audioduration (s)
anniversary ode
Again we meet to celebrate With badge and solemn rite, Our fifty-second anniversary, In Pickwick Hall, tonight.
again we meet to celebrate with badge and solemn rite, our fifty second anniversary, in pickwick hall, tonight.
We all are here in perfect health, None gone from our small band: Again we see each well-known face, And press each friendly hand.
we all are here in perfect health, none gone from our small band, again we see each well known face, and press each friendly hand.
Our Pickwick, always at his post, With reverence we greet, As, spectacles on nose, he reads Our well-filled weekly sheet.
our pickwick, always at his post, with reverence we greet, as, spectacles on nose, he reads our well filled weekly sheet.
Although he suffers from a cold, We joy to hear him speak, For words of wisdom from him fall, In spite of croak or squeak.
although he suffers from a cold, we joy to hear him speak, for words of wisdom from him fall, in spite of croak or squeak.
Old six-foot Snodgrass looms on high, With elephantine grace, And beams upon the company, With brown and jovial face.
old six foot snodgrass looms on high, with elephantine grace, and beams upon the company, with brown and jovial face.
Poetic fire lights up his eye, He struggles 'gainst his lot.
poetic fire lights up his eye, he struggles 'gainst his lot.
Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.
was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty four hours? yes, they swallowed it.
Behold ambition on his brow, And on his nose, a blot.
behold ambition on his brow, and on his nose, a blot.
Next our peaceful Tupman comes, So rosy, plump, and sweet, Who chokes with laughter at the puns, And tumbles off his seat.
next our peaceful tupman comes, so rosy, plump, and sweet, who chokes with laughter at the puns, and tumbles off his seat.
Prim little Winkle too is here, With every hair in place, A model of propriety, Though he hates to wash his face.
prim little winkle too is here, with every hair in place, a model of propriety, though he hates to wash his face.
The year is gone, we still unite To joke and laugh and read, And tread the path of literature That doth to glory lead.
the year is gone, we still unite to joke and laugh and read, and tread the path of literature that doth to glory lead.
Long may our paper prosper well, Our club unbroken be, And coming years their blessings pour On the useful, gay 'P.
long may our paper prosper well, our club unbroken be, and coming years their blessings pour on the useful, gay 'p.
the masked marriage a tale of venice
Gondola after gondola swept up to the marble steps, and left its lovely load to swell the brilliant throng that filled the stately halls of Count Adelon.
gondola after gondola swept up to the marble steps, and left its lovely load to swell the brilliant throng that filled the stately halls of count adelon.
Knights and ladies, elves and pages, monks and flower girls, all mingled gaily in the dance.
knights and ladies, elves and pages, monks and flower girls, all mingled gaily in the dance.
Sweet voices and rich melody filled the air, and so with mirth and music the masquerade went on.
sweet voices and rich melody filled the air, and so with mirth and music the masquerade went on.
'Has your Highness seen the Lady Viola tonight?'
'has your highness seen the lady viola tonight?'
Parsons swallowed it easily, with the stupidity of an animal.
parsons swallowed it easily, with the stupidity of an animal.
asked a gallant troubadour of the fairy queen who floated down the hall upon his arm.
asked a gallant troubadour of the fairy queen who floated down the hall upon his arm.
'Yes, is she not lovely, though so sad!
'yes, is she not lovely, though so sad!
Her dress is well chosen, too, for in a week she weds Count Antonio, whom she passionately hates.'
her dress is well chosen, too, for in a week she weds count antonio, whom she passionately hates.'
'By my faith, I envy him.
'by my faith, i envy him.
Yonder he comes, arrayed like a bridegroom, except the black mask.
yonder he comes, arrayed like a bridegroom, except the black mask.
When that is off we shall see how he regards the fair maid whose heart he cannot win, though her stern father bestows her hand,' returned the troubadour.
when that is off we shall see how he regards the fair maid whose heart he cannot win, though her stern father bestows her hand,' returned the troubadour.
'Tis whispered that she loves the young English artist who haunts her steps, and is spurned by the old Count,' said the lady, as they joined the dance.
'tis whispered that she loves the young english artist who haunts her steps, and is spurned by the old count,' said the lady, as they joined the dance.
The revel was at its height when a priest appeared, and withdrawing the young pair to an alcove, hung with purple velvet, he motioned them to kneel.
the revel was at its height when a priest appeared, and withdrawing the young pair to an alcove, hung with purple velvet, he motioned them to kneel.
Instant silence fell on the gay throng, and not a sound, but the dash of fountains or the rustle of orange groves sleeping in the moonlight, broke the hush, as Count de Adelon spoke thus:
instant silence fell on the gay throng, and not a sound, but the dash of fountains or the rustle of orange groves sleeping in the moonlight, broke the hush, as count de adelon spoke thus,
'My lords and ladies, pardon the ruse by which I have gathered you here to witness the marriage of my daughter.
'my lords and ladies, pardon the ruse by which i have gathered you here to witness the marriage of my daughter.
The eyeless creature at the other table swallowed it fanatically, passionately, with a furious desire to track down, denounce, and vaporize anyone who should suggest that last week the ration had been thirty grammes.
the eyeless creature at the other table swallowed it fanatically, passionately, with a furious desire to track down, denounce, and vaporize anyone who should suggest that last week the ration had been thirty grammes.
In small clumsy letters he wrote:.
in small clumsy letters he wrote,.
Father, we wait your services.'
father, we wait your services.'
All eyes turned toward the bridal party, and a murmur of amazement went through the throng, for neither bride nor groom removed their masks.
all eyes turned toward the bridal party, and a murmur of amazement went through the throng, for neither bride nor groom removed their masks.
Curiosity and wonder possessed all hearts, but respect restrained all tongues till the holy rite was over.
curiosity and wonder possessed all hearts, but respect restrained all tongues till the holy rite was over.
Then the eager spectators gathered round the count, demanding an explanation.
then the eager spectators gathered round the count, demanding an explanation.
'Gladly would I give it if I could, but I only know that it was the whim of my timid Viola, and I yielded to it.
'gladly would i give it if i could, but i only know that it was the whim of my timid viola, and i yielded to it.
Now, my children, let the play end.
now, my children, let the play end.
Unmask and receive my blessing.'
unmask and receive my blessing.'
'My lord, you scornfully bade me claim your daughter when I could boast as high a name and vast a fortune as the Count Antonio.
'my lord, you scornfully bade me claim your daughter when i could boast as high a name and vast a fortune as the count antonio.
Why is the P. C. like the Tower of Babel?
why is the p. c. like the tower of babel?
It is full of unruly members.
it is full of unruly members.
Syme, too-in some more complex way, involving doublethink, Syme swallowed it.
syme, too in some more complex way, involving doublethink, syme swallowed it.
the history of a squash
Once upon a time a farmer planted a little seed in his garden, and after a while it sprouted and became a vine and bore many squashes.
once upon a time a farmer planted a little seed in his garden, and after a while it sprouted and became a vine and bore many squashes.
One day in October, when they were ripe, he picked one and took it to market.
one day in october, when they were ripe, he picked one and took it to market.
A grocerman bought and put it in his shop.
a grocerman bought and put it in his shop.
That same morning, a little girl in a brown hat and blue dress, with a round face and snub nose, went and bought it for her mother.
that same morning, a little girl in a brown hat and blue dress, with a round face and snub nose, went and bought it for her mother.
She lugged it home, cut it up, and boiled it in the big pot, mashed some of it with salt and butter, for dinner.
she lugged it home, cut it up, and boiled it in the big pot, mashed some of it with salt and butter, for dinner.
Yours respectably, N. WINKLE
yours respectably, n. winkle
[The above is a manly and handsome acknowledgment of past misdemeanors.
the above is a manly and handsome acknowledgment of past misdemeanors.
If our young friend studied punctuation, it would be well.]
if our young friend studied punctuation, it would be well.
On Friday last, we were startled by a violent shock in our basement, followed by cries of distress.
on friday last, we were startled by a violent shock in our basement, followed by cries of distress.
Was he, then, alone in the possession of a memory?.
was he, then, alone in the possession of a memory?.
On rushing in a body to the cellar, we discovered our beloved President prostrate upon the floor, having tripped and fallen while getting wood for domestic purposes.
on rushing in a body to the cellar, we discovered our beloved president prostrate upon the floor, having tripped and fallen while getting wood for domestic purposes.
A perfect scene of ruin met our eyes, for in his fall Mr. Pickwick had plunged his head and shoulders into a tub of water, upset a keg of soft soap upon his manly form, and torn his garments badly.
a perfect scene of ruin met our eyes, for in his fall mister pickwick had plunged his head and shoulders into a tub of water, upset a keg of soft soap upon his manly form, and torn his garments badly.
On being removed from this perilous situation, it was discovered that he had suffered no injury but several bruises, and we are happy to add, is now doing well.
on being removed from this perilous situation, it was discovered that he had suffered no injury but several bruises, and we are happy to add, is now doing well.
the public bereavement
It is our painful duty to record the sudden and mysterious disappearance of our cherished friend, Mrs. Snowball Pat Paw.
it is our painful duty to record the sudden and mysterious disappearance of our cherished friend, misess snowball pat paw.
When last seen, she was sitting at the gate, watching the butcher's cart, and it is feared that some villain, tempted by her charms, basely stole her.
when last seen, she was sitting at the gate, watching the butcher's cart, and it is feared that some villain, tempted by her charms, basely stole her.
Weeks have passed, but no trace of her has been discovered, and we relinquish all hope, tie a black ribbon to her basket, set aside her dish, and weep for her as one lost to us forever.
weeks have passed, but no trace of her has been discovered, and we relinquish all hope, tie a black ribbon to her basket, set aside her dish, and weep for her as one lost to us forever.
A sympathizing friend sends the following gem:
a sympathizing friend sends the following gem,
a lament for s. b. pat paw
We mourn the loss of our little pet, And sigh o'er her hapless fate, For never more by the fire she'll sit, Nor play by the old green gate.
we mourn the loss of our little pet, and sigh o'er her hapless fate, for never more by the fire she'll sit, nor play by the old green gate.
The fabulous statistics continued to pour out of the telescreen.
the fabulous statistics continued to pour out of the telescreen.
The little grave where her infant sleeps Is 'neath the chestnut tree.
the little grave where her infant sleeps is 'neath the chestnut tree.
But o'er her grave we may not weep, We know not where it may be.
but o'er her grave we may not weep, we know not where it may be.
Her empty bed, her idle ball, Will never see her more; No gentle tap, no loving purr Is heard at the parlor door.
her empty bed, her idle ball, will never see her more, no gentle tap, no loving purr is heard at the parlor door.
Another cat comes after her mice, A cat with a dirty face, But she does not hunt as our darling did, Nor play with her airy grace.
another cat comes after her mice, a cat with a dirty face, but she does not hunt as our darling did, nor play with her airy grace.
Her stealthy paws tread the very hall Where Snowball used to play, But she only spits at the dogs our pet So gallantly drove away.
her stealthy paws tread the very hall where snowball used to play, but she only spits at the dogs our pet so gallantly drove away.
She is useful and mild, and does her best, But she is not fair to see, And we cannot give her your place dear, Nor worship her as we worship thee.
she is useful and mild, and does her best, but she is not fair to see, and we cannot give her your place dear, nor worship her as we worship thee.
MISS ORANTHY BLUGGAGE, the accomplished strong-minded lecturer, will deliver her famous lecture on 'WOMAN AND HER POSITION' at Pickwick Hall, next Saturday Evening, after the usual performances.
miss oranthy bluggage, the accomplished strong minded lecturer, will deliver her famous lecture on 'woman and her position' at pickwick hall, next saturday evening, after the usual performances.
A WEEKLY MEETING will be held at Kitchen Place, to teach young ladies how to cook.
a weekly meeting will be held at kitchen place, to teach young ladies how to cook.
Hannah Brown will preside, and all are invited to attend.
hannah brown will preside, and all are invited to attend.
The DUSTPAN SOCIETY will meet on Wednesday next, and parade in the upper story of the Club House.
the dustpan society will meet on wednesday next, and parade in the upper story of the club house.
As compared with last year there was more food, more clothes, more houses, more furniture, more cooking-pots, more fuel, more ships, more helicopters, more books, more babies -- more of everything except disease, crime, and insanity.
as compared with last year there was more food, more clothes, more houses, more furniture, more cooking pots, more fuel, more ships, more helicopters, more books, more babies more of everything except disease, crime, and insanity.
All members to appear in uniform and shoulder their brooms at nine precisely.
all members to appear in uniform and shoulder their brooms at nine precisely.
Mrs. BETH BOUNCER will open her new assortment of Doll's Millinery next week.
misess beth bouncer will open her new assortment of doll's millinery next week.
The latest Paris fashions have arrived, and orders are respectfully solicited.
the latest paris fashions have arrived, and orders are respectfully solicited.
A NEW PLAY will appear at the Barnville Theatre, in the course of a few weeks, which will surpass anything ever seen on the American stage.
a new play will appear at the barnville theatre, in the course of a few weeks, which will surpass anything ever seen on the american stage.
'The Greek Slave, or Constantine the Avenger,' is the name of this thrilling drama!!
'the greek slave, or constantine the avenger,' is the name of this thrilling drama!!
didn't use so much soap on his hands, he wouldn't always be late at breakfast.
didn't use so much soap on his hands, he wouldn't always be late at breakfast.
A.S. is requested not to whistle in the street.
a.s. is requested not to whistle in the street.
please don't forget Amy's napkin.
please don't forget amy's napkin.
must not fret because his dress has not nine tucks.
must not fret because his dress has not nine tucks.
Beth--Very Good.
beth very good.
Year by year and minute by minute, everybody and everything was whizzing rapidly upwards.
year by year and minute by minute, everybody and everything was whizzing rapidly upwards.
I propose Mr. Theodore Laurence as an honorary member of the P. C. Come now, do have him.'
i propose mister theodore laurence as an honorary member of the p. c. come now, do have him.'
Jo's sudden change of tone made the girls laugh, but all looked rather anxious, and no one said a word as Snodgrass took his seat.
jo's sudden change of tone made the girls laugh, but all looked rather anxious, and no one said a word as snodgrass took his seat.
'We'll put it to a vote,' said the President.
'we'll put it to a vote,' said the president.
'All in favor of this motion please to manifest it by saying, 'Aye'.'
'all in favor of this motion please to manifest it by saying, 'aye'.'
A loud response from Snodgrass, followed, to everybody's surprise, by a timid one from Beth.
a loud response from snodgrass, followed, to everybody's surprise, by a timid one from beth.
'Contrary-minded say, 'No'.'
'contrary minded say, 'no'.'
Meg and Amy were contrary-minded, and Mr. Winkle rose to say with great elegance, 'We don't wish any boys, they only joke and bounce about.
meg and amy were contrary minded, and mister winkle rose to say with great elegance, 'we don't wish any boys, they only joke and bounce about.
This is a ladies' club, and we wish to be private and proper.'
this is a ladies' club, and we wish to be private and proper.'
'I'm afraid he'll laugh at our paper, and make fun of us afterward,' observed Pickwick, pulling the little curl on her forehead, as she always did when doubtful.
'i'm afraid he'll laugh at our paper, and make fun of us afterward,' observed pickwick, pulling the little curl on her forehead, as she always did when doubtful.
Up rose Snodgrass, very much in earnest.
up rose snodgrass, very much in earnest.
As Syme had done earlier Winston had taken up his spoon and was dabbling in the pale-coloured gravy that dribbled across the table, drawing a long streak of it out into a pattern.
as syme had done earlier winston had taken up his spoon and was dabbling in the pale coloured gravy that dribbled across the table, drawing a long streak of it out into a pattern.
'Sir, I give you my word as a gentleman, Laurie won't do anything of the sort.
'sir, i give you my word as a gentleman, laurie won't do anything of the sort.
He likes to write, and he'll give a tone to our contributions and keep us from being sentimental, don't you see?
he likes to write, and he'll give a tone to our contributions and keep us from being sentimental, don't you see?
We can do so little for him, and he does so much for us, I think the least we can do is to offer him a place here, and make him welcome if he comes.'
we can do so little for him, and he does so much for us, i think the least we can do is to offer him a place here, and make him welcome if he comes.'