cc.forestapp***1***2017-08-08***None***i can home button out of the app and use my phone while still "planting my tree". so, the main selling point of the app is void.******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-08-09***None***failed to check of using other app , can use phone with running it on the background .******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-08-09***None***i will give this a <number> star until you fix the problem. paid for this app yet it isn't working. i am livid. i could still exit the app and the timer still continues.******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-08-13***None***i can still using my phone with other apps, duh. its not working******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-08-15***None*** <url> the entire purpose of this app is to motivate you to be productive, but all i have to do is hit the home button on my phone and i can do whatever i want with the tree still <url> kind of defeats the entire purpose. this needs to be fixed asap especially since i spent money on this app. samsung galaxy s <number> +******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-08-15***None***doesn't really work******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-08-15***None***this app is useless. the timer doesn't stop if you leave the app, not even if you close it. it doesn't prevent you from visiting other apps and certainly doesn't make me more productive. i need as much self control to not use other apps as i do without this not-worthy-of-anything app******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-08-17***None***too much coin to buy a new <url> and day by day they increase their tree value ******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-08-21***None***tree should be killed immediately after app is left but it is <url> can still work with phone while app is running behind .it is showing focused. previous version was better******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-08-22***None***this does not work with my phone i exited the app for ages and my tree still grew.******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-08-27***None***dude this app blows. i can go out of the app and clear it from my recent apps and it does nothing. doesn't even kill the plant or restart the time. love the idea of it tho.******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-09-01***None***the trees do not die when i leave the app which is what the app was supposed to do should i have left the app to use other apps like ig or youtube******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-09-01***None***they make you pay to create an account!! this is outrageous.******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-09-02***None***has too much space for ads. premium for login. there are more user friendly ways to monetize your app. the concept is ok but poorly executed******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-09-04***None***what the heck!! unable to open after the update. crashes everytime when tried to open the app. fix it.******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-09-06***None***this is very veird how any one can build such type of app it is waste of time and battery also******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-09-08***None***this app destroyed my battery life. i have a nexus <number> x with stock android. there's no reason why it shouldn't work on my device. when the app was not running, it continued running in the background and halved my battery life. this way confirmed by checking battery usage in android settings. this english in this app is also terrible and they nickel and dime you for everything. it's a great idea, just terribly, terribly executed.******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-09-09***None***its a paid app which they dont tell you until you install it, complete waste of time.******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-09-10***None***doesn't work with oneplus x on android <number> . <number> . <number> even with usage access. only detects leaving app if you exit using the back button, not the home, task switcher, etc.******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-09-10***None***i love this app!it really helped me! devs keep on fixing and constantly improving on the app. worth any all in app purchases (which are very cheap btw). just missing a widget! &lt;/ <number> ******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-09-10***None***kills the tree even though i'm only in the app.******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-09-11***None***i didnt even touch my phone and it still didnt register******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-09-12***None***this app is not at all what i had expected. it is very hard to use. at the beggining, you get small info about one fature of the app. once you start to use it, the purpose just gets confusing, how does the tree grow? is the time a stopclock, a timer, im so confused! please improve this app to be more user friendly!******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-09-13***None***most of didn't noticed but why the hell this app need so many permissions?******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-09-13***None***really nice concept but on android it just keeps hanging and eventually crashing.******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-09-15***None***the tree keeps withering even though it is clearly counting down to <number> s, then it says the tree has withered????******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-09-15***None***this is not ios , use material design******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-09-16***None***it's not smooth and the white list didn't work properly******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-09-20***None***great idea, but the implementation could be improved - always making my device get stuck in the app when trying to set it up. the amount of time wasted due to this is not worth it.******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-09-21***None***full of ads and inner purchases******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-09-22***None***i think itself become a distraction when disallowing to set up grow time .******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-09-23***None***the plant doesn't die when i exit the app. it only does when i remove the app from background apps. develop it such that the plant should die when i exit and open another app. app blocker is also a good idea too******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-09-24***None***i loved the idea of it but it seems to me that i need to to spend more time than ever on it to stop my forest from dying. it does the opposite of what i thought it would. wouldn't install it if i were you just use a clock with an alarm on.******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-09-25***None***this was fine with ads, until one played a loud video with no warning. uninstalled******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-09-26***None***not working in my phone plzzz help******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-09-27***None***after hitting home screen button i could use other apps like youtube while this app is on. fix it and i will give five stars******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-09-28***None***as i am currently writing this review (not on the forest app) my tree is still alive. not much point to it if it lets you leave the app******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-10-01***None***you can just switch between apps, i don't understand what the point of this is?******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-10-04***None***got an ad in forest that said i had viruses. uninstalled.******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-10-08***None***too many ads makes this app difficult to use.******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-10-12***None***although i stay offline for hours,still the app counts it as <number> mins. how disencouraging! i had high hopes that it would work effectively and indirectly make me productive. how useless it is.******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-10-12***None***i've used it for countless hours and now i bought a new phone and can't continue my progress ******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-10-15***None***don't see the screen otherwise we will show you an ad and steal all your data. huh, you have found pretty much conflicting and unethical way to make money. this app is never meant to help people. creators should be punished.******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-10-16***None***i was looking for something simple, although i am sure the app is great with all its features but i would appreciate if support could reply and let me know how i can delete my account, not only sign out?!? <signature> ******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-10-19***None***after a few days, cant open it anymore******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-10-20***None***i actually love this app. however i've been paying for sunshine. i've banked <number> , <number> coins but the real tree function always greys out the option to purchase a real tree. it's been months. at <number> , <number> coins i'm abandoning the app. great idea but that's a crucial bug to fix.******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-10-20***None***it will not work at all! i have tried it on <number> different devices and it won't work ******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-10-22***None***the app is great but i can't share it in my family library which is very annoying.******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-10-24***None***not worth it anymore. there are much better apps that do the same thing without the annoying ads******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-11-02***None***built around watching ads or paying money to get things done. i would look for an alternative that doesn't use these tricks.******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-11-18***None***it's more irritating.******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-12-04***None***pain in the ass! most sucks app!******
cc.forestapp***1***2017-12-08***None***i wanted to present this app to my students. they like challenges and this was an interesting one, i <url> until i came to realise that at some point you had to pay if you wanted to get upgraded, and this without even mentioning some other ill advised publicity that i received via this <url> i removed it immediately from my phone ! it is a total scam hidden behind a pedagogical objective !******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-01-02***None***omg so boring all you do its just a big time consumer******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-01-03***None***how to delete my old achievements / history ??******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-01-05***None***spent more time trying to figure out how to get the damn thing to work than i did doing actual work. forget it.******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-02-02***None***as as i started i need coins to get the frikking plant******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-02-13***None***having this app actually made me want to look at my phone more. it's not a detergent, it's addicting******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-02-13***None***unfriendly to free users******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-02-18***None***doesn't really help or does anything special, doesn't allow music, bombarded with agressive ads that only distract you.******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-04-05***None***not worth getting it if you can't pay for the simplest things.******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-04-08***None***it's not a game so get rid of it.******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-04-20***None***very boring anf mostly useless. it simulates an inacuret tree life.******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-04-22***None***way more distracting than helpful******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-05-11***None***not worth your time******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-05-25***None***full of ads it's rather diverting more than focusing******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-06-06***None***i never get spam in my email. ever. i haven't seen a spam message in years now, but within <number> hours of installing this (and another app that gets plugged almost immediately after launching forest) i received a phishing email. not saying it for a fact, but i'm <number> % sure this guy just sold my information.******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-06-28***None***to boring and to many adds******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-07-02***None***the tree does not die no matter which app i <url> i have tried every setting possible but it doesnot <url> ******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-07-04***None***completely useless. rather than force you to use your phone less, this app is literally just a timer. it has no functionality past that whatsoever. this app is akin to those lame 'meditation' apps. you are better just using airplane mode or turning off your phone as this app does nothing to deter you from using other apps.******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-08-25***None***stupid trees. too much green. too cute. memory hog. deleted it.******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-09-11***None***the app is not installed******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-09-17***None***it's just another pay to play idle game.******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-10-25***None***forces you to give use access for it to take your data and send to ad networks with no way to opt out******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-11-01***None***"the tree will die if you leave the app." enough said.******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-11-05***None***i just loved this <url> my lots of time for studdy******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-11-09***None***system apps constantly override this app so the trees die. dialler, homescreen and so on. progress is not saved. if you uninstall it, everything will be gone. you can't plan real trees in life unless you are a premium user. one would think money from the ads is enough to give that option to every users.******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-11-21***None***i would love this app but <number> . its terrible on android. my girlfriend has this app on her iphone and it's hard to believe they are even the same app. for example on android its <number> coins to unlock the next three but on the iphone version you unlock them simply by successfully planting trees. she travels to different countries (in app) but that isn't available on android. i also had to uninstall reinstall the app and lost all of coins and progress which you can only save that type of stuff anyways if you buy the pro version which seems like a ridiculous feature to pay for. that wouldn't be a big deal except coins on the android version are very hard to get. to unlock the second tree you have to grow <number> hrs minimum. if you watch ads the number cuts down to <number> . <number> . once again though on the apple version you have none of these problems which is incredibly frustrating you guys cant make the app half as good on one platform as the other.******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-12-02***None***uninstall within <number> minutes. screen timeout after <number> minutes inactivit then the tree died. background app restarts then the tree died. i haven't touch my mobile for <number> minutes and your app said i can only concentrate for <number> minutes (the screen timeout setting). you don't want me look at the tree and at the same time i need pay attention to reset my phone setting and check all background <url> and disappointed.******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-12-13***None***complete no no, an application for kids to make them manage their time to do their homework******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-12-14***None***you have to buy the premium version to plant real trees and you can only plant a maximum of <number> trees.******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-12-15***None***the app whitelist is now only available on premium, so basically, forest is just a waste of space if you don't want to pay******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-12-17***None***i like the functionality of forest but there is one aspect of the productivity application that i would like to nitpick on, namely playing music on my device in the background. however, i was unaware that when i play my music (which is essential for me to continue being productive) on my device in which i'm using forest on without cancelling the whole session and having my tree "wither". i recall previously i was able to play my music in the background without having my "trees" become "withered" and now it appears as though i have to pay for the pro version to continue enjoying my music to be played whilst i do my work with my forest session ******
cc.forestapp***1***2018-12-28***None***bloats <number> megs needs to be movable to <url> ******
cc.forestapp***1***2019-01-03***None***this is too bad that u included a basic feature like app whitelist in premium i m using this app since last year nd suddenly this happened******
cc.forestapp***1***2019-04-25***None***this app is really good but since i have downloaded this on my new phone(redmi note <number> ) it doesnt work quite well!!! i can come out from the app and go to my instagram and do other stuff but the tree does not <url> this app now was become quite useless for menow after downloading it for the fourth time it works kinda good******
cc.forestapp***1***2019-04-26***None***didn't help at all, was boring to use******
cc.forestapp***1***2019-04-28***None***there is no landscape mode for my tablet******
cc.forestapp***1***2019-05-01***None***this app is amazing, now i can look at my phone even longer without being destracted by friends, family, or just life in general, i can plant a tree and just stare at it until one of us dies ******
cc.forestapp***1***2019-05-04***None***bought the pro version to try out the features. it didnt have the features i needed so <number> minutes later i requested a refund. google play store denied me. hopefully the developer sees this and can help me with a refund.******
cc.forestapp***1***2019-05-07***None***useless application! it only fries the brain. there are <number> s of more way to improvise ownself!******
cc.forestapp***1***2019-05-09***None***why the heck should we have to basically buy the app? you can still access apps and be distracted and basically grow plants even if you're doing nothing. thought this would be a great app at help me from being distracted but nope. useless if you dont buy premium.******
cc.forestapp***1***2019-05-21***None***i was not able to open the app even after reinstalling it twice so instead i installed "flip flop" app which is also a similar app******
cc.forestapp***1***2019-05-22***None***all my precious trees are lost i have been planting and growing cakes. i had <number> different cakes at one point and then i planted a cedar tree. after the cedar tree is grown, all the cakes were gone. i have repested this <url> and each time a cedar <url> grown all the previous cakes were lost.******
cc.forestapp***1***2019-05-22***None***i regret purchasing the premium user. because you have to purchase again next time you switch device to a new one. absolutely a scam. since the data is in the cloud, how in the world that they say they can't transfer virtual data. what a joke.******
cc.forestapp***1***2019-05-22***None***this app is useless. if i hit the home button the app plays in the background of my phone without the tree dying. that literally defeats the entire purpose of the app******
cc.forestapp***1***2019-05-22***None***you can plant as many plants u want by changing time. i have planted <number> plants in one day.******
cc.forestapp***1***2019-05-23***None***records are messed up now!! set a tree up for <number> and a half hours and had <number> mins left when i forgot i'd planted the tree and opened instagram (phone was on silent so didn't notice warning about tree dying). this meant i had done a solid <number> minutes of work that is now uncredited- i use this app to keep a track of how long i spend on each topic and now there is no record i did anything. we should be credited with the time we put in up until the tree died!!!!******
cc.forestapp***1***2019-05-23***None***the app keeps crashing. i am a premium user and since last <number> days this app is not working.******
cc.forestapp***1***2019-05-24***None***i am going to uninstall this <url> my biggest addiction is youtube and this app lets me to use that!!! it is of no use to me!!! the concept of forest is to stop letting to use the phone and concentrate on your <url> still i use youtube and other inbuit aps available on the phone and get <url> u need to work on this!******