Project Resilience Emissions from Land-Use Change Dataset
Project Resilience
To contribute to this project see Project Resilience (Github Repo)
Land Use Change data is provided by the Land Use Harmonization Project, providing land-use changes from 850-2100
Emissions from Land-Use Change (ELUC) data is provided by the Global Carbon Budget 2023 Bookkeeping of Land-Use Emissions (BLUE) model.
Data was used in Discovering Effective Policies for Land-Use Planning at NeurIPS 2023 Workshop: Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning
Land Use Types
Primary: Vegetation that is untouched by humans
- primf: Primary forest
- primn: Primary nonforest vegetation
Secondary: Vegetation that has been touched by humans
- secdf: Secondary forest
- secdn: Secondary nonforest vegetation
- c3ann: Annual C3 crops (e.g. wheat)
- c4ann: Annual C4 crops (e.g. maize)
- c3per: Perennial C3 crops (e.g. banana)
- c4per: Perennial C4 crops (e.g. sugarcane)
- c3nfx: Nitrogen fixing C3 crops (e.g. soybean)
- pastr: Managed pasture land
- range: Natural grassland/savannah/desert/etc.
The dataset is indexed by latitude, longitude, and time, with each row consisting of the land use of a given year, the land-use change from year to year+1, and the ELUC at the end of year in tons of carbon per hectare (tC/ha)
In addition, the cell area of the cell in hectares and the name of the country the cell is located in are provided.
A crop and crop_diff column consisting of the sums of all the crop types and crop type diffs is provided as well as the BLUE model treats all crop types the same.