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df04de6 | The author of this article says that it is a worthy pursuit to explore Venus. And they are right. Venus is much like Earth with its density and size so why not explore it.
The author explains that Venuis might have been just like Earth years ago and scientists have thought about going back to explore. The text said,"Why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface? Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largley with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." What this is saying is that scientist could make new discoveries that could change everything and that scientists should absolutly go back to this planet.
The author also said that this exploration can be dangerous. The conditions on this planet are hostile. The planet is very hot and the atmosphere pressure is much greater than on Earth. The text said," A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percetn carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planets surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Farenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." What this is trying to say is that this is extremely dangerous for humans. But this still doesn't make it impossible for people to explore. NASA has a possible solution to battle the conditions of this planet. They might create a hovering vehicle that would stay above the ground. The text says," NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Vesusian landscape." What this is saying is that there is a chance people can go find new discoveries on Venus.
In conclusion it is possible but dangerous to explore this planet because we have technology to help us through the hostile conditons of this planet. | 34
dfcd14b | Driverless cars are very dangerous. I think that humans sound extremely lazy when we try so hard to push for driverless cars. We look for the easiest way out of everything. Cars already make traveling much easier than walking and now we want to not have to do anything while we travel. I think that driverless cars are dangerous and too expensive, and they should not be developed for the world to use.
Driverless cars are dangerous becasue you never know when something will go awry. Computers aren't always working and I would never want to put someone's life in the hands of something that is not reliable. For example somtimes I turn on my computer at home and it doesn't work the way it should be working. What would happen if that was in charge of your car? Although you don't have to do a lot in drivlerless cars you still must stay awake in them, and I think that people wouldn't take that seriously. That would put everyone's lives in danger that are driving around them. In the article it says that, "Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times." These laws have been in place for a very long time and nothing too awful has happened, this law helps to keep people safe. I don't know anyone who would put their lives in the hands of a computer.
Another reason for driverless cars not to be developed is because they are too expensive. They would cost so much money to create and to fix and to have roads that adapt to the cars. Car companies would be spending even mroe than now to get these parts for cars that don't need to be made. The best driverless cars worked on special manufactured roads that were way too expensive to be practical. "These smart-road systems worked surprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, soemthing that was simply too expensive to be practical." If we cannot have the best for the people that we care about why would we want these nonreliable cars at all? The smart road systems were said to work the best, yet we are resorting to the unreliable manufactured cars that would carry the people we care about the most.
Overall I think that driverless cars make everyone seem lazy and reckless. Why can we not just stick with how far we have come with vehicle technology, instead of pushing towards cars that put people lives in even more danger than before. Driverless cars should be left for the movies and not for real life. Although they would make life easier soemtimes, they are too unreliable. Keep driving a thing that humans can somewhat control. | 34
7063170 | The "Face on Mars" is a natural landform. Information from Nasa has led us to conclude that it was created by natural causes.
When the "Face on Mars" was first discovered, the picture seen was captioned, "huge rock formation." The discription then goes into detail about how shadows gave an illusion of eyes, nose, and a mouth. The public made up their own minds on how this Face had formed. The "Face on Mars" became a pop icon and was present in many films, books, and even radio stations.
The lack of evidence of life on Mars led people to also believe that NASA was withholding information regarding aliens or other life forms. These theories can not hold true because NASA would benifit greatly on finding life on Mars. NASA's profits would begin to increase.
Pictures were later taken to confirm that there is no alien monument on Mars. The picture actually showed a Martian equivalent of a butte or mess, landforms which are common on Earth.
Based on thorough evidence and research, NASA has come to conclude that the "Face on Mars" is nothing but a natural landform. | 12
7832599 | Cars are benefits for getting you from point A to point B, but there are many other ways you can receive transportation that way. Cars can also get you there quicker, but its not worth what we are doing to our enviornment and ourselves. There are three major advantages about limiting your car use. It will help out our enviornment with the air pollution; you can hear the peacefulness of birds and kids playing, and its a financial rest.
First and foremost, it will help out with our air pollution. "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog..."(14). The gas we use to fuel up our vehicles is polluting the enviornment when we use it. If we used Paris as an example, we can have odd and even driving days for odd and even license plates (11). That means only half the people with cars would be driving on the road each day which could alter the air pollution. Another reliable example is Bogota, once a year they have a car free day to limit the air pollution (20). Carlos Arturo Plaza believes, "[i]t's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution" (24).
In addition, the neighborhood or city you are in wouldn't be as loud. Have you ever imagined a peaceful enviornment with no car horns or engine? Heidrun Walter said she was always tense and now she is happy without her car, because she can hear the swiss of bicycles and the chatterring of children playing (3). Rarely do I ever have peaceful moments unless I'm inside school, or at the neighborhood library. For example, a peaceful walk to school can mentally prepare me for my day ahead, and save my mother gas money.
The amount of money one pays for a car could be equilvalent to amount some else pays for their house. Also, when you get the car, you have to put gas in it for your engine to power up. Limited car use wouldn't just effect you as a person, but the economy as a whole. "In previous bills, 80 percent of appropriations have by law gone to highways and only 20 percent to other transport" (9). If we reduced our car usage, the United States wouldn't have to spend 80 percent of appropriations to highways and they could even it out more to other transportation use. Plus, if you didn't have to pay for gas every week just imagine how much money that would save you.
Limited car use doesn't just effect you financially, but it also contributes positively to the enviornment. In additon, more peaceful moments can be added to your agenda of things to do. Cars are reliable for their speed and transportation, but when it comes to long term effects, I don't know if its really worth the risk. | 34
1e32b1d | Do you ever think that exploring a planet far from home is worth it? Astronauts take on the challenege to travel to Venus and to explore the mysteries of the planet. The author supports the idea of taking the challenge to Venus by stating that the planet is worth studying for regardless of what dangers pursue them.
Most astronauts from NASA are fascinated about the idea of the exploration of Venus. In article it says," Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it way well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." In addition, it also says," Some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." There are a lot of astronauts in NASA that are willing to take on the challenge to Venus and NASA has already been simulatiing prototypes to withstand the conditions similar to Venus. The planet is not just fascinating. it's also really dangerous for astronauts to travel there.
Exploring Venus is really dangerous that no one will be able to survive with such harsh conditions the astronauts have to face. In the text it says, " Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." In addition, the article also states, "Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun." The conditions on that planet Venus are much worse than on Eath, the planet contains such heat that it is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit.
For conclusion, there are a lot of dangers and obstacles that the astronauts need to prepare for if the astronauts want to accomplish the challeneg to explore Venus. The author supports the idea of taking the challenge to Venus by stating that the planet is worth studying for regardless of what dangerspursue them. | 34
ae92436 | Citizens are often using cars to get from work and back, however if citizens were to stop using cars there could be some advantages like traffic can be reduced, new buildings can be built, and habits of car use can be stopped.
If citizens were to cut down on using cars traffic would be reduced. According to Robert Duffer a person from the Chicago Tribune he states that "congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France after five-days of intensifying smog" (Robert Duffer, paragraph 14). With that being stated by Robert Duffer it should be clear to people that with reduced traffic people are able to get to places where they need to be in just a short matter of time, citizens won't have to worry about being late for whatever it is citizens have to do. Robert Duffer also states that almost 4,000 drivers were fined according to Reuters (12) Citizens should realize that with almost 4,000 people being fined it should tell citizens that they should cut down on car usage to help prevent smog and to also save them money.
Along with citizens cutting down on car usage to reduce traffic if they were to cut car usage new building can be built. According to Andrew Selsky from the Seattle Times he states that "parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughout the city uneven, pitty sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up" (Andrew Selsky, paragraph 28). When citizens cut down on car usage many new things can be built and explored by citizens but if citizens were to not stop car usage then new things wouldn't be built and old things couldn't be replaced or fixed. Andrew Selsky also states that it has seen the construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths (27). There is many citizens out in the world that would rather ride bikes than to use a car just to prevent pollution, with 118 miles of bicycle paths there shouldn't really be any car use. Using bicycles could help change the world so much more and less pollution could be created.
Not only with citizens cutting down on car use for new buildings to be built, citizens can stop their habits of car usage if they give it a try. According to Elisabeth Rosenthal a lady from the New York Times she states that "with all these changes, people who stopped car commuting as a result of recession may find less reason to resume the habit" (Elisabeth Rosenthal, paragraph 36).Citizens stopping car commuting could really help those citizens with habits of not being able to stop car commuting which could result in saving the earth and air pollution. Elisabeth also states that a chairman of the Ford Motor Company proposed a partnering with the telecommunications industry to create cities in which pedstrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve safety (43). While the chairman of the Ford Motor Company is stating this information maybe citizens will change their minds about car usage just to improve safety or to even safe time.
All in all this why citizens should car usage to reduce traffic, new buildings can be built, and to try and stop habits of car use by giving it a try. Citizens trying to do these could help stop air pollution and they could also save themselves money. | 34
16ba2ef | Studying Venus
What is Venus? Is it dangeries to study? Venus is one of the brightest plant in the sky .How well does the author support the idea of studying Venus? To continue the way the aunth supports the idea is by talking about how NASA is working on studying Venus,How scientists want to discuss further visits, and ways we can study venus without any harm being involved.
Fisrt reason why is NASA is working on how to study venus. For example, Some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulatign the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions(''Paragraph 7''). They are working on all these of projects to see how they could study Venus in a better way. NASA is trying to find ways that They could have less heat to bring someone on the rocketship. This in formation proves that studing venus is not that hard unless you find ways to approatch it more sucessfully.
The second reason why is how the scientist want to discuss about making more visits to Venus. When they are saying that Venus is a Inhospitable. Astronomers are fascinated by Venus it could of been one of the Earth-like planet in the soloar system( ''paragraph 4-5'').There are trying to send people to study venus, but they want to say how it is inhospitable. This information proves on that Venus is something to study about if scientists want to study it then why should we not.
The third reason is ways we could study venus without any harm be involved. Think about a blimp-like vehicle hovering over 30 or so miles above the roling Venusian landscape(''paragraph 5''). If jet planes travel at a higher altitude and avoid storms. If we can get a vehicle to be over Venus, then we could avoid any really hot heat. This information proves that they are ways to study Venus without any harsh harm being involed to the human.
In conclusion, the author has supporting evaluations to studying Venus. The ideas are how NASA is working on studing Venus, How scentist want to disscuss abot Venus, and ways we could study Venus without any harm. If Venus is so harmful to study and travel to then why are scientist still trying to study it? | 23
70542b0 | So do you think this technolgy to read emotional expressions is right? To start with like maybe reading animals probaly not reading us humans like we really dont need a meachine to read us we can read ourselfs. You can just see how your feeling that day and if your feeling good thtas good. I absoulty dis agree with this artical. How much money would we have to pay for these things anyway like there gonna be pretty expansive.
Also in the text us humans can read our firends once we get to know them we will know if there having a bad day. Eckman has classfied six basic emotions happiness,surprise,anger,disgust,fear,sadness. Just stateing this im pretty shure i would know if i was all of them emotions maybe a meachine to read my future i would want to see. Also back to my point why buy this when there are much nearer things to buy. Maybe people that are depressed is gonna say thats not true im happy and all this. | 12
9e31ec8 | The Mona Lisa is said to have many different emotions. Eighty-three percent happy, nine percent disgusted, six percent fearful, and two percent angry. Due to a new computer software, from Professor Thomas Haung of the Beckman Institute for Advanced science at the University of Illinois and Professor Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam, we can calculate the emotions of people and how much of certain emotions they are feeling at the time. I believe this software can be very helpful to people in many different fields: in an office, at a restaurant, and especially in classrooms.
This new technology can be a very helpful tool in teaching all different types of students at their pace instead of teaching a specific groap of kids at one pace. In a classroom, it can be very intimidating and nerve recking to raise your hand and be the only one with a question. With the new software, the computer will detect if the child needs help or not by the facial expressions he, or she, makes and explain the lesson in a way that child would understand. Also, it can help teachers with the way they teach and the way they give out work. Since the computer can detect emotions, it can also detect they way the children are responding to the way the teacher is teaching and the homework he, or she, is giving them.
In conclusion, I think the bnew software will be very helpful, especilally in schools. It could be both beneficial to students and teachers and help strengthen the education systems. Most kids do not like to learn because it is too hard and because they can not comprehend it, but if learning could be made more understandable, or easier, lack of a better term, then a greater amount of students would be more open to learning and actually trying in school. | 23
b5b6164 | I think that studying Venus is not a worthy pursuit despite of danger it presents. It is not a danger because Venus is all the way in the sky and cannot just come down. In the past Venus was the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. "Long Ago", Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth Today'. Venus can sometimesbe our nearest option for planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel. The author is just saying information from the past and is not informing us with new evidence to support his claim. NASA is working on approaches to studying Venus, some simplified electronics made of silcon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venu's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. They are looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers. These devices were first envisioned in the 1800's and played an important role in the 1940's during World War ll. These devices make calculations by using gears and levels and do not require electronics at all. This is why I think that Venus is not a worthy pursuit despite if presents. | 01
5c54427 | With the aging of time comes the advent of new technology. One specific development in this modern era is none other than computer-driven cars. This progression, however, has indubitably raised the question: should we have them or not? While computer-driven cars may cause responsibility issues in times of accidents, ultimately society will experience a higher degree of safety and convenience; thus, it is only neccessary that they be implemented and replace what defines driving today.
Computer-driven or "driverless" cars undoubtedly provide more safety to all drivers and pedestrians than cars driven completely by humans. Currently, there are my types of people with the priviledge of driving, whether they be old, young, or even disabled. While the fact that this priviledge is accessible to many seems great, this could lead to disaster; young drivers have more of a tendency
to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol and old or disabled drivers may be oblivious to anything on the road. However, with the advent of driverless cars, those who may not be as strong in driving do minimal work to get to where they want. In paragraph 7, it claims that the "BMW announced the development of Traffic Jam Assistant," which is a car that can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph. Also, these driverless cars can even "steer, accelerate, and brake themselves . . ." Lastly, features such as "flashing lights on the windshield and other heads-ups displays" are under consideration. With all these new aspects entwined, any type of driver would benefit simply due to the fact that do not have to do as much of the driving anymore. Ultimately, this would indubitably lead to increased safety in society, as both drivers and pedestrians no longer have to worry about performing careless mistakes that would inevitably cause major issues on the road.
Not only would driverless cars increase the level of safety on the road and benefit every civilian, but also they would provide much convenience. In paragraph one, it addresses this notion with "He (Brin) envisions a future with a public transportation system where fleets of driverless cars form a public-transport taxi system." Today, in many over-populated countries such as China, the amount of transportation on the road is so extreme to the point where car-owners can only drive on specific days of the week. However, with this system of driverless cars, everyone has a guaranteed opportunity to ride in a car everyday. Additionally, this adds convenience to environmental groups and activists due to the fact that, as mentioned in paragraph one: "The cars
he(Brin) forsees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus." Now, with these driverless cars, protecting the environment would become an intrinsic phenomenon. Thus, with the implementation of driverless cars, there would be an undoubtable increase in the level of convenience to society.
It still must be acknowledged, however, that these driverless cars can cause responsibility issues when there is an accident (mentioned in paragraph 9). While this may be the case, it is, in the end, trivial; with new system features mentioned in paragraphs 6 and 7, very seldom will one see accidents. Additionally, this problem of responsibility could be avoided in the first place with the implementation of a recording device in every driverless transport. By doing so, it will reveal if it was the fault of technology or the driver that caused an accident. In the end, this concern of liability and responsiblity is outweighed by its own trivialness and the fact that driverless cars offer much more (safety and convenience).
Driverless cars should be industrialized and ultizied in society in the near future because of the fact they offer maximum degrees of both safety and convience to many members of society. While there lies the concern that driverless cars will cause responsiblity issues when there are accidents involving it, one must consider the fact that these accidents in the first place are seldom to occur; furthermore, this concern can easily be avoided altogether with new methods such as videotaping both the inside and the technology itself to determine what caused the accident.The progression of time has led to the taking of many steps for technology; it is technology such as driverless cars that we must welcome. | 56
7c2e2d2 | Dear Senator of Florida,
I strongly adivise you, hoping you will take this advise, to discard the Electoral Colledge and change it to whoever gets the most popular vote for the pesident of the United states. In Bradford Plumbers article he states "The electoral colledge is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The best arguments in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis in reality." The sad part about that is true. Yes, it was made hundreds of years ago and it worked but as time goes on and technology changes, the world changes, and some things just are not the same and dont fit anymore.
As some of the state of Florida coming together, the electoral college does consist of some advantages, for say to avoid run-off elections, as Richard A. Posner says, and "restore some of the weigh in the political balance"... but
As we vote, we vote for the state of electors. Not the president ourselves, they do it for us. If we are not allowed to vote on our own then why even let us vote anways. I feel we are being baby feed. If this is true why even give us any rights as a human being living in the United States all together? Can we not control who we vote for? Sooner or later we wont even watch the presidental elections or even vote and you all will be on your own!
To go along with, I feel that if the electoral college was abolished, then it would be easier on everyone, expecially the senate. Again in Bradford Plumbers articile, "Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates do not spend time in states they know have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the swing states." If we are not in a swing state then what are our chances of seeing the candidtes or even a campaign. That siduation would be more hard on you all in the senate then us, the people of Florida, we just wont vote!
We hope you make your decision wisely,
Florida | 23
3dcaf37 | Exploring Venus has its pros and cons. Both have its challenges and risks. Venus is a very interesting planet to study due to the fact that it is the only one like earth, but there are risks. throughout this essay I will tell you my reasoning on why the author didn't exactly prove to me that Venus is worth taking risks for.
It states in paragraph two," Each mission was unmanned, and for a good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in the more than three decadeas." This peice of evidence shows that Venus is not a safe enviroment for electronics to land on so why would you potentially send humans to this planet even though a spacecraft couldn't surive. This statement also had no followup counterarguement; there was no sentence to make me want to change my mind.
It also states in paragraph three," On the planets surface, temperatures avergae over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth." This piece of the paragraph again identifies the risks but now into more detail. There is no followup counterargument, so again this author is making me completely against the idea of sending life to Venus.
It states in paragraph four,"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth." This statement is one of the only pros that I have encountered from the author so far. This makes me think that this could be a good idea, especially due to the fact that Venus has some of the same features of earth.
The author then goes on to say," imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape. Just as out jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way. At the thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Farenheit. But the air pressure would be close to that of se level on Earth. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans." This paragraph finally gives a safe solution to exploring Venus in a habitable way. However in the sixth paragraph the author states," Therefor, scientists seeking to conduct a throrough mission to understand venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks." This statement shows how the trip to Venus would be a waste of time if you cannot get on the surface. There is no point doing this exploration because any human life will not survive if you get too close to the surface.
In conclusion the author did not convinve me that traveling to venus is worthy expidition. The author mainly explained the cons of the study and did not provide too many pros. The author did not support the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. | 45
b2d9c8e | The technology to read the emotional expression of students in a classroom is valuable because there it can show when someone is getting bored in a class. There are plenty of reasons for why to use this technology. One reason could be that it will detect when a student is bored or is becoming confused. Another reason that it should be used is that it would help inprove the lesson or what is being taught. Also most human communication is non verbal, so then the computers need to understand that.
One example on why the technology should used is how it will be able to detect when someone feels a certain way in a class or a lesson. The text states, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,"(D'Alto). This would help students and teachers because from the students prespective the teacher would know how he/she felt. A way that this would help teachers would be that it would give the teachers some feedback so that maybe if their student is bored to make their lesson a little energetic. Then the students and the teachers may have more understanding of eachother.
Another reason that would make this technology valuable would be that it would help improve a lesson for the students when needed. The text states, "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor"(D'Alto). This is refering to the last point. So if a student is bored, the computer would recognize the problem and change the lesson for the student so they could be more enthusiastic about the lesson. For example if a student is borred about learning about geography, and the student is bored then the computer could change up their lesson by watching a movie that follows what the person is learning about.
Also another reason for using the technology in a classroom about how a lot of human communication is not even talking to someone it is more body language than anything. The text says, "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication"(D'Alto). This means that not everything is about just talking to someone but there is also a lot that goes on with their body, facial expressios, the list goes on. For example a person can a have a converstion with someone and not even mean what they are saying, and the computers would be able to tell using their facial expressions and body language.
Whether a person think that this new technology is completely useless or not, this could help for students to learn more, and have interest in learning. This could help students by actually learning and doing better in school, because they would be able to fully understand each concept. For example if a student is confused with something and the teacher doesn't notice it the computer will, and it will change the lesson so that the student can get a grasp of the subject. maybe this new technology shouldn't be introduced into a classroom, but it would be of much help. | 34
2f1718a | At first, the idea of not using a car may seem like an extreme inconvience that comes with endless problems. However after looking into the matter there are many hidden advantages. One can lessen emmissions, and help create a less polluted enviornment for themselves. One may also be able to save money by simply taking alternate types of transportation.
By using a car less, one can help decrease the amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. Paragraph five by Elisabeth Rosenthal, states that up to fifty percent of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States are due to passenger cars. While these numbers may seem daunting, some cities have reduced their pollution in simple ways. For example, Paris experienced record breaking air pollution caused by emissions. This drove leaders to put in place a ban on certain cars driving during specific days of the week. Not only did the smog clear within one day, but sixty percent of car traffic was down too. If Paris'es problem was fixed by making a simple switch, then less polluted cities could easily decrease their emissions aswell.
One can also save money by avioding cars. Not only are cars expensive in the first place, but as explained by Rosenthal in paragraph twenty nine, the bridge and tunnel tolls are rising. Bikes on the other hand, are a great alternative because they are inexpensive and they have free paths. One may argue that it is impossible to get the public to ditch their cars for human powered machinces, but in Bogota, colombia, this is already happening. For one day each year cars are banned, and only certaing types of vehicles are allowed. Selsky explains in paragraph twenty that millions participated, even on rainy days. Here one can see that this alternative transportation idea is not a couple of people, but a widespread movement.
Overall, lessening ones usage of cars has many benefits. Not only can one help ensure cleaner air, but they can save money while their at it. By making small changes in ones everyday life, huge impacts can be made on the community. | 34
7cb7c5e | When electing the president of the United States, you must vote in favor of the president you want. However, instead of coming down to popular vote, the system uses the Electrolar College to decide. The Electroral Vote works in that the people of a certain states votes for their candidate and the majority of people who vote for a certain president give their votes to a slate of voters. What this means is that the popular vote within a state wins the electoral votes of the electors who then vote for the president. Many people dislike this system including myself. I disaprove of this system because it limits representation, permits the disintrest of voters, and reduces a candidates intrest in a state.
One major problem with the Electoral College voting system is that it limits representation of the people. The Electoral COllege votes work so that the population of a state directly effects the amount of votes that states recieves. For example, Wyoming only has about 500,000 voters so it only recieves one electoral college vote. Because there is only one vote for wyoming, the 500,000 voters do not have acurate representation in a vote that has a total of 270 electoral votes. There have also been times in which a president has won the piopular vote but lost the Electoral College vote. This was seen in the 2000 vote of Bush versus Gore when Gore won the popular vote and Bush won the electoral vote.
One might claim that because the amount of electoral votes for a state is based of the population, it is fair. However, I believe that the popular vote is more fair because it expresses the opinion of the majority. In some states, there is a large majority of people running for a single party. This can be observed primarily in Texas where an overwhelming majority of voters are Republican. Therefore, the Republican president wins Texas almost every election period. This can be frustrating for Democrats who live in Texas because they know that their vote does not matter causing them to lose interest in voting in the first place. This is not fair for those people nor is it particularly good to express as an American trait.
As stated before, the larger the population of a states, the more Electoral College votes that state gets. This leads to a small group of "big states" that have such a large amount of votes, they are the target for candidates to try to persuade to vote for them. On the opposite side of the spectrum, most of the other 50 states have a smaller amount of votes and are less of an objective for candidates to acquire. In many states throughout an election preiod (the period in which candidates move to diferent states giving speeches) the candidates never make an appearance in their state at all. This is observed in the 2000 election in which seventeen states did not have the candidate make an appearance at all. This also can lower interest in voting for the president.
The Electoral college voting system is not fair in the way the present system works. The system does not show proper representation of the people, does not promote interest in voting, and causes a candidate to ignore the states in which do not have a large amount of electoral votes. Moving to popular vote will fix all of these problems and will improve the way we vote for our president. | 45
9512bb3 | Although some may spectate that the Face was created by aliens, it is just a natural landform such as the ones we have on Earth.
Back in 1976, when the original photo was taken, the camera technology on Viking 1 was not very well, and the cloudy atmosphere did not help any. There is really no way to tell what the landform is in the picture. Now in 1998, when the second photo was taken, you can more visibly see the mesa start to take shape as the humanoid face goes away. Cameras have improved in the last 20 years, and are able to capture pictures with greater detail. In 2001, the picture is fully resolved and you can see how the landform is natural. The mesa is just like the one we have on Earth, in Idaho. Also, compared to the 43 meters for every pixel in 1976, the last picture taken in 2001 has 1.56 meters for each pixel, resulting in a higher revolution and seeing the object more clearly.
In conclusion, the Face on the Moon is just another casual landform as we have on Earth, not some alien made product. | 12
5ea32c7 | Driverless cars have many advantages and disadvantages. A few advantages are easier transportation for older people, handicapped and mentally challanged, also there will less accidents once the cars are completely driverless. Some disadvantages are how expensive the cars are with all the new technology and mechanics all around will have to learn an entirely new method of fixing cars.
The transportation of older people, the handicapped and mentally challanged will be one of the greatest triumphs. Once a person gets old, their senses deteriorate causing them to drive slower and possibly cause accidents. With the handicapped it will give them the feeling of driving again, more so with people who have lost their ability to walk and can not transport themselves. Finally, with the mentally challanged, they will experiance driving themselves without causing danger to other people and will not have to completely rely on their parents or care taker to tote them around everywhere. With the driverless cars, the new technology will make it safer for these types of people to get around and still have others around be safe as well.
On the other side of the spectrum though, there are many disadvantages to having driverless cars. One being, the cars will be very expensive, they have so much new technology that goes into them and so many safety features. The price will set many back from trying to buy one and what would be the use if only the people who did not need them, had them? Next, many mechanics will have to learn a brand new method of fixing driverless cars, more so all the types of sensors and trackers. The learning process can take many months to someone who needs it fixed right now and will set many other from trying to be a mechanic.
To end off with, there will be fewer accidents once driverless cars are all around. The sensors will take away the need for the driver to stopgo and yeild to tother vehicles and pedestrians. This will be a big leap from how many accidents we have each year and revent untimely deaths. This is also big for people who text and drive or drink and drive. The risk for drinkers and texters is greatly reduced if not prevented from driverless cars.
Finally, the driverless cars has multiple advantages as well as multiple disadvantages. many advantages are old people, hanicapped, and mentally challanged have a way to get around and fewer accidents. The disadvantages are the cars will be very expensive and all the mecahnics learning a brand new way to fix a car. | 34
d710fe7 | Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and accasionally the closest in distance too. the speed between Mars, Venus, and Earth orbit the sun in different speeds. these difference in speed mean that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times venus
A thick atmosphere of almost 97% carbon dioxide blankets venus. even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmophere. on the planet's surface, tempers average over 800 degrees this showws how dangerous it s trying to study venus specially with the high percentages that this story has about venus.
Paragraph 4 the authour asks " if our sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scientist even discussing further visit to its surface?" he states that astronomers are fasinated by planet in our solor system , long ago, Venus was probably covered large;y with oceans and could have supported varous forms of life, just like earth. Today,
Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. | 01
2d034c8 | Limiting usage of cars is actually a very good idea. There are many different reasons why it's a good thing to do. You won't waste as much money on gas anymore, or car payments. You won't waste time trying to find a parking space outside of Wal-Mart, while also trying to not run over pedestrians that refuse to move out of the way.
"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." - Heidrun Walter. Yes having a vehicle can be very stressful, and many people just choose not to have them. Others would disagree with those people by saying "they get me where I need to go faster." Which is true as well, so there are pros and cons to not having, and having a vehicle. Cars are one of the maine reasons for pollution though.
You also have to worry about getting into recks. If you get hit think of all the money it will take to fix your car. Or worse! What will happen if your car is totaled, and there's no way you can get it fixed. You will have to spend loads of money to get a new car. Now you have to make all those payments ALL over again. It will just become so stressful.
"What most intrigues me is that rates of car ownership per household and per person started to come down two to three years before the downturn, I think that means something more fundamental is going on." - Michael Sivak. The rate of people owning cars is going down slightly more every year. Many people choose not to own cars because of there high prices. Some also choose not to own them because of the ridiculous gas prices also. Others choose differently and that's okay, because we all are allowed to have our own choice. | 23
c19ee85 | Studying venus is a worthy pursuit depsite the dangers it presents, because if you think about it venus is like the brightest light in the sky and also the second plannet from our sun.
The article talks a lot on venus, from trying to see why spacecrafts didn't stay up there long, how could they fix that, and many more. Studying venus won't be bad, you could learn a lot from it, probably things you didn't already know. In the text it states " Previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason,....... no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours". If you was to study venus , you could probably figure out why a lot of spacecrafts don't last up there. Despite all the bad stuff that happens on venus you could always look at the good side, like features. It's not always about the bad part of stuff it's the good part and what makes it good. In the story it states" ...... Venus was probably covered largely with oceas and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth.Today, venus still has some features that are analogous to those on earth".
So if you was to study venusv which is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers, you can think about the good part and you could probably change why spacecrafts don't last or anything else that's wrong ,but you should never let the danger stop you from learning something good. | 23
3676aa1 | "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" article infroms the readers about Venus's harsh conditions and mankinds's curiosity to explore this unknown.
This curiosity has challenged The National Aeronaautics and Space Administration (NASA) to strive for a better understanding of Venus.
The author of this article supports this statement well enough, but could have supported his work better.
Throughout the article, the author describes the dangers of Venus explaining why exploration is diffiicult.
In paragraph 3, the author states, "These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals," proving that Venus can not support human life or any of human technology.
The author describes the danger well, however, he/she does not address why Venus is a worth pursuit for discovery.
The author repeatedly uses the unknown aspect of Venus's physical attributes and humans' natural curiosity as the two main motives for exploration on this planet.
Paragraph 8 shows this by opening with, "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." The author continuously uses those two factors as to why humans are so keen on pursuing this inhospitable planet.
There is a lack of evidence explaining why Venus is worthy of exploration but informed why we should be exploring Venus but the author describes the dangers of Venus very well.
To strengthen the author's suggestion, studying Venus is a worth pursuit despite the dangers it presents, he/she should have included details on what the planet can offer humans or given more reasons as to why humans are so motivated to explore our sister planet.
The author only supports the dangers of Venus presents well in his/her suggestion but doesn't support why Venus is a worthy pursuit in exploration well. | 34
81d143e | This will be about my opinions and what I think on the matter of driverless cars.
I will explain why I think like I do too.
I think you will agree with me.
I think driverless cars would be good and nice.
Some computers can detect danger faster than the human eye can catch, or the human mind to comprehend.
For example if a small animal runs in front of your car you may hit it due to you driving so fast, and the sudden relization that an animal just ran out in front of your car.
Another plus of driverless cars are you are less likely to get injured due to the computer inside your car.
For example, say you are driving and you are extremely tired from a long days work.
If you fall aslepp at the wheel, the car will stop due to your hands no longer on the wheel of the car, resulting in a safe stop.
This is my opinion on why driverless cars would be safer. There are many dangers as well, but I belive the pros outweigh the cons in this situation.
I hope the reader of this will belive the same way after reading what I just typed. | 12
3dcd7e8 | The story unmasking the face is telling us how they should believe that this face was made by so maney aliens but it was a scientist . As the story goes on the story say this face was made in1976 to 2001 .I think this story is trying to tell us that this story is real because of how it's sounding .I think that this story is really make believe because they said this was made by aliens . April 5,198 when mars global surveyor flew over cydonia for the first time , michael malin and his orbiter camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than original viking photos . Thousands of anxious web sufers were waitimg when the image first appeared on a JPL web sitr , revealing .... a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all .
but not everyone was satisfied . The face on mars is located at 41 degrees north martain latitude where it was winter in april '98----- a cloudy tie of year on the red plantes . The camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the face . Perhaps ,said skeptics aliens markings were hidden by haze .. What the picture actually shows is the martian equivalent of a butte or mesa ---landforms common arounf the american west . | 01
454d30d | Mars is a wonderful planet with many chacteristics. One of these characteristics is the "Face on Mars" which was discovered in 1976. Different people have different opinions on it. Some people think it was made by an ancient civilization on mars well others say it is a martian mesa. Which is exactly what it is but some conspiracy theorists like to disagree. Although there is plenty of information to prove them wrong.
First, the original picture was taken in 1976 with a not so sharp camera. Later though in 1998 a Mars Global Surveyor flew over and took a different picture and there was only a blur of a face with non-definant features. At that time people were anxious to see the picture and when they did they were disappointed. People started saying that it was winter and foggy so you couldn't see it. NASA disagreed but went along with what they said.
Next, three years later NASA went up yet again. It was a cloudless summer day in April. They were on the Mars Global Surveyor and captured the photo with the absoulute maximum resolution. With that time of camera you would be able to see a airplane on the ground or any type small shafts or Egyptian-style pyramids. That made most of the rumors end but there was still a few.
Finally there was a group of people who said NASA is hiding evidence from the community because they don't want us to know about it. That was a lie if NASA had found it they would want to tell the world. NASA space exploration fund would have gotten so much that they could study Mars for many more years to come. Some people at NASA were even hoping to find an ancient civilazation. In the end no one got what they wanted.
Therefore almost all the rumors were put to rest. Everyone now believed it was a mesa not a face. Although a face made by a far away ancient civilzation would have been cool to. Now a days people compare the mesa to a butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. So now they have a natural landform comparison. | 23
c70b97c | Can you see the future where there are driverless cars? Driverless car are next big thing in the future. Driverless cars would fundamentally change the world The author presented a positive aspects of driverless cars.
Google cofounder Serdey Brin can envision a future with a public transportation system where fleets of driverless cars from a public-trans port system.This system would be more flexiable
and would use half of fuel of today's taxis .Google has already made a driverless car, but a person has to control the car when has to pull in and out of drive ways. Driverless would have to use sensors aournd the whole
car for the car to drive propely. Google has modified a Toyota Prius by putting senseors aournd the car. Google's car had driven miles without crashing. There will be times when a person will have to take over and drive the driverless car beacause the driverless car can't navigate through construction site, drive ways, and heavt traffic.
Google and GM have made systems to alert the driver in the car to take over and drive the car. States will have to make new law for driverless cars. People have their doubts about driverless car like what would happen if the alewrt system doesn't work or crashs from the driverless car will cause problem. Then people will not know who to blame the driver or the manufacturer? Automakers will continue their work on the assumption that the problems ahead will be solved. Soon other car compionies will follow and make driverless cars.
The author is postive of driverless cars. I am also positive about driverless cars in the furture. By then I'll be driving. Driverless
cars will be the next big thing. | 23
091e483 | I think that this technology would be good thing because, most kids don't share their emotion. If a computer can read how they are feeling, and can help them, it would be amazing. It would also be a little odd, but in the end I think it would be very positive.
Computers already can do a lot of things, such as playing games and looking up stuff on the internet. The text states "Dr. Huang and his colleage are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate". If computers can now read human emotion, this will be the next level in technology.
Computers are very good at being accurate, like solving a math problem, and doing what they are programed to do. The text states "...the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles". This shows that the software will be very accurate, and very smart. This software and hardware will help so many kids.
Most human communication is nonverbal, so if we could have a computer that would read our emotions. That would be good for kids that are sad and dont want to talk about thier problems. The computer would help them to be happy. The text states "So the cumputers need to understand that, too." This shows that the computers would understand that it is communicating nonverbaly.
In conclution, I am for this technology. It would help kids get through their day, and help them become happy. They would also feel like they have a friend, that understands them. This will be the next big level in technology. Even though, it might be a little weird. | 23
6862c30 | Thomas Haung made a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System. The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model for the face. All 44 major muscels in the model must move like human muscels.
I think this system should be added in schools because during school teachers will know how their students are feeling. In the passage it states that a teacher points out that this system can recognize when a student is confused or bored.
This system is really useful in my opinion, because you can recognize all emotions someone is feeling. You can recognize by looking at them but only 1 or 2. with this new system you can find them all.
Another reason why this system is a good idea is because even if the person is trying to hide their emotions you can still find it. This new sytem is a great idea/invention. this needs to be known. mor people need to know about this amazing idea.
All in all, i think this is a great system and they should add it to schools. It will help teachers and students. You will recognize every emotion the student feels. It can help lots of people. What do you think? | 12
5d147d6 | Having the new technolgy would help every teacher and school around the world. By being able to tell how a student feels the teacher can change the way they would teach the classes or the way they would a explain a lesson. The computer would tell the teacher how the students are feeling. It would be valuable to have that type of technolgy in class room becuase it would make teachers jobs less complicated.
Using the new technology would hellep teacher understand the students in knowing how they feel whithout having to ask them. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored". In this example Dr. Huang explains what the cumputer is able to do it. By telling how a student is feeling this can help teachers be the teacher not having to ask every student how they feel. The computer would do it for the teacher. By having the computer know how the student feels the teaacher can focus more on exlpaing the lesson better and making it easier to understand for students to understand.
"This could modify the lesson,like an effective human instuctor"
Dr. Huang elpaians that the computer can change it is teaching the lesson like a teacher would it also states that it would do it as effective as a human instructor would. That means having that technolgy would help improve schools teach improve classes and the way people are being tought. | 23
a20d4fb | I believe that we should not use driverless cars, in my opinion they are an accident wating to happen. The arguments saying we should switch to driverless cars sound far fecthed. The text uses statements such as, "the cars would use half the fuel of todays cars", "they offer more flexibility", and that "they are much safer". These arguments are invalid in many ways that I will explain.
They text says that driverless cars would be cheaper than cars that require a human to handle them, but they are not. Driverless cars aren't even driverless, they still require a human skill to take over when the car cannot comprehend what to do next. Driverless cars would be much more expensive to obtain and operate than a normal car. Driverless cars have many different extremely expensive gadgets needed to even make it semi-automatic, they require position estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an internal motion sensor. A normal human operated vehicle does not require any of those things, so if a person did wish to get a driverless car, they would be paying a substantial amount of money and even more for fuel, to keep up with the parts and technology, and for gas. With a manual car all you have to do is purchase it (for a much smaller amount) and pay gas money and body shop bills should they arise, but still yet, it would be a lot less than the driverless car.
The text also states the driverless cars offer more flexibility than a manual car, this is untrue, they actually offer less. With a manual car, you are the driver and you choose where to go and what to do, with the driverless car you are supposed to tell your GPS where to take you and that's all the input you have. But what if the place you are trying to go is on a road that doesn't show up on the GPS? Now that driverless car is pretty useless. They are much less flexible than a man powered vehicle and much less reliable.
Lastly, the text states that driverless cars are much safer than manual ones, this is invalid. Their arguments for such a statement are, "driving in a fun new way", "you can have in-car entertainment", and "you would be able to text and drive". These are crazy reasons that a driverless car is safe. First of all, driving doesn't need to be fun, you just need to get from point A to point B. Secondly, there should be no in-car entertainment. Playing games, watching tv, etc. should not be done while driving, because the "driverless car" still needs to be operated by a human, this is a deadly distraction. And again, with the texting a driving, this is a lethal distraction that should not be suggested to do, even in a driverless car. If you were to be texting you may not notice your driverless car signalling you to take over, and consequently, you will be in a wreck.
In conclusion, driverless cars should be kept a thing you see in movies, fictional. There are too many risks and dangers to a driverless car and the price would be unaffordable for most. The driverless car is an unthoughtout idea that makes no sense. There are too many problems with the driverless vehicle for it to be reliable and safe, so we need to stick with the manual cars instead. | 34
cdae844 | In the story Venus is sometimes called the ''Evening Star'' is one of the brightest points in the night sky,making it simple for even an amateur stargaze to spot. The nickname was misleading because Venus is actually a planet. Often referred to as Earth's ''twin'' Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size,and occasionally the closest in distance too. Venus is sometimes around the corner in space terms humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud draped world. Each previous mission was unmanned and for good reason,since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. On the planet's surface,temperature average over 800 degress Fahrenheit,and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than we experience on our own plant. Also Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system even though Mercury is closer to our sun. Long ago Venus was maybe or probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life just like Earth. Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere,rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective. Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow their machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to their knowledge of Venus. NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. Studying to meet the challange presented by Venus has value,not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. The author wants to know everything about Venus and will do anything to get the information he wants. | 01
f1527d7 | Is it worthy to pursuit the study of venus? Acording to the author he or she says yes. But is there enof evedence that suports this clame.
In "The Challenge of Exporing Venus," the author suggests that studing Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. But is this realy true? I say that it is very danerous because humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world. Each previous mission was unmanned, and no spacecraft survived. This tells me that it is not safe to explore Venus.
The story also states that the thick atomosphere of Venus is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide. That is not good because you cant breath. The tempertures are also exremely high.
Do I think it is a good idea to pursuit Venus despite the dangers it presents? No, because it has no value to me and it is proven to fail. | 12
d45a14a | In my opinion I think the Seagoing Cowboys was a wonderful experience. I was asked by my good friend Don to join and I thought why not. This would be a great opportunity to interact with people in need and travel around the world. I automatically signed up.
We started our expedition in August of 1945. I got to see many places during the program. That included a gondola ride in Venice, an Acropolis in Greece, the Panama Canal, and much much more. This program is excellent if you aren't a very worldly person, but even if you are it's great to see more!
This program is also good to be more involved in excercise. You have to feed and water the animals two are three times a day. Also, stalls have to be cleaned. When you spend so much time with the animals it sort of creates a bond between the two of you. However it just wasn't work and work, sometimes you have to take a break. Whenever the animals were unloaded we got to do fun activities like baseball, volleyball, fierce table-tennis tournaments, you get the idea. So that's how to get an easy workout!
This program makes you realize how much we take for granted. People are constantly starving or dehydrated, whenever we think that food and liquid is something easy to come by. Also countries are suffering under constant warfare and are very vurnerable. This program allows you to understand what it's actually like to really suffer.
These are the reasons that more people should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. It really opens you up, by helping people all over the world. This is why I believe more people should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. | 23
a3fec0b | The arguement over if the driverless car is safe or not can be tested all around. These scientists are wanting more futuristic automobiles to try and make more effient ways for travel. Although, is it really that safe? In my personal opinion i think we do not have the technology to do it yet. These cars are not ready for the roads or anyone with the unsafe technology in them.
I don't think these cars are a good or safe idea for this time. The cars are proven to not be fully drivable unless on specifc roads created for it. What happens if someone is injured because the cars technology fails? The company would be responisble for this and most likely go into a lawsuit. It is just unsafe for the company, people, and surroundings for these cars to be on the road.
The whole aspect of a self driving car is amazing but creators shouldn't try to put these automobiles on the street until 100% proven to be perfect. If it isn't no one knows what kind of things can happen. There could be injures, tragic events, and all because these companies are putting unsafe technology into the hands of normal citizens that don't know anything about the possibility of these things happening. Therefore, i see it unsafe for these cars to be on the road around other citizens that can be injured from technology that isn't fully developed. All and all these driverless cars should not be sold or used for the public until they are 100% sure they will not have any technology fails, that is why i think they need to wait and mature every aspect and detail about this idea. | 23
598318b | The Electoral College is a process, The Electoral College consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is requierd to elect the President.
Under the 23rd amendment of the Constitution, the Distict of Columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purposes of the Electoral College.
Also each candidate running for president in your state has his or her own group of electors.
You help choose your states's electors when you vote for president because when you vote for your candidate you are actually voting for your candidate's electors.
Personally, I think that the Electoral College has to stay because how else are we the people vote for the cadidate that we want, I think that the Electoral College is doing us the people a favor of electing our candidates.
I also think that is better that we have Electoral College to help us and help the cadidates tu become president and return the favor to us by making the world a better place to live.
The point is that if we did't have Electoral College we would't have a president to help our lifes to be better,so that why I belive is better to have Electoral College in our favor | 01
6a88483 | I am for the development of Driverless Cars because it could use half the fuel of todays taxis and be way more felxiable than a bus, they are not totally driverless, and it could make driving a lot safer. Imangie what the Earth would look like if we were to cut down on the fuel we use for gas. If we were to switch over to "driverless" cars then it would use only half the fuel for a normal car. This could possible help us bring down our Co2 levels. Also these "driverless" cars aren't really driverless. The car can steer, accelerate, and brake by themselves but once there is a road block like a car accident or going through a work zone, it switches over to the human driver. Lastly, with all of the reckless and careless driving wouldn't you want you and your kids to be safe? Well with more advance sensors you can be safer. They can respond to the danger of out-of-control skids and rollovers. They can apply brakes to individual wheels and reduce power from the engine if needed. This has a lot more control than a human can manage.
In conclusion i think Driverless Cars are a good idea because it uses half the fuel than a normal car, the car is not totally driverless so we would have some control, and it could make driving a lot safe. | 23
fefbda2 | Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because scientists think it has earth-like features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. According to paragraphs 5 and 6, NASA is compelling the idea to send humans to study Venus but is having difficulty trying to hostile the heated conditions on the planet.
Therefore researchers are fascinated with Venus they think it was once the most earth-like planet in the solar system and are discussing further visits to its surface even though there are plenty of dangers that lie ahead.
The author claims that Venus is a worthy pursuit because scientists say that Venus has the hottest surface in the universe and that its atmosphere is 97 percent carbon dioxide making it a challenge for humans to attempt and research the Evening Star however, despite the peril of the temperatures humans planning to create hovering vehicles so that it would avoid the rocky venusian surface.
Pratically, NASA is working on other approaches to Earth's twin using old technology and modern computers to find out more about the planet, In other words seeing Venus from the night sky or with a telescope only limits insight due to forms of light rendering photography and videography ineffectively.
Lastly, Astronomers are considering Venus to be a nearest option for a planetary visit but according to the text "humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on its cloud-draped world but previous missions were unmanned for a reason since the high pressure of the intense heat it provides lead to the result of no spaceship touching down in more than three decades.
In conclusion, The author states that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite its dangers because of the fact that venus was once a earth-like planet, its factors contribute to the planet's reputation, and that scientists hope that it will lead them to intimidating endeavors. | 23
936d03a | Goodmorning fellow citizens , i hope you all are having a wonderful day! Could that possibly be because you all walked or rode your bike to this meeting today? The reason behind that is because there are many advantages to limiting car usage. You are less tense and happier , , smog- free air , and you can have fun with it! Bringing together your community. Now , who's up for a challenge.
Car-Free Cities as in Source 1:"In German Suburb, Life Goes on Without Cars" , by Elisabeth Rosenthal , made really good points. First i would say , not having your car makes you stress free. 70% of Vauban's families do not own cars , and 50% sold a car to move here. "When i had a car i was always tense. Im much happier this way" , said Heidrun Walter , a media trainer and mother of two , as she walked verdant streets where the swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor. People are giving up their cars because they claim it's more to life. In the United States , the Enviromental Protection Agency is promoting "car reduced" communities , and legislators are starting to act.
Source 2: "Paris bans driving due to smog" , by Robert Duffer , talks about "healthier" air. So , another advantage would be to have smog-free air. Congestion was down 60% in the capital of France after five days of intensifying smog. Cold nights and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions , diesel fuel was to blame. Delivery companies complained of lost revenue and Public transit was free of charge from Friday - Monday , according to BBC. The smog cleared enough Monday for the ruling French party to rescind the ban for odd numbered plates on Tuesday. This way the air we breath doesn't harm us.
Source 3: "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota" , by Andrew Selsky is exciting. Lastly i would like to state , you can have fun with not having a car bringing together your community. In a program millions of Columbians hiked , biked , skated , or took buses to work during a car-free day. "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution , " said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife. Parks and sports centers also have bloomed and new improvements have been made everywhere. Source 4: "The End of Car Culture" , by Elisabeth Rosenthal explains the greenhouse effect also , and the change it's had on the economy.
In my closing remarks i would like to say overall the advantages of limiting car usage is amazing! We can have fun with it and improve global warming and our economy. Who wants to help me tell the mayor this situation? I'm about to give in my car right now! You are less tense , smog-free air , and your community can join in. Now i ask again...... Who's up for the challenge?! | 34
2388754 | Have you ever woner what the Face on Mars really is? Some people say that it is a rock formation that resembles a human face. Some say that it was an alien artifact. I think that the Face is just some kind of rock formation. If the Face has anything to do with an alien, we would be as suprise and intrested as all you guys would be.
First of all, if the Face relate to some kind of alien things, why do you think we would keep it a secret? Imagine that it actually had to do something with alien and we told everyone. That would be a benefit for us because more people would be intested in NASA. It will make us get more money make good profits. We as a scientist would actually want to see some kind of alien artifact too but that is not what we are finding right now.
Second of all, the people who said we are hiding something don't even have any prove. Jim Garvin, chief scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program, said that " We felt this was important to taxpayers". That shows that we are not hiding anything. We send a spacecraft twice after the first picture which was in 1976 with a better camar to really make sure what we say is true. We even show the would all the picture. The people who said we are hiding something have no idea what they are talking about.
In conclusion, I am telling you that the Face we saw on Mars was nothing but a rock formation. Don't believe in everything you hear because some of them do not have prove of what they are saying. To make sure it was what we think it was we send Mars Global Surveyor in April 5, 1998 and we send it again on April 8, 2001. If we find some things that have to do with alien, we will tell you guys. But for now that is not the case, so lets not think that the Face have something to do with aliens. | 23
34622c1 | In my position on driverless cars is in both positive and negative views because it may sound fun but it is also not fun because people can really get hurt. The reason I said it is in a positve and negative view is because sometimes people dont know what there doing or how to drive correctly. Driverless cars are good in some ways and bad in some ways. Also because it is expensive to make cars like that. Spending alot of money on that. Also it may take a long time to make more than one driveless car. I think its positive and negative views on the driverless cars.
The reason I say it is positive is because it drives by it's self. Also because it alerts you when you have to take control on the wheel. Another reason is because they can steer, accelerate and brake themselfs as said in the article. Also because the seat vibrates when its in danger of backing into an object. This is a positive thing because what if something is happening in the car and you need to fix or help someone thats in the car with you, you can easly switch over and do what you have to do. Another reason is it has a camrea in the car to watch the driver while the driver is watching the road. It also notify the human thats in the car to the navigation system through work zones and also around accidents. Also they have sensors in the car on top of the the car to see if there is any cars around them and also they use a laser beam to form a constantly updating 3-D modle of cars surrounding.
The reason I say it could be negative to is because what if the driver is not quick enough to take the wheel when the car notify them. Also because other drivers would get bored, they would get tired of waiting on there time to drive as said in the article. Also because some drivers may think its thier oppurtunity to text and drive or talk on the phone and drive when its really not. Someone could really get hurt if the driver dont pay attention to the road. Than on top of that new laws would have to be made. Also what if something go wrong with the car? Who fault would that be?
Some people are just not fit to have a driverless car in there sight. Some people may think its a joke or game and drive for fun but some one could actully get seriouly hurt. Some people dont have self control. Also some people dont know how to be responseable with having a driverless car. As i said before i think its positive and negative. This is my conclustion on position on driveless cars. | 23
3e0eb38 | Dear state senator, I believe that you should keep the Electoral College rather than the most popular vote for the president. "The founding fathers established it". Basically this method has been going on since George Washington. How it works is you choose either your Republican or Democratic president, and depending on who has more votes for the president. The electoral votes go to the republican or to the democratic.
Citizens of the United States also voted upon this selection. In the passage " The indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong", it talks about how the candidates don't make it to every state. How could they? They are trying to promote and sign papers. They have a life too you know. They can't be in every single state in America. You could also see them on the Televeision if you want.
The Electoral College doesnt have the problem of elections in which "no canidate receives a majority of the votes cast" Evene if more people voted for the democratic or Republican president they still aren't gonna get what they want. Some people in 2008 wanted that other president, not Obama, to win. In school they were saying how he was racist and that they shouldn't vote for him. He wanted to put all the Mexicans back in Mexico.
Also would you rather count up a million people up or simple the number of senators for each person running which added together would be 538 electors. | 12
7c131fd | Hi, I'm Luke Bomberger. I was a Seagoing Cowboy. You might be pondering what that is, and if you are, I will inform you. Seagoing Cowboys help animals, mostly horses, donkeys, cows, and mules, that are being shipped overseas to avoid harm get to their destination. Are you thinking that you maight like being part of this program? Here are some other good things about being a Seagoing Cowboy.
As I said before, you can help animals that are in danger and get to know them. This gives you a good feeling of helpfulness and compassion. I love to save lives, especially if they're animals'. I also liked to be freinds with them. Even though there are many other people on the boat with you, the creatures all have their own personalities, and this makes them fun to hang out with.
Another good thing about being a Seagoing Cowboy is that you get to see the world. I have seen the Acropolis in Greece, the Panama Canal, and an excavated castle in Crete. I have been to Europe, China, and Italy. You can go to all of these places, see these sights, and more if you join their program.
Fianlly, there are so many people on the boat with you that it is impossible not to make a friend and have fun almost every day. I have made ample new companions. There are also many games played on the ship. They include baseball, volleyball, table-tennis, fencing, reading, boxing, and whittling. As you can probably tell, these are all exciting to do with your buddies.
Now you can see why theis program is so important and fun. Although there are a few risks, such as stormy weather, it is worth it to see the animals get safely to their destination. You can join knowing that you will be making big differences in millions of creatures' lives. If you want to have an amazing time with friends, play enjoyable games, see awesome landmarks and buildings, and help and make friends with animals, you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. | 23
a55e6fa | What do most people think can do things better, people or machines? I, like most people, believe things are done better by hand. Would someone want a lifesaving operation done by a living doctor that knows what is going on and where things are, or a robot that is programmed to do it and could malfunction. I believe that driverless cars pose a threat against people and cars should remain in human control at all times.
Cars do not actually see the things that surrond them. If the driver decides not to pay attention and one of the cars sensors were to malfunction then the lives of many people hang in balance. Road constructions and traffic jams could pose a threat as well. When these things happen do the cars just shut down or try and get through themselves. Either way major safety hazards will arise. Just like in paragraph 2, right now "driverless" cars cannot even get out of a driveway alone. Unless some major ajestments were to come soon, driverless cars remain a huge threat to safety.
What if someone were to get hurt in a driverless car accident? The car malfunctions and the driver could not take control and gets hurt. Who willingly takes responsibility, the driver or the company? Like stated in paragraph 9, to figure this out the country would have to make more laws. All that will waste a large amount of time for both the companies that make driverless cars and congress who makes the laws. Driverless cars will give people trouble before they even hit the road.
I believe that driverless cars pose a threat against people and cars should remain in human control at all times. No matter what driverless cars do not have the instinces and emotions as humans. Cars cannot see what lies 500 feet in front of them, only humans can see that. Technology fails too much and letting cars drive for us poses to great of a threat at this time. | 23
9ac9cfc | There are a lot of mixed opinions about driveless cars. Some are against it and some totally support the idea of it. I support it because I think that it will be easier and faster way to get somewhere and it can be safer which is very important. And while others are against it because it can be dangerous and involve a lot of reckless driving which can lead to accidents. Technology these days have improved from before and it is better now which allows us to make better technology.
Sensors are very important for a driveless car and have improved over the last decade and they can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine which allows better respnse and control than human driving could manage alone. There have been furthur improvements in the sensors and computer hardwawre and software which will make driving safer and it is leading to cars that can handle more and more driving tasks on their own. Even though some of the technology needed hasn't been made yet some believe that we are catching up to technology necessary to make a driveless car. Though in the past couple of years several car brands have started developing cars that can handle driving functions such as they can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves but they are all designed to notify the driver when the car requires human skills such as navigating through work zones and around accidents. Manufacturers are also considering putting in cameras to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road. They are also hoping to bring in heads-up dispay signs that can turned off instantly if the driver needs to take over. The in-car system is actually a safety feature which is a big concern, While those who are against it think that it can be reckless driving and cause accidents and it can lead to conflicts regarding who is at fault with injuring someone.
I think that as time goes technology will get better and advance more which can lead to manufacturers making driveless cars. Safety is very important and I think that it can be safer and a faster way to get somewhere. There are manufacturers making cars that are not completely driveless but I think that soon we will have driveless cars selling everywhere. | 23
c77ce2b | The essay is about car polution and getting ride of car polution. People have been selling their cars to have a "car free town" and other countries wanted to try this "experiment out" in their countries.
Getting rid of cars can help the Economy with polution. It also could help people save money on gas and use that money for something else. And getting rid of cars can help countries with polution problems. Could also put a stop to the Polution comeing out of a cars exshuast pipe. And alot of the european countries has polution named "
". Could also stop crashes and Traffic jams. And many other countries are going to have a week or a day without cars just too reduce the polution of the world. Could help save us and plant life for us to survive and breath healthy. Could also Help people get more inspired to go out and ride a bike more or walk to be a bit more healthier. And people arnt driveing as much in "2005" People are rideing bikes going outside and walking. They want people rideing bikes more. They started to create alot of bike paths to place people work or stores to go too. Driving went down by 23 percent in 2001 and 2009 that is good to help stop polutin in our world... Well its a start to it. With out cars we probably be more safer in the world. The world will be a lot healthier instead of takeing the car everywhere you go. | 12
988f23b | THere has been quite a lot of recent talk of which the national government should keep the Electoral COllege, or change to an election by popular vote for the president of the UNited states. "The Electoral College process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice president, and the counting of the electoral votes by congress"(Source 1: What is the Electoral College? by the office of the federal register). IT has been established by the founding fathers to make a compromise between popular vote and election vote in congress. Popular representation is a vote for qualified citizens to take an individual vote cast to the state which then is transfered to a representative whole. Thre are many good effects this popular representation has on the country, but the Denator should keep the Electoral College without a shout of a doubt.
one of the most important reasons we should keep the electoral college process is that in this process, states pay much more attention to the electors due to having swing states. the people who decide on our president should be most intrigued and the most concerning ones. "Voteres in toss-up states are more likely to pay close attention to the campaign - to really listen to the competeing candidates- knwing htat theu are going to decide the election(in defense of the electoral college: five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the president, by richard a. posner, subtitle Swing States)". MAny voters that are in swing states, which are stated that cast the majority of votes in the system with higher amounts of population, therefore congress representatives.
another reason why the gov shouyld keep the elctoral college is because it resorts unwanted balance. "there is no pressure for run-off elections when no candidtate wins a mojority of the votes casy; that pressuire mwhich would greatly cvomplicate the presidental election process, is reduced by the Electoral College, which invariably produces a clear winner" so what this quote from the passage is saying is that no candidate recieves a majority if the votes cast, due to each states fair rep of the population without being overwhlemded by the most populated states such as florida, california, and trexas. While you may believe that the popular representaion vote may be overwhelmingkly more accurate to the people wants , you are wrong. the electoral college is a processs in whic hgives the people wants in a state to an elector who then gives yiou an equal chance onf voting for what youo pleased. he may be the "biggest" or "smallest" amount of electoral votes, but as a state in a whole yu may recieve a big surprise that there is no clear winner as each [president may not be just familiat with one region such as the north east, or the southwest, etc.
so as you can see, the government should keep an electoral colllge process instead of the popular representation vote. it would be greatly appreciated to the United States People who may be under informed of how grest an oppurtunity for an idea such as this to vome up, or they might be over informed of fallicy iinformatio of our election process now. either way, theyu should know what a great process this is | 34
4d0565e | I feel like we should change the votes and make it into a popular vote for the president of the United States. In a electoral vote is most worrying of a tie. Its also unfair to most people. Also electoral college systems voters don't vote for the president. People always get confused with the voting which makes electoral voting a struggle.
One of the main reasons is that people worry about electoral votes ending in a tie. In the article it states that if it does end in a tie, then the election would be thrown to the House of Representatives. This is where state delegations vote on the president. Also the Senate would choose the vice-president.
Another reason, it is unfair to most people. Now it all counts as to one vote for the whole state. If most people vote for the president the like its only going to get one vote for the state. In the article it states that this type of vote the currently have is a "winner takes all' vote. Which in the thoughts of most people is unreasonable and also unfair.
Also, in the electoral college system, people don't vote for the president. A very few of it elects the president. The problem with this is who are the electors, who picks them and it states that it can be anyone that is not holding the office. So most of the voters get confused about the electors and they may vote the wrong candidate.
In conclusion, those are the reason why the electoral system are wrong. It's unfair to most people, it might end in a tie and the voting is confusing. This should be a contest of who gets more votes, not by the states vote. | 23
12b48f2 | While cars have made our lives so much simpler in the aspect of transporting ourselves efficiently, there are a few drawbacks. Some cities have made efforts to reduce these drawbacks. Limiting car usage cuts down on pollution and saves money but makes transportation less efficient.
Limiting car usage cuts down on pollution. An example of this is in Paris when they had a smog problem, "After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city." Paris had a smog problem, and limiting car usage prved to be an effective solution. Another example of limiting car usage cutting down on pollution is in Bogota, Colombia. They had a car-free day to reduce smog. "
cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the Day Without Cars in this capital city of 7 million." Colombia has a day without cars to cut down on air pollution. This has beed proven to be an effective solution to smog.
Clearly, living without cars is not only a vision of environmentalists, it's a reality. Cars could eventually no longer be needed if more countries support this movement. If this creative, clean craze hits America, we might have a future that is a breath of fresh air. | 12
da53428 | Venus is worth studying, you never no when we would poosibly need a new planet.
The author is trying to explain what it is like on venus how hot it is and how much it is different from earth but also have a few things they have in common like they are really close in size. Only a few aircrafts landed on Venus but were destroyed in the matter of a few hours. Venus has a surface temperature of over 800 f .Venus has an thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets. To top it off are clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus atmosphere. NASA is working on approaches to study venus safely, NASA is using the weather that Venus would have agains a silicon carbide container and lasted for 3 weeks in the chamber.
So that is why it would be a great idea to learn more about our galaxy. | 01
e628d55 | Every four years america as a whole chooses on who should be the president of the united states. The process of election is straight forward and always follows the same process every election. The american citizens vote on one of the two candidates, then those votes are counted and giving to the electors, then the electors of each state representing the population of said state (including the District of Columbia) votes one of the candidates, after all votes are tallied the winning candidate is elected president. Overall this system seems rather complicated and can be seen as an unfair process at which only to vote on who takes charge of america. The electoral college should be replaced by who receives the most popular votes from all american citizens and not the state electorals.
Electoral college is a process created during the founding of the united states as sort of a "middleground" or compromise on how the people of the country should elect the president (
source 1
). In order for a president to be elected out of the 538 electors that make up the electoral college he or she must at least receive 270 votes (
source 1
). Each president has a group of electors that process your votes in order to choose who the state votes for making it in a ways unfair. This system can come with its own set of problems that include replacement of electors, electors voting to who they feel, and at times one candidate gaining the most popular vote but losing the chance of presidency because of the lack of electorol votes form the state (
source 2
). An example of the unbalanced power is the near success of the louisiana legislature replacing the democratic electors in the 1960, segrigations with new ones that would oppose against John F. Kennedy making him lose the popular vote.
The best replacement for the electoral college is to allow the citizens of america to vote upon who should be the president of the U.S without the need for electors. The candidate that receives the most votes is the one who becomes the president of the united states. In order to process all possible millions of votes into a rational percentage and the candidate with the higher percentage would in turn become president. With this in mind the candidates would need to visit all or largely selected states in order to deliver campaign speeches to persuade the population to vote for them, because with the electoral college system candidates would focus mainly on tight races in the "swing states" practically ignoring other like in the 2000 campaign seventeen states didnt see their candidate (
source 2
). The electoral college only focuses on the large numbers and not on the smaller population that can still make a difference making the system unfair. Making them only focus on the big states because how many electoral votes it could bring compared to a smaller state which could possibly only supply three.
On the other side electoral college does have a good standing as a method of vote. Electoral college has five good reasons on why it shouldn't be replaced and they are certainty of outcom, everyone's president, swing states, Big states, and avoid run-off elections (
source 3
). Each campaign party chooses their electors which rarely end in betrayel making it possible to win the election with low popularity votes. The electoral system also gives the candidate a chance to win in a "landslide" because of the winner-take-all basis at which it follows (
source 3
). No region has enough votes to elect a president also the electoral college needs to have transregional appeal. And the main goal of the electoral college is to obviously elect a new president but as well avoid runoff elections.
The electoral college is an unfair system of voting because of how it all depends on a small group of selected representatives and not all of the american population as a whole. Even though it can be regarded as a fair middle ground it still has its flaws and doesnt reach out to society as a whole only focusing on the states that can lead to victory, casting out those who's electoral votes will not make much of a difference. In the end the voting system should mainly focus on popularity of a candidate than what the "state" feels they should vote for because of how many votes they actually received for a given candidate due to the fact that it may end up voting on which who they feel and refuse to vote for their partys candidate. The electoral system should be replaced. | 45
c6de3c2 | In the article A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves, Luke Bombergerwas as able to particapate in the Seagoing Cowboys program which allowed him to experience adventures and visit many unique places, from Luke's point of veiw. This might convince others to participate in the program as well as Luke did. First of all in paragraph two it states what you do in the begining of being a Seagoing Cowboy, first you have to take care of horses, young cows, and sonetimes have to ship mules overseas. this is important becaues if you do not know how to take proper care of these types of animals you could lose your job and chances of being one of the Cowboys. Next you have to take orders in and ship them your self. It states in paragraph three you have to ship cargos such as loads over one hundred horses puls enough hay and oats to feed them. This is important becaues if you do not know how to ship the orders or don't know were the shipments go to you could lose your job. After all those requirements of being a Seagoing Cowboy or Cowboy (for short) you get to visit amazing unique places such as what it states in paragraph five, Besides helping people , I had the side benefit of seeing Europe,Venice,Italy with a city with streets of water, and on his way to China Luke saw excavated castles in Crete an marveled at the Panama Canlal. But seeing the Acroplolis in Greece was special," he says. This might excite the other people who want to participate in the program becaues, They might of dreamed of going to one of these countries or cities in there furture and this could be there chance to go. Later on after visting your favorit places there can be a risk. As it states in paragraph 7 Luke risked his life by serving as night wtchman as his job was to check on all the animals every hour. One rainy night after making his report to the caption , he slid down a slippry ladder on his backside. he was happy to be alive. But he couldn't work for a couple of days becaues he cracked one of his ribs while slidind down that ladder. this can be a risk becaues you could die just watching the animals but in is a little unlikly if your a very careful. Last but not lest in paragraph 9 it states that, for Luke Bomberger it opened up the world to him. "I'm grateful for the opportunity," he says."it made me more aware of people of other countries and there needs. This could let the person who is thinking of joing this program that this job is not only about hard work to take care of animals and take and deliver them to other countries, it is not about seeing your favorit countries its about what happends when your done with the job wether you come out like nothing happend and you feel like the same or you feel like you have accomplished something imortant. That is what could get the person insterested in joing the Seagoing Cowboys program. | 34
7f0cbfd | This technology would be useful is so many ways. Ways that have been mentioned in the article. I am for this technology not against it , it can be used to better and understand alot of people who are stuggling.
This can help students become smarter in subjects they dont understand. It can put the kids who dont understand all in the same class and create a new lesson plan that they will all understand. Like in the article it says ' a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored'. That quote from the article is the main two reasons kids are failing.
This is why im all in for this technology , also when people are going threw things at home this can help them get through it. I think it may be weird at first having a computer that can read how you feeling but for the better it will help alot of people. I also love video games so if this can help advance and make better video games in the future i would love to have it, it can maybe help create classroom games that helps you learn better. | 12
6502bc2 | Have you ever wanted to be a farmer or see European country's but just never had the money? Well now you can. All you have to do is become a seagoing cowboy. here are some interesting facts.
Being a seagoing cowboy can be fun but alot of work too. You have to go tend gargo with sometime's well over 335 animal. You don't just look at them though. You have to clean their stalles and feed and water them two or three times a day. The food is not just sitting outany where. you have to pull alot of hay bails and bags of oats from the lower holds of the ship.
Now we have talked enough about the cattle farming. Now lets talk about the sight seeing part. You don't just work on ships. Once you get to Europe you unload the cattle and you can sight seeing. You go pretty much any where. You could go to great wall of China or take a gondola or canal ride in Venice italy.
When your on your way back you get to play games in the stalls where the animal once were. You can play games like baseball and volleyball. You also get to play games like table tennis,fencing and boxing. You could also read and whittle to help pass time.
Now that you all know what a seagoing cowboy is I strongly encourge you to join and be a part of the fun. | 23
1696647 | I personally believe that, the landform in the moon is actually a landform not a "face". I say that because due to some of the information from the argument in this passage.
The landform in the moon is not a face because, scientist have proven actual facts on this topic. "Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the first image appeared on a JPL website, revealing a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all." In addition, i also believe that there is no way face could just randomly appear inside of the moon monument because, I think there are no sure thing as aliens. And i think that no humans were even exsistent by the time that monument happened. "And so on April 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a puicture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos." Also, scientist figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh.
In conclusion, i still strongley feel as if the moon dosent have a face i just feel like it was all a mistake or an imagination. | 23
c8fb95a | The painting by Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa is very famous around the world and people wondered for years. What was Mona Lisa's emotions?
her emotions are 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted,6 percent fearful,and 2 percent angry. And you would ask how do you find that out well its this new peice of technology called the Facial Action Coding System.
Do you think this technology should be used in clasrooms to read students emotions. Yes I think that it should be used in classrooms because it would help in so many situations. For example if the teacher hands out an assignment and it shows that the students are confused then that means you could go over it with them and find out what they dont understand. Also the tehnology could find out what the students are feeling in class or if they are getting picked on and you could find out their emtion by it. The third example would be that if the students enjoy the subject or class. And if not change up your teacheing style a little bit to make it more enjoyable.
I think that the Facial Action Coding System in classrooms. It would have so many benifits. | 23
172d51a | Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers because "our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation."
scientists want to further understand Venus so they're trying to make technolgy that can with stand the 800 degrees Fahrenheit, atmospheric pressure that is 90 times greater than earths, an "atmosphere of 97% carbon dioxide," "and clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid." So scientists and the author think this is a worthy pursit because trying to further understand Venus (Earth's twin) is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size." Venus also has simular weather patterens and ground structures to Earth it has volcanoes that erupt, earthquakes, lightning, a surface of rocky sediment, valleys, mountians, and craters. It is believed that "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life."
In conclusion "Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers" because Venus is alot like Earth and scientist want to learn more about it but "not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because of human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endevaors." | 12
5ea741b | There has been a strong arguement going on weather we should keep the Electoral College or if we should change it. Both sides have made a strong claim and a strong arguement. I got the opportunity to read two articles that are against and in favor of it. After reading these articles I have made decision. I have came to the conclusion that we should keep the Electoral College.
My first reason why, we should keep Electoral College is because this country was founded on it. Also, our 4 founding fathers were in favor of this Electoral College. This is a principle in which this great country has been founded on. This is the history of this country and the principles on which it was founded on.
Another reason why, we should keep Electoral College is that this would avoid the run off of elections. If there was no Electoral College candidates will be fighting for the popular vote. The problem with this popular vote is that there would be no candidate that recieves a majority of the votes. In an Electoral College there would not be this problem, since in each state the winner takes it all.
Last but not least, we should keep Electoral College because this allows for each candidate to pick his or her own groups of electors. This allows the running candidate to pick out the group that he or she would be able to work with the best, and get along with the most. This would also allow the candidate to better fight or argue on certain matters and on certain cases. Also, it is important for a candidate to get along with his or her group that they will be working with.
These are all of the reasons why I think and belive that we should keep Electoral College. | 23
09af24e | My argument against "Driverless Cars" is that im going for it. The reason why is because we have advanced in our technology so it would only be wise to try and use that. Also because I think personally it could save many lives with its self brake instalation, self parking, and many other features. As I was reaing the artical it mentioned that the driver would have to still be alert because if theirs an accadent or workers ahead then the driver must be the one to avoid that. That dosent mean it a bad idea, it just means that maybe our technology isnt that advanced and cant avid things such as work sites ahead or accidnts. I think the reason they cant detect accidents is because you never know when ones going to happen, same with workers ahead your car may not be able to detect it because it could happen in a sudden flash. My position on driverless cars is that i think it will be a great idea. I like i said save many lives, know im not saying it will save everyones life but out o thousands it could decrease by hundred.
Appropriate details from the artical that supporst my position is when it talks about how it has automic brakes and self parking and many other features. Its great to have that type of things because as i ahve been saying it could save many lifes, and that important because no one wants to see their family dead. Self break is good because it could be late nd you have been working all day long and your tired and you fall asleep in the car right when a car is pulling out or your car turns a different direction and your close to hitting somethong and it just automatically stops. Or like most parents, you have a young child in the back and hes/shes crying andyou turn around for just a split secound and your car just comes to a complete stop. Then you realize you were about to hit a car infrount of you but with the self-breaking instalation you were able to save your life plus the ones you love riding in the back ( or front) and your car is safe ass well. | 12
e1461b0 | The article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" has led me to the thought that driverless cars should be developed. Driverless cars seem much safer than regular cars. These cars also have better features than regular cars. Driverless cars can't be worse than regular cars.
In the article is states that driverless cars can do certain things without human interaction. It mentions that these smart cars can brake themselves. This is something that could come in handy when the person driving is not paying full attention to the road. The car also alerts you when it is need of human skills. These features make driverless cars safer than regular cars.
Driverless cars are equipped with more technology and better features than regular cars. In the article it states that some car manufacturers are hoping to bring entertaiment and information systems into the car. These systems will make sure that a person doesn't get bore while the car is doing the driving itself. Another thing is that the entertainment features will turn off when trying to alert you. These technological features make smart cars unique and fun.
Now compare a smart car to a regular car. Which car seems better? The smart car of course! Our world is improving things everyday and smart cars are one of those things. Why not give these driverless cars a chance. | 23
3245968 | When did technology start controlling humanity? Technology has grown, and it has started to control society. Humanity relys greatly on their phones and computers for information. What happens if all of technology just shut down one day? People would not know how to live a life without a screen attached to their hand. Now people think driverless car should exist, putting technology in control of human lives should not be accepted, or allowed.
Imagine, a friend was walking across the street then an autonomous car does not stop for her, or him. There would never be a good-bye, another conversation, or even a hug on a bad day. Technology goes bad everyday. Why should people let themselves get put in danger, or let others get put in danger? If humanity valued life, they would realize a little bit of driving triumphs dying from, literal, lazyness. Most people could not live with the guilt of killing someone, which they might have to do if they drive, or ride, in these autonomous cars. Humanity needs to learn to value human life more.
The article says that these autonomous vehicles can only handle speeds up to 25 miles per hour. If people took an autonomous vehicle out onto the interstate, they would cause a wreck immediately. If as of now the manufacturers can only create cars that can stay in control at 25 mph, what happpens when they try to create cars that can go 60 or 70 mph and cannot keep them in control? The article also says they cannot drive around work zones or accidents, so how can they drive around a kid that darts into the street? The manufacturers are supposed to be making these vehicles very safe, but why then is it illegal to drive these vehicles in most states? If this topic contains so many questions on safety, why is it being pursued?
If putting technology in control endangers people, why do it? Society puts a price on life, but they should not. When something gets undervalued, it usually get slung around and broken. People should not treat life like something that can just get slung around and destroyed. Putting technology in conntrol of life does that. | 23
4c822ee | In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" I do not think the author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit very well. He also supports it a little and instead focuses on the dangers of the planet. Some of the dangers he says is that no spacecraft has even lasted a few hours on Venus, and that tempratures are around 800 degrees. The planet has to harsh of an atmosphere for us to visit.
The author almost seems like he should be supporting not going to Venus. In the third paragraph he talks about how deadly of an enviroment it is. He says that the atmosphere is made of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide, and that the clouds are made of highly corrosive sulfuric acid. These things alone would make it nearly impossible for any type of life to exist, so why explore a place where its imposible for anything to have ever lived there. With 97 percent carbon dioxide it could have been a possibility for plant life, but he then adds that on the surface it is over 800 degrees Fahenheit. With that kind of heat its impossible to survive.
To make things worse the author is not just talking about an unmaned spacecraft visit, he is talking about humans visiting it. With the atmospheric pressure around 90 times greater than Earth, we would die before we even reached the surface. Even if you were to get to the surface the there are still many obsticals to overcome. Life for example volcanoes, powerful earthquakes and lightning strikes.
One of the only times the author supports his idea is in paragraph 4. The author says "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." While that may sound interesting that is a huge probably. They are basing this off the fact that Venus has some of the same features of Earth like valleys and mountains. That is to big of a risk to take because it could cost millions of dollars and even a life if we sent a human there.
In paragraph 5 the author talks about ideas that could be used to send humans there like a blimp. To me that just sounds to risky because you can do all the testing you want but it only takes one small mistake for everything to go south. The value of Venus that he talks about is insight gained and because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. The values he talks about here are simply not enough. The risks by far outweights the rewards.
That was why to me the author did not support his idea well enouth. To me he gave more dangers that he did rewards. Plus risking a human life is not to be taken lightly, you need to be 100% certain that they will survive. With tempratures above 800 degrees and an atmospheric preassure 90 times greater than Earth I don't see how anyone could survive. Even when a drone does not survive how is a human supposed to? That is why the author did not support the idea well enough. | 45
85a1bb6 | -
Change the Electoral College,These citizens deserve to have their voices heard! Many citizens are not aware of the main objective of the Electoral college, and thus tend to debate in order to change how a president gets elected or leave it untouched with no mistakes fixed. For example, in "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" Bradford Plumer states that the Electoral College is unfair to voters, because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance in winning. Bladford Plumer also stated that the Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational. In my firm belief, I am in favor of changing the Electoral College, I'm sure of the consequences this will impact on society and history itself, but we need a system that grants equality with the citizens and the government. And the states that candidates are most likely willingly putting their vote on is on countries with significance.
However, not everyone has the same view. In" In defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" Richard A. Posner stated that the winner-take-all method of awarding the electoral votes induces the candidates- as we saw in 2012's election- to focus their campaign efforts on the toss-up states. Posner also stated that the Electoral College restores some of the weight in the political balance that states by population lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment of the Senate decreed in the Constitution. Posner also said that the Electoral College avoids the problem in which no candidate recieves a majority of the votes cast. To back his claim, he states that Nixon in 1968 and Clinton in 1992 both had only a 43 precent plurality of the popular votes while winning a majority in the Electoral College (301 and 370 electoral votes, respectively).
Continuing, it is clear that the Electoral College does have it's advantages but also contains disadvantages as well. I'm fully aware of the consequences this may have upon the Constitution and the Senate. Now, I am not stating to get rid of the Electoral College itself, but try to adjust and fix some tideous and unfair treatments to make it all equal. Even though this could mean losing some interest from nominees, at least our system treats everyone with no difference. There are no superiors or inferiors in life.
In conclusion, I, not demand, but at least to try to have some concern for our population. Bad reputation may mean a high loss of income from other states, knowing that this country has done some very sinister deeds that are simply despicable. Listen to the complaints and hear their calling, after all, presidents always tend to drive their country to a better future, or am I wrong? | 23
6fe17cd | They should change it to election by popular vote. Just because the electoral college is not divided evenly through out the states. So the president can win for having more states vote for him or her. The number of people in the state shouldn't count as how many votes they get.
Like it says in the artcle "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" paragraph 21 number 4 that "a large state gets more attention from presidential candidates in a campaign than a small state does. . . .". So its unfair to the smaller states just because of the size all the states should have equal numder of votes. People might say like in the artcle "The indefensible Electoral College:Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" in paragraph 13 that the "candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning." Thats why all the states should have the same number of votes so the candidates would go there to try to win them over.
Having popular vote help voters want to vote again. Like in the artcle "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President." "The electoral college method of selecting the president College method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state."So thats why it should be changed to popular vote. | 12
fc1fe3c | The Seagoing Cowboys program was I great, and I suggest that everyone try it. If you like animals this would be a good job for you, if you like sailing it would be a good job for you, and most of all is you need something to do and would enjoy sailing with animals this is the perfect thing for you.
To join the Seagoing cowboys you don't even have to be qualified, infact I didn't even know about it until my friend asked me if I wanted to come. My friend Don Reist invited my to travel to Europe on a cattle boat. So, really you don't need a big flashy degree or really anything at all to become a Seagoing Cowboy.
If you love animals you should become a Seagoing Cowboy. As a Seagoing Cowboy you get to spend a lot of time with a lot of animals. The day the Pacific war ended I set out on my first trip, which was to Greece with 335 horses, and if you like spending a lot of time with animals, it takes two weeks to cross the pacific, and to go to China it'll take a month. So, if you enjoy to spend time with animals you should join the Seagoing Cowboys.
Being a Seagoing Cowboy you get to have a lot of fun and do a lot of site-seeing. As a Seagoing Cowboy I always found a way to have fun. We would have baseball and volleyball games, we would have table-tennis tournaments, fencing, we would even enjoy boxing, reading, and even whittling. And to top it all off we saw a lot of amazing sites. We would go all over Europe and China. I have personally visited Greece, China, seen the Panama Canal, and have even toured an excavated castle in Crete. Even though there might be long excruciating trips, we still find ways to have fun.
There are many upsides of being a Seagoing Cowboy. I have only told you a few of the many, many advantages of being a Seagoing Cowboy. So, after all of this I hope you consider joining me on the high seas. | 23
8a3f874 | There is talk on how there will one day be driverless cars. Companies such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Audi and Nissan have taken interest in these type of cars. Tesla has also created a 2016 release car that autopilot can be used for ninety percent of the time. There are many supporters of driverless cars, but there are also people who completely disagree with the idea. At least three states have made it illegal to test out computerdriven cars. I do not agree with the idea of driverless cars because there are more cons than pros.
There actually are positive outcomes when talki8ng about driverless cars. The car would just take over and you would not have to do much work at all. Driverless cars have been claimed that the touch sensors that control steering, acceleration, and brakes would have more control over the car then a human. A project manager driver from BMW has stated that they are trying to make driving and car rides more enjoyable. He plans on creating in-car entertainment and placing in systems that would keep the driver and passengers more aware of their surroundings.
Although there are a few positives outcomes with driverless cars, there are more cons than pros. The cars are said to be driverless, but they still require the "driver" to be fully aware of what the car is doing. When the car would approach work zones, traffic jams, or working around accidents. This requires more functions that the car needs to have to be able to get the attention of the driver. Also, to have the car excel to become completely driverless is too expensive. The companies looking into driverless cars have come to realize that they can create a car that runs on a special test track that has sensors to communicate between the road and the car. They then realized that it was impractical to think that all of their problems would be solved by sensors.
Another con would be that the car would be running off of technology, which is not always one hundred percent reliable. At any given moment the car could have a malfunction and could create a dangerous situation. The car could cause a crash, which would lead to another con. If something happens to a driver and any passengers while in the car, who will be blamed? There could start to be some disputes with the auto companies about why their cars are malfunctioning or why their vehicles are losing control. This then makes the situation dangerous and it will cause more harm then it is helping.
With all of the pros and cons in mind, I remain against driverless cars. I feel as if there are more cons then pros, so it is doing more harm then it is helping. The idea is fun and some people will still support it for different reasons, such as being lazy or wanting to try something new. In my opinion, the car is far too risky and could possibly put people in a tremendous amount of danger. Safety is the main priority and I do not feel as if this meets the requirements of safe. | 34
3d89f86 | The new technology called the Facial Action Coding System allows computers to identify human emotions. This technology can have great benifits in the classroom. The benifits of this new system will include increased student attentiveness and more participation. children's education is very valuabe in society, and any technology advances that can increase the knowledge of children is essential.
When ones self is intrested in something or someone ,one tends to pay attention to the thing one is intrested in. Kids today are more likley to pay attention and participate in something in school if they like the subject or have some sort of intrest in the topic. Not many children do exceptionally well in classes they dislike. This system will increase students attention in the classroom. If a child likes the subject they will do better. According to Dr. Huang of the University of Illinois he predicts that" a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored". This is very valuable in teaching many kids who are confused are to afraid to ask questions and get help. Now withhout asking all the students and wasting more class time, teachers can get easy feedback. Lastly when students are intrested in a topic theyre likley to ask questions about the topic, this is increased participation.
In Conclusion students the benifits of the Facial Action Coding System will have benifis in the classroom such as student attentiveness and more participation. Children are the future of tommorow, the best advances of education are essential to their well being. Students will learn more by being more and engaged and intrested. technology has become a huge part of our educaton syste,. | 23
f5875b9 | The author supports people to study Venus is because Venus is a very intersting planet, and we can larn many great things from learning it.
Venus is the closet planet to Earth when it comes to the density and size, according to paragraph 2. And paragraph 2 also mentioned
"Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us."
The dangerous things that happended the Venus is that the atmospheric pressure is way greater than Earth. The tempetrature on Venus is incredibly hot, it's known as the hottest planet in the solar system.
Humans should also understand that Venus is very similar to earth, the 4th paragraph said that " If our sister planet is so inhospitable" by that quote it explains how Venus is earth's twin. Back in the days Venus was covered with large portions of oceans. Now the planet still has some very alike features to earth, such as valleys,moutains and craters. Those are features Earth has, in other words our planet. according to paragrph 4.
Venus is a very intersting planet to learn about, because it explains the differences and similiarites to Earth. A lot of people probably don't know much about the planet. Venus is the closet planet people can visit. | 12
bf2e2df | I think having self driven cars are going to be dangeres becasue there is alot of problems with cars that you have to drive yourself. Why are they trying to make a car that drives by thereself? It would be cool but its to risk.
Its to risky to have a car drive by its self. Because what if you fall in hard sleep and you get to a work zone. Your going to get in a wreck. Thats putting other people in danger.
What if the sensors mess up and just stops working. BOOM wreck right there.
Theres also good reasons for the driveless car. You can play on your phone because you dont have to watch the road. There would be less wrecks because there is alot of wrecks becuase people are playing on there phone and trying to drive at the same time Or you can do you make-up when you are running late to work or a meeting. You also can save gas. If you save gas more money you have.
If you going on a road trip and you tired just take alittle nap. But they need to put a loud alarm in the car so when you need to drive you will be able to get up and drive when you need to. There would be less people falling asleep behind the wheel and getting in to wrecks.
My conclusion is that the driveless car is both helpful but dangeres at the same time. But I think there spend to much money on them when they could be working on the cars you have tyo drive yourself because those dont work properly either. There always a problem with them so what makes them think that the driveless car will work better? | 23
6b445e4 | This Face is a natural landform. It's probably just an old hill covered in dirt or dust. There are hills on Earth that are probably shaped like this. It just has holes in the hill that makes it look like a human face.
This Face is a hill. It just so happens that it is in the shape of a human face. If you look very closely, there are holes, or craters, in the face. I do see why you would think that it's made by aliens. There are other things on Mars that people think are built by aliens, such as pyramids.
It kind of reminds me of pyramids that the Egyptains built. There are pyramids on Mars and there is proof of that. Yes, aliens COULD have built this, but I don't think so. There have been sightings of "aliens" on Earth, but this does not mean that aliens built this. Do you have proof that aliens built this? No; there is no proof that aliens built this. If they did, you would have to find some kind of evidence that they did. I do myself believe in aliens, but that doesn't mean they built this face.
I know I have said it a lot, but this face is a natural landform. It is simply a hill or something in the shape of a hill. People find all kinds of things like this. I myself is very intersted in these kinds of things (aliens and such) and yet I think that it is just a simple hill covered in dust that just so happens to be in the shape of a face. There are probably hills on the Earth that are in the shape of a face. It is just a natural landform. There are natural landforms on the Earth that are shaped like this.
If this face was built like aliens, where is your proof? You have none? That's what I thought. It is seriously nothing other than a hill, covered in dirt, in a shape of a face.
Therefore, this Face is a natural landform. It is just a hill covered in dirt or dust in the shape of a face. People are very fasinated by this. Some think it's an acient thing built by alines; however, it is not. It is a hill that has holes that make it look like a human face. If this was a an acient thing buitl by aleins, there would be proof. | 23
07e11fc | The Face on Mars
There is a great population of people who believe aliens exist and cause strange things to happen and space crafts to appear. Many people know that it is just science fiction and that there is no evidence showing that aliens actually exist. This has been going on for decades and the believers need to face the truth. They can belive as long as they want, but there is no evidence.
The Face on Mars was not created by aliens, but is a natural landform. Meteors and other space rocks strike the planets, and even the moon. Those can be a possible cause of the Face on Mars. With astronauts exploring Mars to see if it is capable of supporting life, the Face could be caused by the humans collecting large amounts of the planet and walking all over it. Aliens are nothing but a fictional character in the many Hollywood movies.
As humans with the sense of sight, we are used to seeing faces on a daily basis. We look at clouds and depict them as something we have seen before. Or a tree that looks like a face was made out of it's bark. It is understandable that you could see a face on Mars because that is human imagination. The Face is just a natural effect of what caused it to happen. Sure, we might not know about everything that goes on in space, but we do know that many people are interested in the fact that Mars may be able to suport life.
Scientist are doing everything they can to know more than enough about Mars. They have rovers and cameras to look at Mars from Earth and be able to study it without traveling all the way there. There are many photos and videos of Mars and what you might see there, but no aliens were found. Their equipment is high quality and no blurs or scratches could be seen as something it's not.
For those who support the belief that aliens roam Mars, they can invest on the discovery, but find it wasteful. The Face is just a landform and you would need evidence to support your alien claim. There are many photos that were taken over time of the Face and the differences could be because of erosion or asteroids. Many things go on in space, but alien activity isn't one of them. | 23
bdb1446 | Today's world contains greater technology than ever before, and it continues to become more advanced. Just one example of this technology is emotion recognition technology in which a computer can identify one's emotions from only his face. For example, Thomas Huang used this Facial Action Coding System to read the emotions of Mona Lisa, a famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci. Experts are beginning to realize that this technology, Facial Action Coding System, could result in great advancements in the classroom. But will it really have great benefits in the classroom? I believe that there could be some tremendous problems with this new technology; but if it is used properly, it could have far greater results. Although there are some dangers involved, the Facial Action Coding System has great potential value for the classroom.
The Facial Action Coding System could become a valuable tool someday in classrooms around the globe. But before looking at the great value that this tool could potentially bring, we must look at the harm that it could cause. One-on-one individual contact is vital to a child's education. Whether at home or in a classroom, a student needs an individual present in order to best teach him the concepts necessary for learning. If the computer begins to replace the teacher, then this Facial Action Coding System is no longer a benefit to the student, but rather a harm. On the bright side, however, the Facial Action Coding System does bring large benefits. Most importantly, it engages the student. Doctor Huang, innovator of this Facial Action Coding System said that, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." It would then recognize that it needed to better explain the topic or rather grab the learner's attention. This could greatly benefit the academic world. Students could be taught individually, at their own pace, and possibly even in their own way. Those more advanced could move on to more advanced subjects, while those struggling could receive the help they need.
Facial Action Coding System, a wonder to us all, could greatly affect today's world, but it must be used with wisdom. It does not replace the teacher, but rather aids the teacher in teaching. Teachers are still tremendously needed for our students, and their personal mentoring is still of priceless value. Yet, along with these great blessings, the Facial Action Coding System could be added to better improve our academic world. The world needs educated men and women, and this Facial Action Coding System, innovated by Professor Thomas Huang, could be the exact element needed better educate our students, and make for a brighter future. | 34
b8a49b0 | Some people believed that the "Face on Mars" was an alien monument, and still do. This was a conspiracy theory that had been proven wrong many times by us scientists at NASA. When we first discovered this face, there was a degree of surprise among the mission controllers. But they soon figured it was another Martian mesa, which is common around Cydonia. Only this one had different shadows that gave the appearance of an Egyption Pharaoh, which caused the theories of it being an extra terrestrial monument.
When we had unveiled the photograph of the rock formation out into the public, it had been captioned that it was a "huge rock formation...which resembles a human head...formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth." This had been done to attract attention, and it did. People began to think the Face was evidence of life on Mars that NASA would rather hide. But, our NASA budgeters wish there was life on Mars because it would benefit our investigations and bring in more money. NASA would have abosolutely no reason to hide this information from the public.
Yet, theorists are unconvinced. On April 5, 1998, we sent the Mars Global Surveyor to fly over Cydonia and to take photographs that were ten times sharper than the original photos. We first uploaded these images onto a JPL website, explaining that the Face was a natural landform and that it was not a monument built by aliens.
People were still not satisfied with our information at this point. Our mission controllers prepared to inspect the Face again. This time, our controllers used a camera that spanned 1.56 meters on the maximum resolution, which captured a breath-taking image. This image shows that the Face is an equivalent of a butte or mesa. This is a common landform on Earth, and proves that the Face on Mars is just an oddly shaped area of land.
I do understand why people may have thought that this landform was evidence of life on Mars, but us workers at NASA gave real evidence that it wasn't. Our mission controllers had taken three different images showing more and more proof that it was just another landform. The mission controllers had used cameras with extreme resolution that had the ability to see airplanes or pyramids if there were any. But there wasn't, and there still isn't.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that there is no life on Mars because there is no actual evidence proving my belief wrong. To all those who still believe the Face on Mars was a monument built by aliens, I truly hope you will read this and realize that theories are theories until proven true. | 45
f4b5a84 | Venus is the closest plant to the Earth and occasionaly the closest in distance too, Earth Venus, and mars. The planet have diderent in speed mean that sometimes that we are closest to Mars nd ther times to Vensus. The issue explais that why is the planet touched down to Venus is more than three decades. Numerous factor contribue to Venus reputaion as a challenging the planet for humans to study.
The atmoshere is almost 97 percent Carbon Dioxide blankers and even more
challenging is the clouds of highly corrosive suluric acid in Vensus atmoshere. Our planet suface is about over 800 degress Fahreheit, and the reason why because its our owen planet and its our conditions that we keep it clean, and theses condtions that are making these things that are more extreme than anything to humans encounter on Earth, such as an envionment would have to crush even a submarin accustomed to drving to the deepest parts of our planet.
The planet has a suface of the rockey sedment and Furthermore, and recall the Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a space that contaions the planet vist a crucial cosideration that gives the longest time frames f space. Sometimes the planet peeing at Veuns from the ship orbiting or horving saftely far above our system, that could contain reearchers cannot take sambkes of rock or gas or could be just anything else. Therefore scientists says that the conduct a throgh missions to let pepole nderstand that Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the riskes. | 01
ca5625f | Over the years technology has developed in both helpful, and unhelpful ways. The use of the Facial Action Coding System (FACS), could have a massive, but positive, impact on the way students learn. The use of this technology could be extremely valuable.
The author, Nick D' Alto, expresses how people use different facial muscles to show different emotions. The software of this program can depict weither or not a smile is genuine. The different muscles used to produce a real smile, are different than when a person puts on a fake smile (paragraph 7 and 8).
A teacher can spend a whole class period trying to decide if his/ her students, actually understand. Everyone uses the same muscles for a confused expression, it just depends on how the expression is worn. If the FACS were to be installed onto their learning devices, it could depict a confused student faster and alert the teacher. It gets students the help they need, more efficiently.
In paragraph four, D' Alto tells how Dr. Huang observed, "facial expressions are universal." As mentioned before, everyone may look similar when feeling a certain way. It just depends on how much they show the emotion. Yes, your friend could look upset, or behave a certain way, and you'd know instantly. What if it was a stranger? Could you decode how they feel, as easily as for your friend?
Although it can be argued, that it's easy to point out an unhappy person, it actually isn't. That person can wear any expression they want, no matter how fake it is. Use of facial detecting software could help better point out those people. Using this technology in classrooms could be extremely effective, and valuable. It could improve the way students learn, as well as improve grades. The Facial Action Coding System is the technology students, and people in general, could benefit from in their everyday lives. | 23
89bcb5b | People sould do this job becuse they might like it and you could go acrossed the ocean and have a good time doing all of this stuff and u could ride acrossed the sea and bring you hores with youuke will become a cowboy soon and he thinks it like lat job and he will do it for the time untile he dies and he is going to do it
as long he wants and then he will go home it is his pick. If he wants to go or not he likes that job alot cause he gets to ride and go acrossed the sea.He like doing that a lot so that is why i think he like that job. people sould do this job becuse they might like it and you could go acrossed the ocean and have a good time doing all of this stuff and u could ride hores, and boaut acrossed the sea and bring you hores with you.
He can go acrossed the sea and sea if tere is any danger coming or not. He started a life long advecer. He it was his life and pick to go and he was taken 1947 2 years after he got there he was 18 so he was ready for his life to change. He did't care if it changed his lifehe was going to go at that job.
His life turnd out go and he pick that over going to the 2 part time jobs that he had so he could take a good job. He took it becuse he had heard whet they and he thout that he might like that job so he took the job. He liked that life and he had a good time doing that job.So he did what he need to and that is why i think other people should join it becuse you could have a very good life if you don't like it than don't do that job do anther job. | 12
474e939 | Dear Senator
The Electoral College process was established by the founding fathers as a compromise between the election of the president by a vote in congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens.
The Electoral college consists of the selection of electors.
The electoral college consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 votes is required to elect the President. I am arguing for the change of the electoral college in the favor of changing it to the election of popular vote. I believe that if the people were given the chance to vote for president the outcome would differ. As it stands the president is elected by the electoral college. If the people were tasked with voting for the president then they would choose who they want. Not who the electors want. The electors vote for whoever would look good for office. That means that the president wont always do whats right for America. The people desevre to choose the president. In a way it would be giving the people more freedom. If the electoral college stayed the way it is then americans would feel the freedom they were born with.
The electoral college wouldnt be needed if the government allowed qualified citizens to vote. It would save quite a bit of money and time. We wouldnt be wasting paper for ballots. The resources used to set up voting booths could be targeted at something else instead of wasting paper that will be thrown away. The votes from american citizens are not taken into consideration. We are wasting many resources making people think they are voting when its really all up to the electoral college to who the president will be. I strongly agree with the fact that the electoral college should be taken out of power. If the electoral college stays in the power of deciding who the president will be then they can control the power. They decide who to put in office and if they want someone who will pass health care laws then theyll pick the presidential candidate that will most likely pass health care laws. In the future I hope that the electoral college will not exist. If the electoral college no longer exists then the people will be free to vote for whoever. This will make american citizens feel more free if they have the power to decide who the next president will be.
7c47fed | The author describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computer to identify human emotions by letting know people detect exactly how other people are feeling without being tell about it. It had been created a new software to develop the knowledge of the emotions of others. Although, new applications of thisgeneration can calculate math homework. The Monalisa has been used for this discovery,
Dr. Paul Eckman is the creator of FACS, also they uses a computer to created 3-D model of the face basics emotions.
First, the author describe how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computer to identify human emotions by a computer. This portrays that the technology has been update to let people have more knowledge about this new era. The Monalisa has been used for this discovery. The text says" She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." This show us that by just looking at their face we can't notice all this emotions on this paint of Leonardo da Vinci's.
Second, the author describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computer to identify human emotions just by looking at their normal face. This shows how the technology have been update upon all this year, every year that pass, more discovery are treaten at the world. Dr. Paul Eckman is the creator of the FACS. The text says " Eckman has classified six basic emotions- happines, suprise, anger, disgust, fear and sadness." This means that the new discovery of Dr. Paul Eckman can identify 6 basic emotions.
Third, the author describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions by showing people thier emotion in only one picture of them. This new technology shows how people can have their knowlegde in this topic withot being an expert. To do this discovery they uses computer to created a 3-D model of the face basics emotions. The text says " The process begins when the computer construcs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 muscles in the model must move like human muscles." This means that all the 6 emotions are associated with each charactheristic movements of the facil muscles.
In conclusion, the Facial Action Coding System is usesfull to know the characteristic movement of the facial muscles. | 12
250a96a | In 1976, NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft snapped a picture of what appeared to be a human face, in a region, Cydonia, on Mars. Scientists figures that it was just a "Martian mesa". The figure was just a natural landform. Photo evidence points us in that direction.
In 1998, Michael Malin's MOC captured a picture ten times sharper than the first. The photo showed us a natural landform. Some weren't so easily swayed.
Once again, in 2001, another picture was taken from Malin's team. It was taken at the camera's maximum resolution. The picture showed the equivalent to a buttle or mesa. Garvin said that it reminded him "the most of the Middle Bittle in the Snake River Plain of Idaho."
However, conspiracy theorists Think that the face is evidence of life on Mars. That NASA would want to hide exactly that. At the same time defenders of the NASA budget actually wish that there was an ancient civilization there.
All the photos taken to see what the face on Mars really was shows us one thing. The "face" on Mars was just a natural landform. Just another Martian mesa. | 23
21ebb27 | In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents and how he was saying different things about how Venus is and was shows that he really does have an interest in studying Venus and he defends his argument well because he goes into detail on what he wants to do and what he wants to know.
Although the passage is having to do with exploring Venus theres nothing much said about them doing things because they failed multiple times and by the looks of it I don't think its going to happen because of how the author talks about Venus.
The author seems to be doing everything he could to actually try to explore Venus despite the difficulties they are having, that even if it is dangerous the author will still try to do something about it.
In my opinion I think what the author's doing is very dangerous because he doesn't know what the outcome is going to be, it could go both good and bad because there is a possibility that anything can happen, as said in the article though, they are only looking at sending technology to try to explore Venus not humans so it wouldn't be as dangerous and I think thats why the author is still open on exploring it and not giving up so he can try to find some answers to what hes been questioning.
In the last paragraph (8) the author states that the challenge presented by Venus has value because of human curiosity because it will lead them into many equally intimidating endeavors and just basically saying to think of it as an imagination but at the same time something you can do and want to achieve.
In conclusion if the author thinks that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit then that's what hes going to go for, some people are also curious on that and so the author trying to do that will be helpful to others and himself and if he does succeed others will be satisfied with what the author came up with besides the dangers the study presents I do think that it will all be worth it at the end of the day, because that's a goal they've been trying to accomplish for sometime now. | 12
34c5bdc | There is not a good reason to put these Coding Systems into classrooms. The coding systems probably cost a lot of money and it would distract the students from focusing in the classroom. These Coding Systems aren't educational, they're used for the fun and enjoyment. So what's the point of puting these in classrooms? The Coding Systems won't teach them anything, it will just distract them.
The only way they could be beneficial is to study the muscles that're in your face. But studying this topic would only last for not even a month. They would be used once a year. So why have them when you'll only use them once a year?
There is something that can be used that is simpler and not as expensive to study this. There are still textbooks and certain handouts teachers can use to teach the students. That is how teachers are teaching now and students are already getting good grades so there isn't really a point of getting these Coding Systems. | 12
be203c9 | I believe that use of the Facial Action Coding System could make immediate impacts in a classroom setting. The idea of being able to see someone's inner emotions could show lots of value for teachers in the class. This machine, after being tested in the classroom, could be used to make even more accurate and in-depth machines that could go even deeper. All it takes is it starting off.
There are many benefits to having a machine that is able to accurately find someone's emotions. The applications in the classroom would help make the day for a teacher run smoothly if there was trouble with a student, or if there was something upsetting a student you could use this device. The value of knowing what your students feel could help mold a curriculum that would be the most effective for their learning. Paragraph 6 mentions that classes could have computers that could detect these emotions, and change the way the lesson is and mold it to work for that specific student.
There is no reason that the FACS shouldn't be implemented into classes. The FACS is just a more accurate way of processing and recognizing someone's emotions and feelings. We, as humans, are always performing this calculation every day, as listed in paragraph 5. We cannot tell every emotion in someone's face, as they could be hiding their emotions behind a fake smile, or hiding sorrow or sadness behind a snarl. With the FACS knowing the emotions of a student in class who is struggling could maybe help the student and teacher find a way to stop the struggle. There is nothing wrong with knowing a student's emotions so a teacher can assist them if they are struggling.
This understanding of emotions and the creation of lessons that could help with those emotions could help graduation rates for schools go up, and help the GPA or work ethic of a student to increase. These benefits all could come from knowing students' emotions as long as the FACS is put into a school's classrooms.
Some may be worried that the FACS could be unaccurate and tell wrong emotions, but claims in paragragh 3 state that muscles in your face also dictate what emotion your feeling. These muscles can also indicate whether your smile is real and you are really happy, or if your smile is fake and that your feeling something different. Trained psychologists and others in their respected fields have contributed to the FACS to try and help create accurate assumptions based on the muscle usage in a person's face.
The evolution and effectiveness of the FACS could increase with the help of its use in the classroom, and the readings could become more accurate and more beneficial to the teacher and the student. The FACS could be used in almost anywhere, but I believe that it would have the biggest impact in the classroom. The effect it could have enourmous, and all it would take is one computer software.
The FACS should be put in classroom, not only to further the research needed to help develop the software more, but to help students who may struggle with lessons in class. The FACS's ability to read emotion will benefit student and teacher when the time comes, all it needs is to find its place in the classroom. | 45
aa03232 | Mona Lisa's 83 percent happy, 9 parcent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles. "The facial expressions for each emotion are universal," observes Dr. Huang, "even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression." in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa. In fact, we humans perform this same impressive "calculation" every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face.
Dr. Huang observes that artists such as da Vinchi studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convery specific emotions. His new computer software stores smilar anatomical information as electronic code. Perhaps Dr. Huang's emotion algorithms are a different sort of "Da Vinci Code"! The Mona lisa demonstation is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much this computer can do. Imagine a computer that knows when you're happy or sad. The muscles called orbicularis oculi pars palpabraeus make crow's-feet around my eyes. The muscles will not make lie, so Mona Lisa have wonder parts of human. Empathy may happen because we unconsciously imitate another person's facial expressions. Whoever thought that making faces could reveal so much about the science of emotions.
These are essay, so we can know the Dr., Hung and The Vinci are so good person and very smart because my summary shows that.
I thought the Mona Lisa had not alive at their time, so she is just picuture.
I will find some good art. It will be better than Mona Lisa. We colud get informatin if we have science knowlende. I understood the art world of little. | 01
11eda40 | I think there should be a little changes like they need more meetings to choose there president and the vice president how many votes are in to choose there president. they need about 538 electors and a majority of 270 electoral votes for our president. The electors equals the number of memebers in congressional delegation. Columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for pureposes of the elctoral college. any of our candidates run for our president. It runs how they act and how they are with the people that they have. The presidential election are every four years. The winner takes all and be's the new president. Our governer talk to us like a big long speech. They do a recoding of the new president. The electoral college, they're not alone; according to a Gallup poll in 2000, taken shortly after every thing. Over 60 percent of voters would perfer a direct election. This year voters can expect another close election. Voters vote not just for there president, but for a slate of electors. The people would have to vote for a slate of 34 Democratic electors. The american people are lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest ellection. The voting takes place in the House of Representative and that are we vote for the president. | 01
2d39640 | Exploring The V!
Have you wondered what it would be like to land on a planet that is very dangerous to the human life?
Theres a Planet called venus and its very dangous to explore because of all the diffrent planet fetures that planet earth doesn't have. Venus is very dangerous to human life because of its tempatures, It's amospheres, and the surface of the planet.
Venus is a planet that human life can never set foot on because if its tempatures. In Paragraph 3 Line #3 the author says "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit". The human life form couldn't handle that much heat. In Paragraph 3 Line #7 the author states " These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on earth". None of are planets in are solar system have the kinda heat as venus does.
Venuses atmostphere is really dangerous to humans. In Paragraph 3 Line #4 the sentence contiuses and says "And the atmosphere pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet". The atmoshereic presure is really strong on venus as well. In Paragraph 3 Line #8 the author says Such an evironment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals". This planet is pernounsed as the hardest planet to study.
The surface of venus is rough. In Paragraph 3 Line #11 the author says "Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface". Venus is really like earth, but has alot of diffrences as well. In paragraph 4 Line #4 the author says " Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and coad have suppoted various forms of life, just like earth". Venus could have had other forms of life in are solar system, But we will never know.
Venus is a hard planet to study and exam. (NASA) is trying to find new ways so we can get astronots on the none life planet. They have tried to land on venus with some rowbots but the tempature is to high and melted the metal of all of the robots. One day we will be able to land on venus and posable live on that planet that evryone thought no one would ever be able to step foot on. Venus will be a liveable planet one day. We all are going to keep working on was to live on it. One day we will find out. | 23
e046d2a | The use of FACS should not be used to see if children are happy in the class room. The reason being is if a kid is upset about what happen at lunch and doesnt want the teacher to know the teacher shouldn't know. IF the kid wanted the teacher to know the kid would stay after class and tell the teacher the proble. i jiust dont think that there should be that kind of technology inside of a class room.
Now if it was for an expermint to see how you are really feeling then go ahead but only for an expermint. the expermint could be hpw many real emotions can one person feel all at the same time. The computer could tell you all the emotions what percent your feeling them and that how you get your expermint.
A teacher should not do it to anyone who does not want it done to them. That would be the only real problem with having it inside a class room. There could be a public room inside the school for the computer, so kids can go and see what they are feeling before class. That is an option for the school.
The only way i think it is a good idea to have that kind of tecnology inside school is if it has its own room inside the school. That way all the kids that want to use the computer can use it. | 23
62c323b | It's already hard enough expressing your own feelings, but trying to figure out someone else's can be a real challenge. Feeling so many emotions at once can make people angry, frustrated, or even depressed because they don't know how to handle it all. Emotions are hard to explain, after reading the article and seeing that a computer can read them in the blink of an eye than it might be safe to say that it could help people more than they think.
The article says that the new program can tell even if you're faking a smile or pretending to be happy. Being a teenager, knowing when someone is unhappy or pretending to be happy can be big thing. They might need to talk to someone but don't want to show it because they don't want to seen as weak or feel more emotion than they already do. If teachers had this technology in the computers to know how a student is feeling in class it could be a huge adavantage. That way a teacher can try and talk to the student or keep a close eye on them to make sure they get better. The article also says "... you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face". It's easy to fool someone with a look but this technology can analyze each muscle in the face and tell how the person actually feels. Isn't it important for a teacher to know how a kid feels? They can't pay attention as much if something on their mind is taking most of their attention.
When walking into a class, you can tell what kind of day it will be by seeing everyone's expression on their face. Throughout the day though, there can be so many different emotions going around. From a bully you can feel scared, sad, worried, depressed, and so many other emotions but you can't say anything because you're also afraid of the situation getting worse. Anyone can fake emotions and people do it everyday just to get through it all. When no one is around though that's when we can let it all out and hope the next day will be different. How this technology can help is seeing if a student is feeling the same everyday whether it be a personal problem, bullying, feeling alone, or even depression. It can get worse everyday, but if a computer can see that it is faster than anyone else and alert a teacher that something is wrong then thats one kid saved from a whole life filled with those emotions. It could prevent the emotions after being bullied, after a loss, or even suicidal emotions. The hard thing is trying to connect with that person so they have the trust and strength to open up.
It's not easy opeing up to someone. People go around saying "it isn't hard" or "the sooner you do, the sooner you'll feel better!". What people sometimes don't think about is that how hard it really can be. The person trying to help can't feel those emotions; they don't know what the other person is thinking about. The student could have a hundred thoughts going on inside their head but they don't wanna talk about it because if they do then they have to deal with all the emotions at once. It's easier to hold it in than letting it all out. The technology is great and could help a lot of kids in need of someone or something to show how they truly feel. When a teacher sees how the kid feels, they can try in every way possible to make that kid feel safe so they feel compfortable opening up. The article says that the software reads the different muscles in our faces to show how we feel even if we are faking it. It's like a lie detector for emotions! If a kid had someone walk up to them and ask if they are okay then the kid might lie; this program could help show what's wrong without the kid saying a thing. It shows all the emotions the kid is feeling and then someone can help get down to what is making them feel that way.
People feel different emotions everyday, and we, as people, make those emotions. We can create laughter to make someone feel happy or we can bully to make someone feel like they're nothing. How people feel is something that seems only humans can explain, that no tech in the world can feel the same as we do. Fortunetly, this tech doesn't have to feel, all it has to do is show what we feel. All we have to do is decide if we want to give it a chance or keep putting on that fake smile. | 45
a635fc8 | Everyone has been faced with a challenge at least once in their lifetime.Whether it be a small or big challenge we always have to find a way arounf it.In the passge The Challenge of Exploring Venus scientists are curios at exploring venus despite being very dangerous for the information they can gain from earth´s twin.The author has a good claim on why they should continue to explore venus because we are going to have to face a challenge like venus in the future, it was just like earth, and it is the nearest planet for us to visit.
One of the many reasons we should continue to study venus it that it is the closet planet to earth in similarites.Venus was once inhabitated by oceans and all different lifeforms.¨Venus still has some features that are analogous to those of earth¨If scientists can understand how venus is what it is now from being filled with life forms to being dead and dangerous then we can use that to our advantage of earth and maybe stop it from happening to us.
Another good arguement that the author puts up is that scientists will most likely end up facing a challenge just like trying to explore venus.¨Also because human curiosity will likely to lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors¨.Despite venus being a hard challenge, scientists are coming up with new technology and have already made technology that can withstand the forces of venus.Venus is also a great lesson into what we know scientists can accomplish like if we were to get a full study of venus then if any other challenge just like it comes along we will be preprared in the sense that we already got experience.
One of the final really good arguements that the author uses is that we are in such a good position to explore another planet.¨Futhermore,recall that venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit¨The author is saying that we are lucky that we have such a close planet to study.Unlike saturn or neptune we do not have to spend so much money on fuel or time waiting for the satalites to get to the planet.We should take advantage of the fact that venus is so close to us even though it comes with more dangers.
Venus is like one big brick wall that if passed, can hold a lot of secreats that will help scients in the future understand how it was just like earth, how we can overcome even more challenges, and how we can study more planets using technology that we used on venus. | 34
213b477 | No body wants to walk every where, and never make it on time somewhere or walk so far just to get groceries. It's better for citizens to have a car to run erences and do what they got to do to get some where. The only thing citizens should avoide is "accidends" because then you won't no car to get any where, But it's always good to have a walk somewhere to get moving and get energy and not be lazy. I mostly preffer citizens should use there car to do things they need to do before going home so they don't have to keep going in and out the house wasting gas, and just wasting your time to relax after Work , School , and Ect.. Cars need a lot of taking care of too because if you have'nt check your car yet just in case if anything is wrong with it your car could randomly break down. Cars are very useful to get where you need to go faster and also maybe safer.
Their's pros and cons having to use a car,the pros are that they get you places faster and most important "Emergency" it's good to have a car to get to the hospital and go to a friend or family that would need your help. Cars are good to get to work on time to get money to previde for your Family,Pay bills,Groceries and Ect..The Cons is that motors can ruin the air pollution. Theirs citizens out there that can be a recless driver ad could hit another car,people of side walks, and run into someting. I thinks citizens should at least once in a while use a bike, Skate, or take a public transformation, to move more get out the house. Most other countries don't even use cars to get places they use bikes,carges with the horses taking you,skate,or walk they do that because they feel they don't need cars to get places it get them out and do something,Why you think other counties have lots of activies,prades,places so close togther to make thing healthier and better for the people.
At the end I feel like we should go out more and use less car activity and do more thing to get out and move around. Citizens wants to feel safer start useing bicycles,public transformation, or walk, it's better to be safe then sorry. Also maybe less accidences and more better air to breath and feel safe. Also less drunk driving and anything that could ruin you driving because you could be in danger and could put theres in danger too. | 12
f53328c | The "face" on Mars is just a natural landform. The face on Mars is nothing more than a huge rock formation and is definatly not created by aliens.
The face is an amazing discovery that NASA has made when they went to Mars. The face is just a landform that can have the illusion of a face. The illusion is created by shadows giving the look of eyes, nose, and a mouth.
On April 5, 1998, Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his MOC team took a picture of the face that gave a much sharper look of it than the first pictures ever taken. That's when they truly discovered that the face was not a alien monument. Later they have got an even better picture. The picture shows is landforms that are like the ones around the American West. The face was like a butte or a mesa.
Pictures proved that the face is nothing more than a illusion created by shadows. The face is a natural land mark that is like some of the ones on earth. The face is not created by aliens. After all who knows if there is such thing as aliens. | 23
6e80f55 | Global warming is one of the main reason, maybe the only reason the is destroying the atmosphere. Humans today are trying to prevent global warming because if we continue to pollute the atmosphere it can very well kill most of the living things, maybe all of the living thing on this planet, including humans ourselfs. I think reducing the usage of cars today is a great way to stop global warming.
One of the countries that are taking action in doing this is the countries is France. Paris has decided to partially ban driving to clear the air of the global city. In the text it states that, "on Monday motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their car at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31)." This show that paris is trying to get rid of the smog in the air, and now they are asking their citizens to stop driving their cars, bike ect. Also if you don't partcipate in you will have to pay a fine of 22-euro. In addition one of the main subsatnces to motor pollution is diesel feul. the passage says that, "diesel was the blame, since the France has...[a] tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline." Since France favors the usage of diesel, this one of the main reason why they have forbidden the use of motor in paris. Moreover it states that;"deisel make up 67 percent of vehicles in France, compared to a 53.3 percent average of diesel engines in the rest of the Western Europe." This again also proves that diesel plays a major role in the pollution of France. As you can see France is making changings to there country due to the global warming.
France is not the only one that has taken action by reducing the car usage. The city BOGOTA, Colombia has also changed their ways in cutting down on car usage."Millions of colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams," the text states. What this is trying to explain is that Columbia has a program that prevents the citizens from using vehicles, so the whole day they usa bikes, skates, and take the bus, even some of them go hiking to wherever they go. Consequently there are some benefits to having a car, such as basic transportation needs. In the text it states that,"but America's love affair with is vehicles seems to be cooling. When adjusted for population growth, the number of miles driven in the United States peaked in 2005 and dropped steadily."Although driving is something essential to human needs these days, it is also very killing. As you can see other countries have taken part in this struggle to prevent global warming to get any worst.
In conclusion the reduction of using vehicle today can be one big step in slowing down the rate of global warming, although taking away cars me be a major problem to in basic transportation needs, it is better than killing everything on the planet. | 34
128dd5a | An industrial world without cars may seem to be ages away, but according to the studies conducted in the passages, the reduction of car use is very positive culturally, environmentally, and even economically.
One advantage of a society without cars is a relief of stress. The residents of Vauban, Germany, a car-free suburban town, are much happier there. They don't have to deal with the pollution of gas emission or noise pollution from traffic; they simply hear bicycles swishing by and children playing.
Car free towns have been an intriguing idea for years now; even major organizations like the Environmental Protection Agency and Transportation for America are willing to pursue car-free cities for many reasons. The major motivation for getting rid of cars is pollution. In Europe, 12% of gas emissions come from cars, and in some car-intensive areas in America, gas emissions from cars reach 50%. There was even a ban on driving in Paris for a short while when the smog became too hectic. That's a massive amount of pollution- an amount that can be greatly reduced.
Some countries are slowly getting on board with the whole "car-free" idea. In Bogota, there's a car free day where everyone takes alternative forms of transportation to get around, be it buses, bikes, or skateboards, which makes a huge difference in such a heavily populated metropolis. The citizens really enjoy this day, hinting that a car free life is more enjoyable. This car free day has even spread to other Colombian cities like Cali and Valledupar and will soon spread to other countries as well.
If a car free society is ideal, how come we don't have it yet? Currently, we still depend greatly on cars; giving them up wholly is a very radical change. However, governments are working into it slowly. On top of car-free towns like Vauban and car-free holidays like in Bogota, car-free cities are being planned. These cities would be very dense, making it easier to get around with a bike, on foot, or on public buses and metrorails rather than in a private car. This will reduce pollution greatly, spawn a healthier population, and even support local business growth now that local restaurants will be a walk away from one's home. Even today, cities have been favoring alternative transportation with tolls on cars that exempt bikes.
It is even evident in America that the amount of people getting drivers liscences has been dropping steadily. Culturally, everything is growing to be more local: carpools, public transportation, and the internet keep eveyone connected without having to use private cars.
In the final analysis, shifting towards a society that is less dependent on cars will bring about very positive results. People will be able to enjoy a more local, connected, and happier environment and nature will flourish too with the relief of pollution, both in the form of noise and gas emission. Hopefully, the reduction of car use will be well under way in the near future and we can progress, improving society and repairing the global ecosystem. | 34
b9732f5 | Some reasons to join the program A cowboy Who Rode The Waves are that you get to have some fun while travling around while luke bomberger was moving across the world they hade games and mini tournaments. To luke bumberger it much more than an adventure it opened the world to him like it can open the world to you. Pluse at the same time you are helping other people around the world.
The places luke went like Venice,Italy,a city with streets of water. luke also took a tour an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China.
If you work alot befor you join you will be good at alot of thing they do like the danger of the sea. Luke was not ready for the dangers of the sea but he still did it he was out ther with the dangers of the sea .
He was with a seagoing cowboy for along time. Would you be the in the seagoing cowboy for along time like luke did.
In conclusion that is why you should join the seagoing cowboy. If you are a hard worker and like to have fun while working at the same time | 12
92b6683 | Cars, th ey get us places faster and could also show a soc i al s tatis. Sports, muscle, luxeruy, and exotic all can show a differen t stature but, cars are harmful. Gas es from t he cars cause harm to the Ozone layer i n the atmo s phere m a king the w orld hotter every ye a r. We really s hould cu t down o n our car usage or the world could be in big trouble.
One way Paris is helping out is a partial ban on driving. They do this to control the smog, a gas created f rom cars, to pro m ote good air and have a cleaner cit y . On Monday drivers with a even license plate are ordered to leave their cars home or pay a thirty one dollar f ine, and it wo u ld apply to the odd license plate the next day.
Now Paris is not the only one on the c lean air bane wagon so is the United States. President Obama wants to curb the greenhouse emissions. But in recent studies show that fewer Americans are buying fewer cars, getting a license and even driving each year.
Now even in BOGOTA, Colombia they are helping with the air the capital city even has a special day. On the "car-free day" in Colombia, people leave their cars and walk, s k ate, b i ke and eve n just ride the bus. For three years they have done this only allowin g buses and t ax i s per m itted on th e road. Violaters face a twenty five dollar fine if they decide to drive their own car that day. | 12
1d587b8 | This article was stating that Venus is Earth's "twin." It is the closest in distance as well. Venus has many things wrong with it before anyone could ever live on it. Venus could be our nearest option for planitary visit. There is Earth like qualities but, it is very dangerious. Scientist still study this world because they know that if they could have a landing that was successful then they could finaly really start to explore the suface.
Venus is the closest planet to Earth. At times we may be closer to Mars do to the speed at wich the planets spin but we are usually closest to Venus. Many spacecraft have been sent to Venus trying to learn more of it but each time that it has been attempted, it has only been able to last a few hours before failing. Venus is a challenging planet to be studied.
Venus has many issues but there is profe that there may have once, long ago, been covered with oceans and had plenty of adaptable life on it. Today there are still some places on Venus that have Earth like features. Land forms that look the way Earth's do. There are valleys, moutains, and craders.
Though it is true that Venus is closest to us and may be the best otpion for visitation one day in the future it still has many problems. The planets surface area is an avaerage of 800 degrees Farenhheit. The atomic pressure is 90 times as much as Earth. At this point in time Venus is enhabital. There must be more reasearch allowed on Venus to find out if anyone could ever step foot on it.
Venus must be researched more to learn as much as possable if it is said that it is the most livable planet. It has many dangers, yes, but that is the vary reason it needs more attention. The more time spent on reasearching Venus the more likley that we will be able to maybe reverse the effect to make it look as it did those any a years ago when it had bodies of water and valleys. | 23
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