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There is still a possibility that al-Qaida could do something stupid like they have done in the past, but we havent stopped Indians from travelling to London.
| There is still a possibility that al-Qaida could do something stupid, but we havent stopped Indians from travelling to London.
After they leave work, they sometimes find it difficult to make friends and adapt to school.
| After they stop working, they sometimes find it difficult to make friends and adapt to school.
Its things like that the hospital where your first child was born, for example that are important to peoples sense of identity and all thats going to disappear.
| Its things like that the hospital where your first child was born, for example that are important to people and all thats going to disappear.
If it sounds familiar, its because the online world has been using techniques like these for years.
| If it sounds familiar, its because the internet has been using techniques like these for years.
Ive looked at buying and seen mortgage advisers but I just cant borrow enough to get on the property ladder.
| Ive thought about buying and seen mortgage advisers but I just cant borrow enough to get on the property ladder.
Known as Lady Dinahs Cat Emporium, it is yet to open but is billed as somewhere people can come in from the cold to a comfortable wingback chair, a hot cup of tea, a book and a cat.
| It will be somewhere people can come in from the cold to a comfortable chair, a hot cup of tea, a book and a cat.
For the older teenagers, it might be more sensible to start the school day at 11am or even later.
| For the older teenagers, it might be better to start the school day at 11am or even later.
One weekend they concocted the recipe and the next they brewed 1,600 litres.
| One weekend they created the recipe; the next weekend they brewed 1,600 litres.
Patagonia is a relevant region for the countrys economy because it has oil, fishing, mining and agriculture resources.
| Patagonia is an important region for the countrys economy because it has oil, fishing, mining and agriculture resources.
Glass-like ash particles melt in the heat of the engine, then solidify on the rotors.
| Ash melts in the heat of the engine, then solidifies on the rotors.
Data collected by Ofcom (the independent regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries) suggests that, between November 2012 and January 2013 in the UK, 280 million music tracks were digitally pirated, along with 52 million TV shows, 29 million films, 18 million ebooks and 7 million software or games files.
| Between November 2012 and January 2013 in the UK, 280 million music tracks were digitally pirated along with 52 million TV shows, 29 million films,18 million ebooks and 7 million software or games files.
The age of the big British summer music festival, including Glastonbury, is drawing to a close, according to the leading rock promoter and manager Harvey Goldsmith.
| The age of the big British summer music festival, including Glastonbury, is ending, according to the top rock manager Harvey Goldsmith.
The MEPs voted to put health warnings on 65% of each cigarette pack, as opposed to a proposed 75%.
| The MEPs voted to put health warnings on 65% of each cigarette pack.
On the streets of Athens, the breeding ground of shisha, there is rising fear that austerity not only doesnt work it kills.
| On the streets of Athens, there is a fear that austerity not only doesnt work it kills.
La Premiere chose quon regarde (The First Thing We Look At) by Gregoire Delacourt tells the story of a French model who looks so similar to the American actor that the books lead male character thinks it is Johansson herself.
| La premiere chose quon regarde (The First Thing We Look At) by Gregoire Delacourt is the story of a French model who looks so similar to the American actor that the books main male character thinks she is Johansson.
If I just showed you a shot of someones body you could probably tell me what gender they are.
| If I just showed you a photo of someones body, you could probably tell me what gender they are.
Worst thing about the job: Expect to be away from home at least six months of the year.
| Worst thing about the job: You will be away from home for at least six months of the year.
Riley, as a young referee, went out and bought himself books on psychology and nutrition as there was no information on offer to him at all.
| Riley, as a young referee, bought himself books on psychology and nutrition because there was no information on offer to him at all.
Communication between riders and drivers, between different vehicles and between cars and infrastructure is bringing transportation into a new era, according to Allan Clelland, an expert on transportation technology.
| Communication between riders and drivers, between different vehicles and between cars and infrastructure is bringing transportation into a new era.
At a pool in Bristol, she taught me some simple exercises to help me hold my breath for longer while swimming underwater.
| At a swimming pool in Bristol, she taught me some simple ways to help me hold my breath for longer while swimming underwater.
The mission hopes to inspire generations to believe that all things are possible, that anything can be achieved, much like the Apollo Moon landings.
| The mission hopes to inspire people to believe that all things are possible, that you can achieve anything, like the Apollo moon landings.
The researchers found much higher levels of cadmium, a toxic metal, in conventional crops.
| The researchers also found much higher levels of cadmium, a toxic metal, in regular crops.
Caroline Wozniacki said: I put the water bottle down on the court and it started melting a little bit underneath the plastic.
| Caroline Wozniacki said: I put the water bottle down on the court and it started melting a little bit.
Many more had applied for a night of stargazing at the observatory but numbers are strictly limited.
| Many more people apply for a night of stargazing at the observatory but not everyone can come because numbers are strictly limited.
According to the IEAs Medium-Term Coal Market Report the world will burn 1.2bn more tonnes of coal per year by 2017 compared with today the equivalent of the current coal consumption of Russia and the US combined.
| According to the IEAs Medium-Term Coal Market Report, the world will burn 1.2bn more tonnes of coal per year by 2017 compared with today.
The NSA access was enabled by changes to US surveillance law, introduced under President Bush and renewed under Obama in December 2012.
| Changes to US surveillance law, introduced under President Bush and renewed under Obama in December 2012, made it possible for the NSA to access the information.
The gap in physical prowess between children in the same class but born in different months was sometimes very wide.
| The gap in physical ability between children in the same class but born in different months was sometimes very wide.
The main goal of the 6,000-nautical-mile (11,000km) trip was to deliver a special message to the World Parks Congress.
| The main aim of the 11,000km trip was to deliver a special message to the World Parks Congress.
It has even filtered into the world of classical music, with one of the worlds leading pianists surprising concert-goers in June 2013 when he stormed off stage because a fan was filming his performance on a smartphone.
| Even in the world of classical music, one of the worlds top pianists surprised the audience in June 2013 when he left the stage because a fan was filming his performance on a smartphone.
We are conditioning ourselves to ignore the information coming into our ears.
| We are training ourselves to ignore the information that comes into our ears.
I dont believe its whitening; its more the way they are producing her with makeup, hairstylists and the way she dresses, he said.
| I dont believe she is whiter; its more the makeup, hairstylists and the way she dresses, he said.
Three cameras attached to Baumgartners suit recorded his free-fall of just over four minutes which failed to break the existing free-fall record for duration and then the parachute opening.
| Three cameras, which were attached to Baumgartners suit, recorded his free-fall of just over four minutes and then the parachute opening.
The growing of coca leaves is legal and licensed 12 in Bolivia.
| It is legal to grow coca leaves in Bolivia.
If the amount of food wasted around the world were reduced by just 25%, there would be enough food to feed all the people who are malnourished, according to the UN.
| If we reduced the amount of food we wasted around the world by just 25%, there would be enough food to feed all the hungry people in the world.
The vital importance of clean water is becoming harder and harder to ignore, as California enters another summer of drought.
| The importance of clean water is becoming harder and harder to ignore for example, there is another summer of drought in California.
So, just like our mouse, it is quite possible we can associate what we happen to have in our mind with bad or good high-variance ongoing events.
| So, just like our mouse, it is quite possible we can associate what we have in our mind with bad or good events.
We will continue to ght with the facts because the facts are on our side, he said recently on a conference call with journalists and analysts.
| We will continue to ght with the facts because the facts are on our side, he said.
Another protest march, near Rios Maracana Stadium, was met with a similarly heavy police response.
| Another protest march, near Rios Maracana Stadium, also had a heavy police response.
You wont be surprised by an ex in the street with a new girlfriend or boyfriend: you already know theyre dating someone else from the romantic sel es.
| You wont be surprised if you see an ex in the street with a new girlfriend or boyfriend: you already know theyre with someone else because youve seen the romantic sel es.
Wildlife authorities captured a tiger in Chitwan after it killed two people, including a villager who was pulled from his bed in May.
| Recently, a tiger was captured after it killed two people, including a villager who was pulled from his bed in May.
To discover the elements, researchers at the three labs slammed lighter nuclei into one another and looked for signature radioactive decays that should come from the new elements.
| To discover the elements, researchers at the three labs crashed lighter nuclei into one another and looked for the radioactive decays that should come from the new elements.
I really rely on tips because I am only paid 7 an hour.
| I really need tips because I am only paid 7 an hour.
Weve only been tracking vaping for just over a year, so its a short time period, but we are not seeing growth in the number of long-term ex-smokers or never smokers using e-cigarettes.
| Weve only been studying vaping for just over a year, so its a short time period, but we are not seeing growth in the number of long-term ex-smokers or never smokers using e-cigarettes.
The of cial title of the expedition is the Mua Voyage and it is a partnership between the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Oceania Regional Of ce and ve Paci c Island countries: Samoa, Tonga, New Zealand, the Cook Islands and Fiji.
| It is a partnership between the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Oceania Regional Of ce and ve Paci c Island countries: Samoa, Tonga, New Zealand, the Cook Islands and Fiji.
While some employees welcome the exibility of such contracts, for many, zero-hours contracts leave them insecure and unsure of when work will come, he said.
| Politician Chuka Umunna said, While some employees welcome the exibility of zero-hours contracts, for many, zero-hours contracts leave them insecure and unsure of when work will come, he said.
The first inkling of an artwork Andersen called the Solspeil, or Sun mirror, came to him as the month of September began to fade: Every day, we would take our young child for a walk in the buggy, he says, and, every day, I realized we were having to go a little further down the valley to find the sun.
| Andersen had the idea for an artwork he calls the Solspeil, or Sun mirror, at the end of September one year: Every day, we took our young child for a walk, he says, and, every day, I realized we had to go a little further down the valley to find the sun.
In 2006, the Irish designer completed a scuba-diving course and loved the feeling of being able to breathe underwater and observe sh in their natural environment.
| In 2006, the Irish designer completed a scuba-diving course and loved the feeling of being able to breathe underwater and watch sh in their natural environment.
La Premiere chose quon regarde (The First Thing We Look At) by Gregoire Delacourt tells the story of a French model who looks so similar to the American actor that the books lead male character thinks it is Johansson herself.
| La premiere chose quon regarde (The First Thing We Look At) by Gregoire Delacourt is the story of a French model who looks so similar to the American actor that the books main male character thinks she is Johansson.
He recently lost his job as a car-park attendant due to ill health and had to take in his ve grandchildren after the death of his daughters.
| He recently lost his job because of ill health and has to look after his ve grandchildren after the death of his daughters.
There must be something wrong with this country, said Nadia al Husin, holding up a banner calling on the government to do more for education.
| There must be something wrong with this country, said Nadia al Husin.
In 2014, Bowie was given the Brit Award for Best British Male, making him the oldest British recipient in the awards history.
| In 2014, Bowie was given the Brit Award for Best British Male he was the oldest person to get the award.
Finnish mobilephone company Nokia dropped 41 places to 98th at $4.1bn, just ahead of Nintendo in 100th place (down 33).
| Finnish mobile-phone company Nokia dropped 41 places to 98th at $4.1 billion, just ahead of Nintendo in 100th place (down 33).
And, they have been surprised that many bars are not set up with big screens for the games.
| And, they have been surprised that many bars do not have big screens for the games.
I decided to do this because I often go on YouTube and, while I am honoured that people are doing it, some are doing it wrong because they dont realize the intensity you need to work at, says Tabata.
| I decided to do this because I often go on YouTube and some people are doing it wrong because they dont understand how hard they need to work, says Tabata.
Allen still plays the piano and gives speeches.
| She still plays the piano and gives speeches.
The Prince Hotel in Tokyo was forced to come clean after a diner complained in a blogpost that a scallop dish he had ordered contained a similar, but cheaper, type of shellfish.
| complained in a blogpost that a scallop dish he ordered at the Prince Hotel in Tokyo contained a similar, but cheaper, type of shellfish.
Days later, Blatter won a fifth term as president but later agreed to step down as the crisis grew.
| Days later, Blatter won a fifth term as president but then agreed to leave his job as the crisis grew.
In Belo Horizonte, police clashed with protesters who tried to break through a cordon around a football stadium hosting a Confederations Cup match between Nigeria and Tahiti.
| In Belo Horizonte, police clashed with protesters who tried to get into a football stadium, where there was a Confederations Cup match between Nigeria and Tahiti.
Its hard to sleep if youre one of the 15 million American shift workers who work irregular hours.
| Its hard to sleep if youre one of the 15 million Americans who work irregular hours.
We have heard the voice of Scotland and, now, the millions of voices of England must be heard, he said.
| We have heard the voice of Scotland and, now, we must hear the millions of voices of England, he said.
If they are not on a recognized list of 1,853 female and 1,712 male names, the parents must seek the approval of a body called the Icelandic Naming Committee.
| If a name is not on a recognized list of 1,853 female and 1,712 male names, the parents must get approval from the Icelandic Naming Committee.
Humans, said TV naturalist Sir David Attenborough in 2013, are a plague on earth, but WWF claims there is still time to stop the rot.
| Humans, said TV naturalist Sir David Attenborough in 2013, are a plague on earth.
Nevertheless, there will be signifi cant geographical variations; many millions of people living in the developing worlds great cities, including Lagos and Calcutta, are threatened.
| But many millions of people living in the developing worlds great cities, including Lagos and Calcutta, are in danger.
Housing is, by far, the biggest cost in the Hamptons.
| Housing is the biggest cost in the Hamptons.
DNA tests have established that Polish wolves are travellers.
| DNA tests have shown that Polish wolves are travellers.
I dont believe its whitening; its more the way they are producing her with makeup, hairstylists and the way she dresses, he said.
| I dont believe she is whiter; its more the makeup, hairstylists and the way she dresses, he said.
In Stirling alone, 30 schools have already started or are to start the daily mile.
| Just in Stirling, 30 schools have already started or are going to start the daily mile.
Nearly 80% of young smartphone owners regularly use a social networking application, says the research firm Enders Analysis, but two-thirds use more than one.
| Nearly 80% of young smartphone owners regularly use a social networking application but two-thirds use more than one.
The only rules were they had to stay seated and not fall asleep.
| The only rules were that they had to stay sitting and not fall asleep.
I dont even know how much it costs; I dont know even know if Im going to buy it.
| I dont even know how much it costs.
Weve only been tracking vaping for just over a year, so its a short time period, but we are not seeing growth in the number of long-term ex-smokers or never smokers using e-cigarettes.
| Weve only been studying vaping for just over a year, so its a short time period, but we are not seeing growth in the number of long-term ex-smokers or never smokers using e-cigarettes.
The most important thing is that the children really enjoy it; otherwise, you couldnt sustain it.
| The most important thing is that the children really enjoy it.
Typical salary: The entry-level salary is usually around 14,500 and a top salary can be up to 22,000.
| Typical salary: When you start, the salary is usually around 14,500.
The Reaper drone has one failure in 10,000 hours, Singh said.
| The Reaper drone, for example, has one failure in 10,000 hours, Singh said.
This is a sensitive topic in this largely mixed-raced nation.
| This is a sensitive topic in this mixed-raced country.
Were just going to keep fighting this battle.
| Were just going to continue to fight this battle.
But one thing he couldnt do was change the elevation of the sun.
| But one thing he couldnt do was change the sun.
Karabo Ngidi, a lawyer with the centre, said Whats going to happen must be in the best interests of the children.
| Karabo Ngidi, a lawyer with the centre, said: We must do what is best for the children.
To add to the companys problems, McDonalds hamburgers were recently named the worst in America in a poll of more than 32,000 American diners, who said they would rather eat a burger at Five Guys, Smashburger or Fuddruckers.
| Another problem is that McDonalds hamburgers were recently named the worst in America in a poll of more than 32,000 American diners they said they would rather eat a burger at Five Guys, Smashburger or Fuddruckers.
This is a very, very bad idea indeed, he told me.
| This is a very, very bad idea, he said.
Steck, he says, was planning to climb Everests west ridge, first done in 1963, descend to the South Col and then immediately climb Lhotse via a new route, all without fixed ropes.
| Steck was planning to climb Everests west ridge and then immediately climb Lhotse via a new route without fixed ropes.
Shoppers are usually repaid any money they spend in the stores and may also be allowed to keep the products they buy.
| Mystery shoppers are usually repaid any money they spend in the stores and may also be allowed to keep the products they buy.
There is the feeling that they have to hide the fact that they are rich.
| There is the feeling that they have to hide that they are rich.
An overwhelming majority of 91% post a photo of themselves, 71% post the city or town where they live, up from 61%, more than half give email addresses and a fth give their phone number.
| Ninety-one per cent post a photo of themselves, 71% post the city or town where they live, more than half give email addresses and a fth give their phone number.
The last few weeks since Enchanted Forest came out have been utter madness, but fantastic madness, said Eleanor Blatherwick, head of sales and marketing at the books publisher, small British press Laurence King.
| The last few weeks have been madness, but fantastic madness, said Eleanor Blatherwick, head of sales and marketing at the books publisher, Laurence King.
Even the contacts and calendar sharing that BBM made possible on BlackBerry handsets have not migrated to the Apple and Android versions.
| Even the contacts and calendar sharing that BBM made possible on BlackBerry phones are not on the Apple and Android versions.
Bar customers are encouraged to come ll out a form or call 311 and to include date-and-time-stamped photographs documenting illegal smoking.
| Bar customers must ll out a form or call 311 and include photographs of illegal smoking.
It would be more accurate to call them scum houses than scum villages, says Boer, because we dont want to put more than one of these families in the same area.
| They are scum houses not scum villages, says Boer, because we dont want to put more than one of these families in the same area.
Prices have indeed gone up but they havent gone up as quickly as the rest of the fast-service chains in the US.
| Prices have gone up but they havent gone up as quickly as the rest of the fast-food chains in the US.
It means that the arrest of the gang leaders has been nullified because it has not had a long-term effect.
| It means that the arrest of the gang leaders has no long-term effect.
We are conditioning ourselves to ignore the information coming into our ears.
| We are training ourselves to ignore the information that comes into our ears.
How does he feel watching football on TV when a referee gets vilified?
| How does he feel when he watches football on TV and a referee is attacked?
The 500 note was introduced in 2002 when the euro was born: it replaced the 1,000 Deutschmark, the 10,000 Belgian franc and the 500,000 Italian lira.
| The purple 500 note was introduced in 2002: it replaced the 1,000 Deutschmark, the 10,000 Belgian franc and the 500,000 Italian lira.
When they are nished, the four plants at Ouarzazate will occupy a space as big as Moroccos capital city, Rabat, and generate 580 mega-watts (MW) of electricity, enough to power a million homes.
| When they are nished, the four plants at Ouarzazate will be as big as Moroccos capital city, Rabat, and make 580 mega-watts of electricity, enough for a million homes.
The results of the research are based on an analysis of 343 peer-reviewed studies from around the world more than ever before which examine differences between organic and conventional fruit, vegetables and cereals.
| The results of the research are based on an analysis of 343 studies from around the world more than ever before which examine differences between organic and regular fruit, vegetables and cereals.
Conservationists argue there is no evidence the cull will reduce the number of shark attacks on humans, as no previous cull has solely used drumlines.
| Conservationists say there is no evidence the cull will reduce the number of shark attacks on humans, because no other cull has only used drumlines.
We also have terri c public transport, with the underground working 24 hours at weekends, and it only costs 1 per trip.
| We also have terri c public transport the underground trains run 24 hours at weekends and it only costs 1 per trip.
While he will become a United director and ambassador, the club will now have to find someone to replace a man who has won 13 English Premier League titles, two Champions Leagues, the Cup Winners Cup, five FA Cups and four League Cups.
| He has won 13 Premier League titles, two Champions Leagues, the Cup Winners Cup, five FA Cups and four League Cups.
All youre going to achieve, I think, is to worry people unnecessarily.
| All youre going to achieve, I think, is to worry people.
You dont realize how safe Vienna is until you head abroad, said Hartlauer.
| You dont realize how safe Vienna is until you go abroad, said Hartlauer.
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