license: other
- pexels
- 1K<n<10K
- text-to-image
Around 8,000 high-resolution 4k images of "a woman", suitable for both training, and "pre-training" of AI models. Images are all real-world realism based.
I have been having difficulty training my early-stage txt2img model with GOOD, HIGH-RES images of what "a woman" is. Up until now, I have just been throwing a large number of random high-res images with "woman" in the auto-captioned details.
NOW, however, I have hand-selected a bunch of high-res (4k) images, with just "a woman" in it. (Well, okay, some have a dog in it, but mostly, "a woman" is the ONLY subject. No men, no crowds, no kids, no other women...)
Additionally, I have (tried to) thrown out all images with contents that I guess will be easily misconstrued by AI training. So, no "clever" photography shots, no super-wierd lighting, etc etc.
They are mostly just very simple shots.
Downloading the images
First install the pip based "txt2dataset" tool, and grab [](the jsonl file)
Then run
img2dataset --url_list woman-sharp.jsonl --input_format "jsonl" \
--url_col "url" --output_format files \
--resize_mode no \
--output_folder pexels-woman-sharp --processes_count 8 --thread_count 8
.txt captions
As a temporary measure, you can steal pregenerated captions from one of the appropriate files in
However, I am working on an even better set of captions for this subset of images. Stay tuned ...