar of W bosons is now consolidated, there is a particular interest in the observation of a process involving the same coupling in the production and decay in order to determine or constrain the natural width of the new particle. With this goal in mind, the CMS PAdova group is currently involved in the measurement of the WH → W(WW*) channel, and specifically in the final state where two leptons with the same electrical charge are present. This channel represents a good tradeoff between the number of expected events and the limited background from SM processes. The key points of the analysis include the lepton identification, in the rejection of the backgrounds originating by non-genuine leptons, and the SM background estimation. By combining the results WH → W(WW*) → 3l e ZH → Z(WW*) → 4l the Higgs boson production rate is measured to be μ = times the SM expectation, equal to a significance of 4.7 standard deviations. The results are also interpreted in the STXS theoretical framework to provide multi-differential Higgs boson cross sections. Higgs and Z bosons rare decays to J/Ψ meson and a photon Studying the couplings of the Higgs boson to the second generation quarks represents the real challenge of High Luminosity-LHC. A very rare but promising channel is the decay of the Higgs boson in an energetic photon (γ) and a J/Ψ meson, the latter decaying to a pair of muons. The H → J/Ψ γ takes place also through charm quark loops, and an accurate measurement would allow to determine its couplings with the Higgs boson. The channel is experimentally very clean, thanks to the very low SM backgrounds and the excellent resolution on the invariant mass peak, but also very rare, thus requiring large amounts of data. The observation of the Z → J/Ψ γ, whose rate is 100 times larger than the similar process with the Higgs boson and has never been observed before, is an intermediate objective that can be achieved with a reasonable amount of data. Vector Boson Scattering and Anomalous Couplings (P. Azzi, M. Presilla) The discovery of the Higgs boson and the measurements of its properties are a great success, but they do not complete the picture of the electroweak sector of the SM; interaction vertices with three (triple gauge coupling) or four (quartic gauge couplings) bosons still remain unxplored. Within this context, our group is pursuing the very first implementation of the analysis for the O(α6) electroweak VZ boson pairs production mediated by a Vector Boson Scattering (VBS) mechanism. Besides the pure EW measurement, it is well known that the study of the VBS process gives primary access to the non-Abelian gauge structure of the electroweak interactions through quartic gauge couplings. Therefore, VBS analyses are sensitive to new physics at energy scales beyond the collider direct reach through an effective field theory (EFT) description of the standard model (SM). The analysis is focused on the measurement with the full Run 2 data, 137 fb-1 of the electroweak ZVjj semileptonic process, collected with the CMS detector, which is characterized by the presence of two high-pT same-flavour leptons, one large-cone jet, and two forward jets. The VBS process can be modified by anomalous quartic gauge couplings (AQGCs), resulting in an enhancement of the production cross-section at large masses of the di-boson system and high-transverse momenta. Advanced statistical methods Optimization of design of experimental apparata and measurement techniques (T. Dorigo, L. Layer, G. Strong) The machine learning technique called INFERNO uses differentiable programming methods to optimize the measurement of physical parameters in analyses affected by non negligible systematic uncertainties, with the creation of summary statistics that make the measurement robust to the effect of the systematics. This technique is being applied to measurements of top quark properties produced with data collected by the CMS experiment, to demonstrate the potential of INFERNO. In parallel to the above described activity, the use of deep learning techniques, and more in general of differentiable programming, is being considered to construct differentiable models of even the intrinsically stochastic of the information extraction chain which from a detector and a physical process of interest produces statistical inference on the parameters of interest, through the reconstruction of electronic signals and the creation of summary statistics. More in detail, the specification of a loss function that includes the true objectives of the experiment (e.g. the minimum uncertainty on the measurement of a parameter, or the linear combination of a series of such outputs, optionally constrained by external demands such as detector cost) and the composition of a differentiable pipeline including a modeling of the interaction of radiation with matter, detector geometry, pattern recognition of signals, and data analysis, allows the gradient descent toward minimal loss, to obtain a full end-to-end optimization of the entire experimental apparatus and measurement procedure. The nascent MODE collaboration is starting studies for now focused on simplified use cases that involve e.g. muon tomography apparata for border control applications, and proton therapy apparata, which will in the future move to the optimization of a hybrid calorimeter for a future collider. Search for new physics signals with unsupervised anomaly detection techniques (T. Dorigo, M. Fumanelli, C. Maccani) The search for new physics in CMS data uses theoretical models that predict the distinctive characteristics of the involved physical processes. However, these models do not exhaust the totality of possible experimental signatures that may allow the manifestation of new processes. The large number of possible signatures requires automated tools for the scanning of high-dimensional parameter spaces. An algorithm of recent design (RanBox) allows to operate an advantageous transformation of the feature space, which makes the density of standard model processes in the space almost uniform. In such a space a search for multidimensional intervals with high density of surrounding regions allows to evidence anomalies that potentially are the result of new physical processes. The algorithm is being finalized, with the prospects of an application to CMS data.
A friend of mine, Raygee, has already started on belly dancing lessons. Now I am excited to join her. Next week, another friend Millie and I will be joining her. The sessions will be three times a week, one hour per session. I am excited because it is dancing. I love to dance. While you […]
Sarah Nannen is a keynote speaker, life coach, and the author of a best-selling book Grief Unveiled: A Widow’s Guide to Navigating Your Journey in Life After Loss. Sarah became a military widow and solo mom of four young children in 2014 when an aviation... How to Support Friends With A Seriously Ill Family Member by | May 19, 2015 | Sharon Spano Blog Today I wish I were God. I want to be able to wave a magic wand, snap my fingers, wish upon a star—I want to do anything that will make my friend Jonathan healthy again. Truth is, I’m helpless. Prayer is all I know to do. Yes, I trust in the sovereignty of God.... The Benefits of Ambiguity in a Messy World by | Oct 7, 2014 | Sharon Spano Blog Western civilization offers up one of the earliest metaphors for ambiguity in a messy world—the depiction of Adam and Eve in the garden. Does it get any better? Two people enjoying a partnership of the first order in the midst of paradise. Can you imagine? The bluest... Why Perseverance Pays Off by | Sep 11, 2013 | Sharon Spano Blog It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. Sometime ago, I explained that I was in the middle of my dissertation, and I’m happy to say, I am now finished. It was a long and wondrous journey. So, as of July 9th, I now have a...
2-Hour Workshops & 60 Minute Lunch & Learns. If it isn't listed here, I can develop a workshop based upon your needs or refer you to an expert in the field of your request.
Before starting repair work, JALO Concrete Pumping’s team understands the importance of evaluating a specific situation and identifying the root cause of the damage. If you do not recognize the reason and resolve it, a simple repair may not resolve the issue. Call JALO Concrete Pumping, guaranteed that factors such as repair material properties, location, maintainability, and bearing capacity are just some of the factors we consider when evaluating concrete structure repair. Especially in the case of scratches, it is necessary to identify possible causes before repairing them. At JALO’s, we understand this, understand the potential problems, and then develop the best solutions and materials to solve them.
The View menu allows you to control how tabs and workflow elements are displayed in the client application. Auto Fit Workflow With this option enabled, when selecting a new job, the workflow diagram will automatically be zoomed to fit the current window size. Auto Select Current Step With this option enabled, the current step or steps in the workflow will be selected when the workflow is viewed. Windows From this option, you can control the tabs that are visible to you in the application. The tabs that are available in the client application can be configured through Workflow Manager Administrator. See Workflow Manager (Classic) system settings for more information on tab visibility. However, you can also make a tab available or unavailable by clicking the item in the expanded list.
The 13 pt Lightning Bolt- The Cadillac of our buckle collection. The next in our tribute series of limited edition buckles. The 13 pt Bolt Buckle is hand carved in wax and then cast in solid yellow brass and sterling silver. An impressive 2 1/2" round and the cross hatch detail really highlights the luster of the polished lightning bolt. This is our tribute to the Band and the Music we love!! We hope you will enjoy!
Features North American maple wood shell with 8 pairs of nickel-silver alloy jingles for full-bodied sound. Ruggedly made to last for years. CP by Latin Percussion CP378 8" Handheld Single Row Headed Tambourine - Steel Jingles "CP Tambourines are the perfect choice for anyone looking to get a great, value instrument. This tambourine is constructed of lightweight, solid wood with a natural, calfskin head. The steel jingles produce a bright, lively tone making it a popular tambourine for schools, worship and general music settings.
If you are already vetted by The Help Company and would love to pick up a few days of work, please inquire! To help with three older children.
[EDVA] Abdullah Alnoshan, director of the Virginia office of the Muslim World League, was charged with criminal immigration violations and subsequently deported to his native Saudi Arabia. Also charged in the criminal complaint was Khalid Fadlalla, a Sudanese citizen who worked at the Muslim World League office in New York.
A kitchen remodel is an excellent time to add some really cool features. That is why we suggest considering adding one of these seven kitchen features to your plans. Seven Kitchen Features to Consider With Your Kitchen Remodel: Island Cooktop: A kitchen island with a quality cook-top makes cooking much more enjoyable when entertaining and keeps you central to the sink and refrigerator Plan for Plenty of Landing Zones: Plan a streamlined kitchen layout with plenty of landing zones around each of your appliances – wide open countertops to place hot pots or dishes, plus a place around the sink area to easily prepare foods Bar Sink: A bar sink away from the cooking area can help avoid interruptions of food preparation when entertaining or when putting finishing touches on a meal Double Ovens: A set of double ovens can make entertainment a breeze and serves as a great way to keep parts of a meal warm while other dishes are still cooking Trash & Recycling Area: In-cabinet trash and recycling bins keep smells to a minimum, plus keeps trash safe from toddlers and pets Deep Drawers: Deep drawers beside a kitchen range or stove-top makes sense for easy access and storage Blind Corners: Pull-Out Shelves – Add pull-out shelves that easily store large items to your corner cabinets. Blind corners can be wasted or dead space Every homeowner’s kitchen remodeling budget will be different. Update your kitchen in stages to avoid taking out a home equity loan. Come visit our state-of-the-art showroom on Kirkwood Highway in Newark, Delaware or our southern showroom located on Coastal Highway in Rehoboth, Delaware
Very RARE Original Fry's Chocolate Enamel Sign. Brown background colour with white writing. Condition is Extremely good considering the age, has been carful preserved for years! Virtually no scratches , the corners are slightly worn due to its age but is minimal. The item "Very RARE ORIGINAL Fry's Chocolate Enamel Sign Vintage" is in sale since Sunday, May 17, 2020. This item is in the category "Collectables\Advertising Collectables\Advertising Signs".watt" and is located in Hastings. This item can be shipped to United Kingdom. Featured Refinements: Enamel Sign Original/Reproduction: Original
I was watching Janis Joplin‘s cover at Monterrey, and I got to wondering if Dana would be up to it. It isn’t on any of her albums, and she doesn’t sing it on tour, but sure enough, at a New Years gig with Gov’t Mule back in 2009, she belts it out in a way that would make Big Mama Thornton proud.
TWIN FALLS, Idaho (KLIX)-Seasonal road closures are now in effect in the South Hills for motorized use to help protect wintering deer and other wildlife. The Bureau of Land Management announced the yearly closures will run until March 15 to prevent resource damage and help protect critical mule deer winter range and sage-grouse habitat. The closures impact the roads in the Dry Creek, Indian Springs, Cherry Creek, and North Cottonwood areas (see map ). BLM said the closures could be extended if conditions call for it. The closures only impact motorized travel in the closure areas, including electric bicycles; people can continue to hike into the areas. Officials say this year is critical for wintering mule deer following the Badger Fire that burned more than 90,000 acres in the South Hills last year. “Increased human disturbance from motorized vehicles forces mule deer to move to lower quality habitat and expend energy that they are trying to conserve,” said Eric Killoy, Burley Field Office wildlife biologist in a statement. Idaho Department of Fish and Game said it is important for big game like deer to not use any unnecessary energy during the winter months and reminds people to give the animals space when recreating in the areas. The only motorized vehicles allowed in the closure areas are those given authorization and for search and rescue operations, including emergency medical and law enforcement.
For small tissue samples, these cassettes have a front-edge lid hinge with loose-packed lids that are available in 12 different color varieties
The winner of this month's "very blue" Guitar Of The Month contest is long-time forum contributor Chris Verhoeven's super cool "Model 2". @verhoevenc, "Model 2" "Here's my latest. She's been a long time coming and is the prototype of one of the two shapes I've started my company using. It was called the "Meeting" shape when this whole thing started, but now I'm endearingly referring to her as "Model 2" from here forward. However, as you'll see, this version is short-scale while the production models are long-scale. It's actually a 25.5" fretboard with the first fret removed which makes it 24-1/16" scale. I'd really like to get my hands on an original Jaguar because knowing how Leo thought...I bet they're actually 24-1/16" too! "Some of you may recognize her from my YouTube how-to video. Neck: Quilted birdseye maple 24" scale fretboard with abalone dots on a plain maple neck 1-11/16" nut width Paisley fabric and Karelian birch burl headstock veneers 2-way LMI truss rod with carbon fiber reinforcement Body: Super light-weight paulownia wood in a 13.5" lower bout Blue paisley fabric finish with blue bursted edges. Fabric even folds into the belly and arm bevel carves
She’s been serving with Evangelical Lutheran Church of Chile (ELCH) teaching English to leaders within the ELCH, a critical job that removes language barriers and allows ministry throughout Santiago–and therefore throughout all of Chile. She’s been living her adventure since February and has had her fair share of ups and downs (as is expected from missions work). But don’t let me be the one to tell you about it, take a look at Ryana’s newsletter yourself at or her personal blog for more frequent updates at . Ryana is also featured on the ELCA Global Church Facebook page, which provides a link to her blog as well. She goes into great detail about her work in Chile (has some pretty awesome photos too), and as her home church–we revel, support, and encourage her as she goes forward in her mission. Si se puede Ryana!
The church isn’t the place where we meet, it’s who we are; and it’s time to get back to being the church! We believe there is breakthrough coming, so we invite you to get back into routine, back into serving, and back into real faith with us this fall. Back to Church Sunday is happening on September 18, 2022! Come for a special service and receive an opportunity to join a ministry team and give back to God’s house.
Memorial Day weekend came early this year, but I was late planting my annual flowers. Typically, I hustle to get them in right after Mother’s Day. My busy life didn’t provide an opportunity till this weekend and I spent part … Continue reading → Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment Foster a Love of Reading in Three Easy Steps Posted on May 5, 2015 by Rita K. If you’re reading this blog, it’s probably because you want to help a child in your life develop a love of reading. Recently, I heard a quote from Jim Trelease, famed author of The Read-Aloud Handbook. Jim’s quote,”You can’t … Continue reading → Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment Add Beauty To The World Posted on May 3, 2015 by Rita K. Mother’s Day is approaching. In addition to being one of my favorite holidays, it also signals that it’s time to plant a few flowers and pretty up the exterior of our home. Danger of frost is now past, and I’m … Continue reading →
Question: How do you stop feeling guilt for bringing a child into the world that you know will die someday? Answer: It seems that in previous generations most people didn’t have such thoughts. Today more and more people start wondering about the meaning, purpose of life, why we are born and why we should be bringing children into this world. Live in the so called “last generation” when we are obliged to take our development consciously into our own hands, continuing our evolution purposefully, learning about and fulfilling our evolutionary Human goal, role in the system. The good news is that by fulfilling that role we also acquire a qualitative higher, selfless and objective consciousness and perception of reality, that senses the world above the limited, subjects coordinates of time, space and physical motion, providing a realistic, tangible experience of infinite, eternal life. Share this: Twitter Facebook Like this: Like Loading... Posted in children, connection, Despair, development, egoism, expectations, family, global, Human nature, meaning, purpose in life
If you think camp is only busy during the summer, you might be surprised to hear that during our “pre” and “post” season (the time of year when summer camp isn’t in session), hundreds of community members pass through our gates. YMCA Camp Coniston opens its facility to work in conjunction with local, mission-driven organizations, such as schools, church groups, and community-minded non-profits. Our facilities and property are not rentable for weddings, receptions, or other private events. community programs During the fall and spring various local community groups enjoy the Coniston facility. SCHOOL GROUPS Students who live along I-89 from exit 9 to the Vermont border get to experience the Coniston facility with their local school. In the fall and spring some students visit for day programs which include fishing, orienteering, and ecology. While some students spend the night and experience a more intensive team-building program. NEW ENGLAND K-9 SEARCH & RESCUE Over the past decade, during the fall and spring, our facility is open to New England K-9 Search and Rescue so they can use our entire property to practice with their dogs. CROYDON DAY Since 2003, Croydon residents meet at camp for a day of games, feasting, and outdoor activities, including the legendary tug-of-war match between Croydon Flats and Croydon Village. The festivities are wrapped up with a tremendous fireworks display! OTHER COMMUNITY GROUPS ATA MARTIAL ARTS hosts a weekend for children and parents to try new things, build confidence, and honing their martial arts skills. LOCAL CHURCH GROUPS across denominations utilize camps facilities for team-building events and services. Student leaders from COLBY-SAWYER COLLEGE borrow the camp facility for an afternoon of team-building and training.
EU member states' reluctance to provide refuge to displaced people and the new proposed migration rules putting an end to asylum quotas is a victory for the nationalists. The new migration proposals are an admission of failure. What is missing completely is humanity. The bureaucratic management of migration has totally triumphed over compassion. Amnesty International said the pact was "designed to heighten walls and strengthen fences" and would do nothing to alleviate the suffering of people in camps on Greek islands or in Libya. "The commission has bowed to pressure from EU governments whose only objective is to decrease the number of people granted protection in Europe, "said Marissa Ryan, head of Oxfam's EU office. “The far right has captured EU migration policy,” said Dutch MEP Sophie in’t Veld There are many reasons that can explain the influx of migrants coming to Europe – climate change, a lack of economic opportunity and war all among them. Perhaps not every country in the EU has contributed to all of these root causes, and they might be justified in believing they shouldn’t have to bear the responsibility for others’ problems. But they surely have a duty to not exacerbate these root problems if they wish to complain about their responsibility for migrants. Judith Sunderland, the deputy director of Human Rights Watch's Europe and Central Asia division, tweeted the "flexible option" means that "countries who refuse to accept responsibility for migrants and asylum seekers" will "deport people found to have no right to stay. It's like asking the school bully to walk a kid home," she added.
June 15, 2017—General Motors said Tuesday it has finished making 130 self-driving Chevrolet Bolt test vehicles, an achievement that the automaker said will help put it at the forefront of the race to develop and deploy autonomous cars, according to USA Today. CEO and Chairman Mary Barra said GM is the only automaker currently capable of mass-producing self-driving vehicles. The self-driving version of the Chevrolet Bolt is the second generation of vehicles capable of handling nearly all road situations on their own without driver intervention. They are equipped with the latest array of equipment, including cameras, radar, sensors and other hardware designed and built by GM and its suppliers. The new version of the self-driving Bolts must still be driven with a person behind the wheel who is alert and ready to take control if necessary. The automaker had already built about 50 Bolt autonomous vehicles that were retrofitted with the specialized sensors needed to drive themselves. That gives the automaker a total of 180 vehicles it can test and refine. GM began testing the first generation of its self-driving Bolts last June in Detroit, Scottsdale, Ariz.' and San Francisco. Barra said testing of the new version of the self-driving Bolts will begin soon. GM began making the second-generation Bolt in January and now has enough vehicles to test and learn from, said Andrew Farah, chief technical officer for the self-driving Bolt. Farah said GM wants to learn from this version of the vehicle before it begins making more of them.
4. People love cute names like Trillium in Ontario. Like Fibe high-speed internet. Which isn’t actually Fibre Optic; it comes into your house through copper wire. Get it? Fibe? no “R”? So not really Fibre? 5. People drive in a very weird way on highways / motorways in Ontario, with trucks in the middle, people who think they’re going fast on the left, and nobody in the empty right lanes. Which means the right lane is effectively the passing lane. Which drives Europe-trained drivers like me insane. 6. They have a license plate letter/number system with a combination of 4 letters followed by 3 numbers, which means they’ve only just got to the letter “B” after 13 years in circulation. That’s some serious forward thinking in a letter number system.
A report by McKinsey & Company reveals a strong business case for diversity and inclusion in the workplace. According to the report, the most diverse companies are more likely to outperform non-diverse companies on profitability. The 2019 analysis found that “companies in the top quartile of gender diversity on executive teams were 25% more likely to experience above average profitability than peer companies in the fourth quartile. This is up from 21% in 2017 and 15% in 2014.” Women and people of color are inclusive and collaborative leaders that produce some of the best innovations and outcomes in business. When CloverPop conducted a study analyzing 600 business decisions by 200 teams, they found that: As a black woman in tech, I understand the need to include diverse perspectives when making business decisions. It is vital that educators and mentors encourage people of color and women to explore tech fields in order to create a pipeline for diversity. When Mehak Lodhi, Tegan Chin and Ayesha Mohammed walked into their first app development class, they were each struck by the unlikelihood of three women of color in a tech class, taught by a female, African American professor. Here’s what happened next. Spoiler alert, this story has a great ending:
The way you’ve rendered that movement up towards the sky in the first painting, Anita – UNREAL! You can just tell that this piece was spontaneous (and if I’m wrong, you’re excellent at fooling your viewer.) I love these small little gems! Reply Anita C. Miller says: April 25, 2013 at 1:04 pm Patricia, thanks so much for your comments. That is exactly how it happened — very spontaneous. I was standing at the easel trying to figure out how to paint those big fluffy clouds. I started painting the area around the clouds and just discovered the movement by actually doing the painting. So, I learned it’s best not to overthink these things. Doing is more important than thinking sometimes. Reply masterbias says: April 27, 2013 at 1:36 am Doing IS more important than thinking much of the time. Thank you for saying so. Anita C. Miller says: April 27, 2013 at 8:51 am Thanks for your comments. Also, I forgot to say that even though I think I know how I want to paint something, it most often turns out different… so now I just try to do something and then react to what I’ve done. Hope that makes sense. masterbias says: April 27, 2013 at 12:32 pm Reminds me of “The Inner Game of Tennis” (book) (zen) ..”let it happen”. Let go.. trust an intelligence below your consciousness. I don’t know why I am so taken with your stuff. I guess it doesn’t matter, I’m just letting it happen. Ha.
Imagine being accused of something you did not do, and then being punished for it. Imagine every freedom, every right being stripped away from you and no matter how loudly you proclaim your innocence – nobody takes heed. Imagine the frustration and anger at being made to pay for someone else’s heinous crime. The Exonerated forces you to imagine for a moment what it must be like to have to serve time for a crime you did not commit. While these situations make for a compelling script, this production relies too heavily on just that one fact. The Exonerated is a series of vignettes based on true stories about people who had been wrongfully convicted. With each story is as heart wrenching as the next, It’s safe to say that you need to brace yourself to watch this show to the end. A son is accused of killing his parents, a young man accused of raping and killing a young woman, a young couple accused of killing two police officers – the horrible situations that these people unwittingly find themselves in is enough to make you lose faith in the American justice system. Even with the pinnacle moment of exoneration, it isn’t enough to relieve the sense of despair that has enveloped you by this point. These stories are important; the message the play is trying to make is too. The play strongly suggests that the United States – while taking pride in its accomplishments – also needs to take a hard look at its failures, such as wrongful convictions. However, this production seems to rely solely on the strength of these stories and doesn’t attempt to make them theatrically interesting. The vignette pieces are loosely linked together by an exonoree who also doubles up as the narrator. His dialogue as narrator doesn’t really take us from one story to the next, appearing instead to fill the space between stories with lines about freedom that aren’t particularly gripping. Another problem is the rather random use of sound in the play. Sound effects are used rather arbitrarily. The sound of gunshots puncture the production several time, yet during the dramatization of a woman being interrogated by the police, she tells them that her baby is crying for her. Why not have the sounds of a baby crying heard through that sequence? The cast does a commendable job overall, and there is certainly more than one memorable performance. Alfred H. Wilson, Alex Jacobs, Bill Bannon, James Joseph and Elizabeth Dowling deliver incredibly nuanced performances. They also manage to inject humor into their performances, which is particularly admirable seeing as the subject of the play is so bleak. Pernell Myers and Lily Mojekwu, who have great chemistry, also do an exemplary job of being charming and adding moments of humor to their performances. It cannot be contested that this is an impactful production. But, ultimately, one cannot help but be disappointed by the fact that the impact stems mostly from the stories; the production itself adds little. The stories could no doubt be dramatized in a way to make it theatrically impactful and interesting, all the while adding to the storylines. As it stands, all rests on the inherent tensions and drama of the stories with only a few dramatizations and performances that make it a theatrical piece. Rating: ★★ The Exonerated continues through May 5th at Theatre and Interpretation Center’s Josephine Louis Theatre, 20 Arts Circle Drive of Northwestern University, Evanston (map), with performances Thursdays at 7:30pm, Fridays/Saturdays at 8pm, Sundays 2pm. Tickets are $10-$25, and are available by phone (847-491-7282) or online through (check for half-price tickets at More information at NextTheatre.org. (Running time: 1 hour 30 minutes without intermission) Photos by Justin Barbin artists cast Bill Bannon (ensemble), Elizabeth Dowling (Sandra, Sue, ensemble), Julia Rose Duray (Sunny), Eric Freeman (Rhodes), Michael Norman Henry (David), Alex Jacobs (Kerry), James Joseph (ensemble), Lily Mojekwu (ensemble), Pernell Myers (Robert), Jack Olin (Gary), Michael Silberblatt (Jesse, u/s Kerry, ensemble), Alfred H. Wilson (Delbert) behind the scenes Cat Miller (director), Yu Shibagaki (set design), Chelsey Batson (costumes), Lindsey Lyddan (lighting), Josh Horvath (sound design), Adam Goldstein (dialect coach), Amanda J. Davis (production stage manager), Christy Simonian Bean (dramaturg), Amalie Vega (stage manager), Amanda Landis (asst. stage manager), Jenny Avery (Artistic Director, Next Theatre Company), Jon Arndt (Managing Director, Next Theatre Company); Diane Claussen (Managing Director, Theatre And Interpretation Center), Justin Barbin (photos) 13-0437 Tags: 13-0437, Adam Goldstein, Alex Jacobs, Alfred H. Wilson, Amalie Vega, Amanda J. Davis, Amanda Landis, Anuja Vaidya, Bill Bannon, Cat Miller, Chelsey Batson, Chicago Theater, Christy Simonian Bean, Diane Claussen, Elizabeth Dowling, Eric Freeman, Erik Jensen, Jack Olin, James Joseph, Jenny Avery, Jessica Blank, Jon Arndt, Josh Horvath, Julia Rose Duray, Justin Barbin, Lily Mojekwu, Lindsey Lyddan, Michael Norman Henry, Michael Silberblatt, Next Theatre, Northwestern University, Pernell Myers, post, Theatre and Interpretation Center, Yu Shibagaki
Frederick II's coinage Frederik II was 25 years old when his father, Christian III, died. His education had emphasised the sports of knights rather than the study of books. As a result, Frederick had little knowledge of the world in which he was to play an important role. From the time he became king, Frederick was planning to conquer Sweden and re-establish a Nordic union. In the summer of 1559 he joined his relatives in Schleswig-Holstein in a military campaign against Dithmarschen. He did this without consulting with the National Council. Dithmarschen was conquered and incorporated in the duchies. The next year, Gustav Vasa died and his son, Erik XIV, took the Swedish throne. Frederick and Erik abandoned their forefathers' policy of peace and initiated a struggle in which no holds were barred. Both rulers had been looking for a pretext for starting a war against the other. The war started in 1563 and lasted until 1570. The unjustifiable cost of the war led to discontent among the nobility, and the Danish National Council, headed by Johan Friis, opposed the Seven-Year War from the very start. The financial crisis forced Frederick to reconcile with Peder Oxe, a financial genius he had exiled from the country. Peder Oxe and Johan Friis managed to guide the country through the financial crisis and the work on negotiating a peace was resumed. Although Frederick was critical of the peace negotiations, a peace treaty with Sweden was nonetheless signed. From this time onwards, the real power in Denmark-Norway lay in the hands of the rich nobility. Denmark's economy, business and culture blossomed during these years. Frederick devoted most of his attention to building the two Renaissance palaces, Kronborg and Fredriksborg, as well as to hunting and drinking with friends. Because of the fortunate developments in society, Frederick was a popular monarch during the last years of his reign. He died in 1588, 54 years old. His son, Christian IV, was only 11 years at the time.
To stanch the flow of continued job losses (with 263,000 jobs lost in September, up from 201,000 in August), the White House is weighing new options. Among them are more stimulus-style projects as well as traditionally conservative approaches such as tax cuts for small businesses. As Obama's economic team pursues new strategies for America's catastrophic unemployment, economists of all stripes are offering suggestions. Dire times have pushed some pundits to cross party lines looking for solutions. Below, five ideas for tackling unemployment and two warnings about what not to do. 1. Send Money to States The Wall Street Journal's Gerald Seib notes that states are more vulnerable since many are required to balance their budgets and are also better at pushing out jobs than the federal government. "Getting additional help to states in coming months might well be both the most efficient and the most politically feasible action Washington could take to avoid sinking deeper into the jobs hole," he writes. "Getting money out to states quickly may have been the single most effective impact of the February stimulus package. That money -- which went for construction projects, education and health-care programs -- helped financially strapped states avoid even bigger disasters as they put together budgets for the current fiscal year." ...But States Must Court Businesses Jennifer Rubin examines Michigan, a state that has spent and worked extravagantly to promote jobs without success. "For starters, it is one of the more heavily unionized states around. The UAW did its number on the car industry, and any employer coming into the state will have a similar experience with Big Labor. Given the choice between a right-to-work Sun Belt state and a Big Labor–dominated Rust Belt one, most employers will (and do) choose the former," she writes. "Think for a moment (aside from the political impossibility of it) what would happen if the state passed a right-to-work law allowing employees to refuse to join a union. I’d imagine employers might take another look at Michigan." 2. Public Works Projects The New York Times's Bob Herbert suggests something similar to Roosevelt's WPA. "A massive long-term campaign to rebuild the nation’s infrastructure — which would put large numbers of people to work establishing the essential industrial platform for a truly 21st-century American economy — has not seriously been considered. Large-scale public-works programs that would reach deep into the inner cities and out to hard-pressed suburban and rural areas have been dismissed as the residue of an ancient, unsophisticated era," he writes. "The master in this area, of course, was Franklin Roosevelt." 3. Payroll Tax Holiday Salon's Robert Reich proposes "a one-year payroll tax holiday on the first $20,000 of income. Republicans as well as Blue Dog Dems could go along with this, and it would be a highly progressive tax cut since 80 percent of Americans pay more in payroll taxes than they do in income taxes." 4. Additional Stimulus Spending Ryan Avent, arguing that the bust has been too rapid for the free market to absorb on its own, wants more stimulus. "If you’re saying that the private sector is literally unable to absorb workers during the short time-frame, more or less coincident with recession, then why not pursue an aggressive stimulus? Reducing or eliminating whatever the cyclical portion of unemployment is should make it easier for new growth industries to find a footing. And if not all the structurally unemployed can be redistributed at once, there is no reason stimulus aid needs to stop with support for the cyclically unemployed." 5. More Small Business Loans This is also from Robert Reich, who thinks small businesses are the key for job creation. "Dramatically expand the Small Business Administration's lending programs and have the Fed buy up the SBA's debt. Big banks are not lending to small businesses. TARP has been an utter failure in this regard. The SBA and the Fed should circumvent them and help small businesses get the capital they need, so they can start hiring again." ...But Tax Credits Alone Won't Do It Gerald Seib cautions against over-relying on tax cuts, a politically popular measure. "One idea that Republicans have floated is a tax credit for employers who create jobs. The hope would be that a tax break would provide employers a direct and immediate incentive to add jobs. Rep," he writes. "Expect to hear more of that idea, and there may well be some bipartisan support for it. The question, though, is whether a tax credit is sufficient incentive to overcome the profound economic uncertainties employers are pondering as they consider creating jobs."
Nifty Bridge’s email based wallet does not currently support selling directly on OpenSea. We have plans to launch this feature shortly, but in the meantime, you will need to export the wallet into one that supports OpenSea. The easiest wallet to export to is MetaMask. To export your Nifty Bridge wallet, tap the drop down menu on the top right and select “Export Wallet”. From there, copy the private key somewhere safe and make sure not to share with anyone. **Please Note: In order to maintain your wallet’s security, we recommend deleting your Nifty Bridge wallet once you successfully import the wallet into MetaMask. Also remember to save your private key in case you uninstall MetaMask or lose your wallet login. After saving your private key, head over to MetaMask’s website to download the browser extension or mobile app. Once you proceed through the wallet setup, navigate to your accounts view and select “import account”. Then enter your private key from Nifty Bridge and complete the import process. Once the import is complete, head over to OpenSea and connect your new MetaMask wallet by selecting the wallet icon in the top right corner. After connection is complete, navigate to the “Profile” section and you will be able to see your NFTs. *Please Note: Some NFTs will be “hidden” by default. To unhide these NFTs, navigate to the “hidden” section and select “unhide” and then hit “save”.
If you have a family, most likely you've done it. You look at your kids and say to yourself, wow, they’re getting so big. Where has the time gone? We should have a family portrait taken before they move out, then the next milestone comes and goes and the next and the next and you still haven’t done it. Here are six reasons why you should love having your family photos taken by a professional photographer... 1. You will record life’s most precious moments. Families are never the same; they’re always growing and changing. This is one of the reasons why I truly love being a photographer. With many of my clients, I get the privilege of seeing them grow as a family by taking their portraits every year. Don’t take your family’s current stage for granted, as it only takes a few months for your family to change and grow. 2. Family portraits sessions are fun! As a professional photographer, I can understand why some people dread family portraits. Many families only experience portraiture at the mall where everyone is crammed into a really small room with a line of people looking at you through a glass wall and a photographer who looks like they would rather be at the movies. That doesn't sound fun at all. But you’ll be glad to know that family photography sessions don’t need to work that way – at least not my sessions! I love capturing families just being themselves. Inside, outside, at your home or any special location, you call the shots. I take the time to consult with you prior to your session to discuss things like clothing and poses to make sure that your session goes smoothly. All sessions are relaxed and fun with plenty of time allowed to guarantee you get exactly what you want. 3. It’s time to get the whole family in the image. A lot of family photos are being taken as “selfies” with their smartphones. That’s fine but how many wide angle photos can you take with the camera above your head. Now, try taking a selfie with 8 or more people in the photo. The other option is to have someone take a photo of the entire group but then that person isn't in the photo. If you book a professional session with JefferyLee Photography, you’ll get a high quality image with the entire family in it. Now that’s worth something. 4. Give the gift of smiles and good memories. Nothing can be a more personal and sincere gift than a family portrait. And what better way to convey the joy of the entire family but with professionally done family portraits? Your grandparents will surely appreciate your natural smiles and memories of your warm and candid moments more than a blurry smartphone shot of your family. Your grand kids will also always have the piece of history of who you all are today. 5. Family photos make great home and office decoration. Are your walls looking a little blah? Give your house a pick me up by displaying your family’s portrait on your wall. More so, make your keepsakes last by having a professional photographer produce your portrait, as opposed to printing them out at the local rite-mart. Today everything is digital which is great for Facebook but how many photos do you have on a hard drive somewhere on your computer. Do you even know where they are how to find them? I offer professional high-quality prints which are frame-mounted, canvases, and professionally framed specialty prints which will surely give life to the walls of your home or office for the years to come. 6. Family portraits are an investment. Let’s be honest, professional services will always cost more than amateur. There is a reason for that. You get what you pay for. When you invest in quality portraiture you are investing in something that will be valuable for a lifetime. It has value the second you create it and it will become more valuable every single year guaranteed. At JefferyLee Photography, we offer a variety of different plans for different budgets as well as payment plans. Most of us spend so much on things with little or no value but fail to invest in the things that mean the most. Seriously, in an emergency what would you choose to save, your family portrait or your television? So don’t make the mistake of thinking family portraits aren't worth spending money on. You won’t make a better investment than one that will serve as a lasting keepsake the entire family can treasure forever; a lot of my families tell me that their family portraits are one of their most treasured possessions. I know my personal family portraits are. Make the time and you will never regret it. #gillettewyoming #photography #JeffMiller #wyoming #specialevent #jefferylee #photo #portrait #family #love #togetherness #happiness #unified #image #smile #smiles
Celebrities love tattoos. From the neck tattoo trend to tiny pieces, stars are constantly getting inked. They're also obsessed with matching tats — so if you've been thinking about getting coordinating art with someone, here are 10 designs that'll give you major inspo. Joe Jonas/Instagram Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner have multiple matching tattoos, including Toy Story's iconic "To infinity and beyond" line and a matching portrait of their pup who passed away. Lucy Hale/Instagram Not all matching designs are exact. The Pretty Little Liars cast got their characters' initials tattooed on their fingers as a sweet, coordinated memorial when their series wrapped. Tommy Dorfman/Instagram Selena Gomez and 13 Reasons Why cast members Tommy Dorfman and Alisha Boe got matching semicolon tattoos to support mental health awareness organization Project Semicolon. Chrissy Teigen/Instagram Chrissy Teigen and John Legend have a matching family tattoo featuring their names and those of their two children. Selena Gomez/Instagram Selena Gomez has more than one matching tattoo. In addition to her semicolon, she also has matching arrows with friend and songwriter Julia Michaels. Kat Paine Tattoos/Instagram Sophie Turner is another celebrity with more than one matching tattoo. She and Game of Thrones co-star Maisie Williams share ink of the date they were cast on the show. Cara Delevingne/Instagram Models Cara Delevingne and Jourdan Dunn share a matching tattoo featuring two overlapping letter Ds that represent their shared last initial. Jon Boy/Instagram Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott share the tiniest butterfly tattoos on their ankles in honor of their daughter Stormi Webster. Dr. Woo/Instagram You may have seen Miley Cyrus' Vegemite tattoo — turns out it's a matching bit of ink with ex Liam Hemsworth. Beyonce/Instagram Beyoncé and Jay-Z debuted their matching tattoos in honor of their anniversary in never before seen footage from the singer's "Die For You" music video.
Over the past ten years, Mr. Tian spent over seven years in detention, including two three-year labor camp terms. During this time he was severely abused, including one incident when he was shocked simultaneously with five electric batons. On June 5, 2008, prior to the Olympics, police abducted Mr. Tian, his wife and daughter (who both practice Falun Gong) from their home. By the time they were put on “trial” on November 3, 2008, Mr. Tian was already emaciated, very weak, and not clear of mind. He was nonetheless “sentenced” following unfair proceedings to three years in a prison camp (his wife received a four-year sentence, his daughter a five-year term). During his 18 months in custody at Baoanzhao Prison, his family was denied the right to visit him. On the morning of Dec 14, 2009, the prison authorities called his family to inform them that Mr. Tian was dying. They rushed to the prison and found him in a deep coma; he was taken to the hospital. He died at 10:45pm that evening and his body was immediately cremated. The exact cause of death remains unknown, but the doctor mentioned that Mr. Tian was found to have extravasated blood in his brain.
The software offers two ways to encrypt data. The easiest way is to simply copy files into the specified CRYPT directory. This way the software encrypts the file automatically and without any further actions needed. In addition, the software offers a program window which displays the encrypted files. You’ll need the corresponding password or the hardware key to open them. Now the encrypted data can then be accessed without further input. The processing of the files and all usual file operations are possible. The files can be added and encrypted by Drag&Drop or a selection dialog. The file-based structure allows simultaneous access for several authorized users, e.g. via the network.
Westfield USA | One of many projects for Westfield, one of the world’s largest shopping malls. On another project, this same client commented “Your direct mail piece has generated over a million dollars (U.S.), far exceeding our expectations. You’ve also made me look like a million dollars, and our Executive VP has said it’s the best piece we’ve ever developed.”—Enna Allen, Marketing Director, Westfield
Today you feel as if you`re playing a game of Hide and Seek. You`re very close to finding what you need -- just look a little harder. Don`t leave any stone unturned in your quest for the winning ticket. Your restlessness could start a chain reaction if you make any sudden moves. Before acting, think about those who depend on you. Your family members may have very different opinions than you do regarding a change you`re thinking about making.
Please join us for a special presentation featuring award-winning journalist and author Lawrence Lanahan who will discuss his recent book, The Lines Between Us: Two Families and a Quest to Cross Baltimore’s Racial Divide (2019).… Continue Reading »
Description A 4"x6" glass plate negative, full figure portrait photograph of three members of the Nina Pond family, Dunbar, Nebraska. The man is wearing a mustache, beard, checked double-breasted suit and dark shirt, sitting in a high-back, ornately carved wooden chair. A women is standing next to him resting one arm on the back of the chair, wearing a dark floor-length gored skirt with inverted pleats from knee to hemline, cinch belt and white blouse with stand collar and gathered elbow-length sleeves. Standing in front of her is a young girl wearing a white lace-trimmed dress with round neck and gathered, elbow-length sleeves, white tights and white shoes with ribbon ties.
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Allow customers to rate their experience with your helpdesk teams to strengthen your credibility and gain their trust. Reviews can also influence a customer’s decision and open space for feedback that can help you improve the quality of your services. Set up¶ Go to Helpdesk ‣ Configuration ‣ Helpdesk Teams and enable Ratings on tickets. The feature automatically adds a default email template on the non-folded closing stage(s) of that team. To edit the email template and the stage(s) set as the closing ones, go to the Kanban view of your helpdesk team and click on Settings, then on Edit Stage. Now, once a ticket reaches the stage(s) designated as the Closing Stage, an email is sent to the customer. Ratings can be seen on the chatter of each ticket, under the See Customer Satisfaction link on the main dashboard, and through Reporting. Ratings visible on the customer portal¶ Go to Helpdesk ‣ Configuration ‣ Helpdesk Teams and enable Display Rating on Customer Portal. Now, by clicking on the helpdesk team’s name on their ticket, customers can see its ratings.
Corporate RelocationsAsk about our environmentally friendly EZ Crate!Knox Service Group provides a whole new level of professionalism and care for a stress-free move, installation or reconfiguration.Read More The KSG DifferenceOur Move Coordinators, Project Managers, and Foremen are dedicated to being a part of YOUR team.Corporate Relocations (Office and Industrial) Furniture Installation and Reconfigurations Move Management Services.Read More Creative SolutionsEvery relocation or move is different. Our creative team excels in finding easy and budget friendly solutions for unique challenges.Our one-contact-and-done service ensures these services are followed through, from concept to final move.Read More Knox Service Group, LLC is a full service office and industrial relocation company. Call 562.365.5150 today and experience the KSG Difference! Teamwork We believe that teamwork and collaboration are the building blocks on which successful projects are created. We want our clients to feel that we are a part of THEIR team and that their priorities are our priorities. Read more » Knox Service Group, LLC is a full service office and industrial relocation company servicing the Southern California marketplace. We pride ourselves in believing that there are no unreasonable client expectations and that we will deliver what we promise to each and every client, large or small. We view ourselves as partners with our customers, our employees, our community, and our environment. This commitment to the highest levels of customer service is what we deliver on every project whether moving one small office or five floors of furniture. Read more » Creative Solutions KSG understands that not every move is the same. Offices, laboratories, and industrial facilities all bring their own distinctive issues to the table. Knox Service Group is dedicated to finding creative solutions to the unique problems that are associated with every move. We keep our client’s satisfaction and budget in mind with every proposal we present.
Girvis W. Moody Jr. was born on December 26,1950 in Newark, New Jersey to parents Girvis W. Moody Sr. and Dorothy L. Moody (nee Jennings). He was the youngest of three children and much adored by his two older sisters. He was affectionately nicknamed “Skipper” and later called Skip by his friends and colleagues. Skip attended the Newark public schools and graduated Class of 1969 from Eastside High School where he played the trombone for several years. . He was married at a young age to the late Victoria Moody (nee Pruitt) and they had two sons Girvis W. Moody III (Tee) and Victor T. Moody Sr. Skip had a strong work ethic beginning as a teen store clerk, later a factory worker, also worked for the Newark Housing Authority as a painter from where he was recruited in 1972 to become a Newark NJ Police Officer. He earned several police bravery commendations and rose to Detective. This led to his serving as private security duty for the former Newark NJ Mayor Sharpe James and his immediate family. Skip also served for many years as a Newark Bronze Shield Honor Guard who participated in numerous community celebrations and tributes for fallen fellow police officers. He retired from the Newark Police force in 1998 after 25 plus years of service! With God’s blessings, he moved to Somerset NJ in 1994 and had a beautiful home built. It was also during this time, he married his long term sweetheart Andrea Moody(nee Shorter) and they proudly welcomed the birth of a beautiful daughter Alexis N. Moody. Those who knew Skip personally, witnessed his great love for gardening; he could name every one of his plants! He however would never admit to having a plant “overkill” and would attempt to rationalize to his wife, saying that it was all alright since he brought many plants that were yellow, as it is her favorite color LOL :) Skip is known for his talented artistic creativity especially during the yearly holidays when he prided himself on displaying quite impressive eye-catching indoors and outdoors themed decorations. Visitors would often take selfies and pictures! Although Skip was a quiet and very reserved man, he was also quick witted and had a great sense of humor. He loved to share his many jokes with anyone who would listen and oftentimes he would just crack himself up! Throughout the years and while in good health, Skip held many interests and hobbies that included gardening, freshwater fishing where he proudly caught a prized 5+ lbs largemouth bass that he had taxidermied, as a young adult he played community baseball, he cautiously rode his motorcycle, was an avid radio listener, and TV viewer of politics, football games, old movie classics and yes, he would actually many times become teary eyed, he enjoyed metal detecting, kite & model airplane flying, soulfully singing Motown tunes and dancing, going to years of daughter Alexis’s cheerleading activities, traveling both domestically and internationally, highly cherishing his attendance, accompanied by wife Andrea to the 1996 USA Olympic Games held in Atlanta, Georgia; loved grill barbecuing that often included having many home cookouts and last but not least, tinkering to take things apart with only a promise to put it back together! Skip also answered to the call of “Pop, Dad and Grand pop. He loved all of the children very much. He however suffered high “Daddy separation anxiety” toward letting Alexis go off to college then on to graduate school and to travel “without” her parents ! He never hesitated to let her know he loved her and how proud he was of all her personal growth and academic accomplishments! Skip had a personal relationship with God! He acknowledged that God is in control and had carried him through many years of fragile health. Girvis W. Moody Jr. is predeceased by his parents Girvis Sr. and Dorothy Moody, and two sisters Vivian M. Kreps and Cora “Brenda” Moody both formerly of Newark, NJ. Skip leaves to cherish fond memories, his loving soulmate, faithful wife Andrea Moody, sons Girvis W.Moody III (Richie), (Sussex, NJ), Victor T. Moody Sr. (Lakiesha), (Jersey City, NJ), daughter Alexis Moody (Norfolk, VA). Seven grandchildren, Dominique Moody, Victor Moody Jr. (Sadeliah), Davon Moody, (Onya), Keshawn Moody, Jacqueline Moody, Kai Moody and Vanessa Moody. Six great grandchildren Janiyah Montgomery, Diamond Moody, Naveah Moody, Peyton Moody, Messiah Moody and Aubrey Moody. A host of nieces, nephews, cousins, in-laws and his Newark Police Officers family. Offering a special note of thanks and appreciation for their personal assistance to his grandson Davon Moody, niece Dorothy “Dolly” Gatewood and sister in-law Zada Shorter. To send flowers to the family or plant a tree in memory of Girvis Moody Jr., please visit Tribute Store
Bend is a new spa and beauty brand offering skincare products that believe in nourishing all the connections and building beautiful skin from the inside out. Its first product is an oral beauty anti-aging formula. Logos, bottle labels, illustrations, web presence and print materials were developed to position and support this unique brand as it enters the beauty industry.
Hey friends. So it’s time to make another record! I’m super excited about it and with your help we can knock this one out of the park! Please check out my PledgeMusic Campaign and be a part of my creative process directly! Thanks so much for being a huge part of this project! Click HERE to learn more!
We hold fast to the belief, regardless of the size or type of project – clear objectives and good communication are the keys to success in producing creative, functional marketing materials. Whether we’re designing a brand for a new business or creating marketing materials for a well-established one, our process is the same. We listen, we ask questions, we develop clear objectives and we create. We believe in the value of relationships and hope that every new client (as so many have) becomes a client with a long history. We feel the same way about our pool of talented illustrators, writers, photographers and printers. As seasoned designers and marketers, our success lies in our ability to help clients understand their priorities and then, provide the tools they need to reach their goals. Our value is our service, skillful communication, vast experience and design knowledge. Ultimately, we are the graphic design experts who can and will produce your marketing materials on time and on budget.
Havvas is a handy and reliable program designed to predict the weather in any city of the world, with a built-in clock that shows you the current time and date. In addition to its main purpose, the application also allows you to create and store reminders, so as not to miss important tasks and events. […] Continue reading → Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged @iMGSRC.RU, Nice girls 2 Leave a comment
The newly built 15-storey building on the outskirts of Hyderabad had a rush of activities with families moving in one after another and occupying their new homes. With a truckload of their belongings, arrived on one fine morning a family of parents, their 20-years old son, Dev, and their German Shepherd, Zico. As the parents oversaw the unloading of the furniture, Dev went to the entrance of the building with the dog on the leash and started climbing up the stairs to reach their condo on the tenth floor. Zico loped beside him to keep pace with his long strides, panting. The packers carried their belongings to their new home, set the cots, kept the furniture in place and left. The family had lunch and Dev had a good nap in the afternoon. In the evening, Zico started wagging his tail and growling and barking at his master. It was the time usually when he would take him for a walk. Today the dog was demanding this treat from his master more aggressively. Representative Image (Picture Credit : Dev put Zico on the leash and took him out through the front door, holding the leash tightly in his hand. Going to the middle of the floor, Dev found that the lift was moving down fast from the fifteenth floor. He pressed the button, and within a few seconds, the lift came and stopped at the tenth floor. A girl of his age was standing there with a pug on the leash. She was tall, dusky and had nice flowing hairs. As the door opened, Dev smiled at her and entered the lift along with Zico. She smiled without raising her head, avoiding an eye contact with him. Zico started growling a bit which frightened the dog. But Dev remained unperturbed, knowing that it was usual for his pet to show his superiority at every opportunity, which made him proud rather than concerned. It was all fine until a sudden power outage brought the lift to a complete halt just as it was about to reach the second floor! The lamp went off and it was little dark inside. Zico suddenly pounced on the pug and held it on its neck! Dev could not control him by pulling the leash. The little dog was traumatized! The girl picked up and calmed her pet by holding it close to her chest. After a few minutes, the power was on and the lift started moving again. The girl pressed the button for the second floor, and as the lift stopped there and the door opened, she hurriedly went out with her dog, mumbling, ‘Savage! What kind of training has it got?’ The lift went down to the ground floor. Dev came out of the lift and stood in front of it for a while, expecting her to come down so that he could apologize, but the lift moved up to second floor and thereafter up again to the top floors. He was not at all happy about upsetting a neighbour and that too a pretty girl with whom he should rather make friends. Dev went out of the complex with Zico. He shouted at the dog, ‘Who told you to attack the puppy? You’re a dog after all. A dog will forever be a dog. Your species can never be civilized!’ Zico cringed a bit at the sudden scream of his master whom he had never seen so angry. His master taught him to be aggressive at times and was happy when he drove away street dogs. On occasions, he also gave a pat on his back. Now what crime had he committed that made his master so furious! The next few days, Dev did not take Zico out for the walks, which made him extremely restless in the evenings. Dev’s father used to take him out in the mornings. Afterwards he stayed home all day, bored and depressed. Dev’s mother, Srilekha asked, ‘What happened, Dev? You don’t take him out now. Why?’ ‘You ask him why,’ Dev replied. ‘He attacks neighbour’s dog. How will I make friends?’ ‘OK, he’s made a mistake. Don’t we make mistakes?’ ‘Mistakes? He needs some lessons in civility.’ Zico understood all these arguments were about him, so he sat and stretched his neck on the floor, sporting an appearance of regret. Representative Image (Picture Credit : Days passed. Dev would sometimes oblige Zico by taking him for a walk and sometimes not. As Dev would shut the door while going out alone in the evenings, Zico would protest strongly by barking. Zico would then go to the balcony and watch downward helplessly as his master would walk down the road in front of the building or drive away on his bike. One day, Zico looked down to see something completely unexpected of his master. Dev had the pug in his lap and the girl they met on the lift that day stood beside him, giggling! A few days later, Zico saw her again in a nearby park, where his master took him for evening walk. The girl also came to the park along with her parents and her pet. As her parents were away for a walk, the girl secretly waved at Dev raising her hand only by half. Dev smiled and waved back at her, mimicking her way of it, which made her almost burst into laughter. Zico felt his master was now friends with this girl, so he should treat her as someone of his own and not as a stranger. Srilekha came to know from newspaper one morning that a dog park had been inaugurated in the city. She suggested to her husband, ‘Zico is getting bored. Dev does not care for him much nowadays. Why can’t we take him to the dog park? All of us will enjoy!’ Zico was in the dog park a few days later along with Srilekha and her husband. He was surprised to see so many of his ilk there – Labrador, Bulldog, Pug, Dalmatian, Indian Spitz, Dachshund and Doberman. He felt like chasing them all and send them out of the park. But then he met a German Shepherd – a female one. His usual aggression gave way to tenderness and love! He sniffed at her and rubbed his body with hers as their masters stood appreciating their new friendship. She ran playfully, inviting him to follow her, and Zico did so with glee. They had to part after an hour of playing in the park, but Zico had a new feeling, a new spurt of emotions which he had not experienced earlier. In about a year, Zico reconciled himself to the whims of his master though he was quite happy in his outings with him. It was the same routine of taking the lift and going down to the ground floor and then wandering around the streets or playing in the nearby park and coming back home, but he enjoyed it to the fullest. One day, while going out for a walk, they met the girl and the pug again in the lift. Dev greeted her warmly, ‘Oh hi, you’re also coming!’ Then they came closer. Zico looked up to see his master approaching her to plant a kiss on her cheek. The dog kept staring at them and as his master did it, he closed his eyes and looked down as if in acceptance of what the chance meeting a year back had eventually blossomed out into. It was love of a kind different from what was between him and his master – a kind which he only had a feel of but did not know much about and for which his master was ready to put him aside and make way for himself. It would be wise to make friends with the girl and her pet rather than sulk about their warming their way into his master’s heart. He would now rather be a part of this new spring in his master’s life than protest and invite his wrath, Zico thought.
Are you having a hard time finding the best South Tulsa men’s haircuts that you can trust on? Are you looking for a best place where you can go and relax and get the best haircut of a lifetime? If this is the case then don’t hesitate to contact Elephant in the room men’s grooming lounge today. Give them a call today at 918-877-2219 and they will do their best to help you answer all your questions regarding your next haircut. The price is really affordable and you can get your first haircut for just dollar one if you are a first-time visitor. So grab this opportunity and experience the best haircut of your lifetime. Elephant in the room men’s grooming lounge has been the best place to go for your haircuts. They hire only highly professional and knowledgeable staffs so that you can get the service you deserve. Their lounge is more like any spa. You will get to enjoy a free beverages of your choice and also get to watch your favorite sports channel in a big screen TV. You also get a world class grooming services that is very modern. If you are serious about your haircuts then you should definitely visit Elephant in the room men’s grooming lounge. Look your best by visiting this place. You will love the result that you are going to receive from Elephant in the room men’s grooming lounge. If you’re looking for standard grooming services in South Tulsa then you should definitely get in touch with Elephant in the room men’s grooming lounge. They are the best South Tulsa men’s haircuts service provider. You not be disappointed with the results you’re going to receive from them. To book an appointment give them a call today at 918-877-2219. They are very familiar with the current fashion and trends with hair styles. They will also give you a free consultation regarding the hairstyle that will best fit your needs. You can trust this place for an excellent haircut. For your convenience they offer different kind of membership packages to provide you the best service. You can choose the packages according to your needs. There are several benefits of becoming a member of Elephant in the room men’s grooming lounge. You don’t have to pay any sign of fee to become a member. The membership fee is month-to-month basis and you can cancel your membership with a 10 day heads-up before your next billing cycle starts. There are different location that you can go to using the same membership. To mix your you are getting the best haircut they also keep track of your haircuts. They will leave notes in your file if there is any kind of change in your haircut. So what is holding you back, if you are looking for the best South Tulsa men’s haircuts then this is a great opportunity for you. Visit Elephant in the room men’s grooming lounge today and get the best haircut of your lifetime. Call them today at 918-877-2219 any schedule your next appointment with them. The customer service is really great and they would go above and beyond your expertise and when it comes to providing you the best service you deserve.
How amazing is the fact that this December is so warm we can still wear dresses! Especially long sleeved dresses, which look so pretty and are season appropriate. Although there are great options for more wintry dresses as well, light fabric ones are still great for holiday parties and similar occasions. I actually have some ready for my New Year's lookbooks that are coming up next week! Until then here's a ruffle dress I ordered recently.Not so sure whether I'm a huge fan of ruffle dresses or not. I know it sounds strange considering I'm wearing one in this post and probably in more than a couple posts in this blog. The thing is I like the certain type of ruffle dresses. If they are too ruffly it's a no go. Couple of ruffles here and there are fine, especially if the cut of the dress is allowing it. You probably noticed how some dresses look great with ruffles while some would be better off without them. As I always say when styling more ''elaborate'' items (so to speak 😂) the way to go is to pair them with simpler items. This will almost always work and look chic and elegant. Maybe only in a case where your ruffle dress (same goes for blouses and other items with ruffles as well) is super simple you can add some pattern or more accessories to the outfit. Like I said, dresses with many ruffles, including the one I'm wearing here, might not always be my first option, but I do think they are a nice change from time to time, in those moments when you want to wear something more interesting and less casual. Yoins dress Yoins cardigan Zara boots Gucci bag Ray-ban sunglasses Vintage and Ti Sento rings Vintage earrings Labels: fashion blog, fashion blogger, fashion bloggers, fashion blogs, lifestyle, moda, ruffle dress, ruffles, stil, style
Every Idealplast's project is developed respecting the environment. The company pursues since very long time the sustainable development. Sustainable development, product responsibility, workplace safety, along with quality management, are the cornerstones of our company policy. Sustainable Development In Idealplast sustainability means the ability to identify early possible risks and to seize new business opportunities, pursuing a continuous improvement. Product Responsibility We are strongly aware that business performance, social responsibility and enviromental protection are deeply interconnected. Thus we implement a sustainable use of resources in the whole process. All our products are fully recyclable and designed in full compliance with the applicable regulations. Workplace safety We narrowly select all the raw materials and we constantly keep our production facilities updated in order to have an increasing carefulness and respect towards the environment. We also want to guarantee to our employees a safe and healthy workplace where they can be able to work peacefully. Quality Idealplast pursues high quality standards, not only through the certifications of the production process which include standard operating procedures that will improve the quality awareness in every resource involved, but also through the constant investment in modern equipment and staff training. In order to offer the highest quality film possible, Idealplast select only high standard raw materials, controlled in entrance and constantly monitored during all the production process, allowing their traceability in every singole step. Policy for the environment, quality and sanitary safety Sustainability - Certifications The company works with the most modern quality standards and obtained the following certifications: CERT SPP160053 CERT SPP160054 UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 BRC CERTIFICATE Etichettatura Ambientale Research & Development The company's focus on research and development is maximum. Idealplast has set up a modern laboratory, where develops and tests new solutions every day to ensure the highest customer satisfaction and improve their range of products. Request information (*) Required fields Ai sensi e per gli effetti degli articoli 13 e 6 del Regolamento UE 2016/679 dichiaro di aver preso visione dell’informativa del trattamento dati personali di Idealplast Srl a socio unico
Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi, which is spread through the bite of infected blacklegged ticks. Infected blacklegged ticks need to be attached for at least 24 hours in order to transmit the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. Most people get Lyme disease after being bitten by: nymphs, which are about the size of a poppy seed adult female ticks, which are about the size of a sesame seed You may not notice a tick bite because ticks are tiny and their bites are usually painless. Not all blacklegged ticks carry the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. Blacklegged ticks are infected with the bacteria when they feed on infected animals like: deer birds rodents, such as white-footed mice and chipmunks People and other animals can get Lyme disease when an infected tick feeds on them for long enough to transmit the bacteria. Tick habitat More than 40 different types of ticks live in Canada, but only 2 types spread the bacteria that can cause Lyme disease in people: blacklegged ticks western blacklegged ticks, common to British Columbia Blacklegged ticks are most often found in or along the edge of forested areas. Tick habitats also include: shrubs forests leaf litter wood piles grass or herbs Ticks can be active whenever the temperature is consistently above freezing and the ground isn't covered by snow. You're most likely to encounter ticks during the spring, summer and fall. However, when conditions are favourable, ticks can be active at any time of the year. You can sometimes find blacklegged ticks in areas outside of where they're known to live. Always take precautions against tick bites when in wooded or grassy areas. Preventing tick bites and Lyme disease There's currently no Lyme disease vaccine available for humans. However, there are clinical trials taking place in Europe and the U.S. The best way to protect yourself from tick-borne diseases is to prevent tick bites. Check your provincial public health authority to find out where infected ticks are most likely to be found. Before you go into a tick habitat Wear light coloured, long-sleeved shirts and pants to spot ticks easily. Tuck your shirt into your pants, and your pants into your socks. Wear closed-toe shoes. Apply insect repellent containing DEET or Icaridin to clothing and exposed skin (always follow label directions). Wear permethrin-treated clothing (always follow label directions). While you're in a tick habitat Walk on cleared paths or trails. Keep children and pets from wandering off paths. Avoid using trails created by animals (such as deer and moose), as ticks are often found on the grass and plants along these trails. Before you go indoors Do a check for ticks on yourself and your: Pets Clothing Outdoor gear, such as backpacks When you're indoors Shower or bathe as soon as possible, as it can help you find unattached ticks. If you don't shower or bathe, do a full-body tick check on yourself and your children. If you find an attached tick, remove it as soon as possible. To kill unattached ticks on your clothing, put dry clothes in a dryer on high heat for at least 10 minutes. If your clothes are damp, you may need to dry them for longer. If you wash your clothes, use hot water and dry on high heat. Ticks can survive a cold/warm wash cycle. Reducing tick habitats around your home Blacklegged ticks thrive in damp, shady environments. They can't survive for long in dry, sunny areas. To create an environment that's unfavourable for tick survival: mow the lawn regularly to keep the grass short remove leaf litter, brush, long grass and weeds: at the edge of the lawn around stone walls and woodpiles prune shrubs and trees to allow sunlight to filter through create a 1-metre or wider wood chip, mulch or gravel border between your lawn and: woods shrubs stone edges seal stone walls and other openings to help prevent animals such as deer, mice and other rodents from bringing ticks into your yard place patios, decks and children's playground sets in sunny areas of the yard and away from yard edges place playground sets on a mulch or wood chip surface Talk to your veterinarian about tick-prevention products for your pets, as they can also bring ticks into your yard or home. Watch and share the video on how to reduce tick habitats around your home. Risks of getting Lyme disease You should always take precautions against tick bites when taking part in higher-risk activities, such as: working in habitats suitable for ticks, such as: parks forestry agriculture participating in recreational activities where ticks may be present, such as: hiking golfing hunting camping gardening bird-watching fishing (from land) Animal to person Humans cannot be directly infected with the bacteria that causes Lyme disease from other animals. However, pets can carry ticks into your yard or home, which could increase your chance of being bitten. Consult with a veterinarian before using any medication or substance (such as insect repellent) on your pets. Person to person There's currently no evidence that Lyme disease can spread from person to person through physical contact. Blood transfusions There have been no reports of Lyme disease cases linked to blood transfusions. For more information, consult Canadian Blood Services. Pregnant people You should always take steps to prevent tick bites, including while pregnant. Contracting infectious diseases during pregnancy can be of concern for you and your baby. If you're pregnant and don't feel well, or are concerned about your health, talk to your health care provider. Current evidence related to Lyme disease and pregnancy is limited. While transmission of Lyme disease during pregnancy is possible, the risk of passing Lyme disease to a baby during pregnancy is considered very low. If a pregnant person has Lyme disease, they can be safely and effectively treated with antibiotics. Early treatment reduces the risk of potential placenta infection and complications. If you're pregnant, it's safe to use: approved insect repellent containing DEET or Icaridin (always follow label directions) permethrin-treated clothing (always follow label directions) If you think you may have Lyme disease, talk to your health care provider as soon as possible. For more information, consult the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada. Breastfeeding There have been no reports that Lyme disease can be passed to your baby through breast milk. Consult your health care provider if you're breastfeeding and concerned about Lyme disease. Posters to share Top 10 tick hiding spots on your body Enjoy the outdoors, without a tick Protect your pets from ticks and Lyme disease Subscribe to the mailing list Receive information on what we're doing to raise awareness about Lyme disease or opportunities for engagement.
Cairo is a city of contrasts. The capital of Egypt is home to some of the most stunning sights in the world, from the Great Pyramids of Giza to the Valley of the Kings. Here are 10 of the most stunning sights to see in Cairo: 1. The Great Pyramids of Giza The Great Pyramids of Giza are the most famous sight in Cairo, and for good reason. These massive structures were built over 4,500 years ago and are the only surviving Wonders of the Ancient World. The Pyramids of Giza are also the only remaining example of ancient Egyptian architecture. Visitors can explore the Great Pyramid of Khufu, the largest of the three pyramids, and the Sphinx, a massive stone sculpture with the body of a lion and the head of a Pharaoh. 2. The Valley of the Kings The Valley of the Kings is a must-see for any history lover. This valley was the burial site of the Pharaohs and their families for over 500 years. The Valley of the Kings is home to over 60 tombs, including the tomb of Tutankhamun, which was discovered in 1922. Visitors can explore the valley and see the magnificent tombs, many of which are decorated with hieroglyphics. 3. The Egyptian Museum The Egyptian Museum is a must-see for anyone interested in ancient Egyptian history. The museum houses over 120,000 artifacts, including the world’s largest collection of Egyptian antiquities. Visitors can see ancient Egyptian art, mummies, and even the tomb of Tutankhamun. The museum also has a library with over 30,000 books and manuscripts. 4. Al-Azhar Park Al-Azhar Park is a beautiful park located in the heart of Cairo. The park was built on the site of a medieval cemetery and is home to a number of mosques and madrasas. Visitors can explore the park, relax in the gardens, and enjoy the stunning views of Cairo. 5. The Citadel The Citadel is a medieval fortress located on a hill in Cairo. The fortress was built by the Ayyubid Sultan Saladin in the 12th century and was the seat of the Egyptian government for over 700 years. The Citadel is home to a number of mosques and museums, and visitors can enjoy stunning views of Cairo from the top of the fortress. 6. The Hanging Church The Hanging Church is a Coptic Christian church located in Cairo. The church was built in the 4th century and is one of the oldest churches in Egypt. The Hanging Church gets its name from the fact that it is built on the site of an ancient Roman fortress. The church is decorated with beautiful Coptic art and has a number of unique features, including a pulpit suspended from the ceiling. 7. The Mosque of Ibn Tulun The Mosque of Ibn Tulun is the oldest mosque in Cairo. The mosque was built in the 9th century by the son of the Tulunid Sultan. The mosque is built in the traditional Abbasid style and is decorated with beautiful calligraphy. Visitors can explore the mosque and its courtyard and enjoy the stunning views of Cairo from the top of the minaret. 8. The Khan el-Khalili The Khan el-Khalili is a medieval market located in Cairo. The market is one of the oldest in the world and is home to a number of shops and stalls selling everything from spices to souvenirs. Visitors can explore the market, bargain with the shopkeepers, and sample the delicious food. 9. The Giza Zoo The Giza Zoo is the oldest zoo in Egypt. The zoo was founded in 1891 and is home to a number of exotic animals, including lions, giraffes, and elephants. Visitors can explore the zoo and see the animals up close. 10. The Cairo Opera House The Cairo Opera House is the main venue for opera and ballet in Cairo. The Opera House was built in 1988 and is home to a number of theaters and performance spaces. Visitors can see a performance at the Opera House or take a tour of the facilities.
Imagine with me that tomorrow is my birthday and I have an inside tip that the God of the Universe is taking a particulate interest in me. He wants me to have the best day ever! What? Give me the best day ever? I find I can hardly contain my excitement. Seriously? God himself is giving me a special day? How is that possible? Why on earth would He give me, of all people, that kind of special attention? I don’t know what I have done to warrant that – if anything, I have done the opposite. But none the less, I have it on good authority that this is going to happen. How exciting … God with me … me with Him … ALL DAY! I wonder how it will start? Maybe (I hope) with me waking up and just feeling worthy to be with Him all day, like a fresh start or “new mercies” to start the day with. Ahhhh, what a beautiful thought … to go through the whole day with the realization that whatever we do together or whatever He gives me, that it is OK and not only OK but GOOD that I receive it. That certainly would not be a normal way for me to start the day but tomorrow, after all, is my birthday. Maybe I can just set aside all the doubt and just enjoy Him and our day together with whatever it brings. Knowing that the whole day is His gift, I trust I will end the day full of gratitude and thanks for special attention on my birthday. But now lets drop the imagining and consider the reality. Through Jesus’ sacrifice and love for us … THIS IS TRUE … EVERY DAY! Let’s never let our days become common … as Christians it is possible that “every day with Jesus is sweeter than the one before.” Let’s not over-think it, let’s just have a happy birthday … and a Happy Sabbath as you discover the new truth behind this.
What they have in common is that they were both inspired by what the Conservative Party perceived as a need to tack to the right in order to shore up support within the party and to see off the UKIP threat . Immigration and the perceived need for ‘control of our borders’ loom large in both . Both are riven with inherent contradiction . Ends Without Means Most significantly perhaps , in terms of what lies ahead , in both cases ends have been willed with no real understanding of the means to achieve them e.g. We will leave the Customs Union and we will have no Hard Border with Ireland We will require people without papers to produce papers to prove their right to be here Conservative politicians while expressing themselves appalled and shocked at what has befallen the Windrush Generation seek to turn the conversation to bearing down on illegal immigration, where they believe they have public support . However in so doing they are repeating a ‘category error ‘ . Windrush Scandal – By Design Not Accident The Hostile Environment policy affected ‘people without papers ‘ indiscriminately whether or not they had made their lives here ,often having arrived on British Passports . This was designed into the policy at the outset . In our country 9.5 million people do not have a passport.. The barest scrutiny of data reveals that out of a U.K.population of 66.1 million , 40.3 million have driving licences . The number of people without a Government issued means of proving their identity , and right to be here , is simply huge . It is transparently obvious that the undebated shift from an assumption of the right to be here to a requirement to provide proof would impact on a whole range of people. The impact of the Hostile Environment policy was obvious . However driven by a tendentious and unachievable target (net migration in the tens of thousands ) Mrs May and the Home Office simply took no account of the blindingly obvious . Hostile Environment Needs an Identity Strategy Regardless of whether this was done knowing the facts and ignoring them or because of a lack of capability to form coherent policy the effect was callous in the extreme . This was policy illiteracy . It is self evident that the required concomitant of a Hostile Environment policy is an Identity Strategy . If you are going to require people to produce ‘papers’ you should provide them with ‘papers’ to produce . Instead the Home Office destroyed them – or at least the historic records , a variant on the ‘lost in an office move’ phenomenon . Master Class on the Absence of Strategy Mrs . May is renowned for her dogged determination and the tortoise like speed at which she shapes policy and its implementation. However this is punctuated by sudden lurches of policy developed in a small cabal and then launched upon the world at what is regarded as a propitious moment. The first example was construction of the Cabinet on what the Americans describe as the Pottery Barn rule :’You break it, you bought it’ putting leading Brexiteers into the prominent roles responsible for delivering Brexit. At first glance this was ingenious; there was an element of poetic justice: you got us into this mess, now get us out of it. Bromides and Bombast However not one of the three Brexiteers has demonstrated any serious strategic grasp of the issues to be tackled. Instead they have fallen back on their collective stock in trade: bromides and bombast , and invoking a bold new future heavily coloured by the pink maps of empire. A particular fly in the ointment is that Mr Fox , who previously had to leave the frontbench for an episode of poor judgement, not to say dodgy dealing, has demonstrated a profound lack of capability causing concern within the European Commission .However he never misses an opportunity to berate anyone considering a rational way of making sense of our confused future through a variant of a customs union as betraying the will of the people .In particular , of course they would be denying him the opportunity to negotiate deals which he is almost certainly incapable of delivering. Foolish Timing of Invoking Article 50 The next example of this was the Conservative party conference following her accession to the leadership at which ‘Brexit means Brexit ‘ was announced. The deadline of invoking article 50 and giving notice by the end of March 2017 that we would leave the European Union was also set. No doubt this was seen within number 10 as a smart move to placate the Brexiteers and steal their thunder . You will remember how agitated the European Union was in the early days about when we were going to get on with things and give notice. As Sir Ivan Rogers apparently advised at the time we should not have given notice until the pattern of negotiations had been agreed. Political considerations outweighed strategic ones. We played our only card with nothing in return. We have been on the back foot ever since. Lancaster House If one had thought it would be difficult to make a bad situation worse Mrs May demonstrated with alacrity that she could in the Lancaster House speech where the red lines of leaving the customs union and the single market were painted. We witnessed the disturbing spectacle of a Conservative prime minister setting about denying her country the benefits of the single market in the same venue as her predecessor, Mrs Thatcher, had proclaimed them .Now we have a Conservative Prime Minister dismantling the benefits for the UK of the single market which the UK had driven within Europe. Withdrawal Agreement The absence of a clear strategy in negotiating the U.K.’s departure from the European Union can be seen in the draft Withdrawal Agreement published in March 2018. The Financial Times commented that on almost every substantial point the UK has accepted the EU’s position. The UK accepted the “backstop” of Northern Ireland staying in the EU’s single market and the customs union. Unless the UK reneges from that position, that backstop will be part of the exit agreement. This means that unless the UK and the EU agree something else, the default will be that Northern Ireland effectively stays in the EU. And how that accords with the rest of the UK is a problem which can only be solved by the rest of UK in effect staying in the EU too. Or by a united Ireland. At the time the Brexiteers seem to accept this getting behind Mrs May. However this now seems to be forgotten. The European Union is accused of having weaponised the Irish border issue. So here we are again. Outrage is being expressed when the source of the outrage is in fact the result of what has already been agreed. Instead in scenes that are reminiscent of Gulliver’s Travels the Brexit Committee of Cabinet are falling out with each other on whether to pursue a solution based on magical thinking, or one based on even more magical thinking, and both of which were rejected last summer by the European Commission as impractical. Policy by Sound Bite Doomed to Fail There is nothing intrinsically wrong with Headline Messages or Sound Bites to drive a programme of change and communicate a message . However you do need to be able to exemplify what you mean by them and illustrate how they might work in practice. The endless mantric intonation of the same soundbites favoured by Mrs May will not cut the mustard. Importantly the messages need to be internally consistent and driving in same direction . You can’t create policy by cobbling together soundbites with the aim of appealing to every aspect of the focus group in which you have tested them . Mrs May’s Windrush Scandal and Brexit Shambles There can seldom been a group of politicians and advisers at top of Government with such a profound lack of capability to think a policy through to its logical conclusion .We have seen the catastrophic consequences for the Windrush Generation and others caught up in the Hostile Environment. We now all face the consequences of Mrs May’s Brexit Shambles which shares the same fatal flaws as the Windrush Scandal .
Was discussing FlySkyHy, an iPhone flight instrument app for those not familiar, with a pilot that was new to it the other day. There is a very detailed walkthrough of most of the features put together by Tim Pentreath on YouTube and thought others might find it useful (especially for those that might already have it but haven’t played around with some of the add-ons for it). It’s long, but a good watch:
We’re Craig and Donna, married, both 63 years old when we start our adventure in June 2018. We love to travel, so we are going to hit the road and explore the world for 2 years (maybe three) as economic refugees, to bridge the time until we are eligible for Medicare and full Social Security, and have some fun along the way while we go about it. We figure it’s going to cost less than living in the states and a good way to stretch our modest pensions. Why? Some think us crazy, considering us at 63 to be retiring; that we should work until full retirement age for the security of benefits. But sometimes you just get worn out and need a change. We would like to indulge in this experience while we’re still relatively young and healthy. To do this, we are putting everything in storage; it’s just too costly to live where we currently do, in one of the most expensive areas amongst the mid-Atlantic states. And for what we are willing to pay for rent in this area, we are not excited about living in. So we’ve crunched some numbers and decided to downsize. Selling off the family silver (sorry kids) and other unneeded household items on Craig’s List or eBay. Dropped our health insurance (will have a catastrophic travel Insurance policy) and ordered a Pod (for storage) so that we can indulge our wanderlust until we return home to the states. We only intend to be short-term wandering expats; we have no plans to emigrate or buy property abroad. This will be slow-travel around the world, with up to three months in each country to take advantage of the 90 days on our tourist visas. There will be some spells of continuous touring for short periods of time. But mostly we are looking to do short term rentals of 30 days or longer, so that we can reduce our housing costs and save on meals, using that extended stay in each to immerse ourselves into the local culture. We’d like to share our experiences with you and hopefully provide some inspiration and motivation along the way to help you plan your own adventure. Our first destination is the Galapagos Islands, then on to mainland Ecuador with a multi-day drive along the Avenue of Volcanoes, ending in the city of Cuenca where we will have our first short-term rental. Next we head north to Guatemala for 6 weeks. February 2019 finds us in Portugal, then Cape Town, South Africa. After that who knows? Hopefully we’ll explore all the continents. “We’re not going to Antarctica.” Nothing is carved in stone. Two suitcases for two years for the two of us. “Really, just two suitcases?” “Yep!” “Oh shoot.” Yes, we promise to do laundry.
A ‘facial’ for your back, which includes deep cleansing, hot towels back scrub and a customized masque followed by a massage and moisturizer. A perfect facial to add to any massage, body treatment or spa package. 25 min – $77 Lift Summum Facial | The Lifting and Firming Facial The Lifting and Firming Facial. The Lift Summum treatment is designed to firm and smooth the delicate skin of the face, neck, and chest – offering instant and long-term results. The Lift Summum is fast-acting to exfoliate, remove dead skin cells, improve skin elasticity, fill/erase wrinkles, and restores radiance in just 50 minutes. 50 min – $145 Hydrapeeling Facial |The Glowing and Calming Facials Our HydraPh and Hydrabrasion peeling facials are best suited for dry and dehydrated skin. Both treatments minimize brown spots and signs of aging, smooth out the texture of the skin, increase radiance, and deeply moisturize. Your skin will look brighter, fresher and younger regaining its luminosity with a luxurious soft feel. 50 min – $145 The Detoxygene Facial This reoxygenating and detoxifying treatment will be sure to leave your skin radiant! Utilizing dual enzymatic and mechanical exfoliation to help eliminate dead skin. The mask then acts as a “pollution magnet” picking up and removing the pollutants before boosting your skin’s microcirculation using manual massage technique as well as active ingredients! This facial will ensure your skin breathes. 50 min – $170 Men’s Facial This treatment is specially designed to suit the needs of men’s skin. It will leave your face feeling clean, toned and fresh. Deep cleansing and nourishing products combined with a luxurious facial massage makes this a perfect facial for him. 50 min – $135 Facial Refresher Perfect for the quick pick me up or for people who regularly receive facial treatments; this hydrating, cleansing and moisturizing treatment will leave your skin feeling refreshed and healthy.
The presence of OM is the most delightful thing ever!! This Diwali, bring in the presence of OM in your loved ones life by gifting them this OM shaped Tea light holder. This is sure to bring in happiness, peace and serenity in your dear one’s life. Get it now!!
There is a decided advantage to taking an Uber while traveling in some of the world’s great international destinations as opposed to a taxi, a new survey found. Globehunters, a travel firm based in the U.K. that offers flights, accommodation, package holidays, tours, car rental and travel services, commissioned the survey to see where money could be saved while traveling in certain cities. The company found that in 55 cities, it was cheaper to get an Uber in 42 of them. The study was based on a per-kilometer cost. There’s still a place for taxis, of course. For instance, it’s £3.22 cheaper to take a cab in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia per kilometer than taking an Uber. £3.22 in euros is $4.13 in US dollars. Riyadh led the top five cities where it was cheaper to take a taxi, followed by Mecca, Milan, New York and Dammam, also in Saudi Arabia. But for the most part, an Uber was still the least expensive way to get around a major city. Leading the list of 42 cities was Cancun, where it was £1.27 ($1.63) less expensive per kilometer to take an Uber.
Nightgown and Robe. Yoked nightgown and yoked front buttoned robe. Nightgown and robe are gathered to yokes in front and back. Armholes of nightgown are bound with bias self fabric and ribbon tie belt may be used. Robe has 3/4 length raglan sleeves and interfaced fronts. Yokes and patch pockets may be outlined with contrast piping, eyelet or lace edging.
Last Saturday we took our dog training group class to the Dubuque Farmer’s Market for an outing to practice good behavior…